NCLwinter.04 194 — Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries History of North Carolina Libraries and Librarianship: A Bibliography Part IV — Compiled by Wiley J. Williams This is the final installment of a four-part bibliography that covers NorthCarolina and United States archives and manuscript collections; personalpapers of notable N.C. librarians and library educators; and sources on N.C. and U.S. librarians and library benefactors, public documents, and special collec- tions and private libraries. Part I, which was published in the Spring 2004 issue of North Carolina Libraries, included sources of library history of N.C. public libraries in general, and histories of public libraries in Alamance through Guilford counties. Part II, which was published in the Summer 2004 issue, included the histories of public libraries in Halifax through Yadkin counties. Part III, which was published in the Fall 2004 issue, included sources of library history of N.C. colleges, universi- ties, and community colleges, as well as general sources on N.C. and U.S. library history. The compiler acknowledges with appreciation the assistance of Robert G. Anthony, Jr., Curator of the North Carolina Collection, University of North Caro- lina at Chapel Hill, and his staff; Rebecca B. Vargha, librarian of the School of Information and Library Science (UNC-CH), and Mary Bryson, Patricia Schefcick, and Amanda Wilson; Virginia Purefoy Jones, librarian of the School and Library and Information Sciences, North Carolina Central University; James V. Carmichael, School of Education, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; and Kevin Cherry, College of Education, East Carolina University, and doctoral student at the School of Information and Library Science (UNC-CH). Adams, Stephanie. “The Accidental Archivist: J.G. De Roulhac Hamilton and the Creation of the Southern Historical Collection at Chapel Hill.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000. 29 pp. Andrews, Evelyn Grimsley. “The Translation of the North Carolina Historical Commission into a Full-Fledged Archival Agency.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1970. 36 pp. Archival and Manuscript Repositories in North Carolina: A Directory. Raleigh: Society of North Carolina Archivists, 1993. 149 pp. Belovicz, Ruth C. “Preservation in American Libraries, 1910-1950: Early Approaches and Conceptual Development.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1992. 54 pp. Berner, Richard C. “Archival Management and Librarianship.” Advances in Archives and Manuscript Collections North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 195 Librarianship 14 (1956): 269-73, 276-79. Blosser, Susan, and Clyde N. Wilson, Jr. The Southern Historical Collection: A Guide to Manuscripts. Chapel Hill: Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina Library, 1970. 317 pp. Brubaker, Robert L. “Archive and Manuscript Collections.” Advances in Librarianship 3 (1972): 256-63, 267. Carson, Dina C. Directory of Genealogical and Historical Libraries, Archives and Collec- tions in the US and Canada. Niwot, CO: Iron Gate Publishing, 2001. 749 pp. Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. “Academic Archives and Student Organization Papers.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1995. 64 pp. Church, Lila Teresa. “What Motivates African Americans to Donate Personal Papers to Libraries and How Their Giving Decisions Affect the Quantity and Quality of Collections Procured for Archives.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998. 53 pp. Coley, Robert Eugene. “Basic Steps in the Procurement and Handling of Gifts of Historical Materials in a Manuscript Repository.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1972. 77 pp. Conway, Paul Louis. “Archival Preservation in the United States and the Role of Information Sources.” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1991. 306 pp. Cooper, Alita. “The Archives of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: A Case Study.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1974. 66 pp. Cox, Richard J. “Archival Education in North American Library and Information Science Schools.” Library Quarterly 71 (Apr. 2001): 141-94. ––––––––. “Archivists, Electronic Records, and the Modern Information Age: Re- Examining Archival Institutions and Education in the United States, with Special Attention to State Archives and State Archivists.” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh, 1992. 426 pp. ––––––––. Closing an Era: Historical Perspectives on Modern Archives and Records Man- agement. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000. 252 pp. Crabtree, Beth Gilbert. Guide to Private Manuscript Collections in the North Carolina State Archives. Raleigh: State Department of Archives and History, 1964. 492 pp. Crittenden, Charles Christopher, and Dan Lacy, eds. The Historical Records of North Carolina Prepared by the Historical Records Survey of the Works Progress Administra- tion. Three vols. Raleigh: North Carolina Historical Commission, 1938-39. Crouch, Cynthia Mae. “Primary Sources for Women’s History in the Southern Historical Collection.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1985. 20 pp. Cumming, William P. North Carolina in Maps. Raleigh: State Department of Archives and History, 1966. Directory of Archives and Manuscript Repositories in the United States. Second ed. Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1988. 853 pp. Dirks, J. Leland. “A Preservation Study of the Manuscripts Department at the University of North Carolina.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1990. 61 pp. Garrison, Ellen, ed. Archives in Appalachia: A Directory. Boone: Appalachian Consor- tium Press, 1985. 61 pp. Griggs, Linda Mackie. “Archivists and the Law of Libel.” Master’s Paper, School of 196 — Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1984. 65 pp. A Guide to the Archives of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill: University Archives and Records Service, 1995. 102 pp. Guide to Depositories of Manuscript Collections in North Carolina. Raleigh: North Carolina Historical Commission, 1941. 18 pp. A Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the Duke University Library, Durham, N.C. Raleigh: Historical Records Survey, Works Progress Administration, Historical Records Survey Project, 1939. 165 pp. Gusts, Lilita Vija. “Oral History as an Information Source: A Descriptive Study of How Oral History Evolved in Fourteen North Carolina Programs.” D.L.S., Co- lumbia University, 1982. 521 pp. Hamilton, J. G. de Roulhac. “Preservation of North Carolina History.” North Carolina Historical Review 4 (Jan. 1927): 3-21. High, Walter Mountain III. “Unused Materials Await Library Historians in North Carolina State Archives.” Southeastern Librarian 27 (Winter 1977): 241-44. Hirsch, Steven P. “John Edwards: Collector.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1988. 69 pp. Holdzkom, Roslyn P. “Subject Access to Manuscript Collections at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1988. 79 pp. Ibl, Jane Helen. “World Wide Web Pages and Academic Archives and Manuscript Repositories in North Carolina: A Survey and Recommendations for Standards.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996. 45 pp. Jones, H.G. “Archival Training in American Universities, 1938-1968.” American Archivist 31 (Apr. 1968): 135-54. ––––––––. “Clio in the Courthouse: North Carolina’s Local Records Program at Age Twenty-Five.” American Archivist 49 (Winter 1986): 46-51. ––––––––. “Connor, Robert D.W. (1878-1950).” ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services, 223-24. Third ed. 1993. ––––––––. The Records of a Nation: Their Management, Preservation, and Use. New York: Atheneum, 1969. 308 pp. Jones, Plummer Alston, Jr. “American Library Association Committee on Work with the Foreign Born, 1918-1948: Checklist of Publications.” EMIE [Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table] Bulletin 20 (Winter 2002): 12-13. ––––––––. “Multicultural Children’s Books Arranged by Foreign Languages and Immigrant, Ethnic, and National Groups: An Index to Critical Reviews in Booklist, 1972- .” EMIE Bulletin 20 (Summer 2003): 4-7. Kennedy, John Pendleton Jr. “The Value of a State Library Commission.” South Atlantic Quarterly 5 (July 1906): 275-87. Koonts, Russell S. “Take Me out to the Ball Game . . . The Importance of Archiving Sporting Activities.” North Carolina Libraries 59 (Summer 2001): 57-60. Lanning, Elaine Kaye. “Reference Services in North Carolina Archives and Manu- script Repositories.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1981. 49 pp. Lelear, Grace Caroline. “Annabel Morris Buchanan: A Profile of Her Contributions to Folklore.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1978. 70 pp. Logan, Kathryn P. “Integrating a Sound Archive into the Academic Research Library: North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 197 A Case Study of the John Edwards Memorial Collection.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1984. 87 pp. Ludwig, Julie Ann. “Assessing Preservation Needs: A Collection Condition Survey of Bound Manuscript Volumes.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000. 40 pp. Lytle, Richard Harold. “Subject Retrieval in Archives: A Comparison of the Prov- enance and Context of Indexing Methods.” Ph.D. Thesis, University of Mary- land, 1979. 206 pp. Martin, Robert Sidney. “The Development of Professional Education for Librarians and Archivists in the United States: A Comparative Essay.” American Archivist 57 (Summer 1994): 544-558. McCoy, Donald R. The National Archives: America’s Ministry of Documents, 1939-1968. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1978. 437 pp. Mellown, Richard H. “The Restoration and Preservation of Archival Material.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1971. 29 pp. Montgomery, Suzanne Stewart. “The Publications of Historical Publications Section of the Division of Archives and History of North Carolina with Emphasis on America’s 400th Anniversary Series.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1989. 22 pp. National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections. 29 vols. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1959-1993. Available online at nucmc.html North Carolina Historical Commission. Forty Years of Public Service, 1903-1943. Raleigh: North Carolina Historical Commission, 1942. 115 pp. North Carolina Historical Records Survey. Guide to the Manuscript Collections in the Archives of the North Carolina Historical Commission. Raleigh: North Carolina Historical Commission, 1942. 216 pp. Olson, David J. “North Carolina and Paper Preservation: Ninety Years of Leader- ship.” North Carolina Libraries 52 (Spring 1994): 10-12. Parris, Linda Eileen. “Condition Survey of the Southern Historical Collection and Preservation Options for Brittle Materials.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1992. 61 pp. Pauk, Elizabeth. “Development of Criteria for a Microfilm Preservation Program through Analysis of the Standards for Microfilm Inspection Storage and Hous- ing.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1973. 40 pp. Perry, Katherine Rand. “Legal Access to Oral History Materials.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1995. 35 pp. Preston, Elizabeth Earle. “The Society of American Archivists, Graduate Archival Education, and Progress: A Study of the History of Archival Education and Current Curricular.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2003. 44 pp. Rawlings, Jennifer L. “Processing Twentieth Century Collections: A Case Study of the Charles Kuralt Papers.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1999. 67 pp. Smith, Everard H., III, ed. The Southern Historical Collection: Supplementary Guide to Manu- scripts, 1970-1975. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Library, 1976. 60 pp. Southern Historical Collection Guide to the Manuscripts in the Southern Historical Collection of the 198 — Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1941. 204 pp. Prepared by the North Carolina Historical Records Survey Project, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Works Projects Administration. Stephenson, George. North Carolina Local History: A Select Bibliography. Raleigh: Office of Archives and History, 1972. 82 pp. Tilley, Nannie M., and Noma Lee Goodwin. Guide to Map Collections in the Duke University Library. Durham: Duke University Press, 1947. 362 pp. Tindall, Bruce. “More Than Five Million Documents Now Logged in Southern Historical Collection.” Alumni Review 61 (Mar. 1973): 9. U.S. Works Progress Administration. Inventory of Federal Archives in the States, Series XV, the Works Progress Administration No. 32: North Carolina. Raleigh: Survey of Federal Archives, 1940. 146 pp. Wegner, Ansley Herring. History for All the People: One Hundred Years of Public History in North Carolina. Raleigh: North Carolina Office of Archives and History, 2003. 118 pp. Wilson, Louis Round. “North Carolina Library Commission, 1909-1949.” North Carolina Libraries 8 (Mar. 1949): 7-10. Yandle, Ashley. “Comparing User Queries and Archival Indexing of Photographs.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998. 48 pp. Listed below are the known repository / repositories of certain North Carolinian (meaning those who were born and/or worked in the state) librarians, library educa- tors, library historians, and archivists. Akers, Susan Grey Southern Historical Collection, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Asheim, Lester Eugene Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH ALA Archives (University of Illinois-Urbana) Graduate Library School Records, University of Chicago Barker, Tommie Dora Woodruff Library, Emory University ALA Archives Alabama Department of Archives and History Julius Rosenwald Fund Archives, Fisk University Carnegie Corporation Archives, New York Lillian Baker Griggs Papers, Duke University Mary Utopia Rothrock Papers, Lawson McGhee Library, Knoxville Louis R. Wilson and Frank Porter Graham Papers, Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH Repositories for most southern state library associations and archives Branscomb, Bennett Harvie Duke University Vanderbilt University Clark, Walter McKenzie Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH The Papers of Walter Clark, ed. Aubrey Lee Brooks and Hugh T. Lefler, 1948 and 1950 (2 vols.) Connor, Robert Diggs Wimberly Library of Congress Copeland, James Isaac Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH Appendix: Personal Papers North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 199 Cory, John Mackenzie New York Public Library Crittenden, Charles Christopher Paul Green Papers, Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH (limited information) Douglas, Mary Teresa Peacock Files of N.C. Department of Public Instruction Downs, Robert Bingham University of Illinois-Urbana Fairchild, Mary Salome Cutler Edwin Milton Fairchild Papers, Duke University Gaver, Mary Virginia Jackson Library, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Griggs, Lillian Baker Duke University Archives Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH Hamilton, Joseph Gregoire de Roulhac Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH Harrise, Henry, New York Public Library William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH Holley, Edward Gailon Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH Moffet, William Andrew Alumni files at Davidson College and Duke University Mumford, Lawrence Quincy Library of Congress Orne, Jerrold Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH North Carolina Collection, UNC-CH Patton, James Welch Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH Phinazee, Anette L. Woodruff Library of the Atlanta University Center School of Library and Information Sciences, North Carolina Central University Powell, Benjamin Edward Duke University Archives Minutes of Trustees of Durham County Library Rollins, Charlemae Hill School of Library and Information Sciences, NCCU Fisk University Library Vivian G. Harsh Collection at the Carter G. Woodson Research Library (Chicago Public Library Branch) Rush, Charles Everett Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH Indianapolis Public Library Saunders, William Laurence Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH North Carolina State Archives Shores, Louis Florida State University School of Library and Information Studies 200 — Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries Louis Round Wilson and William Terry Couch Papers, Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH Thompson, Lawrence Sidney University of Kentucky Archives Weeks, Stephen Beauregard Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH Wilson, Louis Round Southern Historical Collection, UNC-CH University of Chicago Work, Monroe Nathan Tuskegee University Archives Anders, Mary Edna. “The Contributions of the Carnegie Corporation and the Gen- eral Education Board to Library Development in the Southeast.” Master’s Thesis, History, University of North Carolina, 1950. 134 pp. Asheim, Lester E. “Bernard Berelson (1912-1979).” Library Quarterly 50 (Oct. 1980): 407-409. Baker, James T. Andrew Carnegie, Robber Baron as American Hero. Belmont, Ca.: Wadsworth / Thomson Learning, 2003. 170 pp. Baker, Tommie Dora. “Louis Round Wilson: A Tribute.” Southeastern Librarian 1 (Fall 1951): 75-89. Bobinski, George S. “Andrew Carnegie.” In ALA World Enyclopedia of Library and Information Services, 173-75. Third ed. 1993. ––––––––. “Carnegie, Andrew (1835-1919).” In Dictionary of American Library Biogra- phy, 1978. ––––––––. “Holley, Edward G. (1927- ).” In ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services, 349-50. Third ed. 1993. Bolton, Sarah (Knowles). “Andrew Carnegie and His Libraries.” In Famous Givers and Their Gifts, ed. Sarah Knowles Bolton, 58-88. New York: Crowell, 1896. Brinn, Susan Hout. “Joseph Peen Breedlove, Librarian at Duke University: His Approach to Library Administration.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1973. 58 pp. Brock, Clifton, ed. Library Education in the Southeast since World War II: Proceedings of Two Symposia Sponsored in Honor of Louis Round Wilson’s 100th Birthday by the School of Library Science and University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, December 2, 1976. Chapel Hill, 1977. 65 pp. Bullock, James Marshall. “Louis Round Wilson and the Planning of an Academic Library at the University of North Carolina, 1921-1929.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998. 48 pp. Canfield, Ruth. “The ALA Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship: An Examination of Its History and Impact.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1993. 122 pp. Carmichael, James V., Jr. “Atlanta’s Female Librarians, 1883-1915.” Journal of Library History 21 (Spring 1986): 376-99. ––––––––. “An Edward Gailon Holley Chronology.” In For the Good of the Order: Essays in Honor of Edward G. Holley, ed. Delmus E. Williams, 349-357. Greenwich, CT.: JAI Press, 1994. ––––––––. “Richer for His Honesty: A Personal Memoir of Edward Gailon Holley.” In Librarians and Library Benefactors North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 201 For the Good of the Order: Essays in Honor of Edward G. Holley, ed. Delmus E. Williams, 1-30. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1994. ––––––––. “Susan Grey Akers (1889-1984).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 2-5. 2003. ––––––––. “Tommie Dora Barker and Southern Librarianship.” Ph.D. Thesis, Univer- sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1988. 571 pp. ––––––––. “Women in Southern Library Education.” Library Quarterly 62 (Apr. 1992): 169-216. Carner, Charles R. “Lester Asheim.” Bulletin of Bibliography 24 (Sept.-Dec. 1963): 25-27. Carnovsky, Ruth French. “[Lester Asheim] Brief Sketch.” In As Much to Learn as to Teach: Essays in Honor of Lester Asheim, ed. Joel M. Lee and Beth A. Hamilton, 16- 24. Hamden, CT: Linnet Books, 1979. Cherry, Thomas Kevin B. “Interview with Elinor Swaim, Salisbury, NC, April 21, 1998.” North Carolina Libraries 56 (Summer 1998): 71-74. [Interviewed as one of state’s library leaders in oral history.] Cole, John Y. “Mumford, Lawrence Quincy (1903-1982).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 87-91. 1990. Costello, Joan M., and Edward G. Holley. “James, Hannah Pickard (1833-1903).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 264-266. 1978. Crowe, William Joseph. “Verner W. Clapp as Opinion Leader and Change Agent in the Preservation of Library Materials.” Ph.D. Dissertation, Indiana University, 1986. 151 pp. Daily, Daniel L. “Donn Michael Farris: Theological Librarian of Duke University Divinity School, 1950-1992.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994. 57 pp. Danton, J. Periam. “Louis Round Wilson, 1876-1979.” Library Quarterly 50 (July 1980): 283-86. Dobbs, Marjo. “Women in Library Association Leadership, 1876-1900.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 199. 49 pp. Downs, Robert B. “Changing Trends in Academic Libraries.” In As Much to Learn as to Teach: Essays in Honor of Lester Asheim, ed. Joel M. Lee and Beth A. Hamilton, 203-16. Hamden, CT: Linnet Books, 1979. ––––––––. “McAnally, Arthur Monroe (1911-1972).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 347-349. 1978. ––––––––. Perspectives on the Past: An Autobiography. Metuchen, NJ.: Scarecrow Press, 1984. 225 pp. Du Mont, Rosemary Ruhig. “Jerrold Orne.” In Leaders in American Academic Librarianship (1983): 236-60. ––––––––. “Jerrold Orne: A Biographical Sketch.” Journal of Academic Librarianship (Mar. 1982): 20-25. Elam, Barbara Clark. “The Black Librarian, Black Authors, Black Publisher Connec- tion: The Relationship Between Black Librarians and Black Authors and Publish- ers.” In Culture Keepers: Enlightening and Empowering Our Communities, ed. Stanton F. Biddle, 59-76. Newark, NJ: Black Caucus, 1993. Proceedings of the First Na- tional Conference of African American Librarians, September 4-6, 1992. Fair, Ethel M. “Susan Grey Akers.” Bulletin of Bibliography 22 (Sept.-Dec. 1958): 145-46. Gambee, Budd L. “Crunden, Frederick Morgan (1842-1911).” In Dictionary of Ameri- can Library Biography, 103-105. 1978. 202 — Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries ––––––––. “Dickinson, Asa Don (1876-1960).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 135. 1978. ––––––––. “Fairchild, Mary Salome Cutler (June 21, 1855 - December 20, 1921).” In Dictionary of American Biography 6: 254-55. 1931. ––––––––. “Green, Samuel Swett (1837-1918).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 212-16, 1978. ––––––––. “Hewins, Caroline M. (1846-1926).” In ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services, 348-49. Third Ed. 1993. ––––––––. “Hewins, Caroline Maria (1846-1926).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 240-43. 1978. Harper, Margaret. “David Stick: Promoter of Libraries.” In A Half Century in Coastal History, ed. David Stick, 31-34. 1987. Hepfer, Cindy. “A Tribute to Marcia Tuttle on Her Retirement.” Serials Review 23 (Summer 1997): 1-30. Hickey, Doralyn J. “Dunkin, Paul Shaner (1905-1975).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 147-48. 1978. Holley, E. Jens. “Edward G. Holley: A Select Bibliography.” In For the Good of the Order: Essays in Honor of Edward G. Holley, ed. Delmus E. Williams, 341-47. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1994. “Holley, Edward G(ailon).” In Current Biography, 179-81. 1974. Holley, Edward G. “Asheim, Lester E. (1914- ).” In ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services, 83-84. Third Ed. 1993. ––––––––. Charles Evans: American Bibliography. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1963. 343 pp. ––––––––. “Charles Harvey Brown.” In Leaders in American Academic Librarianship, 11- 48. 1983. ––––––––. “The Centenary of a Giant of Librarianship: Louis Round Wilson.” In The ALA Yearbook, xxxi-xxxiii. 1977. ––––––––. “Evans, Charles (1850-1935).” In ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services, 288-89. Third ed. 1993. ––––––––. “Evans, Charles (1850-1935).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 162-67. 1978. ––––––––. “Honoring Haynes McMullen.” Journal of Library History 21 (Winter 1986): 4-7. ––––––––. “Librarians, 1876-1976.” Library Trends 25 (July 1967): 177-207. ––––––––. “Library Issues in the Seventies.” In As Much to Learn as to Teach: Essays in Honor of Lester Asheim, ed. Joel M. Lee and Beth A. Hamilton, 25-37. Hamden, CT: Linnet Books, 1979. ––––––––. “Mr. ACRL: Charles Harvey Brown (1875-1960).” Journal of Academic Librarianship 7 (Nov. 1981): 271-78. ––––––––. “Robinson, Otis Hall (1835-1912).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 439-441. 1978. Holley, Edward G. “Scholars, Gentle Ladies, and Entrepreneurs: American Library Leaders, 1876-1976.” In Milestones to the Present: Papers from Library History Seminar V, ed. Harold Goldstein, 80-108. Syracuse: Gaylord Professional Publica- tions, 1978. Johnson, Mary Frances K. “Douglas, Mary Teresa Peacock (1903-1970).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 139-44. 1978. North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 203 Jones, Plummer Alston, Jr. “American Public Library Service to the Immigrant Community, 1876-1948; A Biographical History of the Movement and Its Leaders: Jane Maud Campbell (1869-1947), John Foster Carr (1869-1939), Eleanor (Edwards) Ledbetter (1870-1954), and Edna Phillips (1890-1968),” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1991. ––––––––. “Canadian Public Library Service to a Multicultural Society: An American Praises Canadian Distinctiveness.” Epilogue: Canadian Bulletin for the History of Books, Libraries, and Archives, Number 1 (Fall 1991): 1-18. ––––––––. “Leaders in Library Work with Immigrants: Edna Phillips (1890–1968), Librar- ian and Adult Educator: Part I.” EMIE [Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table] Bulletin 21 (Summer 2004): 1, 3-6; “Part II.” (Fall 2004): 1, 5-10. ––––––––. “Leaders in Library Work with Immigrants: John Foster Carr (1869–1939), Propagandist for Americanization: Part I.” EMIE Bulletin 21 (Winter 2003): 1, 7- 11); “Part II” (Spring 2004): 1, 3-8. ––––––––. “Leaders in Library Work with Immigrants: Eleanor (Edwards) Ledbetter: Part I: The Broadway Branch of the Cleveland Public Library and the Cleveland Ameri- canization Committee Years, 1910-1919.” EMIE Bulletin 20 (Winter 2002): 1, 4-9; “Part II: American Library Association Committee on Work with the Foreign born, Work as Bibliographer and Translator, Final Years at Broadway Branch of the Cleveland Public Library, and Retirement, 1919-1963,” EMIE Bulletin 20 (Spring 2003): 1, 4-7, “Part II: Conclusion,” EMIE Bulletin 20 (Summer 2003): 8-11. ––––––––. “Leaders in Library Work with Immigrants: Jane Maud Campbell, 1869-1947, Part I: The Newark and Passaic Years, 1906-1910.” EMIE Bulletin (ALA Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table) 19 (Spring 2002): 1, 4, 10-11; Part II: The North American Civic League for Immigrants Years, 1910-1913.” EMIE Bulletin 19 (Summer 2002): 1, 4-6; Part III: The Massachusetts Free Public Library Commission Years, 1913-1922. EMIE Bulletin 19 (Fall 2002): 1, 4-6. Jones, Theodore. Carnegie Libraries across America: A Public Legacy. Washington, D.C.: Preservation Press, 1997. 1 Jordan, Casper LeRoy. “Monroe Nathan Work (1866-1945).” In Handbook of Black Librarianship, 22, 270. 2000. Kaser, David. “Andrew Carnegie and the Black College Libraries.” In For the Good of the Order: Essays in Honor of Edward G. Holley, ed. Delmus E. Williams, 119-33. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1994. (With Kester, Diane D.). “Frances Henne and the Development of School Library Standards.” Library Trends 52 (Spring 2004): 952-62. Kilgour, Frederick G. Collected Papers of Frederick G. Kilgour: Early Years. 2 vols. Dublin, OH: OCLC, 1984. pp. –––––––. “Justin Winsor.” College and Research Libraries 3 (Dec. 1941): 64-66. Kingsbury, Mary. “Book Collector, Bibliographer, and Benefactor of Libraries: Sir William Osler.” Journal of Library History 16 (Winter 1987): 187-98. ––––––––. “Isom, Mary Frances (1865-1900).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 761-63. 1978. ––––––––. “Power, Effie Louise (1873-1969).” In ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services, 671-72. Third ed. 1993. ––––––––. “Shedlock, Marie L. (1854-1935).” In Dictionary of American Library Biogra- phy, 481-82, 1978. Krass, Peter. Carnegie. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2002. 674 pp. Kraus, Joe W. “Downs, Robert B. (1903-1991).” In ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services, 257-58. Third ed. 1993. 204 — Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries Lester, Robert M. “The Carnegie Corporation and the Library Renaissance in the South.” Wilson Library Bulletin 31 (1956): 255-59. Logsdon, Robert L. “Rush, Charles Everett (1885-1958).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 450-52, 1978. “Louis Round Wilson: Papers in Recognition of a Distinguished Career in Librarianship.” Library Quarterly 12 (1942): 339-773. Mackey, Monique F. “Our Thanks to Father Andy: A Look at the Life of Andrew Carnegie and the Effect of His Philanthropy on the Provision of Library Service in the Southern United States (1876-1930).” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1997. 60 pp. Mallory, Mary. “The Rare Vision of Mary Utopia Rothrock: Organizing Regional Library Services in the Tennessee Valley.” Library Quarterly 65 (Jan. 1995): 62-68. Martin, Robert Sidney. “The Gospel of Education: Louis Round Wilson.” North Carolina Libraries 50 (1992): 22-25. ––––––––. “Louis Round Wilson and the Library Standards of the Southern Associa- tion, 1926-1929.” Journal of Library History 19 (Spring 1984): 259-81. ––––––––. “Louis Round Wilson at the University of North Carolina, 1901-1932.” Ph.D. Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1988. 805 pp. ––––––––. “Maurice F. Tauber’s Louis Round Wilson: An Analysis of a Collaboration.” Journal of Library History 19 (Summer 1984): 373-89. ––––––––, ed. Carnegie Denied: Communities Rejecting Carnegie Library Construction Grants, 1898-1925. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1993. Martz, David J., Jr. “Dr. Harvie Branscomb, the Reluctant Librarian.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1975. 80 pp. Mathis, G. Ray. “Louis Round Wilson’s Decision to Remain at the University of North Carolina.” Journal of Library History 4 (July 1969): 256-64. McGrath, Eileen. “Asheim, Lester (1914-1997).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 9-13. 2003. McMullen, Haynes. “American Librarians and the Pursuit of Happiness.” In As Much to Learn as to Teach: Essays in Honor of Lester Asheim, ed. Joel M. Lee and Beth A. Hamilton, 51-82. Hamden, CT: Linnet Books, 1979. ––––––––. “Bowker, R.R. (1848-1933).” In Ala World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services, 140-42. Third ed. 1993. ––––––––. “Fellows, Jennie Dorcas (1873-1938).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 173-174. 1978. ––––––––. “J.C.M. Hanson, 1864-1943.” In Pioneering Leaders in Librarianship, ed. Emily M. Danton, 85-96. 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Moses, Sibyl E. “The Influence of Philanthropic Agencies on the Development of Monroe Nathan Work’s Bibliography of the Negro in Africa and America.” Libraries & Culture 31 (Spring 1966): 326-41. Nixon, Thomas Jones IV. “Andy Horn, UNC Librarian, 1954-1957: An Overview and Assessment.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1980. 123 pp. Nixon, Tommy. “Interview with Edward G. Holley, Chapel Hill, NC, April 27, 1998.” North Carolina Libraries 56 (Summer 1998): 65-70. Orne, Jerrold, ed. Research Librarianship: Essays in Honor of Robert B. Downs. New York: Bowker, 1971. 162 Poole, Herbert. “Jerrold Orne: A Biography.” In Academic Libraries in the Year 2000: Essays Honoring Jerrold Orne, ed. Herbert Poole, 1-6. New York: Bowker, 1977. “Powell, Benjamin E(dward).” In Current Biography, 366-367. 1959. Powell, Benjamin E. “Lawrence Quincy Mumford: Twenty Years of Progress.” Quar- terly Journal of the Library of Congress 33 (July 1976): 269-87. Radford, Neil A. The Carnegie Corporation and the Development of American College Libraries, 1928-1941. Chicago: American Library Association, 1984. 257 pp. Randall, William M. “Louis R. Wilson and the Graduate Library School.” Library Quarterly 12 (July 1942): 645-50. Richardson, John V., Jr. “Louis Round Wilson.” In Leaders in American Academic Librarianship, 373-399. 1983. Robertson, W. Davenport, and Edward G. Holley. “Eames, Wilberforce (1855-1937).” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 148-153. 1978. Rogers, Rutherford D. “LQM [Lawrence Quincy Mumford] of LC.” Bulletin of Bibliog- raphy 25 (Sept.-Dec. 1968): 161-65. Rush, Charles E. “Another Pioneer Is Honored in His Own Country.” Library Quarterly 12 (July 1942): 675-78. [Louis R. 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Dissertation, Columbia University, 1977. 263 pp. Smith, Jessie Carney. “Sweet Sixteen: Black Women Librarians, 1882-1992.” In Culture Keepers: Enlightening and Empowering Our Communities, ed. Stanton F. 206 — Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries Biddle, 118-126. Westwood, MA: Faxon Press, 1993. Proceedings of the First National Conference of African-American Librarians, September 4-6, 1992. Includes Annette Phinazee. Spiller, Benjamin F. “Phinazee, Althea Annette Lewis Hoage.” In Dictionary of Ameri- can Library Biography, 173-74. 2003. Suen, Ming Tung. “Robert Bingham Downs and Academic Librarianship.” Master’s Thesis, Southern Connecticut State College, 1967. 75 pp. Tankersley, Pamela Bell. “George Washington Vanderbilt and His Biltmore Books.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1982. 40 pp. Tauber, Maurice F. “The Contributions of Louis Round Wilson to Librarianship.” Wilson Library Bulletin 31 (Dec. 1956): 315-23. ––––––––. Louis R. Wilson: A Biographical Sketch. Chapel Hill: Friends of the [Univer- sity of North Carolina] Library, 1956. 18 pp. ––––––––. Louis Round Wilson: Librarian and Administrator. New York: Columbia University Press, 1967. 291 pp. Thornton, Mary Lindsay. “Bibliography of Louis Round Wilson.” Library Quarterly 12 (July 1942): 339-42. Tucker, John Mark. “Work, Monroe Nathan.” In Dictionary of American Library Biography, 227-230. 2003. Valentine, Patrick. “Mollie Huston Lee: Founder of Raleigh’s First Branch Black Library.” North Carolina Libraries 56 (Spring 1998): 23-26. Weaver, Francis A. “An Analytical Description of the Papers of Louis Round Wilson Which Relate to the History of Professional Librarianship in the United States.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1977. 121 pp. ––––––––. Louis Round Wilson: The Years Since 1955. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Friends of the Library, 1976. 9 pp. ––––––––. “Wilson, Louis Round (1876-1979).” In ALA World Encyclopedia of Library and Information Services, 866-67. Third ed. 1993. Werkley, Caroline E. Mister Carnegie’s Library. New York: American Heritage Press, 1970. 280 pp. Wiegand, Wayne. Leaders in American Academic Librarianship, 1925-1975. Chicago: American Library Association, 1983. 419 pp. Wiley, Lynn N. “Mary Elizabeth Poole, Documents Department Head, D.H. Hill Library, North Carolina State University, 1944-1980.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1980. 56 pp. Williams, Delmus E., ed. For the Good of the Order: Essays Written in Honor of Edward G. Holley. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1994. 370 Wilson, Louis Round. “Frederick P. Keppel, 1875-1943.” Library Quarterly 14 (Jan. 1944): 55-56. ––––––––. Library Planning: A Working Memorandum Prepared for the American Library Association. Chicago: American Library Association, 1944. 93 pp. ––––––––. “Pierce Butler, 1886-1953.” North Carolina Libraries 11 (May 1953): 70. Wilson, Louis Round, ed. The Practice of Book Selection: Papers Presented before the Library Institute at the University of Chicago, July 31 to August 13, 1939. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1940. 368 Winslow, Amy. “Charles Everett Rush.” Bulletin of Bibliography 18 (Jan.-Apr. 1946): 193-94. North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 207 York, Maurice C. “Alexandre Vattemare’s System of International Exchanges in North Carolina.” North Carolina Libraries 56 (Spring 1998): 11-15. Young, Arthur P. “Robert Bingham Downs.” Leaders in American Academic Librarianship (1983): 72-93. Barns, James F., Jr. “The Publications of the North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1981. 21 pp. Barrows, William David. “Organizing a Technical Report Collection: A Case Study.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1978. 36 pp. Benedict, Sandra Alison. “The Publications of the State Center for Health Statistics.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1986. 44 pp. Boeringer, Margaret J. “Joseph Gales, North Carolina Printer.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1989. 122 pp. Bumbalough, Heather. “The Creation of the North Carolina Government Informa- tion Locater Service.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998. 13 pp. DeMaria, Mary Ellen. “Freedom of Access to Government Information: An Anno- tated Bibliography.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1986. 31 pp. Donnally, Anna Yount. “A Study of the History and Publications of the North Caro- lina Division of Marine Fisheries.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1986. 39 pp. “James Davis, North State’s First Printing Press.” In Heritage of Craven County, North Carolina, 8-9. Jenkins, William Sumner. A Guide to the Microfilm Collection of Early State Records. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress Photoduplication Service, 1950. Kessler, Ridley R., Jr. “A Brief History of the Federal Depository Library Program: A Per- sonal Perspective.” Journal of Government Information 23 (July/Aug. 1996): 369-80. Langelier, Patricia Anne. “A Survey of Bibliographic Standards for the Production of State Publications.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1978. 49 pp. Lawrence, John Raynor Moore. “Preservation and Conservation in Federal Deposi- tory Libraries.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1985. 39 pp. McClintock, Susan Floyd. “Collection Development in the North Carolina Commis- sion of Indian Affairs Library.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, Univer- sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1984. 44 pp. McGown, William Leroy. “Factors Affecting the Availability of Official North Caro- lina State Publications.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1976. 44 pp. Miller, Sarah Jordan. “The Depository System: A History of the Distribution of Fed- eral Government Publications to Libraries of the United States from the Early Years of the Nation until 1895.” D.L.S., Columbia University, 1980. 728 pp. North Carolina State College of Agriculture and Engineering of the University, Raleigh. 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Pressley, Gary James. “The Publications of the Labor Market Information Division of the North Carolina Employment Security Commission.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1984. 29 pp. Reavis, Scott Aaron. “James Davis: North Carolina’s First Printer.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000. 52 pp. Schwartz, Mary Ellen Verzaro. “Official and Unofficial Literature of the Confederate Memorial Department.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1972. 32 pp. Sudduth, Elizabeth Ann. “The Publications of the Child Care Commission of the Department of Human Resources of North Carolina.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1985. 28 pp. Sumner, Jim. “Telling the Story: Museums and Libraries Partner to Make Sport History Live.” North Carolina Libraries 59 (2001): 61-63. Thornton, Mary Lindsay. Official Publications of the Colony and State of North Caro- lina, 1749-1939: A Bibliography. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1954. 347 pp. Tucker, Mary N. “The Office of the Secretary of State of North Carolina and Publica- tions.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1989. 29 pp. Van Fossen, Michael. “Government Information.” North Carolina Libraries 55 (Fall 1997): 107-31. Wolford, Valerie Eslyn. “The Publications of the Wildlife Sources Commission of the Department of Natural Resources and Community Development of North Carolina.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Caro- lina at Chapel Hill, 1986. 68 pp. York, Maurice C. “Whither State Documents?” North Carolina Libraries 57 (Summer 1999): 84. North Carolina State Library Advisory Committee for North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources. North Carolina’s Libraries: Their Role, Statements of Mission, and Purpose. Chapel Hill: Committee, 1983. 12 pp. Feehan, Patricia Ellen. “State Library Agency Youth Services Consultants: Their Potential as Agents of Change.” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1991. 260 pp. Harden, Gary, and Joel Sigmon. “State Library of North Carolina Internal Informa- tion Project.” North Carolina Libraries 52 (Summer 1994): 87-88. Hollingsworth, Robin. “The Origins of the North Carolina State Library, 1700- 1840.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1999. 22 pp. Information Unlimited: North Carolina’s Long-Range Program for Library Service. Raleigh: Office of State Library, 1972. Jones, Vicki Anderson. “An Analysis of the North Carolina State Library Processing Center.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1966. 61 pp. Medina, Sue O’Neal. “The Role of the State Library Agency in the Future: A Delphi Study.” Ph.D. Dissertation, Florida State University, 1983. 164 pp. Special Libraries and Private Libraries North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 209 Mitchell, Thornton. The State Library and Library Development in North Carolina. Raleigh: State Library, 1983. 164 pp. North Carolina Governor’s Conference on Library and Information Services. Confer- ence Report. Raleigh: Division of State Library, 1979. 41 pp. Shavit, David. “The Impact of Federal Aid on State Library Agencies : Selected Case Studies.” D.L.S. Dissertation, Columbia University, 1984. 244 pp. Smith, Alberta. Access to Information for North Carolinians. Raleigh: Division of State Library, N.C. Dept. of Cultural Resources, 1981. 75 pp. Thompson, Cynthia Stratton. “The State Library and the Academic Libraries of North Carolina: A Study of Interlibrary Cooperation with Emphasis on the North Carolina Information Network.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1975. 40 pp. Wiegand, Wayne. “The Historical Development of State Library Agencies.” In State Library Services and Issues: Facing Future Challenges, ed. Charles R. McClure, 1-16. Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing, 1986. York, Maurice C. “Born Again: Rebuilding the North Carolina State Library, 1834- 1847.” North Carolina Libraries 58 (Spring 1990): 31-34. –––––––. “A History of the North Carolina State Library.” Master’s Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1978. 110 pp. Other Libraries Adler, Jennifer Brooke. “Contents of Three North Carolina Sunday School Libraries of around 1900.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1977. 74 pp. Alexander, Stacie Lyon. “The History of the North Carolina Collection under the Leadership of Mary Lindsay Thornton, 1917-1958.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1993. 67 pp. Anthony, Robert G., Jr. “Bringing Boston Books to the Carolina Mountains: Charles Hallet Wing and the Good-Will Free Library at Ledges.” North Carolina Libraries 56 (Spring 1998): 16-18. ––––––––. “The Library of David Stone (1770-1818): The Non-Law Collection.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1982. 91 pp. ––––––––. Restoring a Historic Early 19th-Century Library. Clifton, NJ and Windsor, NC: AB Bookman Publications; Dist. by Historic Hope Foundation, 1986. 5 pp. Ashley, Kimberly Jo Hoover. “Moving up the Value Chain: Strategic Considerations for Transitioning the Corporate Library.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000. 73 pp. Boone, Barbara Jean. “Religious Publications in North Carolina During the Civil War.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1976. 32 pp. Coates, Albert. “Law School Library.” North Carolina Law Review 47 (Oct. 1968): 61-65. Combs, Dorothy Lynn. “A Case Study of Prison Libraries: The Library of Alamance Correctional Unit. Graham, North Carolina.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1974. 43 pp. Cumming, William P. The Southeast in Early Maps. Third edition, revised and en- larged by Louis DeVoray Dickerson and Thomas James, Jr. Chapel Hill: Univer- sity of North Carolina Press, 1998. 275 pp. Dickerson, Thomas James Jr. “The Rare Book Collection of the Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina.” Master’s Paper, School of Library 210 — Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1985. 25 pp. Dillard, Thomas W., Jr. “A Survey of National Park Service Field Libraries in the Southeast.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Caro- lina at Chapel Hill, 1977. 61 pp. Donegan, Margaret Anna. “The Josiah Charles Trent Collection in the History of Medi- cine — Its History and Development.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1971. 39 pp. Farr, Louis M. “The History of the Buncombe County Medical Library.” North Caro- lina Medical Journal 15 (Feb. 1954): 87-89. Frost, Cynthia J. “Evaluating a Library’s Services to Patrons with Disabilities: A Task Force Approach.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994. 43 pp. Gambill, Joy M. “The Role of Church Libraries in Rural Communities.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1992. 58 pp. Gauthier, Anita Wilburn. “An Analysis of the Herald-Sun Newspaper Library.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1978. 108 pp. Gibson, John Kenneth. “The Thomas Bray Libraries, St. Thomas Parish, Pamlico (Bath, North Carolina), 1700: A Bibliographical and Historical Analysis.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1986. 224 pp. Goode, Susan E. “Steps Taken and Resources Used to Write a Grant Proposal for the Tammy Lynn Center for Developmental Disabilities’ Parent Resource Center.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000. 51 pp. Griggs, Karen. “Information-Seeking Behavior of Science and Engineering Research- ers at the Environmental Agency Library in Research Triangle Park, North Caro- lina: Factors Influencing Choices to Perform a Self-Search or to Request a Medi- ated Search.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, Univer- sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998. 37 pp. Herman, Lynda Elizabeth. “The Provision of Religious Materials for Children by Four Church Libraries and One Public Library in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1974. 56 pp. Hicks, Lois Elizabeth. “A Case Study of a K5-12 Evangelical Church School and Its Media Collection — with Recommendations for Library Collaboration with Similar Schools.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1990. 45 pp. Hill, Linda Marshall. “Reading and Library Interests of Inmates in Three North Carolina Correctional Facilities.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1978. 66 pp. Horne, Daniel C. “A Medical Library for the Public: Starting and Running a Con- sumer Health Library.” North Carolina Libraries 57 (Fall 1997): 110-13. Horres, Mary M. “Research in Medical Librarianship: A Practitioner’s View.” Bookmark (North Carolina) 51 and 52 (1982): 128-37. Houlette, William Dale. “Plantation and Parish Libraries in the Old South.” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Iowa., 1933. 180 pp. ––––––––. “Sources of Books for the Old South.” Library Quarterly 28 (July 1958): 194-201. Hutton, Emily C. “The Effectiveness of National Collection Development Policy in Regional Libraries for the Blind and Physically Handicapped in New Jersey and North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 211 North Carolina.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1983. 30 pp. Isley, Mitta P. “A Business Reference Collection for the Frank Hawkins Kenan Insti- tute of Private Enterprise, Graduate School of Business, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1989. 31 pp. Keck, Carol Avis. “What Is It Like to Be a Special Librarian.” North Carolina Libraries 60 (2002): 112-15. Knowlton, Sean P. “The Future of Latin American Area Studies Librarianship.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002. 62 pp. Kraus, Joe W. “Libraries of the Young Men’s Christian Association in the Nineteenth Century.” Journal of Library History 10 (Jan. 1975): 3-21. Lanier Library Association. Lanier Library, 1890-1965: Diamond Jubilee. Tryon, NC: Lanier Library Association. 128 pp. Leonard, Harriet V. “The Divinity School Library: The Historical Background Since 1850.” Library Notes of Duke University 43 (Nov. 1972): 19-41. Leverette, Sarah, and Lucille Elliott. “History of the Carolina South Eastern Chapter [of the American Association of Law Libraries], 1937-1955.” Law Library Journal 49 (May 1972): 180-85. Maupin, Melanie Jo. “The History of the Printing Press at the North Carolina Institu- tion for the Deaf and Dumb and the Blind in Raleigh.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1984. 37 pp. Mayo, Deborah Arlene. “The Establishment, Development and Maintenance of the North Carolina Central University Law School Library: A History.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1978. 46 pp. McGrath, Eileen. “Hayes Library and the Private Library in Antebellum North Caro- lina.” North Carolina Libraries 50 (Spring 1992): 19-21. ––––––––. “‘in My Mind I’m Going to Carolina’: Bruce Cotten’s Passion for North Caroliniana.” North Carolina Libraries 56 (1998): 19-22. McLain, Ann. “The History of the Glaxo Inc. Library, 1981-1990.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1990. 73 pp. McMullen, Haynes. “Ralph Waldo Emerson and Libraries.” Library Quarterly 25 (April 1955): 152-62. Negoro, Karin Sue. “Evaluation and Recommendations for the Library of the Insti- tute of Marine Sciences, Morehead City, North Carolina.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1977. 39 pp. Payne, F. Elizabeth. “The Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Library: Analysis of User-Survey Response with Recommendations for the Future.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1982. 39 pp. Shuster, Robert D., James Stambaugh, and Ferne Weimer. Research Modern Evangelism: A Guide to the Holdings of the Billy Graham Center, with Information on Other Collections. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990. 353 pp. Smith, Alberta. “The Air Pollution Technical Information Center: A History of Its Development, Operation and Dissolution.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1976. 53 pp. Spearman, R. Alan. “The Johnston Library at Hayes Plantation: The Character of the 212 — Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries Eighteenth Century Library and Its Evolution in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1988. 94 pp. Spence, Thomas Hugh, Jr. The Historical Foundation and Its Treasures. Montreat: Historical Foundation Publications, 1956. 174 pp. Sterrett, Judith Carter. “The Bell Laboratories Information Libraries Network: A Case Study.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1977. 56 pp. Taylor, Laurie E. “A History of the Environmental Protection Agency Air Information Center.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 32 pp. Towe, Susan J. “Quality Customer Service at Seymour Johnston Air Force Base Library: A Customer Community Survey.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1993. 67 pp. Wagoner, Barbara Pritchett. “Area Health Education Centers: A North Carolina System of Community Hospital Libraries.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1974. 57 pp. Whitener, Betty Lynn. “The Health Services Research Centers: A North Carolina System of Community Hospital Libraries.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1985. 57 pp. Wilkinson, William Ronald. “The F. Stuart Chapin, Jr., Planning Library: An Exami- nation of the Difficulties of Organizing Academic Collections in Urban and Regional Planning.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1982. 45 pp. Winters, Clarence and Melba. “Mormon’s Genealogy Library.” In Heritage of Catawba County, North Carolina, vol. 1: 10. Wong, Russell J. “The Emergence of the Music Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1989. 34 pp. Wonnacott, Barbara Berger. “Services to Academic Users Offered by the North Carolina Science and Technology Research Center: An Assessment.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1973. 71 pp. Yarborough, Margaretta Jane. “Library Services to the Strands: North Carolina’s Lighthouse Libraries.” North Carolina Libraries 50 (Spring 1992): 27-30. Bates, Nancy Pritchette. “The History of the Classification and Cataloging of Maps as Shown in Printed Book Catalogues from Sixteen United States Libraries Issued from 1827 through 1907.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1954. 73 pp. Bonds, Mark Evan. “Guidelines for the Establishment of a Cooperative Acquisitions Program between the Music Libraries of Duke University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, Uni- versity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1978. 56 pp. Broadus, Robert N. “Collection Development: Library Use and User Studies in the Last Ten Years.” Bookmark (North Carolina) 51 and 52 (1982): 54-63. Byrd, Gary D., et al. “Lessons from the History of the Triangle Research Libraries Network … The Evolution of a Cooperative Online Network.” Library Journal 110 (Feb. 1, 1985): 71-77. Clark, David Sanders, comp. Index to Maps of North Carolina in Books and Periodicals, Technical Services North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 213 Illustrating the History of the State from the Voyage of Verrazzano in 1524 to 1975. Fayetteville: David Sanders Clark, 1976. 229 pp. Davis, Charles H. “Information Science and Libraries: A Note on the Contribution of Information Science to Librarianship.” Bookmark (North Carolina) 51 and 52 (1982): 84-96. Documenting the American South. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, n.d. Dowell, Arlene Taylor. AACR 2 Headings: A Five-Year Projection of Their Impact on Catalogs. Littleton, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1983. 145 pp. Downs, Robert B. Union Catalogs in the United States. Chicago: American Library Association, 1942. 409 pp. Drum, Eunice P., Joel Sigmon, and Denise Sigmon. “The State Library and LAMBDA [Local Access to the Management of Bibliographic Data and Authorities.” North Carolina Libraries 42 (1984): 61-65. Fuller, Margaret Anne. “SOLINET: Its History and Its Potential.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1975. 82 pp. Gabor, Barbara Theresa. “A Study of Libraries and Unionization, Including the Opinions of Librarians at Duke University and the Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1972. 49 Gambee, Budd L., and Ruth R. Gambee. “Reference Services and Technology.” In A Century of Service: Librarianship in the United States and Canada, ed. Sidney L. Jackson, Eleanor B. Herling and E.J. Josey, 169-191. Chicago: American Library Association, 1976. Garvin, Cynthia S. “A Document Delivery Services Cost Model: Implementing the Triangle Research Libraries Network Document Delivery System.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1995. 67 pp. Gelato, Maryann. “Providing Internet Access: Our Public Library [Durham County Public Library].” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1999. 30 pp. Goedeken, Edward A. “Serials Then and Now: Historical Aspects of Serial Literature Since 1850.” Serials Librarian 37, no. 1-2 (1999): 55-91, 111-17. Heim, Kathleen M. “Social Science Data Archives: A New Study.” Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980. 304 pp. Hewitt, Joe A. “Research in Bibliographic Control.” Bookmark (North Carolina) 51 and 52 (1982): 97-112. ––––––––. “The Triangle Research Libraries Network.” North Carolina Libraries 42 (1984): 68-72. Hickey, Doralyn J. Problems in Organizing Library Collections. New York: Bowker, 1972. 206 pp. Hudson, Douglas. “The Development of a Holistic Approach to Preservation and Technology Issues in the Construction and Renovation of Special Collections Facilities.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1998. 40 pp. Jones, H.G., and Julius H. Avent, eds. Union List of North Carolina Newspapers, 1751- 1900. Raleigh: State Department of Archives and History, 1963. 152 pp. Jones, Plummer Alston, Jr. “The Executive Briefing: A Management Tool for Improv- ing Communication between School Library Media Specialists and Their Princi- pals.” Knowledge Quest 32 (Nov./Dec. 2003): 30–34. 214 — Winter 2004 North Carolina Libraries ––––––––. “North Carolina Library Networks: A Bibliography on Library Cooperation In- volving the Old North State.” North Carolina Libraries 50 (Special Issue 1992): 32-36. ––––––––. “Vox Populi, Vox Dei; or, Measuring the ‘Goodness’ of College Libraries: A Case Study.” North Carolina Libraries 46 (Winter 1988): 202-207. ––––––––, and Connie L. Keller. “From Budget Allocation to Collection Develop- ment: A System for the Small College Library.” Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory 17 (Summer 1993): 183-89. Katz, Ruth M. “Zones of Cooperation: Aspects of Network Development.” North Carolina Libraries 42 (Summer 1984): 58-60. Kern, Matthew. “Digital Neighborhoods: An Analysis of Local History Materials in the Digital World.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002. 63 pp. Kester, Diane D., and Plummer Alston Jones, Jr. “Library Cooperation and the Development of the North Carolina Information Network (NCIN): From the Great Depression Years to 1992.” North Carolina Libraries 60 (2002): 86-102. Kilgour, Frederick G. “History of Library Computerization.” Journal of Library Auto- mation 3 (Sept. 1970): 218-29. 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Peng, Yutao. “Information Quality of the Jordan Institute for Families Web Site.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2002. 60 pp. Polutta, Melanie. “Who Are They and Why Are They Here?”: A New Analysis of the Digital Library: Beginnings to 1920.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1999. 60 pp. Porter, Gretchen Canada. “Models of Cooperative Collection Management in Academic Research Libraries: A Critical Comparison.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2000. 44 pp. North Carolina Libraries Winter 2004 — 215 Recupero, Lisa A. “Evaluation of Programs for the Storage and Retrieval of Carto- graphic Data.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1992. 111 pp. Rose, Leola Myrick, and Paul S. Ballance. 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Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1994. Stansbery, Mary Kay Matthew. “Attitudes of Selected Graduate Faculty toward the Use of Library Funds to Pay for Electronic Access to Scholarly Journals.” Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas Woman’s University, 1986. 184 pp. Stewart, Alva W. Historic Preservation in North Carolina: A Checklist. Monticello, IL: Vance Bibliographies, 1983. 12 pp. Stockton, David A. “Linking the Members of the Triangle Research Libraries Net- work: Multi-Institutional Searching.” Master’s Paper, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1988. 38 pp. Taylor, David C. Managing the Serials Explosion: The Issues for Publishers and Libraries. White Plains, NY: Knowledge Industry Publications, 1982. 156 pp. Tibbo, Helen Ruth. “Abstracts, Online Searching, and the Humanities: An Analysis of the Structure and Content of Abstracts of Historical Discourse.” Ph.D. Disser- tations, University of Maryland, 1989. 879 pp. Tillett, Barbara B. “Catalog It Once and for All: A History of Cooperative Cataloging in the United States Prior to 1967 (before Marc).” Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 17, no. 3-4 (1993): 3-38. Tomlinson, Charles Edmund. “The North Carolina Union Catalog since 1968.” Master’s Paper, School of Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1973. 37 pp. Triangle Research Libraries Network. Task Force on the Union Guide to Microform Holdings. Checklist of Microfilm Collections in the Libraries of Duke University, North Carolina State University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. n.p., 1986. 243 pp. Tuttle, Helen W. “From Cutter to Computer: Technical Services in Academic and Re- search Libraries, 1876-1976.” College and Research Libraries 37 (Sept. 1976): 421-51. Tuttle, Marcia. Introduction to Serials Management. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1983. 324 pp. Wiegand, Wayne. “Catalog of “ALA” Library (1893): Origins of a Genre.” In For the Good of the Order: Essays in Honor of Edward G. Holley, ed. Delmus E. Williams, 324. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1994.