item: #1 of 67 id: cord-000128-t74b5j2j author: Laufer, S.D title: Peptide-Mediated Cellular Delivery of Oligonucleotide-Based Therapeutics In Vitro: Quantitative Evaluation of Overall Efficacy Employing Easy to Handle Reporter Systems date: 2008-12-17 words: 11965 flesch: 34 summary: The versatility of oligonucleotides as potential therapeutics Gene therapy with viral vectors Gene therapy: twenty-first century medicine A pilot study of in vivo liver-directed gene transfer with an adenoviral vector in partial ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency LMO2-associated clonal T cell proliferation in two patients after gene therapy for SCID-X1 Fatal systemic inflammatory response syndrome in a ornithine transcarbamylase deficient patient following adenoviral gene transfer Gene therapy put on hold as third child develops cancer TAT peptide on the surface of liposomes affords their efficient intracellular delivery even at low temperature and in the presence of metabolic inhibitors Comparison between the interactions of adenovirus-derived peptides with plasmid DNA and their role in gene delivery mediated by liposomepeptide-DNA virus-like nanoparticles Vectors based on reducible polycations facilitate intracellular release of nucleic acids Cell transfection in vitro and in vivo with nontoxic TAT peptide-liposome-DNA complexes HIV-1 Tat protein transduction domain peptide facilitates gene transfer in combination with cationic liposomes Unique features of a pH-sensitive fusogenic peptide that improves the transfection efficiency of cationic liposomes A versatile reducible polycation-based system for efficient delivery of a broad range of nucleic acids Tat peptide-mediated intracellular delivery of pharmaceutical nanocarriers Evaluation of transportan 10 in PEI mediated plasmid delivery assay Efficient gene transfer by histidylated polylysine/pDNA complexes Branched co-polymers of histidine and lysine are efficient carriers of plasmids A novel transfecting peptide comprising a tetrameric nuclear localization sequence Highly branched HK peptides are effective carriers of siRNA Macro-branched cell-penetrating peptide design for gene delivery Protein transduction by lipidic peptide dendrimers Tat-Conjugated PAMAM Dendrimers as Delivery Agents for Antisense and siRNA Oligonucleotides Design, synthesis, and characterization of pH-sensitive PEG-PE conjugates for stimuli-sensitive pharmaceutical nanocarriers: the effect of substitutes at the hydrazone linkage on the ph stability of PEG-PE conjugates Smart drug carriers: PEGylated TATpmodified pH-sensitive liposomes Octaarginine-modified multifunctional envelope-type nanoparticles for gene delivery Multiblock reducible copolypeptides containing histidine-rich and nuclear localization sequences for gene delivery Intracellular siRNA and precursor miRNA trafficking using bioresponsive copolypeptides Cellular uptake of the tat protein from human immunodeficiency virus Autonomous functional domains of chemically synthesized human immunodeficiency virus tat transactivator protein alpha-2,8-Polysialic acid is the neuronal surface receptor of antennapedia homeobox peptide Tat-mediated delivery of heterologous proteins into cells Prochiantz A. Downregulation of amyloid precursor protein inhibits neurite outgrowth in vitro In vivo protein transduction: delivery of a biologically active protein into the mouse Cellpenetrating peptides Cell-penetrating peptides: mechanism and kinetics of cargo delivery Handbook of Cell-Penetrating Peptides Cell penetrating peptides: intracellular pathways and pharmaceutical perspectives Cell-penetrating peptides: from molecular mechanisms to therapeutics Cell-penetrating peptides for drug delivery across membrane barriers Recent Developments in Peptidebased Nucleic Acid Delivery Conjugates of oligonucleotides and analogues with cell penetrating peptides as gene silencing agents Delivery of proteins and nucleic acids using a non-covalent peptide-based strategy Peptide-based Nanoparticle for ex vivo and in vivo drug delivery Cell internalization of the third helix of the Antennapedia homeodomain is receptor-independent A new peptide vector for efficient delivery of oligonucleotides into mammalian cells To illustrate current limitations of non-viral nucleic acid delivery systems, we present own data as an example and discuss options of how to enhance trafficking of molecules entrapped in cellular compartments. keywords: -mediated; acid; activity; addition; alternative; amino; analysis; antisense; applications; approach; arginine; assay; available; binding; biological; block; cargo; carrier; cases; cationic; cell; cellular; cellular uptake; chloroquine; combination; comparison; compartments; complexes; conjugates; context; correction; covalent; cpp; cpps; cytoplasm; data; delivery; dependent; development; different; direct; disease; dna; effect; efficient; endocytosis; endosomal; endosomolytic; escape; et al; exon; expression; fig; fluorescence; following; functional; fusion; fusogenic; gene; gene delivery; hairpin; high; higher; hiv-1; human; increase; interactions; interference; internalization; internalized; intracellular; like; lipid; liposomes; localization; long; luciferase; mammalian; mechanism; membrane; method; mice; model; molecules; morpholino; mpg; mrna; non; novel; nuclear; nucleic; nucleic acid; nucleus; numbers; observed; oligonucleotides; overall; particular; penetratin; peptide; peptide nucleic; plasmid; pna; potential; present; promising; properties; protein; quantification; quantitative; recent; regulation; release; reporter; residues; result; rich; rnai; rnas; role; sensitive; sequence; short; silencing; sirna; sirna delivery; sites; skipping; small; specific; splice; splicing; stability; steric; strategies; studies; surface; systems; table; target; targeting; tat; tat peptide; therapeutic; therapy; trafficking; transfection; translocation; treatment; uptake; vectors; viral; virus; vivo cache: cord-000128-t74b5j2j.txt plain text: cord-000128-t74b5j2j.txt item: #2 of 67 id: cord-000972-awygbo1y author: Vimr, Eric R. title: Unified Theory of Bacterial Sialometabolism: How and Why Bacteria Metabolize Host Sialic Acids date: 2013-01-15 words: 12605 flesch: 38 summary: As discussed above, �. in�uen�ae and P. multocida catabolize sialic acids and sialic acid transport is essential for virulence while use of sialic acid as energy source is not [33] Mechanisms of association of bacteria with mucosal surfaces Control mechanisms of the large-intestinal micro-�ora and its in�uence on the host Diversity of microbial sialic acid metabolism Gut microbe-host metabolic interactions in health and disease: exploring host and gut microbiota connections could uncover the mechanisms of various diseases along with targets for drugs with which to treat them Targeting microbial sialic acid metabolism for new drug development Intestinal microbiology A metagenomic insight into our gut's microbiome Complete genome sequence of the marine planctomycete Pirellula sp. strain 1 How bacteria face depression, recession, and depression Insights into the evolution of sialic acid catabolism among bacteria e early history of sialic acids Induction of neuraminidase from Clostridium perfringens and the cooperation of this enzyme with acylneuraminate pyruvate lyase Metabolism of vertebrate amino sugars with N-glycolyl groups: resistance of 2-8-linked N-glycolylneuraminic acid to enzymatic cleavage Evidence of regio-speci�c glycosylation in human intestinal mucins: presence of an acidic gradient along the intestinal tract Localisation and distribution of O-acetylated N-acetylneuraminic acids, the endogenous substrates of the hemagglutinin-esterases of murine coronaviruses, in mouse tissue Sweet-talk: role of host glycosylation in bacterial pathogenesis of the gastrointestinal tract Composition and functional role of the mucus layers in the intestine Mucin dynamics and enteric pathogens Microbial sialidases: does bigger always mean better? Cloning and expression of the Vibrio cholerae neuraminidase gene nanH in Escherichia coli Cloning, sequencing and distribution of the Salmonella typhimurium LT2 sialidase gene, nanH, provides evidence for interspecies gene transfer Puri�-cation and properties of cloned Salmonella typhimurium LT2 sialidase with virus-typical kinetic preference for sialyl 2 → 3 linkages Crystal structure of a bacterial sialidase (from Salmonella typhimurium LT2) shows the same fold as an in�uenza virus neuraminidase e sialidase superfamily and its spread by horizontal gene transfer Host sialoglycans and bacterial sialidases: a mucosal perspective Identi�cation of an inducible catabolic system for sialic acids (nan) in Escherichia coli Regulation of sialic acid metabolism in Escherichia coli: role of N-acylneuraminate pyruvate-lyase Convergent pathways for utilization of the amino sugars N-acetylglucosamine, ISRN Microbiology N-acetylmannosamine, and N-acetylneuraminic acid by Escherichia coli e �rst committed step in the biosynthesis of sialic acid by Escherichia coliK1 does not involve a phosphorylated Nacetylmannosamine intermediate Sialic acid (N-acetyl neuraminic acid) utilization by Bacteroides fragilis requires a novel N-acetyl mannosamine epimerase Regulation of sialic acid catabolism by the DNA binding protein NanR in Escherichia coli Biosynthesis of the polysialic acid capsule in Escherichia coli K1 To sialylate, or not to sialylate: that is the question Sialic acid metabolism and systemic pasteurellosis Sialic acid uptake is necessary for virulence of Pasteurella multocida in turkeys Sialic acid metabolism's dual function in Haemophilus in�uen�ae Sialic acid catabolism confers a competitive advantage to pathogenic Vibrio cholerae in the mouse intestine e capability of catabolic utilization of N-acetylneuraminic acid, a sialic acid, is essential for Vibrio �ulni�cus pathogenesis Cooperative regulation of the Vibrio �ulni�cus nan gene cluster by NanR protein, cAMP receptor protein, and N-acetylmannosamine 6-phosphate Fitness of Escherichia coli during urinary tract infection requires gluconeogenesis and the TCA cycle Dissemination and systemic colonization of uropathogenic Escherichia coli in a murine model of bacteremia Carbon nutrition of Escherichia coli in the mouse intestine Comparison of carbon nutrition for pathogenic and commensal Escherichia coli strains in the mouse intestine Genotype and phenotypes of an intestine-adapted Escherichia coli K-12 mutant selected by animal passage for superior colonization Exogenous sialic acid transport contributes to group B Streptococcus infection of mucosal surfaces Sialic acid transport contributes to pneumococcal colonization e ability to utilize mucin affects the regulation of virulence gene expression in Streptococcus pneumoniae Host-derived sialic acid is incorporated into Haemophilus in�uen�ae lipopolysaccharide and is a major virulence factor in experimental otitis media Sialic acid mediated transcriptional modulation of a highly conserved sialometabolism gene cluster in Haemophilus in�uen�ae and its effect on virulence Regulation of sialic acid transport and catabolism in Haemophilus in�uen�ae Sialic acid metabolism and regulation by Haemophilus in�uen�ae: potential novel antimicrobial therapies Sialic acid transport and catabolism are cooperatively regulated by SiaR and CRP in nontypeable Haemophilus in�uen�ae Nontypeable Haemophilus in�uen�ae strain 2019 produces a bio�lm containing N-acetylneuraminic acid that may mimic sialylated Olinked glycans Sialylation of Lipooligosaccharides Promotes Bio�lm Formation by Nontypeable Haemophilus in�uen�ae Role of sialic acid and complex carbohydrate biosynthesis in bio�lm formation by nontypeable Haemophilus in�uen�ae in the chinchilla middle ear Identi�cation, structure, and characterization of an exopolysaccharide produced by Histophilus somni during bio�lm formation Haemophilus in�uen�ae bio�lms: hypothesis or fact? Structural Studies on the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Sialidase-Like Enzyme PA2794 Suggest Substrate and Mechanistic Variations Innovations in host and microbial sialic acid biosynthesis revealed by phylogenomic prediction of nonulosonic acid structure Bacterial neuraminidase facilitates mucosal infection by participating in bio�lm production e NanA neuraminidase of Streptococcus pneumoniae is involved in bio�lm formation Sialic acid: a preventable signal for pneumococcal bio�lm formation, colonization, and invasion of the host ree Streptococcus pneumoniae sialidases: three different products Phase variable desialylation of host proteins that bind to Streptococcus pneumoniaein vivo and protect the airway Interaction of pneumococcal phase variation, host and pressure/gas composition: virulence expression of NanA, HylA, PspA and CbpA in simulated otitis media Leukocyte in�ammatory responses provoked by pneumococcal sialidase Human sialidase NEU4 long and short are extrinsic proteins bound to outer mitochondrial membrane and the endoplasmic reticulum, respectively Cloning and characterization of sialidases with 2-6 ′ and 2-3 ′ sialyl lactose speci�city from Pasteurella multocida Capnocytophaga canimorsus a human pathogen feeding at the surface of epithelial cells and phagocytes Mucosal glycan foraging enhances �tness and transmission of a saccharolytic human gut bacterial symbiont Selective growth of mucolytic bacteria including Clostridium perfringens in a neonatal piglet model of total parenteral nutrition Selective in vitro degradation of the sialylated fraction of germ-free rat mucins by the caecal �ora of the rat Commensal ocular bacteria degrade mucins Growth of Streptococcus pneumoniae on human glycoconjugates is dependent upon the sequential activity of bacterial exoglycosidases Deglycosylation of human glycoconjugates by the sequential activities of exoglycosidases expressed by Streptococcus pneumoniae Chromatographic analysis of the Escherichia coli polysialic acid capsule Structural diversity and speci�c distribution of O-glycans in normal human mucins along the intestinal tract e roles of enteric bacterial sialidase, sialate O-acetyl esterase and glycosulfatase in the degradation of human colonic mucin A role for Bacteroides fragilis neuraminidase in bacterial growth in two model systems Sialidase speci-�city determined by chemoselective modi�cation of complex sialylated glycans Function and expression of an N-acetylneuraminic acidinducible outer membrane channel in Escherichia coli NanC crystal structure, a model for outermembrane channels of the acidic sugar speci�c KdgM porin family Temporal geneexpression in Escherichia coli K-12 bio�lms Analysis of pools of targeted Salmonella deletion mutants identi�es novel genes affecting �tness during competitive infection in mice Sialic acid recognition by Vibrio cholerae neuraminidase Chemical diversity in the sialic acids and related -keto acids: an evolutionary perspective Sialic acid mutarotation is catalyzed by the Escherichia coli -propeller protein YjhT Experimental and computational assessment of conditionally essential genes in Escherichia coli YjhS (NanS) is required for Escherichia coli to grow on 9-O-acetylated Nacetylneuraminic acid Separate pathways for O acetylation of polymeric and monomeric sialic acids and identi�cation of sialyl O-acetyl esterase in Escherichia coli K1 Synthesis of the complete series of mono acetates of N-acetyl-d-neuraminic acid Structural and enzymatic characterization of NanS (YjhS), a 9-O-acetyl Nacetylneuraminic acid esterase from Escherichia coli O157:H7 Crystal structure of the bacterial YhcH protein indicates a role in sialic acid keywords: ability; acetyl; acetylated; acid; amino; analysis; animal; available; axe; bacteria; bio; canonical; carbohydrate; carbon; catabolic; cation; cell; characterization; chemical; coli; colonization; commensal; common; competitive; con; contrast; copy; crystal; current; derivatives; different; disease; diversity; e. coli; effect; eld; energy; enzyme; epithelial; escherichia; essential; esterase; evidence; example; exogenous; expected; experimental; figure; form; formation; free; functions; gbs; genes; git; glycerol; glycoconjugates; group; growth; haemophilus; host; human; hydroxyl; identi; important; infection; intestine; lack; large; like; likely; lyase; major; mechanisms; membrane; metabolism; methods; microbial; minor; model; mouse; mucins; mucosal; multocida; mutant; nana; nanc; nanm; nanr; nans; nant; neu5ac; neuraminidase; new; nutrition; operon; orthologs; outer; overall; paper; pathogenesis; pathway; periplasm; pneumoniae; possible; potential; prophage; protein; pyruvate; recent; related; research; results; role; sialate; sialic; sialic acid; sialidase; sialocatabolism; sialoregulon; similar; sites; sodium; sole; source; species; strains; streptococcus; structure; studies; study; success; sugars; surface; system; table; terminal; time; tness; transport; type; typhimurium; uen; understanding; unknown; uptake; utilization; variety; virulence; vitro; vivo; wild; work; yhch; yjhb; erefore; ese; is cache: cord-000972-awygbo1y.txt plain text: cord-000972-awygbo1y.txt item: #3 of 67 id: cord-002473-2kpxhzbe author: Das, Jayanta Kumar title: Chemical property based sequence characterization of PpcA and its homolog proteins PpcB-E: A mathematical approach date: 2017-03-31 words: 4616 flesch: 56 summary: Current protocols in molecular biology Phylogenetic analysis of protein sequences based on conditional LZ complexity Analyzing and synthesizing phylogenies using tree alignment graphs A probabilistic measure for alignment-free sequence comparison Simplification of protein sequence and alignment-free sequence analysis Phylogenies and the comparative method Progressive sequence alignment as a prerequisitetto correct phylogenetic trees Graph theory with applications to engineering and computer science Protein flexibility predictions using graph theory Dictionary of protein secondary structure: pattern recognition of hydrogenbonded and geometrical features Use of information discrepancy measure to compare protein secondary structures 2-D graphical representation of protein sequences and its application to coronavirus phylogeny A 2D graphical representation of protein sequence and its numerical characterization Similarity/dissimilarity analysis of protein sequences based on a new spectrum-like graphical representation Pse-in-One: a web server for generating various modes of pseudo components of DNA, RNA, and protein sequences Secondly, we build a graph theoretic model on using amino acid sequences which is also applied to the cytochrome c7 family members and some unique characteristics and their domains are highlighted. keywords: acidic; acids; alignment; amino; amino acids; analysis; basic; characterization; chemical; common; conserved; cycles; cytochrome; different; dissimilarity; edge; family; features; fig; geobacter; graph; group; homologs; individual; length; matrix; members; node; observed; order; pair; phylogenetic; ppca; ppcb; ppcd; ppce; present; primary; protein; region; residues; role; score; sequence; specific; sulfurreducens; table; tree; unique cache: cord-002473-2kpxhzbe.txt plain text: cord-002473-2kpxhzbe.txt item: #4 of 67 id: cord-003020-q69f57el author: Farhadi, Tayebeh title: Computer-aided design of amino acid-based therapeutics: a review date: 2018-05-14 words: 8674 flesch: 36 summary: Designing proteins and peptides Molecular engineering: an approach to the development of general capabilities for molecular manipulation X-ray versus NMR structures as templates for computational protein design High-resolution protein design with backbone freedom Prediction of protein-protein interface sequence diversity using flexible backbone computational protein design Backbone flexibility in computational protein design De novo computational design of retro-aldol enzymes One fold with many functions: the evolutionary relationships between TIM barrel families based on their sequences, structures and functions Search and sampling in structural bioinformatics The dead-end elimination theorem and its use in protein side-chain positioning Application of a self-consistent mean field theory to predict protein sidechains conformation and estimate their conformational entropy Design of protein-interaction specificity gives selective bZIP-binding peptides Computational methods for protein design and protein sequence variability: biased Monte Carlo and replica exchange Exploring the conformational space of protein side chains using dead-end elimination and the A* algorithm Side-chain and backbone flexibility in protein core design Dead-end elimination with a polarizable force field repacks PCNA structures Improved prediction of protein side-chain conformations with SCWRL4 Trading accuracy for speed: a quantitative comparison of search algorithms in protein sequence design Using self-consistent fields to bias Monte Carlo methods with applications to designing and sampling protein sequences Computational design and characterization of a monomeric helical dinuclear metalloprotein Statistical theory of combinatorial libraries of folding proteins: energetic discrimination of a target structure Achieving stability and conformational specificity in designed proteins via binary patterning Photophysics of a fluorescent non-natural amino acid: p-cyanophenylalanine An expanded eukaryotic genetic code A solvated rotamer approach to modeling watermediated hydrogen bonds at protein-protein interfaces Rotamer libraries in the 21st century Improved side-chain prediction accuracy using an ab initio potential energy function and a very large rotamer library Potential energy functions for protein design De novo design of foldable proteins with smooth folding funnel: automated negative design and experimental verification Assembly of protein tertiary structures from fragments with similar local sequences using simulated annealing and Bayesian scoring functions Structure by design: from single proteins and their building blocks to nanostructures Computational de novo design and characterization of a four-helix bundle protein that selectively binds a nonbiological cofactor Using α-helical coiled coils to design nanostructured metalloporphyrin arrays Kemp elimination catalysts by computational enzyme design De novo design of a βαβ motif High-resolution structural and thermodynamic analysis of extreme stabilization of human procarboxypeptidase by computational protein design Design of a novel globular protein fold with atomic-level accuracy Novel peptide-specific quantitative structure activity relationship (QSAR) analysis applied to collagen IV peptides with antiangiogenic activity Development of an informatics platform for therapeutic protein and peptide analytics Two-level QSAR network (2L-QSAR) for peptide inhibitor design based on amino acid properties and sequence positions Recent development of peptide drugs and advance on theory and methodology of peptide inhibitor design Predicting the affinity of epitope-peptides with class I MHC molecule HLA-A*0201: an application of amino acid-based peptide prediction A brief overview of antimicrobial peptides containing unnatural amino acids and ligand-based approaches for peptide ligands Machine learning assisted design of highly active peptides for drug discovery PEP-FOLD: an updated de novo structure prediction server for both linear and disulfide bonded cyclic peptides In silico predictions of 3D structures of linear and cyclic peptides with natural and nonproteinogenic residues Long-timescale molecular dynamics simulations of protein structure and function How fastfolding proteins fold Bond distances in polypeptide backbones depend on the local conformation Identification of tetrapeptides from a mixture based positional scanning library that can restore nM full agonist function of the L106P, I69T, I102S, A219V, C271Y, and C271R human melanocortin-4 polymorphic receptors (hMC4Rs) Protein design seeks to identify the properties of amino acid sequences that fold to predetermined structures with desirable structural and functional characteristics. keywords: accuracy; acid; activity; affinity; algorithm; amino; amino acid; analysis; antimicrobial; application; approach; backbone; binding; biologic; carlo; chain; characteristics; chemical; complexes; compounds; computational; computer; conformational; consistent; database; design; designing; development; discovery; docking; domain; drug; drug design; dynamics; elimination; energetic; energy; enzyme; example; figure; flexibility; flexible; flexpepdock; fold; folding; free; function; high; hypothesis; identification; important; information; inhibitors; interactions; large; level; libraries; library; ligand; linear; manuscript; methods; mimic; model; modeling; molecular; molecules; monte; motifs; natural; non; novel; novo; number; optimization; order; pdb; peptide; peptide design; peptidomimetics; pharmacophore; phase; potential; prediction; probabilistic; procedure; process; program; properties; protein; protein design; qsar; rational; ray; recent; receptor; recognition; relationship; residues; results; rotamer; sampling; screening; search; sequence; sh3; shape; silico; similarity; simulations; sites; small; space; specific; specificity; step; strategies; structure; study; target; techniques; template; theory; therapeutics; therapy; tool; type; virtual cache: cord-003020-q69f57el.txt plain text: cord-003020-q69f57el.txt item: #5 of 67 id: cord-004879-pgyzluwp author: None title: Programmed cell death date: 1994 words: 81833 flesch: 47 summary: 8cl-2(z is a mitochondrial or perinuclear-associated oncoprotein that prolongs the life span of a variety of cell types by interfering with programmed cell death. Single and repetitive uptake and release of CPZ were measured in each cell type after individual exposure or exposure in any combination of cell types: In 2 hour competitive uptake studies fibreblasts reached 1.7 and 2.6 times the concentrations of C6-and ROC-cells, :respectively. keywords: 14c; ability; able; absence; absent; accumulation; acid; acid sequence; acidic; actin; activation; active; activities; activity; addition; adhesion; adjacent; adult; affected; affinity; afm; agonist; agrin; ahspgs; aim; altered; amino; amino acid; amounts; amplified; amplitude; analysis; anatomy; animals; anp; antagonist; antennapedia; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antisense; antiserum; apical; apoptosis; apparent; appearance; approach; arachidonic; ascaris; assays; assembly; associated; astrocytes; atp; atpase; attachment; aug; autocrine; avp; axons; b16; bacteria; band; basel; basic; basolateral; behavior; bern; beta; beta cells; binding; biochemical; biological; biosynthesis; birth; block; blood; blot; bovine; brain; brain cell; breakdown; bsf1; ca2; ca2+]i; ca3; calcium; calf; calretinin; camp; capacity; capsid; cases; catalytic; cause; cd44s; cd48; cdc2; cdna; cell adhesion; cell cultures; cell cycle; cell death; cell growth; cell lines; cell membrane; cell proliferation; cell receptor; cell surface; cell type; cells; cellular; central; cerebral; certain; chain; changes; channels; characterization; characterized; chat; chicken; chimeric; chitinase; chromatin; chromatography; chromosome; cigarette; class; cleavage; clinical; cloned; cloning; close; cns; coding; coil; coli; collagen; column; common; comparable; comparison; complete; complex; complexes; component; compound; computer; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; conductance; cones; confocal; consensus; conserved; consistent; constant; constructs; contact; contain; content; contrast; control; conventional; conversion; copies; cord; core; correct; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; coupling; course; cpz; cross; crucial; csa; csf-1; cultures; current; cycle; cysteine; cytokines; cytoplasmic; cytoskeletal; data; days; death; decrease; defective; deficient; degradation; degree; deletion; density; department; dependent; dependent protein; depolarization; detectable; detection; determined; development; diameter; differences; different; differential; differentiation; direct; disappearance; disease; displacement; disruption; dissociation; distal; distinct; distribution; division; dna; domain; domain protein; dominant; dose; double; drosophila; drug; e.g.; early; edna; effects; efficient; electrical; electron; electrophoresis; elegans; elements; elevated; elongation; embryonic; embryos; encodes; encoding; endogenous; endothelial; energy; enhanced; enriched; entry; envelope; environment; enzyme; epithelial; epithelial cells; epitopes; essential; established; events; evidence; evoked; evolutionary; exchange; excitatory; exercise; existence; expected; experiments; exposure; expressed; expression; expression system; extent; external; extracts; eye; facial; factor; family; fatty; features; fetal; fibers; fibroblasts; field; findings; flanking; flies; flow; fluorescence; fold; following; force; form; formation; fos; fraction; fragments; frame; free; frequency; fribourg; function; fusion; fusion proteins; gaba; gap; gbl; gel; gels; gene; gene expression; general; generation; genetic; geneva; genome; genomic; germ; gland; glial; glucose; glutamate; glycine; glycogen; glycoprotein; glycosylated; goats; gone; gpi; grant; groups; growth; gtp; gvbd; habitual; hairless; hairpin; half; hand; hbv; hca; hcmv; heat; hela; helicase; hepatocytes; heterodimer; high; higher; highest; histidine; histone; hiv; homologous; homology; hormone; host; hours; hplc; hsp82; human; human cell; hybridization; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hypothesis; iba; identical; identity; ifn; iii; il-1; il-2; il-6; il-8; immune; immunofluorescence; immunoreactive; important; inactive; incorporation; increased; incubation; independent cells; individual; induced; inducible; induction; infected; infected cells; infection; influence; influx; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; inhibits; initial; initiation; inner; inos; insect; institut; insulin; intact; intensity; interaction; intestinal; intracellular; investigation; involution; involved; involvement; inward; ir cells; iron; isoforms; isolated; isolation; k +; kda; kda protein; key; kinase; kinetics; known; laboratory; lack; large; lausanne; layer; lead; leaf; length; lesion; levels; library; ligand; light; like; likely; limited; linear; linking; lipid; little; liver; localization; localized; long; loop; loss; low; lower; lph; lps; lumbricoides; lung; lymphoid; m26; macrophages; major; mammalian; mammalian cells; mammals; mammary; manner; map; map-115; mapping; marker; mass; matrix; maturation; mature; max; mbp; means; measured; mechanisms; medical; medium; meiosis; meiotic; melanoma; members; membrane; mesangial cells; metabolic; method; methylation; mg protein; mice; microbiology; microfilaments; microglial cells; microscopy; microtubules; middle; minor; mismatch; mitochondrial; mitosis; mitotic; mlc; mmtv; model; moderate; modification; modified; molecular; molecules; molekularbiologie; monoclonal; morphology; motoneurons; motor; mouse; mpr; mrna; multiple; murine; muscle; muscle cells; mutagenesis; mutant; mutated; mutations; mxl; myc; myelin; native; natural; necessary; necrosis; negative; neonatal; nerve; nervous; neural; neurite; neuronal; neuronal cells; neurons; new; newborn; nfmb; nitric; nmda; non; normal; northern; novel; npy; nt-4/5; ntcp; nuclear; nuclei; nucleotides; nucleus; number; numerous; observed; oct-1; octamer; oligodendrocytes; oligonucleotide; oncogene; onset; oocytes; open; opposite; order; orf; organ; organisms; organization; origin; oscillations; ouabain; outer; outgrowth; overexpression; oxide; p53; page; pairing; pancreatic; parasite; partial; particle; particular; pathogenic; pathway; patients; pattern; pax7; pcr; pdgf; peak; peptide; performance; period; phase; phenotype; phenylalanine; phosphatase; phosphorylation; physiological; physiology; pka; pkc; pkr; plants; plasma; plasmid; plasticity; play; plp; pmo; pnh; point; polymerase; polypeptide; pombe; population; position; positive; positive cells; possibility; possible; post; postnatal; potential; pou; precursor; preliminary; preparations; presence; present; pressure; previous; primary; primers; probe; process; processes; processing; production; products; programmed; progression; proliferation; prominent; promoter; propagation; properties; prostate; protease; protein; protein expression; protein gene; protein kinase; protein level; protein sequence; protein synthesis; protein tyrosine; proteolytic; prp; pth; ptps; purification; purified; purpose; putative; quantitative; question; rabbits; radiation; range; rapid; rat; rat cells; rate; rats; reaction; reading; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; recombinant protein; recombination; reduced; region; regular; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; release; renal; repair; repeats; repetitive; replication; replication protein; reporter; residues; resistance; respective; response; responsible; restricted; results; retina; reversed; rich; rise; rive; rna; rnas; role; rps19; s03; s05; s08; s15; samples; scanning; scf; schwann cells; sciatic; science; screening; sds; search; second; secondary; secretion; secretory; sections; segment; selective; sensitive; sensitivity; separation; sequence; sequence analysis; sequencing; series; serine; serum; set; share; shift; shock; short; signal; signalling; significant; silver; similar; similarity; single; sites; situ; size; small; smcs; smooth; snrnp; sodium; soluble; solution; somatic; space; spatial; species; specific; specific activity; specific expression; specificity; spinal; spindle; splicing; spontaneous; stability; stable; stage; staining; start; step; steroid; stimulated; stimulation; stores; strain; strand; strong; structure; studies; study; subcellular; subsequent; subset; substrate; subunit; support; surface; survival; sustained; swiss; switzerland; synapses; synaptic; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; system; t cells; target; target cells; targeting; tau; technique; telomeric; temperature; terminal; terminus; test; testing; thymus; time; tissue; tnf; tobacco; total; transcription; transcripts; transfected; transfection; transfer; transformation; transformed; transgenic; transient; translation; transmembrane; transmission; transport; treatment; tumor; tumor cells; type; typical; tyrosine; underlying; unique; university; unknown; upstream; uptake; usp; vaccinia; variants; variety; vascular; vector; velocity; vertebrates; vesicles; vip; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; voltage; vp16; water; weeks; weight; western; wild; work; wortmannin; wound; xenopus; xii; yeast; ykl312; ziirich; zinc cache: cord-004879-pgyzluwp.txt plain text: cord-004879-pgyzluwp.txt item: #6 of 67 id: cord-004948-ad3i9wgj author: None title: 7th International Congress on Amino Acids and Proteins : Vienna, Austria, August 6–10, 2001 date: 2001 words: 73789 flesch: 41 summary: After the performic acid oxidation and the 6 M HCl hydrolysis of the protein, OPA/TATG (o-phthaldialdehyde/tetra-O-acetyl-1-thio--D-glucopiranoside) precolumn derivatisation method was used, and the enantiomers of sulphur containing amino acids were separated by RP-HPLC (LiChrosphere 100 RP-18e, 125 ϫ 4 mm, 5 µm column, Merck-Hitachi LaChrom HPLC). The dominant ones are water, ethanol, glycerol, sugars, organic acids, and various ions, while amino acids are present at much lower concentration. keywords: 1,2; ability; able; abnormalities; absorption; academy; accumulation; acid residues; acid transport; acids; acquisition; actions; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; acyl; addition; administration; adult; affected; affinity; agents; aim; alanine; albebetin; albumin; aldehydes; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alzheimer; amd1; amino acid; ammonia; ampa; analogs; analogues; analysis; angiotensin; animals; anion; anit; antagonists; anti; antibodies; antidepressant; antigenic; antigens; antioxidant; antiviral; ap5; apob-100; apoptosis; apoptotic; application; applied; approach; arabidopsis; area; arginine; aromatic; aspartate; aspartic; assay; associated; ata3; atp; available; b12; bacteria; basal; basic; bearing; better; binding; biochemical; biochemistry; biological; biology; biosynthesis; blood; body; bond; bovine; brain; brain proteins; branched; breast; broad; ca1; calcium; cancer; candidate; capable; capacity; carbon; cardiac; carrier; case; caspases; catalytic; catalyzed; cationic; cationic amino; causes; cck; cdna; cell; cellular; center; central; centre; cerebellar; cerebral; certain; chain; changes; channels; characteristic; characterized; charge; chemical; chemistry; chloride; cholesterol; chromatography; chronic; classes; cleavage; clinical; cloned; cns; coli; column; combination; common; comparison; competitive; complex; complexes; complications; components; composition; compounds; concentration; conclusion; conditions; conjugated; consequence; content; contrast; control; conventional; conversion; cord; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; course; creatine; critical; cross; cultures; current; cycle; cysteine; cytokine; cytosolic; cytotoxic; d-2; damage; data; databank; days; death; decarboxylase; decreased; deficiency; degradation; degree; dehydrogenase; density; department; dependent; depletion; deprivation; derivatives; design; detectable; detection; determination; development; diet; dietary; differences; different; differential; differentiation; dimensional; direct; disease; disorders; distinct; distribution; dna; domain; donor; dopa; dopamine; dopaminergic; dose; double; drug; dynorphin; dysfunction; early; edema; effect; effective; efficacy; efflux; egcg; electrophoresis; elevated; embryos; encoding; endogenous; endothelial; energy; enhanced; enos; enzymatic; enzyme; epileptic; essential; essential amino; established; ethanol; evaluation; evidence; evoked; example; exchange; excitatory; excretion; exercise; experiments; exposure; expression; extracellular; extracts; fabp; factor; faculty; family; fatty; fed; feedback; feeding; female; fetal; fibroblasts; fibronectin; findings; fish; flow; fluid; fluorescence; fold; following; food; formation; fraction; fragment; fragmentation; free; free amino; frontal; function; gaba; gamma; gapd; gel; gels; gene; general; genetic; germany; gln; glu(bu; glucose; glutamate; glutamatergic; glutamic; glutamine; glutathione; glycine; good; grant; great; greater; green; group; growth; gsh; hand; hcmv; healthy; heart; heavy; hepatic; high; higher; hippocampus; histidine; homocysteine; homology; hospital; hours; hplc; human; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hyperforin; hypoxia; i.p; identification; igf-1; igg; il-8; illness; imaging; immature; immune; immunoreactivity; impaired; important; incorporated; incorporation; increase; increasing; incubation; individual; induced; induction; inflammatory; influence; influx; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; injection; injury; institute; instrument; insulin; intact; intake; interaction; interest; intestinal; invasive; investigation; involved; involvement; ionization; iron; ischemia; isoforms; isolated; italy; japan; kainate; kainic; kda; key; kidney; kinase; kinetics; known; laboratory; lactate; large; laser; lateral; ldl; lens; leucine; levels; levodopa; ligand; light; like; likely; limited; line; linear; lipid; lipoate; little; liver; long; lor; loss; lower; lpi; ltd; lung; lymph; lysine; main; major; maldi; male; mammalian; manner; marker; mass; matrix; maturation; means; measurements; mechanism; medical; medicine; medium; melatonin; membrane; memory; metabolism; metabolites; metabotropic; methionine; method; methyl; mglurs; mice; microbial; microdialysis; microinjection; migration; minutes; mitochondrial; mixture; mk-801; model; modifications; modulate; modulation; moiety; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; months; motor; mouse; mpep; mrna; multiple; muscle; mutant; mutations; national; native; natural; nature; nervous; neurodegenerative; neurological; neuronal; neuronal amino; neurons; neuroprotective; neurotransmitter; neutral; neutral amino; neutrophil; new; nitration; nitric; nitrogen; nitrotyrosine; nmda; nmol; nmr; nodes; non; normal; novel; novo; number; nutritional; observations; observed; odc; oocytes; order; organic; organisms; ornithine; oxidase; oxidation; oxidative; oxide; oxygen; page; pain; parameters; parkinson; particular; pathogenesis; pathology; pathway; patients; pattern; pcr; peptide; performance; period; peripheral; pharmaceutical; pharmacological; pharmacology; phase; phenotype; phenylalanine; phosphate; phosphorylation; physical; physiological; physiology; placebo; plant; plasma; plus; pmn; point; poland; polyacrylamide; polyamines; possibility; possible; post; potential; precursor; pregnancy; prepared; presence; present; present study; pressure; previous; primary; prior; problem; processes; processing; production; products; proliferation; proline; prolonged; properties; protein amino; protein levels; protein synthesis; proteins; proteome; proteomics; pulse; purified; purpose; putative; putrescine; quantification; quantitative; radical; range; rapid; ratios; rats; reaction; reactive; reagents; recent; receptor; recognition; recovery; reduced; reductase; regions; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relative; release; renal; report; research; residues; resistant; resonance; response; responsible; results; reverse; risk; role; roots; samples; school; sciences; sdh; second; secondary; secretion; seeds; selective; sensitive; sensitivity; separation; sequence; series; serine; serum; sessions; set; severe; shock; short; shows; signaling; signals; significant; similar; single; site; size; small; sodium; software; solid; soluble; solution; source; space; species; specific; specificity; spectra; spectrometry; spectroscopy; spectrum; spermine; spinal; spots; standard; state; status; step; stimulated; stimulation; strain; stress; stressed; striatal; striatum; stroke; strong; structure; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; substance; substrate; subtype; subunits; sulfate; sulfur; supplementation; supplemented; support; surface; survival; switzerland; symptoms; synaptic; syndrome; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; system; systemic; target; taurine; technique; technology; temperature; terminal; test; testing; theanine; therapeutic; therapy; threonine; throughput; time; tissue; tof; tokyo; total; training; transcription; transfer; transformed; transgenic; translation; transmission; transport; transporters; trauma; treated; treatment; trp; tryptophan; ttg; tumor; type; tyrosine; u.k; u.s.a; unique; university; unknown; uptake; urea; urinary; use; useful; values; variety; vascular; vegf; veratridine; viral; virus; vitamin; vitro; vivo; vldl; volatile; volume; water; weeks; weight; wide; wild; wistar; work; working; ybbq; years; yhae; young cache: cord-004948-ad3i9wgj.txt plain text: cord-004948-ad3i9wgj.txt item: #7 of 67 id: cord-006452-mmdk2xom author: Chen, Jing title: Nucleic Acid-Based Therapeutics for Pulmonary Diseases date: 2018-10-18 words: 6615 flesch: 28 summary: One of the most challenging intracellular barriers for nucleic acids delivery is their tendency to remain entrapped in endosomes. The susceptibility of nucleic acids to degradation and the complex structure of lungs retard the effective pulmonary delivery of nucleic acid drug. keywords: acids; action; activity; acute; administration; aerosol; agents; airway; ali; antisense; aptamers; ards; asos; asthma; barriers; binding; cancer; cells; cellular; cftr; chemical; chronic; clinical; common; complex; copd; current; cystic; degradation; delivery; development; different; diseases; drug; dry; effects; efficiency; enac; expression; family; fda; fibrosis; formulation; function; gene; high; immune; inflammation; inflammatory; inhalation; inhaled; inhibitor; injection; injury; levels; like; lipid; local; lung; lung cancer; micrornas; mirnas; models; modification; molecules; mrna; multiple; murine; muscle; nanoparticles; new; non; novel; nucleic; nucleic acids; obstructive; oligonucleotides; patients; phase; potential; powder; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary diseases; respiratory; responses; route; silencing; sirna; site; small; specific; strand; strategies; study; suppressor; surface; systemic; systems; target; targeted; targeting; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; treatment; trials; tumor; types; vectors; viral cache: cord-006452-mmdk2xom.txt plain text: cord-006452-mmdk2xom.txt item: #8 of 67 id: cord-006518-al94gxjw author: Calder, Philip C. title: n−3 Fatty acids, inflammation, and immunity— Relevance to postsurgical and critically III patients date: 2004 words: 10067 flesch: 25 summary: Fish oil did not decrease bacterial translocation across the gut, and so the authors concluded that fish oil must have improved bacterial killing. Comparison Between Young and Older Women The Effect on Human Tumor Necrosis Factor a and Fatty Acids from Vegetable Oil or Fish Oil Prostaglandin E2 Production and T-Cell Function After Fish-Oil Supplementation: Response to Antioxidant Co-supplementation Effects of Dietary Enrichment with Eicosapentaenoic Acid and Docosahexaenoic Acid on In Vitro Neutrophil and Monocyte Leukotriene Generation and Neutrophil Function Dietary ω-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Inhibit Phosphoinositide Formation and Chemotaxis in Neutrophils n-3 Fatty Acids and Cysteinyl-Leukotriene Formation in Humans in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo Manipulation of Platelet Aggregation by Prostaglandins and Their Fatty Acid Precursors: Pharmacological Basis for a Therapeutic Approach Interaction Between Peroxidase and Cyclooxygenase Activities in Prostaglandin-Endoperoxide Synthase Eicosapentaenoic Acid Inhibits Prostaglandin D2 Generation by Inhibiting Cyclo-oxygenase-2 in Cultured Human Mast Cells Effects of Exogenous Arachidonic, Eicosapentaenoic, and Docosahexaenoic Acids on the Generation of 5-Lipoxygenase Pathway Products by Ionophore-Activated Human Neutrophils Effect of Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) on Arachidonic Acid Metabolism and Platelet Function Docosahexaenoic Acid is a Strong Inhibitor of Prostaglandin but Not Leukotriene Biosynthesis N-3 Fatty Acids Specifically Modulate Catabolic Factors Involved in Articular Cartilage Degradation Pathologic Indicators of Degradation and Inflammation in Human Osteoarthritic Cartilage are Abrogated by Exposure to N-3 Fatty Acids Fatty Acid Substrate Specificities of Human Prostaglandin-Endoperoxide H Synthase-1 and -2 Structure of Eicosapentaenoic and Linoleic Acids in the Cyclooxygenase Site of Prostaglandin Endoperoxidase H Synthase-1 Separation and Quantification of PGE3 Following Derivatization with Panacyl Bromide by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography with Fluorometric Detection Human Neutrophil Chemotactic and Degranulating Activities of Leukotriene B5 (LTB5) Derived from Eicosapentaenoic Acid Characterization and Biologic Properties of 5,12-Dihydroxy Derivatives of Eicosapentaenoic Acid, Including Leukotriene-B5 and the Double Lipoxygenase Product Synthesis of 4-Series and 5-Series Leukotrienes in the Lung Microvasculature Challenged with Escherichia coli Hemolysin: Critical Dependence on Exogenous Free Fatty Acid Supply Impact of Arachidonic Acid Versus Eicosapentaenoic Acid on Exotoxin-Induced Lung Vascular Leakage-Relation to 4-Series Versus 5-Series Leukotriene Generation Alteration of n-3 Fatty Acid Composition in Lung Tissue After Short-Term Infusion of Fish Oil Emulsion Attenuates Inflammatory Vascular Reaction Anti-Inflammatory Lipid Signals Generated From Dietary n-3 Fatty Acids via Cyclooxygenase-2 and Transcellular Processing: keywords: acid; activation; anti; arachidonic; bacterial; benefit; blood; cells; chain; chain n-3; clinical; concentrations; control; cox-2; cytokines; days; decrease; dha; dietary; different; effects; eicosanoids; eicosapentaenoic; emulsion; endothelial; endotoxin; epa; experimental; expression; factor; fatty; feeding; fish; fish oil; function; generation; genes; group; guinea; higher; hla; hospital; human; il-1β; il-6; ill; immune; immunity; impact; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; infusion; injury; leukotriene; lipid; long; lower; lox; ltb; lymphocyte; major; mediators; mice; monocytes; mononuclear; mortality; n-3; n-3 fa; necrosis; neutrophils; nfκb; nutrition; oil; parenteral; patients; pge; pigs; plasma; polyunsaturated; postoperative; production; proliferation; prostaglandin; protein; pufa; rats; recent; receptor; report; response; role; sepsis; septic; series; severe; shock; soybean; stay; studies; study; substrate; supplementation; surgery; survival; syndrome; systemic; tnf; total; trauma; tumor; vs. cache: cord-006518-al94gxjw.txt plain text: cord-006518-al94gxjw.txt item: #9 of 67 id: cord-006636-xgikbdns author: Ühlein, E. title: Übersicht Über neue ernährungswissenschaftliche Publikationen date: 1964-02-01 words: 31083 flesch: 47 summary: im Liehte der mathematisehen Analyse der Bestimmungen der Fleischbcschau yon Schweinefleisch mSglieh? zur Bestimmung der Gesamtjodzahl yon keywords: 1963; 1~.; absorption; abstr; acad; accumulation; acid; acid composition; acid content; acid metabolism; acid production; acid requirements; acta; action; activity; acute; addition; additives; adequacy; administration; agric; albumen; alcohol; alfalfa; algae; allergy; amer; amino; amino acid; ammonia; anaerobic; analyse; analysis; anemia; animals; ann; antibiotics; antibody; antioxidants; anwendung; anwendung yon; apparent; apple; arch; ascorbic; ascorbic acid; aspects; assay; assessment; associated; association; atherosclerosis; auf; auf den; auf die; aus; auxin; availability; b12; bacteria; balance; barley; bedeutung; beef; beeinflussung; behandlung; behavior; bei; bei der; beim; beitrag; beitrag zur; bericht; besonderer; bestimmung; bestimmung der; bestimmung yon; beurteilung; bicarbonate; biochemical; biological; bis; bi~; blood; body; bone; bovine; bread; breeding; brit; broilers; brot; browning; bulls; butter; butterfat; cadmium; caesium-137; calcium; calorie; calves; canad; cancer; carbohydrate; carbohydrate metabolism; carbon; carcass; caries; carotene; carotinoiden; casein; cattle; cells; cellulose; cereal; certain; changes; characteristics; characterization; cheese; chelation; chemical; chemischen; chick; chickens; childhood; children; cholesterol; choline; chromatography; chronic; cirrhosis; citric; clinical; clover; cold; coli; collaborative; color; commercial; committee; comparative; comparison; components; composition; compounds; concentration; conditions; connective; consumption; contamination; content; control; cooked; cooking; copper; corn; cottage; cows; crops; dairy; dans; das; dcr; ddr; ddt; deficiencies; deficiency; dem; den; dental; deposition; der; der chemischen; der ern; der l; der milch; der nahrung; des; determination; development; diabetes; diabetic; die; die ern; die wirkung; diet; dietary; dietary fat; dietary protein; differences; different; digestibility; direct; disease; diss; distribution; dogs; drinking; drying; dutch; dystrophy; early; eating; education; effect; egg; eggs; eigenschaften; einer; einflub; einige; elements; emphasis; emulsion; energy; entwicklung; environment; enzymatic; enzymes; ermittlung; ern; erniihrung; escherichia; essential; estimation; ethanol; evaluation; evidence; ewes; examination; exchange; excretion; exercise; experimental; extracts; fachverbandes; factors; faecal; fat; fate; fats; fatty; fatty acid; fed; feeding; feeds; female; fermentation; fertilization; fertilizer; fette; ffir; fiber; fiber den; fiber die; fiir; firmness; fish; flavor; flour; flowering; fluoridation; fluoride; foam; food; foodstuffs; forage; formation; fractions; free; freezing; fresh; frozen; fructose; fruit; ftir; function; fungus; gas; gastrointestinal; gehalt; germination; gesellschaft; gibberellin; gland; glucose; glucose metabolism; grain; grass; green; groundnut; groups; growth; guinea; hay; health; heart; heifers; helvetica; hens; hepatic; herstellung; high; higher; histamine; hormone; host; hrung; hrung die; human; hunger; hydrogen; hydrolysis; hyg; hygiene; i)iss; i)t; identification; ihre; iii; improved; incidence; incorporation; indian; indigenous; induced; infancy; infant; infection; influence; infusion; ingestion; inhibition; inorganic; insecticide; insulin; intact; intake; interaction; interrelationships; intestinal; intoxication; intravenous; investigation; iron; irradiated; isolation; j. 1963; j. a.; j. dairy; j. milk; j. s.; japan; juice; laboratory; lactation; lactic; lactose; lamb; leaf; leaves; lebensmittel; lebensmittelchemie; lemon; lettuce; levels; lipids; liver; loss; low; lysine; mad; magnesium; malnutrition; mangel; maple; marine; marketing; mast; materials; maturity; meal; measurement; meat; mechanism; med; media; medical; medium; menschen; menschlichen; metabolism; metals; methionine; method; methoden; mice; microbiological; microorganisms; milch; milk; milk composition; milk fat; mineral; modification; modified; moisture; mortem; mouse; muscle; muscular; n. n.; nach; nachweis; nahrung; nahrungsprodukten; natural; nature; nden; neue; new; newborn; niacin; nitrate; nitrogen; non; normal; north; note; nucleic; nutrient; nutrition; nutrition rev; nutritional studies; nutritive; oak; obese; observations; occurrence; oder; oil; oils; oral; orange; organic; origin; outbreak; oxidation; oxygen; p. s.; paper; parathion; particular; pathogenesis; patients; patterns; penicillin; people; performance; period; phosphate; phosphorus; physical; physiol; physiological; physiology; pigments; pigs; plant; plasma; poisoning; population; pork; possible; post; potassium; potato; potatoes; poultry; powder; praxis; prec; pregnancy; preliminary; premature; preparation; presence; preservation; previous; probleme; probleme der; procedure; processing; production; products; prolonged; properties; protein; protein levels; protein metabolism; public; purified; pyridoxine; quality; quantitative; r. s.; rabbit; radiation; rapeseed; rapid; ration; rats; rats effect; ratte; raw; rdsch; reactions; red; reed; reference; relation; relationship; relative; renal; report; reproductive; requirements; research; residues; resistance; respiration; response; restriction; retention; rev; riboflavin; rice; rive; role; root; rumen; ruminants; ryegrass; s. a.; s. nr; s. s.; salmonella; salt; school; sci; seedlings; sei; semen; serum; service; sheep; short; significance; silage; size; skeletal; skim; slaughter; slices; small; smoking; sodium; soft; soil; solids; soluble; solution; source; soybean; special; specific; stability; standards; staphylococcus; starch; starvation; state; status; steer; stilbestrol; stock; stoffe; stoffwechsel; storage; strain; strontium; studies; study; subjects; substances; sucrose; sugar; supplementation; supplements; supply; survival; swine; symposium; syndrome; synthesis; synthetic; system; t und; t yon; tea; techniques; technol; temperature; tenderness; terminology; testing; therapie; thyroid; time; tissue; tobacco; tolerance; tomato; total; toxicity; trace; training; transport; treatment; trees; tryptophan; turkey; type; tyrosine; u. s.; uber; uganda; und; und der; undernourished; untersuchungen; uptake; urea; uren; urinary; urine; use; utilization; value; van; variations; vegetables; versff; veterinary; veto; vii; viii; virus; vitamin; vitamin c; voeding; volatile; vom; von; vortragstagung; vortragsveranstaltung; wasser; water; weeks; weight; wheat; white; wilt; wines; winter; wirkung; wirkung yon; wiss; women; wschr; yeast; yield; yolk; yon; yon der; yon vitamin; young; zea; zinc; zitat; zubereitung; zum; zur; zwischen; ~ber cache: cord-006636-xgikbdns.txt plain text: cord-006636-xgikbdns.txt item: #10 of 67 id: cord-006907-pdvddowh author: Baltina, L. A. title: Synthesis of amino acid conjugates of glycyrrhizic acid using N-hydroxyphthalimide and N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide date: 2016-02-06 words: 1058 flesch: 51 summary: key: cord-006907-pdvddowh authors: Baltina, L. A.; Fairushina, A. I.; Baltina, L. A. title: Synthesis of amino acid conjugates of glycyrrhizic acid using N-hydroxyphthalimide and N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide date: 2016-02-06 journal: Russ J Gen Chem DOI: 10.1134/s1070363215120129 sha: doc_id: 6907 cord_uid: pdvddowh Synthesis of amino acid conjugates of glycyrrhizic acid with the use of N-hydroxyphthalimide, N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, and tert-butyl esters of L-amino acids (valine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, and methionine) was performed followed by deprotection with trifluoroacetic acid. N-Hydroxyphthalimide (HOPt) has been also applied as a nucleophilic reagent at the formation of the amide bond in the carbodiimide mediated synthesis of peptides [14] ; but its use in the synthesis of amino acid conjugates of glycyrrhizic acid has not yet been reported. keywords: acid; amino; butyl; chromatography; conjugates; dcc; esters; glycyrrhizic; hydroxyphthalimide; mixture; nmr; silica; spectra; synthesis; tert; use cache: cord-006907-pdvddowh.txt plain text: cord-006907-pdvddowh.txt item: #11 of 67 id: cord-008777-i2reanan author: None title: ECB12: 12th European Congess on Biotechnology date: 2005-07-19 words: 151661 flesch: 40 summary: During the process development for protein production, short time to market and the demand for cheap processes dominate today's process development. Interdependence of the impact of methanol and oxygen supply on protein production with recombinant Pichia pastoris N.K. Khatri, F. Hoffmann Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute for Biotechnology, Halle D-06120, Germany. keywords: -1,4; -amylase; 1,2; 16s; 2,4; aat; absence; abundant; acceptor; account; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acetate; acetyl; acid; acid bacteria; acid concentration; acid fermentation; acid production; actions; activated; activation; active; activities; activity; acyl; addition; adequate; adhesion; administration; adsorbents; adsorption; adult; advanced; advantages; aeration; affected; affinity; agar; agents; agitation; agricultural; aim; air; alcohol; algal; algorithm; alkaline; alkaloid; altered; alternative; alık; amino; amino acid; ammonia; ammonium; amounts; amplification; amplified; anaerobic; analogues; analysis; analytical; analyzed; anammox; animal; ankara; ankara university; antibacterial; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; antimicrobial; antioxidant; apoptosis; apparent; applicability; applicable; application; applied; approach; appropriate; aqueous; arabinose; area; aromatic; ascorbic; aspects; aspergillus; assay; assayed; assembly; associated; astaxanthin; atcc; atp; attention; attractive; aureus; availability; available; average; bacillus; bacteria; bacterium; balance; balhimycin; barley; basal; base; basis; batch; batch process; batches; beads; bed; behavior; benefits; benzene; benzoin; best; beta; better; binding; bioactive; biocatalysts; biocatalytic; biocentrum; biochemical; biochemistry; biocontrol; biodegradation; bioethanol; biofilm; biological; biology; biomarkers; biomass; biomass production; biomedical; bioprocess; bioreactor; bioremediation; biosynthesis; biotechnological; biotechnology; blood; blot; blue; bonds; bone; botulinum; bovine; box; braun; breeding; brewing; brm; broad; broth; bsa; buffer; building; bulk; business; butachlor; butanol; bvdv; calcium; calculated; calibration; campus; canary; cancer; candida; capabilities; capable; capacity; caprine; capture; carbohydrate; carbon; care; carotene; carotenoids; case; cassava; catalyst; catalytic; catalyze; cdna; cell; cell culture; cell growth; cell line; cell mass; cell proliferation; cell protein; cellulose; center; central; centre; centrifugation; ceramide; cerevisiae; certain; chain; challenge; changes; characteristics; characterization; characterized; cheap; cheese; chemical; chemical engineering; chemistry; chemostat; chip; chiral; chitin; chitosan; choice; chromatography; chymosin; citrate; citric; citric acid; class; classical; classification; cleavage; clinical; cloned; cloning; close; cluster; coal; coated; coating; coefficients; coffe; coli; collagen; collected; collection; college; colon; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; community; companies; comparative; compare; comparison; compartments; compatible; complementary; complete; complex; complexes; complexity; components; composition; compounds; compression; concentration; concept; conclusion; conditions; conformational; consequence; conserved; considerable; considerations; consistent; constant; constructed; construction; consumed; consumers; consuming; consumption; contact; contaminated; contamination; content; continuous; contrast; contribution; control; controlling; conventional; conversion; corn; correlation; corresponding; cost; countries; coupling; course; cresol; criteria; critical; crl; crls; crop; cross; crucial; crude; cultivars; cultivation; culture; culture conditions; culture medium; current; curves; cycle; cysteine; cytochrome; cytometry; cytotoxic; dairy; damage; data; date; days; dbc; debris; decades; decrease; deficiency; degradation; degraded; degrading; degree; dehydrogenase; deletion; delivery; demand; denmark; density; department; dependent; derivatives; design; detailed; detection; detergent; determination; determined; development; device; dhap; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; dialysis; diet; differences; different; different concentrations; different conditions; different process; different time; differential; differentiation; difficult; diffusion; dige; digestion; dilution; direct; directed; discovery; disease; disinfectants; disrupted; disruption; dissolved; distilled; distinct; distribution; diverse; dk-2800; dna; domain; donor; dopamine; dose; double; downstream; drug; dry; dtu; dye; dyes; dynamic; e. coli; e.c; e.g.; early; easy; eba; economic; education; effect; effective; efficient; effluent; efforts; ehts; electron; electrophoresis; elements; elisa; elution; embryos; emission; enantiomeric; enantioselectivity; encoding; endothelial; energy; engineering; enriched; enrichment; environmental; enzymatic; enzyme; enzyme activity; enzyme production; eps; equilibrium; equipment; equivalent; escherichia; essential; ester; estimation; et al; etc; ethanol; ethanol production; eukaryotic; european; evaluation; evidence; examined; examples; excellent; excess; exchange; exclusion; expansion; expensive; experience; experiments; exposure; expressed; expression; extended; extent; extract; extraction; facilitated; facilities; factors; faculty; family; far; fast; fatty; features; fed; feed; feeding; feedstock; fermentable; fermentation; fermentation conditions; fermentation process; fermented; fermentor; fibre; fibroin; filamentous; filtration; final; findings; fine; finland; fish; flasks; flavonoids; flavour; flora; flow; fluid; fluorescence; flux; fluxes; focused; folate; fold; following; food; formate; formation; forms; formulations; forward; foundation; fraction; fragment; framework; france; free; fructose; fruit; fucoidan; fuel; function; fundamental; fungal; fungi; fungus; fusarium; fusion; fusion protein; future; fviii; g l; gain; galactose; galactosidase; gas; gel; geldanamycin; gels; gene; gene expression; general; genetic; genome; genomic; genotypes; genus; germany; gfp; global; glucosamine; glucose; glucuronic; glutamate; glutamicum; glutathione; glycerol; glycine; glycolytic; glycoproteins; glycosylation; goal; god; good; gradient; gram; grant; grape; great; greater; green; group; growing; grown; growth; growth conditions; growth medium; growth rate; gsh; gut; half; hamster; hand; hbv; hcv; health; heat; heating; heavy; help; hepatitis; heterologous; hexane; hgh; hic; high; high activity; high cell; high level; high production; high temperature; high yield; higher; highest; his7tnf; histidine; homogeneity; homologous; homology; hormone; host; hplc; human; human cells; human growth; hungarian; hybrid; hybridization; hydrodynamic; hydrolysate; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hypothesis; ibs; ideal; identical; identification; igg; iii; immobilization; immobilized; immune; immunological; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; increase; incubation; indicator; individual; induced; inducible; induction; industrial; industrial production; industry; infection; inflammatory; influence; infrared; ingredients; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; initial; innovative; inoculum; inorganic; inositol; insect; insight; insoluble; institute; instrument; insulin; integrated; intein; intended; interaction; interest; interesting; intermediates; internal; international; intestinal; intracellular; introduction; introns; inulinase; investigation; involved; iran; islands; isoforms; isolated; isolation; isomerase; isopropanol; isotherms; issues; japan; juice; kda; keto; kind; kinetic; kit; kits; kluyveromyces; knowledge; known; kobe; korea; l −1; labelling; laboratory; laccase; lack; lactate; lactic; lactic acid; lactobacillus; lactococcal; lactose; large; layer; lead; lee; length; level; level production; library; licheniformis; life; ligand; light; lignocellulosic; like; likely; limitations; limited; limiting; lincomycin; line; linear; lipase; lipase production; lipid; liquid; literature; little; living; load; loading; local; lodz; long; loop; loss; low; lower; ltd; luciferase; lund; lutein; lyase; lyngby; lyophilized; lysine; mabs; magnetic; mail; main; major; making; maltose; mammalian; management; manipulation; manner; manufacturing; marine; markers; market; marxianus; mass; material; mathematical; matrix; matter; maturation; maximal; maximum; means; measured; measurements; mechanism; media; medical; medicines; medium; membrane; mercury; metabolic; metabolic activity; metabolic engineering; metabolites; metabolome; metal; methionine; method; methodology; methyl; metu; mg l; mice; microalgae; microarrays; microbial; microbiology; microfluidic; microorganisms; microscopy; microspheres; middle; milk; mill; mineral; minimal; mixed; mixing; mixture; model; modeling; modern; modification; modified; modules; molasses; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monooxygenases; months; morphological; morphology; mothers; mouse; mrna; multiple; muscle; mutants; mutation; mycelium; myogenic; n19tnf; nacl; nadorcott; nadph; naproxen; national; natural; nature; necessary; need; negative; nerve; netherlands; network; neurons; new; niger; nir; nitrite; nitrogen; non; nonlinear; normal; novel; nuclear; nucleic; nucleotide; number; numerous; nutrient; nutritional; objective; observed; occurring; odor; oil; oligonucleotide; oligosaccharides; olive; omw; ones; open; operating; operation; operon; opportunity; optimal; optimization; optimum; order; organic; origin; oryzae; osmotic; overall; overcome; overlap; oxidase; oxidation; oxidative; oxygen; p.o; p450; paa; packed; page; paper; parallel; parameters; partial; particles; particular; partition; parts; pastoris; pathogenic; pathway; patients; patterns; pcr; pdh; pdna; pectin; peg; penicillium; pentose; people; peptide; perceptions; performance; period; peroxidase; perturbation; peter; petroleum; ph conditions; pharmaceutical; pharmacological; phase; phenol; phenotypic; phosphate; phylogenetic; physical; physiological; physiology; phytases; phytate; pichia; pilot; plant; plantarum; plasma; plasmid; plate; platform; pls; pnp; point; poland; pollen; pollution; polyclonal; polymer; polymorphisms; polypeptide; polysaccharides; population; portal; portion; portugal; positive; possibility; possible; post; potato; potential; powder; powerful; ppm; practical; practice; precipitation; precursor; preliminary; preparations; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; pretreatment; previous; primary; primers; principle; prior; probes; probiotic; problem; procedure; process; process conditions; process development; processes; processing; produce; production; production cost; production medium; production process; production strains; production system; production yield; productivity; products; profiles; profiling; progenitors; program; progress; project; prokaryotic; proliferation; promising; promoter; properties; protease; protective; protein; protein concentration; protein engineering; protein expression; protein production; proteolytic; proteome; proteomics; pseudomonas; public; puerto; pulp; pure; purification; purified; purity; purpose; putative; puvls; pınar; quality; quantification; quantitative; quantities; quantity; rabbits; racemic; random; range; rapid; rate; ratios; rats; raw; rbbr; rdc; reaction; reactive; reactors; real; reca; recd; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; recombinant enzyme; recombinant protein; recovered; recovery; reduced; reductase; reference; refolding; regeneration; region; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; remove; renewable; repair; replacement; reported; reproducible; requirements; research; residual; residues; resistance; resources; respect; respective; respiration; respiratory; response; responsible; resulting; results; retention; reverse; rfviia; rhctla4ig; rhizopus; ribosomal; rice; rico; rise; risk; rnai; rnase; rnc; robust; robustness; role; root; route; rpl23; rpm; rrna; run; saccharomyces; safe; salt; samples; sampling; sandwich; sap; sbt; scaffolds; scale; scale production; scar; schistosomules; school; science; scientific; scientists; screening; sds; second; secondary; secretion; seeds; selection; selective; selectivity; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separated; separation; sepharose; sequence; sequencing; sera; series; serine; serum; set; sets; severe; shake; shaking; shock; short; shrimp; signal; signalling; significant; silencing; silica; silkworm; similar; similarity; simple; simulated; simulation; simultaneous; single; sirna; site; situ; size; skeletal; skin; sludge; small; smb; sodium; software; soil; sole; solid; solubility; soluble; soluble protein; solutes; solution; solvent; source; soybean; spain; special; species; specific; specific activity; specific growth; specificities; specificity; spectra; spectrometry; spectroscopy; spectrum; splicing; spores; spots; srb; stability; stable; stages; standard; starch; starting; state; stationary; statistical; status; stem cells; step; stirred; stoichiometric; storage; strains; strategies; strategy; straw; streptomyces; stress; strong; structure; students; studies; study; styrene; subjects; submerged; substances; substitution; substrate; subtilis; subunit; successful; sucrose; sugar; suitable; sulfate; sulphate; superior; supply; support; surface; survival; susceptibility; suspended; suspension; sweden; syndrome; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; syrup; system; systematic; tagatose; tags; tank; tannase; tannic; target; target protein; targeted; targeting; technical; technical university; technique; technologies; tehran; temperature; temporal; tendency; terminal; terms; tested; testing; tests; textile; therapeutic; therapy; thermal; thermophilic; thermostable; threonine; thrombin; throughput; thuringiensis; time; tissue; tobacco; today; tof; tolerance; tool; total; toxic; toxicity; toxins; tpi; traditional; training; transcription; transcriptome; transfer; transferase; transformants; transformation; transgenic; translational; transplantation; transport; treatment; trichoderma; trimethoprim; tropical; trypsinogen; tumor; turkey; type; typical; uncontrolled; understanding; unfolding; unique; unit; university; uptake; urease production; usa; use; useful; utilization; utilizing; valuable; value; variables; variants; variation; varied; variety; vector; vegetable; versicolor; viability; viable; view; vinyl; viral; virus; viruses; viscosity; vitro; vivo; volume; volumetric; vvm; wall; wastes; wastewater; water; wavelength; ways; weeks; weight; western; wet; whey; white; wide; widespread; wild; wildtype; wnt; work; workforce; working; world; worldwide; xylitol; xylitol production; xylose; years; yeast; yeast cells; yield; yogurt; zealand; zinc; zone cache: cord-008777-i2reanan.txt plain text: cord-008777-i2reanan.txt item: #12 of 67 id: cord-011251-rjyipcfv author: Chernyshov, Vladimir V. title: Single-stage synthesis of heterocyclic alkaloid-like compounds from (+)-camphoric acid and their antiviral activity date: 2019-02-28 words: 2798 flesch: 40 summary: In vitro screening for activity influenza virus A was carried out for the obtained compounds. The synthesized quinazoline-like agent 14 has inhibitory activity against different strains of influenza viruses. keywords: 10b; 12a; 12b; acid; activity; aldehydes; aliphatic; alkaloids; antiviral; aromatic; camphoric; carboxylic; catalysts; chemistry; chiral; compounds; derivatives; diamine; different; direct; heterocyclic; influenza; inhibitory; interaction; mixture; natural; nitrogen; phenol; polycyclic; product; quinazoline; reaction; reference; refluxing; resistance; scheme; solvent; spectrum; strains; structure; study; synthesis; synthetic; time; use; vasicine; virus; viruses; yield cache: cord-011251-rjyipcfv.txt plain text: cord-011251-rjyipcfv.txt item: #13 of 67 id: cord-012056-8b3xffsh author: Maas, Ronald H. W. title: Lactic acid production from lime-treated wheat straw by Bacillus coagulans: neutralization of acid by fed-batch addition of alkaline substrate date: 2008-04-01 words: 5188 flesch: 41 summary: In this study, lime-treated wheat straw was hydrolyzed and fermented simultaneously to lactic acid by an enzyme preparation and Bacillus coagulans DSM 2314. Lactic acid (40.7 g/l) indicated a fermentation efficiency of 81% and a chiral l(+)-lactic acid purity of 97.2%. keywords: acid; addition; alkaline; arabinan; batch; biomass; calcium; chiral; coagulans; concentration; control; determined; dsm; efficiency; enzymatic; enzyme; fed; fermentation; fermenter; fig; glucan; hydrolysis; hydroxide; incubation; lactic; lactic acid; lignocellulosic; lime; low; ltws; monomeric; neutralization; phase; polymeric; polysaccharides; preparation; present; pretreatment; process; production; productivity; purity; results; ssf; straw; substrate; sugars; suspension; theoretical; wheat; xylan cache: cord-012056-8b3xffsh.txt plain text: cord-012056-8b3xffsh.txt item: #14 of 67 id: cord-017131-rx1z4orm author: Patra, Amlan Kumar title: An Overview of Antimicrobial Properties of Different Classes of Phytochemicals date: 2012-02-18 words: 10595 flesch: 30 summary: Coumarins exhibit a broad diversity for antimicrobial activity. Detailed information of antimicrobial activities of fl avonoids has been discussed elsewhere in this book (Chap. 2 ). keywords: 3,4; acid; action; active; activities; activity; aeruginosa; agents; aglycone; albicans; alkaloids; allicin; anthranoids; antibacterial; antibacterial activity; antibiotics; antifungal; antimicrobial; antimicrobial activity; antimicrobial properties; antiviral; aureus; avato; avonoids; bacteria; biological; brassica; caffeic; candida; cell; chain; chlorogenic; classes; classifi; coli; combination; compounds; concentrations; constituents; coumarins; cueva; cysteine; derivatives; diallyl; dietary; different; diversity; drugs; e.g.; effective; effects; effi; emodin; essential; et al; exhibit; extracts; family; fig; food; fractions; fungi; gallate; gallotannins; garlic; glucosinolates; gram; greater; group; growth; hsv; human; hydrolysis; hydroxyl; infl; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; intestinal; iridoids; lactobacillus; lapachol; limonoids; major; medicinal; membrane; metabolites; methyl; microbes; mics; moiety; mrsa; natural; negative; negative bacteria; new; non; number; oils; order; overview; pathogenic; phenolic; phenolic acids; phenolic compounds; phytochemicals; plants; polyacetylene; polyphenols; positive; positive bacteria; potent; ppm; presence; present; products; properties; pylori; quillaja; quinic; range; reduced; resistant; rheum; rich; ring; salmonella; saponins; secoiridoids; secondary; signifi; species; spp; staphylococcus; strains; strong; structure; studies; study; substituents; synthetic; tannins; tea; terpenoids; trans; type; typhi; uence; virus; wide; yeasts; yucca cache: cord-017131-rx1z4orm.txt plain text: cord-017131-rx1z4orm.txt item: #15 of 67 id: cord-017504-rtg7fs82 author: Lim, T. K. title: Punica granatum date: 2012-11-03 words: 31407 flesch: 35 summary: Oral administration of pomegranate juice extract (100 and 300 mg/kg) to angiotensin-II treated rats for 4 weeks signi fi cantly reduced the mean arterial blood pressure and vascular reactivity changes to various catecholamines (Waghulde et al. 2010 ) . The results suggested that pomegranate juice extract could prevent the development of high blood pressure induced by angiotensin-II probably by combating the oxidative stress and antagonizing the physiological actions of angiotensin-II. keywords: -sitosterol; -tocopherol; 2005a; ability; abundant; accumulation; acetate; acetone; acid; activation; activities; activity; addition; administration; agent; ammation; ammatory; analysis; androgen; angiotensin; animal; anthocyanins; antiatherogenic; antibacterial; antigen; antimicrobial; antioxidant; antioxidant activity; antioxidative; antiproliferative; apolipoprotein; apoptosis; aqueous; arils; arthritis; assay; associated; atherosclerotic; aureus; aviram; avonoids; bark; bene; binding; bioactive; biosynthesis; blood; body; brain; breast; calcium; cancer; cancer cells; capacity; carcinoma; cardiac; carotid; catalase; cation; cells; cellular; changes; chemopreventive; cholesterol; chronic; cial; cient; clinical; coli; collagen; colon; combination; components; composition; compounds; concentrated; concentration; conjugated; constituents; consumption; content; control; coronary; cultivars; cyanidin; daily; damage; data; days; decrease; degradation; delphinidin; density; dependent; derivatives; determined; development; diabetes; diabetic; dietary; diglucoside; disease; dismutase; dna; dose; dysfunction; effect; effective; elevated; ellagic; ellagic acid; ellagitannins; endothelial; enzyme; equivalent; erectile; escherichia; estrogen; et al; ethanol; ethyl; expression; extract; extract signi; factor; fatty; fermented; fi ed; fl ower; fold; food; formation; fraction; frap; free; fresh; fruit extract; fruit juice; fruit peel; fruits; function; gallic; gallic acid; gastric; gel; gene; glucose; glutathione; granatin; granatum; granatum extract; granatum fl; granatum pomegranate; group; growth; gsh; hdl; healthy; heart; hepatic; high; higher; highest; human; hydrolyzable; identi; improved; incidence; increased; index; india; induced; induction; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; inhibits; injury; insulin; intake; intestinal; invasion; isolated; juice consumption; juice extract; juice polyphenols; juices; kappab; kidney; kinase; ldl; lead; leaf; leaves; levels; linolenic; lipid; lipoprotein; liver; low; lung; luteolin; m g; macrophage; major; male; malondialdehyde; mda; mean; mechanism; medicinal; medicine; metabolism; metabolites; methanolic; mg/100; mice; model; mouse; mrna; mrsa; new; nitric; normal; nuclear; number; obesity; oil; oral; overall; ower; ower extract; oxidative; oxygen; paraoxonase; pathways; patients; peel; peel extract; pelargonidin; pericarp; period; peritoneal; peroxidase; peroxidation; pfe; pgf; phase; phenolic; phosphorylation; placebo; plants; plasma; polyphenols; pomegranate; pomegranate bark; pomegranate ellagitannins; pomegranate extract; pomegranate fruit; pomegranate juice; pomegranate peel; pomegranate polyphenols; pomegranate seed; positive; potent; potential; ppar; ppm; presence; pressure; pretreatment; products; proliferation; properties; prostate; prostate cancer; protection; protein; pso; pulp; punica; punica granatum; punicalagin; punicic; punicic acid; quercetin; radiation; radical; randomized; range; rate; rats; reactive; receptor; reduced; reductase; reduction; related; responsible; results; rich; rich pomegranate; rind; risk; role; root; salmonella; scavenging; seed oil; seeds; serum; signi; signi fi; similar; size; skin; sodium; sour; species; staphylococcus; strains; stress; studies; study; subjects; sugars; superoxide; supplementation; sweet; system; tannins; test; thickness; time; tissue; tnf; total; traditional; transcription; treatment; triglyceride; tumour; type; uenza; uptake; urine; urolithin; useful; uvb; values; vascular; viability; virus; vitamin; vivo; water; weeks; weight; wine; wistar; zucker cache: cord-017504-rtg7fs82.txt plain text: cord-017504-rtg7fs82.txt item: #16 of 67 id: cord-017813-qhsymg0r author: Sanchez, Sergio title: Bioactive Products from Fungi date: 2017-01-11 words: 11654 flesch: 41 summary: US Patent 6,015,684 Comparative metabolic flux analysis of an Ashbya gossypii wild type strain and a high riboflavin-producing mutant strain Downstream reactions and engineering in the microbially reconstituted pathway for Taxol The gibberellin fermentation Biotechnology of non-Saccharomyces yeasts-the basidiomycetes Phaffia rhodozyma as an astaxanthin source in animal diets Secondary metabolites of the fungus Monascus: a review Isolating uncultivable microorganisms in pure culture in a simulated natural environment Isocitric acid production from rapeseed oil by Yarrowia lipolytica yeast Unraveling the efficient applications of secondary metabolites of various Trichoderma spp Calcium malate overproduction by Penicillium viticola 152 using the medium containing corn steep liquor Microbial conversion of glycerol: present status and future prospects Production of 2,3-butanediol by engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae Aspergillomarasmine a overcomes metallo-b lactamase antibiotic resistance Recent derivatives from smaller classes of fermentation-derived antibacterials Glycolic acid production in the engineered yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces lactis Thiolactomycin and related analogues as novel anti-mycobacterial agents targeting KasA and KasB condensing enzymes in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Microbial production of itaconic acid: developing a stable platform for high product concentrations Isolation of taxol, an anticancer drug produced by the endophytic fungus, Phoma betae In vitro screening of taxol, an anticancer drug produced by the fungus Colletotricum capsici Taxol promising fungal endophyte, Pestalotiopsis species isolated from Taxus cuspidata Taxol from Phyllosticta citricarpa, a leaf spot fungus of the angiosperm Citrus medica Engineering alcohol tolerance in yeast Microbial production of food ingredients, enzymes and nutriceuticals Benefit of Monascus-fermented products for hypertension prevention: a review Bioavailability improvement of mycophenolic acid through amino ester derivatization Endophytic taxol-producing fungi from bald cypress Biorefinery products from the inulin-containing crop Jerusalem artichoke Pyruvate production in Candida glabrata: manipulation and optimization of physiological function Biotechnological production of xylitol from lignocellulosic wastes: a review Genetic engineering of microorganisms for biodiesel production Effect of nutrition of Monascus on formation of red pigments Leucine interference in the production of water-soluble red Monascus pigments Negative effect of ammonium nitrate as nitrogen source on the production of water-soluble red pigments by Monascus sp Resting cell studies on formation of water-soluble red pigments by Monascus sp Fermentation process for carboxylic acids Enhancement of pyruvate production by osmotic-tolerant mutant of Torulopsis glabrata Isolation and characterization of endophytic taxol-producing fungi from Taxus chinensis How to achieve high-level expression of microbial enzymes: strategies and perspectives Frontiers of yeast metabolic engineering: diversifying beyond ethanol and Saccharomyces Simvastatin has beneficial effect on pulmonary artery hypertension by inhibiting NF-jB expression The need for new antibiotics Camptothecin, over four decades of surprising findings Constituents of red yeast rice, a traditional Chinese food and medicine The inducers 1,3-diaminopropane and spermidine produce a drastic increase in the expression of the penicillin biosynthetic genes for prolonged time, mediated by the LaeA regulator Nutritional and engineering aspects of microbial process development Enhanced production of erythritol by Yarrowia lipolytica on glycerol in repeated batch cultures Fermentation behavior of an osmotolerant yeast D. hansenii for xylitol production Simultaneous saccharification and continuous fermentation of sludge-containing mash for bioethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Thaumatin production in Aspergillus awamori by use of expression cassettes with strong fungal promoters and high gene dosage The citric acid production from raw glycerol by Yarrowia lipolytica yeast and its regulation Natural products as sources of new drugs over the last 25 years Statins, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and regression of coronary atherosclerosis Production of biopharmaceutical proteins by yeast High-level semi-synthetic production of the potent antimalarial artemisinin Biotechnological approaches for the production of prebiotics and their potential applications Fermentation of xylose and cellobiose by Pichia stipitis and Brettanomyces clausenii Fungal enzyme inhibitors as pharmaceuticals, toxins and scourge of PCR Cell recycling during very high gravity bio-ethanol fermentations using the industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain PE-2 Camptothecin-producing endophytic fungus Trichoderma atroviride LY357: isolation, identification, and fermentation conditions optimization for camptothecin production Gluconic acid production from golden syrup by Aspergillus niger strain using semiautomatic stirred-tank fermenter Microbial production of food ingredients, enzymes and nutriceuticals Improving carotenoids production in yeast via adaptive laboratory evolution Fumaric acid production by fermentation Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous for the industrial production of astaxanthin The role of oxidative stress on carotene production by Blakeslea trispora in submerged fermentation In vitro culture of Taxus sp.: strategies to increase cell growth and taxoid production Optimization of fermentation conditions for gluconic acid production using Aspergillus niger immobilized on cellulose microfibrils Continuous production of gluconic acid by Aspergillus niger immobilized on a cellulosic support: study of low pH fermentative behaviour of Aspergillus niger Differential expression of silent polyketide biosynthesis gene clusters in chemostat cultures of Aspergillus nidulans Overexpression of the yeast transcription activator Msn2 confers furfural resistance and increases the initial fermentation rate in ethanol production Mycophenolic acid inhibits replication of Japanese Encephalitis Virus Antimicrobials, drug discovery, and genome mining Microbial production of food ingredients, enzymes and nutriceuticals Activities of TMC207, rifampin, and pyrazinamide against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in guinea pigs Utilization of corn steep liquor for biosynthesis of pullulan, an important exopolysaccharide Alternaria sp Citric acid production began in England in 1826 by John and Edward Sturge of the city of Selby. keywords: 1,3; acid; acid production; activation; active; activities; activity; addition; advances; agent; albumin; angiogenesis; animal; anti; antibiotics; anticancer; antifungal; aspergillus; astaxanthin; bacteria; beneficial; beta; bioactive; biodiesel; biomass; biopharmaceuticals; biosynthesis; camptothecin; cancer; candida; carotenoids; cell; cellulase; cellulolytic; cerevisiae; chain; chemical; cholesterol; citric; clusters; commercial; compounds; conditions; corn; culture; cyclosporin; derivatives; development; discovery; diseases; drugs; effect; encoding; endophytic; engineering; enzymes; et al; ethanol; excellent; expensive; expression; factor; fatty; feed; fermentation; fig; filamentous; food; formation; fuel; fungal; fungi; fungus; future; g l; g −1; gene; genome; glucose; glycerol; glycosylation; growth; hepatitis; high; human; hypocholesterolemic; immobilized; immune; important; improved; increase; industrial; industry; inhibitors; insulin; isolation; kumaran; l −1; large; levels; lipids; lipolytica; low; market; medicine; metabolic; metabolites; microbes; microbial; microorganisms; monascus; mycophenolic; natural; new; nidulans; nielsen; niger; non; oils; oxidase; pastoris; pathway; penicillium; pharmaceutical; pichia; pigments; plant; potential; preparation; present; process; producers; production; productivity; products; proteins; rate; recent; recombinant; red; regulation; regulatory; related; review; rice; saccharomyces; sales; screening; secondary; serum; signal; silent; source; species; statins; stipitis; strain; structure; sugar; synthetic; taxol; taxus; time; tons; transcription; transesterification; tree; trichoderma; type; use; useful; virus; waste; water; world; xylitol; xylose; year; yeast; yield cache: cord-017813-qhsymg0r.txt plain text: cord-017813-qhsymg0r.txt item: #17 of 67 id: cord-018428-6lc1fcpe author: Rekha, Kaliyaperumal title: Secondary Metabolite Production in Transgenic Hairy Root Cultures of Cucurbits date: 2017-01-18 words: 9051 flesch: 42 summary: Hairy root cultures offer promise for high production and productivity of valuable secondary metabolites in many plants. To this end, hairy root culture presents an excellent platform for producing valuable secondary metabolites. keywords: accumulation; acid; activities; activity; agents; agrobacterium; analysis; anguria; antibacterial; antimicrobial; antioxidant; antiviral; aroma; bioactive; biological; bioreactors; biosynthetic; bitter; c. anguria; caffeic; camv; cancer; cell; chain; charantin; chemicals; chlorogenic; compounds; conditions; contents; coumaric; cucumber; cucumis; cucurbits; cultures; cylindrica; development; diabetic; different; dioica; disease; dna; effects; essential; extracts; factors; family; flavonoids; food; free; genome; gourd; gram; group; growth; gus; gynostemma; gypenosides; hairy; hairy roots; health; higher; human; hydroxybenzoic; important; induction; inhibition; inhibitory; integration; japonica; kaempferol; kirilowii; large; levels; lines; liquid; lower; luffa; m. dioica; major; mass; medicinal; medium; melon; metabolic; metabolites; momordica; nontransformed; nontransformed roots; nontransgenic; nontransgenic roots; number; nutrient; oxygen; pathway; pcr; pentaphyllum; phenolic; phenolic compounds; phytochemicals; plant; potential; production; products; properties; protein; pumpkin; quercetin; results; rhizogenes; rips; rolc; root cultures; roots; sativus; secondary; secondary metabolites; seeds; source; species; studies; synthesis; time; tissue; transformation; transgenic; trichosanthes; type; valuable; var; virus cache: cord-018428-6lc1fcpe.txt plain text: cord-018428-6lc1fcpe.txt item: #18 of 67 id: cord-022196-1tionxun author: FENNER, FRANK title: The Nature and Classification of Animal Viruses date: 2013-11-17 words: 9589 flesch: 42 summary: In viruses whose genome consists of single-stranded nucleic acid, the viral nucleic acid is either the positive strand (in RNA viruses, equivalent to messenger RNA) or the negative (complementary) strand. The diameters of the nucleocapsids of several viruses have been measured, but in only a few cases is the length or the pitch of the helix known. keywords: accepted; acid; agents; animal; animal viruses; antigen; arboviruses; budding; capsids; capsomers; cause; cells; cellular; certain; chapter; chemical; classification; complex; core; cross; daltons; diameter; different; disease; dna; dna viruses; electron; envelope; families; family; fig; genera; generalized; genetic; genome; genus; groups; hand; helical; hepatitis; host; icnv; icosahedral; important; infections; international; isometric; large; lipid; lipoprotein; long; mammalian; man; members; membrane; molecular; molecules; morphological; morphology; multiply; names; nature; nomenclature; nucleic; nucleic acid; nucleocapsid; number; particles; peplomers; physicochemical; plants; polypeptides; poxviruses; properties; protein; reactivity; respiratory; review; rna; serological; similar; single; small; species; specific; structural; subgenus; symmetry; table; togaviridae; triangles; tubular; tumor; type; units; vertebrates; viral; virion; viruses; weight; wildy cache: cord-022196-1tionxun.txt plain text: cord-022196-1tionxun.txt item: #19 of 67 id: cord-023208-w99gc5nx author: None title: Poster Presentation Abstracts date: 2006-09-01 words: 71178 flesch: 41 summary: Peptide structures can be approached by spectroscopy and NMR techniques but data from these approaches too frequently diverge. To increase the stability and the therapeutic efficacy of peptide sequences from myelin oligodendrocyte protein (MOG) that act as multiple sclerosis (MS) antigens, we grafted them onto a framework of a particularly stable class of peptides, the cyclotides. keywords: able; absence; acid; acid peptide; acid residues; activated; activation; active; active peptides; activities; activity; acute; acyl; addition; adhesion; administration; affinities; affinity; agents; aggregates; aggregation; aib; aim; ala; alanine; aldehydes; alpha; alzheimer; amadori; amide; amino; amino acids; amino group; amyloid; analogs; analogues; analysis; angiogenesis; animals; antagonists; anthrax; antibacterial; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; antimicrobial activity; antimicrobial peptides; application; approach; appropriate; aqueous; arg; arginine; aromatic; arrays; asp; assay; assemblies; assembly; associated; atoms; attractive; autoimmune; available; azobenzene; aß42; bace1; backbone; background; bacteria; basis; behaviours; best; beta; better; bilayer; binding; biological; biological activity; biotin; bip; block; blood; boc; bond; bovine; brain; branched; bridge; broad; bsa; buffer; building; calculated; calculations; cancer; candidates; capture; carbohydrate; carbon; carbonyl; carboxylic; cardiac; cardiovascular; carrier; cart; cart peptide; case; catalytic; cathepsin; cck; cck8; cell; cellular; central; chain; changes; channels; characteristic; characterization; characterized; chemical; chemistry; chiral; chitosan; chromatography; chymotrypsin; circular; cis; citrullination; class; classical; cleavage; cleaved; clinical; cns; coil; coli; collagen; column; combination; combinatorial; combined; common; comparison; competitive; complex; complexes; components; compounds; concentration; conclusion; conditions; conformational; conjugates; conjugation; conserved; constants; construct; content; control; conventional; conversion; coordination; core; correct; correlation; corresponding; coupling; cov; cripto; critical; cross; crucial; crystal; ctfs; current; curves; cxcr4; cyclic; cyclic peptides; cyclotides; cyp2c9; cysteine; cytotoxic; data; degradation; degree; delivery; department; dependent; derivatives; design; detection; determination; determined; development; diabetes; diagnostic; dichroism; differences; different; difficult; diffusion; digestion; dimensional; dimer; dimeric; dimerization; dipeptides; direct; discovery; diseases; display; dissociation; distance; distinct; distribution; disulfide; dmso; dmt; dna; domain; dose; drug; dynamics; e.g.; early; effect; effective; efficacy; efficient; eif4e; electron; electrophoresis; elements; elisa; endogenous; endothelial; energy; enhanced; environmental; enzymatic; enzyme; epitope; equilibrium; essential; ester; eukaryotic; example; excellent; exhibit; experiments; expression; extracts; factor; family; fast; features; fibrils; field; findings; fluorescence; fmoc; folding; following; food; force; forming; forms; fragment; framework; free; ftir; function; furthermore; gamma; gas; gel; general; generation; glands; gln; glu; gly; glycopeptides; gnrh; goal; good; grant; great; group; growth; ha2; hairpin; hand; haptoglobin; hcc; head; helical; helices; helix; high; high affinity; higher; histone; hiv; hiv-1; hk2; homology; hormone; hplc; human; hybrid; hydrogen; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; i.t; iapp; ic50; identification; ige; igg; iii; ile; imaging; immobilized; immune; immunoglobulin; important; improved; incorporation; increase; induced; industrial; infection; influence; information; inhibition; inhibitors; inhibitory activity; insulin; intake; integrin; interaction; interest; interesting; internalization; intracellular; intramolecular; intrinsic; introduction; investigation; irradiation; isoforms; isolated; isolation; isomers; kda; key; kinase; kinetics; knowledge; large; lct; lead; length; leu; level; libraries; library; ligands; ligation; light; like; likely; limited; linear; linear peptide; lines; linker; lipid; living; long; loop; low; lower; lysine; mab; major; maldi; manner; map; mass; matrix; mean; measurements; mechanical; mechanism; melanocortin; member; membrane; metabolic; metal; metastasis; method; methodology; methyl; mice; micromolar; microscopy; microwave; mif-1; mimetics; mimic; minimal; mixture; model; model peptide; modifications; modified; moieties; moiety; molecular; molecules; motif; mouse; multiple; mutants; mutations; nanoparticles; native; natural; nature; necessary; nervous; neuroprotective; new; new peptides; nh2; nmr; nociceptive; non; normal; novel; number; observed; occurring; oligomers; oligopeptide; opioid; opioid peptides; optimal; order; organic; orientation; oxidation; oxidative; oxytocin; p53; paclitaxel; page; pain; parallel; parameters; particular; pathogenic; pathway; patients; pattern; penetratin; pentapeptides; peptide; peptide analogues; peptide backbone; peptide binding; peptide chain; peptide conjugates; peptide derivatives; peptide fragments; peptide inhibitors; peptide ligands; peptide molecules; peptide polymers; peptide sequences; peptide synthesis; peptidomimetics; peptidyl; pharmacological; phase; phase peptide; phe; phenotype; physiological; plant; plasma; plasmon; platelet; pna; polymer; polymerization; polypeptide; polyproline; poor; pore; position; positive; possess; possibility; possible; potency; potent; potential; powerful; preparation; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; previous; primary; prion; pro peptide; problem; procedures; processes; prodrug; production; products; profile; proliferation; proline; prolyl; promising; properties; prostate; protease; protein; proteolytic; protocol; pth; purification; purified; purity; putative; range; rational; rats; reaction; reactive; reagents; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; reduced; region; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; release; replacement; report; research; residues; resin; resistant; resonance; respectively; response; responsible; resulted; results; rgd; rich; rich peptides; ring; rna; rnwdvyk; role; rrf; samples; sars; scaffold; screening; sds; secondary; segment; selected; selective; selectivity; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sera; series; serine; serum; set; sfti-1; sh2; shape; sheet; shift; short; short peptides; shp-1; signal; signaling; significant; similar; simulated; simulations; single; site; small; solid; solid phase; solubility; soluble; solution; solvent; spatial; species; specific; specificity; spectra; spectrometry; spectroscopy; spectrum; sperm; spot; spps; spr; stability; stable; standard; state; step; strains; strands; strategies; strategy; strong; structure; structure activity; studies; study; substances; substitution; substrate; subunit; suggested; suitable; support; surface; syntheses; synthesized; synthetic; system; tail; target; targeting; tbu; tcp; techniques; technology; temperature; terminal; terminal amino; terminal peptides; terminus; tested; tests; tetrapeptide; tetrazole; theoretical; therapeutic; therapy; thermal; thioester; thioether; thr; throughput; time; tissue; titration; tof; tools; total; toxicity; transcription; transduction; transfer; transition; transport; treatment; trh; tripeptide; tritium; troponin; trp; trypsin; tryptophan; tumor; turn; type; tyr; ubiquitin; understanding; unique; unit; uptake; use; useful; vaccine; val; values; variants; variety; vesicles; viral; virus; vitro; vivo; vwf; warfarin; water; wild; work; xaa; years; yields; zinc; αvβ3 cache: cord-023208-w99gc5nx.txt plain text: cord-023208-w99gc5nx.txt item: #20 of 67 id: cord-023209-un2ysc2v author: None title: Poster Presentations date: 2008-10-07 words: 112272 flesch: 42 summary: A specifi c bioassay was developed for screening peptides activity in high salinity conditions in order to evaluate the inhibition of biofi lm growth, based on growing biofi lmforming bacteria in a 96-wells microtiter plate. The insight into the molecular mechanism of peptides activity is obtained in vitro using SAXS method and artifi cial systems mimicking a bacterial cytoplasmic membrane. keywords: -and; -disubstituted; -pro; -sheet; 26rfa; able; absence; acceptor; accessible; account; accumulation; acetyl; acid peptide; acid residues; acid sequence; acidic; acids; acknowledgements; acrebol; activation; active; active peptides; activities; activity; activity relationship; activity studies; acyl; acylation; addition; adhesion; adjuvant; administration; adsorption; advantage; affected; affi; affi nity; agents; aggregates; aggregation; agonists; aib; aim; ala; alanine; alpha; alternative; alzheimer; amide; amines; amino; amino acid; amino group; ammatory; amounts; amphipathic; amphiphilic; amps; amyloid; amyloid peptide; anabaena; analgesic; analogs; analogues; analysis; angiogenesis; angiotensin; angle; animals; antagonist; antibacterial; antibacterial activity; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; anticancer; antifungal; antigenic; antigens; antimicrobial activity; antimicrobial peptides; antiproliferative; antitumor; antiviral; apoptosis; apoptotic; application; approach; aqueous; arginine; aromatic; arthritis; artifi; asn; asp; aspects; aspp2; assay; assembly; associated; association; atoms; attached; attachment; attention; attractive; aureus; autoantibodies; autoimmune; automated; available; avb3; avp; aza; aza-3; azobenzene; backbone; bacteria; base; basis; bbs; behavior; benefi; bers; best; best peptides; beta; better; bilayer; binding; bioactive; bioactive peptide; biochemical; bioconjugates; biofi; biological; biological activity; biology; biomarkers; biomolecules; biophysical; blocks; blood; boc; bombesin; bond; bpa; bradykinin; brain; breast; bridge; brils; broad; buffer; building; c modifi; c34; cacy; calcium; calculated; calculations; cam; cancer; cancer cells; candidates; capable; capacity; carbodiimide; carbohydrate; carbon; carboxylic; cargo; carrier; case; caspase; catalyst; catalytic; cathepsin; cation; cationic; cationic peptides; ccdb; cell; cell membrane; cellular; cellulose; center; central; cereulide; certain; cgrp; chains; challenge; changes; characteristics; characterization; characterized; charge; chelator; chemical; chemical synthesis; chemistry; chemoselective; chiral; cholesterol; chromatography; cial; ciency; cient; ciently; circular; cis; city; class; classical; clear; cleavage; click; clinical; clones; coil; coil peptide; coiled; coli; collagen; column; combination; combinatorial; common; communication; comparable; comparison; competitive; complete; complex; complex peptide; complexes; components; composition; compounds; computational; concentration; concept; conclusion; condensation; conditions; confi; conformational; conjugates; conjugation; consecutive; conserved; consists; constant; constraints; construct; content; contrast; contribute; control; conventional; conversion; core; correlation; corresponding; cortexin; cost; coupling; covalent; cpp; cpps; cres; crf; critical; cross; crucial; crude; crude peptide; crystal; cult; culture; current; cyanophycin; cycle; cyclic; cyclic peptides; cyclization; cystatin; cysteine; cytoplasmic; cytotoxic; cytotoxicity; data; death; decades; decrease; defi; degradation; degree; dehydroamino; delivery; deltaphe; dendrimers; dengue; dependent; deprotection; derivatives; design; detailed; detection; determination; determined; development; dhhp-6; diabetes; diagnostic; dichroism; differences; different; different peptides; differentiation; diffi; dimensional; dimeric; dimerization; direct; discovery; diseases; disorders; display; distance; distinct; distribution; disulfi; diverse; dmso; dna; domain; dose; dota; double; dpc; drug; dsip; dynamics; early; ed peptides; ed protein; effect; effective; effi; effi cient; electron; electrostatic; elements; elisa; endogenous; endothelial; energy; enhanced; enhancement; entire; entry; environment; enzymatic; enzymatic activity; enzymatic peptide; enzyme; epitope; equilibrium; essential; esters; eukaryotic; evaluation; events; evidence; example; excellent; exchange; exerts; exhibit; exibility; exible; expected; experiments; expressed; expression; extended; extent; extracts; factor; family; fast; fatty; favorable; features; fi brils; fi rst; fitc; fl uorescence; flt-1; fmoc; focus; folding; folds; following; food; force; formation; forms; found; fragmentation; fragments; framework; free; free peptides; fret; function; functionalized; fundamental; fusion; fusion peptide; gala peptide; gel; general; generated; generation; genetic; germany; gln; glp-1; glu; glucose; gly; glycine; glycopeptides; glycoproteins; glycosylated; glycosylation; gnrh; goal; gold; good; gp41; gpr103; gram; grant; great; greater; group; growing; growth; guration; hand; handed; hcc; healthy; heating; helical; helices; helix; heptapeptide; high; high affi; high specifi; higher; highest; hiv-1; hldf-6 peptide; hobt; homologous peptide; homology; hormone; host; hours; hplc; human; hydrogen; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hydroxyl; hyp; ic50; identical; identifi; identifi cation; identifi ed; igf2r; igg; iii; il-6; imaging; immobilized; immune; immunogenic; impact; important; improved; inactive; incorporated; incorporation; increase; incubation; individual; induced; infection; infl; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; inhibitory activity; initial; innate; inside; insl3; institute; instrument; insulin; integrin; intein; intensity; interaction; interest; interesting; interface; internalization; intracellular; intramolecular; introduction; invasion; inverse; investigation; irradiation; isoforms; isolated; isolation; kda; key; kidney; kinase; known; labeling; lack; lactam; large; lead; leading; left; length; length peptide; leu; leucine; level; libraries; ligation; light; like; like peptides; limited; linear; lines; linker; lipid; liposomes; liquid; literature; little; living; local; localization; location; long; longer; loop; loss; low; lower; lysine; major; maldi; mammalian; manner; marine; mass; materials; matrix; me)pro; means; measurements; mechanical; mechanism; media; medical; medicines; medium; melittin; member; membered; membrane; memory; metabolic; metal; methanol; method; methodology; methyl; methylation; mice; micelles; microscopy; microwave; mif-1; mild; mimic; mimicking; minimal; minimum; minutes; mixed; mixture; model; model peptides; modeling; modifi; modifi cation; modifi ed; moieties; moiety; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monomers; motif; mouse; mri; mrna; multiple; mutants; mutations; nanofi; nanoparticles; native; natural; natural amino; natural peptides; nature; ndings; necessary; need; negative; neuronal; neurons; neuropeptide; neutrophil; new; new analogues; nh2; nities; nity; nity peptide; nmr; non; normal; novel; novel peptide; nucleic; number; numerous; observed; occurring; offer; oligomers; oligopeptides; ones; opioid; opposite; optimal; order; organic; orientation; original; overall; oxidation; oxidative; oxm; oxygen; pain; parallel; parameters; parent; parent peptide; particular; past; pathological; pathway; patients; patterns; pc4; peg; penetrating; peptide; peptide activity; peptide analogues; peptide analysis; peptide antigens; peptide arrays; peptide backbone; peptide bond; peptide chain; peptide chemistry; peptide components; peptide concentration; peptide conformation; peptide conjugates; peptide derivatives; peptide design; peptide dimers; peptide drugs; peptide epitops; peptide family; peptide fi; peptide folding; peptide fragments; peptide hybrids; peptide identifi; peptide inhibitors; peptide interaction; peptide library; peptide ligands; peptide ligation; peptide modifi; peptide molecules; peptide nk-2; peptide production; peptide purifi; peptide receptors; peptide secondary; peptide sequence; peptide structure; peptide substrates; peptide synthesis; peptide thioester; peptidic; peptidomimetics; performance; performed; peripheral; permeability; phage; pharmaceutical; pharmacological; phase peptide; phase synthesis; phe; phenylalanine; phospholipids; phosphorylation; photo; physicochemical; physiological; plasma; platelet; platform; play; pna; point; polar; polymer; polymerization; polypeptide; polyproline; poor; pore; position; positive; possibility; possible; poster; potency; potential; ppii; practical; precise; precursor; preferred; preliminary; preparation; prepared; presence; present; presentation; pressure; previous; primary; prion; probe; problem; procedure; process; processes; production; products; profi; program; progress; proliferation; proline; prolyl; promising; propensity; properties; prostate; protease; protective; protein; protein amino; protein fragments; protein interactions; protein ligation; protein synthesis; proteolytic; protocol; pure; purifi; purifi cation; purifi ed; purity; purpose; putative; quantitative; racemization; random; range; rapid; rational; ratios; rats; reaction; reactive; reagents; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; recovery; reduced; references; refl; region; regulation; regulatory; regulatory peptides; related; relationship; relative; relaxin; release; releasing; relevant; remains; remarkable; removal; replacement; report; required; research; residue peptide; residues; resin; resistance; resonance; respect; response; responsible; restricted; resulted; results; reverse; reversible; rgd; rgds; rheumatoid; rich; rich peptides; ring; role; rst; s4(13)-pv peptide; samples; scaffold; scale; scan; scattering; science; screening; sds; secondary; secondary structure; segment; selection; selective; selectivity; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequential; sera; series; serine; serum; set; severe; sh3; shifts; short; short peptides; showing; signaling; signals; signifi; silica; similar; simple; simulations; single; site; small; small peptide; solid; solid phase; solubility; soluble; solution; solvent; somatostatin; spacer; special; species; specifi c; specifi city; spectra; spectrometry; spectroscopy; spectrum; spps; stability; stabilization; stable; standard; starting; state; step; stimulating; strains; strategies; strategy; stress; strong; structure; structure activity; studies; study; subsequent; substitution; substrates; subunits; successful; suffi; suitable; superior; support; supramolecular; surface; syntheses; synthesis method; synthesized; synthetic; system; t20; tailpiece; target; target peptide; targeted; targeting; techniques; technology; temperature; template; temporin; terminal; terminal amino; terminal peptide; termini; terminus; terms; tertiary; test; tetrafl; tfa; tfe; therapeutic; therapy; thermal; thiol; thr; thymus; time; tissue; tof; tools; total; toxicity; toxin; trans; transcription; transfer; transition; transmembrane; transport; treatment; triazine; trifl; tripeptide; triple; trp; trypsin; tryptophan; tuftsin; tumor; tumor cells; turn; type; typical; tyr; tyrosine; understanding; unique; unit; university; unknown; unnatural; uorescein; uorescence; uorinated; uoroborates; uptake; use; useful; vaccine; val; valuable; values; variable; variants; variations; variety; vascular; vcd; vegf; versatile; vesicles; vessels; viral; virus; vitro; vivo; water; weight; wide; work; years; yield; zno cache: cord-023209-un2ysc2v.txt plain text: cord-023209-un2ysc2v.txt item: #21 of 67 id: cord-023225-5quigar4 author: None title: Posters date: 2012-08-21 words: 70555 flesch: 41 summary: Aim of this study is the introduction, in the type 1' β turn peptide structure, of the sugar moiety specific for anti-gangliosides antibody recognition by synthesizing specific building blocks. Peptide synthesis was used to verify the accuracy of the determined sequence and to prepare sufficient peptide amount for biological activity studies. keywords: 1,2; 1,3; 26rfa; 61a; absorption; acceptor; acid; acid peptide; acid residues; acid sequence; acidic; activated; activation; active; active peptides; activities; activity; acyl; addition; administration; adp; affinity; agents; aggregates; aggregation; agonist; aib; aii; aim; ala; alanine; aldehydes; alkylation; alkyne; alternative; alzheimer; amide; amino; amino acid; amino group; amphiphilic; amps; amylin; amyloid; amyloidogenic; analogs; analogues; analysis; ang-(1; angiogenesis; angiotensin; animals; antagonist; antibacterial; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; anticancer; antigen; antimicrobial; antimicrobial activity; antimicrobial peptides; apoptosis; application; approach; appropriate; aqueous; area; arginine; aromatic; artificial; asp; aspartic; aspirin; assay; assembly; assisted; associated; at1; athens; attached; attachment; attention; attractive; autoimmune; available; backbone; bacteria; base; basis; behavior; best; beta; better; bilayer; binding; bioactive; bioactivity; bioavailability; biological; biological activity; biology; biomolecules; blocks; blood; boc; bond; brain; bridge; building; cancer; candidates; capable; carboxylic; carrier; cascade; case; catalyst; catalytic; cationic; cell; cell membrane; cellular; central; certain; cf3; chain; challenge; changes; channels; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chemical; chemical synthesis; chemistry; chiral; chromatography; chronic; circular; cis; class; clear; cleavage; click; clinical; coagulation; column; combination; combinatorial; combined; common; comparable; comparison; complementary; complete; complex; complexes; components; compounds; computational; concentration; condensation; conditions; conformation; conjugates; conjugation; conserved; considerable; consisting; constraints; content; contrast; control; convenient; core; corresponding; cotton; coupling; course; covalent; cpps; crf1; critical; cross; crucial; curcumin; current; cxcr4; cycle; cyclic; cyclic peptides; cyclization; cycloaddition; cyclotides; cys; cysteine; cytochrome; cytotoxicity; data; death; degradation; delivery; demonstrated; department; dependent; deprotection; derivatives; design; designing; detection; determined; development; diagnostic; dichroism; different; different peptides; difficult; dimeric; dimerization; dipeptide; dipolar; direct; discovery; disease; disorders; display; distinct; disulfide; diverse; dna; docking; domain; dose; drug; dsip; dynamics; e.g.; early; ecd; effect; effective; efficient; elisa; end; endogenous; energy; enhanced; enzymatic; enzyme; epitopes; essential; established; ester; eukaryotic; evaluation; evidence; example; excellent; exhibit; experimental; expression; extended; factor; faculty; family; fatty; features; fibrils; final; findings; fluorescence; fmoc; folding; following; food; formation; forms; fractions; fragments; free; function; functionality; functionalized; gel; general; generation; germany; glu; gly; gnrh; gold; good; gpr103; gram; great; greece; group; growth; gyrase; half; hand; hb40; heart; helical; helix; hemolytic; high; higher; hiv; homology; hormone; hplc; hslv; human; hybrid; hydrogen; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; ic50; identical; identification; iii; ik312532; ile; imaging; immobilization; immobilized; immune; important; improved; incorporation; increase; induced; inflammatory; influence; inhibitor; inhibitory activity; innate; insertion; institute; insulin; integrin; interactions; interest; interesting; interface; intermediates; internalization; intracellular; intramolecular; introduction; investigated; investigation; involved; irradiation; isolated; key; kidney; known; labeling; labels; labile; laboratory; lack; lactam; large; lead; leakage; length; leu; level; libraries; library; life; ligands; ligation; light; like; limited; linear; linear peptide; lines; linker; lipid; liposome; liquid; little; long; loop; loss; low; lower; lps; mainly; major; mammalian; manner; mass; materials; matrix; means; mechanism; melanoma; membrane; metabolic; metal; metastasis; methanol; method; methodology; mhc; mice; microscopy; microwave; migration; mimetic; mimic; minimal; mirna; mixture; model; model peptides; modifications; modified; moieties; moiety; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monolayers; monomers; motif; mouse; multiple; mutations; nanoparticles; native; natural; nature; ncl; need; negative; neutral; new; new peptide; nh2; nisin; nmr; non; novel; nucleic; number; oeg; oligomers; opioid; optimization; order; organic; organisms; orientation; original; orthogonal; overall; oxidative; oxytocin; parallel; parameters; partial; particular; pathway; patients; patras; pattern; peg; penetrating; peptide; peptide analogues; peptide backbone; peptide bond; peptide chain; peptide conformation; peptide cyclization; peptide dendrimers; peptide derivatives; peptide fragments; peptide libraries; peptide ligation; peptide receptor; peptide sequence; peptide stability; peptide structure; peptide synthesis; peptidic; peptidomimetics; peptidyl; pharmaceutical; pharmacokinetic; pharmacological; phase; phase peptide; phase synthesis; phe; phosphorylation; physiological; piperidine; plant; plasma; platelet; pna; point; polypeptide; poor; position; positive; possible; post; potency; potential; powerful; ppii; precursor; preparation; prepared; presence; present; present study; pressure; previous; primary; probe; problem; procedure; process; processes; production; products; profile; progress; project; proliferation; proline; promising; propensity; properties; prostate; protease; protein; proteolytic; protocol; proven; pseudopeptides; pure; purification; purity; pyrrolidine; range; rapid; rats; ray; reaction; reactive; readthrough; reagents; reason; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; region; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; release; relevant; removal; replacement; reported; research; residue peptide; residues; resin; resistance; response; responsible; resulted; results; reverse; rgd; ribavirin; rich; rigid; ring; role; samples; sar; scaffold; science; sclerosis; screening; secondary; secondary structure; segments; selected; selective; selectivity; self; sensitive; sequence; sequencing; sequential; sera; series; serine; serum; set; sfti-1; shape; sheet; short; showing; signaling; significant; silencing; silica; similar; simple; simulations; single; site; small; solid; solid phase; solubility; soluble; solution; solvents; somatostatin; species; specific; specificity; spectra; spectrometry; spectroscopy; spps; stability; stabilization; stable; standard; starting; state; step; stop; strategies; strategy; strong; structure; studies; study; subsequent; substituent; substitution; substrates; successful; suitable; support; surface; syntheses; synthesized; synthetic; system; tail; talin; target; targeting; tbu; technique; technology; temperature; template; terminal; terminus; tertiary; tested; testing; therapeutic; therapy; thioester; thiourea; thr; thrombin; time; tissue; tof; tools; topoisomerase; total; toxic; toxicity; trans; transition; treatment; triazole; trichogin; trna; trp; trypsin; tumor; turn; type; tyr; ufm1; understanding; unique; unit; university; uptake; use; useful; value; variety; vegf; venom; vesicles; vivo; water; weight; wide; wild; work; yield cache: cord-023225-5quigar4.txt plain text: cord-023225-5quigar4.txt item: #22 of 67 id: cord-023647-dlqs8ay9 author: None title: Sequences and topology date: 2003-03-21 words: 4522 flesch: 38 summary: A 32-kDa Llpo~ortin from Human Mononuclear Cells Appears to be Identical with the Placental Inhibitor of Blood Coagulation Distinct Fercedoxins from Rhodobacter-Capsulstus -Complete Amino Acid Sequences and Molecular Evolution N~ptide Sequence Analysis and Molecular Cloning Reveal Two Calcium Pump Isoforms in the Human Erythrocyte Membgane Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Member of the Cytochrome-P450 Subfamily IVA in Rat Prostate A Directiy Repeated Sequence in the ~-Globin Promoter Resulates Transcription in Murine Efythroleukemla Cells Isolation and Chamcterizatinn of the Alkane-Inducibie NADPH-Cytochrome-P-450 Olf, idoreductsse Gene from Candida-Tropicalls -Identification of Invarlant Residues Wlthin Slmilmr Amino Acid Sequences of Direr'sent Flavoproteins Protein Klnase-C Inhibitor Proteins -Purification from Sheep Brain and Sequence Similarity to Lipocortins and 14-3-3 MCI~ AVEmL~ B& Sequence Homology Between Purple Acid Phosphatases and Phusphoprotein Pho*phatsses --are Phesphoprotcin Phosphatatms Metalloproteins Collt~|nln~ Oil~-bridged Dinuclcar Metal Centers Negative Regulation of the Human ~-Globin Ca~ne by Transcriptional Interference: Role of an Mu Repetitive ~lement Amino Acid Sequence of Chicken Catisequestrin Deduced from C DNA -Comp~rison of Caisequestrin and Aspartactin Caisequestrin, an Intesccilular Calciumbinding Protein of Skeletal Muscle Sarcoplssmic Reticulm, Is HomoloKous to ~, a Putstive latminin-binding Protein of the Exteac¢llular Matr~ BOvSm~ ]Prote~ C Inhihl.gog with Structugll and Fun~ HotDoIO~OU~ ]~-.gtl~ to Hum~zn The 188 ltilm0omal RNA ~-quence of the S~t Anemone Anemom~s ssdcmta and Its Evolutionary INtuition Amomqg Other Eukaryotes Inferred b'om S~l,.m.~ Comlmrttmas of a Heat Shock G~ae in Two Nematorl~ The l~'/O Multtgene Family of Ok~hag of CDNA ~ for the ~ Omin of Human Complement Component ca~bi~una Protein, seqaenoe Homolo~ with thc a C~t~:~a~h Proc Natl Acad S¢t USA1990 Highly Conserved Core Domain and Unique N Terminus with Presumptive Regulatory Moti~ in a Hmman TATA Factor (l'lql~) keywords: 3rd; acad; acid; acid sequence; acute; alpha; alternative; amino; amino acid; analysis; binding; blndln~; bovine; brain; caisequestrin; cdna; cell; characterization; chicken; chromosome; cloning; commun; complete; com~; conservation; conserved; control; cpg; cytochrome; determination; distinct; divergence; dlqs8ay9; dna; domain; duplication; element; emboj; endogenous; enzyme; erythrocyte; evidence; evolution; evolutionary; expression; factor; family; features; fever; functional; gene; gene family; genetic; genome; growth; helix; homologous; homology; human; identical; identification; inhibitor; isolates; isolation; jersey; kda; key; mad; member; membrane; mltochondrlal; molecular; mouse; multigene; murine; muscle; natl; negative; new; new member; novel; nuclear; nudeotide; peptide; phylogenetic; plant; primary; proc; promoter; protein; protein gene; putative; rat; receptor; reductase; regulatory; related; relationship; repetitive; res; response; rna; sarcoma; sclerosis; sequence; sequence analysis; sequence homology; similarity; sites; small; snake; structure; subunit; swine; systemic; tce; transcription; tumor; type; unusual; variation; vesicular; virus; viruses; yeast cache: cord-023647-dlqs8ay9.txt plain text: cord-023647-dlqs8ay9.txt item: #23 of 67 id: cord-024790-pkj2bjur author: Çiçek, Serhat Sezai title: Biological Activities of Two Major Copaiba Diterpenoids and Their Semi-synthetic Derivatives date: 2020-02-21 words: 5366 flesch: 39 summary: In order to find new biological activities and to eventually enhance the before observed effects, (−)-polyalthic acid (1) and kaurenoic acid (2), together with eight prepared semi-synthetic derivatives (1a–1c and 2a–2e) were evaluated for their cytotoxic, antibacterial and antifungal properties. (−)-Polyalthic acid (1) and kaurenoic acid (2) were isolated from the oleoresin of Copaifera reticulata Ducke, Fabaceae, as described in our previous studies (Çiçek et al. 2018; Pfeifer Barbosa et al. 2019) . keywords: acid; activities; activity; antibacterial; antifungal; authors; bacteria; barbosa; carboxyl; cell; compound; concentration; configuration; contrast; copaiba; copaifera; cytotoxic; daniellic; derivatives; different; diterpene; diterpenoids; dsm; effects; ent; et al; faecium; germany; gmbh; grade; group; kaurenoic; kaurenoic acid; lambertianic; leandro; material; mentagrophytes; methanol; methylene; mixture; mrsa; neoformans; new; nmr; oleoresin; optical; pfeifer; prepared; previous; reticulata; rubrum; semi; solution; species; structure; study; synthetic; values; water; μmol; −)-polyalthic; −)-polyalthic acid cache: cord-024790-pkj2bjur.txt plain text: cord-024790-pkj2bjur.txt item: #24 of 67 id: cord-026012-r0w0jbpg author: TENNANT, BUD C. title: Gastrointestinal Function date: 2014-06-27 words: 19886 flesch: 48 summary: .Malabsorption syndromes similar to those recog nized in dogs are being recognized with increased frequency in farm animals (Blood et al., 1979) . Familial factors also influence hypogammaglobulinemia (Tennant et al., 1969a) . keywords: absorption; acid; action; active; activity; acute; addition; adenylate; administration; amino; amino acids; amounts; amylase; animals; associated; bacteria; basal; bicarbonate; bile; bile acids; binding; birth; blood; body; bonds; border; brush; calcium; calves; canine; carbohydrate; carotene; carrier; cases; cattle; cause; cells; cellulose; certain; chain; cholesterol; chronic; circulation; clinical; colitis; colostrum; composition; concentration; conditions; contents; conversion; current; cyclase; deficiency; dependent; diarrhea; dietary; diffusion; digestion; digestive; diseases; dogs; duodenum; effects; end; energy; enterotoxin; enzyme; et al; evidence; excretion; exocrine; fat; fatty; fecal; fermentation; fig; flow; fluid; following; food; form; formation; fraction; free; function; gastric; gastrointestinal; glands; globulin; glucose; glucosidic; glutamyl; gradients; greater; high; hill; hormone; hour; hydrochloric; hydrolysis; ileum; immunoglobulin; important; increases; inhibitors; initial; intestinal; isolated; isselbacher; juice; lack; large; level; lipase; liver; loss; low; luminal; lymph; major; malabsorption; mcewan; mechanism; membrane; metabolic; mixed; molecular; molecule; movement; mucosa; neonatal; net; neutral; normal; nutrients; pancreas; pancreatic; parietal; pathogenesis; pepsinogen; peptides; period; phase; physiological; physiology; plasma; polypeptide; portal; potassium; potent; presence; present; primary; principal; process; processes; production; products; protein; pyloric; quantities; rapid; rate; relative; release; response; responsible; result; role; rumen; ruminants; salivary; salts; secretion; secretory; section; serum; significant; similar; simple; small; smith; sodium; soluble; solution; species; specific; starch; step; stomach; studies; substances; surface; syndrome; synthesis; system; tennant; terminal; total; tract; transport; triglycéride; trypsin; types; uptake; urea; van; variety; vitamin; volume; vomiting; water; weight; xylose cache: cord-026012-r0w0jbpg.txt plain text: cord-026012-r0w0jbpg.txt item: #25 of 67 id: cord-034362-4xdtbbzb author: Remesar, Xavier title: Dietary Energy Partition: The Central Role of Glucose date: 2020-10-19 words: 18445 flesch: 42 summary: • Intervention of microbiota through transformation/catabolism or even synthesis of amino acids [98] ; • Further transformation/catabolism by the intestine and the liver before overall distribution [99] ; • Sparsely known real catabolic pathways for many amino acids [100-103] in humans; • The absence of specific amino acid/protein reserves; • The lack of knowledge on the regulation of essential amino acids; • The gross differences between measured calorimetric pump energy content of proteins and the real energy obtained in vivo from amino acids according to the known (or assumed) metabolic pathways [103] ; • The assumed relatively small amount of actually oxidized amino acids derived from the diet compared with carbohydrates and lipids; • The uncertainty on how the N of amino acids is processed and excreted [104] , which directly affects the estimations of dietary amino acid use [105] ; • The diversity and complexity of amino acid catabolism; • The common absence of data on diet protein amino acid composition. The main, basic studies on our handling of diet amino acids, protein synthesis, and recycling of amino N were done essentially more than half century ago, and they were invariably focused on the ways to preserve N, the mechanisms to survive under conditions of starvation [113] , dietary protein deprivation [114] and, globally, malnutrition keywords: acetyl; acids; addition; adipocytes; adipose; alanine; amino; amino acids; amino n; ammonia; ammonium; amounts; analysis; anammox; availability; available; bacteria; balance; basic; blood; body; brain; cafeteria; carbohydrate; case; catabolism; cells; chain; changes; clear; coa; comparison; complex; components; composition; conditions; consumption; content; control; critical; cycle; data; day; dehydrogenase; development; diet; dietary; different; direct; disease; disorders; effects; energy; energy metabolism; essential; estrogen; excess; excessive; excreted; excretion; exercise; existence; fact; factors; fat; fatty; fatty acids; fed; figure; food; fragments; fuel; function; gas; glucocorticoids; gluconeogenesis; glucose; glycaemia; glycerol; groups; handling; healthy; hepatic; high; higher; homeostasis; human; hydrocarbon; hypothesis; important; ingested; insulin; intake; inter; ketogenic; knowledge; known; lactate; large; levels; limited; lines; lipid; lipogenesis; liver; low; lower; main; mass; mechanisms; metabolic; mice; mitochondria; muscle; nature; need; nitric; nitrite; nitrogen; normal; number; nutrients; obese; obesity; organ; overall; oxidation; oxidative; oxide; oxygen; partition; paths; pathways; plasma; point; possible; present; problem; process; production; proportion; protein; pyruvate; question; range; rats; reaction; real; regulated; regulation; related; relationship; reserves; resistance; results; review; role; short; situation; skeletal; small; source; specific; standard; starvation; state; storage; studies; study; substrates; supply; syndrome; synthesis; systems; tag; tca; testosterone; time; tissue; toxicity; transfer; transport; treatment; turnover; type; uptake; urea; use; utilization; weight cache: cord-034362-4xdtbbzb.txt plain text: cord-034362-4xdtbbzb.txt item: #26 of 67 id: cord-252584-pcp1i0vb author: Troesch, Barbara title: Expert Opinion on Benefits of Long-Chain Omega-3 Fatty Acids (DHA and EPA) in Aging and Clinical Nutrition date: 2020-08-24 words: 11716 flesch: 35 summary: New insights on the regulation of cancer cachexia by n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids Down-regulation of the acute-phase response in patients with pancreatic cancer cachexia receiving oral eicosapentaenoic acid is mediated via suppression of interleukin-6 Oral nutritional supplements containing (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids affect the nutritional status of patients with stage iii non-small cell lung cancer during multimodality treatment A systematic review and meta-analysis of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids effects on inflammatory markers in colorectal cancer Fish oil supplement alters markers of inflammatory and nutritional status in colorectal cancer patients Fish oil-enriched nutrition combined with systemic chemotherapy for gastrointestinal cancer patients with cancer cachexia N-3 fatty acids during chemotherapy: Toward a higher level of evidence for clinical application Aberrations in plasma phospholipid fatty acids in lung cancer patients Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, an omega-3 fatty acid from fish oils) for the treatment of cancer cachexia Anorexia-cachexia syndrome: A systematic review of the role of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids in the management of symptoms, survival, and quality of life A systematic review on the role of fish oil for the treatment of cachexia in advanced cancer: An EPCRC cachexia guidelines project N-3 fatty acids, cancer and cachexia: Left untreated, cachexia can progress in severity and contribute to the negative outcomes experienced by cancer patients, including mortality keywords: acids; acute; adults; age; aging; alzheimer; analysis; anti; ards; benefit; body; brain; cachexia; cancer; cancer patients; care; cell; chain; chemotherapy; clinical; cognitive; conditions; consensus; data; days; decline; decrease; dha; dietary; disease; distress; dose; effect; eicosapentaenoic; enteral; epa; espen; evidence; factors; fatty; fatty acids; fish; frailty; function; group; guidelines; health; immunonutrition; important; increased; individuals; inflammation; inflammatory; intake; intervention; lcpufas; levels; life; likely; lipid; long; loss; low; lung; major; malnutrition; mass; mechanisms; mediators; membrane; meta; mild; mortality; multiple; muscle; n-3; nutrients; nutrition; oil; older; omega-3; omega-3 fatty; ons; optimal; outcomes; parenteral; patients; people; physical; placebo; polyunsaturated; prevention; randomized; recent; reduced; references; related; respiratory; response; review; risk; role; sarcopenia; sepsis; significant; specific; standard; status; strength; studies; study; supplementation; supplements; support; surgery; surgical; syndrome; systematic; treatment; trials; use; weight; years cache: cord-252584-pcp1i0vb.txt plain text: cord-252584-pcp1i0vb.txt item: #27 of 67 id: cord-253695-tjdw2uta author: Winter, Christine title: Infection of the tracheal epithelium by infectious bronchitis virus is sialic acid dependent date: 2007-12-28 words: 3710 flesch: 49 summary: Sialic acids were detected with lectins from Maackia amurensis (binding to a2,3 linked sialic acids) or Sambucus nigra agglutinin (binding to a2,6 linked sialic acids) labeled with digoxigenin (DIG Glycan Differentiation kit, Roche, Basel, Switzerland). The importance of sialic acid for IBV infection was evident from the delayed appearance of ciliostasis on desialylated TOCs. keywords: a2,3; acid; activity; aminopeptidase; anti; avian; beaudette; binding; bronchitis; cells; chicken; ciliary; ciliostasis; coronavirus; cultured; determinant; effect; enzyme; epithelium; fig; germany; ibv; incubation; infected; infection; influenza; kidney; m41; neuraminidase; primary; protein; receptor; respiratory; rings; sialic; sialic acid; staining; strains; surface; tocs; tracheal; treatment; virus; viruses cache: cord-253695-tjdw2uta.txt plain text: cord-253695-tjdw2uta.txt item: #28 of 67 id: cord-259044-mubjm22l author: Weng, Jing-Ru title: Antiviral activity of Sambucus FormosanaNakai ethanol extract and related phenolic acid constituents against human coronavirus NL63 date: 2019-09-24 words: 5629 flesch: 39 summary: Chlorogenic acid specifically inhibited the neuraminidase activity of influenza A viruses H1N1 and H3N2 that was the crucial mechanism of chlorogenic acid for blocking the release of progeny virions from infected cells (Ding et al., 2017) . Among the phenolic acid constituents in Sambucus FormosanaNakai extract, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid and gallic acid sustained the anti-HCoV-NL63 activity that was ranked in the following order of virus yield reduction: caffeic acid (IC(50) = 3.54 μM) > chlorogenic acid (IC(50) keywords: acid; acid constituents; activity; addition; antiviral; assay; attachment; caffeic; caffeic acid; cells; chlorogenic; chlorogenic acid; components; concentration; constituents; coronavirus; coumaric; cultured; effect; et al; ethanol; extract; fig; formation; formosananakai; gallic; gallic acid; hcov; hepatitis; human; ic50; incubator; infected; infection; infectivity; influenza; inhibition; inhibitory; like; lin; llc; mk2; monolayer; nigra; nl63; pfu; phenolic; phenolic acid; plaque; replication; respiratory; sambucus; sambucus formosananakai; stem; study; value; virucidal; virus; viruses; yield cache: cord-259044-mubjm22l.txt plain text: cord-259044-mubjm22l.txt item: #29 of 67 id: cord-260345-ugd8kkor author: Giles, Ian G. title: A compendium of reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology published in the first half of 1992 date: 1992-12-31 words: 5346 flesch: 43 summary: Biomembrane 24, 99-110. anion channel; contact sites; selective channels; brain mitochondria; lot] channci; conductance; protein; Ca*'; mitoplasts;CatiOllS. L. and Herzfeld J. (1992) NMR studies of retinal proteins. position effect variegation; Drarophila; protein. keywords: acetyl; acid; acta; activity; acute; affinity; amino; analysis; anion; anonymous; antibodies; antibody; antigen; b&hem; bacteria; base; binding; biochem; biochemistry; bioenerg; biological; biology; biomembrane; biophys; blood; bone; bovine; brain; calcium; cancer; cases; cells; chain; channel; chromatography; chronic; clinical; coa; coli; colipase; colony; compendium; complex; conductance; cycle; d.a; deficiency; delta; density; dependent; dietary; different; disease; dna; dynamics; electron; endothelial; energy; enzyme; escherichia; evidence; exchange; experimental; expression; factor; family; fatty; fluid; formation; free; function; gamma; gel; gene; genetic; glucose; glycobiology; golgi; growth; heat; high; hormone; human; immune; immunoassay; interleukin-1; j.l; journal; kinase; leukemia; levels; ligands; light; lipid; liquid; literature; liver; low; lymphocytes; mass; med; membrane; messenger; metabolism; mice; microbial; mitochondria; molecular; murine; muscle; necrosis; new; nuclear; nucleotide; nutritional; oligosaccharide; oncogene; outer; overview; oxidation; performance; phase; phosphorylation; plasma; plasmid; prog; protein; rat; reaction; reactive; receptor; recognition; reference; region; regulation; resonance; response; reticulum; retinal; review; rna; role; schiff; sequence; shock; sialic; signal; sites; skin; spectrometry; spectroscopy; stress; structure; syndrome; synthesis; system; terminal; tissue; transcriptional; transduction; transfer; transition; transport; trends; tumor; tymsine; yeast cache: cord-260345-ugd8kkor.txt plain text: cord-260345-ugd8kkor.txt item: #30 of 67 id: cord-262036-wig4wdno author: Xu, Qi title: Sialic acid involves in the interaction between ovomucin and hemagglutinin and influences the antiviral activity of ovomucin date: 2018-07-30 words: 5189 flesch: 49 summary: Using the HA of influenza viruses H 5 N 1 and H 1 N 1 as the binding protein, the changes in OVM as an acceptor with or without sialic acid binding HA were measured. key: cord-262036-wig4wdno authors: Xu, Qi; Shan, Yuanyuan; Wang, Ning; Liu, Yaping; Zhang, Maojie; Ma, Meihu title: Sialic acid involves in the interaction between ovomucin and hemagglutinin and influences the antiviral activity of ovomucin date: 2018-07-30 journal: Int J Biol Macromol DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.07.186 sha: doc_id: 262036 cord_uid: wig4wdno Ovomucin (OVM) plays an important role in inhibiting infection of various pathogens. keywords: acid; activity; addition; ans; antibody; antiviral; avian; binding; cell; chain; changes; control; different; diluted; disease; dsa; effect; elisa; fig; fluorescence; free; free sialic; ha1; ha5; hydrophobicity; incubated; influenza; influenza virus; interaction; mechanism; natural; negative; oligosaccharide; ovm; ovomucin; plates; protein; receptor; recognition; removal; results; role; sialic; sialic acid; significant; solution; structure; study; surface; terminal; virus; viruses cache: cord-262036-wig4wdno.txt plain text: cord-262036-wig4wdno.txt item: #31 of 67 id: cord-262643-wydc0wyd author: Siebert, Agnieszka title: Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of amino acid and peptide derivatives of mycophenolic acid date: 2018-01-01 words: 4108 flesch: 42 summary: Mycophenolic acid and peptides were coupled in anhydrous DMF at 0 C to produce MPA derivatives 25, 29, 30 in reasonable yields. Amino acid MPA derivatives 11e17 were obtained by means of a condensation reagent 1-ethyl-3-(3 0 -dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide (EDCI) in the presence of 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine (DMAP) acting as a base in anhydrous N,Ndimethylformamide (DMF) (Scheme 1). keywords: acid; active; activity; amino; amino acid; analogs; anhydrous; antimicrobial; atcc; aureus; bacterial; biological; carboxylic; case; cell; chromatography; compounds; concentration; control; derivatives; dmap; dmf; edci; effect; esters; group; growth; inhibition; layer; method; methyl; microorganisms; mmol; mpa; mrsa; mycophenolic; peptide; plates; pneumoniae; potential; preparative; presence; product; properties; reaction; resazurin; results; retro; scheme; solution; solvent; staphylococcus; strains; structure; synthesis; t3p; table; tea; tested; thin; tlc; tuftsin cache: cord-262643-wydc0wyd.txt plain text: cord-262643-wydc0wyd.txt item: #32 of 67 id: cord-262868-wanbz1et author: Varki, Ajit title: Loss of N‐glycolylneuraminic acid in humans: Mechanisms, consequences, and implications for hominid evolution date: 2002-01-04 words: 10953 flesch: 38 summary: Regulation of species-and tissue-specific expression of N-glycolylneuraminic acid Sialic acids in molecular and cellular interactions Sialoadhesin, myelin-associated glycoprotein and CD22 define a new family of sialic acid-dependent adhesion molecules of the immunoglobulin superfamily Modifications of cell surface sialic acids modulate cell adhesion mediated by sialoadhesin and CD22 Functional groups of sialic acids involved in binding to siglecs (sialoadhesins) deduced from interactions with synthetic analogues Evolution at two levels in humans and chimpanzees Binding of Plasmodium falciparum 175-kilodalton erythrocyte binding antigen and invasion of murine erythrocytes requires N-acetylneuraminic acid but not its O-acetylated form Participation of cytochrome b 5 in CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid hydroxylation in mouse liver cytosol Neandertal DNA sequences and the origin of modern humans Specificity for oligosaccharides and sialic acids and the sequence to which sialic acid is attached Evolution of the primate lineage leading to modern humans: phylogenetic and demographic inferences from DNA sequences Reaction mechanism underlying CMP-Nacetylneuraminic acid hydroxylation in mouse liver: Formation of a ternary complex of cytochrome b 5 , CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid, and a hydroxylation enzyme Immunological studies on Kawasaki disease. keywords: acetylneuraminic; acid; activity; adult; amounts; ancestor; animal; antibodies; antigen; apes; binding; biochemical; biological; biology; blood; brain; cancer; cells; certain; chains; chimpanzee; clear; cmah; cmp; common; consequences; crocker; date; deicher; dietary; differences; different; diseases; dna; donor; enzyme; et al; evidence; evolution; evolutionary; examples; exon; expression; fact; falciparum; family; fig; form; functions; gangliosides; gene; general; genetic; genome; genomic; glycolipids; glycolylneuraminic; glycoproteins; great; group; hanganutziu; high; human; human cells; hydroxylase; immune; inactivation; influenza; interactions; kelm; levels; like; likely; lineage; lines; liver; loss; major; mammalian; mammals; mechanism; metabolism; microbial; modern; molecular; molecules; mouse; mutation; nature; neu5gc; nonhuman; normal; organism; organs; origin; pathogens; pathway; pigs; plasmodium; possibility; possible; potential; precursor; presence; present; primate; receptor; recognition; red; related; response; rna; schauer; selection; serum; sialic; sialic acids; sialoadhesin; siglecs; similar; single; situation; small; sources; species; specific; structure; studies; sugar; surface; synthesis; system; takahata; tissues; traces; type; universal; varki; virus; years cache: cord-262868-wanbz1et.txt plain text: cord-262868-wanbz1et.txt item: #33 of 67 id: cord-264316-do0px1gq author: Mucha, Artur title: Metallo-aminopeptidase inhibitors date: 2010-05-10 words: 14770 flesch: 36 summary: Modifications of the phosphinate metal binding group in order to increase the number of coordination to the ion present in the active site can represent another approach to improve the potency of aminopeptidases inhibitors. Direct combinations of two heteroaromatic rings represent another approach to developing methionine aminopeptidase inhibitors. keywords: acid; action; active; active aminopeptidase; active site; activity; additional; affinity; agents; amide; amino acid; aminopeptidase; aminopeptidase inhibitors; analogues; analysis; angiogenesis; anti; apa; apn; application; approach; appropriate; atoms; available; bacterial; bestatin; binding; biological; blood; bond; brain; broad; cancer; carboxylic; catalytic; cd13; cell; center; certain; chain; characterization; cobalt; coli; common; competitive; compounds; context; covalent; crystal; data; dependent; derivatives; design; development; different; discovery; diseases; drugs; effective; effects; enzyme; escherichia; essential; example; falciparum; family; fig; fold; form; formation; fumagillin; functional; group; growth; heteroaromatic; heteroatom; high; human; hydrolase; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hydroxamate; hydroxamic; hydroxy; hypertension; identification; important; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; interactions; ions; key; kinetic; lap; lead; leucine; leucine aminopeptidase; ligands; low; m17; malaria; mammalian; mechanism; metabolism; metal; metallo; metap2; methionine; methionine aminopeptidase; methods; micromolar; mode; moiety; molecular; molecule; nanomolar; natural; neutral; new; nitrogen; non; novel; optimization; parasite; peptidases; peptide; phosphinic; plasmodium; pocket; portion; position; potency; potent; potential; presence; present; processing; promising; properties; proteins; purification; range; ratio; recent; regulation; replacement; residue; responsible; result; ring; role; screening; selective; selectivity; series; significant; similar; site; specific; specificity; state; structure; studies; study; substitution; substrate; sulfonamides; synthesis; synthetic; system; target; terminal; termini; thiol; transition; triazole; tumor; type; use; values; vitro; vivo; zinc cache: cord-264316-do0px1gq.txt plain text: cord-264316-do0px1gq.txt item: #34 of 67 id: cord-267516-r99y91oo author: Clark, David A. title: Feeding associated neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (Primary NEC) is an inflammatory bowel disease date: 2014-01-06 words: 3673 flesch: 41 summary: A key difference between the two (Table 2) is that the acidosis of Secondary NEC is lactic acidosis whereas the acidosis of the late onset form (Primary NEC) is a mixed metabolic acidosis comprising more than one short chain fatty acid or organic acid A systemic acidosis ensues derived from intestinal acids, not classic lactic acidosis produced from anaerobic metabolism. keywords: acid; acidosis; babies; baby; bacteria; barrier; birth; blood; bowel; carbohydrate; care; cases; cell; chain; clinical; damage; disease; distal; enterocolitis; feeding; fermentation; gas; hypoxic; important; infant; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; insult; intestinal; ischemic; lactic; liver; low; mast; metabolic; mixed; model; mucosal; nec; necrosis; neonatal; organic; perforation; pneumatosis; portal; premature; preterm; primary; process; propionic; reperfusion; risk; secondary; short; systemic; table; toxins; weight cache: cord-267516-r99y91oo.txt plain text: cord-267516-r99y91oo.txt item: #35 of 67 id: cord-268088-y4vg7frb author: Montané, Xavier title: Current Perspectives of the Applications of Polyphenols and Flavonoids in Cancer Therapy date: 2020-07-23 words: 11135 flesch: 39 summary: Several research groups have proved the cytotoxicity of kaempferol against breast cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo: -By inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, Flavonols are a class of flavonoids based on the backbone 3-hydroxyflavone. Several research groups have proved the cytotoxicity of kaempferol against breast cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo: -By inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, -By stopping the progression and proliferation of cancer cells, and -By inducing cancer cells apoptosis. keywords: acid; activity; addition; administration; agents; anthocyanidins; anticancer; anticancer effects; antioxidant; apigenin; apoptosis; applications; arctigenin; authors; beans; breast; breast cancer; cancer; cancer cells; cancer therapy; cancer treatment; carbon; carcinogenic; caspase-3; chalcones; chemical; cinnamic; clinical; colon; colorectal; combination; compounds; coumaric; curcumin; cytotoxicity; daidzein; death; delivery; delphinidin; derivatives; development; diet; dietary; different; doxorubicin; drug; effects; egcg; ellagic; fact; family; figure; flavones; flavonoids; food; fruits; gastric; gastric cancer; genistein; grapes; groups; growth; health; hesperetin; honokiol; human; induced; inflammatory; inhibits; investigations; kaempferol; known; leukemia; lines; lung; lung cancer; luteolin; magnolol; mechanisms; medicine; migration; multiple; naringenin; natural; numerous; pancreatic; pathway; phenolic; plants; polyphenols; poor; potential; products; progression; proliferation; properties; prostate; prostate cancer; protein; quercetin; recent; red; research; resistance; resveratrol; review; role; signaling; stilbene; structure; studies; study; tea; therapies; therapy; treatment; tumor; types; use; vegetables; vivo; wide; workers; yellow cache: cord-268088-y4vg7frb.txt plain text: cord-268088-y4vg7frb.txt item: #36 of 67 id: cord-268414-7fcc5i7i author: Hassani, Abdelkader title: Preparation, characterization and therapeutic properties of gum arabic-stabilized gallic acid nanoparticles date: 2020-10-20 words: 7121 flesch: 39 summary: Boerl, on human cancer cell lines Gallic acid induces apoptosis in A375.S2 human melanoma cells through caspase-dependent and -independent pathways Asialoglycoprotein receptor (ASGPR) as target autoantigen in liver autoimmunity: lost and found Comparison of cytotoxic effects of pentagalloylglucose, gallic acid, and its derivatives against human cancer MCF-7 and MDA MB-231 cells Gallic acid based steroidal phenstatin analogues for selective targeting of breast cancer cells through inhibiting tubulin polymerization Preparation of Fe 3 O 4 magnetic nanoparticles coated with gallic acid for drug delivery Gum arabic-curcumin conjugate micelles with enhanced loading for curcumin delivery to hepatocarcinoma cells Gallic acid induces G2/M phase arrest of breast cancer cell MCF-7 through stabilization of p27(Kip1) attributed to disruption of p27(Kip1)/Skp2 complex Gallic acid reduces cell growth by induction of apoptosis and reduction of IL-8 in HepG2 cells The molecular targets and anti-invasive effects of 2,6-bis-(4-hydroxyl-3methoxybenzylidine) cyclohexanone or BHMC in MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells Anti-metastasis effects of gallic acid on gastric cancer cells involves inhibition of NF-kappaB activity and downregulation of PI3K/AKT/small GTPase signals Gallic acid inhibits migration and invasion of SCC-4 human oral cancer cells through actions of NF-κB, Ras and matrix metalloproteinase-2 and -9 Gallic acid reduces cell viability, proliferation, invasion and angiogenesis in human cervical cancer cells Gallic acid inhibits the migration and invasion of A375.S2 human melanoma cells through the inhibition of matrix metalloproteinase-2 and Ras Liposomes equipped with cell penetrating peptide BR2 enhances chemotherapeutic effects of cantharidin against hepatocellular carcinoma Antioxidant Potential and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitory Activity of Orotic Acid-Loaded Gum Arabic Nanoparticles The inhibitory activity of cocoa phenolic extract against pro-inflammatory mediators secretion induced by lipopolysaccharide in RAW 264.7 cells Essential oils as antioxidants: their evaluation by DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, CUPRAC, and β-carotene bleaching methods Review of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory assay: rapid method in drug discovery of herbal plants Effect of shRNA mediated silencing of YB-1 protein on the expression of matrix collagenases in malignant melanoma cell in vitro Formulation, characterization and biological activity screening of sodium alginate-gum arabic nanoparticles loaded with curcumin Effects of particle size and surface coating on cellular uptake of polymeric nanoparticles for oral delivery of anticancer drugs Cellular uptake of coumarin-6 as a model drug loaded in solid lipid nanoparticles HPC viability measurement: trypan blue versus acridine orange and propidium iodide Methods for studying tumor cell migration and invasiveness The publication of this article was funded by the Qatar National Library. The uptake of GANPs was successful in the majority of cancer cells with a propensity to accumulate in the nuclear region of the cells. keywords: ace; acid; acid nanoparticles; activity; angiotensin; antihypertensive; antioxidant; arabic; assay; bioavailability; bleaching; breast; breast cancer; cancer; cancer cells; carotene; cell lines; cells; cellular; concentrations; consistent; converting; cytotoxicity; dependent; diffraction; dpph; drug; effects; enhanced; enzyme; evaluation; fig; findings; free; free gallic; freeze; gallic; gallic acid; ganps; groups; gum; gum arabic; hepatocellular; hepg2; hepg2 cells; higher; ht29; human; hypertension; increase; inhibition; inhibitory; lines; lps; mb231; mcf7; mda; migration; min; mixture; mtt; nanoparticles; nitric; oxidative; oxide; percentage; phenolic; potent; prepared; presence; pressure; properties; radical; raw; reduction; release; scavenging; significant; size; solution; stress; study; test; therapeutic; treatment; uptake; use; value; cache: cord-268414-7fcc5i7i.txt plain text: cord-268414-7fcc5i7i.txt item: #37 of 67 id: cord-269943-g77qe5ml author: Di Sotto, Antonella title: Plant-Derived Nutraceuticals and Immune System Modulation: An Evidence-Based Overview date: 2020-08-22 words: 13975 flesch: 28 summary: Accordingly, oleic acid is classified as a ω-9 (or n-9) fatty acid, while linoleic acid and α-linolenic acid are ω-6 (or n-6) and ω-3 (or n-3) fatty acids, as they contain the double bond nine, six and three carbons from the methyl end The role of fatty acid structure, metabolism, and possible second messenger systems Minerval induces apoptosis in Jurkat and other cancer cells Comparative toxicity of oleic acid and linoleic acid on Jurkat cells Comparative toxicity of oleic acid and linoleic acid on Raji cells Oleate protects macrophages from palmitate-induced apoptosis through the downregulation of CD36 expression Oleate but not stearate induces the regulatory phenotype of myeloid suppressor cells Skin-Specific Unsaturated Fatty Acids Boost the Staphylococcus aureus Innate Immune Response Preventive and prophylactic mechanisms of action of pomegranate bioactive constituents Modulation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma(PPAR γ) by conjugated fatty acid in obesity and inflammatory bowel disease Punicic acid a conjugated linolenic acid inhibits TNFalpha-induced neutrophil hyperactivation and protects from experimental colon inflammation in rats Role of omega-3 fatty acids in obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular diseases: A review of the evidence Polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammation Long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids regulation of PPARs, signaling: Relationship to tissue development and aging Dietary Bioactive Fatty Acids as Modulators of Immune Function: Implications on Human Health Impact of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on the Gut Microbiota Linseed Essential Oil-Source of Lipids as Active Ingredients for Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals The chemical composition, botanical characteristic and biological activities of Borago officinalis: A review. keywords: ability; able; acetyl; acid; activation; activities; activity; adaptive; adjuvant; agents; amounts; andrographolide; animal; anti; arabinogalactans; arthritis; astragalus; atopic; autoimmune; biological; bonds; branched; cancer; carbon; cells; chain; characterization; characterized; chemical; children; clinical; common; complex; composition; compounds; conditions; conversion; cytokines; dendritic; dermatitis; dha; dietary; different; diseases; disorders; diterpenes; diterpenoids; double; echinacea; effects; efficacy; epa; essential; evening; evidence; expression; extract; factor; fatty; fatty acids; figure; flaxseed; function; glucan; groups; gut; health; herbal; high; higher; human; humoral; immune; immune cells; immune function; immune response; immune system; immunity; immunomodulatory; immunostimulatory; improve; increase; induced; infections; inflammation; inflammatory; innate; intake; intestinal; inulin; isolated; killer; labdane; levels; like; likely; linolenic; long; low; lymphocytes; macrophages; macrophyllus; major; mannans; mechanisms; medicinal; membranaceus; mice; microbiota; models; modulation; molecular; molecules; multiple; natural; neutrophils; nutraceuticals; oil; oils; oleic; paniculata; pathways; patients; peritoneal; phagocytic; pharmacological; placebo; plant; polysaccharides; polyunsaturated; possible; potential; preclinical; presence; present; primrose; production; products; proliferation; properties; protein; pufa; punicic; purpurea; receptor; regulatory; release; research; respiratory; response; results; resveratrol; review; rheumatoid; rich; role; scfa; seed; series; short; species; specific; structure; studies; surface; synthesis; system; t cells; tnf; treatment; trials; type; units; vaccine; vitro; vivo; ω-3; ω-6 cache: cord-269943-g77qe5ml.txt plain text: cord-269943-g77qe5ml.txt item: #38 of 67 id: cord-278747-3bhg9t6l author: Al-Nour, Mosab Yahya title: Ellagic Acid, Kaempferol, and Quercetin from Acacia nilotica: Promising Combined Drug With Multiple Mechanisms of Action date: 2019-05-14 words: 6545 flesch: 32 summary: Chronic inflammatory systemic diseases an evolutionary trade-off between acutely beneficial but chronically harmful programs Advances in molecular modeling and docking as a tool for modern drug discovery From drug target to leads-sketching a physico-chemical pathway for lead molecule design in silico A comparison of various optimization algorithms of protein-ligand docking programs by fitness accuracy SwissADME: a free web tool to evaluate pharmacokinetics, drug-likeness and medicinal chemistry friendliness of small molecules pkCSM: predicting smallmolecule pharmacokinetic and toxicity properties using graphbased signatures Computational approaches for therapeutic application of natural products in Alzheimer's disease. The role of small molecule platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) inhibitors in the treatment of neoplastic disorders Src protein-tyrosine kinase structure and regulation The role of CYP17A1 in prostate cancer development: structure, function, mechanism of action, genetic variations and its inhibition Tankyrases as drug targets Mechanism oh human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) regulation: clinical impact in cancer NF-k B, an active player in human cancers keywords: absorption; acacetin; acid; activity; acyl; anti; bacterial; best; beta; bioavailability; biosynthesis; body; cancer; carrier; cell; compounds; computational; constituents; control; cresset; crystallized; dark; dehydratase; design; development; diabetes; digallic; discovery; diseases; distribution; dna; docking; drug; ellagic; ellagic acid; emphasis; enzyme; fatty; flare; format; glucose; higher; human; inflammatory; inhibition; inhibitors; interaction; italic; kaempferol; kinase; lead; leucocyanidin; ligand; likeness; mechanism; molecular; nilotica; novel; pdb; pharmacokinetics; pharmacological; phytochemical; phytochemical constituents; positive; probability; properties; protein; quercetin; receptor; results; role; safety; screening; servers; software; structure; studies; study; table; targets; therapeutic; toxicity; treatment; turquoise; type; violet; virtual; web; yellow cache: cord-278747-3bhg9t6l.txt plain text: cord-278747-3bhg9t6l.txt item: #39 of 67 id: cord-284370-68o6f7ty author: Zhou, Wei title: Simultaneous determination of phenolic acids by UPLC–MS/MS in rat plasma and its application in pharmacokinetic study after oral administration of Flos Lonicerae preparations date: 2013-12-31 words: 4675 flesch: 35 summary: All analytes were eluted rapidly within 5.25 min. Caffeoylquinic acids containing neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid and cryptochlorogenic acid as isomers and dicaffeoylquinic acids containing 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid and 3,4dicaffeoylquinic acid as isomers had the same precursor and product ions in mass spectrometry. The results above indicated that there were differences of caffeoylquinic acids containing neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid and cryptochlorogenic acid as isomers and dicaffeoylquinic acids containing 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid and 3,4-dicaffeoylquinic acid as isomers in the pharmacokinetic parameters, although they had similar physicochemical properties. keywords: 3,4; acetate; acid; administration; analysis; analytes; blank; china; chlorogenic acid; concentration; cryptochlorogenic acid; day; dicaffeoylquinic acid; effect; ethyl; extract; extraction; fig; flos; formic; formic acid; huang; ionization; isomers; jie; jin; lian; liquid; lonicerae; mass; matrix; methanol; method; min; neochlorogenic; oral; parameters; pharmacokinetic; phenolic; plasma; preparations; product; rats; samples; standard; study; table; time; uplc cache: cord-284370-68o6f7ty.txt plain text: cord-284370-68o6f7ty.txt item: #40 of 67 id: cord-289682-v3plz55c author: Ghosh, Shyamasree title: Nanotechnology and sialic acid biology date: 2020-01-17 words: 8102 flesch: 19 summary: In situ electrochemical assay of cell surface sialic acids featuring highly efficient chemoselective recognition and a dual-functionalized nanohorn probe Highly sensitive fluorescent analysis of dynamic glycan expression on living cells using glyconanoparticles and functionalized quantum dots Quantum dots with phenylboronic acid tags for specific labeling of sialic acids on living cells Sialic acid surface decoration enhances cellular uptake and apoptosis-inducing activity of selenium nanoparticles Haag RInhibition of influenza virus infection by multivalent sialic-acid-functionalized gold nanoparticles Lectin-based biosensor strategy for electrochemical assay of glycan expression on living cancer cells Sialic acid and glycopeptides conjugated PLGA nanoparticles for central nervous system targeting: A novel electrochemical strategy for in situ detection of cell surface sialic acids by chemoselective labeling technique and a dual-functionalized nanohorn probe [123] was developed. keywords: acid; activity; acute; agents; analysis; apba; application; aunps; binding; biocompatibility; biological; biology; blood; brain; cancer; cancer cells; carbohydrate; carbon; cd22; cells; cellular; characterization; chip; chitosan; chromatography; coated; cona; conventional; delivery; detection; development; different; disease; dots; dox; drug; efficient; electrochemical; enable; enhanced; epithelial; expression; fig; fluorescent; free; glycans; glyconanoparticles; glycoproteins; gold; health; high; hplc; human; hyaluronan; imaging; immune; importance; improved; infection; inflammation; influenza; inhibition; inhibitors; interactions; ionization; iron; labeling; lectin; ligand; like; line; liquid; living; macrophages; magnetic; major; mannose; mass; methods; molecular; molecules; monitoring; mpba; multifunctional; multivalent; nanoelectrospray; nanolc; nanomaterials; nanoparticles; nanotechnology; nanotubes; new; normal; nps; oxide; pba; peptide; phenylboronic; polymeric; polymers; polysialic; potential; probe; products; promising; properties; psa; qds; quantum; receptors; recognition; reduced; role; selective; sensitive; sensitivity; separation; sers; serum; sialic; sialic acid; sialylated; siglec; silica; sirna; size; sna; specific; spectrometry; study; surface; systems; targeted; targeting; targets; therapy; tools; treatment; tumor; viral; virus; vivo; α2,6 cache: cord-289682-v3plz55c.txt plain text: cord-289682-v3plz55c.txt item: #41 of 67 id: cord-295807-68sukdb1 author: Quade, Bianca N. title: The therapeutic importance of acid-base balance date: 2020-10-09 words: 20817 flesch: 36 summary: The direct secretion of these drugs into the nephron lumen is necessary because many such drugs are substantially bound to albumin in circulation and are not effectively filtered into the nephron lumen at the glomerulus. Numerous acid-base handling proteins are upregulated in rapidly proliferating tumor calls to help them dispose of metabolic acids and create an acidic microenvironment that disadvantages non-tumor cells in their vicinity. keywords: -atpase; -coupled; ability; absorption; abts; acetazolamide; acid; acid load; acidic; acidification; acidosis; action; activation; activity; acute; acz; administration; adults; ae2; airway; alkali; alkaline; alkalosis; alternative; anhydrase; anion; approach; aspects; bacteria; baking; balance; base; base balance; basic; bicarbonate; blood; body; bone; brain; breast; buffer; calcium; cancer; carbonic; cardiac; cas; cases; cause; cells; cftr; changes; channel; children; chronic; citrate; ckd; clinical; co2; consequences; considerations; constipation; control; correction; counter; cystic; decrease; defective; defects; defense; delivery; dependent; development; dietary; dietary acid; disease; disorders; disruption; dissolution; disturbances; drug; effect; efficacy; environment; epithelial; equation; evidence; example; exchanger; excretion; expression; extracellular; fact; failure; fibrosis; figure; fluid; form; formation; function; gastric; gastric acid; gastrointestinal; general; genetic; gradient; growth; h +; hco3; hco3secretion; health; heart; high; higher; homeostasis; hormone; human; hypercapnia; iii; immune; impact; important; increase; individuals; infection; inflammatory; influence; infusion; inhibition; inhibitors; injury; insulin; intestinal; ivacaftor; kidney; lactate; lactic; lactic acidosis; levels; limited; link; load; local; long; loss; low; lower; lowering; lumen; lungs; mac; major; malaria; malk; mct1; mechanisms; membrane; metabolic; metabolic acidosis; mice; model; modulation; motility; mouse; mucus; muscle; mutations; na+/h+; nahco3; nbce1; necessary; nephron; neuronal; neurons; new; nhe1; nhe3; non; normal; note; novel; numerous; operative; oral; outcomes; pain; pancreatic; panic; pathological; patients; pco2; performance; phi; phosphate; physiological; physiology; pka; plasma; possible; post; potential; pressure; primary; production; progression; properties; proteins; proton; proximal; pulmonary; pump; ralk; randomized; rapid; rate; receptor; reflux; regulation; related; release; removal; renal; reperfusion; respiratory; response; result; review; rise; risk; role; salivary; secretion; section; sensitivity; serum; severe; short; slc26a3; slc4a11; small; soda; sodium; sodium bicarbonate; solubility; specific; sperm; state; status; stomach; strategies; stress; studies; study; surface; syndrome; system; systemic; target; targeted; targeting; term; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; tissue; tract; transporters; treatment; trials; tubular; tumor; type; urinary; urine; useful; value; ventilation; weakly; women cache: cord-295807-68sukdb1.txt plain text: cord-295807-68sukdb1.txt item: #42 of 67 id: cord-296794-ml2luc1t author: Sollner, Johannes title: Analysis and prediction of protective continuous B-cell epitopes on pathogen proteins date: 2008-01-07 words: 8023 flesch: 38 summary: Recently the usability of amino acid scales for the prediction of B-cell epitopes has been profoundly questioned [13] and common standards regarding the validation of epitope predictions have been discussed [14] . It may also be viable to suggest that conservation of posttranslational modification patterns may be different when comparing highly variable exposed loops and sites of functional relevance as modifications can play a major role in the masking of protective epitopes keywords: acid; alignment; amino; amino acid; analysis; antibodies; antigenicity; antigens; application; aroc; cell; cell epitopes; class; classification; column; combination; conservation; conserved; continuous; continuous epitopes; correlation; database; dataset; described; determinants; different; distinct; domain; effect; epitopes; experimental; figure; filtering; forest; functional; high; immune; independent; individual; learning; likely; linear; machine; matrix; methods; model; modification; new; non; number; overall; parameter; pathogen; patterns; pca19; peptides; performance; positive; post; potential; prediction; protective; protective epitopes; protectivity; proteins; random; regions; regression; relevance; relevant; residues; responses; results; scales; score; second; selection; separation; sequences; set; standard; sum; surface; table; training; translational; tree; vaccine; validation; values; variability cache: cord-296794-ml2luc1t.txt plain text: cord-296794-ml2luc1t.txt item: #43 of 67 id: cord-298909-xwd6i2vu author: Goh, Choon Fu title: Dermatologic reactions to disinfectant use during the COVID-19 pandemic()() date: 2020-10-02 words: 1961 flesch: 32 summary: Disinfectants are germicide chemicals that can penetrate the skin and create skin reactions that are usually regarded as irritant and allergic contact dermatitis. This dermal contact, on a regular basis, can induce hazardous skin reactions like irritation, inflammation, and burning in severe conditions. keywords: absorption; acid; adverse; agency; allergic; alpha; ammonium; application; assessment; cell; chemical; chloride; components; compounds; concentrations; contact; corneum; cov-2; dermal; dermatitis; dermatologic; disinfectants; effect; ethanol; exposure; glycolic; human; hydroxy; irritant; irritation; low; non; ortho; penetration; percutaneous; permeation; products; reactions; sars; skin; stratum; study; table; use cache: cord-298909-xwd6i2vu.txt plain text: cord-298909-xwd6i2vu.txt item: #44 of 67 id: cord-300429-b0zev8zb author: Sobocińska, Justyna title: Protein Palmitoylation and Its Role in Bacterial and Viral Infections date: 2018-01-19 words: 13448 flesch: 31 summary: + channels Activation of the protein deacetylase SIRT6 by long-chain fatty acids and widespread deacylation by mammalian sirtuins SIRT6 regulates TNF-α secretion through hydrolysis of long-chain fatty acyl lysine Lysine fatty acylation promotes lysosomal targeting of TNF-α A Salmonella typhimurium effector protein SifA is modified by host cell prenylation and S-acylation machinery Geranylgeranylation but not GTP-loading of Rho GTPases determines T cell function Inhibition of protein geranylgeranylation specifically interferes with CD40-dependent B cell activation, resulting in a reduced capacity to induce T cell immunity Local palmitoylation cycles define activity-regulated postsynaptic subdomains Analysis of S-acylation of proteins Chemical probes for the rapid detection of fatty-acylated proteins in mammalian cells Robust fluorescent detection of protein fatty-acylation with chemical reporters Large-scale profiling of protein palmitoylation in mammalian cells Assays of protein palmitoylation Visualization and identification of fatty acylated proteins using chemical reporters Nonradioactive analysis of dynamic protein palmitoylation Palmitoylome profiling reveals S-palmitoylation-dependent antiviral activity of IFITM3 Global profiling of dynamic protein palmitoylation Proteomic analysis of fatty-acylated proteins in mammalian cells with chemical reporters reveals S-acylation of histone H3 variants Global analysis of palmitoylated proteins in Toxoplasma gondii A single protein S-acyl transferase acts through diverse substrates to determine cryptococcal morphology, stress tolerance, and pathogenic outcome Purification of biotinylated proteins on streptavidin resin: a protocol for quantitative elution Comparative analysis of cleavable azobenzene-based affinity tags for bioorthogonal chemical proteomics Systems analysis of protein fatty acylation in herpes simplex virus-infected cells using chemical proteomics Single-cell in situ imaging of palmitoylation in fattyacylated proteins Method for cellular imaging of palmitoylated proteins with clickable probes and proximity ligation applied to Hedgehog, tubulin, and Ras Analysis of protein palmitoylation reveals a pervasive role in Plasmodium development and pathogenesis Global profiling of co-and post-translationally N-myristoylated proteomes in human cells Proteomic identification of palmitoylated proteins Palmitoylated proteins: purification and identification Site-specific analysis of protein S-acylation by resin-assisted capture Proteomic analysis of fatty-acylated proteins Mass-tag labeling reveals site-specific and endogenous levels of protein S-fatty acylation Proteomic analysis of palmitoylated platelet proteins Proteomic analysis of S-acylated proteins in human B cells reveals palmitoylation of the immune regulators CD20 and CD23 Quantitative analysis of the human T cell palmitome Global analysis of protein palmitoylation in African trypanosomes Identification of new palmitoylated proteins in Toxoplasma gondii Neural palmitoyl-proteomics reveals dynamic synaptic palmitoylation Role of S-palmitoylation by ZDHHC13 in mitochondrial function and metabolism in liver Tracking brain palmitoylation change: predominance of glial change in a mouse model of Huntington's Disease protein palmitoylation database. Recently, substantial progress in the understanding of protein palmitoylation was made possible by the development of methods allowing high-throughput analysis of cellular/tissue palmitoyl proteomes. keywords: acid; activation; activity; acylation; acyltransferases; addition; amino; analog; analysis; anthrax; antiviral; apparatus; approach; assembly; association; attachment; bacteria; binding; biotin; bond; budding; cells; cellular; chain; changes; chemical; chemistry; cholesterol; click; click chemistry; coa; complex; crucial; cysteine; cytoplasmic; data; dependent; detection; disease; domain; dynamic; effector; endoplasmic; envelope; enzymes; eukaryotic; evf; factor; family; fatty; fatty acids; fatty acylation; figure; functioning; fusion; global; glycine; glycoproteins; golgi; gram; group; high; hiv-1; host; host cells; host proteins; human; identification; ifitm3; immune; induced; infected; infection; inflammatory; influenza; innate; interactions; interest; intracellular; kinase; labeling; like; likely; linkage; lipid; lipoproteins; localization; long; lps; mammals; mass; mechanisms; membrane; membrane proteins; metabolic; method; modification; molecular; myristoylation; negative; new; non; palmitate; palmitic; palmitic acid; palmitoylation; pathogen; peripheral; plasma; plasma membrane; posttranslational; profiling; protein palmitoylation; proteins; proteomic; rafts; ras; raw264; reaction; receptor; replication; residues; responses; reticulum; role; salmonella; secretion; signaling; sites; specific; spectrometry; src; stability; stnfα; streptavidin; studies; study; subsequent; table; targeting; terminal; tetraspanin; thioester; thiol; tlr2; tlr4; tmtnfα; toll; toxin; transmembrane; type; viral; viral proteins; virulence; virus; viruses; zdhhc cache: cord-300429-b0zev8zb.txt plain text: cord-300429-b0zev8zb.txt item: #45 of 67 id: cord-306553-ita74mjr author: Zinn, Marc-Kevin title: Did granny know best? Evaluating the antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral efficacy of acetic acid for home care procedures date: 2020-08-26 words: 5190 flesch: 47 summary: Evaluating the antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral efficacy of acetic acid for home care procedures date: 2020-08-26 journal: BMC Microbiol DOI: 10.1186/s12866-020-01948-8 sha: doc_id: 306553 cord_uid: ita74mjr BACKGROUND: Acetic acid has been used to clean and disinfect surfaces in the household for many decades. Virucidal efficacy tests according to DIN EN 14476 and DIN EN 16777 showed a reduction of ≥4-log-steps against the Modified Vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) for acetic acid concentrations of 5% or higher. keywords: able; acetic; acetic acid; acid; acid concentration; activity; aeruginosa; albicans; antibacterial; antifungal; antimicrobial; antiseptika; aureus; bacteria; brasiliensis; cell; cfu; citric; cleaning; coli; complete; concentration; count; data; desinfektionsmittel; din; disinfecting; domestic; effect; efficacy; germany; home; household; laundering; laundry; log; logarithmic; machine; microorganisms; min; monocytogenes; mrsa; present; procedures; products; reduction; results; standard; steps; study; surfaces; suspension; tests; time; und; vinegar; virucidal; viruses; washing cache: cord-306553-ita74mjr.txt plain text: cord-306553-ita74mjr.txt item: #46 of 67 id: cord-309384-vlk8cebh author: Kolter, Thomas title: Ganglioside Biochemistry date: 2012-12-19 words: 16942 flesch: 31 summary: I integral membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum Zebrafish and mouse α2,3-sialyltransferases responsible for synthesizing GM4 ganglioside Prevention of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis by ganglioside G(M4) Purification and characterization of UDP-glucose:ceramide glucosyltransferase from rat liver Golgi membranes Expression cloning of a cDNA for human ceramide glucosyltransferase that catalyzes the first glycosylation step of glycosphingolipid synthesis Oligomerization and topology of the Golgi 28 ISRN Biochemistry membrane protein glucosylceramide synthase Identification of active site residues in glucosylceramide synthase: a nucleotide-binding/catalytic motif conserved with processive β-glycosyltransferases Topology of glucosylceramide synthesis in Golgi membranes from porcine submaxillary glands Lactosylceramide is synthesized in the lumen of the Golgi apparatus MDR1 Pglycoprotein is a lipid translocase of broad specificity, while MDR3 P-glycoprotein specifically translocates phosphatidylcholine ABC lipid transporters: extruders, flippases, or flopless activators? Pre-and post-Golgi translocation of glucosylceramide in glycosphingolipid synthesis Reconstitution of glucosylceramide flip-flop across endoplasmic reticulum: implications for mechanism of glycosphingolipid biosynthesis Glycosphingolipid synthesis requires FAPP2 transfer of glucosylceramide Mutation of βglucosidase 2 causes glycolipid storage disease and impaired male fertility Biosynthesis of glycolipids cDNA cloning and expression of human lactosylceramide synthase Isolation and characterization of extremely minor gangliosides, G(M1b) and G(D1α), in adult bovine brains as developmentally regulated antigens Enhanced insulin sensitivity in mice lacking ganglioside GM3 Tissue-specific expression of cseries gangliosides in the extraneural system Structural characterization of a novel cholinergic neuron-specific ganglioside in bovine brain Biosynthetic pathway for a new series of gangliosides, GT1aα and GQ1bα Biosynthesis of the major brain gangliosides GD1a and GT1b Glycosphingolipid functions: insights from engineered mouse models A mouse B16 melanoma mutant deficient in glycolipids Complex gangliosides are essential in spermatogenesis of mice: possible roles in the transport of testosterone Mice lacking complex gangliosides develop Wallerian degeneration and myelination defects A functional role for complex gangliosides: motor deficits in GM2/GD2 synthase knockout mice Attenuation of interleukin 2 signal in the spleen cells of complex gangliosidelacking mice CD4 and CD8 T cells require different membrane gangliosides for activation Mice lacking major brain gangliosides develop parkinsonism G(M1) ganglioside rescues substantia nigra pars compacta neurons and increases dopamine synthesis in residual nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurons in MPTP-treated mice GM1 specifically interacts with α-synuclein and inhibits fibrillation Mice expressing only monosialoganglioside GM3 exhibit lethal audiogenic seizures Interruption of ganglioside synthesis produces central nervous system degeneration and altered axon-glial interactions Sphingolipid synthetic pathways are major regulators of lipid homeostasis Membranes in balance: mechanisms of sphingolipid homeostasis Regulation of ganglioside biosynthesis in the nervous system The cytoplasmic tail of GM3 synthase defines its subcellular localization, stability, and in vivo activity Multi-enzyme kinetic analysis of glycolipid biosynthesis Golgi localization of glycosyltransferases involved in ganglioside biosynthesis Regulation of ganglioside biosynthesis by enzyme complex formation of glycosyltransferases The synthesis of complex carbohydrates by multiglycosyltransferase systems and their potential function in intercellular adhesion Glycosyltransferase complexes improve glycolipid synthesis Physical and functional association of glycolipid N-acetylgalactosaminyl and galactosyl transferases in the Golgi apparatus Ganglioside glycosyltransferases organize in distinct multienzyme complexes in CHO-K1 cells Identification and expression of NEU3, a novel human sialidase associated to the plasma membrane A close association of the ganglioside-specific sialidase Neu3 with caveolin in membrane microdomains Membrane sialidase NEU3 is highly expressed in human melanoma cells promoting cell growth with minimal changes in the composition of gangliosides Sialidase occurs in both membranes of the nuclear envelope and hydrolyzes endogenous GD1a Degradation of glycolipids Lysosomal degradation of membrane lipids Activator proteins and topology of lysosomal sphingolipid catabolism Regulation of apoptosis-associated lysosomal membrane permeabilization Recycling compartments and the internal vesicles of multivesicular bodies harbor most of the cholesterol found in the endocytic pathway Biological function of the cellular lipid BMP-BMP as a key activator for cholesterol sorting and membrane digestion Metabolism, function and mass spectrometric analysis of bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate and cardiolipin Separation and characterization of late endosomal membrane domains Lysosome biogenesis and lysosomal membrane proteins: trafficking meets function Lysosomal membrane proteins: life between acid and neutral conditions Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift für Physiologische Chemie The human G(M2) activator protein. Secondary storage of gangliosides GM2 and GM3 occurs also in Hurler disease [290] (mucopolysaccharidosis type I; α-Liduronidase deficiency). keywords: able; abundant; accumulation; acetyl; acid; activator; activator protein; active; activity; addition; adult; altered; amounts; analysis; animals; antibodies; antigen; apoptosis; apparatus; aspects; available; axon; bases; binding; biology; biosynthesis; blood; bmp; bovine; brain; brain gangliosides; cancer; carbohydrate; catalyzed; cell; cellular; ceramide; chain; changes; characterization; chemical; cholesterol; chromatography; clinical; complex; complexes; composition; content; core; crystal; cultured; defects; deficient; degradation; dependent; detergent; determination; development; different; differentiation; disease; disorders; domains; embryonic; enzyme; erythrocytes; essential; example; experiments; expression; extraction; factor; fatty; figure; form; formation; fraction; function; ga2; galactose; galactosidase; galcer; galnac; ganglioside biosynthesis; ganglioside gm1; gangliosides; gangliosidosis; gd1a; gd3; gene; general; glccer; glucose; glucosylceramide; glycan; glycoconjugates; glycolipids; glycosidases; glycosphingolipid; glycosylation; glycosyltransferases; gm1; gm2; gm2 activator; gm3; gm4; golgi; groups; growth; gsls; gt1b; head; hexosaminidase; higher; host; human; human brain; impaired; increase; infantile; inner; insulin; interaction; isolated; isolation; key; kidney; laccer; levels; life; like; linkage; lipid; liver; living; localization; luminal; lysosomal; lysosomes; major; mass; melanoma; membrane; metabolism; mice; model; modified; moiety; molecular; morquio; motor; mouse; murine; mutant; myelin; native; nervous; neu5gc; neuronal; neurons; neutral; new; niemann; nomenclature; normal; novel; number; oligosaccharides; organisms; pathway; patients; pattern; phase; phosphatidylcholine; plasma; presence; present; properties; protein; rafts; receptor; recognition; regulation; related; residues; role; sachs; sandhoff; saposin; secondary; separation; series; series gangliosides; serine; serum; short; sialic; sialic acid; sialidase; soluble; species; specific; specificity; spectrometry; sphingoid; sphingolipids; sphingosine; st3gal; starfish; step; storage; structure; studies; substrates; suitable; sulfate; sulfatide; surface; syndrome; synthase; system; tay; therapeutic; therapy; tissues; topology; total; transport; treatment; tumor; type; udp; variant; vesicles; vitro; vivo; water cache: cord-309384-vlk8cebh.txt plain text: cord-309384-vlk8cebh.txt item: #47 of 67 id: cord-310847-63gh2tg4 author: Uversky, Vladimir N title: The alphabet of intrinsic disorder: II. Various roles of glutamic acid in ordered and intrinsically disordered proteins date: 2013-04-01 words: 19457 flesch: 42 summary: In fact, glutamic acid residue has a nonpolar surface of 69 Å 2 , and the estimated hydrophobic effect associated with the burial of this residue is 1.74 kcal/mol. + selectivity of Na,K-ATPase relies on the strategic positioning of glutamic acid residues. keywords: ability; acceptor; acid residues; acidic; acids; activation; active; activity; addition; alanine; alpha; amino; amino acid; analysis; antigen; arginine; aspartic; aspartic acid; atom; bacillus; backbone; bacterial; binding; biological; bond; bone; brain; calcium; calmodulin; capping; capsule; catalytic; cation; cell; cellular; chain; changes; channels; chaperone; characterization; characterized; charge; chemical; chromatin; cng; cngb1; collagen; common; complex; complexes; composition; conditions; conformation; conserved; content; control; coordination; cp190; critical; crucial; cyclic; cysteine; degradation; delivery; dependent; different; dipole; disease; disorder; disordered proteins; disprot; divalent; domain; drug; ebd; ebds; effects; eif5; electron; electrostatic; elements; energy; enzymes; estrogen; example; expression; extracellular; fact; factor; family; folding; forms; free; function; gala; garps; gene; general; genetic; glutamate; glutamic acid; glutamine; glycine; groups; growth; half; helical; helices; helix; high; higher; histones; human; hydrogen; hydrophobic; idps; important; integrin; interactions; intrinsic; involved; kda; kibra; kinase; large; leucine; ligands; like; long; low; lysine; marcks; mass; matrix; mechanism; members; membrane; metal; mgarp; mitochondria; molecular; molecules; motif; mutations; natural; negative; net; non; novel; nuclear; nucleotide; nudix; ordered; orf73; outside; overall; partners; pcp4l1; pdb; pelp1; peptide; pest; pga; photoreceptors; physiological; plot; point; poly; polypeptide; pore; positive; possess; potential; presence; processes; proline; propensity; properties; protease; protein; proton; ptp; pump; ramachandran; reaction; receptors; recognition; reduction; region; regulation; repeat; residues; responsible; retinal; rich; rich domain; rich protein; rich region; rod; role; secondary; sequence; serine; set; sheet; signaling; significant; single; site; small; solubility; soluble; specific; stability; state; structure; studies; substrate; subunit; surface; terminal; terminus; thermal; threonine; titin; transmembrane; transporters; tubulin; tyrosine; unique; unstructured; water; zinc cache: cord-310847-63gh2tg4.txt plain text: cord-310847-63gh2tg4.txt item: #48 of 67 id: cord-317250-a5ni1s9e author: Jackson, Ronald S. title: Wine, food, and health date: 2020-04-10 words: 19845 flesch: 40 summary: Even dietary flavonoid supplements (one of the benefits of wine consumption) can be detrimental, if taken in excess (Skibola and Smith, 2003) . As the sections below demonstrate, moderate, daily, wine consumption can have health benefits for the majority of people. keywords: ability; absorption; accumulation; acetaldehyde; acid; acidic; action; activation; active; activity; addition; adhesion; aggregation; alcohol; alcohol consumption; alcohol content; alcohol intake; alcoholic; aldh2; amines; amounts; ancient; anthocyanins; antiinflammatory; antimicrobial; antioxidant; aromatic; artery; aspects; associated; association; astringent; atherosclerosis; attack; attributes; average; bacteria; beer; beneficial; benefits; best; beverages; bioavailability; bitter; bitterness; blood; body; brain; breast; cancer; cardiovascular; cause; cells; cellular; central; cerebral; certain; changes; cheese; cholesterol; chronic; clinical; colon; combination; combined; common; compatibility; complexes; compounds; concentrations; conditions; consequences; constituents; consumers; consumption; content; contrast; cooking; daily; damage; data; day; deficiency; degradation; dehydrogenase; dental; development; diabetes; dietary; different; digestion; digestive; dioxide; direct; disease; drinkers; drinking; effective; effects; endothelial; enzymes; erosion; et al; ethanol; evidence; example; excessive; exposure; factors; fatty; fig; flavonoids; flavor; flushing; food; formation; forms; free; function; gastric; gastrointestinal; glucose; glutathione; gout; grape; groups; gut; hangover; hdl; headache; health; heart; high; higher; histamine; human; hypertension; immune; important; incidence; increase; individuals; induction; inflammation; influences; inhibition; inhibitory; insulin; intake; interactions; intestinal; iron; juice; kidneys; known; large; ldl; ldls; lead; levels; like; likely; limit; lining; lipid; little; liver; long; loss; low; major; meal; mechanisms; membrane; metabolism; metabolites; migraine; mild; moderate; moderate alcohol; moderate wine; molecular; mortality; mouth; muscle; nausea; negative; new; nitric; oral; oxidase; oxidation; oxygen; pathogens; people; perception; phenolics; plaque; plasma; platelet; polymers; polyphenols; potential; presence; present; pressure; primary; principal; production; products; properties; protective; proteins; quercetin; radicals; range; rapid; reactions; receptors; red; red wine; reduced; relationship; release; response; results; resveratrol; review; rich; risk; role; saliva; salt; science; sensations; sensory; short; significant; similar; slow; small; social; society; sodium; source; state; stomach; stroke; studies; study; sulfite; sulfur; supply; suppression; symptoms; syndrome; synthesis; system; table; tannins; taste; tasting; term; thought; time; tissue; tooth; toxic; toxins; tract; transport; type; unknown; uptake; urine; vitamins; wall; water; white; wine; wine consumption; wine phenolics; wine wine; women cache: cord-317250-a5ni1s9e.txt plain text: cord-317250-a5ni1s9e.txt item: #49 of 67 id: cord-318562-jif88gof author: Jiménez-Liso, Maria Rut title: Changing How We Teach Acid-Base Chemistry: A Proposal Grounded in Studies of the History and Nature of Science Education date: 2020-08-15 words: 9896 flesch: 37 summary: (Taton 1964) To link with chemical change models expressed by students and with school science models such as parts model described by Acher et al. (2007) and their pivotal ideas like transformations and conservation of parts To distinguish dilution (colour fading) and neutralization (Erduran 2007 These general arguments about teaching models can be exemplified in the case of acid/base models. keywords: acid; activities; activity; alternative; approaches; arrhenius; base; base chemistry; base models; base theories; bronsted; case; change; chemical; chemistry; conceptions; concepts; conceptual; content; couso; curriculum; cycle; daily; definitions; design; development; different; difficulties; domain; education; electron; equilibrium; et al; example; explanations; explanatory; explicit; fig; focus; general; gum; high; historical; history; ideas; implicit; indicator; initial; inquiry; jiménez; key; knowledge; learning; levels; lewis; life; limitations; liso; lowry; misconceptions; modeling; models; nature; need; new; nos; order; paper; people; phenomena; possible; pre; present; problems; process; processes; proton; reactions; research; school; science; scientific; secondary; section; sequences; service; similar; situations; solvent; strategies; students; study; subramaniam; substances; teachers; teaching; theories; theory; timeline; understanding; university; upper; use; water; way cache: cord-318562-jif88gof.txt plain text: cord-318562-jif88gof.txt item: #50 of 67 id: cord-319636-keo7gv70 author: Duarte, Carolina title: Elusive Roles of the Different Ceramidases in Human Health, Pathophysiology, and Tissue Regeneration date: 2020-06-02 words: 8057 flesch: 30 summary: Furthermore, Carmofur, NOE, LCL521, and Ceranib2 have been used in combination with chemotherapeutic drugs or photodynamic therapy to either overcome cancer cell resistance to treatment, increase cell sensitivity to specific drugs, or increase the overall effectiveness of cancer cell apoptosis [22, 55, 58, 70, 72, 73] . ACER3 is associated with the AKT/BAX pathway and activates the S1P phosphorylation of AKT through S1PR2 and PI3K in cancer cells [40, 41] . keywords: accumulation; acdase; acdase activity; acer3; acid; acid ceramidase; activation; activity; addition; akt; alkaline; alkcdases; apoptosis; apoptotic; arrest; asah1; associated; autophagy; bacterial; brain; breast; cancer; cancer cell; cathepsin; cell; ceramidase; damage; death; deficiency; deletion; dependent; differentiation; dihydroceramides; disease; disorder; drug; effects; enzyme; expression; factor; fatty; fibrosis; figure; frbrl; function; gene; growth; hair; healing; homeostasis; host; human; immune; important; increase; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibition; inhibits; kda; kinase; leukemia; levels; liver; loss; lysosomal; mechanisms; melanoma; metabolism; mice; molecular; multiple; mutations; myeloid; neurodegenerative; neutral; non; overexpression; pathway; phosphate; phosphorylation; potential; precursor; production; progression; proliferation; protein; receptor; regeneration; resistance; response; results; role; s1p; senescence; signaling; specific; sph; sphingolipid; sphingosine; stress; studies; survival; system; target; therapeutic; therapy; tissue; treatment; upregulated; upregulation cache: cord-319636-keo7gv70.txt plain text: cord-319636-keo7gv70.txt item: #51 of 67 id: cord-324326-q014b5ym author: MURAKAMI, Makoto title: Lipoquality control by phospholipase A(2) enzymes date: 2017-11-10 words: 8284 flesch: 28 summary: -IIA: results from the UDACS study Biallelic mutations in PLA2G5, encoding group V phospholipase A 2 , cause benign fleck retina recapitulate the mitochondriopathy of the homologous null mouse Loss-offunction mutations in PNPLA6 encoding neuropathy target esterase underlie pubertal failure and neurological deficits in Gordon Holmes syndrome Mutations in PNPLA6 are linked to photoreceptor degeneration and various forms of childhood blindness Impairment of PARK14-dependent Ca 2D signalling is a novel determinant of Parkinson's disease Male mice that do not express group VIA phospholipase A 2 produce spermatozoa with impaired motility and have greatly reduced fertility Fat mobilization in adipose tissue is promoted by adipose triglyceride lipase Defective lipolysis and altered energy metabolism in mice lacking adipose triglyceride lipase Adipose triglyceride lipase contributes to cancer-associated cachexia The G 0 keywords: -ib; -iia; -iid; -iie; -iif; -iii; acid; activation; activities; activity; acyltransferase; adipose; anti; association; asthma; biological; calcium; cancer; catalytic; cells; cellular; clearance; conditions; control; cpla; cytosolic; deficient; deletion; diet; different; disease; display; distinct; domain; enzymatic; enzymes; expression; factor; family; fatty; fig; function; gene; genetic; group; human; hydrolase; hydrolyzes; independent; individual; inflammation; inflammatory; intestinal; intracellular; ipla; isoforms; levels; lipolysis; lipoquality; loss; lung; lysophospholipids; macrophages; mammalian; mediators; membranes; metabolism; mice; mitochondrial; model; mouse; mutations; natural; neutral; novel; obesity; pafah; pathophysiological; phenotypes; phospholipase; phospholipids; physiological; pla2r1; plasma; platelet; pnpla2; position; production; properties; prostaglandin; protein; pufas; recent; receptor; reduced; regulation; related; release; results; role; secretory; severe; signaling; skin; sn-2; species; specific; sperm; spla; studies; substrate; target; terminal; th2; tissue; transgenic; triglyceride; type; unique; vivo cache: cord-324326-q014b5ym.txt plain text: cord-324326-q014b5ym.txt item: #52 of 67 id: cord-325743-5ujiscdt author: Kitajima, Ken title: Advanced Technologies in Sialic Acid and Sialoglycoconjugate Analysis date: 2015-05-28 words: 7694 flesch: 41 summary: Chemical diversity in the sialic acid and related α-keto acids: an evolutionary perspective Chemistry, biochemistry and biology of sialic acid, glycoproteins II Sialic acids as ligands in recognition phenomena Developmental abnormalities in transgenic mice expressing a sialic acid-specific 9-O-acetylesterase B cell antigen receptor signal strength and peripheral B cell development are regulated by a 9-O-acetyl sialic acid esterase O-Acetylated N-acetylneuraminic acid as a novel target for therapy in human pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia Functions and biosynthesis of O-acetylated sialic acids Why is N-glycolylneuraminic acid rare in the vertebrate brain? Polysialic acid in brain development and synaptic plasticity Differentially regulated expression of 9-O-acetyl GD3 (CD60b) and 7-O-acetyl-GD3 (CD60c) during differentiation and maturation of human T and B lymphocytes Properties and partial purification of sialate O-acetyltransferase from bovine submandibular glands Biochemical and genetic evidence for distinct membranebound and cytosolic sialic acid O-acetyl-esterases: serine-active-site enzymes O-Acetylation and de-O-acetylation of sialic acids in human colorectal carcinoma Advanced Technologies in Sialic Acid and Sialoglycoconjugate Analysis 97 Isolation and properties of two sialate-O-acetylesterases from horse liver with 4-and 9-O-acetyl specificities SIGLEC4 antagonists A mutation in human CMP-sialic acid hydroxylase occurred after the Homo-Pan divergence Although the structural diversity of sialic acid (Sia) is rapidly expanding, understanding of its biological significance has lagged behind. keywords: acetylated; acetylation; acetylneuraminic; acid; activity; amurensis; analysis; animal; antibodies; antibody; bacterial; binding; biological; blood; bovine; brain; cell; chains; che; chemical; chromatography; conditions; derivatives; detection; development; di-; different; disia; diversity; dmb; endo; enzymes; esterase; evidence; expression; fcd; fig; fluorescent; fluorometric; form; free; functions; gangliosides; glycans; glycoconjugates; glycolipids; glycolylneuraminic; glycoproteins; group; hemagglutinin; high; hplc; human; immunohistochemistry; influenza; kdn; labeling; lectins; linkage; liver; maackia; mammalian; mammals; method; mice; modification; monoclonal; mouse; neu5ac8s; neu5gc; neural; non; novel; occurrence; oligosia; polysia; polysialic; present; probe; rat; reagents; receptor; residues; sea; sections; sensitive; sia; sialic; sialic acid; sialidase; sias; significance; species; specific; sperm; step; structural; sulfated; table; tissues; urchin; volume; α2!8 cache: cord-325743-5ujiscdt.txt plain text: cord-325743-5ujiscdt.txt item: #53 of 67 id: cord-329228-yjvw2ee1 author: Shikata, N. title: Multi-layered network structure of amino acid (AA) metabolism characterized by each essential AA-deficient condition date: 2006-10-13 words: 4405 flesch: 48 summary: In the inferred network, we could draw some interesting interrelations between plasma amino acids as follows: 1) Lysine is located at the top control level and has effects on almost all of the other plasma amino acids. Further investigations on the control mechanism of plasma amino acids should uncover the trigger reasons for diseases or propose a new treatment to improve the physiological conditions, however, the control mechanism is so complicated that the investigations have not been succeeded. keywords: accessibility; acid; amino; amino acid; analysis; binary; change; chou; concentration; condition; consumption; control; data; deficiency; diet; digraph; effects; equivalence; essential; estimated; experimental; fed; fig; gene; group; level; matrix; metabolic; methionine; method; minus; model; multi; network; number; pathway; physiological; plasma; plasma amino; protein; rats; relations; set; single; state; structure; study; test; threonine; threshold; value cache: cord-329228-yjvw2ee1.txt plain text: cord-329228-yjvw2ee1.txt item: #54 of 67 id: cord-329844-w969lczb author: Robson, B. title: Bioinformatics studies on a function of the SARS-CoV-2 spike glycoprotein as the binding of host sialic acid glycans date: 2020-06-08 words: 15937 flesch: 45 summary: Also, more generally, in preparative work, comparison of the spike protein sequence of the spike protein with sialic acid glycan binding proteins and other sugar binding proteins, or domains of them. A likely relevant observation was that the first set of amino acid residues (the set containing aspartate) and binding sialic acids tended to occur in a subsequence that adopted a local loop conformation, while the second set (that containing glutamate) were frequently associated with α-helices and particularly their termini. keywords: ace2; acid binding; acid glycan; acid residues; acids; activity; algorithm; amino; amino acid; analysis; approach; arginine; aromatic; associated; author; basis; binding; bioinformatics; carbohydrate; case; cell; conserved; coronaviruses; course; cov-2; current; data; design; development; different; direction; discussion; diverse; domain; drug; entry; essential; evidence; example; exchange; experimental; false; features; fig; fold; following; follows; function; fusion; general; glycan; glycan binding; glycoprotein; group; hemagglutinin; host; human; important; infection; inference; influenza; information; initial; interactions; interest; kind; knowledge; known; language; large; later; like; match; medicine; method; motif; negatives; neuraminidase; new; non; ntd; order; paper; parameters; particular; peak; phenylalanine; point; positives; possible; potential; prediction; preliminary; present; project; propensity; proteins; qualitative; receptor; recognition; ref; regard; regions; related; residues; results; role; sabr; sars; score; section; sequence; serine; set; short; sialic acid; significant; similar; simple; sites; specific; spike; spike protein; standard; state; strong; structure; studies; study; subsequence; sugar; surface; synthetic; table; target; terminal; threonine; tools; true; tryptophan; universal; viral; virus; way; work cache: cord-329844-w969lczb.txt plain text: cord-329844-w969lczb.txt item: #55 of 67 id: cord-332165-31tbc31x author: Rustmeier, Nils H. title: The Symmetry of Viral Sialic Acid Binding Sites—Implications for Antiviral Strategies date: 2019-10-14 words: 5842 flesch: 38 summary: Due to the surface-exposed binding mode and the weak individual interactions between sialic acids and their cognate virus proteins, modifying sialic acid to achieve high-affinity binding is challenging. Å resolution X-ray crystal structure of the rotavirus inner capsid particle at 3.8 a resolution Sigma 1 protein of mammalian reoviruses extends from the surfaces of viral particles The GM2 Glycan Serves as a Functional Coreceptor for Serotype 1 Reovirus Crystal structure of reovirus attachment protein sigma1 in complex with sialylated oligosaccharides Three-dimensional visualization of the rotavirus hemagglutinin structure Comparison of human, simian, and bovine rotaviruses for requirement of sialic acid in hemagglutination and cell adsorption Role of sialic acids in rotavirus infection Sialic acid dependence in rotavirus host cell invasion keywords: acid; adenovirus; affinity; associated; attachment; axis; binding; capsid; capsomers; carbohydrate; cell; central; complex; compounds; contacts; design; different; domain; enveloped; example; family; fiber; figure; fold; form; glycan; group; head; hemagglutinin; high; human; icosahedral; individual; infection; influenza; influenza virus; inhibition; inhibitors; interactions; knob; large; ligand; like; local; members; monovalent; multivalent; neuraminidase; non; number; oligovalent; particle; pentamers; polyomavirus; proteins; receptors; reovirus; review; rotational; rotavirus; scaffold; sialic; sialic acid; sialidase; sigma1; single; sites; slt; small; starfish; structure; study; surface; symmetric; symmetry; target; type; vertices; viral; virus; viruses; vp1 cache: cord-332165-31tbc31x.txt plain text: cord-332165-31tbc31x.txt item: #56 of 67 id: cord-339227-2i9q9c8u author: Djakpo, Odilon title: Rhus chinensis and Galla Chinensis – folklore to modern evidence: review date: 2010-11-22 words: 6271 flesch: 39 summary: (2006) found that Galla chinensis extract exhibited an anti-LT-induced diarrheal effect, with an IC 50 value of 4.7 ± 1.3 mg/mL. Competitive GM1-ELISA assay showed that Galla chinensis suppressed (IC 50 = 0.17 ± 0.02 mg/mL) LTinduced fl uid accumulation by blocking the binding of LTB to G M1 . Furthermore, Zou et al. (2008) , using the same protocol, demonstrated the potential of Galla chinensis extract to inhibit the demineralization of initial enamel carious lesions. keywords: acid; active; activities; activity; agents; ahn; ammatory; anti; anticancer; antidiarrheal; antioxidant; antiviral; bacteria; beta; blood; cacy; cancer; cells; chinensis; chinese; compounds; dependent; diarrhea; different; dose; effects; effi; enamel; et al; extract; fractions; fruit; galla; galla chinensis; gallate; gallic; gallic acid; gallotannins; galloyl; glucose; growth; hepatoprotective; herpes; hiv; hsv-1; human; induced; infected; infl; inhibition; inhibitory; intestinal; invasion; isolated; javanica; kuo; kurokawa; leaves; lee; lee et; lesions; medicinal; medicine; methyl; mice; moronic; new; oic; pentagalloylglucose; plant; potential; properties; rat; remineralization; rhus; rhus chinensis; root; signifi; simplex; species; stem; studies; study; therapeutic; tian; tian et; traditional; type; use; value; var; virus; vitro; vivo; wang; wang et; water cache: cord-339227-2i9q9c8u.txt plain text: cord-339227-2i9q9c8u.txt item: #57 of 67 id: cord-342712-4r9e6ijp author: Mandal, Chitra title: Functions and Biosynthesis of O-Acetylated Sialic Acids date: 2012-02-28 words: 9176 flesch: 46 summary: A common modification of sialic acids is O-acetylation. The most common modification of sialic acids is O-acetylation preferentially at the hydroxyl groups of carbon C4, C7, C8, and C9, whereas that at C9 seems to be the most frequent one. keywords: -gps; a2,6; acetyl gd3; acetylated; acetylated sialic; acetylation; acetylesterase; acetyltransferase; acgd3; acids; activation; activity; addition; antibodies; apoptosis; apoptotic; bacteria; binding; biosynthesis; brain; cancer; carbohydrate; carcinomas; cas1; cd22; cd60b; cells; changes; cmp; complement; contrast; data; development; different; differentiation; direct; disease; distribution; domain; effects; enhanced; enzyme; erythrocytes; esterase; expression; functions; gangliosides; gd3; gene; glycoproteins; glycosylation; golgi; groups; high; host; human; immune; important; increase; influenza; interactions; intracellular; isolated; kda; knockout; lectin; leukemia; levels; like; lymphoblasts; lymphocytes; lysosomal; mass; mechanisms; melanoma; membrane; mice; mrd; murine; neu5,9ac; normal; patients; plant; possible; presence; present; promastigotes; protein; receptors; recognition; reduced; regulation; relapse; residues; responsible; results; role; sequence; siae; sialic; sialic acids; sialoglycans; sialoglycotope; sialyltransferase; sias; soat; specific; specificity; structures; study; surface; synthase; system; terminal; transfer; tumor; viruses cache: cord-342712-4r9e6ijp.txt plain text: cord-342712-4r9e6ijp.txt item: #58 of 67 id: cord-343418-519vkzci author: Li, Hao title: Study on the Performance Degradation of Sandstone under Acidification date: 2020-10-21 words: 3993 flesch: 47 summary: 8 Hartman et al. studied the reaction of various minerals with HCl system and HCl/HF system acid solutions. 9 Zhao et al. designed a variety of acid solutions to dissolve single minerals and found that 8% HCl + 1.5% HF system acid solution has a higher corrosion rate of chlorite at 90°C, 23.13%: polyhydrogen acid. keywords: acc; acetic; acetic acid; acid; acid etching; acidic; acidification; amorphous; analysis; area; calcite; calcium; carbonate; citric; citric acid; composition; core; different; dissolution; effect; etching; experimental; figure; fracturing; group; high; hydrochloric; hydrochloric acid; mass; mechanical; minerals; porosity; precipitation; pressure; properties; reaction; results; rock; samples; sandstone; solution; strength; study; surface; system; temperature; white cache: cord-343418-519vkzci.txt plain text: cord-343418-519vkzci.txt item: #59 of 67 id: cord-345359-okmkgsbr author: Ohno, Marumi title: Influenza virus infection affects insulin signaling, fatty acid-metabolizing enzyme expressions, and the tricarboxylic acid cycle in mice date: 2020-07-02 words: 6504 flesch: 40 summary: Samples collected at 6 dpi showed the greatest effect of PR8 virus infection on serum metabolomes, as indicated by principle component analyses with high contribution rates of principle component 1 (PC1; 51.4%; Supplemental Fig. Moreover, PC1 scores for the control and PR8 virus-infected mice were negative and positive, respectively, suggesting that the PC1 score was positively related to the effects of PR8 virus infection. keywords: acid; addition; akt; analysis; areas; atp; blood; cells; changes; control; control mice; cycle; cytokine; data; decreases; dpi; effects; energy; expressions; factors; fatty; fatty acid; fig; fold; glucose; gtp; hepatic; high; host; increases; infected; infection; influenza; influenza virus; insulin; japan; levels; liver; metabolism; metabolites; metabolome; mice; min; mitochondrial; mortality; mouse; novel; observed; oxidation; pathways; patients; pbs; peak; phosphorylation; point; pr8; pr8 virus; present; protein; reduced; related; relative; resistance; samples; serum; serum levels; severe; signaling; significant; study; supplemental; tca; tca cycle; time; virus; virus infection; cache: cord-345359-okmkgsbr.txt plain text: cord-345359-okmkgsbr.txt item: #60 of 67 id: cord-346245-o9hvuwvq author: Harvey, David J. title: Analysis of carbohydrates and glycoconjugates by matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry: An update for 2009–2010 date: 2014-05-26 words: 62921 flesch: 24 summary: A method for the quantification of fructo-oligosaccharides using MALDI TOF MS with DHB as the matrix, has been developed with the fructan, raftilose, a partially hydrolyzed inulin with a degree of polymeration 2-7 as the test compound (Onofrejová, Farková, & Preisler, 2009) . It was assumed that when the shockwave arrived at the sample surface it caused a second ablation of the neutral molecules (Hellwig et al., 2009) . keywords: ability; absence; abundant; acceptor; acetone; acetyl; acid; acid tof; acidic; acquisition; activation; active; activities; activity; acyl; addition; adducts; adhesion; advanced; affinity; agent; agp; airbrush; albumin; aldehydes; alditols; alkyl; alteration; amination; amino; ammonia; ammonium; amounts; analogues; analysis; analyte; analytical; anion; antibodies; antibody; antifreeze; antigen; applicable; application; applied; approach; aqueous; arabidopsis; area; arrays; artificial; asn; aspergillus; assay; assembly; assisted; attached; attachment; aunps; authors; available; bacillus; backbone; background; bacterial; base; basic; beads; behavior; best; better; biantennary; binding; biochemical; biological; biomarkers; biomolecules; biosynthesis; biotin; bisecting; bivalent; block; blood; bond; boronic; boronic acid; bovine; brain; branched; breast; bridged; bsa; buffer; building; calculated; cancer; candidate; capable; capillary; capture; carbamate; carbohydrate; carbohydrate analysis; carbon; carbosilane; carcinoma; case; catalytic; catalyzed; cationic; cell; cellular; cellulose; ceramide; cge; chains; changes; characterization; charge; chca; chemical; chemical synthesis; chemistry; chemoenzymatic; chemoenzymatic synthesis; chicken; chinese; chip; chiral; chitin; chitobiose; chitooligosaccharides; chitosan; chloride; chondroitin; chromatography; cis; cleavage; cleaved; click; clusters; collision; columns; combination; combined; commercial; common; comparative; comparison; complement; complete; complex; complex glycans; complexes; components; composition; compounds; concanavalin; concentrations; conditions; conformational; conjugates; conjugation; construction; content; contrast; control; conventional; conversion; core; correlation; corresponding; coupling; cross; crystalline; cultures; cyclic; cyclodextrin; cyclodextrin tof; cytotoxic; data; databases; decay; degradation; degree; dendrimers; deoxy; dependent; deposition; deprotonated; derivatives; derivatives tof; derivatization; design; desorption; desorption ionization; detailed; details; detection; determination; determined; development; dhb; dhb matrix; differences; different; differentiation; digestion; digests; dimer; direct; disaccharide; discovery; disease; display; dissociation; distinct; distribution; dna; domain; drug; dynamics; earlier; effect; effective; efficient; efficient synthesis; electron; electrophoresis; electrospray; elimination; elucidation; embryonic; endo; endothelial; energy; enhanced; enrichment; enzymatic; enzymatic synthesis; enzyme; epithelial; epitopes; escherichia; essential; ester; et al; evaluation; evidence; example; exchange; experimental; expression; extraction; extracts; facile; factor; family; fatty; features; fetuin; flavonoids; flight; flight mass; fluorescent; fmoc; fmol; folding; following; formation; fractionation; fragmentation; fragments; free; fructose; fucose; fucosylation; functionalized; functions; fungus; gal; galactose; galnac; gangliosides; gel; general; generation; girard; glass; glcnac; glucose; glycan analysis; glycan mass; glycan release; glycan structures; glycans; glycans synthesis; glycans tof; glycated; glycation; glycoconjugates; glycodendrimers; glycoforms; glycolipids; glycome; glycomics; glycopeptides; glycopeptides tof; glycoprotein analysis; glycoproteins; glycosaminoglycans; glycosides; glycosphingolipids; glycosylated; glycosylation; glycosylation analysis; glycosylation sites; glycosyltransferases; gold; golgi; good; gpi; group; groups tof; growth; gsls; hand; harmane; harvey; helicobacter; heparin; hepatocellular; heterogeneity; hex; high; higher; hiv-1; homogeneous; host; hplc; hrp; hsa; huisgen; human; human serum; hyaluronan; hybrid; hydrazine; hydrolysis; hydrophilic; hydroquinone; hydroxide; identification; igg; igg1; iii; images; imaging; imaging mass; immobilization; immobilized; immune; important; improved; inclusion; increase; incubation; individual; induced; induction; infection; influence; influenza; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; inositol; instruments; insulin; intact; intensities; interaction; internal; interpretation; intracellular; introduction; investigation; investigators; iodide; ion mode; ion ms; ionic; ionization; ionization mass; ions; isd; isolated; isolation; isomerization; isotope; kda; kdo; kim et; labeling; laboratories; large; laser; laser desorption; leaves; lectin; length; leuconostoc; levels; lewis; library; ligands; ligation; like; linear; linear tof; lines; linkage; linker; linking; lipase; lipid; lipopolysaccharide; liquid; liquid matrix; little; liu; liver; localization; loss; losses; low; low mass; lower; lps; lysine; magnetic; major; maldi; maldi analysis; maldi conditions; maldi imaging; maldi ion; maldi matrices; maldi matrix; maldi ms; maldi process; maldi spectra; maldi synthesis; maldi target; maldi tof; maltose; mannose; mannose glycans; mannose n; marine; mass matrix; mass spectra; mass spectrometry; masses; material; matrices; matrix; matrix ions; matrixassisted; means; measured; measurements; mechanism; membrane; mesenteroides; metal; method; methyl; mice; microarray; microbial; microwave; mild; milk; minor; mixed; mixtures; mobility; mode; modification; modified; moieties; moiety; molecular; molecular mass; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monosaccharides; mouse; ms analysis; ms data; ms detection; ms matrix; ms method; ms n; muc1; mucin; multiple; multivalent; mutant; mycobacterium; n o; n spectra; nanoparticles; native; natural; negative; negative ion; neisseria; neu5ac; neutral; new; new method; niger; nmr; noise; non; normal; novel; number; observed; occurring; oligomers; oligosaccharides; opening; orbitrap; order; organic; orthogonal; ovalbumin; ovarian; oxidation; oxide; page; paper; partial; pastoris; pathway; patients; patterns; peaks; pentasaccharide; peptide mass; peptide synthesis; peptidoglycan; performance; period; periodate; permethylation; peroxidase; phase; phase synthesis; phosphate; phthalocyanines; pichia; pig; plant; plasma; plate; platform; pngase; polymerization; polymers; polypeptide; polysaccharide; popular; porphyrin; positive; positive ion; possible; post; potential; preparation; prepared; presence; present; pressure; primary; prior; probes; problem; procedure; process; production; products; profile; profiling; properties; prostate; protease; protein glycosylation; proteomics; proton; psd; pseudomonas; purification; pylori; pyrene; qit; quantification; quantitative; quantitative analysis; range; rapid; ratios; reaction; reagent; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; reduced; reducing; reductive; region; related; relationship; relative; release; removal; repeat; reproducibility; residues; residues tof; resin; resistance; resolution; resonance; responses; results; reversed; review; ribose; ring; rnaseb; role; root; salt; sample; saponins; scale; screening; sds; secondary; sections; selective; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequential; series; serotype; serum; serum n; short; sialic; sialic acid; sialylated; sialylation; signal; silica; similar; sinapinic; sinapinic acid; single; sites; size; slides; small; sodium; software; solid; soluble; solvent; source; spatial; species; specific; specificity; spectra; spectrometer; spectrometric; spectrometry analysis; spectrometry synthesis; spectroscopy; spectrum; stability; standard; starch; state; step; strains; strategies; strategy; streptococcus; strong; structural; structural analysis; structural characterization; structural determination; studies; study; subsequent; substitution; substrate; subunit; sucrose; sugar; suitable; sulfate; support; suppression; supramolecular; surface; symbols; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; system; systematic; table; tag; tandem; tandem mass; target; targeting; technique; temperature; terminal; terminus; test; tethered; tetra; tfa; thaliana; thap; therapeutic; therapy; thermal; thin; thiol; throughput; time; tissue; titanium; tlc; tobacco; tof; tof analysis; tof identification; tof mass; tof ms; tof synthesis; tof use; tool; total; toxin; transfer; transferase; transglycosylation; treatment; trehalose; trypsin; tryptic; tuberculosis; tumor; type; type glycans; type n; udp; unique; units; unusual; update; urea; use; vaccine; values; variety; versatile; virus; vivo; wall; water; work; xyloglucan; yeast; yield; zinc(ii cache: cord-346245-o9hvuwvq.txt plain text: cord-346245-o9hvuwvq.txt item: #61 of 67 id: cord-346446-i7gpxcyo author: Zhang, Jianguo title: Biosynthetic Polymalic Acid as a Delivery Nanoplatform for Translational Cancer Medicine date: 2020-10-22 words: 6099 flesch: 27 summary: [30, 39] . addition of TCA cycle metabolites into the cell culture might not promote PMLA production [11] . By depleting the nitrogen supply or augmenting the carbon/nitrogen ratio in the cell medium, PMLA bioproduction is significantly enhanced per unit of cell mass because nitrogen starvation upregulates the expression of key enzymes in PMLA biosynthetic pathways, uncoupling cell growth from PMLA production keywords: 100−x; acid; acidic; activity; addition; amp; aureobasidium; backbone; beta; binding; bioproduction; biosynthesis; blood; brain; cancer; carbon; carboxylic; carrier; cas9; cell; cellular; chain; charge; complexes; crispr; culture; cycle; cytoplasm; degradation; delivery; dna; drug; efficient; enhanced; enzyme; ester; exogenous; figure; form; formation; gene; glioblastoma; glyoxylate; groups; high; hydrolases; hydrophobic; injection; interactions; ionic; key; life; like; lipid; low; malate; malic; malic acid; malyl; mass; membrane; microorganisms; mitochondrial; model; mol; molar; molecular; nitrogen; novel; nuclear; oxaloacetate; oxidative; pathway; peptide; physarum; pmla; poly(beta; poly(l; polycephalum; polymalic; polymalic acid; polymer; potential; production; proteins; pullulans; pyruvate; scale; specific; surface; synthetase; synthetic; tca; treatment; tumor; unit; vivo; water; yeast cache: cord-346446-i7gpxcyo.txt plain text: cord-346446-i7gpxcyo.txt item: #62 of 67 id: cord-348529-e12bs3e4 author: Arming, Sigrid title: The human Cas1 protein: A sialic acid-specific O-acetyltransferase? date: 2010-10-14 words: 7154 flesch: 37 summary: Evidence that GD2 is an acceptor for ganglioside O-acetyltransferase in human melanoma cells Kinetic and spatial interrelationships between ganglioside glycosyltransferases and O-acetyltransferase(s) in human melanoma cells Sialic acid-specific O-acetyltransferase Nidovirus sialate-O-acetylesterases: Evolution and substrate specificity of coronaviral and toroviral receptordestroying enzymes Assays of sialate-O-acetyltransferases and sialate-O-acetylesterases Separate pathways for O acetylation of polymeric and monomeric sialic acids and identification of sialyl O-acetyl esterase in Escherichia coli K1 Functionally defective germline variants of sialic acid acetylesterase in autoimmunity Asparagine-linked oligosaccharide structures determine clearance and organ distribution of pituitary and recombinant thyrotropin Subunit-specific functions of N-linked oligosaccharides in human thyrotropin: role of terminal residues of alpha-and beta-subunit oligosaccharides in metabolic clearance and bioactivity Characterisation of the enzymatic 4-O-acetylation of sialic acids in microsomes from equine submandibular glands Characterization of the enzymatic 7-O-acetylation of sialic acids and evidence for enzymatic O-acetyl migration from C-7 to C-9 in bovine submandibular gland Sialic acids as ligands in recognition phenomena Glycan-based interactions involving vertebrate sialic-acid-recognizing proteins Developmental abnormalities in transgenic mice expressing a sialic acidspecific 9-O-acetylesterase An autosomal dominant gene regulates the extent of 9-O-acetylation of murine erythrocyte sialic acids. O-acetylation of sialic acids in the rat liver Golgi apparatus involves an acetyl intermediate and essential histidine and lysine residues-a transmembrane reaction Identification of a sialate O-acetyltransferase from Campylobacter jejuni: Demonstration of direct transfer to the C-9 position of terminalalpha-2, 8-linked sialic acid Solubilisation and properties of the sialate-4-O-acetyltransferase from guinea pig liver Enzymatic 4-Oacetylation of N-acetylneuraminic acid in guinea-pig liver Cas1p is a membrane protein necessary for the O-acetylation of the Cryptococcus neoformans capsular polysaccharide Migration of O-acetyl groups in N,O-acetylneuraminic acids Expression cloning and characterization of a cDNA encoding a novel membrane protein required for the formation of O-acetylated ganglioside: A putative acetyl-CoA transporter 7-O-Acetyl-GD3 in human T-lymphocytes is detected by a specific T-cell-activating monoclonal antibody 9-O-Acetyl GD3 protects tumor cells from apoptosis Gangliosides with O-acetylated sialic acids in tumors of neuroectodermal origin 9-O-Acetylation of sialomucins: A novel marker of murine CD4T cells that is regulated during maturation and activation Mannose receptor-mediated regulation of serum glycoprotein homeostasis Structural and kinetic characterizations of the polysialic acid O-acetyltransferase OatWY from Neisseria meningitidis Localization of a neurectoderm-associated cell surface antigen in the developing and adult rat The group B streptococcal sialic acid O-acetyltransferase is encoded by neuD, a conserved component of bacterial sialic acid biosynthetic gene clusters Discovery and characterization of sialic acid O-acetylation in group B Streptococcus Analysis of relative gene expression data using real-time quantitative PCR and the 2(-Delta Delta C(T)) method Properties and partial purification of sialate-O-acetyltransferase from bovine submandibular glands Acetylation suppresses the proapoptotic activity of GD3 ganglioside High level of sialate-O-acetyltransferase activity in lymphoblasts of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL): Enzyme characterization and correlation with disease status Effects of carbohydrates on the pharmacokinetics and biological activity of equine chorionic gonadotropin in vivo Selective inactivation of influenza C esterase: A probe for detecting 9-O-acetylated sialic acids Developmental regulation of sialic acid modifications in rat and human colon Involvement of membrane galactose in the in vivo and in vitro sequestration of desialylated erythrocytes Cloning and expression of cDNA for O-acetylation of GD3 ganglioside A retrotransposon-derived gene, PEG10, is a novel imprinted gene located on human chromosome 7q21 Identification of a large novel imprinted gene cluster on mouse proximal chromosome 6 O-Acetyl sialic acid specific IgM in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia Glycosylation of an N-terminal extension prolongs the half-life and increases the in vivo activity of follicle stimulating hormone Esterases and autoimmunity: The sialic acid acetylesterase pathway and the regulation of peripheral B cell tolerance The hemagglutinin-esterase of mouse hepatitis virus strain S is a sialate-4-O-acetylesterase GD3 ganglioside directly targets mitochondria in a bcl-2-controlled fashion Genes modulated by expression of GD3 synthase in Chinese hamster ovary cells. keywords: acetyl; acetylated; acetylated sialic; acetylation; acetylesterase; acetyltransferase; acid o; acids; activation; activity; acute; addition; amino; analysis; apoptosis; bacterial; biosynthesis; bovine; brain; candidate; carbon; cas1p; casd1; cd60c; cdna; cells; cellular; characterization; cos; cytometric; data; different; domain; egfp; enzymatic; enzyme; equine; erdmann; esterase; et al; evidence; expression; figure; flow; fluorescence; formation; function; ganglioside; gd3; gene; genome; germany; glycoproteins; golgi; groups; half; high; histidine; human; imprinted; increase; influenza; liver; lymphocytes; mab; mabs; mammalian; membrane; mouse; mrna; pcr; peripheral; plasmid; polysialic; primers; product; protein; purified; rat; receptor; reduction; residues; results; rev; schauer; search; shi; sialate; sialic; sialic acids; sialyltransferase; sirna; specific; st6gal1; st8sia1; surface; synthase; system; terminal; transfection; transmembrane; varki; virus cache: cord-348529-e12bs3e4.txt plain text: cord-348529-e12bs3e4.txt item: #63 of 67 id: cord-350715-x92g6bnk author: Zheng, Yutong title: Analysis of the application value of serum antibody detection for staging of COVID‐19 infection date: 2020-07-23 words: 1499 flesch: 49 summary: In the early stages of the epidemic, nucleic acid detection was taken as direct evidence of infection. However, the accuracy of nucleic acid detection was affected by the quality of detection kits, sample collection methods, operator ability, RNA stability, patient condition and concurrent drug use 6 keywords: acid; admission; analysis; antibodies; antibody; article; cases; characteristics; copyright; coronavirus; covid-19; detection; disease; igg; igm; infection; negative; novel; nucleic; patients; positive; rights; sars; serum; specific; stage; test; value cache: cord-350715-x92g6bnk.txt plain text: cord-350715-x92g6bnk.txt item: #64 of 67 id: cord-351322-mdes28jg author: Bauvois, Brigitte title: Aminopeptidase‐N/CD13 (EC inhibitors: Chemistry, biological evaluations, and therapeutic prospects date: 2005-10-07 words: 10152 flesch: 28 summary: Aminopeptidase N regulated by zinc in human prostate participates in tumor cell invasion Inhibition of tumor cell invasion and matrix degradation by aminopeptidase inhibitors Possible contribution of aminopeptidase N (APN/CD13) to invasive potential enhanced by interleukin-6 and soluble interleukin-6 receptor in human osteosarcoma cell lines Role of CD13/ aminopeptidase N in rat lymphocytic alveolitis caused by thoracic irradiation Aminopeptidase N is a receptor for tumor-homing peptides and a target for inhibiting angiogenesis CD13/APN is activated by angiogenic signals and is essential for capillary tube formation Anti-tumor angiogenesis effect of aminopeptidase inhibitor bestatin against B16-BL6 melanoma cells orthotopically implanted into syngeneic mice Betulinic acid inhibits growth factorinduced in vitro angiogenesis via the modulation of mitochondrial function in endothelial cells Aminopeptidase inhibitor bestatin stimulates microvascular endothelial cell invasion in a fibrin matrix The chick embryo chorioallantoic membrane as a model for in vivo research on anti-angiogenesis Bestatin results in pathophysiological changes similar to preeclampsia in rats via induction of placental apoptosis Effects of bestatin on intrauterine growth of rat fetuses Antitumor cells found in tumor-bearing mice given ubenimex Effect of bestatin on syngeneic tumors in mice Antitumor effect of bestatin combined with bleomycin against hepatoma AH 66 subcutaneously transplanted in rats Preclinical approaches to the development of effective immunotherapeutic protocols for the treatment of metastasis Inhibition of lymph node metastasis of P388 leukemia by bestatin in mice Discovery of betulinic acid as a selective inhibitor of human melanoma that functions by induction of apoptosis Selective cytotoxicity of betulinic acid on tumor cell lines, but not on normal cells Sterol and triterpene derivatives from plants inhibit the effects of a tumor promoter, and sitosterol and betulinic acid inhibit tumor formation in mouse skin two-stage carcinogenesis Inhibitory effect of rikkunshi-to, a traditional Chinese herbal prescription, on tumor promotion in two-stage carcinogenesis in mouse skin Enhancement of antitumor effect of cytotoxic agents by bestatin The effect of ubenimex on N-methyl-N¢-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine-induced stomach tumor in rats Spinorphin as an endogenous inhibitor of enkephalin-degrading enzymes: Roles in pain and inflammation Use of aminopeptidase M as a hypotensive agent in spontaneously hypertensive rats Studies on the mechanisms of action of the immunomodulator bestatin in various screening test systems Enhancement by ubenimex (bestatin) of host resistance to Candida albicans infection Enhancement of antibody formation against herpes simplex virus in mice by the T-cell mitogen bestatin Stimulation of cell-mediated immunity by bestatin correlates with reduction of bacterial persistence in experimental chronic Salmonella typhimurium infection Study of the prophylactic effect of ubenimex on experimental pyelonephritis induced by Pseudomonas in neutropenic mice The mode of immunopotentiating action of bestatin: enhanced resistance to Listeria monocytogenes infection Analgesic effect of actinonin, a new potent inhibitor of multiple enkephalin degrading enzymes Repeated systemic administration of the mixed inhibitor of enkephalin-degrading enzymes, RB101, does not induce either antinociceptive tolerance or cross-tolerance with morphine Pain-suppressive effects on various nociceptive stimuli (thermal, chemical, electrical and inflammatory) of the first orally active enkephalin-metabolizing enzyme inhibitor RB 120 Long lasting antinociceptive properties of enkephalin degrading enzyme (NEP and APN) inhibitor prodrugs Depressant effect on a C-fibre reflex in the rat, of RB101, a dual inhibitor of enkephalin-degrading enzymes Facilitation of enkephalins catabolism inhibitor-induced antinociception by drugs classically used in pain management Immunotherapy with bestatin for acute nonlymphocytic leukemia in adults Results of follow-up studies on prognosis after immunotherapy with bestatin in acute nonlymphocytic leukemia Monocyte activation by an oral immunomodulator (bestatin) in lymphoma patients following autologous bone marrow transplantation The effect of bestatin on patients with acute and chronic leukemia and malignant lymphoma Bestatin treatment of myelodysplastic syndromes and chronic myelogenous leukemia Immunopotentiation with Ubenimex for prevention of leukemia relapse after allogeneic BMT. Structure determination of probestin X-ray structure determination of (2S, 3R)-3-amino-2-hydroxy-4-phenylbutanoic acid, a new amino acid component of bestatin Regio-and stereo-specific synthesis of threo-3-amino-2-hydroxy-acids, novelamino-acids contained in aminopeptidase inhibitors of microbial origin Diastereo-and enantioselective synthesis of 1,2-amino alcohols from glycol aldehyde hydrazones; asymmetric synthesis of (R,R)-statin Versatile synthetic routes to threo-[beta]-amino hydroxy carboxylic acids, statine and its analogues Synthesis of taxol and taxotere side chains by 2-(trimethylsilyl)thiazole based homologation of L-phenylglycine A catalytic asymmetric synthesis of cyclohexylnorstatine Catalytic asymmetric aminohydroxylation (AA) of olefins N-halocarbamate salts lead to more efficient catalytic assymetric aminohydroxylation The enantioselective synthesis of [beta]-aminoacids, their [alpha]-hydroxy derivatives, and the N-terminal components of bestatin and microginin An enantioselective, stereodivergent approach to anti-and syn-[alpha]-hydroxy-[beta]-amino acids from anti-3-amino-1,2-diols. keywords:; acid; actinonin; action; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; addition; agents; alanine; alpha; amastatin; amino-2; aminopeptidase; aminopeptidase inhibitors; analogs; analogues; angiogenesis; angiogenic; angiotensin; anti; antibacterial; antibiotic; antitumor; apn; apn activity; apn inhibitors; apoptosis; approach; bearing; bestatin; betulinic; betulinic acid; binding; biological; blood; brain; bromotyrosine; cancer; carcinoma; cd13; cell; characterization; chemical; chemotactic; chronic; clinical; competitive; compounds; concentrations; context; culture; curcumin; current; cytotoxic; degradation; dependent; derivatives; design; differentiation; dna; dual; effect; efficient; enantioselective; endopeptidase; endothelial; enhancement; enkephalin; enzymatic; enzymes; expression; figure; formation; group; growth; hematopoietic; high; human; hydrolase; hydroxy-4; iii; induced; induction; infection; inflammatory; inhibition; inhibitors; invasion; kinase; leucine; leuhistin; leukemia; leukotriene; lines; lung; lymphoma; marine; matrix; mechanisms; melanoma; membrane; method; mice; migration; mixed; mlp; molecular; molecules; mouse; myeloid; natural; nep; neutral; new; novel; pain; patients; peptide; phenolic; phenylbutanoyl; plasma; potent; potential; preparation; present; probestin; proliferation; proline; properties; protease; psammaplin; rats; receptor; release; reported; review; role; selective; sensitive; series; site; soluble; specific; sponge; ssp; streptomyces; structure; studies; study; surface; synthesis; synthetic; system; tumor; type; ubenimex; valyl; variety; vitro; vivo; zinc cache: cord-351322-mdes28jg.txt plain text: cord-351322-mdes28jg.txt item: #65 of 67 id: cord-351609-lqul2ho8 author: Kaczmarek, Beata title: Tannic Acid with Antiviral and Antibacterial Activity as A Promising Component of Biomaterials—A Minireview date: 2020-07-20 words: 5943 flesch: 41 summary: Tannic acid activity against Influenza A virus is 12 times higher than another phenolic acid, gallic acid. Tannic acid activity against Influenza A virus is 12 times higher than another phenolic acid, gallic acid. keywords: acid; active; activity; addition; antibacterial; antimicrobial; antioxidant; antiviral; applications; attachment; aureus; bacteria; binding; biomaterials; biopolymers; cancer; case; cells; chitosan; coli; collagen; complexes; component; compounds; cross; different; diseases; drug; effectiveness; extraction; extracts; films; gram; groups; high; higher; hiv; hpv; human; hydrogels; important; infection; inhibits; interactions; interest; linker; main; materials; molecular; natural; negative; phenolic; plant; polyphenols; positive; potential; process; promising; properties; proteins; receptor; release; reported; results; review; silk; sources; starch; studies; surface; tannic; tannic acid; tannins; treatment; type; virus; viruses; vivo; weight; wound cache: cord-351609-lqul2ho8.txt plain text: cord-351609-lqul2ho8.txt item: #66 of 67 id: cord-353815-w35spqqt author: Huan, Yuchen title: Antimicrobial Peptides: Classification, Design, Application and Research Progress in Multiple Fields date: 2020-10-16 words: 12289 flesch: 27 summary: Archiv Activity and characterization of a pH-sensitive antimicrobial peptide Influence of pH on the activity of thrombin-derived antimicrobial peptides Effects of antimicrobial peptides on growth performance and small intestinal function in broilers under chronic heat stress Grouper (Epinephelus coioides) antimicrobial peptide epinecidin-1 exhibits antiviral activity against foot-andmouth disease virus in vitro A cancer vaccine based on the marine antimicrobial peptide pardaxin (GE33) for control of bladder-associated tumors Acquired resistance to the rice blast in transgenic rice accumulating the antimicrobial peptide thanatin Characterization and antimicrobial evaluation of SpPR-AMP1, a proline-rich antimicrobial peptide from the mud crab The vast structural diversity of antimicrobial peptides Predicting the minimal inhibitory concentration for antimicrobial peptides with rana-box domain The antibacterial peptide pyrrhocoricin inhibits the ATPase actions of DnaK and prevents chaperone-assisted protein folding Conformational fine-tuning of pore-forming peptide potency and selectivity Gain-of-function analogues of the pore-forming peptide melittin selected by orthogonal high-throughput screening Comparative analysis of two attacin genes from Hyphantria cunea The human anionic antimicrobial peptide dermcidin induces proteolytic defence mechanisms in Staphylococci Antimicrobial peptides: possible anti-infective agents Dalbavancin and telavancin in the treatment of infective endocarditis: a literature review Antimicrobial peptides: application informed by evolution Transcriptome analysis of Streptococcus pneumoniae treated with the designed antimicrobial peptides Intracellular targeting mechanisms by antimicrobial peptides Diptericinlike protein: an immune response gene regulated by the anti-bacterial gene induction pathway in drosophila De novo generation of short antimicrobial peptides with simple amino acid composition The antimicrobial peptides and their potential clinical applications Exploring small cationic peptides of different origin as potential antimicrobial agents in aquaculture Interactions of the antimicrobial peptide nisin Z with conventional antibiotics and the use of nanostructured lipid carriers to enhance antimicrobial activity Two optimized antimicrobial peptides with therapeutic potential for clinical antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Membrane active antimicrobial peptides: translating mechanistic insights to design Mechanism of antifungal activity of antimicrobial peptide APP, a cell-penetrating peptide derivative, against Candida albicans: intracellular DNA binding and cell cycle arrest Membrane interactions of proline-rich antimicrobial peptide, Chex1-Arg20, multimers Effects of the peptide H-OOWW-NH2 and its derived lipopeptide C12-OOWW-NH2 on controlling of citrus postharvest green mold Implicit membrane investigation of the stability of antimicrobial peptide β-barrels and arcs Control of sour rot in citrus fruit by three insect antimicrobial peptides Effects of rabbit sacculus rotundus antimicrobial peptides on the intestinal mucosal immunity in chickens Effect of an antifungal peptide from oyster enzymatic hydrolysates for control of gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) on harvested strawberries Biological activity and structural aspects of PGLa interaction with membrane mimetic systems Membrane pore-formation correlates with the hydrophilic angle of histidine-rich amphipathic peptides with multiple biological activities The first antimicrobial peptide from sea amphibian Regulation of cell division in E. coli Antimicrobial packaging based on ε-polylysine bioactive film for the control of mycotoxigenic fungi in vitro and in bread Nucleation and growth of pores in 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) / cholesterol bilayer by antimicrobial peptides melittin, its mutants and cecropin P1 In vitro and MD simulation study to explore physicochemical parameters for antibacterial peptide to become potent anticancer peptide Antimicrobial peptides of the vaginal innate immunity and their role in the fight against sexually transmitted diseases The value of antimicrobial peptides in the age of resistance Influence of self-assembly on the performance of antimicrobial peptides Kappacin, a novel antibacterial peptide from bovine milk Temporins, small antimicrobial peptides with leishmanicidal activity The host antimicrobial peptide Bac71-35 binds to bacterial ribosomal proteins and inhibits protein synthesis keywords: abz; acid; action; active; activities; activity; addition; aeruginosa; afps; agents; agriculture; albicans; amino; amino acid; amphibian; amphipathic; amps; animal; anionic; antibacterial; antibacterial activity; antibiotics; anticancer; antifungal; antimicrobial; antimicrobial activity; antimicrobial peptides; antiviral; application; aspergillus; assembly; aureus; bilayer; binding; biofilm; body; box; cathelicidin; cationic; cell; cell membrane; chain; characterization; charge; chemical; clinical; coli; common; complex; components; composition; concentration; control; coronavirus; cov; covid-19; cyclic; cytoplasm; cytotoxicity; defensins; design; development; differences; different; disease; dna; drug; effect; effective; et al; example; family; figure; flavus; following; food; formation; function; fungi; fusion; glycine; good; gram; growth; hairpin; halogenation; hdps; healing; helical; high; higher; histidine; host; human; husbandry; hybrid; hydrophobic; immune; immunity; important; increase; increasing; infection; inflammatory; inhibit; inhibitory; insect; instance; interactions; intestinal; large; lfcinb; life; like; lipid; ll-37; low; lps; magainin; main; marine; mechanism; medicine; membrane; metal; method; milk; model; modifications; mold; molecular; motif; mrsa; natural; negative; new; nisin; non; novel; peptides; phase; phenylalanine; pore; positive; potential; pramps; presence; problems; production; proline; promising; properties; protease; protein; rana; recent; related; research; residues; resistant; respiratory; review; rich; role; sars; selectivity; self; sequence; short; skin; specific; spike; stability; strong; structure; study; synthesis; synthetic; targeting; targets; temporin; terminal; terminus; thanatin; therapeutic; trp; tryptophan; tumor; use; virus; viruses; wall; wound; yeast cache: cord-353815-w35spqqt.txt plain text: cord-353815-w35spqqt.txt item: #67 of 67 id: cord-355121-qb8nxl56 author: Donno, D. title: Serviceberry, a berry fruit with growing interest of industry: Physicochemical and quali-quantitative health-related compound characterisation date: 2016-08-01 words: 4969 flesch: 40 summary: Results showed that serviceberry fruits could be good sources of phenolic constituents, as catechins (343.46 ± 29.46 mg/100 g(FW)), anthocyanins (220.66 ± 17.43 mg/100 g(FW)), and tannins (209.29 ± 7.81 mg/100 g(FW)) Moreover, serviceberry fruits show antidiabetic properties (as aldose reductase inhibitor activity), and exhibit the ability to regulate lipid metabolism and energy expenditure in a manner consistent with improving metabolic syndrome (Burns Kraft et al., 2008) . keywords: acids; activity; alnifolia; amelanchier; american; analysed; analysis; anthocyanins; antioxidant; ascorbic; berries; bioactive; biological; biomarkers; canadensis; capacity; catechins; cazares; cinnamic; composition; compounds; concentration; content; cultivated; different; donno; effects; et al; fingerprint; flavonols; food; franco; fresh; fruits; functional; genotypes; gfw; health; high; hplc; human; important; kolodziejczyk; lim; macura; mean; medicinal; mg/100; michalczyk; monoterpenes; native; north; organic; phenolic; phytochemical; polyphenolic; potential; processing; properties; quality; results; samples; saskatoon; serviceberry; serviceberry fruits; source; species; spp; studies; study; sum; table; tannins; total; tpc; tss; usa; value; vitamin; weight; western cache: cord-355121-qb8nxl56.txt plain text: cord-355121-qb8nxl56.txt