Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 76:443–448 (2009)

The Brody effect induced by premature ventricular 
complexes in the ovine heart



KER, J. WEBB, E.C. & VAN PAPENDORP, D. 2009. The Brody effect induced by premature ventricu-
lar complexes in the ovine heart. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 76:443–448

The QRS response of the electrocardiogram to bleeding has been a source of interest to the physi-
ologist for more than a century. Studies in the dog, cat and chicken have shown a reduction in QRS 
amplitude in response to bleeding. This effect has been explained by the so-called Brody effect, in 
which the intraventricular mass of blood acts as a conducting medium, augmenting radial conduction, 
thus resulting in the subsequent reduction in QRS amplitude in conditions where the intraventricular 
mass of blood is reduced.

The aim of this study was to evaluate whether the Brody effect will be present in the ovine heart and, 
furthermore, to evaluate if the right and left ventricles will demonstrate the same QRS change if the 
Brody effect is indeed present. This study clearly demonstrated that the Brody effect is present in the 
ovine heart. Furthermore, two unique aspects emanating from this study are firstly the fact that this is 
the first study to show that premature ventricular complexes are able to induce the Brody effect and, 
secondly that there is a very clear difference in the response of the right and the left ventricles when 
the Brody effect is induced in the ovine heart.

Keywords: Brody effect; ovine heart; QRS amplitude; premature ventricular complex


The variations in the QRS amplitude of the electro-
cardiogram, caused by alterations in ventricular fill-
ing, have been a source of interest to the physiolo-
gist since 1910 (Brody 1956; Nelson, Lange, Hecht, 
Carlisle & Ruby 1956; Ishikawa, Berson & Pipberger 
1971; Manoach, Gitter, Grossman & Varon 1971; 
Manoach 2000). The experiments in which ventricu-

lar filling has been increased and decreased were 
described in both poikilotherms and homeotherms 
(Manoach, Gitter, Grossman & Varon 1972). In all 
these experiments, ventricular filling was decreased 
directly by bleeding or clamping of the inferior vena 
cava, or indirectly by compression of the heart via 
the induction of a pericardial effusion, or increased 
directly via the infusion of blood and other fluids or 
indirectly via clamping of the aorta.

In both poikilotherms and homeotherms the QRS 
amplitude of the electrocardiogram changes during 
bleeding—leading to emptying of the ventricle—or 
filling of the ventricle (Manoach et al. 1972).

Studies in homeotherms (normal mammals, specifi-
cally cats and dogs, as well as non-mammals, such 
as chickens) have shown that a decrease in ven-
tricular filling causes a reduction in the amplitude of 

* Author to whom correspondence is to be directed. E-mail: 

1 Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of 
Pretoria, South Africa

2 Department of Animal and Wildlife Sciences, Faculty of Na-
tural and Agricultural Sciences, University of Pretoria, South 

Accepted for publication 16 April 2009—Editor


Brody effect induced by premature ventricular complexes in ovine heart

the QRS complex while increased ventricular filling 
causes an increase in the amplitude of the QRS 
complex (Manoach, Gitter, Grossman & Varon 1972; 
Manoach, Varon, Grossman, Gitter & Sroka 1971; 
Manoach, Gitter, Grossman, Varon & Gassne 1971). 
Schwan 1928 (cited by Brody 1956) stated that the 
conductivities of the lung and myocardium are al-
most the same, but that the conductivity of intraven-
tricular blood is approximately ten times that of the 
surrounding tissue and thus that the intraventricular 
blood mass will exert an effect upon electrical po-
tentials generated within the myocardium. Brody 
(1956) examined this effect and concluded that the 
net effect of the intracavitary blood mass on the car-
diac dipole is to augment the radial components and 
to reduce the tangential components, thus explain-
ing why bleeding will lead to a reduction in the QRS 
amplitude in the mammalian heart. Since the origi-
nal study by Brody (1956) this phenomenon became 
known as the Brody effect. This effect results from 
the lower resistivity of the intraventricular blood mass 
as compared to the surrounding tissues, in essence 
causing a short-circuiting effect (Ishikawa 1976). 

However, the QRS amplitude increases after bleed-
ing in frogs, turtles and lizards (poikilotherms) (Man-
o ach et al. 1971; Pipberger, Ishikawa & Berson 
1972). This opposite QRS reaction to bleeding in 
homeotherms and poikilotherms is ascribed to phy-
logenetic differences (Manoach et al. 1972). How-
ever, especially in light of the Brody effect, this op-
posite reaction has never been properly explained 
in the literature to date.

There is ample experimental evidence for the Brody 
effect from a number of other researchers (Angela-
kos & Gokhan 1963; Horan, Andreae & Yoffee 1961; 
Nelson et al. 1956). 

More interestingly, and poorly examined until now, 
are the different QRS responses of the right and left 
ventricles to bleeding. Angelakos & Gokhan (1963), 
in their experiments on dogs, noted a decrease in 
amplitude of left ventricular QRS complexes to 
bleeding, as expected. However, they also noted an 
opposite effect over the right ventricle—this makes 
physiological sense as right ventricular activation is 
predominantly tangential (Pipberger et al. 1972).

Other means of altering left ventricular volume and 
inducing the Brody effect, such as rapid atrial pac-
ing, have also been described (Daniels, Iskandrian, 
Hakki, Kane, Bemis, Horowitz, Greenspan & Segal 

The purpose of this study was to identify the exist-
ence of the Brody effect in the ovine heart. No evi-

dence of any description of the Brody effect in the 
ovine heart could be found in the literature. Fur ther-
more, we specifically sought to examine the possi-
bility that the right and left ventricle will show a dif-
ferent QRS response during the Brody effect.

Premature ventricular complexes (PVCs) were cho-
sen to reduce left and right ventricular volumes, in 
order to try and induce the Brody effect and to docu-
ment any possible difference between right and left 
ventricular QRS amplitude responses. A premature 
ventricular complex (PVC) is the expression of an 
impulse that arises prematurely in an ectopic ven-
tricular focus and can originate in the specialized 
conduction tissue distal to the bifurcation of the bun-
dle of His or in the ventricular myocardium itself 
(Schamroth 1980; Myerburg & Kessler 1998). 

As a PVC by definition arises prematurely, the pre-
mature contraction of the ventricle will impair the 
diastolic filling and thus volume, as the diastolic time 
interval is shortened and will thus lead to a lower 
ventricular volume. The premature impulse, whether 
it originates from the left or right ventricle, will be 
propagated to the other ventricle, therefore both 
ven tricles will contract prematurely, resulting in a 
lowering of both ventricular volumes. It was postu-
lated that the Brody effect in the ovine heart could 
be demonstrated in this way, and it was hoped that 
these results would shed light on a possible differ-
ent QRS response from the right and left ventricles.


This study was performed with the approval of, and 
adherence to, the guidelines of the Pretoria Bio-
med ical Research Centre`s Animal Use and Care 

A clinically normal Dorper wether, aged 10 months 
and weighing 35 kg was used for this study. The 
sheep was fed lucerne hay ad libitum and received 
300 g per day of pelleted concentrate (10 MJ ME/kg 
DM with 14  % crude protein) and had free access to 
water at all times.

After an overnight fast, the wether was sedated by 
an intramuscular dose of ketamine hydrochloride 
(Brevinaze, manufactured by Intramed) at a dose of 
100 mg and placed in the left lateral decubitus posi-
tion. It was then placed under continuous electro-
cardiographic monitoring as follows: Einthoven`s 
triangle was moved from the frontal to the sagittal 
plane, as described before by Schultz & Pretorius 
(Schulz & Pretorius 1972), by moving the standard 
and unipolar limb electrodes as follows:



(a) aVR moved from the right forelimb to the head 
between the ears;

(b) aVL moved from the left forelimb to the sacrum;

(c) aVF moved from the left hindlimb to the sternal 
angle; and

(d) the earth electrode was placed on the right 
hindleg, just above the hock.

The six precordial leads were placed as follows, as 
described before by Ker & Webb (2003): 

(a) V1 placed 7 cm to the right of the sternal angle;

(b) V2 placed 7 cm to the left of the sternal angle;

(c) V3 placed 4.5 cm below and 1 cm to the left of 

(d) V4 placed 4.5 cm below and 1 cm to the left of 

(e) V5 placed 4.5 cm below and 1 cm to the left of 
V4; and

(f) V6 placed 4.5 cm below and 1 cm to the left of 

Meditrace 200 (MTD), disposable ECG conductive, 
adhesive electrodes were used. The skin areas 
where the ECG electrodes were placed were clipped 

and the attached electrodes were secured with 
Super Glue (by Bostik).

Premature ventricular complexes were then 
induced from the left ventricular apex

Using the Seldinger technique a spring-wire guide, 
diameter 0.81 mm and length 60 cm, was advanced 
into the left ventricular apex via the right internal ca-
rotid artery under fluoroscopic guidance. For a pe-
riod of 20 min the spring-wire guide was moved 
manually in order to induce PVCs from the left ven-
tricular apex. Twelve-lead electrocardiograms were 
continuously recorded during this period.


Fig. 1 shows the 12-lead electrocardiogram of the 
sedated wether in the left, lateral decubitus position, 
before induction of PVCs. Note the negative polarity 
of the QRS complex in Lead V1, with an amplitude of 
0.4 mV, and also the negative polarity of the QRS 
complex in Lead V6, with an amplitude of 1.0 mV.

Fig. 2 shows the 12-lead electrocardiogram at the 
start of PVC induction. Note the 3 PVCs in Lead V1. 
They are easily recognized by their positive QRS 

FIG. 1 The normal 12-lead electrocardiogram, before the induction of PVCs


Brody effect induced by premature ventricular complexes in ovine heart

FIG. 2 Note the 3 PVCs with a positive QRS polarity in Lead V1 and a negative polarity in Lead V6

FIG. 3 The 12-lead electrocardiogram, demonstrating 
the appearance of PVCs in Leads I, II, III, aVR, 
aVL and aVF



polarity, as opposed to the rest of the normal beats. 
In addition, note the same 3 PVCs in Lead V6. Here 
they have a negative QRS polarity with a much 
greater amplitude than that of the normal beats. 
This is a very important observation, as it indicates 
that the chosen position for Lead V1 is ideal for 
evaluating the right ventricle and that the chosen 
position for Lead V6 is ideal for evaluating the left 
ventricle: The PVC originates from the apex of the 
left ventricle, thus left ventricular activation initiates 
and propagates to the right ventricle. This process 
occurs in the direction of Lead V1, thus the positive 
QRS polarity and occurs in a direction away from 
Lead V6, thus the negative QRS polarity.

Fig. 3 is the 12-lead electrocardiogram demonstrat-
ing the appearance of PVCs in Leads I, II, III, aVR, 
aVL and aVF. PVCs are now induced at a higher 

Fig. 4 records the 12-lead electrocardiogram after 
exactly 28 min of PVCs. Note the striking changes 
in QRS amplitude in Leads V1 and V6. In Lead V1 
the QRS amplitude is still negative, but at a much 
greater amplitude at 1.9 mV. In Lead V6 the QRS 
amplitude is positive with an amplitude of 0.8 mV.


It was possible to demonstrate the Brody effect in 
the ovine heart, by inducing PVCs in order to re-
duce the intraventricular volumes. The left ventricle 
responded as described in other homeotherms (e.g. 
cats, dogs and chickens) by a reduction in QRS am-
plitude. As the QRS amplitude in Lead V6 changed 
from a negative polarity with an amplitude of 1.0 mV 
to a positive amplitude of 0.8 mV, this can be re-
garded as a reduction of 1.8 mV [0.8 mV – (–1.0 
mV) = 1.8 mV].

The right ventricle responded by an increase in QRS 
amplitude as described by Angelakos & Gokhan 
(1963); in this case from –0.4 mV to –1.9 mV, thus 
an increase of 1.5 mV.

It is concluded that the ovine heart is a valid model 
for the study of the Brody effect, and, in addition this 
is also the first report of the Brody effect in the ovine 
heart. There is a paucity of data on the Brody effect 
in recent literature and it is still unsatisfactorily ex-
plained why there is a different response to a reduc-
tion in ventricular volume between the poikilother-
mic and homeothermic heart.

FIG. 4 This is the exact same 12-lead electrocardiogram after 28 min of PVCs. Note the increased amplitude 
in Lead V1 and the change in polarity of the QRS complex in Lead V6


Brody effect induced by premature ventricular complexes in ovine heart

The uniqueness of this study is the fact that it is the 
first study in the literature which documents that 
PVCs are a valid method of inducing the Brody ef-

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