

After the outbreak of rinderpest at the turn of the
19th century the bulk of the African buffalo (Syncer-
us caffer) population was restricted to the Kruger
National Park, the Hluhluwe and Umfolozi Nature
Reserves and the Addo Elephant National Park.
Since the Addo population was the only one free

from foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) and Corridor
disease (CD) most of the animals outside the three
areas mentioned derive from them (De Vos 1987).

African buffaloes are considered long-term carriers
of the three SAT types of the FMD virus (Hedger &
Condy 1985; Bengis, Thomson & De Vos 1987) as
well as of Theileria parva lawrencei, the causative
agent of CD (Potgieter, Stoltsz, Blouin & Roos
1988). Furthermore, they are considered a source
of re-infection of domestic cattle for bovine tubercu-
losis (Bengis, Kriek, Keet, Raath, De Vos & Huch-
zermeyer 1996) and brucellosis (Herr & Marshall
1981). Transporting African buffaloes in South Africa
is therefore subject to strict regulations.

Different approaches to satisfy the demand for buf-
faloes free of specific diseases (BFSD) among pri-
vate game farmers, to increase the genetic variety
outside the endemic areas and to reap the existing


Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 71:203–210 (2004)

Comparison of three different media for freezing
of epididymal sperm from the African buffalo
(Syncerus caffer) and influence of equilibration
time on the post-thaw sperm quality



SEN, W., SPILLINGS, B. & GERBER, D. 2004. Comparison of three different media for freezing of
epididymal sperm from the African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and influence of equilibration time on
the post-thaw sperm quality. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 71:203–210

Assisted reproductive techniques might prove themselves useful tools in producing buffaloes free of
specific diseases (BFSD), which are in demand in South Africa. Freezing protocols for African buf-
falo semen must not only result in good post-thaw qualities, but must also be practical. Epididymal
sperm from six mature African buffalo bulls was collected, diluted with three different semen exten-
ders and frozen. Pre-freezing equilibration times between 2 and 9 h were tested. Total and pro-
gressive motility, longevity and acrosomal integrity were measured and compared. The use of
Triladyl™ proved to result in better post-thaw parameters than the other two diluents. Equilibration
times of between 4 and 9 h did not influence post-thaw sperm qualities significantly. For some of the
treatments, exposure to semen extenders before freezing for less than 4 h resulted in inferior post-
thaw semen parameters.

Keywords: African buffalo, AndroMed®, epididymal, Red Ovine Freezing Buffer, sperm, Syncerus
caffer, Triladyl™

1 Section of Reproduction, Department of Production Animal
Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria,
Private Bag X04, Onderstepoort, 0110 South Africa

2 KZN Nature Conservation Service, Private Bag X01, St. Lucia,
3936 South Africa

3 Department of Farm Animal Health, Section of Reproduction,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Yalelaan
12, 3854 CM Utrecht, The Netherlands

4 Wildlife Biological Resource Centre, Endangered Wildlife
Trust, P.O. Box 582, Pretoria, 0001 South Africa

Accepted for publication 9 March 2004—Editor

benefits of larger trophy sizes of animals from the
Kruger National Park, have been adopted (Gerber
2000). Special breeding programmes are one and,
in future, assisted reproductive techniques might
become another.

Attempts to freeze epididymal sperm from African
buffaloes have been made in the past (Bartels, Lam-
brechts, Kidson & Friedmann 1996; Lambrechts,
Van Niekerk, Coetzer, Cloete & Van der Horst 1999;
Kilian, Lubbe, Bartels, Friedmann & Denniston 2000;
Gerber, Irons, Arlotto & Cooper 2001; Gerber, Irons,
Herold & Cooper 2002; Lubbe, Bartels, Kilian, Fried-
man & Mortimer, unpublished data 2000) and total
post-thaw motility varied from 19 % to 45 %.

Semen diluents used in all previous trials contained
egg yolk. The presence of hormones (Hartmann,
Lacorn & Steinhardt 1998) in them as well as prob-
lems arising from lack of hygiene may affect the fer-
tilizing capacity of spermatozoa (Müller-Schlösser,
Aires, Hinsch & Hinsch 2001).

Since collection of sperm from the African buffalo is
often done in the field, ideal conditions are not nec-
essarily present. A useful freezing method must
therefore not only result in high post-thaw qualities
but must also be practical. The aim of this study was
to evaluate the influence of equilibration time of dif-
ferent semen extenders on post-thaw sperm quali-
ties such as motility, longevity and acrosomal integ-
rity, parameters that are routinely used for semen
evaluation (Stewart & O’Hagan 1972; Correa &
Zavos 1995; Garner, Thomas & Gravance 1999).

The study was also designed to evaluate the suitabil-
ity of an egg yolk-free semen diluent (AndroMed®,
Minitüb, Germany) and to compare it to two egg yolk-
containing media (Triladyl™, Minitüb, Germany and
Red Ovine Freezing Buffer, IMV, France).


Epididymides were collected from six African buffalo
bulls culled during a disease eradication programme
in Huhluwe/Umfolozi National Park in September
2001. This programme was performed under the
responsibility of the KwaZulu-Natal Nature Conser-
vation Service. All animals were killed by means of
rifle shot and only bulls which had three or more
pairs of permanent lower incisors (about 3–3.5
years of age) were used in the trial.

The testes and epididymides from each bull were
collected through a scrotal incision within 10 min
after culling. An effort was made to remove as much

as possible of the vas deferens. The vas deferens,
the tail of the epididymis and part of the body were
dissected free from the testis. The epididymal duct
was then dissected free and transected on the site
in the tail of the epididymis where the tubular diam-
eter becomes distinctly larger distally. A blunted 23
or 25 G hypodermic needle connected to a 10 ml
syringe was then inserted into the lumen of the vas
deferens and the sperm was flushed with air in a
retrograde direction from the tail of the epididymis
and collected in a sterile plastic tube. All epididy-
mides were flushed within 30 min of death of the

The harvested sperm of both epididymides of the
same bull were mixed and split into three aliquots,
each of which was poured into a 15 ml plastic tube,
containing 13 ml of one of the three different cryo-
diluents. The three semen extenders used were
Triladyl™, AndroMed® (both Minitube, Germany)
and Red Ovine Freezing Buffer (IMV, France). The
glycerol concentrations of these media are 6.6 %,
6.8 % and 3.5 %, respectively. The concentration of
the sperm/diluent mixture was determined with a
haemocytometer and was between 100 and 150 x
106 sperm cells per ml.

The sperm-diluent suspension was mixed and the
three 15 ml tubes were placed in a 500 ml water
bottle containing water at a temperature of 20 °C.
The water bottle was placed into a Styrofoam box
containing water and ice cubes in such a relation-
ship that the temperature of the water was 4 °C re-
sulting in a cooling rate of 0.25 °C/min. The samples
were then transported to a laboratory.

Evaluation of fresh semen

Before further processing the total and progressive
sperm motility from each solution was evaluated by
means of eyeball assessment using a phase con-
trast microscope. Percentages of progressive and
total motile sperm cells were recorded.

Freezing of semen

After 2 h five 0.25 ml French straws were loaded
from each of the three sperm dilutions, dried and
placed 4 cm above liquid nitrogen for 10 min before
being plunged into and stored in a nitrogen tank until
thawing. The 15 ml tubes containing the remaining
sperm dilutions were further kept in water bottles in
a water bath at 4 °C. The procedure of packing and
freezing straws was repeated eight times every


Freezing of epididymal sperm from African buffalo (Syncerus caffer)

Thawing of semen

After a storage time of between 4 and 37 days the
straws were thawed in a water bath at a tempera-
ture of 37 °C for at least 30 s. The contents of two
straws of the same treatment were emptied into two
different pre-heated (37 °C) 3 ml Perspex tubes
and stored in a water-bath at 37 °C.

Evaluation of the post-thaw semen quality


An amount of 25 µl of the thawed semen were fur-
ther diluted with 100 µl of the corresponding diluent
to determine the total and progressive sperm motil-
ity. The motility of the semen from both thawed
straws was determined by eyeball assessment using
a phase contrast microscope. In the rare event of
remarkable differences this was attributed to han-
dling, and the percentage of total and progressive
motile sperm cells of the sample, which had a high-
er motility, was recorded.


The longevity of the sperm was assessed by evalu-
ating the total and progressive motility of the equili-
brated sperm immediately (0), 1 and 2 h after thaw-
ing. During this time the sperm samples were kept
in a water bath at 37 °C.

Acrosomal integrity

The acrosomal integrity was evaluated after a stor-
age time of 5 months. The content of a thawed
0.25 ml straw was then emptied into an Eppendorf
tube. The semen diluent mixture was washed twice
with 200 µl of PBS by centrifugation at 600 g for 5
min. The supernatant was removed and the pellet
re-suspended with 200 µl of PBS. Fifty microlitres
of IGEPAL CA-630 (Sigma-Aldrich Ltd, Atlasville,
South Africa, cat no: D1626) and 50 µl of EthD-1
(Ethidium Homodimer, Laboratory Specialist Serv-
ices Ltd, Clareich, South Africa, cat no: E-1149)
were added and the suspension incubated for 5 min
at 37 °C. IGEPAL CA-630 was added to permeabi-
lize the sperm membrane and EthD-1 to stain the
DNA red. Then 5 µl of 1 mg/ml ssDNA (deoxyribo-
nucleic acid sodium from Salmon, Sigma-Aldrich
Ltd, Atlasville, South Africa, cat no: D1626) were
added to bind the free EthD-1 and it was further
incubated for 1–2 min. Spermatozoa were fixed by
addition of 50 µl of 4 % paraformaldehyde and 1 %
glutaraldehyde in PBS and kept in the dark for 1 min
before being washed once with 200 µl of PBS by

centrifugation at 600 g for 5 min. The supernatant
was removed and the pellet re-suspended with 50 µl
of PBS. Fifty microlitres of FITC-PNA (Lectin from
Arachis Hypogaea*Fluorescein, Sigma-Aldrich Ltd,
Atlasville, South Africa, cat no: L7381) were added
and the suspension was incubated for 10 min at
37 °C. It was again washed once with 200 µl of PBS
by centrifugation at 600 g for 5 min, the supernatant
was removed, re-suspended with 25–100 µl of PBS
and kept in the dark. Equal amounts of 2 µl sperm
suspension and of antifade (Slowfade Antifade Kit,
Laboratory Specialist Services Ltd, Clareich, South
Africa, cat no: S-2828) were placed on a microscop-
ic slide and covered with a cover slip. The edges of
the coverslip were sealed with nail polish to prevent
drying out. The samples were examined under an
epifluorescence microscope (BH2-RFCA; Olympus,
Tokyo, Japan) at a magnification of 400–1 000.

Spermatozoa were classified according to their
appearance as acrosome intact, acrosome dam-
aged or devoid of acrosome (Fig. 1). One hundred
spermatozoa of each sample were evaluated and
the results expressed as percentages.

Statistical analysis


A “Repeated Measure One Way ANOVA” was used
to test for differences between the eight different
equilibration times separately for the use of
AndroMed®, Trilady™ or Red Ovine Freezing Buf-
fer. The same test was used to compare the differ-
ent media. To identify different groups the Tukey
test was used. In the event that normality failed, the
Friedman repeated measures ANOVA on ranks
was used. Total and progressive motility were com-
pared separately at every measurement.


After it became evident that equilibration times
between 4 and 9 h did not yield different results, the
mean values for these equilibration times were used
for each buffalo and motilities before freezing,
immediately, 1 h and 2 h after thawing were com-
pared with each other by means of a “Repeated
Measure One Way ANOVA”. To identify different
groups the Tukey test was used.


Total and progressive motilities of fresh sperm sam-
ples varied between the bulls and averaged 57 ±


F.C. HEROLD et al.


Freezing of epididymal sperm from African buffalo (Syncerus caffer)

TABLE 1 Comparison of total and progressive motilities (%) ± SD of all three media. Each value represents the mean of equilibra-
tion times of 4–9 h. Values with different superscripts within columns differ significantly. Measurements were taken before
freezing (fresh), immediately (0 h), 1 h and 2 h after thawing. ROFB = Red Ovine Freezing Buffer

Medium Fresh – Fresh – 0 h – 0 h – 1 h – 1 h – 2 h – 2 h –
total progessive total progressive total progressive total progressive

AndroMed® 57 ± 17 31 ± 21 46 ± 13a 14 ± 14a 48 ± 12a 7 ± 11a 45 ± 12a 3 ± 6a

Triladyl™ 56 ± 13 19 ± 11 54 ± 13a,b 19 ± 12a 56 ± 13a,b 21 ± 15b 49 ± 12a 16 ± 11b

ROFB 58 ± 14 24 ± 15 57 ± 12b 29 ± 15b 58 ± 15b 10 ± 13a 51 ± 16a 2 ± 6a

FIG. 1 Spermatozoa from the African buffalo after freezing
and thawing, stained with FITC-PNA

1 = sperm cell with intact acrosome, 2 = sperm cell with
damaged or reacting acrosome and 3 = sperm cell with
reacted or lost acrosome

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 �	� �	� �	
 �	� �	� 


FIG. 2 Comparison of total sperm motility (%) in respect of dif-
ferent pre-freezing equilibration times (2–9 h) and
longevity for sperm frozen in the diluents AndroMed®,
Triladyl™ and Red Ovine Freezing Buffer (ROFB)

All values are means of the six bulls. A = AndroMed®,
T = Triladyl™ and R = Red Ovine Freezing Buffer.
Motilities were evaluated immediately (0 h), 1 h and 2
h after thawing









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 �	� �	� �	
 �	� �	� 

FIG. 3 Comparison of progressive sperm motility (%) in re-
spect of different equilibration times (2–9 h) and lon-
gevity for sperm frozen in the diluents AndroMed®,
Triladyl™ and Red Ovine Freezing Buffer (ROFB)

All values are means of the six bulls. A = AndroMed®,
T = Triladyl™ and R = Red Ovine Freezing Buffer.
Motilities were evaluated immediately (0 h), 1 h and 2
h after thawing

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FIG. 4 Comparison of longevity for sperm frozen in the dilu-
ents AndroMed®, Triladyl™ and Red Ovine Freezing
Buffer (ROFB)

Each value represents the mean of equilibration times
between 4 and 9 h. Measurements were taken imme-
diately (0 h), 1 h and 2 h after thawing for total (tot) and
progressive (prog) motility

19 % (mean ± SD, range 33–80 %) and 31 ± 23 %
(range 10–60 %), respectively.

Post-thaw total motility (t = 0) of sperm frozen with
AndroMed®, Triladyl™ or Red Ovine Freezing Buf-
fer was 43 ± 15 %, 52 ± 14 %, and 56 ± 13 %,
respectively. Equilibration time significantly affected
post-thaw motility. Short equilibration times (2 and
3 h) negatively affected post-thaw sperm motility,
being 27 ± 19 % and 43 ± 12 %, 45 ± 10 % and 50
± 20 % as well as 48 ± 10 % and 60 ± 20 % for
AndroMed®, Triladyl™ and Red Ovine Freezing
Buffer, respectively (Fig. 2). Equilibration periods
over 3 h resulted in significantly higher motility per-
centages, being 46 ± 13 %, 54 ± 13 % and 57 ± 12 %
for AndroMed®, Triladyl™ and Red Ovine Freezing
Buffer, respectively. No differences were observed
between the longer (4–9 h) incubation periods. Total
motility did not significantly decline within 2 h after
thawing, apart for samples frozen with Red Ovine
Freezing Buffer (Table 1 and Fig. 4).

Post-thaw progressive motility (t = 0) of sperm
frozen with AndroMed®, Triladyl™ or Red Ovine
Freezing Buffer was 13 ± 13 %, 18 ± 12 % and 28 ±
16 %, respectively. Equilibration time significantly
affected post-thaw motility. Short equilibration times
(2 and 3 h) negatively effected post-thaw sperm
motility being 6 ± 9 % and 12 ± 14 %, 7 ± 7 % and
20 ± 13 % as well as 17 ± 17 % and 35 ± 20 % for
AndroMed®, Triladyl™ and Red Ovine Freezing
Buffer, respectively (Fig. 3). Equilibration periods
over 3 h resulted in significantly higher motility per-
centages, being 14 ± 14 %, 19 ± 12 % and 29 ±
15 % for AndroMed®, Triladyl™ and Red Ovine
Freezing Buffer, respectively. No differences were
observed between the longer (4–9 h) incubation peri-
ods. Progressive motility did significantly decline
within 2 h after thawing to almost 0 in samples frozen
with AndroMed® and Red Ovine Freezing Buffer (3
± 6 % and 2 ± 6 %, respectively) but did not decline
in samples frozen with Triladyl™ (Fig. 4).

When acrosomal integrity was evaluated AndroMed
proved to be inferior to both other media. The per-
centage of intact acrosomes did not differ within dilu-
ents or equilibration times. The acrosomal integrity
was therefore analysed again to test for differences
between the diluents when all the equilibration
times were pooled. Triladyl™ resulted in 56 ± 7 %
intact acrosomes, which is significantly higher than
the results for AndroMed® (52 ± 7 %). ROFB (55 ±
6 %) did not differ from the other two extenders.

When the percentages of lost acrosomes were
compared, an equilibration time of 2 h resulted in

significantly lower percentages than when equili-
brated for 8 h (3 % and 6 %, respectively) using Red
Ovine Freezing Buffer.

Furthermore, the use of AndroMed® resulted in sig-
nificantly higher percentages (6 %) of lost acrosomes
than both other media (4 % and 3 % for Triladyl™
and ROFB, respectively), when equilibrated for 2 h.
AndroMed also yielded significantly higher numbers
of lost acrosomes compared to Red Ovine Freezing
Buffer after an equilibration time of 5 h (8 % and
4 %, respectively) and compared to Triladyl™ when
equilibrated for 8 h (7 % and 3 %, respectively).


Epididymal sperm from the African buffalo can suc-
cessfully be frozen-thawed in Triladyl™ extender
when adequate equilibration times are applied.
Owing to the deleterious effects of tissue degenera-
tion it is recommended that spermatozoa be recov-
ered immediately post-mortem (Hopkins, Armstrong,
Hummel & Junior 1988). Therefore, we decided to
flush epididymal sperm as soon after culling as pos-
sible (in our case this was 30 min) and keep the
samples in semen diluents rather than transport the
whole epididymides as such.

Many reports are available about the exposure time
of semen to glycerol, but different results were
achieved. In ejaculated bull semen a shorter equili-
bration time has been recommended because
longer exposure to glycerol was suggested to be
detrimental to sperm survival. Exposure times com-
pared were 0.5 and 18 h (O´Dell & Hurst 1956;
Berndtson & Foote 1972). Contrary to these reports
are results that indicate no differences in the per-
centage of intact acrosomes and motile spermato-
zoa in bovine semen samples when equilibrated for
0.5 or 2 h (Wiggin & Almquist 1975a). Wiggin & Alm-
quist (1975b) also reported that equilibration times
of more than 4 h are detrimental to semen and rec-
ommended 2 h. In equids, no difference in the post-
thaw motility have been found after samples were
exposed to pre-freeze equilibration times between
30 and 120 min (Jimenez 1987).

No reports are available for African buffalo semen
equilibrated for different times using glycerol con-
taining media before freezing. Since laboratories
are often some hours away from the site of collec-
tion, we compared equilibration times between 2
and 9 h rather then shorter ones as done in some
of the above-mentioned studies. Our results were
similar to those in the study described by Jimenez


F.C. HEROLD et al.

1987). We also did not observe any differences
between equilibration times longer than 3 h for any
of the media used. Although we used a similar con-
centration of glycerol we did not observe any detri-
mental effect owing to exposure times exceeding
4 h. We found equilibration times of 2 and 3 h to be
inferior. These differences can be due either to the
fact that we used epididymal sperm or to species

A post-thaw semen parameter which is rarely
measured, is longevity and our results show that it
might be useful to compare this more often. When
post-thaw motilities were compared immediately
after thawing the use of Red Ovine Freezing Buffer
resulted in higher total motility than AndroMed®
and in a higher progressive motility than for both
AndroMed® and Triladyl™. After incubation for 2 h
in a 37 °C water bath the progressive motility for
using Red Ovine Freezing Buffer decreased to 2 ±
6. This means that only 8 % of the spermatozoa that
were progressively motile immediately after thaw-
ing were still intact 2 h after thawing. This figure was
18 % for AndroMed® and 82 % for Triladyl™. The
decrease of sperm motility when ROFB and
AndroMed® were used was only significant when
compared to the values before freezing, but not
when compared to the ones immediately after thaw-
ing. This fact was attributed to the low number of
samples, as only six buffaloes were available. The
trend seemed to be that progressive motility de-
creased less over the 2 h observation period when
sperm is frozen with Triladyl™.

Ordinary spermatozoa staining techniques such as
eosin/nigrosin are not useful to evaluate acrosomal
integrity. Electron microscopy is an accurate method
for assessing the acrosomal status, but it is expen-
sive and very laborious. Indirect immunofluores-
cence techniques employing monoclonal antibod-
ies are not available for African buffaloes. Lectins
are widely used to bind to glyconconjugates of the
outer acrosomal membrane and are made visible by
markers such as fluorescein isothiocynate (FITC).
Staining spermatozoa with FITC-PNA is compara-
tively simple and allows the easy assessment of the
acrosomal status. FITC-PNA has been used to stain
spermatozoa of stallions (Rathi, Colenbrander, Be-
vers & Gadella 2001), boars (Flesch, Colenbrander,
Van Golde & Gadella 1999), bulls (Garner et al.
1999), dogs (Sirivaidyapong, Bevers, Gadella &
Colenbrander 2001) and humans (Mortimer, Curtis
& Miller 1987). The percentages of intact acrosomes
in our study were low in comparison to previous
work, where percentages of 67–77 % (Gerber et al.

2001), 80–87 % (Gerber et al. 2002) and 58–64 %
(Lambrechts et al. 1999) intact acrosomes were
reported. Since we used (at least when Triladyl™
was used) very similar freezing protocols it is possi-
ble that the higher percentages of intact acrosomes
found by these researchers can be attributed to the
techniques used to evaluate the acrosomal integri-
ty. It appears therefore that eosin/nigrosin staining
is inferior to FITC-PNA staining to selectively stain
the acrosomal membrane for the evaluation of acro-
somal integrity.

Since during routine inseminations many cows are
not inseminated at the optimal time, it would not be
surprising if longevity has a significant effect on
non-return rates. Whether an increased longevity,
as it was found in the present study, has an influ-
ence on the non-return rate needs to be tested.

An interesting observation of our study was that
progressive motility was higher or as high immedi-
ately after thawing as it was before freezing when
Triladyl™ (19 % and 19 %, respectively) or Red
Ovine Freezing Buffer (29 % and 24 %, respective-
ly) were used. It is unlikely that sperm samples can
be frozen without damaging any sperm. We there-
fore assume that some of the spermatozoa that
were not moving when evaluated before thawing,
were in a quiescent stage and not immotile because
of damage. It is known that spermatozoa of Bos
taurus bulls (Carr & Acott 1984) as well as of rats,
guinea pigs, hamsters and humans (Turner & Reich
1985) are kept in the epididymides in a quiescent
state, even though they are fully capable of moving.
The reason for this quiescence in bulls was sug-
gested to be a pH-dependent factor present in
cauda epididymal fluid (CEF), which becomes inac-
tivated as well as diluted during addition of seminal
plasma to epididymal spermatozoa upon ejacula-
tion (Acott & Carr 1984). The ability to immobilize
spermatozoa temporarily has also been attributed
to glycerolphosphocholin (GPC) and carnitin, which
are both present in high concentrations in rat CEF
(Turner, D’Addario & Howards 1978). In bulls the
half-time of motility initiation upon dilution is given
as being 2 to 5 min (Acott & Carr 1984). It is there-
fore possible that not all spermatozoa were released
from their quiescent state when we first evaluated
the motility. Another possibility is that Triladyl™ as
well as Red Ovine Freezing Buffer contain sub-
stances that prolong the quiescent state of sperma-
tozoa. In any case, it seems that some of the sper-
matozoa, which were recorded as immotile before
freezing, were in fact in a quiescent state and only
subsequently became motile owing to longer expo-


Freezing of epididymal sperm from African buffalo (Syncerus caffer)

sure to the semen diluent as well as dilution of CEF.
Since we assume it to be an advantage to freeze
epididymal spermatozoa in the quiescent state be-
cause more energy is conserved by them, it is
desirable to investigate this phenomenon further.

It can be concluded from our results that equilibra-
tion times between 4 and 9 h do not influence post-
thaw semen qualities and no attention must there-
fore be paid to it. We further conclude that shorter
equilibration times are detrimental. This knowledge
is very valuable when freezing sperm of wild animal
species in the field.

Furthermore, it was found that Triladyl™ was supe-
rior to Red Ovine Freezing Buffer and AndroMed®
when used as a freezing diluent for epididymal Afri-
can buffalo sperm. Although AndroMed® is a totally
defined medium, it cannot be recommended, since
the results obtained in this study concerning pro-
gressive motility, longevity and acrosomal integrity
of the sperm were inferior to those when Triladyl™
was used.


The authors would like to thank IMV France and
Minitüb Germany for providing the buffers and
extenders, respectively.


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Freezing of epididymal sperm from African buffalo (Syncerus caffer)