Oklahoma Native Plant Record, Volume 15, Number 1, December 2015 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 49 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland https://doi.org/10.22488/okstate.17.100114 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE FLORA OF CIMARRON COUNTY AND THE BLACK MESA AREA Amy K. Buthod Bruce W. Hoagland Oklahoma Biological Survey Oklahoma Biological Survey University of Oklahoma Department of Geography and Norman, OK 73019 Environmental Sustainablity amybuthod@ou.edu University of Oklahoma Norman, OK 73019 Keywords: flora, Cimarron County, Black Mesa, vascular plants, rare plants ABSTRACT This paper reports the results of recent collection activities in Cimarron County, including the Black Mesa area, in the state of Oklahoma. A total of 331 taxa in 60 families were collected. Two-hundred and six genera, 279 species and 52 infraspecific taxa were identified. The largest families were the Poaceae with 72 taxa and the Asteraceae with 63. Thirty-six exotic taxa were collected (10.9 % of the flora), including two species new to Oklahoma: Scorzonera laciniata and Ranunculus testiculatus. Forty-six taxa tracked by the Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory were found. INTRODUCTION Cimarron County has long been recognized as a botanically significant region in Oklahoma. A total of 95 vascular plants tracked by the Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory (ONHI) occur in the county (Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory 2013). Included among these is Asclepias uncialis Greene, which, prior to 1996, was listed as a likely candidate for federal listing as threatened or endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (United States Department of the Interior 1993). Before this survey, nineteen of the tracked taxa had an ONHI ranking of SH, meaning that reports of occurrences are older than twenty years (Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory 2013; NatureServe 2015). The number of taxa in Cimarron County that are rare at the state level is due in part to the presence of Black Mesa, an extension of the Mesa de Maya, which extends for 72 km from east of Raton, New Mexico, though Colorado and into northwestern Cimarron County. The eastern-most extension of the Rocky Mountain foothill vegetation is present in the area; Rogers (1953) found it to be “an excellent example of the intergradation of the flora of the great plains with that of the Rocky Mountain foothills”. Our intent for this work was to relocate the rare taxa, update their ONHI ranks, and, hopefully, expand our knowledge of the area’s current flora. The earliest botanical collections from the Black Mesa region were made in 1820 by Edwin James, botanist for Major Stephen Long’s expedition to the Rocky Mountains. Eighty-four years later, Per Axel Rydberg, author of Flora of Colorado (1906) and Flora of the Rocky Mountains and Adjacent Plains (1917), botanized in the area. The first thorough botanical inventory of the Mesa de Maya was completed by Rogers (1953). From 1947 and 1949, he collected along the mesa in Colorado, New Mexico and Oklahoma, as well as from some of the secondary mesas in the area (Rogers 1953). According mailto:amybuthod@ou.edu 50 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland to a list published in 1953, Rogers collected 267 taxa from 51 families in Oklahoma, but in a later work (1954) he notes that “approximately five-hundred were found, or could be found”. U. T. Waterfall collected at Black Mesa and in Cimarron County within the same time period, adding approximately 30 taxa to the state’s flora (Waterfall 1949, 1950a, b). James K. McPherson completed an inventory with the sole focus of Black Mesa in the early 1990s, reporting 236 taxa from 58 families (2003a, b). His collecting activities were confined to the areas of the mesa on the property belonging to the state of Oklahoma (Township 6N, Range 1E, Sections 28–33 and Township 5N, Range 1E, Section 6). Patricia Folley (2003) supplemented the McPherson list with collections made from 1994 through 2003. Folley collected over a wider area than McPherson, surveying the state park around Lake Etling, the roadsides leading to the park and mesa, and some private lands, including Tesequite Canyon (Folley 2003). She found an additional 49 taxa from 25 families. Other botanists have contributed to the knowledge of the Black Mesa/Cimarron County flora over the years, including Delzie Demaree, who worked in the area in the 1930s, George Goodman (from the late 1930s through the early 1970s), John and Connie Taylor (1960s and 1970s), and Larry Magrath in the 1980s (Oklahoma Vascular Plants Database 2015). STUDY SITE Cimarron County falls within the High Plains and the Cimarron River Valley geomorphic provinces (Curtis et al. 2008). The High Plains province consists of flat uplands over Tertiary-era Dakota sandstones and is found throughout most of the county (Rogers 1953). The Cimarron River Valley is found in the northeastern part of the county and is distinguished by dissected valleys of Mesozoic-era shale and sandstone. The Black Mesa, the flat, eroded remnant of a Tertiary-era lava flow, is located in this area (Curtis et al. 2008). The highest point in Oklahoma, at 1515 m, is on the mesa. Rolling, low hills and canyons surround the mesa. Four soil associations occur within Cimarron County. Travessilla-Kim soils are only found in the northeastern corner of the county. They consist of “loam, calcareous, and humus-poor soils on steep slopes” (Carter and Gregory 2008). Dalhart-Vona soils are found primarily in the southern half of the county; these are “very deep loamy soils on gentle slopes” (Carter and Gregory 2008). Sherm-Ulysses type soils dominate the eastern half of the county. These soils are “very deep, silty and clayey, humus-rich soils on gentle slopes” (Carter and Gregory 2008). Conlen-Pastura-Plack soils are the least common soil type in the county; they consist of “loamy and calcareous soils on moderately steep slopes” (Carter and Gregory 2008). Potential vegetation types in Cimarron County include shortgrass high plains, sandsage grassland, piñon pine/juniper mesa, and bottomland forest (Duck and Fletcher 1943; Hoagland 2008). Cimarron County has a dry climate, falling within Trewartha’s steppe or semi- arid type (1968). Average annual precipitation ranges from 38–50 cm, with most falling from May through August. Thunderstorms occur in the spring and summer. Average temperature is 13–14°C. The average high (in July) is 34°C, and the average low (in January) is -7°C. South- southwesterly winds are dominant and relative humidity ranges from 29–84%. Over 70% of days are sunny (Oklahoma Climatological Survey 2015). METHODS Plants were collected at 100 sites throughout Cimarron County (Fig. 1; Table 1). Collection sites were chosen based on location information from the Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory Database and Oklahoma Native Plant Record 51 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Figure 1 Cimarron County, Oklahoma. Dots indicate collection sites. Shaded areas indicate Black Mesa Nature Preserve lands. Map by Todd Fagin, Oklahoma Biological Survey. the Oklahoma Vascular Plants Database. Additional collections were also made opportunistically. Coordinates of each site were collected using a Garmin GPSmap 76Cx unit. Sites were located between latitudes N36.98989 and N36.62313 and longitudes W102.67913 and W102.68063. Elevations ranged from 1118 m to 1513 m. Field work began in March of 2013, with subsequent monthly trips until September. An additional trip was made in May of 2014. One example of each taxon encountered was collected and processed according to standard herbarium protocols. Specimens were deposited at the Robert Bebb Herbarium (OKL) at the University of Oklahoma. Manuals used to identify plants included Great Plains Flora Association (1986), Tyrl et al. (2010) and Allred and Ivey (2012); the collections of the Robert Bebb Herbarium were also used to verify identifications. Taxonomy follows the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (2015). Duration and nativity to Oklahoma were determined using the PLANTS Database (USDA-NRSC 2015); if the information from PLANTS was ambiguous, Taylor and Taylor (1991) was consulted. Vegetation classifications were assigned based on Hoagland (2000). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Three-hundred and thirty-one taxa in 60 families were collected in this study (Appendix A). Two-hundred and six genera, 279 species, and 52 infraspecific taxa were identified. Two-hundred thirty-one taxa were perennials; there were 96 annuals and four biennials. Thirty-six taxa were non- native to Oklahoma, including two species new to the state (Scorzonera laciniata in the Asteraceae and Ranunculus testiculatus in the 52 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Ranunculaceae); non-native taxa accounted for 10.9% of the total flora. The Poaceae had the greatest number of exotic taxa with 11; the Brassicaceae had five. The largest families were the Poaceae with 72 taxa and the Asteraceae with 63. Forty-six taxa tracked by the Oklahoma Natural Heritage inventory were found (Table 2). Asclepias uncialis, the former candidate for federal listing, was not located. Vegetation classes encountered in this study included the Artemisia filifolia/Sporobolus cryptandrus-Schizachyrium scoparium shrubland association. It is found on sandy soils and stabilized dunes in the northwestern and central portions of the study site. Associated taxa included Andropogon gerardii ssp. hallii, Abronia fragrans, and Eriogonum annuum (Duck and Fletcher 1943; Hoagland 2000). Two intergrading variations of shortgrass prairie were noted. The Bouteloua curtipendula-B. gracilis-B. dactyloides herbaceous association is found on rocky slopes and well-drained soils in the southern part of the study area (Duck and Fletcher 1943; Hoagland 2000). Plants found here included Muhlenbergia torreyi, Ratibida columnifera, and Sphaeraclea coccinea. The Bouteloua gracilis- Hilaria jamesii herbaceous association is found in northwestern Cimarron County on slopes and uplands (Hoagland 2000). Plants found in this type included Cylindropuntia imbricata, Melampodium leucanthum, and Zinnia grandiflora. The Bouteloua gracilis-Hilaria jamesii herbaceous association intergrades with the fourth vegetation type, the Juniperus monosperma woodland alliance. This alliance includes the Juniperus monosperma/Bouteloua curtipendula woodland association and the Juniperus monosperma-Pinus edulis/Bouteloua curtipendula woodland association and is found in northwestern Cimarron County. Plants from this type included Bouteloua gracilis, Cercocarpus montanus, and Prunus virginiana (Hoagland 2000). Herbaceous wetland vegetation was found at only a few sites, including those with seeps, lakes, and intermittently flowing streams and rivers. Plants found in this vegetation type included Polypogon monspeliensis, Populus deltoides, Salix exigua, and Tamarix chinensis. Vegetation of disturbed areas includes taxa found around lawns, stock tanks, campgrounds, parking lots, and gravel pits. Plants in this vegetation type included Conyza canadensis, Descurainia sophia, Kochia scoparia, and Malva neglecta. Table 1 Collection sites in Cimarron County Latitude Longitude Township, Range, and Section 36.623130 -102.68063 Sec. 24-T2N-R3E 36.690420 -102.95001 Sec. 33-T3N-R1E 36.698390 -102.9484 Sec. 28-T3N-R1E 36.719380 -102.89576 Sec. 13-T3N-R1E 36.719660 -103.00208 Sec. 18-T3N-R1E 36.722180 -102.877 Sec. 18-T3N-R2E Oklahoma Native Plant Record 53 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland 36.733790 -102.7183 Sec. 15-T3N-R3E 36.733800 -102.76698 Sec. 17-T3N-R3E 36.733920 -102.74949 Sec. 16-T3N-R3E 36.739900 -102.51231 Sec. 10-T3N-R5E 36.741100 -102.51344 Sec. 10-T3N-R5E 36.753940 -102.96656 Sec. 4-T3N-R1E 36.756350 -102.96655 Sec. 4-T3N-R1E 36.765380 -102.96653 Sec. 32-T4N-R1E 36.772640 -102.96652 Sec. 32-T4N-R1E 36.780300 -102.87736 Sec. 30-T4N-R2E 36.790710 -102.96668 Sec. 29-T4N-R1E 36.804340 -102.97145 Sec. 20-T4N-R1E 36.806220 -102.37202 Sec. 13-T4N-R6E 36.817480 -102.80509 Sec. 13-T4N-R2E 36.829480 -102.87738 Sec. 7-T4N-R2E 36.832480 -102.65052 Sec. 8-T4N-R4E 36.835430 -102.96116 Sec. 9-T4N-R1E 36.836080 -102.88737 Sec. 6-T4N-R2E 36.840080 -102.88219 Sec. 6-T4N-R2E 36.845780 -102.87656 Sec. 5-T4N-R2E 36.846420 -102.88263 Sec. 6-T4N-R2E 36.848380 -102.62216 Sec. 3-T4N-R4E 36.849240 -102.88435 Sec. 6-T4N-R2E 36.850360 -102.87642 Sec. 31-T5N-R2E 36.850360 -102.87642 Sec. 31-T5N-R2E 54 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland 36.851790 -102.86967 Sec. 32-T5N-R2E 36.853670 -102.87138 Sec. 32-T5N-R2E 36.854090 -102.88454 Sec. 31-T5N-R2E 36.856980 -102.94078 Sec. 34-T5N-R1E 36.859200 -102.38917 Sec. 34-T5N-R6E 36.881280 -102.88344 Sec. 19-T5N-R2E 36.882050 -102.97772 Sec. 20-T5N-R1E 36.883330 -102.97295 Sec. 20-T5N-R1E 36.886460 -102.97238 Sec. 20-T5N-R1E 36.887550 -102.97424 Sec. 20-T5N-R1E 36.889260 -102.96963 Sec. 20-T5N-R1E 36.891690 -102.96015 Sec. 21-T5N-R1E 36.892660 -102.98643 Sec. 19-T5N-R1E 36.893120 -102.82283 Sec. 22-T5N-R2E 36.893790 -102.95947 Sec. 16-T5N-R1E 36.895370 -102.9677 Sec. 17-T5N-R1E 36.895760 -102.98476 Sec. 18-T5N-R1E 36.895960 -102.98691 Sec. 18-T5N-R1E 36.897520 -102.91134 Sec. 13-T5N-R1E 36.897950 -102.96324 Sec. 16-T5N-R1E 36.898540 -102.98034 Sec. 17-T5N-R1E 36.899190 -102.97931 Sec. 17-T5N-R1E 36.899370 -102.8527 Sec. 16-T5N-R2E 36.899560 -102.84465 Sec. 16-T5N-R2E 36.899830 -102.82454 Sec. 15-T5N-R2E Oklahoma Native Plant Record 55 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland 36.900190 -102.96891 Sec. 17-T5N-R1E 36.900640 -102.97209 Sec. 17-T5N-R1E 36.901170 -102.96404 Sec. 16-T5N-R1E 36.901410 -102.95449 Sec. 16-T5N-R1E 36.903700 -102.94789 Sec. 16-T5N-R1E 36.904800 -102.93303 Sec. 15-T5N-R1E 36.907530 -102.44369 Sec. 7-T5N-R6E 36.908160 -102.45214 Sec. 7-T5N-R6E 36.910440 -102.92143 Sec. 11-T5N-R1E 36.912730 -102.82081 Sec. 11-T5N-R2E 36.913450 -102.97624 Sec. 8-T5N-R1E 36.914270 -102.96875 Sec. 8-T5N-R1E 36.919640 -102.4009 Sec. 10-T5N-R6E 36.920710 -102.51988 Sec. 9-T5N-R5E 36.921370 -102.60638 Sec. 10-T5N-R4E 36.921370 -102.60638 Sec. 10-T5N-R4E 36.929980 -102.58279 Sec. 1-T5N-R4E 36.931820 -102.99784 Sec. 6-T5N-R1E 36.934710 -102.9383 Sec. 3-T5N-R1E 36.934710 -102.93839 Sec. 3-T5N-R1E 36.934850 -102.57666 Sec. 1-T5N-R4E 36.936330 -102.55646 Sec. 21-T6N-R5E 36.936870 -102.52358 Sec. 33-T6N-R5E 36.936880 -102.47233 Sec. 36-T6N-R5E 36.937150 -103.0018 Sec. 6-T5N-R1E 56 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland 36.938120 -103.00098 Sec. 31-T6N-R1E 36.938800 -103.00023 Sec. 31-T6N-R1E 36.939080 -102.99954 Sec. 31-T6N-R1E 36.940380 -102.98649 Sec. 31-T6N-R1E 36.943380 -102.95534 Sec. 33-T6N-R1E 36.944330 -102.95544 Sec. 33-T6N-R1E 36.945420 -102.618 Sec. 34-T6N-R4E 36.945760 -102.97118 Sec.32-T6N-R1E 36.947060 -102.97128 Sec. 32-T6N-R1E 36.947930 -102.96566 Sec. 33-T6N-R1E 36.948080 -102.45784 Sec. 31-T6N-R6E 36.952680 -102.96242 Sec. 28-T6N-R1E 36.955610 -102.72656 Sec. 27-T6N-R3E 36.960120 -102.71428 Sec. 27-T6N-R3E 36.962150 -102.80867 Sec. 26-T6N-R2E 36.964600 -102.62363 Sec. 28-T6N-R4E 36.967830 -102.71885 Sec. 22-T6N-R3E 36.982940 -102.24962 Sec. 13-T6N-R7E 36.989890 -102.67913 Sec. 13-T6N-R3E Oklahoma Native Plant Record 57 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Table 2 Taxa located during this study that are tracked by the Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory (Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory 2013; NatureServe Explorer 2015). Status ranks are on a 1–5 scale, with a 1 indicating the taxa is critically imperiled. G ranks are at the global level and S ranks are at the subnational or state level. Infraspecific taxa are assigned a T rank. A taxon with NR indicates that it has not been ranked at the global level (NatureServe 2015). Highlighted taxa were re-ranked as a result of this survey. Family Taxon Ranking Amaranthaceae Krascheninnikovia lanata (Pursh) A. Meeuse & A. Smit S1G5 Apocynaceae Asclepias macrotis Torr. S1G4 Asteraceae Ambrosia confertiflora DC. S1G5 Asteraceae Artemisia carruthii Alph. Wood ex Carruth. S2G4? Asteraceae Brickellia brachyphylla (A. Gray) A. Gray S1G5 Asteraceae Brickellia californica (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray S1G5 Asteraceae Brickellia eupatorioides (L.) Shinners var. S1G5T5 Asteraceae Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & S1G5T5 Asteraceae Picradeniopsis woodhousei (A. Gray) Rydb. S2G4G5 Asteraceae Solidago velutina DC. ssp. sparsiflora (A. Gray) Semple S1G5?TNR Boraginaceae Cryptantha cinerea (Greene) Cronquist var. S2G5T5? Boraginaceae Cryptantha thyrsiflora (Greene) Payson S2G4 Cactaceae Cylindropuntia imbricata (Haw.) F.M. Knuth S2G5 Cactaceae Echinocereus reichenbachii (Terscheck ex Walp.) J.N. S3G5 Cactaceae Echinocereus viridiflorus Engelm. S1G5 Cactaceae Escobaria vivipara (Nutt.) Buxb. S1G5 Cactaceae Opuntia polyacantha Haw. var. polyacantha S2G5T5 Convolvulaceae Cuscuta umbellata Kunth S1G5 Crossomataceae Glossopetalon spinescens A. Gray var. S1G5TNR Cupressaceae Juniperus monosperma (Engelm.) Sarg. S2G4G5 Fabaceae Dalea formosa Torr. S2G5 58 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Fabaceae Dalea jamesii (Torr.) Torr. & A. Gray S1G5 Fabaceae Desmanthus cooleyi (Eaton) Trel. S2G5 Fabaceae Hoffmannseggia drepanocarpa A. Gray S2G5 Fabaceae Lupinus plattensis S. Watson S1G4 Grossulariaceae Ribes cereum Douglas S1G5 Malvaceae Sphaeralcea angustifolia (Cav.) G. Don S2G5 Nyctaginaceae Abronia fragrans Nutt. ex Hook. S2G5 Papaveraceae Argemone squarrosa Greene S1G4 Pinaceae Pinus edulis Engelm. S1G5 Plantaginaceae Penstemon fendleri Torr. & A. Gray S1G5T4? Poaceae Aristida arizonica Vasey S1G4 Poaceae Bouteloua barbata Lag. S1G5 Poaceae Bouteloua eriopoda (Torr.) Torr. S1G5 Poaceae Hesperostipa neomexicana (Thurb.) Barkworth S1G4G5 Poaceae Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth. S1G5 Poaceae Muhlenbergia phleoides (Kunth) Columbus S1G5 Poaceae Muhlenbergia porteri Scribn. ex Beal S1G5 Poaceae Muhlenbergia torreyi (Kunth) Hitchc. ex Bush S1G4 Poaceae Piptatherum micranthum (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth S1G5 Polygonaceae Eriogonum jamesii Benth. S1G5 Polygonaceae Eriogonum lachnogynum Torr. ex Benth. S1G4? Polygonaceae Eriogonum tenellum Torr. S1G5 Rosaceae Cercocarpus montanus Raf. S1G5 Rosaceae Rubus deliciosus Torr. S1G4? Selaginellaceae Selaginella underwoodii Hieron. S1G5? Oklahoma Native Plant Record 59 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland DISCUSSION One-hundred sixty taxa from 46 families reported in the Rogers, McPherson, and Folley studies were not found (Appendix B), and only 46 of the 95 taxa tracked by the Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory were located. One explanation for this difference is land access. For instance, we were not able to collect in Tesequite Canyon, which is known to have populations of tracked taxa (Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory 2015), as was done in the Folley study. We were uncomfortable botanizing along some of the public roads, as well. Another explanation could be that vegetation changes have occurred in the area. Vegetation analysis by Graham et al. (unpubl. data) indicates a decrease in the amount of grassland/herbaceous vegetation and an increase in forest/shrubland since 1992. This is most probably due to the increased amount of cholla (Cylindropuntia imbricata) in the area. The most likely explanation for our results, however, is drought. Cimarron County is considered to be the epicenter of the exceptional drought experienced by the High Plains regions of northern Texas, southwestern Kansas, northeastern New Mexico, southeastern Colorado, and the northwestern Oklahoma panhandle (Lindsey 2008; South Central Climate Science Center 2013). Throughout the survey period, western Cimarron County experienced exceptional, extreme, or extreme/severe drought (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration et al. 2015). Rogers (1953) stated that the “severe drouth of the 1930s had a disturbing effect on the vegetation”, but noted a “great recovery” in the following decade. Although the National Weather Service predicts that the drought status for the area will likely be removed, another “great recovery” is unlikely (U. S. Geological Survey 2014). The area could be as much as 5°C hotter by the end of the century, and decreases in precipitation, runoff, and amounts of soil water storage are also likely (U. S. Geological Survey 2014). ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by a grant from the Department of Interior, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The authors wish to thank Todd Fagin (Oklahoma Biological Survey/Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, University of Oklahoma) for assistance with map preparation. LITERATURE CITED Allred, K.W. and R.D. Ivey. 2012. Flora Neomexicana III: An Illustrated Identification Manual. Self-published. Carter, B.J. and M.S. Gregory. 2008. Soil map of Oklahoma. In: Earth Sciences and Mineral Resources of Oklahoma. Johnson, K.S. and K.V. Luza (eds.). Norman (OK): Oklahoma Geological Survey. Curtis, N.M., W.E. Ham, and K.S. Johnson. 2008. Geomorphic provinces of Oklahoma. In: Earth Sciences and Mineral Resources of Oklahoma. Johnson, K.S. and K.V. Luza (eds.) Norman (OK): Oklahoma Geological Survey. Duck, L.G. and J.B. Fletcher. 1943. A Survey of the Game and Fur-Bearing Animals of Oklahoma. 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Keys and Descriptions for the Vascular Plants of Oklahoma. Noble (OK): Flora Oklahoma Incorporated. United States Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. 1993. Federal Register, Part IV 58(188):51160. United States Geological Survey. 2014. Summary of Cimarron County. http://regclim.coas.oregonstate.edu/N EXDCP30_app/data/counties_201403 31/summaries/40025/40025.pdf (23 March 2015). USDA, NRCS. 2015. The PLANTS Database. http://plants.usda.gov/plants (9 March 2015). Waterfall, U.T. 1949. Some results of a summer’s botanizing in Oklahoma. Rhodora 51:18–28. http://www.itis.gov/ http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/ http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/ http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/Home.aspx http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/Home.aspx http://www.natureserve.org/explorer http://www.cpc.noaa.gov/ http://www.ocs.ou.edu/ http://www.oknaturalheritage.ou.edu/ http://www.oknaturalheritage.ou.edu/ http://www.oklahomaplantdatabase.org/ http://www.southcentralclimate.org/ http://regclim.coas.oregonstate.edu/NEXDCP30_app/data/counties_20140331/summaries/40025/40025.pdf http://regclim.coas.oregonstate.edu/NEXDCP30_app/data/counties_20140331/summaries/40025/40025.pdf http://regclim.coas.oregonstate.edu/NEXDCP30_app/data/counties_20140331/summaries/40025/40025.pdf http://plants.usda.gov/plants Oklahoma Native Plant Record 61 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Waterfall, U.T. 1950a. Some additions to the Oklahoma flora. Rhodora 52:19–24, 35– 41. Waterfall, U.T. 1950b. Some results of a third summer’s botanizing in Oklahoma. Rhodora 52:165–175. 62 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland APPENDIX A List of Plant Taxa in Cimarron County and Black Mesa, Oklahoma Taxa list with duration, vegetation type, and nativity. A=annual, B=biennial, P=perennial; AFSA=Artemisia filifolia shrubland association, BCBGBD=Bouteloua curtipendula-Bouteloua gracilis- Bouteloua dactyloides herbaceous association, BGHJ=Bouteloua gracilis-Hilaria jamesii herbaceous association, DAOF=Disturbed area/old field vegetation, HWV=herbaceous wetland vegetation, JMWA=Juniperus monosperma woodland alliance. An asterisk (*) indicates a taxon that is non-native to the United States. A dagger (†) indicates a tracked taxon. Taxonomy follows the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (2015). Duration and nativity to Oklahoma were determined using the PLANTS Database (USDA-NRSC 2015); if the information from PLANTS was ambiguous, Taylor and Taylor (1991) was consulted. Vegetation classifications were based on Hoagland (2000). Alismataceae Alisma subcordatum Raf., P, HWV Amaranthaceae Amaranthus palmeri S. Watson, A, AFSA Amaranthus tuberculatus (Moq.) J.D. Sauer, A, AFSA Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt., P, BGHJ *Chenopodium album L., A, BGHJ Chenopodium berlandieri Moq., A, DAOF Chenopodium incanum (S. Watson) A. Heller, A, BGHJ Chenopodium leptophyllum (Moq.) Nutt. ex S. Watson, A , DAOF Chenopodium pratericola Rydb., A, BGHJ Chenopodium simplex (Torr.) Raf., A, BCBGBD Chenopodium standleyanum Aellen, A, JMWA Froelichia floridana (Nutt.) Moq., A, JMWA *Kochia scoparia ssp. scoparia (L.) Schrad., A, DAOF †Krascheninnikovia lanata (Pursh) A. Meeuse & A. Smit, P, JMWA Monolepis nuttalliana (Schult.) Green, A, DAOF *Salsola tragus L., A, BCBGBD Tidestromia lanuginosa (Nutt.) Standl., A, AFSA Amaryllidaceae Allium drummondii Regel, P, BGHJ Anacardiaceae Rhus aromatica Aiton var. pilosissima (Engl.) Shinners, P, BGHJ Toxicodendron rydbergii (Small ex Rydb.) Greene, P, JMWA Apiaceae Cymopterus montanus Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray, P, JMWA Oklahoma Native Plant Record 63 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Apocynaceae Apocynum androsaemifolium L., P, JMWA Asclepias asperula (Decne.) Woodson ssp. capricornu (Woodson) Woodson, P, JMWA Asclepias engelmanniana Woodson, P, AFSA Asclepias latifolia (Torr.) Raf., P, AFSA †Asclepias macrotis Torr., P, JMWA Asclepias subverticillata (A. Gray) Vail, P, AFSA Asclepias viridiflora Raf., P, BCBGBD Asparagaceae *Asparagus officinalis L., P, BCBGBD Yucca glauca Nutt., P, AFSA Asteraceae †Ambrosia confertiflora DC., P, AFSA Ambrosia grayi (A. Nelson) Shinners, P, DAOF Ambrosia psilostachya DC., P, DAOF Ambrosia trifida L., A, BGHJ Amphiachyris dracunculoides (DC.) Nutt., A, AFSA †Artemisia carruthii Alph. Wood ex Carruth., P, BCBGBD Artemisia filifolia Torr., P, AFSA Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt., P, BGHJ Baccharis salicina Torr. & A. Gray, P, HWV Berlandiera lyrata Benth., P, AFSA †Brickellia brachyphylla (A. Gray) A. Gray, P, BGHJ †Brickellia californica (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray, P, BGHJ †Brickellia eupatorioides (L.) Shinners var. chlorolepis (Woot. & Standl.) B.L. Turner, P, BGHJ Cirsium ochrocentrum A. Gray ssp. ochrocentrum, P, BGHJ Cirsium undulatum (Nutt.) Spreng., P, BGHJ Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronquist, A, DAOF Diaperia prolifera (Nutt. ex DC.) Nutt., A, BGHJ Dyssodia papposa (Vent.) Hitchc., A, JMWA Engelmannia peristenia (Raf.) Goodman & C.A. Lawson, P, BGHJ †Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & Baird var. graveolens (Nutt.) Reveal & Schuyler, P, JMWA Erigeron bellidiastrum Nutt., AFSA, A Erigeron flagellaris A. Gray, B, AFSA Gaillardia pinnatifida Torr., P, BGHJ Gaillardia pulchella Foug., A, BGHJ Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunal, P, BGHJ Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton & Rusby, P, BGHJ Helianthus annuus L., A, BGHJ Helianthus ciliaris DC., P, BCBGBD Helianthus petiolaris Nutt., A, DAOF Heterotheca stenophylla (Gray) Shinners var. angustifolia (Rydb.) Semple, P, JMWA Heterotheca subaxillaris (Lam.) Britton & Rusby spp. latifolia (Buckley) Semple, A, BGHJ 64 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Heterotheca villosa (Pursh) Shinners var. villosa, P, JMWA Hymenopappus flavescens A. Gray, B, AFSA Hymenopappus tenuifolius Pursh, B, BGHJ *Lactuca serriola L., A, DAOF Liatris punctata Hook. var. punctata, P, AFSA Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh) D. Don ex Hook., P, JMWA Machaeranthera tanacetifolia (Kunth) Nees, A, JMWA Melampodium leucanthum Torr. & A. Gray, P, BGHJ Packera plattensis (Nutt.) W.A. Weber & A. Löve, P, BGHJ Palafoxia sphacelata (Nutt. ex Torr.) Cory, A, BCBGBD †Picradeniopsis woodhousei (A. Gray) Rydb., P, BGHJ Pseudognaphalium canescens (DC.) W.A. Weber ssp. canescens, B, BGHJ Ratibida columnifera (Nutt.) Woot. & Standl., P, BCBGBD Ratibida tagetes (James) Barnhart, P, DAOF *Scorzonera laciniata L., P, DAOF Senecio flaccidus Less. var. flaccidus, P, BGHJ Senecio riddellii Torr. & A. Gray, P, JMWA Solidago gigantea Aiton, P, DAOF †Solidago velutina DC. ssp. sparsiflora (A. Gray) Semple, P, BGHJ Symphyotrichum subulatum (Michx.) G.L. Nesom, A, HWV *Taraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg., P, DAOF Tetraneuris acaulis (Pursh) Greene var. acaulis, P, JMWA Tetraneuris scaposa (DC.) Greene var. scaposa, P, BGHJ Thelesperma ambiguum A. Gray, P, AFSA Thelesperma filifolium (Hook.) A. Gray, P, BGHJ Thelesperma megapotamicum (Spreng.) Kuntze, P, BGHJ Townsendia exscapa (Richardson) Porter, P, BGHJ *Tragopogon dubius Scop., A, JMWA Vernonia marginata (Torr.) Raf., P, JMWA Xanthisma spinulosum (Pursh) D.R. Morgan & R.L. Hartm. var. spinulosum, P, BGHJ Xanthium strumarium L., A, HWV Zinnia grandiflora Nutt., P, BGHJ Boraginaceae †Cryptantha cinerea (Greene) Cronquist var. jamesii (Torr.) Cronquist, P, AFSA, Cryptantha minima Rydb., A, AFSA Cryptantha thyrsiflora (Greene) Payson, P, BGHJ Lappula occidentalis (S. Watson) Greene var. cupulata (A. Gray) Higgins, A, DAOF Lappula occidentalis (S. Watson) Greene var. occidentalis, A, DAOF Lithospermum incisum Lehm., P, BGHJ Onosmodium bejariense DC. ex A. DC. var. occidentale (Mack.) B.L. Turner, P, JMWA Brassicaceae *Camelina microcarpa DC., A, BCBGBD Descurainia pinnata (Walter) Britton ssp. brachycarpa (Richardson) Detling, A, JMWA *Descurainia sophia (L.) Webb ex Prantl, A, DAOF Erysimum asperum (Nutt.) DC., P, BGHJ Oklahoma Native Plant Record 65 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Erysimum capitatum (Douglas ex Hook.) Greene, P, BGHJ *Erysimum repandum L., A, BGHJ *Lepidium densiflorum Schrad., A, DAOF Physaria ovalifolia (Rydb.) O'Kane & Al-Shehbaz ssp. ovalifolia, P, JMWA Rorippa sinuata (Nutt.) Hitchc., P, HWV *Sisymbrium altissimum L., A, BGHJ Cactaceae †Cylindropuntia imbricata (Haw.) F.M. Knuth, P, BGHJ †Echinocereus reichenbachii (Terscheck ex Walp.) J.N. Haage, P, AFSA †Echinocereus viridiflorus Engelm., P, JMWA †Escobaria vivipara (Nutt.) Buxb., P, JMWA Opuntia humifusa (Raf.) Raf. var. humifusa, P, BGHJ Opuntia macrorhiza Engelm., P, JMWA Opuntia phaeacantha Engelm., P, BGHJ, †Opuntia polyacantha Haw.var. polyacantha, P, JMWA Cannabaceae Celtis reticulata Torr., P, BGHJ Caryophyllaceae Paronychia jamesii Torr. & A. Gray, P, BGHJ Paronychia sessiliflora Nutt., P, BGHJ Cleomaceae Polanisia dodecandra (L.) DC., A, BGHJ Commelinaceae Commelina erecta L., P, JMWA Tradescantia occidentalis (Britton) Smyth var. occidentalis, P, BGHJ Convolvulaceae *Convolvulus arvensis L., BGHJ, P Convolvulus equitans Benth., BGHJ, P †Cuscuta umbellata Kunth, A, DAOF Evolvulus nuttallianus Schult., P, BGHJ Ipomoea leptophylla Torr., P, BGHJ Crossomataceae †Glossopetalon spinescens A. Gray var. planitierum (Ensign) Yatsk., P, JMWA, Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita foetidissima Kunth, P, BGHJ Cyclanthera dissecta (Torr. & A. Gray) Arn., A, JMWA Cupressaceae †Juniperus monosperma (Engelm.) Sarg., P, JMWA 66 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Cyperaceae Carex gravida L.H. Bailey, P, HWV Carex muehlenbergii Schkuhr ex Willd., P, HWV Schoenoplectus acutus (Muhl. ex Bigelow) Á. Löve & D. Löve var. acutus, P, HWV Schoenoplectus pungens (Vahl) Palla var. pungens, P, HWV Euphorbiaceae Croton texensis (Klotzsch) Müll. Arg., A, BGHJ Ditaxis mercurialina (Nutt.) J.M. Coult., P, JMWA Euphorbia dentata Michx., A, AFSA Euphorbia exstipulata Engelm., A, BGHJ Euphorbia fendleri Torr. & A. Gray, P, JMWA Euphorbia glyptosperma Engelm., A, AFSA Euphorbia lata Engelm., P, BGHJ Euphorbia marginata Pursh, A, BCBGBD Euphorbia missurica Raf., A, BCBGBD Euphorbia serpyllifolia Pers. var. serpyllifolia, A, BCBGBD Tragia ramosa Torr., P, JMWA Fabaceae Amorpha canescens Pursh, P, JMWA Astragalus missouriensis Nutt., P, BGHJ Astragalus mollissimus Torr., P, BGHJ Dalea aurea Nutt. ex Fraser, P, BGHJ Dalea candida Michx. ex. Willd var. oligophylla (Torr.) Shinners, P, JMWA Dalea enneandra Nutt. ex Fraser, P, AFSA †Dalea formosa Torr., P, JMWA †Dalea jamesii (Torr.) Torr. & A. Gray, P, BGHJ Dalea lanata Spreng., P, BGHJ Dalea tenuifolia (A. Gray) Shinners, P, BGHJ Dalea villosa (Nutt.) Spreng., P, DAOF †Desmanthus cooleyi (Eaton) Trel., P, BGHJ Glycyrrhiza lepidota Pursh, P, BGHJ †Hoffmannseggia drepanocarpa A. Gray, P, BGHJ Hoffmannseggia glauca (Ortega) Eifert, P, BCBGBD †Lupinus plattensis S. Watson, P, AFSA *Medicago sativa L., P, BGHJ *Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam., A, DAOF Mimosa borealis A. Gray, P, BGHJ Oxytropis lambertii Pursh, P, AFSA Pediomelum cuspidatum (Pursh) Rydb., P, BGHJ Prosopis glandulosa Torr. var. glandulosa, P, BGHJ Psoralidium tenuiflorum (Pursh) Rydb., P, BGHJ Robinia pseudoacacia L., P, DAOF Sophora nuttalliana B.L. Turner, P, BGHJ Oklahoma Native Plant Record 67 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Fagaceae Quercus mohriana Buckley ex Rydb., P, JMWA Geraniaceae *Erodium cicutarium (L.) L'Hér. ex Aiton, A, DAOF Grossulariaceae Ribes aureum Pursh var. villosum DC., P, BCBGBD †Ribes cereum Douglas, P, JMWA Juncaceae Juncus interior Wiegand, P, HWV Juncus torreyi Coville, P, HWV Krameriaceae Krameria lanceolata Torr., P, BGHJ Lamiaceae Hedeoma drummondii Benth., P, BGHJ *Marrubium vulgare L., P, BGHJ Monarda pectinata Nutt., A, AFSA Salvia reflexa Hornem., A, JMWA Teucrium laciniatum Torr., P, JMWA Linaceae Linum pratense (Norton) Small, A, BGHJ Linum rigidum Pursh var. rigidum, A, BCBGBD Loasaceae Mentzelia multiflora (Nutt.) A. Gray, A, AFSA Mentzelia nuda (Pursh) Torr. & A. Gray, P, AFSA Mentzelia oligosperma Nutt. ex Sims, P, BGHJ Malvaceae Callirhoe involucrata (Torr. & A. Gray) A. Gray, P, BCBGBD *Malva neglecta Wallr., A, DAOF †Sphaeralcea angustifolia (Cav.) G. Don, P, AFSA Sphaeralcea coccinea (Nutt.) Rydb., P, BCBGBD Martyniaceae Proboscidea louisianica (Mill.) Thell., ssp. louisianica, A, AFSA Moraceae *Morus alba L., P, JMWA Nyctaginaceae †Abronia fragrans Nutt. ex Hook., P, AFSA 68 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Mirabilis albida (Walter) Heimerl, P, JMWA Mirabilis linearis (Pursh) Heimerl var. subhispida (Heimerl) Spellenb., P, JMWA Mirabilis nyctaginea (Michx.) MacMill., P, JMWA Oleaceae Forestiera pubescens Nutt., P, BGHJ Onagraceae Oenothera cespitosa Nutt., P, JMWA Oenothera cinerea (Wooton & Standl.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch ssp. cinerea, P, BCBGBD Oenothera curtiflora W.L. Wagner & Hoch, A, DAOF Oenothera hartwegii Benth. ssp. pubescens (A. Gray) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, P, BGHJ Oenothera serrulata Nutt., P, BCBGBD Oenothera suffrutescens (Ser.) W.L. Wagner & Hoch, P, BGHJ Oenothera triloba Nutt., P, BGHJ Orobanchaceae Orobanche ludoviciana Nutt. ssp. multiflora (Nutt.) T.S. Collins ex H.L. White & W.C. Holmes, A, BGHJ Papaveraceae †Argemone squarrosa Greene, P, BGHJ Corydalis aurea Willd. ssp. occidentalis (Engelm. ex A. Gray) G.B. Ownbey, A, BCBGBD Pinaceae †Pinus edulis Engelm., P, JMWA Plantaginaceae Penstemon albidus Nutt., P, BGHJ Penstemon ambiguus Torr., P, BGHJ †Penstemon fendleri Torr. & A. Gray, P, AFSA Plantago patagonica Jacq., A, BGHJ Veronica anagallis-aquatica L., P, HWV Poaceae *Aegilops cylindrica Host, A, DAOF Andropogon gerardii Vitman ssp. hallii (Hack.) Wipff, P, AFSA Andropogon gerardii Vitman ssp. gerardii, P, BCBGBD Aristida adscensionis L., A, BGHJ †Aristida arizonica Vasey, P, BGHJ Aristida havardii Vasey, P, BCBGBD Aristida oligantha Michx., A, AFSA Aristida purpurascens Poir., P, BCBGBD Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. purpurea, P, BGHJ Bothriochloa barbinodis (Lag.) Herter, P, BGHJ *Bothriochloa ischaemum (L.) Keng, P, AFSA Bothriochloa laguroides (DC.) Herter, P, BGHJ †Bouteloua barbata Lag., A, JMWA Oklahoma Native Plant Record 69 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Bouteloua curtipendula (Michx.) Torr., P, AFSA Bouteloua dactyloides (Nutt.) Columbus, P, BGHJ †Bouteloua eriopoda (Torr.) Torr., P, BGHJ Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths, P, BCBGBD Bouteloua hirsuta Lag. , P, BGHJ *Bromus arvensis L., A, DAOF *Bromus catharticus Vahl, A, DAOF *Bromus racemosus L., A, BGHJ *Bromus tectorum L., A, DAOF Calamovilfa gigantea (Nutt.) Scribn. & Merr., P, BCBGBD Cenchrus spinifex Cav., P, BGHJ Chloris verticillata Nutt., P, AFSA Chloris virgata Sw., A, BGHJ *Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., P, DAOF Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene var. stricta (Torr.) Thorne, P, BGHJ Echinochloa muricata (P. Beauv.) Fernald, A, DAOF Elymus canadensis L., P, BGHJ Elymus elymoides (Raf.) Swezey, P, JMWA Elymus virginicus L., P, AFSA *Eragrostis cilianensis (Bellardi) Vignolo ex Janch., A, AFSA Erioneuron pilosum (Buckley) Nash, P, JMWA †Hesperostipa neomexicana (Thurb.) Barkworth, P, BGHJ †Hilaria jamesii (Torr.) Benth., P, BGHJ Hopia obtusa (Kunth) Zuloaga & Morrone, P, AFSA Hordeum jubatum L., P, DAOF Hordeum pusillum Nutt., A, DAOF Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth spp. fasicularis N.W. Snow, A, HWV Muhlenbergia asperifolia (Nees & Meyen ex Trin.) Parodi, P, AFSA Muhlenbergia paniculata (Nutt.) Columbus, P, DAOF †Muhlenbergia phleoides (Kunth) Columbus, P, BGHJ †Muhlenbergia porteri Scribn. ex Beal, P, JMWA †Muhlenbergia torreyi (Kunth) Hitchc. ex Bush, P, BCBGBD Munroa squarrosa (Nutt.) Torr., A, BGHJ Panicum capillare L., A, DAOF Panicum hallii Vasey, P, BGHJ Panicum virgatum L., P, JMWA Pascopyrum smithii (Rydb.) Barkworth & D.R. Dewey, P, AFSA Paspalum setaceum Michx. var. stramineum (Nash) D.J. Banks, P, DAOF †Piptatherum micranthum (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth, P, JMWA Poa fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey, P, JMWA *Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf., A, HWV Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash, P, AFSA Setaria macrostachya Kunth, P, DAOF *Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv., A, DAOF Sorghastrum nutans (L.) Nash, P, BGHJ *Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers., P, BGHJ Sporobolus airoides (Torr.) Torr. , P, BGHJ 70 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) A. Gray, P, AFSA Sporobolus pyramidatus (Lam.) Hitchc., P, AFSA Polemoniaceae Ipomopsis laxiflora (J.M. Coult.) V.E. Grant, A, JMWA Polygalaceae Polygala alba Nutt., P, BGHJ Polygonaceae Eriogonum annuum Nutt., A, AFSA †Eriogonum jamesii Benth., P, BCBGBD †Eriogonum lachnogynum Torr. ex Benth., P, BGHJ †Eriogonum tenellum Torr., P, JMWA Persicaria amphibia (L.) Delarbre, P, HWV Persicaria lapathifolia (L.) Gray, A, HWV *Polygonum aviculare L., A, DAOF Rumex altissimus Alph. Wood, P, HWV *Rumex crispus L., P, HWV Rumex venosus Pursh, P, DAOF Portulacaceae Phemeranthus parviflorus (Nutt.) Kiger, P, AFSA Portulaca oleracea L., A, JWMA Portulaca pilosa L., A, DAOF Potamogetonaceae Zannichellia palustris L., P, HWV Pteridaceae Cheilanthes eatonii Baker, P, JMWA Notholaena standleyi, P, JMWA Ranunculaceae Delphinium carolinianum Walter ssp. virescens (Nutt.) R.E. Brooks, P, JMWA Ranunculus abortivus L., P, HWV Ranunculus sceleratus L., A, HWV *Ranunculus testiculatus Crantz, A, DAOF Rosaceae †Cercocarpus montanus Raf., P, JMWA Prunus virginiana L. var. demissa (Nutt.) Torr., P, JMWA †Rubus deliciosus Torr., P, JMWA Rutaceae Ptelea trifoliata L., P, JMWA Oklahoma Native Plant Record 71 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Salicaceae Populus deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall, P, HWV Salix amygdaloides Andersson, P, HWV Salix exigua Nutt., P, HWV Salix nigra Marshall, P, HWV Santalaceae Comandra umbellata (L.) Nutt. ssp. pallida (A. DC.) Piehl, P, JMWA Sapindaceae Sapindus saponaria L. var. drummondii (Hook. & Arn.) L.D. Benson, P, DAOF Selaginellaceae †Selaginella underwoodii Hieron., P, JMWA Solanaceae Chamaesaracha coniodes (Moric. ex Dunal) Britton, P, JMWA Datura quercifolia Kunth, A, DAOF Physalis hederifolia A. Gray var. fendleri (A. Gray) Cronquist, P, JMWA Physalis longifolia Nutt. var. longifolia, P, AFSA Quincula lobata (Torr.) Raf., P, JMWA Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav., P, DAOF Solanum ptychanthum Dunal, A, BCBGBD Solanum rostratum Dunal, A, AFSA Solanum triflorum Nutt., A, DAOF Tamaricaceae *Tamarix chinensis Lour., P, HWV Verbenaceae Glandularia bipinnatifida (Nutt.) Nutt. var. ciliata (Benth.) B.L. Turner, A, BGHJ Glandularia canadensis (L.) Nutt., P, JMWA Glandularia pumila (Rydb.) Umber, A, BGHJ Phyla cuneifolia (Torr.) Greene, P, HWV Verbena bracteata Cav. ex Lag. & Rodr., A, AFSA Violaceae Hybanthus verticillatus (Ortega) Baill., P, BGHJ Vitaceae Vitis vulpina L., P, JMWA Zygophyllaceae Kallstroemia parviflora Norton, A, AFSA *Tribulus terrestris L., A, AFSA 72 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland APPENDIX B List of Plant Taxa in Cimarron County and Black Mesa, Oklahoma Not Found by Buthod and Hoagland Taxa from the published lists of Rogers (1953), McPherson (2003a, b), and Folley (2003) that were not found by Buthod and Hoagland. R=Rogers collection, M=Mcpherson collection, F=Folley collection. Taxonomy has been updated and follows the Integrated Taxonomic Information System (2015). Amaranthaceae Amaranthus retroflexus L., M Chenopodium albescens Small, R Cycloloma atriplicifolium (Spreng.) J.M. Coult., R Froelichia gracilis (Hook.) Moq., R Guilleminea densa (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Schult.) Moq. var. densa, R Salsola kali L. ssp. tenuifolia Moq., M Suckleya suckleyana (Torr.) Rydb., M Amaryllidaceae Allium canadense L. var. fraseri Ownbey, M Anacardiaceae Rhus aromatica Aiton var. simplicifolia (Greene) Cronquist, R Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze, M Apiaceae Cymopterus glomeratus (Nutt.) DC., M Apocynaceae Asclepias arenaria Torr. , M Asclepias involucrata Engelm. ex Torr. , R Asclepias pumila (A. Gray) Vail, R, M Asclepias uncialis Greene, M Funastrum crispum (Benth.) Schltr., R, M Araceae Lemna minor L., M Asparagaceae Nolina texana S. Watson, F (collections are actually Nolina greenei S. Watson ex Trel.; Hess 2002)) Yucca harrimaniae Trel., F Aspleniaceae Asplenium septentrionale (L.) Hoffm., M Asteraceae Antennaria parvifolia Nutt., R Oklahoma Native Plant Record 73 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Artemisia dracunculus L., R, M Baccharis wrightii A. Gray, R Bidens cernua L., F Brickellia eupatorioides (L.) Shinners var. corymbulosa (Torr. & A. Gray) Shinners, R Chaetopappa ericoides (Torr.) G.L. Nesom, R, M Ericameria nauseosa (Pall. ex Pursh) G.L. Nesom & Baird var. nauseosa, R, M Erigeron nudiflorus Buckley, R Erigeron tracyi Greene, M Nothocalais cuspidata (Pursh) Greene, M Oonopsis foliosa (A. Gray) Greene var. foliosa, R Packera tridenticulata (Rydb.) W.A. Weber & A. Löve, R, M Pericome caudata A. Gray, R, M, F Picradeniopsis oppositifolia (Nutt.) Rydb. ex Britton, R Psilostrophe villosa Rydb., F Solidago mollis Bartlett , M Solidago petiolaris Aiton, M Stephanomeria pauciflora (Torr.) A. Nelson, R, M Symphyotrichum ericoides (L.) G.L. Nesom, R, M Symphyotrichum fendleri (A. Gray) G.L. Nesom, M Symphyotrichum oblongifolium (Nutt.) G.L. Nesom, M Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex A. Gray, M Vernonia fasciculata Michx., F Xanthisma spinulosum (Pursh) D.R. Morgon & R.L. Hartm. var. glaberrimum (Rydberg) D.R. Morgan & R.L. Hartm., R Boraginaceae Cryptantha cinerea (Greene) Cronquist var. cinerea, R Cryptantha crassisepala (Torr. & A. Gray) Greene, R Euploca convolvulacea Nutt., F Lithospermum multiflorum Torr. ex A. Gray, F Brassicaceae Boechera fendleri (S. Watson) W.A. Weber, M Cactaceae Opuntia fragilis (Nutt.) Haw., F Campanulaceae Lobelia cardinalis L., F Cleomaceae Peritoma serrulata (Pursh) DC., R, F Polanisia jamesii (Torr. & A. Gray) Iltis, F Cupressaceae Juniperus scopulorum Sarg., M 74 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Cyperaceae Carex brevior (Dewey) Mack. , F Cyperus croceus Vahl, F Cyperus schweinitzii Torr., R, M Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C.C. Gmel.) Palla, M Scirpus atrovirens Willd., F Scirpus pallidus (Britton) Fernald, R Cystopteridaceae Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh., F Equisetaceae Equisetum laevigatum A. Br., R Euphorbiaceae Ditaxis humilis (Engelm. & A. Gray) Pax, R, M Euphorbia geyeri Engelm., R Euphorbia spathulata Lam., R Fabaceae Astragalus ceramicus E. Sheld., F Astragalus crassicarpus Nutt., R Astragalus crassicarpus Nutt. var. paysonii (E.H. Kelso) Barneby, M Astragalus gracilis Nutt., R Astragalus hallii A. Gray, R Astragalus lotiflorus Hook. , R, M Astragalus puniceus Osterh., M Colutea arborescens L., F Dalea candida Michx. ex Willd var. candida, R Dalea compacta Spreng. var. compacta, R Dalea nana Torr. ex A. Gray, R Dalea purpurea Vent. var. purpurea, R Hedysarum boreale Nutt., R Melilotus albus Medik., R Pediomelum argophyllum (Pursh) J.W. Grimes, M Pediomelum hypogaeum (Nutt.) Rydb. var. hypogaeum, R Pomaria jamesii (Torr. & A. Gray) Walp., R, M Vicia americana Muhl. ex Willd. , M Vicia ludoviciana Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray var. leavenworthii (Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray) Broich, R Fagaceae Quercus gambelii Nutt., R Quercus grisea Liebm., R Quercus X undulata Torr., R Lamiaceae Salvia azurea Michx. ex Lam. var. grandiflora Benth., M Oklahoma Native Plant Record 75 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Linaceae Linum lewisii Pursh , R, M Loasaceae Mentzelia decapetala (Pursh ex Sims) Urb. & Gilg, R, M Lythraceae Lythrum alatum Pursh, R Nyctaginaceae Mirabilis glabra (S. Watson) Standl., R, M Mirabilis linearis (Pursh) Heimerl var. linearis, R Onagraceae Oenothera albicaulis Pursh, R Oenothera engelmannii (Small) Munz, R, F Oenothera lavandulifolia Torr. & A. Gray, M Oenothera pallida Lindl. ssp. latifolia (Rydb.) Munz, F Orobanchaceae Castilleja sessiliflora Pursh, R, M Papaveraceae Argemone polyanthemos (Fedde) G.B. Ownbey, R Plantaginaceae Penstemon angustifolius Nutt. ex Pursh var. caudatus (A. Heller) Rydb., R Poaceae Achnatherum hymenoides (Roem. & Schult.) Barkworth, R, M Achnatherum scribneri (Vasey) Barkworth, R, M Andropogon virginicus L., F Aristida barbata E. Fourn., R Aristida divaricata Humb. & Bonpl. Ex Willd., R Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. fendleriana (Steud.) Vasey, R Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. longiseta (Steud.) Vasey, R Aristida purpurea Nutt. var. wrightii (Nash) Allred, R, M Bothriochloa saccharoides (Sw.) Rydb., M Bouteloua hirsuta Lag. var. hirsuta, M Bromus japonicus Thunb. ex Murray, R Bromus lanatipes (Shear) Rydb., R, M Cenchrus incertus M.A. Curtis, R Cenchrus longispinus (Hack.) Fernald, M Dichanthelium oligosanthes (Schult.) Gould, R Digitaria californica (Benth.) Henrard, R Digitaria cognata (Schult.) Pilg., R Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv., M 76 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Enneapogon desvauxii P. Beauv., R Eragrostis curtipedicellata Buckley, R Eragrostis intermedia Hitchc., R Eragrostis secundiflora J. Presl, R Eragrostis sessilispica Buckley, R Eragrostis trichodes (Nutt.) Alph. Wood, M Hesperostipa comata (Trin. & Rupr.) Barkworth, R, M Leptochloa dubia (Kunth) Nees, R Muhlenbergia arenicola Buckley, R Muhlenbergia racemosa (Michx.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb., R, F Phalaris caroliniana Walter, R Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud., R Poa nemoralis L., R Poa pratensis L., R Setaria leucopila (Scribn. & Merr.) K. Schum., M Sphenopholis obtusata (Michx.) Scribn., R Tridens muticus (Torr.) Nash var. elongatus (Buckley) Shinners, R Triplasis purpurea (Walter) Chapm., R Vulpia octoflora (Walter) Rydb., R, M Polemoniaceae Giliastrum rigidulum (Benth.) Rydb., F Polygonaceae Polygonum ramosissimum Michx. , M Pteridaceae Astrolepis sinuata (Lag. ex Sw.) D.M. Benham & Windham ssp. sinuata, R Cheilanthes feei T. Moore, R, M Cheilanthes lanosa (Michx.) D.C. Eaton, M Pellaea atropurpurea (L.) Link, R, M Ranunculaceae Clematis hirsutissima Pursh var. scottii (Porter) R.O. Erickson, M Ranunculus cymbalaria Pursh, R Rhamnaceae Ceanothus herbaceus Raf., R Rosaceae Fallugia paradoxa (D. Don) Endl. ex Torr., R Physocarpus monogynus (Torr.) J.M. Coult., R, M Prunus americana Marshall , M Rosa woodsii Lindl., F Rubiaceae Galium texense A. Gray, M Oklahoma Native Plant Record 77 Volume 15, December 2015 Amy K. Buthod and Bruce W. Hoagland Salicaceae Salix interior Rowlee, M Selaginellaceae Selaginella densa Rydb., R Solanaceae Solanum nigrum L., R Tamaricaceae Tamarix gallica L., R, M Urticaceae Parietaria pensylvanica Muhl. ex Willd., M Verbenaceae Verbena plicata Greene, R Vitaceae Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch., M Vitis acerifolia Raf., R, F, Woodsiaceae Woodsia oregana D.C. Eaton, R, M Contributions to the Flora of Cimarron County and the Black Mesa Area by Ms. Amy K. Buthod and Dr. Bruce W. Hoagland