METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol.4 , No.2, October 2020 PP 107-117 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v4i2.2250 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 107 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( An Analysis of Code Mixing Used by A Singaporean Singer in Instagram’s Caption Tiara Nur Fitria STIE AAS Surakarta Jl. Slamet Riyadi No.361, Windan, Makamhaji, Kec. Kartasura, Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah 57161, Indonesia* *corresponding author Received: 28 February 2020 Revised: 13 April 2020 Accepted: 16 April 2020 Published: 8 October 2020 Abstract This study aims to find out the type of code-mixing and the most dominant type of code-mixing used by Rosalina Musa in Instagram’s ropercaption. This research is descriptive qualitative as the method of the research. From the result of the analysis shows an outer code mixing found in Rosalina Musa’s Instagram captions. It blends or mixes a native language with a foreign language. From the definitions stated, there are some types of code-mixing found in Rosalina Musa’s Instagram captions; for example is the English language is mixed with the Indonesian Language. The forms of code-mixing usually appear in word, phrase, clause, hybrid, and repetition/reduplication. In a word, there are 152 data or 53.33 %. In a phrase, there are 113 data or 39.65 %. In the clause, there are 12 data or 4.21 %. In a hybrid, there are 6 data or 2.11 %. In repetition/reduplication, there are 2 data or 0.70 %. It also shows that the most dominant type of code-mixing found in Rosalina Musa’s Instagram captions appears in the word. The insertion of words means the language unit that stands on its own; it consists of free morpheme sand bound morphemes. The words include some part of speech or word class, for example, noun, adjective, verb, conjunction, and adverb. Keywords: code-mixing, Instagram, caption Introduction Communication is a basic human activity. Communication is a large part of who we are as human beings, and today, technology has allowed us to communicate in new ways and to audiences much larger and wider than ever before (Choudhury, 2018). Language is closely related to communication. People usually use a language to gain an understanding of their intention. There are so many languages which are known by the people in the world. Most countries have their languages. Therefore, people cannot be separated from language. Khullar (2018) states that language or a language variety simply refers to code in sociolinguistics. Commonly, people know more than one language. Most of the Fitria An Analysis of Code Mixing Used by A Singaporean Singer in Instagram’s Caption 108 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( people are mastering two or more languages, first and the second language, even a foreign language. The condition where some people master more than one language is called as a bilingual or multilingual. Every person is bilingual (Bhatia & Ritchie, 2008). Bilingualism is a mix of two languages (Ng et al., 2007). In many situations, sometimes the people speak or communicate by mixing languages or codes. Moreover, it is also possible for bilingual or multilingual people to use more than one code of the language in communication. One of the language phenomena, especially in the study of bilingualism, is code-mixing. Liu (2008) states that code-mixing is embedding various linguistic units, such as words, phrase or clauses. These 'pieces' of the other language are often words, but they can also be phrases or larger units (Rasul, 2013). Code-mixing occurs when conversant use both languages together to the extent that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single utterance. Or even, it can be occur at two or more languages or language varieties in an utterance (Muysken et al., 2000). The use of code-mixing in written form can be found in the social network or social media. Nowadays, people interact with others via social media by using many kinds of languages or mix language. The social network is the best media for speakers to communicate with each other in a long-distance through the internet network. There are many social networks, such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Line, Twitter, Path, Instagram, etc. Instagram is one of many social networks in the world that makes people interested in using it. Many types of code-mixing can be found, such as word, phrase, hybrid, reduplication/repetition, idiom, and clause. Instagram is a social networking app made for sharing photos and videos from a smartphone (Moreau, 2020). Similar to Facebook or Twitter, everyone who creates an Instagram account has a profile and a news feed. On Instagram, the users are offered many ways to share their pictures or videos and edit it like professional photographers/videographers, so the user can create good pictures or videos and get attention from the other users. To help the other users or audiences understand the story behind the pictures/videos or descriptions of them, the users can make “caption” to tell others about the pictures. A caption on Instagram can be a way to communicate among users and the users can communicate or talk in the comment section, causing non-verbal chat. On Instagram, people might add an Instagram caption to direct others to their bio link, share selfie quotes, or increase social media engagement (Ferreira, 2019). Instagram usually used by many people; one of them is a celebrity or a singer, for example, Rosalina Musa. Rosalina Binti Musa was a Singaporean dangdut singer. She usually mixes two languages or more such as in Malay, Indonesian and English. There are many previous studies that discuss code mixing, such as research written by Rini and Rustandi (2018) entitled Code Mixing Analysis on Teacher's and Students' Classroom Interaction of Ice-breaking Sessions. The goals of the research are about types of code-mixing, functions of code mixing and the teacher’s perspectives on using code mixing in the classroom interaction of ice breaking session. The other research also is written by Kasoema and Amri (2016) entitled Code Mixing Used by Radio Broadcaster of Pesona FM on Radio Program of Song Request. The goals of the research are to identify the types of code mixing METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol.4 , No.2, October 2020 PP 107-117 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v4i2.2250 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 109 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( and to determine the functions of code mixing used by the radio broadcaster in the radio program. This research also focus on code mixing as the previous studies, but the objective of research used in this research is social media, such as in Instagram’ captions of a Singaporean singer named Rosalina Musa. The objectives of this research also different from the previous studies which focus on the type and function of code mixing. This research focus on the type and the most dominant type of code mixing. Therefore, the writer is interested in conducting the research entitled “An Analysis of Code Mixing and Switching Used by a Singaporean Singer in Instagram’s Caption”. This study aims to find out the type of code-mixing and the most dominant type of code-mixing used by a Singaporean Singer in Instagram’s caption. Method This research is descriptive qualitative as the method of the research. According to (Delamont, 2012), a qualitative method is different from quantitative research. It places more on the study of the phenomena from the perspective insider. The data of this research are the post-expression in the form of captions on Instagram while the data source is from Rosalina Musa’s Instagram. The data gathered from Instagram’ post, in January 2019 until June 2019. The data are in the form of word, phrase, clause and sentence found in the Instagram’s captions of a Singaporean singer named Rosalina Musa. In collecting data, the research uses documentation. Document analysis is a systematic procedure for reviewing or evaluating documents, both printed and electronic material (Bowen, 2009). The researcher has collected the data by selecting words, phrases, and clauses representing code-mixing as a document. While, in analyzing the data of this research, the researcher collects the data, makes an analysis, and finally concludes conducting the research. Findings and Discussion Findings Some previous studies about code mixing related to this research, such as research written by Rini and Rustandi (2018) entitled Code Mixing Analysis on Teacher's and Students' Classroom Interaction of Ice-breaking Sessions. The goals of the research are about types of code-mixing, functions of code mixing and the teacher’s perspectives on using code mixing in the classroom interaction of ice breaking session. The other research also is written by Kasoema and Amri (2016) entitled Code Mixing Used by Radio Broadcaster of Pesona FM on Radio Program of Song Request. The goals of the research are to identify the types of code mixing and to determine the functions of code mixing used by the radio broadcaster in the radio program. This research also focus on code mixing as the previous studies, but the objective of research used in this research is social media, such as in Instagram’ captions of a Singaporean singer named Rosalina Musa. The objectives of this research also different with the previous studies which focus on the type and function of code mixing. This research focus on the type and the most dominant Fitria An Analysis of Code Mixing Used by A Singaporean Singer in Instagram’s Caption 110 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( type of code mixing. Based on the analysis of the code-mixing, the writer finds some kinds of code-mixing found in Rosalina Musa’s Instagram captions. The descriptions are as follows: Word A word is a combination of sounds that symbolizes and communicates a meaning (Nordquist, 2019b). The insertion of words here means the language unit that stands on its own. It consists of free morpheme sand bound morphemes. One common definition of a word is the following “a word is any unit of language that in writing, appears between spaces or between a space and a hyphen”. Words do not always constitute the smallest meaningful units in a language. Instead, words are sometimes constructed of smaller parts. The words include nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. Below the example of the insertion of words (code-mixing) as follow: Table 1. Insertion of Words in Adjective NO DATA 1 Udah mau bubar.. saya ajak Mae dan semua ketawa bareng dulu.. hahaha.. 🤣🤣🤣 👏👏👏 Terimakasih.. panjang umur kita jumpa lagi. Smoga liburan di Spore ok, anak2 semua happy.. (ambengan kii opo 😅😅). Slamat sampai Jogja pagi nanti ya. Salam buat Diva Sophiatun. 2 Bersama 3 Diva Dangdut Asia yang super gorgeous.. mempunyai goyangan khas masing2.. Goyang Ngebor Lady Daratista @inul.d , Goyang Gergaji Lady Perssik @dewiperssikreal dan Goyang Itik Lady Gotix @zaskia_gotix 3 Bintang2 dangdut Indonesia dan Asia, Rara Tiyara dan Lesty Sweetie @lestykejora yg sentiasa bersinar mengelilingi purnama. Masing2 mempunyai karisma dan aura yg kuat utk memukau kita semua. Si cabe rawit anak ajaib semakin cantik dan dewasa. Si baby singa tidak gentar dgn tantangan.. slalu menggegarkan panggung DAA4. All the best to you, my darling Rara.. you're multi talented. 4 Bersama kembaran saya, si suara sexy dan multi genre, Jamila @jamila__putri . Juara BP ini tersenggol dgn terhormat, persembahannya penuh keyakinan dan keikhlasan. Bayang.. putri yg cantik ini adalah anugerah Allah yg sgt special buat Jamila. 5 Busana Malaysia, baju kurung Johor bersongket Terangganu, yg popular di Spura dan di merata tanah Melayu.. by Babah Jameil @jameilkamsah From the example above, it shows there is the insertion of the English words, as stated in underlined marks. Here the speaker involves inserts words from one language to another, or we can see the insertion of some English words into Indonesian sentences. In number 2, 15, 19, 22 and 25, the underlined word “happy”, “gorgeous”, “multi-talented”, “sexy”, “multi-genre”, “special”, and “popular” refers to the word especially in word class of the adjective. An adjective is used to state the function and characteristic of a person or something and a verb used to state inaction. Happy is a feeling of joy, pleasure, or good fortune. Gorgeous is showing brilliant or magnificent. Multi-talented is having many skills or talents. Sexy is having many skills or talents. Multi-genre is having many skills in a certain genre, for example, in kind of music. Special is unique or something METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol.4 , No.2, October 2020 PP 107-117 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v4i2.2250 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 111 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( that is only for specific people. While popular is enjoyed or liked by a lot of people. Table 2. Insertion of Words in Noun NO DATA 1 Bersama Prince Wildan.. ter manja, ter ganteng, ter gendut, ter cengeng dan ter pandai menghiburkan hatiku. 2 Assalamualaikum..Slamat istirihat bersama kluarga tercinta. Saya juga ga sabar ingin berkumpul bersama kluarga.. ditemani pak manager @hafizmaulana4338 . 3 Pasti rindu 3 host Indosiar ini.. @irfanhakim75 , @abiramzi76 dan @gilangdirga .. yang super ganteng, super heboh, super multi talented dan... super multi julid!! 😜😜😜 4 Bersama Lady Dewi @dewiperssikreal yang super aktif dan menggemaskan kalau udah mulai goyang. Semoga kedua orang tua Mbak Depe sentiasa sihat dan ceria selalu. Aamiin. 5 Bersama commentator Brunei Boss Miennan @miennanyunos raja minyak, yg senang jatuh hati dgn wanita cantik.. hehehe.. tapi gpp lah.. belum nikah masih bisa memilih. From the example above, it shows there is the insertion of the English words, as stated in underlined marks. Here the speaker involves inserts word from one language to another, or we can see an insertion of some English words into Indonesian sentences. In number 1, 6, 14, 47 and 79, the underlined word “prince”, “manager”, “host”, “lady” and “commentator” refers to the word especially in word class of the noun. A noun is used to name or identity any of a class of things, people, place or ideas. Prince is a prince who is a male ruler ranked below a king and above a duke or member of a monarch's family. A manager is a person who manages a certain group of tasks, or a certain subset. A host is a person who introduces guests and performers, especially on television or radio. Lady is a female that has respect, morals, goals, ambition. While a commentator is a person who comments or expresses an opinion on a subject, it gives a running commentary of a game or event in real-time, usually during a live broadcast, for example, on television. Phrase A phrase is a group of two or more words as a meaningful unit within a sentence or clause (Nordquist, 2019c). Phrase insertion here a sequence of words, which used to refer to a sequence of words functioning as a single unit. The speaker inserts two or more grammatically related words that function as a unit in a sentence, a clause, or another phrase. A clause is a group of the word having a subject and predicate some clause are independents, so they can stand themselves as sentences or may appear within sentences as a grammatically complete statement. Other clauses are dependent (subordinate). They cannot stand themselves and, therefore, the meaning upon the reminders of the sentences in which they appear. For example: Fitria An Analysis of Code Mixing Used by A Singaporean Singer in Instagram’s Caption 112 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( Table 3. Insertion of Words in Noun Phrase NO DATA 1 Busana Indonesia yg mewah seperti Putri Kayangan ini, dinamakan Topeng Nusantara.. inspirasi Fashion Designer Indonesia, asal Bojonegoro, Mas Eko Tjandra @ekotjandra2 . Busana ini melambangkan Indonesia yg kaya raya dgn adat, budaya, bahasa, hasil bumi, keindahan alami, crita2 mistis dan dongeng 2 Bersama big bosses of Indosiar.. Pak Imam, Ibu Siwi, Mbak Linda @lindawibison0 dan beberapa keluarga DAA4. 3 Bersama The Beautiful Singer, Biduanita Asia yg saya hormati dan sayangi.. Bunda Hetty @hke57 .. awet muda, sentiasa ceria dan lucu orangnya. Thank you bunda utk semuanya. In Syaa Allah.. panjang umur kita jumpa lagi. Jaga kesihatan ya Bun.. 😘😘😘😘 4 Busana Evening dress or cocktail dress dengan heart-shape neckline, popular di zaman 1960s di banyak negara. Biduanita Saloma dan Sarimah gemar memakai dress seperti ini. By Babah Jameil @jameilkamsah 5 Congratulations to my beautiful cabe rawet @lestykejora dan my handsome papa @da4_fildan for their new single "Lebih Dari Selamanya". Very dramatic and romantic song. Memang payah utk belajar hidup ditinggalkan atau hidup tanpa org2 yg kita sayang. From the example above, it shows there is an insertion of the English words as stated in underlined marks. Here the speaker involves inserts phrases from one language to another, or we can see the insertion of some English phrases into Indonesian sentences. In number 8, 9, 12, 46 and 50, the underlined phrases “fashion designer”, “big bosses”, “the beautiful singer”, “evening dress”, cocktail dress”, “heart-shaped neckline”, “their new single” and “very dramatic and romantic song” refers to the noun phrase. A noun phrase is a group of words that work together to name and describe a person, place, thing, or idea. For example, the phrase “The beautiful singer”. The pre-modifier determiner and an adjective ‘beautiful’ describe ‘singer’ as a noun. The phrase “big bosses” show the pre- modifier adjective “big” describe “bosses” as a noun. Then, the phrase “very dramatic and romantic song” shows the pre-modifier determiner “very” Therefore, the two words combine to make a noun phrase. Clause A clause must contain a subject and a verb. There are two kinds of clauses: independent and dependent clauses (Nordquist, 2019a). An independent clause is a simple sentence. It can stand on its own. While a dependent clause cannot stand on its own. It needs an independent clause to complete a sentence. For example: METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol.4 , No.2, October 2020 PP 107-117 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v4i2.2250 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 113 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( Table 4. Insertion of Words in Clause NO DATA 1 Bintang2 dangdut Indonesia dan Asia, Rara Tiyara dan Lesty Sweetie @lestykejora yg sentiasa bersinar mengelilingi purnama. Masing2 mempunyai karisma dan aura yg kuat utk memukau kita semua. Si cabe rawit anak ajaib semakin cantik dan dewasa. Si baby singa tidak gentar dgn tantangan.. slalu menggegarkan panggung DAA4. All the best to you, my darling Rara.. you're multi talented. You are one of our new generation Asia Dangdut Princess 😘😘😘 2 Bersama De' Hakims @irfanhakim75 . Congratulations Aa Irfan n isteri. Alhamdulillah, tak lama lagi masuk 5 permata hati mereka. W.o.w.. WOW!!! You’re very hardworking daddy and awesome mommy. Rezeki Allah.. smoga diberi kesihatan dan kebahagiaan dunia akhirat.. Aamiin. 3 Bersama Nazirul @nazirul.zainal peserta Singapura yg sudah mencoba semaximal mungkin tapi hanya mampu ke Top 20. Anyway it's ok.. I guess u have learnt as much as u can here. 4 Bersama putri bidadari ku yg imut @da4_putri03 .. we're having great time, eating and sleeping together. Good morning and Salam Jumaat. 5 With my Chinese Dangdut Princess dari Singapore.. Maia Lee @maialeeofficial . We are very proud of you sangat. Although you have to end your journey tonite. Maia ini tubuhnya kecil tapi mempunyai jiwa yg besar sepanjang pertandingan ini. All the best to you 😘😘😘 From the example above, it shows there is the insertion of the English words as stated in underlined marks. Here the speaker involves inserts word from one language to another, or we can see the insertion of some English words into Indonesian sentences. In number 19, 25, 52, 61 and 70 refers both dependent and independent clause. For example, in number 19, a clause “you're multi-talented. You are one of our new generation Asia Dangdut Princess”, in number 25, a clause “You’re very hardworking daddy and awesome mommy”, in number 52, a clause “I guess u have learned as much as u can here”, in number 61, a clause “we're having a great time, eating and sleeping together”, and in number 70, a clause “We are very proud of you sangat”. All the clauses refer to an independent clause. An independent clause contains a subject (again, who or what the sentence is about) and a predicate (which tells us something about the subject, such as what the subject is doing). While, in number 70, a clause, “Although you have to end your journey tonite” refers to a dependent clause. Dependent clauses cannot stand alone in a sentence. A dependent (or subordinate) clause begins with a subordinating conjunction, such as if, after, before, because, although, or when, and it requires the support of an independent clause to constitute a complete sentence. Hybrid Hybrid is a word that is formed by adding affixes from other languages. In Indonesian the affixes are [me-][ber-][pe-][di-][-nya][-ing] and [-an]. In a hybrid, there is an insertion of hybrid in code-mixing, the speaker inserts words added affixes of language into another. In this research, there are some insertions of hybrid, for example: Fitria An Analysis of Code Mixing Used by A Singaporean Singer in Instagram’s Caption 114 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( Table 5. Insertion of Words in Hybrid NO DATA 1 Bersama my prince dangdut, The Incredible Hulk Nazirul @nazirul.zainal yg sudah tersampok kecengengan saya.. hehehe. Marah dan teguran bukan benci tapi sayang dan prihatin kerana saya tau Nazirul mampu. Lupakan kesalahan semalam.. bangkit dan usaha semaximal mungkin utk malam ini. You have to Believe in yourself 2 Alhamdulillah.. 2 handsomeku slamat sampai. Abang rambutnya udah panjang.. Wildan perut semakin gendut 3 Sisa foto semalam..Cantik baju India ini dan padan dgn dandanan rambut dan dimake up sempurna. Saya keliatan muda dan fresh ya kan.. Sok muda 😋😋 . 4 Bersama my Incredible Hulk Nazirul @nazirul.zainal yg sudah pandai berdangdut dan bnyk improvenya. I hope you do your best my love.. 😘😘 5 all contestants.. especially buat peserta termuda Spura, my Soul Baby.. Andri Darwisy @andryieo yg berusia 17 tahun.. baru habis menduduki peperiksaan GCE 'N' levelnya sblum brangkat ke Jkt. Kamu bias Andri!! @btygmanagement From the example above, it shows there is the insertion of the English words as stated in underlined marks. Here the speaker involves hybrids from one language to another, or we can see the insertion of some affixes into sentences. In number 77, 69, 84, 85 and 88 the underlined words “semaximal”, handsomeku”, “dimake up”, improvenya” and “levelnya” refers to the hybrid. We can see, there are some Indonesian sentence is inserted English word translate which gets Indonesian affixes. In number 77, there is an addition “se” at the beginning of the word “maximal”. In number 69, there is an addition “ku” in the last of the word “handsome”. In number 84, there is an addition “di-” at the beginning of the word “make up”. In number 85, in the last of the word “improve”. While, in number 88, there is addition “-nya” in the last of the word “level”. Repetition In repetition/reduplication, the speaker repeats a word, within a short space of words (Wikipedia, 2020). Word reduplication is the repetition of some parts of the base (which may be the entire base) more than one word. Reduplication is a morphological process by which the root or stem of a word or part of it is repeated. Reduplication is used in inflections to convey a grammatical function, such as plurality and intensification. Reduplication is found in a wide range of languages and language groups, although its level of linguistic productivity varies. For example: METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol.4 , No.2, October 2020 PP 107-117 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v4i2.2250 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 115 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( Table 6. Reduplication of Words NO DATA 1 Bersama Putri Muslimah Asia, Malaysian Beauty with brain, host and actress Miss Uyaina @uyainaarshad . Yana, kak Rose pinjam mahkotanya.. feeling2 jer. MISS MAK MAK ASIA.. or maybe MISS CENGENG ASIA !! 2 Good Monday morning beautiful people!! Single baru 'Happy Aja' ciptaan Kang Endang Raes. Enjoy and happy happy always 😘😘😘 From the example above, it shows there is the insertion of word reduplication as stated in underlined marks. In number 27, the underlined word “feeling2” in Indonesian refers to “feeling-feeling” shows a reduplication word. While, un number 67, the underlined word “happy-happy” also show a reduplication word. Discussion A code may be a language or a variety or style of a language; the term code-mixing emphasizes hybridization. Mixing probably occurs to some extent in the speech of all bilinguals so that there is a sense in which a person capable of using two (Ngabu, 2006). Based on the analysis of the code-mixing, the writer finds some kinds of code-mixing found in Rosalina Musa’s Instagram captions. The table analysis of type code-mixing is as follows: Table 7. Code Mixing in Instagram’s Post Type of Code Mixing Data Percentage Word 152 53.33 % Phrase 113 39.65 % Clause 12 4.21 % Hybrid 6 2.11 % Repetition/Reduplication 2 0.70 % From the table above, it shows an outer code-mixing found in Rosalina Musa’s Instagram captions. It blends or mixes a native language with a foreign language. From the definitions stated, there are some types of code-mixing found in Rosalina Musa’s Instagram captions; they are the example is the English language is mixed with the Indonesian Language. The forms of code-mixing usually appear in word, phrase, clause, hybrid, and repetition/reduplication. In a word, there are 152 data or 53.33 %. In a phrase, there are 113 data or 39.65 %. In the clause, there are 12 data or 4.21 %. In a hybrid, there are 6 data or 2.11 %. While in repetition/reduplication, there are 2 data or 0.70 %. It also shows that the most dominant type of code-mixing found in Rosalina Musa’s Instagram captions appears in the word. The insertion of words here means the language unit that stands on its own; it consists of free morpheme and bound morphemes. The words include some part of speech or word class, for example, noun, adjective, verb, conjunction, and adverb. Conclusion Instagram usually used by many people; one of them is a celebrity or a singer, for example, Rosalina Musa. Roslina Binti Musa was a Singaporean dangdut singer. Fitria An Analysis of Code Mixing Used by A Singaporean Singer in Instagram’s Caption 116 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( This study is to find out the type of code-mixing and the most dominant type of code-mixing used by Rosalina Musa in Instagram’s caption. There are some types of code-mixing found in Rosalina Musa’s Instagram captions; the example is the English language is mixed with the Indonesian Language. The forms of code- mixing usually appear in word, phrase, clause, hybrid, and repetition/reduplication. In a word, there are 152 data or 53.33 %. In a phrase, there are 113 data or 39.65 %. In the clause, there are 12 data or 4.21 %. In a hybrid, there are 6 data or 2.11 %. While in repetition/reduplication there are 2 data or 0.70 %. It also shows that the most dominant type of code-mixing found in Rosalina Musa’s Instagram captions appears in the word. The insertion of words here means, there is an insertion part of speech or word class, for example, noun, adjective, verb, conjunction, and adverb. References Bhatia, T. K., & Ritchie, W. C. (2008). The Handbook of Bilingualism. John Wiley & Sons. Bowen, G. A. (2009). Document Analysis as a Qualitative Research Method. Qualitative Research Journal. Choudhury, M. (2018, November 1). Cracking code-mixing—An important step in making human-computer interaction more engaging. Microsoft Research. mixing-an-important-step-in-making-human-computer-interaction-more- engaging/ Delamont, S. (2012). Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education. Edward Elgar Publishing. Ferreira, N. M. (2019, July 3). 300+ Best Instagram Captions for Your Photos & Selfies. Oberlo. Kasoema, A. R., & Amri, Z. (2016). 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METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol.4 , No.2, October 2020 PP 107-117 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v4i2.2250 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 117 Acces article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( Ngabu, N. (2006, May 15). Code Switching and Code Mixing. JamiiForums. mixing.26293/ Nordquist, R. (2019a, June 28). Learn the Different Types of Clauses and How to Use Them in Grammar. ThoughtCo. clause-grammar-1689850 Nordquist, R. (2019b, July 3). All About Words in English. ThoughtCo. Nordquist, R. (2019c, August 9). What Are the Different Types of Phrases in English Grammar? ThoughtCo. grammar-1691625 Rasul, S. (2013). Borrowing and Code Mixing in Pakistani Children’s Magazines: Practices and Functions. Rini, D. A. C., & Rustandi, A. (2018). Code Mixing Analysis On Teacher’s And Students’ Classroom Interaction Of Ice Breaking Session. Jurnal Siliwangi Seri Pendidikan, 4(2), Article 2. Wikipedia. (2020). 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