NCLspring.04 North Carolina Libraries Spring 2003 — 81 Instructions for Manuscript Preparation for North Carolina Libraries 1. North Carolina Libraries seeks to publish articles and reviews of print and nonprint materials of profes- sional interest to North Carolina librarians and the worldwide library community. All manuscripts solicited or unsolicited are forwarded to two editors from the NCL editorial board to referee and make recommendations regarding whether they should be published. Editors are not aware of the authors of the manuscripts they are refereeing. 2. Manuscripts should double-spaced (text and notes) and submitted on disc in Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format to Al Jones, Editor, North Carolina Libraries, at 3. The name, position, and professional address of the author should appear in the bottom left-hand corner of a separate title page. Each page should be numbered consecutively and carry the title (abbreviated, if necessary) in the upper left-hand corner. 4. Notes should appear at the end of the manuscript in a section called “References.” The NCL editors will refer to The Chicago Manual of Style, latest edition. The basic citation formats for books and periodical articles are as follows: 1. Keyes Metcalf, Planning Academic and Research Library Buildings (New York: McGraw Hill, 1965), 416. 2. Susan K. Martin, “The Care and Feeding of the MARC Format,” American Libraries 10 (Sept. 1970): 498. 5. Photographs should be submitted in a digital format. 6. The Editor will acknowledge receipt of each manu- script. Following the review of a manuscript by at least two jurors, the decision to publish or not to publish will be communicated to the author, along with the expected date of publication on the Web at 7. North Carolina Libraries holds the copyright for all published manuscripts. 8. North Carolina Libraries is indexed by the H. W. Wilson Company for Library Literature. The Indexer of North Carolina Libraries prepares an annual index that is published in the last issue of the calendar year. 9. North Carolina Libraries is a quarterly publication appearing in March (Spring), June (Summer), September (Fall), and December (Winter). Dead- lines for submission for material for consideration in each quarterly issue are January 1 (Spring), April 1 (Summer), July 1 (Fall), October 1 (Winter).