NCLwinter.04 Vice President, President Elect Carol G. Walters Director of Libraries, Sandhill Regional Library System BA (History/Political Science); MLS, University of North Carolina-Greensboro <> Statement of concern: The mission of my tenure would be to promote maximum visibility and accessibility to resources for libraries of all types by collaborating and engaging librarians from all settings to meet the changing needs, populations, and technologies of North Carolina libraries. Phillip K. Barton Director, Rowan Public Library BA (History and Political Science), Davis and Elkins College; MLS, Indiana University <> Statement of concern: It is imperative that • we actively recruit talented, motivated people to the profession • libraries be responsive to wide-ranging customer needs and be marketed effectively • we be effective players in the political arena of every community and institution. Libraries must have a seat at every political table! Slate of Candidates for Officers 2005-2007 Paula Pearce Hinton Social Sciences Reference Librarian, Davis Library, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill BS, Campbell University; MSLS, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; MSA, Central Michigan University <> Statement of concern: In this biennium, we are aware especially of the impor- tance of documenting NCLA’s work across the years. If elected secretary for the coming biennium, I would be creating an association record for assisting our work currently, and be providing simultaneously a record for the future. Julie Goyette Information Systems Librarian, High Point Public Library BA, University of Virginia; MLIS, University of North Carolina-Greensboro <> Statement of concern: If elected, I pledge to take the minutes of NCLA according to the policies of the organi- zation; providing thorough, accurate minutes to association members in a timely manner well within the guidelines. Secretary Tina Stepp Cataloger, Henderson County Public Library BA (Information Science), MLIS, University of South Carolina <> Statement of concern: If I am elected treasurer, I will bring 6 years of bookkeeping experience with a CPA firm with me. I will keep up-to-date financial records, will work with other NCLA officers to bring the best possible services to the members of NCLA, and will work hard on future conferences. Harry Cooke Director, Gaston College BS (Elementary Education), MA (Audiovisual Educa- tion), Appalachian State University; MLS, North Carolina Central University; EdD, Duke <> Statement of concern: Over the years I have served a number of organiza- tions in the area of finance always striving to pro- vide complete and accurate accounting. As your treasurer I will strive to enhance NCLA fund value as well as provide accurate and timely accounting functions. Treasurer (four-year term) Rodney Lippard ILS Workflow Librarian University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill BA, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; MLIS, University of North Carolina-Greensboro; PhD student, School of Education, University of North Carolina-Greensboro <> Statement of concern: What is public knowledge of librarianship? Librar- ians and library staff lead in gathering, sorting, organizing, and providing information; however, the layperson, focusing on the end product, rarely knows about our work, especially with new tech- nologies. Therefore, my concern and focus is to make our profession more visible to the public. Frances “Frannie” Ashburn Director, North Carolina Center for the Book, State Library of North Carolina BA (English), Wake Forest University; MLS, University of South Carolina <> Statement of concern: I can contribute a statewide perspective on all types of libraries and an enthusiastic approach to NCLA service. I would work hard to represent all members and to foster a spirit of collaboration and cooperation among our libraries. Directors (choose two) Ronald F. Ritter Technical Services Librarian, Davidson County Public Library System BA (Library Science), MA (Library Science), Appalachian State University <> Statement of concern: If I am elected Director at Large of NCLA, I will work with the membership committee on recruitment of new librarians and on addressing the concerns of NCLA members. During the next few years there will be a mass retirement of professional librarians throughout our state and recruitment will be very important at this time. Bryna R. Coonin Reference Librarian, Joyner Library, East Carolina University BA, University of Maryland at College Park; MSLS, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; MBA, Meredith College <> Statement of concern: Throughout my years of working in both public and academic libraries across North Carolina NCLA has remained the constant, offering to libraries advocacy, opportunities for staff development and professional growth, and (to me) a network of colleagues statewide. I see service on the Executive Board as an opportunity to help ensure that NCLA continues to remain a strong and responsive organization. Directors (continued) Kevin Cherry Visiting Instructor, Department of Library Science and Instructional Technology, East Carolina University BS (Biology), M.A. (History), MSLS, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; PhD student, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill <> Statement of concern I have served on NCLA’s Executive Board three terms, the editorial boards of North Carolina Libraries and Tar Heel Libraries, and on three confer- ence committees. I have worked in academic, public, and community college library settings, and feel that these experiences will help me represent NCLA on the ALA Council. Joel White Branch Library Supervisor, Southside Branch, Forsyth County Public Library BA (Communications), MLS, University of North Carolina-Greensboro <> Statement of concern: Recruitment and retention of quality library professionals are significant challenges faced by libraries today. ALA and NCLA, as organizations, can play a vital leadership role in these areas. I would like to strengthen these organizations by promoting dual membership and then direct the efforts of both to focus on these important issues. ALA Councilor (four-year term)