Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 14, Number 1, December 2014 1 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society P. O. Box 14274 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74159-1274 Volume 14, December 2014 ISSN 1536-7738 http://ojs.library.okstate.edu/osu/ Managing Editor: Sheila Strawn Production Editor: Paula Shryock Electronic Production Editor: Sandy Graue Technical Advisors: Mark Fishbein, Kristi Rice The purpose of ONPS is to encourage the study, protection, propagation, appreciation, and use of the native plants of Oklahoma. Membership in ONPS is open to any person who supports the aims of the Society. ONPS offers individual, student, family, and life memberships. 2014 Officers and Board Members President: Adam Ryburn Vice-President: Joe Roberts Secretary: Sandy Graue Treasurer: Mary Korthase Membership Coordinator: Tina Julich Historian: vacant Past President: Lynn Michael Board Members: Mike Dunn Pearl Garrison Elaine Lynch Bruce Smith Sara Souza Jay Walker Chapter Chairs: Central: Joe Roberts Cross Timbers: Mark Fishbein Mycology: Steve Marek Northeast: Connie Murray Southwest: Doug Kemper Color Oklahoma Chair: Pearl Garrison Conservation Chair: Chadwick Cox Gaillardia Editor: Chadwick Cox Website Manager: Adam Ryburn http://www.oknativeplants.org Award Chair: Gloria Caddell Photography Contest Chair: Lynn Michael Librarian: Karen Haworth Mailings Chair: Karen Haworth Publicity Chair: Alicia Nelson Cover photo: Skipper on Asclepias tuberosa (butterfly milkweed) by Gloria Caddell .Articles (c) The Authors Journal compilation (c) Oklahoma Native Plant Society Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike4.0 International License, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ by-nc-sa/4.0/, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly attributed, not used for commercial purposes, and, if transformed, the resulting work is redistributed under the same or similar license to this one. https://doi.org/10.22488/okstate.17.100100 2 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 14, December 2014 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 14 Table of Contents Foreword .................................................................................................................................................... 3 Flora of Kiowa County, Oklahoma, M.S. thesis .................................................................................. 4 Ms. Lottie Opal Baldock Gardens of Yesteryear ............................................................................................................................ 38 Dr. Sadie Cole Gordon Oklahoma Deciduous Trees Differ in Chilling Enhancement of Budburst .................................. 43 Dr. Stanley Rice and Ms. Sonya Ross Mapping Distribution in Oklahoma and Raising Awareness: Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora), and Japanese Honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) ...................................................................................................................................... 50 Ms. Katherine E. Keil and Dr. Karen R. Hickman Non-Twining Milkweed Vines of Oklahoma: An Overview of Matelea biflora and Matelea cynanchoides (Apocynaceae) ........................................................................ 67 Ms. Angela McDonnell Critic’s Choice Essay: Pollination Ecology of Our Native Prairie Plants ........................................... 80 Dr. Gloria M. Caddell Editorial Policies and Procedures ......................................................................................................... 83 Five Year Index to Oklahoma Native Plant Record ...................................................... inside back cover Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 14, December 2014 Title Page Table of Contents Foreword