Fall/Winter 2005 — 105North Carolina Libraries NORTH CAROLINA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION MINUTES OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD Friday, July 15, 2005 Carol Grotnes Belk Library, Appalachian State University Boone, North Carolina ATTENDING: Diane Kester, Kim Parrott, Connie Keller, Ralph Scott, Jim Kuhlman, Paula Hinton, John Via, Jean Rick, Dale Cousins, Catherine Wilkinson, Lisa Sheffield, Ross Holt, Robert Burgin, Pauletta Bracy, Jeanne Crisp, Irene Laube, David Paynter, Jenny Barrett, Mary Hatcher, Carol Laing, Lynne Lysiak, Sue Williams, Gale Greenlee, Mary Ellen Chijioke, Bobby Wynn, and Evelyn Council. be the chair of the nominating committee. If passed, this should also be included in the handbook because the handbook deals with the implementation of the duties that are enumerated in the constitution. A motion was made and seconded that: "e Past-President will be the chair of the nominating committee. "e amendment will be included in the 2005 conference program and will be voted on at the business meeting during the conference. President Bracy thanked Bobby Wynn and his committee for making these revisions. Strategic Planning "e membership survey is still being processed. Organizational Outreach Brenda Stephens initiated the move for the license plate and the bill has been ratified. "e language specifies that the international library symbol will be the logo. "e bill now needs to be signed by the governor and 300 specialized plates need to be sold before any are struck. Suzanne White has ideas about publicizing the plates to get the 300 needed. "e plates will increase our visibility. Centennial Conference John Via and Diane Kester have the funds accounted for as of July 5, 2005. After discussion, a motion was made to share half of the profits of the Centennial Conference with SELA. Motion: NCLA will share the profits of the Centennial Conference 50/50 with SELA. "e motion passed by voice vote with two nays. Pay equity A proposal was submitted to LSTA at the State Library. It is too soon for a response, but a favorable one is expected. A literature search was conducted that determined a need to do this study. A professional consultant will help us during phase one. Phase two will be the actual survey conducted by a professional survey team with an estimated cost of $75,000 to $100,000. Jeanne Crisp Call To Order And Welcome "e Board was welcomed to the new Carol Grotnes Belk Library by Mary Reichel, the University Librarian and Lynn Lysiack. Lunch was provided by the library. Tours of the new facility were given before and after the meeting. Adoption Of !e Agenda "e agenda was adopted as written. Announcements Cards were sent to Terry Wherli congratulating her on the birth of her son and a sympathy card to Peggy Quinn. "e Community College Conference is slated for July 20-22, 2005 at Central Piedmont Community College, Levine Campus. Adoption Of Minutes Of Previous Meeting: April 2005 "e minutes of the April 15, 2005 Executive Board meeting were approved by voice vote. President’s Report Recent Balloting President Bracy reported on the results of the recent balloting of the membership concerning moving to an annual conference instead of the current biennial conference. President Bracy reported that the arguments presented by both sides were convincing and valid. "e results of the election favored continuing with the current biennial conferences. "e issue of changing to an annual conference will certainly appear again as it has in the past. Constitution Bobby Wynn reports that an online draft of the association’s constitution has been posted to the NCLA website. Everything in red will be removed. "e three column format is a test. Bobby asked for input on using this format for the constitution. Consensus was to make the constitution available in PDF format. A revised draft will be posted soon incorporating suggestions and amendment below if passed. Drop first past in past-past president (a typo) An amendment was proposed suggesting that the past-president 106 — Fall/Winter 2005 North Carolina Libraries reports from LSTA committee and they agreed to fund a pay equity survey with the condition that NCLA’s project would not overlap with one being conducted at UNC Chapel Hill. A meeting with the Chapel Hill group and our Pay equity committee will compare projects. Biennium Conference Agenda August 31, 2005 is the deadline for anything to be included in the Conference packets. North Carolina Libraries "e new editor of North Carolina Libraries is Ralph Scott and joins us today. We applauded his work on North Carolina Libraries. "anks to President Bracy for appointing him. A thank you also goes to East Carolina University for a grant to pay for part of the publishing of the 1550 copies of the periodical. President Bracy has sent a letter to the Provost at East Carolina formally thanking him for his support. In 1943 membership voted a 50% increase in dues from $1.00 to $1.50 so the North Carolina Library Association could publish a scholarly journal. "e biggest expense is the format. Generally speaking an issue costs about $15.00 to print. "is does not include postage. "e current subscription rate is $32.00 for a print subscription. "e North Carolina Libraries board recommends raising the rate to $50.00. Robert Burgin motioned to raise the annual print subscription rate of North Carolina Libraries to $50.00. "e motion passed by unanimous voice vote. Ralph Scott reported that the North Carolina Libraries board can always use articles. Presently there are enough articles for two issues. Kim Parrott and Diane Kester were thanked for their work on North Carolina Libraries. "e 2005 Ray Moore Award goes to Kem Ellis for “TAP into the Library” published in the Fall 2003 issue. "e award will be presented at the 2005 Conference. Treasurer’s and Finance Committee Reports "e Association’s income is really down. "e subscription rate increase for North Carolina Libraries will help. "e actual operating income is negative. Fund accounts and CD’s reveal not much money will be available for scholarships. Much of our money is untouchable. Jeanne Crisp issued a reminder that July 29 is deadline for project grants. LSTA grants that do not support librarian education will not be granted. Jeanne Crisp at the State Library had offered to pay for two issues of Tar Heel Libraries. "is will be in the form of a reimbursement. Our income comes from dues, subscriptions, advertisement, conferences, and management fees from LSTA grants. Income from LSTA should not be counted on in the future. Project grants have really used up the conference profits. Gerald Holmes mentioned that project grants are the only way this committee could put on programs at the conferences. "ree years of conferences has resulted in a lot of programming. Robert Burgin reminded everyone that they need to get approval for vendor support of programs at the conference. Membership and conferences and maybe license plates are the main sources of income. $20,000 was taken from reserves to balance budget and reserves are now dwindling. Ross reminds us that money is to be used and a lot of the things we have been doing with this money is good. His advice was not to cut things because our membership has doubled since 2002. We need to increase income to replenish reserves. "e Treasurer and the Finance Committee will look into credit unions for our CD’s, since interest rates are low at the banks. Any change of banks requires approval of the Executive Board. Section and Round Table Reports Business Librarianship in North Carolina Dale Cousins reported that the WSSATE workshop was very successful and five conference programs and a business training road show workshop are being planned. Children’s Services Section Report is posted on the NCLA website: Carol Laing reported that six programs are being planned for the conference. "e plan to merge Children’s Services Section with NCASL is more complicated than it appears on the surface. "e decision of the Children’s Services Section was made not to merge. "e jobs are very different between media specialists and librarians. What to do about NCASL is still a question. Should the section be deleted? "is would require a vote of the board. Maybe we need a concentrated effort to encourage these people. President Bracy will write a letter to the 99 members of NCASL. An ad will also be placed in Tar Heels Libraries requesting someone to take over leadership of the school librarian’s section or the section will be dissolved. College and University Libraries Rodney Lippard reported that the report is posted on the NCLA website. Community and Junior College Libraries Keith Burkhead reported that the report is posted on the NCLA website: Ethnic Minority Concerns "e report is posted on the NCLA website: Gerald Holmes reports that Philip Cherry has resigned and the section is in the process of electing a new chair. Conference planning is moving along. Fall/Winter 2005 — 107North Carolina Libraries Government Resources Section No report. Library Administration and Management Mary Ellen Chijioke reported that the report is posted on the NCLA website: "e election of new officers is being redone because of a technological failure. LAMA is working really hard on national level. Conference planning is in final stages. Literacy Gale Greenlee reported that the report is posted on the NCLA website: Conference programs will highlight family literacy. "ey are applying for project grant. NC Association of School Librarians President Bracy reported that the report is posted on the NCLA website: President Bracy reported on the issues of school librarians, AASL strategic planning and highlights of the October 2005 AASL conference. NC Library Paraprofessional Association Annis Barbee reported that the report is posted on the NCLA website: Biennial elections were held in June. Five programs are planned for the September conference. Off-year programming was discussed. "e newsletter should be distributed in August. NC Public Library Trustee Association Mary Hatcher requested help from the board and feels she is the only trustee. "ere are 77 members, but she doesn’t know any of them. A business meeting is planned for the conference hoping that this will generate interest. Letters were sent to chairs of trustees, members, and non-members. Library directors were asked to pass the information to new trustees. No response was received from any of the trustees. David Paynter mentions that trustees are no longer involved in library governing. Perhaps we should consider changing the name of the section. "e idea of a name change was favorably received by the board. Maybe we need to accept the changing position of trustees and maybe we need to go broader and include all library advocates. Could we get the Friends of the Library groups incorporated as a part of NCLA? Other suggestions were made about generating interest. Mary will go to the State Library’s meeting of trustees in the spring of 2006. New Members No report. Public Library No report. Reference and Adult Services Lisa Sheffield has just returned form London. "e section is preparing for the conference and will meet on August 8. "e slate of officers to be elected at the conference is being prepared. "e section will co-sponsor a pre-conference program with the public library section on reader’s advisory. Nancy Pearl will be there and will give a free program and speak at the luncheon on "ursday. A flyer will go out to the states surrounding North Carolina to advertise the program. Resources and Technical Services No report. Special Collections No report. Status of Women in Librarianship Jenny Barrett reports that the round table will meet on August 19. Food and memory in southern literature will be the theme of the conference luncheon. Please nominate someone for the Marilyn Miller Award. Technology and Trends Lynne Lysiak reports that a business luncheon and conference programs are being planned for the conference. "e slate of new officers will be presented at the conference business luncheon. Committee Reports Archives Jean Rick reports on spending the summer at the State Library working on the NCLA archives. She requests that we cut our supply of Centennial Conference programs, as they take up much needed space. "e consensus was that it was too early and we could try to sell some at the next conference. Conference 2005 Robert Burgin reported that the report is posted on the NCLA website: Pre registration packets have been mailed. Early registration, housing deadlines have been established. Submit 1000 copies of anything you want in program packets. Coffee and ice cream breaks for vendors will be provided. Speakers who don’t have a contract will not be paid. Everybody needs to be registered even if they are not paying so they will get a badge. Suggestions were made that even if speaker was not getting paid they still need a contract. Request for checks need to be made prior to the conference so that Diane can have the checks ready at the time of the conference. Checks for more than $500.00 will need a 1099 form and tax id. Needs to know what media is coming so this can be coordinated. Tuesday night will be the dinner meeting of the new and old board. Wednesday night will be the president’s endowment dinner at $50.00 per person. All money will go to endowment. "ursday night is all conference reception. "ere are a few slots left for programs. 108 — Fall/Winter 2005 North Carolina Libraries Borders will handle the books for the authors. We are ahead on vendors and two new ones have signed up as of today. "ank the vendors when you go to the exhibits. Commission on the Future of Libraries and the Book No report. Committee is dissolved. Constitution, Codes and Handbook Revision See President’s report. Continuing Education No report. Endowment David Goble reports that the committee is preparing a handout for conference program. Will raffle off a gift basket and have an endowment table at the conference. "e committee’s short term objectives are fund raising, increasing endowment, and improvement of their web presence. Intellectual Freedom Jim Kuhlman reported that the report is posted on the NCLA website: "e following is a resolution opposing the parental empowerment act. Bill was referred to house subcommittee on May 1st. NCLA Resolution Opposing the Parental Empowerment Act Whereas, "e Parental Empowerment Act of 2005 (H.R. 2295) has been introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Walter B. Jones of North Carolina, 3rd Congressional District, and Whereas, Rep. Walter Jones submitted the bill in support of parents who wished to censor the gay positive book King and King, as quoted in the May, 17, Capitol Hill newspaper !e Hill, and Whereas, "e Parental Empowerment Act would require states to establish parent review and empowerment councils at all local education agencies (i.e. school districts), and Whereas, States would be subject to loss of federal education funds if they do not comply with this provision, and Whereas, Parent review and empowerment councils, once established, would give the authority to “provide significant input…regarding the purchase or acquisition of any library or classroom-based reference, instructional, or other print material for use in any elementary school” effecting pre-selection restraint upon the judgment of library and education professionals, and Whereas, Professional library standards for writing selection policy statements clearly state, “While selection of materials involves many people, including administrators, supervisors, teachers, library media specialists, students, and even community residents, the responsibility for coordinating and recommending the selection and purchase of library media materials should rest with the certificated library media personnel.”, and Whereas, American Library Association President Carol Brey- Casiano, speaking for the profession as a whole and for ALA, states, the bill would “empower a small review board to decide for all families in a community what materials will be available...” and Whereas, It is desirable that individual parents review materials their children may read and decide what is appropriate for their own children rather than for the community as a whole, and Whereas, President Brey-Casiano further states, “’"ere is no need for federal interference in a local community’s decisions about its education needs,” since “’communities already elect parents and community representatives to local school boards’”, and Whereas, "e North Carolina Library Association believes the bill to be a threat to intellectual freedom and to librarians exercising their professional selection responsibilities, Be it resolved that the North Carolina Library Association publicly oppose H.R. 2295, "e Parental Empowerment Act of 2005, and Be it resolved that this resolution be expressed to the North Carolina Congressional delegation, the Superintendent and Frances Bradburn of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, appropriate offices, divisions and committees of the American Library Association, and to all the major news networks of the state (television, radio and newspapers). NCLA Intellectual Freedom Committee NCLA Public Policy Committee Leadership Institute Robert James is unable to attend and submitted a written report. "e Leadership Institute will be held October 17-21 at the Summit Conference Center in Brown Summit. "ere are 27 applications to date. Maximum attendance will be 30 and the deadline is June 1. Fourteen applicants have requested scholarships. Robert James will attend the ACRL/Harvard Leadership Institute in August. Non-proprietary material from this institute will be incorporated into the NCLA Leadership Institute. Membership "eresa Wehrli is unable to attend, but submitted her report on the NCLA website: "e discussion of the report suggested the deficit could be removed if the sections and round tables actively recruited members and the public library membership were doubled. Nominating Dr. Jones is unable to attend, but submitted his report by e-mail. "e results of the election are as follows: Vice-president, President-Elect: Phil Barton Secretary: Paula Hinton Treasurer: Tina Stepp ALA Representative: Kevin Cherry Directors: Frannie Ashburn and Bryna Coonin Fall/Winter 2005 — 109North Carolina Libraries "e results of the referenda are as follows: 83% voted yes on the new proposed dues structure. 96% voted yes on the proposed revision to the Treasurer’s duties. 67% voted no to annual conferences. Operations Irene Laube reported that the report was on the NCLA website: Kim Parrott saved us some money by working less in May and June. She has been busy working on the fund balances, North Carolina Libraries and Tar Heel Libraries, memberships, and the conference database. Public Policy Ross Holt reported that the report is posted on the NCLA website: Legislative agenda of NCLA/NCPLDA is to increase state aid to public libraries. We were successful in getting aid funds and equalization block grants. It doesn’t seem likely that there will be an increase in funding for NC-Live. Community college and NC-Live funding increases need to be addressed. Efforts by some counties to modify or eliminate the local Maintenance of Effort (MOE) rules associated with state aid appear to have failed. "e license plate bill has been ratified. "e increase of 1.2 million in resources for NC-Live was generated in large by NCLA’s lobbying efforts. We need to find a way to continue to fund lobbying. We received a huge return on our $15,000.00. Lobbying paid off in getting our message out to the legislature. Publications and Marketing (Tar Heel Libraries) No report. Scholarships Sue Williams reported that the report is posted on the NCLA website: "e committee awarded one McLendon Student Loan to Jennifer Lynn Smith. Procedures were developed to reach former recipients of loans and request repayment. Because of minimal balances in the scholarship accounts, none were awarded. "e committee voted to return to the policy of awarding scholarships and loans only in conference years. "e committee website will be revised and redesigned. It will be brought up before conference. Officers for the coming biennium are Chair, Harry Cooke and Vice-Chair, Susan Benning. Committee is considering suggestions for the two vacancies. NCLA Website No report. OTHER REPORTS ALA Councilor No report. SELA Councilor Evelyn Council reported that the report is posted on the NCLA website: SELA held a successful leadership conference in Decatur, Georgia on May 13, 2005. "ere were 40 participants. SELA is another place to advertise what we are doing in North Carolina. John Via attended the executive committee meeting on May 12, 2005. State Library Jeanne Crisp reported that the job posting for a new state librarian closes at 5:00 today. It is hoped will be someone in place by the October State Librarians Conference. Advisory committees about programs and services being offered by the state library are being established on behalf of children and teens. NCLA Continuing Education committee will help convene a continuing education advisory committee. What we need to do, where and how are being discussed. "ere is an initiative started to provide online classes and training on NC-Live. LSTA advisory committee decides how to spend the federal money. Benefits for other types of libraries include Every Child Ready to Read and how to teach parents and care givers to teach children to read. Training kits and programs will be given at the conferences. Trustees training workshops will be held in the spring. Consumer health information training for librarians will be a focus for Duke, Chapel Hill, East Carolina and Wake Forest medical library directors. In the next year they will take a look at need of consumers for health information, the training of librarians and what resources need enhancement. Community College will survey 15 community college libraries using LibQual. "e data will be used by the legislature to understand the needs of community colleges. New Business President Bracy requested that the committees, sections and round tables submit their biennial reports to her by August 1, 2005. "is is the last meeting for President Bracy and she thanks us for a most rewarding professional and personal experience. "e gavel will be passed at Friday’s luncheon at the end of the 2005 Conference. Adjournment "e meeting was adjourned at 2:50 PM by President Bracy. Minutes recorded by Connie Keller