item: #1 of 25 id: medianers-10531 author: Sarjana, Widodo; Fitrikasari, Alifiati; Sari, Sri Padma title: Recovery among People with Mental Illness (PMI) as Perceived by the Caregivers in Islamic Boarding School (IBS) in Indonesia date: 2015-12-21 words: 3520 flesch: 48 summary: Nevertheless, there has been no study on Islamic boarding school’s caregivers’ perception on PMI recovery. The government has responsibilities in 69 Copyright © 2015, NMJN,p-ISSN 2087-7811, e-ISSN 2406-87 Nurse Media Journal of Nursing, 5 (2), 2015, providing rehabilitation care in order to help PMI recovery based on Regulation No. 36 year 2009 about health clause 145 (Konas Jiwa, 2013). keywords: activities; boarding; boarding school; caregivers; copyright; definition; disorders; factors; family; health; high; ibs; indonesia; islamic; islamic boarding; issn; journal; life; media; mental; nmjn; nurse; nursing; participants; patients; people; pmi; pmi recovery; prayers; process; psychiatric; recovery; rehabilitation; research; schizophrenia; school; senior; social; studies; study; support; symptoms; therapy cache: medianers-10531.pdf plain text: medianers-10531.txt item: #2 of 25 id: medianers-11815 author: Mardiyanti, Mardiyanti title: Strategies for Successful Transition into Mainstream Schools for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Case Study date: 2016-06-30 words: 3798 flesch: 56 summary: Copyright © 2016, NMJN, p-ISSN 2087-7811, e-ISSN 2406-8799 Nurse Media Journal of Nursing, 6 (1), 2016, 1 - 8 Available Online at Strategies for Successful Transition into Mainstream Schools for Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Case Study Mardiyanti1 1Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Islamic State University of Syarif Hidayatullah, Indonesia Corresponding author: ABSTRACT Background: Meeting changes can be very problematic for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) whereas other children may take it for granted. Keywords: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), transition strategies, children 2 Copyright © 2016, NMJN,p-ISSN 2087-7811, e-ISSN 2406-87 Nurse Media Journal of Nursing, 6 (1), 2016, BACKGROUND Meeting changes can be very problematic for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) whereas other children may take it for granted (Lawson, 2001; Smith, Donlan, & Smith, 2012). keywords: activities; activity; asd; asds; autism; case; changes; children; classroom; communication; copyright; disorders; education; family; gabriel; information; interaction; issn; jack; journal; language; learning; literacy; mainstream; media; need; new; nmjn; nurse; nursing; people; playing; routine; schedules; school; sensory; skills; smith; social; spectrum; strategies; study; successful; support; transition; use; visual; young cache: medianers-11815.pdf plain text: medianers-11815.txt item: #3 of 25 id: medianers-12094 author: Tuppal, Cyruz P; Renosa, Mark Donald; Al Harthy, Said title: Extent of Collaboration in Building Academic – Service Partnerships in Nursing date: 2016-12-31 words: 4792 flesch: 41 summary: Create an evidence base for nursing education that embraces innovation, identifies best practices, and serves towards a diverse nursing population that can transform nursing practice. (2012) pointed out the agreement about the meaning of new graduate nurses' readiness for practice as having a generalist foundation and some job- specific capabilities, providing safe client care, keeping up with the current realities of nursing practice, being well equipped with the tools needed to adapt to the future needs of clients, and possessing a balance of doing, knowing, and thinking. keywords: academic; administrators; building; clinical; collaboration; copyright; delivery; development; education; environment; evidence; extent; faculty; faculty practice; graduates; great; healthcare; initiatives; institute; institutions; issn; issues; journal; learning; mean; media; new; nmjn; nurse; nursing; nursing education; nursing research; nursing service; overall; participants; partnerships; practice; program; progression; quality; redesign; research; research collaboration; role; service; service partnerships; staff; students; study; system; table; terms; workforce cache: medianers-12094.pdf plain text: medianers-12094.txt item: #4 of 25 id: medianers-26803 author: Werdani, Yesiana Dwi Wahyu; Silab, Pascalis Arief Ardiansyah title: Self-Efficacy Affects Cancer Patients in Solving Problems, Seeking Support and Avoiding Problems as Coping Mechanisms date: 2020-08-27 words: 5803 flesch: 59 summary: Psychological adaptation and its impact on the quality of life and spiritual well-being: A cross-sectional study of end of life cancer patients. This study aimed to determine the effect of self-efficacy on solving problems, seeking support, and avoiding problems as coping mechanisms in cancer patients. keywords: anxiety; breast; breast cancer; cancer; cancer patients; care; coping; copyright; data; depression; effects; efficacy; emotional; family; general; health; help; high; issn; journal; life; mean; mechanisms; media; nmjn; nurse; nursing; participants; patients; physical; positive; problems; quality; related; relationship; research; results; scores; seeking; self; significant; solving; strategies; stress; study; support; survivors; symptoms; table; wang; years cache: medianers-26803.pdf plain text: medianers-26803.txt item: #5 of 25 id: medianers-31302 author: Utami, Reni Sulung; Pujianto, Ahmat; Setyawan, Dody; Naviati, Elsa; Rochana, Nana title: Critical Care Nurses’ Experiences of End-of-Life Care: A Qualitative Study date: 2020-12-28 words: 7178 flesch: 60 summary: This study aimed to explore the experiences of critical care nurses in providing EOLC. Conclusion: Most of EOLC provided by critical care nurses was focused on the family. keywords: analysis; care; care nurses; challenges; communication; copyright; critical; critical care; data; death; decision; difficult; discussion; doctor; doi:10.1016; education; empathy; end; eolc; example; experiences; families; family; health; hospital; icu; important; indonesia; information; intensive; intensive care; interview; issn; journal; knowledge; life; life care; making; media; medicine; need; nmjn; nurses; nursing; palliative; participants; patients; process; qualitative; quality; research; researchers; results; role; spiritual; stage; study; support; themes; understanding; unit cache: medianers-31302.pdf plain text: medianers-31302.txt item: #6 of 25 id: medianers-34258 author: Dewi, Nur Setiawati; Jittanoon, Piyanuch; Wiroonpanich, Wantanee title: Parental Challenges in Promoting the Well-being of Talented Youths in Indonesia: A Phenomenological Study date: 2021-08-27 words: 6165 flesch: 54 summary: Discussion This study showed that parenting talented youths is the most challenging period since breaking parental rules at this age is a common problem that parents face. Nur Setiawati Dewi Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia Email: Background: Parenting talented youths is a challenging task since most talented youths experience role complexities in their lives. keywords: activities; addition; analysis; assignments; athlete; attitudes; behavior; challenges; children; community; competitions; copyright; data; daughter; disappointed; dissertation; education; example; experience; family; financial; future; gender; gifted; high; indonesia; interview; issn; javanese; journal; lack; lecturers; life; low; meaning; media; method; muslim; needs; neighbors; nmjn; nurse; nursing; parental; parenting; parents; participants; phenomenological; process; psychology; questions; research; researchers; school; social; son; sports; stress; students; study; support; table; talented; talented youths; talents; teachers; time; training; university; youths cache: medianers-34258.pdf plain text: medianers-34258.txt item: #7 of 25 id: medianers-35626 author: Bakar, Resekiani Mas; Khaerah, Yaumil; Hidayati, Nurul; Hamid, Andi Nasrawaty title: The Role of Organizational Culture in Moderating Effect of Emotional Labor Strategies on Nursing Professionalism date: 2022-04-27 words: 5944 flesch: 44 summary: This study supports the control theory that emotional strategies implemented by nurses as organizational culture are a comparator to engage in nurse professionalism to provide healthcare. The gap in this study provides an opportunity for researchers to examine organizational culture variables that mediate the indirect effect of emotional labor strategies on nurse professionalism. keywords: acting; acting strategies; analysis; burnout; care; copyright; culture; data; deep; deep acting; diefendorff; display; effect; emotional; emotional labor; health; hospital; impact; individual; instrument; issn; items; job; journal; kim; labor; lee; level; makassar; management; mediation; nmjn; nurses; nursing; nursing professionalism; organizational; organizational culture; patients; perception; performance; positive; process; professionalism; psychology; quality; research; respondents; results; rule; scale; self; service; significant; strategies; strategy; study; surface; surface acting; variable; work cache: medianers-35626.pdf plain text: medianers-35626.txt item: #8 of 25 id: medianers-44336 author: Pranata, Satriya; Wu, Shu-Fang Vivienne; Wang, Tsae-Jyy Tiffany; Liang, Shu-Yuan; Chuang, Yeu-Hui; Lu, Kuo-Cheng; Khoiriyah, Khoiriyah title: Discovering Elements and Developing Strategies to Implement the Tailored Care Education for Patients with Diabetes through A Systematic Review date: 2022-04-27 words: 7194 flesch: 54 summary: 3.2 Definition of tailored care education for patient with diabetes Related with tailored care education elements, tailored care education definition was an approach in interdisciplinary collaboration among health professionals, patients, and families in which patients became the center of service through personalized consideration of patient preferences, values, ethnicities in the achievement of personalized goals in self-management and glycemic control (Caro-Bautista et al., 2021; Choi et al., 2017; Cimo & Dewa, 2019; Cummings et al., 2019; Iovane et al., 2017; Prato et al., 2010; Van de Velde et al., 2016). 4. Discussion The main purpose of this study was to discover tailored care education elements and developed strategies to implement tailored care education for patients with diabetes. keywords: adults; approach; articles; benavides; berkowitz; care; care education; centre; choi; choi et; clinical; collaboration; community; complete; control; copyright; data; dekkers; diabetes; diabetes care; diabetes education; diabetic; education; elements; et al; evidence; factors; fair; glycemic; goals; good; health; hertroijs; hertroijs et; high; implementation; information; international; intervention; issn; journal; level; liddy; management; media; medical; metabolic; needs; nelson; nmjn; nurse; nursing; patients; personalized; piombo et; pranata; preferences; professionals; quality; rct; rct diabetes; research; review; risk; self; specific; strategies; study; support; systematic; table; tailored; taipei; terranova; text; trial; type; vaello; value; ✓ ✓ cache: medianers-44336.pdf plain text: medianers-44336.txt item: #9 of 25 id: medianers-45996 author: Janitra, Fitria Endah; Aini, Nur; Wicaksana, Anggi Lukman title: Resilience-related Breast Cancer: A Concept Analysis date: 2023-04-30 words: 12384 flesch: 43 summary: This study identified four antecedents in breast cancer resilience: body image issues after mastectomy, symptoms of distress, cancer-related stigma, and fear of cancer recurrence. Therefore, the concept of resilience in breast cancer patients requires further clarification. keywords: ability; analysis; antecedent; anxiety; associated; attributes; author; avant; body; breast cancer; cancer diagnosis; cancer patients; cancer recurrence; cancer survivors; cancer treatment; capacity; care; case; characteristics; chemotherapy; clinical; cognitive; concept; consequences; contribution; coping; copyright; correlation; defining; depression; diagnosis; disease; distress; effects; emotional; empirical; et al; experience; factors; family; fear; following; growth; health; higher; illness; image; impact; individuals; international; issn; issues; journal; kim; lee; levels; life; literature; mastectomy; meaning; mechanisms; media; medical; medicine; mental; methodology; model; modeling; nmjn; nurse; nursing; oncology; optimism; outcomes; pain; personal; physical; positive; post; predictor; protective; psychological; psychological resilience; psychology; psychosocial; quality; quantitative; relationship; research; resilience; resilience scale; response; results; review; role; satisfaction; scale; self; significant; social; social support; stigma; strategies; studies; study; support; surgery; symptoms; table; title; traumatic; treatment; walker; women; year; young cache: medianers-45996.pdf plain text: medianers-45996.txt item: #10 of 25 id: medianers-46084 author: Nachinab, Gilbert Ti-enkawol; Armstrong, Susan Jennifer title: Quality of Clinical Nursing Education Programme in Ghana: Preceptors’ Perspectives date: 2022-08-31 words: 7647 flesch: 46 summary: Preparation of clinical preceptors. There is dearth of studies in the Ghanaian context that has assessed preceptors’ perception of clinical nursing. keywords: academic; area; assessment; average; characteristics; clinical; clinical assessment; clinical education; clinical facilities; clinical nursing; clinical placement; clinical skills; clinical teaching; communication; copyright; data; development; education; effective; et al; experiences; facilities; findings; ghana; hospital; improvement; issn; journal; learning; level; material; media; model; need; neis; nmjn; nurse; nursing; nursing education; nursing students; perception; performance; placement area; practice; preceptors; preceptorship; present; quality; questionnaire; resources; respondents; scale; score; skills; staff; students; study; support; teaching; time; training; undergraduate; university cache: medianers-46084.pdf plain text: medianers-46084.txt item: #11 of 25 id: medianers-46101 author: Alammar, Kamila; Baker, Omar Ghazi; Alotaiba, Areej; Alkhunaizi, Amwar title: The Effect of Music Therapy on Adult Patients’ Heart Rate: A Meta-Analysis date: 2022-12-28 words: 7294 flesch: 55 summary: A Meta-Analysis Kamila Alammar1,3, Omar Ghazi Baker1,2, Areej Alotaiba1, Anwar Alkhunaizi1 1College of Nursing, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2Department of Community, Psychiatric and Mental Health, College of Nursing, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 3Nursing Department, Anfas Medical Care, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Article Info Abstract Article History: Received: 7 May 2022 Revised: 22 November 2022 Accepted: 24 November 2022 Online: 28 December 2022 Keywords: Adult; heart rate; music therapy; patients Corresponding Author: Kamila Alammar Department of Community, Psychiatric and Mental Health, College of Nursing, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Email: Despite the fact that music therapy is widely utilized and practiced in clinical and educational contexts, it has received little attention in formal medical settings. keywords: adult; analysis; anxiety; articles; bias; blank; cakmak; care; clinical; cochrane; control; copyright; criteria; data; effect; et al; evidence; figure; froutan; froutan et; group; hamidi; health; heart; heart rate; heterogeneity; high; inclusion; intervention; issn; journal; lee et; listening; lopez; low; mackintosh; mean; media; medical; medicine; meta; minutes; music; music intervention; music therapy; nmjn; nurse; nursing; ozturk; pain; participants; patients; physiological; procedure; quality; randomized; rate; records; research; results; review; risk; settings; significant; stress; studies; study; systematic; tolunay; trials; wazzan; wazzan et; wu et; yufera; yufera et cache: medianers-46101.pdf plain text: medianers-46101.txt item: #12 of 25 id: medianers-46399 author: Alaseeri, Rana; Baker, Omar Ghazi; Banakhar, Maram title: The Prevalence of Nurses’ Emotional Exhaustion during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis date: 2023-04-30 words: 7286 flesch: 57 summary: Moreover, four studies were conducted in China (Chen et al., 2020; Wan et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2020; Most of the studies used a convenience sampling method (Chen et al., 2020; Sagherian et al., 2020; Wan et al., 2022; Zhang et al., 2020), while Zhou et al. keywords: analysis; associated; authors; bellanti; bellanti et; burnout; care; chen; chen et; copyright; covid-19; criteria; critical; cross; current; data; effect; emergency; emotional; estimate; et al; exhaustion; factors; frontline; health; heterogeneity; high; higher; hospital; hours; issn; jose; jose et; journal; kakemam; kakemam et; laksmi; levels; liu; media; meta; moderate; nmjn; nurses; nursing; organizational; pandemic; patients; pooled; prevalence; pubmed; quality; random; response; results; review; sagherian et; sample; search; sectional; studies; study; support; susila; systematic; table; total; units; wan; wan et; working; zhang; zhang et; zhou;   cache: medianers-46399.pdf plain text: medianers-46399.txt item: #13 of 25 id: medianers-47082 author: Setyawan, Aris; Hikmah, Isma Nur; Oktavianto, Eka; Saifudin, I Made Moh. Yanuar title: Anatomical Points of Cupping Therapy for Musculoskeletal Pain: A Systematic Review date: 2022-12-28 words: 7310 flesch: 53 summary: However, studies that specifically review the literature on cupping points to reduce musculoskeletal pain are lacking. Seven regions of cupping points were identified, including upper-middle-lower fibres of the trapezius muscles, the inter-scapular area around the 2-4th vertebrae torachalis, the sacrum area, between the lower vertebrae and the coccyx bone, the 1-5th vertebrae lumbalis, the 3-5th vertebrae lumbalis, knee joint, and lower border of the spinous process of the second lumbar vertebra (L2). keywords: a. a.; abdulaziz; anatomical; area; articles; blood; ccat; chiu; chronic; clinical; complementary; copyright; criteria; cupping; cupping therapy; data; design; disability; dry; dry cupping; effects; eidi; et al; good; health; inclusion; islam; issn; joint; journal; kivi; knee; line; literature; low; lower; mardani; media; medicine; method; minutes; moura; musculoskeletal; musculoskeletal pain; myofascial; myofascial pain; neck; nmjn; nonspecific; nurse; nursing; pain; patients; pelvic; pelvic pain; physical; points; process; randomized; research; results; review; score; screening; setyawan; silva; skin; studies; study; syndrome; systematic; therapy; treatment; trial; upper; vertebrae; wet; yang cache: medianers-47082.pdf plain text: medianers-47082.txt item: #14 of 25 id: medianers-47694 author: Dewi, Risma Arlyani; Sutawardana, Jon Hafan; Nistiandani, Ana title: Perception of COVID-19 Vaccination Based on Health Belief Model and the Acceptance of COVID-19 Booster Vaccination date: 2023-04-30 words: 6377 flesch: 50 summary: No 34 4 8 2 1 1 337 8.8 1 2 0.5 0.3 0.3 87.1 3.2 Perceptions of COVID-19 vaccination and the acceptance of COVID-19 booster vaccination The results of COVID-19 vaccination perceptions based on HBM are listed as positive and negative perceptions, as shown in Table 2, while Table 3 illustrates the acceptance of COVID-19 booster vaccination. However, cues to action were the most dominant subscales of COVID-19 vaccination perception relating to the acceptance of COVID-19 booster vaccination (OR=5.265; 95%CI=3.073-9.022; p<0.001). keywords: acceptance; action; analysis; area; barriers; belief; benefits; booster vaccination; booster vaccine; characteristics; community; contracting; copyright; covid-19; covid-19 booster; covid-19 vaccination; covid-19 vaccine; cues; data; disease; dominant; et al; glanz; hbm; health; high; indonesia; information; issn; jember; journal; lai; media; model; negative; nmjn; nurse; nursing; people; perception; person; positive; public; questionnaire; related; relationship; research; respondents; results; risk; severity; significant; study; subscales; susceptibility; table; vaccination; vaccination acceptance; vaccine; wong cache: medianers-47694.pdf plain text: medianers-47694.txt item: #15 of 25 id: medianers-47811 author: Jaber, Samara; Fawaz, Mirna; Rayan, Ahmad; Alhroub, Nisser; Suliman, Mohammad; ALBashtawy, Mohammed; Al-Amer, Rasmieh; Alkhawaldeh, Abdullah title: Relationship between Nurses’ Attitudes and Satisfaction with Bedside Shift Reports and Patient Safety Culture date: 2022-12-28 words: 5229 flesch: 49 summary: For example, the highest-ranking statement, “Bedside shift report is completed in a reasonable time,” was recorded with a mean value of 3.35 (SD=0.87), while the lowest-ranking statement was “bedside shift report is relatively stress-free” with a mean value of 2.03 (SD=0.86) but still reflective positive attitudes (Table 3). Some studies indicated that patients should be involved during nurse bedside shift reports, and important things such as wounds, incisions, drains, or central lines should be carefully assessed (Shank, 2018). keywords: analysis; attitudes; bedside; bedside shift; care; communication; composites; copyright; culture; data; descriptive; errors; handover; hospital; implementation; information; issn; joint; journal; level; mean; measure; media; medical; nmjn; nurse satisfaction; nurses; nursing; participants; patient; patient care; patient safety; positive; process; quality; relationships; report; reporting; research; results; safety; satisfaction; sherman; shift; shift report; staff; study; survey; table; time; university; value; variables; years cache: medianers-47811.pdf plain text: medianers-47811.txt item: #16 of 25 id: medianers-48114 author: Seniwati, Tuti; Wanda, Dessie; Nurhaeni, Nani title: Effects of Patient and Family-Centered Care on Quality of Care in Pediatric Patients: A Systematic Review date: 2023-04-30 words: 8730 flesch: 52 summary: Assessing the risk of bias in systematic reviews of health care interventions. Parents reported that there was an increase in parental involvement (Khan et al., 2018; Ladak et al., 2013; Welch et al., 2013) and a significant raised in parent-staff partnership during child care in hospitals with p<0.001 (Heo & Oh, 2019; Uhm & Kim, 2019). keywords: analysis; appraisal; articles; assessment; bias; care; care unit; children; clinical; collaboration; components; control; copyright; critical; data; design; duration; effects; empowerment; et al; experimental; families; family; group; health; health care; hospital; hospitalization; impact; indonesia; infant; information; intensive; intensive care; intervention; involvement; issn; journal; length; life; low; media; model; mothers; neonatal; nmjn; nurse; nursing; outcomes; parental; parents; participants; participation; partnership; patient; pediatric; pfcc; program; psychological; quality; quasi; randomized; rct; research; results; review; risk; safety; satisfaction; scores; setting; sharing; significant; staff; stay; studies; study; systematic; table; trial; unit; verma cache: medianers-48114.pdf plain text: medianers-48114.txt item: #17 of 25 id: medianers-49860 author: Aadillah, Venna Yaasmiin; Nurbaeti, Irma title: Postpartum Depression and Its Contributing Factors among Mothers during the COVID-19 Pandemic in North Jakarta, Indonesia date: 2023-04-30 words: 5917 flesch: 56 summary: Screening for postpartum depression is required to ensure early detection among postpartum mothers. The original LEQ contained 10 question items, and Nurbaeti et al. (2018) added five items to make it suitable for use with postpartum mothers. keywords: age; analysis; baby; birth; chen; childcare; contributing; copyright; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; depression; et al; events; experience; factors; health; higher; indonesia; issn; jakarta; journal; life; marital; maternal; media; mental; mothers; nmjn; nurbaeti; nurse; nursing; pandemic; period; postpartum; postpartum depression; postpartum mothers; ppd; pregnancy; prevalence; previous; range; relationship; research; respondents; risk; satisfaction; score; social; status; stress; studies; study; support; symptoms; test; time; unplanned; unwanted; women cache: medianers-49860.pdf plain text: medianers-49860.txt item: #18 of 25 id: medianers-49896 author: Diana, Ma. Prestige Leudouel J.; Cercado, Francesca G; Chiu, Pearl Zerrha; De Justo, Pamela Andrea; De Silva, April Rhose; Oducado, Ryan Michael F. title: Filipino Nursing Students’ Health Promoting Behaviors during Pandemic date: 2023-04-30 words: 6733 flesch: 53 summary: Keywords: Lifestyle; nursing; pandemic; Philippines; students Corresponding Author: Ryan Michael F. Oducado College of Nursing, West Visayas State University, Philippines Email: Background: Research on health promoting behaviors can assist nursing students in identifying, maintaining, and improving health behaviors. However, there is a lacuna in the literature about health promoting activities of nursing students stuck at home and attending online learning during the pandemic. keywords: academic; activity; analysis; average; behaviors; college; copyright; covid-19; cross; data; education; et al; face; factors; family; growth; habits; health; health behaviors; high; higher; income; international; issn; journal; kim; learning; level; lifestyle; low; mean; media; medical; middle; nmjn; nurse; nursing; nursing students; oducado; online; overall; pandemic; participants; performance; philippines; physical; practice; predictors; profile; promoting; promotion; public; related; research; results; sectional; self; significant; spiritual; students; studies; study; survey; table; undergraduate; university; university students; year cache: medianers-49896.pdf plain text: medianers-49896.txt item: #19 of 25 id: medianers-50633 author: Siga Tage, Petrus Kanisius; Azi Djogo, Herliana Monika; Febriyanti, Erna; Letor, Yulia Martiningsih Karmila; Bina, Maria Yoanita; Goa, Maria Yasintha Goa; Gatum, Angela Muryanti title: Parents’ Experiences of Caring for Children with Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) in Remote and Rural Areas of Indonesia date: 2023-04-30 words: 7272 flesch: 52 summary: Inclusion criteria included parents who cared for CRS children over than two years old, could express their experiences, and spoke Indonesian. Studies of parents’ experiences of caring for CRS children show that they Nurse Media Journal of Nursing, 13(1), 2023, 57 Copyright © 2023, NMJN, e-ISSN 2406-8799, p-ISSN 2087-7811 experience emotional stress, need family support, lack knowledge, and try various ways to help their children (Leon et al., 2018). keywords: access; addition; analysis; areas; barriers; burden; care; caring; cases; children; chronic; complex; condition; congenital; copyright; crs; crs children; data; development; difficult; disease; divorce; east; efforts; emotional; experiences; face; facilities; families; family; following; health; health services; help; high; hospital; illness; income; indonesia; insurance; interview; issn; journal; lack; life; loss; media; medical; mental; method; need; new; nmjn; nurse; nursing; parents; participants; physical; political; previous; problems; psychological; quality; remote; research; researchers; resources; rubella; rural; services; sick; significant; situations; social; statements; stigma; studies; study; syndrome; theme; time; treatment; uncertainty cache: medianers-50633.pdf plain text: medianers-50633.txt item: #20 of 25 id: medianers-52049 author: Front Matter, Editorial title: Editorial Front Matter date: 2022-12-28 words: 1208 flesch: 35 summary: This journal encompasses original research articles, reviews (systematic and meta-analysis), and case studies, including: ▪ Adult nursing ▪ Emergency nursing ▪ Gerontological nursing ▪ Community nursing ▪ Mental health nursing ▪ Pediatric nursing ▪ Maternity nursing ▪ Nursing leadership and management ▪ Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in nursing ▪ Education in nursing The Nurse Media Journal of Nursing (NMJN) is published three time a year, every April, August and December. Copyright © 2022, NMJN, p-ISSN 2087-7811, e-ISSN 2406-8799 keywords: analysis; andy; articles; case; copyright; december; department; diponegoro; dwi; editorial; effect; faculty; google; index; indexing; indonesia; information; issn; journal; media; medicine; meta; mohammed; nmjn; number; nurse; nursing; olufemi; patients; philippines; publication; research; scholar; school; scopus; semarang; sri; systematic; total; universitas; universitas diponegoro cache: medianers-52049.pdf plain text: medianers-52049.txt item: #21 of 25 id: medianers-52051 author: Back Matter, Editorial title: Editorial Back Matter date: 2022-12-28 words: 6211 flesch: 43 summary: Copyright © 2021, NMJN, p-ISSN 2087-7811, e-ISSN 2406-8799 Authors should carefully consider the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscripts. Any addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and only if approved by the journal editor. keywords: abstract; address; analysis; app; article; authors; case; citations; clear; conflict; contribution; copyright; data; department; design; diponegoro; discussion; editorial; email; ethical; faculty; findings; guidelines; indonesia; information; interest; introduction; issn; journal; knowledge; limitations; literature; manuscript; media; medicine; methods; nmjn; number; nurse; nursing; office; online; original; paper; peer; plagiarism; previous; process; publication; references; relevant; report; reported; reporting; research; results; review; reviewers; section; specific; state; statement; step; studies; study; submission; subscription; systematic; title; transfer; universitas; universitas diponegoro; use; work; years cache: medianers-52051.pdf plain text: medianers-52051.txt item: #22 of 25 id: medianers-54123 author: . title: medianers-54123 date: 2023-05-09 words: 1033 flesch: 34 summary: This journal encompasses original research articles, reviews (systematic and meta-analysis), and case studies, including: ▪ Adult nursing ▪ Emergency nursing ▪ Gerontological nursing ▪ Community nursing ▪ Mental health nursing ▪ Pediatric nursing ▪ Maternity nursing ▪ Nursing leadership and management ▪ Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in nursing ▪ Education in nursing The Nurse Media Journal of Nursing (NMJN) is published three time a year, every April, August and December. Copyright © 2023, NMJN, p-ISSN 2087-7811, e-ISSN 2406-8799 Copyright © 2023, NMJN, p-ISSN 2087-7811, e-ISSN 2406-8799 e-ISSN: 2406-8799 p-ISSN: 2087-7811 Nurse Media Journal of Nursing Volume 13 Number 1, April 2023 Accredited by Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency, Republic of Indonesia (Decree No. 148/M/KPT/2020) Editorial Office Department of Nursing Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Diponegoro Jl. keywords: analysis; april; articles; copyright; covid-19; department; diponegoro; editorial; faculty; google; health; index; indexing; indonesia; information; issn; journal; media; medicine; meta; nmjn; number; nurse; nursing; philippines; publication; research; scholar; school; systematic; universitas; universitas diponegoro cache: medianers-54123.htm plain text: medianers-54123.txt item: #23 of 25 id: medianers-54124 author: Back Matter, Editorial title: Editorial Back Matter date: 2023-04-30 words: 6211 flesch: 43 summary: Copyright © 2023, NMJN, p-ISSN 2087-7811, e-ISSN 2406-8799 Authors should carefully consider the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscripts. Any addition, deletion, or rearrangement of author names should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and only if approved by the journal editor. keywords: abstract; address; analysis; app; article; authors; case; citations; clear; conflict; copyright; data; department; design; diponegoro; discussion; editorial; email; ethical; faculty; findings; guidelines; indonesia; information; interest; introduction; issn; journal; knowledge; limitations; literature; manuscript; media; medicine; methods; nmjn; number; nurse; nursing; office; online; original; paper; peer; plagiarism; previous; process; publication; references; relevant; report; reported; reporting; research; results; review; reviewers; section; specific; state; statement; step; studies; study; submission; subscription; systematic; title; transfer; universitas; universitas diponegoro; use; work; years cache: medianers-54124.pdf plain text: medianers-54124.txt item: #24 of 25 id: medianers-685 author: SUYASA, I GEDE PUTU DARMA title: NURSES’ PERCEPTION ABOUT RESPONSIBILITY OF CARE IN DECUBITUS ULCER MANAGEMENT date: 2010-12-20 words: 4002 flesch: 50 summary: Programming for family care of elderly dependents: mandates, incentives and service rationing. These types of questions also give opportunity for researcher to generate other questions which will be able to enrich the understanding of caring responsibility around decubitus ulcer care. keywords: 2003; area; care; d.s; decubitus; decubitus ulcer; families; family; financial; gede; health; health care; hospitalised; indonesian; involvement; management; media; members; ners; nomor; nurses; nursing; oktober; participants; patients; perception; practice; pressure; prevention; putu; quality; research; responsibility; role; significant; study; support; team; ulcer; volume cache: medianers-685.pdf plain text: medianers-685.txt item: #25 of 25 id: medianers-975 author: Primanda, Yanuar; Kritpracha, Charuwan; Thaniwattananon, Ploenpit title: Dietary Behaviors among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Yogyakarta, Indonesia date: 2011-07-26 words: 4497 flesch: 50 summary: Nurse Media Journal of Nursing, 1, 2, Juli 2011, 211-223 211 Dietary Behaviors among Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Yanuar Primanda, S. Kep., Ns 1 , Charuwan Kritpracha, RN., Ph.D. 2 , Ploenpit Thaniwattananon, RN., Ph.D 3 Purpose: To describe dietary behaviors and examine relationships between selected factors and dietary behaviors among type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The results revealed a moderate level of the total score of dietary behaviors. keywords: behaviors; calorie; care; data; diabetes; diabetes mellitus; diabetic; dietary; dietary behaviors; education; factors; faculty; food; health; high; hospital; income; indonesia; journal; juli; knowledge; level; management; meal; media; mellitus; min; moderate; needs; nurse; nursing; patients; prince; questionnaire; relationship; results; score; significant; songkla; study; thailand; type; university; years; yogyakarta cache: medianers-975.pdf plain text: medianers-975.txt