item: #1 of 166 id: onpr-101 author: Sheila, Strawn title: Foreward and Forward date: 2021-06-29 words: 688 flesch: 68 summary: It is a checklist for Oklahoma floras. He has gathered all the known published floras of Oklahoma and catalogued them in tabular form, referencing geographic, topographic, and taxonomic data to a bibliography of 85 references for Oklahoma flora. keywords: oklahoma; ruth cache: onpr-101.pdf plain text: onpr-101.txt item: #2 of 166 id: onpr-102 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Front Matter date: 2021-06-29 words: 482 flesch: 53 summary: .91 Editorial Ms. Patricia Folley Five-year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record . . . . . . . . . Patricia Folley ONPS Service Award Chair: keywords: chair; native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-102.pdf plain text: onpr-102.txt item: #3 of 166 id: onpr-103 author: Folley, Patricia title: Editorial: Botanizing with Larry Magrath date: 2021-06-29 words: 856 flesch: 78 summary: Over the years there were many such field trips with Larry, most of them with the Oklahoma Native Plant Society or The Nature Conservancy. Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 7, Number 1, December 2007 91 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 7, Number 1, December 2007 Editorial Botanizing with Larry Magrath Sunday, October 4, 1998. keywords: hallii; lake; larry cache: onpr-103.pdf plain text: onpr-103.txt item: #4 of 166 id: onpr-104 author: Hoagland, Bruce W.; Buthod, Amy title: The Vascular Flora of the Oklahoma Centennial Botanical Garden site Osage County, Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 4577 flesch: 66 summary: SSSN; P; H; OBG-221 Carduus nutans* L. (nodding plumeless thistle) DAOF; B; H; OBG-208 Cirsium altissimum (L.) Hill (tall thistle) SSSN; P; H; OBG-114 59 Oklahoma Native PlantRecord Volume 7,Number (rusty blackhaw) QSQM; P; S; OBG-189 Caryophyllaceae Arenaria serpyllifolia* L. (thymeleaf sandwort)- DAOF; A; H; OBG-242 Cerastium pumilum* keywords: botanical; buthod; common; daof; garden; hoagland; michx; native; nutt; ocbg; oklahoma; plantrecord; qsqm; raf; species; sssn; vegetation; volume; walt; willd cache: onpr-104.pdf plain text: onpr-104.txt item: #5 of 166 id: onpr-105 author: Hoagland, Bruce W. title: UPDATED OKLAHOMA OZARK FLORA: A Checklist for the Vascular Flora of Ozark Plateau in Oklahoma based on the work of C.S. Wallis and records from the Oklahoma Vascular Plants Database date: 2021-06-29 words: 12432 flesch: 61 summary: Syn. = L. americanus (Mitt.) Bisch. Syn. = L. palustris (L.) Ell. var. keywords: = l.; ait; americana; aster; b.w; britt; canadensis; carex; cyperus; desmodium; dichanthelium; ell; engelm; ex willd; fern; formas; gould; gray; gray var; greene; hoagland; hook; j.a; kunth; l. ssp; l. syn; l. var; l. wallis; lam; lanceolata; listed; mackenzie; michx; michx var; mill; muhl; nash; native; nesom; nutt; oklahoma; panicum; pennell; pers; plantrecord; poir; polygonum; pubescens; pursh; raf; rydb; s1s2; sarg; schultes; scribn; shinners; solidago; species; spreng; ssp; steud; symphyotrichum; syn; taxa; torr; virginiana; volume; wallis; walt; wieg; willd cache: onpr-105.pdf plain text: onpr-105.txt item: #6 of 166 id: onpr-106 author: Palmer, Michael W. title: Vascular Plant Checklists from Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 4375 flesch: 75 summary: [2054] Taylor, C.E.S.; Magrath, L.K.; Folley, P.; Buck, P.; Carpenter, S. (1996): Oklahoma vascular plants: additions and distributional comments. Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 7, Number 1, December 2007 67Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 7, Number 1, December 2007 Palmer, M.W. Vascular Plant Checklists from Oklahoma Michael W. Palmer Department of Botany Oklahoma State University Stillwater OK 74078 email: A bibliography of 85 references involving Oklahoma flora is provided, 52 of which provide a vascular plant species list from an unambiguous area. keywords: area; complete; county; data; flora; oklahoma; plant; state; thesis; university; vascular cache: onpr-106.pdf plain text: onpr-106.txt item: #7 of 166 id: onpr-107 author: Stotts, Caleb; Palmer, Michael W.; Kindscher, Kelly title: The Need for Savanna Restoration in the Cross Timbers date: 2021-06-29 words: 6028 flesch: 57 summary: The herbaceous understory of Cross Timbers savanna is similar in composition to the surrounding prairie (Dyksterhuis 1948; Kuchler 1964, 1974, Palmer unpublished data). Extreme climatic events may be more important than shifts in means (Katz and Brown 1992) for changes in Cross Timbers savannas. keywords: communities; cross; cross timbers; fire; forest; oak; oklahoma; plant; prairie; restoration; savanna; species; timbers; vegetation cache: onpr-107.pdf plain text: onpr-107.txt item: #8 of 166 id: onpr-108 author: Wallis, Charles S. title: Vascular Plants of the Oklahoma Ozarks date: 2021-06-29 words: 8185 flesch: 71 summary: Species identified and listed by Holzinger (63) are: Ranunculus abortivus L., var. micranthus Gray, Ilex decidua Walt., Lathyrus pusillus Eli., var. keywords: american; arkansas; bot; c.s; cherokee; counties; county; creek; delaware; flora; forma; fort; genus; miles; north; oklahoma; ozarks; plantrecord; prairie; rhod; river; species; state; trees; var; volume; wallis cache: onpr-108.pdf plain text: onpr-108.txt item: #9 of 166 id: onpr-109 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Complete Vol. 7 date: 2021-06-29 words: 38951 flesch: 67 summary: Apocynum cannabinum L. Syn. = A. cannabinum L. var. and canadensis), L. canadensis L. var. keywords: = l.; acad; ait; american; americana l.; area; arkansas; aster; b.w; britt; buthod; c.s; canadensis l.; carex; cherokee; common; communities; complete; county; creek; cross; cyperus; daof; data; december; delaware; desmodium; ell; engelm; fern; fire; flora; forest; formas; fort; genus; gould; gray; greene; hoagland; hook; j.a; johnson; kunth; l. ssp; l. syn; l. var; l. wallis; lam; lanceolata; listed; mackenzie; management; michx; mill; muhl; nash; native; natural; nesom; nesom var; new; non; norman; north; number; nutt; oak; oklahoma; oklahoma flora; oklahoma native; oklahoma ozarks; oklahoma state; pages; palmer; panicum; plains; plant; plant record; poir; polygonum; prairie; pubescens; pursh; qsqm; quercus; raf; record; research; restoration; rhod; river; rydb; savanna; schultes; scribn; site; small; solidago; species; sssn; state; study; survey; symphyotrichum; taxa; thesis; timbers; torr; trees; united; university; vascular; vegetation; virginiana l.; virginica; volume; wallis; walt; waterfall; wildlife; willd; woody cache: onpr-109.pdf plain text: onpr-109.txt item: #10 of 166 id: onpr-111 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Front Matter date: 2021-06-29 words: 444 flesch: 56 summary: Dr. Constance L. Murray Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clark Ovrebo Northeast Chapter Chair: keywords: chair; native; oklahoma cache: onpr-111.pdf plain text: onpr-111.txt item: #11 of 166 id: onpr-112 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Foreword date: 2021-06-29 words: 449 flesch: 67 summary: Hopefully, a checklist of Oklahoma ferns will be forthcoming. Her thesis, “A Floristic Study of the Vascular Plants of the Gypsum Hills and Redbed Plains Area of Southwestern Oklahoma”, is long overdue to be published . keywords: oklahoma; refuge cache: onpr-112.pdf plain text: onpr-112.txt item: #12 of 166 id: onpr-113 author: Barber, Susan C. title: Updated List of Taxa for Vascular Plants of the Gypsum Hills and Redbed Plains Area of Southwestern Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 2848 flesch: 68 summary: = L. redowskii (Hornem.) = L. texana (Scheele) Britton) Lithospermum incisum Lehm. keywords: a. gray; engelm; gray; hook; june; michx; nutt; oklahoma; pursh; raf; ssp; syn; torr; u.t; var; waterfall cache: onpr-113.pdf plain text: onpr-113.txt item: #13 of 166 id: onpr-115 author: Carter, Keith A.; Rodriguez, Pablo; Dunn, Micheal T. title: An Updated Flora of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge date: 2021-06-29 words: 3944 flesch: 55 summary: Araceae Arisaema dracontium (L.) Cyperus echinatus (L.) keywords: carex; carter; cyperus; december; eleocharis; engelm; eragrostis; gray; hook; lam; michx; mountains; muhl; native; number; nutt; oklahoma; plant; polygonum; pursh; raf; record; refuge; rydb; specimens; torr; volume; walt; wichita; wildlife; willd cache: onpr-115.pdf plain text: onpr-115.txt item: #14 of 166 id: onpr-116 author: Murray, Constance title: Tribute to Paul Buck date: 2021-06-29 words: 1137 flesch: 60 summary: Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 8, Number 1, December 2008 67 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 8, Number 1, December 2008 Murray, C.S. Tribute to Paul Buck Paul Buck passed away on January 16, 2008. In 2002 Oklahoma Native Plant Record published “Vascular Plants of the Wichita Mountains”, from an informational pamphlet previously used by Refuge biologists, which was based on that work. keywords: oklahoma; paul; students; tulsa cache: onpr-116.pdf plain text: onpr-116.txt item: #15 of 166 id: onpr-117 author: Ovrebo, Clark L.; Weber, Nancy S. title: Common Spring Mushrooms of Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 1121 flesch: 68 summary: Clark L. Ovrebo Nancy S. Weber Department of Biology Department of Forest Ecosystems University of Central Oklahoma and Society Edmond, OK 73034 Oregon State University E-mail: Corvallis, Oregon 97331 INTRODUCTION Vouchers for specimens described here are housed in the mycological collection of the University of Central Oklahoma’s herbarium (CSU). keywords: apothecium; oklahoma; stalk cache: onpr-117.pdf plain text: onpr-117.txt item: #16 of 166 id: onpr-118 author: Smith, Bruce A. title: Fern Habitats and Rare Ferns in Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 2154 flesch: 70 summary: Surprisingly, ferns can be found in a variety of habitats across Oklahoma. Less than 100 species are ferns and fern allies. keywords: county; fern; figure; oklahoma; park; species; state cache: onpr-118.pdf plain text: onpr-118.txt item: #17 of 166 id: onpr-1260 author: Folley, Patricia title: Front Matter date: 2014-01-26 words: 365 flesch: 50 summary: 2 Ms. Pat Folley, ONPS President The Spermatophyta of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma ....................................... 3 Masters Thesis of Dr. U. T. Waterfall Floristic List for Oklahoma County ..................................................................... Oklahoma Native Plant Society The purpose of the ONPS is to encourag e the study, protection, propag ation, appreciation and use of the native plants of Oklahoma. keywords: chair; native; oklahoma cache: onpr-1260.pdf plain text: onpr-1260.txt item: #18 of 166 id: onpr-1261 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Foreword date: 2014-01-26 words: 487 flesch: 66 summary: Few know that his first attempt to catalog the plants of Oklahoma was a master’s thesis that includes a list of the plants he found in Oklahoma County in the 1930’s. Patricia Folley, President Oklahoma Native Plant Society April, 2001 keywords: oklahoma cache: onpr-1261.pdf plain text: onpr-1261.txt item: #19 of 166 id: onpr-1262 author: Waterfall, Dr. U. T. title: The Spermatophyta of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma date: 2001-12-01 words: 8128 flesch: 64 summary: Polygonum pennsylvanicus L. var. Salsola kali L. var. keywords: britton; city; county; december; engelm; euphorbia; fernald; flora; forma; gray; l. var; m. l.; michx; native; new; north; number; nutt; oak; oklahoma; plant; polygonum; prairie; pursh; record; rhodora; small; species; torr; u.t; university; var; volume; waterfall cache: onpr-1262.pdf plain text: onpr-1262.txt item: #20 of 166 id: onpr-1263 author: Hoagland, Bruce W. title: Floristic List for Oklahoma County date: 2014-01-26 words: 3840 flesch: 27 summary: interius boxelder AECY Aegilops cylindrica jointed goatgrass AGAS2 Agalinis aspera tall false foxglove AGDE6 Agalinis densiflora Osage false foxglove AGFA2 Agalinis fasciculata beach false foxglove AGHE4 Agalinis heterophylla prairie false foxglove AGRO3 Agrimonia rostellata beaked agrimony AGHY Agrostis hyemalis winter bentgrass AGPE Agrostis perennans upland bentgrass ALCA3 Allium canadense meadow garlic ALCAF Allium canadense var.fraseri Fraser meadow garlic ALCAH Allium canadense var. hyacinthoides hyacinth meadow garlic ALCAL Allium canadense var. keywords: allium; american; asclepias; b.w; blue; bromus; canadense; carolina; chamaesyce; clover; common; croton; cyperus; dalea; december; desmodium; dichanthelium; draba; eragrostis; euphorbia; evening; false; flatsedge; hairy; helianthus; hoagland; hypericum; juncus; lespedeza; lovegrass; meadow; milkweed; native; number; oenothera; oklahoma; penstemon; plant; plant record; polygonum; prairie; primrose; record; record volume; rush; ssp; ticktrefoil; university; var; villosa; virginia; volume; white; wild cache: onpr-1263.pdf plain text: onpr-1263.txt item: #21 of 166 id: onpr-1265 author: Magrath, Lawrence K. title: Galium parisiense var. leiocarpum Tausch, New for Oklahoma date: 2014-01-26 words: 618 flesch: 78 summary: OKLAHOMA: GRADY COUNTY: Chickasha, Walmart Plaza on Ponderosa Drive; T6N, R7W, SW 1/4 Sec 3; open disturbed grassy area on west side of street, red clay and some sand; elevation ca 1100 ft; scattered to locally abundant in ca 5 acre area; flowers yellow to greenish-yellow; 25 April 2001; L.K. Magrath, Stephen Garvin, Val Maseykin et al. 21344 (OCLA); another collection at same site: 27 May 2001; L. K. Magrath 21448 (OCLA). OKLAHOMA: GRADY COUNTY: Chickasha, Walmart Plaza on Ponderosa Drive; T6N, R7W, SW 1/4 Sec 3; open disturbed grassy area on west side of street, red clay and some sand; elevation ca 1100 ft; scattered to locally abundant in ca 5 acre area; flowers greenish-white, some with red-brown corolla lobes; 9 June 1999; L.K. Magrath 20590 (OCLA). keywords: magrath; ocla; oklahoma cache: onpr-1265.pdf plain text: onpr-1265.txt item: #22 of 166 id: onpr-1266 author: Smith, Bruce A. title: Checklist of the Ferns, Natural Falls State Park date: 2014-01-26 words: 1510 flesch: 65 summary: In a 1988 visit to the Oklahoma State University Herbarium I noticed that several herbarium sheets of ferns were collected from Dripping Springs. Vouchers will be deposited in the Oklahoma State University Herbarium (OKLA). keywords: ferns; okla; oklahoma; springs cache: onpr-1266.pdf plain text: onpr-1266.txt item: #23 of 166 id: onpr-1267 author: Norman, Jim title: ONPR Critic's Choice Essay: The Limestone Glade date: 2014-01-26 words: 733 flesch: 80 summary: [P.F.] O N P S Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 1, Number 1, December 2001 - Premier Issue Title Page Table of Contents Foreword The Spermatophyta of Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, Masters Thesis of Dr. U. T. Waterfall Floristic List for Oklahoma County by Dr. Bruce W. Hoagland Native Orchids of Oklahoma by Dr. Lawrence K. Magrath Galium parisiense var. And finally, I would say the rarest plant – the one I’ve found only here in all my searches for plants in eastern Oklahoma – is the western marbleseed [Onosmodium molle]. keywords: glade; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-1267.pdf plain text: onpr-1267.txt item: #24 of 166 id: onpr-141 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Front Matter date: 2021-03-19 words: 384 flesch: 43 summary: Lawrence Magrath Berlin Heck Photo Contest: Paul Reimer Iris McPherson Ann Long Award Chair: Paul Reimer Sue Amstutz Harriet Barclay Award Chair: James Elder Constance Taylor Paul Reimer ONPS Service Award Chair: 2 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 2, Number 1 Table of Contents Forward ...................................................................................................... 3 Ms. Patricia Folley, ONPS President Vascular Plants of the Wichita Mountains ............................................ 4 Dr. Paul Buck Floristic List for Comanche County, Oklahoma ................................ 22 Dr. Bruce W. Hoagland Schoenoplectus hallii and S. saximontanus ................................................... keywords: chair; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-141.pdf plain text: onpr-141.txt item: #25 of 166 id: onpr-142 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Foreword date: 2021-03-19 words: 10 flesch: 69 summary: Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 keywords: oklahoma cache: onpr-142.pdf plain text: onpr-142.txt item: #26 of 166 id: onpr-143 author: Buck, Paul title: Vascular Plants of the Wichita Mountains date: 2021-03-19 words: 4314 flesch: 17 summary: Muhlenbergia frondosa Wirestem muhly Muhlenbergia racemosa Green muhly Panicum agrostoides Redtop panicum Panicum anceps Beaked panicum Panicum capillare Witchgrass Panicum depauperatum Poor panic grass Panicum dichotomiflorum Fall panicum Panicum lanuginosum Wooly panicum Panicum linearifolium Slimleaf panicum Panicum malacophyllum Shortleaf panicum Panicum obtusum Vine-mesquite Panicum obligosanthes var. publiflorum Hairyseed paspalum Paspalum publiflorum var. keywords: american; asclepias; aster; buck; carex; carolina; clover; croton; cyperus; december; eleocharis; eragrostis; euphorbia; evening; flatsedge; gaura; green; hairy; lespedeza; lipfern; lovegrass; maple; narrowleaf; native; number; oak; oenothera; oklahoma; panicum; plains; plant; plant record; plantain; polygonum; prairie; primrose; purple; quercus; record; record volume; refuge; sedge; spikesedge; texas; tridens; var; verbena; virginia; volume; western; white; wichita cache: onpr-143.pdf plain text: onpr-143.txt item: #27 of 166 id: onpr-144 author: Hoagland, Bruce title: Floristic List for Camanche County, Oklahoma date: 2021-03-19 words: 7978 flesch: 52 summary: Mexican plum Prunus persica (L.) Batsch peach Prunus rivularis Scheele creek plum Prunus virginiana L. chokecherry Rosa foliolosa Nutt. Riddell biannual lettuce Lactuca scariola L. var. keywords: ait; american; asclepias; b.w; blue; britt; buckl; canadensis; carex; carolina; clover; common; cyperus; december; drummondii; ell; engelm; eragrostis; euphorbia; ex dc; ex gray; ex torr; ex willd; false; fern; gray; gray var; greene; hairy; hoagland; hook; juncus; kunth; l. var; lam; lovegrass; michx; muhl; native; number; nutt; oklahoma; plant; polygonum; prairie; pursh; pursh var; raf; record; rydb; sedge; shinners; small; solidago; spreng; ssp; texas; torr; vahl; var; volume; walt; wats; western; white; willd; woods; yellow cache: onpr-144.pdf plain text: onpr-144.txt item: #28 of 166 id: onpr-145 author: Magrath, Lawrence title: Schoenoplectus hallii and S. saximontanus date: 2021-03-19 words: 2188 flesch: 61 summary: This could readily be accomplished by mud containing seeds or inflorescences with seeds adhering to the hooves, hair, or skin of the lower part of the animals’ legs. However, Rahmona Thompson who has conducted plant surveys at Fort Sill has not found either species at this time (pers. keywords: draw; flat; mud; number; plants; pond; sep cache: onpr-145.pdf plain text: onpr-145.txt item: #29 of 166 id: onpr-146 author: Johnson, Forrest title: Pontotoc Ridge Floristic Survey: 1999 date: 2021-03-19 words: 6803 flesch: 59 summary: Michaux NPF 31 July 1997 Gayfeather common, prairie Lindheimera texana Gray & Engelm NAF 30 April, 11 June 1997 Texas yellow star infrequent, rocky upland, prairie Marshallia caespitosa Nutt. Big bluestem infrequent, rocky upland keywords: 1997; april; area; august; common; december; family; floodplain; forest; infrequent; johnson; july; june; l. npf; michaux; naf; native; npf; npg; number; nuttall; october; oklahoma; plant; prairie; record; sept; upland; var; volume cache: onpr-146.pdf plain text: onpr-146.txt item: #30 of 166 id: onpr-147 author: Strawn, Sheila title: ONPS Editorial date: 2021-03-19 words: 646 flesch: 55 summary: In places like the Carolinas bountiful precipitation on limestone soils can actually make soil very poor in nutrients. Tropographic effects such as slope and solar and wind exposure as well as precipitation rates can override the characteristics of the various soils making it difficult to determine specific soil types based on vegetation. keywords: oklahoma; precipitation; soil cache: onpr-147.pdf plain text: onpr-147.txt item: #31 of 166 id: onpr-148 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Complete Vol. 2 date: 2021-03-19 words: 23301 flesch: 52 summary: Riddell biannual lettuce Lactuca scariola L. var. Reverchon's hawthorn Crataegus viridis L. green hawthorn Crataegus viridis L. var. keywords: 1997; ait; american; april; area; asclepias; aster; august; b.w; blue; britt; buck; canadensis; carex; carolina; clover; common; croton; cyperus; december; draw; drummondii; eleocharis; engelm; eragrostis; euphorbia; ex gray; ex willd; false; family; fern; flat; flatsedge; floodplain; forest; gaura; goldenrod; grass; gray; gray var; greene; hairy; hoagland; hook; infrequent; johnson; july; juncus; june; kunth; l. common; l. npf; l. var; lespedeza; list; lovegrass; michaux; michx; milkweed; mountains; mud; muhl; naf; narrowleaf; native; native plant; npf; npg; number; nutt; nuttall; oak; oenothera; oklahoma; oklahoma native; panicum; plains; plant; plant record; plantago; plantain; polygonum; pond; prairie; primrose; purple; pursh; pursh var; quercus; raf; record; record volume; refuge; rocky; rush; rydb; sedge; sept; shinners; small; solidago; species; ssp; survey; texas; torr; upland; var; verbena; virginica; volume; walt; water; western; white; wichita; willd; yellow cache: onpr-148.pdf plain text: onpr-148.txt item: #32 of 166 id: onpr-1634 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Foreword date: 2021-06-29 words: 559 flesch: 56 summary: A Professor Emeritus at Southeastern Oklahoma State University, she submitted her Master’s thesis to the University of Oklahoma in 1961, based on research done in the Water Canyon Complex. While many researchers have reported on the effects of fire, a common environmental factor in Oklahoma, Stan Rice and Sonya Ross have been looking at several different effects of fire, including the effects of chemicals in smoke on plant establishment after a fire. keywords: native; oklahoma cache: onpr-1634.pdf plain text: onpr-1634.txt item: #33 of 166 id: onpr-1635 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Front Matter date: 2021-06-29 words: 434 flesch: 49 summary: 48 Dr. Stanley A. Rice and Dr. Sonya L. Ross Critic’s Choice Essay: A Calvacade of Oklahoma Botanists in Oklahoma − Contributors to our Knowledge of the Flora of Oklahoma ........................................................ 55 Dr. Ronald J. Tyrl and Ms. Paula Shryock Editorial Policies and Procedures ................................................................................................... 101 Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record ........................................... inside back cover Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 13, December 2013 Title Page Table of Contents Foreword Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 13, Number 1, December 2013 1 Oklahoma N ative Plant Record Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society P. O. Box 14274 Tulsa, Okla homa 74159-1274 Volume 13, December 2013 keywords: native; oklahoma; plant; record cache: onpr-1635.pdf plain text: onpr-1635.txt item: #34 of 166 id: onpr-1636 author: Taylor, Constance E. title: Ecology and Taxonomy of Water Canyon, Canadian County, Oklahoma, Master's Thesis, University of Oklahoma 1961 [Revised 2013] date: 2021-06-29 words: 10549 flesch: 73 summary: K. Koch x x x Juglans nigra L. x x Juniperus virginiana L. x x x x i i x keywords: area; b c; box; branch; canadian; canyon; constance; december; head; l. x; native; oklahoma; plant; record; slopes; south; species; stable; stream; taylor; u x; var; volume; water; x x cache: onpr-1636.pdf plain text: onpr-1636.txt item: #35 of 166 id: onpr-1637 author: Buthod, Amy K. title: A Checklist of the Vascular Flora of the Mary K. Oxley Nature Center, Tulsa County, Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 6013 flesch: 68 summary: A; F; MF, BF; O-369 Justicia americana (L.) Vahl (American water-willow); P; F; WAV; O-120 Ruellia strepens L. (limestone wild petunia); P; F; DHV; O-106 Aceraceae Acer negundo L. (boxelder); P; T; BF; O-015; (Juda's bush); P; F; MF, BF; O-368 Anacardiaceae Rhus glabra L. (smooth sumac); P; S; DHV; O-133 Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze (eastern poison ivy); P; V; MF, BF; O-033 Apiaceae Ammoselinum butleri (Engelm. keywords: amy; apw; buthod; carex; center; common; county; december; dhv; flora; hoagland; michx; native; nature; nutt; oklahoma; onc; oxley; plant; record; taxa; var; vascular; volume; wav; willd cache: onpr-1637.pdf plain text: onpr-1637.txt item: #36 of 166 id: onpr-1638 author: Rice, Stanley A.; Ross, Sonya L. title: Smoke-Induced Germination in Phacelia Strictaflora date: 2021-06-29 words: 2886 flesch: 60 summary: Even the post-fire herbaceous plants of the chaparral have a low level of seed germination under control conditions; a few control seeds germinated in seven of twelve chaparral species (including P. grandiflora) investigated by Keeley and Fotheringam (1998a). Effects of smoke on seed germination of twenty species of fire-prone habitats in Florida. keywords: fire; germination; plant; seeds; smoke; species; strength; strictiflora cache: onpr-1638.pdf plain text: onpr-1638.txt item: #37 of 166 id: onpr-2989 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Front Matter date: 2015-01-18 words: 440 flesch: 47 summary: Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 14, Number 1, December 2014 1 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society P. O. Box 14274 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159-1274 Volume 14, December 2014 80 Dr. Gloria M. Caddell Editorial Policies and Procedures ......................................................................................................... 83 Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record ...................................................... inside back cover Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 14, December 2014 Title Page Table of Contents Foreword keywords: native; oklahoma; plant; record cache: onpr-2989.pdf plain text: onpr-2989.txt item: #38 of 166 id: onpr-2990 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Foreword date: 2015-01-18 words: 609 flesch: 47 summary: Statistics show that, in addition to the hundreds of printed volumes sold, valuable information from the Oklahoma Native Plant Record has been accessed thousands of times from Oklahoma State University’s eJournals Digital Collections. This article will be of special value to today’s botanists and ecologists studying historic species distributions and environmental changes. keywords: native; oklahoma; record cache: onpr-2990.pdf plain text: onpr-2990.txt item: #39 of 166 id: onpr-2991 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record date: 2015-01-18 words: 652 flesch: 26 summary: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant R ecord Volume 9 4 Vascular Plants of Southeastern Oklahoma from San Bois to the Kiamichi Mountains, 1969 Ph. D. dissertation, F. Hobart Means 38 Composition and Structure of Bottomland Forest Vegetation at the Tiak Research Natural Area, McCurtain County, Oklahoma, Bruce W. Hoagland and Newell A. McCarty 59 Is Seedling Establishment Very Rare in the Oklahoma Seaside Alder, Alnus maritime ssp. oklahomensis? The Changing Forests of Central Oklahoma: A Look at the Composition of the Cross Timbers Prior to Euro-American Settlement, in the 1950s and Today, Richard E. Thomas and Bruce W. Hoagland 75 Critic’s Choice Essay: Some Thoughts on Oklahoma Plants and Summer 2011’s keywords: bruce; oklahoma cache: onpr-2991.pdf plain text: onpr-2991.txt item: #40 of 166 id: onpr-2992 author: Baldock, Lottie Opal title: Flora of Kiowa County, Oklahoma date: 2015-01-18 words: 9504 flesch: 60 summary: golden coreopsis, streams; spring, garden tickseed summer Coreopsis sp. whorled tickseed rivers; late summer [=Coreopsis verticillata L., misapplied] Dracopis amplexicaulis (Vahl) Cass. Pursh ex Eaton] Asclepias viridis Walter oblong-leaved milkweed prairies; summer [=Asclepiodora viridis (Walter) A. Gray] Gonolobus suberosus (L.) R. Br. large-leaved angle-pod rivers; early summer [=Vincetoxicum gonocarpos Walter] Boraginaceae Heliotropium convolvulaceum (Nutt.) keywords: a. gray; aster; baldock; britton; brown; common; county; creeks; december; dry; engelm; fall; fields; grass; gray; hillsides; hook; kiowa; late; michx; mountainsides; native; nutt; oenothera; oklahoma; opal; pastures; plant; prairies; pursh; raf; ravines; record; red; rivers; roadsides; soils; species; spring; streams; summer; torr; var; volume; walter; weed; western; wild cache: onpr-2992.pdf plain text: onpr-2992.txt item: #41 of 166 id: onpr-2993 author: Gordon, Sadie Cole title: Gardens of Yesteryear date: 2015-01-18 words: 2443 flesch: 60 summary: An assortment of garden plants such as peonies, daylilies, and iris could be purchased from Gilbert Wild Nursery in Sarcoxie, Missouri (Slosson 1951). Historical archives and agricultural bulletins from all of these areas were useful for the identification of native plants used by Native Americans before settlement and by homesteaders during that time period. keywords: bogue; gardens; home; kansas; native; oklahoma; plants; territory cache: onpr-2993.pdf plain text: onpr-2993.txt item: #42 of 166 id: onpr-2994 author: Rice, Stanley A.; Ross, Sonya L. title: Oklahoma Deciduous Trees Differ in Chilling Enhancement of Budburst date: 2015-01-18 words: 2362 flesch: 64 summary: But as global climate change leads to milder winters, trees species also experience less chilling, which may actually delay spring budburst in some species. In general, we would expect tree species that open their buds early in the spring to have floral and vegetative structures already well-formed within the buds prior to winter, while these structures may have to develop during the winter in tree species that open their buds later in the spring. keywords: budburst; buds; change; chilling; oklahoma; species; tree cache: onpr-2994.pdf plain text: onpr-2994.txt item: #43 of 166 id: onpr-2995 author: Keil, Katherine E.; Hickman, Karen R. title: Mapping Distribution in Oklahoma and Raising Awareness: Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora), and Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) date: 2015-01-18 words: 5831 flesch: 50 summary: These data are queryable and are used to produce county-level distribution maps for Oklahoma plants. CONCLUSION The objective of this study was to emphasize the need for more research in invasive plant distributions while increasing the number of known occurrences for purple loosestrife, multiflora rose, and Japanese honeysuckle using survey responses. keywords: county; data; distribution; honeysuckle; invasive; japanese; loosestrife; multiflora; native; oklahoma; plant; rose; species cache: onpr-2995.pdf plain text: onpr-2995.txt item: #44 of 166 id: onpr-2996 author: McDonnell, Angela title: Non-Twining Milkweed Vines of Oklahoma: An Overview of Matelea biflora and Matelea cynanchoides (Apocynaceae) date: 2015-01-18 words: 5678 flesch: 63 summary: Cory 39624 (GH), Tarrant Co.: Correll 32752 (GH), Ruth 93 (KSC, US, 2 specimens, GH, NY, 3 specimens), Cory 54532 (TEX), Carr 12833 (TEX), Pond s.n. (US, NY), Killian 6799 (US), Taylor Co.: Williams s.n. (GH), Tom Green Co.: Tweedy s.n. (NY, US), Travis Co.: Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor, & Co. Griffith, G.E., S.A. Bryce, J.M. Omernik, J.A. Comstock, A.C. Rogers, B. Harrison, and D. Bezanson. keywords: biflora; co.; corolla; cynanchoides; matelea; mcdonnell; native; new; nuttall; oklahoma; plant; s.n; species; specimens; texas; university cache: onpr-2996.pdf plain text: onpr-2996.txt item: #45 of 166 id: onpr-2997 author: Caddell, Gloria M title: Critic's Choice Essay: Pollination Ecology of Our Native Prairie Plants date: 2015-01-18 words: 1137 flesch: 52 summary: They described the sequence in which flowers open throughout the life of their plant or inflorescence and described all flower stages from tight buds to withering. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 81 Volume 14, December 2014 Gloria M. Caddell At close inspection, the differences among flowers become apparent, including size and color of the various parts, and position of parts relative to one another. keywords: flowers; pollen; species cache: onpr-2997.pdf plain text: onpr-2997.txt item: #46 of 166 id: onpr-441 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Front Matter date: 2011-12-19 words: 562 flesch: 46 summary: 33 Ms. Molly J. Parkhurst, Dr. Andrew Doust, Dr. Margarita Mauro-Herrera, Dr. Janette A. Steets, and Dr. Jeffrey M. Byrnes The Effects of Removal of Juniperus virginiana L. Trees and Litter from a Central Oklahoma Grassland .............................................................................................. 43 Mr. Jerad S. Linneman, Dr. Matthew S. Allen, and Dr. Michael W. Palmer The Changing Forests of Central Oklahoma: A Look at the Composition of the Cross Timbers Prior to Euro-American Settlement, in the 1950s, and Today ....................................................................................................... Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 11, Number 1, December 2011 1 Oklahoma N ative Plant Record Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society 2435 South Peoria Tulsa, Okla homa 74114 Volume 11, December 2011 keywords: chair; native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-441.pdf plain text: onpr-441.txt item: #47 of 166 id: onpr-442 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Foreword date: 2011-12-19 words: 491 flesch: 58 summary: Yet, this article is also a link to the past, being inspired by Dr. Larry Magrath, late member of Oklahoma Native Plant Society. It can be accessed globally at This year the historic paper is one of the chapters of Linda Gatti Clark’s 1997 Ph.D. dissertation for Oklahoma State University (OSU). keywords: native; oklahoma cache: onpr-442.pdf plain text: onpr-442.txt item: #48 of 166 id: onpr-443 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Five YearIndex to Oklahoma Native Plant Record date: 2011-12-19 words: 647 flesch: 30 summary: The Changing Forests of Central Oklahoma: A Look at the Composition of the Cross Timbers Prior to Euro-American Settlement, in the 1950s, and Today Richard E. Thomas and Bruce W. Hoagland 75 Critic’s Choice Essay: Some Thoughts on Oklahoma Plants and Summer 2011’s Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 11, December 2011 Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 6 4 The Lichens of North Central Oklahoma, Darvin W. Keck 51 Annotated Nomenclatural Update to Keck (1961), Douglas M. Ladd 53 Vascular Flora of a Red Sandstone Hills Site, Canadian County, Oklahoma, Bruce W. Hoagland and Amy K. Buthod 69 Vascular Flora of a Riparian Site on the Canadian River, Cleveland County, Oklahoma, Lacy Burgess and Bruce W. Hoagland. keywords: bruce; hoagland; oklahoma cache: onpr-443.pdf plain text: onpr-443.txt item: #49 of 166 id: onpr-444 author: Clark, Dr. Linda Gatti title: Survey of the Vascular Flora of the Boehler Seeps and Sandhills Preserve, Ph.D. dissertation date: 2011-12-19 words: 5080 flesch: 60 summary: L. Clark) Danthonia spicata (L.) nutmeg hickory G5 S2S3 Drosera brevifolia Pursh sundew G5 S2S3 Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) keywords: boehler; carex; clark; december; family; fern; gray; michx; muhl; native; nutt; oklahoma; panicum; plant; preserve; quercus; raf; record; s1s2; sandhills; sedge; seeps; species; taxa; torr; var; volume; walter; willd cache: onpr-444.pdf plain text: onpr-444.txt item: #50 of 166 id: onpr-445 author: Smith, Dr. Marian; McKenzie, Dr. Paul M. title: Schoenoplectus hallii, S. saximontanus, and the Putative S. hallii X S. saximontanus Hybrid: Observations from the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge and the Fort Sill Military Reservation 2002 - 2010 date: 2011-12-19 words: 5265 flesch: 60 summary: We visited four sites at FSMR in 2009 and two sites in 2010 and documented the presence of S. hallii, S. saximontanus, and putative S. hallii × S. saximontanus hybrids at the reservation in both years. Our collections constitute the first documented records of S. hallii, S. Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 11, December 2011 Smith, M. & McKenzie, P. M. 27 saximontanus, and the putative hybrids from FSMR and confirm the predictions of Magrath (2002) that the two parent species would likely be discovered at Fort Sill. HABITAT AND PLANT ASSOCIATES Schoenoplectus hallii, S. saximontanus, and putative S. hallii × S. saximontanus hybrids occurred along the edges of ponds and lakes at WMWR and at FSMR that had receding shorelines. keywords: 2002; achenes; hallii; mckenzie; plant; s. hallii; saximontanus; schoenoplectus; sites; smith; species cache: onpr-445.pdf plain text: onpr-445.txt item: #51 of 166 id: onpr-446 author: Parkhurst, Ms. Molly J.; Doust, Dr. Andrew; Mauro-Herrera, Dr. Margarita; Steets, Dr. Janette A.; Byrnes, Dr. Jeffrey M. title: Spatial Genetic Structure of the Tallgrass Prairie Grass Dichanthelium oligosanthes (Scribner's panicum) date: 2011-12-19 words: 4002 flesch: 47 summary: Under these conditions, population genetic structure is predicted to develop, with a clustering of genetically related individuals among plants within a population and a high level of genetic differentiation among geographically separated populations (Epperson and Li 1997, Hamrick and Nason 1996). In contrast to the first two factors, which would tend to increase fine-scale spatial genetic structure within D. oligosanthes populations, one aspect of D. oligosanthes fruit dispersal could lead to reduced genetic structure. keywords: differentiation; oklahoma; oligosanthes; plant; populations; structure; ubc cache: onpr-446.pdf plain text: onpr-446.txt item: #52 of 166 id: onpr-447 author: Linneman, Jerad S.; Allen, Dr. Matthew S.; Palmer, Dr. Michael W. title: The Effects of Removal of Juniperus virginiana L. Trees and Litter from a Central Oklahoma Grassland date: 2011-12-19 words: 6165 flesch: 57 summary: However, stems per quadrat and vegetation cover in litter removal treatments were higher than in litter intact treatments. Results of pRDA only showed significant differences in absolute species cover between litter removal treatments in May, 2002 and September, 2002 (p<0.001). keywords: cover; cut; litter; oklahoma; plant; prairie; removal; species; treatment; tree cache: onpr-447.pdf plain text: onpr-447.txt item: #53 of 166 id: onpr-448 author: Thomas, Dr. Richard E.; Hoagland, Dr. Bruce W. title: The Changing Forests of Central Oklahoma: A Look at the Composition of the Cross Timbers Prior to Euro-American Settlement, in the 1950's, and Today date: 2011-12-19 words: 5525 flesch: 62 summary: Even so, it still appears that in south- central Oklahoma Q. stellata was twice as abundant as Q. marilandica during the first PLS in Oklahoma in the early 1870s. Perhaps the most beneficial information for historical ecologists and biogeographers comes from data on bearing trees recorded by GLO surveyors, which have given present-day researchers a good idea of the species composition of Cross Timbers forests during this time. keywords: area; cross; hoagland; marilandica; oklahoma; species; stems; timbers cache: onpr-448.pdf plain text: onpr-448.txt item: #54 of 166 id: onpr-449 author: Cole, D.V.M., Leslie E. title: Critic's Choice Essay: Some Thoughts on Oklahoma Plants and Summer 2011's Exceptional Drought date: 2011-12-19 words: 1008 flesch: 61 summary: Those concerned about livestock health and Oklahoma native plants should be on the lookout for these aliens. Oklahoma is home to the second largest beef cattle herd in the United States and the drought, with its withered grasses and forage and dried ponds, has hit the state’s beef producers hard, particularly those west of Interstate 35 and in southwest Oklahoma, according to the Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association. keywords: oklahoma; plants; record cache: onpr-449.pdf plain text: onpr-449.txt item: #55 of 166 id: onpr-62 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Front Matter date: 2021-03-23 words: 453 flesch: 42 summary: Mr. Todd D. Fagin and Ms. Melissa Scott Brown Three Bird Orchid and Crane-fly Orchid in Oklahoma………….68 Dr. Lawrence K. Magrath Take Time to Watch, Not Just Smell the Wildflowers…………..73 Dr. Gloria M. Caddell Paul Buck Harriet Barclay Award Chair: Constance Taylor ONPS Service Award Chair: keywords: chair; native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-62.pdf plain text: onpr-62.txt item: #56 of 166 id: onpr-6273 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Front Matter date: 2015-12-18 words: 497 flesch: 51 summary: Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 15, Number 1, December 2015 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society P. O. Box 14274 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159-1274 Volume 15, December 2015 107 Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record ............................................... keywords: native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-6273.pdf plain text: onpr-6273.txt item: #57 of 166 id: onpr-6274 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Foreword date: 2015-12-18 words: 647 flesch: 55 summary: In the past, we have published articles about how Native Americans used native plant species. Kudzu (Pueraria montana) has long been described as an invasive species, but like many exotic species that have been introduced without thought of how they would interact with native species, it didn’t start out that way. keywords: native; oklahoma cache: onpr-6274.pdf plain text: onpr-6274.txt item: #58 of 166 id: onpr-6275 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record date: 2015-12-18 words: 701 flesch: 26 summary: In this issue of Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015: _________________________________________________________________________ 4 Preface to First Flowering Dates for Central Oklahoma, Wayne Elisens 6 First Flowering Dates for Central Oklahoma, Ben Osborn 19 Forest Structure and Fire History at Lake Arcadia, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma (1820–2014), Chad King 31 Interplanting Floral Resource Plants with Vegetable Plants Enhances Beneficial Arthropod Abundance in a Home Garden. The Changing Forests of Central Oklahoma: A Look at the Composition of the Cross Timbers Prior to Euro-American Settlement, in the 1950s and Today, Richard E. Thomas and Bruce W. Hoagland 75 Critic’s Choice Essay: Some Thoughts on Oklahoma Plants and Summer 2011’s keywords: flora; oklahoma cache: onpr-6275.pdf plain text: onpr-6275.txt item: #59 of 166 id: onpr-6277 author: Elisens, Wayne title: Preface to First Flowering Dates date: 2015-12-18 words: 828 flesch: 56 summary: Below is a privately printed but unpublished report of first flowering dates for a variety of species in central Oklahoma from 1927–1929 and 1933. Much of the baseline data was gathered by Lois Gould in 1927–1929 (Gould 1928, 1929a, 1929b) in central Oklahoma as part of a comparative study among 14 midwestern colleges and universities. keywords: flowering; gould; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-6277.pdf plain text: onpr-6277.txt item: #60 of 166 id: onpr-6278 author: Osborn, Ben title: FIRST FLOWERING DATES FOR CENTRAL OKLAHOMA date: 2015-12-18 words: 3459 flesch: 60 summary: Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 15, Number 1, December 2015 6 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Ben Osborn FIRST FLOWERING DATES FOR CENTRAL OKLAHOMA Unpublished Report Bebb Herbarium University of Oklahoma May 1, 1934 Ben Osborn Keywords: blooming, climate change, historical, phenology INTRODUCTION ** Oklahoma Native Plant Record 9 Volume 15, December 2015 © Ben Osborn Journal compilation © 2015 Oklahoma Native Plant Society 11 March Yellow false-garlic, Nothoscordum bivalve. keywords: april; average; ben; city; earliest; february; gould; march; native; norman; oklahoma; osborn; plant; record; volume cache: onpr-6278.pdf plain text: onpr-6278.txt item: #61 of 166 id: onpr-6279 author: King, Chad B. title: FOREST STRUCTURE AND FIRE HISTORY AT LAKE ARCADIA, OKLAHOMA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA (1820–2014) date: 2015-12-18 words: 5090 flesch: 63 summary: A fire chronology was created based on all fire scars for analysis of fire frequency (mean fire interval) and fire severity (fire years in which >25% samples were scarred) using the program FHX2 (Grissino-Mayer 2001b). Superposed epoch analysis (Grissino-Mayer 2001b) was used to test the association of fire year and drought. keywords: cross; fire; forest; oak; oklahoma; species; study; timbers; tree cache: onpr-6279.pdf plain text: onpr-6279.txt item: #62 of 166 id: onpr-6280 author: Bonner, Chrisdon B.; Rebek, Eric J.; Cole, Janet C.; Kahn, Brian A.; Steets, Janette A. title: Interplanting Floral Resource Plants with Vegetable Plants Enhances Beneficial Arthropod Abundance in a Home Garden date: 2015-12-18 words: 6145 flesch: 48 summary: We predicted that reduced herbivory experienced by plants grown in polyculture would lead to improved health in polyculture plants compared to those in monocultures; however, we found no significant differences in height or photosynthetic activity between plants grown in monoculture and plants grown in polyculture. The model for these analyses included block as a random effect and planting regime, plant species, and their interaction as fixed effects. keywords: abundance; blanketflower; coneflower; cowpea; enemy; monoculture; oklahoma; plant; planting; polyculture; species; tickseed cache: onpr-6280.pdf plain text: onpr-6280.txt item: #63 of 166 id: onpr-6281 author: Buthod, Amy K.; Hoagland, Bruce W. title: Contributions to the Flora of Cimarron County and the Black Mesa Area date: 2015-12-18 words: 7482 flesch: 64 summary: punctata, P, AFSA Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh) D. Don ex Hook., P, JMWA Machaeranthera tanacetifolia (Kunth) Nees, A, JMWA Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray, P, BGHJ Packera plattensis (Nutt.) Greene, P, HWV Verbena bracteata Cav. ex Lag. & Rodr., A, AFSA Violaceae Hybanthus verticillatus (Ortega) Baill., P, BGHJ Vitaceae Vitis vulpina L., P, JMWA Zygophyllaceae Kallstroemia parviflora Norton, A, AFSA *Tribulus terrestris L., A, AFSA 72 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland APPENDIX B List of Plant Taxa in Cimarron County and Black Mesa, Oklahoma Not Found by Buthod and Hoagland Taxa from the published lists of Rogers (1953), McPherson (2003a, b), and Folley (2003) that were not found by Buthod and Hoagland. keywords: a. gray; afsa; amy; bcbgbd; bghj; bruce; buthod; cimarron; county; daof; december; flora; gray; greene; hoagland; hwv; jmwa; mesa; native; nutt; oklahoma; plant; pursh; r1e; r2e; record; rydb; sec; ssp; t5n; t6n; taxa; torr; var; volume cache: onpr-6281.pdf plain text: onpr-6281.txt item: #64 of 166 id: onpr-6282 author: Frisby, Tahzeeba title: Antifungal Activity in Extracts of Plants from Southwestern Oklahoma Against Aspergillus Flavus date: 2015-12-18 words: 5733 flesch: 61 summary: Antifungal Bioassay The assay used to detect antifungal activity in plant extracts was originally developed by Duvick et al. In these control wells, extraction buffer (10 mM Tris pH 8.0) was added to A. flavus conidia instead of plant extracts. keywords: activity; antifungal; compounds; crude; december; extracts; flavus; growth; inhibition; native; oklahoma; pcn; plant; rating; record; tahzeeba; volume cache: onpr-6282.pdf plain text: onpr-6282.txt item: #65 of 166 id: onpr-6283 author: Claytor, Marli; Hickman, Karen R. title: Kudzu, Pueraria Montana (Lour.) Merr. Abundance and Distribution in Oklahoma date: 2015-12-18 words: 3051 flesch: 54 summary: 34.579 Previous documentation Confirmed absent 102 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Marli Claytor and Karen R. Hickman Figure 3 Distribution map of counties with confirmed kudzu invasion, showing acres invaded. For our map, we included sites that were confirmed to have kudzu; we did not include locations of kudzu that we visited and confirmed kudzu was not present. keywords: documentation; kudzu; oklahoma; plant; present; site; state; survey cache: onpr-6283.pdf plain text: onpr-6283.txt item: #66 of 166 id: onpr-6284 author: Buck, Paul title: Critic's Choice Essay: Mistletoe, Phoradendron Serotinum (Raf.) Johnston date: 2015-12-18 words: 653 flesch: 58 summary: Tradition has it that the first grave made in Oklahoma country in the winter after the Opening of 1889 was covered with mistletoe since there were no other floral offerings in the new country except the green of the mistletoe with its white berries growing in great clusters on the elms along the dry creek beds and branches. Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 15, Number 1, December 2015 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 105 Volume 15, December 2015 Paul Buck Critic’s Choice Essay MISTLETOE, PHORADENDRON SEROTINUM (RAF.) keywords: mistletoe; oklahoma cache: onpr-6284.pdf plain text: onpr-6284.txt item: #67 of 166 id: onpr-63 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Foreword date: 2010-02-23 words: 589 flesch: 63 summary: The new Field Guide to Oklahoma Plants, by Ron Tyrl, Terrence Bidwell, and Ronald Masters has an excellent introductory section covering the ecogeography and vegetation of Oklahoma. As a youngster growing up in Oklahoma City, I would often spend time with a map of Oklahoma and wonder about the regions in our state. keywords: oak; oklahoma; state cache: onpr-63.pdf plain text: onpr-63.txt item: #68 of 166 id: onpr-64 author: Caddell, Gloria M. title: Critic's Choice Essay: Take time to watch, not just smell the wildflowers! date: 2021-03-23 words: 624 flesch: 63 summary: Older flowers remain on the inflorescence as new flowers open, but in many cases such as this, newer, more attractive flowers offer a greater reward, e.g. more nectar. Differences in flowers among species are often clearly related to pollination, but differences among flowers within a single species may also be related to pollination and are equally intriguing. keywords: flowers; pollen cache: onpr-64.pdf plain text: onpr-64.txt item: #69 of 166 id: onpr-66 author: Hoagland, Bruce W.; Buthod, Amy K. title: Vascular Flora of the Keystone Wildlife Management Area, Creek, Pawnee, and Osage Counties, Oklahoma date: 2021-03-23 words: 5559 flesch: 64 summary: narrowleaf blue-eyed grass; F or H, P, N Juncaceae Juncus brachyphyllus Wieg. grassleaf rush; G, P, N Liliaceae Allium perdulce S.V. Fraser plains onion; F or H, P, N Erythronium sp. keywords: a.k; area; b.w; buthod; december; department; flora; gray; hoagland; michx; native; number; nutt; oklahoma; plant; prairie; raf; record; species; survey; texas; torr; volume; white; wildlife cache: onpr-66.pdf plain text: onpr-66.txt item: #70 of 166 id: onpr-67 author: Folley, Patricia title: Additions to Black Mesa Flora Study date: 2021-03-23 words: 909 flesch: 45 summary: Folley, P.A. 20 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 Additional Plant List for Black Mesa 2003 COMMON NAME SITE STATUS longhorn milkweed park native nodding tickseed park introduced fetid marigold park native Wright’s cudweed park native rayed palafoxia roadside native paperflower park native groundsel mesa native prairie ironweed park native bindweed heliotrope park native many-flowered puccoon park native wallflower park native hedgehog cactus mesa native brittle prickly pear park native white-spine prickly pear park native brownspine prickly pear park native cardinal flower park native Rocky Mountain beeplant park native James' clammyweed park native nailwort roadside native 4-wing saltbush park native FAMILY/SPECIES Family Asclepiadaceae Asclepias macrotis Family Asteraceae Bidens cernua Dyssodia papposa Gnaphalium wrightii Palafoxia sphacelata Psilostrophe villosa Senecio flaccidus Vernonia fasciculata Family Boraginaceae Heliotropium convolvulaceum Lithospermum multiflorum Family Brassicaceae Erysimum asperum Family Cactaceae Echinocereus viridiflora Opuntia fragilis Opuntia macrorhiza Opuntia phaeacantha Family Campanulaceae Lobelia cardinalis Family Capparidaceae Cleome serrulata Polanisia jamesii Family Caryophyllaceae Paronychia sessiliflora Family Chenopodiaceae Atriplex canescens Chenopodium leptophyllum Folley, P. A. narrowleaf goosefoot park native Oklahoma Native Plant Record 21 Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 Folley, P.A. Kochia scoparia tumbleweed roadside introduced Family Cyperaceae Carex brevior sedge park native Cyperus primrose park native Family Poaceae Andropogon virginicus sand sedge park native Chloris virgata park native Distichlis spicata saltgrass park native Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 22 marsh muhly park native Switchgrass park native rabbit-foot grass park native prickleaf gilia base of mesa native no common name park & mesa native water knotweed park native tall dock park native small-flowered buttercup lake native western wood-rose park native wafer ash mesa native water speedwell park introduced cutleaf verbena park native Muhlenbergia racemosa keywords: family; mesa; native; oklahoma; park; plants; roadside; volume cache: onpr-67.pdf plain text: onpr-67.txt item: #71 of 166 id: onpr-68 author: Magrath, Lawrence title: Three Birds Orchid and Crane-fly Orchid in Oklahoma date: 2021-03-23 words: 1564 flesch: 68 summary: It is one of the late summer orchids found in Arkansas, southeastern Oklahoma, eastern Texas, and Louisiana. Both produce an over-wintering single leaf, although Aplectrum is usually 2-5 times Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 Magrath, L. K. 70 larger and accordion pleated, both are typically purplish on the underside of the leaf. keywords: magrath; native; oklahoma; orchid; plant cache: onpr-68.pdf plain text: onpr-68.txt item: #72 of 166 id: onpr-69 author: McPherson, James K. title: Black Mesa Flora Study date: 2021-03-23 words: 4160 flesch: 52 summary: fraseri Yucca glauca Salicaceae Populus deltoids Salix amygdaloides Salix interior forma wheeleri Salix nigra sand love grass fluffgrass[3] galleta little barley wolftail ring muhly Indian ricegrass little-seed ricegrass common witchgrass Hall panic grass vine-mesquite muttongrass tumblegrass little bluestem plains bristlegrass squirreltail Indian grass sand dropseed thread-and-needle Scribner needlegrass six-weeks fescue sedge family sedge umbrella sedge bulrush bulrush spiderwort family erect dayflower western spiderwort duckweed family duckweed lily family wild onion plains yucca willow family cottonwood peach-leaf willow sandbar willow black willow Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 McPherson, J.K. 12 Ulmaceae elm family Celtis reticulate hackberry Santalaceae sandalwood family Commandra pallida bastard toad-flax Commandra umbellata ssp. The count of families has risen to 53 from 50, because of collection of single members of the Selaginellaceae, Sapindaceae, and Polemoniaceae. keywords: area; aster; black; cimarron; county; december; family; flora; grass; j.k; mcpherson; mesa; native; number; oklahoma; plant; prairie; preserve; record; rogers; species; state; texas; university; var; vegetation; volume; wild cache: onpr-69.pdf plain text: onpr-69.txt item: #73 of 166 id: onpr-70 author: Shannon, Kimberly A. title: Floristic survey of The Nature Conservancy's Pennington Creek preserve in Johnston County, Oklahoma 1997 date: 2010-02-23 words: 4216 flesch: 60 summary: L. cardinalis L. Specularia leptocarpa (Nuttali) Gray S. perfoliata (L.) A. DC. Viburnum prunifolium L. Caryophyllaceae Juss. keywords: area; community; data; december; family; granite; juss; michx; native; number; oklahoma; outcrop; plant; record; shannon; site; soils; species; volume cache: onpr-70.pdf plain text: onpr-70.txt item: #74 of 166 id: onpr-7181 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Front Matter date: 2021-06-29 words: 458 flesch: 47 summary: Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 16, Number 1, December 2016 1 Oklahoma Native Plant R ecord Journal of the Okla hom a Native Plant Society P. O. Box 14274 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159-1274 Volume 16, December 2016 64 Ms. Laura E. Jardine, Dr. Adam K. Ryburn, and Dr. Anthony J. Stancampiano Critic’s Choice Essay: A Conversation with a Small Beetle. keywords: native; oklahoma; plant; record cache: onpr-7181.pdf plain text: onpr-7181.txt item: #75 of 166 id: onpr-7182 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Foreword date: 2021-06-29 words: 617 flesch: 48 summary: We also have an assessment of a five-year recovery from a burn at Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge by Oklahoma City University authors, Laura Jardine, Adam Ryburn, and Anthony Stancampiano. The effects of climate change on the phenology and pollination of plants is expected to be a major factor in the problem of maintaining biodiversity as well as that of feeding a growing global population. keywords: change; native; pollination cache: onpr-7182.pdf plain text: onpr-7182.txt item: #76 of 166 id: onpr-7183 author: Taylor, Constance E. title: Pollination Ecology of Sabatia Campenstris Nutt. (Gentianaceae) date: 2021-06-29 words: 2647 flesch: 62 summary: The petals are pink, a color not generally associated with bee flowers. DISCUSSION Perry (1971) reports the sequence of events in anthesis of Sabatia flowers for all species. keywords: anthers; calyx; flower; oklahoma; plant; pollen; species cache: onpr-7183.pdf plain text: onpr-7183.txt item: #77 of 166 id: onpr-7185 author: Buthod, Amy K.; Hoagland, Bruce W. title: A Floristic Inventory of the University of Oklahoma's Kessler Atmospheric and Ecological Field Station, McClain County, Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 6452 flesch: 67 summary: (clasping milkweed); P; F; GL; KES-387 Asclepias stenophylla A. Gray (narrowleaf milkweed); P; F; GL; KES-041 Asclepias tuberosa L. (butterfly milkweed); P; F; GL; KES-040 Asclepias viridiflora Raf. P; F; GL; KES-042 Asclepias viridis Walter (green milkweed); P; F; GL; KES-043 *Vinca major L. (greater periwinkle); P; F; SBL; KES-045 Araliaceae *Hedera helix L. (English ivy); P; V; SBL; KES-044 Asparagaceae Androstephium coeruleum (Scheele) Greene (blue funnel lily); P; F; GL; KES-154 Yucca glauca Nutt. keywords: amy; bruce; buthod; county; december; grass; gray; hoagland; hwv; kaefs; kessler; michx; native; nutt; oklahoma; plant; prairie; record; sbl; ssp; survey; taxa; torr; uwl; var; vascular; vegetation; volume; walter; willd cache: onpr-7185.pdf plain text: onpr-7185.txt item: #78 of 166 id: onpr-7186 author: Jardine, Laura E.; Ryburn, Adam K.; Stancampiano, Anthony J. title: Effects of Fire Severity on Habitat Recovery in a Mixed Grass Prairie Ecosystem date: 2021-06-29 words: 4471 flesch: 60 summary: Rush Juncaceae X Callirhoe involucrata Low poppymallow, winecup Malvaceae X Oenothera glaucifolia False guara Onagraceae X X X Oenothera suffrutescens Scarlet beeblossom Onagraceae X X X Castilleja purpurea var. Small soapweed Asparagaceae X Achillea millefolium Yarrow Asteraceae X X X Ambrosia psilostachya Western ragweed Asteraceae X X X Artemisia ludoviciana Louisiana sagewort Asteraceae X X Chaetopappa asteroides Least daisy Asteraceae X X X Cirsium undulatum Wavyleaf thistle Asteraceae X X Coreopsis lanceolata Lanceleaf coreopsis Asteraceae X X Echinacea angustifolia Black sampson Asteraceae X X keywords: adam; burn; cover; december; fire; jardine; laura; native; oklahoma; plant; prairie; record; ryburn; stancampiano; volume cache: onpr-7186.pdf plain text: onpr-7186.txt item: #79 of 166 id: onpr-7187 author: Buck, deceased, Paul title: Critic’s Choice Essay, A Conversation with a Small Beetle date: 2021-06-29 words: 981 flesch: 69 summary: Over those two sets of fertile flowers is a whorl of sterile flowers which, when inflated, form a barrier between the floral chamber within the spathe and the open area above. Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 16, Number 1, December 2016 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 79 Volume 16, December 2016 Paul Buck Critic’s Choice Essay keywords: flowers; plant; spathe cache: onpr-7187.pdf plain text: onpr-7187.txt item: #80 of 166 id: onpr-73 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Front Matter date: 2021-06-29 words: 494 flesch: 44 summary: Karen Haworth Central Chapter Chair: Sharon McCain Color Oklahoma Committee Chair: Cross-timbers Chapter Chair: Sue Amstutz Vice-president: Constance Murray Conservation Chair: keywords: chair; native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-73.pdf plain text: onpr-73.txt item: #81 of 166 id: onpr-730 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Front Matter date: 2013-01-22 words: 442 flesch: 48 summary: Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 12, Number 1, December 2012 1 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society 2435 South Peoria Tulsa, Oklahoma 74114 Volume 12, December 2012 72 Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record ........................................... keywords: chair; native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-730.pdf plain text: onpr-730.txt item: #82 of 166 id: onpr-731 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Foreword date: 2013-01-22 words: 519 flesch: 51 summary: This year’s Oklahoma Native Plant Record is all about learning from history. As our practice of publishing historical, unpublished work shows, we believe in the importance of historical studies and how they can inform current science policies and future research. keywords: oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-731.pdf plain text: onpr-731.txt item: #83 of 166 id: onpr-732 author: Semtner, Marilyn A. title: Possible Mechanisms of the Exclusion of Johnson Grass by Tall Grass Prairies date: 2013-01-22 words: 11717 flesch: 67 summary: Similar results were obtained with Johnson grass growth in Johnson grass stands. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 21 Volume 12, December 2012 Marilyn Semtner Table IV Comparison of field grown Johnson grass plants in 2 areas after one summer of growth from rhizome segments (May-September 1971) Soil Treatment Rep. Survival/ planted Percent survived Plot # Dry wt. keywords: december; grass plants; grasses; growth; johnson grass; light; litter; marilyn; native; oklahoma; plants; prairie; record; replications; rhizomes; semtner; soil; species; volume; water cache: onpr-732.pdf plain text: onpr-732.txt item: #84 of 166 id: onpr-733 author: Ledford, C. Randy title: A Preliminary Pawnee Ethnobotany Checklist date: 2013-01-22 words: 3960 flesch: 72 summary: Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 12, Number 1, December 2012 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 33 Volume 12, December 2012 C. Randy Ledford A PRELIMINARY PAWNEE ETHNOBOTANY CHECKLIST C. Randy Ledford Oklahoma State Parks, Biologist, Retired Pawnee, Oklahoma 74058 Keywords: Pawnee, ethnobotany, plant use, plants distribution ABSTRACT This document contains excerpts from a work in progress focusing on the ethnobotany of the Pawnee Native Americans. The effort being made is to consolidate research findings to provide a written record specifically addressing plant use by the Pawnee. keywords: counties; gilmore; kansas; leaves; native; nebraska; oklahoma; pawnee; plant; record; usda; use; volume cache: onpr-733.pdf plain text: onpr-733.txt item: #85 of 166 id: onpr-734 author: Caddell, Gloria M.; Rice, Kristi D. title: Vascular Flora of Alabaster Caverns State Park, Cimarron Gypsum Hills, Woodward County,Oklahoma date: 2013-01-22 words: 6075 flesch: 57 summary: (prairie broomweed) – A; GMC922 Artemisia dracunculus L. (tarragon) – P; GMC921 Artemisia filifolia Torr. (sand sagebrush) – P; GMC895 Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. ssp. Britton & Rusby (perfumeballs) – P; GMC1133 Grindelia papposa G. L. Nesom and Suh (Spanish gold) – A; GMC1203 Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal (curlycup gumweed) – B; GMC935 Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby (broom snakeroot) – P; GMC907 +Haploesthes greggii A. Gray (false broomweed) – P; GMC1147 Helianthus annuus L. (common sunflower) – A; GMC854 Helianthus petiolaris Nutt. keywords: alabaster; caddell; caverns; compilation; county; december; gloria; gray; gypsum; journal; kristi; native; nutt; oklahoma; oklahoma native; park; plant; prairie; pursh; record; rice; society; species; state; torr; var; volume cache: onpr-734.pdf plain text: onpr-734.txt item: #86 of 166 id: onpr-735 author: Smith, Bruce A. title: A Comparison of the Composition and Structure of Two Oak Forests in Marshall and Pottawatomie Counties date: 2013-01-22 words: 2198 flesch: 63 summary: Measuring DBH at 4 cm or greater in this study may make direct comparisons with other studies using traditional measurements problematic, but a more accurate comparison of these 2 sets of forest data is possible. It was in the summer of 1990 that Dr. Tyrl shared with me how to study the composition and structure of forests using simple statistics. keywords: area; county; forest; oklahoma; pottawatomie; students cache: onpr-735.pdf plain text: onpr-735.txt item: #87 of 166 id: onpr-737 author: Elisens, Wayne title: Critic's Choice Essay: Virtual Herbaria Come of Age date: 2013-01-22 words: 1153 flesch: 28 summary: For herbarium collections, digitized images and data from specimens are generally referred to as a virtual herbarium. These initiatives are an effort to bring natural history collections out of the dark of museum and herbarium cabinets and into the light of public access for use by stakeholders in government, academia, biodiversity organizations, business, and K-12 education. keywords: collections; herbaria; herbarium; oklahoma; specimens cache: onpr-737.pdf plain text: onpr-737.txt item: #88 of 166 id: onpr-738 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record date: 2013-01-22 words: 659 flesch: 38 summary: In this issue of Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 12, December 2012: _________________________________________________________________________ 4 Possible Mechanisms of the Exclusion of Johnson Grass by Tall Grass Prairies, M. S. thesis Marilyn A. Semtner 33 A Preliminary Pawnee Ethnobotany Checklist C. Randy Ledford 43 Vascular Flora of Alabaster Caverns State Park, Cimarron Gypsum Hills, Woodward County, Oklahoma Gloria M. Caddell and Kristi D. Rice 63 Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society Volume 12, December 2012 Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 7 4 Vascular Plants of the Oklahoma Ozarks, Charles S. Wallis 21 Updated Oklahoma Ozark Flora, Bruce W. Hoagland 54 keywords: bruce; oklahoma cache: onpr-738.pdf plain text: onpr-738.txt item: #89 of 166 id: onpr-7395 author: Strawn, Sheila A.; Caddell, Gloria title: Front Matter date: 2018-04-19 words: 444 flesch: 46 summary: Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 17, Number 1, December 2017 1 Oklahoma Native Plant R ecord Journal of the Okla hom a Native Plant Society P. O. Box 14274 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159-1274 Volume 17, December 2017 inside back cover † Indicates an author who is deceased Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 17, December 2017 Title Page Table of Contents Foreword keywords: native; oklahoma; plant; record cache: onpr-7395.pdf plain text: onpr-7395.txt item: #90 of 166 id: onpr-7396 author: Strawn, Sheila A.; Caddell, Gloria title: Foreword date: 2018-04-19 words: 481 flesch: 60 summary: 2017 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Oklahoma Native Plant Record 3 Volume 17, December 2017 Foreword This year The Record offers a number of important works from a wide variety of sources. keywords: oklahoma; species cache: onpr-7396.pdf plain text: onpr-7396.txt item: #91 of 166 id: onpr-7398 author: Corbett, Erica A.; Lashley, Andrea title: Laboratory Studies of Allelopathic Effects of Juniperus Virginiana L. on Five Species of Native Plants date: 2018-04-19 words: 5095 flesch: 62 summary: Ashe juniper canopy and litter effects on understory vegetation in a juniper-oak savannah. We established laboratory experiments to test the effect of a water leachate of eastern redcedar litter (100 g litter per liter DI water; steeped 8 h) and eastern redcedar litter on the growth and germination of five native herbaceous species. keywords: control; effect; germination; growth; leachate; litter; oklahoma; redcedar; species; treatment cache: onpr-7398.pdf plain text: onpr-7398.txt item: #92 of 166 id: onpr-74 author: Elder, James title: Foreword date: 2021-06-29 words: 341 flesch: 58 summary: Anne Long’s contributions to Oklahoma’s’ flora was tragically cut short by cancer and one can only guess as to what her future contributions may have been. Oklahoma Native Plant Record Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society Oklahoma Native Plant Record Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society file:///D|/ONPSRecordweb4.htm (3 of 59)1/4/2005 9:22:59 AM Foreward It was a pleasure to learn that Anne Long’s thesis on the distribution and ecology of the American smoketree, Cotinus obovatus was to be published in the this issue of the Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society. keywords: oklahoma cache: onpr-74.pdf plain text: onpr-74.txt item: #93 of 166 id: onpr-7400 author: Caddell, Gloria M.; Christoffel, Katie; Esqueda, Carmen; Smith, Alonna title: Vascular Flora of E. C. Hafer Park, Edmond, Oklahoma date: 2018-04-19 words: 5905 flesch: 57 summary: MONILOPHYTA Equisetaceae Equisetum laevigatum A. Braun (smooth horsetail) – P; F; GC1315 GYMNOSPERMS/PINOPHYTA Cupressaceae Juniperus virginiana L. (eastern redcedar) – P; T; AP105, CC50 ANGIOSPERMS/MAGNOLIOPHYTA EUDICOTS Acanthaceae Dicliptera brachiata (Pursh) Spreng. (plains snakecotton) – A; F; AP107 Anacardiaceae *Pistacia chinensis Bunge (Chinese pistache) – P; T; KC123 Rhus copallinum L. (winged sumac) – P; S; AP96, CC67 Rhus glabra L. (smooth sumac) – P; S; AP124, SD67 Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze (eastern poison ivy) – P; V; KC69 Apiaceae Chaerophyllum tainturieri Hook. (hairyfruit chervil) – A; F; GC 1306 Sanicula canadensis L. (Canadian blacksnakeroot) – B; F; AP75 *Torilis arvensis (Huds.) keywords: biodiversity; caddell; central; december; edmond; flora; forest; gloria; hafer; invasive; inventory; lespedeza; michx; native; nutt; oak; oklahoma; park; plant; quercus; record; species; spp; vascular; volume cache: onpr-7400.pdf plain text: onpr-7400.txt item: #94 of 166 id: onpr-7401 author: Ovrebo, Clark L.; Brandon, Sheila title: First Record of Chorioactis geaster from Oklahoma date: 2018-04-19 words: 1124 flesch: 67 summary: Chorioactis geaster is a fleshy fungus that belongs to the Ascomycota and is an example of what are commonly referred to as cup fungi. Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 17, Number 1, December 2017 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 69 Volume 17, December 2017 Clark L. Ovrebo and Sheila Brandon FIRST RECORD OF CH OR IOACTIS GEASTER FROM OKLAHOMA Clark L. Ovrebo Sheila Brandon Department of Biology Fort Towson, OK 74735 University of Central Oklahoma Edmond, OK 73034 Keywords: Ascomycota, Pezizales, cup fung i, biog eog raphy ABSTRACT Chorioactis geaster (Peck) Kupfer, the devil’s cigar fungus, is reported from Oklahoma for the first time. keywords: chorioactis; fungus; geaster; oklahoma; record cache: onpr-7401.pdf plain text: onpr-7401.txt item: #95 of 166 id: onpr-7402 author: Buck, Paul title: Critic's Choice Essay: Allelopathy date: 2018-04-19 words: 1066 flesch: 59 summary: An invasive species may hold competing species at bay by simply maintaining a less favorable environment. It has been known for years that walnut trees will injure and sometimes kill adjacent apple trees. keywords: allelopathy; native; species cache: onpr-7402.pdf plain text: onpr-7402.txt item: #96 of 166 id: onpr-7403 author: Strawn, Sheila A. title: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record date: 2018-04-19 words: 627 flesch: 28 summary: Pollination Ecology of Our Native Prairie Plants, Gloria M. Caddell Volume 15 4 Preface to First Flowering Dates for Central Oklahoma, Wayne Elisens 6 First Flowering Dates for Central Oklahoma, Ben Osborn 19 Forest Structure and Fire History at Lake Arcadia, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma (1820–2014), Chad King 31 Interplanting Floral Resource Plants with Vegetable Plants Enhances Beneficial Arthropod Abundance in a Home Garden, Chrisdon B. Bonner, Eric J. Rebek, Janet C. Cole, Brian A. Kahn, and Janette A. Steets 49 Contributions to the Flora of Cimarron County and the Black Mesa Area, Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland 78 Antifungal Activity in Extracts of Plants from Southwestern Oklahoma Against Aspergillus flavus, Tahzeeba Frisby and Cameron University students 96 Kudzu, Pueraria montana (Lour.) In this issue of Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 17, December 2017: _________________________________________________________________________ 4 A Study of the Flowering Plants of Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Exclusive of the Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes, M.S. thesis Maxine B. Clark† 37 Laboratory Studies of Allelopathic Effects of Juniperus virginiana L. on Five Species of Native Plants Erica A. Corbett and Andrea Lashley 53 Vascular Flora of E. C. Hafer Park, Edmond, Oklahoma Gloria M. Caddell, Katie Christoffel, Carmen Esqueda, and Alonna Smith 69 keywords: county; oklahoma; volume cache: onpr-7403.pdf plain text: onpr-7403.txt item: #97 of 166 id: onpr-75 author: Buthod, Amy K.; Hoagland, Bruce W. title: Status and Habitat Characteristics of Cypripedium kentuckiense (Kentucky lady's slipper) in Southeastern Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 2895 flesch: 55 summary: Oklahoma harbors only 4.5% of C. kentuckiense populations (Atwood 1984, 1985; Case et al. 1998). The objectives of this study were to (1) determine whether known populations of C. kentuckiense were persisting in Oklahoma and (2) characterize habitat structure. keywords: kentuckiense; natural; oklahoma; plants; populations; species cache: onpr-75.pdf plain text: onpr-75.txt item: #98 of 166 id: onpr-76 author: Elisens, Wayne J. title: Critic's Choice Essay: "Support Your Local Herbarium" date: 2021-06-29 words: 1157 flesch: 39 summary: Approximate numbers of specimens housed in the Oklahoma herbarium community Index Herbariorum acronym Institution and location Number of total specimens Number of Oklahoma specimens CAMU Cameron University, Lawton 6000 5000 CSU University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond 10,000 9000 DUR Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant 20,000 12,000 ECSC East Central University, Ada 6000 6000 NOSU Northeastern State University, Tahlequah 6000 5500 NWOSU Northwestern Oklahoma State University, Alva 5000 4000 OCLA University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma, Chickasha 20,000 18,000 OKL University of Oklahoma, Norman 210,000 150,000 OKLA Oklahoma State University, Stillwater 140,000 112,000 ORU Oral Roberts University, Tulsa 6000 5500 TULS University of Tulsa 10,000 8000 WOH Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Woodward 11,000 10,000 --- Oklahoma Panhandle State University, Goodwell 3000 2500 TOTALS 453,000 347,500 ONPS Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 4, Number 1, December 2004 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 55 Volume 4, Number 1, December 2004 Critic’s Choice Elisens, W.J. Critic’s Choice Essay “SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL H ERBARIUM ” Wayne J. Elisens Are herbaria becoming threatened and endangered? keywords: collections; herbaria; oklahoma; university cache: onpr-76.pdf plain text: onpr-76.txt item: #99 of 166 id: onpr-78 author: Folley, Patricia A. title: Why Do Species' Names Change? date: 2021-06-29 words: 612 flesch: 54 summary: The U.S. Department of Agriculture has long-maintained a database for plant names for use by its agents and agencies. Until the advent of the Internet new names and name changes were approved by the International Botanical Congresses that met at ten-year intervals. keywords: names; plant cache: onpr-78.pdf plain text: onpr-78.txt item: #100 of 166 id: onpr-7894 author: Caddell, Gloria M. title: Front Matter date: 2019-05-28 words: 459 flesch: 41 summary: J. Sm. in Kiowa County, Oklahoma ..................... 38 Bruce A. Smith Anther Number, Anther Apical Appendages, and Pollination Biology of Calyptocarpus vialis Lessing (Heliantheae: Asteraceae) ......................................................................... 45 James R. Estes Critic’s Choice Essay: Myrmecochory ...................................................................................................... 52 Paul Buck† Editorial Policies and Procedures ......................................................................................................... 54 Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record ............................................... inside back cover † Indicates an author who is deceased Cover photo: Plectocephalus americanus (Nutt.) Maesen & S.M. Almeida ex Sanjappa & Predeep (Kudzu Vine) in Tulsa County, Oklahoma ...................... 19 Isaac Walker and Paulina Harron Comparative Transpiration Studies on the Invasive Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana L.) and Adjacent Woody Trees ............................................................................ 24 Adjoa R. Ahedor, Bethany Spitz, Michael Cowan, J’nae Miller, and Margaret Kamara New Record of Myriopteris lindheimeri (Hook.) keywords: chair; native; oklahoma; plant; record cache: onpr-7894.pdf plain text: onpr-7894.txt item: #101 of 166 id: onpr-7895 author: Caddell, Gloria M. title: Foreword date: 2019-05-28 words: 583 flesch: 48 summary: Chad King and graduate student Joseph Buck, at the University of Central Oklahoma, used dendrochronological techniques to quantify the population structure and growth of Fraxinus pennsylvanica (green ash) in a bottomland hardwood forest at Arcadia Lake in Oklahoma County. Populations of green ash in the state are being threatened by the non-native Agrilus planipennis (emerald ash borer). Native to eastern Mexico and southern and south-central Texas, straggler daisy has spread to the north and was recently documented in southern Oklahoma. keywords: native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-7895.pdf plain text: onpr-7895.txt item: #102 of 166 id: onpr-7896 author: King, Chad B.; Buck, Joseph A. title: Characteristics of a Bottomland Hardwood Forest at Arcadia Lake, Edmond, Oklahoma, with Special Emphasis on Green Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall) date: 2019-05-28 words: 6487 flesch: 64 summary: We applied a 10-year cubic smoothing spline to create a standardized tree-ring index, given the relatively short tree-ring series, in order to understand the patterns of F. pennsylvanica growth at the study site. In studies that encompassed several species found at our site, Loucks (1971) and Loucks and Keen (1973) found 100% survival of F. pennsylvanica seedlings after four weeks of submersion; A. negundo L. (boxelder) had increased mortality after the third week; P. deltoides had increased mortality in the fourth week of submersion; and A. saccharinum had 100% survival after four weeks of submersion. keywords: arcadia; ash; bottomland; figure; forest; king; lake; native; oklahoma; pennsylvanica; ring; site; species; study; tree cache: onpr-7896.pdf plain text: onpr-7896.txt item: #103 of 166 id: onpr-7897 author: Walker, Isaac; Harron, Paulina title: Presence of Pueraria montana (Lour.) Merr. var. lobata (Willd.) Maesen & S.M. Almeida ex Sanjappa & Predeep (Kudzu Vine) in Tulsa County, Oklahoma date: 2019-05-28 words: 1157 flesch: 62 summary: The documentation of the 6.5 hectare site in Broken Arrow is an Oklahoma Native Plant Record 21 Volume 18, December 2018 Isaac Walker and Paulina Harron addition to the kudzu records for Tulsa County, which was previously estimated at 0.04 hectares (Claytor and Hickman 2015), and it demonstrates a need for the documentation and management of kudzu in Tulsa County. 2018 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Oklahoma Native Plant Record 19 Volume 18, December 2018 Isaac Walker and Paulina Harron 10.22488/okstate.19.100002 PRESENCE OF keywords: earth; google; kudzu; oklahoma cache: onpr-7897.pdf plain text: onpr-7897.txt item: #104 of 166 id: onpr-7898 author: Ahedor, Adjoa Richardson; Spitz, Bethany; Cowan, Michael; Miller, J'nae; Kamara, Margaret title: Comparative Transpiration Studies on the Invasive Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana L.) and Adjacent Woody Trees date: 2019-05-28 words: 4754 flesch: 53 summary: Percent of total water transpired from Eastern redcedar (%) Eastern redcedar & Loblolly pine (spring) 9 1264 64 Eastern redcedar & Eastern cottonwood (spring) 15 1086 70 Eastern redcedar & White mulberry (spring) 13 981 50 Eastern redcedar & Bur Oak (fall) 15 1920 68 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 31 Volume 18, December 2018 Adjoa R. Ahedor, et al. 32 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 18, December 2018 Adjoa R. Ahedor, et al. Figure 2 Effect of increasing day length on transpiration as observed in comparison study between eastern redcedar and eastern cottonwood in urban southeastern Oklahoma City Fall study: eastern redcedar and bur oak Results of Mann-Whitney U tests indicated that the ranks of median transpired water were not significantly different between eastern redcedar and bur oak (U = 91, N = 30, p = 0.389) (see Table 2). The ability for eastern redcedar to utilize soil water at variable depths in response to seasonal temperatures may account for the low to moderate amounts of transpiration of eastern redcedar observed in all the comparison investigations in the current study. keywords: eastern; loblolly; oklahoma; pine; redcedar; study; table; transpiration; trees; water cache: onpr-7898.pdf plain text: onpr-7898.txt item: #105 of 166 id: onpr-79 author: Hoagland, Bruce W.; Johnson, Forrest title: Vascular Flora of the Chouteau Wildlife Management Area Wagoner County, Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 3840 flesch: 65 summary: ex Sims (smooth penstemon) P; 2; DAOF; CH045 Veronica peregrina L. (purslane speedwell) A; 2; DAOF; CH024 Solanaceae Physalis angulata L. (cutleaf ground cherry) A; 2; DAOF; CH015 Solanum carolinense L. (Carolina horsenettle) P; 2; DAOF; CH062 Ulmaceae Celtis laevigata Willd. (green milkweed) P; 2; DAOF; CH072 Asteraceae Ageratina altissima (L.) keywords: area; b.w; chwma; county; daof; december; f.l; flora; hoagland; johnson; michx; native; number; oklahoma; plant; record; species; volume; wagoner; wildlife cache: onpr-79.pdf plain text: onpr-79.txt item: #106 of 166 id: onpr-7900 author: Smith, Bruce A. title: New Record of Myriopteris lindheimeri (Hook.) J. Sm. in Kiowa County, Oklahoma date: 2019-05-28 words: 1691 flesch: 70 summary: The exact location of the collection is not reported because of the status of M. lindheimeri as a species of conservation concern in Oklahoma. 44 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 18, December 2018 Bruce A. Smith Figure 7 Abaxial surfaces of M. lindheimeri (top) and M. wootonii (bottom). keywords: bruce; lindheimeri; oklahoma; smith cache: onpr-7900.pdf plain text: onpr-7900.txt item: #107 of 166 id: onpr-7901 author: Estes, James R. title: Anther Number, Anther Apical Appendages, and Pollination Biology of Calyptocarpus vialis Lessing (Heliantheae: Asteraceae) date: 2019-05-28 words: 3844 flesch: 64 summary: It is unknown whether anther number decreases along the SE to NW distributional axis for C. vialis, or if lower anther numbers occur (but have not been recorded) throughout the species in Texas and Mexico, or if the plants in Wichita County differ in the range of anther numbers from other populations in the state. Anther numbers formed a consecutive series from one to four, but not five. keywords: anthers; disk; florets; heads; number; plant; pollen; ray; texas; vialis cache: onpr-7901.pdf plain text: onpr-7901.txt item: #108 of 166 id: onpr-7902 author: Buck, Paul title: MYRMECOCHORY - Reprinted from Gaillardia, Fall 1999 date: 2019-05-28 words: 916 flesch: 75 summary: Such a mass of young plants must have been the result of a large cache of seeds. The fact is, ants collect henbit seeds and carry them to their nests where they gnaw off the elaiosomes for their food value. keywords: ants; plant; seeds cache: onpr-7902.pdf plain text: onpr-7902.txt item: #109 of 166 id: onpr-7903 author: Caddell, Gloria M. title: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record date: 2019-05-28 words: 676 flesch: 35 summary: Pollination Ecology of Our Native Prairie Plants, Gloria M. Caddell Volume 15 4 Preface to First Flowering Dates for Central Oklahoma, Wayne Elisens 6 First Flowering Dates for Central Oklahoma, Ben Osborn 19 Forest Structure and Fire History at Lake Arcadia, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma (1820–2014), Chad King 31 Interplanting Floral Resource Plants with Vegetable Plants Enhances Beneficial Arthropod Abundance in a Home Garden, Chrisdon B. Bonner, Eric J. Rebek, Janet C. Cole, Brian A. Kahn, and Janette A. Steets 49 Contributions to the Flora of Cimarron County and the Black Mesa Area, Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland 78 Antifungal Activity in Extracts of Plants from Southwestern Oklahoma Against Aspergillus flavus, Tahzeeba Frisby and Cameron University students 96 Kudzu, Pueraria montana (Lour.) In this issue of Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 18, December 2018: _________________________________________________________________________ keywords: choice; county; critic; oklahoma cache: onpr-7903.pdf plain text: onpr-7903.txt item: #110 of 166 id: onpr-80 author: Hoagland, Bruce W. title: Cotinus obovatus Raf. (Smoke-tree) in Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 898 flesch: 77 summary: Cotinus obovatus occurs in seven states in the southeastern United States (Little 1943) and six counties in Oklahoma (Figure 4; Johnson and Hoagland 2004). Cotinus obovatus was first discovered in Oklahoma in 1919 by Thomas Nuttall. keywords: cotinus; obovatus; oklahoma; tree cache: onpr-80.pdf plain text: onpr-80.txt item: #111 of 166 id: onpr-8044 author: Caddell, Gloria M. title: Front Matter date: 2021-06-29 words: 439 flesch: 43 summary: 2019 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 1 Oklahoma Native Plant R ecord Journal of the Okla hom a Native Plant Society P. O. Box 14274 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159-1274 Volume 19, December 2019 in Oklahoma ............................. 52 Eric B. Duell and Karen R. Hickman Critic’s Choice Essay: Seeking a Special Plant ......................................................................................... 58 Paul Buck† Editorial Policies and Procedures ......................................................................................................... 60 Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record ............................................... keywords: editor; native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-8044.pdf plain text: onpr-8044.txt item: #112 of 166 id: onpr-8045 author: Caddell, Gloria M. title: Foreword date: 2021-06-29 words: 497 flesch: 52 summary: Abby Crosswhite and Adam Ryburn from Oklahoma City University conducted a vascular plant survey of the John Nichols Scout Ranch in a suburban area of Canadian County. Eric Duell and Karen Hickman from Oklahoma State University investigate the ability of kudzu (Pueraria montana) to sexually reproduce in Oklahoma at the western extent of its range. keywords: forest; oklahoma cache: onpr-8045.pdf plain text: onpr-8045.txt item: #113 of 166 id: onpr-8046 author: Hoagland, Bruce; Thomas, Rick; Hardwick, Daryn title: Historical Land Cover Along the Deep Fork River: An Analysis of Vegetation Composition and Distribution of the Deep Fork National Wildlife Refuge, Okmulgee County, Oklahoma, Circa 1897 date: 2021-06-29 words: 5395 flesch: 59 summary: Here we use plat and bearing tree data collected during the Public Land Survey of 1897 (PLS) to describe the vegetation at the Deep Fork National Wildlife Refuge. It should be noted that in regard to forest vegetation, many floristic elements of the eastern Oak-Hickory forest and southern bottomland forest flora are present in the study area. keywords: area; bearing; data; forest; fork; hoagland; land; oak; oklahoma; plant; pls; species; survey; surveyors; tree; vegetation cache: onpr-8046.pdf plain text: onpr-8046.txt item: #114 of 166 id: onpr-8047 author: Ryburn, Adam K.; Crosswhite, Abby title: A Floristic Inventory of the John W. Nichols Scout Ranch, Canadian County, Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 3658 flesch: 55 summary: L. (sedge) – G Eleocharis montevidensis Kunth (sand spikerush) – P; G Iridaceae Sisyrinchium campestre E.P. Bicknell (prairie blue-eyed grass) – P; F Oklahoma Native Plant Record 25 Volume 19, December 2019 (ebony spleenwort) – P; F PINOPHYTA Cupressaceae Juniperus virginiana L. (eastern red cedar) – P; T Taxodium distichum (L.) Rich. keywords: abby; adam; areas; crosswhite; december; jnsr; native; nutt; oklahoma; plant; prairie; record; ryburn; species; volume cache: onpr-8047.pdf plain text: onpr-8047.txt item: #115 of 166 id: onpr-8049 author: Duell, Eric B.; Hickman, Karen R. title: Sexual Reproduction of Kudzu (Pueraria montana [Lour.] Merr.) in Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 2396 flesch: 56 summary: Until now, documentation of viable kudzu seed in Oklahoma has gone unreported. While kudzu reproduces primarily through rhizomatous vegetative growth, the production of viable seeds is essential to the maintenance of genetic diversity and is often important at range limits. keywords: germination; hickman; kudzu; native; oklahoma; plant; seeds; species cache: onpr-8049.pdf plain text: onpr-8049.txt item: #116 of 166 id: onpr-8050 author: Buck, Paul title: Critic's Choice Essay: Seeking a Special Plant date: 2021-06-29 words: 1087 flesch: 75 summary: 2019 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 58 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 19, December 2019 Paul Buck 10.22488/okstate.20.100005 Critic's Choice Essay SEEKING A SPECIAL PLANT Reprinted from Gaillardia, Spring 1998 Paul Buck† Professor Emeritus Department of Biological Science University of Tulsa Tulsa, OK 74104 In this moist area, the trail is lined Oklahoma Native Plant Record 59 Volume 19, December 2019 Paul Buck with broadleaf spanglegrass, the heavy fruiting stems forming arches. keywords: oklahoma; plant; winter cache: onpr-8050.pdf plain text: onpr-8050.txt item: #117 of 166 id: onpr-8051 author: Caddell, Gloria M. title: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record date: 2021-06-29 words: 703 flesch: 38 summary: Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora), and Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), Katherine E. Keil and Karen R. Hickman 67 Non-Twining Milkweed Vines of Oklahoma: An Overview of Matelea biflora and Matelea cynanchoides (Apocynaceae), Angela McDonnell 80 Critic’s Choice Essay: Pollination Ecology of Our Native Prairie Plants, Gloria M. Caddell Volume 15 4 Preface to First Flowering Dates for Central Oklahoma, Wayne Elisens 6 First Flowering Dates for Central Oklahoma, Ben Osborn 19 Forest Structure and Fire History at Lake Arcadia, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma (1820–2014), Chad King 31 Interplanting Floral Resource Plants with Vegetable Plants Enhances Beneficial Arthropod Abundance in a Home Garden, Chrisdon B. Bonner, Eric J. Rebek, Janet C. Cole, Brian A. Kahn, and Janette A. Steets 49 Contributions to the Flora of Cimarron County and the Black Mesa Area, Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland 78 Antifungal Activity in Extracts of Plants from Southwestern Oklahoma Against Aspergillus flavus, Tahzeeba Frisby and Cameron University students 96 Kudzu, Pueraria montana (Lour.) 2019 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 14 4 Flora of Kiowa County, Oklahoma, M. S. thesis, Lottie Opal Baldock 38 Gardens of Yesteryear, Sadie Cole Gordon 43 Oklahoma Deciduous Trees Differ in Chilling Enhancement of Budburst, Stanley A. Rice and Sonya L. Ross 50 Mapping Distribution in Oklahoma and Raising Awareness: keywords: county; native; oklahoma; plants cache: onpr-8051.pdf plain text: onpr-8051.txt item: #118 of 166 id: onpr-8185 author: Smith, Bruce A. title: Whatever Happened to Cheilanthes horridula and Cheilanthes leindheimeri in Oklahoma? date: 2021-03-22 words: 1177 flesch: 67 summary: There are only four herbarium sheets of fairy swords in Oklahoma herbaria. Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 9, December 2009 64 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 9, December 2009 Smith, B.A. Whatever Happened to Cheilanthes horridula and Cheilanthes lindheimeri in Oklahoma? keywords: cheilanthes; lindheimeri; oklahoma; smith cache: onpr-8185.pdf plain text: onpr-8185.txt item: #119 of 166 id: onpr-8186 author: Rice, Stanley A.; Gibson, J. Phil title: Is Seedling Establishment Very Rare in the Oklahoma Seaside Alder, Alnus maritima ssp. oklahomensis? date: 2021-03-22 words: 1953 flesch: 61 summary: This method, though not precise, was adequate for this survey, given the very low abundance of alder seedlings. Along the transects within each of the three study areas, we looked for alder seedlings in each meter-square plot that met the following characteristics: Large reproductive alders were nearby. keywords: alder; maritima; oklahoma; seedlings cache: onpr-8186.pdf plain text: onpr-8186.txt item: #120 of 166 id: onpr-8187 author: Means, Jr., Francis Hobart title: Vascular Plants of Southeastern Oklahoma From the Sans Bois to the Kiamichi Mountains date: 2021-03-22 words: 12858 flesch: 64 summary: OSMUNDACEAE Osmunda regalis L. var. LILIACEAE Aletris farinosa L. Allium canadense L. var. keywords: 1917; a. gray; aiton; americana; britton; canadensis; carex; county; december; eastern; elliot; engelm; euphorbia; f.h; fernald; flora; forest; genus; gray; kiamichi; l. var; lam; latimer; leflore; loam; means; michx; mountains; muhl; native; north; nutt; oklahoma; ouachita; panicum; plant; polygonum; poteau; prairie; pushmataha; quercus; raf; record; rhod; river; rydb; series; solidago; south; southern; species; ssp; state; syn =; torr; valley; var; viola; virginiana; volume; walter; waterfall; west; willd cache: onpr-8187.pdf plain text: onpr-8187.txt item: #121 of 166 id: onpr-8188 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record date: 2021-03-22 words: 585 flesch: 48 summary: In this issue of Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 9, December 2009: _________________________________________________________________________ 4 Vascular Plants of Southeastern Oklahoma from San Bois to the Kiamichi Mountains F. Hobart Means 38 Composition and Structure of Bottomland Forest Vegetation at the Tiak Research Natural Area, McCurtain County, Oklahoma. 40 Status and Habitat Characteristics of Chyprepedium kentuckiense (Kentucky lady’s slipper) in Southeastern Oklahoma, Bruce Hoagland and Amy K. Buthod. keywords: bruce; hoagland; oklahoma cache: onpr-8188.pdf plain text: onpr-8188.txt item: #122 of 166 id: onpr-8189 author: Hoagland, Bruce W.; McCarty, Newell Alan title: Composition and Structure of Bottomland Forest Vegetation at the Tiak Research Natural Area, McCurtain County, Oklahoma date: 2021-03-22 words: 5421 flesch: 66 summary: But the most diverse assemblages of bottomland forest tree species occur in eastern Oklahoma, which is fostered by numerous oak species (i.e., Quercus lyrata, Q. nigra, Q. michauxii, Q. pagoda, Q. palustris, Q. phellos, and Q. texana). Woody species were assigned to the following classes based on diameter-at-breast-height (DBH): CL1 = 0 - 2.0 cm, CL2 = 2.1- 6.0 cm, and CL3 = 6.1 - 10.0 cm. keywords: canopy; data; forest; freq; freq rf; mean; oklahoma; quercus; rf mean; species; stems cache: onpr-8189.pdf plain text: onpr-8189.txt item: #123 of 166 id: onpr-8190 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Front Matter date: 2021-03-22 words: 458 flesch: 48 summary: 70 Dr. Chadwick A. Cox Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record .......................................... Articles (c) The AuthorsJournal compilation (c) Oklahoma Native Plant SocietyExcept where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike4.0 International License, by-nc-sa/4.0/, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the same or similar license to this one. 2 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 9 Table of Contents Foreword ................................................................................................................................................. keywords: chair; native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-8190.pdf plain text: onpr-8190.txt item: #124 of 166 id: onpr-8191 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Foreword date: 2021-03-22 words: 633 flesch: 58 summary: Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 9, December 2009 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 9, December 2009 3 Foreword F. H. Means’ 1969 doctoral thesis, “Vascular Plants of Southeastern Oklahoma from San Bois to Kiamichi Mountains”, includes most species now listed for that area in the Oklahoma Vascular Plant Database housed at the Oklahoma Biological Survey. A native Oklahoman from Newkirk and a graduate student at KSU, he joined a team of faculty and students from Oklahoma and Kansas who studied the tallgrass prairie at the request of Kenneth S. “Boots” Adams, who owned the ranch near Foraker which later became the Tallgrass Prairie Preserve. keywords: oklahoma; plant; species cache: onpr-8191.pdf plain text: onpr-8191.txt item: #125 of 166 id: onpr-8192 author: Cox, Chadwick A. title: Critic's Choice: Invasive Plants Versus Oklahoma's Biodiversity date: 2021-03-22 words: 974 flesch: 58 summary: Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 9, December 2009 71 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 9, December 2009 Cox, C.A. Critic’s Choice Invasive Plants Versus Oklahoma’s Biodiversity Chadwick A. Cox ONPS Conservation Chair and Board Member, Oklahoma Invasive Plants Council E. O. Wilson stated that invasive species are second only to habitat loss for reducing biodiversity, and that threat to biodiversity by invasive plants is the subject of this report. For that purpose, the standard definition of invasive species as one that causes harm to humans or other species when introduced to an ecosystem is too broad to be helpful. keywords: invasive; native; species cache: onpr-8192.pdf plain text: onpr-8192.txt item: #126 of 166 id: onpr-8194 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record date: 2021-03-22 words: 538 flesch: 40 summary: 1975 M.S. Thesis, Susan C. Barber 37 Updated List of Taxa for Vascular Plants of the Gypsum Hills and Redbed Plains Area of Southwestern Oklahoma, Susan C. Barber 45 Updated Flora of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge Keith A. Carter, Pablo Rodriguez, and Michael T. Dunn 57 Common Spring Mushrooms of Oklahoma, Clark L. Ovrebo and Nancy S. Weber 61 Fern Habitats and Rare Ferns in Oklahoma, Bruce A. Smith 67 Tribute to Paul Buck, Constance Murray Volume 9 4 Vascular Plants of Southeastern Oklahoma from San Bois to the Kiamichi Mountains, 1969 Ph.D. Dissertation, F. Hobart Means 38 Composition and Structure of Bottomland Forest Vegetation at the Tiak Research Natural Area, McCurtain County, Oklahoma Bruce W. Hoagland and Newell A. McCarty 59 Is Seedling Establishment Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 5 4 Relationship of Forest Vegetation to Soils on Geological Formations of the Oklahoma Gulf Coastal Plain, R. John Taylor 39 A Vegetation Analysis of a Pimpled Prairie in Northeastern Oklahoma, Constance L. Murray 61 Vascular Flora of a Site Along the Arkansas River, Pawnee County, Oklahoma, Bruce W. Hoagland and Amy K. Buthod 73 Additions to the Flora of Garvin County, Oklahoma, Phillip T. Crawford and Priscilla H.C. Crawford 98 Tribute to John Taylor, ONPS members Volume 6 4 The Lichens of North Central Oklahoma, Darvin W. Keck 51 Annotated Nomenclatural Update to Keck (1961), Douglas M. Ladd 53 Vascular Flora of a Red Sandstone Hills Site, Canadian County, Oklahoma, Bruce W. Hoagland and Amy K. Buthod 69 Vascular Flora of a Riparian Site on the Canadian River, Cleveland County, Oklahoma, Lacy Burgess and Bruce W. Hoagland. keywords: bruce; hoagland; oklahoma cache: onpr-8194.pdf plain text: onpr-8194.txt item: #127 of 166 id: onpr-8195 author: Tyrl, Dr. Ronald J. title: Critic's Choice Essay: "Being a Method proposed for the ready finding ... to what Sort any Plant belongeth" date: 2021-03-22 words: 4136 flesch: 63 summary: Go anywhere in the world and if a taxonomic key is available, unknown plants can be identified. Remember my earlier statement about being able to go anywhere in the world and if a key is available, unknown plants can be identified? keywords: couplet; identification; key; keys; leaves; oklahoma; plant; species; unknown cache: onpr-8195.pdf plain text: onpr-8195.txt item: #128 of 166 id: onpr-8197 author: Gard, Ms. Mary title: The Toxicity of Extracts of Tephrosa virginiana (Fabaceae) in Oklahoma date: 2021-03-22 words: 3943 flesch: 56 summary: Prior to this investigation, the most recent toxicity study involving Oklahoma populations of T. virginiana was conducted in the 1930s. They classified Oklahoma populations as “secondary” in nature, indicating that toxic plants were found infrequently in these populations and only under special circumstances. keywords: beggs; native; oklahoma; plant; populations; tephrosia; toxicity; values; virginiana; volume; water cache: onpr-8197.pdf plain text: onpr-8197.txt item: #129 of 166 id: onpr-8198 author: Buthod, Ms. Amy K.; Hoagland, Dr. Bruce W. title: The Vascular Flora of Hale Scout Reservation, LeFlore County, Oklahoma date: 2021-03-22 words: 5996 flesch: 64 summary: Torr. – ASQA; P; CTH475 Polypodiaceae Pleopeltis polypodioides (L.) Andrews & Windham – PEQR; P; CTH109 Pteridaceae Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link – PEQR; P; CTH071 CONIFEROPHYTA Pinaceae Pinus echinata P. Mill. – ASQA, PEQR; P; CTH520 MAGNOLIOPHYTA MAGNOLIOPSIDA Acanthaceae Justicia americana (L.) Vahl – WETL; P; CTH062 Ruellia humilis Nutt. – DAOF; P; CTH022 Aceraceae Acer rubrum L. – ASQA, PEQR; P; CTH441 Acer saccharum Marsh. – ASQA, PEQRF; P; CTH337 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 10, December 2010 Hoagland, B. & Buthod, A. 40 Anacardiaceae Rhus aromatica Aiton – DAOF, PEQR; P; CTH070 Rhus copallinum L. – DAOF; P; CTH223 Rhus glabra L. – DAOF; P; CTH060 Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze – ASQA, DAOF, PEQRF, WETL; P; CTH543 Apiaceae Ammoselinum butleri (Engelm. Link – DAOF; A; CTH091 Zizia aurea (L.) W.D.J. Koch – ASQA; P; CTH434 Apocynaceae Amsonia tabernaemontana Walter – ASQA; P; CTH445 Trachelospermum difforme (Walter) A. Gray – WETL; P; CTH136 Aquifoliaceae Ilex decidua Walter – ASQA, WETL; P; CTH224 Aristolochiaceae +Aristolochia serpentaria L. – PEQR; P; CTH466 Asclepiadaceae Asclepias quadrifolia Jacq. – ASQA; P; CTH487 Asclepias tuberosa L. – DAOF; P; CTH053 Asclepias variegata L. – ASQA, PEQR; P; CTH512 Asclepias verticillata L. – DAOF; P; CTH440 Asteraceae Achillea millefolium L. – DAOF; P; CTH067 Ambrosia bidentata Michx. – DAOF; A; CTH263 Ambrosia psilostachya DC. keywords: area; asqa; buthod; canadensis; carex; county; daof; december; flora; gray; hoagland; hsr; juncus; michx; muhl; native; nutt; oklahoma; ouachita; peqr; plant; quercus; raf; record; species; torr; var; vascular; volume; walter; wetl; willd cache: onpr-8198.pdf plain text: onpr-8198.txt item: #130 of 166 id: onpr-8199 author: Harris, Dr. William Franklin title: The Identification of Some of the More Common Native Oklahoma Grasses by Vegetative Characters, M.S. Thesis date: 2021-03-22 words: 9240 flesch: 68 summary: Buffalograss Perennial sod-forming, creeping, and stoloniferous, the female plants shorter than the male, which are 10-30 cm tall, erect, and slender; the stolons from 10-30 cm long, with internodes 4-7 cm long, the nodes often rooting and bearing tufts of short leaves. Coastal Sandbur, Common Sandbur Annual 15-80 cm tall, prostrate to decumbent, much branched, tufted, often forming mats, somewhat stout. keywords: base; blades; glabrous; ligule; long; margins; midrib; rhizomes; surface cache: onpr-8199.pdf plain text: onpr-8199.txt item: #131 of 166 id: onpr-8200 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Foreward date: 2021-03-22 words: 580 flesch: 56 summary: Again, he has detailed photos which illustrate Oklahoma species of this important, but often overlooked, taxon. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 3 Volume 10, December 2010 Foreword This year, our 10 th year of publication, is marked by our entry into the World Wide Web. We‟ve been working with Digital Services at Oklahoma State University‟s Edmon Low Library to make the Oklahoma Native Plant Record available to everyone, globally. keywords: oklahoma; year cache: onpr-8200.pdf plain text: onpr-8200.txt item: #132 of 166 id: onpr-8201 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Front Matter date: 2021-03-22 words: 441 flesch: 50 summary: 77 Dr. Ronald J. Tyrl Editorial Policies and Procedures ..................................................................................................... 85 Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record ........................................... Gloria Caddell Harriet Barclay Award Chair: Rahmona Thompson ONPS Service Award Chair: keywords: chair; native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-8201.pdf plain text: onpr-8201.txt item: #133 of 166 id: onpr-83 author: Overbo, Clark L. title: Common Lawn and Garden Mushrooms of Central Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 2145 flesch: 73 summary: Figure 2 Chlorophyllum molybdites, fruiting bodies. Figure 6 Marasmius oreades, fruiting bodies. keywords: bodies; figure; fruiting; lawns; pileus cache: onpr-83.pdf plain text: onpr-83.txt item: #134 of 166 id: onpr-8313 author: Caddell, Gloria M. title: Front Matter date: 2021-06-29 words: 422 flesch: 42 summary: 68 Kayleigh A. Clement and Priscilla H. C. Crawford Editorial Policies and Procedures ......................................................................................................... 79 Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record ............................................... inside back cover Cover photo: Hottonia inflata (American featherfoil) by Amy K. Buthod 3 A Floristic Inventory of The Nature Conservancy’s Hottonia Bottoms Preserve, Atoka, Bryan, and Choctaw Counties, Oklahoma ........................................................................................................ 4 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce Hoagland A Floristic Inventory of The Nature Conservancy’s Oka’ Yanahli Preserve, Johnston County, Oklahoma .................................................................................................................................................. keywords: editor; native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-8313.pdf plain text: onpr-8313.txt item: #135 of 166 id: onpr-8314 author: Caddell, Gloria M. title: Foreword date: 2021-06-29 words: 472 flesch: 37 summary: Clark Ovrebo from the University of Central Oklahoma and Jay Justice from the Arkansas Mycological Society describe and illustrate twenty of the most frequently encountered species of Amanita in forests of Oklahoma. 2020 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Oklahoma Native Plant Record 3 Volume 20, December 2020 keywords: native; oklahoma cache: onpr-8314.pdf plain text: onpr-8314.txt item: #136 of 166 id: onpr-8318 author: Buthod, Amy K.; Hoagland, Bruce W. title: A FLORISTIC INVENTORY OF THE NATURE CONSERVANCY’S HOTTONIA BOTTOMS PRESERVE, ATOKA, BRYAN, AND CHOCTAW COUNTIES, OKLAHOMA date: 2021-06-29 words: 7323 flesch: 67 summary: P; F; FACU; UF; HB-172 Ruellia strepens L. (limestone wild petunia); P; F; FAC; UF; HB-324 Adoxaceae Sambucus nigra L. ssp. P; F; OBL; FPFA; HB-422 Amaryllidaceae *Allium vineale L. (wild garlic); P; F; FACU; DA; HB-096 Nothoscordum bivalve (L.) Britton (crowpoison); P; F; FACU; DA; HB-103 Anacardiaceae Rhus aromatica Aiton (fragrant sumac); P; S; UPL; UF; HB-275 Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze (poison ivy); P; V; FAC; UF, QPQNF; HB-382 Apiaceae Chaerophyllum tainturieri Hook. (chervil); A; F; FAC; UF; QPQNF; HB-007 Cryptotaenia canadensis (L.) DC. keywords: amy; bottoms; bruce; buthod; carex; december; dsha; fac; facw; forest; fpfa; gray; hoagland; hottonia; hwv; michx; muhl; native; nutt; oklahoma; plant; preserve; qpqnf; record; s1g5; sedge; survey; taxa; type; vegetation; volume; walter; willd cache: onpr-8318.pdf plain text: onpr-8318.txt item: #137 of 166 id: onpr-8319 author: Buthod, Amy K.; Hoagland, Bruce W. title: A FLORISTIC INVENTORY OF THE NATURE CONSERVANCY’S OKA’ YANAHLI PRESERVE, JOHNSTON COUNTY, OKLAHOMA date: 2021-06-29 words: 10711 flesch: 65 summary: P; F; FAC; BHBCHA, DAOF; OK-339 Ruellia strepens L. (limestone wild petunia); P; F; FAC; URCLFPFAFA; OK-076 Adoxaceae Sambucus nigra L. ssp. A; F; none; DAOF, MRCMHA; OK-521 Cicuta maculata L. (water hemlock); P; F; OBL; URCLFPFAFA; OK-122 Cryptotaenia canadensis (L.) DC. keywords: amafsa; amy; association; bhbcha; blue; britton; bruce; buthod; carex; common; county; daof; december; engelm; fac; facw; grass; gray; hoagland; hook; hwv; michx; mrcmha; muhl; native; nutt; oka; oklahoma; plant; prairie; preserve; qmqsccfa; quercus; raf; record; sedge; seep; ssp; taxa; torr; type; upl; urclfpfafa; var; vegetation; volume; white; willd; yanahli; yellow cache: onpr-8319.pdf plain text: onpr-8319.txt item: #138 of 166 id: onpr-8320 author: Whaley, Audrey; Kelley, Monika; Holdorf, Allison title: FIRST OBSERVATIONS OF PALAFOXIA CALLOSA IN WASHITA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA date: 2021-06-29 words: 1244 flesch: 51 summary: Figure 1 Palafoxia callosa observed in situ in September of 2019 in Washita County, Oklahoma Oklahoma Native Plant Record 55 Volume 20, December 2020 Additionally, ONHP stated that even though the Flora of North America does not include Oklahoma in the distribution description of P. callosa, the ONHP has decided to include this species in the next revision of Flora of Oklahoma (Amy Buthod, Oklahoma Biological Survey/Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory/Bebb Herbarium, personal correspondence 2020). keywords: callosa; county; oklahoma; palafoxia cache: onpr-8320.pdf plain text: onpr-8320.txt item: #139 of 166 id: onpr-8321 author: Ovrebo, Clark L.; Justice, Jay title: SOME COMMON AMANITA SPECIES OF OKLAHOMA date: 2021-06-29 words: 3783 flesch: 68 summary: Amanita multisquamosa belongs to the “pantheroid” complex of species and all are to be considered poisonous (Bunyard and Justice, 2020). 2020 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 58 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 20, December 2020 Clark L. Ovrebo and Jay Justice 10.22488/okstate.21.100004 SOME COMMON AM AN ITA SPECIES OF OKLAHOMA Clark L. Ovrebo Department of Biology University of Central Oklahoma Edmond, OK 73034 Jay Justice 16055 Michelle Drive Alexander, AR 72002 ABSTRACT Brief descriptions and photos are presented for twenty species of the mushroom genus Amanita that are common to Oklahoma. keywords: amanita; base; figure; pileus; species; stipe; veil cache: onpr-8321.pdf plain text: onpr-8321.txt item: #140 of 166 id: onpr-8322 author: Clement, Kayleigh A.; Crawford, Priscilla H. C. title: FALL AVAILABLE TROPICAL MILKWEED (ASCLEPIAS CURASSAVICA L.) MAY BE A POPULATION SINK FOR THE MONARCH BUTTERFLY date: 2021-06-29 words: 4551 flesch: 53 summary: along with A. curassavica in Oklahoma and recorded the number of monarch eggs and caterpillars on each plant. To determine if the non-native A. curassavica was more likely than native Asclepias species to attract egg-laying monarch butterflies late into the growing season and during the migratory period, we grew two native Asclepias species and A. curassavica outdoors in central Oklahoma and made observations of monarch eggs and caterpillars during the late summer and early fall of 2019. keywords: asclepias; curassavica; eggs; fall; milkweed; monarch; native; non; oklahoma; plant; species cache: onpr-8322.pdf plain text: onpr-8322.txt item: #141 of 166 id: onpr-8323 author: Jordan, Julia A. title: Giant Cane and Southeastern Indian Baskets date: 2021-06-29 words: 1631 flesch: 70 summary: Like other tribes, the Choctaw produced many types of cane baskets for which they had names, including carrying baskets, hampers, pack baskets, trays, and pointed baskets. The glossy, natural, outer surface of the cane contributed to the beauty of cane baskets. keywords: baskets; cane; choctaw; giant; oklahoma; southeastern cache: onpr-8323.pdf plain text: onpr-8323.txt item: #142 of 166 id: onpr-8325 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Index date: 2021-06-29 words: 531 flesch: 42 summary: In this issue of Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 7, Number 1, December 2007: _________________________________________________________________________ 4 Vascular Plants of the Oklahoma Ozarks Charles S. Wallis 21 Updated Oklahoma Ozark Flora Bruce W. Hoagland 54 The Vascular Flora of the Oklahoma Centennial Botanical Garden Site Osage County, Oklahoma Bruce W. Hoagland and Amy Buthod 67 Vascular Plant Checklists from Oklahoma Michael W. Palmer 78 Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 7, Number 1, December 2007 Five-Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 2 4 Vascular Plants of the Wichita Mountains, Paul Buck 22 Floristic List for Comanche County, Oklahoma, Bruce W. Hoagland 54 Schoenoplectus hallii and S. saximontanus; Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge Survey: 2000, Lawrence K. Magrath 65 Pontotoc Ridge Floristic Survey: 1999, Forrest L. Johnson, Patricia Folley (ed.) keywords: bruce; hoagland; oklahoma cache: onpr-8325.pdf plain text: onpr-8325.txt item: #143 of 166 id: onpr-8326 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Index date: 2021-06-29 words: 559 flesch: 49 summary: 68 Triphora trianthophora and Tipularia discolor in Oklahoma, Lawrence K. Magrath 73 Take time to watch, not just smell the wildflowers, Gloria M. Caddell Volume 4 4 Ecological Factors Affecting the Distribution of Woody Vegetation Near the Arkansas River, Tulsa County, Anne Wanamaker Long 24 Cotinus obovatus Raf. (Smoke-tree) in Oklahoma, Bruce Hoagland. keywords: bruce; flora; hoagland; oklahoma cache: onpr-8326.pdf plain text: onpr-8326.txt item: #144 of 166 id: onpr-8327 author: s, Sheila title: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record date: 2021-06-29 words: 652 flesch: 26 summary: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant R ecord Volume 8 4 A Floristic Study of the Vascular Plants of the Gypsum Hills and Redbed Plains Area of Southwestern Oklahoma, 1975 M. S. thesis, Susan C. Barber 37 Updated List of Taxa for Vascular Plants of the Gypsum Hills and Redbed Plains Area of Southwestern Oklahoma, Susan C. Barber 45 Updated Flora of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge Keith A. Carter, Pablo Rodriguez, and Michael T. Dunn 57 Common Spring Mushrooms of Oklahoma, Clark L. Ovrebo and Nancy S. Weber 61 Fern Habitats and Rare Ferns in Oklahoma, Bruce A. Smith 67 Tribute to Paul Buck, Constance Murray Volume 9 4 Vascular Plants of Southeastern Oklahoma from San Bois to the Kiamichi Mountains, 1969 Ph. D. dissertation, F. Hobart Means 38 Composition and Structure of Bottomland Forest Vegetation at the Tiak Research Natural Area, McCurtain County, Oklahoma, Bruce W. Hoagland and Newell A. McCarty 59 Is Seedling Establishment Very Rare in the Oklahoma Seaside Alder, Alnus maritime ssp. oklahomensis? The Changing Forests of Central Oklahoma: A Look at the Composition of the Cross Timbers Prior to Euro-American Settlement, in the 1950s and Today, Richard E. Thomas and Bruce W. Hoagland 75 Critic’s Choice Essay: Some Thoughts on Oklahoma Plants and Summer 2011’s keywords: bruce; oklahoma cache: onpr-8327.pdf plain text: onpr-8327.txt item: #145 of 166 id: onpr-8328 author: Strawn, Sheila title: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record date: 2021-06-29 words: 707 flesch: 17 summary: Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora), and Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica), Katherine E. Keil and Karen R. Hickman 67 Non-Twining Milkweed Vines of Oklahoma: An Overview of Matelea biflora and Matelea cynanchoides (Apocynaceae), Angela McDonnell 80 Critic’s Choice Essay: Pollination Ecology of Our Native Prairie Plants, Gloria M. Caddell Volume 15 4 Preface to First Flowering Dates for Central Oklahoma, Wayne Elisens 6 First Flowering Dates for Central Oklahoma, Ben Osborn 19 Forest Structure and Fire History at Lake Arcadia, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma (1820–2014), Chad King 31 Interplanting Floral Resource Plants with Vegetable Plants Enhances Beneficial Arthropod Abundance in a Home Garden, Chrisdon B. Bonner, Eric J. Rebek, Janet C. Cole, Brian A. Kahn, and Janette A. Steets 49 Contributions to the Flora of Cimarron County and the Black Mesa Area, Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland 78 Antifungal Activity in Extracts of Plants from Southwestern Oklahoma Against Aspergillus flavus, Tahzeeba Frisby and Cameron University students 96 Kudzu, Pueraria montana (Lour.) The Changing Forests of Central Oklahoma: A Look at the Composition of the Cross Timbers Prior to Euro-American Settlement, in the 1950s and Today, Richard E. Thomas and Bruce W. Hoagland 75 Critic’s Choice Essay: Some Thoughts on Oklahoma Plants and Summer 2011’s keywords: county; critic; oklahoma cache: onpr-8328.pdf plain text: onpr-8328.txt item: #146 of 166 id: onpr-8331 author: Caddell, Gloria M. title: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record date: 2021-06-29 words: 711 flesch: 39 summary: 2020 Five Year Index and Back Cover Five Year Index to Oklahom a N ative Plant R ecord Volume 15 4 Preface to First Flowering Dates for Central Oklahoma, Wayne Elisens 6 First Flowering Dates for Central Oklahoma, Ben Osborn 19 Forest Structure and Fire History at Lake Arcadia, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma (1820–2014), Chad King 31 Interplanting Floral Resource Plants with Vegetable Plants Enhances Beneficial Arthropod Abundance in a Home Garden, Chrisdon B. Bonner, Eric J. Rebek, Janet C. Cole, Brian A. Kahn, and Janette A. Steets 49 Contributions to the Flora of Cimarron County and the Black Mesa Area, Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland 78 Antifungal Activity in Extracts of Plants from Southwestern Oklahoma Against Aspergillus flavus, Tahzeeba Frisby and Cameron University students 96 Kudzu, Pueraria montana (Lour.) In this issue of Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 20, December 2020: _________________________________________________________________________ 4 A Floristic Inventory of The Nature Conservancy’s Hottonia Bottoms Preserve, Atoka, Bryan, and Choctaw Counties, Oklahoma Amy K. Buthod and Bruce Hoagland 24 A Floristic Inventory of The Nature Conservancy’s Oka’ Yanahli Preserve, Johnston County, Oklahoma Amy K. Buthod and Bruce Hoagland 53 First Observations of Palafoxia callosa keywords: bruce; county; oklahoma; volume cache: onpr-8331.pdf plain text: onpr-8331.txt item: #147 of 166 id: onpr-85 author: Strawn, Sheila A. title: Foreword date: 2010-02-23 words: 463 flesch: 60 summary: Along with regional floras we’ve offered interdisciplinary articles describing human impacts on Oklahoma’s vegetation as well as species distribution information of interest to landscapers and naturalists. Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 5, Number 1, December 2005 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 3 Volume 5, Number 1, December 2005 keywords: native; oklahoma cache: onpr-85.pdf plain text: onpr-85.txt item: #148 of 166 id: onpr-86 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Front Matter date: 2021-03-24 words: 431 flesch: 50 summary: The purpose of ONPS is to encourage the study, protection, propagation, appreciation and use of the native plants of Oklahoma. 39 Dr. Constance Lucile Murray Vascular Flora of a Site along the Arkansas River, Pawnee County, Oklahoma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . keywords: chair; native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-86.pdf plain text: onpr-86.txt item: #149 of 166 id: onpr-87 author: Caddell, Gloria title: Tribute to John Taylor date: 2021-03-24 words: 1130 flesch: 62 summary: But John‟s most endearing contribution to Oklahoma plants was that „…Annotated List…‟ At a time when the USDA database was only an unreliable hatchling, apt to go off-line at irregular intervals, that list was the best reference we had for the organization of the Flora of Oklahoma Project. Incidentally, John and Connie‟s book (An Annotated List of the Ferns, Fern Allies, Gymnosperms and Flowering Plants of Oklahoma) has made it possible for me to convince a lot of people that I know more about Oklahom” Ruth Boyd, Charter member of the Central Chapter of ONPS “John and Connie Taylor‟s, An Annotated List of the Ferns, Fern Allies, Gymnosperms and Flowering Plants of Oklahoma” is one of the most valuable publications about Oklahoma plants I own. keywords: john; list; oklahoma cache: onpr-87.pdf plain text: onpr-87.txt item: #150 of 166 id: onpr-88 author: Crawford, Priscilla H. C.; Crawford, Philip T. title: Additions to the Flora of Garvin County, Oklahoma: Including a Complete Vascular Plant Checklist date: 2021-03-24 words: 8698 flesch: 72 summary: OKLA n Sanicula canadensis L. OKLA n Spermolepis echinata (Nutt. OCLA n Lepidium virginicum L. OKLA n Lesquerella gracilis (Hook.) keywords: abundance3; co#/herb1; county; crawford; december; engelm; garvin; gray; habitat2; l. okl; l. var; michx; native; number; nutt; ocla; okla; okla n; oklahoma; origin4; plant; rarity5; record; species; ssp; study; taxon; torr; var; volume; willd cache: onpr-88.pdf plain text: onpr-88.txt item: #151 of 166 id: onpr-90 author: Murray, Constance Lucile title: A Vegetation Analysis of a Pimpled Prairie in Northeastern Oklahoma date: 2021-03-24 words: 5581 flesch: 57 summary: Two factors are suggested as influencing the differences in mound and intermound vegetation: that mound soils can provide more available water to plants than can intermound soils, and that mounds, but not intermounds, contain the burrows of small mammals and are modified by their presence. The town ant, Atta texana, may create soil mounds in the south (Cain, 1974). keywords: c.l; cover; december; intermound; mounds; murray; native; number; oklahoma; pimple; plant; prairie; record; soil; species; study; var; vegetation; volume cache: onpr-90.pdf plain text: onpr-90.txt item: #152 of 166 id: onpr-91 author: Taylor, Raymond John title: Relationship of Forest Vegetation to Soils on Geological Formations of the Oklahoma Gulf Coastal Plain date: 2021-03-24 words: 12058 flesch: 71 summary: Relationships of the woody vegetation of the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge to geological formations and soil types. Influence of soil type on the distribution of two closely related species of Erigeron. keywords: area; clay; december; forest; limestone; native; number; oak; oklahoma; plant; record; soil; species; stand; study; table; taylor; vegetation; volume; | | cache: onpr-91.pdf plain text: onpr-91.txt item: #153 of 166 id: onpr-93 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Foreword date: 2021-06-29 words: 571 flesch: 52 summary: The Oklahoma Native Plant Record is proud to deliver these articles to those who would study fungi in Oklahoma and to those whose interests in fungi might be stimulated toward further investigation. The author of The Lichens of North Central Oklahoma, Darvin Wendell Keck was born at Willis, Oklahoma in 1926. keywords: oklahoma; study cache: onpr-93.pdf plain text: onpr-93.txt item: #154 of 166 id: onpr-94 author: ONPR, ONPS title: Front Matter date: 2021-06-29 words: 444 flesch: 48 summary: 80 Cedar-apple Rust Dr. L. Clark Ovrebo Five-year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record. . . . . . . . . Patricia Folley ONPS Service Award Chair: keywords: chair; native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-94.pdf plain text: onpr-94.txt item: #155 of 166 id: onpr-9405 author: Caddell, Gloria title: Front Matter date: 2022-11-02 words: 405 flesch: 42 summary: 4 Chad B. King Measuring Changes in Phenology of Oklahoma Asteraceae Using Herbarium Specimens ......... 12 John A. Unterschuetz, Jennifer A. Messick, and Abigail J. Moore Literature Review of Dendrochronology Research in Oklahoma, U.S.A. ...................................... 3 Growth Patterns and Ages of Trees from Martin Park Nature Center, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma ................................................................................................................................................... keywords: editor; native; oklahoma; plant cache: onpr-9405.pdf plain text: onpr-9405.txt item: #156 of 166 id: onpr-9407 author: Caddell, Gloria title: Foreword date: 2022-11-02 words: 475 flesch: 45 summary: John Unterschuetz and Abigail Moore from the University of Oklahoma, and Jennifer Messick from the University of Central Oklahoma investigated the flowering phases of herbarium specimens of four native Asteraceae (sunflower family) species that had been collected since the early 1900s. Carmen Esqueda and Chad King of the University of Central Oklahoma provide a literature review of dendrochronological research conducted solely within the state of Oklahoma, beginning almost 100 years ago. keywords: native; oklahoma cache: onpr-9407.pdf plain text: onpr-9407.txt item: #157 of 166 id: onpr-9408 author: King, Chad title: Growth Patterns and Ages of Trees from Martin Park Nature Center, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma date: 2022-11-02 words: 2678 flesch: 64 summary: Specifically, Q. macrocarpa, U. americana, U. rubra, and C. laevigata trees that were > 8 cm diameter at breast height (DBH) were identified for sampling, with the assumption that the oldest members of each species would be > 8 cm DBH. This manuscript reports tree ages, estimates of tree establishment dates, and patterns of radial growth that provide insight into land- use patterns at MPNC. METHODS To build an educational portfolio about tree ages at MPNC for the general public, common native tree species were selected for sampling during Fall 2018 and Spring 2019 to estimate age and establishment dates. keywords: growth; king; laevigata; mpnc; oklahoma; park; species; trees cache: onpr-9408.pdf plain text: onpr-9408.txt item: #158 of 166 id: onpr-9410 author: Esqueda, Carmen L.; King, Chad B. title: Literature Review of Dendrochronology Research in Oklahoma, U.S.A. date: 2022-11-02 words: 8288 flesch: 54 summary: Reviewed publications indicated that humans and climate, specifically drought, largely impacted Oklahoma forests historically, and remain a current threat. Additional threats to Oklahoma forests include invasive plant species, invasive insects/fungi and associated diseases, natural disturbances, urbanization, severe weather, and climate change (Johnson et al. 2015; Kloesel et al. 2018; Oklahoma Invasive Plant Council 2019; Oklahoma Forestry Services 2020). keywords: clark; climate; dendrochronology; dynamics; et al; fire; forest; king; odp; oklahoma; quercus; research; ring; species; stand; stellata; tree; virginiana cache: onpr-9410.pdf plain text: onpr-9410.txt item: #159 of 166 id: onpr-9411 author: Coplen, Samantha title: Cold Stratification of Salvia azurea var. grandiflora Benth. (Lamiaceae) seeds to Break Dormancy date: 2022-11-02 words: 3109 flesch: 52 summary: Data analysis consisted of survival analysis, as this test is a powerful methodology for analyzing seed germination (McNair et al. 2012; Manso et al. 2013; Messick and Hoagland 2018; Sanchez- Toledano et al. 2018). An updated overview on the regulation of seed germination. keywords: cold; dormancy; germination; oklahoma; plant; seed; stratification; treatment cache: onpr-9411.pdf plain text: onpr-9411.txt item: #160 of 166 id: onpr-9412 author: Buck, Paul title: Critic's Choice Essay: Musings at Dusk date: 2022-11-02 words: 910 flesch: 73 summary: During that magic transition, as the shadows creep toward me, I think of a small book of nature essays, From the Stump, by Bob Jennings of the Tulsa Oxley Nature Center and his interpretation of that moment: From the scrubby trees along the dry ridge, the first tentative notes of a whip-poor- will's song emerge. When I get into the field, I find myself overwhelmed by the profound spirit of Nature and am driven to locate a secluded space from which to observe the world around me and contemplate questions of life. keywords: life; nature; oklahoma cache: onpr-9412.pdf plain text: onpr-9412.txt item: #161 of 166 id: onpr-9413 author: Caddell, Gloria title: Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record date: 2022-11-02 words: 652 flesch: 41 summary: In this issue of Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 21, December 2021: _________________________________________________________________________ 4 Growth Patterns and Ages of Trees from Martin Park Nature Center, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma Chad B. King 12 Measuring Changes in Phenology of Oklahoma Asteraceae Using Herbarium Specimens John A. Unterschuetz, Jennifer A. Messick, and Abigail J. Moore 34 Literature Review of Dendrochronology Research in Oklahoma, U.S.A. Carmen L. Esqueda and Chad B. King 53 Cold Stratification of Salvia azurea var. 2021 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 16 4 Pollination Ecology of Sabatia campestris Nutt. keywords: county; oklahoma; record; volume cache: onpr-9413.pdf plain text: onpr-9413.txt item: #162 of 166 id: onpr-95 author: Burgess, Lacy; Hoagland, Bruce W. title: Vascular Flora of a Riparian Site on the Canadian River, Cleveland County, Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 3570 flesch: 61 summary: f. ex Gray (golden crownbeard): A, DAOF, #199 Xanthium strumarium L. (rough cocklebur): A, DAOF, #146 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus cruentuss L. (slim amaranth): A, DAOF, #44 Apiaceae Cicuta maculata L. (spotted water hemlock): B, WETL, #117 Conium maculatum L.* (poison hemlock): B, WETL, #45 Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaetrn.* A, DAOF, #119 Brassicaceae Lepidium virginicum L. (Virginia pepperweed): A, WETL, #60 Rorippa sessiliflora (Nutt.) keywords: area; county; daof; december; flora; hoagland; native; number; nutt; oklahoma; plant; record; river; site; species; vascular; volume cache: onpr-95.pdf plain text: onpr-95.txt item: #163 of 166 id: onpr-96 author: Hoagland, Bruce W.; Buthod, Amy title: Vascular Flora of a Red Sandstone Hills Site Canadian County, Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 5888 flesch: 66 summary: (green antelopehorn) - DAOF, SSBC; P; H; AB-6821 Asteraceae Achillea millefolium L. (common yarrow) - DAOF, SSBC; P; H; AB-6775 60 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 Hoagland & Buthod Ambrosia psilostachya DC. (Plains ragweed) - DAOF, SSBC; P; H; AB-6551 A. trifida L. keywords: buthod; canadian; county; daof; december; flora; gray; hoagland; johnson; michx; native; number; nutt; oklahoma; plant; prairie; qmjv; raf; record; species; ssbc; torr; vascular; volume cache: onpr-96.pdf plain text: onpr-96.txt item: #164 of 166 id: onpr-97 author: Keck, Darvin Wendell title: The Lichens of North Central Oklahoma date: 2021-06-29 words: 13304 flesch: 74 summary: 32 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 Keck, D.W. TABLE I SPECIES OCCURRENCY BY COUNTIES C r e e k G a r f i e l d G r a n t K a y K i n g f i s h e r L i n c o l n L o g a n N o b l e O s a g e P a w n e e P a y n e Acarospora citrine X X X X X X X X A. fuscata X X X X X A.smaragdula X X X Allarthonia caesia X X Anaptychia granulifera X A. heterochroa X X X X X A. hypoleuca X X A. speciosa X Bacidia granosa X B. umbrina X Buellia alboatra X X B. novomexicana X X X B. punctata X X X X X B. retrovertens X X B. schaereri X B. spuria X B. stigmaea X X C G G K K L L N O P P Oklahoma Native Plant Record 33 Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 Keck, D.W. B. vilis X Caloplaca arizonica X X X C. aurantiaca X X X X X X X X X X C. cerina X X C. chrysophthalma X X X X X X C. decipiens X C. flavovirescens X X X X C. lobulata X X X X C. microphylina X X X X X X C. murorum X X X C. ulmorum X X X X X X Candelaria concolor var. keywords: counties; county; creek; december; keck; lincoln; miles; north; number; oklahoma; osage; osage county; payne; plant; sandstone; species; thallus; west; x l.; x x cache: onpr-97.pdf plain text: onpr-97.txt item: #165 of 166 id: onpr-98 author: Ladd, Douglas M. title: Annotated Nomenclatural Update to Keck (1961) date: 2021-06-29 words: 778 flesch: 54 summary: Where possible, the probable actual identification is provided, based on a decade of sporadic lichen field work in the eastern portion of Keck’s study area (e.g. Ladd 1997) and extensive field experience with lichens in the Ozark region just east of the study area (e.g. Ladd 1996, 2002). Keck’s work is important from a biogeographic perspective, since it elucidates details regarding the western ranges of several species traditionally thought to be associated with eastern woodlands, while simultaneously documenting the presence of several lichen taxa more commonly associated with western and southwestern North America. keywords: keck; ladd; lichen cache: onpr-98.pdf plain text: onpr-98.txt item: #166 of 166 id: onpr-99 author: Ovrebo, Clark L. title: Critic's Choice Essay: Cedar-apple Rust date: 2021-06-29 words: 588 flesch: 63 summary: They can be seen developing on cedar trees in the wintertime and have been referred to as “cedar apples.” Figure 4 Rust spots on apple. keywords: apple; rust cache: onpr-99.pdf plain text: onpr-99.txt