48 Nor th Carolina Libraries Spring / Summer 2008 North Carolina Library Association Executive Board Orientation/Meeting January 24, 2008 Attending: Christy Allen, Evelyn Blount, Mary Boone, Wanda Brown, Robert Burgin, Anne Coleman, Dale Cousins, Mimi Curlee, Anne Marie Elkins, Kem Ellis, Jonathan Farlow, Robert Fisher, Betty Garrison, Brandy Hamilton, John Harer, Ruth Hoyle, Pam Jaskot, Ralph Kaplan, Diane Kester, Charlie Lackey, Rodney Lippard, Mary McAfee, Meralyn Meadows, Susan Neilson, Debra Oldenburg, Kim Parrott (ex-officio), Janice Pope, Sherwin Rice, Jean Rick, Joan Routh, Sarah Rothstein, Dale Sauter, Ralph Scott, Andrea Tullos, John Via, Caroline Walters, Lisa Williams, Carolyn Willis. President Phil Barton called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m. All attendees introduced themselves upon the start of the first meeting of the biennium. President Barton lauded NCLA Administrative Assistant, Kim Parrott for all her hard work for the organization. He also looks forward to working with the board over the next two years. President Barton indicated that most of this meeting will be an orientation to the new board on operations and how the board works. New section/round table/ committee chairs were not expected to have reports, but those reports ready were presented. Personnel Issue: First order of business was the discussion of the Administrative Assistant position. Ms. Parrott was asked to leave the room. Dale Cousins, reporting for the operations committee, met with the finance committee two week ago to discuss increasing the Administrative Assistant hours to 35-40 hours a week depending on the workload. Discussion of the board included the offering of benefits – the Administrative Assistant currently receives 10% pre- tax benefits allowance. Other discussion included renaming the position to Executive Director/Assistant. Further discussion would be needed for this. The board unanimously voted to increase the hours of the Administrative Assistant up to 40 hours per week. Presidents Report: (available on page 2 and on the web at http://www.nclaonline.org/ ExBd/reports/presrpt080124.html.pdf) Goals: Increase membership to over 2000 – targeting paraprofessionals, • library trustees and advocates. Continue to strengthen the financial situation.• Endowment promotion and growth, and a plan for how the o endowment can be used Expand and grow continuing education opportunities, by offering • innovative programs and partnering where appropriate. Expand the Leadership Institute to a second level institute for • veteran managers and supervisors. Not just targeted to new professionals. Pay Equity Project – new chair needed.• Promote information gained from the studyo Means of keeping the information up to dateo Develop effective library advocates.• Conducting Business (President Barton reviewed the procedures for meetings): The board will follow Parliamentary procedures• Items requiring action will be brought to the board as a written • motion given to the secretary at the meeting. Robert Fisher (Constitution, Codes and Handbook o Committee chair) will act as parliamentarian (ref. Robert’s Rules). President Barton suggested everyone read the current handbook (constitution and bylaws) available on the web. He acknowledged work of Bobby Wynn on stewarding the handbook and correcting and revising the information. Sections and Roundtables should review their bylaws and make changes with approval of their membership and then receive approval from the board before inclusion in the handbook. Section/Roundtable/Committee/Orientation Reports: (Each section/round table/committee chair provided their report and/or notes on operations of the organization). Leadership Institute: (full report provided) The committee is working on developing two participant tracks. Emerging leaders of the future – providing opportunity to a. develop peer and cohorts to maximize their potentials. Career leaders – key decision makers within organizations. b. A practical learning opportunity to envision leadership in a practical and implementation. Kem will focus on the content piece of the institute; Lisa will focus on the logistical. Two tracks will run at the same time to create two groups and bonding between the two groups. Archives: Jean Rick requested that all records of sections, roundtables and committees be sent to the archives. She also requested that material have dates and to specify which organization is submitting information. She is especially interested in publications, flyers, meeting minutes, membership and officers. Reference and Adult Services Section: Jonathan Farlow reported that a Feb 4th meeting was scheduled and that the section would be planning a workshop for this off conference year. Constitution, Code & Handbook: Robert Fisher, brand new chair had no report. Literacy: Anne Marie Elkins reported that the round table would meet at the end of next month. Secretary: Caroline Walters provided a list of sections, round tables and committees who have not turned in Biennial Reports. She also asked that reports for future meetings be sent electronically at least 48 hours in advance and action items at least two weeks in advance. http://www.nclaonline.org/ExBd/reports/presrpt080124.html.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/ExBd/reports/presrpt080124.html.pdf Spring / Summer 2008 49 Nor th Carolina Libraries North Carolina Libraries: Ralph Scott provided a written report (attached) Endowment: Carolyn Willis presented a written report for chair, Bryna Coonin. She also said the committee will meet with Phil to discuss the future of the Endowment. Report available at http:// www.nclaonline.org/endowment/reports/endowrpt080124.pdf Youth Services Section: Debra Oldenburg reported that the section was working on off year project and a retreat in fall (Oct). The section held a meeting in January. (No written report received) Library Administration and Management Section (LAMS): Wanda Brown provided written report with newly elected officers and activities at the 2007 Biennial Conference. Roundtable for Ethnic Minority Concerns: Anne Coleman provided a written report on the 2007 Conference activities, conference call meeting in January and a list of goals for 2008. (Kim Parrott, NCLA Administrative Assistant, indicated that conference calling is available to hold meetings and that chairs could check with her on instructions.) Membership: Brandy Hamilton provided report (http://www. nclaonline.org/members/reports/memshiprpt080124.pdf). The next membership goal is 2009 members by 2009. Discussion of membership growth ideas included reaching out to academic and public library administrators. Robert Burgin indicated that the state library as a list of library directors in the state. It was also mentioned that membership is the responsibility of all sections and roundtables and they should work with the membership committee on use of display and special membership offers. Brandy requests help with a slogan for NCLA. Government Resources Section: Mimi Curlee provided a written report (http://www.nclaonline.org/grs/reports/grsrpt080124.pdf). Mimi read proposed bylaws changes for board approval. All were approved unanimously. Resources & Technical Services Section: Charlie Lackey reported that the section met in December for an organizational meeting and again in January to plan a Spring Conference in May 2008. Tar Heel Libraries: Pam Jaskot said the newsletter needs to hear from membership about reports and stories. She also thanked Ross Holt for the design work and Kim Parrott for handling the mailing of the newsletter. Public Library Section: Mary McAfee provided a written report (http://www.nclaonline.org/pls/reports/plsrpt080124.pdf). The section requested approval of bylaws changes (written in report). All changes, except for the issue of membership on NC Public Librarian Certification Commission which will be discussed later, were approved by the Board unanimously. ALA Councilor: Rodney Lippard indicated that a written report will follow the meeting. Rodney indicated that the Chapter Relations meetings and the orientation were very useful and interesting. The emerging leaders program next round of applications are due in July 2008 and it was suggested that NCLA support one librarian from NC who is accepted (total cost is $1000 for registration). Rodney requested advice on how to vote on some of the social resolutions that ALA puts forth. Robert Burgin indicated that if there is time to poll the membership to do this or abstain from the social resolutions. Rodney also announced: Two librarians from NC nominated for Councilor at large – Al 1. Jones from ECU, Linda Underwood – Garner High School media coordinator. Two dates coming up – 4/15 National Library Workers Day, 2. 5/13-14, Library advocacy day in DC (we need to send people to DC for that day!) BLINC: Susan Neilson provided a written report (http://www. nclaonline.org/blinc/reports/blincrpt080122.pdf). The section is working on off year workshops with several locations around the state. She also reported that the section is financial in the black and they have looking for ways to spend the money. Roundtable on the Status of Women in Librarianship: Ruth Hoyle provided a written report (http://www.nclaonline.org/rtswl/ reports/rtswlrpt080124.pdf). She reported that the membership approved a name change to Women’s Issues in Libraries Round Table (WIL). The name change was submitted to the board for approval and was approved unanimously. Intellectual Freedom: John Harer reported that the committee is working on renew intellectual freedom award that was previously given and is looking for a sponsor or donor for the award. He also reported working with NCASL on doing a workshop on intellectual freedom in 2007 and possibly doing another one in 2008. College and University Section: Betty Garrison provided a written report (http://www.nclaonline.org/cus/reports/cusrpt080124.pdf). Technology & Trends Round Table: John Via reported that the section has not met yet. Plans for 2008 are to review bylaws, fill board positions, plan two workshops with possible collaboration with other organizations/sections, and looking to create a list of contacts among libraries for technical issues. North Carolina Library Paraprofessional Association: Meralyn meadows provided a written report NCLPA (attached). She reported that the association will concentrate on increasing membership, creating a leadership mentoring program, and announced that Jackie Cornette from Watauga County was awarded the ALA paraprofessional of the year 2007 award. Community and Junior College Libraries Section: Janice Pope provided a written report (http://www.nclaonline.org/cjcls/reports/ cjclsrpt080124.pdf). This year the section will concentrate on workshops and bylaws. Webmaster: Christy Allen indicated the report was available online. She will coordinate with Caroline (NCLA Secretary) on the management of reports and minutes online. Discussion included the workings of the online calendar. It was requested that all events be posted to the calendar and that sections, roundtables and committee provide dates to Kim and Christy. Sections and roundtables who have their own webmasters should contact Christy, who will work with them on updating pages of sections/roundtables. New Members Round Table: Sarah Rothstein provided a written report (http://www.nclaonline.org/nmrt/reports/nmrtrpt080124. pdf) on the activities of the section at the conference. Also the round table created a Google group. They will work with Brandy on new members, revising bylaws and filling vacant board positions. http://www.nclaonline.org/endowment/reports/endowrpt080124.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/endowment/reports/endowrpt080124.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/members/reports/memshiprpt080124.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/members/reports/memshiprpt080124.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/grs/reports/grsrpt080124.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/pls/reports/plsrpt080124.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/blinc/reports/blincrpt080122.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/blinc/reports/blincrpt080122.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/rtswl/reports/rtswlrpt080124.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/rtswl/reports/rtswlrpt080124.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/cus/reports/cusrpt080124.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/cjcls/reports/cjclsrpt080124.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/cjcls/reports/cjclsrpt080124.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/nmrt/reports/nmrtrpt080124.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/nmrt/reports/nmrtrpt080124.pdf 50 Nor th Carolina Libraries Spring / Summer 2008 North Carolina Public Libraries Trustees: Joan Routh indicated that trustee resources need to be mined. Large gap between NCLA membership and State Library list of trustees. Workshops are being scheduled through the State Library and opportunities with the NCLA need to be sent to the trustees. Round Table for Special Collections: Dale Sauter reported that the round table would hold a meeting in early march. Conference 2009: Sherwin Rice reported that they are open to all suggestions and will be calling on everyone to help. A site selection company to select the 2011 conference site and recommendations are needed. Operations Committee: Dale Cousins provided a written report (http://www.nclaonline.org/operations/reports/optnrtp080124. pdf). She said Kim is working hard and life is good. NCLA Office Operations (Orientation): Kim Parrott provided a written outline for operations in the NCLA office. Kim indicated she is there to help members as much as possible. She routed a roster of the board asking that everyone check their contact information. Debra (YSS) asked that the office report of new members joining their section and other requested regular reporting of membership. Phil said that lunch is free today, but for each additional meeting $10 will be collected to cover the costs of lunch and morning snacks. Finance Committee: Wanda Brown presented a copy of proposed budget for review (attached). She indicated that interest income went up due to the repositioning of some investment accounts. The budget proposal includes funds for a full-time administrative assistant starting February 1. $1500 is also included for new computer for the office. Wanda moved to approve the 2008 Budget, second by Dale Cousins. Approved unanimously by the board. Treasurer Report: Diane Kester handout out printed reports on the 2007 accounts and explained how individual fund accounts are set up and maintained. She indicated that several scholarship loans are still outstanding and the scholarship committee needs to work on collections. She also reported that profit from the 2005 Conference book sales were used for the joint ALA/NCLA Student Membership program which ended last year. They still need to follow up with Walden Books on the 2007 Conference books sales. Additionally, the management fee for the Gates Grant was used for student memberships and a refund as the state library had to send some funding back. Leadership Institute funding was pulled from the operating budget last year. The Financial Report shows exactly where funds are located (in the banks). NCLA can claim a refund of sales tax so it is suggested that when purchasing items for NCLA have NCLA make the payment so this refund can be requested. Diane also reviewed the check request form which is available on the website. Requests can be sent to the NCLA office directly to the treasurer (direct is faster), She also reviewed the Travel Expenses form with updated state reimbursement amounts. Individual section and roundtable reports are posted on the web. Diane noted that to retain our standing as a non-profit with the IRS, sections and round tables need to use section and round table funds for professional development opportunities for members. Board Communications: NCLA-L List : housed at ECU and moderated by Diane Kester. Note that postings will not go out immediately. Anyone from the association can post to the listserv who is on the listserv. Kim enters their address when they renew or do membership. The list drops emails that bounce. ncla-l@coe.ecu.edu (posting address). We do not approve advertising – although some is allowed upon review and must be professionally related. Contact Diane if the filtering seems to be too much. NCLA Board Yahoo Group:  This list is used for board communications and is also moderated. Posting address: ncla-board@yahoogroups.com. Board members log-in at Yahoo Groups to post, edit and read archives of messages. If you are not receiving messages please check with the Yahoo Group page and with Kim. You must respond to email invites you get to join the group to join. NCLA Website: At the request of the board, Christy reviewed the website, showing the locations for board information, meeting agenda and minutes. She also reviewed the Financial Reports online. Approval of July 2007 Meeting Minutes: It was asked whether meeting minutes for July 2007 had been approved. Since they had not, Ralph Scott motioned that the minutes be approved, second by Anne Marie Elkins. Minutes were approved unanimously. State Library: Mary Boone provided copy of her report. Highlights included: Department of Cultural Resources in 2008 theme - “Telling • Our Stories” Strategic planning will be finished sometime in March.• Grant projects and available grants to libraries include LSTA • and Gates grants. Library development consultants have be reorganized into • regional focus areas. Reports were not received or presented at the meeting for: North Carolina Association of School Librarians Continuing Education Committee Nominating Committee Public Policy Committee Scholarships Committee SELA Representative Phil reported that the 2009 Conference is scheduled October 6 – 9, 2009 in Greenville. Phil indicated that a schedule for further board meetings will be set to all board members by the end of February. Next meeting will be April and location and date will be emailed to everyone. Meeting Adjourned at approximately 2:00 p.m. http://www.nclaonline.org/operations/reports/optnrtp080124.pdf http://www.nclaonline.org/operations/reports/optnrtp080124.pdf mailto:ncla-l@coe.ecu.edu mailto:ncla-board@yahoogroups.com