METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 5, No. 2, October 2021 PP 120-128 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v5i2.3949 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 120 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( A Study of ELE Students’ Perception of Undiksha Moodle E-learning in Pedagogical Courses Ni Luh Putu Viranicka Septyani1*, I.G.A Lokita Purnamika2, Nyoman Karina Wedhanti3 Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha Jln. Udayana No. 11, Singaraja, Kec. Buleleng, Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali sviranicka@gmail.com1*,, *corresponding author Received: 7 May 2021 Revised: 17 June 2021 Accepted: 29 June 2021 Published: 5 October 2021 Abstract The field of education has been profoundly changed by e-learning. Education now uses e-learning to help students and teachers learn more effectively, whether through remote learning, traditional learning, or blended learning. The Undiksha Moodle E-learning Platform is one of the platforms utilized in the pedagogical courses. This study aimed to find out how students felt about using the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform. The efficiency of the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform is the subject of this discussion. This is a case study with 15 English Language Education students as participants. This study aims to discover how students feel about utilizing the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform in pedagogical courses. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used to collect data and determine the adequacy of student impressions. By considering the findings of the surveys and interpreting the data acquired, data analysis is qualitatively supplemented by quantitative data. According to this survey, students in English Language Education had a favorable attitude toward adopting Undiksha Moodle E-learning. The efficiency of using the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform resulted in a score of 4.173. Students strongly agree that the platform is effective in educational courses, as seen by this. Keywords: Effectiveness, E-learning, Pedagogical courses, Students Outcomes, Undiksha Moodle E-learning Introduction In the era of globalization, technological developments occur rapidly. The rapid and rapid growth of technology has a significant impact on all aspects of life. The effect of technology's role is crucial in all elements shown: one of them in education. In education, technology can be classified as a curriculum, an instruction system, and mailto:sviranicka@gmail.com1 Septyani A Study of ELE Students’ Perception of Undiksha Moodle E-learning in Pedagogical Courses 121 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( a tool in improving the learning process to improve efficiency and productivity in higher education (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018; Supriadi & Sa’ud, 2017). It can be said that the role of technology and education cannot be separated and lived hand in hand. In education, technology is needed as a support to improve and develop the learning process. Therefore, technology supports an effective and efficient learning process in improving the management system in education (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018; Supriadi & Sa’ud, 2017). With the development of technology today, especially in education, a system supports the learning process and assesses the learning process (Tasir et al., 2004). E-learning is a platform that provides information and communication technology to support the implementation of learning, both traditionally, online learning and blended learning, by providing applications from digital technology (Abbad et al., 2009; El-seoud et al., 2014; Kattoua et al., 2016). E-learning's ease is one of which is to facilitate communication between teachers and students. Ebner (Tasir et al., 2004) argues that teachers can deliver learning through E-learning by providing materials studied and further studied by students. Learning with E-learning has also been implemented by higher education (Abbad et al., 2009; Dublin in Pande et al., 2016). Many platforms are used to bridge distance learning, such as Edmodo and Quipper, in online learning (Cakrawati, 2017). In addition to these platforms, there is one platform that the Ganesha University of Education has developed called Undiksha Moodle E-learning. This platform has been developed and has been used in recent years. Many lectures in Undiksha use Undiksha Moodle E-learning to facilitate learning, especially English Language Education lectures. The use of Undiksha Moodle E-learning is one of them that supports pedagogical courses in English Language Education. Therefore, learning using the platform can certainly give rise to various perceptions of students and teachers. Perception is a way of thinking about something, notice something, and is a skill that is naturally possessed by every human being (Qiong, 2017). Many studies have been conducted to examine students' perceptions of e- learning and the platforms used to support learning. For example, research conducted by Cakrawati (201), Pujiastutik (2017), and Tasir et al. (2004) revealed that students have a positive perception of the use of online learning platforms and can improve interaction with teachers or others of the course. Cakrawati also told that teachers are encouraged to be more interactive. Similarly, Almarabeh (2014) demonstrated that students at Jordan University have sufficient qualifications to use e-learning in their learning system. However, she stated that usefulness factors are more influential in students' attitudes towards e-learning. Besides, Bisri et al. (2009) revealed that e-learning is effectively used to improve students' learning achievements. Previous research focused on students' perception of e-learning in certain subjects using online learning platforms such as Edmodo, Quipper, Web-Based learning, etc. However, no study concerns the use of online learning platforms in pedagogical courses. Therefore, the current research focuses on students' perceptions of using the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform in pedagogical classes. As well as identification of the use of Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform seen and assessed with five dimensions. The five dimensions include METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 5, No. 2, October 2021 PP 120-128 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v5i2.3949 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 122 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( effectiveness, usefulness, strength, weakness, and institutional support. Thus, this study aims to identify students' perceptions of the Undiksha Moodle e-learning platform in pedagogical courses. Method Research design This study was a kind of qualitative case study with the support of quantitative data. A case study is used in research to describe information about English Language Education students' perception towards the use of Undiksha Moodle e-Learning in the learning process. The urgency of using a case study described the phenomena on ELE’s students while using the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform. Hence, it told how the media significantly effective for the student's achievement in the learning process. Thus, Starman (2013) explains that a case study is a detailed description of phenomena in certain situations. This research was conducted at English Language Education, Languages and Arts Faculty, Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Participants The study involved 15 English Language Education students who were taking pedagogical courses. The subjects were chosen using nonprobability sampling from the population. The appropriate sampling method to select the participants was convenience sampling. Etikan (2017) stated that non-random sampling enables the participants to be easily accessible, available, and ready to participate in the study. The 15 students involved are from different grades and courses. Participants involved are from class 3B, 5A, 5C, 6A, 6C, 6F, 7A. The data obtained will vary according to their experience in the following learning using the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform. Data Collections The data retrieval process is conducted with questionnaires distributed to all respondents. Questionnaires are chosen to measure students' perception of using the Undiksha Moodle e-Learning platform in pedagogical courses. Questionnaires consist of 25 statements divided into five dimensions: effectiveness, usefulness, strength, weakness, and institutional support. The questionnaires are developed from the grand theories use to measure the students’ perceptions in using the platforms. As mentioned earlier, the grand theories are related to effectiveness, usefulness, strength, weakness, and institutional support. In this case, the sixth statement developed from the effectiveness dimensions is matched with the scope of effectiveness in using the platforms. Statements related to the efficacy of the Undiksha Moodle e-learning platform can be seen in Table 1 below. Septyani A Study of ELE Students’ Perception of Undiksha Moodle E-learning in Pedagogical Courses 123 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( Table 1. The statements of the effectiveness of Undiksha Moodle e-Learning Platform The Effectiveness of Undiksha Moodle e-Learning Platform 1. The use of the Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform helps me in enhancing my learning desire in Pedagogical courses. 2. The use of the Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform helps me gain good grades in the Pedagogical courses. 3. The use of the Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform supports instant submission in Pedagogical courses. 4. Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform can be operated anytime in the learning process of Pedagogical courses. 5. Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform can be accessed through electronic devices in the learning process of Pedagogical courses. 6. Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform provides a due date that motivates students to complete the Pedagogical courses' learning process. Based on table one, the effectiveness of Undiksha Moodle e-Learning helps students enhance, gain good grades, support instant submissions, be operating anytime, and be accessed and motivate them to complete the assignment in the learning process. Data Analysis This study was conducted to identify students' perceptions of using the Undiksha Moodle e-Learning platform in pedagogical courses. Current research implements two methods of data analysis called quantitative and qualitative analysis. First, the researchers interpret quantitative data qualitatively. Second, the quantifiable data analysis is carried out to calculate questionnaire results that have been disseminated to respondents. The collected information is then categorized based on the interval corresponding to the data processing results. Table 2. Students’ perception qualification Interval Qualification 4.0005 ≤ M ≤ 5.001 Very Strong 3.3335 ≤ M < 4.0005 Strong 2.6665 ≤ M < 3.3335 Neutral 1.9995 ≤ M < 2.6665 Weak 0.999 ≤ M < 1.9995 Very weak (Source: Koyan, 2012) Findings and Discussions The current study results show students' perception of using the Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform in the dimension of effectiveness. The findings related to using METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 5, No. 2, October 2021 PP 120-128 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v5i2.3949 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 124 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( the Undiksha Moodle E-Learning Platform, especially in the effectiveness dimension, can be observed in the table below. Table 3. The results of students’ perception of effectiveness on Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform in Pedagogical courses Dimension Statements Total Score Average Score Effectiveness The use of the Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform helps me in enhancing my learning desire in pedagogical courses. 60 4 The use of the Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform helps me gain good grades in the pedagogical courses. 58 3.86 The use of the Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform supports instant submission in pedagogical courses. 59 3.93 Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform can be operated anytime in the learning process of pedagogical courses. 65 4.33 Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform can be accessed through electronic devices in the learning process of pedagogical courses. 67 4.46 Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform provides a due date that motivates students to complete the pedagogical courses' learning process. 67 4.46 Average 62.66 4.173 The questionnaire results on the efficacy dimension in using the Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform indicated promising results, as shown in the table above. The data in this dimension show that the respondent gives a positive response to each statement. The total score for the answer was 62.66, and the average result was 4.173. The findings on the effectiveness of using the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform show significant differences in each statement. However, if sorted by the lowest and highest results from the questionnaire results in the effectiveness dimension, it can be described as follows. The first statement to get the lowest result was "The use of Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform helps me gain good grades in the pedagogical courses." with a final result of 3.86. These results indicate that respondents believe and agree that E-learning has a positive impact on student Septyani A Study of ELE Students’ Perception of Undiksha Moodle E-learning in Pedagogical Courses 125 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( learning outcomes. Good student learning outcomes are helped by implementing the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform, making it easier for students to do learning. Also, respondents who agree with the statement dominate compared to respondents who choose other options. Furthermore, the second statement is "The use of Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform supports instant submission in pedagogical courses," with a final score of 59. The score indicates that almost all respondents agree that the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform supports easy and fast collection in pedagogical courses. Most of the respondents believe in the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform's performance to help students submit assignments or collect student work related to pedagogical classes. The third statement with a final result of 60 states that "The use of Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform helps me enhance my learning desire in pedagogical courses." The Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform successfully helps students learn in pedagogical courses by looking at this statement's final results. Respondents who state that they are allowed to enhance their learning desire related to other statements saying that this platform provides convenience and offers efficient and effective work in learning on pedagogical courses. The following statement was, "Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform can be operated anytime in the learning process of pedagogical courses." It scored 65. The score indicates that respondents who choose strongly agreed more than respondents who choose other options. Also, the score proves that the Undiksha Moodle E- learning platform is easy to access at any time because of the unrestricted access and design to facilitate students to learn anytime and anywhere. Also, the two statements have the same result. The statement included, "Undiksha Moodle E- Learning platform can be accessed through electronic devices in the learning process of pedagogical courses." Then, the "Undiksha Moodle E-Learning platform provides a due date that motivates students to complete the assignment in the learning process of pedagogical courses." Both statements scored 67. It is the highest score obtained among other statements. Therefore, respondents respond positively because the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform uses electronic devices that support and motivate students to collect their assignments quickly. Due to this platform's due date, fast assignment submission can be used as motivation and a reminder for students. It can be concluded from the above interpretation that the pupil has a good response. Students have also demonstrated that the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform substantially impacts learning in pedagogical courses and positive response. Learning in pedagogical sessions is aided by facilities that make learning more accessible to pupils. Furthermore, the tools and features are provided, allowing pupils to complete the assignment more quickly and precisely. Students benefit immensely from the good energy generated by using the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform in numerous aspects, depending on their own experiences. Interviews with respondents involved in learning and using the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform backed up the findings. A case study related to students' perception of the pedagogical courses is conducted and obtained based on their use. The current study results show that the Undiksha Moodle E-learning Platform's effectiveness got an average output of 4,173. The result is between the interval of 4,005 ≤ M ≤ 5,001, which belongs to a METATHESIS: JOURNAL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE LITERATURE AND TEACHING Vol. 5, No. 2, October 2021 PP 120-128 DOI: 10.31002/metathesis.v5i2.3949 p-ISSN: 2580-2712 e-ISSN: 2580-2720 126 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( very strong category. The effectiveness of a platform in learning is necessary to support learning to be more maximal. Effectiveness is an effort to do something by not spending time, matter, and energy (Wilson et al., 2018). Students proclaim the Undiksha Module E-learning platform, according to descriptive analysis. The platform, on average, aids students in increasing their desire to learn and improving their learning outcomes. The current study results align with Affandi et al. (2020) and Muharto et al. (2017), who researched the effectiveness of e-learning on student learning outcomes. This can be done because students can learn flexibly with no time and place-bound. The results of previous research prove that e-learning can improve students' learning outcomes effectively. Affandi et al. (2020) explained that e-learning in physics learners affects student learning outcomes where the lowest effectiveness score is 21.72%, the highest at 94.47%, and the average score is 69.67%. The similarities in the current research are that e-learning contributes effectively to improving the desire to learn and the learning outcomes of students. The current research supports previous research conducted by Kattoua et al. (2016), which revealed that e-learning could be done anywhere as long as they have the internet. Therefore, students can learn anytime and anywhere, as the statement that has been expressed in the questionnaire. Cakrawati highlighted that online learning systems allow students and professors to collaborate even when they are in separate places and at different times. Respondents stated that they are motivated to collect their duties early since the due date is important. As a result, students are urged to complete it before the deadline. As a result, e-learning, particularly the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform, greatly influences student motivation. The finding is in line with El-seoud et al. (2014) and Nugraheni and Dina (2017), which argues that e-learning increases student motivation because students are indirectly required to do their work individually. The study results in the experimental group given treatment using e-learning showed significant results compared to the control group (Nugraheni & Dina, 2017). The current study found that adopting an online platform during the Covid-19 epidemic had various positive effects on the learning process. As a result of the platform's success in terms of operation, it plays a significant part in English language instruction. It also allows pupils to become more engaged in the learning process. The new study's findings are consistent with those of prior studies. According to previous and contemporary research, online learning platforms positively impact student learning outcomes and motivation. Students can also communicate with lecturers and other students in the course using the online learning platform. Yet, previous studies have not concentrated on Undiksha Moodle E-learning platforms and pedagogical courses. As a result, the data imply that the platform is simple to use and effective. It can also employ a method that utilizes the platform to vary the learning process. Conclusion E-learning, it can be established, has a considerable impact on learning. E-learning had a favorable effect on pedagogical courses in this study. Distance learning with the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform can be done well, according to student perception. The value of using the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform to enhance students' and teachers' learning is exceptional. According to the findings of this Septyani A Study of ELE Students’ Perception of Undiksha Moodle E-learning in Pedagogical Courses 127 Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license ( study, students responded positively to the use of the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform. Many students agree that the Undiksha Moodle e-Learning platform is effective, as evidenced by the fact that many students strongly agree. Students can use the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform to improve their desire to study and motivation to complete activities. The Undiksha Moodle e-Learning platform can also be accessible for pedagogical courses whenever and whenever utilizing electronic devices. Future research should look into the same problem by looking at the effectiveness of each course on the pedagogical courses. Future researchers might also look into how teachers feel about using the Undiksha Moodle E-learning platform. References Abbad, M. 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