Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 64 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 The Nature Conservency’s Pontatoc Ridge Preserve, Johnston County Entrance to Pontotoc Ridge Preserve (photo by Patricia Folley) Wildflower community on exposed limestone formation at Pontotoc Ridge Preserve (photo by Patricia Folley) Johnson, F.L. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 65 Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. Pontotoc Ridge Floristic Survey: 1999 transcribed with later additions Forrest L. Johnson Oklahoma Biological Survey Patricia Folley (ed.) President, Oklahoma Native Plant Society In 1997, the Oklahoma Biological Survey and the Oklahoma Native Plant Society undertook an unusual joint project: the surveying of the plant resources of a preserve recently acquired by The Nature Conservancy. In part this was because of the deep attachment of some of the participants for this nearby and very interesting place. During the early exploration of the “Smith Ranch Site”, as it was called, amateurs and interns were brought in to call out the names of plants as they walked, or in some cases, rode past in trucks. As a rapid assessment, that was probably a good thing, but it certainly wasn’t scientific, and none of those names called could be verified for publication. The Biological Survey allotted the necessary manpower and equipment to conduct a survey structured after the ones being done for several military bases in the area. Frequent, disciplined visits were made to view the diverse habitats as the plants thereon developed over the course of the growing year. One or two specimens of each species was taken, processed, identified and preserved in a public herbarium for the use of future researchers. The herbarium chosen was the Robert Bebb Herbarium (OKL) at the University of Oklahoma, host institution for the Biological Survey. 2002 INTRODUCTION Forrest Johnson of the Biological Survey, Patricia Folley of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society and a co-editor of the Flora of Oklahoma Project, and two fieldassistants, Newell McCarty and Deborah Benesh from the University of Oklahoma’s Bebb Herbarium carried out the fieldwork for the Survey. Almost all processing of specimens, including identification, was done by the late Dr. Johnson. Folley made the identifications of the specimens of sedges, and Benesh and Johnson maintained the databaseand prepared labels. Eventually, over 500 specimens were mounted and placed in the herbarium. Also included in the survey is Plantago rugelii, which was collected by Patricia Folley in 1993 when the site was still known as “Smith Ranch”. Since the survey Folley and others have added a few species, similarlydocumented, to those surveyed in 1997. They are identified by a later collection date in the inventory. No natural living place can ever be fully documented and there are still species known to exist in that preserve that have not yet been found in flowering or fruiting condition. It will no doubt provide interesting work for our successors. After the original introduction was written, an infestation of Lespedeza cuneata (serecia lespedeza) proliferated in the old pastures and a program of removal was begun. The research team is indebted to the kindness and assistance so generously contributed by TNC’s on-site managers, Jim and Hollie Erwin. 66 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 INTRODUCTION In the growing season (March- October) of 1997, The Nature Conservancy’s Pontotoc Ridge Preserve was visited approximately every two weeks by a team of botanists from the Oklahoma Native Plant Society and the Oklahoma Biological Survey for the purpose of preparing an inventory of the plant species on the Preserve. Two to four persons on each visit examined several sites on the Preserve. The number and location of sites varied with the condition of the primitive roads on the property. When roads were muddy, we collected plants at three or four sites along the west side of the Preserve. When the roads were dry enough, we visited several widely separated sites spread over the whole property. At each collecting site members of the team walked separate paths through the area. Any plant in flower or fruit that was not on a list of the plants previously collected or which could not be positively identified was collected. Some trees and shrubs that are usually identified by their leaves, buds, etc., were collected without flowers or fruits. Each specimen was pressed, dried, and fumigated to eliminate insects. Then they were stored in the Robert Bebb Herbarium at the University of Oklahoma. The specimens were identified with the keys and descriptions in Flora of the Great Plains (Great Plains Flora Association, 1986, University Press of Kansas, Lawrence) and Keys to the Flora of Oklahoma, (U. T. Waterfall, 1973, published by the author, Stillwater, OK), then confirmed by comparison with known specimens in the Bebb Herbarium. The specimens from Pontotoc Ridge will remain in the Bebb Herbarium and become part of its permanent collection. Several plant names have been changed since the publication of Keys to the Flora of Oklahoma and Flora of the Great Plains. Names in our list names comply with the PLANTS online database: plants/qurymenu.html , maintained by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. We included Johnson, F.L. both the old and new names for a few plants that have had recent name changes. The older name is listed in brackets below the new name. Two status and 17 habit categories are defined by the National List of Scientific Plant Names (1982, U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation Service Publication SCS-TP-159, Washington, D.C.) They are applied as appropriate for each species. The categories and representative symbols used to define status categories are: (N) native and (I) introduced. Habit is represented by one or more of the following: (A) annual; (B) biennial; (P) perennial; (F) herbaceous; (S) shrub; (T) tree; (G) grasslike; (H) partly woody; (W) woody; ($) succulent; (V) vine; (Z) submersed; (E) emergent; (L) floating; (@) tree epiphyte; (+) parasitic; and (_) saprophytic. This information is determined by examining the specimens and consulting the designated floras. These symbols are combined into a convenient status/habit code for each species. For example, NPG = native perennial grasslike; NT = native tree, etc. In the 1997 growing season, we collected 399 species in 261 genera and 79 families. About a third of the species found were in the three common Great Plains families: Asteraceae (composites); Poaceae (grasses) and Fabaceae (legumes). Only about 6 percent of the species are exotic and none of the exotic species is conspicuous or seems to present a threat to the native vegetation. No truly rare plants were found, although Penstemon oklahomensis (S3) and Echinocereus riechenbachii (S2) are present. Based on previous experience, we are likely to have found about 80% of the total plant species present at Pontotoc Ridge. There are probably about 500 plant species in the area. Some perennial plant species do not flower every year, and some annuals vary greatly in abundance from year to year. Continued investigation will result in more species being found. Several field trips to Pontotoc Ridge are planned in 1998. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 67 Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. Pontotoc Ridge Floristic Survey Acanthaceae (acanthus) Ruellia humilis Nutt. NPF 29 May, 10 Sep 1997 Low ruellia infrequent, prairie Ruellia strepens L. NPF 29 May 1997 Limestone ruellia Aceraceae (maple) Acer negundo L. NT 18 Jul 1997 Box elder infrequent, floodplain forest Agavaceae (yucca, agave family) Yucca glauca Nuttall NS (not yet collected) Common yucca infrequent, uplands Anacardiaceae (sumac, poison ivy) Rhus aromatica Ait. NS 28 Mar, 18 Jul 1997 Aromatic sumac common, rocky upland Rhus copallinum L. NS 18 Jul 1997 Winged sumac infrequent, rockly upland Rhus glabra L. NS 18 Jun 1997 Smooth sumac common, rocky upland Apiaceae (carrot, celery, etc.) *Ammoselinum popei, see Chaerophyllum Bifora americana (DC.) Watson NAF 14 May 1997 Prairie bishop’s weed infrequent, rocky upland Chaerophyllum procumbens (L.) Crantz NAF 15 Apr 1997 Wild chervil common, disturbed area Chaerophyllum taintureiri Hook. NAF 15 Apr, 14 May 1997 Wild chervil common, disturbed area, mowed meadow Cryptotaenia canadensis (L.) DC. NPF 29 May 1997 Honewort common, floodplain forest Daucus pusillus Michaux NAF 18 Jun 1997 Rattlesnake weed common, disturbed area Eryngium leavenworthii T. & G. NAF 10 Sep 1997 Rattlesnake master common, rocky upland Eryngium yuccifolium Michaux var. synchaetum Gray ex C & Rose NPF 31 July 1997 Button snakeroot common, prairie Lomatium foeniculaceum (Nutt.) C.&R. var. foeniculaceum NPF 28 March 1997 Wild parsley common, rocky upland Osmorhiza longistylis (Torr.) DC. NPF 30 April 1997 Anise root common, floodplain forest Polytaenia nuttallii (Nutt.) DC. NPF 14 May 1997 Prairie parsley common, prairie Sanicula canadensis L NPF 30 April, 29 May 1997 Snakeroot common, floodplain forest Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link IAF 18 June 1997 Hedge parsley common, disturbed area Trepocarpus aethusae Nuttall NAF 18 June 1997 White nymph infrequent, rocky upland Zizia aurea (L.) Koch NPF 14 May 1997 Golden alexanders infrequent, floodplain forest Apocynaceae (dogbane) Amsonia ciliata Walt. NPF 10 April 1996 Fringed bluestars infrequent, rocky upland Apocynum cannabinum L. var. cannabinum NPF 29 May 1997 Indian hemp infrequent, prairie Araceae (arum) Arisaema dracontium (L.) Schott NPF (not yet colleted) Green dragon infrequent, floodplain forest Asclepiadaceae (milkweed) Asclepias asperula (Dcne.) Woodson var. decumbens (Nutt.) Shinners NPF 30 Apr, 14 May 1997 Spider antelopehorn common, rocky upland Asclepias stenophylla (Gray) NPF 18 June 1997 Narrowleaf milkweed infrequent, prairie 68 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. Asclepias tuberosa L. NPF 18 June 1997 Butterfly milkweed common, prairie Asclepias viridis Walt. NPF 29 May 1997 Green milkweed common, prairie Matelia biflora (Raf.) Woodson NPV 14 May 1997 Twoflower milkvine infrequent, rocky upland Matelia gonocarpa (Walt.) Shinners NPV 18 July 1997 Climbing milkweed infrequent, disturbed area Aspleniaceae (cliff ferns) Woodsia obtusa (Spreng.) Torr. NPF 29 May 1997 Blunt-lobed cliff fern infrequent, Cross Timbers Asteraceae (asters, daisies, sunflowers) Achillea millefolium L. NPF 14 May 1997 Yarrow common, prairie Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. NAF 10 Sept 1997 Common ragweed common, disturbed areas Ambrosia bidentata Michaux NAF 10 Sept 1997 Southern ragweed common disturbed area Ambrosia psilostachya DC. NPF 8 October 1997 Western ragweed infrequent, disturbed areas Ambrosia trifida L. NAF 20 August 1997 Giant ragweed common, disturbed areas Amphiachyris dracunculoides (DC.) Shinners NAF 10 Sept. 1997 Broomweed infrequent, disturbed area Artemisia ludoviciana Nuttall var. mexicana (Willd.) Fernald NPF 10 Sept, 8 October 1997 White sage, watersage infrequent, disturbed area, prairie Aster drummondii Lindl var. parviceps (Shinners) A.G. Jones NPF 8 October 1997 Blue wood aster infrequent, disturbed areas Aster ericoides L. NPF 8 October 1997 Heath aster common, disturbed area Aster oolentangensis Riddell NPF 8 October 1997 Blue aster infrequent, disturbed area Aster patens Ait. NPF 8 October 1997 Spreading aster infrequent, disturbed area, rocky upland Aster prealtus Poir. NPF 8 October 1997 Willowleaf aster infrequent, disturbed area Astranthium integrifolium(Michx.)Nutt. NAF 15 April, 30 April 1997 Western daisy common, disturbed area Brickellia eupatorioides (L.) Raf. NPF False snakeweed uncommon, disturbed area Centaurea americana Nuttall NAF 18 June 1997 Basketflower common, rocky upland Chaetopappa asteroides Nutt. Ex DC. NAF 30 April 1997 Least daisy infrequent, disturbed area Chrysopsis pilosa Nuttall NAF 31 July, 8 Oct. 1997 Golden aster infrequent, disturbed area, prairie Cirsium altissimum (L.) Spreng. NPF 31 July, 10 Sept 1997 Tall thistle infrequent, prairie Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng. NPF 18 June 1997 Wavy-leaf thistle common, disturbed area Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. NAF 20 August 1997 Horseweed common, disturbed area Echinacea atrorubens Nuttall NPF Rose coneflower common, rocky upland Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. NAF 10 Sept 1997 Yerba de tajo infrequent, pond margin Elephantopus carolinianus Willd. NPF 10 Sept 1997 Elephant’s foot common, floodplain forest Engelmannia pinnatifida Gray ex Nutt. NPF 14 May 1997 Engelmann’s daisy common, rocky upland, prairie Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. NAF 14 May 1997 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 69 Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. Daisy fleabane common, prairie Erigeron philadelphicus L. NAF 15 April 1997 Philadelphia fleabane common, riparian Eupatorium serotinum Michaux NPF 20 August 1997 Late boneset infrequent, disturbed areas Gaillardia aestivalis (Walt.) Rock NAF 10 Sept 1997 Summer gaillardia infrequent, prairie Gaillardia pulchella Fouq. NAF 9 May, 18 June 1997 Indian blankets, firewheels common, prairie, rocky upland Gamochaeta purpurea (L.) Cabrera NPF 30 April 1997 Purple cudweed infrequent, disturbed area Gnaphalium obtusifolium L. NPF 10 Sept 1997 Sweet everlasting infrequent, prairie Helenium amarum (Raf.) H. Rock NAF 18 Jun 1997 Bitterweed common, disturbed area Helianthus annuus L. NAF 18 July 1997 Common sunflower infrequent, disturbed area Helianthus hirsutus Raf. NPF 18 July 1997 Hairy or rough sunflower infrequent, disturbed area Helianthus mollis Lam. NPF 31 July 1997 Ashy or soft sunflower common, prairie Heliopsis helianthoides (L.) Sweet NPF 31 July 1997 False sunflower common, floodplain forest Heterotheca latifolia Buckl. NPF 10 Sept 1997 Golden aster common, prairie Hieracium longipilum Torrey NPF 19 Sept 1997 Longbeard hawkweed infrequent, prairie Hymenopappus scabieoseus L’Her. NPF 14 May 1997 Old plainsmen common, rocky upland Hymenoxys linearifolia Hook. NAF 15 April – 15 May 1997 Narrowleaf hymenoxys common, rocky upland, disturbed area Iva annua L. NAF 10 Sept 1997 Annual false ragweed, sumpweed common, disturbed area Krigia caespitosa (Raf.) Chambers NAF 14 May 1997 Common dwarf dandelion infrequent, prairie Krigia dandelion (L.) Nuttall NPF 14 May 1997 Potato dandelion common, prairie Lactuca ludoviciana (Nutt.) DC. NAF 18 Jun 1997 Western wild lettuce infrequent, disturbed area Liatris punctata Hook., var. nebraskana Geiser NPF 10 Sept 1997 Dotted gayfeather abundant, prairie Liatris pycnostachya Michaux NPF 31 July 1997 Button snakeroot common, prairie Liatris squarrosa (L.) Michaux NPF 31 July 1997 Gayfeather common, prairie Lindheimera texana Gray & Engelm NAF 30 April, 11 June 1997 Texas yellow star infrequent, rocky upland, prairie Marshallia caespitosa Nutt. Ex DC. NPF 14 May, 18 June 1997 Barbara’s buttons infrequent, prairie, rocky upland Pluchea odorata (L.) Cass. NAF 8 October 1997 Purple camphorweed common, pond margin Prionopsis ciliata Nuttall NAF 10 Sep 1997 Wax goldenweed infrequent, disturbed area Pyrrhopappus grandiflorus Nuttall NPF 30 April 1997 False dandelion common, disturbed area Pyrrhopappus pauciflorus DC. NAF 14 May 1997 Geiser’s false dandelion common, prairie Ratibida columnifera Woot. & Standl. NPF 18 June 1997 Yellow coneflower common, disturbed area Rudbeckia hirta L. NABPF 18 June 1997 Blackeyed Susan common, disturbed area 70 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. Rudbeckia missouriensis Engelm. NPF 31 July 1997 Missouri coneflower common, prairie Rudbeckia triloba L. NPF 31 July 1997 Browneyed Susan infrequent, floodplain forest Senecio plattensis Nuttall NPF 28 March 1997 Prairie groundsel common, Cross timbers, floodplain Silphium laciniatum L. NPF 31 July 1997 Compass plant common, prairie Solidago arguta Ait. NPF 31 July 1997 Boott’s woodland goldenrod infrequent, floodplain forest Solidago canadensis L. var. Gilvocanescens Rydb. NPF 8 October 1997 Prairie goldenrod common, rocky upland Solidago nemoralis Ait. NPF 10 Sept. 1997 Oldfield goldenrod infrequent, prairie Solidago rigida L. NPF 19 Sept. 1997 Stiff prairie goldenrod infrequent, prairie Thelesperma filifolia (Hook.) Gray NPF 29 May 1997 Greenthread common, prairie Verbesina virginica L. NPF 28 Sept 1999 Virginia crownbeard uncommon, floodplain forest Vernonia baldwinii Torrey NPF 31 July 1997 Western ironweed common, prairie Xanthium strumarium L. NAF 10 Sept. 1997 Cocklebur common, pond margin Berberidaceae (barberry family) Podophyllum peltatum L. NPF 10 Apr 1996, 15 April 1997 Mayapple abundant, Cross timbers Boraginaceae (borage, heliotrope family) Heliotropium tenellum (Nutt.) Torrey NAF 18 June, 31 July 1997 Pasture heliotrope infrequent, prairie, rocky upland Lithospermum incisum Lehm. NPF 28 March, 18 June 1997 Narrowleaf puccoon infrequent, rocky upland Myosotis macrosperma Engelmann NPF 30 April 1997 Spring forget-me-not common, disturbed area Myositis verna Nuttall NAF 15 April 1997 Early scorpiongrass common, disturbed area Brassicaceae (mustard family) Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik IAF 30 April 1997 Shepherd’s purse infrequent, distubed area Draba brachycarpa Nutt. Ex T.&G. NAF 28 Feb. 1997 Whitlow infrequent, mowed meadow Draba cuneifolia Nutt. Ex T. & G. Whitlow NAF 28 March 1997 infrequent, disturbed area Lepidium densiflorum Schrad. IAF 30 April 1997 Peppergrass common, disturbed area Lepidium virginicum L. NAF 30 April 1997 Virginia peppergrass infrequent, disturbed area Lesquerella gracilis (Hook.) Wats. var. repandum (Nutt.) Payson NAF 15 April 1997 Spreading bladderpod common, disturbed area Lesquerella ovalifolia Rydb. var. alba Goodman NPF 15 April 1997 Oval-leaf or white bladderpod abundant, rocky upland Rorippa nasturtium-aquaticum (L.) Hayek IAE 15 April 1997 Water cress common, aquatic Cactaceae (Cactus family) Echinocereus riechenbachii (Tersch.) Hogue NP$ 12 May 2001 Lace or pincushion cactus infrequent, rocky upland Opuntia engelmannii Salm-Dyck var. lindheimeri (Engl.) Parfit. & Pink. NP$ 11 June 1997 Texas or limestone prickly-pear infrequent, rocky upland Callitrichaceae (waterweed family) Callitriche heterophylla Pursh NZF 14 May 1997 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 71 Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. Water starwort common, aquatic Campanulaceae (bellflower family) Lobelia appendiculata DC. NPF 29 May 1997 Earflower lobelia common, prairie Lobelia siphilitica L. var. ludoviciana DC. NPF 10 Sept. 1997 Blue cardinal flower uncommon, seeps Triodanis leptocarpa (Nutt.) Niew. NAF 29 May 1997 Western Venus’ looking-glass common, prairie Triodanis perfoliata (L.) Niew. NAF 14 May 1997 Venus’ looking glass infrequent, prairie Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckle family) Symphoricarpos orbiculatus Moensch NS (in fruit) 10 Sept. 1997 Coralberry, buckbrush common, cross timbers Viburnum rufidulum Raf. NST 15 April 1997 Rusty blackhaw infrequent, cross timbers Caryophyllaceae (Pink, carnation family) Arenaria patula Michaux NAF 28 March, 30 April 1997 Sandwort infrequent, rocky upland Arenaria stricta Michx, var. texana Rydberg NAF 30 April, 29 May 1997 rock sandwort common, rocky upland Paronychia jamesii T. & G. NPF 20 August 1997 James’ nailwort common, rocky upland Celastraceae (bittersweet family) Celastrus scandens L. NWV (in fruit) 8 October 1997 Climbing bittersweet infrequent, disturbed area Cistaceae (pinweed family) Lechea villosa Raf. NPF 20 August 1997 Pinweed infrequent, disturbed area Clusiaceae (St. John’s Wort family) Hypericum drummondii T. & G. NAF 20 August 1997 Nits-and-lice infrequent, rocky upland Hypericum sphaerocarpon Michx. NPF 18 June 1997 Roundfruit St. John’s Wort infrequent, rocky upland Commelinaceae (spiderwort & dayflower family) Tradescantia ohiensis Raf. NPF 14 May 1997 Ohio spiderwort infrequent, prairie Tradescantia tharpii Anders & Woods NPF 30 April 1997 Tharp’s spiderwort common, rocky upland Convolvulaceae (morning glory family) Convolvulus equitans Benth. NAVF 29 May, 18 June 1997 Texas bindweed common, disturbed area Evolvulus nuttallianus R. & S. NPF 30 April 1997 Hairy evolvulus infrequent, rocky upland Cornaceae (dogwood family) Cornus drummondii Meyer NS 14 May 1997 Rough-leaf dogwood common, rocky upland Cornus florida L. NT 15 April 1997 Flowering dogwood infrequent, cross-timbers Crassulaceae (stonecrop family) Sedum nuttallianum Rf. NAF 29 May 1997 Yellow stonecrop infrequent, seep Sedum pulchellum Michaux NAF 14 May 1997 Pink stonecrop, widow’s cross infrequent, wet meadow Cyperaceae (sedge family) Carex festucacea Schkuhr NPG 30 April 1997 None infrequent, disturbed area Carex flaccosperma Dewey NPG None infrequent, floodplain forest Carex frankii Kunth NPG 29 May to 31 July 1997 None common, floodplain forest Carex gravida Bailey NPG 15 April 1997 72 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. Heavy sedge common, rocky upland Carex hirsutella Mackenzie NPG Hairy sedge common, disturbed area Carex leavenworthii Dewey NPG 30 April 1997 None infrequent, disturbed area Carex retroflexa Muhlenberg NPG None common, rocky ground Carex vulpinoidea Michaux NPG 30 April 1997 None infrequent, aquatic Cyperus filiculmis Vahl NPG 18 June 1997 Slender flatsedge common, prairie Cyperus odoratus L. NAG 10 Sept. 1997 Fragrant flatsedge infrequent, pond margin Cyperus ovularis (Michaux) Torrey NPG 18 June 1997 Globe flatsedge common, disturbed area Eleocharis compressa Sulliv. NPG 14 May 1997 Weakstem spikerush common, riparian Eleocharis engelmannii Steudel NPG 10 Sept 1997 Engelmann’s spikerush common, pond margin Eleocharis parvula (R.&S.) Link NAG 10 Sept. 1997 Dwarf spikesedge common, pond margin Fimbristylis puberula (Michx) Vahl NPG 30 April 1997 None infrequent, rocky upland Fuirena simplex Vahl NPG 31 July 1997 Umbrella sedge common, seep Rhynchospora nivea Boeckl. NPG 8 Oct 1998 White-top sedge infrequent, seep Scirpus koilolepis (Steud.) Gleason NAG None common, pond margin Scirpus pendulus Muhelenberg NPG 31 July 1997 None common, floodplain forest Scleria pauciflora Michx. Ex Willd. NPG 31 July 1997 Few-flower nutrush infrequent, prairie Ebenaceae (Ebony family) Diospyros virginiana L. NT 29 May 1997 Persimmon infrequent, crosstimbers Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) Acalypha gracilens Gray NAF 18 July 1997 Three-seeded mercury infrequent, rocky upland Argythamnia mercurialina Muell. NPF 11 June 1997 Wild mercury infrequent, forest margin Chamaesyce missurica (Raf.) Shinners NAF 20 August 1997 [Euphorbia missurica Lag.] Missouri spurge common, disturbed areas Chamaesyce nutans Lag.) Small NAF 20 Aug. – 10 Sept. 1997 [Euphorbia nutans Lag.] Eyebane common, disturbed areas Croton capitatus Michaux NAF 10 Sept. 1997 Wooly croton common, disturbed area Croton monanthogynus Michaux NAF 18 July – 20 Aug. 1997 One-seed croton common, disturbed area Euphorbia corollata L. NAF 10 Sept. 1997 Flowering spurge infrequent, prairie Euphorbia dentata Michaux NAF 18 July 1997 Toothed spurge infrequent, rocky upland Euphorbia hexagona Nuttall NAF 8 October 1996 6-angle spurge infrequent, rocky upland Euphorbia spathulata Lam. NAF 30 April 1997 Warty spurge infrequent, rocky upland Phyllanthus polygonoides Nuttall NPF 29 May 1997 Knotweed leaf-flower common, prairie Stillingia sylvatica Graden ex L. NPF 29 May 1997 Queen’s delight infrequent, prairie Oklahoma Native Plant Record 73 Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. Tragia ramosa Torrey NPF 29 May 1997 Nettle-leaf, noseburn common, prairie Fabaceae (legume, bean and pea family) [includes Caesalpinaceae and Mimosaceae] Albizia julibrissin Durazz. IT 18 July 1997 Mimosa infrequent, disturbed area Amorpha canescens Pursh NS 31 July 1997 Leadplant infrequent, prairie Amorpha fruticosa L. NS 10 Sept. 1997 False indigo common, pond margin Astragalus nuttallianus DC. NAF 30 April 1997 Nuttall’s milkvetch infrequent, rocky upland Baptisia australis (L.) R. Br. NPF 30 April 1997 Blue wild indigo common, rocky upland Cercis canadensis L. NT 13-28 March, 1997 Redbud common, Crosstimbers, rocky upland Chamaecrista fasciculata (Michx.) NAF 18 July 1997 Greene Partridge pea frequent, disturbed area, prairie Dalea aurea Nuttall ex Pursh NPF 18 July 1997 Golden prairie clover infrequent, rocky upland Dalea candida Willdenow NPF 18 June 1997 White prairie clover common, rocky upland Dalea enneandra Nuttall NPF 31 July 1997 Nine-anther prairieclover infrequent, prairie Dalea purpurea Vent. NPF 18 June 1997 Purple prairieclover common, rocky upland Desmanthus illinoinsis (Michx.) NPF 18 July 1997 MacM. Bundleflower common, disturbed area Desmodium glutinosum (Muhl.) Wood NPF 18 June 1997 Large-flowered tickclover common, floodplain forest Desmodium paniculatum (L.) DC. NPF 10 Sept. 1997 Panicled tickclover common, floodplain forest Gleditsia triacanthos L. NT 31 July 1997 Honey locust common, mowed meadow Lespedeza cuneata G. Don IPF 20 August 1997 Sericea lespedeza common, disturbed area Lespedeza stipulacea Maxim. IAF 20 August, 1997 Korean clover common, disturbed area Lespedeza stuevei Nuttall NPF 10 Sept 1997 Stueve’s lespedeza common, prairie Mimosa nuttallii (DC.) B.L. Turner NWV 14 May 1997 [Schrankia nuttalii DC.] Sensitive brier common, rocky upland Pediomelum cuspidatum (Pursh) NPF 14 May 1997 Rydb. [Psoralea cuspidata Pursh] Tallbread scurfpea infrequent, rocky upland Pediomelum esculentum (Pursh) NPF 14 May 1997 Rydb. [Psoralea esculenta Pursh] Prairie turnip common, rocky upland Psoralidum tenuifolium (Pursh) Rydb. NPF 14 – 29 May 1997 [Psoralea tenuifolia Pursh] Wild alfalfa common, prairie, rocky upland Stylosanthes biflora (L.) B.S.P. NPF 31 July 1997 Pencil flower infrequent, prairie Tephrosia virginica (L.) Pers. NPF 31 July 1997 Goat’s rue infrequent, prairie Trifolium dubium Sibth. IAF 15 – 30 April 1997 Small hop-clover common, mowed meadow Trifolim repens L. IPF 30 April 1997 White clover common, disturbed area Vicia sativa L. IAF 15 April 1997 Common vetch common, disturbed area 74 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. Fagaceae (oak, beech, chestnut family) Quercus macrocarpa Michaux NT 18 July 1997 Burr oak infrequent, floodplain forest Quercus marilandica Muench. NT 18 July 1997 Blackjack common, crosstimbers Quercus muehlenbergii Engelm. NT 14 May 1997 Chinquapin oak common, floodplain forest Quercus stellata Wang. NT 18 July 1997 Post oak dominant, crosstimbers Quercus velutina Lam. NT 8 October 1997 Black oak infrequent, crosstimbers Gentianaceae (gentian family) Sabatia campestris Nuttall NAF 11 June 1997 Prairie rose, pink gentian infrequent, prairie Geraniaceae (geranium family) Geranium carolinianum L. NAF 30 April 1997 Carolina crane’sbill infrequent, disturbed area Grossulariaceae (gooseberry family) Ribes aureum Pursh NS 30 April 1997 Golden or buffalo current infrequent, rocky upland Iridaceae (iris family) Nemastylis geminiflora Nuttall NPF 30 April 1997 Prairie iris Sisyrinchium angustifolium Miller NPF 30 April 1997 Blue-eyed grass infrequent, mowed meadow Sisyrinchium campestre Bicknell NPF 15 April 1997 Prairie blue-eyed grass infrequent, rocky upland Juglandaceae (walnuts, hickory family) Carya cordiformis (Wang.) Koch NT 18 July 1997 Bitternut hickory infrequent, floodplain forest Carya illinoensis (Wang.) Koch NT 31 July 1997 Pecan common, ravine Carya texana Buckley NT 18 July 1997 Black hickory infrequent, crosstimbers Juglans nigra L. NT 31 July 1997 Black walnut common, floodplain forest Juncaceae (rush family) Juncus brachycarpus Engelmann NPG 18 June 1997 Whiteroot rush common, disturbed area Juncus marginatus Rostk. NPG 18 June 1997 Grassleaf rush infrequent, prairie Juncus tenuis Willdenow NPG 18 June 1997 Slender rush common, disturbed area Juncus validus Coville NPG 31 July 1997 Bulrush common, seep Krameriaceae (ratany family) Krameria lanceolata Torrey NPF 29 May 1997 Trailing ratany infrequent, prairie Lamiaceae (mint family) Hedeoma drummondii Benth. NPF 20 august 1997 False pennyroyal common, disturbed area, rocky upland Mondarda citriodora Cerv. Ex Lagasca NAF 29 May 1997 Lemon beebalm infrequent, prairie Monarda fistulosa L. NPF 22 June 1997 Wild bergamot infrequent, mowed meadow Prunella vulgaris L. NPF 29 May – 31 July 1997 Heal-all common, floodplain forest Pycnanthemum tenuifolium Schrad. NPF 10 Sept. 1997 Narrowleaf mountain mint common, prairie Salvia azurea Lam. NPF 10 Sept. 1997 Blue sage common, prairie Satureja calamintha (L.) Scheele NPF 14-29 May 1997 Ozark savory abundant, prairie, rocky upland Oklahoma Native Plant Record 75 Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. Scutellaria parvula Michaux NPF 30 April – 29 May 1997 Small skullcap infrequent, prairie, rocky upland Teucrium canadense L. NPF 31 July 1997 American germander common, seep Trichostema brachiatum L. NAF 20 August 1997 Blue curls infrequent, rocky upland Lemnaceae (duckweed family) Wolffia columbiana Karst NPL 8 October 1997 Watermeal common, aquatic Liliaceae (lily family) Allium canadense L. NPF 30 April 1997 Wild onion/garlic common, rocky upland Allium drummondii Regel NPF 15 April 1997 Drummond’s wild onion common, rocky upland Allium stellatum Nuttal NPF 8 October 1997 Autumn wild onion common, rocky upland Androstephium coerulium (Scheele) Torr. NPF 28 March 1997 Blue funnel lily common, rocky upland Camassia scilloides (Raf.) Cory NPF 14 May 1997 Eastern camass infrequent, rocky upland Cooperia drummondii Herb. NPF 10 Sept 1997 Rain lily infrequent, disturbed area Erythronium albidum Nuttall NPF 13 March 1997 White dogtooth violet, fawn lily common, rocky upland Lythraceae (loosestrife family) Lythrum alatum Pursh var. lanceolatum (Ell.) T. & G NPF 31 July – 10 Sept. 1997 Tall loosestrife infrequent, wet prairie Rotala ramosior (L.) Koehne var. interior Fern. & Grisc. NAF 10 Sept. 1997 Toothcup common, pond margin Malvaceae (mallow, hibiscus, cotton family) Callirhoe alcaeoides (Michx.) Gray NPF 30 April 1997 Pink poppy mallow infrequent, disturbed area Callirhoe digitata Nuttall var. stipulata Waterfall ssp glabrescens (Kuntze) Raven NPF 29 May 1997 Fringed poppy mallow infrequent, prairie Callirhoe involucrata (Nutt.) Gray NPF 29 May 1997 Winecup, cowboy rose common, prairie Sida procumbens Sw. NPF 31 July – 10 Sept. 1997 Spreading sida common, rocky upland Menispermaceae (moonseed family) Cocculus carolinus (L.) DC. NWV 29 May 1997 Carolina snailseed infrequent, floodplain forest Moraceae (mulberry, fig family) Maclura pomifera (Raf.) Schneider NT 14 May 1997 Bois d’arc, osage orange common, rocky upland Morus rubra L. NT 31 July 1997 Red mulberry common, floodplain forest Oleaceae (olive, privet, ash family) Forestiera pubescens Nuttall NS 28 Feb – 13 Mar 1997 Elbowbush abundant, rocky upland Fraxinus americana L., var. Americana NT 30 April 1997 White ash infrequent, rocky upland Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. NT 31 July 1997 Green ash common, floodplain forest Ligustrum sinense Lour. IS 29 May 1997 Privet infrequent, disturbed area Onagraceae (evening primrose family) Calylophus serrulatus (Nutt.) Raven NPF 14, 29 May 1997 Sundrops, plains yellow primrose common, prairie, rocky upland Gaura longiflora Spach. NAF 20 Aug, 10 Sept. 1997 Common, prairie Gaura parviflora Dougl. Ex Lehm 76 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. NAF 31 July 1997 Velvety gaura common, disturbed area Gaura suffulta Engelm. Ex Gray NAF 14 May – 18 Jun 1997 Beeblossom common, rocky upland, prairie Ludwigia peploides (H.B.K.) Raven NAE 31 July – 10 Sept. 1997 Water primrose, water pennies common pond margin Oenothera linifolia Nuttall NAF 14 May 1997 Flax-leaf evening primrose common, rocky upland, prairie Oenothera macrocarpa Nuttall NPF 14 May 1997 Large-fruited evening primrose infrequent, rocky upland Oenothera speciosa Nuttall NPF 29 May 1997 Showy evening primrose common, prairie Stenosiphon linifolius (Nutt.) Heynh. NPF 10 Sept. 1997 Stenosiphon common, prairie Ophioglossaceae (grape fern, adder’s-tongue family) Botrychium virginicum (L.) Sw. NPF 15 April – 29 May 1997 Virginia grape-fern common, crosstimbers Ophioglossum engelmannii Prandtl NPF 30 April 1997 Limestone adder’s tongue common, rocky upland Orchidaceae (orchid family) Spiranthes cernua (L.) L.C. Rich. NPF 8 October 1997 Nodding ladies’-tresses infrequent, rocky upland Spiranthes lacera Raffinesque NPF 10 Sept. 1997 Slender ladies’-tresses infrequent, prairie Spiranthes magnicamporum Sheviak NPF Great plains ladies’-tresses infrequent, seep Spiranthes ovalis Lindl. NPF October ladies’-tresses infrequent, prairie Orobanchaceae (broomrape family) Orobanche uniflora L. NPF(one, no voucher) 29 April 2000 One-flowered broomrape infrequent, floodplain forest Oxalidaceae (oxalis family) Oxalis corniculata L. NPF 30 April 1997 Yellow wood-sorrel common, disturbed area Oxalis volacea L. NPF 15 April 1997 Violet wood-sorrel common, floodplain forest Passifloraceae (passionflower family) Passiflora incarnata L. NPF 2 August 2001 Blue passionflower infrequent, prairie Passiflora lutea L. NPF (not yet found, but predicted) Yellow passionvine infrequent, floodplain forest Phytolaccaceae (pokeweed family) Phytolacca americana L. NPF 18 June 1997 Pokeweed infrequent, disturbed area Plantaginaceae (plantain family) Plantago aristata Michaux NAF 29 May 1997 Bottlebrush plantain infrequent, prairie Plantago lanceolata L. IPF 29 May 1997 English plantain infrequent, prairie Plantago patagonica Jacq. NAF 29 May 1997 Wooly plantain infrequent, prairie Plantago pusilla Nuttall NAF April 1999 Dwarf plantain infrequent, disturbed area Plantago rugelii Dcne. NPF 16 July 1993 Blackseed plantain infrequent, prairie Plantago virginica L. NAF 29 May 1997 Paleseed plantain common, prairie Platanaceae (sycamore family) Platanus occidentalis L. NT 31 July 1997 Sycamore common, floodplain forest Poaceae (grass family) Agrostis hyemalis (Walt.) B.S.P. NPG 29 May 1997 Ticklegrass Oklahoma Native Plant Record 77 Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. common, prairie Aira elegantissima Schur. IAG 14 May 1997 Hairgrass infrequent, rocky upland Andropogon gerardii Vitman NPG 20 August 1997 Big bluestem infrequent, rocky upland Aristida dichotoma Michaux NAG 8 October 1997 Churchmouse threeawn infrequent, disturbed area Aristida oligantha Michaux NAG 10 Sept. 1997 Oldfield threeawn common, disturbed area Aristida purpurea Nuttall NPG 14 May 1997 Purple threeawn common, rocky upland Bothriochloa saccharoides (Sw) Rydb NPG 18 June 1997 Silvertop bluestem common, disturbed area Buteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torrey NPG 18 July 1997 Sideoats grama infrequent, rocky upland Bouteloua hirsuta Lag. NPG 20 August 1997 Hairy grama common, rocky upland Bouteloua pectinata Featherly NPG 20 August 1997 Tall grama common, rocky upland, prairie Bromus catharticus Vahl IAG 30 April 1997 Rescue grass infrequent, rocky upland, disturbed area Bromus pubescens Muhl. Ex Willd. NPG 14 May 1997 Canada brome common, floodplain forest Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm NPG 14 May 1997 Buffalo grass infrequent, prairie Chasmanthium latifolium (Michx) Yates NAG 18 July – 10 Sept. 1997 Inland sea oats common, floodplain forest, Crosstimbers Coelorachis cylindrica (Michx.) Nash NPG 29 May, 18 June 1997 Mousetail common, disturbed area, prairie Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. IPG 29 May 1997 Bermuda grass common, disturbed area Dactylis glomerata L. IPG 30 April - 29 May 1997 Orchard grass common, disturbed area Dicanthelium acuminatum (Sw.) Gould & Clark NPG 29 May & 10 Sept. 1997 Early panicum common, disturbed area, prairie Dicanthelium boscii (Poir.) Gould & Clark NPG 14 May 1997 Bosc’s panic common, floodplain forest Dicanthelium oligosanthes Schult.) Gould var. oligosanthes NPG 14 – 29 May 1997 Small panicgrass infrequent, disturbed area, rocky upland, prairie Dicanthelium sphaerocarpon (Ell.) Gould NPG 14 May 1997 Leafy panicum common, prairie Digitata cognata (Schult.) Pilger NPG 10 Sept. 1997 [Leptoloma cognatum (Schult.) Chase] Fall witchgrass common, floodplain forest Echinochloa crusgalli (L.) Beauv. IAG 20 Aug – 10 Sept. 1997 Barnyard grass infrequent, pond margin Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. IAG 18 July 1997 Goosegrass infrequent, disturbed area Elymus virginicus L. NPG 18 June 1997 Virginia wild rye common, disturbed area Erioneuron pilosum (Buckl.) Nash NPG 30 April 1997 Hairy tridens infrequent, disturbed area Festuca arundinacea Schreb. IPG 30 April – 14 May 1997 Meadow fescue infrequent, disturbed area, floodplain forest Hordeum pusillum Nuttall NAG 29 May 1997 Little barley infrequent, disturbed area Koelaria macrantha (Ledeb.) J.A. Schultes NPG 14 May 1997 Junegrass infrequent, rocky upland Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth NPG 10 Sept. 1997 Bearded sprangletop infrequent, pond margin Lolium perenne L. IPG 29 May 1997 Perennial ryegrass 78 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. common, prairie Muhelbergia reverchonii Vasey & Scrib. NPG 20 Aug 1999 Seep muhly infrequent, rocky upland Muhlenbergia schreberei J.F. Gmel. NPG Nimblewill infrequent, floodplain forest Nassella leucotricha (T.& R.) Barkw. NPG 14 May 1997 [Stipa leucotrichaTrin & Rupr.] Texas wintergrass common, prairie Panicum anceps Michaux NPG 31 July 1997 Beaked panic common, floodplain forest Panicum capillare L. NAG 18 July 1997 Witchgrass infrequent, rocky upland Panicum virgatum L. NPG 10 Sept. 1997 Switchgrass common, prairie Paspalum dilatatum Poir. IPG 18 June 1997 Dallis grass common, disturbed area Phalaris caroliniana Walt. NAG 14 May 1997 Maygrass infrequent, prairie Poa annua L. IAG 15 April 1997 Annual bluegrass common, disturbed area Poa pratensis L. IPG 30 April 1997 Kentucky bluegrass common, disturbed area Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash NPG 20 August 1997 Little bluestem common, rocky upland Setaria geniculata (Lam.) Beauv. NPG 18 June – 30 July 1997 Knotroot foxtail common, disturbed area Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash NPG 10 Sept. 1999 Indiangrass infrequent, prairie Sorghum halapense (L.) Pers. IPG 18 June 1997 Johnson grass common, disturbed area Sporobolus compositus (Poir) Merr. [Sporobolus asper (Michx.) Kunth NAG 28 Sept. 1999 Dropseed infrequent, disturbed area Sporobolus vaginiflorus (T.ex G.) Wood NAG 10 Sept. 1997 Poverty dropseed common, disturbed area Tridens flavus (L.) Hitchcock NPG 31 July 1997 Purpletop common, floodplain forest Tridens strictus (Nutt.) Nash NPG 10 Sept. 1997 Longspike tridens infrequent, pond margin Tripsacum dactyloides L. NPG 18 June 1997 Gama grass infrequent, prairie Vulpia octoflora (Walt.) Rydb. IAG 8 October 1997 Poverty grass common, disturbed area Polygalaceae (milkwort family) Polygala incarnata L. NAF 31 July 1997 Pink milkwort infrequent, prairie Polygonaceae (buckwheat, knotweed family) Eriogonum longifolium Nuttall NPF 20 August – 8 Oct. 1997 Longleaf buckwheat common, rocky upland, prairie Polygonum hydropiperoides Michx. NPF 8 October 1997 Mild water-pepper infrequent, pond margin Polygonum lapathifolium L. NAF 10 Sept. 1997 Pale smartweed infrequent, pond margin Polygonum persicaria L. NAF 20 August 1997 Lady’s thumb common, disturbed area Polygonum punctatum L. NAF 20 August 1997 Water smartweed infrequent, pond margin Rumex crispus L. IPF 29 May 1997 Curly dock common, riparian Rumex hastatulus Baldw. NAF 18 June 1997 Heartwing sorrel common, disturbed area Portulacaceae (portulaca family) Claytonia virginica L. NPF 28 March 1997 Spring beauty common, rocky upland Oklahoma Native Plant Record 79 Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. Primulaceae (primrose family) Dodecatheon meadia L. var. brachycarpa (Small) Fassett NPF 30 April 1997, 16 July 1993 Shooting star common, rocky upland Samolus parviflorus Raf NAEF 14 May 1997 Smallflower brookweed common, aquatic Pteridaceae (bracken fern) Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link. NPF 29 May 1997 Purple cliff brake Ranunculaceae (buttercup, larkspur family) Anemone berlandieri Pritz NPF 28 March, 14 May 1997 Ten-petal windflower infrequent, rocky upland, prairie Delphinium carolinianum Walt NPF 14 - 29 May 1997 Ssp. Virescens (Nutt.) Brooks Plains larkspur common, prairie Ranunculus hispidus Michaux NPF 30 April 1997 Bristly buttercup infrequent, disturbed area Rhamnaceae (buckthorn family) Berchemia scandens (Hill) K. Koch NWV 14 May 1997 Rattan vine common, disturbed area, forest edges Ceanothus herbaceus Raffinesque NS 30 April 1997 New Jersey tea infrequent, rocky upland Frangula caroliniana (Walt.) Gray NT 29 May 1997 [Rhamnus caroliniana Walt.] Indian cherry common, rocky upland, Crosstimbers, forest Rosaceae (rose family) Agrimonia pubescens Wallr. NPF 20 August 1997 Downy agrimony infrequent, floodplain forest Agrimonia rostellata Wallr. NPF 28 Sept. 1999 Beaked agrimony infrequent, floodplain forest Crataegus crus-gallii L. NST 30 April 1999 Cockspur hawthorn infrequent, rocky upland Crataetus mollis (T.& G.) Scheele NT 10 Sept. 1997 Downy haw infrequent, rocky upland Fragaria virginica P. Mill. var. illinoensis (Prince) Gray NPF 15 April 1997 Wild strawberry infrequent, crosstimbers Geum canadense Jacq. NPF 29 May 1997 White avens infrequent, crosstimbers Prunus angustifolia Marsh. NS 13 March 1997 Chickasaw plum infrequent, rocky upland Prunus mexicana Wats. NT 13 March 1997 Mexican plum common, crosstimbers Prunus serotina Ehrh. NT 18 July 1997 Wild cherry infrequent, crosstimbers Pyrus communis L. IT 28 March 1997 Common pear infrequent, rocky upland Rosa foliolosa Nuttall NPF 18 June 1997 Prairie rose infrequent, rocky upland Rosa carolina L. NS 14 May 1997 Swamp rose common, pond margins Rosa setigera Michaux NS 18 June 1997 Climbing prairie rose common, rocky upland Rubus flagellaris Willdenow NS 15 April 1997 Northern dewberry common, disturbed area Rubiaceae (madder, coffee family) Cephalanthus occidentalis L. NS 31 July 1997 Buttonbush infrequent, seep Diodia teres Walt. NAF 20 August 1997 Poor-Joe infrequent, rocky upland Galium circaezans Michaux NPF 14 – 29 May 1997 Weedy bedstraw infrequent, floodplain forest Galium virgatum Nuttall NAF 14 May 1997 Southwest bedstraw infrequent, rocky upland 80 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. Hedyotis crassifolia Raffinesque NAF 13 March 1997 Prairie bluets, Quaker ladies common, rocky upland Rutaceae (citrus family) Ptelea trifoliata L. NST(fruit) 10 Sept. 1997 Hop tree, wafer ash infrequent, rocky upland Zanthoxylum americanum Miller NS 30 April 1997 Prickly ash common, crosstimbers Zanthoxylum clava-herculis L. NT (no flrs) 10 Sept. 1997 Hercules’ club infrequent, old homesite Salicaceae (willow, cottonwood family) Populus nigra L. NT Not collected: need specimen Cottonwood infrequent, floodplain forest Salix nigra Marsh NT 30 April 1997 Black willow infrequent, riparian, pond margin Sapotaceae (sapodilla family) Sideroxylon lanuginosum Michaux NT 18 July 1997 [Bumelia lanuginosa (Mix.) Pers Chittamwood common, rocky upland Scrophulariaceae (penstemon family) Agalinis fasciculata (Ell.) Raf. NAF 10 Sept. 1997 Beach gerardia abundant, disturbed area Castilleja indivisa Engelmann NAF 15 April 1997 Indian paintbrush common, rocky upland Nuttallanthus texanus (Scheele) D.A.Sutton NAF 15 April 1997 [Linaria texana Scheele] Texas toadflax common, rocky upland Penstemon cobaea Nuttall NPF 14 May 1997 Large beardtongue common, rocky upland Penstemon oklahomensis Pennell NPF 14 May 1997 Oklahoma penstemon infrequent, prairie Veronica arvensis L. IAF 15 April 1997 Common speedwell infrequent, mowed meadow Veronica peregrina L. NAF 15 April 1997 Purslane speedwell common, mowed meadow Smilacaceae (greenbrier family) Smilax bona-nox L. NWV 14 May 1997 Greenbrier, cat’s claw common, rocky upland Smilax rotundifolia L. NWV 30 April 1997 Greenbrier infrequent, floodplain forest Solanaceae (nightshade, potato family) Physalis angulata L. NAF 18 June 1997 Cutleaf ground cherry common, disturbed area Solanum carolinense L. NPF 18 June 1997 Carolina horsenettle infrequent, disturbed area Solanum dimidiatum Raffinesque NAF 18 June 1997 Horsenettle common, disturbed area Solanum rostratum Dunal NAF 18 June 1997 Buffalo bur infrequent, disturbed area Typhaceae (cattail family) Typha angustifolia L. NPEF 18 June 1997 Narrowleaf cattail infrequent, aquatic Ulmaceae (elm, hackberry family) Celtis laevigata Willdenow NT 31 July 1997 Sugarberry common, floodplain forest Celtis reticulata Torrey NT 18 July 1997 Roughleaf hackberry common, rocky upland Ulmus alata Michaux NT 28 Feb 1997 Winged elm common, rocky upland, crosstimbers Ulmus americana L. NT 13 March 1997 American elm infrequent, floodplain forest, rocky upland Ulmus rubra Muhlenberg NT 28 Feb 1997 Slippery elm common, crosstimbers Oklahoma Native Plant Record 81 Volume 2, Number 1, December 2002 Johnson, F.L. Urticaceae (nettle family) Parietaria pennsylvanica Muhl. NAF 29 May 1997 Pennsylvania pellitory common, floodplain forest Valerianaceae (valerian family) Valerianella radiata Dufr. NAF 30 April 1997 Beaked cornsalad infrequent, rocky upland Verbenaceae (vervain family)\ Glandularia bipinnatifida Nuttall NAF 15 April 1997 [Verbena bipinnatifida Nuttall] Sweet William common, rocky upland Verbena stricta Ventenat NPF 18 June – 31 July 1997 Wooly vervain common, disturbed area Verbena urticifolia L. NAF 18 June 1997 White vervain infrequent, floodplain forest Violaceae (violet family) Viola bicolor Pursh NAF 13 March 1997 Johnny-jump-up common, mowed meadow Viola sororia Willdenow NPF 28 March 1997 Butterfly violet common, floodplain forest Viscaceae (mistletoe family) Phoradendron leucarpum (Raf.) Reveal & Johnston NP%@ Vitaceae (grape family) Ampelopsis cordata Michaux NWV 18 July 1997 Raccoon grape infrequent, crosstimbers pond margin, disturbed area Cissus incisa (Nutt.) Des Moulins NWV 29 May 1997 Possum grape infrequent, rocky upland Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch NWV 31 July 1997 Virginia creeper common, ravine, floodplain forest, crosstimbers Vitis aestivalis Michaux NWV 18 July 1997 Pigeon grape infrequent, disturbed S 13 March 1997 Mistletoe infrequent, crosstimbers