100 — Fall/Winter 2005 North Carolina Libraries NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD April 15, 2005 Archdale Public Library Greensboro, North Carolina ATTENDING: Jean Rick. Paula Hinton, Tom Nixon, Rodney Lippard, Beth L. Rowe, Gerald Holmes, Bao-Chu Chang, Jennie Hunt, Keith Burkhead, Kim Parrott, Lynne Lysiak, Catherine Wilkinson, Euthena Neuman, David M. Paynter, Mary Hatcher, Priscilla Lewis, Kathy Crowe, Irene Laube, Carol Laing, Sherwin Rice, Annis Barbee, Connie Keller, Diane Kester, John Via, Jeanne Crisp, Lisa Sheffield and Dale Cousins. Outreach No report. Conference Report John Via has extra copies of the James T. Hall poster for those who didn’t get one or would like another copy. "e summary of conference transactions results in a loss of $104.66. NCLA returned the advanced registrations for the Open Government Coalition to the Coalition. "e remaining stock in conference store has been transferred to next conference store. Vendors were not included in the conference registration, but numbered over 100. "e total registration for the conference was 1,194. Pay Equity Jennie Hunt reported that the committee has met and brainstormed about producing tools for change instead of simply collecting data and then bemoaning our salaries. "e committee would like to survey the library staff in North Carolina that would strive for a balance between useful information and maintaining the confidentiality of those surveyed. "e next meeting will be next Friday at Greensboro College. "e committee will present a report this fall. Jeanne Crisp said that the State Library may be able to provide some funding for the survey. "e committee was encouraged to apply for a grant. Organizational Issues Currently, the commitment to leadership ascending to the presidency of NCLA is eight years. It is the feeling of several board members that the term of eight years is too long. Several alternatives were discussed. One alternative is to have the past president serve as chair of the nominating committee. "is would result in a six year commitment. Several board members spoke to the advantage of this change. A shorter commitment would lead to easier recruitment. Traditionally the presidency rotated amoung the four types of libraries (academic, school, public, and community college). "is has not happened recently. Conscious efforts need to be made to engage the presidents in the conference over which they preside. One solution would be for the president to choose the conference theme. Robert Burgin Call to Order and Welcome Pauletta called the meeting to order at 10:10. Branch manager Naomi Galbreath welcomed to Archdale and invited us to look around. "e library would welcome meetings because of their location. President Bracy thanked Gerald Holmes, Keith Burkhead, and Jean Rick for helping with the meeting set-up. Adoption Of Agenda "e agenda was modified by moving the financial and membership and State Library reports before the committee reports. "e revised agenda was passed by voice vote Minutes of Previous Meeting "e minutes of the February 11, 2005 Executive Board Meeting were approved by voice vote. President’s Report Handbook revisions President Bracy provided an update on proposed changes to the handbook. "e handbook is to be revised after each Executive Board meeting and the revisions approved at the next board meeting. As a result, the handbook and bylaws will be continually updated. "e following changes were passed by voice vote: 1. "e role of treasurer and the administrative assistant were clarified. "e treasurer can write checks but cannot accept money or make deposits. "e administrative assistant accepts payments and deposits money. "erefore, the section concerning membership renewals (1:18) must be deleted. According to the bylaws, the membership must vote on this change. 2. "e Operations Committee will move from an ad hoc to a standing committee. Strategic Planning Claudia Gallop will be conducting a membership survey. "e license plate bill, Senate Bill 971, has been referred to the Senate Finance Committee. It will be considered late in the session. If passed, 300 requests must be made before the plates can be issues. A decision on the logo needs to be made. Fall/Winter 2005 — 101North Carolina Libraries will add to the conference 2005 handbook that the president, in conjunction with the conference committee, will develop a theme for the conference. Annual conference Several members of the Executive Board think moving to an annual conference is a great idea. With biennial conferences many members do not have a chance to participate in conference planning or attendance. Most states have annual conferences and the trend is not to have biennial conferences. Annual conferences would open up the association and engage more people in NCLA leadership. An annual cycle would eliminate the down time in a two year cycle. An annual conference would provide a continual incentive to be involved and to remain a member. Other members are opposed because an annual conference would interfere with section workshops in the non-conference year. "ese workshops generate the money for quality conference programming. "e reality is that is the same people work all the time and annual conference would not change this. An annual conference is a lot of work, thus time, as well as money, figures into this change. Perhaps we need more pre-conferences. It has been a struggle for to come up with programming year after year. Libraries are struggling now and might be unable to send people to annual conferences. Annual conferences could be shorter. Our conference is four days and that is too long. Vendor preferences need to be considered as well. Many vendors are not doing state conferences any more. Robert Burgin will survey the vendors of the 2005 conference. Vendors are “used” to annual conferences. Annual conferences would help with scheduling of vendors. Alternatives to conferences were also discussed. Suggestions included hosting forums and workshops around the state. "ese sessions could meet in smaller and less expensive places. Sections could schedule their workshops during this time. "is issue will need to go to the membership for a vote. It will be added to the ballot for next month with some pros and cons included. "e constitution and codes committee will see if there are any other changes to the handbook and bylaws needed if the decision of the membership is to move to annual conferences. If so, a general referendum will be created for a vote at the conference. Make it a positive referendum. Motion: Advisory Referendum of the membership to be added to the ballot for next month. Motion passed by voice vote. Constitution and Codes Committee is in charge of the ballot and will provide the information for the ballot. NCASL "e currently is no chair for NCASL. "ere has been limited attendance at the conference programs. At present there are the 95 members who are still members of NCLA. Carol Laing suggested combining with the Children’s Services Section. She will contact the 95 members after discussion with the members of the Children’s Services Section and seeing what they think. Membership Dale Cousins reported for Terri Wehrli. Changes in membership categories will need change in constitution and vote by membership. Discussion of how other organizations handle lifetime membership. It was decided that generally we do not have enough lifetime members to worry about this. Motion: Amendment to increase dues in July 1, 2005, instead of January 2006. Motion passed by raised hands. Motion: All contextual information will be on the NCLA website. URL will be on the ballot directing members to the contextual information on the web. "e ballot will be mailed. Motion passed by show of hands. Treasurer’s Report "e complete report is posted on the web. Diane Kester reports that there are changes from last report because of changes in conference accounting. "e funds reported for sections and round tables are for the current year. Balances are on the fund report. Bottom line is that we have cash in savings, CD, investment and checking accounts. We received $5000 in sales tax refunds. Endowment reports $27,084.70 invested in the North Carolina Community Foundation. "ere was a discussion of individual committee funds. Gerald Holmes moved that the report be accepted, seconded. "e treasurer’s report was approved by voice vote. Financial Statements Catherine Wilkinson reports we need to be cautious when projecting income. "e Leadership Institute will have to pay for itself. At this time, the budget does not have the funds to continue lobbying. "e Publications Committee has already expended their budget. Any additional money for publications will have to come from reserves. Jeanne Crisp reported that the State Library can offer money for the coming conference. "ere will be $10,000 to help sections, round tables, and committees for conference programming. Requests for grants should be submitted to NCLA for this money. NCLA will administer this grant, not the State Library. Also available are continuing education grants for NC libraries. "e State Library will also pay for two issues of Tar Heel Libraries. "e proposed dues increase will not cover expenses. Sections and round tables need to take an active role in recruiting new members and retaining current members. "e generation of membership must come from the sections and roundtables. Many staff may not know that their libraries will pay for memberships. People need to be motivated to join this organization. NCLA needs to be marketing its membership benefits and continual education opportunities. Paraprofessional survey shows that 50% of respondents would take advantage of educational opportunities even on their own time. Motion: Motion was made to approve budget as presented, seconded. Motion passed by voice vote. 102 — Fall/Winter 2005 North Carolina Libraries NC Libraries "e move to digital issues of North Carolina Libraries didn’t save any money because of layout charges. "e editor and several members of board have resigned. Ralph Scott has volunteered for the editorship and has a verbal commitment from vice-chancellor at East Carolina University to fund two years of print at ECU. Ralph Scott could also do the layout. "ere will be 4 online issues and one compiled print issue. We are awaiting formal approval from East Carolina University. According to the bylaws, the president appoints the editor. President Bracy will call Ralph Scott. "e executive board approved this appointment. President’s report concluded. Section/round Table Reports Business Librarianship in North Carolina No report. Children’s Services Section Carol Laing reports that the CSS section has made changes in their bylaws, worked on Chapbook (their quarterly newsletter), discussed fund raising suggestions and planning for a CSS fall conference is well underway. College and University Libraries Rodney Lippard reported the section is in planning stages for the 2005 conference. Community and Junior College Libraries Keith Burkhead reports on program planning for the 2005 conference. Plans are to have a program on new instructional technologies and a follow-up program on e-procurement. Government Resources Section (Documents) Beth Rowe reported for Bryna Coonin. "e section will have three programs at the 2005 conference. Ethnic Minority Concerns Gerald Holmes reports that REMCo is working on the next issue of their newsletter, conducting a state wide survey of library students of color attending LIS schools in North Carolina, planning two programs and an information table for the 2005 conference. Dr. Earl Smith, Director of American Ethnic Studies and Professor and Chairman of the Department of Sociology at Wake Forest University will speak at the REMCo Luncheon. REMCo is also exploring ways that NCLA can participate in the first Joint Conference of Librarians of Color in Dallas in October 2006. Library Administration and Management Mary Sizemore reported for Mary Ellen Chijioke that the main activity of the section is planning for the 2005 conference. "e section will sponsor a day long pre-conference on planning and organizing staff development. Two other programs are in planning stages: Bruce Lee for Managers and Superior Supervision Makes for a Supremely Happy Librarian. Also planned are the Personnel Interest Group Luncheon, Circulation Interest Group Breakfast and a welcome for new library staff. Bylaws were also amended. "e webmaster is Alan Keeley of Wake Forest University. Literacy No report NC Association of School Librarians No report NC Library Paraprofessional Association Annis Barbee reported on the Mutual Respect Survey. "e data can be found at "e Mutual Respect Task Force is preparing recommendations to bring to the executive board. "e comments on the survey were fascinating. "e section is also working on programming for the 2005 Conference. A program was presented at the Library Support Staff Enrichment Workshop in March on Internal Customer Service. NC Public Library Trustee Association Mary Hatcher reported that the NC Public Library Trustee Association is working on 2005 Conference. "ey will sponsor a session on planning for changing times. New Members Jennie Hunt reported on the Big Adventure on March 18. Fourteen people toured the libraries at Johnson and Wales University, the Charlotte Observer, the Charlotte and Mecklenberg Public Library and the library of Parker, Poe Adams and Bernstein. Planning is well underway for the 2005 Conference. An orientation reception for newest members will be held at 2:30 on Wed. Public Library Priscilla Lewis’ report is on the NCLA website. "ere are plans to sponsor or co-sponsor programs, present the Bill Roberts Award, and hold a luncheon. Reference and Adult Services Lisa Sheffield’s complete report is on the NCLA website. "e section will co-sponsor the Reader’s Advisory pre-conference with the Public Library Section at the 2005 Conference. Plans are also underway for programs and a luncheon at the conference. "e luncheon speaker will be Nancy Pearl, author of Book Lust. "e section is seeking someone to hold an academic reference program for the conference. Lisa also made the board aware of Robert Burgin’s new book: Nonfiction Readers’ Advisory. Fall/Winter 2005 — 103North Carolina Libraries Resources and Technical Services Euthena Newman’s complete report is on the NCLA website. "e section will have four programs for the 2005 Conference. Audrey Fenner has resigned her position at UNC-G to work at the Library of Congress. "e section will be seeking to replace her as Vice- Chair, Chair-Elect. Special Collections No report. Status of Women in Librarianship Kathy Crowe reported for Jenny Barrett. "e complete report is on the NCLA website and highlights the Marilyn Miller award. Technology and Trends Lynne Lysiak reports the section is busy working on programming for the 2005 Conference. Committee Reports Archives Jean Rick reports that the time capsule is complete. NC Libraries and Tar Heel Libraries are archived by the State Library and are available for loan. "e NCLA archives will keep eight copies for archival purposes and they are not loaned. Additional copies are retained for claiming. Conference 2004 See Presidents Report. Conference 2005 Robert Burgin’s complete report is on the NCLA website. Vendors have expressed interest in sponsoring programs and events. Wireless internet access will be provided at the conference; there will be an endowment dinner with entertainment; all speakers need a contract or they will not be paid; all NC librarians are required to pay even if only coming to speak; Conference opening speaker is NC native Herman Boone; his film Remembering the Titans will be shown; there will be a Friday morning breakfast for past presidents. Local arrangements will be sending out information soon. "ere are 70 program time slots. Submit programs now so the decisions on which programs will be selected and time slot decisions can be made soon. We could use more breakfast functions. Be sure the treasurer knows how the income and expenses are to be divided if your event is being co-sponsored. Commission on the Future of Libraries and the Book No report. Constitution, Codes and Handbook Revision See President’s Report. Continuing Education Sherwin Rice would like to merge the discussion of continuing education with the discussion of increasing and retaining members. Endowment Leland Park and David Paynter are making progress and will report at next meeting. Finance See President’s Report. Intellectual Freedom Jim Kuhlman reports that the committee will co-sponsor a program with the State Library. It is tentatively titled “An Intellectual Freedom Primer.” "e committee also received a book challenge. "e title is King and King by Linda de Haan and Stern Nijland. "e book is about homosexuality and was removed from the Henderson County Public Library collection. Leadership Institute No report. Membership See President’s Report. Dale Cousins reported for Teresa Wehrli that the total membership as of April 8, 2005 was 1323. ories-1.pdf> Nominating No report. Operations Irene Laube reports that Kim Parrott had mailed over 400 renewal notices and has worked with Diane Kester on reconciling the 2004 Conference budget. Kim has also attended the 2005 conference committee meetings; prepared the endowment report for 2004; assisted in distributing a survey for NCLPA and REMCo. Deposits are now being made more frequently to improve the cash flow. "e postage meter machine was replaced after it malfunctioned. "e complete report is on the NCLA website. Public Policy Ross Holt’s complete report is on the NCLA website. Highlights are $1.5 million for Aid to Public Libraries and $1 million additional funds for NC-Live; Senate Bill 971 for the NCLA license plate; Senate Bill 708 and House Bill 972 are referred to committee; North Carolina Legislative Day is Wednesday, April 20; and Jeanne Crisp, Library Development Section Chief, will represent the State Library at ALA Legislative Day in Washington, DC. Lobbying by NCLA/NCPLDA has generated $5.1 million in funding affecting North Carolina’s libraries over the past three 104 — Fall/Winter 2005 North Carolina Libraries years. "is is a return of $92 in library funding for every $1 spent on lobbying. Publications and Marketing No report. Scholarships Sue Williams reports that Susan Benning, Branch Manager with the Rockingham County Public Library, has been elected Second Vice-Chair. "is position will maintain the records of the McLendon Student Loan awards. She will devise a system of repayment of these loans. Letters have been mailed requesting repayment. Lisa Williams, Coordinator of Research and Information Services of the Library at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, has joined the committee. NCLA Website Bao-Chu Chang reports that the NCLA web site averages 53 hits per day with the average visit length of 1.28 minutes. "e candidates for officers for 2005-2007 will remain on the web page until June 1, 2005. "e 2005 Conference will be featured after June 1. Bao-Chu request that chairs are not to share passwords with any one except the sections/committee/round table designated webmaster. Please notify Bao-Chu Chang if contact personnel change. Organizational Outreach See President’s Report. Strategic Development See President’s Report. Other Reports North Carolina Libraries See President’s Report. ALA Councilor Vanessa Work Ramseur reports there are no new developments. SELA Councilor No report. E-News No report. State Library Jeanne Crisp reports that there is a national search for new state librarian. "ere is a three person team to manage the state library until a new state librarian can be hired. On May 6th there will be a meeting to plan the search for the new state librarian. We’re carrying on, developing new programs and conducting business as usual. Recommend expanding career enrichment grants for first time conference attendees. Eleven different conferences will be covered. Priority will remain first-time conference attendees. A person can only get one grant during a five year period. Grants are up to $1000.00. "e grant agreement is between the individual and the state library for professional and para-professional staff. Only requirement is that the attendees must have their supervisor’s permission to attend. Treasurer’s Reports See President’s Report. New Business Deadline for conference program information is July 1. "e program goes to the printer on August 1, 2005. President Bracy requests that committee/round tables/sections summarize what you have done this biennium and E-mail for inclusion in the President’s report for the 2005 Conference program. "e 2005 Conference committee will discuss further how the profits from sponsorship of a pre-conference session will be divided. "e conference handbook states: According to the biennial conference handbook, pre-conference profits are divided along the following lines: if sponsored by an NCLA section, committee, or round table, 25% goes to the conference and 75% goes to the sponsoring group; if sponsored by non-NCLA affiliated groups, 50% goes to the conference and 50% goes to the sponsoring group. "ere will be further discussion on this issue and clarification if necessary. Announcements, Other Business "ere were no announcements. Adjournment "e NCLA Executive Board meeting was adjourned at 2:30 P.M. Minutes recorded by Connie Keller