item: #1 of 24 id: pp-10 author: Florez, Hector; Grévisse, Christian; Yepes-Calderon, Fernando title: Editorial: Volume 1 Number 1 date: 2020-04-09 words: 1625 flesch: 35 summary: Having overall responsibility for the journal, the ParadigmPlus editorial board are committed to: working together to meet the readers’ and authors’ needs, fostering the continuous improvement of the journal, ensuring the quality of published material, ensuring freedom of expression, maintaining the academic integrity of their content, and preventing commercial interests from compromising intellectual standards, posting corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary. ParadigmPlus is completely free to both readers and authors. keywords: april; articles; authors; board; colombia; commons; computer; contribution; creative; data; editorial; editors; ethics; information; international; journal; license; los; luxembourg; number; paradigmplus; peer; process; publication; readers; research; reviewers; submission; systems; united; universidad cache: pp-10.pdf plain text: pp-10.txt item: #2 of 24 id: pp-11 author: Balsa, Carlos; Rodrigues, C. Veiga; Lopes, Isabel; Rufino, José title: Using Analog Ensembles with Alternative Metrics for Hindcasting with Multistations date: 2020-06-19 words: 7493 flesch: 55 summary: Quantitatively, however, the additional variance introduces mismatches which result in poorer accuracy when compared to the k-means and Monache metrics. 4 Conclusion In this work, meteorological data was predicted at one location based on multiple historical datasets from weather stations located in other places. With α representing the weight of analogs from predictor station 1 and β = 1 −α standing for the weight of analogs from predictor station 2, the predicted value will be given by Equation 8. keywords: accuracy; alternative; analog; anen; balsa; best; bias; carlos; cosine; data; dataset; different; distance; dom; ensemble; equation; error; figure; forecast; forecasting; gst; higher; hindcasting; historical; i=1; look; lower; mae; means; meteorological; method; metric; mnp; model; monache; multistations; normalized; numerical; observations; paradigmplus; performance; period; predictions; predictor; problem; results; rmse; sde; section; similar; standard; stations; table; tests; time; truth; value; variable; vol; wds; weather; weight; ykt cache: pp-11.pdf plain text: pp-11.txt item: #3 of 24 id: pp-12 author: Velasco, Alejandro; Aponte, Jairo title: Automated Fine Grained Traceability Links Recovery between High Level Requirements and Source Code Implementations date: 2020-08-19 words: 11147 flesch: 51 summary: 5.4 C: Parsing phase Once the list of files, most related to a given requirement based on textual similarity is obtained, the next phase of the algorithm consists of analyzing source code implementations and perform abstrac- tions through program slicing, to find structures at source code level that are related to the implemen- tation of a particular requirement. 5.5 D: Program slicing process Some mechanisms at source code level have been proposed to support traditional optimization tech- niques. keywords: access; accuracy; alejandro; algorithm; analysis; aponte; approach; artifacts; cases; code; comments; compliance; conference; constraints; context; control; corpus; data; design; developers; development; different; documentation; domain; electronic; engineering; entities; execution; fgthunter; figure; files; fine; healthcare; heuristics; high; hipaa; ieee; implementation; information; international; itrust; jairo; language; law; level; links; list; maintenance; management; mandatory; methods; model; natural; number; openmrs; oscar; paradigmplus; particular; phase; precision; present; privacy; problem; procedures; proceedings; process; program; query; recovery; regulations; related; requirements; results; retrieval; rules; section; security; selected; set; slicing; software; source; source code; specific; static; statute; structures; study; systems; table; tapas; tasks; techniques; terms; traceability; traceability links; user; velasco; vol; way; work cache: pp-12.pdf plain text: pp-12.txt item: #4 of 24 id: pp-14 author: Florez, Hector; Grévisse, Christian; Yepes-Calderon, Fernando title: Editorial: Volume 1 Number 2 date: 2020-08-19 words: 1620 flesch: 35 summary: Having overall responsibility for the journal, the ParadigmPlus editorial board are committed to: working together to meet the readers’ and authors’ needs, fostering the continuous improvement of the journal, ensuring the quality of published material, ensuring freedom of expression, maintaining the academic integrity of their content, and preventing commercial interests from compromising intellectual standards, posting corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary. ParadigmPlus is completely free to both readers and authors. keywords: articles; authors; board; colombia; commons; computer; contribution; creative; data; editorial; editors; ethics; information; international; journal; license; luxembourg; number; paradigmplus; peer; process; publication; readers; research; reviewers; submission; systems; united; universidad; volume cache: pp-14.pdf plain text: pp-14.txt item: #5 of 24 id: pp-16 author: Fernandes, Ana; Lima, Rui; Figueiredo, Margarida; Ribeiro, Jorge; Neves, José; Vicente, Henrique title: Assessing Employee Satisfaction in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2020-12-30 words: 9306 flesch: 61 summary: 2 Related Work In the literature, employee satisfaction studies are common, but there are still not many studies re- lated to employee satisfaction in times of a pandemic because it is a recent topic. Monitoring employee satisfaction is a challenging task, but one that is paramount in the current pandemic crisis. keywords: 4(ex; ann; answers; approach; areas; artificial; assessment; authors; bcs; best; c e; case; cdri; chemistry; contact; context; covid-19; data; dissatisfied; e d; e l; e n; employee; energy; entropy; esa; extent; fernandes; figure; health; hospitality; information; items; job; knowledge; logic; management; measures; n t; organization; ori; p e; pandemic; paradigmplus; people; possible; process; programming; public; qoi; questionnaire; related; research; results; risk; rri; s e; s t; satisfaction; satisfied; scenario; set; state; system; t e; table; terms; training; tri; university; vol; wcs; work; workers; world; worst cache: pp-16.pdf plain text: pp-16.txt item: #6 of 24 id: pp-18 author: Florez, Hector; Galpin, Ixent ; Grévisse, Christian; Yepes-Calderon, Fernando title: Editorial: Volume 1 Number 3 date: 2020-12-30 words: 1644 flesch: 34 summary: Having overall responsibility for the journal, the ParadigmPlus editorial board are committed to: working together to meet the readers’ and authors’ needs, fostering the continuous improvement of the journal, ensuring the quality of published material, ensuring freedom of expression, maintaining the academic integrity of their content, and preventing commercial interests from compromising intellectual standards, posting corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary. ParadigmPlus is completely free to both readers and authors. keywords: articles; authors; board; bogota; colombia; commons; computer; contribution; creative; data; editorial; editors; ethics; information; international; journal; license; luxembourg; number; paradigmplus; peer; process; publication; readers; research; reviewers; submission; systems; united; universidad cache: pp-18.pdf plain text: pp-18.txt item: #7 of 24 id: pp-20 author: Bettín-Díaz, Rafael; Mejía, Camilo; Rojas, Alix E. title: A Blockchain-based Approach to Support an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System date: 2021-08-31 words: 6712 flesch: 45 summary: 1 Introduction ISO 9001 is a standard of quality management systems (QMS) with international recognition, as is shown by over one million companies and organizations in over 170 countries certified [1]. The ISO 9000, is a generic series of quality management standards for quality management systems (QMS). keywords: 9001:2015; applications; approach; architecture; audit; bettín; bitcoin; blockchain; business; certification; colombia; communication; companies; company; consensus; contract; control; customer; data; description; development; document; díaz; employee; end; engineering; evidence; figure; function; implementation; important; improvement; information; international; iso; layer; ledger; making; management; management system; mejía; moncayo; network; organization; owner; paradigmplus; parties; performance; principles; process; processes; product; qms; quality; quality management; rafael; records; requirements; responsible4task; review; right; rojas; sense; smart; software; source; specific; stage; standard; system; task; technology; traceability; transactions; use; vol cache: pp-20.pdf plain text: pp-20.txt item: #8 of 24 id: pp-24 author: Wang, Yuying; Chi, Huixuan; Hao, Qinfen title: Improving the Robustness of GraphSAINT via Stability Training date: 2021-12-02 words: 6477 flesch: 56 summary: [6] S. Wu, Y. Tang, Y. Zhu, L. Wang, X. Xie, and T. Tan, “Session-based recommendation with graph neural networks,” in Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI ’19, p. 346–353, 2019. [13] M. Zhang and Y. Chen, “Link prediction based on graph neural networks,” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, NeurIPS ’18, p. 5165–5175, 2018. ParadigmPlus (2021) 2:3 12 Yuying Wang et al. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . keywords: accuracy; adversarial; algorithm; batch; citation; convergence; curve; data; dataset; different; epoch; figure; flag; gcn; gnn; gradient; graphsaint; improved; improved graphsaint; information; input; international; layer; learning; line; link; loss; mean; method; model; mrr; networks; neural; new; node; normalization; ogb; paradigmplus; prediction; problem; process; processing; results; robustness; sampling; section; stability; strategy; subgraph; table; task; techniques; test; traditional; training; trick; variance; wang cache: pp-24.pdf plain text: pp-24.txt item: #9 of 24 id: pp-25 author: Gallardo, Jose; Bellone, Giannina; Risk, Marcelo title: Ultra-short heart rate variability and Poincaré plots date: 2021-12-31 words: 5988 flesch: 62 summary: [26], was used to quantify the effect size of the bias in SS and SPS, HRV parameters, measurements between ultra-short series and GS serie. Ultra-short heart rate variability and Poincaré plots Jose Gallardo ID 1, 5�, Giannina Bellone ID 2, 3, 5, and Marcelo Risk ID 1, 4, 5 1Universidad Tecnologica Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2Department of Science and Technology, Laboratory of Chronobiology, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina 3Chronophysiology Lab., Institute for Biomedical Research (BIOMED), Universidad Católica Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina 4Instituto de Medicina Traslacional e Ingeniería Biomédica (IMTIB), Buenos Aires, Argentina 5Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina Abstract The short-term heart rate variability records of 5 minutes are currently considered very exten- sive compared to other indicators of health and well-being of people, such as body weight, blood glucose, blood pressure, etc. keywords: altman; analysis; argentina; autonomic; balance; bias; bland; buenos; cliff; concordance; correlation; different; domain; ecg; error; figure; frequency; gallardo; hand; heart; hrv; increase; index; indexes; indicators; intervals; jose; methods; nacional; observed; paradigmplus; physiol; plot; poincaré; processing; rate; records; rho; risk; sd1; sd2; sd21; seconds; series; short; signal; sps; standard; studies; study; subjects; sympathetic; table; term; time; ultra; universidad; use; values; variability; vol cache: pp-25.pdf plain text: pp-25.txt item: #10 of 24 id: pp-26 author: Cantor, Juan E.; Montoya, Germán A.; Lozano-Garzon, Carlos title: Establishing Best Pedestrian Paths considering SARS-CoV-2 contagions: Mathematical Optimization Model and Mobile Application Approach date: 2021-12-24 words: 10707 flesch: 47 summary: 8.2 Student pedestrian traffic accuracy and bi-objective problem handling As it was described in Sub-section 5.1, student pedestrian traffic model was only established from the university’s optimal route set. Finally, we decided to store all the loaded students mobility patterns data on the Firebase’ Firestore non-relational database, which allows to store more efficient this type of data based on the hierarchy presented (student pedestrian traffic based on a academic cycle, a day and a certain schedule). keywords: academic; activity; algorithm; andes; application; associated; best; building; campus; cantor; classes; contagion; cost; courses; covid-19; criteria; cycle; data; database; day; design; destination; destiny; developed; development; different; dijkstra; displacement; distance; end; equation; execution; figure; following; function; graph; heuristic; initial; interaction; juan; jϵn; link; los; main; mathematical; mobile; mobility; model; modeling; multiple; network; node; number; objective; optimal; optimization; order; paradigmplus; parameters; pareto; path; pedestrian; points; probability; problem; related; research; results; risk; route; sars; scenario; schedule; section; server; set; social; software; solution; source; student; susceptibility; table; time; traffic; transport; travel; universidad; university; user; values; ⋅10−3 cache: pp-26.pdf plain text: pp-26.txt item: #11 of 24 id: pp-29 author: Rottoli, Giovanni Daian; Casanova, Carlos title: Multi-criteria and Multi-expert Requirement Prioritization using Fuzzy Linguistic Labels date: 2022-02-08 words: 8342 flesch: 57 summary: ui = supi + ind(Ii) 2 (6) supi = ∣E∣ ∑ j=1 supij∣supij ={ 1 if ∣ind(Ii)− ind(Ij)∣< α ∈{1, ..., ∣S∣} 0 otherwise (7) 4○ and, lastly, the weighting vector w̄ calculated using the order inducing values as shown in Equa- tion 8. wi = Q( uσ(i) ∣E∣ ) ∑∣E∣j=1 Q( uσ(j) ∣E∣ ) (8) For further information about the MLIOWA operator, see the original publication [16]. 2.3 Prioritization algorithm In a previous work, an algorithm for multi-criteria requirement prioritization was presented [14]. Thus, requirement prioritization assists the decision-making process during iteration management. keywords: aggregated; algorithm; approach; attributes; carlos; casanova; case; comparison; complexity; content; criteria; daián; decision; degree; design; different; dimensions; dominance; engineering; equation; example; experts; fuzzy; giovanni; importance; information; input; iteration; labels; linguistic; low; making; matrices; matrix; method; min; multi; multiple; non; norm; number; operator; opinions; order; paradigmplus; position; preferable; preference; prioritization; problem; process; product; relation; requirement; results; rottoli; section; set; software; study; table; totality; use; value; vector; vol; weights; work; łukasiewicz; ∣e∣ cache: pp-29.pdf plain text: pp-29.txt item: #12 of 24 id: pp-32 author: Hernandez, Jorge; Daza, Karen title: Implementation of an Irrigation System to Estimate Water in Hydroponic Crops through Evapotranspiration date: 2021-04-29 words: 8626 flesch: 58 summary: [18] L. Prisilla, P. Rooban, and L. Arockiam, “A novel method for water irrigation system for paddy fields using ann,” tech. Crop water requirements. keywords: addition; air; approach; area; authors; axis; balance; bluetooth; calculated; central; certain; client; communication; component; conditions; control; crop; data; day; daza; development; device; different; distance; electronic; equation; estimation; etc; eto; evapotranspiration; factors; farmer; figure; flow; following; hand; hernandez; hour; humidity; hydroponic; ideal; implementation; information; inputs; irrigation; irrigation system; jorge; karen; main; master; necessary; needs; net; network; operation; order; paradigmplus; plant; pressure; process; prototype; radiation; reference; results; section; sensors; slave; software; soil; steam; step; surface; system; table; temperature; time; type; use; vol; water; work cache: pp-32.pdf plain text: pp-32.txt item: #13 of 24 id: pp-35 author: Görlich, Daniel title: Societal XR—A Vision Paper date: 2022-08-17 words: 6255 flesch: 57 summary: [5] G. Freeman and D. Maloney, “Body, avatar, and me: The presentation and perception of self in social virtual reality,” in Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. Some studies such as Aardema et al., [16] suggest that the use of virtual reality can cause dissociative experiences such as depersonalization and derealization as well as a lessened sense of presence in the objective reality. keywords: agency; ambient; approaches; audio; augmented; available; body; cameras; case; children; city; claire; computing; course; current; daniel; design; development; displays; emilie; employee; environments; example; experience; extended; görlich; head; holographic; individual; interfaces; large; life; like; limited; live; mixed; new; number; numerous; order; paper; paradigmplus; park; passers; path; people; potential; presence; projection; projectors; public; reality; research; respective; rooms; service; small; social; societal; societal xr; spaces; spatial; street; technologies; technology; time; today; travel; ubiquitous; user; virtual; vision; vol; world cache: pp-35.pdf plain text: pp-35.txt item: #14 of 24 id: pp-37 author: Ogunseye, Elizabeth Oluyemisi ; Adenusi, Cecilia Ajowho ; Nwanakwaugwu, Andrew C.; Ajagbe, Sunday Adeola; Akinola, Solomon O. title: Predictive Analysis of Mental Health Conditions Using AdaBoost Algorithm date: 2022-08-29 words: 5515 flesch: 54 summary: This research looks into mental health conditions by analyzing the survey of mental health tech to extract meaningful information, and this was achieved via the means of aggregation. There are diverse kinds of mental health, which include bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, suicidal ideation, and many more. keywords: accuracy; adaboost; age; algorithm; analysis; artificial; bagging; care; classification; classifier; companies; computer; conditions; countries; data; dataset; decision; deep; disorder; elizabeth; engineering; ensemble; figure; health; ibadan; illness; information; intelligence; international; journal; knn; learning; machine; making; mental; mental health; methods; mhd; mining; models; network; neural; nigeria; ogunseye; oluyemisi; overall; paradigmplus; parameters; prediction; probability; records; research; respondents; results; science; shows; study; survey; system; tech; technology; training; treatment; tree; united; university; use; vol; work cache: pp-37.pdf plain text: pp-37.txt item: #15 of 24 id: pp-38 author: Adeniyi, Jide Kehinde; Adeniyi, Abidemi Emmanuel ; Oguns, Yetunde Josephine ; Egbedokun, Gabriel Olumide ; Ajagbe, Kehinde Douglas; Obuzor, Princewill Chima; Ajagbe, Sunday Adeola title: Comparison of the Performance of Machine Learning Techniques in the Prediction of Employee date: 2022-11-28 words: 6146 flesch: 51 summary: The proposed sys- tem collects and preprocesses employee performance data. Employee data with a range of attributes make up the dataset. keywords: accuracy; adeniyi; ajagbe; algorithm; analysis; ann; artificial; attributes; authors; bayes; best; big; classification; classifier; comparative; comparison; component; computer; data; dataset; decision; department; employee; engineering; equation; evaluation; figure; forest; human; information; intelligence; international; jide; journal; kehinde; learning; machine; matrix; methods; mining; model; naive; network; neural; nigeria; node; number; original; output; paradigmplus; pca; performance; positive; precision; prediction; preprocessing; principal; random; research; resources; result; review; sample; science; score; specificity; study; system; table; techniques; technology; testing; training; tree; university; use; values; vector; vol cache: pp-38.pdf plain text: pp-38.txt item: #16 of 24 id: pp-39 author: Raj, Mukta Mithra; Arul Jothi, J. Angel title: Hybrid Approach for Phishing Website Detection Using Classification Algorithms date: 2022-12-20 words: 5332 flesch: 45 summary: The efficiency of ensemble models in detecting phishing websites is also evident in the SVM, deci- sion tree, and random forest ensemble model proposed by Abusaimeh et al. [14] R. Yang, K. Zheng, B. Wu, C. Wu, and X. Wang, “Phishing website detection based on deep convolutional neural network and random forest ensemble learning,” Sensors, vol. keywords: accuracy; adaboost; algorithms; anchorurl; angel; approach; arul; attributes; bayes; best; classification; classifiers; dataset; decision; detection; ensemble; evaluation; features; figure; forest; googleindex; highest; https; hybrid; ieee; international; knn; learning; linksinscripttags; linkspointingtopage; logistic; machine; method; mithra; model; mukta; naive; number; paradigmplus; performance; phishing; prefixsuffix; proposed; random; rate; regression; research; results; score; serverformhandler; subdomains; svm; table; techniques; trees; usingip; values; vol; websites; websitetraffic; work; xgboost cache: pp-39.pdf plain text: pp-39.txt item: #17 of 24 id: pp-40 author: Florez, Hector; Galpin, Ixent; Grévisse, Christian; Mura, Ivan; Yepes-Calderon, Fernando title: Editorial: Volume 3 Number 2 date: 2022-12-11 words: 1574 flesch: 33 summary: Having overall responsibility for the journal, the ParadigmPlus editorial board is committed to working together to meet the readers’ and authors’ needs, fostering the continuous improvement of the journal, ensuring the quality of published material, ensuring freedom of expression, maintaining the academic integrity of their content, and preventing commercial interests from compromising intellectual standards, posting corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary. ParadigmPlus is completely free to both readers and authors. keywords: articles; authors; board; colombia; commons; computer; contribution; creative; data; editorial; editors; ethics; information; international; journal; license; luxembourg; number; paradigmplus; peer; process; publication; readers; research; reviewers; states; submission; systems; united; universidad; volume cache: pp-40.pdf plain text: pp-40.txt item: #18 of 24 id: pp-41 author: Florez, Hector; Galpin, Ixent; Grévisse, Christian; Mura, Ivan; Yepes-Calderon, Fernando title: Editorial: Volume 3 Number 3 date: 2022-12-26 words: 1590 flesch: 34 summary: Having overall responsibility for the journal, the ParadigmPlus editorial board is committed to working together to meet the readers’ and authors’ needs, fostering the continuous improvement of the journal, ensuring the quality of published material, ensuring freedom of expression, maintaining the academic integrity of their content, and preventing commercial interests from compromising intellectual standards, posting corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary. ParadigmPlus is completely free to both readers and authors. keywords: articles; authors; board; colombia; commons; computer; contribution; creative; data; editorial; editors; ethics; information; international; journal; license; luxembourg; number; paradigmplus; peer; process; publication; readers; research; reviewers; states; submission; systems; united; universidad; university; volume cache: pp-41.pdf plain text: pp-41.txt item: #19 of 24 id: pp-42 author: Abdulraheem, Muyideen ; Oladipo, Idowu D.; Ajagbe, Sunday Adeola; Balogun, Ghaniyyat B.; Akanbi, Mulikat Bola ; Emma-Adamah, Nissi O. title: Continuous Eye Disease Severity Evaluation System using Siamese Neural Networks date: 2023-03-30 words: 7729 flesch: 43 summary: This indicates that retinal fundus images taken with high-resolution cameras which produce fundus images with visibly seen vessels can perform well ParadigmPlus (2023) 4:1 Continuous Eye Disease Severity Evaluation 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Colomer et al., [2] proposed a method for DR detection based on the combination of morpholog- ical (granulometry) and texture descriptors from retinal images. keywords: abdulraheem; accuracy; ajagbe; algorithm; anchor; architecture; better; blood; categories; change; classification; clinical; computer; continuous; convolutional; data; database; dataset; deep; department; detection; diabetic; different; disease; disease severity; distance; engineering; equalization; euclidean; evaluation; eye; features; figure; fundus; histogram; ilorin; images; imaging; information; input; international; journal; labels; learning; lesions; loss; machine; medical; method; methodology; mining; model; muyideen; negative; network; neural; nigeria; normal; number; output; paradigmplus; patient; performance; positive; pre; preprocessing; processing; progression; range; research; results; retinal; retinopathy; samples; scale; science; score; security; segmentation; severity; siamese; single; study; system; techniques; technology; time; training; treatment; triplet; university; use; vessel; vol; web cache: pp-42.pdf plain text: pp-42.txt item: #20 of 24 id: pp-43 author: Ojo, Olufemi S.; Oyediran, Mayowa O. ; Bamgbade, Babatunde J. ; Adeniyi, Abidemi Emmanuel ; Ebong, Godwin Nse ; Ajagbe, Sunday A. title: Development of an Improved Convolutional Neural Network for an Automated Face Based University Attendance System date: 2023-04-27 words: 5205 flesch: 47 summary: The improved CNN may be used to overcome typical problems in face recognition systems such as occlusion, lighting fluctuations, and position variations. [20] S. B. Joseph, E. G. Dada, S. Misra, and S. Ajoka, “Parallel faces recognition attendance system with anti-spoofing using convolutional neural network,” in Illumination of Artificial Intelligence in Cybersecurity and Forensics, pp. 123–137, Springer, 2022. keywords: accuracy; adeniyi; ajagbe; attendance; attendance system; augmentation; best; bias; classification; cnn; column; computer; computing; convolutional; data; deep; development; engineering; face; face recognition; facial; false; feature; ibadan; identification; image; improved; international; journal; kth; layer; learning; method; model; network; neural; neuron; nigeria; number; ojo; olufemi; output; paradigmplus; pattern; performance; picture; processing; real; recognition; research; results; row; sample; science; smart; step; student; study; system; technique; technology; time; training; university; vol; weight cache: pp-43.pdf plain text: pp-43.txt item: #21 of 24 id: pp-45 author: Florez, Hector; Galpin, Ixent; Grévisse, Christian; Mura, Ivan; Yepes-Calderon, Fernando title: Editorial: Volume 4 Number 1 date: 2023-04-30 words: 1612 flesch: 34 summary: Having overall responsibility for the journal, the ParadigmPlus editorial board is committed to working together to meet the readers’ and authors’ needs, fostering the continuous improvement of the journal, ensuring the quality of published material, ensuring freedom of expression, maintaining the academic integrity of their content, and preventing commercial interests from compromising intellectual standards, posting corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary. ParadigmPlus is completely free to both readers and authors. keywords: april; articles; authors; board; colombia; commons; computer; contribution; creative; data; editorial; editors; ethics; information; international; journal; license; luxembourg; number; paradigmplus; peer; process; publication; readers; research; reviewers; science; states; submission; systems; united; universidad; university; volume cache: pp-45.pdf plain text: pp-45.txt item: #22 of 24 id: pp-48 author: Adekunle , Temitope Samson ; Adeleke, Toheeb Adetoyese; Afolabi, Olakunle Sunday ; Alabi, Oluwaseyi Omotayo; Ejidokun, Adekunle Olugbenga ; Ebong, Godwin Nse; Bamisaye, Temitope A. title: A Framework for Robust Attack Detection and Classification using Rap-Densenet date: 2023-08-02 words: 6982 flesch: 56 summary: Keywords: Attack detection ⋅ Classification RAP-DenseNet ⋅ Deep learning Received: 2 June 2023 ⋅ [5] J. Li, H. Zhang, Z. Liu, and Y. Liu, “Network intrusion detection via tri-broad learning system based on spatial-temporal granularity,” The Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 79, no. 8, pp. 9180– 9205, 2023. keywords: 1)=; abuja; acc; adekunle; aggregate; algorithm; approach; assaults; attacks; attention; benign; better; birth; bot; bpoa; chump; cicids2017; classes; classification; classifier; computer; dataset; ddos; deep; degree; densenet; detection; different; discovery; effectiveness; engineering; equation; evaluation; feature; figure; findings; framework; function; information; input; intrusion; iot; layers; learning; literacy; machine; method; methodology; model; multi; network; neural; nigeria; number; paradigmplus; performance; pigeon; point; position; pre; rap; rapnet; rec; recall; research; results; robust; samples; samson; science; section; security; selection; service; strategy; structure; study; subcaste; suggested; svm; system; table; techniques; technology; temitope; traffic; university; use; vol cache: pp-48.pdf plain text: pp-48.txt item: #23 of 24 id: pp-6 author: Vegega, Cinthia; Pytel, Pablo; Pollo-Cattaneo, Maria Florencia title: Evaluation of the Bias in the Management of Patient’s Appointments in a Pediatric Office date: 2020-04-09 words: 9368 flesch: 52 summary: Another application can be found in the Theorise-Inquire technique [43], where the Grid is used to evaluate experts’ hunches about the quality of available data sources. One of the types of problems where Machine Learning has been applied has to do with the construction of models capable of inferring from historical data the dependencies between the past value and the short-term future, which are the so-called Predictive Models. keywords: activity; algorithms; analysis; ann; appointment; attributes; available; behavior; bias; buenos; case; characteristics; cinthia; cluster; context; data; date; day; distance; domain; elements; essential; evaluation; experts; facultad; finished; future; generated; grid; hidden; historical; information; intelligent; knowledge; layer; learning; machine; management; matrix; models; month; nacional; necessary; network; neurons; new; normal; number; office; ordered; overshift; paradigmplus; patient; pediatric; person; predictive; problem; process; regional; repertory; representative; results; secretary; section; sheet; shift; similar; software; specialist; status; system; table; task; technique; tecnológica; time; tree; universidad; values; vegega; vol; way cache: pp-6.pdf plain text: pp-6.txt item: #24 of 24 id: pp-7 author: Becker, Alexander; Görlich, Daniel title: What is Game Balancing? - An Examination of Concepts date: 2020-04-21 words: 10835 flesch: 57 summary: Contrary to what one might expect, concepts such as fairness, flow, or user satisfaction are identified to be important, but no central or fundamental concepts for the definition of game balancing. Much has been published about “game balancing”, though rarely from a scientific point of view. keywords: actions; adams; alexander; analysis; aspects; asymmetrical; authors; available; balance; balancing; becker; best; brown; burgun; chance; characteristics; concepts; costs; daniel; decisions; decoster; definition; design; developers; differences; different; difficulty; dominant; dynamic; elements; example; experience; fairness; feedback; focus; formal; fun; game; game balancing; game design; game elements; goal; görlich; imbalance; important; information; intransitivity; level; making; meaningful; meaningless; means; multiplayer; new; novak; numbers; ones; options; order; paradigmplus; player; portnow; positive; power; process; properties; publications; results; rewards; rollings; rubin; rules; schell; schreiber; sirlin; skill; state; strategies; strategy; sylvester; symmetry; table; term; time; trivial; university; use; user; viable; win cache: pp-7.pdf plain text: pp-7.txt