item: #1 of 62 id: cord-001773-mqk0sx5n author: Lo, Chao-Sheng title: Overexpression of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F stimulates renal Ace-2 gene expression and prevents TGF-β1-induced kidney injury in a mouse model of diabetes date: 2015-08-01 words: 4971 flesch: 44 summary: key: cord-001773-mqk0sx5n authors: Lo, Chao-Sheng; Shi, Yixuan; Chang, Shiao-Ying; Abdo, Shaaban; Chenier, Isabelle; Filep, Janos G.; Ingelfinger, Julie R.; Zhang, Shao-Ling; Chan, John S. D. title: Overexpression of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F stimulates renal Ace-2 gene expression and prevents TGF-β1-induced kidney injury in a mouse model of diabetes date: 2015-08-01 journal: Diabetologia DOI: 10.1007/s00125-015-3700-y sha: doc_id: 1773 cord_uid: mqk0sx5n AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: We investigated whether heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F (hnRNP F) stimulates renal ACE-2 expression and prevents TGF-β1 signalling, TGF-β1 inhibition of Ace-2 gene expression and induction of tubulo-fibrosis in an Akita mouse model of type 1 diabetes. keywords: ace; activity; agt; akita; ang; angiotensinogen; anti; bars; cells; controls; data; diabetes; diabetic; effect; esm; expression; factor; fibrosis; fig; gene; gene expression; gene promoter; glucose; growth; heterogeneous; hnrnp; hnrnp f; human; hypertension; inhibition; injury; kidney; levels; masr; mice; mouse; mrna; nephropathy; non; normalised; nuclear; nucleotides; overexpression; pcdna; pgl; present; promoter; protein; proximal; putative; rat; receptor; renal; rptc; signalling; smad; smad2/3; tg mice; tgf; transcription; transfected; tubular; type; urinary; usa; βrii cache: cord-001773-mqk0sx5n.txt plain text: cord-001773-mqk0sx5n.txt item: #2 of 62 id: cord-002307-gk84fnb9 author: Kehoe, Patrick Gavin title: Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is reduced in Alzheimer’s disease in association with increasing amyloid-β and tau pathology date: 2016-11-25 words: 6487 flesch: 48 summary: b Bar chart showing that ACE-2 activity varied according to ACE1 indel polymorphism (P < 0.05), with a trend towards reduced ACE-2 activity in ACE-1 II homozygotes. We assessed ACE-2 activity in relation to CAA severity and found, as for ACE-1 activity [4] , a tendency, although not significant, towards increased ACE-2 activity in cases with moderate to severe CAA compared with absent to mild CAA (P = 0.08) (Fig. 2c) . keywords: 7)/mas; ace-1; ace1; ace2; activation; activity; additional; allele; alzheimer; amyloid; analysis; ang; ang ii; angiotensin; antibody; apoe; assay; association; at1r; axis; bar; brain; buffer; caa; cases; cerebral; chart; classical; cognitive; controls; conversion; converting; cortex; data; dementia; disease; effects; enzyme; expression; fig; file; frontal; function; human; iii; indel; individuals; kit; levels; load; lower; mid; minutes; mouse; pathology; pathway; polymorphism; post; protein; ras; ratio; receptor; recombinant; reduced; risk; rs1799752; stages; studies; study; tau; tissue cache: cord-002307-gk84fnb9.txt plain text: cord-002307-gk84fnb9.txt item: #3 of 62 id: cord-002468-onpmkjaz author: Roca-Ho, Heleia title: Characterization of ACE and ACE2 Expression within Different Organs of the NOD Mouse date: 2017-03-05 words: 5865 flesch: 52 summary: Thus, whereas ACE activity was highly expressed in lungs, ACE2 activity was highly expressed in pancreas among the studied tissues. In conclusion, we assessed ACE and ACE2 activities in different tissues of NOD mice and demonstrated that ACE activity is highly detected in lungs, whereas ACE2 activity is highly detected in pancreas. keywords: 0.001; = ns; ace activity; ace2; ace2 protein; activities; activity; addition; administration; amounts; angiotensin; animals; blood; buffer; cont; cont mice; control; converting; days; db mice; diabetes; diabetic; diabetic mice; differences; different; early; effect; enzyme; expression; figure; follow; glucose; heart; higher; hrace; insulin; insulin administration; kidney; late; levels; liver; lung; mice; nod; non; p =; pancreas; protein; protein expression; ras; samples; serum; significant; stages; study; system; tissues cache: cord-002468-onpmkjaz.txt plain text: cord-002468-onpmkjaz.txt item: #4 of 62 id: cord-005386-p37rw8dh author: Szolnoki, Zoltán title: Coexistence of angiotensin II type-1 receptor A1166C and angiotensin-converting enzyme D/D polymorphism suggests susceptibility for small-vessel-associated ischemic stroke date: 2006 words: 3063 flesch: 41 summary: Angiotensin converting enzyme I/D, angiotensinogen T174M-M235T and angiotensin II type 1 receptor A1166C gene polymorphisms in Turkish hypertensive patients Reninangiotensin-aldosterone system in brain infarction and vascular death Reduced vascular remodeling, endothelial dysfunction, and oxidative stress in resistance arteries of angiotensin II-infused macrophage colony-stimulating factor-deficient mice: evidence for a role in inflammation in angiotensin-induced vascular injury Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin AT1-receptor antagonism equally improve endothelial vasodilator function in L-NAME-induced hypertensive rats Possible synergic effect of angiotensin-I converting enzyme gene insertion/deletion polymorphism and angiotensin-II type-1 receptor 1166A/C gene polymorphism on ischemic heart disease in patients with Kawasaki disease Multiple polymorphisms in the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system (ACE, CYP11B2, AGTR1) and their contribution to hypertension in African Americans and Latinos in the multiethnic cohort Angiotensin II type I receptor blocker and endothelial function in humans: role of nitric oxide and oxidative stress Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 protects from severe acute lung failure Genetic variants of angiotensin II receptors and cardiovascular risk in hypertension A crucial role of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in SARS coronavirus-induced lung injury Statins and endothelial dysfunction Renin-angiotensin system: genes to bedside The impact of renin-angiotensin system polymorphisms on physiological and pathophysiological processes in humans A simple salting out procedure for extracting DNA from human nucleated cells Good ACE, bad ACE do battle in lung injury Gene polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system and the risk of ischemic stroke: a role of the A1166C/AT1 gene variant Brain angiotensin II: new developments, unanswered questions and therapeutic opportunities Mechanisms for the clinical benefits of angiotensin II receptor blockers Real-time PCR assay with fluorescent hybridization probes for exact and rapid genotyping of the angiotensin-converting enzyme gene insertion/ deletion polymorphism Evaluation of the interactions of common genetic mutations in stroke subtypes Evaluation of the modifying effects of unfavourable genotypes on classical clinical risk factors for ischemic stroke Specific APO E genotypes in combination with the ACE D/D or MTHFR 677TT mutation yield an independent genetic risk of leukoaraiosis Angiotenin II type 1 receptor A1166C gene polymorphism is associated with an increased response to angiotensin II in human arteries Inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system prevents free fatty acid-induced acute endothelial dysfunction in humans Angiotensin II AT1 receptor blockade abolishes brain microvascular inflammation and heat shock protein responses in hypertensive rats We examined whether this synergistic effect is involved in the evolution of different types of ischemic stroke. keywords: 1166c; ace; ace d; allele; analysis; angiotensin; angiotensin ii; association; at1r; blood; brain; clinical; combination; control; converting; data; disease; dysfunction; effect; endothelial; enhanced; enzyme; examinations; gene; genetic; genotype; group; homozygous; infarcts; ischemic; ischemic stroke; level; logistic; patients; polymorphism; receptor; regression; renin; risk; role; small; stroke; subjects; synergistic; system; szolnoki; table; vascular; vessel cache: cord-005386-p37rw8dh.txt plain text: cord-005386-p37rw8dh.txt item: #5 of 62 id: cord-005927-a9sj00y8 author: Kondoh, Gen title: Angiotensin-converting enzyme is a GPI-anchored protein releasing factor crucial for fertilization date: 2005-01-23 words: 4996 flesch: 44 summary: None of these compounds had any inhibitory effects, even when used at a high dose (100 mM each), indicating that ACE GPIase activity is not an endogenous PI-PLC-like activity (data not shown). To examine whether ACE GPIase activity catalyzes GPI-anchored proteins in intact cells, we developed the F9 cell clone, which stably expressed EGFP-GPI on the cell surface. keywords: ace; acid; active; activity; anchor; angiotensin; antibody; assay; binding; cells; chromatography; cleavage; conversion; converting; data; detergent; edta; effect; egfp; egg; enzyme; fig; filipin; fraction; germ; gpi; gpiase; gpiase activity; high; human; immunoblotting; inositol; knockout; lipid; liquid; mannose; mass; membrane; mice; molecules; mouse; online; peptidase; phase; plap; plc; prion; products; proteins; prp; raft; reaction; release; results; shedding; similar; site; soluble; specific; sperm; supplementary; surface; testicular; treatment; type; water; wild; zinc cache: cord-005927-a9sj00y8.txt plain text: cord-005927-a9sj00y8.txt item: #6 of 62 id: cord-005931-iggkxbbf author: Phillips, M. Ian title: Brain renin angiotensin in disease date: 2008-04-02 words: 4351 flesch: 43 summary: Brain RAS has neuronal effects far beyond cardiovascular and fluid homeostasis and may be developed for therapies for neurological dysfunctions The discovery of renin 100 years ago Angiotensin-forming enzyme in brain tissue A micromethod for the measurement of renin in brain nuclei: its application in spontaneously hypertensive rats The cerebral ventricles as the avenue for the dipsogenic action of intracranial angiotensin Subfornical organ: a dipsogenic site of action of angiotensin II Angiotensin II in central nervous system physiology Specific angiotensin II receptive neurons in the cat subfornical organ Lowering of hypertension by central saralasin in the absence of plasma renin Antisense inhibition of AT1 receptor mRNA and angiotensinogen mRNA in the brain of spontaneously hypertensive rats reduces hypertension of neurogenic origin Wide distribution of immunoreactive renin in nerve cells of human brain Renin-like immunocytochemical activity in the rat and mouse brain Angiotensin-like immunoreactivity in the brain of the spontaneously hypertensive rat Angiotensin synthesis in the brain and increased turnover in hypertensive rats Angiotensin II in rat brain comigrates with authentic angiotensin II in blood pressure liquid chromatography Presence of renin in primary neuronal and glial cells from rat brain Localization of angiotensinogen messenger RNA sequences in the rat brain Identification of renin and angiotensinogen messenger RNA sequences in rat brain Astrocytes synthesize angiotensinogen in brain Autoradiographic localization of angiotensin II receptors in rat brain Visualization of specific angiotensin II binding sites in the brain by fluorescent microscopy Functions of angiotensin in the central nervous system Preliminary biochemical characterization of two angiotensin II receptor subtypes Identification of angiotensin II receptor subtypes Germ-line transformation of mice Generation of transgenic mice with elevated blood pressure by introduction of the rat renin and angiotensinogen genes Studies on the regulation of renin genes using transgenic mice High blood pressure in transgenic mice carrying the rat angiotensinogen gene Fulminant hypertension in transgenic rats harbouring the mouse Ren-2 gene The brain reninangiotensin system in transgenic mice carrying a highly regulated human renin transgene Behavioural and cardiovascular effects of disrupting the angiotensin II type-2 receptor in mice Effects on blood pressure and exploratory behaviour of mice lacking angiotensin II type-2 receptor Antisense inhibition of hypertension: a new strategy for renin-angiotensin candidate genes A decrease in angiotensin receptor binding in rat brain nuclei by antisense oligonucleotides to the angiotensin AT1 receptor Antisense oligonucleotide to AT1 receptor mRNA inhibits central angiotensin induced thirst and vasopressin The brain renin-angiotensin system contributes to the hypertension in mice containing both the human renin and human angiotensinogen transgenes Divergent functions of angiotensin II receptor isoforms in the brain Targeted viral delivery of the Cre recombinase induces conditional gene deletion in cardiovascular circuits of the mouse brain Localization of renin expressing cells in the brain using a REN-eGFP transgenic model Efficient liver-specific deletion of the floxed human angiotensinogen transgene by adenoviral delivery of the Cre recombinase in vivo Potentiation of cholinergic transmission in the rat hippocampus by angiotensin IV and LVV-hemorphin-7 A human homolog of angiotensin-converting enzyme. It activates behavioral effects by selective activation of ANG II receptor subtypes in different locations. keywords: ace; activity; agt; allele; alzheimer; ang; ang ii; angiotensin; angiotensinogen; antagonist; antisense; areas; at1; at1r; at2; blood; brain; cardiovascular; cells; central; cerebral; control; converting; depression; disease; drinking; effects; enzyme; ethanol; evidence; gene; high; higher; human; hypertension; increase; inhibition; inhibitors; learning; levels; losartan; ltp; mas; memory; mice; mouse; mrna; neurons; new; pressure; prorenin; ras; rat; rats; receptor; reduced; release; renin; role; specific; stress; stroke; system; transgenic; treatment; vasopressin cache: cord-005931-iggkxbbf.txt plain text: cord-005931-iggkxbbf.txt item: #7 of 62 id: cord-006082-x1kankxd author: Romero, Cesar A. title: Novel RAAS agonists and antagonists: clinical applications and controversies date: 2015-02-10 words: 8437 flesch: 35 summary: Abbreviations: AT1, type-1 angiotensin II receptor; AT2, type-2 angiotensin II receptor; IRAP, leucyl-cystinyl aminopeptidase (also known as insulin-regulated membrane aminopeptidase or insulin-responsive aminopeptidase); MAS1, proto-oncogene Mas; RAAS, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; ACE2, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2; Ang, angiotensin; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; ARN, angiotensin receptorneprilysin; AT1, type-1 angiotensin II receptor; AT2, type-2 angiotensin II receptor; IRAP, leucyl-cystinyl aminopeptidase (also known as insulin-regulated membrane aminopeptidase or insulin-responsive aminopeptidase); MAS1, proto-oncogene Mas; RAAS, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. keywords: ace; ace2; activation; activity; adrenal; adverse; agent; aldosterone; aliskiren; aminopeptidase; ang; ang ii; angiotensin; angiotensin ii; angiotensin receptor; animal; antagonist; antihypertensive; arbs; at1; at2; available; axis; benefits; blockade; blood; blood pressure; box; cardiovascular; chronic; classic; clinical; compound; converting; cortisol; daily; damage; decreased; diabetes; disease; drug; effects; efficacy; enzyme; expression; failure; function; group; heart; high; humans; hypertension; important; increase; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibition; inhibitors; injury; insulin; irap; kidney; lci699; lcz696; levels; mas1; mineralocorticoid; models; mortality; natriuretic; neprilysin; new; non; novel; organ; patients; peptide; phase; placebo; plasma; potent; pressure; raas; randomized; rats; receptor; reduction; related; renal; renin; reported; rhace2; role; safety; secretion; selective; sodium; spironolactone; stimulation; studies; study; synthase; system; target; therapy; tissues; treatment; trial; type cache: cord-006082-x1kankxd.txt plain text: cord-006082-x1kankxd.txt item: #8 of 62 id: cord-006087-hynkb0a8 author: Acharya, K. Ravi title: Ace revisited: A new target for structure-based drug design date: 2003 words: 8159 flesch: 38 summary: Interestingly, ACE2 is not inhibited by ACE inhibitors such as lisinopril, captopril and enalaprilat. has been attributed to a direct vascular protective and anti-atherogenic effect of ACE inhibitors, because it has been observed even in normotensive individuals 69 . keywords: ace; ace inhibitors; ace2; acetyl; acid; acsdkp; active; activity; amino; analogues; angioedema; angiotensin; angiotensinconverting; basis; binding; blood; bond; bradykinin; bulky; captopril; carboxyl; carboxypeptidase; cardiovascular; catalytic; cells; chloride; clan; clinical; complex; compounds; converting; converting enzyme; cpa; crystal; design; differences; discovery; domain; drug; effects; enalaprilat; endothelial; enzyme; enzyme inhibitors; failure; fig; fold; form; gene; generation; glycosylation; group; heart; higher; human; hydrogen; hypertension; important; inhibition; inhibitors; insights; keto; key; lisinopril; lysine; major; model; nep; non; peptides; phe; plasma; pocket; position; potent; potential; pressure; pro; proline; properties; protein; ras; receptor; ref; renin; residue; role; second; selective; selectivity; sequence; site; somatic; specific; structure; studies; substrate; tace; terminal; testis; treatment; unknown; use; vivo; zinc cache: cord-006087-hynkb0a8.txt plain text: cord-006087-hynkb0a8.txt item: #9 of 62 id: cord-015859-5kt59ose author: Esch, Joep H.M. Van title: Local Angiotensin Generation and AT(2) Receptor Activation date: 2007 words: 9892 flesch: 36 summary: Murine double nullizygotes of the angiotensin type 1A and 1B receptor genes duplicate severe abnormal phenotypes of angiotensinogen nullizygotes Angiotensin II type 2 receptor overexpression activates the vascular kinin system and causes vasodilation The angiotensin-converting enzyme gene family: genomics and pharmacology Identification of a highly specific chymase as the major angiotensin II-forming enzyme in the human heart Transendothelial transport of renin-angiotensin system components AT(2) receptor-mediated vasodilation in the mouse heart depends on AT(1A) receptor activation Selective angiotensin-converting enzyme C-domain inhibition is sufficient to prevent angiotensin I-induced vasoconstriction Adrenal angiotensin: origin and site of generation Angiotensin II type 1 (AT1) receptor-mediated accumulation of angiotensin II in tissues and its intracellular half-life in vivo Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade prevent cardiac remodeling in pigs after myocardial infarction: role of tissue angiotensin II Renal microvascular actions of angiotensin II fragments Vascular damage without hypertension in transgenic rats expressing prorenin exclusively in the liver Hydrolysis of biological peptides by human angiotensin-converting enzyme-related carboxypeptidase Angiotensin-(1-7) acts as a vasodepressor agent via angiotensin II type 2 receptors in conscious rats Differential regulation of in vivo angiogenesis by angiotensin II receptors The two homologous domains of human angiotensin I-converting enzyme are both catalytically active Expression and characterization of recombinant human angiotensin I-converting enzyme. We now know that the biological actions of Ang II in man are mediated by at least two types of Ang II receptors: Ang II type 1 (AT 1 ) and AT 2 receptors (Fig. 3 ). keywords: ace; ace2; actions; activation; active; activity; adrenal; aminopeptidase; ang; ang ii; angiotensin; angiotensin ii; angiotensinogen; antagonist; at1; at2; beneficial; blockade; blood; bradykinin; brain; cardiac; cells; changes; chromosome; chymase; conditions; converting; coronary; deletion; dependent; domain; effects; endothelial; enzyme; et al; evidence; expression; fact; factor; fluid; function; gene; generation; growth; heart; high; human; hypertension; iii; important; infarction; inhibition; inhibitors; insulin; internalized; intracellular; kidney; knockout; levels; like; local; m6p; manner; mas; metabolites; mice; molecular; mouse; myocardial; non; pathway; plasma; pressure; production; prorenin; prosegment; protein; proteolytic; ras; rat; rats; receptor; regulation; release; renal; renin; response; role; similar; sites; somatic; specific; stimulation; studies; subtype; synthesis; system; testis; tissue; transgenic; type; van; vascular; vasodilation; vivo cache: cord-015859-5kt59ose.txt plain text: cord-015859-5kt59ose.txt item: #10 of 62 id: cord-016742-y7jgjera author: Bauer, Maria title: Cardiovascular Anatomy and Pharmacology date: 2017-07-03 words: 23166 flesch: 38 summary: In low to moderate dose ranges its β 1 -adrenergic effects are predominant, resulting in increased heart rate, increased contractility, and increased cardiac output. Signs of toxicity include extracardiac (primarily central nervous system and gastrointestinal) and cardiac effects. keywords: ace; action; activation; active; activity; acute; adequate; administration; adrenergic; adverse; afterload; agents; agonists; aldosterone; alpha; angina; angiotensin; antagonist; anterior; antiarrhythmic; aortic; arbs; arrhythmias; arterial; arteries; artery; associated; atrial; atrioventricular; atrium; available; beta; beta blockers; binding; blockade; blockers; blocking; blood; blood pressure; bradycardia; branch; branches; bundle; calcium; captopril; cardiac; cardiac output; cardiovascular; causes; cells; central; cerebral; chambers; channel; channel blockers; chronic; circulation; circumflex; class; clinical; common; concomitant; conduction; congestive; consumption; contractility; contraction; coronary; coronary artery; cusps; cyclase; decreased; demand; dependent; depolarization; descending; diastolic; digoxin; direct; disease; diuretics; dose; drugs; duration; dysfunction; early; effective; effects; ejection; enzyme; example; factors; failure; fibers; fibrillation; fibrous; flow; form; free; function; generation; greater; groove; guidelines; heart; heart failure; heart rate; hepatic; high; hypertension; impulse; increase; induced; infarction; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; inotropy; interventricular; intracellular; intravenous; intrinsic; ischemia; kidney; leaflet; left; left ventricular; levels; life; liver; long; main; major; management; membrane; metabolism; minimal; mitral; mortality; muscle; muscular; myocardial; negative; nervous; nifedipine; nitric; nitroglycerin; nodal; node; non; norepinephrine; normal; oral; outflow; output; oxide; oxygen; pacemaker; papillary; pathway; patients; perfusion; period; perioperative; peripheral; phase; phenylephrine; plasma; portion; positive; posterior; potassium; potential; pregnancy; preload; presence; present; pressure; primary; production; prominent; properties; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary hypertension; rapid; rate; receptors; reduced; reflex; refractory; release; renal; resistance; response; resultant; results; right; right coronary; right ventricular; risk; second; selective; septal; septum; severe; short; significant; similar; sinus; slow; smooth; sodium; spontaneous; states; stenosis; stimulation; stroke; supply; surgery; svr; sympathetic; symptoms; system; systemic; tachycardia; term; therapy; thickness; tissue; tone; toxicity; treatment; type; use; valve; vascular; vasoconstriction; vasodilation; vasopressin; veins; venous; ventricle; ventricular; verapamil; vessels; volume; wall cache: cord-016742-y7jgjera.txt plain text: cord-016742-y7jgjera.txt item: #11 of 62 id: cord-017585-0llgr357 author: Chappell, Mark C. title: Role of ACE, ACE2 and Neprilysin in the Kidney date: 2007 words: 7586 flesch: 28 summary: Braz Enhanced renal immunocytochemical expression of ANG-(1-7) and ACE2 during pregnancy Elevated blood pressure and heart rate in human renin receptor transgenic rats Angiotensin II and its receptors in the diabetic kidney Effect of reduced angiotensin-converting enzyme gene expression and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on angiotensin and bradykinin peptide levels in mice Effects of neutral endopeptidase inhibition and combined angiotensin converting enzyme and neutral endopeptidase inhibition on angiotensin and bradykinin peptides in rats Differential regulation of angiotensin peptide levels in plasma and kidney of the rat Newly recognized components of the Renin-Angiotensin system: potential roles in cardiovascular and renal regulation Prolyl oligopeptidase is involved in release of the antifibrotic peptide Ac-SDKP Angiotensin-(1-7) is an endogenous peptide in the rat brain: evidence for differential processing of angiotensin peptides Processing of angiotensin peptides by NG108-15 neuroblastoma X glioma hybrid cell line Metabolism of angiotensin-(1-7) by angiotensin converting enzyme Angiotensin-(1-7) in hypertension Release of angiotensin-(1-7) from the rat hindlimb: influence of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition Pathways of angiotensin-(1-7) metabolism in the kidney Omapatrilat treatment is associated with increased ACE-2 and angiotensin-(1-7) in spontaneously hypertensive rats Estrogen or the AT1 antagonist olmesartan reverses the development of profound hypertension in the congenic mRen2.Lewis rat Novel aspects of the renal renin-angiotensin system: angiotensin-(1-7), ACE2 and blood pressure regulation Estrogen and salt sensitivity in the female mRen(2).Lewis rat Hydrolysis of angiotensin peptides by human angiotensin I-converting enzyme and the resensitization of B 2 kinin receptors Angiotensin-(1-7) downregulates the angiotensin II type 1 receptor in vascular smooth muscle cells Angiotensin-(1-7) reduces renal angiotensin II receptors through a cylocoxygenase dependent pathway Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is an essential regulator of heart function N-domain specific substrate and C-domain inhibitors of angiotensin converting enzyme ACE2 gene transfer attenuates hypertension-linked pathophysiological changes in the SHR RXP 407, a phosphinic peptide, is a potent inhibitor of angiotensin I converting enzyme able to differentiate between its two active sites A novel angiotensin-converting enzymerelated carboxypeptidase (ACE2) converts angiotensin I to angiotensin 1-9 New mass spectrometric assay for angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 activity Potentiation of bradykinin by angiotensin-(1-7) on arterioles of spontaneously hypertensive rats studied in vivo Characterization of angiotensin-(1-7) in the urine of normal and essential hypertensive subjects Effects of omapatrilat on the renin angiotensin system in salt sensitive hypertension Vasopeptidase inhibition and angiotensin-(1-7) in the spontaneously hypertensive rat Effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin II receptor blockers on cardiac angiotensin converting enzyme 2 -7) forming enzymes and receptors Advances in biochemical and functional roles of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 and angiotensin-(1-7) in the regulation of cardiovascular function Distinct roles for Ang II and ANG-(1-7) in the regulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in rat astrocytes Roles of the two active sites of somatic angiotensin-converting enzyme in the cleavage of angiotensin I and bradykinin: insights from selective inhibitors Membrane-associated zinc peptidase families: comparing ACE and ACE2 Quantitative mRNA expression profiling of ACE 2, a novel homologue of angiotensin converting enzyme Potential mechanisms and physiologic actions of intracellular angiotensin II Intrarenal AT 1 receptor and ACE binding in ANG II-induced hypertensive rats Postovariectomy hypertension is linked to increased renal AT1 receptor and salt sensitivity Angiotensin I-converting enzyme isoforms (high and low molecular weight) in urine of premature and full-term infants Renin increases mesangial cell transforming growth factor-B1 matrix proteins through receptormediated, angiotensin II-independent mechanisms Angiotensin II AT1 receptors regulate ace2 and angiotensin-(1-7) expression in aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats Contribution of angiotensin II internalization to intrarenal angiotensin II levels in rats Angiotensin-(1-7) contributes to the antihypertensive effects of blockade of the renin-angiotensin system Evidence that prostaglandins mediate the antihypertensive actions of angiotensin-(1-7) during chronic blockade of the renin-angiotensin system Effect of angiotensin II blockade on a new congenic model of hypertension derived from transgenic Ren-2 rats Mineralocorticoid receptor blocker increases angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 activity in congestive heart failure patients ACE2 activity is increased in monocytederived macrophages from prehypertensive subjects Aldosterone enhances renin expression in juxtaglomerular cells Expression of angiotensinogen mRNA and protein in angiotensin II-dependent hypertension CK2 phosphorylates the angiotensinconverting enzyme and regulates its retention in the endothelial cell plasma membrane Omapatrilat and Enalapril in Patients With Hypertension: The Omapatrilat Cardiovascular Treatment vs. Enalapril (OCTAVE) Trial Differential tissue and enzyme inhibitory effects of the vasopeptidase inhibitor omapatrilat in the rat Tumor necrosis factor-a convertase (ADAM17) mediates regulated ectodomain shedding of the severe-acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus (SARS-Co-V) receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) Moreover, in an animal model of tissue-depleted ACE that preserves circulating levels of the enzyme, renal Ang II is significantly reduced (Modrall et al 2003) . keywords: ace; ace2; actions; activation; activity; aldosterone; ang ii; ang-(1; angiotensin; angiotensin converting; angiotensin ii; blockade; blood; bradykinin; cardiovascular; catalytic; cells; chappell; chronic; circulating; colleagues; conversion; converting; converting enzyme; data; dependent; development; diabetic; differential; distinct; domain; effects; endopeptidase; endothelial; enzyme; estrogen; et al; evidence; exhibit; expression; ferrario; fig; fold; formation; functional; heart; human; hypertension; increase; influence; inhibition; inhibitors; injury; intrarenal; kidney; levels; male; membrane; metabolism; mice; model; mrna; neprilysin; neutral; novel; omapatrilat; pathways; peptide; plasma; pressure; processing; properties; protein; proximal; raas; rat; rats; receptor; regulation; release; renal; renin; role; salt; sdkp; shaltout; sheep; shr; significant; similar; spontaneously; studies; system; tissue; treatment; tubules; urinary cache: cord-017585-0llgr357.txt plain text: cord-017585-0llgr357.txt item: #12 of 62 id: cord-018009-8j40876m author: Campbell, Duncan J. John title: ACE Inhibition in Heart Failure and Ischaemic Heart Disease date: 2007 words: 11621 flesch: 30 summary: Campbell et al 1999; Zeitz et al 2003) . Danser et al 1994) . keywords: ace; ace inhibition; ace inhibitors; ace2; acsdkp; actions; activation; activity; acute; addition; aldosterone; analysis; ang ii; ang-(1; angiotensin; angiotensin converting; angiotensin ii; artery; aspirin; benefits; blockade; blood; bradykinin; campbell; campbell et; captopril; carboxypeptidase; cardiac; cardiovascular; catalytic; cells; chronic; clinical; collagen; congestive; contrast; contribute; converting; converting enzyme; coronary; death; diabetes; disease; dose; duncan; dysfunction; effects; ejection; enalapril; endothelial; enzyme; enzyme inhibition; et al; europa; events; evidence; expression; failure; formation; fraction; gene; heart; heart failure; high; hope; human; hydroxylated; hypertensive; hypertrophy; icatibant; ii levels; important; increase; induced; infarction; inflammation; inhibition; inhibitor therapy; inhibitors; interaction; ischaemic; kallidin; kallikrein; kinins; left; levels; linz; low; major; mechanisms; metabolism; molecular; mortality; muscle; myocardial; myocardial infarction; new; nitric; non; oxide; pathway; patients; peace; peptides; perindopril; pfeffer; plasma; pressure; prevention; ramipril; randomized; rats; receptor; reduced; reduction; related; release; remodelling; renin; results; risk; role; stroke; studies; study; survival; system; terminal; therapeutic; therapy; tissue; trandolapril; treatment; trial; type; vasculature; ventricular; weight cache: cord-018009-8j40876m.txt plain text: cord-018009-8j40876m.txt item: #13 of 62 id: cord-024076-q9fw7ch1 author: Manga, Pravin title: Should ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Be Withdrawn in the Current Setting of COVID-19 Infection? date: 2020-04-17 words: 1865 flesch: 28 summary: key: cord-024076-q9fw7ch1 authors: Manga, Pravin title: Should ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers Be Withdrawn in the Current Setting of COVID-19 Infection? date: 2020-04-17 journal: nan DOI: 10.18772/26180197.2020.v2nsia4 sha: doc_id: 24076 cord_uid: q9fw7ch1 nan The reports urging caution in the use of ACE inhibitors and ARBs for hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease are based on laboratory data which found that SARS-CoV and COVID-19 virus binds to ACE 2 receptor which is found in the epithelial cells of the lung, kidney, intestine and blood vessels. In some experimental studies with animal models, it has been shown that there is increased expression and activity of ACE 2 in the heart and brain after treatment with ACE inhibitors and ARBs.(7) keywords: ace; activity; angiotensin; arb; arbs; cardiovascular; converting; covid-19; diabetes; disease; enzyme; hypertension; infection; inhibition; inhibitors; injury; lung; management; mortality; myocardial; patients; raas; receptor; risk; sars; therapy; virus cache: cord-024076-q9fw7ch1.txt plain text: cord-024076-q9fw7ch1.txt item: #14 of 62 id: cord-253862-jl1zhg13 author: Khalaf, Khalil title: SARS-CoV-2: Pathogenesis, and Advancements in Diagnostics and Treatment date: 2020-10-06 words: 14633 flesch: 37 summary: A cohort study Interleukin-1 blockade with high-dose anakinra in patients with COVID-19, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and hyperinflammation: a retrospective cohort study Use of convalescent plasma therapy in SARS patients in Hong Kong Treatment with convalescent plasma for influenza A (H5N1) infection Challenges of convalescent plasma infusion therapy in Middle East respiratory coronavirus infection: a single centre experience Effectiveness of convalescent plasma therapy in severe COVID-19 patients Treatment of 5 critically Ill patients with COVID-19 with convalescent plasma Safety update: COVID-19 convalescent plasma in 20,000 hospitalized patients Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus viroporin 3A activates the NLRP3 inflammasome The deadly coronaviruses: The 2003 SARS pandemic and the 2020 novel coronavirus epidemic in China Biology of IL-38 and its role in disease IL-37 is a fundamental inhibitor of innate immunity Induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1 and IL-6) and lung inflammation by COVID-19 (CoV-19 or SARS-CoV-2): anti-inflammatory strategies Baricitinib as potential treatment for 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease Use of baricitinib in patients with moderate and severe COVID-19 Evaluation of human monoclonal antibody 80R for immunoprophylaxis of severe acute respiratory syndrome by an animal study, epitope mapping, and analysis of spike variants Human monoclonal antibody as prophylaxis for SARS coronavirus infection in ferrets Human monoclonal antibody combination against SARS coronavirus: synergy and coverage of escape mutants Neutralizing epitopes of the SARS-CoV S-protein cluster independent of repertoire, antigen structure or mAb technology Monoclonal antibodies targeting the HR2 domain and the region immediately upstream of the HR2 of the S protein neutralize in vitro infection of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus Neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus: target, mechanism of action, therapeutic potential Perspectives on monoclonal antibody therapy as potential therapeutic intervention for Coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) Similar to SARS, infected patients presented with a variety of clinical courses, from mild upper respiratory symptoms to fulminant pneumonia and multi-organ system failure. keywords: action; activation; activity; acute; analysis; angiotensin; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antiviral; assay; autophagy; available; azithromycin; bat; benefit; blood; broad; capable; care; cases; cd147; cd4; cells; clearance; clinical; cohort; combination; control; convalescent; converting; coronavirus; cough; course; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 patients; cytokine; damage; days; dependent; detection; development; diagnostic; different; disease; domain; dose; drug; early; effects; efficacy; elisa; entry; enzyme; et al; expression; failure; favipiravir; formation; function; future; gene; genome; group; healthy; high; higher; hiv-1; host; human; hydroxychloroquine; ifn; igg; igm; il-1; il-6; ill; illness; immune; immunity; increase; infected; infection; inflammatory; inhibitor; injury; innate; interaction; interferon; label; levels; like; load; lopinavir; lower; lung; markers; material; mechanism; mers; mild; monoclonal; mortality; ncov; negative; new; non; novel; nsp; number; open; order; organ; outbreak; pathogen; pathway; patients; pcr; phase; placebo; plasma; pneumonia; polymerase; positive; possible; potential; production; protease; protein; randomized; rapid; rate; rdrp; receptor; release; remdesivir; replication; research; respiratory; response; responsible; results; review; ribavirin; ritonavir; rna; safety; samples; sars; sensitivity; severe; single; specific; spike; standard; storm; structural; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; target; testing; tests; therapeutic; therapy; time; tocilizumab; transmission; treatment; trial; type; use; viral; viruses; vitro cache: cord-253862-jl1zhg13.txt plain text: cord-253862-jl1zhg13.txt item: #15 of 62 id: cord-256020-wrui3i2l author: Fadaka, Adewale Oluwaseun title: Understanding the epidemiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of SARS-CoV-2 date: 2020-08-26 words: 7116 flesch: 43 summary: Certain classes of compounds, called surfactants, are contained in soap and have the ability to neutralize microbes such as SARS CoV-2. A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China A novel coronavirus emerging in China-key questions for impact assessment Recent insights into the biology of pancreatic cancer Paracrine and cell autonomous signalling in pancreatic cancer progression and metastasis Current and emerging therapies for patients with advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: a bright future SARS and other coronaviruses as causes of pneumonia Isolation and characterization of SARS-CoV-2 from the first US COVID-19 patient Potential maternal and infant outcomes from coronavirus 2019-nCoV (SARS-CoV-2) infecting pregnant women: Lessons from SARS, MERS, and other human coronavirus infections Subunit vaccines against emerging pathogenic human coronaviruses Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for virus origins and receptor binding Viral and cellular mRNA translation in coronavirus-infected cells Molecular evolution of human coronavirus genomes From SARS to MERS, thrusting coronaviruses into the spotlight A complete sequence and comparative analysis of a SARS-associated virus (isolate BJ01) Ultrastructural characterization of SARS coronavirus The genome sequence of the SARS-associated coronavirus Asymptomatic cases in a family cluster with SARS-CoV-2 infection Bat origin of human coronaviruses Isolation and growth characterization of novel full length and deletion mutant human MERS-CoV strains from clinical specimens collected during Middle East Respiratory Syndrome: Emergence of a pathogenic human coronavirus Cryo-electron tomography of mouse hepatitis virus: insights into the structure of the coronavirion Supramolecular architecture of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus revealed by electron cryomicroscopy The coronavirus spike protein is a class I virus fusion protein: structural and functional characterization of the fusion core complex keywords: ace2; acute; alveoli; analysis; angiotensin; antiviral; associated; beta; binding; blood; care; cases; cells; cfr; characteristics; china; chloroquine; clinical; coronavirus; cough; countries; cov-2; covid-19; covs; development; diagnosis; different; disease; drugs; east; entry; envelope; expression; eyes; factors; features; fever; figure; genome; hcov; health; higher; hku1; host; human; hydroxychloroquine; important; individuals; infected; infection; inflammatory; information; isolation; levels; limited; lung; mers; middle; molecules; mortality; msof; multiple; ncov; new; novel; novel coronavirus; number; oc43; outbreak; outcomes; patients; person; pneumonia; potential; protein; rate; receptor; repurposed; research; respiratory; response; review; risk; rna; sars; severe; specific; spike; spread; states; structural; studies; study; surface; symptoms; syndrome; system; target; therapeutic; tract; translation; transmission; treatment; type; united; use; vaccines; viral; wuhan cache: cord-256020-wrui3i2l.txt plain text: cord-256020-wrui3i2l.txt item: #16 of 62 id: cord-259933-ggx4v0bz author: Dalan, Rinkoo title: The ACE-2 in COVID-19: Foe or Friend? date: 2020-04-27 words: 4207 flesch: 39 summary: The presence of higher expression of ACE-2 receptors or its upregulation although initially thought to be a risk factor for infection is unlikely the case. tioning that ACE-2 receptor upregulation due to angiotensin receptor blockers that are commonly used in hypertension could be considered to be risk factor for increased transmission of SARS-Cov-2 . keywords: ace; ace2; activity; acute; adrenal; ang-(1; angiotensin; anti; axis; blockers; cells; china; clinical; converting; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; diabetes; disease; disorders; distress; domain; downregulation; effects; endothelial; entry; enzyme; evidence; expression; fibrosis; higher; hypertension; individuals; infection; inflammatory; injury; insulin; lung; metabolic; patients; protein; pulmonary; ras; receptor; renin; respiratory; risk; sars; severe; study; syndrome; system; tissue; type; underlying; upregulation; vascular; viral cache: cord-259933-ggx4v0bz.txt plain text: cord-259933-ggx4v0bz.txt item: #17 of 62 id: cord-264828-6w13xo2a author: Albini, Adriana title: The SARS-CoV-2 receptor, ACE-2, is expressed on many different cell types: implications for ACE-inhibitor- and angiotensin II receptor blocker-based cardiovascular therapies date: 2020-05-19 words: 3696 flesch: 31 summary: Active smoking is not associated with severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin II receptor blockers on cardiac angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 Perinatally administered losartan augments renal ACE2 expression but not cardiac or renal Mas receptor in spontaneously hypertensive rats Angiotensin II up-regulates angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE), but down-regulates ACE2 via the AT1-ERK/p38 MAP kinase pathway Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection? Angiotensin receptor blockers as tentative SARS-CoV-2 therapeutics HFSA/ACC/AHA statement addresses concerns Re: using RAAS antagonists in COVID-19 Position Statement of the ESC Council on hypertension on ACE-inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers Association of renin-angiotensin system inhibitors with severity or risk of death in patients with hypertension hospitalized for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection in Wuhan Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors improve the clinical outcomes of COVID-19 patients with hypertension Association of inpatient use of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers with mortality among patients with hypertension hospitalized with COVID-19 Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system blockers and the risk of Cardiovascular disease, drug therapy, and mortality in Covid-19 Association of use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers with testing positive for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors and risk of Covid-19 Acknowledgements We thank Andrea Sonaglioni (Cardiology Unit, San Giuseppe Hospital-MultiMedica, Milan, Italy) and Mario Milco D'Elios (Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy) for helpful discussion and revision of the manuscript. Do ACE-Is and ARBs display similar or quantitatively divergent effects in COVID-19 patients? 2. keywords: ace; ace2; age; angiotensin; arbs; blockers; cardiac; cardiovascular; cells; china; clinical; comorbidities; converting; coronavirus; course; cov-2; covid-19; diabetes; different; disease; effects; endothelial; enzyme; experimental; expression; factor; failure; fig; heart; human; hypertension; infection; inhibitors; italy; kidney; levels; lung; mortality; myocardial; patients; protein; raas; receptor; renin; retrospective; risk; role; sars; severe; studies; study; system; tissues; treatment; use; viral cache: cord-264828-6w13xo2a.txt plain text: cord-264828-6w13xo2a.txt item: #18 of 62 id: cord-266289-dkxhbmic author: Harrison, Charlotte title: ACE for all – a molecular perspective date: 2014-07-16 words: 9061 flesch: 50 summary: Isolation, elucidation of structure and synthesis A new class of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors N-Glycosylation of forms of angiotensin converting enzyme from four mammalian species By studying the structures of the N-and C-domains of sACE significant progress has already been made towards the design of domain specific inhibitors. keywords: ace; ace homologues; ace inhibitors; ace2; acer; active; ance; angiotensin; anoace2; binding; blood; bradykinin; burnham; catalytic; chain; channel; conserved; converting; converting enzyme; crystal; cyan; differences; different; domain; drosophila; enzyme; essential; et al; evidence; expression; fig; form; functions; gambiae; gene; heart; homologues; human; important; inhibitor; insect; interaction; involved; key; large; likely; lisinopril; male; mammalian; melanogaster; models; molecule; new; number; peptide; phe391; physiological; position; pressure; processes; properties; protein; regulation; reproduction; residues; role; rxp407; rxpa380; sace; selective; sequence; share; significant; single; sites; specific; specificity; sticks; structure; study; subsite; substrate; system; tace; terminal; testis; tyr369; understanding; zinc cache: cord-266289-dkxhbmic.txt plain text: cord-266289-dkxhbmic.txt item: #19 of 62 id: cord-266755-y2lf7ssp author: Yehualashet, Awgichew Shewasinad title: ACEIs and ARBs and Their Correlation with COVID-19: A Review date: 2020-09-16 words: 4176 flesch: 37 summary: As per Fang et al (2020), it was hypothesized that the use of ACE2 receptor increasing drugs is at higher risk for severe COVID-19 infection. ACEI initially inhibits ACE leading to decreased angiotensin I levels, causing a possible negative feedback loop that ultimately upregulates more ACE2 receptor to be able to interact with the decreased angiotensin I substrate available. keywords: ace2; aceis; acute; analysis; angiotensin; animal; arbs; binding; blockers; cardiovascular; cases; cell; chloroquine; clinical; converting; coronavirus; cov-2; cov2; covid-19; diabetes; disease; drugs; effects; entry; enzyme; expression; failure; glycoprotein; heart; higher; host; human; hypertension; increase; infection; inhibitors; kidney; lung; membrane; ncov; novel; patients; pneumonia; possible; potential; proteins; receptor; renin; respiratory; risk; sars; severe; spike; studies; surface; syndrome; system; therapy; treatment; use; viral cache: cord-266755-y2lf7ssp.txt plain text: cord-266755-y2lf7ssp.txt item: #20 of 62 id: cord-267519-a0bcmjkn author: Bravi, Francesca title: Predictors of severe or lethal COVID-19, including Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers, in a sample of infected Italian citizens date: 2020-06-24 words: 3307 flesch: 34 summary: In conclusions, the present study did not find any association between COVID-19 severity and treatment with ARBs, ACE inhibitors, or both, and confirms previous findings in supporting the recommendation of several scientific societies to continue ARBs or ACE inhibitors medication for all patients, unless otherwise advised by their physicians, who should thus be reassured. Significant predictors of severe disease were older age (with AORs largely increasing after 70 years of age), male gender (AOR: 1.76; 1.40–2.23), diabetes (AOR: 1.52; 1.05–2.18), CVD (AOR: 1.88; 1.32–2.70) and COPD (AOR: 1.88; 1.11–3.20). keywords: ace; ace inhibitors; ace2; age; angiotensin; arbs; association; blockers; cardiovascular; converting; copd; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cvd; data; death; diabetes; disease; enzyme; gender; health; hypertension; infection; inhibitors; lethal; older; patients; potential; predictors; receptor; renin; risk; sample; sars; severe; severity; studies; study; subjects; system; treatment; years cache: cord-267519-a0bcmjkn.txt plain text: cord-267519-a0bcmjkn.txt item: #21 of 62 id: cord-269151-r426u5dz author: Turner, Jeffrey M. title: Should Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors ever Be Used for the Management of Hypertension? date: 2020-07-09 words: 4596 flesch: 37 summary: The CHARM-alternative trial, which compared candesartan to placebo in patients with HFrEF who were intolerant to ACE inhibitors, reported a significant reduction in cardiovascular mortality, CHF hospitalizations, and all-cause mortality similar to those seen with previous ACE inhibitor trials [15] . Both European and American guidelines state that ARB therapy in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) should be reserved for those who are either intolerant of ACE inhibitors or who remain symptomatic despite ACE inhibitor therapy, and in the latter scenario, subjects with HFrEF should be treated with an ARB in the form of an angiotensin receptor neprilysin inhibitor keywords: ace; ace inhibitors; ace2; analysis; angioedema; angiotensin; arbs; benefit; blockers; blood; cardiovascular; cause; classes; clinical; converting; data; death; diabetes; difference; disease; effects; efficacy; enzyme; failure; group; head; heart; hfref; hypertension; impact; incidence; infarction; inhibition; inhibitors; kidney; meta; mortality; myocardial; outcomes; patients; placebo; pressure; raas; ramipril; randomized; receptor; renal; results; risk; significant; similar; studies; study; trials; type; use; ventricular cache: cord-269151-r426u5dz.txt plain text: cord-269151-r426u5dz.txt item: #22 of 62 id: cord-269776-hj1s3ipp author: Agostoni, Angelo title: Hereditary and acquired angioedema: Problems and progress: Proceedings of the third C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency workshop and beyond date: 2004-09-11 words: 50588 flesch: 41 summary: The plasma kallikrein-kinin system counterbalances the renin-angiotensin system The physiologic basis of assembly and activation of the plasma kallikrein/kinin system Mechanism of enhanced kinin release from high molecular weight kininogen by plasma kallikrein after its exposure to plasmin Detection of active kallikrein in induced blister fluids of hereditary angioedema patients Dose-dependent effects of postmenopausal estrogen and progestin on antithrombin III and factor XII Increased euglobulin fibrinolytic potential in women on oral contraceptives low in oestrogen-levels of extrinsic and intrinsic plasminogen activators, prekallikrein, factor XII, and C1-inactivator Molecular basis of estrogen regulation of Hageman factor XII gene expression Contact factors in plasma from women on oral contraception-significance of factor XI for the measured activity of factor XII Biochemical and molecular pharmacology of kinin receptors Transcription factor nuclear factor kappaB regulates the inducible expression of the human B1 receptor gene in inflammation Receptors for kinins: from classical pharmacology to molecular biology Mechanisms regulating the expression, self-maintenance, and signaling-function of the bradykinin B2 and B1 receptors Regulation of bradykinin B2-receptor expression by oestrogen Coexistence of hereditary angioedema and Turner's syndrome Hereditary angioedema precipitated by estrogen replacement therapy in a menopausal woman Recurrent episodes of skin angioedema and severe attacks of abdominal pain induced by oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy Recurrent angioedema: familial and oestrogen-induced Angioedema and oral contraception Recurrent angioedema associated with hypogonadism or anti-androgen therapy Estrogen induction and contact phase activation of human factor XII Enhanced expression of factor XII (Hageman factor) in isolated livers of estrogenand prolactin-treated rats The influence of estrogen and prolactin on Hageman factor (factor XII) titer in ovariectomized and hypophysectomized rats Differential regulation of kininogen gene expression by estrogen and progesterone in vivo The effect of oestrogen dose and progestogen type on haemostatic changes in women taking low dose oral contraceptives Effects of a very low-estrogen oral contraceptive on clotting factors, carbohydrate metabolism and plasma lipids and lipoproteins Contact activation factors in plasma from women using oral contraceptives-increased levels of factor XII, kinin-free high molecular weight kininogen and acetone-activated kallikrein Estrogen-associated thromboembolism Contact factor mediated fibrinolysis is increased by the combined oral contraceptive pill Prospective randomized study of effects of unopposed estrogen replacement therapy on markers of coagulation and inflammation in postmenopausal women Positive impact of hormone replacement therapy on the fibrinolytic system: a long-term randomized controlled study in healthy postmenopausal women Postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy increases coagulation activity and fibrinolysis Effect of long-term hormone replacement therapy on angiotensin-converting enzyme activity and bradykinin in postmenopausal women with essential hypertension and normotensive postmenopausal women Estrogen regulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme mRNA Sex hormones in hereditary angioneurotic oedema The complete drug reference Bethesda: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists DRUGDEXÒ system Hereditary angioedema and oral contraception Effects of methylamine and heparin on a rapid chromogenic assay of C1-esterase inhibitor in plasma Effect of time, temperature and additives on a functional assay of C1 inhibitor Effects of estrogen replacement therapy on the renin-angiotensin system in postmenopausal women Management and diagnostic guidelines for urticaria and angio-oedema Hereditary angioneurotic oedema in three families: symptomatic heterogeneity, complement analysis and therapeutic trials Hereditary angioneurotic oedema in Finland: clinical, immunological and genealogical studies Hereditary angioedema due to deficit of C1 esterase inhibitor Hereditary angioneurotic edema: a clinical survey C1-INH defect as an example of deficiency disease Hereditary angioedema: danazol therapy in a 5-year-old child Hereditary angioneurotic oedema: current management in pregnancy A multicentre evaluation of the diagnostic efficiency of serological investigations for C1 inhibitor deficiency Inherited and acquired deficiencies of C1 esterase inhibitor in humans C3 is activated in hereditary angioedema, and C1/C1-inhibitor complexes rise during physical stress in untreated patients Contact system in healthy term newborns: reference values in cord blood Application of a monoclonal antibody against a neoepitope on activated C4 in an ELISA for the quantification of complement activation via the classical pathway C1 inhibitor and diagnosis of hereditary angioedema in newborns Complement components in 100 newborns and their mothers determined by electroimmunoassay Angioedema: a review on the acquired, allergic or non-allergic, and the hereditary forms Serum complement levels in infancy: age related changes Influence of age and sex on serum complement components in children Development of the human coagulation system in the full-term infant Plasma protease inhibitors in premature infants: influence of gestational age, postnatal age, and health status Serum complement profiles in infants and children Misdiagnosis of hereditary angio-oedema type 1 and type 2 Acute consumption of C1 inhibitor in a patient with acquired C1-inhibitor deficiency syndrome Normal complement C4 values do not exclude hereditary angioedema Hereditary angioneurotic oedema Treatment of hereditary angioedema with a vapor-heated C1 inhibitor concentrate Replacement therapy in hereditary angioedema: successful treatment of acute episodes of angioedema with partly purified C1 inhibitor C1 INH concentrate in the therapy of hereditary angioedema C1-esterase inhibitor transfusions in patients with hereditary angioedema Replacement therapy in hereditary angioedema: successful treatment of two patients with fresh frozen plasma C1-inhibitor deficiency and angioedema Treatment of hereditary angioedema Letter: anaphylactic reaction to aprotinin DX-88 and HAE: a developmental perspective The synthetic Kunitz domain protein DX-88 to treat angioedema in patients with hereditary angioedema Role of kinins in seasonal allergic rhinitis: icatibant, a bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist, abolishes the hyperresponsiveness and nasal eosinophilia induced by antigen Efficacy and tolerability of Icatibant (Hoe 140) in patients with moderately severe chronic bronchial asthma Jerini announces positive phase II study results with Icatibant for the treatment of Hereditary Angioedema A phase I study of recombinant human C1-INH in asymptomatic patients with hereditary angioedema-HAE Pharming features clinical results of C1 inhibitor at investigator meeting [press release Treatment of hereditary angioedema with danazol: reversal of clinical and biochemical abnormalities Morphologic evaluation of the liver in hereditary angioedema patients on long-term treatment with androgen derivatives Side effects of long-term prophylaxis with attenuated androgens in hereditary angioedema: comparison of treated and untreated patients The long-term safety of danazol in women with hereditary angioedema Long-term treatment of hereditary angioedema with attenuated androgens: a survey of a 13-year experience Danazol therapy: an unusual aetiology of hepatocellular carcinoma Hepatocellular adenomas in patients taking danazol for hereditary angio-oedema Danazol-induced hepatocellular adenoma in patients with hereditary angio-oedema A case of hereditary angioneurotic oedema, successfully treated with epsilonaminocaproic acid: studies on C'1 esterase inhibitor, C'1 activation, plasminogen level and histamine metabolism Long-term prophylaxis with C1-inhibitor (C1 INH) concentrate in patients with recurrent angioedema caused by hereditary and acquired C1-inhibitor deficiency Pharmacokinetic parameters of C1-inhibitor concentrate in 40 patients with hereditary angio-oedema (HAE)-a prospective study Acute airway obstruction following tooth extraction in hereditary angioedema Oral manifestations and dental management of patients with hereditary angioedema Hereditary angioedema: report of case Prophylactic use of epsilon aminocaproic acid for oral surgery in a patient with hereditary angioneurotic edema Tranexamic acid: preoperative prophylactic therapy for patients with hereditary angioneurotic edema Intravenous tranexamic acid in the management of hereditary angio-oedema Potentially fatal hereditary angioedema: a review and case report The efficacy of short-term danazol prophylaxis in hereditary angioedema patients undergoing maxillofacial and dental procedures Successful off-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery in a patient with hereditary angioedema Preoperative prophylaxis for C1 esterase-inhibitor deficiency in patients undergoing oral surgery: a report of three cases Hereditary angioedema: uncomplicated maxillofacial surgery using short-term C1 inhibitor replacement therapy C1-esterase inhibitor concentrate prevents upper airway obstruction in hereditary angio-oedema Acquired angioedema as the presenting feature of lymphoproliferative disorders of mature B-lymphocytes Spontaneous regression of acquired C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency associated with splenic marginal zone lymphoma presenting with recurrent angio-oedema Acquired angioedema associated with rectal carcinoma and its response to danazol therapy: acquired angioedema treated with danazol Activation of the contact system and fibrinolysis in autoimmune acquired angioedema: a rationale for prophylactic use of tranexamic acid Angioneurotic edema with acquired C1-inhibitor deficiency and autoantibody to C1-inhibitor: response to plasmapheresis and cytotoxic therapy Purity, activity, and virus safety of a pasteurized antithrombin concentrate A factor VIII concentrate, highly purified and heated in solution Virus-safe plasma proteins: elimination of viruses of risk by the manufacturing procedure Inactivation of hepatitis A virus by pasteurization and elimination of picornaviruses during manufacture of factor VIII concentrate Absence of anti-human immunodeficiency virus types 1 and 2 seroconversion after the treatment of hemophilia A or von Willebrand's disease with pasteurized factor VIII concentrate Absence of hepatitis after treatment with a pasteurized factor VIII concentrate in patients with hemophilia and no previous transfusions Effectiveness of alternative treatments for reducing potential viral contaminants from plasma-derived products Inactivation of parvovirus B19 during pasteurization of human serum albumin A novel coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome Virus safety of pasteurized clotting factor concentrates: an eleven year follow up Hepatitis C and pasteurized C1-inhibitor concentrate Prospective virus safety follow-up after therapy with a pasteurized C1-inhibitor concentrate Prophylactic treatment with pasteurised C1 inhibitor in herditary angioedema (HAE)-a prospective 32 months follow up Prospective follow up of clinical manifestation and therapy in children with hereditary angioedema (HAE) High-titer screening PCR: a successful strategy for reducing the parvovirus B19 load in plasma pools for fractionation Prospective audit of adverse reactions occurring in 459 primary antibody-deficient patients receiving intravenous immunoglobulin State of care for hemophilia in pediatric patients Hereditary angioedema Treatment of acute attacks of hereditary angioedema with C1-inhibitor concentrate Clinical studies of sudden upper airway obstruction in patients with hereditary angioedema due to C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency Proteolytic inactivation of plasma C1-inhibitor in sepsis Expression of active human C1 inhibitor serpin domain in Escherichia coli N-and O-glycans of recombinant human C1 Inhibitor expressed in the milk of transgenic rabbits Production of complex human glycoproteins in yeast Recombinant human C1-inhibitor produced in Pichia pastoris has the same inhibitory capacity as plasma C1-inhibitor Recombinant human C1-inhibitor produced in Pichia pastoris has the same inhibitory capacity as plasma C1-inhibitor Recombinant C1 inhibitor P5/P3 variants display resistance to catalytic inactivation by stimulated neutrophils The effect of danazol in the treatment of chronic cystic mastitis Danazol-induced pseudomenopause in the management of endometriosis Effects of danazol on pulsatile gonadotropin patterns and on serum estradiol levels in normally cycling women Cortical and trabecular bone mineral content in women with endometriosis: effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist and danazol A comparison of the skeletal effects of goserelin and danazol in premenopausal women with endometriosis Evidence of similar increases in bone turnover during nafarelin and danazol use in women with endometriosis Amino acids mutated in HAE patients are depicted in yellow ball-and-stick. keywords: aae; abdominal; abdominal attacks; abnormalities; absence; ace; acid; activation; active; activity; acute; acute attacks; addition; administration; adverse; affected; age; agents; amino; aminocaproic; amounts; analysis; androgens; angioedema; angioedema attacks; angioedema patients; angioedema symptoms; angioedema treatment; angioedema type; angioneurotic; angiotensin; antifibrinolytic; antigenic; antigenic c1; app; apparent; appropriate; ascites; assays; assessment; associated; association; at2; attacks; attenuated; authors; autoantibodies; autoimmune; available; basis; behring; berinert; better; binding; biochemical; biological; blood; bone; bork; bradykinin; c1 esterase; c1 inhibitor; c1nh; c1q; c1s; care; case; causes; cells; center; changes; children; circulation; classical; clearance; cleavage; cleaved; clinical; coagulation; common; complement; complete; complexes; component; concentrations; conditions; contact; contraception; control; converting; countries; course; danazol; data; database; days; decrease; defect; deficiency angioedema; deficient; dependent; detection; determined; development; diagnosis; differences; different; disease; disorders; dna; doctors; domain; dose; drug; dx-88; dysfunctional; early; edematous; effective; effects; efficacy; emergency; endometriosis; enzyme; episodes; esterase inhibitor; estrogen; et al; european; evidence; exacerbation; exon; experience; exposure; expression; factor; factor xii; families; family; female; ffp; fig; fluid; follicle; follow; following; formation; forms; free; frequency; frequent; functional c1; future; gastrointestinal; gene; general; generation; genetic; glycosylation; group; hae; hae attacks; hae center; hae patients; hae treatment; hae type; half; healthy; help; hepatitis; hereditary angioedema; hereditary angioneurotic; high; higher; history; home; hormone; hospital; hours; hrt; human c1; hungarian; hungarian hae; iii; important; improved; increased; individuals; inflammatory; influence; inh; inh activity; inh autoantibodies; inh concentrate; inh concentrations; inh deficiency; inh function; inh gene; inh levels; inh mutants; inh plasma; inh protein; inhibition; inhibitor deficiency; inhibitor gene; inhibitor treatment; inhibitors; initial; international; intestinal; investigations; involved; kallikrein; kininogen; knowledge; known; laboratory; large; laryngeal; later; levels; life; likely; literature; liver; local; long; low; low c1; major; management; manifestations; mass; mean; measurements; mechanism; mediator; medical; medications; members; metabolism; methods; mice; mild; milk; model; molecular; molecule; monitoring; month; multiple; mutant; mutations; necessary; need; new; newborns; nonallergic angioedema; normal; normal c1; novel; number; observed; occur; ocs; onset; oral; ovaries; pain; parameters; particular; pasteurization; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathway; patients; pediatric; pediatric patients; peptide; period; permeability; phase; physicians; plasma; plasma c1; plasmin; plasminogen; population; possible; postmenopausal; potential; pregnancy; prekallikrein; preoperative; presence; present; procedures; process; production; products; progesterone; program; prophylactic; prophylaxis; proteases; protein; quality; rabbits; range; rare; reactions; reactive; recent; receptor; recombinant; recombinant c1; recurrent; reduced; region; register; regulation; related; relationship; release; relevant; replacement; reported; reports; research; response; responsible; results; review; rhc1; risk; role; routine; safety; samples; scientific; section; sequence; series; serpin; serum; severe; severity; sex; short; significant; similar; single; site; skin; small; specific; standard; starting; states; structure; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; sufficient; supplement; support; surgery; surgical; swelling; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; table; target; term; terminal; therapy; thrombin; time; tissue; total; tranexamic; transgenic; transmission; treatment; trial; type; type ii; ultrasound; understanding; united; unknown; untreated; upper; urticaria; use; values; vascular; vasoactive; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; wall; week; weight; women; work; workshop; xia; xii; xiia; years cache: cord-269776-hj1s3ipp.txt plain text: cord-269776-hj1s3ipp.txt item: #23 of 62 id: cord-275837-2avxd80i author: Ahirwar, Ashok Kumar title: COVID -19 outbreak – Diabetes aspect and perspective date: 2020-05-19 words: 578 flesch: 43 summary: All these may lead to increased severity of COVID-19 infection in diabetic individuals. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics Diabetes patients with COVID-19 need better care Comorbid diabetes results in immune dysregulation and enhanced disease severity following MERS-CoV infection Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection? keywords: ace; arbs; covid-19; diabetes; diabetic; individuals; infection; inhibitor; outcome; patients; pneumonia; receptor; risk; virus cache: cord-275837-2avxd80i.txt plain text: cord-275837-2avxd80i.txt item: #24 of 62 id: cord-277766-rxmpi61o author: Guang, Cuie title: Three key proteases – angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE), ACE2 and renin – within and beyond the renin-angiotensin system date: 2012-06-15 words: 9525 flesch: 38 summary: Here, we review three critical proteases (ACE, ACE2 and renin) within and beyond the RAS and thus intend to find new connections between natural plant and/or food resources and the RAS. Occurrence, gene encoding and structure of ACE ACE (EC is a monomeric glycoprotein that is distributed in many tissues and biological fluids. ACE2 activity is also regulated by chloride ions; it has been proposed that chloride binding induces subtle changes in the conformation of the active site, which either facilitate or hinder substrate binding [6] . keywords: ace; ace inhibitors; ace2; acid; acsdkp; activation; active; activity; addition; agents; agt; aliskiren; alzheimer; amino; ang ii; ang-(1; angiotensin; angiotensin ii; angiotensinconverting; antihypertensive; at1; axis; beta; binding; blood; bradykinin; brain; captopril; carboxypeptidase; cardiac; cardiovascular; catalytic; cells; chloride; cleavage; cleft; conversion; converting; converting enzyme; cov; degradation; development; different; dipeptide; discovery; disease; domain; drug; ectodomain; effects; endothelial; enzyme; exon; expression; extracellular; factor; family; fibrosis; food; function; gace; gene; growth; handle; heart; high; hormone; hrp; human; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hypertension; increase; independent; inhibition; inhibitors; kidney; kinase; lys; mice; molecule; natural; new; non; novel; p)rr; patients; peptide; plant; plasma; pressure; prorenin; protein; proteolytic; pulmonary; ras; rats; receptor; region; related; release; renal; renin; residues; result; risk; role; sace; sars; selective; sequence; shedding; signalling; site; somatic; specific; spike; structure; studies; substrate; system; terminal; terminus; tissue; transmembrane; treatment; type; vivo; xnt; zinc cache: cord-277766-rxmpi61o.txt plain text: cord-277766-rxmpi61o.txt item: #25 of 62 id: cord-282256-lqmixm7s author: Tsioufis, Costas title: The interplay of Hypertension, ACE-2 and SARS-CoV-2: Emerging data as the “Ariadne’s thread” for the “labyrinth” of COVID-19 date: 2020-05-22 words: 1850 flesch: 40 summary: In 2020, humanity is facing one of the most devastating health urgencies in known modern history leading to health system collapse, economies shutting down, unemployment surges and thousands of deaths worldwide due to COVID-19 infection. 10, 11 Concerning the heart and vascular component of COVID-19 infection, dysregulation of the ACE-2 related pathways are linked to cardiac muscle injury and potential hemodynamic collapse. keywords: aceis; analysis; angiotensin; arbs; association; blockers; cardiovascular; clinical; converting; coronavirus; covid-19; data; disease; enzyme; health; hospitalized; humans; hypertension; infection; inhibitors; mortality; non; novel; pandemic; patients; potential; receptor; related; renin; risk; system; use; wuhan cache: cord-282256-lqmixm7s.txt plain text: cord-282256-lqmixm7s.txt item: #26 of 62 id: cord-286638-bqxyb61p author: Singh, Awadhesh Kumar title: Diabetes in COVID-19: Prevalence, pathophysiology, prognosis and practical considerations date: 2020-04-09 words: 4831 flesch: 40 summary: Based on these findings and acknowledging the higher morbidities and mortality associated with comorbidities, researchers have recently proposed that the course of treatment and prognosis of COVID-19 should be stratified based on the absence or presence of co-morbidities in to type A, B and C. While Type A represents COVID-19 patients with pneumonia with no comorbidities, Type B denotes COVID-19 pneumonia with comorbidities; and Type C denotes COVID-19 pneumonia with multi-organ dysfunction [30] . High prevalence of diabetes makes it an important comorbidity in patients with COVID-19. keywords: ace; acute; analysis; angiotensin; association; blood; cell; characteristics; china; clinical; comorbidities; continuous; control; converting; coronavirus; covid-19; cvd; data; diabetes; diabetic; dipeptidyl; disease; dpp4; east; effect; entry; enzyme; evidence; expression; factors; glucose; high; hypertension; ill; important; increase; infection; inhibitors; insulin; levels; mers; meta; metformin; middle; mortality; non; novel; outcomes; patients; people; pneumonia; prevalence; receptor; respiratory; review; risk; sars; severe; severity; studies; study; subcutaneous; syndrome; telemedicine; times; treatment; type; use; viral; wuhan cache: cord-286638-bqxyb61p.txt plain text: cord-286638-bqxyb61p.txt item: #27 of 62 id: cord-286825-bu7j7kdr author: Macours, Nathalie title: Structure, Evolutionary Conservation, and Functions of Angiotensin- and Endothelin-Converting Enzymes date: 2004-10-04 words: 17603 flesch: 39 summary: The discovery of ACE activity in the hemolymph of insects , together with the knowledge of putative prohormone converting activity of ACE, indicated the possible involvement of ACE in the proteolytic processing of insect antibacterial peptides from their precursors (Isaac et al., 1998a) . Although insect ACE activity was primarily detected in a membrane preparation from heads of the housefly, M. domestica , this ACE protein was later found not to behave as an integral membrane protein. keywords: ace; ace activity; ace homolog; ace2; acer; acid; active; activity; addition; alzheimer; amino; amyloid; analysis; ance; angii; angiotensin; angiotensin converting; big; big et; binding; biochemical; blood; bradykinin; brain; bullata; captopril; carboxypeptidase; catalytic; cdna; cells; characterization; cleavage; cloning; conserved; control; conversion; converting; converting enzyme; cysteine; data; degrading; development; dipeptidase; discovery; disease; distribution; diverent; domain; domestica; drosophila; ece; ece-1; elegans; endopeptidase; endothelin; enzyme; enzyme-1; essential; et al; et-1; et-3; ets; evect; evolution; evolutionary; existence; expression; extracellular; fact; factor; family; fertility; fig; fly; form; formation; function; gene; genome; glycosylation; group; heart; hemolymph; high; homolog; hormone; human; human ace; hydrolysis; identification; identity; immune; important; inactivation; inhibition; inhibitors; injection; insect; insect ace; invertebrate; involvement; isaac; isoforms; kda; kell; kidney; knowledge; large; leech; levels; like; locust; lps; m13; major; male; mammalian; mammalian ace; melanogaster; members; membrane; metabolism; metalloproteases; mice; migratoria; molecular; molecule; mori; neb; nep; neprilysin; nervous; neuronal; neutral; new; normal; novel; organisms; ovaries; peptidases; peptide; peptidyl; pex; phosphoramidon; physiological; possible; potential; presence; present; pressure; processing; properties; protein; proteolytic; purification; putative; ras; receptor; region; regulation; regulatory; related; renal; renin; reproductive; residues; response; responsible; result; role; sace; salzet; sars; sep; sequence; shares; similar; single; site; soluble; somatic; species; specific; specificity; structure; studies; substrate; system; tace; terminal; terminus; testicular; testis; tissues; tmof; transmembrane; type; vertebrates; vivo; xce; zinc cache: cord-286825-bu7j7kdr.txt plain text: cord-286825-bu7j7kdr.txt item: #28 of 62 id: cord-289144-d6fgs8qg author: Sieńko, Jerzy title: COVID-19: The Influence of ACE Genotype and ACE-I and ARBs on the Course of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Elderly Patients date: 2020-07-21 words: 5138 flesch: 42 summary: Given the lack of Angiotensin II, an increase in ACE2 receptors and a reduction in general inflammation. In 2007, Danser et al proposed ACE phenotyping to explain 69 Due to many variables such as age, gender and comorbidities, they were unable to determine the effect of these drugs on the development of infection, but they proved that patients using ACE-I had an increase in the number of ACE2 receptors. keywords: ace2; acute; adam17; age; allele; analysis; angiotensin; arbs; ards; associated; association; at1r; blockers; cardiology; cardiovascular; cells; clinical; converting; coronavirus; course; cov-2; covid-19; disease; drugs; effect; enzyme; european; evidence; expression; factor; gene; genetic; heart; host; human; hypertension; increased; infection; inhibitors; levels; lung; mechanisms; mortality; novel; pandemic; patients; people; polymorphisms; population; potential; receptor; renin; respiratory; review; risk; role; rs2106809; sars; severe; snps; society; studies; study; syndrome; system; tmprss2; treatment; use; variants; viral cache: cord-289144-d6fgs8qg.txt plain text: cord-289144-d6fgs8qg.txt item: #29 of 62 id: cord-289477-cjm7qhr4 author: Mueller, Sylvia title: Potentiation of bradykinin actions by analogues of the bradykinin potentiating nonapeptide BPP(9α) date: 2005-04-25 words: 7075 flesch: 41 summary: These cells contain both types of BK receptors, BKR-B 1 and BRK-B 2 , as demonstrated using BK agonists and antagonists in the migration assay Other potentiating peptides and peptidomimetics besides the oligopeptides isolated from snake venoms have been used in these studies. keywords: able; ace; acid; active; activities; activity; agonist; amino; analogues; angiotensin; arachidonic; bk receptor; bkr; bothrops; bpp; bradykinin; calyculin; cells; characterization; compounds; concentration; contraction; converting; degradation; described; differences; different; effect; enzyme; extracellular; factors; fig; formation; gpi; guinea; hand; hormone; human; ileum; influence; inhibition; inhibitors; inositol; interaction; isolated; isolation; jararaca; level; mechanism; migration; min; molecular; muscle; nonapeptide; organs; pathways; peptides; phosphates; pig; pmn; potentiating; potentiating peptides; presence; protein; ramiprilat; receptor; release; requirements; resensitization; resin; results; role; signal; smooth; structural; studies; synthesis; system; test; venom cache: cord-289477-cjm7qhr4.txt plain text: cord-289477-cjm7qhr4.txt item: #30 of 62 id: cord-290148-6cxndab8 author: Rossi, Gian Paolo title: Potential harmful effects of discontinuing ACE-inhibitors and ARBs in COVID-19 patients date: 2020-04-06 words: 3173 flesch: 23 summary: Compelling evidence from animal models of ARDS, lung fibrosis, asthma, and chronic obstructive lung disease indicate that these effects are essential for ARDS to develop and that both ACEIs and ARBs block the disease-propagating effect of Ang II (Dhawale et al., 2016; Imai et al., 2005; Kaparianos and Argyropoulou, 2011) . Thus, blunting the ACE-1-Ang II-AT 1 R axis while enhancing the ACE-1-Ang II-AT 2 R, the ACE-2-Ang(1-7)-AT 2 R or the ACE-2-Ang(1-7)-MasR receptor axes ( Figure 1 , panel B) likely protects from ARDS triggered by infectious pathogens, including coronaviruses (Dhawale et al., 2016; Imai et al., 2005; Kaparianos and Argyropoulou, 2011; Meng et al., 2014) . keywords: ace-1; ace2; aceis; acute; ang(1; angiotensin; arbs; ards; binding; cells; converting; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; disease; effects; enzyme; et al; evidence; failure; fibrosis; figure; harmful; hypertension; infection; inhibitors; lung; panel; pathway; patients; protein; pulmonary; receptor; renin; respiratory; risk; sars; soluble; syndrome; system; therapeutic; tmprss2; treatment; virus cache: cord-290148-6cxndab8.txt plain text: cord-290148-6cxndab8.txt item: #31 of 62 id: cord-291146-f3e5ynhu author: Sarangarajan, Rangaprasad title: Ethnic Prevalence of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Deletion (D) Polymorphism and COVID-19 Risk: Rationale for Use of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors/Angiotensin Receptor Blockers date: 2020-09-08 words: 4330 flesch: 25 summary: The study objective was to describe a biological framework associating ethnic prevalence of ACE deletion polymorphism to COVID-19 comorbidities providing rationale for therapeutic utility of ACE-I/ARBs to improve outcomes. The figure describes the increased activation of ACE and generation of Ang-II as a consequence of COVID-19-mediated reduction in ACE2 in the presence of ACE deletion polymorphism. keywords: ace; ace deletion; ace2; activation; activities; activity; acute; african; allele; angiotensin; arbs; ards; clinical; consequence; converting; covid-19; damage; deletion; deletion polymorphism; diabetic; disease; distress; effects; enzyme; expression; frequency; gene; heart; higher; hypertension; increase; individuals; infection; inflammatory; influence; insertion; kidney; levels; lung; mortality; observed; outcomes; patients; polymorphism; population; potential; presence; prevalence; ras; rationale; receptor; renal; renin; respiratory; risk; sars; severity; signalling; studies; system; use cache: cord-291146-f3e5ynhu.txt plain text: cord-291146-f3e5ynhu.txt item: #32 of 62 id: cord-295041-5vpawtef author: Jakhmola, Shweta title: SARS-CoV-2, an Underestimated Pathogen of the Nervous System date: 2020-09-28 words: 5028 flesch: 35 summary: Cochrane Database Syst Rev SARS-CoV-2: recent reports on antiviral therapies based on lopinavir/ritonavir, darunavir/ umifenovir, hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, favipiravir and other drugs for the treatment of the new coronavirus Amantadine disrupts lysosomal gene expression: a hypothesis for COVID19 treatment TH17 responses in cytokine storm of COVID-19: an emerging target of JAK2 inhibitor Fedratinib Proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines in humans with Japanese encephalitis COVID-19 in a MS patient treated with ocrelizumab: does immunosuppression have a protective role? Neuroinflammation during RNA viral infections Inflammatory activation of microglia and astrocytes in manganese neurotoxicity Microglia in infectious diseases of the central nervous system Astrocytes maintain glutamate homeostasis in the CNS by controlling the balance between glutamate uptake and release Vitamin D receptor activation regulates microglia polarization and oxidative stress in spontaneously hypertensive rats and angiotensin IIexposed microglial cells: role of renin-angiotensin system Within the brain: the renin angiotensin system Coronavirus neurovirulence correlates with the ability of the virus to induce proinflammatory cytokine signals from astrocytes and microglia Hematological findings in SARS patients and possible mechanisms (review) Activation of human monocytes after infection by human coronavirus 229E Understanding SARS-CoV-2-Mediated inflammatory responses: from mechanisms to potential therapeutic tools COVID-19: consider cytokine storm syndromes and immunosuppression Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2: central regulator for cardiovascular function ACE2 in brain physiology and pathophysiology: evidence from transgenic animal models Inhibitory interneurons regulate temporal precision and correlations in cortical circuits Angiotensin II regulation of angiotensin-converting enzymes in spontaneously hypertensive rat primary astrocyte cultures SARS-CoV2 entry and spread in the lymphatic drainage system of the brain Central nervous system involvement by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) Evidence of the COVID-19 virus targeting the CNS: tissue distribution, host-virus interaction, and proposed neurotropic mechanisms Can the enteric nervous system be an alternative entrance door in SARS-CoV2 neuroinvasion? SARS-CoV-2 productively infects human gut enterocytes The pivotal link between ACE2 deficiency and SARS-CoV-2 infection SARS-CoV-2: olfaction, brain infection, and the urgent need for clinical samples allowing earlier virus detection The olfactory bulb: an immunosensory effector organ during neurotropic viral infections Respiratory barrier as a safeguard and regulator of defense against influenza A virus and Single-cell analysis of olfactory neurogenesis and differentiation in adult humans Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection causes neuronal death in the absence of encephalitis in mice transgenic for human ACE2 Characterization of spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 on virus entry and its immune cross-reactivity with SARS-CoV Novel dynamics of human mucociliary differentiation revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing of nasal epithelial cultures Hierarchical deconstruction of mouse olfactory sensory neurons: from whole mucosa to single-cell RNA-seq A multibasic cleavage site in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 is essential for infection of human lung cells Furin at the cutting edge: from protein traffic to embryogenesis and disease Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations T helper cell 17 (Th17)-mediated cytokine storm, evident in virus infections, is seen in COVID-19 with neurological manifestations (Fig. 1b) keywords: ace2; activation; acute; alterations; angiotensin; animal; association; astrocytes; barrier; bbb; blood; brain; cases; cells; central; cerebrospinal; children; clinical; cns; coronavirus; cortex; cov-2; covid-19; csf; cytokines; damage; disease; distribution; encephalitis; endothelial; enteric; entry; expression; fig; fluid; host; human; immune; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; influenza; like; manifestations; meningitis; microglia; motor; multiple; necrotizing; nerve; nervous; nervous system; neurological; neuronal; neurons; non; olfactory; organ; parkinson; pathway; patients; peripheral; pns; potential; pro; protein; receptor; report; respiratory; response; rna; role; sars; severe; spread; storm; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; system; term; tmprss2; treatment; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-295041-5vpawtef.txt plain text: cord-295041-5vpawtef.txt item: #33 of 62 id: cord-296683-fjn29oal author: Sarode, Sachin C title: Oral submucous fibrosis and COVID-19: Perspective on comorbidity date: 2020-05-21 words: 967 flesch: 46 summary: key: cord-296683-fjn29oal authors: Sarode, Sachin C; Sarode, Gargi S; Gondivkar, Shailesh; Gadbail, Amol; Gopalkrishnan, Dharmarajan; Patil, Shankargouda title: Oral submucous fibrosis and COVID-19: Perspective on comorbidity date: 2020-05-21 journal: Oral Oncol DOI: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2020.104811 sha: doc_id: 296683 cord_uid: fjn29oal nan Funding source: None declared. Physiological and pathological regulation of ACE2, the SARS-CoV-2 receptor SARS and MERS: recent insights into emerging coronaviruses High expression of ACE2 receptor of 2019-nCoV on the epithelial cells of oral mucosa Angiotensin II revisited: new roles in inflammation, immunology and aging A novel angiotensin-converting enzymerelated carboxypeptidase (ACE2) converts angiotensin I to angiotensin 1-9 Loss of angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 leads to the late development of angiotensin IIdependent glomerulosclerosis Oral submucous fibrosis: a case-control study in Chennai, South India Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene insertion/deletion polymorphism is associated with risk of oral precancerous lesion in betel quid chewers Factors Associated With Mental Health Outcomes Among Health Care Workers Exposed to Coronavirus Disease Oral submucous fibrosis: review on aetiology and pathogenesis Figure 1. keywords: ace; ace2; angiotensin; binding; cavity; comorbidity; converting; covid-19; entry; fibrosis; frontline; infection; oral; osmf; patients; present; reported; submucous; virus; workers cache: cord-296683-fjn29oal.txt plain text: cord-296683-fjn29oal.txt item: #34 of 62 id: cord-298515-5n7hxhbg author: Oarhe, Chinyere I. title: Hyperoxia downregulates angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 in human fetal lung fibroblasts date: 2015-02-09 words: 5022 flesch: 44 summary: We report here the findings that ACE-2 protein and enzyme activity are severely decreased by hyperoxia in human fetal lung fibroblast cultures. (a) Western blotting for ACE-2 protein was then performed and normalized to β-actin. keywords: actin; activity; acute; adam17; alveolar; angii; angiotensin; blotting; bpd; caspase; cells; collagen; complete; converting; culture; decrease; ectodomain; effect; enzymatic; enzyme; enzyme-2; epithelial; experimental; exposure; fetal; fibroblasts; fibrosis; figure; free; gas; human; hyperoxia; immunoreactive; imr90; increase; inhibitor; injury; lung; mechanisms; media; methods; mice; models; mrna; neonatal; normoxic; oxygen; plate; protein; pulmonary; receptor; recovery; reduction; role; sars; shedding; significant; study; system; tace; tapi-2; tissue; total; type; western cache: cord-298515-5n7hxhbg.txt plain text: cord-298515-5n7hxhbg.txt item: #35 of 62 id: cord-300850-59j1m2tm author: Peron, Jean Pierre Schatzmann title: Susceptibility of the Elderly to SARS-CoV-2 Infection: ACE-2 Overexpression, Shedding, and Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE) date: 2020-05-11 words: 3268 flesch: 34 summary: A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for virus origins and receptor binding Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China Risk Factors Associated With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome and Death in Patients With Coronavirus Disease Global burden of respiratory infections associated with seasonal influenza in children under 5 years in 2018: a systematic review and modelling study Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is a functional receptor for the SARS coronavirus Tissue distribution of ACE2 protein, the functional receptor for SARS coronavirus. A first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis Epidemiologic Features and Clinical Course of Patients Infected With SARS-CoV-2 in Singapore Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is an essential regulator of heart function Angiotensinconverting enzyme 2 and angiotensin 1-7: novel therapeutic targets Anti-Hypertensive Medication Combinations in the United States Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin II receptor blockers on cardiac angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 Upregulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 after myocardial infarction by blockade of angiotensin II receptors Olmesartan is an angiotensin II receptor blocker with an inhibitory effect on angiotensin-converting enzyme Upregulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) 2 in hepatic fibrosis by ACE inhibitors Tumor necrosis factor-alpha convertase (ADAM17) mediates regulated ectodomain shedding of the severe-acute respiratory syndromecoronavirus (SARS-CoV) receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) Detection of soluble angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 in heart failure: insights into the endogenous counter-regulatory pathway of the renin-angiotensinaldosterone system Clinical Relevance and Role of Neuronal AT 1 Receptors in ADAM17-Mediated ACE2 Shedding in Neurogenic Hypertension Modulation of TNF-alpha-converting enzyme by the spike protein of SARS-CoV and ACE2 induces TNF-alpha production and facilitates viral entry Ectodomain shedding of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 in human airway epithelia Receptor Recognition by the Novel Coronavirus from Wuhan: an Analysis Based on Decade-Long Structural Studies of SARS Coronavirus TACE antagonists blocking ACE2 shedding caused by the spike protein of SARS-CoV are candidate antiviral compounds Inhibition of dengue and chikungunya virus infections by RIG-I-mediated type I interferon-independent stimulation of the innate antiviral response The Brazilian Zika virus strain causes birth defects in experimental models Enhancement of Zika virus pathogenesis by preexisting antiflavivirus immunity Dengue virus sero-cross-reactivity drives antibodydependent enhancement of infection with zika virus Viral Load and Cytokine Response Profile Does Not Support Antibody-Dependent Enhancement in Dengue-Primed Zika Virus-Infected Patients Antibody-Dependent Enhancement of Ebola Virus Infection by Human Antibodies Isolated from Survivors Extensive complement-dependent enhancement of HIV-1 by autologous non-neutralising antibodies at early stages of infection Highlights for Dengue Immunopathogenesis: Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, Cytokine Storm, and Beyond Functions of TAM RTKs in regulating spermatogenesis and male fertility in mice Anti-spike IgG causes severe acute lung injury by skewing macrophage responses during acute SARS-CoV infection Antibody responses against SARS coronavirus are correlated with disease outcome of infected individuals Severe pandemic 2009 H1N1 influenza disease due to pathogenic immune complexes Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 is a functional receptor for the emerging human coronavirus-EMC Immunodominant SARS Coronavirus Epitopes in Humans Elicited both Enhancing and Neutralizing Effects on Infection in Non-human Primates keywords: ace; ade; angiotensin; antibodies; antibody; at1r; blockers; cells; children; concentrations; context; converting; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; dependent; disease; elderly; enhancement; enzyme; exposure; expression; health; heart; host; human; hypertensive; infected; infection; inhibitors; lung; neutralizing; patients; previous; protein; pulmonary; receptor; respiratory; sace-2; sars; severe; shedding; spike; susceptibility; tissues; use; viral cache: cord-300850-59j1m2tm.txt plain text: cord-300850-59j1m2tm.txt item: #36 of 62 id: cord-301546-yck1t3pp author: Kozaki, Toshinori title: Comparison of two acetylcholinesterase gene cDNAs of the lesser mealworm, Alphitobius diaperinus, in insecticide susceptible and resistant strains date: 2007-12-28 words: 2508 flesch: 42 summary: Despite the diversity and economic importance of Coleoptera, Ace genes have been reported from only two beetles: Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Zhu et al., 1996) and Tribolium castaneum (http://www.hgsc.bcm.tmc/edu/projects/ tribolium/). The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences of AdAce1 (Drosophila Ace orthologous) keywords: ace; acetylcholinesterase; ache; acid; adace1; alphitobius; amino; beetles; carbamate; castaneum; cdna; coleoptera; decemlineata; deduced; denmark; diaperinus; domestica; drosophila; fig; gene; individuals; insect; insecticide; kennebec; lesser; mealworm; mutations; organophosphate; orthologous; paralogous; residues; resistance; sequences; species; strains; susceptible; tetrachlorvinphos; waycross cache: cord-301546-yck1t3pp.txt plain text: cord-301546-yck1t3pp.txt item: #37 of 62 id: cord-302316-raf5rlkq author: Brüssow, Harald title: COVID‐19: From pathogenesis models to the first drug trials date: 2020-06-23 words: 6948 flesch: 40 summary: A Chinese study used anakinra in severe COVID-19 patients who could not receive intensive care due to overwhelming patient numbers. The Authors Isolation of SARS-CoV-2-related coronavirus from malayan pangolins Pathological findings of COVID-19 associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome Effective treatment of severe COVID-19 patients with tocilizumab Effect of convalescent plasma therapy on viral shedding and survival in COVID-19 patients SARS-CoV-2 receptor ACE2 is an interferon-stimulated gene in human airway epithelial cells and is detected in specific cell subsets across tissues I thank Jacqueline Steinhauser, and Kenneth Timmis and Lutz Br€ ussow for critical reading of the manuscript. keywords: alveolar; anakinra; analysis; animals; antiviral; arbidol; authors; cases; cats; cell; cellular; china; chinese; clinical; clinicians; coagulopathy; combination; control; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 patients; culture; cytokines; damage; data; days; death; difference; diffuse; disease; dose; drug; effect; epidemic; et al; expression; ferrets; group; hcq; high; higher; hospitalization; human; hydroxychloroquine; il-6; immune; increased; infected; infection; inflammatory; inhibitor; interferon; levels; lopinavir; low; lower; lung; mice; moderate; mortality; number; observations; pathogenesis; pathology; patients; placebo; pneumonia; positive; primary; protease; protein; pulmonary; randomized; receptor; remdesivir; replication; researchers; respiratory; response; retrospective; risk; ritonavir; rna; sars; severe; severe covid-19; significant; small; study; symptoms; syndrome; tissue; titres; tmprss2; tract; treatment; trial; use; viral; virus cache: cord-302316-raf5rlkq.txt plain text: cord-302316-raf5rlkq.txt item: #38 of 62 id: cord-304742-ytf2ilw4 author: Albini, Adriana title: The SARS-CoV-2 receptor, ACE-2, is expressed on many different cell types: implications for ACE-inhibitor- and angiotensin II receptor blocker-based antihypertensive therapies—reply date: 2020-07-14 words: 1195 flesch: 34 summary: key: cord-304742-ytf2ilw4 authors: Albini, Adriana; Noonan, Douglas McClain; Pelosi, Giuseppe; Di Guardo, Giovanni; Lombardo, Michele title: The SARS-CoV-2 receptor, ACE-2, is expressed on many different cell types: implications for ACE-inhibitor- and angiotensin II receptor blocker-based antihypertensive therapies—reply date: 2020-07-14 journal: Intern Emerg Med DOI: 10.1007/s11739-020-02436-7 sha: doc_id: 304742 cord_uid: ytf2ilw4 nan We read with great interest the comment by Dr. De Cauwer [1] in response to our Point of View [2] . The SARS-CoV-2 receptor, ACE-2, is expressed on many different cell types: implications for ACEinhibitor-and angiotensin II receptor blocker-based cardiovascular therapies: comment The SARS-CoV-2 receptor, ACE-2, is expressed on many different cell types: implications for ACE-inhibitor-and angiotensin II receptor blocker-based cardiovascular therapies ACE 2 coding variants: a potential X-linked risk factor for COVID-19 disease Host cell proteases: critical determinants of coronavirus tropism and pathogenesis Down syndrome and COVID-19: a perfect storm? keywords: angiotensin; cauwer; cells; clinical; comment; course; cov-2; covid-19; different; disease; females; individuals; infection; patients; protease; receptor; sars; syndrome; tmprss2; trisomy; variants; viral cache: cord-304742-ytf2ilw4.txt plain text: cord-304742-ytf2ilw4.txt item: #39 of 62 id: cord-306739-4lokd97u author: Gesierich, Wolfgang title: Sind ACE-Hemmer eher negativ oder doch von Vorteil bei COVID-19? date: 2020-07-14 words: 365 flesch: 49 summary: Bereits aus der Zeit von SARS gibt es experimentelle Daten, die eine entsprechende Interaktion zwischen SARS-CoV-1 und dem RAAS belegen key: cord-306739-4lokd97u authors: Gesierich, Wolfgang title: Sind ACE-Hemmer eher negativ oder doch von Vorteil bei COVID-19? date: 2020-07-14 journal: Pneumo News DOI: 10.1007/s15033-020-1857-7 sha: doc_id: 306739 cord_uid: 4lokd97u nan SARS-CoV-2 bindet mit seinem Spike-Protein an ACE2 und führt nach Endozytose des Komplexes zu einer Herunterregulation von ACE2 auf der Zelloberfläche keywords: ace; ards; auch; bei; covid-19; der; effekt; einer; gibt; hemmer; lung; mit; raas; sars; sind; und; von; werden cache: cord-306739-4lokd97u.txt plain text: cord-306739-4lokd97u.txt item: #40 of 62 id: cord-306755-9q1mawfs author: Rivière, Guillaume title: Characterization of the first angiotensin-converting like enzyme in bacteria: Ancestor ACE is already active date: 2007-09-01 words: 5369 flesch: 42 summary: However, LdDCP was not reported to hydrolyse AngI and does not display sequence homology with ACE enzymes. Thus, the presence of ACE in bacteria, like the situation encountered in annelids, is unlikely to be related to parasitism, suggesting that bacterial ACE, represented herein by XcACE, corresponds to the ancestral, original enzyme. keywords: ace; aces; acid; active; activity; amino; analysis; ance; ancestral; angiotensin; bacterial; binding; biochemical; captopril; carboxypeptidase; cells; characterization; chloride; citri; cloning; conserved; contrast; converting; corradi; culture; data; different; distant; dna; domain; drosophila; enzyme; et al; expression; fig; functional; gene; hhl; homologue; human; hydrolysis; inhibitor; leech; like; lisinopril; mammalian; min; model; molecular; natesh; native; organisms; pcr; peptide; presence; present; primary; protein; putative; recombinant; related; residues; sace; section; sequence; similar; single; site; soluble; species; specific; structure; substrate; tace; terminal; total; xanthomonas; xcace; zinc cache: cord-306755-9q1mawfs.txt plain text: cord-306755-9q1mawfs.txt item: #41 of 62 id: cord-311099-59pnm4fn author: Lubel, John S title: Liver disease and the renin–angiotensin system: Recent discoveries and clinical implications date: 2008-06-28 words: 7737 flesch: 37 summary: A study in the isolated perfused rat liver Hemodynamic and antifibrotic effects of losartan in rats with liver fibrosis and/or portal hypertension Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II antagonists as therapy in chronic liver disease Effect of losartan, an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, on portal pressure in cirrhosis Randomized comparison of long-term losartan versus propranolol in lowering portal pressure in cirrhosis Chronic administration of losartan, an angiotensin II receptor antagonist, is not effective in reducing portal pressure in patients with preascitic cirrhosis Hemodynamic effects of the angiotensin II receptor antagonist irbesartan in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension The levels of renin activity, angiotensin converting enzyme and angiotensin II in cirrhotic patients with ascites undergoing portacaval shunt Effects of captopril on renal function in patients with cirrhosis and ascites Acute effects of captopril on systemic and renal hemodynamics and on renal function in cirrhotic patients with ascites Clinical usefulness of the angiotensin II receptor antagonist losartan in patients with portal hypertensive gastropathy Effects of captopril on hepatic venous pressure and blood flow in patients with liver cirrhosis Captopril reduces portal pressure effectively in portal hypertensive patients with low portal venous velocity Haemodynamic effects of enalaprilat on portal hypertension in patients with HBsAg-positive cirrhosis Effect of enalapril treatment and sclerotherapy of esophageal varices on hepatic hemodynamics in portal hypertension Circulating activities of angiotensin-converting enzyme, its homolog, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, and neprilysin in a family study A1166C angiotensin II type 1 receptor gene polymorphism may predict hemodynamic response to losartan in patients with cirrhosis and portal hypertension Significance of chymase-dependent angiotensin II formation in the progression of human liver fibrosis Hepatic chymase level in chronic hepatitis: colocalization of chymase with fibrosis Renin-angiotensin system inhibition: how much is too much of a good thing Endogenous angiotensin II levels and the mechanism of action of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor type 1 antagonists aldosterone and renal haemodynamics in cirrhosis with ascites Hepatic hemodynamics and the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in cirrhosis Diagnostic significance of serum angiotensin-converting enzyme activity in biochemical tests with special reference of chronic liver diseases Liver fibrosis: a balance of ACEs? The renin-angiotensin system in a rat model of hepatic fibrosis: evidence for a protective role of Angiotensin Metabolism of angiotensin-(1-7) by angiotensin-converting enzyme Converting enzyme determines plasma clearance of angiotensin-(1-7) Pathways for angiotensin-(1-7) metabolism in pulmonary and renal tissues Angiotensin 1-7 reduces bile duct proliferation and hepatic fibrosis in the bile duct ligated rat Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is a negative regulator of chronic liver injury Advances in biochemical and functional roles of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 and angiotensin-(1-7) in regulation of cardiovascular function Upregulation of the ACE2/Ang(1-7)/Mas receptor axis in the bile duct ligation (BDL) model of hepatic fibrosis does not affect hepatic sinusoidal resistance Hepatic conversion of angiotensin I and the portal hypertensive response to angiotensin II in normal and regenerating liver Angiotensin-(1-7)-stimulated nitric oxide and superoxide release from endothelial cells Vascular endothelial dysfunction in cirrhosis Influence of caveolin on constitutively activated recombinant eNOS: insights into eNOS dysfunction in BDL rat liver Reactive hyperreninemia is a major determinant of plasma angiotensin II during ACE inhibition Gradual reactivation of vascular angiotensin I to angiotensin II conversion during chronic ACE inhibitor therapy in patients with diabetes mellitus Determinants of increased angiotensin II levels in severe chronic heart failure patients despite ACE inhibition How often are angiotensin II and aldosterone concentrations raised during chronic ACE inhibitor treatment in cardiac failure? Expression of angiotensin II type 1 receptor in human cirrhotic livers: Its relation to fibrosis and portal hypertension Effects of renin-angiotensin system blockade on renal angiotensin-(1-7) forming enzymes and receptors Divergent regulation of circulating and intrarenal renin-angiotensin systems in response to long-term blockade Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin II receptor blockers on cardiac angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 Angiotensin-(1-7) contributes to the antihypertensive effects of blockade of the renin-angiotensin system The role of Ang (1-7) in mediating the chronic hypotensive effects of losartan in normal rats Vasodepressor actions of angiotensin-(1-7) unmasked during combined treatment with lisinopril and losartan Evidence that prostaglandins mediate the antihypertensive actions of angiotensin-(1-7) during chronic blockade of the renin-angiotensin system Upregulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 after myocardial infarction by blockade of angiotensin II receptors Pharmacological effects of AVE 0991, a nonpeptide angiotensin-(1-7) receptor agonist Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 and new insights into the renin-angiotensin system Dr John Lubel is a recipient of an Australia National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) scholarship, and Peter Angus and Louise Burrell hold an NHMRC project grant (509315). The regulatory role of AT 1 receptor on activated HSCs in hepatic fibrogenesis: effects of RAS inhibitors on hepatic fibrosis induced by CCl(4) Inhibition of renin-angiotensin system attenuates liver enzyme-altered preneoplastic lesions and fibrosis development in rats Effect of losartan, an angiotensin II antagonist, on secondary biliary cirrhosis Effect of losartan on early liver fibrosis development in a rat model of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker inhibits fibrosis in rat nonalcoholic steatohepatitis Effects of six months losartan administration on liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C patients: a pilot study AT1 receptor antagonist Candesartan in selected cirrhotic patients: effect on portal pressure and liver fibrosis markers Effect of angiotensin receptor antagonist on liver fibrosis in early stages of chronic hepatitis C Combined effect of an ACE inhibitor, perindopril, and interferon on liver fibrosis markers in patients with chronic hepatitis C Beneficial effect of angiotensin-blocking agents on graft fibrosis in hepatitis C recurrence after liver transplantation Therapeutic efficacy of an angiotensin II receptor antagonist in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis Inhibitory effect of angiotensin II receptor antagonist on hepatic stellate cell activation in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis Development, structure and function of the liver Relation between portal pressure response to pharmacotherapy and risk of recurrent variceal haemorrhage in patients with cirrhosis Angiotensin II induces contraction and proliferation of human hepatic stellate cells Upregulation of hepatic angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) and angiotensin-(1-7) levels in experimental biliary fibrosis Vasoactive agents in intrahepatic portal hypertension and fibrogenesis: implications for therapy Differential response of normal and cirrhotic liver to vasoactive agents. keywords: ace; ace2; acid; actions; activity; aldosterone; alternative; amino; ang ii; ang-(1; angiotensin; angiotensin ii; angiotensin system; antagonist; antifibrotic; arb; at1; axes; axis; blockers; blood; bradykinin; captopril; cardiac; cells; central; changes; chronic; cirrhosis; cirrhotic; classical; components; converting; development; disease; drugs; effects; enzyme; evidence; expression; fibrosis; fig; function; gene; group; growth; hepatic; hepatitis; human; hypertension; iii; induced; inhibition; inhibitors; injury; levels; liver; losartan; mas; new; number; pathways; patients; peptide; plasma; portal; potential; pressure; progression; properties; ras; rat; rats; receptor; reduction; renal; renin; resistance; response; result; role; serum; severe; significant; studies; study; system; terminus; therapy; treatment; type; use; vascular cache: cord-311099-59pnm4fn.txt plain text: cord-311099-59pnm4fn.txt item: #42 of 62 id: cord-314868-ei2b8oqn author: Leung, J. M. title: ACE-2 Expression in the Small Airway Epithelia of Smokers and COPD Patients: Implications for COVID-19 date: 2020-03-23 words: 2713 flesch: 53 summary: There was a significant inverse relationship between ACE-2 gene expression and FEV1% of predicted (r=-0.24; p=0.035; Figure 1B) . First, the study was cross-sectional and as such, we could not determine whether interventions such as inhaled corticosteroids or bronchodilators (for those with COPD) could modulate ACE-2 gene expression in the airways. keywords: ace2; airways; angiotensin; author; available; cohort; converting; copd; copyright; coronavirus; counts; covid-19; cpm; current; disease; doi; enzyme; expression; fev1; funder; gene; holder; individuals; international; levels; license; lung; medrxiv; non; patients; peer; perpetuity; preprint; respiratory; risk; severe; smokers; smoking cache: cord-314868-ei2b8oqn.txt plain text: cord-314868-ei2b8oqn.txt item: #43 of 62 id: cord-315754-dq2empne author: Hasan, Anwarul title: A review on the cleavage priming of the spike protein on coronavirus by angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 and furin date: 2020-04-22 words: 4672 flesch: 37 summary: The COVID-19 spreads much more easily than the SARS virus and infecting easily the people have been already infected with SARS Lai et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2020) . Scientist have pointed out that among several targets, the SP as fusogenic envelope glycoprotein of SARS CoV, is a promising site for treatment of infectious diseases (Li et al., 2018; Licitra et al., 2013) . keywords: activation; activity; acute; analysis; angiotensin; anti; binding; cell; cellular; charge; cleavage; converting; coronavirus; cov; cov-2; covid-19; covs; cycle; development; different; disease; distribution; drug; entry; enzyme; epidemic; et al; fcs; figure; furin; fusion; hcs; health; host; human; important; infection; influenza; inhibitors; interaction; like; lung; mers; molecular; negative; new; novel; number; peptide; potential; promising; protein; rbd; receptor; respiratory; review; role; sars; site; small; spike; spread; studies; syndrome; targets; therapeutic; transmission; viral; viruses; whittaker; wuhan cache: cord-315754-dq2empne.txt plain text: cord-315754-dq2empne.txt item: #44 of 62 id: cord-317878-bqpj0ey0 author: Czick, Maureen title: COVID’s Razor: RAS Imbalance, the Common Denominator Across Disparate, Unexpected Aspects of COVID-19 date: 2020-09-11 words: 12687 flesch: 39 summary: 7 Journalists warned as COVID-19 patients developed renal failure requiring dialysis, 8 and obesity was linked to higher mortality. Many hospitalized COVID-19 patients reportedly display silent hypoxia: severe arterial hypoxemia without evident dyspnea, air hunger, or breathlessness. keywords: ace; ace axis; ace2; aceis; activation; activity; acute; addition; adults; african; aging; aii; aldosterone; alveolar; alveoli; americans; angioedema; angiotensin; angiotensin ii; angiotensin system; animal; anti; arbs; ards; arterial; at1; at2; axis; blockade; blockers; blood; body; bradykinin; calcium; cancer; cardiac; cardiovascular; carotid; case; cells; cellular; channels; china; circulating; clearance; clinical; coagulation; common; components; control; converting; coronary; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 patients; damage; data; death; decrease; diabetes; differences; disease; drugs; dysfunction; dysregulation; effects; elderly; endothelial; enzyme; estrogen; evidence; experimental; expression; factors; failure; fibrosis; figure; function; gene; glomus; growth; health; heart; higher; hpv; human; hypertension; hypoxemia; hypoxic; imbalance; immune; impact; implications; increased; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibitors; injury; insulin; kidneys; kinase; levels; like; likely; loss; lower; lung; mechanisms; men; models; mortality; mucociliary; muscle; myocardial; myocarditis; new; nicotine; obesity; organ; original; outcomes; oxygen; pao; patients; people; pneumocytes; polymorphism; population; potential; pressure; production; protective; protein; pulmonary; ras; rates; receptor; release; renal; renin; renin angiotensin; respiratory; response; review; risk; role; sars; second; severe; severe covid-19; severity; signaling; significant; smooth; sodium; states; stroke; studies; study; syndrome; system; times; tissue; tumor; type; update; vascular; vasoconstriction; ventilation; volume; women; worse cache: cord-317878-bqpj0ey0.txt plain text: cord-317878-bqpj0ey0.txt item: #45 of 62 id: cord-318327-9sh2eksm author: Garg, M. title: Review article: the pathophysiological roles of the renin–angiotensin system in the gastrointestinal tract date: 2012-01-05 words: 7228 flesch: 29 summary: Cloning and functional expression as a captoprilinsensitive carboxypeptidase Differential tissue and enzyme inhibitory effects of the vasopeptidase inhibitor omapatrilat in the rat Intestinal renin-angiotensin system is stimulated after deletion of Lkb1 Angiotensin II induced contraction of rat and human small intestinal wall musculature in vitro Angiotensin II-induced contractions in human jejunal wall musculature in vitro Angiotensin receptors and angiotensin I-converting enzyme in rat intestine Autoradiographic characterization of angiotensin II receptor subtypes in rat intestine Characterisation of AT1 angiotensin receptors on cultured rat intestinal epithelial (RIE-1) cells Identification of a previously unrecognized production site of human renin Involvement of an enterocyte reninangiotensin system in the local control of SGLT1-dependent glucose uptake across the rat small intestinal brush border membrane Angiotensinogen gene is expressed and differentially regulated in multiple tissues of the rat Plasma and tissue levels of proangiotensin-12 and components of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) following low-or high-salt feeding in rats Angiotensin II type 2 receptormediated duodenal mucosal alkaline secretion in the rat Interactions between angiotensin peptides and the sympathetic nervous system mediating intestinal sodium and water absorption in the rat Response of isolated rat jejunum to angiotensin peptides Response of rat jejunum to angiotensin III: pharmacology and mechanism of action Regulation of jejunal sodium and water absorption by angiotensin subtype receptors Regulation of intestinal fluid transport by angiotensin II: mechanisms and physiological significance Compartmentalization of extracellular cGMP determines absorptive or secretory responses in the rat jejunum Rat intestinal angiotensin-converting enzyme: purification, properties, expression, and function Distribution of brush-border membrane peptidases along the rat intestine A protein complex in the brushborder membrane explains a Hartnup disorder allele Immunohistochemical localization of angiotensin II receptor and local renin-angiotensin system in human colonic mucosa Stimulatory action of angiotensin II on water and electrolyte transport by the proximal colon of the rat The action of angiotensin on the human colon in vitro Increased colonic mucosal angiotensin I and II concentrations in Crohn's colitis A marker of microvascular complications Angiotensin II stimulates interleukin-6 release from cultured mouse mesangial cells Signal transduction mechanisms of the angiotensin II type AT-receptor: looking beyond the heterotrimeric G protein paradigm Potential roles of angiotensin receptor-activating autoantibody in the pathophysiology of preeclampsia Angiotensin II regulates the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines in the kidney Angiotensin receptor blockers and angiogenesis: clinical and experimental evidence Recent advances in the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2-angiotensin(1-7)-Mas axis Angiotensin III increases MCP-1 and activates NF-kappaB and AP-1 in cultured mesangial and mononuclear cells Angiotensin III stimulates aldosterone secretion from adrenal gland partially via angiotensin II type 2 receptor but not angiotensin II type 1 receptor Stimulation of different subtypes of angiotensin II receptors, AT1 and AT2 receptors, regulates STAT activation by negative crosstalk Direct angiotensin II type 2 receptor stimulation acts anti-inflammatory through epoxyeicosatrienoic acid and inhibition of nuclear factor kappaB Angiotensin II stimulates thick ascending limb keywords: absorption; ace; ace2; acid; activation; ang ii; angiotensin; angiotensin ii; angiotensinogen; animal; anti; at1r; at2r; blockade; blood; border; brain; brush; cancer; candesartan; cardiac; cardiovascular; cells; chymase; clinical; colitis; components; converting; crohn; disease; disorders; effects; electrolyte; enzyme; epithelial; evidence; experimental; expression; fibrosis; figure; fluid; functional; gastric; gastrointestinal; gene; glucose; growth; gut; heart; human; ibd; iii; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibition; inhibitors; intestine; involvement; kidney; lamina; levels; liver; local; mas; mice; microvascular; models; motility; mouse; mucosal; muscle; muscularis; nep; oesophageal; organs; patients; peptides; possible; production; propria; prorenin; ras; rat; receptor; reduced; regulation; renal; renin; reninangiotensin; response; risk; role; secretion; serum; small; smooth; sodium; studies; system; target; therapeutic; tissue; tract; type; ulcerative; vascular; vitro; water cache: cord-318327-9sh2eksm.txt plain text: cord-318327-9sh2eksm.txt item: #46 of 62 id: cord-319022-1twsxzcd author: Desai, Antonio title: The role of anti-hypertensive treatment, comorbidities and early introduction of LMWH in the setting of COVID-19: A retrospective, observational study in Northern Italy() date: 2020-09-25 words: 2874 flesch: 34 summary: JAMA The 2019 coronavirus: Learning curves, lessons, and the weakest link World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki: ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects World Health O. when COVID-19 disease is suspected: interim guidance Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin II receptor blockers on cardiac angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 Antihypertensive treatment with ACEI/ARB of patients with COVID-19 complicated by hypertension Outcomes in Patients with COVID-19 Infection Taking ACEI/ARB Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Engineered Human Tissues Using Clinical-Grade Soluble Human ACE2 Association of Inpatient Use of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers with Mortality Among Patients With Hypertension Hospitalized With COVID-19 Inhibitors of the Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System and Covid-19 Outcomes in hypertensive patients at high cardiovascular risk treated with regimens based on valsartan or amlodipine: the VALUE randomised trial Indication, Timing, and Surgical Treatment of Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Systematic Review and Proposal of a Management Algorithm Risk Factors Associated With Mortality Among Patients With COVID-19 in Intensive Care Units in Lombardy, Italy Anti-coagulant and anti-platelet therapy in the COVID-19 patient: a best practices quality initiative across a large health system Venous and arterial thromboembolic complications in COVID-19 patients admitted to an academic hospital in Milan, Italy -Thromb Res We would like to thank and dedicate this paper to all the professional A retrospective, observational study in Northern Italy() date: 2020-09-25 journal: Int J Cardiol DOI: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2020.09.062 sha: doc_id: 319022 cord_uid: 1twsxzcd BACKGROUND: There is a great deal of debate about the role of cardiovascular comorbidities and the chronic use of antihypertensive agents (such as ACE-I and ARBs) on mortality on COVID-19 patients. keywords: ace; ace2; admission; age; analysis; angiotensin; antihypertensive; arbs; blockers; cardiovascular; care; chronic; clinical; comorbidities; converting; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; disease; enzyme; health; high; hospital; hypertension; infection; inhibitors; italy; lmwh; lombardy; mortality; multivariate; patients; predictors; rate; receptor; risk; role; sars; significant; study; system; time; treatment; use; variables cache: cord-319022-1twsxzcd.txt plain text: cord-319022-1twsxzcd.txt item: #47 of 62 id: cord-322966-o65fo853 author: Arnold, Ruth H. title: COVID-19 – Does This Disease Kill Due to Imbalance of the Renin Angiotensin System (RAS) Caused by Genetic and Gender Differences in the Response to Viral ACE 2 Attacks? date: 2020-05-25 words: 5418 flesch: 40 summary: RAS medications can be used with greater confidence in COVID-19 patients with valid indications for their use, but a broader role for manipulation of the RAS in COVID-19 will require randomised trial data. Three (3) large observational studies reported in the NEJM have now examined this issue and found no evidence for increased risk of adverse outcomes in COVID-19 patients taking ACEI or ARBs [10, 13, 14] adding weight to previously reported smaller retrospective clinical studies [28] [29] keywords: ace; ace2; acei; acute; age; agents; angiotensin; arbs; blockers; cardiovascular; cases; china; circulating; clinical; converting; coronavirus; covid-19; data; death; differences; disease; downregulation; drugs; enzyme; evidence; expression; failure; fundamental; gender; genetic; greater; heart; higher; human; hypertension; imbalance; immune; impact; implications; infected; infection; inflammatory; inhibitors; key; levels; lung; mortality; neprilysin; patients; population; randomised; ras; rates; receptor; renin; replication; risk; role; sars; severe; severity; significant; studies; study; survivors; syndrome; system; therapeutic; tissue; treatment; trial; use; viral; vitamin cache: cord-322966-o65fo853.txt plain text: cord-322966-o65fo853.txt item: #48 of 62 id: cord-326405-3446eyi3 author: Wysocki, Jan title: Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2: Possible role in hypertension and kidney disease date: 2008-02-07 words: 5667 flesch: 45 summary: ACE2 expression and activity are initially increased in the SHR kidney at birth, but with the onset of hypertension, the tubular expression of ACE2 falls in SHR compared with WKY Association of angiotensinconverting enzyme 2 gene A/G polymorphism and elevated blood pressure in Chinese patients with metabolic syndrome Association study of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 gene (ACE2) polymorphisms and essential hypertension in northern Han Chinese Polymorphisms of ACE2 gene are associated with essential hypertension and antihypertensive effects of Captopril in women No association of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 gene (ACE2) polymorphisms with essential hypertension Association of angiotensinconverting enzyme 2 (ACE2) gene polymorphisms with parameters of left ventricular hypertrophy in men. Studies using models of ACE2 ablation and the pharmacologic administration of an ACE2 inhibitor suggest that decreased ACE2 activity alone or in combination with increased ACE activity may play a role in both diseases. keywords: accumulation; ace2; acid; active; activity; administration; amino; ang; ang ii; ang-(1; angiotensin; assay; associated; association; blood; carboxypeptidase; catalytic; cells; collectrin; combination; conversion; converting; development; diabetes; diabetic; disease; effects; enzyme; essential; evidence; expression; formation; gene; glomerular; heart; high; homologue; humans; hypertension; important; increase; inhibitor; injury; kidney; levels; measure; method; mice; mouse; mrna; novel; pattern; peptides; polymorphisms; possible; pressure; protein; proximal; rat; rats; renal; role; shr; staining; studies; study; substrate; time; tissue; tubular; tubules cache: cord-326405-3446eyi3.txt plain text: cord-326405-3446eyi3.txt item: #49 of 62 id: cord-326820-11sl17ap author: Bousquet, Jean title: Is diet partly responsible for differences in COVID-19 death rates between and within countries? date: 2020-05-27 words: 2316 flesch: 47 summary: These considerations may be partly involved in lower death rates in Southern Italy compared to the Northern part. Among the many possible areas of research, it might be important to understand diet and angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) levels in populations with different COVID-19 death rates since dietary interventions may be of great benefit. keywords: ace; activity; angiotensin; anti; case; converting; coronavirus; countries; country; cov-2; covid-19; death; diabetes; diet; dietary; differences; different; disease; early; enzyme; european; factors; food; germany; health; high; higher; important; large; low; lower; mortality; obesity; polymorphism; population; rates; risk; role; sars; states; supply; syndrome; type cache: cord-326820-11sl17ap.txt plain text: cord-326820-11sl17ap.txt item: #50 of 62 id: cord-327697-80msva10 author: Sarı, Cenk title: The outcomes of the postulated interaction between SARS-CoV-2 and the renin-angiotensin system on the clinician’s attitudes toward hypertension treatment date: 2020-11-09 words: 3555 flesch: 41 summary: Conversely, 27% of cardiologists, 13% of internal medicine specialists, 8% of general practitioners, and 6% of family medicine physicians had positive opinions that these medications could be associated with less severe disease and could be protective against infection of COVID-19 disease (Fig. 5b) . Professional societies have navigated this ambiguity by recommending that patients should continue to use ACE inhibitors or ARBs [10] . keywords: ace; ace2; angiotensin; arbs; blockers; cardiologists; clinical; concerns; converting; cov-2; covid-19; different; disease; enzyme; family; fig; general; hypertension; infected; infection; inhibitors; internal; level; medications; medicine; new; pandemic; patients; physicians; practitioners; prescribing; reliance; risk; sars; severe; studies; study; survey; system; therapy; total; treatment; turkey cache: cord-327697-80msva10.txt plain text: cord-327697-80msva10.txt item: #51 of 62 id: cord-330093-asba80bi author: Leung, Janice M. title: Smoking, ACE-2 and COVID-19: ongoing controversies date: 2020-07-16 words: 2785 flesch: 40 summary: K. Farsalinos and co-workers, through analysis of the pooled prevalence of current smoking across 11 case series determined that current smoking status was significantly lower than expected gender-and age-adjusted prevalence in COVID-19 patients. [2] , of 220 hospitalised and 311 nonhospitalised patients with COVID-19 patients across six acute care hospitals and associated outpatient clinics in metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, for instance, demonstrated that smoking was an independent risk factor for COVID-19 hospitalisation, carrying an odds ratio of 2.3 (95% CI 1.2-4.5). keywords: acute; age; airway; analysis; angiotensin; associated; cells; china; cigarette; clinical; copd; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; current; disease; electronic; expression; factor; gender; health; human; infection; iqos; nicotine; outcomes; pandemic; patients; prevalence; receptor; research; respiratory; risk; sars; severe; smokers; smoking; tobacco; use; vaping; world cache: cord-330093-asba80bi.txt plain text: cord-330093-asba80bi.txt item: #52 of 62 id: cord-332680-zfn81hew author: Chan, Chieh-Kai title: Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Inhibitors and Risks of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis date: 2020-09-10 words: 4305 flesch: 38 summary: The following variables were extracted: author, journal, publication year, study design, geographic location, participants' details (number, study population, age, sex, and comorbidities, including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, heart failure, and chronic kidney disease), use of antihypertensive drugs, such as ACE inhibitors, ARBs, calcium-channel blockers, beta-blockers, diuretics, outcomes (including positive SARS-CoV-2 test results and disease prognosis/severity, if available). Age has consistently been reported to be a common risk attributing to COVID-19 infection and its related mortality. keywords: ace; ace inhibitors; ace2; acute; age; analysis; angiotensin; arbs; articles; available; blockers; case; converting; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; disease; effect; enzyme; evidence; figure; higher; hypertension; infection; inhibitors; meta; mortality; odds; outcomes; patients; population; raasi; receptor; respiratory; results; review; risk; sars; severe; severity; studies; study; subjects; susceptibility; syndrome; systematic; table; use; users; younger cache: cord-332680-zfn81hew.txt plain text: cord-332680-zfn81hew.txt item: #53 of 62 id: cord-334490-42gykxdx author: Kammerlander, Andreas A. title: COVID-19: frequently asked questions to the cardiologist date: 2020-07-24 words: 1741 flesch: 30 summary: Furthermore, cardiac injury in patients with COVID-19, defined as a rise of highly sensitive troponin levels, has been identified as a strong predictor of morbidity and mortality in COVID-19 patients. In critically ill patients, VTE is frequent but seems to occur much more frequently in patients with COVID-19, with reported incidence rates of up to one third in ICU patients [22] . keywords: ace; acs; acute; angiotensin; anticoagulation; arb; cardiac; cases; china; clinical; conditions; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; disease; heart; icu; information; injury; levels; management; myocardial; myocarditis; novel; pandemic; patients; questions; risk; sars; syndrome; treatment; troponin; type; use; wuhan cache: cord-334490-42gykxdx.txt plain text: cord-334490-42gykxdx.txt item: #54 of 62 id: cord-338417-7kw9lws0 author: Singh, Awadhesh Kumar title: Comorbidities in COVID-19: Outcomes in hypertensive cohort and controversies with renin angiotensin system blockers date: 2020-04-09 words: 3216 flesch: 42 summary: Although the emerging data hints to an increase in mortality in COVID-19 patients with known hypertension, diabetes and CVD, it should be noted that it was not adjusted for multiple confounding factors. Harm or benefit in COVID-19 patients receiving RASB has not been typically assessed in these studies yet, although mechanistically and plausibly both, benefit and harm is possible with these agents, given that COVID-19 expresses to tissues through the receptor of angiotensin converting enzyme-2. keywords: ace2; acute; analysis; angiotensin; association; binding; blockers; cardiovascular; cell; characteristics; china; clinical; comorbidities; converting; coronavirus; covid-19; cvd; diabetes; disease; entry; enzyme; evidence; expression; human; hypertension; increase; infection; inhibitors; injury; lung; mortality; patients; pneumonia; protein; rasb; receptor; risk; sars; studies; study; use; wuhan cache: cord-338417-7kw9lws0.txt plain text: cord-338417-7kw9lws0.txt item: #55 of 62 id: cord-342786-dl8vjwfn author: Sattar, Yasar title: COVID-19 Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Cellular Pathogenesis, Clinical Manifestations and Management date: 2020-07-14 words: 5274 flesch: 32 summary: A study reports that heart failure is a common manifestation of COVID-19 patients, seen in 23% of affected patients [47] . Hypertension is frequently seen in COVID-19 patients however it is unclear whether it is a risk factor for acquiring COVID-19. keywords: ace2; acei; acute; angiotensin; arrhythmias; at1r; axis; cardiac; cardiogenic; cardiomyopathy; cardiovascular; case; cells; cellular; clinical; coagulation; complications; conditions; coronary; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cytokine; damage; diagnosis; disease; drug; dysfunction; effects; elevated; endothelial; expression; factor; failure; figure; heart; host; hypertension; il-6; immune; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; jacc; levels; like; management; manifestations; mortality; myocardial; myocarditis; outcomes; oxygen; pandemic; patients; pci; pericardial; pericarditis; potential; present; protein; pulmonary; receptor; release; rep; respiratory; review; right; risk; role; ros; sars; setting; severe; shock; state; stress; study; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; therapy; thromboembolism; treatment; trial; underlying; use; ventricular; viral cache: cord-342786-dl8vjwfn.txt plain text: cord-342786-dl8vjwfn.txt item: #56 of 62 id: cord-346811-gorp9n1g author: Hippisley-Cox, Julia title: Risk of severe COVID-19 disease with ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers: cohort study including 8.3 million people date: 2020-07-31 words: 5111 flesch: 45 summary: key: cord-346811-gorp9n1g authors: Hippisley-Cox, Julia; Young, Duncan; Coupland, Carol; Channon, Keith M; Tan, Pui San; Harrison, David A; Rowan, Kathryn; Aveyard, Paul; Pavord, Ian D; Watkinson, Peter J title: Risk of severe COVID-19 disease with ACE inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers: cohort study including 8.3 million people date: 2020-07-31 journal: Heart DOI: 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-317393 sha: doc_id: 346811 cord_uid: gorp9n1g BACKGROUND: There is uncertainty about the associations of angiotensive enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) drugs with COVID-19 disease. Of 19 486 patients who had COVID-19 disease, 1286 received ICU care. keywords: ace; ace inhibitors; admission; african; analysis; angiotensin; arbs; associated; association; black; care; cohort; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 disease; data; database; diagnosis; disease; drugs; england; ethnic; ethnicity; exposure; group; higher; hospital; hypertension; icu; infection; inhibitors; medication; outcomes; patients; pcr; population; positive; qresearch; receptor; reduced; risk; severe; severity; smokers; smoking; studies; study; susceptibility; treatment; use; variables; white; wide; years cache: cord-346811-gorp9n1g.txt plain text: cord-346811-gorp9n1g.txt item: #57 of 62 id: cord-346912-o09qmp7x author: Bayraktar, E. title: A Macroeconomic SIR Model for COVID-19 date: 2020-06-23 words: 6790 flesch: 61 summary: Effects may manifest in a variety of ways, but we choose to express them as a future loss in employment, in which 1 day in lockdown results in some α E days of lost employment (on average) after lockdown ends. We calibrate it with the results of [Ace+20] and [AAL20] and compare these results to our augmented model using death rates on the same scale. keywords: aal20; arrival; author; copyright; covid-19; current; deaths; doi; figure; funder; future; group; health; herd; high; holder; immunity; increase; individuals; infection; june; level; license; lockdown; loss; low; medrxiv; model; mortality; number; optimal; output; pandemic; parameters; peer; permission; perpetuity; population; preprint; rate; results; reuse; review; rights; risk; set; table; total; transmission; vaccine; version; work cache: cord-346912-o09qmp7x.txt plain text: cord-346912-o09qmp7x.txt item: #58 of 62 id: cord-349445-yh6ndtgm author: Mohammed El Tabaa, Manar title: Targeting Neprilysin (NEP) pathways: A potential new hope to defeat COVID-19 ghost date: 2020-05-27 words: 11864 flesch: 29 summary: As well, NEP could not affect lung Ang (1-7) metabolism because it was involved in the metabolism of Ang (1-7) within tissues other than pulmonary tissues, as renal cortex. Subsequently, RAS exhibits two main axes based on two distinct enzymes responsible for cleavage of Ang I into angiotensin (Ang) II or Ang 1-7 [51] , First axis involves generation of Ang II as the main effector via the angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and named the classical vasopressor axis ACE/ Ang II/ Ang II type 1 receptor (AT1) keywords: ace; ace2; action; activation; activity; acute; addition; aggregation; airway; alveolar; alzheimer; amyloid; ang; ang ii; angiotensin; angiotensin ii; anti; ards; associated; at1; axis; beneficial; blockers; blood; bradykinin; cardiovascular; cells; chemotactic; chloroquine; clinical; converting; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cytokines; damage; data; degradation; diabetes; disease; drugs; dysfunction; effects; endopeptidase; endothelial; endothelin-1; entry; enzyme; epithelial; estrogen; et-1; evidence; experimental; expression; factor; failure; fibrosis; formation; gastrin; grp; heart; high; host; human; hypertension; il-6; immune; increase; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibition; inhibitors; injury; interleukin-6; level; like; lung; lung injury; main; mas; masr; mechanisms; membrane; metabolism; mice; model; multiple; muscle; natriuretic; nep; nepi; neprilysin; neutral; neutrophil; new; nitric; novel; order; oxidative; oxide; pathogenesis; pathophysiology; pathways; patients; peptide; plasma; platelet; pneumonia; potential; previous; production; protective; protein; pulmonary; ras; rats; reactions; receptor; recombinant; related; release; renal; renin; respiratory; response; result; role; sars; severe; severity; signaling; smooth; specific; studies; study; suggested; surface; syndrome; synthesis; system; target; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tmprss2; treatment; type; use; vascular; viral; vivo cache: cord-349445-yh6ndtgm.txt plain text: cord-349445-yh6ndtgm.txt item: #59 of 62 id: cord-351567-ifoe8x28 author: Rabi, Firas A. title: SARS-CoV-2 and Coronavirus Disease 2019: What We Know So Far date: 2020-03-20 words: 5766 flesch: 49 summary: Initial virological and clinical findings Broad-spectrum antiviral GS-5734 inhibits both epidemic and zoonotic coronaviruses Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics Remdesivir and chloroquine effectively inhibit the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in vitro First Case of 2019 Novel Coronavirus in the United States NIH Clinical Trial of Remdesivir to Treat COVID-19 Begins Gilead Sciences Initiates Two Phase 3 Studies of Investigational Antiviral Remdesivir for the Treatment of COVID-19 Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread Protease inhibitors targeting coronavirus and filovirus entry Camostat Mesilate, Pancrelipase, and Rabeprazole Combination Therapy Improves Epigastric Pain in Early Chronic Pancreatitis and Functional Dyspepsia with Pancreatic Enzyme Abnormalities TACTIC Investigative Team a phase 1/2 trial to evaluate the pharmacokinetics, safety, and efficacy of NI-03 in patients with chronic pancreatitis: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial on the assessment of camostat treatment in chronic pancreatitis (TACTIC) However, by that time, travelers had carried the virus to many countries, sparking memories of the previous coronavirus epidemics, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and causing widespread media attention and panic. keywords: acute; addition; age; angiotensin; asymptomatic; cases; cells; cfr; china; chinese; clinical; converting; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; current; days; deaths; disease; early; ebola; effective; entry; enzyme; epidemic; factors; figure; health; higher; humans; individuals; infected; infection; likely; limited; market; mers; mortality; ncov; new; novel; novel coronavirus; number; origin; outbreak; pandemic; patients; people; period; phase; pneumonia; population; protein; rate; rbd; receptor; respiratory; risk; rna; sars; severe; specific; spike; spread; study; symptoms; syndrome; time; transmission; treatment; use; vaccines; viral; viruses; wuhan cache: cord-351567-ifoe8x28.txt plain text: cord-351567-ifoe8x28.txt item: #60 of 62 id: cord-352230-8mazd3eu author: Beeraka, Narasimha M. title: Strategies for Targeting SARS CoV-2: Small Molecule Inhibitors—The Current Status date: 2020-09-18 words: 9423 flesch: 23 summary: A second, non-canonical RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in SARS Coronavirus Zn2+ inhibits coronavirus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture Identification and characterization of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus replicase proteins Molecular cloning, expression, and purification of SARS-CoV nsp13 Multiple enzymatic activities associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus helicase Inhibition of SARS coronavirus helicase by bismuth complexes Bismuth complexes inhibit the SARS coronavirus Human monoclonal antibody as prophylaxis for SARS coronavirus infection in ferrets Single-dose intranasal administration with mDEF201 (adenovirus vectored mouse interferon-alpha) confers protection from mortality in a lethal SARS-CoV BALB/c mouse model Interferon alfacon 1 inhibits SARS-CoV infection in human bronchial epithelial Calu-3 cells A new mouse-adapted strain of SARS-CoV as a lethal model for evaluating antiviral agents in vitro and in vivo Toll like receptor-3 ligand poly-ICLC promotes the efficacy of peripheral vaccinations with tumor antigen-derived peptide epitopes in murine CNS tumor models Nonstructural proteins 7 and 8 of feline coronavirus form a 2: 1 heterotrimer that exhibits primer-independent RNA polymerase activity New nsp8 isoform suggests mechanism for tuning viral RNA synthesis Breakthrough: chloroquine phosphate has shown apparent efficacy in treatment of COVID-19 associated pneumonia in clinical studies A trial of lopinavirritonavir in adults hospitalized with severe Covid-19 The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 Trypsin treatment unlocks barrier for zoonotic bat coronavirus infection Twoyear prospective study of the humoral immune response of patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Hydrolysis of biological peptides by human angiotensinconverting enzyme-related carboxypeptidase Evaluation of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), its homologue ACE2 and neprilysin in angiotensin peptide metabolism ACE2: from vasopeptidase to SARS virus receptor Structure-based pharmacophore design and virtual screening for novel angiotensin converting enzyme 2 inhibitors Role of the ACE2/angiotensin 1-7 axis of the renin-angiotensin system in heart failure Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), but not ACE, is preferentially localized to the apical surface of polarized kidney cells ACE2-mediated reduction of oxidative stress in the central nervous system is associated with improvement of autonomic function Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in China Evolution of the novel coronavirus from the ongoing Wuhan outbreak and modeling of its spike protein for risk of human transmission Hypothesis: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers may increase the risk of severe COVID-19 Evaluation of interferon inducers, ribavirin and mouse hyperimmune serum in a pathogenesis/lethal mouse model using a mouse-adapted SARS-CoV Enhancement of the infectivity of SARS-CoV in BALB/c mice by IMP dehydrogenase inhibitors, including ribavirin Is the anti-psychotic, 10-(3-(dimethylamino) propyl) phenothiazine (promazine), a potential drug with which to treat SARS infections?: The molecular biology of SARS coronavirus An overall picture of SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) genome-encoded major proteins: structures, functions and drug development M and N proteins of SARS coronavirus induce apoptosis in HPF cells The SARS-Coronavirus Membrane protein induces apoptosis through modulating the Akt survival pathway Ribonucleocapsid formation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus through molecular action of the N-terminal domain of N protein Structure of the SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid protein RNA-binding dimerization domain suggests a mechanism for helical packaging of viral RNA Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 7a accessory protein is a viral structural protein SARS coronavirus 7a protein blocks cell cycle progression at G0/G1 phase via the cyclin D3/pRb pathway SARS coronavirus protein 7a interacts with human Ap 4 A-hydrolase Using siRNA in prophylactic and therapeutic regimens against SARS coronavirus in Rhesus macaque siRNA targeting the leader sequence of SARS-CoV inhibits virus replication Inhibition of genes expression of SARS coronavirus by synthetic small interfering RNAs Inhibition of severe acute respiratory syndrome virus replication by small interfering RNAs in mammalian cells Inhibition of SARS-CoV replication by siRNA Prophylactic and therapeutic effects of small interfering RNA targeting SARS coronavirus Screening of drugs by FRET analysis identifies inhibitors of SARS-CoV 3CL protease Recent developments in anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus chemotherapy Deubiquitinating activity of the SARS-CoV papain-like protease Selectivity in ISG15 and ubiquitin recognition by the SARS coronavirus papain-like protease Drug design targeting the main protease, the Achilles' heel of coronaviruses Characterization and inhibition of SARScoronavirus main protease Enzymatic activity of the SARS coronavirus main proteinase dimer keywords: ace2; acid; activation; activators; activity; acute; acute respiratory; agents; alveolar; angiotensin; antibody; antioxidant; antiviral; apoptosis; associated; authors; binding; cases; cells; cellular; characterization; clinical; compounds; converting; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cytokines; damage; dengue; dependent; derivatives; development; different; disease; downregulation; drug; effective; effects; efficacy; entry; enzyme; epithelial; example; expression; factor; failure; fusion; glycoprotein; host; human; ifn; immune; induced; induction; infected; infection; inflammatory; influenza; inhibition; inhibitors; injury; instance; interferon; like; lung; main; mechanisms; membrane; mice; models; molecular; molecule; mouse; natural; novel; nrf2; nsmis; oxidative; papain; pathogenesis; pathway; patients; pharmacological; pneumonia; potential; processing; prospective; protease; protection; protein; recent; receptor; redox; replication; report; research; respiratory; respiratory syndrome; response; rna; role; sars; sars coronavirus; selective; serine; severe; severe acute; signaling; similar; small; spike; strain; stress; structural; studies; study; surface; syncytial; syndrome; syndrome coronavirus; system; table; target; tat; therapeutic; tmprss2; tnf; treatment; trypsin; type; viral; viral entry; viruses; vivo; viz cache: cord-352230-8mazd3eu.txt plain text: cord-352230-8mazd3eu.txt item: #61 of 62 id: cord-353707-3n2nji8l author: Sunden-Cullberg, Jonas title: Chronic Use of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers Is High Among Intensive Care Unit Patients With Non–COVID-19 Sepsis but Carries a Moderately Increased Risk of Death date: 2020-04-28 words: 680 flesch: 45 summary: Chronic use among the general population in 2020 is around 10% higher than in 2015, which likely also applies to septic Intensive Care Unit patients. Data will soon be out on the chronic use of ACE inhibitors/ARBs in COVID-19 patients. keywords: ace; angiotensin; arbs; care; chronic; covid-19; drugs; inhibitors; intensive; patients; unit; use cache: cord-353707-3n2nji8l.txt plain text: cord-353707-3n2nji8l.txt item: #62 of 62 id: cord-355807-q3bngari author: Yepes-Pérez, Andres F. title: Uncaria tomentosa (cat’s claw): a promising herbal medicine against SARS-CoV-2/ACE-2 junction and SARS-CoV-2 spike protein based on molecular modeling date: 2020-10-29 words: 8856 flesch: 37 summary: Thus, crucial binding ligand interactions with LYS417, ARG403, TYR453, GLN493, ASN501, TYR505, SER494, TYR449, TYR495 PHE497 and GLY496 were maintained after 50-ns MD simulation into the binding pocket of SARS-CoV-2 RBD. Therefore, to demonstrate the ability of constituents of U. tomentosa to block binding of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to human ACE-2 receptor, we performed molecular docking studies around aforementioned critical amino acids, meaning this docking runs were carried out inside ACE-2 binding surface of RBD. keywords: -7.1; ace-2; acid; active; addition; affinity; aminoacids; analysis; antiviral; asn501; association; autodock; best; binding; blue; bond; calculated; cat; cells; claw; complex; complexes; components; compounds; constituents; contacts; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; critical; dihydrocadambine; docking; domain; drug; energy; et al; extracts; figure; gln388; gln493; glu37; good; health; hepos; higher; host; human; hydrogen; hydrophobic; infection; initial; interactions; interface; intestinal; kcal; kcal mol; key; ligand; lys417; moiety; mol; mol à1; molecular; new; novel; observed; pdb; permeability; phe390; pocket; pose; positive; potential; proanthocyanidin; program; properties; protein; rbd; receptor; recognition; red; reference; residues; results; rmsd; sars; simulation; site; speciophylline; spike; spike protein; stability; strong; structure; studies; study; table; therapeutic; tomentosa; tyr453; tyr505; uncaria; uncarine; values cache: cord-355807-q3bngari.txt plain text: cord-355807-q3bngari.txt