40 Nor th Carolina Libraries Spring / Summer 2008 North Carolina Library Association Executive Board Meeting Minutes July 20, 2007 Attending: Frannie Ashburn, Robert Burgin, Pauletta Bracy, Wanda Brown, Kevin Cherry, Anne Coleman, Bryna Coonin, Dale Cousins, Beth Cramer, Angela Davis, Catherine Edwards-Spratley, Anne Marie Elkins, Jonathan Farlow, John Harer, Mary Hatcher, Loree Kelly, Diane Kester, Margot Malachowski, Betty Meehan-Black, Susan Neilson, Gloria Nelson, Kim Parrott, Jennifer Pratt, Peggy Quinn, Sherwin Rice, Dale Sauter, Ralph Scott, Patrick Valentine, Caroline Walters, Bobby Wynn, JamaneYeagar President Robert Burgin called the meeting to order at 10:02 am. A correction to the minutes of the April meeting—Frannie Ashburn added to the list of attendees. Pauletta Bracy moved that the minutes be accepted as corrected. Betty Meehan- Black seconded the motion and the minutes were approved. President’s Report President Burgin reported that membership stands at 1530 members—70 more needed to reach the goal, which should happen by the conference. He commended Youth Service, Government Resources, NCPL Trustee section, the New Members Roundtable and Reference & Adult Services sections for their increase in members. The Literacy Roundtable increased membership by 24%. Fiscal vitality, membership and conference—please push. The survey, Goal #3, is done—looking at non-members and why they don’t join. President Burgin expressed that he is pleased that folks are doing what’s necessary for smooth meetings, i.e., submitting two copies of reports, etc. and he is proud of the hard work by the Board. Treasurer’s report The report is on the web. Money market account to credit union. If checks are needed for the conference, let Diane know so they will be ready at the conference. Mileage paid at state rate of 48.5¢ per mile—use reimbursement form and turn in at the conference. Intellectual freedom The report is on the web. The Intellectual Freedom award is to be revitalized and a vendor is being sought. BLINC—Susan Neilson The report is on the web. BLINC met at ASU and had 4 new attendees. Pre conference will be Demystifying business librarianship. They will not meet in August but will concentrate on the conference – 6 programs are planned. Paraprofessional Association—Angela Davis Four (4) programs are planned for the conference including luncheon. The section is looking for a new vice president. Angela brought two motions to the Board for approval: (1) To open the lifetime membership award to all library workers, regardless of whether they have an MLS/MLIS degree or not – Caroline said that motion one clarifies the lifetime membership award and discussion followed. Motion one was withdrawn and Kevin Cherry made the following motion instead: I move that there be a “sense of the Board” resolution interpreting the NCLA Lifetime Membership Award to be open to all library workers, including those with the professional degree, as well as other library workers and this resolution be included in the appropriate section of the NCLA handbook”. The motion was seconded by Phil Barton and approved. (2) To create a Distinguished Service award for library workers who do not hold a MLS/MLIS degree. Discussion followed as to whether to have one award or two. Motion two was withdrawn because it needs to go to the Constitution committee and membership committee. Beth suggested that the Paraprofessional Association may want to do a section/roundtable award. Caroline noted that more than one distinguished service award can be given. LAMS—Peggy Quinn The report is on the web. LAMS met in February—planning conference programs. The pre-conference is on strategic planning using ballot score card, competitive environment facing libraries, and multiple generations. Literacy Round Table Two conference programs are planned and a literacy award will be presented. September 7 is the deadline for award nominations. NCASL—Catherine Edwards-Spratley NCASL is planning a workshop on intellectual freedom; is forming a committee which will meet in August. Trustees—Mary Hatcher New members have been added to the section. PLS—Lynn Thompson The report is not on web yet. PLS held a meeting in May to finalize conference plans. They are excited about Unshelved creators, Native American genealogy, downloadable audio, etc. Thanks to Mary McAfee, John Hart will be the luncheon speaker where the Roberts Award will be given. Nominations are being accepted until August 31. A new brochure is planned for the conference. The section will present two bylaws changes for the PLS membership to allow electronic voting and to clarify procedure for nominating person to the certification commission. Spring / Summer 2008 41 Nor th Carolina Libraries New members—Margot Malachowski Three conference events are planned: a reception on pre-conference day, orientation on Wednesday, a session on finding your footing for new library hires on Thursday. President Burgin noted that when a section/round table reaches 350 members, they get a 2nd vote on Executive Board. Resources and Technical Services Section—Beth Cramer The report is on the web. REMCo The report is on the web. Special Collections—Dale Sauter The report is on the web. Round Table on the Status of Women The report is on the web. Youth Services—Loree Kelly The report is on the web. The section met May 21 to finalize the conference programs—a teen pre-conference on YA literature and teen tech issues is planned. Committees Conference—Phil Barton Frannie and Kevin have been very helpful and the conference is looking good. Phil is sure that the goals will be met. President’s endowment dinner will be held at the Country Club— Kevin described the program and public television will be filming the troupe to be shown in conjunction with the Ken Burns WW2 broadcast. Frannie distributed program requirement forms. There are a variety of programs at each session—lots of options Sponsors for major events still not all finalized. Any section/round table which has a speaker should have a NCLA contract; All conference contracts must be signed by President Burgin and if the speaker is to be paid, Kim must have a copy of contract and check order goes to Diane. If person has own contract, please make sure that you know what you’re signing. Publications/marketing—Phil reported for Suzanne White Hotel rates for the conference are from 2005. Constitution Bobby Wynn submitted a revised Refund policy with 2 changes – exact percentage taken out. Mary Hatcher made a motion that the revised refund policy be approved, Catherine Edwards-Spratley seconded and the motion was approved. RASS—Jonathan Farlow George Goodall is still set for the conference; Recorded Books has reneged on the deal; RASS is co-sponsoring consumer health portals and Unshelved with PLS. Continuing Education – no report Endowment The next event will be at the conference; the raffle will be held again; everyone is encouraged to attend the President’s endowment dinner. Bryna made a motion that NCLA make a contribution to the endowment in memory of Larry Leon Hamlin—Phil suggested $100—the motion passed. Finance—Wanda Brown The report is on the web. Financial Vitality – no report. Membership—Caroline Walters The report is on the web. The committee is looking for graphic design help; the joint student membership is going well—over 200 of which 89 were paid by NCLA. The State Library will fund conference fee for students—30 scholarships are available. The survey is complete and prizes have been awarded. The committee will try to track those who were not members but won a prize (to determine if they join); a poster at the conference will display information about the survey. Coffee mugs for new members thru project grant and “ask me about NCLA” buttons will also be available. Nominating Committee The report is on the web. Pauletta thanked those who ran and those who won for their commitment to NCLA. Operations The report is on the web. Dale reminded members that Kim’s anniversary is approaching and her evaluation needs to be done. Please send Dale any information helpful to her evaluation of Kim. Pay equity The pay equity survey was reviewed. Public policy—National legislative day Painter and Valentine went to DC; Melanie will come to the conference to talk about how to work for library legislation. The resolution on immigrants was reviewed – passed by ALA; added ethnicity to second to last paragraph; the resolution passed. Bao will be stepping down as web administrator soon; if you are interested or know someone, contact Phil Barton. NC Libraries—Ralph Scott The report is on the web. ALA Councilor The report is on the web. Kevin presented two resolutions—Skills act and National security letters (NSL). He explained that school 42 Nor th Carolina Libraries Spring / Summer 2008 librarians are being marginalized—SKILLS act treats librarians as teachers rather than as support staff—this resolution addresses the issue at the federal level not at the state level. The Resolution passed. NSL are not tied to legislation but are used for personnel records, business records, etc. A gag order prevents the receiver from talking about it. Kevin reviewed the main points of the resolution and it was passed. State Library The renovation is complete; LSTA advisory board has 3 new members; the administrative code is being update and changes should be in effect by Oct 1. Old Business Social Networking ad hoc Committee Kevin reported that the committee was asked not to meet yet— while current legislation is still being formulated. The wording is so broad that almost any website could be defined as a social networking site. Mary met with Attorneys General and they may reconsider the legislation. New Business NCLA Awards The membership committee is responsible for choosing winners; none of the nominees were eligible for honorary membership; There was discussion about the nominees and Caroline reviewed the salient points of each person’s nomination. Caroline presented the following names for NCLA awards: Richard Wells for lifetime membership—approved; Prof. Elizabeth H. Smith for lifetime membership—approved; Frances Bryant Bradburn for distinguished service award; A point of order—question of whether Frances is still a member (the answer is yes) approved; Paula P. Hinton (deceased) for distinguished service award—approved. Carolina noted that all nominees are NCLA members. ALA Emerging Leaders President Burgin moved that NCLA provide $1000 to all members who are accepted by ALA. Diane seconded the motion and it was approved The State library has asked NCLA to serve as fiscal agent for Spanish language outreach—NCLA receives a small administrative fee for being the fiscal agent. Caroline reported that she went to ALA conference for the first time and attended the chapter relations orientation. She got lots of cool ideas that the Membership Committee will develop. She suggested that NCLA pay for the person to go to this orientation in the future. Kevin is president of the chapter relations committee; ALA will have a pre-conference where each state chapter is encouraged to send a person and they will not have to pay conference registration. President Burgin announced that Kevin has been asked to join ALA Advocacy Coordinating group. Kevin indicated that more input from grass roots is needed. Please get committee appointments to Phil if you are interested in serving on any NCLA committees. Phil also suggested having a strategic planning meeting of the Executive Board during the conference of old Board members and new Board members. The next meeting will be Tuesday Oct 16 at the conference. The meeting was adjourned at 2:20pm. NCLA North Carolina Library A�ociation http://www.nclaonline.org/ http://www.nclaonline.org/