item: #1 of 358 id: mionline-1012 author: Meryandini, Anja; Anwar, Irvan ; Sunarti, Titi Candra title: Effect of Cocoa Bean Fermentation Using Lactic Acid Bacteria and Yeast Starters on Flavonoid Formation and Antioxidant Activity date: 2023-05-12 words: 5091 flesch: 56 summary: The antioxidant activity of -1 -1 cacao bean fermentation extracts using starter were increase compared to the spontaneous fermentation extract (F1). -1 IC50 value of all cacao bean ethanol extract from spontaneous fermentation extract (F1) and from fermentation results with the addition of lactic acid and yeast acid starter (F2, F3, and F4) compared to IC50 from quercetin compound (comparator), then the ability of ethanol extract cacao beans to inhibit 50% DPPH radicals lower than quercetin compounds. keywords: activity; antioxidant; beans; cacao; cocoa; compounds; content; ethanol; ethanol extract; extract; fermentation; flavonoid; starter cache: mionline-1012.pdf plain text: mionline-1012.txt item: #2 of 358 id: mionline-1032 author: Haliman, Cliff Clarence ; Prasetyo, Dimas Seto ; Tjampakasari, Conny R; Ibrahim, Fera ; Sudiro, T Mirawati title: Multidrug Resistance and Extensively Drug-Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Staphylococcus haemolyticus date: 2023-01-20 words: 5266 flesch: 54 summary: 2(0.7%) 2(1.2%) Abscess and Pus 88(22.6%) 27(10.6% 11(3.8%) 19(7.5%) 145(50.5%) 38(22.6%) Vagina 3(0.8%) 5(2.0%) 8(2.8%) - Wound and Ulcer 10(2.6%) 2(0.8%) keywords: 2021; aureus; doi; epidermidis; haemolyticus; methicillin; microbiol; prevalence; resistance; s. aureus; species; staphylococcus; study; susceptibility; xdr cache: mionline-1032.pdf plain text: mionline-1032.txt item: #3 of 358 id: mionline-1038 author: Ismaya Krisdawati; Nurjayadi, Muktiningsih ; Declan, Jefferson Lynford; Putri, Gladys Indira; Juliansyah, Dandy Akbar; Azzahra, Maharani Azka; Maulana, Irvan; Kartika, Irma Ratna; Saamia, Vira; Oktaviani, Dwi Ana; Wiranatha, I Made; Al-Enshashy, Hesham Ali title: Rapid Detection of Foodborne Pathogen Bacteria Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Seafood Using Gene ToxR with Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Method date: 2023-05-12 words: 4069 flesch: 53 summary: Measurement of concentration and purity of pure culture isolates of Vibrio parahaemolyticus DNA showed good results. Amount of 10 milligram shrimp contaminated artificially by Vibrio parahaemolyticus bacteria were used as DNA template samples in PCR mixture; meanwhile, a positive control of this assay is Genome DNA of culture stock of bacteria nonVibrio parahaemolyticus dilute results, and a negative control are DNA template from shrimp non-contaminated as samples. keywords: 1,2; assay; bacteria; control; curve; dna; fig; non; pairs; parahaemolyticus; pcr; primer; samples; temperature; time; toxr; vibrio cache: mionline-1038.pdf plain text: mionline-1038.txt item: #4 of 358 id: mionline-108 author: YUNIANTO, PRASETYAWAN; ROSMALAWATI, SYOFI; RACHMAWATI, INDRA; SUWARSO, WAHYUDI PRIYONO; SUMARYONO, WAHONO title: Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Fungi from Srikaya Plants (Annona squamosa) Having Potential Secondary Metabolites as Anti-Breast Cancer Activity date: 2012-04-29 words: 4278 flesch: 59 summary: We screened endophytic fungi from sugar apple plants as potential anti-cancer based on the observation of viability of breast cancer cells (MCF-7) using in vitro assay with MTT method. This research is a preliminary study to obtain active compounds with potential as anti-cancer agents from endophytic fungi of Srikaya plants. keywords: acetate; annona; anti; cancer; cells; compounds; ethyl; extract; fungal; fungi; fusarium; isolates; mtt; plant; potential; sky; squamosa cache: mionline-108.pdf plain text: mionline-108.txt item: #5 of 358 id: mionline-109 author: JINATA, CHANDRA; GIRI-RACHMAN, ERNAWATI ARIFIN; RETNONINGRUM, DEBBIE SOEFIE title: Molecular Analysis of Immune-Escape Mutants of Hepatitis B Virus from Local Clinical Samples date: 2012-04-29 words: 3615 flesch: 55 summary: DISCUSSION Based on this research, HBV genotype B was found more dominant (88.2%) than the genotype C (11.8%) in this study. (2011) who found that HBV genotype B is more common in Indonesia, especially in the western and southern part. keywords: acid; amino; dna; escape; genotype; hbv; hepatitis; immune; mutant; samples; shbsag; virus cache: mionline-109.pdf plain text: mionline-109.txt item: #6 of 358 id: mionline-11 author: KUMALA, SHIRLY; SISWANTO, ENDRO BUDI title: Isolation and Screening of Endophytic Microbes from Morinda citrifolia and their Ability to Produce Anti-Microbial Substances date: 2010-03-12 words: 2763 flesch: 52 summary: MICROBIOLOGY INDONESIA, December 2007, p 145-148 Volume 1, Number 3 ISSN 1978-3477 SHORT COMMUNICATION Isolation and Screening of Endophytic Microbes from Morinda citrifolia and their Ability to Produce Anti-Microbial Substances SHIRLY KUMALA* AND ENDRO BUDI SISWANTO Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Pancasila, Jalan Srengseng Sawah, Jagakarsa, Jakarta 12460, Indonesia Assaying for, and isolation and screening of endophytic microbes from the Morinda citrifolia plant and their ability to produce anti-microbial substances was carried out. Assessment of their ability to produce anti-microbial substances was conducted by growing the endophyte isolates in Muller Hinton Broth for bacterial isolates, and in Potato-Dextrose Yeast Broth for fungal isolates. keywords: + +; anti; bacteria; endophytic; gram; microbes; test cache: mionline-11.pdf plain text: mionline-11.txt item: #7 of 358 id: mionline-110 author: JATMIKO, YOGA DWI; LOPES, MIGUEL DE BARROS; BARTON, MARY D title: Molecular Identification of Yeasts Isolated from Dadih by RFLP-PCR and Assessment on Their Ability in Utilizing Lactate date: 2012-04-30 words: 3316 flesch: 63 summary: 500 bp 1,000 bp Table 1 Characterization and identification of dadih yeasts Fig 1 Internal Transcribed Spacer -PCR products and their restriction analysis with the endonuclease HinfI and HaeIII Lane M: 100 bp DNA marker; lane 0: sterile milliQ H O; lane 1: group II (isolate S1.04), lane 2: 2 group I (isolate S2.31), lane 3: group II (isolate G.20), lane 4: group I (isolate S2.29), lane 5-6: group II (isolate G.19 and S2.03), lane 7: group I (isolate S2.33) (HinfI: lane 3-4; HaeIII: lane 5-7). Molecular approach with reference to 5.8S- ITS region has been successfully applied to identify yeast species from a range of fermented food products (Abdelgadir et al. 2001; Jeyaram et al. 2008; Rahman et al. 2009). keywords: acid; dadih; doi; jadinii; khamir; lactate; pcr; species; study; yeasts cache: mionline-110.pdf plain text: mionline-110.txt item: #8 of 358 id: mionline-112 author: SOPANDI, TATANG; WARDAH, WARDAH title: Sub-Acute Toxicity of Pigment Derived from Penicillium resticulosum in Mice date: 2012-04-30 words: 4246 flesch: 58 summary: There were no specific abnormalities of liver histopathology profile in the mice treated with P. resticulosum pigment -1 (125 and 250 mg kg body weight daily) for 28 d in comparison to that of the control group (Fig 1). signs of Balb Mice /c treated with oral administration of P. resticulosum pigment for one week M: male of five measurements; F: female of five measurements Values represent the mean ± SD of five measurements, P<0.05 indicates significant difference from controls. keywords: body; daily; food; liver; male; mice; penicillium; pigment; resticulosum; toxicity; weight cache: mionline-112.pdf plain text: mionline-112.txt item: #9 of 358 id: mionline-114 author: KAWASAKI, YOKO; AOKI, MADOKA; MAKINO, YORIYASU; SAKAI, HIROYUKI; TSUBOI, YUKI; UEDA, JUNKO; WATANABE, KEIKO; YAMAMOTO, SHUICI; KUROSAWA, NORIO title: Characterization of Moderately Thermophilic Bacteria Isolated from Saline Hot Spring in Japan date: 2011-10-16 words: 2879 flesch: 59 summary: BEK6 BEK11 Bacillus aeolius B. alveayuensis Colony color white White ND cream Cell form rods Rods rods Rods Cell width×length (μm) 0.6×2-3 0.6×3-7 0.5×2.0 0.5-1.5×2.5-5 Motility + + Strain BEK6 utilized maltose, glucose, fructose, cellobiose, sucrose, and trehalose, while strain BEK11 was able to use galactose and melibiose, in addition to those used by strain BEK11. keywords: aeolius; bacillus; bek11; bek6; growth; strains cache: mionline-114.pdf plain text: mionline-114.txt item: #10 of 358 id: mionline-116 author: Rusmana, Iman title: Guide for Authors date: 2011-10-23 words: 1862 flesch: 57 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone & fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; manuscript; page; research; results; section; submission cache: mionline-116.pdf plain text: mionline-116.txt item: #11 of 358 id: mionline-117 author: none title: Chitinolytic Bacteria Isolated from Chili Rhizosphere: Chitinase Characterization and Application as Biocontrol for Aphis gossypii date: 2010-12-31 words: 3992 flesch: 62 summary: Therefore in this research only characterization of II.14 chitinase activity were described, and the isolate is a Gram-positive, endospore forming, rod shaped bacterium with catalase positive reaction. The II.14 was chosen for characterization of chitinase activity. keywords: activity; bacillus; cell; chitinase; enzyme; gossypii; i.21; i.5; ii.14; isolate; treatment cache: mionline-117.pdf plain text: mionline-117.txt item: #12 of 358 id: mionline-118 author: ARTIKA, I MADE title: Bioenergetic Analysis of FLAG Tagged-Subunit 8 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mitochondrial ATP Synthase date: 2010-12-31 words: 4507 flesch: 53 summary: The pellet was then resuspended in buffer 5 (10 mM Tris-maleate, 0.6 M mannitol, 2 mM EGTA, 0.2 % (w/v) bovine serum albumin, MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials. Isolation of Mitochondria Saccharomyces cerevisiae his ade et al. et al Saccharomyces 4 2 4 2 4 2 3 2 650nm ° ° ° −1 −1 tag on the wild-type subunit 8 has been shown not to cause functional impairment on mitochondrial ATP synthase (Artika 2010). In addition, the presence of FLAG epitope tag on the wild-type subunit 8 has been shown not to cause functional impairment on mitochondrial ATP synthase (Artika 2010). keywords: atp; df68; flag; ftc2; respiration; state; subunit; synthase cache: mionline-118.pdf plain text: mionline-118.txt item: #13 of 358 id: mionline-119 author: RIDAWATI, .; JENIE, BETTY SRI LAKSMI; DJUWITA, ITA; SJAMSURIDZAL, WELLYZAR title: Genetic Diversity of Osmophilic Yeasts Isolated from Indonesian Foods with High Concentration of Sugar date: 2010-12-31 words: 4111 flesch: 56 summary: 3 457 Ridawati.cdr Genetic Diversity of Osmophilic Yeasts Isolated from Indonesian Foods with High Concentration of Sugar RIDAWATI , BETTY SRI LAKSMI JENIE , ITA DJUWITA , WELLYZAR SJAMSURIDZAL 1 1 2 3* Isolation of osmophilic yeasts from a total of 70 samples consisting of jam, sweet condensed milk, honey, sweet soy sauce, and palm sugar was conducted. Those species were reported as osmophilic yeasts. keywords: candida; food; honey; jam; microbiol; parapsilosis; products; species; spoilage; sugar; yeasts cache: mionline-119.pdf plain text: mionline-119.txt item: #14 of 358 id: mionline-12 author: PADLAN, EDUARDO AGUSTIN title: SHORT COMMUNICATION: On Scientific Publications date: 2010-03-12 words: 1604 flesch: 61 summary: Clearly, most scientists in the Philippines are at a great disadvantage. Scientists publish their experiments and experiences for a purpose, although that purpose has changed over the years. keywords: journals; science; scientists cache: mionline-12.pdf plain text: mionline-12.txt item: #15 of 358 id: mionline-120 author: AFIFF, USAMAH title: A Comparison of Serological and Bacteriological Methods for Detection of Mycloplasma gallisepticum in Experimentally-Infected Chickens date: 2010-12-31 words: 6609 flesch: 54 summary: ◊, EI whole cell antigen; ♦, CI whole cell antigen; Δ, EI SDS-solubilized antigen; ▲, CI SDS-solubilized antigen; □, EI sonicated antigen; ■, CI sonicated antigen. ◊, EI whole cell antigen; ♦, CI whole cell antigen; Δ, EI SDS-solubilized antigen; ▲, CI SDS-solubilized antigen; □, EI sonicated antigen; ■, CI sonicated antigen. keywords: antigen; cell; chickens; elisa; infection; m. gallisepticum; mycoplasma; post; sera; serum; test cache: mionline-120.pdf plain text: mionline-120.txt item: #16 of 358 id: mionline-121 author: WAHYUNO, DONO title: The Life Cycle of Synchytrium pogostemonis on Pogostemon cablin date: 2010-12-31 words: 2662 flesch: 61 summary: The resting spores are the product of pairing of two different types of zoospores (Fig 2.5), encysting and adhering on plant cells prior to infecting (Fig 2.6), deve loping young resting spores (Fig 2.7) and formation of mature resting spore (Fig 2.8). S pogostemonis Volume 4, 2010 Microbiol Indones 129 Synchytrium Further observations on the infected plants showed that resting spores (winter spores) of were noted in warty leaf tissue. keywords: fig; patchouli; pogostemonis; resting; sporangia; spore; synchytrium cache: mionline-121.pdf plain text: mionline-121.txt item: #17 of 358 id: mionline-122 author: ISKANDRIATI, DIAH; SAEPULOH, UUS; MARIYA, SILMI; GRANT, RICHARD F; SOLIHIN, DEDY DURYADI; SAJUTHI, DONDIN; PAMUNGKAS, JOKO title: Isolation and Characterization of Simian Retrovirus Type D from Macaca fascicularis and M. nemestrina in Indonesia date: 2010-12-31 words: 3467 flesch: 52 summary: Fig 1B shows the appearance of multinucleated giant cells on Raji cells inoculated with PBMCs from ET1006 compared with normal uninoculated Raji cells (Fig 1A); while Fig 1C shows smaller size syncytia on Raji cells inoculated with PBMCs from 5378. Raji cells (ATCC CCL-86) were cultured in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum, 100 IU mL penicillin and 100 ug mL streptomycin and used for isolation. keywords: cells; et1006; fascicularis; isolates; nemestrina; raji; retrovirus; srv-2 cache: mionline-122.pdf plain text: mionline-122.txt item: #18 of 358 id: mionline-123 author: HERLINDA, SITI; IRSAN, CHANDRA; MAYASARI, REKA; SEPTARIANI, SELLY title: Identification and Selection of Entomopathogenic Fungi as Biocontrol Agents for Aphis gossypii from South Sumatra date: 2010-12-31 words: 4241 flesch: 58 summary: In order to develop successful biological control, a basic research is needed to find entomopathogenic fungi which are most pathogenic againts the vector, Therefore, the objectives of this research were to explore, to isolate, to identify, and to select entomopathogenic fungi as biocontrol agents for Aphis gossypii, Aphis gossypii et al A. gossypii et al et al. et al Beauveria bassiana Metarhizium anisopliae B. bassiana et al. et Isolation of entomopathogenic fungi used methods of Herlinda (2006). keywords: anisopliae; bassiana; conidia; entomopathogenic; fungi; gossypii; insects; isolates; soil cache: mionline-123.pdf plain text: mionline-123.txt item: #19 of 358 id: mionline-124 author: JUNIASTUTI, .; AKSONO, EDUARDUS BIMO; UTSUMI, TAKAKO; YANO, YOSHIHIKO; SOETJIPTO, .; HAYASHI, YOSHITAKE; HOTTA, HAK; RANTAM, FEDIK ABDUL; KUSUMOBROTO, HERNOMO ONTOSENO; LUSIDA, MARIA INGE title: Analyses of Precore and Core Promoter Mutations of Hepatitis B Virus in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B in Surabaya, Indonesia date: 2010-12-31 words: 4944 flesch: 56 summary: Clinical relevance of hepatitis B virus mutations. Based on part of the S gene, all of these isolates were classified into HBV genotype B (Fig 1). keywords: chronic; et al; hbeag; hbv; hepatitis; liver; mutations; patients; precore; promoter; viral; virus cache: mionline-124.pdf plain text: mionline-124.txt item: #20 of 358 id: mionline-128 author: ISWANTINI, DYAH; NOVIK, NOVIK; TRIVADILA, . title: Glucose Biosensor Using Selected Indonesian Bacteria date: 2011-04-25 words: 4241 flesch: 61 summary: Electrochemical analysis of glucose dehydrogenase activity exhibited by Cell. In this research, the stability and the potential of a selected number of Indonesian bacteria as glucose biosensors was explored. keywords: activity; biosensor; coli; current; e. coli; electrode; fig; filiformis; gdh; glucose; subtilis cache: mionline-128.pdf plain text: mionline-128.txt item: #21 of 358 id: mionline-129 author: RATNAKOMALA, SHANTI; RIDWAN, RONI; LISDIYANTI, PUSPITA; ABINAWANTO, .; ANDI, UTAMA title: Screening of Actinomycetes Producing an ATPase Inhibitor of Japanese Encephalitis Virus RNA Helicase from Soil and Leaf Litter Samples date: 2011-04-25 words: 4166 flesch: 46 summary: Actinomycetes have highest inhibitory activity to ATPase activity of JEV RNA helicase enzyme isolated from soils and leaf litter samples in Kupang and Enrekang Isolate Inhibition (%) Name of isolate 5-087 45.1 Streptomyces floridae 5-095 49.2 S. chartreusis 5-096 43.5 S. marokkonensis 5-119 47.0 Streptomyces Smarlab 330204 5-124 46.0 S. violens 5-217 40.9 S. albus 5-218 44.3 S. ginsengisoli 5-224 41.0 S. albus 5-264 43.6 S. cyanoalbus 5-304 44.2 S. durhamensis 5-320 41.4 S. pulveraceus 5-800 42.3 S. badius 5-849 49.9 Actinoplanes philippinensis 5-1036 40.4 Kribbella flavida Inhibition (%) Number of Isolates 0 594 0.01-10 96 10.01-20 77 20.01-30 37 30.01-40 35 40.01-50 14 Table 4 Actinomycetes having inhibitory activity to ATPase activity of JEV RNA helicase enzyme isolated from soils and leaf litter samples at Kupang and Enrekang Enrekang soils and leaf litter samples were abundant with rare actinomycetes from the genus . Our analysis of screening for inhibitory activities to JEV RNA helicase enzymes showed a high proportion of inhibitory activity was produced by species. keywords: actinomycetes; activity; atpase; helicase; inhibition; isolates; jev; litter; rna; samples; soil; streptomyces; virus cache: mionline-129.pdf plain text: mionline-129.txt item: #22 of 358 id: mionline-13 author: PRIHATNA, CAHYA title: The Plant – Pathogen Interactions date: 2010-03-12 words: 9421 flesch: 54 summary: From guard to decoy: a new model for perception of plant pathogen effectors. The notion of indirect recognition of Avr proteins by R proteins implies that R proteins monitor the structural integrity of plant proteins that are the nominal targets of Avr proteins. keywords: 2007; arabidopsis; avr; cell; defence; domain; effectors; et al; gene; host; immunity; interaction; lrr; pathogens; plant; proteins; pti; race; recognition; resistance; responses; syringae; tomato; type; virulence cache: mionline-13.pdf plain text: mionline-13.txt item: #23 of 358 id: mionline-130 author: TRIRATNA, LITA; SAKSONO, BUDI; SUKMARINI, LINDA; SUPARMAN, ASEP title: Genome-Shuffling-Improved Acid Tolerance and Lactic Acid Production in Lactobacillus plantarum for Commercialization date: 2011-04-25 words: 4600 flesch: 62 summary: As lactic acid fermentation at low pH (at or below the of lactic acid, pH 3.8) can reduce the cost Shaking Flask Analysis. 4 482 LITA TRITARNA OK.CDR Genome-Shuffling-Improved Acid Tolerance and Lactic Acid Production in for CommercializationLactobacillus plantarum LITA TRIRATNA , BUDI SAKSONO , LINDA SUKMARINI , ASEP SUPARMAN 1 1 1 2 * AND 1 2 Research Center for Biotechnology, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Jalan Raya Bogor Km 46, Cibinong 16911, Indonesia Department of Food Science and Technology, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Darmaga Campus, Bogor 16680, Indonesia Lactobacillus plantarum L. plantarum Lactobacillus plantarum genome shuffling Lactobacillus plantarum shuffling genome shuffling genome shuffling L. plantarum genome shuffling, Lactobacillus plantarum ; We applied genome shuffling to improve the acid tolerance of , while simultaneously enhancing lactic acid production. keywords: acid; fusants; genome; library; production; shuffling; type cache: mionline-130.pdf plain text: mionline-130.txt item: #24 of 358 id: mionline-131 author: NINGRUM, RATIH ASMANA; RETNONINGRUM, DEBBIE SOFIE; CAHYATI, YEYET; RACHMAWATI, HENI title: Optimization of Human Interferon α2b Soluble Protein Overproduction and Primary Recovery of Its Inclusion Bodies date: 2011-04-25 words: 4072 flesch: 57 summary: We used two different conditions for obtaining soluble protein, i.e. induction temperatures and inducer concentrations, and three different conditions for inclusion bodies, i.e. centrifugation speeds, washing and solubilizing buffers. The total recovery of at optimal condition was 50% from IB and 14% from soluble protein. keywords: buffer; coli; hifn2b; protein; recovery cache: mionline-131.pdf plain text: mionline-131.txt item: #25 of 358 id: mionline-133 author: WAHYUNTARI, BUDIASIH; JUNIANTO, .; SETYAHADI, SISWA title: Process Design of Microbiological Chitin Extraction date: 2011-04-25 words: 4777 flesch: 56 summary: The bacterium used only produced very little protease (0.011 U mL ), therefore the activity of the enzyme on shrimp shell protein was undetectable. 1* AND 1 2 Center for Bioindustrial Technology, Laboratoria Pengembangnan Teknologi Agro-Biomedika, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Pusat Penelitian Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi, Serpong, Tangerang 15314 , Indonesia; Faculty of Fishery and Marine Sciences, Universitas Padjajaran, Jalan Raya Jatinangor Km 21, Sumedang 45363, Indonesia Bacillus licheniformis Lactobacillus acidophilus Bacillus licheniformis Lactobacillus acidophilus Chitin extraction from shrimp shells involves two processing steps, these are the deproteination and demineralization process. keywords: acid; ash; chitin; content; demineralization; deproteination; fermentation; fig; process; shells; shrimp; shrimp shells cache: mionline-133.pdf plain text: mionline-133.txt item: #26 of 358 id: mionline-134 author: Christianto, Billy; Yogiara, . title: Screening of Quorum Quenching Activity of Bacteria Isolated from Ant Lion date: 2011-04-25 words: 2499 flesch: 57 summary: Both isolate produced extracellular compound that may degrade the signal molecule required for quorum sensing activity. Extracts of pea plants ( ) and crown vetch ( ) (Teplitski 2000), , , , , and (Adonizio 2006) have been tested of their abilities to inhibit the expression of quorum sensing activity byAHL inactivation. keywords: activity; aeromonas; bacteria; isolate; microbiol; myr7; quenching; quorum; sensing cache: mionline-134.pdf plain text: mionline-134.txt item: #27 of 358 id: mionline-135 author: DEWI, BETI ERNAWATI; FITHRIYAH, FITHRIYAH; RUKMANA, ANDRIANSJAH; PAISAL, PAISAL; LARASATI, DEKA; SUDIRO, TJAHJANI MIRAWATI title: Cloning and Expression of Nonstructural Protein NS1 of Dengue Virus Serotype 2 date: 2012-04-29 words: 5007 flesch: 59 summary: NS1 protein is a non- structural protein which is important in the replication of DENV (Perera and Kuhn 2008). To develop an NS1-based diagnostic test, we attempted to clone NS1 protein of DENV2 in E.coli system. keywords: antigen; coli; dengue; denv2; expression; fusion; gst; induction; infection; lane; mice; ns1; pellet; protein; virus cache: mionline-135.pdf plain text: mionline-135.txt item: #28 of 358 id: mionline-136 author: PURWATI, .; NASRONUDIN, .; KUSUMOWIDAGDO, ENDANG RETNOWATI; RANTAM, FEDIK ABDUL title: The Relation Between Levels of TNF Alpha, IL-1B, PGE2 and PLA with the Severity Degree of Dengue Hemorrhagic date: 2011-10-16 words: 3769 flesch: 62 summary: It was shown that there was DHF grade 1 and 3, and al here were increased levels of the four parameters in dengue grade 1 to 2, but decreased levels in grade 3. Based on the results, there were 45 DHF patients with the following details: 7 patients with DHF grade 1 (15.6%), 35 patients with DHF grade 2 (77.8%) and 3 patients with DHF grade 3 (6.7% ). keywords: degree; dengue; dhf; dhf grade; grade; il-1β; levels; pge2; severity; severity degree; study cache: mionline-136.pdf plain text: mionline-136.txt item: #29 of 358 id: mionline-139 author: SUNARYANTO, ROFIQ; MARWOTO, BAMBANG; HARTOTO, LIESBETINI; MAS'UD, ZAINAL ALIM; IRAWADI, TUN TEDJA title: Cyclo (Tyrosyl-Prolyl) Produced by Streptomyces sp.: Bioactivity and Molecular Structure Elucidation date: 2011-10-16 words: 3918 flesch: 58 summary: Elucidation of molecular structure using H NMR, C NMR, and C DEPT NMR showed that antibiotic was cyclo(tyrosyl-prolyl). The position each carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms were confirmed by H NMR, C NMR, and FTIR. keywords: aeruginosa; antimicrobial; atcc; compound; extract; nmr; spectrum cache: mionline-139.pdf plain text: mionline-139.txt item: #30 of 358 id: mionline-14 author: RIDWAN1, RONI; WIDYASTUTI1, YANTYATI; BUDIARTI, SRI; DINOTO, ACHMAD title: Analysis of Rumen Microbial Population of Cattle Given Silage and Probiotics Using Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism date: 2010-03-12 words: 4499 flesch: 55 summary: Diversity of rumen bacteria populations were base on method diversity index Smith and Wilson evenness (Evar) described by Blackwood et al. The detection of rumen bacterial population by simple culture methods may give unreliable results, since many of the bacteria present in the rumen are not able to be cultured by available methods. keywords: analysis; bacteria; cattle; diversity; dna; population; probiotics; restriction; rflp; rumen; silage; treatment cache: mionline-14.pdf plain text: mionline-14.txt item: #31 of 358 id: mionline-140 author: INDRAYATI, ANA; YURINA, VALENTINA; PITAYU, LARAS AJENG; RETNONINGRUM, DEBBIE SOEFIE title: 16S rDNA-Based Identification of Novel Superoxide Dismutase Producing Bacteria Isolated from Indonesia date: 2011-10-17 words: 3989 flesch: 57 summary: Intracellular proteins were each extracted and assayed for their inhibition reduction activity by colorimetric method and by zymography for the presence of SOD protein band(s). The number of prokaryotes on earth was predicted to be 4-6 x 10 and only minority of them has been explored for SOD activity (Curtis . 2004). keywords: 16s; activity; bacteria; dismutase; escherichia; isolates; marine; protein; rdna; sod; sods; soil; species; superoxide cache: mionline-140.pdf plain text: mionline-140.txt item: #32 of 358 id: mionline-141 author: PAMUNGKAS, JOKO; ISKANDRIATI, DIAH; SAEPULOH, UUS; AFFANDI, MOSES; ARIFIN, ESTHER; PARAMASTRI, YASMINA; DEWI, FITRIYA NUR ANISA; SAJUTHI, DONDIN title: Dissemination in Pigtailed Macaques after Primary Infection of Dengue-3 Virus date: 2011-10-17 words: 3775 flesch: 57 summary: Although there was no evidence for hemorrhagic condition in the infected pigtailed macaques as compared to the rhesus macaques (Onlamoon 2010), we still detected the viremia level and viral RNA distribution in tissues after DEN-3 virus infection. Several human cases of dengue virus infections showed to involve the findings of liver abnormality and viral antigens were detected in patients with hepatic failure secondary to dengue hemorrhagic fever. keywords: den-3; dengue; gland; infection; inoculation; macaques; model; pcr; pfu; study; viremia; virus cache: mionline-141.pdf plain text: mionline-141.txt item: #33 of 358 id: mionline-142 author: JUMADI, OSLAN; INUBUSHI, KAZUYUKI title: Methane and Nitrous Oxide Productions and Community Structure of Methanogenic Archaea in Paddy Soil of South Sulawesi, Indonesia date: 2012-10-25 words: 6019 flesch: 61 summary: Effect of temperature on carbon and electron flow and on the archaea community in methanogenic rice field soil. Effects of O and CH 2 4 on presence and activity of the indigenous methanotrophic community in rice field soil. keywords: archaea; band; community; dgge; field; incubation; methanogenic; microbiol; paddy; pcr; production; rice; soil; straw cache: mionline-142.pdf plain text: mionline-142.txt item: #34 of 358 id: mionline-145 author: ARTIKA, I MADE; SUSILO, HARYANTO; SETYO, ADINDA VIRGINIA DWI; HASAN, AHMAD ENDANG ZAINAL title: Antibacterial Activity of Propolis Supplemented-Chewing Candy Against Streptococcus mutans date: 2012-01-12 words: 2851 flesch: 53 summary: Not detected (control) 6 6.3 ± 0.6 7 6.3 ± 0.6 8 8.0 ± 1.0 Amoxycillin 10 mg/mL 17.3 ± 2.1 Volume 5, 2011 Microbiol Indones 101 for propolis antibacterial activity vary considerably depending on the local flora at the site of collection. The propolis supplemented-chewing candy showed antibacterial activity against The candy, therefore, has the potential to be used as an antiplaque agent for prevention of dental caries. keywords: activity; antibacterial; candy; mutans; propolis; spp; trigona cache: mionline-145.pdf plain text: mionline-145.txt item: #35 of 358 id: mionline-146 author: PARHUSIP, ADOLF JAN NEXSON; SITANGGANG, AZIS BOING title: Antimicrobial Activity of Melinjo Seed and Peel Extract (Gnetum gnemon) Against Selected Pathogenic Bacteria date: 2012-01-12 words: 5549 flesch: 53 summary: The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of melinjo extract was ranged from 0.26 g mL to 1.46 g mL , whilst the minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) value was ranged from 1.02 g mL to 6.04 g mL . On the other hand, a detail investigation specifically on the antimicrobial activity of melinjo extracts has not been reported. keywords: acetate; activity; atcc; bacteria; cell; cereus; ethanol; ethyl; extract; fig; gram; inhibition; melinjo; peel; seed; study; wall cache: mionline-146.pdf plain text: mionline-146.txt item: #36 of 358 id: mionline-147 author: RATNA, ENDANG SRI; BUCHORI, DAMAYANTI; SANTOSO, TEGUH title: Polydnavirus Symbiont Detected from Calyx TissuesWasps of Three Lepidopteran Cabbage Pests date: 2012-01-12 words: 4759 flesch: 63 summary: The viral transcript of ichneumonid was also identified in the extracted tissues of parasitized larvae et al. et al. et al. et al. et al. C. inanitus Spodoptera littoralis et al. C. vestalis = P. plutellae P. xylostella The electron dense materials of PDV were distributed within nucleus and vacuolated cytoplasm of calyx cells, calyx lumen and on the surface of eggs wasps. keywords: 2003; calyx; cells; cotesia; et al; host; lumen; manilae; parasitoid; particles; pdv; semiclausum; stoltz; tissues; wasps cache: mionline-147.pdf plain text: mionline-147.txt item: #37 of 358 id: mionline-148 author: MELIANSYAH, RIKA; HIDAYAT, SR HENDRASTUTI; MUTAQIN, KIKIN HAMZAH title: Geminiviruses Associated with the Weed Species Ageratum conyzoides, Centipeda minima, Porophyllum ruderale, and Spilanthes iabadicensis from Java, Indonesia date: 2012-01-12 words: 3530 flesch: 55 summary: West Java 1560 AB189849 Sida yellow vein Vietnam virus SiYVVNV Vietnam 2753 DQ641696 Mimosa yellow leaf curl virus MiYLCV Vietnam 2757 DQ641695 Malvastrum yellow vein Unfortunately, little is known about weeds species that may serve as alternative host for . keywords: ageratum; conyzoides; curl; geminivirus; indonesia; infecting; java; leaf; pepper; species; virus; weed; yellow cache: mionline-148.pdf plain text: mionline-148.txt item: #38 of 358 id: mionline-149 author: CHURIYAH, .; WATTIMENA, GUSTAF ADOLF; PRIYOSOERYANTO, BAMBANG PONTJO title: Induction of Trichosanthes cucumerina anguina L. var (L. Haines) Hairy Roots Using Agrobacterium rhizogenes ATCC 15834 for Production of Bioactive Protein date: 2012-01-12 words: 5144 flesch: 61 summary: Key words: bioactive protein hairy roots, . T h e chromatography elution profile showed the fractionation of TH2 protein with separated into four peaks (Fig 2). keywords: agrobacterium; cell; clone; cucumerina; dna; hairy; plant; production; protein; rhizogenes; root; th2; trichosanthes cache: mionline-149.pdf plain text: mionline-149.txt item: #39 of 358 id: mionline-15 author: SIEGARA, ANDREE; YOGIARA, . title: Bacterial Community Profiles in the Fluid of Four Pitcher Plant Species (Nepenthes spp.) Grown in a Nursery date: 2010-03-12 words: 912 flesch: 56 summary: Different species of pitcher plants and planting sites could also contribute either to the diversity or the abundance of microorganism inhabiting the pitcher fluid. To assess the bacterial community variation in the fluid of pitcher plants grown in a nursery, amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) was used. keywords: fluid; pitcher; plant cache: mionline-15.pdf plain text: mionline-15.txt item: #40 of 358 id: mionline-150 author: WIDODO, .; SUPRAMANA, . title: Fusarium Species Associated with Corm Rot of Taro in Bogor date: 2012-01-12 words: 4566 flesch: 62 summary: Two species of identified as and were recovered from 40 samples associated with taro corm rot disease in 9 different subdistricts in Bogor-West Java. The consistent recovery 2 species during our preliminary observation by incubating of several diseased corms in moist chamber and pathogenicity tests in this study, we think that those 2 species are the causal agents of taro corm rot disease in Bogor. keywords: araceae; bogor; corm; disease; f. solani; fig; fusarium; inoculation; leaf; oxysporum; plant; rot; rotting; samples; solani; species; study; symptoms; taro cache: mionline-150.pdf plain text: mionline-150.txt item: #41 of 358 id: mionline-151 author: none title: Characterization of a New Thermoalkalophilic Xylanase-Producing Bacterial Strain Isolated from Cimanggu Hot Spring,West Java, Indonesia date: 2012-01-12 words: 2760 flesch: 60 summary: The bacterium could live at pH 11 and temperature 55 °C, and produced xylanase that have optimal activity at alkaline pH 9 and high temperature 70 °C. A pure bacterial strain that grew at pH 10 and 50 °C and produced clear zone on solid medium containing 0.5% xylan was isolated (Fig 1a). keywords: activity; bacillus; cm1; halodurans; min; strain; temperature; xylanase cache: mionline-151.pdf plain text: mionline-151.txt item: #42 of 358 id: mionline-152 author: SURYANTO, DWI; IRAWATI, NETTI; MUNIR, ERMAN title: Isolation and Characterization of Chitinolytic Bacteria and Their Potential to Inhibit Plant Pathogenic Fungi date: 2012-01-12 words: 3426 flesch: 58 summary: Antibiosis is et al et al et al et al et al the antagonism resulting from the production of secondary metabolites by one microorganism that is toxic to other microorganisms. Antagonistic activity was measured as radius of uninhibited mycelia substracted by radius of inhibited mycelia by bacterial chitinolytic activity. keywords: activity; bacteria; chitinase; chitinolytic; citrinum; et al; fungal; growth; isolates; swarming cache: mionline-152.pdf plain text: mionline-152.txt item: #43 of 358 id: mionline-153 author: RAHAYU, WINIATI PUDJI; KUSNANDAR, FERI; PRAYITNO, WIDYA EKA title: Stability of Viable Counts of Lactic Acid Bacteria during Storage of Goat Milk Soft Cheese date: 2012-02-16 words: 3603 flesch: 72 summary: The aim of this research was to study the stability of viable starter lactic acid bacteria cultures ( FNCC-0051 and FNCC-0090) during storage of goat milk soft cheese. Therefore, this study reports the stability of FNCC-0051 and FNCC-0090 as starter cultures in goat milk soft cheese during storage, and goat milk soft cheese's chemical and sensory state. . keywords: acidophilus; bacteria; casei; cfu; cheese; goat; milk cache: mionline-153.pdf plain text: mionline-153.txt item: #44 of 358 id: mionline-154 author: SUGIPRIHATINI, DWI; WIYONO, SURYO; WIDODO, . title: Selection of Yeasts Antagonists as Biocontrol Agent of Mango Fruit Rot caused by Botryodiplodia theobromae date: 2012-02-16 words: 3943 flesch: 58 summary: All of yeast isolates were characterized and identified using BIOLOG. Selection of yeast isolates for biocontrol effectiveness was conducted according to modified technique of Kefialew and Ayalew (2008). keywords: activity; aerius; albidus; biocontrol; c. albidus; candida; cryptococcus; fruit; isolates; mango; theobromae; var; wsw1; yeasts cache: mionline-154.pdf plain text: mionline-154.txt item: #45 of 358 id: mionline-155 author: NURSID, MUHAMMAD; CHASANAH, EKOWATI; MURWANTOKO, .; WAHYUONO, SUBAGUS title: Isolation and Identification of Emestrin from Emericella nidulans and Investigation of Its Anticancer Properties date: 2012-02-16 words: 4945 flesch: 64 summary: The apoptosis assay by using Annexin-V-FLUOS revealed that most of T47D cell treated with the compound at 1.0 and 3.0 underwent apoptosis (83.6 and 92.6%, respectively). After T47D cells treated with 1.0 and 3.0 g mL for 24 h, the cells were trypsinized, washed with PBS, and resuspended the cell pellet in 100 L of Annexin-V- FLUOS staining kit. keywords: apoptosis; cancer; cells; compound; emestrin; fig; marine; nmr; t47d cache: mionline-155.pdf plain text: mionline-155.txt item: #46 of 358 id: mionline-156 author: WALUYO, SETIYO HADI title: Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of Soybean Rhizobial Strains from Java and Sumatra date: 2012-02-16 words: 7575 flesch: 64 summary: speciesB. 36 20 japonicumB. japonicumB. lupiniB. japonicumB. japonicumB. 28 japonicumB. elkaniiB. 64 67 frediiR. elkaniiB. speciesB. xinjiangensisS. frediiS. 62 99 0.10 47 frediiS. 32 frediiS. 43 saheliS. elkaniiB. elkaniiB. 34 elkaniiB. 35 elkaniiB. elkaniiB. elkaniiB. elkaniiB. elkaniiB. elkaniiB. elkaniiB. elkaniiB. 35 japonicumB. japonicumB. japonicumB. japonicumB. japonicumB. japonicumB. japonicumB. japonicumB. Escherichia coli 55S IAM 12608 LMG 6138 T DSM 30140 USDA 136 J-DLG10* J-SRG9* S-ST518** IAM 13625 USDA 76 LMG 10689 IAM 14142 J-TGS50* LMG 6217 USDA 205 LMG 7837 J-YG49* S-ST33** S-ST16** S-ST29** J-KH5* S-ST316** S-ST45** S-ST215** S-ST17** S-ST117** S-ST414** USDA 110 J-WG2* J-TM3* S-ST123** S-ST325** S-BT221** S-BT322** DSM30131T MG1655 Fig 8 A rooted phylogenetic tree based on 16S rDNA sequences of the Indonesian rhizobial isolates (bold, * from Java and ** from Sumatra) and related other and spp. This contrasts with the restricted nodulation properties of strain J-TGS50 which did not nodulate mungbean. keywords: 16s; 16s-23s; analysis; ardra; bradyrhizobium; fig; isolates; japonicum; java; java java; pcr; rdna; rhizobia; soybean; spacer; strains; sumatra; sumatra sumatra; usda cache: mionline-156.pdf plain text: mionline-156.txt item: #47 of 358 id: mionline-157 author: PRATIWI, NIKEN TUNJUNG MURTI; HARIYADI, SIGID; TAJUDIN, RIFKI title: Photosynthesis of Periphyton and Diffusion Process as Source of Oxygen in Rich-Riffle Upstream Waters date: 2012-02-16 words: 3410 flesch: 53 summary: The other autotrophic community that contributes in oxygen production aside from periphyton is phytoplankton. Gjerløv and Richardson's (2010) study on the light reduction experiment resulted in a significant reduction of oxygen production when streams were shaded in contrast to their full exposure to sunlight. keywords: community; condition; diffusion; light; oxygen; periphyton; photosynthesis; process; river; station; support; water cache: mionline-157.pdf plain text: mionline-157.txt item: #48 of 358 id: mionline-158 author: PRABANDARI, ERWAHYUNI ENDANG; IRAWADI, TUN TEDJA; SUMARYONO, WAHONO; SYAMSU, KHASWAR title: Selection of Carbon and Nitrogen Source for 8-Hydroxy 9, 12-Octadecadienoic Acid Production using Endophytic Fungi Curvularia lunata BioMCC FE-00283 date: 2012-02-16 words: 2506 flesch: 57 summary: Rawlings (1998) reported that pyruvate conversion to acetyl Co-A was catalysed by the action of pyruvate dehydrogenase under glucose limited condition during fatty acid production in . Curvularia lunata -1 ) Volume 5, 2011 Microbiol Indones 189 better increase fatty acid production by fungi in comparison to inorganic nitrogen source (Hwang 2005). keywords: acid; carbon; concentration; glucose; hode; lunata; nitrogen; production; source cache: mionline-158.pdf plain text: mionline-158.txt item: #49 of 358 id: mionline-159 author: NURCHOLIS, MOCHAMAD; NURHAYATI, NIKNIK; HELIANTI, IS; ULFAH, MARIA; WAHYUNTARI, BUDIASIH; WARDANI, AGUSTIN KRISNA title: Cloning of α-L-arabinofuranosidase Genes and Its Expression in Escherichia coli: A Comparative Study of Recombinant Arabinofuranosidase Originatingin Bacillus subtilis DB104 and Newly Isolated Bacillus licheniformis CW1 date: 2012-04-29 words: 5164 flesch: 55 summary: Various attempts have been developed to obtain arabinofuranosidase enzymes including direct purification of those native enzymes (Kaneko et al. 1994; Identification of the 16S rDNA and arabinofuranosidase genes were performed by using Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST, National Center for Biotechnology Information) available at with the standard parameters. keywords: abfaa1; abfab3; activity; arabinofuranosidase; bacillus; licheniformis cache: mionline-159.pdf plain text: mionline-159.txt item: #50 of 358 id: mionline-16 author: ADRIATY, DINAR; WAHYUNI, RATNA; PRAKOESWA, CITA ROSITA S.; SUSARI, NI PUTU; AGUSNI, INDROPO; IZUMI, SHINZO title: Molecular Detection of Dapsone and Rifampicin Resistance on Mycobacterium leprae from Leprosy Patients in East Java date: 2010-03-12 words: 877 flesch: 55 summary: The purpose of the study is to analyze the prevalence of drug resistance M. leprae to dapsone and rifampicin in East Java based on the detection of mutations in the folP and rpoB genes. However, drug resistant M. leprae strains have been reported, and this might become the problem for eliminating leprosy (Maeda et al. 2001). keywords: leprae; leprosy; resistance cache: mionline-16.pdf plain text: mionline-16.txt item: #51 of 358 id: mionline-162 author: WULANSARI, DYAH; WAHYUNTARI, BUDIASIH; TRISMILAH, TRISMILAH; NURHASANAH, ASTUTIATI title: The Effect of Growth Medium pH towards Trypsin-Like Activity Produced by Lactic Acid Bacteria date: 2012-05-02 words: 5085 flesch: 60 summary: Trypsin activity was measured using α-N-benzoyl-DL-arginine- - nitroanilide (BAPNA) as substrate, using a modified Khantaphant and Benjakul method (Khantaphant and Benjakul 2010). Trypsin activity was calculated as follows: keywords: acid; activity; bacteria; enzyme; like; medium; method; production; strains; temperature; trypsin cache: mionline-162.pdf plain text: mionline-162.txt item: #52 of 358 id: mionline-163 author: ISTIANTO, YUDHIE; KOESOEMOWIDODO, RADEN SETYO ADJI; WATANABE, YOSHIO; PRANAMUDA, HARDANING; MARWOTO, BAMBANG title: Application of Phenol Pretreatment for the Isolation of Rare Actinomycetes from Indonesian Soil date: 2012-04-30 words: 3194 flesch: 52 summary: Man okwari 21 6 11 3 0 1 Halmahera 27 7 14 3 2 1 Total 61 15 30 8 6 2 Table 1 Correlation between sampling place and isolated Actinomycetes Genus Number of strain <98% 98-99% 99-100% 100% Streptomyces 15 3 4 6 2 Micromonospora 30 0 9 19 2 Actinomadura 8 1 1 5 1 Microbispora 6 1 1 4 0 Polymorphospora 2 0 1 1 0 Total 61 5 16 35 5 Table 2 Correlation number between isolated Actinomycetes and their homologies from database Volume 6, 2012 A B C D Fig 2 Cell morphology of isolated Actinomycetes (100X). Humic Acid-Vitamin Agar (HVA), a new medium for the selective isolation of soil Actinomycetes. keywords: actinomycetes; hayakawa; isolates; isolation; micromonospora; number; soil; streptomyces; total cache: mionline-163.pdf plain text: mionline-163.txt item: #53 of 358 id: mionline-164 author: YASMON, ANDI; MUHAYAR, YULIANTY; SETIAWATY, VIVI; DEWI, BETI ERNAWATI; BELA, BUDIMAN; IBRAHIM, FERA title: Five Unique Amino Acid Residues of Hemagglutinin (HA) Proteins of Swine Influenza A (H1N1) Detected in 2009 in Jakarta, Indonesia date: 2012-06-21 words: 5232 flesch: 67 summary: A/Jakarta/008/2009, A/Jakarta/003/ 2009, A/Jakarta/002/2009, and A/Jakarta/009/2009 showed amino acid changes, namely lysine to arginine (K39R), proline to glutamine (P176Q), serine to asparagine (S202N), asparagine to threonine (N211T), respectively. Regarding amino acid changes at the receptor- binding site influencing the viral pathogenicity, many researchers have reported an amino acid substitution at position 222 that were associated with severe clinical outcome (Kilander et al. 2010; Mak et al. 2010; Miller et al. 2010; Potdar et al. 2010). keywords: acid; amino; amino acid; california/07/2009; changes; indonesia; influenza; jakarta; pcr; site; strains; vaccine; virus; viruses cache: mionline-164.pdf plain text: mionline-164.txt item: #54 of 358 id: mionline-165 author: MALLE, DOMINGGUS; PICARIMA, JUNUS; HUWAE, LAURY CHARA; RAHMAWATI, INDRA; PURBOWASITO, WAHYU title: Isolation and Identification of a Thermostable Amylase-Producing Bacterium from Hatuasa Hotspring date: 2012-06-21 words: 3161 flesch: 56 summary: Amylase activity was determined using the dinitrosalicylic (DNS) acid method according to Miller (1959) with slight modification. The bound proteins were eluted fractionally with a linear gradient of NaCl from 0-0.5 M. All fractions were analyzed for their protein content and amylase activity was assayed following the methods as described above. keywords: activity; amylase; bacillus; enzyme; isolate; megaterium; microbiol; production; protein; starch cache: mionline-165.pdf plain text: mionline-165.txt item: #55 of 358 id: mionline-166 author: CHAERUN, SITI KHODIJAH; HASNI, SAKINAH; SANWANI, EDY; MOEIS, MAELITA RAMDANI title: Mercury (Hg)-Resistant Bacteria in Hg-Polluted Gold Mine Sites of Bandung, West Java Province, Indonesia date: 2012-06-21 words: 7157 flesch: 61 summary: Mercury analysis of acid- and alkaline-reduced biological samples: Identification of meta-cinnabar as the major biotransformed compound in algae. Bacterial strains were isolated from both samples (sediment and tailing soil) on Luria Bertani (LB) broth supplemented with three 2+ -1 concentrations of Hg as HgCl (25, 50, 100 mg L ) at 2 -1 pH 7 and supplemented with antifungal (30 mg L nystatin) to prevent fungal growth. keywords: + +; 16s; aeromonas; bacteria; genus; gold; hgcl; indonesia; mercury; microbiol; pseudomonas; rrna; sediment; stenotrophomonas; strains; table cache: mionline-166.pdf plain text: mionline-166.txt item: #56 of 358 id: mionline-168 author: WAHYUNTARI, BUDIASIH; HENDRAWATI, HENDRAWATI title: Properties of an Extracellular Protease of Bacillus megaterium DSM 319 as Depilating Aid of Hides date: 2012-07-10 words: 3854 flesch: 58 summary: Relative enzyme activity is defined as % ratio of enzyme activity at certain conditions (various pH, temperature, inhibitors, ions) to the optimal condition (pH & temperature) without addition of inhibitor or ions). The effect of various divalent metal ions on enzyme activity was studied by incubating the enzyme in the presence of different concentrations of metal ions at room temperature and the residual activity was determined after 1.0 h. keywords: activity; albumin; dehairing; enzyme; fig; hide; protease; temperature cache: mionline-168.pdf plain text: mionline-168.txt item: #57 of 358 id: mionline-17 author: KUSMINTARSIH, ENDANG SRIMURNI title: Horizontal Transfer of the “Popcorn-Effect” Strain of Wolbachia from Drosophila melanogaster to Stomoxys calcitrans date: 2010-03-12 words: 4117 flesch: 56 summary: From a total of 682 emerging adults, 236 were females and of these, seven females were tested positive (approximately 3%) for Wolbachia infection. In the future, this may play a vital role in the prevention of arthropod-borne diseases; disease transmission depends on the older insect and Wolbachia infection has been found to shorten the life span of insects. keywords: calcitrans; drosophila; host; infection; lane; melanogaster; muscle; proc; transfer; wolbachia cache: mionline-17.pdf plain text: mionline-17.txt item: #58 of 358 id: mionline-170 author: EFFENDI, HEFNI title: Phenolic Compounds of Sponge-associated Fungi (Lecanicillium evansii) date: 2012-09-18 words: 4628 flesch: 61 summary: Trends in the discovery of new marine natural products from invertebrates over the last two decades-where and what are we bioprospecting? Detailed analysis by NMR and mass spectrometry enabled their identification to be new deoxyterphenylin, new terprenin 2, and new terprenin epoxide. keywords: fig; marine; metabolites; spectrum; terprenin cache: mionline-170.pdf plain text: mionline-170.txt item: #59 of 358 id: mionline-172 author: IMANIAR, RINA; RIANI, CATUR; NATALIA, DESSY; RETNONINGRUM, DEBBIE SOFFIE title: Enzymatic Characterization of Recombinant Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase from Bacillus sp. a2-5a using Sagoo Starch as Substrate date: 2012-11-30 words: 4076 flesch: 63 summary: In other research using CGTase from Bacillus circulans and sagoo starch as substrate, β-CD is 65% from total CDs produced (Charoenlap et al. 2004). Further study of the rCGTase and β-CD production followed by β-CD purification should be done in the near future to obtain purified rCGTase and β-CD in larger scale using sagoo starch; therefore their use in industrial scale can be applied. keywords: activity; enzyme; optimum; rcgtase; sagoo; starch; temperature cache: mionline-172.pdf plain text: mionline-172.txt item: #60 of 358 id: mionline-174 author: IRAWATI, WAHYU; YUWONO, TRIWIBOWO; SOEDARSONO, JOEDORO; HARTIKO, HARI title: Molecular and Physiological Characterization of Copper-Resistant Bacteria Isolated from Activated Sludge in an Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant in Rungkut-Surabaya, Indonesia date: 2012-11-30 words: 5370 flesch: 51 summary: This metal has been shown to be toxic to Copper resistant bacteria can be isolated from environments where copper levels are abundant from mining, industrial, or agricultural activities. Copper resistant bacteria from industrial effluents and their role in remediation of heavy metals in wastewater. keywords: 16s; 2002; accumulation; acinetobacter; bacteria; characterization; copper; doi; irc1; irc2; irc4; isolates; medium; metal; microbiol; rdna; resistance cache: mionline-174.pdf plain text: mionline-174.txt item: #61 of 358 id: mionline-178 author: MUNIF, ABDUL; HALLMANN, JOHANNES; SIKORA, RICHARD A title: Isolation of root endophytic bacteria from tomato and its biocontrol activity againts fungal diseases date: 2013-03-25 words: 4886 flesch: 56 summary: More convey stress tolerance, induce systemic resistance, recently, endophytic bacteria have gained attention due to their interesting features related to plant growth and health stimulation. Studies on endophytic bacteria have been conducted. keywords: 1997; bacillus; bacteria; lycopersici; naocl; oxysporum; plant; pseudomonas; roots; strains; subsp; surface; tomato cache: mionline-178.pdf plain text: mionline-178.txt item: #62 of 358 id: mionline-18 author: DHARMAPUTRA, OKKY SETYAWATI; WORANG, RANTJE LILLY; SYARIEF, RIZAL; MIFTAHUDIN, . title: The Quality of Physic Nut (Jatropha curcas) Seeds Affected by Water Activity and Duration of Storage date: 2010-03-12 words: 5618 flesch: 63 summary: During storage seeds or grains could be infected by fungi which cause a decrease in viability, discolouration, loss in weight, chemical and nutritional changes, heating, caking and mycotoxin contamination. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of water activity and duration of seed storage on fungal population; lipid, fatty acid and free fatty acid contents, and viability of physic nut seeds. keywords: acid; contents; duration; fatty; lipid; nut; seeds; storage; weeks cache: mionline-18.pdf plain text: mionline-18.txt item: #63 of 358 id: mionline-181 author: KUSMINTARSIH, ENDANG SRIMURNI title: Effects of Tetracycline and Temperature on Drosophila melanogaster Infected with Wolbachia Inducing the Popcorn-Effect date: 2012-12-14 words: 3071 flesch: 57 summary: To examine the effects of temperature and antibiotic treatment on the life span of Drosophila melanogaster harbouring the popcorn-effect inducing strain of Wolbachia, flies were reared in different temperature such as at 20 and 29 °C, and cultured (from egg to adult stage) on a medium -1 containing tetracycline. Kata kunci: efek-popcorn, feminisasi, ketidakserasian sitoplasma, partenogenesis, tetrasiklin Effects of Tetracycline and Temperature on Drosophila melanogaster Infected with Wolbachia Inducing the Popcorn-Effect ENDANG SRIMURNI KUSMINTARSIH Faculty of Biology, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Jalan Dr Soeparno 63 Grendeng, Purwokerto 53122, Indonesia the lytoky were killed. keywords: effect; life; melanogaster; popcorn; temperature; tetracycline; wolbachia cache: mionline-181.pdf plain text: mionline-181.txt item: #64 of 358 id: mionline-187 author: MEITINIARTI, VINCENTIA IRENE; TIMOTIUS, KRIS HERAWAN; SOETARTO, ENDANG SUTARININGSIH; SUGIHARTO, EKO title: Decolorization of Orange II by Mixed Culture of Enterococcus faecalis ID6017 and Chryseobacterium indologenes ID6016 date: 2012-11-30 words: 3937 flesch: 53 summary: Bacterial growth (total cells number), orange II, glucose, and suphanilic acid, as intermediate product of orange II decolorization, concentrations were measured every 2 h.The maximum decolorization of orange II was observed in the medium inoculated with a mixed culture of E. faecalis and C. indologenes. The aim of this study was also to determine the best mixing method of both bacterial cultures on orange II decolorization. keywords: acid; culture; decolorization; faecalis; growth; indologenes; medium; orange cache: mionline-187.pdf plain text: mionline-187.txt item: #65 of 358 id: mionline-188 author: WAHYUNI, RATNA; ADRIATY, DINAR; ISWAHYUDI, ISWAHYUDI; PRAKOESWA, CITA ROSITA SIGIT; AGUSNI, INDROPO; IZUMI, SHINZO title: Profile of Mutation on Drug Resistance Mycobacterium leprae Isolates in Indonesia Collected During 2003-2011 date: 2012-12-14 words: 2675 flesch: 67 summary: The frequency of drug resistance mutations in Mycobacterium leprae isolates in untreated and relapsed leprosy patients from Myanmar, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Drug resistance cases have been reported from many areas (Dela Cruz et al. 1996; Kai et al. 1999; Cambau et al. 2002; Matsuoka et al. 2007), and Profile of Mutation on Drug Resistance Mycobacterium leprae Isolates in Indonesia Collected During 2003-2011 1 1 1 2 RATNA WAHYUNI *, DINAR ADRIATY , ISWAHYUDI , CITA ROSITA SIGIT PRAKOESWA , 2 1 INDROPO AGUSNI , AND SHINZO IZUMI 1 Leprosy Study Group, Institute of Tropical Disease, Universitas Airlangga, Jalan Mulyorejo Kampus C Unair, Surabaya 60115, Indonesia; 2 Departement of Dermatology and Venereology , Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga; Jalan Prof Dr Moestopo 47, Surabaya 60131, Indonesia SHORT COMMUNICATION Multidrug therapy (MDT) regiment has been used for leprosy all over the world for more than 20 years. keywords: codon; drug; folp1; gene; isolates; leprae; leprosy; mutation; mycobacterium; resistance cache: mionline-188.pdf plain text: mionline-188.txt item: #66 of 358 id: mionline-19 author: WATURANGI, DIANA E.; FRANSISCA, MARISA title: Rapid Detection of Virulence Genes in Vibrio cholerae from Edible Ice in Jakarta date: 2010-03-12 words: 2894 flesch: 65 summary: I I WL R R R R R R I VI S S S R I S R North Jakarta DF R R R R I S R DK S I R S R Central Jakarta MG R R R R I S S OG R R R R R I I OJ R R R R I S R OB R S S S keywords: cholerae; genes; ice; isolates; r r; s r; s s; vibrio; virulence cache: mionline-19.pdf plain text: mionline-19.txt item: #67 of 358 id: mionline-191 author: BAKHTIAR, YENNI; YAHYA, SUDIRMAN; SUMARYONO, WAHONO; SINAGA, MEITY SURADJI; BUDI, SRI WILARSO title: Adaptation of Oil Palm Seedlings Inoculated with Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Mycorrhizal Endosymbiotic Bacteria Bacillus subtilis B10 towards Biotic Stress of Pathogen Ganoderma boninense Pat date: 2013-03-25 words: 4622 flesch: 52 summary: In this study, the application of AMF together with mycorrhizal endosymbiotic bacteria B. subtilis B10 enhanced the height of oil palm seedlings but not root dry weight. Fungal pathogen Ganoderma boninense, the causal agents of basal stem rot (BSR) in oil palm, can severely attack the plant leading to The effects of mycorrhizal endosymbiotic bacteria Bacillus subtilis B10 and composite of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spores in green house experiment were examined in order to evaluate their effectiveness and compatibility with oil palm seedlings in the presence of a fungal pathogen Ganoderma boninense, the most serious pathogen in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) in Indonesia. keywords: amf; b10; bacteria; boninense; endosymbiotic; inoculation; mycorrhizal; oil; palm; plant; seedlings; subtilis; subtilis b10 cache: mionline-191.pdf plain text: mionline-191.txt item: #68 of 358 id: mionline-194 author: AMIN, MOCHAMAD; ., JUNIASTUTI; UTSUMI, TAKAKO; YANO, YOSHIHIKO; YUSUF, MOCHAMAD; THAHA, MOCHAMMAD; PURWONO, PRIYO BUDI; HANDAJANI, RETNO; ., SOETJIPTO; HOTTA, HAK; HAYASHI, YOSHITAKE; LUSIDA, MARIA INGE title: The Prevalence and Subtype Distribution of Hepatitis C Virus Infection among Hemodialysis Patients in a Private Hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia date: 2013-04-09 words: 4131 flesch: 59 summary: In conclusion, the prevalence of HCV infection among hemodialysis patients in a private hospital was as high as that in general hospitals. It was reported from Surabaya that the prevalence of HCV infection was 2.3% of healthy blood donors, 64.7% of hepatocellular carcinoma and 76.3% of hemodialysis patients (Soetjipto et al. 1996). keywords: doi; et al; genotype; hcv; hemodialysis; hepatitis; indonesia; infection; patients; prevalence; subtype; surabaya; virus cache: mionline-194.pdf plain text: mionline-194.txt item: #69 of 358 id: mionline-195 author: JOHNSON, DAVID BARRIE title: Biomining: an Established and Dynamic Biotechnology date: 2013-04-10 words: 3027 flesch: 42 summary: 7.MI690-D Barrie *Corresponding author; Phone: +44-01248382358; E-mail: “Biomining” is generic term to describe the application of living organisms to extract and recover metals from mineral ores and waste materials. The main differences between heap and dump leaching systems are: (i) ores chrushed to facilitate more rapid breakdown of sulfide minerals and, where fine-grain particles are produced, these may be agglomerated with sulfuric acid; (ii) the heaps themselves are generally smaller in height (typically 6- 10 m) than are dumps (though their base areas may exceed those of dump operations) and several successive heaps (or “lifts”) may be stacked upon each other as the operation develops; (iii) heaps are often aerated from beneath as well as irrigated from above, to provide the primary autotrophic mineral-oxidizing microorganisms with both oxygen and carbon dioxide; (iv) heaps are constructed on pads that are lined with impermeable synthetic liners (generally high density polyethylene on which drain pipes, used to collect and convey PLS, are placed); (v) inoculation ponds, in which mineral- degrading bacteria and archaea can be grown to high cell densities and then introduced either in the irrigation liquor or else during the mineral agglomeration process, may be used in heap operations. keywords: biomining; dissolution; iron; leaching; metal; mineral; operations; sulfide cache: mionline-195.pdf plain text: mionline-195.txt item: #70 of 358 id: mionline-196 author: ZILDA, DEWI SESWITA; HARMAYANI, ENI; WIDADA, JAKA; ASMARA, WIDYA; IRIANTO, EKO; PATANTIS, GINTUNG; FAWZYA, YUSRO NURI title: Optimization of Culture Conditions to Produce Thermostable Keratinolytic Protease of Brevibacillus thermoruber LII, Isolated from the Padang Cermin Hot Spring, Lampung, Indonesia date: 2013-04-09 words: 3512 flesch: 57 summary: Thermostable proteases are active above 60-70 C and withstand organic solvents, detergents, low and high pH values and other denaturing agents (Covan et al. 1985; Covan 1997; Gupta and Khare 2006). Wang et al. (2012) reported about a Brevibacillus species that produced thermostable protease with slightly different characters to the one produced by strain LII (optimum temperature 75 °C and optimum pH 9). keywords: brevibacillus; doi; lii; medium; microbiol; production; protease; strain; thermoruber cache: mionline-196.pdf plain text: mionline-196.txt item: #71 of 358 id: mionline-197 author: BUDI, SRI WILARSO; BAKHTIAR, YENNI; MAY, NUNANG LAMAEK title: Bacteria Associated with Arbuscula Mycorrhizal Spores Gigaspora margarita and Their Potential for Stimulating Root Mycorrhizal Colonization and Neem (Melia azedarach Linn) Seedling Growth date: 2013-04-19 words: 5157 flesch: 55 summary: The evidence that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi might enhance plant growth and development was well documented (Johansson et al. 2004). Interactions between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and bacteria and their potential for stimulating plant growth. keywords: amf; arbuscular; bacillus; bacillus sp; bacteria; fungi; growth; isolates; margarita; megaterium; microbiol; mycorrhizal; plant; root; spores cache: mionline-197.pdf plain text: mionline-197.txt item: #72 of 358 id: mionline-198 author: NURKANTO, ARIF; AGUSTA, ANDRIA; SJAMSURIDZAL, WELLYZAR; JULISTIONO, HEDDY title: Bacterial Response after Exposure with Pure Metabolite Produced by Streptomyces sp. BL225 Isolated from Batanta Island's Leaf Litter date: 2013-03-31 words: 5501 flesch: 61 summary: In this article, we focused on the evaluation of the pure compound to determine MICs and cell leakages. Our results showed that cell leakages still occured in untreated cell, both E. coli and B. subtilis. keywords: acid; bl225; cell; chloramphenicol; coli; compound; control; extract; leakage; mic; nucleic; protein; treatment; uracil cache: mionline-198.pdf plain text: mionline-198.txt item: #73 of 358 id: mionline-199 author: SAEPULOH, UUS; ISKANDRIATI, DIAH; HOETAMA, FUNGKEY; MARIYA, SELA SEPTIMA; SOLIHIN, DEDY DURYADI; PAMUNGKAS, JOKO; SAJUTHI, DONDIN title: Cloning and Expression of Serotype-2 Simian Betaretrovirus Reverse Transcriptase Gene Isolated from Indonesian Cynomolgus Monkey in Escherichia coli date: 2013-06-30 words: 4574 flesch: 47 summary: 350 bp 206 bp 1500 bp 500 bp β-Globin β-Actin M 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 RT SSTIII RT SRV-2 RT SSTIII RT SRV-2 Fraction of Purification Step Protein Concentration -1 (µg mL ) Total Protein (mg) SRV-2 RT enzyme was determined quantita- tively using RT chemiluminescent assay (Roche, Penzberg, Germany) based on the ability of RT enzyme to synthesize new DNA from template/primer hybrid poly (A) × oligo (dT) . keywords: activity; analysis; dna; enzyme; expression; gene; pcr; primer; protein; recombinant; reverse; srv-2 cache: mionline-199.pdf plain text: mionline-199.txt item: #74 of 358 id: mionline-20 author: YASNI, SEDARNAWATI; SYAMSIR, ELVIRA; DIREJA, EVA H title: Antimicrobial Activity of Black Cumin Extracts (Nigella sativa) Against Food Pathogenic and Spoilage Bacteria date: 2010-03-12 words: 827 flesch: 46 summary: In Middle East, black cumin seeds are used as traditional medicine to treat some health problems, and are also usually added to the traditional food, mixed with bread or honey to increase its flavor (Al-Saleh et al. 2006). In Indonesia, black cumin seed locally known as Jintan Hitam is used to treat diarrhea and hypertension. keywords: cumin; extract cache: mionline-20.pdf plain text: mionline-20.txt item: #75 of 358 id: mionline-202 author: YULIANA, NETI; NURDJANAH, SITI; MARGARETA, MIKA title: The Effect of a Mixed-Starter Culture of Lactic Acid Bacteria on the Characteristics of Pickled Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) date: 2013-05-16 words: 4355 flesch: 61 summary: Consumer acceptance of lactic acid fermented sweet potato pickle. Most pickled vegetables are processed through spontaneous fermentation without inoculum addition. keywords: acid; culture; fermentation; food; lab; mixed; pickle; potato; sweet; total cache: mionline-202.pdf plain text: mionline-202.txt item: #76 of 358 id: mionline-205 author: CHRISNASARI, RUTH; SUSETYO, DAMIATI HARTINI; SUGIANTO, ADRIAN PRATAMA; PANTJAJANI, TJANDRA title: Optimization Modeling of Ethanol Production from Shorgum bicolor grain: Comparison between Separate Hydrolysis Fermentation and Simultaneous Saccharification Fermentation date: 2013-05-16 words: 4298 flesch: 50 summary: Optimization modeling for glucoamylase and Zymomonas mobilis concentration in both of SSF and SHF were carried out to obtain optimal concentration of ethanol production. In the present study, Shorgum bicolor, a grain having high sugar accumulation, was used as raw material for ethanol production. keywords: concentration; configuration; ethanol; fermentation; glucoamylase; hydrolysis; optimum; production; shf; ssf cache: mionline-205.pdf plain text: mionline-205.txt item: #77 of 358 id: mionline-206 author: none title: 16S rDNA Typing of Salmonella Typhi Strains from Different Geographical Locations in Sumba Island East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia date: 2013-05-16 words: 3663 flesch: 61 summary: The percentage of sequence similarity between S. Typhi strains was very high (>99 %). Based on these results, all of the tested strains belonged to species of S. Typhi T suggested by their relatedness with the type strain of S. Typhi ATCC 19430 . keywords: 16s; analysis; atcc; east; enterica; isolates; nucleotide; pcr; rdna; salmonella; sequences; strains; subsp; sumba; typhi cache: mionline-206.pdf plain text: mionline-206.txt item: #78 of 358 id: mionline-208 author: CHASANAH, EKOWATI; PATANTIS, GINTUNG; DEWI, ARIYANTI SUHITA; MARRASKURANTO, ENDAR; JANUAR, HEDI INDRA; STELLA, STELLA; SOKA, SUSAN; YOGIARA, YOGIARA title: Analysis of Bacterial Community Associated with Aaptos sp. from Rote and Seribu Islands date: 2013-06-14 words: 4577 flesch: 54 summary: Antibacterial of marine bacteria associated with sponge Aaptos sp. against multi drugs resistant (MDR) strains. Aaptos sp. was also been reported to produce sterol compounds (Rachmat and Muniarsih 2001), and other novel aaptamine alkaloids possesing various biological activities, including cytotoxic against murine lymphoma L5178Y cell line, antiviral, antimicrobial, antifungal, antiparasitic, α-adrenergic antagonistic, radical scavenging, and antifouling activity (Pham et al. 2013). keywords: aaptamine; aaptos; aaptos sp; community; compounds; islands; marine; microbiol; min; proteobacteria; samples; seribu; sponge; waters; yang cache: mionline-208.pdf plain text: mionline-208.txt item: #79 of 358 id: mionline-21 author: SANTOSO, TRI JOKO; HIDAYAT, SRI HENDRASTUTI; DURIAT, ATI SRI; HERMAN, MUHAMMAD; SUDARSONO, . title: Identity and Sequence Diversity of Begomovirus Associated with Yellow Leaf Curl Disease of Tomato in Indonesia date: 2010-03-13 words: 4278 flesch: 43 summary: AYVV PepLCV-Mal CasMV-SA 4 SANTOSO ET AL. Microbiol Indones Table 3 Distance matrices (%) based on predicted AV1 gene amino acid sequences of suspected Begomovirus isolates determined in this research, Ageratum yellow vein virus (AYVV), Soybean crinkle leaf virus (SCLV), Pepper leaf curl virus (PepLCV), Tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV), and Cassava mosaic virus (CasMV) AYVV-Ageratum yellow vein virus (X74516), SCLV-Jpn-Soybean crinkle leaf virus-Japan (AB050781), PepLCV-Mal-Pepper leaf curl virus-Malaysia (AF414287), ToLCV-Jv-Tomato leaf curl virus-Java (NC-005031), ToLCV-JvA-Tomato leaf curl virus-Java [Ageratum] (AB162141), ToLCV-Mal- Tomato leaf curl virus-Malaysia (NC-004648), and CasMV-SA-South African cassava mosaic virus (AJ575560) were obtained from GenBank database at keywords: av1; ayvv; begomovirus; curl; dna; gene; isolates; java; leaf; mal; sequences; tolc; tomato; virus cache: mionline-21.pdf plain text: mionline-21.txt item: #80 of 358 id: mionline-211 author: SETYANINGSIH, RATNA; RUSMANA, IMAN; SETYANTO, PRIHASTO; SUWANTO, ANTONIUS title: Nitrous Oxide Reduction Activity of Denitrifying Ochrobactrum anthropi Isolated from Rice Field date: 2013-06-25 words: 3473 flesch: 66 summary: The headspace gas was sampled every 3 h to determine N O concentration. Water samples in the test tubes were shaken vigorously and N O concentration in the headspace 2 was measured using Shimadzu 14A ECD gas chromatograph with Q Porapak column. keywords: activity; bl1; bln1; growth; reduction; soil; water cache: mionline-211.pdf plain text: mionline-211.txt item: #81 of 358 id: mionline-212 author: HANIM, CHUSNUL; YUSIATI, LIES MIRA; CAHYANTO, MUHAMMAD NUR; WIBOWO, ALI title: Mutagenic Improvement of Xylanase Production from Xylanolytic Bacteria and its Phylogenetic Analysis date: 2013-07-08 words: 5663 flesch: 69 summary: Mutant 19’s optimum incubation time for optimum xylanase activity and microbial protein concentration was 5 d (data is not shown). In this study we utilized EtBr and EMS as mutagen to enhance xylanase activity produced by xylanolytic bacteria. keywords: activity; bacteria; ems; etbr; medium; mutant; production; temperature; xylanase; xylanolytic cache: mionline-212.pdf plain text: mionline-212.txt item: #82 of 358 id: mionline-213 author: SUNARYANTO, ROFIQ; HANDAYANI, BERTI HARIASIH; SAFITRI, RATU title: Enzymatic and Acid Hydrolysis of Sago Starch for Preparation of Ethanol Production date: 2013-07-15 words: 4006 flesch: 59 summary: :ethanol % (v/v); : ; : pH ; and : cell number. The highest hydrolysate containing reducing sugar was used as substrate for ethanol fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae FNCC 3012. keywords: concentration; ethanol; fermentation; hydrolysis; min; sago; starch; sugar cache: mionline-213.pdf plain text: mionline-213.txt item: #83 of 358 id: mionline-216 author: JUNIANTO, JUNIANTO; WAHYUNTARI, BUDIASIH; SETYAHADI, SISWA title: Selection of Methods for Microbiological Extraction of Chitin from Shrimp Shells date: 2013-06-20 words: 5937 flesch: 53 summary: In fermentation system C , m where only 50% of the medium was replaced, the maximum lactic acid concentration was only 3.44% (w/v) (Fig 3). The demineralization experiments consisted of three different batch fermentation designs: batch fermentation (A ); subsequent batch m fermentation 1, in which 100% medium was replaced with fresh medium after 24 h fermentation (B ); and m subsequent batch fermentation 2, in which 50% medium was replaced with the same amount of fresh medium after 24 h fermentation (C ). keywords: acid; batch; batch fermentation; demineralization; fermentation; glucose; medium; shells; shrimp cache: mionline-216.pdf plain text: mionline-216.txt item: #84 of 358 id: mionline-217 author: HIDAYATI, DYAH NOOR; LESTARI, YULIN; MARWOTO, BAMBANG title: Characterization of Micromonospora spp. with Activity Against E.coli ATCC 35218 Resistance β-Lactam Antibiotics date: 2013-09-30 words: 4708 flesch: 52 summary: Levantilides A and B, 20-membered macrolides from Micromonospora strain isolated from the Mediterranean deep sea sediment. BLAST search of the 16S rRNA sequences of all tested strains with the sequences available in the NCBI data bank showed a maximum similarity 99% with Micromonospora chersina. keywords: actinomycetes; activity; agar; antibiotics; bacteria; beta; coli; culture; fig; growth; isp2; media; medium; microbiol; micromonospora; strains cache: mionline-217.pdf plain text: mionline-217.txt item: #85 of 358 id: mionline-224 author: PUTRIE, RAHAYU FITRIANI WANGSA; WAHYUDI, ARIS TRI; NAWANGSIH, ABDJAD ASIH; HUSEN, EDI title: Screening of Rhizobacteria for Plant Growth Promotion and Their Tolerance to Drought Stress date: 2013-11-25 words: 5890 flesch: 63 summary: CR dan Pseudomonas sp. Screening of rhizobacteria as growth promoter of 47 isolates of Bacillus sp. CR and 34 isolates of Pseudomonas sp. keywords: bacillus; bacillus sp; crb; drought; eps; growth; isolates; medium; mpa; plant; pseudomonas; pseudomonas sp; strain cache: mionline-224.pdf plain text: mionline-224.txt item: #86 of 358 id: mionline-225 author: HARAHAP, ISRAWATI; RAHAYU, GAYUH; HIDAYAT, IMAN title: Community Structure of Sporulating Fungi on Decaying Litters of Shorea spp. date: 2013-11-27 words: 4412 flesch: 63 summary: Volume 7, 2013 Microbiol Indones 107 H ln S Fig 1 Comparison of fungal community on Shorea spp. There is limited information regarding the physical structure of each organ of Shorea spp., therefore, it is difficult to determine the factors affecting the distinct community Microbiol Indones110 HARAHAP ET AL. 1,00,50,0-0,5-1,0 1,0 0,5 0,0 -0,5 -1,0 Component 1 C o m p o n en t 1 Leaf Bran ch Hv e Hsf Hn s Hmf Hms Hk u Hh 1 Hh s Hcf Hb p Cst Cp h Cp s CpgCmt Cld Clg CltCh t Ccb Ccm Csp Av s Ap d Ald Als Ad e Ad c Aap Symmetric Plot Fig 5 Correspondence analysis of fungal community on branch and leaf litter. keywords: branch; branch litter; community; fungal; fungi; hyde; hyphomycetes; leaf; leaf litter; litter; shorea; species; spp; taxa cache: mionline-225.pdf plain text: mionline-225.txt item: #87 of 358 id: mionline-226 author: AMBARSARI, HANIES; SONOMOTO, KENJI title: Production of Acetone, Butanol and Ethanol as Bioenergy Source Materials by Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum N1-4 (ATCC 13564) using Different Substrates date: 2013-11-29 words: 7782 flesch: 52 summary: It was also shown that fermentation of disaccharides (cellobiose and dextrin) by the strain N1-4 could give relatively as high butanol and ABE yields as glucose fermentation after 24 h fermentation time. On the other hand, the ABE ratio between glucose fermentation and xylans fermentation was significantly varied, that -1 -1 was 0.26:1:0 or 0.44:1:0 using 10 g L or 20 g L of xylans, respectively, compared to those of glucose fermentation, that was 0.22:1:0 or 0.29:1:0.05 using 10 g -1 -1 L or 20 g L of glucose, respectively. keywords: abe; acetone; butanol; cellobiose; clostridium; concentration; fermentation; g l; glucose; production; strain; substrate cache: mionline-226.pdf plain text: mionline-226.txt item: #88 of 358 id: mionline-227 author: ALI, ABUBAKER; SULEIMAN, ELHAM ABDELBASIT; SAEED, AMIR; SANDSTRÖM, GUNNAR title: Antimicrobial Activity of Aloe sinkatana date: 2013-11-29 words: 3137 flesch: 54 summary: Moreover, A. sinkatana extracts have shown to inhibit the growth of fungi that cause tinea since complete inhibition of growth of M. canis and T. verrucosum was observed. The result showed that the extracts of A. sinkatana leaves revealed antimicrobial activities greater than the commercial antifungal (Nystatin) which can be used for treatment of Candidiasis and ketoconazole that is used for treatment of fungal infection. keywords: activity; agar; aloe; antifungal; extract; growth; inhibition; sinkatana; vera cache: mionline-227.pdf plain text: mionline-227.txt item: #89 of 358 id: mionline-230 author: RAHMANI, NANIK; ROHANA, ROHANA; SUKARNO, SUKARNO; ANDRIANI, ADE; YOPI, YOPI title: Production of Maltooligosaccharides from Black Potato (Coleus tuberosus) Starch by α-amylase from a Marine Bacterium (Brevibacterium sp.) date: 2013-12-27 words: 4352 flesch: 55 summary: Time (h) Fig 3 Analysis of reducing sugar content of black potato starch varieties 3.2 were hydrolyzed by amylase enzyme of Brevibacterium sp. 10 mL reaction volume consisting of starch and enzyme substrate with a ratio of 1:1 with enzyme -1 activity 2.5 U mL . Thus, black potato starch can be randomly converted into simple sugars and maltooligosaccharides applying by amylolytic enzymes from the marine microbe Brevibacterium sp. Key words: black potatoes, Brevibacterium sp., maltooligosaccharides Maltooligosakarida dengan kualitas baik diproduksi dari pati kentang hitam asli Indonesia menggunakan enzim amylase dari Brevibacterium sp. keywords: amylase; analysis; brevibacterium; enzyme; fig; hydrolysis; maltooligosaccharides; maltotriose; potato; production; ratio; starch; substrate cache: mionline-230.pdf plain text: mionline-230.txt item: #90 of 358 id: mionline-231 author: SIEN, LEONG SUI; LIHAN, SAMUEL; YEE, LING TECK; CHUAN, CHIA HWA; KOON, LIM CHAN title: Isolation and Characterization of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria from Swiftlet Feces in Swiftlet Farm Houses in Sarawak, Malaysia date: 2013-12-30 words: 4727 flesch: 59 summary: Pseudomonas sp. was another highly prevalent pathogen and antibiotic resistance bacteria (Poole 2004). Thus, swiftlet feces are good reservoir for a range of antibiotic resistant bacteria which may pose a potential health hazard to human. keywords: bacteria; betong; coli; feces; kota; microbiol; resistance; samarahan; swiftlet cache: mionline-231.pdf plain text: mionline-231.txt item: #91 of 358 id: mionline-234 author: BIMO SETIARTO, RADEN HARYO; SASKIAWAN, IWAN title: The Lignocellulolytic Activity and Ability to Produce Indole Acetic Acid Hormone of Fungal Inoculant Isolated From Spent Mushroom (Agaricus sp.) Substrate date: 2014-02-11 words: 4085 flesch: 62 summary: Fungal isolate JPF 2 had the -1 highest cellulase activity (0.502 U mL ) Fungal isolate JPF 5 showed the highest xylanase -1 activity (0.560 U mL ). keywords: activity; enzyme; fungal; fungi; hormone; iaa; jpf; laccase cache: mionline-234.pdf plain text: mionline-234.txt item: #92 of 358 id: mionline-239 author: DINOTO, ACHMAD; WATUMLAWAR, CORY CORAZON; YOPI, YOPI title: In Vitro Modulation of Human Intestinal Microbiota by Mannoligosaccharides Synthesized from Amorphophallus muelleri Glucomannan date: 2014-03-21 words: 4804 flesch: 48 summary: The highest population of bifidobacteria was found in mannoligosaccharides medium (3.3%) and we also confirmed that this group of bacteria was relatively low in sucrose and glucose media (lower than 0.1% of total microbiota). Microbiol Indones was monitored in glucomannan medium (3.2%) and sucrose medium (2.6%). keywords: culture; et al; glucomannan; glucose; growth; human; konjac; lactobacillus; mannoligosaccharides; medium; microbiota; study; sucrose cache: mionline-239.pdf plain text: mionline-239.txt item: #93 of 358 id: mionline-24 author: WATURANGI, DIANA ELIZABETH; MEICY, VICKY; SUWANTO, ANTONIUS title: Isolation and Identification of Ice-Nucleating-Active Bacteria from Indonesian Edible Leafy Plant Poh-Pohan (Pilea glaberina) date: 2010-03-13 words: 1835 flesch: 57 summary: Ice nucleation activity was assessed with the drop-freezing assay. Fig 1 Assay of ice nucleation activity. keywords: activity; bacteria; ice; isolate; nucleation cache: mionline-24.pdf plain text: mionline-24.txt item: #94 of 358 id: mionline-241 author: SITUMORANG, ELIZABETH CAROLINE; PRAMESWARA, ANDRIESSA; SINTHYA, HANA CHRISTINE; TORUAN-MATHIUS, NURITA; LIWANG, TONY title: Morphology and Histology Identification of Fungal Endophytes from Oil Palm Roots in Ganoderma boninense Endemic Area date: 2014-04-11 words: 3941 flesch: 59 summary: Globally, there are at least one million species of endophytic fungi as reported by Ganley et al. (2004), which represent an important genetic resource for biotechnology. According to Shiomi et al., (2006), endophytic fungi are able to penetrate and become systemically disseminated in the host plant, actively colonize the apoplast, conducting vessels and occasionally the intracellular spaces. keywords: agar; conidia; endophytes; fig; fungal; fungi; fusarium; palm; penicillium; phialides; plant; trichoderma cache: mionline-241.pdf plain text: mionline-241.txt item: #95 of 358 id: mionline-243 author: SAHLAN, MUHAMAD; DESIANDINI, YUKI; IQBAL, MUHAMMAD; WIDHYASTUTI, NUNUK; MALIK, AMARILA; SETYAHADI, SISWA title: Cultivation Process Optimization Of Recombinant Bacillus Subtilis Apoptin date: 2014-04-24 words: 2710 flesch: 55 summary: Recently, we reported that he succeded to produce recombinant apoptin in native form with Bacillus subtilis 168 as cell host which has been transformed by Gateway system The success of recombinan apoptin production in native form in the previous results open the way to develop this anticancer protein production to the larger scale. However, the results showed that the optimum condition of producing recombinant apoptin was 1% w/v -1 of xylose, 250 rpm of agitation speed, and 0.5 NL min of aeration. keywords: aeration; agitation; apoptin; concentration; growth; min; rate; speed; xylose cache: mionline-243.pdf plain text: mionline-243.txt item: #96 of 358 id: mionline-244 author: SENJARINI, KARTIKA title: Potential Use of Mosquito’s Salivary Components as Novel Target for The Development of Transmission Blocking Vaccine (TBV) date: 2014-04-28 words: 3564 flesch: 53 summary: Other mechanisms related to this protection were very likely due to immunogenicity of salivary protein of Anopheles. This paper wanted to elaborate the potential role of salivary component from mosquitoes, particularly from Indonesian vectors as molecular target for developing TBV against two major Mosquito borne-diseases in Indonesia i.e. malaria and DHF. keywords: aedes; aegypti; anopheles; components; dengue; host; indonesia; infection; malaria; mosquito; protein; response; salivary; tbv; vector cache: mionline-244.pdf plain text: mionline-244.txt item: #97 of 358 id: mionline-245 author: YULIANA, NETI; NURDJANAH, SITI; SUGIHARTO, RIBUT; AMETHY, DEARY title: Effect of Spontaneous Lactic Acid Fermentation on Physico-Chemical Properties of Sweet Potato Flour date: 2014-04-28 words: 4401 flesch: 59 summary: Information about these physicochemical properties is important to determine the usability of fermented sweet potatoes flour on various food products. Lower protein content, inactivation of polyphenol oxidase together with low free sugar content as a result of the conversion of free sugar to lactic acid in fermented sweet potatoes flour may reduce the non enzymatic browning during flour drying. keywords: acid; control; fermentation; flour; food; potato; potatoes; properties; starch; sweet; swelling; viscosity cache: mionline-245.pdf plain text: mionline-245.txt item: #98 of 358 id: mionline-246 author: PRAPTIWI, PRAPTIWI; JAMAL, YULIASRI; FATHONI, AHMAD; NURKANTO, ARIF; AGUSTA, ANDRIA title: Antibacterial Activity of Bisanthraquinone (+)-1,1’-Bislunatin date: 2014-05-05 words: 3514 flesch: 57 summary: Key words: (+)- 1,1’-bislunatin, antibacterial, Diaporthe sp. GNBP-10, effect on bacterial cells, endophytic fungus, Uncaria gambier Roxb. The quantities of (Ca , K ), protein and nucleic acid leakages from bacterial cells after being exposed by (+)-1,1’- bislunatin on 1 MIC values. keywords: activity; antibacterial; cell; diaporthe; fig; gambier; mic; protein cache: mionline-246.pdf plain text: mionline-246.txt item: #99 of 358 id: mionline-247 author: EKAMAWANTI, HANNA ARTUTI; SETIADI, YADI; SOPANDIE, DIDY; SANTOSA, DWI ANDREAS title: The Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus (Gigaspora margarita) on Mercury and Nutrients Accumulation by Enterolobium cyclocarpum Seedlings date: 2014-05-05 words: 6461 flesch: 60 summary: Hg concentration and Hg content in roots and leaves of E. cyclocarpum seedlings grown for 30 d in river sands with treatment of different Hg concentration Table 2 Nutrients uptake and translocation in E. cyclocarpum seedlings grown for 30 d in river sands with treatments of different Hg concentrations and AM inoculation Significant differences among Hg treatments are indicated by different letter (mean ± SD, n = 6; LSD’s test, p < 0.05). Hg treatment (µM) Without AM With AM Fig 1 MDA concentration in roots of E. cyclocarpum seedlings with different Hg concentration (mean ± SD, n = 3). keywords: a(a; amf; concentration; cyclocarpum; inoculation; leaves; mycorrhizal; roots; seedlings; supply; uptake; weight cache: mionline-247.pdf plain text: mionline-247.txt item: #100 of 358 id: mionline-248 author: NURANI, DIANA; KOESNANDAR, KOESNANDAR title: Growth Characteristic of Fungus strain MGS-2 in a Defined Medium Containing Organic Acids Derived from Peat Soil date: 2014-05-05 words: 4576 flesch: 62 summary: Other than harming plants, organic acid found in peat soil also causes low pH. Several microbes in soil have the ability to quickly decompose organic acids. A series of experiments has been conducted to decrease the amount of organic acids in peat soil by microbial treatment. keywords: acid; carbon; growth; hypocrea; medium; nitrogen; peat; soil; source; strain cache: mionline-248.pdf plain text: mionline-248.txt item: #101 of 358 id: mionline-249 author: AYU, EVELINE; SUWANTO, ANTONIUS; BARUS, TATI title: Klebsiella pneumoniae from Indonesian Tempeh were Genetically Different from that of Pathogenic Isolates date: 2014-05-21 words: 3764 flesch: 57 summary: Although genetic profiles of K. pneumoniae isolates in WJB tempeh were more varied than EMP tempeh, we found noi dentical profiles when compared to those of medical isolates. Medical isolates of K. pneumoniae. keywords: 16s; analysis; eric; isolates; klebsiella; medical; microbiol; pcr; pneumoniae; tempeh; wjb cache: mionline-249.pdf plain text: mionline-249.txt item: #102 of 358 id: mionline-25 author: SUSILOWATI, PRIMA ENDANG; ADITIAWATI, PINGKAN; MADAYANTI, FIDA; AKHMALOKA, . title: The Effect of Mutation at Thr 295 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae eRF1 on Suppression of Nonsense Codons and eRF1 Structure date: 2010-03-13 words: 4641 flesch: 60 summary: Meanwhile, a recent report showed that eRF1 protein participates not only in the termination of translation but also in mRNA degradation and the initiation of translation via interaction with other proteins (Chabelskaya et al. 2007). In this study we have constructed and characterized eRF1 mutants at position 295 from threonine to alanine and serine residues resulting in eRF1(T295A) and eRF1(T295S) respectively. keywords: codon; erf1; erf3; gene; plasmid; protein; release; structure; sup45; termination; ura3; yeast cache: mionline-25.pdf plain text: mionline-25.txt item: #103 of 358 id: mionline-26 author: BARUS, TATI; SUWANTO, ANTONIUS; WAHYUDI, ARIS TRI; WIJAYA, HANNY title: Role of Bacteria in Tempe Bitter Taste Formation: Microbiological and Molecular Biological Analysis Based on 16S rRNA Gene date: 2010-03-13 words: 4044 flesch: 66 summary: Fungi that grew on fresh tempe WJB were R. oligosporus, Mucor sp., and Geotrichum sp. Bitterness intensity scores of EMP, DRG, MLB, CLR, and WJB tempe were different. keywords: bacteria; bitterness; intensity; tempe; test; type; water; wjb cache: mionline-26.pdf plain text: mionline-26.txt item: #104 of 358 id: mionline-264 author: HIDAYATI, ERNIN; WAHYUDI, ARIS TRI; SUWANTO, ANTONIUS; WIDYASTUTI, RAHAYU title: Abundance of Culturable Bacteria Isolated from Maize Rhizosphere Soil Using Four Different Culture Media date: 2014-03-21 words: 4680 flesch: 61 summary: Antagonistic Ability in Some Bacterial Isolates Pseudomonas stutzeri Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes DISCUSSION T Fig 5 Bacterial antagonist (in vertical streak) isolated from maize rhizosphere soil bacteria. A B Fig 1 Comparison of number and isolate type (A) and colony forming unit (B) of maize rhizosphere bacteria cultivated from maize rhizosphere soil samples cultivated using four culture media (SEA, NAln, NAln-SE, and NAln-RE). keywords: bacteria; cdl; culture; extract; growth; isolates; maize; media; naln; number; rhizosphere; soil cache: mionline-264.pdf plain text: mionline-264.txt item: #105 of 358 id: mionline-265 author: MUSTOPA, APON ZAENAL; FATIMAH, FATIMAH title: Diversity of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Indonesian Traditional Fermented Foods date: 2014-09-19 words: 4618 flesch: 58 summary: 2. Aponzaenal Revisi.cdr Diversity of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Indonesian Traditional Fermented Foods APON ZAENAL MUSTOPA FATIMAH 1* 2 AND 1 Research Center for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Cibinong Bogor, Indonesia; 2 Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development (ICABIOGRAD), Cimanggu, Bogor 16111, Indonesia The diversity of lactic acid bacteria was evaluated from Indonesian fermented foods such as dadih (buffalo fermented milk), tempoyak (fermented durian), bekasam (fermented meat), and tape ketan (fermented glutinous rice). Lactic acid bacteria were enumerated using selective media and characterized based on a genotypic methods such as Repetitive bacterial DNA element (rep- PCR) and RAPD-PCR, as well as 16S rRNA gene sequencing of representative strains. keywords: 16s; acid; bacteria; dadih; foods; isolates; lab; lactobacillus; pcr; plantarum; primer; rapd; rep; rrna; strains; tempoyak cache: mionline-265.pdf plain text: mionline-265.txt item: #106 of 358 id: mionline-266 author: YUSRA, YUSRA; AZIMA, FAUZAN; NOVELINA, NOVELINA; PERIADNADI, PERIADNADI title: Characterization of Antimicrobial Bacteriocin Produced by Bacillus cereus SS28 Isolates from Budu, a Traditionally Fermented Fish Product of West Sumatera date: 2014-03-21 words: 4625 flesch: 57 summary: The aims of this research are characterization of SS28 antimicrobial activity and observation of its effect to the cellular morphology of with electron microscope. The effect of pH on bacteriocin activity was studied. keywords: activity; aureus; b. cereus; bacillus; bacillus cereus; bacteriocin; cell; cereus; characterization; compound; effect; microbiol; min; ss28 cache: mionline-266.pdf plain text: mionline-266.txt item: #107 of 358 id: mionline-27 author: ROHYADI, AGUS title: Growth Responses of External Hyphae of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi to Acidic Soil Conditions and their Effects on Cowpea Growth date: 2010-03-13 words: 4807 flesch: 65 summary: It seems that the function of external fungal hyphae becomes more important for plants grown on Fig 2 a, Mycorrhizal growth (MGR); and b, P-uptake responses (MPR) of cowpea plants to hyphal length density (HLD) of Gi. margarita and G. etunicatum at different soil pH levels in the HC; HLD = ; MGR = ; MPR = . They contribute to plant growth by employing their hyphae in soil to enhance the uptake of nutrient elements, especially phosphorus (P) that often increases plant growth. keywords: etunicatum; fungal; fungi; growth; hyphae; margarita; mycorrhizal; plant; roots; soil cache: mionline-27.pdf plain text: mionline-27.txt item: #108 of 358 id: mionline-271 author: PURWANDARI, UMI; NAVA, NOVIA; HIDAYATI, DARIMIYYA title: Modeling and Optimising the Growth of Lasiodiplodia theobromae During Gathotan Fermentation date: 2014-10-01 words: 4975 flesch: 61 summary:  1 2 3 4 5 1 2             X X + X X + X X + X X + X X + 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 3 2 4 X X + X X + X X + X X + …. Relatively slow pH reduction in gathotan fermentation seemed to be of benefit to the growth of , L. theobromae since the fungus grow well at relatively high pH (Eng et al. 1998). keywords: acidity; fermentation; gathotan; growth; incubation; inoculum; level; temperature; theobromae; time cache: mionline-271.pdf plain text: mionline-271.txt item: #109 of 358 id: mionline-272 author: UTAMI, DIAH AYU SATYARI; WIDANARNI, WIDANARNI -; SUPRAYUDI, M AGUS title: Administration of Microencapsulated Probiotic at Different Doses to Control Streptococcosis in Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) date: 2015-03-31 words: 4909 flesch: 60 summary: It indicated that the fish were free from S. agalactiae infection. tinggi setelah uji tantang, nilai parameter gambaran darah yang lebih baik, dan dapat menghambat pertumbuhan S. agalactiae pada organ target inang. keywords: administration; agalactiae; cfu; challenge; control; day; fish; probiotic; streptococcosis; study; test; tilapia; total cache: mionline-272.pdf plain text: mionline-272.txt item: #110 of 358 id: mionline-273 author: MUKAMTO, MUKAMTO; RAHAYU, YUNI SRI; LISDIANA, LISA; PRANAMUDA, HARDANING title: Isolation of Oxo-degradable Polyethylene Degrading-Bacteria of Benowo Landfill Soil Surabaya date: 2015-03-31 words: 4665 flesch: 57 summary: Non-motile of bacteria isolates was characterized by bacteria growth does not spread (Pelczar and Chan 1986). Screening of plastic degrading bacteria f r o m d keywords: 2011; a232; bacteria; benowo; biodegradation; dan; degradation; et al; isolates; oxo; plastic; polyethylene; polymers; soil; test; total; zone cache: mionline-273.pdf plain text: mionline-273.txt item: #111 of 358 id: mionline-275 author: WUSQY, NAELY K.; LIMANTARA, LEENAWATY; KARWUR, FERRY F title: Exploration, Isolation and Quantification of β-carotene from Bacterial Symbion of Acropora sp. date: 2014-06-10 words: 2687 flesch: 64 summary: UV-visible absorption spectra of carotenoid pigments are of immense importance, since they aid a great deal in determining the structure of carotenoids (Medicharla . 1991). From the HPLC profile and UV-visible absorption spectra, we can conclude that produces a carotene type of carotenoid pigment that has many potential benefits. keywords: 16s; acropora; carotene; fig; flavus; hplc; kj5; microbiol; pigment cache: mionline-275.pdf plain text: mionline-275.txt item: #112 of 358 id: mionline-276 author: SULISTIYANI, TRI RATNA; LISDIYANTI, PUSPITA; LESTARI, YULIN title: Population and Diversity of Endophytic Bacteria Associated with Medicinal Plant Curcuma zedoaria date: 2014-11-10 words: 4344 flesch: 53 summary: Endophytic bacteria were succesfully isolated using four kinds of media, but addition of extract of white turmeric plants seemed to decrease population and diversity of endophytic bacteria. The isolation of endophytic bacteria was carried out using 4 kinds media (Nutrient Agar (NA), NA contained white turmeric extract (NAT), Water Yeast Extract Agar (WYEA), WYEA contained white turmeric extract (WYEAT)), and 2 methods of spread plate and plant piece methods. keywords: bacillus; bacteria; curcuma; isolates; media; method; microbacterium; plant; population; pseudomonas; rhizome; turmeric; white cache: mionline-276.pdf plain text: mionline-276.txt item: #113 of 358 id: mionline-277 author: MUNAENI, WAODE; YUHANA, MUNTI; WIDANARNI, WIDANARNI title: Effect of Micro-encapsulated Synbiotic at Different Frequencies for Luminous Vibriosis Control in White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) date: 2014-06-10 words: 4892 flesch: 61 summary: Beta glucan binding protein and its role in shrimp immune response. Application of prebiotics could also inhibit the et al et al. et al et al Hao et al. 2014 et al et al Hao et al. Bacillus V. harveyi et al et al LPS-and-β 1, 3-glucan- binding protein (LGBP) and peptidoglycan-binding proteins (PGBP) (Wang R R growth of pathogens and improve the immune system (Mahious . 2006). keywords: 2010; bacillus; control; count; day; et al; harveyi; immune; shrimp; synbiotic; treatment; vannamei cache: mionline-277.pdf plain text: mionline-277.txt item: #114 of 358 id: mionline-278 author: PRIMANITA, MONA; WAHYUDI, ARIS TRI; LESTARI, YULIN title: 16S rRNA-based Metagenomic Analysis of Endophytic Actinomycetes Diversity from Tinospora crispa L. Miers date: 2015-03-31 words: 6433 flesch: 60 summary: Published data regarding diversity of endophytic actinomycetes from Tinospora crispa is mainly based on a culturable approach. This paper describes the first reported data regarding metagenomic analysis on the diversity of endophytic actinomycetes from T.crispa based on 16S rRNA gene using PCR-DGGE. keywords: 16s; actinomycetes; crispa; dgge; diversity; doi; endophytic; et al; gene; leaves; microbiol; pcr; plant; roots; rrna; soil; stems; strain; streptomyces cache: mionline-278.pdf plain text: mionline-278.txt item: #115 of 358 id: mionline-28 author: YOHANDINI, HENI; MADAYANTI, FIDA; ADITIAWATI, PINGKAN; AKHMALOKA, . title: Cell Lysis Method Affects Assessment of Microbial Diversity Based on Ribotyping Analysis date: 2010-03-13 words: 4196 flesch: 58 summary: The DNA sequence analysis of the individual DGGE bands revealed that most of the band sequences obtained by physical treatment were close to 16S rRNA gene fragments from the bacterial domain, while most of band sequences performed by enzymatic method had high homology with 16S rRNA gene fragments from archaeal domain. The differences in DGGE/TGGE profile caused by different lysis methods have been reported previously (Muyzer and Smalla 1998). keywords: 16s; analysis; dna; extraction; fig; gene; method; microbial; rrna; sequences; treatment cache: mionline-28.pdf plain text: mionline-28.txt item: #116 of 358 id: mionline-281 author: VERONICA, VERONICA; LAY, BIBIANA W; MAGDALENA, STELLA title: Isolation and Characterization of New Antibiotics from Indonesian Coastal Marine Bacteria date: 2014-09-30 words: 3769 flesch: 48 summary: Based on antimicrobial activity assay, four sp. and five marine bacteria isolates showed Streptomyces antimicrobial activity towards and aureus with the diameter of inhibition of 3-12 Bacillus cereus Staphylococcus mm. The clear zone around each well were interpreted as positive results of antimicrobial activity. keywords: activity; bacteria; beach; butanol; compounds; isolates; marine; phase; streptomyces cache: mionline-281.pdf plain text: mionline-281.txt item: #117 of 358 id: mionline-282 author: SUHANDONO, SONY; KENCANA UNGU, DEWI AYU; KRISTIANTI, TATI; SAHIRATMADJA, EDHYANA; SUSANTO, HERMAN title: Cloning, Expression and Bioinformatic Analysis of Human Papillomavirus Type 52 L1 Capsid Gene from Indonesian Patient date: 2014-09-30 words: 5510 flesch: 60 summary: This plot showed regions of hydrophobicity and antigenicity on HPV-52 L1 protein sequence. Microbiol Indones Fig 5 Hydrophobicity and antigenicity plot of HPV-52 L1 protein. keywords: analysis; cancer; cell; dna; drb1; epitope; expression; gene; hla; hpv-52; hpv-52 l1; human; papillomavirus; phylogenetic; protein; sequence; types cache: mionline-282.pdf plain text: mionline-282.txt item: #118 of 358 id: mionline-283 author: FATIMAH, FATIMAH; MUSTOPA, APON ZAENAL; KUSNANDARSYAH, IQBAL title: Identification and characterization of virulence factor of several Indonesian Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae date: 2014-09-30 words: 4608 flesch: 68 summary: Identifikasi bakteri Xoo Xoo menggunakan 16S rRNA diperoleh homologi yang tinggi dengan pv. Cibinong, Bogor 16911, Indonesia Xanthomonas oryzae oryzae Xoo Oryza sativa pv. keywords: cellulase; eps; isolates; leaf; oryzae; oryzae oryzae; plant; rice; strain; virulence; xanthomonas; xanthomonas oryzae; xoo; xoo1122; xoo7624; xoo8024 cache: mionline-283.pdf plain text: mionline-283.txt item: #119 of 358 id: mionline-284 author: ROKA AJI, OKTIRA; PASCAPURNAMA, DYSHELLY NURKARTIKA; PRATAMA, FENRYCO; IHSANAWATI, IHSANAWATI; MOEIS, MAELITA RAMDHANI; GIRI-RACHMAN, ERNAWATI ARIFIN title: Cloning, Overexpression, and Purification of PhoR CytoplasmicDomain Protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37Rv date: 2014-12-31 words: 3357 flesch: 59 summary: This study aimed to clone, overexpress, and purify CytoPhoR protein. The purified CytoPhoR protein was successfully obtained and could be used for further analysis to determine the 3D-structure of CytoPhoR protein. keywords: chromatography; cytophor; domain; mtb; nta; page; pet32b; protein; purification; sds; system; tuberculosis cache: mionline-284.pdf plain text: mionline-284.txt item: #120 of 358 id: mionline-285 author: none title: Characterization of chaperone-like activity of small heat shock protein (sHSP) isolated from Indonesian Traditional Food (Tempoyak ) Lactobacillus plantarum U10 date: 2014-12-31 words: 5249 flesch: 61 summary: The principal protein that responsible for wide adaptability of LAB in different environment which is a group protein called heat shock proteins (HSP) (Broadbent et al. 1997). Key words: chaperone assay, heat shock protein, Lactobacillus plantarum U10, RT-PCR Karakterisasi gen small heat shock protein (sHSP) dari Lactobacillus plantarum U10 yang diisolasi dari makanan tradisional Indonesia tempoyak telah diteliti. keywords: acid; activity; gene; heat; kda; min; pcr; plantarum; protein; proteinase; sample; shock; shsp; stress; treatment; u10 cache: mionline-285.pdf plain text: mionline-285.txt item: #121 of 358 id: mionline-289 author: FERNIAH, REJEKI SITI; DARYONO, BUDI SETIADI; KASIAMDARI, RINA SRI; PRIYATMOJO, ACHMADI title: Characterization and Pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum as the Causal Agent of Fusarium Wilt in Chili (Capsicum annuum L.) date: 2014-10-01 words: 3041 flesch: 69 summary: Kata unci : k Karakterisasi, patogenitas, , Fusarium oxysporum Capsicum annuum Vol.8, No.3, September 2014, p 121-126 DOI: 10.5454/mi.8.3.5 *Corresponding author; Phone: +62-24-76480923, Chili is a potential horticulture in Indonesia and produced mainly in Java. This species can Fusarium oxysporum infects more than 100 species of plants and causes the wilt symptoms. keywords: chili; fungi; fusarium; isolate; oxysporum; p1a; pathogen; pathogenicity; plants; wilt; wilting cache: mionline-289.pdf plain text: mionline-289.txt item: #122 of 358 id: mionline-29 author: MAHATA, MARIA ENDO; DHARMA, ABDI; RYANTO, IRSAN; RIZAL, YOSE title: Characterization of Extracellular Chitinase from Bacterial Isolate 99 and Enterobacter sp. G-1 from Matsue City, Japan date: 2010-03-13 words: 4074 flesch: 63 summary: This data showed that chitinase from isolate 99 was more tolerant and stable at high temperature compared with chitinase fom Enterobacter sp. G-1, but that its activity was not as high as chitinase activity from Enterobacter sp. G-1. Chitinase activity from isolate 99 was increased to 41.03, 128.21, and 466.67% respectively after being incubated with Fe 2+ , Ba 2+ , and Co 2+ , while chitinase activity from Enterobacter sp. G-1was increased up to 120 % after being incubated with Ca 2+ and 748.28% with Co 2+ . keywords: activity; chitinase; enterobacter; g-1 cache: mionline-29.pdf plain text: mionline-29.txt item: #123 of 358 id: mionline-293 author: none title: Isolation and Molecular Identification of Endophytic Bacteria from Durian Arillus (Durio zibethinus Murr.) var. Matahari date: 2014-12-31 words: 5830 flesch: 59 summary: Isolation and characterization of plant growth promoting endophytic bacteria from the rhizome of Zingiber officinale. Endophytic bacteria with plant growth promoting and biocontrol abilities. keywords: 2012; arillus; bacillus; bacteria; durian; endophytes; enterobacter; et al; fruits; gram; growth; iaa; isolates; microbiol; phosphate; plant; reduction; ripe; salmonella; stages; staphylococcus cache: mionline-293.pdf plain text: mionline-293.txt item: #124 of 358 id: mionline-299 author: none title: Role of Chloramphenicol Acetyltransferase (CAT) Enzyme for Early Detection of Chloramphenicol Resistant Salmonella typhi date: 2014-06-01 words: 1927 flesch: 53 summary: Treatment with anti-CAT is based on the assumption that resistant bacteria capable of producing CAT enzyme and this enzyme may be expressed to the culture media so that when anti-CAT added to the media can bind the expressed CAT enzyme, this is mean CAT cannot function as a contributing factor in the resistance, so when exposed to chloramphenicol the bacteria will be sensitive. Salmonella typhi . keywords: bacteria; cat; chloramphenicol; resistance; salmonella; sensitive; susceptibility; typhi cache: mionline-299.pdf plain text: mionline-299.txt item: #125 of 358 id: mionline-30 author: WIDODO, .; KONDO, NORIO; KOBAYASHI, KIROKU; OGOSHI, AKIRA title: Vegetative Compatibility Groups within Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae in Hokkaido-Japan date: 2010-03-13 words: 4098 flesch: 62 summary: 8 Widodo_347 (39-43) Vegetative Compatibility Groups within Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae in Hokkaido-Japan WIDODO1*, NORIO KONDO2, KIROKU KOBAYASHI2, AND AKIRA OGOSHI2 1Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Kampus Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia 2Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-8589, Japan In Hokkaido, Fusarium basal rot, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae is one of the important constrains since 1973 which contributes to a significant loss in onion production, either in the fields or during storage. Key words: Allium cepa, Fusarium basal rot of onions, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae, population _____________________________________________ ________________________ *Corresponding author, Phone/Fax: +62-251-8423048, E-mail: Hokkaido, the northernmost island of Japan, has the largest area under onion cultivation (Allium cepa) and accounts for 48% of national production. keywords: cepae; compatibility; f. sp; fusarium; fusarium oxysporum; hokkaido; isolates; onion; oxysporum; vcgs cache: mionline-30.pdf plain text: mionline-30.txt item: #126 of 358 id: mionline-302 author: ROSANA, YEVA; MATSUZAWA, TETSUHIRO; GONOI, TOHRU; KARUNIAWATI, ANIS title: Modified Slide Culture Method for Faster and Easier Identification of Dermatophytes date: 2014-09-05 words: 2664 flesch: 61 summary: Because basic slide culture method was quite difficult to carry out and requires a long time to get a result, it was needed to modify slide culture method to gain a better result. Result of this study showed that both modified slide culture and direct culture on Epidermophyton floccosum slant agar plate could visualize the structure of dermatophytes faster than basic slide culture method. keywords: agar; block; culture; dermatophytes; macroconidia; method; plate; slant; slide cache: mionline-302.pdf plain text: mionline-302.txt item: #127 of 358 id: mionline-304 author: HELIANTI, IS; ULFAH, MARIA; NURHAYATI, NIKNIK; MULYAWATI, LLINA title: Cloning, Sequencing, and Expression of the Gene Encoding a Family 9 Cellulase from Bacillus licheniformis F11 in Escherichia coli and Bacillus megaterium, and Characterization of the Recombinant Enzymes date: 2015-03-12 words: 7732 flesch: 57 summary: The analysis of amino acid sequences deduced from the genes indicated that the Table 1 Effect of additives and different substrates on recombinant cellulase activity *a: Supernatant of recombinant Bacillus megaterium MS941 (pBBRE194 -cel9) cultivated in LB-CMC; b: Protein yang dikodekan oleh gen tersebut terbukti dapat berfungsi dengan baik di kedua host heterolog, E. coli dan B. megaterium. keywords: activity; bacillus; cellulase; coli; family; l l; megaterium; pbbre194; recombinant cache: mionline-304.pdf plain text: mionline-304.txt item: #128 of 358 id: mionline-305 author: HERAWATI, IIS; HILMI, DIKI; FAUZIAH, PRIMA NANDA title: Effect of Lactic Acid Filtrate and Bacteriocins of Lactobacillus acidophillus on Phagocytosis Activity of Macrophages Cell againts Enteropathogen Escherichia coli (EPEC) date: 2015-03-19 words: 3825 flesch: 48 summary: In conclusion, lactic acid from L. acidophillus has no effect in modulation of macrophages phagocytosis activity while bacteriocins can improve phagocytic activity. Low phagocytosis activity of treated cells due to more lactic acid supplemented more acid pH circumstance, result in inappropriate optimal condiditon for macrophages phagocytosis. keywords: acid; acidophillus; activity; bacteria; bacteriocins; blood; culture; epec; filtrate; macrophages; phagocytosis; yang cache: mionline-305.pdf plain text: mionline-305.txt item: #129 of 358 id: mionline-306 author: SILABAN, SARONOM; MAKSUM, IMAN PERMANA; GHAFFAR, SHABARNI; HASAN, KHOMAINI; ENUS, SUTARYA; SUBROTO, TOTO; SOEMITRO, SOETIJOSO title: Codon Optimization and Chaperone Assisted Solubilization of Recombinant Human Prethrombin-2 Expressed in Escherichia coli date: 2015-03-19 words: 3263 flesch: 61 summary: Fig 4 SDS-PAGE analysis of protein expression of CBD-Intein-rhPT2 in 4 strains of E. coli. The aim of this study was to establish a strategy to express a soluble rhPT2 in E. coli. keywords: bl21(de3; codon; coli; expression; fig; gene; hpt2; protein; ptwin1; recombinant cache: mionline-306.pdf plain text: mionline-306.txt item: #130 of 358 id: mionline-307 author: MOEIS, MAELITA RAMDANI; NATALIA, DESSY; NINGRUM, RAHMA WIDYA; DWIJAYANTI, ARI title: Cloning and Expression of Endoglucanase Gene from Thermophilic Bacteria Bacillus sp. RP1 date: 2015-03-19 words: 4701 flesch: 62 summary: Lactose induces EG gene expression in Bacillus brevis (Singh and Kumar 1998) and Bacillus sp. MTCC 10046 (Sadhu et al. 2014), but had no effect on Bacillus sp. X10-1-2 (Yan et al. 2013). EG genes from GH5 family as described by Rachim (2008) (Table 1). keywords: activity; bacillus; cellulase; coli; expression; gene; hours; induction; iptg; sequence cache: mionline-307.pdf plain text: mionline-307.txt item: #131 of 358 id: mionline-308 author: DAMAYANTI, TRI ASMIRA; WIYONO, SURYO title: Genetic Diversity of Cucumber Mosaic Virus Strain Soybean from Several Areas date: 2015-03-20 words: 3331 flesch: 64 summary: Key words: CMV strain S, genetic variability, soybean Cucumber mosaic virus strain soybean (CMV-S) adalah salah satu virus penting secara ekonomi yang menginfeksi kedelai di Indonesia. Kata kunci : CMV strain S, kedelai, variasi genetik Vol.9, No.1, March 2015, p 44-49 DOI: 10.5454/mi.9.1.6 *Corresponding author; Phone : +62-251-8629364, Fax: +62-251-8629362, E-mail : Cucumber Mosaic Virus (C M V) is one of Cucumovirus genus member which well know has widely host range. keywords: acid; amino; cmv; gene; isolates; mosaic; pcr; soybean; strain; virus cache: mionline-308.pdf plain text: mionline-308.txt item: #132 of 358 id: mionline-309 author: AMARANTINI, CHARIS; SATWIKA, DHIRA title: Molecular Phylogeny of Salmonellae: Relationships among Salmonella Species Determined from gyrA, gyrB, parC, and parE Genes date: 2015-03-23 words: 4090 flesch: 66 summary: Salmonella Typhi strain 208 (EF064853.1) Salmonella Typhi strain ATCC 19430 (AY370864.1) 100 99 0.1 Fig 2 Phylogenetic tree of Salmonella strains based on gyrB sequences analysis. Salmonella Typhi strain 35 (HQ698252.1) 77 96 48 58 0.1 Fig 4 Phylogenetic tree of Salmonella strains based on parE sequences analysis. keywords: p h; t y; typhi; y p cache: mionline-309.pdf plain text: mionline-309.txt item: #133 of 358 id: mionline-31 author: WIDJAJA, SHERLY; PURWADARIA, TRESNAWATI; KETAREN, PIUS PERTUMPUN title: Apparent Induction of Xylanase by Bacillus pumilus PU4-2 using Pretreated Substrates date: 2010-03-13 words: 3659 flesch: 50 summary: This hypothesis was supported with the correlation experiment of reducing sugar content toward specific enzyme activity (Fig 1). The clear supernatant was used to estimate enzyme activities and stored at -20°C. keywords: activity; content; enzyme; pollard; production; substrate; sugar; water; xylanase cache: mionline-31.pdf plain text: mionline-31.txt item: #134 of 358 id: mionline-311 author: SULFIANTI, ASRI; YASMON, ANDI; BELA, BUDIMAN; IBIRAHIM, FERA title: Cloning and Expression of HA1 Gene of H1N1 Influenza Virus 2009 Pandemic (H1n1pdm09) Indonesia Strain in the Pichia Pastoris Expression System for the Development of Influenza Vaccine date: 2015-12-29 words: 3743 flesch: 55 summary: This anti-tag recognized the marker of poly His tag on the downstream of recombinant HA1 protein, and the mouse specific antibody HA H1N1pdm09 detect the recombinant HA1 protein in supernatant culture. The expressed of HA1 protein was confirmed by western blotting using Anti-His detector TM nickel-HRP (KPL) and mouse anti HA1 polyclonal antibodies. keywords: dna; expression; gene; h1n1pdm09; ha1; indonesia; influenza; pastoris; ppiczα; protein; recombinant; vaccine; virus cache: mionline-311.pdf plain text: mionline-311.txt item: #135 of 358 id: mionline-312 author: WIDYASARI, ANASTASIA ASRI; MAGDALENA, STELLA; LAY, BIBIANA WIDIYATI title: Isolation and Identification of Bacteria from Raw Materials Contaminated by Rope-producing Bacteria date: 2015-10-01 words: 4446 flesch: 59 summary: However, B. licheniformis, B. megaterium (Sorokulova et al. 2003), B. pumilus, B. cereus (Valerio et al. 2012), and B. subtilis can also be the causative agents of ropey bread (Rumeus and Turtoi 2013). The spoilage involved in ropey bread is primarily due to Bacillus subtilis. keywords: + +; acid; agents; antimicrobial; bacillus; bacteria; bread; isolates; rope; subtilis; test cache: mionline-312.pdf plain text: mionline-312.txt item: #136 of 358 id: mionline-313 author: KURNIAWAN, ANDI; YAMAMOTO, TATSUYA title: Biosorption of Lithium Using Biofilm Matrix of Natural Microbial Consortium date: 2015-09-30 words: 4084 flesch: 65 summary: The followings were observed as results of this study: 1) biofilm has both negatively and positively charged sites; 2) lithium adsorption by biofilm matrix is a physicochemical process mainly promoted by the electrostatic interaction between the ion and the charged sites of biofilm polymers; 3) the adsorbing lithium ion promote the desorption of ions from biofilms through ion exchange mechanism; 4) biofilms components changed seasonally and seems to affect the ability of biofilm to adsorb ions. Key words: biofilm, biofilm polymer, biosorption, lithium ion Studi ini mengkaji biosorpsi ion lithium dengan menggunakan matriks biofilm dari konsorsium mikroba yang tumbuh alami di danau Biwa, Jepang. keywords: adsorption; biofilm; biosorption; fig; ion; ions; lithium; water cache: mionline-313.pdf plain text: mionline-313.txt item: #137 of 358 id: mionline-318 author: WONG, CHANGI; PROKSCH, PETER; TAN, LEE TUNG; LIHAN, SAMUEL; MUJAHID, AAZANI; MÜLLER, MORITZ title: Isolation, Identification and Screening of Antimicrobial Properties of the Marine-Derived Endophytic Fungi from Marine Brown Seaweed date: 2016-02-15 words: 5072 flesch: 58 summary: Endophytic fungi spend their entire life cycle within their host plant tissue without showing any apparent symptom (Strobel et al. 1998). Key words: antimicrobial properties, endophytic fungi, Marine Brown Seaweed, Padina sp. keywords: activity; agar; anti; assay; doi; extract; fungal; fungi; fungus; gram; inhibition; marine; table cache: mionline-318.pdf plain text: mionline-318.txt item: #138 of 358 id: mionline-319 author: A’YUN, QURROTA; SUWANTO, ANTONIUS; BARUS, TATI title: Genetic Profiles of Escherichia coli Isolated from Indonesian Tempeh Based on Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus- Polymerase Chain Reaction (ERIC-PCR) date: 2015-06-06 words: 3785 flesch: 63 summary: Thirty-three isolates of E. coli were successfully isolated from tempeh samples produced by only two producers, we could not obtain E. coli isolates from the other two producers. The aim of this study was to compare genetic diversity of E. coli isolates from tempeh with medical isolates employing ERIC-PCR method. keywords: 16s; coli; e. coli; eric; isolates; pcr; profiles; rrna; tempeh cache: mionline-319.pdf plain text: mionline-319.txt item: #139 of 358 id: mionline-32 author: WAHYUDI, ARIS TRI title: Rapid and Simple Amplification of Genomic DNA Sequences Flanking Transposon date: 2010-03-13 words: 3003 flesch: 51 summary: The method involves: (i) digestion with a restriction enzyme that does not cut mini-Tn5Km1 sequence; (ii) self-ligation under conditions favoring the production of monomeric circles; and (iii) inverse PCR reaction using primers designed from mini- Tn5Km1 sequence to amplify the DNA sequences flanking mini-Tn5Km1 transposon insertion. Feasibility and reliability of this method were demonstrated with mini-Tn5Km1 mutants of the microaerobic magnetic bacterium Magnetospirillum magneticum AMB-1 which are defective in magnetosomes synthesis. keywords: dna; flanking; insertion; inverse; mini; pcr; sequences; transposon cache: mionline-32.pdf plain text: mionline-32.txt item: #140 of 358 id: mionline-321 author: GIRI-RACHMAN, ERNAWATI ARIFIN; PRATAMA, FENRYCO; AJI, OKTIRA ROKA; PATRIATI, ARUM; IHSANAWATI, IHSANAWATI; MOEIS, MAELITA RAMDANI; PUTRA, EDY GIRI-RACHMAN title: Expression and Purification of PhoR Sensor-Domain Histidine Kinase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Escherichia coli date: 2015-11-05 words: 4202 flesch: 50 summary: In this study, we over expressed recombinant PhoR sensor- domain protein in E. coli BL21 (DE3) and conducted subsequent purification process to isolate the protein. Results from the analysis estimated that PhoR sensor- domain protein was expressed as insoluble protein inside E. coli. keywords: analysis; doi; domain; fig; kda; phor; protein; purification; refolding; sample; scattering; sensor; solution; structure; system; tuberculosis cache: mionline-321.pdf plain text: mionline-321.txt item: #141 of 358 id: mionline-322 author: ELFITA, ELFITA; MUNAWAR, MUNAWAR; MUHARNI, MUHARNI; IVANTRI, IHSAN title: Chemical Constituen from an Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus sp (SbD5) Isolated from Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees) date: 2015-06-30 words: 4120 flesch: 60 summary: Compared to similar compound mevalolactone (isolated from endophytic fungus Aspergillus sp EJC08 of Bauhinia guianensis), that has high antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, and Staphylococcus aureus (Pinheiro et al. 2013). Endophytic fungi, which colonize plants internally without apparent adverse effects, occur ubiquitously in plants and do not have pathogenic effects on its hosts. keywords: activity; antibacterial; compound; elfita; endophytic; fungi; ppm; sambiloto cache: mionline-322.pdf plain text: mionline-322.txt item: #142 of 358 id: mionline-323 author: SOGANDI, SOGANDI; MUSTOPA, APON ZAENAL; ARTIKA, I MADE; BUDIARTO, BUGI RATNO title: Inhibitory activity of Lactobacillus plantarum U10 isolated from Tempoyak (fermented durian) Made in Indonesia against Salmonella typhi date: 2015-06-30 words: 5083 flesch: 57 summary: S. typhi ATCC25241 were -1 treated for 24 h with plantaricin (133 AU mL ) then observed by SEM to examine morphological changes Table 2 Purification of plantaricin U10 Fig 3 SDS-PAGE analysis of bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus plantarum U10. L. plantarum U10 produced two bacteriocins with a molecular mass of approximately 4.5 and 9.8 kDa by SDS-PAGE. keywords: activity; bacteria; bacteriocin; cell; doi; et al; food; lactobacillus; microbiol; plantaricin; plantarum; todorov; typhi; u10 cache: mionline-323.pdf plain text: mionline-323.txt item: #143 of 358 id: mionline-324 author: PUTRI, FENTRI PARAMITHA; NURHASANAH, ASTUTIATI; NURHAYATI, NIKNIK; HELIANTI, IS; SYAMSU, KHASWAR title: Medium Optimization for Penicillin Acylase (PAc) Production by Recombinant B. megaterium MS941 Containing pac Gene from B. thuringiensis BGSC BD1 Using Response Surface Methodology date: 2015-06-30 words: 4948 flesch: 57 summary: At 48 h, the maximum PAc -1 volumetric activity was 2.069 ± 0.0820 units mL which reached in the s meaning that 1 mL of PAc enzyme harvested could degrade 2.0687 ± 0.0820 µmol ° pen-G to 6-APA per minute at 50 C. The PAc volumetric activity was relatively constant between 18 – 42 h. Fig 3B showed that the protein concentration started to increase in the exponential phase and continued to increase until the cultivation was terminated at 48 h Fig 1 Response surface and contour plot of xylose and calcium ions combinations on PAc volumetric activity (A) Response surface and contour plot of xylose and calcium ions combinations on PAc specific activity (B). One unit of PAc activity was defined as the amount of enzyme required to release 1 μmol of 6-APA -1 min under the assay condition as reported by Balasingham et al. (1972). keywords: activity; cacl; medium; megaterium; pac; protein; units; volumetric cache: mionline-324.pdf plain text: mionline-324.txt item: #144 of 358 id: mionline-327 author: HARTAYANIE, LAKSMI; LINDAYANI, LINDAYANI; MURNIATI, MONIKA PALUPI title: Antimicrobial Activity of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Bamboo Shoot Pickles Fermented at 15 oC date: 2016-08-15 words: 3387 flesch: 58 summary: Lactic acid bacteria isolates were tested for antimicrobial activity. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) belong to the beneficial bacteria for producing lactic acid. keywords: + +; + b; acid; bacteria; bamboo; growth; isolates; lactobacillus; shoots cache: mionline-327.pdf plain text: mionline-327.txt item: #145 of 358 id: mionline-33 author: PARNADI, PUJAWATI SURYATMANA; KARDENA, EDWAN; RATNANINGSIH, ENNY; WISJNUPRAPTO, . title: Improving the Effectiveness of Crude-Oil Hydrocarbon Biodegradation Employing Azotobacter chroococcum as Co-Inoculant date: 2010-03-13 words: 3971 flesch: 49 summary: oil hydrocarbons before and after degradation by B. (a) with the presence of co inoculant a b immediately be used as substrate by the bacteria. oil hydrocarbons before and after (a) with the presence of co oil hydrocarbons before and after (a) with the presence of co-inoculant (b) on b oil hydrocarbons before and after (a) with the presence of co-inoculant (b) on b crude-oil hydrocarbons, mass transfer factor in liquid phase refers to solubility and dispersion level of oil droplets. keywords: biodegradation; chroococcum; compounds; crude; hydrocarbon; oil; petrobacter; process cache: mionline-33.pdf plain text: mionline-33.txt item: #146 of 358 id: mionline-336 author: none title: Cover and Table of Content date: 2015-12-29 words: 206 flesch: 0 summary: Cloning and Expression of HA1 Gene of H1N1 Influenza Virus 2009 Pandemic (H1n1pdm09) Indonesia Strain in the Pichia pastoris Expression System for the Development of Influenza Vaccine Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, Fenryco Pratama, Oktira Roka Aji, Arum Patriati, Ihsanawati, Edy Giri Rachman Putra, and Maelita Ramdani Moeis Qurrota A'yun, Antonius Suwanto, and Tati Barus Fentri Paramitha Putri, Astutiati Nurhasanah, Niknik Nurhayati, Is Helianti, and Khaswar Syamsu Sogandi, Apon Zaenal Mustopa, I Made Artika, and Bugi Ratno Budiarto Elfita, Munawar, Muharni, and Ihsan Ivantri Asri Sulfianti, Andi Yasmon, Budiman Bela, and Fera Ibrahim 51 58 65 73 82 89 Page 1 Production by Recombinant Containing pac Gene from Using Response Surface Methodology Bacillus megaterium MS941 Bacillus thuringiensis BGSC BD1 Inhibitory Activity of Lactobacillus plantarum U10 Isolated from Tempoyak (Fermented Durian) Made in Indonesia against Salmonella typhi Chemical Constituens of an Endophytic Fungus Aspergillus Sp (Sbd5) Isolated from Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata Nees) keywords: fenryco pratama; niknik nurhayati cache: mionline-336.pdf plain text: mionline-336.txt item: #147 of 358 id: mionline-337 author: none title: Editorial Board and Publisher Information date: 2015-12-29 words: 435 flesch: 59 summary: Amin Soebandrio, Ph.D, Sp.MK; Prof. Dr. Ir. Koesnandar, M.Eng.; Prof. Fedik President Vice President I:: A. Rantam, Ph.D; dr. Mardiastuti HW, M.Sc.; Diana Nurani, M.Si.; keywords:; prof cache: mionline-337.pdf plain text: mionline-337.txt item: #148 of 358 id: mionline-338 author: Rusmana, Iman title: Guide for Authors date: 2015-12-29 words: 1862 flesch: 57 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; manuscript; page; research; results; section; submission cache: mionline-338.pdf plain text: mionline-338.txt item: #149 of 358 id: mionline-339 author: none title: Membership Application Form of PERMI date: 2015-12-29 words: 5 flesch: 83 summary: Blanko Pendaftaran Anggota.cdr Page 1 keywords: blanko cache: mionline-339.pdf plain text: mionline-339.txt item: #150 of 358 id: mionline-34 author: WIDIASTUTI, HAPPY; SUKARNO, NAMPIAH; DARUSMAN, LATIFAH KOSIM title: Protein Patterns in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Roots and Non-Mycorrhizal Roots of Oil Palm Seedling date: 2010-03-13 words: 3212 flesch: 56 summary: SDS PAGE analysis of secondary oil palm root at the 11th week after inoculation showed that there were no differences in polypeptide pattern of the uninoculated root between fertilized and none-fertilized plants. 5 no. 281 (Happy).pmd Protein Patterns in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Roots and Non-Mycorrhizal Roots of Oil Palm Seedling HAPPY WIDIASTUTI1∗, NAMPIAH SUKARNO2, AND LATIFAH KOSIM DARUSMAN2 1Balai Penelitian Bioteknologi Perkebunan Indonesia, Jalan Taman Kencana No. 1, Bogor 16151, Indonesia 2Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Darmaga Campus, Bogor 16680, Indonesia A comparison of the protein patterns in root extracts from none mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal oil palm roots has been made. keywords: fertilizer; margarita; oil; palm; polypeptide; root; tuberculata cache: mionline-34.pdf plain text: mionline-34.txt item: #151 of 358 id: mionline-341 author: Rusmana, Iman title: Back Cover and Sponsor Information date: 2015-12-29 words: 4 flesch: 75 summary: Cover Belakang.cdr Page 1 keywords: page cache: mionline-341.pdf plain text: mionline-341.txt item: #152 of 358 id: mionline-346 author: AMALIA, RIEZKI; ISMAYA, WANGSA TIRTA; PUSPASARI, FERNITA; HASAN, KHOMAINI; SUBROTO, TOTO; NATALIA, DESSY; SOEMITRO, SOETIJOSO title: Heterologous Expression of α-Amylase from Saccharomycopsis fibuligera R64 and its Tyr401Trp Mutant in Pichia pastoris date: 2016-07-18 words: 4597 flesch: 58 summary: Direct production of ethanol from raw starch corn starch via fermentation by use of a novel surface-engineered yeast strain codisplaying glucoamylase and alpha-amylase. Biomass degradation requires an enzyme that is able to act on raw starch substrates, a characteristic that recently has been demonstrated for a-amylase from the yeast Saccharomycopsis fibuligera R64 (SfR64) (Hasan et al. 2008). keywords: activity; amylase; binding; doi; enzyme; expression; fibuligera; pastoris; raw; saccharomycopsis; sfamyr64; site; starch cache: mionline-346.pdf plain text: mionline-346.txt item: #153 of 358 id: mionline-349 author: ABRAHAM, SILVA; BASUKRIADI, ADI; PAWIROHARSONO, SUYANTO; SJAMSURIDZAL, WELLYZAR title: Insecticidal Activities of Ethyl Acetate Extract of Indonesian Mangrove Fungus Emericella nidulans BPPTCC 6038 on Spodoptera litura date: 2015-09-30 words: 5056 flesch: 50 summary: No extract (Control -) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Table 1 Percent larvacidal activity of ethyl acetate extracts from five mangrove fungi against Spodoptera litura (mean ± SE) P ro b it 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0000 -0.2 -0.4 Log of concentration 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 Fig 2 The linear regression of probit mortality against log concentration of ethyl acetate extract from Emericella nidulans BPPTCC 6038 ethyl acetate extract on Spodoptera litura larvae. This study assess the insecticidal activities of ethyl acetate extract of Indonesian mangrove fungus Emericella nidulans BPPTCC 6038 against Spodoptera litura neonate larvae and pupae. keywords: 2013; 2015; acetate; activity; emericella; et al; ethyl; extract; fungus; growth; larval; litura; mangrove; metabolite; nidulans; secondary cache: mionline-349.pdf plain text: mionline-349.txt item: #154 of 358 id: mionline-35 author: FRISCA, .; LAY, BIBIANA WIDYATI; WATURANGI, DIANA ELIZABETH title: Identification of Class 1 Integron of Escherichia coli from Street Foods in Jakarta date: 2010-03-13 words: 2722 flesch: 50 summary: This finding could potentially play a role in the transfer of antibiotic resistance genes to other human microbiota because E. coli is a commensal bacteria in the human intestine. well 5 contained positive control (PCR amplicon from E. coli origin of Varanus spp.), and well 6 contained PCR amplicon from FC12A isolate (750 bp). 16 FRISCA ET AL. Microbiol Indones 750 bp of other studies on antimicrobial agent resistance of E. coli from different sources throughout the world (Okeke et al. 2000; Schroeder et al. 2002; Roe et al. 2003; Sayah et al. 2005). keywords: class; coli; gene; integron; isolates; resistance cache: mionline-35.pdf plain text: mionline-35.txt item: #155 of 358 id: mionline-354 author: none title: Antibiotic Use Is Not a Risk Factor of Infection by Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Producing Bacteria in Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya date: 2016-04-27 words: 3742 flesch: 50 summary: The prevalence of ESBL producing bacteria varies among countries; however, an increasing trend is reported (Shaikh et al. 2015). However a case control study in an Australian tertiary hospital found that pre-infection length of hospital stay was a risk factor for colonization by ESBL producing bacteria (OR=1.2; 95%CI=1.0- 1.3) (Osthoff et al. 2015). keywords: antibiotic; bacteria; coli; esbl; factors; hospital; infection; patients; risk; spectrum; study cache: mionline-354.pdf plain text: mionline-354.txt item: #156 of 358 id: mionline-356 author: NURTJAHYANI, SUPIANA DIAN; HANDAJANI, RETNO title: Genotype of Hepatitis B Virus Coinfection in Typhoid Patients date: 2015-09-30 words: 2539 flesch: 59 summary: HBV coinfection indicated that 3 samples belonged to HBV genotype B and 2 samples belonged to HBV genotype C. Our previous paper reported that hepatitis B virus (HBV) was found in abdominal typhoid patients in Tuban. keywords: 222nt; coinfection; genotype; hbv; hepatitis; patients; pcr; samples; typhoid; virus cache: mionline-356.pdf plain text: mionline-356.txt item: #157 of 358 id: mionline-359 author: WIBISANA, AHMAD; SUMARYONO, WAHONO; SUDIRO, MIRAWATI; SUDARMONO, PRATIWI PUDJILESTARI title: Optimization of Surfactin Production by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens MD4-12 using Response Surface Methodology date: 2015-09-30 words: 4749 flesch: 56 summary: Screening of the best carbon and nitrogen source were selected in preliminary experiments followed by selection of the influencing significant parameters on surfactin production using Plackett-Burman design. To achieve high yield of surfactin production by B. amyloliquefaciens MD4-12, optimization of nutrient supply and environmental condition is very important. keywords: concentration; factors; glucose; medium; model; production; surface; surfactin cache: mionline-359.pdf plain text: mionline-359.txt item: #158 of 358 id: mionline-36 author: MILANDA, TIANA; WIBOWO, MARLIA SINGGIH; GUSDINAR, TUTUS; DHANUTIRTO, HARYANTO title: Mutation and Characterization of an Albino Mutant of Monascus sp. Isolated from the Cikapundung River, Bandung date: 2010-03-13 words: 3157 flesch: 54 summary: The extraction, identification, and determination of monascidin A content in fermentation samples produced by M. purpureus parental strain and albino mutant were conducted employing the procedure of Blanc et al. Genetic variation of M. purpureus albino mutant was detected employing RAPD with three replications using the same procedure previously used in the identification of the parental strain. keywords: albino; itbcc; monascidin; monascus; mutant; purpureus; strain cache: mionline-36.pdf plain text: mionline-36.txt item: #159 of 358 id: mionline-360 author: NOVELNI, RINGGA; MARLINA, MARLINA; RAVEINAL, RAVEINAL title: Determination of blaVIM and blaIMP Resistant Genes againts Meropenem of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from HCU Bronkopneumona Inpatients at Internal Medicine RSUP dr M Djamil Padang date: 2015-09-30 words: 4508 flesch: 61 summary: Resistance gene type from P. aeruginosa isolates was detected with PCR method. The isolation was started with the sample cultivation to the Cetrimide Agar media which the selective media to P. aeruginosa bacteria. keywords: aeruginosa; antibiotics; bacteria; bla; mbls; media; meropenem; min; resistance; sample; test cache: mionline-360.pdf plain text: mionline-360.txt item: #160 of 358 id: mionline-361 author: Rusmana, Iman title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2016-03-28 words: 436 flesch: 59 summary: Amin Soebandrio, Ph.D, Sp.MK; Prof. Dr. Ir. Koesnandar, M.Eng.; Prof. Fedik President Vice President I:: A. Rantam, Ph.D; dr. Mardiastuti HW, M.Sc.; Diana Nurani, M.Si.; keywords:; prof cache: mionline-361.pdf plain text: mionline-361.txt item: #161 of 358 id: mionline-362 author: Rusmana, Iman title: ITA registration form and Back Cover date: 2016-03-28 words: 2103 flesch: 56 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; indonesia; manuscript; microbiology; page; research; section; submission cache: mionline-362.pdf plain text: mionline-362.txt item: #162 of 358 id: mionline-37 author: SUDARMONO, PRATIWI; WIWING, VERONICA title: Hospital Acquired Bacterial Infection in Burns Unit at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta date: 2010-03-13 words: 4194 flesch: 59 summary: A prospective study of infections in burn patients has shown that the incidence of hospital acquired bacterial infection in burn wounds was high. Prospective study of infections in burn patients. keywords: burn; day; hospital; patients; r r; s r; s s; unit cache: mionline-37.pdf plain text: mionline-37.txt item: #163 of 358 id: mionline-370 author: none title: Enhancing the Removal of Highly Concentrated CO2 Through Synergism between Microalgae Consortium and Nutrient Ratio in Photobioreactor date: 2016-12-04 words: 4701 flesch: 56 summary: 01 Rinanti.cdr Vol.10, No.3, September 2016, p 79-86 DOI: 10.5454/mi.10.3.1 Enhancing the Removal of Highly Concentrated CO Through Synergism 2 between Microalgae Consortium and Nutrient Ratio in Photobioreactor 1 2 ASTRI RINANTI * AND KANIA DEWI 1 Environmental Engineering Department, Universitas Trisakti, Jalan Kyai Tapa No. 1, Jakarta 11440, Indonesia; 2 Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia This research was carried out by developing the carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology to determine the synergism between microalgae consortium and the optimum nutrient ratio as an effort to obtain higher CO 2 removal efficiency and CO utilization efficiency. CO utilization 2 2 efficiency was determined by using the following equation (Ryu et al. 2009): (4) where C is the carbon content of the dried cell (g -1 - carbon.g biomass ), P is the productivity (g biomass. keywords: ankistrodesmus; carbon; chlorella; consortium; efficiency; microalgae; nitrogen; obliquus; removal; scenedesmus cache: mionline-370.pdf plain text: mionline-370.txt item: #164 of 358 id: mionline-371 author: SASKIAWAN, IWAN; HASANAH, NUR title: Screening, Purification, and Characterization of Cellulase from Fungi Isolated from Used Mushroom Substrate date: 2016-05-23 words: 4036 flesch: 59 summary: Cellulase activity on medium CMC was determined by the Index of Relative Enzyme Activity (ICMC). Fractions with cellulase activity were collected and used for the characterization and determination of kinetic parameters. keywords: + +; activity; cellulase; enzyme; jmf; purification; substrate cache: mionline-371.pdf plain text: mionline-371.txt item: #165 of 358 id: mionline-372 author: ROSARIASTUTI, RETNO; SUMANI, SUMANI; SUPRIYADI, SUPRIYADI; NURSETYAWAN, MUHAMMAD ARDIAN; DANISWARA, PRAMUSITA YOGA title: The Utilization of Modified Cassava Flour (Mocaf) Industry Waste and Peat as Carrier of Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria and Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria Inoculant date: 2018-01-02 words: 3638 flesch: 49 summary: Carrier material play an important role in maintaining the viability of microorganisms during storage period. Solid waste of Modified Cassava Flour (Mocaf) has great potency as carrier material of good biofertilizers, because of its nutrient content. keywords: bacteria; carrier; growth; incubation; indonesia; material; mocaf; nfb; number; peat; psb; total; waste cache: mionline-372.pdf plain text: mionline-372.txt item: #166 of 358 id: mionline-374 author: ARTARINI, ANITA; JESSICA, HANARY G; KARTIKASARI, RADEN RINI; RIANI, CATUR; RETNONINGRUM, DEBBIE S title: Detection of Hepatitis B Virus X Gene Mutation from Local Clinical Samples date: 2016-06-16 words: 3924 flesch: 64 summary: B. However, HBV genotype B correlates with HCC incidence without cirrhosis (El-Serag 2012). Association of HBV genotype B and C to HCC was found at 12% and 25%, respectively (Wong et al. 2013). keywords: dna; doi; gene; genotype; hbv; hbx; hcc; hepatitis; mutant; pcr; samples; virus cache: mionline-374.pdf plain text: mionline-374.txt item: #167 of 358 id: mionline-376 author: CAMESI, ALIANDA BUDHIRIANi ROSSATI; LUKITO, AGUSTINA; WATURANGI, DIANA ELIZABETH; KWAN, HWANG JAE title: Screening of Antibiofilm Activity from Marine Bacteria against Pathogenic Bacteria date: 2016-12-04 words: 4896 flesch: 57 summary: The purpose of this study is to analyze biofilm inhibition and destruction activities of marine bacteria associated with hard and soft corals isolated from several oceanic regions in Indonesia. In conclusion, marine bacteria have broad applications in medical and pharmaceutical industries and the oceanic regions of Indonesia are promising sources for the discovery of novel bacteria with antibiofilm activity. keywords: activity; antibiofilm; bacteria; biofilm; coral; destruction; doi; formation; inhibition; isolates; marine; province cache: mionline-376.pdf plain text: mionline-376.txt item: #168 of 358 id: mionline-38 author: PRIHATNA, CAHYA; SUWANTO, ANTONIUS title: Phenotypic, Metabolic, and Genetic Diversity of the Indonesian Isolates of Rhizopus oligosporus date: 2010-03-13 words: 3291 flesch: 55 summary: As a guideline for morphology examination, an atlas for Rhizopus identification was used (Liou et al. 1990). Isolates FB- 05 and FB-08 share closer relationship compared with the others. keywords: bogor; indonesia; isolates; metabolic; morphology; oligosporus; regions; rhizopus cache: mionline-38.pdf plain text: mionline-38.txt item: #169 of 358 id: mionline-382 author: ROSANA, YEVA; OCVIYANTI, DWIANA; KARUNIAWATI, ANIS; AKHMAD, SYADZA RHIZKY PUTRI title: Comparison of Microbial Pattern Causing Urinary Tract Infection in Female Out- and Hospitalized Patients in Jakarta date: 2016-07-26 words: 4488 flesch: 51 summary: Candida sp. was only found in hospitalized UTI patients but not in outpatients. The results of this study suggested that periodic surveys are necessary to determine the distribution and pattern of UTI-causing microorganisms and that it would be beneficial as guidance for empirical antimicrobial therapy in UTI patients while waiting for the results of urine culture. keywords: bacteria; cause; coli; escherichia; gram; klebsiella; microbes; negative; outpatients; patients; pattern; study; tract; uti cache: mionline-382.pdf plain text: mionline-382.txt item: #170 of 358 id: mionline-383 author: SURYA, MARYATI; ISKANDRIATI, DIAH; MARIYA, SILMI; SAEPULOH, UUS; PERMANAWATI, PERMANAWATI; SAJUTHI, DONDIN; PAMUNGKAS, JOKO title: Primary Tupaia javanica Hepatocytes Cultures As In Vitro Replication System for Ape Hepatitis B Viruses date: 2016-07-26 words: 4514 flesch: 58 summary: Cell culture models and animal models of viral hepatitis. The purpose of this study was to developed T. javanica hepatocytes cultures to assess the ability of the hepatitis B virus replication in cell culture. keywords: cells; culture; day; hbv; hepatitis; hepatocytes; infection; javanica; ouhbv; primary; replication; tupaia; virus; vitro cache: mionline-383.pdf plain text: mionline-383.txt item: #171 of 358 id: mionline-388 author: SUHANDONO, SONY; SETIADI, HERI; KRISTIANTI, TATI; KUSUMA, ALI BUDHI; WEDARINGTYAS, ANDINI WARIH; DJAJADI, DEMI TRISTAN; ARYANTHA, I NYOMAN PUGEG title: Diversity of Culturable Bacterial in Various Parts of Luwak’s (Paradoxurus hermaprodithus javanica) Gastrointestinal Tract date: 2016-08-15 words: 3208 flesch: 57 summary: The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of culturable bacteria in the gastro intestinal tract of luwak. Key words: coffee, culturable bacteria, Kopi luwak merupakan kopi yang dihasilkan secara eksklusif oleh musang atau luwak (Paradoxurus hermaphrodites ssp.) keywords: 16s; analysis; bacteria; civet; cloacae; coffee; intestine; luwak; process; rdna; stomach; tract cache: mionline-388.pdf plain text: mionline-388.txt item: #172 of 358 id: mionline-389 author: none title: Nitrogen Fixing Potential of Endophytic Bacteria Isolated from Aloe barbadensis Miller and Aloe sp. date: 2016-08-15 words: 5391 flesch: 63 summary: Effects of salinity and drought on morphological and chemical traits of Aloe vera plant. Endophytic bacteria from Aloe and their ability for nitrogen fixation were little reported, This research aimed study the endophytic bacteria from two varieties of aloe, namely Aloe barbadensis Miller and Aloe sp. in their ability on conducting the nitrogen fixing process . keywords: ability; aloe; bacteria; barbadensis; drought; fixation; growth; isolates; nitrogen; opaque; plant; pole; round; slimy; smooth cache: mionline-389.pdf plain text: mionline-389.txt item: #173 of 358 id: mionline-39 author: ARTIKA, I MADE title: Structural and Functional Analysis of FLAG Tagged-Subunit 8 of Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mitochondrial ATP Synthase date: 2010-03-13 words: 3448 flesch: 54 summary: Subunit 8 of yeast mitochondrial ATP synthase is a hydrophobic protein of 48 amino acids encoded by the mitochondrial ATP8 gene. Subunit 8 of yeast mitochondrial ATP synthase is a small hydrophobic polypeptide of 48 amino acids encoded by the ATP8 gene (Macreadie et al. 1983). keywords: atp; flag; residues; subunit; synthase; variants; yeast cache: mionline-39.pdf plain text: mionline-39.txt item: #174 of 358 id: mionline-40 author: AMININ1, AGUSTINA LULUSTYANINGATI NURUL; MADAYANTI, FIDA; ADITIAWATI, PINGKAN; AKHMALOKA, . title: 16S Ribosomal RNA-Based Analysis of Thermophilic Bacteria in Gedongsongo Hot Spring date: 2010-03-13 words: 5353 flesch: 58 summary: More than one- third of the 40 to 50 main relatedness group, natural divisions, of the domain Bacteria are known only from detection of rRNA gene sequences and have no described cultivated representatives. The analysis of natural microbial populations by ribosomal RNA sequences. keywords: 16s; 16s ribosomal; bacterium; bands; clone; dna; gene; ribosomal; ribosomal rna; rna; rna gene; rrna; sequence cache: mionline-40.pdf plain text: mionline-40.txt item: #175 of 358 id: mionline-41 author: RUSMANA, IMAN title: Effects of Temperature on Denitrifying Growth and Nitrate Reduction End Products of Comamonas testosteroni Isolated from Estuarine Sediment date: 2010-03-13 words: 4184 flesch: 59 summary: N O 2 - a n d N 2 O p ro d u c e d (x 1 0 -9 µ m o l C F U -1 ) Figure 7 Amounts of nitrate ( ) reduced, nitrite ( ) and N 2 O ( ) produced per bacterial cell basis (CFU-1) in steady state condition of Comamonas testosteroni continuous culture at 5, 10, 15, and 20 oC. Temperature (oC) Total nitrate reduced at low temperature, in both batch and continuous cultures, was lower than at high temperature (Table 1) indicating temperature limitation on bacterial nitrate uptake. Therefore, the bacterial growth yield at low temperature was lower than at high temperature (Table 1). keywords: growth; nitrate; temperature; testosteroni cache: mionline-41.pdf plain text: mionline-41.txt item: #176 of 358 id: mionline-415 author: JEMSI, WINDI SILVANI; ARYANTHA, I NYOMAN PUGEG title: Potential MGPB In Optimizing Paddy Straw Mushroom (Volvariella volvacea WW-08) Growth date: 2017-10-04 words: 5077 flesch: 61 summary: (2011), bacteria growth is strongly influenced by environmental factors such as temperature, pH, oxygen supply, as well as internal factors such as nutrient content and other compounds to feed microorganism. Results are expected to provide solution for Indonesia farmers in increasing V. volvacea growth that can merit market demand. keywords: 2011; bacteria; body; cereus; day; fig; growth; medium; mgpb; mushroom; protein; sds; strain; treatment; volvacea; w34 cache: mionline-415.pdf plain text: mionline-415.txt item: #177 of 358 id: mionline-42 author: SETYAHADI, SISWA title: Screening of Lactic Acid Bacteria for the Purpose of Chitin Recovery Processing date: 2010-03-13 words: 2472 flesch: 66 summary: Lactic acid fermentation has been studied as an alternative method of chitin recovery from the natural chitin compounds, such as shrimp waste. Lactic acid fermentation combined with chemical treatment has been studied as an alternative method of chitin recovery that reduces the amount of alkali and acid needed. keywords: acid; chitin; fermentation; media; shell; shrimp; waste cache: mionline-42.pdf plain text: mionline-42.txt item: #178 of 358 id: mionline-424 author: none title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2016-10-09 words: 623 flesch: 53 summary: Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. Harmastini Sukiman, M.Agr; dr. Purwati SpPD, Ph.D; Dr. Wahyu Purbowasito; Organization Advancement and Networking: Dr. Puspita Lisdiyanti; Prof. Dr. Ir. keywords:; prof cache: mionline-424.pdf plain text: mionline-424.txt item: #179 of 358 id: mionline-43 author: SEMBIRING, LANGKAH; GOODFELLOW, MICHAEL title: Ecological Approach to Unravel Streptomycete Diversity as an Unsurpassed Sources of Natural Bioactive Products date: 2010-03-13 words: 6672 flesch: 49 summary: Ecology and predominance of soil streptomycetes. The genus Streptomyces accommodates an unusually high degree of natural diversity with almost 600 validly described species (Goodfellow et al. 2007). keywords: 1978; actinomycetes; antibiotics; bacteria; control; diversity; ecology; et al; fusarium; goodfellow; growth; habitats; isolation; microbiol; new; phytophthora; rhizosphere; selective; soil; species; streptomycetes; studies; williams; williams et cache: mionline-43.pdf plain text: mionline-43.txt item: #180 of 358 id: mionline-437 author: Helianti, Is title: ITA registration form and back cover date: 2016-10-09 words: 2065 flesch: 55 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; indonesia; manuscript; microbiology; page; research; section; submission cache: mionline-437.pdf plain text: mionline-437.txt item: #181 of 358 id: mionline-438 author: none title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2016-10-09 words: 146 flesch: 14 summary: CDR ISSN 1978-3477, eISSN 2087-8575 Volume 9, Number 4, December 2015 Isolation, Identification and Screening of Antimicrobial Properties of the Marine-Derived Endophytic Fungi from Marine Brown Seaweed Antibiotic Use Is Not a Risk Factor of Infection by Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Producing Bacteria in Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya Orchid Mycorrhizae Fungi: Identification of Rhizoctonia in West Kalimantan Heavy Metals Biosorption By Copper Resistant Bacteria of Acinetobacter sp. IrC2 Screening, Purification and Characterization of Cellulase from Fungi Isolated from Used Mushroom Substrate Changi Wong, Peter Proksch, Lee Tung Tan, Samuel Lihan, Aazani Mujahid, and Moritz Muller Nadhya Nur Fitri, Musofa Rusli, and Manik Retno Wahyunitisari Rosa Suryantini, Reine Suci Wulandari, and Rina Sri Kasiamdari Wahyu Irawati, Adolf Jan Nexson Parhusip, and Raden Nida Sopiah Iwan Saskiawan and Nur Hasanah 141 150 157 163 171 Author Index Subject Index 178 179 Page 1 keywords: fungi; screening cache: mionline-438.pdf plain text: mionline-438.txt item: #182 of 358 id: mionline-439 author: none title: ITA registration form and back cover date: 2016-10-09 words: 3193 flesch: 47 summary: Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). Please provide the abstract and the key words of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; bacteria; indonesia; manuscript; materials; microbiology; page; research; results; section; submission; tables; use cache: mionline-439.pdf plain text: mionline-439.txt item: #183 of 358 id: mionline-440 author: none title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2016-10-09 words: 434 flesch: 56 summary: Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. Harmastini Sukiman, M.Agr; dr. Purwati SpPD, Ph.D; Dr. Wahyu Purbowasito; Organization Advancement and Networking: Dr. Puspita Lisdiyanti; Prof. Dr. Ir. keywords:; prof cache: mionline-440.pdf plain text: mionline-440.txt item: #184 of 358 id: mionline-442 author: Helianti, Is title: ITA registration form and back cover date: 2016-10-17 words: 2052 flesch: 55 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone and fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; indonesia; manuscript; microbiology; page; research; submission cache: mionline-442.pdf plain text: mionline-442.txt item: #185 of 358 id: mionline-45 author: ZAINAL, APRIZAL; ANWAR, ASWALDI; KHAIRUL, UJANG; SUDARSONO, . title: Distribution of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in Various Tomato Production Centers in Sumatra and Java date: 2010-03-13 words: 5022 flesch: 58 summary: michiganensis michiganensis subsp. Tomato samples showing symptoms of C. michiganensis subsp. keywords: c. michiganensis; clavibacter; infection; isolates; java; leaves; michiganensis infection; michiganensis subsp; necrosis; production; symptoms; tomato cache: mionline-45.pdf plain text: mionline-45.txt item: #186 of 358 id: mionline-46 author: HERY WINARSI, .; HERNAYANTI, .; PURWANTO, AGUS title: A Supplement Based on Zn-Enriched Virgin Coconut Oil as an Antifungal agent for Vaginal Candidiasis Patients date: 2010-03-13 words: 3107 flesch: 59 summary: The mycelium of C. albicans is capable of binding to the epithelium of the hosts cells mycelia and penetrating the surface with mycelium protein, which is then tightly cross- linked with the cells epithelium. This ability enhances the virulence of C. albicans. keywords: albicans; candida; cell; group; host; vco cache: mionline-46.pdf plain text: mionline-46.txt item: #187 of 358 id: mionline-47 author: MEITINIARTI, V. IRENE; SOETARTO, ENDANG S.; SUGIHARTO, EKO; TIMOTIUS, KRIS HERAWAN title: Optimum Concentration of Glucose and Orange II for Growth and Decolorization of Orange II by Enterococcus faecalis ID6017 under Static Culture date: 2010-03-13 words: 4835 flesch: 57 summary: The optimum level of glucose and Orange II concentration for growth and Orange II decolorization by Enterococcus faecalis ID6017 are reported in this paper. The inhibition constant (K I ) was found to be 750 mg l-1 Orange II, indicating that Orange II concentration at e” 750 mg l-1 would inhibit bacterial growth to decolorize Orange II. keywords: concentration; faecalis; glucose; growth; l-1; orange; rate cache: mionline-47.pdf plain text: mionline-47.txt item: #188 of 358 id: mionline-48 author: RADJASA, OCKY KARNA; SABDONO, AGUS title: Ecological Role of A Softcoral-Associated Bacterium Arthrobacter sp. on Marine Biofilm-Forming Bacteria date: 2010-03-13 words: 3023 flesch: 45 summary: In this work, we report the ecological relevance role of marine bacteria associated with softcoral Sinularia sp. for the production of secondary metabolites which are antagonistic toward marine biofilm-forming bacteria. Thus, it is important to highlight the possible ecological role of marine bacteria associated with softcoral in providing protection of the host from fouling microrganisms. keywords: arthrobacter; bacteria; biofilm; gene; isolate; marine; pcr; peptide; sfnb.5; softcoral cache: mionline-48.pdf plain text: mionline-48.txt item: #189 of 358 id: mionline-49 author: KUSMINTARSIH, ENDANG SRIMURNI title: Population Density of Wolbachia Bacteria and the Induction of the Popcorn-Effect in Drosophila melanogaster date: 2010-03-13 words: 4404 flesch: 58 summary: The fastidious nature of Wolbachia, together with the difficulty in counting bacterial numbers inside tissues, has made it difficult to assess Wolbachia density within its host. Kondo et al. (2005) reported that Wolbachia density was determined through a complex interaction between host genotype, symbiont genotype, and other factors. keywords: adult; copy; day; density; effect; melanogaster; number; pcr; popcorn; standard; time; wolbachia cache: mionline-49.pdf plain text: mionline-49.txt item: #190 of 358 id: mionline-493 author: none title: Antibacterial Potentiality Testing of Pineapple Core Extract (Ananas comosus (L.) Merr) Against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) with Vancomycin Control date: 2017-11-26 words: 2723 flesch: 51 summary: Pathogenesis of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection. This research was conducted to investigate the antibacterial potentiality of pineapple core extract against MRSA. keywords: aureus; concentration; core; extract; mrsa; pineapple; staphylococcus cache: mionline-493.pdf plain text: mionline-493.txt item: #191 of 358 id: mionline-496 author: none title: Resistance Test on Aeromonas hydrophila Isolated from African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Against Some Antibiotics Groups date: 2017-10-04 words: 2784 flesch: 51 summary: This research aims to determine the resistance status of various antibiotic classes in A. hydrophila bacteria isolated from African catfish. Similarly, Dias et al. (2012) suggests that A. hydrophila bacteria isolated from the ornamental fish are resistant to several types of antibiotics, namely tetracycline, ampicillin, erythromycin, ticarcillin, and carbenicillin. keywords: aeromonas; antibiotics; bacteria; fish; hydrophila; isolates; resistance; results cache: mionline-496.pdf plain text: mionline-496.txt item: #192 of 358 id: mionline-499 author: none title: Effect of Tempeh Supplementation on the Profiles of Human Intestinal Immune System and Gut Microbiota date: 2017-08-11 words: 4199 flesch: 61 summary: Day 9 represents the day after milk intervention and day 25 -1 represents the day after tempeh intervention. These facts brought the expectation of discrete results on before and after tempeh intervention. keywords: day; doi; female; human; iga; indonesia; intervention; male; muciniphila; study; tempeh cache: mionline-499.pdf plain text: mionline-499.txt item: #193 of 358 id: mionline-50 author: SOKA, SUSAN; SUSANTO, ANASTASIA title: Genetic Diversity of Yeasts from Fermented Orange Juice Based on PCR-RFLP and Sequence Analysis of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Regions date: 2010-05-02 words: 10 flesch: 86 summary: 1 Susan soka Anastasia.cdr Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: mionline-50.pdf plain text: mionline-50.txt item: #194 of 358 id: mionline-500 author: none title: Molecular Identification of Endospore-Forming Rhizobacteria from Organic Cabbage Farm Potential as Biocontrol against Phytopathogen Xanthomonas campestris date: 2016-09-30 words: 2799 flesch: 61 summary: In conclusion, endospore-forming rhizobacteria isolated from cabbage farm is potential as antibacterial compound against phytopathogen X. campestris. Ryu et al. (2005) elucidated the benefit of endospore-forming rhizobacteria that is more stable under unfavorable condition. keywords: bacillus; cabbage; endospore; isolate; k-9; plant; rhizobacteria; rod cache: mionline-500.pdf plain text: mionline-500.txt item: #195 of 358 id: mionline-501 author: WIBOWO, SARA GUSTIA; HELIANTI, IS; SURYANI, ANI; WAHYUNTARI, BUDIASIH title: Application of Response Surface Method in Optimization of Medium Composition for Xylanase Production by Bacillus halodurans CM1 in Submerged Fermentation date: 2016-09-30 words: 3720 flesch: 53 summary: According to Kulkarni et al. (1999) in the process of bleaching paper (pulp) requires a temperature of 80 °C with a pH Vol.10, No.3, September 2016, p 112-117 DOI: 10.5454/mi.10.3.5 Application of Response Surface Method in Optimization of Medium Composition for Xylanase Production by Bacillus halodurans CM1 in Submerged Fermentation 1 2 3 2* SARA GUSTIA WIBOWO , IS HELIANTI , ANI SURYANI , AND BUDIASIH WAHYUNTARI 1 Post Graduate Program, Biotechnology, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Jalan Raya Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia; 2 Center for Technology of Bioindustry, Agency for the Assessment and Aplication of Technology (BPPT), LAPTIAB 1, PUSPIPTEK#611, Serpong, South Tangerang 15314, Indonesia; 3 Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Jalan Raya Dramaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia A two level factorial design was performed to optimize xylanase production by alkalothermophilic Bacillus halodurans CM1 using response surface method. Statistical analysis of the experimental results in the range studied, only carbon source gave significant effect on xylanase production. keywords: activity; concentration; corn; fish; medium; microbiol; production; xylanase cache: mionline-501.pdf plain text: mionline-501.txt item: #196 of 358 id: mionline-503 author: none title: Cloning and Expression of Small Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (sHBsAg) In Hansenula polymorpha date: 2016-12-31 words: 2938 flesch: 53 summary: To induce recombinant sHBsAg expression, 0.5% (v/v) methanol was added to the culture medium every 22 h for 66 h. H. polymorpha NCYC495 carrying the sHBsAg coding sequence was grown in mineral medium and methanol 0.5% (v/v) was added to induce the expression of recombinant sHBsAg. keywords: elisa; expression; hansenula; hepatitis; ncyc495; phipx4; polymorpha; protein; shbsag cache: mionline-503.pdf plain text: mionline-503.txt item: #197 of 358 id: mionline-504 author: none title: The use of Sprout as Precursor for the Production of Indole Acetic Acid by Selected Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria Grown in the Fermentor date: 2016-12-31 words: 4124 flesch: 56 summary: Several bacterial isolates were screened for IAA production. IAA production was measured with High Performance Liquid Chromatography. keywords: acinetobacter; bean; extract; fermentor; growth; iaa; isolate; mung; plant; ppm; precursor; production; ps1; sprout; tryptophan cache: mionline-504.pdf plain text: mionline-504.txt item: #198 of 358 id: mionline-505 author: HINDERSAH, REGINAWANTI; PRIYANKA, PRIYANKA; RUMAHLEWANG, WILHELMINA; KALAY, A MARTHIN title: Selection and Bioassay of Azotobacter sp. Isolates to Improve Growth of Chili (Capsicum annum L.) on Entisols in Ambon date: 2017-03-23 words: 3868 flesch: 53 summary: Azotobacter sp. release the phytohormones such as Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) to induce cell development (Kumar et al. 2014). Azotobacter sp. was isolated in nitrogen-free Ashby’s Media. keywords: azotobacter; cfu; chili; fertilizer; inoculation; isolates; nitrogen; npk; plant; population; rhizosphere; soil cache: mionline-505.pdf plain text: mionline-505.txt item: #199 of 358 id: mionline-506 author: Helianti, Is title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2017-03-23 words: 584 flesch: 46 summary: Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. Harmastini Sukiman, M.Agr; dr. Purwati SpPD, Ph.D; Dr. Wahyu Purbowasito; Organization Advancement and Networking: Dr. Puspita Lisdiyanti; Prof. Dr. Ir. keywords:; phd; prof cache: mionline-506.pdf plain text: mionline-506.txt item: #200 of 358 id: mionline-51 author: PURWADARIA, TRESNAWATI; GUNAWAN, LISRINA; GUNAWAN, AGUSTIN WYDIA title: The Production of Nata Colored by Monascus purpureus J1 Pigments as Functional Food date: 2010-05-03 words: 8 flesch: 82 summary: 2 TresnaLisrinaAgustin.cdr Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: mionline-51.pdf plain text: mionline-51.txt item: #201 of 358 id: mionline-518 author: none title: ITA REGISTRATION FORM AND BACK COVER date: 2017-04-25 words: 2062 flesch: 55 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; indonesia; manuscript; microbiology; page; research; section; submission cache: mionline-518.pdf plain text: mionline-518.txt item: #202 of 358 id: mionline-52 author: DHARMAYANTI, NI LUH PUTU INDI; IBRAHIM, FERA; SOEBANDRIO, AMIN title: Amantadine Resistant of Indonesian H5N1 Subtype Influenza Viruses During 2003-2008 date: 2010-05-03 words: 10 flesch: 95 summary: 3 NiluFeraAmin.cdr Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: mionline-52.pdf plain text: mionline-52.txt item: #203 of 358 id: mionline-528 author: none title: Analysis of Human Immune Response against Salivary Glands Protein Extract of Anopheles sundaicus. L in Malaria Endemic Area date: 2017-10-01 words: 3070 flesch: 63 summary: The results showed that exposures to An. sundaicus were able to induce high levels of IgG. IgG anti salivary proteins of An. sundaicus is higher than the levels of IgG anti salivary proteins of Ae. aegypti. This research wanted to evaluate human immune respons in endemic area against salivary gland protein extract (SGPE) from its major malaria vector i.e. Anopheles sundaicus (An. sundaicus). keywords: anopheles; antibody; gland; group; igg; level; malaria; mosquito; protein; salivary; sgpe; sundaicus cache: mionline-528.pdf plain text: mionline-528.txt item: #204 of 358 id: mionline-531 author: none title: Effect of catfish’ (Clarias gariepinus) flour and oil with probiotic Enterococcus faecium IS-27526 based functional feed provision on bodyweight and C-reactive protein (CRP) of aged atherogenic female Cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) date: 2017-06-11 words: 2605 flesch: 55 summary: Probiotic E. faecium IS-27526 is potential for body weight homeostasis regulation to reduce the risk of overweight and obesity. Probiotic E. faecium IS-27526 is potential of body weight homeostasis regulation to reduce the risk of over weight and obesity. keywords: body; bogor; catfish; crp; diet; faecium; flour; is-27526; oil; probiotic; weight cache: mionline-531.pdf plain text: mionline-531.txt item: #205 of 358 id: mionline-532 author: none title: Optimization of Lipases Production byBacillus licheniformis F11.4 using Response Surface Methodology date: 2017-06-11 words: 4556 flesch: 56 summary: (w/v) (w/v) f -1 mL -1 mL (w/v) (w/v) f Validation study was conducted in 125 mL Erlenmeyer, initial pH 8 fermentation time 18 h with the addition 0.3% NaNO and 0.1% KH PO with six 3 2 4 replications, providing value lipase activity 1.568 ± -1 0.014 The results of ANOVA for lipase activity response can be seen in Table 5, and the interaction between the media composition and pH value on the response of lipase activity can be seen in Fig 3a, Fig 3b, and Fig 3c. keywords: activity; cpo; design; licheniformis; lipase; production; protein; response; value cache: mionline-532.pdf plain text: mionline-532.txt item: #206 of 358 id: mionline-54 author: KEMBAREN, ROGA FLORIDA; GANJARA, ADAM REZA; YURINA, VALENTINA; RETNONINGRUM, DEBBIE SOEFIE title: The Role of the First 14 Amino Acids of Mature M1 Protein of Streptococcus pyogenes on Fibronectin-Binding Activity and Dimer Formation date: 2010-05-03 words: 8 flesch: 114 summary: 5 Roga.cdr Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: mionline-54.pdf plain text: mionline-54.txt item: #207 of 358 id: mionline-549 author: PUTRIE, RAHAYU FITRIANI WANGSA; WIDOWATI, TIWIT; SUKIMAN, HARMASTINI title: Studies for IAA (Indole-3-Acetic Acid) Production by Isolates H6 with Nitric Acid Mutation date: 2017-07-17 words: 3151 flesch: 62 summary: Key words: IAA production, mutation, nitric acid Mutasi asam nitrat diketahui dapat digunakan untuk perbaikan galur. Therefore required a technique to improve a potential bacterial strain that had ability for IAA production. keywords: acid; growth; iaa; isolates; min; nitric; plant; production cache: mionline-549.pdf plain text: mionline-549.txt item: #208 of 358 id: mionline-550 author: none title: Cloning of Synthetic Lipase Gene from Rhizomucor miehei with Original Signal Peptide in Pichia pastoris date: 2017-07-17 words: 5803 flesch: 63 summary: This study aimed to clone synthetic Rhizomucor miehei lipase gene into Pichia pastoris expression plasmid for lipase expression with the original signal peptide. Combined use of GAP and AOX1 promoters and optimization of culture conditions to enhance expression of Rhizomucor miehei lipase. keywords: expression; gene; lipase; miehei; pastoris; pichia; ppiczα; protein; rhizomucor; rmlip; signal; vector cache: mionline-550.pdf plain text: mionline-550.txt item: #209 of 358 id: mionline-555 author: MUNAENI, WAODE; PARIAKAN, ARMAN; ABIDIN, LAODE BAYTUL; YUHANA, MUNTI title: In Vitro Phytochemical and Inhibitory Potential Test of Bawang Hutan Bulb Extract (Eleutherine palmifolia) on Vibrio harveyi date: 2017-11-26 words: 3487 flesch: 55 summary: Microbiol Indones Volume 11, 2017 Microbiol Indones 77 RESULTS Fresh buton forest onion bulbs was processed into the powder or flour of buton forest onion (Fig 1a) and further was extracted using 96% ethanol thus resulted in buton forest onion extract (Fig 1b) with yield value of -1 10.11% (v v ). The result of phytochemical test was also different from the research finding of Febrinda (2014) where buton forest onion extract obtained from -1 Fig 1 Powder (A) and extract of buton forest onion with yield of 10.11 % (v v ) (B). keywords: buton; extract; forest; harveyi; mg ml; onion; potential; test; treatment cache: mionline-555.pdf plain text: mionline-555.txt item: #210 of 358 id: mionline-558 author: SARI, CUT NANDA; USMAN, USMAN; ROHMAT, RIESA KW; HERLINA, LENI; SULIANDRI, KEN SAWITRI; KRISTIAWAN, ONIE; DWIYANTARI, DWIYANTARI; KRISTIANTI, TATI; SUHANDONO, SONY title: Construction and Expression of Single Recombinant Peptide Surfactant for EOR Application date: 2017-10-01 words: 2855 flesch: 60 summary: Based on the map above, SUPEL peptide is above signal strength control of transcription and translation T7 bacteriophage, where the expression is induced by the availability of T7 RNA polymerase in cell and induced with IPTG at final concentration 1 mM (Novagen 2003). The condition of both characteristic in this SUPEL peptide causes SUPEL peptide is amphipathic when in liquid, which is the hydrophylic is inside the water while the hydrophobic will be on the water surface. keywords: oil; page; pcr; peptide; primer; result; supel; surfactant; tev cache: mionline-558.pdf plain text: mionline-558.txt item: #211 of 358 id: mionline-559 author: none title: In Vitro and In Vivo Prebiotic Activities of Purified Oligosaccharides Derived from Various Local Bananas (Musa sp.): Tanduk, Uli, Raja Sereh, and Cavendish date: 2017-10-04 words: 4450 flesch: 57 summary: Balb/c mice were used to study the effect of banana feeding on Lactobacillus sp. growth in gastrointestinal tract. Other nutrient factors might play a part in promoting Lactobacillus sp. growth. keywords: banana; glucose; growth; lactobacillus; mice; oligosaccharides; pas; prebiotic cache: mionline-559.pdf plain text: mionline-559.txt item: #212 of 358 id: mionline-56 author: SUSILOWATI1, SUSILOWATI1; WAHYUDI, ARIS TRI; LESTARI, YULIN; WIYONO, SURYO; SUWANTO, ANTONIUS title: Genetic Diversity of Antifungi-Producing Rhizobacteria of Pseudomonas sp. Isolated from Rhizosphere of Soybean Plant date: 2010-05-03 words: 11 flesch: 103 summary: 7 Ari susilowati.cdr Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 keywords: page cache: mionline-56.pdf plain text: mionline-56.txt item: #213 of 358 id: mionline-560 author: PRATAMA, LISA; HELIANTI, IS; SURYANI, ANI; WAHYUNTARI, BUDIASIH title: Isolation, Characterization, and Production of Lipase from Indigenous Fungal for Enzymatic Interesterification Process date: 2017-10-05 words: 5356 flesch: 54 summary: Lipase enzyme activity of isolate R -1 -1 decreased from 0.368 U mL to 0.193 U mL , isolate T -1 -1 from 0. To evaluate the effect of reaction temperature and pH on lipase activity, the lipase activity was assayed at various pH 4,5 (citric acid buffer), 6,7 (phospat buffer), and 8 (Tris-HCl buffer) and also at various temperature (25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 55 °C). keywords: activity; enzyme; fig; fungal; fungi; interesterification; isolate; lipase; media; oil; palm; production; reaction; temperature cache: mionline-560.pdf plain text: mionline-560.txt item: #214 of 358 id: mionline-568 author: none title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2017-10-17 words: 963 flesch: 48 summary: i , B a d a n Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Oslan Jumadi, Universitas Negri Makasar, Indonesia Puspita Lisdiyanti, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Indonesia Prasetyawan Yunianto, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Priyo Wahyudi, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Sabar Pambudi, Badan Pengka- jian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Sartaj Alam Syed, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan Sathianeson Satheesh, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia Silva Abraham, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Sinosh Skariyachan, Dayananda Sagar Institutions, India Siswa Setyahadi, Badan Pengka- jian dan Penerapan Teknologi a.FRONT COVER 10(4)-DECEMBER Teknolo- gi Bandung, Indonesia Erni Martani, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia Fernita Puspasari, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Hideki Takahashi, Tohoku University, Japan Hiroaki Okamoto, Jichi Medical University, Japan I Made Sudiana, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Indo- nesia Iman Rusmana, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Indonesia Is Helianti, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Jignesh patel, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, USA Kartini Kramadibrata, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan K h keywords: badan; dan; indonesia; penerapan; pengkajian; prof; teknologi cache: mionline-568.pdf plain text: mionline-568.txt item: #215 of 358 id: mionline-571 author: none title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2017-10-17 words: 572 flesch: 52 summary: Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. Harmastini Sukiman, M.Agr; dr. Purwati SpPD, Ph.D; Dr. Wahyu Purbowasito; Organization Advancement and Networking: Dr. Puspita Lisdiyanti; Prof. Dr. Ir. keywords:; phd; prof cache: mionline-571.pdf plain text: mionline-571.txt item: #216 of 358 id: mionline-572 author: Helianti, Is title: ITA REGISTRATION FORM AND BACK COVER date: 2017-10-17 words: 2063 flesch: 55 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; indonesia; manuscript; microbiology; page; research; section; submission cache: mionline-572.pdf plain text: mionline-572.txt item: #217 of 358 id: mionline-573 author: ANGGIANI, MILANI; HELIANTI, IS; NURHAYATI, NIKNIK; ABINAWANTO, ABINAWANTO title: Cloning of Lipase Gene From Thermomyces langinosus into Pichia pastoris with its Original Signal Peptide date: 2017-10-17 words: 4201 flesch: 58 summary: P. pastoris X-33 were used as hosts for lipase expression. The optimum reaction temperature of expression lipase (A) The optimum reaction PH of expression lipase (buffers Na/citrate (pH 5), Na-phosphate (pH 6-8), Tris/HCl (pH 8-9), dan Glycine/NaOH (pH 9-10)) (B). keywords: expression; gene; lanuginosus; lipase; pastoris; pichia; recombinant cache: mionline-573.pdf plain text: mionline-573.txt item: #218 of 358 id: mionline-58 author: BASUKRIADI, ADI; SJAMSURIDZAL, WELLYZAR; PUTRA, BANGGA BERISTAMA title: Molecular Identification and Diversity of Yeasts Associated with Apis cerana Foraging on Flowers of Jatropha integerrima date: 2010-05-03 words: 8 flesch: 114 summary: 10 Adi.cdr Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 keywords: page cache: mionline-58.pdf plain text: mionline-58.txt item: #219 of 358 id: mionline-587 author: AMBARSARI, HANIES; HARAHAP, MUHAMMAD RAHMADI title: Performance Optimization of Microbes from Shrimp Pond Sediment by Adding EM4 In Nitrification Process for the Treatment of Wastewater Containing High Ammonia Concentration date: 2017-11-24 words: 5078 flesch: 52 summary: This was clearly evident from the comparison of the graph line of K2 (control 2 which is only filled with 500 g of shrimp pond sediments without additional EM4) with the graph line of P3 (treatment 3 filled with 500 g of shrimp pond sediment with an additional 400 mL of EM4 solution). One of the active sludge that can be used is shrimp pond sediment. keywords: ammonia; bacteria; concentration; em4; nitrate; pond; reactor; sediment; shrimp cache: mionline-587.pdf plain text: mionline-587.txt item: #220 of 358 id: mionline-59 author: MEITINIARTI, VINCENTIA IRENE; SOETARTO, ENDANG SUTARININGSIH; TIMOTIUS, KRIS HERAWAN; SUGIHARTO, EKO title: Products of Orange II Biodegradation by Enterococcus faecalis ID6017 and Chryseobacterium indologenes ID6016 date: 2010-08-07 words: 1705 flesch: 46 summary: Fig 1 Chemical reaction of Orange II decolorization by Orange II reductase (Zimmermann et al. 1982). In this study, w e focussed on biodegradation of Orange II by pure culture of C. indologenes ID6016 and E. faecalis ID6017, and to determine the metabolite products of Orange II degradation. keywords: faecalis; indologenes; orange cache: mionline-59.pdf plain text: mionline-59.txt item: #221 of 358 id: mionline-590 author: none title: Oil Recovery Test Using Bio surfactant of Halo tolerant Bacteria Brevundimonas diminuta and Bhurkholderia glumae at variation of NaCl Salt Concentrations date: 2017-11-26 words: 4765 flesch: 54 summary: The production process of crude biosurfactant is done by mixing bacterial starter, Medium Zobell, and 15% molasses concentration for B. diminuta bacteria and 20% for B. glumae bacteria with a total volume 82 YUDONO ET AL. Data analysis were done by using data analysis with ANOVA method, it shows that F value count on B. diminuta and B.a glumae bacteria bigger than F critical value, where F arithmetic for B. diminuta bacteria has value of F count 59, 24098 while bacteria B. glumae has a value of F arithmetic 87, 5864. keywords: bacteria; biosurfactant; diminuta; glumae; hydrocarbon; oil; petroleum; recovery; salt; sludge; tph; treatment cache: mionline-590.pdf plain text: mionline-590.txt item: #222 of 358 id: mionline-591 author: none title: The Dynamic Growth and Chemical Change of Mixed Cultures Inoculation on Tapioka Fermentation date: 2017-11-26 words: 4115 flesch: 55 summary: Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactobacillus plantarum possess several extracellular and intracellular enzymes beneficial for cassava fermentation. The growth pattern of S. cereviseae and L. plantarum on cassava fermentation was shown in Fig 1. keywords: cassava; cerevisiae; fermentation; food; granules; growth; phase; plantarum; protein; saccharomyces; starch; sugar; tapioca cache: mionline-591.pdf plain text: mionline-591.txt item: #223 of 358 id: mionline-596 author: none title: Cover date: 2017-12-04 words: 424 flesch: 55 summary: Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. Harmastini Sukiman, M.Agr; dr. Purwati SpPD, Ph.D; Dr. Wahyu Purbowasito; Organization Advancement and Networking: Dr. Puspita Lisdiyanti; Prof. Dr. Ir. keywords:; prof cache: mionline-596.pdf plain text: mionline-596.txt item: #224 of 358 id: mionline-60 author: SUWANTO, ANTONIUS; WAHYUDI, ARIS TRI; TJAHJONO, BUDI title: Evidence for a Link Between Pathogenicity and the Role of ImpBacterial Transport Effector Proteins in Soybean Infection by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines date: 2010-08-07 words: 4115 flesch: 62 summary: No PCR product after amplification by primers shows that the cDNA formed originated from transcript mRNA of inner membrane protein genes in Xag. pFT3551 (4.3 kb) which is a DNA plasmid that possesses inner membrane proteins and cystein proteases genes from Xag. One of the Open Reading Frames (ORFs) shared homology with inner membrane proteins (imps) of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (GenBank accession No. NC 003919). keywords: analysis; dna; imps; m715; membrane; pcr; transposon; xanthomonas; yr32 cache: mionline-60.pdf plain text: mionline-60.txt item: #225 of 358 id: mionline-603 author: HARTAJANIE, LAKSMI; LINDAYANI, LINDAYANI; SANTOSO, LORENTIA title: THE EFFECT OF CARBON AND NITROGEN SUPPLEMENTATION ON BACTERIOCIN PRODUCTION OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA FROM PICKLED YELLOW BAMBOO SHOOTS (Dendrocalamus asper) date: 2018-05-04 words: 4461 flesch: 55 summary: LAB isolates had different response for each treatment of supplementations as shown on table 3. Carbon and nitrogen supplementation gave different response to induce bacteriocin inhibitory activity against Listeria monocytogenes FNCC 0156, Staphylococcus aureus FNCC 0047, and Escherichia coli FNCC 0091. Each isolate had different result on bacteriocin inhibitory activity for each 2 -1 supplementation. keywords: 0156; activity; aureus fncc; bacteria; bacteriocin; coli fncc; doi; fncc; glucose; lactobacillus; production cache: mionline-603.pdf plain text: mionline-603.txt item: #226 of 358 id: mionline-606 author: ROSA, ENDAH; BATUBARA, UMMI MARDHIAH; SUPARJO, SUPARJO title: Chemotactic Motility and Growth of Pseudomonas fluorescens Towards Glucose Concentration date: 2020-01-04 words: 3778 flesch: 56 summary: Nevertheless, P. fluorescens growth was still seen higher in LB-control as the medium contained casein enzyme hyrolysate as preferred carbon source for the bacteria. Chemotactic motility allows populations of P. fluorescens to rapidly search for nutrients and is an important factor determining their competitive success to colonize plant root. keywords: bacteria; concentration; fluorescens; glucose; growth; medium; motility cache: mionline-606.pdf plain text: mionline-606.txt item: #227 of 358 id: mionline-607 author: none title: Lactobacillus fermentum LLB3 improves antioxidant activity of bitter melon (Momordica charantia) date: 2019-01-31 words: 2588 flesch: 54 summary: Lactobacillus fermentum LLB3 isolated from bamboo shoot pickle was used to ferment bitter melon juice. The aim of this study was to evaluate changes in antioxidant activity of bitter melon juice during fermentation. keywords: acid; activity; antioxidant; fermentation; fermentum; juice; llb3; melon cache: mionline-607.pdf plain text: mionline-607.txt item: #228 of 358 id: mionline-609 author: none title: Identification and Characterizations of Potential Indigenous Endophytic Bacteria which had Ability to Promote Growth Rate of Tomato and Biocontrol Agents of Ralstonia solanacearum and Fusarium oxysporum fsp. solani date: 2018-01-02 words: 3900 flesch: 58 summary: As plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB), endophytic bacteria can also enhance plant growth by activating a number of similar mechanisms, including Endophytic bacteria are groups of bacteria that capable to live within the inner tissues of healthy plants without causing any disease symptoms (Golinska, et al. 2015). Endophytic bacteria can enhance of plant growth through synthesis of plant auxin IAA (Chen et al. 2010). keywords: 16s; ability; bacillus; bacteria; doi; growth; iaa; isolates; microbiol; phosphate; plant; production; rrna; strain; tomato cache: mionline-609.pdf plain text: mionline-609.txt item: #229 of 358 id: mionline-61 author: MANOHARA, DYAH title: Formation and Pathogenicity Variation of Oospores of Phytophthora capsici Infecting Black Pepper date: 2010-08-07 words: 3687 flesch: 65 summary: This result revealed that oospores formation took place without direct contact between the hyphae of two compatible mating types. Morphological and physiological observation on Phytophthora isolates from black pepper. keywords: formation; isolates; light; mating; oospores; phytophthora; weeks cache: mionline-61.pdf plain text: mionline-61.txt item: #230 of 358 id: mionline-611 author: none title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2018-01-04 words: 603 flesch: 51 summary: Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. Harmastini Sukiman, M.Agr; dr. Purwati SpPD, Ph.D; Dr. Wahyu Purbowasito; Organization Advancement and Networking: Dr. Puspita Lisdiyanti; Prof. Dr. Ir. keywords:; phd; prof cache: mionline-611.pdf plain text: mionline-611.txt item: #231 of 358 id: mionline-614 author: Helianti, Is title: ITA REGISTRATION FORM AND BACK COVER date: 2018-01-30 words: 2069 flesch: 56 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; indonesia; manuscript; microbiology; page; research; section; submission cache: mionline-614.pdf plain text: mionline-614.txt item: #232 of 358 id: mionline-615 author: none title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2019-07-29 words: 965 flesch: 34 summary: Indonesia Tjahjani Mirawati Soediro, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia Trismilah, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Valan Arasu, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Verawat, Biotec National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Thailand Wangsa Tirta Ismaya, Dexa Laboratories of Biomolecular Sciences, Indonesia Woro Hastuti Satyantini, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Yaya Rukayadi, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia Yeva Rosana, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia Yenny Meliana, Lembaga Ilmu Pengatahuan Indonesia, Indonesia Yoice Srikandace, Lembaga Ilmu Pengatahuan Indonesia, Indonesia ACKNOWLEDGEMENT VOLUME 12 Vol.12, No.3, September 2018 MICROBIOLOGY INDONESIA ISSN 1978-3477, eISSN 2087-8575 Available online at ISSN 1978-3477, eISSN 2087-8575 Volume 12, Number 3, September 2018 Larvae against Vibrio harveyi The Potency of Aluminum Hydroxide Nanoparticles for Dengue Subunit Vaccine Adjuvant Nurul Rakhmayanti and Nining Prihantini Hanies Ambarsari and Aflakhur Ridlo Anton Rahmadi, Kartika Sari, Nikmatul Khairiyah, Frio Handayani, Sitohang Satrio, Yuliani, and Aswita Emmawati Widanarni, Savini Retalia Sababalat, Munti Yuhana, and Diah Ayu Satyari Sabar Pambudi, Etik Mardliyati, Silmi Rahmani, Damai Ria Setyawati, Tika Widayanti, Angelina Gill, Asri Sulfianti, and Whinie Lestari 69 74 83 92 99 Author Index 106 Subject Index 107 Adriansyah, Universitas Bakrie, Indonesia Alucia Anita Artarini, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Andria Agusta, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Indonesia Arif Nurkanto, Kementrian Perindustrian, Indonesia Astutiati Nurhasanah, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Benediktus Yohan, Eijkman, Indonesia Catur Riani, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Churiyah, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Debbie S Retnoningrum, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Dessy Natalia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Endang Purwantini, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Fernita Puspasari, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia G keywords: badan; bandung; indonesia; institut; lembaga; pengkajian; prof; teknologi cache: mionline-615.pdf plain text: mionline-615.txt item: #233 of 358 id: mionline-616 author: none title: ITA REGISTRATION FORM AND BACK COVER date: 2018-01-30 words: 2069 flesch: 56 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; indonesia; manuscript; microbiology; page; research; section; submission cache: mionline-616.pdf plain text: mionline-616.txt item: #234 of 358 id: mionline-619 author: TESTAMENTI, VINCENTIUS ARCA; ISKANDRIATI, DIAH; WAHYUDI, ARIS TRI; PAMUNGKAS, JOKO title: Detection of Antibody to Burkholderia pseudomallei in Captive and Wild Macaquesin West Java and Bali, Indonesia date: 2018-08-08 words: 4726 flesch: 59 summary: This research provides serological evidence of antibodies to B. pseudomallei in both captive and wild nonhuman primates. The findings showed that exposure to B. pseudomallei happened in both captive and wild macaques. keywords: 2015; bali; burkholderia; disease; doi; et al; indonesia; java; macaques; melioidosis; microbiol; pseudomallei; study; west; wild cache: mionline-619.pdf plain text: mionline-619.txt item: #235 of 358 id: mionline-62 author: SEUMAHU, CECILIA ANNA; SUWANTO, ANTONIUS; HADISUSANTO, DEBORA; SUHARTONO, MAGGY THENAWIJAYA title: The Dynamics of Bacterial Communities During Traditional Nata de Coco Fermentation date: 2010-08-07 words: 2904 flesch: 46 summary: In this research we found that the dynamics of the bacterial population involved in Nata fermentation were a crucial factor for determining traditional Nata quality. Results of ARDRA analysis showed the exist- ence of at least twenty two different bacterial group during Nata fermentation (Fig 2). keywords: dynamics; fermentation; good; growth; media; nata; process; profile cache: mionline-62.pdf plain text: mionline-62.txt item: #236 of 358 id: mionline-620 author: none title: Bacterial Population and Chemical Characteristics of Fermented Mandai Cempedak with Starter Induction date: 2019-04-08 words: 5214 flesch: 59 summary: The dominance of the LAB in mandai cempedak fermentation was estimated in linear equations presented in Figure 1 and Table 1. The linear equation of bacterial growth in mandai cempedak fermentation with and without starter Linear equation Spontaenous Fermentation L. casei induced Fermentation Total Bacteria Y = 0.9029*X + 2.687 Y = 0.8717*X + 2.681 Total LAB Y = 0.9008*X + 2.149 Y = 0.9128*X + 2.081 Fig 1 Linear regression of bacterial growth in mandai cempedak fermentation with and without starter. keywords: acid; activity; antioxidant; casei; cempedak; contents; fermentation; food; lab; lactobacillus; mandai; products; starter; total; usa cache: mionline-620.pdf plain text: mionline-620.txt item: #237 of 358 id: mionline-625 author: none title: Potential Degradation of SARA (Saturated, Aromatics, Resinics, Asphaltenes) Fractions of Crude Oil by Reservoir Indigenous Bacteria from South Sumatera date: 2018-03-19 words: 5601 flesch: 56 summary: SARA analysis of crude oil was used to examine the changes of oil fractions before and after degradation. This research focused on isolation of indigenous hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria that were capable of degrading SARA (Saturated, Aromatic, Resinic, Asphaltenes) fractions of crude oil to be utilized in MEOR. keywords: ability; bacteria; crude; degradation; degrading; doi; ds1; ds31; fig; fraction; hydrocarbon; isolates; isolation; meor; microbial; oil; recovery; sara cache: mionline-625.pdf plain text: mionline-625.txt item: #238 of 358 id: mionline-63 author: YURATMOKO, DERI; MUBARIK, NISA RACHMANIA; MERYANDINI, ANJA title: Screening of Proteolytic Enzymes of Streptomyces sp. Local Strain and Their Characterization date: 2010-08-07 words: 2894 flesch: 60 summary: Protease activities were determined using a modified Walter (1984) method. Specific activity of the protease (nkat mg-1 protein) is the ratio between protease activity (nkat ml-1) and total protein (mg ml-1) of an extract. keywords: activity; keratinase; protease; strain cache: mionline-63.pdf plain text: mionline-63.txt item: #239 of 358 id: mionline-634 author: none title: Bacterial leaching of an Indonesian complex copper sulfide ore using an iron-oxidizing indigenous bacterium date: 2018-05-04 words: 3259 flesch: 48 summary: Some researchers have studied the bioleaching of complex copper sulfide ores and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans (Qiu et al. 2005), Leptospirillum ferriphilum (Wang et al. 2016; Complex copper sulfide ore was obtained from the Sungai Mak copper deposits (Gorontalo, Indonesia) and was ground to obtain a particle size of d = 75 μm. keywords: bacterium; bioleaching; chalcopyrite; copper; doi; eps; fig; iron; ores; pulp cache: mionline-634.pdf plain text: mionline-634.txt item: #240 of 358 id: mionline-637 author: Helianti, Is title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2018-05-24 words: 953 flesch: 33 summary: Isworo Rukmi, M.Kes; Jimmy Hariantono, PhD; Yawarsa; Gianina; Asri Sulfianti, MSi Iman Rusmana, 2020 Alucia Anita Artarini, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Ardiansyah Michwan, Universitas Bakrie, Indonesia Astutiati Nurhasanah, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Catur Riani, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Churiyah, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Debbie S Retnoningrum, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Endang Purwantini, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA Eny Riyanti, Balai Besar Penelitian dan Pengembangan Bioteknologi dan Sumberdaya Genetik Pertanian, Ministry of Agriculture, Indonesia Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Fernita Puspasari, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Hanies Ambarsari, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Hideki Takahashi, Tohoku University, Japan I Made Sudiana, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Indonesia Ihsanawati, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Is Helianti, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Jignesh Patel, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, USA Julian Ransangan, University Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia Kartini Kramadibrata, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Indonesia Khomaini Hasan, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Maelita Ramdani Moeis, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Moritz Müller, Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak, Malaysia N Venkatesh, St. Joseph's College of Engineering, OMR Chennai India Nagendra P. Shah, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Neung Tiaamroeng, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand Niknik Nurhayati, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Puspita Lisdiyanti, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Indonesia Rofiq Sunarya, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Sabar Pambudi, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Sarijiya Antonius, Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia, Indonesia Sartaj Alam Syed, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan Shubhajit Mitra, University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston Texas, USA Silva Abraham, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Sinosh Skariyachan, Dayananda Sagar Institutions, India Siti Khodijah Chaerun, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Trismilah, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia Valan Arasu, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia Verawat, Biotec National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Thailand Wangsa Tirta Ismaya, Dexa Laboratories of Biomolecular Sciences, Indonesia Woro Hastuti Satyantini, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia Yaya Rukayadi, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia Yeva Rosana, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia ACKNOWLEDGEMENT VOLUME 11 Vol.11, No.4, December 2017 MICROBIOLOGY INDONESIA ISSN 1978-3477, eISSN 2087-8575 Available online at new-637-1456-1-PB Cover Depan solani Molecular Identification of Thermally-Tolerant Symbiotic Dinoflagellates from Hard Coral (Scleractinia) in Biawak Island, Indonesia Isolation and Identification of Ethanol and Glucose Tolerance Yeasts Strain from Tacca leontopetaloides Potential Degradation of SARA (Saturated, Aromatics, Resinics, Asphaltenes) keywords: badan; dan; indonesia; penerapan; pengkajian; prof; teknologi; university cache: mionline-637.pdf plain text: mionline-637.txt item: #241 of 358 id: mionline-638 author: none title: ITA REGISTRATION FORM AND BACK COVER date: 2018-05-24 words: 3161 flesch: 49 summary: Lisa Pratama, Is Helianti, Ani Suryani, Budiasih Wahyuntari………………………………………………………………….............................. Potential Mushroom Growth Promoting Bacteria (MGPB) in Optimizing Paddy Straw Mushroom (Volvariella volvacea WW-08) Growth. Waode Munaeni, Arman Pariakan, Laode Baytul Abidin, Munti Yuhana…………………………………….......................................................... keywords: author; bacteria; indonesia; manuscript; materials; microbiology; muhammad; page; research; results; section; sri; submission; tables cache: mionline-638.pdf plain text: mionline-638.txt item: #242 of 358 id: mionline-639 author: none title: Physiological Profiling and Microorganism Community Analysis of Cirebon Shrimp Paste Fermentation “Terasi” using BIOLOGTM EcoPlate date: 2018-05-24 words: 4888 flesch: 56 summary: We conclude that there is a change of microorganism community within shrimp paste fermentation corresponding to metabolism activity which affects the product quality. In general, the result implied that microbial community of shrimp paste fermentation had lower metabolic activity than that of krill, whereas the slight increase at day-42 indicate changes in the fermentation process. keywords: acid; analysis; biolog; carbon; community; content; ecoplate; fermentation; krill; microorganism; nd1; paste; shrimp; utilization cache: mionline-639.pdf plain text: mionline-639.txt item: #243 of 358 id: mionline-64 author: RICHANA, NUR; IRAWADI, TUN TEDJA; NUR, M. ANWAR; SAILAH, ILLAH; SYAMSU, KHASWAR title: The Process of Xylanase Production from Bacillus pumilus RXAIII-5 date: 2010-08-07 words: 5067 flesch: 58 summary: Observations were carried out on the biomass production, xylanase activity, soluble protein content and substrate residue. Xylanase activity was determined by the ability of enzyme to hydrolyze xylan into invert sugar according to the method of Winterhalter and Liebl (1995). keywords: activity; aeration; agitation; enzyme; growth; liquid; production; rate; rpm; substrate; xylanase cache: mionline-64.pdf plain text: mionline-64.txt item: #244 of 358 id: mionline-646 author: INDRIANI, ANINDA; AMBARSARI, LAKSMI; ZILDA, DEWI SESWITA title: Purification and Characterization of Glucose Oxidase of Aspergillus niger IPBCC.08.610 date: 2018-08-27 words: 3856 flesch: 55 summary: Key words: Aspergillus niger IPBCC.08.610, characterization, glucose oxidase, purification Glukosa oksidase adalah enzim yang mengkatalis β-D-glukosa menjadi asam glukonat dan hidrogen peroksida. U mg .m maks Kata kunci: Aspergillus niger IPBCC.08.610, glukosa oksidase, karakterisasi, pemurnian MICROBIOLOGY INDONESIA Available online at ISSN 1978-3477, eISSN 2087-8575 *Corresponding author: Phone: +62-81288080715, Email: is the best source to produce glucose oxidase, because GOD from A. niger is more stable than GOD from P. amagasakiense (Holland et al. 2012). keywords: activity; aspergillus; enzyme; glucose; glucose oxidase; god; niger; optimum; oxidase; temperature cache: mionline-646.pdf plain text: mionline-646.txt item: #245 of 358 id: mionline-648 author: PRIHANTINI, NINING BETAWATI; GUSLYANI, CAHYA; YUNIATI, RATNA; SJAMSURIDZAL, WELLYZAR title: Influence of Temperature Variations on Growth of Nostoc (Cyanobacteria) HS-5 and HS-20 Isolated from Indonesian Hot Springs date: 2018-08-12 words: 3662 flesch: 68 summary: The two Nostoc strains, HS, were isolated from hot spring in Indonesia, i.e. Ciseeng (Nostoc HS-5 strain) and Pancar mountain (Nostoc HS- 20 strain). The stationary phase in Nostoc HS-5 was seen at 20 °C, whereas in Nostoc HS- 20 there was a stationary phase at 35 °C. keywords: biomass; chlorophyll; culture; hs-20; hs-5; nostoc; phase; temperature; weight cache: mionline-648.pdf plain text: mionline-648.txt item: #246 of 358 id: mionline-649 author: none title: The Growth of Leptolyngbya HS-16 and HS-36 on 35oC with pH Variation date: 2019-01-31 words: 2719 flesch: 67 summary: Leptolyngbya HS-16 was isolated from Pancar Mountain hot spring, while Leptolyngbya HS-36 was isolated from Maribaya hot spring. The results of 15 days observation showed that the best initial pH for growing Leptolyngbya HS-16 is 7, while Leptolyngbya HS-36 is 9. keywords: cyanobacteria; day; growth; hs-16; leptolyngbya; medium cache: mionline-649.pdf plain text: mionline-649.txt item: #247 of 358 id: mionline-65 author: WAHYUDI, ARIS TRI; PURNAWIJAYA, ANDINI; NURDIANI, DINI; IMAS, TEDJA title: Characterization of Acid-Aluminium Sensitive Mutants of Soybean Symbiont Bradyrhizobium japonicum Generated by Transposon Mutagenesis date: 2010-08-07 words: 3972 flesch: 59 summary: Acid- Al sensitive B. japonicum strain (BJ13) was used as a control. BJ11 AAS11 KDR15 AAS15 BJ13 Bacterial strain Fig 1 Cellular phosphate content of wild type acid-Al B. japonicum BJ11 and its mutant (AAS11), wild type B. japonicum KDR15 and its mutant (AAS15) and wild type acid-Al sensitive B. japonicum BJ13, grown on phosphate media pH 6.4. 1 . 0 0 . keywords: acid; aluminium; japonicum; mutants; phosphate; strains; transposon cache: mionline-65.pdf plain text: mionline-65.txt item: #248 of 358 id: mionline-651 author: AMBARSARI, HANIES; RIDLO, AFLAKHUR title: Isolation and Urease Activity Test of Bacteria for Calcium Carbonate (Calcite) Precipitation (Biocementation) in Soil date: 2019-04-08 words: 5917 flesch: 57 summary: According to Sutedjo (1997), bacterial urease activity would reach a maximum at 30 °C. However, when viewed from the ability per individual cell of each colony, seen from the comparison of the number of cells with urea activity, TK2 and TK3 were better than TK4. keywords: activity; ammonia; bacteria; calcium; carbonate; growth; increase; isolate; medium; precipitation; soil; tk4; urease cache: mionline-651.pdf plain text: mionline-651.txt item: #249 of 358 id: mionline-652 author: LINDAYANI, LINDAYANI; HARTAJANIE, LAKSMI; MURNIATI, MONIKA PALUPI title: Probiotic Potential of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Yellow Bamboo Shoot Fermentation using 2.5% and 5% Brine at Room Temperature date: 2018-08-12 words: 2762 flesch: 55 summary: Lactic acid bacteria should have ability to survive at low pH because lactic acid bacteria will enter human gastrointestinal tract which has low pH. Almost all isolates were able to survive at pH 3 and 7. The aim of this research is to study the probiotic potential of lactic acid bacteria produced from yellow bamboo shoot fermentation in 2.5% and 5% brine under room temperature (30 °C). keywords: acid; bacteria; bamboo; code; fermentation; food; isolates; lab; salt; shoot cache: mionline-652.pdf plain text: mionline-652.txt item: #250 of 358 id: mionline-655 author: none title: Cover and editor information date: 2018-09-17 words: 580 flesch: 48 summary: Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. Harmastini Sukiman, M.Agr; dr. Purwati SpPD, Ph.D; Dr. Wahyu Purbowasito; Organization Advancement and Networking: Dr. Puspita Lisdiyanti; Prof. Dr. Ir. keywords:; phd; prof cache: mionline-655.pdf plain text: mionline-655.txt item: #251 of 358 id: mionline-656 author: Helianti, Is title: ITA registration and back cover date: 2018-09-17 words: 2062 flesch: 56 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; indonesia; manuscript; microbiology; page; research; section; submission cache: mionline-656.pdf plain text: mionline-656.txt item: #252 of 358 id: mionline-658 author: none title: The Administration of Pseudoalteromonas piscisida 1UB through Artemia sp. to Enhance Growth Performance, Immune Response and Resistance of White Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Larvae against Vibrio harveyi date: 2019-06-10 words: 5201 flesch: 63 summary: The administration of a probiotic to shrimp larvae could be done through the enrichment of Artemia, the main natural feed for shrimp larvae, due to its ideal size for the larvae, its high nutritional value, and digestibility. During this stage, shrimp larvae were fed Artemia sp. nauplii at a range of 3-4 nauplii per larvae per feeding. keywords: 1ub; artemia; control; doi; growth; larvae; piscisida; probiotic; shrimp; shrimp larvae; test; vannamei; white cache: mionline-658.pdf plain text: mionline-658.txt item: #253 of 358 id: mionline-66 author: UTAMA, ANDI; SHIMIZU, HIROYUKI title: Generation and Characterization of Temperature Resistant Mutant of Recombinant PJ156/CAV-17 Virus date: 2010-08-07 words: 3661 flesch: 59 summary: Sequence analysis of 3D region of PJ156/CAV-17 showed that amino acid in 3D-73 and -362 were Tyr and Ile, respectively, similar with the sequence of parental CAV-17 virus. Key words: Poliovirus, CAV-17, recombinant virus, temperature-sensitive _____________________________________________ _________________ ∗ Corresponding author, Phone: +62-21-8754587, Fax: +62-21-8754588, E-mail: keywords: amino; cav-17; pj156; sensitivity; shimizu; temperature; virus cache: mionline-66.pdf plain text: mionline-66.txt item: #254 of 358 id: mionline-67 author: YASNI, SEDARNAWATI title: Antiphatogenic and Anti Food Spoilage Activities of Ethylacetate and Methanol Extract of Panax ginseng var. Notoginseng date: 2010-08-07 words: 2446 flesch: 49 summary: Key words: antimicrobial activity, extract, Javanese ginseng, pathogenic bacteria, food spoilage _____________________________________________ Ginseng (Panax spp.) is a herb whose roots and rhizomes have been widely used as traditional medicine all over the world. notoginseng) rhizomes did not show antimicrobial activities against pathogenic bacteria (Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, and Bacillus cereus) and food spoilage bac- teria (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus stearothermophilus, and Pseudomonas fluorescens) or food spoilage fungi (Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium graminearum, and Penicil- lium citrinum). keywords: bacteria; extract; food; fractions; ginseng; growth; methanol; tested cache: mionline-67.pdf plain text: mionline-67.txt item: #255 of 358 id: mionline-68 author: ANWAR, YUNITA ARIAN SANI; HASIM, .; ARTIKA, I MADE title: The Production of Tannin Acyl Hydrolase from Aspergillus niger date: 2010-08-07 words: 2952 flesch: 57 summary: Tannase activity was determined by method of Libuchi et al. The optimum incubation period was obtained at 72 h. Up to 72 h there was a rise in tannase activity, after which a decrease was observed (Fig 3). keywords: acid; activity; media; medium; production; tannase cache: mionline-68.pdf plain text: mionline-68.txt item: #256 of 358 id: mionline-685 author: Helianti, Is title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2019-04-08 words: 575 flesch: 49 summary: Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. Harmastini Sukiman, M.Agr; dr. Purwati SpPD, Ph.D; Dr. Wahyu Purbowasito; Organization Advancement and Networking: Dr. Puspita Lisdiyanti; Prof. Dr. Ir. keywords:; phd; prof cache: mionline-685.pdf plain text: mionline-685.txt item: #257 of 358 id: mionline-686 author: none title: ITA REGISTRATION FORM AND BACK COVER date: 2019-04-08 words: 2079 flesch: 55 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; indonesia; manuscript; microbiology; page; research; section; submission cache: mionline-686.pdf plain text: mionline-686.txt item: #258 of 358 id: mionline-69 author: RUKAYADI, YAYA; HWANG, JAE-KWAN title: The Effects of Xanthorrhizol on the Morphology of Candida Cells Examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy date: 2010-08-07 words: 1719 flesch: 56 summary: This short communication reports the effect of xanthorrhizol on the morphology of Candida cells examined using the scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Electron micrographs revealed the existence of a recognizable affected external morphology of Candida cells caused by xanthorrhizol. keywords: candida; hwang; rukayadi; xanthorrhizol cache: mionline-69.pdf plain text: mionline-69.txt item: #259 of 358 id: mionline-690 author: PAMBUDI, SABAR; MARDLIYATI, ETIK; RAHMANI, SILMI; SETYAWATI, DAMAI RIA; WIDAYANTI, TIKA; GILL, ANGELINA; SULFIANTI, ASRI; LESTARI, WHINIE title: The Potency of Aluminum Hydroxide Nanoparticles for Dengue Subunit Vaccine Adjuvant date: 2019-06-10 words: 4333 flesch: 58 summary: High shear homogenization at 11,000xg for 1 hour could reduce the size of alum adjuvant particle from 5.671 ± 0.3261 μm to 0.243 ± 0.0008 μm. Production of Recombinant DENV3 prM-E Protein. Contrary, a previous study showed that alum adjuvant alone could induce several cytokines and chemokines from macrophage cells of injected mice (McKee et al. 2009). keywords: adjuvant; alum; aluminum; cells; dengue; hydroxide; kda; nitric; oxide; prm; protein; raw; recombinant; size; study; vaccine cache: mionline-690.pdf plain text: mionline-690.txt item: #260 of 358 id: mionline-692 author: FERNANDA, SHANNI; ABINAWANTO, ABINAWANTO; HELIANTI, IS title: Isolation of a Functional Gene Encoding Homologous Lysophospholipase from Indonesian Indigenous Bacillus halodurans CM1 date: 2019-08-15 words: 3768 flesch: 46 summary: ************************************************- Fig 3 The nucleotidesequence of gene encoding lysophospholipase Bacillus halodurans CM1 compared to B. haloduransC-125. This study aimed to isolate one of the gene encoding lipase from Bacillus halodurans CM1 and cloned into Escherichia coli DH5α using the pGEM-T easy vector. keywords: bacillus; c-125; cm1; coli; dna; encoding; gene; halodurans; lysophospholipase; oil; pgem cache: mionline-692.pdf plain text: mionline-692.txt item: #261 of 358 id: mionline-7 author: ASTAWA, NYOMAN MANTIK; WINAYA, IDA BAGUS OKA; AGUSTINI, LUH PUTU; HARTANINGSIH, NINING title: Immunological Detection of Avian Influenza Virus in Infected Ducks by Monoclonal Antibodies Against AIV-H5N1 date: 2010-03-12 words: 5375 flesch: 56 summary: Table 2 Detection of avian influenza virus antigen in infected Ducks by immunostaining staining using monoclonal antibodies Ducks Infected duck IIInfected ducks I organs DF11AG8 Fig 1 Detection of avian influenza virus antigen in various duck tissues by immunoperoxidase staining using MAbs anti-AIV H5N1. keywords: + +; aiv; antigen; avian; detection; ducks; h5n1; influenza; mabs; normal; tissues; virus cache: mionline-7.pdf plain text: mionline-7.txt item: #262 of 358 id: mionline-703 author: SJATHA, FITRIYAH; MUSTIKA, OCTAVIA CHANDRA; BUDIANTI, ANGKY; SUDIRO, TJAHJANI MIRAWATI title: Expression of Recombinant Non Structural 1 Protein of Dengue Virus Serotype-2 in Mammalian Cell Line date: 2019-12-27 words: 4260 flesch: 56 summary: Recombinant dengue NS1 protein was expressed in a mammalian cell lines in both intra and extracellularly and shown to be immunogenic. Recombinant pUNS1 and pcNS1 plasmids were successfully constructed and recombinant NS1 protein was expressed in CHO-K1 mammalian cell line and shown to be reactive against dengue patient sera. keywords: cell; cho; dengue; doi; expression; gene; indonesia; ns1; ns1 protein; protein; pumvc4.a; puns1; virus cache: mionline-703.pdf plain text: mionline-703.txt item: #263 of 358 id: mionline-704 author: LIMBONG, GRACE DOLOROSA; NABABAN, LEVY NATHANAEL; MANURUNG, ADELINA; MARTGRITA, MERRY MERYAM title: Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities Enhancement of Solid-state Fermented Candlenut Kernels by Aspergillus oryzae date: 2020-01-15 words: 3793 flesch: 50 summary: The very strong antioxidant activity of stationary-phase fermented extract was supported by its highest content of total phenolic compounds. Several researches proved that antioxidant and antibacterial activity of natural sources can be enhanced after fermented using solid state fermentation method (Ako et al. 2005, Juan and Chou 2010). keywords: activity; antibacterial; antioxidant; candlenut; compounds; fermentation; inhibition; oryzae; phase; state; total cache: mionline-704.pdf plain text: mionline-704.txt item: #264 of 358 id: mionline-706 author: HARTI, AGNES SRI; PUSPAWATI, NONY; PUTRININGRUM, RAHAJENG title: Antimicrobial Bioactive Compounds of Snail Seromucoid as Biological Response Modifier Immunostimulator date: 2020-01-15 words: 4415 flesch: 48 summary: The research methods based on experimental laboratory results with research stages including snail seromucoid isolation; antimicrobial activity; characterization physicochemical and profile of snail seromucoid proteins. Fig 4 Profile of seromucoid snail protein with SDS-PAGE method. keywords: 2015; activity; antimicrobial; biological; cells; compounds; kda; mucus; page; protein; response; results; seromucoid; snail cache: mionline-706.pdf plain text: mionline-706.txt item: #265 of 358 id: mionline-707 author: SJATHA, FITHRIYAH; MUSTIKA, OKTIVIA CHANDRA; DEWI, BETI ERNAWATI; SUDIRO, TJAHJANI MIRAWATI title: Levels of TNF-α in PBMC (Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells) Induced by Recombinant Non Structural 1 Protein of Dengue Virus Serotype-2 in vitro date: 2020-01-15 words: 3832 flesch: 59 summary: NS1 protein is known to have a very important role in the development of severe DENV infection, by the direct effect causing host cells damage and indirect effect by activating immune response to induce the secretion of excess cytokines. NS1 protein is a glycoprotein consists of 353- 354 amino acids encoded by 1056bp nucleotides (Clyde, Kyle, and Harris 2006). keywords: cells; cho; dengue; denv; levels; ns1; pbmc; pcns1; protein; recombinant; secretion; tnf cache: mionline-707.pdf plain text: mionline-707.txt item: #266 of 358 id: mionline-708 author: KURNIANDA, VIQQI; FARADILLA, SUCI; KARINA, SOFYATUDDIN; AGUSTINA, SRI; ULFAH, MARIA; OCTAVINA, CHITRA; SYAHLIZA, FARAH; RAMADHAN, MUHAMMAD RIZKI; PURNAWAN, SYAHRUL; MUSMAN, MUSRI title: Polyoxygenated Diterpene Produced by The Indonesian Marine Sponge Callyspongiasp. as an Inhibitor of the Human Pancreatic Cancer Cells date: 2020-01-16 words: 2495 flesch: 62 summary: Pancreatic cancer cell. This compound has bioactivity IC = 0.1 24 44 5 50 -1 μg mL against human pancreatic cancer cell. keywords: cancer; compound; glucose; marine; medium cache: mionline-708.pdf plain text: mionline-708.txt item: #267 of 358 id: mionline-71 author: HUSEN, EDI; WAHYUDI, ARIS TRI; SUWANTO, ANTONIUS; SARASWATI, RASTI title: Prospective Use of 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-Carboxylate Deaminase-Producing Bacteria for Plant Growth Promotion and Defense against Biotic and Abiotic Stresses in Peat-Soil-Agriculture date: 2010-08-07 words: 3665 flesch: 52 summary: It has been proven that inoculation of plants with ACC deaminase producing bacteria decreased ethylene inhibition generated by unfavorable environmental conditions, such as nutrient shortage, flooding, drought, high salts, and the presence of heavy metals and organic pollutants. IAA, indoleacetic acid; ACC, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid; AdoMet, S-adenosylmethionine. IAA-producing microbes Promotes cell proliferation and root development IAA ACC synthase AdoMet ACC oxidase Ethylene ACC ACC ACC deaminase Ammonia and α-ketobutyrate Wounding Pathogen attacks Inhibits root development, speeds aging, promotes senescence, and abscission Plant root Environmental (abiotic) stresses caused by: -flooding -drought -nutrient shortage -high salts -heavy metals -organic pollutants ACC deaminase-producing bacteria et al. (2000). keywords: acc; bacteria; deaminase; et al; ethylene; glick; growth; peat; plant; soils cache: mionline-71.pdf plain text: mionline-71.txt item: #268 of 358 id: mionline-716 author: ROSARIASTUTI, RETNO; SARAGIH, ABDI LEONARDO; SUDADI, SUDADI; SUPRIYADI, SUPRIYADI; WIDIASTUTI, WIWIN title: The Use of Agrobacterium sp.I3 and Compost as Chelator Combined by NPK 3 Fertilizer and Mendong Plant (Fimbristylis sp.) in Bioremediation of Paddy Soil Contaminated by Lead (Pb) date: 2020-01-24 words: 4628 flesch: 64 summary: Soil Pb concentrations of all treatment including control were decreasing from soil Pb concentrations of initial soil (Fig 1). Plant Dry Weight (Plant Biomass) (g) 1 P0K0T1 50.00 13.96 2 P0K1T1 51.42 14.40 Source: Primer P0K2T1 49.78 13.61 P0K0T1 53.56 15.46 P0K1T1 61.72 15.80 3 4 5 P0K2T1 65.64 14.236 Volume 13, 2019 Microbiol Indones 79 Fig 1 Histogram of soil Pb concentrations. keywords: agrobacterium; biomass; chelator; compost; concentration; fertilizer; mendong; npk; plant; soil; treatment; uptake cache: mionline-716.pdf plain text: mionline-716.txt item: #269 of 358 id: mionline-717 author: MUIN, ABDURRANI title: The Utilization of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi for Planting Agarwood (Aquilaria spp) Seedling in Open Land date: 2020-01-24 words: 3674 flesch: 54 summary: LSD test showed that mycorrhizal agarwood plant grown in the shade paranet 60% had the best diameter growth. Growth of mycorrhizal agarwood plant was faster and started to take place in a six-week-old plants (measurement weeks to 3) (Fig 4). keywords: agarwood; arbuscular; fungi; growth; land; muin; mycorrhizal; open; plant; shade; treatment; weeks cache: mionline-717.pdf plain text: mionline-717.txt item: #270 of 358 id: mionline-719 author: EVELINE, EVELINE; TANUMIHARDJA, CHIKITA WINI title: Antibacterial Potential of Radish Extract (Raphanus sativus L.) Against Fish Spoilage Bacteria date: 2020-01-24 words: 4072 flesch: 54 summary: It could be indicated that heat treatment made the extract unstable and the presence of heat treatment caused radish extract antibacterial activity only reach medium category (7-10 mm). Antibacterial activity test result of radish root extract using ethyl acetate was proven effectively inhibit the growth of fish spoilage bacteria (Table 1). keywords: acid; antibacterial; aureus; bacteria; compound; concentration; dan; extract; inhibition; phase; radish; root; test cache: mionline-719.pdf plain text: mionline-719.txt item: #271 of 358 id: mionline-72 author: WATURANGI, DIANA ELIZABETH; KUSUMA, ANDREAS title: Analysis of Pink Pigmented Facultative Methylotroph Bacteria from Human Environments date: 2010-08-07 words: 2167 flesch: 49 summary: This enzyme carries out a key step in bacterial carbon-one (C1) metabolism since it catalyzes the Volume 2, 2008 Microbiol Indones 113 Fig 1 Detection of mxaF genes of PPFM isolates: M 1 kb DNA Ladder; well 1-10, isolates (WD1-WD10); well 11-14, isolates (WK1- WK4); well 15-16, isolates from potable water supply (TA1-TA2); well 17-18, isolates from bathrooms (KM1-KM2). In this study we investigated the presence of PPFM bacteria through bacterial isolation and detection of mxaF gene from wet places of human-made environments. keywords: chlorine; gene; isolates; resistance; s r; s s cache: mionline-72.pdf plain text: mionline-72.txt item: #272 of 358 id: mionline-720 author: DEWI, BETI ERNAWATI; DAMAYANTI, EVA; SUDIRO, TJAHJANI MIRAWATI; SYAHRURACHMAN, AGUS title: Levels of CXCL10 Chemokine in Dengue Infected Hepatocyte Huh 7 it-1 Cell Line Co-cultured with Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells date: 2020-01-27 words: 4270 flesch: 64 summary: In this study, we used hepatocyte cells of Huh 7it-1 cells from cryopreservation Huh 7it-1 cell from Virology and Molecular Biology, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia's collection, then resuspended with DMEM medium (Gibco) and centrifuged at 1200 rpm for 4 minutes at 4 ºC. The 98 DEWI ET AL. In this study, DENV infection in Huh 7it-1 cells co- cultured with PBMCs showed an increase in CXCL10 chemokine production compared with control cells after 48 hours of infection. keywords: cells; chemokine; cxcl10; dengue; denv; denv-2; doi; huh; infection; levels; liver; pbmcs; study; virus cache: mionline-720.pdf plain text: mionline-720.txt item: #273 of 358 id: mionline-721 author: UTAMA, GEMILANG LARA ; NABILA, MUTIARA; ARIFIN, HENI RADIANI; LEMBONG, ELAZMANAWATI; RIALITA, TITA title: Antibacterial Activity Test of Indigenous Yeast from Sapodilla Fruit against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli date: 2020-01-27 words: 5233 flesch: 63 summary: The decrease in organic acid is caused by the use of organic acids by yeast for the fermentation process (Walker and Stewart 2016). This study was done by the isolation of indigenous yeast, macroscopic and microscopic identification, yeast identification using RapID Yeast Plus System, antibacterial test by measuring the clear zone diameter, testing of pathogenic bacteria viability against indigenous yeast and identification of organic acid produced by yeast. keywords: acid; activity; aureus; bacteria; cerevisiae; coli; doi; fruit; indigenous; isolates; sapodilla; yeast cache: mionline-721.pdf plain text: mionline-721.txt item: #274 of 358 id: mionline-73 author: WIDIASTUTI, HAPPY title: Characteristics of Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria Isolated from Acid Soil of Cikopomayak, West Java, Indonesia date: 2010-08-07 words: 2803 flesch: 51 summary: Recovery of the Pi solubilizing ability of both isolates was accomplished by gradually increasing the dose of Pi in Pikovskaya medium. Isolate B initially solubilized Pi in Pikovskaya medium at a 50% Pi concentration (10 mM), but recovery of Pi solubilizing ability for isolate A was induced with the addition of 25% Pi (5 mM) (Fig 3). keywords: ability; bacteria; isolate; medium; pigment; pikovskaya cache: mionline-73.pdf plain text: mionline-73.txt item: #275 of 358 id: mionline-732 author: Rusmana, Iman title: ITA REGISTRATION FORM AND BACK COVER date: 2020-05-04 words: 2079 flesch: 55 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; indonesia; manuscript; microbiology; page; research; section; submission cache: mionline-732.pdf plain text: mionline-732.txt item: #276 of 358 id: mionline-734 author: Rusmana, Iman title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2020-01-15 words: 601 flesch: 52 summary: Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. Harmastini Sukiman, M.Agr; dr. Purwati SpPD, Ph.D; Dr. Wahyu Purbowasito; Organization Advancement and Networking: Dr. Puspita Lisdiyanti; Prof. Dr. Ir. keywords:; phd; prof cache: mionline-734.pdf plain text: mionline-734.txt item: #277 of 358 id: mionline-735 author: Helianti, Is title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2019-08-15 words: 562 flesch: 49 summary: Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. Harmastini Sukiman, M.Agr; dr. Purwati SpPD, Ph.D; Dr. Wahyu Purbowasito; Organization Advancement and Networking: Dr. Puspita Lisdiyanti; Prof. Dr. Ir. keywords:; phd; prof cache: mionline-735.pdf plain text: mionline-735.txt item: #278 of 358 id: mionline-737 author: Helianti, Is title: ITA REGISTRATION FORM AND BACK COVER date: 2020-01-15 words: 2076 flesch: 55 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; indonesia; manuscript; microbiology; page; research; section; submission cache: mionline-737.pdf plain text: mionline-737.txt item: #279 of 358 id: mionline-738 author: SIDAURUK, MEVA GUSTINA E. ; HUTAURUK, SURYA NINGSIH ; MARTGRITA, MERRY MERYAM ; MANURUNG , ADELINA title: Citric Acid Production From Toba Banana Peel (Musa acuminata Colla) Through Submerged Fermentation Using Aspergillus niger date: 2020-05-14 words: 2932 flesch: 58 summary: Citric Acid Concentration Banana peel substrate % (w/v) Citric acid concentration % (w/v) 5% sucrose added (w/v) 5% glucose added (w/v) 5 0.379 a (a) 0.257 a (a) 10 0.523 b (a) 0.383 b (a) 15 0.651 c (a) 0.474 c ( Advances in citric acid fermentation by Aspergillus niger: Biochemical aspects, membrane transport and modeling. keywords: acid; banana; concentration; fermentation; niger; peel; production; substrate; sucrose; toba cache: mionline-738.pdf plain text: mionline-738.txt item: #280 of 358 id: mionline-74 author: SASKIAWAN, IWAN title: Biosynthesis of Polyamide 4, a Biobased and Biodegradable Polymer date: 2010-08-07 words: 3542 flesch: 66 summary: Polyamide 4, which is composed of repeating unit of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), is a biobased and biodegradable polymer since it can be synthesized from renewable material instead of fossil-based material. GABA is produced by decarboxylation of glutamate (Glu) using glutamate decarboxylase (GAD: EC, which is produced by some microorganisms. keywords: coli; gaba; gad; glutamate; l-1; lactis; polyamide cache: mionline-74.pdf plain text: mionline-74.txt item: #281 of 358 id: mionline-741 author: SIPRIYADI, SIPRIYADI; WAHYUDI, ARIS TRI ; SUHARTONO, MAGGY THENAWIDJAYA ; MERYANDINI, ANJA title: Optimization of Xylanase Production by Streptomyces costaricanus 45I-3 Using Various Substrates through Submerged Fermentation date: 2020-09-07 words: 5671 flesch: 57 summary: The effect of different substrates on xylanase production by Streptomyces costaricanus 45I-3 after 4 days o incubation at 28 C. -1 Fig 3 Cell biomass of S. costaricanus 45I-3 (mg mL ) ( ) and S. costaricanus 45I-3 xylanase activity ( ) This study aims to determine the type of substrate, medium composition, and optimum conditions of xylanase production by S. costaricanus 45I-3. keywords: 45i-3; activity; addition; beechwood; carbon; costaricanus; effect; growth; media; medium; nitrogen; phosphate; production; sources; xylanase cache: mionline-741.pdf plain text: mionline-741.txt item: #282 of 358 id: mionline-742 author: barus, tati; Sanjaya, Jason Wiranata ; Anastasia Tatik Hartanti; Adi Yulandi; Vivitri Dewi Prasasty; Tandjung, David title: Genotypic Characterization of Rhizopus Spp. Tempeh and Usar: Traditional Inoculum of Tempeh in Indonesia date: 2020-09-27 words: 3742 flesch: 64 summary: ✔ ✔ ✔ Usar TB32 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Usar TB33 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Usar TB39 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ tempeh TB48 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ tempeh TB54 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Usar TB23 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ - Usar TB27 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ - Usar TB30 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ - Usar TB35 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ - Usar TB36 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ - Usar TB38 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ - Usar TB40 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ - Usar TB43 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ - Usar TB45 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ - tempeh TB46 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ - tempeh TB52 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ - tempeh TB53 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ - tempeh TB49 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ ✔ - Usar TB29 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ - - Usar TB34 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ - - Usar TB41 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ - - Usar TB42 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ - - Usar TB44 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ - - tempeh TB47 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ - - tempeh TB51 R. microsporus ✔ ✔ - - tempeh TB50 R. microsporus ✔ - - - tempeh TB55 R. microsporus ✔ - - - Usar TB26 R. delemar ✔ - - - Usar TB28 R. delemar ✔ - - - Usar TB37 R. delemar ✔ - - - 1 Table 2 Growth on various temperatures of thirty-three hizopus isolates isolated fromUsar and tempeh. Based on ITS sequences, the isolates were similar to Rhizopus microsporus (30 isolates) and Rhizopus delemar (3 isolates) with 98-99% similarity. keywords: delemar; genetic; indonesia; isolates; microsporus ✔; rapd; rhizopus; tempeh; usar; ✔ ✔ cache: mionline-742.pdf plain text: mionline-742.txt item: #283 of 358 id: mionline-743 author: PRATAMA, MOHAMMAD RIZKI F ADHIL ; TJAHJONO, DARYONO HADI; GUSDINAR, TUTUS title: The Antifungal Activity of Artesunate toward Candida albicans: Two Opposite Activities date: 2020-01-24 words: 3024 flesch: 64 summary: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh artesunate terhadap aktivitas antifungi terhadap C. albicans secara in vitro -1 pada konsentrasi dibawah 1 mg mL . Artesunate, one of the artemisinin derivatives known to have antifungal activity against various pathogenic fungi, including Candida albicans. keywords: activity; albicans; antifungal; artemisinin; artesunate; colonies; doi; number; test cache: mionline-743.pdf plain text: mionline-743.txt item: #284 of 358 id: mionline-744 author: NURTJAHYANI , SUPIANA DIAN; HANDAJANI, RETNO title: Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Blood Donors Based on Titer Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Examination (HBsAg) date: 2020-05-02 words: 1841 flesch: 62 summary: Infection from hepatitis B virus (HBV) can be transmitted through a blood test or a blood transfusion. About two billion people (WHO 2000) or one: third of the world's population has been infected with hepatitis B. More than 350 million people among them are suffering with hepatitis B virus (Manesis et al. 2001) located mostly in Asia or Africa (Lavanchy et al. 2004). keywords: blood; donors; hbsag; hbv; hepatitis; infection; positive; titer cache: mionline-744.pdf plain text: mionline-744.txt item: #285 of 358 id: mionline-747 author: Haniyya, Haniyya; Achnafani, Dini; Ulfah, Maria ; Nurhayati, Niknik; Helianti, Is title: The utilization of auto-inducible Plyb promoter and media optimation for cell density-dependent expression of recombinant xylanase in Bacillus subtilis DB104 date: 2020-07-01 words: 6456 flesch: 57 summary: Recombinant xylanase gene under Pylb was successfully expressed in B. subtilis DB104 and the enzyme was produced at stationary phase. Insertion of this promoter is necessary to upgrade recombinant xylanase production from recombinant B. subtilis DB104. keywords: activity; bacillus; cell; db104; dna; doi; expression; gene; media; plasmid; promoter; pylb; recombinant; subtilis; xylanase cache: mionline-747.pdf plain text: mionline-747.txt item: #286 of 358 id: mionline-748 author: Nurtjahyani, Supiana Dian; Oktafitria, Dwi; Sriwulan, Sriwulan; Maulidina, Nova ; Cintamulya, Imas; Purnomo, Eko title: Utilization of Leaves in Mine Reclamation Land as Organic Fertilizer with Effective Bioactivatory of Microorganism 4 (em4) and Molasses date: 2020-08-18 words: 4768 flesch: 54 summary: Organic fertilizer as a potentialn alternative to reduce the scarcity of chemical fertilizers, furthermore, it can improve soil fertility. The organic waste has the potential to be processed and used as organic fertilizer. keywords: content; dung; em4; fermentation; fertilizer; indonesia; land; leaf; litter; method; microorganisms; molasses; process; reclamation; soil cache: mionline-748.pdf plain text: mionline-748.txt item: #287 of 358 id: mionline-749 author: EVELINE, EVELINE; NOVITA, AGUSTIN title: Antibacterial Potential of Star Anise (Illicium verum Hook. f.) Against Food Pathogen Bacteria date: 2020-07-01 words: 5506 flesch: 61 summary: Star anise extract was more stable at 60°C for 15 minutes heating treatment and pH 4, which resulting the lowest inhibition zone reduction compared to control extract. Star anise extract contained major antibacterial compounds in the form of terpenoids (anethole, β-caryophyllene, β-bisabolene, 2,6- dimethyl-6-(4-methyl-3-pentenyl)-2-norpinene, β- Linalool, p-allylanisole, Trans-γ-bisabolene); and minor antibacterial compounds in the form of fatty acids (6-octadecenoic acid, hexadecanoic acid, stearic acid) and benzaldehyde (methoxy acetophenone, 4- anisaldehyde, 3-propenylphenol). keywords: 2014; 2016; acid; activity; anise; antibacterial; dan; doi; et al; extract; food; heating; inhibition; phase; research; stability; star; test cache: mionline-749.pdf plain text: mionline-749.txt item: #288 of 358 id: mionline-75 author: MAHESWARI, RARAH RATIH ADJIE; WIRYAWAN, I KOMANG GEDE; MADUNINGSIH, GINA LESMANA title: Stability of Two Probiotics Bacteria of Goat Milk Yoghurt in Rat Digestive Tract date: 2010-08-07 words: 6078 flesch: 53 summary: Differences in the increase of B. longum population in the colon was found in all of the treated-samples and in the control. The results showed that the termination of yoghurt intake led to the decrease of L.acidophillus and B. longum population. keywords: acidophilus; bacteria; days; longum; milk; population; probiotic; rats; treatment; weight; yoghurt cache: mionline-75.pdf plain text: mionline-75.txt item: #289 of 358 id: mionline-750 author: GURNING, EDWIN YONATHAN GURNING; IMANUEL, AMOS; TURNIP, NINA JULIANA ROBERTA; MANURUNG, ADELINA title: The Effect Of Aeration Rate On The Growth Of Blue Green Microalgae in Buffalo Dung As Alternative Media date: 2020-06-18 words: 3359 flesch: 59 summary: The cell will experience stress at a flow rate that is too high and then lose the color of Arthrospira platensis cells which indicates cell death. The high demand of Arthrospira platensis as a veritable protein source encourages its mass production worldwide. keywords: aeration; arthrospira; buffalo; flow; growth; mass; medium; platensis; rate; transfer; vvm cache: mionline-750.pdf plain text: mionline-750.txt item: #290 of 358 id: mionline-759 author: RAHMAWATI, RAHMAWATI; ILIANA, ILIANA; RACHMAT, AGUS ; ZAKARIA, LATIFFAH ; MUKARLINA, MUKARLINA title: Detection of Liberibacter asiaticus causing Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration from Siam Citrus leaves (Citrus nobilis var. microcarpa) in Singkawang City plantation, Pontianak, West Kalimantan date: 2020-09-27 words: 3853 flesch: 58 summary: (2010) also reported the same chlorosis symptoms and vein banding in the citrus plantation in Konawe Selatan Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Symptoms of chlorosis and vein banding observed in the field were in accordance with the symptoms described by Wijaya (2003) of which the chlorosis in CVPD citrus leaf become irregular due to reduced formation of chlorophyll in the leave and according to Nurhayati et al. (2016), to diagnose CVPD in citrus plants chlorophyll content which can be the basis of reference, namely around 47.06 SPAD. Among the biotic and abiotic factors that resemble CVPD symptoms including zinc deficiencies (Timmer et al., 2003), stem pitting caused by Citrus tristeza virus, Phytophthora root rotand citrus blight (Beattie and Barkley, 2009). keywords: asiaticus; candidatus; citrus; cvpd; dna; leaf; leaves; liberibacter; pcr; primers; symptoms; type cache: mionline-759.pdf plain text: mionline-759.txt item: #291 of 358 id: mionline-76 author: YUHANA, MUNTI; HANSELMANN, KURT title: Free-Living Ice-Nucleating Active Bacteria from High Mountain Lake Habitats date: 2010-08-07 words: 3494 flesch: 59 summary: N (t), ice nucleation activity; where N, frequency of ice nucleation at temperature t. N(t) (at temperature) Fig 3 RFLP patterns of 16S-rRNA genes from the INA isolates. Key words: high mountain lake habitats, ice nucleation, 16S rRNA gene, free-living bacteria _____________________________________________ ________________________ keywords: bacteria; cell; dna; ice; ina; isolates; nucleation; nuclei; temperature cache: mionline-76.pdf plain text: mionline-76.txt item: #292 of 358 id: mionline-762 author: Indriati Ramadhani; Sri Widawati title: Synergistic Interaction of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Phosphate-Solubilizing Bacteria with NPK Fertilizer to Improve Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench Growth under Saline Condition date: 2020-08-18 words: 6201 flesch: 65 summary: Our result showed that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi colonized sweet sorghum root in the treatment with AMF+PSB+25% NPK, AMF+25% NPK, AMF, PSB+AMF, AMF+PSB+50% NPK, AMF+50% NPK, and AMF+PSB+100% NPK. The PSB+100% NPK treatment did not significantly increase the number of leaves compared to control, PSB only, PSB+25% NPK, and PSB+50% NPK. keywords: 0.0a; amf; colonization; control; doi; growth; increase; mycorrhizal; npk; number; plant; psb; roots; saline; soil; sorghum; total; treatments; weight cache: mionline-762.pdf plain text: mionline-762.txt item: #293 of 358 id: mionline-764 author: TJAMPAKASARI, CONNY RIANA ; NAURA, NABILA; SUDIRO, TJAHJANI MIRAWATI title: QUALITY OF AIR BACTERIA IN OPERATING THEATER IN SOME HOSPITALS IN JAKARTA AND SURROUNDINGS AREAS IN 2018-2019 date: 2021-03-12 words: 5447 flesch: 59 summary: Result of air bacteria examination in the operating theaters in A Hospital in January 2018-June 2019 Table 3 Result of air bacteria examination in the operating theaters in B Hospital in January 2018-June 2019 Operating theaters Consentration of air bacteria (CFU/m3) Table 7 Result of air bacteria examination in the operating theaters in G Hospital in 2018-2019 Table 8 Result of air bacteria examination in the operating theaters in H Hospital in 2018 Table 9 Result of air bacteria examination in the operating theaters in K Hospital in 2018 - 2019 Table 10 Result of air bacteria examination in the operating theaters in N Hospital in 2019 Table 11 Result of air bacteria examination in the operating theaters in P Hospital in 2019 3 Concentration of air bacteria (CFU/m ) 1 March 18 May 18 730 Operating theaters 91 730 91 410.5 Average 3 Concentration of air bacteria (CFU/m ) 1 Augt 18 keywords: air; airborne; average; bacteria; cfu; concentration; examination; hospital; operating; quality; room; standard; table; theaters cache: mionline-764.pdf plain text: mionline-764.txt item: #294 of 358 id: mionline-767 author: KHALILA, RUHUL ; fitri, lenni; SUHARTONO, SUHARTONO title: Isolation and Characterization of Thermophilic Bacteria as Cellulolytic Enzyme Producer from the Hot Spring of Ie Seuum Aceh Besar, Indonesia date: 2020-08-11 words: 5280 flesch: 58 summary: Screening and characterization of thermophilic cellulolytic bacteria in Medang River hot springs, Kerinci, Jambi. This is in accordance with Wahyuni (2017); Mukminin (2014); and Sianturi (2008) studies, the result of the studies showed that Gram staining of hot water bacteria were Gram positive bacilli bacteria. keywords: aceh; bacteria; cellulase; colony; enzymes; hot; isolates; isolation; media; positive; seuum; spring; thermophilic cache: mionline-767.pdf plain text: mionline-767.txt item: #295 of 358 id: mionline-77 author: PRIHATINI, RIRY; BOONYUEN, NATTAWUT; SIVICHAI, SOMSAK title: Phylogenetic Evidence that Two Submerged-Habitat Fungal Species, Speiropsis pedatospora and Xylomyces chlamydosporus, Belong to the Order Jahnulales Insertae Sedis Dothideomycetes date: 2010-08-07 words: 3362 flesch: 60 summary: were in order Jahnulales (Campbell et al. 2007), the same order was suspected to be the taxonomic address for S. pedatospora and Xylomyces sp. (2-celled ascospores), Brachiosphaera tropicalis (hyaline and 4-5 armed conidia), S. pedatospora (hyaline and branches conidia) and Xylomyces sp. keywords: analysis; jahnula; jahnulales; pedatospora; trees; tropicalis; xylomyces cache: mionline-77.pdf plain text: mionline-77.txt item: #296 of 358 id: mionline-771 author: RIZALDI, AKHMAD ; ZELPINA, ENGKI title: Detection of Salmonella sp. and Escherichia coli on Chicken Meat at Tamiang Layang Market: Detection of Salmonella sp. and Escherichia coli on Chicken Meat at Tamiang Layang Market date: 2020-09-30 words: 2515 flesch: 64 summary: The existence of Salmonella sp. and E. coli in chicken meat at the Tamiang Layang market were 66.6% and 83.3%. Key words: chicken meat, Escherichia coli, market, Salmonella sp. Salmonella sp. dan Escherichia coli (E. coli) merupakan dua patogen terpenting karena merupakan indikator keamanan pangan dan indikator sanitasi pada pangan asal hewan, karena berpotensi menimbulkan risiko tinggi penyakit bawaan makanan pada pangan asal hewan. keywords: chicken; coli; e. coli; layang; market; meat; salmonella; salmonella sp; tamiang cache: mionline-771.pdf plain text: mionline-771.txt item: #297 of 358 id: mionline-773 author: Yuliana, Anna; Hilman Fitriaji S P; Khofi Siti Mukhaufillah ; Lina Rahmawati Rizkuloh title: In Silico Study on Testing Antidiabetic Compounds Candidate from Azaphilone Mold Monascus sp. date: 2020-08-18 words: 7093 flesch: 61 summary: Research on Monascus sp. pigments is growing rapidly, including the discovery of new pigments, which are derived from the main pigments: yellow, orange and red. Monascus sp. pigments widely used as a food coloring and flavoring in the food industry, especially for fish such as fish paste, surimi and meat products such as sausages and ham. keywords: ala673; asn284; asp283; glu672; gly135; gly675; his377; leu136; lys568; lys574; medium; red; ser674; thr378; thr676; tyr573; val455 cache: mionline-773.pdf plain text: mionline-773.txt item: #298 of 358 id: mionline-775 author: Mardhia, Mardhia; Mahyarudin, Mahyarudin; Irsan, Abror title: Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern Among Diabetic Outpatients with Urinary Tract infection in Pontianak date: 2020-09-30 words: 3275 flesch: 55 summary: The research purposed to identify antibiotic susceptibility patterns among diabetic outpatients with urinary tract infection in Pontianak. An experimental study was performed for 13 bacterial isolates of diabetic outpatients with urinary tract infection in the Clinic of Diabetes Mellitus, Sultan Syarif Mohamad Alkadrie Hospital, Pontianak. keywords: 2019; antibiotic; cefepime; diabetes; infection; isolates; patients; resistance; sensitivity; tract cache: mionline-775.pdf plain text: mionline-775.txt item: #299 of 358 id: mionline-776 author: Helianti, Is title: Cover/Table of Content and Editorial Board date: 2020-01-24 words: 566 flesch: 52 summary: Mahdi Abrar; Dr. Supriyadi; Dr. Astutiati Nurhasanah; Tarwadi, MSc.; Certification Committee: Dr. Ir. Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. keywords:; phd; prof cache: mionline-776.pdf plain text: mionline-776.txt item: #300 of 358 id: mionline-778 author: Helianti, Is title: ITA registration form and back cover date: 2020-01-24 words: 2080 flesch: 55 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; indonesia; manuscript; microbiology; page; research; section; submission cache: mionline-778.pdf plain text: mionline-778.txt item: #301 of 358 id: mionline-78 author: HERLINDA, SITI; MULYATI, SRI INDAH; SUWANDI, . title: Selection of Isolates of Entomopathogenic Fungi and the Bioefficacy of Their Liquid Production against Leptocorisa oratorius Nymphs date: 2010-08-07 words: 3906 flesch: 56 summary: Laboratory evaluation of entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae against puparia and adults of Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae). Mean Lowest Highest Isolate code Mortality (%) 8.30 7.30 3.11 6.51 7.90 7.40 4.70 6.97 5.30 9.18 7.23 9.64 13.12 11.20 3.91 9.04 13.60 11.20 11.85 11.63 7.20 11.04 9.11 11.33 T B Bby 715 KBC CPJW8 P D 2 P D 1 BTS3 BTSS7 La Bby 725 Ua SLSS 46.67 53.33 93.33 56.67 46.67 50.00 65.00 50.00 63.33 46.00 64.00 52.00 10.07 8.80 3.52 7.60 9.80 8.90 6.80 9.70 6.20 9.96 8.05 10.36 Table 3 Selection results of entomopathogenic fungus isolates (Metarhizium) with rice bug as test insect LT 50 (days) keywords: bassiana; bioinsecticide; entomopathogenic; fungi; isolate; liquid; media; metarhizium; rice cache: mionline-78.pdf plain text: mionline-78.txt item: #302 of 358 id: mionline-781 author: WIDIASTUTI, HAPPY; TANIWIRYONO, DARMONO; RUSMANA, IMAN; WENING PERMATASARI, GALUH title: Trenching Construction in Peat Soil and the DGGE Analyses of nif Gene and Activity of Dehydrogenase date: 2021-03-12 words: 5470 flesch: 60 summary: As much 5 g of soil sample was used. The dehydrogenase is one of soil enzyme that becomes the indicator of ecosystem status. keywords: activity; attack; bacteria; dehydrogenase; dgge; ganoderma; gene; location; nif; nitrogen; palm; sample; soil; trench cache: mionline-781.pdf plain text: mionline-781.txt item: #303 of 358 id: mionline-783 author: Widiastuti, Happy; Siswanto; Saeful Anwar; Supiandi Sabiham; Husni Mubarok; Darmono Taniwiryono; Basuki Sumawinata; Heru B. Pulunggono title: Exploration of lignocellulolytic microbes in oil palm rhizosphere on peat soils and their respiration activities date: 2021-04-08 words: 5728 flesch: 55 summary: Cellulolytic bacterial populations were highest in oil palm peat at all depths compared to other samples. However, the population of these bacteria in oil palm mineral soils (MS) is higher compared to oil palm peat (GS) especially at depths of 40-60 cm. keywords: bacteria; depth; fungi; lignin; lignolytic; microbial; mineral; oil; oil palm; palm; peat; population; respiration; soil cache: mionline-783.pdf plain text: mionline-783.txt item: #304 of 358 id: mionline-785 author: Santoso, Clara Alverina; Takarina, Noverita Dian; Ambarsari, Hanies; Prihantini, Nining Betawati; Sitaresmi title: Effect of Hydrocarbon-Polluted Seawater on the Cell Density of Microalgae Scenedesmus vacuolatus Shihira & Krauss date: 2020-10-01 words: 5423 flesch: 58 summary: The purposes of this study are to determine the effect of the concentration of hydrocarbon-polluted seawater on the density of Scenedesmus vacuolatus microalgae cells and to determine the optimum treatment to reduce total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) levels. The results showed the highest average density of Scenedesmus vacuolatus cells was in the control sample. keywords: cell; culture; day; density; growth; hydrocarbon; medium; microalgae; oil; petroleum; scenedesmus; study; tph; treatment; vacuolatus cache: mionline-785.pdf plain text: mionline-785.txt item: #305 of 358 id: mionline-79 author: NOOR, ERLIZA; HARDJITO, LINAWATI title: The Influence of Oil Concentration, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Composition on Crude Oil Biodegradation by Epyzim and Mixed Cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Arthrobacter simplex date: 2010-08-07 words: 2989 flesch: 60 summary: This experiment studied the effect of oil concentrations and ratios of Ammonium and Phosphate on oil degradation in mixed cultures of local strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Arthrobacter simplex. 10 erliza noor.pmd The Influence of Oil Concentration, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Composition on Crude Oil Biodegradation by Epyzim and Mixed Cultures of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Arthrobacter simplex ERLIZA NOOR1* AND LINAWATI HARDJITO2 1Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology; 2Department of Aquatic Products Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Darmaga Campus, Bogor 16880, Indonesia Biological methods have gained attention as an alternative treatment for oil degradation in pollution remediation. keywords: aeruginosa; culture; l-1; oil; simplex cache: mionline-79.pdf plain text: mionline-79.txt item: #306 of 358 id: mionline-790 author: Helianti, Is title: Cover and editor information date: 2020-09-03 words: 553 flesch: 45 summary: Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. Antonius Suwanto, Msc; Dr. Siswa Setyahadi; President: Dr. Iman Rusmana; Vice President: keywords:; prof cache: mionline-790.pdf plain text: mionline-790.txt item: #307 of 358 id: mionline-793 author: Helianti, Is title: Cover date: 2020-06-18 words: 164 flesch: 8 summary: Antibacterial Activity Test of Indigenous Yeast from Sapodilla Fruit against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli Citric Acid Production from Toba Banana Peel (Musa acuminata Colla) through Submerged Fermentation using Aspergillus niger Gene Cloning of Xilanase Glycoside Hydrolase Family 11 from Bacillus halodurans CM1 in Escherichia coli DH5α The Effect of Aeration Rate on the Growth of Blue Green Microalgae in Buffalo Dung as Alternative Media Prevalence of Hepatitis B Virus Infection in Blood Donors Based on Titer Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Examination (HBsAg) Gemilang Lara Utama, Mutiara Nabila, Heni Radiani Arifin, Elazmanawati Lembong, and Tita Rialita Meva Gustina E. Sidauruk, Surya Ningsih Hutauruk, Merry Meryam Martgrita, and Adelina Manurung Muhamad Taufiqul Naufal, Agustin Krisna Wardani, and Is Helianti Edwin Yonathan Gurning, Amos Imanuel, Nina Juliana Roberta Turnip, and Adelina Manurung Supiana Dian Nurtjahyani and Retno Handajani 109 118 123 129 134 Author Index 137 Subject Index 138 Page 1 Cover Depan. keywords: index; lara utama cache: mionline-793.pdf plain text: mionline-793.txt item: #308 of 358 id: mionline-794 author: BARUS, TATI; GIOVANIA, GABRIELA ; W LAY, BIBIANA title: Lactic Acid Bacteria from Tempeh and Their Ability to Acidify Soybeans in Tempeh Fermentation date: 2021-03-01 words: 4143 flesch: 68 summary: Lactic acid bacteria are found in tempeh. The character of all isolates in this study is in line with the character of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were reported by Nurhikmayani et al. keywords: 16s; acid; bacteria; barus; doi; et al; fermentum; food; isolates; jakarta; lab; lactobacillus; strain; tempeh cache: mionline-794.pdf plain text: mionline-794.txt item: #309 of 358 id: mionline-795 author: Sariyanti, Mardhatillah; Putri Maya AGustria; Willujeng Fanny Herlambang title: Identification of Dermatophyte Fungi Causing Tinea Pedis And Tinea Unguium In Malabero Coastal Communities, Bengkulu date: 2021-04-08 words: 3676 flesch: 57 summary: Hence, this research aimed to identify dermatophyte fungi that caused Tinea pedis and Tinea unguium from these coastal communities. Subjects included 79 people who had symptoms of Tinea pedis and 33 people with symptoms of Tinea unguium. keywords: cases; dermatophyte; doi; health; pedis; tinea; trichophyton; unguium cache: mionline-795.pdf plain text: mionline-795.txt item: #310 of 358 id: mionline-797 author: Rini, A N S ; Rukmini, Isworo; Pujiyanto, S title: Thermostable alkaline protease activity from Aspergillus flavus DUCC- K225 and its compatibility to local detergents date: 2021-04-08 words: 3515 flesch: 60 summary: Fig 2 The stability of alkaline protease enzyme produced by . The aims of this study were to determine the activity and stability of thermostable alkaline protease produced by DUCC-K225 at various temperatures, also the A. flavus compatibility to 5 local detergents. keywords: activity; alkaline; aspergillus; detergent; ducc; enzyme; flavus; k225; protease; solution; temperature cache: mionline-797.pdf plain text: mionline-797.txt item: #311 of 358 id: mionline-798 author: Jatmiko, Yoga Dwi; Suharto, Aditya Ragil; Mustafa, Irfan; Aditya, Siska title: Bacterial Population Dynamics of Natural Fermentation of Sumbawa Mare’s Milk Using Metagenomic Approach date: 2021-06-28 words: 6265 flesch: 64 summary: Microbial diversity analysis of milk fermentation can be done using a culture-dependent as well as metagenomics approach or using the combination of both approaches. Review on lactic acid bacteria function in milk fermentation and preservation. keywords: acid; bacteria; content; day; density; doi; fermentation; fermentation process; lactobacillus; mare; microbiol; milk; period; process; species; sumbawa; sumbawa mare; total cache: mionline-798.pdf plain text: mionline-798.txt item: #312 of 358 id: mionline-8 author: UTAMA, ANDI; SHIMIZU, HIROYUKI title: In Vitro Recombination of Poliovirus with Coxsackie A Virus Serotype 18 at Downstream Nonstructural Protein-Coding Regions date: 2010-03-12 words: 3807 flesch: 57 summary: After RNA transfection into HEp-2 cells following by incubation at 35 °C, only the Volume 1, 2007 Microbiol Indones 131 Fig 2 Viability of recombinant viruses derived from chimeric PJ156/CAV-18 cDNA. Plaque size (mm) Titer (pfu/ml) PJ156 PJ156/CAV-18 (2C-327) PJ156/CAV-18 (3A-67) PJ156/CAV-18 (3C-60) - 2C (327) 3A (67) 3C (60) 2 - 6 1 - 2 1 - 4 1 - 4 6.6 x 108 3.5 x 108 3.4 x 108 2.6 x 108 recombinant PJ156 and CAV-18 with crossover sites at 2C-327, 3A-67, and 3C-60 (each virus designated as PJ156/ CAV-18(2C-327), PJ156/CAV-18(3A-67), and PJ156/CAV-18 (3C-60)) were viable, whereas recombinant viruses with crossover sites at (2C-8, 2C-133, 2C-235, 2C-268, 2C-287 were not viable (Fig 2). keywords: cav-18; pj156; recombinant; recombination; shimizu; viruses cache: mionline-8.pdf plain text: mionline-8.txt item: #313 of 358 id: mionline-80 author: OMEGA, MARIA; LAI, RICHARD; HEINE, HANS; BARNARD, ROSS title: Influenza A Virus: Phylogeny of Neuraminidase Primers and Amplification of Polymerase Basic Protein 2 and Neuraminidase Genes date: 2010-08-07 words: 7620 flesch: 64 summary: In addition, phylogenetic lineages and BLAST homology results showed 100% between 9 NA viruses and NA primer PCR products which are essential to develop alignment and shared homology between subtypes. BLASTn was utilized for the alignment of all sequences of NA gene primers generated against a genbank consensus Avian Influenza Virus subtypes. keywords: 10r; clone; dna; gene; influenza; lane; length; pair; pb2; pcr; plasmid; primers; product; subtypes; virus cache: mionline-80.pdf plain text: mionline-80.txt item: #314 of 358 id: mionline-801 author: SINAGA, BRIAN; Simangunsong, Lianty; Trirakhmadi, Andy; Pasaribu, Monita; Martgrita, Merry title: Growth Kinetic Study of Blue-green Microalgae Arthrospira platensis Using Buffalo Manure as Alternative Media date: 2021-03-31 words: 3592 flesch: 56 summary: The research conducted by Syaichurozzi and Jayanudin (2016) about A. platensis growth in liquid tofu waste media and the research conducted by Astiani, Dewiyanti and Mellisa (2016) about utilization of bovine, birds, and buffalo manure as A. platensis growth media, also give the results that lag phase took place in a very short period that was in day-0. In each concentration of buffalo manure media, in general exponential phase is started at day-0, day-1, or day-2. keywords: buffalo; concentration; g.l; growth; kinetic; manure; max; media; platensis; value cache: mionline-801.pdf plain text: mionline-801.txt item: #315 of 358 id: mionline-802 author: none title: Back Cover date: 2020-08-18 words: 2076 flesch: 55 summary: The letter should clearly state the name of corresponding author, complete mailing address, phone fax number, and e-mail address. Please provide the title of the work in Indonesian also (for Indonesian author). keywords: author; indonesia; manuscript; microbiology; page; research; section; submission cache: mionline-802.pdf plain text: mionline-802.txt item: #316 of 358 id: mionline-804 author: none title: Cover date: 2020-08-18 words: 565 flesch: 45 summary: Betty Sri Laksmi Jenie, MS; Prof. Dr. Ir. Antonius Suwanto, Msc; Dr. Siswa Setyahadi; President: Dr. Iman Rusmana; Vice President: keywords:; phd; prof cache: mionline-804.pdf plain text: mionline-804.txt item: #317 of 358 id: mionline-805 author: NASIR, SORAYA FITRIA; HASAN, ANI M. ; ABDUL, ARYATI ; RETNOWATI, YULIANA title: Molecular Identification of Hg-Resistant Bacteria and Their Potential in Reducing Mercury Contamination date: 2021-06-28 words: 4064 flesch: 55 summary: Based on the results of the analysis of the reduction in mercury contamination carried out by inoculating two isolates of mercury resistant bacteria, namely ILb03 and ILb04 into medium containing Nutrient broth 10 ppm mercury, it was found that the two isolates could reduce the mercury content by 99% for 24 (Table 3). According to Vetriani et al. (2005), mercury resistant bacteria have operon mer which codes for flavoenzymes then mercury reductase reduces Hgions to Hg which is non-toxic and 2+ 0 volatile. keywords: ability; bacteria; contamination; dan; gold; ilb03; isolates; mercury; merkuri; metal; ppm; resistance; soil; strain cache: mionline-805.pdf plain text: mionline-805.txt item: #318 of 358 id: mionline-81 author: SYAMSUL BAHRI, SYAMSUL BAHRI; WAHYUDI, ARIS TRI; MUBARIK, NISA RACHMANIA title: Genetic Diversity of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria of Bacillus sp. Based on 16S rRNA Sequence and Amplified rDNA Restriction Analysis date: 2010-08-07 words: 3429 flesch: 58 summary: All plant growth promoting Bacillus sp. isolates were maintained in Nutrient Broth medium and grown at room temperature (28 °C) for 24 h. Characteristics of bacterial strains of Bacillus sp. strains used in this study are listed in Table 1. 3 Aris_389.pmd Genetic Diversity of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria of Bacillus sp. keywords: 16s; analysis; ardra; bacillus; bacillus sp; dna; isolates; microbiol; restriction; rrna cache: mionline-81.pdf plain text: mionline-81.txt item: #319 of 358 id: mionline-813 author: ULYA, DAROJATUL ; INDRI ASTUTI, RIKA; MERYANDINI, ANJA title: The ethanol Production Activity of Indigenous Thermotolerant Yeast Pichia kudriavzevii 1P4 date: 2021-02-28 words: 5044 flesch: 56 summary: Using thermotolerant yeast for bioethanol production in high temperature fermentation could gain some advantages such as higher saccharification and fermentation rates, energy saving through reduction cooling cost and minimalize risk of contamination (Arora et al. 2015). However as mesophilic yeast, most of S. cerevisiae strains could not grow and produce ethanol in high temperature fermentation (Kitagawa et al. 2010). keywords: ethanol; fermentation; glucose; growth; isolate; kudriavzevii; media; production; stress; temperature; yeast; ypd cache: mionline-813.pdf plain text: mionline-813.txt item: #320 of 358 id: mionline-815 author: Helianti, Is title: Cover date: 2021-01-08 words: 152 flesch: 17 summary: and Escherichia coli on Chicken Meat at Tamiang Layang Market Mardhia, Mahyarudin, and Abror Irsan Rahmawati, Iliana, Agus Rachmat, Latiffah Zakaria, and Mukarlina Tati Barus, Jason Wiranata Sanjaya, Anastasia Tatik Hartanti, Adi Yulandi, Vivitri Dewi Prasasty, and David Tandjung Clara Alverina Santoso, Noverita Dian Takarina, Hanies Ambarsari, Nining Betawati Prihantini, and Sitaresmi Akhmad Rizaldi and Engki Zelpina 89 95 101 108 117 Page 1 CDR ISSN 1978-3477, eISSN 2087-8575 Volume 14, Number 3, September 2020 Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern of Bacterial Isolates among Diabetic Outpatients with Urinary Tract Infection in Pontianak Detection of Liberibacter asiaticus causing Citrus Vein Phloem Degeneration from Siam Citrus leaves (Citrus nobilis var. keywords: citrus; detection cache: mionline-815.pdf plain text: mionline-815.txt item: #321 of 358 id: mionline-817 author: Hallis, Steffanus Pranoto; Hartanti, Anastasia Tatik; Gunawan, Agustin Wydia title: Molecular Diversity of Mold Associated with Gatotan date: 2021-04-08 words: 3534 flesch: 56 summary: Several previous studies showed the involvement of this particular mold genera in fermentation gatotan including A. flavus R. oryzae R. oligosporus L. , , and theobromae (Astriani 2018 Splitting process in posttranslational modification would remove ITS1 and ITS2 since they act as non-coding region (Schoch et al. 2012). keywords: analysis; cassava; dna; fermentation; fig; food; gatotan; identification; indonesia; lasiodiplodia; microbiol; mold; purwandari; spp; tree cache: mionline-817.pdf plain text: mionline-817.txt item: #322 of 358 id: mionline-82 author: WAHYUNTARI, BUDIASIH; MUBARIK, NISA RACHMANIA; SETYAHADI, SISWA title: Effect of pH, Temperature and Medium Composition on Xylanase Production by Bacillus sp. AQ-1 and Partial Characterization of the Crude Enzyme date: 2010-08-07 words: 4642 flesch: 62 summary: Since in Dhillon medium xylanase production did not tend to increase, even decreased during fermentation time observed, therefore substitution of oatspelt xylan with FPB was done using Nakamura medium. Some studies showed the used of different kinds of commercial extracted xylan as well as xylan containing agricultural wastes for inducing xylanolytic enzyme production. keywords: activity; bacillus; enzyme; growth; medium; nakamura; production; xylanase cache: mionline-82.pdf plain text: mionline-82.txt item: #323 of 358 id: mionline-820 author: Masri, Mashuri; Sukmawaty, Eka; Awalia Amir, As title: Anti Fungal Activity of Chitinolytic Bacteria Lysinibacillus fusiformis and Brevibacillus reuszeri Against The Fungal Pathogens Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum date: 2022-01-26 words: 2653 flesch: 65 summary: The presence of an inhibitory index showed that chitinolytic bacteria L. fusiformis and B. reuszeri were able to inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi. Chitinolytic bacteria can produce chitinase, reported as a biocontrol agent against plants. keywords: bacteria; chitinase; fungal; fungi; oxysporum; pathogenic; reuszeri; solani cache: mionline-820.pdf plain text: mionline-820.txt item: #324 of 358 id: mionline-823 author: Nisa, Sarsa; Safitri, Rifka A.; Inayah, Nurul; Nditasari, Achirul; Purwantisari, Susiana; Ferniah, Rejeki; Achmadi, Anang; Nugraha, Taufiq; Saputra, Sugiyono title: Potential Zoonotic Faecal Bacteria from Sunda Porcupine (Hystrix javanica) and Their Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles date: 2021-07-28 words: 4861 flesch: 56 summary: r antimicrobial resistance Sunda porcupine, zoonosesKey words: , 16S RNA , Landak Jawa ( ) merupakan salah satu spesies endemik Indonesia yang sering dimanfaatkan Hystrix javanica dagingnya. Sunda porcupine ( ) is one of the Indonesian endemic species which is often sought after for Hystrix javanica their meat. keywords: animals; antimicrobial; bacteria; dan; isolates; klebsiella; listeria; porcupine; presumptive; resistance; results; salmonella; shigella; study; sunda; test; white; zone; zoonotic cache: mionline-823.pdf plain text: mionline-823.txt item: #325 of 358 id: mionline-824 author: Pulungan, Elitha title: Immunogenicity of Recombinant DNA Vaccine Encoding Non-Structural Protein-1 Dengue Virus Serotype-2 in Balb/c Mice date: 2021-06-28 words: 4426 flesch: 62 summary: Previously, we had successfully constructed DNA vaccine encoding NS1 protein of DENV2 (pUNS1) which expressed recombinant NS1 protein in mammalian cells line. NS1 protein is a glycoprotein weighing 42-50 kDa from 353-354 amino acids encoded by 1056bp of genes (Clyde 2006) keywords: cells; dengue; denv; dna; humoral; mice; ns1; plasmid; protein; puns1; recombinant; response; vaccine; virus cache: mionline-824.pdf plain text: mionline-824.txt item: #326 of 358 id: mionline-828 author: RAHAYU, GAYUH; EFRIWATI, EFRIWATI; VERONICA, SEPTINA title: Domestication and Formulation of Rhizopodopsis Javensis as Tempeh Starter date: 2021-10-07 words: 3958 flesch: 59 summary: oligosporus 6.89±0.15 4.38±0.43 0.31a Raprima 6.51±0.20 4.82±0.03 2.03a Starter Type Water Content (%) Rh. javensis wild type 10.58±1.08a Rh. javensis domesticated type 10.08±1.17a R. microsporus var. which taxonomically close to is a fungus type Rhizopodopsis javensis (Rh. javensis Rhizopus naturally found in cool climates, and promisingly can be used as a tempeh starter in temperate regions. keywords: domestication; growth; javensis; microsporus; oligosporus; rhizopus; spore; starter; tempeh; var cache: mionline-828.pdf plain text: mionline-828.txt item: #327 of 358 id: mionline-83 author: RAHAYU, PUJI; SETYAHADI, SISWA; HARMITA, . title: Production and Purification of Xylanase From Indonesian Isolate Bacillus sp. AQ-1 Grown on Bunch Palm Oil date: 2010-08-07 words: 3444 flesch: 61 summary: Xylanase activity was determined at optimum temperature and pH. Effect of Temperature and pH. Fig 1 shows the effect of temperature and pH on xylanase activity. After 24 h, the cells were removed by centrifugation at 6 000 rpm using High-Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge Himac CR 21G and R10A3 rotor for 15 min at 4 °C and the supernantant from extracellular secretion was used for estimation of xylanase activity and protein content and also for xylanase purification. keywords: activity; bacillus; enzyme; purification; temperature; xylanase cache: mionline-83.pdf plain text: mionline-83.txt item: #328 of 358 id: mionline-835 author: Atikana, Akhirta; Fujita, Katsutoshi; Alex Prima; Yopi; Kawasaki, Hiroko; Suzuki, Ken-Ichiro; Lisdiyanti, Puspita title: EPS7-like Enterobacteria phage Isolated from Indonesia date: 2021-04-08 words: 4054 flesch: 67 summary: Our results showed that phage LIPI13-Bp006 is in a group of and highly similar to Enterobacteria phage EPS7. Caudovirales bacteriophage, Bali, Enterobacteria phage EPS7, environment, Key words: E. coli merupakan organisme yang keberadaannya paling melimpah di muka bumi. keywords: bacteriophages; bali; enterobacteria; eps7; host; lipi13; nbrc; phage; × ;  n;   cache: mionline-835.pdf plain text: mionline-835.txt item: #329 of 358 id: mionline-839 author: NANDYAWATI, DEWI; ASTUTI, DEA INDRIANI ; NURHAYATI, NIKNIK ; RISWOKO, ASEP ; HELIANTI, IS title: Production and Characterization of Thermoalkaliphilic Xylanase from Bacillus halodurans CM1 on Degumming Process of Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.Gaud)Fiber as Textile Raw Material date: 2021-10-07 words: 6457 flesch: 60 summary: Stability of CM1 xylanase enzyme toward metal ions and surfactants were studied by reacting the enzyme with K , Na , Ca , Co , Cu , Mn , Mg , Zn , Ni , + When various metal ion was mixed at room temperature for 1 h, K , Na , Ca , Co , and Cu + 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ seemed able to increase CM1 xylanase activity ranging from 107 – 130%. keywords: activity; cm1; degumming; effect; enzyme; fiber; fig; naoh; ramie; weight; xylanase cache: mionline-839.pdf plain text: mionline-839.txt item: #330 of 358 id: mionline-84 author: PURKAN, .; SAVALAS, LALU RUDYAT TELLY; SINDUMARTA, MULIAWATI; NATALIA, DESSY title: The b’x Region of Yeast Protein Disulfide Isomerase is Not Essential for Saccharomyces cerevisiae Viability at 30 °C date: 2010-08-07 words: 4646 flesch: 65 summary: The crystal structure of yeast protein disulfide isomerase suggests cooperativity between its active sites. Contributions of protein disulfide isomerase domains to its chaperone activity. keywords: disulfide; domain; length; mutant; pdi1; pdi1∆b’x; protein; yeast cache: mionline-84.pdf plain text: mionline-84.txt item: #331 of 358 id: mionline-85 author: SANJAYA, AGATHA WINNY; SUDARWANTO, MIRNAWATI; ROBERT, KIBUUKA title: Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in Pasteurized Milk Sold in Bogor and Its Relationship with Human Health date: 2010-08-07 words: 3332 flesch: 56 summary: Dominguez et al. (1985) and Garcia and Vitas (2004) found a higher incidence of L. monocytogenes in pasteurized milk, 45.3% and 44.7% respectively, while Gül et al. (1994) from Turkey reported 1.1% found in samples of pasteurized milk samples. 7 Agatha Winny_416.pmd Volume 3, Number1, April 2009 p 33-36 ISSN 1978-3477 *Corresponding author, Phone/Fax: +62-251-8625588, E-mail: Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in Pasteurized Milk Sold in Bogor and Its Relationship with Human Health AGATHA WINNY SANJAYA1*, MIRNAWATI SUDARWANTO1, AND KIBUUKA ROBERT2 1Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Darmaga Campus, Bogor16680, Indonesia; 2Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Umutara Polytechnic University, P.O. Box 57, Nyagatare, Rwanda Many countries have established a zero tolerance policy, under which ready-to-eat foods are contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes at a detectable level. keywords: day; food; listeria; listeriosis; milk; monocytogenes; samples cache: mionline-85.pdf plain text: mionline-85.txt item: #332 of 358 id: mionline-850 author: Maladan, Yustinus; Wahyuni, Tri; Krismawati, Hana title: Single nucleotide polymorphism in the rpoB gene Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Papua-Indonesia and its impact on rifampicin resistance: A whole genome sequencing analysis date: 2021-06-27 words: 4210 flesch: 67 summary: Dua puluh sampel kultur yang telah melalui proses Mycobacterium tuberculosis WGS dan 19 sampel diantaranya memenuhi untuk analisis bioinformatika lebih lanjut. Kata kunci: gen , , , Rifampisin rpoB molecular docking Mycobacterium tuberculosis MICROBIOLOGY INDONESIA Available online at ISSN 1978-3477, eISSN 2087-8575 *Corresponding author: Phone ;: +62- E-mail: 8114832859 resistance to isoniazid and (RIF) with or Rifampicin without resistance to other first-line TB drugs (Koch et al. 2018; Kemenkes RI 2019). keywords: energy; fig; gene; h451y; mutants; mutations; mycobacterium; position; protein; q438k; resistance; rif; rnap; rpob; s456l; tuberculosis cache: mionline-850.pdf plain text: mionline-850.txt item: #333 of 358 id: mionline-851 author: KIRANASARI, ARIYANI; RAYHAN, MUHAMMAD title: Comparison of N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine-Sodium Hydroxide-Based and Modified Petroff's Decontamination Method for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Culture date: 2021-10-08 words: 3144 flesch: 55 summary: However, the contamination on culture was significantly higher in samples treated with NALC-NaOH (21%) compared to Modified Petroff methods (13%) (p< 0.05). Second, Modified Petroff method has lower contamination rate than NALC-NaOH, and culture using LJ medi NALC-NaOH method is not um suitable for routine use. keywords: culture; decontamination; method; nalc; naoh; petroff; samples; smear; sputum; tuberculosis cache: mionline-851.pdf plain text: mionline-851.txt item: #334 of 358 id: mionline-857 author: Helianti, Is title: Cover date: 2021-03-31 words: 146 flesch: 15 summary: The Ethanol Production Activity of Indigenous Thermotolerant Yeast 1P4Pichia kudriavzevii Trench Construction in Peat Soil and the DGGE Analyses of Nif Gene and Activity of Dehydrogenase Quality of Airborne Bacteria in Operating Theaters in Several Hospitals in Jakarta and Its Surrounding Areas in 2018-2019 Lactic Acid Bacteria from Tempeh and Their Ability to Acidify Soybeans in Tempeh Fermentation Growth Kinetic Study of Blue-green Microalgae Arthrospira platensis Using Buffalo Manure as Alternative Media Darojatul Ulya, Rikaindri Astuti, and Anja Meryandini Happy Widiastuti, Darmono Taniwiryono, Iman Rusmana, and Galuh Wening Permatasari Conny Riana Tjampakasari, Nabila Naura, and Tjahjani Mirawati Tati Barus, Gabriela Giovania, and Bibiana W Lay Brian A. Sinaga, Lianty Simangunsong, Andy Trirakhmadi, Monita Pasaribu, and Merry Meryam Martgrita 121 129 140 149 156 Author Index 163 Subject Index 164 Cover Depan. keywords: index cache: mionline-857.pdf plain text: mionline-857.txt item: #335 of 358 id: mionline-86 author: ARTIKA, I MADE title: Membrane Topology of Subunit 8 Variant of Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mitochondrial ATP Synthase date: 2010-08-07 words: 4830 flesch: 51 summary: Subunit 8 maintains close interactions with subunits b, d, f and 6, each of which has proposed roles as part of the stator stalk. Biogenesis of mitochondria: the mitochondrial gene (aap1) coding for mitochondrial ATPase subunit 8 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. keywords: extraction; fraction; lane; membrane; panel; pellet; protein; subunit; urea cache: mionline-86.pdf plain text: mionline-86.txt item: #336 of 358 id: mionline-861 author: SIHITE, NATHASA WEISDANIA; RUSMARILIN, HERLA ; ROTUA, MANUNTUN title: Analysis of The Phytochemical Characteristics of Jasmine Flower Against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus date: 2021-10-07 words: 6955 flesch: 56 summary: The results showed that jasmine flower extract contained alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, saponins, tannins, and phenolics. According to research conducted by (Al-hussaini and Mahasneh 2011) showed that in testing the antibacterial and antifungal activity of jasmine flower extracts produced a larger diameter of the inhibition zone when compared to jasmine flower leaves. keywords: acetate; activity; antimicrobial; aureus; bacteria; coli; compounds; concentration; diameter; escherichia; ethyl; extract; flavonoids; flower; growth; inhibition; jasmine; methanol; results; solvent; staphylococcus; test; zone cache: mionline-861.pdf plain text: mionline-861.txt item: #337 of 358 id: mionline-866 author: Helianti, Is title: Cover date: 2021-04-30 words: 153 flesch: 10 summary: Causing Tinea Pedis and Tinea Unguium In Malabero Coastal Communities, Bengkulu Exploration of Lignocellulolytic Microbes in Oil Palm Rhizosphere on Peat Soils and Their Respiration Activities Steffanus Pranoto Hallis, Anastasia Tatik Hartanti, and Agustin Wydia Gunawan Akhirta Atikana, Katsutoshi Fujita, Alex Prima, Yopi, Hiroko Kawasaki, Ken-Ichiro Suzuki, and Puspita Lisdiyanti Almalina Nabila Sulistyo Rini, Isworo Rukmi, and Sri Pujiyanto Mardhatillah Sariyanti, Putri Maya Agustria, Willujeng Fanny Herlambang, Besly Sinuhaji, Risky Hadi Wibowo, Novriantika Lestari, Enny Nugraheni, and Sipriyadi Happy Widiastuti, Siswanto, Darmono Taniwiryono, Heru Bagus Pulunggono, Syaiful Anwar, Basuki Sumawinata, Husni Mubarok, and Supiandi Sabiham 1 8 15 21 27 Page 1 Cover Depan. keywords: alex prima; hiroko kawasaki cache: mionline-866.pdf plain text: mionline-866.txt item: #338 of 358 id: mionline-87 author: ROHYADI, AGUS title: Neighboring Plants Alleviate Aluminum Toxicity on The External Hyphae of Gigaspora margarita date: 2010-08-07 words: 4231 flesch: 61 summary: Recently, several studies in vitro showed that factors such as CO 2 level, some chemical compounds and volatiles released by plant roots, and bacterial products, influence the growth of the fungal hyphae (Tawaraya et al. 1996; Nagahashi and Douds 2000, 2003; Xavier and Germida 2003; Scervino et al. 2005). The pot system used was made of a PVC pipe (Fig 1), divided into three compartments by two vertical 30 µm screen meshes that allow hyphae to pass but exclude plant roots. keywords: al3; growth; hyphae; mycorrhizal; neighboring; plants; roots; soil cache: mionline-87.pdf plain text: mionline-87.txt item: #339 of 358 id: mionline-88 author: SIMANJUNTAK, YOGY title: T-cell Epitopes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antigen 85 Complex Potential for Generating Antibody: an Immunoinformatics Study date: 2010-08-07 words: 3329 flesch: 50 summary: Some investigators are trying to identify the kind of peptide antigens that could evoke not only T-cell mediated response, but also antibody synthesis (Sarhan et al. 2007). Prediction of chain flexibility in proteins- a tool for the selection of peptide antigens. keywords: acids; amino; antibody; antigen; cell; epitopes; peptides; site; surface cache: mionline-88.pdf plain text: mionline-88.txt item: #340 of 358 id: mionline-880 author: PUTRANTO, WILFRIDUS ADYATMA; NUGROHO, RULLY ADI; HARDIYANTA, PETRUS SUNU; CAHYANINGRUM, DESTI CHRISTIAN title: Are Trichoderma atroviride and Trichoderma harzianum Effective to Control Fusarium Associated With Tomato Wilt? date: 2021-10-07 words: 4905 flesch: 68 summary: a. / sp.; b. Trichoderma virid Fusarium Trichoderma atro e harzianum Fusarium Tv Trichoderma atroviride Th Trichoderma harzianum F Fusarium/ sp.; : ; : ; : sp. showed low antagonistic activity against sp. Trichoderma Fusarium in vitro by the dual culture technique, and the percentage inhibition of radial growth (PIRG) and the antagonism reaction (scale 1-5) were evaluated. keywords: 2014; 2019; atroviride; control; day; days; doi; et al; fusarium; growth; harzianum; oxysporum; pirg; plant; species; spp; tomato; trichoderma; wilt cache: mionline-880.pdf plain text: mionline-880.txt item: #341 of 358 id: mionline-89 author: JUSUF, EDDY title: Exploration of Bacillus thuringiensis ä-Endotoxin Derived from Bacterial Isolates in Jabodetabek Region date: 2010-08-08 words: 3904 flesch: 60 summary: After microscopic examination, 57 isolates showed the existence of crystalliferous protein, of those 30 indicated many sizes of ä-endotoxin protein from approximatively 150 kDa to the smallest 35 kDa. Until March 2002, over 359 different genes of Cry protein have been identified, more than 97 different genes of Cry protein have been cloned from B. thuringiensis to many other bacteria and plant species, and more than 16 thousand of strains are kept in collection all over the world (Crickmore et al. 2002). keywords: bogor; cry; isolates; jakarta; kda; protein; samples; soil; thuringiensis cache: mionline-89.pdf plain text: mionline-89.txt item: #342 of 358 id: mionline-893 author: Helianti, Is title: Cover date: 2021-08-03 words: 158 flesch: -26 summary: CDR ISSN 1978-3477, eISSN 2087-8575 Volume 15, Number 2, June 2021 Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the rpoB gene Mycobacterium tuberculosis from Papua-Indonesia and Its Impact on Rifampicin Resistance: A Whole-Genome Sequencing Analysis Bacterial Population Dynamics of Natural Fermentation of Sumbawa Mare's Milk Using Metagenomic Approach Molecular Identification of Hg-Resistant Bacteria and Their Potential in Reducing Mercury Contamination Potential Zoonotic Faecal Bacteria from Sunda Porcupine (Hystrix javanica) and Their Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles Immunogenicity of Recombinant DNA Vaccine Encoding Non- Structural Protein-1 Dengue Virus Serotype-2 in Balb/c Mice Yustinus Maladan, Tri Wahyuni, and Hana Krismawati Yoga Dwi Jatmiko, Aditya Ragil Suharto, Irfan Mustafa, and Siska Aditya Soraya Fitria Nasir, Ani M. Hasan, Aryati Abdul, and Yuliana Sarsa Nisa, Rifka A. Safitri, Nurul Inayah, Achirul Nditasari, Susiana Purwantisari, Rejeki Ferniah, Anang Achmadi, Taufiq Nugraha, and Sugiyono Saputra Fithriyah Sjatha, Elitha Sundari Pulungan, and Tjahjani Mirawati 37 45 54 61 69 Page 1 Cover Depan. keywords: achirul nditasari; susiana purwantisari cache: mionline-893.pdf plain text: mionline-893.txt item: #343 of 358 id: mionline-899 author: Warsito, Mega Ferdina; Untari, Febriana; Prasetyoputri, Anggia; Rachman, Fauzy; Septiana, Eris; Bayu, Asep; Atikana, Akhirta; Sukmarini, Linda; Putra, Masteria Yunovilsa title: Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activities of Ginger Essential Oils date: 2022-01-26 words: 5381 flesch: 61 summary: Different plant essential oils may exhibit varying antioxidant activity when different tests are employed, as the chemical compositions of the essential oils are also different and may exert antioxidant activity by various mechanisms (Miguel 2010). Furthermore, it is also likely that the presence of some oxygenated monoterpenes such as carvacrol and α-terpineol (albeit in small amounts) may also contribute to the antioxidant activity of GEO2, as such compounds have been attributed to antioxidant activity of essential oils (Bayala et al. 2014). keywords: 2020; activities; activity; antibacterial; antioxidant; compounds; doi; et al; geos; ginger; oil; oils; zingiber cache: mionline-899.pdf plain text: mionline-899.txt item: #344 of 358 id: mionline-9 author: WIZNA, .; ABBAS, HAFIL; RIZAL, YOSE; DHARMA, ABDI; KOMPIANG, I PUTU title: Selection and Identification of Cellulase-Producing Bacteria Isolated from the Litter of Mountain and Swampy Forest date: 2010-03-12 words: 3065 flesch: 48 summary: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Bacillus coagulans Staining Cell shape Spore location Gram test Morphological observation Liquid medium Colony Shape Elevation Edge Motility Biochemical test Catalase Glucose fermentation Lactose fermentation Sucrose fermantation Starch hydrolysis Indole Urease Citrate Triple sugar-iron H 2 S Methyl red Voges-Proskauer Nitrate reduction Casein hydrolysis Gelatin hydrolysis Litmus milk Rod Center Positive Aerobic Irregular Flat Serrated Motile + + - + + - - - + - + - + + + alkaline Rod Center-end Positive Aerobic Circular Convex Serrated Motile + + - + + - - - + - + - - + - alkaline Rod Center-end Positive Aerobic Circular Convex Serrated Motile + + + - - - + Evaluation Table 5 Average value of cellulase activities of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, B. coagulans and Trichoderma harzianum Average value of cellulase activity (unit/ml)* C x (β-endoglucanase) C 1 (β-exoglucanase) Isolates B. amyloliquefaciens B. coagulans T. harzianum 0.4880 + 0.046 0.3680 + 0.043 0.6550 + 0.045 1.2000 + 0.150 0.8120 + 0.145 0.3070 + 0.013 *Cellulase activity is based on cellulase crude extract. Determination of Cellulase Activity of Bacillus sp. Cellulase activity can be measured from the fermentation results by two selected species of Bacillus and are compared with that of Trichoderma harzianum (as the control) in a mixed substrate from sago pulp and rumen content (7:3). keywords: activity; bacillus; cellulase; center; medium; motile; rod cache: mionline-9.pdf plain text: mionline-9.txt item: #345 of 358 id: mionline-90 author: TRISNO, JUMSU; HIDAYAT, SRI HENDRASTUTI; HABAZAR, TRIMURTI; MANTI, ISHAK; JAMSARI, . title: Detection and Sequence Diversity of Begomovirus Associated with Yellow Leaf Curl Disease of Pepper (Capsicum annuum) in West Sumatra, Indonesia date: 2010-08-08 words: 4227 flesch: 51 summary: The begomovirus associated with yellow leaf curl disease in pepper in West Java (accession number AB246170) showed the highest sequence identity of 93 and 98% with pepper yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus (PYLCIV) from Capsicum annuum (AB189845) and PYLCIV from Lycopersicon esculentum (AB189850), respectively. Begomovirus-association with this disease was confirmed using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method, and the virus was tentatively named pepper yellow leaf curl virus (PYLCV) (Sulandari 2004). keywords: begomovirus; curl; disease; indonesia; leaf; leaf curl; pepper; sequence; sumatra; tomato; virus; west; yellow cache: mionline-90.pdf plain text: mionline-90.txt item: #346 of 358 id: mionline-900 author: NURIA, MAULITA CUT; PUJAKA, AULIA EVERESTINA ; SAFITRI, ERIKA INDAH title: Antibacterial Activity of Ethanol Extract of Portulaca oleracea L. Herb from Various Extraction Methods Against Salmonella typhimurium date: 2022-02-01 words: 3446 flesch: 54 summary: The statistic test result amongst the extraction methods showed that there were differences in the zone of inhibition produced by extract reflux method with the extracts of other methods including maceration, percolation and soxhlet. Salmonella typhimurium bacteria could cause gastroenteritis and its growth could be controlled by the active compounds from natural products, such as Portulaca oleracea L. herb. keywords: activity; antibacterial; disk; ethanol; extract; extraction; herb; phee; purslane; typhimurium cache: mionline-900.pdf plain text: mionline-900.txt item: #347 of 358 id: mionline-91 author: RAHAYU, TUBAGUS HAERU; GANDJAR, INDRAWATI; RIANI, ETTY; DJUNAIDAH, IIN SITI; SJAMSURIDZAL, WELLYZAR title: Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of Bacterial Isolates from Litopenaeus vannamei Shrimp Culture System and Gut Environment Based on 16SrRNA Gene Sequence Data date: 2010-08-08 words: 3997 flesch: 54 summary: A M 9 8 3 5 2 5 AY 2 111 0 4 AY 2 111 0 4 Accession Number Homology (%) 9 8 9 9 9 5 9 9 9 8 9 6 9 8 9 5 9 7 9 5 9 9 9 7 9 8 9 9 9 7 9 6 9 9 9 7 9 7 S18 until P1 shown the isolates code of selected indigenous bacteria Fig 1 Visualization of amplification of 16S rRNA genes from 19 selected using primer 9F and 1510R. M, Marker; bp, base pair; S18 until P1 shown the code of selected indigenous bacteria isolates. Nearest relative of various selected isolates of probiotic bacteria SubstrateIsolate S 18 T 1 T 17 T 28 P 18 T 9 P 43 T 21 T 26 K 48 P 10 P 16 P 11 S 9 T 23 S 23 T 18 K 52 P 7 water water gut gut gut gut water gut gut sediment sediment water water gut gut sediment water water sediment Nearest relative Bacillus pumilus isolate NUC-F Bacillus pumilus strain S6-05 Bacillus pumilus strain AU39 Bacillus pumilus strain DURCK14 Bacillus pumilus isolate EGU275 Bacillus subtilis strain S8-04 Bacillus megaterium strain TK1 Bacillus sp. keywords: 16s; bacillus; bacteria; gut; isolates; micrococcus; water cache: mionline-91.pdf plain text: mionline-91.txt item: #348 of 358 id: mionline-911 author: Halim, Dani Muliawan; Hartanti, Anastasia Tatik; Stephanie title: Optimization of Rhizopus spp. Production as Mycoprotein using Soymilk Media date: 2022-06-21 words: 4367 flesch: 63 summary: yang ATH 1, ATH 24, ATH 40, dan ATH 53, sedangkan variasi perlakuanRhizopus perbandingan karbon terhadap nitrogen terdiri dari 20:1, 20:2, dan 40:2. Mycoprotein is food with high protein content, fiber, and low in cholesterol made from fungal mycelium. keywords: ath; biomass; carbon; content; hours; media; mycelium; nitrogen; protein; ratio; spp; sugar; treatment cache: mionline-911.pdf plain text: mionline-911.txt item: #349 of 358 id: mionline-92 author: JAMILAH, IT; MERYANDINI, ANJA; RUSMANA, IMAN; SUWANTO, ANTONIUS; MUBARIK, NISA RACHMANIA title: Activity of Proteolytic and Amylolytic Enzymes from Bacillus spp. Isolated from Shrimp Ponds date: 2010-08-08 words: 3977 flesch: 62 summary: Protease and amylase activities of DA 5.2.3 isolate were higher than that of L5 isolate even though the PI values of the isolates were similar. DA 5.2.3 isolate were consistently higher than that of L5. keywords: 5.2.3; activity; bacillus; isolates; proteolytic; shrimp; total; water cache: mionline-92.pdf plain text: mionline-92.txt item: #350 of 358 id: mionline-93 author: WIBAWAN, I WAYAN TEGUH; HALIMAH, LIA SITI; DJANNATUN, TITIEK; ZARKASIE, KAMALUDDIN title: Development of Rapid Agglutination Test to Detect Chicken Marek Antibody date: 2010-08-08 words: 3777 flesch: 49 summary: Key words: indirect coagglutination method, protein A, Staphylococcus aureus, prototype diagnostic kit The use of specified pathogenic free (SPF) chickens are absolutely necessary in the vaccine industries. Protein A is well known as one of the surface components of the cell wall of bacteria and is found in Staphylococcus aureus (Kusunoki et al. 1992; Scriba et al. 2008). keywords: aureus; chicken; diffuse; diffuse diffuse; igy; isolates; protein; sera; serum; staphylococcus; virus cache: mionline-93.pdf plain text: mionline-93.txt item: #351 of 358 id: mionline-940 author: Indriawan, Aris; ., Trismilah; Mangunwardoyo, Wibowo; Suhendar, Dadang title: Lipase Activity Enhancement of KC4J Mutant from Oil Palm Waste Using Response Surface Method and Characterization. date: 2022-06-21 words: 6462 flesch: 63 summary: The production medium 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ + containing 1.25% of olive oil, 3.5% of soy flour and 7.5 pH resulting 11.25 U/mL of Lipase activity, which was higher than the previous media composition (10.00 U/mL). The results of CCD and quadratic analysis showed that the source of carbon, nitrogen and pH had an effect on lipase activity which showed R 0.93. keywords: activity; characterization; design; effect; ions; lipase; lipase activity; media; metal; model; oil; optimum; production; temperature; value cache: mionline-940.pdf plain text: mionline-940.txt item: #352 of 358 id: mionline-95 author: NUGRAHAPUTRA, VICTOR EKA; AMIN, MOCHAMAD; MERTANIASIH, NI MADE; LUSIDA, MARIA INGE title: The Relatedness between Hepatitis B Virus from Non-Papuan Blood Donors in Jayapura and the Papuan Clusters date: 2010-08-08 words: 4297 flesch: 61 summary: HBV genotype B was also found more in Sulawesi people, which was consistent with the report of Sastrosoewignjo et al. (1991). As HBV genotypes, the HBV s u b g e n o t y p e s s e e m keywords: blood; donors; et al; genotype; hbv; hepatitis; isolates; non; papuan; subtype; virus cache: mionline-95.pdf plain text: mionline-95.txt item: #353 of 358 id: mionline-954 author: Aditya Agung, Stanislaus ; ., Rismawati; Yanto, Dede Heri Yuli; Meryandini, Anja; Sunarti, Titi Candra title: Pretreated Sugarcane Bagasse Result in more Efficient Degradation by Streptomyces sp S2 date: 2022-07-05 words: 5939 flesch: 52 summary: The lowest polymerization degree and most significant drop were achieved in peroxide pretreatment bagasse (8) on 1:4 bagasse to enzyme concentration ratio, decreased by 22 points from 30 on 1:2 enzyme concentration and 3 points from 1:3 enzyme concentration (Table 2). The Highest hydrolysis efficiency was achieved by peroxide pretreatment bagasse on 1:4 enzyme concentration (highest percentage of reducing sugar from its total sugar amount), compared to raw bagasse and alkaline pretreated bagasse. keywords: alkaline; bagasse; cellulose; content; control; degradation; enzyme; fiber; hemicellulose; hydrogen; lignin; lignocellulose; peroxide; pretreatment; streptomyces; sugarcane; total cache: mionline-954.pdf plain text: mionline-954.txt item: #354 of 358 id: mionline-96 author: ISKANDRIATI, DIAH; SADIKIN, MOHAMAD; PAMUNGKAS, JOKO title: Expression of Simian Retrovirus Type D Serotype 2 Envelope in Insect Cell Using Baculovirus Expression Vector System date: 2010-08-08 words: 3618 flesch: 49 summary: Fig 7 Western blot analysis of Ni2+-NTA purified SRV-2 Env recombinant protein probed with positive antibody anti-SRV-2 of M. fascicularis serum (a) and negative antibody anti-SRV-2 of M. fascicularis serum (b). In the future, the development of SRV-2 recombinant protein will substitute the use of SRV-2 active viral protein as antigen source due to its pathogenicity and biosafety level requirement. keywords: analysis; baculovirus; cells; env; expression; fig; protein; recombinant; recombination; specific cache: mionline-96.pdf plain text: mionline-96.txt item: #355 of 358 id: mionline-97 author: FAUZI, MOHAMAD TAUFIK title: Survival Mechanism of Puccinia abrupta var. partheniicola Urediniospores During Summer Season date: 2010-08-08 words: 2697 flesch: 65 summary: The latest time that new pustules could be formed on new parthenium weed plants in the field was early summer, November. The use of intact parthenium weed plants or their leaf debris in the present urediniospore survival study was based on the idea that P. abrupt var. keywords: field; parthenium; plants; rust; summer; urediniospores; weed cache: mionline-97.pdf plain text: mionline-97.txt item: #356 of 358 id: mionline-988 author: Dewi, Beti Ernawati; Putri, Rizka Andhitia Mentari; Sudiro, Tjahjani Mirawati; Sjahta, Fitriyah title: IgG subclasses identification of immunized mice sera with Dengue tetravalent DNA vaccine based on prM-E genes: Identifikasi Subkelas IgG Dari Mencit yang Diimunisasi dengan Kandidat Vaksin DNA Dengue Tetravalent date: 2022-12-30 words: 4051 flesch: 58 summary: These share about 70% amino acid sequence identity in E protein, that cross-reactive anti genetically. Sjatha et al. (2014) in their study, suggest that isotypic profile of antibody related to their affinity to complements affect antibody responses in mouse sera. keywords: antibody; cells; dengue; denv; dna; igg; indonesia; mice; plasmid; prm; protein; pumd4; pumvc4a; tetravalent; vaccine cache: mionline-988.pdf plain text: mionline-988.txt item: #357 of 358 id: mionline-993 author: Tiffarent, Rida; Irawati, Rosdiana ; Tjampakasari, Conny Riana ; Sjatha, Fithriyah; Muziasari, Windi; Karuniawati , Anis title: The qPCR Assay for Detecting The Presence and Relative Abundance of Pseudomonas aerugionosa and Antibiotic Resistance Gene aadA2 in Hospital Wastewater of National Reference Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) date: 2023-01-20 words: 3229 flesch: 56 summary: Emergence of antibiotic resistance Pseudomonas aeruginosa in intensive care unit; a critical review. The hospital wastewater (HWW) potentially becomes the reservoir and dissemination of antibiotic resistance gene (ARG) and bacterial pathogens. keywords: aada2; abundance; aeruginosa; antibiotic; bacteria; gene; hww; inlet; nov; oct; qpcr; resistance; samples; wastewater cache: mionline-993.pdf plain text: mionline-993.txt item: #358 of 358 id: mionline-998 author: Afina Firdaus Syuaib; Ernawati Arifin Giri-Rachman; Artarini, Aluicia Anita title: Design of Adenovirus 5 Vector with Adenovirus 26 Hexon Hypervariable Region Sequence using In Silico Approach date: 2023-01-20 words: 3468 flesch: 58 summary: The replacement of HVR sequence was carried out at the nucleotide level to obtain the DNA encoding for Ad5HVR26 hexon protein. Literature study was conducted to determine the location of the interaction between hexon Ad5 protein and other capsid proteins, namely penton base, IIIa, VI, VIII, and IX protein. keywords: ad26; ad5; ad5hvr26; adenovirus; amino; capsid; chimera; hexon; protein; sequence; site; splice; structure; substitution; vector cache: mionline-998.pdf plain text: mionline-998.txt