Fall/Winter 2006 — 81North Carolina Libraries NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD April 28, 2006 Cameron Village Regional Library Raleigh, North Carolina ATTENDING: Frannie Ashburn, Annis Barbee, Phillip Barton, Barbara Beebe, Beth R. Bernhardt, Mary Boone, Wanda K. Brown, Robert Burgin, Kevin Cherry, Kaye Cook, Harry Cooke, Bryna Coonin, Evelyn Council, Dale Cousins, Beth Cramer, Anne Marie Elkins, Jonathan Farlow, Beverley Gass, David S. Goble, Ger- ald Holmes, Paula P. Hinton, Ruth Hoyle, Beth Kaylor, Debbie Luck, Tommy Nixon, Debra Oldenburg, Kim Parrott, Mary Sizemore, Tina Stepp, Lynn Thompson, Caroline Walters, Suzanne White. Burgin recently received for the Association and deposited to the NCLA account a check for approximately $4,700 related to the 2005 Conference. 3. Survey of members and nonmembers. NCLA will be conducting two surveys: one of members, the other of nonmembers. President Burgin will be asking sections what information they hope to glean from these surveys. 4. Firming up some of our procedures. Section, round table, and committee reports are to be sent to Bao-Chu Chung for posting on the web; and Board members are to bring to each Board meeting two printed copies of their current report: one copy for the secretary and one for the administrative assistant. Motions are to be written; President Burgin brought a form which is to be used so that the record of motions can be correct. One copy of each motion is to go to the secretary and one copy to the chair of the Constitution, Codes, and Handbook Committee. There is interest in an orientation session for section, round table, and committee chairs and vice chairs. President Burgin will poll the Board via e-mail for preferences for May 19, 26, June 2, 9, 16, 23. He welcomes suggestions for relevant content for the orientation session. Of continuing interest is the issue of the sale of our membership list. The original request for this list was from Drexel University; more recently other entities have sought this list. Among the factors discussed regarding this issue were members’ privacy, conference vendor benefits, and prevailing practice among similar organizations. Phil Barton moved that NCLA make its list of conference attendees available for sale for the cost of the charge for a conference booth. (The conference registration form allows attendees to opt out of such listing inclusion.) The motion was seconded by Lynn Thompson. The vote passed. Page 30 of the NCLA Handbook was noted as being outdated. President Burgin asked attendees to review the page and inform Bobby Wynn, chair of the Constitution, Codes, and Handbook Committee, of necessary changes. Call to Order and Welcome President Robert Burgin called the meeting to order and recognized Phil Barton, director of the Rowan Public Library, to welcome us to the South Rowan Regional Library. This building opened in 2004, and was designed by architect Bill Burgin, brother of our NCLA president, Robert Burgin. Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes were approved. President’s Report President Burgin reminded attendees of some procedural matters. Attendees are to pay Kim Parrott, NCLA administrative assistant, ten dollars each for their lunches. Board members identified with blue place cards vote, as these members have been duly elected. Board members identified with yellow place cards do not vote as these individuals are in appointed positions (committee chairs); however, discussion participation by all attendees is encouraged. According to rules, reports from standing committees are to be limited to two minutes each. Since the previous Board meeting, the Executive Committee made a decision which had been duly reported to the executive board: NCLA typically is represented on the State Library Commission by our President and Vice President. As our Vice President is already serving on the Commission as a representative of the North Carolina Public Library Directors Association, NCLA was asked to have another representative. The Executive Committee had voted to ask Sherwin Rice to be this representative as the Vice President was already serving. The Executive Board affirmed this decision and gratitude to Sherwin Rice for her willingness to serve was expressed. President Burgin reminded the Board of his four goals for this biennium: 1. More members. He challenges each section and round table to increase its membership. Currently about 17% of NC librarians are NCLA members. Some sections have shown recent membership increases, and he hopes this will continue. 2. Financial vitality. An enlarged membership will result in more money for the financial stability of the organization. President 82 — Fall/Winter 2006 North Carolina Libraries The report is on the web. Ann Marie Elkins reported for Betty Meehan-Black. http://www.nclaonline.org/literacy/reports/litrpt060428.pdf NC Association of School Librarians Catherine Edwards-Spratley was absent. In her absence, it was reported that she has many ideas and is excited about the responsibilities of the group. Kevin suggested that a joint conference might be held. NC Library Paraprofessional Association Annis Barbee reported that this section’s Mutual Respect Task Force had submitted a document to NCLA, and she distributed to the Board a list of recommendations. The task force looked at the state of respect among those working in libraries in North Carolina. The survey results: http://www.nclaonline.org/nclpa/survey_results.pdf NC Public Library Trustee Association No representative was present. New Members Round Table The report is on the web. Kaye Cook reported that the section has chosen officers and will meet on May 8th to plan a workshop for the fall. The section plans to review its bylaws. http://www.nclaonline.org/nmrt/reports/nmrtrpt060428.pdf Public Library Section The report is on the web. Lynn Thompson reported workshops are planned for the fall. She asked clarification about section involvement in NC Libraries, and Kevin Cherry provided the information sought. http://www.nclaonline.org/pls/reports/plsrpt060428.pdf Reference and Adult Services Section The report is on the web. Jonathan Farlow reported on the section board’s most recent meeting. http://www.nclaonline.org/rass/reports/rassrpt060428.pdf Resources and Technical Services Section The report is on the web. Beth Cramer reported on the section’s upcoming workshop scheduled for May 30th at Elon. http://www.nclaonline.org/rtss/reports/rtssrpt060428.pdf Round Table for Ethnic Minority Concerns The report is on the web. Gerald Holmes reported for Jamane Yeager on the section’s March 7th meeting at NCSU. Conference preparations have begun. http://www.nclaonline.org/remco/reports/remcorpt060428.pdf Round Table on Special Collections Joan Ferguson has taken over for Deborah Rouse, but is not here today. Round Table on the Status of Women in Librarianship The report is on the web. Ruth Hoyle reported for Kathy Crowe. The board plans to meet in May. http://www.nclaonline.org/rtswl/reports/rtswlrpt060428.pdf Technology and Trends Round Table Treasurer’s Report The report is on the web. Beth Bernhardt asked if previous reports might be made available on the same website. The Treasurer explained that the issue has been updated versions of Quickbooks, which is used to maintain our records. It is anticipated that the former treasurer will be able to move those numbers forward; when that is accomplished, the Treasurer will arrange for the previous year’s report to be on the web as well. http://www.nclaonline.org/ treasurer/reports/2006/April/index.htm Old Business NCLA continues to receive a dribble of applications for NCLA license plates. Suzanne White volunteered to collect applications from any attendees today and to send them along to Andrea Tullos. SECTION/ROUND TABLE REPORTS Business Librarianship in North Carolina No representative was present. The Section’s quarterly meeting will be at the Greensboro Public Library on May 5th. All BLINC PowerPoint programs from the Fall 2005 Conference are posted on the BLINC webpage. Children’s Services Section The report is on the web. Debbie Oldenburg reported questions regarding a name change for the section. This section’s members have wondered what the Public Library Section is doing about young adult services. Lynn Thompson, PLS chair, reported much interest in this segment of PLS. http://www.nclaonline.org/css/reports/cssrpt060428.pdf College and University Section The report is on the web. Tommy Nixon reported the section is planning a workshop or program. The CUS board plans to survey CUS membership to determine preferred topic and garner additional suggestions. Section partners for workshops or programs are welcome. http://www.nclaonline.org/cus/reports/cusrpt060428.pdf Community and Junior College Libraries Section The report is on the web. Debbie Luck reported on the section board’s meeting via a conference call on Valentine’s Day. All members of the section have been invited to an upcoming meeting at Central Carolina Community College. Agenda items for that meeting include planning a fall workshop and reviewing the section’s bylaws. http://www.nclaonline.org/cjcls/reports/cjclsrpt060428.pdf Government Resources Section The report is on the web. Beth Kaylor reported that the May 19th workshop at McKimmon Center, Raleigh, would have Ann Miller replacing Nan Myers. http://www.nclaonline.org/grs/reports/grsrpt060428.pdf Library Administration and Management Section The report is on the web. Mary Sizemore reported the section’s planning of three workshops across the state in the fall. http://www.nclaonline.org/lams/reports/lamsrpt060428.pdf Literacy Round Table Fall/Winter 2006 — 83North Carolina Libraries The report is on the web. Beth Bernhardt reported the group is planning programs, but would be happy to partner with other sections and round tables. http://www.nclaonline.org/tnt/reports/tntrpt060428.pdf COMMITTEE REPORTS Archives No representative. Conference, 2005 President Burgin recently received for the Association and deposited to the NCLA account a check for approximately $4,700 related to the 2005 Conference, as noted in the President’s Report. Conference, 2007 The report is on the web. Phil Barton sent to NCLA membership a solicitation for committee members and has received thus far forty offers to serve; many offers have come from ECU affiliated members. Next committees will be appointed. Barton and Suzanne White are planning a contest to develop the conference theme; this will be followed by a contest to identify a logo for the conference. The next planning meeting may be held at the Gateway Conference Center in Hickory. Caroline Walters suggested that the Society of North Carolina Archivists might consider pairing with NCLA for some programs, especially those with LAMS. Barton considers this a wonderful idea and will rely on Walters to find a representative from the archivists’ group to serve on the conference committee. http://www.nclaonline.org/conference/reports/confrpt060428.pdf Constitution, Codes, and Handbook Evelyn Council reported for Bobby Wynn. The bylaws for the Literacy Round Table have been submitted. Continuing Education No representative. Endowment Committee The report is on the web. David Goble reported as of February 28, 2006, the Endowments balance was $32,376.16. The committee plans to meet in July. http://www.nclaonline.org/endowment/reports/endowrpt060428. pdf Finance The report is on the web. Wanda Brown reported plans for the future work of the committee. Issues on the committee’s plans include distribution of lifetime membership dues, reviews of financial procedures in the handbook, and considering auditors. Discussion surrounded the possibility of NCLA maintaining an account at the State Employees’ Credit Union. http://www.nclaonline.org/finance/reports/financerpt060428.pdf Financial Vitality The report is on the web. http://www.nclaonline.org/finance/reports/finanvitrpt060428.pdf Intellectual Freedom No representative. Leadership Institute Barbara Beebe, a graduate of the Leadership Institute, will replace Robert James as the chair of the Committee. Membership Report The report is on the web. Kim Parrott presented regarding section and round table affiliations of the 1,438 NCLA members. http://www.nclaonline.org/members/reports/membership060428. pdf Membership Committee The report is on the web. Caroline Walters reported that the NCLA display board is being utilized in various settings around the state, with the much appreciated support of many members. With Frannie Ashburn, Walters hopes to have brochures for the State Library meeting for trustees. The Membership Core Committee voted to present a distinguished member award to Leland Park, retiring director of the Davidson College library. President Burgin suggested that attending Board members try to articulate membership benefits and convey those to Suzanne White or Walters; these will be used in documentation. The initiative to offer reduced membership dues for the first year for attendees at conferences, workshops, etc., has been quite successful. http://www.nclaonline.org/members/reports/membership060428. pdf Nominating Pauletta Bracy was unable to attend, but had corresponded with President Burgin about the work of the Committee. Operations The report is on the web. Dale Cousins reported Operations proceeding very smoothly, in large measure due to the work of Kim Parrott, Administrative Assistant. http://www.nclaonline.org/operations/reports/optnrpt060428.pdf Pay Equity Task Force Beverley Gass discussed the plans for surveying by the Singer group with input from Dean Griffith and faculty of the School of Information and Library Science (SILS) at UNC-Chapel Hill. Salary data from libraries as well as equivalent positions in communities will be gathered to arm NCLA for proactive discussions. Pilot surveys have been distributed. The task force is still deciding how to distribute the surveys, which will be web based. Public Policy Ross Holt has found it necessary to step down from the chair’s position on this committee. A replacement will be found. NCLA wished to increase our activity in this area, although in this biennium funding was not available to fund a lobbyist, which in the recent past has been done in concert with the Public Library Directors Association. Public Library Directors Association (PLDA) The goal of this organization has been to increase state aid to libraries to an amount which would account for inflation and return this aid to its highest level of support. President Burgin moved that NCLA endorse the PLDA legislative agenda, requesting an additional $3.7 million in recurring funds for state aid to public libraries. Lynn Thompson seconded. The motion passed. 84 — Fall/Winter 2006 North Carolina Libraries Publications and Marketing The report is on the web. Suzanne White reported she is encouraging additional promotion of the special license plate initiative. She is working with Phil Barton on the development of a conference theme. http://www.nclaonline.org/publicity/reports/pubnrpt060418.pdf Scholarship Harry Cooke reported the Committee is treading water due to the unavailability of funds for supporting scholarships. NCLA has funds to lend, but cannot give away money at this point. Website Bao-Chu Chang’s efforts are available to us daily on the NCLA website. OTHER REPORTS North Carolina Libraries The report is on the web. http://www.nclaonline.org/NCL/reports/nclrpt060428.pdf ALA Councilor Kevin Cherry reported that although there had not been an ALA meeting since the previous NCLA Executive Board meeting, there had been substantial discussion on the councilor listserv. Likely to engender much discussion at the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans in June is the discrepancy between policies of the Boy Scouts of America and the American Library Association. A resolution was sent to the listserv, and will be placed before the ALA Council. ALA is conducting a survey of paraprofessional salaries. SELA Councilor Evelyn Council reported numerous attendees at the joint Tennessee Library Association and SELA meeting. State Library Mary Boone, State Librarian, discussed her initial plans for building library leadership and excellence in our state. To this end she is engaging in significant planning efforts. She hopes to be able to locate funding for the Leadership Institute and will be working with UNC-CH SILS faculty to determine training needs. She seeks to grow leaders in NC libraries, and is collaborating with Dr. Mark Winston to develop ways to address issues related to older and retiring library leaders and other generational shifts. Boone is conducting an evaluation of the past five years’ utilization of LSTA funds. Current grants will be announced June 12th. North Carolina is eleventh in population in the nation, and this position factors into the amount of LSTA funding we receive. Boone seeks to promote membership in the trustees’ association. The North Carolina State Library Commission is regenerating with Horace Stacy as chair: on June 5th will be an orientation for new members; on the 6th, a full Commission meeting; the 7th is Library Day at the State Library. Boone seeks to work with other relevant organizations in our state. Additionally, the State Library will be working to inform our state legislators. New Business Bryna Coonin noted that we have little contact with some segments of the library environment, such as staff at military bases and federal librarians. She suggested we plan ways to bring these people into the NCLA fold. Announcements Dates and places for subsequent NCLA Executive Board meetings: July 21: Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Wake Forest University October 20: Henderson County Public Library, Hendersonville In 2007: January 19: Charles W. Chesnutt Library, Fayetteville State University April 20: New Hanover Public Library, Wilmington July 20: Joyner Library, ECU, or Shepard Memorial Library, Greenville October: biennial conference in Hickory There being no further new business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Paula Pearce Hinton, Secretary