atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 154 (i): 25-40, settembre 2013 * museo civico “g. zannato”, piazza marconi 15, 36075 montecchio maggiore (vicenza); e-mail: ** museo civico “d. dal lago”, corso italia 63, 36078 valdagno (vicenza); e-mail: antonio de angeli* & loris ceccon** tetraliidae and trapeziidae (crustacea, decapoda, brachyura) from the early eocene of monte magrè (vicenza, ne italy) abstract the decapod crustaceans of the families tetraliidae and trapeziidae from the early eocene (middle-late ypresian) of monte magrè (schio, vicenza, ne italy), are described. the specimens are assigned to eurotetralia loerenthey (müller, 1975) n. gen., tetralia vicetina n. sp. (tetraliidae castro, ng & ahyong, 2004); archaeotetra lessinea n. sp., eomaldivia trispinosa müller & collins, 1991, paratetralia convexa beschin, busulini, de angeli & tessier, 2007, and paratetralia sulcata n. sp. (trapeziidae miers, 1886). the specimens were discovered associated with other decapods, in the coral-rich limestone. this report is the oldest fossil record of both two families. the stratigraphical distribution of the tetraliidae and trapeziidae is extended back to the middle-late ypresian. key words: crustacea, brachyura, trapezioidea, early eocene, ne italy. riassunto tetraliidae e trapeziidae (crustacea, decapoda, brachyura) dell’eocene inferiore di monte magrè (vicenza, italia settentrionale). vengono descritti i crostacei decapodi delle famiglie tetraliidae e trapeziidae dell’eocene inferiore (ypresiano medio-superiore) di monte magrè (schio, vicenza, italia settentrionale). gli esemplari sono assegnati a eurotetralia loerenthey (müller, 1975) gen. nov., tetralia vicetina sp. nov., (tetraliidae castro, ng & ahyong, 2004); archaeotetra lessinea sp. nov., eomaldivia trispinosa müller & collins, 1991, paratetralia convexa beschin, busulini, de angeli & tessier, 2007 e paratetralia sulcata sp. nov. (trapeziidae miers, 1886). gli esemplari sono stati rinvenuti associati ad altri decapodi in calcari ricchi di coralli. questo ritrovamento è il più antico e cospicuo per il record fossile di queste due famiglie. la distribuzione stratigrafica dei tetraliidae e trapeziidae viene estesa all’ypresiano medio-superiore. parola chiave: crustacea, brachyura, trapezioidea, eocene inferiore, italia settentrionale. 26 introduction and geological setting the tertiary formations from the veneto region are composed of well-stratified sediments, sometimes with volcanic-tectonic beds, deposited in marine shallow warm environments. the presence in these rocks of a rich decapod community has allowed carrying on geological and paleontological studies by italian and foreign authors. the first systematic catalogue of the fossil species of decapods from the eocene and oligocene of the vicenza area was proposed by fabiani (1910). the catalogue was recently updated by de angeli & beschin (2001) and de angeli & garassino (2006). recent studies have allowed descriptions of many decapod crustaceans of the coral-reef environments (beschin et al., 2007; de angeli & garassino, 2002; de angeli & beschin, 2008; de angeli et al., 2010). based on these studies, the subject of this study is to describe some decapod crustaceans typical of coralreef environments from the early eocene of monte magrè (vicenza). the sample was discovered in monte magrè, located on the eastern margin of lessini mounts, between monte di malo and schio (vicenza) (fig. 1). fabiani (1915, 1920), beccaro (2003), and de angeli & ceccon (2012) studied the stratigraphy of this area. fig. 1 location of the fossil-bearing locality of monte magrè () / ubicazione della località fossilifera di monte magrè (). de angeli a. & ceccon l. 27 the formation of “calcari di spilecco” is located above the cretaceous scaglia rossa, well exposed in val tinella, ne of contrà casarotti, between passo del zovo and monte magrè. it is represented by limestones containing planctonic foraminifers, micritic clasts, fragments of discociclins, red algae, crinoids, brachiopods, and nummulites, early ypresian in age (already identified by fabiani, 1920). above the “calcari di spilecco”, basalts, basaltic tuffs, and about ten metres of micritic limestones are present and are well exposed between monte magrè and monte di malo. this calcareous formation contains abundant nullipores, reef algae, fragments of molluscs, echinoids, and decapods of the middle-late ypresian. above the nullipore limestones, alveoline and nummulite limestones are present from the middle eocene, and tuffs with lignite layers from the middle eocene (bartonian) (beccaro, 2003). the decapod crustaceans, subject of this study, were discovered in the ypresian micritic limestones. material the material includes 23 samples of decapod crustaceans, deposited in the museo civico “d. dal lago” of valdagno (vicenza) (mcv); inventario generale dello stato (i.g.). the sizes are expressed in millimetres. abbreviations: lc: maximum length of the carapace; wc: maximum width of the carapace; wo-f: width of the orbito-frontal margin; wf: width of the front; wp: width of the posterior margin. for higher-level classification, we follow the recent arrangement proposed by schweitzer et al. (2010). systematic paleontology order decapoda latreille, 1802 infraorder brachyura latreille, 1802 section eubrachyura de saint laurent, 1980 subsection heterotremata guinot, 1977 superfamily trapezioidea miers, 1886 discussion. castro (1997, 2009), castro et al. (2004), schweitzer (2005), karasawa & schweitzer (2006), and lai et al. (2009) discussed the systematics and phylogeny of the superfamily trapezioidea (domeciidae ortmann, 1893, tetraliidae castro, ng & ahyong, 2004, and trapeziidae miers, 1886). the members of the superfamily are known to be symbionts on corals (pocillopora, acropora and stylophora) in tropical, shallow environments. however, these members are very rare in the fossil records. indeed, in the recent check list of the fossil genera and species proposed by schweitzer et al. (2010), the family tetraliidae includes only one fossil species, tetralia loerenthey (müller, 1975), (late eocene, hungary; early oligocene, italy); the family trapeziidae miers, 1886, contains archaeotetra inornata schweitzer, 2005 (eocene, mexico); eomaldivia pannonica müller & collins, 1991 and e. trispinosa müller & collins, 1991 (late eocene, hungary); paratetralia convexa beschin, busulini, tetraliidae and trapeziidae from the early eocene of monte magrè (vicenza, ne italy) 28 de angeli & tessier, 2007 (early eocene, italy); trapezia brevispinosa karasawa, 1993, and trapezia sp. (miocene, japan); t. glaessneri müller, 1975 (miocene, hungary); t. prisca portell & collins, 2004 (miocene, jamaica), and t. digitalis latreille, 1828, an extant species reported from the pleistocene of ryukyu islands (japan); the family domeciidae ortmann, 1893, contains jonesius oligocenicus (beschin, de angeli & checchi, 2001) (early oligocene, italy); j. planus (müller, 1996) (middle miocene, poland); palmyria palmyrensis (rathbun, 1923) (pleistocene, japan) (müller, 1975, 1996; müller & collins, 1991; karasawa, 1993, 2000; portell & collins, 2004; schweitzer, 2005; beschin et al., 2001, 2007). family tetraliidae castro, ng & ahyong, 2004 genus eurotetralia n. gen. diagnosis: oval carapace, almost flat, as wide as long; orbito-frontal margin slightly shorter than maximum width of carapace (wo-f / wc = 0.97); front wide (wf / wc = 0.64), convex, indented; semicircular orbits positioned on angle of anterior border of carapace, directed anterolaterally; supraorbital margin weakly rimmed, most deeply excavated axially; anterolateral margins short, almost straight, parallel, with two acute teeth; posterolateral margins long, convergent almost concave in terminal part; posterior margin narrow (wp / wc = 0.42), straight; dorsal surface smooth, regions not defined. type species: trapezia loerenthey müller, 1975. etymology: the name alludes to europe, the continent where the specimens were discovered, and tetralia dana, 1851, sharing the most affinities with the new genus (gender feminine). discussion. müller (1975) erected trapezia loerenthey (=?hepatiscus laevis in lőrenthey & beurlen, 1929) based on two poorly preserved carapaces from the late eocene (priabonian) of budapest (hungary). later müller & collins (1991) examined type and new specimens and moved it to tetralia. indeed, the authors pointed out that a convex front with small teeth of the hungarian species was typical of tetralia. the anterolateral margin of the species, however, has two acute teeth, usually absent in the extant ones. only a small tooth is present in the juvenile specimens of tetralia glaberrima (herbst, 1790) and t. cinctipes paul’son, 1875, progressively reduced during the growth (sakai, 1976; galil, 1986). the diagnoses of the fossil and extant genera of the trapeziidae known to date were given by castro et al. (2004). tetralia dana, 1851, and tetraloides galil, 1986, are defined by a nearly straight or slightly convex front with small teeth and smooth anterolateral margins in the adults. as reported by müller & collins (1991), the front of the hungarian species is typical of tetralia, but the anterolateral margins with two well-developed teeth distinguish this species from the others known species. the hungarian species differs also from trapezia latreille, 1828, that has the front with short, round, lobes, and smooth anterolateral margins or provided with a short tooth. the two-three anterolateral teeth are present in eomaldivia müller & collins, 1991, but it differs from eurotetralia n. gen. by having a smooth front that is weakly engraved in the median part. de angeli a. & ceccon l. 29 eurotetralia loerenthey (müller, 1975) n. comb. fig. 2 (1, 2) trapezia loerenthey müller, 1975: 516, 520, pl. 1, fig. 1. tetralia loerenthey (müller) müller & collins, 1991: 82, fig. 4, pl. 6, figs. 9, 12, 15. de angeli et al., 2010: 164, fig. 11. schweitzer et. al., 2010: 123. locality: monte magré (vicenza). geological age: early eocene (middle-late ypresian). material and measurements: one specimen with well-preserved carapace (mcv 12/10-i.g.360316 lc: 3.3; wc: 3.4; wo-f: 3.4; wf: 2.2; wp: 1.4). discussion. the specimen from monte magrè shows the shape and characters of eurotetralia loerenthey (müller, 1975). one incomplete carapace was reported from the early oligocene of bernuffi (montecchio maggiore, vicenza) (de angeli et al., 2010). the specimen has a weak ridge on margins behind the anterolateral teeth. this ridge is also present in the hungarian specimens illustrated by müller & collins (1991: pl. 6, fig. 9). the discovery of e. loerenthey in the sediments of monte magrè extends the stratigraphic range of this species back to middle-late ypresian. genus tetralia dana, 1851 type species: cancer glaberrimus herbst, 1790, by monotypy. fossil species: tetralia vicentina n. sp. tetralia vicetina n. sp. fig. 3 (1-3) diagnosis: carapace oval, flat, wider than long; front wide, convex, with continuous, and slightly indented margin; orbits semicircular, positioned on edges of fig. 2 eurotetralia loerenthey (müller, 1975), 1) carapace reconstruction / ricostruzione del carapace; 2) mcv 12/10-i.g.360316, dorsal view / visione dorsale. scale bar / scala metrica = 5 mm. tetraliidae and trapeziidae from the early eocene of monte magrè (vicenza, ne italy) 30 anterior border of carapace, directed anterolaterally, most deeply excavated axially, weakly rimmed; anterolateral margins divergent, toothless; posterolateral margins long, sinuous; dorsal regions not defined with smooth surface; some pits on the anterior part of carapace. etymology: from the latin vicetia = vicenza, province where the specimens were discovered. holotype: mcv 12/01-i.g.360307. paratypes: mcv 12/02-i.g.360308, mcv 12/03-i.g.360309, mcv 12/04i.g.360310. type locality: monte magrè (schio, vicenza). geological age: early eocene (middle-late ypresian). material and measurements: four specimens with well-preserved carapace (mcv 12/01-i.g.360307, mcv 12/02-i.g.360308, mcv 12/03-i.g.360309, mcv 12/04-i.g.360310). mcv 12/01-i.g.360307 lc: 7.6; wc: 8.5; wo-f: 7.1; wf: 3.9; wp: 3;0 mcv 12/02-i.g.360308 lc: 5.0; wf: 2.8; wp: 1.7 fig. 3 tetralia vicetina n. sp., 1) carapace reconstruction / ricostruzione del carapace; 2) mcv 12/01i.g.360307, holotype, dorsal view / olotipo, visione dorsale; 3) mcv 12/02-i.g.360308, paratype, dorsal view / paratipo, visione dorsale. scale bar / scala metrica = 5 mm. de angeli a. & ceccon l. 31 mcv 12/03-i.g.360309 lc: 6.5; wc: 7.5; wo-f: 6.5; wf: 3.7; wp: 2.4 mcv 12/04-i.g.360310 lc: 3.3; wc: 3.7; wo-f: 3.0; wf: 1.6; wp: 1.3 description. carapace oval, flat, wider than long (lc / wc = 0.89), widest on mid-length; orbito-frontal margin well developed, wide (wo-f / wc = 0.83); front wide (wf / wc = 0.45), convex, with continuous, slightly indented margin; orbits semicircular, positioned on edges of anterior border of carapace, directed anterolaterally, most deeply excavated axially, weakly rimmed; anterolateral margins divergent, toothless; posterolateral margins not distinct from anterolateral margins; posterior margin narrow (wp / wc = 0.35), straight; dorsal surface smooth without regions; some pits on anterior part of carapace. discussion. tetralia vicetina n. sp. differs from eurotetralia loerenthey (müller, 1975) having an indistinct junction between the anterolateral and posterolateral margins (not equal and wider carapace in eurotetralia) and lacking anterolateral margins (two anterolateral teeth in eurotetralia). tetralia vicetina n. sp. shows the typical carapace shape of tetralia. tetralia vicetina n. sp. represents the first fossil species assigned to this genus. family trapeziidae miers, 1886 subfamily trapeziinae miers, 1886 genus archaeotetra schweitzer, 2005 type species: archaeotetra inornata schweitzer, 2005, by original designation. fossil species: archaeotetra inornata schweitzer, 2005; a. lessinea n. sp. archaeotetra lessinea n. sp. fig. 4 (1-5) diagnosis: carapace slightly convex, wider than long, widest on the median part of carapace; regions smooth, not defined; orbito-frontal margin wide, about 0.94% of the maximum carapace width; front wide, very weakly biconvex, with a shallow median notch; semicircular orbits positioned at edges of anterior border of carapace, directed anterolaterally, most deeply excavated axially, very weakly rimmed; anterolateral margin very short, convex, marked by a thickened rim; posterolateral margin long, initially weakly convex, oblique, rectilinear; posterior margin straight, about one-third maximum carapace width; dorsal surface with small pits and ripples along the anterolateral margins. etymology: the trivial name alludes to monti lessini where the specimens were discovered. holotype: mcv 12/05-i.g.360311. paratypes: mcv 12/06-i.g.360312, mcv 12/07-i.g.360313, mcv 12/08i.g.360314, mcv 12/09-i.g.360315. type locality: monte magrè (schio, vicenza). geological age: early eocene (middle-late ypresian). material and measurements: five specimens with well-preserved carapace (mcv 12/05-i.g.360311, mcv 12/06-i.g.360312, mcv 12/07-i.g.360313, mcv 12/08-i.g.360314, mcv 12/09-i.g.360315). mcv 12/05-i.g.360311 lc: 6.3; wc: 8.5; wo-f: 8.0; wf: 5.2; wp: 2.8 mcv 12/06-i.g.360312 wc: 5.7 tetraliidae and trapeziidae from the early eocene of monte magrè (vicenza, ne italy) 32 mcv 12/07-i.g.360313 lc: 4.7; wf: 3.6; wp: 2.5 mcv 12/08-i.g.360314 lc: 4.1; wc: 5.5; wo-f: 5.2; wf: 3.4; wp: 1.9 mcv 12/09-i.g.360315 incomplete carapace. description. carapace slightly convex superficially, wider than long (lc / wc = 0.74), widest on the median part of carapace; orbito-frontal margin well developed, wide (wo-f /wc = 0.94); front wide (wf / wc = 0.61), weakly biconvex, with a shallow median notch; orbits semicircular, positioned at edges of anterior fig. 4 archaeotetra lessinea n. sp., 1) carapace reconstruction / ricostruzione del carapace; 2) mcv 12/05-i.g.360311, holotype, a = frontal view, b = dorsal view / olotipo, a = visione frontale, b = visione dorsale; 3) mcv 12/07-i.g.360313, paratype, dorsal view / paratipo, visione dorsale; 4) mcv 12/06i.g.360312, paratype, dorsal view / paratipo, visione dorsale; 5) mcv 12/08-i.g.360314, paratype, dorsal view / paratipo, visione dorsale. scale bar / scala metrica = 5 mm. de angeli a. & ceccon l. 33 border of carapace, directed anterolaterally, most deeply excavated axially, very weakly rimmed; anterolateral margins very short, smooth, toothless, marked by a thickened rim; posterolateral margin long, initially weakly convex, oblique, rectilinear; posterior margin short (wp / wc = 0.33), straight; regions not distinct; dorsal surface smooth; dorsal surface with small pits and ripples along anterolateral margins. discussion. the specimens show the morphological characters of archaeotetra schweitzer, 2005, with the sole species a. inornata schweitzer, 2005, from the eocene of mexico (baja california sur). archaeotetra lessinea n. sp. differs from the type species by exhibiting a wider carapace, a wide front, more developed orbits, and the dorsal surface with small pits and ripples along the anterolateral margins. genus eomaldivia müller & collins, 1991 type species: eomaldivia pannonica müller & collins, 1991, by original designation. fossil species: eomaldivia pannonica müller & collins, 1991; e. trispinosa müller & collins, 1991. eomaldivia trispinosa müller & collins, 1991 fig. 5 (1-4) eomaldivia trispinosa müller & collins, 1991: 81, fig. 41, pl. 6, figs. 8, 11. eomaldivia trispinosa müller & collins, 1991 schweitzer et al., 2010: 123. type locality: monte magrè (schio, vicenza). geological age: early eocene (middle-late ypresian). material and measurements: four specimens with well-preserved carapace (mcv 12/11-i.g.360317, mcv 12/12-i.g.360318, mcv 12/13-i.g.360319, mcv 12/14-i.g.360320). mcv 12/11-i.g.360317 lc: 3.8; wc: 5.0; wo-f: 4.7; wf: 3.2; wp: 1.6 mcv 12/12-i.g.360318 lc: 4.1; wc: 5.3; wo-f: 4.9; wf: 3.2; wp: 1.8 mcv 12/13-i.g.360319 lc: 3.7; wc: 4.9; wo-f: 4.5; wf: 2.8; wp: 1.7 mcv 12/14-i.g.360320 lc: 3.5; wc: 4.5; wo-f: 4.1; wf: 2.6; wp: 1.4 description. carapace oval, flat, wider than long (lc / wc = 0.76); orbitofrontal margin very wide (wo-f / wc = 0.92); front wide (wf / wc = 0.60), smooth, convex, weakly engraved medially, without indentation; orbits semicircular, positioned at edges of anterior border of carapace, directed anterolaterally, deeply excavated axially, weakly rimmed; anterolateral margins slightly convex, with three teeth (the first very close to the small postorbital tooth); posterior margin very narrow (wp / wc = 0.33), slightly concave; regions not distinct; dorsal surface smooth. discussion. the specimens exhibit the diagnostic characters of eomaldivia trispinosa müller & collins, 1991, from the late eocene of hungary. this is the first report of the species from the eocene of italy. tetraliidae and trapeziidae from the early eocene of monte magrè (vicenza, ne italy) 34 genus paratetralia beschin, busulini, de angeli & tessier, 2007 type species: paratetralia convexa beschin, busulini, de angeli & tessier, 2007, by original designation. fossil species: paratetralia convexa beschin, busulini, de angeli & tessier, 2007; p. sulcata n. sp. paratetralia convexa beschin, busulini, de angeli & tessier, 2007 fig. 6 (1-4) paratetralia convexa beschin, busulini, de angeli & tessier, 2007: 55, pl. 8, figs. 6-8. paratetralia convexa beschin, busulini, de angeli & tessier, 2007 schweitzer et al., 2010: 123. fig. 5 eomaldivia trispinosa müller & collins, 1991, 1) carapace reconstruction / ricostruzione del carapace; 2) mcv 12/11-i.g.360317, dorsal view / visione dorsale; 3) mcv 12/14-i.g.360320, dorsal view / visione dorsale; 4) mcv 12/12-i.g.360318, dorsal view / visione dorsale. scale bar / scala metrica = 5 mm. de angeli a. & ceccon l. 35 type locality: monte magrè (schio, vicenza). geological age: early eocene (middle-late ypresian). material and measurements: eight specimens with well-preserved carapace (mcv 12/15-i.g.360321, mcv 12/16-i.g.360322, mcv 12/17-i.g.380323, mcv 12/18-i.g.360324, mcv 12/19-i.g.360325, mcv 12/20-i.g.360326, mcv 12/21i.g.360327, mcv 12/22-i.g.360328). mcv 12/15-i.g.360321 lc: 6.6; wc: 9.3; wo-f: 8.6; wf: 6.3; wp: 2.3 mcv 12/16-i.g.360322 lc: 8; wc: 11.3; wo-f: 10.4; wf: 7.7; wp: 2.7 mcv 12/17-i.g.380323 lc: 5.4; wc: 7.3; wo-f: 6,.7; wf: 4.9; wp: 1.9 mcv 12/18-i.g.360324 lc: 7.1; wc: 10; wo-f: 9.3; wf: 6.8; wp: 2.6 mcv 12/19-i.g.360325 lc: 9.2; wc: 13; wo-f: 12; wf: 8.8; wp: 3.5 fig. 6 paratetralia convexa beschin, busulini, de angeli & tessier, 2007, 1) carapace reconstruction, a = dorsal view, b = frontal view / ricostruzione del carapace, a = visione dorsale, b = visione frontale; 2) mcv 12/20-i.g.360326, a = dorsal view, b = frontal view / a = visione frontale, b = visione dorsale; 3) mcv 12/21-360327, dorsal view / visione dorsale; 4) mcv 12/22-i.g.360328, dorsal view / visione dorsale. scale bar / scala metrica = 5 mm. tetraliidae and trapeziidae from the early eocene of monte magrè (vicenza, ne italy) 36 mcv 12/20-i.g.360326 lc: 9.2; wc: 12.9; wo-f: 11.9; wf: 8.4; wp: 3.2 mcv 12/21-i.g.360327 lc: 7.5; wc: 10.2; wo-f: 9.4; wf: 6.6; wp: 2.7 mcv 12/22-i.g.360328 lc: 7; wc: 9.7; wo-f: 9.1; wf: 6.2 diagnosis: carapace wider than long, longitudinally convex above all in the anterior part; orbito-frontal margin very wide, inclined laterally; dorsal frontal region convex, continuous; frontal margin with slightly shallow notch axially; orbits semicircular, positioned at the edge of anterior border of carapace, directed anterolaterally, not deeply excavated axially; anterolateral margins short, smooth, slightly divergent; posterolateral margins long, strongly converging; posterior margin short; dorsal regions not defined, smooth. description. carapace wider than long (lc / wc = 0.71), convex mainly longitudinally; orbito-frontal margin very wide (wo-f / wc = 0.92); front wide (wf / wc = 0.67), inclined laterally, front sinuous along lateral parts; dorsal frontal region convex, continuous; frontal margin shallowly notched medially; orbits semicircular, positioned at the edge of the anterior border of carapace, directed anterolaterally; supraorbital margins concave, not deeply excavated axially, with a weak median sinuosity; infraorbital margin concave, continuous, with a narrow antennal fissure; anterolateral margins short, smooth, slightly divergent; posterolateral margins long, almost straight, strongly convergent; posterior margin narrow (wp / wc = 0.26), almost straight; regions not distinct; dorsal surface smooth. discussion. paratetralia convexa was described based on 46 specimens from the early eocene (ypresian) of contrada gecchelina of monte di malo (vicenza) (beschin et al., 2007). the original description of this species is based on the study of the mould of the interior of the carapace. paratetralia convexa is also reported from monte magrè. paratetralia sulcata n. sp. fig. 7 (1, 2) diagnosis: carapace subexagonal, wider than long, longitudinally convex, especially in the anterior part; front very wide, downward-tilted, dorsal frontal region slightly convex, continuous; frontal margin sinuous, weakly notched on median part; orbits semicircular, positioned at edge of the anterior border of carapace, directed anterolaterally, not deeply excavated axially, and superficially ridged; anterolateral margins short, smooth, not much divergent, superficially ridged; posterolateral margins long, strongly converging; posterior margin narrow; regions undefined; cervical groove, two epibranchial grooves, and a groove between cardiac and intestinal regions present; dorsal surface with pits, more developed in anterior part. etymology: from the latin sulcatum -a = groove, for the transverse grooves on the dorsal surface of the carapace. holotype: mcv 12/23-i.g.360329. type locality: monte magrè (schio, vicenza). geological age: early eocene (middle-late ypresian). material and measurements: one specimen with well-preserved carapace (mcv 12/23-i.g.360329 wc: 14.4; lc: 10.2; wo-f: 13.7; wf: 10.2; wp: 4.2). de angeli a. & ceccon l. 37 description. carapace subexagonal, wider than long (lc / wc = 0.70), convex longitudinally mainly in anterior part; orbito-frontal margin very wide (wo-f / wc = 0.95); front wide (wf / wc = 0.70), downward-inclined; dorsal frontal region slightly convex, continuous; frontal margin sinuous, weakly engraved on the median part; orbits semicircular, positioned at edge of anterior border of carapace, directed anterolaterally, not deeply excavated axially, with a median sinus; supraorbital margin superficially ridged; suborbital margin concave, continuous, with a narrow antennal fissure; anterolateral margins short, smooth, ridged slightly divergent; posterolateral margins long, strongly convergent; posterior margin narrow (wp / wc = 0.29), straight; regions not distinct; cervical groove well marked, with three pair of pits corresponding to gastric muscle attachments; two grooves in epibranchial region and one groove dividing cardiac region from intestinal region; dorsal surface with pits, more developed in frontal region and supraorbital areas. discussion. although the specimen has size and shape like these of paratetralia convexa, it differs in having the ridged supraorbital and anterolateral margins; the dorsal surface of the carapace with three weak grooves [fig. 7 (1, 2b)]; the pitted dorsal surface; more developed frontal region and supraorbital areas [fig. 7 (2a)]. these characters are not present in paratetralia convexa. fig. 7 paratetralia sulcata n. sp., 1) carapace reconstruction / ricostruzione del carapace; 2) mcv 12/23-i.g.360329, holotype, a = frontal view, b = dorsal view / olotipo, a = visione frontale, b = visione dorsale. scale bar / scala metrica = 5 mm. tetraliidae and trapeziidae from the early eocene of monte magrè (vicenza, ne italy) 38 conclusions the two families, tetraliidae and trapeziidae, include small crabs, living in symbiosis with some corals (pocillopora, acropora e stylophora) (schweitzer, 2005). these crabs are widespread in tropical indo-pacific oceans and the extant species are identifiable by showy colour of the body. the knowledge of these fossil crabs is scarce because of the small-sized of the body and the preservation, usually inside hard coral-reef rocks. the discovery of six species from monte magrè, associated with other decapods (see beschin et al., 2007, for a complete check list) in the coral-reef environment, is very important because these occurences represent the oldest species known to date in the fossil record. additionally, the discovery of six trapezid species from the early eocene of monte magrè is unusual for the fossil record and, as already point out by some authors (fabiani, 1910; beschin et al., 1988), it documents the relationships between the eocene decapods from the venetian region and the extant community of the indo-pacific areas. acknowledgements we thank b. pallozzi, museo civico “d. dal lago”, valdagno (vicenza), for the permission to study the specimens; l. beccaro, for the information about the stratigraphic analysis of monte magrè; a. garassino, museo di storia naturale, milano (italy), greatly improved the english, r. m. feldmann, department of geology, kent state university, ohio (u.s.a.), h. karasawa, mizunami fossil museum, (japan) for criticism and careful review. references beccaro l., 2003 – revisioni stratigrafiche nel paleocene del veneto occidentale. dottorato di ricerca in scienze della terra, ciclo xvi, università degli studi di padova (tesi inedita). beschin c., busulini a., de angeli a. & tessier g., 1988 – raninidae del terziario berico-lessineo (italia settentrionale). lavori società veneziana di scienze naturali, venezia, 13: 155-215. beschin c., busulini a., de angeli a. & tessier g., 2007 – i decapodi dell’eocene inferiore di contrada gecchelina (vicenza italia settentrionale) (anomura e brachyura). museo di archeologia e scienze naturali “g. zannato”, montecchio maggiore (vicenza), 2007: 5-76. beschin c. de angeli a., checchi a., 2001 – crostacei decapodi associati a coralli della «formazione di castelgomberto» (oligocene) (vicenza – italia settentrionale). studi e ricerche associazione amici del museo museo civico “g. zannato”, montecchio maggiore (vicenza), 2001: 13-30. castro p., 1997 – trapeziid crabs (brachyura: xanthoidea: trapeziidae) of new caledonia, eastern australia, and the coral sea. in richer de forges b. 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gateway the server returned an invalid or incomplete response. natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 8 (1): 77-78, 2021 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2021.522 book review la gestione operativa di un ecosistema: la palude di torre flavia un manuale per studenti e volontari battisti c., de angelis e., galimberti c., trucchia n. 224 pages, 17 x 24 cm città metropolitana di roma capitale, roma marco gustin lipu birdlife italia via udine 3/a, 43122 parma email: © 2021 marco gustin received: 8 march 2021 accepted for publication: 16 april 2021 online publication: 26 may 2021 uno scrigno di biodiversità. nella gestione operativa di un’ecosistema: la palude di torre flavia, corrado battisti (insieme ai colleghi egidio de angelis, carlo galimberti e narciso trucchia), uno dei più importanti ecologi del paesaggio italiano è così che descrive e illustra con tantissime immagini la palude di torre flavia. battisti, non è nuovo a simili imprese nella “sua area di studio”. già nel 2006 ci aveva illuminato con un’opera monumentale sulla palude: biodiversità, gestione, conservazione di un’area umida del litorale tirrenico: la palude di torre flavia. un volume di ben 500 pagine. prima di parlare del nuovo volume è utile sapere che la palude di torre flavia, si trova all’interno del monumento naturale di torre flavia, a pochi chilometri a nord di ladispoli. istituito nel 1997 e gestito dalla città metropolitana di roma capitale, l’area è inserita tra le zps laziali per una superficie complessiva di poco superiore ai 50 ha. uno spicchio palustre che ha resistito alle lunghe bonifiche del dopoguerra, oggi mantenuto in vita dallo straordinario impegno di battisti e da quello quotidiano di tecnici, operatori del servizio delle aree protette, ma supportato dall’entusiasmo di decine di volontari, divenendo per loro un fondamentale punto di riferimento naturalistico. una “palestra” a cielo aperto sulla quale avviare una serie infinita di attività: da quelle logistiche a quelle orientate alla comunicazione e all’educazione ambientale, fino alle azioni attive e pratiche attraverso il controllo e la gestione delle varie componenti ambientali – i livelli delle acque stagnanti, l’estensione del canneto, la pulizia della spiaggia, l’individuazione delle specie aliene, per concludere il tutto nella sorveglianza, la ricerca e il monitoraggio, queste ultime fondamentali per la gestione territoriale. l’università italiana, nell’ambito delle scienze naturali ha, infatti, sempre avuto difficoltà, diversamente da quanto accade nei paesi anglosassoni, nel formare manager degli ecosistemi naturali. in genere si formano ottimi “dottori” teorici, ma poco addestrati alla pratica. questo volume ha voluto colmare questo gap, indirizzando i contenuti per formare una generazione di professionisti più esperti, operatori di problem solving nella gestione operativa degli ecosistemi, in questo caso di ecosistema acquatico protetto ma, di limitata estensione come la palude di torre flavia. grazie alle indicazioni riportate nel manuale i neo professionisti sono guidati nell’attuare e risolvere i problemi che si incontrano nella gestione, come fossero in una “palestra” reale di wildlife management. 78 lo scopo principale del manuale è quello di formare professionalmente dei wildlife manager che allo stesso tempo siano abili ed esperti di ecosistemi e biodiversità, e capaci di leggere gli aspetti sociali e organizzativi legati alla human dimension. qui entra in gioco uno dei ritornelli ripetitivi che sta alla base dell’importante lavoro dell’autore principale, che rappresenta ormai il suo mantra: cooperazione, collaborazione, capacità di ascolto, dialogo e comunicazione, componenti indispensabili per lavorare alla gestione degli ecosistemi. il pregio del volume benché contenga indicazioni strettamente legate allo specifico contesto della palude di torre flavia, è quello di rappresentare un modello di riferimento applicabile ed esportabile ad altre aree protette, sia per quei valori che si vogliono gestire e conservare, sia le minacce e le possibili azioni di risposta da intraprendere. il manuale è diviso in due parti. nella prima si descrive la panoramica gestionale ordinaria e straordinaria del wildlife management, una disciplina sviluppata solo negli ultimi decenni. sulla gestione straordinaria delle aree protette il manuale consiglia la lettura del manuale iucn di hockings et al. sulla valutazione dell’efficacia di gestione nelle aree protette (evaluating effectiveness. a framework for assessing management effectiveness of protected areas, 2006), attraverso una serie di domande da porsi prima di iniziare i lavori di pianificazione e l’allocazione delle risorse (la fase di planning e input) a cui seguirà la fase operativa (process) e l’efficacia dei risultati delle attività svolte (outputs). la parte fondamentale del wildlife manager si riferisce però alla gestione ordinaria della singola area protetta ovvero quelle attività ricorrenti che si svolgono con periodicità quasi giornaliera. il manuale in esame si focalizza, infatti, principalmente sulle attività di gestione ordinaria in un’area protetta, prendendo come esempio la palude di torre flavia. il primo capitolo si conclude con le informazioni di inquadramento generale della palude sia geografico che normativo. nella seconda parte del volume si affrontano tutta una serie di categorie di attività in ambito ordinario. si inizia con i rapporti con le istituzioni. l’ente gestore, infatti, si relaziona con diverse istituzioni pubbliche quali l’arsial (agenzia regionale per lo sviluppo e l’innovazione dell’agricoltura del lazio), il consorzio di bonifica tevere e agro romano e la regione lazio che ha istituito la zps. segue l’attività di fruizione corredata da tantissime foto esplicative delle attività svolte all’interno della riserva, quali ad esempio la tabellazione perimetrale, la pulizia dei sentieri (ognuno con un nome specifico) e della spiaggia (raccolta del materiale spiaggiato, plastica, vetro, metallo, ecc.), attraverso eventi chiamati plastic blitz, che rappresentano un’occasione sociale importante, la realizzazione delle staccionate, i pannelli didattici. in risalto in questo caso, la creazione del settore “fratino”, occasione per comunicare al vasto pubblico estivo il valore rappresentato dalle dune e dalla specie che in questo settore vive. si prosegue con il capitolo sulla sorveglianza e il controllo operato sia da volontari con poteri amministrativi che da organi istituzionali di polizia giudiziaria preposti al controllo sul territorio, in continuo coordinamento con i primi. l’educazione ambientale e la comunicazione, quest’ultimo aspetto attraverso dépliant e social-media, sono attività fondamentali per il wildlife manager e quindi sono ben descritte nel volume. lo scopo è quello di far conoscere il valore ambientale della palude di torre flavia ad un vasto pubblico in particolare composto dalle giovani generazioni, attraverso curiosità, esplorazione, esperienza, piccoli interventi con giochi di ruolo, attività che vanno ben oltre la noiosa didattica nozionistica! un esempio concreto di partecipazione attiva degli studenti è la descrizione del progetto “torre flavia isola del tesoro e monumento alla sostenibilità”. un altro tema interessante trattato è la formazione, che nel caso specifico ha visto il coinvolgimento di attività formative di studenti liceali e universitari con periodici tirocini, stage e moduli formativi (ad esempio manager for a day). un capitolo specifico affronta il tema della gestione ordinaria che in questo caso si concentra su come affrontare il problema del controllo dei livelli delle acque, la gestione dell’ittiofauna (un tempo la palude era utilizzata come invaso per l’allevamento di cefali e anguille), la gestione del canneto e l’erosione costiera una problematica che può essere gestita con attività di tipo straordinario come le barriere soffolte (strutture modulari in cemento armato, posate e accostate sul fondale marino tali da ridurre l’energia del mare). non poteva mancare un capitolo sulla conservazione. azioni dirette mirate alla tutela delle specie o contrastare le minacce che le riguardano. nel caso della palude di torre flavia, le attività principali riguardano: la tutela dei nidi di fratino e corriere piccolo e della vegetazione psammofila. nel primo caso, grande importanza ha avuto il coinvolgimento di decine di volontari che hanno avviato un campo di sorveglianza ai nidi delle due specie. altre attività con azioni mirate di conservazione hanno riguardato: il ripristino di ambienti umidi, di ambienti dunali degradati e di transizione e il monitoraggio e controllo delle specie invasive, quali nutria, per la quale vengono suggeriti dei protocolli di indagine (transetti lineari, numero di scivoli, impiego di foto trappole), testuggini alloctone, gambero rosso della louisiana, fico degli ottentotti. per gli interventi di eradicazione particolare attenzione viene data alle varie fasi: obiettivi, analisi della situazione, soluzioni possibili e decisioni adottate, tempistica e fase operativa. il manuale si conclude con le attività di ricerca svolte nella riserva negli ultimi 20 anni sia sugli uccelli che sulla vegetazione. ovviamente è sugli uccelli che sono state realizzate le ricerche più approfondite utilizzando tecniche d’inanellamento per lo studio della migrazione soprattutto post-riproduttiva, transetti lineari per verificare l’indice di abbondanza kilometrico delle specie svernanti, le stazioni di ascolto per caratterizzare le comunità ornitiche nei diversi ambienti, ma soprattutto per evidenziare differenze nella comunità dopo eventuali azioni di gestione. non ultimo, l’atlante degli uccelli nidificanti nella riserva, che è uscito recentemente in una pubblicazione separata. ogni capitolo termina con un buon riassunto in inglese. questo manuale che prende l’esempio di un piccolo ecosistema palustre alle porte di roma, si articola in modo sistematico tra le tante attività pratiche che un giovane wildlife manager deve saper affrontare, con successi e sconfitte, fornendogli preziosissime indicazioni operative sui tanti aspetti del wildlife management: dalla pulizia delle spiagge, dalla sentieristica, dalla delimitazione dei settori delle aree di nidificazione di specie rare, alla didattica ambientale, alla comunicazione e a tanto altro ancora. in conclusione, che dire dunque? teoria abbinata alla pratica è il must del manuale, al fine di acquisire le migliori conoscenze e competenze nell’applicazione del management ambientale. un manuale prezioso per i futuri gestori della natura in italia. book review natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 8 (2): 35-46, 2021 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2021.519 an updated check-list of italian amphibians and reptiles roberto sindaco1*, edoardo razzetti2 1 istituto per le piante da legno e l’ambiente, corso casale 476, i-10132 torino, italia. 2 kosmos museo di storia naturale, università degli studi di pavia, piazza botta 9/10, 27100 pavia, italia. e-mail: * corresponding author: © 2021 roberto sindaco, edoardo razzetti received: 2 march 2021 accepted for publication: 12 june 2021 online publication: 29 october 2021 abstract this paper represents an update of the list of italian amphibians and reptiles published 15 years ago by razzetti et al. (2006) and of the checklist published in 1993 by the late benedetto lanza. at present, the italian herpetofauna includes 100 species (41 amphibians and 59 reptiles) and an amphibian taxon of hybrid origin. seven species and one subspecies are allochthonous and became naturalized within the last century. since the last published list, a new species has been described (vipera walser), five taxa have been raised to species rank (salamandrina perspicillata, speleomantes sarrabusensis, zootoca carniolica, malpolon insignitus and natrix helvetica) while three taxa have been downgraded to subspecies. all the relevant taxonomic changes based upon new research have been discussed, including tentative revisions and controversial taxa. nine species reported or listed dubitatively in lanza’s 1993 list are excluded here. key words: amphibians, italy, reptiles, subspecies, taxonomic inflation, taxonomy. riassunto una check-list aggiornata degli anfibi e dei rettili italiani. gli autori presentano un aggiornamento dell’erpetofauna italiana rispetto all’elenco pubblicato 15 anni or sono da razzetti et al. (2006) e alla lista di benedetto lanza del 1993. l’erpetofauna italiana è costituita da 100 specie (41 anfibi e 59 rettili) e un taxon di anfibi di origine ibrida. sette specie e una sottospecie sono alloctone naturalizzate nel corso degli ultimi 100 anni. da quando è stato pubblicato l’ultimo elenco italiano è stata descritta una nuova specie, vipera walser, cinque taxa, salamandrina perspicillata, speleomantes sarrabusensis, zootoca carniolica, malpolon insignitus e natrix helvetica, sono stati elevati al rango di specie e altri tre taxa sono stati portati al rango di sottospecie. tutte le variazioni tassonomiche sono discusse alla luce delle più recenti evidenze scientifiche, così come sono presentate le differenti opinioni degli autori al riguardo di taxa la cui validità è ancora oggetto di dibattito. nove specie riportate per il territorio italiano o elencate in modo dubitativo nell’elenco del 1993 sono qui escluse. parole chiave: anfibi, inflazione tassonomica, italia, rettili, sottospecie, tassonomia. introduction “checklists of species are invaluable tools in the fields of natural science. they serve to consolidate our level of knowledge and at the same time reveal areas in need of further investigation” (parenti & randall, 2000). the last checklist of the italian herpetofauna (with taxonomic remarks) dates back to fifteen years ago (razzetti et al., 2006) and represents the updating of previous lists (e.g. lanza in amori et al., 1993). since then, several taxonomic changes have occurred and markedly modified the picture of the species distributed in italy. some of the name changes are updates resulting from taxonomic revisions, while some others represent just nomenclature amendments. a few species occurring in areas adjacent to the study area and included in previous italian checklists have been excluded, whereas a number of alien taxa are now naturalised in the country. however, most of the changes are the result of the considerable contributions given by the publication of phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies. the use of dna in phylogenetic reconstructions allowed to distinguish cryptic taxa that were difficult to identify on the sole morphological basis, thus significantly increasing the number of recognized species (e.g. in the genera bufotes, hyla, anguis, etc.), and the knowledge on the genetic structure of the various taxa, with an impact on taxonomy, biogeography and conservation biology. in recent decades, on a global level, the number of recognized taxa (including amphibians and reptiles) have increased to such an extent to speculate about a “taxonomic inflation” (isaac et al., 2004). in support of this, a recent study on eurasian vipers recognizes “15 taxa as valid species, three taxa which likely represent species complexes, 17 taxa of doubtful validity as species, and five taxa for which species status is maintained but further research is highly recommended to assess taxonomic arrangements” (freitas et al., 2020). the “taxonomic inflation” might be due to the tendency of recognizing as species the clades emerging from phylogenetic trees, and to the fact that the description of a “new” species has a greater “impact” than a subspecies. 36 moreover, when negotiating with agencies deciding on conservation policies and their funding, species-targeted interventions are more likely to be funded than those targeting subspecies or local populations. this encourages the elevation to species rank of populations that need protection, regardless of whether there is scientific support for this status (isaac et al., 2004). although the conservation aims are acceptable, in our opinion the vulnerability of a not very diversified population cannot be the criterion for elevating it to a species. to estimate species boundaries more precisely, many authors adopt an “integrative taxonomy” approach (dayrat, 2005), which combines “different lines of evidence (e.g. genetic, morphological, ecological) and methodologies (e.g. phylogenetic inference, ordination methods, ecological modelling) to objectively identify taxa”. other than increasing knowledge about cryptic taxa and the genetic structure of species, phylogenetic studies have challenged the idea of “rigid” taxonomic categories of genus, species and subspecies in view of the continuum of differentiation that we observe in nature. modern genetic studies not only provide elements of classification (taxa) but also hypotheses on the clades (lineages) and the phylogeny (relations between clades); therefore, the traditional taxonomic categories (e.g. taxa, genera, species) are often replaced by the terms “clades”, “lineages” and “evolutionarily significant units” (esus). above all, the concept of subspecies has fallen into disuse, as currently many studies tend to raise subspecies to a specific rank (especially if geographically allopatric) if they show some genetic differentiation, even small, as long as it is statistically supported. on the other hand, many “classic” subspecies, described based on morphological variations or discrete distribution ranges (in particular the micro-island subspecies) have not been supported by the results of genetic studies and are therefore to be considered synonyms. nonetheless, it is believed that the taxonomic category of subspecies is very useful, not only for describing the geographical peculiarities of populations, but also for highlighting the stages of incomplete speciation, which can be reversible when two only partially differentiated populations come into contact; the use of subspecies is beneficial both for communication among scientists and for conservation (kindler & fritz 2018). matherials and methods this checklist is an updated picture of all the amphibians and reptile taxa naturally occurring, or introduced and naturalized within the italian political territory. two species of marine turtles have been listed here despite limited records of vagrant individuals in the study area. the checklist includes also several taxonomic and nomenclatural remarks about status and distribution of many taxa. the present paper represents the subjective point of view of the authors. we are well aware that the recognition of a taxon is a scientific hypothesis and not an absolute truth, and therefore a taxon can, in some cases, be assessed differently based on the knowledge and opinions of each author. at the species level, we mostly adopted the published results of the taxonomic committee of the societas europaea herpetologica (speybroeck et al., 2020), composed of 12 international experts. any opinions diverging from those of the taxonomic committee of the s.e.h., as well as all the discrepancies with respect to the previous italian check-lists (lanza in amori et al., 1993; razzetti et al., 2006), are explained in the notes. as for the subspecies, not covered by speybroeck et al. (2020), we generally adopted geographically isolated populations (populations with disjoint or island ranges) showing some genetic differentiation, provided statistically supported, or populations of those “semi-species” showing restricted introgression areas. moreover, we refrained to list subspecies of highly variable species for which the available studies have only tentatively revised the infraspecific taxonomy (e.g. podarcis siculus, p. muralis). discussion according to the present checklist, the italian herpetofauna is represented by 100 species (41 amphibians and 59 reptiles) and an amphibian taxon of hybrid origin (pelophylax kl. esculentus). five species are marine turtles, of which only caretta caretta breeds regularly (although in relatively small numbers) on italian beaches; dermochelys coriacea and chelonia mydas are regularly observed along italian coasts, while lepidochelys kempii and eretmochelys imbricata occur in the mediterranean only with vagrant individuals. six species and a subspecies are aliens naturalized within the last century (lithobates catesbeianus, pelophylax ridibundus kurtmuelleri, pelophylax cf. bedriagae, xenopus laevis, trachemys scripta, chamaeleo chamaeleon, indotyphlops braminus and, probably, eryx jaculus). more difficult is to ascertain if some well-established species are really autochthonous or if their presence is due to ancient man-mediated introductions (the so-called “parautochthonous” species cf. vv.aa., 2007). even if biogeographic and genetic data strongly support the introduction of some species in ancient times (i.e. testudo marginata, t. graeca and emys orbicularis in sardinia), for other (chalcides chalcides, c. ocellatus, podarcis siculus, natrix maura and hemorrhois hippocrepis in sardinia, podarcis filfolensis on linosa and lampione, mediodactylus kotschyi in apulia and basilicata) the last word has yet to be said. some species, native or putatively native in some regions of italy, are present as alien species in other areas: it is the case of tarentola mauritanica, hemidactylus turcicus and mediodactylus kotschyi in northern italy, podarcis siculus siculus near the garda lake, proteus anguinus in veneto, speleomantes strinatii in venezia giulia, speleomantes ambrosii and s. italicus in siena province (tuscany), bufo bufo in sardinia etc., and very likely of algyroides nigropunctatus in apulia. as for hyla meridionalis, which is believed to be introduced in historical times in europe, although with no definitive evidence (recuero et al., 2007), its presence in italy is probably due to its subsequent spontaneous expansion from southern france. roberto sindaco, edoardo razzetti 37 comparing the new checklist with those of lanza in amori et al. (1993) and razzetti et al. (2006), vipera walser has been described, salamandrina perspicillata, speleomantes sarrabusensis, zootoca carniolica, malpolon insignitus and natrix helvetica, have been raised to species rank, bombina pachypus, pelophylax bergeri and p. kurtmuelleri have been downgraded to subspecies. besides some species listed dubitatively by lanza in amori et al. (1993) have never been recorded in italy (i.e. rana arvalis, pelophylax perezi, pseudopus apodus, lacerta trilineata, platyceps najadum), some other, reported by lanza as belonging to the italian fauna, are here excluded: mauremys caspica and m. leprosa since naturalized populations are unknown, hierophis gemonensis (reported in italy on the basis of misidentified juveniles of h. viridiflavus), and zamenis scalaris (reported once in italy close to the french border, but never confirmed again). to better understand the origin of dubiously native species (cryptogenic species) and the taxonomic status of some italian populations further investigations are needed, especially for the following taxa: the specific allocation of speleomantes ambrosii bianchii alternatively regarded as a subspecies of s. italicus or of s. ambrosii by different authors; the taxonomic status of the italian populations of proteus anguinus; the infraspecific taxonomy of rana temporaria in italy; the taxonomy of tarentola from lampedusa island and the nearby isola dei conigli; the actual specific distinction between lacerta viridis and l. bilineata, and the status and taxonomy of the adriatic lineage of the lacerta viridis complex; the infraspecific taxonomy of podarcis muralis; the infraspecific taxonomy of podarcis siculus; the infraspecific taxonomy of zootoca vivipara in italy; the relationships of psammodromus algirus from isola dei conigli; the origin of sicilian eryx jaculus; the specific allocation of the macroprotodon population of lampedusa; the infraspecific taxonomy of coronella austriaca; the taxonomic status of natrix helvetica and n. natrix, due to the wide hybridization area observed in northeastern italy; the taxonomic status of aesculapian snakes (zamenis) from apulia. checklist class amphibia linnaeus 1758 order urodela duméril 1805 family salamandridae goldfuss 1820 genus euproctus gené 1839 euproctus platycephalus (gravenhorst 1829) genus ichthyosaura sonnini & latreille 1801 ichthyosaura alpestris (laurenti 1768) ichthyosaura alpestris alpestris (laurenti 1768) ichthyosaura alpestris apuana (bonaparte 1839) ichthyosaura alpestris inexpectata (dubois & breuil 1983)1 genus lissotriton bell 1839 lissotriton italicus (peracca 1898) lissotriton vulgaris (linnaeus 1758) lissotriton vulgaris vulgaris (linnaeus 1758) lissotriton vulgaris meridionalis (boulenger 1882)2 genus salamandra garsault 17643 salamandra atra (laurenti 1768) salamandra atra atra (laurenti 1768) salamandra atra aurorae (trevisan 1982) salamandra atra pasubiensis (bonato & steinfartz 2005) salamandra lanzai (nascetti, andreone, capula & bullini 1988) salamandra salamandra (linnaeus 1758) salamandra salamandra salamandra (linnaeus 1758) salamandra salamandra gigliolii (eiselt & lanza 1956)4 genus salamandrina fitzinger 1826 salamandrina perspicillata (savi 1821)5 salamandrina terdigitata (bonnaterre 1789) genus triturus rafinesque 1815 triturus carnifex (laurenti 1768)6 family plethodontidae gray 1850 genus speleomantes dubois 19847 speleomantes ambrosii (lanza 1955) speleomantes ambrosii ambrosii (lanza 1955) speleomantes ambrosii bianchii lanza, cimmaruta, forti, bullini & nascetti 20058 speleomantes flavus (stefani 1969) speleomantes genei (temminck & schlegel 1838)9 speleomantes imperialis (stefani 1969) speleomantes italicus (dunn 1923)10 speleomantes sarrabusensis lanza, leo, forti, cimmaruta, caputo & nascetti 200111 speleomantes strinatii (aellen 1958) speleomantes supramontis (lanza, nascetti & bullini 1986) family proteidae gray 1825 genus proteus laurenti 1768 proteus anguinus laurenti 176812 order anura duméril 1805 family alytidae fitzinger 1843 genus discoglossus otth 1837 discoglossus pictus otth 183713 discoglossus sardus tschudi in otth 1837 family bombinatoridae gray 1825 genus bombina oken 1816 bombina variegata (linnaeus 1758) check-list of italian amphibians and reptiles 38 bombina variegata variegata (linnaeus 1758) bombina variegata pachypus (bonaparte 1838)14 family pipidae gray 1825 genus xenopus wagler 1827 xenopus laevis (daudin 1802)15 family pelobatidae bonaparte 1850 genus pelobates wagler 1830 pelobates fuscus (laurenti 1768)16 family pelodytidae bonaparte 1850 genus pelodytes bonaparte 1838 pelodytes punctatus (daudin 1802) family bufonidae gray 1825 genus bufo garsault 176417 bufo bufo (linnaeus 1758)18 bufo spinosus (daudin 1803)19 genus bufotes rafinesque 1815 bufotes boulengeri (lataste 1879) bufotes boulengeri boulengeri (lataste 1879) bufotes boulengeri siculus (stöck, sicilia, belfiore, buckley, lo brutto, lo valvo & arculeo 2008)20 bufotes viridis (laurenti 1768) bufotes viridis viridis (laurenti 1768) bufotes viridis balearicus (boettger 1880)21 family hylidae rafinesque 1815 genus hyla laurenti 1768 hyla arborea (linnaeus 1758)22 hyla intermedia boulenger 1882 hyla intermedia intermedia boulenger 1882 hyla intermedia perrini dufresnes, mazepa, rodrigues, brelsford, litvinchuk, sermier, lavanchy, betto-colliard, blaser, borzée, cavoto, fabre, ghali, grossen, horn, leuenberger, phillips, saunders, savary, maddalena, stöck, dubey, canestrelli & jeffries 201823 hyla meridionalis boettger 1874 hyla sarda (de betta 1857) family ranidae batsch 1796 genus pelophylax fitzinger 184324 pelophylax cf. bedriagae (camerano 1882)25 pelophylax lessonae (camerano 1882) pelophylax lessonae lessonae (camerano 1882) pelophylax lessonae bergeri (günther 1986)26 pelophylax kl. esculentus (linnaeus 1758) pelophylax ridibundus (pallas 1771) pelophylax ridibundus ridibundus (pallas 1771) pelophylax ridibundus kurtmuelleri (gayda 1940)27 genus lithobates fitzinger 1843 lithobates catesbeianus (shaw 1802)28 genus rana linnaeus 1758 rana dalmatina fitzinger in bonaparte 1838 rana italica dubois 1987 rana latastei boulenger 1879 rana temporaria linnaeus 175829 class reptilia laurenti 1768 order testudines linnaeus 1758 family cheloniidae oppel 1811 genus caretta rafinesque-schmaltz 1814 caretta caretta (linnaeus 1758) genus chelonia brongniart 1800 chelonia mydas (linnaeus 1758) chelonia mydas mydas (linnaeus 1758) genus eretmochelys fitzinger 1843 eretmochelys imbricata (linnaeus 1766)30 genus lepidochelys fitzinger 1843 lepidochelys kempii (garman 1880)31 family dermochelyidae fitzinger 1843 genus dermochelys de blainville 1816 dermochelys coriacea (vandelli 1761) family testudinidae batsch 1788 genus testudo linnaeus 1758 testudo graeca linnaeus 1758 testudo graeca nabeulensis (highfield 1990)32 testudo hermanni gmelin 178933 testudo hermanni hermanni gmelin 1789 testudo hermanni boettgeri mojsisovics 1889 testudo marginata schoepff 1792 family emydidae rafinesque 1815 genus emys duméril 1805 emys orbicularis (linnaeus 1758)34 emys orbicularis galloitalica fritz 199535 emys orbicularis hellenica (valenciennes 1832) emys orbicularis trinacris fritz, fattizzo, guicking, tripepi, pennisi, lenk, joger & wink 2005 genus trachemys agassiz 1857 trachemys scripta (thunberg in schoepff 1792)36 trachemys scripta elegans (wied 1838) trachemys scripta scripta (thunberg in schoepff 1792) order squamata oppel 1811 family chamaeleonidae rafinesque 1815 genus chamaeleo laurenti 1768 chamaeleo chamaeleon (linnaeus 1758)37 family sphaerodactylidae underwood 1954 genus euleptes fitzinger 1843 euleptes europaea (gené 1839) family gekkonidae oppel 1811 genus hemidactylus oken 1817 hemidactylus turcicus (linnaeus 1758)38 genus mediodactylus szczerbak & golubev 1977 mediodactylus kotschyi (steindachner 1870) mediodactylus kotschyi kotschyi (steindachner 1870)39 roberto sindaco, edoardo razzetti 39 family phyllodactylidae gamble, bauer, greenbaum & jackman 2008 genus tarentola gray 1825 tarentola mauritanica (linnaeus 1758)40 family lacertidae batsch 1788 genus algyroides bibron & bory de saint-vincent 1833 algyroides fitzingeri (wiegmann 1834) algyroides nigropunctatus (duméril & bibron 1839) algyroides nigropunctatus nigropunctatus (duméril & bibron 1839)41 genus archaeolacerta mertens 1921 archaeolacerta bedriagae (camerano 1885)42 genus iberolacerta arribas 1997 iberolacerta horvathi (méhely 1904) genus lacerta linnaeus 1758 lacerta agilis linnaeus 1758 lacerta agilis agilis linnaeus 175843 lacerta bilineata daudin 180244 lacerta bilineata bilineata daudin 1802 lacerta bilineata chloronota rafinesque 1810 lacerta sp.45 genus podarcis wagler 1830 podarcis filfolensis (bedriaga 1876)46 podarcis melisellensis (braun 1877) podarcis melisellensis fiumanus (werner 1891)47 podarcis muralis (laurenti 1768)48 podarcis raffonei (mertens 1952)49 podarcis siculus (rafinesque-schmaltz 1810)50 podarcis tiliguerta (gmelin 1789)51 podarcis waglerianus gistel 186852 podarcis waglerianus waglerianus gistel 1868 podarcis waglerianus marettimensis (klemmer 1956) genus psammodromus fitzinger 1826 psammodromus algirus (linnaeus 1758)53 genus timon tschudi 1836 timon lepidus (daudin 1802) timon lepidus lepidus (daudin 1802) genus zootoca wagler 1830 zootoca carniolica mayer, böhme, tiedemann & bischoff 200054 zootoca vivipara (lichtenstein 1823)55 family scincidae oppel 1811 genus chalcides laurenti 1768 chalcides chalcides (linnaeus 1758) chalcides chalcides chalcides (linnaeus 1758) chalcides chalcides vittatus (leuckart 1828)56 chalcides ocellatus (forskål 1775) chalcides ocellatus linosae boulenger 1920 chalcides ocellatus tiligugu (gmelin 1789) chalcides ocellatus zavattarii lanza 1954 chalcides striatus (cuvier 1829) family anguidae gray 1825 genus anguis linnaeus 175857 anguis veronensis pollini 181858 family typhlopidae merrem 1820 genus indotyphlops hedges, marion, lipp, marin & vidal 2014 indotyphlops braminus (daudin 1803)59 family erycidae bonaparte 1840 genus eryx daudin 1803 eryx jaculus (linnaeus 1758)60 family psammophiidae boie 1827 genus malpolon fitzinger 1826 malpolon insignitus (geoffroy saint-hilaire 1827)61 malpolon insignitus insignitus (geoffroy saint-hilaire 1827) malpolon monspessulanus (hermann 1804)62 malpolon monspessulanus monspessulanus (hermann 1804) family natricidae bonaparte 1840 genus natrix laurenti 1768 natrix helvetica (lacépède 1789)63 natrix helvetica cetti gené 1839 natrix helvetica sicula (cuvier 1829)64 natrix maura (linnaeus 1758) natrix natrix (linnaeus 1758) natrix natrix persa (pallas 1814)65 natrix tessellata (laurenti 1768) family colubridae oppel 1811 genus coronella laurenti 1768 coronella austriaca laurenti 1768 coronella austriaca austriaca laurenti 176866 coronella girondica (daudin 1803) genus elaphe fitzinger 1833 elaphe quatuorlineata (bonnaterre 1790)67 elaphe quatuorlineata quatuorlineata (bonnaterre 1790) genus hemorrhois boie 1826 hemorrhois hippocrepis (linnaeus 1758)68 genus hierophis fitzinger in bonaparte 1834 hierophis viridiflavus (lacépède 1789)69 hierophis viridiflavus viridiflavus (lacépède 1789) hierophis viridiflavus carbonarius (bonaparte 1833) genus macroprotodon guichenot 1850 macroprotodon cf. cucullatus (geoffroy saint-hilaire 1827)70 genus telescopus wagler 1830 telescopus fallax (fleischmann 1831) telescopus fallax fallax (fleischmann 1831) genus zamenis wagler 183071 zamenis lineatus (camerano 1891)72 zamenis longissimus (laurenti 1768) zamenis situla (linnaeus 1758) family viperidae oppel 1811 genus vipera garsault 1764 vipera ammodytes (linnaeus 1758)73 vipera ammodytes ammodytes (linnaeus 1758) vipera aspis (linnaeus 1758)74 vipera aspis aspis (linnaeus 1758) vipera aspis francisciredi (laurenti 1768) vipera aspis hugyi (schinz 1834) vipera berus (linnaeus 1758) vipera berus marasso (pollini 1818)75 check-list of italian amphibians and reptiles 40 vipera berus walser ghielmi, menegon, marsden, laddaga & ursenbacher 201676 vipera ursinii (bonaparte 1835) vipera ursinii ursinii (bonaparte 1835) notes 1 ichthyosaura alpestris inexpectata the taxonomic status of i. a. inexpectata (dubois & breuil 1983) from calabria is debated: speybroeck et al., (2010), sotiropoulos et al. (2007) and recuero et al. (2014) considered i. a. inexpectata as a synonym of i. a. apuana, while chiocchio et al. (2017) consider it a valid taxon. 2 lissotriton vulgaris meridionalis the subspecific rank is confirmed by pabijan et al. (2015, 2017). 3 salamandra dubois & bour (2010) proved that the genera salamandra, bufo and vipera created by garsault (1764) have priority over the genera with the same name created by laurenti (1768). therefore, salamandra laurenti 1768 and salamandra garsault 1764 should be considered different genera and brackets around the author’s name and date of description (if before dubois & bour paper) should be used accordingly, see also article 51.3 of the code of nomenclature (iczn, 1999). 4 salamandra salamandra gigliolii the apennine populations (usually considered s. s. gigliolii), between the eastern liguria and campania, are introgressed, with a geographic discordance exceeding 600 km between groups identified with mtdna and nudna. “pure” populations of s. s. salamandra inhabit the alps and western liguria, while “pure” s. s. gigliolii are confined to calabria (bisconti et al., 2018). 5 salamandrina perspicillata species status according to mattoccia et al. (2005) and romano et al. (2009). 6 triturus carnifex monotypic if t. macedonicus is recognised at species rank (arntzen et al., 2007). recent mtdna-based phylogeographic study observed a basal split between the italian and the balkan populations with a restricted admixture at the contact and an admixture over a broader area at the contact between the northern and southern italy lineages (wielstra et al., 2014, 2021). 7 speleomantes american authors support the use of speleomantes as a subgenus of hydromantes, while many european authors support the generic rank for speleomantes. for a summary of the debate, see frost (2020). 8 speleomantes ambrosii bianchii taxonomic assessment uncertain. according to the phylogenetic study by carranza et al. (2008) s. a. bianchii would be closer to s. italicus than to s. ambrosii. on the contrary, s. ambrosii would be closer to s. italicus than to s. a. bianchii in the phylogeny by van der meijden et al. (2009). 9 speleomantes genei some authors assigned this species to the genus atylodes (vieites et al. 2007), but later they re-assigned it to the genus speleomantes (vieites et al. 2011). 10 speleomantes italicus ruggi (2007) has shown that s. italicus populations introgressed with genes of s. ambrosii bianchii occur in tuscany (florence, lucca and pistoia provinces) and emiliaromagna (modena and bologna provinces); pure populations of s. italicus are present in emilia-romagna (reggio emilia province), marche, umbria, latium and abruzzo. 11 speleomantes sarrabusensis elevated to species rank by carranza et al. (2008). 12 proteus anguinus the status of the subspecies of proteus anguinus, including p. a. parkelj sket & arntzen 1994, is still uncertain. gorički & trontelj (2006), gorički et al. (2017) and trontelj et al. (2009) found six lineages but refrained from assigning them scientific names. 13 discoglossus pictus monotypic according to zangari et al. (2006): “the little genetic differentiation detected among algerian and tunisian d. p. auritus with respect to maltese and sicilian d. p. pictus suggested a very recent isolation of sicilian populations and did not support the necessity of a subspecific rank for d. p. auritus”. also, stöck et al. (2015) recorded very close relationships between sicilian and north african populations. 14 bombina variegata pachypus the specific rank of bombina pachypus is not supported by phylogenetic studies (hofman et al., 2007; zheng et al., 2009; fijarczyk et al., 2011), while hofman et al. (2007) and fijarczyk et al. (2011) consider it as a subspecies. 15 xenopus laevis taxonomy of italian populations according to lillo et al. (2013). 16 pelobates fuscus the validity of the ssp. insubricus cornalia 1873 is not supported by phylogenetic studies (crottini et al., 2007; litvinchuk et al., 2013) based on allozyme, genome content and mtdna data. 17 bufo for the brackets around authors names see note 3. 18 bufo bufo monotypic if b. b. verrucosissimus pallas 1814 is regarded at the species rank (arntzen et al., 2013). the recently discovered sardinian population (cossu et al., 2018) is likely introduced. 19 bufo spinosus the western ligurian populations of the genus bufo, from the french border up to calice ligure, have been recently assigned to this species based on genetic evidence (recuero et al., 2012; arntzen et al., 2020). 20 bufotes boulengeri siculus subspecific status according to speybroeck et al. (2020) and dufresnes et al. (2019). 21 bufotes viridis balearicus we follow speybroeck et al. (2020) to consider b. balearicus as a subspecies of b. viridis, due to the wide hybrid zone in north-east italy (dufresnes et al., 2014). 22 hyla arborea verardi et al. (2009) found neither f1 and f2 hybrids nor backcrosses between h. intermedia and h. arborea in northeast italy. 23 hyla intermedia perrini subspecific status of hyla perrini according to speybroeck et al. (2020). 24 pelophylax a single genetically identified specimen of pelophylax shqipericus (hotz, uzzell, günther, tunner & heppich 1987) was recorded in umbria in syntopy with p. ridibundus (domeneghetti et al. 2013). at the moment it is not known if there is a viable population, or if it is an ephemeral introduction that will not lead to a naturalization of the species. 25 pelophylax cf. bedriagae introduced in sardinia, tuscany and possibly in emilia romagna (bellati et al., 2019) with at least two distinct lineages: “p. cf. bedriagae sensu stricto” (native to anatolia, greece, russia) in northern sardinia and tuscany and “p. cf. bedriagae cilician west” (native to se anatolia) in southern sardinia. 26 pelophylax kl. esculentus subspecific status according to canestrelli & nascetti (2008). the hemiclonal hybrid of p. bergeri is called pelophylax kl. hispanicus (bonaparte 1839). 27 pelophylax ridibundus kurtmuelleri not recognised at the species rank by speybroeck et al. (2010, 2020). 28 lithobates catesbeianus included in the genus lithobates according to amphibian species of the world 6.0. yuan et al. (2016) consider catesbeiana belonging to rana (aquarana), while dubois (2007) considers aquarana as a synonym of lithobates. 29 rana temporaria “the european common frog contains deep mitochondrial lineages, some of which are given the rank of subspecies (veith et al., 2002, 2003, 2012; palo et al., 2004; teacher et al., 2009), but the exact geographic distribution of these lineages is unknown, as a range-wide comprehensive phylogeographic study for this species is missing so far” (vences et al., 2013). the phylogenetic study by stefani et al. (2012) does not support any taxonomic distinction at the subspecific level for r. temporaria in italy. 30 eretmochelys imbricata a very rare vagrant species in the mediterranean; a single individual has been ascertained from italian waters, close to the southern sicilian coast ( mtn/archives/mtn54/mtn54p12.shtml). the subspecific status of this vagrant individual is unknown. 31 lepidochelys kempii a very rare vagrant species in the mediterranean; it is known as a single individual from italian waters, captured near messina (insacco & spadola, 2010). 32 testudo graeca nabeulensis fritz et al. (2009) assigned specimens from sardinia to “subspecies uncertain”, although all examined sardinian specimens belong to the tunisian clade (ssp. t. g. nabeulensis), according the same authors. 33 testudo hermanni in italy t. h. hermanni is widespread in the peninsula and islands, except in two northern adriatic populations (bosco nordio and bosco mesola), where t. h. boettgeri prevails (perez et al., 2014; biello et al., 2021). 34 emys orbicularis the lack of genetic differentiation of pond turtles from sardinia (and corsica) supports the view that the subspecies described from these islands (respectively e. o. capolongoi roberto sindaco, edoardo razzetti 41 fritz 1995 and e. o. lanzai fritz 1995) are not valid (pedall et al., 2010). 35 emys orbicularis galloitalica e. orbicularis ingauna jesu, piombo, salvidio, lamagni, ortale & genta 2004 is a taxon of uncertain validity (manfredi et al., 2013) occurring in western liguria, within the range of e. o. galloitalica. 36 trachemys scripta several terrapin species and subspecies are distributed in natural environments in italy but currently there is proof of naturalization for two subspecies only (ficetola et al., 2003; ferri & soccini, 2010; crescente et al., 2014). 37 chamaeleo chamaeleon populations from apulia show genetic affinities both with the north african populations (c. c. chamaeleon) and with populations of two areas in the middle east (c. c. recticrista boettger 1980, and c. c. musae steindachner 1901) (basso et al., 2019). specimens from calabria are genetically similar to tunisian ones (andreone et al., 2016). therefore we refrain from assessing the subspecific status of the introduced italian populations. 38 hemidactylus turcicus monotypic, since h. t. spinalis buchholz 1954 is a synonym (šmíd et al., 2015) and other subspecies (e.g. h. t. lavadeserticus moravec & böhme 1997) have been raised to the species rank (moravec et al., 2011). 39 mediodactylus kotschyi kotschyi italian populations have been attributed to m. k. bibroni (beutler & gruber 1977), recently put in synonymy with the nominate subspecies (kotsakiozi et al., 2018). 40 tarentola mauritanica the taxonomy of the t. mauritanica complex is debated. harris et al. (2009) found that specimens from lampedusa and the adjacent conigli islet belong to two clades, one occurring on lampedusa and conigli islet, related to libyan specimens [where t. fascicularis (daudin 1802) and t. deserti lataste 1891 occur] and the other representing “a further subclade, distinct from all other known mtdna lineages”, found only in conigli island. conversely stöck et al. (2016) found that lampedusa specimens are closely related to cap bon specimens, where t. mauritanica occurs (tlili et al., 2012). 41 algyroides nigropunctatus nigropunctatus the population of venezia giulia belongs to the nominal subspecies, as well as the apulian introduced populations (carlino & pauwels, 2016). 42 archaeolacerta bedriagae the validity of the ssp. a. b. sardoa (peracca 1903), a. b. paessleri (mertens 1927), and a. b. ferrerae (stemmler 1962) is not supported by genetic (salvi et al., 2009, 2010) nor by morphological data (salvi et al., 2008). 43 lacerta agilis agilis according to morphology (bischoff, 1988), populations from western alps are assigned to l. a. agilis, while those of eastern alps to l. a. argus (laurenti 1768). the cytochrome-b trees did not recover the subspecies l. a. agilis and l. a. argus as separate evolutionary lineages (kalyabina et al., 2001; andres et al., 2014). 44 lacerta bilineata the study of marzhan et al. (2016) “could not answer whether l. bilineata and l. viridis represent distinct species without extensive gene flow”. infraspecific taxonomy according to marzhan et al. (2016). the same authors support the validity of two subspecies only: l. b. bilineata and l. b. chloronota. 45 lacerta sp. based on genetic evidence, marzhan et al. (2016) assigned three specimens from pordenone and udine provinces to the ‘adriatic’ (or ‘western balkan’) lineage. joss et al. (2021) included in this lineage also an enigmatic specimen from calambrone (pisa, tuscany). according to jauss et al. (2021) “the lineages [of the l. viridis complex] have reached the level of distinct taxa, but to determine whether they have become fully independent lineages on the species level requires further research”. in both the mentioned studies the adriatic clade seems closer to l. bilineata than to l. viridis. therefore l. viridis s.s. is not a member of the italian fauna, and at present the status of italian populations formerly assigned to l. viridis is uncertain. the possible available name for the adriatic lineage are l. v. istriensis werner 1897 or l. v. intermedia méhelÿ 1905 (marzhan et al., 2016). 46 podarcis filfolensis capula (1994a), salvi et al. (2014) and rodrıguez et al. (2014) suggest that p. filfolensis colonized the pelagian islands from the maltese archipelago in historical times, therefore the pelagian ssp. p. f. laurentiimuelleri (fejérváry 1924) is not valid. 47 podarcis melisellensis fiumanus the subspecies fiumanus is supported by mtdna (podnar et al., 2004), electrophoretic data (gorman et al., 1975), as well as with morphological analysis (thorpe, 1980). 48 podarcis muralis the observed phylogeographic structure of p. muralis does not match the current subspecific division of this species in italy (giovannotti et al., 2010; salvi et al., 2013). pending a comprehensive revision of the status of the italian populations, at the moment we refrain from adopting any subspecies. 49 podarcis raffonei taxonomic status according to capula (1994b). the genetic distance found between p. raffonei and p. waglerianus is relatively small for podarcis species (podnar & mayer, 2005; senczuk et al., 2019). depending on the markers used the divergence between raffonei and waglerianus is not that different than for other sister species of podarcis (e.g. lilfordi and pityusensis, tauricus and ionicus) (salvi et al., 2021). the validity of the subspecies raffonei (mertens 1952), alvearioi (mertens 1955), cucchiarai di palma 1980 and antoninoi (mertens 1955) is not supported by genetic data (capula, 2004). 50 podarcis siculus this species shows many mitochondrial lineages both in the continent and in some large islands (podnar et al., 2005; silva-rocha et al., 2012; senczuk et al., 2018) whose ranges and extent of hybridization are not known (d. salvi in litt.). one of the main branches includes specimens from sicily, sardinia and part of calabria, the other branch the remnant italian populations (both with campestris or siculus phenotypes). according to podnar et al. (2005) p. s. cettii (cara 1872) from sardinia was introduced in historical times and originated from sicily, and it is therefore a synonym of p. s. siculus. recently the populations of p. siculus from western pontine islands have been raised to species rank podarcis latastei (bedriaga 1879) by senczuk et al. (2019). this proposal has been rejected by speybroeck et al. (2020) but defended by castiglia et al. (2021). pending a thorough revision of the species, we adopt the more conservative opinion by speybroeck et al. (2020). 51 podarcis tiliguerta the identity of ssp. ranzii (lanza 1967) from molarotto island doesn’t seem supported by mtdna (vasconcelos et al., 2006). 52 podarcis waglerianus the subspecies p. w. marettimensis is supported by having only private haplotypes (senczuk et al., 2018). 53 psammodromus algirus according to carretero et al. (2009) a single individual from conigli islet near lampedusa grouped with those from morocco (ssp. algirus) and not with the closer tunisian ones, suggesting a recent, human-mediated, colonization, although a transport between morocco and the uninhabited conigli islet seems unlikely. moreover, the taxonomic value of the two other north african subspecies, p. a. nollii (fischer 1887) and p. a. doriae (bedriaga 1866) has not yet been tested by genetic studies. 54 zootoca carniolica species rank after cornetti et al. (2015a, 2015b). 55 zootoca vivipara authorship according to schmidtler & böhme (2011). the phylogeographic study by horreo et al. (2018) seems not to support the current infraspecific taxonomy. the authors identified six clades of zootoca (one of which is currently z. carniolica); the italian populations belong to the clade e, while the type locality is inhabited by the clade c. waiting for further studies resolving the complicated relationships of the subspecies we do not adopt any subspecific name for the italian populations. 56 chalcides chalcides vittatus the sardinian populations would have colonized this island in historical times, by passive transportation, starting from tunisian or libyan populations, as is suggested by the morphological and genetic resemblance between these populations (caputo, 1993). 57 anguis a hybrid a. fragilis x a. cinerea (= veronensis) is reported in friuli venezia giulia by gvoždík et al. (2013). the occurrence of a. fragilis is expected in north-east italy, but has yet to be demonstrated. 58 anguis veronensis italian anguis have been recognized as a full species under the name anguis veronensis by gvoždík et al. (2013). an early version “in press” of the same paper listed the species as a. cinerea risso 1826. 59 indotyphlops braminus recently discovered on ischia island (naples province) and in sicily, near paceco (trapani province) (faraone et al., 2019, paolino et al., 2019). check-list of italian amphibians and reptiles 42 60 eryx jaculus the morphological characters of the sicilian population resemble those of african populations (ssp. jaculus), but molecular studies are needed to confirm this hypothesis (faraone et al., 2019). according to tokar (1991) the species is monotypic. 61 malpolon insignitus species rank after carranza et al. (2006). the date of publication of the description is listed here according to opinion 1416 (iczn, 1987). 62 malpolon monspessulanus besides the nominate subspecies, m. m. saharatlanticus geniez, cluchier & de haan 2006 has been described on morphological basis, but its validity has not yet been tested by genetic data. 63 natrix helvetica species rank and infraspecific taxonomy according to schultze et al. (2020). moreover, the paper does not report any natrix helvetica helvetica in italy albeit at least one sample (msnve 684) from taggia (im) shows natrix helvetica helvetica introgression (cf. supplementary materials). 64 natrix helvetica sicula including calabra vanni & lanza, in lanza 1983 and lanzai kramer 1970. see fritz & schmidtler (2020) for a complete discussion about scientific names erected for n. natrix and n. helvetica. 65 natrix natrix persa italian populations are tentatively attributed to n. n. persa according to kindler et al. (2017). schultze et al. (2020) found in northeastern italy a hybrid zone 70-90 km wide between n. natrix and n. helvetica, already observed by thorpe (1979) based on morphology. the westernmost records come from close to the po estuary and ferrara (emilia-romagna). 66 coronella austriaca austriaca “the current taxonomy of c. austriaca […] requires a thorough revision” (jablonski et al., 2019). the subspecies described from sicily, c. a. fitzingeri (bonaparte 1840), is not generally accepted, but the phylogenetic studies by santos et al. (2008) and jablonski et al. (2019) place the sicilian specimens in a separate mtdna clade. its taxonomic status can only be clarified by analyzing enough material from all over the italian range. 67 elaphe quatuorlineata coluber quatuor-lineatus lacépède 1789 was declared nomen conservandum in opinion 490 (iczn, 1957) but later the species was not explicitly excluded by effects of opinion 1463 (iczn, 1987) that ruled lacépède, 1789 as a non-binomial work. 68 hemorrhois hippocrepis probably introduced in sardinia and possibly also in pantelleria (luiselli et al., 2010 [2011]). according to luiselli et al. (2010) the species is monotypic. a recent study shows that specimens of pantelleria (ssp. nigrescens cattaneo 1985) and sardinia belong to the “eastern mitochondrial clade”, and it supports the hypothesis of an ancient human-mediated introduction in sardinia, and a recent colonization (human-mediated or through a recent passive dispersion mechanisms) in pantelleria (faraone et al., 2020). 69 hierophis viridiflavus mezzasalma et al. (2015) raised h. carbonarius to the species rank. speybroeck et al. (2020) recommend maintaining hierophis viridiflavus carbonarius as a subspecies for the time being, since the amount of divergence in mtdna between h. v. carbonarius and h. v. viridiflavus is much lower than between the closely related h. gemonensis and h. viridiflavus (rato et al., 2009). 70 macroprotodon cucullatus the specific assignment of the italian population (lampedusa island) of macroprotodon, usually referred to m. cucullatus, is still uncertain according to faraone et al. (2020). 71 zamenis a specimen of zamenis scalaris (schinz 1822) was reported in italy close to france (calmonte & ferri, 1987), but despite intensive research it was not possible to confirm the presence of the species in italy, which is therefore excluded from the italian fauna. 72 zamenis lineatus there is “pervasive introgressive hybridization with z. longissimus in the eastern contact zone.” (salvi et al., 2017, 2018); therefore the status of apulian populations remains to be evaluated. 73 vipera ammodytes intraspecific taxonomy follows ursenbacher et al. (2008), according to which v. a. ruffoi bruno 1968 is a synonym of the nominate subspecies. 74 vipera aspis intraspecific taxonomy according to ursenbacher et al. (2006) and barbanera et al. (2009). for the brackets around author names see note 3. 75 vipera berus marasso according to schmidtler (2019) the available name for the alpine (and italian) populations is vipera berus marasso (pollini, 1818), with type locality legnago, province of verona, in the po plain. 76 vipera berus walser species status debated. previously considered an isolated population of v. berus (capra, 1954; sindaco et al., 2006), according to the phylogeny by ghielmi et al. (2016) v. walser seems surprisingly related to the caucasian species of the v. ursinii complex. speybroeck et al. (2020) consider premature the acceptance of the new species due to the possible existence of cito-nuclear discordance and tentatively regard it as a subspecies of vipera berus. freitas et al. (2020) consider v. walser a valid species (boettger 1889). doniol-valcroze et al. (2021) confirm the cito-nuclear discordance suspected by speybroeck et al. (2020). therefore, following these authors, we consider v. walser as a subspecies of v. berus. acknowledgments thanks to the scientific committee of the fauna d’italia, and particularly to marco a. bologna, fabio stoch and fabio cianferoni, who invited us to update the italian fauna checklist for amphibians and reptiles. the authors are grateful to matteo di nicola, francesco ficetola and luciano di tizio for the careful reading of the draft and their useful suggestions. special thanks to the reviewers, daniele salvi and lucio bonato, whose comments and suggestions greatly improved the paper. references amori g., angelici f., frugis s., gandolfi g., groppali r., lanza b., relini g. & vicini g., 1993 – 110: vertebrata. in: checklist delle specie della fauna italiana. minelli a., ruffo s. & la posta s. 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that is now very rare throughout italy, confirms the presence of aquatic environments. key words: archaeology, campania, ecology, rodentia, soricomorpha. riassunto resti di piccoli mammiferi dal tempio di nettuno, una finestra sull’antico paesaggio della piana del sele (sud italia). la piana del sele, era un tempo un’area paludosa che in tempi recenti è stata sottoposta a bonifiche. l’analisi di resti cranici e dentari di piccoli mammiferi, raccolti durante le operazioni di restauro del tempio di nettuno, testimonia l’antica esistenza di ecosistemi oggi fortemente ridotti in quest’area. in particolare, l’alta percentuale di resti di arvicola italicus, roditore oggi in forte rarefazione sull’intero territorio nazionale, conferma la presenza di ambienti acquatici. parole chiave: archeologia, campania, ecologia, rodentia, soricomorpha. introduction the study of qualitative-quantitative faunal compositions of small mammals in a certain territory provides useful information on the environmental characteristics of the territory itself, as this kind of associations are the product of different parameters such as temperature, moisture, vegetation and anthropic impact (contoli, 1976, 1980, 1981; aloise & contoli, 1984; castelli & contoli, 1985; contoli, 1985, 1988; marzilli & contoli, 1991; nappi, 2004b). for the very same reason, these remains are widely studied in palaeontology (kowalski, 1966; chaline, 1970, 1973, 1977, 1981; kowalski, 1992), providing, for instance, good indications of the climate changes occurred during the glacial and interglacial periods of pleistocene. also in relation to historical periods, the analysis of bone and dental remains of small mammals can be useful in reconstructing any possible environmental changes that occurred due to both natural and anthropogenic causes (kotsakis & ruschioni, 1984; vigne, 1996; pardiñas et al., 2000; bon et al., 2001; cuenca-bescós et al., 2009; lopéz-garcía et al., 2013a, 2013b). based on these considerations, i found it interesting to study the mammal remains from the deposits of soil and debris accumulated over time in parts of the temple of neptune in southern italy and recovered during restoration work (de palma, 2019). the present work is a follow up of an earlier note derived from a partial analysis of the material (nappi, 2010). materials and methods the temple of neptune (40°25’11,70’’n, 15°00’19,24’’e), dated around the middle of the 5th century b.c., is located in the municipality of capaccio, province of salerno (campania, southern italy) (fig. 1). fig. 1 the location of the temple of neptune and other localities considered in the text. / la posizione del tempio di nettuno e di altre località menzionate nel testo. 48 from a geographical point of view, the area is included in the sele plain, a region that was deeply altered by man in the last centuries. in particular, this area was characterized in the past by extensive marshes, which then underwent intense reclamation. cranial and dental remains of small mammals recovered during the restoration works of the temple of neptune were collected and used for the analysis. the identification was performed with binocular stereoscopic microscope according to the criteria proposed by nappi (2001) and by amori et al. (2008). problems that arose during identification are discussed in the “results and discussion” section of this paper. the count of individuals was based on the criterion of the minimum number of individuals, usually calculated considering the more representative hemimandible (right one or left one) for each taxon (nappi, 2011). chiroptera and talpidae were excluded from the calculation of the indices, while the wood mice (apodemus sp.) were overall included as a genus. the margalef index was calculated in the form d = (s 1)/log n, where s indicates the total number of taxa (the species in most cases, or the genus in the case of apodemus) and n indicates the total number of individuals. the trophic level index (tli) was calculated as soricidae/total mammals (contoli, 1980). the calculation of agronomic-environmental index (a) is expressed in its original formula as a ratio cricetidae/ muridae (contoli, 1980) that is to say taxa mostly linked to open areas/taxa mostly linked to wood or bushy areas; in this case i decided to follow zangirolami (1988/89) to exclude myodes glareolus (a species associated with woods) for the cricetidae. for similar reasons, i decided to exclude arvicola italicus, a species linked to water environments, and i chose instead to add m. glareolus to denominator, whose agronomic-environmental index was calculated with the following formula: cricetidae ‒ (m. glareolus + a. italicus)/muridae + m. glareolus. the thermoxerophilia index was calculated as tx = crocidurinae/soricidae (contoli, 1980). the values of the indices listed above were compared with those calculated for 10 sites in campania (fig. 1) whose qualitative and quantitative data on small mammal populations were obtained through the study of barn owl tyto alba pellets. taxonomic arrangement and nomenclature follow loy et al. (2019). the studied mammal remains are kept at the istituto centrale per il restauro, rome. results and discussion considering their location within the temple, the remains examined were most likely the result of piles of pellets produced by nocturnal birds of prey, known to habitually roost in buildings. the sampled remains were in quite good conditions of preservation so that species identification was possible for most of them. only for most remains of the genera talpa and microtus and for all those of the genus apodemus, identification problems have been encountered at species level. as regards to the genus talpa, the characters useful to distinguish t. caeca from t. romana (the two species present in campania) were not always evident in the remains. in the genus microtus, the teeth were almost completely missing, while for apodemus, this problem is to be added to a generalized fragmentation of the skulls. only for very few remains, it was possible to detect the finest characters, such as the rear edge of foramina incisiva surpassing the level of front edge’s roots in the first upper molars and in the fourth and seventh tubercles of the same molars united. these morphologies are typical but not exclusive of a. sylvaticus. on very few partially complete skulls, it was possible to calculate a morphometric index (amori et al., 1986) used to separate a. flavicollis and a. sylvaticus, and its value was in the overlap range. the difficult discrimination between a. flavicollis and a. sylvaticus due to north-south morphological variations is well known, leading the former species in particular to be frequently mistaken for the latter (niethammer, 1969). a synthesis of the identification problems of the two species apodemus in italy is offered by amori et al. (2008). also for water shrews belonging to the genus neomys, knowing the difficulties of determination at specie level, it was preferred to leave a margin of uncertainty about the proposed identification. for this reason, it was chosen to refer to n. cfr. milleri, being not possible to easily detect all useful diagnostic characters on the skull and on the mandibles to give a sounder identification. the complete list of identified mammalian taxa is reported in table 1. even though it was not possible to date the remains with an absolute method, anyway one could make some historical-faunistic considerations. the most interesting aspect of this first analysis is the abundance of italian water vole arvicola italicus, a rodent whose presence testifies of humid environments now rarefied. in addition, the ancient presence of this vole now in strong recession in italy due to loss and degradation of its wet habitat (nappi, 2004a; cagnin, 2008) represents an interesting faunal record at national scale. in campania, the species is included in the “vulnerable” iucn category (carpino & capasso, 2012) and in recent times it was certainly present in the territories of partenio, between naples and avellino (caputo, 1989; capolongo & caputo, 1990; capasso & carpino, 2008) and of garigliano, province of caserta (scaravelli & priori, 2009). in the vesuvius area (province of naples), in particular, it has no longer been reported (maio et al., 2000; capasso et al., 2009) after the end of the 1970s (dinardo, 1991b). an old record for the picentini mountains, province of avellino (pasa, 1959) was followed by a recent one in 2013 (raicaldo, 2020). in the province of salerno, not counting the case reported here, remains of a. italicus were found in the ausino cave (barbera et. al., 1987; jancarik & horacek, 1988), which probably date from the copper age (jancarik & horaceck, 1988). at present, the fact that this rodent has not been found around paestum (russo, 1997), ausino cave (russo & maglio, 1996) and other sites in the province of salerno (nappi, 1998/99, 2000) is not conclusive evidence of its disappearance in situ, but it can certainly testify to a rarefaction of this species. another report to armando nappi 49 be verified for the salerno province, dated 1994, comes from the tanagro river basin (carpino & capasso, 2012). more recently, the italian water vole has been found along the sarno river (raicaldo, 2020). the query for museum records returned a single specimen collected in salerno on 15 march 1903 and kept at the zoological museum ‛la specola’ in florence with catalogue number 6057 (p. agnelli, personal communication). another important presence is neomys cfr. milleri. like arvicola italicus also water shrews neomys spp. suffer for the modifications to their habitats (amori et al., 2008). at present, the only certain record of miller’s water shrew n. milleri in campania refers to a skull recovered from pellets of barn owl collected on 8 april 1996 at guardia lombardi (province of avellino) and kept at the zoological museum of the university of naples federico ii with catalogue number z6256 (nappi & maio, 2002; carpino & capasso, 2012). in campania, also this species is included in the “vulnerable” iucn category (carpino & capasso, 2012). the other species of the same genus, the eurasian water shrew neomys fodiens, is included in the category ‟data deficient” (carpino & capasso, 2012). the records of dinardo (1991a) for the vesuvius area and dating at the beginning of the 1980s, were not confirmed later (maio et al., 2000; capasso et al., 2010), while a record for the national park of cilento and vallo di diano (picariello et al., 1999) is unreliable due to the lack of further evidence, not to mention the difficulty to correctly separate the two neomys species (carpino & capasso, 2012). the effective size of the soricidae sample in particular could have been underestimated because their remains, usually fragile, could be preserved only partially in similar environmental conditions. considering the limitations involved in analysing this type of remains, such as the difficulty of correctly identifying them at species level, and the different ways in which different remains have been preserved over time (including the likely destruction of a significant part of them) it was possible to make some ecological considerations about the small mammal community and the environment they inhabit by using ecological indices (tab. 2). in particular, the margalef index and the trophic level index returned high values when compared to those calculated for other sites from campania. basing on these results, one can hypothesize the ancient presence of a rich ecosystem in good ecological conditions. the agronomicenvironmental index is suggestive of the presence of open environments interspersed with wooded and/or bushy areas. finally, the index of thermoxerophilia allows us to assume the existence of a mediterranean climate also in the past, in view of the clear prevalence of crocidurinae. in conclusion, the study confirms the importance of studying archaeozoological remains, including those referred to the most recent periods of the pleistocene, in order to assess ancient faunal associations suggestive of past environmental conditions. for this reason and for its implications in delineating the environmental background underlying the cultures of the past, the collection of small mammal remains should be encouraged during the digging operations and restoration interventions in archaeological sites. tab. 1 qualitative-quantitative composition of the small mammals’ population of the temple of neptune, campinferred from the analysis of bone and dental remains. n: minimum number of individuals. / composizione quali-quantitativa della popolazione di piccoli mammiferi del tempio di nettuno, dedotta dall’analisi dei resti ossei e dentari. n: numero minimo di individui. taxa n % myotis myotis 2 0.26 vespertilionidae sp. 4 0.45 tot. chiroptera 6 0.68 sorex samniticus 2 0.26 neomys cfr. milleri 3 0.34 tot. soricinae 5 0.56 suncus etruscus 2 0.26 crocidura leucodon 50 5.64 crocidura suaveolens 122 13.75 crocidura cfr. suaveolens 1 0.11 crocidura sp. 3 0.34 tot. crocidurinae 178 20.07 tot. soricidae 183 20.63 talpa romana 4 0.45 talpa sp. 13 1.47 tot. talpidae 17 1.92 tot. soricomorpha 200 22.55 eliomys quercinus 2 0.26 muscardinus avellanarius 8 0.90 glis glis 4 0.45 tot. gliridae 14 1.58 arvicola italicus 238 26.83 microtus savii group 30 3.38 microtus sp. 172 19.39 tot. cricetidae 440 49.61 apodemus sp. 193 21.76 rattus rattus 19 2.14 rattus sp. 6 0.68 mus musculus 3 0.34 muridae sp. 6 0.68 tot. muridae 227 25.59 tot. rodentia 681 76.78 total 887 small mammal from the temple of neptune 50 acknowledgements the restoration project, which led to the present research, was carried out by the soprintendenza archeologica di salerno, the direzione del museo di paestum and the istituto superiore per la conservazione e il restauro di roma. funding was made possible by the fio paestum project and the legge del lotto del mercoledì project. many thanks to paolo agnelli, antonella altieri, marina cipriani, longino contoli, roberta gaggi, daniele rossetti, gabriel zuchtriegel for their kind cooperation. references aloise g. & contoli l., 1984 − su alcune valutazioni ambientali attraverso la dieta dei rapaci. acqua-aria, 2: 135-143. amori g., cristaldi m. & contoli l., 1986 − sui roditori (gliridae, arvicolidae, muridae) dell’italia peninsulare ed insulare in rapporto all’ambiente bioclimatico mediterraneo. animalia, 11 (1/3): 217-269 (1984). amori g., contoli l. & nappi a. 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(decapoda, brachyura, ethusidae) from the pliocene of valduggia (vercelli, piedmont, nw italy) giovanni pasini1, alessandro garassino2* 1 via alessandro volta 16, 22070 appiano gentile (como), italia. e-mail: 2 sezione di paleontologia degli invertebrati, museo di storia naturale, corso venezia 55, 20121 milano, italia. * corresponding author:; © 2016 giovanni pasini, alessandro garassino received: 1 october 2015 accepted for publication: 1 march 2016 abstract ethusa sp. (decapoda, brachyura, ethusidae) from valduggia (vercelli, piedmont, nw italy) is here reported for the first time from the pliocene of italy. this new finding enlarges our knowledge on the distribution and stratigraphic range of this genus in the paleomediterranean basin. key words: decapoda, brachyura, ethusidae, pliocene, piedmont, italy. riassunto ethusa sp. (decapoda, brachyura, ethusidae) nel pliocene di valduggia (vercelli, piemonte, italia nordoccidentale). il genere ethusa roux, 1830 (decapoda, brachyura, ethusidae), rinvenuto in valduggia (vercelli, piemonte, italia nordoccidentale) viene segnalato per la prima volta nel pliocene italiano, ampliando le conoscenze sulla distribuzione geografica e stratigrafica di questo genere nel bacino paleo-mediterraneo. parole chiave: decapoda, brachyura, ethusidae, pliocene, piemonte, italia. introduction ethusa roux, 1830 included 43 extant species (ng et al., 2008) that are found widespread usually in shallow environments, whereas it is only poorly reported in the fossil record and restricted to the cenozoic. according to schweitzer et al. (2010) and de angeli et al. (2009) just two species are known to date from italy, ethusa berica de angeli & beschin, 2008 (early eocene, vicenza) and e. popognensis de angeli, garassino & pasini, 2009 (late miocene, livorno). since the only species reported to date from the worldwide pliocene is ethusa chibai karasawa, 1993 (early pliocene, japan), the studied specimen represents the first record for the genus from the pliocene of italy and the paleo-mediterranean basin. the studied specimen was collected in locality formigosa, nearby the valduggia village (45°43’29,61n 8°17’26,04e), located in the valsesia valley on the southern prealpi mountains, in the vercelli province (piedmont, nw italy). here a seasonal creek crosses a pliocene marginal marine lithographic sequence, including well-laminated and stratified clay-sands preserving a peculiar decapod crab ichnofacies (pasini et al., 2016). this sequence is overlapped by laminated yellow-grey beds, preserving a fossil assemblage including the studied specimen, irregular echinoids, vegetal remains, and some very rare small gastropod shells (pasini, pers. comm., 2015) (fig. 1). without detailed stratigraphic data, the studied specimen is referred to the pliocene sensu lato, as reported by carraro (1992). the specimen is preserved in a block of grey sandy clay including some complete, slightly compressed dorsoventrally, indeterminate irregular echinoids. due to their delicate nature, the sandy matrix was fixed with a film of polyvinyl acetate for study and preservation. the specifig. 1 laminated yellow-grey beds, preserving a fossil assemblage including the studied specimen, irregular echinoids, and plant remains. 54 men is housed in the paleontological collections of the museo di storia naturale di milano (msnm). abbreviations lcxp: carapace length; wcxp: carapace width. systematic palaeontology section eubrachyura de saint laurent, 1980 subsection heterotremata guinot, 1977 superfamily dorippoidea macleay, 1838 family ethusidae guinot, 1977 genus ethusa roux, 1830 type species: cancer mascarone herbst, 1785, subsequent designation by fowler (1912). fossil species: ethusa berica de angeli & beschin, 2008; e. chibai karasawa, 1993; e. evae müller & collins, 1991; e. mascarone (herbst, 1785); e. octospinosa müller, 1991; e. popognensis de angeli, garassino & pasini, 2009. ethusa sp. (fig. 2) material and measurements: one complete carapace (msnm i28302 – lcxp: 10 mm; wcxp: 10 mm). description: carapace slightly convex transversely, longitudinally ovate, as long as wide, wider posteriorly; wide orbital frontal margin poorly preserved, with traces of strong triangular extraorbital teeth; anterolateral margins elongate and divergent; convex posterolateral margins converging posteriorly; posterior margin wide, concave laterally, nearly straight medially; dorsal regions distinct, well defined by grooves; suboval cardiac region; intestinal region depressed; hepatic regions separated from branchial regions by cervical groove; a suboval depression close to the depression of the cervical groove; branchial regions wide, crossed transversely by two parallel and curved branchial grooves forming two distinct ridges; dorsal regions uniformly covered by thin granulations or tubercles. discussion the studied specimen shows the diagnostic characters of the extant and fossil representatives of ethusa, having a pear-shaped carapace, wider posteriorly; dorsal regions well defined by marked grooves, and developed branchial regions crossed transversely by two branchial grooves forming two ridges. we compared the studied specimen with the closest italian species: e. popognensis (late miocene, livorno, n italy) shows a carapace with more uniform distribution and thin granulations along all the dorsal carapace and a less concave posterior margin whereas e. berica (early oligocene, vicenza, ne italy) has carapace longer and smooth with extraorbital teeth outward directed. moreover, e. evae (late eocene, hungary) has notably wider and more subsquare carapace and e. octospinosa (middle miocene, hungary) has moderately deep grooves with dorsal carapace quite smooth. the only other pliocene species, e. chibai, differs in having a longer carapace and a smoother dorsal carapace surface and shallow brachiocardiac grooves. finally, the extant and probably fossil e. mascarone seems to have usually shallow brachiocardiac grooves and stronger granulations on the dorsal carapace. unfortunately the poorly preserved orbito-frontal margin does not allow a specific assignment of the studied specimen. this report is, however, important because is the first report from the pliocene paleo-mediterranean basin bridging the gap among the other fossil mediterranean species and the extant and fossil e. mascarone. acknowledgements we wish to thank giorgio faglia (serravalle sesia, no), for useful information on the valduggia outcrop. references carraro f., 1992 – evoluzione plio-quaternaria. in: guide geologiche regionali (3) le alpi dal monte bianco al lago maggiore. be-ma (ed.), 82-91. de angeli a., garassino a. & pasini g., 2009 – new reports of anomurans and brachyurans from the cenozoic of tuscany (italy). atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano, 150 (2): 163-198. fowler h. w., 1912 – the crustacea of new jersey. reports of the new jersey museum, 1911: 29-650. ng p. k. l., guinot d. & dane p. j. f., 2008 – systema brachyurorum part i. an annotated checklist of extant brachyuran crabs of the world. the raffles bulletin of zoology, suppl. 17: 1-286. pasini g., baldanza a., gallo l. m., garassino a. & karasawa h., 2016 – anomuran and brachyuran trackways and resting trace from the pliocene of valduggia (piedmont, nw italy): environmental, behavioural, and taphonomic implications. natural history sciences. atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano, 3 (1): 35-48. doi: 10.4081/nhs.2016.281 schweitzer c. e, feldmann r. m., garassino a., karasawa h. & schweigert g., 2010 – systematic list of fossil decapod crustacean species. crustaceana monographs, 10: 1-222.fig. 2 ethusa sp., msnm i28302, carapace in dorsal view (x 5). short communication natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 5 (2): xx-xx, 2018 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2018.385 colin p. groves (1942-2017) and his legacy società italiana per la storia della fauna “giuseppe altobello”, viale liegi 48, 00198 roma, italia. e-mail: © 2018 spartaco gippoliti received: 20 december 2017 accepted for publication: 13 february 2018 spartaco gippoliti colin peter groves was born in london, england, on june 24, 1942. he received his bachelor of science from university college london in 1963 and his ph.d. from the royal free hospital school of medicine in 1966. while studying gorilla taxonomy under the supervision of john napier, he had the good fortune to meet osman hill, sherry washburn, louis leakey and wilfred le gros clark, all of them famous researchers in the field of anthropology and primatology. equally important to colin, as he recalled in groves (2008), was his meeting with guy, the lone male silverback gorilla − then at london zoo. after a series of post-doctoral research and teaching appointments at cambridge university, he spent from 1974 the remainder of his career at the australian national university with his beloved wife phyll dance. colin received many awards: he was a fellow of the australian academy of the humanities, an honorary life member of the american society of mammalogists, and in 2015 he received the osman hill medal of the primate society of great britain. in the same year, colin was the honoree of a volume entitled taxonomic tapestries: the threads of evolutionary, behavioural, and conservation research (behie & oxenham, 2015). he also served in the editorial board of several scientific journals, including natural history sciences. atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano. colin was one of the world’s leading mammal taxonomists and biological anthropologists. he identified more than 50 new species of mammals during his career – the last was the tapanuli orangutan pongo tapanuliensis from sumatra (nater et al., 2017) − and he also re-evaluated some hundreds of species names which had fallen into synonymy or had been overlooked with the passage of time, such as grauer’s gorilla gorilla beringei graueri (groves, 1970) . he became well known for his revised classification of primates, and his studies on the variation and evolution of living primates, described in detail in his book primate taxonomy (groves, 2001). along with the czech zoologist vratislav mazák, he was the describer of a new species of hominid, homo ergaster (groves & mazák, 1975). for decades, colin worked closely with his friend peter grubb (1942-2006), whose contributions in mammalian taxonomy and biogeography were encyclopedic and wide ranging (groves, 2006). groves and grubb conducted a long-term program to revise all the ‘ungulates’ (perissodactyla and artiodactyla): finally published in the influential volume ungulate taxonomy (groves & grubb, 2011). in the meantime, they published widely on many taxa. their revisions of two genera of megaherbivores stand tall. by 1999, they had revised the african elephants and demonstrated why distinctive morphological differences justified the full species status of loxodonta cyclotis (grubb et al., 2000). this was several years before molecular evidence consolidated their findings (rohland et al., 2010) colin, with the help of jan robovský and prithiviraj fernando, also revised the rhinoceros genus ceratotherium , elevating the northern subspecies cottoni of the white rhinoceros (c. simum) to species rank (groves et al., 2010). colin once recalled a visit to the natural history museum in london with his father when he was five years of age – and how this was an important milestone which led to his interest in the natural world. although he had © a . n ov ot nà fascinating experiences in the field among mountain gorillas and the tana river endemic primates, among others, it was the major museum collections that opened up to him a unique insight of mammalian evolution and diversity. i emphasize this because the importance of museum collections is often overlooked, especially in western europe, while their value is immense, especially when examined and re-interpreted by expert taxonomists like colin. his was a true mentor to all his students in canberra and several others around the world. his generosity and wide knowledge is well illustrated by these words of a former student; “one of my favourite memories of colin was when i was hunting for some literature to assist my research, and all i could find was a thesis in german. i was showing it to colin and lamenting that it was not much use, but he looked at me surprised and asked ‘do you not speak german?’. i shook my head, to which colin promptly took out his reading glasses and started to translate the work for me there and then on the spot. his talents knew no bounds!”. colin groves was an inspiration to modern mammalogists, conservationists and evolutionary biologists because his interests looked beyond the most ‘fashionable’ species of the world, such as gorillas, rhinoceroses and tigers, to some of the most poorly taxa of mammals − such as tragulids, colobines and tarsiers (groves, 2007; groves, & shekelle, 2010; meijaard & groves, 2004). colin was incredibly generous with his time and often helped non-native english speaking scientists (even if he was not formally collaborating or an author on the papers) with their prose. further, he was not put off from contributing to obscure newsletters, always aiming at advancing knowledge and conservation awareness across multiple audiences. the importance of colin’s taxonomic research in relation to conservation, including ex situ conservation, was immediately clear to me, probably because of my early experiences with the large number of mammalian species kept in zoological gardens. this also made me aware of how some apparently well-established mammal species may hide overlooked taxonomic entities often in need of urgent protection. over the past six years, with like-minded colleagues, colin and i collaborated with the aim of increasing acceptance of the “phylogenetic species concept” among mammalogists (especially in europe and australia); moreover, we strived to demonstrate that the ‘taxonomic inflation’ theory (which suggests negative conservation outcomes when former subspecies are elevated to species rank) was in fact deleterious for biodiversity conservation (cotterill et al., 2017, gippoliti et al., 2018). although colin’s health declined seriously during the last few years, he maintained his exceptional productivity while continuing to help his friends, colleagues and new contacts. our ‘team’ had in the meantime grown in number and was able to provide a synthesis on species concepts and conservation (groves et al., 2017). colin worked until a few days before he died, on 30 november 2017. now i can only share the words of jan robovský “yes, colin [friendship] made our lives privileged and much better, i think. as colin was always encouraging us, one could lose some portion of motivation now, but being obliged to follow [colin’s way], one should try to continue our mission in accord with colin’s legacy”. acknowledgements david happold, fenton cotterill and two anonymous reviewers greatly improved the original manuscript. references behie a. m. & oxenham m. f. (eds.), 2016 − taxonomic tapestries: the threads of evolutionary, behavioural, and conservation research. australian national university press, canberra. cotterill f. p. d., groves c. p. & taylor p. j., 2017 − taxonomy: refine rather than stabilize. nature, 547: 162. gippoliti s., cotterill f. p. d., zinner d. & groves c. p., 2018 − impacts of taxonomic inertia for the conservation of african ungulate diversity: an overview. biological reviews, 93: 115-130. groves c. p., 1970 − population systematics of the gorilla. journal of zoology, 161 (3): 287-300. groves c. p., 2001 − primate taxonomy. smithsonian institution press, washington. groves c. p., 2006 − tribute to peter grubb. suiform soundings, 6 (2): 4. groves c. p., 2007 − the taxonomic diversity of the colobinae of africa. journal of anthropological sciences, 85: 7-34. groves c. p., 2008 − extended family: long lost cousins. a personal look at the history of primatology. conservation international, arlington. groves c. p., cotterill f. p. d, gippoliti s., robovský j., roos c., taylor p. j. & zinner d., 2017 − species definitions and conservation: a review and case studies from african mammals. conservation genetics, 18: 1247-1256. groves c. p., fernando p. & robovský j., 2010 − the sixth rhino: a taxonomic re-assessment of the critically endangered northern white rhinoceros. plos one, 5:e9703. groves c. p. & grubb p., 2011 − ungulate taxonomy. john hopkins university press, baltimore. groves c. p. & mazák v., 1975 − an approach to the taxonomy of the hominidae: gracile villafranchian hominids of africa. časopis pro mineralogii a geologii, 20: 225-247. groves c. p. & shekelle m., 2010 − the genera and species of tarsiidae. international journal of primatology, 31: 1071-1082. grubb p., groves c. p., dudley j. p. & shoshani j., 2000 − living african elephants belong to two species: loxodonta africana (blumenbach, 1797) and loxodonta cyclotis (matschie, 1900). elephant, 2: 1-3. meijaard, e. & groves c. p., 2004 − a taxonomic revision of the tragulus mouse-deer (artiodactyla). zoological journal linnean society, 140: 63-102. nater a., mattle-greminger m. p., nurcahyo a., nowak m. g., de manuel m., desai t., groves c., pybus m., sonay t b., roos c., lameira a. r., wich s. a., askew j., davila-ross m., fredriksson g., de valles g., casals f., prado-martinez j., goossens b., verschoor e. j., warren k. s., singleton i., marques d. a., pamungkas j., perwitasari-farajallah d., rianti p., tuuga a., gut i. g., gut m., orozco-terwengel p., van schaik c. p., bertranpetit j., anisimova m., scally a., marques-bonet t., meijaard e. & krützen m., 2017 − morphometric, behavioral, and genomic evidence for a new orangutan species. current biology, 27 (22): 3487-3498. rohland n., reich d., mallick s., meyer m., green r. e., georgiadis n. j., roca a. l. & hofreiter m., 2010 − genomic dna sequences from mastodon and woolly mammoth reveal deep speciation of forest and savanna elephants. plos biology, 8 (12): e1000564. museo di storia naturale dell’università degli studi di firenze, sezione di zoologia “la specola”, via romana 17, 50125 firenze, italia; e-mail:; atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 154 (i): 65-70, settembre 2013 filippo ceccolini & fausto barbagli note sulla distribuzione in italia di anoxia (mesanoxia) matutinalis matutinalis laporte de castelnau, 1832 con nuovi dati corologici per alcune regioni (coleoptera, melolonthidae) riassunto viene fornita una panoramica generale della distribuzione in italia di anoxia (mesanoxia) matutinalis matutinalis laporte de castelnau, 1832, aggiungendo lombardia e umbria alle regioni in cui questa specie è riportata come presente in italia. vengono inoltre rese note le prime segnalazioni per il lazio settentrionale. parole chiave: anoxia matutinalis matutinalis, melolonthidae, distribuzione, italia. abstract notes on the distribution in italy of anoxia (mesanoxia) matutinalis matutinalis laporte de castelnau, 1832 with new chorological data for some regions (coleoptera, melolonthidae). a generale overview of the italian distribution of anoxia (mesanoxia) matutinalis matutinalis laporte de castelnau, 1832 is given, including new records for lombardy and umbria. moreover, new records for northern latium are reported. key words: anoxia matutinalis matutinalis, melolonthidae, distribution, italy. introduzione anoxia (mesanoxia) matutinalis laporte de castelnau, 1832 è una delle sei specie della fauna italiana appartenenti al genere anoxia. ben riconoscibile per una vistosa pubescenza elitrale riunita a formare fasce longitudinali intere e ordinate (ballerio et al., 2010), a. matutinalis è una specie politipica a corotipo s-europeo, che comprende sei sottospecie, molte delle quali presenti esclusivamente in territori ristretti: a. m. suturalis reitter 1890, conosciuta esclusivamente per la grecia (bezdek, 2006), a. m. moltonii sabatinelli, 1976, endemica dell’isola di vulcano nelle eolie (sabatinelli, 1976; ballerio et al., 2010), a. m. corsicana sabatinelli, 66 1976, endemica della corsica e della sardegna settentrionale (cfr. sabatinelli, 1976; pesarini, 2004; ballerio et al., 2010), a. m. sardoa motschulsky, 1860, endemica della sardegna centro-meridionale (cfr. pesarini, 2004; ballerio et al., 2010; guerlach, 2012), a. m. thumseri guerlach, 2011, recentemente scoperta nella provincia di oristano in sardegna (guerlach, 2011, 2012) e a. m. matutinalis laporte de castelnau, 1832, che risulta quella a più ampia distribuzione, dall’italia (sicilia inclusa) alle coste adriatiche della penisola balcanica e a malta (cfr. sabatinelli, 1976; sabatinelli & schembri, 1990; bezdek, 2006; ballerio et al., 2010; pivotti et al., 2011). la sottospecie nominale, legata perlopiù ad ambienti costieri e terreni sabbiosi, in italia è presente in buona parte del territorio, essendo segnalata per liguria, toscana, abruzzo, molise, campania, puglia, basilicata, calabria e sicilia (ballerio et al., 2010), emilia-romagna (zangheri, 1969; cerretti et al., 2003; ente per i parchi e la biodiversità emilia orientale, 2012), friuli-venezia giulia (sabatinelli, 1976; pesarini, 2004; ballerio et al., 2011), veneto (pesarini, 2004; ballerio et al., 2011), trentino (halbherr, 1892, 1908) e alto adige (peez & kahler, 1977; hellrigl, 1996). per il lazio esiste una segnalazione di due esemplari raccolti nell’isola di palmarola, nell’arcipelago delle isole ponziane (carpaneto, 1979); per il resto della regione, in cui a. m. matutinalis è indicata genericamente come presente da luigioni (1929), porta (1934) e ballerio et al. (2011), sono riportate indicazioni di località soltanto per i dintorni di roma (luigioni, 1905; carpaneto & piattella, 1997; carpaneto et al., 1997). con il presente contributo vengono forniti dati corologici inediti per anoxia matutinalis matutinalis, aggiungendo alcune nuove regioni al suo areale di diffusione in italia e specificandone meglio la distribuzione per un’altra. materiali e metodi il materiale utilizzato per il presente contributo proviene dalle collezioni degli autori e del museo di storia naturale dell’università di firenze, sezione di zoologia “la specola”. tutti gli esemplari sono stati determinati o rivisti dagli autori. per ciascun lotto sono riportati i dati di cattura disponibili, il numero degli esemplari e la collezione di appartenenza. le abbreviazioni utilizzate hanno il seguente significato: cfb = collezione fausto barbagli, arezzo; cfc = collezione filippo ceccolini, rassina (arezzo); msnf = museo di storia naturale di firenze, sez. di zoologia “la specola”. risultati le regioni in cui la presenza di a. matutinalis matutinalis non era precedentemente nota e in cui essa è segnalata per la prima volta sono le seguenti: lombardia: bergamo, dall’ispettore forestale, 1 es., msnf (n° coll. 16610); dintorni di milano, [ante 1936], ex coll. e. turati, 2 es., msnf (n° coll. 16611); pavia (palazzo botta), vii.2003, legit f. barbagli, 1 es., cfb. umbria: lippiano, monte santa maria tiberina, perugia, viii.1921, ex coll. a. andreini, 1 es., msnf (n° coll. 16612); idem, vii.1923, 1 es., msnf (n° coll. 16613); idem, 3.vii.1924, 5 es., msnf (n° coll. 16614); idem, vii.1924, 7 es., msnf (n° coll. 16615); idem, vii.1925, 1 es., msnf (n° coll. 16616); idem, vii.1926, 3 es., msnf (n° coll. 16617); idem, vi.1927, 4 es., msnf (n° coll. filippo ceccolini & fausto barbagli 67 16618); idem, vii.1927, 4 es., msnf (n° coll. 16619); idem, vii.1928, 1 es., msnf (n° coll. 16620); idem, vii.1929, 2 es., msnf (n° coll. 16621); idem, viii.1929, 1 es., msnf (n° coll. 16622); idem, vii.1931, 3 es., msnf (n° coll. 16623); idem, vii.1933, 1 es., msnf (n° coll. 16624); idem, 5.vii.1934, 1 es., msnf (n° coll. 16625); idem, vii.1934, 1 es., msnf (n° coll. 16626); idem, vii.1936, 3 es., msnf (n° coll. 16627); idem, vii.1939, 1 es., msnf (n° coll. 16628); castiglion del lago, perugia, 9.vii.1994, leg. f. barbagli e s. goti, 2 es., 1 cfb, 1 cfc. sono infine riportati i primi dati per il lazio settentrionale: lazio: montalto marina, montalto di castro, viterbo, vii.1992, legit fb [= fabio] barbagli, 1 es., cfb; idem, 18.vii.1995, legit g. forzoni, 1 es. (fig. 1a), cfb; idem, 4.vii.1998, leg. fb e fl [= filippo] barbagli, 1 es. (fig. 1b), cfc; idem, 18.vii.1998, 1 es., leg. fb e fl barbagli, cfb. discussione gli esemplari menzionati in questo contributo costituiscono le prime segnalazioni di anoxia matutinalis matutinalis per la lombardia e l’umbria, portando così a 16 il numero delle regioni in cui tale sottospecie è segnalata in italia. inoltre vengono forniti i primi dati per il lazio settentrionale. con le segnalazioni per umbria e lazio viene documentata meglio la continuità dell’areale del taxon nell’italia centrale, mentre quelle lombarde permettono di ampliare a nord-ovest tale areale. queste segnalazioni dimostrano come le informazioni relative alla corologia di fig. 1 anoxia matutinalis matutinalis. a) ♀, montalto marina, 18.vii.1995, legit g. forzoni (cfb) b) ♂, 4.vii.1998, leg. fb e fl barbagli (cfc). (foto/photo by: s. bambi). note sulla distribuzione in italia di anoxia (mesanoxia) matutinalis matutinalis 68 a. matutinalis matutinalis fossero ancora piuttosto incomplete, nonostante l’aspetto vistoso e la relativa facilità di reperimento di questo coleottero. è peraltro possibile che l’areale possa essere ulteriormente esteso grazie ad una verifica dettagliata del materiale conservato nelle collezioni dei vari musei. alla luce dei dati riportati è in ogni caso ipotizzabile una diffusione ancora più estesa di questa sottospecie in italia, in quanto appare plausibile la sua presenza anche in piemonte e nelle marche, che presentano, oltre che una collocazione limitrofa all’areale conosciuto, anche ambienti favorevoli per la biologia di a. matutinalis. per quanto riguarda le marche, va però sottolineato come in uno studio frutto di un’attività di ricerca effettuata sulla coleotterofauna della regione tra il 1987 e il 2012, a. matutinalis matutinalis non sia mai stata reperita (giovagnoli et al., 2012). in generale comunque, ulteriori ricerche sarebbero auspicabili per incrementare i dati corologici relativi a questo melolontide, non solo per ottenere informazioni dall’intrinseco valore faunistico, ma anche per monitorare possibili effetti sulla vegetazione, come è stato fatto attraverso studi condotti in salento che dimostrano un forte impatto sulle pinete di pinus halepensis miller e p. pinea linnaeus, vittime di grandi defogliazioni da parte degli adulti di a. matutinalis matutinalis (triggiani & tarasco, 2002; tarasco & triggiani, 2011). ringraziamenti desideriamo ringraziare vivamente luca bartolozzi del museo di storia naturale dell’università di firenze, sezione di zoologia “la specola” per averci consentito di esaminare il materiale museale sotto la sua cura e per avere cortesemente riletto il manoscritto; carlo violani per gli utili suggerimenti; antonio rey per le preziose informazioni che ha gentilmente fornito; fernando pederzani per la cortesia mostrata nel fornirci celermente materiale bibliografico richiesto; saulo bambi per le fotografie riportate nel testo; i referee anonimi per i costruttivi commenti. bibliografia ballerio a., rey a., uliana m., rastelli m., rastelli s., romano m. & colacurcio l., 2010 – coleotteri scarabeoidei d’italia. piccole faune. dvd. ballerio a., rey a., uliana m., rastelli m., rastelli s., romano m. & colacurcio l., 2011 – coleotteri scarabaeoidei d’italia. aggiunte e correzioni. [electronic publication]. bezdek a., 2006 – scarabaeidae, melolonthinae, melolonthini. in: catalogue of palaearctic coleoptera. vol. 3. löbl i. & smetana a. (eds). apollo books, stenstrup: 191-198. carpaneto g.m., 1979 – osservazioni sui coleotteri scarabeoidea delle isole ponziane. fragmenta entomologica, roma, 15 (1): 111-126. carpaneto g.m. & piattella e., 1997 – coleoptera lucanoidea e scarabaeoidea, pp. 154-165. in: gli insetti di roma. zapparoli, m. (ed.). fratelli palombi editori, roma. carpaneto g.m., maltzeff p., piattella e. & pontuale g., 1997 – i coleotteri lamellicorni della tenuta presidenziale di castelporziano e delle aree limitrofe (coleoptera, lamellicornia). bollettino dell’associazione romana di entomologia, roma, 52 (1-4): 9-54. filippo ceccolini & fausto barbagli 69 cerretti p., tagliapietra a., tisato m., vanin s., mason f. & zapparoli m. (a cura di), 2003 – artropodi dell’orizzonte del faggio nell’appennino settentrionale. gianluigi arcari editore, mantova. ente per i parchi e la biodiversità emilia orientale, 2012 – misure specifiche di conservazione piani di gestione dei siti natura 2000. quadro conoscitivo parte seconda. http:/ giovagnoli g., strocchi a. & paglialunga m., 2012 – coleotteri della regione marche. primo contributo alla conoscenza della coleotterofauna della regione marche (insecta coleoptera carabidae, buprestidae, meloidae, tenebrionidae, lucanidae, bolboceratidae, melolonthidae, cetoniidae, cerambycidae). quaderno di studi e notizie di storia naturale della romagna, bagnocavallo, 36: 159-184. guerlach g., 2011 – description d’une nouvelle sous-espèce d’anoxia matutinalis castelnau, 1832: anoxia matutinalis thumseri n. ssp. lambillionea, chênée, 111 (3, tome 1): 249-252. guerlach g., 2012 – description de la femelle d’anoxia matutinalis thumseri guerlach, 2011 (coleoptera, scarabaeoidea, melolonthidae, melolonthinae, melo-melolonthini). lambillionea, chênée, 112 (2): 128-130. halbherr b., 1892 – elenco sistematico dei coleotteri finora raccolti nella valle lagarina. fascicolo v. platyceridae-scarabaeidae. pubblicazioni del museo civico di rovereto, rovereto, 21: 1-35. halbherr b., 1908 – aggiunte all’elenco sistematico dei coleotteri fin ora raccolti nella valle lagarina. pubblicazioni del museo civico di rovereto, rovereto, 45: 1-41. hellrigl k., 1996 – die tierwelt südtirols. kommentiertes systematisch-fauni-kommentiertes systematisch-faunistisches verzeichnis der auf dem gebiet der provinz bozensüdtirol (italien) bekannten tierarten. naturmuseum südtirol, bozen. luigioni p., 1905 – coleotteri del lazio, notati od omessi nel catalogo dei coleotteri del dott. stefano bertolini. rivista coleotterologica italiana, camerino, 3: 253-278. luigioni p., 1929 – i coleotteri d’italia. catalogo sinonimico-topograficobibliografico. memorie della pontificia accademia delle scienze i nuovi lincei (serie ii), 13. peez a. & kahlen m., 1977 – die käfer von sud tirol. faunistisches verzeichnis der aus de provinz bozen bisher bekannt gewordenen koleopteren. im selbstverlag de tiroler landesmuseum ferdinandeum, innsbruck, 2: 1-525. pesarini c., 2004 – insetti della fauna italiana. coleotteri lamellicorni. natura. rivista di scienze naturali, milano, 93 (2): 1-130. pivotti i., agoglitta r., zunino m., piattella e., dellacasa m., corallini c. & mifsud d., 2011 – the scarabaeoidea of the maltese islands (central mediterranean) (coleoptera). bulletin of the entomological society of malta, valletta, 4: 85-124. porta a., 1934 – fauna coleopterorum italica. rhynchophora – lamellicornia vol. v. stabilimento tipografico piacentino, piacenza. sabatinelli g., 1976 – revisione delle specie italiane del sottogenere mesanoxia med. (coleoptera scarabaeidae, melolonthidae). fragmenta entomologica, roma, 12: 143-157. note sulla distribuzione in italia di anoxia (mesanoxia) matutinalis matutinalis 70 sabatinelli g. & schembri s., 1990 – gli scarabeidi floricoli delle isole maltesi. bollettino della società entomologica italiana, genova, 122 (1): 31-36. tarasco e. & triggiani o., 2011 – biological and morphological aspects of anoxia (mesanoxia) matutinalis ssp. matutinalis castelnau, 1832 (coleoptera, melolonthidae), a pest of apulian pinewoods in southern italy. silva lusitana, oeiras, 19 (nº especial): 75-78. triggiani o. & tarasco e., 2002 – ingenti attacchi del coleottero scarabeide anoxia (mesanoxia) matutinalis ssp. matutinalis castelnau, 1832 nelle pinete del salento. atti del xix congresso nazionale italiano di entomologia, catania: 339-343. zangheri p., 1969 – repertorio sistematico e topografico della flora e fauna vivente e fossile della romagna. tomo iii. museo civico di storia naturale di verona. memorie fuori serie n. 1, verona. ricevuto: 19 marzo 2013 approvato: 18 aprile 2013 filippo ceccolini & fausto barbagli natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 8 (1): 73-75, 2021 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2021.513 short communication in ricordo di andrea sabbadini (1970-2020) fausto pesarini1*, pierpaolo rapuzzi2 fig. 1 andrea sabbadini con la figlioletta arianna durante una caccia entomologica. / andrea sabbadini with his little daughter arianna during an entomological hunt. riassunto ricordiamo la personalità e l’umanità dell’entomologo andrea sabbadini (1970-2020) con l’aggiunta di una breve biografia e note sull’attività svolta nel suo campo di specializzazione, i coleotteri cerambicidi. parole chiave: coleoptera, cerambycidae, museo di storia naturale di milano. abstract in memory of andrea sabbadini (1970-2020). we commemorate the personality and humanity of the entomologist andrea sabbadini (1970-2020) with the addition of a brief biography and notes on the activity he carried out in his field of specialization, the coleoptera cerambycidae. keywords: coleoptera, cerambycidae, museum of natural history of milan. il 30 luglio del 2020 è tragicamente scomparso in un incidente in mare nella sua amata sardegna andrea sabbadini, entomologo milanese, specialista e grande conoscitore di coleotteri cerambicidi paleartici e in particolare delle faune dei balcani meridionali e della turchia. il mondo degli entomologi piange la perdita di una persona speciale, amico fraterno di tanti di noi, padre e marito unico, amante senza compromessi della natura. andrea sabbadini nasce il 30 settembre 1970 a milano, dove inizia a muovere i primi passi nell’entomologia grazie a colui che diventerà il suo “padre adottivo”, carlo pesarini, allora conservatore per gli invertebrati al museo di storia naturale di milano e rinomato entomologo. nel 1991 andrea viene assunto per concorso dal museo 1 museo civico di storia naturale, largo f. vancini 2, 44121 ferrara, italia. 2 via cialla 48, 33040 prepotto (ud), italia. e-mail: * corresponding author: © 2021 fausto pesarini, pierpaolo rapuzzi received for publication: 8 january 2021 accepted for publication: 26 february 2021 online publication: 26 may 2021 di storia naturale come istruttore tecnico nella stessa sezione di zoologia degli invertebrati dove collaborerà strettamente con carlo pesarini fino al pensionamento di questi, avvenuto nel marzo 2013. proprio in museo andrea incontra stefania dusi, sua amata e inseparabile compagna di vita, che diverrà sua moglie e da cui avrà la sua adorata arianna. qualche anno dopo, quando la piccola arianna deve cominciare la scuola, andrea e stefania decidono di lasciare milano per trasferirsi tutti insieme a vivere in montagna ai piedi della grigna, a cremeno, un posto caro ad andrea sin da bambino, per poter dare alla figlia una vita sana e a pieno contatto con la natura. tutto ciò avverrà con non pochi sacrifici poiché andrea, deciso a mantenere il lavoro al museo, dovrà affrontare quotidianamente il lungo viaggio di andata e ritorno tra cremeno e milano. 74 quella che animava andrea è stata senza dubbio una grande passione, per ciò che amava e desiderava di più per potersi dire e sentire realizzato. questo gli ha permesso di conciliare impegni e aspettative in molti casi in conflitto tra loro e di reggere, nel contempo, un carico di oneri apparentemente insostenibile. l’entomologia è stata sicuramente poco più di un aspetto di questa grande passione, ma è ciò su cui, in questa sede, è doveroso soffermarsi. andrea, per cominciare, non ha mai abbandonato la passione entomologica. una passione che lo ha portato a dedicare gran parte delle ferie a varie spedizioni entomologiche, principalmente focalizzate alla ricerca dei cerambycidae del bacino del mediterraneo. moltissime sono le spedizioni fatte assieme a carlo, a stefania e poi anche ad arianna (fig. 1), che già da piccolissima inizia in questo modo a respirare l’aria della ricerca e della passione entomologica. l’interesse principale che spinge andrea a investigare grecia e turchia è costituito dai cerambicidi del genere dorcadion. negli anni acquisisce una competenza unica che in breve lo farà diventare uno dei maggiori esperti mondiali di questo gruppo di coleotteri e che lo porterà a scrivere, con carlo pesarini, moltissimi articoli scientifici con descrizioni di nuove specie, revisioni di interi gruppi tassonomici e pubblicazioni faunistiche. peraltro, l’attività scientifica di andrea si rivolgerà anche ad altri rappresentanti della famiglia dei cerambycidae, anche in questo caso con decine di descrizioni di nuove specie. negli anni, non saranno solo le spedizioni condotte in missione per conto del museo di storia naturale di milano che lo sosterranno nella ricerca e nello studio degli insetti: ancor di più sono stati, come già si è accennato, i viaggi organizzati a proprie spese e fatti durante le ferie assieme alla famiglia e a carlo pesarini (fig. 2) e, alcune volte, organizzati in collaborazione con altri entomologi (principalmente ivan e pierpaolo rapuzzi). questo addentrarsi nella natura, il viverla completamente senza compromessi, lo porterà a godere della vita in maniera unica. andrea vuole assaporare ogni prospettiva che il mondo gli offre e perciò affianca all’entomologia tutto quello che sente possa metterlo in intimo contatto con la natura e con la vita. allora acquisterà sempre più peso nella sua esistenza la passione per la montagna con le scalate, su roccia o su cascate di ghiaccio, lo sci d’alpinismo, fuori dalle piste domenicali da lui detestate. memorabile è la sua traversata in solitaria dei ghiacciai della patagonia, ma da ricordare sono anche le avventure a piedi e in tenda, con stefania e arianna, in islanda, in canada e in alaska. la sua voglia di esplorare lo porterà ad avvicinarsi ad altri sport all’aria aperta, quali il kayak o la mountainbike attraverso i laghi lombardi o sui sentieri delle alpi. short communication fig. 2 andrea sabbadini (center) with his wife stefania dusi (right) and carlo pesarini (left) in the field after a fruitful entomological hunt. / andrea sabbadini (al centro) con la moglie stefania dusi (a destra) e carlo pesarini (a sinista) sul campo dopo una fruttuosa caccia entomologica 75 pensando a questo si potrebbe immaginare una persona solitaria e schiva, quasi un eremita. niente di più sbagliato. grazie alla sua espansività, alla facilità nelle relazioni umane, al grande cuore e, non ultima, alla famiglia che non semplicemente lo sostiene, ma condivide assieme a lui ogni cosa, tesse un numero incredibile di relazioni con persone di tutto il mondo (amici inseparabili dal friuli alla sardegna, dalla spagna all’australia) che lo accompagneranno nella sua esistenza. basta un colpo di telefono per dire “verrei a trovarti” e le porte di casa sua si spalancano. le serate passate insieme fino a tarda ora a parlare di dorcadion (“nidion” come lui li chiamava in una lingua da lui inventata che lo porterà a creare neologismi o a storpiare le parole), di viaggi passati e futuri, di scalate, di musica e di vita, il tutto accompagnato da una mimica facciale che non potremo mai dimenticare, possono essere considerate la sua fotografia. questa simbiosi con la natura lo ha accompagnato sino all’ultimo. la pesca in apnea di una enorme cernia avvistata il giorno prima nel mare della sardegna ha interrotto il sogno non solo di una persona e di una famiglia, ma di tante persone che hanno ammirato (e un po’ invidiato) andrea per le sue scelte coraggiose. il messaggio che ci ha lasciato in fondo è semplice: la vita va vissuta e goduta e, se si hanno dei rimpianti, vuol dire che si è sbagliato qualche cosa. cenni sull’attività svolta in campo entomologico nell’arco di ventiquattro anni, dal 1992 al 2015, andrea sabbadini ha pubblicato, in collaborazione con carlo pesarini, 27 contributi scientifici inerenti i cerambycidae, nella quasi totalità di carattere tassonomico; in essi sono state descritte ben 94 nuove entità di rango specifico o sottospecifico e 14 di rango generico o sottogenerico. l’elenco di tali lavori e la lista delle nuove entità sono reperibili nel contributo dedicato alla memoria di carlo pesarini pubblicato su questa rivista (leonardi et al., 2019, vedi in bibliografia). non figurava però in quell’elenco il seguente titolo, che fu l’ultimo dei lavori che pesarini e sabbadini pubblicarono insieme: pesarini c., sabbadini a., 2015 – new or interesting longhorn beetles from china and burma (coleoptera: cerambycidae). il naturalista valtellinese atti del museo civico di storia naturale di morbegno, 26 (2015): 25-58. nella lista dei nuovi taxa riportata in leonardi et al. (2019) figuravano comunque le molte nuove entità che venivano descritte in tale lavoro, tra cui l’unica con un terzo coautore, leptura christinae pesarini, p. rapuzzi & sabbadini 2015. in seguito, andrea sabbadini ha dato il nome, insieme ad altri due coautori, ad una ulteriore nuova entità dedicata proprio a carlo pesarini, che era deceduto dopo una penosa e inesorabile malattia nel dicembre del 2017. sia la nuova specie come gli estremi del lavoro in questione non figuravano pertanto in leonardi et al. (2019) e li riportiamo di seguito: natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 8 (1): 73-75, 2021 rhamnusium bicolor pesarinii rapuzzi, sama & sabbadini, 2018, in: rapuzzi p. & sama g., 2018 – new taxa and notes on the systematic of palearctic longhorn-beetles (coleoptera: cerambycidae). munis entomology and zoolology, 13 (1): 1-39. la collaborazione di andrea sabbadini col suo ‘maestro’ carlo pesarini si estrinsecò anche in titoli di interesse più generale e comunque non di carattere strettamente specialistico. è il caso di ricordare, tra gli altri, il seguente: pesarini c. & sabbadini a., 2006 – ragni e cerambicidi di grecia. in: al museo per scoprire il mondo. la ricerca scientifica al museo civico di storia naturale di milano. alessandrello a. & teruzzi g. (eds.). natura, 96 (1): 56-59. il maggiore interesse di questo breve contributo sta nel fatto di fornire un lucido e vivido resoconto delle ricerche di campagna condotte da sabbadini e pesarini e che avevano fruttato tante interessanti novità entomologiche. il lavoro è anche corredato da belle foto a colori di esemplari di cerambicidi in vivo e di collezione, tutte di andrea sabbadini, che era anche un valente fotografo. va ricordato infine che andrea fu l’apprezzato traduttore, dall’inglese, di un noto volumetto divulgativo di soggetto entomologico: carter d., 1992 – eyewitness handbook of butterflies and moths. dorling kindersley ltd., london. ed. it.: guarda & scopri farfalle e falene. trad. di andrea sabbadini. fabbri editori, 1993. ringraziamenti gli autori vogliono rivolgere un grande grazie a stefania dusi sabbadini per la sollecitudine con cui li ha aiutati e assistiti nella stesura di questo contributo. sono inoltre sinceramente grati a giorgio chiozzi e anna alessandrello per aver permesso e incoraggiato l’iniziativa di questa testimonianza. bibliografia leonardi c., muzio e., sabbadini a., caldara r., 2019 – in ricordo di carlo pesarini (1946-2017): note biografiche e attività scientifica. natural history sciences, 6 (1): 61-76. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 153 (i): 13-20, aprile 2012 giovanni pasini* & alessandro garassino** first record of cirolanids (crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae) from the middle pliocene of parma and reggio emilia province (emilia romagna, n italy) abstract – we report two new forms of cirolanid isopods ascribed to palaega sp. and p. steatopigia n. sp. (cirolanidae) from the middle pliocene of campore (salsomaggiore terme, parma) and monticelli di quattro castella (reggio emilia), emilia romagna, n italy. this is the first record of palaega woodward, 1870, reported from the middle pliocene of emilia romagna and in the paleoadriatic gulf. palaega steatopigia n. sp. represents the third species described in italy and in the mediterranean area. key words: crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae, pliocene, italy. riassunto – prima segnalazione di cirolanidi (crustacea, isopoda,cirolanidae) nel pliocene medio delle provincie di parma e reggio emilia (emilia romagna, italia settentrionale). sono descritte due nuove forme di isopodi cirolanidi attribuite a palaega sp. e p. steatopigia n. sp. (cirolanidae) del pliocene medio di campore (salsomaggiore terme, parma) e monticelli di quattro castella (reggio emilia), emilia romagna, italia settentrionale. si tratta della prima segnalazione di palaega woodward, 1870 nel pliocene inferiore dell’emilia romagna e nel golfo paleo-adriatico. palaega steatopigia n. sp. rappresenta la terza specie descritta in italia e nell’area mediterranea. parole chiave: crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae, pliocene, italia. introduction previous reports of fossil isopods from the pliocene of italy are very scarce, limited to two species from toscana (central italy). ristori (1891) described briefly a single posterior mould of a cirolanid isopod ascribed to palaega sismondai ristori, 1891, from the pliocene clays of mucigliani, siena (toscana); recently pasini & garassino (2011) reported two specimens ascribed to palaega pisana pasini & garassino, 2011, from the early pliocene of orciano pisano, siena (toscana). * via alessandro volta 16, i-22070 appiano gentile (como), italy; e-mail: ** museo di storia naturale di milano, corso venezia 55, 20121 milano, italy; e-mail:; 14 the studied specimens have been ascribed to palaega sp. and p. steatopigia n. sp. they represent the first cirolanid isopods from the pliocene of the paleo-adriatic gulf and p. steatopigia n. sp. is the third species of the genus described in the mediterranean basin, increasing the knowledge on presence and distribution of the genus. geological setting the studied specimens were discovered in campore (salsomaggiore terme, parma) and monticelli di quattro castella (reggio emilia), both located in the emilia romagna region, northern italy. campore is located a few kilometers north of salsomaggiore terme (parma), where clayey beds crop out (bertolaso & garilli, 2009). here a quarry exposes in the middle pliocene (piacentian) clays known for the rich lower circalittoral to epibathyal molluscan fauna (ceregato et al., 2007). dolphin remains were also discovered in this deep marine assemblage (biancucci, 1997). moreover, garassino & de angeli (2004) reported the brachyurans lobocarcinus sismondae (meyer, 1843) and carcinus sp. from the same quarry; pasini & garassino (2010) reported also an in situ paguroid hermit crab ascribed to the diogenidae ortmann, 1892. monticelli di quattro castella, close to reggio emilia, is located among the last hills of the appennino mountains toward the pianura padana. the specimen msnm i27548 comes from a little block of blue clay detached by natural erosion along a gully located in front of an old disused quarry (cava moja). lacking detailed stratigraphic data for this locality, the only geo-paleontological reports useful are those related to the studied section of the nearby cava moja (marasti & raffi, 1977; monegatti & raffi, 2001: fig. 1), where the malacofaunal assemblage includes also forms of deep water referred to the middle pliocene (piacentian) (bertolaso pers. comm., 2009). on the basis of these data we ascribe the studied specimens to the piacentian (middle pliocene). material two incomplete specimens consisting of three-dimensional posterior moulds, preserved dorso-ventrally in two little blocks of blue clay; the specimen msnm i27548 is in part and counterpart. the specimens are housed in the paleontological collections of the museo di storia naturale di milano (msnm). the specimens are fixed with a film of polyvinyl acetate for study and preservation. the systematic arrangement used in this paper follows the classification proposed by brandt and poore (2003). systematic palaeontology order isopoda latreille, 1817 suborder cymothoida wägele, 1989 family cirolanidae dana, 1852 genus palaega woodward, 1870 type species: palaega carteri woodward, 1870, by original designation. fossil species: for an updated list see feldmann & goolaerts (2005), feldmann & rust (2006) and poltz et al. (2006). giovanni pasini & alessandro garassino 15 discussion. the attribution of fossil isopods to the different families and genera is very difficult or impossible when based only on incomplete parts. among fossil isopods, palaega woodward, 1870, is still subject of discussion (feldmann & goolaerst, 2005; poltz et al., 2006). since the studied specimens have apparent affinities with cirolanidae and strictly with palaega woodward, 1870 (feldmann pers. comm., 2010), we assign them confidently to this genus. the pliocene species reported to date include p. kakathai, feldmann & rust, 2006, from new zealand; p. pisana pasini & garassino, 2011, and p. sismondai ristori, 1891, from italy. moreover we point out that also bathynomus sp. aff. b. doderleini ortmann, 1894, from the late pliocene of w japan, reported by karasawa (1997: figs. 4-6, pl. 3) and the unnamed and poorly preserved bathynomus sp., reported by karasawa & nobuhara (2007: 27, figs. 3, 10-12) from the pliocene of japan, would be ascribed to palaega on the basis of the diagnostic characters of the genus as it is now constituted (feldmann & goolaerts, 2005). palaega sp. fig. 1 geological age: piacentian (middle pliocene). locality: campore (parma, reggio emilia, n italy). occurrence and measurements: one specimen, crushed and poorly preserved. msnm i27547 – length: 52 mm; width: 41 mm, at pleonite 3 description. medium sized body for genus, subrectangular, dorsally convex in transverse section. pereonite 6 and 7 partially preserved but incomplete and crushed (about 8 mm in length), fragmentary, disarticulate pereonite 5 (or part of 6) is also present. five pleonites preserved well exposed on the right lateral margin, pleonites 1-5 apparently equals in width, smaller in length (4.5 mm) than pereonites, ranged sub-parallel to one another enough straight medially, becoming convex on pleura. epimeres long, not distinctly separate from the pleura and terminating as long spines directed slightly laterally, pointed posteriorly, slightly divergent to the axis. epimeres 1-4 covered laterally one to another. pleonite 5 partially covered distally, shorter in length than others with shorter lateral spine. left epimeres of pleonites 3-5 preserved only as a cast, bearing a costa along all distal anterior margin. pleotelson poorly preserved compressed and incomplete, lacking the posterior border; probably broader than long (width about 30 mm), moderately convex in section with an expanded inflated central bulge; medial ridge not observable or absent. the right uropod, broken distally, partially exposed. surface of cuticle, where preserved, ornamented by some transversly irregular, corrugated wrinkles more evident laterally, alternating with small, smooth pustulate, distinct pits. discussion. due to the incomplete preservation of the specimen, lacking some important diagnostic character of the pleotelson which is poorly preserved, we do not make any specific assignment, limiting the observations to the most distinctive characters of the new specimen and comparison with the type species and the others species from the pliocene. palaega sp. differs from p. carteri in having more elongate epimeres sub-parallel to the median axis of the body, in lacking the transverse line dividing the pleonites in two parts; the medial ridge on the pleotelson and the raised plicae along the lateral border. first record of cirolanids from the middle pliocene of n italy 16 palaega sp. differs from p. sismondai in the pleonites not being short than pereonites and in lacking the lateral spines and the medial ridge on the pleotelson. palaega sp. differs from p. pisana in having more elongate and pointed epimeres overlapped one to another, slightly divergent to the medial axis of the body; different ornamentation on the epicuticle; lacking the medial ridge on the pleotelson and the raised plicae along the lateral border. palaega sp. differs from p. steatopigia n. sp. (see below in this paper) in lacking the transverse line dividing the pereonites into two parts, in the longer pointed epimeres directed slightly divergent to the axis of the body; lacking the transverse line dividing the pereonites into two parts; the medial ridge on the pleotelson; the raised plicae along the lateral border and in the different ornamentation. finally, palaega sp. differs from p. kakatahi in having a more convex body, shorter spines on the pleonites, slightly divergent to the median axis; and lacking the medial ridge on pleotelson. fig. 1 palaega sp., msnm i27547 (x 2.2). giovanni pasini & alessandro garassino 17 palaega steatopigia n. sp. fig. 2 diagnosis: pereonites divided in two parts by a transverse midline ending as robust, short triangular spines directed laterally and pointed toward posterior part. pleonites more compressed with triangular robust spines pointed laterally, pleonite 1 and 5 slightly compressed and shorter; posterior margin of pleonites straight medially, with two small convex lateral shoulders at the link with the pleurae. pleotelson vaulted in transverse section; broad, subtrapezoidal to rounded; semicircular large central bulge; smooth complete medial ridge; plicae along the lateral border. etymology: the trivial name alludes to the notably inflated, convex and rounded form of the central bulge of the pleotelson, alluding to the steatopygian condition in humans. holotype: msnm i27548. geological age: piacentian (middle pliocene). first record of cirolanids from the middle pliocene of n italy fig. 2 palaega steatopigia n. sp. holotype/olotipo, msnm i27548 (x 1.2). 18 giovanni pasini & alessandro garassino type locality: monticelli di quattro castella (reggio emilia, emilia romagna, n italy). occurrence and measurements: one specimen in part and counterpart. msnm i27548 – length: 90 mm; width: 65 mm description. large sized body, subrectangular, convex in transverse section. pereonite 5-7 preserved (length: 7.2 mm) and articulated, a transverse midline divides the pereonites in two nearly equal parts with anterior part more or less smooth. pleonites 2-4 articulated, similar in size (length: 6 mm; width: 6.5 mm) exposed dorsally; pleonite 1 less wide than others; pleonites 1 and 5 more compressed (length: 5 mm) and slightly shorter, sub-parallel to one another, posterior margin straight medially but with two lateral, small convex shoulders at the link with epimeres, more marked on pleonites 4 and 5. epimeres not distinctly separated from the pleurae, ending as a robust triangular medium sized lateral spine curved backward. pleotelson incomplete, broken on the distal margin where the basis of a possible broken lateral spine parallel to the axis is present. subtrapezoidal outline, broad, with a large central semicircular bulge convex in section; smooth complete median ridge. distinct raised plicae along the lateral margin. dense pustulate and regular ornamentation on the epicuticle, well preserved along all the body. discussion. even though the specimen lacks the posterior central distal part of the pleotelson and we are unable to establish if the margin was originally adorned by one or more spines, palaega steatopigia n. sp. differs in important diagnostic characters from the others species from the pliocene, justifying its specific assignment. palaega steatopigia n. sp. differs from p. sismondai in having shorter, robust epimeres on pleonites, pereonites not distinctly larger than pleonites; complete flattened ridge on the pleotelson; lacking the lateral spines on the pleotelson. palaega steatopigia n. sp. differs from p. pisana in having shorter robust epimeres not overlapped one another and in lacking a distal medial ridge; different posterior arrangement of the pleonites, as well as differences in ornamentation on the epicuticle, and in having the raised plicae along the lateral border of the pleotelson. palaega steatopigia n. sp. differs from p. kakatahi in length and form of pleonites and in having a larger, broad pleotelson with raised plicae along the lateral border. palaega steatopigia n. sp. shows some affinities with the type species p. carteri from the cretaceous of england, differing in size, having a more convex enlarged body; bearing an arrangement of the more laterally pointed pleurae of the pleonites; having serrate regular ornamentation and flattened central ridge on pleotelson. palaega steatopigia differs from p. sp. for the characters reported page 95. finally, we note that for the general external characters (form of pereonites and pleonites, lateral border of the pleotelson, ornamentation of the body), p. steatopigia n. sp. is very similar also with the extant cirolanid bathynomus doderleini ortmann, 1894, living in deep waters of the indo-pacific ocean (fig. 3). paleoecology and environment pasini & garassino (2011) pointed out that the specimens of the pliocene of toscana have been discovered in deposits of deep water (ceregato et al., 2007) including marine mammals, as whales and dolphins (bianucci & landini, 2005), suggesting, in speculative way, a “whale fall community” in the outcrops as a favourable food-environment for scavenging isopods. this opportunistic association is strengthen by the similar epibathyal assemblage from campore (parma), where dolphin remains were discovered (biancucci, 1997) even though the exact stratigraphic 19 position in the depositional sequence of palaega sp. is uncertain. instead no marine mammals have been reported from monticelli di quattro castella (reggio emilia), because it is too poorly known and investigated (bertolaso pers. comm., 2009). the four species described from the pliocene seem to indicate the presence of two different morphotypes; one characterized by slender more elongate pointed epimeres on pleonites (palaega sismondai, p. kakatahi, p. sp.) and a second having shorter, more robust ones reported to date only for the mediterranean area (p. pisana and p. steatopigia n. sp.). this morphological evidence may be due to different stages of growth of individuals, to sexual dimorphism (well known in extant isopods), or to a different ecological environment and style of life. we prefer this last possibility, waiting for more complete paleontological evidences and new useful data. acknowledgements we wish to thanks g. teruzzi, department of invertebrate paleontology, museo di storia naturale, milano, that gave us the permission for study the specimens; l. bertolaso, società reggiana di scienze naturali, reggio emilia, who supplied us with useful information on geology and faunal assemblage of the studied localities; r. m. feldmann, geology department, kent state university (ohio), for careful review and criticism. references bertolaso l. & garilli v., 2009 – description of aclis aurisparva n. sp. 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(crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae) from the pliocene of orciano pisano, pisa (tuscany, central italy). atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano, milano, 152 (2): 85-93. polz h., schweigert g. & maisch w., 2006 – two new species of palaega (isopoda: cymothoida: cirolanidae) from the upper jurassic of the swabian alb, south germany. stuttgarrter beitrage zur naturkunde, stuttgart, ser. b, 362: 1-17. ristori g., 1891 – contributo alla fauna carcinologia del pliocene italiano. atti della società toscana di scienze naturali, pisa, 2: 3-18. woodward h., 1870 – contributions to british fossil crustacea. geological magazine, london, 7: 493-497. ricevuto: 29 luglio 2010 approvato:18 agosto 2010 giovanni pasini & alessandro garassino atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 153 (ii): 277-283, novembre 2012 1 fondazione i.ri.di.a., museo naturalistico, via forese 16, 84020 corleto monforte (sa), italia. autore corrispondente: nicola maio, e-mail: 2 via s. liborio 1, 80134 napoli, italia. 3 via o. buccini 10, 81030 orta di atella (ce), italia. * lavoro realizzato con il contributo dell’ente parco nazionale del cilento e vallo di diano (pncvd). note e comunicazioni francesco carandente1, ivano adamo1, paolo crovato2, francesco izzillo3, camillo pignataro1, nicola maio1 prima segnalazione per la campania di molorchus minor minor (linnaeus, 1758) (coleoptera: cerambycidae)* riassunto viene riportata la prima segnalazione di molorchus minor minor per la regione campania e terza per il sud italia. parole chiave: molorchus minor minor, cerambycidae, coleoptera, italia meridionale, campania. abstract first record of molorchus minor minor (linnaeus, 1758) from campania region (coleoptera: cerambycidae). we report the first record of molorchus minor minor from campania region and the third from southern italy. key words: molorchus minor minor, cerambycidae, coleoptera, southern italy, campania. con la presente nota viene segnalato per la prima volta per la regione campania molorchus minor minor (linnaeus, 1758). si tratta di una specie polifaga: la larva xilofaga scava delle gallerie sotto la corteccia di conifere del genere picea, pinus, abies e larix (sama, 1988; pesarini & sabbadini, 1994). gli adulti si incontrano in 278 estate sulle piante ospiti o sui fiori. è distribuita in europa settentrionale e centrale, asia minore, caucaso e siberia. in italia è presente sull’arco alpino e lungo l’appennino fino in calabria (sama, 2007). l’esemplare oggetto della presente nota è stato catturato a vista facendolo cadere in un contenitore ad ampia imboccatura, durante indagini entomofaunistiche effettuate sui monti alburni, un’area sic e zps, all’interno del parco nazionale del cilento e vallo di diano, nel giugno 2011. in particolare è stato rinvenuto nel comune di ottati, a quota 1340 m s.l.m., ai margini di una faggeta. l‘esemplare raccolto è stato conservato presso il museo naturalisitico di corleto monforte, museo riconosciuto come ente di interesse regionale (decreto dalla giunta regio-di interesse regionale (decreto dalla giunta regionale campania n. 2010 del 29/12/2008 ) (fig. 1). m. m. minor oggetto della presente nota non era ancora stato segnalato per la regione campania (costa, 1874; sama, 1988; cataudo & scillitani, 1998; biscaccianti, 2002, 2004; blasi, 2008; faggi et al., 2010; temi, 2010; sama & rapuzzi, fig. 1 molorchus minor minor. rinvenuto ad ottati (sa) nel giugno 2011. / collected in ottati (province of salerno) on june 2011. (foto/photo: f. carandente). note e comunicazioni 279 2011). la presenza di questa specie sugli alburni potrebbe essere dovuta agli impianti artificiali di conifere che il corpo forestale dello stato ha effettuato in alcune aree del comune di s. angelo a fasanella, ottati, corleto monforte e del monte alburno. la stazione più vicina di questa specie si trova nella regione basilicata: riserva regionale abetina di laurenzana (pz) (sama, 2007). le altre segnalazioni per il sud italia si limitavano alla regione calabria, per tanto questo ritrovamento rappresenta la prima segnalazione per la campania e la terza per il sud italia. ringraziamenti si ringrazia vivamente: giuseppe capozzolo (direttore amministrativo fondazione iridia) e amilcare troiano, corrado matera, angelo de vita e laura de riso (parco nazionale del cilento e vallo di diano) per l’autorizzazione a svolgere le ricerche e per la gentile collaborazione tecnica. bibliografia biscaccianti a. b., 2002 – nuovi dati geonemici su alcuni cerambicidi italiani (coleoptera, cerambycidae). boll. ass. rom. entom., 57 (1-4): 49-62. biscaccianti a. b., 2004 – note su alcuni longicorni dell’appennino umbro-marchigiano (italia centrale) (coleoptera, cerambycidae). boll. ass. rom. entom., 59 (1-4): 43-88. blasi c., 2008 ricerche faunistiche per il monitoraggio della rete di boschi vetusti nel parco nazionale del cilento e vallo di diano. rapporto finale. cataudo a. & scillitani g., 1998 – i cerambicidi campani della collezione entomologica “a. costa” (coleoptera, cerambycidae). boll. soc. entom. it., genova, 130 (1): 69-74. costa a., 1874 – una peregrinazione zoologica su’ monti dell’alburno. rend. accad. sci. fiss. matt., (serie i) 13 (9): 129-135. faggi m., nappini s. & biscaccianti a. b., 2010 – studies on longhorn beetles (coleoptera, cerambycidae) of the monte rufeno nature reserve and bosco del sasseto natural monument (latium, central italy). redia, 93: 31-45. pesarini c. & sabbadini a., 1994 – insetti della fauna europea, coleotteri cerambicidi. natura, 85 (1/2): 1-132. sama g. & rapuzzi p., 2011 – una nuova checklist dei cerambycidae d’italia (insecta coleoptera cerambycidae). quad. studi nat. romagna, 32: 121-164. sama g., 1988 – fauna d’italia, xxvi. coleoptera cerambycidae. catalogo topografico e sinonimico. calderini, bologna. sama g., 2007 – insecta coleoptera cerambycidae. in: checklist and distribution of the italian fauna. 10,000 terrestrial and inland water species. ruffo s. & stoch f. (eds). memorie del museo civico di storia naturale di verona: 219-222. temi s.r.l. (a cura di), 2010 – piano di gestione del sito di importanza comunitaria “monti alburni” (it8050033) e della zona di protezione speciale “alburni” (it805055). progetto life natura “gestione della rete di sic/zps nel pn del cilento e vallo di diano”. ricevuto: 25 giugno 2012 approvato: 11 luglio 2012 atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 153 (ii), novembre 2012 280 note e comunicazioni giovanni pasini* & alessandro garassino** palaega cfr. p. picena pasini & garassino, 2012 (crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae) from the miocene of castel di mezzo, pesaro e urbino (marche, central italy) abstract palaega cfr. p. picena pasini & garassino, 2012c (crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae) from the schlier fm. (miocene), of castel di mezzo, pesaro e urbino (marche, central italy) is reported. this is the second record of p. picena from the miocene of the marche, increasing the sparce knowledge and distribution of this species in the paleo-adriatic basin. key words: palaega, isopoda, cirolanidae, miocene, central italy. riassunto palaega cfr. p. picena pasini & garassino, 2012c (crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae) del miocene di castel di mezzo, pesaro e urbino (marche, italia centrale). viene segnalata palaega cfr. p. picena pasini & garassino, 2012c (crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae) della formazione schlier (miocene) di castel di mezzo, pesaro e urbino (marche, italia centrale). si tratta della seconda segnalazione di p. picena nel miocene delle marche, incrementando le scarsissime conoscenze riguardo la specie e la sua distribuzione nel bacino paleo-adriatico. parole chiave: palaega, isopoda, cirolanidae, miocene, italia centrale. introduction and geological setting the previous reports of fossil cirolanids from the miocene of italy are limited to two species, p. anconaetana andrussow, 1886, and p. picena pasini & garassino, 2012c. palaega picena was described by pasini & garassino (2012c) based on one single posterior mould from the miocene grey clays of arcevia (ancona, marche, central italy). the additional specimen was casually collected, naturally washed and exposed, at the porticciolo di castel di mezzo, pesaro e urbino (marche), 11 km northern of pesaro, along the present-day adriatic sea coast-line; about 55 km n from the arcevia type-locality. here the exposed front of the cliff, around 200 m height, is continually eroded by rainfall, depositing small blocks of sediments at the bottom of the cliff along the beach (f. pizzolato, pers. comm., 2011). these layers * via alessandro volta 16, i-22070 appiano gentile (como), italia. e-mail: ** museo di storia naturale, sezione di paleontologia, corso venezia 55, i-20121 milano, italia. e-mail:; 281 belong to the marine schlier fm. (miocene), including a sedimentary succession (messinian) of usually poorly fossiliferous epi-mesopelagic deposits (de feyter et al., 1987). the lack of stratigraphic or paleontological data limits assignment of the specimen to the schlier fm. (miocene), in generic terms. material one single poorly preserved specimen in dorsal view, slightly compressed dorsoventrally, consisting of a posterior mould, and preserved in a small block of grey arenaceous rock. the specimen was stabilized only with a film of polyvinyl acetate for preservation. the specimen is deposited in the geological section of the museo di storia naturale dell’accademia dei fisiocritici (musnaf), siena, italy (n° 7050). the systematic paleontology used in this paper follows the recent classification proposed by brandt & poore (2003). systematic palaeontology order isopoda latreille, 1817 suborder cymathoidea wagele, 1989 family cirolanidae dana, 1852 genus palaega woodward, 1870 type species: palaega carteri woodward, 1870, by original designation. fossil species: for an updated list see feldmann & goolaerts (2005), poltz et al. (2006) and pasini & garassino (2012a, b, c). remarks: for a full discussion on the genus see feldmann & goolaerts (2005), and pasini & garassino (2012a, b, c). palaega cf. p. picena pasini & garassino, 2012c fig. 1 geological age: schlier fm. (miocene). locality: castel di mezzo porticciolo, pesaro e urbino (marche). occurrence and measurements: one single incomplete specimen partially preserved as an internal posterior mould; including pereonites 5-7, five free pleonites and pleotelson. (musnaf n° 7050 total length: 70 mm; maximum width: 37 mm). discussion. the specimen shares major affinities with cirolanidae and particularly with palaega woodward, 1870 (feldmann & goolaerts, 2005). the specimen was compared with the two species confidently referred to palaega from the miocene of italy (for full discussion see pasini & garassino, 2012c): p. anconaetana andrussow, 1886, and p. picena pasini & garassino, 2012c. palaega anconaetana differs from the specimen by having pereonite 7 similar to pleonite 1 in width; flat subrectangular narrow and more slender pleotelson with straight lateral margins tapering toward the posterior part and acute spines along the posterior margin; and in the different ornamentation of the body characterized by closely spaced pits. moreover, also the pacific species p. undecimspinosus karasawa, nobuara & matsuoka, 1992, from the miocene of japan differs notably from the specimen, in having longer pleurae directed postero-laterally, a strong distal keel, and a spinose atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 153 (ii), novembre 2012 282 pleotelson. instead, the specimen shares most affinities with p. picena. although both the lateral margins and the pleotelson are incomplete, the best preserved parts of the body exhibit the pleurae of pereonites that are apparently longer than pleonites; the pleonites slightly taper posteriorly; pleonite 5 is shorter and more compressed than 2-4; the subrectangular pleotelson is gently rounded posteriorly with no spine or denticulation along the posterior margin; the central bulge is poorly marked; and the endocuticle is ornamented by short longitudinal striae alternated by irregular small pits. all these characters are present in p. picena. in transverse section, the body of the specimen appears more flattened than in the holotype, perhaps due to compression during fossilization, or to the mayor size (about double that of the arcevia specimen), and/or to a different stage of growth of the individual. based on these observations we ascribe provisionally the specimen to palaega cfr. p. picena. acknowledgements we wish to thanks f. pizzolato, (arezzo) for the co-operation, useful information on the castel di mezzo outcrop, and f. farsi, geological section, museo di storia naturale dell’accademia dei fisiocritici (musnaf), siena, italy who give us the permission of study the specimen; r. m. feldmann, geology department, kent state university (ohio), for discussion, careful review and criticism. references brandt a. & poore g. c. b., 2003 – higher classification of the flabelliferan and related isopoda based on a reappraisal of relationships. invertebrate systematics, 17: 893-923. fig. 1 palaega cfr. p. picena pasini & garassino, 2012c, musnaf n° 7050, dorsal view (x 1.83). note e comunicazioni 283 de feyter a., koopman a., molenaar n. & van den ende c., 1987 – detachment tectonics and sedimentation, umbro-marchean apennines, italy. bollettino della società geologica italiana, roma, 105: 65-85. feldmann r. m. & goolaerts s., 2005 – palaega rugosa, a new species of fossil isopod (crustacea) from maastrichtian rocks in tunisia. journal of palaeontology, lawrence, 79: 1031-1035. pasini g. & garassino a., 2012a – palaega pisana n. sp. (crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae) from the pliocene of orciano pisano, pisa (tuscany, central italy). atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano, milano, 153 (1): 3-11. pasini g. & garassino a., 2012b – first record of cirolanids (crustacea, isopoda, cymathoida) from the middle pliocene of parma and reggio province (emilia romagna, n italy). atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano, milano, 153 (1): 13-20. pasini g. & garassino a., 2012c – palaega picena n. sp. (crustacea, isopoda, cymathoida) from the miocene of arcevia, ancona (marche, central italy). atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano, milano, 153 (1): 21-26. polz h., schweigert g. & maisch w., 2006 – two new species of palaega (isopoda: cymothoida: cirolanidae) from the upper jurassic of the swabian alb, south germany. stuttgarrter beitrage zur naturkunde, stuttgart, ser. b, 362: 1-17. ricevuto: 9 settembre 2012 approvato: 27 settembre 2012 atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 153 (ii), novembre 2012 atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 152 (i): 13-18, gennaio 2011 * museo civico dei fossili di besano, via prestini 5, 21050 besano (varese), italy; e-mail: ** museo di storia naturale, corso venezia 55, 20121 milano, italy; e-mail: giovanni pasini* & alessandro garassino** unusual scaled preservation samples on freshwater decapods (crustacea, decapoda) from the pleistocene (late cenozoic) of turkey and kazakistan abstract we report two rare examples of preservation by calcareous incrustation of two specimens of decapod crustaceans, discovered in continental carbonate deposits from the pleistocene (late cenozoic) of sw turkey (w anatolia) and s kazakistan (“caucasian area”) respectively. the specimen from turkey is assigned to potamon savigny, 1816 (potamidae) while the specimen from kazakistan is assigned to austropotamobius skorikov, 1907 (astacidae). key words: incrustation, crustacea, decapoda, pleistocene, anatolia, caucasian area. riassunto esempi di inusuale conservazione per incrostazione in decapodi di acqua dolce (crustacea, decapoda) del pleistocene (cenozoico superiore) dell’anatolia e del kazakistan. vengono descritti due rari esempi di conservazione per incrostazione calcarea in due campioni di crostacei decapodi provenienti rispettivamente da depositi carbonatici continentali del pleistocene (cenozoico superiore) della turchia asiatica (anatolia occidentale) e del kazakistan meridionale (“area caucasica”). l’esemplare della turchia è attribuito a potamon savigny, 1816 (potamidae) mentre quello del kazakistan é attribuito a austropotamobius skorikov, 1907 (astacidae). parole chiave: incrostazione, decapodi, pleistocene, anatolia, area caucasica. material and discussion the subject of this short paper is to report the unusual scaled preservation of two decapods crustaceans, rarely documented in the fossil record of this group of arthropods. we give only a brief indication in regard their systematic position because of their most important diagnostic characters are completely obscured or too incomplete to arrive at their species assignation. the studied sample comprises two specimens, housed in the paleontological collections of the museo di storia naturale di milano (msnm). one specimen, ascribed to potamon savigny, 1816 (potamidae), comes from continental freshwater deposits of the denizli basin, loca14 ted in sw turkey (w anatolia). the second specimen, assigned to austropotamobius skorikov, 1907 (astacidae), comes from the almaty region in the s kazakistan republic, in the so called “caucasian area”. turkish specimen a single nearly complete, partially articulated crab (carapace 27 x 22 mm) totally coated and preserved as a three-dimensional outer cast within a straight natural cavernous cavity of a white travertine matrix. it is covered by an inorganic film of calcium carbonate (2 mm thick) (msnm i27475) (fig. 1). the specimen was discovered in an outcrop of the denizli basin (sw turkey), well known especially for its famous white travertine terraces and falls at pamukkale (world heritage site), located a few kilometers north of the town of denizli. here the travertine deposition has been in progress for about the last 400,000 years. as reported by altunel & hancock (1993) it originates from a heavy emission of hot geothermal waters that emerge at 35°-56° c, “very rich in hydrogen carbonate and calcium precipitation by calcium carbonates”. the graben is probably a plio-quaternary structure (bozkurt, 2001), but the precise origin and age of these travertine formations is still debated (vengosh et al., 2002). recently erten et al. (2005) reported some quaternary fossil mammal remains (e. g. equus aff. suessenbornensis, dama sp., fig. 1 – general view of the specimen msnm i27475. / visione d’insieme dell’esemplare msn i27475 (x 2.5). giovanni pasini & alessandro garassino 15 bos sp.) from the travertine deposits of the basin, indicating a middle pleistocene age consistent with the thermolumeniscence data of the carbonate matrix. these reports were possible as a result of the quarrying of the marble industries around the area. the formation of the cavernous travertine preceded inhabitation and fossilization of the specimen. the lack of stratigraphic data and geological analysis makes it necessary to assign the studied specimen to the pleistocene (late cenozoic) in generic terms. the scaled preservation of the specimen msnm i27475 was the consequence of high temperatures of the thermal waters present in the outcrop, with rapid calcareous deposition around the exoskeleton. the behavior of these decapods that live in excavated holes or inhabit natural cavities along or around inland freshwaters (fig. 2) makes this occurrence possible. the disarticulation of the pereiopods and part of the body makes it is possible to suppose that the specimen may have died before fossilization process or, simply, it represents an exuvia. this kind of preservation does not allow observation of the diagnostic characters of the carapace and ornamentation. however the general outline of the subrectangular carapace, the bilobate front with large orbits, the convex anterolateral margins, the posterolateral margins converging posteriorly, the heterochely with the more strongly developed right chela, the flattened transverse section of the pereiopods and, finally, the true inland freshwater paleoenvironment, supports assignment of the specimen to potamon savigny, 1816 (potamidae) as an indeterminate species. recently fraaije et al. (2010) also reported some specimens from the same outcrop, preliminarily identified as close to potamon (potamon) potamios (olivier, 1804). among the extant epigean freshwater crabs, özbek & ustaoğlu (2006) reported a complete and updated check list of turkish inland brachyurans including nine total species all belonging to potamidae ortmann 1896. within these only two are endemic taxa, potamon bileki pretzmann, 1971, and p. hueceste pretzmann, 1962. fig. 2 – close up of the natural cavity across the travertine matrix. msnm i27475. / chiusura della cavità naturale della matrice di travertino. unusual scaled preservation samples from turkey and kazakistan kazakistan specimen the specimen consist in an articulated and complete (total length 90 mm) coated (about 0.9 mm thick) three-dimensional outer cast of an astacidean crayfish very well preserved in an impressive “life position” on a small fragmentary calcareous slab with a layered appearance (msnm i12621) (figs. 3, 4). the specimen comes from the almaty region (s kazakistan), located at the northern base of the tien 16 shan mountains, rich in freshwater environments. unfortunately, no precise locality or geological data are available for this old specimen, collected by a russian mineralogist as a curiosity in the first years of the last century. the specimen is three-dimensionally preserved, complete with chelipeds and part of the pereiopods, and is preserved slightly coated in a yellow-brown carbonate deposit. it is exposed stretched out and tilted on a small calcareous slab, cut along the borders. where it is observable, the overlapped succession of different colours and thickness of the following rhythmic deposits appear as in a stromatolitic structure (fig. 3). on the fig. 3 – cross section of the overlapped scaled calcareous deposits. msnm i12621. / sezione trasver-– cross section of the overlapped scaled calcareous deposits. msnm i12621. / sezione trasvercross section of the overlapped scaled calcareous deposits. msnm i12621. / sezione trasversale dell’incrostazione del deposito calcareo. giovanni pasini & alessandro garassino 17 interior of the inorganic deposit the original integument of the body is still preserved. the carapace has a large irregular hole on the left size of the branchial region, possibly a result of predation. this kind of sedimentation, similar to a stalagmite formation occurs, out of natural karstic caves, in environments where calm waters rich in carbonate solution occurs with slow deposition at different times (or temperatures) and only during certain seasons. this kind of soft incrustation is also present on the exoskeleton of some specimens of the extant european austropotamobius pallipes (astacidae), when it inhabits calm calcareous freshwaters with slow precipitation by calcium carbonates (pasini pers. obs., 2010). lacking paleontological and stratigraphic data and due to the thickness of the scale deposit, we propose a possible uppermost pleistocene to holocene age for the specimen. the thickness of the calcareous outer layer permits observing some morphologic characters, such as the slightly down-turned short rostrum with two very small proximal teeth, and a median, weakly developed smooth ridge, one postorbital ridge, and irregular occlusal margins of dactylus and index, with some strong randomlyarranged teeth. as reported by hobbs (1974), at present two families including northern hemisphere freshwater crayfishes, astacidae and cambaridae are known. among the extant and fossil genera known to date, only austropotamobius skorikov, 1907, bears the above-mentioned characters since the other genera usually have a longer or wider rostrum with or without more or less developed lateral teeth, a carapace with a couple of postorbital ridges, and chelipeds with more or less elongate chelae with regular, usually smooth occlusal margins. even though it is difficult to assign the studied specimen to one of the three extant species known to date, a. pallipes (lereboullet, 1858), a. berndhauseri bott, 1972, and a. torrentium (schrank, 1803), we can suppose that it could belong to a. torrentium, a widespread species in central-eastern europe. at present, the only published fossil crayfish from europe is a. llopisi (vìa, 1971) from the early cretaceous (barremian) of las hoyas (spain). fig. 4 – general view of the specimen msnm i12621. / visione d’insieme dell’esemplare msn i12621 (natural size). unusual scaled preservation samples from turkey and kazakistan 18 conclusion coated preservation in arthropods is uncommon in the fossil record and is generally associated with peculiar non marine rocks from the late cenozoic (e. g. natural caves, travertine deposits, hypercalcareous waters, boric-fumarole of extant formations). more frequently vegetable and mammalian vertebrate remains are preserved in this way. freshwater fossil land crabs are poorly documented due the unfavorable environment for their preservation; encrustation is here reported as a valid but very unusual condition for fossilization. the true freshwater potamonid crabs record ranged from the oligocene (feldmann et al., 2007) to the quaternary while the scarce record of astacid crayfish ranges from the early cretaceous (barremian) to the quaternary (garassino, 1997). this new report enlarges the distribution and knowledge of the fossil specimens in the central asian area during the late cenozoic, involving peculiar unreported taphonomic events in freshwater decapods. acknowledgements we wish to thank m. salmoiraghi, busto arsizio, varese (italy) who donated the turkish specimen to the museo di storia naturale di milano, g. teruzzi, museo di storia naturale di milano, italy, for the permission to study the specimens and r. m. feldmann, kent state university, ohio, for careful review and criticism. references altunel e. & hancock p. l., 1993 – morphology and structural setting of quaternary travertines at pamukkale, turkey. geological journal, 28 (3-4): 335-346. bozkurt e., 2001 – neotectonics of turkey. a synthesis. geodinamica acta, 14: 3-30. erten h., sevket s. & özkul m., 2005 – pleistocene mammals from the travertine deposits of the denizli basin (sw turkey). annales de paléontologie, paris, 91 (3): 267-278. feldmann r. m., o’connor p. m., stevens n. j., gottfried m. d., roberts e. m., ngasala s., rasmusson e. l. & kapilima s., 2007 – a new freshwater crab (decapoda: brachyura: potamonautidae) from the paleogene of tanzania, africa. neues jahrbuch für geolgie und paläontologie, abhandlungen, stuttgart, 244: 71-78. fraaije r. h. b., van bakel b. w. m., jaght j. w. m., 2010 – exceptional preservation of pleistocene freshwater crabs from southwest turkey. 4th symposium on mesozoic and cenozoic decapod crustaceans, eichstatt, 8. garassino a., 1997 – the macruran decapod crustaceans of the lower cretaceous (lower barremian) of las hoyas (cuenca, spain). atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo di storia naturale in milano, milano, 137 (1-2): 101-126. hobbs h. h. jr., 1974 – synopsis of the families and genera of crayfishes (crustacea: decapoda). smithsonian contributions to zoology, washington, 164: 1-32. klaus s. & gross m., 2007 – the neogene freshwater crabs of europe. joannea geologie und palaontologie, 9: 45-46. özbeck m. & ustaoğlu m. r., 2006 – check-list of malacostraca (crustacea) species of turkish inland waters. journal of fisheries & aquatic sciences, 23 (1-2): 229-234. vengosh a., helvaci c., karamanderesi j. h., 2002 – geochemical constraints for the origin of thermal waters from western turkey. applications geochemistry, 17: 63-183. ricevuto: 30 settembre 2010 approvato: 28 ottobre 2010 giovanni pasini & alessandro garassino natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 5 (2): xx-xx, 2018 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2018.380 1 via alessandro volta 16, 22070 appiano gentile (co), italia. e-mail: 2 sezione di paleontologia degli invertebrati, museo di storia naturale, corso venezia 55, 20121 milano, italia 3 ente gestione parco paleontologico astigiano museo paleontologico territoriale dell’astigiano, corso v. alfieri 381, 14100 asti (at), italia. e-mail: * corresponding author:; © 2018 giovanni pasini, alessandro garassino, piero damarco received: 16 november 2017 accepted for publication: 22 december 2017 short communication report of brachyuran crabs (crustacea, decapoda) from the pliocene of borgomanero, novara (piedmont, nw italy) giovanni pasini1, alessandro garassino2*, piero damarco3 abstract some brachyuran crabs from the pliocene of a new outcrop nearby borgomanero (novara, piedmont, nw italy) are reported. this study allows us to recognize a peculiar brachyuran crabs assemblage including: macropipus cf. m. tuberculatus prestandrea, 1833 (polybiidae ortmann, 1893), first report for this species from the pliocene fossil record, and an indeterminate representative of mursia leach in desmarest, 1822 (calappidae de haan, 1833), genus never recorded previously in the mediterranean basin. finally, a single chela is referred to calappa sp. (calappidae de haan, 1833). key words: decapoda, brachyura, pliocene, piedmont, nw italy. riassunto nuovi crostacei brachiuri (crustacea, decapoda) del pliocene di borgomanero, novara (piemonte, no italia). viene segnalata la presenza di alcuni nuovi brachiuri (crustacea, decapoda), da una nuova località del pliocene presso borgomanero (novara, piemonte, italia nord-occidentale). lo studio ha permesso di riconoscere una particolare associazione di crostacei brachiuri che include macropipus cf. m. tuberculatus prestandrea, 1833 (polybiidae ortmann, 1893), prima segnalazione del genere nel record fossile del pliocene, e di un indeterminato rappresentante di mursia leach in desmarest, 1822 (calappidae de haan, 1833), genere mai segalato prima nel bacino del mediterraneo. infine una singola chela è stata attribuita a calappa sp. (calappidae de haan, 1833). parole chiave: decapoda, brachyura, pliocene, piemonte, italia nordoccidentale. introduction the studied specimens were collected along a small natural excavation produced by a seasonal creek running along the side of the piedmont prealpi mountains nearby borgomanero (novara, nw italy) (45°43´13˝n, 8°16´28˝e). here, a short lens of fossiliferous fine gray, sandy clays about three meters thick crops out from the covering woodland. decapod remains are quite rare and usually fragmentary or too poorly preserved to allow a systematic assignment. the associated fauna includes mainly mollusks, some corals, and bryozoans. among the peculiar mollusk faunal assemblage, not studied yet, the presence of the uncommon fossil and extant patella caerulea linnaeus, 1758 (eogastropoda, patellidae) is remarkable, preserving also traces of the original color (fig. 1). the species is poorly reported in the pliocene of italy with two different forms, patella caerulea stellata and p. caerulea subplana having antitropical distribution from mesolittoral to coastal environments, indicating the presence of hard substrates. they are more commonly reported in italy from pleistocene deposits (forli pers. comm., 2015). unfortunately it is not possible to know if the patella specimens come from the same layer preserving the studied specimens, or if it was simply washed from the uppermost overlaying layers of the section. as for other deposits along the northern italy prealpi mountains, the original pliocene deposits were strongly eroded by glacial activity and subsequently washed by the alluvial events during the pleistocene. therefore, usually only some small strips of the deposits at the lowermost limit of the circalittoral pliocene paleo-mediterranean sea environment are preserved. the studied fossiliferous locality has never been previously reported in the paleontological record. only baretti & sacco (1885), parona (1886, 1903), and garassino et al. (2004) reported some pliocene fossiliferous localities, cropping out around the borgosesia area, gozzano village, and near the south west coast of the orta lake, located some kilometers northern of the new locality along the northern border of the pliocene paleo adriatic gulf. the studied specimens are herein generically assigned to the pliocene s. l., based on the geographic proximity and sedimentological affinities with correlated layers and paleontological evidences, supported by the molluscan associated fauna, including cymatium doderleini (d’ancona), distorsio (rhysema) tortuosa (borson), eocypraea (apiocypraea) parvoastensis (sacco), gyrineum (aspa) marginatum (martini), hastula (h.) farinesi (fontannes), isognomon cf. i. maxillatus (lamarck), and venus exentrica (agassiz), all species limited to the early pliocene (damarco pers. comm., 2017). the knowledge of the pliocene decapod faunas from piedmont was increased by different authors during these last years (for complete list see: pasini & garassino, 2015a, b; pasini et al., 2016). therefore, this new report results to be a further important step in the general knowledge on the presence and distribution of the fossil decapod taxa in the western padanian gulf and in the pliocene mediterranean basin. the peculiar brachyuran assemblage of borgomanero includes: macropipus cf. m. tuberculatus (roux, 1830) herein reported for the first time from the pliocene fossil record, mursia sp. herein reported for the first time in the mediterranean basin. finally one specimen is referred to calappa sp. due to the delicate nature of the thin cuticle and incoherence of the sandy matrix, the specimens were fixed with a film of polyvinyl acetate solution for study and preservation. the specimens are housed in the paleontological collections of the museo di storia naturale di milano (msnm) and museo paleontologico “giulio maini” di ovada, alessandria (mpom). abbreviations lcxp: carapace length; wcxp: carapace width. systematic palaeontology section eubrachyura de saint laurent, 1980 subsection heterotremata guinot, 1977 superfamily calappoidea de haan, 1883 family calappidae de haan, 1833 genus calappa weber, 1795 calappa sp. (fig. 2) material: one poorly preserved left chela in lateral view (mpom 797). description: subtriangular wide flat palm narrowing posteriorly with preserved fixed finger; stout wide and triangular fixed finger, upward-directed tip; occlusal margin with at least seven triangular, wide, and short teeth similar in size. discussion. two characters of the chela, such the subtriangular shape, flattened and wide anteriorly and the short, stout, and triangular fixed finger, with upwardfig. 1 patella caerulea linnaeus, 1758; specimens from the borgomanero outcrop in dorsal and ventral views (1 – h: 16.7 mm; 2 – h: 13.8 mm; 3 – h: 15 mm). short communication directed tip and occlusal triangular teeth margin allow us to ascribe the studied specimen to calappa weber, 1759 without specific assignment due to its incompleteness. genus mursia leach in desmarest, 1822 mursia sp. (fig. 3) material and measurements: one carapace in dorsal view (msnm i28549 – lcxp: 12 mm; wcxp: 15 mm). description: carapace small, ovate distinctly vaulted transversely with five ridges of tubercles, wider than long, with maximum width in middle portion; convex anterolateral margins with several spaced tubercles or blunt teeth, arcuate anteriorly to the level of cardiac region; posterolateral margins strongly narrowed posteriorly, with straight narrow posterior margin; narrow frontal margin protruding anteriorly, poorly preserved; rounded small orbits forward directed; main dorsal regions marked by grooves; gastric regions defined by deep grooves, separated axially from branchial regions; grooves with some sparsely unequal tubercles; branchial regions with two additional shallow longitudinal grooves in each branchial region, the most lateral ones less deep; rounded tuberculate subparallel longitudinal ridges presents among the grooves; medial ridge stronger, bearing four-five large well-developed single tubercles arranged longitudinally and two pairs of transverse paired tubercles on the frontal region; similar arrangement of single less prominent tubercles decreasing posteriorly, present on the two shorter lateral branchial ridges. discussion. the studied specimen is herein referred to mursia leach in desmarest, 1822 based upon the shape and ornamentation of the carapace, five dorsal ridges of tubercles, and narrow posterior margin. one peculiar difference with the majority of extant and fossil species of mursia is the lack of one lateral spine (more or less developed) and reduced carapace ornamentation, though these characters are shared with m. aspina schweitzer & feldmann, 2000 from the late eocene of washington, usa (schweitzer & feldmann, 2000: 236, 237, figs. 5.3-6, 7). however, it is not possible to verify on the studied specimen if the lateral spine is really absent, broken or simply worn due to the badly preservation. the presence of mursia is herein reported for the first time from the pliocene mediterranean basin. superfamily portunoidea rafinesque, 1815 family polybiidae ortmann, 1893 subfamily polybiinae ortmann, 1893 genus macropipus prestandrea, 1833 macropipus cf. m. tuberculatus (roux, 1830) (fig. 4) material and measurements: one incomplete carapace in dorsal view (mpom 798). description: small suboval carapace, wider than long, whole dorsal surface coarsely granulate with tubercles often carinate; elevated dorsal regions defined by grooves; front with three distinct sharp teeth anteriorly directed, median tooth more projected than lateral ones; wide ovoid orbits, wide, about ½ of the frontal margin; granulate dorsal orbital margins with a v sharped incision; anterolateral margin convex, with some spaced pointed teeth slightly curved anteriorly, poorly preserved (more than three, possibly 5?); posterolateral and posterior margin poorly preserved, probably straight. fig. 2 calappa sp., mpom 797 (x 6). fig. 3 mursia sp., msnm i28549 (x 5). natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 5 (2): xx-xx, 2018 discussion. though the lateral and posterior margins are poorly preserved, the studied specimen shares some diagnostic characters distinctive with macropipus tuberculatus (roux, 1830), such as the “…dorsal carapace coarsely granulate with tubercles often carinate; elevated dorsal regions; front with three alternate teeth frontally directed with median tooth more projected than laterals ones; granulate dorsal orbital margins with a v sharped incision and the anterolateral margin convex, with spaced pointed (5) teeth…” (koch & ďuriš, 2016: 124). due to the poor preservation, we prudentially compare the specimen with m. tuberculatus (roux, 1830). this is the first record for this species in the fossil record, dating back to the pliocene its presence in the mediterranean sea. though secrétan (1975) reported m. ovalipes from the middle eocene of monte bolca (verona, n italy), the only representative for the genus known to date, its systematic assignment would need a critical review. the extant m. tuberculatus is distributed from the eastern and n atlantic to the mediterranean sea in sandy and clayey substrates, ranging from less than one meter (occasionally) to nearly 800 meters deep (zariquiey álvarez, 1968; d’udekem d’acoz, 1999). acknowledgements we wish to thank l. lacroce, torino, who gave us the specimen of mursia for study, e. lavè, borgomanero, novara, for useful information on the borgomanero outcrop; m. forli, società italiana di malacologia (prato) for useful suggestion on the mollusk associated fauna. references baretti m. & sacco f., 1885 – il mergozzolo. club alpino italiano, torino. d’udekem d’acoz c., 1999 – inventaire et distribution des crustacés décapodes de l’atlantique nord-oriental, de la méditerranée et des eaux continentales adjacentes au nord de 25°n. muséum national d’histoire naturelle, paris, patrimoines naturels, 40. garassino a., de angeli a., gallo l.m. & pasini g., 2004 – brachyuran and anomuran fauna from the cenozoico of piedmont (nw italy). atti della società italiana scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano, 145 (2): 251-281. koch m. & ďuriš z., 2016 – notes on distribution of some portunid crabs in mediterranean sea (decapoda: brachyura: portunidae). acta musei silesiae scientiae naturales, 65: 117-128. doi: 10.1515/cszma-20160015 parona c.f., 1886 – valsesia e lago d’orta. tipografia bernardoni di rebeschini e c., milano. parona c.f., 1903 – trattato di geologia. biblioteca delle scienze fisiche e naturali. dott. f. vallardi ediz., milano. pasini g. & garassino a., 2015a – petrochirrus fabroensis pasini, garassino & de angeli, 2014 (anomura, diogenidae) and ranina sp. (brachyura, raninidae) from the pliocene of masserano (piedmont, nw italy). natural history sciences. atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano, 2 (1): 43-54. pasini g. & garassino a., 2015b – petrochirus sanctilazzari pasini, garassino & de angeli., 2014 non petrochirus fabroensis pasini, garassino & de angeli, 2014 (anomura, diogenidae) from the pliocene of masserano (piedmont, nw italy). natural history sciences. atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano, 2 (2): 149150. doi: 10.4081/nhs.2015.258 pasini g., baldanza a., gallo l.m., garassino a. & karasawa h., 2016 – anomuran and brachyuran trackways and resting trace from the pliocene of valduggia (piedmont, nw italy): environmental, behavioural, and taphonomic implications. natural history sciences. atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano, 3 (1): 35-48. doi: 10.4081/nhs.2016.281 secrétan s., 1975 – les crustacés du monte bolca. studi e ricerche sui giacimenti terziari di bolca, 2: 315388. schweitzer c.e. & feldmann r.m., 2000 – new species of calappid crabs from western north america and reconsideration of the calappidae sensu lato. journal of paleontology, 74 (2): 230-246. zariquiey álvarez r., 1968 – crustáceos decápodos ibéricos. investigación pesquera, 32: 1-499. fig. 4 macropipus cf. m. tuberculatus (roux, 1830), mpom 798 (x 6). short communication atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 153 (i): 3-11, aprile 2012 giovanni pasini* & alessandro garassino** palaega pisana n. sp. (crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae) from the pliocene of orciano pisano, pisa (toscana, central italy) abstract we report a new form of cirolanid ascribed to palaega pisana n. sp. (crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae) from the pliocene of orciano pisano, pisa (toscana, central italy). this is the second species of palaega woodward, 1870, reported from the pliocene of tuscany and italy, increasing the very sparce palaeontological data on presence and distribution of the genus in the mediterranean basin during the late cenozoic. key words: crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae, pliocene, italy. riassunto palaega pisana n. sp. (crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae) del pliocene di orciano pisano, pisa (toscana, italia centrale). viene descritta una nuova forma di isopode cirolanide ascritta a palaega pisana n. sp. (crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae) del pliocene di orciano pisano, pisa (toscana, italia). si tratta della seconda specie di palaega woddward, 1870 segnalata nel pliocene toscano e italiano, incrementando le scarsissime conoscenze paleontologiche sulla presenza e distribuzione del genere nel bacino mediterraneo nel corso del cenozoico superiore. parole chiave: crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae, pliocene, italia. introduction and geological setting the previous report of fossil isopods from the pliocene of italy is limited to a single old record by ristori (1891). the author described briefly a single posterior moult of a cirolanid isopod assigned to palaega sismondai ristori, 1891, from the pliocene clays of mucigliani, siena (toscana, central italy). in the appendix to this paper, we provided a full translation of the original description of this italian species. * via alessandro volta 16, i-22070 appiano gentile (como), italy; e-mail: ** museo di storia naturale di milano, corso venezia 55, 20121 milano, italy; e-mail:; 4 the studied specimens were discovered in pozzavilla locality (orciano pisano, pisa, toscana, italy). in an old quarry today reclaimed (frediani pers. comm., 2010). orciano pisano outcrops have been well known since the 18th century for the rich plio-pleistocene fossil assemblage including many invertebrates (pecchioli, 1864), fishes (lawley, 1875), and above all for the marine mammal remains such as dolphins, whales, and seals (bianucci & landini, 2005). the hills around orciano, where the studied specimens have been discovered, includes the “formazione delle argille azzurre”, considered to be pliocene in generic terms on the basis of a fauna of bathyal invertebrates including gastropods (ficus, marginella, mitrella) and barnacles (menesini, 1968, 1977; bossio et al., 1999). as reported by de angeli & garassino (2006) some brachyuran decapods are also known from the outcrops (titanocarcinus, tribolocephalus, calappa, galenopsis). palaega pisana n. sp. represents the first report of isopods crustaceans from this locality. material two specimens in dorsal view consisting of a posterior moult slightly crushed dorso ventraly, three-dimensionally preserved on two little slabs of blue-gray clay. the specimens are fixed only with a film of polyvinyl acetate for the study and preservation. the studied specimens are housed in the paleontological collections of the museo of the gruppo paleontologico “c. de giuli”, castelfiorentino (firenze) housed in the biblioteca comunale vallesiana (gpdg) and in the centro civico “ofelia mangini”, seat of the gruppo gamps, badia a settimo, scandicci (firenze) (nm). the systematic paleontology used in this paper follows the recent classification proposed by brandt and poore (2003). systematic palaeontology order isopoda latreille, 1817 suborder cymothoida wägele, 1989 family cirolanidae dana, 1852 genus palaega woodward, 1870 type species: palaega carteri woodward, 1870, by original designation. fossil species: for an updated list see feldmann & goolaerts (2005), feldmann & rust (2006) and poltz et al. (2006). discussion. fossil isopods are commonly known only from posterior parts of their exuviae as a result of the typical biphasic moulting (george, 1972), while many important characters are present on the cephalic area and on the ventral remains of the body. the attribution to the different families and genera is very difficult if not impossible when based only on incomplete partial parts as in the fossil specimens. wilson (1998), however, remarked that in isopods a single cephalothorax or pleoatelson is character sufficient for a specific assignation. the studied specimens show general major affinities with cirolanidae and particularly with palaega woodward, 1870. this genus is still the subject of discussion; for example, bowman (1971) considered palaega simply as group-assemblage; in any case, according to wägele (1989), the placement of palaega within cymothoida is unclear and its position requires a reexamination of the type samples (feldmann & rust, 2006). giovanni pasini & alessandro garassino 5 the type specimen palaega carteri was erected by woodward (1870: 496) based on a posterior part, “thoracic segments divided transversally in two parts by a line, the anterior being smooth; epimeres pointed and curved backwards; telson semicircular somewhat broader than long, posterior margin dentate; presence of a slightly raised medial ridge terminating with a small spine and lateral margin border with a series of raised plicae.” other early diagnose enlarged these features (von ammon, 1882; van straelen, 1928), so that several recent attributions are based on descriptions not strictly consistent with the type species. recently feldmann & goolaerst (2005) doubted that a number of species could be attributed to the genus s. str. brandt & poore (2003) have recently revised the suborder dividing flabellifera sars, 1882, into the cymothoidea leach, 1814, and the cymothoida wägele, 1989 including the single family cirolanidae within which is palaega. among the cirolanidae, palaega and the “supergiants group” (lowry & dempsey, 2006) represented by bathynomus a. milne edwards, 1879 have “remarkably similar posterior exuviae” …. so great that the species have often been considered synonymous; however, a ruling of the international commission on zoological nomenclature (1992) concluded that, when cases of synonymy are considered, bathynomus shall take precedence.” (feldmann & rust, 2006). instead, as suggested also by feldmann (pers. comm., 2009), the studied specimens have general features of palaega, as the arrangement of pleonites, distal points of the epimeres with medial keel directed posteriorly, broad pleotelson with smooth partial medial keel, sub-trapezoidal in shape and rounded posteriorly; presence of spines on the posterior margin. the ornamentation is granulate to pustulose on all the body. the relative small size of the specimen gpdg0091 for the genus following the features emphasized by van straelen (1928) is, in our opinion, a minor feature in assigning to a genus because it is impossible to know the exact growth stage and if the moult represents a juvenile, subadult, or mature specimen. on the basis of all these remarks, and waiting revision clarifying the problematics of the genus or discovery at new, more complete material, we place confidently our new species within palaega as it is now constituted (feldmann & goolaerts, 2005). palaega pisana n. sp. figs. 1-3 diagnosis: pleurae of pleonites short directed laterally, terminate as mediumsized triangular lateral spines pointed posteriorly. pleotelson subtrapezioidal rounded posteriorly, broader than long; inflated centrally with central keel on the midline more developed on the posterior part, ending with a spine. four pairs of short triangular robust similar spines on posterior margin. etymology: the trivial name alludes to pisa province where the specimens have been discovered. holotype: nm50. paratype: gpdg0091. geological age: pliocene (argille azzure formation). type locality: pozzavilla (orciano pisano, pisa), toscana, central italy. occurrence and measurements: two incomplete specimens from orciano pisano, pisa (toscana, italy). palaega pisana n. sp. from the pliocene of orciano pisano, pisa (tuscany, central italy) 6 fig. 1 palaega pisana n. sp. holotype/olotipo, nm50 (x 2). giovanni pasini & alessandro garassino 7 nm50 – total length: 80 mm; maximum width: 50 mm. gpdg0091 – total length: 28.5 mm; maximum width: 25 mm. description. in the holotype (nm50) pereonite 5, 6, and 7 preserved, equals in length (10 mm); pereonite 5 twisted dorsally and disarticulated. all five free pleonites, well preserved and articulated, complete pleotelson and left exopodite of the uropod. body moderately convex. epicuticle partially preserved on all parts of the body. right epimere of pereonite 6 and 7 large, triangular, with a smooth medial keel, pointed posteriorly and partially overlapped to one another. pereonite 6 (length 10 mm) slightly rounded dorsally, laterally directed toward posterior part, wider than pleonites, acute coxa with smooth median keel. five free pleonites about ½ length than the pereonites (total length 45 mm, width 11 mm) well exposed dorsally, more complete on the right border, sub-parallel to one another straight medially, the epimeres seem more laterally pointed than anterior ones. pleonites 1 and 5 (width about 5 mm) are shorter or more compressed than 2-4 (width 3 mm); pleonites 4 and 5 tapering slightly posteriorly in width, with lateral epimeres having a possible median keel on distal part but not distinctly separate from the pleurae and terminate as medium-sized lateral spines fig. 2 palaega pisana n. sp. paratype/paratipo, gpdg0091 (x 3.5). palaega pisana n. sp. from the pliocene of orciano pisano, pisa (tuscany, central italy) 8 directed posteriorly, not completely exposed distally. pleotelson crushed (length 30 mm, width 44 mm) sub-trapezoidal in outline but rounded posteriorly, broader than long, longer than the total 5 pleonites. convex in section, with an expanded moderately inflated central bulge, following the form of the outline of the margin flattened along the borders. posterior margin bearing four pairs of triangular and broadened spines. a long medial keel crosses on the midline of the pleotelson, partially deformed due to the compression of the exuvia and more evident in the posterior part. left elongated uropodal ?endopod partially exposed, curved laterally; truncated pointed margin tip shorter than the pleotelson, and with a possible tiny spinose external margin. epicuticle nearly complete, preserved on pleonite and pleon, ornamented by micro-granulate punctae, irregular small, sparse tubercles. the paratype (gpdg0091) is smaller and less preserved, lacking the diagnostic ornamentation of the pleotelson; moreover the specimen shows the same general characters, arrangement of the pleon and ornamentation of the holotype. the posterior margin of the pleonites is slightly convex medially and the short medial keel in the epimeres is more evident. right elongate uropodal ?exopod partially exposed. discussion. palaega pisana n. sp. has been compared with the type species, palaega carteri woodward, 1870, and the other two species of the genus from the pliocene, palaega sismondai ristori, 1891, from toscana, italy and palaega kakatahi feldmann & rust, 2006, from new zealand. palaega carteri differs from p. pisana n. sp. in having the transversal line dividing the pleonites into two parts with smooth anterior part; in the medial keel of the pleotelson terminating posteriorly in a small spine; in having the raised plicae along the lateral margin. palaega sismondai differs from p. pisana n. sp. in having longer epimeres, pleonites decrefig. 3 palaega sismondai ristori, 1891. holotype/olotipo, musnaf 4609 (x 2.5). giovanni pasini & alessandro garassino 9 asing in width posteriorly and overlapping one another; shorter pleotelson and one shorter medial ridge, that is ⅔ of the total length of the pleotelson. we made also a direct comparison with this old species, housed in the museo di storia naturale dell’accademia dei fisiocritici (siena) originally poorly described and figured by ristori (1891, see appendix). unfortunately, due the poorly preservation and the incomplete margin of the pleotelson, it was impossible to make a more detailed description of this species and above all to clarify the exact number (3, 4 or more) of the paired marginal spines of the pleotelson (fig. 3). finally, p. kakatahi differs from p. pisana n. sp. in having a different outline; the form of the spines of pleopods is more elongated and pointed; the number and form of the spines on the slender pleotelson (3 pairs). environmental notes it is interesting to note that both cirolanid isopods from toscana (p. sismondai and p. pisana n. sp.) come from deep-water deposits as testified by the mollusk associations and the abundance of marine mammal remains. a “whale fall community” like that of orciano pisano, represents a rich source of food for many groups of different predators and benthic scavengers, like the isopods of the fossil palaega and extant bathynomus. this particular environment may be more adapted to the life style and behavior of these specimens, unknown to date in other pliocene sediments of shallower waters that are more extensive in the italian peninsula. more specific research in this direction and new fossil material is necessary to enlarge the record of this isopod family. acknowledgements we wish to thanks p. frediani, castelfiorentino, firenze and the members of the gruppo paleontologico “ giuli”, castelfiorentino (firenze), s. casati, gruppo gamps, badia a settimo, scandicci (firenze) who gave us permission to study the specimens and for useful information on the orciano pisano outcrop, f. farsi, geological section, museo di storia naturale dell’accademia dei fisiocritici, siena, for the permission to study the holotype of p. sismondai and for the useful information on the specimen, r. m. feldmann, geology departement, kent state university (ohio), for careful review and criticism. references bianucci g. & landini w., 2005 – i paleositi a vertebrati fossili della provincia di pisa. atti della società toscana di scienze naturali, pisa, memorie, serie a, 110: 1-21. bossio s., foresi l. m., liotta d., mazzanti r., mazzei r., salvatorini g., squarci p., 1999 – riordino delle conoscenze sul bacino neogenico del tora-fine (toscana, italia). atti della società toscana di scienze naturali, pisa, serie a, 106: 1-16. bowman t. e., 1971 – palaega lamnae, new species (crustacea: isopoda) from the upper cretaceous of texas. journal of paleontology, lawrence, 45 (3): 540-541. palaega pisana n. sp. from the pliocene of orciano pisano, pisa (tuscany, central italy) 10 brandt a. & poore g. c. b., 2003 – higher classification of the flabelliferan and related isopoda based on a reappraisal of relationships. invertebrate systematics, 17: 893-923. de angeli a. & garassino a., 2006 – catalog and bibliography of the fossil stomatopoda and decapoda from italy. memorie della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale di milano, milano, 35 (1): 3-95. feldmann r. m. & goolaerts s., 2005 – palaega rugosa, a new species of fossil isopod (crustacea) from maastrichtian rocks in tunisia. journal of paleontology, lawrence, 79: 1031-1035. feldmann r. m. & rust s., 2006 – palaega kakatahi n. sp.: the first record of a marine fossil isopod from the pliocene of new zealand. new zealand journal of geology & geophysics. the royal society of new zealand, 49: 411-415. george r. y., 1972 – biphasic moulting in isopod crustacea and the finding of an unusual mode of moulting in the antartic genus glyptonotus. journal of natural history, 6: 651-656. laweley r., 1875 – dei resti di pesci fossili del pliocene toscano. atti della società toscana di scienze naturali, pisa, memorie, 1. lowry j. k. & dempsey k., 2006 – the giant deep-sea scavenger genus bathynomus (crustacea, isopoda, cirolanidae) in the indo-west pacific. in: richer de forges b. & justone j. l. 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written originally in ancient italian language and never translated into english, as an aid to the worldwide researchers. notes are in square brackets [ ]. ristori g., 1891 contributo alla fauna carcinologia del pliocene italiano. atti della società toscana di scienze naturali, pisa: 17-18; (tavola i, fig. 13): “… anyhow here is an outline description of my new specie: general form very lengthened, body moderately convex. thorax segments [pereonites] very arched, fairly narrow, imbricate, and arranged in perfect parallelism. epimeres very lengthened in form of flat spines, acute, and crossed in the middle by a little raised carena. abdominal segments [pleonites], that are complete in my specimen, are as always five,excluding the last [telson), that deserves a special mentiona little shorter then the anterior segments [pereonites] and ranged always parallel one to other; moreover them edges don’t drawing an arc of a circle, like the thoracic segments, but fold abruptly laterally, and in the middle are nearly straight, trending to become throughout more concave, going towards the last segment [pleotelson]. the epimeres are very lengthened, flat and pointed; spiniforms and imbricate like those of the thorax, in way that the upper cover almost totally the lower. the last abdominal segment or sixth (telson) is very big, measuring 25 mm [0.98 inch] in width and 21 mm [0.82 inch] in length. this is crossed in the middle length by a keel or costa originate from the upper side running down just to ⅔ of the length; the margin of this segment [pleotelson], although not complete in the studied specimen, has flat pointed denticles with wide base and well distinct edges. this set of teeth seems push forward just to touch the epimeres of the fifth segment [pleonite 5], so is very possible to think of an analogy between these spines and the epimeres, with which ends all the thoracic and abdominal segments. these points are less acute, more flat and larger at the basis of the equivalents of the others fossil species of palaega known to date [1891]. locality: mucigliani [near the railroad tunnel], siena (tuscany, central italy), pliocene clays [museo dei fisiocritici, siena; repository: museo di storia naturale dell’accademia dei fisiocritici (musnaf)], only one specimen [catalog number: 4609]”. ricevuto: 5 aprile 2010 approvato: 26 aprile 2010 atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 154 (i): 57-64, settembre 2013 * strada val san martino sup. 194, 10131 torino, italy; e-mail: 1 this work has been subsequently reprinted in villars’s histoire des plantes de dauphiné (1786) (cf. perret & burdet, 1981) 2 sedum ochroleucum (mihi): foliis oblongis compressis septifariam imbricatis, petalis albidis erectis: bauxii in collibus (3). lorenzo gallo* neotypification of sedum ochroleucum chaix (crassulaceae) abstract no original materials (herbarium specimens or drawings) connected with the protologue of sedum ochroleucum chaix (crassulaceae) are to be found; thus the name has been neotypified, selecting a specimen collected by the author in the type locality at rabou, near gap (france). keywords: dominique villars, sedum anopetalum, series rupestria, gap, france. riassunto neotipificazione di sedum ochroleucum chaix (crassulaceae). il mancato ritrovamento di materiali originali (exsiccata o illustrazioni) collegabili al protologo di sedum ochroleucum chaix (crassulaceae), ha reso inevitabile la neotipificazione del nome medesimo. a questo scopo l’autore ha effettuato una raccolta di esemplari nei pressi di rabou (gap, francia), ritenuta località tipo della specie. parole chiave: dominique villars, sedum anopetalum, serie rupestria, gap, francia. introduction and historical background the species known as sedum ochroleucum chaix (= s. anopetalum dc., ≡ petrosedum anopetalum (dc.) grulich) was not discovered by linnaeus, perhaps because of its restricted distribution in the northern mediterranean basin. also miller (1768), haller (1768), lamarck (1778) and allioni (1785, 1789) don’t found it. it was the french priest dominique chaix (1730-1799) who discovered it in the neighbourhood of gap (france); chaix published this name in plantae vapincenses (1785)1, distinguishing it from other similar taxa such as s. reflexum l. and s. rupestre l.2 the name s. ochroleucum is currently accepted by webb (1993), jalas et al. (1999) and ‘t hart & bleij (2003) whereas greuter et al. (1986) prefer s. anopetalum. many french botanists in the past called it s. anopetalum (candolle, 58 1815; rouy et al., 1901; coste, 1903; bonnier, 1921; fournier, 1961), in order to avoid the “confusing” s. ochroleucum (see discussion and conclusions). its distribution was displayed, with some mistakes, especially for italy, by ‘t hart (2003). in this series of sedum (rupestria berger), many names have already been typified (‘t hart, 1978; heath, 1992; ‘t hart & jarvis, 1993; gallo, 2008; gallo & jarvis, 2009; gallo, 2012) but not yet s. ochroleucum. research by the author has highlighted interesting morphological variability among populations of this taxon, closely correlated with its distribution; typification of the name s. ochroleucum, here proposed, is the first step toward a better taxonomic treatment of this rather polymorphic taxon. the priest dominique chaix and his herbarium dominique chaix carried out his field research in france, in the neighbourhood of gap (hautes-alpes) (dayrat, 2003) and collected s. ochroleucum at “bauxii in collibus”, that is the mountain near les baux, a small village to the north-west of gap, where he lived and cared for his own personal botanical garden (garraud, pers. com.). after his death, chaix’s herbarium (almost 3000 exsiccata) was purchased by lapeyrouse in 1800 (timbal-lagrave, 1856) and then acquired by the museum of gap (today conservatoire botanique national alpin) where today, however, it cannot be found. however, chaix’s herbarium is incomplete, at least from the middle of the nineteenth century, according to timbal-lagrave (1856). at the conservatoire only a small herbarium of chaix is preserved, possibly collected for didactic purposes, but no exsiccata of the genus sedum could be traced (garraud pers. com.). chaix was a friend and co-worker of dominique villars for many years (poncet, 2001) and many plants collected by the priest of gap are included in villars’ herbarium, today preserved at grm (faure, 2006); here, too, no exsiccata of s. ochroleucum are traceable (see poncet, 1999). so, during this research, no suitable original material (herbarium specimens or drawings) or exsiccata collected by chaix belonging to s. ochroleucum has been found. typification the lack of original material makes neotypification of this name unavoidable (art. 9.7, i.c.b.n., melbourne, 2012). historical research was undertaken to determine the type locality, which is very probably crête du devès de rabou (gap, france), a mountain near the village of les baux where chaix made frequent excursions (garraud, pers. com.). in field exploration carried out in june 2010, a large population of s. ochroleucum was discovered, together with s. rupestre l., and the rather rare hybrid s. ×lorenzoi ‘t hart. here the neotype of s. ochroleucum was collected; it is morphologically consistent with the protologue, especially for the petals white with green stripes and erect; these characteristics distinguish it from the other two taxa detected in the same area, which have yellowish and spreading petals. lorenzo gallo 59 sedum ochroleucum chaix, pl. vapinc.: 21 (1785). ≡ sedum anopetalum dc. var. ochroleucum (chaix) posp. fl. oesterr. küstenl., 2 (1): 223 (1899). ≡ s. nicaeense all. var. ochroleucum (chaix) fröd., acta horti gothob., 7: 4 (1932) ≡ s. rupestre l. subsp. ochroleucum (chaix) hegi & schmid in hegi, ill. fl. mitt.-eur., 4 (2): 541 (1922) ≡ s. rupestre l. var. ochroleucum (chaix) fiori p.p. (excl. s. montanum perr. & song.) nuov. fl. italia, 1: 721 (1924). neotype (designated here): france. crête du devès de rabou (la roche des arnauds, hautes-alpes), 1400 m., brushwood under the top of the cliff, among the rocks. 7 jun 2010. l. gallo & l. garraud gl-7060 (g00367611, g) (figg. 1, 2). discussion and conclusions the series rupestria was raised to the genus level (petrosedum grulich) in the 1984 and recent molecular studies (mort et al., 2001) confirm the soundness of splitting the polyphyletic genus sedum into many small new genera, series rupestria included. however, this split is not yet recognised formally (cf. ‘t hart & bleij, 2003; thiede & eggli, 2007) and we prefer to maintain the genus sedum as a whole. the species indicated by chaix was subsequently interpreted wrongly by villars (1789) as pointed out by grenier (1865) and burnat (1906). d. villars indeed (1789: 680) confused s. ochroleucum with s. rupestre ([...] les pétales blanchâtres, pointu, ne sont jamais ouverts horizontalement, mais élevés [...]) while with the name s. ochroleucum he was clearly identifying s. sediforme jacq. ([...] feuilles ... ovales ... fort épaisses ... pétales ... blancs, obtus, planes & carinès [...]). most likely this mistake underlay the opinion of some early french authors (candolle, 1815; rouy et al., 1901; coste, 1903; bonnier, 1921; fournier, 1961) who used the name published by de candolle in the 1815 (s. anopetalum), thus avoiding the “confusing” s. ochroleucum. conversely, the name given by chaix is correct from nomenclatural point of view, and it has priority over others names published for this taxon. this species has two chromosome numbers (2n = 34, 68), clearly a diploid and a tetraploid cytotype; these are sympatric but often occur at different altitudes in the same area. further, the cytotypes are not correlated with any morphological variation found in natural populations of s. ochroleucum (‘t hart, 1978). field and herbarium study has, however, confirmed a trend already observed by ‘t hart (1978): from west moving eastwards, the plants are taller and the flowers larger. lastly, s. ochroleucum hybridises with other taxa of the same series (‘t hart, 1978) and a new hybrid between this species and s. montanum song. & perr. (= s. ×pascalianum gallo) was recently discovered in the french alps by the author (gallo, 2012). villars (1789) also describes s. aristatum, which, on the basis of the protologue and iconography (tab. xlv), is very close to s. ochroleucum but its distinctive petal morphology still requires proper evaluation. ‘t hart (1978) however, consider s. aristatum such as synonym of s. sediforme. acknowledgements i am indebted to luc garraud (cbna, gap-charance, france) for his invaluable help in finding the type locality of s. ochroleucum and for information on chaix and his herbarium. i am also grateful to laurent gautier (curator of the herbarium cjb, genève) for providing the image of the type and to the referees whose comments improved this paper. neotypification of sedum ochroleucum chaix (crassulaceae) 60 fig. 1 neotype of sedum ochroleucum chaix [l. gallo & l. garraud gl-7060, g]. / neotipo di sedum ochroleucum chaix [l. gallo & l. garraud gl-7060, g]. lorenzo gallo 61 references allioni c., 1785 – flora pedemontana. briolus, augustae taurinorum. allioni c., 1789 – auctarium flora pedemontana. briolus, turin. bonnier g. e. m., 1921 – flore complète illustrée en couleurs de france, suisse et belgique. 4. orlhac, paris. burnat e., 1906 – flore del alpes maritimes. 4. h. georg, genève, basel, lyon. candolle a.-p. de, 1815 – flore française. 3 e ed., 4. desray, paris. chaix d., 1785 – plantae vapincenses. s.l. coste h., 1903 – flore descriptive et illustré de la france. klincksieck, paris, 2. dayrat b., 2003 – les botanistes et la flore de france. trois siècles de découvertes. muséum national d’histoire naturelle, paris. faure a., 2006 – herbiers de la région rhône-alpes. 2e partie: catalogue. j. bot. ville lyon, lyon. fournier p., 1961 – quatre flores de france. 3 e ed. le chevalier, paris. gallo l., 2008 – taxonomic notes on some species of sedum ser. rupestria berger (crassulaceae) and typification of their names. webbia, firenze, 63 (2): 169173. gallo l., 2012 – natural hybrids in sedum series rupestria berger (crassulaceae): a review of the taxonomy and nomenclature. forum geobotanicum, 6: 1-13. fig. 2 close-up of the flowers. / ingrandimento dei fiori. neotypification of sedum ochroleucum chaix (crassulaceae) 62 gallo l. & jarvis c. e., 2009 – (1881) proposal to conserve the name sedum rupestre (crassulaceae) with a conserved type. taxon, bratislava, 58 (1): 307308. grenier m. c., 1865 – flore de la châine jurassique. savy, paris. greuter w., burdet h. m. & long g. 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(gap). mt. seuse près gap hautes-alpes. 9.1865, burle, herb. burle (gap). mt. seuse près gap haute-alpes. 9.1865, burle, herb. burle (gap). m.gne de seuse près gap. 9.1863, burle (gap). corniche di mt. seuse près gap h.tes-alpes. 9.1863, burle (gap) (sub s. verlotii). sigoyer au ..... [?] seuse. s.d. s.c. (gap) (sub s. anopetalum). hautes-alpes m. gne de charance sur gap. 21.7.1864, burle. ex herb. burle (gap). mt. charance en tête du devès haut-alpes. 12.8.1866, burle. ex herb. burle (gap). m. gne de seuse près gap. 9.1863, burle (gap) (sub s. verlotii). combe-noire de menteyer. 28.6.1865, gariod (gap) (sub s. verlotii). collection numbers (live plants in the author’s collection) france. hautes-alpes: le baux (la roche des arnauds). rocky grazing with lavandula angustifolia e berberis vulgaris. 1123 m, s-e. gallo l. gl-6624. gap, crête du devès de rabou (la roche des arnauds). grazing. 1400 m. 7.6.2010, gallo l. e garraud l., gl-7060 (neotype). gap, crête du devès de rabou (la roche des arnauds). grazing near the road, under the wood. 1200 m. 7.6/.010, gallo l. e garraud l., gl-7065. gap, crête du devès de rrabou (la roche des arnauds). grazing near the road, under the wood. 1200 m. 7.6.2010, gallo l. e garraud l., gl-7067. gap, crête du devès de rabou (la roche des arnauds). ridge. 1500 m. 7.6.2010, gallo l. e garraud l., gl-7046. gap, crête du devès de rabou (la roche des arnauds). ridge. 1500 m. 7.6.2010, gallo l. e garraud l., gl-7047. gap, crête du devès de rabou (la roche des arnauds). grazing. 1400 m. 7.6.2010, gallo l. e garraud l., gl-7057. gap, crête du devès de rabou (la roche des arnauds). grazing near the road, under the wood. 1200 m. 7.6.2010, gallo l. e garraud l., gl-7064. gap, crête du devès de rabou (la roche des arnauds). grazing. 1400 m. 7.6.2010, gallo l. e garraud l., gl-7062. gap, crête du devès de rabou (la roche des arnauds). brushwood under the ridge. 1400 m. 7.6.2010, gallo l. e garraud l., gl-7052. gap, crête du devès de rabou (la roche des arnauds). ridge. 1500 m. 7.6.2010, gallo l. e garraud l. gl-7041. gap, crête du devès de rabou (la roche des arnauds). grazing. 1400 m. 7.6.2010, gallo l. e garraud l., gl-7063. clamensane, montagne de reynier, near the “”passage de palabiouse”. grazing on the top of the ridge among the rocks. 1450 m. 23.09.2010, gallo l., garraud l. e van es j., gl-7272. clamensane montagne de reynier, under the ridge, side of reynier, rocky grazing. 1400 m, e. 23.09.2010, gallo l., neotypification of sedum ochroleucum chaix (crassulaceae) 64 garraud l. e van es j., gl-7274. clamensane montagne de reynier, under the ridge, side of reynier, rocky grazing. 1400 m, e. 23.09.2010, gallo l., garraud l. e van es j., gl-7275. clamensane montagne de reynier, under the ridge side of reynier, rocky grazing. 1400 m, e. 0267978/4909585. 23.09.2010, gallo l., garraud l. e van es j., gl-7276. clamensane montagne de reynier, under the ridge side of reynier, rocky grazing. 1400 m., e. 23.09.2010, gallo l., garraud l. e van es j., gl-7277. ricevuto: 26 novembre 2012 approvato: 7 gennaio 2013 lorenzo gallo natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 9 (1): 11-16, 2022 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2022.544 new distributional data on haemogregarina stepanowi (apicomplexa) and placobdella costata (hirudinea) parasitising the sicilian pond turtle emys trinacris (testudines) rita scardino, marco arculeo, vincenzo arizza, giuseppe bazan, mario lo valvo, federico marrone, luca vecchioni* dipartimento di scienze e tecnologie biologiche, chimiche e farmaceutiche, università degli studi di palermo, via archirafi 18, 90123 palermo (pa), italia. e-mail: rita scardino: marco arculeo: vincenzo arizza: vincenzo.arizza giuseppe bazan: giuseppe.bazan mario lo valvo: mario.lovalvo federico marrone: fedrico.marrone * corresponding author: luca.vecchioni © 2021 rita scardino, marco arculeo, vincenzo arizza, giuseppe bazan, mario lo valvo, federico marrone, luca vecchioni received for publication: 28 may 2021 accepted for publication: 2 november 2021 online publication: 18 march 2022 abstract the host-parasite system “emys trinacris placobdella costata haemogregarina stepanowi” is known for sicily, but scarce information is available to date about the distribution of the two parasites p. costata and h. stepanowi on the island. therefore, an extensive sampling effort through visual census and collection and analysis of blood smears of the endemic sicilian pond turtle e. trinacris was carried out in 46 water bodies scattered throughout mainland sicily. our findings revealed that the distribution of both parasites is limited to the nebrodi area, where the infection of h. stepanowi has shown a high incidence on the local turtle populations. our data suggest no correlation between the current distribution of the two parasite species and environmental features. the current distribution of h. stepanowi and p. costata seems not to be relictual, but rather the outcome of a recent colonisation process. considering the possible negative impact of both h. stepanowi and p. costata on their turtle host, their long-term effect on e. trinacris should be investigated. key words: blood parasites, conservation, emydidae, glossiphoniidae, haemogregarinidae. riassunto nuovi dati sulla distribuzione di haemogregarina stepanowi (apicomplexa) e placobdella costata (hirudinea) parassiti della testuggine palustre siciliana emys trinacris (testudines). in sicilia è noto il sistema ospite-parassita “emys trinacris placobdella costata haemogregarina stepanowi”, ma attualmente sono disponibili scarse informazioni sulla distribuzione in sicilia dei parassiti p. costata e h. stepanowi. pertanto, è stato condotto un ampio sforzo di campionamento attraverso il censimento visivo e la raccolta e l’analisi di strisci di sangue della testuggine palustre siciliana e. trinacris in 46 corpi idrici distribuiti in tutta la sicilia. i nostri risultati hanno rivelato che la distribuzione di entrambi i parassiti è limitata alla zona dei nebrodi, dove l’infezione da h. stepanowi ha mostrato un’elevata incidenza sulle popolazioni di testuggini locali. i dati raccolti non hanno suggerito alcuna correlazione fra l’attuale distribuzione delle due specie di parassiti e le caratteristiche ambientali. l’attuale distribuzione di h. stepanowi e di p. costata non sembra essere relittuale, ma piuttosto il risultato di un recente processo di colonizzazione. considerando il possibile impatto negativo sia di h. stepanowi che di p. costata sul loro ospite, l’effetto a lungo termine su e. trinacris dovrebbe esserne studiato. parole chiave: conservazione, emydidae, glossiphoniidae, haemogregarinidae, parassiti del sangue. introduction sicily hosts the endemic pond turtle emys trinacris fritz, fattizzo, guicking, tripepi, pennisi, lenk, joger & wink 2005, which is the only autochthonous freshwater turtle occurring on the island. this turtle species has a scattered distribution (vamberger et al., 2015; marrone et al., 2016a, 2016b; vecchioni et al., 2020b), and has suffered severe habitat destruction and fragmentation (fritz et al., 2005), which together with the species’ limited dispersal ability (iannella et al., 2018) put it at risk. furthermore, e. trinacris suffers the pressure of invasive alien species (marrone & naselli-flores, 2015; naselli-flores & marrone, 2019; liuzzo et al., 2020), occasional hybridisation with the congeneric e. orbicularis (linnaeus, 1758) (vamberger et al., 2015; scardino et al., 2020), possible parasite spill-over (arizza et al., 2016), and potential threats due to angling (vecchioni et al., 2020a). the only palaearctic representative of the glossiphoniid leech genus placobdella blanchard 1893 is p. costata (müller 1846) which has a strict, but not exclusive, trophic relationship with aquatic turtles of the genus emys duméril 1806 (bielecki et al., 2012; romero et al., 2014; kvist et al., 2022). these two taxa constitute a host-parasite system in which a further species is involved i.e. haemogregarina stepanowi (danilewsky 1885) a widespread apicomplexan haemoparasite of aquatic turtles (dvořáková et al., 2014; arizza et al., 2016). this last species has a complex life cycle that requires an intermediate host (e.g. e. trinacris) and a definitive host (i.e. 12 p. costata), in which the haemogregarine’s gametogenesis occurs in both, with the subsequent formation of the zygote (siddall & desser, 1990; mihalca et al., 2008; dvořáková et al., 2014). marrone et al. (2016a) and vecchioni et al. (2021) in-(2021) investigated the system “e. trinacris + p. costata” in an attempt to assess the possible existence of a cophylogenetic pattern between them. however, no evidence supporting this hypothesis was retrieved. we here describe the distribution of the “e. trinacris p. costata h. stepanowi” system in sicily, in light of the possible impact of the two parasites on the populations of the endemic sicilian pond turtle. materials and methods samples were collected in 46 sites located on mainland sicily from 2014 to 2017 (no record of e. trinacris is available for the small circum-sicilian islands) as shown in fig. 1 and tab. 1, including both low-altitude water bodies and the highest localities where e. trinacris is known to occur (marrone et al., 2016b; ottonello et al., 2021), including permanent lakes and ponds, brackish lakes and watercourses. pond turtles were caught by hand or with baited hoop traps as described in marrone et al. (2016a). after the identification of the species in situ, a blood sample was obtained from the dorsal coccygeal vessel of each turtle. each pond turtle was also carefully inspected for the presence of leeches; when these were present, they were collected and fixed in situ in 90% ethanol and identified according to minelli (1977). afterwards, the animals were immediately released in nature. blood smears were prepared in situ according to arizza et al. (2016). leech samples and blood smears are stored at the department of biological, chemical and pharmaceutical sciences and technologies (stebicef) of the university of palermo under the curatorial responsibility of one of the authors (lv). the distribution of the sampled population of e. trinacris in sicily, the occurrence of its parasites, and the presence of parasitized individuals were mapped in esri arcgis 10.2. the distribution of the captured turtles and parasitized individuals has been analysed with respect to bioclimatic data (bazan et al., 2015), lithological features (basilone, 2018) and habitats recorded in the “carta della natura” (ispra, 2012). because the shapiro-wilk test (shapiro & wilk, 1965) showed that data were not normally distributed, non-parametric spearman correlation test was used in order to explore the possible link between turtle distribution/presence and environmental features. fig. 1 sites in sicily where the occurrence of e. trinacris, p. costata and h. stepanowi has been observed. / siti in sicilia in cui è stata osservata la presenza di e. trinacris, p. costata e h. stepanowi. rita scardino, marco arculeo, vincenzo arizza, giuseppe bazan, mario lo valvo, federico marrone, luca vecchioni 13 tab. 1 list of the sampled sites, captured individuals of e. trinacris, collected p. costata individuals and synopsis of the studied blood samples of e. trinacris in which h. stepanowi occurred. geographical coordinates are expressed as decimal degrees (mapdatum: wgs84). the type of water body is shown in brackets: a) artificial; n) natural. / elenco dei siti campionati, individui catturati di e. trinacris, individui raccolti di p. costata e sinossi dei campioni di sangue studiati di e. trinacris in cui h. stepanowi era presente. le coordinate geografiche sono espresse in gradi decimali (mapdatum: wgs84). tra parentesi è indicato il tipo di corpo idrico: a) artificiale; n) naturale. * pond turtles kept in captivity. / testuggini palustri tenute in cattività. province municipality site name latitude n longitude e elevation (m a.s.l.) e. trinacris (n. ind) naturalness evaluation index (“nei”) p. costata (p/a) h. stepanowi (p/a) n. parasitized individuals (by h. stepanowi) agrigento casteltermini fiume platani (n) 37.493897 13.687256 138 7 0.38 agrigento montallegro lago gorgo (a) 37.408766 13.324239 65 26 0.72 agrigento siculiana rno “torre salsa” (n) 37.374883 13.329954 18 17 0.49 caltanissetta gela biviere di gela (n) 37.020923 14.345073 6 0.77 caltanissetta riesi c.da pietralunga (n) 37.337828 14.126060 220 0.40 catania randazzo lago gurrida (a) 37.857812 14.900734 855 0.49 enna enna fiume imera (n) 37.494888 14.145615 261 11 0.51 enna enna pergusa (n) 37.511532 14.304555 671 14 0.89 enna nicosia laghetti sambuchetticampanito (n) 37.832023 14.390823 1252 22 0.41 1 1 18 enna nicosia laghetti sambuchetticampanito 2 (n) 37.831846 14.390189 1261 1 0.39 1 messina alcara li fusi alcara li fusi (a) 37.991153 14.719617 644 3 0.50 1 2 messina alcara li fusi lago di maulazzo (a) 37.94059 14.672646 1470 0.98 messina caronia lago gianferraro (n) 37.951383 14.49746 1010 2 0.96 1 1 2 messina caronia marina di caronia (n) 38.027674 14.476765 65 0.36 messina caronia marina di caronia 2 (a) 38.022166 14.477595 159 1 0.42 1 1 messina caronia san fratello (a) 37.98346 14.566497 500 2 0.73 1 1 1 messina caronia san fratello 2 (a) 37.979295 14.542903 403 8 0.57 1 1 7 messina caronia stagno di pantana (n) 37.949314 14.551364 922 44 0.83 1 n.a. n.a. messina caronia torre del lauro (a) 38.03035 14.531056 246 2 0.94 1 1 messina caronia torre del lauro 2 (a) 38.039912 14.547666 179 0.54 messina cesarò lago biviere (n) 37.95211 14.715968 1279 0.70 messina mistretta lago urio quattrocchi (n) 37.901245 14.396302 1039 3 0.84 1 1 3 messina sant’agata di militello lago di spartà (a) 38.030587 14.647807 670 20 0.43 palermo godrano gorgo lungo (n) 37.901286 13.408673 894 11 0.70 palermo godrano laghetto coda di riccio (a) 37.873226 13.398654 862 17 0.86 palermo godrano laghetto coda di riccio 2 (a) 37.872622 13.401166 868 5 0.81 palermo godrano laghetto presso valle maria (a) 37.882222 13.411111 651 4 0.71 palermo monreale chiusa arcera (a) 37.916111 13.391111 584 2 0.94 palermo monreale laghetto agricolo di tagliavia (a) 37.896613 13.299692 589 14 0.37 palermo monreale lago presso c/da costa del renoso (a) 37.883611 13.043056 216 7 0.41 palermo monreale ponte calatrasi (n) 37.844453 13.119358 203 0.36 palermo monreale stagno agricolo di gallitello (a) 37.866954 12.961537 132 23 0.41 palermo palermo laghetto agricolo del frattina (a) 37.865877 13.30409 478 11 0.52 new distributional data on haemogregarina stepanowi and placobdella costata parasitising the sicilian pond turtle emys trinacris 14 province municipality site name latitude n longitude e elevation (m a.s.l.) e. trinacris (n. ind) naturalness evaluation index (“nei”) p. costata (p/a) h. stepanowi (p/a) n. parasitized individuals (by h. stepanowi) ragusa ispica canale arezzi (a) 36.707172 14.957663 3 0.33 ragusa ispica canale presso c/da carruba (a) 36.751374 14.980002 27 0.33 ragusa ispica pantano gariffi (a) 36.733481 14.938490 2 0.33 ragusa ragusa fiume irminio (n) 36.788669 14.602031 18 0.42 siracusa noto canale longarini (a) 36.735227 14.996854 8 6 0.33 siracusa noto pantani di vendicari (n) 36.807613 15.095825 2 13 0.69 siracusa pachino ispica (n.a.) -* -* n.a. 7 siracusa pachino pantano longarini 1 (n) 36.713826 15.01244 0 0.75 siracusa pachino pantano longarini 2 (n) 36.708364 15.00215 0 0.87 siracusa pachino pantano longarini 3 (n) 36.707618 15.00772 1 0.68 trapani calatafimisegesta laghetto presso c/da anguillara (a) 37.856747 12.914465 204 0.36 trapani custonaci lentina (a) 38.051115 12.674649 90 3 0.37 trapani mazara del vallo rni “lago preola e gorghi tondi” (n) 37.609118 12.653975 3 30 0.55 to evaluate the influence of landscape features on species distribution, the “naturalness evaluation index” (“nei”, baiamonte et al., 2015) of the area surrounding the sites (defined with a 500 m buffer) was calculated. the index was used to measure the conservation status of habitats where 0 means total artificiality and 1 maximum naturalness. values of nei were correlated with the occurrence of turtles in each site and the occurrence of parasitized individuals. results overall, 336 individuals of e. trinacris were captured in 30 different sites out of the 46 sampled water bodies (tab. 1). in 15 cases, sites consisted of natural habitats including lakes (4), ponds (6), and watercourses (5). in 14 cases the species was present in anthropogenic habitats including artificial lakes (2) and farm ponds (12). one sample includes pond turtles kept in captivity. conversely, no e. trinacris were recorded in the other 16 surveyed sites. sampling sites were located within different landscape contexts such as agricultural systems, pastures, wood plantations, and natural forests from sea level up to 1470 m a.s.l. the nei mean value of sites with the absence and presence e. trinacris was respectively 0.54 and 0.61. the spearman correlation test between occurrence of turtles and nei of surrounding landscape was not significant (r= 0.211). among the sites where pond turtles were found, only seven showed the occurrence of p. costata. these are both natural (5 sites) and artificial ponds (2 sites), all located within areas of high naturalness: the nebrodi natural park and the sambuchetti-campanito natural reserve. the forenamed areas are characterized by geological substrata of numidian flysch formation and by three different altitudinal vegetation belts (quercus suber l., q. cerris l. and fagus sylvatica l. forests). the nei value of the sites where p. costata has been detected ranges from 0.39 to 0.96, with a mean value of 0.67. based on the study of emys blood smear samples, 35 individuals from eight sites out of the 336 pond turtles examined were positive for haemogregarines (tab. 1). within the pond turtle populations where the presence of h. stepanowi was recorded, all of which located in the nebrodi area, 81% of the individuals of e. trinacris proved to be infected with haemogregarines. h. stepanowi was detected in individuals living in quite well-preserved environmental contexts in terms of vegetation diversity (mean of nei equal to 0.67) where the main anthropogenic disturbance is represented by grazing. however, the spearman correlation test coefficient between occurrence of parasitized individuals and nei value of surrounding landscape was 0.21. conversely, no evidence for the presence of the apicomplexan and leech parasites was observed in the 293 e. trinacris collected in the remaining 21 sites where the sicilian pond turtle was found to occur (fig. 1). discussion based on the results, the system “emys trinacris placobdella costata haemogregarina stepanowi” proved to occur in the nebrodi area only. oddly, in three different sites (i.e. “alcara li fusi”, “marina di caronia 2” and “torre del lauro”: see tab. 1) we recorded the occurrence of h. stepanowi but not the occurrence of p. costata; this is possibly related to the limited number of sicilian pond turtles collected in these sites. conversely, in two locations (i.e. “sambuchettirita scardino, marco arculeo, vincenzo arizza, giuseppe bazan, mario lo valvo, federico marrone, luca vecchioni 15 campanito 2” and "stagno di pantana", see tab. 1), despite the occurrence of p. costata, no haemogregarine were detected; however, a single blood smear was examined, from the single pond turtle individual collected there. no blood smears were prepared for the turtles collected in “stagno di pantana”. interestingly, no correlation was observed between the water bodies origin (i.e. natural or artificial, see tab. 1), altitude or landscape features and the occurrence of p. costata and/or h. stepanowi. in fact, the occurrence of leeches and apicomplexans was observed in different water bodies in a bioclimatic range from thermomediterranean dry to supramediterranean subhumid (between 159 and 1252 m a.s.l.), and occurring in various landscapes (bazan et al., 2015), from cultivated to forested, highlighting the euryecy of these species. the collected evidence thus suggests that no ecological factors possibly determined the observed pattern, as already reported for other leech species (e.g., marrone et al., 2021). this interpretation is supported by a not significant spearman correlation between presence of e. trinacris and h. stepanowi and nei values. moreover, it is unlikely that the absence of haemogregarina spp. in other sicilian areas where e. trinacris occurs is linked to constraints in species dispersal, especially in the case of placobdella leeches, which are able to take advantage of several biological dispersal vectors (davies et al., 1982; vamberger & trontelj, 2007). conversely, a recent natural or human-mediated colonisation of p. costata in sicily, with a point-introduction in the nebrodi area along with translocated e. orbicularis specimens from mainland italy (e.g., vamberger et al., 2015), can be possibly advocated to explain the observed pattern. in sites where haemogregarines were found, the incidence of the apicomplexan infection was high, interesting 81% of the captured pond turtles (i.e., 35 infected turtles out of 43 captured individuals, see tab. 1), thus showing how h. stepanowi has great efficiency in exploiting its definitive host (i.e., p. costata) to infect e. trinacris individuals. to date, scant information is available on the health status of the emys spp. populations infected by haemogregarines (ozvegy et al., 2015; úngari et al., 2018). monitoring programs would therefore be advisable in order to check for any possible long-term negative effects on the populations of the endemic sicilian pond turtle, and to prevent them. acknowledgements the italian “ministero dell’ambiente e della tutela del territorio e del mare” is gratefully acknowledged for 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e-mail: ** corso di porta ticinese 42, i-20123 milano, italia; e-mail: sergio facchini* & antonio susini** due nuove specie di peliocypadina basilewsky, 1984 della regione afrotropicale (coleoptera carabidae lebiini) riassunto – gli autori descrivono due nuove specie di peliocypadina basilewsky, 1984: peliocypas tagliaferrii n. sp. del gabon e demetriola maculata n. sp. del madagascar. sono fornite le fotografie relative all’habitus delle nuove specie e i caratteri diagnostici per la distinzione delle stesse dalle specie affini. parole chiave: carabidae, lebiini, peliocypadina, peliocypas, demetriola, tassonomia, nuova specie, africa, gabon, madagascar. abstract – the description of two new species of peliocypadina basilewsky, 1984 is given: peliocypas tagliaferrii n. sp. from gabon and demetriola maculata n. sp. from madagascar. p. tagliaferrii n. sp. is rather similar to p. debilis (laferté-sénectère, 1849) but the first one can be easily distinguished from the latter by its tempora more obliquely restricted, pronotum more restricted and distinctly less rounded at sides in the anterior half, hind angles more protruding and sharp, elytra shorter and more dilated in the apical half and with darker brown colour. demetriola maculata n. sp. can be distinguished from d. levis by its posterior supraorbital seta near the eye, pronotum more restricted in the anterior part, anterior lateral seta present (without lateral setae in d. levis), elytra more convex and less dilated in the posterior half, with a black, irregular median discal spot (without spot in d. levis) and shoulders evidently more distinct. the habitus of the new taxa are illustrated. key words: carabidae, lebiini, peliocypadina, peliocypas, demetriola, taxonomy, new species, africa, gabon, madagascar. introduzione il taxon peliocypadina basilewsky, 1984 comprende attualmente i due soli generi peliocypas schmidt-goebel, 1846 e demetriola jeannel, 1949, ma mentre peliocypas è ampiamente diffuso con oltre 60 specie in asia e in africa, per il genere demetriola è nota una sola specie del madagascar (jeannel, 1949; löbl i. & smetana, 2003; lorenz, 2005). in particolare per la regione afrotropicale sono state descritte 15 specie appartenenti al genere peliocypas, 8 delle quali vivono nell’africa continentale e 7 in madagascar, con due specie malgasce che presentano anche una differenziazione sottospecifica (jeannel, 1949; basilewsky, 1953; 20 basilewsky, 1956; basilewsky, 1984). i peliocypadina sono distinguibili dagli altri lebiini bonelli, 1810 per la base del pronoto non ribordata, non lobata nella parte mediana, palpi con ultimo articolo fusiforme, mento e submento senza sutura completa, presenza di setole suborbitali, quarto tarsomero fortemente bilobato, unghie pettinate, bulbo basale e paramero destro dell’edeago molto piccoli, articolo distale dello stilo dell’ovopositore finemente pubescente ma senza spinule o forti setole. demetriola è distinta da peliocypas per il bordo apicale delle elitre non fortemente sinuato, la presenza di un’evidente torsione nel lobo mediano dell’edeago e le elitre con strie svanite. dall’esame di abbondante materiale proveniente da numerose spedizioni effettuate in gabon e in madagascar è stato possibile scoprire la presenza di due nuove specie appartenenti ai peliocypadina, la descrizione delle quali rappresenta lo scopo di questo articolo. materiali e metodi questo studio si è basato sull’esame del seguente materiale: 3 esemplari di peliocypas n. sp., 2 esemplari di demetriola n. sp., demetriola levis jeannel, 1949 (paratypus), peliocypas alternans jeannel, 1949 (paratypus), p. angulosus jeannel, 1949 (paratypus), p. cylindricollis jeannel, 1949 (holotypus), p. dissimilis longicollis jeannel, 1949 (paratypus), p. dissimilis major jeannel, 1949 (paratypus), p. insularis obtusus jeannel, 1949 (paratypus), p. longulus jeannel, 1949 (holotypus), p. sicardi jeannel, 1949 (paratypus), p. fragilis (péringuey, 1896) (syntypus), p. bechynei basilewsky, 1956 (paratypus), p. inflaticeps (burgeon, 1937) (holotypus), p. villiersi (burgeon, 1942) (allotypus). inoltre sono stati esaminati esemplari di p. natalensis (chaudoir, 1876) e p. pallidus (chaudoir, 1878) comparati con il tipo da p. basilewsky e p. debilis (laferté-sénectère, 1849), p. dissimilis (klug, 1833) e p. insularis fairmaire, 1897 det. basilewsky. per quanto riguarda le specie di peliocypadina dell’africa e del madagascar l’unico taxon che non è stato possibile esaminare è p. chaudoiri (barker, 1919), specie del natal di colore testaceo. le misurazioni sono state effettuate con un micrometro oculare e un microscopio stereoscopico leica mz 12.5. la lunghezza totale è stata misurata dall’apice delle mandibole (chiuse) all’apice delle elitre. le misurazioni delle parti anatomiche e le abbreviazioni usate nel testo sono: el lunghezza delle elitre dalla base dello scutello all’apice ew massima larghezza delle elitre pl lunghezza del pronoto lungo la linea mediana pw massima larghezza del pronoto gli indici utilizzati in questa pubblicazione sono: pw/pl e el/ew. il materiale tipico è conservato nelle seguenti collezioni: msnm museo di storia naturale di milano cb collezione bulirsch, prague (czech republic) cf collezione facchini, piacenza (italia) csu collezione susini, milano (italia) peliocypas tagliaferrii n. sp. diagnosi. un peliocypas di 4,5 mm, capo e pronoto bruno-rossicci, elitre bruno scuro con apice e doccia laterale più chiari, zampe, palpi e antenne giallastri, primo antennomero e labbro superiore brunastri. tempie obliquamente ristrette, pronoto sergio facchini & antonio susini 21 stretto e poco arrotondato nella parte anteriore, angoli posteriori acuti e sporgenti, elitre brevi e allargate nella metà apicale. locus typicus: gabon, makokou-ipassa. materiale tipico: holotypus femmina: “africa eq./gabon, makokou-ipassa, nov. 2006 a. susini” (msnm). paratypi: africa eq. gabon, parco dell’ivindo, 5.2009, a. susini, 2 femmine (cf, csu). derivatio nominis. questa specie è dedicata all’amico e maestro federico tagliaferri di piacenza, prematuramente scomparso, specialista in scarabaeoidea. descrizione: lunghezza totale: 4,5 mm in holotypus (4,4-5,2 mm nei paratypi); capo e pronoto bruno-rossicci, elitre bruno scuro con apice e doccia laterale più chiari, zampe, palpi e antenne giallastri, primo antennomero e labbro superiore brunastri. corpo superiormente glabro. alato. alcuni residui di microscultura sul capo, svanita sul pronoto, forte sulle elitre (isodiametrica). habitus in fig. 1. capo mediamente lungo, non punteggiato, solchi frontali brevi. labbro superore non incavato nel mezzo, con 6 setole anteriormente; clipeo con 2 setole, diritto al lato anteriore. dente del mento presente, acuto; mento e submento senza sutura completa; presenza di 1 setola suborbitale; ligula con 4 setole all’apice; paraglosse di poco più lunghe della ligula; palpi finemente pubescenti, con ultimo articolo fusiforme, palpi labiali dicheti. mandibole brevi e arcuate. occhi fortemente convessi; tempie lunghe, obliquamente ristrette e non rigonfie. antennomeri pubescenti dalla metà distale del quarto articolo. pronoto stretto (pw/pl = 1,11 in ht), debolmente convesso, lati poco arrotondati nella metà anteriore, distintamente sinuati prima degli angoli posteriori, che sono acuti e sporgenti verso l’esterno. di poco più stretto al margine anteriore che alla base, questa obliqua ai lati, non ribordata, senza frangia di setole sul margine. 2 setole per lato, una all’angolo posteriore e una a circa 3/4 della lunghezza dalla base. angoli anteriori non sporgenti. doccia laterale molto stretta nella parte anteriore, di poco allargata posteriormente dove si unisce con la depressione basale. solco longitudinale fortemente impresso, solchi trasversali anteriore e posteriore ben visibili. superficie dorsale non punteggiata, con fini solchi trasversali. scutello non punteggiato, con microscultura isodiametrica. prosterno con alcune setole, mesoe metasterno, pro-, mesoe metaepisterni lisci e glabri; metaepisterni più lunghi che larghi, ristretti posteriormente. apofisi prosternale non ribordata. elitre poco allungate (el/ew = 1,48 in ht), convesse, allargate nella metà apicale, massima larghezza nella metà posteriore; bordo apicale delle elitre sinuato. omeri ben marcati; base con ribordo fino alla base della quarta stria, poi indistinto; margine basale e laterale formanti una curva. strie profonde, complete, con finissima punteggiatura sul fondo; intervalli non punteggiati, poco convessi. stria scutellare rudimentale, poro basale presente; 2 pori discali sul terzo intervallo; 2 setole apicali, una delle quali poco distinta ma presente; serie ombelicata formata da 14-16 pori setigeri disposti in due gruppi (6-7 + 8-9). addome con minuti peli sparsi. ultimo sternite con 2 setole per lato nella femmina. zampe di media lunghezza, tarsi pubescenti, tarsomero 1 molto lungo, tarsomero 4 profondamente bilobato; onychium inferiormente con setole; unghie pettinate. ovopositore con articolo distale dello stilo senza setole e spine. maschio sconosciuto. distribuzione. attualmente noto solo del gabon. due nuove specie di peliocypadina basilewsky, 1984 (coleoptera carabidae lebiini) 22 affinità. peliocypas tagliaferrii n. sp. presenta affinità con p. debilis dell’africa occidentale ma è ben distinguibile da esso per le tempie obliquamente ristrette, per il pronoto più stretto e distintamente meno arrotondato nella metà anteriore, per gli angoli posteriori più acuti e sporgenti, per le elitre meno allungate e più allargate nella metà apicale (più lunghe e parallele in p. debilis) e per il colore bruno molto più scuro, in particolare sulle elitre. demetriola maculata n. sp. diagnosi. una demetriola di 3,8 mm, capo, pronoto ed elitre giallastri, elitre con una grossa macchia nera irregolare mediana sul disco, zampe, palpi, labbro superiore, mandibole e antenne giallastri. capo con la setola sopraorbitale posteriore vicino al margine posteriore dell’occhio, pronoto con 1 poro setigero laterale, elitre con omeri ben marcati, bordo apicale dell’elitra debolmente sinuato, strie svanite. figs. 1-2 habitus di peliocypas tagliaferrii n. sp. (1), demetriola maculata n. sp., (2). holotypus. 1 2 sergio facchini & antonio susini 23 locus typicus: se madagascar, chaînes anosyennes, 6 km s of imaha, 24°16’s, 46°57’e, 1.350-1.500 m. materiale tipico: holotypus femmina: “se madagascar, chaînes anosyennes, 6 km s of imaha, 1.350-1.500 m, 5.-12.2.2004, 24°16’s, 46°57’e, p. bulirsch lgt” (cb). paratypus: stessi dati dell’holotypus, 1 femmina (cf). derivatio nominis. il nome della specie deriva dalla presenza della caratteristica macchia sulle elitre. descrizione: lunghezza totale: 3,8 mm in holotypus (4,1 mm nel paratypus). capo, pronoto ed elitre giallastri, pronoto con due bande longitudinali più scure, elitre con una grossa macchia nera irregolare mediana sul disco e una debole fascia scura omerale che non raggiunge il margine delle elitre; zampe, palpi, labbro superiore, mandibole e antenne giallastri. corpo superiormente glabro. alato. microscultura assente su capo e pronoto, debolissima e quasi impercettibile sulle elitre. habitus in fig. 2. capo mediamente lungo, non punteggiato, solchi frontali brevi. labbro superore non incavato nel mezzo, con 6 setole anteriormente; clipeo con 2 setole, diritto al lato anteriore. dente del mento presente, acuto; mento e submento senza sutura completa; presenza di 1 setola suborbitale; ligula con 4 setole all’apice; paraglosse circa lunghe come la ligula; palpi finemente pubescenti, con ultimo articolo fusiforme, palpi labiali dicheti. mandibole brevi. occhi fortemente convessi, tempie lunghe, obliquamente ristrette e non rigonfie; setola sopraorbitale posteriore vicino al margine posteriore dell’occhio. antennomeri pubescenti dal quarto articolo. pronoto lungo quanto largo (pw/pl = 1,0 in ht), convesso, lati poco arrotondati nella metà anteriore, ristretti prima degli angoli posteriori, che sono quasi retti ma arrotondati all’apice, non sporgenti verso l’esterno. proepisterni appena visibili in visione dorsale. massima larghezza anteriore alla metà, ugualmente ristretto al margine anteriore e alla base, questa non incavata ai lati, non ribordata, senza frangia di setole sul margine. una setola per lato nella metà anteriore, presso la massima larghezza. angoli anteriori non sporgenti. doccia laterale molto stretta in tutta la sua lunghezza. solco longitudinale molto fine ma visibile nella parte mediana, svanito alle estremità. superficie dorsale non punteggiata, liscia e lucida. scutello non punteggiato, con fine microscultura. pro-, mesoe metasterno, pro-, mesoe metaepisterni lisci e glabri; metaepisterni allungati. apofisi prosternale non ribordata. elitre poco allungate (el/ew = 1,5 in ht), convesse, allargate nella metà apicale, massima larghezza nella metà posteriore, bordo apicale debolmente sinuato. superficie non punteggiata, lucida. omeri ben marcati; base con fine ribordo ma incompleto; margine basale e laterale formano una curva. strie indistinte; 2 pori discali, poro basale presente; 2 setole apicali, una delle quali poco distinta, con poro ombelicato molto più piccolo; serie ombelicata formata da 14 pori setigeri disposti in due gruppi (6 + 8), con l’ultimo poro della serie omerale spostato posteriormente. addome liscio e glabro. ultimo sternite con 2-3 setole per lato nella femmina. zampe di media lunghezza, tarsi pubescenti, tarsomero 1 molto lungo, tarsomero 4 profondamente bilobato; onychium inferiormente con setole; unghie pettinate. ovopositore con articolo distale dello stilo senza setole e spine. maschio sconosciuto. due nuove specie di peliocypadina basilewsky, 1984 (coleoptera carabidae lebiini) 24 distribuzione. noto solo di una singola località in se madagascar: chaînes anosyennes, 6 km s of imaha. affinità. demetriola maculata n. sp. è ben distinta da d. levis per la setola sopraorbitale posteriore posta vicino al margine posteriore dell’occhio (molto lontana dal margine posteriore dell’occhio in d. levis), per il pronoto molto più stretto nella metà anteriore, con proepisterni appena visibili in visione dorsale (non visibili in d. levis), con poro setigero laterale anteriore (senza pori setigeri in d. levis), per le elitre più convesse, meno allargate nella metà apicale, per gli omeri molto più evidenti, per un maggior numero di pori setigeri nella serie ombelicata e per la presenza di una grossa macchia nera irregolare mediana sul disco delle elitre. il bordo apicale delle elitre è debolmente sinuato sia in d. maculata n. sp. sia in d. levis, anche se jeannel (1949) lo indica per quest’ultima come arrotondato e non sinuato. ringraziamenti si esprimono i più sentiti ringraziamenti al dr. m. de meyer (musée royal de l’afrique centrale, tervuren), al dr. t. deuve a alla dott.ssa a. taghavian (mnhn collection paris) per aver permesso l’esame del materiale tipico conservato nelle rispettive collezioni. si ringraziano petr bulirsch (prague) per aver gentilmente concesso materiale entomologico in studio, michele zilioli (museo di storia naturale, milano) per l’esecuzione delle immagini fotografiche e il dr. fabrizio rigato, conservatore di entomologia nello stesso museo. bibliografia basilewsky p., 1953 – exploration du parc national de l’upemba. mission g. f. de witte (coleoptera adephaga, carabidae). institut des parcs nationaux du congo belge, 10: 3-252. basilewsky p., 1956 – coléoptères carabidae recueillis par mr. et mme. j. bechyné en afrique occidentale française. entomologische arbeiten aus dem museum g. frey, münchen, 7: 439-489. basilewsky p., 1984 – essai d’une classifi cation supragénérique naturelle des cara-– essai d’une classifi cation supragénérique naturelle des caraessai d’une classification supragénérique naturelle des carabides lébiens d’afrique et de madagascar (coleoptera carabidae lebiinae). revue de zoologie africaine 98 (3): 525-559. jeannel r., 1949 – coléoptères carabiques de la région malgache (troisième partie). faune de l’empire français. ed. muséum national d’histoire naturelle, paris, 11: 767-1146. löbl i. & smetana a. (eds.), 2003 – catalogue of palaearctic coleoptera. volume 1. archostemata myxophaga adephaga. apollo books, stenstrup. lorenz w., 2005 – systematic list of extant ground beetles of the world. insecta coleoptera “geadephaga”: trachypachidae and carabidae incl. paussinae, cicindelinae, rhysodinae. lorenz, tutzing (germany). ricevuto: 20 ottobre 2010 approvato: 23 novembre 2010 sergio facchini & antonio susini natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 9 (1): 73-75, 2022 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2022.565 short communication first report of underwater oviposition by the island bluetail damselfly, ischnura genei (zygoptera, coenagrionidae) enrico schifani department of chemistry, life sciences & environmental sustainability, university of parma, parco area delle scienze 11/a, 43124 parma, italia. e-mail: © 2022 enrico schifani received for publication: 16 july 2021 accepted for publication: 31 october 2021 online publication: 9 march 2022 abstract among odonates that exhibit endophytic oviposition, a few, mostly damselflies, are known to be able to perform underwater oviposition. among them, just a few species do so very frequently. here i report the first observation of underwater oviposition for the damselfly ischnura genei, which becomes the eighth species of its genus known to adopt this strategy after i. asiatica, i. aurora, i. elegans, i. graellsii, i. hastata, i. nursei, and i. verticalis. the reasons why these species or other odonates choose this particular mode of oviposition on rare occasions are not yet known, although a number of possible costs and benefits have been proposed. key words: egg-laying, forktails, island endemic, mediterranean basin, reproductive strategies, sicily, tyrrhenian species. riassunto prima osservazione di ovodeposizione subacquea da parte della codazzura insulare ischnura genei (zygoptera, coenagrionidae). fra gli odonati che praticano ovideposizione endofitica, alcuni, soprattutto damigelle, sono in grado di ovideporre sott’acqua. fra questi, poche specie lo fanno in modo molto frequente. qui riporto la prima osservazione di ovideposizione subacquea per la damigella ischnura genei, che diviene l’ottava specie del suo genere nota per utilizzare questa strategia dopo i. asiatica, i. aurora, i. elegans, i. graellsii, i. hastata, i. nursei e i. verticalis. le ragioni che spingono queste o altre specie odonati a scegliere in rare occasioni questa particolare modalità di ovideposizione non sono ancora note, sebbene siano stati proposti una serie di possibili costi e benefici. parole chiave: bacino del mediterraneo, damigelle, endemismo insulare, ovodeposizione, strategie riproduttive, sicilia, specie tirreniche. oviposition is a key moment in the life of female odonates, which normally exposes them to an increased predation risk and, at the same time, to harassment by interfering males (martens & rehfeldt, 1989; corbet, 1999; rüppell et al., 2020). different groups of odonates developed a remarkable variety of countermeasure strategies and behaviours to contrast these threats to oviposition: for example, by performing it either solitarily or in tandem (both behaviours may often coexist in the same species) and by laying their eggs in various manners, either endophytically or exophytically, but in most cases directly into water (corbet, 1999). while endophytic oviposition normally implies that females have to stand still close to the water, exophytic oviposition may reduce the time of exposure to predators and harassers (corbet, 1999). all damselflies (zygoptera) perform endophytic oviposition either in tandem or solitarily, and sometimes form groups of conspecifics (corbet, 1999). females normally lay their eggs immediately below the water surface, often submerging part of the abdomen in the process, but usually keeping their thorax and wings out of water. however, a number of damselflies is also capable of egg laying underwater, a strategy almost absent in dragonflies (anisoptera) (corbet, 1999). underwater oviposition is rarely the most frequent strategy, with the exception of a few species of the genera calopteryx (calopterygidae), coenagrion and enallagma (coenagrionidae). however, females of several other species and genera may perform it as a facultative or rare behaviour, sometimes accompanied by the male: this has been documented in species of the families calopterygidae, chlorocyphidae, coenagrionidae, euphaeidae, lestidae, and platycnemididae. in the genus ischnura (coenagrionidae), this behaviour is considered a rare event, and it was so far documented in just 7 out of the over 70 valid species (corbet, 1999; paulson & schorr, 2017): i. asiatica (brauer 1865), i. aurora (brauer 1865), i. elegans (vander linden 1820), i. graellsii (rambur 1842), i. hastata (say 1840), i. nursei (morton 1907) (without submerging the wings), and i. verticalis (say 1840) (matsuki, 1969; jurtitza, 1986; fincke, 1987; cordero, 1994; yu, 2008; sharma, 2019). here, i report on the first observation of underwater oviposition by the island bluetail damselfly i. genei (rambur 1842), a species of mediterranean distribution present in corsica, sardinia, sicily as well as in the maltese and tuscan archipelagos. a female i. genei was observed performing underwater oviposition on in palermo (sicily, italy), at about 4:00 pm. oviposition occurred in a small open 74 water tank used for irrigation (traditionally known as “gebbia” in sicilian) sited in a private garden. the female perched on a yellow iris iris pseudacorus l., a few centimetres above water and started to lay eggs on the emerged part of a leaf. then, it moved downwards in a rapid series of steps following the margin of the leaf and submerged completely with its body about 5 cm below the water surface. there, it resumed laying eggs on the leaf (fig. 1). while underwater, it kept its wings closed and had a silvery appearance due to the air bubble covering its body, as described by corbet (1999). the female continued to lay its eggs underwater, moving slightly up or down on the leaf for about 10 min, after which it finally ascended the leaf emerging a few centimetres above the water surface (fig. 1). after flapping its wings and resting for a while, it took a short flight to perch atop the iris. this female showed the very common androchrome pattern (see cordero et al., 1998; sanmartín-villar & cordero-rivera, 2016) and performed the entire oviposition process in the absence of a guarding male, which is a typical condition for i. genei as well as for other mediterranean congeners, such as i. elegans (parr, 1973). furthermore, no odonates of the same or other species occurred in the area during the observation, ruling out intraor interspecific interactions such as male interference (see corbet, 1999) as a possible cause of the observed behaviour. according to corbet (1999), underwater oviposition implies risks of waterlogging and impaired vigour when surfacing. the risk of an emerging female becoming trapped by surface tension is frequently lowered by rescue actions performed by its own mate or by foreign males attempting to force copulations (andoh, 1969; fincke, 1986; miller 1990). in addition, ovipositing underwater certainly exposes the damselfly to strictly aquatic predators that would otherwise have little chance to catch it (notonecta sp. and larvae of anax imperator (leach 1815) are present in the observation site). on the other hand, advantages may be thermoregulation by evaporative cooling without relying on the body’s water content (see prange, 1996; corbet, 1999), protection from male interference, reduced risk of egg desiccation should the water level fall markedly during the season (corbet, 1999), and reduced parasitism of the eggs (harabiš et al., 2015). as in other mediterranean ischnura known to perform underwater oviposition (i.e. i. elegans and i. graellsii, see jurzitza, 1986; cordero, 1994), this behaviour appears remarkably rare in i. genei. even at the study site, i personally observed i. genei during oviposition at least several dozen times during the last 6 years, without ever submerging their body. behavioural similarity with i. elegans and i. graellsii could be expected due to the close phylogenetic relationships between these species (see dumont, 2013; sánchez‐guillén et al., 2014a; 2014b; 2020; galimberti et al., 2020). however, the reasons why several damselfly species, including ischnura spp., perform underwater oviposition and specifically why they do so only rarely, remain unknown. acknowledgments this paper would not have been possible if not for melania messina and giorgio schifani, who supported the construction of ponds or tanks hosting freshwater invertebrates and amphibians in the garden where the observation was conducted. references andoh t., 1969 – submerged oviposition of lestes sponsa. tombo, 12: 27-28. corbet p. s., 1999 – dragonflies: behaviour and ecology of odonata. 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with observations on melanism under laboratory conditions. peerj, 4: e2380. sharma g., 2019 – studies on the reproductive behaviour of ischnura nursei morton (odonata: insecta) at asan reservoir, district dehradun, uttarakhand, india. bio bulletin, 5: 14-17. yu x., 2008 – ovipositing of ischnura aurora. echo, 5: 2 [published in: agrion, 24]. natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 9 (1): 73-75, 2022 natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 2 (2): 89-94, 2015 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2015.235 1 via belvedere 8/d, 20881 bernareggio (mb), italia 2 rue du docteur lemoine 55, 50230 agon-coutainville, france e-mail: 3 nightingales, haslemere road, milford, gu8 5bn surrey, uk. e-mail: *corresponding author: © 2015 paolo rosa, alain livory, david baldock received: 16 april 2015 accepted for publication: 2 september 2015 chrysis monticola linsenmaier, 1999 (hymenoptera, chrysididae), a new species for the european fauna paolo rosa1*, alain livory2, david baldock3 abstract chrysis monticola linsenmaier, 1999, previously known for northern africa, was collected in different sites in algarve and baixo alentejo in portugal. a list of the known species of the c. aestiva group is given and chrysis amurensis semenov, 1967 is transferred from the c. aestiva group to the c. splendidula group. key words: chrysididae, chrysis monticola, chrysis aestiva group, portugal. riassunto chrysis monticola linsenmaier, 1999 (hymenoptera, chrysididae), una nuova specie per la fauna europea. chrysis monticola linsenmaier, 1999, finora conosciuta solo su esemplari del nord africa, è stata raccolta in differenti località dell’algarve e del basso alentejo in portogallo. viene proposta una checklist aggiornata delle specie del gruppo c. aestiva, e la specie chrysis amurensis semenov, 1967 viene trasferita dal gruppo c. aestiva al gruppo c. splendidula. parole chiave: chrysididae, chrysis monticola, gruppo chrysis aestiva, portogallo. introduction in recent years, from 2000 to 2015, there has been an increasing number of entomologists collecting and studying hymenoptera in portugal. the main recorders have been alain livory, roselyne coulomb and david baldock; all the other colleagues are mentioned in the acknowledgements. thanks to this teamwork, about 1200 species of hymenoptera and 70 species of chrysididae have been recorded in portugal, raising the number of known portuguese species and subspecies to 162 (mingo, 1994; kuhlmann, 1996; tussac & zumeta, 2004; oliveira, 2009; rosa & soon, 2012; pers. data). the new chrysidid records for portugal will be discussed in a separate paper, but one species is worthy to be mentioned apart, because it has not been found previously from europe and it is one of the most outstanding species in the west palearctic. chrysis monticola linsenmaier, 1999 was recently described for northern africa (morocco and algeria); alain livory and roselyne coulomb collected some specimens for the first time in europe from 2009 to 2012. �fter this discovery, the number of chrysidid european species is raised from 483 (mitroiu et al., 2015) to 484. materials and methods the terminology follows kimsey & bohart (1991), and the classification of species and species groups follow fauna europaea (rosa & soon, 2012), linsenmaier (1959, 1999). �bbreviations used in the text are as follows: f1, f2, etc. = flagellum 1, flagellum 2; l/w = length versus width; mod = midocellus diameter; ool = oculo-ocellar line; pol = postocellar line; s2 = second metasomal sternite; t1 = first metasomal tergite; t3 = third metasomal tergite; tfc = transverse frontal carina. photographs of the specimens were taken with a nikon d80 camera connected to a togal scz stereomicroscope and stacked with combine zp software. the white calibration of the camera was applied to reduce the blue effect of the neon light of the togal microscope. results examined material chrysis monticola linsenmaier was collected in portugal in algarve and baixo alentejo by a. livory and r. coulomb (fig. 1). �lgarve: 1♀, carrapateira, vii.2009 (fig. 2�) (p. rosa collection); 1♂, odeceixe (�ljezur), 90 vii.2009 (fig. 2b) (p. rosa collection); 1♂, id., vii.2009; 1♀, id. 26.vii.2009; 1♀, id. 26.vii.2009 (�. livory and d. baldock collections). baixo �lentejo: 1♂, zambujeira do mar, 17.vii.2012 (�. livory collection). description of chrysis monticola linsenmaier, 1999 female: 7-8 mm (6-7 mm in the original description) (fig. 3a). colouration: head metallic blue, frons and vertex in ocellar area greenish; pronotum, scutellum, metanotum mesopleuron, metapleuron and partially propodeum metallic red to golden-red; metasoma metallic red, t1 anteriorly metallic blue to greenish; antennae blackish, with very feeble blue metallic ref lections on pedicellus and base of f1. head: malar spaces more subparallel than in linsenmaier line drawing (linsenmaier, 1999: 170, fig. 224) and about 1.1 mod long (fig. 3b); subantennal space a little longer than 1 mod; ool: 2.3 mod; pol: 2.2 mod; tfc distinct and vaguely m-like; scapal basin medially micropunctate, with punctures conf luent and forming transversal lines; clypeus medially slightly incised. mesosoma: with large punctures and smooth intervals (fig. 3c), propodeal tooth narrow and pointing downward. metasoma: apical teeth elongated (fig. 3d) and spiniform, the median pair close together and the lateral well developed and pointed; pit row with relatively large and deep pits, the two median pits larger, laterally partially fused; black spots on s2 large (linsenmaier, 1999: 170, fig. 227). male: 7-8 mm (fig. 4). differs from female by colouration: the red and golden parts of mesosoma are fig. 1 map of the collecting localities of chrysis monticola in southern portugal. fig. 2 chrysis monticola linsenmaier, 1999. european specimens: a) female, b) male. greenish, contrasting with the rest of head and mesonotum. in both sexes there are two greenish to bluish rounded spots laterally on pronotum. malar spaces evidently convergent and about 1.1 mod long; tfc distinctly m-like; scapal basin micropunctated, with long whitish hairs; apical teeth shorter and smaller, with subequal intervals. variation and species group placement the european female (fig. 2a) differs from the northern african female by narrower apical teeth and larger black spots on s2. the male (fig. 2b) differs by pale femur and enlarged black spots on s2. despite these small differences, the genital capsule match the genitalia of the allotype from morocco and therefore we consider the discrepancies as intraspecific variations between different populations. future molecular systematic analysis will possibly confirm this interpretation. the algerian paratype housed in the linsenmaier collection is truly a little different, as already noticed by linsenmaier (1999). in particular, the very reduced black spots on s2 are remarkably different. however, this variation could be related to the different environmental conditions, whereas the genital capsule matches the genital capsule of the moroccan allotype. linsenmaier (1999) noticed that c. monticola could be included in the c. viridula group. we maintain the placement of c. monticola in the c. aestiva group for its general habitus, the shape of the genital capsule and other diagnostic characteristics of the species group despite its unusual and unique body colouration. paolo rosa, alain livory, david baldock 91 fig. 3 chrysis monticola linsenmaier, 1999, holotype female. �) general habitus, dorsal view; b) head, frontal view; c) head and mesosoma dorsal view; d) metasoma, dorsal view. fig. 4 chrysis monticola linsenmaier, 1999, allotype male. �) general habitus, dorsal view; b) genital capsule; c) head and mesosoma dorsal view; d) metasoma, dorsal view. chrysis monticola linsenm�ier, 1999 (hymenopter�, chrysidid�e), � new species for the europe�n f�un� 92 distribution chrysis monticola linsenmaier, 1999 is known from northern africa (morocco and algeria) and portugal. based on the known records, c. monticola is a eurythermic and euryzonal species living in high mountains (it was collected at 1900 m) and deserts (tamanrasset). phenology chrysis monticola in portugal was recorded only in july, although field research was carried out throughout the season between march and the end of september. it is likely that july is the optimal period of flight of c. monticola in portugal. in northern africa, it has been recorded in the high atlas and anti-atlas mountains in morocco (tizi-n-test, timahdite, ijoukak, ait saoun) from june to july, and in algeria (tamanrasset) at the end of march. biology and habitat chrysis monticola linsenmaier was collected in three localities from north to south of the coast between cabo de sines and cabo de sao vicente, in the parque natural do sudoeste alentejano e costa vicentina, the largest protected coastal area in europe, more than 100 km long. the landscapes consist of rocky capes, steep or broken cliffs, interspersed with immense dunes or estuaries. these habitats conceal many endemic plants and the fauna is extremely rich. one specimen was collected on the cliffs of zambujeira do mar in alentejo (fig. 5), in a habitat of dunes and scrubland. most of the specimens were collected further south, on the banks of the ceixe estuary at odeceixe, together with many other rare hymenoptera species. here the dunes perched on cliffs offer a diversified network of scrubland and mobile sands that is extremely attractive to aculeate hymenoptera. lastly, one specimen was collected at the extreme south of algarve, in the immense stretch of dunes of carrapateira (fig. 6) with its enormous clumps of eryngium maritimum. the specimens were collected on the ground or on flowers but possible hosts were not observed. the only citation (linsenmaier, 1959) in this species group for mediterranean species is pseudoanthidium lituratum (panzer) (megachilidae), as a possible host for chrysis interjecta du buysson. fig. 5 habitat of chrysis monticola in zambujeira do mar 17th july 2012. roselyne coulomb hunting on helichrysum flowers (photo �lain livory). fig. 6 habitat of chrysis monticola in carrapateira 9th july 2009 (photo �lain livory). paolo rosa, alain livory, david baldock 93 diagnosis of the c. aestiva group chrysis monticola linsenmaier, 1999 belongs to the c. aestiva group. the chrysis aestiva group was originally established by linsenmaier (1959) and it is characterised by: rather long f1 (l/w in male: 2˗2.8, in female: 2.4˗2.8), face usually microridged medially, in some species basomedially polished in female; tfc partial, with an m-like form, usually strongest medially; malar space long, in male about 1.2 mod, in female about 2 mod (less than the measures given in kimsey & bohart, 1991); propodeal angle short, stout, blunt, straight or gently incurved behind; last tergite not saddled, pit row developed, but usually simple, without large pits; apical margin of t3 with four short teeth, usually the median pair a little longer and closer together, lateral pair weak or absent; s2 with two large black spots, sometimes fused or nearly so. members of the chrysis aestiva group are found in the western palearctic region (15 species and 8 subspecies), and in the afrotropical region (2 species). they are mostly distributed around the mediterranean countries, middle east and west asia. at present: six species and two subspecies are known for the european fauna: chrysis aestiva aestiva dahlbom, 1854 (= c. quadrimaculata bischoff, 1910), c. interjecta interjecta du buysson (in �ndré), 1895 (= c. rosina balthasar, 1953), c. interjecta hemichlora linsenmaier, 1951, c. maderi linsenmaier, 1959, c. martinella patrasensis linsenmaier, 1968; c. mixta dahlbom, 1854; c. monticola linsenmaier, 1999 (rosa & soon, 2012); nine species and three subspecies are known for middle east and west asia: c. aestiva aestiva dahlbom, 1854, c. aestiva moczari linsenmaier, 1959, c. andreevi semenov, 1954, c. antakyensis linsenmaier, 1968, c. aurelia aurelia balthasar, 1953, c. aurelia palmachinensis linsenmaier, 1987, c. gusenleitneri linsenmaier, 1968, c. iocosa linsenmaier, 1968, c. martinella martinella du buysson, 1900 (= c. satunini semenov, 1967), c. martinella solox semenov, 1954 (= c. klapperichi balthasar, 1957), c. mirifica balthasar, 1953, c. sardarica sardarica radoszkowski, 1890; five species and three subspecies are known for northern africa (c. caudex linsenmaier, 1968, c. denticula linsenmaier, 1999, c. interjecta mediana linsenmaier, 1987, c. monticola linsenmaier 1999, c. sardarica perrecta linsenmaier, 1959, c. sardarica lepidula linsenmaier, 1959); two species are recorded from south africa and madagascar (c. grootdermensis koch, 2006 and c. madecassa mocsáry, 1908). chrysis amurensis semenov, 1967 was included by kimsey & bohart (1991) in the c. aestiva group but, after type examination, it does not share the diagnostic characteristics of the species group and we transfer it into the c. splendidula group. the iberian species of the c. aestiva group before this study, only two species of the c. aestiva group were known from the iberian peninsula: chrysis interjecta du buysson and c. mixta dahlbom (mingo, 1994). however, c. interjecta is not yet recorded for portugal, whereas c. mixta seems to be very common in central and southern portugal (mingo & gayubo, 1985; oliveira et al., 2009). except for an old record from sines (lisbon) 15.viii.1956, leg. n. f. d’�ndrade (natur museum, luzern, ch), all the records of c. mixta are recent and from costa vicentina: �lgarve: guia, 17.v.1999, 1♂, leg. baldock; 1♀, �ljezur, odeceixe, 1.ix.2008, 1♀, vii.2009, and 1♂, 27.v.2011, leg. �. livory & r. coulomb; 1♂, pera, vila do bispo, 25.ix.2014, leg. i. cross; 2♀♀, carrapateira, 14.ix.2014; 2♀♀, 19.ix.2014, leg. �. livory & r. coulomb; �lentejo: 1♂, zambujeira do mar, 17.vii.2012; 1♂, leg. �. livory & r. coulomb; 1♀, vila nova de milfontes, 20.ix.2014, leg. �. livory & r. coulomb. the distributional range of c. mixta is sw european, being distributed only in southern portugal, spain, southern france and northwestern italy (linsenmaier, 1959; rosa & soon, 2012). other citations outside this range are referable to other similar species (e.g. chrysis maderi linsenmaier, 1959). chrysis monticola linsenmaier is easily recognizable within this species group, and more generally, within the european chrysidid fauna by its unique body colouration combined with diagnostic characteristics of the group. a similarly coloured european species is chrysis judaica du buysson (scutellaris group), known only from cyprus, whereas in northern africa and middle east other species share a similar colour pattern, but belong to different species groups (e.g. c. moriceana du buysson – scutellaris group; c. convexianalis linsenmaier – facialis group). key to iberian species of the chrysis aestiva group 1. t3 apical margin with two small, triangular teeth, sometimes blunted or like simple undulations ... c. mixta t3 apical margin with four triangular teeth, always distinct in both sexes. ..................................................... 2 2. female with mesosoma bicoloured blue with pronotum, scutellum, metanotum and mesopleuron contrasting red; malar spaces subparallel; t3 with long and triangular teeth, the two median teeth extended distinctly further posteriorly than lateral teeth. male with greenish to golden green pronotum, scutellum, metanotum and mesopleuron contrasting with the rest of blue mesosoma; shortest distance between the compound eyes narrower than eye width ........................................................... c. monticola female with green to greenish mesosoma, darker bluish to blackish on the mesoscutum; malar spaces convergent; t3 with apical teeth almost aligned along the apical margin. male with green mesosoma; shortest distance between the compound eyes distinctly larger than eye width ...................................................................... c. interjecta discussion and conclusions chrysis monticola linsenmaier was recently described by linsenmaier (1999) from northern �frica based on a type series of seven specimens. until now, no other specimens have been found from the main european collections. therefore, we cannot evaluate if this species has chrysis monticola linsenm�ier, 1999 (hymenopter�, chrysidid�e), � new species for the europe�n f�un� 94 recently dispersed to portugal from northern africa or if its original distributional range has been wider in west mediterranean countries and is now limited to the west iberian peninsula and north africa. it is very likely that c. monticola could be also distributed along the coast of andalucia, spain. acknowledgments we wish to thank roselyne coulomb for her support and field research and all the colleagues who collected specimens and shared data with us: j. smit (leiden, netherlands), m. jenner (eastbourne, england), g. allen (maidstone, england), d. keen (seville, spain), h. whiteley (shipley, england), a. penado (lisbon, portugal), c. reis (lisbon, portugal), a. albernaz valente (evora, portugal), r. andrade (porto, portugal), a. van harten (portalegre, portugal), t. wood (university of sussex, england) d. pinto (lisbon, portugal), i. cross (dorchester, england). special thanks to m. bernasconi (naturmuseum, luzern, switzerland) for his cooperation and assistance in the study of the type material in the linsenmaier collection, graham a. collins (croydon, england) for providing the map of portugal, achieved with dr. alan morton’s dmap software programme, and to juho paukkunen (helsinki, finland) for critical review of the manuscript. references balthasar v., 1953 (1951) − monographie des chrysidides de palestine et des pays limitrophes. acta entomologica musei nationalis pragae, supplement 2, 27: 1-317. buysson r. du, 1891-1896 − les chrysides. in: 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alessio olini, stefano celletti received for publication: 8 december 2020 accepted for publication: 19 february 2021 online publication: 12 may 2021 riassunto la presenza primaverile di due individui di lampreda di mare, petromyzon marinus, nel fiume mignone di tarquinia (alto lazio) potrebbe suggerire un nuovo sito riproduttivo italiano di questa specie rara e minacciata. questa possibilità, da confermare attraverso l’eventuale rilevamento di ammoceti, è certamente favorita dalla discreta qualità di questo corso d’acqua, situato in un’area di rilevanza naturalistica, ma imporrebbe l’equipaggiamento urgente dello sbarramento de le mole con una rampa di risalita per non bloccare la migrazione delle lamprede verso le zone dell’alto corso più idonee per la loro riproduzione. parole chiave: conservazione, distribuzione, lampreda di mare, petromyzontidae. abstract first occurrence of sea lamprey, petromyzon marinus linnaeus 1758 (agnatha, petromyzontiformes, petromyzontidae) in the river mignone (northern lazio). the spring presence of two individuals of the sea lamprey, petromyzon marinus, in the river mignone near tarquinia (northern lazio) could highlight a new italian reproductive site of this rare and endangered species. this exceptional possibility could certainly be favored by the good quality of both the waters of the mignone, and the environmental context of the record, but would require the urgent equipment of the barrier of le mole with a fish ladder in order to allow the sea lamprey’s upstream migration towards the areas of the upper course, even more suitable for their reproduction. key words: conservation, distribution, petromyzontidae, sea lamprey. introduzione le lamprede di mare, petromyzon marinus linnaeus 1758 (ciclostomi petromyzontidae) sono agnati migratori anadromi, euritermi, eurialini e parassiti che hanno una vita larvale relativamente lunga e uno stadio di vita adulta relativamente breve. i primi anni di vita vengono trascorsi come larve cieche, dette ammoceti, filtrando microorganismi nei sedimenti molli dei fiumi. dopo 4-5 anni, subiscono una metamorfosi e migrano verso il mare aperto, dove crescono nutrendosi su vari vertebrati marini (lança et al., 2013; silva et al., 2013). raggiunta la maturità sessuale dopo circa 3 anni, gli adulti tornano in acque dolci dove si accoppiano, depongono le uova e poi muoiono. il passaggio dal mare ai corsi d’acqua dolce è una fase stressante della migrazione, e gli adulti utilizzano gli estuari salmastri come ambienti in cui attuare l’acclimatazione attraverso osmoregolazione (bartels & potter, 2004). la migrazione inizia a febbraio, continua fino a maggio-giugno e termina con la deposizione delle uova tra la fine di maggio e l’inizio di luglio. petromyzon marinus è presente in europa dal mare di barents (70° n) al mare adriatico (40° n), ma le popolazioni più numerose si trovano nei grandi fiumi della costa atlantica, in particolare in francia (maitland, 2003; holcik, 1986). in italia, singoli individui di lampreda di mare vengono sporadicamente pescati in mare tirreno e adriatico; nelle acque interne le segnalazioni riguardano soprattutto la fascia costiera tirrenica, dove si conosce una sola popolazione riproduttiva nel fiume magra (ciuffardi et al., 2007) e si hanno rilevamenti occasionali nei tratti finali dell’ombrone (in prossimità dello sbarramento di steccaia, gr) e del tevere (tra la foce e la zona di ponte galeria; tancioni & cataudella, 2009; sarrocco et al. 2012). altre segnalazioni per la toscana, sono disponibili per la provincia di firenze (nocita, 2002). per il lazio esiste un ritrovamento anche sul fiume amaseno (località frasso) per un individuo di 80 cm (borgo vodice, lt; 22/07/2013 dato originale a.e. giuliani). risale al 1973 l’ultima segnalazione per la sardegna. tutte le segnalazioni riguardano individui riproduttori isolati, con limitate possibilità di raggiungere siti idonei alla frega (zerunian, 2004). una popolazione riproduttiva è stata scoperta nel 2004 in provincia di la spezia, quando nel bacino del magra-vara sono stati rinvenuti 112 esemplari di lampreda di mare tra cui 33 ammoceti (ciuffardi & bassani, 2005). tra il 2005 ed il 2006 una ricerca mirata nella stessa località (ciuffardi et al., 2007) ha portato al rilevamento di 263 ammoceti, che si infossavano preferenzialmente nei sedimenti con 30 un valore granulometrico medio pari a 0,370 ± 0,182 mm, compreso nel range tipico delle sabbie. la ricerca ha permesso di accertare come i numerosi sbarramenti trasversali presenti lungo il corso del magra e del vara costituiscano una delle principali minacce alla conservazione della specie nonché di altri importanti migratori anadromi come la cheppia alosa fallax (ciuffardi et al., 2009). nel bacino spezzino del magra-vara l’attività di risalita degli adulti di petromyzon marinus e di preparazione dei siti di frega è stata osservata soltanto nel mese di maggio (soprattutto nella seconda metà del mese), con valori di temperatura dell’acqua compresi tra 15,0 e 19,4 °c (temperatura media 17,3 ± 1,4 °c). dall’esame dei dati disponibili si è visto come il maggior numero di siti riproduttivi fosse concentrato nel tratto intermedio del fiume vara, tra 21 e 32 km dalla foce. per una migliore conoscenza di questa eccezionale popolazione e per la sua conservazione, il parco naturale regionale di montemarcello-magra-vara ha promosso e realizzato il progetto life p.a.r.c. petromyzon and river continuity life07 nat/it/000413. il gruppo naturalistico della maremma laziale (gnml) ha tra i suoi scopi istitutivi la conoscenza naturalistica di tutto il territorio dell’alto lazio: durante uno dei suoi periodici incontri di informazione uno degli autori (a. olini) presentava le sue osservazioni sulla presenza della lampreda di mare nel fiume mignone. in considerazione delle scarse informazioni disponibili sulla specie per le acque interne italiane e del suo valore conservazionistico, qui riportiamo i dettagli del rinvenimento. materiali e metodi area di studio il sito di rilevamento rientra nel tratto compreso nella z.s.c. it6010035 “fiume mignone (basso corso)”, all’interno della z.p.s. it6030005 comprensorio tolfetano-cerite-manziate (fig. 1). il fiume mignone nasce alla confluenza tra i fossi scatenato, coriglione e biscione, a 633 m s.l.m. la lunghezza totale del corso d’acqua è di 62 km, dai monti sabatini (nord-est al lago di bracciano) al mar tirreno (tra tarquinia e civitavecchia). in prossimità di rota (sinistra idrografica), il fiume mignone riceve il fosso verginese e, in prossimità di monte romano (destra idrografica), riceve il torrente vesca. l’apporto complessivo degli affluenti è scarso e il comportamento idraulico è variabile e tipico di un regime torrentizio. l’area del bacino è collinare e presenta qualche rilievo con ripidi pendii corrispondenti ai versanti della valle erosi dall’acqua. la superficie complessiva del bacino idrografico è di circa 560 km2, con un’altitudine media di 233 m s.l.m. e elevazioni comprese tra 6 e 618 m s.l.m. il bacino ha una pendenza media del 7,7%, ed è delimitato a nord dai monti cimini e dai rilievi collinari verso il mare (presso tarquinia) e, a sud, dai monti sabatini e dai monti della tolfa. geologicamente, il bacino del fiume mignone è caratterizzato da rocce vulcaniche nelle zone montuose (25%), mentre più a valle sono presenti flysch (41%), sabbie e conglomerati (14%), argille (9%) depositi alluvionali (9%) e accumuli di ghiaia derivanti da vecchie attività di estrazione (2%). la presenza di argilla e marne causa una bassa permeabilità del letto fluviale che determina un’ampia variabilità della portata secondo il regime delle piogge. metodi di rilevamento per aumentare la conoscenza naturalistica della valle del fiume mignone, il gnml sta raccogliendo dati faunistici originali anche attraverso contatti diretti con i pescatori sportivi invitati a condividere segnalazioni e documentazioni fotografiche su specie ittiche poco frequenti. i due individui di lampreda di mare qui segnalati, sono stati avvicinati, trattenuti per pochi secondi, fotografati e filmati con un cellulare e poco dopo rilasciati. pertanto, l’identificazione tassonomica e il rilevamento dei parametri biometrici è potuto avvenire solo attraverso la documentazione iconografica disponibile. per avere misure più vicine possibili alla realtà è stato utilizzato il software snakemeasurer© tool-2.2.1 (liberamente scaricabile da software foundation inc.: snakemt/), da tempo un utile strumento digitale per la misurazione dei serpenti (penning et al., 2013). sono state selezionate le immagini più adatte, che includessero un oggetto di riferimento con una misura certa: la maglia del retino usato per la cattura (20 mm) e la larghezza del palmo della mano del segnalatore (88 mm). sulle misurazioni ripetute sono state calcolate la media e la deviazione standard tramite le funzioni statistiche di ms excel®. vincenzo ferri, paolo crescia, christiana soccini, alessio olini, stefano celletti fig. 1 localizzazione dell’area di studio e dell’unica località di riproduzione oggi nota in italia della lampreda di mare (bacino del magra-vara, provincia di la spezia). / location of the study area and of the only known breeding site in italy for the sea lamprey (magravara river basin, province of la spezia). 31 risultati in data 19/06/2020, a. olini, durante sessioni di pesca sportiva nel tratto terminale del fiume mignone, nel comune di tarquinia (vt), ha potuto osservare, in successione, due individui adulti di petromyzon marinus (figg. 2 e 3). le lamprede nuotavano contro corrente in un tratto ghiaioso del fiume situato a circa 6 km di distanza dalla foce e a circa 100 m dal limite, per loro invalicabile, dello sbarramento delle mole, una diga artificiale del xv secolo situata in località mole del mignone (figg. 5 e 6). il fiume si presentava al momento dell’osservazione largo circa una dozzina di metri e con una profondità variabile da 20 a 60 cm (fig. 4), con corrente moderata e una temperatura dell’acqua di 12 °c. in tab. 1 sono riportate le misure biometriche dei due individui. la colorazione dorsale e laterale di entrambi era olivastra, con marezzature nerastre; più chiara ventralmente. la presenza di un rilievo longitudinale dorsale dalla regione branchiale alla pinna dorsale anteriore permette di identificare con buona approssimazione entrambi gli individui come maschi (fig. 2). fig. 2 fermi-immagine tratti dal filmato del primo individuo di lampreda di mare rilevato nel fiume mignone. / freeze-frames from the video of the first individual of sea lamprey observed in the mignone river (foto/photo: a. olini, may/maggio 2020). tab. 1 misurazioni biometriche (media ±sd; in mm) effettuate digitalmente usando snakemeasurer©. sono indicati tra parentesi il numero di fotogrammi o di fotografie usato per la ripetizione di ciascuna misura, per i due individui di petromyzon marinus osservati. / biometric measurements (mean ± sd; in mm) made digitally using snakemeasurer©. the number of frames or photographs used for the repetition of each measurement, for the two individuals of petromyzon marinus observed, are indicated in brackets. individuo a individuo b lunghezza del corpo 773,3 ± 50,4 (15) 453,7 ± 22,5 (6) lunghezza prebranchiale 79,3 ± 4,1 (6) 45,5 ± 1,9 (6) lunghezza branchiale 77,8 ± 2,9 (6) 59,8 ± 4,8 (6) lunghezza del tronco 482,3 ± 21,5 (6) 378,3 ± 9,7 (6) lunghezza della coda 231,3 ± 5,8 (6) 157,5 ± 9,2 (6) prima segnalazione di petromyzon marinus nel fiume mignone 32 fig. 3 fermo-immagine del filmato (in alto) e fotografia (in basso) del secondo individuo di lampreda di mare rilevato nel fiume mignone. / a freeze-frame (top) and a photograph (bottom) of the second individual of sea lamprey detected in the mignone river (foto/photo: a. olini, may/maggio 2020). fig. 4 la località di segnalazione di lampreda di mare lungo il corso del fiume mignone. / the report location of sea lamprey along the course of the river mignone (foto/photo: v. ferri). fig. 5 lo sbarramento delle mole, a monte del punto di segnalazione di lampreda di mare nel fiume mignone: situazione autunnale. / the dam le mole, upstream of the sea lamprey report point in the mignone river: autumn situation. (foto/photo: v. ferri, 28 november/novembre 2020). vincenzo ferri, paolo crescia, christiana soccini, alessio olini, stefano celletti 33 discussione il rilevamento della lampreda di mare qui riportato è di notevole interesse per i seguenti motivi: si tratta della prima segnalazione della specie per l’alto lazio; si tratta della prima segnalazione per il fiume mignone, in questi anni oggetto di diverse campagne di ricerca e monitoraggio nel medio tratto del corso fluviale (tancioni & cataudella, 2009; bianco & santoro, 2011; tancioni, 2011; sarrocco et al., 2012) che avevano in passato riportato la presenza di un altro ciclostomo, lampetra planeri (cataudella, 1977). si tratta di una possibile migrazione a fini riproduttivi che potrebbe rivelare l’esistenza di un ulteriore sito riproduttivo nazionale di petromyzon marinus. pertanto questa nuova segnalazione, pur essendo riferita a soltanto due esemplari adulti, in altri casi considerati come “erratici” (es. osservazioni nel basso fiume tevere e arno), genera una rinnovata speranza per la conservazione di una specie il cui stato di conservazione è critico a livello nazionale (ciuffardi, 2016). petromyzon marinus, valutata in “pericolo critico” (cr) d (bianco et al., 2013), è attualmente elencata in appendice ii della direttiva habitat 92/43/cee ed è inclusa nel piano d’azione generale per la conservazione dei pesci d’acqua dolce italiani (zerunian, 2003). come molti altri pesci anadromi e diadromi (limburg & waldman, 2009), le popolazioni di lampreda di mare affrontano varie minacce: frammentazione dell’habitat, inquinamento, perdita di habitat, sovrasfruttamento e cambiamenti climatici (beaulaton et al., 2008; lassalle et al., 2008). le lamprede sono note per essere sensibili all’alterazione della connettività e in particolare alle barriere trasversali a fronte continuo (generalmente <5 m di altezza) a causa della loro incapacità nel superare le barriere fluviali (lucas et al., 2009; lassalle et al., 2008). lavori recenti hanno dimostrato che petromyzon marinus potrebbe comunque ricolonizzare i tratti a monte dopo la rimozione di queste barriere (laine et al., 1998; hogg et al., 2013; lasne et al., 2015). per la salvaguardia di questa specie dal destino così precario, andrebbe in primo luogo verificata la riproduzione nel mignone. inoltre, occorrerebbe mettere in atto interventi di salvaguardia dell’asta fluviale e della vegetazione ripariale, nonché di ripristino della connettività fluviale tra settori diversi del corso d’acqua, mediante la realizzazione di strutture di superamento delle barriere esistenti, che permettano o agevolino la risalita di questa come di altre eventuali specie migratrici. queste azioni non potrebbero essere intraprese senza attivare al contempo un’azione di sensibilizzazione dei pescatori sportivi, i principali fruitori del fiume. ciò detto, la ricostituzione della connettività longitudinale dell’alveo fluviale dovrà essere valutata con grande precauzione, considerando il problema della presenza e diffusione delle specie aliene a valle degli sbarramenti. queste, come avvenuto nel caso del medio corso del fiume mignone (tancioni, 2011; bianco & santoro, 2011) potrebbero avere la capacità di colonizzare tratti fluviali a monte degli sbarramenti, dove le specie autoctone sono ancora preponderanti. ringraziamenti ringraziamo lorenzo tancioni e un anonimo revisore per le fondamentali ed importanti considerazioni ed i suggerimenti redazionali e scientifici. bibliografia bartels h. & potter i. c., 2004 – cellular composition and ultra structure of the gill epithelium of larval and adult lampreys: implications for osmoregulation in fresh and seawater. the journal of experimental biology, 207: 3447-3462. fig. 6 lo sbarramento delle mole, a monte della località di segnalazione di lampreda di mare nel fiume mignone: situazione estiva. / the dam le mole, upstream of the sea lamprey’s site of observation in the river mignone: summer situation (foto/photo: v. ferri, 14 july/luglio 2020). prima segnalazione di petromyzon marinus nel fiume mignone 34 beaulaton l., taverny c. & castelnaud g., 2008 – fishing, abundance and life history traits of the anadromous sea lamprey (petromyzon marinus) in europe. fisheries research, 92: 90-101. bianco p. g. & santoro e., 2011 – i pesci e i decapodi d’acqua dolce della riserva naturale monterano: alterazioni prodotte, status degli autoctoni e indicazioni gestionali. in: contributo alla conoscenza della fauna ittica d’acqua dolce in aree protette d’italia. researches on wildlife conservation, 3. bianco p. g. & de filippo g. 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(2018). indeed, this area seems to be particularly suitable for the species, as it offers shelters into the dense vegetation and abundant food thanks to the municipal landfill site (pecorella, 2021). the presence of the two individuals was assessed using camera traps placed in a forest at the edge of an urbanized area. individual identification carried out thanks to the pattern of fur on the muzzle, made it possible to establish that they were two individuals recorded 15 times between 21 november 2021 and 5 january 2022 (fig. 2). considering the limited home range known for the species (≤15 km2: mihelič & krofel, 2012) and the relatively low probability of encounters, ours is certainly a noteworthy observation. 60 currently, our record represents the first record for the golden jackal in tuscany. as far as italy is concerned, the southernmost record for this canid was obtained with camera traps in lazio, in the circeo national park (about 300 km south of ours) in the period 6-21 may 2020. however, the confirmation of this sighting only came on 2 february 2022 after the re-examination of the images obtained in 2020. for details of the case, see ferri & lapini (2022). fig. 1 map showing the area where the two golden jackals have been observed in tuscany. the precise coordinates are omitted for species conservation reasons (lunghi et al., 2019). / mappa che mostra l’area in cui sono stati osservati i due sciacalli dorati in toscana. le coordinate precise sono omesse per motivi relativi alla conservazione della specie (lunghi et al., 2019). these observations confirm that the italian distribution of the species is larger than we previously thought and that the knowledge gap is probably due to an unbalanced sampling effort, as already highlighted by some authors (lapini et al., 2018; torretta et al., 2020). the reason for the range expansion of the golden jackal in italy is not clear in all its aspects, but polemio & casarano (2008) hypothesized that the species is moving towards areas with more suitable climatic conditions. short communication 61 fig. 2 the first (a-b) and the second (c-d) of the two golden jackals observed in tuscany. individual recognition was carried out by the pattern of the muzzle fur (in the area indicated by the red circle). photo taken with victure hc300 trail camera. the full video of the observation can be seen at / il primo (a-b) e il secondo (c-d) dei due sciacalli dorati osservati in toscana. il riconoscimento individuale è stato effettuato attraverso il disegno del pelo del muso (nell’area indicata dal cerchio rosso). foto scattata con la trail camera victure hc300. il video completo dell’osservazione può essere visto su https:// however, we warn that this expansion can potentially bring to a conflict with local farmers and hunters, as they may see this animal as a possible predator of livestock or game animals (markov & lanszki, 2012; ćirović et al., 2014). to avoid the potential conflict with local human communities, informative campaigns, along with a revision of the legal protection of the species, should be rapidly put into act (liberg et al., 2012; trouwborst et al., 2015). references chiarucci a., riccucci m., celesti c. & de dominicis v., 1998 – vegetation-environment relationships in the ultramafic area of monte ferrato, italy. israel journal of plant sciences, 46 (3): 213-221. ćirović d., penezić a., milenković m. & paunović m., 2014 – winter diet composition of the golden jackal (canis aureus l., 1758) in serbia. mammalian biology, 79 (2): 132137. fabbri e., caniglia r., galov a., arbanasić h., lapini l., bošković i., florijančić t., vlasseva a., ahmed a., mirchev r. l. & randi e., 2014 – genetic structure and expansion of golden jackals (canis aureus) in the north-western distribution range (croatia and eastern italian alps). conservation genetics, 15: 187-199. ferri m. & lapini l. (eds.), 2022 – canis aureus news, 2a serie. available at: (last accessed: 3 april 2022). natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 9 (2): 59-62, 2022 62 lapini l., dreon a. l., caldana m., luca m. & villa m., 2018 – distribuzione, espansione e problemi di conservazione di canis aureus in italia (carnivora: canidae). quaderni del museo civico di storia naturale di ferrara, 6: 89-96. lapini l., pecorella s., ferri m. & villa m., 2021 – panoramica aggiornata delle conoscenze su canis aureus in italia. quaderni del museo civico di storia naturale di ferrara, 9: 123-132. liberg o., chapron g., wabakken p., pedersen h. c., hobbs n. t. & sand h., 2012 – shoot, shovel and shut up: cryptic poaching slows restoration of a large carnivore in europe. proceedings of the royal society b, biological sciences, 279 (1730): 910915. lunghi e., corti c., manenti r. & ficetola g. f., 2019 – consider species specialism when publishing datasets. nature ecology & evolution, 3: 319. markov g. & lanszki j., 2012 – diet composition of the golden jackal, canis aureus in an agricultural environment. folia zoologica, 61: 44-48. mihelič m. & krofel m., 2012 – new records of the golden jackal (canis aureus l.) in the upper soča valley, slovenia. natura sloveniae, 14: 51-63. pecorella s., 2021 – lo sciacallo dorato europeo (canis aureus moreoticus) in friuli venezia giulia: osservazioni descrittive da camera trapping opportunistico nel periodo riproduttivo. atti del museo civico di storia naturale di trieste, 62, 247-260. polemio m. & casarano d., 2008 – climate change, drought and groundwater availability in southern italy. in: climate change and groundwater. drago-in: climate change and groundwater. dragoni w. & sukhija b. s. (eds). the geological society special publications, london: 39-51. šálek m., červinka j., banea o. c., krofel m., ćirović d., selanec i., penezić a., grill s. & riegert j., 2014 – population densities and habitat use of the golden jackal (canis aureus) in farmlands across the balkan peninsula. european journal of wildlife research, 60: 193-200. spassov n. & acosta-pankov i., 2019 – dispersal history of the golden jackal (canis aureus moreoticus geoffroy, 1835) in europe and possible causes of its recent population explosion. biodiversity data journal, 7: e34825. torretta e., dondina o., delfoco c., riboldi l., orioli v., lapini l. & meriggi a., 2020 – first assessment of habitat suitability and connectivity for the golden jackal in north-eastern italy. mammalian biology, 100: 631-643. tóth t., krecsák l., szűcs e., heltai m. & huszár g., 2009 – records of the golden jackal (canis aureus linnaeus, 1758) in hungary from 1800th until 2007, based on a literature survey. north-western journal of zoology, 5 (2): 386-405. trouwborst a., krofel m. & linnell j. d. c., 2015 – legal implications of range expansions in a terrestrial carnivore: the case of the golden jackal (canis aureus) in europe. biodiversity and conservation, 24: 2593-2610. short communication natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 5 (2): 33-40, 2018 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2018.381 addenda to the lichen flora of the ticino river valley (western po plain, italy) gabriele gheza section of landscape ecology, department of earth and evironmental sciences, university of pavia, via s. epifanio 14, 27100 pavia, italia. e-mail: © 2018 gabriele gheza received: 28 november 2017 accepted for publication: 26 february 2018 abstract the ticino river valley is a focal area for biodiversity in the western po plain (northern italy). lichens have been collected by the author from 91 sites in the period 2011-2017. these collections and the few literature data published in the last decade have been summarized. twenty-eight species (15 terricolous, 5 epiphytic, 3 lignicolous, 3 saxicolous, 1 epiphytic and lignicolous, 1 terricolous and epiphytic), mostly belonging to genus cladonia, are reported here as addenda to the floristic list published 15 years ago by the lombardy ticino park, which included 123 species. many of the newly recorded species are interesting under a conservation or biogeographical standpoint. key words: calluna heathlands, cladonia, dry grasslands, floristics, lichen diversity, macrolichens, planitial woods. riassunto aggiunte alla flora lichenica della valle del ticino (pianura padana occidentale, italia). la valle del ticino è un’area fondamentale per la biodiversità nella pianura padana occidentale. l’autore ha raccolto licheni in 91 siti nel periodo 2011-2017. queste raccolte vengono di seguito riassunte insieme ai pochi dati bibliografici pubblicati nell’ultimo decennio. ventotto specie (15 terricole, 5 epifite, 3 lignicole, 3 sassicole, 1 epifita e lignicola, 1 terricola ed epifita), per lo più appartenenti al genere cladonia, sono qui riportate come aggiunte alla lista floristica pubblicata 15 anni fa dal parco del ticino lombardo, che comprendeva 123 specie. molte delle nuove specie rinvenute sono interessanti dal punto di vista conservazionistico o biogeografico. parole chiave: brughiere a calluna, cladonia, praterie aride, floristica, diversità lichenica, macrolicheni, boschi planiziali. introduction the ticino river is one of the most important rivers of northern italy, its valley being one of the most wellpreserved and biodiverse areas of the po plain (furlanetto, 2002), the most anthropized and polluted area of italy (world health organization, 2016). the study of the lichen flora of the ticino river valley began with biroli (1808), who studied the western side in the surroundings of novara. the first contribution for the eastern side is due to cozzi (1917), who studied lichens in a rather wide area between gallarate and lonate pozzolo, which at that time was covered with calluna heathlands and mixed broadleaved woods. after that, only few terricolous lichens found in the “gallarate heathland” were cited by giacomini (1958) in a phytosociological paper. studies focused on epiphytic lichens took place in the late 1990s for biomonitoring projects. from the first study, carried out in 1994 (casarini et al., 1995), derived a first checklist of epiphytic lichens of the lombardy ticino natural park (roella, 1999). a second study took place in 1999 (furlanetto et al., 2000). furthermore, some epiphytic and saxicolous lichens were recorded in the city of pavia, which is located within both the river valley and the park, respectively by casarini et al., (1994) and rigamonti et al. (2007). with the checklists by valcuvia passadore et al. (2002 a,b), which included lichens from all substrates, the knowledge rose to a higher level. however, this fundamental work did not take into account some older literature (i.e. cozzi, 1917; giacomini, 1958) and the sampling effort for the new surveys was rather scarce if compared to the extent of the park and of the river valley. the most recent studies focused on terricolous lichens, which have been rather well surveyed under the floristic standpoint (gheza, 2015; ravera et al., 2016, 2017a,b; gheza et al., 2018) and, partly, under a phytosociological perspective (gheza et al., 2016). terricolous lichens were rather neglected in the po plain (gheza, 2015), but these studies showed that several areas with habitats of conservation value host lichen species of conservation and biogeographical interest, and even two species never found before in italy (gheza et al., 2018). the aim of this paper is to update the lichen flora of the ticino river valley reporting all the species found for the first time or rediscovered in the area after the study by valcuvia passadore et al. (2002a, b), summarizing literature records and unpublished personal collections of the author carried out in the period 2011-2017. particularly, the records of the 28 species which are new to the area are given in detail. 34 materials and methods study area the ticino river valley lies at the boundary between lombardy and piedmont, between the southern end of the lake maggiore (sesto calende, 198 m) and the confluence of the ticino with the po river (ponte della becca near pavia, 53 m), for a length of about 110 km. the whole rivercourse south of lake maggiore is included within two very important protected areas. the lombardy park (parco naturale lombardo della valle del ticino) includes the eastern part, from lake maggiore to cassolnovo and both sides downrun there to the confluence with the po river, south of pavia. the lombardy park includes 8 sites of community importance (it2010010 brughiera del vigano; it2010012 brughiera del dosso; it2030013 ansa di castelnovate; it2010014 turbigaccio, boschi di castelletto e lanca di bernate; it2050005 boschi della fagiana; it2080014 boschi siro negri e moriano; it2080015 san massimo; it2080016 boschi del vignolo) and extends through 3 provinces (varese, milano, pavia). the piedmont park (parco naturale della valle del ticino piemontese) includes all the western part from lake maggiore to the boundary with lombardy beetween cerano (novara) and cassolnovo (pavia). the whole park is a site of community importance (it1150001 valle del ticino) included in the province of novara. the bioclimate of the ticino river valley is temperatecontinental in the central-southern part and temperate-oceanic in the northern part (rivas-martìnez et al., 2004). geological substrates are composed of mainly acidic sediments of the holocene (pebbles, gravels and sands) dated to the recent alluvium, while the surrounding substrates are referable to the “fundamental level of the plain” of the pleistocene (d’alessio & comolli, 1996). the natural and seminatural areas are mostly covered by woodlands, which include xeroor mesophilous woods dominated by quercus robur l. (natura 2000 habitats 9160, 9190) and more hygrophilous mixed woods with alnus glutinosa (l.) gaertn., fraxinus excelsior l., ulmus minor mill. and salix alba l. (habitats 91e0, 91f0). residuals of castanea sativa mill. groves (habitat 9260) are found in the northwestern part. in several localities, allochthonous pine groves are found as residuals of artificial plantations. fragments of calluna vulgaris (l.) hull heathlands (habitat 4030) are still found in the northern part of the river valley. among herbaceous vegetation, the most valuable habitats are hygrophilous tall herb fringes (habitat 6430), lowland hay meadows (habitat 6510) and pioneer dry grasslands attributable to the corynephorion klika 1931 (habitat 2330) and the thero-airion tüxen ex oberdorfer 1957 (habitat 6210). humid habitats are widespread, including oligotrophic (habitat 3130) and eutrophic (habitat 3150) backwater plant communities, running water communities of the ranunculion fluitantis neuhäusl 1959 (habitat 3260) and vegetation of muddy river banks (habitat 3270). agricultural areas include fields cultivated with corn, wheat (in the northern part) and rice (in the central-southern part) and poplar plantations. widespread in many habitats are some invasive woody species, i.e. ailanthus altissima (mill.) swingle, prunus serotina ehrh. and robinia pseudoacacia l., which often form monospecific groves in areas with high human impact. sampling sites overall, 91 sites (65 in the lombardy park and 26 in the piedmont park) have been considered for single or repeated lichen surveys by the author in the period 20112017, not only in the proper river valley but also on the fluvial terraces at its edges. only the 27 sampling sites in which the new species were collected by the author (21 in the lombardy park and 6 in the piedmont park) are listed below, from north to south, with the name of the collection locality, the municipality, the province and region, the coordinates (in the utm wgs84 system), the altitude above the sea level and the habitat type in which the specimens were collected. all the available residuals of those habitats hosting terricolous lichens – dry grasslands and calluna heathlands – have been surveyed thoroughly, increasing the number of sites in respect to those surveyed by gheza (2015). also several sites in well-preserved woods, more or less homogeneously distributed along the river valley, have been surveyed, and some agricultural areas have been considered too, in order to collect also epiphytic species from various trees. several records have however an occasional character, because a systematic and exhaustive survey of the entire area has not yet been realized at present. 1. brughiera del vigano, golasecca (varese, lombardy), 32t 473550.5060659, 270-275 m, mixed wood dominated by allochtonous pinus sp. and quercus robur. 2. surroundings of cascina casone, pombia (novara, piedmont), 32t 475605.5054239, 170-175 m, dry grasslands (thero-airion and corynephorion). 3. baraggia di pombia, pombia (novara, piedmont), 32t 473786.5055073, 180-183 m, mature dry calluna heathland. 4. ansa di castelnovate, vizzola ticino (varese, lombardy), 32t 473965.5052551, 160-165 m, dry grasslands (thero-airion and corynephorion). 5. barbelera, oleggio (novara, piedmont), 32t 474883.5051775, 161-163 m, dry grasslands (theroairion and corynephorion). 6. marcetto, oleggio (novara, piedmont), 32t 475076.5051299, 160-162 m, dry grasslands (theroairion and corynephorion). 7. bosco di tornavento (northern sector), lonate pozzolo (varese, lombardy), 32t 478431.5050149, 218-222 m, mixed broadleaf wood dominated by quercus robur. 8. brughiera di tornavento, lonate pozzolo (varese, lombardy), 32t 478268.5049320, 200-202 m, open dry calluna heathland. 9. bosco di tornavento (southern sector), lonate pozzolo (varese, lombardy), 32t 478617.5048757, 198-200 m, mixed wood with quercus robur, pinus sp. and robinia pseudoacacia. 10. abandoned airfield “la promessa” (northern sector), lonate pozzolo (varese, lombardy), 32t gabriele gheza 35 479079.5046631, 189 m, patch of open dry calluna heathland. 11. abandoned airfield “la promessa” (western sector), lonate pozzolo (varese, lombardy), 32t 478613.5046423, 187-188 m, small patch of open dry calluna heathland. 12. abandoned airfield “la promessa”, lonate pozzolo (varese, lombardy), 32t 479289.5046158, 185-187 m, dry grasslands (thero-airion). 13. turbigaccio, lonate pozzolo (varese, lombardy), 32t 476213.5047261, 145 m, dry grasslands (theroairion and corynephorion). 14. tenuta bornago, cameri (novara, piedmont), 32t 476709.5044341, 140-145 m, dry grasslands (theroairion and corynephorion). 15. surroundings of cascina rossa, bernate ticino (milano, lombardy), 32t 484074.5035048, 117 m, dry grassland (thero-airion). 16. tenuta la fagiana, pontevecchio di magenta (milano, lombardy), 32t 486444.5030677, 105-110 m, open quercus robur wood. 17. tenuta la fagiana, pontevecchio di magenta (milano, lombardy), 32t 486316.5030625, 107-109 m, dry grasslands (thero-airion). 18. surroundings of villa giulia, cerano (novara, piedmont), 32t 487041.5027334, 99-103 m, dry grasslands (thero-airion). 19. bosco del modrone, sforzesca, vigevano (pavia, lombardy), 32t 494909.5015667, 76 m, dry grassland (thero-airion) with oak trees, logs and stumps. 20. bosco della ghisolfa, sforzesca, vigevano (pavia, lombardy), 32t 494163.5014115, 87-89 m, mixed broadleaf wood dominated by quercus robur. 21. bosco ronchi, sforzesca, vigevano (pavia, lombardy), 32t 495844.5013587, 72-76 m, dry grasslands (thero-airion). 22. bosco ronchi, sforzesca, vigevano (pavia, lombardy), 32t 496308.5013294, 72-76 m, mixed broadleaf wood dominated by quercus robur. 23. butterfly trail of molino d’isella, gambolò (pavia, lombardy), 32t 496122.5012667, 73 m, ruderal dry grassland. 24. torre d’isola (pavia, lombardy), 32t 508504.5005975, 84 m, poplar plantation. 25. centro ippico di pavia (pavia, lombardy), 32t 510212.5003452, 71 m, poplar and walnut plantation. 26. san martino siccomario (pavia, lombardy), 32t 513524.5001696, 70 m, poplar plantation. 27. san martino siccomario (pavia, lombardy), 32t 511365.5000769, 77 m, tree-lined avenue in the inhabited center. lichen sampling and other data sources specimens were collected on the field in all the possible occasions in a total of 243 field inspections which included all the 91 sites at least once for each site. furthermore, all the literature records published after valcuvia passadore et al. (2002 b) have been considered. not all the species in the floristic list reported below are actually new for the study area: some of them are reported in older papers but were overlooked since the early 20th century, while two other (i.e. cladonia caespiticia, normandina pulchella) were not reported by valcuvia passadore et al. (2002 b) in spite that they had been recorded in the previous floristic list by roella (1999). overall, 102 records (45 unpublished and 57 from literature) are reported in the floristic list below. for each species, every single record includes: the number referred to the sampling site, the substrate on which the specimen was collected, and the sources of the record. each species is shortly discussed in regard to historical records and current distribution. abbreviations used for herbaria and literature in the floristic list and in appendix 2: b08: biroli (1808); c17: cozzi (1917); gg: herbarium gheza; gg15: gheza (2015); ga18: gheza et al. (2018); g58: giacomini (1958); ra16: ravera et al. (2016); ra17a: ravera et al. (2017 a); ra17b: ravera et al. (2017 b); ri07: rigamonti et al. (2007). results and discussion overall, about 500 specimens belonging to 64 lichen species (appendix 1) were collected directly by the author. most of them belong to common and widespread species, and are not listed here. only an account of the 28 species not reported for the study area in the floristic list by valcuvia passadore et al. (2002b) is given in detail. among these 28 species, 15 (54%) are terricolous, 5 (18%) epiphytic, 3 (10,5%) lignicolous, 3 (10,5%) saxicolous, 1 (3,5%) epiphytic and lignicolous, 1 (3,5%) terricolous and epiphytic. among the epiphytic species, 3 were collected on quercus robur, 2 on pinus sp., 1 on populus sp., 1 on robinia pseudoacacia, 1 on tilia sp. athallia pyracea (ach.) arup, frödén & søchting 24: on bark of populus sp. (gg). 25: on bark of populus sp. (gg). 26: on bark of populus sp. (gg). 27: on bark of tilia sp. (gg). the species occurs mainly on bark of populus sp. in agricultural areas and of tilia sp. in urbanized areas. it tolerates well eutrophication, and is rather frequent in mature poplar stands, in both the river valley and the main level of the plain in the surroundings (e.g. in the whole province of pavia, pers. obs.). cladonia caespiticia (pers.) flörke 1: on organic soil at the base of pinus sp. (gg). 5: on soil (gg). 7: on bark of q. robur (gg). 8: on soil at the base of calluna shrubs (gg). 12: on soil (gg). the species can be terricolous on acidic organic soil and epiphytic on acidic bark, especially at the base of trunks, in dry grasslands, calluna heathlands and mixed woods. it was not reported by valcuvia passadore et al. (2002b), even if it was listed in the checklist of the epiphytic lichens by roella (1999). uncommon, but probably also overlooked, especially in the northern part of the study area. addenda to the lichen flora of the ticino river valley (western po plain, italy) 36 cladonia cariosa (ach.) spreng. 8: on acidic sandy-gravelly soil (gg; ra16). 12: on acidic soil (gg). 15: on acidic sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ra16). terricolous on sandy-gravelly and sandy-pebbly soil in pioneer or disturbed situations, in dry grasslands or at the edge of calluna heathlands. very rare, maybe also overlooked, it was probably more widespread in the past (cf. the record by nocca & balbis (1823) for the countryside near pavia). cladonia cervicornis (ach.) flot. 4: on soil (gg; gg15). 5: on soil (gg; gg15). 11: on soil (gg). 14: on soil (gg; gg15). terricolous on sandy-pebbly soil, in dry grasslands and calluna heathlands. very rare. cladonia chlorophaea (sommerf.) spreng. 4: on acidic sandy-pebbly soil (gg; gg15). 23: on acidic sandy-pebbly soil (gg; gg15). terricolous on sandy-pebbly soil in pioneer or disturbed situations, in dry grasslands and at the edge of trails. an overlooked species, probably more widespread. without chemical analysis it can be easily confused with the morphologically similar cladonia conista (which contains fumarprotocetraric and bourgeanic acid). cladonia coccifera (l.) willd. 2: on acidic sandy-pebbly soil (gg). 3: on soil (gg; gg15). 4: on soil (gg; gg15). 5: on soil (gg; gg15). 6: on soil (gg; gg15). 8: on soil (gg; gg15). 10: on soil (gg; gg15). 11: on soil (gg; gg15). 12: on soil (gg; gg15). 14: on soil (gg; gg15). 17: on soil (gg; gg15). 18: on acidic sandy-pebbly soil (gg). 19: on acidic sandy-pebbly soil (gg). terricolous on sandy-pebbly and slightly humified soil. rather widespread in dry habitats, mainly in the central and northern parts of the river valley. cladonia conista (nyl.) robbins 8: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ga18). 12: on sandypebbly soil (gg; ga18). 15: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ga18). 19: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ga18). terricolous on sandy-pebbly soil in pioneer or disturbed situations, in dry grasslands and open calluna heathlands. an overlooked species, maybe more widespread, reported as new to italy from 4 sites in the ticino river valley by gheza et al. (2018). without chemical analysis it can be easily confused with the morphologically similar cladonia chlorophaea (which contains only fumarprotocetraric acid). cladonia digitata (l.) hoffm. 16: on several logs of quercus robur (gg). an epiphytic and lignicolous species found in only one site in the river valley. c. digitata is tipically found in higher altitudinal belts in italy (nimis, 2016) and is extremely rare in the po plain, where the only other record comes from an oak wood on the inland sand dunes of cergnago, in the eastern lomellina (gheza et al., 2015). it was found together with other lignicolous species: cladonia coniocraea (flörke) spreng., cladonia fimbriata (l.) fr. and, in one case only, c. floerkeana (see below). extremely rare. cladonia floerkeana (fr.) flörke 16: on a single log of quercus robur (gg). as the previous species, c. floerkeana is an epiphytic and lignicolous species found in only one site in the river valley, on a single decorticated oak log in an open oak wood. ecology and distribution in italy are similar to those of c. digitata (nimis, 2016), which was found on the same log as well. extremely rare. cladonia macilenta hoffm. 16: on several logs and stumps of q. robur (gg). 19: on several logs and stumps of q. robur (gg). a mainly lignicolous species tipically found in higher altitudinal belts in italy, as well as the two previous species. extremely rare, but probably also overlooked, especially when sterile. cladonia parasitica (hoffm.) hoffm. 3: on organic soil on a stump (gg15). 16: on dead wood of q. robur (gg). 22: on dead wood of q. robur (gg). 23: on bark of q. robur (gg15). a mainly lignicolous species, found in deciduous oak woods on logs and snags. extremely rare, but maybe also overlooked. cladonia peziziformis (with.) j.r.laundon (fig. 1) 8: on acidic sandy-pebbly soil (gg). 12: on acidic sandy-pebbly and slightly humified soil (gg; ra16). terricolous on sandy-pebbly or little humified soil in pioneer or disturbed situations, this species is easily outcompeted by mosses and vascular plants (tønsberg & øvstedal, 1995) and therefore needs availability of open soil to persist. it was firstly reported by gheza in ravera et al. (2016) for one locality and then found, a little more widespread, in another locality. extremely rare. cladonia polycarpoides nyl. 2: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ra17a). 3: on sandypebbly soil (gg; ra17a). 4: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ra17a). 5: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ra17a). 6: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ra17a). 14: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ra17a). 15: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg). 17: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ra17a). 18: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ra17a). 19: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ra17a). 21: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ra17a). terricolous, generally found on sandy-pebbly soil in dry grasslands or even at the edge of calluna heathlands. a thorough review of herbarium and newly collected specimens showed that the records of cladonia subcervicornis (vain.) kernst. by valcuvia passadore et al. (2002a,b) and those of cladonia symphycarpa (flörke) fr. by gheza (2015) must be referred instead to this species. rather common in dry grasslands. cladonia portentosa (dufour) coem. 5: on humified soil (gg). 6: on sandy-pebbly and humified soil (gg; gg15). 11: on sandy-pebbly and hugabriele gheza 37addenda to the lichen flora of the ticino river valley (western po plain, italy) fig. 1 cladonia peziziformis, brughiera di tornavento. fig. 2 cladonia verticillata, abandoned airfield “la promessa”. 38 mified soil (gg). 14: on sandy-pebbly and humified soil (gg; gg15). 18: on sandy-pebbly and humified soil (gg; ra16). 19: on sandy-pebbly and humified soil (gg). terricolous, mostly found on evolved soils in thick lichen mats. the species was not reported for site 5 by gheza (2015), but a deeper study of the area allowed to find several thalli in an undisturbed clearing in the wood near the dry grassland surveyed for that paper, together with two thalli of c. uncialis (see below). sites 5 and 19 are the fourth and fifth occurrence sites of the species on the western side of the river valley (see ravera et al. (2016) for an overview). the record from site 11 is the only one for the eastern side. very rare. cladonia pulvinata (sandst.) herk & aptroot 8: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ga18). 11: on sandypebbly soil (gg; ga18). 12: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ga18). terricolous on sandy-pebbly or little humified soil in pioneer situations associated with open calluna heathlands. it was reported as new to italy from 5 sites in the po plain – 3 of which are those cited here, located in the ticino river valley and surrounding area – by gheza et al. (2018). extremely rare, perhaps more widespread in the past. cladonia ramulosa (with.) j.r.laundon 23: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; gg15). known only from one site, it was reported under “cladonia sp.” by gheza (2015). extremely rare. cladonia rei schaer. 2: on soil (gg; gg15). 3: on soil (gg). 4: on soil (gg; gg15). 5: on soil (gg; gg15). 6: on soil (gg; gg15). 8: on soil (gg; gg15). 10: on soil (gg). 11: on soil (gg). 12: on soil (gg; gg15). 13: on soil (gg; gg15). 14: on soil (gg; gg15). 15: on soil (gg). 17: on soil (gg). 18: on soil (gg). 20: on soil (gg). 21: on soil (gg). 23: on soil (gg; gg15). a terricolous species able to colonize different soil types. it is often found in disturbed situations, e.g. at the edge of footpaths and in dry grasslands, but it is also able to colonize wide areas under calluna shrubs in mature dry heathlands. rather common and widespread in dry habitats, probably overlooked in the past. cladonia strepsilis (ach.) grognot 4: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg; ra17b). 11: on soil (gg; ra17b). 14: on soil (gg; ra17b). a terricolous species found in pioneer situations, typical of high altitude habitats in italy (nimis, 2016), exceptionally found in the ticino river valley in recent years. extremely rare, probably overlooked in the past. cladonia uncialis (l.) f.h.wigg. 5: on organic soil (gg). 6: on organic soil (gg; gg15). 11: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg). 14: on organic soil (gg; gg15). the species was not reported for site 5 by gheza (2015), but a deeper study of the area allowed to find two thalli in an undisturbed clearing in the wood near the dry grassland surveyed for that paper. this is the third record of the species on the western side of the river valley. the record from site 11 is the only one from the eastern side, and comes after a long time since the last record of the species in that area by giacomini (1958). extremely rare. cladonia verticillata (hoffm.) schaer. (fig. 2) 11: on sandy-pebbly soil (gg). a terricolous species which appears with very welldeveloped podetia in undisturbed but still open calluna heathlands. the last known record of the species was that by cozzi (1917) for the “boscaccio di san macario”. extremely rare. coenogonium pineti (ach.) lücking & lumbsch 7: on bark of q. robur (gg). an epiphytic species found in a very shaded broadleaf wood. it seems extremely rare, but it could be more widespread, especially in the northern part of the river valley. dibaeis baeomyces (l.f.) rambold & hertel 8: on loamy soil (gg; ra17b). a terricolous species typical of calluna heathlands, found sterile in a single site. reported by biroli (1808) as common in heaths and by cozzi (1917) for the heathlands near gallarate, but not reported later neither by giacomini (1958) nor by valcuvia passadore et al. (2002 b). extremely rare, presently almost certainly limited to the locality reported here. lecania turicensis (hepp) müll.arg. on the statues in the botanical garden of pavia (ri07). a saxicolous species of basic substrates. probably more widespread in the river valley, also – if not mainly – on human artifacts. lepraria membranacea (dicks.) vain. 9: on bark of r. pseudoacacia (gg). even if it is reported mainly as saxicolous, this species was found, in a single site, on the bark of several trees of r. pseudoacacia at the edge of a mixed deciduous wood. extremely rare. micarea prasina fr. 1: on bark of pinus sp. (gg). an epiphytic species found in a single site, in a shady mixed wood with pines and oaks. extremely rare, perhaps more widespread at least in the northern part of the river valley. normandina pulchella (borrer) nyl. 1: on bark and logs of q. robur (gg). 7: on bark of q. robur (gg). 9: on bark of q. robur (gg). 20: on bark of q. robur (gg). an epiphytic species generally found on epiphytic liverworts or mosses in shaded and humid situations, especially in open woods. the species was not reported by valcuvia passadore et al. (2002 b), but it was listed in the checklist of the epiphytic lichens by roella (1999). it seems rather rare, but it is probably more widespread gabriele gheza 39 than found until now, especially in the northern part of the river valley. sarcogyne regularis körb. on the statues in the botanical garden of pavia (ri07). a saxicolous species of basic substrates. probably more widespread in the river valley, especially on human artifacts. verrucaria macrostoma dc. on the statues in the botanical garden of pavia (ri07). a saxicolous species of basic substrates. probably more widespread in the river valley, mostly on human artifacts. conclusions the number of lichen species known for the ticino river valley has increased to 151 from the 123 reported by valcuvia passadore et al. (2002b). other 19 species cited only in historical literature (appendix 2) were not found during recent surveys, and could be considered as extinct in the river valley and its surroundings. the great importance of the ticino river valley and of the presence of two parks protecting the whole rivercourse for the conservation of rare and endangered terricolous lichens was already highlighted by recent papers (gheza, 2015; gheza et al., 2018); the further, interesting new records reported in this contribution confirm the value of that area, not only for terricolous species. the targeted researches carried out in dry grasslands, heathlands and oak woods resulted in the finding of several interesting species new to the study area, among which three which are rare nationwide (i.e. cladonia peziziformis, c. portentosa, c. verticillata), five of particular biogeographical importance because usually limited to montane or alpine areas in italy (i.e. cladonia coccifera, c. digitata, c. floerkeana, c. strepsilis, c. uncialis) and even two new to italy (i.e. cladonia conista, c. pulvinata; gheza et al., 2018). it is therefore probable that also other so far lichenologically overlooked habitats could host interesting species not yet recorded in the area (e.g. riparian woods, cf. nascimbene et al., 2008). acknowledgements i thank dr. valentina parco and dr. silvia nicola (parco naturale lombardo della valle del ticino) and dr. gerolamo boffino (parco naturale della valle del ticino piemontese) for the authorizations to collect specimens; dr. juri nascimbene (university of bologna) and prof. helmut mayrhofer (university of graz) for their help in identifying some cladonia specimens; dr. silvia assini (university of pavia) for her support to my lichenological researches; my friends fabrizio dell’anna, ester gheza, giacomo rancati, francesca cassola, andrea oppi, cristiano papetti, francesco porro and zeno porro for fieldwork assistance in some occasions; the anonymous reviewer for useful remarks on the english style. references biroli g., 1808 – flora aconiensis, seu plantarum in novariensi provincia sponte nascentium descriptio. typographia viglevanensi, vigevano. casarini p., garavani m. & rolandi e., 1994 – licheni epifiti per la valutazione dell’inquinamento atmosferico a pavia. ambiente risorse salute, 32: 28-31. casarini p., genoni p. & roella v., 1995 – la qualità dell’aria nel parco regionale lombardo della valle del ticino – monitoraggio dell’aria effettuato mediante analisi dei licheni. consorzio lombardo parco della valle del ticino. cozzi c., 1917 – manipolo di licheni della pianura milanese. bullettino della società botanica italiana, 1917 (4-5): 39-44. d’alessio d. & comolli r., 1996 – progetto “carta pedologica i suoli del parco ticino settore meridionale”. ente regionale di sviluppo agricolo della lombardia e consorzio parco lombardo della valle del ticino, milano. furlanetto d. (ed.), 2000 – monitoraggio della qualità dell’aria mediante licheni nella valle del ticino. consorzio lombardo parco della valle del ticino. furlanetto d. 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(c17), arthonia galactites (dc.) dufour (c17), baeomyces rufus (huds.) rebent. (b08), cetraria aculeata (schreb.) fr. (b08), cetraria islandica (l.) ach. (b08), chaenotheca hispidula (ach.) zahlbr. (b08), cladonia amaurocraea (flörke) schaer. (g58), cladonia arbuscula (wallr.) flot. (b08; g58), cladonia gracilis (l.) willd. (g58), cladonia pleurota (flörke) schaer. (g58), collema nigrescens (huds.) dc. (c17), lecanora varia (hoffm.) ach. (c17), leptogium hildenbrandii (garov.) nyl. (c17), peltigera canina (l.) willd. (c17), pseudoschismatomma rufescens (pers.) ertz & tehler (c17), physcia leptalea (ach.) dc. (c17), physcia stellaris (l.) nyl. (c17), usnea dasopoga (ach.) nyl. (c17). gabriele gheza natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 10 (1): 83-86, 2023 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2023.637 1 scuola di bioscienze e medicina veterinaria, università di camerino, (macerata); centro ricerche floristiche dell’appennino, parco nazionale del gran sasso e monti della laga, san colombo, via provinciale km 4,2, 67021 barisciano (l’aquila), italia. 2 dipartimento per il monitoraggio e la tutela dell’ambiente e per la conservazione della biodiversità, istituto superiore per la protezione e la ricerca ambientale (ispra), via v. brancati 60, 00144 roma, italia. e-mail: * corresponding author: © 2023 fabio conti, valeria giacanelli received for publication: 22 june 2022 accepted for publication: 26 september 2022 online publication: 26 april 2022 short communication contribution to the vascular flora of ventotene and santo stefano islands (pontine islands, lazio, italy) with two taxa new to lazio fabio conti1*, valeria giacanelli2 abstract in this paper, based on field, herbarium and bibliographic research, new distributional data for 16 species and subspecies (13 natives and 3 aliens) are reported for ventotene and santo stefano islands. particularly, 6 are new or confirmed to ventotene and 8 to santo stefano. one species is excluded from the flora of ventotene and one is to be considered locally extinct. one native and one alien are new to lazio administrative region. key words: alien species, biodiversity, distribution, native species, vascular flora riassunto contributo alla flora vascolare di ventotene e santo stefano (isole ponziane, lazio, italia) con due taxa nuovi per il lazio. in questo lavoro, sulla base di ricerche di campo, d’erbario e bibliografiche, vengono riportati nuovi dati distributivi per 16 specie e sottospecie (13 autoctone e 3 alloctone) per le isole di ventotene e santo stefano. in particolare, 6 sono nuove o confermate per ventotene e 8 per santo stefano. una specie è esclusa dalla flora di ventotene e una è da considerarsi localmente estinta. un’autoctona e un’alloctona sono nuove per la regione lazio. parole chiave: biodiversità, distribuzione, flora vascolare, specie autoctone, specie alloctone. introduction the pontine islands (isole ponziane) form a volcanic archipelago located in the thyrrenian sea and belong to lazio administrative region. they are subdivided in two groups: a northwestern group, including ponza, palmarola and zannone, and a southeastern group, comprising ventotene and santo stefano. this paper is a contribution to the knowledge of the flora of ventotene and santo stefano, presenting unpublished floristic findings and confirmations of old records. the flora of the two islands was studied by béguinot (1902, 1905) and anzalone & caputo (1976). lucchese (2017) updated the alien flora. some original records are reported in mazzella & mazzella (1997) and in calbi et al. (2017), and other updates to the checklist and conservation measures can be found in pretto et al. (2010), celesti-grapow et al. (2017). materials and methods the floristic data are based on field investigations carried out from 26 to 29 may 2022, and bibliographic analysis. herbarium specimens are preserved in app (herbarium code follows thiers, 2022+). nomenclature follows the checklists of the italian native (bartolucci et al., 2018) and alien (galasso et al., 2018) vascular flora, and subsequent updates summarized in the portal to the flora of italy (2022; see also martellos et al., 2020). taxa are classified as natives or aliens and ordered alphabetically within each category. the following information is provided for each taxon: currently accepted name; family; reason(s) for it being recorded; current invasiveness status (only for the exotic units); examined herbarium materials, with details about the location (in italian, according to the information in the herbarium label), utm coordinates (datum wgs84), altitude, growth habitats, collection date, collector(s), and herbarium storage code; any additional notes. results native plants catapodium pauciflorum (merino) brullo, giusso, miniss. & spamp. (poaceae) species new for ventotene, santo stefano and the pontine islands. santo stefano, tra l’approdo settentrionale e il carcere, utm wgs84: 33t 369720e 4516703n, prati aridi, ca. 50 m, 29 mai 2022, f. conti & v. giacanelli (app). 84 ventotene, sopra cala bosco, utm wgs84: 33t 367457e 4517787n, prati aridi, 23 m, 26 mai 2022, f. conti & v. giacanelli (app). for ventotene and santo stefano béguinot (1902) recorded catapodium balearicum (willk.) h.scholz (as c. loliaceum (huds.) link); anzalone & caputo (1976, as catapodium marinum (l.) c.e.hubb.) confirmed it for ventotene. centaurium erythraea rafn subsp. erythraea (gentianaceae) species confirmed for the flora of santo stefano. santo stefano, tra l’approdo settentrionale e il carcere, utm wgs84: 33t 369720e 4516703n, prati aridi, ca. 50 m, 29 mai 2022, f. conti & v. giacanelli (app). species previously recorded by béguinot (1905). echinophora spinosa l. (apiaceae) species confirmed for the flora of ventotene. one individual was observed in cala rossano, in the southern part of the beach, inside the area fenced to prevent accidents due to falling rocks. in calanave, the locality mentioned in a previous report (anzalone & caputo, 1976), the species is now extinct due to erosion and the impact of tourism. eryngium maritimum l. (apiaceae) species extinct from the flora of ventotene. due to erosion and the impact of tourism, the species is now extinct from calanave, the locality mentioned in a previous report (anzalone & caputo, 1976). euphorbia peplis l. (euphorbiaceae) species confirmed for the flora of ventotene. ventotene, cala rossano, utm wgs84: 33t 367603e 4517659n, spiaggia, 0 m, 28 mai 2022, f. conti & v. giacanelli (app). due to erosion and the impact of tourism, the species is now extinct from calanave, the locality mentioned in a previous report (anzalone & caputo, 1976). ferula glauca l. (apiaceae) species excluded from the flora of ventotene and santo stefano. the species was recorded for ventotene and santo stefano (anzalone & caputo, 1976; mazzella & mazzella, 1997; calbi et al., 2017). all the individuals of ferula observed by the authors belong to f. communis l. subsp. communis. correctly, anzalone et al. (1992) recorded only f. communis for the pontine islands. galium murale (l.) all. (rubiaceae) species confirmed for the flora of santo stefano. santo stefano, parte alta dell’isola nelle vicinanze del carcere, 29 mai 2022, f. conti & v. giacanelli (app). species previously recorded by béguinot (1905) for ventotene and santo stefano but not confirmed by anzalone & caputo (1976). juniperus macrocarpa sm. (cupressaceae) the distribution and origin of this species in the pontine islands deserve clarifications. calbi et al. (2017) hypothesized a natural origin for this juniper recorded for ventotene. we observed the taxon in the same two localities (cala rossano, over cala bosco) and, additionally, in via parata grande. although the habitus and the growing habitats could support the thesis of calbi et al. (2017), we learned from an inhabitant of the island that these junipers were planted about 30 years ago by an agronomist. pancratium maritimum l. (amaryllidaceae) species confirmed for the flora of ventotene. due to the erosion and the impact of tourism the species is now extinct from calanave, the locality of a previous report (anzalone & caputo, 1976; mazzella & mazzella, 1997). in cala rossano, one clump was observed by calbi et al. (2017). in the same locality we observed 6 clumps and 15 seedlings. populus nigra l. subsp. neapolitana (ten.) maire (salicaceae) subspecies new for the flora of santo stefano and for lazio administrative region. santo stefano, parte alta dell’isola nelle vicinanze del carcere, venendo dall’approdo settentrionale, utm wgs84: 33t 369689e 4516697n, boscaglia, ca. 60 m, 29 mai 2022, f. conti & v. giacanelli (app). populus nigra was recorded by anzalone & caputo (1976) as probably introduced for ventotene and santo stefano, without indication of the subspecies. stachys major (l.) bartolucci & peruzzi (≡ prasium majus l.) (lamiaceae) species new for the flora of santo stefano. this species was observed in santo stefano, in the upper part of the island, close to the “carcere”, on 29 may 2022. urtica membranacea poir. (urticaceae) species new for the flora of santo stefano. santo stefano, parte alta dell’isola nelle vicinanze del carcere, 29 mai 2022, f. conti & v. giacanelli (app). for ventotene and santo stefano béguinot (1905) recorded urtica urens l., subsequently confirmed only for ventotene by anzalone & caputo (1976), but probably this datum is to be referred to u. membranacea. vinca difformis pourr. subsp. difformis (apocynaceae) species new for the flora of ventotene and santo stefano. santo stefano, parte alta dell’isola nelle vicinanze del carcere, venendo dall’approdo settentrionale, utm wgs84: 33t 369689e 4516697n, boscaglia, ca. 60 m, 29 mai 2022, f. conti & v. giacanelli (app). this species was also observed over calanave, in via calanone. alien plants oenothera speciosa nutt. (onagraceae) (fig. 1) casual alien species new for the flora of ventotene and for lazio administrative region. ventotene, via olivi presso la stazione dei carabinieri, utm wgs84: 33t 367113e 4517234n, scarpata, 56 m, 27 mai 2022, f. conti & v. giacanelli (app). short communication 85 tropaeolum majus l. (tropaeolaceae) casual alien species new for the flora of ventotene. ventotene, faro, utm wgs84: 33t 367909e 4517382n, incolti, 10 m, 27 mai 2022, f. conti & v. giacanelli (app). this species was observed in punta arco and belvedere over calanave. vitis ×koberi ardenghi, galasso, banfi & lastrucci (vitaceae) naturalized alien species new for the flora of santo stefano and for isole ponziane. santo stefano, parte alta dell’isola nelle vicinanze del carcere, utm wgs84: 33t 369560e 4516450n, incolti, 77 m, 29 mai 2022, f. conti & v. giacanelli (app). acknowledgements we wish to thank gabriele galasso for confirming the identification of vitis ×koberi and the people of ventotene for their kindness and hospitality. references anzalone b. & caputo g., 1976 ‒ flora e vegetazione delle isole ponziane. delpinoa, 16-17 (1974-1975): 3-184. anzalone b., lattanzi e. & leporatti m.l., 1992 ‒ il gruppo di ferula communis l. 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(accessed 2 june 2022). short communication natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 5 (2): 19-26, 2018 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2018.376 terrace springs: habitat haven for macrobenthic fauna in the lower plain of the river ticino (lombardy, northern italy) renato sconfietti, india pesci, daniele paganelli* department of earth and environmental sciences, university of pavia, via s. epifanio 14, 27100 pavia, italia * corresponding author: © 2018 renato sconfietti, india pesci, daniele paganelli received: 29 october 2017 accepted for publication: 13 february 2018 abstract springs are important environments between hypogean and epigean habitats; the interaction between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems is an important factor for their biotic communities. we investigated the ecology of the macrobenthic community of two lowland springs in the river ticino valley, focusing on the autoecology of some relevant species and on the role of springs as hotspots of biodiversity in an area threatened by anthropogenic pressure. we collected 26 taxa in total: diptera (8), trichoptera (6), gastropods (5), coleoptera (2), crustacea (2), lumbricidae (1), odonata (1), plathelminthes (1). some of them are stenothermal and oligotrophic species thus quite unusual for a flood plain area characterized by intensive agricultural activities. in conclusion, our study highlights the importance of lowland springs in conserving some habitat-selective macrobenthic species. key words: lowland springs, fluvial terrace, insular biotopes, crenic assemblages. riassunto sorgenti di terrazzo: un rifugio per la fauna macrobentonica nella bassa pianura del ticino (lombardia, nord italia). le sorgenti sono ambienti importanti tra habitat ipogei ed epigei; l’interazione tra ecosistemi acquatici e terrestri è un fattore importante per le loro comunità biotiche. abbiamo studiato l’ecologia della comunità macrobentonica di due sorgenti di pianura nella valle del ticino, concentrandosi sull’autoecologia di alcune specie rilevanti e sul ruolo delle sorgenti come punti caldi della biodiversità in un’area minacciata dalla pressione antropogenica. abbiamo raccolto 26 taxa in totale: ditteri (8), tricotteri (6), gasteropodi (5), coleotteri (2), crostacei (2), lumbricidi (1), odonata (1), platelminti (1). alcuni di essi sono specie stenoterme e oligotrofe quindi piuttosto inusuali per una zona di pianura alluvionale caratterizzata da attività agricole intensive. in conclusione, il nostro studio evidenzia l’importanza delle sorgenti di pianura nella conservazione di alcune specie macrobentoniche selettive dell’habitat. parole chiave: sorgenti di pianura, terrazza fluviale, biotopi insulari, assemblaggi crenici. introduction springs are important environments between hypogean and epigean habitats (hanh, 2000; smith et al., 2003) and, despite their limited dimensions, they are composed of various microhabitats and are often characterized by high biodiversity (weigand, 1998; cantonati et al., 2012). the interaction between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems is important for the structure of spring habitat: shading by riparian vegetation can affect levels of autochthonous and allochthonous organic matter (barquín & scarsbrook, 2008) and it can also influence the temperature of spring water consequently extending habitats for cold stenothermic species (roca & baltanas, 1993). in general, these biotopes are classified according to a method based on current velocity, which was developed by steinmann (1915) and thienemann (1922). recently, martin & brunke (2012) suggested the term rheo-elocrene to classify an intermediate type of spring, which are often found on terraces, characterized by a thin film of water flowing constantly through canopy areas, with sandy fine gravel substrata (gerecke, 1991). these habitats are also typical of forested areas with an elevated level of woody debris, leaves and mosses on the bottom (cantonati & bonettini, 1995; di sabatino et al., 2003). several studies have supported the importance of abiotic factors in determining the composition of the fauna and flora in springs (erman & erman, 1995; hanh, 2000; smith et al., 2003). nevertheless, one of the main characteristics that influence the compositions of spring communities is the cold stable water temperature (illies, 1952; erman & erman, 1995). in europe, lowland eucrenic habitats were often subject of various studies (zollhöfer et al., 2000; gerecke & franz, 2006; von fumetti et al., 2006; ilmonen et al., 2009; von fumetti & nagen, 2012). in italy, instead, researchers have mainly studied north-eastern alpine and prealpine springs (crema et al., 1996; gerecke et al., 1998; stoch & tomasin, 2002; mezzanotte & sambugar, 2004; cantonati et al., 2006; sambugar et al., 2006) or central and southern apennine areas (galassi, 1997; cianficconi et al., 1998; di sabatino et al., 2003; bottazzi et al., 2008) while lowland springs have been neglected, apart from a few studies on plain-springs and resurgence springs (girod, 1965; cotta-ramusino et al., 1991; cianficconi et al., 1998; crosa & buffagni, 2002) and qualitative studies on 20 river springs of the ticino valley (sconfietti et al., 2009a; pesci, 2010). these types of microhabitats were mainly investigated for water chemistry in relation to agricultural impact and meiofauna (gerecke et al., 1998; laini et al., 2011). therefore, the present study addresses the benthic community of two springs of the river ticino valley (river po plain, north of italy), focusing on the autoecology of some relevant species and on the role of springs as hotspots of biodiversity in an area threatened by anthropogenic pressure. methods study area the river ticino is one of the most important tributaries of the river po and its italian course is recognized as a regional park and is protected by unesco. the lower flood plain is characterized by intensive agricultural activities and high anthropogenic pressure, however numerous semi-natural areas are present (sconfietti et al., 2009b). the study area is situated near the city of pavia (southeast lombardy, northern italy), a few kilometres upstream from the river po confluence (fig. 1). it is located on the left side of the floodplain, along the scarp of the fluvial terrace covered by a shady forested zone, characterized by the dominance of the allochtonous species robinia pseudoacacia l. and a thick underwood with robus caesius l. and highly hygrophilous species, such as equisetum telmateia l., e. arvensis l. and mosses. where the slope of the terrace shows a marked stair step, many permanent hydric emergences seep out from a perched aquifer, about 8 metres below the upper level of the alluvial plain, almost at the same level as the lower level of the floodplain. these water streaks converge in a few small streams, which slowly flow towards a narrow water course called vernavola stream. the springs are 50-100 cm wide and 20-25 m long and they have a weak discharge of less than 10 l m-1 and a water speed of 20 cm s-1. their substrate is mainly composed of fine gravel, sand and clay; the bottom is also rich in vegetal detritus. nitrate concentration in their waters is known to range from 10 mg l-1 to 13 mg l-1 (pesci, 2010). a few species of aquatic or semi-aquatic plants were present in the spring brooks: lemna minor l., ranunculus ficaria l. and nasturtium officinale l. we also found a large population of leucojum aestivum l., a threatened protected species by the habitat directive 92/43 cee. sample collection and data analyses from april 2008 to march 2009, we monthly collected the macrobenthic community in two permanent terrace springs (hereafter called s1 and s2). in order to perform quantitative sampling and due to the small dimension of the springs, we used a small hand-net (950µ mesh) with an additional aluminium frame (19.2x8.7 cm), placing the hand-net on the ground and gently moving the substrate within the aluminium frame. for all samples, we collected three replicates to cover an area of 500 cm². temperature was recorded using a digital thermometer delta ohm hd 8705, and dissolved oxygen was measured using an idronaut oxyliquid oximeter probe. macrobenthos was sorted, identified and counted in the laboratory using a stereo microscope at 10-40x magnification, and preserved in 70 % ethanol. we identified to species level crustacea, platyhelminthes, trichoptera, odonata, lumbricidae and coleoptera; diptera and all other taxa were identified to genus or family level. in order to compare the macrobenthic communities of the two springs and seasonal effects on the biotic assemblages, we performed an anosim test on log transformed data and moreover, a simper analysis was performed in order to define the most dominant species in each spring. finally, a cluster analysis (using species as response variable) was carried out with the aim of highlighting the ecological affinity between macrobenthic species. all the statistical analyses were performed using primer 5.0 software package (clarke and warwick, 1994). results in s1, the water temperature varied from 11°c to 18.5°c, while in s2 it varied from 18.7°c to 9.8°c. moreover, the oxygen saturation reached 90% in s1 and 94% in s2. considering the biotic data, we collected 26 taxa in total: 15 were identified to species level while 6 to genus level. in total, we identified: diptera (8), trichoptera (6), gastropods (5), coleoptera (2), crustacea (2), lumbricidae (1), odonata (1), plathelminthes (1) (tab. 1). the community in s1 reached a density of about 4000 ind. m-2 while in s2 it had density of 2375 ind. m-2. this difference was confirmed by the anosim test (r=0.38, p<0.05); at the contrary, no statistical difference was recorded between seasons (s1, r=-0.019, p>0.05; s2, r=0.019, p>0.05). furthermore, simper analysis showed that the community of s1 was mainly characterized by the presence of the amphipod echinogammarus stammeri, the planarian polycelis felina and the caddisfly crunoecia irrorata.fig. 1 study area. renato sconfietti, india pesci, daniele paganelli 21 similarly, in s2, the most abundant species was e. stammeri, even though its density was lower compared to s1. even here, c. irrorata was very abundant, as the dragonfly cordulegaster boltonii, which at the contrary was absent in s1; finally, here p. felina was less frequent and abundant compare to s1. moreover, the performed analyses highlighted that the slight dissimilarity between these two communities was mainly due to the abundance of p. felina in s1 and the presence of c. boltonii in s2. after this analysis, we compared the biotic data by means of a cluster analysis: in s1, twelve taxa (more than half of the total) have over 50% affinity and nine out of twelve were clustered with over 70% of similarity: helicopsyche sperata, ernodes articularis, helodidae, silo nigricornis, crunoecia irrorata, tanypodinae, diamesinae, polycelis felina and echinogammarus stammeri (fig. 2). in the dendogram of s2, six out of nine taxa were clustered with almost 70% affinity; when a seventh taxon, polycelis felina, was added to the cluster, the affinity decreased to 45% (fig. 3). tab. 1 taxa collected in spring s1 and s2. group taxon author’s name s1 s2 crustacea echinogammarus stammeri (karaman, 1931) x x androniscus dentiger verhoeff, 1908 x x gastropoda bythinella schmidti (küster, 1852) x x gyraulus crista (linnaeus, 1758) x x gyraulus laevis (alder, 1838) x x lymnaea sp. x x sadleriana sp. (küster, 1852) x coleoptera macronychus quadrituberculatus ph. müller, 1806 x x helodidae x x diptera dixa sp. x x ceratopogonidae x hexatoma sp. x odontomia sp. x x psycodidae x x diamesinae x x tanypodinae x x tipula sp. x oligochaeta eiseniella tetraedra (savigny, 1826) x x odonata cordulegaster boltonii (donovan, 1807) x trichoptera crunoecia irrorata (curtis, 1834) x x ernodes articularis (pictet, 1834) x x helicopsyche sperata mclachlan,1876 x x philopotamus montanus (donovan, 1813) x silo nigricornis (pictet, 1834) x x wormaldia occipitalis (pictet, 1834) x x planaria polycelis feline (dalyell, 1814) x x terrace springs: habitat haven for macrobenthic fauna in the lower plain of the river ticino (lombardy, northern italy) 22 discussion the annual investigation on two plain-springs of northern italy showed the absence of clear seasonality for the macroinvertebrate community, despite a marked seasonality of the water temperature. the temperature recorded in the investigated springs in the morning reached almost 20°c in the summer, and presumably higher in the afternoon. at the same time, in winter it never fell below 9°c. the relatively high summer temperature is due to the shallowness of the perched aquifer, which is only about 8 m under the main level of the plain. renato sconfietti, india pesci, daniele paganelli fig. 2 cluster analysis of the macrobenthic community collected in spring 1. water temperature is undoubtedly the most influential factor in crenal life, but the composition of spring communities also depends on a variety of other factors including habitat structures, microclimate, food and competition (fisher, 1996). as well known, the presence of riparian vegetation is another important factor which governs the structure of the invertebrate communities in spring brooks: it is the principal resource of allochthonous matter and it has an important role in the trophic chain (vannote et al., 1980). in addition, the presence of bordering wet areas that never become dry between spring water is important 23 for the crenic community as also stated by wagner et al. (1998). the slight differences in species composition observed between the two springs can be attributed to two possible ecological explanations: the first hypothesis was related to a different granulometric composition of the bottom of the two studied springs while the second one could be related to a difference between the life-cycle of the taxa. according to us, the first hypothesis should be the most relevant because, during our survey, we noticed that the bottom of s1 was mainly composed of gravels, a most suitable substrate for various species such as polycelis felina, silo nigricornis and helicopsyche sperata; on the contrary, the bottom of s2 was dominated by sand and clay, which instead facilitate the colonization of taxa typical of lentic water, such as the odonata cordulegaster boltonii. in the two studied springs, 10 out of 26 taxa collected showed a marked preference for spring specific habitat and they are known in literature as cold stenothermic species, associated to mountain springs with an annual temperature range from 3°c to 12°c. terrace springs: habitat haven for macrobenthic fauna in the lower plain of the river ticino (lombardy, northern italy) fig. 3 cluster analysis of the macrobenthic community collected in spring 2. 24 furthermore, we collected a high number of flies and caddisflies: high abundance of these groups is very common in lowland springs characterized by madicolous microhabitats (cantonati et al., 2006). noteworthy is the constant presence and high abundance of the caddisflies crunoecia irrorata, philopotamus montanus, ernodes articularis, helicopsyche sperata and species belonging to the genera wormaldia and silo. as reported in literature, these species are less common in lowlands springs and their autoecology is strictly linked to springs and spring brooks surrounded by riparian forest, typical of crenic habitats (moretti & viganò, 1959; andree & timm, 1993; laukötter, 1993; cianficconi et al., 1998; fischer et al., 1998; hoffsten & malmqvist, 2000; ilmonen & paasivirta, 2005; smith et al., 2003; buffagni et al., 2007). the pool of the nine taxa highlighted by the similarity matrix and its cluster analysis was completed by polycelis felina, one of the commonest freshwater planarian in cold and fast-water streams (stoch, 2001). it is very frequent in rheocrenes springs that are characteristic of highly oxygenated or even oversaturated high-flow springs (roca et al., 1992; hanh, 2000). the presence of stenothermal species is quite unusual for a flood plain area, and their presence highlights the role of springs as a refugee: the environmental characteristics of springs support a relatively rare fauna which can find refuge from disturbing events or extreme seasonal conditions (di sabatino et al., 2003; maiolini et al., 2011). although less important from a quantitative point of view, other caddisflies (philopotamus montanus, wormaldia occipitalis) and few gastropods (bythinella schmidti and sadleriana sp.) show a marked habitat-specific preference for crenic conditions (stoch, 2001; wiberg-larsen et al., 2000). other frequent species were the coleoptera macronychus quadrituberculatus and the flies odontomia sp.: both species that usually colonize rotten trees near small rivers or wetlands (olmi, 1976; campaioli et al., 1994). finally, it is also important to highlight the presence of two crustacean: the isopod androniscus dentiger and the amphipod echinogammarus stammeri. a. dentiger is mainly considered to be a troglophilous species, but it is also frequently found in the moss in ecotonal margins of springs and spring brooks (harding & sutton, 1985; latella & stoch, 2001); moreover, the high density of e. stammeri could be interpreted as a piece of evidence of a strong stability of the hydric emergence fed by the perched aquifer. as indicated by vannote et al. (1980), macrobenthic assemblages in springs are different from those in streams in the same geographic area. in accordance with this state and even though the studied terrace springs were very close to a semi-natural stream called vernavola, between these two habitats there was not a direct connection, and this was also confirmed by the different composition of the two macrobenthic community. in the vernavola stream, the community was dominated by taxa very common in the lotic environments of the southern river po plain with moderate/high anthropogenic impact such as the mayflies baetis and caenis, the caddisflies hydropsychidae, the flies chironomidae and simuliidae, the dragonflies calopterix and onychogomphus ( c.r.e.a.html). conclusions springs are important microhabitats in the riverine landscape (ward & tockner, 2001; lamberti et al., 2010; ilmonen et al., 2012). according to werum (2001), they can be defined as “water island” because they often show a marked disjunction from neighbouring streams. furthermore, their community could be considered as a metacommunity because its scarce possibility to overcome barriers (mac arthur & wilson, 1963; 1967; whittaker et al., 2001; cantonati et al., 2012). our results confirm the important role of lowland springs as haven for some macrobenthic species: the community found in this study is composed of a set of species never been reported before in the nearby freshwater or wetland environments. as described in the literature, the benthic assemblages of springs (mainly from mountain springs) are typically dominated by species which strictly colonize these particular types of aquatic environments. however, our study demonstrates that some of these stenoecious species can also colonise springs located in a flood plain composing a “mixed community” with other species commonly found in lowland freshwater environments. therefore, our data supports the hypothesis that these “spring species” are not as stenothermic and oligotrophic as usually reported in literature. in fact, our springs are characterised by high winter and summer temperatures and nitrate concentrations, due to the intensive agriculture activities and the superficial level of the aquifer. in conclusion, considering this data, we hypothesize that the preference for springs of some species is probably more influenced by morpho-physical habitats, namely a thin layer of water, than by low temperature and low organic charge. furthermore, our study suggests how the spring habitat is peculiar and conservative, despite its heterogeneity in terms of ecological factors, including altitude, depth of the aquifer and, consequently, temperature. the scarceness of studies on these habitats could be an incentive to continue investigations, in order to better define the auto-ecology of some species and to enrich the ecological database of these microhabitats. acknowledgments this study is part of the cariplo foundation project “hydraulical, biological and ecological characterization of the vernavola stream”. references andree c. & timm t., 1993 – die quellen der niederrheinischen sandplatten. crunoecia, 2: 39-63. barquín j. & scarsbrook m., 2008 – management and conservation strategies for coldwater springs. aquatic conservation, 18: 580-591. renato sconfietti, india pesci, daniele paganelli 25 bottazzi e., bruno m. c., mazzini m., pieri v. & rossetti g., 2008 – first report on copepoda and ostracoda (crustacea) from northern apenninic springs (n. italy): a faunal and biogeographical account. journal of limnology, 67 (1): 56-63. campaioli s., ghetti p. f., minelli a. & ruffo s., 1994 – manuale per il riconoscimento dei macroinvertebrati delle acque dolci (volume i-ii). provincia autonoma di trento. cantonati m. & bonettini a. m., 1995 – ecomorfologia di sorgenti del sarca nel parco adamello-brenta (trentino). quaderni della stazione ecologica civica museo di storia naturale di ferrara, 9: 345-351. cantonati m., gerecke r. & bertuzzi e., 2006 – springs of the alps – sensitive ecosystems to environmental change: from biodiversity assessments to long-term studies. hydrobiologia, 562: 59-96. cantonati m., füreder l., gerecke l., jüttner i. & cox e. j., 2012 − crenic habitats, hotspots for freshwater biodiversity conservation: toward an understanding of their ecology. freshwater science, 31 (2): 463480. cianficconi f., corallini c. & moretti g. p., 1998 – trichoptera fauna of the italian springs. in: studies in crenobiology. the biology of springs and springbrooks. botosaneanu l. 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it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 153 (i): 71-83, aprile 2012 * department of palaeontology, natural history museum, cromwell road, london, sw7 5bd, uk; e-mail: ** 6 rue des réservoirs, f-76600 le havre. chercheur libre rattaché au laboratoire géosciences, uni-chercheur libre rattaché au laboratoire géosciences, université de rennes i, france; e-mail: *** muséum national d’histoire naturelle, département milieux et peuplements aquatiques, 61 rue buffon, cp53, f-75231 paris cedex 05, france; e-mail: **** museo civico “g. zannato”, piazza marconi 15, 36075 montecchio maggiore, vicenza, italy; e-mail: ***** museo di storia naturale, corso venezia 55, 20121 milano, italy; e-mail:; paul d. taylor*, gérard breton**, danièle guinot***, antonio de angeli**** & alessandro garassino***** the cenozoic age of the supposed jurassic crab hebertides jurassica guinot, de angeli & garassino, 2007 (crustacea, decapoda, brachyura) abstract the specific name of the crab hebertides jurassica guinot, de angeli & garassino, 2007, reflects the belief that the single known specimen is of jurassic age and hence would represent a very early heterotreme eubrachyuran. the specimen was collected from a quarry at ranville in calvados, france, where bathonian limestones of the calcaire de langrune formation outcrop. however, bryozoans in the matrix of the specimen are of undoubted cenozoic, probably miocene, in age. good preservation of both crab and bryozoans in the same matrix allows the assumption that they are contemporaneous, necessitating re-dating of h. jurassica as probably miocene in age. it seems likely that the piece of matrix was discarded in the ranville quarry by a fossil collector who had previously visited a cenozoic locality elsewhere. despite the revised dating, the genus hebertides and species h. jurassica are distinct from related corystidae and the names can be retained. key words: decapoda, jurassic, miocene, bryozoa, france. résumé l’âge cénozoïque pour le supposé jurassique crabe hebertides jurassica guinot, de angeli & garassino, 2007 (crustacea, decapoda, brachyura). le crabe hebertides jurassica guinot, de angeli & garassino, 2007, a été nommé ainsi parce que le seul spécimen connu était supposé être d’âge jurassique et donc représenter un eubrachyura heterotremata très précoce. le spécimen avait en effet été recueilli dans une carrière à ranville (calvados, france), où sont exploités des calcaires bathoniens en particulier de la formation des calcaire de langrune. toutefois, les bryozoaires dans la gangue de l’échantillon sont incontestablement cénozoïques, probablement miocènes. le bon état de conservation du crabe et des bryozoaires 72 dans la même gangue permet de démontrer leur contemporanéité. ceci la nécessité de proposer une nouvelle datation pour h. jurassica, qui est donc cénozoïque, probablement miocène. il semble probable que le fossile soit tombé du sac d’un collectionneur qui avait auparavant visité, ailleurs, une localité du cénozoïque. malgré cette nouvelle assignation stratigraphique de l’holotype, le genre hebertides et l’espèce h. jurassica sont distincts de tous les autres corystidae connus, et leurs noms sont valides et confirmés. mots clés: decapoda, jurassique, miocène, bryozoiares, france. riassunto l’età cenozoica del presunto granchio giurassico hebertides jurassica guinot, de angeli & garassino, 2007 (crustacea, decapoda, brachyura). il nome specifico del granchio hebertides jurassica guinot, de angeli & garassino, 2007, riflette la convinzione che l’unico esemplare conosciuto sia di età giurassica e, quindi, rappresenti il più antico eubrachiuro heterotremata. il campione è stato raccolto nella cava di ranville nel calvados, francia, dove affiorano i calcari di età batoniana della formazione di langrune. tuttavia, i briozoi rinvenuti nella matrice del campione sono di indubbia età cenozoica, probabilmente attribuibili al miocene. il fatto che il granchio e i briozoi siano conservati nella stessa matrice indica che sono contemporanei. quindi è stato necessaria una ridatazione di h. jurassica che è quindi cenozoica, probabilmente di età miocenica. l’ipotesi più verosimile è che l’esemplare sia stato lasciato nella cava di ranville da un collezionista che aveva precedentemente visitato una località di età cenozoica, posta in prossimità della cava stessa. nonostante la nuova datazione stratigrafica, il genere hebertides e la specie h. jurassica sono distinti dai relativi corystidae e i nomi vengono considerati validi. parole chiave: decapoda, giurassico, miocene, briozoi, francia. introduction the discovery almost twenty years ago of a new fossil crab (fig. 1) at the wellknown middle jurassic (bathonian) quarry of ranville in calvados, france, caused great excitement when decapod specialists examined the specimen. close similarities between this fossil crab and the extant family corystidae samouelle, 1819, were apparent, despite the seeming antiquity of the fossil (c. 165 ma). the fossil was presented at the 3rd symposium on mesozoic and cenozoic decapod crustaceans in milano in may 2007 (guinot et al., 2007a) and subsequently described formally as a new genus and species of corystid, hebertides jurassica guinot, de angeli & garassino, 2007, by guinot et al. (2007b). it apparently represented an exceptionally early heterotreme eubrachyuran crab. the matrix associated with the single known specimen of hebertides jurassica contains numerous well-preserved bryozoans. this was seemingly consistent with the provenance of the crab: ranville is a famous jurassic bryozoan locality, exposing marine fossiliferous limestones including the ‘calcaire à polypiers’ named on account of the abundant bryozoans present. however, as demonstrated below, the bryozoans associated with h. jurassica are not jurassic species but instead are of cenozoic, probably miocene, in age. the purpose of this paper is to correct the age of h. jurassica and to evaluate the validity of the genus and species in the light of this re-dating. the authors of this paper are designated by their initials: paul d. taylor (pdt), danièle guinot (dg), antonio de angeli (ada), alessandro garassino (ag), and gérard breton (gb). others are abbreviated: thierry rebours (tr), françoise hébert (fh), and rodney m. feldmann (rf). paul d. taylor, gérard breton, danièle guinot, antonio de angeli & alessandro garassino 73 fig. 1 holotype specimen (mnhn a24530 muséun national d’histoire naturelle, paris) of the crab hebertides jurassica guinot, de angeli & garassino, 2007, allegedly from the jurassic calcaire de langrune formation of ranville, calvados, but more likely to be of miocene age on the basis of the associated bryozoans which are visible on the top. scale bar: 5 mm. the cenozoic age of the supposed jurassic crab hebertides jurassica 74 the story of the erroneous stratigraphical attribution of hebertides jurassica guinot, de angeli & garassino, 2007 in 2003, tr, an amateur palaeontologist and highly regarded geologist and populariser of the science (rebours & hébert, 2001, 2002; lebrun, 2010), found in the ranville quarry (calvados, france) a small block on the surface of the jurassic langrune limestone containing a crab (“… j’ai pu récolter, toujours en épave, un autre crustacé…”: rebours, reported by lebrun, 2010). at first sight, the matrix of the block, a pale bioclastic limestone containing bryozoans, was identical with the langrune limestone, apparently confirming the stratigraphical provenance of this loose block. tr asked dg for an identification of the crab, stating that the fossil had been found in situ “from the top of the hollandi subzone (discus zone) of the calcaire de langrune fm” (guinot et al., 2007a: 53; 2007b: 242). the middle and late bathonian limestones and marls of the ranville quarry are exploited for a cement works. apart from a few superficial remnants of early pleistocene deposits and holocene loess, the entire quarry is dug in sediments of bathonian age. there are late callovian outcrops not far from the ranville quarry, but there are no cretaceous or cenozoic rocks outcropping in the vicinity of ranville: the closest cretaceous rocks are outcrops of cenomanian age in the cuesta of the dives valley, 14 km from ranville, while the closest fossiliferous cenozoic outcrops are much more distant. dg was very surprised by the discovery of this apparent jurassic crab which she identified as being very close to the modern corystes bosc, 1802, at least belonging to the family corystidae. she proposed to ag and ada, who were familiar with italian fossil corystids, a paper introducing what she thought to be an exceptionally early heterotreme eubrachyuran crab for the 3rd symposium on mesozoic and cenozoic decapod crustaceans (milano, 23-25 may 2007) (guinot et al., 2007a). because ada and ag did not know of any corystids older than oligocene, ada took a small sample of the matrix of the crab for microfossil analysis by livia beccaro (university of padova). unfortunately, this sample did not contain any foraminifera or calcareous nanoplankton. dg, ag and ada therefore accepted the jurassic age of the crab. dg asked for in situ samples from the ranville quarry, which were kindly supplied by tr and fh who collected sediment from the supposed site of collection of the crab. however, micropalaeontological analysis was not possible at this time and, in any case, this would only have falsely confirmed the supposed bathonian age of hebertides jurassica! arguing against the likelihood of a jurassic eubrachyuran, rf refereed the paper and asked for a re-evaluation of the systematic position of the fossil, affirming that it should be a raninid without really doubting its provenance. the crab was confirmed as a corystid in a second version of the paper containing a fuller description of the fossil. this revised version was accepted, augmented by a comparison between the two families, corystidae (eubrachyura) and raninidae (podotremata) (guinot et al., 2007b). following the milano symposium, rf visited the museum of montecchio maggiore, examined the crab, and a photograph of the specimen was given by ada showing the well preserved bryozoans in the surrounding matrix. this picture was later published by guinot et al. (2007a: fig. 1; see also 2007b: figs. 2-4). rf sent the image to pdt who replied that the bryozoans could not be jurassic but were cretaceous or younger in age. paul d. taylor, gérard breton, danièle guinot, antonio de angeli & alessandro garassino 75 an earlier mistake about bryozoans supposedly from the ranville quarry and of bathonian age was pointed out by pdt: gregory (1894, 1896) described two species of cheilostome bryozoans which voigt (1968) later proved to have come from the maastrichtian of the cotentin in normandy. this mistake, although showing some similarities to the hebertides jurassica story, has a different origin and, as we will show below, the type specimen of h. jurassica actually came from neither the bathonian of ranville, nor the maastrichtian of the cotentin. during the summer of 2007, gb had the opportunity to examine carefully the matrix of the holotype of h. jurassica. this is a pale bioclastic limestone with a fine micritic cement. the bioclasts are mainly bryozoan fragments. quartz grains are estimated to represent less than 0.5%, and there are rare spots of mno2. no ooliths or glauconitic grains are present. the bryozoans are preserved in a range of taphonomic grades, from pristine to fragmented and worn. other visible bioclasts include two small echinoid spines, and fragments of a bivalve shell and a serpulid tube. while the overall aspect of the matrix is, at first sight, not very different from the calcaire de langrune fm., the complete lack of ooliths is notable given that this formation is oolitic throughout. as a consequence of this problem, gb visited the ranville quarry on 27 july 2007 and 14 october 2007, together with tr and fh, to search for a bed within the 40 m or so of exploited limestones and marls that matched the matrix of the crab. he was not able to find such a bed. pdt had only seen the picture sent by rf and not the fossil itself when he suggested that the bryozoans were post-jurassic in age. fellow bryozoologist françoise bigey, examining other pictures taken by gb, was of the same opinion as pdt. dg, ada and ag did not know at this time that the crab had been in fact found as a loose block in the quarry, among blocks of the calcaire de langrune fm., stating (guinot et al., 2007b: 242): “the studied specimen was collected directly in situ by f. hébert in the calcaire de langrune…”. with the discordant opinions about the age of the specimen, they wanted the associated fossils in the matrix to be examined more closely without damage to the crab itself. pdt agreed to undertake a scanning electron microscope study of the bryozoans in the matrix of the holotype of hebertides jurassica using a sem equipped with a low vacuum chamber that allowed the entire specimen to be studied without coating. the results, given below, demonstrate unequivocally that this specimen is not jurassic in age but comes from the cenozoic, probably the miocene. how did this piece of matrix come to be found in the ranville quarry among blocks of superficially similar calcaire de langrune fm.? the only explanations we can offer is that it was either deliberately discarded or accidentally fell from a geologist’s bag. when gb was in the ranville quarry with tr and fh on 14 october 2007 he found a pile of liassic fossils apparently from another quarry located 17 km from ranville. these common, badly preserved fossils were almost certainly left behind by a collector who visited the two quarries in succession. similar contamination has been noticed by ada in the quarries of vicenza where crabs and other fossils collected from different quarries are commonly discarded by collectors. associated bryozoans crucially, the fossil crab is associated with several well-preserved bryozoans. while not directly encrusting the carapace of hebertides jurassica, the colour of the bryozoans matches that of the crab and their general condition is sufficiently the cenozoic age of the supposed jurassic crab hebertides jurassica 76 similar to leave no doubt that they are contemporaneous. the fine preservation of the crab carapace (figs 1, 2a) shows that the crab is not a remain fossil derived from an older deposit and resedimented with the bryozoans. therefore, the bryozoans can be used to provide a reliable stratigraphical age for h. jurassica. at least thirteen species of bryozoans are present, eight cheilostomes and five cyclostomes (table 1). most apparently encrust a small, rounded bioor lithoclast. the presence of so many cheilostomes immediately indicates that the specimen is not jurassic in age as only two species of primitive cheilostomes are known from the entire jurassic (see taylor & ernst, 2008), and the oldest of these is no older than oxfordian in age. in contrast, true bathonian bryozoan faunas contain only cyclostomes, apart from occasional uncalcified boring and bioimmured ctenostomes. walter (1970: 237) noted a predominance of the cyclostome entalophora annulosa (michelin, 1845) in the ‘pierre de langrune’ of ranville, along with ceriocava corymbosa (lamouroux, 1821), ripisoecia conifera (lamouroux, 1821), mesenteripora undulata (michelin, 1845) and heteropora lorieri (d’orbigny, 1850). none of these distinctive species are present in the matrix associated with h. jurassica, nor are there any of the ‘berenicea’-type encrusting colonies that dominate jurassic bryozoan faunas. among the bryozoans identified from the matrix (table 1), the following warrant particular comment: tab. 1 bryozoans in the matrix associated with the holotype specimen of hebertides jurassica guinot, de angeli & garassino, 2007. order family genus and species cheilostomata steginoporellidae steginoporella cf. transversa vigneaux, 1949 cribrilinidae membraniporella ?diadema (reuss, 1848) cribrilinidae puellina sp. phidoloporidae schedocleidochasma incisa (reuss, 1874) bitectiporidae ?hippoporina sp. lepraliellidae celleporaria ?elatior (duvergier, 1923) ?celleporidae indet. ‘celleporid’ sp. ? ascophora sp. indet. juv. cyclostomata ?oncousoeciidae ?oncousoecia sp. tubuliporidae platonea sp. plagioeciidae mesenteripora sp. lichenoporidae indet. sp. ?horneridae indet. sp. (erect base) paul d. taylor, gérard breton, danièle guinot, antonio de angeli & alessandro garassino 77 fig. 2 scanning electron micrographs of cenozoic, probably miocene, bryozoans associated with the holotype specimen of the crab hebertides jurassica guinot, de angeli & garassino, 2007 (mnhn, paris a24530). a) base of an erect cyclostome (?horneridae) with part of the crab carapace above. b) cheilostome membraniporella ?diadema (reuss, 1848) showing broken costal spines in the autozooids and a vicarious avicularium (lower centre). c) cheilostome steginoporella cf. transversa vigneaux, 1949 showing a-zooids and a single b-zooid (right of centre). d) cheilostome ?hippoporina sp. e) cheilostome schedocleidochasma incisa (reuss, 1874). f) two zooids of the cheilostome celleporaria ?elatior (duvergier, 1923) preserving the orificial denticles. scale bars: a = 1 mm; b-f = 200 µm. the cenozoic age of the supposed jurassic crab hebertides jurassica 78 membraniporella ?diadema (reuss, 1848) (fig. 2b). this miocene cheilostome was recorded from the badenian of the vienna basin and messinian of morocco by moissette (1988). interzooidal avicularia are apparent, similar to those figured by moissette (1988: pl. 11, fig. 1) though stated to be absent in his description (p. 72) of the species. steginoporella cf. transversa vigneaux, 1949 (fig. 2c). originally described from the burdigalian of aquitaine, s. transversa was regarded as a subspecies of s. elegans (milne edwards, 1836) by pouyet & david (1979). the genus steginoporella smitt, 1873, notable for having polymorphic aand b-zooids, ranges from eocene to recent. ?hippoporina sp. (fig. 2d). this ascophoran cheilostome closely resembles a species from the tortonian of southern spain that was figured by berning (2006, fig. 91). note, that it exhibits few distinctive characters and could alternatively belong to some other genera (e.g. cryptosula canu & bassler, cheiloporina canu & bassler). however, these are all cenozoic. schedocleidochasma incisa (reuss, 1874) (fig. 2e). redescribed by berning (2006), this species has been recorded from various miocene as well as some pliocene localities in europe and north africa. celleporaria ?elatior (duvergier, 1923) (fig. 2f). belonging to another typically cenozoic genus, this miocene species occurs in the aquitanian of the aquitaine basin, france (pouyet, 1973). taken overall, the bryozoan fauna is certainly cenozoic, and strongly suggestive of a miocene age. while it is not possible to match the bryozoan assemblage with any well-characterised bryozoan fauna, in part reflecting the paucity of modern sem-based studies of cenozoic bryozoan faunas, it seems probable that the bryozoans originated from france (e.g. aquitaine or rhone basins) or elsewhere in europe, probably in the western mediterranean (b. berning, pers comm., 2011). notably, the assemblage is unlike the only neogene bryozoan faunas described from normandy (pouyet, 1997), which come from the pliocene of the carentan and saint-sauveur-le-vicomte basins. reappraisal of hebertides jurassica guinot, de angeli & garassino, 2007 as noted above, hebertides jurassica was initially asserted as collected in situ on the surface of the jurassic calcaire de langrune fm. in ranville quarry, calvados (see guinot et al., 2007a, 2007b). the collectors, thierry rebours and françoise hébert, to whom the genus was dedicated, later declared that the crab was found as a “loose block” on the surface of the langrune limestone (rebours, reported by lebrun, 2010). as the associated bryozoans demonstrate that h. jurassica is probably miocene in age, it is necessary to verify whether hebertides jurassica remains a valid taxon. corystidae comprises three extant genera, corystes bosc, 1802, gomeza gray, 1831, and jonas hombron & jacquinot, 1846 (ng et al., 2008: 56), plus several fossil genera. while the identification of hebertides with gomeza and jonas may be eliminated because of the presence of several anterolateral teeth (generally nine), a new comparison with the other known corystids is necessary. hebertides vs corystes bosc, 1802 corystes is monospecific, with c. cassivelaunus (pennant, 1777) from the eastern atlantic and mediterranean sea, as the type species. despite some simpaul d. taylor, gérard breton, danièle guinot, antonio de angeli & alessandro garassino 79 ilarities, the differences between hebertides and corystes are unambiguous (guinot et al., 2007a, 2007b). principal differences are: (1) the proportions of the body, slightly wider anteriorly in hebertides, in which the distance between the two extraorbital teeth (fronto-orbital margin) is larger than in corystes; (2) in hebertides the dorsal surface of the carapace shows well-marked areolation and wide and smooth grooves (vs regions practically not defined, without grooves except the branchiocardiac, in corystes); (3) the presence of small, smooth areas on frontal and suborbital regions in hebertides (absent in corystes); and (4) the distribution of the granules on the carapace dorsal surface, which are less numerous and more irregularly distributed, stronger and even pointed on the anterior region in hebertides (vs more numerous, smaller, but more dense and regularly distributed in corystes, which is completely granulated). in the posterior half of the carapace, the ornamentation, which consists of smaller granules grouped into short clumps of two or three flat granules, is more similar in the two genera. there is only one fossil record of c. cassivelaunus, a mould of a male specimen exposing only the ventral surface, from the pliocene, early piacenzian, of noord-brabant, the netherlands (van bakel et al., 2009: fig. 2e). the thoracic sternum of this fossil does not perfectly correspond to that of extant representatives. hebertides vs micromithrax noetling, 1881 the type species of micromithrax noetling, 1881, is micromithrax holsatica noetling, 1881, from the early miocene to middle pliocene of northern germany, northeast belgium and the netherlands. the placement of micromithrax holsatica in corystes proposed by gripp (1967: 123, pl. 21, fig. 8.) and followed by both moths (2005: 84, fig. 4) and van bakel et al. (2004: 101, fig. 3, pl. 4, figs. 1, 2, 6–8; 2006: 173) is erroneous, as pointed out by guinot et al. (2007b) who signalled the mistake to van bakel (2006). subsequently, the idea of micromithrax as a junior synonym of corystes was abandoned, and micromithrax was revised by van bakel et al. (2009: fig. 2d, f–h). the photograph of the holotype of m. holsatica (van bakel et al., 2004: fig. 3; van bakel et al., 2009: fig. 2f) shows the main characteristics of the genus: distinctly convex carapace; dorsal surface markedly areolated, with a prominent central tubercle on each region and tubercles disposed on median axis; presence of distinct grooves; front with two triangular teeth; three unequal anterolateral teeth laterally oriented plus a dorsally visible, curved subhepatic spine. corystes cf. holsaticus montag, 1987 (p. 78), from northern germany is considered to be a synonym of micromithrax holsatica by van bakel et al. (2009: 82). hebertides may be distinguished from micromithrax in particular by its less deeply areolated carapace and the absence of prominent tubercles. it is difficult to say anything about the lateral spines since the sides of hebertides are incomplete. the presence of sparse big tubercles is reminiscent of the extant genera gomeza and jonas. we agree with van bakel et al. (2009: 82) that the two other species referred to micromithrax [m.? minusculus feldmann & wilson, 1988 (p. 486, fig. 16)], from the eocene (la meseta formation) of seymour island antarctica; and m.? grippi müller, 1974 [(pp. 279, 284, pl. 2, figs. 1, 2), from the middle miocene the cenozoic age of the supposed jurassic crab hebertides jurassica 80 of the budapest region, hungary], cannot be retained in micromithrax, nor in corystidae (see also müller, 1984: 79). hebertides vs corystites müller, 1984 the genus corystites müller, 1984, was introduced by müller (1984: 75) as a replacement name for microcorystes lőrenthey in lőrenthey & beurlen, 1929 (p. 137, pl. 8, fig. 4a-d). microcorystes fritsch, 1893, with m. parvulus fritsch, 1893, as type species (fritsch, 1893), is a podotreme crab, included in pithonotidae glaessner, 1933, by shirk (2006) but “unplaced at family level” by de grave et al. (2009: 28) and schweitzer et al. (2010: 61). the type species of corystites is microcorystes latifrons lőrenthey in lőrenthey & beurlen, 1929, from the middle miocene (badenian) of the budapest region, hungary. unfortunately, the holotype is lost and no additional specimens are known (van bakel et al., 2009: 82). microcorystes latifrons, which is described by small specimens less than 5 mm in length, differs from hebertides by the more marked dorsal regions, the ornamentation consisting of large granules, the lateral margins armed with five or six teeth, and the front formed of two wide, raised lobes. a second species assigned to corystites is c. vicetinus de angeli, garassino & ceccon, 2010 (p. 158, fig. 9), known from three specimens from italy (vicenza, altavilla vicentina). it has an areolated carapace with smooth grooves, a dorsal surface ornamented in the anterior part by rounded granulations, and in posterior part by oval, transversely arranged granulations, all characters rather similar to those of h. jurassica. the two species differ, however, by: the outline of carapace which is more elongated in hebertides, in particular longer between the cervical groove and the posterior border of carapace; the posterolateral margin being relatively longer in hebertides than corystites; the front with two triangular lobes, separated by a narrow fissure in hebertides compared with two strong, rounded distally lobes, separated by a wide cleft in corystites; the shape of the orbits; the cardiac region unarmed but with two median, granulated elevations in corystites. the discovery of c. vicetinus extended the fossil record of corystites back into the early oligocene. hebertides vs gomezinus collins in collins, lee & noad, 2003 the genus gomezinus collins in collins, lee & noad, 2003, is known only from its type species, g. tuberculatus collins in collins, lee & noad, (collins et al., 2003: 363, pl. 20, fig. 2), from the miocene miri formation of sarawak, indonesia. it differs from h. jurassica in its more ovate and more arched carapace, lateral margins armed with nine blunt teeth, and the dorsal surface ornamented with median and paired median-lateral rows of tubercles, characters evoking those of the recent genus jonas. these comparisons support the retention of hebertides and h. jurassica as valid taxa. although the specific epithet jurassica is a misnomer with the knowledge that the species does not come from the jurassic, the international code of zoological nomenclature does not make provision for its replacement on these grounds and the name must stand. paul d. taylor, gérard breton, danièle guinot, antonio de angeli & alessandro garassino 81 conclusions the stratigraphical provenance -bathonian calcaire de langrune fm.originally stated when hebertides jurassica was described is incorrect. bryozoans associated with the crab are of cenozoic, probably miocene, in age and are not jurassic. jurassic bryozoans comprise almost exclusively cyclostomes (taylor & ernst, 2008), whereas the bryozoans in the matrix attached to the crab are dominated by characteristically cenozoic cheilostomes such as steginoporella, celleporaria, membraniporella, and schedocleidochasma. both the crab and the bryozoans are well matched in their preservational qualities and are evidently contemporaneous. the fine preservation of the crab carapace rules out the possibility that it is a derived jurassic fossil re-buried with some cenozoic bryozoans. furthermore, the complete lack of ooliths in the matrix argues against the specimen actually coming from the oolitic calcaire de langrune fm. despite the radical revision of the age of the fossil crab from jurassic to cenozoic (?miocene), comparisons with related fossil and extant taxa justify retention of both the genus hebertides and the species h. jurassica. acknowledgements we wish to thanks barry van bakel, oertijdmuseum de groene poort, boxtel, the netherlands, and bjorn berning, upper austrian state museum, austria, for criticism 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e-mail: alberto girod recent and ancient death-assemblages of molluscs in lakes eğirdir and beyşehir (sw anatolia, turkey) riassunto tanatocenosi recenti ed antiche di molluschi dai laghi eğirdir e beyşehir (anatolia s-o, turchia). nell’estate del 2000 sono stati raccolti campioni di materiale spiaggiato lungo le sponde del lago eğirdir. successivamente nell’agosto 2002 si sono raccolti campioni da una stratigrafia affiorante vicino al lago beyşehir e costituita da sedimenti carbonatici e da gyttja ricchi di molluschi acquatici. la datazione colloca questi ultimi campioni alla fine del pleistocene medio. la determinazione delle specie si è rivelata difficoltosa per il fatto che non è stato possibile analizzare la loro anatomia e per il fatto che la sistematica della malacofauna turca risente tuttora di molte vecchie determinazioni che attribuivano alle specie anatoliche i nomi di quelle europee a causa della loro somiglianza. un problema che è ora in fase di avanzata soluzione. il lago eğirdir ha avuto durante buona parte del pleistocene medio-finale e l’olocene delle caratteristiche simili all’ampio bacino del beyşehir-suğla: una posizione pedemontana racchiusa tra catene di monti, una notevole estensione con andamento nord-sud, fondali bassi intorno ai 15 m di profondità, oscillazioni di livello e di trofia fino a trasformarsi in ampi stagni, probabili incrementi di salinità. lo studio qualitativo e quantitativo di entrambe le malacofaune nonché le osservazioni tafonomiche sulle conchiglie hanno consentito un approfondimento delle dinamiche di formazione degli accumuli naturali conchigliari in ambito lacustre e alcune considerazioni di interesse archeozoologico per una loro migliore comprensione. parole chiave: molluschi d’acqua dolce, tanatocenosi, laghi, anatolia s-o, pleistocene medio. abstract in the summer of 2000 samples of beach deposits on the shore of lake eğirdir were collected. subsequently, in august 2002, further samples were taken from a sequence exposed near lake beyşehir that was composed of carbonatic and gyttja layers containing abundant aquatic molluscs; these were dated to the end of the middle pleistocene. species identification was made difficult by the fact that anatomical studies could not be made, and also because the taxonomy of turkish molluscs still suffers from the effects of the once widespread habit of identifying anatolian species as similar european species. the latter difficulty is well on the way to be resolved. for much of the middle-upper pleistocene and holocene, lake eğirdir had characteristics similar to those of the large beyşehir-suğla basin: a piedmont location enclosed by mountain ranges, large size and north-south orientation, maximum depth of about 15 m, variable water level and nutrient concentration (occasionally becoming a large pond), and probable increases in salinity. the qualitative and quantitative study of both malacofaunas, together with taphonomic observations on the shells, 42 gave deeper insight into the formation processes of natural lacustrine shell accumulations and certain aspects of zooarchaeological interest, improving our understanding of such phenomena. keywords: freshwater molluscs, death-assemblages, lakes, sw anatolia, middle pleistocene. aim of the research in the central-western anatolian plateau there are numerous lakes at altitudes between 845 and 1123 m a.s.l. the largest are beyşehir gölü (656 km2), eğridir gölü (482 km2) and burdur gölü (200 km2). two examples of shell accumulations not of human origin were studied. in this region the faunal content of naturally deposited thanatocoenoses is interesting for the large quantity of shells present, among which new species are sometimes found; they are of both taxonomic and ecological interest. freshwater mollusc death-assemblages remind us how little we know about the processes that have contributed to their formation. this is a limit that creates problems of interpretation when natural accumulations of shells are encountered during archaeological excavations. it is not always possible to find in a single lake accumulations of both recent and fossil shells; for this reason this study is based on accumulations from two different lakes. through a comparison between a recent lacustrine death-assemblage and others from the late middle pleistocene, an attempt is made to understand the palaeoenvironmental circumstances which created these deposits. taxonomic aspects uncertainties exist with respect to turkish freshwater molluscs due to the fact that european and turkish malacologists have long attributed to anatolian species the same names used for european fauna on the basis of the morphological similarity of their shells. this has created notable confusion which has only partly been resolved. for pulmonates, planorbidae and especially prosobranchs, new fieldwork, the revision of old faunal inventories and anatomical investigations (when possible) have led to the improvement of some biogeographical distribution maps, the elimination or confirmation of some species and the creation of new species. fig. 1 the sampling sites at lake eğirdir (dot) and lake beyşehir (square). (from glöer & girod, 2013, modified). alberto girod 43 taxonomic issues related to the faunas of eğridir gölü and beyşehir gölü were studied in collaboration with dr. peter glöer, dr. hartwig schütt (1923-2009) and prof. m. z. yildirim; comparisons were made with shells in museum and private collections. the material studied is stored in the collection of a. girod. the paratypes of the three new species gyraulus egirdirensis, gyraulus taseviensis and valvata beysehirensis recently described and illustrated by glöer & girod (2013) are held in the mollusc collection of the milan museo civico di storia naturale; the respective catalogue nos. are msnm mo 36589, msnm mo 36590, msnm mo 36591. lake eğirdir lake eğirdir, 917 m a.s.l. and 482 km2, is the fourth-largest lake in turkey after van gölü (3755 km2), tuz gölü (1500 km2) and beyşehir gölü. the average depth is 7-8 m, with a maximum of 15 m. in summer stretches of shore emerge, with notable accumulations of mollusc shells. water-level oscillations may be as much as 5 m (gülle et al., 2008). these are natural death-assemblages made evident by the seasonal drop in the water level, formed by wave action that pushes the mollusc exoskeletons up the beach, building up concentrations. they are deposited on gravels from which the waves have removed the finer sediments. samples were collected during august 2000 on the nw bank in the hoyran basin, between the villages of taşevi and gençali. in this portion there is an abundant accumulation of spring water behind the shore, where submerged aquatic vegetation is plentiful; it is separated from the lake by a strip of tree-covered land (fig. 2a). this water flows into eğirdir gölü and it may happen that the two environments are united when the lake level is high. a bulk sample of about 2 kg was collected from the lake bank. after washing and sieving, 100 g was taken for study (tab. 1). together with the shells are also found caddisfly larva cases, beetle exoskeletons and elytra, and crustacean claws. viviparidae shell fragments occur as well. the malacofauna of this lake is known from previous work (stojaspal, 1986; yildirim, 2004 yildirim et al., 2006; kebapçi & yildirim, 2010; kebapçi et al., 2012). at two points near our area (sites 7 and 8 in yildirim, 2004) the following gastropods were found: borysthenia naticina, bithynia pseudemmericia, radix fig. 2 a) eğirdir gölü, sampling point; area with springs in foreground. b) beyşehir gölü, the pleis-b) beyşehir gölü, the pleistocene strata. (photos a. girod). recent and ancient death-assemblages of molluscs in lakes eğirdir and beyşehir 44 tab. 1 species and number of individuals from the shore of lake eğirdir. lake of eğirdir, shore mni total freshwater prosobranchs theodoxus heldreichei (martens, 1878) 49 bithynia pseudemmericia (schütt, 1964) 105 graecoanatolica lacustristurca (radoman, 1973) 687 falsipyrgula pfeifferi (weber, 1927) 259 valvata cristata o.f.müller, 1774 34 valvata piscinalis (o.f.müller, 1774) 414 borysthenia naticina (menke, 1845) 138 1686 freshwater pulmonates lymnaea stagnalis (linnaeus, 1758) 9 lymnaea truncatula (o.f.müller, 1774) 2 physa fontinalis (linnaeus, 1758) 1 haitia acuta (draparnaud, 1805) 3 radix auricularia (linnaeus, 1758) 37 gyraulus convexiusculus (hutton 1849) 5 gyraulus egirdirensis glöer & girod 2013 36 gyraulus piscinarum (bourguignat, 1852) 83 gyraulus taseviensis glöer & girod 2013 73 planorbarius corneus (linnaeus, 1758) 10 259 freshwater bivalves dreissena polymorpha (pallas, 1771) 47 pisidium henslowanum (sheppard, 1825) 19 pisidium cf. nitidum jenyns, 1845 6 pisidium sp. 15 87 land snails oxyloma elegans risso 1826 1 vertigo antivertigo (draparnaud, 1801) 1 vitrea contracta (westerlund, 1871) 1 xerotricha cf. conspurcata (draparnaud, 1801) 2 5 2037 alberto girod 45 peregra, stagnicola palustris, haitia acuta, physa fontinalis, planorbis planorbis and gyraulus albus (yildirim, 2004). there are several differences between this and the present list, which regards a single sampling site not far from the village of taşevi. the species gyraulus albus cited in the bibliography needs to be confirmed in the light of recent research. all these species have been described and are well known. two planorbidae are new: gyraulus egirdirensis and gyraulus taseviensis (glöer & girod, 2013). most of the freshwater species are from oligotrophic lentic systems. habitats vary: theodoxus heldreichi lives on hard substrates and pebbles, bithynia pseudemmericia lives on the bottom and aquatic vegetation, and both species prefer standing water with low hydrodynamism. valvata cristata is a muddy-sediment species, whereas valvata piscinalis moves among aquatic plants. some land and freshwater pulmonates live in more slowly-moving waters, such as marshes and on lake shores protected by reed beds. they are often restricted to shallow, muddy areas, or in proximity to springs. the terrestrial species vitrea contracta and xerotricha cf. conspurcata live in the dry calcareous soils that border the lake and their occasional presence is simply due to their passive transport by water. the prosobranchs are the most important group among the empty shells. the thanatocoenosis is dominated by two species: graecoanatolica lacustristurca, quantitatively the most abundant gastropod (33.73%), and valvata piscinalis (20.32%). other important components are falsipyrgula pfeifferi (12.71%) and borystenia naticina (6.77%) (fig. 3). fig. 3 species frequency on the shore of lake eğirdir. recent and ancient death-assemblages of molluscs in lakes eğirdir and beyşehir 46 of benthic creatures from lake egirdir, dreissena polymorpha is the most common, with a density per m2 of 13554 individuals (gülle et al., 2008). many fragments were also collected, mostly the apical portions of young individuals, which implies that the minimum number of individuals is an underestimate. this species attaches itself by a byssus to a hard underwater base, which may be the shell of a large bivalve such as unio that emerges from the lake bottom; young dreissena which colonize zones near the surface die when a fall in water level leaves them exposed. such massive die-offs have been observed and well documented, for example on the margins of bafa gölü (büyük menderes delta, sw turkey) where dreissena polymorpha and mytilaster marioni (locard, 1889) have the same destiny, carpeting the banks with dark accumulations of millions of dead individuals (personal observation; kazanci et al., 2008). lake beyşehir lake beyşehir, 1123 m a.s.l., 656 km2, has a maximum depth of 10 m (işildar, 2010). the lake occupies the northern basin of the beyşehir depression, which extends southwards to lake suğla. from the strandlines and the quaternary fossils present it may be deduced that during the pleistocene pluvial periods, these two lakes rose to the level of the ancient effluents or karstic systems that bordered the shores. beach ridges at between 10 and 25 m above the present shore-level indicate the probable margins of these outflows (erol, 1978). beyond the existing shore to the southeast of the lake, widespread outcrops of ancient lacustrine deposits may be seen, both north of beyşehir towards kireli and along the road which runs eastwards along the valley bottom in the direction of konya, via üçpinar. the strata from which the samples discussed here were obtained are situated on a hillock to the west of the national road d695, at the latitude of çiftlikköy, just south of the turning for this village (37°43’58.38’’n-31°42’08.76’’e) (figs. 1, 2b). the deposit crops out at 1135 m a.s.l. and is cut by a disused quarry where the visible stratigraphy is about 5 metres thick, with alternating layers of carbonates and gyttja (fig. 4). two samples of valvatidae shells from gyttja layers gave the following 14c ams dates (accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dating): sample bey 3: (gra-53007) 46000+850-600 yr bp δ13c-7.38‰ sample bey 5: (gra-53009) 44450+650-550 yr bp δ13c-6.66‰ since these gyttja layers are overlain by thick carbonate sediments, contamination by young carbon from percolating meteoric water after the retreat of the lake must be taken into account (roberts et al., 1999). the error in age determination could be between 4 and 6 ka. the two dates obtained are quite similar and correspond to the late middle pleistocene. the raised beaches of the beyşehir-suğla basin at 1130 and 1135 m a.s.l. represent the contact between the upper and middle pleistocene (erol, 1978); the dates from the new samples collected from between 1130 and 1133 m thus fit comfortably into this period, notwithstanding the error margin. in 2002 samples each weighing about 2 kg were taken at various depths below the present surface (top of section): sample 1: 130-140 cm in compact carbonatic deposits sample 2: 245-255 cm in loose carbonatic deposits (soft) sample 3: 280-290 cm in gyttja rich in freshwater shells sample 4: 325-335 cm in loose carbonatic deposits (soft) sample 5: 425-435 cm in gyttja rich in freshwater shells alberto girod 47 fig. 4 lake beyşehir, pleistocene stratigraphy. a) uppermost red terrigenous layer; b) disaggregated lake sediments with roots; c) grey carbonatic clay; d) carbonatic deposits; e) gyttja. (drawing g. maggioni, cora). in the ancient beyşehir-suğla basin various peat layers have been reported (roberts, 1982; roberts & wright, 1993); samples 3 and 5 are from gyttja layers. the samples were immersed in water to which a little h2o2 (130 vol., 35%) had been added for 24 hours and then wet-sieved with light jets of water, using a sieve column with 20, 10 and 1 mm meshes. the species found, their frequency and the weight (in grammes) of residual material left after sieving are shown in tab. 2. recent and ancient death-assemblages of molluscs in lakes eğirdir and beyşehir 48 tab. 2 species and number of individuals from the pleistocene strata of lake beyşehir. samples species 1 g 78 2 g 104 3 g 68 4 g 288 5 g 62 tot mni freshwater prosobranchs viviparus sp. 1 1 bithynia pseudemmericia (schütt, 1964) 235 2837 2023 1694 23470 30259 islamia cf. anatolica radoman, 1973 281 3348 2089 7063 12781 valvata beysehirensis glöer & girod, 2013 341 2122 4571 2372 13836 23242 borysthenia naticina (menke, 1845) 1363 6361 11582 5536 32261 57103 freshwater pulmonates lymnaea stagnalis (linnaeus, 1758) 45 43 89 136 711 1024 anisus sp. 7 54 61 gyraulus convexiusculus (hutton 1849) 6 67 329 39 149 590 gyraulus crista (linnaeus, 1758) 3 3 planorbarius corneus (linnaeus, 1758) 2 1 3 1 66 73 acroloxus lacustris (linnaeus, 1758) 2 2 freshwater bivalves unio sp. 1 1 2 3 7 pisidium sp. 7 20 27 pisidium amnicum (o.f.müller, 1774) 6 2 4 12 pisidium personatum malm, 1855 10 18 28 land snails oxyloma elegans risso 1826 5 6 3 14 tandonia sp. 1 1 total 2303 14794 18656 11912 77563 125228 ostracoda 59 201 383 347 characeae oogonium 7 51 111 256 alberto girod 49 for bithynia pseudommericia the minimum number of individuals (mni) is based on the number of opercula. several items were present sporadically but their poor state of preservation did not permit reliable species identification. in the case of lake beyşehir too, the majority of the species found are known from the central-western anatolian plateau. there is some doubt with renard to islamia cf. anatolica because the genus islamia usually occurs near springs, e.g. those at kirkgöz (radoman, 1973; yildirim, 1999; kebapçi & yildirim, 2010). specimens of this species have been sent to m.z. yildirim for comparison with individuals of any present-day population that may live in the same area. valvata beysehirensis is a new, recently described species (glöer & girod, 2013). observations concerning taphonomy in sample 1 the shells were well-preserved, although whitened; those of b. pseudemmericia proved more fragile during handling than islamia sp. in sample 2 the shells were often very corroded, fragile and powdered easily. in sample 3 the shells were light brownish-yellow coloured and in excellent condition. in sample 4 the shells were bleached, weak although little corroded; many disintegrated. in sample 5 the shells were quite shiny, light brownish-yellow coloured, not corroded although rather fragile. they were very fragmentary and resembled the thanatocoenosis from the shore of lake eğirdir. the b. pseudemmericia shells were more broken than those of valvata sp. and borystenia sp. the greater fragility of b. pseudemmericia may be due to the greater globosity and size of its shell compared to the lenticular and less large valvata sp. and the much smaller and hemispherical islamia sp. the opercula of b. pseudemmericia were well preserved and the nmi is based on them. samples 3 and 5 were collected from gyttja layers and contained abundant malacofauna and plant detritus; they formed during periods when lake levels were low and material accumulated on the shore. samples 1, 2 and 4 were collected from carbonate-rich deposits formed during high water levels in periods of high evaporation and their mollusc content was lower. in order to gain a better understanding of the mollusc concentrations in the various layers in the sequence, the number of individuals was calculated per 50 g of residual sediment (fig. 5). overall population composition an overall analysis of the pleistocene malacofauna shows the predominance of prosobranchs borysthenia naticina, bithynia pseudemmericia, valvata beysehirensis and islamia cf. anatolica (98.5%), with differences between samples ranging from 99.2% (sample 2) to 96.6% (sample 1). the preponderance of just a few species is only partly due to the vagaries of sampling and differences in the shells’ mechanical resistances. it is the result of the repeated deposition of empty shells and reflects the relative abundance of individuals of these species in the environment. pulmonate and bivalve gastropods occur in negligible quantities, perhaps sporadically; the presence of oxyloma elegans and a dorsal shell of tandonia sp.(fig. 6; tab. 2) may be considered chance events. recent and ancient death-assemblages of molluscs in lakes eğirdir and beyşehir 50 with regard to the ecology of the species, these molluscs also belong to an oligotrophic lentic system (yildirim, 2004). more specifically, species such as bithynia pseudemmericia, lymnaea stagnalis, anisus sp., gyraulus convexiusculus, planorbarius corneus and acroloxus lacustris live in shallow muddy areas, where the water is slow moving and contains more nutrients. fig. 5 lake beyşehir, minimum number of individuals (mni) present in 50 g of residual sediment. fig. 6 frequency of the species from the pleistocene strata of lake beyşehir. alberto girod 51 lake beyşehir has never been deep and over time water levels have periodically dropped until it was little more than a pond (roberts, 1982). the isotopic composition of this lake fell on an evaporation line and it was possibly related to a surface or underground outlet, lake turnover time, and the inflow volumes from the drainage basin (gunyakti et al. 1993: 200, fig. 3). it shares with ancient anatolian ovas (dry lake beds) several species that are widespread in anatolia: borysthenia naticina, bithynia pseudemmericia and pisidium amnicum (schütt, 1991). this history helps to explain the composition of the fossil malacofauna, which indicates the presence of a coastal area with shores protected by heliophytic vegetation (phragmites). it makes difficult, though, a detailed analysis of changes in the molluscan fauna over time. modest variations in frequency may be noted, perhaps due to differences in lake levels and presumable concomitant variations in salinity (fig. 7). an anomalous feature may be seen in sample 3 (from a gyttja layer), in which islamia cf. anatolica is completely absent, but valvata beysehirensis (24.5%) and borysthenia naticina (62.1%) unusually abundant. we know nothing of the ecology of fossil valvata beysehirensis, except that the genus valvata lives in lotic water conditions; the habitat of borysthenia naticina in turkey includes lakes, whereas in europe it seems to consist of the sandy bottoms, covered with a thin detritus layer, of large and medium lowland rivers (piechocki, 2004). sample 3 (from a gyttja layer) is lacking in ostracods and the oogonia of the characeae. perhaps this stratum corresponded to a very low lake level and lacked an input of dead mollusc shells from springs near the lake. fig. 7 frequencies of freshwater prosobranchs and pulmonates in the samples of the pleistocene strata of lake beyşehir. recent and ancient death-assemblages of molluscs in lakes eğirdir and beyşehir 52 faunistic changes in lake beyşehir and the beyşehir-suğla-konya system, with the disappearance of some species and the arrival of others, occurred throughout the quaternary in association with changes in their hydrological regimes (tab. 3). the absence of theodoxus heldreichi in the pleistocene layers studied is connected with the nature of the lakebed and the lack of a hard substrate. the following species are also not present in the sediments studied: graecoanatolica lacustristurca radoman 1973, graecoanatolica pamphylica (schütt, 1964), kirelia carinata radoman 1973, falsipyrgula beysehirana (schütt, 1965), falsipyrgula carinata (radoman, 1983), falsipyrgula schuetti yildirim 1999, valvata cristata (müller, 1774), valvata piscinalis (müller, 1774), dreissena polymorpha anatolica (locard, 1893), as well as several planorbidae and bivalves (schütt, 1965; schütt, 1993; schütt & yildirim, 1999; kebapçi & yildirim, 2010; pdf 274, yildirim & kebapçi, 2009). dreissena polymorpha iconica schütt 1991 is listed in several ancient layers in the beyşehir-suğla basin (de ridder, 1965; erol, 1978; schütt, 1993) and in the konya basin it is found in alternate phases (roberts, 1982; roberts et al., 1999), but is not present in the lake beyşehir strata studied here. it is possible that the absence of several small-sized species may be due to sampling methods. tab. 3 comparison of present-day and fossil lacustrine and land molluscs from the beyşehir and konya basins. (?) the presence of these species needs further confirmation. species beyşehir middle pleistocene beyşehir living species konya basin lgm holocene theodoxus heldreichi (martens, 1879) x x viviparus sp. x viviparus contectus (millet, 1813) x x bithynia pseudemmericia schütt, 1964 x x x islamia cf. anatolica radoman, 1973 x graecoanatolica lacustristurca radoman 1973 x graecoanatolica pamphylica (schütt, 1964) x kirelia carinata radoman 1973 x x falsipyrgula beysehirana (schütt, 1965) x x falsipyrgula carinata (radoman, 1983) x falsipyrgula schuetti yildirim 1999 x x valvata beysehirensis x valvata cristata (müller, 1774) x x valvata piscinalis (müller, 1774) x x borysthenia naticina (menke, 1845) x x oxyloma elegans (risso, 1826) x x tandonia sp. x lymnaea stagnalis (linnaeus,1758) x alberto girod 53 species beyşehir middle pleistocene beyşehir living species konya basin lgm holocene stagnicola palustris (müller, 1774) x galba truncatula (müller, 1774) x radix auricularia (linnaeus, 1758) x radix cf. ovata (draparnaud, 1805) ? planorbis planorbis (müller, 1774) x anisus sp. x gyraulus albus (müller, 1774) ? gyraulus convexiusculus (hutton 1849) x gyraulus crista (linnaeus, 1758) x gyraulus euphraticus (mousson, 1874) ? gyraulus piscinarum (bourguignat, 1852) x segmentina nitida (müller, 1774) x planorbarius corneus (linnaeus, 1758) x x acroloxus lacustris (linnaeus, 1758) x unio sp. x unio pictorum (linnaeus, 1758) x unio elongatulus eucirrus bourguignat, 1860 x pisidium sp. x pisidium amnicum (müller, 1774) x x p. annandalei (prashad, 1926) x p. casertanum x p. milium held, 1856 x p. nitidum jenyns, 1832 x pisidium personatum malm, 1855 x x p. subtruncatum malm, 1855 x pisidium tenuilineatum x dreissena iconica schütt, 1991 x dreissena polymorpha anatolica (locard, 1893) x dreissena polymorpha iconica schütt, 1991 recent and ancient death-assemblages of molluscs in lakes eğirdir and beyşehir observations and conclusions on the death-assemblages of the two lakes the composition of recent freshwater mollusc faunas of the anatolian lakes is the result of ancient and modern events in the individual basins: climatic changes, geological features, modification of the water-level, periods of complete disappearance or transformation into marshland, variations of salinity, the impact of human activity (driessen, 1970; gunyakti et al., 1993; kashima et al., 1997; naruse et al., 1997; kuzucuoğlu et al., 1999; yavuz özdemir & özkan, 2007; kazanci et al., 2008; işildar, 2010). during the pleistocene and holocene right up to the present, 54 both abiotic and biological factors have influenced these lakes many times, causing both the disappearance and the reintroduction of various species. morphologically, the two lakes are similar: 45 and 48 km long, oriented northsouth, not more than 10 m deep with average depths that vary between 5 and 9 m according to season. over the last 50 years the level of lake eğirdir has varied by up to 5 m, and that of lake beyşehir by up to circa 3 m (gülle et al., 2008; işildar, 2010). the mollusc population of eğirdir gölü is composed of species that dwell in microniches of various kinds and are distributed throughout the environment on three levels: on soft lakebed deposits with accumulated decaying plant debris, on harder deposits with gravel and stones covered with epiphyton, or on hydrophytic or heliophytic aquatic plants. this three-dimensionality ends with the death of the individual animals, the shells of which accumulate on the bottom. these are mixed by wave action and washed up on the shores. these natural phenomena may make reliable palaeoenvironmental interpretation difficult during the study of archaeological material. when a shell accumulation is the result of repeated water movements that mix the lake-bottom deposits, the material is usually damaged, the shells abraded and weakened-before being subjected to further fragmentation when they are disturbed by extraction and study. when, on the other hand, an accumulation is the result of primary deposition, the shells tend to be well preserved; this applies to all species, regardless of the shape and robustness of the shell. all the shells from the death-assemblage on the shore of eğirdir gölü were well preserved, including those of the lymnaeidae and physidae, which are less resistant than graecoanatolica, valvata, falsipyrgula, bithynia, theodoxu and the pulmonate gastropods with flattened spirals in general (such as the planorbidae). during the formation of the eğirdir gölü thanatocoenosis the malacological material was not subjected to powerful mechanical stresses. the large piles of empty shells on the shore of lake egirdir were created by wave action. in the fossil malacofauna of lake beyşehir the death assemblages formed at greater depths (samples 1, 2 and 4, from carbonatic layers) always contain species that would normally live near the shore. these are the pulmonate gastropods lymnaea stagnalis, various gyraulus sp., planorbarius corneus, acroloxus lacustris and oxyloma elegans. this occurrence may only be explained in part by the greater depth during periods of high water levels of the lake. the phenomenon of sediment mixing always gives rise to uncertain palaeoenvironmental interpretations (dominici & zuschin, 2005). such sediment mixing has been invoked in the case of lake konya, of large surface area but modest depth, where the high-energy environment and the resulting wave-action on the lake-bed and shoreline caused the erosion, transportation and redeposition of previously-accumulated sediments (roberts et al., 1999: 629). a similar interpretation is adopted here with regard to samples 1, 2 and 4 from lake beyşehir, in which the weakening and abrasion of the shells of bithynia pseudemmericia, borysthenia naticina, valvata beysehirensis and islamica cf. anatolica may be observed. this would likewise account for the presence of certain other components by there having been moved from the shore into deeper water. acknowledgments various taxonomic problems and several geological matters were resolved thanks to the collaboration of old and new-found friends whom i should like to remember and thank: dr. peter glöer of hetlingen-hamburg; dr. chiara maggioni of cora ricerche archeologiche, trento; dr. hartwig schütt (1923-2009); prof. luca trombino, dipartimento di scienze della terra, università statale, milano; alberto girod 55 prof. mehmet zeki yildirim, mehmet akf ersoy university education faculty of burdur. the bibliography was updated with the assistance of prof. paolo biagi, dipartimento di studi sull’asia e sull’africa mediterranea, università cà foscari, venezia. bibliography dominici s. & zuschin m., 2005 – infidelities of fossil assemblages. lethaia, oslo, 38: 381-382. driessen p. m., 1970 – soil salinity and alkalinity in the great konya basin, turkey. centre for agricultural publishing and documentation, wageningen. erol o., 1978 – the quaternary history of the lake basin of central and southern anatolia. chapter 8. in: the environmental history of the near and middle east since the last ice age (brice w. c. (ed.). academic press, london: 111-139. glöer p. & girod a., 2013 – a new pleistocene valvata of lake beyşehir and two new gyraulus species of lake eğirdir (mollusca: gastropoda: valvatidae, planorbidae). folia malacologica, poznàn, 21 (1): 25-31. gülle i., yildirim m. z. & küçük f., 2008 – limnological history of lake eğirdir (turkey): from 1950’s to the present. natura montenegrina, podgorica, 7 (2): 115-128. gunyakti a., guler s., turfan m. & usul n., 1993 – environmental isotope study of the lakes region in southern turkey. in: tracers in hydrology: proceedings of theyokohama symposium, july 1993. peters n. e., hoehn e., leibundgut c. & tase n. 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vecchia di borgo san dalmazzo 11, 12100 cuneo, italia; e-mail: maurizio battegazzore environmental conditions of alpine springs of the upper po river (nw italy) on the basis of their epilithic diatom communities abstract diatom (bacillariophyceae) assemblages were sampled in 7 springs in the upper part of the river po basin in the summer of 2010. four springs are situated in the mountainous part of the study area while three are in the lowland plain. chemical-physical variables were measured and analyzed in water samples of 6 springs. 101 diatom species were identified in the surveyed springs, with species richness ranging from 12 to 52. gomphonema nathorstii, described for arctic regions, was found in italy for the first time. multivariate statistical analysis was undertaken to link taxonomical and environmental data, and indicated the existence of three distinct environmental features, each one characterized by prevalent diatom species: 1) low ph and high dissolved oxygen, 2) both high ph and dissolved oxygen and 3) high levels of silica and conductivity. key words: diatoms, alpine springs, ecological indicators, aquatic habitats. riassunto condizioni ambientali delle sorgenti alpine dell’alta valle del fiume po (italia nw) sulla base delle comunità di diatomee epilitiche. nell’estate 2010 sono state campionate le comunità di diatomee (bacillariophyceae) di 7 sorgenti nella parte superiore del bacino del fiume po. quattro sorgenti sono situate nella parte montuosa dell’area di studio mentre tre sono collocate nella parte planiziale. sono stati rilevati alcuni parametri chimico-fisici in campioni idrici di 6 sorgenti. sono state identificate complessivamente 101 specie, con un minimo di 12 ed un massimo di 52 specie nelle singole sorgenti. tra queste si segnala la presenza di gomphonema nathorstii, primo ritrovamento in italia, descritta per le zone artiche. l’analisi statistica multivariata ha permesso di individuare tre situazioni distinte, ognuna contraddistinta da specie prevalenti caratteristiche: una caratterizzata da bassi valori di ph e elevati valori di ossigeno disciolto, una da valori elevati sia di ph che di ossigeno disciolto ed una da valori relativamente elevati di silice e di conducibilità. parole chiave: diatomee, sorgenti alpine, indicatori ecologici, habitat acquatici. introduction bacillariophyceae, commonly named diatoms, represent an important taxonomical group of microscopical freshwater and marine algae characterized by a silica frustule. diatoms are the object of an increasing number of studies, mainly in 50 relation with the known value of many of the most common species as biological indicators of ecological conditions (van dam et al., 1994). over 24,000 species have been identified and about 200,000 exist (mann & droop 1996). however, diatoms still remain under-represented in ecological studies of aquatic environments, despite their importance in terms of photosynthetic and trophic role at a planetary scale (longhurst et al., 1995). in fact, diatoms, besides playing a fundamental role in the silica biogeochemical cycle, constitute significant part of the planetary biomass, thanks to a primary production rate of the order of 1013 kgc y-1, estimated to amount up to about 20-25% of the total primary production of the planet earth (werner, 1977). most of the primary production occurs in the oceans, where diatoms are responsible for up to 35% of the primary producion in oligotrophic waters and up to 75% in nutrient rich areas (tréguer et al., 1995). nevertheless, diatoms are also important in freshwater and even terrestrial ecosystems, wherever some humidity is present (ettl & gärtner, 1995). springs and mountain headwaters are important freshwater environments. some studies of alpine springs have been undertaken and appear to be increasing in recent years including both diatoms (battegazzore et al., 2004; cantonati et al., eds., 2007) and other biota (orendt, 2000; hàjkovà et al., 2007). these “marginal” but strategic environments are still scarcely considered in routine monitoring (except for those used for drinking purposes). the importance of these habitats as sources of both water and biodiversity for the surrounding territories often seems to be underestimated, even in protected areas. from an administrative and legislative point of view, attention to the importance of the environmental protection of springs still appears to be inadequate. a survey was undertaken on a number of springs of the upper valley of the river po (italy’s main river) and their headwaters, with the aim of building the basis for future developments of the environmental protection of these habitats. in particular, the prosecution of the survey by means of a monitoring program and its connection with similar existing projects in other areas, would be useful for the future expansion of knowledge of alpine spring environments. as a consequence, the information collected in this way would allow a progressively greater improvement of the management and conservation of alpine springs. study area and methods the r.po is the principal italian watercourse with a total length of 672 km. the study was undertaken in the upper 30 km of the po valley, which is situated in western piedmont, nw italy and borders with the ubaye-durance-rhone river basin in france. the source of the r.po is situated along the lower slopes of mount viso (3,841 m a.s.l., the highest peak in this sector the alps). the valley descends with a strong slope (10%) for about 15 km before it reaches the plain, characterized by intensive agriculture (cereals and fruit). the main axis of the alpine chain in this area runs from n to s and the po runs from w to e; the upper po basin is bordered to the n and to the s by secondary mountain chains separating it from the r.varaita basin to the s and from the r.pellice basin to the n. the mount viso complex originated from magmatic rocks and deposits on the bottom of the ancient tethys sea which were successively metamorphosized during the orogenesis of the alps in the mesozoic (eusebio et al., 2010). the pre-the present bedrock of the study area around mount viso can be ascribed to formations of maurizio battegazzore 51 schists and ophiolites of the southern cotian alps. on the surface, a significant proportion of the rocky substratum is the result o glacial activities. below the mount viso complex, the villages of crissolo and oncino are located in an area characterized by calcareous and dolomitic rocks of karstic nature. further downstream, gneiss and mica schist formations are found. various cristalline rock formations are also present. in the area of ostana and crissolo, rocks containing iron mineral appear. finally, the plains are made of quaternary deposits of alluvial origin. benthic diatoms were sampled in the summer of 2010 in the 7 springs and headwaters shown in figure 1. sampling locations were situated in the po fluvial natural park in the piedmont administrative region, cuneo province, at altitudes ranging from 264 to 2,020 m a.s.l. these include the spring which is considered to be the source of the r.po and 6 other springs situated in the lateral valleys and in the plain. summary data for all of the sampling locations, including prevalent local lithology and land cover recorded in the field according to the classification of regione piemonte (2008), are given in table 1. springs 1-4 can be considered as relatively high altitude stations, while the remaining three springs (5-7) can be defined as relatively low altitude locations. spring 4 was characterized by a low discharge and a thin veil of water, which allowed the sampling of diatoms but not of water. in the remaining 6 springs, temperature, ph, dissolved oxygen and conductivity were measured in the field by means of a multiparametric probe (hydrolab, model quanta g™), while water samples were taken to the arpa laboratory in cuneo where analysis of silicates was undertaken according to apat/cnr-irsa (2003) protocols. standard diatom sampling protocols were applied (kelly et al., 1998). about 400 valves were counted for each sample. remaining valves on the slides were also examined in order to include the possible rare species (abundance < 1/400) in order to estimate the total taxonomic richness for each sample. for diatom identification, taxonomic keys and other publications were used, including lange-bertalot & metzeltin (1996), krammer (2000), lange-bertalot (2001), krammer (2002) and krammer (2003). water quality indices epi-d (dell’uomo, 2003), ips (cemaenvironmental conditions of alpine springs on the basis of epilithic diatom communities fig. 1 study area showing with positions of the springs given by  (diatom sampling and water chemistry analysis) and ✰ (only diatom sampling). fig. 1 area dello studio con localizzazione delle sorgenti indicata dal simbolo  (prelievo di diatomee e rilevamento parametri chimici) e ✰ (solo prelievo di diatomee). 52 gref, 1982) and ti (rott et al., 1999) were calculated for all spring samples. the epi-d index was chosen because it was the first diatom index developed for italy; ips and ti were chosen because they have been officially adopted as metrics for routine monitoring of italian watercourses (italia, 2011). multi-variate techniques were applied to the data set, using a dedicated software (mccune & mefford, 1999). in order to individuate underlying trends linking chemical and taxonomical data, an ordination (canonical correspondence analysis, cca) was performed on the 25 most important taxa (considered to be those present with at least 10 individuals in at least one of the counts of the 6 spring samples on which cca was applied) and on the 5 most significant variables, selected by performing a preliminary multiple regression. the 25 selected taxa are those in bold characters in appendix 1. the choice of cca as the multi-variate technique was based on a preliminary detrended correspondence analysis (dca) on the taxonomic data which showed a total gradient value of 5.1 standard deviation units for axis 1, indicating a unimodal distribution of the taxonomical abundance data (ter braak & prentice, 1988). tab. 1 summary data of springs sampled in the present study with indication of altitude, prevalent lithology and land cover according to regione piemonte (2008). tab. 1 dati riassuntivi delle sorgenti campionate nel presente studio con indicazione dell’altitudine, della litologia prevalente e della land cover (regione piemonte, 2008). springs utm coordinates altitude [m a.s.l.] prevalent lithology land cover 1 348960 4951630 2020 gabbro and prasinites scarce vegetation 2 360120 4951950 1350 gneiss and quartzites forest 3 359530 4944330 1860 gneissic mica schists meadow/pasture 4 359670 4943700 1850 gneissic mica schists meadow/pasture 5 376630 4951430 270 quaternary deposits arable land 6 375770 4954430 264 quaternary deposits arable land 7 374780 4952620 270 quaternary deposits forest maurizio battegazzore results the results of water chemistry measurements and analyses are given in table 2. electric conductivity, as expected, tended to increase with the decrease in altitude, while silicate content ranged from 2.5 to 5.6 mg l-1 in the three higher altitude sites and from 21.0 to 22.2 mg l -1 in the lower three springs. ph was close to neutrality in five springs and slightly acidic (5.2) in spring 3. dissolved oxygen was always above 89% saturation. a total of 101 species belonging to 35 genera were identified. gomphonema and navicula were the genera with the highest richness (13 and 9 species or varieties, respectively), while in terms of individual abundance the dominant genera were diatoma and achnanthidium followed by eunotia, gomphonema and fragilaria. the check-list of all the species found in this study is given in appendix 1. springs 6 and 7, both situated in the lower part of the study area, showed the highest diatomic biodiversity (richness), with 52 and 38 species, respectively. lowest species richness was found in spring 3 (12 species), one of the relatively higher 53 altitude stations. diatoma mesodon and achnanthidium minutissimum were the overall most abundant species, accounting for 21.6 and 18.3% of the total counted individuals, respectively. d. mesodon is pollution-sensitive and typical of low trophic levels, while a. minutissimum requires well oxygenated waters but tolerates a wide range of trophic conditions, from oligotrophic to eutraphentic (van dam, 1994). next most abundant species are planothidium lanceolatum (8.7%) and eunotia exigua (7.2%) followed at a distance by meridion circulare (4.4%), psammothidium chlidanos (4.0%), ulnaria biceps (3.2%) and all the others. observing the species distribution within stations, d. mesodon was dominant in two high altitude springs (r.po spring n.1 at crissolo and r.agliasco spring 2 near paesana). other dominant species were e. exigua in the high altitude r.croesio spring 3 (the same one with lowest taxonomic richness), while in the remaining stations the relatively more abundant species were a. minutissimum in springs 4, 5 and 6 and p. lanceolatum in spring 7 at staffarda. other occasionally abundant species were p. chlidanos in spring 3, m. circulare and u. biceps in spring 5. in figure 2, some images of diatoms found in this study are given. among the less common taxa, gomphonema nathorstii, described by foged (1964) and reported by metzeltin (in reichardt, 1999) for spitsbergen island situated in the northern arctic circle, was found in spring 4. this finding of a rare arctic species so far south of the described area of the original finding is of great interest. values of diatom indices for the different samples (expressed in the standard 1-20 scale of increasing water quality) are given in table 3. ti index ranged from 6.8 to 17.4, with a slight difference between mean values for lowland and upstream sites (8.2 and 14.1, respectively). small differences were also observed between average values of the other indices calculated for high and low altitude sites (19.0 and 16.5 for ips and 16.5 and 15.7 for epi-d, respectively), indicating –as expected– higher quality values in the higher altitude springs. however, in terms of biodiversity, the lowland springs (with an average of 38.0 taxa) were richer in taxa than those situated at higher altitudes (20.3). the ordination undertaken with the cca was characterized by eigenvalues of 0.84 (axis 1), 0.76 (axis 2) and 0.46 (axis 3), while 36% of the total variance of the taxonomic data was explained by the first axis, 33% by the second and 20% by the third. a monte-carlo permutation test (499 runs) showed that the speciestab. 2 values of the parameters temperature, electric conductivity, ph, dissolved oxygen, silica for springs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7. water samples were not taken in spring 4. tab. 2 valori dei parametri temperatura, conducibilità elettrica, ph, ossigeno disciolto e silicati per le sorgenti 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 e 7. non sono stati presi campioni d’acqua nella sorgente 4. spring 1 2 3 5 6 7 ph 7.8 7.0 5.2 6.4 6.9 6.9 electric conductivity (µs cm-1) 85 18 21 316 316 205 temperature (°c) 3.4 13.0 8.8 13.3 13.1 13.7 dissolved oxygen (mg l-1) 12.9 10.9 12.0 10.0 10.6 9.3 % saturation dissolved oxygen 97.3 105.0 103.6 96.0 101.2 89.6 silica (mg l-1 ) 2.6 5.6 2.5 21.0 21.3 22.2 environmental conditions of alpine springs on the basis of epilithic diatom communities 54 tab. 3 values of taxonomic richness and of the diatom water quality indices epi-d, ips and ti (see text). tab. 3 valori del numero di specie e degli indici diatomici di qualità dell’acqua epi-d, ips e ti (vedere testo). spring n. of taxa epi-d ips ti 1 18 16.8 18.6 17.4 2 20 15.5 19.2 15.7 3 12 17.1 19.5 8.7 4 31 16.4 18.5 14.6 5 24 16.3 17.6 9.7 6 52 13.6 14.1 8.1 7 38 17.1 17.9 6.8 fig. 2 lm (1000x) photographs of some of the species found in the present study.: a) and b) gomphonema nathorstii, a rare species described for arctic regions, found in spring 4; c) luticola dismutica found in springs 1 and 2; d) and e) planothidium chlidanos, abundant in spring 3; f) nitzschia hantzschiana found in spring 4; g) eunotia exigua, dominant diatom in spring 3; h) gyrosigma obtusatum observed in spring 6; i) meridion circulare, abundant in spring 5. for all photos the scale bar represents 10µ. fig. 2 microfotografie (1000x) di alcune delle specie rinvenute nel corso del presente studio: a) e b) gomphonema nathorstii, una specie rara descritta per le regioni artiche, campionata nella sorgente 4; c) luticola dismutica rinvenuta nelle sorgenti 1 e 2; d) ed e) planothidium chlidanos, abbondante nella sorgente 3; f) nitzschia hantzschiana trovata nella sorgente 4; g) eunotia exigua, diatomea dominante nella sorgente 3; h) gyrosigma obtusatum osservata nella sorgente 6; i) meridion circulare, abbondante nella sorgente 5. per tutte le foto la barra della scala corrisponde a 10µ. maurizio battegazzore 55 environment correlations were significant (p=0.05). the triplot of the first two axes of the cca with samples, the main taxa and the environmental variables is shown in figure 3. it can be observed that ph was strongly and negatively correlated with axis 1, while do was positively correlated with axis 2 and water temperature, conductivity and silica were negatively correlated with axis 2. springs 1 and 2 were well correlated with high dissolved oxygen and ph values, while spring 3 was correlated to high do but low ph values. the lowland springs 5, 6 and 7 were correlated to low do and high temperature, conductivity and silica values. discussion and conclusions the investigated springs could be ascribed to 3 different categories. the first was characterized by alkaline and well oxygenated waters and was strongly associated with the presence of species such as d. mesodon and gomphonema micropus (springs 1 and 2). the second group included well oxygenated waters associated with species like p. chlidanos and e. exigua (including spring 3), while the category grouping lowland springs was characterized by circumneutral ph associated with several species including a. minutissimum, fig. 3 cca triplot for the first 2 axes of the ordination, showing the 6 springs where environmental data were available, the 6 environmental variables represented by vectors and the 25 most representative species (for complete species names represented by the codes, see appendix 1). fig. 3 diagramma della cca riportante i primi due assi dell’ordinamento, con rappresentazione dei 6 campioni, delle 6 variabili ambientali rappresentate da vettori e delle 25 specie più rappresentative (per il nome completo delle specie indicate con codici si veda l’appendice 1). environmental conditions of alpine springs on the basis of epilithic diatom communities 56 p. lanceolatum and n. linearis. it is plausible that diatom associations identified in springs 4 and 3 are similar due to their close location and similar lithology and land cover. a future development of this first study will be to compare the results with those of other similar studies undertaken in various sectors of the western italian alps (battegazzore et al., 2004; falasco & bona, 2011) in order to obtain a wider picture including other taxa and environmental conditions. from the point of view of endangered species, 90 of the 101 species found are considered in the sole red list of diatom species existing in europe (langebertalot & steindorf, 1996). among these, 19 (21.1%) are classified as endangered in different degrees, for 28 (31.1%) the risk is not estimated and 43 (47.8%) are classified as not threatened. these figures should be considered with some caution, because the german red list of diatom taxa may not be perfectly representative for italy. moreover, among the 11 species found in this study but absent from the red list are extremely rare species such as g. nathorstii which were not previously recorded for italy and neither for germany. springs are vulnerable habitats, of strategic importance to the biodiversity of the territories that surround them, but are generally excluded from biological water quality monitoring programs implemented in european countries according to the water framework directive (dir 2000/60/ce). further studies are needed in order to evaluate the methods, criteria and reference conditions for the future monitoring of alpine springs. acknowledgements special thanks to beppe cavallera, anna gaggino, enrico gastaldi, lorenzo giordano and ilario mattone for their precious help in the sampling and to the colleagues of the laboratory of arpa piemonte in cuneo, for the chemical analyses. for help and suggestions in taxonomic identification of diatoms i am indebted with dr elisa falasco of the university of torino and, in the case of g. nathorstii, with prof. horst lange-bertalot. references apat/cnr-irsa, 2003 – metodi analitici per 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abbondanza sono indicate come segue: + (fino a 9 individui), ++ (da 10 a 74 individui e +++ (75 individui e oltre). i simboli dello status secondo i criteri della lista rossa (lange-bertalot & steindorf, 1996) sono: 0=quasi estinta, 1= minacciata di estinzione, 2=fortemente minacciata, 3=minacciata, g=rischio esistente, r=molto rara, v=in regressione, * =rischio non stimato, d=dati insufficienti, ?=non in pericolo. le 25 specie utilizzate nell’analisi multivariata (cca) sono quelle in neretto. spring code taxon r.l. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 acli achnanthidium lineare w. smith 3 + + + + + + admi achnanthidium minutissimum (kützing) czarnecki ? + + ++ +++ +++ +++ +++ adpy achnanthidium pyrenaicum (hustedt) kobayasi ? + + + + adso achnanthidium subatomoides (hustedt) monnier, lange-bertalot & ector v + ++ maurizio battegazzore 59 spring code taxon r.l. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ammo amphora montana krasske * + aped amphora pediculus (kützing) grunow ? + apel amphipleura pellucida kützing * + caff cymbella affinis kützing var. affinis + cbam cymbopleura amphicephala krammer v ++ ccus cymbella cuspidata kützing v + cdub cyclostephanos dubius (fricke) round ? + ceug cocconeis euglypta ehrenberg ? + cmen cyclotella meneghiniana kützing ? + cpli cocconeis placentula ehrenberg var. lineata (ehr.) van heurck ? + ++ csaq cymbopleura subaequalis (grunow) krammer var. subaequalis g + csil caloneis silicula (ehr.) cleve * + dfon diploneis fontanella lange-bertalot + dhie diatoma hyemalis (roth) heiberg var. hyemalis * + dmes diatoma mesodon (ehrenberg) kützing * +++ +++ +++ + dper diadesmis perpusilla (grunow) d.g. mann in round et al. ? + + dten denticula tenuis kützing * + dvul diatoma vulgaris bory d + + ebil eunotia bilunaris (ehr.) mills var. bilunaris ? + eexi eunotia exigua (brebisson ex kützing) rabenhorst ? + +++ + emin eunotia minor (kützing) grunow in van heurck * + ++ ++ enmi encyonema minutum (hilse in rabh.) d.g. mann * ++ + ++ + esle encyonema silesiacum (bleisch in rabh.) d.g. mann * + + + + eula eucocconeis laevis (oestrup) langebertalot * + farc fragilaria arcus (ehrenberg) cleve var. arcus ? + + fcse fragilaria capucina desm. var. septentrionalis (oestrup) lange-bertalot + environmental conditions of alpine springs on the basis of epilithic diatom communities 60 spring code taxon r.l. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 fgra fragilaria gracilis østrup * + ++ + fnop fragilaria neoproducta lange-bertalot + + fpem fragilaria perminuta (grunow) lange-bertalot * + frum fragilaria rumpens (kütz.) g.w.f. carlson * + ++ ften fragilaria tenera (w. smith) langebertalot v + + fvau fragilaria vaucheriae (kützing) petersen ? ++ + + + fvul frustulia vulgaris (thwaites) de toni ? + + gacu gomphonema acuminatum ehrenberg ? + + gang gomphonema angustatum (kützing) rabenhorst * + + + gant gomphonema angustum agardh v + + gaug gomphonema augur ehrenberg * + gcla gomphonema clavatum ehrenberg * + + gelg gomphonema elegans (reichardt & lange-bertalot) monnier & ector * ++ gexl gomphonema exilissimum (grun.) lange-bertalot & reichardt v + ++ ++ gmae gomphonema micropus var. aequale (gregory) reichardt + gmic gomphonema micropus kützing var. micropus * ++ + ++ + + gnat gomphonema nathorstii foged + goli gomphonema olivaceum (hornemann) brébisson var. olivaceum ? + + gpar gomphonema parvulum (kützing) kützing var. parvulum f. parvulum ? + ++ + gscl gomphonema subclavatum grunow * + + gter gomphonema tergestinum fricke g + gyob gyrosigma obtusatum (sullivan & wormley) boyer + hamp hantzschia amphioxys (ehr.) grunow in cleve et grunow 1880 ? + + + kobg karayevia oblongella (oestrup) m. aboal v + + maurizio battegazzore 61 spring code taxon r.l. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ldis luticola dismutica (hustedt) d.g. mann r ++ + lmut luticola mutica (kützing) d.g. mann ? + + maat mayamaea atomus (kutzing) lange-bertalot ? ++ ++ mcir meridion circulare (greville) c.a. agardh var. circulare ? + + +++ + + mvar melosira varians agardh ? + namp nitzschia amphibia grunow f. amphibia * + nant navicula antonii lange-bertalot ? + + ncpl nitzschia capitellata hustedt in a. schmidt et al. ? + ncry navicula cryptocephala kützing ? + + ++ ncte navicula cryptotenella lange-bertalot ? + + ndis nitzschia dissipata (kützing) grunow var. dissipata ? + ++ + nfon nitzschia fonticola grunow in cleve et möller ? + ngre navicula gregaria donkin ? + nhan nitzschia hantzschiana rabenhorst * + nifr nitzschia frustulum (kützing) grunow var. frustulum ? + ++ nipf nitzschia paleaeformis hustedt r + nipm nitzschia perminuta(grunow) m. peragallo * + nlan navicula lanceolata (agardh) ehrenberg ? + + nlin nitzschia linearis (agardh) w.m. smith var. linearis ? ++ + + npal nitzschia palea (kützing) w. smith ? + npni navicula pseudonivalis bock r + npsl navicula pseudolanceolata lange-bertalot 3 + nrad navicula radiosa kützing ? + + nrec nitzschia recta hantzsch in rabenhorst ? + nrhy navicula rhynchocephala kützing ? + ntpt navicula tripunctata (o.f. müller) bory ? + environmental conditions of alpine springs on the basis of epilithic diatom communities 62 spring code taxon r.l. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 nyco nitzschia costei tudesque, rimet & ector + pchl psammothidium chlidanos (hohn & hellerman) lange-bertalot 3 +++ pint pinnularia interrupta w.m. smith + plfr planothidium frequentissimum (lange-bertalot) lange-bertalot ? ++ plun pinnularia lundii hustedt var. lundii * + pmic pinnularia microstauron (ehr.) cleve var. microstauron v + psca pinnularia subcapitata gregory var. subcapitata * + + ptla planothidium lanceolatum (brebisson ex kützing) lange-bertalot ? + ++ ++ + ++ +++ rsin reimeria sinuata (gregory) kociolek & stoermer ? + + + + runi reimeria uniseriata sala guerrero & ferrario + sang surirella angusta kützing * + + saph surirella amphioxys w. smith * + sbre surirella brebissonii krammer & lange-bertalot var. brebissonii ? + semn sellaphora minima (grunow) mann ? + + + + spup sellaphora pupula (kützing) mereschkowksy + + ssem sellaphora seminulum (grunow) d.g. mann ? + stan stauroneis anceps ehrenberg v + stkr stauroneis kriegeri patrick + sumi surirella minuta brebisson ? + ubic ulnaria biceps (kützing) compère g +++ ++ + uuln ulnaria ulna (nitzsch.) compère * + + + total n. taxa 18 20 12 31 24 52 38 ricevuto: 13 dicembre 2011 approvato: 23 febbraio 2012 maurizio battegazzore natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 8 (2): 3-10, 2021 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2021.512 small mammals from barn owl tyto alba pellets in a mediterranean agroforestry landscape of central italy vincenzo ferri1, paolo crescia1, stefano celletti1, christiana soccini1, corrado battisti2* 1 gnml gruppo naturalistico della maremma laziale, vicolo della petrara, 4, 01016 tarquinia, italia. e-mail: 2 “torre flavia” long term ecological research (lter) station, città metropolitana di roma, via ribotta, 41, 00143 roma, italia. * corresponding author: © 2021 vincenzo ferri, paolo crescia, stefano celletti, christiana soccini, corrado battisti received for publication: 6 january 2021 accepted for publication: 7 july 2021 online publication: 29 october 2021 abstract in order to investigate diversity patterns and similarities in the small mammal communities of an agroforestry landscape in western central italy (maremma of lazio), we analyzed, in a multivariate setting (cluster analysis, dca-detrended correspondence analysis), the prey content of barn owl tyto alba pellets collected along one year in five sampling sites. small mammal communities were composed by guilds typical of habitats included in agroforestry landscapes (croplands and mosaics, forests and ecotones, wet habitats and synanthropic ones). since landscape matrices were characterized almost everywhere by croplands, typical agro-ecosystem species (apodemus cfr. sylvaticus, microtus savii, mus domesticus and soricidae) dominated in the majority of the collecting sites. the statistical analyses show how small changes in land use and cover can explain the faunal differences between sites, with the occasional presence of arvicola italicus in wet habitats, and of muscardinus avellanarius and sorex samniticus in sites dominated by forest or agroforestry ecotones. communities recorded in sites characterized by wet and forest habitats showed a higher distance from the others, dominated by croplands. communities occurring in landscapes with the lowest habitat diversity showed also the lowest species diversity. key words: agroforestry landscapes, equitability, habitat diversity, species diversity, species richness. riassunto piccoli mammiferi da borre di barbagianni (tyto alba) in un paesaggio agroforestale mediterraneo dell’italia centrale. per indagare i pattern di diversità e di somiglianza nelle piccole comunità di mammiferi di un paesaggio agroforestale dell’italia centrooccidentale (maremma del lazio), abbiamo analizzato, in un contesto di analisi multivariata (cluster analysis, dca-detrended correspondence analysis), il contenuto di prede in borre di barbagianni tyto alba raccolte durante un anno in cinque siti di campionamento. le comunità di piccoli mammiferi erano composte da gilde tipiche degli ambienti compresi nei paesaggi agroforestali (terreni coltivati e mosaici, foreste ed ecotoni, zone umide e habitat sinantropici). poiché le matrici paesaggistiche erano caratterizzate quasi ovunque da terreni coltivati, le specie tipiche dell’agroecosistema (apodemus cfr. sylvaticus, microtus savii, mus domesticus e soricidae) dominano nella maggior parte dei siti di raccolta. le analisi statistiche evidenziano come piccoli cambiamenti nella copertura o nell’uso del suolo possono spiegare le differenze faunistiche tra siti, con arvicola italicus occasionalmente presente negli ambienti umidi e muscardinus avellanarius e sorex samniticus nei siti dominati dalla foresta o negli ecotoni agro-forestali. i siti con la più bassa eterogeneità ambientale (=diversità di habitat) hanno mostrato anche la più bassa diversità di specie. la composizione e la dominanza di specifiche tipologie d’uso/copertura del suolo nelle aree limitrofe ai siti di campionamento spiegano le somiglianze tra le comunità di piccoli mammiferi. in particolare, due siti (uno inserito in un paesaggio a matrice forestale dominante, l’altro caratterizzato da bassa diversità ambientale) hanno evidenziato una maggiore dissimilarità strutturale dagli altri. parole chiave: diversità ambientale, diversità di specie, equiripartizione, paesaggio agroforestale, ricchezza di specie. introduction worldwide, communities of small mammals are indirectly studied using owl’s (aves: strigiformes) pellets including remnants (mainly skulls and jaws) of these preys (e.g., contoli & sammuri, 1978; bonvicino & bezerra, 2003). using this technique, a large amount of data is quickly available, although some limitation of this approach has been highlighted (yom-tov & wool, 1997; andrade et al., 2016). for example, since some owl species are stenoecious, inhabiting only specific habitats (as in the case of barn owl tyto alba foraging mainly in open-mosaic landscapes; martínez & zuberogoitia, 2004), information about small mammal assemblages may be obtained only for these contexts. moreover, this type of sampling is highly opportunistic since it was indirectly obtained from the predators, therefore not following a standardized sampling protocol). however, excluding some weaknesses, there are many points of strength in this technique (andrade et al., 2016): for example, once selected a roosting or nesting barn owl site, we can obtain representative samples with a low research effort and, consequently, we may obtain a large set of data about prey species and their frequencies, richness, diversity, and other univariate metrics. other methods (e.g. capture-mark-recapture by trapping) allow to obtain fewer representative samples (often with a high research effort) and diversity metrics 4 at community level are more difficult to achieve (heisler et al., 2016). data on small mammal communities, obtained from owl’ pellets, may be also useful to assess change in local owl diets (e.g. catalisano & massa, 1987; love et al., 2000; veselovský et al., 2017), composition, diversity and temporal trends in prey assemblages (e.g., clark & bunck, 1991; bonvicino et al., 2003; avenant, 2005; celauro & battisti, 2006; meek et al., 2012; stefke & landler, 2020), multi-level trophic systems (e.g., contoli, 1986; contoli et al., 2002), ecological value and environmental quality at different spatial/temporal scales (e.g., prete et al., 2012; torre et al., 2015; mancini et al., 2019), until to altitudinal (e.g. milana et al., 2019), latitudinal (e.g. leveau et al., 2006), biogeographical (e.g., contoli et al., 1987; battisti et al., 1997, 2019, 2020a) and genetic analyses (e.g. taberlet & fumagalli, 1996). finally, also information about the presence or absence of specific, cryptic or threatened taxa can be obtained using this approach (e.g., contoli, 1986; contoli et al., 1992; mcdonald et al., 2014; biedma et al., 2019; kiamos et al., 2019; battisti et al., 2020b). among the strigiformes, the barn owl is widely used as source of data. barn owls may be selective in habitat use, but are described by many as opportunistic predators that do not exhibit any food preferences; therefore, the species present in their pellets should provide a quite accurate representation of local prey abundance or accessibility (taylor, 1994; salvati et al., 2002; heisler et al., 2016). generally, the foraging habitat of barn owls is represented by open landscapes, including grasslands, orchards, newly planted coniferous plantations and recently felled woodlands (taylor, 1994). the unmanaged grassland edges provided by agricultural crops, woodland ecotones, riverbanks, ditches and hedgerows also have value in more intensively managed landscapes (salvati et al., 2002). in the wild, barn owls are generally sedentary. nests are abandoned only if the surrounding habitat becomes devoid of prey, due to changes in habitat quality and structure, or if the nests or roosts are altered (taylor, 1994). therefore, a good knowledge of the species’ feeding habitat and nesting/roosting sites allows to rapidly collect a large number of pellets containing a significant representation of their small-mammal preys (contoli, 1975). in this work, by using barn owls’ pellets, we collected data about the small mammal guilds living in five sites located in an agroforestry landscape of tyrrhenian central italy (maremma of lazio). with the statistical analysis of these data, we aim to obtain an arrangement of small mammal frequency, richness, equitability and diversity, also in relation with the local landscape features and heterogeneity (habitat diversity). materials and methods study area and sample collection we carried out a broad-scale sampling of barn owl pellets (summer 2018-summer 2019), in five collection sites distributed throughout the tyrrhenian territory of the province of viterbo, in habitats referable to the maremma of lazio (fig. 1), the southernmost part of the maremma, a region situated across the border between southern tufig. 1 the study area. circles and letters (a-e) show the five investigated sites. / area di studio. i cerchi e le lettere (a-e) indicano i cinque siti studiati. vincenzo ferri, paolo crescia, stefano celletti, christiana soccini, corrado battisti 5 scany and northern lazio, in central italy. the study area includes the tyrrhenian coastal strip and the corresponding plain delimited to the north-west by the final course of the chiarone river, which marks the border between the maremma di grosseto, in tuscany, and tuscia, in lazio (olmi & zapparoli, 1992), and to the south, up to cerveteri, by the headland of capo linaro which represents the southernmost offshoot of the tolfa mountains (de zuliani, 2011). the area was described as a transitional zone from a mediterranean to a temperate bioclimate (blasi, 1994) and has distinctive geological and vegetation features (marchetti et al., 2014; cutini et al., 2010). sampling sites nest site a. roccaccia (42°21’0.50” n; 11°45’31.75” e; 149 m a.s.l.). the area is characterized by fodder crops, interspersed with coppices, composed of mixed mediterranean oaks dominated by turkey oaks quercus cerris and downy oaks quercus pubescens. some sectors have been reforested with coniferous species (pinus spp. and cupressus spp.). both cultivated areas and coppices are used in rotation or seasonally as a pasture for free-ranging cattle. nest site b. riminino (42°27’10.57” n; 11°37’9.57” e; 90 m a.s.l.). the area is characterized by a limestone escarpment irregularly covered by mediterranean arboreal and shrub vegetation, overlooking a large grassy plain grazed by free-ranging cattle. the plain is crossed by the fiora river, with hygrophilous vegetation growing along the banks. above the escarpment there are plots bounded by hedges and crossed by ditches edged by hygrophilous vegetation, which are cultivated with fodder and cereals and successively used as pastures for sheep or as olive groves. nest site c. ripagretta (42°14’50.82” n; 11°47’4.60” e; 122 m a.s.l.). the site is characterized by slightly el-the site is characterized by slightly elevated limestone cliffs, partly covered by mediterranean vegetation with prevalent arboreal and shrubby holm oak quercus ilex and some downy oaks. the cliffs overlook a valley with vineyards, pastures and grasslands, with hedges and ecotonal habitats. in the above plateau, the westernmost sector is urbanized, while the rest is occupied by the necropolis of tarquinia, where the prevailing herbaceous cover is periodically mown, and by cereal crops. nest site d. san giorgio (42°11’4.00” n; 11°44’17.75” e; 6 m a.s.l.). mosaic of croplands (mainly forage, cereal or horticultural crops), interspersed with uncultivated areas and sheep pastures. there are isolated oaks quercus spp., hedges, reservoirs and drainage channels with hygrophilous and riparian vegetation, as well as a pine pinus sp. and italian stone pine p. pinea forest. nest site e. montericcio (42°13’26.52” n; 11°51’24.96” e; 26 m a.s.l.) not far from the mignone river, the area is mainly characterized by herbaceous (cereals) and horticultural crops, which are used in succession as sheep pastures. there are slopes with mediterranean and sub-mediterranean arboreal and shrubby vegetation, hedges and tree-lined rows and drainage channels with associated hygrophilous vegetation. the landscape composition was assessed using google earth® (last accessed: october 2020) and landscape elements were analysed in detail within a 1 km radius area around each nest site, which approximates to the home range size (3 km2) of a barn owl during the breeding season (taylor, 1994; horvàth et al., 2018). the five nest sites were described based on land-use types and the percentages for the following categories calculated: 1) agricultural fields (annual and perennial crops); 2) extensive land use (grasslands, pastures, orchards, vineyards); 3) wet habitats (including river banks, streams, artificial lakes, etc.); 4) forests (all forest habitats), and 5) urbanized areas (tab. 1). pellet analysis pellets were collected from the nest sites between july 2018 and september 2019. pellets were processed using the dry technique, with single pellets disassembled by hand and the prey items identified at the lowest possible taxonomic level. osteological parts (mainly skulls and jaws) were macroscopically identified, while teeth and feathers were identified under a stereo microscope at 25× or 50× magnifications. analyses have been carried out in a private laboratory. the identification was carried out at the species level, where possible, by comparing undigested remains with a reference collection (see contoli, 1980) and following amori et al. (2008). prey numbers were estimated as the minimum number of individuals (mni) obtained by counting the most tab. 1 percentages of land use/cover and habitat diversity index (hh) in the five studied sites. / percentuali di uso/copertura del suolo e diversità ambientale (hh) nei cinque siti studiati. roccaccia (a) riminino (b) ripagretta (c) san giorgio (d) montericcio (e) cropland 8.53 87.62 96.4 94.71 93.61 orchards and vineyards 0.1 2.64 0.02 0 0.6 wet habitats 0.77 8.03 0.45 2.3 1.35 forests and wood mosaics 90.54 1.14 1.2 0.78 4.03 urbanized areas 0.06 0.57 1.93 2.21 0.41 hh index 0.349 0.495 0.191 0.26 0.303 small mammals in a meditterranean agroforestry landscape 6 common diagnostic osteological element of each species of small mammal in each pellet (mcdowell & medlin, 2009). nomenclature followed loy et al. (2019). since the determination of the remnants of apodemus to the species level is difficult for this genus in italy, we used apodemus cfr. sylvaticus for the individuals assigned to this taxon. the number of pellets collected from each site varied considerably, but cumulative occurrence plots demonstrated that collections >10 pellets were adequate to assess the main species present in the diet (bond et al., 2004). for each site, we obtained the number of species (s) and the normalized species richness (margalef index) as dm=(s-1)/ln(n-1) (margalef, 1958), where n was the total number of prey items. for each site we obtained the relative frequency of each species from the number of individuals (fri, as number of ind. of the i-th species/total number of individuals). finally, we obtained two univariate metrics of diversity: the shannon-wiener diversity index (shannon & weaver, 1949), as h’ = -σ fri × lnfri and the equitability index, as e=h’/h’max where h’max = ln(s) (pielou, 1966; details in magurran, 2004). to assess the level of environmental heterogeneity (hh), in each site we calculated an index of habitat diversity, following the analogous shannon-wiener formula. we compared h’ to hh using the non-parametric spearman rank correlation test (2 tail). from a species/site matrix, we performed both a cluster analysis (algorithm: paired group upgma, euclidean similarity index) obtaining a dendrogram, in order to assess the similarity among communities, and a detrended correspondence analysis (dca) in order to test for the linkage among sites (i.e. assemblages) and species (hill & gauch, 1980). for statistical analyses we used the computer software past 4.01 (hammer et al., 2001). the statistical tests were considered significant at the alpha level of 0.05 as standard in all analyses (dytham, 2011). results totally, we examined 373 pellets, identifying 687 remnants belonging to 11 terrestrial small mammal species: apodemus cfr. sylvaticus (39%), microtus savii (19.5%), mus musculus (15.3%), crocidura suaveolens (7.9%), crocidura leucodon (7.4%) and suncus etruscus (5.1%) being dominant (total frequency > 5%) on the whole (tab. 2). arvicola italicus is the only species of conservation concern at national scale (near threatened; rondinini et al., 2013). we obtained also data on bats (chiroptera: pipistrellus sp., eptesicus serotinus), and on other taxonomic groups (birds: passer italiae, and undetermined beetles), not included in the analyses. the sites of riminino (b), san giorgio (d) and monte riccio (e) showed the highest shannon-diversity and equitability indices, while ripagretta (c) showed the lowest values. san giorgio showed also the highest normalized species richness (tab. 3). species diversity h’ was not significantly correlated directly to habitat diversity hh (rs=0.743, p=0.20; spearman rank correlation test, 2 tail). dendrogram indicated two similarity groups: the less diversified a-c vs. other sites (correlation: 0.9851; fig. 2). detrended correspondence analysis (dca; eigenvalue: axis 1: 0.1675, axis 2: 0.060; fig. 3) displayed an analogous pattern, highlighting the general similarities and showing the faunal peculiarity of two sites (riminino b, the only site with arvicola italicus, and san giorgio d, with the only record of rattus norvegicus) and the low evenness and diversity of the sites a (roccaccia) and c (ripagretta) with a high concentration of dominance (frequency) of synanthropic species (apodemus cfr. sylvaticus and mus musculus). tab. 2 small mammal species, number of records (n) and relative frequency (fri) in the five studied sites. / specie di piccoli mammiferi, numero di reperti (n) e frequenza relativa (fri) nei cinque siti studiati. roccaccia (a) riminino (b) ripagretta (c) san giorgio (d) montericcio (e) total species n fri n fri n fri n fri n fri n fri suncus etruscus (savi, 1822) 9 0.054 3 0.014 4 0.040 3 0.083 16 0.094 35 0.051 sorex samniticus altobello, 1926 4 0.024 0 0 3 0.030 0 0 3 0.018 10 0.015 crocidura suaveolens (pallas, 1811) 9 0.054 26 0.123 6 0.059 4 0.111 9 0.053 54 0.079 crocidura leucodon (hermann, 1780) 11 0.065 16 0.076 6 0.059 0 0 18 0.105 51 0.074 muscardinus avellanarius (linnaeus, 1758) 1 0.006 0 0 1 0.010 0 0 4 0.023 6 0.009 arvicola italicus savi, 1839 0 0 6 0.028 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0.009 microtus savii (de sélys longchamps, 1838) 7 0.042 75 0.355 4 0.040 4 0.111 44 0.257 134 0.195 apodemus cfr. sylvaticus (linnaeus, 1758) 86 0.512 54 0.256 66 0.653 12 0.333 50 0.292 268 0.390 mus domesticus schwarz and schwarz, 1943 35 0.208 25 0.118 10 0.099 9 0.250 26 0.152 105 0.153 rattus rattus (linnaeus, 1758) 6 0.036 6 0.028 1 0.010 3 0.083 1 0.006 17 0.025 rattus norvegicus (berkenhout, 1769) 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.028 0 0 1 0.001 total 168 1 211 1 101 1 36 1 171 1 687 1 vincenzo ferri, paolo crescia, stefano celletti, christiana soccini, corrado battisti 7 discussion the study revealed small mammal communities composed by typical species of the agroforestry landscapes of central italy (e.g. contoli, 1986; aloise et al., 1990; capizzi & luiselli, 1998; battisti et al., 2019) that host different ecological guilds, as species strictly linked to croplands and mosaics (e.g. microtus savii, apodemus cfr. sylvaticus and soricidae), to forests and ecotones (muscardinus avellanarius, sorex samniticus), to wet habitats (arvicola italicus) and finally, synanthropic rodents (mus domesticus, rattus spp.). except for site a (roccaccia), all the other sites are characterized by landscape matrices with dominance of extensive croplands and other open habitats. these features explain the almost general predominance of species linked to these environments. however, minor changes among sites about land cover and its use can explain the different faunal composition. muscardinus avellanarius and sorex saminiticus (forest and ecotone species) have been recorded in the site with higher forest cover (roccaccia a and, secondarily, ripagretta c and montericcio e). moreover, in the site a forest-dominated the frequency of microtus savii, a species linked to open agro-mosaic (caroli et al., 2000), is lowest than other sites. the localized presence of wet habitats (near the site b riminino) explains the occurrence of arvicola italicus and the dissimilarity from the sites a (roccaccia) and c (ripagretta). these last sites showed a high similarity. this pattern could be assigned to a low evenness of both of them that, although different in land use cover, showed communities with a very high concentration of dominance in only two synanthropic species (apodemus cfr. sylvaticus and mus musculus) and the lower frequencies of in microtus savii. the limited number of sites and the different level of anthropization did not allow to obtain a significant correlation between habitat diversity index (a proxy of landscape heterogeneity) and species diversity. however, excluding the site d having a low prey sample, the sites with lowest habitat diversity also showed the lowest species diversity. the less environmental diversified site (ripagretta c) showed the lowest species diversity index and equitability. land use composition and habitat diversity can explain species frequency similarities among small mammal communities. in this regard, two sites (a and c) showed fig. 2 dendrogram of similarity based on species frequency (algorithm: paired group upgma, euclidean similarity index). / dendrogramma di similarità basato sulla frequenza di specie (algoritmo: gruppi appaiati upgma, indice di similarità euclidea). sites: / siti: a) roccaccia. b) riminino. c) ripagretta. d) san giorgio. e) montericcio. tab. 3 number of pellets (n pel), number of records (n), number of species (s), shannon-wiener diversity index (h’), equitability (e), normalized richness (margalef index, dm). / numero di borre (n pel), numero di reperti (n), numero di specie (s), indice di diversità di shannonwiener (h’), equiripartizione (e), ricchezza normalizzata (indice di margalef, dm). site n pel n s h’ e dm roccaccia (a) 88 168 9 1.533 0.698 1.561 riminino (b) 92 211 8 1.686 0.811 1.308 ripagretta (c) 46 101 9 1.294 0.589 1.733 san giorgio (d) 20 36 7 1.715 0.881 1.674 montericcio (e) 127 171 9 1.798 0.818 1.556 fig. 3 detrended correspondence analysis. / analisi delle corrispondenze ‘detrended’ sites: / siti: a) roccaccia; b) riminino; c) ripagretta; d) san giorgio; e) montericcio. species: / specie: sunetr: suncus etruscus; sorsam: sorex samniticus; crosua: crocidura suaveolens; croleu: crocidura leucodon; musave: muscardinus avellanarius; arvita: arvicola italicus; micsav: microtus savii; aposyl: apodemus cfr. sylvaticus; musdom: mus domesticus; ratrat: rattus rattus; ratnor: rattus norvegicus. small mammals in a meditterranean agroforestry landscape 8 a higher distance from the others. the first is included inside a forest-dominated landscape and the second is the less environmentally diversified. this finding would corroborate what stated by varuzza et al., (2001), which evidenced differences in prey diversity between sites located in forest vs. cultivated sites. this pattern of similarity is confirmed by dca analysis, which highlights the faunal distinctiveness of sites b and d, the low diversity and uniformity of sites a and c, and suggests the existence of a relationship between species and sites. in this regard, axis 1 can represent the diversity/uniformity pattern. however, the same axis shows a low amount of overall information (eigenvalue about 17%) and the relative frequency of individual species may likely influence the observed pattern. data from owl’s pellets provide a large amount of faunal, ecological and biogeographical information at siteand landscape-levels allowing in-depth analyses on diversity metrics of small mammal assemblages with a limited field effort. in this regard we would stimulate further research. acknowledgements we thank giovanni amori, longino contoli and spartaco gippoliti which gave useful hints on a first draft of the manuscript. two anonymous reviewers and the editor (giorgio chiozzi) provided valuable comments and suggestions at the same time improving the style and language of the manuscript. references aloise g., pelosi m. & ronca m., 1990 − small mammal communities of the “monte rufeno” natural reserve (latium, italy): data from barn owl tyto alba pellets. / i popolamenti di micromammiferi della riserva naturale “monte rufeno” (lazio): dati da borre di barbagianni tyto alba. hystrix. the italian journal of mammalogy, 2 (1): 23-34. amori g., contoli l., nappi a. 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christiana soccini, corrado battisti natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 9 (2): 55-58, 2022 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2022.609 short communication contribution to the knowledge of ypsolophidae from forested habitats of southern italy with an update of the italian checklist of the genus ypsolopha latreille 1796 (lepidoptera: yponomeutoidea) stefano scalercio consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria, centro di ricerca foreste e legno, via settimio severo 83, i-87036 rende (cosenza), italia. e-mail: © 2022 stefano scalercio received for publication: 20 january 2022 accepted for publication: 24 march 2022 online publication: 20 october 2022 abstract the italian fauna of the family ypsolophidae consists of 19 species. in recent years, knowledge for peninsular italy has increased, but especially for central italy. actually, only few records are available for the southern regions. during the surveys dedicated to the study of macrolepidoptera, several microlepidoptera were also collected. in this paper, the results of the collections for the genus ypsolopha latreille 1796 in the calabria region are reported, updating the italian checklist of this genus 27 years after its publication. nine species are listed among which y. persicella (fabricius 1787) is new to the fauna of peninsular italy, while six other species are new to the fauna of southern italy. key words: biodiversity, calabria, checklist, microlepidoptera. riassunto: contributo alla conoscenza degli ypsolophidae degli habitat forestali dell’italia meridionale con un aggiornamento della checklist italiana del genere ypsolopha latreille 1796 (lepidoptera yponomeutoidea). la fauna italiana della famiglia ypsolophidae consiste di 19 specie. negli ultimi anni, le conoscenze per l’italia peninsulare sono aumentate, ma soprattutto per l’italia centrale. attualmente, solo pochi record sono disponibili per le regioni meridionali. durante le indagini dedicate allo studio dei macrolepidotteri, sono stati raccolti anche diversi microlepidotteri. in questo lavoro vengono riportati i risultati delle raccolte per il genere ypsolopha latreille 1796 nella regione calabria, aggiornando la checklist italiana di questo genere a 27 anni dalla sua pubblicazione. sono elencate nove specie tra cui y. persicella (fabricius 1787) è nuova per la fauna dell’italia peninsulare, mentre altre sei specie sono nuove per la fauna dell’italia meridionale. parole chiave: biodiversità, calabria, checklist, microlepidoptera. introduction the italian fauna of the family ypsolophidae (lepidoptera: yponomeutoidea) is composed of 19 species (baraniak et al., 1995), 16 of which belong to the genus ypsolopha latreille 1796 (subfamily ypsolophinae). when the italian checklist was compiled (baraniak et al., 1995), 14 species were known from the northern continental part of italy, and nine from its central and southern peninsular part. in recent years, ypsolopha alpella (denis & schiffermüller 1775) was added to the fauna of continental italy (baldizzone et al., 2013), whilst five species were added to the fauna of central italy, namely y. lucella (fabricius 1775), y. sylvella (linnaeus 1767), y. ustella (clerck 1759) (pinzari et al., 2010), y. horridella (treitschke 1835) (pinzari et al., 2013), and y. mucronella (scopoli 1763) (pinzari et al., 2015). knowledge for the southern regions of peninsular italy is poor and fragmented, lacking faunal surveys in a large part of the territory. apart from species generically recorded for peninsular italy (baraniak et al., 1995), only a few records are available for the calabria region. ypsolopha ustella was recorded in the sila (scalercio et al., 2015) and in the aspromonte (baldizzone & scalercio, 2018) massifs, and y. parenthesella (linnaeus 1761) in the aspromonte massif (baldizzone & scalercio, 2018). during recent years, several surveys on nocturnal lepidoptera were carried out in forest habitats of the calabria region, significantly increasing the faunal and taxonomic knowledge for this region (scalercio, 2016; infusino et al., 2016; greco et al., 2018; scalercio et al., 2019). during these surveys several microlepidoptera were collected and voucher specimens were preserved in the lepidoptera research collection of the research centre for forestry and wood of rende (crea-fl), italy, for further studies. in this paper, we report our findings about the genus ypsolopha from calabria, and update the italian checklist of the genus ypsolopha 27 years after its first publication. materials and methods surveys were carried out using uv led light traps (infusino et al., 2017). identification was performed using available iconography (parenti, 2000; bělín, 2003), including world wide web sites (; preparation of genitalia for the identification 56 tab. 1 updated italian checklist of the genus ypsolopha in alphabetical order. additions of the last 27 years are in bold and underlined. north (n), corresponding to the continental part of italy; peninsular italy (s), corresponding to the central and southern regions south of emiliaromagna; sicily (si); sardinia (sa). question marks highlight uncertain records. / checklist italiana aggiornata del genere ypsolopha in ordine alfabetico. le aggiunte degli ultimi 27 anni sono in grassetto e sottolineate. nord (n), corrispondente alla parte continentale dell’italia; italia peninsulare (s), corrispondente alle regioni centrali e meridionali a sud dell’emilia-romagna; sicilia (si); sardegna (sa). i punti interrogativi evidenziano i record incerti. ypsolopha albiramella (mann 1861) s? ypsolopha alpella ([denis & schiffermuller] 1775) n s si sa ypsolopha asperella (linnaeus 1761) n s ypsolopha dentella (fabricius 1775) n s si ypsolopha falcella (hübner 1796) n ypsolopha horridella (treitschke 1835) n s ypsolopha lucella (fabricius 1775) n s si? ypsolopha mucronella (scopoli 1763) n s si sa ypsolopha nemorella (linnaeus 1758) n s si ypsolopha parenthesella (linnaeus 1761) n s ypsolopha persicella (fabricius 1787) n s ypsolopha scabrella (linnaeus 1761) n s ypsolopha sequella (clerck 1759) n s ypsolopha sylvella (linnaeus 1767) n s ypsolopha ustella (clerck 1759) n s si ypsolopha vittella (linnaeus 1758) n s of difficult taxa followed parenti (2000). for each species we reported the following data: collecting site, municipality, province, altitude above the sea level, geographical coordinates of the collecting site, date of collection, number of specimens in the crea-fl collection, name/s of collector/s, microscope slide number (when applicable), hostplants known from literature, species distribution according to karsholt & nieukerken (2013), and habitat of collection. results and discussion the italian checklist of the genus ypsolopha was published 27 years ago (baraniak et al., 1995) and required updating. the recent findings (tab. 1), thanks to an increased research effort, strongly improved the knowledge of the ypsolopha fauna for italy, mainly for the south (baldizzone et al., 2013; pinzari et al., 2010, 2013, 2015; present study). we collected nine species belonging to the genus ypsolopha, among which y. persicella (fabricius 1787) is new to the fauna of peninsular italy, whereas six more species are new to the fauna of southern italy. no substantial difference in the species composition of the ypsolopha fauna exists between continental and peninsular italy, each area having only one exclusive species. no additions were made for sicily and sardinia.below, the complete list of the newly added species in alphabetical order: ypsolopha alpella (denis & schiffermüller 1775) (fig. 1a) records: campanella, sellia, catanzaro, 506 m, 38.9859°n 16.6198°e, 1.x.2019 (1 ex.), s. scalercio leg.; malagieca, sellia, catanzaro, 193 m, 38.9859°n 16.6198°e, (1 ex.), s. scalercio leg. host plants: quercus (parenti, 2000). distribution: albania, austria, belgium, great britain island, bulgaria, croatia, czech republic, denmark, france, germany, hungary, italy, norway, poland, romania, slovakia, sweden, switzerland, the netherlands. habitat: it has been found at low and medium altitude in xerothermic woodlands of quercus suber l. and q. pubescens willd. ypsolopha mucronella (scopoli 1763) (fig. 1b) records: il palmento, serra san bruno, vibo valentia, 830 m, 38.7547°n 16.0864°e, 10.v.2016 (1 ex.), s. scalercio & m. infusino leg.; contrada licari, marcellinara, catanzaro, 195 m, 38.9180°n 16.4961°e, 2.iv.2019 (1 ex.), s. scalercio leg.; cappiglione, sellia, catanzaro, 533m, 38.9732°n 16.6244°e, 27.i.2020 (1 ex.), s. scalercio leg. host plants: euonymus (bělín, 2003). distribution: albania, austria, belarus, belgium, great britain, czech republic, denmark, estonia, france, germany, hungary, italy, portugal, poland, romania, russia, slovakia, spain, sweden, switzerland, the netherlands. habitat: records refer to different habitats, from mixed woodlands of abies alba mill. and fagus sylvatica l. to riparian and quercus suber forests. ypsolopha nemorella (linnaeus 1758) (fig. 1c) records: fosso cucolo, donnici inferiore, cosenza, 550 m, 39.2369°n 16.2972°e, 7.viii.2013 (2 exx.), s. scalercio leg.; santa maria, serra san bruno, vibo valentia, 860 m, 38.5550°n 16.3109°e, 3.viii.2016 (1 ex.), s. scalercio & m. infusino leg. host plants: salix spp., lonicera spp. (parenti, 2000). distribution: albania, austria, belgium, great britain, bulgaria, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, ireland, italy, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, russia, norway, poland, romania, slovakia, spain, sweden, switzerland, the netherlands. habitat: it was found at the margin of a quercus pubescens woodland and in a mature forest of abies alba. ypsolopha parenthesella (linnaeus 1761) (fig. 1d) records: piano del minatore, saracena, cosenza, 1431 m, 39.7804°n 16.0675°e, 31.viii.2016 (2 exx.), s. scalercio & m. infusino leg.; piano del faggio, acquaformosa, cosenza, 1357 m, 39.7587°n 16.0736°e, 31.viii.2016 (1 ex.), s. scalercio & m. infusino leg.; colle roncino, taverna, catanzaro, 1449 m, 39.0831°n 16.6104°e, 25.ix.2019 (1 ex.), s. scalercio & c. di marco leg. short communication 57 host plants: several broadleaved trees such as fagus sylvatica, populus nigra l., p. tremula l., fraxinus excelsior l., ulmus campestris l (burmann, 1985), but also plants of the genera myrica, alnus, betula, carpinus, corylus, quercus, malus (parenti, 2000), and crataegus (bělín, 2003). distribution: austria, belgium, bosnia, great britain, bulgaria, croatia, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, hungary, ireland, italy, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, macedonia, norway, poland, romania, russia, serbia, slovakia, spain, sweden, switzerland, the netherlands. habitat: found at high altitude in fagus sylvatica forests and their margins, and in a mixed pinus nigra subsp. calabrica (loud.) cesca & peruzzi and f. sylvatica forest. ypsolopha persicella (fabricius 1787) (fig. 1e) records: glicarello, montalto uffugo, cosenza, 550 m, 39.4072°n 16.1256°e, 9.xi.2015 (1 male), s. scalercio & m. infusino leg. (microscope slide: crea-0235). host plants: prunus (parenti, 2000). distribution: austria, belgium, bulgaria, croatia, cyprus, czech republic, france, germany, greece, hungary, italy, luxembourg, macedonia, poland, portugal, romania, serbia, slovakia, spain, switzerland. habitat: the specimen was collected in a castanea sativa mill. woodland for fruit production. ypsolopha scabrella (linnaeus 1761) (fig. 1f) records: sciortaglie, alessandria del carretto, cosenza, 1246 m, 39.9313°n 16.3508°e, 17.viii.2017 (1 ex.), 18.ix.2017 (1 ex.), s. scalercio & m. infusino leg. host plants: it prefers amelanchier ovalis medik., but also on pyrus malus l. (burmann, 1985), malus sylvestris mill., pyrus communis l., prunus domestica l., crataegus (bělín, 2003), and cotoneaster spp. distribution: austria, belarus, belgium, great britain, bulgaria, croatia, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, hungary, ireland, italy, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, macedonia, norway, poland, portugal, romania, russia, slovakia, spain, sweden, switzerland, the netherlands. habitat: it was collected at the margin between a mixed broadleaved forest and a pasture with sparse bushes of pyrus at montane altitude. fig. 1 species of the genus ypsolopha found in calabria. / specie del genere ypsolopha trovate in calabria. a) y. alpella, 01.x.2019, campanella, sellia, catanzaro. b) y. mucronella, 10.v.2016, il palmento, serra san bruno, vibo valentia. c) y. nemorella, 7.viii.2013, fosso cucolo, donnici, cosenza. d) y. parenthesella, 31.viii.2016, piano del minatore, saracena, cosenza. e) y. persicella, 9.xi.2015, glicarello, montalto uffugo, cosenza. f) y. scabrella, 17.viii.2017, sciortaglie, alessandria del carretto, cosenza. g) y. sequella, 19.vii.2017, sciortaglie, alessandria del carretto, cosenza. h) y. ustella, 25.ix.2019, coturelle, albi, catanzaro. i) y. vittella, 5.viii.2013, pianette, dipignano, cosenza. natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 9 (2): 55-58, 2022 58 ypsolopha sequella (clerck 1759) (fig. 1g) records: vallone lupara, alessandria del carretto, cosenza, 1346 m, 39.9245°n 16.3609°e, 18.ix.2017 (1 ex.), s. scalercio & m. infusino leg.; sciortaglie, alessandria del carretto, cosenza, 1246 m, 39.9313°n 16.3508°e, 19.vii.2017 (1 ex.), s. scalercio & m. infusino leg.; serra ambruna, saracena, cosenza, 1035 m, 39.8234°n 16.0768°e, 14.x.2015 (1 ex.), s. scalercio & m. infusino leg. host plants: acer pseudoplatanus l. (burmann, 1985), and acer campestre l. (baldizzone et al, 2013). also reported salix caprea l. and tilia cordata mill. (bělín, 2003), distribution: austria, belarus, belgium, bosnia, great britain, bulgaria, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, hungary, italy, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, norway, poland, romania, russia, serbia, slovakia, spain, sweden, switzerland, the netherlands. habitat: specimens were found in acer forests and in a mixed broadleaved forest at montane altitude. ypsolopha ustella (clerck 1759) (fig. 1h) records: vallone argentino, montalto uffugo, cosenza, 545 m, 39.4096°n 16.1250°e, (1 ex.), s. scalercio & m. infusino leg.; serra cannile, spezzano della sila, cosenza, 1433 m, 39.3465°n 16.4091°e, (1 ex.), (1 ex.), 16.vii.2018 (1 ex.), s. scalercio leg.; vallone tasso, spezzano della sila, cosenza, 1402 m, 39.3328°n 16.4143°e, (1 ex.), s. scalercio leg.; coturelle, albi, catanzaro, 1259 m, 39.0735°n 16.5891°e, 25.ix.2019 (1 ex.), s. scalercio & c. di marco leg.; vaccaro, sellia, catanzaro, 391 m, 38.9664°n 16.6249°e, 27.i.2020 (1 ex.), s. scalercio leg.; campanella, sellia, catanzaro, 506 m, 38.9859°n 16.6198°e, 17.ii.2020 (1 ex.), s. scalercio leg.; colle roncino, taverna, catanzaro, 1375 m, 39.0853°n 16.5989°e, 25.ix.2019 (1 ex.), s. scalercio & c. di marco leg. host plants: quercus, tilia (parenti, 2000). distribution: albania, austria, belgium, great britain, bulgaria, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, greece, hungary, ireland, italy, latvia, lichtenstein, lithuania, luxembourg, macedonia, norway, poland, portugal, romania, russia, serbia, slovakia, spain, sweden, switzerland, the netherlands. habitat: widespread in several habitat types at very different altitude. found in chestnut, mixed, pine, cork oak, and other forest types. note: it is a very variable species. several forms of this species were found in calabria. ypsolopha vittella (linnaeus 1758) (fig. 1i) records: pianette, dipignano, cosenza, 765 m, 39.2447°n – 16.2358°e, 5.viii.2013 (1 ex.), s. scalercio leg.; serra cannile, spezzano della sila, cosenza, 1435 m, 39.3468°n 16.4093°e, 13.viii.2018 (1 ex.), s. scalercio leg. host plants: ulmus (burmann, 1985) distribution: austria, belgium, great britain, bulgaria, czech republic, denmark, estonia, finland, france, germany, hungary, ireland, italy, latvia, lithuania, luxembourg, norway, poland, romania, russia, slovakia, spain, sweden, switzerland, the netherlands. habitat: found in mixed forests at medium and high altitude. references baldizzone g., cabella c., fiori f. & varalda p. g., 2013 – i lepidotteri del parco naturale di marcarolo. memorie dell’associazione naturalistica piemontese, xii. baldizzone g. & scalercio s., 2018 – contributo alla conoscenza dei microlepidotteri dell’aspromonte (lepidoptera). bollettino della società entomologica italiana, 150 (2): 55-79. baraniak e., gaedike r., karsholt o., triberti p. & zangheri s., 1995 – insecta lepidoptera tineoidea ii. in: checklist delle specie della fauna italiana. minelli a., ruffo s. & la posta s. 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(in czech & german). burmann k., 1985 – beiträge zur microlepidopteren-fauna tirols. viii. plutellinae (insecta: lepidoptera, yponomeutidae). berichte des naturwissenschaftlich-mathematischen vereins innsbruck, 72: 223-230. greco s., ienco a., infusino m., leonetti f. l. & scalercio s., 2018 – new records of moths elucidate the importance of forests as biodiversity hot-spots in central mediterranean landscapes (lepidoptera). redia, 101: 147-154. infusino m., greco s., turco r., bernardini v. & scalercio s., 2016 – managed mountain forests as diversity reservoirs in mediterranean landscapes: new data on endemic species and faunistic novelties of moths. bulletin of insectology, 69 (2): 249-258. infusino m., brehm g., di marco c. & scalercio s., 2017 – assessing the efficiency of uv leds as light sources for sampling the diversity of macro-moth. european journal of entomology, 114: 25-33. karsholt o. & nieukerken e. j. van, 2013 – fauna europaea: lepidoptera, moths. fauna europaea version 2.6.2. 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© 2018 giovanni pasini, alessandro garassino, marco sami received: 20 december 2017 accepted for publication: 3 may 2018 abstract – several specimens of anomuran and brachyuran decapods are reported from the late pliocene clays (argille azzurre fm.) at localities nearby faenza (ravenna, emilia-romagna), located in the foothills of romagna apennines (ne italy). the specimens were assigned to species already reported from the pliocene of italy, but never previously recorded in this area. this new report enlarges our knowledge on the composition and distribution of the brachyuran decapods along the pliocene coastline of the adriatic gulf of the paleomediterranean sea. key words: decapoda, brachyura, anomura, pliocene, faenza, emilia-romagna, italy. riassunto – crostacei decapodi del pliocene superiore (piacenziano) nei pressi di faenza (emiliaromagna, n italia). vengono descritti alcuni esemplari di crostacei brachiuri e anomuri provenienti dalle argille piacenziane (formazione argille azzurre) di alcune località del margine pedeappenninico della romagna centrale (emilia-romagna, ne italia) in prossimità di faenza (ravenna, emilia-romagna). gli esemplari sono stati assegnati a specie già note nel pliocene italiano, ma mai segnalate precedentemente in quest’area. questa segnalazione arricchisce le conoscenze sulla composizione e distribuzione dei decapodi brachiuri durante il pliocene lungo le coste del golfo adriatico del paleo-mediterraneo. parole chiave: decapoda, brachyura, anomura, pliocene, faenza, emilia-romagna, italia. introduction and geological setting the central romagna sub-apennine is characterized by the argille azzurre formation (faa), a largely uniform clayey unit deposited in a fully and rather deep marine basin from early pliocene to early pleistocene having a total thickness exceeding 3000 meters (vai, 1989). inside the faa some informal heteropic members have been distinguished. among them, in the foothills between the marzeno and the montone valleys crop out shallow-water limestones named “spungone” (carbonate platforms and grain flow deposits, up to few hundreds of meters thick) of piacenzian age (cremonini et al., 1982). the faa deposits nearby faenza (ravenna, emilia-romagna) have been the subject of many palaeontological studies (scarabelli, 1854; sacco, 1937; ruggieri, 1962; tabanelli, 1993, among others). these authors did not report the presence of crustaceans from these fossiliferous layers, possibly due to the scarcity or to poor preservation of the specimens. the studied samples were collected from different late pliocene faa localities nearby faenza: pietramora-ca’ castello, pietramora-ca’ tombarella, podere tombarona, rio albonello and ca’ raggio. among these fossiliferous sites, stratigraphically the older is pietramora-ca’ castello, a upper “spungone” outcrop with an age of about 3.3 – 3.05 ma (capozzi & picotti, 2003). the other localities overlain these deposits and thus are generically assigned to late piacenzian and considered slightly younger (tabanelli & segurini, 1994). rio albonello locality was the subject of some bio-chronostratigraphic and micropalaeontological investigations. indeed the fossiliferous layers, including the decapod fauna, are characterized by the presence of globorotalia aemiliana, allowing us to assign these levels to an age of about 3.0 ma (cimatti, 1980). podere tombarona (brisighella, ravenna) was investigated in the 1980’s by one of the authors (s.m.). here the decapod fauna is associated with some irregular echinoids (schizaster) and mollusks (korobkovia oblonga, anadara diluvii, limopsis aurita, cancilla scrobiculata, conus antediluvianus, aporrhais serresianus, ringicula ventricosa, heliacus moniliferus, nassarius striatulus, vexillum cupressinum, ziba ligustica, comitas dimidiata, gemmula rotata, charonia apenninica, mitrella nassoides, melanella spina, sveltia lyrata, and dentalium sexangulum), representing the so called “palaeocommunity with korobkovia oblonga and jupiteria concava” (ceregato et al., 2007), indicative of a circalittoral-epibathyal environment (tabanelli pers. comm., 2017). 28 material the studied specimens were assigned to brachyuran species already reported from the italian pliocene, as follows: lyreidus cf. l. paronae crema, 1895 (lyreididae guinot, 1993) (3 specimens), retropluma craverii (crema, 1895) (retroplumidae gill, 1894) (4 specimens), monodaeus bortolottii delle cave, 1988 (xanthidae macleay, 1838) (13 specimens), goneplax rhomboides (linnaeus, 1758) (7 specimens) and albaidaplax cf. a. ispalensis garassino, pasini & castro, 2013 (1 specimen), (goneplacidae macleay, 1838). moreover one specimen was assigned to dardanus sp. (diogenidae ortmann, 1892). the studied specimens are housed in the museo civico di scienze naturali di faenza (msf). for the higher-level classification, we follow the recent arrangement proposed by ng et al. (2008), de grave et al. (2009), and karasawa et al. (2014). abbreviations – lcxp: carapace length; ld; dactylus length; li: index length; lp: palm length; wcxp: carapace width; wp: palm width. systematic palaeontology infraorder anomura mac leay, 1838 superfamily paguroidea latreille, 1802 family diogenidae ortmann, 1892 genus dardanus paul’son, 1875 type species: dardanus hellerii paul’son, 1875 fossil species: see schweitzer et al. (2010) dardanus sp. (fig. 1a, b) material and measurements: one complete right chela palm from pietramora-ca’ castello (msf 2251 – lp: 21 mm; wp: 16 mm; ld: 15 mm; li: 16 mm). description. subrectangular palm, longer than wide; upper margin convex, lower margin nearly straight; outer surface covered with granulated transverse and sinuous ridges; inner surface slightly convex with the same ornamentation of the outer surface on the median upper part, nearly smooth along the lower inner surface; subtriangular, robust dactylus and index with transverse ridges; index slightly longer than dactylus. discussion. the studied specimen shows an outer surface of the palm ornated by transverse and sinuous ridges that are a typical distinctive character of some representatives of dardanus paul’son, 1875, which the specimen is assigned to. the studied specimen was compared with the two plio-pleistocene mediterranean species of the genus, dardanus substriatus (a. milne edwards, 1861) (fossil) and d. arrosor (herbst, 1796) (extant and fossil), sharing some morphological affinities. the studied specimen, however, differs from the right palm d. arrosor in having less elongate palm, less coarse and more transverse ridges on the outer surface of the palm and more elongate index (for comparison see garassino et al. 2014: 121; fig. 1b). moreover, the studied specimen differs from the left palm of d. substriatus (the right palm is unknown), in having more subrectangular elongated palm with lower and upper margins not strongly converging anteriorly and less coarse granulated transverse, sinuous ridges (for comparison see garassino et al., 2014: 121; fig. 1c). we point out that the characters observed on the studied specimen could be also included into the variability of this species having most probably unequal chelae as all representatives of the family. based on the limited comparisons only the discovery of additional specimens would allow us to solve the systematic position of the studied specimen. infraorder brachyura linnaeus, 1758 section raninoida ahyong, sharkey, colgan & ng, 2007 superfamily raninoidea de haan, 1839 family lyreididae guinot, 1993 subfamily lyreidinae guinot, 1993 genus lyreidus de haan, 1841 type species: lyreidus tridentatus de haan, 1841, by monotypy. fossil species: see karasawa et al. (2014). lyreidus cf. l. paronae crema, 1895 (fig. 2a) note: though crema (1895) assigned the species paronae to lyreidus, later garassino et al. (2004), de angeli et al. (2009), baldanza et al. (2013), and pasini et al. (2014) changed the systematic position of this species, fig. 1 dardanus sp., msf 2251. a) right palm, outer view. b) right palm, inner view (x 2). a b giovanni pasini, alessandro garassino, marco sami 29 assigning it to lysirude. however, according to karasawa et al. (2014) all reports of the species from italy must be assigned to lyreidus until the systematic controversy is solved. material and measurements: two specimens in dorsal view, preserving chelipeds and incomplete ambulatory legs from podere tombarona (msf 2202 – lcxp: 15 mm; wcxp: 10 mm; – msf 2203 – lcxp: 24 mm; wcxp: 15 mm); one complete specimen preserving chelipeds and incomplete ambulatory legs, in part and counterpart from rio albonello (msf 2240 – lcxp: 25 mm; wcxp: 16 mm). description. carapace – see de angeli et al. (2009). cheliped – flat ovoid palm higher anteriorly, convex smooth upper margin and nearly straight lower margin; pointed index deflected downward and directed-upward distally; slender dacylus gently curved downward, with small, short, pointed teeth on occlusal margin; subrectangular carpus, with a rim of small teeth along the upper margin; rectangular merus, notably elongate, long twice the carpus. discussion. though poor preserved, the studied specimens have the narrow orbito-frontal margin, with one strong extraorbital spine on both margins of rostrum and the possible presence of one spine on both anterolateral margins. these characters allow us to compare the specimens to lyreidus paronae crema, 1895, already reported from the tortonian (miocene) of sciolze and from the langhian (miocene) of s. margherita (torino, piedmont) (crema, 1895), the pliocene of orta san giulio (novara, piedmont) (garassino et al., 2004), the early pleistocene of poggio i sodi and poggi gialli (sinalunga, tuscany) (de angeli et al., 2009; baldanza et al., 2013, 2017) and volterra (pisa, tuscany) (pasini et al., 2014). remarks. the studied specimens seem to have an unusual granulation-ornamentation on the dorsal carapace and appendages. unfortunately the poor preservation and compression of the carapace do not allow us to understand if this apparent granulation is part of the exocuticle or if it is only the structure of the endocuticle. moreover the deformation of the anterolateral margins does not allow us to verify the presence of one or two lateral spines. due to the absence of these diagnostic characters we prudentially compare the studied specimens to lyreidus paronae. in other way the specimens could also pertain to a new indeterminate taxa. section eubrachyura de saint laurent, 1980 superfamily retroplumoidea gill, 1894 family retroplumidae gill, 1894 genus retropluma gill, 1894 type species: archaeoplax notopus alcock & anderson, 1894, by monotypy. fossil species: see schweitzer et al. (2010). retropluma craverii (crema, 1895) (fig. 2b) goneplax? craverii crema, 1895: 675, fig. 16. goneplax craverii – glaessner 1929: 198. — schweitzer et al. 2010: 135. fig. 2 a) lyreidus cf. l. paronae crema, 1895, msf 2240 (x 2). b) retropluma craverii (crema, 1895), msf 2233 (x 2.6). a b decapod crustaceans from the late pliocene (piacentian) nearby faenza (emilia-romagna, n italy) 30 retropluma craverii – vía boada 1969: 324, 326. — vía boada 1980: 2, 3, fig. 1. — vía boada 1982: 116, fig. 1. — beschin et al. 1996: 95. — larghi 2003: 58, 59. — garassino & de angeli 2004: 45. — garassino et al. 2004: 255. — de angeli & garassino 2006: 52. — schweitzer et al. 2010: 100. — de angeli et al. 2011: 38-41, figs. 2-4. — baldanza et al. 2013: 344, 345, fig. 10. — pasini et al. 2014: 253, 254, fig. 8d. — baldanza et al. 2017: 58, 59, fig. 15a. material and measurements: three specimens in dorsal view (msf 2208 – lcxp: 10 mm; wcxp: 14 mm; msf 2211 – lcxp: 10 mm; wcxp: 15 mm; msf 2216 – lcxp: 11 mm; wcxp: 15 mm), one specimen in part and counterpart (msf 2233a, b – lcxp: 12 mm; wcxp: 14 mm) from podere tombarona. discussion. de angeli et al. (2011) revised retropluma craverii based upon two specimens from the pliocene of reggio emilia (emilia-romagna), pointing out some morphological characters not observable in the original description, such as the very elongate and narrow rostrum, the wide orbito-frontal margin distinctly sinuous, ending with a well-developed forward directed tooth, the dorsal surface of carapace, with three transverse ridges, and the very elongated, flattened legs. these characters are visible on the studied specimens that are assigned to r. craverii. this species was originally described by crema (1895) from the late pliocene (piacenzian) of bra (piedmont). garassino, hyžný & pasini in baldanza et al. (2013) reported this species from the early pleistocene (late gelasian-early calabrian) of poggio i sodi (siena, tuscany) and later pasini et al. (2014) reported this species also from the early pleistocene bathyal environment of volterra (pisa, tuscany). finally, de angeli, garassino & pasini in baldanza et al. (2017) reported this species also from the early pleistocene of poggi gialli (sinalunga, tuscany). this is the second report of r. craverii from the romagna apennines. superfamily xanthoidea macleay, 1838 family xanthidae macleay, 1838 subfamily euxanthinae alcock, 1898 genus monodaeus guinot, 1967 type species: xanto couchii couch, 1815, by original designation. fossil species: monodaeus bortolottii delle cave, 1988. monodaeus bortolottii delle cave, 1988 (fig. 3a) monodaeus bortolottii delle cave, 1988: 123-126, pl. 1, figs. 1, 2, pl. 2, figs. 1-5. monodaeus bortolottii – de angeli & garassino 2006: 74. — de angeli et al. 2009: 185, 195, fig. 16. — schweitzer et al. 2010: 126. — garassino et al. 2012: 52. — baldanza et al. 2013: 347, 348, fig. 13. — pasini & garassino 2013a: 325, 326, fig. 5. — pasini & garassino 2013b: 344, 345, fig. 2. — pasini et al. 2014: 254, 255, fig. 9b. — baldanza et al. 2017: 60, 61, fig. 15c. material and measurements: one specimen from cà raggio (msf 2251 – lcxp: 11 mm; wcxp: 13 mm); twelve specimens from podere tombarona (msf 2209 – lcxp: 7 mm; wcxp: 10 mm; msf 2213 – lcxp: 15 mm; wcxp: 21 mm; msf 2214 – lcxp: 14 mm; wcxp: 14 mm; msf 2217 – lcxp: 15 mm; wcxp: 23 mm; msf 2221 – lcxp: 18 mm; wcxp: 22 mm; msf 2222 – lcxp: 11 mm; wcxp: 14 mm; msf 2225 – lcxp: 13 mm; wcxp: 16 mm; msf 2229 – lcxp: 6 mm; wcxp: 8 mm; msf 2229bis – lcxp: 6 mm; wcxp: 8 mm; msf 2234 – lcxp: 16 mm; wcxp: 22 mm; msf 2235bis – lcxp: 13 mm; wcxp: 17 mm; msf 2235 – lcxp: 14 mm; wcxp: 18 mm). discussion. the studied specimens are assigned to monodaeus bortolottii in having suboctagonal carapace slightly convex, wider than long; straight front margin, with a weak median incision; short convex anterolateral margin; long convergent posterolateral margin; posterior margin straight medially and convex on margins with a granular ridge; dorsal region well marked by grooves, with wide raised epigastric lobes; suboval protogastric regions well marked; subpentagonal mesogastric regions with narrow elongate anterior process between protogastric regions; cardiac region well marked by branchiocardiac grooves; small hepatic regions poorly marked; and wide well-marked branchial regions. monodaeus bortolottii was previously reported from the pliocene of volterra (delle cave, 1988) and grosseto (de angeli et al., 2009). later pasini & garassino (2013a, b) and garassino, hyžný & pasini in baldanza et al. (2013) reported this species from the pliocene (piacenzian) of castellarano and monticelli di quattro castella (reggio emilia, emilia-romagna), from the early pliocene of cassine (alessandria, piedmont), and from the early pleistocene of the poggio i sodi (siena, tuscany). later pasini et al. (2014) reported m. bortolottii from the early pleistocene of volterra (pisa, tuscany), close to the type locality originally reported by delle cave (1988). recently de angeli, garassino & pasini in baldanza et al. (2017) reported this species also from the early pleistocene of poggi gialli (sinalunga, tuscany). superfamily goneplacoidea macleay, 1838 family goneplacidae macleay, 1838 subfamily goneplacinae macleay, 1838 genus goneplax leach, 1814 type species: ocypoda bispinosa lamarck, 1801, by original designation. fossil species: see garassino et al. (2013). goneplax rhomboides (linnaeus, 1758) (fig. 3b) goneplax rhomboides – pasini et al. 2014: 252, fig. 8b. — baldanza et al. 2017: 62, fig. 16a, b. note: see garassino et al. (2013) for complete synonymy. giovanni pasini, alessandro garassino, marco sami 31 material and measurements: one specimen from cà raggio (msf 2250 – lcxp: 7 mm; wcxp: 9 mm); one specimen from pietramora-ca’ tombarella (msf 2242 – lcxp: 16 mm; wcxp: 20 mm – male); five specimens from podere tombarona (msf 2205a, b – lcxp: 9 mm; wcxp: 12 mm; msf 2212 – lcxp: 15 mm; wcxp: 20 mm; msf 2227 – lcxp: 11 mm; wcxp: 14 mm; msf 2231a, b – lcxp: 7 mm; wcxp: 9 mm; msf 2232 – lcxp: 7 mm; wcxp: 9 mm). discussion. according to garassino et al. (2013), goneplax rhomboides has a subrectangular carapace with two transverse ridges; well-developed orbits; developed extraorbital spine; dorsal regions not marked; elongated chelipeds. the dorsal characters of the studied specimens, including individuals of different sexes and stages of growth, fit well with the variability of this species. goneplax rhomboides is reported to date only in the fossil record of italy from the miocene to pleistocene of piedmont, emilia-romagna, tuscany, lazio, and sicily, as reported by many authors (for complete references see garassino et al., 2013; baldanza et al., 2017). the species seems to be the most common, wide-spread brachyuran decapod along the italian plio-pleistocene paleo-mediterranean coast, whereas the extant representatives are widespread in the eastern atlantic, western africa, and mediterranean sea, burrowing in sublittoral shallow muddy and sandy bottoms from a few to about 100 m deep (falciai & minervini, 1992; zariquey álvarez, 1968). genus albaidaplax garassino, pasini & castro, 2013 type species: albaidaplax ispalensis garassino, pasini & castro, 2013, by monotypy. fossil species: albaidaplax ispalensis garassino, pasini & castro, 2013. albaidaplax cfr. a. ispalensis garassino, pasini & castro, 2013 (fig. 3c) material and measurements: one specimen in dorsal view in part and counterpart from podere tombarona (msf 2226a, b – lcxp: 9 mm; wcxp: 12 mm). description. carapace transversely rectangular, slightly wider than long; straight front; front as wide as the orbits; inner edge of supraorbital margin distinct; wide orbits expanded distally, with one short tooth on outer orbital angle; supraorbital margins gently sinuous, without fissures; anterolateral margins slightly convex, apparently toothless; long gently rounded posterolateral margins, strongly convergent posteriorly; long, straight posterior margin; deep gastric pits; smooth dorsal surface of carapace; slight subhorizontal ridge, moderately convex, at level of antero posterolateral margins, without clear indication of regions; stout heavy chelipeds (p1), with moderately long merus; subtriangular spineless carpus; stout globular palm; dactylus and index slender, as long as the propodus, with smooth occlusal margin. discussion. despite the poor preservation of the exocuticle, partially covered by carbonate deposits, the main morphological characters of the studied specimen, such as the shape of the carapace, the wide orbits gently expanded distally, with one short tooth on outer orbital angle, and the gently sinuous supraorbital margins, are shared with the representatives of albaidaplax, recently erected by garassino et al. (2013), with a. ispalensis garassino, pasini & castro, 2013, from the pliocene of spain and italy. due to its poor preservation the specimen is here prudentially only compared with the type species. this would be the first report for the genus from the emiliaromagna. acknowledgements we wish to thank the museo civico di scienze naturali di faenza for permission to study the specimens and the collaborators of this museum mauro diversi, for fig. 3 a) monodaeus bortolottii delle cave, 1988, msf 2234 (x 2.6). b) goneplax rhomboides (linnaeus, 1758), msf 2250 (x 3.4). c) albaidaplax cf. a. ispalensis garassino, pasini & castro, 2013, msf 2226 (x 3.2). a b c decapod crustaceans from the late pliocene (piacentian) nearby faenza (emilia-romagna, n italy) 32 collecting part of the material, and cesare tabanelli, for suggestion and comments about paleoecology. rodney m. feldmann, kent state university, kent, ohio, usa and francisco j. vega, universidad nacional autónoma de méxico, coyoacán, mexico for careful review and criticism. references baldanza a., bizzarri r., famiani f., garassino a., hyžný m. & pasini g., 2013 – the bathyal decapod crustacean community from the poggio i sodi quarries (siena basin, tuscany, italy). boletín de la sociedad geologíca mexicana, 65 (2): 335-353. baldanza a., bizzarri r., de angeli a., famiani f., garassino a., pasini g. & pizzolato f., 2017 – a distinctive shallow marine crustacean fauna from the early pleistocene of poggi gialli (tuscany, central italy): taxonomic inferences and palaeoenvironmental recostruction. neues jahrbuch für geologie und paläontologie, abhadlungen, 286 (1): 35-74. beschin c., busulini a., de angeli a. & tessier g., 1996 – retroplumoidea (crustacea, brachyura) nel terziario del vicentino (italia settentrionale). lavori, società veneziana di scienze naturali, 21: 83-102. capozzi r. & picotti v., 2003 – pliocene sequence stratigraphy, climatic trends and sapropel formations in the northern apennines (italy). palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology, 190: 349-371. ceregato a., raffi s. & scarponi d., 2007 – the circalittoral/bathyal paleocommunities in the middle pliocene of northern italy: the case of korobkovia oblonga – jupiteria concava paleocommunity type. geobios, 40: 555-572. cimatti l., 1980 – lo “spungone” di rio albonello. unpublished thesis. università di bologna. crema, c., 1895 – sopra alcuni decapodi terziario del piemonte. atti della reale accademia delle scienze di torino, 30: 664-681. cremonini g., d’onofrio s., francavilla f., marabini s., ricci lucchi f. & ruggieri g., 1982 – lo “spungone” del pliocene romagnolo. in: guida alla geologia del margine appenninico padano. cremonini g. & ricci lucchi f. 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capizzi & santini, 2007), thanks to its broad capacity to adapt to different ecological conditions (amori et al., 2008). the species is present throughout the veneto region, from sea level up to quite high elevations, even beyond 2000 m (bon, 2017). although most of the species’ activities are carried out at ground level (jennings, 1975; flowerded, 1991), the wood mouse also has a marked aptitude for climbing, reaching up to 3-4 meters in height on shrubs (montgomery, 1980; gurnell, 1985). although this behaviour has been frequently reported, arboreality of the species has been little investigated and this information often remains anecdotal (buesching et al., 2008). as a secondary result of a monitoring of small mammals carried out in a protected area of the veneto plain, it was possible to collect quantitative data on this little-studied behaviour in a systematic way. materials and methods study area the present study was conducted in the regional natural park of the river sile, sited between the localities of canizzano (tv) and quinto di treviso (tv) (45°38’47.8”n, 12°11’35.6”e). this is a riparian area adjacent to the river sile and close to the treviso airport, consisting of mixed-species hedges with rubus ulmifolius schott, cornus sp. and to a lesser extent morus alba l., corylus avellana l. and other shrub and tree species, and woods with ulmus minor mill., alnus glutinosa (l.) gaertn., quercus robur l., robinia pseudoacacia l. reedbeds are also present in some areas. data collection and analysis data were collected during a monitoring survey conducted with hair tubes (pocock & jennings, 2006; chiron et al., 2018) and targeted at the hazel dormouse muscardinus avellanarius (linnaeus 1758). in this case, the choice fell on tubes 20 cm long and 3.5 cm in diameter, in order to facilitate entry only to target species and those of similar size, as has already been successfully experimented in other studies (tioli & zocca, 2010). in particular, 30 tubes arranged in two transects of 15 tubes each were tied at a distance of 5-10 m apart on the branches of trees and shrubs at a height ranging from 100 cm to about 250 cm, depending on the shrubs. horizontal branches have been favoured to enhance the stability of the hair tubes. the placement height of each hair tube was then recorded rounding the measurement down to the nearest ten cen88 timetres. the hair tubes were left in place for about two and a half months, from 25 may to 2 august 2022, and were checked periodically (5 times) every two weeks to collect any samples, replace the double-sided tape and put the tubes back in place. the collected samples were first removed from the double-sided tape and then cleaned of impurities by immersion first in acetone and then in water. the hair was then identified under an optical microscope at 100× and 400× magnification through the diagnostic microstructures of the cuticle (outermost layer, formed by the overlapping of transparent keratin scales) and the medulla (inner part, formed by dead cells). identification was performed by visual comparison with figures in specialist texts (debrot et al., 1982; teerink, 1991; paolucci & bon, 2022). in order to obtain a statistical description of the arboreal behaviour of the wood mouse in relation to the height attained in the shrub layer, a weighted average of the heights of the frequented hair tubes was calculated, taking into account the height of placement and the number of positive controls per hair tube (i.e. those in which hairs of the species are present). in addition, the range (minimum and maximum heights) of occurrence of the wood mouse in the arboreal environment is reported. the mean for each control and the confidence intervals were also calculated. the chi-square test was performed to check whether there were differences between the various sampling sessions. all statistical analyses were performed in the r environment (r core team, 2022). results during the survey, only wood mouse samples were collected. the average placement height of the hair tubes frequented by the wood mouse is 1.54 m ± 0.36 (s.d.). the hair tube positioned at the height of 2.30 m was frequented 4 times, the highest recorded height. instead, the lowest tube used was located at 1.10 m. with the exception of the first sampling session, in which no hair samples of the species were found, in the subsequent ones the average height of the frequented tubes is around 1.50 m in height, not showing significant differences between one sampling session and another (χ2= 2.1204, p=0.9992). discussion the information reported in this work testifies and confirms the arboreal habits of the wood mouse (buesching et al., 2008). although the arrangement of the tubes may have probably influenced the results obtained, it can be said that the species appears to move skilfully from the ground level up to the height of 2.30 m. the findings are consistent with the observations reported in other european contexts (gurnell, 1985), even if they do not reach the record height of 23.37 m exceptionally recorded in poland for a. flavicollis (melchior 1834), a species that shows similar arboreal behaviour (borowski, 1962; montgomery, 1980). the reason for this behaviour seems to be attributable to a combination of factors such as the short communication fig. 1 averages and confidence intervals of the heights of the hair tubes used by the wood mouse during the sampling sessions. / valori medi e relativi intervalli di confidenza delle altezze degli hair tube utilizzati dal topo selvatico durante le sessioni di campionamento. 89nat u r a l history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. m useo ci v. stor. nat. mila no, 10 (1): 87-90, 2023 search for additional food sources and the possibility of escaping predators (buesching et al., 2008). furthermore, the presence of the species also in the shrub layer can represent a disturbing factor for the hazel dormouse, as the two species can potentially compete for resources. in germany, for example, it was observed that the absence (or the presence at low densities) of a. sylvaticus and a. flavicollis has a positive effect on the abundance of the hazel dormouse (villing & horst, 2021). given the community interest of the hazel dormouse (habitats directive 92/43/cee), in-depth investigations into the ecological implications of the coexistence of this two rodent species in this study area are recommended. references amori g., 1993 − italian insectivores and rodents: estinctions and current status. supplemento alle ricerche di biologia della selvaggina, 21: 115-134. amori g., contoli l., nappi a. 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(a cura di). wba monographs, verona, 4: 205-207. borowski s., 1962 − apodemus flavicollis (melchior, 1834) in the tops of tall trees. acta theriologica, 6: 314. buesching c. d., newman c., twell r. & macdonald d.,w., 2008 − reasons for arboreality in wood mice apodemus sylvaticus and bankvoles myodes glareolus. mammalian biology, 73: 318-324. capizzi d. & santini l., 2007 − i roditori italiani. ecologia, impatto sulle attività umane e sugli ecosistemi, gestione delle popolazioni. antonio delfino editore, roma. chiron f., hein s., chargé r., julliard r., martin l., roguet a. & jacob j., 2018 − validation of hair tubes for small mammal population studies. journal of mammalogy, 99 (2): 478-485. debrot s., mermod c., fivaz g. & weber j., 1982 − atlas des poils de mammifères d’europe. institut de zoologie de l’université de neuchâtel. fig. 2 medulla (above) and cuticle (below) of wood mouse hair seen under an optical microscope. / midollo (sopra) e cuticola (sotto) di peli di topo selvatico visti al microscopio ottico. 90 flowerdew j. r., 1991 − wood mouse. in: the handbook of british mammals. g. b. corbet & s. harris (eds). blackwell scientific publications, oxford: 220-229. gurnell j., 1985 − woodland rodent communities. symposia of the zoological society of london, 55: 377-411. jennings t. j., 1975 − notes on the burrow system of woodmice (apodemus sylvaticus). journal of zoology, 177: 500-504. montgomery w. i., 1980 − the use of arboreal runways by the woodland rodents, apodemus sylvaticus (l.), a. flavicollis (melchior) and clethrionomys glareoulus (schreber). mammal review, 10: 189-195. paolucci p. & bon m., 2022 − mammiferi terrestri d’italia. riconoscimento, ecologia e tricologia. wba handbooks 11, wba project, verona. pocock m. & jennings n., 2006 − use of hair tubes to survey for shrews: new methods for identification and quantification of abundance. mammal review, 36 (4): 299-308. r core team, 2022 − r: a language and environment for statistical computing. r foundation for statistical computing, vienna, austria. teerink b. j., 1991 − atlas and identification keyhair of west-european mammals. research institute for nature management, the netherlands. tioli s. & zocca a., 2010 − nuovi dati sulla presenza del moscardino, muscardinus avellanarius, in provincia di venezia (rodentia, myoxidae). atti 6° convegno dei faunisti veneti. bollettino del museo di storia naturale di venezia, suppl, 61: 300-305. villing n. & horst l., 2021 − camera-trap assisted monitoring of presence and ecology of the hazel dormouse. faunistisch-ökologische mitteilungen, 10: 79-82. short communication eurasian badger (meles meles) habitat and sett site selection in the northern apennines carlo m. biancardi, valentina rigo, sonia azzolini, claudio gnoli centro studi faunistica dei vertebrati, società italiana di scienze naturali, venezia 55, i-20121 milano, italia. e-mail: corresponding author: carlo m. biancardi, centro studi faunistica dei vertebrati, società italiana di scienze naturali, venezia 55, i-20121 milano, italia. e-mail: abstract the principal aim of this research was to study coarsescale habitat selection and distribution of main setts of the eurasian badger (meles meles l., 1758). the study area extends for 161 km2 in the hilly territory of southern lombardy (italy). the positions of 23 main setts (sp) and 28 random points (rp) were mapped into a gis. for each point, several environmental characteristics were measured in the field or taken from thematic digital maps. a statistical comparison of the distribution of these characteristics in a circular area (radius 300 m) around each point was carried out. eurasian badger setts were primarily dug in sheltered places, with high tree cover. the manly selection index pointed to a strong selection for deciduous woods. southern slope orientation and the presence of chestnut trees, a potentially important resource for badgers in this area, were also preferred. similar to other studies, geological and lithological characters and the distance from water did not appear to influence den use. however, the substratum of the study area was mainly formed with sedimentary rocks, loam rocks and sandstones, with also easy-to-dig alluvial soils. water is a resource easily available over the whole territory, with a well-branched network of rivers and streams. the road network and the presence of urban or industrial infrastructures seem to be a real factor of danger and disturbance, as one of the leading causes of mortality for badgers are road casualties. our results suggest that badgers of this region are more selective for the sett site than for food resources. riassunto habitat del tasso (meles meles) e ubicazione delle tane principali nell’appennino settentrionale. l’area di studio si estende per 161 km2 in un territorio collinare all’estremo sud della lombardia (provincia di pv, italia). l’area è compresa fra le coordinate utm 4960000 e 4972000 nord e fra 505000 e 520000 est, che corrisponde alla val di staffora, fra 300 e 800 m s.l.m. scopo principale di questa ricerca era lo studio delle preferenze ambientali del tasso (meles meles l., 1758) in relazione alla ubicazione delle tane principali. le posizioni di 23 tane principali e di 28 punti casuali sono state inserite in un gis e, per ognuna, sono state misurate sul posto diverse caratteristiche ambientali. altri parametri sono stati ricavati da carte digitali tematiche. e’ stata analizzata con tecniche statistiche la distribuzione delle caratteristiche ambientali in un’area circolare (raggio 300 m) intorno alle tane e ai punti casuali. le tane di tasso sono prevalentemente ricavate in luoghi riparati, con buona copertura arborea. l’indice di selezione di manly indica una forte preferenza per boschi decidui. risultano preferiti i versanti esposti a sud e la presenza di castagni, importante risorsa trofica per la specie in quest’area. le caratteristiche litologiche e geologiche, così come la distanza dall’acqua, non sembrano essere importanti fattori di scelta, in accordo anche con i risultati di altri studi analoghi. il substrato dell’area di studio è formato principalmente da rocce sedimentarie, marne e arenarie, accompagnate da terreni alluvionali, facili da scavare. l’acqua è una risorsa ampiamente disponibile sul territorio, con una rete di corsi d’acqua molto ramificata. la rete viaria e la presenza di infrastrutture urbane e industriali pare invece essere un fattore di disturbo importante. i nostri risultati indicano che questa specie sembra essere più selettiva nei confronti delle caratteristiche ambientali che non per la presenza di risorse alimentari. key-words: badger, meles meles, habitat selection, sett distribution, northern italy. introduction the eurasian badger (meles meles l., 1758) is widely distributed across the western palaearctic region (roper, 2010). although belonging to the order of carnivores, badgers are opportunistic omnivores, and their diet is extremely varied across their geographical range and, within populations, across seasons (roper, 2010). their apparent behavioural plasticity allows badgers to occupy different habitats, ranging from boreal and deciduous forests and pastures, to mediterranean habitats and steppes (roper, 2010). in italy, the species is distributed across the whole peninsula, except on islands (boitani et al., 2003). habitat fragmentation is known to be one of the factors affecting badger populations (pertoldi et al., 2001; virgós, 2002); for this reason, it has been selected as a focal species for ecological network planning (bani et al., 2002; amici and battisti, 2009). however, the impact of habitat fragmentation can be perceived at different levels: shortage of food and water, lacking of suitable places for digging a sett, risk of casualties due to road network. each of these variables can be considered as limiting factor for badgers (doncaster and woodroffe, 1993; macdonald et al., 2004; rosalino et al., 2005). centro studi faunistica dei vertebrati, a working group of the società italiana di scienze naturali (sisn), carried out a long series of studies of badger populations in lombardy (north of italy) (biancardi and rinetti, 1995, 1998, 1999 and 2004; boesi and biancardi, 2002; marassi and biancardi, 2002). the aim of the present work is to evaluate the most important factors influencing habitat selection by badgers in this study region, by measuring the spatial relationship of sett locations to surrounding resources. nhs natural history sciences atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano, 2014, 1 (1): 41-48 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2014.56 © 2014 c. m. biancardi, v. rigo, s. azzolini, c. gnoli received: 11st april 2014 accepted for publication: 14th july 2014 42 materials and methods study area the study area (161 km2) is included within the coordinates 44o.790-44o.930 n and 9o.060-9o.250 e (decimal degrees). it lies in the north of italy, in the most southern part of lombardy, corresponding to the middle valley of stream staffora, between 300 and 800 m a.s.l. (fig. 1). the area is included in the continental biogeographic region. geologically the northern apennine area is comprised by layers of marls, clays and sandstones, resulting from the superimposition of different layers, resulting from the collision between the adriatic and the european tectonic plates. setts within that area, 48 badger setts were detected and plotted onto a base map. sett sites have been found thanks to information collected from local forest rangers, game wardens and hunters. for each sett we recorded the geographic position, by means of a gps device (garmin ltd.), as well as a set of data: sett size and linear extension, whether it was actively used or not, number of entrances, their conditions and dimensions, presence of signs or tracks, spoil heap, and latrines number and size. in situations of low population density, as in mediterranean and mountain areas, the “classic” classification of badger setts (thornton, 1988) is no longer applicable (revilla et al., 2001). for the aims of the present study, we decided to consider as “annexes” minor shelters located near larger setts and clearly connected to them. after a first evaluation and classification, 23 main setts were chosen for the habitat preferences analysis, on the basis of their size and signs of frequent occupation (fig. 1). random points and data collection a series of random points coordinates, within the study area, was set using a random number generator. the number of points (28) was chosen to be in the same order of size than the sett points. the coordinates of all the sett points (sp) and random points (rp) were plotted in a gis (quantum gis, osgeo project, fig. 1) and, through the available layers, a first set of variables were filled with data calculated within 300 m and 600 m of each sp and rp. the layers used in this analysis were: ctr (carta tecnica regionale), soil use (dusaf1), lithology, geology, dem, slopes and aspects (former ersal, arf, geoportale regione lombardia). vectorial layers for streams, roads, setts and random points were digitised by the authors. a second set of variables were measured or estimated during the first visit of each sp and rp, and recorded. see tabs. 1 and 3 for the detailed description of each variable included in the analysis. fig. 1 geographic position of the study area, with sett points, random points and water (rivers and streams) layer. carlo m. biancardi, valentina rigo, sonia azzolini, claudio gnoli 43 tab. 1 list of variables included in the analyses. class (for categorical or ordinal variables): in bold the categories more correlated to sett points (positively +, negatively -); manly: the selection index; p = statistical significance; “*” = variable included into the logistic regression model. variable description class manly univariate stat multivariate logistic regression hab habitat deciduous (+) 0.71 p < 0.001 * conifers shrubs rural tree distance from the nearest tree < 2 m (+) 0.89 p = 0.005 * > 2 m shrub distance from the nearest shrub < 2 m (+) 0.95 p < 0.001 * > 2 m tcov trees coverage 0 25% p = 0.018 25 50% 50 75% (+) 0.61 75 100% scov shrubs coverage 0 25% p = 0.004 25 50% 50 75% (+) 0.51 75 100% gcov grass coverage 0 25% p = 0.972 25 50% 50 75% (+) 0.36 75 100% soil free soil 0 25% p = 0.892 25 50% 50 75% (+) 0.4 75 100% rocks rocky terrain presence chest chestnut trees presence (+) 0.79 p = 0.013 orch orchards presence (-) 0.92 p = 0.003 aspect sett slope orientation w-n-e (-) 0.07 p < 0.001 * se-s-sw (+) 0.93 slope slope gradient 8 classes (0 – 100%) n.s. geo geology 21 classes n.s. litho lithology 11 classes n.s. use soil use urban, industrial and quarries (-) p = 0.033 other 11 classes proan provincial road network within 300 m p = 0.245 mroan municipal road network within 300 m (-) p = 0.002 * groan gravel road network within 300 m p = 0.141 * eurasian badger (meles meles) habitat and sett site selection in the northern apennines 44 as it compares the habitat composition values (“use”) at badger setts with those at random chosen points within the study area (“availability”), our study design can be included in the first category (manly et al., 2002; thomas and taylor, 2006).we calculated the resource selection index “w” (savage, 1931) and its standardised form “b” (manly et al., 2002). the resource selection index value for any variable “i” (wi) of the total number (n) of considered variables, is defined as the ratio between the proportion of the variable “i” at sett points (spi) and the proportion of the same variable at random points (rpi): (1) the standardised form is defined as: (2) values of b range between 0 and 1. univariate tests (u mann-whitney and chi-square) were performed on all the recorded variables. among the multivariate techniques of analysis, logistic regression is especially recommended when the dependent variable is binary. furthermore, it is the most robust technique in case of mixed data-sets, with binary, categorical and continuous variables (mcgarigal et al., 2000). the dependent variable was coded as 0 = rp; 1 = sp. different predictive models have been built, based on results of the univariate and resource selection analyses. this “a priori modelling” approach can avoid the inferential problems related to multicollinearity among variables (graham, 2003). models were compared on the basis of the change in the akaike information criterion corrected for small sample size (aicc) (burnham and anderson, 2002) and by receiver operating characteristic–area under curve (roc-auc) statistics. if two or more models had similar aicc values (δaicc < 4), we calculated the akaike weights of each model and performed a model averaging as suggested by royall (1997). statistical analyses were carried out with the package spss (v.18, spss inc.). results setts within the study area, 48 setts were found. the average number of entrances of the main setts was nearly 15 (14.9 ± 7.4 sd; range 5 – 35; median = 14), while the other setts had on average 3-4 entrances (3.4 ± 2.8 sd; range 1 – 12; median 3). a spoil heap was present outside 3.9 ± 3.8 sd holes per sett (range 0 – 15; median 3). the maximum distance between two entrances of the same sett was taken as an index of sett dimensions; results are shown in tab. 2. tab. 2 frequency of occurrence of categorical sett extension. distance: largest linear distance between two entrances of the same sett. distance frequency % < 1 m 10 22% 1-5 m 6 13% 5-10 m 1 2% 10-20 m 8 18% 20-50 m 17 38% > 50 m 3 7% the entrances were not circular, the average width measured 52.8 cm ± 21.5 sd, while the average height was 33.7 cm ± 13.1 sd. the minimum distance of a sett from water, roads and urban areas are shown in tab. 3. carlo m. biancardi, valentina rigo, sonia azzolini, claudio gnoli environments were classified as deciduous woodlands, conifer, shrubs or rural. the distances from the nearest tree or shrub were categorised as within or farther than 2 m. percentages of cover by trees, shrubs, grass, free soil or rocks were categorised in 4 classes (0-25%; 25-50%; 50-75%; 75-100%). in order to evaluate the position of the estimated centre of the sett (peak, hollow, flat or on a slope), the slope gradient in the four points of the compass has been categorised as positive (uphill), negative (downhill) or on level. the geological gis layer comprised 21 classes, the most common being different type of sandstones (30%) and marl (25%). lithology was split in 11 classes, primarily represented by low plasticity clayish fluvial deposits (30%) and sandy substratum (17%). the most common class of land use (41.3%) was represented by arable patches, followed by copse woodlands (34.4%). other 10 classes of land use were of minor account. roads were divided into provincial expressways, municipal roads and dirty roads. the minimum distance from each sp and rp, and the magnitude of the road network within 300 m from every point, were calculated for all road categories. the minimum distance of water resources and of urban areas from sp and rp were calculated as well. habitat selection habitat selection can be considered to be part of the more general question of the selection of resources by animal individuals or populations (manly et al., 2002). of the four basic study designs described by thomas and taylor (1990; 2006) and generalized by manly et al. (2002), we applied the following: use, non-use and availability of resources were sampled and collected at population level, while individual animals were not identified. 45 tab. 3 minimum distance from water, roads and urban areas. u = mann-whitney u-test value; sig. = statistical significance (p). ric tests (mroan: mann-whitney u = 467, p = 0.002; mroad: mann-whitney u = 180, p = 0.007). the coefficient of the independent variable hab was negative, pointing to lower probability to find setts in open rural or urban areas. present in one model, its weight was 0.31. manly’s index pointed to a strong selection for broadleaf woodlands (b = 0.71). the distance from the nearest tree had a weight of 0.24. the probability to find a tree within 2 meters was higher for setts than for random points: manly’s index for distance < 2 m = 0.89. other variables showed a statistically significant relationship between sp characteristics and rp; all of the following occurred more frequent within 300 m of random points than of sett points (tab. 1): the coverage of trees and shrubs (tcov: manly’s index for cov. 50-75% = 0.61, x22 = 8.02, p = 0.018; scov: manly’s index for cov. 50-75% = 0.51, x22 = 10.86, p = 0.004), the presence of chestnut trees (chest: manly’s index = 0.79, x21 = 6.22, p = 0.013), the absence of orchards (orch: manly’s index = 0.92, x21 = 9.04, p = 0.003), the category “urban, industrial and quarries areas” of soil use, more frequent within 300 m of random points than of sett points (mannwhitney u = 182, p = 0.033). conversely, geological categories, lithological ones, distance from water or from villages did not show any statistical significance. distance from sp/ rp range (m) median (m) u sig. water setts 12 360 134 315.5 p = 0.902 r. points 20 380 117 village, town setts 208 1794 668 245.5 p = 0.148 r. points 0 1721 456 provincial road setts 87 1436 586 246.5 p = 0.153 r. points 1 1810 381.5 municipal road setts 57 1587 654 180 p = 0.007 r. points 11 2157 236 dirty road setts 15 586 235 274.5 p = 0.809 r. points 2 2027 162.5 habitat preferences considering all the data collected at setts and random points, or within an area of 300 m of radius from them, in a multivariate logistic regression analysis, different models have been built. the first six models, ordered per decreasing aicc, are shown in tab. 4. models 2 and 3 showed δaicc < 4 with respect to model 1, therefore the akaike weight of each model has been taken into consideration. the six factors (signed as * in tab. 1) proved influential according to the sum of the weights of the models in which they are included (tab. 5). the three models are good at separating setts to random points, with an area under the curve = 0.877. four factors (shrub, aspect, mroan, groan) were present in all three models, and therefore had a weight = 1. the presence of shrubs or small trees within 2 meters from a sett point was far more probable than within the same distance from a random point. this variable showed a high value of manly’s standardised selection index (b = 0.95). with regards to orientation, there was a greater likelihood of setts occurring on south facing slopes than predicted from random chance (b = 0.93). the presence of a network of municipal or gravel roads within 300 m from the investigated point was negatively correlated with badger setts. however, only the network of municipal roads and the minimum distance from them was significantly different in the univariate non-paramettab. 4 logistic regression models. aicc = akaike information criterion corrected for small sample size; δaicc = delta aicc; rocauc = receiver operating characteristic–area under curve (range 0 – 1); weight = akaike weight of the model (range 0 – 1). model factors aicc δaicc roc-auc weight 1 shrub + aspect + mroan + groan 38.42 0.887 0.45 2 hab + shrub + aspect + mroan + groan 40.17 1.75 0.887 0.31 3 tree + shrub + aspect + mroan + groan 40.71 2.29 0.887 0.24 4 tree + shrub + tcov + scov + aspect + mroan + groan 45.66 7.24 0.815 5 shrub + scov + aspect 53.02 14.60 0.812 6 shrub + mroan + groan 59.35 20.93 0.732 eurasian badger (meles meles) habitat and sett site selection in the northern apennines 46 tab. 5. weight of the factors after averaging modelling. model 1-3 = akaike weight of the factor in each model; weight = total weight of the factor (range 0 – 1). factors model 1 model 2 model 3 weight shrub 0.45 0.31 0.24 1.00 aspect 0.45 0.31 0.24 1.00 mroan 0.45 0.31 0.24 1.00 groan 0.45 0.31 0.24 1.00 hab 0.00 0.31 0.00 0.31 tree 0.00 0.00 0.24 0.24 discussion the most important feature that appeared to determine sett site selection in this study site was the tree and shrub coverage. indeed, all the related variables, such as the nearest tree and nearest shrub distances, the actual coverage percentage, and the deciduous woodlands, proved to be positively selected. deciduous woodlands have also been shown to be selected for in similar studies, even in different environments, (matyáštík and bíčik, 1999; virgos and casanovas, 1999; bíčik et al., 2000; good et al., 2001; revilla et al., 2001; rosalino et al., 2008; balestrieri et al., 2009; myslajek et al., 2012). coniferous forests did not appear to be positively selected, but their occurrence in the study area is poor. this outcome corroborates with the results of other research in similar regions (good et al., 2001; revilla et al., 2001). even in northern europe, where coniferous forests are widespread, badgers mostly use patches of deciduous forests (brøseth et al., 1997), and reach higher densities in mixed woodlands (kahuala and holmala, 2011). open areas such as orchards, cultivated, and urban areas were generally avoided (balestrieri et al., 2009; kahuala and auttila, 2010; myslajek et al., 2012), although in mediterranean semi-arid environments fruit orchard and rocky covered areas are used (lara-romero et al., 2012). slope orientation to south and southeast were respectively selected by manly index and logistic regression. the same slope preferences were detected in central europe (matyáštík and bíčik, 1999; bíčik et al., 2000; myslajek et al., 2012). conversely, in spain northern and eastern slopes were positively selected (revilla et al., 2001), and finally in the uk (oxfordshire) northwestern facing slopes were preferred (macdonald et al., 2004). those differences may be explained by the diverse climatic conditions of the mountain slopes in the different geographic areas. our study area belongs to the continental biogeographic region, like large part of the central europe, where northern slopes are generally cold, while southern have milder conditions. conversely, spain belongs to the mediterranean biogeographic region, where southern slopes are generally dry and hot during summertime, while northern present more temperate conditions. in the region investigated by macdonald et al. (2004) the northwestern slopes could assure shelter against the cold eastern winds. these results suggest that badgers tend to prefer mild environments, and to avoid too cold or too arid conditions. while soil conditions can affect the activity patterns of badgers (do linh san et al., 2007b), no geological or soil factor was selected in our analyses, the existence of ridges and particular soil characteristics have been indicated as limiting factors in spain and portugal (revilla et al., 2001; rosalino et al., 2005). water is rather abundant in our study area, which may explain why the distance from the nearest stream or water body was not a factor of selection. the same result has been found in many similar studies (e.g. virgos and casanovas, 1999; good et al., 2001). in almost all studies, factors related to human disturbance, such as roads, houses, urban and industrial settlements, were negatively selected. road traffic accidents are the leading causes of mortality for badgers in many areas where road infrastructures are well developed (di giulio et al., 2009), even if the casualties follow a seasonal pattern (macdonald et al., 2010). water, food and shelter place availability are considered the most important driver factors of habitat selection for badgers. in different parts of their wide geographical range, however, one or the other factor can take charge, depending on the environmental constraints (virgos and casanovas, 1999; revilla et al., 2000; zabala et al., 2002; rosalino et al., 2005; do linh san et al., 2007a; loureiro et al., 2007). in our study area badgers selected mildtemperate valleys and slopes, with an adequate tree and shrub coverage and wide possibilities to find shelter and digging holes. even when they exploited human-related feeding resources, they were inclined to avoid anthropic disturbance around their main setts. acknowledgements we would like to thanks: the former azienda regionale foreste, ente regionale sviluppo agricolo della lombardia (currently ersaf), geoportale regione lombardia and the comunità montana oltrepò pavese, which delivered precious information and digital layers and maps. paola mariani for assistance and support in gis. we are grateful to all the people who delivered precious information and helped during the fieldwork, in particular: anna rita di cerbo, claudio dirotti, maurizio ferrari, tiziana gambacorta, piero lucchelli, luigi marenzi, graziella moglia, paolo zambianchi, antonio, ferruccio, francesco e walter. we also thanks three anonymous reviewers for their precious suggestions and their corrections of the english text. finally, thanks to the badgers of oltrepò hills. references amici v. & battisti c., 2009 – selecting focal species in ecological network planning following an expertbased approach: a case study and a conceptual framework. landscape research, 34 (5): 545-561. balestrieri a., remonti l. & prigioni c., 2009 – habitat selection in a low-density badger meles meles population: a comparison of radio-tracking and latrine surveys. wildlife biology, 15: 442-448. carlo m. biancardi, valentina rigo, sonia azzolini, claudio gnoli 47 bani l., baietto m., bottoni l. & massa r., 2002 – the use of focal species in designing a habitat network for a lowland area of lombardy, italy. conservation biology, 16 (3): 826-831. biancardi c. m. & rinetti l., 1995 – analisi della alimentazione del tasso, meles meles (l.), nell’alto luinese (provincia di varese, italia) (mammalia, mustelidae). atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano, 134 (2): 265-280. biancardi c. m. & rinetti l., 1998 – distribuzione dei sistemi di tana di tasso (meles meles l., 1758) nell’alto luinese (provincia di varese, lombardia, italia) (mammalia, mustelidae). atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale in milano, 139 (1): 57-64. biancardi c. m. & rinetti l., 1999 – badgers (meles meles l., 1758) in a mountain area north of varese (lombardy italy). small carnivore conservation, 21: 3-5. biancardi c. m. & rinetti l., 2004 – trophic niche overlap of three carnivores in a mountain area north of varese (lombardy, italy). small carnivore conservation, 30: 11-13. bíčik v., foldynová s. & matyáštík t., 2000 – distribution and habitat selection of badger (meles meles) in southern moravia. acta universitatis palackianae olomucensis, facultas rerum naturalium, biologie, 38: 29-40. boesi r. & biancardi c. m., 2002 – diet of the eurasian badger meles meles (linnaeus, 1758) in the natural reserve of lago di piano, northern italy. mammalian biology, 67 (2): 120-125. boitani l., lovari s. & vigna taglianti a. 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(2005, 2007). recentemente sono apparse alcune pubblicazioni che hanno contribuito sensibilmente nel miglioramento delle conoscenze floristiche (ballelli, 2003; ballelli et al., 2005, 2006, 2010; falcinelli & donnini, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012; donnini et al., 2009a, 2009b; falcinelli et al., 2011, 2012, 2013). in questo lavoro vengono segnalate 21 entità, 18 autoctone e 3 alloctone; 19 risultano nuove per la regione e 2 sono conferme di antiche citazioni. materiali e metodi l’elenco di seguito riportato è il risultato di erborizzazioni effettuate nel periodo 2010-2014, revisioni d’erbario ed indagini bibliografiche. la lista floristica comprende le entità autoctone e le alloctone nuove o confermate per l’umbria. all’interno di ogni sezione le piante sono ordinate alfabeticamente e la nomenclatura è aggiornata secondo conti et al. (2005, 2007), celesti-grapow et al. (2009a, 2010) e contributi successivi recepiti per l’aggiornamento in corso della checklist della flora vascolare italiana (f. conti et al., in prep.). per ogni entità vengono indicati: la sinonimia essenziale, quando utile a chiarire le scelte nomenclaturali; la famiglia di appartenenza in accordo a christenhusz et al. (2011) e reveal & chase (2011); la sinonimia essenziale, quando utile a chiarire le scelte nomenclaturali; per le esotiche, lo status di invasività nell’area indagata in accordo con celesti-grapow et al. (2009b); le località e le coordinate utm (datum wgs84) dei siti di presenza, gli ambienti, le quote, la data di raccolta degli exsiccata, il/i raccoglitore/i e l’indicazione dell’erbario in cui è custodito il relativo campione (app), in accordo con thiers (2014 onwards); note distributive e/o tassonomiche. risultati e discussione piante autoctone arum cylindraceum gasp. (araceae) specie nuova per l’umbria. foligno (perugia), col falcone versante s (utm wgs84: 33t 328.4767), orlo di cerreta, suolo calcareo, 900 m, 11 mai 2011, f. falcinelli (app); gualdo tadino (perugia), m. maggio versante so (utm wgs84: 33t 322.4792), orlo di faggeta, suolo calcareo, 1040 m, 15 mai 2011, f. falcinelli (app). in italia precedentemente nota per marche, abruzzo, molise, puglia, basilicata, calabria e sicilia (conti et al., 2005) e lazio (del vico et al., 2014). 1 via martiri di modena 26, 06033 cannara (pg), italia 2 scuola di bioscienze e medicina veterinaria, università di camerino centro ricerche floristiche dell’appennino, parco nazionale del gran sasso e monti della laga, s. colombo, 67021 barisciano (aq), italia 3 dipartimento di scienze agrarie, alimentari e ambientali, università di perugia, borgo xx giugno 74, 06121 perugia, italia * corresponding author: © 2015 francesco falcinelli, fabio conti, domizia donnini received: 5th january 2015 accepted for publication: 1st april 2015 natural history sciences. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 2 (1): 25-30, 2015 doi: 10.4081/nhs.2015.213 26 bromopsis benekenii (lange) holub (≡ bromus benekenii (lange) trimen) (poaceae) specie nuova per l’umbria. scheggino (perugia), valle pagana o malpana (utm wgs84: 33t 326.4723), faggeta, suolo calcareo, 1290 m, 14 iul 2010, f. falcinelli (app); monteleone di spoleto (perugia), valle pagana o malpana (utm wgs84: 33t 327.4723), faggeta, suolo calcareo, 1390 m, 14 iul 2010, f. falcinelli (app); scheggino (perugia), m. mòtola versante no (utm wgs84: 33t 325.4725), faggeta, suolo calcareo, 1200 m, 14 iul 2010, f. falcinelli (app). in italia precedentemente segnalata per tutte le regioni italiane ad eccezione di umbria e sardegna; in basilicata è dubbia, mentre in calabria non è confermata (conti et al., 2005; banfi & passalacqua, 2011; licht & wagensommer, 2011; banfi & passalacqua, 2011; bovio, 2014). centaurea ceratophylla ten. subsp. ceratophylla (≡ colymbada ceratophylla (ten.) holub ≡ colymbada rupestris (l.) holub subsp. ceratophylla (ten.) banfi, galasso & soldano) (asteraceae) specie nuova per l’umbria. spoleto (perugia), m. fionchi versante n (utm wgs84: 33t 317.4727), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 1200 m, 20 iul 2014, f. falcinelli (app); ibidem, 1275 m, 20 iul 2014, f. falcinelli (app); ibidem, presso la sommità, 1330 m, 20 iul 2014, f. falcinelli (app). sottospecie endemica dell’appennino centrale nota per marche (m. catria, m. acuto), abruzzo (comune) e lazio (val di teve) (conti et al., 2011). centaurea rupestris l. (≡ colymbada rupestris (l.) holub) (asteraceae) specie nuova per l’umbria. giano dell’umbria (perugia), m.ti martani, le valli presso la sommità (utm wgs84: 33t 300.4723), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 920 m, 23 iul 2014, f. falcinelli (app). specie nota per italia, slovenia e croazia. in italia nota sinora per lazio, abruzzo e friuli-venezia giulia (conti et al., 2011). crepis bursifolia l. (asteraceae) specie nuova per l’umbria. assisi (perugia), m. subasio versante no (utm wgs84: 33t 306.4771), oliveto tra viale umberto i e via giovanni xxiii, suolo calcareo, 440 m, 1 iul 2014, f. falcinelli (app); ibidem, 3 iul 2014, f. falcinelli (app); spoleto (perugia), forca delle porelle (utm wgs84: 33t 317.4731), incolto lungo la strada che collega monteluco con patrico, suolo calcareo, 910 m, 20 iul 2014, f. falcinelli (app); avigliano umbro (terni), m.ti amerini, m. pianicel grande versante s-se (utm wgs84: 33t 282.4722), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 685 m, 17 aug 2014, f. falcinelli (app); avigliano umbro (terni), m.ti amerini, m. pianicel grande versante s, piani peloni (utm wgs84: 33t 282.4722), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 730 m, 17 aug 2014, f. falcinelli (app); montecchio (terni), m.ti amerini, vicinanze di melezzole (utm wgs84: 33t 281.4727), margine della strada s.p. n° 37, suolo calcareo, 580 m, 20 aug 2014, f. falcinelli (app); guardea (terni), m.ti amerini, m. rotondo versante n (utm wgs84: 33t 281.4725), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 825 m, 20 aug 2014, f. falcinelli (app); montecchio (terni), m.ti amerini, sella tra m. melezzole e m. croce di serra (utm wgs84: 33t 280.4726), pascolo sassoso, suolo calcareo, 970 m, 20 aug 2014, f. falcinelli (app); montecchio (terni), m.ti amerini, m. melezzole versante s (utm wgs84: 33t 280.4726), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 985 m, 20 aug 2014, f. falcinelli (app); bastia umbra (perugia), vicinanze della maestà di verna (utm wgs84: 33t 301.4769), parcheggio in terra battuta, 205 m, 29 aug 2014, f. falcinelli (app); guardea (terni), vicinanze di guardea vecchia (utmwgs84: 33t 279.4723), margine della strada rurale a fondo naturale che collega aiola con guardea vecchia, esposizione n, suolo calcareo, 550 m, 17 sep 2014, f. falcinelli (app). specie nota per veneto, liguria, emilia-romagna, toscana, lazio, abruzzo, campania, puglia, basilicata, calabria, sicilia (conti et al., 2005; prosser et al., 2009; conti & bartolucci, 2011; faggi et al., 2013). nel veneto e in liguria è considerata alloctona naturalizzata. anche in abruzzo la sua espansione sembra recente e il suo status non è chiaro. galeopsis pubescens besser (lamiaceae) specie nuova per l’umbria. foligno (perugia), impluvio tra le pendici orientali del m. puranno e quelle del m. laghicciolo (utm wgs84: 33t 323.4756), faggeta, suolo calcareo, 950 m, 7 aug 2010, f. falcinelli (app); nocera umbra (perugia), della vallaccia (utm wgs84: 33t 324.4782), suolo calcareo, 640 m, 27 aug 2013, f. falcinelli (app); scheggia e pascelupo (perugia), m. motette versante no (utm wgs84: 33t 314.4808), faggeta, suolo calcareo, 1000 m, 24 aug 2014, f. falcinelli (app); ibidem, versante se (utm wgs84: 33t 315.4808), orlo di faggeta, suolo calcareo, 1090 m, 24 aug 2014, f. falcinelli (app). specie nota per tutte le regioni italiane dalla val d’aosta alla campania, sinora non segnalata in umbria (conti et al., 2005; bartolucci, 2006). galeopsis speciosa mill. (lamiaceae) specie nuova per l’umbria. scheggia e pascelupo (perugia), m. motette versante no (utm wgs84: 33t 314.4808), faggeta, suolo calcareo, 1000 m, 24 aug 2014, f. falcinelli (app). pianta maggiormente diffusa nelle regioni settentrionali, rara in italia centrale e non confermata per il gargano (conti et al., 2005, 2007; fenaroli, 1973). dichoropetalum carvifolium-chabraei (crantz) soldano, galasso & banfi (≡ holandrea carvifolium-chabraei (crantz) soldano, galasso & banfi) (apiaceae) specie nuova per l’umbria. cerreto di spoleto (perugia), m. maggiore versante n-no (utm wgs84: 33t 325.4744), pascolo pingue, suolo calcareo, 1300 m, 11 aug 2011, f. falcinelli (app); ibidem, 1360 m, 17 sep 2011, f. falcinelli (app). la specie è stata inoltre osservata nella seguente località: campello sul clitunno (perugia), m. maggiore versante o (utm wgs84: 33t 324.4743), pascolo pingue, suolo calcareo, 1350 m, 11 aug 2011. francesco falcinelli, fabio conti, domizia donnini 27 in italia precedentemente nota per piemonte, lombardia, trentino-alto adige, veneto, friuli-venezia giulia, emilia-romagna, marche, abruzzo e sicilia (conti et al., 2005, 2007; bracchi & romani, 2010). in toscana è stata recentemente esclusa dalla flora (grazzini et al., 2012). lupinus albus l. subsp. graecus (boiss. & spruner) franco & p.silva (fabaceae) sottospecie nuova per l’umbria. baschi (terni), m.ti amerini, m. badia (817 m) versante e (utm wgs84: 33t 280.4729), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 750 m, 8 mai 2013, f. falcinelli (app); ibidem, 740 m, 13 iul 2013, f. falcinelli (app). in italia nota sinora per toscana, lazio, puglia, calabria, sicilia (conti et al., 2005; scoppola et al., 2011). lycopsis arvensis l. (≡ anchusa arvensis (l.) bieb.) (boraginaceae) specie nuova per l’umbria norcia al pian grande di castelluccio (perugia), (utm wgs84: 33t 354427.4742520, siti erbosi, 1306 m, 1 iul 2014, f. conti (app). specie presente in valle d’aosta, piemonte, lombardia, trentino-alto adige, veneto, friuli-venezia giulia, liguria, emilia-romagna, toscana, abruzzo, molise, campania, puglia e sardegna (non confermata recentemente) (conti et al., 2005; mele et al., 2006; marchetti, 2010; arrigoni, 2013). secondo selvi & bigazzi (1998) questa pianta sarebbe da considerarsi autoctona soltanto in italia settentrionale e centrale fino alla toscana, mentre risulterebbe non nativa in gran parte dell’italia peninsulare ed in tutte le isole. riteniamo, tuttavia, di poterla considerare indigena ovunque in italia in quanto la si rinviene nei medesimi ambienti disturbati (campi, incolti, bordi delle strade, luoghi ruderali, ecc.) ed è citata in fonti antiche per il sud della penisola (tenore, 1824-1829). lythrum tribracteatum spreng. (lythraceae) specie nuova per l’umbria. assisi (perugia), valle umbra, stagno nelle vicinanze di c. piscina a castelnuovo (utm wgs84: 33t 302.4766), 190 m, 9 iul 2010, f. falcinelli (app). in italia presente nella maggior parte delle regioni con alcune lacune (conti et al., 2005; conti & manzi, 2012). phedimus stellatus (l.) raf. (crassulaceae) specie nuova per l’umbria. orvieto (terni), pian rosato (utm wgs84: 33t 257.4731), muretto a secco, suolo siliceo, 520 m, 2 iul 2014, f. falcinelli (app). in italia era nota sinora per il piemonte (dove non è stata confermata in tempi recenti), liguria, toscana, lazio, abruzzo, molise, campania, puglia, basilicata, calabria, sicilia e sardegna (conti et al., 2005). polygonum romanum jacq. (polygonaceae) specie confermata per la flora dell’umbria. orvieto (terni), pian rosato (utm wgs84: 33t 257.4732), muretto a secco, suolo siliceo, 520 m, 2 iul 2014, f. falcinelli (app). in italia era nota sinora per toscana, lazio, umbria (presenza dubbia), abruzzo, molise, campania, puglia, basilicata (presenza dubbia), calabria (non confermata di recente) e sardegna (conti et al., 2005). potentilla pedata willd. ex hornem. (rosaceae) specie nuova per l’umbria. trevi (perugia), m. matigge versante e-ne (utm wgs84: 33t 316.4753), pascolo arido, suolo calcareo, 570 m, 27 mai 2013, f. falcinelli (app); foligno (perugia), m. aguzzo versante ne (utm wgs84: 33t 320.4758), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 895 m, 29 mai 2013, f. falcinelli (app); foligno (perugia), colle pian di morro versante o-no (utm wgs84: 33t 319.4755), gariga, suolo calcareo, 850 m, 30 mai 2013, f. falcinelli (app); perugia (perugia), m. civitelle versante e (utm wgs84: 33t 287.4784), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 600 m, 2 iun 2013, f. falcinelli (app); corciano (perugia), m. malbe versante o-no (utm wgs84: 33t 281.4778), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 650 m, 12 iun 2013, f. falcinelli (app); foligno (perugia), m. di morro versante s-se (utm wgs84: 33t 323.4756), pascolo arido, suolo calcareo, 1020 m, 14 iun 2013, f. falcinelli (app); baschi (terni), m. castellaro versante o (utm wgs84: 33t 279.4729), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 825 m, 18 iun 2013, f. falcinelli (app); foligno (perugia), m. serrone versante n-ne (utm wgs84: 33t 319.4759), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 980 m, 20 iun 2013, f. falcinelli (app); assisi (perugia), m. subasio versante no (utm wgs84: 33t 309.4771), pascolo arido, suolo calcareo, 1075 m, 29 iun 2013, f. falcinelli (app); bevagna (perugia), colline premartane, p.gio della botte versante se (utm wgs84: 299.4755), gariga, suolo calcareo, 640 m, 29 mai 2014, f. falcinelli (app). in italia indicata in quasi tutte le regioni ad eccezione di trentino-alto adige; dubbia in val d’aosta, umbria e basilicata (tison & malécot, 2007; f. conti et al., in prep.). ranunculus monspeliacus l. subsp. monspeliacus (ranunculaceae) sottospecie nuova per l’umbria. scheggino (perugia), m. macchia cascarella versante n nelle vicinanze della fonte di campofoglio (utm wgs84: 33t 327.4726), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 1170 m, 5 iun 2010, f. falcinelli (app); monteleone di spoleto (perugia), m. birbone versante n-ne nella valle campofoglio (utm wgs84: 33t 329.4726), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 1240 m, 9 iun 2010, f. falcinelli (app); norcia (perugia), la valle (utm wgs84: 33t 349.4728), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 1190 m, 18 mai 2011, f. falcinelli (app); s. anatolia di narco (perugia), m. dell’eremita, versante no della cima quotata 1364 m in cartografia i.g.m. 1:25.000 (utm wgs84: 33t 327.4727), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 1290 m, 24 mai 2011, f. falcinelli (app); cascia (perugia), m. alvagnano versante no (utm wgs84: 33t 346.4728), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 1290 m, 26 mai 2011, f. falcinelli (app); cascia (perugia), costa comune versante so (utm wgs84: 33t 342.4722), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 1270 m, 29 mai 2011, f. falcinelli (app); cascia (perugia), valle pantana (utm wgs84: contributo alla flora vascolare dell’umbria (italia centrale) 28 33t 347.4725), orlo di faggeta, suolo calcareo, 1210 m, 29 mai 2011, f. falcinelli (app). in italia nota sinora per toscana, marche, lazio, abruzzo, molise, campania, puglia, basilicata, calabria e sardegna (conti et al., 2005). scorpiurus subvillosus l. (fabaceae) specie nuova per l’umbria. giano dell’umbria (perugia), m.ti martani, c.le verno versante e (utm wgs84: 33t 303.4743), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 460 m, 13 mai 2014, f. falcinelli (app); ibidem, versante e-se (utm wgs84: 33t 303.4743), pascolo, suolo calcareo, 540 m, 13 mai 2014, f. falcinelli (app). in italia rara e sporadica al nord, dove è presente in lombardia e veneto, più diffusa nella penisola dalla liguria alla calabria e in sicilia e sardegna (conti et al., 2005; ardenghi & parolo, 2011). tanacetum corymbosum (l.) sch.bip. subsp. achilleae (l.) greuter (asteraceae) sottospecie nuova per l’umbria. nocera umbra (perugia), m. burella versante n-no (utm wgs84: 33t 323.4779), margine della s.p. n° 272 di monte alago ii tratto, suolo calcareo, 860 m, 3 iul 2013, f. falcinelli (app). in italia nota sinora per liguria, toscana, marche, abruzzo, molise, campania e basilicata (conti et al., 2005; peccenini et al., 2007; del guacchio, 2007; corazzi, 2008). è probabile che vadano qui riferite tutte le indicazioni di t. corymbosum subsp. corymbosum per l’appennino centro-meridionale, così come è stato fatto per l’abruzzo (conti & bartolucci, 2011). trifolium vesiculosum savi (fabaceae) specie confermata per l’umbria. orvieto (terni), tra canonica e pian rosato (utm wgs84: 33t 257.4731), incolto, suolo siliceo, 510 m, 2 iul 2014, f. falcinelli (app). in italia nota sinora per toscana, umbria (presenza dubbia), lazio, abruzzo, campania, puglia, basilicata, calabria (non confermata di recente), sicilia e sardegna (conti et al., 2005; scoppola et al., 2008; calvia & urbani, 2012). piante alloctone narcissus × medioluteus mill. (n. poëticus l. x n. tazetta l.) (amaryllidaceae) notospecie esotica casuale nuova per l’umbria. foligno (perugia), sponda sinistra del fiume topino nelle vicinanze di pieve fanonica (utm wgs84: 33t 317.4766), 320 m, 20 apr 2012, f. falcinelli (app). osservata inoltre nella seguente località: valtopina (perugia), c.le martignone versante o (utm wgs84: 33t 317.4768), margine stradale, 360 m, 3 mai 2012. in italia nota sinora per quasi tutte le regioni ad eccezione di val d’aosta, lombardia, umbria, molise, campania, sicilia e sardegna (conti et al., 2005; peruzzi, 2011; bartolucci et al., 2012). opuntia humifusa (raf.) raf. (cactaceae) specie esotica naturalizzata nuova per l’umbria. campello sul clitunno (perugia), m. pradafitta versante so (utm wgs84: 33t 318.4745), oliveto, suolo calcareo, 450 m, 11 feb 2011, f. falcinelli (app); ibidem, 440 m, 25 mai 2011, f. falcinelli (app). in italia nota sinora per quasi tutte le regioni ad eccezione di friuli-venezia giulia, liguria, marche, umbria, calabria e sicilia (conti et al., 2005; guiggi, 2008; bacchetta et al., 2009; scoppola & filibeck, 2010; del guacchio, 2010). oxalis latifolia kunth (oxalidaceae) specie esotica casuale nuova per l’umbria. bevagna (perugia), s. antonio (utm: 33t 303.4755), margine stradale, suolo marnoso, 280 m, 11 iun 2012, f. falcinelli (app); ibidem, 16 iun 2012, f. falcinelli (app). specie alloctona in fase di espansione e recentemente segnalata per diverse regioni italiane (motti & stinca, 2008; galasso, 2009; masin et al., 2009; banfi & galasso, 2010; pierini, 2011; marzorati & medri, 2013; lazzaro et al., 2013). bibliografia ardenghi n. m. g. & parolo g., 2011 – notulae: 17551756. in: notulae alla checklist della flora vascolare italiana 11 (1751-1822). barberis g., nepi c., peccenini s. & peruzzi l. 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mastrobuoni & capizzi, 2020). our study is based on a spatial and temporal sampling design and has the twofold purpose of increasing the knowledge on mammal species distribution available for a local atlas (corsetti & marozza, 2020) and assessing their occupancy pattern considering habitat preference. materials and methods the lepini mountains is a mountain range about 50 km south-east of rome, occupying an area of about 880 km2 and ranging from a few meters to an elevation of 1536 m. it is a carbonate ridge, with both underground and surface karst features; the deep carpineto-montelanico tectonic valley identifies an eastern and a western chain (cosentino et al., 1993). in the western chain, climate is mitigated by the proximity of the tyrrhenian sea, whereas the 8 angelini, corsetti, faustinella, martellato, mastrobuoni, mastrodomenico, marozza, petra, pietrocini, proietti eastern one has a more continental climate (tomaselli et al., 1973). the carpineto-montelanico valley, along with many secondary valleys, creates local climates that determine different plant associations: garrigue, maquis shrubland, grassland, holm oak wood, heathland, broad-leaved forest with acer spp., carpinus spp., fraxinus spp., and beech fagus sylvatica l. subsp, sylvatica (copiz et al., 2018). due to the limestone nature of the area, there are small scattered (though sometimes numerous) water bodies and a few seasonal streams. one special protection area and nine special areas of conservation (mostly included in the spa) protect about 470 km2 of the whole lepini mountains area. camera-trapping data were collected between february 2019 and march 2020. the area was divided into 52 squares of 12.25 km2 (side 3.5 km), and the cameras were placed as close as possible to the centre of each square, unless the centre was in an urban area. the final average distance between each camera and the adjacent ones was 4.2±0.1 se km (1.4 7.4 km). the cameras placed on the perimeter, delineated a polygonal area of 454 km2. camera traps were utilized in two sequential arrays, each containing 26 traps, across three trapping sessions (tab. 1). the traps were arranged in a chequerboard pattern to avoid any spatial biases (fig. 1). each set of 26 camera traps operated for a period of 21 consecutive days, followed immediately by another array. in total, the camera traps were active for a duration of 3,276 days, with intervals of 77 and 182 days between the last and first days of the two consecutive sessions, respectively. the short time interval between the placement of the two consecutive groups of traps during the same session allowed us to consider them as having worked simultaneously. we used camera traps equipped with pir and invisible ir flash (apeman h68 [n = 16]), apeman h45 [n = 2], acorn 5310a, boskon guard bg529, crenova rd1000, hc-800a trail camera, trail camera 3g 3.0cg hd, suntek hc 700g, toguard h45, victure hc400; nominal trigger times range from 0.3 to 0.8 sec; cameras were never used for the same location across different sessions), set for recording 20’’ videos during the whole day. the few videos that did not allow discrimination between canis lupus / c. l. familiaris, felis silvestris / f. catus and martes foina / m. martes were discarded. information obtained from camera traps was used in two ways in the analyses. first, we compared the occurrence data from the videos with data based on opportunistic observations collected for the faunal atlas edited by corsetti & marozza (2020) from 2000 to 2018. in the atlas, data were plotted on a grid consisting of 44 squares of 5×5 km, of which 27 were occupied by 1 to 4 camera traps (1.9 ±0.2 se). below, we refer only to these 27 squares and evaluate where the presence of each species has been confirmed or recorded for the first time by camera trapping. second, we analysed the data in a hierarchical modelling framework to take into account species detection probability (p) for estimating species occupancy (ψ) (mackenzie et al., 2002). in doing so, we summarized the data from two consecutive three-weeks arrays as a unique sampling occasion, thus obtaining an amount of three sampling occasions. we used a single-species/single season occupancy model for each species detected by camera traps (except for those with too sparse data). further, in order to evaluate whether the average occupancy at community level was affected by the environment (i.e. the buffer area around the camera traps: see below), we used a latent factor multispecies occupancy model (doser et al., 2022a). we also evaluated the effect of habitat on occupancy, by using as covariates the corine land cover 2018 (100 m resolution, clc in the following) occurring in a circular buffer area of about 1 km2 (565 m radius) centred on the camera trap placement point. we used four covariates: artificial surfaces (clc class 1), agricultural areas (clc class 2), forest and maquis (clc classes 3.1 and tab. 1 operational periods of the camera traps during the two consecutive arrays of each session. / periodi di funzionamento delle fototrappole durante le due disposizioni consecutive (array) di ogni sessione. session array start finish 1 a 24 february 2019 16 march 2019 b 17 march 2019 7 april 2019 2 a 23 june 2019 13 july 2019 b 14 july 2019 4 august 2019 3 a 2 february 2020 22 february 2020 b 23 february 2020 15 march 2020 fig. 1 geographical location of the lepini mountains area and positions of the camera traps (the different colours group the two arrays of cameras). / collocazione geografica dei monti lepini e schema di posizionamento delle fototrappole (i colori differenti sono per le due disposizioni consecutive di ogni sessione). 9camera trapping in the lepini mountains; wood in the following), open space and shrub or herbaceous vegetation (clc classes 3.3 and 3.2 – except; open space in the following) (no other clc classes occurred in the buffer areas). these classes occurred in the 52 buffer areas and in the lepini mountains as a whole (in brackets) with the following total percentages: artificial surface 2.2% (2.5%), agricultural areas 19.5% (41.2%), woods 56% (37.5%), open areas 22.3% (18.8%). each kind of clc class was used separately as a covariate on occupancy. this procedure has been carried out using qgis ver. 3.16.7 (< >). we modelled species occupancy as constant or impacted by covariates, and detection probabilities as constant or time dependent, thus obtaining ten candidate models for each species. program presence 13.10 (hines, 2006) has been used for running all models, and the akaike information criterion (aic) has been used for model selection. the goodness of fit of the most global model was evaluated by the variance inflation factor (ĉ) assessed using a bootstrap method (10000 replicates); when ĉ > 1 data were considered over-dispersed, and its value was used for obtaining the quasi-likelihood aic (qaic), that was then used for model selection (mackenzie & bailey, 2004). models with δaic (or δqaic) > 2 were considered as having little or no support; however, we always used model averaging for the estimation of detection probability and occupancy. occupancy at community level was analysed by mean of multi-species occupancy model (msom) with species correlations, using the function lfmspgocc (with two latent factors and default values) implemented in the r package spoccupancy (doser et al., 2022a, 2022b; r core team, 2022). comparison among the ten candidate msom models was based on the widely available information criterion (waic). hierarchical modelling for estimation of detection probability and thus of occupancy is nowadays widely implemented in mammal studies based on camera trapping (e.g. o’connell et al., 2011). results during the study period, camera traps recorded 13 species (tab. 2). also, apodemus spp. were recorded, but it was not possible to distinguish between a. flavicollis and a. sylvaticus, the two species occurring in the area (amori et al., 2002; capizzi et al., 2012; corsetti & marozza 2020). videos of unidentifiable micromammals were also recorded. six domesticated mammal species were recorded too. compared with the data already collected before our camera trap study, the camera trap study resulted in new spatial records for 11 wild species, with an average of 5.1±1 squares per species, and it confirms the occurrence in 7.9±2.3 squares per species. basing on model fitting, most species substantially showed constant detection probabilities among capture sessions, but m. meles, s. scrofa and s. vulgaris had variable detection probabilities as a function of time (tabs. 3, 4). capture probabilities ranged from 0.12 to 0.77. occupancy probability ranged from 0.1 (l. europaeus) to 0.99 (v. vulpes). the species with the main differences between naïve and estimated occupancy are c. lupus and f. silvestris. occupancy of v. vulpes, m. meles, s. scrofa and l. europaeus were only marginally affected by environmental covariates; woods positively affected the occupancy of c. lupus, f. silvestris and s. vulgaris; open spaces negatively affected the occupancy of c. lupus and s. vulgaris; agricultural surfaces positively impacted the occupancy of m. foina and r. rattus; artificial surfaces positively affected the occupancy of h. cristata, and negatively that of c. lupus (tab. 4). tab. 2 comparison among species’ distribution collected from 2000 to 2018 in 27 5x5-km-squares basing on opportunistic searches (corsetti & marozza, 2020) and distribution data from camera trapping (this study) in the lepini mountains. (increases due to camera trapping with reference to 2000-2018 are reported as percentages in the last column). / confronto fra i dati sulle distribuzioni delle specie raccolti in 27 maglie di 5x5 km in modo opportunistico tra il 2000 e il 2018 (corsetti & marozza, 2020) e i dati raccolti tramite questo studio basato sul fototrappolaggio nei monti lepini. nell’ultima colonna sono riportati gli incrementi percentuali in rapporto ai dati del 2000-2018). species 2000-2018 squares squares confirmed by camera trapping squares added by camera trapping erinaceus europaeus linnaeus, 1758 25 6 (24%) 0 canis lupus linnaeus, 1758 8 0 5 (62.5%) vulpes vulpes (linnaeus, 1758) 20 19 (95%) 7 (35%) felis silvestris schreber, 1777 5 0 7 (140%) martes foina (erxleben, 1777) 15 13 (86.7%) 12 (80%) martes martes (linnaeus, 1758) 1 0 2 (200%) meles meles (linnaeus, 1758) 18 15 (83.3%) 9 (50%) sus scrofa linnaeus, 1758 26 23 (88.5%) 0 myodes glareolus (schreber, 1780) 7 0 3 (42.9)% hystrix cristata linnaeus, 1758 18 15 (83.3%) 9 (50%) rattus rattus (linnaeus, 1758) 11 3 (27.3%) 6 (54.6%) sciurus vulgaris linnaeus, 1758 21 9 (42.3%) 3 (14.3%) lepus europaeus pallas, 1778 19 0 4 (21%) 10 tab. 3 naïve occupancy and estimation of detection probability (p) and occupancy (ψ) (with standard error, se) obtained by model averaging from ten candidate models for each species of mammals detected by camera trapping in the lepini mountains. / naïve occupancy e stima della probabilità di rilevamento (p) e dell’occupancy (ψ) (con i relativi errori standard, se) ottenute tramite model averaging da 10 modelli differenti per ciascuna specie rilevata tramite fototrappolaggio nei mont lepini. species naïve occupancy p (se) ψ (se) erinaceus europaeus 0.11 too sparse data canis lupus 0.11 0.12 (0.12) 0.15 (0.14) 0.33 (0.08) vulpes vulpes 0.96 0.76 (0.04) 0.77 (0.04) 0.99 (0.00) felis silvestris 0.21 0.21 (0.11) 0.29 (0.14) 0.38 (0.22) martes foina 0.79 0.56 (0.07) 0.61 (0.07) 0.88 (0.04) martes martes 0.02 too sparse data meles meles 0.75 0.53 (0.1) 0.69 (0.09) 0.8 (0.02) sus scrofa 0.85 0.58 (0.1) 0.72 (0.08) 0.88 (0.01) myodes glareolus 0.08 too sparse data hystrix cristata 0.75 0.64 (0.07) 0.69 (0.07) 0.79 (0.04) rattus rattus 0.23 0.41 (0.12) 0.43 (0.12) 0.29 (0.19) sciurus vulgaris 0.35 0.35 (0.11) 0.60 (0.15) 0.41 (0.05) lepus europaeus 0.08 0.43 (0.21) 0.45 (0.22) 0.10 (0.01) model selection for msom (tab. 5) showed that the agricultural surfaces positively affected the occupancy at community level, and also woods had a secondary positive effect on average occupancy, while open habitats only marginally affected it negatively. discussion camera trapping allowed for the detection of 13 species, representing 43.3% of wild mammal species occurring in the lepini mountains (30 species, with the exception of bats) (mastrobuoni & capizzi, 2020). out of the ten micromammal species detected in the previous study, only myodes glareolus was positively identified. however, other micromammals were observed in the video recordings, but unfortunately, we were unable to identify them. the previous study has reported the presence of fossorial talpa caeca and t. romana, as well as the arboreal glis glis, which could not be captured in the video traps due to the positioning of the devices just above ground level. among the species known to occur in the lepini mountains, only mustela nivalis, m. putorius, rattus norvegicus and l. corsicanus were actually not recorded. m. putorius and l. corsicanus are relatively rare and localised species in the study area, as reported by mastrobuoni (2020a) and mastrodomenico (2020). on the other hand, r. norvegicus is mainly found in anthropised habitats (mastrobuoni, 2020b), which we excluded from our camera trapping efforts. m. nivalis, as other small and fast-moving mammals, is not likely to be detected by camera traps (mos & hofmeester, 2020) and we think this is a possible explanation for the absence of this species from the footage, despite its apparent abundance in the area (amori et al., 2002; mastrobuoni, 2020c). we advance a similar explanation also for the small, but slow e. europaeus, which was filmed only a few times, compared to its apparent abundance in the area (pietrocini, 2020) (tab. 1). with respect to the data collected in the period 20002018, our lower duration camera trap study confirmed the presence of species in 42.6% of the area on average and recorded species for the first time in 57.7% of the area on average (tab. 2). furthermore, camera trapping was particularly effective for elusive species, with a substantial increase of the previously assessed local ranges of c. lupus (in more than 62.5% of the squares), f. silvestris (140%) and m. martes (200%). these results are impressive, considering that finding species in new parts of the area was not our primary target, since the camera trapping protocol we used was tailored for an occupancy study and was limited by logistic and economic resources. such outcome supports the effectiveness of camera trapping and suggests that in relatively small areas (such as the lepini mountains), if adequate resources are available, in relatively short time, camera trapping could improve the knowledge of the local ranges of several species. in contrast, it should be considered that very common species could escape detection, as mentioned above. in general, we found that agricultural areas and woods positively impacted the occupancy at community level, while open habitats negatively impacted it. this result is interesting in perspective, since the area is undergoing reforestation (buccomino, 2005). concerning the single species, the presence of s. scrofa and v. vulpes was not affected by any environmental covariate, consistently with their wide ecological adaptability (apollonio, 2003; boitani & ciucci, 2003), and confirmed also by the high occupancy probability. similarly, the presence of m. meles was seemingly not affected by the habitat, contrary to the expected preference for woods with low or any human disturbance (de marinis & genovesi, 2003). a possible explanation may be the limestone substrate of the area, often with a thin or absent soil layer, which limits the extension of setts, something that forces badgers to move frequently among small setts (brøseth et al., 1997). future research could address if the high occupancy rate depends on the density of this species. interestingly, the occupancy of two opportunistic species such as m. foina and especially r. rattus is favoured by agricultural surfaces. angelini, corsetti, faustinella, martellato, mastrobuoni, mastrodomenico, marozza, petra, pietrocini, proietti 11 open habitats negatively impact on the presence of s. vulgaris more than wooded areas impact on this species positively, consistently with its sensitivity to forest fragmentation (koprowoski, 2005). the species is recolonizing its former range and expanding its range in central italy (battisti et al., 2013). apparently, the species went extinct in the lepini mountains since the early 1950s (amori et al., 2002), but isolated records have been reported in the late 1970s (various personal communications to ca), in the 1980s (amori et al., 2002) and in the 1990s (esposito, 2013). then, since 2008 (esposito, 2013) an increasing number of records have been reported. in the last decades grazing activities decreased in the study area (pers. obs.), with consequent natural reforestation and reduction of forest fragmentation (buccomino, 2005). this could explain the recent re-colonization of the lepini mountains area by this fragmentation-sensitive species, not unlikely starting from local residual very small population. conversely, logging has dramatically increased in the lepini mountains in the last decade. this likely represents a direct threat for the elusive c. lupus, positively associated with woods and negatively impacted by artificial areas (ciucci & boitani, 2003), and f. silvestris, which is strictly associated with woods (genovesi, 2003). this is suggesting an environmental management outcome from our study. a second management tab. 4 single-species single season occupancy model selection summary table of mammals detected by camera trapping in the lepini mountains. reported values are the δaic or δqaic and relative model weight (second line, in italics) of each model for each species. codes for environmental covariates for occupancy: “ag”: agricultural land, “ar”: artificial surface, “o”: open habitats, “w”: woods; “+” or “-” indicate if the covariate impacts positively or negatively the occupancy. models having δ(q)aic > 3 are not reported. / sommario dei modelli di occupancy per le singole specie di mammiferri rilevate tramite fototrappolaggio nei monti lepini. sono riportati i valori di δaic o δqaic e il relativo peso del modello (seconda linea, in corsivo) per ogni modello per ciascuna specie. abbreviazioni per le covariate ambientali applicate all’occupancy: “ag”: aree agricole, “ar”: superfici antropiche, “o”: ambienti aperti, “w”: boschi, “+” o “-” indicano se la covariata ha un effetto positivo o negativo sull’occupancy. i valori dei modelli con δ(q)aic > 3 non sono riportati. model species ψ(.) p(.) ψ(ag) p(.) ψ(ar) p(.) ψ(o) p(.) ψ(w) p(.) ψ(.) p(t) ψ(ag) p(t) ψ(ar) p(t) ψ(o) p(t) ψ(w) p(t) c. lupus δaic 0.6 0.18 2.38 0.07 1.02 0.14 1.11 0.14 0 + 0.24 3 0.05 2.43 + 0.07 v. vulpes δqaic 1.56 0 0.31 1.24 + 0.17 2 + 0.11 2 0.11 2 0.11 f. silvestris δaic 0 + 0.53 1.32 + 0.27 m. foina δqaic 1.03 0.38 0.17 0 + 0.20 0.75 + 0.14 0.84 0.13 2.26 + 0.07 2.13 0.07 1.79 + 0.08 2.43 + 0.06 2.56 0.06 m. meles δqaic 1.24 0.96 0.14 2.87 + 0.05 2.74 + 0.06 2.15 0.08 2.75 + 0.06 0 0.22 1.89 + 0.09 1.77 + 0.09 1.19 0.12 1.83 + 0.09 s. scrofa δqaic 1.43 0.69 0.16 2.62 0.06 2.45 + 0.07 2.5 0.06 2.49 + 0.06 0 0.22 1.95 0.08 1.73 + 0.09 1.77 0.09 1.8 + 0.09 h. cristata δaic 0.99 0.15 1.1 + 0.14 0 + 0.24 2.09 0.09 2.85 0.06 2.47 0.07 2.69 + 0.06 1.42 + 0.12 r. rattus δqaic 1.88 0 + 0.64 s. vulgaris δaic 0.16 0.25 2.01 + 0.10 2.07 0.10 0 0.27 0.96 + 0.17 l. europaeus δqaic 2.05 0 0.33 2 + 0.12 1.5 0.15 1.74 0.14 1.75 + 0.14 tab. 5 model selection for the multi-species occupancy model from camera trapping of mammals in the lepini mountains at community level (average occupancy), based on the widely applicable information criterion (waic). codes for environmental covariates for abundance: “ag”: agricultural areas, “ar”: artificial surface, “o”: open areas, “w”: woods; “+” or “-” indicate if the covariate impacts positively or negatively the occupancy. / selezione dei modelli multispecies occupancy dai dati del fototrappolaggio nei monti lepini al livello di comunità (occupancy media), basata sul widely applicable information criterion (waic). abbreviazioni per le covariate ambientali applicate alla numerosità delle specie: “ag”: aree agricole, “ar”: superfici antropiche, “o”: ambienti aperti, “w”: boschi, “+” o “-” indicano se la covariata ha un effetto positivo o negativo sull’occupancy. msom model δwaic covariate ψ(ag) p(t) 0 + ψ(w) p(t) 2.04 + ψ(ag) p(.) 4.44 + ψ(.) p(t) 4.61 ψ(o) p(t) 4.94 ψ(w) p(.) 6.03 + ψ(o) p(.) 6.4 ψ(an) p(t) 6.88 + ψ(an) p(.) 9.41 + ψ(.) p(.) 9.57 camera trapping in the lepini mountains 12 outcome results from the general avoidance of open areas by the species detected by camera traps, as confirmed also at community level. this raises a question over the appropriateness of the actions planned for the special protection areas (“monti lepini” spa covers 469.25 km2, more than half of the territory), including the artificial maintenance of open areas such as pastures even in the absence of current grazing (agenzia regionale parchi, 2012). such actions are specifically tailored for bird conservation, but while conservation of small pastures could increase overall habitat diversity, it should be considered that artificial maintenance of large pastures could not foster non-avian species, such as c. lupus, f. silvestris and s. vulgaris. a further and longer camera trap study, which will consider habitat management (including logging), as well as other sources of environmental change, could likely help in understanding if and how these factors impact on the presence of mammals. acknowledgments this study has been partly funded by regione lazio and compagnia dei lepini in the framework of the “progetto speciale di sviluppo locale dei monti lepini”. giulia malizia and giorgio chiozzi kindly reviewed the english language and style of the manuscript. two anonymous reviewers stimulated a reflection on the manuscript, and thus its improvement from the first to the third draft. references agenzia regionale parchi, 2012 − indirizzi di gestione e misure di conservazione della zps “monti lepini” (it6030043). 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angelici et al., 2009; reggiani & filippucci, 2008; loy et al., 2019; tab. 1). in sardinia, this mammal has been introduced in the middle and late neolithic (4th millennium b.c.; cetti, 1774; cei, 1941; sanges & alcover, 1980; vigne 1992; masseti, 1993; wilkens, 2003; baldino et al., 2008). however, although the hedgehog has been studied in sardinia (e.g., roadkills: de montis et al., 2017; parasites: scala & garippa, 1996, poglayen et al. 2003; fois et al., 2006; see also regione sardegna, 2017), data on its presence and local distribution on the circum-sardinian islands, where this insectivore has been introduced, are still lacking (angelici et al., 2009; masseti, 2019). in this paper, i reported some direct and indirect records of presence and data on the local distribution of the western european hedgehog on the island of san pietro, a circum-sardinian medium-sized island (sulcis archipelago). the western european hedgehog has also been recorded on several other small islands along peninsular italy and on neighbouring large islands (sicily and sardinia: e.g. angelici et al., 2009). in this regard, given the interest in the presence and introduction history of this erinaceomorph in these contexts, i carried out an up-to-date review of scientific and grey literature on its presence on italian small islands, also providing preliminary considerations on its status (occurrences of only occasionally introduced individuals vs. hypothetical stable populations). 28 study area san pietro island san pietro island (39°08’n; 8°18’e) is situated 11 km off the south-western coast of sardinia, opposite the sulcis peninsula. with a surface area of 51 km2, san pietro island is the sixth largest island in italy (fig. 1). the island is of volcanic origin (cioni & funedda, 2015; gioncada et al., 2019). because of its high eco-biogeographic interest and the concern for its conservation (e.g., arrigoni & bocchieri, 1996; bocchieri, 2001), san pietro island is listed as a special area of conservation (code itb040027 sic isola di san pietro; 92/43/eu directive; regione sardegna, 2013). the island is characterized mainly by a mediterranean scrub (maquis with erica arborea l., pistacia lentiscus l., genista ephedroides dc., juniperus turbinata guss. and arbutus unedo l.). mediterranean scrub is alternated with mediterranean open prairies and anthropogenic pinewood patches (pinus pinaster aiton, p. pinea l., p. halepensis mill.; further details in regione sardegna, 2015), these last widely diffused in the western sector. after a long period in which the island was uninhabited, starting from 1738 the island was colonized by a human population of ligurian origin that came from tunisia (vona et al., 1996). in recent decades, the island’s landscape has been progressively anthropized, with an increase in rural urbanisation, mainly in the eastern sector. in fact, the population is mostly concentrated in carloforte (about 6,000 inhabitants), the only town on the island (pellerano & rivano, 1997; pellerano, 2001). climate is corrado battisti typically mediterranean. a number of zoological studies have been carried out in this island in the last decades (see baccetti et al., 1989; baccetti, 1996; for homeothermic vertebrates: bats: zava et al., 1995; birds: e.g., schenk & torre, 1988; baccetti et al., 1991; rosén et al., 1999; battisti, 2018; battisti & zullo, 2019; battisti & fanelli, 2021). italian small islands along the coasts of the italian peninsula and large islands (sicily and sardinia) there are many small islands, sometimes grouped in archipelagos, ranging from 224 km2 (elba) to less than 1 km2. for this review, i included most of the italian small islands, considering “small island” those “with limited surface and lack of environmental diversity” (la greca & sacchi, 1957). small islands show different geological origin (sedimentary, metamorphic, volcanic effusive, volcanic intrusive). most of the islands surveyed are situated relatively close to the mainland (excluding pelagie islands, located >70 km offshore). human population in small islands ranges from 0 to >50,000 inhabitants (ischia; for a review of their characteristics see pretto et al., 2012). methods san pietro island in the 2013-2021 period, during holiday trips carried out in the summer season (july or august; approximately 20 days/year), i walked many pedestrian paths and tab. 1 author’s direct observations (1-6) and indirect records (7-12) of western european hedgehog on san pietro island (2013-2021 period). for the indirect records (7-12), the reported coordinates are approximate. / osservazioni dirette dell’autore (1-6) e segnalazioni indirette (7-12) di riccio europeo occidentale sull’isola di san pietro (periodo 2013-2021). per le segnalazioni indirette (7-12), le coordinate riportate sono approssimative. n year site and geographical coordinates notes (nr. ind., type of record, observer) 1 2015 macchione (39°07’58”n, 8°18’00”e) 1 ind, roadkill (c. battisti, pers. obs.) 2 2019 girin (39°06’51”n, 8°18’25”e) 1 ind., roadkill (c. battisti, pers. obs.) 3 2019 valacca (39°07’25”n, 8°17’29”e) 2 ind. (p. battisti, g. masnata, pers. obs.) 4 2019 (8 august) macchione (39°07’54”n, 8°18’00”e) 1 ind., roadkill (c. battisti, pers. obs.) 5 2019 (13 august) gioia, sebino (39°08’42”n, 8°16’26”e) 1 ind., roadkill (c. battisti, pers. obs.) 6 2021 la punta, memmerosso (39°10’13”n, 8°18’02”e) 1 ind., roadkill (m. gallarati, pers. obs.) 7 post 2000 giunco (39°07’32”n, 8°18’30”e) adult and juveniles (m. masnata, pers. obs.) 8 post 2010 valacca (39°07’24”n, 8°17’28”e), provincial road ind. near a fountain (p. battisti and g. masnata, pers. obs.) 9 post 2000 bacciu (39°07’38”n, 8°17’40”e) recorded by a dog in a private garden (m. masnata, pers. obs.) 10 post 2000 girin (39°06’54”n, 8°18’25”e) m. masnata, pers. obs. 11 post 2010 punta del morto, carloforte (39°09’01”n, 8°18’37”e) 2 ind. (m. masnata, pers. obs.) 12 2017 (7 october) valacca (39°07’17’’n, 8°17’19’’e), provincial road 1 ind., roadkill (julien vittier, pers. obs. reported on 29 paved roads (speed: 1.5 km/hour), covering all the main habitat types of the island (2013-2016: on an occasional basis; 2017-2021: >50 km/year and about 20 days/years of direct sampling; total: approximately >150 days of sampling effort). interviews with local inhabitants were also conducted in an informal fashion. the collected data were all geo-referenced (latitude and longitude by google earth software ±10 m) and divided into direct (original) observations (living individuals and road-kills) and indirect records (obtained by interviewing local inhabitants or by web platforms:;;;, although with a lower degree of reliability. italian small islands in order to carry out a brief review of the presence of the western european hedgehog on the italian small islands, i considered only small continental islands (see watson, 2009; ali, 2018; i.e. islands that had a connection to the mainland and/or to the larger islands or located <100 km away, such as the circum-peninsular, circumsardinian and circum-sicilian islands). i excluded from the study those islands located in inland water basins (e.g., the polvese island, lake trasimeno, central italy, where this species is present: burzigotti & capuano citated in gaggi & paci, 2014). to carry out the review, i considered all (at the best of my knowledge) scientific papers, grey literature and web platforms (;;;, obtaining updated information about the status of the species and on the viability of its populations on the small islands in the short and medium term (tab. 2). fig. 1 the study area (san pietro island, sulcis archipelago; south sardinia) with the evidence of presence of western european hedgehog. black circles: direct observations; grey circles: indirect data. see table 1 for details and numbers. / l’area di studio (isola di san pietro, arcipelago del sulcis; sardegna meridionale) con i siti di presenza del riccio europeo occidentale. cerchi neri: osservazione dirette; cerchi grigi: dati indiretti. vedere tabella 1 per dettagli e numerazione. fig. 2 the small italian islands with evidence of western european hedgehog presence. thick-bordered circles: probable occurrence of stable populations; thin-bordered circles: only occasional presence of individuals (low probability of short-term persistence). see tab. 2 for details. / evidenze di presenza di riccio europeo occidentale nelle piccole isole italiane. cerchi con bordo spesso: probabile presenza di popolazioni stabili; cerchi con bordo sottile: probabile presenza di singoli individui (bassa probabilità di persistenza a breve termine). vedasi tab. 2 per dettagli. 1) elba; 2) capraia; 3) pianosa; 4) alicudi; 5) salina; 6) favignana; 7) ustica; 8) procida; 9) vivara; 10) capraia; 11) la maddalena; 12) asinara; 13) san pietro. the western european hedgehog on the italian small islands 30 tab. 2 the western european hedgehog on the italian small islands. bibliographic and web-based evidence of presence for each small island, notes about the occurrence of stable populations (p) or of occasional individuals (i) have been reported. (*) vivara is connected to procida by a bridge. / il riccio europeo occidentale nelle piccole isole italiane. per ciascuna piccola isola, sono riportati sia i riferimenti bibliografici (e sitografici) che segnalano la specie, sia gli indizi della probabile presenza di popolazioni stabili (p) o della presenza occasionale di individui (i). (*) vivara è collegata a procida da un ponte. island name (area) references notes probable stable population (p), occasional individuals (i) elba (224 km2) thiebaud de berneaud, 1808; damiani, 1923; vesmanis & hutterer 1980; de marinis et al., 1996; amori & masseti, 1996 (see also amori, 1993; sarà, 1998; scaravelli, 1999; spagnesi & de marinis, 2002; spagnesi et al., 2004; ruffo & stoch, 2005; arpa sicilia, 2008; angelici et al., 2009; ente parco nazionale dell’arcipelago toscano, 2016). documented presence for the last 200 years (thiebaud de berneaud, 1808); can be considered as native (see iannucci et al., 2009); 1 ind. roadkilled in capoliveri (1993) (de marinis et al., 1996). p capraia (19.3 km2) angelici et al., 2009, and references therein. 2 ind. observed (summer 1992; f.m. angelici pers. obs.) species not included in the national park plan (ente parco nazionale arcipelago toscano, 2016). not reported in sarà (1998). i pianosa (10.2 km2) agnelli, 1998; ruffo & stoch, 2005; iannucci et al., 2019 (see also reggiani & filippucci, 2008; tomassone et al., 2013; ente parco nazionale dell’arcipelago toscano, 2016). population of pianosa has an extremely low genetic diversity and a profile very similar to that of elba (originated from a pool of individuals, perhaps also only a single pregnant female, moved by human from elba in recent times; absent before 1950s baccetti & gotti, 2016; iannucci et al., 2019). not reported in sarà (1998). i (p?) alicudi (5.2 km2) cristaldi et al., 1987; lo cascio & navarra, 2003 (see also amori, 1993; sarà, 1998; scaravelli, 1999; spagnesi & de marinis, 2002; spagnesi et al., 2004; arpa sicilia, 2008; angelici et al., 2009). introduced in the second half of the 20th century (beginning of the 1980s; cristaldi et al., 1987), 1 ind. observed in loc. filo dell’arpa (photo available; lo cascio & navarra, 2003; see also arpa sicilia, 2008). i salina (26.1 km2) lo cascio & navarra, 2003. 1 ind. in a private garden in first 2000s (lo cascio & navarra, 2003). i favignana (19.8 km2) sarà, 1998 (see also arpa sicilia, 2008; reggiani & filippucci, 2008; angelici et al. 2009). occasional presence with a specimen found dead (roadkill) in 1989 (sarà, 1998). recently introduced (arpa sicilia, 2008). i ustica (8.7 km2) sarà, 1998 (see also reggiani & filippucci, 2008; angelici et al. 2009). 1 ind. observed for a few months (1994) in a cropland (sarà, 1998). i procida (4.1 km2) nappi & masseti, 2005 (and references therein); nappi et al., 2007 (see also reggiani & filippucci, 2008; angelici et al. 2009; www. established in the last years (nappi & masseti, 2005). i vivara (0.4 km2)(*) m. rodriguez (pers. obs.) cit. in nappi et al., 2007 (see also angelici et al. 2009). reported for the second half of 90s. data are not sufficient to confirm the existence of a stable population (nappi et al., 2007). not reported in sarà (1998). i caprera (16 km2) torre & maiabailliu, 1993; cossu et al., 1994 (see also angelici et al. 2009; presutti, 2018; masseti, 2019). recently introduced in caprera (cossu et al., 1994). i la maddalena (20 km2) angelici et al., 2009, and references therein. i? asinara (52 km2) torre & maiabailliu, 1993; cossu et al., 1994; amori & masseti, 1996 (see also sarà, 1998; spagnesi & de marinis, 2002; spagnesi et al., 2004; ruffo & stoch, 2005; arpa sicilia, 2008; reggiani & filippucci, 2008; angelici et al. 2009; masseti, 2019). recently introduced (cossu et al., 1994). p? san pietro (51 km2) zava et al., 1995 (see also ruffo & stoch, 2005; reggiani & filippucci, 2008; masseti, 2019). this study. recorded in 1989 (zava et al., 1995). p? corrado battisti 31 results and discussion san pietro island during the study period, i obtained 15 records (7 direct observations, and 6 indirect records of 8 individuals) from 12 sites (fig. 1, tab. 1), mainly located in the central-eastern sector of the island, characterized by a higher urban and infrastructural density and agricultural mosaics (see battisti, 2018; battisti & zullo, 2019; battisti et al., 2021), suitable ecological conditions that can favour the presence of this species (reggiani & filippucci, 2008). the lack of observations in the western sector may also be linked to the widespread presence of monospecific pinus pinaster forests, which typically have poor undergrowth and therefore represent habitats of low ecological suitability for this species (reggiani & filippucci, 2008). most of the direct data (6 out of 7 records; 85.7%) were obtained from roadkills (this species is highly sensitive to this anthropogenic impact: rondinini & doncaster, 2002; battisti et al., 2012; wright et al., 2020; see, for sardinia: amori et al., 2014; de montis et al., 2017). however, despite considerable research effort, i have recorded low numbers of both road kills (even with the relatively high volume of vehicles during the summer period), and indirect detections of live animals, when compared to continental contexts (e.g., reggiani & filippucci, 2008). although the species shows an elusive behaviour (bearman-brown et al., 2020) and the data could be affected by underestimation, it can be hypothesized a sporadic presence on the island, with low densities. in this regard, it could be interesting to verify the role of indirect anthropogenic factors (e.g. road kill: locatelli & paolucci, 1998; amori et al., 2014; feral dogs: reggiani & filippucci, 2008) or natural processes, controlling this local population as, for example, the occasional predation by migrant and sedentary raptors, such as the barn owl tyto alba (mazzotti & bortolotti, 1999) and common buzzard buteo buteo (swann & etheridge, 1995, sidorovich et al., 2016), all locally present (meschini & frugis, 1993; battisti, 2018; m. masnata, pers. comm.). however, this is only hypothetical, since these two birds occur on the island with few individuals and their predation on hedgehog is unlikely. also, the scarcity of both the hedgehog’s preferred food items (e.g. earthworms and land snails: reggiani & filippucci, 2008) and of reliable water sources in this insular ecosystem might represent further local limiting factors. about the origin of this insular population, there are anecdotical data on a probable recent introduction (presumably in the second half of the 20th century: m. masnata, pers. comm.) from the neighbouring sardinian mainland (this species may be easily introduced also involuntarily: see nappi et al., 2020). in this regard, further research is necessary. the hedgehog has no conservation problems (gippoliti & amori, 2004; bertolino et al., 2015; para-autochthonous species: senato della repubblica, 2016), and does not represent a factor of local impact on species of conservation concern, especially if considering its low density on san pietro island. however, in other environmental contexts (for example, in wetland and coastal sites) evidence is shown of an impact of this mammal preying on clutches of waders and seabirds (see utley et al., 1989; monteiro et al., 1996; jackson & green, 2000). san pietro is a site of high importance for waders, seabirds and other migratory and nesting species (important bird area it191; birdlife international, 2001): in this regard, if further data will evidence circumstances of predation, an eradication project (e.g. by translocation) could be foreseeable, as suggested by baccetti & gotti (2016) and iannucci et al. (2019) for pianosa island (see also warwick et al., 2006; capizzi, 2020). italian small islands at national scale, the updated bibliographic and webbased review suggests a presence of the species on at least 13 small italian islands (tab. 2), with an updated confirmed absence in ponziane (latium; capizzi et al., 2012), ischia and capri (nappi et al. 2007), tremiti (ministero dell’ambiente, 2021), egadi (felten & storch, 1970; zava & lo valvo, 1990; ozella et al., 2016) and pelagie islands (arpa sicilia, 2008; see also amori, 1993; angelici et al., 2009). although we do not have data available about local density, probably this mammal occurs with stable populations only on elba island (historical records reported by thiebaud de berneaud, 1808), and perhaps on san pietro and asinara, all islands with an area >50 km2, which may allow its persistence in the short and medium term (see sarà, 1998). the occasional reports obtained for the other islands are probably to be referred to single or to very few specimens introduced by humans, also voluntarily (the species is locally kept as pet or consumed for food: see cornalia, 1870; reggiani & filippucci, 2008), therefore with a low probability of long-term persistence. in this sense, an in-depth and updated analysis of the local status and of the recent human-driven introduction/colonization history, possible local extinctions, genetics, and peculiar behaviours (e.g. absence of hibernation as found in southern populations: aloise et al., 2003) for the individual demographic units in the small islands could be of interest, contributing to the disciplinary arena of anthropogenic historical biogeography (e.g. see balletto, 1996; sarà, 1998; mazza et al., 2013; amori et al., 2015). acknowledgments luciano durante, mario and gabriele masnata, monica gallarati, pierpaolo battisti and mrs. granara provided indirect information about the presence of this species on the island. giovanni amori, francesco m. angelici, mas-giovanni amori, francesco m. angelici, massimo brunelli, spartaco gippoliti, armando nappi and julien vittier provided further data and suggestions. ales-alessandro zocchi reviewed the english style and language. francesco zullo drew up figure 1. marzio zapparoli provided the draft of figure 2. the editor (giorgio chiozzi), michela mura and two anonymous reviewers provided further useful comments and suggestions. references agnelli p., 1998 – i mammiferi dell’isola di pianosa. in: museo zoologico ‘‘la specola’’ dell’universita` degli studi di firenze. studio tecnico-scientifico sull’isola di pianosa. rapporto interno per l’ente parco nazionale dell’arcipelago toscano: 48-50. the western european hedgehog on the italian small islands 32 ali j. r., 2018 – islands as biological substrates: continental. journal of biogeography, 45: 1003-1018. aloise g., scaravelli d., bertozzi m. & cagnin m., 2003 – abbondanza relativa del riccio erinaceus europaeus l. 1758 (insectivora, erinaceidae) in ambienti del sud e nord italia. hystrix, italian journal of mammalogy, 14 (supplement): 109. amori g., 1993 – italian insectivores and rodents: extinctions and current status. supplemento alle ricerche di biologia della selvaggina, 21: 115-134. amori g. & masseti m., 1996 – does the occurrence of predators on central mediterranean islands affect the body size of micromammals? vie et milieu, 46: 205-211. amori g., luiselli l., milana g. & casula p., 2014 – distribuzione, diversità e abbondanza di micromammiferi associati ad habitat forestali in sardegna. report tecnico. cnr istituto per lo studio degli ecosistemi, roma ed ente foreste della sardegna, cagliari. amori g., pinna v. r., sammuri g. & luiselli l., 2015 – diversity of small mammal communities of the tuscan archipelago: testing the effects of island size, distance from mainland and human density. journal of vertebrate biology, 64 (2): 161-166. angelici f. m. & laurenti a., 1994 – i mammiferi delle piccole isole italiane: stato delle conoscenze. i congresso italiano di teriologia, riassunti, pisa: 9. angelici f. m., laurenti a. & nappi a., 2009 – a checklist of the mammals of small italian islands. hystrix, italian journal of mammalogy (n.s.), 20: 3-27. arpa sicilia, 2008 – atlante della biodiversità della sicilia: vertebrati terrestri. studi e ricerche, 6. arpa sicilia, palermo. arrigoni p. v. & bocchieri e., 1996 – caratteri fitogeografici della flora delle piccole isole circumsarde. biogeographia 18: 63-90. baccetti b., 1996 – per una storia dell’esplorazione biogeografica delle isole che circondano la sardegna. lavori della società italiana di biogeografia (n.s.), 18: 1-25. baccetti n. & gotti c., 2016 – protocollo di cattura e traslocazione del riccio (erinaceus europaeus) dall’isola di pianosa. progetto life13 nat/it/000471 “resto con life”. 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then he became the director of the same institution until 1981. he was primarily an entomologist, but he also had a very deep knowledge of natural sciences and contributed to the advancement of italian speleology and biogeography. he was a skilful researcher both in the lab and in the field, and supported information sharing and collaboration as productive working strategies. prof. conci also promoted the scientific associationism that strongly contributed to the diffusion and progress of naturalistic knowledge in the second half of the 20th century. a list of taxa described by prof. conci, as well as one of taxa dedicated to him, and honouring his scientific work, are provided. finally, all conci’s publications are reported. key words: cesare conci, italian entomologists, necrology, museo civico di storia naturale di milano. riassunto si presenta di seguito il profilo biografico e scientifico del prof. cesare conci, scomparso l’11 maggio 2011, conservatore della sezione di zoologia degli invertebrati del nostro museo dal 1957 al 1964 e poi direttore dell’istituto fino al 1981. è stata compilata la lista dei taxa descritti da cesare conci seguita, in omaggio allo studioso, da quella dei taxa a lui dedicati. lo scritto si chiude con la bibliografia completa dei suoi lavori. parole chiave: cesare conci, entomologi italiani, necrologio, museo civico di storia naturale di milano. poco più di un anno fa, l’11 maggio 2011, è mancato il professor cesare conci – entomologo – conservatore della sezione di zoologia degli invertebrati dal 1957 e poi direttore del nostro museo dal 1964 al 1981. la sua presenza in museo ha continuato ad essere assidua fino ai primi anni 2000, facendolo conoscere e stimare anche a quelli di noi arrivati dopo il suo pensionamento. studioso rigoroso, uomo fattivo e gran lavoratore, ha lasciato un’impronta tangibile nelle tante realizzazioni operate nella sua lunga vita. di tratto semplice e riservato, era dotato di una spon212 tanea cordialità – spesso venata di sottile umorismo – coniugata con l’apertura a sodalizi di lunga durata che ne hanno fatto un uomo capace di tessere e mantenere profondi e fecondi rapporti umani e scientifici. cesare conci nasce a rovereto il 26 aprile 1920 da silvio e dina assandro. compiuti gli studi classici nella città natale, si iscrive alla facoltà di scienze naturali dell’università di genova laureandosi nel 1942. il percorso accademico è accompagnato da una assidua frequentazione dell’ambiente museale tanto a genova quanto in trentino. nel capoluogo ligure il giovane studente si apre al mondo delle grandi collezioni zoologiche e alla ricerca entomologica di cui il museo di storia naturale genovese è centro vivacissimo, – qui dal 1922 risiede la società entomologica italiana (sei) e sono attivi, in qualità di conservatori, entomologi come felice capra (1896-1991) e delfa guiglia (19021983). a trento entra invece in contatto con il geologo e speleologo giovanni battista trener (1877-1954) che, formatosi alla scuola geologica di vienna, sarà a lungo direttore del museo tridentino e animatore degli studi speleologici della regione. non va dimenticata per altro l’esperienza al museo civico di rovereto, luogo di studio e di ricerca – a quel tempo – del naturalista alessandro canestrini (1879-1948) e dell’entomologo livio tamanini (1907-1997). una formazione naturalistica d’eccellenza che si completa con l’adesione di conci alla locale società del museo civico di rovereto nel 1938, alla società entomologica italiana nel 1939 e alla società italiana di scienze naturali nel 1941, per arrivare nel 1947 all’ingresso nella storica accademia roveretana degli agiati. passata la “bufera” degli anni di guerra, dal 1948 al 1957, cesare conci lavora come assistente di giuseppe scortecci (1898-1973), direttore dell’istituto di zoologia dell’università di genova e già conservatore del museo civico di storia naturale di milano fino al 1943. nel 1954 consegue l’abilitazione alla libera docenza in zoologia. fig. 1 da destra: cesare conci, giovanni pinna e luigi cagnolaro alla cerimonia in occasione del pensionamento (1981). giovanni pinna e luigi cagnolaro gli succederanno nella direzione del museo di storia naturale rispettivamente dal 1981 al 1996 e dal 1996 al 2001. (© archivio fotografico msnm). luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi 213 fig. 2 cesare conci giovane ufficiale, 1943. (© famiglia conci). 1 nel 1983 il museo acquista, insieme alla collezione di odonati, anche la miscellanea e l’archivio scientifico di cesare nielsen che conserva tutta la corrispondenza con cesare conci, cfr. biblioteca msnm, fondo nielsen, busta 1, fasc. 20 e 21. si tratta di 15 lettere dal 1942 al 1949 e 91 lettere tra il 1951 e il 1969. gli anni ’40 e ’50 sono segnati dal grande impegno nella ricerca entomologica sui mallofagi prima e sugli odonati poi. nel 1942, richiamato alle armi subito dopo la laurea, il giovane ufficiale conci si mette in contatto con l’odonatologo cesare nielsen (1898-1984), medico bolognese e cultore della materia, tra i più noti specialisti italiani di questo gruppo di insetti1. inizia così un intenso rapporto di collaborazione che porta nel 1956 ad una monografia, curata a quattro mani e pubblicata dall’editore calderini, che inaugura la collana fauna d’italia, progetto scientifico ed editoriale promosso fin dal 1952 dall’unione zoologica italiana congiuntamente all’accademia nazionale italiana di entomologia. non meno proficua è la ricerca sul campo che, oltre alle spedizioni entomologiche, riguarda l’attività speleologica – altra grande passione – che conci condivide con tanti amici e colleghi iscritti al club alpino italiano (cai), con i quali collaricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) 214 bora al catasto delle grotte della venezia tridentina e della liguria. nel 1950 è tra i fondatori, a verona, della società speleologica italiana (ssi) e sarà a lungo collaboratore del bollettino della ssi, per il quale cura per tutti gli anni ’50 la sezione bibliografica. nel 1953 partecipa al primo congresso internazionale di speleologia, che si tiene a parigi, con un contributo sulle conoscenze speleologiche del trentino-alto adige. il suo approccio scientifico, tanto in campo entomologico quanto in quello biospeleologico, unisce l’interesse sistematico e tassonomico a quello per la ricerca faunistica e corologica; questo indirizzo trova un nuovo ambito di confronto interdisciplinare nella costituzione, sempre nel 1953, della società italiana di biogeografia, di cui anche conci è tra i fondatori. nel 1957 vince il concorso di conservatore della sezione di zoologia degli invertebrati al museo civico di milano, succedendo ad arturo schatzmayer (18801950). arriva così nel capoluogo lombardo, a trentasette anni, forte di una brillante carriera scientifica coniugata con una lunga esperienza di campo e di raccolta, tanto più proficua quanto più condivisa all’interno della pratica associativa, sia essa quella della sei, del cai e della ssi. si potrebbe parlare di un profilo paradigmatico di naturalista ancora valido e operante a metà del secolo scorso, di uno studioso cioè che si muove con scioltezza entro i due poli della ricerca naturalistica – il museo e l’università – , inserito in una comunità allargata e trasversale costituita dal variegato mondo dell’associazionismo scientifico. sette anni dopo il suo ingresso al museo di milano, nel 1964, subentrerà all’ornitologo edgardo moltoni (18961980) alla direzione dell’istituto. fig. 3 cesare conci con giuseppe scortecci e il gruppo dell’istituto di zoologia dell’università di genova, 1948. (© famiglia conci). luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi 215 appena arrivato a milano, conci si iscrive al gruppo grotte della sezione locale del cai – da sempre legata agli ambienti del museo di storia naturale e del politecnico – e qui fa la conoscenza, tra gli altri, di ottavio cornaggia castiglioni (1907-1979) che si occupa della commissione paletnologica. questo incontro suggerisce a conci, nel 1965, di aprire una sezione di paletnologia in museo2, sotto la direzione scientifica dello stesso cornaggia castiglioni e per la quale acquisisce la collezione e la biblioteca di carlo maviglia (1897-1956), già professore dell’università di milano e paletnologo del gruppo grotte. durante la direzione conci l’organizzazione del museo vede altre sostanziali novità. contemporaneamente all’apertura della sezione di paletnologia viene progettata la separazione dal museo del civico acquario, riaperto al pubblico nel 1962 dopo i danni subiti nel periodo bellico. lo stabilimento, nato nel 1906 in occasione dell’esposizione internazionale come sezione distaccata del museo, aveva avuto un proprio organico fino alla seconda guerra mondiale. dal dopoguerra invece il funzionamento dell’acquario gravava tutto sul museo, frenandone in qualche modo l’espansione e le attività. si arriva così alla delibera del consiglio comunale del 1968 che sancisce l’autonomia dell’istituto, dotato di pianta orgafig. 4 cesare conci con felice capra ed elvira biancheri al museo civico di storia naturale di genova, 1954. (© archivio fotografico museo civico di storia naturale di genova). 2 il museo di storia naturale di milano aveva già conosciuto, nella seconda metà dell’ottocento, una breve stagione di studi di paletnologia a testimonianza dello stretto rapporto tra questa disciplina e le scienze naturali, cfr. livi p. 2008, la storia naturale dell’uomo nella milano dell’ottocento. un viaggio attraverso le raccolte del museo civico di storia naturale di milano. in: atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale di milano, 149 (2): 273-292. ricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) 216 nica e di bilancio proprio. nello stesso periodo l’amministrazione coinvolge il museo nella definitiva sistemazione dell’affaire “civica siloteca cormio”3. conci si rende subito disponibile ad accogliere in museo la raccolta di legni ottenendo, qualche anno dopo, il primo concorso per conservatore di botanica e la costituzione della nuova sezione nel 1976. per più di un secolo il museo aveva tentato di aprire anche alla biologia vegetale le proprie collezioni e i propri studi, ma l’amministrazione comunale si era sempre rifiutata di investire risorse a fronte dell’esistenza in città di una istituzione statale a questo dedicata: l’orto botanico di brera. nel 1975 conci acquista l’erbario e la biblioteca del medico e botanico carlo stucchi (1894-1975). grande cura viene riservata anche alle esposizioni, pesantemente danneggiate dall’incendio causato dai bombardamenti aerei angloamericani nel 1943. nei diciassette anni della direzione di cesare conci viene sensibilmente ampliato il percorso espositivo (si passa da 14 a 20 sale ostensive) e inizia l’opera di riqualificazione delle esposizioni già esistenti, che mira ad incrementare l’offerta dei contenuti scientifici con la scelta di nuovi materiali da esporre e con la progressiva ricerca di una più efficace comunicazione didattica. una serie di viaggi di studio nei maggiori musei europei e americani precede la progettazione dei nuovi allestimenti, aprendo così la strada ad esposizioni tematiche e ai diorami già sperimentati in alcuni istituti stranieri. luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi fig. 5 visita al national museum of natural history di washington, 1970. (© archivio fotografico msnm). 3 cfr.: livi p. (a cura di) 2009, l’archivio della civica siloteca cormio. documenti per una storia dell’istituto. in natura, 99 (1). 217 fig. 6 diorama dei rettili marini del triassico medio lombardo, giacimento di besano (va), 1970. (© archivio fotografico msnm). alla tradizionale presentazione degli esemplari secondo criteri assai rigidi ed uniformi – in seriazioni lineari rispecchianti gli assetti classificativi – subentra la ricerca di una multivalente diversificazione dei moduli espositivi, con progressivo supporto della grafica. questo intenso lavoro di allestimento e riallestimento necessita di servizi ad hoc per la realizzazione dei progetti espositivi; nascono così i laboratori di fotografia, di grafica, di falegnameria e verniciatura che si affiancano a quelli già presenti e più tradizionalmente legati alle attività di conservazione e di studio. del rinnovamento espositivo sono protagoniste, in particolare, le sezioni di paleontologia e di zoologia dei vertebrati. per la paleontologia vengono realizzati l’imponente diorama di rettili marini del triassico medio del giacimento di besano (va) e la spettacolare sala dei dinosauri con la ricostruzione a dimensioni naturali del triceratopo, gli scheletri di allosauro, camptosauro e del prezioso originale di critosauro (1970-1975). la sezione di zoologia dei vertebrati realizza invece tre importanti opere innovative: la sala dei rettili (1966), con il diorama dell’anaconda, la sala dei parchi nazionali italiani (1972), con tre grandi diorami del parco del gran paradiso, del parco dello stelvio e del parco d’abruzzo, e la sala dell’elefante africano (1982), particolarmente spettacolare per il diorama in cui campeggia un imponente maschio di elefante in una tipica ambientazione di savana, con la ricostruzione di un gigantesco baobab sullo sfondo del kilimangiaro. queste sale segnano l’inizio del vasto programma di una originale esposizione ecologica a diorami per la promozione di una moderna cultura e coscienza naturalistiche, che vedrà un importante avanzamento negli anni ’80 e ’90. ricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) 218 particolare attenzione il direttore del museo rivolge alla biblioteca. studioso di vasta cultura, conoscitore e utente abituale delle più importanti biblioteche naturalistiche italiane, conci pianifica con intelligenza gli incrementi e segue personalmente lo sviluppo dei cambi internazionali che consentano l’ingresso di importanti e numerosi periodici soprattutto stranieri. agli inizi degli anni ’70 progetta una radicale ristrutturazione degli spazi che consente di aprire, nel 1978, la ricca e preziosa biblioteca del museo come vero e proprio servizio al pubblico. si tratta sicuramente del lavoro finanziariamente più impegnativo che l’amministrazione comunale abbia dovuto affrontare dopo la ricostruzione postbellica, segno tangibile di quell’apertura del sapere specialistico al grande pubblico che è cifra di tutta l’attività museologica di cesare conci. luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi fig. 7-8 – 7) diorama dell’anaconda, 1966. 8) diorama dell’elefante africano, 1982. (© archivio fotografico msnm). fig. 9 cesare conci e giuseppe schiavinato, allora rettore dell’università statale di milano, durante l’inaugurazione della nuova biblioteca del museo di storia naturale di milano, 1978. (© archivio fotografico msnm). 219 4 tra gli animatori di questo dibattito c’è sandro ruffo, entomologo e accademico dei lincei, direttore del museo civico di storia naturale di verona negli stessi anni nei quali conci dirige quello di milano. l’archivio ruffo conserva il carteggio scientifico, tra cui la corrispondenza con cesare conci che, assidua negli anni tra il 1946 e il 1964, si dirada fino a cessare nella seconda metà degli anni ’60 e nella quale mai si accenna agli argomenti in questione. questo prezioso archivio, nel quale compare un intero faldone dedicato al progetto del museo nazionale di storia naturale, è conservato presso il museo veronese. 5 dal 1974 al 1992 sono dieci i cataloghi dei tipi pubblicati sugli atti della società italiana di scienze naturali e del museo civico di storia naturale di milano. il nostro museo sarà poi tra i promotori del progetto sirbec beni naturalistici – avviato negli anni ’90 dalla regione lombardia –, mentre nei primi anni 2000 verrà invitato a far parte del gruppo di lavoro istituto, grazie ad una intesa tra la conferenza dei rettori delle università italiane e l’istituto centrale per il catalogo e la documentazione, per la definizione di standard nazionali di catalogazione del patrimonio scientifico. va ricordata, a questo proposito, l’attivazione del servizio di “fonoguide” a supporto della visita ai saloni espositivi, che si protrae per diversi anni a partire dal 1966. si tratta della prima esperienza di questo tipo in un museo scientifico italiano, che affianca la cospicua serie di guide generali che verranno pubblicate da conci tra il 1966 e il 1981. museo come divulgazione della conoscenza ma anche come spazio offerto al sapere diffuso e partecipato, a metà degli anni ’70 del ’900 il museo di storia naturale di milano offre ospitalità alla società italiana di mineralogia e petrografia, alla società paleontologica italiana, alla società malacologica italiana e alla società speleologica italiana; hanno inoltre sede in museo il gruppo mineralogico lombardo e la sezione milanese del gruppo micologico bresadola, dalla quale nascerà in seguito il gruppo botanico milanese. un impegno personale il direttore del museo lo dedica alla società italiana di scienze naturali, di cui segue le sorti dal 1962 come segretario e dal 1965 al 1986 come vice presidente, dirigendo per lungo tempo le riviste che tutt’oggi questa società pubblica in collaborazione con lo stesso museo di milano. tiepida risulta invece la sua posizione rispetto al dibattito, nato a metà degli anni ’60 in seno dell’accademia nazionale dei lincei sull’onda della critica situazione dei musei universitari, intorno al progetto di un museo nazionale di storia naturale e alla costituzione di una associazione di museologia scientifica4. conci si muove, in questo caso, nell’ambito della tradizione del museo di storia naturale di milano, fortemente legata al territorio e alla municipalità e da sempre restia ad ogni forma di centralismo. questo spiegherebbe perché il museo milanese, pur essendo uno dei più importanti musei naturalistici italiani, non si trovi coinvolto nella fondazione dell’associazione nazionale dei musei scientifici (anms) avvenuta nel 1972, ma vi aderisca soltanto due anni più tardi. ciò nonostante il suo contributo ai lavori dell’associazione è da subito importante: nel 1978 viene offerta al direttore del nostro museo la presidenza della commissione catalogazione delle collezioni, questione spinosa quanto cruciale per la museologia, non solo scientifica. la nomina non è casuale: nel solco di una secolare tradizione di studio sistematico delle raccolte, conci promuove – a partire dai primi anni ’70 – la pubblicazione dei cataloghi dei tipi di diverse collezioni museali, facendo così del museo di storia naturale di milano un punto di riferimento imprescindibile per gli sviluppi di questa tematica anche nei decenni successivi5. ricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) 220 va segnalata infine l’intensa attività pubblicistica ed editoriale dedicata alla divulgazione che cesare conci inizia appena trasferito a milano. già nel 1958 collabora con la domenica del corriere e dal 1959 lavora con aldo martello, editore milanese di origine veneta. per i tipi della martello esce la piccola fauna d’italia e una serie di piccole guide illustrate nella fortunata collana i miracoli della natura, ripubblicate ancora in anni recenti dall’editore giunti di firenze. continua negli anni ’60 e ’70, insieme alla collega paola manfredi (1889-1989), come curatore della collana natura viva della casa editrice vallardi – progetto editoriale di successo tradotto in francese e in tedesco –, collabora poi con mondadori come traduttore e curatore della collana il mondo degli animali, con rizzoli per l’enciclopedia il mondo degli animali e con de agostini per la collana meraviglie della natura. in questa attività coinvolge nel tempo buona parte del personale scientifico del museo, mantenendo così viva la tradizionale collaborazione dell’istituto con l’editoria milanese. luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi fig. 10 cesare conci al ii congresso amns, 1978. (© archivio fotografico msnm). 221 fig. 11 cesare conci e livio tamanini. (© famiglia conci). ricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) l’attività entomologica quando cesare conci inizia il suo lavoro a milano ha già raggiunto, nel mondo entomologico, una posizione di indiscussa preminenza grazie alle sue importanti ricerche sui mallofagi e sugli odonati. allo studio dei mallofagi aveva incominciato a dedicarsi, ancora studente universitario, nel 1939 su consiglio di mario salfi (1900-1970), allora direttore dell’istituto di zoologia dell’università di genova, estendendo ben presto le sue indagini alla fauna mondiale e descrivendo, nel decennio 1940-1950, quasi 40 taxa nuovi per la scienza. sugli odonati, oltre alla fondamentale monografia scritta per la fauna d’italia in collaborazione con cesare nielsen – autore della parte relativa agli stadi preimmaginali –, aveva dato alle stampe qualche pubblicazione di interesse sistematico o geonemico su un numero limitato di specie. aveva inoltre spaziato in altri ambiti dell’entomologia (soprattutto anopluri, afanitteri e coleotteri ipogei e cavernicoli): basti ricordare la revisione del genere aphaotus, pubblicata nel 1951 in collaborazione con livio tamanini. 222 a milano cesare conci trova un patrimonio entomologico di grandissima importanza scientifica e storica: nella prima metà del ’900 erano state infatti acquisite, oltre a raccolte minori, la collezione turati di coleotteri, l’importantissima collezione di ditteri mondiali di mario bezzi (1868-1927) e, soprattutto, le collezioni entomologiche del museo pietro rossi di duino, il cui lascito aveva segnato l’avvio della sezione entomologica del nostro istituto. il museo di duino, ricchissimo soprattutto di entomofauna mediterranea passò nel 1938 al comune di milano, che si impegnò ad assumere come conservatore arturo schatzmayr (1880-1950), insigne entomologo nativo di zara ma formatosi a trieste, profondo conoscitore di tutti i coleotteri e, in particolare, specialista di carabidi e di curculionidi apionini. attorno a questa figura si era formato in breve a milano un centro di entomologi sistematici di valore. diventato responsabile di queste collezioni conci cerca subito di assicurarsi la collaborazione di un entomologo con buone conoscenze sistematiche, soprattutto nel campo dei coleotteri, che rappresentano l’ordine di insetti di gran lunga più importante per numero di specie. trova la persona giusta in italo bucciarelli (1933-2004), legato agli ambienti entomologici di venezia e di genova. bucciarelli è competente in biospeleologia ed è un ottimo conoscitore dei coleotteri in generale e dei carabidi e anticidi in particolare; influenzato da conci, orienterà in seguito il suo interesse anche verso gli odonati. conci si adopera per farlo entrare in museo, nel 1959, come preparatore, e insieme assumeranno un ruolo di grande importanza nella storia dell’entomologia lombarda. è certamente grazie a loro che si manterrà quel gruppo di specialisti che già si era focalizzato intorno allo schatzmayr, fra i quali basti ricordare giovanni binaghi (1907-1975), illustre coleotterologo genovese ma anche amico e abituale frequentatore dell’ambiente milanese, mario magistretti (19021974), specialista di carabidi e autore, nel 1965, di un volume della fauna d’italia, padre carlo brivio (1924-2008), specialista di crisomelidi e fondatore del museo entomologico del pime (pontificio istituto missioni estere), alessandro focarile, entomofaunista ed ecologo, giovanni mariani (19331999), specialista di scarabeidi e carlo taccani (1900-1991), lepidotterologo. grazie all’attività propedeutica che conci e bucciarelli sanno svolgere, alla loro disponibilità e all’amichevole accoglienza che essi riservano anche ai giovanissimi, il museo diviene un centro di attrazione per gli entomologi lombardi e ben presto il gruppo si accresce di nuove leve, fra cui vittorio rosa (1940-1999), che si specializza negli stafilinidi, claudio canepari, tuttora valido specialista di coccinellidi, gianfranco liberti, oggi uno dei più importanti specialisti di malacodermi paleartici e i fratelli pesarini: carlo, curculionidologo e attualmente conservatore della sezione di invertebrati del nostro museo e fausto, specialista di imenotteri tentredinidi, in seguito diventato direttore del museo di storia naturale di ferrara. per facilitare i rapporti fra gli entomologi del gruppo, conci e bucciarelli organizzano immediatamente riunioni settimanali serali che si tengono inizialmente presso la sede del cai e che saranno poi ospitate in museo, dove ancora si svolgono. di certo la disponibilità verso i giovani è una componente essenziale del carattere di conci ed è proprio grazie a una sua idea che, nel 1960, inizia la pubblicazione dell’ informatore del giovane entomologo, supplemento al bollettino della società entomologica italiana. luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi 223ricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) conci cura con particolare attenzione l’incremento delle collezioni che realizza preferibilmente tramite acquisti, lasciti e donazioni, per valorizzare l’attività di naturalisti che agli insetti hanno dedicato tutta la loro esistenza, piuttosto che con campagne di raccolta organizzate dall’istituto come succede in molti musei. fra le raccolte entomologiche acquisite in questo periodo basti ricordare la collezione baliani di crisididi, la collezione fiori di lepidotteri, la collezione scortecci di insetti di somalia e arabia meridionale e l’importantissima collezione solari di curculionidi paleartici. diventato direttore del museo, nel 1964, ha ovviamente meno disponibilità di tempo per occuparsi direttamente delle collezioni di entomologia e, malgrado l’essenziale presenza di italo bucciarelli, si rende necessario un nuovo conservatore per la zoologia degli invertebrati con particolare riferimento agli insetti: nel 1967 viene assunto con queste mansioni uno degli scriventi (c.l.). conci, oltre a mettere il nuovo conservatore di fronte ai suoi doveri verso le collezioni, lo incoraggia anche a svolgere attività di ricerca scientifica che, seguendo il consiglio di sandro ruffo, direttore del museo di storia naturale di verona, verrà orientata sui crisomelidi della sottofamiglia alticini. in seguito a campagne di ricerca, acquisti di collezioni, donazioni, scambi con specialisti, la collezione di crisomelidi è cresciuta progressivamente e oggi può essere considerata fra le più importanti collezioni entomologiche del museo di milano. nel 1968, alla morte del precedente presidente – marchese fabio invrea (1884-1968) – conci accetta la carica di presidente della società entomologica italiana, che manterrà per quasi un trentennio, e nell’anno successivo viene nominato socio dell’ accademia italiana di entomologia, una delle più prestigiose istituzioni naturalistiche del nostro paese. il 1969 è un anno importante per la società entomologica italiana: ricorre infatti il centenario della sua fondazione e il nuovo presidente si prende l’impegno, obiettivamente molto gravoso ma a lui congeniale, di pubblicare nelle “memorie” della società un repertorio delle biografie e bibliografie degli scrittori e cultori italiani di entomologia. malgrado le attività collaterali che gli derivano da questa carica societaria e i gravosi impegni amministrativi della direzione del museo, conci trova comunque ancora il tempo e il necessario entusiasmo per partecipare all’attività della sezione di zoologia degli invertebrati. volge il suo interesse non solo agli insetti ma anche ai molluschi, ospitando presso il museo le riunioni periodiche del gruppo malacologico milanese, che è galvanizzato dalle figure di ferdinando toffoletto (1927-1994) e di fernando ghisotti (1921-2005). non a caso le raccolte malacologiche del museo si arricchiscono in questi anni di numeroso materiale fra cui, soprattutto, l’importante collezione alzona di molluschi continentali paleartici ed esotici e l’imponente collezione priolo di molluschi mediterranei ed esotici. a questo punto le collezioni di altri invertebrati, che già nella prima metà del secolo scorso comprendevano l’importante materiale di aracnidi del karakorum e del fezzan, studiato e pubblicato da ludovico di caporiacco (1901-1951), oltre a una notevole raccolta di decapodi legata all’attività specialistica di bruno parisi (1884-1957) e ai miriapodi studiati da paola manfredi, diventano abbastanza consistenti da dover essere convenientemente levate alla competenza dell’entomologo, per essere affidate 224 a un altro conservatore: conci ne fa richiesta al comune e vedrà attuato il suo progetto proprio nel 1981, alla soglia della pensione, con l’assunzione di carlo pesarini. continua nel frattempo l’acquisto di nuovo materiale entomologico: basti pensare alla collezione alzona di coleotteri italiani, alla collezione brivio di coleotteri mondiali (prima collezione del pime), alla collezione porta di coleotteri, alla collezione pozzi, prevalentemente di lepidotteri e coleotteri mondiali, alla collezione saraceni di lucanidi, alla collezione scortecci d’insetti dello yemen e alla collezione springer di coleotteri europei, comprendente un’importante raccolta specialistica di crisomelidi alticini. come museologo conci sente fortemente l’esigenza di rinnovare la ormai obsoleta sala di esposizione di entomologia, curata da schatzmayr dopo la ricostruzione del museo nel dopoguerra, che suscita ormai nel pubblico l’immagine di un museo vecchio e stantio. la realizzazione di una nuova sala degli insetti, rigorosa dal punto di vista scientifico ma anche impostata su criteri moderni di comunicazione visiva, è uno dei compiti prioritari di fronte ai quali egli mette il nuovo conservatore, insieme al quale svolgerà anche viaggi di documentazione in altri paesi europei. occorreranno molti anni per stendere un soddisfacente progetto architettonico, procurarsi materiale espositivo, trovare i giusti collaboratori e ottenere la disponibilità economica. la realizzazione della sala inizia quando ormai conci è sul punto di andare in pensione; egli avrà tuttavia la soddisfazione di vederla ultimata nel totale rispetto delle sue idee, grazie anche agli splendidi diorami realizzati da valter fogato. subito dopo il pensionamento conci riprende con l’entusiasmo di un giovane l’attività di ricerca entomologica e rivolge il suo interesse agli psillidi, effettuando molte raccolte in campagna, con l’intento di scrivere insieme a carmelo rapisarda un volume per la fauna d’italia. purtroppo il progetto rimane incompiuto, anche se vengono pubblicati numerosi importanti lavori, quasi tutti in collaborazione con tamanini, che contengono tra l’altro la segnalazione di oltre 50 specie nuove per l’italia e la descrizione di 15 taxa nuovi per la scienza. agli ultimi anni di attività di conci appartiene il catalogo annotato degli psilloidei italiani, opera fondamentale per lo studio di questi insetti, scritto sempre in collaborazione con tamanini e rapisarda. se conci ci ha lasciato, lo spirito sul quale aveva improntato la sezione entomologica del museo non è stato tradito: gli entomologi del museo si sono sempre impegnati a seguire i giovani che, purtroppo meno che in passato, si avvicinano al mondo degli insetti ed è sempre proseguita l’acquisizione – in forma di doni o acquisti – di importanti collezioni entomologiche che fanno oggi del museo di milano un punto di riferimento ineludibile per studiosi italiani e stranieri. fra le collezioni entrate in museo dopo il pensionamento di conci meritano di essere ricordate, oltre a quelle sue personali di odonati, di afanitteri e di psillidi, la collezione nielsen di odonati, le collezioni bucciarelli di carabidi, catopidi e odonati, la collezione chiesa di idrofilidi, la collezione floriani di lepidotteri, l’importantissima collezione straneo di carabidi mondiali (ricca di oltre 2000 esemplari tipici, fra cui circa 400 olotipi), la collezione solari di stafilinidi, la collezione taccani di lepidotteri, la collezione la greca di ortotteroidei, la collezione berio di nottuidi, la collezione brivio di insetti mondiali (terza collezione del pime) e la collezione bergeal di crisomelidi mondiali. infine, nella sezione di zoologia degli invertebrati va ricordata la collezione sacchi di molluschi marini e continentali. luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi 225 diamo una lista dei nuovi taxa descritti da cesare conci e di quelli a lui dedicati. abbiamo cercato di raggiungere la maggior completezza possibile ma, data la difficoltà di ricerca bibliografica, non escludiamo qualche lacuna. inoltre non tutti i taxa citati sono attualmente ritenuti validi. nuovi taxa descritti da cesare conci odonati nuove sottospecie calopteryx virgo britannica conci, 1952 calopteryx splendens caprai conci, 1956 calopteryx virgo padana conci, 1956 mallofagi nuove sottofamiglie acolpocephalinae conci, 1942 bonomiellinae conci, 1942 nuovi generi allomyrsidea conci, 1942 australmenopon conci, 1942 bonomiella conci, 1942 capraiella conci, 1941 claygoniodes conci, 1946 clayarchigoniodes conci, 1951 corvocolpocephalum conci, 1942 corvomenopon conci, 1942 ctenomenacanthus conci, 1947 cypseloecus conci, 1941 debeauxoecus conci, 1941 eichlerella conci, 1942 forficuloecus conci, 1941 franciscoloa conci, 1942 kelerigoniodes conci, 1946 kelerimenopon conci, 1943 meliphagoecus conci, 1941 meropsiella conci, 1941 neopsittaconirmus conci, 1942 paradoxuroecus conci, 1942 potusdia conci, 1942 psittoecus conci, 1942 tamaninia conci, 1941 werneckodectes conci, 1946 nuove specie e sottospecie neopsittaconirmus borgiolii conci, 1942 franciscoloa cacatuae conci, 1942 meropoecus caprai conci, 1941 meropoecus debeauxi conci, 1941 myrsidea franciscoloi conci, 1942 ricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) 226 bonomiella insolitunguicolata conci, 1942 paradoxuroecus juccii conci, 1942 tamaninia rara conci, 1941 stachiella retusa var. salfii conci, 1940 kelerimenopon sanfilippoi conci, 1943 psillidi nuove sottofamiglie psyllopsinae conci & tamanini, 1990 nuovi generi e sottogeneri floria poggii conci & tamanini, 1984 halotrioza conci & tamanini, 1984 hipphophaetrioza conci & tamanini, 1984 lauritrioza conci & tamanini, 1985 neocraspedolepta conci & tamanini, 1986 paracraspedolepta conci, 1993 pseudaphorma conci & tamanini, 1985 nuove specie pseudaphorma astigma conci & tamanini, 1985 rhodochlanis hodkinsoni conci & tamanini, 1984 crastina (eustigmatia) loginovae conci & tamanini, 1983 bactericera parastriola conci, ossiannilsson & tamanini, 1988 spanioza tamaninii conci, 1992 trioza (halotrioza) portulacoides conci & tamanini, 1984 trioza (trioza) rapisardai conci & tamanini, 1984 trioza tripteridis burckhardt, conci, lauterer & tamanini, 1991 coleotteri nuovi generi halbherria conci & tamanini, 1951 nuove specie halbherria mandriolensis conci & tamanini, 1951 taxa dedicati a cesare conci molluschi lartetia concii allegretti, 1944 crostacei sanfilippia concii brian, 1948 aracnidi chthonius concii beier, 1953 parablothrus concii caporiacco, 1952 rhagidia conciana lombardini, 1951 diplopodi manfredia concii manfredi, 1953 luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi 227 troglojulus concii manfredi, 1948 collemboli pseudosinella concii gisin, 1950 efemerotteri heptagenia concii grandi, 1953 plecotteri leuctra concii consiglio, 1958 ortotteri platycleis concii galvagni, 1959 mallofagi bonomiella concii eichler, 1947 cesareus kéler, 1952 cesareus concii kéler, 1952 conciella eichler, 1949 holomenopon concii eichler, 1943 meromenopon concii tendeiro, 1961 psittaconirmus neumanni concii guimarães, 1974 emitteri cymatia coleoptrata concii tamanini, 1968 dimorphocoris concii tamanini, 1972 heterotrioza concii rapisarda, 1990 platycranus concii tamanini, 1987 velia concii tamanini, 1947 ditteri hydrellia concii canzoneri & meneghini, 1975 coleotteri agabus concii franciscolo, 1942 binaghia concii franciscolo, 1943 blaps concii koch, 1965 boldoriella concii monguzzi, 1982 brachycerus concii haaf, 1962 copelatus concii bilardo, 1982 danacaea concii liberti, 1984 enochrus concii chiesa, 1965 orotrechus targionii concii tamanini, 1953 phaleria bimaculata concii canzoneri, 1961 trogloguignotus concii sanfilippo, 1958 imenotteri apterogyna concii invrea, 1967 mesitius concii nagy, 1972 ricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) 228 cariche sociali società entomologica italiana – 1939 socio (presentato dal prof. mario salfi di genova). 1952 segretario, 1964 vice presidente, 1968-1996 presidente società italiana di scienze naturali – 1941 socio (presentato da b. parisi e a. schatz mayr su suggerimento di delfa guiglia) 1962-1965 segretario, 1965-1986 vice presidente accademia roveretana degli agiati – 1947 socio società speleologica italiana – socio fondatore 1950 società italiana di biogeografia – socio fondatore 1953 società malacologia italiana – socio fondatore 1963 accademia nazionale italiana di entomologia – 1969 socio straordinario, 1972 socio ordinario associazione nazionale musei scientifici – 1974 socio bibliografia di cesare conci 1940 note sui mallofagi italiani. 1. boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 72 (5-6): 71-81. note sui mallofagi italiani. 2, una nuova varietà di stachiella retusa nitzsch. boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 72 (8): 116-118. note sui mallofagi italiani. 3, mallofagi del museo di storia naturale della venezia tridentina. studi trent. sci. nat., trento, 21 (3): 219-221. 1941 due nuovi generi e tre nuove specie di mallofagi dei meropes. boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 73 (7): 99-107. nuovi generi di mallofagi (nota preliminare). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 73 (8): 126-127. ricerche speleologiche sull’altipiano di lavarone. studi trent. sci. nat., trento, 22 (1): 23-44. sullo stato attuale del catasto speleologico della venezia tridentina. studi trent. sci. nat., trento, 22 (1): 19-22. 1942 diagnosi preliminare di tre nuovi generi e di una nuova specie di trichodectinae (mallophaga). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 74 (10): 140-142. il genere myrsidea waterston. 1, ridescrizione della myrsidea rustica giebel (mallophaga). studi trent. sci. nat., trento, 23 (2): 127-134. i mallofagi degli psittaciformes. boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 74 (4): 33-41. un nuovo genere di somaphantidae, ascrivibile ad una nuova sottofamiglia (mallophaga liotheida). studi trent. sci. nat., trento, 23 (2): 123-126. quattro nuovi generi ed una nuova sottofamiglia di menoponidae dei passeracei (mallophaga). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 74 (2-3): 30-31. ricerche speleologiche sul versante orientale della catena m. stivo m. biavena. studi trent. sci. nat., trento, 23 (2): 93-122. 1943 il genere myrsidea. 2, una nuova specie di myrsidea del cinclus c. meridionalis brehm. ann. mus. civ. stor. nat., genova, 61: 287-289. la grotta del brigidun e la grotta dragonara (esplorazioni speleologiche nella provincia di genova. 1. (con n. sanfilippo e g. timossi). ann. mus. civ. stor. nat., genova, 61: 307-319. luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi 229 un nuovo genere di menacanthinae dei passeracei (mallophaga menoponidae). ann. mus. civ. stor. nat., genova, 61: 262-264. osservazioni sugli ortotteri cavernicoli della venezia tridentina (con a. galvagni). pubbl. soc. mus. civ. rovereto, rovereto, 65: 1-26. 1944 alcune interessanti catture di odonati in liguria e venezia tridentina (con o. galvagni). mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 23: 71-73. 1945 nota sul genere fastigatosculum kéler e ridescrizione del fastigatosculum acuticeps neumann (mallophaga trichodectidae). ann. mus. civ. stor. nat., genova, 62: 19-24. 1946 due nuovi generi di goniodidae dei galliformes e nota sul genere archigoniodes eichler (mallophaga). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 76 (9-10): 76-77. fauna di romagna (collezione zangheri). anopluri e sifonatteri. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 85: 35. un nuovo genere di trichodectidae sudamericano (mallophaga). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 76 (7-8): 59. osservazioni su alcune specie di odonati della venezia tridentina (con o. galvagni). pubbl. soc. mus. civ. rovereto, rovereto, 68: 3-6. prima nota sugli anopluri italiani. boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 76 (1-2): 7-10. 1947 descrizione del maschio di eichlerella vulpis denny e considerazioni sulla posizione del genere (mallophaga). atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 86: 178-179. il genere paradoxuroecus ed il suo generotipo (mallophaga). rev. bras. biol., rio de janeiro, 7 (2): 247-249. un nuovo genere di liotheida sudamericano, epizoo su opisthocomus hoazin (mallophaga). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 77 (3-4): 31. odonati (primo contributo alla fauna entomologica del matese). boll. ass. romana entom., roma, 2: 29-30. 1948 l’agrion caerulescens fonsc. nell’italia continentale (odonata). boll. musei ist. biol. univ. genova, genova, 22 (140): 57-59. fauna di romagna (collezione zangheri). odonati (con osvaldo galvagni). mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 27: 72-76. il genere psittacomenopon bedford ed il suo generotipo (mallophaga). boll. musei ist. biol. univ. genova, genova, 22 (136): 23-25. la grotta dei traditori. riv. mens. s.a.t., trento, 24: 546-548. note su odonati italiani. boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 78 (3-4): 25-27. 1949 l’abisso di lamar, la più profonda cavità naturale della venezia tridentina. invito a una definitiva esplorazione. montagne e uomini, trento, 1: 40-41. l’agrion mercuriale castellanii roberts in italia (odonata: agrionidae). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 79 (5-6): 62-64. bibliografia speleologica della venezia tridentina. pubblicazioni dell’istituto per l’alto adige, roma-bolzano: 1-36. ricerche speleologiche sulla catena dello zugna. atti acc. rover. agiati, rovereto, s. 4, 17: 109-127. ricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) 230 sullo stato attuale del catasto speleologico della liguria. rass. speleol. ital., como, 1 (1): 11-12. 1950 attività speleologica svolta in trentino nel 1949-50. studi trent. sci. nat., trento, 27 (1-3): 119-120. il genere archigoniodes conci (sic!) ed il suo generotipo (mallophaga). acta pont. acad. sci., roma, 14 (16): 175-179. la grotta cesare battisti sulla paganella (con a. galvagni). studi trent. sc. nat., trento, 27 (1-3): 100-111. la grotta di costalta. alpi venete, venezia, n. 4: 168-170. mallophaga (missione biologica sagan-omo diretta dal prof. edoardo zavattari). riv. biol. coloniale, roma, 10: 77-82. 1951 boccioli saltanti per anthonomus pomorum l. (coleoptera, curculionidae). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 81 (3-4): 48. il bus del diaol n. 29 v. t. (la grotta di arco o di ceniga) (con l. tamanini). studi trent. sc. nat., trento, 28 (1-3): 145-155. contributo alla conoscenza della speleofauna della venezia tridentina. mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 30: 5-76. nota sulle grotte del pugnetto in val di lanzo e sulla loro fauna (piemonte) (con f. capra). rass. speleol. ital., como, 3 (3): 73-76. note su odonati italiani (con c. nielsen). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 81 (8-10): 76-79. revisione del genere aphaotus breit e descrizione di un nuovo genere di coleotteri troglobi (con l. tamanini). studi trent. sc. nat., trento, 28 (1-3): 111144. 1952 l’allevamento in condizioni sperimentali dei mallofagi. 1, cuclotogaster heterographus nitzsch. boll. musei e istituti biol. univ. genova, genova, 24 (150): 17-40. le arene candide n. 34 li. morfologia e fauna. doriana, genova, 1 (24): 12. cenno commemorativo del prof. napoleone passerini. boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 82 (7-8): 65. una grande grotta nelle dolomiti di brenta (con a. galvagni). riv. mens. c.a.i., torino, 71: 105-106. la grotta del torrione di vallesinella nel gruppo di brenta (con a. galvagni). studi trent. sc. nat., trento, 29 (1-2): 61-70. le maggiori grotte del trentino (con a. galvagni). in: sat-cai 1872-1952, trento: 184-194. una nuova sottospecie di calopteryx virgo l. dell’inghilterra (odonata). boll. musei e istituti biol. univ. genova, genova, 24 (154): 67-69. la storia e le attuali conoscenze speleologiche trentine in rapporto alla s.a.t. in: sat-cai 1872-1952, trento: 178-183. sulla fauna della grotta di costalta n. 14 v. t. (con l. tamanini). rass. speleol. ital., como, 4: 21-25. 1953 il buranco rampiun n. 232 li. rass. speleol. ital., como, 5: 86-88. cenno biografico e bibliografia del geom. francesco vitale. mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 32: 60-63. luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi 231 un curioso caso di dermatite umana provocata forse da psocotteri (con t. franceschi). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 83: 17-20. le grotte di pignone e la loro fauna (la spezia) (con t. franceschi). rass. speleol. ital., como, 5: 43-49. ricerche speleologiche sul monte finonchio (trentino meridionale). atti acc. rover. agiati, rovereto, s. 5, 2: 83-109. 1954 cattura dell’ophiogomphus serpentinus (charp., 1825) ad alessandria (odonata). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 84: 53. domenico pujatti. mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 33: 138-140. la grotta di castello tesino (trentino) (con a. galvagni). pubbl. soc. mus. civ. rovereto, rovereto, 70: 1-38. un interessante caso di biospeleologia e di nomenclatura: halbherria mandriolensis conci & tamanini 1951 è sinonimo di h. stefani (breit 1914) (coleopt. catopidae) (con l. tamanini). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 84: 142-145. 1955 le attuali conoscenze speleologiche nella regione trentino-alto adige (italia settentrionale). in: 1. congrès intern. de spéléologie, paris, 2: communications: 215-219. giovanni battista trener. rass. speleol. ital., como, 7: 66-67. pidocchi. in: enciclopedia medica italiana. sansoni, firenze, 7: col. 1531-1534. prof. oscar de beaux (1879-1955). studi trent. sci. nat., trento, 32 (2-3): 124125. 1956 alcuni odonati raccolti sui monti sibillini e notizie sulla geonemia in italia del lestes dryas kirby e del sympetrum flaveolum (l.). mem. museo civ. st. nat., verona, 5: 203-210. l’allevamento in condizioni sperimentali dei mallofagi. 2, stenocrotaphus gigas (taschenberg). mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 35: 135-150. l’allevamento in condizioni sperimentali dei mallofagi. 3, columbicola c. columbae (linnaeus, 1758). boll. musei ist. biol. univ. genova. genova, 26 (162): 47-70. ferdinando solari (1877-1956). studi trent. sci. nat., trento, 33 (1-3): 157. la grotta g. b. trener n. 244 v. t. in valsugana (o grotta del calgeron) (con a. galvagni). mem. museo st. nat. ven. trid., trento, 11: 3-23. le maggiori e le più profonde grotte italiane. in: atti del 6° congresso nazionale di speleologia: trieste, 1954. stab. tip. nazionale, trieste: 7-25. nuovi ritrovamenti di molluschi troglobi del genere zospeum in caverne delle prealpi trentine e venete (italia settentrionale). 1. congrès international de spéléologie. s.n., paris, 3: 275-281. odonata (con c. nielsen). calderini, bologna (fauna d’italia; 1). pulci. in: enciclopedia medica italiana. sansoni, firenze, 8: col. 277-281. la scheda della società speleologica italiana per il catasto delle grotte d’italia. rass. speleol. ital., como, 8: 245-248. il troglorhynchus ferrarii: un singolare nuovo coleottero ipogeo. natura alpina, trento, 5 (1): 7-8. 1957 l’aeschna grandis (l.) in italia (odonata). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 87: 18-20. ricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) 232 alberto brasavola de massa (1886-1956) (con l. tamanini). mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 36: 20-23. il metodo e la terminologia dei tipi usati nella sistematica zoologica. mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 36: 160-173. 1958 guida al museo civico di rovereto (con l. tamanini). pubbl. soc. mus. civ. rovereto, rovereto, 71: 1-105. sulla sinonimia di due specie di odonati descritte dal disconzi nel 1865. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 97 (4): 353-356. 1959 coleotteri (con e. hülsmann). a. martello, milano (i miracoli della natura). giovanni loro (1915-1958). natura, milano, 50 (1): 31-32. ricordo di un naturalista trentino: il prof. alessandro canestrini (1879-1948). studi trent. sc. nat., trento, 36 (2): 128-132. 1960 considerazioni elementari sulle specie e sulle categorie sottospecifiche. l’informatore del giovane entomologo (suppl. al boll. soc. ent. ital.), genova, 1 (2-3): 5-10. odonati dei monti picentini (campania) e dell’aspromonte (calabria). mem. museo civ. st. nat., verona, 8: 89-99. orientamenti bibliografici per i giovani entomologi e i coleotterologi. l’informatore del giovane entomologo (suppl. al boll. soc. ent. ital.), genova, 1 (5): 17-20. 1961 la collezione entomologica di mario tomassetti donata al museo di milano. natura, milano, 52 (3): 105-108. pesci. (con m. torchio e e. hülsmann). a. martello, milano (i miracoli della natura). 1962 un appassionato ed eclettico naturalista: l’ing. mario simondetti. natura, milano, 53 (3-4): 127-130. distribuzione ed intensità del movimento entomologico in italia. l’informatore del giovane entomologo (suppl. al boll. soc. ent. ital.), genova, 3 (14): 13-16. 1963 le collezioni entomologiche del museo civico di storia naturale di milano. atti acc. naz. ent., rend., bologna, 11: 160-165. i giardini botanici reali di kew. natura, milano, 54 (3): 94-102. il jardin des plantes di parigi. natura, milano, 54 (1): 11-18. il museo di storia naturale di lubiana. natura, milano, 54 (2): 70-75. notizie sull’attività museologica, scientifica, didattica e divulgativa: curriculum steso per il concorso a direttore del museo civico di storia naturale di milano. tip. fusi, pavia. il patrimonio entomologico del museo civico di storia naturale di milano. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 102 (4): 323-348. pubblicazioni dal 1940 al 1963. tip. fusi, pavia. 1964 ricostituzione della società malacologia italiana. natura, milano, 55 (1): 72. 1965 lino bonomi (1893-1964). natura, milano, 56 (4): 209-211. luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi 233 notiziario del museo civico di storia naturale di milano. natura, milano, 56 (1): 90. pietre preziose e pietre dure (con v. de michele ed e. hülsmann). a. martello, milano (i miracoli della natura). 1966 conchiglie (con n. arfelli e f. ghisotti). a. martello, milano (i miracoli della natura). dono al museo civico di storia naturale di milano della collezione paleontologica e paletnologica del prof. carlo maviglia. ricostituzione presso il medesimo di un reparto paletnologico. natura, milano, 57 (1): 60-62. guida del museo civico di storia naturale di milano: volume pubblicato nel centenario di giorgio jan, fondatore, con g. de cristoforis, del museo. civica tipografia, milano. l’inaugurazione del rinnovato del museo civico di storia naturale di verona. natura, milano, 57 (1): 62. il 1° convegno italiano di malacologia. natura, milano, 57 (4): 283-284. un servizio di fonoguide portatili approntato presso il museo civico di storia naturale di milano. natura, milano, 57 (2): 159-160. il centenario di giorgio jan, la sua attività malacologia e le collezioni di molluschi del museo civico di storia naturale di milano. lavori della società malacologica italiana, 3: 1-8. 1967 il centenario di giorgio jan (1791-1866) e la fondazione ed il primo sviluppo del museo civico di storia naturale di milano. atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 106 (1): 5-94. la grotta di castello tesino (trentino). r. manfrini, rovereto, 2. ed. 1968 centotrenta anni di studi zoologici al museo civico di storia naturale di milano. boll. zool., napoli, 35: 471-478. insetti. (con i. bucciarelli). istituto geografico de agostini, novara (meraviglie della natura). la sezione italiana della raccolta entomologica di p. c. brivio, già del pontificio istituto missioni estere di milano (pime entomological museum, italian section), donata al museo civico di storia naturale di milano. natura, milano, 59: 197-204. 1969 l’acquario civico di milano eretto ad istituto a se stante sotto la direzione del dr. m. torchio. natura, milano, 60 (4): 245-250. dono al museo civico di storia naturale di milano dell’erbario a. piazzoli perroni. natura, milano, 60 (4): 334-336. fabio invrea : segretario (1922-47), vice presidente (1948-55) e presidente (195668) della società entomologica italiana. mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 48: lxxxvxcvi. guida del museo civico di storia naturale di milano. civica tipografia, milano. 2ª ed. repertorio delle biografie e bibliografie degli scrittori e cultori italiani di entomologia. mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 48 (4): 817-1069. 1970 pesci. (con m. torchio e e. hülsmann). rist. a. martello, milano. ricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) 234 1971 guida del museo civico di storia naturale di milano (a cura di c. conci). civica tipografia, milano. 3. ed. mostra del libro antico naturalistico: attraverso una scelta di esemplari della biblioteca del museo civico di storia naturale di milano (catalogo a cura di c. conci e m. schiavone). civica tipografia, milano. la mostra del libro antico naturalistico presso il museo civico di storia naturale di milano. natura, milano, 62 (4): 566-568. prima mostra nazionale di ikebana scuola ohara al museo civico di storia naturale di milano. natura, milano, 62 (3): 410-412. 1972 giuseppe [sic!] springer (1876-1965). natura, milano, 63 (4): 408-411. guida del museo civico di storia naturale di milano (a cura di c. conci). civica tipografia, milano. 4ª ed. la mostra microcosmo verde di dipinti botanici di p. bianco al museo civico di storia naturale di milano. natura, milano, 63 (4): 434-436. 1973 prof. antonio porta (1874-1971). natura, milano, 64 (2): 194-198. tre milioni di visitatori al museo civico di storia naturale di milano. natura, milano, 64 (2): 199201. 1974 il 5° congresso dell’unitas malacologia europaea (milano 2-8 settembre 1974) ed il centenario della società malacologica italiana (con m. torchio). natura, milano, 65 (3-4): 255-259. catalogo dei tipi del museo civico di storia naturale di milano. 1, i tipi dei pesci, con note storiche sulla collezione ittiologica (con m. michelangeli). atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 115 (3-4): 213-237. coleotteri (con e. hülsmann). rist. giunti a. martello, firenze (i miracoli della natura). conchiglie (con n. arfelli e f. ghisotti). rist. giunti a. martello, firenze (i miracoli della natura). guida del museo civico di storia naturale di milano (a cura di c. conci). 5ª ed. civica tipografia, milano. il museo civico di storia naturale di milano. musei e gallerie d’italia, roma, 52: 3-19. pesci. (con m. torchio e e. hülsmann). rist. giunti a. martello, firenze (i miracoli della natura). pietre preziose e pietre dure (con v. de michele ed e. hülsmann). rist. a. martello, milano (i miracoli della natura). 1975 la mostra «antonio stoppani scienziato, nel 150° della nascita» ai musei civici di milano e lecco. natura, milano, 66 (3-4): 195-199. 1976 l’80° genetliaco del dr. edgardo moltoni. natura, milano, 67 (3-4): 273. breve guida del museo civico di storia naturale di milano (a cura di c. conci). civica tipografia, milano (con traduzioni in francese, inglese e tedesco). due nuovi musei naturalistici lombardi: il museo di geo-paleontologia di voghera ed il museo civico di scienze naturali di induno olona. natura, milano, 67 (3-4): 257-258. luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi 235 guida al museo civico di rovereto (con l. tamanini). 2ª ed. pubbl. soc. mus. civ. rovereto, rovereto, 77: 1-86. 1977 guida del museo civico di storia naturale di milano (a cura di c. conci). 6ª ed. civica tipografia, milano. 1978 guida del museo civico di storia naturale di milano (a cura di c. conci). 7ª ed. civica tipografia, milano. il museo civico di storia naturale di milano (a cura di c. conci). tip. a. pizzi, cinisello balsamo. la ristrutturazione della biblioteca del museo civico di storia naturale di milano. natura, milano, 69 (3-4): 163-182. 1979 il 90° genetliaco della dott.ssa paola manfredi (con g. nangeroni e m. torchio). natura, milano, 70 (1-2): 2. un nuovo museo di storia naturale ad acqui terme (alessandria) con documentazione sui giacimenti auriferi dell’appennino ligure-piemontese. natura, milano, 70 (4): 331-333. la più antica figurazione scultorea di una libellula (odonata). natura, milano, 70 (4): 242-246. 1980 bibliografia del dr. edgardo moltoni (con p. brichetti). atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 121 (4): 415-435. la catalogazione dei beni nei musei scientifici italiani. in: atti del 2° congresso dell’a.n.m.s., torino 1978 “catalogazione dei beni culturali scientifici. la ricerca nei musei scientifici, orti botanici, giardini zoologici ed acquari”. associazione nazionali dei musei italiani, torino: 25-35. edgardo moltoni (1896-1980). atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 121 (4): 397-414. guida del museo civico di storia naturale di milano (a cura di c. conci). 8ª ed. civica tipografia, milano. i musei naturalistici di enti locali e istituzionali (con g. pinna). in: museo perché museo come. saggi sul museo. associazione nazionali dei musei italiani. de luca, roma: 193-203. i visitatori dei musei di storia naturale italiani. natura, milano, 71 (3-4): 277301. 1981 guida del museo civico di storia naturale di milano (a cura di c. conci). 9ª ed. civica tipografia, milano. i lavori di franz löw (1829-1889) sugli psylloidea e le loro date di pubblicazione. mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 60: 123-124. 1982 cenni orientativi sui musei del trentino-alto adige. in: atti del 3° congresso dell’a.n.m.s., trento 1980 “legislazioni regionali sui musei scientifici. etica del collezionismo naturalistico”. a.n.m.s., trento: 118-119. commemorazione di felice fontana, tenuta presso la casa natale a pomarolo il 13 giugno 1980. in: atti del 3° congresso dell’a.n.m.s., trento 1980 “legislazioni regionali sui musei scientifici. etica del collezionismo naturalistico”. a.n.m.s., trento: 165. ricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) 236 il museo civico di rovereto. in: atti del 3° congresso dell’a.n.m.s., trento 1980 “legislazioni regionali sui musei scientifici. etica del collezionismo naturalistico”. a.n.m.s., trento: 120-121. psylla limbata, nuova per l’italia, da rhamnus alpinus (con l. tamanini). atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 123 (4): 483-494. relazione del presidente della commissione a.n.m.s. per la catalogazione delle collezioni naturalistiche. in: atti del 3° congresso dell’a.n.m.s., trento 1980 “legislazioni regionali sui musei scientifici. etica del collezionismo naturalistico”. a.n.m.s., trento: 114-116. 1983 attuali conoscenze sugli psylloidea (homoptera) italiani (con l. tamanini). atti 13° congresso nazionale italiano di entomologia, sestriere-torino, 1983. [s.n.], torino: 319-326. craspedolepta carinthica in alto adige, nuova per l’italia, da artemisia sp. (insecta homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). st. trent. sci. nat. acta biologica, trento, 60: 67-75. craspedolepta conspersa, nuova per l’italia, da artemisia vulgaris (insecta homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). st. trent. sci. nat. acta biologica, trento, 60: 77-85. crastina (eustigmatia) loginovae n. sp., dell’italia centrale, da tamarix gallica, un genere nuovo per l’europa centro-occidentale (homoptera psylloidea aphalaridae) (con l. tamanini). atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 124 (1-2): 97-104. livio tamanini. festeggiando i suoi 60 anni di lavoro al museo civico di rovereto. pubbl. soc. mus. civ. rovereto, rovereto, 85: 1-31. 1984 catalogazione delle collezioni. relazione introduttiva. in: atti del 4° congresso dell’a.n.m.s., terrasini (pa), 1982 “catalogazione delle collezioni. museo e pubblico”. a.n.m.s., palermo: 21-35. la catalogazione delle collezioni mottero logi naturalistiche. museologia scientifica, verona, 1 (1-2): 5-27. floria (floria) poggii n. sp., from sardinia, host plant genista corsica (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). ann. mus. civ. st. nat., genova, 85: 43-49. phylloplecta trisignata (löw, 1886), host plant rubus sp., of the complex rubi corylifolii (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). st. trent. sci. nat. acta biologica, trento, 61: 249-261. rhodochlanis salicorniae klim., nuovo per l’italia, r. hodkinsoni n. sp., di puglia, da suaeda vera, e considerazioni sul genere (homoptera psylloidea aphalaridae) (con l. tamanini). atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 125 (1-2): 61-80. trioza (halotrioza n. subgen.) portulacoides n. sp., from ravenna (north italy), host plant halimione portulacoides (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 116 (1-3): 10-16. trioza (hippophaetrioza n. subgen.) binotata from alto adige, new for italy (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). st. trent. sci. nat. acta biologica, trento, 61: 239-248. trioza (trioza) rapisardai n. sp., from piemonte, host plant laserpitium siler (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 125, (3-4): 201-208. luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi 237 twenty-six species of psylloidea new for italy (con l. tamanini). atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 125 (3-4): 255-270. 1985 aphorma lichenoides, new for italy, and revision of the genus (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini e d. burckhardt). boll. mus. civ. st. nat., verona, 10: 445-458. arytainilla spartiicola from puglia, new for italy (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). atti acc. rover. agiati, rovereto, s. 6, b, 25: 123-136. bactericera calcarata, new for italy, host plant artemisia vulgaris, and b. modesta (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). st. trent. sci. nat. acta biologica, trento, 62: 43-58. bactericera harrisoni in italy, and comparison with b. bohemica (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). ann. mus. civ. rovereto, rovereto, 1: 99-110. cyamophila prohaskai from alto adige and trentino genus and species new for italy (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). st. trent. sci. nat. acta biologica, trento, 62: 59-68. lauritrioza n. gen., for trioza alacris (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 126 (3-4): 237-256. life history, nymphs and egg of cyamophila prohaskai, host plant anthyllis vulneraria ssp. alpestris (homoptera psylloidea). st. trent. sci. nat. acta biologica, trento, 62: 137-146. pseudaphorma astigma n. gen. n. sp., a new aphalaridae from piemonte (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). boll. mus. reg. sci. nat., torino, 3 (2): 349354. redescription of trioza ilicina (de stefani perez, 1901) comb. n., from quercus ilex (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). boll. lab. ent. agr. “f. silve-“f. silvestri”, napoli, 42: 33-46. 1986 cacopsylla propinqua from valle d’aosta, new for italy (homoptera psylloidea). (con l. tamanini). doriana, genova, 6 (256): 1-8. heterotrioza (halotrioza) sahlbergi in italy, host plant atriplex halimus (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). atti acc. rover. agiati, rovereto, s. 6, b, 26: 17-26. neocraspedolepta n. gen., for aphalara subpunctata (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 127 (3-4): 206214. the nymph of phylloplecta trisignata (löw) and new data on the morphology and the life history of the species (homoptera psylloidea triozidae) (con l. tamanini). boll. ist. ent. “g. grandi” univ. bologna, bologna, 41: 93-100. trioza saxifragae in trentino, new for italy, from saxifraga aizoides (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). ann. mus. civ. rovereto, rovereto, 2: 159168. 1987 faunistic notes and zoogeographical considerations on the psyllid fauna of the south-eastern alps (con c. rapisarda). biogeographia, forlì, 13: 623-639. the genus bactericera in italy (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). st. trent. sci. nat. acta biologica, trento, 64: 165-181. observations on trioza rotundata flor (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). ann. mus. civ. rovereto, rovereto, 3: 265-284. ricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) 238 1988 bactericera parastriola sp. n., from salix phycilifolia, lapponum and waldsteiniana, in sweden and italy (homoptera psylloidea) (con f. ossiannilsson e l. tamanini). atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 129 (2-3): 225236. cyamophila willieti (wu, 1932), comb. nov., adult and nymph, from china, host plant sophora japonica (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). boll. labor. ent. agr. “f. silvestri”, napoli, 45: 171-179. life history, nymphs and egg of cyamophila prohaskai, host plant anthyllis vulneraria ssp. alpestris (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). studi trent. sc. nat. acta biologica, trento, 65: 137-146. rare or interesting species of italian psylloidea. 1, homoptera (con l. tamanini). atti acc. rover. agiati, rovereto, s. 6, b, 28: 47-71. seven species of psylloidea new for italy (homoptera) (con l. tamanini). ann. mus. civ. rovereto, rovereto, 4: 307-320. 1989 acizzia hollisi, new for europe, and other psyllids from isles lampedusa and linosa (sicily) (hemiptera, homoptera) (con l. tamanini). il naturalista siciliano, palermo, serie 4ª, 13 (1-2): 75-80. cacopsylla iteophila in alto adige and trentino, new for italy (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). ann. mus. civ. rovereto, rovereto, 5: 205-218. notes on the genus psyllopsis (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). atti acc. rover. agiati, rovereto, serie 6, b, 29: 57-85. 1990 notes on the west palaearctic genus eutrioza (homoptera psylloidea) (con d. burckhardt e l. tamanini). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 122 (1): 67-73. taxonomy and biology of trioza tripteridis sp. n., on valeriana spp. (homoptera psylloidea) (con d. burckhardt, p. lauterer e l. tamanini). boll. soc. ent. ital., genova, 122 (3): 165-174. triozidae new or interesting for italy (homoptera psylloidea) (con l. tamanini). atti acc. rover. agiati, rovereto, serie 6, b, 30: 37-60. 1991 spanioza tamaninii sp. n., from trentino (ne italy) (homoptera psylloidea). atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. st. nat., milano, 132 (20): 257-264. ten years of studies on the italian psylloidea (homoptera) (con c. rapisarda e l. tamanini). in: 16° congresso nazionale italiano di entomologia (bari, 1991), s.n., s.l.: 87-91. 1992 annotated catalogue of the italian psylloidea. 1. (insecta homoptera) (con c. rapisarda e l. tamanini). atti acc. rover. agiati, rovereto, s. 7, b, 2: 33-135. paracraspedolepta gen. n., for chermes nebulosa (homoptera psylloidea). mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 71 (2): 505-508. 1995 annotated catalogue of the italian psylloidea. 2. (insecta homoptera) (con c. rapi-2. (insecta homoptera) (con c. rapisarda e l. tamanini). atti acc. rover. agiati, rovereto, s. 7, b, 5: 5-207. 1996 elenco delle collezioni entomologiche conservate nelle strutture pubbliche italiane (con r. poggi). mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 75: 1-157. luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi 239 iconography of italian entomologists, with essential biographical data (con r. poggi). mem. soc. ent. ital., genova, 75: 159-384. 1997 considerazioni sulla psillidofauna italiana (con c. rapisarda). atti accad. naz. it. entom. rendiconti, bologna, 45: 163-194. gli studi omotterologici nel panorama entomologico italiano (con a. arzone, s. barbagallo, s. longo, c. rapisarda, a. tranfaglia). atti accad. naz. it. entom. rendiconti, bologna, 45: 81-106. 1998 conchiglie (con n. arfelli e f. ghisotti). nuova ed. giunti, firenze (atlanti natura giunti). the earliest literature on psylloidea (insecta homoptera). atti acc. rover. agiati, rovereto, s. 7, b, 8: 41-66. livio tamanini (1907-1997). atti accad. naz. it. entom. rendiconti, bologna, 46: 81-97. pesci (con m. torchio e e. hülsmann). nuova ed. giunti, firenze (atlanti natura giunti). -trad. francese: gründ, paris, 2001. pietre dure e pietre preziose (con v. de michele ed e. hülsmann). nuova ed. giunti, firenze (atlanti natura giunti). -trad. francese: gründ, paris, 2000. 2000 iconography of eggs of italian psylloidea (insecta homoptera). atti acc. rover. agiati, rovereto, s. 7, b, 10: 5-32. 2004 pietre dure e pietre preziose (con v. de michele ed e. hülsmann). rist. giunti, firenze (atlanti natura giunti). traduzioni buchsbaum r. & milne l. j., 1961 – il libro degli invertebrati. a. mondadori, milano (titolo orig.: living invertebrates of the world. trad. con p. manfredi e m. mariani). buchsbaum r. & milne l. j., 1971 – gli invertebrati (il mondo degli animali). a. mondadori, milano (titolo orig.: concise book of living invertebrates. trad. con p. manfredi e m. mariani). burnett r. w., fisher h. i. & zim h. s., 1962 – zoologia : introduzione allo studio del regno animale. a. martello, milano (titolo orig.: zoology: an introduction to the animal kingdom. trad. con m. torchio). gilliard e. t., 1959 – il libro degli uccelli. a. mondadori, milano (titolo orig.: living birds of the world. trad. con p. manfredi). gilliard e. t., 1971 – gli uccelli (il mondo degli animali). a. mondadori, milano (titolo orig.: concise book of living birds. trad. con p. manfredi). klots a. b. & klots e. b., 1960 – il libro degli insetti. a. mondadori, milano (titolo orig.: living insects of the world. trad. con p. manfredi). klots a. b. & klots e. b., 1971 – gli insetti (il mondo degli animali). a. mondadori, milano (titolo orig.: concise book of living insects. trad. con p. man-trad. con p. manfredi). schmidt k. p. & inger r. f., 1958 – il libro dei rettili. a. mondadori, milano (titolo orig.: living reptiles of the world. trad. con p. manfredi). ricordando cesare conci (rovereto 26 aprile 1920 milano 11 maggio 2011) 240 schmidt k. p. & inger r. f., 1971 – i rettili (il mondo degli animali). a. mondadori, milano (titolo orig.: concise book of living reptiles. trad. con p. man-trad. con p. manfredi). ringraziamenti gli autori ringraziano per la gentile collaborazione: la famiglia del prof. cesare conci che, insieme a roberto poggi del museo civico di storia naturale di genova, ha messo a disposizione alcune belle immagini; gianfranco liberti e maurizio pavesi per gli aiuti offerti alla stesura della parte entomologica; enrico muzio per la compilazione della bibliografia; infine bruna burato e leonardo latella del museo civico di storia naturale di verona per l’assistenza e i suggerimenti dati in occasione della consultazione dell’archivio ruffo. ricevuto: 9 luglio 2012 approvato: 17 luglio 2012 luigi cagnolaro, carlo leonardi & paola livi atti soc. it. sci. nat. museo civ. stor. nat. milano, 153 (i): 27-48, aprile 2012 via podgora 3, 20122 milano, italia; e-mail: agnese visconti la fondazione dell’orto botanico di brera e gli anni della direzione dell’abate vallombrosano fulgenzio vitman (1728-1806) tra assolutismo asburgico ed età napoleonica riassunto il saggio ricostruisce, sulla base di documenti per la massima parte inediti raccolti nell’archivio di stato di milano, nella biblioteca di brera di milano, nella biblioteca nazionale centrale di firenze, nel museo di storia naturale di milano e nell’accademia delle scienze di torino, la storia della fondazione e dei primi decenni di attività dell’orto, annesso alla cattedra di botanica del ginnasio di brera, alla quale venne chiamato nel 1774 il padre vallombrosano fulgenzio vitman. la prima parte del lavoro descrive le operazioni materiali compiute per l’allestimento dell’orto. segue la descrizione dello svolgimento annuo dei lavori consistenti perlopiù nell’acquisizione e nei cambi di semi e piante, nell’adozione per la disposizione delle piante del metodo di classificazione di linneo, nell’utilizzo delle piante per le lezioni. si passa quindi all’analisi dei modi che vitman adottò per arricchire l’orto, sottolineando la sua convinzione dell’opportunità di privilegiare le piante necessarie alla didattica e alla ricerca scientifica. purtroppo, mancando l’orto di un proprio archivio e di raccolte di lettere, molte questioni restano ancora non risolte. appaiono comunque evidenti sia l’appartenenza di vitman alla fitta rete di scambi tra i botanici dell’epoca, sia l’utilizzo di canali diplomatici, in particolare per gli scambi con francia, olanda e spagna. il contributo si conclude con la descrizione dell’attività didattica e scientifica di vitman, autore di un fortunato libro di testo, de medicatis herbarum facultatibius liber, faventiae 1770, e di una importante summa plantarum, mediolani 1789-1792, in 6 volumi, nella quale l’autore segue il metodo di classificazione linneano. parole chiave: vitman, orto botanico di brera, attività accademica e scientifica, settecento, milano. abstract the foundation of the botanical garden of brera and the years of the direction of vallombrosan abbot fulgentius vitman (1728-1806) between habsburg absolutism and the napoleonic era. the essay, based on unpublished documents for the most part collected in the state archive of milan, the brera library in milan, the central national libray of florence, the museum of natural history in milan and the academy of sciences of turin, rebuilds the history of the foundation and early decades of the garden, connected with the chair of botany in the brera gymnasium, to which in 1774 was called the vallombrosan father fulgentius vitman. 28 the first part of the paper describes the physical operations performed for the construction of the garden. the essay goes on delineating the annual work performed by vitman, mainly consisting in the acquisition and exchange of seeds and plants, adoption and placement of plants in the linnaean classification method, the use of plants for the lessons. it then moves to the analysis of the methods that vitman adopted to enrich the garden, emphasizing his conviction to focus on plants necessary for teaching and scientific research. unfortunately, due to the lack of archives and collections of letters, many issues remain unsolved. nonetheless what appears clearly is both vitman’s membership to the network of exchanges among the botanists of the time, and the use of diplomatic channels, in particular for exchanges with france, holland and spain. the paper concludes with a description of the academic and scientific activity of vitman, author of a successful textbook, de medicatis herbarum facultatibius liber, faventiae 1770 and an important summa plantarum, mediolani 1789-1792, in 6 volumes, in which the author follows the linnaean method of classification. key words: vitman, botanical garden of brera, academic and scientific activity, seventeenth century, milan. la chiamata alle scuole palatine di milano di fulgenzio vitman nel luglio del 17741 il padre vallombrosano oriundo bavarese fulgenzio vitman (1728-1806) -vir laboriosus et diligens (giacomini, ciferri & pirola, 2002: 65), nonché affermato naturalista introdotto allo studio delle piante medicinali fin dagli anni quaranta dal confratello francesco maratti (mazzuccotelli, 2002)lascia l’insegnamento della botanica nell’università di pavia, al quale era stato chiamato dal senato milanese (capra, 1987: 252) nel dicembre del 1763 (mazzuccotelli, 2002), e raggiunge la capitale lombarda, dove ha ricevuto l’incarico di ricoprire la cattedra della medesima disciplina, appena istituita nelle scuole palatine (visconti, 1927; vicinelli, 1963; scazzoso, 1982). a suggerire il trasferimento è il ministro plenipotenziario della lombardia austriaca, carlo firmian2 che, in qualità di incaricato della diretta sorveglianza della deputazione agli studi (capra, 1987: 258; liva, 1989: 61), ha accolto la supplica di vitman che gli ha chiesto di poter godere “degli effetti del suo onorevole patrocinio” e di ricevere da lui una nuova sistemazione, dal momento che nell’università di pavia si è sparsa la voce dell’intenzione della corte di chiamare un nuovo docente, il medico di origine goriziana valentino brusati (ferraresi, 2003). firmian conosce e apprezza da tempo il lavoro didattico del padre vallombrosano, ritenendolo -è logico pensareidoneo al nuovo orientamento impresso dalla deputazione medesima alle palatine, dove gli insegnamenti sono stati sottratti alla giurisdizione del senato e potenziati attraverso la nomina di docenti di grande fama e notorietà: tra i quali cesare beccaria per le scienze camerali, giuseppe parini per l’eloquenza e le belle lettere, e alfonso longo per il diritto e, in seguito l’economia e il commercio. è dunque all’interno di tale indirizzo di sviluppo e di rafforzamento che si colloca la nuova cattedra di botanica, fondata con l’obiettivo di istruire i medici e di riorganizzare in senso teorico-scientifico la formazione dei farmacisti, sino a quel momento ancora saldamente in mano al collegio degli speziali, la corporazione alla quale spetta non solo la “militazione pratica”, ossia l’addestramento empirico degli aspiranti farmacisti al seguito di un maestro, ma anche l’approvazione e l’immissione nella professione (brambilla 1996; brambilla, 1982; brambilla, 2007; monti, 1996). nel 1773 le scuole palatine, così ristrutturate e accresciute, vengono trasferite da piazza dei mercanti (vicinelli, 1963: 322-323) al palazzo di brera, appena incamerato dallo stato assieme a un vasto quantitativo di rendite terriere e di immobili, agnese visconti 29 in seguito alla soppressione, decretata da papa clemente xiv il 21 luglio di quello stesso anno, dell’ordine dei gesuiti che in quel palazzo avevano avuto la sede delle loro scuole. da ora in poi esse diventano ginnasio, termine con il quale vengono designati tutti gli istituti medio-superiori propedeutici all’università di pavia, riorganizzati nelle capitali provinciali dopo il 1773 (brambilla, 2006), e si inseriscono, con il nome di ginnasio di brera, nel quadro del grandioso progetto didatticoscientifico che il potere asburgico sta iniziando a realizzare a milano. si tratta della costituzione di “un centro culturale polivalente quale poche altre capitali possono vantare” (capra, 1987: 263), formato dalla riunione nello stesso edificio, quello di brera appunto, di importanti istituzioni di insegnamento e di ricerca, in parte esistenti, in parte nuove e in parte ampliate: l’osservatorio astronomico, detto anche specola, costruito nel 1764 dal gesuita giuseppe ruggero boscovich; la biblioteca pubblica, formata sul nucleo di quella del nobile carlo pertusati e di quella degli stessi gesuiti, che l’imperatrice maria teresa ha deciso di aprire al pubblico fin dal 1770 per affiancarla all’ambrosiana, scarsa di libri a stampa e di edizioni recenti (scotti, 1979: 13); l’accademia delle belle arti, progettata dal governo asburgico nel 1772 e costituita nel 1776; e la società patriotica per l’avanzamento dell’agricoltura, delle arti e delle manifatture, fondata anch’essa nel 1776. a queste istituzioni il governo si propone di aggiungere anche la r. stamperia, una collezione di rarità, un teatro di fisica e il potenziamento della spezieria ex gesuitica (scotti, 1979: 13), ma l’idea viene poi abbandonata. per la cattedra di botanica delle scuole palatine la destinazione del palazzo di brera si rivela particolarmente felice, oltre che per la prossimità agli altri istituti culturali, anche per un motivo del tutto peculiare. adiacente al lato meridionale dell’edificio si trova infatti un piccolo giardino strutturato in due quadri, circondato da stretti viali alberati e con un boschetto al limite occidentale, concepito dai gesuiti sia come luogo di raccoglimento e di passeggio, sia come spazio per farvi crescere ortaggi e frutta (sicoli, 1993). l’area si presta a diventare orto botanico per la coltivazione delle piante e la dimostrazione di esse agli scolari, secondo una rinnovata visione didattica basata non più solo sulla conoscenza dottrinale, ovvero sulla lettura e sul commento filologico dei testi classici di plinio, dioscoride e avicenna (lectura simplicium), o sull’esposizione di iconografie e di esemplari essicati, nonché di materiali raccolti, tra la flora spontanea dei dintorni della città, da rizotomi, ossia da esperti incaricati di portare all’orto le radici delle piante dei territori circostanti (declaratio simplicium), ma anche sull’osservazione diretta delle piante vive, in sintonia con le richieste di quel sapere sperimentale e induttivo, propagato con tanta risolutezza e determinazione dalla cultura illuministica (ostensio simplicium, che appare dopo la creazione del viridarium) (giacomini, ciferri & pirola, 2002: 47; scotti, 1978-1979). inizialmente firmian non ritiene necessario compiere alcun lavoro per la sistemazione del giardino ex gesuitico che, a suo parere, può servire alla coltivazione delle piante officinali “senza spesa alcuna”3 e gli sembra pertanto sufficiente che vitman si procuri -nel corso di un viaggio di erborizzazione da compiersi tra l’estate e l’autunno del 1774 con meta gli appennini bolognesi e toscani, che vitman conosceva dagli anni passati a vallombrosa (vitman, 1773) e torino, dove vitman aveva stretto rapporti con il botanico carlo allioni4 le erbe e i semi da piantare nell’orto per poter poi avviare, nella primavera seguente, le dimostrazioni botaniche agli scolari. eventuali opere di adattamento per “[dilatarlo] ancora alle piante esotiche e ridurlo ad un formale giardino botanico” vengono rimandate a tempi successivi. egli stima la fondazione dell’orto botanico di brera e la direzione di fulgenzio vitman (1728-1806) 30 invece più urgente che vitman si metta “di concerto collo speziale di brera ad oggetto che le rispettive incombenze possano servire al pratico e utile intento dei medici e speziali con l’obbligo di istruire quelli che devono esercitare detta professione”5. su quest’ultimo punto si dichiara d’accordo, da vienna, anche il cancelliere wenzel anton kaunitz, responsabile della politica estera asburgica, che, a sua volta, suggerisce di far assumere al giardino, oltre alla funzione di orto officinale, anche quella di orto economico, “conducente a promuovere l’agricoltura, le arti e i comodi della vita, cose tutte che sono abbandonate alla cieca pratica”6. il giudizio finale del cancelliere austriaco non corrisponde tuttavia pienamente alla realtà della società milanese, all’interno della quale gli interessi per la botanica come disciplina a sé e nelle sue connessioni con l’agricoltura e le manifatture stanno cominciando, ancorché lentamente, a esprimersi e a concordare con l’azione del governo (canetta, 1982); tra i nobili e i borghesi attivi in questo senso ricordiamo il negoziante paolo antonio zappa, il marchese ferdinando cusani, il marchese antonio litta e il marchese bartolomeo andreoli (cusani, 1865: 213-215). la proposta di kaunitz infatti si realizza senza ostacoli non solo fra le mura del giardino di brera7, ma anche nel quadro delle attività di sperimentazione agricola e produttiva svolte dalla società patriotica (visconti, 1998), per la quale vitman, che di essa è socio, compie, insieme con altri soci aristocratici, borghesi e religiosi, un intenso lavoro di ricerca, soprattutto nell’ambito delle piante economicamente utili, con particolare riguardo alle oleifere e alle tintoree, nonché a quelle più indicate per le brughiere e per i prati (mazzuccotelli 2002). vitman e la crescita dell’orto botanico il miraggio di firmian riguardo alla possibilità di trasformare senza sacrificio finanziario il giardino ex gesuitico in orto botanico si rivela molto presto fallace. nel gennaio del 1775, dopo il ritorno dal suo viaggio di erborizzazione nell’appennino tosco-emiliano e in piemonte, vitman compie un approfondito sopralluogo al giardino. lo accompagnano l’architetto giuseppe piermarini, sovrintendente alle fabbriche statali e incaricato dal governo delle ristrutturazioni del palazzo di brera (scotti, 1979), l’ingegnere del r. economato carlo francesco ferrario, l’ingegner carcano, l’amministratore dell’asse ex gesuitico giacomo durini e l’intendente delle r. finanze gaetano della somaglia. dal sopralluogo emerge una situazione assai diversa da quella prospettata da firmian. le opere per la costruzione dell’orto si rivelano, infatti, non solo indispensabili, ma anche elevate e impegnative dal punto di vista finanziario, come si evince dalla relazione inviata al plenipotenziario il 12 gennaio 1775 da durini che, relativamente alla parte più immediata dei lavori da compiere, si esprime in questi termini: “per aderire alle idee del vitman si richiederà una spesa rilevante assai, intendendo il medesimo, oltre che di far schiantare tutte le piante e farvi condurre terra ben crivellata, di voler spediti anche molti luoghi e stanze già fissate e adattate in abitazione a vari soggetti, per riporvi nella stagione fredda più di tremila vasi di cui vuole adorno il giardino. lo che non si potrà eseguire senza grave spesa, sconcerto e incomodo”8. altrettanto perplesso è il pensiero di pietro verri che nella sua del 6 settembre 1775 al fratello alessandro così scrive: “vado a brera e trovo il giardino spazioso affatto deserto: una pecora morirebbe di fame, sradicati gli alberi, mosso tutto il terreno. cos’è mai questa novità? si fa un orto botanico. ottimamente, ma cosa vi si è piantato? nulla. ma perché cominciare dalla distruzione? può darsi che col nuovo sistema si formino più illuminati cittadini, ma quasi ne dubito” (greppi & giulini (eds.), 1931, vii: 231). quanto alle agnese visconti 31 opere da effettuarsi in un secondo tempo, in particolare la disposizione delle aiuole, l’approntamento del sistema di irrigazione e l’edificazione delle stufe e delle serre per il riparo delle piante esotiche, tropicali e non, il padre vallombrosano si riserva di manifestare le proprie intenzioni dopo aver sentito l’opinione di un giardiniere competente e, a tal fine, suggerisce di far venire a milano, in qualità di esperto, il custode dell’orto dell’università di pavia, giosuè scannagatta, esperto giardiniere e botanico di cui abbiamo poche notizie (almanacco di milano [1794]: 198; ferraresi, 2007). quest’ultimo, dopo aver visitato i luoghi, stende un’accurata relazione al governo sui lavori da svolgersi, che però verranno realizzati solo in parte9. il governo concede infatti l’approvazione all’avvio delle opere relative allo sgombero delle piante del giardino ex gesuitico (greppi & giulini (eds.), 1931, vii: 231) e al rifornimento dei vasi per la semina, sottolineando l’opportunità di limitare le spese successive, con particolare riguardo alle stanze, alle stufe e alle serre, e però nello stesso tempo dichiarando di non voler rinunciare all’obiettivo finale di “piantare l’orto botanico in tutta la sua estensione e lusso”10. fin dal principio dei lavori, assistiamo dunque all’emergere, nel modo di procedere dell’amministrazione asburgica, di una vistosa contraddizione di fondo, che, come vedremo, riaffiorerà anche in seguito: da una parte la volontà di ottenere risultati di alto livello scientifico, didattico e ornamentale, e dall’altra l’indisponibilità effettiva a mettere in campo gli strumenti finanziari occorrenti allo scopo. a questa tendenza, riscontrabile anche in altri settori naturalistici (bigatti, 1996; visconti, 2008) si possono aggiungere, a motivo di chiarimento dell’esiguo impegno del potere asburgico verso le spese più cospicue per l’orto, sia la convinzione di giuseppe ii, rafforzatasi negli anni, dell’opportunità di favorire il giardino botanico di pavia, e più in generale l’università ticinese (scotti, 1979: 36, 38-39, 41; vicinelli, 1963: 90-95; monti, 1996; brambilla 1996), sia la morte di firmian, avvenuta il 20 luglio 1782, e la successiva nomina di johann joseph wilczeck, assai meno colto e liberale. si spiega così come mai il governo si limiti ad approvare il progetto di alcuni lavori, di rapida e sommaria realizzazione, rimandando invece, o ignorando del tutto, quello di altri, finanziariamente più impegnativi. e’ il caso della piantumazione di un boschetto di frutici e suffrutici (scotti, 1979: 29) e della disposizione dei quadrati, tra cui uno destinato alla semina, nonché dell’abbassamento di due muri sul lato nord confinanti con la proprietà di luigi trotti11, che scannagatta suggerisce di utilizzare come strutture portanti per la costruzione di una stufa dove collocare le piante “che ricercano di essere ritirate dal ghiaccio”12, e che il potere pubblico decide invece di unire sbrigativamente fra loro mediante l’edificazione di un tetto, realizzando così un locale privo di riscaldamento, noto in seguito con il nome di stanzone13. a queste opere poco dispendiose, si aggiungono in seguito due proposte, anch’esse di piccola entità, se pur di buon effetto estetico, come testimoniano le parole di pietro verri che nella sua del 12 gennaio 1782 al fratello alessandro scrive che “il giardino è un orto botanico signorile” (greppi & giulini 1931, vii: 161). la prima consiste nella realizzazione di uno “steccato o altro riparo per togliere l’adito a ogni ingresso”; di “gradini di legno inverniciati per porvi sopra i vasi tra colonna e colonna”; di “cordonati di pietra o mattoni” intorno ai quadrati; di alcuni “vasi di differente grandezza con i loro rispettivi piedistalli per mettere intorno ai quadrati”; e di “vasche con i tombini nel mezzo dei quadrati”14. la seconda è relativa alla piantumazione di una fila di carpini e di tre boschetti; all’unione delle aiuole di mezzo per collocarvi i sufrutici; alla sostituzione dei cordonati con panchette; alla costruzione di piedestalli per quaranta vasi grandi, di ventiquattro cassette per le piante bulbose e di duecento vasi piccoli15. la fondazione dell’orto botanico di brera e la direzione di fulgenzio vitman (1728-1806) 32 alla parsimonia dell’amministrazione asburgica va infine ricondotta la vendita a privati di parti dello stradone, oggi detto strettone, ossia della via di accesso all’orto: la prima area risulta ceduta a giovanni battista moriggia nel maggio del 178116, la seconda a giulio cesare busti nel luglio dello stesso anno e la terza a teresa cassinelli corridori nell’aprile 179117. all’opposto, non viene preso in alcuna considerazione un progetto per l’edificazione di due ampi fabbricati, un calidario e un tepidario ricoperti di vetri connessi da telai lignei, presentato nel luglio del 1775 da piermarini, dietro richiesta dello stesso governo e secondo le indicazioni tecniche di vitman e scannagatta18. né miglior sorte sembra avere la realizzazione di una serie di disegni, di poco successivi, effettuati da vitman -sulla base delle sue osservazioni alle serre e alle stufe degli orti di firenze, bologna e torino, nonché di quelle del giardino cusani a desioe rappresentanti, da un lato lo stanzone suddiviso in cinque parti, ossia un frigidario, uno spazio per il forno e la legna, un calidario, uno spazio per il passaggio dei tubi e un ripostiglio, e dall’altro, staccato dal suddetto complesso, un tepidario19. inascoltata resta infine anche una seconda proposta, assai più ridotta rispetto alla prima, che lo stesso padre vallombrosano avanza nel 1777 e ribadisce poi nel 1782, consistente nella divisione dello stanzone in frigidario, calidario e tepidario, a fronte di una spesa di circa 3.000 lire20. gli unici lavori di cui resta traccia sono quelli di riparazione e di estensione dello stanzone medesimo, nel quale viene edificato anche un piccolo forno, corredato in seguito di due lamiere contro il rischio di incendio21, nonché quelli di costruzione delle gradinate per i vasi, effettuati tra il 1790 e il 1791 per un totale di 2.585 lire e collaudati da piermarini nel 179222; ad essi si aggiungono quelli relativi all’edificazione, davanti allo stanzone medesimo, di una piccola serra, ovvero di un cassone, per la modesta somma di 495 lire23. a confermare la scelta del governo austriaco di limitarsi a effettuare esborsi di lieve entità24, e di procedere inoltre non tanto seguendo un piano edificatorio predeterminato, quanto piuttosto intervenendo sulla base delle occorrenze che man mano si presentano, è infine la decisione, presa nel 1795, di ricostruire solo in parte, dopo il loro crollo per vetustà, i portici in legno, ossia tempietti, sotto i quali il padre vallombrosano tiene le lezioni e le dimostrazioni di botanica25. mentre un vero e proprio ricovero per le piante tropicali non viene realizzato per tutto il periodo dell’amministrazione asburgica26. non molto diversa appare la situazione sotto il dominio napoleonico che progetta bensì nel soppresso convento di santa teresa, tra il tombone di san marco e i bastioni di porta nuova27, un grandioso orto -peraltro eccessivamente monumentale, a parere di vitman, nonché troppo distante dalla biblioteca di brera e motivo quindi di incomodo per l’insegnamento28-, ma si limita nei fatti alla fabbricazione, per l’esiguo prezzo di 35 lire, di una piccola stufa provvista di lamiera29, che però non risulta adatta al mantenimento delle piante tropicali30. né esita a cedere a girolamo corridori nel novembre del 1797 (scotti, 1979: 32, n. 21) una parte dello stradone, mutilando il giardino di una vasca e di una collinetta e creando difficoltà alla circolazione dei carri31. all’apparenza meno inadeguate sembrano essere le disposizioni che vengono emanate dall’amministrazione austriaca prima, e da quella francese poi, in merito alla remunerazione degli impiegati dell’orto e alla gestione ordinaria di esso, consistente, quest’ultima, soprattutto nell’approvvigionamento e nella conservazione delle piante vive e secche, e dei semi. ad uno sguardo più attento però tali disposizioni si rivelano invece, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la parte relativa agli stipendi, perlopiù insufficienti in rapporto agli effettivi e reali bisogni del giardino, così come essi vengono via via emergendo nel corso degli anni. agnese visconti 33 fin dall’inizio del suo soggiorno a milano vitman si vede assegnato a titolo gratuito da firmian un alloggio ammobiliato nel palazzo di brera, essendo la capitale priva di monasteri della sua congregazione, dove egli possa risiedere, e però nello stesso tempo uno stipendio annuo di sole 1.200 lire32, inferiore di non poco a quello medio dei docenti del ginnasio di brera, che si aggira intorno alle 2.000 lire (visconti, 1927: 155-156; scazzoso, 1982); allo stipendio si aggiungono 500 lire annue per le prime necessità del futuro orto e per il mantenimento di un giardiniere lavoratore nella persona di dionigi de amici, cui pure viene concessa una piccola abitazione nello stesso palazzo33. si tratta invero, per quanto riguarda il padre vallombrosano, di una situazione complessiva non del tutto soddisfacente. già nel 1776 egli si vede difatti costretto a inviare una supplica al plenipotenziario, pregando di “un qualche aumento di pensione per un congruo sostentamento” al fine di potersi procurare gli alimenti di cui godono “gli altri regolari che vivono in comunità religiose”34. pochi anni dopo, non avendo ottenuto la maggiorazione implorata ed essendosi quindi trovato nella condizione di dover contrarre debiti35, decide di vendere al governo il proprio erbario, raccolto nel corso di trent’anni di lavoro e formato di circa 6.000 specie suddivise in 60 tomi comprensivi di “tutte le piante medicinali indigene e di un gran numero di forestiere, singolarmente americane, tra le quali alcune rarissime”, nonché corredati dei dipinti delle erbe che, “o per mole o per altre cagioni, non possono disseccarsi” e infine provvisti, “quando le circostanze lo [richiedono]”, dei disegni dei fiori, allo scopo di consentire una visione più completa della pianta36. si tratta di una combinazione originale (soldano, 1993), in uso, ancorché non frequentemente, fin dal rinascimento (olmi, 2005). le trattative vengono avviate nel 1779 e si concludono nel 1785 con l’acquisto, a fronte dell’esborso di 40 zecchini da parte della camera dei conti, di 40 volumi37 che vengono destinati all’università di pavia “ad uso della scuola botanica”, come era stato richiesto da giovanni antonio scopoli, professore di botanica e chimica38 di quell’ateneo. si conferma così, ancora una volta, la propensione dell’amministrazione austriaca a favorire l’istituzione pavese rispetto a quella milanese. tale erbario si trova tuttora a pavia, sebbene mutilo: ad un primo sopralluogo risultano infatti presenti solo circa 1.450 fogli. quanto ai 20 volumi a suo tempo non venduti, si ritiene che essi siano stati trattenuti da vitman e abbiano formato il nucleo costitutivo di un nuovo erbario, parte del quale, si trova oggi tra le collezioni botaniche del museo civico di storia naturale di verona (soldano, 1993). a ricorrere alla clemenza del governo, vitman viene nuovamente sospinto nel 1786, quando umilia una supplica nella quale chiede una gratifica per aver svolto, nel corso di più di due anni, il faticoso, difficile e lungo lavoro di nomenclatura dell’erbario del medico e botanico bernese albrecht von haller, acquistato da giuseppe ii nel 177839. a tale titolo gli sono infine corrisposti 50 zecchini40. l’erbario viene quindi mandato a pavia; di qui sarà trafugato dalle truppe francesi e portato a parigi, dove tuttora si trova (monti, 1998; steinke, boschung & pross, 2008; elsner & rupke, 2009). né il padre vallombrosano vede migliorare le proprie condizioni finanziarie, quando, a seguito della soppressione, avvenuta nel 1782, del monastero di san lanfranco di pavia al quale egli appartiene, il governo decide di pagargli una pensione annua di 1.450 lire, assegnate sul fondo dell’ospedale di san matteo di quella città, in cui i beni del monastero sono stati incorporati41. nel 1790 egli implora inoltre nuovamente il governo, rivolgendosi direttamente al plenipotenziario, per avere una gratificazione che compensi, almeno in parte, le la fondazione dell’orto botanico di brera e la direzione di fulgenzio vitman (1728-1806) 34 spese sostenute per l’acquisto di vari trattati di botanica di elevato pregio e costo, fatti venire a milano da parigi, londra e stoccolma per la redazione della sua opera più vasta e complessa, la summa plantarum42; anche questa volta gli vengono accordati 50 zecchini43. sotto il governo francese la situazione non muta. in un primo momento, anzi, sembra peggiorare: nel luglio del 1796 infatti la pensione di 1.450 lire, che vitman percepisce, come si è detto più sopra, sul fondo dell’ospedale di san matteo, gli viene defalcata di 250 lire, ed è solo dopo un’ennesima supplica44, che egli ottiene che essa gli sia ripristinata45, mentre immutato rimane l’onorario di 1.200 lire46. quanto ai compensi degli altri impiegati alle dipendenze dell’orto, le condizioni appaiono forse più soddisfacenti. a una fase iniziale -durante la quale si vanno svolgendo, sotto la soprintendenza di vitman che viene aiutato, come si è detto più sopra, da de amici, le opere per l’allestimento del giardino stessone succede una seconda che comincia nel 1780, quando, conclusi i lavori di approntamento, l’orto entra in piena attività, anzitutto con la nomina da parte di firmian del giardiniere francesco pratesi, al quale viene assegnato il “gratuito beneficio dell’abitazione”47 e un soldo annuo di 700 lire48, e in secondo luogo con la riconferma dell’inserviente de amici, cui è corrisposta un’annualità di 270,16 lire49. a de amici si aggiunge nel 1793, con lo stesso compenso, giacomo seveso, in qualità di secondo inserviente50. nell’organico è contemplata in una prima fase anche la funzione di un rizotomo51, che però viene di fatto sostituita con la facoltà concessa a vitman di utilizzare parte delle 1.250 lire di dotazione ordinaria del giardino per incaricare speziali ed erbolari esterni del ruolo di rizotomi52. con l’arrivo dei francesi la situazione sembra cambiare in senso favorevole. già durante la repubblica cisalpina, nell’aprile del 1799, l’agenzia dei beni nazionali d’olona invia al ministero degli interni un dispaccio, chiedendo una maggiorazione dello stipendio di pratesi, seveso e de amici, motivata dalla considerazione del fatto che “il numero delle piante e degli studiosi concorrenti è aumentato” rispetto agli iniziali anni di vita dell’orto53. il governo decide allora di accordare subito l’aumento a seveso, il cui stipendio passa nel maggio del 1800 da 25 a 30 soldi al giorno, concessi “alla persona per suoi meriti e non all’impiego”54, mentre differisce quella per pratesi e de amici, in procinto entrambi di andare in pensione55, per essere sostituiti, il primo da filippo armano nel 1802, e il secondo da mauro volpi nel 180356. un ulteriore segnale dell’attenzione dedicata agli addetti dell’orto dal governo napoleonico è riconoscibile nella deliberazione, presa nel settembre del 1801 dal ministro degli interni, di nominare un aggiunto alla cattedra di vitman, ormai “logorato dallo studio e dagli anni”, nella persona di giosuè scannagatta, cui è assegnato uno stipendio di 2.000 lire, comprensive della pensione di 1.000 lire che egli già percepisce in quanto ex custode dell’orto botanico di pavia57. nel 1803 scannagatta viene destinato all’insegnamento della botanica nell’università di bologna e in sua vece è chiamato ciro pollini (albertini, 1969) che ricopre l’incarico di supplente alla cattedra del padre vallombrosano fin’oltre la morte di questi, avvenuta nel marzo del 1806, e più precisamente sino al marzo 1807, quando viene nominato professore stabile paolo sangiorgio58. per quanto riguarda la gestione corrente dell’orto, i governi, sia asburgico che francese, sembrano mostrare per tutto il periodo della loro rispettiva dominazione un interesse piuttosto definito e una partecipazione assai attiva. la dotazione ordinaria -costituita, come si è detto più sopra, di 1.250 lire all’anno che restano invariate durante tutto il periodo della direzione di vitmanpare infatti sufficiente per agnese visconti 35 l’approvvigionamento annuo delle piante, dei semi e delle radici; per la loro coltivazione, compreso l’acquisto dei materiali necessari, fra cui ingrasso, trasporto di terra, pali di sostegno, vasi, cassette, attrezzi; e infine per la piccola manutenzione, consistente perlopiù nell’aggiustatura degli adacquatori e delle gradinate, nonché delle parti in ferro, legno e vetro dei locali di ricovero delle piante59. le spese più frequenti sono quelle relative all’approvvigionamento, che viene effettuato, sotto l’immediata supervisione di vitman, secondo due distinte modalità. anzitutto l’acquisizione di piante autoctone, perlopiù officinali, procurate da esperti conoscitori, abitanti generalmente nelle zone montane della lombardia e del piemonte, e pagati di volta in volta per la fornitura dei materiali richiesti: a riguardo i nomi che ricorrono sono quelli di cesare sironi della val d’intelvi; dello speziale maderna; dell’erbolario bonifico60; e di giovanni bernasconi di como61. a tali materiali si aggiungono quelli raccolti direttamente da seveso sui colli della brianza, nonché le erborizzazioni effettuate da scannagatta anche per il giardino di milano, oltre che per quello di pavia62, e infine le piante raccolte dal medico lodovico bellardi e dagli erbolari dell’orto dell’università di torino, pietro e ignazio molineri (forneris, banchio, pistarino & montacchini, 1989; caramiello, minuzzo & fossa, 2009: 19), sulle montagne piemontesi e spedite a milano dal direttore di quel giardino, carlo allioni, con il quale il padre vallombosano mantiene stretti rapporti epistolari improntati a profonda stima e fiducia63. piante, radici e semi, non solo autoctoni, ma anche esotici, vengono inoltre procurati da altri orti, italiani e stranieri, nonché da giardini privati, con alcuni dei quali vitman ha iniziato a intessere rapporti fruttuosi sin dall’epoca del suo soggiorno pavese64, stringendoli poi ulteriormente nel corso del viaggio di erborizzazione compiuto nell’autunno del 177465. si tratta di materiali sia acquistati sia ottenuti per cambio, grazie a una rete di relazioni ampia e variegata, che si va infittendo con gli anni soprattutto per quanto riguarda l’approvvigionamento delle piante esotiche. queste ultime, che all’atto della fondazione dell’orto avevano dato luogo a qualche iniziale titubanza (scotti, 1979: 15), cominciano a venir coltivate a partire dal marzo 1777, quando –terminata, come si è visto più sopra, l’edificazione del tetto dello stanzonevitman può mettere in conto una piccola voce di spesa per la loro provvista66. per quello che riguarda la ricchezza e la fama del giardino tali acquisti hanno un notevole risultato, tanto da far dire già nel 1778 al poligrafo carlo amoretti che il professore di botanica “a un jardin assez bien fourni pour faire ses demonstrations” ([amoretti], 1778: 77). i primi commerci si aprono con vienna e l’olanda, da dove giungono a milano “belli e rari semi” che il padre vallombrosano intende non solo coltivare a scopo didattico e scientifico, ma anche mettere a profitto come materiali di scambio per arricchire l’orto delle piante mancanti67. i contatti si allargano quindi al giardino di zurigo, da cui il botanico johann jacob römer fa pervenire nella capitale lombarda bulbi e radici rare68 e, dopo l’arrivo dei francesi, a quello di parigi69, dove vitman entra in relazione con andré thouin, docente di orticoltura nel muséum national d’histoire naturelle e autorevole esperto nella naturalizzazione delle piante straniere. i principali giardini di riferimento per il padre vallombrosano sono tuttavia quelli italiani, con particolare riguardo a pavia, torino, firenze e parma. stretti e continuativi sono difatti i rapporti che vitman intrattiene con scannagatta, che, in modo assiduo e regolare, procura all’orto di milano piante e semi di quello di pavia70, non di rado scelti direttamente dal padre vallombrosano nel corso di brevi permanenze nella città ticinese71. non dissimili, anzi forse persino più frequenti, i commerci con la fondazione dell’orto botanico di brera e la direzione di fulgenzio vitman (1728-1806) 36 torino che iniziano già nel luglio del 1774, con le prime richieste da parte di vitman di piante alpine e continuano poi fino al 1793 con reciproci scambi, informazioni, domande e offerte72. dalla capitale piemontese giungono ripetutamente a milano, oltre che piante autoctone raccolte da bellardi e molineri, anche semi ed erbe di varia origine e provenienza, mentre piuttosto scarso risulta, all’opposto, il numero di esemplari inviati a torino da milano (caramiello, minuzzo & fossa, 2000: 67). utili e abbondanti si rivelano inoltre gli scambi con l’orto sperimentale del regio museo di firenze, diretto da ottaviano targioni tozzetti, anche se talvolta contraddistinti da incidenti, quali invii di “piante fradice”, di “semi fallati” o erroneamente nominati73. assai fruttuosi infine i commerci con l’orto di parma, diretto fino al 1793 da giambattista guatteri, che è in corrispondenza con casimiro gòmez de ortega, soprintendente del giardino di madrid, dal quale riceve semi peruviani, messicani e di altre colonie spagnole nel nuovo mondo (favali & fossati, 1993: 61 e 69). e’ probabile che alcuni di questi semi vengano inviati a milano, dal momento che vitman non ha rapporti diretti con madrid (muñoz garmendia (ed.), 2004), in cambio di quelli che vitman, a sua volta, spedisce a parma (favali & fossati, 1993: 75). lo scambio tra i due botanici risulta però disuguale, a vantaggio di vitman (lanzoni, 1929), secondo un’abitudine piuttosto frequente tra i naturalisti (lepenies, 1991: 65-66). i rapporti tra il padre vallombrosano e l’orto parmense continuano anche sotto la direzione di diego baldassarre pascal, che subentra a guatteri nello stesso 1793. già nel 1795 vitman gli invia un elenco di richieste, promettendogli poi “dei semi per servirlo prima degli altri”, nonché delle pianticelle che spera di riuscire a far germogliare dai “semi delle antille rarissimi” che ha ricevuto da parigi74. meno usuali infine, ancorché non del tutto saltuari, sono i rapporti con gli orti delle università di padova, parma, bologna, firenze, palermo, genova e mont pellier75, e con i giardini privati andreoli di milano (lanzoni, 1929), farsetti di venezia (vedovato, 2009: 356-358), cusani di desio, lattuada-settala della valera (arese), castiglioni di mozzate, grimaldi di genova, panciatichi di firenze, bianchi di venezia, e baldini di vicenza76. i risultati di questo intenso e vivace lavoro appaiono manifesti, a poco più di vent’anni dalla fondazione dell’orto, in un appunto di vitman del 9 gennaio 1798, nel quale è scritto: “l’orto botanico di brera, oltre le piante in terra che servono per i medici e gli speziali, classificate secondo il sistema di linneo, evvi una serra fornita di 950 vasi di piante esotiche per quelli che studiano la botanica in tutta la sua estensione”77. alla formazione di tale ricchezza contribuiscono in maniera diretta anche i rappresentanti del potere politico: anzitutto i due plenipotenziari austriaci, firmian e wilczeck, e poi, in misura forse ancora maggiore, i ministri degli interni e degli esteri delle repubbliche cisalpina e italiana, nonché del regno d’italia, che, attraverso i rispettivi canali diplomatici, procurano all’orto piante e semi di elevata rarità e pregio. sin dal 1782 firmian agisce personalmente nella formazione del boschetto di brera scrivendo a londra e a zurigo per ordinare semi di arboscelli esotici e altro materiale, e agevolando inoltre le successive richieste di vitman78. né wilczeck, suo successore, manca di prodigarsi in favore del giardino della capitale lombarda: nel 1787 egli si assume il pagamento di una partita di erbe inviate dall’orto di vienna a quello di milano79 e negli anni seguenti riveste il ruolo di punto di riferimento per le occorrenze di vitman che gli si rivolge, appellandosi alle sue ampie conoscenze botaniche, per ottenere radici e semi rari dalla capitale asburgica80. il plenipotenziario trasmette quindi le richieste del padre vallombroagnese visconti 37 sano al cancelliere di corte johann philipp von cobenzl, successo a kaunitz nel 1792, il quale, a sua volta, le fa pervenire a nikolaus joseph von jacquin, professore di botanica nell’università di vienna e direttore dell’orto di quella capitale81. seguono gli interventi del governo francese, che mantiene rapporti soprattutto con i delegati nella repubblica batava (attuali paesi bassi) e in spagna. all’agente diplomatico della prima, matteo galdi, ex giacobino e ottimo conoscitore dell’olanda (galdi, 1809; arisi rota, 1998: 48 e 79), l’incaricato del portafoglio degli esteri della repubblica italiana francesco pancaldi comunica nel 1802 che “i professori botanici di brera, premurosi di acquistare delle erbe rare per ornamento del giardino botanico e per servizio degli studenti hanno chiesto di farne venire dai paesi esteri, e specialmente da costà e dall’inghilterra, ove si coltivano piante rare.” e gli chiede pertanto “di [dirigersi] a qualche professore per [procurarsi] i semi più stimati e rari e farne anche commettere a londra onde trasmetterli poscia alla direzione [del ministero degli esteri] con sollecitudine e mediante le cautele solite a praticarsi perché giungano in buono stato”82. rapida e subitanea è la risposta di galdi che nel giro di pochi giorni comunica di aver scritto a vari esperti di amsterdam, stoccolma e londra, al fine di ottenere “una preziosa raccolta”. qualche difficoltà egli incontra tuttavia per quanto riguarda i semi inglesi. tiberio cavallo, professore di fisica a cambridge, lo avverte infatti che quelli “delle piante esotiche che coltivansi in inghilterra non giungono a maturità; che per conseguenza è inutile spedirli; che cercherà di averne di quelli che direttamente giungono dalle due indie, dalle isole dell’oceano pacifico e da botany bay”83. l’impresa riesce, tanto che ben presto galdi può scrivere a pancaldi di aver “ricevuto da londra semi delle più rare piante che coltivansi in inghilterra”, precisando che “ve ne ha di quelli giunti da botany bay, dalla nuova caledonia e da othaiti, ecc.” e che “tutti sono in ottimo stato, sono incassati” e pronti per essere spediti in italia per un costo totale di 96 fiorini. una seconda richiesta viene effettuata a galdi nel 1804 dal ministro degli esteri ferdinando marescalchi (muzzi, 1932), dietro supplica di vitman che gli ha fatto pervenire, attraverso il ministro degli interni luigi villa84, due liste di semi, una per quelli che suppone facili da trovare in inghilterra, l’altra per quelli che ritiene più comuni in olanda85. non molto diverso il cammino per avere materiale dalla spagna: i rapporti si aprono nel 1799 con l’interessamento dell’ambasciatore della repubblica cisalpina a madrid, personalmente sollecitato da vitman86; proseguono quindi nel 1801, quando pancaldi richiede, nella sua veste di ministro degli interni della repubblica cisalpina87, il catalogo delle piante che mancano agli orti di brera e pavia al fine di poterli arricchire con materiali provenienti da quello di madrid88; mentre nel 1803 il padre vallombrosano si rivolge ancora a villa, allegandogli un elenco di semi che chiede di poter ricevere dalla capitale spagnola. la nota viene inviata a marescalchi89 che già in precedenza si era occupato di commercio di semi con la capitale spagnola, facendo pervenire un pacchetto agli orti di milano, pavia e bologna90. ma è forse soprattutto nell’ultimissimo periodo della direzione di vitman che si assiste a un notevole slancio nell’incremento del numero delle piante esotiche, soprattutto decorative, le quali in breve tempo finiscono col prevalere su quelle coltivate a scopo medico e scientifico. sono gli anni in cui il padre vallombrosano -ormai, come si è visto, decrepito e malfermoinizia a recedere, per poi ritirarsi del tutto, dal suo ruolo di soprintendente dell’orto. a sostituirlo interviene, con crescente impegno e zelo, il giardiniere filippo armano che, prima di entrare alle dipendenze di brera, aveva approntato l’orto ornamentale durazzo di mestre91 e la fondazione dell’orto botanico di brera e la direzione di fulgenzio vitman (1728-1806) 38 aveva lavorato per quelli decorativi bianchi e farsetti di venezia, attraverso i quali era entrato in rapporto con i giardini di londra, del portogallo, di pietroburgo e di parigi, nonché di zurigo, di berlino, di madrid e dell’olanda, maturando una notevole esperienza, non priva di aspetti venali, nel traffico di piante e semi rari92. durante il servizio a brera, armano porta tale esperienza all’interno dell’orto milanese, allargando le proprie relazioni ai giardini privati degli orticoltori e collezionisti francesi di piante esotiche, pregiate e ornamentali, tra i quali jacques-philippe-martin cels, philippe noisette e andré dupont, nonché a quelli pubblici di schönbrunn, montpellier e copenaghen. l’orto si “[arricchisce] così di vegetabili rarissimi e di [...] una considerabile quantità di specie”, tanto da superare, secondo il giudizio di armano, “in sceltezza tutte insieme le altre [raccolte] pubbliche del regno”93. a tale vistosa opulenza (armano, 1811; armano, 1812) non manca però di accompagnarsi un grave aspetto negativo che diviene con gli anni sempre più nefasto. i commerci organizzati dall’intraprendente giardiniere tendono infatti a far prevalere gli scopi affaristici su quelli didattici94, alterando di conseguenza la fisionomia e il carattere dell’orto, al punto che sangiorgio, nominato, come si è visto, titolare della cattedra di botanica nel marzo del 1807, si sente in dovere di segnalare al governo i perversi esiti del nuovo indirizzo, richiamando con forza l’attenzione sul fatto che “per non lasciar guastar le piante esotiche novellamente introdotte, e con ciò recar danno a chi con esse commercia, si son dovuti dall’orto escludere gli scolari, né il professore ve li può introdurre per far loro delle lezioni pratiche, e limitarsi deve a condurli in campagna: così il soverchio lusso distrugge il principale oggetto che è l’istruzione”95. con queste parole così vibrate il nuovo docente non ha in animo soltanto di dichiarare le proprie convinzioni personali, ma intende anche, e forse soprattutto, riferirsi all’assiduo lavoro didattico svolto per anni e anni da vitman all’interno dell’orto e sottolineare come l’obiettivo essenziale dell’abate vallombrosano sia sempre stato, in armonia con le direttive dei governi asburgico e francese, quello di modellare il giardino in relazione all’insegnamento. l’impegno didattico e scientifico di vitman fin dal marzo del 1775, quando comincia le sue lezioni, vitman ha infatti già stabilito con chiarezza che la disposizione dell’orto deve rispecchiare lo svolgimento dell’attività didattica. questa si basa inizialmente su due diversi tipi di istruzione che vengono impartiti a due differenti gruppi di allievi. il primo è formato da coloro che desiderano apprendere la botanica come disciplina a sé, ai quali vitman insegna “la teoria e i precetti del sistema linneano, facendo loro in seguito l’ostensione delle erbe conformemente a un tal metodo”; il secondo dagli speziali, a cui le erbe vengono invece mostrate secondo il sistema del botanico francese joseph pitton de tournefort. ne consegue pertanto che il giardino viene distribuito secondo i due suddetti sistemi con le loro rispettive classi96. a tali gruppi di studenti si aggiunge, secondo una prassi contemplata dai regolamenti (visconti, 1927: 124-125) e in uso anche nell’università di pavia (ferraresi, 2000), “una scuola particolare in camera per molti laureati che non possono intervenire alle pubbliche lezioni” e che, insieme con gli altri, vengono condotti, durante la primavera, “in campagna ad erborizzare e vedere l’erbe nel suolo nativo”97. comune a tutti gli allievi infine è la parte didattica generale introduttiva, ossia le istituzioni botaniche, che precedono, quale fondamento teorico necessario, le dimostrazioni nell’orto98. agnese visconti 39 la scelta dei due sistemi, di tournefort e di linneo, è da ricondurre verisimilmente alla situazione transitoria che caratterizza in questi anni il pensiero scientifico di vitman: da un lato l’attaccamento allo schema tournefortiano tradizionale, che però, nonostante l’iniziale successo conseguito tra i medici e i farmacisti, mostra ormai evidenti limiti soprattutto nell’erroneo raggruppamento delle specie e nella inesatta separazione tra piante arboree ed erbacee (caramiello, minuzzo & fossa, 2009: 88), e dall’altro l’apertura a quello linneano, che l’abate vallombrosano non riesce tuttavia ancora a fare totalmente proprio99. l’uso del doppio sistema non viene però ammesso dal potere pubblico che, adducendo a motivo il rischio di “allevare dei scolari che non si possono intendere fra loro”, notifica direttamente da vienna, già nel novembre del 1775, l’ordine di insegnare la botanica secondo il solo sistema di linneo “che è il più universale” e di rivedere in tal senso la disposizione dell’orto100. la necessità di adattarsi ad un unico schema -destinato peraltro a non subire alcuna modifica durante tutto il periodo della direzione di vitman né per l’insegnamento né per il giardino (armano, 1811; armano, 1812)si rivela per l’abate vallombrosano un efficace fattore di spinta verso la piena padronanza del metodo linneano. riguardo al quale un primo passo appare manifesto già nel prodromo101, dove vitman trasforma le proprie perplessità102 in critiche costruttive e utili all’avanzamento delle conoscenze botaniche (vitman, [1781]: 6-11). ma è con la pubblicazione della summa plantarum -sintesi accurata e matura del sistema del naturalista svedese, arricchita e completata da una vasta letteratura internazionale, in parte basata sui testi dalla biblioteca di haller e in parte su altri appositamente richiesti da madrid, parigi, londra e stoccolma103che si assiste alla definitiva evoluzione del pensiero di vitman verso una dimensione moderna, con requisiti sempre più marcati di botanica pura e con un carattere dinamico che presuppone la convinzione della possibilità di un progressivo e continuo avanzamento delle conoscenze (mazzuccotelli, 2002). infine, comune ai due periodi, quello ausburgico e quello napoleonico è anche il giudizio favorevole delle rispettive autorità di governo sul programma scolastico approntato da vitman, nonché sull’utilizzo, per la trattazione di esso, delle annotazioni che egli ricava dal suo de medicatis herbarum facultatibus liber, redatto nel 1770 per gli alunni pavesi. il testo -ufficialmente adottato fin dalla pubblicazione grazie al parere positivo del medico giuseppe cicognini, che, chiamato in qualità di membro della deputazione agli studi, da firmian a render conto di esso, lo aveva ritenuto “opera vantaggiosa agli scolari di medicina e farmacia”104continua infatti, nel corso dei decenni, a godere del favore del potere pubblico. si tratta di un elenco alfabetico di ottocentoottanta piante officinali che crescono nella penisola italiana, compilato ad uso degli allievi medici e speziali, secondo una visione essenzialmente realistica e concreta, non priva di attenzione alle terapie empiriche popolari (vitman, 1770: 5). ogni specie vi è identificata dal nome officinale di uso corrente, cui seguono quelli attribuiti dai botanici che l’hanno raffigurata, e la segnalazione della classe di appartenenza secondo i sistemi di tournefort e di linneo; succede quindi la descrizione dei caratteri primari, secondari e specifici, e da ultimo l’esposizione delle vires, ossia proprietà curative (mazzucotelli, 2002). l’opera mantiene il ruolo di libro di testo fin dopo la morte di vitman e risulta sostituita solo nel 1808, quando l’amministrazione francese decide di adottare per tutti i licei del regno d’italia da poco istituiti (bollettino, 1803: 295-308 e 428-430) il manuale di botanica di antonio josé de cavanilles105. ulteriore motivo di apprezzamento da parte dei governi sia austriaco che napoleonico nei riguardi dell’insegnamento di vitman è il successo che l’abate vallomla fondazione dell’orto botanico di brera e la direzione di fulgenzio vitman (1728-1806) 40 brosano raccoglie presso gli studenti nel corso di tutto il periodo della sua attività di docente. si tratta di una riuscita che, quantomeno all’inizio, risulta imprevista, come si evince dalla lettera spedita da kaunitz a firmian il 3 luglio del 1775, nella quale il cancelliere austriaco scrive al plenipotenziario di aver visto con stupore e piacere che “la cattedra di botanica è molto più frequentata di quello che poteva sperarsi”. gli allievi risultano ammontare a 72, suddivisi in 27 al mattino e 45 al pomeriggio106: un’affluenza molto alta rispetto alla media dei corsi del ginnasio di brera in quello stesso periodo. a riguardo basti considerare che nel 1773 il numero degli studenti di parini è di 58 e che tale numero cala in seguito fino a raggiungere la quota di 12 nell’anno scolastico 1776-1777 (vicinelli, 1963: 46 e 79). il concorso degli allievi che assistono alle lezioni di vitman cresce ancora nel periodo della dominazione francese, durante la quale l’insegnamento dell’abate vallombrosano “non [si limita] alla cognizione delle erbe officinali necessarie ai medici e speziali, ma si estende [...] a tutto il regno vegetabile, a profitto anche delle manifatture tintoree”107. ne risulta un incremento del numero delle piante dell’orto e un conseguente maggior lavoro dei giardinieri pratesi, seveso e de amici, per i quali nell’aprile del 1799 l’agenzia dei beni nazionali d’olona chiede al ministro degli interni un aumento dello stipendio108. la cura di vitman per l’attività didattica e per la conseguente ed esclusiva funzione scientifica dell’orto viene inoltre confermata dalla determinatezza con la quale egli frena ogni tentativo messo in atto da chiunque intenda entrare nel giardino in sua assenza. già nel luglio del 1775, come si è visto, era stato stabilito di costruire, tra i primi provvedimenti, uno steccato per chiudere l’orto agli estranei. né l’attenzione dell’abate vallombrosano viene meno in seguito. a conferma si rimanda alla sua lettera inviata nel 1785 a giambattista guatteri che, trovandosi a milano e avendo deciso di visitare il giardino, si vede impedire l’ingresso dal custode. allo scopo di scusarsi per l’accaduto vitman gli scrive: “si dà la fatale combinazione che il giardino essendo stato aperto da quell’uomo che vi negò l’ingresso, per introdurvi due sgualdrine (per avere la mancia l’avrebbe aperto ancora al boja), queste mi desolarono tutti i fiori ed erbe odorose. [...] il mio giardino è sempre aperto a chiunque, quando vi sono io, perché stando sempre in casa, ho piacere di vedere gente. [...] qualche maligno dirà che lo chiudo ai professori per non dare niente, e volere da loro. l’aspettavo a questo punto. il botanico di como, fumagalli; quello di mantova, calandris; vahl di danimarca; per dodici anni il giardiniere scannagatta di pavia, sebbene poco da questo corrisposto, vengono e prendono ciò che vogliono” (lanzoni, 1929). la convinzione della necessità di impedire l’entrata al giardino in sua assenza, viene infine ribadita dall’abate vallombrosano nel 1797 in una lettera al congresso dell’amministrazione generale, nella quale egli, comunicando che “alcuni studenti giorni sono pretendevano di andare soli in giardino col vano pretesto di studiare”, chiede che venga emanata un’ordinanza ufficiale finalizzata a “non lasciar passare veruno, senza una espressa [sua] licenza”109. la domanda viene immediatamente esaudita dal congresso che stabilisce “che sia interdetto l’accesso al giardino botanico per chicchesia ed anche per gli studenti quando non sieno in compagnia del vitman e non abbiano la formale ed espressa di lui licenza”110. la deliberazione del congresso dell’amministrazione generale costituisce -ci pareuna chiara, evidente e definitiva conferma dell’intento del potere pubblico di salvaguardare il ruolo didattico del giardino. tale intento sarà destinato, non solo a permanere, ma addirittura a rafforzarsi con il ritorno degli austriaci durante la restaurazione. l’orto continuerà infatti a essere al servizio degli studenti e degli appassioagnese visconti 41 nati di botanica desiderosi di approfondire le proprie conoscenze, grazie alla volontà del suo direttore giuseppe balsamo crivelli, professore di botanica nei due licei di sant’alessandro e di porta nuova, che si opporrà con tutte le sue forze all’ordine emanato nel 1824 da francesco i d’asburgo di sopprimere tutti gli orti provinciali. in seguito, con la proclamazione dell’unità d’italia e il passaggio dell’orto sotto la giurisdizione del politecnico, il suo ruolo comincerà ad essere sempre più discusso e, soprattutto dopo la cessione in uso alla regia scuola di agricoltura, a diventare per certi aspetti marginale, a motivo anche dei diversi obiettivi che la botanica ormai si pone in quegli anni. una situazione che, in parte, dura ancor oggi, dopo l’annessione dell’orto negli anni trenta del novecento all’università degli studi (tucci, 2007; calabrò, 2008). ringraziamenti ringrazio per aver agevolato le mie ricerche con indicazioni, consigli, suggerimenti e cortesie donata falchetti, anna rita zanobi e il personale della biblioteca braidense di milano; luisa erba, alessandra ferraresi e carlo violani dell’università di pavia; cecilia magnabosco della biblioteca la vigna di vicenza; marco mazzotti della biblioteca manfrediana di faenza; maria pia bortolotti, giovanna calati e il personale dell’archivio di stato di milano; paola caccia dell’orto botanico di brera dell’università degli studi di milano, giuseppe olmi dell’università di bologna; paola negri, laureanda della facoltà di scienze matematiche, fisiche e naturali dell’università di milano; anna alessandrello, enrico banfi e gabriele galasso del museo di storia naturale di milano; adriano soldano della società botanica italiana; maria teresa monti dell’università del piemonte orientale; pietro rossi, elena borgi e lavinia iazzetti dell’accademia delle scienze di torino, mauro mazzucotelli del centro storico benedettino italiano di cesena; sonia residori della biblioteca bertoliana di vicenza; paola livi della biblioteca del museo di storia naturale di milano, yara mostazo fernàndez dell’orto botanico di madrid; francesco sartori e maurizio preti dell’orto botanico di pavia. note 1 come si evince dalla lettera scritta il 9 luglio 1774 dal ministro plenipotenziario della lombardia austriaca carlo firmian all’amministratore dell’asse ex gesuitico giacomo durini (archivio di stato di milano (d’ora in poi asm), studi p.a., b. 277). nella lettera firmian chiede anche che a vitman venga assegnata “l’abitazione mobiliata ad uso di religioso”. 2 come si ricava dal poscritto alla lettera scritta il 14 aprile 1774 dal cancelliere wenzel anton kaunitz, responsabile della politica estera asburgica, a firmian (asm, studi p.a., b. 277). 3 così firmian a kaunitz nella sua del 9 luglio 1774 (asm, studi p.a., b. 2). 4 come si ricava dalle lettere inviate da vitman ad allioni conservate nell’archivio dell’accademia delle scienze di torino (d’ora in poi aast). 5 così firmian a kaunitz nella sua del 9 luglio 1774 (asm, studi p.a., b. 2). 6 poscritto alla sua a firmian del 4 agosto 1774 (asm, studi p.a., b. 277). 7 si veda in proposito la lettera di firmian a durini del 21 marzo 1775 (asm, studi p.a., b. 278); la relazione senza data (ma estate 1775) che si ritiene di mano di bovara (asm, studi p.a., b. 258); l’appunto di vitman del 9 gennaio 1798 (asm, amministrazione fondo di religione, b. 2243). 8 così durini nella sua relazione a firmian del 12 gennaio 1775 (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 9 la relazione è del i maggio 1775, come si evince dalla lettera di piermarini e ferrario a durini del 6 maggio 1775 (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 10 così firmian a durini nella sua del 21 marzo 1775 (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 11 si veda la lettera di piermarini a firmian del 16 luglio 1775 (asm, studi p.a., b. 270). la fondazione dell’orto botanico di brera e la direzione di fulgenzio vitman (1728-1806) 42 12 così scannagatta nella sua relazione del i maggio 1775 (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 13 il lavoro del tetto risulta compiuto nel 1777, come si evince dalle “tabelle, note e allegati riguardanti la pianta stabile delle scuole per l’istruzione nazionale” del 13 marzo 1777 (asm, studi p.a., b. 206). 14 così firmian nella sua a durini del i luglio 1775 (asm, studi p.a., b. 270). 15 così firmian a durini nella sua del 22 marzo 1777 (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 16 si vedano lo strumento di vendita del 29 maggio 1781 per accesso al giardino di brera coerente al palazzo moriggia a giambattista moriggia e l’appunto del 17 luglio 1781 recante il titolo:”vendita fatta dal governo a giulio cesare busti del fondo, ossia area coerente al giardino della casa di esso busti ed annesso al giardino di brera” (entrambi i documenti in asm, amministrazione fondo di religione, b. 1868). 17 come si evince dalla nota dell’agenzia dipartimentale dei beni nazionali del 6 agosto 1797 (asm, amministrazione fondo di religione, b. 2241). 18 come si ricava dalla lettera del 16 luglio 1775 di piermarini a firmian (asm, studi p.a., b. 270). 19 la relazione esplicativa del progetto si trova in una nota di vitman senza data (ma 1775) (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 20 si veda in proposito il documento del 13 marzo 1777 recante il titolo: “tabelle, note e allegati riguardanti la pianta stabile delle scuole per l’istruzione nazionale” (asm, studi p.a., b. 206). 21 per il forno, si rimanda alla nota spese di pratesi relativa all’autunno del 1793, recante la data 17 dicembre 1793; per i lavori successivi, alla relazione del 30 settembre 1790 di carlo pertusati, vice-intendente dell’intendenza generale di finanza, al consiglio di governo; alla nota dell’8 febbraio 1792 del ragionato generale peronti al magistrato politico camerale; per le spese, alla nota senza data predisposta per la sessione della commissione ecclesiastica e degli studi del 22 febbraio 1792 (tutti e quatttro i documenti in asm, studi p.a., b, 278). 22 così nella nota senza data predisposta per la sessione della commissione ecclesiastica e degli studi del 18 gennaio 1792 (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 23 cenno al cassone nella nota spese del 1792 inviata da pratesi al magistrato politico camerale il 28 gennaio 1793 e nell’appunto senza data predisposto per la sessione della commissione ecclesiastica e degli studi del 7 febbraio 1793 (entrambi i documenti in asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 24 sulla scarsa manutenzione delle serre e sulla loro conseguente cattiva condizione si veda la relazione del giardiniere filippo armano alla direzione generale della pubblica istruzione del 27 settembre 1811 e la relazione dell’architetto pietro gilardoni alla stessa del 20 novembre 1811 (entrambi i documenti in asm, studi p.m., b. 845). 25 si veda l’appunto senza data e privo del nome dell’autore, predisposto per la sessione del 18 marzo 1795 della commissione ecclesiastica e degli studi (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 26 nessuno tra i documenti rinvenuti accenna a tale costruzione. 27 così nel fascicolo recante la data 1805-1806 e il titolo: “vitman, armano, gilardoni sono incaricati dal governo di un progetto di fare un orto botanico nel locale di santa teresa (soppresso convento) ad uso della scuola chimica di brera” (asm, studi p.m., b. 845). 28 così vitman nella sua senza data (ma 1805 o 1806) al ministro degli interni (asm, autografi, b. 159). 29 si veda la nota di francesco pratesi del 7 gennaio 1799 (asm, amministrazione fondo di religione, b. 2243). 30 come si evince dalla relazione del 19 aprile 1803 di scannagatta al ministro degli interni, ove si dice che “le stufe di brera non [sono] atte a conservare le piante della zona torrida” (asm, autografi, b. 155). sull’inadeguatezza di tali stufe si veda anche la relazione del 27 novembre 1811 di armano al direttore generale della pubblica istruzione (asm, studi p.m., b. 845). 31 relazione del 19 aprile 1797 firmata da cesare frapolli, reggente del ginnasio di brera, barnaba oriani, direttore dell’osservatorio astronomico, vitman, pratesi e altri abitanti di brera all’amministrazione generale della lombardia (asm, studi p.a., b. 270). 32 così nella nota del 1775 recante il titolo: “onorario stabilito per il padre vitman” (asm, studi p.a., b. 133). tale stipendio viene confermato dal governo francese, come si evince dalla risposta di vitman all’amministrazione centrale del 9 aprile 1799 (asm, autografi, b. 159). 33 de amici era stato nominato da durini, come si ricava dalla supplica dello stesso del 17 maggio 1780 (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). la dotazione dell’alloggio si evince dalla lettera del 9 luglio 1774 di firmian a durini (asm, studi p.a., b. 277). 34 così nella lettera senza data (ma 1776) di vitman a firmian (asm, autografi, b. 159). 35 così vitman nella sua al consiglio di governo dell’11 settembre 1786 ((asm, studi p.a., b. 277). 36 si veda la relazione di vitman a firmian del 14 settembre 1779 (asm, studi p.a., b. 451). agnese visconti 43 37 si veda l’ordine del governo alla camera dei conti del 25 maggio 1785 (asm, studi p.a., b. 277). 38 per la richiesta di scopoli si veda la lettera di firmian a vitman del 30 novembre 1779 (asm, studi p.a., b. 451). 39 così vitman nella sua al consiglio di governo dell’11 settembre 1786 (asm, studi p.a., b. 277). per quanto riguarda l’erbario di haller, raccolto in 60 grossi volumi, esso era complemento della biblioteca del medico svizzero, acquistata da giuseppe ii nel 1778 per la biblioteca braidense. 40 si confronti l’allegato del 15 settembre 1786 alla supplica di vitman al consiglio di governo dell’11 settembre 1786 (asm, studi p.a., b. 277). 41 si veda il rapporto del ministro degli interni al direttorio esecutivo dell’8 gennaio 1799 (asm, studi, p.a., b. 277). 42 si rimanda in proposito alle suppliche di vitman a wilczeck del 24 marzo 1790 (asm, studi p.a., b 277) e del 31 maggio 1790 (asm, autografi, b. 159). 43 si veda il prospetto dei pagamenti da farsi dalla tesoreria della pubblica istruzione per l’ottobre del 1790 (asm, studi p.a., b. 140). 44 tale supplica si evince dal rapporto del ministro degli interni al direttorio esecutivo dell’8 gennaio 1799 (asm, studi p.a., b. 277). 45 si veda la comunicazione dell’agenzia dei beni nazionali del dipartimento d’olona del 29 gennaio 1799, allegata al rapporto del ministro degli interni al direttorio esecutivo dell’8 gennaio 1799 (asm, studi p.a., b. 277). 46 come si evince dalla risposta di vitman all’amministrazione centrale del 9 aprile 1799 (asm, autografi, b. 159). 47 come si ricava da una supplica senza data (ma successiva al 1780) di pratesi agli uffici governativi (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 48 per l’assunzione di pratesi si veda la lettera di firmian al consigliere stefano lottinger dell’8 aprile 1780 (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 49 così in un elenco del 1786 (asm, studi p.a., b. 273). 50 così in una nota anonima del 14 luglio 1793 (asm, studi p.a., b. 273). 51 si veda la lettera di firmian a durini del 9 luglio (asm, lomb. korr., n. 142). 52 si consulti l’elenco senza data (ma successivo al 1780) relativo alle spese per l’orto botanico di brera (asm, studi p.a., b. 205). 53 dispaccio del 9 aprile 1799 (asm, studi p.a., b. 451). 54 si veda il fascicolo recante la data maggio 1800 in asm, studi p.a., b. 278. 55 per francesco pratesi si confronti la supplica del figlio pietro del 28 gennaio 1802, in cui quest’ultimo chiede di subentrare al padre; per de amici si veda la sua supplica dell’11 agosto 1803, in cui egli chiede di andare in pensione (entrambi i documenti in asm, studi p.m., b. 845). 56 la nomina del primo è del 24 aprile 1802; per quella del secondo si veda il dispaccio del prefetto dell’olona al ministro degli interni del 21 settembre 1803; (entrambi i documenti in asm, studi p.m., b. 845). 57 il decreto è del 12 settembre 1801, come si ricava dalla lettera del 13 settembre 1801 del ministro degli interni alla commissione della contabilità nazionale (asm, studi p.a., b. 277). 58 la comunicazione ufficiale della morte di vitman è del 12 marzo 1806; la nomina ufficiale di sangiorgio è del 21 marzo 1807 (entrambi i documenti in asm, studi p.m., b. 849). 59 si vedano a titolo esemplificativo i prospetti dei pagamenti da farsi dalla tesoreria della pubblica istruzione (asm, studi p.a., b. 140) e le note delle spese sostenute da vitman (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 60 supplica senza data (ma 1780) inviata a firmian da cesare sironi, in cui quest’ultimo afferma di servire già quattro anni gli orti di pavia e di brera (asm, studi p.a. b. 451); le note spese di vitman, per sironi, del luglio 1792, del 26 aprile 1793, dell’autunno 1793 e del 18 luglio 1794 che prevedono un compenso per la raccolta di erbe; la nota spese del luglio 1792 per “lo speziale maderna”; la nota spese del 18 luglio 1794 per “l’erborario bonifico” (tutti i documenti in asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 61 lettera dell’agenzia dipartimentale dei beni d’olona alla commissaria della contabilità nazionale del 23 maggio 1801 (asm, studi p.a., b. 197). 62 così scannagatta nella sua supplica del 29 ottobre 1787 (asm, studi p.a., b. 451). 63 si vedano a riguardo le lettere di vitman ad allioni del 13 febbraio 1779 e del 6 marzo 1779 (aast, carteggi, carteggio allioni, rispettivamente n. 4852 e n. 4853). 64 si vedano in particolare le lettere di vitman ad allioni del 6 aprile 1764, del 6 aprile 1765, del 15 marzo 1770 e dell’11 luglio 1774 (tutte e quattro in aast, carteggi, carteggio allioni, rispettivamente n. 4837, n. 4838, n. 4839, n. 4840). la fondazione dell’orto botanico di brera e la direzione di fulgenzio vitman (1728-1806) 44 65 su tale viaggio e sulle annotazioni prese da vitman nel corso di esso si rimanda alla sua lettera ad allioni del 5 dicembre 1774 (aast, carteggi, carteggio allioni, n. 4841 e n. 4842). 66 così nelle “tabelle, note e allegati riguardanti la pianta stabile delle scuole per l’istruzione nazionale del 13 marzo 1777” (asm, studi p.a., b. 206). 67 così vitman nella sua ad allioni del 4 aprile 1778 (aast, carteggi, carteggio allioni, n. 4849 e n. 4850). 68 si vedano le lettere di vitman ad allioni dell’aprile 1780 e del 7 aprile 1781 (aast, carteggi, carteggio allioni, rispettivamente n. 4536 e n. 4540). 69 si vedano le lettere del 6 gennaio 1798, del 30 gennaio 1799 e del 12 aprile 1799 di vitman a diego baldassarre pascal, che ricoprì la cattedra di botanica nell’università di parma e fu direttore dell’orto dal 1793 al 1802 (tutte e tre in biblioteca del museo di storia naturale di milano (d’ora in poi bmsnm), fondo jan, b. 19). 70 si veda la nota spese di vitman del luglio 1792, (asm, studi p.a., b. 278); la supplica di vitman del 14 agosto 1793 (asm, studi p.a., b. 277); le note spese raccolte in asm, fondo amministrazione di religione, b. 2243). 71 come si ricava a titolo di esempio dalla nota di bovara alla camera dei conti del 16 settembre 1793 (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 72 così nelle numerose lettere di vitman ad allioni (aast, carteggi, carteggio allioni). 73 così, a titolo esemplificativo, vitman nelle sue a targioni tozzetti del 4 aprile 1787 e del 27 ottobre 1787, entrambe in biblioteca centrale nazionale di firenze, sala manoscritti, catalogo palatino (9), targ. 75, vol. 4). 74 così vitman a pascal nelle sue del 22 agosto 179, 6 gennaio 1798, 7 febbraio 1798, 30 gennaio 1799 e 12 aprile 1799 (tutti e cinque i documenti in bmsnm, fondo jan, b. 19). 75 si vedano le note spese di vitman raccolte in asm, studi p.a., b. 278 e in asm, amministrazione fondo di religione, b. 2243; la lettera di armano a pascal del 31 maggio 1800 (bmsnm, fondo jan, b. 19). 76 per i giardini cusani e lattuada settala, la nota spese di vitman per l’estate del 1795 (asm, studi p.a., b. 278); per il giardino bianchi, nonché per gli orti di padova, pisa, torino, parma, pavia, vicenza e reggio, le note spese del 1796, dell’8 giugno 1798 e dell’8 giugno 1799 (tutti e tre i documenti in asm, fondo di religione, b. 2243); per l’orto di bologna, la lettera di vitman a pascal del 31 maggio 1805 (bmsnm, fondo jan, b. 19); per il giardino castiglioni, la nota spese di vitman del 1801 (asm, fondo amministrazione di religione, b. 2243); per il giardino grimaldi, la lettera di vitman a pascal del 7 febbraio 1801 (bmsnm, fondo jan, b. 19) e una senza data a ottaviano targioni tozzetti (bcnf, sala manoscritti, catalogo palatino (9), targ. 75, vol. 4). 77 asm, amministrazione fondo di religione, b. 2243. 78 come si evince dalle lettere di vitman ad allioni del 27 febbraio 1782 e del 20 marzo 1782 (entrambe in aast, carteggi, carteggio allioni, rispettivamente n. 4544 e n. 4546) e dalla lettera di firmian a secco comneno dell’11 giugno 1782 (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 79 come si legge nella lettera di vitman ad allioni del 27 febbraio 1787 (aast, carteggi, allioni, n. 4556). 80 si veda a titolo esemplificativo la lettera di vitman a wilczeck del 26 marzo 1793 (asm, studi p.a., b. 137). 81 si veda in proposito la lettera di cobenzl a wilczeck del 5 settembre 1793 (asm, studi p.a., b. 278). 82 così il ministro degli esteri ferdinando marescalchi attraverso l’incaricato del portafoglio pancaldi a galdi nella sua del 18 dicembre 1802 (asm, marescalchi, b. 147). 83 si vedano le lettere di galdi a pancaldi del 26 dicembre 1802, del 10 gennaio 1803 e del 4 marzo 1803, a cui è allegata la lista di semi di piante esotiche inviati da londra in buono stato (asm, ministero esteri testi, b. 485). 84 villa fu ministro degli interni dal 25 febbraio 1802 al 5 aprile 1804 (www.lombardiabeniculturali. it/leggi/contesti/10). 85 così marescalchi a galdi nella sua del 29 febbraio 1804 (asm, marescalchi, b. 147). 86 come si evince da due lettere di vitman a pascal, la prima del 30 gennaio 1799 e la seconda senza data (entrambe in bmsnm, fondo jan, b. 19). 87 ufficio che egli ricoprì dal 16 aprile 1798 al 25 febbraio 1802, anno in cui venne incaricato del portafogli degli esteri ( e 10). 88 si veda la sua lettera del 28 ottobre 1801 al prefetto degli studi in brera e al rettore dell’università di pavia (asm, studi p.a., b. 451). 89 la nota di vitman a villa è del 4 dicembre 1803, mentre quella di villa a marescalchi è del 12 dicembre 1803 (entrambi i documenti in asm, autografi, b. 159). agnese visconti 45 90 così marescalchi nella sua a villa del 14 maggio 1803 (asm, studi p.m., b. 717). 91 così in un appunto del vicepresidente della repubblica italiana, francesco melzi d’eril, del 4 luglio 1802 (asm, studi p.m., b. 845). 92 si vedano le lettere di armano a pascal del 31 maggio 1800, del 4 aprile 1801, del 29 novembre 1801, del 14 aprile 1802, del 31 marzo 1802, del 12 marzo 1802 (tutti e sei i documenti in bmsnm, fondo jan, b. 19). 93 così lo stesso armano nella sua del 27 settembre 1811 al direttore della pubblica istruzione (asm, studi p.m., b. 845). 94 il commercio di piante negli orti botanici era stato vietato espressamente dal governo francese, come si ricava da un foglio recante il titolo “doveri del custode e doveri del professore di botanica”, allegato a una lettera del 21 marzo 1799 del botanico domenico nocca al rettore dell’università di pavia (asm, studi p.a., b. 451). un precedente divieto si evince da una lettera di vitman a targioni tozzetti del 12 marzo 1788 nella quale l’abate vallombrosano comunica di aver ricevuto “una assoluta proibizione di tenere fiori, radiche, cipolle perché eravi chi ne faceva mercimonio” (bcnf, sala manoscritti, catalogo palatino (9), targ. 75, vol. 4). 95 così nella sua del 14 aprile 1812 alla direzione generale della pubblica istruzione (asm, studi p.m., b. 845). 96 si veda la relazione senza data (ma estate 1775) che si ritiene di mano di bovara (asm, studi p.a., b. 258). 97 così nella relazione senza data (ma estate 1775) che si ritiene di mano di bovara (asm, studi p.a., b. 258). 98 così vitman in un suo appunto senza data (scritto probabilmente tra la fine degli anni sessanta e l’inizio degli anni settanta) (asm, autografi, b. 159). 99 così nelle sue lettere ad allioni del 6 aprile 1764 e del marzo 1780 (aast, carteggi, carteggio allioni, rispettivamente n. 4837, n. 4834 e n. 435). 100 l’ordine viene notificato da kaunitz a firmian il 6 novembre 1775, come si evince dalla risposta di quest’ultimo del 25 marzo 1776 (asm, studi p.a., b. 133), e trasmesso a vitman il 13 giugno 1776 per diventare effettivo dall’anno scolastico 1776-1777 (asm, studi p.a., b. 277). 101 il volume, privo di indicazioni tipografiche, può essere datato 1781, alla luce delle indicazioni che si trovano in opuscoli scelti sulle scienze e sulle arti, iv, 1781. ringrazio mauro mazzucotelli per la cortese segnalazione. 102 ancora nel 1780 vitman nutre forti dubbi sul metodo linneano, come si ricava dalla sua ad allioni del marzo di quell’anno (aast, carteggi, allioni, n. 4534 e n. 4535). 103 si veda la lettera di vitman senza data (ma anteriore al 29 ottobre 1806, come si evince dalla risposta) al ministro degli esteri, per avere i testi dei botanici spagnoli antonio josé de cavanilles e casimiro gòmez de ortega (asm, autografi, b. 159). 104 il parere di cicognini, che reca la data 25 maggio 1770, è allegato a una lettera di vitman a firmian del 20 maggio 1770 (asm, autografi, b. 159). 105 come si ricava dal “quadro della direzione generale della pubblica istruzione nell’anno 1808” (asm, studi p.m., b. 28). 106 così kaunitz nella sua a firmian del 3 luglio 1775 e nella relazione di firmian a kaunitz del 20 giugno 1775 (entrambi i documenti in asm, studi p.a., b. 258). 107 così nella relazione dell’agenzia centrale dei beni nazionali 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(aplocnemus) basalis (küster, 1849); a. pristocerus kiesenwetter, 1859 = a. (aplocnemus) caelatus (brullé, 1832); a. brevissimus pic, 1908 = a. (aplocnemus) quercicola mulsant & rey, 1968; a. kiesenwetteri schilsky, 1897 = a. (aplocnemus) rufipes miller, 1862; a. turcicus schilsky, 1897 = a. (aplocnemus) reitteri schilsky, 1894; a. cribripennis pic, 1921 = a. (aplocnemus) serratus (brullé, 1832); a. latior pic, 1908, a. thessalicus pic, 1908 and a. atricornis pic, 1921 = a. (diplambe) abietum kiesenwetter, 1859. key words: balkan peninsula, taxonomy, new species, synonymies, bulgaria, croatia, montenegro, turkey. riassunto aplocnemus stephens, 1830, della grecia (coleotteri, cleroidea, dasytidae). un contributo alla loro conoscenza. la prima parte dell’articolo include una panoramica del genere aplocnemus e una discussione sui relativi sottogeneri; come risultato, uno di essi è posto in sinonimia: holcopleura schilsky, 1894 = aplocnemus (aplocnemus) stephens, 1830. la seconda parte del lavoro tratta delle 16 specie di aplocnemus la cui presenza in grecia ha potuto essere verificata. di queste, 9 vengono pienamente discusse, con descrizioni e disegni di parti anatomiche (lobo mediano, tegmen, ultimo sternite). le rimanenti 7 sono già state considerate e illustrate piuttosto recentemente in lavori precedenti: per essi vengono qui fornite solo ulteriori nuove informazioni tassonomiche e/o distributive. viene descritto un nuovo taxon: aplocnemus henrici n. sp. dalla grecia settentrionale e dalla bulgaria. si propongono 9 nuove sinonimie a livello di specie: a. macedonicus pic, 1922 = a. (aplocnemus) basalis (küster, 1849); a. pristocerus kiesenwetter, 1859 = a. (aplocnemus) caelatus (brullé, 1832); a. brevissimus pic, 1908 = a. (aplocnemus) quercicola mulsant & rey, 1968; a. kiesenwetteri schilsky, 1897 = a. (aplocnemus) rufipes miller, 1862; a. turcicus schilsky, 1897 = a. (aplocnemus) reitteri schilsky, 1894; a. cribripennis pic, 1921 = a. (aplocnemus) serratus (brullé, 1832); a. latior pic, 1908, a. thessalicus pic, 1908 e a. atricornis pic, 1921 = a. (diplambe) abietum kiesenwetter, 1859. parole chiave: penisola balcanica, tassonomia, nuove specie, sinonimie, bulgaria, croazia, montenegro, turchia. introduction following mayor (2007) genus aplocnemus belongs to family dasytidae, subfamily rhadalinae, tribe aplocnemini. family rank for rhadalinae has been recently suggested by bocakova et al. (2011) based on a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the whole melyridae group (dasytidae, malachiidae, mauroniscidae, melyridae, prionoceridae, rhadalidae) and, as a matter of facts, rhadalinae appear rather different from the other dasytidae. whatever it could be, the rhadalinae rank is not really relevant to the purpose of this paper. genus aplocnemus is palaearctic and its known distribution ranges from the atlantic coasts of france to the altai mountains range in central asia, at latitudes approximately included between 30° and 55° (see also mayor, 2007). it is a large genus: in his catalog, mayor (2007) lists nearly 150 valid taxa. out of them, 16 species are known for greece and are here included. in recent years aplocnemus has been the subject of several papers (majer, 1982, 1985; peacock, 1987; liberti, 1995; liberti & zinetti, 2009; constantin, 2005, 2007) mainly dealing with species of central europe and western mediterranean area (france, spain and italy). on the other hand, the knowledge of aplocnemus species living in north africa, eastern mediterranean countries (the balkan peninsula, turkey, middle east), eastern europe and other asiatic countries still is poor and mainly based on the kiesenwetter (1859, 1863) and schilsky (1894a, 1897) papers, more than one century old. the present work aims at partially filling this gap, reviewing the aplocnemus species of southern balkans. aplocnemus are usually good flyers and can be found by beating trees and shrubs or sweeping grass. certain species appear to be rare or very rare although trap (flight 4 gianfranco liberti interception, malaise etc.) collection may, at times, suggest they might be more frequent than expected. their biology is rather unknown although, for several species, there is evidence of saproxylic behaviour (russo, 1938; prota, 1966); information and bibliography relating to aplocnemus biology and larval anatomy can be found in constantin & klausnitzer (1996). adults usually appear in spring or early summer, depending on altitude, but certain species may disclose in late autumn or in winter (russo, 1938; liberti, 2009). this paper is based both on materials personally collected by the writer in several entomological trips to greece (1997, 1998, 2001, 2005, 2006, 2007), croatia and montenegro (2002, 2003, 2004, 2008) and turkey (2010, 2011) and on materials kept in several private and public collections (see list of depositories). the types of many species, although not all, have been retrieved and studied as below detailed. materials and methods territory included in this paper are only those species for which a clear evidence of their presence in greece has been found. for them, collection localities in other balkanic countries, romania and turkey are also reported, if any. the countries abbreviations used in the text are listed below, under “lists and abbreviations”. all greek localities, as reported under “materials studied”, are grouped by administrative provinces (nomos). to ease understanding their location, a sketch of the administrative structure of greece, taken from the below mentioned “euro atlas”, is supplied in fig. 1. materials, dissections and drawings the materials actually studied, well in excess of one thousand specimens, are in the writer’s collection or have been borrowed from several collections, either of public access (museums) or private, listed under “lists and abbreviations”. all dissections have been carried out working (in water) under a stereomicroscope (at variable magnifications, usually from 15x to 30 x) with the thinnest micropins found on the market (0.1 mm), suitably hooked at the sharp extremity and fitted with a wooden handle at the other. the insects have been softened by immersion in a solution of ethyl-alcohol in water (5-10%) for many hours (not less than 10-12) and the abdomen carefully detached. afterwards the abdomen only has been further softened by 1-2 minutes boiling in dilute potassium hydroxyde solution (1-2%), its dorsal integument opened, the whole content (inclusive of both last sternite and tergite) draw out and boiled again 1-2 minutes in the same koh solution (the empty abdomen has been glued on the insect cardboard). eventually the sclerotized components – namely median lobe [with its internal structure named dorsal lever (see below under “meaning of some terms used in descriptions”)], tegmen, spicular fork, pygidium and last sternite – have been separated from each other and mounted in dmhf [using a dimethyl-hydantoine-formaldehyde solution made up with 60 % weight dmhf plus 40% weight of a water based solvent – 40% volume water + 60% volume propylenglycol-monomethylether – whose manufacturing procedure has been described, in details, elsewhere (liberti, 2005)] on a small transparent cellulose acetate label pinned under the insect cardboard. this rather cumbersome procedure is necessary to keep the insect undamaged and to allow the dorsal lever (of median lobe) to remain well visible after mounting. all drawings have been made with the aid of a calibrated grid mounted on the ocular lens of a stereomicroscope, at variable magnifications. photographs have been taken by means of a camera placed on the video tube of the same stereomicroscope and the multiple focus frames combined with helicon focus 6 software. note on explicit indication of subgenera throughout the text subgenera have been often declared, as suggested by the code (iczn 1999: art. 6.1), by interpolation in parentheses between generic and specific names, at times abbreviated. however, in captions, subgenera have been omitted when the species belongs to aplocnemus subgenus aplocnemus. that does not cause any loss of clarity and − taking into account that the great majority of the greek species belong to subgenus aplocnemus − results in easier reading and shorter captions. notes to “systematics” meaning of terms used througout the paper can be found in cooter (2006: 413, glossary). information on, and meaning of, a few more terms are here below reported. abbreviations used in descriptions are listed below. meaning of some terms used in descriptions aedeagus: the assembly of tegmen and median lobe (with dorsal lever) (figs. 17, 18, 20). dimensions: when dimensions are supplied as simple intervals (for example: tl = 5.8-6.5 mm) it means that the reported numbers are the maximum and minimun values actually measured on the specimens available for study. when dimensions are supplied as average plus a confidence interval (for example tl = 6.12 ± 0.26 mm), both have been evaluated on 5 measures (unless otherwise stated) and, the latter, by t-test at 95% probability level, selecting the specimens from different localities (whenever possible). balanced: length and width approx. equal. dorsal lever: a term introduced by majer (1982: 422) to designate the sclerotized process of the internal sac (of median lobe) approximately shaped as a hook (and present in all aplocnemus species) wich bears important diagnostic characters, at least in subgenus aplocnemus. this same process was named “dorsal appendage” or “dorsal sclerite” by peacock (1987: 130, fig. 7). 5the aplocnemus stephens, 1830, of greece (coleoptera, cleroidea, dasytidae). a contribution to their knowledge fig. 1 the greek provinces [taken, with modifications, from the “euro atlas” of greece, scale 1: 3000,000 (see under “notes to discussion of the species”)]. 6 gianfranco liberti elongate: longer than wide. parameres: the couple of sclerotized “lateral processes” of tegmen, joined to each other both basally and apically (fig. 46). phallobase: the basal part of tegmen, more or less loosely connected (by a membrane) with the median lobe base (figs. 22, 27, 30, see also fig. 20). spicular fork: the bilobate process connecting last sternite and tergite with aedeagus and hind-intestine (figs. 15, 16, 45, 49). transverse: wider than long. note on median lobe drawings the terms “lateral view” and “ventral view”, used to qualify median lobe drawings, may seem incorrect and must be explained. indeed, on dissection, the aplocnemus (aplocnemus) aedeagi appear often placed as shown in fig. 16 so that, instead of “lateral view”, use of “sternal view” would seem better. but, in fresh (recently dead) specimens the median lobe appears 90° rotated opposite to the reader, with convexity and “dorsal lever” on dorsal side (namely concavity on sternal side). notes to “discussion of the species” the list of bibliographical references reported for each species is largely incomplete before the year 1937, publication date of the pic’s “junk catalog” (pic, 1937); please refer to it for a complete record. a detailed description, with drawings, is here provided only for those species that are not included in liberti (1995) and/or in constantin (2007). under “materials studied” records are compacted and reported as “locality name” followed by collector’s name, collecting year (collection day and month have been felt unnecessary because, for all the species here discussed, adults appear in spring or early summer depending on altitude) and depository in brakets. lacking data are replaced by question marks. greek and turkish locality names are grouped by provinces and listed in alphabetical order. other countries localities are simply listed in alphabetical order (unless differently stated). to avoid unnecessary repetitions, for some widespread species [those already included in liberti (1995) and/ or in constantin (2007)] only records from the balkan peninsula countries, romania and turkey are reported; for these same species further records relating to central and western europe may also be found in majer (1982) and liberti & zinetti (2009). for each species only reliable collection localities are reported. materials have been usually studied by the writer, however also data supplied by r. constantin (private communications) have been included (these marked by an asterix: see abbreviations). localities names appear either in the relevant “euro atlas” published by rv verlag (greece 1:300.000; turkey 1:800.000; dalmatia, istria 1:100.000; croatia, slovenia, bosnia i hercegovina 1:300.000) or in the “osteuropa compact” atlas 1:700.000 published by freytag & berndt. lists and abbreviations depositories of materials studied bmnh = british museum, natural history, london, england can = collection fernando angelini, kept at the natural history museum, florence, zoological department “la specola”, italy cbu = collection hervé brustel, toulouse, france cco = collection robert constantin, saint lô (manche), france ceg = collection manfred egger, wattens (tyrol), austria cfr = collection mario e. franciscolo (†), now at msng cgz = collection tomasz gazurek, warsaw, poland ckn = collection ondrej konviçka, zlin, czech republic cko = collection andreas kopetz, amt wachsenburg, germany cli = collection gianfranco liberti, uboldo (varese), italy cmg = collection enrico migliaccio, roma, italy cpl = collection isidor plonski, wien, austria cpn = collection philippe ponel, pourcieux (var), france cre = collection karel rébl, praha, czech republik csl = collection lucio saltini, carpi (modena), italy ctd = collection michele tedeschi, milan, italy cwh = collection paul whitehead, pershore, united kingdom cwo = collection thomas wolsch, berlin, germany czi = collection wolfgang ziegler, hamburg, germany mnh = hungarian natural history museum, budapest, hungary mnhnp = museum national d’histoire naturelle, paris, france mrsn = museo regionale di scienze naturali, torino, italy msng = museo civico di storia naturale “giacomo doria”, genova, italy msnm = museo di storia naturale, milano, italy mzf = finnish museum of natural history, helsinki, finland nhmb = naturhistorisches museum, basel, switzerland nhmw = naturhistorisches museum, wien, austria smns = museum für naturkunde, stuttgart, germany zmb = museum für naturkunde, humboldt universität, berlin, germany zmlu = museum of zoology, lund university, sweden countries abbreviations al = albania bg = bulgaria ch = switzerland hr = croatia cy = cyprus f = france gr = greece h = hungary 7the aplocnemus stephens, 1830, of greece (coleoptera, cleroidea, dasytidae). a contribution to their knowledge i = italy mk = makedonia mne = montenegro ro = romania slo = slovenia tk = european turkey tr = asiatic turkey other abbreviations approx. = approximately coll. = collection el = elytral length ew = elytral width hw = handwritten hwa = handwritten by the species author is. = island loc. typ. = typical locality max. = maximum mts. = mountains nr. = number(s) pen. = peninsula pl = pronotum length pr. = printed prov. = province prr. = printed on red paper (or cardboard) pw = pronotum width tl = total length (measured from labium to elytral apex) up. = unpublished (applies to certain typical specimens bearing type designation labels not supported by subsequent publication) ? = lacking entry in locality records (only under “materials studied”) / (within the text of a label) = end of a line ° = locality already reported in liberti (1995) °° = locality already reported in liberti & zinetti (2009) * = r. constantin personal communication (only when found under “materials studied”) (t) = topotypes (f) = females only (determinations may not be 100% sure) discussion of aplocnemus subgenera genus aplocnemus was established by stephens (1830) for crioceris impressa marsham, 1802 and the use of this name, instead of elicopis stephens, 1829 has been recently explained (peacock, 1987; liberti, 1995). the spelling haplocnemus is an unjustified emendation introduced by agassiz (1846: 172). aplocnemus was split into four subgenera by schilsky (1894b: 234): aplocnemus (aplocnemus); type species crioceris impressa marsham, 1802, by original designation (see also peacock, 1987: 152). aplocnemus (diplambe); type species a. (diplambe) montivagus rosenhauer, 1856, designated by peacock (1987: 152). aplocnemus (holcopleura); type species a. (holcopleura) reitteri schilsky, 1894, by monotypy (schilsky, 1894b: 234). aplocnemus (ischnopalpus); type species a. (ischnopalpus) subcostatus schilsky, 1894, by subsequent designation (schilsky, 1894a: 62). shortly afterwards pic (1896: 47) added a fifth subgenus: aplocnemus (pseudaphictus); type species a. tournieri pic, 1896 by monotypy (see also peacock, 1987: 152). these five subgenera have been accepted by schilsky (1897), pic (1937) and peacock (1987). the paper of peacock (1987) is a nice revision of the whole subfamily rhadalinae with excellent illustrations, however she does not discuss the aplocnemus subgenera and lists all the species together in alphabetical order. a couple of decades later constantin (2005: 219) synonymized aplocnemus (pseudaphictus) with aplocnemus (aplocnemus), a proposal fully shared by the writer because the subgenus was created only based on elytral shape – namely humeral callous reduced to absent, elytra rounded and widened in the middle – which is not structural but simply linked to apterism (or to reduced wings). aplocnemus (diplambe) has been defined (schilsky, 1894b: 234) on the ground of the lateral elytral border appearing double [due to the presence of a “sublateral carina in basal half, forming a double elytral edge” (peacock, 1987: 136)]: a well evident character shared with rhadalus leconte, 1852 (peacock, 1987: fig. 16). furthermore in a. (diplambe) phallobase and parameres are not fused together and appear connected by membranous tissues (fig. 50; see also majer, 1987: fig. 212), a character shared by genus trichoceble thomson, 1859 (liberti, 2012: figs. 8, 28, 39, 43). aplocnemus (ischnopalpus) has been defined mainly on the ground of maxillary palps last article which is spindle shaped instead of being securiform (peacock, 1987: figs. 31, 32). schilsky (1897: 34bb) also suggests a couple of further characters: dorsal surface black and strongly punctuate and longer epipleura, but these are not always fully valid [as for example a. (ischnopalpus) gracilicornis schilsky, 1897]. however the validity of ischnopalpus, possibly up to generic level, is also supported by the aedeagus shape, characterized by an overdeveloped tegmen enveloping a smaller median lobe (figs. 15, 17, 18; see also majer, 1987: fig. 205) while in a. (aplocnemus) the tegmen is placed astride a well developed median lobe (figs. 16, 20). also note the ischnopalpus spicular fork apically strongly bent dorsally, against the aplocnemus one which is moderately bent. on the other hand a. (holcopleura), established by schilsky (1894b: 234, 1897: 34bbb) for a. reitteri, was based on just one character: the propleura (“pleuren des halsschildes”) fitted with a transverse impression (“querfurche”); namely the front legs coxal grooves extend, although with reduced depth, nearly up to the lateral sides. but this character is often unclear, difficult to appreciate and can be (more or less) detected only in a. reitteri. in greece three more species resembling a. reitteri can be found: a. caelatus, a. cribrarius and a. henrici. these four species show evident similarities and compose a homogeneous group: in spite of that the writer was not able to find any definite, clear cut differential character common only to these species, to support the holcopleura 8 gianfranco liberti subgenus validity (the schilsky’s “querfurche” appears, to the writer, inadequate; see also the discussion below). for this reason, the synonymy with a. (aplocnemus) is here proposed: aplocnemus subgenus holcopleura schilsky, 1894 = aplocnemus subgenus aplocnemus stephens, 1830 syn. n. aplocnemus (aplocnemus) are characterized (schilsky, 1897: 34bb) by variable, more or less securiform, truncated last article of maxillary palpi (peacock, 1987: fig. 31) and simple elytral lateral border. considering the maxillary palpi last article, in its present meaning subgenus aplocnemus includes species with apical edge longer than internal edge (largely securiform) as well as others where apical edge is as long as (or even shorter than) internal edge (less evidently hatchet shaped); a number of species also have (males) with a round, finely pubescent impression on first and (often) second visible sternites (constantin, 2005: fig. 6). these two characters are (to some extent) related: species with the round impression on sternites also show clearly securiform last palpi article; on the other hand species with simple sternites also have last palpi article “less securiform” (namely longer with shorter apical edge). the latter case include our four species: a. caelatus, a. cribriarius, a. henrici and a. reitteri, together with many others (as, for example, a. cylindricus kiesenwetter, 1863, a. angelinii, a. jejunus and others). it might be that, in the future, subgenus aplocnemus could be split taking these characters into account (in the writer’s opinion these criteria are, anyway, well outside the definition of the schilsky’s subgenus holcopleura). as a conclusion, three out of the four schilsky’s subgenera, namely a. (aplocnemus), a. (diplambe) and a. (ischnopalpus) show good differential external characters as well as important aedeagical differences: they are deemed to be valid and are here accepted. whether they should be considered subgenera, or should be raised to good genera, is beyond the scope of the present paper. table 1 summarizes the main differences between the three valid subgenera: a. (aplocnemus), a. (diplambe) and a. (ischnopalpus) (however please note that no ischnopalpus lives in the territory here considered). tab. 1 main differential characters between aplocnemus subgenera. * = a. (ischnopalpus) subcostatus schilsky, 1894, type species of this subgenus, has been here chosen as representative. it is very common in morocco, from the sea level to over 2000 m elevation (original, unpublished data). but taxonomy is uncertain [it might be a possible synonym of a. (ischnopalpus) morio (schönerr, 1817)] and this name may turn out, in the future, as incorrect. subg. aplocnemus subg. diplambe subg. ischnopalpus* median lobe shape tubular, approx. same thickness in lateral and ventral views; in lateral view more or less, but always clearly, arched (namely bent sternally at base and/or at apex: see, for example, fig. 20). tubular, in lateral view thinner, flattened, either bent (basally and/or apically) or more or less straight; in ventral view wider, elongate, subelliptical (figs. 47, 48). dorsally open, in lateral view rather thin, straight or slightly convex on sternal side; in ventral view elongate, more or less sub-elliptical (figs. 15, 17, 18). tegmen flat, obliquely encircling median lobe (figs. 16, 20). phallobase and parameres fused together (figs. 22, 27, 30). sclerotized border of parameres narrow (fig. 46). flat, obliquely encircling median lobe (as in fig. 16). phallobase and parameres not fused but connected by a membrane (fig. 50). sclerotized part of parameres rather wide (fig. 50). approx. tubular (open tergally), fully enveloping the median lobe (figs. 17, 18). phallobase and parameres fused together (fig. 17). nearly entirely sclerotized (figs. 17, 18). central process of last sternite more or less evident: very short to well developed. short or very short (fig. 51). rudimentary to very short (fig. 15). elytral lateral side simple appearing double at least in basal half simple palpi securiform to subelliptical, apically widely truncated. sub-elliptical, apically evidently truncated. fusiform, apically very shortly truncated. 9the aplocnemus stephens, 1830, of greece (coleoptera, cleroidea, dasytidae). a contribution to their knowledge the aplocnemus species of greece checklist species distribution typical locality aplocnemus (diplambe) abietum kiesenwetter, 1859 = a. thessalicus pic, 1908 (syn. n.) = a. atricornis pic, 1921 (syn. n.) = a. latior pic, 1908 (syn. n.) ro, mk, bg, gr, tr (?) oros parnitha near athens (gr) aplocnemus (a.) angelinii liberti, 1995 i, al, gr (corfù) policoro (basilicata, i) aplocnemus (a.) basalis (küster, 1849) = a. macedonicus pic, 1922 (syn. n.) = a. basalis var. distinctipes pic, 1908 hr, mne, gr, tr trogir (hr) aplocnemus (a.) caelatus (brullé, 1832) = a. pristocerus kiesenwetter, 1859 (syn. n.) gr peloponnesus aplocnemus (a.) corcyricus miller, 1866 i, gr kerkyra island (gr) aplocnemus (a.) cribrarius (brullé, 1832) gr peloponnesus aplocnemus (a.) henrici sp. n. bg, gr mount vitoscia near sofia (bg) aplocmenus (a.) integer baudi, 1874 f, i, ch, h,ro, bg, gr, tr pavia (i) aplocnemus (a.) jejunus kiesenwetter, 1863 f, i, slo, hr, bg, gr, tr southern france aplocnemus (a.) marginatus rottenberg, 1871 i (sicily), gr catania (sicily, i) aplocnemus (a.) nigricornis (fabricius, 1792) all europe, tr sweden aplocnemus (a.) pertusus kiesenwetter, 1859 = (?) a. libanicus pic, 1901 gr, tr, cy napflio (gr) aplocnemus (a.) quercicola mulsant & rey, 1869 = a. brevissimus pic, 1908 (syn. n.) f, i, gr beaujolais et lyon area (f) aplocnemus (a.) reitteri schilsky, 1894 = a. turcicus schilsky, 1897 (syn. n.) gr, bg, tk, tr izmir (tr) aplocnemus (a.) rufipes miller, 1862 = a. kiesenwetteri schilsky, 1897 (syn. n.) = a. rufipes var. taygetana pic, 1908 =a. rufipes var. semicaeruleus pic, 1922 gr, tr enos oros on kefallonia island (gr) aplocnemus (a.) serratus (brullé, 1832) = a. cribripennis pic, 1921 (syn. n.) hr, gr peloponnesus for all the above listed taxa, reliable evidence of their presence in greece has been found. but at least three further species, present in the northern part of the balkans, might be found in this country: aplocnemus (a.) chalconatus (germar, 1817): similar to rufipes for general appearance and colour, known of slovenia, croatia (istria, dalmatia) and montenegro (majer, 1982; liberti, 1995). aplocnemus (a.) pulverulentus (kuster, 1849): belonging to the reitteri group, known of slovenia, croatia and montenegro (liberti, 1995). aplocnemus (a.) serbicus kiesenwetter, 1863: similar to rufipes but darker, known of serbia, several central european localities and the russian southern territories. a likely synonym of aplocnemus (a.) virens suffrian, 1843 from western europe, its systematic position will be discussed in a future paper. their descriptions and drawings can be found in majer (1982) and in liberti (1995). determination key (males only) for the greek species this key includes 15 species of aplocnemus (a.) plus one of a. (diplambe). no a. (ischnopalpus) is known from greece. 10 gianfranco liberti the key uses, among others, male antennal characters: for this reason it is only applicable to males. males can be recognized, from females, mostly for stronger antennae and, often, for elytral apical half parallel or only slightly widened; in the “reitteri group” the elytral apex is shortly and slightly flattened compared to females (namely less regularly rounded off). 1 elytral lateral border appearing double (at least in basal half) due to the presence of an elytral lateral carina close to the epipleuron (subgen. diplambe). tl = 4.5-5.0 mm. a common species all over the southern part of the balkan peninsula .......................... abietum elytral lateral border simple (subgen. aplocnemus) ................................................................2 2 dorsal appearance variable: brown, greenish-grey, bluish or blackish; rather bright; moderately rough (figs. 4-5). pronotum and elytra roughness different; pronotum punctures from light to deep and strong, rather sparse, distance between punctures larger than their diameter, surface between punctures smooth and bright; elytral surface variably punctured or rugged. antennae feebly serrate (nearly moniliate, fig. 6), serrate (fig. 7) or pectinate in males (figs. 8-10) and serrate (from feebly to strongly) in females. last palpi article securiform (hatchet shaped), truncated (apical side longer than, or equal to, inner side) .................. 3 dorsal appearance deep black, dull, very rough (fig. 3), at most with green reflections. both pronotum and elytra very rough; pronotum punctures deep and strong, very dense, distance between punctures smaller than their diameter, surface between punctures more or less alutaceous or dull; elytral surface rough, with punctures at times coalescing into each other. antennae serrate (figs. 11-14), only slightly more evidently in males than in females. last palpi article sub-elliptical, truncated (apical side slightly shorter than inner side) .................................................... 13 (couplets 13 to 16 include five species: angelinii, caelatus, cribrarius, henrici and reitteri. a. angelinii is well characterised by its approximately cylindrical shape and brighter appearance and a. caelatus shows green reflections. the other 3 are really similar to each other and are difficult to recognize on external characters only. in all cases sexual differences are reduced: males differ only slightly from females for stronger antennae and elytral very apex feebly flattened). 3 ♂ antennal articles 4 and 5 more or less triangular, narrower than 6-10; antennae strongly serrate or pectinate, with at least articles 6 and/or 7 either concave, s-shaped or approximately straight at inner side (figs. 7-10) ........................................................ 4 ♂ antennal articles 4-10 similar to each other; antennae moderately or feebly serrate (to moniliate), article 6 and 7 convex at inner side (fig. 6) ......................... 10 4 pronotum transverse; feebly convex; approximately rectangular; lateral sides only feebly rounded: pronotum width in the middle slightly exceeding anterior and posterior sides; not (or very feebly) crenulated on lateral sides. colour dark grey-green, elytral pubescence – at least in part – whitish gray. ♂ antennae pectinate: articles 6–7 longer than wide, concave on inner side (fig. 10). tl = 5.5-6.0 mm. a rare species spread in southern france, in italy and probably all over the balkans (possible presence in turkey) ........................................................... jejunus pronotum more or less transverse, evidently convex, lateral sides more or less rounded (namely anterior and posterior sides shorter, max. width in the middle), lateral sides smooth or finely crenulated. colour metallic blue, brown, dark greenish brown, bluishblack or blackish. elytral pubescence blackish to pale brown, often with pale grey setae near lateral border. ♂ antennae serrate to pectinate with articles 6-7 either straight or s-shaped on inner side ............................ 5 5 dorsal integuments blackish (often with greenish or bluish reflections) or metallic blue. dorsal pubescence blackish. legs black. first two visible sternites simple .................................................................... 6 dorsal integuments dark-brown to greenish-brown. dorsal pubescence often with pale setae close to elytral border (except in basalis where dorsal setae are black). legs usually yellow at least in part. at least first visible sternite with a pubescent round impression in the middle (except in basalis where first and second visible sternites are simple) ...................................... 8 6 antennae serrate with internal border of articles 6-9 nearly straight. antennae often with articles 1 to 4 more or less spotted yellow. size smaller. tl = 4.0-5.0. known from croatia and greece .................. serratus antennae strongly serrate to pectinate with internal border of articles 6-9 clearly s-shaped. antennae entirely black. size larger (tl = 4.7-7.0 mm) .......... 7 7 dorsal colour metallic blue. antennae longer: article 3 triangular elongate, articles 6-9 approximately balanced. tl = 5.0-7.0 mm. central europe, peninsular italy, balkans; (possible presence in turkey) ............... ....................................................................... integer dorsal colour blackish with greenish reflections. antennae shorter: article 3 triangular balanced, articles 6-9 transverse. tl = 4.7-6.3 mm. known of kerkyra island in greece, southern italy and sicily .................. .................................................................... corcyricus 8 elytral pubescence entirely black. dorsal surface dark brown. first two visible sternites simple. size smaller. tl = 4.2-5.0 mm. croatia, montenegro, greece, turkey ............................................................. basalis elytral pubescence at least in part (close to elytral border) paler, withish gray. dorsal surface either brown or dark greenish. at least first sternite with a pubescent round impression in the middle. size larger (tl = 4.8-5.9 mm) .................................................... 9 9 dorsal punctuation rather light, colour greenish. first two visible sternites with a round, pubescent impression in the middle. tl = 4.8-5.9 mm. greece, turkey ............................................................. rufipes dorsal punctuation strong, colour brown. first visible sternite only with a round, pubescent impression in the middle. tl = 4.8-5.5 mm. greece, turkey, cyprus ...... ....................................................................... pertusus 10 entirely black, legs and antennae included. body shape elongate, approx. cylindrical with head only 11the aplocnemus stephens, 1830, of greece (coleoptera, cleroidea, dasytidae). a contribution to their knowledge slightly narrower than pronotum (in its max. width). size larger. tl = 6.8-7.5 mm. southern italy, albania, kerkyra island in greece ............................. angelinii at least tibiae yellowish or reddish. body shape suboval with head clearly narrower than pronotum (in its max. width). size smaller (tl < 5 mm) ................. 11 11 pronotum very convex, not bordered on lateral sides. elytra punctuation rather light and superficial, mainly in apical half. tl = 3.7-4.1 mm. a rare, relictual species of france, italy and greece ...................... quercicola pronotum moderately convex and clearly bordered on lateral sides, at times such border paler than dorsal integuments (yellowish to brown). elytra punctuation strong with deep and sparse points, this character evident on the whole elytral surface ....................... 12 12 pronotum and elytra clearly crenulated on the whole lateral sides. colour brown, pronotum lateral borders yellowish. 1st and 2nd sternites fitted with a pubescent, round impression. tl = 4.3-4.9 mm. known from sicily and greece ..................................... marginatus pronotum weakly crenulated and elytra nearly smooth on lateral sides. colour dark greenish brown. 1st and 2nd sternites simple, without round impression. tl = 4.5-4.7 mm. all over europe .................... nigricornis 13 body shape elongate, approx. cylindrical; head only slightly narrower than pronotum. dorsal integuments moderately bright. tl = 6.8-7.5 mm. southern italy, albania, kerkyra island in greece ............... angelinii body shape oval, head clearly narrower than pronotum. dorsal integuments dull .......................................... 14 14 colour black with green reflections, rather dull. antennae longer, antennal articles 6-9 similar to each other, triangular, rather large and wide; articles 4-5 also triangular but smaller, shorter and narrower (fig. 11). median process of last sternite ♂ very short (fig. 38). tl = 5.5-6.8 mm. greece ............................ caelatus colour deep black, dull. antennae shorter, antennal articles triangular, more or less gradually widened from 4 to 9. median process of last sternite ♂ from very short to moderately developed ........................ 15 15 pronotum lateral sides nearly smooth or slightly irregular, at most granulose. median process of ♂ last sternite rudimentary to very short. tl = 4.7-6.4 mm. east bulgaria, north-east greece, turkey ....... reitteri pronotum finely but clearly crenulated on lateral sides. median process of ♂ last sternite rudimentary to moderately developed ............................................. 16 16 size smaller: tl = 4.3-4.9 mm. antennal article 3 narrower than 4 (fig. 12). median process of last sternite ♂ embryonic or very short. greece...cribrarius size larger: tl = 5.6-6.0 mm. antennal article 3 nearly as wide as 4 (fig. 14). median process of last sternite ♂ moderately developed (fig. 41). bulgaria, northern greece .............................................. henrici common description of the a. reitteri group the aplocnemus reitteri group of species (points 14-16 of the above key), including caelatus, cribrarius, henrici and reitteri, is very homogeneous. a short common description is here reported to avoid repetitions (but further specific characters will be supplied for each species): ♂. entirely deep black (only one species – caelatus – shows green reflections) including antennae and legs, but legs at times blackish or dark brown. dorsal integuments very rough, more or less dull, strongly and densely punctuate. body shape sub-oval: elytra, in their max. width (slightly behind the middle) wider than pronotum (in its max. width) which, in turn, is wider than head (including eyes). pronotum convex, transverse; more or less rounded on lateral sides; posterior border longer than anfigs. 2-5 habiti, ♂♂. 2) a. basalis (küster, 1849) (from budva, mne). 3) a. henrici n. sp (paratypus from pissoderi, florina, gr). 4) a. pertusus kiesenwetter, 1859 (from girne, cy). 5) a. rufipes miller, 1862 (from stavrodromi, ahaia, gr). scale: 1 mm. 12 the aplocnemus stephens, 1830, of greece (coleoptera, cleroidea, dasytidae). a contribution to their knowledge terior; max. width slightly behind the middle; surface very densely punctate; distance between punctures smaller than their diameter; surface between punctures alutaceus, rather dull. elytra as rough and dull as pronotum but more wrinkled and with punctures often merging into each other. antennae thick, strongly serrate. median process of last sternite usually underdeveloped or short (as, for example, in fig. 38) but in one species – henrici – rather well developed (fig. 41). dorsal lever of median lobe often minutely denticulate on dorsal side. ♀. closely resembling male: antennae bear the only sexual difference rather easily noticeable: thinner and less strongly serrate in females than in males. a difference can also be found (but sometimes hardly visible) in body shape which is slightly more convex in females, with elytral apex more regularly curved down (in males elytral apices are often shortly and slightly flattened). discussion of the species a. (diplambe) abietum kiesenwetter, 1859 (figs. 47-52) haplocnemus abietum kiesenwetter, 1859: 160, 171, loc. typ. oros parnitha (near athens); schilsky, 1894a: 60; pic, 1937: 30; peacock, 1987: 153; mayor, 2007: 412; liberti, 2009: 346. = haplocnemus latior pic, 1908: 50 [syn. n.], loc. typ. euboea; pic, 1937: 36; mayor, 2007: 411. = haplocnemus thessalicus pic, 1908: 49 [syn. n.], loc. typ. thessalia; pic, 1937: 42; mayor, 2007: 413. = haplocnemus atricornis pic, 1921a: 3 [syn. n.], loc. typ. kefallonia; pic, 1937: 32; mayor, 2007: 412. the kiesenwetter’s types of a. abietum are probably lost. however only one diplambe species is known of the balkan peninsula and 2 topotypes, ♂♂, are available (see below under material studied), well in agreement with the original description. 2 syntypes ♂♂ of h. latior , both dissected by r. constantin, are in pic collection, at mnhnp, respectively labeled “eubée, bey kyronurus [difficult to read]” hwa; “type” hwa; “latior pic” hwa; “type” prr. and “eubée” hwa; “type” hwa. both bear a further label “syntype / aplocnemus / latior / pic 1908 / mnhn paris, coll. pic” prr., added by r. constantin. they don’t show any meaningful difference with the common and widespread a. (diplambe) abietum. 2 syntypes, ♀♀, of h. thessalicus, originally pinned on the same pin, are in pic collection, at mnhnp, labelled: “thessalia” pr., “diplambe sp. n.” hwa, “type” hwa, “type” prr. (in one of the two the labels have been transcripted by r. constantin). although ♀♀ no meaningful difference with a.(d.) abietum has been detected. 2 syntypes, 1 ♂ and 1 ♀, of h. atricornis are in pic collection, at mnhnp, labeled: 1 ♂: “graecia, kephallenia” pr.; “type” hwa; “atricornis pic” hwa; “type” prr. 1 ♀: “graecia, kephallenia” pr.; “type” hwa; “type” prr. both specimens probably collected by paganetti between 1899 and 1914. here again, no meaningful difference with a.(d.) abietum has been detected. description ♂. antennae evidently pectinate; articles 4-10 trasverse or very trasverse. integuments blackishbrown, not very brigh; legs and antennae dark brown with tarsi more or less pale brown; mouthparts and palpi brownish; pubescence pale brown. pronotum convex, max. width close to posterior border, rather lightly and sparsely figs. 6-14 right antennae, ♂♂. 6) a. nigricornis (fabricius, 1792) (from aragnouet, hautes pyrenées, f). 7) a. pertusus kiesenwetter, 1859 (from girne, cy). 8) a. rufipes miller, 1862 (from stavrodromi, ahaia, gr). 9) a. basalis (küster, 1849) (from budva, mne). 10) a. jejunus kiesenwetter, 1863 (from castelfranco di sopra, arezzo, i). 11) a. caelatus (brullé, 1832) (from agios nicolaos, lakonia, gr). 12) a. cribrarius (brullé, 1832) (from kalanistra, ahaia, gr). 13) a. reitteri schilsky, 1894 (from yenice, çanakkale, tr). 14) a. henrici n. sp. (paratypus from pissoderi, florina, gr). scale: 1 mm. 13gianfranco liberti punctured. elytra very convex; lateral border double in basal half; sparsely punctured; surface between punctures moderately convex; elytral apices jointly rounded; apical angle rather well defined, right or slightly obtuse. abdomen first and second visible sternites simple; fifth sternite straight or slightly convex on posterior side. last sternite median process short (fig. 51). fallobase and parameres unconnected (not fused together) (fig. 50). ♀. antennae serrate; elytra slighly more convex in apical half. dimensions in mm. tl: ♂♂ 4.5-5.0; ♀♀ 4.7-5.5. ♂♂. tl = 4.74±0.24, pl = 1.00±0.08, el = 3.52±0.10, pw = 1.62±0.05, ew = 1.92±0.10. ♀♀. tl = 5.16±0.37, pl = 1.10±0.11, el = 3.78±0.25, pw = 1.74±0.13, ew = 2.10±0.11. distribution and comments a. (diplambe) abietum is the only known representative, in the balkans, of this rather large and widespread subgenus; it is common and widespread throughout the whole southern part of the peninsula. it is probably present in turkey as well, at least in the european provinces, however, being diplambe a rather difficult group, future studies will better clarify its presence in this country. materials studied romania baile herculane (deubel, ?, msnm). makedonia struga (schönhofer, 2006, smns). bulgaria katunci (langourov, 2002, cmg; migliaccio, 2002, cmg); mikrevo (langourov, 2002, cmg; lazarov, 2002, cmg); petric (migliaccio, 2004, cmg). greece lefkada prov.: agios nikitas (angelini, 2005, can); eglouvi (angelini, 2005, can). kastoria prov.: nestorio (angelini, 2007, can). florina prov.: simos ioannidis near florina (liberti, 2005, cli)(f). grevenà prov.: anoixis (konviçka, 2009, ckn). serres prov.: rodopoli (angelini, 2007, can). evros prov.: mega derio (angelini, 2007, can); melia (cocquempot, 2004, cli)(f). ioannina prov.: timfi, farangi vikou (doguet, 1997, cco)*. larissa prov.: ossa (egger, 1988, ceg; saltini, 1998, csl; schülke, 1998, cpl; ziegler, 2006, czi); spilià (angelini, 2005, can). viotia prov.: arahova (liberti, 1997, cli); sarandavli (angelini, 2005, can). atiki-piréas prov.: oros parnitha: 2♂ (liberti, 1997, cli) (t) ahaïa prov.: ano diakoptò (liberti, 1998, cli); aroania ori (rébl, 2010, cre); diakoftò (angelini, 1998, can); flamboura (liberti, 1998, cli); kalavrita (angelini, 1998, 1999, 2004, can; cocquempot, 2004, cli; ziegler, 2010, czi); kalentzi (angelini, 2004, can); kastelli (angelini, 2004, can); lagovouni (liberti, 1998, cli); mega spileo (ponel, 1996, cpn; angelini, 1999, can); stavrodromio (angelini, 1999, can); tripotama (liberti, 1998, cli). korinthia prov.: bouzi (angelini, 1999, can); lafka (angelini, 1999, can); messinò (ziegler, 2010, czi); mossia (angelini, 2004, can); nemea (wittmer, 1971, cco)*; riza (teunissen, 1998, cco)*; stilia (saltini, 1994, csl); stimfalia (angelini, 2004, can). ilia prov.: katotari (angelini, 2004, can); olimbia (angelini, 1999, can). arkadia prov.: alonistena (saltini, 2016, csl); dafni (ziegler, 2010, czi); dimitsana (doguet, 1995, cco)*; kandila (angelini, 2004, can); kardaras (angelini, 2004, can); panagitsa (konviçka, 2009, ckn); pigadakia (angelini, 2004, can); stavrodromio (angelini, 1999, can); tripoli (angelini, 1999, can); vitina (ziegler, 2007, 2010, czi). argolida prov.: ahladokambos (angelini, 2004, can); mili (angelini, 1999, can). lakonia prov.: anavriti (konviçka, 2009, ckn); alepohori (doguet, 1995, cco)*; gorani (angelini, 2004, can); kastania (constantin, 1997, cco)*; toriza (rébl, 2010, cre); vasiliki (angelini, 2004, can). aplocnemus (aplocnemus) angelinii liberti, 1995 russo, 1938: 115 (haplocnemus sp.); schatzmayr, 1943: 117 (haplocnemus cylindricus). aplocnemus angelinii liberti, 1995: 162, loc. typ. policoro (basilicata, italy); liberti & zinetti, 2009: 46. for this species, description and drawings can be found in liberti (1995: 192, figs. 19-21). distribution and comments very close to a. (a.) cylindricus kiesenwetter, 1863, of which it might be considered a subspecies, it lives in peninsular italy and in south-west of the balkan peninsula: records are known from albania, kerkyra island (liberti, 1995) and ahaïa. a. (a.) angelinii, although similar to the reitteri group of species (see common description above), is easily recognized for pronotum less convex and approx. square shaped, as wide as elytral max. width so to give the body a cylindrical appearance, and for the space between punctures appearing brighter. materials studied albania berat° (boldori, 1941, msnm)(f). greece kerkyra prov.: kerkira° (champion, 1927, bmnh). ahaïa prov.: metochi (rébl, 2007, cre)(f). this species is also present in central and southern italy: please refer to liberti (1995) and liberti & zinetti (2009) for the known localities in this country. aplocnemus (aplocnemus) basalis (küster, 1849) (figs. 2, 9, 32-33) dasytes basalis küster, 1849: 19, loc. typ. trogir (croatia); pic, 1937: 32; kaszab, 1955: 107; majer, 1982: 430, 444, figs. 4, 20; peacock, 1987: 153; mayor, 2007: 409; liberti, 2009: 345. = haplocnemus basalis var. distinctipes pic, 1908: 50, loc. typ. kerkyra [synonymized by majer, 1982: 430]. 14 gianfranco liberti = haplocnemus macedonicus pic, 1922: 17, loc. typ. mount athos (halkidiki) [syn. n.]; pic, 1937: 37; peacock, 1987: 155; mayor, 2007: 411. the types have been probably lost but the identification of this species, as proposed by majer (1982), is here shared: it is common all over the dalmatian coast and several topotypes are available. a syntypus, ♂, of aplocnemus basalis var. distinctipes pic is at mnhnp in collection pic, labelled: “corfou” hw, “2 gardés schilsky” hwa, “basalis, gardé par schils 2” hwa, “basalis ou sp. près” hwa, “type” hwa, “basalis var. distinctipes pic” hwa, “var. distinctipes” hwa, “type” prr. (possibly added by villiers), “holotypus / aplocnemus basalis / v. distinctipes pic / vidit liberti iii.2007” prr. it shows no meaningful differences from the trogir topo-typical population sample. the typical series of aplocnemus macedonicus pic is made up by 12 syntypes, 11 (5 ♂♂ and 6 ♀♀) kept at mnhnp, 1 (♂) at msnm (1 further ♂, mnhnp, has been set off the typical series because it bears a label “h. pertusus” handwritten by pic: evidently the author had doubts on it). the syntypes are labelled as follows: 1 ♂ (mnhnp): “athos, (macedonien), schatzmayr” pr.; “801” hw; “voir basalis” hwa; “type” hwa; “type” prr. probably added by villiers; “syntypus, aplocnemus, macedonicus pic, vidit liberti iii.2007” prr. 1 ♀ (mnhnp): “athos, (macedonien), schatzmayr” pr.; “type” hwa; “macedonicus pic” hwa; “type” prr. probably added by villiers; “syntypus, aplocnemus, macedonicus pic, vidit liberti iii.2007” prr. all others (mnhnp, msnm) bear two labels: “athos, (macedonien), schatzmayr” pr.; “syntypus, aplocnemus, macedonicus pic, vidit liberti iii.2007” prr. they show no meaningful differences from the trogir topo-typical population. description ♂. antennae pectinate; articles 4 and 5 triangular, trasverse, inner side straight in 4, straight or feebly s-shaped in 5; 6-9 of increasing length; 7 and 8 clearly s-shaped on inner side (although in certain populations the inner side is nearly straight, as happens on sveti klement islet near hvar). integuments brown to dark brown, rather bright; antennae brown with basal articles variably paler (at least article 2 pale); femora brown, trochanters, tibiae and tarsi variably pale to brown (at least the first tarsal article yellowish); mouth parts and palpi brown. pronotum convex, trasverse, max. width behind the middle, finely punctuate; punctures rather dense (a somewhat variable character), space between punctures wider than their diameter, bright, lateral sides granulose to finely crenulated. elytra punctuation rather strong; space between punctures convex, bright; elytral apices separately rounded; apical angle undefined. abdomen first and second visible sternites simple; fifth visible sternite moderately emarginated on posterior side; last sternite median process long. basal undivided part of tegmen short (less than ¼ of total length). ♀. as the male but antennae serrate and elytral apical half slightly widened. dimensions im mm. tl: ♂♂ 4.2–5.0; ♀♀ 4.0–5.0. ♂♂. tl = 4.56±0.37, pl = 0.96±0.10, el = 3.14±0.24, pw = 1.38±0.13, ew = 1.66±0.06. ♀♀. tl = 4.68±0.47, pl = 0.96±0.06, el = 3.32±0.31, pw = 1.46±0.13, ew = 1.72±0.15. distribution and comments this species lives in the southern part of the balkans and is common in dalmatia, where it has been collected, in spring, beating several kind of blossoming trees and shrubs (as, for example, paliurus sp.). it is probably present in the whole of turkey as well, although apparently rare. materials studied croatia (localities listed from north to south) simuni, on pag is. (liberti, 2004, cli); sukosan, near zadar (liberti, 2004, cli); dugopolje (liberti, 2004, cli); donji seget, near trogir (liberti, 2002, cli)(t); vinisce near trogir (liberti, 2004, cli)(t); split (karaman, approx. 1900, cco)*; liuka, on solta is. (liberti, 2002, cli); bol, on brac is. (liberti, 2004, cli); drvenik, near makarska (liberti, 2004, cli); sveti klement is. near hvar (liberti, 2002, cli); vis town, on vis is. (liberti, 2002, cli); slano (herrmann, 1998, cpl); ston (poot, 1988, cco)*; mljet is. (gobanz, ?, msnm); pomena, on mljet is. (boness, 1985, smns). montenegro bar (liberti, 2008, cli); budva (liberti, 2008, cli); kolasin (constantin, 1998, cco)*; rastane (liberti, 2008, cli). greece halkidiki prov.: sarti (constantin, 1987, cco)*. agios oros prov.: athos (schatzmayr, ?, msnm). serres prov.: therma (bense, 1990, smns). kavala prov.: nea iraklitsa (bense, 1990, smns). preveza prov.: parga (danielsson, 1997, zmlu). ioannina prov.: papigko on timfi mts. (liberti, 2005, cli). larissa prov.: ossa (ziegler, 2006, czi). ahaïa prov.: kalavrita (angelini, 1998, can; malkin, 1977, co*); kalogria (angelini, 1999, can); kato vlassia (malkin, 1977, cco)*; limanaki (ziegler, 2010, czi); vouraikos gorge (ponel, 1996, cpn). korinthia prov.: kaliani (angelini, 1996, 1998, can); kiato (angelini, 1998, can); oros killini (saltini, 1998, csl); perahora (ziegler, 2010, czi). ilia prov.: olimbia (frisch, 1987, zmb). lakonia prov.: taigetos (pesarini, 1986, cli). lesvos prov.: olimpos, lesvos is. (biström, 2005, mzf; silfverberg, 2005, mzf). dodekanissa prov.: kamiros, rodos (schmalfuss, 1992, smns). turkey bolu prov.: aband near bolü (klapperich, 1965, cco)*. zonguldak prov.: ahmetusta gecidi (angelini, 2009, can)(f); bartin (angelini, 2009, can) (f); karli (angelini, 2009, can)(f). cankiri prov.: ilgazdagi gecidi (angelini, 2009, can) (f). ordu prov.: persambe (angelini, 2009, can)(f). tokat prov.: resadiye (angelini, 2009, can, cli). gümüshane prov.: gümüshane (angelini, 2009, can) (f). isparta prov.: isparta (coiffait, 1954, cco)*. 15the aplocnemus stephens, 1830, of greece (coleoptera, cleroidea, dasytidae). a contribution to their knowledge aplocnemus (aplocnemus) caelatus (brullé, 1832) (figs. 11, 36-38) dasytes caelatus brullé, 1832: 150, pl. 37 fig. 2, loc. typ. peloponnesus; kiesenwetter, 1859: 174; pic, 1937: 32; peacock, 1987: 153 [aplocnemus]; mayor, 2007: 410. = haplocnemus pristocerus kiesenwetter, 1859: 170, loc. typ. nafplio, athina [syn. n.]; pic, 1937: 39; mayor, 2007: 413 [aplocnemus]. types two syntypes are at mnhnp (“general collection”): one of them, ♂, labelled “224” hw; “dasytes / caelatus / morée / m. brullé” hw, this second label pinned on the box floor. the second syntype is in very bad conditions (only elytra and abdomen remaining) and is labelled “dasytes caelatus brullé” hw. the original description is rather accurate and make reference to the dark green overall colour which allows the (easy) recognition of this species. the kiesenwetter types of his haplocnemus pristocerus have been lost but the description seems to be sufficient to allow an identification, so that little doubts remain on this synonymy. kiesenwetter himself states that, probably, brullé’s dasytes caelatus (and d. cribrarius, both unknown to him) could be placed “in the same systematic position” (“hierher zu beziehen”) of his h. pristocerus. description this species belonging to the “reitteri group”, the above general description (under “systematics”) applies. easily recognizable from all other aplocnemus species for rough, dull appearance and green reflections. rather large, black with green reflections; legs and antennae black. antennae (fig. 11) rather elongate: article 3 triangular, elongate, slightly narrower than 4; 4-6 trasverse, 4 and 5 shorter and narrower than 6-9; 7-9 balanced and very slightly s-shaped on inner side. pronotum lateral sides finely crenulated, mainly on basal half. elytral apices separately rounded. penultimate sternite straight or very feebly emarginated on rear border; last sternite median process very short (fig. 38). dimensions in mm. tl: ♂♂ 6.0-6.7; ♀♀ 5.1-6.2. ♂♂. tl = 6.10 ± 0.67, pl = 1.12 ± 0.10, el = 4.12 ± 0.38, pw = 1.76 ± 0.19, ew = 2.24 ± 0.28. ♀♀. tl = 5.80 ± 0.67, pl = 1.13 ± 0.13, el = 4.05 ± 0.43, pw = 1.85 ± 0.24, ew = 2.33 ± 0.31 (4 measures). distribution and comments apparently an endemics of southern continental greece, where it is rather commonly found by grass sweeping. materials studied greece fthiotida prov.: domokos (krätschmer, 1980, smns). viotia prov.: analipsi near livadia (liberti, 1998, cli); arahova (doguet, 1996, cco)*. atiki-piréas prov.: erithres (liberti, 1998, cli)(f). ahaïa prov.: kalavrita (teunissen, 1987, cco*; angelini, 1999, can). korinthia prov.: agios patapiou (ziegler, 1996, smns); bouzi (angelini, 1999, can); galatas (köstlin, 1976, smns and cco); kaliani (ziegler, 2010, czi); klitoria (saltini, 2014, csl)(f); lafka (angelini, 1999, can); oros killini (saltini, 1998, csl); riza (teunissen, 1988, cco)*; sofikò (angelini, 1999, can); stilia (saltini, 1994, csl); stimfalia (angelini, 2004, can, cli; saltini, 2014, csl); zemenò (ziegler, 2010, czi). arkadia prov.: agiorgitika (doguet, 1995, cco)*; kardaras (angelini, 2004, can); levidi (saltini, 2016, csl); panagitsa (konviçka, 2009, ckn); paradisia (saltini, 2015 e 2016, csl); pigadakia (angelini, 2004, can); stavrodromio (angelini, 1999, can, cli); vitina (ziegler, 2010, czi). argolida prov.: ahladokambos (angelini, 2004, can); epidauros (angelini, 1999, can); mili (angelini, 1999 and 2004, can); mykenai (malkin & riedel, 1981, cco*; frisch, 1987, zmb); skotini (ziegler, 2007, czi). messinia prov.: kalamata (köstlin, 1982, cco)*. lakonia prov.: agios nikolaos (angelini, 2004, can, cli); areopoli (ziegler, 1996, smns); arhontikò (angelini, 2004, can); arna (angelini, 2004, can); elafonissi (schmalfuss, 1987, smns); gerolimenas (riedel, 1987, smns); githio (angelini, 2004, can); gorani (angelini, 2004, can); kastania (angelini, 2004, can); polovitsa (doguet, 1995, cco*;angelini, 2004, can); melissa (angelini, 2004, can); melitini (angelini, 2004, can); mistras (ziegler, 2011, czi); monemvassia (rieger, 1987, smns; constantin, 1997, cco*); skoura (angelini, 2004, can); taigetos (sabella, 1984, cli; reichel, 1989, cco*; ziegler, 2007, czi); vasiliki (angelini, 2004, can). aplocnemus (aplocnemus) corcyricus miller, 1866 haplocnemus corcyricus miller, 1866: 818, loc. typ. kerkyra; pic, 1937: 33; peacock, 1987: 154 [aplocnemus]; liberti, 1995: 181; mayor, 2007: 410; liberti & zinetti, 2009: 47. the lectotypus of this species has been recently defined (liberti & zinetti 2009: 47): a female specimen believed to be part of the miller’s typical series. a full description, with drawings, of a. (a.) corcyricus can be found in liberti (1995: 181, figs. 10, 47, 48). distribution and comments a trans-ionian species, only known of kerkyra island in greece and southern italy, sicily included. it is characterised by the clearly pectinate antennae, the size and the pitchy black colour of the whole body, legs and antennae included. the similar a. (a.) serratus, which can be found on kerkyra as well, is smaller, with antennae strongly serrate (or feebly pectinate), body colour bluish-black and the basal antennal articles often more or less reddish. materials studied greece kerkyra prov.: kerkyra (hicker, ?, nhmb; miller, ?, nhmw; polatschek, ?, nhmw; woerz, ?, cli; köstlin, 1985, cco*); gastouri (winkler, ?, nhmb); mount deka (woerz, ?, nhmb); potamos (?, ?, nhmb). this species is also present in southern italy and in sicily. the known localities in these countries can be found in liberti (1995) and in liberti & zinetti (2009). 16 gianfranco liberti aplocnemus (aplocnemus) cribrarius (brullé, 1832) (figs. 12, 34, 35) dasytes cribrarius brullé, 1832: 151, pl. 37 fig. 2, loc. typ. peloponnesus (?); kiesenwetter, 1859: 174; heyden et al., 1906: 308 [haplocnemus]; winkler, 1925: 546; pic, 1937: 33; peacock, 1987: 154 [aplocnemus]; mayor, 2007: 410. types the types of this species have not been found at mnhnp. brullé described his dasytes cribrarius on specimen(s) from the collection laporte de castelnau, part of which is now at the melbourne museum, but no types have been found there either (s. hinkley, melbourne museum, private communication february 8th, 2010). for the time being, the types of this species should be considered lost. also the typical locality might be doubtful because the brullé species – when not collected by the “expédition scientifique de la morée” people – might come from elsewhere. brullé (1832) supplies a rather detailed description of dasytes cribrarius, comparing it with the related, very similar d. caelatus: the descriptions are indeed similar and kiesenwetter (1859: 174) even advanced the possible synonymy between them. on the other hand, in the catalogue of heyden, reitter & wise (1906: 308) the name cribrarius is listed as a variety of aplocnemus cylindricus, as well as in the winkler (1925: 546) catalogue where this conjecture is accepted (here listed as aberration). but these authors could not know that, in the peloponnese, actually two similar species can be found: the above reported a. (a.) caelatus and the species here discussed and deemed to be the true a. (a.) cribriarius brullé. this species rather well corresponds to brullé’s description, as detailed in table 2. the only disagreement between brullé description and actual species is in the tarsi colour (which is a rather variable character in genus aplocnemus) but the agreement of the other five characters can be considered reasonably good. after all, proposing this species as the true dasytes cribrarius brullé might be regarded as sufficiently safe, at least until the type(s) will, if ever, be found. description this is the smallest species in the “reitteri group”, whose common description is reported above, under “systematics”. entirely black without reflections; legs and antennae black although, in one specimen, legs are dark brown to blackish. antennae thick and rather long; articles 4-8 triangular and slightly trasverse, convex at inner side but article 8 very feebly s-shaped in some specimens; articles 4, 5 shorter and narrower than 6-9; article 3 triangular elongate but of variable size: either nearly as wide as, or clearly narrower than, 4. pronotum lateral sides granulose. elytral apical angle rather well defined, obtuse (but a variable character). penultimate sternite straight to slightly emarginated on rear border; last sternite median process underdeveloped or very short. dimensions in mm. tl: ♂♂ 4.3-4.9; ♀♀ 4.2-4.9. ♂♂. tl = 4.60±0.29, pl = 0.94±0.10, el = 3.18±0.27, pw = 1.66±0.49, ew = 1.72±0.13. ♀♀. tl = 5.06±0.75, pl = 1.00±0.14, el = 3.52±0.52, pw = 1.60±0.23, ew = 2.00±0.31. distribution and comments an apparently rare species, only known from a few localities in southern and central greece. collected by grasssweeping. tab. 2 critical comparison between a. caelatus and a. cribrarius. the differences, between the two species, reported by brullé (1832) are compared with the differences actually found (to support the interpretation of the name cribrarius here proposed). brullé’s differential diagnosis between a caelatus and a. cribrarius actual comparison between the two species a. caelatus a. cribrarius a. cribrarius against a. caelatus comment punctuation deeper punctuation smaller and denser punctuation similar, slightly different on elytra (where, in cribrarius, it might be considered denser) more or less in agreement pubescence not as dense, which allows better sight of surface punctuation black pubescence much more dense pubescence only slightly denser, on average, in cribrarius more or less in agreement brighter colour (“couleur plus gaie”) body entirely black with an hint of violet good correspondence with the differential diagnosis full agreement antennae serrate antennae less serrate good correspondence with the differential diagnosis (comparing same sexes) full agreement pronotum transverse pronotum balanced (not wider than long) pronotum actually less transverse in cribrarius (but still transverse) possible agreement tarsi black tarsi reddish dark (rusty) tarsi black in both species disagreement 17the aplocnemus stephens, 1830, of greece (coleoptera, cleroidea, dasytidae). a contribution to their knowledge materials studied greece fokida prov.: amfissa (saltini, 2014, csl); delphi (frisch, 1987, zmb). viotia prov.: sarandavli (angelini, 2005, can, cli). ahaïa prov.: diakoftò (liberti, 1998, cli); kalanistra (liberti, 1998, cli & cco). aplocnemus (aplocnemus) henrici n. sp. (figs. 3, 14, 39-41) a species belonging to the reitteri group, deep black and rather large, living in bulgaria and in northern greece, whose typical locality is mount vitoscia, south of sofia. dedicated to the friend enrico migliaccio, the name comes from “henricus”: an arbitrary latinization of his christian name (of german origin, probably derived from heimrich). types holotype, ♂ (msnm), labeled: “bg, sofia, 1000-1250 m / mt. vitoscia vers. s / strouma valley, road / bosnek – chupetlovo / 16.vii.2005, migliaccio”. allotype, ♀ (msnm), labeled as the holotypus but with a different date: “5.vii.2001”. 3 paratypes (1♂, 1 ♀: cli; 1 ♀cmg), same locality labels as the allotypus. 1 paratype, ♂ (cmg): “bg, m.ti rodopi occ. / (velingrad), lago batak / 1140 m, / leg. e. migliaccio”. 1 paratype, ♂ (cmg): “bulgaria merid. / rila mountains (samokov) / treshtenik dint., 1600 m / 25.vii.2001, migliaccio”. 1 paratype, ♂ (cli): “bg, maleshevska pl. / s gorna ribnitsa vill. / 41°36’n 23°01’e / 1240 m, / ljubomirov”. 1 paratype, ♀ (cli): “gr, prov. seres / mt. vrondous, lailias / w. ziegler, 22.vii.2009”. 2 paratypes, ♀♀ (cli and czi): “gr, prov. florina / pissoderi / w. ziegler, 28.vii.2009”. 2 paratypes, ♂♂ (cli and czi): “gr, prov. pella / mt. voras / w. ziegler, 29.vii.2009”. 4 paratypes, (1 ♂: cli; 2 ♂, 1 ♀: czi): “gr, prov. drama / mt. fulakro bis 1600 m / w. ziegler, 20.vii.2009”. 2 paratypes, ♂♂ (cli and can): “grecia, florina / valico strada pissoderi / florina, 1400 m /, leg. angelini”. 1 paratype, ♂ (cli): “gr – 6; m 1450 / pissoderi 2 km e /, liberti”. 2 paratypes (1 ♂, 1 ♀: cco): “bulg. rilagebirge / maljowitzen 2600 m /, leg. zeuner”. 4 paratypes (♂♂: cco): “bulgarie, massif du rila / 3 km n de borouets /, g. ledoux leg.”. 1 paratype (♀: cco): “greece, florina, 1200 m / 20 km w florina / pr. pissoderi 2 km w/6.viii.1987, r. constantin” all types bear a further label “holotypus [or allotypus or paratypus where applicable] / aplocnemus / henrici liberti / (lib. posuit, gen. 2013)” prr. description the above common description of the “reitteri group” species (please see under “systematics”) applies here. rather large, deep black without reflections; legs and antennae black but, in some specimens, legs may be dark brown. antennae rather short; articles 4-9 transverse, convex at inner side; articles 4-6 of gradually increasing size; article 3 just elongate, width similar to 4. pronotum lateral sides finely granulose. elytral apices separately rounded. penultimate sternite straight on rear border. last sternite median process well developed. dimensions in mm. tl: ♂♂ 5.9-6.2; ♀♀ 5.9-6.5. ♂♂. tl = 5.82±0.17, pl = 1.16±0.10, el = 3.98±0.10, pw = 1.84±0.13, ew = 2.22±0.13. ♀♀. tl = 6.12±0.26, pl = 1.22±0.05, el = 4.34±0.19, pw = 1.92±0.10, ew = 2.36±0.13. distribution and comments a. (a.) henrici is known of bulgaria and the north of greece. the male specimen collected at pissoderi by the writer was found by grass sweeping. aplocnemus (aplocnemus) integer baudi, 1874 haplocnemus integer baudi, 1874: 302, loc. typ. pavia (lombardy, i); pic, 1937: 36; kaszab, 1955: 106; allenspach & wittmer, 1979: 100; majer, 1982: 437 [aplocnemus]; peacock, 1987: 154; liberti, 1995: 182; kolibac et al., 2005: 153; constantin, 2007: 162; mayor, 2007: 411; constantin & liberti, 2011: 52, 56, 134, 136, fig. 99, pl. 19 fig. 76. a syntype, ♂, of this species is in collection baudi, at mrsn. the specimen is in rather bad conditions, abdomen lacking. however it is well recognizable by the blue integuments colour and the elongated body shape. the previous interpretations of this species (majer, 1982; liberti, 1995) are here confirmed. description, drawings and further collection localities can be found in majer (1982), liberti (1995: 182, figs. 49, 50), constantin (2007) and constantin & liberti (2011). distribution and comments an usually uncommon species (but, sometimes, found in numbers) living in central europe, corsica, the whole of italy (not in sicily and sardinia) and the balkans. its presence in turkey, witnessed only by one female specimen, should be confirmed. materials studied romania turda (zoufal, ?, msnm). greece imathia prov.: kato vermio (schawaller, 1994, smns). thessaloniki prov.: asprovalta (wolsch, 2010, cwo). halkidiki prov.: olimbiada (riedel, 1990, smns); stagira (bergeal, 2001, cco)*. serres prov.: kerkini (umlauf, 2014, cko)(f). kavala prov.: hrissoupoli (bense, 1994, smns). xanthi prov.: nestos river mouth (bense, 1990, smns). turkey manisa prov.: akcakertikbeli gecidi near demirci: 1♀ (angelini, 2011, cli)(f). aplocnemus (aplocnemus) jejunus kiesenwetter, 1863 (fig. 10) haplocnemus jejunus kiesenwetter, 1863: 652, loc. typ. southern france; pic, 1937: 35; prota, 1966: 18, fig. iii; fiori, 1971: 56; liberti, 1995: 167 [aplocnemus]; constantin, 2007: 161; mayor, 2007: 411; liberti, 2009: 369; constantin & liberti, 2011: 50, 56, 133, 135, fig. 109, pl. 19 fig. 75. although the types are probably lost, there has been general agreement on the interpretation of this species. 18 figs. 15-31 15-16) aedeagus, spicular fork and last ventrite (tergite and sternite) in sternal view, as they appear on dissection: all sternites and tergites – but the last ones – have been removed. 17) aedeagus (median lobe with dorsal lever and tegmen), lateral view. 18) aedeagus (median lobe with dorsal lever and tegmen), dorsal view. 20) aedeagus (median lobe with dorsal lever and tegmen), lateral view. 19, 23-24, 28) median lobes, lateral view. 21, 25-26, 29) median lobe apices, sternal view. 22, 27, 30) basal half of tegmen. 31) last sternite. 15) a. (ischnopalpus) subcostatus schilsky, 1894 from tizi n’test, 2000 m, haut atlas, maroc. 16) a. rufipes miller, 1862 from anogia, crete, gr. 17-18) a. (ischnopalpus) subcostatus schilsky, 1894 from tizi n’test, 2000 m, haut atlas, maroc. 19-22) a. serratus (brullé, 1832); 19) karteri; 20-21) vavouri near tsamantas; 22) agia kiriaki all in thesprotia, gr. 23-27) a. rufipes miller, 1862; 23, 25) lagavouni near kalavrita, ahaia gr; 24, 26) anogia, crete; 27) hortiatis near thessaloniki, gr. 28-31) a. pertusus kiesenwetter, 1859; 28-30) paliouri on kassandra, halkidiki, gr; 31) silifke, mersin, tr. scales: 0.5 mm. scale a: figs. 15, 16. scale b: all others. gianfranco liberti 19 figs. 32-52 32, 34, 36, 39, 42, 43, 47) median lobes in lateral view. 33) median lobe apex in sternal view. 35, 37, 40, 44, 48) median lobes in sternal view. 46, 50) tegmens. 45, 49) spicular forks. 38, 41, 51) last sternites. 52) last tergite. 32-33) a. basalis (küster, 1849); 32) papigko on timfi mts., ioannina, gr; 33) vinisce near trogir, hr). 34-35) a. cribriarius (brullé, 1832) (both kalanistra, ahaia, gr). 36-38) a. caelatus (brullé, 1832); 36) stavrodromio, arkadia, gr; 37-38) agios nikolaos, lakonia, gr). 39-41) a. henrici n. sp. 39) lake batak near velingrad, bg; 40) bosnek-chupetlovo near mt. vitoscia, bg; 41) pissoderi, florina, gr; all paratypes). 42-46) a. reitteri schilsky, 1894. 42) abant gölü near bolu, tr; 43-46) dikili, izmir, tr. 47-52) a. (diplambe) abietum kiesenwetter, 1859. 47, 49-52) arahova, ahaïa, gr; 48) oros parnitha, atiki, gr, topotype. scale 0.5 mm. the aplocnemus stephens, 1830, of greece (coleoptera, cleroidea, dasytidae). a contribution to their knowledge 20 gianfranco liberti description and drawings can be found in liberti (1995: 167, figs. 28-29) and constantin (2007). distribution and comments an uncommon to rare species, sometimes collected in winter under barks of trees or, late autumn and spring, by means of malaise (or similar) traps. present in southern france, corsica, sardinia, the whole of italy, the balkans and, probably, turkey. materials studied slovenia branik [reifenberg castle] (springer, 1942, msnm). croatia momian, istra (schurmann, 1966, cli). bulgaria balcik (ziegler, 2015, czi)f; batovo (ziegler, 2015, czi)f; sabla (ziegler, 2015, czi); studen kladenets (chobanov, 2006, cmg). greece grevena prov.: anixi (berger, 2006, cbu)(f). turkey (european) tekirdag prov.: yenice (angelini, 2011, cli)(f). further localities, for other countries, are reported in liberti (1995), constantin (2007) and liberti (2009). aplocnemus (aplocnemus) marginatus rottenberg, 1871 haplocnemus marginatus rottenberg, 1871: 243, loc. typ. catania (sicily); pic, 1937: 40 [synonym of a. rufomarginatus perris, 1869]; peacock, 1987: 156 [aplocnemus; synonym of a. rufomarginatus]; liberti, 1995: 184 [good species]; mayor, 2007: 411; liberti & zinetti, 2009: 49. = haplocnemus impressipennis pic, 1921b: 5, loc. typ. ficuzza (palermo, sicily) [synonymized by liberti, 1995: 184]. no doubts on the identification of this species, as proposed by liberti (1995), because it is well characterized and cannot be confused with any others in its typical locality (sicily). description and drawings can be found in liberti (1995: 184, figs. 2, 51-52). distribution and comments a rare relictual, transionian species living in sicily and in the west of greece. materials studied greece kefallonia prov.: skala°° (whitehead, 1996, cwh). etolia akarnania prov.: paleros°° (constantin, 2005, cco). ahaïa prov.: kalavrita°° (angelini, 1999, can); kalentzi°° (angelini, 2004, can). ilia prov.: lalas (schawaller, 2004, smns); olimbia°° (wittmer, 1971, cco). messinia prov.: mavrommati (malkin, ?, cco). several sicilian localities for this species can be found in liberti (1995) and liberti & zinetti (2009). aplocnemus nigricornis (fabricius, 1792) (fig. 6) lagria nigricornis fabricius, 1792: 81, loc. typ. sweden; küster, 1849: 20 [dasytes]; kiesenwetter, 1859: 173 [haplocnemus]; kiesenwetter, 1863: 655; mulsant & rey, 1868: 247; schilsky, 1897: 48; reitter, 1911: 289; porta, 1929: 125; pic, 1937: 37; horion, 1953: 119; kaszab, 1955: 105; lohse, 1977: 180; lohse, 1979: 73; allenspach & wittmer, 1979: 97; majer, 1982: 430, figs. 6-7, 22, 31 [aplocnemus]; majer, 1987: 745, figs. 169-203, 392; peacock, 1987: 156; liberti, 1995: 168; constantin, 2005: 207; alexander, 2005: 36; kolibac et al., 2005: 152; liberti & focarile, 2005: 31; constantin, 2007: 160; mayor, 2007: 411; constantin & liberti, 2011: 54, 113, 135, fig. 105, pl. 18 fig. 69; booth, 2012: 69. there is general agreement on the interpretation of this species which, in northern europe, cannot be confused with any other. description, drawings and a complete synonymic list are reported in liberti (1995: 167, figs. 3, 6, 30-31). distribution and comments a widespread but usually uncommon species living in several northern european countries, the whole of central and southern europe, northwest turkey (as below reported under “materials studied”). materials studied slovenia dutovlje (schatzmayr, 1921, msnm); lipica ergela (schatzmayr, 1922, msnm); lokve trnovski (springer, 1917, msnm; alzona, ?, msng); nova gorica (franciscolo, ?, cfr); plesa (schatzmayr, 1936, msnm); tronovski godz (franciscolo, 1994, cfr); veliki dol (springer, 1916, msnm); vremscica (springer, 1931, msnm). croatia biokovo (?, ?, msnm). serbia ruma (schwieger, ?, msng). greece grevenà prov.: deskati (konvicka, 2016, ckn). rodopi prov.: nea santa (angelini, 2007, can). evros prov.: leptokaria (bense, 1990, smns). ioannina prov.: fourka (rébl, 2008, cre). evritania prov.: karpenissi (ponel, 1996, cpn). turkey kastamonu prov.: daday (assing, 2009, zmb); dom kayatepe gecidi (wunderle, 2009, zmb); ilgaz gecidi (assing, 2009, zmb). cankiri prov.: eskipazar (assing, 2010, zmb). this being a widespread european species, further localities in other countries can be found in horion (1953), allenspach & wittmer (1979), liberti (1995) and constantin (2007). aplocnemus (aplocnemus) pertusus kiesenwetter, 1859 (figs. 4, 7, 28-31) haplocnemus pertusus kiesenwetter, 1859: 172, loc. typ. nafplio (greece); schilsky, 1894a: 79; schilsky, 1897: 34kk; pic, 1937: 39; peacock, 1987: 155 [aplocnemus]; liberti, 1988: 14; schmalfuss, 1991: 103; mayor, 2007: 411. = haplocnemus pertusus var. adaliensis pic, 1908: 50 [synonymized by mayor, 2007: 411], loc. typ. antalya (turkey). = haplocnemus pertusus var. elongatior pic, 1902: 32 [synonymized by mayor, 2007: 411], loc. typ. “anatolie” [sic]. = (?) haplocnemus libanicus pic, 1901: 9 [a doubtful synonymy: see below], loc. typ. beirouth: betmeri (liban). the kiesenwetter’s types should be considered lost, however this species is rather well characterized and the original description is sufficient for a reasonably reliable identification. 21the aplocnemus stephens, 1830, of greece (coleoptera, cleroidea, dasytidae). a contribution to their knowledge at mnhnp, in collection pic, box “aplocnemus 5”, one ♂ specimen of aplocnemus pertusus var. elongatior pic has been found, labeled: “asie min. / anatolie / cd [charles delagrange] 1888”, “161”, “61” and “v. elongatior pic variation”, without any indication of typical status. in the same box it is also kept one syntypus, ♀, of aplocnemus pertusus var. adaliensis pic, labeled “adalia [now antalya] / 1886 korb.” hw; “type” hwa, “type” prr. “pertusus v. adaliensis pic” hwa. as pic (1902, 1908) reports, both var. elongatior, described on male(s), and var. adaliensis, described on female(s), mainly differ from the typical form for the more or less pale (yellow to red) legs. but this character is very variable and nearly all specimens studied have legs, at least in part, yellowish to reddish. in the same “aplocnemus 5” box (collection pic) 4 syntypes of aplocnemus libanicus pic (2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀) have been found. they are labeled: 1 ♀: “betmeri [a suburb of beirouth]” hwa; “type” hwa; “type” prr.; “h. libanicus pic” hwa. 1 ♂, 1 ♀: “betmeri / mai 99” hwa; “type” hwa; “type” prr.; “h. libanicus pic” hwa. 1♂: “sirie / pic 1899” pr.; “betmeri” hwa; “vi” hwa; haploc. n. sp.” hwa; “type” hwa; “h. libanicus pic” hwa; “syntypus / aplocnemus / libanicus pic / vidit liberti 2008” prr. the last specimen has been dissected. the here suggested synonymy with a. pertusus should be taken with care: the median lobes show no differences but a. libanicus looks smaller and brighter. more material should be available to understand whether it could be considered a valid subspecies. description ♂. antennae pectinate; articles 4 and 5 similar, straight or convex at inner side, 5 slightly larger than 4, both narrower than 6-9; articles 6 and 7 transverse; 8 and 9 more or less balanced. integuments brown rather bright; antennae brown with basal articles paler: light brown to yellowish; femora usually darker than tibiae; mouth parts brown; palpi paler than integuments; pubescence brown with whitish setae intermingled on elytral sides and apex. pronotum not very convex, transverse, max. width approx. in the middle; punctuation rather strong but variable from sparse to very dense: brightness varies accordingly and so does the space between punctures; lateral sides granulose to feebly crenulated. elytra punctuation stronger than on pronotum, rather dense, surface between punctures convex and bright (but, as for pronotum, a variable character); elytral apices mostly jointly rounded; apical angle right to acute. abdomen first visible sternite with a dull, setose, small round area in the middle (not a true depression); second sternite simple; penultimate (fifth visible) moderately emarginated on posterior border; median process of last sternite rather long (fig. 31). tegmen basal part, undivided, not exceeding ¼ of total length. ♀. as the ♂ but antennae shorter, serrate; elytra moderately widened in apical half; first and fifth visible sternites simple. pronotum brightness appearing more variable than in ♂♂. dimensions in mm. tl: ♂♂ 4.6-5.5; ♀♀ 4.8-6.0. ♂♂. tl = 5.12±0.30, pl = 1.00±0.08, el = 3.72±0.22, pw = 1.54±0.13, ew = 1.86±0.13. ♀♀. tl = 5.30±0.55, pl = 1.06±0.13, el = 3.72±0.33, pw = 1.56±0.17, ew = 2.00±0.31. distribution and comments an east mediterranean species, found in greece, turkey and in the estern mediterranean island (cyprus, crete, rhodos), rather common. its presence on thira (kiklades: see below) suggests a good dispersal ability, taking into account the big volcanic eruption that, a few thousands years ago, wiped all forms of life out of the island (liberti 1988; schmalfuss 1991). materials studied greece halkidiki prov.: kriopigi (köstlin, 1986, smns); paliouri on kassandra peninsula (berra, 1983, cli). agios oros prov.: athos (schatzmayr, ?, msnm). serres prov.: amfipoli (berra, 1983, cli). evros prov.: melia (cocquempot, 2004, cli). atiki-piréas prov.: vouliagmeni (hasselbarth, 1978, cco)*. ahaïa prov.: kalavrita (malkin, 1977, cco)*. korinthia prov.: akrokorinthos (ziegler, 1996, smns); zemenò (ziegler, 2010, czi). lakonia prov.: monemvassia (rieger, 1987, smns). hania prov.: hania (saltini, 1992, csl); kalives (gillerfors, 1993, zmlu); korunas (kriti) (gillerfors, 1993, zmlu); lakki (gillerfors, 1993, zmlu); platanias (gillerfors, 1993, zmlu); prasés (migliaccio, 1996, cmg); ramno (ziegler, 2003, czi); vrises (ziegler, 2011, czi). rethimno prov.: episcopi (constantin, 1998, cco)*; kato moni preveli (migliaccio, 1996, cmg); panormos (constantin, 1998, cco)*; perama (ziegler, 2011, czi); plakias (winkelmann, 1988, zmb); prinos (fritzler, 1996, cco)*; rethimno (köstlin, 1979, cco)*. iraklio prov.: agia varvara (constantin, 1993, cco; kopetz, 1998, cco)*; agios ioannis (migliaccio, 1996, cmg); malia (kopetz, 1998, cco)*. lassithi prov.: agios nikolaos (köstlin, 1975, cco*; ziegler, 2000, czi); kalo horio (ziegler, 2000, czi); kritsa (ziegler, 2000, czi); lassithi (köstlin, 1975, cco)*; prina (ziegler, 2000, czi); vai (constantin, 1993, cco)*. lesvos prov.: agios paraskevi, lesvos (grimm, 1995, smns); lesvos (biström, 2009, mzf). kiklades prov.: naxos is. (schatzmayr, 1909, msnm); profitis ilias, thira is. (baher, 1978, cst)(f); imerovigli, thira is. (schlegel, 1979, cli)(f). dodekanissa prov.: embonas, rodos (grimm, 1996, smns): kritinia, rodos (lange, 1990, smns); profitis ilias, rodos (lange, 1990, smns); rodos (schatzmayr, 1932, msnm, porta, 1942, msnm; franz, 1960, cco*); trianda, rodos (schatzmayr, 1932, msnm); agios konstantinos, samos is. (malkin, 1979, cco)*; kokkari, samos is. (burtscher, 1995, cco)*; pithagorio, samos is. (malkin, 1979, cco)*. turkey izmir prov.: bergama (klapperich, 1967, cco)*; güzelbahce (diehr, 1993, zmb). mugla prov.: köycegiz (ponel, 2005, cpn). antalya prov.: beldibi (kopetz, 1996, cco)*; demirtas (kopetz, 1996, cco)*; dikmen (ziegler, 2001, czi, cli); antalya (lubi, 1992, ceg; ljubomirov, 2007, 22 gianfranco liberti cmg); calkaya (ziegler, 2002, czi)(f); gündogmus (ziegler, 2001, cco*; gillerfors, 2001, zmlu)(f); kas (constantin, 2003, cco)*; side (ziegler, 2001, czi)(f). mersin prov.: silifke (schurmann, 1967, cli). hatay prov.: harbiye (saltini, 2000, csl); habibi neccar near hatay (ljubomirov, 2007, cmg). aplocnemus (aplocnemus) quercicola mulsant & rey, 1868 haplocnemus quercicola mulsant & rey, 1868: 243, loc. typ. beaujolais and lyon area (france); pic, 1937: 40; constantin, 2007: 160 [aplocnemus]; mayor, 2007: 412; liberti & zinetti, 2009: 51, figs. 6,7; constantin & liberti, 2011: 54, 114, 135, fig. 102, pl. 18 fig. 72. = haplocnemus brevissimus pic, 1908: 50, note [syn. n.], loc. typ. zakynthos and olympia (peloponnese); pic, 1937: 32; mayor, 2007: 410 [aplocnemus]. = haplocnemus brevissimus v. holtzi pic, 1908: 50, note [synonymized by mayor, 2007; a chromatic variety with darkened femora], loc. typ. kambos, messinia. the types of a. (a.) quercicola have been described by liberti & zinetti (2009: 51) and are in collection rey, at the centre de conservation et d’etude des collections, musée des confluences, lyon. drawings and further collection localities (french and italian) can be found in constantin (2007), liberti & zinetti (2009: 51, figs. 6, 7) and constantin & liberti (2011). 3 syntypes, ♀ ♀, of haplocnemus brevissimus pic, 1908, have been found in collection pic, at mnhnp. they are labeled: “morée” pr.; “type” hwa; “sp.?” hw, grey; “43” hw; “syntype” prr.; “olympia” hwa; “43” hw; “anomalie antennaire” hwa; “zante” hwa; “type” hwa; “brevissimus pic” hwa; “type” prr. the 3 specimens bear a further label “syntype / aplocnemus / brevissimus / pic 1908 / mnhn paris, coll. pic” prr., added by r. constantin. although small differences between french and greek populations samples can be detected, it seems wise to avoid establishing subspecies because of the limited number of specimens seen. on the other hand, given that lyon and athens are nearly 1700 km apart, finding small differences between local populations should be expected. the holotype, ♀, of haplocnemus brevissimus var. holtzi pic, 1908, is in collection pic, at mnhnp. it is labeled: “morea merid. / kambos, taygetos / vi.1901 holtz” pr.; “rufipes var. / unique ?” hwa; “voir aussi / chalconatus” hwa; “type” hwa; “type” prr.; “v. holtzi pic” hwa; “v. holtzi pic” hw on grey paper. the synonymy proposed by mayor (2007) is here confirmed and justified. distribution and comments a rare, relictual species present at least in southern france, peninsular italy, greece and crete (liberti & zinetti, 2009: 51). materials studied greece larissa prov.: ossa°° (sama, 1987, cli). messinia prov.: agios nikolaos near kardamili°° (constantin, 2005, cco). hania prov.: vrises°° (gillerfors, 1993, zmlu). aplocnemus (aplocnemus) reitteri schilsky, 1894 (figs. 13, 42-46) haplocnemus (holcopleura) reitteri schilsky, 1894a: 59, loc. typ. izmir (turkey); schilsky, 1894b: 234; schilsky, 1897: 34bb; reitter, 1907: 209; pic, 1937: 40; peacock, 1987: 156 [aplocnemus (holcopleura)]; mayor, 2007: 413. = haplocnemus (holcopleura) turcicus schilsky, 1897: 30, 34cc [syn. n.], loc. typ. burgas (bulgaria), edirne (tk), turkey; pic, 1937: 43; peacock, 1987: 157 [aplocnemus]; mayor, 2007: 413 [aplocnemus (holcopleura)]. types two syntypes are kept at zmb and can be identified as follows: 1 ♂, dissected by majer, labelled: “smyrna / reitter” hw by schilsky; “reitteri / schils.” hw by schilsky; a further red label “holotypus”, possibly added by majer. 1 ♀: “smyrna” hw; “morio” hw; “holcopleura / reitteri / schils.” hw by schilsky; “aplocnemus / reitteri / schilsky 1894 / k. majer det. 1996” pr. 6 syntypes of a. turcicus, 3 ♂♂ and 3 ♀♀, are in collection schilsky, at zmb. they are labelled: 1 ♂ (dissected by k. majer): “apfelbeck / burgas [bg]” pr.; “* turcicus / schils.” hw by schilsky; “haplocnemus / (holcopleura) / turcicus / schilsky 1897 / lectotypus / karel majer design. 1996” prr., up. 1 ♂ (dissected by the writer) and 1 ♀ (dissected by k. majer): “adrianopel [now edirne, tk] / flach” hw by schilsky; “haplocnemus / (holcopleura) / turcicus / schilsky 1897 / paralectotypus / karel majer design. 1996” prr., up. 1 ♂ (dissected by k. majer) and 2 ♀♀: “turcia / merkl” hw by schilsky; “haplocnemus / (holcopleura) / turcicus / schilsky 1897 / paralectotypus / karel majer design. 1996” prr., up. all of them have been fitted with a further label: “syntypus / not a lectotype / a. turcicus schilsky / liberti, jan. 2015” prr. the symbol “*” often found on schilsky handwritten name labels means new species. such symbol does not (in the writer’s opinion) mean a holotype status for the relevant specimen. it is believed that such “*” mark was simply pinned, by schilsky, on the first specimen of a new species row. describing this species, the author reports 5 ♀♀ from “turkey, burgas and adrianopel”; given the similarity between sexes it is easy to believe that schilsky did not recognize the males. no doubt these are all syntypes, they all belong to the same species and there is no need to select a lectotype. a. turcicus perfectly corresponds to a. reitteri, both for external and for aedeagical characters. description please refer to the above description under “systematics”. rather variable in size, entirely black, legs and antennae included. antennae rather short; articles 4-6 triangular, trasverse; 7-9 slightly trasverse to balanced; articles 4-6 gradually increasing in size; article 3 triangular, slightly narrower than 4. pronotum lateral sides 23the aplocnemus stephens, 1830, of greece (coleoptera, cleroidea, dasytidae). a contribution to their knowledge finely crenulated, mainly in basal half. elytral apices separately rounded although, at times, an obtuse angle may be perceived. penultimate sternite straight on rear border; last sternite median process very short. the median lobe appears rather variable depending on populations as shown, as an example, in figs. 42 and 43. dimensions in mm. tl: ♂♂ 4.9-6.8; ♀♀ 5.4-6.0. ♂♂. tl = 5.50±0.78, pl = 1.08±0.22, el = 3.78±0.52, pw = 1.70±0.22, ew = 2.16±0.24. ♀♀. tl = 5.62±0.27, pl = 1.14±0.06, el = 4.02±0.15, pw = 1.78±0.10, ew = 2.26±0.10. distribution and comments a turkish species, common in central and western asiatic turkey, also present in the european part of the country and, marginally, in south-east bulgaria. in greece only on lesvos. can be found by grass sweeping. materials studied bulgaria ahtopol (gren, 2012, cgz); burgas (see syntypes of a turcicus). greece lesvos prov.: agios paraskevi, lesvos (erhard, 1995, smns); antissa, lesvos (grimm, 1995, smns); eressos, lesvos (erhard, 1995, smns); filia, lesvos (mus. helsinki, 2007, mzf); loutrà, lesvos (biström, 2009, mzf); mantamados, lesvos (erhard, 1995, smns) mitilini, lesvos (grimm, 1995, smns). turkey (european) canakkale prov.: eceabat (liberti, 2010, cli)(f); gelibolu (liberti, 2010, cli). turkey (asiatic) bolu prov.: abant gölü near bolu (saltini, 1997, cli). corum prov.: bogazkale (malkin, 1979, cco)*. canakkale prov.: ayvacik (liberti, 2010, cli); yenice (liberti, 2010, cli, angelini, 2011, can). balikesir prov.: akbas (liberti, 2010, cli); bandirma (poot, 1989, cco)*; gölcük (angelini, 2011, can); gönen (wittmer, 1970, cco; kanaar, 1989, cco)*. bursa prov.: kaynarca near iznik (wittmer, 1967, cco)* izmir prov.: bergama (klapperich, 1967, cco; malkin, 1981, cco)*; dikili (liberti, 2010, cli). manisa prov.: akcakertigbeli gecidi near demirci (liberti, 2010, cli). aydin prov.: kocarli (ponel, 2005, cpn). denizli prov.: çivril (angelini, 2011, can). isparta prov.: sarki karagaç (angelini, 2011, can). aplocnemus (aplocnemus) rufipes miller, 1862 (figs. 5, 8, 16, 23-27) haplocnemus rufipes miller, 1862: 345, loc. typ. enos oros, kefallonia [the locality called by miller “monte nero” being the ancient, venetian name of mount enos on the island]; schilsky, 1897: 51; pic, 1937: 40; peacock, 1987: 156 [aplocnemus]; mayor, 2007: 412. = haplocnemus kiesenwetteri schilsky, 1897: 50 [syn. n.], loc. typ. peloponnesus [the locality “hagios wlassis” reported by schilsky, and visited by brenske (the collector), might have been the village about 11 km south of kalavrita, or the monastry of panagia vlassias in corinthia, 31 km east of kalavrita, or else], atiki, euboea; pic, 1937: 36; kaszab, 1955: 104; majer, 1982: 441, figs. 8, 23 [aplocnemus]; peacock 1987: 155; mayor 2007: 411. types 2 syntypes, ♂ and ♀, of a. rufipes, both dissected by majer, are at the wien museum, labelled: ♂: “42” hw, light blue; “miller / 864” hw; “rufipes [hw] / det. schilsky [pr.]”; “rufipes” hw by schilsky; “haplocnemus / rufipes miller 1862 / lectotypus / k. majer desig. 1997” prr., up. ♀: “miller / 1862” hw; “rufipes [hw] / det. schilsky [pr.]”; “rufipes” hw by schilsky; “haplocnemus / rufipes miller 1862 / lectotypus / k. majer desig. 1997” prr., up. the proposed synonymy with a. kiesenwetteri (already observed by k. majer in 1997 and privately communicated to r. constantin and to the writer) is based on the schilsky description, also taking into account that, in the typical localities, this species is well characterized and cannot be confused with any other. needless to say, this interpretation of a. kiesenwetteri is in agreement with majer (1982) who supplied a short but meaningful description together with excellent drawings. description ♂. antennae pectinate; article 4 triangular, balanced, straight or slighly convex at inner side; articles 5-9 of increasing length, s-shaped at inner side. integuments colour green-brownish rather dark, bright; basal antennal articles, trochanters, tibiae and tarsi yellowish to reddish, femora more or less darkened; mouth parts partially yellowish, palpi yellowish with last article partly brown; pubescence brown with, here and there, paler setae (populations from crete often are darker, with legs and antennae entirely brown). pronotum transverse, convex, max. width well behind the middle; rather heavily punctuate, punctures small, sparse; surface between punctures much larger than their diameter, bright; lateral sides granulose. elytra heavily (more than pronotum) but sparsely punctured; bright; elytral apices (more or less) jointly rounded; apical angle visible, right to obtuse. abdomen with first and second visible sternites fitted with a small, round and setose depression in the middle; fifth visible sternite clearly emarginated on posterior border. last sternite median process long. basal undivided part of tegmen (fallobase plus parameres basal parts, joined together) long, approx. 1/3 of its total length. ♀. as the male but antenne serrate; elytra slightly widened in apical half; first, second and fifth sternites simple. dimensions in mm: tl.: ♂♂ 4.8-5.9; ♀♀ 5.3-6.4. ♂♂. tl = 5.50±0.52, pl = 1.12±0.10, el = 3.86±0.31, pw = 1.76±0.15, ew = 2.20±0.22. ♀♀. tl = 5.82±0.50, pl = 1.18±0.10, el = 4.10±0.41, pw = 1.84±0.24, ew = 2.34±0.30. distribution and comments a southern balkans species, rather common in southern greece and recently found in central turkey. it has been repeatedly collected by beating blossoming hawthorn shrubs. populations from the west of crete are darker, with legs and antennae entirely dark brown, also showing tiny differences in median lobe and, more noticeable, in dorsal lever (compare figs. 23, 24 and 25, 26). materials studied greece kerkyra prov.: kerkira (?, ?, mnh). lefkada prov.: kalamitsi (consatntin, 2005, cco)*. 24 gianfranco liberti thessaloniki prov.: hortiatis (constantin, 2005, cco*; liberti, 2005, cli); taxiarhis (bergeal, 2001, cco)*; thessaloniki (schatzmayr, 1909, msnm). halkidiki prov.: holomon oros, w of arnea (berra, 1983, cli). agios oros prov.: athos (schatzmayr, 1909, msnm). trikala prov.: afhin kataras (fabbri, 1995, msng); meteora (angelini, 2005, can). karditsa prov.: lago tavropoù (konviçka, 2009, ckn); neraida (brustel, 2007, cbu). etolia akarnania prov.: paleros (constantin, 2005, cco)*; potamoula (angelini, 2005, can). evritania prov.: karpenissi (constantin, 2005, cco)*. fokida prov.: itea (liberti, 1998, cli). ahaïa prov.: aroania ori (rébl, 2010, cre); kalavrita (angelini, 1999, can; ziegler, 2010, czi); kalentzi (angelini, 2004, can); kastelli (angelini, 2004, can); lagovouni (liberti, 1998, cli); stavrodromio (angelini, 1999, can). ilia prov.: katotari (angelini, 2004, can). arkadia prov.: agios petros (hebauer, 1987, cco)*; dimitsana (doguet, 1995, cco)*; dirrahi (angelini, 2004, can); kastanitsa (rébl, 2010, cre); pigadakia (angelini, 2004, can); stavrodromio (angelini, 1999, can); tripoli (angelini, 1999, can); vitina (angelini, 1999, can; ziegler, 2010, czi). argolida prov.: ahladokambos (angelini, 2004, can); mili (angelini, 1999, can). messinia prov.: artemissia (angelini, 2004, can); exohori (ziegler, 2011, czi); prosilio (ziegler, 2011, czi). lakonia prov.: anavriti (konviçka, 2009, ckn); arna (angelini, 2004, can); githio (frisch, 1989, zmb); gorani (angelini, 2004, can); kastania (constantin, 1997, cco)*; taigetos (köstlin, 1982, cco; doguet, 1995, cco)*; toriza (rébl, 2010, cre); vasiliki (angelini, 2004, can). hanià prov. (kriti): omalos (egger, 2009, ceg). rethimno prov. (kriti): anoghia (liberti, 2006, cli; schülke, 2006, zmb); rethimno (köstlin, 1979, cco) (f)*. iraklio prov. (kriti): agia varvara (constantin, 1993, cco)*. lassithi prov. (kriti): agios nikolaos (?, 1976, zmb); armeni (kopetz, 1998, cco)*; dikteon antron (malkin, 1977, cco)*; exo mouliana 4 km w (constantin, 1993, cco)*; handras (kopetz, 2000, cco)*; ierapetra (köstlin, 1979, cco)*; kato horio (constantin, 1993, cco)*; kritsa (constantin, 1993, cco; assing, 2012, zmb)*; stavrohori 3 km n (kopetz, 2000, cco)*; vai (constantin, 1993, cco)*. kiklades prov.: vourkoti, andros is. (liberti, 2007, cli)(f). turkey isparta prov.: bagkonak (angelini, 2011, can); yukangökdere near egirdir (jansson, 2007, cco)*. antalya prov.: belpinar gecidi (angelini, 2011, can)(f). konya prov.: igdeören (angelini, 2011, can, cli). aplocnemus (aplocnemus) serratus (brullé, 1832) (figs. 19-22) dasytes serratus brullé, 1832: 152, loc. typ. peloponnesus; pic, 1937: 41 [haplocnemus]; peacock, 1987: 156 [aplocnemus]; mayor, 2007: 412. = haplocnemus cribripennis pic, 1921a: 3 [syn. n.], loc. typ. kefallonia; pic, 1937: 33; peacock, 1987: 154 [aplocnemus]; mayor, 2007: 410. 1 syntype, ♂, of a. serratus is at mnhnp, labelled “226” hw and “dasytes serratus / morée, m. brullé”, hwa, on the box floor. 2 syntypes, both ♀♀, of a. cribripennis are at mnhnp, respectively labelled: 1 ♀: “kephallenia, paganetti” pr.; “type” hwa; “cribripennis pic” hwa; “type” prr. 1♀: “kephallenia, paganetti” pr.; “type” hwa. both bear a further red label “syntype / aplocnemus / cribripennis / pic 1921 / mnhn paris, coll. pic” printed (but one partly hw.) added by r. constantin (the 2 specimens were probably collected between 1899 and 1914). although females, no doubt they belong to the same species called serratus by brullé. description ♂. antennae strongly serrate or pectinate; articles 4 and 5 triangular, balanced or slightly transverse, their inner sides feebly convex; articles 6-9 gradually increasing length; 6 and 7 more or less transverse; 8 and 9 more or less balanced to elongate, feebly s-shaped or slightly convex on inner side. integuments black, bright, with bluish reflections; antennae either entirely black or with basal articles yellow (north west greece); legs black but, often, apical part of tibiae and tarsi paler; mouth parts and palpi dark brown to black; pubescence blackish to dark brown. pronotum transverse, rather convex, max. width behind the middle; puncturation strong, sparse to rather dense (a variable character) but never very dense; space between punctures wider than their diameter, bright; lateral sides granulose to nearly smooth. elytra punctuation stronger than on pronotum, spaces between punctures more or less convex, bright; elytral apices separately rounded; apical angle undefined. abdomen first and second visible sternites simple; fifth visible sternite emarginated at rear border; central process of last sternite long. basal undivided part of tegmen normal (approx. ¼ of total length). ♀. as the male but antennae serrate; elytral apical half moderately widened; elytral apical angle more or less visible, acute. dimensions in mm. tl: ♂♂ 4.0-5.1, ♀♀ 4.8-5.2. ♂♂. tl = 4.60±0.49, pl = 0.92±0.10, el = 3.10±0.30, pw = 1.36±0.13, ew = 1.66±0.13. ♀♀. tl = 5.00±0.18, pl = 0.98±0.05, el = 3.38±0.10, pw = 1.50±0.08, ew = 1.88±0.13. distribution and comments the known distribution range of this species includes western and southern greece and dalmatia. although often uncommon, at times it has been collected in numbers in certain places as, for example, the igoumenitsa area (thesprotia) by the writer, beating blossoming phlomis sp. shrubs. materials studied croatia (localities listed from north to south) prezid pan near gracak (liberti, 2005, cli); zedno (konviçka, 2009, ckn); mosor (?, 1911, msnm); sveti jure near makarska (liberti, 2008, cli). greece kerkyra prov.: anaharavi (göllner, 1996, zmb); kerkyra island (jünger, 1976, cco*; köstlin, 1985, smns and cco; whitehead, 1993, cli). 25the aplocnemus stephens, 1830, of greece (coleoptera, cleroidea, dasytidae). a contribution to their knowledge lefkada prov.: agios nikitas (angelini, 2005, can); eglouvi (angelini, 2005, can); kalamitsi (constantin, 2005, cco)*. grevenà prov.: deskati (konvicka, 2016, ckn & cli). thesprotia prov.: agia kiriaki (liberti, 2005, cli); ambelon (liberti, 2005, cli); igoumenitsa (doguet, 1997, cco)*; karteri (constantin, 2005, cco*; liberti, 2005, cli); mavroneri (constantin, 2005, cco)*; sagiada (liberti, 2005, cli); vavouri near tsamantas (liberti, 2005, cli). preveza prov.: parga (poot, 1998, cco)*. etolia akarnania prov.: paleros (constantin 2005, cco)*; sardinia (poot, 1998, cco)*. fthiotida prov.: parnassos (liberti, 2001, cli). korintia prov. : galatas (köstlin, 1976, cco)*. arkadia prov.: paradisia (saltini, 2015, csl). messinia prov.: exohori (ziegler, 2011, czi; saltini, 2015, csl); kalamata (köstlin, 1982, cco)*; kardamili (constantin, 2005, cco)*; mavrommati (malkin, 1979, cco)*; stavropigi (frisch, 1987, zmb). lakonia prov.: areopoli (doguet, 1995, cco)*; drialos (constantin, 2005, cco)*; drimos (constantin, 2005, cco)*; kelefa (konviçka, 2009, ckn); kokkala (bergeal, 2000, cco)*; melitini (angelini, 2004, can); taigetos (ziegler, 2007, czi); vahos (doguet, 1995, cco)*. acknowledgements this paper is dedicated to the memory of my former friend karel majer, suddendly died on august 8, 2000, aged only 51. working on this text, many times i found traces of his presence and felt the sadness of his absence. all keepers and curators of the above listed collections are gratefully aknowledged: this work has been possible thanks to their patience and their high minded attitude. i need to mention (in alphabetical order) at least: fernando angelini (who, as usual, made available huge amounts of materials), marco berra, hervé brustel, robert constantin, ondrej konvicka, andreas kopetz, enrico migliaccio, isidor plonski, philippe ponel, lucio saltini, michele tedeschi, paul whitehead, wolfgang ziegler. a special thank is due to the directions of several institutions who have allowed and facilitated both retrieval and study of old types: bernd jäger, manfred uhlig (previously) and johannes frisch of the museum für naturkunde, humboldt universität, berlin, germany; otto merkl of the hungarian natural history museum, budapest, hungary; roberto poggi of the museo civico di storia naturale “giacomo doria”, genova, italy; hans silfverberg of the finnish museum of natural history, helsinki, finland; sharon shute (previously) and max barclay of the british museum, natural history, london, england; harold labrique, joël clary (previously) and virgile marengo (previously) of the musée des confluences, centre de conservation et d’etude des collections, lyon, france; anna alessandrello, michela mura, maurizio pavesi, fabrizio rigato and michele zilioli of the museo di storia naturale di milano, italy; thierry deuve and azadeh taghavian of the museum national d’histoire naturelle, paris, france; wolfgang schawaller of the museum für naturkunde, stuttgart, germany; luca picciau (previously) of the museo regionale di scienze naturali, torino, italy; heinrich schönmann (previously) and isidor plonski of the naturhistorisches museum wien, austria. robert constantin deserves a really special acknowledgement for his paramount role in preparing this paper: the rerieval and study of pic types at mnhnp, the availability of many data from his important collection and the revision of the manuscript. he has also been a truly pleasant and patient “travel companion” in several entomological journeys to the balkans. i am very grateful to gianluca nardi who supplied a valuable and continuous bibliographical support and (together with an anonymous revisor, to whom i am indebted too) made the hard work ‒ spending a considerable amount of his time ‒ of improving the text and minimize the mistakes. references agassiz l., 1846 ‒ nomenclatoris zoologici index universalis, continens nomina systematica classium, ordinum, familiarum et generum animalium omnium, tam viventium quam fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeticum unicum disposta, adjectis homonymiis plantarum, nec non variis adnotationibus et emendationibus. jent et gassmann, soloduri. alexander k. n., 2005 – aplocnemus nigricornis (fabricius) (melyridae) in cornwall. the coleopterist, 14 (1): 36. allenspach v. & wittmer w., 1979 – insecta helvetica catalogus, herausgegeben von der schweizerische entomologisches gesellschaft. 4. coleoptera. cantharoidea, cleroidea, lymexylonoidea. druck fotorotar ag, zürich. 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