item: #1 of 34 id: nsb-11199 author: SHARMA, Bhawana; ALAM, Afroz title: Biogenesis of silver nanoparticles from the shoot extract of Delonix regia its characterization (UV–Vis spectroscopy and SEM) and evaluation for antimicrobial potential date: 2023-03-16 words: 3807 flesch: 43 summary: Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Delonix regia extract, characterization and its application as adsorbent for removal of Cu(ll) ions from aqueous solution. Antimicrobial assay The antimicrobial activity of Delonix regia shoot extract and its AgNPs was explained by the disc diffusion method. keywords: activity; agnps; delonix; extract; figure; journal; nanoparticles; regia; sharma; shoot; silver; synthesis cache: nsb-11199.pdf plain text: nsb-11199.txt item: #2 of 34 id: nsb-11325 author: RAWANI, Anjali title: Potential biological control agents for the control of vector mosquitoes: A review date: 2023-03-16 words: 14381 flesch: 46 summary: Mosquitoes are medically important insects, not only as nuisance biters, but also act as a vector of some harmful pathogens causing dreadful diseases of humans like malaria, dengue, yellow fever, chikungunya, Zika, and Japanese encephalitis among other diseases (Chandra et al., 2008a). quinquefasciatus Chandra et al., 2008b keywords: 15(1):11325; activity; aedes; aedes aegypti; aegypti; agents; algae; american; american mosquito; anopheles; anopheles stephensi; association; bacillus; biological; chandra; coelomomyces; control; culex; culex quinquefasciatus; culicidae; diptera; disease; efficacy; entomology; et al; fish; fungus; gambiae; ghosh; health; hemiptera; insecticides; journal; laboratory; larvae; larvicidal; larvivorous; leaf; malaria; medical; mesocyclops; mosquito; mosquito control; mosquito larvae; odonata; pipiens; plant; potential; predation; predators; prey; quinquefasciatus; rawani; research; species; stephensi; table; use; vector cache: nsb-11325.pdf plain text: nsb-11325.txt item: #3 of 34 id: nsb-11338 author: BOLAJI, Abolade O.; OLADEJO, Atanda S.; ADENIRAN, Oluwatobi I. title: Morphological characterization and cytological studies of the green-stemmed and the red-stemmed Basella alba date: 2023-06-19 words: 5461 flesch: 53 summary: Previous cytological studies on the genus Basella indicated varying reports on the chromosome numbers of the green-stemmed and the red-stemmed B. alba., with the reports varying from chromosome numbers 2n = 44 to 2n = 45 and 2n = 48 (Hanson et al., 2005; Silva et al., 2017). There is no known report of chromosome numbers of B. alba morphotypes from Nigeria. keywords: alba; basella; basella alba; chromosome; green; length; mean; number; red cache: nsb-11338.pdf plain text: nsb-11338.txt item: #4 of 34 id: nsb-11345 author: DIB, Mouna; BENBOTT, Amel title: FTIR analysis and study of some physicochemical parameters and antioxidant activity of Opuntia ficus indica seed oil from Tebessa region, Algeria date: 2023-03-16 words: 6936 flesch: 54 summary: In order to evaluate the rotation angles of OFI seed oil, we used a polar marker: KARL KOLB, fitted with a 1 cm cell filled with an ethanolic solution of oil at a rate of 0.2 g in 100 mL of solvent. OFI seed oil obtained, showed high reducing power with lower EC50 than the oil extracted from different spice seeds of O. microdasys (1.11 mg/mL) and O. macrorhiza (0.60 mg/mL); Produced by Chahdoura et al. (2015). keywords: acid; activity; antioxidant; cm-1; et al; ficus; figure; ftir; index; indica; journal; ofi; oil; opuntia; pear; seed; value cache: nsb-11345.pdf plain text: nsb-11345.txt item: #5 of 34 id: nsb-11351 author: LAYACHI, Rajaa; MOUHADDACH, Aziz; AMALLAH, Lamiae; BENAZIZ, Mohammed; BOUAZZA, Fatima; BENAICH, Souad; HASSIKOU, Rachida; SKALLI, Souad title: Assessment of analgesic properties of alcohol and aqueous extracts of Opuntia ficus-indica flowers date: 2023-03-16 words: 5700 flesch: 55 summary: NSBNSBNSBNSB Notulae Scientia Notulae Scientia Notulae Scientia Notulae Scientia BiologicaeBiologicaeBiologicaeBiologicae Assessment of analgesic properties of alcohol and aqueousAssessment of analgesic properties of alcohol and aqueousAssessment of analgesic properties of alcohol and aqueousAssessment of analgesic properties of alcohol and aqueous eeeextractsxtractsxtractsxtracts of of of of Opuntia Opuntia Opuntia Opuntia ficusficusficusficus----indicaindicaindicaindica flowersflowersflowersflowers Rajaa LAYACHI1a*, Aziz MOUHADDACH1b, Lamiae AMALLAH1, Mohammed BENAZIZ2, Fatima BOUAZZA1, Souad BENAICH3, Rachida HASSIKOU1, Souad SKALLI1 1Mohammed V University in Rabat, Faculty of Sciences, Plant and Microbial Biotechnologies, Biodiversity, and Environment Center, Morocco; (*corresponding author);;;;; 2Sultan Moulay Slimane University, Higher School of Technology, PB170, 54000, Khenifra, Morocco; 3Mohammed V University in Rabat, Faculty of Sciences, Physiology and Physiopathology Team, Morocco; a,bThese authors contributed equally to the work AbstractAbstractAbstractAbstract The cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.) In the presence of flower extracts of O. ficus-indica at a dose of 1,000 mg kg-1, the inhibition percentage recorded is 70% for the aqueous extract and 71% for the ethanol extract, according to the tail flick test. keywords: analgesic; dose; et al; extract; ficus; flowers; indica; kg-1; mg kg-1; mice; min; opuntia; pain; results cache: nsb-11351.pdf plain text: nsb-11351.txt item: #6 of 34 id: nsb-11352 author: PANFILOVA, Antonina; KORKHOVA, Margaryta; MARKOVA, Nataliia title: Influence of biologics on the productivity of winter wheat varieties under irrigation conditions date: 2023-06-26 words: 4863 flesch: 50 summary: NSBNSBNSBNSB Notulae Scientia Notulae Scientia Notulae Scientia Notulae Scientia BiologicaeBiologicaeBiologicaeBiologicae IIIInfluencenfluencenfluencenfluence of biologics on the productivity of winter wheat varieties of biologics on the productivity of winter wheat varieties of biologics on the productivity of winter wheat varieties of biologics on the productivity of winter wheat varieties under irrigation conditionsunder irrigation conditionsunder irrigation conditionsunder irrigation conditions Antonina PANFILOVA*, Margaryta KORKHOVA, Nataliia MARKOVA Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, Faculty of Agricultural Technologies, 9 Georgiya Gongadze str., Mykolayiv, 54020, Ukraine; (*corresponding author);; AbstractAbstractAbstractAbstract Number of productive stems of winter wheat variety depending on pre-sowing seed treatment and irrigation, PCs./m2 (average for 2020-2022 yrs) keywords: conditions; grain; irrigation; panfilova; research; seed; tha–1; treatment; variety; wheat; winter; winter wheat; yield cache: nsb-11352.pdf plain text: nsb-11352.txt item: #7 of 34 id: nsb-11353 author: CHÁVEZ-MENDOZA, Celia; SÁNCHEZ, Esteban title: Antioxidant capacity and nutraceutical compounds content of six common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties harvested in Morelos, Mexico date: 2023-03-17 words: 13105 flesch: 53 summary: It is concluded that the nutritional characterization carried out on bean varieties from important producing areas in Mexico provide a valuable database for genotype selection with high functional and nutritional character, either to be grown for direct consumption, future biofortification or breeding programs. Statistical analysis Data was subjected to an analysis of variance in a completely randomized one-factor design to evaluate the effect of bean variety on the different variables studied, as well as an analysis of comparison of means using the Tukey test and an analysis of correlation between variables performed with SAS statistical package (SAS Institute, INC; Cary, NC, USA) Means were accepted as significantly different at a 95% confidence interval (p ≤ 0.05). keywords: analysis; antioxidant; bean; bean varieties; chávez; color; compounds; concentration; content; difference; et al; flor; food; mayo; mendoza; mexico; morelos; negro; peruano; phaseolus; pinto; results; study; toro; varieties; variety; vulgaris cache: nsb-11353.pdf plain text: nsb-11353.txt item: #8 of 34 id: nsb-11360 author: BAIYERI, Modupe R.; YUSUF, Kamorudeen O.; OBALOWU, Rasheed O.; SAAD, Ganiyu; BANJOKO, Ibrahim K. title: Impact of magnetization of irrigation water on growth, yield and nutritional qualities of tomato under deficit irrigation date: 2023-03-16 words: 7545 flesch: 54 summary: Irrigation water with magnetic field to become magnetized water could accelerate plant growth, enhance crop yield, save irrigation water and reduce the effect of deficit irrigation on crop growth and yield (Kareem, 2018; Abd-Ellateef and Mutwali, 2020; Abou El-Yazied, 2011). (2016) reported that magnetization of irrigation water improved cow pean’s growth rate and yield using magnetic flux densities of 1800 - 2000 G when the water was allowed to flow through the magnetic field for 10 minutes and a flow rate of 2 liters/s. Kareem (2018) reported that irrigating tomato plant with magnetized water increased the water use efficiency (water productivity) by 78% and the yield of tomatoes by 52.68%. keywords: growth; irrigation; irrigation water; plant; roma; table; tomato; tomato plant; variety; water; yield cache: nsb-11360.pdf plain text: nsb-11360.txt item: #9 of 34 id: nsb-11365 author: MANKAR, Ganesh D.; WAYASE, Uttam R.; SHELKE, Deepak B.; RASKAR, Kiran B.; MUNDADA, Pankaj S.; AHIRE, Mahendra L.; NIKAM, Tukaram D.; BARMUKH, Rajkumar B. title: Multivariate analysis of the salinity-induced alterations in morphology, physiology, nodulation, and yield in two contrasting mungbean varieties date: 2023-06-21 words: 11894 flesch: 60 summary: Root tissue water content (%) PKU AKM 12-28 0 15 PC0E1 34.60 ± 2.28 23.10 ± 2.61 4.00 ± 0.00 33.94 ± 4.66 6.79 ± 0.59 0.414 ±0.050 1.419 ± 0.126 0.158 ± 0.019 79.09 ± 0.93 61.11 ± 8.80 30 PC0E2 37.20 ± 1.56 28.12 ± 2.37 5.20 ± 1.10 40.34 ± 9.95 8.59 ± 0.88 1.104 ±0.229 2.111 ± 0.029 66.59 ± 3.17 45.54 ± 8.41 100 15 PC2E1 33.28 ± 3.25 18.72 ± 2.72 4.40 ± 0.55 28.35 ± 6.48 5.57 ± 1.15 0.486 ± 0.994 1.147 ± 0.292 0.146 ± 0.018 78.14 ± 9.14 69.53 ± 5.96 30 PC2E2 36.54 ± 1.40 26.72 ± 1.16 4.40 ± 0.55 36.06 ± 1.92 7.74 ± 1.77 0.994 ± 0.197 keywords: akm; analysis; chl; et al; exposure; gg)3; mungbean; nacl; nacl stress; nodulation; parameters; photosynthetic; pku; plant; salinity; salt; stress; table; varieties; vbn; weight; yield cache: nsb-11365.pdf plain text: nsb-11365.txt item: #10 of 34 id: nsb-11368 author: GAUTAM, Palshikar; PITCHAIMUTHU, Shanmugapandiyan title: Environmental variations on physicochemical properties in vasicine content of Adhatoda vasica - An ayurvedic medicinal plant date: 2023-03-22 words: 3598 flesch: 46 summary: In India, it is estimated that 75% of population depends on plants to therapy themselves, of those about 65% populace use medicinal plants habitually to battle certain ailments and almost 45% human use such plants in pharmaceutical industries (Dash, 2017). Nees- An important and high demanded medicinal plant. keywords: gautam; leaves; plant; scientia; season; study; table; vasica; vasicine; ±0.05 cache: nsb-11368.pdf plain text: nsb-11368.txt item: #11 of 34 id: nsb-11377 author: SEVİNDİK, Emre; KARAKOYUN, Deniz; GÜLDERE, İbrahim M.; BORHAN, Fatih; APAYDIN, Elif; KABİL, Emre title: Chemical composition of Vitex agnus-castus L. flowers collected from populations distributed in Aydin, Türkiye date: 2023-03-22 words: 3980 flesch: 46 summary: NSBNSBNSBNSB Notulae Scientia Notulae Scientia Notulae Scientia Notulae Scientia BiologicaeBiologicaeBiologicaeBiologicae Chemical composition of Chemical composition of Chemical composition of Chemical composition of Vitex agnusVitex agnusVitex agnusVitex agnus----castuscastuscastuscastus L. flowers collected from L. flowers collected from L. flowers collected from L. flowers collected from populations distributed in Aydpopulations distributed in Aydpopulations distributed in Aydpopulations distributed in Aydiiiinnnn, , , , TürkiyeTürkiyeTürkiyeTürkiye Emre SEVİNDİK1*, Deniz KARAKOYUN1, İbrahim M. GÜLDERE1, Fatih BORHAN1, Elif APAYDIN2, Emre KABİL3 1Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Faculty Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, South Campus, Cakmar, Aydin, Türkiye; (*corresponding author);;; 2Giresun University, Center Research Laboratory Application and Research Center, Giresun, Türkiye; 3Yalova University, Armutlu Vocational School, Food Processing Division, 77500 Yalova, Türkiye; AbstractAbstractAbstractAbstract Essential oils (EOs) are compounds that are biosynthesized autonomously by aromatic plants as their secondary metabolites. Keywords:Keywords:Keywords:Keywords: GC-MS; essential oils; Vitex agnus-castus; Türkiye IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction All over the world, various plants have been used for various reasons. keywords: agnus; caryophyllene; castus; et al; figure; flowers; journal; oil; pink; purple; vitex; white cache: nsb-11377.pdf plain text: nsb-11377.txt item: #12 of 34 id: nsb-11379 author: BISWAS, Ishita; DAS MOHAPATRA, Pradeep K. title: Paraburkholderia tropica PKI7 and Kosakonia arachidis PKI8: Two newly reported tannase producing bacteria isolated from forest soil and study of their tannase producing potentiality date: 2023-03-28 words: 4376 flesch: 44 summary: a t 6 2 0 n m Incubation time (h) PKI7 PKI8 Biswas I and Das Mohapatra PK (2023). This is the first report on tannin fermentation and tannase production by Paraburkholderia tropica PKI7 and Kosakonia arachidis PKI8, two newly isolated tannase producers. keywords: acid; arachidis; biswas; figure; kosakonia; mohapatra; pki7; pki8; production; strain; tannase; tropica cache: nsb-11379.pdf plain text: nsb-11379.txt item: #13 of 34 id: nsb-11380 author: BULU, Yetunde I.; AHMED, Rilwan O.; FADAYOMI, Opefoluwa D.; KEKERE, Otitoloju title: Soil seed bank studies of Tithonia rotundifolia invaded fallow land and competitive association with Chromolaena odorata date: 2023-03-16 words: 5987 flesch: 57 summary: S. F. Blake, are exotic invasive weeds, but a gradual decrease in the population of C. odorata with the rapid invasion of T. rotundifolia is now observed. T. rotundifolia had improved growth in heteroculture with C. odorata over when in monoculture. keywords: bank; c. odorata; odorata; plant; plots; rotundifolia; seed; soil; species cache: nsb-11380.pdf plain text: nsb-11380.txt item: #14 of 34 id: nsb-11394 author: SAIOC, Alexandra; NECHITA, Vlad-Ionuţ; PUIA, Cosmin I. title: A short-term survival analysis of severe patients with acute vascular event admitted on intensive care unit department date: 2023-03-27 words: 3255 flesch: 45 summary: Influence of individual characteristics on outcome of glycemic control in intensive care unit patients with or without diabetes mellitus. Survival of patients with acute vascular event is comparable with that of the patients admitted on intensive care unit for other health condition. keywords: care; diabetes; event; infarction; median; patients; stroke; survival; time; unit cache: nsb-11394.pdf plain text: nsb-11394.txt item: #15 of 34 id: nsb-11402 author: ZEOUK, Ikrame title: From skin infection to invasive diseases: A descriptive review of Staphylococcus aureus, focusing on Panton-Valentine leucocidin and methicillin-resistant strains date: 2023-03-16 words: 8132 flesch: 43 summary: Therefore, it is necessary to ensure the complete eradication of S. aureus infections and especially those of the skin. AntiAntiAntiAnti----biotherapy and emergence of resistance biotherapy and emergence of resistance biotherapy and emergence of resistance biotherapy and emergence of resistance Beta-lactams, aminoglycosides, and macrolides are among the main antibiotic families used in the treatment of S. aureus infections (Taylor, 2013). keywords: activity; antibiotic; aureus; aureus infections; biol; compounds; diseases; et al; figure; host; immune; infections; journal; methicillin; mrsa; panton; pneumonia; resistance; s. aureus; sci; skin; staphylococcus; staphylococcus aureus; strains; treatment; valentine; virulence; zeouk cache: nsb-11402.pdf plain text: nsb-11402.txt item: #16 of 34 id: nsb-11409 author: DAS, Kuntal; SINGIRIKONDA, Sravani title: Elemental impact on antibacterial study of hydroalcoholic leaves extract of Belosynapsis vivipara date: 2023-03-16 words: 5141 flesch: 45 summary: Steroidal compounds + Phytosterols ++ Saponins ++ Proteins + Resins -- Terpenoids + Gum -- (++) = prominently present; (+) = Present; (--) = Absent Antimicrobial activity further investigated with the extract of BV plant and showed broad spectrum antimicrobial efficacy when compared with the standard antibiotics. 6 mm discs were impregnated with sterile cock borer and 30 µl of BV extract was placed in the wells of agar plates inoculated with microbial culture (after dilution) including standard and then incubated all the plates 37 °C for 16 hours. keywords: activity; das; elements; ethanol; extract; journal; leaves; plant; study cache: nsb-11409.pdf plain text: nsb-11409.txt item: #17 of 34 id: nsb-11411 author: SAADAOUI, Ezzeddine; GÓMEZ, José J.M.; YAHIA, Kaouther Ben; CERVANTES, Emilio title: Seed diversity and germination behavior in Nerium oleander L. date: 2023-06-19 words: 5143 flesch: 59 summary: The effects of nature of the plants (spontaneous or cultivated), climatic conditions (localities), and altitude (from 6 to 447 m) on seed shape, size, and germination of Tunisian populations, were investigated. An accurate description of seed shape may be done by comparison with geometric figures that resemble seed images. keywords: area; germination; index; oleander; plants; roundness; saadaoui; seed; shape; table cache: nsb-11411.pdf plain text: nsb-11411.txt item: #18 of 34 id: nsb-11414 author: ZOUHRI, Aziz; EL-MERNISSI, Yahya; EL MENYIY, Naoual; BOUDDINE, Toufik; MIR, Nora; EL AISSAOUI, Kamal; AMHAMDI, Hassan; ELHARRAK, Abdelhay; HAJJI, Lhoussain title: A review of Moroccan medicinal plants used in the treatment of inflammation date: 2023-03-22 words: 16642 flesch: 44 summary: Laurus nobilis L. Rend, Ouarkat sidna moussa Leaves Decoction Oral 2 (Jamila and Mostafa, 2014; Ziyyat et al., 1997) LeguminosLeguminosLeguminosLeguminos eaeeaeeaeeae Anthyllis cytisoides L. Chtappa Root Decoction Oral 1 (Bachar et al., 2021) Bid el gul Fruits Raw Oral 1 (El-Hilaly et al., 2003) UrticaceaeUrticaceaeUrticaceaeUrticaceae Urtica dioica L. Horriga Leaves Decoction Local applicatio n 2 (Bachar et al., 2021; Ziyyat et al., 1997) Urtica urens L. Horiga elmelsa Leaves Decoction Mouthwa sh 2 (Najem et al., 2020; Zougagh et al., 2019) VerbenaceaVerbenaceaVerbenaceaVerbenacea eeee Verbena officinalis L. Lwiza Leaves Infusion Oral 1 (Fadil et al., 2015) Vitex agnus-castus L. El kherwae Leaves Infusion Oral 1 (El-Hilaly et al., 2003) ZingiberacZingiberacZingiberacZingiberac eaeeaeeaeeae Alpinia officinarum Hance Khudenjal Root Decoction Oral 1 (Saadi et al., 2013) keywords: activities; activity; antiinflammator; antioxidant; applicatio; bachar et; bouhlali et; bouyahya et; chaachouay et; decoction; ear; edema; effects; et al; extract; hilaly et; ic50; inflammation; inhibition; journal; khouya et; leaves; medicinal; merzouki et; methanol; ml inhibition; morocco; najem et; officinalis; oral; parts; paw; paw edema; plants; rats; saadi et; salhi et; seeds; species; thymus; ziyyat et; zougagh et; zouhri cache: nsb-11414.pdf plain text: nsb-11414.txt item: #19 of 34 id: nsb-11423 author: EL MEKKAOUI, Anas; KHAMAR, Mohamed; SLIMANI, Chaimae; NOUNAH, Abderrahman; CHERKAOUI, Essediya; BENRADI, Fatima; RAIS, Chaimae title: Phytochemical studies and in vitro evaluation of the antioxidant activity of some medicinal and aromatic plants from Morocco date: 2023-03-16 words: 4811 flesch: 49 summary: Keywords:Keywords:Keywords:Keywords: antioxidant activity; medicinal plants; Morocco; oxidative stress; phenolic compounds; radical scavenging IntroductionIntroductionIntroductionIntroduction Oxidative stress is a phenomenon that reflects an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) called oxidants, and their elimination by protective mechanisms called antioxidant systems, which can detoxify the reactive intermediates, or repair the resulting damage, causing toxic effects through the production of peroxides and free radicals (Pizzino et al., 2017). The aim of our work is to exploit the potential of Moroccan medicinal plants in order to highlight antioxidant activity which is closely related to the content of phenolic compounds (Aryal et al., 2019) and demonstrate their possible use as alternative therapies against oxidative diseases. keywords: activity; antioxidant; et al; extract; g-1; gae; ml-1; plants; results; total cache: nsb-11423.pdf plain text: nsb-11423.txt item: #20 of 34 id: nsb-11437 author: BOUKELLOUL, Inas; AOUAR, Lamia; CHEKARA BOUZIANI, Mohamed; ZELLAGUI, Amar; DERDOUR, Mouna; NECIB, Youcef title: Antagonism and plant growth promoting traits of actinomycetes isolated from the rhizosphere of halophyte Atriplex halimus L. date: 2023-03-16 words: 9046 flesch: 51 summary: They have the potential to be employed as a biopesticide and to promote plant growth (Nonthakaew et al., 2022). IAA is the main plant hormone assigned to the auxins class; it plays an essential role in plant growth by enhancing cell proliferation, root formation and elongation (Vurukonda et al., 2021). keywords: act18; act24; actinomycetes; arid; bacteria; boukelloul; et al; fungi; growth; isolates; journal; phytopathogenic; plant; production; scabies; siderophores; soil; streptomyces cache: nsb-11437.pdf plain text: nsb-11437.txt item: #21 of 34 id: nsb-11442 author: AIBECHE, Chahrazed; SIDHOUM, Warda; KHELIL, Omar; CHERIFI, Fadila; ERROUANE, Kheira; SELAMI, Nawel; CHOUBANE, Slimane; SENINA, Abderrahmane; MARDHI, Chahinez; DJABEUR, Abderrezak title: Wickerhamomyces anomalus WO2 inoculation protects Suaeda fruticosa from salt stress by the stimulation of the production of carotenoids and sugars and the augmentation of sodium translocation date: 2023-06-20 words: 10529 flesch: 54 summary: For BAF, the highest value was noted at 1% NaCl (14.77% ± 1) in yeast inoculated plants. In this study translocation of sodium had a crucial role in yeast inoculated plants. keywords: anomalus; baf; bcf; chl; chlorophyll; concentrations; content; correlation; effect; et al; fruticosa; growth; inoculation; nacl; plants; production; salinity; salt; stress; table; wo2; yeast cache: nsb-11442.pdf plain text: nsb-11442.txt item: #22 of 34 id: nsb-11451 author: EL BOUKHARI, Ali; TABI, Salma; EL MOUSADIK, Abdelhamid; EL BOULLANI, Rachida; TAHIRI, Abdelghani; KOUFAN, Meriyem; BENYAHIA, Hamid; BOUHARROUD, Rachid; AIT AABD, Naima title: Flow cytometry and chromosome numbers variation in argan tree Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels date: 2023-03-16 words: 3924 flesch: 47 summary: NSBNSBNSBNSB Notulae Scientia Notulae Scientia Notulae Scientia Notulae Scientia BiologicaeBiologicaeBiologicaeBiologicae Flow cytometry and chromosome numbers variation in argan Flow cytometry and chromosome numbers variation in argan Flow cytometry and chromosome numbers variation in argan Flow cytometry and chromosome numbers variation in argan tree tree tree tree Argania spinosaArgania spinosaArgania spinosaArgania spinosa (L.) Skeels(L.) Skeels(L.) Skeels(L.) In general, chromosome number variation can be a speciation factor. keywords: argan; argania; chromosome; diversity; et al; figure; flow; morocco; number; spinosa; tree; variation cache: nsb-11451.pdf plain text: nsb-11451.txt item: #23 of 34 id: nsb-11459 author: BEPPE, Galba J.; ALLAH-DOUM, Nanou G.; BARGA, Bertrand P.; FOLEFACK, Alice I.; DONGMO, Alain B. title: Antidepressant and anxiolytic-like activities of the dichloromethane/methanol extract of Crateva adansonii in mice exposed to chronic mild stress date: 2023-03-16 words: 7560 flesch: 52 summary: A resigned or depressed animal showing behavioral despair will spend more time immobile than a control animal (Beppe et al., 2015). Indeed, the involvement of stress and glucocorticoids in behavioral aspects is very important as they act on several vital components such as sleep (Born et al., 1989), mood disorders (Papadopoulou et al., 2015), food intake (Ulrich et al., 2015) or social behaviors (Cavigelli and Caruso, 2015). keywords: activity; adansonii; animals; beppe; control; dcm; effects; et al; extract; group; meoh; meoh extract; mice; stress; test; time; ucms cache: nsb-11459.pdf plain text: nsb-11459.txt item: #24 of 34 id: nsb-11462 author: KACHKOUL, Rabie; BENJELLOUN TOUIMI, Ghita; EL MOUHRI, Ghita; EL HABBANI, Radouane; LAHRICHI, Anissa title: Pathophysiological aspects of renal stone formation and stone types date: 2023-03-17 words: 7545 flesch: 43 summary: In this process, large particles (several tens or, more rarely, several hundred microns) are formed in a very short time, less than the passage time of urine through the kidney (Daudon et al., 2008; Tsujihata, 2008; Alelign and Petros, 2018). All of these factors can alter the conformation of these macromolecules, their affinity for crystals and their efficiency in exerting their inhibitory action (Daudon et al., 2008). keywords: biol; calcium; cells; crystals; daudon; daudon et; disease; et al; figure; formation; journal; kachkoul; khan; kidney; nucleation; oxalate; renal; sci; stone; stone formation; type; urine; urolithiasis; urology cache: nsb-11462.pdf plain text: nsb-11462.txt item: #25 of 34 id: nsb-11466 author: NEMICHE, Souhila; AIT HAMADOUCHE, Nadia; NEMMICHE, Said title: Effect of Ficus carica extract on hematological parameters and antioxidant defense system in erythrocytes of albino rats exposed to nickel chloride date: 2023-06-19 words: 5671 flesch: 49 summary: Effect of Effect of Effect of Effect of Ficus carica Ficus carica Ficus carica Ficus carica extract on hematological parameters and extract on hematological parameters and extract on hematological parameters and extract on hematological parameters and antioxidant defense system in erythrocytes of antioxidant defense system in erythrocytes of antioxidant defense system in erythrocytes of antioxidant defense system in erythrocytes of aaaalbino rats exposed to nickel chloridelbino rats exposed to nickel chloridelbino rats exposed to nickel chloridelbino rats exposed to nickel chloride Souhila NEMICHE1*, Nadia AIT HAMADOUCHE1, Saïd NEMMICHE2 1University of Oran 1 Ahmed Ben Bella, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Department of Biology, Oran 31000, Algeria; (*corresponding author); 2University of Mostaganem, Faculty of Nature and Life Sciences, Department of Biology, Mostaganem 27000, Algeria; AbstractAbstractAbstractAbstract Heavy metals including nickel have adverse effects on hematological system and red blood cells antioxidant defense. Ficus carica L., also known as figs, is a fruit rich in natural bioactive compounds (Nemiche et al., 2022; Rodríguez-Solana et al., 2018) with powerful antioxidant. keywords: antioxidant; blood; carica; effect; et al; extract; fce; ficus; fig; group; journal; ni2; nickel; parameters; rats cache: nsb-11466.pdf plain text: nsb-11466.txt item: #26 of 34 id: nsb-11490 author: NATH, Snigdha; QURESHI, Asif; DAS, Subhasish title: Role of bulking agents, process optimization, and different earthworm species in the vermiremediation process of industrial wastes: A review date: 2023-06-19 words: 15545 flesch: 46 summary: C:N ratio has to be in an appropriate balance to facilitate better degradation by enhancing the microbial activity during the process (Chen et al., 2011). Not Sci Biol 15(2):11490 6 Vermicomposting Efficient life activity of Eudrilus eugeniae in temperature range 25 °C-28 °C (Shagoti et al., 2001) Vermicomposting Efficient activity and reproductivity capacity of Eudrilus eugeniae at low temperature (Amoji et al., 1999) Moisture/Moisture/Moisture/Moisture/ HumidityHumidityHumidityHumidity Composting Decrease in total organic matter, increase in total nitrogen and better compost quality at 53% moisture content (Li et al., 2021) Composting Efficient process activity at initial moisture content of 55-70% (Yeh et al., 2020) keywords: activity; agents; bioresource; bulking; content; decrease; earthworms; effect; eisenia; environmental; et al; eudrilus; eugeniae; fetida; figure; growth; gut; increase; influence; journal; light; management; manure; materials; matter; metal; microbial; moisture; n ratio; nath; organic; process; production; rate; ratio; s et; sci; sludge; soil; species; technology; temperature; total; vermicomposting; waste cache: nsb-11490.pdf plain text: nsb-11490.txt item: #27 of 34 id: nsb-11499 author: LEE, Su-Yeon; HEO, Jae-Yun title: Combined treatment with gibberellic acid and thidiazuron improves fruit quality of ‘Red Dream’ grape cultivar date: 2023-06-19 words: 6638 flesch: 58 summary: However, the GA3 and CPPU combined treatment was more effective than GA3 and TDZ mixed treatment for increasing berry weight and firmness in ‘Shine Muscat’, unlike our results (Wang et al., 2019). In 'Red Dream', the GA3 and CPPU or TDZ mixed treatment only caused a delay in the harvest time, but there was no difference in the final coloration. keywords: 5.0; berries; berry; cppu; dream; fruit; ga3; grape; group; ppm; ppm100 ppm; tdz; treatment; weight cache: nsb-11499.pdf plain text: nsb-11499.txt item: #28 of 34 id: nsb-11502 author: Ben RABEH, Sonia; Ben YAHIA, Kaouther; DHAHRI, Samir; BELAÏD, Souda; CHEMLALI, Imen; Ben ROMDHANE, Chokri; ROMDHANE, Mehrez; SAADAOUI, Ezzeddine title: Environmental stress tolerance, hydro-distilled essential oils characteristics and biological activities of Eucalyptus torquata Luehm. date: 2023-06-19 words: 10464 flesch: 46 summary: Not Sci Biol 15(2):11502 8 Biological activitiesBiological activitiesBiological activitiesBiological activities Antimicrobial activity of E. torquata essential oils Eucalyptus essential oils endowed antimicrobial action against a large spectrum of bacteria and fungi which consist to its therapeutic properties as a promising alternative to drugs for several diseases and disorders (Zhang et al., 2010; Barbosa el al., 2016; Dhakad et al., 2018). E. torquata essential oils also cause growth inhibition of some fungal species, oils from flowers, stems and leaves of E. torquata from Egypt and Jordan exhibited a moderate to high antifungal activities against mycelial fungi Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus nigeralso against the yeast Candida albicans. keywords: activities; activity; al al; antibacterial; ben; biological; cell; chemical; cineole; composition; drought; et al; eucalyptus; eucalyptus species; extracts; journal; leaves; oils; plant; rabeh; s et; salt; sci; species; stress; tolerance; torquata; tunisia; values; water cache: nsb-11502.pdf plain text: nsb-11502.txt item: #29 of 34 id: nsb-11508 author: RASCÓN-SOLANO, Joel; AGUIRRE-CALDERÓN, Oscar A.; HIMMELSBACH, Wibke; NÁJERA-LUNA, Juan A.; ALANÍS-RODRÍGUEZ, Eduardo; JIMÉNEZ-PÉREZ, Javier; TREVIÑO-GARZA, Eduardo title: Efficient use of timber resources in Mexico: Historical development and current challenges date: 2023-06-19 words: 8813 flesch: 50 summary: For years, various silvicultural treatments have been implemented around the world to maximize productive yields (Halbritter, 2015), with the goal of supplying, through sustainable forest management, the tangible needs of forest products required by society (Rojas, 1995). Current challenges in the intensive silviculture and the timber industry of Mexico Regarding the management of forest resources, different silvicultural interventions provide a wide range of forest products. keywords: bioenergy; biomass; boards; bosques; development; diameter; et al; forest; forest products; forestales; forestry; harvesting; industrial; industry; journal; management; mexico; potential; production; products; rascón; resources; solano; timber; use; wood cache: nsb-11508.pdf plain text: nsb-11508.txt item: #30 of 34 id: nsb-11546 author: BĂCILĂ, Ioan; JAKAB, Endre; ŞUTEU, Dana; POPESCU, Octavian title: Epidemiology of Enterococcus faecium isolates sampled from different sources in Romania using MLST technique and eBURST algorithm date: 2023-06-26 words: 7385 flesch: 47 summary: Assortment of Enterococcus faecium isolates sampled from Romania Based on the MLST data (sequence data, allele profiles) and subsequent analysis with eBURST algorithm, the division of E. faecium isolates sampled from Romania revealed three groups. Sequence types of E. faecium isolates were determined employing a MLST scheme, performing amplification of housekeeping genes by PCR and subsequent Sanger sequencing of the PCR products, as previously described by Homan et al. (2002). keywords: blood; bucharest; băcilă; cluj; e. casseliflavus; e. faecalis; e. faecium; eburst; enterococcus; et al; faecium isolates; group; human; isolates; journal; mlst; napoca; romania; species; wastewater cache: nsb-11546.pdf plain text: nsb-11546.txt item: #31 of 34 id: nsb-11549 author: BĂCILĂ, Ioan; ŞUTEU, Dana; COSTE, Ana; BALÁZS, Zoltan R.; COLDEA, Gheorghe title: Evaluation of cross-genus transferability of SSR markers from other legumes to two closely related Onobrychis (Fabaceae) taxa date: 2023-06-19 words: 4062 flesch: 51 summary: We selected and tested for transferability and polymorphism 23 expressed sequence tag -EST-SSRs originated from other leguminous species: Glycine max, Medicago sativa, Medicago trunculata, and Phaseolus vulgaris (Peakall et al., 1998; Yu et al., 2000; Gaitán-Solís et al., 2002; Julier et al., 2003; Gutierrez et al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2007). LocusLocusLocusLocus O. montana O. montana O. montana O. montana DC. keywords: alleles; et al; markers; montana; simonk; species; ssr; subsp; transferability; transsilvanica cache: nsb-11549.pdf plain text: nsb-11549.txt item: #32 of 34 id: nsb-11554 author: HENOUDA, Sarra; KAROUCHE, Saida; ATTOU, Amina; BOULAL, Ahmed title: Study of the effect of Moringa oleifera leaves powder in Southwestern Algerian diabetic patients: a pilot clinical trial date: 2023-06-20 words: 6152 flesch: 52 summary: However, treatment of diabetic patients with MO powder leaves in the present study showed a significant increase in HDL levels. Not Sci Biol 15(2):11554 8 Hypoglycemic effect At 90-day follow-up, treatment with MO leaves powder resulted in a lower glycemic response in diabetic patients, with no statistically significant differences. keywords: diabetes; effect; et al; hdl; journal; ldl; leaves; levels; moringa; oleifera; patients; powder; results; study cache: nsb-11554.pdf plain text: nsb-11554.txt item: #33 of 34 id: nsb-11564 author: GALVÁN-MORENO, Viridiana S.; OLIVAS-GARCÍA, Jesús M.; RASCÓN-SOLANO, Joel; HERNÁNDEZ-SALAS, Javier title: Evaluation of two sampling methods for even-age Pinus forest in northern Mexico date: 2023-06-28 words: 5988 flesch: 56 summary: Comprobación de cinco métodos de muestreo forestal en un bosque nativo de Araucaria angustifolia Bert. Selección del tamaño de parcela de muestreo para el inventario de los bosques Pluvisilvas de Guantánamo keywords: area; bitterlich; census; data; dimensions; figure; forest; hectare; method; number; sampling; sites; time; trees; volume cache: nsb-11564.pdf plain text: nsb-11564.txt item: #34 of 34 id: nsb-11585 author: WANG, Ping; MAN, Lingjuan; MA, Li; QI, Jiaxin; REN, Yanping; YAO, Zhengpei; WANG, Bo; CHENG, Cong; ZHANG, Hua title: In vitro regeneration of Haloxylon ammodendron date: 2023-06-28 words: 5053 flesch: 50 summary: In summary, this study establishes a system for H. ammodendron regeneration by organogenesis. Not Sci Biol 15(2):11585 3 Figure 1.Figure 1.Figure 1.Figure 1. H. ammodendron sterile seedlings (Note: A: seed B: hypocotyl C: keywords: ammodendron; buds; cotyledon; medium; mg·l-1; nodes; plant; rate; regeneration; rooting; roots; shoots; wang cache: nsb-11585.pdf plain text: nsb-11585.txt