Journal of the Oklahoma Native PlantSociety, Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 4 Black Mesa Flora Study James K. McPherson, Ph.D. Department of Botany Oklahoma State University 22 February 1993 Summary of season’s work The following constitutes a report on field, laboratory, and library work done in 1992 on the flora of the State Parks-The Nature Conservancy preserve property at Black Mesa. This property is north of the town of Kenton; R1E, T6N, sections 28-33 (portions), and R1E, T5N, S6 (portion), Cimarron County, Oklahoma. I spent 14 full days collecting plants on the preserve, each time camping at the state park a few miles away the nights before and after, so very little travel time was used on collecting days. Collecting dates in the 1992 growing season were 2-3 March, 6-7 April, 30 April-1 May, 14-16 May, 26 June, 2-3 September, and 21-22 September. During each trip an effort was made to visit and collect in as many different types of sites as possible. Collections of 199 species were made. These were handled in the conventional way, with duplicate specimens being made. One set is deposited in the Oklahoma State University Herbarium, and the other in the Bebb herbarium at the University of Oklahoma. Interpretation of findings Flora. The families Compositae, Leguminosae, and Gramineae are represented by the largest numbers of species. However, 47 other families are present. Members of the Gramineae McPherson, J.K. (grass) family clearly dominate most of the landscape. The Pinaceae (in the inclusive sense) is the other dominant family, due to the numerous members of the genus Juniperus in some areas. Two species that are endemic were collected. The shrub Glossopetalon planitierum (=Forsellesia p.), Celastraceae, which is known only from a few adjacent counties in the Texas panhandle, one nearby county in New Mexico and the Black Mesa area of Cimarron County, OK. The type locality is “near the top of Black Mesa, Cimarron Co.” It is possible that the type locality is now on the preserve, though it probably is not possible to know with certainty. The other endemic collected was the perennial herb Astragalus puniceus, Leguminosae. It is known only from the Mesa de Maya area (Las Animas County, Colorado; Union County, New Mexico; and Cimarron County, Oklahoma) and Deaf Smith County, Texas. Both species are fairly common locally, but can be considered rare in a general sense. Four other species are worth mentioning in this context. I did not collect them, but know about them from the literature (Rogers, 1953; Harrington 1964; Waterfall 1969; McGregor et al. 1977; McGregor et al. 1986, Correll and Johnston 1970). Sarcostemma lobata, Asclepiadaceae, is apparently known only from Black Mesa. It is likely that this species will be found on the preserve, and Oklahoma Native Plant Record 5 Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 McPherson, J.K. seems to be a legitimate rare species. Lesquerella calcicola, Cruciferae, Palafoxia macrolepis, Compositae, and Swertia coloradensis, Gentianaceae, are all endemic in southeastern Colorado, but are at higher elevations and/or on soil types that are not found in Oklahoma, so probably are not on the preserve. Finally, Pericome glandulosa, Compositae, was collected and is described by Rogers (1953) as being an endemic, but has been reduced to varietal status by Harrington. Thus it is now Pericome caudata var. glandulosa. The reduction appears legitimate. The type locality for it is also Black Mesa. In my opinion, var. glandulosa is only a local variant of a widespread species. It occurs on sandstone hills which are common in the region and there does not seem to be any substantial distinct feature about it. Concern about it is probably not justified. I collected 199 species. Rogers’ (1953) list contains 578 species and 11 varieties, a total of 589 taxa. There are some caveats to be mentioned about the comparison of numbers, however. First, Rogers collected from a much larger area. Second, he included types of sites that are not on the preserve (elevations up to 6850 ft., Cimarron River bed and floodplain, sand dunes, and a salt-pan). Finally, some of his species seem questionable in view of present knowledge. The following is a list of species I collected that Rogers (1953) did not. Identifications will be rechecked. Selaginellaceae Selaginella underwoodii [1] Polypodiacae Cheilanthes lanosa Asplenium serpentrionale[1] Gramineae Bromus unioloides Eragrostis trichodes var. trichodes [1] Cyperaceae Scirpus validus (S. lacustris in Waterfall 1969) Lemnaceae Lemna minor Liliaceae Allium canadense var. fraseri Salicaceae Salix interior forma wheeleri S. nigra (possibly Rogers’ “Salix species”) Moraceae Morus alba[1] Chenopodiaceae Suckleya suckleyana Ranunculaceae Clematis hirsutissima var. scottii[1] Cruciferae Arabis fendleri Saxifragaceae Ribes odoratum [1] Leguminosae Petalostemon tenuifolium Linaceae Linum rigidum var. rigidum Vitaceae Parthenocissus quinquefolia (ident. should be checked) Vitis vulpina Onagraceae Oenothera triloba Asclepiadaceae Asclepias arenaria[1] Sarcostemma crispum[1] Boraginaceae Cryptantha minima Labiatae Salvia azurea var. grandiflora Rubiaceae Galium texense Compositae Ambrosia linearis[1] (tentative) Aster fendleri A. leucelene Hymenoxys acaulis Kuhnia chlorolepis Solidago mollis Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 McPherson, J.K. 6 Most of these species are permanent resident, “climax” types. They probably would not have immigrated into the area since Rogers made his collections in the late 1940’s. The most likely explanation is that Rogers simply missed seeing them. Vegetation. This is not a formal study of the vegetation or plant communities of the preserve, but I made observations on these attributes of the site on which I can report. Two vegetation types, in the conventional sense of Barbour and Billings, 1988, are present on the preserve. These are Juniper-Pinyon Woodland, which is on the steeper slopes of the mesa and rock outcrops, and Shortgrass Prairie, on level to gently sloping sites with deeper soil. Within this general picture are some smaller-scale patterns. The most obvious is the presence of Cooper’s Arroyo, a stream with rare-intermittent flow. It does have a pool that contains water most of the time, and its bed provides conditions that support typical moist-soil plant species such as Salix spp., Tamarix gallica, and Carex gravida. This can be termed a riparian community. Two variants of shortgrass prairie are present. On the Berthoud loam and portions of the Travessilla stony loam (USDA, 1960) in the low-lying parts of the preserve is a prairie with many weeds, especially Erioneuron pilosum, Bothriochloa sacchariodes, and Ambrosia psilostachya. There is also a substantial amount of the cactus Opuntia imbricata which here is associated with disturbance. This portion of the preserve was the most accessible to cattle when the land was ranched, and was where most of the water was provided. It appears that overgrazing is the main cause of the abundance of weedy species and partial loss of the dominants, Buchloe dactyloides and Bouteloua gracilis. On the Apache stony clay loam (USDA, 1960), which is found only on the basalt rock forming the top of the mesa, is a slightly different version of shortgrass prairie. The dominant grasses, Buchloe dactyloides and Bouteloua gracilis, are the same, but they are more dominant and there are fewer weeds. More of the native forbs such as Castilleja sessiliflora, Oenothera lavendulaeflora, and several Compositae are present. In my judgment, the difference is caused by a history of less disturbance, and by the soil’s higher clay content. The contrast between the two variants of short grass prairie will probably diminish with time and the cessation of grazing, but differences due to the contrasting soils are likely to remain. The mesa-top community probably will have a higher diversity of climax species. On the sides of the mesa the soils are mapped as Rough stony land and the higher parts of the Travessilla stony loam (USDA, 1960). This is where the Juniper- Pinyon woodland is found. Juniperus monosperma is the strong dominant here, with only a few Pinus edulis trees, despite the traditional name of the vegetation type. There are differing communities within this area, but they are not as clearly separated as is the case with the prairie communities. The most noteworthy group of species here, after J. monosperma, is the shrubs. On the drier, open slopes are Rhus aromatica, Cercocarpus montanus, Brickellia brachyphylla, and B. californica. Also, Opuntia imbricata is here, appearing less weedy than it does in the prairies. In one area near the east end of the preserve the endemic Glossopetalon planitierrum is a component of the shrub flora. All are fairly widely spaced so that walking among them is easy. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 7 Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 McPherson, J.K. In the canyons where more moisture accumulates and there is some shelter from the wind is a denser shrub community. Near the bottoms of the deeper canyons it is dense indeed, becoming impenetrable in places. Most of the species just listed are present, and they are joined by Prunus americana, P. virginiana, Rubus deliciosus, Ptelea trifoliata, and Celtis reticulata. Here also is Juniperus scopulorum, a Rocky Mountain species, which is quite uncommon and is very close to the extreme edge of its range. Throughout the Juniper-Pinyon vegetation is an array of grasses, mostly of different species from the prairie. Very common are Poa fendleriana and Eragrostis cilianensis. In pockets of deep soil, often only a meter or two across, are Andropogon gerardii, Sorghastrum nutans, and Schizachyrium scoparium. These are dominants of the tallgrass prairie 150 and more miles east, but grow well here in small, favorable sites. The Juniper-Pinyon woodlands are the least disturbed communities on the preserve. The only other local community that should be noted is the very weedy one that develops in and around the usually- dry, man-made “tanks” or stock-watering ponds. These ponds contain water so seldom that its main effect is to drown any climax species that invade the bed. The original construction work left a massive scar, and trampling by cattle has perpetuated the disturbance. Species commonly found in and around the ponds include Proboscidea louisianica, Xanthium strumarium, Cenchrus pauciflorus, and Suckleya suckleyana. If left alone, without cattle trampling, the dams and margins of these ponds will slowly revert to shortgrass prairie. The beds will be weedy as long as the dams occasionally retain water. References Cited Barbour, M.C. and W.D. Billings (eds.). 1988. North American terrestrial vegetation. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Univ. Press. Correll, D.S. and M.C. Johnston. 1970. Manual of the vascular plants of Texas. Renner, TX: Texas Research Foundation. Harrington, H.D. 1964. Manual of the plants of Colorado. Athens, OH: Sage Books/Swallow Press. McGregor, R.L. et al. 1977. Atlas of the flora of the Great Plains. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press. McGregor, R.L. et al. 1986. Flora of the Great Plains. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas. Rogers, C.M. 1953. The vegetation of the Mesa de Maya Region of Colorado, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Lloydia:257-290. United States Department of Agriculture. Soil Conservation Service; Soil survey: Cimarron County, Oklahoma. U.S. Government Printing Office. 1960. Waterfall, U.T. 1969. Keys to the flora of Oklahoma. 4th ed. Stillwater, OK: [Published by the author] Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 McPherson, J.K. 8 BLACK MESA FLORA STUDY Year Two Supplement James K. McPherson 20 January 1994 INTRODUCTION This is a supplement to my report on the same subject of last year. It is assumed that the present readers have that report and can refer to it. This paper is organized the same way and is in the same sequence as last year’s. SUMMARY OF 1993 WORK I spent seven full days collecting, using the same plans & format as in 1992. The dates were; 25-26 April, 9-10 May, 31 May, and 6-7 October. Collections of 30 species new for this project were made, bringing the total to date to 229. They were handled and distributed as before. INTERPRETATION OF FINDINGS The count of families has risen to 53 from 50, because of collection of single members of the Selaginellaceae, Sapindaceae, and Polemoniaceae. Two species should be mentioned. (1) The Parthenocissus at the Mesa may be P. vitacea, the “western” species. It is known from a few places in the state, but on most herbarium specimens it cannot be distinguished from P. quinquefolia so it is hard to know how common it is. Waterfall did not realize P. vitacea was in Okla. (or did not accept it), so most people have assumed that it was all P. quinquefolia. It will be next season before I will know which we have at the Mesa. (2) There is an Ambrosia there that keys to A. linearis, which is “Apparently restricted to a few localities in the open high plains of eastern Colorado; rarely collected.” There are no specimens in OU’s or our herbaria, so Ron Tyrl and I sent it off to University of Colorado for identification. We haven’t heard back from them yet. It looks very much like A. psilostachya, which is abundant that area; this may be why it is overlooked. My 1993 estimate of 250-260 species being present on the Preserve still seems reasonable. Since 229 have been collected, about 20-30 remain to be found. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 9 Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 McPherson, J.K. itors otes This paper is published with the courteous agreement of The Nature Conservancy for whom it was prepared. The approximate PS location of lack Mesa State Park is between latitudes 36.833 and 36.861 and longitudes 102.862 and 102.900. The elevation of the mesa ranges from 960 ft (1512 m) to 973 ft (1516 m). It is now contained within lack Mesa State Park which contains approximately 3 9 acres of land. The original species list has been updated as follows [1] On July 1, 199 , ten days before his death, Jim McPherson generated plant labels for 15 additional specimens he had collected on June 7 at lack Mesa on his way to California. With the generous assistance of Iris McPherson, his wife, they are included in the flora and the taxa summary table below. amilies 55 enera 172 Species 2 Infraspecific taxa 1 xotic species 16 olley’s “Additions to lack Mesa lora Study”, which follows McPherson’s flora in this volume, includes areas of lack Mesa State Park not included in his study and lists only species that are not included here. [2] The International Code of otanical Nomenclature “conserved” several traditional family names when they standardized the family nomenclature. McPherson used some of these traditional names in the lack Mesa report, but since they are falling into disuse standardized names are provided here. Current species’ names have also been provided. Name changes are updates only. No specimens were reexamined for this publication. Kartesz, J.R. (199 ). A synonymized checklist of the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and reenland. Portland, OR Timber Press. Voss, . ., .M. urdet, W. . Chaloner, V. Demoulin, P. iepko, J. McNeill, R.D. Meikle, D. . Nicolson, R.C. Rollins, P.C. Silva, & W. reuter, 1983. International code of botanical nomenclature, adopted by the Thirteenth International otanical Congress, Sydney, August 1981). [3] Introduced species are indicated in this list. Correll & Johnston. 1970. Manual of the vascular plants of Texas. Renner, T Texas Research oundation. Taylor, R.J. & C. .S. Taylor. 1991. An annotated list of the ferns, fern allies, gymnosperms and flowering plants of Oklahoma. Published by the authors at Southeastern Oklahoma State University . Tyrl, R.J., Susan arber, Paul uck, Wayne lisens, James stes, Patricia olley, awrence Magrath, Constance Taylor, and Rahmona Thompson. The flora of Oklahoma. The lora of Oklahoma ditorial oard. orthcoming. USDA-NRCS 2003. The P ANTS database. (http plants.) Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 10 SPECIES BY FAMILY OF THE BLACK MESA RESERVE, CIMARRON COUNTY James K. McPherson, 1992 (93) = species added in 1993 (94) = species added in 1994[1]) Standardized Name [2] Pteridaceae Dryopteridaceae Aspleniaceae Poaceae Division/Class/Family Selaginellaceae Selaginella underwoodii (93) Polypodiaceae Cheilanthes eatoni Cheilanthes feei (93) Cheilanthes lanosa Notholena standleyi Pellaea atropurpurea var. purpurea (93) Woodsia oregan (94) Asplenium septentrionale (94) Pinaceae Juniperus monosperma Juniperus scopulorum Pinus edulis Gramineae Agropyron smithii var. smithii Andropogon gerardii Aristida longiseta Aristida purpurea Aristida wrightii Bothriochloa saccharoides Bouteloua curtipendula Bouteloua eriopoda Bouteloua gracilis Bouteloua hirsuta var. hirsutea Bromus anomalus var. lanatipes Bromus tectorum Bromus unioloides Buchloe dactyloides Cenchrus carolinianus Chloris verticillata Echinochloa cruzgalli Elymus virginicus var. jejunus Elymus canadensis (94) Eragrostis cilianensis McPherson, J.K. Common Family Name spikemoss family spikemoss true fern family Eaton's lip fern slender lip fern hairy lip fern star cloak-fern cliff-brake Oregon woodsia forked spleenwort pine family one-seed juniper Rocky Mtn. Juniper pinyon pine grass family western wheatgrass[3] big bluestem Fendler three-awn purple three-awn Wright three-awn silver bluestem side-oats grama black grama blue grama hairy grama nodding brome cheat[3] rescue grass[3] buffalo grass sandbur windmill grass barnyard grass[3] Virginia wildrye Canadian wild rye stinkgrass[3] 11 McPherson, J.K. Elymus elymoides Eragrostis trichodes var. var. trichodes (94) Erioneuron pilosum Hilaria jamesii Hordeum pusillum Lycurus phleoides Muhlenbergia torreyi Oryzopsis hymenoides Oryzopsis micrantha Panicum capillare var. capillare Panicum hallii (93) Panicum obtusum Poa fendleriana Schedonnardus paniculatus Schizachyrium scoparium Setaria leucopila Sitanion hystrix Sorghastrum nutans Sporobolus cryptandrus Stipa comata Stipa scribneri Vulpia octoflora Cyperaceae Carex gravida Cyperus schweinitzii (93) Scirpus americanus var. polphyllus Scirpus validus Scirpus tabernaemontanus Salix exigua Commelinaceae Commelina erecta var. angustifolia (94) Tradescantia occidentalis Lemnaceae Lemna minor Liliaceae Allium canadense var. fraseri Yucca glauca Salicaceae Populus deltoids Salix amygdaloides Salix interior forma wheeleri Salix nigra sand love grass fluffgrass[3] galleta little barley wolftail ring muhly Indian ricegrass little-seed ricegrass common witchgrass Hall panic grass vine-mesquite muttongrass tumblegrass little bluestem plains bristlegrass squirreltail Indian grass sand dropseed thread-and-needle Scribner needlegrass six-weeks fescue sedge family sedge umbrella sedge bulrush bulrush spiderwort family erect dayflower western spiderwort duckweed family duckweed lily family wild onion plains yucca willow family cottonwood peach-leaf willow sandbar willow black willow Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 McPherson, J.K. 12 Ulmaceae elm family Celtis reticulate hackberry Santalaceae sandalwood family Commandra pallida bastard toad-flax Commandra umbellata ssp. pallida Urticaceae nettle family Parietaria pennsylvanica Pennsylvania pellitory Polygonaceae buckwheat family Eriogonum jamesii James wild buckwheat Eriogonum lachnogynum wild buckwheat Polygonum lapathifolium pale smartweed Polygonum ramosissimum knotweed Rumex crispus curly dock Chenopodiaceae goosefoot family Ceratoides lanata winterfat Chenopodium album (93) lamb's quarters Chenopodium incanum (93) goosefoot Kochia scoparia kochia Salsola kali var. tenuifolia Russian thistle Salsola kali var. tragus Suckleyla suckleana poison suckleya Amaranthaceae pigweed family Amaranthus retroflexus rough pigweed[3] Nyctaginaccae four-o'clock family Mirabilis carletonii (93) Carleton’s four-o'clock Mirabilis linearis var. subhispida narrowleaf four-o'clock Portulacaceae purslane family Portulaca retusa purslane Portulaca oleracea ssp. oleracea Ranunculanceae buttercup family Clematis hirsutissima var. scottii(93) virgin's bower Delphinium virescens var. penardi prairie larkspur Delphinium carolinianum var. virscens (93) Ranunculus sceleratus cursed crowfoot Fumariaceae fumitory family Corydalis aurea golden corydalis Capparidaceae caper family Polanisia dodecandra clammy-weed Oklahoma Native Plant Record 13 Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 McPherson, J.K. Cruciferae mustard family Brassicaceae Arabis fendleri rock cress Descurania pinnata tansy mustard var. intermedia Erysimum capitatum wallflower Lepidium densiflorum peppergrass[3] Lesquerella ovalifolia bladderpod Saxifragaceae saxifrage family Grossulariaceae Ribes cereum western red currant Ribes odoratum buffalo currant Ribes aureum var. villosum (93) Rosaceae rose family Cercocarpus montanus var. argenteus mountain mahogany Physocarpus monogynus (93) mountain ninebark Prunus americana var. americana wild plum Prunus virginiana choke cherry Rubus deliciosus boulder raspberry Leguminosae pea family Fabaceae Amorpha canescens lead plant forma canescens (94) Astragalus crassicarpus ground-plum var. paysoni (93) Astragalus gracilis slender milk-vetch Astragalus lotiflorus lotus milk-vetch Astragalus missouriensis Missouri milk-vetch Astragalus mollissimus wooly locoweed Astragalus puniceus Trinidad milk-vetch Dalea aurea golden prairie-clover Dalea candida white prairie-clover var. oligophylla Dalea enneandra nine-anther prairie-clover Dalea formosa (93) feather plume Dalea jamesii James dalea Glycyrrhiza lepidota (93) wild licorice[3] Hoffmannseggia drepanocarpa (93) sicklepod rush-pea Caesalpinia drepanocarpa Hoffmannseggia jamesii James rush-pea Caesalpinia jamesii Krameria lanceolata ratany Krameriaceae Melilotus officinalis yellow sweet clover[3] Mimosa borealis pink mimosa Petalostemum tenuifolia slimleaf prairie-clover Dalea tenuifolia Psoralea argophylla (93) silver-leaf scurf pea Pediomelum argophylla Psoralea tenuiflorum scurf pea Psoralidium tenuiflorum Vicia americana American vetch Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 McPherson, J.K. 14 Linaceae flax family Linum lewisii blue flax Linum rigidum var. rigidum stiff flax Zygophyllaceae caltrop family Tribulus terrestris goat head[3] Rutaceae citrus family Ptelea trifoliata wafer-ash Polygalaceae milkwort family Polygala alba milkwort Euphorbiaceae spurge family Argythamnia humilis wild mercury Argythamnia mercurialina wild mercury Croton texensis Texas croton Euphorbia fendleri Fendler spurge Chamaesyce fendleri Euphorbia lata hoary spurge Chamaesyce lata Euphorbia dentata toothed spurge forma cuphosperma Euphorbia marginata snow-on-the-mountain Tragia ramosa noseburn Anacardiaceae sumac family Rhus aromatica var. pilosissima lemon sumac Toxicodendron radicans poison ivy Celastraceae staff-tree family Crossosomataceae Glossopetalon planitierum grease-bush Sapindaceae soap-berry family Sapindus drummondii (93) soap-berry Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii Vitaceae grape family Parthenocissus quinquefolia Virginia creeper Vitis vulpina fox grape Vitis riparia Malvaceae mallow family Sphaeralcea angustifolia globe mallow Sphaeralcea coccinea scarlet globe mallow Tamaricaceae tamarisk family Tamarix gallica salt cedar[3] Violaceae violet family Hybanthus verticillatus green violet Oklahoma Native Plant Record 15 Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 McPherson, J.K. Loasaceae stick-leaf family Mentzelia decapetala blazing star Cactaceae cactus family Echinocereus viridiflorus green-flowered hedgehog Mammillaria vivipara (93) pincushion cactus Escobaria vivipara var. vivipara Opuntia imbricata cholla Opuntia phaeacantha var. major prickly pear Opuntia trichophora (93) prickly pear Opuntia polyacantha var. trichophora Onagraceae evening primrose family Gaura coccinea var. coccinea scarlet butterfly flower Oenothera serrulata evening primrose Calyophus serrulatus Oenothera albicaulis (93) evening primrose Oenothera lavendulaefolia evening primrose Calyophus lavandulifolius Oenothera triloba stemless evening primrose Umbelliferae parsley family Apiaceae Cymopteris acaulis (93) (no common name) Cymopteris montanus (no common name) Asclepiadaceae milkweed family Asclepias arenaria (94) sand milkweed Asclepias asperula low milkweed var. decumbens Asclepias macrotis (94) longhood milkweed Asclepias pumila threadleaf milkweed Asclepias uncialis (93) dwarf milkweed Sarcostemma crispum (94) Convolvulaceae morning glory family Convolvulus incanus field bindweed[3] Convolvulus arvensis Evolvulus nuttallianus Nuttall evolvulus Ipomoea leptophylla (94) bush morning-glory Polemoniaceae phlox family Gilia laxiflora (93) gilia Ipomopis laxiflora Boraginaceae borage family Cryptantha jamesii popcorn flower Cryptantha cineria var. jamesii Cryptantha minima small popcorn flower Cryptantha thyrsiflora popcorn flower Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 McPherson, J.K. 16 Lappula redowskii stickseed Lappula occidentalis var. occidentalis var. occidentalis Lithospermum incisum cutleaf puccoon Onosmodium molle var. occidentale false gromwell Verbenaceae vervain family Verbena canadensis rose vervain Glandularia canadensis Verbena bracteata prostrate vervain Labiatae mint family Lamiaceae Monarda pectinata spotted beebalm Salvia azurea var. grandiflora pitcher sage Solanaceae nightshade family Chamaesaracha conioides false nightshade Physalis virginiana Virginia ground cherry var. sonorae (94) Physalis lobata ground cherry Quincula lobata Solanum elaeagnifolium silverleaf nightshade Solanum rostratum (93) buffalo bur Scrophulariaceae figwort family Castilleja sessiliflora downy indianpaintbrush Penstemon albidus white beardtongue Penstemon ambiguous (94) Veronica anagallis-aquatica water speedwell[3] Martyniaceae unicorn-plant family Proboscidea louisianica devil's claw Plantaginaceae plantain family Plantago purshii var. purshii wooly plantain Plantago purshii var. spinulosa (93) wooly plantain Rubiaceae madder family Galium texense Texas bedstraw Cucurbitacaeae cucumber family Cucurbita foetidissima buffalo gourd Compositae sunflower family Asteraceae Agoseris cuspidate false dandelion Nothocalais cuspidata Ambrosia sp. (93) ragweed Ambrosia psilostachya western ragweed Artemisia filifolia sandsage Artemisia glauca silky wormwood Artemisia dracunculus Oklahoma Native Plant Record 17 Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 McPherson, J.K. ssp. glauca Artemisia ludoviciana Louisiana sagewort Aster ericoides heather aster Aster fendleri Fendler's aster Aster leucelene white aster Chaetoppa ericoides Aster oblongifolius aromatic aster Berlandiera lyrata green eyes Brickellia brachyphylla (no common name) Brickellia californica (no common name) Chrysopsis villosa var. villosa golden aster Heterotheca villosa var. villosa Chrysothamnus nauseosus rabbit brush Cirsium undulatum wavy-leaf thistle Conyza canadensis var. canadensis horseweed Dyssodia papposa fetid marigold Engelmannia pinnatifida Engelmann's daisy Erigeron divergens var. cinereus fleabane Erigeron colomexicanus Evax prolifera rabbit-tobacco Gaillardia pinnatifida blanket flower Grindelia squarrosa var. nuda curly-top gumweed Gutierrezia sarothrae snakeweed Haplopappus spinulosus cutleaf ironplant Machaeranthera pinnatifida Helianthus annuus annual sunflower Hymenopappus flavescens yellow plainsman Hymenopappus tenuifolius white plainsman Hymenoxys acaulis stemless bitterweed Tetraneuris acaulis Hymenoxys scaposa var. linearis bitterweed Tetraneuris scaposa Kuhnia chlorolepis false boneset Brickellia eupatorioides var. chlorolepis Liatris punctata var. punctata dotted gayfeather Lygodesmia juncea (94) skeleton plant Lygodesmia pauciflora skeletonweed Stephanomeria pauciflora Machaeranthera tanacetifolia (93) tansy aster Melampodium leucanthemum black-foot daisy Pericome caudate (no common name) Ratibida columnifera Mexican hat Ratibida tagetes (94) prairie coneflower Senecio douglasii var. longilobus shrub groundsel Senecio flaccidus Senecio plattensis prairie ragwort Senecio tridenticulatus ragwort Solidago mollis soft goldenrod Solidago petiolaris (93) downy goldenrod Thelesperma megapotamicum greenthread Townsendia exscapa Easter daisy Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 3, Number 1, December 2003 McPherson, J.K. 18 Tragopogon major (93) goatbeard[3] Tragopogon dubius Verbesina encelioides golden crownbeard Xanthium strumarium cocklebur Zinnia grandiflora wild zinnia Moraceae Morus alba (94) white mulberry[3]