Journal of the Oklahoma Native Plant Society, Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 Oklahoma Native Plant Record 69 Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 Vascular Flora of a Riparian Site on the Canadian River, Cleveland County, Oklahoma Lacy Burgess Bruce W. Hoagland Department of Geography Oklahoma Biological Survey University of Oklahoma and Department of Geography Norman, OK 73019 University of Oklahoma Norman, OK 73019 e-mail: This article reports the results of an inventory of the vascular plants from a riparian site in central Oklahoma. One hundred and sixty-three species of vascular plants in 131 genera and 45 families were collected. The most species were collected from the families Asteraceae (32) and Poaceae (26). Fifty-eight species were annuals, 97 perennials, and 8 biennials. Eight species of woody plants were present. Twenty-nine species, or 18% of the flora, were exotic to Oklahoma. No species listed as threatened or endangered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service nor those tracked by the Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory were encountered. INTRODUCTION Although North America has a long history of botanical inventory, exotic species are often under-represented in herbarium collections. Herbarium collections typically document the native flora of an area. Many botanists have historically shown little interest in collecting “weeds” or non-native species. Thus it is difficult to determine the arrival and establishment of exotic and invasive species (Cronk and Fuller, 2001). The same is true of highly disturbed areas which have historically been under-collected by botanists due to higher concentrations of non-native species (Planty-Tabacchi et al., 1996). In recent years such habitats have become of interest, particularly in Europe, because they harbor a greater occurrence and abundance of exotic species (Ferreira and Moreira, 1995; Kowarik, 1995). The objective of this study is to inventory the flora of a riparian area that has been heavily impacted by natural and anthropogenic disturbances on the Canadian River. Natural disturbances consist of flooding and channel migration, which often destroy extant vegetation. Anthropogenic disturbances at the site include the abandoned City of Norman Municipal Landfill (NML) and sand and gravel removal for an adjacent asphalt plant. The NML now serves as a national test site for United States Geological Survey (USGS) studies of water pollution associated with landfills. The plant species list resulting from this project will serve as a baseline for USGS researchers and their cooperators working at the NML. STUDY AREA The study area occupies 254 hectares on the Canadian River in Cleveland County, Oklahoma (35° 16’N, 95° 44’W). The site has been heavily disturbed by a variety of land uses (Figure), including the NML, which was Burgess & Hoagland 70 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 active from 1922 until 1985 (Curtis and Whitney, 2003). Active sand excavation occurs in the southern portion of the study area. In addition, the Canadian River is used for recreational purposes by the citizens of Norman. Past agricultural uses include hay fields and livestock grazing. The dynamics of the Canadian River has also affected plant species composition. The Canadian River is a braided stream that often ceases to flow during summer months. Discharge on the Canadian River averages 310.16 m³/second (Tortorelli, 1999). A significant flood event in 1987 pushed the river channel approximately 500m south to the present location. Other major floods were recorded in 1941, 1948, and 1986 (Curtis and Whitney, 2003). Climate of the study area is semi-arid continental. The hottest month is July, with an average temperature of 27.8oC, and the coldest is January, with an average temperature 2.4oC (Oklahoma Climate Survey 2006). The growing season is six months long (Bourlier et al., 1987). Topography at the site consists of gently rolling, southwest sloping plains. The soils are Quaternary alluvium on terrace deposits. Two soil types are present, the Gracemore silty clay loam and the Gracemore loamy fine sand and/or clay loams, both of the Gracemore-Gracemont Association (Bourlier et al., 1987). Both soils are frequently flooded, moderately alkaline, and calcareous. Underlying the alluvium is a low permeability unit of shale and mudstone (Eganhouse, et al., 1999). MATERIALS AND METHODS Voucher specimens were collected from 1m2 plots placed at 23m intervals along a transect and from random sites throughout the study area. Collections were made at two- week intervals from April through November 2005. Vouchers for species exotic to North America were made from naturalized populations only, thus excluding cultivated and ornamental plants. Specimens were processed at the Robert Bebb Herbarium of the University of Oklahoma (OKL) following standard procedures. Manuals used for specimen identification included Waterfall (1969) and Diggs et al. (1999). Origin, either native or introduced, was determined by using USDA-NRCS (2006). Nomenclature follows the US Department of Agriculture-Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA- NRCS, 2006). Voucher specimens were deposited at OKL. RESULT AND DISCUSSION One hundred sixty-three species of vascular plants in 45 families, and 131 genera were collected (Appendix, Table). The Asteraceae (32), Poaceae (26), Fabaceae (11), and Cyperaceae (10), had the greatest number of species. Fifty-eight species of annuals, eight biennials, and 97 perennials were collected. Eight species of woody plants were collected, five of which were primarily represented by young saplings. No federally listed threatened or endangered species, or species tracked by the Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory, were encountered during this study. Carduus nutans (Asteraceae) and Rhynchospora nivea (Cyperaceae) were records for Cleveland County (Hoagland et al., 2006). Twenty-nine species (18%) from 14 families were introduced. The family with the greatest number of introduced species was Poaceae (11). Sixteen of the introduced species were annuals or biennial and 13 were perennials. The percentage of exotic species at this site exceeds those reported in recent floristic studies in Oklahoma, which range from 9-13 percent of the flora (Hoagland and Johnson, 2001, 2004a, 2004b; Hoagland and Buthod, 2003, 2004; Hoagland and Wallick, 2003; Hoagland, et al., 2004; Hoagland, et al., Burgess & Hoagland 71 Burgess & Hoagland 2004). Given the small size of the flora, exotic species richness would be expected to have a disproportional effect. This is likely augmented by the disturbance history of the site. Two habitat types predominated at the study site. Wetland and aquatic vegetation included the Canadian River channel and small ephemeral wetlands. Common species included Amorpha fruticosa, Andropogon glomeratus, Eleocharis obtusa, Juncus torreyi, Salix exigua, S. nigra, Schoenoplectus americanus, Tamarix gallica, and Typha latifolia. Disturbed areas and old-fields were sites heavily impacted by the human activities described above. These areas were generally represented by fewer species, many of which were introduced. Common species in this habitat included Ambrosia trifida, Amphiachyris dracunculoides, Convolvulus arvensis, Cyperus esculentus, Bromus tectorum, Helianthus maximiliani, Torilis arvensis, and Verbesina encelioides. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Jennifer Larsen and Christy Batterson for field assistance. REFERENCES Bourlier, B.G, G.A. Sample, B.G. Swafford, and G. Douthit. 1987. Soil Survey of Cleveland County, Oklahoma. United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. Cronk, Q.C.B., and J.L.Fuller. 2001. Plant invaders: The threat to natural ecosystems. Earthscan Publications Ltd. Sterling, Virginia, USA. Curtis J.A. and J.W. Whitney. 2003. Geomorphic and Hydrologic Assessment of Erosion Hazards at the Norman Municipal Landfill, Canadian River Floodplain, Central Oklahoma. Environment and Engineering Geoscience. 9:241-257 Diggs, G.M, BL.Lipscomb, and R.J. O’Kennon. 1999. Shinners and Mahler’s Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas. Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Fort Worth, Texas. Eganhouse, R.P., I.M. Cozzarelli, M.A. Scholl, and L.L. Matthews. 1999. Evidence for Natural Attenuation of Volatile Compounds in the Leachate Plume of a Municipal Landfill Near Norman, Oklahoma. In US Geological Survey Toxic Substances hydrology Program- Proceedings of the Technical Meeting Charleston, South Carolina March 8- 12, 1999. Water–Resources Investigations Report 99-4018C. Ferreira , M.T. and I.S. Moreira. 1995. The Invasive Component of a River Flora Under the Influence of Mediterranean Agricultural Systems. In Plant Invasions-General Aspects and Special Problems. Editors P. Pysek,K. Prach, M. Rejmanek, and M. Wade. SPB Academic Publishing, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. p. 85- 103. Hoagland, B.W. and A.K. Buthod. 2003. Vascular flora of the Keystone Wildlife Management Area, Creek, Pawnee, and Osage Counties, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Native Plant Record. 3:23-37. Hoagland, B.W. and A.K. Buthod. 2004. Vascular flora of Hugo Lake Wildlife Management Area, Choctaw County, Oklahoma. Southeast Naturalist. 3:701-714. Hoagland, B.W. and F.L. Johnson. 2001. Vascular flora of the Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Murray County, Oklahoma. Castanea 66:383- 400. Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 72 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 Burgess & Hoagland Hoagland, B.W. and F.L. Johnson. 2004a. Vascular flora of Chouteau Wildlife Management Area, Wagoner County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Native Plant Record. 4:30-39. Hoagland, B.W. and F.L. Johnson. 2004b. Vascular flora of Love Valley Wildlife Management Area, Love County, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science. 83:47-62. Hoagland, B.W. and F.L. Johnson. 2004c. Vascular flora of Red Slough and Grassy Slough Wildlife Management Areas, Gulf Coastal Plain, McCurtain County, Oklahoma. Castanea. 69:284-296. Hoagland, B.W. and K. Wallick. 2003. Vascular flora of Oologah Wildlife Management Area in Nowata County, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science. 83:47-62. Hoagland, B.W., A.K. Buthod, and W. Elisens. 2004. Vascular flora of Washita Battlefield National Historic Site, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma. Sida. 21:1187-1197. Hoagland, B.W., P. Crawford-Callahan, P. Crawford, and F.L. Johnson. 2004. Vascular flora of Hackberry Flat, Frederick Lake, and Suttle Creek, Tillman County, Oklahoma. Sida. 21:429-445. Hoagland, B.W., A.K. Buthod, I. Butler, P. Callahan-Crawford, W. Elisens, A. Udasi and R. Tyrl. 2006. Oklahoma Vascular Plants Database. [online]. Available: (Accessed on 1 March 2006). Kowarik, I. 1995. On the Role of Alien Species in Urban Flora and Vegetation. In Plant Invasions-General Aspects and Specia Problems. Editors P. Pysek, K. Prach, M. Rejmanek, and M. Wade. SPB Academic Publishing, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. p. 85- 103. Oklahoma Climatological Survey. 2006. Oklahoma climatological data [online]. Available from (Accessed on 1 February 2006). Palmer, M.W., G.L. Wade, and P. Neal. 1995. Standards for the writing of floras. Bioscience 45:339-345. Planty-Tabacchi, A.M., E. Tabacchi, R.J. Naiman, C. Deferrari, and H. Decamps. 1996. Invasibility of Species Rich Communities in Riparian Zones. Conservation Biology 10: 598-607. Pysek, P. and K. Prach. 1993. Plant Invasions and the Role of Riparian Habitats: A Comparison of Four Species Alien to Central Europe. Journal of Biogeography 20: 413-420. Pysek, P. 1995. On the Terminology Used in Plant Invasion Studies. In Plant Invasions-General Aspects and Special Problems. Editors P. Pysek, K. Prach, M. Rejmanek, and M. Wade. SPB Academic Publishing, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. p. 71- 81. Tortorelli, R. L. 1999. Statistical Summaries of Streamflow in Oklahoma Through 1999. (accessed 5-27-2006) USDA, NRCS. 2006. The PLANTS Database (, 28 June 2006). National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA. Waterfall, U.T. 1969. Keys to the Flora of Oklahoma. Published by the author. 73Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 Burgess & Hoagland Table Summary of floristic collections made in Cleveland County, Oklahoma.* Taxonomic group Species Native spp. Exotic spp. Equisetophyta 2 2 0 Coniferophyta 1 1 0 Magnoliophyta 160 131 29 Magnoliopsida 116 100 16 Liliopsida 44 31 13 Total 163 134 29 * Table format follows Palmer et al. (1995). 74 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 Burgess & Hoagland Figure Location of Norman Landfill Site, Cleveland County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Native Plant Record 75 Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 Burgess & Hoagland APPENDIX Annotated species list for a riparian site on the Canadian River in Cleveland County, Oklahoma. The first entry indicates life history (A = Annual, B = Biennial, P = Perennial), followed by habitat (WETL = wetland and aquatic vegetation, DAOF = disturbed areas and old-field vegetation), and collection number. Exotic species are denoted with an asterisk. Voucher specimens were deposited at the Robert Bebb Herbarium at the University of Oklahoma (OKL). Coniferophyta Cupressaceae Juniperus virginiana L. (eastern red cedar): P, DAOF, #152 Equisetophyta Equisetaceae Equisetum hyemale L. var. affine (Engelm) A.A. Eat. (scouringrush horsetail): P, WETL, #15 Equisetum laevigatum A. Braun (smooth horsetail): P, WETL, #16 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida Anacardiaceae Rhus glabra L. (smooth sumac): P, DAOF, #149 Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze (poison ivy): P, DAOF, not collected# Apiaceae Cicuta maculata L. (spotted water hemlock): B, WETL, #150 Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link* (hedge parsley): A, DAOF, #85 Asteraceae Achillea millefolium L.* (common yarrow): P, DAOF, #50 Ambrosia psilostachya D.C. (western ragweed): P, DAOF, #86 Ambrosia trifida L. (giant ragweed): A, DAOF, Lost# Amphiachyris dracunculoides (DC.) Nutt. (prairie broomweed): A, DAOF, #131 Aphanostephus skirrhobasis DC. (lazy daisy): A, DAOF, #51 Carduus nutans L.* (nodding plumeless thistle): B, DAOF, #154 Chrysopsis pilosa Nutt. (soft goldenaster): A, DAOF, #1 Conyza canadensis (L.) Cronq. (horseweed): A, DAOF, #132 Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt. (plains coreopsis): P, DAOF, #133 Croptilon divaricatum (Nutt.) Raf. (slender scratchdaisy): A, DAOF, #134 Dracopis amplexicaulis (Vahl) Cass. (clasping coneflower): A, DAOF, #158 Eclipta prostrata (L.) L. (false daisy): P, WETL, #53 Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. (daisy fleabane): A, DAOF, #90 Erigeron philadelphicus L. (Philadelphia fleabane): P, DAOF, #2 Eupatorium serotinum Michx. (lateflowering thoroughwort): P, DAOF, #135 Euthamia gymnospermoides Greene (Texas goldentop): P, WETL, #195 Helianthus hirsutus Raf. (hairy sunflower): P, DAOF, #138 Helianthus maximiliani Schrad. (Maximilian sunflower): P, DAOF, #139 Helianthus petiolaris Nutt. (prairie sunflower): A, DAOF, #4 Heterotheca canescens (DC.) Shinners. (hoary false goldenaster): P, DAOF, #116 Heterotheca subaxillaris (Lam.) Britt. & Rusby (camphorweed): A, DAOF, #56 Iva annua L. (annual marshelder): A, DAOF, #141 Lactuca canadensis L. (Canada lettuce): B, DAOF, #5 76 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 Pluchea odorata L. Cass (purple camphorweed): P, DAOF, #91 Rudbeckia hirta L. (blackeyed susan): P, DAOF, #57 Rudbeckia grandiflora (D. Don) J.F. Gmel. Ex D.C. (blackeyed susan): P, DAOF, #142 Solidago gigantea Ait. (giant goldenrod): P, DAOF, #143 Sonchus asper (L.) Hill *(spiny sowthistle): A, DAOF, #158 Symphyotrichum ericoides (L.) Nesom var. ericoides (white heath aster): P, DAOF, #196 Thelesperma filifolium (Hook.) Gray var. filifolium (stiff greenthread): P, DAOF, #145 Verbesina encelioides (Cav.) Benth. & Hook. f. ex Gray (golden crownbeard): A, DAOF, #199 Xanthium strumarium L. (rough cocklebur): A, DAOF, #146 Amaranthaceae Amaranthus cruentuss L. (slim amaranth): A, DAOF, #44 Apiaceae Cicuta maculata L. (spotted water hemlock): B, WETL, #117 Conium maculatum L.* (poison hemlock): B, WETL, #45 Torilis nodosa (L.) Gaetrn.* (knotted hedgeparsley): A, DAOF, #148 Apocynaceae Apocynum cannabinum L. (Indianhemp): P, WETL, #47 Asclepiadaceae Asclepias viridis Walt. (green antelopehorn): P, DAOF, #49 Asclepias arenaria Torr. (sand milkweed): P, DAOF, #118 Bignoniaceae Campsis radicans (L.) Seem. ex. Bureau (trumpet creeper): P, DAOF, #52 Catalpa bignonioides Walt. (southern catalpa): P, WETL/DAOF, #6 Boraginaceae Heliotropium convolvulaceum (Nutt.) Gray (phlox heliotrope): A, DAOF, #119 Brassicaceae Lepidium virginicum L. (Virginia pepperweed): A, WETL, #60 Rorippa sessiliflora (Nutt.) A.S. Hitchc. (stalkless yellowcress): A, DAOF/WETL, #7 Rorippa palustris (L.) Bess. (bog yellowcress): A, WETL, #120 Campanulaceae Triodanis perfoliata (L.) Nieuwl. (clasping Venus’ looking-glass): A, DAOF, #8 Caryophyllaceae Arenaria serpyllifolia L.* (thymeleaf sandwort): A, DAOF, #10 Chenopodiaceae Chenopodium ambrosioides L.* (Mexican tea): A, WETL, #9 Convolvulaceae Convolvulus arvensis L.* (field bindweed): P, DAOF, #11 Euphorbiaceae Chamaesyce missurica (Raf.) Shinners (prairie sandmat): A, DAOF, #156 Cnidoscolus texanus (Muell.-Arg) Small (bull nettle): P, DAOF, #157 Euphorbia marginata Pursh (snow on the mountain): A, DAOF, #159 Fabaceae Amorpha fruticosa L. (false indigo): P, WETL, # 95 Chamaecrista fasciculata (Michx) Greene var. fasciculata, (partridge pea): P, DAOF, #96 Desmanthus illinoensis (Michx.) MacM. ex. B.L. Robins & Fern. (Illinois bundleflower): P, DAOF, #97 Desmodium ciliare (Muhl ex Willd.) DC. (hairy small-leaf ticktrefoil): P, DAOF, #191 Burgess & Hoagland Burgess & Hoagland Indigofera miniata Ortega (coastal indigo): P, DAOF/WETL, #123 Lathyrus hirsutus L.* (Caley pea): A, DAOF, # 66 Lespedeza stuevei Nutt.(tall lespedeza): P, DAOF, #192 Medicago lupulina L. (black medick): P, DAOF, #193 Melilotus officialis (L.) Lam. (yellow sweet clover): B, DAOF, #99 Strophostyles helvola (L.) Elliott (trailing fuzzybean): A, WETL./DAOF, #160 Vicia villosa Roth* (winter vetch): B, DAOF, #162 Gentianaceae Eustoma exaltatum (L.) Salisb. ex G. Don ssp. russellianum (Hook.) Kartesz (showy prairie gentian): P, DAOF, #144 Sabatia campestris Nutt. (prairie rose): A, DAOF/WETL, #100 Lamiaceae Lamium amplexicaule L.* (henbit deadnettle): A, DAOF, #20 Lycopus americanus Muhl. ex W. Bart. (American water horehound): P, WETL, #163 Teucrium canadense L. (American germander): P, DAOF, #165 Lythraceae Ammannia coccinea Rottb. (valley redstem): A, WETL, #87 Lythrum alatum Pursh (winged lythrum): P, DAOF/WETL, #126 Rotala ramosior (L.) Koehne (lowland rotala): A, WETL, #70 Malvaceae Callirhoe involucrata (Torr. & Gray) Gray (purple poppymallow): P, DAOF, #22 Mirabilis nyctaginea (Michx.) MacM. (heartleaf four o'clock): P, DAOF, #101 Onagraceae Gaura coccinea Nutt. ex Pursh (scarlet beeblossom): P, DAOF, #23 Gaura mollis James (velvetweed): P, DAOF, #24 Gaura villosa Torr. (woolly beeblossom): P, DAOF/WETL, #127 Ludwigia peploides (Kunth) Raven (floating primrose-willow): P, WETL, #193 Oenothera laciniata Hill (cutleaf evening- primrose): A, DAOF, #37 Oenothera biennis L. (common evening- primrose): B, DAOF/WETL, #84 Oxalidaceae Oxalis stricta L. (common yellow oxalis): P, DAOF, # 72 Papaveraceae Argemone polyanthemos (Fedde) G.B. Ownbey (crested pricklypoppy): A, DAOF, #161 Plantaginaceae Plantago patagonica Jacq. (woolly plantain): A, DAOF, #25 Polygonaceae Polygonum hydropiperoides Michx. (swamp smartweed): P, WETL, #75 Polygonum lapathifolium L. (curlytop knotweed): A, WETL, #194 Polygonum ramosissimum Michx. (bushy knotweed): A, WETL, #102 Rumex crispus L.* (curly dock): P, WETL, #76 Primulaceae Samolus valerandi L. ssp. parviflorus (Raf.) Hulten (seaside brookweed): P, WETL, #78 Ranunculaceae Clematis terniflora DC.* (sweet autumn virginsbower): P, DAOF, #79 Ranunculus sceleratus L. var. sceleratus (cursed buttercup): P, WETL, #80 Rubiaceae Galium aparine L. (stickywilly): A, DAOF, #129 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 77 78 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 Burgess & Hoagland Sherardia arvensis L.* (blue fieldmadder): A, DAOF, #39 Salicaceae Populus deltoides Bart. ex Marsh. (eastern cottonwood): P, WETL, #175 Salix exigua Nutt. (sandbar willow): P, WETL, #176 Salix nigra Marsh (black willow): P, WETL, #177 Scrophulariaceae Agalinis heterophylla (Nutt.) Small ex. Britt. (prairie false foxglove): A, DAOF/WETL, #178 Agalinis aspera (Dougl. ex. Benth.) Britt. (tall false foxglove): A, DAOF/WETL, #179 Castilleja indivisa Engelm.(Indian paintbrush): A, DAOF, #111 Leucospora multifida (Michx.) Nutt. (narrowleaf paleseed): A, DAOF, #88 Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. (water speedwell): P, WETL, #40 Veronica peregrina L. (neckweed): A, WETL, #180 Solananceae Datura wrightii Regel (sacred thorn-apple): P, DAOF, #182 Physalis angulata L. (cutleaf ground cherry): A, WETL/DAOF, #183 Physalis heterophylla Nees (clammy groundcherry): P, DAOF, #184 Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. (silverleaf nightshade): P, WETL, #185 Solanum physalifolium Rusby (hoe nightshade): A, DAOF, #186 Solanum rostratum Dunal (buffalobur nightshade): A, DAOF, #187 Tamariaceae Tamarix gallica L.* (salt cedar): P, WETL/DAOF, #114 Valerianaceae Valerianella radiata (L.) Dufr. (beaked cornsalad): A, DAOF, #42 Verbenaceae Phyla lanceolata (Michx.)Greene (lanceleaf frogfruit): P, WETL, #83 Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene (turkey tangle frogfruit): P, WETL, #82 Verbena stricta Vent. (hoary verbena): P, DAOF, #189 Vitaceae Vitis cinerea (Engelm.).Engelm ex. Millard (sweet grape): P, DAOF, #190 Liliopsida Commelinaceae Commelina virginica L. (Virginia dayflower): P, DAOF, #151 Cyperaceae Carex festucacea Schkuhr ex Willd. (fescue sedge): P, WETL, #62 Cyperus esculentus L.* (yellownutsedge): P, WETL, #12 Cyperus odoratus L. (fragrant flatsedge): A, WETL, #153 Cyperus squarrosus L. (bearded flatsedge): A, WETL, #54 Cyperus strigosus L. (strawcolored flatsedge): P, WETL, #174 Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) J.A. Schultes (blunt spikerush): P, WETL, #13 Fuirena simplex Vahl (western umbrella-sedge): P, WETL, #14 Schoenoplectus americanus (Pers.) Volk. ex. Schinz & Keller (chairmaker’s bulrush): P, WETL, #155 Schoenoplectus maritimus (L.) Lye (cosmopolitan bulrush): P, WETL, #122 Rhynchospora nivea Boeckl. (showy whitetop): P, WETL, #112 Burgess & Hoagland Iridaceae Sisyrinchium angustifolium P. Mill. (narrowleaf blue-eyed grass): P, DAOF, #18 Juncaceae Juncus acuminatus Michx. (tapertip rush): P, WETL, #67 Juncus biflorus Ell. (bog rush): P, WETL, #195 Juncus marginatus Rostk. (grassleaf rush): P, WETL, #124 Juncus torreyi Coville (Torrey’s rush): P, WETL, #19 Lilaceae Ornithogalum umbellatum L.* (star of bethleham): P, DAOF, #21 Poaceae Andropogon ternarius Michx. (splitbeard bluestem): P, DAOF, #170 Andropogon glomeratus (Walt.) B.S.P. (bushy bluestem): P, WETL, #164 Aristida oligantha Michx. (prairie threeawn) : A, DAOF, # 174 Bromus catharticus Vahl* (rescuegrass) : A, DAOF, # 89 Bromus japonicus Thunb. ex Murr.* (Japanese brome): A, DAOF, #26 Bromus tectorum L.* (cheatgrass): A, DAOF, #27 Cenchrus spinifex Cav. (coastal sandbur): A, DAOF/WETL, #166 Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.* (Bermuda grass): P, DAOF, #105 Dichanthelium acuminatum (Sw.) Gould & C.A. Clark var. fasciculatum (Torr.) Freckmann (western panicgrass): P, DAOF, #174 Digitaria cognata (J.A. Schultes) Pilger (fall witchgrass): P, DAOF, #125 Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv.* (barnyardgrass): A, DAOF/WETL, #28 Elymus canadensis L. (Canada wildrye): P, DAOF, #168 Elymus virginicus L. (Virginia wildrye): P, DAOF, #29 Festuca brevipila Tracey* (hard fescue): P, DAOF, #169 Hordeum pusillum Nutt. (little barley): A, WETL/DAOF, #30 Koeleria macrantha (Ledeb.) J.A. Schultes (prairie Junegrass): P, DAOF/ WETL, #31 Leptochloa fusca (L.) Kunth ssp. fascicularis (Lam. ) Snow (bearded sprangletop): P, DAOF/WETL, #32 Lolium perenne L. ssp. multiflorum (Lam.) Husnot* (Italian ryegrass): P, DAOF, #33 Panicum virgatum L. (switchgrass): P, WETL/DAOF, #35 Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex. Steudel* (common reed): P, WETL, #171 Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf.* (rabbitsfoot grass): A, WETL, #36 Saccharum ravennae (L.) L.* (Ravenna grass): P, WETL, #172 Schizachyrium scoparium (Michx.) Nash var. scoparium (little bluestem): P, DAOF, #173 Setaria parviflora (Poir.) Kerguèlen (marsh bristlegrass): P, WETL, #109 Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.* (Johnson grass): P, DAOF, #110 Sporobolus cryptandrus (Torr.) Gray (sand dropseed): P, DAOF, #128 Typhaceae Typha domingensis Pers. (southern cattail)): P, WETL, #188 Oklahoma Native Plant Record Volume 6, Number 1, December 2006 79