item: #1 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-10 author: Sulistyani Eka Lestari title: Labour Policy For Overcoming The Impact of Covid-19 date: 2021-07-02 words: 4392 flesch: 52 summary: In this situation, many workers experience termination of employment ahead of Eid because employers avoid payment of holiday allowances, and this is usually experienced by workers whose status is contract workers. Not only in Indonesia, but also throughout the world, the corona virus outbreak that struck Indonesia made the government issue a special policy with the temporary suspension of community activities that caused a crowd, including the process of teaching and learning in schools, company workers, activities in public spaces, to activities religious in a place of worship. keywords: article; attribution; circular; commons; company; corona; covid-19; creative; dan; employment; government; health; home; hukum; indonesia; international; july; jurnal; labor; law; license; manpower; merdeka; minister; no.x; number; pandemic; protection; right; sains; sharealike; social; surabaya; universitas; vijccs; virus; vol; vol.x; wacana; wages; workers; xxxx; year; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-10.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-10.txt item: #2 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-100 author: Abror Prima Putra; Moh.Saleh title: Due To The Law On The Purchase of Land Rights That Have Not Been Certified If Bound By The Government Ah City of Surabaya (Case Study Number: 678 K/PID.SUS/2019 Jo 87/Pid.Sus/TPK/2018/PN.Sby date: 2021-09-30 words: 6791 flesch: 44 summary: State land can also be divided into two types, namely: a. Free state land is state land that is directly under the control of the state, on this land there is no single right that is owned by parties other than the state. Non-free state land is state land that has not been boarded by other parties, for example, namely: “State land on which there is a Management right owned by the Regional or Municipal Government, Perum Perumnas, Pertamina, Bulog, Special Authority Agency. keywords: agency; article; attribution; certificate; city; city government; commons; control; creative; dan; form; government; government regulation; hukum; ijccs; international; july; jurnal; land; land agency; land law; land registration; law; law number; legal; license; local; merdeka; minister; national land; no.x; number; ownership; paragraph; physical; property; regional; regional property; regulation; rights; sains; security; sharealike; state land; surabaya; undang; universitas; user; vol; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-100.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-100.txt item: #3 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-101 author: Alfian Rachmat Darmawan; Endah Lestari Dwirokhmeiti title: Legal Protection for Children Perpetrators of Immoral Crime (Case Study Number 21/PID.SUS.Anak/2019/PN.Trg) date: 2021-09-30 words: 4916 flesch: 46 summary: Child protection is a manifestation of justice in the community, therefore child protection is sought in every sphere of social and state life. The simplest form of child protection is to ensure that no child's rights are harmed. keywords: act; agreement; anak; article; attribution; cases; children; commons; community; court; creative; criminal; diversion; hukum; ijccs; international; judge; july; jurnal; justice; juvenile; law; legal; license; merdeka; no.x; number; parents; parties; perpetrator; problems; process; protection; restorative; restorative justice; results; rights; sains; sharealike; surabaya; system; undang; universitas; victim; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-101.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-101.txt item: #4 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-102 author: Anita Christiana; Moh Saleh title: Authority of Notary To Make A Declaration As A Condition For Anyone To Be An Organ Recipient / Recipient date: 2021-09-30 words: 6279 flesch: 44 summary: Provisions regarding the determination of a brain stem dead person are regulated in PERMENKES No. 37/2014 concerning Determination of Death and utilization of donor organs. In connection with the possibility of donors and recipients making compensation agreements for organ donors given to recipients, this cannot be justified because it does not fulfill the third requirement in Article 1320, namely the promised object is not to be traded in accordance with the mandate of the Health Law that organs are not for sale. keywords: accordance; agreement; article; attribution; authentic; authority; body; brain; certain; committee; commons; creative; criminal; dan; death; deed; defendant; donors; form; gazette; government; health; hukum; human; ijccs; indonesia; international; issues; july; jurnal; law; legal; license; making; merdeka; minister; no.x; notary; number; organ; paragraph; parties; permenkes; person; prospective; recipient; republic; research; sains; sharealike; state; statement; stem; surabaya; transplantation; transplants; universitas; vol.x; wacana; witness; work; xxxx; year; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-102.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-102.txt item: #5 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-103 author: Isnin Harianti; Astari Cahyaningtyas Winantyo; Ananda Amalia Tasya title: Application of Business Rights Over Management Rights Based On Government Regulation No. 18 of 2021 date: 2021-09-30 words: 6217 flesch: 50 summary: When associated with the granting of Business Use Rights on land Management rights, there are some principles that are not appropriate and not applied in the grant. Registration of Land Right to Business on land Management Rights is much more difficult because it requires approval from the holder of Management Rights. keywords: agrarian; agreement; approval; article; attribution; basic; business; business use; commons; creative; dan; government; granting; hak; holder; hukum; ijccs; implementation; indonesia; international; july; jurnal; land; land management; land rights; land use; law; laws; legal; license; management; management rights; merdeka; no.x; number; paragraph; parties; principle; provisions; registration; regulation; related; rights; rules; sains; sharealike; state; state land; surabaya; universitas; use; use rights; uupa; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-103.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-103.txt item: #6 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-104 author: andy christanto santoso; Woro Winandi title: Abstain Voter (Golput) On Implementation Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada) In Surabaya During The Corona Pandemic date: 2022-03-29 words: 2530 flesch: 51 summary: The scope of Golput is very broad because it can be seen from several factors according to Eep Saifullah Fatah dividing golput into 4 types, namely: (1) Technical Golput is becoming abstainer for certain reasons such as being sick, and not being able to vote; (2) Political technical abstentions caused by mistakes made by the KPU or themselves, such as the unavailability of voting papers, are not registered as voters; (3) Political abstentions are caused because they do not believe or do not have the right candidate to change for the better; (4) Idiological abstentions are those who do not believe in democratic mechanisms and fundamental reasons such as religion or other political ideologies, distinguishes the typology of political participation into three, namely: (1) active participation, participating in proposing proposals or alternatives regarding policies made by the government; (2) passive participation, following and implementing every government implementation; (3) the GOLPUT, a group that does not care about the existing political system and even deviates by not voting (Kassim, 2021). Therefore, apart from secondary data, namely the applicable laws and regulations, researchers also rely heavily on data obtained from interviews and observations, as well as documents and even memories of certain people who are related to a particular event. keywords: community; corona; creative; dan; elections; golput; government; hukum; ijccs; implementation; indonesia; july; jurnal; no.x; number; pandemic; participation; party; people; pilkada; pkpu; political; results; right; sains; surabaya; vol; vol.x; vote; voters; voting; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-104.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-104.txt item: #7 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-105 author: Brigitta Raras Ayu Roesedi; Arina Bhuana Sari; Isnin Harianti; Gisca Azaria Ramadhani title: Fulfillment of Human Rights By Transnational Corporations In Indonesia: Perspective of International Norms date: 2022-03-29 words: 6937 flesch: 42 summary: Non-state actors include international organizations that do not actually play a direct role in the establishment of human rights regulations, however, NGOs encourage the birth of various regulations on the protection of human rights. 17 No. 4 2022 YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 400 Fulfillment of Human Rights By Transnational Corporations In Indonesia: Perspective of International Norms Brigitta Raras Ayu Roesedi 1* , Arina Bhuana Sari Isnin Harianti 1 , Gisca Azaria Ramadhani 1 1 Faculty of Law, Airlangga University E-mail: *,, ,, ABSTRACT Leniency in the implementation of rules on the fulfillment of human rights by the Government to TNC as an entity in Indonesia. keywords: able; activities; addition; attribution; behavior; business; citizens; commons; community; compact; companies; company; corporate; corporations; country; creative; dan; data; development; economic; enterprises; environmental; foreign; fulfillment; global; government; guidelines; hukum; human; human rights; ijccs; implementation; indonesia; international; investment; journal; july; law; laws; legal; liability; license; limited; merdeka; multinational; nations; no.x; non; norms; obligation; oecd; presence; protection; regulations; research; respect; responsibility; rights; rights violations; role; rules; sains; sharealike; social; state; surabaya; terms; tnc; transnational; united; universitas; violations; voc; vol.x; wacana; work; workers; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-105.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-105.txt item: #8 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-106 author: Fandy Firmansyah; Evi Retno Wulan title: Owner's Responsibility of Traffic Vehicles With E-Ticketing date: 2021-09-30 words: 5789 flesch: 51 summary: As owners of motorized vehicles, we are obliged to properly maintain and care for the condition of the motorized vehicle so that the condition of the motorized vehicle remains good and can be used and does not trouble us because if the motorized vehicle we have is damaged or cannot walk, it becomes difficult for us to move because our motorized vehicle has been damaged or the tire is flat so that it cannot run, eventually making it difficult for us as motorized vehicle owners. Thus legal protection will be obtained by motorized vehicle owners as legal subjects, if they have fulfilled the obligation to register their motorized vehicle in accordance with statutory regulations. keywords: act; approach; article; attribution; code; commons; creative; crime; criminal; dan; definition; electronic; form; hukum; ijccs; indonesia; international; july; jurnal; law; legal; license; light; meaning; means; merdeka; minor; motorized; no.x; number; offender; owner; people; person; police; process; regulations; research; road; sains; sharealike; surabaya; system; ticket; ticketing; tilang; traffic; transportation; universitas; vehicle; violations; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-106.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-106.txt item: #9 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-108 author: January Nasya Ayu Taduri ; Fairus Augustina Rachmawati; Dian Latifani title: Implementation of Children's Rights Execution In The Perspective of Civil And Islamic Law date: 2021-12-20 words: 5517 flesch: 52 summary: The regulations regarding the execution of child custody have not been enforced The obstacle that occurs is that the execution of child custody decisions is not because there is no legal rule, but there are no compiled legal rules governing child care execution. Responding to disputes over child custody due to divorce, the Marriage Law does not clearly and explicitly explain child custody rights. keywords: act; anak; approach; article; aryani; attribution; author; care; cases; child; child custody; children; civil; commons; compilation; court; creative; custody; dalam; dan; decisions; divorce; execution; hak; hukum; ijccs; implementation; indonesia; international; islamic; july; juridical; jurnal; law; laws; legal; license; marriage; merdeka; no.x; non; nova; number; object; obstacles; paper; parents; parties; party; problems; process; protection; regulations; related; religious; research; rights; sains; sharealike; statutory; surabaya; undang; universitas; vol; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-108.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-108.txt item: #10 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-109 author: Elvandi Christian Saragih title: Juridical Implications of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Credit Agreements in Indonesia date: 2021-12-20 words: 4784 flesch: 48 summary: Furthermore, by Mariam Darus Badrulzaman, there are 3 (three) forms of default, namely; Debtors do not fulfill the agreement at all, debtors are late in fulfilling the agreement and debtors are mistaken or inappropriate to fulfill the agreement.(Prayogo, 2016) Failure to fulfill one of the elements above can result in the debtor being said to be Default. in the credit agreement not being fulfilled maximally as it should be, new debtors who are completely unable to carry out their obligations, debtors who are late in carrying out obligations, and even debtors do things that are prohibited in the agreement. keywords: affected; agreement; attribution; business; commons; concerning; corona; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; creative; credit; credit agreement; creditors; dan; debtor; default; disease; economic; economy; hukum; ijccs; impact; income; indonesia; international; july; jurnal; legal; license; merdeka; no.x; obligations; pandemic; parties; payment; people; postponement; research; result; sains; sharealike; spread; surabaya; time; universitas; virus; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-109.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-109.txt item: #11 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-11 author: Dian Yunari; Moh Saleh title: Legal Aspects of House Sales Agreement With Inhouse Method date: 2021-07-02 words: 4877 flesch: 58 summary: In-house purchases of houses are in demand by the public due to several factors such as high bank interest which according to certain religious beliefs violates the principles of sharia in IJCCS, Vol.x, No.x, July xxxx, pp. Vol. In fact, it is found in the field that the sale and purchase of house objects with land and buildings is carried out under the hands of the seller / developer and the buyer. keywords: agreement; article; attribution; buyer; commons; creative; deed; default; defendant; form; house; house sale; housing; hukum; inhouse; installments; july; jurnal; land; law; legal; letter; merdeka; no.x; number; party; ping; plaintiff; price; purchase; purchase agreement; research; rights; rupiah; sains; sale; seller; selling; spjbri; surabaya; universitas; vol; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-11.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-11.txt item: #12 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-110 author: Amran; Ibnu Arly title: Establishment of Individual Limited Liability Companies as an Effort for Economic Recovery Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2021-12-20 words: 3336 flesch: 41 summary: Company companies are also known as sole proprietorship or sole trader. Then, the deed must be ratified by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights so that later the company will officially become a Limited Liability Company or PT business entity, this is confirmed in Article 7 of the Limited Liability Company Law. keywords: authorized; business; capital; companies; company; covid-19; deed; economic; entity; establishment; form; general; government;; individual; indonesia; law; legal; liability; liability company; limited; limited liability; micro; notary; number; pandemic; research; small cache: yurisdiksi-110.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-110.txt item: #13 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-111 author: Sabrina Isnintias; Moh.Saleh title: Respect For Individual Limited Company (MSMEs) For Pailit Decision date: 2021-12-20 words: 6319 flesch: 44 summary: The dissolution process is also considered very simple and carried out electronically, however, the company liquidation and settlement process does not follow what is stated in the applicable Company Law, where at PT Persekutuan Modal (PT Ordinary) which is dissolved, namely a GMS with a Notarial deed, then by appointing a Liquidator / Board of Directors or other party, but different from PT Perorangan related to the dissolution, namely by only making a Share Decision Statement, then this Sole shareholder appoints a Liquidator, which can be the Owner or the Board of Directors, for the Owner and the Board of Directors are single or the same person. Limited Liability Company Law, Jakarta: Sinar Grafika. keywords: article; assets; attribution; bankruptcy; board; business; capital; companies; company; creation; dan; debtor; directors; enterprises; establishment; form; government;; hukum; ijccs; individual; individual company; international; job; july; jurnal; law; legal; limited; merdeka; micro; msmes; no.x; number; paragraph; parties; party; person; protection; sains; shareholders; small; state; statement; surabaya; universitas; vol; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-111.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-111.txt item: #14 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-112 author: Siswoko Andianto; Widyawati Boediningsih title: Delegation of Authority for Secondary Education Management Aspects of Regional Assets / Property at the East Java Provincial Education Office date: 2021-12-20 words: 9371 flesch: 35 summary: 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Legal Aspects Transfer of Secondary Education Asset Management Authority The Problem of transferring authority to manage Secondary Education Assets from the Surabaya City Government to East Java Province can be viewed from a legal aspect in the form of rights and obligations or local government duties and implementation based on statutory regulations. YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 263 e. Secondary Education Asset Data Reconciliation which will be transferred from the Surabaya City Government to the East Java Provincial Government. keywords: 23/2014; assets; attribution; authority; city education; city government; commons; creative; dan; data; east java; education; education assets; education management; education office; government; government affairs; government agencies; government assets; government regulation; handover; head; high; hukum; ijccs; implementation; international; inventory; java provincial; july; jurnal; land; law; legal; license; local; management; merdeka surabaya; no.x; number; office; ownership; personnel; policy; process; property; province; provincial education; provincial government; regional; regional assets; regional government; regional property; registration; rights; sains; schools; secondary education; sharealike; surabaya city; surabaya government; transfer; universitas; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-112.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-112.txt item: #15 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-114 author: Habib Adjie; Benny Aji Prasetyo title: Cancellation of The Marriage Agreement Dedicated After The Marriage is Conducted date: 2021-12-20 words: 5294 flesch: 49 summary: Marriage agreements made after marriage are often carried out by several couples, in practice there are legal problems, namely the Marriage Law has not regulated the legal basis for making marriage agreements made after the marriage takes place, this is found in the case of a lawsuit for the cancellation of the marriage agreement as in the South Jakarta district court decision. Based on the provisions of Article 35 paragraph (2) of the UUP, husband and wife are entitled to fully own their respective assets as long as the parties do not specify otherwise, namely by marriage agreement. keywords: agreement; article; assets; attribution; citizenship; civil; commons; creative; dan; deed; hukum; husband; ijccs; indonesian; july; jurnal; law; legal; marital; marriage; marriage agreement; marriage law; merdeka; mixed; no.x; notary; parties; place; plaintiff; property; research; sains; sharealike; surabaya; union; universitas; vol.x; wacana; wife; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-114.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-114.txt item: #16 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-115 author: Devi Andiya Fidiyanti; Khunsul Yaqin title: Polemic of Involvement of Notaries As Suspects Based On Article 263 of The Criminal Law Book date: 2022-03-29 words: 3269 flesch: 50 summary: INTRODUCTION Notary is a position that is given the task and authority in making authentic deeds in civil matters granted by the state. The function of a Notary in his field of work is to be obligated and responsible primarily for making authentic deeds that have been entrusted to him, especially in the field of civil law, keeping the minutes of the deed, including all Notary protocols and providing grosses, copies and excerpts. keywords: act; article; authentic; authorities; authority; case; civil; code; criminal; dan; deed; duties; hukum; jurnal; law; legal; making; notaries; notary; number; official; parties; position; public; regulations; research; sains; surabaya; suspect; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-115.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-115.txt item: #17 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-117 author: Rizal Nugra Wijaya; Rusdianto Sesung title: Legal Study on Withdrawal of Fiduciary Guarantee Based on the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 2/PUU-XIX/2021 date: 2022-06-30 words: 9097 flesch: 36 summary: ABSTRACT The practice of withdrawing fiduciary guarantees by financing institutions has often caused controversy because each party has a legal basis that can be used to maintain the goods resulting in the use of physical force to be able to withdraw fiduciary guarantee goods. In practice, we often encounter movable objects in fiduciary guarantees, IJCCS, Vol.x, No.x, July xxxx, pp. Vol. keywords: agreement; article; attribution; auction; commons; constitutional; constitutional court; court; court decision; creative; creditor; dan; debtor; decision; default; execution; fiduciary agreement; fiduciary certificate; fiduciary collateral; fiduciary giver; fiduciary guarantee; fiduciary law; fiduciary recipient; fiduciary registration; financing; force; goods; guarantee certificate; guarantees; hukum; ijccs; international; july; june; jurnal; legal; license; merdeka; no.x; object; paragraph; parties; puu; rights; sains; sale; sharealike; surabaya; universitas; vol.x; wacana; withdrawal; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-117.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-117.txt item: #18 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-118 author: Ali Said Hilabi; Mutiara Azura Mulyawan; Yuli Indrawati title: Principles of Justice for Compensation for Land Procurement in Tamansari 11 Bandung City date: 2022-06-30 words: 6238 flesch: 50 summary: Priority I: building owners who have KK and KTP residents of RW 11 Tamansari Village, Bandung Wetan District, Bandung City and are married, have a land lease permit from the Bandung City Government until 2010, or their heirs who are entitled if the owner has died; b. Priority II: building owners who have KK and KTP residents of RW 11 Tamansari Village, Bandung Wetan District, Bandung City and are married, but do not have a land lease permit from the Bandung City Government; c. Priority III: biological children/heirs of priority I who have KK and KTP residents of RW 11 Tamansari Village, Bandung Wetan District, Bandung City but do not have a land lease permit from the Bandung City Government, and are already married; d. Priority IV: biological children/heirs of priority II who have KK and KTP residents of RW 11, Tamansari Village, Bandung Wetan District, Bandung City, and are already married; e. Priority V: building owners who do not have KK and KTP residents of RW 11, Tamansari Village, Bandung Wetan District, Bandung City, are married and have low income; f. Priority VI: Bandung City residents who are married and are classified as low-income people; - Fourth : The scheme for the amount of residential rent for residents affected by the construction of the Tamansari row house is determined until it is redefined by the Mayor, which is divided into: a. In this case, the Bandung City Government should have socialized it first with the Tamansari 11 community, as well as discussing the compensation that the Bandung City Government would provide to the Tamansari 11 community affected by the land acquisition. keywords: acquisition; area; attribution; bandung; bandung city; building; city; commons; community; compensation; creative; dan; data; development; floor; government; hukum; ijccs; indonesia; interest; international; july; june; jurnal; justice; land; land acquisition; land procurement; law; legal; materials; merdeka; no.x; number; parties; principle; procurement; public; public interest; research; residents; rights; sains; sharealike; surabaya; tamansari; universitas; village; vol; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-118.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-118.txt item: #19 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-119 author: Diki Wendyanto; Endah Lestari Dwirokhmeiti title: Legal Journal "Examination of the Judge's Decision in the Acts of Online Football Gambling" (Case study 2864 / Pid.B / 2019 / PN.sby) date: 2022-03-29 words: 2945 flesch: 51 summary: The phenomenon of online gambling that is now rife is online soccer gambling, which is widely found in the IJCCS, Vol.x, No.x, July xxxx, pp. Vol. With computers on a large scale network and many websites that provide online gambling, this will certainly make a big advantage over conventional gambling. keywords: act; article; code; commons; court; creative; criminal; dan; decision; electronic; examination; gambling; game; hukum; ijccs; indictment; information; international; internet; judge; july; jurnal; law; no.x; number; online; online gambling; paragraph; pid.b; playing; research; sains; surabaya; vol.x; wacana; xxxx; year; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-119.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-119.txt item: #20 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-12 author: Regi Handono title: The Implementation of Electronic Money In Increasing Tax Payment Compliance For Taxpayers In Indonesia date: 2021-07-02 words: 5355 flesch: 51 summary: Tax revenue has contributed more than 80% of the total revenue in the APBN. Moreover, in 2020, which is quite a tough year not only for Indonesia but for various other countries facing considerable economic downturn, various forms of fiscal policies and efforts to increase tax revenues have been carried out by the Ministry of Finance and the Directorate General of Taxes (DGT) (Medvedev, 2015). keywords: application; approach; attribution; bank; commons; compliance; country; creative; crime; cyber; dan; data; development; dgt; electronic; electronic money; form; funds; government; hand; hukum; ijccs; income; increase; indonesia; information; international; july; jurnal; law; legal; license; materials; means; merdeka; money; no.x; number; obligations; organization; payment; research; revenue; sains; sharealike; state; surabaya; system; tax; taxes; taxpayers; transaction; undang; universitas; use; vol; vol.x; wacana; waste; work; world; xxxx; year; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-12.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-12.txt item: #21 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-120 author: Moch. Faizal Adi Wardana; Endah Lestari Dwirokhmeiti title: Legality of Release of Prisoners During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Positive Law Studies date: 2022-03-29 words: 3503 flesch: 46 summary: And for the supervisory agency it must also continue to supervise released prisoners, in order to minimize the prisoners who are released from committing criminal acts again so that the public does not feel worried and improves coordination between institutions in implementing and monitoring the Assimilation and Integration Rights program so that it is right on target and achieving goals. 17 No. 4 2022 YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 347 Legality of Release of Prisoners During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Positive Law Studies Moch. keywords: act; assimilation; community; correctional; covid-19; creative; crime; criminal; dan; hukum; human; indonesia; integration; july; jurnal; law; legal; ministry; no.x; parole; person; prisoners; process; public; release; repeat; rights; sentence; society; state; steps; surabaya; vol; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-120.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-120.txt item: #22 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-121 author: Zelfy Aristin title: Legal Sanctions Against Companies That Breach The Provisions of Circulation License date: 2022-03-29 words: 6259 flesch: 46 summary: This is done by fulfilling diverse food intake, nutritionally balanced, and meeting the requirements for food safety, food quality and food nutrition (Bulkeley & Kern, 2006). Asahan Food for deliberately taking steps to ignore it for quite a long time (4 years) since the issuance of the new regulation to administer the permit from BPOM as the agency that has control over the safety of food products. keywords: actors; article; asahan; attribution; bpom; business; case; certification; commons; community; consumers; control; court; creative; dan; decision; distribution; drug; food; government; health; hukum; ijccs; implementation; indonesia; international; judge; july; jurnal; justice; law; laws; legal; license; merdeka; no.x; number; permit; petita; principle; product; protection; provisions; public; quality; regulations; safety; sains; sanctions; sharealike; surabaya; ultra; universitas; verdict; vol.x; wacana; wider; work; xxxx; years; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-121.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-121.txt item: #23 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-122 author: Ami Nurjannah title: Legal Due To The Transfer of Rights to Agricultural Land to Non Agriculture In The City of Tasikmalaya date: 2022-03-29 words: 5221 flesch: 45 summary: 10. Socio-Cultural Factors 372 The existence of inheritance law causes the fragmentation of agricultural land so that there is no minimum limit of profitable business economies of scale, weak control functions and the enforcement of government or institutional regulations related to the conversion of agricultural land functions. Entering a new era as now the government is doing many changes and shifts on the basis to make it a source of income in a different field, as well as the transition of agricultural land function into a building or other building materials to achieve a faster outcome and the Kerab is considered more appropriate and luxurious. keywords: accordance; agricultural land; agriculture; approach; areas; article; building; business; change; city; community; conversion; converted; development; economic; factors; farmers; food agriculture; function; government; hukum; increase; land; land conversion; land functions; land use; law; law number; legal; maximum; natural; needs; non; number; ownership; paragraph; plan; population; process; protection; provisions; public; regulations; related; replacement; replacement land; residential; resources; rights; rupiah; sustainable food; tasikmalaya; transfer; use; year cache: yurisdiksi-122.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-122.txt item: #24 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-124 author: Muhammad Ali Farhan title: Application of Presidential Threshold In Indonesia And Comparison With Several Countries date: 2022-06-30 words: 5879 flesch: 44 summary: Although there are often controversies about presidential system thresholds, the main goal is to create effectiveness and stability for the presidential system. And the method I used in this research is Normative Type with conceptual approach and case analysis, because as we known in this world theres a much country who Not applied presidential Threshold system, so in this research I found the country who applying presidential threshold and the reason that county not use that system. keywords: article; attribution; candidates; commons; constitution; country; creative; dan; election; general; general election; government; hukum; ijccs; indonesia; international; july; june; jurnal; law; merdeka; new; no.x; pairs; parties; party; people; percent; political; political parties; power; presidential; presidential candidates; presidential system; presidential threshold; sains; sharealike; state; surabaya; system; threshold; universitas; vice; vice presidential; vol.x; votes; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-124.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-124.txt item: #25 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-125 author: Junnytte Juliana Pinca; Tutiek Retnowati title: On Insurance Claims Liability PT Jamkrindo date: 2022-06-30 words: 7248 flesch: 44 summary: l. Construction work and/or procurement of goods/services listed in the contract are not contained in the budget items of the APBN/APBD, BUMN/BUMD or other documents that are equated with DIPA/DIPDA; l. GUARANTEE RECIPIENTdoes not report and apply for credit Guarantee for the GUARANTEE D credit extension/supplement/restructuring; m. There is no progress report on project work performance carried out by GUARANTEE D from the Project Owner. A copy of the relevant Guarantee Certificate (SP) and its attachments for credit Guarantee s carried out with a conditional automatic cover (CAC) mechanism. keywords: act; acts; agreement; approach; article; attribution; bank; blora; branch; business; case; claim; commons; company; compensation; construction; creative; credit; dan; documents; emas; financial; form; goods; guarantee; hukum; ijccs; indonesia; insurance; insured; international; jamkrindo; jateng; july; june; jurnal; kristiono; law; legal; lentera; letter; license; loss; losses; merdeka; no.x; number; party; payment; procurement; project; raya; recipient; rights; risk; sains; services; sharealike; spmk; submission; surabaya; teguh; time; universitas; unlawful; vol; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-125.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-125.txt item: #26 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-126 author: Kuntri Selvilia Lidya Sari; Tutiek Retnowati title: Default Settlement on Unsecured Loans date: 2022-06-30 words: 5549 flesch: 49 summary: In addition, Bank Indonesia has stipulated provisions regarding the obligations of commercial banks to own and implement bank credit policies based on the guidelines for formulating bank credit policies in the Decree of the Director of BI Number 27/162/KEP/DIR dated March 31, 1995 (Dianto et al., 2020). In the implementation of lending and credit management, banks are required to comply with bank credit policies that have been formulated consistently and consistently from these provisions. keywords: agreement; article; attribution; bank; business; changes; civil; code; collateral; commons; compensation; creative; credit; creditor; customer; dan; debtor; default; hukum; ijccs; indonesia; international; july; june; jurnal; law; legal; license; loans; losses; merdeka; no.x; non; number; paragraph; parties; protection; provisions; restructuring; sains; sharealike; surabaya; terms; universitas; unsecured; vol; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-126.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-126.txt item: #27 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-127 author: Rafi Hidayahtullah Pakaya; Tutiek Retnowati title: Legal Protection for Victims of Traffic Accidents Due to Against The Law date: 2022-06-30 words: 8117 flesch: 46 summary: Compensation is the fulfillment of the rights of traffic accident victims from the party responsible for the occurrence of traffic accidents, while Article 234 explains that: 1. Drivers, vehicle owners, and public transportation companies are charged with the obligation to compensate for losses suffered by passengers or owners of goods and/or third parties due to negligence of the driver 2. In the event of a traffic accident, the victim has the rights regulated in article 240 of the LLAJ Law which reads: The victim of a traffic accident has the right to: Help and care from the party responsible for the occurrence of a traffic accident and/or the government, compensation from parties who are responsible for the occurrence of traffic accidents and traffic accident compensation from the insurance company Based on the rights of the victim, there are parties who are required to fulfill the rights of the victim, namely the driver, owner, or public transportation company that resulted in the accident. keywords: accidents; act; acts; article; attribution; civil; civil code; code; commons; compensation; creative; dan; driver; form; hukum; ijccs; international; july; june; jurnal; law; legal; license; losses; merdeka; motorized; no.x; party; person; public; responsible; result; rights; road; sains; sharealike; surabaya; traffic; traffic accidents; transportation; universitas; unlawful; unlawful act; vehicle; victims; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-127.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-127.txt item: #28 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-128 author: Linda Setiawati; Tutiek Retnowati title: The Legal Status of An Individual Company Based On The Copyright Law date: 2022-09-09 words: 2648 flesch: 46 summary: The limited liability of individual company shareholders has also been explicitly stated in article 153 J of the work copyright Law which states that “ (1) Company shareholders for micro and small business are not personally responsible for the engagement made on behalf of the company and are not responsible for the loss of the company exceeds the shares owned”. Individual company has met the criteria as a legal entity. keywords: attribution; business; capital; commons; companies; company; creative; dan; entity; establishment; february; form; hukum; individual; individual company; indonesia; international; issn; jurnal; law; legal; liability; limited; merdeka; micro; online; person; research; sains; shareholders; small; surabaya; universitas; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-128.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-128.txt item: #29 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-129 author: Nuli Bagyo; Indatirini title: Application of The Principle of Good Faith In Land Buying date: 2022-06-30 words: 6210 flesch: 52 summary: 2. RESEARCH METHODS Type of research in this legal research is normative legal research, which is a process to find the rule of law, legal principles, and legal doctrines in order to answer the legal issues faced (Peter Mahmud Marzuki, Legal Research, 2011). The researcher uses a normative type of research because this research is to find coherence, namely are there legal rules in accordance with legal norms and are there norms in the form of orders or prohibitions in accordance with legal principles, and whether someone's actions are in accordance with legal norms or legal principles (Peter Mahmud Marzuki, Legal Research Revised Edition, 2014) keywords: accordance; agreement; article; attribution; buyer; buying; commons; contract; court; creative; decision; good; good faith; good intentions; hukum; intentions; international; july; june; jurnal; land; law; legal; making; no.x; object; parties; person; principle; purchase; purchase agreement; research; rights; sale; seller; selling; states; supreme; surabaya; vol.x; wacana; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-129.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-129.txt item: #30 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-13 author: Hery Agus Susanto; Daniel Susilo title: Legal Supervision And Enforcement In Environmental Law Under The Law Number 32 Year 2009 On Environmental And Protection Management date: 2021-07-03 words: 6707 flesch: 36 summary: Not all planned activities shall be supplemented by an analysis of environmental impacts, which shall be supplemented by an analysis of environmental impacts only those having significant environmental impacts. In essence, it is expected that through the EIA study, the environmental feasibility of a business plan and / or development YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 12 activity is expected to optimally minimize the possibility of negative environmental impacts, and can utilize and manage natural resources efficiently. keywords: activities; activity; administrative; analysis; andal; article; assessment; attribution; authority; business; commons; component; creative; dan; decision; decree; development; document; efforts; eia; enforcement; environmental; environmental impact; environmental law; environmental management; environmental permit; form; government; government regulation; guidelines; hukum; human; impact; important; international; jurnal; law; law enforcement; license; living; management; menklh; merdeka; minister; monitoring; negative; permit; plan; plants; pollution; positive; preparation; process; protection; regulation; responsible; sains; sanctions; sharealike; state; study; supervision; surabaya; terms; universitas; wacana; water; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-13.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-13.txt item: #31 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-130 author: Alex Siswanto title: The Imposition of Sanctions For Delay Reporting of A Will Deed To The Center For The Will List date: 2022-06-30 words: 4704 flesch: 48 summary: 2. number, date and month, as well as the year the will was made; 3. type of will; and 4. repertoire number of wills. The Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia has stipulated the Regulation of the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Number 60 of 2016 concerning Procedures for Reporting Wills and Applications for Issuance of Electronic Will Certificates. keywords: article; center; central; deed; form; general; inheritance; july; june; law; legal; list; making; month; negligent; notaries; notary; official; paragraph; permenkumham; person; presence; register; reporting; research; responsibility; rights; sanctions; surabaya; testament; testator; uujn; vol.x; wills; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-130.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-130.txt item: #32 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-131 author: Eric Reinaldo; Rusdianto Sesung title: Legal Aspects In The Making of The Buying Boarding Deed And The Power of Sale date: 2022-06-30 words: 7101 flesch: 39 summary: Other provisions regarding PPAT are regulated in Article 37 Paragraph (1) Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997 concerning Land Registration, transfer of land rights and ownership rights to apartment units through buying and selling, exchanging, grants, income in the company and legal acts of transfer of rights. That in this case a notary became a defendant with the initials KNA, SH, Mkn who was accused of committing a crime in September 2014 located at the Notary's Office belonging to the Defendant on Jalan Nakula No. 8 Legian Kuta, Badung Regency or at least in other places that are still included in the jurisdiction of the Denpasar District Court, intentionally providing an opportunity, means or information, for Witness GUNAWAN PRIAMBODO (the defendant in a different case file) to commit an act intentionally and against the law owning something wholly or partly belongs to another person, but which is in his control not because of a crime, the act is carried out in the following way: keywords: act; agreement; attorney; attribution; buying; case; certificate; commons; creative; criminal; decision; deed; defendant; gunawan; gunawan priambodo; hgb; hukum; ijccs; international; july; june; jurnal; land; law; legal; making; merdeka; no.x; notary; office; parties; position; power; ppjb; ppjb deed; priambodo; purchase; research; rights; sains; sale; selling; sharealike; surabaya; universitas; victim; vol.x; wacana; witness; witness gunawan; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-131.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-131.txt item: #33 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-132 author: Mohammad Saleh; Susakti Wibowo ; Reinhard Yeremia title: Strength And Guarantee of Legal Certificate of Written Evidence After The Issuance of Permen ATR No. 6 Years 2018 date: 2022-06-30 words: 5351 flesch: 41 summary: Registration of changes to land registration data, consisting of: 1. extension of the term of land rights; 2. splitting, separating and merging land parcels; 3. sharing of joint rights; 4. the abolition of land rights and ownership rights to apartment units; 5. transfer and abolition of mortgage rights; 6. changes in land registration data based on court decisions or stipulations; 7. name change. keywords: article; atr; certainty; certificate; dan; data; days; government; guarantee; hukum; international; june; juridical; jurnal; land; land registration; land rights; law; legal; norm; number; office; paragraph; parcels; parties; physical; principle; proof; publication; publicity; registered; registration; regulation; rights; sains; strong; surabaya; system; time; transfer; vol.x; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-132.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-132.txt item: #34 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-133 author: Flavia Irene Iswahyudi title: Law Enforcement Against Criminal Acts of Online Gaming In The City of Surabaya date: 2022-06-30 words: 5226 flesch: 49 summary: Criminal law policies by using penal facilities in law enforcement on online gambling crimes, the process is the same as law enforcement against other criminal acts. In addition, efforts to prevent crime through the making of criminal law laws In principle, it is also an integral part ofefforts social welfare. keywords: article; attribution; commons; conventional; creative; crime; criminal; criminal law; dan; data; efforts; electronic; enforcement; gambling; government; hukum; ijccs; information; international; internet; ite; july; june; jurnal; law; legal; license; merdeka; no.x; non; number; online; online gambling; penal; players; policies; policy; regulations; research; sains; sharealike; social; surabaya; technology; universitas; vol; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-133.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-133.txt item: #35 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-134 author: Sumarso title: Legal Protection of Workers On Bankruptcy Decisions of Employing Companies date: 2022-03-24 words: 6026 flesch: 42 summary: Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 87 Legal Protection of Workers On Bankruptcy Decisions of Employing Companies Sumarso Faculty of Law, Merdeka University Surabaya E-mail: ABSTRACT Labor groups are very very vulnerable to violations of the law such as not being given decent wages and severance pay for layoffs, to avoid arbitrary actions by employers, workers are provided with legal protection facilities in the form of regulations regarding employment. Workers as workers need legal protection from the State as a guarantor of certainty for their rights to be obtained. keywords: agreement; article; attribution; bankruptcy; case; cassation; company; court; curator; dan; date; days; debtor; decision; declaration; development; employment;; hukum; human; indonesia; industrial; international; jurnal; laborers; law; legal; legal protection; manpower; merdeka; number; obligations; parties; payment; petition; protection; provisions; relations; relations court; research; rights; sains; settlement; sharealike; surabaya; time; universitas; wacana; wages; work agreement; workers; working; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-134.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-134.txt item: #36 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-136 author: Moh. Saleh; Dyah Chandra Kirana title: Authority of The Notary Honorary Assembly In Construction And Issuance of Recommendations For Inspector Calls date: 2022-09-09 words: 7899 flesch: 39 summary: The name Notarius gradually means those who make notes in fast writing, such as today's stenographers (R. Soegono Notodisoerjo, Notary Law in Indonesia An Explanation: 1993). Notodisoerjo, R. Soegono (1993), Notary Law in Indonesia An Explanation, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. keywords: administrative; approval; article; assembly; attribution; authority; commons; council; creative; decision; deed; defendant; examination; government; honorary council; hukum; ijcpp; indonesia; international; issn; jurnal; law; law number; legal; letter; license; merdeka; minutes; notaries; notary; notary deed; notary examination; notary honorary; notary law; notary position; number; online; plaintiff; print; public; regional notary; riau; sains; september; sharealike; state; summons; supervision; surabaya; universitas; uujn; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-136.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-136.txt item: #37 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-137 author: Frans Thiodoris; Mohammad Roesli; Adies Kadir title: Juridical Analysis Comparison of Electronic Civil Code The Role of the Land date: 2022-09-09 words: 5423 flesch: 50 summary: 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Comparison of legitimacy between electronic commerce buying and buying of electronic commerce and civil code Buying and selling transactions through electronic commerce, usually will be preceded by selling offers, buying offers and acceptance of sale or receipt of purchase. Especially in electronic commerce agreements, the good faith of consumers in purchasing must of course be accompanied by following information instructions to using goods correctly so that there is a balance between the buyer and the services provided by the seller. keywords: agreement; article; attribution; buyer; buying; civil; civil code; code; commerce; commons; conditions; consumers; contract; creative; dan; electronic; electronic commerce; goods; hukum; ijcpp; information; international; internet; issn; jurnal; law; legal; license; merdeka; online; parties; price; print; purchase; purchase agreement; sains; sale; seller; selling; september; services; sharealike; surabaya; transactions; universitas; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-137.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-137.txt item: #38 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-138 author: Fitri Hariadi; Priambodo Adi Wibowo; Ebit Rudianto title: Office as Implementing Complete Systematic Land Registration Acceleration in order to realize date: 2022-09-09 words: 6599 flesch: 36 summary: Regulation of the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN Number 6 of 2018 Article 2 point 2 states that PTSL aims to provide legal certainty and legal protection of community land rights based on simple, fast, smooth, safe, fair, equitable and open and accountable principles, so as to improve the welfare and prosperity of the community and the state economy, as well as reducing and preventing land disputes and conflicts. Regulation of the Minister of ATR/Head of BPN Number 6 of 2018 Article 2 point 2 states that PTSL aims to provide legal certainty and legal protection of community land rights based on simple, fast, smooth, safe, fair, equitable and open and accountable principles, so as to improve welfare and prosperity of the community and the state economy, as well as reducing and preventing land disputes and conflicts. keywords: affairs; agency; agrarian; article; attribution; bpn; certainty; certificate; commons; community; complete; creative; dan; data; government; head; hukum; ijcpp; implementation; indonesia; international; issn; jurnal; land; land agency; land office; land registration; land rights; legal; license; merdeka; minister; national land; number; office; online; planning; print; program; ptsl; regency; regional; regulations; republic; rights; sains; september; sharealike; sidoarjo; spatial; state; surabaya; systematic land; universitas; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-138.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-138.txt item: #39 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-139 author: Yusuf Efendi; Mohammad Roesli; Asep Heri title: Transfer of Agricultural Land Function in relation to Spatial Law on date: 2023-03-30 words: 4268 flesch: 36 summary: Basic Competencies of Land Function Transfer Land based on positive law in Indonesia is a state right that is intended entirely for the prosperity of the people, land is a state-owned unit which covers all land and seas within the limits set by national law covering land areas, inland waters, waters the archipelago and the territorial sea along with the seabed and subsoil thereof, as well as the air space above it, including all sources of wealth contained therein as stated in Article 1 paragraph 1, Law no. 43 of 2008 concerning State Territories and International Law (Continental Shelf Boundaries, EEZs, territorial and jurisdictional boundaries) uti possidetis juris regional development and development based on the principles of autonomy and decentralization that occurs has reduced the function of green open spaces, according to a Ministerial Regulation PU No. 5 of 2008 concerning Guidelines for Provision and Utilization of Green Open Space in urban areas; (a) guaranteeing the provision of green open space to be part of the air circulation system (city lungs), (b) microclimate regulator so that the air and water circulation system naturally runs smoothly, (c) as shade, (e) oxygen producer ( f) provider of animal habitats (g) absorbent of air, water and soil media pollutants and (h) windbreaks. Data related to land area, soil fertility, quantity and variety of commodity production in the area concerned and potential for future production 2. keywords: accordance; agricultural; area; article; attribution; author(s; commons; conversion; copyright; creative; dan; development; environment; food; function; government; hukum; indonesia; international; issn; jurnal; land; law; legal; license; march; merdeka; online; people; planning; print; protection; regional; regulations; resources; rights; sains; sharealike; space; spatial; state; surabaya; sustainable; transfer; universitas; use; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-139.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-139.txt item: #40 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-14 author: Priambodo Adi Wibowo title: Rehabilitation For Addicts For Victims To Spike Narcotics In The Penal System date: 2021-07-03 words: 10533 flesch: 33 summary: Community involvement and support (social participation and social support) is one of the non-formal rehabilitation that has a strategic value in the implementation of Narcotics Narcotics rehabilitation, where the community can provide support by providing the necessary resources in rehabilitation activities. Normatively, explanation of Narcotics Law Article 56 states that rehabilitation of Narcotics addicts is conducted in aiming to restoring and/or develops physical, mental, social ability of the respected patients. keywords: abuse; abusers; act; action; acts; addicts; addition; article; attribution; authority; bnn; commons; commons attribution; community; concept; court; creative; creative commons; crime; criminal; criminal acts; criminal justice; criminal law; criminal sanctions; dan; dan sains; decision; defendant; depenalization; drug; drug addicts; efforts; element; factors; form; health; hukum; hukum dan; implementation; indonesia; institutions; international; judge; jurnal; jurnal wacana; justice; law; legal; license; medical; merdeka; merdeka surabaya; narcotics; narcotics abuse; narcotics addicts; narcotics crime; narcotics law; number; offender; order; paragraph; penal; perpetrators; person; policy; process; protection; provisions; punishment; purpose; rehabilitation; related; restorative; role; sains; sains universitas; sanctions; sharealike; social; social rehabilitation; society; states; subject; surabaya; system; theory; treatment; universitas; universitas merdeka; victims; wacana; wacana hukum; work; year; yurisdiksi; yurisdiksi jurnal cache: yurisdiksi-14.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-14.txt item: #41 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-140 author: Ammar Rosyadi; Mohammad Roesli; Priambodo Adi Wibowo title: Juridical Review of Transition of Rights to the Owner or Seller date: 2022-12-30 words: 7214 flesch: 56 summary: Then the government issued a Cabinet Presidium Instruction Number 31/U/IN/12/1966 which among other things instructed the Minister of Justice and Civil Registry Offices throughout Indonesia not to use the classifications of the Indonesian population based on Articles 131 and 163 IS .law related to physical maturity in land law relies on the provisions of Article 330 of the Civil Code which states: Minors are those who have not reached the age of twenty-one years and have not been married before. Land rights in national land law are primary land rights and secondary land rights. keywords: actions; age; agrarian; agrarian law; article; assets; attribution; author(s; child; children; civil; civil code; code; commons; copyright; court; creative; customary; dan; december; group; guardian; hukum; ijcpp; indonesia; international; issn; jurnal; land; land rights; law; legal; license; married; merdeka; minors; online; parents; people; person; power; print; property; provisions; purchase; rights; sains; sharealike; subject; surabaya; universitas; vol; wacana; work; years; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-140.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-140.txt item: #42 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-141 author: Agung Kurniawan; Bastianto Nugroho title: Law Enforcement Against Street Crimes During a Pandemic That Occurred In Sidoarjo date: 2022-09-09 words: 7594 flesch: 53 summary: As one of the regencies in the center of the largest industrial activity in Indonesia, especially in the East Java Province, the problem of street crime in Sidoarjo is actually very common, this can be seen by the frequent occurrence of street crimes in people's lives (Sukadi et al., 2021). The results of the research In carrying out the prevention of street crime, the Sidoarjo City Police made several efforts, namely with Preventive Efforts and Repressive Efforts. keywords: actions; activities; acts; article; attribution; cases; city; city police; commons; community; covid-19; creative; crime; criminal; dan; duties; economic; efforts; enforcement; factors; form; hukum; human; ijcpp; increase; international; issn; jurnal; law; legal; level; license; life; merdeka; midst; needs; number; occurrence; online; order; pandemic; people; perpetrators; person; police; poverty; print; problem; protection; public; related; research; sains; security; september; sharealike; sidoarjo; sidoarjo city; social; society; street; street crime; surabaya; theft; universitas; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-141.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-141.txt item: #43 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-142 author: Supardi; Bastianto Nugroho; Supolo Setyo Wibowo title: Juridical Study on the Criminal Acts of theft by Minors at the Surakarta date: 2022-12-30 words: 6110 flesch: 52 summary: To deal IJCpp. Vol. 18 No. 3 December 2022 YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Copyright (c) 2022 Author(s) 334 ISSN print 2086-6852 and ISSN Online 2598-5892 with and cope with various actions and behaviors of naughty children, it is necessary to consider the position of children with all their distinctive characteristics and characteristics (Tyas & Rodiyah, 2020). According to the Juvenile Court Law, what is meant by naughty children in Article 1 number 2 has two meanings, namely: 1. Children who commit criminal acts; keywords: accordance; act; actions; age; article; case; children; code; copyright; court; crime; criminal; criminal code; december; decision; defendant; guilty; hukum; ijcpp; international; issn; judge; jurnal; juvenile; law; legal; license; merdeka; minors; number; paragraph; punishment; sains; sharealike; sishadi; surabaya; surakarta; theft; vol; wacana; witness; years; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-142.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-142.txt item: #44 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-143 author: Moh. Saleh; Rochmad Bayu Setyo Waluyo title: Application of The Principle of Good Faith In Selling Disputes of Selling Buying Using Pre Project Selling date: 2022-09-09 words: 4762 flesch: 53 summary: Analysis of Legal Materials The analysis used by the author is deductive analysis, this analysis is based on norms, legal principles and values that have been recognized, then interpreted in a separate legal system to be associated with the problems in this research. The existence of legal principles in the rule of law is more accurately analogous to the existence of the brain in the human body. keywords: agreement; article; attribution; buying; commons; company; creative; dan; developer; dispute; faith; form; good; good faith; hukum; ijcpp; implementation; international; issn; jurnal; land; law; legal; license; materials; merdeka; online; parties; party; pre; principle; print; process; project; property; purchase; research; sains; sale; selling; september; sharealike; surabaya; universitas; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-143.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-143.txt item: #45 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-144 author: Reinhard Yeremia; M. Hidayat; Handyka Prayogi Lesmana title: Justice And Tax Benefits of Msmes In Government Regulation No. 23 of 2018 date: 2023-03-30 words: 4256 flesch: 43 summary: To achieve the target of state revenue, the government agreed to sign Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 23 of 2018 (PP 23) concerning income tax on income from business received or obtained by Taxpayers with Certain Gross Circulation. During the administration of President Joko Widodo, the executive agreed to sign Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia No. 23 of 2018 concerning income tax on income from business received or obtained by Taxpayers with Certain Gross Circulation replacing PP 46 of 2013 which is effective July 1, 2018. keywords: attribution; author(s; business; commons; copyright; creative; criteria; dan; enterprises; government; government regulation; hukum; income; indonesia; international; issn; jurnal; justice; law; legal; license; march; materials; medium; merdeka; micro; msmes; number; online; print; regulation; republic; research; sains; sharealike; small; state; surabaya; tax; taxes; taxpayers; turnover; universitas; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-144.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-144.txt item: #46 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-145 author: Moch. Mufied Al'an; M. Hidayat title: Prosecution of Traffic Violators According to Law Number 22 Year 2009 date: 2022-09-09 words: 7671 flesch: 48 summary: The role of the driver in the field of traffic law and traffic manners has a tendency to have a high probability of accidents that violate traffic by causing property and human losses (Basuki & Ma’ruf, 2019). If a classification is made of road traffic violations that occur, they can be separated into : 1) keywords: accident; article; attribution; authority; awareness; car; case; commons; court; creative; crime; criminal; criminal law; dahlan; dan; driver; enforcement; evidence; field; form; hukum; ijcpp; indonesia; international; investigators; issn; jurnal; law; legal; license; materials; merdeka; money; officer; online; order; paragraph; police; print; process; republic; research; road; road traffic; sains; sanctions; security; september; sharealike; state; surabaya; suspect; ticket; traffic; traffic law; traffic violations; transportation; trial; universitas; vehicle; victim; violations; violator; vol; wacana; work; year; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-145.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-145.txt item: #47 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-146 author: Dela Ayu Septia Monica; Sri Anggraini Kusuma Dewi; Gesang Iswahyudi title: Efforts to Settle Disputes on Employee Severance Pay in Companies According to the Manpower Act No. 13 of 2003 date: 2022-09-09 words: 6192 flesch: 47 summary: The purpose of this study is to resolve disputes regarding severance pay between workers, laborers and employers. Keywords: Employment, Workers, Severance pay, Disputes, UUD 1. keywords: article; attribution; bipartite; commons; company; compensation; creative; dan; disputes; employers; employment; entitlements; entrepreneur; hukum; industrial; international; issn; jurnal; law; manpower; merdeka; months; negotiations; number; online; paragraph; parties; pay; pension; period; provisions; relations; sains; salary; september; service; settlement; severance; severance pay; surabaya; time; universitas; vol; wacana; workers; years; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-146.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-146.txt item: #48 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-147 author: Triana Hapsari, Sulvia; Madjid, Abdul; Aprilianda, Nurini title: The Confiscation of Assets in the Corruption Crime date: 2022-09-09 words: 8526 flesch: 48 summary: RESULT AND DISCUSSION The Economic Analysis of Law in Maximizing the Confiscation of Corruption Proceeds Seno Adji in Cahya Mulyana said that the rule of law related to asset confiscation should be a priority for discussion by the regulator because the regulation can strengthen law enforcement in corruption and money laundering (TPPU). Asset confiscation is expected to be effectively implemented to increase efforts to eradicate corruption by providing a deterrent effect. keywords: 1~5; acts; analysis; approach; article; aset; asset confiscation; assets; attribution; authority; cases; civil; code; commons; confiscation; corruption; corruption law; court; creative; crime; criminal; criminal acts; criminal law; dan; economic; effect; efficiency; efforts; enforcement; evidence; fine; forfeiture; hukum; hukum dan; idr; ijccs; imprisonment; indonesia; international; issn; issn online; issn print; july; jurnal; justice; korupsi; law; legal; level; license; losses; merdeka; money; mutual; ncb; no.x; number; online; optimal; perampasan; perpetrators; pidana; posner; print; proceeds; process; property; prosecutor; public; punishment; regulation; risk; sains; september; sharealike; state; surabaya; tahun; undang; universitas; vol; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-147.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-147.txt item: #49 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-148 author: Mohammad Roesli; Dyah Ayu Septi Arinningtyas; Adies Kadir title: Juridical Review of Cancellation of Notary Deed date: 2022-12-30 words: 7036 flesch: 52 summary: Criminal and civil cases of notary deed are always disputed from the formal aspect, especially regarding: a. Notaries are faced with the fact that they are not only required to record and legalize, and make deeds for the benefit of the parties who want them, but also to provide fair legal advice, especially regarding the deeds they have made to the parties in connection with the legal actions they wish to record, legalize and make the deed before a notary. keywords: act; agreement; appearers; article; authentic deed; binding; cancellation; civil; code; commons; compensation; copyright; creative; criminal; dan; december; deed; formal; hukum; ijcpp; international; issn; jurnal; law; legal; license; making; merdeka; notarial deed; notaries; notary; notary deed; parties; sains; sharealike; signing; surabaya; time; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-148.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-148.txt item: #50 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-149 author: Aliffianti Putri Irfani; Mohammad Roesli; Ebit Rudianto title: Juridical Review of the Civil Dispute Peace Deed Made Before Notary date: 2023-06-27 words: 7163 flesch: 51 summary: Types of authentic deeds can be distinguished into: a. Partij deed (deed of parties) The peace deed made before a notary has a legal standing against the court's decision as a complete means of proof and the authority of the notary in making a peace deed as his position as a public official authorized to make authentic deeds, the notary is also authorized to be a mediator as regulated in Law Number 2 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law Number 30 of 2004 concerning the Position of a Notary (hereinafter referred to as the Notary Law) according to the Notary Law a notary may not. keywords: agreement; article; authentic deed; authorized; case; civil; code; commons; copyright; court; creative; dan; deed; dispute; evidence; form; hukum; international; issn; june; jurnal; law; legal; license; making; merdeka; notary; official; parties; peace; peace agreement; peace deed; position; power; proof; public; sains; sharealike; surabaya; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-149.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-149.txt item: #51 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-15 author: M. Roesli ; Asep Heri; Siti Rahayu title: Authority of Land Procurement Committee In The Implementation of Compensation For Land Acquisition date: 2021-07-03 words: 6377 flesch: 44 summary: Due to the urgency of land acquisition issues for the public interest, especially in the form of ideal arrangements that must be regulated by law, if new regulations regulating the revocation of rights, land acquisition or land acquisition established under the law, get criticized, therefore when it is issued the pledge of land procurement for public interest with Government Regulation no. 36 of 2005. Due to the urgency of land acquisition issues for the public interest, especially in the form of ideal arrangements that must be regulated by law, if new regulations regulating the revocation of rights, land acquisition or land acquisition established under the law, get criticized, therefore when it is issued the pledge of land procurement for public interest with Government Regulation no. 36 of 2005. keywords: act; agrarian; agrarian law; article; attribution; basic; committee; commons; compensation; creative; dan; development; form; government; government regulation; head; housing; hukum; interest; international; issuance; jurnal; land; land acquisition; land law; land procurement; land rights; law; legal; legal relationship; license; merdeka; party; people; permendagri; private; public; regulation; relationship; revocation; rights; sains; sharealike; state; surabaya; termination; universitas; wacana; work; year; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-15.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-15.txt item: #52 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-150 author: Widyawati Boediningsih; Norma Rahmawati title: The Authority of The Supreme Court Over The Articles of Association Or By Laws of Political Parties date: 2022-09-09 words: 4147 flesch: 53 summary: Law number 15 of 2019 is concerning the formation of Laws and regulations states the types and hierarchies of legislation, including : a. Law number 10 year 2004. keywords: art; article; association; authority; constitution; court; government;; hukum; ijcpp; indonesia; international; issn; judicial; jurnal; law; laws; legal; legislation; number; parties; party; political; political party; power; principle; regulations; review; september; state; statutory; supreme; supreme court; surabaya; vol; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-150.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-150.txt item: #53 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-151 author: Siswo Pranoto; Widyawatie Boediningsih title: Legal Consequences of Marriage Agreements Separation of Property Against Calculations Income Tax date: 2022-12-30 words: 8606 flesch: 50 summary: And the principle of legal justice that should be obtained by the taxpayer of separation of property on the mechanism for determining taxable income by tax regulations is not to occur because with the deed of marriage agreement for separation of property made before a Notary which is an authentic deed, it should be from the beginning that from the beginning everything is separate including with his property, but for taxes it is not recognized the deed because the income is combined first. Initially, marriage agreements were rarely made in Indonesia, this was probably due to the strong kinship between the prospective husband and wife, and the influence of customary law which was still very strong. keywords: accordance; article; assets; attribution; author(s; calculation; case; civil; code; commons; copyright; couple; creative; dan; december; family; government; hukum; husband; ijcpp; income; income tax; international; issn; joint property; jurnal; justice; law; legal; license; marital; marriage agreement; marriage law; married; merdeka; method; obligations; online; people; print; property; property separation; prospective; prospective husband; rights; sains; separate; separation; sharealike; state; surabaya; tax; taxes; taxpayer; theory; universitas; vol; wacana; wife; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-151.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-151.txt item: #54 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-153 author: suwardi title: Legal Protection To Buyers Through PPJB Condotel date: 2022-12-30 words: 4164 flesch: 54 summary: As for legal basis activity protection consumer in indonesia specifically arranged in act -- act no. 8 1999 on consumer protection. Legal protection for buyers, condotel the ownership and occupancy is to take a god does that was responsible for consumer protection the is an agreement within transaction with PPJB. keywords: act; agreement; article; attribution; author(s; buyers; buying; certainty; commons; condotel; consumers; copyright; creative; dan; december; developer; development; hukum; ijcpp; international; issn; jurnal; land; law; legal; license; marketing; merdeka; notary; number; ppjb; print; protection; rights; sains; sale; selling; sharealike; surabaya; trading; units; universitas; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-153.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-153.txt item: #55 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-155 author: Shelvi Rusdiana title: Improving Legislative Performance by Strengthening Authority and Increasing Obligations date: 2022-12-30 words: 7775 flesch: 34 summary: In particular, regional laws and regulations must be strengthened by allowing the DPD to veto bills that are not directly related to regional autonomy, relations between central and regional governments, regional formation and expansion, or the management of natural resources and other economic resources (Pakpahan, 2016). Given the significance of DPD formation in-state activities, particularly in maintaining harmony in lawmaking between local and central governments (Toding, 2017). keywords: 22d; amendment; article; attribution; author(s; authority; autonomy; bill; central; commons; constitution; copyright; council; creative; dan; december; discussion; dpd; dpr; draft; drafting; formation; function; government; house; hukum; ijcpp; indonesia; institutions; international; issn; jurnal; law; laws; legal; legislative; license; local; merdeka; number; online; paragraph; people; performance; power; print; problems; regional; regional representative; regions; regulations; related; representative; resources; sains; sharealike; state; study; surabaya; system; universitas; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-155.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-155.txt item: #56 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-156 author: Tidar, Maria Ulfah; Kurnia Toha title: Public Listed Companies Takeovers Comparison Under Indonesian and Malaysian Law date: 2022-12-30 words: 4268 flesch: 44 summary: The purpose of this legal research is to increase knowledge in the field of public listed companies takeovers based on Indonesian and Malaysian Law which can be benefit to legal practitioners. However, with the Rules on Takeovers, Mergers, Compulsory Acquisition 2016, the controlling requierement in public listed companies takeover was removed. keywords: article; attribution; author(s; business; commons; companies; company; competition; controller; copyright; creative; dan; days; december; directors; hukum; ijcpp; indonesian; international; issn; jurnal; law; legal; license; malaysian; merdeka; number; offer; online; print; public; research; sains; securities; sharealike; shareholders; shares; surabaya; takeover; tender; universitas; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-156.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-156.txt item: #57 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-157 author: Lingga Felani title: The Effectiveness of Expansion of The Working Area of Land Deed Officials Related To Electronic Land Services date: 2022-12-30 words: 4115 flesch: 41 summary: But in practice, the PPAT in carrying out its duties and authorities is still subject to the provisions of PP PPAT of 1998 and still refers to the provisions of Article 6 paragraph (1) of the BPN Regulation Regulations for the Implementation of PPAT Positions so that implementation to facilitate and effectively carry out land registration, especially the presence of land information services, is not can be implemented. It would be better if there were several solutions regarding the problem regarding the inability to apply new work areas as in PP PPAT 2016 because the PP carries the spirit of renewing land law which will then be integrated through electronic land information services. keywords: area; article; authority; certainty; copyright; december; deed; electronic; expansion; ijcpp; information; international; issn; jurnal; land; land information; law; legal; license; materials; office; online; pp ppat; ppat; ppat work; provisions; registration; regulation; related; research; services; sharealike; surabaya; vol; work; work area; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-157.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-157.txt item: #58 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-16 author: Surti Yustianti ; Syamsul Komar title: Bank Indonesia Policy In Critical Settlement of National Banking date: 2021-07-03 words: 5171 flesch: 35 summary: The occurrence of this Century bailout case is a result of Bank Indonesia policy to deal with banks in crisis conditions. In relation to Bank Indonesia's policy in handling the national banking crisis, there is no specific offense in the formulation of the Banking Act, and no one rumusanpun that can be used to reach perpetrators of misappropriation of funds from Bank Indonesia policies. keywords: accordance; accountability; act; actions; administrasi; administrative; administrative law; article; attribution; authority; bank; bank indonesia; banking; behavior; case; certain; commons; creative; dan; delegation; ermessen; freedom; government; hukum; hukum dan; indonesia; international; jurnal; law; legal; legislation; license; merdeka; number; officials; personal; policies; policy; positions; power; principle; public; regulations; regulatory; related; responsibility; rules; sains; sharealike; society; state; surabaya; truth; undang; universitas; use; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-16.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-16.txt item: #59 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-160 author: Sulistyani Eka Lestari title: Study of Morality And Human Rights On Former Corruption Prisoners Who Become A Prospective Regional Head date: 2022-12-30 words: 5001 flesch: 39 summary: In this study the author will review the morality of regional head candidates from ex-convicts of corruption cases as regulated in the Constitutional Court Decision No. 56/PUU-XVII/2019 with the morality theory of Immanuel Kant and how political rights should be arranged against former corrupt convicts as the theory of Januz Symonides regarding restrictions on political rights, in order to create synchronization between law enforcement and moral values in it. From the point of view of Human Rights (HAM) it is stated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia the phrase that every citizen has political rights and there is no phrase limiting political rights in the constitution. keywords: article; attribution; author(s; candidates; commons; constitutional; convicts; copyright; corruption; court; creative; dan; december; decision; head; hukum; human; international; issn; jurnal; law; legal; license; merdeka; morality; online; people; pilkada; political; power; print; puu; regional; regional head; rights; sains; sharealike; state; surabaya; universitas; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-160.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-160.txt item: #60 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-166 author: Rachmawati, Fairus Augustina; Silviana, Ana title: The Role of Cadastral Surveyor in Land Measurement in Complete Systematic Land Registration in Semarang City date: 2023-03-30 words: 5067 flesch: 32 summary: YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Copyright (c) 2023 Author(s) 449 ISSN print 2086-6852 and ISSN Online 2598-5892 implementation of PTSL in Semarang City is related to land registration work, namely data on the results of field measurements, measuring drawings, maps of land plots, and results of services or other survey and mapping activities in accordance with statutory provisions. In the event that the Survey and Mapping Activities as referred to in paragraph (1) are carried out in the framework of: a. Land Registration for the first time; b. maintenance of Land Registration data; c. land acquisition; and d. services and activities in the land sector and other space. keywords: activities; affairs; agency; agrarian; article; bpn; cadastral; cadastral surveyor; certainty; city; complete; dan; data; government; head;; hukum; indonesia; issn; jurnal; land; land agency; land registration; legal; licensed; licensed cadastral; mapping; measurement; measuring; minister; national; number; parcels; planning; process; registration; regulation; rights; role; sains; semarang; spatial; state; surveyor; systematic; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-166.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-166.txt item: #61 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-167 author: Novi Hamzah; Widyawati Boediningsih title: Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No 55/M of 2020 Concerning Termination and Appointment of Membership No After the Supreme Court Decision Number5P/HUM/2021 date: 2023-03-30 words: 8167 flesch: 31 summary: The legal basis for the changes to the PERMENKES are Article 22 and Article 23 of Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration. It states that the background for the issuance of the Permenkes is in accordance with the provisions of Article 14 paragraph (3) of Law Number 29 of 2004 concerning Medical Practice, which states that the Minister of Health is responsible for proposing KKI membership to be determined by the President, there is also a legal vacuum in arrangements for filling KKI membership whose term of service has ended but there are no proposals that comply with statutory provisions so as to maintain the smooth running of government, fill legal voids, provide legal certainty, and overcome government stagnation in certain circumstances for the benefit and public interest is also based on the provisions of Article 22 and Article 23 of Law Number 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration, it is necessary to change the arrangements for proposing KKI membership, that based on these considerations the Minister of Health can designate potential KKI members to the President n. keywords: actions; administration; article; attribution; author(s; authority; candidates; commons; consequences; copyright; court; creative; dan; decision; government; health; health number; hukum; independent; indonesia number; indonesian medical; international; invalid; issn; jurnal; kki; law; law number; laws; legal; license; march; medical; medical council; members; membership; merdeka; minister; number; online; paragraph; practice; president; presidential; print; procedures; provisions; regulations; republic; sains; sharealike; state; supreme; surabaya; universitas; void; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-167.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-167.txt item: #62 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-168 author: Tandiono, Sudargo; Tanudjaja title: The Concept of Fairness In The Principle of Decency Reviewed From Business Ethics In Business Contracts date: 2023-03-30 words: 4838 flesch: 45 summary: Business ethics have an influence regarding the interpretation of the principle of propriety in business contracts. Because of this, the authors make business ethics a balancing concept of fairness in a business, especially in business contracts. keywords: actors; agreement; article; attribution; author(s; business; business ethics; civil; commons; concept; consideration; contract; copyright; creative; dan; decency; equity; ethics; fairness; hukum; integrity; international; issn; jurnal; law; liberation; license; licit; march; merdeka; moral; online; parties; party; people; principle; print; research; rights; sains; sharealike; surabaya; universitas; veracity; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-168.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-168.txt item: #63 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-169 author: Randy Krisna Putra Mandelly; Tanudjaya; Nynda Fatmawati Octarina title: Law Enforcement In Responding To Social Media User's Provocation That Results In Competitive Fights date: 2023-03-30 words: 6707 flesch: 44 summary: 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Ratio Legis Acts of provocation that result in fights are included in the realm of criminal law Vol. 18 No. 4 March 2023 With regard to calls for provocation on social media which result in acts of fighting, of course making these actions or actions fall into the realm of criminal law. keywords: actions; acts; article; attribution; author(s; behavior; children; code; commons; constitution; copyright; creative; crime; criminal; criminal law; cyber; dan; development; duel; elements; fights; hukum; indonesia; information; international; issn; jurnal; law; legal; level; license; life; march; maximum; media; merdeka; online; order; people; perpetrators; print; provocation; public; punishment; regulations; research; sains; sharealike; social; social media; society; state; surabaya; technology; universitas; use; vol; wacana; work; world; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-169.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-169.txt item: #64 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-17 author: Rihantoro Bayuaji; M. Hidayat title: Confiscation of Corruptor Assets Based UU 8 Year 2010 about Prevention and Eradication Of Money Laundering In National Criminal Law System date: 2021-07-03 words: 15198 flesch: 40 summary: Various related laws and regulations that criminalize the origin of criminal acts, among others: - Law No. 5 of 1997 on Psychotropic Substances; - Law Number 22 Year 1997 on Narcotics; - Law No. 31 of 1999 on Corruption Eradication, as amended by Act No. 20 of 2001 on Amendments to the Law No. 31 of 1999 on Corruption Eradication; - Law No. 30 of 2002 on the Corruption Eradication Commission.14 Amendment of Law Number 15 Year 2002 on Money Laundering Crime emerged because the law is on the way and the reality has not yet accommodated all the aspirations of society and the development of criminal law regarding money laundering and international standards. Strictly speaking, freedom of will is something that has nothing to do with an error in the criminal law.21 Simons stated the basis of their responsibility in criminal law is a certain Simon’s opinion can be drawn a conclusion that the essence of liability in criminal law are: keywords: actions; acts; addition; amendment; article; assets; attribution; banking; burden; business; case; commission; commons; commons attribution; concept; confiscation; constitution; convention; corporation; corruption; corruption act; corruption eradication; corruption law; creative; creative commons; crime; crime law; criminal; criminal act; criminal law; criminal liability; criminal offense; criminal responsibility; dan; dan sains; defendant; eradication; error; event; evidence; existence; financial; form; free; government; hukum; hukum dan; human; human rights; important; indonesia; international; international license; investigation; jakarta; jurnal; jurnal wacana; justice; laundering crime; law; law enforcement; law number; legal; license; life; maximum; meaning; means; mechanism; merdeka; merdeka surabaya; money laundering; natural; opinion; order; origin; original; original criminal; paragraph; people; perpetrators; person; poena; predicate; principle; procedure; proceeds; process; proof; property; protection; provisions; related; result; reversal; rights; sains; sains universitas; sharealike; sine; state; statement; surabaya; system; theory; tppu law; universitas; universitas merdeka; values; wacana; wacana hukum; wealth; work; year; yurisdiksi; yurisdiksi jurnal cache: yurisdiksi-17.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-17.txt item: #65 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-170 author: Nanin Oktaviani; Habib Adjie title: Juridical Analysis For Mediationland Dispute Resolution date: 2023-03-30 words: 13046 flesch: 39 summary: In this settlement, the ATR/BPN is often asked to act as a mediator in resolving land rights disputes in a peaceful manner with mutual respect for the disputing parties. The emergence of cases of land disputes in Indonesia in recent times seems to re- emphasize the fact that during 62 years of Indonesia's independence, the state has still not been able to guarantee land rights to its people. keywords: affairs; agrarian; agreement; article; atr; attribution; author(s; authority; bpn; bpn office; cancellation; cases; certificate; commons; complaint; conflicts; copyright; court; creative; dan; data; decision; deed; dispute resolution; district; evidence; government; handling; head; hukum; indonesia; international; issn; juridical; jurnal; land; land agency; land cases; land certificate; land disputes; land office; land registration; land rights; law; legal; license; local; march; maximum; means; mediation; merdeka; minister; ministry; national land; online; paragraph; parties; party; peace; period; physical; print; process; proof; provisions; public; regional; regulation; related; resolution; results; sains; settlement; sharealike; state; strong; surabaya; time; universitas; use; uupa; vol; wacana; work; years; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-170.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-170.txt item: #66 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-171 author: Renny Anggraeni; Mochamad Saleh title: Establishment of Taxable Entrepreneurs (Pkp) Forretail Traders Based On Per-03/Pj/2022 date: 2023-06-27 words: 12577 flesch: 42 summary: However, when referred to law in Indonesia, policy regulations will not be found, both in Law no. 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation as well as in Law no. 30 of 2014 concerning Government Administration (APEM Law). The absence of formulating the meaning of policy regulations within the framework of positive law, has sufficiently explained that policy regulations (policy rule) is not an interesting and quite important legal issue for legislators in Indonesia. keywords: activities; and/or; article; attribution; author(s; authority; bkp; business; buyers; case; commons; consumer; copyright; creative; customs; dan; delivery; directorate; discretion; end; entrepreneurs; field; final; finance; form; general; goods; government; hukum; indonesia; international; invoices; issn; issn online; issn print; jkp; june; jurnal; justice; law; laws; legal; license; merdeka; minister; number; online; order; per-03; pj/2022; pkp; policy; policy regulations; print; regulations; requirements; retail; retail traders; rules; sains; sales; services; sharealike; small; state; subject; surabaya; tax; tax invoices; taxable; taxation; taxes; traders; universitas; use; value; vat; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-171.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-171.txt item: #67 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-173 author: Afilia Dinda Dhiya Ulhaq title: The Position of Creditors of Individual Collateral Holders In Insolvency Law date: 2023-06-27 words: 8870 flesch: 44 summary: Debtor insolvency is a condition in which it can be determined by the court that the debtor is no longer able to pay his debts, resulting in the deprivation of property and income for the public benefit of creditors in court supervision, because in insolvency it is included in the legal institutions used for liquidation of the assets owned by the debtor in order to make payment of debtor debts to his creditors (Shubhan, 2008). First Meeting of Creditors The first meeting of creditors makes a summons to the creditor which is intended to include proof of the bill against the curator. keywords: accordance; achievements; agreement; article; assets; attribution; author(s; bankrupt debtor; bankruptcy; bankruptcy property; case; code; collateral; commons; concurrent; copyright; court; creative; creditors; criminal; curator; dan; debtor; default; guarantee; guarantor; hukum; individual; insolvency; insolvency act; insolvency law; insurer; international; issn; judge; june; jurnal; law; legal; license; merdeka; obligation; online; paragraph; parties; party; print; process; property; receivables; rights; sains; section; sharealike; surabaya; universitas; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-173.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-173.txt item: #68 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-175 author: Abdul Zaini; Muhammad Syihabuddin; Wiranti; Wiwit Wijayanti title: Legal Review Of Granting Of Building Utilization Rights (HGB) For 160 Years To Investors In The Capital City Of The Nusantara Development (IKN) date: 2023-06-27 words: 7199 flesch: 45 summary: , Land rights, apartment units and land registration, the HGB period according to this law is given for a maximum period of 30 years, extended for a maximum period of 20 years and renewed for a maximum of 30 years. Land rights are rights that give authority to the right holder to use and or take advantage of the land that is his right. keywords: accordance; acquisition; archipelago; article; atas; attribution; author(s; ayat; building; capital; capital city; city; commons; conditions; copyright; creative; dan; development; government; granting; hak; hgb; holder; hukum; ikn; indonesia; interest; international; investors; issn; june; jurnal; kota; land; land acquisition; land rights; law; legal; license; management; management rights; maximum; merdeka; n.d; negara; nomor; online; paragraph; pasal; pengelolaan; period; print; public; renewal; research; rights; sains; sharealike; state; state land; surabaya; tahun; tanah; tentang; universitas; use; use rights; vol; wacana; work; years; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-175.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-175.txt item: #69 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-176 author: Bonaventure Kevin Gunawan title: Legal Protection for Online Loan Business Actors Regarding personal data date: 2023-06-27 words: 4481 flesch: 37 summary: At present the growth of online loans or most of what is called pinjol is very fast, beyond the expectations of many people in a short time of less than two years thousands of fintechs have sprung up offering online loans, data from the Financial Services Authority (OJK) shows the numberfintech currently registered 127 while for illegal finetech is 1230 (Myranika, 2021). Online loans offer many features that benefit consumers compared to banking, as a result in the last two yearsfintech Online loans are growing very fast. keywords: agreement; attribution; author(s; authority; borrower; business; commons; copyright; creative; dan; data; development; economy; financial; funds; government; hukum; indonesia; information; interest; international; issn; june; jurnal; law; legal; lender; lending; license; loan; merdeka; online; organizer; people; personal; personal data; print; process; protection; recipient; regulation; relationship; research; sains; services; sharealike; surabaya; technology; universitas; use; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-176.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-176.txt item: #70 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-178 author: Rogantino Sampetua Pasaribu title: Legal Responsibilities of Taxpayers Intentionally Not Reporting SPT Correctly date: 2023-06-27 words: 3993 flesch: 42 summary: The main purpose of tax legal sanction was not only to sentence an imprisonment for the offender as he/ she did not fulfill his/ her obligation, but it was also a form of reprimand for the Vol. 19 As recently, we can find that the issue of tax crime often occurs from the taxpayers or the counterpart. keywords: act; article; attribution; author(s; commons; copyright; creative; crime; criminal; dan; fine; general; hukum; indonesia; international; issn; june; jurnal; law; legal; license; materials; maximum; merdeka; number; online; provisions; research; return; revenue; sains; sanction; sharealike; state; surabaya; tax; taxpayers; universitas; violation; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-178.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-178.txt item: #71 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-179 author: Simorangkir, Vania Bella Tumiur Rohana Boru; Musyafah, Aisyah Ayu title: Juridical Analysis of the Roles and Responsibilities of a Notary Against Deeds that are not read before the Parties: English date: 2023-06-27 words: 5633 flesch: 51 summary: In providing services the notary has the obligations regulated in Article 16 of Law Number 2 of 2014 are as follows: (1) In carrying out his position, Notary must: a. acting trustworthy, honest, thorough, independent, impartial, and safeguarding the interests of the parties involved in legal actions; b. load the deed in the form of minutes of the deed and save it as part of the Notary's protocol; c. placing letters and documents as well as the fingerprints of the appearers on the Minutes of Deed; d. issue a grosse deed, a copy of the deed, or a quote based on the deed minuta deed e. provide services in accordance with the provisions of this law, unless there is reason to refuse it f. keep everything confidential regarding the deed he made and all the information obtained for making the deed in accordance with the oath or promise of office, unless the law determines otherwise g. bind the deed made in 1 (one) month into a book containing no more than 50 (fifty) deed, and if the number of deed cannot be contained in one book, the deed can be bound into more than one book, and record the number of minutes of deed , month and year of manufacture on each cover book h. make a list of deed of protest against non-payment or non-receipt of securities i. make a list of deeds relating to the will according to the order in which the deed was drawn up every month. A notary is seen legally as a position that carries out state duties, namely in the case of making authentic deeds made by and before a notary which is a state document that must be kept confidential. keywords: accordance; appearers; article; attribution; authentic deed; author(s; authority; commons; contents; copyright; creative; deed; hukum; international; issn; june; jurnal; law; legal; letter; license; making; merdeka; notarial deed; notaris; notary; notary deed; online; paragraph; parties; position; print; proof; provisions; public; reading; sains; sharealike; surabaya; universitas; uujn; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-179.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-179.txt item: #72 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-18 author: Bastianto Nugroho title: Corporate Accountability In Crime of Licensing By Law Number 10 of 1998 On Banking date: 2021-07-03 words: 8021 flesch: 37 summary: In the Criminal Justice System in Indonesia in the field of corporate criminal law accepted and recognized as a legal subject to committing criminal offenses and can also be criminally. Therefore doubts in the past to place the corporation as a subject of criminal law to commit criminal acts and accountable in criminal law, has now shifted. keywords: accountability; act; actions; activities; acts; addition; administrative; allies; article; attribution; bandung; bank; bank indonesia; banking; business; code; commercial; commons; community; company; corporate; corporation; creative; crime; criminal; criminal act; criminal law; dalam; dan; dan sains; development; entity; establishment; firm; form; funds; government; hukum; hukum dan; indonesia; international; jurnal; law; legal; liability; license; licensing; limited; means; merdeka; order; paragraph; penal; people; permission; principle; provisions; public; regulation; requirements; responsibility; responsible; rural; sains; sharealike; society; subject; surabaya; system; universitas; wacana; wacana hukum; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-18.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-18.txt item: #73 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-180 author: Hascaria Budi Prasetyo title: PTSL Program in the Context of Conflict Prevention and Land Disputes date: 2023-03-30 words: 8444 flesch: 21 summary: Duties and powers of the Chairperson of the Adjudication Committee, including: ● lead and be responsible for the entire implementation of the adjudication program; ● coordinate implementation of activities with the Land Office and related agencies; ● provide direction on the implementation of activities including counseling; ● ratify the minutes of announcement of physical data and juridical data; ● confirming the conversion of land rights; ● sign the stipulation of recognition/affirmation of rights; ● sign the proposed decision on the granting of state land rights on behalf of the Head of the Land Office, sign the land book and certificate; And ● sign the documents for submitting the results of the Adjudication Committee's activities to the Head of the Land Office. The series of PTSL procedures, namely planning, location determination, preparation, formation and determination of the PTSL adjudication committee and task force, counseling, collection of physical data and collection of juridical data, research on juridical data to prove rights, announcement of physical data and juridical data and their ratification, confirmation of conversion, recognition of rights and grant of rights, bookkeeping of rights, issuance of certificates of land rights, documentation and submission of activity results and reporting. keywords: activities; activity; adjudication; agrarian; attribution; author(s; authority; collection; committee; commons; complete; copyright; creative; customary; customary land; dan; data; disputes; force; government; head; hukum; implementation; indonesia; international; issn; juridical; juridical data; jurnal; kelurahan; land; land office; land ownership; land parcels; land registration; land rights; law; legal; licensed; location; mapping; march; merdeka; national; national land; number; online; ownership; physical; physical data; planning; print; program; property; ptsl; ptsl activities; ptsl adjudication; registered; regulation; republic; research; results; rights; sains; sharealike; state; surabaya; systematic land; task; universitas; village; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-180.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-180.txt item: #74 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-181 author: Sudarso, Simon Andrean; Miftakhul Huda title: Legal Protection For Outsourcing Workers Based On Perpu No. 2 of 2022 Concerning Employment Creation date: 2023-06-27 words: 4408 flesch: 41 summary: Received: January 20, 2023; Accepted: April 27, 2023 ABSTRACT Today, many companies use outsourcing workers to support their operations. This is a form of guarantee of protection for Outsourcing workers so that later, if the Outsourcing Company is declared bankrupt based on a court decision, workers' rights can still be fulfilled. keywords: administrative; agreement; article; company; copyright; creation; creative; dan; employment; form; government; hukum; international; issn; job; june; jurnal; labor; law; legal; license; manpower; number; outsourced; outsourcing; paragraph; perpu; protection; rights; sanctions; sharealike; surabaya; time; transfer; universitas; vol; wacana; workers; working; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-181.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-181.txt item: #75 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-183 author: Mochamad Cholil; Ni Made Yordha Ayu Astiti; Maghfirah Aliefia; Zakia Fhadillah title: Individual Company Bankruptcy Based On The Bankruptcy Law date: 2023-06-27 words: 5255 flesch: 36 summary: Companies that meet the criteria for micro and small businesses consist of: Companies founded by 2 (two) people or more; And Individual company founded by 1 (one) person. So that individual companies in Indonesia in the Job Creation Law and its implementing regulations are recognized as limited liability companies and have the characteristics of limited liability. keywords: article; assets; bankruptcy; business; companies; company; company law; copyright; court; creation; creation law; creditors; criteria; dan; debtor; enterprises; government; hukum; individual; individual company; indonesia; issn; job; june; jurnal; law; legal; liability; limited; micro; number; obligations; paragraph; payment; small; surabaya; vol; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-183.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-183.txt item: #76 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-184 author: Hendra Kurniawan; Emir YusufInspiration; Tia Rizkya DilbarSumadi title: Tax Collection Authority for Hotels Aboard Tourist Boats After Law Number 1 of 2022 and Law Number 7 of 2021 date: 2023-06-27 words: 4807 flesch: 36 summary: YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License \ Copyright (c) 2023 Author(s) 130 ISSN print 2086-6852 and ISSN Online 2598- 5892 Catering Services, Which Are Not Subject to Value Added Tax , in that article it states what are the criteria for hotel services that are not subject to VAT, namely: Certain services in the hotel services group that are not subject to Value Added Tax as referred to in Article 3 letter b include room rental services and/or room rental services in: a. hotel; b. hostels; c.villa; d. cottage; e. motel; f. inn; g. tourism guest house; h. guest house; i. guest houses, guest houses,bungalow, resorts, or cottages; j. private residences that function as hotels; and K. luxury camping (glamping).” Furthermore, when viewed from the sound of Article 4A of Law Number 7 of 2021, it clearly stipulates that certain services that are not subject to VAT, namely one of them is hotel services where the scope of hospitality services includes room rental services and/or room rental services in hotels which are objects of regional taxes and regional levies in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations in the field of regional taxes and regional levies with further details and types stipulated in PMK-70 of 2022, where details of types of closed hotel services(closed list), it can seen from the use of diction“cover” in Article 6 (six) said. keywords: accordance; article; attribution; author(s; authority; boats; business; collection; commons; copyright; creative; dan; goods; government; guest; hkpd; hotel; hukum; international; issn; june; jurnal; law; laws; legal; levies; license; merdeka; number; objects; online; print; regional; regulations; research; sains; services; sharealike; state; surabaya; tax; taxes; tour; tourism; types; universitas; vat; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-184.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-184.txt item: #77 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-185 author: Gunawan; Putra, Hendri Darma title: Authority of The State Administrative Court In Handling And Resolving Land Cases date: 2023-06-27 words: 4944 flesch: 43 summary: Although land rights have been regulated in the UUPA, problems often arise around land rights issues, such as land registration, ownership status, and problems related to legal acts of transfer of land rights (such as sale and purchase, grants), which lead to land rights disputes. Land rights disputes usually arise because of differences or discrepancies or gaps between what is expected and the actual reality (differences or gaps between das sollen and das sein) and differences between what is desired and what happens, both of which are problems. keywords: administrative; administrative court; article; attribution; authority; authorized; cases; commons; constitution; copyright; court; creative; dan; data; disputes; general; handling; hukum; indonesia; international; issn; judicial; june; jurnal; land; land cases; land rights; law; law number; legal; license; materials; merdeka; number; ownership; power; research; rights; sains; settlement; sharealike; state; state administrative; surabaya; universitas; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-185.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-185.txt item: #78 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-19 author: Haniyah; M. Hidayat title: Juridical Review of Decriminalization on Efforts to Cut Drugs Users’ Addiction In Indonesia date: 2021-07-03 words: 4709 flesch: 32 summary: Drug abuse victim is someone who accidentally uses narcotics for being persuaded, deceived, cheated, forced, and / or threatened to use narcotics Article 55 of Law No. 34 Year 2009 on narcotics states: JurnalWacana Hukumdan Universitas Merdeka This rk is censed ra Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 rnational License 8 (1) Parents or guardians of drug addicts who are not old enough to report to community health centers, hospitals, and/or rehabilitation agencies for treatment through medical rehabilitation and social rehabilitation. China contributed 250 tons of crystal meth and precursor (raw material for narcotics drugs). keywords: abuse; abusers; addiction; addicts; article; asean; attribution; bnn; circulation; commons; community; creative; crime; decriminalization; drug; drug abuse; drug addicts; drug users; efforts; free; generation; government; guilty; hukumdan; implementation; indonesia; judge; jurnalwacana; law; letter; license; medical; merdeka; narcotics; number; paragraph; policy; rehabilitation; report; rnational; sanctions; sharealike; social; social rehabilitation; state; supply; trafficking; treatment; universitas; users; victims; year cache: yurisdiksi-19.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-19.txt item: #79 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-2 author: Bagus Kurnianto title: Traditional Society Assessed From Legal Sociology date: 2021-07-02 words: 3053 flesch: 56 summary: Laws are not formed, but laws are found. In line with this, Vincy Fon and Fransico Parisi stated that laws are the main source of law, while court decisions are the second source of law. keywords: approach; attribution; characteristics; civil; commons; community; creative; cultural; dan; development; ehrlich; eugen; flow; hukum; indonesia; july; jurisprudence; jurnal; law; laws; legal; living; main; no.x; positive; sains; social; society; sociological; sociology; source; state; surabaya; universitas; vol; wacana; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-2.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-2.txt item: #80 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-20 author: Gesang Iswahyudi title: Due to The Law of Property Ownership Certificate (Shm) Site of More Than 5 Plots date: 2021-07-03 words: 7663 flesch: 42 summary: As the Earth's population son, only to have the authority to process agrarian rights as tenants in the form of state-owned land (staatsdomein), as well as the legal union of indigenous peoples did not have land rights. In civil law as summarized in Dutch law codification into Burgelijk Wetbook (BW), differences in land rights and agrarian rights even then known, where agrarian relations governed by contract law. keywords: act; agency; agrarian; agrarian law; agrarian rights; agricultural; agricultural land; article; attribution; authority; bal; basic; basic agrarian; bpn; case; commons; commons attribution; constitution; control; creative; creative commons; determination; earth; field; government; hak; hal; hukum; hukumdan; hukumdan universitas; implementation; indigenous; indonesia; jakarta; jurnalwacana; jurnalwacana hukumdan; justice; land; land agency; land law; land ownership; land property; land reform; land rights; land tenure; law; legal; legislation; license; limit; maximum; means; minimum; national land; natural; non; order; paragraph; people; person; plots; principle; property; property rights; provisions; public; ra creative; reform; regulation; relationship; resources; restrictions; rights; rnational; rules; set; setting; sharealike; soil; space; state; state land; tahun; tanah; tentang; tenure; terms; time; undang; universitas; use; utilization; water cache: yurisdiksi-20.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-20.txt item: #81 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-21 author: Akta Kusuma Wijaya Jati title: Notary Liability That Does not Pay Bea Acquisition of Land And Building For Application Process Rights to Building date: 2021-07-03 words: 5915 flesch: 45 summary: JurnalWacana Hukumdan Universitas Merdeka This rk is censed ra Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 rnational License 33 Notary Liability That Does not Pay Bea Acquisition of Land And Building For Application Process Rights to Building Akta Kusuma Wijaya Jati Narotama University, Surabaya E-mail: ABSTRACT Purpose of this paper is to determine whether the Notary authorized to make the deed of release and granting of land rights and whether Notary authorized to receive money deposits that are deposited from client BPHTB. The conclusions are as follows: Notaries have the authority to make the deed land rights, the release of land rights held, whereas subjects that require land does not qualify to be the holder of the rights to the land necessary so it can not be obtained with the purchase and land-rights holders are willing to relinquish their land rights. keywords: accordance; acquisition; act; acts; article; attribution; authentic; authority; bphtb; building; civil; client; commons; creative; customs; deed; element; hukum; hukumdan; hum; indonesia; jakarta; jurnalwacana; land; land rights; law; legal; legislation; letter; license; losses; means; money; notaries; notary; number; obligations; official; paragraph; parties; pawnshops; ppat; provisions; public; purchase; release; republic; rights; rnational; sharealike; state; tahun; tax; taxes; tort; transfer; undang; universitas; unlawful; uujn; waiver cache: yurisdiksi-21.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-21.txt item: #82 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-23 author: Agung Putri Harsha Satya Nugraha; Vivin Indrianita; Bastianto Nugroho title: Abortion In The Aspects of Criminal Law And Health date: 2021-07-03 words: 5088 flesch: 51 summary: Abortion itself can occur either due to human actions (abortion provocatus) or because of natural causes, that happens by it self, in the sense that not because of human actions (abortion spontatus). Abortion is generally divided into spontaneous abortions and abortion provocatus (artificial). keywords: abortion; abortion provocatus; act; article; attribution; bleeding; cancer; cause; child; children; code; commons; content; creative; crime; criminal; criminal code; criminal law; data; death; fetus; health; hukumdan; human; imprisonment; indonesia; infection; issue; jakarta; jurnalwacana; law; legal; legislation; license; life; means; medical; merdeka; mother; penal; pregnancy; protection; provisions; provocatus; rape; rights; risk; rnational; sharealike; social; surabaya; universitas; woman; womb; years cache: yurisdiksi-23.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-23.txt item: #83 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-24 author: Surti Yustianti; Mohammad Roesli title: Bank Indonesia Policy in the National Banking Crisis Resolution date: 2021-07-03 words: 5370 flesch: 31 summary: Banking policy which resulted in a criminal act can be seen from the administrative aspect, and a criminal in a lawsuit conducted by Bank Indonesia officials. In this regard, Bank Indonesia's decision is in conformity with the authority and office attached to Bank Indonesia officials. keywords: accordance; act; actions; acts; administrasi; administration; administrative law; agencies; agency; article; attribution; authority; bank; bank indonesia; banking; behavior; commons; concerned; conditions; creative; delegation; ermessen; freedom; government; hukumdan; indonesia; international; jurnalwacana; law; legal; legislation; liability; license; merdeka; merdeka surabaya; number; officials; order; people; personal; policies; policy; positions; power; principle; public; regulations; regulatory; related; research; responsibility; rules; sains; sense; sharealike; state; surabaya; surabaya thiswork; thiswork; undang; undera; universitas; use; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-24.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-24.txt item: #84 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-25 author: Muhammad Habibi title: Legal Protection of Employees of PT Askes Which Was Transfered By Legal Relationship Becoming Health BPJS Employees date: 2021-07-03 words: 5292 flesch: 37 summary: The transfer of PT ASKES employees to BPJS Kesehatan employees in the BPJS Law only ordered the transfer of employees and did not regulate the transfer of employees and the legal relationship of PT ASKES employees who were transferred to BPJS Health employees. There is a legal vacuum regarding the legal relationship of PT ASKES employees who were transferred to BPJS employees and the unclear transfer process in the BPJS Regulation because it does not explicitly change PT ASKES to become BPJS Health or revocation of laws and regulations related to the formation of PT ASKES and the absence of legislation regulating the public legal entity will affect the legal relationship between workers and employers, and also affect YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan SainsUniversitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 3 the rights and obligations of workers in this case are employees of PT ASKES who were transferred to BPJS Health employees and companies namely PT ASKES which was transferred to BPJS Health. keywords: act; agreement; article; askes employees; asn; attribution; bpjs; bpjs health; bpjs kesehatan; bpjs law; commons; creative; dan; employees; employment; government; health; health employees; hukum; indonesia; jurnal; kesehatan; kesehatan employees; law; legal; legal relationship; manpower; merdeka; number; paragraph; protection; pt askes; public; relationship; sainsuniversitas; security; social; transfer; wacana; wages; work; workers; working; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-25.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-25.txt item: #85 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-26 author: Bastianto Nugroho; M. Roesli; Surti Yustianti title: Accountability of Criminal Actors Terrorism Funding date: 2021-07-03 words: 7923 flesch: 35 summary: To know about accountability in terrorism crimes we must understand and understand the hierarchy of terrorism organizations at least. The regulation of terrorism YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 21 financing as a criminal act of terrorism is regulated so that terrorism acts can be prevented, because the process of carrying out acts of terrorism requires large funds and often the funds collected are the result of other crimes such as robbery or assistance from international terrorism networks. keywords: accountability; actions; activities; acts; article; assets; attribution; commons; community; convention; country; creative; crimes; criminal; criminal act; criminal law; dan; definition; elements; eradication; financial; financing; formulation; funding; funds; government; hukum; imprisonment; individuals; international; jurnal; laundering; law; law number; license; life; merdeka; merdeka surabaya; money; number; organizations; paragraph; people; perpetrators; person; political; prevention; provisions; public; related; sains; sharealike; states; surabaya; terrorism; terrorism activities; terrorism crimes; terrorism financing; terrorism funding; united; universitas; violence; wacana; work; world; years; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-26.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-26.txt item: #86 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-27 author: Ilham Arfian title: Authorities of The Corruption Eradication Commission to Make Demands On Money Laundering Actions. (Study at the Corruption Eradication Commission and Central Jakarta Corruption Court). date: 2021-07-03 words: 4521 flesch: 24 summary: As a population that are Corruption Eradication Commission staff and Corruption Crimes Court. From the result with that method, writer receive the answer from the issue which based on Act of Corruption Eradication Commission has right to conducting the prosecution on Crime of Money Laundering because the predicate crime from money laundering is a corruption and based on Act of Crime of Money Laundering not mention or regulate about the authority of prosecution on Money Laundering but based on Criminal Court terms said that simple, fast and cheap court so Corruption Eradication Commission may be conducting about prosecution. keywords: act; acts; article; attribution; authority; commission law; commons; corruption court; corruption crime; corruption eradication; court; creative; crime; criminal; criminal acts; dan; data; eradication commission; exception; hukum; international; investigation; jurnal; laundering crime; law; legal; merdeka; money laundering; pidana; prevention; prosecutor; public; research; sains; surabaya; undang; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-27.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-27.txt item: #87 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-28 author: M.Hidayat; Sinarianda Kurnia title: Juridical Study On The Competence of Religion Courts In Completing Syariah Banking Disputes Based On Article 55 Law Number 21 of 2008 Concerning Banking Syari'ah date: 2021-07-03 words: 4643 flesch: 44 summary: 3. CHOICE OFFORUM SYARI'AH BANKING SETTLEMENT SETTLEMENT Based on the above explanation of Law Number 3 of 2006 concerning Religious Courts, the absolute competence of the Religious Courts also includes resolving sharia banking disputes. The reason is, there is dualism (Religious Courts and General Courts) the settlement of shari'a banking disputes which creates legal uncertainty. keywords: absolute; arbitration; article; attribution; authority; banking; banking disputes; commons; competence; creative; dan; disputes; economic; explanation; general; hukum; indonesia; islamic; judges; judicial; jurnal; law; law number; legal; merdeka; number; paragraph; parties; religious courts; sains; settlement; shari'ah; shari'ah banking; sharia; sharia banking; surabaya; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-28.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-28.txt item: #88 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-29 author: Vega Alif Wijaya title: Implementation of Building Construction Prohibition In Watershed (Case Study on Brantas Watershed in Soekarno-Hatta Area, Malang) date: 2021-07-03 words: 6998 flesch: 44 summary: Regarding the number of residential buildings that stand around the Brantas watershed area around the Soekarno Hatta area, the Malang City Environmental Agency provides the following explanation: Buildings established in Brantas watershed area do not have a Building Permit, we find difficulty in its supervision11. Building arrangements in Brantas watershed area is arranged in Article 27 paragraph (2) of Malang City Regulation No. 1 of 2012 which states that the location of the demarcation of the outermost building for the area along the river or lake is calculated based on the condition of the river, the location of the river and the function of the river area, and measured from the river bank. keywords: area; article; attribution; border; brantas; building; city; commons; community; consequences; construction; creative; dan; dan sains; development; efforts; enforcement; environmental; factors; form; government; government regulation; hukum; imb; implementation; international; interview; jurnal; land; law; law number; legal; license; licensing; malang; malang city; management; merdeka; meters; number; office; paragraph; people; permit; planning; population; prohibition; provisions; public; regional; regional regulation; regulation; regulation number; related; relevant; results; river; rules; sains; service; settlements; sharealike; spatial; surabaya; universitas; violations; wacana; watershed; watershed area; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-29.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-29.txt item: #89 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-3 author: Moh Saleh; Any Palaud title: Legal Protection Against Taxpayers After Entirement of Automatic Exchange of Information date: 2021-07-02 words: 4608 flesch: 38 summary: In this case, it is clear that the Indonesian government has actually provided legal protection to the people of Indonesia as bank customers, namely in the form of prohibitions for officials or banks to provide customer financial information to other parties, unless it is necessary for special interests that have been regulated in statutory provisions. . Article 1 number 16 of Law 7/1992 explains thatbank secrecy is everything related to finances and other matters of bank customers which according to the custom of the banking world must be kept secret. keywords: 9/2017; access; article; automatic; bank; banking; confidential; customers; dan; data; deposits; directorate; exchange; financial; financial information; general; government; hukum; implementation; indonesia; information; interests; international; july; jurnal; law; legal; number; protection; provisions; public; purposes; regulations; sains; secrecy; surabaya; tax; taxation; taxes; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-3.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-3.txt item: #90 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-30 author: Hermawan; Ahmad Syafi’i title: Abortion Conducted by Rape victims date: 2021-07-03 words: 6094 flesch: 47 summary: While there have been criminal laws, criminal procedural law and criminal justice systems, criminology arises because experts feel dissatisfied with the arrangements contained in criminal law, criminal procedural law and the criminal system. Criminal law is a science or knowledge that specifically studies one particular part of legal science in general: criminal law. keywords: abortion; act; actions; application; article; assistance; attribution; cetakan; code; commons; community; compensation; court; creative; crime; criminal; criminal law; criminology; dan; government; granting; health; hukum; human; indonesia; international; jurnal; justice; law; legal; license; lpsk; maximum; means; medical; merdeka; paragraph; perpetrator; person; pregnancy; protection; public; punishment; rape; regulation; rights; sains; sense; sexual; sharealike; social; society; state; subject; surabaya; trauma; universitas; victims; violence; wacana; witnesses; woman; work; years; yogyakarta; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-30.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-30.txt item: #91 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-31 author: Randy Esa Wibowo title: Improper Responsibility of Notary Candidates date: 2021-07-03 words: 6546 flesch: 40 summary: In addition, the Notary who receives the internship also violates Article 16 paragraph (1) letter a of the UUJN above, because the Notary recipient of the internship is also responsible and has a great role to educate Candidates Notary to be more professional, skilled and have morality according to article 16 paragraph (1) letter n UUJN stating that Notary is obliged to receive an Notary Candidate internship. This research resulted in formulation of problem why Notary Candidate is required to conduct apprenticeship activities at Notary Office and Notary Candidate’s responsibility in improper apprenticeship activities at Notary's office. keywords: accordance; activities; akta; apprenticeship; article; association; attribution; brawijaya; calon; candidate; certificate; code; commons; creative; criminal; dan; deed; ethics; hukum; hukum dan; indonesian; international; internship; jabatan; jurnal; law; laws; legal; letter; license; magang; merdeka; months; nomor; notaris; notary; notary candidate; number; obligations; office; paragraph; position; prospective; provisions; recipient; regional; regulations; requirements; research; responsible; sains; sanctions; sharealike; states; surabaya; tahun; tentang; undang; universitas; uujn; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-31.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-31.txt item: #92 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-32 author: Tomi Halim Adianjaya title: Legal Consequence of Land Rights Related To Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) In Mojokerto City date: 2021-07-03 words: 5532 flesch: 45 summary: Strongest right, meaning land rights are stronger than other land rights, do not have a certain time limit, IS easily maintained from other parties, and not easily removed. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Implementation of Complete Systematic Land Registration on land that has not been certified based on provisions of the Regulation of the State Minister for Agrarian and Spatial Planning or Head of National Land Agency Number 1 of 2017 includes: determination of PTSL activity location, establishment and determination of PTSL Adjudication Committee, counseling, juridical and physical data collection of the land, land checks, announcements of physical data and juridical data on land and proof of rights, issuance of decisions on the awarding or recognition of land rights, bookkeeping and issuance of certificates of land rights and submission of certificates of land rights. keywords: activities; agency; agrarian; approach; article; attribution; basic; bpn; certainty; certificate; commons; community; complete; creative; dan; data; evidence; government; head; holders; hukum; implementation; indonesia; international; issuance; jakarta; juridical; jurnal; land; land registration; land rights; law; legal; letter; license; merdeka; minister; national; number; office; ownership; ownership rights; physical; program; proof; property; ptsl; registration; regulation; rights; sains; sharealike; state; surabaya; systematic; time; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-32.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-32.txt item: #93 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-33 author: Elok Nadhiro title: A Notary’s Authority In Issuing Copies of Acts From Minutes of Deeds of Other Notaries’ Protocol Parts date: 2021-07-03 words: 4492 flesch: 50 summary: Keywords: Authentic Deed, Notary, Notary Protocol, Copy of Deed. In the event that the Notary has retired, changed his position, temporarily taken leave, stopped or terminated as stipulated in 62 UUJN, the Notary must submit the protocol to another Notary appointed by the Regional Supervisory Board as the Notary Holder of the other Notary Protocol. keywords: article; attribution; authentic; authentic deed; authority; board; commons; copy; creative; dan; deed; evidence; hukum; indonesia; jurnal; law; legal; letter; minuta; minuta deed; notaris; notary; notary deed; notary protocol; original; paragraph; parties; recipient; regional; rights; sains; state; supervisory; surabaya; uujn; wacana; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-33.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-33.txt item: #94 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-34 author: Surti Yustianti; Daniel Susilo; Mohammad Roesli title: Regulation of Banking Policies That Brings Implication for Criminal Act date: 2021-07-03 words: 5778 flesch: 46 summary: Case approach used is cases related to Bank Indonesia policy towards banks with unhealthy conditions. Asas Pertanggungjawab Korporasi dalam Hukum Pidana Indonesia (Strict Liability dan Vicarious Liability), Raja Grafindo Persada Hamzah, Andi.,( , 1994). keywords: accordance; actions; acts; administrasi; administrative; approach; article; attribution; authority; bandung; bank; bank indonesia; banking; basis; blbi; century; code; commons; corruption; creative; crime; criminal; dalam; decisions; ermessen; financial; form; formulation; freedom; functions; government; hukum; hukum dan; hukum pidana; indonesia; indonesia officials; international; jakarta; jurnal; law; legal; license; liquidity; lps; means; merdeka; number; officials; order; paragraph; person; pidana; policies; policy; position; principle; public; regulation; related; responsibility; sains; sector; services; sharealike; state; surabaya; system; universitas; use; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-34.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-34.txt item: #95 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-35 author: Anisa Vidya Sasmita title: The Role of The Drug and Food Supervisory Agency (BPOM) on The Difference of Clorined Vinylers Reviewed From Law Number 8 of 1999 Consumer Protection date: 2021-07-03 words: 4671 flesch: 47 summary: Consumers are the same asbusiness actors 3. end-consumer, namely users, users and / or users of consumer goods and / or services to meet their own, family or household needs and not to be traded again. Knowledge of consumer rights is very important so that people can act as critical and independent consumers. keywords: accordance; actors; agency; article; attribution; bpom; business; charm; chlorine; circulation; commons; compensation; consumers; creative; dan; drug; food; goods; government; health; hukum; international; jurnal; legal; letter; license; merdeka; napkins; number; paragraph; products; provisions; right; safety; sains; sanitary; services; sharealike; supervision; supervisory; surabaya; universitas; use; users; uupk; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-35.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-35.txt item: #96 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-36 author: Fahmi Syaifuddin Ramdhany; Gandhi Pramudhita title: The Role of an Advocate as a Mediator In Medical Dispute Resolution date: 2021-07-03 words: 4904 flesch: 44 summary: While the force of law mediation but is non litigation of the contractual arrangement so student described in the law number 30 years 1999 asserted that the agreement between the resolution of disputes in writing shall be final and binding the parties to be implemented in good faith and give likely to be registered with the district court within at most 30 ( thirty ) days since the signing. In the act of number 39 years in 2009 on health also set of procedure mediation for alleged medical negligence is contained in article 29 which says “in terms of health workers suspected of committing an omission in run, held negligence first has to be resolved by mediation“. keywords: advocate; alternative; article; attribution; commons; conflict; court; court number; creative; dan; dispute; dispute resolution; doctor; health; hospital; hukum; information; international; judge; jurnal; law; law number; license; litigation; material; matter; mediation; mediation procedure; mediation process; mediator; medical; merdeka; non; number; parties; party; patients; power; problems; procedure; process; resolution; sains; sharealike; stage; surabaya; universitas; wacana; workers; year; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-36.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-36.txt item: #97 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-37 author: Rahma Ariesti Lating; Wiwin Indriani title: Legal Protection for Patients to Medical Procedures Performed By Young Dentist date: 2021-07-03 words: 5778 flesch: 53 summary: It should also be doctor words doctor, healthy physical and mental and said it will adhere and carry out the terms of professional ethics. b. Standards of a profession medicine and standards of a profession of dentistry as mentioned in paragraph (1) : 1) for professional education doctor or dentist arranged by association by institutions medical education or to dentistry or 2) For education a profession of medicine a specialist prepared by colegium a medicine or dentistry. keywords: accordance; act; agreement; article; attribution; authority; bandung; clinic; commons; community; competence; creative; dalam; dan; dan sains; dentistry; doctor; education; etika; form; health; health services; hospital; hukum; hukum dan; hukum kedokteran; hukum kesehatan; indonesia; informed; international; jakarta; jurnal; kedokteran; kedokteran dan; law; legal; license; life; medical; medicine; merdeka; no.29; patients; pengantar; person; physician; practices; profession; protection; relationship; right; sains; services; sharealike; standards; surabaya; therapeutic; undang; universitas; wacana hukum; work; workers; young; young doctor; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-37.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-37.txt item: #98 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-38 author: Erika Lierensia title: Sales and Purchase Agreement As The Basis of Land Ownership Transfer Registration In The Context of Tax Amnesty date: 2021-07-03 words: 4785 flesch: 48 summary: This Circular Announcement stipulates that the registration of the transfer of land rights is executed by making a nominee statement letter between the Taxpayer and the Nominee, and if previously the nominee statement letter has not been made but a legal act has been carried out, then the party can use the deed of binding and transfer ownership of rights of the land or apartment that are made by a Notary. Purchase and sell process begins with an agreement between seller and buyer to transfer ownership of land rights and ends with the signing of Sale and Purchase Act before the Land Deed Officer (hereinafter referred to as PPAT). keywords: agreement; amnesty; apartment; article; authority; basis; city; dan; deed; government; hukum; indonesia; jurnal; land; land office; land ownership; land registration; land rights; law; law number; laws; legal; local; number; ownership; ownership rights; paragraph; policy; ppat; ppjb; prospective; provisions; purchase; registration; regulation; republic; sains; sale; statement; tax; taxpayer; transfer; unit; wacana; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-38.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-38.txt item: #99 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-39 author: A.A. Aditya Dharmasaputra title: HD’S Criminal Liability of Drugs Traffickin Based On Article 114 Section (1) Jo. Article 132 Section (1) Law Number 35 of 2009 On Narcotics date: 2021-07-03 words: 3721 flesch: 54 summary: In connection with HD actions in carrying out narcotics sale and purchase transactions there can be no forgiving reasons. 3. DISCUSSION Criminal law recognizes criminal liability as very important, because accountability in criminal law is based on one principle, that is, not convicted if there is no mistake (geen straf zonder schuld) to determine whether the criminal offender can be subject to criminal sanctions. keywords: act; actions; article; attribution; buying; commons; creative; crime; criminal; dan; elements; heroin; hukum; intermediary; jakarta; jurnal; law; legal; material; merdeka; narcotics; nature; number; paragraph; pidana; provisions; sains; subject; surabaya; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-39.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-39.txt item: #100 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-4 author: Moh Saleh; Handriono title: Legal Protection For Taxpayers In The Tax Examination Process date: 2021-07-02 words: 6426 flesch: 47 summary: After elaborating at length the contents of Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 184 / PMK.03 / 2015 concerning Amendments to PMK Number 17 / PMK.03 / 2013 concerning Audit Procedures in relation to Legal Protection for Taxpayers in Facing Tax Audit and several explanations In this regard, we submit the following conclusions: The form of legal protection for taxpayers in facing tax audits, in particular the Tax Audit on Overpayment of Tax Returns is the certainty of the length of the audit period, namely 12 (twelve) months as regulated in article 17B paragraph (1) of the KUP Law. If within a period of 7 (seven) days from the date of sealing, the Taxpayer does not give the Tax Auditor permission to open or enter a place or room, movable or immovable property that is sealed, the Taxpayer is deemed to have refused the Audit. keywords: article; assessment; attribution; audit; books; commons; creative; dan; discussion; documents; examination; field; final; general; hukum; international; july; jurnal; law; legal; letter; merdeka; no.x; number; obligations; paragraph; period; pmk; process; result; sains; sphp; surabaya; tax; tax assessment; tax auditor; taxpayer; universitas; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-4.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-4.txt item: #101 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-40 author: Asep Hery; Surti Yustianti; Daniel Susilo title: Authority of Banking Supervision And Regulation By Bank Indonesia And Financial Services Authority (OJK) date: 2021-07-03 words: 5419 flesch: 39 summary: The primary legal material used is Act Number 23 of 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia as amended by Act Number 3 of 2004 concerning Bank Indonesia concerning Amendments to Act Number 23 of 1999 concerning Bank Indonesia (hereinafter referred to as Bank Indonesia Law) and Act Law Number 21 of 2011 concerning OJK. The tasks of Bank Indonesia are still in accordance with Bank Indonesia Law including maintaining monetary stability and regulating the payment system and overseeing capital markets and non-bank financial institutions. keywords: accordance; activities; article; attribution; authority; bandung; bank; bank indonesia; banking; banking sector; banking supervision; capital; commons; creative; criminal; dan; duties; financial; financial services; financial system; funds; hlm; hukum; indonesia; indonesia law; institutions; international; jurnal; law; legal; license; merdeka; monetary; number; ojk; ojk law; policy; principle; regulation; risk; rupiah; sains; sector; services authority; sharealike; stability; supervision; supervisory; surabaya; system; task; undang; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-40.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-40.txt item: #102 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-41 author: Desi Karunia Sari title: Lease Agreement Characteristics of Virtual Office date: 2021-07-03 words: 3129 flesch: 53 summary: Furthermore, domain name and address to be regarded as legal objects must fulfill the requirements, i.e human authority and economic value. The problem discussed in this article is Virtual Office lease agreement that uses office addresses as business addresses and make the business address the object of the agreement. keywords: address; agreement; article; attribution; authority; business; commons; concept; creative; dan; definition; domain; economic; hukum; indonesia; intangible; internet; jurnal; law; lease; lease agreement; leasing; legal; media; merdeka; object; office; sains; surabaya; universitas; virtual; virtual office; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-41.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-41.txt item: #103 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-42 author: Anisa Retno Kusumadewi title: Customers’ Accounts Receivable Late Submission to Curator of Insurance Companies Facing Banckruptcy (Bumi Asih Jaya Insurance Bankruptcy Case) date: 2021-07-03 words: 6975 flesch: 48 summary: The legal effort that can be made by Bumi Asih Jaya Insurance customers as policy holders is to file a lawsuit based on Unlawful Acts to the District Court. Insurance agents in the case of Bumi Asih Jaya insurance should be able to act as coordinators of policyholders to be able to submit their receivables to the curator. keywords: accounts; agreement; article; asih; asih jaya; assets; asuransi; attribution; bankruptcy; bankruptcy law; bills; bumi; bumi asih; commons; companies; company; court; creative; creditors; curator; customers; dan; debtor; decision; hukum; hukum dan; information; insurance; insurance company; insurance law; insured; international; jakarta; jaya; judge; jurnal; law; legal; license; merdeka; number; paragraph; policy; policyholders; position; preferred; provisions; receivables; request; rights; sains; sharealike; supervisory; surabaya; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-42.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-42.txt item: #104 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-43 author: Ebit Rudianto; Mohammad Roesli title: Civil Law Review Non-performing Loan Settlement Loans Revolving Funds National Program for Community Empowerment in Urban date: 2021-07-03 words: 7355 flesch: 44 summary: The problem is the process of implementing PNPMMP revolving loan funds, the obstacles encountered in the process of revolving fund lending and the settlement of problem loans in PNPMMP revolving loan loans in terms of the credit agreement law and guarantee law. This is also the cause of problems in revolving loan loans. keywords: achievement; activities; agreement; arrears; article; attribution; bkm; civil; code; collateral; commons; community; community empowerment; conditions; creative; credit; credit agreement; criteria; dan; debtor; development; empowerment; financial; form; fund loans; funds; government; group; help; hukum; hukum dan; implementation; international; joint; juridical; jurnal; ksm; ksm members; law; legal; license; lkm; loans; management; mandiri; masyarakat; members; merdeka; method; mfi; p2kp; parties; party; people; pnpm; pnpm mandiri; poor; poverty; problem; process; program; reduction; research; revolving; revolving fund; revolving loan; sains; self; settlement; sharealike; surabaya; terms; universitas; upk; urban; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-43.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-43.txt item: #105 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-44 author: Wikan Tri Restu Yanuarti; Kendy Lukianto Kusumohadi title: Legal Protection For Instant Coconut Milk Consumer date: 2021-07-03 words: 5670 flesch: 50 summary: Regulation of food product that containing food additives The scope of consumer protection is difficult to limit only by accommodating it in one type of legislation such as the Consumer Protection Law (UUPK). Authorized agency that regulates food product containing food additives Packaging and food companies in Indonesia are currently growing rapidly. keywords: additives; agency; article; attribution; beverage; bpom; business; cause; coconut; coconut milk; commons; consumer; consumption; creative; dan; distribution; drug; food; food additives; goods; government; harm; health; hukum; indonesia; industry; inspection; instant; international; jurnal; konsumen; law; legal; legislation; liability; license; materials; maximum; merdeka; milk; minister; ministry; number; packaging; people; perlindungan; producers; products; protection; provisions; regulation; republic; rights; sains; sharealike; statistik; supervision; supervisory; surabaya; threshold; universitas; use; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-44.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-44.txt item: #106 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-45 author: Lilis Qomariyah Nur Wachidah; Fitriani title: The Legal Liability of The Government And Employers In The Exclusive Breastfeeding Program date: 2021-07-03 words: 3941 flesch: 41 summary: The some of the articles are: Article 3: (1) the work and organizers of the place of public utilities will need to support breastfeeding exclusive program. It is also a through government programs and also given to the best of the work done on employer is obliged to provide the space lactation on a means of work. keywords: approach; article; asi; attribution; baby; breastfeeding; breastfeeding program; commons; creative; dan; exclusive; exclusive asi; exclusive breastfeeding; facilities; government; health; hukum; implementation; indonesia; international; jurnal; lactation; law; license; merdeka; mother; people; place; program; provision; public; regulation; research; sains; sharealike; support; surabaya; universitas; wacana; work; workers; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-45.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-45.txt item: #107 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-46 author: Herni Budiyanti title: The Law Protection of The Hospital In Cooperation With Health BPJS Contract date: 2021-07-03 words: 5508 flesch: 44 summary: The health ministry`s regulation ri no 71 2013 on health services in nhi, and the conversion article 2 paragraph ( 1 ) to paragraph ( 3 ): carrier health services included all health facilities are engaged with bpjs health in the form of health facilities in the first degree and a higher level. YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 118 The contract of cooperation systematic of the hospitals and health bpjs in 2019 at as follows: Extra cooperation shall be conducted based on article 10 are: (1) extensions of cooperation between health facilities with bpjs health after done recredentialing.. (2) credentialing as referred to in paragraph ( 1 ) are performed by the use of the technical criteria for as referred to in article 9 paragraph ( 1 ) and assess performance that is mutually agreed to. keywords: accordance; agreement; article; attribution; bpjs health; claim; commons; commons attribution; contract; contractual; cooperation; creative; creative commons; dan; dan sains; fkrtl; government; health; health facilities; health services; hospital; hukum; hukum dan; implementation; indonesia; information; international; jurnal; law; lembaran; license; merdeka; merdeka surabaya; negara; nomor; obligations; paragraph; parties; payment; pks; process; regulation; rights; sains; sains universitas; sharealike; surabaya; tahun; tentang; universitas; universitas merdeka; wacana; wacana hukum; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-46.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-46.txt item: #108 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-47 author: Hari Sutra Disemadi; Agung Sujati Winata title: Legal Review of the Late Notification of Acquisition of Commission for Supervision of Business Competition (Study of KPPU Case Decision No: 07/KPPU-M/2018) date: 2021-07-03 words: 5603 flesch: 49 summary: Then PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo, Tbk., Submitted an official notice of share acquisition to KPPU on March 29, 2018. Business Entity Merger, Business Entity Smelting, or other company Takeover of Shares resulting in asset value and / or sales value exceeding a certain amount must be notified in writing to the Commission no later than 30 (thirty) working days from the date the juridically effective Business Entity , Consolidation of Business Entity, Takeover of company shares; 2). keywords: acquisition; actors; article; assessment; asset; boga; business; business competition; business entity; commission; companies; company; competition; consolidation; consultation; corpindo; dan; data; documents; economic; entity; form; hukum; ijccs; indosari; indosari corpindo; international; july; jurnal; kppu; law; legal; merger; monopolistic; nippon; no.x; notification; number; paragraph; practices; prima; research; sales; shares; takeover; tbk; unfair; universitas; value; xxxx cache: yurisdiksi-47.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-47.txt item: #109 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-48 author: Adhi Setyo Prabowo title: Juridical Analysis Among Special Confiscation At The Criminal Procedure Code And General Confiscation In Bankruptcy Law date: 2021-07-03 words: 6041 flesch: 46 summary: The purpose of the discussion is to find the most ideal middle ground for the conflicting confiscation of crime based on the provisions of 39 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code with Article 31 paragraph (2) of the Law Before examining the meaning of confiscation as regulated in Article 31 paragraph (2) of the Law, whether it includes confiscation in the civil and criminal domain, it is necessary to review civil confiscation and criminal confiscation first. The evidence has a very important role in criminal proceedings.19 Based on the theory of civil confiscation and criminal confiscation above, it is also necessary to examine the general confiscation within the framework of bankruptcy. keywords: article; assets; attribution; bankruptcy; bankruptcy law; civil; code; commons; confiscation; court; creative; criminal; criminal confiscation; criminal procedure; dan; debtor; evidence; general; general confiscation; goods; hukum; ijccs; international; investigator; issn; jakarta; july; jurnal; law; legal; license; merdeka; no.x; objects; paragraph; procedure; property; provisions; public; purpose; sains; sharealike; surabaya; universitas; vol; vol.x; wacana; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-48.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-48.txt item: #110 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-5 author: Ferry Vincentius title: Legal Efforts of Justice Collaborator In Corruption Crime date: 2021-07-02 words: 5097 flesch: 48 summary: This is motivated by legal effort because of the lack of legal protection for the actors who Cooperating Witness (Justice Collaborators) in Indonesia. This is a model used by judges in solving concrete legal cases whose laws (read: laws) have clearly regulated. keywords: act; approach; article; attribution; case; certain; collaborator; commons; corruption; court; creative; crime; criminal; dan; decision; effort; enforcement; hukum; human; ijccs; indonesia; international; judges; july; jurnal; justice; law; legal; license; main; merdeka; no.x; number; officials; perpetrator; protection; regulation; research; rights; sains; sema; sharealike; spb; status; surabaya; system; testimony; universitas; victims; vol; vol.x; wacana; witnesses; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-5.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-5.txt item: #111 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-50 author: Andy Rachman; R. Bayu Probo S; Aditya Budi Susetyo; Inal Sainal Saiful3 title: Criminal Appropriation From Money Laundering And Corruption Crime date: 2021-07-06 words: 7963 flesch: 40 summary: The Prosecutor as a State Attorney in handling the return of corruption assets, can be seen that the act of seizure carried out based on a criminal justice decision, there are several obstacles including: the perpetrator fled, died, had immunity, had debate or power and the perpetrator was not known to be domicile, the asset was in third party, and lack of sufficient evidence.12 The return of assets by the state is carried out with the confiscation of these assets is a series of investigative actions to take over and or save under the control of movable or immovable, tangible and intangible objects for the purposes of proof and investigation, prosecution and trial.13 In the case of asset recovery, there is also a method of seizing assets that is different from confiscation, namely revoking the right of a person to an object. Giving, surrendering, transferring the transfer so that the defendant does not enjoy the assets obtained from the criminal act of corruption does not reduce the right of the state to seize the property, especially for corruption assets that have been made in other forms (goods that replace it). keywords: acts; additional; appropriation; article; assets; attribution; case; civil; commons; confiscation; considerations; corruption; corruption act; corruption crime; court; creative; crime; criminal; criminal act; criminal code; criminal law; decision; defendant; general; goods; hukum; hukum dan; ibid; indonesia; international; judge; jurnal; korupsi; laundering; law; law number; legal; license; merdeka; money; nomor; number; paragraph; parties; party; person; pidana; principle; prosecutor; provisions; public; punishment; related; rights; sains; seizure; sharealike; state; surabaya; tahun; tentang; tindak; undang; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-50.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-50.txt item: #112 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-51 author: Deetje Christy Anggraini; Etty Marjati title: The Rights of Patients as Consumers of Health Care Services In The Transaction of The Therapeutic date: 2021-07-06 words: 3798 flesch: 49 summary: In contrast to engagements in general have, similarity in it so frequently in the therapeutic imbalance each other parties as the seat of the knowledge and understanding of, engagements hence the legal duty to provide balance through recognition and protection laws against rights patients in the underlying transactions law. YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 22 Basically approval the act of medical derived from patients rights in relation to the doctor with patients, namely;( Dalami,2010:114 ) keywords: act; agreement; article; attribution; care; commons; consent; creative; dan; doctor; explanation; family; healing; health; hukum; indonesia; informed; international; jurnal; law; legal; license; medical; medicine; merdeka; parties; patients; relationship; right; sains; services; sharealike; surabaya; therapeutic; therapeutic transactions; transactions; treatment; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-51.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-51.txt item: #113 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-53 author: Moh. Imron Fauzi Hidayatullah; Nynda Fatmawati Octarina title: Government Responsibility for Troubled Land Rights Lawsuit date: 2021-07-06 words: 6451 flesch: 52 summary: Government Responsibility for Troubled Land Rights Case Laws Regulations that can be used as a legal basis for resolving legal disputes over land, namely Government Regulation Number 24 of 1997, Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 3 of 1999 and Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 9 of Year 1999 and operational basis in the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 72 of 1981 concerning the Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the Provincial Agrarian Directorate and the District / Municipality Agrarian Office, specifically Article 35 concerning the Establishment of the Technical Guidance and Legal Settlement Section which is tasked with providing technical guidance in the field of rights management land and resolve legal disputes related to land rights. The final stages of the land registration process are as follows: a. for the first registration process, land rights are the issuance of land certificates; b. for the process of transfer, transfer of rights or assignment and deletion, it will be recorded in the land book registers and finally the land certificate must also be recorded. keywords: agrarian; article; attorney; attribution; basis; bojonegoro; case; certainty; certificate; civil; claim; code; commons; court; creative; decision; deed; defendant; district; evidence; government; government regulation; hal; head; hukum; indonesia; international; jakarta; june; jurnal; land; land registration; land rights; lawsuit; legal; license; materials; merdeka; mojodelik; notary; number; object; office; ownership; petitum; plaintiff; power; proof; quo; registration; regulation; regulation number; research; rights; sains; sharealike; study; supreme; surabaya; system; transfer; universitas; village; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-53.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-53.txt item: #114 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-54 author: Richo Fernando Sitorus ; Tahegga Primananda Alfath title: Constitutional Protection for Ownership Owners Who Reject Consignation date: 2021-07-06 words: 3851 flesch: 51 summary: Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 51 Constitutional Protection for Ownership Owners Who Reject Consignation Richo Fernando Sitorus *1, Tahegga Primananda Alfath, *2 *1 Faculty of Law, Narotama University Surabaya E-mail: * ABSTRACT This research aims to analyze the legis ration of granting consignment for development in the public interest and to analyze the constitution providing legal protection for owners of land rights who refuse consignment. The results showed that the legis ratio of consignment provisions was based on the social function of land rights as regulated in Article 6 of Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Basic Agrarian Regulations. keywords: acquisition; article; community; compensation; consignment; constitution; court; dan; development; government; holders; implementation; interest; jakarta; land; land acquisition; land rights; law; legal; paragraph; procurement; property; protection; public; public interest; research; rights; sains; state; surabaya cache: yurisdiksi-54.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-54.txt item: #115 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-55 author: Ignasius Tungga; Nynda Fatmawati Octarina title: The Validity of Determining The Value of Fines In Motor Vehicle Loan Agreements That Exceeds Limitations In the law date: 2021-07-06 words: 5186 flesch: 56 summary: The validity of determining the value of fines in motor vehicle loan agreements that exceed limits in the law. Keywords: the value of fines, credit agreements, motor vehicles, laws 1. keywords: agreement; article; attribution; business; cit; civil; code; commons; consumer; contract; costs; creative; credit; dalam; dan; debtor; determination; finance; financial; financing; fines; form; goods; hal; hukum; hukum dan; installments; interest; international; jakarta; jasa; jurnal; kendaraan; late; law; laws; leasing; legal; license; materials; media; merdeka; motor; negligence; nomor; pembiayaan; penalty; perjanjian; perpres; perusahaan; prenada; provisions; regulation; research; sains; services; sharealike; studi; surabaya; tentang; time; undang; universitas; value; vehicle; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-55.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-55.txt item: #116 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-56 author: Ita Primaria Lestari; Moh Saleh title: The validity of the Decree of Members of the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) as a Credit Guarantee for the Bank Jatim date: 2021-07-06 words: 6143 flesch: 52 summary: In general, bank credit guarantees can be grouped into three groups, namely movable goods, immovable property, and individual guarantees (debt security). 27 YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan SainsUniversitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 80 clarify the type so that the bank can consider it in accordance with its policy regarding the types of credit guarantee objects that can be received. keywords: ability; accordance; agreement; analysis; appointment; approach; article; attribution; bank; cit; collateral; commons; creative; credit; credit guarantee; daerah; dalam; dan; dasar; data; debtor; decree; dprd; election; form; general; goods; guarantee; hal; house; hukum; hukum dan; ibid; indonesia; international; jakarta; jaminan; jatim; jurnal; law; laws; legal; legal materials; license; loan; materials; media; members; merdeka; nomor; normative; number; objects; op.cit; pemilihan; penelitian; perbankan; perwakilan; political; politics; prenada; primary; problems; property; regional; regulations; representatives; research; rights; sainsuniversitas; secondary; sharealike; surabaya; tahun; tentang; undang; wacana; wacana hukum; work; yogyakarta; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-56.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-56.txt item: #117 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-57 author: Fatimah Zahra; Habib Adjie title: Legal Protection of Our Guarantee Object Owners After Low Limit Value date: 2021-07-06 words: 3670 flesch: 46 summary: Then the legal protection of the debtor in the final execution of mortgage rights auction is regarding the remainder of the proceeds of the auction sale, i.e. after the auction price is paid by the buyer of the auction object, the auction hall will provide net auction results to the creditor as the seller, but if the auction results are greater of the debtor's debt, then the creditor must return the remaining sales at auction to the debtor. Then related to the number of bidders that is related to the nature of the auction that is open to the public, so the auction can be followed by anyone because it is expected to be open to the public more bidders so that it will be affected by tight price competition to reach the highest price on auction object. keywords: act; agreement; article; auction; auction price; collateral; collateral object; creative; creditor; dan; debtor; hukum; jurnal; law; legal; legal protection; limit; limit value; low; mortgage; mortgage rights; object; office; owner; price; protection; public; related; remedies; rights; surabaya; value; wacana; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-57.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-57.txt item: #118 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-58 author: Isa Anshari Arif; Nynda Fatmawati Octarina title: Urgency of Cyber Notary Application In The Pandemic of Covid-19 For The Need of Authentic Deed date: 2021-07-06 words: 7386 flesch: 44 summary: In addition to changes to UUJN-P, Cyber Notary can be applied in Indonesia, requiring harmonization with other laws and regulations, namely: a. Article 5 paragraph (4) of Law No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE Act) on a letter or document that must be in written form and in Notary deed. 25 Article 16 paragraph (1C) of the UUJN-P regarding affixing letters and documents and fingerprints on the minutes of the deed. 26 Habib Adjie, Op. YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 93 Urgency of Cyber Notary Application In The Pandemic of Covid-19 For The Need of Authentic Deed Isa Anshari Arif, Nynda Fatmawati Octarina Faculty of Law, Narotama University Surabaya E-mail dan ABSTRACT This article aims to find out the urgency about the application of Cyber Notary in the recent times that are experiencing a covid-19 pandemic, this research uses a normative method with deductive logic that explains a general thing then draws it to a specific conclusion. keywords: accordance; application; article; attribution; authentic; authentic deed; authority; cit; civil; code; commons; community; concept; countries; covid-19; covid-19 virus; creative; cyber notary; dalam; dan; dan sains; data; deed; electronic; electronic notary; form; government; home; hukum; hukum dan; implementation; indonesia; international; jakarta; jurnal; law; legal; license; making; media; merdeka; need; notaris; notary; notary deed; notary public; online; page; pandemic; paragraph; parties; party; private; process; regulations; republic; requirements; research; sains; sharealike; spread; surabaya; system; technology; universitas; uujn; virus; wacana; wacana hukum; work; world; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-58.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-58.txt item: #119 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-59 author: James Pala Joewono; Nynda Fatmawati Octarina title: Notary Responsibilities of Protocol Holders Toward A Copy of Minuta Due Which Has Not Signed Complete date: 2021-07-06 words: 3660 flesch: 49 summary: Legal consequences if the Notary Holder of protocol provides a copy of the Minutes whose incomplete signature , if disputed, can be categorized as authentic deed, so that the deed is null and void by law and the Notary may be criminally prosecuted under article 264 of the Criminal Code due to the falsification of authentic deeds and can also be sued in civil law accompanied by claims for compensation. Authentic deed referred to as the authority of a Notary is made in the form determined by the Law and made before him Notary is useful for people who need a deed such as a deed of establishment of a Limited Liability Company, a will, a power of attorney, and so forth. keywords: article; authentic deed; authority; civil; copy; dan; deed; form; holder; hukum; incomplete; jurnal; law; legal; minutes; notary; notary deed; notary holder; notary protocol; notary public; number; official; parties; position; protocol holder; request; research; signature; surabaya; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-59.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-59.txt item: #120 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-6 author: Wahyu Putra Pratama, S.Kep title: Legal Gap In The Determination of Moderate Wound By Forensic Doctors On Visum Et Repertum In Criminal Case date: 2021-07-02 words: 2483 flesch: 55 summary: Regarding forensic pathologists competensies, they determine moderate injuries victims whose have economic impaired without physical disturbance. Vol. 17 No. 1 2021 YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 44 There is no legal basis for determining moderate injury. keywords: approach; article; case; code; court; criminal; defendant; doctors; examination; forensic; gap; hukum; ijccs; injuries; injury; judicial; jurnal; law; legal; minor; moderate; no.x; paragraph; repertum; research; sains; surabaya; ver; victim; visum; vol; vol.x; wacana; wound; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-6.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-6.txt item: #121 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-60 author: Reidha Novyca Putri N.S; Habib Adjie title: Responsibilities And Notary Law As A Legal Consultant date: 2021-07-06 words: 4263 flesch: 32 summary: Activities undertaken by legal consultants such as activities carried out by paralegals, definition of paralegals according to the black law dictionary a person who has been trained, and holds authority to provide A specified number of legal services. YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan SainsUniversitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 119 Article 15 paragraph 2 letter e of Law No. 2 of 2014 states that the notary is authorized to provide legal counseling in connection with the Deed, this article is used by the notary public to open legal consulting services and in practice there are notaries who put up a signboard and are mentioned as legal consultants . keywords: accordance; act; actions; advocate; article; association; attribution; authentic; code; commons; consultant; creative; dan; deed; ethics; form; hukum; indonesian; international; jurnal; law; legal; legal consultant; liability; license; making; merdeka; notaries; notary; notary position; notary public; number; office; position; public; research; sainsuniversitas; services; sharealike; study; surabaya; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-60.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-60.txt item: #122 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-61 author: Reza Ardiyanto,S.H; Moh Saleh title: Juridical Implication of Falsification of Signature in Minutes of Deed of Notary Position (Study of the Supreme Court's Decision Number 1234 K / Pid / 2012) date: 2021-07-06 words: 5377 flesch: 52 summary: Notary deed form, in this case where the minutes of the meeting should be made but by the Notary made as a statement of the meeting; 3. Error notary deed contents, in this case regarding the statements of the parties facing the Notary, where when making the deed is considered correct but it turns out later to be incorrect.12 If there is a Notarial Deed at issue by the parties or interested parties, then to settle it must be based on the cancellation and cancellation of the Notary Deed as a perfect proof. keywords: act; agreement; article; aspects; attribution; authentic deed; case; commons; contents; copy; court; creative; criminal; dan; daryanto; decision; deed; element; endang; hukum; implications; international; jurnal; law; legal; license; merdeka; minutes; murniati; notary; notary deed; notary position; notary public; number; parties; pid; position; proof; sains; sanctions; sharealike; signature; supreme; surabaya; universitas; wacana; witness; work; yogyakarta; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-61.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-61.txt item: #123 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-62 author: Johanes Deo Fau; Yustina Sila title: The Protection of The Law Patients Privacy of Health Services date: 2021-07-06 words: 8302 flesch: 46 summary: The act of transgressing when your words come true by health workers done violation privacy patients health agency relevant writing to delivering a rebuke of a trained health professional who is suspected of committing a breach in good health services. The law breach of privacy for patients health workers 1. keywords: able; access; accordance; act; aditya; administrative; article; attribution; bandung; breach; care; case; civil; commons; commons attribution; creative; creative commons; criminal; dalam; dan; dan sains; data; doctor; electronic; facilities; field; good; government; hak; health; health services; health workers; hospital; hukum; hukum dan; ilmu; indonesia; information; international; jakarta; jurnal; jurnal wacana; kedokteran; kesehatan; law; legal; legislation; lembaran; license; loss; losses; malang; malpractice; means; media; medical; medicine; merdeka; merdeka surabaya; minister; monitoring; negara; nomor; number; obligation; offense; oktober; paragraph; pasien; patients; person; personal; practices; privacy; privacy patients; privacy rights; private; process; profession; protection; provisions; public; record; regulation; related; rights; rule; sains; sains universitas; sanctions; secrecy; services; set; sharealike; sinar; state; surabaya; tahun; tambahan; tentang; things; transaction; undang; undang nomor; universitas; universitas merdeka; violation; wacana; wacana hukum; year; yurisdiksi; yurisdiksi jurnal cache: yurisdiksi-62.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-62.txt item: #124 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-63 author: Wahyu Tri Yuliana; N.Santy Parnasari title: Analysis of The Principle of Freedom of Contract In A Work Agreement Containing Non-Competition Clause date: 2021-07-06 words: 4336 flesch: 54 summary: YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 32 Analysis of The Principle of Freedom of Contract In A Work Agreement Containing Non-Competition Clause Wahyu Tri Yuliana1, N.Santy Parnasari2 Faculty of Law, Airlangga University, Surabaya E-mail :, ABSTRACT Legal relations between workers and companies is inseparable from work agreements. The formation of work agreements between workers and companies must be in accordance with legal requirements and agreement principles. keywords: agreement; article; attribution; business; clause; commons; companies; company; competition; competition clause; contract; creative; dan; employment; freedom; hukum; indonesia; international; jurnal; law; legal; license; merdeka; non; obligations; paragraph; parties; principle; provisions; rights; sains; secrets; sharealike; states; surabaya; trade; undang; universitas; wacana; work; work agreement; workers; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-63.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-63.txt item: #125 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-64 author: Muhammad Hasan; Nida Kristinawati; Heru Kuswanto title: The role of the principle in the legal order in Indonesia date: 2021-07-06 words: 2848 flesch: 55 summary: Keywords: legal principles, regulations, law. In the formation of a regulation, it must be based on legal principles so that one regulation and the other regulations are not contradictory or arguably coherent given the truth in the law, namely the truth that is coherent for the creation of legal harmony. keywords: abstract; attribution; basis; birth; case; commons; concrete; court; creative; dan; formation; general; hukum; jurnal; law; legal; legal principle; merdeka; norm; principle; regulations; research; rule; sains; surabaya; universitas; wacana; work cache: yurisdiksi-64.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-64.txt item: #126 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-66 author: Bambang Panji Gunawan; Surti Yustianti; Mohammad Roesli; Bastianto Nugroho title: The Development of Indonesia As The Rule of Law Based On 1945 Constitution Before And After Amendments date: 2021-07-06 words: 4137 flesch: 46 summary: Continental European legal systems recognized rechtsstaat legal state while other parts of the world recognize concept of rule of law state extracted from anglosaxon states. Indonesia remains as a state based on law to the enactment of the 1945 amendments, as stated in Article 1 (3) mentioned above, the structure of state administration is as follow Characteristics of state of law, and specifically to the state of Indonesian law are known by 1945 Constitution which is the constitutional basis of the Indonesian Legal State. keywords: administration; amendment; article; attribution; basis; commons; concept; constitution; creative; dan; government; hukum; human; independence; indonesia; international; jakarta; july; jurnal; law; legal; merdeka; people; power; president; rechtsstaat; reformation; republic; rights; rule; sains; sharealike; state; surabaya; system; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-66.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-66.txt item: #127 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-67 author: Verdy Isdiyanto; Benny Rory Wijaya; Agus Hariyono; Haidir Rahman title: Judicial Analysis of Banking Criminal Actions Related To Law Number 10 of 1998 date: 2021-07-06 words: 5615 flesch: 47 summary: It is so called because there are bank businesses hiding inside the actual / legitimate bank, and the employee or official concerned acts as the main actor in the practice of the illicit bank. c. Principle of Confidentiality The principle of confidentiality is a principle that requires or requires banks to keep all matters relating to finance and other matters of bank customers, which according to the norms of the banking world must be kept confidential. keywords: act; actions; activities; acts; article; attribution; bandung; bank; banking; business; commons; community; confidentiality; creative; crime; criminal; customers; dalam; deposits; economic; employees; entity; financial; form; funds; hukum; hukum dan; hukum pidana; ibid; illegal; indonesia; international; jakarta; jurnal; law; legal; liability; license; management; merdeka; number; paragraph; perbankan; person; pidana; principle; provisions; public; regulations; related; sains; sharealike; surabaya; tahun; tentang; trust; undang; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-67.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-67.txt item: #128 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-68 author: Oktadevi Nurfildzah; Moh Saleh title: Notary Criminal Responsibility In Terms of Notary Workers Doing Criminal Following Letters date: 2021-07-06 words: 7297 flesch: 51 summary: Forms Criminal Liability Notary notary worker if proof acriminal act of forgery is acriminal participation in the crime of forgery contained in Article 55 Juncto Article 263 paragraph 1 and (2) Penal Code or Article 264 or Article 266 of the Criminal Code, and Article 56 paragraph 1 and Article 263 paragraph 1,2 Penal Code or Article 264 or 266 of the Criminal Code. In the case of a notary worker committing the falsification of a letter against a deed to be made by a notary, the notary must be careful and pay close attention to all letters used as material in making authentic deeds. keywords: act; article; attribution; authentic deed; authority; case; certificate; code; commons; contents; creative; crime; criminal; criminal code; dan; deed; element; falsification; hukum; information; international; jurnal; law; letter; liability; merdeka; notary; notary criminal; notary public; notary worker; offense; parties; person; position; responsibility; sains; sharealike; surabaya; truth; undang; universitas; wacana; workers; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-68.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-68.txt item: #129 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-69 author: Novia Putri Mauluddiyah; Habib Adjie title: Impact of Covid-19 On Indonesia's Economy date: 2021-07-06 words: 4803 flesch: 47 summary: However, this conclusion is based only on variables, namely economic growth, which, of course, is not the only important economic factor in economic analysis. Bank Indonesia will monitor global and domestic economic developments in order to keep inflation and external stability under control and to strengthen the momentum of economic growth. keywords: 2020; analysis; attribution; business; china; corona; corona virus; countries; country; covid-19; crisis; dan; data; decrease; economic; economy; existence; financial; global; government; growth; health;; hukum; impact; indonesia; indonesian economy; industrial; industry; international; investment; jurnal; merdeka; pandemic; people; percent; research; retail; sains; sector; sharealike; social; spread; surabaya; system; time; tourism; tourists; universitas; virus; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-69.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-69.txt item: #130 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-7 author: Didit Agung Nugroho; Denny Iswanto; Masrun; Oula Dewi Nurlaily title: Development of Regulations And Procedures And Constraints In The Process of Criminal Procedures In The Corona Virus Pandemic (Covid-19) date: 2021-07-02 words: 3599 flesch: 44 summary: Supreme Court Regulation Number 4 of 2020 concerning Administration and Trial of Criminal Cases in Electronic Court (online criminal trial) guarantees the proceedings of the case without being constrained by forced or emergency situations so that it can better ensure the rights of the defendant with due process of law certainty laws are fulfilled. However, what needs to be paid attention is that Supreme Court Regulation Number 4 of 2020 does not only regulate the trial process, but also the process of delegating cases and administering the cases. keywords: administration; approach; article; cases; commons; corona; court; court regulation; covid-19; creative; criminal; criminal trial; defendant; electronic; hukum; indonesia; judges; july; jurnal; law; legal; number; online; pandemic; panel; paragraph; proceedings; process; prosecutor; regulation number; regulations; research; sains; supreme court; surabaya; trial; virus; vol; wacana; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-7.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-7.txt item: #131 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-70 author: Hendra Purwanto Arifin; Angga Ferdian; Mochamad Djunaedi; Dewi Ika Agustina title: E-Court Implementation In Civil Cities Jurisdiction In The Covid-19 Pandemic Time date: 2021-07-06 words: 4609 flesch: 41 summary:,, ABSTRACT In this scientific paper report, it discusses the implementation of e-Court in civil court cases during the Covid-19 pandemic. There are still many parties who do not understand and see how e-Court is in a civil case. keywords: administration; agung; application; attribution; case; civil; commons; court; covid-19; creative; dan; decision; electronic; general;;; hukum; implementation; indonesia; international; judges; judicial; jurnal; justice; law; lawsuit; legal; license; merdeka; nomor; number; online; pada; parties; payment; perma; regulation; sains; sharealike; state; supreme; supreme court; surabaya; system; tanggal; trial; undang; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-70.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-70.txt item: #132 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-71 author: Muhammad Danial Ar Rasyiid; Habib Adjie title: Legal Due To The Party Layoff Due To Covid 19 date: 2021-07-06 words: 3956 flesch: 52 summary: For example, West Sumatra, which contributes 1.5% to GDP, the PSBB for a month will cause economic losses of around Rp. 16.6 trillion. One of the impacts felt by the community with the presence of Covid- 19 is the Termination of Employment (FLE) carried out by several companies to workers on the grounds of force majeure or loss. keywords: article; attribution; business; commons; companies; company; covid-19; creative; crisis; dan; data; economic; employment; force; gdp; government; hukum; idr; income; indonesia; international; jabodetabek; jurnal; law; license; losses; majeure; merdeka; money; obligations; pandemic; psbb; relations; rights; sains; sharealike; situation; surabaya; termination; universitas; usd; wacana; workers; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-71.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-71.txt item: #133 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-73 author: Mashudy Hermawan title: Procurement of Health Services In The Emergency of Covid 19 date: 2021-07-06 words: 3602 flesch: 36 summary: Regulations regarding the handling of the procurement of emergency services regulated in LKPP Regulation Number 13 of 2018 concerning Procurement of Goods / Services in an emergency, regulation of LKPP Number 3 of 2020 concerning Explanation of the implementation of procurement of service goods in the context of handling corona virus desease and presidential regulation no 16 years 2018 and Presidential Instruction No. 4 of 2020. Procurement actors in carrying out the PBJ process can request legal assistance for those regulated in Article 8 (1) Regulation of the Government Procurement Policy Agency Number 13 of 2018 concerning Procurement of Goods / Services in Emergency Handling, Legal services in the form of providing legal assistance since the investigation process up to the stage of the court's decision regarding the implementation of duties in the field of goods / services procurement. keywords: activities; actors; article; attribution; commons; covid; creative; dan; disasters; emergencies; emergency; goods; government; handling; health;; hukum; implementation; international; jurnal; law; legal; merdeka; number; pbj; presidential; principles; process; procurement; provider; public; regulation; research; sains; services; sharealike; supervision; support; surabaya; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-73.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-73.txt item: #134 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-74 author: Hendro Suwono title: Protection From The Government Related To Manpower Rights Handling Covid-19 Patients date: 2021-07-06 words: 3976 flesch: 34 summary: The YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 144 amount of incentives for health workers at the Institute for Environmental Health and Disease Control Engineering (BTKL-PP) and the Center for Environmental Health and Disease Control Engineering (BBTKL-PP) for the Technical Implementation Unit of the Ministry of Health, is given according to the size of each type of health worker. In the event that health workers who participate in the Special Assignment of Health Workers in Support of the Healthy Nusantara Program are involved in handling COVID-19 at the hospital, incentives are given in the amount according to the size of each type of health worker handling COVID-19 in the hospital. keywords: accordance; attribution; compensation; corona; covid-19; death; decree; disease; efforts; facilities; government; handling; health; health workers;; hukum; human; incentives; indonesia; international; jurnal; law; legal; medical; merdeka; ministry; number; personnel; protection; providing; provincial; republic; research; rights; sains; service; sharealike; surabaya; universitas; verification; virus; wacana; workers; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-74.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-74.txt item: #135 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-75 author: Hascaria Budi Prasetyo title: Overmacht As The Basis of Giving Stimulus To Bank Customers Affected By Covid 19 date: 2021-07-06 words: 3873 flesch: 47 summary: Furthermore, the legal aspects of the overmacht will be examined as a basis for providing YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 148 stimulants to bank debtors affected by Covid 19. This legal research will be aimed at bank debtors and other parties as sources in taking steps to request credit stimulus assistance. keywords: agreement; article; attribution; bank; banking; business; commons; covid; covid-19; creative; credit; customer; dan; debtors; financial; financing; force; form; funds; hukum; jurnal; law; legal; majeure; merdeka; new; number; overmacht; policies; provision; quality; research; restructuring; risk; sains; stimulus; surabaya; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-75.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-75.txt item: #136 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-76 author: Ragil Ira Mayasari title: The Concept of State Defense in the Millennial Era and in the midst of the Pandemic Covid -19 According to the Foundation of State Defense in Article 27 Paragraph (3) and Article 30 Paragraph (1) of UUD 1945 (by PPWK activities National Insight Education date: 2021-07-06 words: 4258 flesch: 38 summary: Ragil Ira Mayasari Faculty of Law, Mayjen Sungkono University, Mojokerto E-mail : ABSTRACT Based on Article 27 Paragraph (3) and Article 30 Paragraph (1) of UUD 1945 in increasing the sense of State Defense, Bakesbangpol Mojokerto City plays an active role among high school students in Mojokerto City with the PPWK activity Education Center with National InsightsThe method used in this research is using the juridical empirical method. So it can be concluded, that with the PPWK activity National Insights Education Center carried out in high schools in Mojokerto City, it can help realize the Concept of State Defense in the Millennial Era and in the midst of the Covid 19 Pandemic According to the Foundation of State Defense in Article 27 Paragraph (3) and Article 30 Paragraph (1) of UUD 1945. keywords: activities; activity; article; attribution; center; city; commons; covid-19; creative; dan; data; defense; education; education center; high; hukum; implementation; insights; international; jurnal; learning; license; member; merdeka; mojokerto; moral; national; national insights; nationality; online; pandemic; paragraph; personal; political; post; ppwk; research; resilience; sains; school; sense; sharealike; shs; state; state defense; students; surabaya; test; unity; universitas; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-76.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-76.txt item: #137 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-77 author: Yusuf Mardhani title: Implications of Article 28 H Verse (1) UUD 1945 Related To State Responsibilities In The Pandemic of Covid-19 date: 2021-07-06 words: 3005 flesch: 38 summary: YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 171 regulation number 2 of 2019 concerning guidelines for dispute resolution Government actions and the authority to adjudicate unlawful acts by government bodies and / or officials (Onrechtmatige Overheidsdaad) (Perma No.2 2019), has explained how the public can sue against government agencies and / or officials to declare invalid and / or cancellation of actions of government officials, along with compensation. Cases of unlawful acts by government agencies and / or officials (Onrechtmatige Overheidsdaad) are the authority of the State Administrative Court. keywords: article; attribution; citizens; commons; community; constitutional; covenant; covid-19; creative; disaster; diseases; economic; environment; government; health; hukum; indonesia; infectious; international; law; lawsuit; legal; nomor; number; outbreak; paragraph; rights; social; state; tahun; undang; virus; work cache: yurisdiksi-77.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-77.txt item: #138 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-78 author: Yoga Andriyanto, SH ; Dr. Rusdianto Sesung, SH, MH title: Digitalization of Notary Deeds In The Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 In Facing The Covid-19 Pandemic date: 2021-07-06 words: 5257 flesch: 34 summary: Second: Changes in the work behavior of Notaries In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and facing the Covid-19 pandemic, the creation and storage of digital notary deeds requires certainty and protection from the Government and the Indonesian Notary Association (INI). Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 173 Digitalization of Notary Deeds In The Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 In Facing The Covid-19 Pandemic Yoga Andriyanto, SH / Dr. Rusdianto Sesung, SH, MH Faculty of Law, Narotama University Surabaya E-mail: yogaandriyanto15 @ / dean.fh @ ABSTRACT Purpose of this research is first, to analyze the digitization of deeds and notary deeds that do not conflict with the Law on Notary Position. keywords: article; attribution; behavior; changes; covid-19; dan; data; deed; digital; documents; electronic; era; form; health;; hukum; human; indonesia; industrial; industrial revolution; information; international; internet; jurnal; law; laws; legal; making; media; merdeka; minimum; minuta; notaries; notary; notary deeds; number; pandemic; parties; protocol; research; revolution; sains; sharealike; state; storage; surabaya; technology; universitas; use; uujn; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-78.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-78.txt item: #139 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-79 author: Vania Chrisdiana Rejeki; Habib Adjie title: Imposition of Sanctions For Regional Heads For Disclaimer of Violations of The Covid 19 Health Protocol date: 2021-07-06 words: 4371 flesch: 32 summary: Disaster management is not only carried out by the central government, the Emergency Law gives regional governments authority in implementing disaster management, among others, stipulating disaster management policies in their regions in line with regional development policies, making development plans that incorporate disaster management policy elements, implementing cooperation policies. The Role of Central And Regional Governments And Regional Governments In Handling Pandemic Covid 19 Granting some authority (power) to the regions based on autonomy rights (a unitary state with a decentralized system), but at the final stage, the highest power remains in the hands of the center. keywords: affairs; article; attribution; authority; central; commons; community; corona; corona virus; covid; covid-19; creative; dan; disaster; disaster management; disease; government; heads; health; hukum; indonesia; international; jurnal; law; laws; legal; license; management; merdeka; number; pandemic; policies; protection; protocols; public; regional; regional government; regulations; restrictions; sains; sharealike; social; state; surabaya; unitary; universitas; virus; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-79.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-79.txt item: #140 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-8 author: Annas Huda Sofianuddin; Ferry Hary Ardianto; Sulfikar; Eko Budisusanto title: Legal Remedies of Victim of Online Sales and Buying Fraud and Authority To Block Account of Criminal Banks date: 2021-07-02 words: 2410 flesch: 51 summary: Regarding the criminal threat of criminal acts, online buying and selling is regulated in Article 45A paragraph (1) of the ITE Law with a maximum imprisonment of 6 (six) years and / or a maximum fine of Rp. 1,000,000,000.00 (one billion rupiah). So that legally, online fraud can be treated the same as conventional offenses regulated in The Criminal Code (Arifiyadi, 2019). keywords: account; act; approach; article; bank; buyer; buying; code; criminal; dan; electronic; fraud; hukum; ijccs; indonesia; information; internet; jurnal; law; legal; online; paragraph; research; sains; seller; selling; surabaya; victim; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-8.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-8.txt item: #141 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-80 author: Susanto; Mega Lestari title: Limitations of Authority of Implementation of Tasks In Running The Local Government Duty date: 2021-07-06 words: 3403 flesch: 46 summary: ; In this case we realize that in the implementation of the governor's task implementation, Within the scope of implementing duties appointed by law No. 8 of 2015 article 201 paragraph 8, the purpose of this article is to fill the vacancy of the position of regional head which is a high-level leadership position, We realize that there are also limits to the authority to carry out temporary tasks which fill the vacancy of the governor's position, If where the executor of the task while doing will get sanctions for the executor of the task in carrying out the authority wrong or violate and Actually here the uncertainty or uncertainty of the types of restrictions and rules in carrying out the task of filling vacant positions is temporary and That pelasana can be sued if it makes a mistake or misuses its authority in carrying out the mandated tasks. Whereas where the Head of Province, regent, and mayor who are regional government officials can work on regional finances and represent regional officials in the ownership of separated regional assets. keywords: acting; affairs; apbd; article; authority; budget; case; dan; executor; finance; financial; government; governor; head; home; hukum; implementation; jurnal; law; law number; legal; local; minister; number; officials; paragraph; position; regional; rules; state; task; temporary; work cache: yurisdiksi-80.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-80.txt item: #142 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-81 author: Megantara Hanandyo Mulyono; Indriyanti Ayu Trisnawati; Pongga Adji Ardiansyah title: Legis Ratio of School Zonation System In Receiving New Students date: 2021-07-06 words: 2816 flesch: 44 summary: Form of education is formal education where we know schools, from kindergarten level, elementary school and madrasah ibtidaiyah, junior high school or which we often know by the name of junior high school or junior high school and madrasah tsanawiyah or better known as MTS, secondary school above or often we are familiar with the names of high school (high school) and vocational high school (Vocational High School) or other forms of equivalent such as madrasah aliyah or MA, to the level of tertiary education. With the school zoning system that requires schools managed by the government to accept at least 90% (ninety percent) of new students based on zoning as regulated in Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 20 Year 2019 Concerning Amendments to the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 51 Year 2018 About the Acceptance of New Students in Kindergartens, Elementary Schools, Middle Schools, High Schools, and Vocational High Schools. keywords: acceptance; creative; culture; culture regulation; dan; education; government; high; high school; hukum; human; indonesia; jurnal; minister; nation; national; new; number; paragraph; pendidikan; prospective; regulation; regulation number; research; resources; sains; school; students; surabaya; system; vocational; wacana; year; yurisdiksi; zoning cache: yurisdiksi-81.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-81.txt item: #143 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-82 author: Nur Hadiyati title: Indonesian Labor Protection through Social Employment Security in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Perspective date: 2021-07-06 words: 5155 flesch: 43 summary: This research shows that labor social security is a form of protection provided to workers and their families against various labor market risks. In addition, labor social security has several aspects, including a) Providing basic protection to meet the minimum living needs for workers and their families; b). keywords: article; attribution; basic; bodies; body; commons; constitution; creative; dan; decent; development; disemadi; economic; efforts; employment; employment social; environment; form; goal; government; growth; guarantee; health; hukum; human; implementation; inclusive; indonesia; insurance; international; jaminan; jurnal; justice; ketenagakerjaan; labor; labor social; law; legal; license; life; merdeka; national; national social; needs; paragraph; people; perlindungan; perspective; program; protection; research; rights; sains; sdgs; security; security system; sharealike; social; social security; state; surabaya; sustainable; system; system law; universitas; wacana; welfare; work; workers; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-82.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-82.txt item: #144 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-83 author: Asa Prayoga Jiwangga; Tutiek Retnowati title: Legal Protection Against The Consumer For Unlawful Actions Conducted By Business Personnel date: 2021-07-06 words: 4973 flesch: 50 summary: Consumer protection has a fairly broad scope covering consumer protection in obtaining goods and / or services, starting from the initial stage of activities to obtain these goods and / or services to the consequences of using these goods and / or services. Consumer law is the whole of the legal principles governing the relationship and problems between various parties that are related to consumer goods and / or services in social life. keywords: act; actions; actors; acts; agency; agreement; article; attribution; business; cause; civil; code; commons; compensation; consumer; consumer protection; creative; dan; defendant; developer; facilities; form; goods; government; housing; hukum; illegal; indah; international; jurnal; law; legal; legal protection; license; merdeka; order; protection; public; research; result; rights; sains; services; sharealike; sukoharjo; surabaya; surya; universitas; wacana; waru; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-83.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-83.txt item: #145 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-84 author: Naufal Syaughi Margono; Tutiek Retnowati title: Liability Against Wedding Organizer Default date: 2021-07-06 words: 4890 flesch: 47 summary: In general, the applicable general law can also be consumer law, while parts of the provisions contain restrictive characteristics, regulate certain conditions of business behavior and / or protect consumer interests, as well as regulations on unfair competition behavior, monooli. or oligopoly from entrepreneurs, it is acknowledged to function as a boost to efficiency in business activities and public welfare. Follow efforts to resolve consumer protection disputes properly Definition of Default Default is an act of breaking a promise or not keeping a promise. keywords: actions; agreement; article; attribution; business; case; civil; code; commons; compensation; consumer; consumer protection; contract; cooperation; creative; dan; default; dispute; form; general; goods; hukum; hukum dan; indonesia; international; jakarta; judge; jurnal; law; lawsuit; legal; license; merdeka; organizer; paragraph; parties; party; planner; principles; process; protection; right; sains; services; sharealike; stage; surabaya; universitas; wacana; wacana hukum; wedding; wedding organizer; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-84.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-84.txt item: #146 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-85 author: Ebit Rudianto; Vivin Indrianita; Mohammad Roesli title: Legal Enforcement Efforts On Traffic Violations Made By Students Under The Age In Surabaya City date: 2021-07-06 words: 2751 flesch: 39 summary: Traffic violations like that are considered to have become a habit for road users, so that every time an orderly operation of traffic is carried out on the highway by the authorities, not a few cases of traffic violations are caught and often because these violations often lead to traffic accidents. Traffic violations like that are considered to have become a habit for road users, so that every time an orderly operation is carried out on the highway by authorities, there are many cases of traffic violations and not infrequently because these violations often lead to traffic accidents. keywords: accidents; application; article; attribution; cases; commons; community; creative; criminal; driving; enforcement; factors; form; implementation; law; legal; license; merdeka; number; police; principles; road; sains; students; surabaya; traffic; traffic violations; transportation; underage; universitas; violations; wacana; work cache: yurisdiksi-85.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-85.txt item: #147 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-86 author: Filianty; Habib Adjie title: Notarist Affairs Reviewed By Law And Notary Department date: 2021-07-06 words: 6820 flesch: 42 summary: Notary Insolvency under the Bankruptcy Law and Notary Office Law That bankruptcy lawsuit can be directed to all Indonesian citizens, including a NotaryPublic, which for a reason that resulted in the Notary can not pay its debts sothat creditors can file a bankruptcy lawsuit in accordance with UUK-PKPU to the Commercial Court where the Notary is domiciled law. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 247 Notary Dismissed From Notary Position due to keywords: accordance; article; attribution; authority; bankruptcy; bankruptcy law; civil; code; commons; court; creative; creditors; curator; dan; dan sains; debtor; debts; decision; deed; dismissal; general; government; hukum; hukum dan; indonesia; insolvency; international; judge; jurnal; justice; law; laws; legal; letter; license; merdeka; merdeka surabaya; minister; notary; notary public; obligations; office; official; paragraph; pay; permanent; person; pkpu; position; principles; profession; property; regulations; research; rights; sains; sharealike; state; subject; surabaya; universitas; uujn; uuk; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-86.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-86.txt item: #148 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-87 author: Hendrik Handoyo Lugito; Nynda Fatmawati Octarina title: Independence of Notary PPAT As Bank Partner date: 2021-07-06 words: 6117 flesch: 40 summary: The rule is also stipulated in the provisions of the Notary Code of Ethics, namely in Article 3 paragraph 4 which states Notary public and others who hold and hold the position of Notary Public shall: act honestly, independently, impartially, responsibly, based on the laws and the contents of notaryoaths. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 262 Notary public must prioritize the balance between the rights and obligations of the parties facing Notary Public. keywords: accordance; agreement; article; attribution; authentic deed; bank; banking; clients; code; commons; cooperation; cooperation agreement; creative; credit; dan; deed; ethics; existence; form; hands; hukum; independent; interest; international; jurnal; law; legal; license; making; merdeka; notarial deed; notaris; notary code; notary public; number; official; parties; partner; position; power; public official; relationship; research; sains; services; sharealike; surabaya; universitas; uujn; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-87.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-87.txt item: #149 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-88 author: Gunawan, Yordan; Arqam Muhammad Amrullah; Muhammad Fauzi title: Discrimination On The Immigrants: Migration Venezuelan To The Colombia date: 2023-03-30 words: 3959 flesch: 39 summary: As for Venezuela's health issues during this pandemic, UNHCR and IOM have coordinated the international response to the needs of Venezuelan refugees and host communities in the region, which includes governments, UN entities, NGOs (national and international), the Red Cross Movement, faith-based organizations, and civil society. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) estimate that the number of Venezuelan international refugees will reach 5,385,000 by the end of 2019, some of whom have prospects of returning in the short term. keywords: america; asylum; attribution; author(s; colombia; commons; congressional; copyright; countries; country; creative; crisis; dan; discrimination; economic; exploitation; government; health; hukum; humanitarian; immigrants; international; issn; july; jurnal; latin; legal; license; march; merdeka; migration; online; organization; pandemic; political; print; protection; public; refugees; regional; research; response; sains; service; sharealike; situation; social; surabaya; unhcr; universitas; venezuela; vol; wacana; work; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-88.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-88.txt item: #150 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-89 author: Tutiek Retnowati; Widyawati Boediningsih title: The Power of Law To Buy Land A Knock-Off Who Is Not Recognized For Sale Bought It By A Vendor’s Heir date: 2022-03-29 words: 7687 flesch: 68 summary: The panel of judges can make a decision by giving permission to the buyer to register the transfer of land rights to petok D through buying and selling in order to be able to take care of the transfer of names without the participation of the seller’s heirs for registration of land rights certificates at the National Land Agency Office. The notary has the authority to make a land Buying and Selling agreement deed with the status of a Certificate of Ownership ( SHM ) but is not authorized to make an authentic deed of Buying and Selling of land with a certificate of ownership rights ( AJB ) with a title of ownership with the official who makes land deeds ( PPAT ) (Ramdan, Harijanto, 2010). keywords: agreement; article; attribution; buyer; buying; certificate; child; children; commons; creative; dan; deed; group; heir; hukum; ijccs; inheritance; international; july; jurnal; land; land rights; law; legal; letter; license; line; making; merdeka; no.x; object; office; ownership; parties; party; people; person; petok; power; ppat; proof; rights; sains; seller; selling; selling agreement; sharealike; surabaya; transfer; universitas; vol; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-89.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-89.txt item: #151 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-9 author: M.Iqbal title: The Authority of The Indonesian Navy In Conducting Investigations of Criminal Acts of Narcotics Through The Indonesian Sea date: 2021-07-02 words: 4261 flesch: 44 summary: In other words, Indonesian law is positive Indonesian law, all laws that are positive or that are currently in effect in Indonesia, discussing the Indonesian legal system means discussing the systemic law that applies in Indonesia. The term Indonesian law is often used in everyday life to refer to the system of norms that apply and or apply in Indonesia. keywords: acts; approach; article; attribution; authority; cases; commons; country; creative; criminal; dan; drug; duties; economic; enforcement; group; hukum; ijccs; indonesian; indonesian navy; indonesian sea; international; july; jurnal; law; law enforcement; laws; legal; license; marine; maritime; merdeka; narcotics; navy; no.x; number; provisions; research; resources; sains; sea; security; sharealike; smuggling; surabaya; threats; universitas; vol; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-9.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-9.txt item: #152 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-91 author: Afdol; Baby Nita Selly Veronika title: Legal Protection Against Notaries In The Process of Authentic Deed Processing date: 2021-12-20 words: 4601 flesch: 41 summary: Notodisoerjo, R. Soegondo (1982), Notary Law in Indonesia,Jakarta: Rajawali. Adjie, Habib (2005), “The Law on Notary Positions (UUJN) as a Legal Unification of Notary Arrangements”. Authentic deed according to Article 1868 of the Civil Code, namely: An authentic deed is a deed in the form determined by law, made by or before an official public employee who has power for that at the place where the deed was made” 2015 Notary Code of Ethics in article 1 point 4 m explain that a Notary is any person who assumes and carries out his duties as a public official, as intended and explained in the Law on Notary Positions. keywords: article; attribution; authentic; authentic deed; authority; authorized; civil; code; commons; creative; dan; deed; form; hukum; indonesia; july; jurnal; law; legal; making; no.x; notaries; notary; number; official; paragraph; position; protection; public; related; sains; surabaya; universitas; uujn; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-91.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-91.txt item: #153 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-92 author: Aulya Dwisudarini; Muridah Isnawati title: Juridical Review of Chemical Castration Action In The Perspective of Criminal Law And Human Rights date: 2021-12-20 words: 7400 flesch: 43 summary: Chemical castration is not permanent, so perpetrators of sexual violence against children could voluntarily accept chemical castration. However, this have not reduce the case numbers of sexual violence against children yet, therefore, the government issued a new regulation, namely Law Number 17 of 2016 which regulates new sanctions for perpetrators of sexual violence and the addition of chemical castration. keywords: action; acts; article; attribution; castration; chemical; chemical castration; children; clinical; commons; creative; crime; criminal; criminal law; dan; didik; endro; form; government; hormones; hukum; human; human rights; ijccs; implementation; indonesia; intercourse; international; issn; judge; july; juridical; jurnal; justice; kebiri; law; law number; legal; license; life; means; medical; merdeka; no.x; number; paragraph; perpetrators; perspective; pidana; protection; punishment; purwoleksono; regulation; rehabilitation; results; review; rights; sains; sanctions; sexual; sexual violence; sharealike; surabaya; treatment; universitas; violence; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; year; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-92.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-92.txt item: #154 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-93 author: Muhammad Nuh; Evi Retno Wulan title: Granting assimilation and integration rights to prisoners (adults and children) in the center of the pandemic Covid-19 date: 2021-09-30 words: 4496 flesch: 42 summary: 4. CONCLUSION Based on the explanation in the previous chapter, in this chapter can be given the conclusion related to the discussion of prisoners ' exemption through assimilation program and integration rights in the middle of pandemic Covid-19 concluded as follows: The second purpose of the study is to know and analyze the government needs to issue specific regulations related to assimilation and integration rights in the midst of pandemic Covid-19. keywords: assimilation; attribution; children; coaching; community; construction; convicts; corona; correctional; covid-19; crimes; criminal; dan; government;; hukum; human; ijccs; indonesia; inmates; institution; integration; international; july; jurnal; law; legal; merdeka; middle; no.x; number; order; pandemic; period; policy; prisoners; process; program; research; rights; sains; sharealike; spread; stage; surabaya; system; universitas; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; year; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-93.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-93.txt item: #155 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-94 author: Johan, Suwinto; Ariawan title: Sole Propriesorship and Limited Liability Company Financial Liabilites To Creditors date: 2022-12-30 words: 3970 flesch: 34 summary: In this research, the first stage begins with studying materials related to the liability of individual companies and limited liability companies by identifying research materials related to the research theme. This research object is aims to discuss the disadvantage of sole proprietorships compared to limited liability companies to creditors of financial institutions. keywords: article; board; business; capital; commons; companies; company; creation; creative; creditors; dan; december; directors; entity; financial; government; hukum; individual; indonesia; institutions; issn; job; jurnal; law; legal; liability; liability company; license; limited; limited liability; materials; number; parties; perseroan; proprietorship; research; responsibility; responsible; shareholders; sole; terbatas; undang; universitas; vol; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-94.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-94.txt item: #156 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-95 author: M. Afif Hasbullah; Nisaul Barokati Seliro Wangi title: Online And Conventional Transportation Policy In Indonesia (Analysis Of Equitable Policy Alternatives For Community Welfare) date: 2021-09-30 words: 6093 flesch: 34 summary: Several aspects of substance are considered in the preparation of online transportation policies during the deliberative stage, including (1) aspects of safety and security, (2) aspects of equality, business continuity, consumer protection, and national interests, ( 3) aspects of community needs, and (4) aspects of maintaining a congenial environment. 17 No. 2 2021 YURISDIKSI Jurnal Wacana Hukum dan Sains Universitas Merdeka Surabaya This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License 199 by online transportation drivers as well as legal clarity in order to ensure the safety and security of the passengers. keywords: actors; alternatives; analysis; application; attribution; business; community; conflict; consumers; conventional; conventional transportation; criteria; dan; drivers; enforcement; formulation; government;; hukum; ijccs; implementation; indonesia; information; international; issues; july; jurnal; law; merdeka; minister; ministry; motorcycle; no.x; number; online; online transportation; people; policies; policy; problem; process; providers; public; public policy; regulation; research; result; sains; score; services; sharealike; social; stage; stimulus; study; surabaya; taxi; transportation; universitas; use; vehicle; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-95.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-95.txt item: #157 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-96 author: Elvareta Elen Bayu Permata title: Legal Aspects In The Establishment of A Village Owned Business Entity Deed And its Business Branches date: 2021-12-20 words: 3934 flesch: 40 summary: There are rights and obligations of village communities, especially in the field of human resource management and natural resources. Encouraging the creation of village government administration activities, implementation of village development, village community development, and good village community empowerment; c. Encouraging the creation of a safe, comfortable, and peaceful situation in the village;  ISSN: keywords: agreement; article; attribution; authentic; bumdesa; business; commons; community; creative; dan; deed; development; establishment; form; government; head; hukum; ijccs; international; issn; july; jurnal; law; legal; license; merdeka; no.x; notary; research; sains; services; sharealike; state; surabaya; universitas; village; village community; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-96.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-96.txt item: #158 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-97 author: Rica Intan Febriyanti title: Settlement of Multiple Certificate Disputes On The Same Land Object date: 2021-12-20 words: 4684 flesch: 50 summary: Suggestions from this research are that the land office is expected to be more careful in conducting research on physical and juridical data in issuing land rights certificates. Land rights certificates are valid as strong evidence as regulated in the Basic Agrarian Law in Article 32 paragraph (1) Government Regulation Number 10 of 1961 concerning land registration, which has now been revoked and reaffirmed in Government Regulation Number 24 of 1961. keywords: agency; area; babakan; bandung; bandung land; building; certificate; certificate number; ciamis; city; court; data; defendant; government; hukum; july; jurnal; kelurahan; land; land office; land rights; law; legal; materials; national; november; number; object; office; ownership; plaintiff; registration; research; rights; sale; surabaya; use; valid cache: yurisdiksi-97.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-97.txt item: #159 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-98 author: Hari Adi Setyoko; Soemali title: Worker’s Rights To Big Day In The Middle of Pandemic Covid 19 date: 2021-09-30 words: 6291 flesch: 44 summary: 2) What are the legal remedies for workers who do not get the right to holiday allowances during the Covid-19 pandemic? The objectives of this study are: 1) To determine and analyze that every worker is still entitled to holiday allowances during the Covid-19 pandemic; 2) To find out and analyze legal remedies for workers who do not get the right to holiday allowances during the Covid-19 pandemic. keywords: agreement; allowances; article; attribution; commons; companies; company; court; covid-19; creative; dan; disputes; employers; employment; holiday; holiday allowances; hukum; ijccs; indonesia; industrial; july; jurnal; laborers; law; legal; manpower; merdeka; no.x; number; pandemic; parties; party; period; protection; provisions; relations; relationship; religious; rights; sains; sanctions; settlement; surabaya; thr; time; unions; universitas; vol.x; wacana; wages; workers; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-98.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-98.txt item: #160 of 160 id: yurisdiksi-99 author: Agung Hari Laksono; Soemali title: Legal Protection Costumer About Manipulation Fake Import Beauty Cream date: 2021-09-30 words: 3497 flesch: 49 summary: The form of legal protection for consumers due to illegal acts committed by business actors is the formation of a consumer protection agency as a consumer that builds protection and provides space in consumer dispute disputes through the Consumer Dispute Resolution Agency as a small lawsuit court body. 5) Promote the implementation, development and regulation of consumer protection with other protection fields. keywords: act; actions; actors; agency; agreement; article; attribution; beauty; business; certainty; commons; consumer; consumer protection; cosmetics; creative; dan; dispute; form; goods; government; hukum; ijccs; indonesia; international; jakarta; july; jurnal; law; legal; license; merdeka; no.x; people; perlindungan; products; protection; resolution; sains; services; sharealike; surabaya; universitas; vol; vol.x; wacana; work; xxxx; yurisdiksi cache: yurisdiksi-99.pdf plain text: yurisdiksi-99.txt