METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 4, No. 1, April 2020 PP 18-24 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v4i1.1880 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 18 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( Designing BIPA’s Teaching Material: Inserting the Local Wisdom? Candradewi Wahyu Anggraeni1*, Endah Ratnaningsih2 Universitas Tidar Jl. Kapten Suparman No 39, Magelang E-mail:, *Corresponding author Received: 26th September 2019 Revised: 15th March 2020 Published: 1st April 2020 Abstract This study aims to explain the teaching materials used and needed in BIPA (Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing) learning and to develop BIPA teaching materials based on local wisdom as pedagogical content knowledge at Tidar University. BIPA Learning at Tidar University is facilitated by the Integrated Service Unit for Language Centre. BIPA learning at University Tidar is still relatively new and still requires further research to find out the needs of foreign learners studying here. Teaching materials that have been used need to be developed by paying attention to local wisdom as pedagogical content knowledge, generally in Indonesia and specifically in Magelang, so that learners have a better understanding about the concept of Indonesian language by paying attention to the values or characters contained in the learning material. This research uses research and development methods (Research & Development). The subjects of this study were BIPA instructors and learners at Tidar University. The object of this research is the BIPA teaching materials document which will be developed using the local wisdom base as pedagogical content knowledge. Data collection techniques used in this study are questionnaire and interview techniques. The findings show that teaching material for the local wisdom as the pedagogical content knowledge is important to be inserted in BIPA teaching and learning process. Keywords: BIPA, learning material, local wisdom, pedagogical content knowledge Introduction BIPA in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era was an interesting and important field of study to study. One of the objectives of the BIPA Program, according to the Language Board Ministry of Education and Culture website, is to improve the function of Indonesian into an international language given the role of Indonesia in international relations. BIPA at UPT Bahasa of Tidar University is still a new thing and still require research further to find out the needs of the learners (foreigners) who study there. Teaching materials that have been used Anggraeni, Ratnaningsih Designing BIPA’s Teaching Material: 19 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( need to be developed by paying attention to local wisdom as pedagogical content knowledge in general in Indonesia and especially in Magelang, so that learners will better understand the concept of Indonesian language by paying attention to the values or characters contained in learning materials. The need for the development of teaching materials based on local wisdom and pedagogical content knowledge will make a positive contribution to the implementation of BIPA teaching at Tidar University so that it is hoped that BIPA teaching will not only focus on the structure of the Indonesian language, but also on local wisdom which is planned to be contained in teaching materials to be developed through this research. In addition, teaching materials that will be developed will pay attention to the level of difficulty of the use of both teachers and for learners, so that it will facilitate the learning process. The preparation of BIPA teaching materials based on local wisdom as pedagogical content knowledge in this study is one way to instill awareness of Indonesian culture, everything related to Indonesia, for learners. This is not without reason, because the preparation of BIPA teaching materials in this research is expected to be one of the efforts to instill BIPA learners' awareness of local wisdom because this knowledge will greatly assist learners in actualizing themselves correctly in using the target language, especially functional Indonesian, in accordance with the context and situation. In addition, the component of local wisdom as pedagogical content knowledge that will be contained in BIPA teaching materials at Tidar University will facilitate teachers in delivering material for learners. This notion contends that it is essential to conduct the research that relates to BIPA materials in which cover the local wisdom as pedagogical content knowledge. The purpose of research is that to describe the materials that are used and needed in learning BIPA at the University Tidar and to develop BIPA learning material based on the local wisdom as pedagogical content knowledge at the University of Tidar. The benefits of this research include three aspects, namely the aspect of theoretical, pedagogical, and practical. Theoretically, this study can be used as a reference on material research development of teaching BIPA. In pedagogical and practical aspects, this research is contributing to the teachers and learners BIPA to be able to implement the use of teaching materials based on the pedagogical content knowledge in the process of learning BIPA. BIPA is a program that was initiated by the government to meet the Economic Community of ASEAN (MEA) and the face of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Nuswantara (2016) views that the need for foreign speakers of Indonesian language skills is increasing, especially in the fields of education and industry-trade. Foreign speakers can improve their Indonesian language skills by joining the BIPA program offered by institutions or universities that provide BIPA programs. BIPA program that is offered must follow the rules of Indonesian Education Minister to make the program such BIPA run well. This is stated in the regulation of the minister of education and culture (Pusat Pengembangan Strategi dan Diplomasi Kebahasaan Badan Pengembangan, 2016) "Standardization of Indonesian Language Program for Speakers of Foreign (BIPA) in the Framework of Enhanced Functions Language Country" year 2016 in article 20 paragraph (1) which mentions: residents of the state foreign that will work and/or follow education in Indonesia or will become citizens of the state of Indonesia should have the ability to speak Indonesian in METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 4, No. 1, April 2020 PP 18-24 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v4i1.1880 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 20 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( accordance with the standards of proficiency Indonesia are required. (2) Foreigners who do not meet the Indonesian language proficiency standards as referred to in paragraph (1) they must participate in or participate in learning to achieve Indonesian language skills. (3) Standard Indonesian language proficiency for the foreign citizens referred to in paragraph (1) it is developed by the Agency and appointed by the Minister.” Based on the information on the page Affiliates Teachers and activists Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (APPBIPA), there are several levels of language skills that need to be considered by the teacher and the learner. The level of ability or language proficiency is divided into basic competencies (A1 and A2), advanced competencies (B1 and B2), and high competencies (C1 and C2). The BIPA proficiency level adapts the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) language proficiency level guidelines for Languages. In the era of millennial generation in the 21st Century, local wisdom has an important role in counterbalancing modernization in life, especially in the realm of education. Education includes several aspects, one of which is the aspect of learning. In the realm of learning, local wisdom becomes the basis for shaping learner characters in accordance with the norms of rules that apply in an area where the learner is learning a learning material.The learning success will have a relationship with teaching materials that is used in the teaching-learning process. One way to insert local wisdom in learning is to develop teaching materials based on the local wisdom. Tinja et al (2017) view that the teaching materials are based on the local wisdom provide insights, skills, and attitudes to learning in order to have knowledge of the surrounding environment and the needs of society are in accordance with the norms occur, so that learning becomes more contextual and effective. The task of a teacher is not only to carry out the process of transferring knowledge from teacher to learner, but also to educate learners to achieve certain competencies that are related to the nation's character. Teachers should be able to master the material (content) and science teaching (pedagogy) well. Content relates to knowledge that must be mastered in the form of facts, theories, and so on. Pedagogy is a means that are owned by teachers to facilitate students in solving the problems they get in the learning process. Can et al (2017) contend that it is needed an environment that provides opportunities for students to be able to solve the problem faced. This opinion is in line with the concept of pedagogy that must be possessed by a teacher to facilitate students in solving problems. Can et al (2017) suggest that pedagogical knowledge is knowledge about the process of learning and teaching and its application as the process of learning of students, management class, develop a plan of implementation of learning, applying, and evaluating. Pedagogical content knowledge is seen as knowledge to teach the specific content. Method This study used a Research and Development method by Gall et al. Gal et al (2003) propose that research development was used to develop products and procedures new that it systematically with the test field, evaluated, and revised to meet the criteria specified which include the effectiveness, quality, and Anggraeni, Ratnaningsih Designing BIPA’s Teaching Material: 21 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( standards. In developmental research, there were several steps that need to be implemented, including: Collection of initial data for research (needs’ analysis), planning, initial product development, initial product testing, initial product revision, product testing after revision, product operational revisions, product operational test after revision, revision of the final product, and dissemination and application of products. In this research, the steps in developing the BIPA teaching materials used or adapted from Gall et al (2003) were from step 1 to step 7. It was happening because of the time of research and time scheme used in the study is only able to be implemented through seven stages, as follows: needs’ analysis, development of BIPA teaching materials, expert validation of BIPA teaching materials, revision of the first phase of BIPA teaching materials, test the feasibility of BIPA teaching materials, revision of the second phase BIPA teaching materials, and finalization of BIPA teaching materials. The subjects of this study were BIPA instructors and learners of UPT Bahasa, Tidar University. BIPA instructors at the UPT Bahasa Tidar University are BIPA lecturers who had participated in several workshops related to BIPA, while BIPA learners were foreign learners studying Indonesian at the UPT Bahasa in Tidar University.Data collection instruments that were used in this study were interviews, questionnaires, and documents. Interviews and questionnaires were used to determine teaching materials BIPA based on knowledge of local as pedagogical content knowledge. Findings and Discussion Based on the need analysis of BIPA instructors and learners, the teaching materials of BIPA at Language Training Center of Tidar University needed to provide local wisdom to help the learners learn Indonesian language based on the context they study it. Instructor A and B agreed that it was important to insert the local wisdom due to the learners were required to master Indonesian language generally about Indonesian culture and to acquire Indonesian language specifically about Magelang culture. Furthermore, the learners viewed that it was very interesting to learn about local culture in Magelang so that they could enhance their knowledge. The detailed stages of designing teaching materials were as follows. 1. Needs Analysis The first step of need analysis was important to analyse the instructors and learners needs in teaching and learning process of BIPA. The results of interview and questionnaire showed that it was essential for BIPA teaching material to insert the local wisdom. It was proved by the result of questionnaire and interview as follow. The questionnaire was given to the learners of BIPA. They were from Japan. The questionnaire was distributed through Google form The data showed that they totally agreed if BIPA materials inserted the local wisdom. The interview was conducted to the BIPA instructors. They mentioned as follow. METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 4, No. 1, April 2020 PP 18-24 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v4i1.1880 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 22 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( Instructor A “It is needed to insert the local wisdom in BIPA material because it will help the learners to know the relationship between the culture and language. The culture of local wisdom will ease the learners to understand the language and environment.” Instructor B “I do agree if local wisdom is included in BIPA material. It will enrich the material and of course it will help the learners.” 2. Designing BIPA teaching materials In designing BIPA teaching materials, it was used many sources of BIPA books as the references as the guideline for deciding the topic used. The uses of materials were also depended on the learners’ and instructors’ needs. 3. Expert validation of BIPA teaching materials This third stage gave an overview that the teaching materials were needed to be validated due to the validation results as an important aspect to revise the teaching materials. Based on the expert validation, the teaching materials had already fulfilled with the local wisdom of Magelang and had showed the characteristics of good teaching materials. However, the uses of interactive parts in the teaching materials, the uses of simple language, and good quality of pictures used were needed. The experts or validator were BIPA instructors from Yogyakarta. They had taught BIPA for 3 years. The researchers gave the validation sheet entitled “Instrumen Validasi Kelayakan Bahan Ajar BIPA berbasis Kearifan Lokal sebagai Pedagogical Content Knowledge di Universitas Tidar” The validation sheet covered five aspects such as material, presentation, legibility, background-ethnic-religion-race-gender, and language. Based on the validation score, it was stated that validator 1 gave the score 3,65, it meant that BIPA teaching materials were in very good category. In line with validator 1, validator 2 also gave the score 3,75 in which it was a very good category. 4. Revision of the first phase of BIPA teaching materials Based on the expert validation feedback, BIPA teaching materials were revised. The teaching materials provided the interactive parts, simple language and good quality of pictures. 5. Revision of the second phase BIPA teaching materials The fifth stage was the second revision of BIPA teaching materials. It was important to pass this stage since it gave an additional assessment toward the quality of the teaching materials. Anggraeni, Ratnaningsih Designing BIPA’s Teaching Material: 23 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( 6. Test the feasibility of BIPA teaching materials To check the feasibility of BIPA teaching materials, the hand out of teaching materials was given to the learners and instructors. Based on the learners and instructors’ feedback, the teaching materials had fulfilled the local wisdom and it was feasible to be used in the teaching and learning process. The look of BIPA hand out entitled Ayo Belajar Bahasa Indonesia with the ISBN 978- 623-91925-2-5 was as follows. Picture 1. Cover of BIPA Teaching Materials The learners commented as follows. Learner A “I think it’s good and eye catching cover. First time, I see the cover; I really wanna read the whole book. The topics cover Magelang local wisdom. I like it.” Learner B “The language is simple and easy to be understood, especially for me as A1 level. It’s interesting to know all about Magelang.” The instructors shared the feedback as follows. Instructor A “I think this hand-out will be useful. It has covered all aspects that I need as BIPA instructor.” Instructor B “I like the design. It has many topics that discuss Magelang. I can say it is a good handout for BIPA teaching materials.” 7. Finalization of BIPA teaching materials After passing stage one until six, BIPA teaching materials were ready to be used to support BIPA teaching and learning process. Regarding to seven steps of designing the teaching materials of BIPA, the contents of BIPA Teaching materials cover ten units. They were Menyapa, Perkenalan, Identitas Diri, Keluarga, Aktivitas sehari-hari, Hobi, Transportasi, Petunjuk Arah, Jual Beli, Lagu Populer Indonesia. The developed teaching materials were in the A1 level in which it was based on the pedagogical content METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 4, No. 1, April 2020 PP 18-24 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v4i1.1880 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 24 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( knowledge. Each unit provided four language skills that cover listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Conclusion This article shows that it is important to insert the local wisdom in which included the pedagogical content knowledge in BIPA teaching materials. In designing the teaching materials, the researchers use seven steps of research and development. Those stages are needed in designing the teaching materials since they are as guideline to be used to produce a good hand out of BIPA teaching materials. Many aspects are included in the teaching materials in order to fulfil the learners’ needs. It is hoped that BIPA teaching materials can support BIPA teaching and learning process in Language Training Center at Tidar University. References Can, B., Erokten, S., and Bahtiyar, A. (2017). An investigation of pre-service science teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge. European Journal of Educational Research, 6(1), pp. 51-57. DOI: 10.12973/eu- jer.6.1.51 Gall, M.D., Gall, J.P., dan Borg, W.R. (2003). Educational Research: An Introduction (7th edition). New York: Longman, Inc. Nuswantara, K. (2016). Pembelajaran BIPA bagi Pembelajar Dewasa. Prosiding Seminar Kepakaran BIPA 1,ISBN: 978-602-8054-89-8. Pusat Pengembangan Strategi dan Diplomasi Kebahasaan Badan Pengembangan, (2016). Pedoman Standardisasi Pendidikan Profesi Guru BIPA dan Program Studi Pendidikan BIPA (S2). Retrieved from Tinja, Y., Towaf, S.M., and Haryono. (2017). Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Tematik Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Manggarai Barat NTT. Retrieved from