item: #1 of 82 id: cord-002474-2l31d7ew author: Lv, Yang title: Actual measurement, hygrothermal response experiment and growth prediction analysis of microbial contamination of central air conditioning system in Dalian, China date: 2017-04-03 words: 4939 flesch: 46 summary: Thus, air conditioning system should eliminate negative impact caused by its own, on this basis, it may relate to positive effect of the ventilation. The aim of the present study was to clarify characteristics of the microorganisms in air conditioning systems, and the study would be helpful for policymakers and HVAC engineers to develop the appropriate strategies and to conduct the bacteria and fungi characteristic assessments in HVAC system. keywords: air; air conditioning; analysis; fungal; growth; microbial; model; sample; species; system; temperature; unit cache: cord-002474-2l31d7ew.txt plain text: cord-002474-2l31d7ew.txt item: #2 of 82 id: cord-003640-psnec2qp author: Mbareche, Hamza title: Bioaerosols Play a Major Role in the Nasopharyngeal Microbiota Content in Agricultural Environment date: 2019-04-16 words: 10138 flesch: 42 summary: Other important examples related to human health include, the greater differential abundance of Haemophilus influenzae in non-exposed controls (950 sequences in non-exposed control samples vs. 5 in samples from pig farmers), and the differential abundance of Klebsiella in samples from pig farmers (400 sequences in pig farmer samples vs. 3 in non-exposed controls). Other important examples related to human health include, the greater differential abundance of Haemophilus influenzae in non-exposed controls (950 sequences in non-exposed control samples vs. 5 in samples from pig farmers), and the differential abundance of Klebsiella in samples from pig farmers (400 sequences in pig farmer samples vs. 3 in non-exposed controls). keywords: abundance; air samples; bioaerosols; controls; diversity; exposure; flora; microbial; nasopharyngeal; nasopharynx samples; non; pig; pig buildings; pig farmers; samples; test; workers cache: cord-003640-psnec2qp.txt plain text: cord-003640-psnec2qp.txt item: #3 of 82 id: cord-005326-fsx6s913 author: Balocco, Carla title: Hospital ventilation simulation for the study of potential exposure to contaminants date: 2011-12-04 words: 8177 flesch: 40 summary: Design of air ventilation systems has been greatly assisted by computer simulations based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling (Chow and Yang 2003) . Size determination by electron microscopy and by biosynthetic experiments Methodology developed for the energy-productive diagnosis and evaluation in health buildings Comparison of operating room ventilation systems in the protection of the surgical site Optimization of a hospital room by means of CFD for more efficient ventilation Numerical modelling of exhaled droplet nuclei dispersion and mixing in indoor environments Flow of microorganisms in a hospital stair-shaft. keywords: air; airflow; ceiling; conditions; coughing; diffuser; et al; inlet; isolation; particle; patients; results; room; system; velocity; ventilation cache: cord-005326-fsx6s913.txt plain text: cord-005326-fsx6s913.txt item: #4 of 82 id: cord-009825-6cargkwy author: Nazaroff, William W title: Indoor bioaerosol dynamics date: 2014-12-27 words: 10726 flesch: 39 summary: The second primary section ('Dynamic processes') summarizes available information on many important processes that affect the concentrations and fates of indoor bioaerosol particles. In part because of the large range, size is a major determinant of indoor airborne particle behavior (Nazaroff, 2004) . keywords: air; bacteria; bioaerosol; concentrations; deposition; et al; exchange; exposure; figure; human; indoor; outdoor; particles; rate; respiratory; size; study; ventilation cache: cord-009825-6cargkwy.txt plain text: cord-009825-6cargkwy.txt item: #5 of 82 id: cord-011314-at65nvda author: De Weerdt, Annick title: Pre-admission air pollution exposure prolongs the duration of ventilation in intensive care patients date: 2020-03-17 words: 4062 flesch: 30 summary: The association between ventilation duration and air pollution exposure was investigated by negative binomial regression, using a separate model for each of the four pollutants. Reported estimates represent the lag-specific and cumulative (lag0-10 days) percentage change (with 95% confidence intervals [CI]) in ventilation duration for an interquartile range (IQR) increase in air pollution exposure. keywords: admission; air; duration; exposure; icu; patients; pollution; ventilation cache: cord-011314-at65nvda.txt plain text: cord-011314-at65nvda.txt item: #6 of 82 id: cord-013097-3ujnmxhx author: Rufino de Sousa, Nuno title: Operative and Technical Modifications to the Coriolis(®) µ Air Sampler That Improve Sample Recovery and Biosafety During Microbiological Air Sampling date: 2020-05-29 words: 6406 flesch: 40 summary: Coriolis air sampling was done with a HEPA-modified unit using the cumulative sampling method. A cumulative sampling method that improves sample recovery during Coriolis air sampling We aerosolized FluoSpheres in the aerosol chamber and investigated their collection on the Coriolis over time to see if this process could be improved. keywords: aerosol; air; collector; cone; coriolis; et al; fig; filter; hepa; min; particle; sampling cache: cord-013097-3ujnmxhx.txt plain text: cord-013097-3ujnmxhx.txt item: #7 of 82 id: cord-014919-fne8p8h8 author: Wu, Yan title: Air infiltration induced inter-unit dispersion and infectious risk assessment in a high-rise residential building date: 2017-07-10 words: 5135 flesch: 49 summary: However, the measurements were conducted in an old leaky building with high air infiltration rate over 3 ACH, which may significantly favor the dilution of pathogens and under-estimate the infectious risk. Figure 12 presents the relationship between leakage area and air infiltration rate. keywords: air; building; cross; infiltration; leakage; pressure; unit; wind cache: cord-014919-fne8p8h8.txt plain text: cord-014919-fne8p8h8.txt item: #8 of 82 id: cord-015906-69srun8l author: Xu, Zhonglin title: Design Points for Negative Pressure Isolation Ward date: 2016-12-01 words: 7673 flesch: 66 summary: In the local standard DB 11/663-2009 Essential construction requirements of negative pressure isolation ward was issued in Beijing (which is shortened as Essential requirements), it is required that the maximum number of occupants is three. The air distribution scheme with upper-supply and lower-return should be adopted in negative pressure isolation ward. keywords: air; area; buffer room; exhaust air; isolation ward; pressure; pressure difference; pressure isolation; room; set; system cache: cord-015906-69srun8l.txt plain text: cord-015906-69srun8l.txt item: #9 of 82 id: cord-016682-7eslhs77 author: Chandrappa, Ramesha title: Air Pollution and Disasters date: 2015-08-22 words: 5955 flesch: 50 summary: The New York Times Melioidosis in tsunami survivors Health hazards of volcanic gases Health effects of the chernobyl accidents and special health care programmes Introduction to the epidemiological aspects of explosive volcanism Wildfire smoke, fire management, and human health Analysis of major industrial accidents triggered by natural events reported in the principal available chemical accident databases Extinguishment of wasted coal fires: A critical review-new directions Melioidosis in six tsunami survivors in southern Thailand Preliminary estimation of release amounts of 131 I and 137 Cs accidentally discharged from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the atmosphere The habitat functions of vegetation in relation to the behaviour of desert locust Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal) (Acrididae: Orthoptera): A study in Mauritania Injuries and emergency medical response in the Loma Prieta earthquake The Pittsburgh coal bed-its early history and development The first century and a quarter of American coal industry (701 pp) Impact to lung health of haze from forest fires: The Singapore experience Health consequences of forest fires in Indonesia Coal and peat fires: A global perspective Biomass burning and the atmosphere. The way to the Western Sea, Lewis and Clark across the continent (444 pp) Addressing gaps in environmental emergency planning: Hazardous materials releases during earthquakes Hazardous materials releases in the Northridge earthquake: Implications for seismic risk assessment Earthquake impacts and hazard adjustment by acutely hazardous materials facilities following the Northridge earthquake Radiation Contamination after the chernobyl nuclear accident and the effective dose received by the population of Croatia Estimating the probability of bird mortality from pesticide sprays on the basis of the field study record Population health effects of air quality changes due to forest fires in British Columbia in 2003: Estimates from physician-visit billing data Cardiorespiratory hospitalizations associated with smoke exposure during the 1997 Southeast Asian forest fires The effects of aerially applied fenitrothion and chlorpyrifos on birds in the savannah of northern Senegal The earthquake and tsunami-observations by Japanese physicians since the 11 March catastrophe Effects of a major earthquake on calls to regional poison control centers Japanese earthquake victims are being exposed to high density of asbestos. keywords: air; area; coal; disaster; drought; dust; earthquake; emission; et al; fire; gas; nuclear; people; pollutants; pollution; release; water cache: cord-016682-7eslhs77.txt plain text: cord-016682-7eslhs77.txt item: #10 of 82 id: cord-016744-jzhuq4te author: Hui, David S. C. title: Noninvasive Mechanical Ventilation: Models to Assess Air and Particle Dispersion date: 2013-05-29 words: 3689 flesch: 40 summary: The studies showed that the maximum distances of exhaled air particle dispersion from patients undergoing NIV with the ResMed Ultra Mirage mask was 0.5 m along the exhalation port [ 10 ] . As there is no reliable, safe marker that can be introduced into human lungs for experimental purposes, the laser smoke visualization method and the human patient simulator (HPS) model have been adopted as the method for studying exhaled air dispersion during application of various types of respiratory therapy in hospital medical wards, including the negative-pressure isolation room [ 10 -13 ] . keywords: air; concentration; dispersion; hps; mask; niv; patients; smoke cache: cord-016744-jzhuq4te.txt plain text: cord-016744-jzhuq4te.txt item: #11 of 82 id: cord-016869-pzwlxtd6 author: Pal, Subrata title: The Lung and Its Transplantation and Artificial Replacement date: 2013-01-08 words: 1884 flesch: 64 summary: Potkey of VAMC Cleveland, Ohio (2009), recently developed one model of artificial lungs. To help combat these problems, artificial lungs have been developed with the goal of replacing or supplementing the respiratory function of the lung. keywords: air; blood; cavity; lung cache: cord-016869-pzwlxtd6.txt plain text: cord-016869-pzwlxtd6.txt item: #12 of 82 id: cord-017080-erbftqgh author: Lau, Stephen S.Y. title: Physical Environment of Tall Residential Buildings: The Case of Hong Kong date: 2010-12-12 words: 6606 flesch: 50 summary: The central part of both Hong Kong Island and Kowloon are hilly rising to a height of 3,050 m. Only 21.8% of Hong Kong land is built up, concentrating on the triangular tip of Kowloon and the coastal strip of northern Hong Kong Island. Drastic environmental implications such as living in busy urban centres with high air and noise pollution, poor lighting and ventilation in individual housing units, urban heat island and wind tunnel effects are observed in Hong Kong's high-rise building developments. keywords: air; buildings; environmental; hong; hong kong; kong; noise; quality; rise; spaces; study; use; ventilation; wind cache: cord-017080-erbftqgh.txt plain text: cord-017080-erbftqgh.txt item: #13 of 82 id: cord-018095-for6qa1s author: Chandrappa, Ramesha title: Major Issues of Air Pollution date: 2015-08-22 words: 12589 flesch: 49 summary: World Health Organisation An assessment of global and regional emissions of trace metals to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources worldwide Air pollution and forest health: Toward new monitoring concepts Cardiovascular mortality and long-term exposure to particulate air pollution: Epidemiological evidence of general pathophysiological pathways of disease Global and regional climate changes due to black carbon Air pollution, greenhouse gases and climate change: Global and regional perspectives Coping with climate change: Principles and Asian context Nitrous oxide (N2O): The dominant ozone-depleting substance emitted in the 21st century Critical review on natural global and regional emissions of six trace metals to the atmosphere. This chapter elaborates major issues due to air pollution. keywords: acid; air; air pollution; atmosphere; cause; change; countries; deposition; dust; earth; effect; et al; exposure; health; increase; layer; lead; mercury; ozone; pollutants; pollution; precipitation; rain; region; soil; surface; temperature; water cache: cord-018095-for6qa1s.txt plain text: cord-018095-for6qa1s.txt item: #14 of 82 id: cord-018303-dvuwhpyq author: Garibaldi, Brian T. title: Aeromedical Evacuation of Patients with Contagious Infections date: 2019-02-27 words: 9016 flesch: 45 summary: While most studies of aircraft cabin air quality have focused on tobacco by-products and other chemical contaminants, few have addressed the ecology of airborne microbes. [22] Disinfection of the aircraft is an important element to consider in the AE of infectious disease patients. keywords: air; aircraft; cabin; crew; diseases; ebola; fever; flight; health; infection; influenza; military; patients; risk; system; transmission; transport; travel; tuberculosis; ventilation cache: cord-018303-dvuwhpyq.txt plain text: cord-018303-dvuwhpyq.txt item: #15 of 82 id: cord-018760-blwguyl4 author: Guleria, Randeep title: Health Effects of Changing Environment date: 2019-03-22 words: 4789 flesch: 42 summary: A holistic view is needed to address the problem of environmental health where agriculture, animal husbandry, public health, water safety and air pollution need to be looked at in a combined manner for education, planning and resource allocation. Air pollution has risen to the extent that many big cities in the world have a highly toxic air quality. keywords: air; diseases; effects; environment; exposure; health; lead; lung; ozone; pollution; water cache: cord-018760-blwguyl4.txt plain text: cord-018760-blwguyl4.txt item: #16 of 82 id: cord-018902-oninjtsn author: Kowalski, Wladyslaw title: Commercial Buildings date: 2009-07-09 words: 6964 flesch: 37 summary: Air disinfection systems that use UV have little or no effect on non-microbiological contaminants but if pathogens or allergens are the cause of the problem then UV systems may be applied to reduce the hazard. Most common food spoilage microbes have the capacity to transport in the air and therefore they are controllable to some degree by ventilation and by UV air disinfection systems. keywords: air; bacteria; buildings; disinfection; facilities; food; fungi; industry; microbes; office; pathogens; systems; uvgi; workers cache: cord-018902-oninjtsn.txt plain text: cord-018902-oninjtsn.txt item: #17 of 82 id: cord-021922-de9o76q0 author: Bagshaw, Michael title: Aircraft Cabin Environment date: 2009-05-15 words: 10632 flesch: 46 summary: Microorganisms suspended in cabin air are removed by the high efficiency particulate (HEPA) filters during the air recirculation process; unfortunately, these filters provide no protection from the cough or sneeze emitted by an infected neighbor. For example, it is illegal to import morphine derivatives into the USA, even if securely locked in a medical kit Approved first aid kits required by β121.309 must meet the following specifications and requirements: The approved emergency medical kit required by β121.309 for passenger flights must meet the following specifications and requirements: 1. keywords: air; air travel; aircraft; airline; altitude; cabin; crew; emergency; equipment; flight; level; medical; oxygen; passenger; radiation; risk; transmission; travel; use cache: cord-021922-de9o76q0.txt plain text: cord-021922-de9o76q0.txt item: #18 of 82 id: cord-022155-9759i9wr author: Nag, Pranab Kumar title: Sick Building Syndrome and Other Building-Related Illnesses date: 2018-08-18 words: 17611 flesch: 33 summary: VOCs and sick building syndrome: Application of a new statistical approach for SBS research to US EPA BASE study data Indoor carbon dioxide concentrations, VOCs, environmental sensitivity associations with mucous membrane and lower respiratory sick building syndrome symptoms in the BASE study: Analyses of the 100 building dataset Associations between indoor CO 2 concentrations and sick building syndrome symptoms in US office buildings: An analysis of the 1994-1996 BASE study data Relationship between selected indoor volatile organic compounds, so-called microbial VOC, and the prevalence of mucous membrane symptoms in single family homes Windows, view, and office characteristics predict physical and psychological discomfort Indoor air quality audit implementation in a hotel building in Portugal Airborne and soilborne microfungi in the vicinity Hamitabat Thermic Power Plant in Kirklareli City (Turkey), their seasonal distributions and relations with climatological factors Push-pull air curtain performances for VOCs containment in an industrial process Indoor and outdoor airborne bacteria in child day-care centers in Edirne City (Turkey), seasonal distribution and influence of meteorological factors Hot and steamy: Outbreak of Bacillus cereus in Singapore associated with construction work and laundry practices Protean nature of mass sociogenic illness Current views of health care design and construction: Practical implications for safer, cleaner environments Institut fur Baubiologie + Okologie IBN Plasma-assisted surface modification of organic biopolymers to prevent bacterial attachment Prevalence of allergic sensitization to indoor fungi in West Virginia related symptoms in relation to indoor carbon dioxide concentrations in the 100-building BASE dataset Airborne Alternaria and Cladosporium species and relationship with meteorological conditions in Eskisehir City Catalytic combustion of volatile organic compounds Introduction of the olf and the decipol units to quantify air pollution perceived by humans indoors and outdoors Quantitative health impact assessment: taking stock and moving forward Standards of care for occupational asthma Health and productivity gains from better indoor environments and their relationship with building energy efficiency Meta-analyses of the associations of respiratory health effects with dampness and mold in homes Quantitative relationship of sick building syndrome symptoms with ventilation rates Effectiveness and optimum jet velocity for a plane jet air curtain used to restrict cold room infiltration Airborne Aspergillus contamination during hospital construction works: Efficacy of protective measures Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: keywords: air; asthma; building; building syndrome; concentrations; disease; dust; environment; et al; exposure; factors; fungal; fungi; growth; health; indoor; materials; mould; occupants; office; office buildings; person; pollutants; prevalence; quality; risk; sbs; sbs symptoms; sick; spores; study; symptoms; syndrome; systems; transmission; ventilation; vocs; water; work; workers cache: cord-022155-9759i9wr.txt plain text: cord-022155-9759i9wr.txt item: #19 of 82 id: cord-024148-6ag1eskv author: Xu, Zhonglin title: Three Misunderstandings for Design of Negative Pressure Ward date: 2016-12-01 words: 6551 flesch: 62 summary: (5) When the air supply outlet or return air opening is close to the door, or when the air velocity of supply is so large that it impacts the floor, their influence on convective flow by temperature difference is much larger than the influence by pressure difference. Therefore, it is essentially a subjective judgment to consider that for a room with negative pressure when doors are closed, the flow rate during the opening of door mainly depends on the magnitude of negative pressure difference [5] . keywords: air; door; door opening; flow; opening; pressure difference; rate; room cache: cord-024148-6ag1eskv.txt plain text: cord-024148-6ag1eskv.txt item: #20 of 82 id: cord-032157-q1sbvjvx author: Xu, Zhonglin title: Calculation Theory of Nonuniform Distribution in Cleanroom date: 2013-08-14 words: 3034 flesch: 61 summary: Since the range of return air area is smaller, its volume can be ignored. The air inlet quantity has significant effect on the uniformity of air distribution. keywords: air; area; concentration; distribution cache: cord-032157-q1sbvjvx.txt plain text: cord-032157-q1sbvjvx.txt item: #21 of 82 id: cord-032165-nyj72o21 author: Xu, Zhonglin title: Movement of Indoor Fine Particle date: 2013-08-08 words: 9869 flesch: 65 summary: According to the aerosol mechanics, Stokes formula is derived with the continuous flow condition, which assumes that there is no velocity jump on particle surface. That is to say, there is no relative velocity between the flow particles and the infinite thin medium layer attached to the surface, or there is a boundary layer on particle surface without relative velocity. keywords: air velocity; deposition; diameter; flow; particle; surface; value cache: cord-032165-nyj72o21.txt plain text: cord-032165-nyj72o21.txt item: #22 of 82 id: cord-032188-y02b92pe author: Xu, Zhonglin title: Characteristics of Air Filters date: 2013-08-14 words: 17708 flesch: 61 summary: It is usually to determine whether to change air filters according to the measured pressure drop or the outlet velocity of air filter. So it is necessary to know the characteristic of air filters and its design principle so as to use it correctly and effectively. keywords: air filter; diameter; drop; dust; efficiency; efficiency air; electrostatic; fiber; filter media; filter paper; filters; filtration; hepa filter; particle; pressure; pressure drop; velocity cache: cord-032188-y02b92pe.txt plain text: cord-032188-y02b92pe.txt item: #23 of 82 id: cord-032752-9ighp3gx author: Bhagat, Rajesh K. title: Effects of ventilation on the indoor spread of COVID-19 date: 2020-09-28 words: 8006 flesch: 49 summary: When speaking, the shape of the oral cavity, air flow and aperture of the lips all change rapidly, leading to source conditions that change for each syllable in a word or sentence. The final size of exhalation droplets depends upon many factors including the initial size, non-volatile content, relative humidity, temperature, ventilation flow and the residence time of the droplet. keywords: air; body; droplets; flow; heat; person; plume; room; space; time; ventilation cache: cord-032752-9ighp3gx.txt plain text: cord-032752-9ighp3gx.txt item: #24 of 82 id: cord-102285-ca74vhq3 author: Pařil, Vilém title: Assessment of the burden on population due to transport-related air pollution: The Czech core motorway network date: 2020-07-15 words: 6906 flesch: 36 summary: This paper aims to assess one aspect of a negative externality of transport related to air pollution from particulate matter up to 10 micrometers in diameter (PM10) and its impact on human health, using the example of the key Czech Republic highway D1. This approach is used for the analysis of specific problems linked to road transport, such as reducing air pollution (Cavallaro et al., 2018; Rotaris et al., 2010) . keywords: air; air pollution; assessment; czech; et al; health; impact; pollution; population; republic; road; transport cache: cord-102285-ca74vhq3.txt plain text: cord-102285-ca74vhq3.txt item: #25 of 82 id: cord-103972-kbv9kh6z author: Singer, Gregor title: Air Pollution Increases Influenza Hospitalizations date: 2020-04-10 words: 5598 flesch: 50 summary: Column (1) implies a 1-unit increase in the lagged monthly AQI results in a 0.56% increase in inpatient influenza admissions. Figure 2a shows a clear positive correlation between air quality and count of influenza admissions in the raw data; higher AQI correlates with more influenza admissions (43). keywords: admissions; air; aqi; arizona; county; data; effects; hospital; influenza; inpatient; month; pollution; quality; vaccine; year cache: cord-103972-kbv9kh6z.txt plain text: cord-103972-kbv9kh6z.txt item: #26 of 82 id: cord-129086-ra2njvcz author: Kumar, Sanjay title: The perspective of fluid flow behavior of respiratory droplets and aerosols through the facemasks in context of SARS-CoV-2 date: 2020-10-10 words: 8131 flesch: 48 summary: While these experimental studies are essential for the broad characterization and design evaluation of respiratory facemasks, further theoretical and numerical methods and algorithm-based investigations provide a better insight into the facemask's fluid flow dynamics and the droplet leakage through the facemask openings. The filtration mechanism of N95 facemasks operates on three possible principles: diffusion, inertial impaction, and electrostatic attraction. keywords: air; droplets; efficiency; equations; facemasks; filtration; flow; fluid; n95; particles; rate; resistance; transmission; use; velocity; virus; wearing cache: cord-129086-ra2njvcz.txt plain text: cord-129086-ra2njvcz.txt item: #27 of 82 id: cord-199268-fue7ri4h author: Schafer, Benjamin title: Covid-19 impact on air quality in megacities date: 2020-07-01 words: 4980 flesch: 52 summary: Then, we continue with a discussion of which sources cause which type of air pollution and how adequate guidelines could improve air quality in cities, especially after the current pandemic stops. The code to reproduce figures, along with the publicly available LondonAir data is also uploaded here: https: // How air pollution is destroying our health Contribution of nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide exposure from power plant emissions on respiratory symptom and disease prevalence Short term exposure to air pollution and stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis State of global air Nitric oxide: a multitasked signaling gas in plants Nitric oxide production in plants: an update Silk provides a new avenue for third generation biosensors: Sensitive, selective and stable electrochemical detection of nitric oxide Lung cancer and exposure to nitrogen dioxide and traffic: a systematic review and meta-analysis Uk road travel falls to 1955 levels as covid-19 lockdown takes hold Megacities and atmospheric pollution New directions: air pollution challenges for developing megacities like delhi Pollution concentrations in delhi india during winter 2015-16: A case study of an odd-even vehicle strategy Health impacts of particulate pollution in a megacity-delhi, india The effect of covid-19 lockdown measures on air quality in london in 2020 Effect of restricted emissions during covid-19 on air quality in india Effect of lockdown amid covid-19 pandemic on air quality of the megacity delhi, india Superstatistical approach to air pollution statistics Environmental Research Group (ERG) at King's College London. keywords: air; cities; concentrations; delhi; lockdown; london; pollution; quality cache: cord-199268-fue7ri4h.txt plain text: cord-199268-fue7ri4h.txt item: #28 of 82 id: cord-223292-ct8xyntw author: Lemey, Philippe title: The seasonal flight of influenza: a unified framework for spatiotemporal hypothesis testing date: 2012-10-22 words: 4012 flesch: 34 summary: Depending on the location state partitioning scheme, we considered several potential predictors of global influenza diffusion: • Average and minimum distance. [3] , we sought to include the average antigenic divergence for each region as phylogeographic diffusion predictors. keywords: air; data; diffusion; global; incidence; influenza; number; phylogeographic; predictors cache: cord-223292-ct8xyntw.txt plain text: cord-223292-ct8xyntw.txt item: #29 of 82 id: cord-233294-jnic4o2j author: Ravazi, Maryam title: In situ Measurement of Airborne Particle Concentration in a Real Dental Office: Implications for Disease Transmission date: 2020-08-19 words: 2932 flesch: 51 summary: The contribution of outdoor air 29 Aerosol and bioaerosol particles in a dental office Measurement of particle concentrations in a dental office. Running high-speed air purifier at the beginning of the operation is the most effective scenario in reducing airborne particle concentrations. keywords: air; concentration; operation; particles; purifier; removal cache: cord-233294-jnic4o2j.txt plain text: cord-233294-jnic4o2j.txt item: #30 of 82 id: cord-254758-ubw0chrf author: Newbold, Stephen C. title: Effects of Physical Distancing to Control COVID-19 on Public Health, the Economy, and the Environment date: 2020-08-04 words: 10218 flesch: 40 summary: The results from our control model presented in this paper suggest that there may be important environmental side-effects that could alter the optimal intensity and duration of physical distancing policies used to manage the COVID-19 epidemic. In an application to the United States, our model considers the trade-off between the lives saved by physical distancing—both directly from stemming the spread of the virus and indirectly from reductions in air pollution during the period of physical distancing—and the short- and long-run economic costs that ensue from such measures. keywords: air pollution; benefits; case; control; covid-19; deaths; distancing; et al; fatality; health; infections; model; number; policy; time; value cache: cord-254758-ubw0chrf.txt plain text: cord-254758-ubw0chrf.txt item: #31 of 82 id: cord-255036-vpw40g40 author: Zhang, L.Z. title: Thermodynamic modeling of a novel air dehumidification system date: 2004-08-14 words: 3620 flesch: 49 summary: In this system, a membrane based total heat exchanger is used to pre-cool the fresh air before it is pumped to a refrigeration system for air dehumidification. In hot and humid regions like Guangzhou, air dehumidification is required most of the year. keywords: air; dehumidification; energy; heat; membrane; moisture; system; transfer cache: cord-255036-vpw40g40.txt plain text: cord-255036-vpw40g40.txt item: #32 of 82 id: cord-257875-6lgn6u38 author: Liu, Tiantian title: Design of an air isolation and purification (AIP) deskfor medical use and characterization of its efficacy in ambient air isolation and purification date: 2020-06-26 words: 4116 flesch: 47 summary: The incidences of nosocomial infections (NIs) are increasing throughout the world, especially for those airborne diseases caused by pathogens or air particulates that float in air. The air isolation and purification (AIP) desk has a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter on the tope and several primary efficiency filters on the sides for air purification. keywords: aip; aip desk; air; curtain; desk; min; particulates; purification; wind cache: cord-257875-6lgn6u38.txt plain text: cord-257875-6lgn6u38.txt item: #33 of 82 id: cord-261736-jlwctmxw author: Marchand, Geneviève title: Bacteria emitted in ambient air during bronchoscopy—a risk to health care workers? date: 2016-12-01 words: 3528 flesch: 42 summary: It provides clear evidence of the presence of culturable opportunistic bacteria originating from the respiratory tract of patients in the air of bronchoscopy rooms. Ottawa (ON): Public Health Agency of Canada Helicobacter pylori prevalence in endoscopy and medical staff Occupationally acquired infections in health care workers: part II Nosocomial tuberculosis 1, 2 Occupationally acquired infections in health care workers: part I Cough frequency and infectivity in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis 1 Occupational tuberculous infections among pulmonary physicians in training Coughgenerated aerosols of Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a new method to study infectiousness Quantity and size distribution of cough-generated aerosol particles produced by influenza patients during and after illness Cough-generated aerosols of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other Gram-negative bacteria from patients with cystic fibrosis Airborne transmission of disease in hospitals Understanding the symptoms of the common cold and influenza Global physiology and pathophysiology of cough: ACCP evidencebased clinical practice guidelines Protecting the faces of health care workers: knowledge gaps and research priorities for effective protection against occupationally-acquired respiratory infectious diseases Toward understanding the risk of secondary airborne infection: emission of respirable pathogens A review of the risks and disease transmission associated with aerosol generating medical procedures Evaluation of eight bioaerosol samplers challenged with Aerosolof free bacteria New sampler for the collection, sizing, and enumeration of viable airborne particles Identification of bacteria by gas chromatography of cellular fatty acids Preliminary evaluation of Biolog, a carbon source utilization method for bacterial identification Multiplex PCR assay for immediate identification of the infecting species in patients with mycobacterial disease Evaluation of three influenza A and B real-time reverse transcription-PCR assays and a new 2009 H1N1 assay for detection of influenza viruses World Health Organization. keywords: air; bacteria; bronchoscopy; concentrations; hcws; patients; procedures; risk; room; study cache: cord-261736-jlwctmxw.txt plain text: cord-261736-jlwctmxw.txt item: #34 of 82 id: cord-263537-sh8julcb author: Dutheil, Frédéric title: The Indirect Benefit on Respiratory Health From the World’s Effort to Reduce Transmission of SARS – CoV-2 date: 2020-04-10 words: 436 flesch: 37 summary: All of these elements contribute to air pollution. The public health benefit of the world's efforts to reduce transmission of COVID-19 may have indirect health benefits by lowering the impact of air pollution. keywords: air; pollution cache: cord-263537-sh8julcb.txt plain text: cord-263537-sh8julcb.txt item: #35 of 82 id: cord-266478-642m488a author: Gino, Bruno title: Automated Inflating Resuscitator (AIR): Design and Development of a 3D-Printed Ventilator Prototype and Corresponding Simulation Scenario Based on the Management of a Critical COVID-19 Patient date: 2020-07-11 words: 5442 flesch: 46 summary: Time is wasted adjusting AIR parameters after patient is connected. Referral hospitals are not receiving transfers due to the high influx of COVID-19 patients. keywords: air; bag; bvm; covid-19; oxygen; participants; patient; pressure; simulation; use; valve; ventilator cache: cord-266478-642m488a.txt plain text: cord-266478-642m488a.txt item: #36 of 82 id: cord-274355-6hiutrct author: Satheesan, Manoj Kumar title: A numerical study of ventilation strategies for infection risk mitigation in general inpatient wards date: 2020-02-22 words: 4946 flesch: 45 summary: In the base case as shown in Fig. 1(a) , the supply air and ward air exhausted to the corridor were set to be equal for all air change rates. Furthermore, the randomness associated with particle deposition rates (r w , r c , and r f ) under different air change rate conditions can be attributed to the asymmetric airflow distribution patterns and locations of the infected patients. keywords: air; airflow; cubicle; et al; infection; particles; patients; study; ventilation; ward cache: cord-274355-6hiutrct.txt plain text: cord-274355-6hiutrct.txt item: #37 of 82 id: cord-274520-c674wkmt author: Moelling, Karin title: Air Microbiome and Pollution: Composition and Potential Effects on Human Health, Including SARS Coronavirus Infection date: 2020-05-28 words: 6731 flesch: 45 summary: Directive 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and of the council of 21 may 2008 on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe Ambient (outdoor) air pollution Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People's Republic WHO: 92% of the world's population breathe polluted air A preliminary review of gas-to-particle conversion monitoring and modelling efforts in the USA e contribution of outdoor air pollution sources to premature mortality on a global scale e Lancet Commission on pollution and health World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, World Health Organization An investigation of particulate matter and relevant cardiovascular risks in Abadan and Khorramshahr in 2014-2016 Mortality and morbidity due to ambient air pollution in Iran An evaluation of hospital admission respiratory disease attributed to sulfur dioxide ambient concentration in Ahvaz from An association between ambient pollutants and hospital admitted respiratory cases in Ahvaz, Iran Characteristics, sources, and health risks of atmospheric PM10-bound heavy metals in a populated middle eastern city Health risk assessment on human exposed to heavy metals in the ambient air PM10 in Ahvaz, southwest Iran China wakes up to the crisis of air pollution A comparative study of hospital admissions for respiratory diseases during normal and dusty days in Iran Ambient atmospheric particles in the airways of human lungs PM2.5 air pollution and cause-specific cardiovascular disease mortality Is ambient air pollution associated with onset of suddent infant death syndrome: a case-crossover study in the UK A work group report on ultrafine particles (American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology): why ambient ultrafine and engineered nanoparticles should receive special attention for possible adverse health outcomes in human subjects Long-term exposure to ultrafine particles and incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease in a prospective study of a Dutch cohort Effects of environmental pollutants on gut microbiota Role of antioxidants and free radicals in health and disease Household air pollution and health International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Air pollution may also be linked to cancer and reduced life expectancy. keywords: air; bacterial; communities; diseases; exposure; fungal; health; human; microbiome; pollution; sars; study; viruses cache: cord-274520-c674wkmt.txt plain text: cord-274520-c674wkmt.txt item: #38 of 82 id: cord-277147-k11rl70f author: Detrick, Barbara title: Elevated serum levels of IL-6 and CXCL9 in autoimmune retinopathy (AIR) patients date: 2018-03-15 words: 4507 flesch: 46 summary: Moreover, the presence and concentration of these 2 molecules appear to correlate with AIR patient disease severity. The presence and concentration of this cytokine signature appear to correlate with AIR patient disease severity. keywords: air; cxcl9; disease; il-6; patients cache: cord-277147-k11rl70f.txt plain text: cord-277147-k11rl70f.txt item: #39 of 82 id: cord-277425-ttfmm946 author: Nenna, Raffaella title: Respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis, weather conditions and air pollution in an Italian urban area: An observational study date: 2017-07-03 words: 4352 flesch: 35 summary: The seasonality component, accounted by the effect of the month, was strongly significant: indeed, the model highlights that the number of RSV positive infants significantly increase in January, February, March, April and December. With respect to the pollutant, Table 1 shows a significant association between the number of RSV positive infants and benzene concentration: the expected log count of RSV positive patient for a one-unit increase in the benzene level is 0.17, i.e. with a benzene level of 2.5, the expected count of RSV positive patient would increase of about 54% ((exp(0.17365 * 2.5) − 1.) keywords: air; bronchiolitis; children; data; infants; pollution; rsv; virus cache: cord-277425-ttfmm946.txt plain text: cord-277425-ttfmm946.txt item: #40 of 82 id: cord-282346-y5zm7z3y author: Ma, Qingxin title: Understanding the knowledge gaps between air pollution controls and health impacts including pathogen epidemic date: 2020-07-19 words: 2134 flesch: 28 summary: To this end, here we summarize the current knowledge gaps Page 5 of 21 between air pollution controls and health impacts, and discuss the future development in health impact assessment upon air pollution. Challenged by diverse serious problems caused by air pollution, the Chinese government has largely increased investment in basic research on air pollution formation and control. keywords: air; control; effects; health; pms; pollutants; pollution cache: cord-282346-y5zm7z3y.txt plain text: cord-282346-y5zm7z3y.txt item: #41 of 82 id: cord-283377-uifevl1o author: Ye, Jin title: Using air curtains to reduce short-range infection risk in consulting ward: A numerical investigation date: 2020-06-26 words: 5534 flesch: 51 summary: A numerical investigation is conducted to evaluate the effects of supply air velocity and angle on cutting off performance. Besides, the supply air angle is also critical due to its coupling with supply air velocity. keywords: air angle; air curtains; air velocity; patient; supply air; velocity cache: cord-283377-uifevl1o.txt plain text: cord-283377-uifevl1o.txt item: #42 of 82 id: cord-284820-29uiq6at author: Wang, Junfeng title: Heterogeneous Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown Measures on Air Quality in Northern China date: 2020-11-11 words: 5692 flesch: 42 summary: Section 5 presents the discussion on the implications of measures for air pollution control and Section 6 concludes this study. The economic cost will be huge if population mobility and industrial activities are unreasonably restricted, so it is important to establish appropriate, flexible, and sustainable measures for air pollution control. keywords: air; air pollution; air quality; control; control measures; covid-19; effect; measures; pollution; quality cache: cord-284820-29uiq6at.txt plain text: cord-284820-29uiq6at.txt item: #43 of 82 id: cord-284880-xsh3wkqy author: Bandaly, Victor title: The Fate of Mengovirus on Fiberglass Filter of Air Handling Units date: 2017-06-28 words: 4712 flesch: 53 summary: Air filters consist of clusters of fibers (mats, felts, papers, glass). They pointed out differences in inactivation between enveloped and nonenveloped respiratory viruses. keywords: air; filter; infectivity; mengovirus; min; study; virus; viruses cache: cord-284880-xsh3wkqy.txt plain text: cord-284880-xsh3wkqy.txt item: #44 of 82 id: cord-286563-pv974q32 author: Kuo, Nae-Wen title: Development and application of an integrated indoor air quality audit to an international hotel building in Taiwan date: 2007-12-20 words: 4447 flesch: 48 summary: Indoor air quality (IAQ) has begun to surface as an important issue that affects the comfort and health of people and even the productivity of office workers (Singh 1996) . In addition, the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) broke out in a four-star hotel in Hong Kong has increased the public awareness to indoor air quality of hotels (Radun et al. 2003) . keywords: air; air quality; building; formaldehyde; health; hotel; iaq; indoor; quality; room cache: cord-286563-pv974q32.txt plain text: cord-286563-pv974q32.txt item: #45 of 82 id: cord-289138-33agf2j4 author: Ciofi-Silva, Caroline Lopes title: Negative pressure of the environmental air in the cleaning area of the materials and sterilization center: a systematic review date: 2016-09-01 words: 3362 flesch: 37 summary: Thus, the objective of this systematic literature review was to analyze the scientific evidence for the formation of aerosols during the MD cleaning activities in CSD and the impact of negative air pressure, or to the safety of the material to be sterilized, and for health professionals in the adjacent areas too. The need for negative air pressure in isolation rooms is strongly evidenced in the literature, aiming to reduce the risk of exposure microorganisms transmitted by aerosol infected people to uninfected people (especially other patients or professionals). keywords: aerosols; air; areas; cleaning; csd; health; pressure; room; study; water cache: cord-289138-33agf2j4.txt plain text: cord-289138-33agf2j4.txt item: #46 of 82 id: cord-289340-scwhwurr author: Zhu, Shengwei title: Experimental and numerical investigation of micro-environmental conditions in public transportation buses date: 2010-03-17 words: 4966 flesch: 49 summary: For air supply openings, the actual values of air temperature, velocity and turbulence intensity were measured in the field experiments, and used as boundary conditions (see following sections). Air temperature, relative humidity and the concentration levels of CO 2 , CO and particulate matters in three size fractions, PM 10 and PM 2.5 , and ultrafine particles (UFPs) were continuously measured in the bus. keywords: air; bus; buses; concentration; conditions; field; fig; mean; ventilation cache: cord-289340-scwhwurr.txt plain text: cord-289340-scwhwurr.txt item: #47 of 82 id: cord-289541-y7lewk1t author: Zhang, Li-Zhi title: Fabrication of a lithium chloride solution based composite supported liquid membrane and its moisture permeation analysis date: 2006-05-01 words: 4043 flesch: 55 summary: Consequently, Water transfer in liquid membrane [22] : where D wl is water diffusivity in liquid membrane (m 2 s −1 ) and C w is the difference of water concentration in liquid membrane solution (kg m −3 ) between the two sides of liquid membrane. In contrast to solid membranes, moisture diffusion in liquid membranes (∼10 −9 m 2 s −1 [19, 20] , diffusion coefficients) is several orders higher than that in solid membranes. keywords: air; liquid; membrane; moisture; resistance; solution; vapor; water cache: cord-289541-y7lewk1t.txt plain text: cord-289541-y7lewk1t.txt item: #48 of 82 id: cord-291113-iizj932l author: Cumbo, Enzo title: Alternative Methods of Sterilization in Dental Practices Against COVID-19 date: 2020-08-08 words: 7444 flesch: 33 summary: This procedure allows people to stay in the room when the device is turned on, because there is no exposure to dangerous radiation, so air sterilization can be done for several hours without any risk. Product = Perfection Pathogen transfer and high variability in pathogen removal by detergent wipes Tables of Ozone Properties Inactivation of Norovirus by ozone gas in conditions relevant to healthcare Air Pollution and Respiratory Viral Infection Ozone gas is an effective and practical antibacterial agent Health effects of ozone: a critical review Ozone as Janus: this controversial gas can be either toxic or medically useful Evaluation of the risk of infection through exposure to aerosols and spatters in dentistry Research progress on correlation between influence factors and disinfection time of ultraviolet ray air disinfection Experiences about air disinfection by negative aeroions A new method for collecting airborne allergens Dynamics of infectious disease transmission by inhalable respiratory droplets Aerosol transmission of influenza A virus: a review of new studies A review of air filtration technologies for sustainable and healthy building ventilation Effectiveness of indoor air cleaning with corona ionizers The effect of air ionization on the air-borne transmission of experimental Newcastle disease virus infections in chickens Ionizing air affects influenza virus infectivity and prevents airborne-transmission keywords: air; dental; ozone; particles; present; radiation; room; sterilization; studies; surfaces; transmission; viruses cache: cord-291113-iizj932l.txt plain text: cord-291113-iizj932l.txt item: #49 of 82 id: cord-292928-a4bn30ul author: Ghosh, Bipasha title: Review of bioaerosols in indoor environment with special reference to sampling, analysis and control mechanisms date: 2015-10-03 words: 16772 flesch: 27 summary: Among the six locations, all five sites revealed significantly smaller bioaerosol concentration in winter than in summer except the restroom in hospital lobby which may be due to the maintenance of almost similar indoor air conditions by air conditioning system artificially in both summer and winter (Lee et al., 2012) . A recently developed electrostatic precipitator had no charging unit in the inlet while the physical collection efficiency strongly depended on the precipitation voltage which eventually depended on the charge present on the airborne microbes naturally due to aerosolization (Kunkel, 1950; Flagan, 2001 ) thereby making collection possible by differentiating between the positively and negatively charged microorganisms by adding a signature to the bioaerosol particle sampled (Lee et al., 2004a; ; Lee et al., 2004b) . keywords: air; airborne; analysis; bacterial; bioaerosol; cells; collection; concentration; detection; dna; effects; efficiency; environments; et al; exposure; flow; fungal; fungi; health; identification; indoor; laser; methods; microorganisms; particles; pcr; sampler; sampling; sequencing; size; species; spores; studies; technique; temperature; time cache: cord-292928-a4bn30ul.txt plain text: cord-292928-a4bn30ul.txt item: #50 of 82 id: cord-295469-5an7836u author: Ijaz, M. Khalid title: Generic aspects of the airborne spread of human pathogens indoors and emerging air decontamination technologies date: 2016-09-02 words: 5752 flesch: 30 summary: An overview of methods for experimentally generating and recovering airborne human pathogens is included, along with a discussion of factors that influence microbial survival in indoor air. An overview of methods for experimentally generating and recovering airborne human pathogens is included, along with a discussion of factors that influence microbial survival in indoor air. keywords: air; bacteria; chamber; contamination; environmental; pathogens; spread; surfaces; survival; transmission; virus; viruses cache: cord-295469-5an7836u.txt plain text: cord-295469-5an7836u.txt item: #51 of 82 id: cord-297840-z5l6vdsr author: Río, Francisco García title: Air Travel and Respiratory Disease date: 2007-02-28 words: 16168 flesch: 49 summary: Grupo Aula Médica Hypoxaemia during air travel in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Altitude exposures during aircraft flights: flying higher Oxygen concentrations in commercial aircraft flights Air travel and oxygen therapy in cardiopulmonary patients Air travel hypoxemia with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Servera Pieras E. El pulmón y los viajes en avión Oxygen supplementation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients during air travel Hypoxaemia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients during a commercial flight Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company Air medical transport of cardiac patients Inflight arterial saturation: continuous monitoring by pulse oximetry Applied Respiratory Physiology Detection and correction of hypoxemia associated with air travel Altitude hypoxaemia and the arterial-toalveolar oxygen ratio Hypoxemia during air travel Changes in cardiac output during air ambulance repatriation Ventilation-perfusion inequality in normal humans during exercise at sea level and simulated altitude Limits of human lung function at high altitude Predicted gas exchange on the summit of Mt High altitude medicine and physiology. In other patients, in-flight hypoxemia should be estimated if they have a PaO 2 less than 70 mm keywords: air; air travel; aircraft; altitude; cabin; case; disease; flight; gas; health; hypoxia; level; medical; oxygen; pao; passengers; patients; pressure; pulmonary; risk; travel; use cache: cord-297840-z5l6vdsr.txt plain text: cord-297840-z5l6vdsr.txt item: #52 of 82 id: cord-298696-rsifxvtj author: Lim, Meng-Kin title: Global response to pandemic flu: more research needed on a critical front date: 2006-10-13 words: 2259 flesch: 41 summary: We now know that passengers sitting eight rows away are not any safer, and that out of a total of 40 commercial air flights investigated for carrying SARS infected passengers, five have been found to be associated with probable onboard transmission of SARS, involving 37 passengers in all [4] . The WHO's global influenza preparedness plan merely acknowledges, without elaboration, that air travel might hasten the spread of a new virus, and decrease the time available for preparing interventions [11] while ICAO's current website repeats the same general measures that it had posted for SARS [12] . keywords: air; health; influenza; pandemic; sars; transmission; world cache: cord-298696-rsifxvtj.txt plain text: cord-298696-rsifxvtj.txt item: #53 of 82 id: cord-301067-wk3cf0b7 author: Corpus-Mendoza, Asiel N. title: Decrease of mobility, electricity demand, and NO2 emissions on COVID-19 times and their feedback on prevention measures date: 2020-11-01 words: 2539 flesch: 41 summary: key: cord-301067-wk3cf0b7 authors: Corpus-Mendoza, Asiel N.; Ruiz-Segoviano, Hector S.; Rodríguez-Contreras, Sergio F.; Yañez-Dávila, David; Hernández-Granados, Araceli title: Decrease of mobility, electricity demand, and NO2 emissions on COVID-19 times and their feedback on prevention measures date: 2020-11-01 journal: Sci Total Environ DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.143382 sha: doc_id: 301067 cord_uid: wk3cf0b7 The spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on 2020 has affected human activities in a way never documented in modern history. In this case, we identify and discuss the early effort of Latin-American countries to successfully delay the spread of the virus by implementing prevention measures before the fast growth of COVID-19 cases in comparison to European countries. keywords: air; covid-19; decrease; electricity; measures; mobility; quality cache: cord-301067-wk3cf0b7.txt plain text: cord-301067-wk3cf0b7.txt item: #54 of 82 id: cord-304013-nzigx0k0 author: Lipinski, Tom title: Review of ventilation strategies to reduce the risk of disease transmission in high occupancy buildings date: 2020-09-13 words: 12837 flesch: 43 summary: Bidirectional ventilation system Natural ventilation relies on natural driving forces. The British standards BS EN 16798-3:2017 defines 4 basic types of ventilation systems: keywords: air; buildings; cov-2; covid-19; disease; droplets; figure; flow; heat; indoor; infection; number; particles; rate; risk; room; sars; spread; transmission; ventilation; ventilation systems; virus cache: cord-304013-nzigx0k0.txt plain text: cord-304013-nzigx0k0.txt item: #55 of 82 id: cord-304031-poh3te9j author: Leder, K. title: Respiratory infections during air travel date: 2005-01-13 words: 4527 flesch: 46 summary: The study found the reported rates of a cold and/or runny nose were similar, suggesting that aircraft cabin air recirculation does not increase the risk for upper respiratory symptoms. Cabin air is derived largely from cabin pressurization systems, which generally result in a cabin altitude of 4000-8000 feet at an aircraft altitude of 30 000-40 000 feet. keywords: air; aircraft; cabin; passengers; risk; transmission; travel cache: cord-304031-poh3te9j.txt plain text: cord-304031-poh3te9j.txt item: #56 of 82 id: cord-305810-e3lf2ddk author: Arafat, S. M. Yasir title: Climate and clean air responses to COVID-19: a comment date: 2020-06-24 words: 678 flesch: 54 summary: However, most of the studies used satellite images to measures the air pollution level in these countries, but no actual scale measurement of air pollution has been done so far globally, to check and compare the air pollution level during, before, and after the lockdown period. Most of the deaths related to air pollution are due to non-communicable diseases such as 24% of brain stroke-related deaths, 25% heart disease-related deaths, 43% of lung diseases and lung cancer-related deaths are attributed to air pollution (World Health Organization 2018). keywords: air; lockdown; pollution cache: cord-305810-e3lf2ddk.txt plain text: cord-305810-e3lf2ddk.txt item: #57 of 82 id: cord-308833-ei1faruy author: Zheng, Xiaohong title: Experimental investigation of integrated air purifying technology for bioaerosol removal and inactivation in central air-conditioning system date: 2004 words: 2765 flesch: 49 summary: This provides a basis for using this particular phage strain as a viral simulant in place of SARS CoV and other airborne viruses in the tests for evaluation of bioaerosol removal and inactivation by different types of air purifiers. The rest section could be easily replaced by any kind of air purifying device and used to examine the dust-cleaning and bacteria-killing efficiency of the device by circulating micro-particles and bacteriophages in the system. keywords: air; air purifier; particles; phage; purifier; system; test cache: cord-308833-ei1faruy.txt plain text: cord-308833-ei1faruy.txt item: #58 of 82 id: cord-313825-bbjxd86y author: Xia, Tian title: Pulmonary diseases induced by ambient ultrafine and engineered nanoparticles in twenty-first century date: 2016-10-08 words: 8770 flesch: 42 summary: In a recent study, Chen et al. presented findings that implicated long-term exposure to air pollution particles contributed to enormous loss of life expectancy in China These results were based on an experimental design making use of a Chinese policy that provided free coal for heating in cities located north of Huai River, but not in the south, which produced an arbitrary discontinuity for PM air pollution, where the major difference was coal combustion. keywords: air; air pollution; ambient; effects; exposure; health; lung; mortality; nanoparticles; nps; particles; pollution; ros; stress; studies; surface; ufps cache: cord-313825-bbjxd86y.txt plain text: cord-313825-bbjxd86y.txt item: #59 of 82 id: cord-314048-1dp4zkus author: Nwanaji-Enwerem, Jamaji C. title: Another invisible enemy indoors: COVID-19, human health, the home, and United States indoor air policy date: 2020-07-08 words: 1641 flesch: 40 summary: Each year, 3.8 million people worldwide prematurely die from illnesses attributable to indoor air. At present, the Environmental Protection Agency does not regulate indoor air, and state-level legislation has resulted in a patchwork of national coverage. keywords: air; covid-19; health; home; quality cache: cord-314048-1dp4zkus.txt plain text: cord-314048-1dp4zkus.txt item: #60 of 82 id: cord-316201-08pyx98r author: Grout, Andrea title: Guidelines, law, and governance: disconnects in the global control of airline-associated infectious diseases date: 2017-02-01 words: 3438 flesch: 35 summary: 4 Management of these risks requires knowledge of the dynamics of infectious disease transmission and the potential effectiveness of control measures, suggesting that frontline employees (eg, airline staff) would need appropriate training to handle suspected disease cases. 8 Current measures, such as entry and exit screening, isolation, quarantine, and travel health information might not be feasible or sufficient to control infectious disease transmission. keywords: air; aircraft; control; disease; flight; health; international; transmission; travel cache: cord-316201-08pyx98r.txt plain text: cord-316201-08pyx98r.txt item: #61 of 82 id: cord-321657-2s1npse5 author: Du, Sean Quan title: Mathematical modeling of interaction between innate and adaptive immune responses in COVID‐19 and implications for viral pathogenesis date: 2020-05-13 words: 6465 flesch: 55 summary: A first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis Single-cell RNA expression profiling of ACE2, the putative receptor of Wuhan 2019-nCov Single-cell RNA expression profiling of ACE2, the putative receptor of Wuhan 2019-nCoV Principles and Practice of Clinical Virology Defense mechanisms against influenza virus infection in the respiratory tract mucosa Incubation period of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infections among travellers from Wuhan, China Early transmission dynamics in Wuhan, China, of novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia Mathematical analysis of viral replication dynamics and antiviral treatment strategies: from basic models to age-based multi-scale modeling Population dynamics of immune responses to persistent viruses Viral dynamics in hepatitis B virus infection Virus dynamics and drug therapy Mathematical models of HIV pathogenesis and treatment Virus Dynamics: Mathematical Principles of Immunology and Virology Influenza and the challenge for immunology Cell-mediated protection in influenza infection Pathogenesis of emerging Avian influenza viruses in mammals and the host innate immune response Quantifying the early immune response and adaptive immune response kinetics in mice infected with influenza a virus Hepatitis C viral dynamics in vivo and the antiviral efficacy of interferon-alpha therapy Effects of antirejection drugs on innate immune cells after Kidney transplantation Immunobiology: Antiviral drugs and immunosuppressive drugs have been evaluated as potential treatments for high-risk patients. keywords: air; cells; drug; effect; patients; peak; target; target cells; virus cache: cord-321657-2s1npse5.txt plain text: cord-321657-2s1npse5.txt item: #62 of 82 id: cord-322364-uo49h1ku author: Button, Kenneth title: The economics of Africa's floriculture air-cargo supply chain date: 2020-07-06 words: 9970 flesch: 48 summary: Fig. 1 stylizes the stages in air cargo supply chains. The success of air cargo chains, however, depend as much on the quality of surface modes serving various “last mile” access and egress functions, as well as efficient nodal interchange points and the availability of suitable airport and airline capacity. keywords: africa; air; airport; aviation; capacity; cargo; chain; cut; development; example; floriculture; flower; industry; kenya; market; production; quality; services; supply; transportation cache: cord-322364-uo49h1ku.txt plain text: cord-322364-uo49h1ku.txt item: #63 of 82 id: cord-325388-xs9lot5s author: Culmer, P. title: Delivering oxygen-enriched CPAP respiratory support using a non-invasive ventilation device date: 2020-04-11 words: 671 flesch: 46 summary: Here we report an investigation to adapt existing non-invasive ventilators (NIV) capable of delivering CPAP for use with oxygen to deliver enriched ventilation of 40%+ FiO2. We modified a standard Nippy 3+ system to allow entrainment of oxygen at the intake port and evaluated the efficacy of these two approaches. keywords: air; fio2; oxygen cache: cord-325388-xs9lot5s.txt plain text: cord-325388-xs9lot5s.txt item: #64 of 82 id: cord-325565-cz9f65ca author: Heederik, Dick J.J. title: Go slow to go fast: A plea for sustained scientific rigor in air pollution research during the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-06-25 words: 2063 flesch: 36 summary: Thus, there seems little reason to abandon the rigorous peer review process and expedite manuscript publication for COVID-19 air pollution studies. This far exceeds the granularity of the data used in air pollution studies and most infectious disease outbreak studies. keywords: air; covid-19; pollution; studies; study cache: cord-325565-cz9f65ca.txt plain text: cord-325565-cz9f65ca.txt item: #65 of 82 id: cord-326396-ngez3hwb author: D'Agostino, D. title: The employment of an earth-to-air heat exchanger as pre-treating unit of an air conditioning system for energy saving: a comparison among different worldwide climatic zones date: 2020-10-03 words: 11089 flesch: 46 summary: As the ground temperature, below about 10 m depth, is often higher in winter and lower in summer than air temperature [11] , the EAHX gives rise to a pre-heating of the external ventilation air in winter and pre-cooling in summer. The following parameters are evaluated: the variation of air temperature in the EAHX; its thermal efficiency; the decreasing of cooling and heating capacity of the coils into the AHU when comparing with the solution without EAHX. keywords: air conditioning; air heat; air temperature; cooling; eahx; earth; energy; heat exchanger; heating; length; maximum; model; summer; system; winter cache: cord-326396-ngez3hwb.txt plain text: cord-326396-ngez3hwb.txt item: #66 of 82 id: cord-328182-z094b51b author: Lim, Taesub title: Predictions and measurements of the stack effect on indoor airborne virus transmission in a high-rise hospital building date: 2011-04-21 words: 7381 flesch: 50 summary: The influence of ward ventilation on hospital cross infection by varying the location of supply and exhaust air diffuser using CFD Characteristics of pressure distribution and solution to the problems caused by stack effect in high-rise residential buildings Coping with air pressure problems in tall buildings HVAC system effects for tall buildings Controlling stack pressure in high-rise buildings by compartmenting the building Stack effect in tall buildings An evaluation of hospital special-ventilation-room pressures Dispersal of exhaled air and personal exposure in displacement ventilated rooms Tracer gas concentration profile over the height of the hospital building The influence of air motion on bacteria removal in negative pressure isolation rooms Dispersion of exhalation pollutants in a two-bed hospital ward with a downward ventilation system Study on biological contaminant control strategies under different ventilation models in hospital operating room Multi-zone modeling of probable SARS virus transmission by airflow between flats in Block E Temporal-spatial analysis of severe acute respiratory syndrome among hospital inpatients The prediction of infection risk of indoor airborne transmission of diseases in high-rise hospital: tracer gas simulation CFD analysis on characteristics of contaminated indoor air ventilation and its application in the evaluation of the effects of contaminant inhalation by a human occupant Convective exchange between the nose and the atmosphere Building and Fire Research Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology COMIS-an international multizone air flow and contaminant transport model, LBNL-42182. A sample high-rise hospital was selected, and pressure difference measurements related to the stack effect were carried out for the entire building in order to examine general airflow patterns. keywords: air; building; doors; effect; elevator; floor; hospital; outside; pressure difference; stack effect; temperature cache: cord-328182-z094b51b.txt plain text: cord-328182-z094b51b.txt item: #67 of 82 id: cord-329135-g8fuax6p author: Haig, C.W. title: Bioaerosol sampling: sampling mechanisms, bioefficiency and field studies date: 2016-04-01 words: 10284 flesch: 36 summary: To gain a greater understanding of the transmission dynamics of certain airborne diseases and to increase hygiene standards through improved infection control, bioaerosol sampling studies have frequently focused on healthcare environments. Bioaerosol particles enter the apparatus through a slit, causing the particles to impact on the slowly rotating agar plate below. keywords: air; airborne; bioaerosol; bioefficiency; collection; concentration; contamination; cyclone; device; exposure; filters; flow; impactors; liquid; microbial; particles; plates; samplers; sampling; size; study cache: cord-329135-g8fuax6p.txt plain text: cord-329135-g8fuax6p.txt item: #68 of 82 id: cord-329414-zueqafmn author: Mallet, Marc Daniel title: Meteorological normalisation of PM(10) using machine learning reveals distinct increases of nearby source emissions in the Australian mining town of moranbah date: 2020-08-17 words: 2233 flesch: 38 summary: 5 and pm1 emissions from the hetero-848 geneous traffic near an urban roadway Noaa's hysplit atmospheric transport and dispersion modeling 852 system Assessing the impact of clean air action on air quality trends in 855 beijing using a machine learning technique Changing supersites: Assessing the impact 859 of the southern uk emep supersite relocation on measured atmospheric 860 composition Severe air pollution 862 events not avoided by reduced anthropogenic activities during covid-19 Conservation and Recycling 158 Homelessness in rural 865 and regional queensland mining communities. Businesses and governments are implementing technologies and policies in order to improve air quality. keywords: air; australia; emissions; formula; machine; pm(10; quality; text cache: cord-329414-zueqafmn.txt plain text: cord-329414-zueqafmn.txt item: #69 of 82 id: cord-330463-j4cf7vzs author: Sattar, Syed A. title: Indoor air as a vehicle for human pathogens: Introduction, objectives, and expectation of outcome date: 2016-09-02 words: 2721 flesch: 33 summary: key: cord-330463-j4cf7vzs authors: Sattar, Syed A. title: Indoor air as a vehicle for human pathogens: Introduction, objectives, and expectation of outcome date: 2016-09-02 journal: Am J Infect Control DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2016.06.010 sha: doc_id: 330463 cord_uid: j4cf7vzs Airborne spread of pathogens can be rapid, widespread, and difficult to prevent. In this international workshop, a panel of 6 experts will expound on the following: (1) the potential for indoor air to spread a wide range of human pathogens, plus engineering controls to reduce the risk for exposure to airborne infectious agents; (2) the behavior of aerosolized infectious agents indoors and the use of emerging air decontamination technologies; (3) a survey of quantitative methods to recover infectious agents and their surrogates from indoor air with regard to survival and inactivation of airborne pathogens; (4) mathematical models to predict the movement of pathogens indoors and the use of such information to optimize the benefits of air decontamination technologies; and (5) synergy between different infectious agents, such as legionellae and fungi, in the built environment predisposing to possible transmission-related health impacts of aerosolized biofilm-based opportunistic pathogens. keywords: agents; air; airborne; microbes; particles; pathogens; workshop cache: cord-330463-j4cf7vzs.txt plain text: cord-330463-j4cf7vzs.txt item: #70 of 82 id: cord-332365-20u06444 author: Raciti, Loredana title: Can volcanic trace elements facilitate Covid-19 diffusion? A hypothesis stemming from the Mount Etna area, Sicily date: 2020-06-27 words: 3656 flesch: 39 summary: Based on the Frontera hypothesis, heavy metal air pollutants combined to climatic conditions prolonged the permanence of the virus in the air, as well as the susceptibility to pulmonary virus infection. Then, volcanoes gases and heavy metals could contribute to air pollution of the China. keywords: air; ash; etna; gases; metals; mount; pollution; radon; sicily; volcano cache: cord-332365-20u06444.txt plain text: cord-332365-20u06444.txt item: #71 of 82 id: cord-333078-8cto831y author: Kruizinga, Matthijs D. title: Technical validity and usability of a novel smartphone‐connected spirometry device for pediatric patients with asthma and cystic fibrosis date: 2020-07-08 words: 2797 flesch: 47 summary: Concordance between Air Next spirometry and conventional spirometry was assessed using the methods described by Altman and Bland. Spirometry measurements at home were graded for quality and the number of maneuvers assigned to each grade were summarized descriptively. keywords: air; asthma; device; fev1; fvc; spirometry; study cache: cord-333078-8cto831y.txt plain text: cord-333078-8cto831y.txt item: #72 of 82 id: cord-337316-ialg7d7e author: Cori, Liliana title: Risk Perception of Air Pollution: A Systematic Review Focused on Particulate Matter Exposure date: 2020-09-03 words: 9409 flesch: 41 summary: [70] , in six states in the USA, together with air pollution perception, symptoms and behaviors were considered to elucidate the consequences of individual behavioral change in terms of coping with smog pollution in the first article [34] and the consequences of alerts in the second [70] , Several research papers have dealt with the issue of risk communication and alerts and their effects on the population's risk perception [41, 48, 69, 71, 73] . The purpose of this study was to explore studies that analyse people’s perception, together with the measurement of air pollution, in order to elucidate the relationship between them. keywords: air; air pollution; articles; data; exposure; health; n =; perception; pollution; public; review; risk; studies; study cache: cord-337316-ialg7d7e.txt plain text: cord-337316-ialg7d7e.txt item: #73 of 82 id: cord-339540-qvub5v2e author: Chen, Chun title: A simple method for differentiating direct and indirect exposure to exhaled contaminants in mechanically ventilated rooms date: 2018-03-17 words: 7065 flesch: 43 summary: Based on this analysis, a simple method consisting of the calculation of the impact scope of exhaled air and a simple decision-tree model was developed to differentiate direct and indirect exposure. Furthermore, exhaled air can be locked in a thermally stratified layer at the height of the breathing zone created by displacement ventilation (Bjørn and Nielsen 2002; Qian et al. 2006; Olmedo et al. 2012 ). keywords: air; cases; contaminants; exposure; indirect; person; ventilation cache: cord-339540-qvub5v2e.txt plain text: cord-339540-qvub5v2e.txt item: #74 of 82 id: cord-340421-i0fjr2vw author: Cho, Yu Sung title: Development of an automated wet-cyclone system for rapid, continuous and enriched bioaerosol sampling and its application to real-time detection date: 2019-04-01 words: 5533 flesch: 46 summary: 2(b) shows the optimized operating domains, where stable liquid films are formed at air flow rates of 12, 14 and 16 L/min. For 12 L/min, the optimal liquid supply-todrainage-flow rate ratio is around 1.12, similar to the numerical analysis result (Fig. 2(c)(ii) ). The optimal ratio slightly increased with an increasing air flow rate due to faster evaporation (1.17 and 1.22 at air flow rates of 14 and 16 L/min, respectively). keywords: air; arbsw; bioaerosol; collection; cyclone; flow; liquid; min; particle; sampling; system; time cache: cord-340421-i0fjr2vw.txt plain text: cord-340421-i0fjr2vw.txt item: #75 of 82 id: cord-341644-egbahelm author: Benmarhnia, Tarik title: Linkages Between Air Pollution and the Health Burden from COVID-19: Methodological Challenges and Opportunities date: 2020-07-17 words: 1978 flesch: 18 summary: Health Insurance, and the COVID-19 Recession Accurate statistics on COVID-19 are essential for policy guidance and decisions Long-term air pollution exposure and cardio-respiratory mortality: a review Respiratory health effects of air pollution: update on biomass smoke and traffic pollution Contribution of air pollution to COPD and small airway dysfunction Pulmonary health effects of air pollution Air pollution and respiratory viral infection COPD patients as vulnerable subpopulation for exposure to ambient air pollution Effect of outdoor air pollution on asthma exacerbations in children and adults: systematic review and multilevel meta-analysis Ambient particulate air pollution and acute lower respiratory infections: a systematic review and implications for estimating the global burden of disease PM 2.5 in Beijing-temporal pattern and its association with influenza Air pollution and case fatality of SARS in the People's Republic of China: an ecologic study Impact of long-term exposures to ambient PM2. In this commentary, methodological challenges and opportunities regarding the links between air pollution and COVID-19 are discussed with a focus on: i) the role of differential exposure to air pollution across populations and explain spatio-temporal variability of the epidemic spread and resultant mortality; ii) the indirect impacts of interventions treated as natural experiments to control COVID-19 person-to-person spread on air pollution and population health. keywords: air; covid-19; exposure; health; policies; pollution; target cache: cord-341644-egbahelm.txt plain text: cord-341644-egbahelm.txt item: #76 of 82 id: cord-344266-ug2uew71 author: Crema, E. title: The SARS-COV-2 outbreak around the Amazon rainforest: the relevance of the airborne transmission date: 2020-08-07 words: 3952 flesch: 48 summary: From a scientific point of view, this late change in positioning was the authorities' recognition that air transmission of SARS-COV-2 is an unquestionable fact. These two environments have high air humidity that allows viruses to survive much longer in droplets in suspension or deposited on surfaces. keywords: air; drops; humidity; medrxiv; preprint; sars; transmission cache: cord-344266-ug2uew71.txt plain text: cord-344266-ug2uew71.txt item: #77 of 82 id: cord-346751-x3gd19kq author: Kelly, Frank J. title: Air Pollution and Asthma: Critical Targets for Effective Action date: 2020-11-08 words: 6233 flesch: 40 summary: We know that air pollution is associated with the development and worsening of asthma and that improving air quality can result in respiratory health gains. Furthermore, recommendations must avoid advocating the use of inaccurate personal pollution-monitoring devices and any interventions designed to reduce air pollution exposure/the risk of adverse respiratory outcomes that are scientifically unproven. keywords: air; asthma; children; emissions; exposure; health; people; pollution; public; quality; respiratory; road; traffic; transport; urban cache: cord-346751-x3gd19kq.txt plain text: cord-346751-x3gd19kq.txt item: #78 of 82 id: cord-348994-ly2fop7d author: Faustini, Annunziata title: Attributable Risk to Assess the Health Impact of Air Pollution: Advances, Controversies, State of the Art and Future Needs date: 2020-06-23 words: 8164 flesch: 31 summary: 2. They can observe the same relationship under different circumstances, such as seasons, and in different populations thus making causality a more plausible interpretation of any possible association, providing that heterogeneity has been controlled for or assessed; 3. Even a weak effect of air pollution on health will constitute an important public health problem, since a unique characteristic of air pollution exposure is its ubiquity for large populations. The discussion began with Kunzli's observations [45] about the double action of air pollution on both the long-term underlying diseases and the short term risk of death: the author identified four different combinations: (a) air pollution increases the risks of both underlying diseases, leading to frailty, and of short-term mortality among the frail; (b) air pollution increases the risk of chronic diseases but is unrelated to the timing of death; (c) air pollution is unrelated to chronic diseases but short term exposure increases mortality among the frail; (d) neither underlying chronic disease nor death is related to air pollution exposure. keywords: air pollution; assessment; effects; exposure; health; health effects; impact; mortality; particulate; population; risk; studies; study; term; term exposure cache: cord-348994-ly2fop7d.txt plain text: cord-348994-ly2fop7d.txt item: #79 of 82 id: cord-349807-ar77cnsa author: Rouadi, Philip W. title: Immunopathological features of air pollution and its impact on inflammatory airway diseases (IAD) date: 2020-10-05 words: 8643 flesch: 23 summary: Taken together, controlled airway exposure studies to ambient pollutants in healthy individuals show small but significant negative health effects whereas exposure studies in allergic patients support the role of pollutants in increasing atopic airway hypersensitivity. The role of the reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress in the pathomechanism of the agerelated ocular diseases and other pathologies of the anterior and posterior eye segments in adults House dust mite -induced asthma causes oxidative damage and DNA double-strand breaks in the lungs International expert consensus on the management of allergic rhinitis (AR) aggravated by air pollutants Impact of air pollution on patients with AR: current knowledge and future strategies Combined diesel exhaust particulate and ragweed allergen challenge markedly enhances human in vivo nasal ragweed-specific IgE and skews cytokine production to a T helper cell 2-type pattern Immunomodulation and T Helper TH1/TH2 response polarization by CeO2 and TiO2 nanoparticles Association of indoor dampness and molds with rhinitis risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis Rhinitis symptoms and asthma among parents of preschool children in relation to the home environment in chongqing , China Long-term exposure to close-proximity air pollution and asthma and allergies in urban children PM 10, and children's respiratory symptoms and lung function in the PATY study Association between environmental factors and hospital visits among allergic patients: a retrospective study Science of the Total Environment Time-series studies on air pollution and daily outpatient visits for allergic rhinitis in Traffic-related air pollution and the development of asthma and allergies during the first 8 Years of life Air quality influences the prevalence of hay fever and sinusitis Traffic-related air pollution in relation to respiratory symptoms , allergic sensitisation and lung function in schoolchildren Upper airway inflammation and respiratory symptoms in domestic waste collectors An association between fine particles and asthma emergency department visits for children in Seattle Asthma and air pollutants: a time series study Environmental and occupational allergies Residential proximity to major roadways is associated with increased prevalence of allergic respiratory symptoms in children Meta-analysis of air pollution exposure association with allergic sensitization in European birth cohorts The effects of air pollution on the development of atopic disease Ambient particulate pollution and the world-wide prevalence of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema in children: phase One of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Expression of dual oxidases and secreted cytokines in chronic rhinosinusitis Expression of heme oxygenase-1 in eosinophilic and non-eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: modulation by cytokines Airborne fine particulate matter induces oxidative stress and inflammation in human nasal epithelial cells Diesel exhaust as a model xenobiotic in allergic inflammation Phase 3, single-center, sequential and parallel group, double-blind, randomized study evaluating the efficacy and safety of Fexofenadine Hydrochloride 180 mg (Allegra/Telfast) versus placebo in subjects suffering from Allergic Rhinitis with symptoms aggravated in presence of pollutants: analysis of individual symptom scores Low-level ozone has both respiratory & systemic effects in African-American adolescents with asthma despite asthma controller therapy Atopic asthmatic subjects but not atopic subjects without asthma have enhanced inflammatory response to ozone Ozone-induced inflammation is attenuated with multiday exposure Prolonged acute exposure to 0.16 ppm ozone induces eosinophilic airway inflammation in asthmatic subjects with allergies Airway cells from atopic asthmatics exposed to ozone display an enhanced innate immune gene profile Breath markers of oxidative stress and airway inflammation in seasonal allergic rhinitis Oxidative stress status and plasma trace elements in patients with asthma or allergic rhinitis Total antioxidant status and oxidative stress and their relationship to total IgE levels and eosinophil counts in children with allergic rhinitis Plasma paraoxonase activity and oxidative stress and their relationship to disease severity in children with allergic rhinitis A new oxidative stress marker for thiol-disulphide homeostasis in seasonal allergic rhinitis Oxidative stress in the airways of children with asthma and allergic rhinitis Heme oxygenase (HO)-1 is upregulated in the nasal mucosa with allergic rhinitis Overexpression of the superoxide anion and NADPH oxidase isoforms 1 and 4 (NOX1 and NOX4) in allergic nasal mucosa Influence of desloratadine on selected oxidative stress markers in patients between 3 and 10 years of age with allergic perennial rhinitis Diesel exhaust alters the response of cultured primary bronchial epithelial cells from patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae Genetic susceptibility to the respiratory effects of air pollution Effects of glutathione Stransferase gene polymorphisms and antioxidant capacity per unit albumin on the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Novel antioxidant approaches to the treatment of upper airway inflammation Effects of Nacetylcysteine on outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Bronchitis Randomized on NAC Cost-Utility Study, BRONCUS): a randomised placebo-controlled trial Antioxidant intake and allergic disease in children Effect of silymarin in the treatment of allergic rhinitis N-Acetylcysteine combined with home based physical activity: effect on health related quality of life in stable COPD patients-a randomised controlled trial Air pollutant-mediated disruption of sinonasal epithelial cell barrier function is reversed by activation of the Nrf2 pathway Potential role of antioxidant food supplements, preservatives and colorants in the pathogenesis of allergy and asthma Effects of antioxidant supplements and nutrients on patients with asthma and allergies N-acetylcysteine exerts therapeutic action in a rat model of allergic rhinitis Short-term effects of low-level air pollution on respiratory health of adults suffering from moderate to severe asthma Air pollution and asthma control in the epidemiological study on the genetics and environment of asthma Associations of PM10 and airborne iron with respiratory health of adults living near a steel factory Increased asthma medication use in association with ambient fine and ultrafine particles Increased levels of exhaled carbon monoxide in bronchiectasis: a new marker of oxidative stress Realistic indoor nanoaerosols for a human exposure facility Effects on heart rate variability by artificially generated indoor nano-sized particles in a chamber study Health effects of a mixture of indoor air volatile organics , their ozone oxidation products , and stress Sensory and cognitive effects of acute exposure to hydrogen sulfide 1998 equivalence of sensory responses to single and mixed volatile organic compounds at equimolar concentrations Exposure of humans to a volatile organic mixture . keywords: air; airway; antioxidant; asthma; cells; disease; effects; exposure; health; human; indoor; infection; model; ozone; particles; patients; pollutants; pollution; response; stress; studies cache: cord-349807-ar77cnsa.txt plain text: cord-349807-ar77cnsa.txt item: #80 of 82 id: cord-351180-g13zteit author: Park, Kyu-Tae title: Filtration and inactivation of aerosolized bacteriophage MS2 by a CNT air filter fabricated using electro-aerodynamic deposition date: 2014-08-31 words: 5278 flesch: 51 summary: In this paper, we introduced a methodology that CNT air filter can be fabricated by coating aerosolized CNTs on a filter at atmospheric pressure and room temperature condition. CNT air filter also can be fabricated by CNT growth on a filter medium via CVD process [33] , where a tube furnace need to be used. keywords: air; carbon; cnt; cnts; efficiency; fig; filter; filtration; particle; solution; substrate; virus cache: cord-351180-g13zteit.txt plain text: cord-351180-g13zteit.txt item: #81 of 82 id: cord-353209-qkhfp66l author: Steiner, Daniel J. title: Array-based analysis of SARS-CoV-2, other coronaviruses, and influenza antibodies in convalescent COVID-19 patients date: 2020-06-16 words: 2527 flesch: 36 summary: 15 We have previously reported the utility of influenza antigen arrays fabricated on the AIR platform for assessment of anti-influenza antibodies in human, animal, and avian serum, 16, 17 both as a tool for viral surveillance and for assessment of the efficacy of a candidate vaccine. Other coronavirus antigens including nucleocapsid (N) are also likely candidates for addition to the array, as they are known to produce an immune response (as seen in the ELISA results, for example). keywords: air; antibodies; antibody; antigen; array; cov-2; influenza; sars cache: cord-353209-qkhfp66l.txt plain text: cord-353209-qkhfp66l.txt item: #82 of 82 id: cord-355567-60sfv60p author: Azuma, Kenichi title: Environmental factors involved in SARS-CoV-2 transmission: effect and role of indoor environmental quality in the strategy for COVID-19 infection control date: 2020-11-03 words: 9233 flesch: 37 summary: World Health Organization Saliva: potential diagnostic value and transmission of 2019-nCoV Measures against COVID-19 concerning Summer Indoor Environment in Japan Interaction of aerosol particles composed of protein and salts with water vapor: hygroscopic growth and microstructural rearrangement Study on thermal environmental ununiformity in office buildings Survey on control of indoor air environment in office buildings: Part5 evaluation of thermal environment by domestic and international standards Wells revisited: infectious particles vs. quanta of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection-don't get them confused Risk of indoor airborne infection transmission estimated from carbon dioxide concentration A probabilistic transmission dynamic model to assess indoor airborne infection risks Potential for airborne transmission of infection in the waiting areas of healthcare premises: stochastic analysis using a Monte Carlo model Review and comparison between the Wells-Riley and dose response approaches to risk assessment of infectious respiratory diseases Airborne infection. Theoretical limits of protection achievable by building ventilation The detection of airborne transmission of tuberculosis from HIV-infected patients, using an in vivo air sampling model A probabilistic transmission model to assess infection risk from mycobacterium tuberculosis in commercial passenger trains Spatial distribution of infection risk of SARS transmission in a hospital ward Airborne spread of measles in a suburban elementary school Cleaning the air: the theory and application of ultraviolet air disinfection HVAC filtration and the Wells-Riley approach to assessing risks of infectious airborne diseases Association of infected probability of COVID-19 with ventilation rates in confined spaces: a Wells-Riley equation based investigation Characterization of expiration air jets and droplet size distributions immediately at the mouth opening Size distribution and sites of origin of droplets expelled from the human respiratory tract during expiratory activities Airborne spread of expiratory droplet nuclei between the occupants of indoor environments: A review ASHRAE position document on airborne infectious diseases HVAC filtration for controlling infectious airborne disease transmission in indoor environments: predicting risk reductions and operational costs The history of ultraviolet germicidal irradiation for air disinfection Guidelines for environmental infection control in health-care facilities ASHRAE. keywords: air; control; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; droplets; environmental; infection; particles; rate; sars; spaces; surfaces; transmission; ventilation; virus cache: cord-355567-60sfv60p.txt plain text: cord-355567-60sfv60p.txt