item: #1 of 140 id: cord-001060-9g8rwsm1 author: Arruebo, Manuel title: Assessment of the Evolution of Cancer Treatment Therapies date: 2011-08-12 words: 10518 flesch: 30 summary: An example of a retroviral vector in cancer gene therapy is Rexin-G£, currently in clinical trials for advanced pancreatic, metastatic breast cancer, osteosarcoma and soft tissue sarcoma The combined thermal and gene therapy treatment significantly arrested tumor growth in nude mice, which encouraged the refinement of this type of cancer gene therapy, which was then successfully tested in preclinical studies [129] . keywords: absorption; acid; active; addition; advanced; advantages; agents; antibodies; antibody; antigen; applications; available; biological; blood; breast; cancer; cancer cells; cancer gene; cancer therapy; cancer treatment; carriers; cells; chain; chemotherapy; chimeric; clinical; clinical trials; combination; companies; complete; conventional; delivery; development; diagnosis; different; disease; dna; drugs; effects; efficacy; efficient; evolution; example; expression; fda; field; figure; folate; folic; fragment; gene; gene therapy; generation; genetic; gold; groups; growth; half; head; heat; high; history; hodgkin; human; hyperthermia; imaging; immune; immunoconjugates; immunogenicity; immunotherapy; increase; inorganic; known; large; leukemia; life; light; liposomes; low; mabs; magnetic; main; market; melanoma; mice; molecules; monoclonal; mouse; mri; murine; nanoparticles; nanoshells; neck; new; nir; non; number; numerous; p53; patients; pdt; peg; pharmaceutical; phase; photodynamic; photosensitizers; photothermal; plasmid; potential; practice; preclinical; problems; production; products; promising; properties; prostate; proteins; radiation; radiotherapy; recent; required; research; researchers; response; results; review; significant; single; solid; specific; specificity; structure; studies; surface; surgery; survival; synthesis; synthetic; systems; targeted; targeting; techniques; terms; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; tissue; toxicity; transgenic; treatment; trials; tumor; tumor cells; types; use; variable; vectors; viral; vivo; years cache: cord-001060-9g8rwsm1.txt plain text: cord-001060-9g8rwsm1.txt item: #2 of 140 id: cord-001074-qevosik3 author: Selvarajah, Suganya title: A Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody Targeting the Acid-Sensitive Region in Chikungunya Virus E2 Protects from Disease date: 2013-09-12 words: 7646 flesch: 47 summary: Shotgun mutagenesis alanine scanning of 98 percent of the residues in the E1 and E2 glycoproteins of CHIKV envelope showed that the epitope bound by C9 included amino-acid 162 in the acid-sensitive region (ASR) of the CHIKV E2 glycoprotein. The ASR is critical for the rearrangement of CHIKV E2 during fusion and viral entry into host cells, and we predict that C9 prevents these events from occurring. keywords: a162; acid; adult; alanine; alphavirus; amino; animal; antibodies; antibody; arthritis; asr; assay; binding; biosensor; cells; characterization; chikungunya; chikv; clones; control; critical; crystal; data; day; determined; disease; display; domain; entry; envelope; epidemic; epitope; exposure; expression; figure; following; foot; fortebio; fusion; glycoprotein; high; hours; human; igg; incubated; individuals; infected; infection; intact; isolation; library; live; loop; mab; mabs; membrane; mice; model; monoclonal; mouse; mutant; mutation; native; neutralization; neutralizing; order; outbreak; pdb; phage; potent; protection; protein; pseudovirus; purified; reactivity; recovered; region; residues; results; s27; sensitive; serum; sigma; specific; strain; structure; studies; study; tips; type; vaccine; viral; viremia; virions; virus; vivo; vlps; wild cache: cord-001074-qevosik3.txt plain text: cord-001074-qevosik3.txt item: #3 of 140 id: cord-001435-ebl8yc92 author: Hoppe, Sebastian title: Identification of Antigenic Proteins of the Nosocomial Pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae date: 2014-10-21 words: 9628 flesch: 46 summary: The structure of bacterial outer membrane proteins Identification and characterization of ompl as a potential vaccine candidate for immune-protection against salmonellosis in mice The unique structure of Haemophilus influenzae protein E reveals multiple binding sites for host factors Directed evaluation of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli autotransporter proteins as putative vaccine candidates Structure of the c-terminal domain of Neisseria heparin binding antigen (nhba), one of the main antigens of a novel vaccine against Neisseria meningitidis In vivo versus in vitro protein abundance analysis of Shigella dysenteriae type 1 reveals changes in the expression of proteins involved in virulence, stress and energy metabolism Surface expression, singlechannel analysis and membrane topology of recombinant Chlamydia trachomatis major outer membrane protein Predicting transmembrane protein topology with a hidden markov model: application to complete genomes A hidden markov model for predicting transmembrane helices in protein sequences A semi-empirical method for prediction of antigenic determinants on protein antigens New hydrophilicity scale derived from high-performance liquid chromatography peptide retention data: correlation of predicted surface residues with antigenicity and x-ray-derived accessible sites Toward the estimation of the absolute quality of individual protein structure models The rin: an rna integrity number for assigning integrity values to rna measurements Gene expression omnibus: Protein expression, lysis, and spotting of fulllength proteins were performed as described above. keywords: 37uc; a.u; addition; alanine; amino; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigens; approach; bacterial; barrel; beta; binding; buffer; cdna; cells; chamber; channel; clones; cloning; coli; consensus; control; cycles; derived; detection; diagnostic; different; enterica; epitope; expression; figure; following; fusion; gavvalsttfa; giafgavelfd; high; homology; identification; igg; immunodominant; immunogenic; incubation; infections; instructions; intensities; intensity; jejuni; kit; klebsiella; kpn_00363; kpn_00459; kpn_00466; length; libraries; library; linear; manufacturer; mapping; mean; median; membrane; method; microarray; min; model; negative; normalized; novel; number; original; pcr; peptides; plates; pneumoniae; polyclonal; position; positive; potential; predicted; primer; proteins; rabbit; reaction; reactive; reference; residues; rna; room; samples; screening; secondary; selected; sequence; signal; significant; slides; smarter; species; specificity; structure; suitable; swiss; temperature; threonine; total; valine; value cache: cord-001435-ebl8yc92.txt plain text: cord-001435-ebl8yc92.txt item: #4 of 140 id: cord-001566-kkaxha7d author: Zhang, Mao-Yu title: Development of Monoclonal Antibodies in China: Overview and Prospects date: 2015-02-25 words: 3525 flesch: 39 summary: The following examples are used to provide a holistic view of mAbs research development in China. Monoclonal antibody therapeutics: history and future Advances in the production and downstream processing of antibodies Continuous cultures of fused cells secreting antibody of predefined specificity Differences in promiscuity for antibody-FcRn interactions across species: implications for therapeutic antibodies Immunogenicity of engineered antibodies Monoclonal antibodies as innovative therapeutics Chimeric human antibody molecules: mouse antigen-binding domains with human constant region domains Reshaping human antibodies: grafting an antilysozyme activity Assembly of combinatorial antibody libraries on phage surfaces: the gene III site A surface expression vector for antibody screening By-passing immunisation: human antibodies from synthetic repertoires of germline VH gene segments rearranged in vitro Production of fully human antibodies by transgenic mice Highavidity human IgG monoclonal antibodies from a novel strain of minilocus transgenic mice Development trends for human monoclonal antibody therapeutics Monoclonal antibody-from murine to humanized The research progress and trend of biotech drugs in reseach years in China Challenges and prospects for monoclonal antibodies in China Early development of antibody therapeutics: key aspects of advancing an antibody drug from research to clinic The development and trend of antibody drugs Rituximab, an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody: history and mechanism of action Monoclonal antibody therapy of cancer Rituximab (monoclonal anti-CD20 antibody): mechanisms of action and resistance Monoclonal antibodies against human tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and use there of The efficacy and safety of a third anti-TNF monoclonal antibody in Crohn's disease after failure of two other anti-TNF antibodies Failure of treatment with anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody for longstanding POEMS syndrome Bevacizumab (Avastin), a humanized anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody for cancer therapy Efficacy and concentration-response of murine anti-VEGF monoclonal antibody in tumor-bearing mice and extrapolation to humans Pertuzumab plus trastuzumab plus docetaxel for metastatic breast cancer Antibodies to watch in 2014: mid-year update Molecular mechanisms of resistance to the EGFR monoclonal antibody cetuximab Tumor antigentargeted, monoclonal antibody-based immunotherapy: clinical response, cellular immunity, and immunoescape Monoclonal antibodies-focus point of anti-tumor drugs research Therapeutic effect of infliximab on moderate and severe active rheumatoid arthriti Construction of a single-chain Fv antibody against epidermal growth factor receptor and its antitumor activity Which are the antibodies to watch in 2013 Opportunities and challenges brought by monoclonal antibodies rapid development to biopharmaceutical in China Potent cross-reactive neutralization of SARS coronavirus isolates by human monoclonal antibodies Monoclonal antibody purification with hydroxyapatite Human antibodies for immunotherapy development generated via a human B cell hybridoma technology Current and future issues in the manufacturing and development of monoclonal antibodies New technologies for the generation of human monoclonal antibody Biopharmaceutical industrialization prospect in China based on the antibodies Challenges and opportunities of monoclonal antibody manufacturing in China Development of antibody drugs in China Fully human anti-interleukin-8 monoclonal antibodies: potential therapeutics for the treatment of inflammatory disease states Development of ABX-EGF, a fully human anti-EGF receptor monoclonal antibody, for cancer therapy Biosimilars: challenges and promises cabs workshop on biosimilar therapeutics The integrated simulation and assessment of the impacts of process change in biotherapeutic antibody production Approval of the first biosimilar antibodies in Europe: a major landmark for the biopharmaceutical industry Advances in antibody manufacturing using mammalian cells keywords: academic; activity; agents; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antitumor; articles; cancer; cfda; challenges; chimeric; china; chinese; clinical; countries; data; development; diseases; drug; enterprises; expression; future; government; high; human; immunological; important; ltd; mabs; market; medical; monoclonal; murine; paper; patent; pharmaceutical; production; products; progress; projects; publications; r&d; registry; research; rituximab; science; shanghai; table; target; technology; therapeutic; therapy; tnf; total; treatment; trials; tumor; university cache: cord-001566-kkaxha7d.txt plain text: cord-001566-kkaxha7d.txt item: #5 of 140 id: cord-001726-d7iwkatn author: Henry, Kevin A. title: Beyond phage display: non-traditional applications of the filamentous bacteriophage as a vaccine carrier, therapeutic biologic, and bioconjugation scaffold date: 2015-08-04 words: 10454 flesch: 13 summary: Filamentous bacteriophage: biology, phage display and nanotechnology applications Antigen-specific therapy of EAE via intranasal delivery of filamentous phage displaying a myelin immunodominant epitope Expression of a 28-kilodalton glutathione S-transferase antigen of Schistosoma mansoni on the surface of filamentous phages and evaluation of its vaccine potential Structural requirements for the activity of the MirB ferrisiderophore transporter of Aspergillus fumigatus Chemically linked phage idiotype vaccination in the murine B cell lymphoma 1 model Phage idiotype vaccination: first phase I/II clinical trial in patients with multiple myeloma Phage display selection of peptides that affect prostate carcinoma cells attachment and invasion A helper phage to improve single-chain antibody presentation in phage display Metagenomic analysis of viruses in reclaimed water Assessing the diversity and specificity of two freshwater viral communities through metagenomics Recombinant expression and neutralizing activity of an MHC class II binding epitope of toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 Epitope-specific antibody response to IgE by mimotope immunization Some physical-chemical and biological properties of the rod-shaped coliphage M13 Generation and characterization of phage-GnRH chemical conjugates for potential use in cat and dog immunocontraception Phage display allows identification of zona pellucida-binding peptides with species-specific properties: novel approach for development of contraceptive vaccines for wildlife Infective and inactivated filamentous phage as carriers for immunogenic peptides Vaccination with filamentous bacteriophages targeting DEC-205 induces DC maturation and potent anti-tumor T-cell responses in the absence of adjuvants The use of filamentous bacteriophage fd to deliver HLA-A2-restricted peptides and to induce strong antitumor CTL responses Selection of HIV-specific immunogenic epitopes by screening random peptide libraries with HIV-1-positive sera Application of bacteriophages for detection of foodborne pathogens Searching for peptide ligands with an epitope library De novo selection of high-affinity antibodies from synthetic Fab libraries displayed on phage as pIX fusion proteins High copy display of large proteins on phage for functional selections Filamentous fusion phage: novel expression vectors that display cloned antigens on the virion surface Effect of DNA copy number on genetic stability of phage-displayed peptides Hydroxyapatite chromatography of phage-display virions Phage display Libraries of peptides and proteins displayed on filamentous phage Generation of anti-β-amyloid antibodies via phage display technology towards Alzheimer's disease vaccination Filamentous bacteriophage as a novel therapeutic tool for Alzheimer's disease treatment Comparison of phage pVIII and KLH as vector in inducing the production of cytokines in C57BL/6J mice Bacteriophage therapy Viruses in the sea Soon thereafter, filamentous phage were discovered that do not use F-pili for entry (If and Ike; Meynell and Lawn, 1968; Khatoon et al., 1972) , and over time the list of known filamentous phage has expanded to over 60 members (Fauquet et al., 2005) , including temperate and Gram-positivetropic species. keywords: ability; activity; administration; advantages; affinity; alzheimer; amyloid; antibodies; antibody; antigen; applications; approach; assembly; associated; bacterial; bacteriophage; binding; biomolecules; brain; breast; cancer; carrier; cell; characteristics; chen; chronic; class; coat; coat protein; coli; copies; copy; cross; ctls; delivery; detection; development; directed; disease; display; diverse; dna; drug; environmental; epitope; et al; evolution; experimental; expression; figure; filamentous; filamentous bacteriophage; filamentous phage; frenkel; fusion; gene; generation; genetic; genome; groups; hagens; helper; henry; hepatitis; high; hiv-1; host; houten; houten et; human; hybrid; imaging; immune; immunization; immunogenic; immunogenicity; infection; interactions; interest; landscape; large; lattice; libraries; library; ligands; like; long; lps; m13; m13 phage; major; mhc; mice; mimics; mimotopes; model; modified; molecules; multiple; nanomaterials; nanowires; natural; non; novel; number; particle; pathogens; peptide; phage; phage display; polypeptide; populations; potential; production; properties; prostate; protective; protein; pviii; random; recombinant; research; residues; responses; results; roehnisch; role; salmonella; scfv; selection; short; single; size; smith; species; specific; specificity; structure; studies; study; surface; system; table; targeted; targeting; technology; therapeutic; therapy; traditional; tumor; type; typhimurium; unique; use; vaccination; vaccine; van; variants; vibrio; viral; virion; virulence; virus; viruses; vivo; wang; wang et; water; work cache: cord-001726-d7iwkatn.txt plain text: cord-001726-d7iwkatn.txt item: #6 of 140 id: cord-002153-e0zhq18g author: Yang, Danlin title: Efficient Qualitative and Quantitative Determination of Antigen-induced Immune Responses date: 2016-07-29 words: 7964 flesch: 34 summary: In summary, we have demonstrated that a combination of sensitive methods can be integrated into the antibody generation platform to help identify animal hosts exhibiting high affinity antibody responses and maximal epitope diversities. Because antibody binding inhibits deuterium exchange in the epitope regions, peptides exhibiting shifts in mass are associated with antibody epitopes. keywords: acetate; addition; affinities; affinity; analysis; animals; antibodies; antibody; antibody responses; antigen; apparent; baff; binding; buffer; collected; column; concentration; control; data; detection; deuterium; development; different; diluted; dissociation; dl11; elisa; elution; epitope; exchange; experimental; fig; generation; hdx; high; human; hybridoma; iggs; il-13; immune; immunization; immunized; important; information; interactions; limit; mabs; mapping; mass; max; methods; mice; min; molecular; monoclonal; mouse; pbs; peptide; phynexus; platform; process; protection; protein; purification; purified; qar; quality; rate; receptor; recovery; regions; resonance; responses; results; samples; sds; sensitive; sequence; sera; serum; serum iggs; serum samples; sodium; software; solution; specific; specific iggs; spr; steps; surface; system; table; therapeutic; time; total; vaccine; values; workflow cache: cord-002153-e0zhq18g.txt plain text: cord-002153-e0zhq18g.txt item: #7 of 140 id: cord-002710-e8im13go author: Taschuk, Ryan title: Induction of PrP(Sc)-specific systemic and mucosal immune responses in white-tailed deer with an oral vaccine for chronic wasting disease date: 2017-10-02 words: 5426 flesch: 34 summary: 38, 39 The majority of efforts to develop prion vaccines have been in the context of injected delivery which could have application for farmed animals. To date, three DSEs have been translated into injected vaccines that induce PrP Sc antibody responses. keywords: adenovirus; affinity; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assays; brain; carrier; cells; cervid; chronic; control; corresponding; cwd; data; days; deer; delivery; development; disease; dna; dse; efforts; elisa; epitope; expression; fecal; fig; fusion; glycoprotein; group; had5; hek293; human; immune; immunization; immunized; induction; infected; infection; isolated; loop; management; mice; mucosal; negative; non; oral; parenteral; pcr; peptide; polyclonal; populations; potential; prion; protein; prp; rabies; reactivity; recombinant; replication; responses; samples; sequence; serum; shedding; specific; systemic; tgg; tissue; titers; vaccination; vaccine; vector; viral; white; wildlife; yml cache: cord-002710-e8im13go.txt plain text: cord-002710-e8im13go.txt item: #8 of 140 id: cord-002846-la9svzml author: Strohl, William R. title: Current progress in innovative engineered antibodies date: 2017-08-18 words: 13143 flesch: 25 summary: Moreover, the potency of T cell redirected bispecific antibodies depends on the affinity of the arms for each antigen. Even with the absence of Fc activity, many treatments with T cell redirecting bispecific antibodies are accompanied by cytokine storms that need to be addressed as part of the therapeutic paradigm . keywords: activation; active; activity; adcs; affinity; antibodies; antibody; antigen; approach; approved; area; arm; b cell; barrier; bbb; beck; beck et; binding; biologics; bispecific; bispecific antibodies; bivalent; blood; boado; brain; cancer; cancer cells; candidates; car; cars; cd19; cd3e; cell; cellular; chain; checkpoint; chimeric; class; clinical; clinical stage; clinical trials; complement; conjugates; current; cytokine; cytosol; cytotoxicity; delivery; dependent; design; development; different; diseases; domain; drug; early; effector; effects; efficacy; efficient; egfr; endothelial; engineering; enhanced; enzyme; erbb2; et al; exciting; expression; factor; fc fusion; fold; formats; forms; fragments; functions; fusion; future; generation; growth; half; her2; high; hiv; human; igg; igg1; iggs; iii; immune; immunocytokines; immunoglobulin; immunotherapy; improved; indications; innovative; interest; intracellular; june; killing; life; ligand; lim; line; linker; low; mab; mabs; major; malignancies; market; mice; mixture; modified; modulation; molecules; monoclonal; mouse; multiple; naked; names; new; non; novel; oncology; oncolytic; past; patients; pd-1; peptide; phase; platform; potency; potential; preclinical; proteins; recent; receptor; recombinant; redirection; regulatory; responses; safety; scfv; second; signal; significant; single; site; size; stage; strohl; surface; system; t cell; table; targeted; targeting; targets; technology; tetravalent; tfrc; therapeutic; therapy; tnf; treatment; trials; tsuchikama; tumor; type; unique; use; variable; vegf; viral; virus; viruses; vivo; years cache: cord-002846-la9svzml.txt plain text: cord-002846-la9svzml.txt item: #9 of 140 id: cord-003435-ke0az7nf author: Schlake, Thomas title: mRNA as novel technology for passive immunotherapy date: 2018-10-17 words: 15222 flesch: 37 summary: Dual targeting strategies with bispecific antibodies Diabodies: small bivalent and bispecific antibody fragments Single-chain mono-and bispecific antibody derivatives with novel biological properties and antitumour activity from a COS cell transient expression system Immunotherapeutic perspective for bispecific antibodies Antibody pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics Elimination mechanisms of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies Bispecific antibodies rise again Clinical use of blinatumomab for B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adults Tailoring structure-function and pharmacokinetic properties of single-chain Fv proteins by site-specific PEGylation Strategies to extend plasma half-lives of recombinant antibodies Properties, production, and applications of camelid single-domain antibody fragments Transmigration of beta amyloid specific heavy chain antibody fragments across the in vitro blood-brain barrier Protective effect of different anti-rabies virus VHH constructs against rabies disease in mice Post-exposure treatment with anti-rabies VHH and vaccine significantly improves protection of mice from lethal rabies infection A mAb recognizing a surface antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis enhances host survival Antibodies to a cell surface histone-like protein protect against Histoplasma capsulatum Monoclonal antibodies for prophylactic and therapeutic use against viral infections Single-chain fragment variable passive immunotherapies for neurodegenerative diseases Human respiratory syncytial virus and other viral infections in infants receiving palivizumab Bezlotoxumab (Zinplava) for prevention of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection Depletion of B cells in vivo by a chimeric mouse human monoclonal antibody to CD20 Rituximab, an anti-cd20 monoclonal antibody: history and mechanism of action Targeted therapy with the T-cell-engaging antibody blinatumomab of chemotherapy-refractory minimal residual disease in B-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients results in high response rate and prolonged leukemia-free survival Blinatumomab: a bispecific T cell engager (BiTE) antibody against CD19/CD3 for refractory acute lymphoid leukemia Alternative molecular formats and therapeutic applications for bispecific antibodies Adoptive T-cell immunotherapy T-cell therapy: options for infectious diseases Cancer regression in patients after transfer of genetically engineered lymphocytes Chimeric antigen receptor-and TCR-modified T cells enter main street and wall street Adoptive cell transfer as personalized immunotherapy for human cancer Gene therapy with human and mouse T-cell receptors mediates cancer regression and targets normal tissues expressing cognate antigen Tumor regression in patients with metastatic synovial cell sarcoma and melanoma using genetically engineered lymphocytes reactive with NY-ESO-1 T cells targeting carcinoembryonic antigen can mediate regression of metastatic colorectal cancer but induce severe transient colitis Adoptive transfer of T-cell immunity: gene transfer with MHC-restricted receptors Transgenic TCR expression: comparison of single chain with full-length receptor constructs for T-cell function Independent association of T cell receptor beta and gamma chains with CD3 in the same cell Surface expression of only gamma delta and/or alpha beta T cell receptor heterodimers by cells with four (alpha, beta, gamma, delta) functional receptor chains Alpha beta T cell receptor transfer to gamma delta T cells generates functional effector cells without mixed TCR dimers in vivo TALENmediated editing of endogenous T-cell receptors facilitates efficient reprogramming of T lymphocytes by lentiviral gene transfer Optimizing T-cell receptor gene therapy for hematologic malignancies Expression of immunoglobulin-T-cell receptor chimeric molecules as functional receptors with antibody-type specificity The T-body approach: potential for cancer immunotherapy The basic principles of chimeric antigen receptor design Specific activation and targeting of cytotoxic lymphocytes through chimeric single chains consisting of antibody-binding domains and the gamma or zeta subunits of the immunoglobulin and T-cell receptors Chimeric antigen receptors for T cell immunotherapy: current understanding and future directions Structural design of engineered costimulation determines tumor rejection kinetics and persistence of CAR T cells Chimeric antigen receptors modified T-cells for cancer therapy Adoptive T cell transfer for cancer immunotherapy in the era of synthetic biology Adoptive immunotherapy for cancer: harnessing the T cell response Chimeric antigen receptor T cells for sustained remissions in leukemia CD19 CAR-T cells of defined CD4 + :CD8 + composition in adult B cell ALL patients T cells expressing CD19 chimeric antigen receptors for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in children and young adults: a phase 1 dose-escalation trial Chimeric antigen receptor-modified T cells for the treatment of solid tumors: defining the challenges and next steps State-of-the-art gene-based therapies: the road ahead Going viral: chimeric antigen receptor T-cell therapy for hematological malignancies Case report of a serious adverse event following the administration of T cells transduced with a chimeric antigen receptor recognizing ERBB2 Treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma with autologous T-lymphocytes genetically retargeted against carbonic anhydrase IX: first clinical experience Treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma with CAIX CAR-engineered T cells: clinical evaluation and management of on-target toxicity B-cell depletion and remissions of malignancy along with cytokineassociated toxicity in a clinical trial of anti-CD19 chimericantigen-receptor-transduced T cells Clinical development of CAR T cells-challenges and opportunities in translating innovative treatment concepts Current concepts in the diagnosis and management of cytokine release syndrome Preventing and exploiting the oncogenic potential of integrating gene vectors Gene therapy. To this end, T cells can be equipped with an additional T-cell receptor (TCR) or a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) keywords: aav; activation; active; activity; addition; administration; adoptive; analog; animals; antibodies; antibody; antibody expression; antigen; antitumor; arca; associated; authors; bacterial; beta; binding; bite; cancer; cap; cap0; cap1; car; case; cd19; cells; cellular; chain; challenge; chimeric; clearance; clinical; codon; comparison; consequence; contrast; control; cytotoxicity; data; days; delivery; dendritic; dependent; development; different; diseases; dna; domain; dose; effect; effective; efficacy; efficient; electroporation; elements; encoding; endogenous; enhanced; exposure; expression; fig; formats; formulation; fragments; function; gamma; gene; generation; globulin; group; half; heavy; high; hiv-1; hplc; human; igg; immune; immunity; immunization; immunogenicity; immunostimulation; immunotherapy; important; improved; induced; infectious; injection; innate; instance; intracellular; ivt; large; leukemia; levels; life; light; like; lipid; lnps; long; lymphocytes; mammalian; messenger; mice; model; modification; modified; molecules; monoclonal; mouse; mrna; nanoparticles; neutralizing; non; novel; nsg; nucleotides; observed; passive; patients; pharmacokinetics; plasma; poly(a; potential; preparations; production; protein; protein expression; pseudouridine; purification; rabies; receptor; recognition; recombinant; response; rituximab; role; safety; scfv; sequence; serum; short; single; size; specific; stability; structure; studies; study; subcutaneous; substantial; surface; system; systemic; t cells; tail; target; targeting; tcr; technology; therapeutic; therapies; thran; time; titers; transcribed; transfection; transfer; transient; translation; treatment; tumor; type; usage; use; vaccination; variable; vectors; viral; virus; vivo; vrc01; week; work cache: cord-003435-ke0az7nf.txt plain text: cord-003435-ke0az7nf.txt item: #10 of 140 id: cord-004167-r2s0gks8 author: Cutts, Julia C. title: Pregnancy-specific malarial immunity and risk of malaria in pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes: a systematic review date: 2020-01-16 words: 8607 flesch: 32 summary: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies (published up to 07 June 2019) of pregnant women living in P. falciparum endemic areas that examined antibody responses to pregnancy-specific P. falciparum antigens and outcomes including placental malaria, low birthweight, preterm birth, peripheral parasitaemia, maternal anaemia, and severe malaria. Included studies varied in terms of antigens tested, methodology used to measure antibody responses, and epidemiological setting. keywords: additional; adhesion; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antibody responses; antigens; associated; association; authors; bias; binding; birth; birthweight; blood; case; chondroitin; clinical; cohort; control; criteria; cross; data; delivery; development; domains; effect; estimates; evidence; falciparum; fig; file; functional; high; igg; immunity; inclusion; infected; infection; isolates; levels; low; malaria; maternal; meta; multigravidae; multiple; narrative; non; odds; original; outcomes; parasitaemia; parasite; peripheral; placental; placental infection; placental malaria; plasmodium; plasmodium falciparum; population; positive; prbc; pregnancy; pregnant; primigravidae; protection; recombinant; responses; review; risk; sectional; specific; studies; study; sulfate; surface; systematic; terms; time; transmission; trimester; vaccine; var2csa; variant; women cache: cord-004167-r2s0gks8.txt plain text: cord-004167-r2s0gks8.txt item: #11 of 140 id: cord-004247-lagv3tp7 author: Hooft van Huijsduijnen, Rob title: Reassessing therapeutic antibodies for neglected and tropical diseases date: 2020-01-30 words: 6767 flesch: 40 summary: In 2 cases, the specific antibodies produced could be identified using B cell cloning [81] or after infection of mice genetically modified to express human antibody repertoires Other recent successes have included new antibodies for use in viral diseases, including HIV. keywords: a1111111111; activity; addition; ade; adult; antibodies; antibody; antifungal; antigen; approach; cases; cell; clinical; cost; cryptococcus; cycle; decades; dengue; denv; development; discovery; diseases; dose; drug; effective; estimates; fda; fungal; global; health; high; hiv; host; human; immune; immunity; immunization; important; infected; infection; initial; levels; life; long; low; mabs; major; malaria; medicines; mice; model; monoclonal; mortality; murine; mutations; neoformans; neutralizing; new; parasite; passive; pathogens; patients; phase; plasmodium; pneumocystis; possible; potential; prophylaxis; protection; protein; range; recent; research; response; rsv; schistosomiasis; season; serotypes; severe; single; small; studies; surface; target; therapeutic; therapy; treatment; trials; tropical; use; vaccine; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; worms; year cache: cord-004247-lagv3tp7.txt plain text: cord-004247-lagv3tp7.txt item: #12 of 140 id: cord-005409-8mbqkzpu author: Cichon, G title: Complement activation by recombinant adenoviruses date: 2002-01-24 words: 4026 flesch: 35 summary: key: cord-005409-8mbqkzpu authors: Cichon, G; Boeckh-Herwig, S; Schmidt, HH; Wehnes, E; Müller, T; Pring-Akerblom, P; Burger, R title: Complement activation by recombinant adenoviruses date: 2002-01-24 journal: Gene Ther DOI: 10.1038/ sha: doc_id: 5409 cord_uid: 8mbqkzpu Recombinant adenoviruses are currently the most important vector system in gene therapy. Analyzing the nature of anti-adenoviral antibodies showed, that not only antibodies with neutralizing properties (anti-Ad5), but also non-neutralizing anti-adenoviral antibodies are capable of complement activation. keywords: activation; ad5; addition; adenoviral; adenoviruses; antibodies; antibody; application; blood; c3a; cells; challenge; citrate; clinical; complement; complement activation; complexes; concentration; data; desarg; different; distress; dose; edta; egta; elisa; failure; figure; gene; germany; human; induced; inflammatory; level; local; min; neutralizing; organ; particles; pathway; patients; plasma; protein; reactions; recombinant; release; respiratory; risk; samples; serotype; syndrome; system; systemic; therapy; titers; virus; vivo cache: cord-005409-8mbqkzpu.txt plain text: cord-005409-8mbqkzpu.txt item: #13 of 140 id: cord-005827-wjkbrfkn author: Schmidt, Rüdiger title: Antiphospholipidantikörpersyndrom date: 1999 words: 3375 flesch: 19 summary: LA and ACA occur in a variety of clinical conditions (secondary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, SAPS), including other autoimmune disorders, infectious diseases, neoplastic disorders, in association with the use of certain drugs or in otherwise healthy individuals (primary antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, PAPS). Phospholipid antibodies in alcoholic liver disease Haemorrhagic disorder caused by circulating anticoa6nalant in patients with dissimlnated lupus r Repeated fetal [oss associated with antiphospholipid ant• a collabon, tive randomized t¡ comparing prednisolone to Iow dose heparin treatment Dowling-Degos disease and Kitamura's reticutate acropigmenr.ation: support for the concept ofa single disease Multiple transient ischaemic attacks, lupus anticoagmlant and verrucous endocarditis Long-term iloprost int'usion therapy for severe pulmonary hypertension in patients with connective tissue diseases Diagnostic methodologies for circulating an¡ coagnlants Specific antiplatelet autoantibodir in patients with antiphospholipid antibodies and thrombocytopenia Acquired inhibitors ofblood coagulation The prevalence ofan¡ antibodies in a healthy dderly population and its association with antinuclear antibodies Venous infarction of the adrenal glands Acquired circulating anticoagulants in systemic collagen disease Cardiac valve involve-ment in systemic lupus erythematosus and primar':' antiphospholipid syndrome: lack of correlation with antiphospholipid antibodies Inbibidon ofphospholipid-dependent coagulation reactions by antiphospholipid antibodies: possible mechanisms of action Valvular heart disease in the primary antiphospholipid syndrome Aduh respiratory distress syndrome associated with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome Antiphospbolipid antibodies and venous thromboembolism A family study of anticardiolipin antibodies and associated clinical conditions Neurobehavioral presentations of the antiphospholipid antibody syndrome Antiphospholipid syndrome and cutaneous vasoocclusive disorders Occlusiv vasculopathy in systemic lupus erythematosus. keywords: aca; als; antibodies; antibody; anticardiolipin; anticoagulant; antikoagulation; antiphospholipid; antiphospholipidsyndrom; apa; appearance; association; assoziiert; auch; auf; auftreten; bei; beim; beobachtet; beschrieben; bis; budd; bzw; cardiac; catastrophic; cerebral; chiari; clinical; conditions; das; dem; der; des; dieses; disease; disorders; distress; drugs; eine; erythematosus; events; fetal; frauen; growth; healthy; heart; hemolytic; hypertension; hypertonie; ille; infarction; intestinal; iren; irer; ist; k6nnen; kann; katastrophalen; knapp; komplikationen; korrelation; korreliert; lassen; long; losses; lupus; lupusantikoagulans; lupusantikoagulanssyndrom; malignant; manifestations; mikroangiopathie; mit; myocardial; nachweis; nicht; nur; oder; ohne; orale; paps; patienten; patients; pholipidantik6rper; population; positive; prevalence; prim; primary; recurrent; renal; respiratory; retardation; reticularis; rinden; ron; sein; sich; sind; sle; soll; sowie; sowohl; stehen; study; syndrome; systemic; systemischem; term; therapie; therapy; thrombocytopenia; thromboembolische; thromboserisiko; thrombosis; treatment; und; valve; viertel; von; vordergrund; werden; zum; zur; zwischen cache: cord-005827-wjkbrfkn.txt plain text: cord-005827-wjkbrfkn.txt item: #14 of 140 id: cord-005913-1vo1o6w8 author: Matis, Louis A. title: Complement-specific antibodies: Designing novel anti-inflammatories date: 1995 words: 1920 flesch: 22 summary: Using a monoclonal antibody specific for mouse CS, we have shown that systemic anti-CS monoclonal antibody administration efficiently inhibited complement in vivo (inhibiting serum haemolytic activity for as long as six to seven days after a single intravenous injection), and that treatment with anti-CS monoclonal antibody was therapeutically effective in two distinct models of immune complex nephritis and autoimmune disease (Y. Wang et al., manuscript in preparation). In these models, continuous treatment with anti-CS monoclonal antibody for up to six months was not associated with any negative side effects. keywords: ability; activation; activity; addition; affinity; alternative; antibodies; antibody; classical; clinical; cntf; complement; complex; csa; disease; display; distinct; high; human; immune; immunoglobulin; inflammation; inflammatory; membrane; models; molecules; monoclonal; mouse; pathways; potent; protein; recombinant; scfv; serum; specific; system; therapy; tissue; tumour; vivo cache: cord-005913-1vo1o6w8.txt plain text: cord-005913-1vo1o6w8.txt item: #15 of 140 id: cord-009446-8keu2uay author: Kreer, Christoph title: Exploiting B Cell Receptor Analyses to Inform on HIV-1 Vaccination Strategies date: 2020-01-01 words: 6697 flesch: 32 summary: A platform for querying and analyzing antibody/B-cell and T-cell receptor repertoire data across federated repositories Computational Strategies for Dissecting the High-Dimensional Complexity of Adaptive Immune Repertoires Potent and broad HIV-neutralizing antibodies in memory B cells and plasma Identification of Near-Pan-neutralizing Antibodies against HIV-1 by Deconvolution of Plasma Humoral Responses Recent progress in broadly neutralizing antibodies to HIV Virologic effects of broadly neutralizing antibody VRC01 administration during chronic HIV-1 infection Viraemia suppressed in HIV-1-infected humans by broadly neutralizing antibody 3BNC117 Effect of HIV Antibody VRC01 on Viral Rebound after Treatment Interruption HIV-1 antibody 3BNC117 suppresses viral rebound in humans during treatment interruption Antibody 10-1074 suppresses viremia in HIV-1-infected individuals Safety and antiviral activity of combination HIV-1 broadly neutralizing antibodies in viremic individuals Combination therapy with anti-HIV-1 antibodies maintains viral suppression Highly potent HIV-specific antibody neutralization in vitro translates into effective protection against mucosal SHIV challenge in vivo Passive transfer of modest titers of potent and broadly neutralizing anti-HIV monoclonal antibodies block SHIV infection in macaques A single injection of anti-HIV-1 antibodies protects against repeated SHIV challenges Broadly neutralizing antibodies targeting the HIV-1 envelope V2 apex confer protection against a clade C SHIV challenge Structural Repertoire of HIV-1-Neutralizing Antibodies Targeting the CD4 Supersite in 14 Donors Multidonor analysis reveals structural elements, genetic determinants, and maturation pathway for HIV-1 neutralization by VRC01-class antibodies Focused evolution of HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies revealed by structures and deep sequencing Identification of a CD4-Binding-Site Antibody to HIV that Evolved Near-Pan Neutralization Breadth Rapid and Focused Maturation of a VRC01-Class HIV Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Lineage Involves Both Binding and Accommodation of the N276-Glycan Delineating antibody recognition in polyclonal sera from patterns of HIV-1 isolate neutralization Lower IgG somatic hypermutation rates during acute dengue virus infection is compatible with a germinal center-independent B cell response B cell gene signature with massive intrahepatic production of antibodies to hepatitis B core antigen in hepatitis B virus-associated acute liver failure Infant and adult human B cell responses to rotavirus share common immunodominant variable gene repertoires VH1-46 is the dominant immunoglobulin heavy chain gene segment in rotavirus-specific memory B cells expressing the intestinal homing receptor alpha4beta7 Immunodominance of the VH1-46 antibody gene segment in the primary repertoire of human rotavirus-specific B cells is reduced in the memory compartment through somatic mutation of nondominant clones Ability to develop broadly neutralizing HIV-1 antibodies is not restricted by the germline Ig gene repertoire Structural and functional bases for broad-spectrum neutralization of avian and human influenza A viruses Heterosubtypic neutralizing antibodies are produced by individuals immunized with a seasonal influenza vaccine Rapid development of broadly influenza neutralizing antibodies through redundant mutations electrofusion and Epstein-Barr virus transformation for peripheral blood lymphocyte immortalization B-cell repertoire dynamics after sequential hepatitis B vaccination and evidence for cross-reactive B-cell activation Human responses to influenza vaccination show seroconversion signatures and convergent antibody rearrangements Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies for Ebola Virus Infection Derived from Vaccinated Humans Isolation of potent neutralizing antibodies from a survivor of the 2014 Ebola virus outbreak Molecular ontogeny of the human antibody repertoire to the Haemophilus influenzae type B polysaccharide: Expression of canonical variable regions and their variants in vaccinated infants Germline V-genes sculpt the binding site of a family of antibodies neutralizing human cytomegalovirus Structures of Preferred Human IgV Genes-Based Protective Antibodies Identify How Conserved Residues Contact Diverse Antigens and Assign Source of Specificity to CDR3 Loop Variation cross-reactivity, and function of antibodies elicited by Zika virus infection Neutralizing human antibodies prevent Zika virus replication and fetal disease in mice Neutralization of Zika virus by germline-like human monoclonal antibodies targeting cryptic epitopes on envelope domain III Preferential use of the VH5-51 gene segment by the human immune response to code for antibodies against the V3 domain of HIV-1 Structural basis for germ-line gene usage of a potent class of antibodies targeting the CD4-binding site of HIV-1 gp120 Structure of HIV-1 gp120 V1/V2 domain with broadly neutralizing antibody PG9 A Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Targets the Dynamic HIV Envelope Trimer Apex via a Long, Rigidified, and Anionic beta-Hairpin Structure Large-scale sequence and structural comparisons of human naive and antigen-experienced antibody repertoires Cardiolipin polyspecific autoreactivity in two broadly neutralizing HIV-1 antibodies HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies: keywords: activity; affinity; amino; amplification; analyses; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apex; approaches; b cell; bcr; binding; bnabs; broad; bulk; cd4; cd4bs; cdna; cdrh3; cell; chain; class; combinatorial; critical; design; development; different; diversity; end; envelope; figure; gene; generation; germline; healthy; heavy; high; higher; hiv-1; human; hypermutation; identification; immune; immunogen; immunoglobulin; individuals; induction; infection; influenza; isolation; libraries; light; like; limited; lineage; long; maturation; memory; methods; monoclonal; neutralization; neutralizing; number; pathogens; pcr; plasma; potent; potential; primer; proteins; rapid; reactive; receptor; recombinant; recombination; region; repertoire; response; sequences; sequencing; shm; single; site; somatic; sorting; specific; strategies; structural; targeting; throughput; understanding; vaccination; vaccine; variable; vh1; viral; virus; vrc01 cache: cord-009446-8keu2uay.txt plain text: cord-009446-8keu2uay.txt item: #16 of 140 id: cord-009571-mygj2nd4 author: None title: Proceedings of the 42nd annual meeting of the american rheumatism association a section of the arthritis foundation june 1 & 2, 1978 new york city abstracts of papers presented date: 2005-11-23 words: 46205 flesch: 47 summary: Ten of 11 boys had disease onset prior to sexual maturation, whereas disease began after menarche in ADCC activity between patient cells and control cells when either the mixed mononuclear population or monocyte-depleted population were studied as effectors. Urate clear-ance appears to be the major determinant of serum uric acid concentration even in sickle cell patients with urate overproduction. keywords: abnormalities; abnormality; absence; absorption; acid; activation; active; active sle; activity; acute; adcc; addition; adherent; adult; agents; aggregated; altered; amounts; amyloid; ana; analysis; animals; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; antisera; apparent; arthritis; arthritis patients; articular; aspirin; assay; assessment; associated; association; autoimmune; average; b27; bacterial; binding; biopsies; biopsy; blood; bmt; bone; buffer; calf; cartilage; cases; cause; cells; cellular; central; certain; changes; characteristics; characterized; chemotactic; children; chronic; classic; clearance; clinical; clq; cns; coated; colchicine; collagen; collagenase; column; common; complaints; complement; complexes; concentration; conditions; connective; contrast; control; correlation; counts; course; cpm; creatinine; criteria; cross; crp; crystals; csf; ctap; culture; cytotoxicity; data; day; days; decrease; defect; deficiency; definite; degradation; degree; dependent; deposits; depressed; determined; development; deviation; diagnosis; differences; different; diminished; direct; disease; disease activity; dna; dnp; dose; double; drug; duration; early; effect; effector; effusions; electron; elevated; enzyme; episodes; erythematosus; erythrocytes; established; evaluation; evidence; examination; excretion; experiments; factor; features; female; fever; findings; fixation; fluid; fold; following; followup; formation; fraction; fragments; free; frequency; function; gel; glass; glomerular; glomerulonephritis; glucose; gly; gradient; greater; group; growth; half; hdz; heat; high; higher; histone; history; hla; hours; human; hydroxyapatite; iga; igg; igm; immune; immune complexes; immunofluorescence; immunoglobulin; important; improved; improvement; inclusions; incorporation; increase; incubation; indomethacin; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; initial; interaction; involved; involvement; isolated; joint; jra; kidney; knee; laboratory; large; latex; lca; lesions; leukocyte; levels; light; like; lines; liver; long; loss; low; lower; lupus; lymphocytes; lysosomal; major; management; manifestations; marrow; material; matrix; mctd; mean; mechanisms; median; medical; medium; membrane; method; mice; microscopy; minutes; mixed; model; molecular; molecules; monocytes; mononuclear; months; motrin; mouse; muscle; native; natural; necrosis; negative; nephritis; neuronal; neutrophils; new; non; normal; nuclear; number; nzb; observed; old; onset; order; osteoarthritis; pain; parameters; passage; pathogenesis; pathway; patients; pattern; pbl; pbmc; peak; percent; period; peripheral; pge; pgs; pha; phenomenon; placebo; plasma; pmn; poly; polymyositis; population; positive; possible; pps; prednisone; preparations; presence; present; prevalence; previous; prior; procedure; production; products; progressive; prostaglandin; protein; proteinuria; pss; purified; ra patients; rabbits; radioimmunoassay; raji; rana; range; rats; raynaud; reaction; reactive; reduced; regions; relationship; release; renal; response; responsible; results; rheumatoid; rheumatoid arthritis; role; salivary; samples; sarcoidosis; scleroderma; secretion; sedimentation; sensitive; sensitivity; separate; sera; serologic; serum; severe; severity; significant; similar; single; sites; skin; sle; sle patients; sle sera; small; sodium; soluble; specific; specificity; spleen; spleen cells; ssdna; staining; standard; steroid; stimulation; strains; studies; study; subjects; supernatants; suppression; surface; surgery; suspensions; symptoms; syndrome; synovial; synovitis; synthesis; systemic; systemic lupus; t cells; table; target; technique; tests; therapy; time; tissue; tissue disease; titers; total; treatment; type; unknown; untreated; uptake; urate; uric; urinary; urine; use; values; vascular; virus; viruses; vitamin; vitro; vivo; vzl; weeks; weight; wrist; years; young cache: cord-009571-mygj2nd4.txt plain text: cord-009571-mygj2nd4.txt item: #17 of 140 id: cord-009581-bvihkf1r author: Hurd, Eric R. title: Virus antibody levels in systemic lupus erythematosus date: 2005-11-22 words: 2374 flesch: 35 summary: In a preliminary study in this laboratory (23) of viral antibody titers in patients with lupus nephritis and matched normal controls, complement fixing antibody titers were significantly elevated to a number of myxoviruses, coronavirus OC 43 and herpes simplex virus. In the case of four of the vi- statistically significant correlations between these levels and viral antibody titers. keywords: adjuvant; antibodies; antibody; antigens; brain; chronic; control; disease; elevated; erythematosus; groups; higher; levels; lupus; measles; method; mice; myxovirus; normal; nzb; overall; panencephalitis; patients; sclerosing; sera; significant; sle; structures; study; subacute; systemic; test; titers; tuberculosis; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-009581-bvihkf1r.txt plain text: cord-009581-bvihkf1r.txt item: #18 of 140 id: cord-009690-kbwz7xop author: Toubanaki, Dimitra K. title: Development of a Nanoparticle-based Lateral Flow Strip Biosensor for Visual Detection of Whole Nervous Necrosis Virus Particles date: 2020-04-16 words: 6781 flesch: 41 summary: Application of that conjugate on the LFB resulted in a strong signal in the control zone, confirming the successful conjugation of anti-nodavirus antibody to Au nanoparticles (Fig. 2e) . Effect of anti-nodavirus antibody amount on Au NPs conjugates. keywords: analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; aquaculture; assay; binding; biosensor; borax; bsa; buffer; cell; centrifugation; columns; conjugate; conjugation; control; cost; culture; detection; development; dispensing; effect; elisa; fig; fish; flow; formation; gold; high; higher; igg; immobilized; immunoassay; infected; lateral; lateral flow; lfb; lfbs; medium; membrane; min; monoclonal; nanoparticles; negative; nodavirus; nodavirus antibody; non; nps; optimal; optimum; pad; paper; plate; polyclonal; polyclonal anti; positive; present; purified; rabbit; rapid; red; resulted; results; samples; sandwich; scheme; sensitivity; serum; signal; size; solution; specific; specificity; supernatant; surface; test; times; use; velocity; viral; virions; visual; weeks; zone cache: cord-009690-kbwz7xop.txt plain text: cord-009690-kbwz7xop.txt item: #19 of 140 id: cord-010088-s9tfvtao author: None title: Oral Abstracts date: 2013-11-01 words: 43554 flesch: 46 summary: The information of blood donors with rare blood types is registered into the National Registering System for Blood Donors with Rare Blood Types by professional technician from organizations join the program. Present methods to recruit blood donors based on age, gender and occupation groups for a stable blood supply. keywords: absence; abstracts; accepted; accreditation; acid; activation; activities; activity; acute; addition; adverse; agents; aiha; aims; alleles; alloantibodies; allogeneic; amotosalen; analysis; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigens; apheresis; applied; approach; asian; assay; assessment; australia; autoimmune; availability; available; awareness; background; bacterial; basis; best; better; bleeding; blood; blood bank; blood cells; blood centers; blood collection; blood components; blood donation; blood donors; blood group; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood service; blood supply; blood transfusion; blood types; cardiac; care; cases; cause; cd36; cells; center; centre; chain; challenges; change; china; chinese; class; clear; clinical; collection; commercial; committee; common; complex; complications; concentrates; concentration; conclusion; conditions; consistent; contamination; continuous; control; cost; countries; country; criteria; critical; cross; cross blood; culture; current; data; day; days; deferral; deficient; definitions; demand; dengue; denv; detection; development; diagnosis; different; disease; distribution; dna; donations; drug; early; effective; effects; efficacy; eid; elisa; emm; errors; essential; established; events; example; expected; exposure; expression; facilities; factors; female; ffp; findings; focus; fold; following; fractionation; frequencies; frequency; frequent; fresh; function; future; gel; general; genotype; genotyping; global; goal; granulocyte; group; growth; guidelines; haemovigilance; hav; hbc; hbs; hbv; hcv; health; heparin; high; higher; history; hit; hiv; hla; hna; hospital; hpa; human; iat; identification; igg; immune; immunoglobulin; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incidents; increase; india; individuals; induced; infected; infection; inflammatory; information; initial; injury; international; inventory; investigation; iron; isbt; itp; itregs; japan; japanese; jev; key; knowledge; laboratories; laboratory; large; lead; levels; likely; limited; local; long; loss; low; lower; lps; main; major; majority; male; management; measures; mechanism; medical; medicine; medium; methods; mice; model; molecular; monitoring; months; mortality; multiple; mutations; nait; national; national blood; necessary; need; negative; neutralizing; new; non; number; obi; observed; old; order; paper; particular; party; pathogen; patients; pbm; pcr; people; period; phase; phenotype; plasma; platelet; platelet antibodies; platelet donors; platelet transfusion; pmn; pmp; pool; population; positive; positive blood; possible; post; potential; practice; prepared; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; prior; procedures; process; processes; processing; production; products; programme; protein; prt; ptr; public; quality; range; rapid; rare blood; ratio; rbcs; rccs; reactions; reactive; recent; recipients; red; red blood; red cells; refractoriness; region; regional; registry; regulatory; related; relevant; remains; reported; reporting; reports; repository; requirements; research; residual; resources; response; results; review; risk; rmp; role; routine; safety; samples; screening; second; secondary; selection; self; sequencing; serological; serology; serum; service; severe; significant; similar; singapore; single; sites; skin; small; snp; society; specific; specificity; staff; standards; state; status; step; storage; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; subtypes; sufficient; suitable; supernatant; support; surgery; surgical; symptoms; system; table; target; techniques; technologies; technology; term; terminology; tested; testing; tests; therapeutic; therapy; thrombocytopenia; time; tissue; tokyo; total; training; trali; transfusion; transfusion medicine; transfusion process; transfusion safety; transmission; treatment; types; understanding; units; university; untreated; use; useful; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; voluntary; washing; wnv; work; working; world; years cache: cord-010088-s9tfvtao.txt plain text: cord-010088-s9tfvtao.txt item: #20 of 140 id: cord-010248-ln800g5z author: Sissons, J.G. Patrick title: Antibody-Mediated Destruction of Virus-Infected Cells date: 2008-02-29 words: 15012 flesch: 41 summary: Although in all these studies of the immune response antibody is measured as neutralizing antibody, it is very likely that the same antibodies also recognize antigens on infected cells; neutralizing antibodies are directed against external proteins on the virion, which are likely to be those expressed also on infected cell membrane s. Much of the work on the relative importance of responses to individual viral antigens has been done with influenza virus. The amount of cell bound antibody required to induce lysis was determined by using measles virus-infected HeLa cells as targets and employing a binding assay with radiolabeled IgG. N o lysis occurred until a mean of greater than 5 x lo6 to 1 x lo7 molecules of IgG had bound per infected cell Perrin et al., 1976; Sissons et al., 1979a) (Fig. 5 ). keywords: ability; absence; activation; activity; adcc; addition; alternative; alternative pathway; antibodies; antibody; antigenic; antigens; antiviral; assay; associated; binding; budding; c3b; capping; cell surface; cells; classical; complement; complex; contrast; culture; cytotoxicity; dependent; depleted; different; direct; eberhard; effect; effector; enhanced; et al; evidence; experiments; expression; f(ab; fab; factor; fig; free; glycoproteins; h-2; hela; host; hours; hsv; human; igg; igg antibody; immune; immunization; important; induced; infected; infected cells; infection; influenza; interferon; killing; likely; lines; loss; lymphocytes; lysis; measles; measles virus; mechanism; membrane; mice; modulation; molecules; mouse; mumps; number; observations; oldstone; pathway; patients; pbl; perrin; plasma; polypeptides; presence; present; proc; production; properdin; proteins; purified; rabbit; rate; receptor; release; requirement; response; results; role; section; sera; serum; sissons; source; specific; sspe; studies; surface; susceptibility; synthesis; system; target; tumor; uptake; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; welsh; work cache: cord-010248-ln800g5z.txt plain text: cord-010248-ln800g5z.txt item: #21 of 140 id: cord-010570-ytv7dwr0 author: Casadevall, Arturo title: Return to the Past: The Case for Antibody-Based Therapies in Infectious Diseases date: 1995-07-17 words: 7474 flesch: 27 summary: Chemotherapy was more effective and less toxic than antibody therapy. Serum therapy reduced mortality in diphtheria, and antibody therapy continues to be used today to treat this disease keywords: activity; addition; administration; aeruginosa; animal; antibiotic; antibodies; antibody; antibody therapy; antigenic; antimicrobial; antisera; antitoxin; bacterial; blood; brain; cases; chemotherapy; chimeric; clinical; combination; cost; course; cryptococcus; cytomegalovirus; development; diphtheria; disease; dose; drugs; early; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; endotoxin; example; experimental; fever; gram; half; high; human; immune; immunity; immunoglobulin; immunosuppressed; individuals; infections; intravenous; mabs; mechanisms; meningitis; meningococcal; mice; monoclonal; monoclonal antibody; mortality; mouse; murine; negative; neoformans; neutralization; new; option; organisms; passive; pathogens; patients; pneumococcal; pneumonia; polyclonal; potential; practice; preparations; prevention; production; prophylaxis; protective; pseudomonas; rabbit; rate; recent; research; resistance; scarlet; sepsis; sera; serum; serum therapy; shock; significant; specific; specificity; studies; study; sulfanilamide; table; technology; tetanus; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; toxic; toxicity; transplant; treatment; type; use; useful; viral; virus; vitro; widespread cache: cord-010570-ytv7dwr0.txt plain text: cord-010570-ytv7dwr0.txt item: #22 of 140 id: cord-010578-uib9h1lb author: Mawle, Alison C. title: Seroepidemiology of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Case-Control Study date: 1995-12-17 words: 2573 flesch: 45 summary: Reports that viral antibody titers are elevated in CFS cases has led to the speculation that latent viruses may be reactivated in this illness as a result of an underlying perturbation of immune function, and that elevated titers of antibody to common agents may be a reflection of this disturbance. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) early antigen antibody titers were determined with a commercial ELISA (Gull Laboratories, Salt Lake City), and a titer of~I: 10 was considered positive. keywords: agents; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assay; atlanta; barr; cases; cfs; chlamydia; chronic; controls; disease; ebv; elevated; elisa; enteroviral; epstein; evidence; fatigue; group; herpesvirus; human; illness; infection; levels; measles; patients; positive; range; respiratory; samples; sera; serological; specific; stool; study; syndrome; testing; titers; vca; virus; viruses; western; years cache: cord-010578-uib9h1lb.txt plain text: cord-010578-uib9h1lb.txt item: #23 of 140 id: cord-010680-lc1onm53 author: Patel, Ami title: In Vivo Delivery of Nucleic Acid-Encoded Monoclonal Antibodies date: 2020-03-10 words: 13069 flesch: 37 summary: The original studies surrounding in vivo antibody gene delivery focused primarily on gene delivery using recombinant viral vectors such as AAV and adenovirus (Ad), which were advanced clinically, building on work in the traditional gene therapy-based field. Understanding the safety of gene delivery platforms is paramount for in vivo antibody gene delivery to progress. keywords: aav; acid; activity; additional; adeno; administration; advanced; adverse; animal; antibodies; antibody; antigen; approaches; biologics; bispecific; building; cancer; cell; chain; challenge; chikv; clinical; combination; control; cost; ctla4; data; date; days; delivery; dengue; dependent; development; different; disease; dmab; dna; dose; drug; early; ebolavirus; efficacy; electroporation; encoding; engineering; et al; evaluation; events; exposure; expression; field; fig; formulation; gene; genome; healthy; high; higher; hiv; human; hyaluronidase; igg; igg1; immune; immunity; immunogenicity; impact; important; increase; infection; influenza; informative; infusion; initial; innate; integration; lala; lethal; levels; life; likely; limited; lnp; long; mab; mab delivery; mabs; macaques; manufacturing; mice; models; modifications; modified; monoclonal; mouse; mrna; multiple; muscle; natural; need; neutralizing; new; non; novel; nucleic; optimizations; overall; parallel; patel; patients; pdna; peak; people; pharmacokinetics; phase; plasmid; plasmid dna; platforms; post; potential; preclinical; promising; protection; protein; rabies; rapid; recent; receptor; recombinant; ref; related; responses; results; safety; sequence; significant; similar; single; stability; strategies; studies; study; synthetic; system; systemic; target; technologies; term; therapy; time; traditional; translation; treatment; trial; tumor; vaccine; vectors; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; vivo delivery; vivo expression; weeks; zika cache: cord-010680-lc1onm53.txt plain text: cord-010680-lc1onm53.txt item: #24 of 140 id: cord-010991-fp8hljbq author: Rather, Shabeer Ahmad title: Antibodies generated against dextransucrase exhibit potential anticariostatic properties in Streptococcus mutans date: 2020-01-03 words: 6619 flesch: 41 summary: The effect of dextransucrase antibody on the growth of S. mutans was studied under in vitro conditions. The raised antibodies were checked for affinity with dextransucrase using dot blot assay which showed significant reactivity and further validated by immunofluorescence using confocal microscopy which confirmed specific binding of dextransucrase antibody with the cells of S. mutans. keywords: affinity; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assay; aureus; bacterial; binding; biofilm; blot; buffer; caries; cariogenic; cells; chandigarh; column; concentrations; conditions; control; cross; culture; dental; dextransucrase; dextransucrase antibody; different; diluted; dilution; dot; effect; enzyme; et al; fig; formation; glucan; glucose; glucosyltransferase; growth; heart; human; igg; india; inhibitory; kda; liver; membrane; min; mutans; oral; pbs; presence; protein; purified; rabbit; reactivity; results; role; s. mutans; samples; secondary; serum; significant; sodium; solution; specific; strains; streptococcus; sucrose; surface; times; tissues; vaccine; western; ° c cache: cord-010991-fp8hljbq.txt plain text: cord-010991-fp8hljbq.txt item: #25 of 140 id: cord-015683-a9a82of4 author: Gupta, Varsha title: Molecular Diagnostics date: 2016-10-23 words: 4776 flesch: 49 summary: This is an alternative strategy where samples containing several proteins are arrayed on slide and probed with labeled antibodies. Traditional PCR procedure includes amplification of specifi c genes ( Fig. 9.4 ) of the microorganisms and running the product on a gel. keywords: acid; addition; alzheimer; antibodies; antibody; antigen; arrays; assay; bacterial; binding; blot; cation; cells; city; clinical; detection; development; diagnosis; different; diseases; dna; dot; early; elisa; enzyme; fig; gel; genes; genetic; high; hiv; identifi; immune; infectious; interactions; limitations; low; mabs; mass; membrane; method; molecular; monoclonal; parasitic; patients; pcr; peptides; person; presence; profi; protein; rapid; results; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; settings; single; snps; species; specifi; specifi c; technique; technology; testing; tests; time; tools; use; virus; western cache: cord-015683-a9a82of4.txt plain text: cord-015683-a9a82of4.txt item: #26 of 140 id: cord-015742-nt44jcjm author: Garwes, D.J. title: Antigenicity of structural components from porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus date: 2002-11-13 words: 3605 flesch: 37 summary: Neutralising antibody was demonstrated in serum and colostrum from animals that received whole virus or preparations of surface projections whereas subviral particles failed to stimulate neutralising antibody formation. In contrast, infection of sows with live whole virus resulted in neutralising antibody of the IgG, IgM and IgA classes. keywords: activity; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; cellulose; class; colostrum; components; farrowing; filters; gastroenteritis; iga; igg; igm; immune; immunoglobulin; inactivated; infection; inoculated; inoculation; intramammary; live; neutralising; particles; piglets; porcine; preparations; projections; purified; rabbits; response; samples; sera; serum; sows; subviral; surface; svp; test; tgev; transmissible; virus cache: cord-015742-nt44jcjm.txt plain text: cord-015742-nt44jcjm.txt item: #27 of 140 id: cord-016960-xhzvp35g author: Berencsi, György title: Fetal and Neonatal Illnesses Caused or Influenced by Maternal Transplacental IgG and/or Therapeutic Antibodies Applied During Pregnancy date: 2012-03-08 words: 17740 flesch: 31 summary: Experimental systemic lupus erythemetosus could be induced in mice using immunisation with anti-idiotype antibodies (Ab2) specific to the anti-DNA-specific monoclonal antibodies (Mendlovic et al. 1989) . MELIMMUNE: anti-idiotype antibody that mimic the high molecular weight chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan antigen of melanoma cells (Pride et al. 1998; Murray et al. 2004; keywords: abatacept; abnormalities; abortion; acetylcholine; activation; activity; acute; adalimumab; adcc; administration; adult; age; agents; alpha; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; antiphospholipid; arthritis; associated; association; atresia; autoantibodies; autoimmune; autoimmunity; barré; bevacizumab; biliary; binding; biological; birth; block; blockade; blood; bowel; breast; cancer; case; cd20; cd25; cd3; cd4; cd80; cd86; cells; chain; children; chimeric; circulation; clinical; colitis; colon; combination; combined; complement; complex; complications; concentration; congenital; consequences; contrast; control; cord; crohn; cross; ctla-4; cytokines; cytotoxic; death; decrease; delivery; dengue; dependent; development; diabetes; diagnosis; different; disease; disorders; dna; domain; dose; drb1; drug; early; ebv; effect; effective; egfr; elevated; enhancement; epitopes; erythematosus; et al; etanercept; evidence; exposure; expression; factor; fetal; fetus; formation; function; gamma; gene; genetic; glycoprotein; gravis; group; growth; guillain; healthy; heart; hepatitis; her2; high; higher; hla; hodgkin; host; hres-1; human; humanized; idiotype; idiotypic; igg; igg1k; il-6; immune; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunosuppression; important; increase; induction; infants; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; infliximab; inhibition; inhibitors; integrin; interferon; intravenous; ivig; juvenile; kda; kinase; laan; levels; like; long; loss; low; lung; lupus; lymphocytes; lymphoma; management; maternal; mechanism; melanoma; mellitus; mice; microchimerism; mimicry; model; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; monoclonal antibody; months; mothers; multiple; murine; mutations; myasthenia; myeloid; natalizumab; necrosis; negative; neonatal; neonates; newborn; nieri; nieri et; non; onset; orger; outcome; pathogenesis; patients; pd-1; pentsuk; phase; placenta; platelet; positive; possible; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; present; prevention; primary; production; prolonged; protein; rate; reactive; receptor; recombinant; recurrent; reduced; regulatory; renal; respiratory; response; results; review; rheumatoid; risk; rituximab; role; rsv; sclerosis; sera; serum; severe; similar; sle; small; specific; study; surface; survival; syncytial; syndrome; systemic; t cells; targeting; term; therapeutic; therapy; tnf; tnfa; tocilizumab; tolerance; toxicity; transfer; transient; transplacental; transplantation; trastuzumab; treatment; trial; tumor; twins; ulcerative; use; vaccination; vaccine; van; viral; virus; viruses; weeks; weight; women; østensen cache: cord-016960-xhzvp35g.txt plain text: cord-016960-xhzvp35g.txt item: #28 of 140 id: cord-016966-b23o5roz author: Verhoef, Jan title: Immune response in human pathology: infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites date: 2005 words: 4305 flesch: 41 summary: In particular, the release of TNF-α (also called cachectin) and INTERLEUKIN-1 (IL-1), after the activation of host cells by endotoxin, induces hemodynamic shock. Innate immune cells recognize microbes by TOLL-LIKE RECEPTORS (see section Pathogenesis of shock), giving rise to the above production of CYTOKINES in the early phase of the response. keywords: antibiotics; antibodies; antigen; antimicrobial; bacteria; bacterium; biological; body; cause; cells; cellular; chapter; complement; cytokines; defence; diphtheria; diseases; early; effective; endotoxin; factors; fig; form; fungi; gram; hiv; host; human; humoral; iga; igg; igm; il-1; immune; important; infected; infections; inflammatory; intestine; like; lps; macrophages; micro; natural; new; non; organisms; parasites; pathogenesis; pathogens; patients; phagocytic; protection; proteins; receptor; release; resistance; response; role; shock; specific; surface; system; tnf; vaccination; vaccines; virus; viruses; wall cache: cord-016966-b23o5roz.txt plain text: cord-016966-b23o5roz.txt item: #29 of 140 id: cord-017070-05vlz5dn author: Dimitrov, Dimiter S. title: Human Monoclonal Antibodies Against HIV and Emerging Viruses date: 2008 words: 6678 flesch: 27 summary: The prospects for vaccines against HIV-1: more than a field of long-term nonprogression? HIV vaccine design and the neutralizing antibody problem Antibody-based inhibitors of HIV infection Antibody neutralization and escape by HIV-1 Efficient neutralization of primary isolates of HIV-1 by a recombinant human monoclonal antibody Recognition properties of a panel of human recombinant Fab fragments to the CD4 binding site of gp120 that show differing abilities to neutralize human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Identification and characterization of a new cross-reactive human immunodeficiency virus type 1-neutralizing human monoclonal antibody Broadly cross-reactive HIV neutralizing human monoclonal antibody Fab selected by sequential antigen panning of a phage display library Access of antibody molecules to the conserved coreceptor binding site on glycoprotein gp120 is sterically restricted on primary human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Broadly crossreactive HIV-1-neutralizing human monoclonal Fab selected for binding to gp120-CD4-CCR5 complexes Identifying epitopes of HIV-1 that induce protective antibodies Selection of a novel gp41-specific HIV-1 neutralizing human antibody by competitive antigen panning Virus isolates during acute and chronic human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection show distinct patterns of sensitivity to entry inhibitors A novel coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus as a possible cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome Identification of a novel coronavirus in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS-associated coronavirus Chronological evolution of IgM, IgA, IgG and neutralisation antibodies after infection with SARS-associated coronavirus Neutralizing antibodies in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus infection Antibody responses against SARS-coronavirus and its nucleocaspid in SARS patients Development of a safe neutralization assay for SARS-CoV and characterization of S-glycoprotein SARS corona virus peptides recognized by antibodies in the sera of convalescent cases S protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus mediates entry into hepatoma cell lines and is targeted by neutralizing antibodies in infected patients Prior infection and passive transfer of neutralizing antibody prevent replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in the respiratory tract of mice Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection of golden Syrian hamsters Replication of SARS coronavirus administered into the respiratory tract of African Green, rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys Treating severe acute respiratory syndrome with hyperimmune globulins SARS: what have we learned? Treating severe acute respiratory syndrome with hyperimmune globulins Human monoclonal antibodies to the S glycoprotein and related proteins as potential therapeutics for SARS An efficient method to make human monoclonal antibodies from memory B cells: potent neutralization of SARS coronavirus Evasion of antibody neutralization in emerging severe acute respiratory syndrome coronaviruses Potent neutralization of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus by a human mAb to S1 protein that blocks receptor association Evaluation of human monoclonal antibody 80R for immunoprophylaxis of severe acute respiratory syndrome by an animal study, epitope mapping, and analysis of spike variants Human monoclonal antibody as prophylaxis for SARS coronavirus infection in ferrets Molecular and biological characterization of human monoclonal antibodies binding to the spike and nucleocapsid proteins of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus Development and characterization of a severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus-neutralizing human monoclonal antibody that provides effective immunoprophylaxis in mice Structure of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus receptor-binding domain complexed with neutralizing antibody keywords: activity; acute; animal; antibodies; antibody; available; binding; cases; cd4; cd4i; cell; clinical; coronavirus; cov; critical; development; diseases; effective; encephalitis; entry; env; epitopes; glycoprotein; gp120; gp41; hev; high; hiv; hiv-1; hmabs; human; igg1; immune; immunoglobulin; importance; infected; infection; intravenous; isolates; library; likely; m101; mechanisms; mice; monoclonal; neutralization; neutralizing; nipah; niv; novel; passive; patients; phage; plasma; polyclonal; potent; potential; prophylaxis; receptor; replication; research; resistant; respiratory; sars; scfv; selected; serum; severe; specific; study; syndrome; therapeutics; therapy; treatment; vaccines; viral; virus; viruses; vivo; âµg cache: cord-017070-05vlz5dn.txt plain text: cord-017070-05vlz5dn.txt item: #30 of 140 id: cord-018404-jdu4h00e author: DuBourdieu, Dan title: Colostrum Antibodies, Egg Antibodies and Monoclonal Antibodies Providing Passive Immunity for Animals date: 2019-03-11 words: 8791 flesch: 42 summary: Various processes have been developed to help minimize heat damage to egg antibodies and immunoregulatory factors during the spraydrying procedure. Research shows that this pathway starts to close shortly after birth, and after 8-12 h, approximately 50% of the calf's ability to absorb colostrum antibodies is gone. keywords: adaptive; agents; animals; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antigen; available; bacteria; birth; blood; bovine; bovine colostrum; calf; calves; cells; chicken; clinical; coli; colostrum; companion; cow; cows; dairy; development; diarrhea; different; diseases; dogs; effective; egg; eggs; et al; factors; fed; fig; fpt; functions; growth; gut; health; high; human; hyperimmune; hyperimmunized; ifoma; iga; igd; ige; igg; igm; igy; immune; immune system; immunity; immunoglobulins; important; infectious; level; life; like; mabs; major; mammalian; mammals; mammary; maternal; medicine; milk; monoclonal; neonatal; newborn; number; passive; passive immunity; pathogens; piglets; plasma; present; process; production; products; protein; quality; replacer; research; response; result; rotavirus; serum; sources; species; specific; system; target; therapeutic; therapy; time; tract; transfer; treatment; type; use; vaccination; vaccines; veterinary; virus; yolk cache: cord-018404-jdu4h00e.txt plain text: cord-018404-jdu4h00e.txt item: #31 of 140 id: cord-018811-zhwr3h07 author: Oxford, John title: Influenza Vaccines Have a Short but Illustrious History of Dedicated Science Enabling the Rapid Global Production of A/Swine (H1N1) Vaccine in the Current Pandemic date: 2010-06-18 words: 13262 flesch: 44 summary: Immunogenicity and original antigenic sin in humans The specificity of the antihaemagluttinin antibody response induced in man by inactivated vaccines and by natural infection Strain specificity of serum antibody to the haemagglutinin of influenza A (H3N2) viruses in children following immunisation or natural infection Immunisation with influenza virus a vaccines: comparison of intradermal and subcutaneous routes Immunisation with Asian strain influenza vaccineequivalence of the subcutaneous and intradermal routes Effect of dosage and route of inoculation upon antigenicity of inactivated influenza virus vaccine (Hong Kong strain) in man Influenza antibody in human respiratory secretions after subcutaneous or respiratory immunisation with inactivated virus Specificity of respiratory secretion antibody against influenza virus Purified influenza vaccine; clinical and serological response to varying doses and different routes of immunisation Antibody in respiratory secretions following immunisation with influenza virus vaccines Humoral and secretory antibody responses to immunisation with low and high dosage split influenza virus vaccines Neurological illness is a recognized sequel to immunization with a variety of vaccines but had not previously been observed with any frequency after influenza virus vaccines. keywords: adults; age; antibodies; antibody; antibody response; antigen; antigenic; asia; attenuation; avian; better; biological; cell; century; challenge; children; clinical; cold; common; content; cross; cultivation; cultures; current; different; donor; dose; earlier; effect; eggs; epidemic; et al; evidence; experience; experiments; family; fig; genes; genetic; gmt; greater; group; h1n1; h1n1 vaccine; h2n2; h3n2; h3n2 virus; h5n1; heterologous; high; homologous; hong; human; immune; immunisation; immunity; immunized; immunogenic; immunogenicity; important; inactivated; inactivated influenza; inactivated vaccine; increase; induced; infected; infection; influenza; influenza pandemic; influenza vaccine; influenza virus; inoculated; inoculation; intradermal; intranasal; kong; laboratory; live; method; mice; nasal; nature; neuraminidase; new; original; outbreak; pandemic; pandemic virus; parent; people; persons; possible; pr8; present; properties; protection; proteins; range; reactions; recombinants; reduced; related; research; respiratory; response; results; risk; route; second; serological; seronegative; serum; serum antibody; single; specific; split; srd; strain; studies; study; subcutaneous; subtype; subunit; surface; swine; swine h1n1; technique; temperature; test; time; titers; today; trials; type; usa; ussr; vaccination; vaccine; virulence; virus; virus vaccine; viruses; volunteers; wild; work; world; years; young cache: cord-018811-zhwr3h07.txt plain text: cord-018811-zhwr3h07.txt item: #32 of 140 id: cord-018840-ts2g1ux7 author: Katragkou, Aspasia title: Role of Immunoglobulin Therapy to Prevent and Treat Infections date: 2018-06-19 words: 6706 flesch: 26 summary: Randomized trial in bone marrow transplant recipients Guidelines for the use of human immunoglobulin therapy in patients with primary immunodeficiencies in Latin America Some but not all benefits of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy after marrow transplantation appear to correlate with IgG trough levels A new paradigm for the treatment of sepsis: is it time to consider combination therapy? Primary immune deficiencies (PIDD) are one of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)approved indications for immunoglobulin therapy. keywords: acute; administration; allogeneic; analysis; antibodies; antibody; autoimmune; bacterial; benefit; bmt; bone; care; cell; chronic; clinical; cmv; complement; cytomegalovirus; deficiencies; deficiency; different; difficile; diseases; dose; effect; efficacy; evidence; factor; function; group; gvhd; high; higher; hiv; host; human; igg; igm; immune; immunity; immunodeficiencies; immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin therapy; incidence; indications; infants; infections; inflammatory; intravenous; intravenous immunoglobulin; ivig; levels; low; mabs; major; marrow; monoclonal; mortality; organ; passive; patients; pneumonia; polyclonal; preparations; prevention; primary; product; prophylaxis; randomized; recipients; reduction; replacement; response; results; review; risk; secondary; sepsis; septic; serum; severe; severe sepsis; shock; specific; studies; study; syndrome; system; table; therapeutic; therapy; transplantation; treatment; trial; tumor; use; viral; virus cache: cord-018840-ts2g1ux7.txt plain text: cord-018840-ts2g1ux7.txt item: #33 of 140 id: cord-021402-wq770ik9 author: Relford, Roberta L. title: New Diagnostic Tools for Infectious Disease date: 2009-05-15 words: 3167 flesch: 32 summary: The main limitation of using antibody detection for diagnosis is that, in most diseases, the presence of antibody against an infectious agent cannot differentiate among patients with previous exposure having lingering antibodies, patients with current active infection, or patients with antibodies generated by previous vaccination. This severely limits the utility of FIV antibody detection in FIV-vaccinated cats. keywords: acid; addition; agent; agglutination; amplification; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assays; available; blot; cells; complement; culture; cytology; detection; diagnostic; disease; dna; elisa; enzyme; feline; fiv; identification; ifa; infectious; laboratories; laboratory; latex; methods; nucleic; numbers; organism; patient; pcr; present; proteins; reaction; region; results; sample; sequence; serum; specific; step; system; testing; tests; tissue; treatment; unique; use; virus cache: cord-021402-wq770ik9.txt plain text: cord-021402-wq770ik9.txt item: #34 of 140 id: cord-021770-zn7na974 author: Slifka, Mark K. title: Passive Immunization date: 2017-07-17 words: 12151 flesch: 13 summary: Euro Surveill Emergence of new forms of totally drug-resistant tuberculosis bacilli: super extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis or totally drug-resistant strains in iran Serum therapy for tuberculosis revisited: reappraisal of the role of antibody-mediated immunity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis The treatment of tuberculosis by injections of immunized blood serum The antitoxic and bactericidal properties of the serum of horses treated with Koch's new tuberculin A further report on the use of anti-phthisic serum T.R. (Fisch) in tuberculosis Malignant lymphomas in transplantation patients Effect of cytomegalovirus prophylaxis with immunoglobulin or with antiviral drugs on post-transplant non-Hodgkin lymphoma: a multicentre retrospective analysis Pharmacokinetics of viral antibodies after administration of intravenous immunoglobulin in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia or multiple myeloma Passive immunization with the anti-HIV-1 human monoclonal antibody (hMAb) 4E10 and the hMAb combination 4E10/2F5/2G12 Delay of HIV-1 rebound after cessation of antiretroviral therapy through passive transfer of human neutralizing antibodies Adjunctive passive immunotherapy in human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected individuals treated with antiviral therapy during acute and early infection Antibodies in HIV-1 vaccine development and therapy Structural insights on the role of antibodies in HIV-1 vaccine and therapy Viraemia suppressed in HIV-1-infected humans by broadly neutralizing antibody 3BNC117 Therapeutic efficacy of potent neutralizing HIV-1-specific monoclonal antibodies in SHIV-infected rhesus monkeys Phylogeographical analysis of the dominant multidrug-resistant H58 clade of Salmonella Typhi identifies inter-and intracontinental transmission events Recurrent challenges for clinicians: emergence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, vancomycin resistance, and current treatment options Current and future treatment options for infections caused by multidrugresistant gram-negative pathogens A novel investigational Fc-modified humanized monoclonal antibody, motavizumab-YTE, has an extended half-life in healthy adults Monoclonal antibody therapies against anthrax Raxibacumab for the treatment of inhalational anthrax The serum treatment of anthrax septicaemia The local and general serum treatment of cutaneous anthrax Protection against botulinum toxins provided by passive immunization with botulinum human immune globulin: evaluation using an inhalation model Botulinum neurotoxin neutralizing activity of immune globulin (IG) purified from clinical volunteers vaccinated with recombinant botulinum vaccine (rBV A/B) Antibody protection against botulinum neurotoxin intoxication in mice Equine antitoxin use and other factors that predict outcome in type A foodborne botulism Human botulism immune globulin for the treatment of infant botulism Early antitoxin treatment in wound botulism results in better outcome Infant botulism: a 30-year experience spanning the introduction of botulism immune globulin intravenous in the intensive care unit at Childrens Hospital Los Angeles Identification of a human monoclonal antibody to replace equine diphtheria antitoxin for treatment of diphtheria intoxication The therapeutic effect of homologous and heterologous antitoxins in experimental diphtheria and tetanus Importance of intravenous injection of diphtheria antiserum The recent epidemic of diphtheria in the Johns Hopkins hospital and medical school: General procedures adopted Use of diphtheria antitoxin in the treatment and prevention of diphtheria Diphtheritic polyneuropathy: a clinical study and comparison with Guillain-Barre syndrome Mice are actively immunized after passive monoclonal antibody prophylaxis and ricin toxin challenge Conformation-dependent highaffinity potent ricin-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies Characteristics of toxin-neutralization by anti-tetanus human monoclonal antibodies directed against the three functional domains Although neutralization escape mutants are a valid concern when using monoclonal antibody therapy, 38,39 this has not yet been a major problem during clinical use of palivizumab for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). keywords: active; acute; administration; age; analysis; animal; antibiotic; antibodies; antibody; antibody therapy; antigen; antitoxin; antiviral; approach; aureus; bacterial; behring; benefit; blind; blood; bovine; cases; cells; challenge; children; clinical; coli; control; convalescent; convalescent serum; cytomegalovirus; days; development; different; diphtheria; disease; dose; double; drugs; early; effect; effective; efficacy; encephalitis; epidemic; evaluation; experimental; fever; following; gamma; group; guinea; half; hemorrhagic; hepatitis; high; hiv; hiv-1; hospital; host; human; human immune; human monoclonal; hyperimmune; igg; immune; immune globulin; immune serum; immunity; immunization; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; immunotherapy; important; incidence; infants; infected; infection; influenza; intervention; intravenous; intravenous immunoglobulin; lassa; lethal; levels; life; macaques; maternal; maternal antibodies; measles; meningitis; mice; model; monkeys; monoclonal; monoclonal antibodies; months; mortality; mothers; mouse; mucosal; murine; neonatal; neutralizing; new; onset; oral; passive; passive immunity; passive immunization; passive immunotherapy; passive protection; pathogens; patients; pigs; placebo; plasma; pneumonia; polyclonal; postexposure; potential; prevention; prophylactic; prophylaxis; protection; protein; pulmonary; rabies; randomized; recent; reduced; resistant; respiratory; results; review; rhesus; role; rotavirus; rsv; safety; scid; serum; serum antibody; serum treatment; severe; similar; smallpox; specific; specific monoclonal; staphylococcus; streptococcal; studies; study; subjects; successful; syndrome; table; tetanus; therapeutic; therapy; toxin; transfer; treatment; trial; tuberculosis; tularemia; type; use; vaccination; vaccine; vaccinia; viral; virus; virus infection; vivo cache: cord-021770-zn7na974.txt plain text: cord-021770-zn7na974.txt item: #35 of 140 id: cord-022310-yc6xtw0s author: Lappin, Michael R. title: Microbiology and Infectious Disease date: 2011-12-15 words: 14122 flesch: 35 summary: In cats, the combination of serum antigen test results with serum antibody test results is more sensitive than performing either test alone (see Heartworm Antibody Titer, next). In addition, positive serum antibody tests do not document infection by R. rickettsii because infection with nonpathogenic spotted fever group agents induce cross-reacting antibodies. keywords: abnormalities; acute; agents; agid; anaerobic; analysis; anaplasma; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antimicrobial; appendix; appropriate; aqueous; areas; artifacts; aspiration; assay; available; bacterial; bartonella; bartonellosis; biopsy; blood; bone; burgdorferi; canine; canis; cases; cats; cause; chapter; chronic; clinical; common; coronaviruses; cross; csf; culture; cytologic; cytology; days; definitive; demonstration; detection; diagnosis; disease; distemper; dna; document; dogs; ehrlichia; ehrlichiosis; elisa; endemic; evaluation; evidence; examination; experimentally; exposure; false; fecal; feline; felv; fever; figure; fip; fiv; fluid; gondii; gram; greater; growth; healthy; heartworm; henselae; histopathologic; history; hours; humor; igg; igm; ill; illness; immitis; indications; infected; infection; infectious disease; interpretation; isolation; laboratories; laboratory; low; lymphadenomegaly; medium; months; mycoplasma; nasal; negative; occasional; organism; pcr; pcr assay; phagocytophilum; positive; positive results; presence; primary; prostatic; pulmonary; radiographic; rare; recent; results; samples; select; sensitive; serologic; seropositive; serum; signs; skin; slide; small; specific; specimens; spp; states; study; system; techniques; test; test results; testing; therapy; time; tissues; titers; toxoplasmosis; transport; treatment; urine; use; uveitis; viral; virus; weeks cache: cord-022310-yc6xtw0s.txt plain text: cord-022310-yc6xtw0s.txt item: #36 of 140 id: cord-022439-8wy7rpqv author: DENMAN, A.M. title: Viral Etiology of Polymyositis/Dermatomyositis date: 2013-11-17 words: 10792 flesch: 39 summary: First, antibodies If viruses induce PM/DM, the simplest mech anism by which they could induce this disease is by replicating in muscle cells, thereby serv ing as a direct target for an immune attack. Furthermore, ephemeral or latent infection of muscle cells could initiate an immune response subsequently sustained by other mechanisms. keywords: ability; able; acid; acute; addition; agents; aids; amino; animal; antibodies; antibody; antigenic; antigens; antiviral; associated; association; authors; autoantibodies; autoantibody; autoimmune; autoimmune diseases; autoimmunity; autoreactive; b cells; biopsy; blood; cardiac; cells; cellular; chain; changes; characteristic; children; chronic; clinical; clones; common; connective; conventional; coxsackievirus; damage; dermatomyositis; different; direct; diseases; disorders; echovirus; electron; et al; etiology; events; evidence; example; experimental; expression; extent; factors; far; features; fibers; general; genetic; group; growth; heart; high; host; human; idiotypes; igm; immunofluorescence; immunopathologic; important; induced; infected; infection; infiltrating; inflammatory; influenza; ing; interferon; involved; isolation; kind; latent; like; likely; little; local; lymphocytes; lymphoid; mechanisms; mice; model; monoclonal; mouse; multiple; muscle; muscle cells; mutation; myocardial; myocarditis; nature; normal; observations; organs; outcome; particles; pathogenesis; patients; persistent; point; polymyositis; possibility; possible; production; proliferation; protein; reactions; reactive; reactivity; receptors; related; replication; reports; response; result; rnas; sequences; sera; serum; similar; small; specific; steps; strains; studies; study; subacute; surveys; synthesis; synthetase; target; techniques; tissue; titers; trna; type; variants; viral; virus; virus infection; viruses cache: cord-022439-8wy7rpqv.txt plain text: cord-022439-8wy7rpqv.txt item: #37 of 140 id: cord-023053-j061ywrl author: BARLOUGH, J. E. title: Cats, coronaviruses and coronavirus antibody tests date: 2008-04-10 words: 3612 flesch: 27 summary: key: cord-023053-j061ywrl authors: BARLOUGH, J. E. title: Cats, coronaviruses and coronavirus antibody tests date: 2008-04-10 journal: J Small Anim Pract DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-5827.1985.tb02210.x sha: doc_id: 23053 cord_uid: j061ywrl Feline infectious peritonitis and other coronavirus infections of cats are briefly reviewed. In FIP, hypersensitization by coronavirus antibody is dependent upon the identity of the coronavirus(es) that originally incited the antibody response. keywords: animals; antibodies; antibody; antigenic; assays; barlough; biopsy; boyle; cats; catteries; ccv; cell; certain; clinical; coronavirus; coronavirus antibody; diagnosis; disease; dodds; elisa; enteritis; exposure; feline; feline infectious; fip; fipv; general; hayashi; healthy; immune; important; infectious; infectious peritonitis; kittens; laboratory; nature; negative; non; pedersen; peritonitis; positive; possible; potential; presence; present; procedures; recent; scott; serum; test; testing; tgev; titre; transmission; vaccination; viruses; weiss cache: cord-023053-j061ywrl.txt plain text: cord-023053-j061ywrl.txt item: #38 of 140 id: cord-023346-8sqbqjm1 author: None title: MONDAY: POSTERS date: 2005-06-08 words: 130150 flesch: 50 summary: The Polish Blood Transfusion Act of 22nd August 1997, in force since January 1st 1999, has been supplemented by 8 Decrees: 1. procedures for external BTS audits; 2. requirements for donor selection; 3. requirements and procedures for organization and safe management of blood transfusion in hospitals; 4. requirements for implementing of national and regional donor registers; 5. employment criteria for BTS personnel; 6. training requirements for hospital personnel involved in blood and blood product administration; 7. national, uniform price list for blood and blood products; 8. organization requirements for setting up of a National Committee for Blood and Blood Transfusion. Introduction: TRALI is a life threatening adverse reaction of blood transfusion. keywords: 0.001; abbott; abc; abo blood; absence; accepted; access; accreditation; accurate; acid; activation; activities; activity; actual; acute; additional; adequate; administration; adsorptions; adults; adverse; affected; affinity; aged; agglutination; aim; aims; albumin; alert; allele; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; alloimmunization; alternative; amplification; analysed; analysis; analyze; anemia; anti; anti hcv; antibodies; antibody; antigens; antiglobulin; apheresis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; asked; assay; assessment; associated; association; assurance; atp; autoimmune; autologous blood; automated; automation; availability; available; average; b19; background; bacterial; bag; bags; base; baseline; basis; baxter; benefit; best; beta; better; binding; birth; bleeding; blood bag; blood banking; blood banks; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood conservation; blood consumption; blood derivatives; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood filtration; blood flow; blood group; blood grouping; blood inventory; blood loss; blood management; blood parameters; blood plasma; blood platelet; blood pressure; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood service; blood shortage; blood supply; blood system; blood testing; blood transfusion; blood units; blood use; blood volume; bone; bts; buffy; cancer; capacity; cardiac; cards; care; cases; categories; category; caucasian; cause; ccdee; cd34; cde; cell patients; cell transfusion; cellular; centers; central; centre; centrifugation; certain; cfu; chain; changes; characteristics; children; chronic; circulation; class; clinical; clinicians; close; cmv; coagulation; coat; cold; collaboration; collected; collections; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; comparison; compatible; compatible blood; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complications; concentrates; concentration; concerned; concerns; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; consequence; considerable; consideration; considered; consumption; contamination; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coombs; cord blood; core; corrective; correlation; cost; council; count; counting; countries; country; course; criteria; critical; croatia; cross; crossmatch; csf; culture; current; cytokines; cytometry; d type; d+ blood; daily; data; date; day; days; december; decision; decrease; deferrals; deferred; degree; delayed; delivery; department; depletion; design; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; device; diagnosis; diamed; differences; different; different anti; different blood; difficult; direct; directive; disaster; discussion; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; doctors; donations; donor cells; dose; double; drugs; duration; e.g.; early; easy; ebds; education; effect; effective; effective blood; effectiveness; efficacy; efficient; efforts; eia; elasticity; elements; elimination; elisa; end; environment; enzyme; equal; equipment; errors; erythrocytes; essential; established; estimated; etc; european; european blood; evaluation; events; evidence; excessive; exchange; exclusion; exons; expected; experience; exposure; expression; external; extraction; factor; failure; false; family; febrile; female; female blood; female donors; ferritin; fetal; fetus; ffp; fibrinogen; filter; filtration; final; findings; flow; fluorescence; focus; following; fractionation; france; free; freezing; frequency; frequent; fresh; fresh blood; frozen; function; future; g'max; gamma; gel; general; generation; genes; genetic; genotype; genotyping; gestation; glucose; goal; good; graft; granulocyte; greater; greece; group system; groups; growth; guidelines; gvhd; h63d; haematological; haemolysis; haemovigilance; half; hbc; hbsag; hbv; hcv; hcv antibodies; hdn; health; help; hematocrit; hematology; hematopoietic; hemocue; hemoglobin; hemolytic; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatitis; heterozygous; high; high blood; higher; history; hiv; hla; homologous blood; homozygous; hospital; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; host; hours; hpa; hpa-1a; hsr; htlv; human; human blood; i.v; identification; igg; igm; il-10; ill; immediate; immune; immunization; immunoassay; immunoglobulin; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incompatibility; incorrect blood; increased; increasing; incubated; incubation; independent; independent blood; index; indications; indirect; individuals; infants; infected; infections; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhabitants; initial; injury; institute; institutions; insufficient; integrated; intensive; intercept blood; internal; international; intervention; intravenous; introduction; intron; investigation; involved; iron; irradiated; irradiation; irregular; isolated; issue; ivig; january; jka; kell; kidd; kit; knowledge; known; labile blood; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; law; lead; leucodepleted; leucodepletion; leukocyte; level; life; light; like; likely; limited; liss; literature; load; local; local blood; long; lots; low; lower; lst1; magnetic; main; maintenance; major; major blood; majority; males; malignant; management; mandatory; manual; manufacturing; markers; marrow; massive; material; maximum; mbl; mcmv; mds; mean; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medium; membrane; metabolic; methods; microplate; mild; ministry; minutes; mmol; mnc; model; modified; mods; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monoclonal anti; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; multiple; multiple blood; mutation; n =; national blood; necessary; need; negative; negative blood; neonatal; new; new blood; new donors; newborn; non; normal; nucleic; number; objective; observation; observed; occurrence; old; ones; operations; optimal; order; organization; ortho; outcome; overall; oxygen; p =; pabd; packed; pall; panels; parameters; partial; participants; particular; past; pathogen; pathway; patients; patients anti; patients blood; pcr; pcs; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personal; personnel; phase; phenotype; physical; physicians; place; plasma; plasma samples; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet products; platelet quality; platelet storage; platelet transfusion; plt; point; policy; polish blood; polyclonal; pooled; pools; poor; population; positive; positive antibody; positive blood; positive cells; positive control; positive donors; positive patients; positive results; positive samples; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; postoperative; potential; practice; practitioners; predonation; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; premature; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; principles; prior; prism; problem; procedure; process; processes; processing; procleix; professional; program; programme; project; proper; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; pth; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quality blood; quality control; quality system; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; rabbits; random; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rare blood; rbc; rbc transfusion; rbcs; rccs; rcts; reactive; reagents; real; reasons; recent; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; recovery; red blood; red cell; reduced; reduction; reference; regional blood; regions; regular; regular blood; regulations; regulatory; related; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; repeat blood; replacement; reported; reporting; reports; republic; required; requirements; research; residual; resources; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; restrictive; results; retrospective; reverse; review; rhd; rhesus; risk; rna; roche; role; room; routine; routine blood; run; sampling; scansystem; scientific; screened; screening; second; security; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separator; sepsis; sequence; sera; serbia; seroconversion; serological; serology; serum; services; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock; short; shows; sickle; significant; signs; similar; simple; singapore; single; site; situations; size; small; society; software; solution; source; special; specific; specific antibodies; specific blood; specificity; specimens; srbc; ssp; staff; standard; state; statistical; status; step; storage; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; study blood; subjects; subsequent; subsequent blood; successful; suffering; suggested; summary; support; surface; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; survey; survival; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; system; system antibodies; table; target; technical; technique; technology; temperature; temporary; test; test results; tested; testing; thalassemia; therapeutic; therapy; thrombin; thrombocytopenia; throughput; time blood; time donors; times; titer; titre; tool; total; training; trali; transfusion center; transfusion hepatitis; transfusion medicine; transfusion policy; transfusion practice; transfusion reactions; transfusion safety; transfusion service; transfusion system; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusions; transmission; transplantation; transport; trauma; trauma patients; treated; treatment; trend; trials; trigger; trima; tube; tumor; turkey; type; typing; ultrio; understanding; underwent; unique; university; unpaid blood; unrelated; usage; use; useful; validation; value; variable; vascular; venous blood; viability; viii; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; voluntary blood; volunteers; washed; way; wbc; weak; weak d; weeks; weight; white blood; wide; window; women; work; working; world; years; yield; young; ° c cache: cord-023346-8sqbqjm1.txt plain text: cord-023346-8sqbqjm1.txt item: #39 of 140 id: cord-023354-f2ciho6o author: None title: TUESDAY PLENARY SESSION 3 TUESDAY: POSTERS date: 2005-06-08 words: 130154 flesch: 50 summary: The Polish Blood Transfusion Act of 22nd August 1997, in force since January 1st 1999, has been supplemented by 8 Decrees: 1. procedures for external BTS audits; 2. requirements for donor selection; 3. requirements and procedures for organization and safe management of blood transfusion in hospitals; 4. requirements for implementing of national and regional donor registers; 5. employment criteria for BTS personnel; 6. training requirements for hospital personnel involved in blood and blood product administration; 7. national, uniform price list for blood and blood products; 8. organization requirements for setting up of a National Committee for Blood and Blood Transfusion. Introduction: TRALI is a life threatening adverse reaction of blood transfusion. keywords: 0.001; abbott; abc; abo blood; absence; accepted; access; accreditation; accurate; acid; activation; activities; activity; actual; acute; additional; adequate; administration; adsorptions; adults; adverse; affected; affinity; aged; agglutination; aim; aims; albumin; alert; allele; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; alloimmunization; alternative; amplification; analysed; analysis; analyze; anemia; anti; anti hcv; antibodies; antibody; antigens; antiglobulin; apheresis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; asked; assay; assessment; associated; association; assurance; atp; autoimmune; autologous blood; automated; automation; availability; available; average; b19; background; bacterial; bag; bags; base; baseline; basis; baxter; benefit; best; beta; better; binding; birth; bleeding; blood bag; blood banking; blood banks; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood conservation; blood consumption; blood derivatives; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood filtration; blood flow; blood group; blood grouping; blood inventory; blood loss; blood management; blood parameters; blood plasma; blood platelet; blood pressure; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood service; blood shortage; blood supply; blood system; blood testing; blood transfusion; blood units; blood use; blood volume; bone; bts; buffy; cancer; capacity; cardiac; cards; care; cases; categories; category; caucasian; cause; ccdee; cd34; cde; cell patients; cell transfusion; cellular; centers; central; centre; centrifugation; certain; cfu; chain; changes; characteristics; children; chronic; circulation; class; clinical; clinicians; close; cmv; coagulation; coat; cold; collaboration; collected; collections; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; comparison; compatible; compatible blood; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complications; concentrates; concentration; concerned; concerns; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; consequence; considerable; consideration; considered; consumption; contamination; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coombs; cord blood; core; corrective; correlation; cost; council; count; counting; countries; country; course; criteria; critical; croatia; cross; crossmatch; csf; culture; current; cytokines; cytometry; d type; d+ blood; daily; data; date; day; days; december; decision; decrease; deferrals; deferred; degree; delayed; delivery; department; depletion; design; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; device; diagnosis; diamed; differences; different; different anti; different blood; difficult; direct; directive; disaster; discussion; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; doctors; donations; donor cells; dose; double; drugs; duration; e.g.; early; easy; ebds; education; effect; effective; effective blood; effectiveness; efficacy; efficient; efforts; eia; elasticity; elements; elimination; elisa; end; environment; enzyme; equal; equipment; errors; erythrocytes; essential; established; estimated; etc; european; european blood; evaluation; events; evidence; excessive; exchange; exclusion; exons; expected; experience; exposure; expression; external; extraction; factor; failure; false; family; febrile; female; female blood; female donors; ferritin; fetal; fetus; ffp; fibrinogen; filter; filtration; final; findings; flow; fluorescence; focus; following; fractionation; france; free; freezing; frequency; frequent; fresh; fresh blood; frozen; function; future; g'max; gamma; gel; general; generation; genes; genetic; genotype; genotyping; gestation; glucose; goal; good; graft; granulocyte; greater; greece; group system; groups; growth; guidelines; gvhd; h63d; haematological; haemolysis; haemovigilance; half; hbc; hbsag; hbv; hcv; hcv antibodies; hdn; health; help; hematocrit; hematology; hematopoietic; hemocue; hemoglobin; hemolytic; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatitis; heterozygous; high; high blood; higher; history; hiv; hla; homologous blood; homozygous; hospital; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; host; hours; hpa; hpa-1a; hsr; htlv; human; human blood; i.v; identification; igg; igm; il-10; ill; immediate; immune; immunization; immunoassay; immunoglobulin; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incompatibility; incorrect blood; increased; increasing; incubated; incubation; independent; independent blood; index; indications; indirect; individuals; infants; infected; infections; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhabitants; initial; injury; institute; institutions; insufficient; integrated; intensive; intercept blood; internal; international; intervention; intravenous; introduction; intron; investigation; involved; iron; irradiated; irradiation; irregular; isolated; issue; ivig; january; jka; kell; kidd; kit; knowledge; known; labile blood; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; law; lead; leucodepleted; leucodepletion; leukocyte; level; life; light; like; likely; limited; liss; literature; load; local; local blood; long; lots; low; lower; lst1; magnetic; main; maintenance; major; major blood; majority; males; malignant; management; mandatory; manual; manufacturing; markers; marrow; massive; material; maximum; mbl; mcmv; mds; mean; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medium; membrane; metabolic; methods; microplate; mild; ministry; minutes; mmol; mnc; model; modified; mods; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monoclonal anti; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; multiple; multiple blood; mutation; n =; national blood; necessary; need; negative; negative blood; neonatal; new; new blood; new donors; newborn; non; normal; nucleic; number; objective; observation; observed; occurrence; old; ones; operations; optimal; order; organization; ortho; outcome; overall; oxygen; p =; pabd; packed; pall; panels; parameters; partial; participants; particular; past; pathogen; pathway; patients; patients anti; patients blood; pcr; pcs; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personal; personnel; phase; phenotype; physical; physicians; place; plasma; plasma samples; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet products; platelet quality; platelet storage; platelet transfusion; plt; point; policy; polish blood; polyclonal; pooled; pools; poor; population; positive; positive antibody; positive blood; positive cells; positive control; positive donors; positive patients; positive results; positive samples; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; postoperative; potential; practice; practitioners; predonation; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; premature; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; principles; prior; prism; problem; procedure; process; processes; processing; procleix; professional; program; programme; project; proper; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; pth; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quality blood; quality control; quality system; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; rabbits; random; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rare blood; rbc; rbc transfusion; rbcs; rccs; rcts; reactive; reagents; real; reasons; recent; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; recovery; red blood; red cell; reduced; reduction; reference; regional blood; regions; regular; regular blood; regulations; regulatory; related; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; repeat blood; replacement; reported; reporting; reports; republic; required; requirements; research; residual; resources; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; restrictive; results; retrospective; reverse; review; rhd; rhesus; risk; rna; roche; role; room; routine; routine blood; run; sampling; scansystem; scientific; screened; screening; second; security; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separator; sepsis; sequence; sera; serbia; seroconversion; serological; serology; serum; services; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock; short; shows; sickle; significant; signs; similar; simple; singapore; single; site; situations; size; small; society; software; solution; source; special; specific; specific antibodies; specific blood; specificity; specimens; srbc; ssp; staff; standard; state; statistical; status; step; storage; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; study blood; subjects; subsequent; subsequent blood; successful; suffering; suggested; summary; support; surface; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; survey; survival; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; system; system antibodies; table; target; technical; technique; technologies; technology; temperature; temporary; test; test results; tested; testing; thalassemia; therapeutic; therapy; thrombin; thrombocytopenia; throughput; time blood; time donors; times; titer; titre; tool; total; training; trali; transfusion center; transfusion hepatitis; transfusion medicine; transfusion policy; transfusion practice; transfusion reactions; transfusion safety; transfusion service; transfusion system; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusions; transmission; transplantation; transport; trauma; trauma patients; treated; treatment; trend; trials; trigger; trima; tube; tumor; turkey; type; typing; ultrio; understanding; underwent; unique; university; unpaid blood; unrelated; usage; use; useful; validation; value; variable; vascular; venous blood; viability; viii; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; voluntary blood; volunteers; washed; way; wbc; weak; weak d; weeks; weight; white blood; wide; window; women; work; working; world; years; yield; young; ° c cache: cord-023354-f2ciho6o.txt plain text: cord-023354-f2ciho6o.txt item: #40 of 140 id: cord-023364-ut56gczm author: None title: EDUCATION DAY MONDAY: PLENARY SESSION 1 MONDAY: PARALLEL SESSIONS date: 2005-06-08 words: 130157 flesch: 50 summary: The Polish Blood Transfusion Act of 22nd August 1997, in force since January 1st 1999, has been supplemented by 8 Decrees: 1. procedures for external BTS audits; 2. requirements for donor selection; 3. requirements and procedures for organization and safe management of blood transfusion in hospitals; 4. requirements for implementing of national and regional donor registers; 5. employment criteria for BTS personnel; 6. training requirements for hospital personnel involved in blood and blood product administration; 7. national, uniform price list for blood and blood products; 8. organization requirements for setting up of a National Committee for Blood and Blood Transfusion. Introduction: TRALI is a life threatening adverse reaction of blood transfusion. keywords: 0.001; abbott; abc; abo blood; absence; accepted; access; accreditation; accurate; acid; activation; activities; activity; actual; acute; additional; adequate; administration; adsorptions; adults; adverse; affected; affinity; aged; agglutination; aim; aims; albumin; alert; allele; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; alloimmunization; alternative; amplification; analysed; analysis; analyze; anemia; anti; anti hcv; antibodies; antibody; antigens; antiglobulin; apheresis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; asked; assay; assessment; associated; association; assurance; atp; autoimmune; autologous blood; automated; automation; availability; available; average; b19; background; bacterial; bag; bags; base; baseline; basis; baxter; benefit; best; beta; better; binding; birth; bleeding; blood bag; blood banking; blood banks; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood conservation; blood consumption; blood derivatives; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood filtration; blood flow; blood group; blood grouping; blood inventory; blood loss; blood management; blood parameters; blood plasma; blood platelet; blood pressure; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood service; blood shortage; blood supply; blood system; blood testing; blood transfusion; blood units; blood use; blood volume; bone; bts; buffy; cancer; capacity; cardiac; cards; care; cases; categories; category; caucasian; cause; ccdee; cd34; cde; cell patients; cell transfusion; cellular; centers; central; centre; centrifugation; certain; cfu; chain; changes; characteristics; children; chronic; circulation; class; clinical; clinicians; close; cmv; coagulation; coat; cold; collaboration; collected; collections; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; comparison; compatible; compatible blood; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complications; concentrates; concentration; concerned; concerns; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; consequence; considerable; consideration; considered; consumption; contamination; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coombs; cord blood; core; corrective; correlation; cost; council; count; counting; countries; country; course; criteria; critical; croatia; cross; crossmatch; csf; culture; current; cytokines; cytometry; d type; d+ blood; daily; data; date; day; days; december; decision; decrease; deferrals; deferred; degree; delayed; delivery; department; depletion; design; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; device; diagnosis; diamed; differences; different; different anti; different blood; difficult; direct; directive; disaster; discussion; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; doctors; donations; donor cells; dose; double; drugs; duration; e.g.; early; easy; ebds; education; effect; effective; effective blood; effectiveness; efficacy; efficient; efforts; eia; elasticity; elements; elimination; elisa; end; environment; enzyme; equal; equipment; errors; erythrocytes; essential; established; estimated; etc; european; european blood; evaluation; events; evidence; excessive; exchange; exclusion; exons; expected; experience; exposure; expression; external; extraction; factor; failure; false; family; febrile; female; female blood; female donors; ferritin; fetal; fetus; ffp; fibrinogen; filter; filtration; final; findings; flow; fluorescence; focus; following; fractionation; france; free; freezing; frequency; frequent; fresh; fresh blood; frozen; function; future; g'max; gamma; gel; general; generation; genes; genetic; genotype; genotyping; gestation; glucose; goal; good; graft; granulocyte; greater; greece; group system; groups; growth; guidelines; gvhd; h63d; haematological; haemolysis; haemovigilance; half; hbc; hbsag; hbv; hcv; hcv antibodies; hdn; health; help; hematocrit; hematology; hematopoietic; hemocue; hemoglobin; hemolytic; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatitis; heterozygous; high; high blood; higher; history; hiv; hla; homologous blood; homozygous; hospital; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; host; hours; hpa; hpa-1a; hsr; htlv; human; human blood; i.v; identification; igg; igm; il-10; ill; immediate; immune; immunization; immunoassay; immunoglobulin; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incompatibility; incorrect blood; increased; increasing; incubated; incubation; independent; independent blood; index; indications; indirect; individuals; infants; infected; infections; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhabitants; initial; injury; institute; institutions; insufficient; integrated; intensive; intercept blood; internal; international; intervention; intravenous; introduction; intron; investigation; involved; iron; irradiated; irradiation; irregular; isolated; issue; ivig; january; jka; kell; kidd; kit; knowledge; known; labile blood; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; law; lead; leucodepleted; leucodepletion; leukocyte; level; life; light; like; likely; limited; liss; literature; load; local; local blood; long; lots; low; lower; lst1; magnetic; main; maintenance; major; major blood; majority; males; malignant; management; mandatory; manual; manufacturing; markers; marrow; massive; material; maximum; mbl; mcmv; mds; mean; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medium; membrane; metabolic; methods; microplate; mild; ministry; minutes; mmol; mnc; model; modified; mods; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monoclonal anti; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; multiple; multiple blood; mutation; n =; national blood; necessary; need; negative; negative blood; neonatal; new; new blood; new donors; newborn; non; normal; nucleic; number; objective; observation; observed; occurrence; old; ones; operations; optimal; order; organization; ortho; outcome; overall; oxygen; p =; pabd; packed; pall; panels; parameters; partial; participants; particular; past; pathogen; pathway; patients; patients anti; patients blood; pcr; pcs; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personal; personnel; phase; phenotype; physical; physicians; place; plasma; plasma samples; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet products; platelet quality; platelet storage; platelet transfusion; plt; point; policy; polish blood; polyclonal; pooled; pools; poor; population; positive; positive antibody; positive blood; positive cells; positive control; positive donors; positive patients; positive results; positive samples; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; postoperative; potential; practice; practitioners; predonation; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; premature; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; principles; prior; prism; problem; procedure; process; processes; processing; procleix; professional; program; programme; project; proper; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; pth; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quality blood; quality control; quality system; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; rabbits; random; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rare blood; rbc; rbc transfusion; rbcs; rccs; rcts; reactive; reagents; real; reasons; recent; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; recovery; red blood; red cell; reduced; reduction; reference; regional blood; regions; regular; regular blood; regulations; regulatory; related; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; repeat blood; replacement; reported; reporting; reports; republic; required; requirements; research; residual; resources; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; restrictive; results; retrospective; reverse; review; rhd; rhesus; risk; rna; roche; role; room; routine; routine blood; run; sampling; scansystem; scientific; screened; screening; second; security; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separator; sepsis; sequence; sera; serbia; seroconversion; serological; serology; serum; services; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock; short; shows; sickle; significant; signs; similar; simple; singapore; single; site; situations; size; small; society; software; solution; source; special; specific; specific antibodies; specific blood; specificity; specimens; srbc; ssp; staff; standard; state; statistical; status; step; storage; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; study blood; subjects; subsequent; subsequent blood; successful; suffering; suggested; summary; support; surface; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; survey; survival; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; system; system antibodies; table; target; technical; technique; technologies; technology; temperature; temporary; test; test results; tested; testing; thalassemia; therapeutic; therapy; thrombin; thrombocytopenia; throughput; time blood; time donors; times; titer; titre; tool; total; training; trali; transfusion center; transfusion hepatitis; transfusion medicine; transfusion policy; transfusion practice; transfusion reactions; transfusion safety; transfusion service; transfusion system; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusions; transmission; transplantation; transport; trauma; trauma patients; treated; treatment; trend; trials; trigger; trima; tube; tumor; turkey; type; typing; ultrio; understanding; underwent; unique; university; unpaid blood; unrelated; usage; use; useful; validation; value; variable; vascular; venous blood; viability; viii; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; voluntary blood; volunteers; washed; way; wbc; weak; weak d; weeks; weight; white blood; wide; window; women; work; working; world; years; yield; young; ° c cache: cord-023364-ut56gczm.txt plain text: cord-023364-ut56gczm.txt item: #41 of 140 id: cord-023731-jqgervt7 author: FENNER, FRANK title: Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Diseases date: 2014-06-27 words: 6996 flesch: 37 summary: On the other hand, recovery of an enterovirus from the feces, or a herpesvirus from a nasal or throat swab may not necessarily be significant, because such viruses are often associated with inapparent infections at these sites. These pro cedures (see Plate 13-5) are most useful in the rapid identification of cell culture virus isolates, as well as directly on specimens (see below). keywords: acid; animal; antibodies; antibody; antigen; appropriate; available; basis; blood; cell; chapter; clinical; complement; cultures; cytopathic; detection; diagnosis; different; direct; diseases; dna; domestic; effect; electron; elisa; enzyme; exotic; families; family; fig; fixation; foot; genus; hemagglutination; hybridization; identification; igg; immunofluorescence; important; individual; infected; infections; isolation; knowledge; laboratories; laboratory; large; low; material; methods; microscopy; monoclonal; monolayer; mouth; negative; nucleic; number; particular; plastic; plate; presence; procedures; provision; radioimmunoassay; range; rapid; samples; second; sensitive; serological; serum; single; special; species; specific; specific antibody; specimen; speed; staining; substrate; table; test; time; tissues; types; variety; veterinary; viral; viral antibody; viral infections; virions; virus; viruses; wells cache: cord-023731-jqgervt7.txt plain text: cord-023731-jqgervt7.txt item: #42 of 140 id: cord-030999-27wennun author: Altmann, Daniel M title: Adaptive immunity to SARS-CoV-2 date: 2020-07-09 words: 4378 flesch: 38 summary: Longitudinally profiling neutralizing antibody responses to SARS coronavirus with pseudotypes Antibody responses against SARS coronavirus are correlated with disease outcome of infected individuals Potent and persistent antibody responses against the receptor-binding domain of SARS-CoV spike protein in recovered patients A systematic review of antibody mediated immunity to coronaviruses: antibody kinetics, correlates of protection, and association of antibody responses with severity of disease Serologic responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection among hospital staff with mild disease in eastern France Distinct systems serology features in children, elderly and COVID patients Prospects from systems serology research Cross-reactive antibody response between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV infections Human neutralizing antibodies elicited by SARS-CoV-2 infection A human neutralizing antibody targets the receptor binding site of SARS-CoV-2 A human monoclonal antibody blocking SARS-CoV-2 infection Broadly neutralizing antibodies for HIV prevention Safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and immunogenicity of the therapeutic monoclonal antibody mAb114 Chung and colleagues used a systems serology approach to investigate functional correlates of antibody responses across age groups and disease profile [21] . keywords: analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; approaches; associated; binding; cases; cd8; cell; challenge; clinical; coronavirus; correlate; cov-2; covid-19; cross; data; different; differential; disease; durability; evidence; functional; hcov; hospitalized; human; immune; immunity; immunology; immunopathology; individuals; infection; initial; kawasaki; likely; lung; mers; mild; need; neutralization; new; number; outcome; parameters; patients; profile; protection; protein; reactivity; recent; recovery; research; responses; review; sars; scale; sets; severe; severity; specific; spike; studies; study; testing; therapeutic; time; vaccines; viral; weeks; years cache: cord-030999-27wennun.txt plain text: cord-030999-27wennun.txt item: #43 of 140 id: cord-031060-0o9agjiq author: Yuan, Tom Z title: Rapid exploration of the epitope coverage produced by an Ebola survivor to guide the discovery of therapeutic antibody cocktails date: 2020-08-01 words: 3914 flesch: 26 summary: Furthermore, since viral antigens have evolved a remarkable propensity to mutate rapidly as a strategy to defy human immune responses, antibody cocktails with broad epitope coverage lower the risk of mutagenic escape which will otherwise render antibodies ineffective, as observed in non-human primates following treatment with a cocktail comprised of antibodies targeting highly similar epitopes on the EBOV GP 11 . Antibody cocktails that comprise antibodies targeting disparate non-overlapping epitopes enhance neutralization potency by combining multiple mechanisms of action. keywords: activity; analysis; analyte; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assay; benchmark; binning; block; blocking; clones; cocktails; communities; community; competition; coverage; ebola; ebov; epitope; escape; expression; figure; free; glycoprotein; high; human; immune; landscape; large; ligand; literature; monoclonal; neutralization; neutralizing; non; pass; premixed; rare; results; sample; second; self; sequence; set; small; spr; structural; study; supplemental; table; therapeutic; throughput; use; viral; virus cache: cord-031060-0o9agjiq.txt plain text: cord-031060-0o9agjiq.txt item: #44 of 140 id: cord-032598-i0jm3p1s author: Hu, Jing title: Direct imaging of antigen–antibody binding by atomic force microscopy date: 2020-09-24 words: 3138 flesch: 38 summary: It should be noted that after incubation with biotinylated antibodies, the IgE morphology changed significantly, resulting in a new characteristic image that was completely different from either IgE or biotinylated antibody alone (Fig. 4) . Excitingly, it is the first time that we have actually seen the IgE binding to biotinylated antibody. keywords: affinity; afm; antibodies; antibody; antigen; atomic; binding; biotinylated; complexes; data; different; direct; elisa; et al; fab; fig; force; fragments; ige; ige immune; igg; image; imaging; immune; immune complexes; individual; interaction; length; material; mica; microscopy; molecular; molecule; morphology; proteins; results; single; specific; specific ige; structure; study; surface cache: cord-032598-i0jm3p1s.txt plain text: cord-032598-i0jm3p1s.txt item: #45 of 140 id: cord-048239-oluq7v0h author: Oliphant, Theodore title: Development of a humanized monoclonal antibody with therapeutic potential against West Nile virus date: 2005-04-24 words: 6746 flesch: 44 summary: D381 and H396 are proximal to one another but physically distinct from the four residues that affect binding of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (Fig. 2b) . Mice were inoculated subcutaneously with 10 2 plaque-forming units (PFU) of WNV and administered a single dose of monoclonal antibody at day 2 after infection. keywords: acids; activity; affinity; amino; antibodies; antibody; assay; binding; cdna; cells; control; data; day; deficient; dengue; different; diii; dose; e16; e24; e34; ectodomain; efficacy; encephalitis; envelope; epitope; experiments; expression; fab; fig; flow; human; humanized; igg; individual; infection; mice; monoclonal; monoclonal antibodies; mouse; mutagenesis; mutations; neutralization; neutralizing; new; nile; non; pbs; pcr; plaque; positive; prnt; protection; protein; purified; regions; residues; sequence; single; specific; strains; structure; studies; supplementary; surface; survival; therapeutic; therapy; type; values; variants; viral; virus; west; wild; wnv; yeast; york cache: cord-048239-oluq7v0h.txt plain text: cord-048239-oluq7v0h.txt item: #46 of 140 id: cord-048360-n9sih438 author: Villard, Viviane title: Rapid Identification of Malaria Vaccine Candidates Based on α-Helical Coiled Coil Protein Motif date: 2007-07-25 words: 4797 flesch: 41 summary: Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000645.s005 (0.05 MB DOC) Identification of vaccine candidates against serogroup B meningococcus by whole-genome sequencing Reverse vaccinology and genomics Plasmodium falciparum liver stage antigen-1 is well conserved and contains potent B and T cell determinants Protection against Plasmodium falciparum malaria in chimpanzees by immunization with the conserved pre-erythrocytic liver-stage antigen 3 Phase I malaria vaccine trial with a long synthetic peptide derived from the merozoite surface protein 3 antigen Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 6 displays multiple targets for naturally occurring antibodies that mediate monocyte-dependent parasite killing Template-based coiled-coil antigens elicit neutralizing antibodies to the SARS-coronavirus Phase 1 randomized double-blind safety and immunogenicity trial of Plasmodium falciparum malaria merozoite surface protein FMP1 vaccine De novo design of alpha-helical proteins: basic research to medical applications Genome sequence of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum A flexible motif search technique based on generalized profiles Transcriptomics and proteomics: tools for the identification of novel drug targets and vaccine candidates for tuberculosis A proteomic view of the Plasmodium falciparum life cycle The Transcriptome of the Intraerythrocytic Developmental Cycle of Plasmodium falciparum Crossreactive antigens between life cycle stages of plasmodium falciparum Antibodies that protect humans against Plasmodium falciparum blood stages do not on their own inhibit parasite growth and invasion in vitro, but act in cooperation with monocytes Mapping of conformational B cell epitopes within alpha-helical coiled coil proteins A de novo designed template for generating conformation-specific antibodies that recognize alpha-helices in proteins Targeting malaria virulence and remodeling proteins to the host erythrocyte A host-targeting signal in virulence proteins reveals a secretome in malarial infection Proteomic analysis identifies novel proteins of the Maurer's clefts, a secretory compartment delivering Plasmodium falciparum proteins to the surface of its host cell Multi-character population study of the vir subtelomeric multigene superfamily of Plasmodium vivax, a major human malaria parasite A Maurer's cleft-associated protein is essential for expression of the major malaria virulence antigen on the surface of infected red blood cells A novel antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity mechanism involved in defense against malaria requires costimulation of monocytes FcgammaRII and FcgammaRIII Predicting coiled coils from protein sequences Improved prediction of signal peptides: SignalP 3.0 TMbase-A database of membrane spanning proteins segments Predicting transmembrane protein topology with a hidden Markov model: application to complete genomes Prediction of potential GPImodification sites in proprotein sequences pTARGET Figure S1 CD spectra of the peptides 45 (S1A) and 12 (S1B) Found at: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000645.s001 (12.32 MB TIF) Figure S2 ELISA inhibition assay using anti-human peptide specific antibodies. keywords: adci; adults; affinity; amino; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; approach; assays; blood; buffer; candidates; cells; cellular; characteristic; chemical; coil; corresponding; coupling; cross; data; development; discovery; domains; donors; elisa; epitopes; erythrocytic; falciparum; figure; fragments; genome; growth; helical; high; human; identification; ifat; igg; immune; known; localization; malaria; mice; molecules; motifs; mouse; native; negative; new; parasite; parasitemia; peptides; plasmodium; positive; prediction; profiles; protective; proteins; purified; sequence; sera; serum; specific; stage; studies; surface; synthesis; table; tested; use; vaccine cache: cord-048360-n9sih438.txt plain text: cord-048360-n9sih438.txt item: #47 of 140 id: cord-102704-wfuzk2dp author: Meza, Diana K. title: Predicting the presence and titer of rabies virus neutralizing antibodies from low-volume serum samples in low-containment facilities date: 2020-04-30 words: 3185 flesch: 26 summary: Fields Virology Rabies in New Mexico 464 cavern bats Serological investigation of rabies virus neutralizing antibodies in bats captured in 469 the eastern Brazilian Amazon One Health, emerging infectious diseases and 472 wildlife: two decades of progress? This was 321 unsurprising, since virus neutralization tests are biologically dynamic systems that can be influenced 322 by many factors (e.g. variability in the humidity of the incubator, technical manipulation, light 323 condition of the microscope, variability in GFP expression in the cells) keywords: analysis; antibodies; antibody; bats; binomial; cell; containment; counts; data; dates; detection; different; dilution; diseases; dogs; favn; field; figure; fluorescent; gfp; high; image; imaging; infected; infectious; large; low; lyssavirus; model; neutralization; number; pathogenic; pmrffit; predictions; pseudotype; quantitative; rabies; random; rapid; rvna; samples; serological; serology; serum; single; srig; statistical; surveillance; test; titer; use; vampire; variability; viral; virus; wildlife cache: cord-102704-wfuzk2dp.txt plain text: cord-102704-wfuzk2dp.txt item: #48 of 140 id: cord-102908-sr7j8z9c author: Mersmann, Sophia F. title: Learning to count: determining the stoichiometry of bio-molecular complexes using fluorescence microscopy and statistical modelling date: 2020-07-24 words: 5246 flesch: 35 summary: Figure 5A displays the mean number of bound antibody at increasing 9C12 concentrations; AdV-9C12 stoichiometries range from 29 to 115 across the titration of antibody. However, using stoichiometric estimates to calibrate fluorescent data revealed population heterogeneity with a small proportion of virus particles binding ∼200 antibody molecules. keywords: adv; adv-9c12; analysis; antibodies; antibody; approach; batch; binary; binding; biotin; complexes; components; concentration; counting; counts; data; distribution; dyes; estimates; example; experimental; figure; fluorescent; frequency; heterogeneity; hexon; individual; interaction; label; labelling; maximum; measurements; method; microscopy; modelling; molecular; molecules; negative; number; particles; positive; previous; probability; proportion; protein; quantitative; range; sample; signal; single; specific; statistical; stoichiometry; supplementary; system; values; virus; viruses cache: cord-102908-sr7j8z9c.txt plain text: cord-102908-sr7j8z9c.txt item: #49 of 140 id: cord-103077-sh4w2mye author: Lu, Shuai title: Leveraging Sequential and Spatial Neighbors Information by Using CNNs Linked With GCNs for Paratope Prediction date: 2020-10-16 words: 3142 flesch: 48 summary: Note that these methods only considering sequential or spatial neighbors of target antibody residue. In this study, we design and implement a new structurebased paratope predictor leveraging sequential and spatial neighbors of target antibody residue. keywords: acid; affinity; amino; antibodies; antibody; antigen; atoms; attention; auc; blast; cnns; combination; complexes; epitope; features; function; gcns; graph; information; input; interface; layers; learning; matrix; methods; model; neighbors; networks; neural; node; paratope; performance; prediction; protein; residue; sequence; sequential; set; spatial; specific; structure; surface; target; training; use; validation; vector cache: cord-103077-sh4w2mye.txt plain text: cord-103077-sh4w2mye.txt item: #50 of 140 id: cord-103255-4k13re9y author: Daniell, Henry title: Medical molecular farming: production of antibodies, biopharmaceuticals and edible vaccines in plants date: 2001-05-01 words: 4362 flesch: 38 summary: As with antibodies, transient expression systems (in which candidate vaccine sequences are incorporated into plant viral surface proteins) have also been investigated extensively and high levels of expression have been achieved. There has been no evidence of allergic reaction or of a human antimouse antibody (HAMA) response in 60 patients receiving topical oral application of a secretory IgA specific to S. mutans 8 . Proteins of microbial and viral pathogens were some of the earliest examples chosen to show the feasibility of transgenic plant expression systems 14-17 . keywords: advantages; alfalfa; alternative; antibodies; antibody; antigen; approach; assembly; biopharmaceuticals; cell; chloroplast; commercial; concern; corn; cost; crops; disulfide; dose; edible; engineering; environmental; example; expression; foreign; form; genes; genetic; genome; high; human; iga; igg; immune; large; levels; low; mice; oral; plants; potato; potential; processing; production; products; proteins; public; purification; recent; recombinant; response; rice; scale; scfv; seeds; significant; size; soluble; storage; subunit; surface; systems; tissue; tobacco; tonne; total; transgenic; use; vaccines; viral; virus cache: cord-103255-4k13re9y.txt plain text: cord-103255-4k13re9y.txt item: #51 of 140 id: cord-103432-cdmoazrl author: Richardson, Eve title: A computational method for immune repertoire mining that identifies novel binders from different clonotypes, demonstrated by identifying anti-Pertussis toxoid antibodies date: 2020-06-02 words: 6562 flesch: 47 summary: en Benchmarking immunoinformatic tools for the analysis of antibody repertoire sequences. A clonotype is defined as a group of antibody sequences which derive from a common progenitor B cell [10] . keywords: acid; amino; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; binders; binding; bulk; cdrh3; cell; chain; clonotype; clonotyping; convergence; data; database; developability; different; discovery; epitope; example; figure; functional; gene; germline; group; heavy; identity; immune; known; large; method; mining; new; non; novel; number; paratype; paratyping; pertussis; positives; precision; predictions; probe; ptx; recall; repertoire; residues; sequences; sequencing; set; shared; single; site; specific; test; therapeutic; thresholds; toxoid; true; unique; use; variable cache: cord-103432-cdmoazrl.txt plain text: cord-103432-cdmoazrl.txt item: #52 of 140 id: cord-104226-bb4lyvhy author: None title: Monoclonal antiprothrombinase (3D4.3) prevents mortality from murine hepatitis virus (MHV-3) infection date: 1992-09-01 words: 4690 flesch: 44 summary: PCA antibody titers in this group were ~5 0 % of that present during antibody therapy, consistent with known rates of disappearance of IgG. The MHV-rechallenged mice experienced a 50% mortality rate, suggesting that protection was by passive immunization of antibody, not an acquired, active immune process (Fig. 9 ). ELISA for Anti-PCA Antibody. keywords: activation; activity; analysis; animals; antibody; ascites; assay; balb; cells; coagulation; consistent; day; deposition; disease; effect; elisa; expression; factor; fibrin; fig; hepatic; hepatitis; high; human; immunofluorescence; induction; infected; infection; liver; mab; macrophage; mhv-3; mice; monoclonal; mortality; mouse; murine; necrosis; normal; p.i; pca; plaque; procoagulant; purified; receptor; reduction; replication; staining; standard; strain; survival; tissue; titers; treatment; untreated; viral; virus cache: cord-104226-bb4lyvhy.txt plain text: cord-104226-bb4lyvhy.txt item: #53 of 140 id: cord-133453-23rfdkuw author: Chen, Jiahui title: Prediction and mitigation of mutation threats to COVID-19 vaccines and antibody therapies date: 2020-10-13 words: 8197 flesch: 51 summary: From these studies, we infer that some of S protein mutations may disrupt the binding of antibodies and S protein, which will further affect the efficacy and reliability of vaccines. To investigate the influences of existing S protein mutations on the binding free energy (BFE) of S protein and antibodies, we consider 133 mutations occurred on the S protein RBD which are relevant to the binding of SARS-CoV-2 S protein and antibodies as well as ACE2. keywords: ace2; adaptive; affinity; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antibody therapies; antigen; antigenic; basis; bfe; bfe changes; binding; cells; changes; class; coils; complexes; convalescent; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cr3022; development; different; disease; dna; domain; effective; efficacy; energy; epitopes; ey6a; fab; figure; free; frequency; genetic; genome; h11; heavy; helix; helper; high; host; human; immune; infection; innate; kcal; large; library; major; means; mechanism; mhc; mol; mr17; mutations; negative; neutralization; neutralizing; non; number; pathogen; pdb; phase; positive; potential; protein; protein rbd; random; rbd; receptor; regions; replicating; residues; response; rna; s protein; s309; sars; secondary; sheet; single; specific; spike; structure; surface; system; t cells; therapies; type; unique; vaccines; variable; vector; viral; virus; weakened cache: cord-133453-23rfdkuw.txt plain text: cord-133453-23rfdkuw.txt item: #54 of 140 id: cord-254531-pv55re2x author: Mestecky, Jiri title: Specific antibody activity, glycan heterogeneity and polyreactivity contribute to the protective activity of S-IgA at mucosal surfaces date: 2009-06-04 words: 4112 flesch: 32 summary: Bacterial contributions to intestinal epithelial barrier integrity Bacterial interactions with mucosal epithelial cells A mannose-specific adherence mechanism in Lactobacillus plantarum conferring binding to the human colonic cell line HT-29 Secretory immunoglobulin A primitive T cell-independent mechanism of intestinal mucosal IgA responses to commensal bacteria Perspectives on mucosal vaccines: is mucosal tolerance a barrier? keywords: activity; adaptive; adherence; adhesion; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; bacteria; barrier; binding; carbohydrate; cells; chains; coli; commensal; component; composition; defense; deficiency; dependent; distribution; diverse; epithelial; escherichia; fimbriae; glycan; glycosylation; gut; heterogeneity; human; iga; iga1; iga2; igg; igm; immune; immunity; immunoglobulin; innate; interactions; intestinal; large; mannose; mechanisms; microbial; microbiota; milk; moieties; mucosal; myeloma; number; oral; piglets; polymeric; protection; proteins; receptors; region; role; secretions; secretory; serum; sites; specific; structure; studies; surfaces; system; tract; type; vivo cache: cord-254531-pv55re2x.txt plain text: cord-254531-pv55re2x.txt item: #55 of 140 id: cord-254821-px4fe7mn author: Infantino, Maria title: Diagnostic accuracy of an automated chemiluminescent immunoassay for anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 IgM and IgG antibodies: an Italian experience date: 2020-05-10 words: 1227 flesch: 25 summary: the need to accelerate progress in diagnostics, serological tests have been developed. On the one hand, in reference to IgM and IgG combination, the overall sensitivity of 75% may reflect that some patients may not yet develop antibodies or will never develop (the length of time from the symptoms onset to serological test ranged from 8 to 17 days); on the other hand, the 100% specificity performance of IgG antibodies makes them an appropriate test for the different immunization protocols. keywords: antibodies; antibody; chemiluminescence; clia; control; coronavirus; covid-19; diagnostic; different; disease; giovanni; health; igg; igm; immunoassay; negative; patients; performance; positive; public; quantitative; rapid; sars; sensitivity; serological; testing; tests; value cache: cord-254821-px4fe7mn.txt plain text: cord-254821-px4fe7mn.txt item: #56 of 140 id: cord-255683-2eq24jth author: Chen, Weizao title: Cross-Reactive Human IgM-Derived Monoclonal Antibodies that Bind to HIV-1 Envelope Glycoproteins date: 2010-02-04 words: 5946 flesch: 40 summary: Recognition properties of a panel of human recombinant Fab fragments to the CD4 binding site of gp120 that show differing abilities to neutralize human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Broadly crossreactive HIV-1-neutralizing human monoclonal Fab selected for binding to gp120-CD4-CCR5 complexes Human monoclonal antibody 2G12 defines a distinctive neutralization epitope on the gp120 glycoprotein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 A potent cross-clade neutralizing human monoclonal antibody against a novel epitope on gp41 of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Broadly neutralizing antibodies targeted to the membrane-proximal external region of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 glycoprotein gp41 Human monoclonal antibodies and engineered antibody domains as HIV-1 entry inhibitors Extensively cross-reactive anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies induced by gp140 immunization Correlation between immunologic responses to a recombinant glycoprotein 120 vaccine and incidence of HIV-1 infection in a phase 3 HIV-1 preventive vaccine trial A clinically relevant HIV-1 subunit vaccine protects rhesus macaques from in vivo passaged simian-human immunodeficiency virus infection Prevention of disease induced by a partially heterologous AIDS virus in rhesus monkeys by using an adjuvanted multicomponent protein vaccine Aiming to induce broadly reactive neutralizing antibody responses with HIV-1 vaccine candidates Antibodies, viruses and vaccines A human monoclonal antibody neutralizes diverse HIV-1 isolates by binding a critical gp41 epitope Molecular analysis of HIV-1 gp120 antibody response using isotype IgM and IgG phage display libraries from a long-term non-progressor HIV-1-infected individual A functional human IgM response to HIV-1 Env after immunization with NYVAC HIV C Intracellular neutralization of HIV transcytosis across tight epithelial barriers by anti-HIV envelope protein dIgA or IgM Human domain antibodies to conserved sterically restricted regions on gp120 as exceptionally potent cross-reactive HIV-1 neutralizers Construction of a large phage-displayed human antibody domain library with a scaffold based on a newly identified highly soluble, stable heavy chain variable domain A group M consensus envelope glycoprotein induces antibodies that neutralize subsets of subtype B and C HIV-1 primary viruses Expression and characterization of a single-chain polypeptide analogue of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp120-CD4 receptor complex Improved breadth and potency of an HIV-1-neutralizing human single-chain antibody by random mutagenesis and sequential antigen panning Crystal structure of a neutralizing human IGG against HIV-1: a template for vaccine design Vaccination with ALVAC and AIDSVAX to prevent HIV-1 infection in Thailand The antigenic structure of the HIV gp120 envelope glycoprotein Structure of an HIV gp120 envelope glycoprotein in complex with the CD4 receptor and a neutralizing human antibody The ability of an oligomeric human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope antigen to elicit neutralizing antibodies against primary HIV-1 isolates is improved following partial deletion of the second hypervariable region Immunogenicity and ability of variable loop-deleted human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope glycoproteins to elicit neutralizing antibodies Immunogenicity of DNA vaccines expressing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope glycoprotein with and without deletions in the V1/2 and V3 regions Selective modification of variable loops alters tropism and enhances immunogenicity of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope Influence of N-linked glycans in V4-V5 region of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 glycoprotein gp160 on induction of a virus-neutralizing humoral response Role of N-linked glycans in a human immunodeficiency virus envelope glycoprotein: effects on protein function and the neutralizing antibody response Modified HIV envelope proteins with enhanced binding to neutralizing monoclonal antibodies Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of oligomeric human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp140 Improved elicitation of neutralizing antibodies against primary human immunodeficiency viruses by soluble stabilized envelope glycoprotein trimers Crosslinked HIV-1 envelope-CD4 receptor complexes elicit broadly cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies in rhesus macaques Purified complexes of HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins with CD4 and CCR5(CXCR4): production, characterization and immunogenicity Mutagenic stabilization and/or disruption of a CD4-bound state reveals distinct conformations of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp120 envelope glycoprotein Broadly reactive monoclonal antibodies to multiple HIV-1 subtype and SIVcpz Envelope glycoproteins. Although this approach is being vigorously pursued, none of the immunogens designed has yet efficiently elicited neutralizing antibodies with broad specificity. keywords: activity; affinity; antibodies; antibody; antigen; bal; binding; bnabs; cd4; cd4bs; cd4i; cells; chain; characterization; clade; conserved; cross; data; design; different; donors; elicitation; envelope; envs; epitopes; fab; figure; fusion; gene; germline; glycoprotein; gp120; healthy; heavy; high; hiv-1; human; igm; immune; immunodeficiency; immunogens; infection; isolates; libraries; library; light; m19; m19fc; mabs; monoclonal; mutations; neutralization; neutralizing; phage; potent; primary; r3h1; reactive; recombinant; response; results; scfv; site; somatic; specific; structures; type; vaccine; variable; virus; viruses; vivo cache: cord-255683-2eq24jth.txt plain text: cord-255683-2eq24jth.txt item: #57 of 140 id: cord-255936-hfa9w2dg author: Jin, Junyeong title: The level of decoy epitope in PCV2 vaccine affects the neutralizing activity of sera in the immunized animals date: 2018-02-12 words: 3488 flesch: 40 summary: We then determined the relative amount of CP 169e180 epitope in these two vaccines with an enzyme immunoassay employing anti-CP 169e180 antibody (Fig. 3B) . Because we found a higher amount of anti-CP 169e180 antibody bound to vaccine A-coated wells than in vaccine B-coated wells, we concluded that vaccine A contained a higher amount of CP 169e180 epitope. keywords: 169e180; animals; antibodies; antibody; batch; bsa; capsid; cells; circovirus; coated; decoy; deln; enzyme; epitope; fig; higher; hrp; human; igg; immune; immunized; immunoassay; immunodominant; infected; infection; level; measured; microtiter; neutralizing; non; pcv2; peptide; pigs; plate; porcine; protein; recombinant; response; scfv; sera; specific; subunit; type; usa; vaccine; viral; vlp; vlps cache: cord-255936-hfa9w2dg.txt plain text: cord-255936-hfa9w2dg.txt item: #58 of 140 id: cord-256652-ent4vu3z author: Tan, Joshua title: A public antibody lineage that potently inhibits malaria infection by dual binding to the circumsporozoite protein date: 2018-03-19 words: 6596 flesch: 37 summary: The ability of monoclonal antibodies and serum to prevent PfSPZ invasion and traversal in vitro was tested as previously described 44, 48 . To test specific antibody binding, ELISA plates were either directly coated with 1 μg ml −1 of recombinant PfCSP (Sanaria ® , sequence previously shown 21 ), 2 μg ml −1 of peptide 22-110 or 1 μg ml −1 of peptide 282-383, or first with 10 μg ml −1 of avidin (Sigma-Aldrich), followed by 10 μg ml −1 of NANP18 (NANPNANPNANPNANPNA), NPDP19 (KQPADGNPDPNANPNVDPN), NPDP15 (KQPADGNPDPNANPN) or various NPDP19 peptide mutants. keywords: affinity; alexa; alleles; analysis; antibodies; antibody; binding; blood; cells; chain; circumsporozoite; clinical; common; control; data; density; development; donors; dpn; dual; effective; efficacy; falciparum; fig; flow; fluor; gene; goat; heavy; high; human; igg; igm; immunization; infection; invasion; isolated; junction; light; lineage; liver; malaria; mgg4; mice; model; monoclonal; monoclonal antibodies; motif; mouse; mutations; nanp; nanp18; neutralizing; non; npdp15; parasite; peptide; pfcsp; pfspz; plasmodium; plates; potent; protective; protein; region; repeat; residues; response; results; rts; sequences; serum; specific; specificity; sporozoites; structure; study; supplementary; supplementary fig; surface; swiss; terminal; terminus; test; vaccine; version; vh3; vivo; volunteers; w52 cache: cord-256652-ent4vu3z.txt plain text: cord-256652-ent4vu3z.txt item: #59 of 140 id: cord-257465-9yrf7ofy author: Finlay, William J. J. title: Phage Display: A Powerful Technology for the Generation of High-Specificity Affinity Reagents from Alternative Immune Sources date: 2016-05-23 words: 6073 flesch: 30 summary: Today however, the progress in chicken antibody phage display has circumvented these problems and made recombinant chicken antibody reagents readily accessible, as we describe below. fi lamentous phage displaying antibody variable domains Multi-subunit proteins on the surface of fi lamentous phage: methodologies for displaying antibody (Fab) heavy and light chains Selecting and screening recombinant antibody libraries Human antibodies from V-gene libraries displayed on phage Semisynthetic combinatorial antibody libraries: a chemical solution to the diversity problem Human antibodies with sub-nanomolar affi nities isolated from a large non-immunized phage display library Fully synthetic human combinatorial antibody libraries (HuCAL) based on modular consensus frameworks and CDRs randomized with trinucleotides Generation of high-affi nity human antibodies by combining donor-derived and synthetic complementarity-determiningregion diversity High-throughput generation of synthetic antibodies from highly functional minimalist phage-displayed libraries Picomolar affi nity antibodies from a fully synthetic naive library selected and evolved by ribosome display Affi nity maturation of a humanized rat antibody for anti-RAGE therapy: comprehensive mutagenesis reveals a high level of mutational plasticity both inside and outside the complementarity-determining regions In vitro selection and affi nity maturation of antibodies from a naive combinatorial immunoglobulin library Augmented binary substitution: single-pass CDR germ-lining and stabilization of therapeutic antibodies Protein engineering of antibody binding sites: recovery of specifi c activity in an anti-digoxin single-chain Fv analogue produced in Escherichia coli Human monoclonal Fab fragments derived from a combinatorial library bind to respiratory syncytial virus F glycoprotein and neutralize infectivity Domain interactions in the Fab fragment: a comparative evaluation of the singlechain Fv and Fab format engineered with variable domains of different stability An improved single-chain Fab platform for effi cient display and recombinant expression Reliable cloning of functional antibody variable domains from hybridomas and spleen cell repertoires employing a reengineered phage display system High affi nity ScFvs from a single rabbit immunized with multiple haptens Methods for the generation of chicken monoclonal antibody fragments by phage display keywords: affi; affi nity; alternative; animal; antibodies; antibody; antigen; binding; cation; cdr; cells; chain; chicken; chromatography; cient; city; clones; cloning; coli; column; combinatorial; diffi; direct; display; diversity; elisa; epitopes; expression; fab; fragments; functional; fusion; generation; germline; high; human; identifi; immune; immunization; immunized; immunoglobulin; interest; large; libraries; library; mammalian; mammals; method; mice; monoclonal; mouse; multiple; nity; phage; phage display; polyclonal; process; production; protein; purifi; rapid; reactive; reagents; recombinant; regions; repertoire; response; scfv; selection; sequences; serum; simple; single; small; sources; species; specifi; stable; studies; study; surface; target; technologies; technology; use; useful; variable cache: cord-257465-9yrf7ofy.txt plain text: cord-257465-9yrf7ofy.txt item: #60 of 140 id: cord-260340-dujd28gg author: Chenoweth, Alicia M title: Harnessing the immune system via FcγR function in immune therapy: a pathway to next‐gen mAbs date: 2020-04-12 words: 10139 flesch: 31 summary: The influence of such surface constraints on receptors and effector cell function helps explain some of the observed epitope distance requirements for optimal mAb function, 39, 41 which were apparent in a comparative study of ADCC and ADCP. Immunoglobulin isotype knowledge and application to Fc engineering Fc receptor-targeted therapies for the treatment of inflammation, cancer and beyond A complementoptimized EGFR antibody improves cytotoxic functions of polymorphonuclear cells against tumor cells TRIM21-from intracellular immunity to therapy Update on Fc receptor-like (FCRL) family: new immunoregulatory players in health and diseases The human FccRII (CD32) family of leukocyte FcR in health and disease Mouse and human FcR effector functions Fc receptors as adaptive immunoreceptors Fcc receptors: genetic variation, function, and disease Polymorphisms and interspecies differences of the activating and inhibitory FccRII of Macaca nemestrina influence the binding of human IgG subclasses A new mouse expressing human Fcc receptors to better predict therapeutic efficacy of human anti-cancer antibodies FccRIIb on liver sinusoidal endothelium clears small immune complexes Fcc receptor heterogeneity in leukocyte functional responses FccRI-deficient mice show multiple alterations to inflammatory and immune responses Identification of the mouse IgG3 Receptor: implications for antibody effector function at the interface between innate and adaptive immunity The immunological organ environment dictates the molecular and cellular pathways of cytotoxic antibody activity The rare anaphylaxis-associated FccRIIa3 exhibits distinct characteristics from the canonical FccRIIa1 Human neutrophils express low levels of FccRIIIA, which plays a role in PMN activation Signaling through the inhibitory Fc receptor FccRIIB induces CD8 + T cell apoptosis to limit T cell immunity CD32a is a marker of a CD4 T-cell HIV reservoir harbouring replication-competent proviruses Activationdependent expression of low affinity IgG receptors FccRII (CD32) and FccRIII(CD16) in subpopulations of human T lymphocytes CD32 ligation promotes the activation of CD4 + T cells Expression of the Fc receptor for IgG (Fc gamma RII/CDw32) by human circulating T and B lymphocytes Endocytosis and recycling of immune complexes by follicular dendritic cells enhances B cell antigen binding and activation Functional expression of IgG-Fc receptors in human airway smooth muscle cells The biology of the classical Fcc receptors in non-hematopoietic cells Of ITIMs, ITAMs, and ITAMis: revisiting immunoglobulin Fc receptor signaling Negative Signaling in Fc Receptor Complexes Dimeric FccR ectodomains as probes of the Fc receptor function of anti-influenza virus IgG EGFR expression levels affect the mode of action of EGFR-targeting monoclonal antibodies Impact of immune complex size and glycosylation on IgG binding to human FccRs Structural definition of an antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity response implicated in reduced risk for HIV-1 infection Two families of Env antibodies efficiently engage Fc-gamma receptors and eliminate HIV-1-Infected Cells Transmembrane pickets connect cyto-and pericellular skeletons forming barriers to receptor engagement Picket-fences in the plasma membrane: functions in immune cells and phagocytosis Size-dependent segregation controls macrophage phagocytosis of antibody-opsonized targets Antibody distance from the cell membrane regulates antibody effector mechanisms Complex interplay between epitope specificity and isotype dictates the biological activity of anti-human CD40 antibodies Immune checkpoints as therapeutic targets in autoimmunity Lymphoma depletion during CD20 immunotherapy in mice is mediated by macrophage FccRI, FccRIII, and FccRIV The murine Fc receptor for immunoglobulin: purification, partial amino acid sequence, and isolation of cDNA clones Fc-dependent inhibition of mouse B cell activation by whole anti-mu antibodies Inhibitory FccRIIb-mediated soluble antigen clearance from plasma by a pH-dependent antigen-binding antibody and its enhancement by Fc engineering Mouse liver sinusoidal endothelium eliminates HIV-Like particles from blood at a rate of 100 million per minute by a second-order kinetic process Long-lasting antitumor protection by anti-CD20 antibody through cellular immune response Differential Fc-receptor engagement drives an anti-tumor vaccinal effect Rituximab immunotherapy results in the induction of a lymphoma idiotype-specific T-cell response in patients with follicular lymphoma: support for a vaccinal effect of rituximab The function of Fcc receptors in dendritic cells and macrophages Antigen targeting to myeloid-specific human Fc gamma RI/CD64 triggers enhanced antibody responses in transgenic mice Cell surface recycling of internalized antigen permits dendritic cell priming of B cells The contribution of non-professional antigen-presenting cells to immunity and tolerance in the liver Effect of a single amino acid mutation on the activating and immunosuppressive properties of a humanized OKT3 monoclonal antibody Polymorphism in mitogenic effect of IgG1 monoclonal antibodies against T3 antigen on human T cells Cytokine storm in a phase 1 trial of the anti-CD28 monoclonal antibody TGN1412 The therapeutic CD38 monoclonal antibody daratumumab induces programmed cell death via Fcc receptormediated cross-linking Specificity and affinity of human Fcc receptors and their polymorphic variants for human IgG subclasses Structural basis for binding of human IgG1 to its high-affinity human receptor FccRI Harnessing Fc receptor biology in the design of therapeutic antibodies Localization of the binding site for the human highaffinity Fc receptor on IgG High resolution mapping of the binding site on human IgG1 for FccRI, FccRII, FccRIII, and FcRn and design of IgG1 variants with improved binding to the FccR Fc Optimization of therapeutic antibodies enhances their ability to kill tumor cells in vitro and controls tumor expansion in vivo via low-affinity activating Fcc receptors Structural analysis of human IgG-Fc glycoforms reveals a correlation between glycosylation and structural integrity Obinutuzumab as frontline treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: updated results of the CLL11 study Dynamics of Inter-heavy chain interactions in human immunoglobulin g (igg) subclasses studied by kinetic fab arm exchange Antiinflammatory activity of human IgG4 antibodies by dynamic Fab arm exchange Human IgG2 antibodies display disulfide-mediated structural isoforms FccRs modulate cytotoxicity of anti-Fas antibodies: implications for agonistic antibodybased therapeutics A stable engineered human IgG3 antibody with decreased aggregation during antibody expression and low pH stress Human IgG isotype-specific amino acid residues affecting complement-mediated cell lysis and phagocytosis Reformatting rituximab into human IgG2 and IgG4 isotypes dramatically improves apoptosis induction in vitro The innate mononuclear phagocyte network depletes B lymphocytes through Fc receptor-dependent mechanisms during anti-CD20 antibody immunotherapy Trastuzumab triggers phagocytic killing of high HER2 cancer cells in vitro and in vivo by interaction with Fcc receptors on macrophages IgG2a monoclonal antibodies inhibit human tumor growth through interaction with effector cells Therapy with monoclonal antibodies. keywords: 131; acid; activating; activity; adcc; adcp; affinity; agonistic; amino; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; bcr; binding; biology; cancer; cd20; cd40; cell; ch3; chain; clinical; complement; complex; complexes; context; critical; cross; cytotoxicity; dendritic; dependent; development; different; disease; effector; engagement; engineering; enhanced; epitope; example; expression; fc receptor; fccr; fccriib; fccriiia; fcr; figure; form; function; glycan; greater; heavy; her2; high; hinge; human; igg; igg1; igg2; igg4; immune; immune complexes; immunity; immunoglobulin; important; improved; induction; inhibitory; innate; interaction; itam; key; leukocyte; linking; low; lower; lymphoma; mabs; macrophages; major; membrane; mice; moa; modulate; monoclonal; mutations; neutrophils; new; normal; opsonized; patients; pd-1; phagocytosis; potency; potent; present; proinflammatory; properties; receptor; removal; responses; restricted; results; role; scaffolding; signaling; small; specific; specificity; subclasses; surface; sweeping; table; target; target cell; targeting; therapeutic; therapeutic mabs; therapy; treatment; tumor; type; tyrosine; use; vivo cache: cord-260340-dujd28gg.txt plain text: cord-260340-dujd28gg.txt item: #61 of 140 id: cord-261274-y74smbtd author: Crouch, C. F title: Lactogenic immunity following vaccination of cattle with bovine coronavirus date: 2000-09-15 words: 4178 flesch: 48 summary: The eect of the interval between vaccination and calving on the increase in milk VN antibody titre can be seen in Table 1 where data from studies A and B have been combined into ®ve sets, each set comprising 12 cows (three vaccinate and three placebo cows from each study) with mean vaccination/calving intervals of 19, 30, 46, 69 and 85 days, respectively. Associated with this increase in serum VN antibody levels, ®rst day colostrum VN antibody was also signi®cantly higher log 10 0X5±0X8 in the test vaccine groups compared with the placebo control groups. keywords: animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; bcov; beef; blood; bovine; calf; calves; calving; cant; cattle; colostrum; coronavirus; cows; dairy; days; dose; duration; groups; hai; herds; immunity; increase; infection; lactogenic; levels; log; milk; neonatal; placebo; post; pre; response; result; rotavirus; rst; samples; serum; signi; single; speci; studies; study; titre; units; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine cache: cord-261274-y74smbtd.txt plain text: cord-261274-y74smbtd.txt item: #62 of 140 id: cord-267015-mprsdi2e author: Zhu, Zhongyu title: Exceptionally Potent Cross-Reactive Neutralization of Nipah and Hendra Viruses by a Human Monoclonal Antibody date: 2008-03-15 words: 4475 flesch: 47 summary: One of the challenges in the development of human antibodies for antiviral applications is the heterogeneity and mutability of RNA viruses. Nipah virus (or a cousin) strikes again Fatal fruit bat virus sparks epidemics in southern Asia Nipah virus encephalitis reemergence Nipah virus outbreak(s) in Bangladesh Person-to-person transmission of Nipah virus in a Bangladeshi community Ultra-potent antibodies against respiratory syncytial virus: effects of binding kinetics and binding valence on viral neutralization Receptor binding, fusion inhibition, and induction of cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies by a soluble G glycoprotein of Hendra virus Potent neutralization of Hendra and Nipah viruses by human monoclonal antibodies Ephrin-B2 ligand is a functional receptor for Hendra virus and Nipah virus Identification of Hendra virus G glycoprotein residues that are critical for receptor binding Neutralization assays for differential henipavirus serology using Bio-Plex protein array systems Potent cross-reactive neutralization of SARS coronavirus isolates by human monoclonal antibodies Structure of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus receptor-binding domain complexed with neutralizing antibody Nipah virus: vaccination and passive protection studies in a hamster model We wish to thank Tim Hancock from the Australian Animal Health Laboratory for his help with the in vivo ferret work. keywords: activity; affinity; antibodies; antibody; assays; better; binding; cell; chain; clones; cross; data; days; domain; epitope; fab; fabs; ferrets; figure; fusion; glycoprotein; half; hendra; hev; hev g; higher; human; igg1; important; infectious; inhibitory; library; life; light; m101; m102.4; mutations; neutralization; neutralizing; nipah; niv; potency; potent; random; reactive; receptor; results; serum; sg(hev; site; soluble; therapeutic; vero; virus; viruses cache: cord-267015-mprsdi2e.txt plain text: cord-267015-mprsdi2e.txt item: #63 of 140 id: cord-267601-3ahmyicn author: Renegar, Kathryn B. title: Passive Immunization: Systemic and Mucosal date: 2007-05-09 words: 8082 flesch: 33 summary: Weltzin et al. (1996) treated rhesus monkeys with nose drops containing mouse monoclonal IgA antibody against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). In cattle, passive immunity in calf scours (neonatal bovine colibacillosis caused by Escherichia coli) correlates with the level of specific IgA antibody in the mother's milk (Wilson and Jutila, 1976) . keywords: administration; antibodies; antibody; bacterial; bile; bovine; breast; calves; caries; cells; challenge; chow; class; colostrum; convalescent; days; effect; effective; et al; fed; feeding; gastrointestinal; group; gut; hours; human; iga; igg; immune; immunity; immunization; immunized; immunoglobulin; infant; infection; influenza; intestinal; intranasal; intravenous; knockout; level; local; lower; major; maternal; mechanism; mice; milk; model; monoclonal; mother; mouse; mucosal; murine; mutans; nasal; neonatal; newborn; nonimmune; normal; nose; observed; offspring; oral; origin; passive; pathogen; patients; piga; polymeric; prenatal; protection; rats; receptor; renegar; respiratory; role; rotavirus; saliva; secretions; secretory; selective; serum; shedding; sheep; small; species; specific; studies; study; surfaces; systemic; times; titers; tizzard; tpn; tract; transfer; transmission; transport; treatment; upper; viral; virus; yolk cache: cord-267601-3ahmyicn.txt plain text: cord-267601-3ahmyicn.txt item: #64 of 140 id: cord-267736-rya9w6sh author: Kang, Xiaoping title: Development of an ELISA-array for simultaneous detection of five encephalitis viruses date: 2012-02-27 words: 2993 flesch: 42 summary: The efficacy of the spotting concentration of the capture antibodies was evaluated by virus culture detection, the proper spotting concentration was determined by a combination of minimized cross reaction and higher signal intensity. To make the assay more amenable to multiple virus detection, the assay protocol was optimized. keywords: antibodies; antibody; antigens; array; assay; capture; clinical; concentration; conventional; cross; cultures; detecting; detection; easy; eeev; elisa; encephalitis; figure; format; jev; method; microarray; monoclonal; multiple; pathogens; pbs; plates; protein; reaction; results; rna; sandwich; sensitivity; signal; simultaneous; specificity; spot; study; tbev; time; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-267736-rya9w6sh.txt plain text: cord-267736-rya9w6sh.txt item: #65 of 140 id: cord-267744-asjvf123 author: Lee, Yu-Ching title: Chicken single-chain variable fragments against the SARS-CoV spike protein date: 2007-07-23 words: 4062 flesch: 44 summary: Phage libraries displaying scFv antibodies were constructed according to published protocols with minor modifications (Andris-Widhopf et al., 2000; Barbas et al., 2001) . 1A and B, the expression and presence of scFv antibodies were examined by Coomassie blue staining and western blot analysis. keywords: acute; affinity; amino; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; binding; blot; cells; chain; chicken; clones; coli; coronavirus; cov; display; elisa; et al; expression; fig; fragments; gene; high; human; immunization; libraries; library; light; long; lsc18; lysates; membranes; monoclonal; pcr; phage; presence; primers; protein; recombinant; region; respiratory; results; sars; scfv; severe; short; single; specific; spike; ssc22; ssc35; study; syndrome; system; variable; vero; western cache: cord-267744-asjvf123.txt plain text: cord-267744-asjvf123.txt item: #66 of 140 id: cord-268417-6eyetb5i author: Mandel, Benjamin title: Neutralization of Animal Viruses date: 1978-12-31 words: 23029 flesch: 41 summary: Subsequent studies (Rowlands et al., 1971 ) revealed that the antigens located at the vertexes were involved in stimulating the production of neutralizing antibody. Recently, Cavan-agh et al. (1977) reported that the VP, capsid polypeptide of FMD virus induced neutralizing antibody. keywords: 19s; activity; addition; affinity; analysis; andrewes; animal; animal viruses; antibodies; antibody; antibody complexes; antibody fragments; antibody interaction; antibody molecule; antigen; antigenic; antiglobulin; antiserum; assay; bacterial; bacteriophage; basis; binding; bivalent; burnet; capability; capsid; case; cell; characteristics; class; cofactor; complement; complex; complexes; components; concentration; conditions; critical; data; degree; dependent; dependent antibody; different; dilution; dissociation; dulbecco; early; effect; effective; elford; enhanced; envelope; et al; evidence; fab; factor; fazekas; formation; fraction; fragment; free; fresh; function; globulin; goat; greater; groth; guinea; hahon; herpesvirus; high; higher; hit; host; human; hypothesis; igg; igg antibody; igm; immune; immunized; inactivation; increase; infected; infectious; infectivity; influenza; instances; interaction; interpretation; investigators; irreversible; kinetic; kriss; lafferty; late; level; lewenton; loss; low; mandel; mechanism; mice; minutes; molecule; monovalent; mouse; nature; neutralization; neutralization reaction; neutralized; neutralized virus; neutralizing; nonneutralized; normal; notkins; number; observation; observed; order; particles; pathway; phenomenon; pig; pigs; poliovirus; possibility; presence; present; protein; rabbit; rabbit antibody; rate; reaction; respect; response; results; rna; role; secondary; sensitization; sensitized; sera; serum; similar; single; sites; species; specific; state; strain; studies; study; subject; subsequent; substance; svehag; system; time; type; valence; viral; virion; virus; viruses; wallis; westaway; workers; yoshino cache: cord-268417-6eyetb5i.txt plain text: cord-268417-6eyetb5i.txt item: #67 of 140 id: cord-269023-g21a9ik2 author: Mukherjee, Siddhartha title: Before Virus, After Virus: A Reckoning date: 2020-10-15 words: 5867 flesch: 54 summary: By the mid-1960s, Miller had realized that the thymus was the site of maturation for a different kind of immune cell-not a B cell, but a T cell, from the word 'T-hymus' (Max Cooper, working independently, had also established that two kinds of lymphocytes existed, and that the thymus was the maturation site for T cells). He had, in essence, observed the first steps in inflammation and immune response: the recruitment of immune cells to the site of injury. keywords: antibodies; antibody; antigen; b cells; basic; blood; cd8; cells; child; class; committee; contributions; cov-2; covid-19; disease; doherty; ehrlich; experiment; extraordinary; history; human; illness; immune; immune cells; immune response; immunity; immunology; individuals; infected; infection; innate; iwasaki; jenner; killer; lasker; lymphocytes; medical; metchnikoff; mhc; microbes; mobile; new; organ; pandemic; paper; pathogens; patients; peptide; plasma; present; protein; receptors; research; response; sars; scientists; second; severe; signals; site; smallpox; specific; studies; surface; system; t cells; theory; thymus; townsend; type; understanding; vaccination; vaccine; viral; virus; viruses; word; work; year; zinkernagel cache: cord-269023-g21a9ik2.txt plain text: cord-269023-g21a9ik2.txt item: #68 of 140 id: cord-274557-2071770h author: Späth, Peter J. title: On the Dark Side of Therapies with Immunoglobulin Concentrates: The Adverse Events date: 2015-02-05 words: 10245 flesch: 27 summary: Epidemic hepatitis B caused by commercial human immunoglobulin Intravenous administration of human γ-globulin Adverse reactions following administration of human gamma-globulin IgG antibodies to IgA in two patients with hypogammaglobulinemia treated with commercial gammaglobulin Contact-activated factors: contaminants of immunoglobulin preparations with coagulant and vasoactive properties Fatal thrombotic events during treatment of autoimmune thrombocytopenia with intravenous immunoglobulin in elderly patients Effect of high-dose intravenous immunoglobulin therapy on blood rheology Pathogen safety of immunoglobulin preparations Population screening for variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease using a novel blood test: diagnostic accuracy and feasibility study Intravenous immunoglobulin: exploiting the potential of natural antibodies Inherent specificities in natural antibodies: a key to immune defense against pathogen invasion The natural human IgG anti-F(ab')2 antibody recognizes a conformational IgG1 hinge epitope Stimulation of complement amplification by F(ab') 2 -containing immune complexes and naturally occurring anti-hinge antibodies -possible role in systemic inflammation Natural autoantibodies to Fcγ receptors in intravenous immunoglobulins Multi-faceted role of naturally occurring autoantibodies in fighting pathogens Immunomodulation of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases with intravenous immune globulin Intravenous immunoglobulin: an update on the clinical use and mechanisms of action Demonstration of a thrombocytopenic factor in the blood of patients with thrombocytopenic purpura High-dose intravenous gammaglobulin for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in childhood Concurrent presence of agonistic and antagonistic anti-CD95 autoantibodies in intravenous Ig preparations A differential concentration-dependent effect of IVIg on neutrophil functions: Relevance for anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory mechanisms Verträglichkeit und Virussicherheit von intravenösen Immunglobulinen Occurrence of hemolytic reactions (HRS) on the same day as immune globulin (IG) product administrations during Cerebral venous and sinus thrombosis associated with subcutaneous immunoglobulin injection and oral contraceptive use Multiple immunoglobulin intolerance without antibody's anti-immunoglobulin A: a case report Common variable immunodeficiency: a patient with anaphylaxis to intravenous and subcutaneous immunoglobulin Prospective study on CVID patients with adverse reactions to intravenous or subcutaneous IgG administration Severe adverse reaction to subcutaneous immunoglobulin therapy in a patient with common variable immunodeficiency Evaluation of the relationship between injection site reaction rate and SCIg doses in patients with primary immunodeficiencies Immunthemotherapy: A Guide to Immunoglobulin Prophylaxis and Therapy Prophylactic infusions with an unmodified intravenous immunoglobullin product causing few side-effects in patients with antibody deficiency syndromes The role of anti-IgA antibodies in causing adverse reactions to gamma globulin infusion in immunodeficient patients: a comprehensive review of the literature Prevalence of immunoglobulin a deficiency (IgAD) in Shanghai blood donors and efforts to establish a rare blood bank of IgAD in Shanghai Hammarström L, Persson MAA, Smith CIE. The complement-mediated AEs were considered to be caused by aggregates in the product (spontaneous complement activation or anti-complementary activity or ACA) or by in vivo formation of immune complexes (ICs, patient's condition related; e.g., subclinical infections or the unnoticed presence of anti-IgA antibodies) and therefore only IgG concentrates with low or absent ACA is accepted by authorities for human use. keywords: activation; active; acute; administration; adverse; aes; affinity; alloantibodies; anaphylactoid; anemia; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigens; application; arterial; blood; case; cells; cerebral; chromatography; circulation; clinical; common; complement; complexes; complications; concentrates; condition; content; cvid; cytokines; dat; days; defense; deficiency; dimer; disease; donors; dose; dose intravenous; effect; events; factors; figure; following; formation; fractionation; galα1; group; hemolysis; hemolytic; high; histo; homeostatic; host; human; iga; iga antibodies; igad; igg; immune; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; immunoglobulin therapy; increase; inflammatory; infusion; initiation; intravenous; intravenous immunoglobulin; ivig; large; levels; like; line; liquid; literature; manufacturing; mechanisms; mild; moderate; myocardial; nabs; natural; network; non; patients; plasma; possible; potential; preparations; presence; primary; process; products; rbcs; reactions; recipient; reduction; regulatory; related; release; removal; repertoire; reports; review; risk; role; saccharide; scig; self; senescent; serum; severe; specificities; specificity; study; subcutaneous; system; therapy; thromboembolic; thrombosis; time; titers; transfer; treatment; tri; use; variable; virus; vivo; αgal cache: cord-274557-2071770h.txt plain text: cord-274557-2071770h.txt item: #69 of 140 id: cord-274756-nnm1n09a author: Varadé, Jezabel title: Human immunology and immunotherapy: main achievements and challenges date: 2020-09-02 words: 19166 flesch: 27 summary: Several factors have been involved in these advancements, and the most important ones include the development of thousands of different monoclonal antibodies that allow the identification of a large variety of cell subpopulations and the functional analysis of immune cells. After infection or vaccination, innate immune cells (such as monocytes and macrophages) display long-term functional changes through epigenetic and metabolic reprogramming, including histone acetylation, methylation and modulation of noncoding RNAs [94] keywords: achievements; activation; acute; adaptive; adaptive immune; addition; advances; aging; allergen; allergic; allergy; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antitumoral; approaches; arthritis; associated; association; asthma; autoimmune; autoimmune diseases; autoimmunity; b cells; bacteria; better; blood; cancer; cancer cells; capacity; car; case; cd4; cd8; cells; cellular; certain; challenges; checkpoint; chimeric; class; clinical; combination; commensal; common; complex; components; control; conventional; covid-19; ctla-4; current; cytokines; cytotoxic; cytotoxicity; data; death; dendritic; dendritic cells; development; different; differentiation; discovery; diseases; disorders; drugs; effective; effector; effects; efficacy; elements; example; expansion; expression; factor; field; foxp3; function; future; gamma; generation; genes; genetic; group; growth; gut; health; helper; high; histocompatibility; hla; host; human; human t; identification; ifn; il-2; ilcs; illnesses; immune; immune cells; immune responses; immune system; immunity; immunodeficiency; immunogenicity; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunology; immunotherapy; important; increase; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; innate; innate cells; innate immune; innate lymphoid; interactions; interferon; interleukin; intracellular; killer; killer cells; knowledge; lack; large; levels; like; long; low; lymphocytes; lymphoid; lymphoid cells; mabs; macrophages; main; major; maturation; mechanisms; melanoma; memory; mhc; mice; microbiota; models; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; mouse; mucosal; multiple; murine; mutations; natural; naïve; new; nk cells; nobel; number; oncolytic; pathogens; patients; pd-1; people; peptides; pids; play; population; potential; presence; prize; process; protection; protein; range; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; regulation; regulatory; rejection; related; researchers; resistance; responses; results; review; role; sclerosis; secondary; self; single; skin; solid; specific; strategies; studies; study; subsets; subunit; susceptibility; syndrome; system; systemic; t cells; target; technologies; th17; th2; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; tils; tissue; tnf; tolerance; transcription; transplantation; treatment; tregs; trials; tumor; tumor cells; types; understanding; use; vaccination; vaccines; variability; variants; viral; virus; viruses; way; years cache: cord-274756-nnm1n09a.txt plain text: cord-274756-nnm1n09a.txt item: #70 of 140 id: cord-275402-z92b18mb author: Diamant, Eran title: Monoclonal Antibody Combinations that Present Synergistic Neutralizing Activity: A Platform for Next-Generation Anti-Toxin Drugs date: 2015-05-29 words: 10947 flesch: 29 summary: Generally, the clearance of ICs following a polyclonal response occurs via two pathways, both of which involve antibody Fc. The clearance of ICs occurs via FcR and CR pathways, both involve antibody Fc. keywords: absence; activity; addition; additive; affinity; agent; anthrax; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antitoxin; authors; binding; blockade; blocking; bont; botulinum; cell; chain; clearance; clearing; cocktails; combination; combined; complement; complexes; dependent; different; display; distinct; domain; dose; drug; effect; efficacy; enhancement; epitopes; et al; evidence; f(ab')2; factor; fcî³r; findings; fold; following; fragments; functional; half; high; higher; human; ics; igg; immune; individual; infectious; lab; lethal; liver; low; mab combinations; mabs; mechanisms; mice; model; monoclonal; monoclonal antibodies; mouse; multiple; neurotoxin; neutralization; neutralizing; neutralizing mabs; non; oligoclonal; pab; pertussis; phenomenon; polyclonal; potency; potent; potential; preparations; protective; protein; receptor; reported; results; ricin; role; seb; second; serum; similar; simultaneous; single; sites; specific; specificity; studies; study; subunit; synergism; synergistic; synergistic neutralization; synergy; tag; target; therapeutics; therapy; toxicity; toxin; toxin neutralization; treatment; vitro; vivo cache: cord-275402-z92b18mb.txt plain text: cord-275402-z92b18mb.txt item: #71 of 140 id: cord-275946-ofd2ipvs author: Cheng, Matthew P. title: Serodiagnostics for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome–Related Coronavirus-2: A Narrative Review date: 2020-06-04 words: 5287 flesch: 27 summary: The time course of the immune response to experimental coronavirus infection of man The convalescent sera option for containing COVID-19 Use of convalescent plasma therapy in SARS patients in Hong Kong The feasibility of convalescent plasma therapy in severe COVID-19 patients: a pilot study Effectiveness of convalescent plasma therapy in severe COVID-19 patients Testing an old therapy against a new disease: convalescent plasma for COVID-19 Deployment of convalescent plasma for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 Anti-influenza immune plasma for the treatment of patients with severe influenza A: a randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial Anti-influenza hyperimmune intravenous immunoglobulin for adults with influenza A or B infection (FLU-IVIG): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial Subunit vaccines against emerging pathogenic human coronaviruses SARS CoV subunit vaccine: antibody-mediated neutralisation and enhancement Anti-spike IgG causes severe acute lung injury by skewing macrophage responses during acute SARS-CoV infection Prospects for a MERS-CoV spike vaccine A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin Current status of epidemiology, diagnosis, therapeutics, and vaccines for novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Analysis and interpretation of the data Drafting of the article Administrative, technical, or logistic support: C. Caya. The figure shows a decision tree for interpreting antibody test results by symptomatology (symptomatic, postsymptomatic, asymptomatic or subclinical) and whether the patient is a suspected case. keywords: acute; addition; antibodies; antibody; assays; asymptomatic; cases; clinical; convalescent; coronavirus; correlates; cov-2; covid-19; cross; detection; diagnosis; different; disease; dynamics; elisa; enzyme; estimates; health; high; human; igg; immune; immunity; individuals; infection; influenza; interpretation; key; low; lower; mers; molecular; nab; neutralization; pandemic; patients; pcr; performance; plasma; population; positive; potential; protection; protein; rbd; reactivity; reference; related; respiratory; responses; results; review; risk; sars; sensitivity; sera; serologic; seroprevalence; severe; specific; specificity; standard; studies; study; syndrome; test; testing; therapy; time; titers; transmission; use; vaccine; validation; viral cache: cord-275946-ofd2ipvs.txt plain text: cord-275946-ofd2ipvs.txt item: #72 of 140 id: cord-277076-yvsyo4l9 author: Berger, A. title: SARS date: 2019-09-12 words: 4350 flesch: 41 summary: It was obvious that the majority of human SARS cases were acquired through transmission from other SARS sufferers (which proved key to its eventual control). Low risk of SARS-CoV emergence or introduction -Countries/areas that never reported cases or reported only imported cases during the 2002-03 epidemic, and that do not conduct research using live SARS-CoV-like viruses or store clinical samples from SARS cases. keywords: acute; agent; animal; antibodies; antibody; antiviral; areas; cases; china; clinical; control; coronavirus; countries; cov; day; days; detection; diagnosis; different; disease; early; emergence; epidemic; figure; guangdong; health; high; human; identification; illness; important; infection; influenza; international; introduction; key; laboratories; laboratory; like; low; measures; nasopharyngeal; onset; outbreak; patients; population; positive; rapid; research; reservoir; respiratory; results; risk; sars; serum; severe; southern; species; specimens; spread; symptoms; syndrome; test; time; transmission; viral; viruses; weeks; wildlife cache: cord-277076-yvsyo4l9.txt plain text: cord-277076-yvsyo4l9.txt item: #73 of 140 id: cord-277894-0qw0t78s author: NAYLOR, MJ title: Canine coronavirus in Australian dogs date: 2008-03-10 words: 3143 flesch: 49 summary: Eighty-five percent of dogs that had clinical signs of gastroenteritis attributed to CCV infection were positive for IgG and IgM antibody to CCV. The prevalence of CCV antibody was 15.8% (0 to 27.4%) in dogs housed singly or in small groups (open population) but a significantly higher (P < 0.0001) prevalence of 40.8% (0 to 76%) was found among kennelled dogs. keywords: animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; australia; canine; ccv; cells; clinical; control; coronavirus; cpv; detection; diarrhoea; different; disease; dogs; elisa; gastroenteritis; group; histories; igg; igm; infection; kennel; kennelled; laboratory; marjorie; negative; open; pbs; populations; positive; prevalence; samples; sera; serum; signs; study; time; tn-449; value; veterinary cache: cord-277894-0qw0t78s.txt plain text: cord-277894-0qw0t78s.txt item: #74 of 140 id: cord-278281-bdoavpsb author: NEMOTO, Manabu title: Antibody response to equine coronavirus in horses inoculated with a bovine coronavirus vaccine date: 2017-10-06 words: 1366 flesch: 49 summary: Virus neutralization tests showed that antibody titers against ECoV increased in all six horses tested at 14 days post inoculation, although the antibody titers were lower against ECoV than against BCoV. Antibody titers after logarithmic transformation were analyzed by one-way ANOVA with Dunnett's multiple comparison post hoc test using the antibody titers at 0 dpi as control. keywords: antibodies; antibody; bcov; cattle; challenge; coronavirus; dpi; ecov; equine; geometric; horses; infected; inoculation; strain; study; titers; vaccine cache: cord-278281-bdoavpsb.txt plain text: cord-278281-bdoavpsb.txt item: #75 of 140 id: cord-279105-e2zjxjox author: Lee, Cheryl Yi-Pin title: Serological Approaches for COVID-19: Epidemiologic Perspective on Surveillance and Control date: 2020-04-24 words: 3889 flesch: 33 summary: SARS-CoV-2-specific IgG antibodies, on the other hand, can be present as early as 4 days pio, and peak after 17 days pio (10, 11) (Figure 2) . These findings indicate that SARS-CoV-specific antibodies targeting these discontinuous regions may not be able to cross-react with SARS-CoV-2 (3, 36) . keywords: acute; addition; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assays; cell; clinical; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cross; crucial; days; detection; diagnosis; disease; early; epitopes; figure; findings; human; igg; igm; immunoassays; individuals; infected; infection; mers; monoclonal; novel; patients; pcr; pio; protein; qrt; rapid; rbd; reactivity; reported; respiratory; response; rna; samples; sars; seroconversion; serological; serum; specific; spike; studies; study; subunit; syndrome; tests; use; viral cache: cord-279105-e2zjxjox.txt plain text: cord-279105-e2zjxjox.txt item: #76 of 140 id: cord-281760-34wuttqw author: Pereira, E.P.V. title: Egg yolk antibodies (IgY) and their applications in human and veterinary health: A review date: 2019-05-22 words: 9696 flesch: 37 summary: A novel IgY-aptamer hybrid system for cost-effective detection of SEB and its evaluation on food and clinical samples Detection of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus using a specific anti-PBP2a chicken IgY antibody Production of anti-SAG-1 IgY antibody against Toxoplasma gondii parasites and evaluation of antibody activity by ELISA method Novel Fitc-labeled Igy antibody: fluorescence imaging Toxoplasma gondii in vitro Chicken IgY-based coproantigen capture ELISA for diagnosis of human opisthorchiasis Evaluation of recombinant Cryptosporidium hominis GP60 protein and anti-GP60 chicken polyclonal IgY for research and diagnostic purposes Highly sensitive detection of cancer antigen human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 using novel chicken egg yolk immunoglobulin Development of adenosine deaminase-specific IgY antibodies: diagnostic and inhibitory application Evaluation of IgY antibody as a polyspecific coombs-reagent Development of an IgY antibody-based immunoassay for the screening of the CYP2E1 inhibitor/enhancer from herbal medicines Development of IgY based sandwich ELISA for the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin G (SEG), an egc toxin Content of asthmagen natural rubber latex allergens in commercial disposable gloves Development of indirect competitive ELISA using egg yolk-derived immunoglobulin (IgY) for the detection of gentamicin residues Detection of kanamycin and gentamicin residues in animal-derived food using IgY antibody based ic-ELISA and FPIA Quantum dot-based lateral-flow immunoassay for rapid detection of rhein using specific egg yolk antibodies Therefore, specific IgY antibodies are a relevant alternative to use as antimicrobials in human and veterinary health in the face of the emergence of resistant bacteria. keywords: ability; activity; addition; adjuvant; administration; affinity; alternative; animals; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; applications; assay; aureus; available; avian; bacterial; bacterium; binding; birds; blood; blot; bothrops; breast; cancer; cells; chains; characterization; chicken; chicken egg; conditions; cross; dengue; detection; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; differences; different; disease; dose; effect; effective; efficacy; efficient; egg; egg yolk; eggs; elisa; et al; evaluation; expression; extraction; fca; food; growth; h5n1; health; heavy; helicobacter; hens; her2; high; human; igg; igy; igy antibodies; immune; immunization; immunoglobulin; infected; infection; inflammation; influenza; inoculation; intestinal; invasive; mammalian; mammals; means; method; mice; mutans; nanotubes; non; number; oral; passive; phylogenetic; possible; potential; precipitation; present; production; prophylactic; protective; protein; purification; purified; pylori; rats; receptors; region; research; resistant; response; samples; seb; sensitive; serum; similar; small; snake; species; specific; specific igy; specificity; staphylococcal; strains; study; technology; therapeutic; titer; treated; tumor; types; use; venom; veterinary; viral; virus; vitro; western; yolk; yolk antibodies cache: cord-281760-34wuttqw.txt plain text: cord-281760-34wuttqw.txt item: #77 of 140 id: cord-282081-qaagup4d author: Flicker, Sabine title: Nanobodies—Useful Tools for Allergy Treatment? date: 2020-09-30 words: 5067 flesch: 11 summary: The recognition of allergens by specific IgE antibodies that are generated after sensitization is a key event for the initiation of allergic inflammation (2) . Due to their beneficial properties of small molecules and monoclonal antibodies, nanobodies in general are an attractive agent for development of novel therapeutic strategies (24, 25) . keywords: activity; affinity; ait; allergen; allergic; allergologists; allergy; antibodies; antibody; antigen; applications; approaches; bet; binding; birch; blocking; blood; cancer; cells; characterization; clinical; constructs; conventional; cross; development; different; display; domain; efficient; epitopes; figure; fragments; generation; grass; high; human; ige; igg; igg4; immune; immunotherapy; inflammation; isolated; libraries; life; major; mechanisms; mice; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; murine; nanobodies; nanobody; natural; new; non; novel; passive; patients; phage; phl; pollen; potential; production; properties; protective; protein; recognition; recombinant; safety; selection; single; sites; small; specific; specificity; structural; synthetic; technologies; technology; therapeutic; tools; treatment; type; use cache: cord-282081-qaagup4d.txt plain text: cord-282081-qaagup4d.txt item: #78 of 140 id: cord-282817-vtzpf2wr author: Byrne, Hannah title: A tale of two specificities: bispecific antibodies for therapeutic and diagnostic applications date: 2013-10-02 words: 8434 flesch: 25 summary: Met antibody blocks tumor-promoting phenotypic effects induced by resistance to EGFR inhibition and has potent antitumor activity The Bs20 Â 22 anti-CD20-CD22 bispecific antibody has more lymphomacidal activity than do the parent antibodies alone Domain order of a bispecific diabody dramatically enhances its antitumor activity beyond structural format conversion: the case of the hEx3 diabody Molecular characterization of novel trispecific ErbB-cMet-IGF1R antibodies and their antigen-binding properties Single domain antibody-based and linker-free bispecific antibodies targeting FcgammaRIII induce potent antitumor activity without recruiting regulatory T cells Novel humanized and highly efficient bispecific antibodies mediate killing of prostate stem cell antigenexpressing tumor cells by CD8 + and CD4 + T cells A dual-targeting PDGFRbeta/VEGF-A molecule assembled from stable antibody fragments demonstrates anti-angiogenic activity in vitro and in vivo A novel bispecific antibody recruits T cells to eradicate tumors in the 'immunologically privileged' central nervous system Systemic administration of a bispecific antibody targeting EGFRvIII successfully treats intracerebral glioma Development of a two-part strategy to identify a therapeutic human bispecific antibody that inhibits IgE receptor signaling A bispecific antibody against human IgE and human FcgammaRII that inhibits antigen-induced histamine release by human mast cells and basophils Reversal of airway inflammation and remodeling in asthma by a bispecific antibody fragment linking CCR3 to CD300a Development of tetravalent, bispecific CCR5 antibodies with antiviral activity against CCR5 monoclonal antibodyresistant HIV-1 strains Heavy chain-only antibodies and tetravalent bispecific antibody neutralizing Staphylococcus aureus leukotoxins T-cell activation and cytokine production via a bispecific single-chain antibody fragment targeted to blood-stage malaria parasites Human domain antibodies against virulence traits of Candida albicans inhibit fungus adherence to vaginal epithelium and protect against experimental vaginal candidiasis Engineering of stable bispecific antibodies targeting IL-17A and IL-23 Therapeutic control of B cell activation via recruitment of Fcgamma receptor IIb (CD32B) inhibitory function with a novel bispecific antibody scaffold Molecular construction and optimization of antihuman IL-1alpha/beta dual variable domain immunoglobulin (DVD-Ig) molecules Depletion of CCR5-expressing cells with bispecific antibodies and chemokine toxins: a new strategy in the treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases and HIV A bispecific antibody against IL-1beta and IL-17A is beneficial for experimental rheumatoid arthritis A phase-I trial of the epidermal growth factor receptor directed bispecific antibody MDX-447 without and with recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor in patients with advanced solid tumors Antitumor activity of a novel bispecific antibody that targets the ErbB2/ErbB3 oncogenic unit and inhibits heregulin-induced activation of ErbB3 CD19 as an attractive target for antibody-based therapy Cancer immunotherapy by retargeting of immune effector cells via recombinant bispecific antibody constructs Clinical and pharmacologic aspects of blinatumomab in the treatment of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia EpCAM/CD3-Bispecific T-cell engaging antibody MT110 eliminates primary human pancreatic cancer stem cells Buy buy bispecific antibodies BiTEs: bispecific antibody constructs with unique anti-tumor activity MT110: a novel bispecific single-chain antibody construct with high efficacy in eradicating established tumors Development and approval of the trifunctional antibody catumaxomab (anti-EpCAM Â anti-CD3) as a targeted cancer immunotherapy Immunotherapy of recurrent B-cell malignancies after allo-SCT with Bi20 (FBTA05), a trifunctional anti-CD3 Â anti-CD20 antibody and donor lymphocyte infusion Ganglioside GD2-specific trifunctional surrogate antibody Surek demonstrates therapeutic activity in a mouse melanoma model Trifunctional bispecific antibodies induce tumor-specific T cells and elicit a vaccination effect Transient lymphocyte decrease due to adhesion and migration following catumaxomab (anti-EpCAM Â anti-CD3) treatment in vivo Cancer therapy with trifunctional antibodies: linking innate and adaptive immunity Improved targeting of pancreatic cancer: experimental studies of a new bispecific antibody, pretargeting enhancement system for immunoscintigraphy Antibody pretargeting advances cancer radioimmunodetection and radioimmunotherapy Bispecific antibody pretargeting of radionuclides for immuno single-photon emission computed tomography and immuno positron emission tomography molecular imaging: an update Bispecific antibody pretargeting PET (immunoPET) with an 124 I-labeled hapten-peptide Imaging experimental atherosclerotic lesions in ApoE knockout mice: enhanced targeting with Z2D3-anti-DTPA bispecific antibody and 99mTc-labeled negatively charged polymers Targeting very small model lesions pretargeted with bispecific antibody with 99mTc-labeled highspecific radioactivity polymers Imaging small human prostate cancer xenografts after pretargeting with bispecific bombesin-antibody complexes and targeting with high specific radioactivity labeled polymer-drug conjugates Pretargeted gamma imaging of murine metastatic melanoma lung lesions with bispecific antibody and radiolabeled polymer drug conjugates Interferon-gamma release assays for the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection in HIV-infected individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis Nucleic acid amplification tests for diagnosis of smear-negative TB in a high HIV-prevalence setting: a prospective cohort study A bispecific antibody based assay shows potential for detecting tuberculosis in resource constrained laboratory settings Rapid detection of hepatitis B virus surface antigen by an agglutination assay mediated by a bispecific diabody against both human erythrocytes and hepatitis B virus surface antigen Comparative evaluation of different chromogenic/fluorogenic media for detecting Escherichia coli O157:H7 in food Monospecific and bispecific antibodies against E. coli O157 for diagnostics Use of bispecific antibodies in molecular velcro assays whose specificity approaches the theoretical limit of immunodetection for Bordetella pertussis Detection of Bordetella pertussis in a clinical laboratory by culture, polymerase chain reaction, and direct fluorescent antibody staining; accuracy, and cost Bispecific antibody-mediated detection of the Staphylococcus aureus thermonuclease Isolation and characterization of viruses related to the SARS coronavirus from animals in southern China Review of bats and SARS The aetiology, origins, and diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome Evaluation of reverse transcription-PCR assays for rapid diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome associated with a novel coronavirus Immunofluorescence assay for serologic diagnosis of SARS Growth kinetics of SARS-coronavirus in Vero E6 cells Susceptibility of human and rat neural cell lines to infection by SARS-coronavirus A rapid point of care immunoswab assay for SARS-CoV detection Quantitative and sensitive detection of the SARS-CoV spike protein using bispecific monoclonal antibody-based enzyme-linked immunoassay Bispecific antibodies and ADCs: once and future kings? keywords: ability; activation; activity; addition; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antitumor; applications; approaches; assay; associated; aureus; bacterial; binding; biotechnology; bispecific; bispecific antibody; bispecific single; bite; bsab; cancer; catumaxomab; cd19; cd3; cells; chain; chemical; clinical; coli; cov; current; cytotoxic; cytotoxicity; dependent; design; detection; development; diabody; diagnostic; different; disease; domain; effector; efficacy; efficient; epcam; fab; factor; figure; formats; fragments; fusion; generation; growth; hbsag; hepatitis; high; hrpo; human; hybridoma; igg; imaging; immune; immunotherapy; improved; individuals; infected; infectious; lesions; like; linker; low; lps; lymphoma; lysis; mab; mabs; major; methods; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; non; novel; november; o157; particular; patients; pertussis; poc; positive; potential; present; production; protein; rapid; receptor; recombinant; region; reporter; resource; results; samples; sars; scfv; sensitive; sensitivity; significant; single; small; specificity; strategies; strategy; surface; system; targeting; targets; therapeutic; therapy; treatment; trends; trials; trifunctional; tumor; unique; use; variable; vol cache: cord-282817-vtzpf2wr.txt plain text: cord-282817-vtzpf2wr.txt item: #79 of 140 id: cord-283641-2u16otbf author: Vainionpää, R. title: Diagnostic Techniques: Serological and Molecular Approaches date: 2015-03-06 words: 4400 flesch: 38 summary: IgM and IgG antibody determinations from cerebrospinal fluid are used for diagnosis of virus infections in the central nervous system although new molecular methods are increasingly replacing them. POC tests are nowadays available for antibody screening of an increasing number of virus infections (HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), varicella-zoster virus (VZV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)). keywords: acid; acute; antibodies; antibody; antigens; assays; available; cases; cells; certain; clinical; color; complement; conjugate; demonstration; detection; diagnostic; dna; enzyme; figure; health; high; igg; igm; immunoassays; immunoglobulin; important; infections; levels; methods; new; nucleic; patient; pcr; phase; presence; present; primers; products; purposes; reaction; real; red; respiratory; response; results; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; sequences; serological; serum; specific; specificity; specimens; suitable; techniques; technology; test; time; use; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-283641-2u16otbf.txt plain text: cord-283641-2u16otbf.txt item: #80 of 140 id: cord-283826-lgyc3sro author: Stiehm, E. Richard title: Therapeutic Use of Immunoglobulins date: 2010-11-05 words: 9757 flesch: 33 summary: A randomized double-blind trial Efficacy of intravenous immunoglobulin in the prevention of pneumonia in patients with common variable immunodeficiency High dose intravenous gammaglobulin for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura in childhood Infusion of Fc gamma fragments for treatment of children with acute immune thrombocytopenic purpura Fcg receptor as regulators of immune responses Anti-inflammatory activity of IVIG mediated through the inhibitory Fc receptor Anti-inflammatory activity of immunoglobulin G resulting from Fc sialylation Recapitulation of IVIG anti-inflammatory activity with a recombinant IgG Fc Identification of a receptor required for the anti-inflammatory activity of IVIG Mechanism of intravenous immune globulin therapy in antibody-mediated autoimmune diseases Accelerated autoantibody clearance by intravenous immunoglobulin therapy: Intravenous immune globulin for the prevention of bacterial infections in children with symptomatic human immunodeficiency virus infection Passive antibody therapies: progress and continuing challenges Antitoxin versus no antitoxin in scarlet fever Adjunctive treatment of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome using intravenous immunoglobulin: case report and review Different preparations of intravenous immunoglobulin vary in their efficacy to neutralize streptococcal superantigens: implications for treatment of streptococcal toxic shock syndrome Clinical usefulness of intravenous human immunoglobulins in invasive group keywords: activity; acute; adhesion; administration; animal; anthrax; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antitoxin; autoimmune; available; bacterial; beneficial; benefit; blood; botulinum; botulism; box; category; cause; cells; certain; children; chronic; clinical; clostridium; cmv; cmvig; colleagues; committee; common; complement; complications; count; cytomegalovirus; diagnosis; difficile; diseases; disorders; donors; dose; early; effects; efficacy; encephalitis; equine; evidence; exposure; fever; frequency; health; hepatitis; high; human; humoral; hyperimmune; hypogammaglobulinemia; igg; igiv; iii; immune; immune globulin; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; increase; individuals; infants; infected; infection; inflammatory; infusion; intravenous; intravenous immunoglobulin; ivig; levels; liver; low; management; mechanisms; model; molecule; monoclonal; mortality; multiple; neonatal; normal; organ; parvovirus; patients; plasma; platelet; premature; preparations; prevention; primary; primary immunodeficiency; process; product; prophylaxis; purpura; quality; receptor; recurrent; replacement; report; respiratory; response; results; review; scig; sepsis; serum; severe; severity; shock; smallpox; specific; states; streptococcal; studies; study; subcutaneous; syndrome; table; tetanus; therapeutic; therapy; titers; toxic; transplantation; treatment; trial; trough; types; united; use; vaccine; value; variable; viral; virus cache: cord-283826-lgyc3sro.txt plain text: cord-283826-lgyc3sro.txt item: #81 of 140 id: cord-285760-y37ji92k author: Connell, Anna R. title: Mumps Outbreaks in Vaccinated Populations—Is It Time to Re-assess the Clinical Efficacy of Vaccines? date: 2020-09-18 words: 13114 flesch: 26 summary: In contrast, other studies appear to contradict, these findings, showing no link between mumps protection and time elapsed following administration of mumps vaccine (138, 148, 149, 184, 185) . I. Incidence and severity of mumps in vaccinated and control groups Preparation of mumps vaccines and immunization of monkeys against experimental mumps infection European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. keywords: addition; administration; adults; age; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; assay; associated; attenuated; available; boosting; cases; cell; childhood; children; circulating; clinical; cohort; combined; control; correlate; countries; country; coverage; current; data; days; detection; development; diagnostic; differences; different; disease; dose; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; epidemiology; epitopes; evaluation; evidence; failure; form; gene; genotype; global; health; hepatitis; high; human; humoral; igg; immune; immunity; immunization; immunogenicity; immunological; impact; increase; individuals; infected; infection; influenza; ireland; jeryl; jl5; laboratory; levels; live; lower; lynn; mass; measles; memory; mmr; mmr vaccination; mmr vaccine; molecular; months; mucosal; mumps; mumps infection; mumps outbreaks; mumps vaccine; mumps virus; muv; natural; neutralization; neutralizing; new; non; number; outbreaks; patients; pcr; population; post; potency; potential; present; preventable; prevention; primary; profiles; protection; protein; public; rates; recent; response; results; review; risk; rna; routine; rubella; rubella vaccine; safety; secondary; seroconversion; serological; shedding; significant; single; small; specific; states; strain; studies; study; surveillance; symptoms; time; titers; transmission; united; uptake; usa; use; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; vaccine failure; viral; virus; virus vaccine; viruses; wild; years; young cache: cord-285760-y37ji92k.txt plain text: cord-285760-y37ji92k.txt item: #82 of 140 id: cord-290783-ipoelk4h author: Crouch, C. F. title: Vaccination against enteric rota and coronaviruses in cattle and pigs: Enhancement of lactogenic immunity date: 1985-09-30 words: 4553 flesch: 25 summary: A review Studies on rotaviral antibody in bovine serum and lacteal secretions using radioimmunoassay The rotaviruses Radioimmunological (RIA) and enzymimmunological (ELISA) detection of coronavirus antibodies in bovine serum and lacteal secretions Vaccination of cows with a combined rotavirus/ enterotoxigenic Escherichia coil K99 vaccine to protect newborn calves against diarrhoea Immune responses of pregnant cows to bovine rotavirus =mmunization Passive immunity in calf rotavirus infections. An analysis of Scourvax-Reo The efficacy of a modified live reo-like virus vaccine and an Escherichia coli bacterin for prevention of acute undifferentiated neonatal diarrhoea of beef calves Rotavirus infections in calves: Efficacy of oral vaccination in endemically infected herds Colostral and milk antibody titres in cows vaccinated with a modified live rotaviruscoronavirus vaccine L Passive immunity in calf diarrhoea: Vaccination with K99 antigen of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli and rotavirus Passive immunity in calf rotavirus infections: Maternal vaccination increases and prolongs immunoglobulin G 1 antibody secretion in milk Evolution des anticorps anti rota dans le lait de vaches traitees en fin de Gestation soit par le vaccine ant=-rota complet, soit par I'adjuvant seul Passive protection of newborn calves against rotavirus by vaccination of their dams Die Wirksamkeitsprufung eimer inaktiv=erten rotavirus-vakzine in einem Milchviehbestand Passive immunity to bovine rotavirus in newborn calves fed colostrum supplements from immunized or non-immunized cows Rotavirus infection in lambs: Studies on passive protection Development of passive immunity to porcine rotavirus in pigs protected from disease by bovine colostrum Diarrhoea in dairy calves reduced by feeding colostrum from cows vaccinated with rotavirus. keywords: absorption; acute; agents; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigenic; associated; bovine; calf; calves; cattle; cells; challenge; colostral; colostrum; coronavirus; cows; cross; detection; diarrhoea; different; efficacy; enhancement; enteric; escherichia; field; gastroenteritis; gnotobiotic; human; iga; igg; immune; immunity; immunoglobulin; inactivated; incidence; infections; intestinal; lactogenic; levels; like; live; mammary; milk; neonatal; newborn; passive; piglets; pigs; porcine; protection; reduced; response; rotavirus; secretions; secretory; serotypes; serum; sows; specific; studies; swine; tgev; titres; transmissible; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; viral cache: cord-290783-ipoelk4h.txt plain text: cord-290783-ipoelk4h.txt item: #83 of 140 id: cord-291626-lxa8pvt3 author: Pelfrene, E. title: Monoclonal antibodies as anti-infective products: a promising future? date: 2019-01-31 words: 3868 flesch: 22 summary: A randomized, controlled trial of ZMapp for Ebola virus infection The therapeutic monoclonal antibody market Therapeutic antibodies for infectious diseases Mortality and morbidity among infants at high risk for severe respiratory syncytial virus infection receiving prophylaxis with palivizumab: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis Bezlotoxumab for prevention of recurrent Clostridium difficile infection History of passive antibody administration for prevention and treatment of infectious diseases Therapeutic use of OKT3 monoclonal antibody for acute renal allograft rejection Monoclonal antibody therapeutics: history and future Efficient generation of monoclonal antibodies from single human B cells by single cell RT-PCR and expression vector cloning Molecular determinants of human neutralising antibodies isolated from a patient infected with Zika virus Broadly cross-reactive antibodies dominate the human B cell response against 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus infection History and practice: antibodies in infectious diseases Monoclonal antibody-based therapies for microbial diseases Antibodies in infectious diseases: polyclonals, monoclonals and niche biotechnology Analysis of respiratory syncitial virus preclinical and clinical variants resistant to neutralization by monoclonal antibodies palivizumab and/or motavizumab Combination therapy using chimeric monoclonal antibodies protects mice from lethal H5N1 infection and prevents formation of escape mutants key: cord-291626-lxa8pvt3 authors: Pelfrene, E.; Mura, M.; Cavaleiro Sanches, A.; Cavaleri, M. title: Monoclonal antibodies as anti-infective products: a promising future? date: 2019-01-31 journal: Clinical Microbiology and Infection DOI: 10.1016/j.cmi.2018.04.024 sha: doc_id: 291626 cord_uid: lxa8pvt3 Abstract Background The paucity of licensed monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in the infectious diseases arena strongly contrasts with the ready availability of these therapeutics for use in other conditions. keywords: administration; agency; alternative; animal; antibodies; antibody; assessment; aureus; authorities; availability; available; bacterial; care; cells; clinical; date; dependent; development; different; diphtheria; diseases; drug; drugs@fda; early; european; fda; future; health; high; human; infectious; infective; influenza; licensed; life; mabs; medicines; monoclonal; need; neutralizing; new; ongoing; palivizumab; patients; pneumonia; potential; prevention; products; prophylaxis; protection; pseudomonas; rapid; regulatory; research; respiratory; review; risk; rsv; safety; scientific; sera; single; specific; studies; success; target; therapeutic; therapy; time; treatment; trials; use; viral; virus cache: cord-291626-lxa8pvt3.txt plain text: cord-291626-lxa8pvt3.txt item: #84 of 140 id: cord-292874-6zjqflhz author: SØRENSEN, MORTEN DRÆBY title: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS): Development of Diagnostics and Antivirals date: 2006-05-10 words: 1560 flesch: 45 summary: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS): multi-country outbreak Pneumonia causes panic in Guangdong province Identification of a novel coronavirus in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Comparative full-length genome sequence analysis of 14 SARS coronavirus isolates and common mutations associated with putative origins of infection Coronavirus as a possible cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome Characterization of a novel coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome The genome sequence of the SARS-associated coronavirus A novel coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome Aetiology: Koch's postulates fulfilled for SARS virus Mechanisms and enzymes involved in SARS coronavirus genome expression Severe acute respiratory syndrome among children Severe acute respiratory syndrome Epidemiological determinants of spread of causal agent of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong Multi-subunit proteins on the surface of filamentous phage: methodologies for displaying antibody (Fab) heavy and light chains Linkage of recognition and replication functions by assembling combinatorial antibody Fab libraries along phage surfaces By-passing immunization: human antibodies from V-gene libraries displayed on phage Making antibody fragments using phage display libraries Mating antibody phage display with proteomics The human antibody repertoire specific for rabies virus glycoprotein as selected from immune libraries Neutralizing human antibodies to varicella-zoster virus (VZV) derived from a VZV patient recombinant antibody library Neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies to hepatitis A virus recovered by phage display Monoclonal antibodies that neutralize HEV recognize an antigenic site at the carboxyterminus of an ORF2 protein vaccine Neutralizing human Fab fragments against measles virus recovered by phage display Efficient generation of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)-neutralizing human MoAbs via human peripheral blood lymphocyte (hu-PBL)-SCID mice and scFv phage display libraries In general two kinds of antibody libraries can be created from donors: immune and naïve (nonimmune) libraries. keywords: acute; antibodies; antibody; children; clinical; coronavirus; cov; different; display; genome; human; immune; libraries; library; nabs; neutralizing; novel; outbreak; patients; persons; phage; protein; respiratory; sars; selection; severe; syndrome; unknown; virus; years cache: cord-292874-6zjqflhz.txt plain text: cord-292874-6zjqflhz.txt item: #85 of 140 id: cord-295033-5fd9bu60 author: Parma, Y.R. title: Antibodies anti-Shiga toxin 2 B subunit from chicken egg yolk: Isolation, purification and neutralization efficacy date: 2011-09-15 words: 6063 flesch: 42 summary: The data suggest that immunization of hens with Stx2B could be a strategy to obtain at low cost a relatively high concentration of anti-Stx2 egg yolk IgY, able to neutralize Stx2 lethal activity. The data suggest that immunization of hens with Stx2B could be a strategy to obtain at low cost a relatively high concentration of anti-Stx2 egg yolk IgY, able to neutralize Stx2 lethal activity. keywords: able; activity; alternative; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assay; cells; chicken; coli; concentration; control; cytotoxicity; days; dilution; dose; egg; egg yolk; ehec; elisa; escherichia; et al; fig; fold; hemolytic; hens; high; holotoxin; human; igg; igy; immune; immunization; immunized; immunoglobulin; incubated; infection; laying; mice; native; neutralization; neutralizing; passive; pbs; phase; pre; production; protein; purified; rabbit; recombinant; response; results; schade; sera; serum; shiga; solution; specific; stec; stx1; stx2; subunit; syndrome; titer; total; toxin; treatment; type; uremic; use; vero; vivo; western; work; yolk cache: cord-295033-5fd9bu60.txt plain text: cord-295033-5fd9bu60.txt item: #86 of 140 id: cord-295099-ghc85pf5 author: Sun, Zehua title: Brief introduction of current technologies in isolation of broadly neutralizing HIV-1 antibodies date: 2018-01-02 words: 7476 flesch: 22 summary: The gp120 or gp41 proteins are not ideal probes, because they are reactive with many HIV-1 antibodies, including non-neutralizing but strong binding antibodies (Wu et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2015; Zhou et al., 2015) . This observation suggests that extraordinary variation in antibody immunity may only occur within a few antibody lineages − or even a single lineage (Wu et al., 2015) . keywords: activity; adcc; affinity; antibodies; antibody; antigen; application; b cells; b12; binding; bnabs; broad; cd4; cell; chain; characterization; class; cloning; cross; cytotoxicity; dependent; design; different; display; diversity; domain; ebv; effective; efficient; envelope; epitope; et al; expression; fab; flow; fusion; generation; glycan; glycoprotein; gp120; gp41; heavy; high; hiv-1; human; humanization; hybridoma; ic50; identification; igg; immortalized; immune; immunization; immunodeficiency; immunotherapy; infected; infection; isolated; isolation; large; libraries; library; light; like; mammalian; memory; method; monoclonal; monoclonal antibodies; mouse; native; neutralization; neutralize; neutralizing; new; novel; passive; pg16; pg9; phage; polyclonal; potent; production; protein; rapid; reactive; recent; receptor; recombinant; region; responses; rsc3; screening; single; site; sorting; specific; specificity; structure; sun; surface; system; target; techniques; technology; transformation; trimer; type; vaccine; variable; viral; virus; viruses; vrc01; yeast; zhang cache: cord-295099-ghc85pf5.txt plain text: cord-295099-ghc85pf5.txt item: #87 of 140 id: cord-296576-d23b9fjl author: Bernard, Serge title: Lactogenic Immunity to Transmissible Gastroenteritis (TGE) of swine induced by the attenuated nouzilly strain of TGE virus: Passive protection of piglets and detection of serum and milk antibody classes by ELISA date: 1990-01-31 words: 3032 flesch: 47 summary: TGE virus neutralizing antibodies were titrated by a micro-method in ST cells (Aynaud et al., 1985) . On the day of challenge and 10 days after challenge, milk and serum samples from sows were analysed for their level of neutralizing antibodies, total immunoglobulin classes and TGE antibody classes by an ELISA. keywords: activity; antibodies; antibody; attenuated; bohl; cell; challenge; classes; correlation; days; elisa; gastroenteritis; iga; igg; igm; immune; immunoglobulin; level; milk; neutralizing; passive; piglets; protection; rate; relationship; response; samples; serum; sows; strain; swine; table; tge; titre; transmissible; virulent; virus cache: cord-296576-d23b9fjl.txt plain text: cord-296576-d23b9fjl.txt item: #88 of 140 id: cord-296928-wu14k7u9 author: Hofmann, Tim title: Greatest Hits—Innovative Technologies for High Throughput Identification of Bispecific Antibodies date: 2020-09-08 words: 7399 flesch: 23 summary: Similar to the bioconjugation methods described in later sections, (c)FAE serves as an ideal platform for bispecific antibody screening. In this respect, the advent of bispecific antibodies opened up new avenues for disease treatment such as effector cell redirection or the simultaneous blocking of two different disease mediators, with encouraging results in (mostly early stage) clinical trials [9] [10] [11] . keywords: activity; acyl; addition; amino; antibodies; antibody; antigen; applications; approaches; architectures; arm; assembly; binding; bioconjugation; biological; biotherapeutics; bispecific; bispecific antibodies; bond; broad; c)fae; cancer; cell; chain; clinical; cloning; combination; combinatorial; complex; covalent; dependent; design; development; different; diseases; display; dnae; domain; drug; duobodies; early; effector; efficient; efforts; engineering; enzyme; exchange; expression; extein; fab; format; formation; fragments; functional; generation; group; high; human; identification; igg; igg1; igg4; immune; intein; labeling; ligation; light; like; limitations; methodologies; moas; molecules; monospecific; multi; mutations; need; novel; order; pairing; peptide; pharmaceutical; platform; plethora; process; production; protein; pts; purification; reaction; respective; review; screening; sequences; similar; single; site; sortase; splicing; split; spycatcher; spytag; surface; system; targeting; technologies; technology; terminal; therapeutic; throughput; trans; transglutaminase; variable; versatile; vivo cache: cord-296928-wu14k7u9.txt plain text: cord-296928-wu14k7u9.txt item: #89 of 140 id: cord-297684-9q3oopaz author: Dobaño, Carlota title: Highly sensitive and specific multiplex antibody assays to quantify immunoglobulins M, A and G against SARS-CoV-2 antigens date: 2020-06-12 words: 5205 flesch: 30 summary: The multiplex nature of the assay will allow to test this hypothesis in the future with the addition of antigens to related coronaviruses 229E, HKU1, NL63 and OC43 in the same assay panel, by comparing the patterns of antibody reactivity, in order to address the significance of this in immunity to Here, antibody responses to M were very marginal and did not contribute to higher assay sensitivity and this could partly be because the purity of the protein was not high. bioRxiv Antigenic crossreactivity between severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus and human coronaviruses 229E and OC43 SARS-CoV-2 specific antibody responses in COVID-19 patients Beyond the Spike: identification of viral targets of the antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 patients. keywords: antibodies; antibody; antigens; assays; asymptomatic; auc; beads; best; binding; combinations; constructs; controls; coronaviruses; cost; cov-2; covid-19; days; detection; development; different; dilutions; elisa; figure; higher; human; iga; igg; igm; immunity; incubation; individuals; infection; isotypes; levels; lower; luminex; multiplex; negative; onset; pandemic; panel; patients; performance; plasma; positive; protein; qsat; quantitative; rbd; responses; samples; sars; sensitivity; serological; seropositive; seroprevalence; severe; signal; specificities; specificity; studies; study; surface; symptoms; technology; test; testing; time; vaccine cache: cord-297684-9q3oopaz.txt plain text: cord-297684-9q3oopaz.txt item: #90 of 140 id: cord-298910-2601n7a9 author: Leu, Sy-Jye title: Generation and characterization of anti-α-enolase single-chain antibodies in chicken date: 2010-10-15 words: 5175 flesch: 39 summary: EnL2 and EnL5 scFv antibodies purified as a single band on SDS-PAGE (data not shown) were able to detect ␣-enolase protein in PE089 cells, and the binding signal is comparable to that of commercially available rabbit polyclonal antibodies specific for ␣-enolase as demonstrated in Fig. 7 . The gene encoding ␣-enolase protein was cloned from PE089 cells by reverse transcription-PCR using genespecific primers 5 -GGTGGAATTCTATCTATTCTCAAGATCC-ATGCC-3 (forward) and 5 -ACTCCATGGTTACTTGGCCAA-GGGGTTTCT-3 (reverse). keywords: -enolase; 4th; activity; affinity; anti-; antibodies; antibody; antigen; binding; cancer; cells; chain; characterized; chicken; clones; coli; controls; cov; data; display; egg; elisa; enl2; enl5; et al; expressed; expression; fig; flow; fragments; genes; germline; goat; heavy; high; human; igy; immunization; immunized; lane; length; libraries; library; light; linker; lung; membrane; mouse; negative; panning; pcr; pe089; phage; polyclonal; protein; purified; recombinant; regions; results; sars; scfv; sequences; single; specific; staining; surface; technology; total; tumor; usa; variable; yolk cache: cord-298910-2601n7a9.txt plain text: cord-298910-2601n7a9.txt item: #91 of 140 id: cord-300701-vkzya7uq author: Ijaz, M. K. title: Effect of different routes of immunization with bovine rotavirus on lactogenic antibody response in mice date: 1987-12-31 words: 4326 flesch: 46 summary: In rats and mice, milk antibody is probably locally produced since a marked number of Ig-containing cells are present in the mammary gland from late pregnancy through parturition and lactation to involution (Lee et al., 1979) . However, anti-rotavirus antibody titers, as determined by ELISA, were consistently higher than virus neutralization titers, with the exception of the group immunized 0 keywords: animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; bovine; brv; cells; days; different; elisa; et al; fig; groups; iga; igg; igm; imam; immune; immunity; immunization; increase; infection; lacteal; lactogenic; live; mammary; mice; milk; mouse; neonates; neutralization; parturition; post; protection; response; rotavirus; route; saif; samples; secretions; serum; smith; studies; study; subtypes; titers cache: cord-300701-vkzya7uq.txt plain text: cord-300701-vkzya7uq.txt item: #92 of 140 id: cord-302312-1pm17l5d author: Quinteros, Daniela A. title: Therapeutic use of monoclonal antibodies: general aspects and challenges for drug delivery date: 2017-03-31 words: 10880 flesch: 25 summary: In this chapter we have attempted to identify the major issues associated with therapeutic approaches, formulating drawbacks and delivering antibody drugs, particularly focused on the challenges and opportunities that these present for the future. perils and promise of development The safety and efficacy of infliximab in moderate to severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Reshaping human antibodies for therapy Molecular clocks Ranibizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration Anti-CD166 single chain antibody-mediated intracellular delivery of liposomal drugs to prostate cancer cells Conjugation of biomolecules with luminophore-doped silica nanoparticles for photostable biomarkers Treating metastatic cancer with nanotechnology Nanotechnology in drug delivery and tissue engineering: from discovery to applications Self-assembled targeted nanoparticles: evolution of technologies and bench to bedside translation The high costs of cancer drugs and what we can do about it Rationale for trastuzumab (Herceptin) in adjuvant breast cancer trials Nanocarriers as pulmonary drug delivery systems to treat and to diagnose respiratory and non respiratory diseases Real-time vital optical imaging of precancer using anti-epider mal growth factor receptor antibodies conjugated to gold nanoparticles Investigation of stability and cellular uptake of self associated monoclonal antibody (MAb) nanoparticles by non-small lung cancer cells In vitro and in vivo platelet targeting by cyclic RGD-modified liposomes EB virus-induced B lymphocyte cell lines producing specific antibody Multifunctional poly (D,L-lactide-co-glycolide)/montmorillonite (PLGA/MMT) nanoparticles decorated by Trastuzumab for targeted chemotherapy of breast cancer Nanotechnology in cancer drug delivery and selective targeting review Dendrimers as versatile platform in drug delivery applications Development of functionalized fluorescent europium nanoparticles for biolabeling and time-resolved fluorometric applications Imaging of multiple mRNA targets using quantum dot based in situ hybridization and spectral deconvolution in clinical biopsies Folatetargeted nanoparticles show efficacy in the treatment of inflammatory arthritis keywords: acid; active; activity; adcs; addition; administration; affinity; agents; antibodies; antibody; antigen; applications; arthritis; asthma; autoimmune; bacteria; bevacizumab; binding; biological; blood; breast; cancer; cancer cells; cells; cellular; chemical; chronic; clinical; coli; combination; complex; conjugates; conjugation; control; copd; current; cytotoxic; cytotoxicity; degradation; delivery; dependent; detection; development; diagnosis; different; diseases; disorders; drug; drug delivery; effective; effects; efficacy; et al; example; factor; field; fluorescent; form; formulation; fragmentation; generation; growth; her2; high; higher; human; imaging; immune; immunogenicity; important; inflammatory; injection; internalization; intravitreal; iron; leading; ligands; liposomes; lung; mabs; macrophages; macular; magnetic; major; materials; medical; methods; microbial; model; modified; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; mri; nanocarriers; nanoparticles; nanotechnology; neovascularization; new; number; oxide; paclitaxel; patients; peptides; pharmaceutical; plga; positive; potential; present; process; product; properties; protein; pulmonary; quality; quantum; range; rapid; receptor; research; resonance; respiratory; response; results; safety; selective; signal; single; site; small; specific; specificity; stability; studies; study; successful; surface; susceptibility; system; systemic; targeted; targeting; targets; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; time; tissue; toxicity; trastuzumab; treatment; trials; tumor; types; unconjugated; unique; use; vegf; vivo; world cache: cord-302312-1pm17l5d.txt plain text: cord-302312-1pm17l5d.txt item: #93 of 140 id: cord-302382-eifh95zm author: Owji, Hajar title: Immunotherapeutic approaches to curtail COVID-19 date: 2020-08-21 words: 11329 flesch: 34 summary: Immunology The FDA-approved gold drug Auranofin inhibits novel coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) replication and attenuates inflammation in human cells TNF-[alpha] inhibition for potential therapeutic modulation of SARS coronavirus infection Anti-inflammatory effect of thalidomide on H1N1 influenza virus-induced pulmonary injury in mice CD24 and Siglec-10 selectively repress tissue damage-induced immune responses CD24 and By contrast, a retrospective analysis of 401 patients with severe SARS revealed that corticosteroids led to reduced mortality rate and shortened hospital stay [163] . keywords: ace2; activity; acute; acute respiratory; adaptive; administration; analysis; antibodies; antibody; approach; ards; associated; auranofin; baricitinib; binding; cells; china; clinical; control; convalescent; coronavirus; corticosteroids; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 patients; cpt; cross; csf; current; cytokine; data; defense; development; dexamethasone; different; disease; distress; drug; effective; effects; efficacy; entry; epitopes; expression; fact; failure; following; higher; host; human; humoral; ill; immune; immune system; immunity; immunization; immunomodulators; immunotherapeutic; important; induction; infected; infection; inflammatory; influenza; inhibitors; injury; innate; instance; interaction; interferon; jak; kinase; lancet; level; like; lung; main; mechanism; mers; modulation; monoclonal; monoclonal antibodies; neutralization; neutralizing; novel; passive; pathogenesis; patients; plasma; pneumonia; polyclonal; potential; previous; production; protease; protein; rate; rbd; recent; receptor; related; replication; repurposed; respiratory; responses; results; review; role; sars; sars coronavirus; severe; specific; spike; stage; storm; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; system; table; target; therapeutic; therapy; tmprss2; tnf; transfusion; treatment; trial; type; use; vaccines; viral; viruses cache: cord-302382-eifh95zm.txt plain text: cord-302382-eifh95zm.txt item: #94 of 140 id: cord-302974-t1t89p8y author: Mathur, Gagan title: Antibody Testing For Covid-19: Can It Be Used As A Screening Tool In Areas With Low Prevalence? date: 2020-05-15 words: 914 flesch: 45 summary: The assumption is that the individuals with positive antibody tests have recovered from COVID-19 (symptomatic or asymptomatic) infection and have developed immunity to the virus. Antibody tests are blood tests that detect antibodies or immunoglobins (Ig) that are produced as human immune response to SARS-CoV-2 infection. keywords: antibodies; antibody; cov-2; covid-19; fda; infection; new; patients; positive; prevalence; sars; screening; tests; tool cache: cord-302974-t1t89p8y.txt plain text: cord-302974-t1t89p8y.txt item: #95 of 140 id: cord-304214-66nxk4e8 author: Sanders, John W. title: Vectored immunoprophylaxis: an emerging adjunct to traditional vaccination date: 2017-02-10 words: 3752 flesch: 31 summary: Vaccines (Basel) Generation of neutralizing activity against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in serum by antibody gene transfer Vector-mediated in vivo antibody expression Antibody-based protection against HIV infection by vectored immunoprophylaxis Broad protection against influenza infection by vectored immunoprophylaxis in mice Passive immunization with a recombinant adenovirus expressing an HA (H5)-specific single-domain antibody protects mice from lethal influenza infection Vectored antibody gene delivery protects against Plasmodium falciparum sporozoite challenge in mice Broadly neutralizing antibodies abrogate established hepatitis C virus infection Genetic delivery of an anti-RSV antibody to protect against pulmonary infection with RSV Rapid/sustained anti-anthrax passive immunity mediated by co-administration of Ad/AAV Protection against dengue disease by synthetic nucleic acid antibody prophylaxis Rapid and long-term immunity elicited by DNA-encoded antibody prophylaxis and DNA vaccination against chikungunya virus Intranasal antibody gene transfer in mice and ferrets elicits broad protection against pandemic influenza Vector-mediated gene transfer engenders long-lived neutralizing activity and protection against SIV infection in monkeys Vectored immunoprophylaxis protects humanized mice from mucosal HIV transmission Broadly neutralizing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 antibody gene transfer protects nonhuman primates from mucosal simian-human immunodeficiency virus infection AAVexpressed eCD4-Ig provides durable protection from multiple SHIV challenges HIV-1 suppression and durable control by combining single broadly neutralizing antibodies and antiretroviral drugs in humanized mice Monoclonal antibodies produced by muscle after plasmid injection and electroporation A novel electroporation device for gene delivery in large animals and humans Optimized and enhanced DNA plasmid vector based in vivo construction of a neutralizing anti-HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein Fab Interaction of vectors and parental viruses with the host genome Development of novel adenoviral vectors to overcome challenges observed with HAdV-5-based constructs Inhibition of in vivo HIV infection in humanized mice by gene therapy of human hematopoietic stem cells with a lentiviral vector encoding a broadly neutralizing anti-HIV antibody Engineering human hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells to produce a broadly neutralizing anti-HIV antibody after in vitro maturation to human B lymphocytes AAV vectors vaccines against infectious diseases Viral vectors take on HIV infection Advances in salivary gland gene therapy -oral and systemic implications In vivo secretion of the mouse immunoglobulin G Fc fragment from rat submandibular glands General considerations on the biosafety of virus-derived vectors used in gene therapy and vaccination Viral vectors: the road to reducing genotoxicity Monoclonal gammopathy: the good, the bad and the ugly Criteria for the classification of monoclonal gammopathies, multiple myeloma and related disorders: a report of the International Myeloma Working Group Monoclonal gammopathy of renal significance: when MGUS is no longer undetermined or insignificant None. None. Availability of data and materials Not applicable. This study provided the first evidence that rAAV vectors could transfer antibody genes to muscle, and muscle tissue was a suitable platform to produce and distribute the antibodies throughout the circulation keywords: antibodies; antibody; approach; cells; delivery; demonstrated; development; diseases; ecd4; effective; event; expression; gene; genome; glands; hiv; host; human; immune; immunity; immunization; immunoprophylaxis; infection; influenza; long; mice; monoclonal; muscle; neutralizing; passive; platform; potential; protection; proteins; raav; rapid; response; rhesus; significant; single; site; study; systemic; therapy; tissue; transfer; transgene; treatment; vaccination; vaccines; vector; vectored; vip; viral; virus; vivo cache: cord-304214-66nxk4e8.txt plain text: cord-304214-66nxk4e8.txt item: #96 of 140 id: cord-305039-grsv06j7 author: Flego, Michela title: Clinical development of monoclonal antibody-based drugs in HIV and HCV diseases date: 2013-01-04 words: 11012 flesch: 32 summary: The MHC class II-dependent activation of resting T cells is inhibited by monoclonal antibodies to CD4 regardless whether or not they recognize epitopes involved in the binding of MHC class II or HIV gp120 Safety, pharmacokinetics, and antiretroviral activity of multiple doses of ibalizumab (formerly TNX-355), an anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody, in human immuno-deficiency virus type 1-infected adults Antiretroviral activity of the anti-CD4 monoclonal antibody TNX-355 in patients infected with HIV type 1 Mouse/human chimeric monoclonal antibody in man: kinetics and immune response Phase 2 efficacy and safety of the novel entry inhibitor, TNX-355 The biology of CCR5 and CXCR4 A phase 1, doseescalation, placebo-controlled study of a fully human monoclonal antibody (CCR5mAb004) against CCR5 in patients with CCR5-tropic HIV-1 infection Potent antiviral synergy between monoclonal antibody and small-molecule CCR5 inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus type1 A phase I study to explore the activity and safety of SCH532706, a small molecule chemokine receptor-5 antagonist in HIV type-1-infected patients Phase 2a Study of the CCR5 Monoclonal Antibody PRO 140 Administered Intravenously to HIV-Infected Adults Transport and absorption of drugs via the lymphatic system Safety and efficacy of self-administered subcutaneous immunoglobulin in patients with primary immunodeficiency diseases Anti-HIV-1 activity of weekly or biweekly treatment with subcutaneous PRO 140, a CCR5 monoclonal antibody Neutralizing antibody and antiretroviral drug sensitivities of HIV-1 isolates resistant to small molecule CCR5 inhibitors Targeting inside-out phosphatidylserine as a therapeutic strategy for viral diseases Advancing clinical trials in cancer and viral infection: bavituximab antiviral The PD-1 pathway in tolerance and autoimmunity Tumor B7-H1 is associated with poor prognosis in renal cell carcinoma patients with long-term follow-up Targeting the PD-1/B7-H1(PD-L1) pathway to activate anti tumor immunity Sznol M: Safety, activity, and immune correlates of anti-PD-1 antibody in cancer Clinical a service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health: A Study of MDX-1106 to Treat Patients with Hepatitis C Infection National Institutes of Health: Safety and Tolerability Study of the Monoclonal Antibody CT-011 in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Genotype 1 Infection Biologic activity of cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 antibody blockade in previously vaccinated metastatic melanoma and ovarian carcinoma patients Cancer regression and autoimmunity induced by cytotoxic T lymphocyteassociated antigen 4 blockade in patients with metastatic melanoma Progress in defining CD4 helper cell responses in chronic viral infections PD-1 and CTLA-4 inhibitory cosignaling pathways in HIV infection and the potential for therapeutic intervention Functional restoration of HCV-specific CD8 T cells by PD-1 blockade is defined by PD-1 expression and compartmentalization The emerging toxicity profiles of anti-CTLA-4 antibodies across clinical indications Antiviral and antitumoral effects of the anti-CTLA4 agent tremelimumab in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection: results from a phase II clinical trial AACR Annual Meeting Continuous cultures of fused cells secreting antibody of predefined specificity Chimeric human antibody molecules: mouse antigen-binding domains with human constant region domains Replacing the complementarity-determining regions in a human antibody with those from a mouse Humanized antibodies as potential therapeutic drugs An efficient method to make human monoclonal antibodies from memory B cells: potent neutralization of SARS coronavirus Antibody engineering via genetic engineering of the mouse: XenoMouse strains are a vehicle for the facile generation of therapeutic human monoclonal antibodies Selecting and screening recombinant antibody libraries Pre-publication history The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here Clinical development of monoclonal antibody-based drugs in HIV and HCV diseases Authors' contributions MF and AA contributed equally to writing and editing the manuscript. The interaction of HIV envelope surface protein gp120 with its host receptor, CD4, on human T cells triggers conformational changes in the envelope, resulting in exposure of a transient binding site for co-receptor CCR5 or CXCR4. keywords: 4e10; activation; activity; acute; adcc; administration; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antiretroviral; antiviral; bavituximab; binding; blockade; broad; cancer; ccr5; cd4; cd8; cd81; cell; cellular; chains; changes; chimeric; chronic; class; clinical; combination; conformational; conserved; ctla-4; current; cxcr4; dependent; development; different; diseases; domain; dose; drugs; effective; effector; effects; efficacy; entry; envelope; epitopes; escape; exhaustion; expression; fact; figure; functions; fusion; glycoprotein; gp120; gp41; hcv; heavy; hepatitis; high; hiv; hiv-1; host; human; human monoclonal; humanized; ibalizumab; ifn; immune; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; individuals; infected; infection; inhibitory; interaction; isolates; levels; light; load; mabs; mechanisms; membrane; mice; molecules; monoclonal; monoclonal antibody; mouse; multiple; nabs; neutralization; neutralizing; new; non; novel; number; pathway; patients; pd-1; pharmacokinetics; phase; potent; potential; primary; pro; production; progression; protective; protein; receptor; region; release; resistance; responses; results; role; safety; serum; single; site; small; specific; studies; study; surface; system; t cells; target; therapeutic; therapy; treatment; trials; tumor; type; variable; viral; virus; viruses; vivo cache: cord-305039-grsv06j7.txt plain text: cord-305039-grsv06j7.txt item: #97 of 140 id: cord-305893-2vcy0f6i author: Bagheri, Vahid title: Neutralizing human recombinant antibodies against herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins B from a phage-displayed scFv antibody library date: 2017-01-15 words: 3579 flesch: 45 summary: Hitherto, neutralizing scFv antibodies have been produced against many viral proteins, but surface glycoproteins have been the most appealing target owing to their important role in virus attachment to receptors of host cells; examples of such antibodies include scFvs against HA (Haemagglutinin) of influenza A virus H5N1 subtype [20] , gB and gH cytomegalovirus [19] , respiratory syncytial virus [36] , rabies virus [37] , and Enteric coronavirus Thus far, several neutralizing scFv antibodies have been produced against a number of viruses including scFv antibodies against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) keywords: antibodies; antibody; cells; chain; clones; display; domain; effects; elisa; entry; epitope; fig; fragment; functional; glycoprotein; herpes; hsv-1; human; infection; library; min; monoclonal; neonatal; neutralization; neutralizing; number; panning; pbs; peptide; phage; plaque; proteins; reduction; regions; residues; room; scfv; simplex; single; specific; study; supernatant; surface; target; temperature; times; type; virus cache: cord-305893-2vcy0f6i.txt plain text: cord-305893-2vcy0f6i.txt item: #98 of 140 id: cord-307320-fxs31d66 author: Ubah, Obinna title: Monoclonal Antibodies and Antibody Like Fragments Derived from Immunised Phage Display Libraries date: 2018-03-17 words: 8304 flesch: 22 summary: In: Pharmaceutical biotechnology Antigenic variation in trypanosomes: enhanced phenotypic variation in a eukaryotic parasite Mining human antibody repertoires Beyond natural antibodies: the power of in vitro display technologies Hidden killers: human fungal infections Identification of Salmonella SPI-2 secretion system components required for SpvB-mediated cytotoxicity in macrophages and virulence in mice Identification of an Immunodominant ABC transporter in Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections A large array of human monoclonal antibodies to type 1 human immunodeficiency virus from combinatorial libraries of asymptomatic seropositive individuals Phage-displayed antibody fragments recognizing dengue 3 and dengue 4 viruses as tools for viral serotyping in sera from infected individuals Helicobacter pyloriantigen-binding fragments expressed on the filamentous M13 phage prevent bacterial growth Isolation of a nanomolar scFv inhibiting the endopeptidase activity of botulinum toxin A, by single-round panning of an immune phage-displayed library of macaque origin The isolation of super-sensitive anti-hapten antibodies from combinatorial antibody libraries derived from sheep A high-affinity macaque antibody Fab with human-like framework regions obtained from a small phage display immune library Monoclonal immunoglobulin G1 directed against Aspergillus fumigatus cell wall glycoprotein protects against experimental murine aspergillosis Chimpanzee/human mAbs to vaccinia virus B5 protein neutralize vaccinia and smallpox viruses and protect mice against vaccinia virus Efficient neutralization of anthrax toxin by chimpanzee monoclonal antibodies against protective antigen Novel chimpanzee/human monoclonal antibodies that neutralize anthrax lethal factor, and evidence for possible synergy with anti-protective antigen antibody Potent neutralization of anthrax edema toxin by a humanized monoclonal antibody that competes with calmodulin for edema factor binding ) β-Lactamase inhibitors derived from single-domain antibody fragments elicited in the camelidae Functional aspects of protein mono-ADP-ribosylation Antibody binding to Cryptococcus neoformans impairs budding by altering capsular mechanical properties Antibody responses against wild-type yellow fever virus and the 17D vaccine strain: characterization with human monoclonal antibody fragments and neutralization escape variants Generation and characterization of ALX-0171, a potent novel therapeutic nanobody for the treatment of respiratory syncytial virus infection Analysis of the expressed heavy chain variable-region genes of Macaca fascicularis and isolation of monoclonal antibodies specific for the Ebola virus' soluble glycoprotein A human SARS-CoV neutralizing antibody against epitope on S2 protein Potential of primate monoclonal antibodies to substitute for human antibodies: nucleotide sequence of chimpanzee Fab fragments Llama antibody fragments with cross-subtype human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-neutralizing properties and high affinity for HIV-1 gp120 Isolation of single chain variable fragments against six esters of pyrethrins by subtractive phage display Efficient production of chicken egg yolk antibodies against a conserved mammalian protein Research and development of therapeutic mAbs: an analysis based on pipeline projects Passive intranasal monoclonal antibody prophylaxis against murine Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia Phage antibody libraries are constructed by PCR based cloning of VH and VL repertoires by random pairing into a phage or phagemid vector system and display on the surface of bacteriophage. keywords: activity; adp; aeruginosa; affinity; albicans; animal; anthrax; antibodies; antibody; antibody fragments; antifungal; antigen; antigenic; applications; aureus; authors; bacterial; binding; bont; botulinum; brucella; candida; cause; cdr3; cell; chain; chimpanzee; clinical; clones; conserved; conventional; cross; development; different; diseases; display; display libraries; diversity; domain; drugs; effective; efficacy; engineering; epitopes; fab; factor; family; fragments; fungal; generation; genes; gp120; heavy; hepatitis; high; high affinity; host; hsl; human; hybridoma; igg; immune; immunisation; immunised; immunotherapy; infection; inhibiting; isolated; isolation; killing; large; libraries; library; life; light; like; limited; llama; mabs; mammalian; mice; model; molecules; monoclonal; monoclonal antibodies; mouse; murine; nanobodies; need; neutralising; non; novel; number; panning; pathogens; patients; phage; phage display; potential; protective; protein; pylori; receptor; recombinant; region; respiratory; rsv; salmonella; scfv; selection; sensitivity; sheep; single; small; species; specific; specificity; spvb; staphylococcus; strain; surface; system; targets; technology; therapeutic; toxin; treatment; variable; vhh; vhhs; viral; virulence; virus; vitro; vivo; wall cache: cord-307320-fxs31d66.txt plain text: cord-307320-fxs31d66.txt item: #99 of 140 id: cord-309067-aemjbkfj author: Kennedy, Melissa title: Methodology in diagnostic virology date: 2005-03-01 words: 5886 flesch: 48 summary: For antibody assays, this is straightforward, because only serum is required. Proper sampling and shipment for virus detection may be more involved. keywords: addition; agent; agglutination; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antiglobulin; assays; availability; available; binding; cell; certain; complement; culture; detection; diagnosis; disease; electron; elisas; enzyme; example; false; feline; fig; formation; identification; ifa; immune; infection; interpretation; isolation; laboratory; material; microscopy; negative; pathogen; patient; pcr; positive; presence; present; propagation; proteins; rbcs; reaction; results; rna; sample; sensitivity; serum; shipment; species; specific; specificity; substrate; testing; titer; viral; virus; viruses; western cache: cord-309067-aemjbkfj.txt plain text: cord-309067-aemjbkfj.txt item: #100 of 140 id: cord-311811-nrodyagi author: Schutzer, Steven E. title: The use of host factors in microbial forensics date: 2019-12-06 words: 7653 flesch: 43 summary: Perhaps, the pattern of antibody response which has the most forensic value, by providing a timeframe, is the appearance of IgM first, followed by a B-cell switch to the longer-lasting IgG. During the early phase of exposure, IgM predominates, as time goes on, IgG may wax and wane and IgM is no longer found ( Fig. 14.2) . In an area where recombinant vaccines are being developed or used antibody response would be different between someone using one type of recombinant vaccine as compared with someone using another type of vaccine. keywords: acute; agent; analysis; animal; anthracis; anthrax; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antibody response; antigens; area; assay; blood; cases; cells; chapter; ciprofloxacin; clinical; common; context; controls; culture; cutaneous; data; days; detection; different; disease; dna; early; elisa; endemic; et al; evidence; example; exposure; fluid; forensic; high; host; igg; igm; immune; immunoglobulins; important; individual; infection; influenza; information; investigation; laboratory; later; levels; likely; limitations; low; melioidosis; methods; microbe; microbial; microorganism; negative; new; october; particular; pathogen; patient; pcr; perpetrator; person; pleural; positive; possible; presence; present; questions; response; results; samples; schutzer; sera; serum; signs; specific; study; symptoms; system; test; time; toxin; use; useful; utility; vaccine; value; vca; victim; virus; years cache: cord-311811-nrodyagi.txt plain text: cord-311811-nrodyagi.txt item: #101 of 140 id: cord-312787-j7ye7ed5 author: Loemba, H. D. title: Kinetics of humoral immune response to the major structural proteins of the porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus date: 1996 words: 3424 flesch: 36 summary: Comparison of porcine alveolar macrophages and CL 2621 for the detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus and anti-PRRS antibody Characterization of swine infertility and respiratory syndrome (SIRS) virus (isolate ATCC VR-2332) Persistence of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection in a swine operation Antibody-dependent enhancement of SIRS virus replication Single-step method of RNA isolation by acid guanidium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction Molecular characterization of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, a member of the arterivirus group Structural proteins of equine arteritis virus Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome Enhanced replication of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus in a homogeneous subpopulation of MA-104 cell line Antigenic comparison of Canadian and U.S. isolates of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus using monoclonal antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus: morphological, biochemical and serological characteristics of Quebec isolates associated to acute and chronic outbreaks of PRRS Detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and efficient differentiation between Canadian and European strains by reverse transcription and PCR amplification Molecular analysis of the ORFs 3 to 7 genes of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus, Quebec strain IAF-exp91 Kinetics of humoral immune response to structural proteins of PRRSV 761 Diagnosis of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome Lelystad virus, the causative agent of porcine epidemic abortion and respiratory syndrome (PEARS), is related to LDV and EAV Characterization of proteins encoded by ORFs 2 to 7 of Lelystad virus Differentiation of US and European isolates of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus by monoclonal antibodies Serum immune responses to the proteins of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus Antibody production and blastogenic response in pigs experimentally infected with PRRS virus Mystery swine disease in The Netherlands: the isolation of Lelystad virus Morrison RB (t992) An indirect fluorescent antibody test for the detection of antibody to swine infertility and respiratory syndrome virus in swine sera A modified serum neutralization test for the detection of antibody to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in swine sera Persistent and contact infection in nursery pigs experimentally infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Characterization of the humoral immune response to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus infection We thank Louise Wilson, Micheline Ch6nard, and Nicole Sawyer tbr their technical assistance. Briefly, replicas of viral proteins, separated by SDS-PAGE and electrophoretically transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes, were incubated for 1 h at 37 °C in the presence of 1:50 dilution of the tested porcine sera. keywords: antibodies; antibody; antibody titers; day; days; detection; end; envelope; experimentally; exposure; glycoprotein; iaf; igg; igm; iif; immune; infected; infection; major; observation; orfs; p.i; peaked; piglets; pigs; porcine; proteins; prrsv; purified; recombinant; reproductive; respiratory; respiratory syndrome; response; results; sera; specific; strain; structural; swine; syndrome; titers; viral; viremia; virus; week cache: cord-312787-j7ye7ed5.txt plain text: cord-312787-j7ye7ed5.txt item: #102 of 140 id: cord-313312-h607itv2 author: Mok, Darren Z. L. title: The Effects of Pre-Existing Antibodies on Live-Attenuated Viral Vaccines date: 2020-05-08 words: 7429 flesch: 25 summary: Consistent with the notion that sub-neutralizing cross-reactive antibodies can promote viral infection, the presence of pre-existing cross-reactive antibodies can also increase the immunogenicity of flaviviral LAVs. In situations where pre-existing cross-reactive antibodies are unable to inhibit viral fusion processes intracellularly, high concentrations of antibodies may enable the formation of viral immune aggregates that influence the types of FcγRs engaged. keywords: activation; ad5; adenovirus; adv; age; antibodies; antibody; antigen; better; binding; cell; cellular; children; clinical; complexes; critical; cross; dengue; dependent; development; disease; efficacy; enhancement; epitopes; evidence; fcγriib; fcγrs; fever; figure; fusion; gag; global; greater; high; human; igg; immune; immune responses; immunity; immunization; immunogenicity; impact; individuals; induction; infants; infection; inflammatory; influence; influenza; inhibition; inhibitory; innate; lav; lavs; levels; linking; live; maternal; measles; mechanisms; months; neutralization; neutralizing; pandemic; possibility; potential; pre; presence; protection; reactive; receptor; recombinant; reduced; responses; review; specific; structural; studies; sub; subjects; titers; type; uptake; vaccination; vaccine; vector; viral; virus; viruses; yellow; zika cache: cord-313312-h607itv2.txt plain text: cord-313312-h607itv2.txt item: #103 of 140 id: cord-316287-4i1grvlr author: Yim, Sung Sun title: Rapid Isolation of Antibody from a Synthetic Human Antibody Library by Repeated Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) date: 2014-10-10 words: 6392 flesch: 46 summary: Strategies and challenges for the next generation of therapeutic antibodies High level production of a kringle domain variant by high-cell-density cultivation of Escherichia coli Advances in the production of human monoclonal antibodies Selecting and screening recombinant antibody libraries Synthetic therapeutic antibodies Yeast surface display for screening combinatorial polypeptide libraries Applications of display technology in protein analysis Targeting recombinant antibodies to the surface of E. coli: Fusion to a peptidoglycan associated lipoprotein Isolation of high-affinity ligand-binding proteins by periplasmic expression with cytometric screening (PECS) Separation of E. coli expressing functional cell-wall bound antibody fragments by FACS Anchored periplasmic expression, a versatile technology for the isolation of highaffinity antibodies from Escherichia coli-expressed libraries Development of an optimized expression system for the screening of antibody libraries displayed on the E. coli surface Nanogap field-effect transistor biosensors for electrical detection of avian influenza Label-free optical diagnosis of hepatitis B virus with genetically engineered fusion proteins High-yield production of the VP1 structural protein epitope from serotype O foot-andmouth disease virus in Escherichia coli Directed evolution of a G protein-coupled receptor for expression, stability, and binding selectivity Universal Genetic Assay for Engineering Extracellular Protein Expression Kabat database and its applications: 30 years after the first variability plot Simultaneous mutagenesis of antibody CDR regions by overlap extension and PCR A vector for the removal of deletion mutants from antibody libraries Secretory production of recombinant protein by a high cell density culture of a protease negative mutant Escherichia coli strain Development of human anti-murine antibody (HAMA) response in patients The following strategy is usually used for screening a recombinant antibody library: (i) cultivation of library cells; (ii) fluorescent-antigenpeptide or protein labeling of the library cells; (iii) FACS sorting of the highly fluorescent population; (iv) regeneration of the sorted cells by regrowth or re-cloning of the sorted target genes; (v) repetition of steps i-iv until a highly fluorescent population is separated from the negative control population; and (vi) analysis of the individual clones. keywords: activity; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; binding; candidates; cells; clones; coli; cultivation; display; elisa; epitope; expression; facs; fig; final; fluorescent; fmdv; genes; gst; h1n1; hbv; high; higher; human; influenza; isolated; isolation; labeling; libraries; library; non; pcr; population; positive; potential; pres2; probes; production; protein; purified; rapid; regeneration; repeated; round; rpm; scfv; screening; sequence; size; sorted; sorted cells; sorting; specific; strategy; sv7; synthetic; system; virus; vp1 cache: cord-316287-4i1grvlr.txt plain text: cord-316287-4i1grvlr.txt item: #104 of 140 id: cord-317501-yblzopc3 author: Kuhn, Philipp title: Recombinant antibodies for diagnostics and therapy against pathogens and toxins generated by phage display date: 2016-06-21 words: 11099 flesch: 30 summary: An alternative to hybridoma technology is the use of antibody phage display to generate recombinant antibodies. A technology that overcomes the limitation of the immune system is antibody phage display. keywords: activity; affinity; agent; analysis; animals; anthracis; anthrax; antibodies; antibody; antibody fragments; antibody phage; antigen; application; approach; aspergillus; bacillus; bacterial; binding; biological; botulinum; category; cell; chain; challenge; characterization; chicken; chimpanzee; clones; clostridium; coli; complex; construction; cross; dengue; detection; development; diagnostic; different; difficile; disease; display; display library; diversity; domain; e.g.; ebola; elisa; encephalitis; enterotoxin; envelope; epitope; equine; eukaryotic; example; expression; fab; fabs; factor; falciparum; format; fragment; fusion; generation; genes; glycoprotein; gp41; h5n1; heavy; hemagglutinin; hepatitis; high; hiv-1; human; human antibody; human monoclonal; hybridoma; identification; igg; immune; immune library; immunized; infected; infection; influenza; inhibition; isolation; kda; large; lethal; libraries; library; like; limited; llama; macaque; malaria; merozoite; mice; monoclonal; monoclonal antibodies; mouse; murine; mycobacterium; naïve; neurotoxin; neutralization; neutralizing; non; novel; panning; parasite; pathogens; patients; phage; phage display; plasmodium; potential; production; protective; protein; rabies; reactive; receptor; recombinant; recombinant antibodies; repertoire; research; ricin; salmonella; scfv; screening; selection; serotypes; serum; single; smallpox; species; specific; staphylococcal; strains; study; surface; synthetic; system; targeting; technology; therapeutic; therapy; toxins; treatment; tuberculosis; type; typhimurium; vaccine; vaccinia; variable; veev; venom; vhh; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo cache: cord-317501-yblzopc3.txt plain text: cord-317501-yblzopc3.txt item: #105 of 140 id: cord-319746-6bccxgbd author: Saxena, Latika title: Production and Characterization of Human Monoclonal Antibodies from the Cells of A(H1N1)pdm2009 Influenza Virus Infected Indian Donors date: 2015-12-31 words: 3526 flesch: 44 summary: The convalescent phase plasma of the eight influenza positive patients was screened for influenza virus specific antibodies, as the serum/plasma antibody titre is a critical factor for the generation of monoclonal antibodies from PBMCs. Monoclonal antibodies were added at a concentration of 5 μg/ml and the plates were incubated for 2h at 4 °C. keywords: activity; antibodies; antibody; assay; binding; blood; cells; clones; concentration; culture; dilution; ebv; fusion; generation; h1n1; hai; human; human monoclonal; indian; infected; infection; influenza; influenza virus; mabs; mice; monoclonal; monoclonal antibodies; neutralizing; pandemic; patients; pbmcs; plasma; plates; positive; post; protein; reference; samples; specific; strain; study; therapeutic; transformation; use; viral; virus cache: cord-319746-6bccxgbd.txt plain text: cord-319746-6bccxgbd.txt item: #106 of 140 id: cord-319884-d8n0aokl author: Natesan, Mohan title: Protein Microarrays and Biomarkers of Infectious Disease date: 2010-12-16 words: 7097 flesch: 31 summary: Drug Des Protein-protein interactions and selection: Array-based techniques for screening disease-associated biomarkers in predictive/early diagnosis Defining the humoral immune response to infectious agents using high-density protein microarrays Design of high-density antibody microarrays for disease proteomics: Key technological issues Extensive antibody cross-reactivity among infectious gram-negative bacteria revealed by proteome microarray analysis Analysis of the human immune response to vacccina by use of novel protein microarray suggests that antibodies recognize less than 10% of the total viral proteome Applications of protein microarrays for biomarker discovery Protein microarrays: High-throughput tools for proteomics Advances and perspectives in aptamer arrays Affibody molecules in protein capture microarrays: Evaluation of multidomain ligands and different detection formats Use of a single-chain antibody library for ovarian cancer biomarker discovery Reversephase protein microarrays: Application to biomarker discovery and translational medicine Development of reverse phase protein microarrays for clinical applications and patient-tailored therapy Reverse phase protein microarrays which capture disease progression show activation of pro-survival pathways at the cancer invasion front Analysis of signaling pathways in 90 cancer cell lines by protein lysate array Reverse-phase protein lysate microarrays for cell signaling analysis Multiplex approaches in protein microarray technology Printing proteins as microarrays for high-throughput function determination Self-assembling protein microarrays Global analysis of protein activities using proteome chips Proteome-wide analysis of the serological response to vaccinia and smallpox Antibody profiling by proteome microarray reveals the immunogenicity of the attenuated smallpox vaccine modified vaccinia virus ankara is comparable to that of Dryvax A Burkholderia pseudomallei protein microarray reveals serodiagnostic and cross-reactive antigens Protein microarray for profiling antibody responses to Yersinia pestis live vaccine Serologic survey of the sentinel animals for plague surveillance and screening for complementary diagnostic markers to F1 antigen by protein microarray Antibody profiling in plague patients by protein microarray From protein microarrays to diagnostic antigen discovery: A study of the pathogen Francisella tularensis Immunodominant Francisella tularensis antigens identified using proteome microarray Candidate antigens for Q fever serodiagnosis revealed by immunoscreening of a Coxiella burnetii protein microarray Large scale immune profiling of infected humans and goats reveals differential recognition of Brucella melitensis antigens A genome-wide proteome array reveals a limited set of immunogens in natural infections of humans and white-footed mice with Borrelia burgdorferi Genome-wide study of Pseudomonas aeruginosa outer membrane protein immunogenicity using self-assembling protein microarrays Bacterial protein microarrays for identification of new potential diagnostic markers for Neisseria meningitidis infections Analysis of phagosomal proteomes: From latex-bead to bacterial phagosomes Anthrax infection inhibits the AKT signaling involved in the E-cadherin-mediated adhesion of lung epithelial cells Capturing host-pathogen interactions by protein microarrays: Identification of novel streptococcal proteins binding to human fibronectin, fibrinogen, and C4BP Profiling the humoral immune response to infection by using proteome microarrays: high-throughput vaccine and diagnostic antigen discovery Identification of humoral immune responses in protein microarrays using DNA microarray data analysis techniques Single step generation of protein arrays from DNA by cell-free expression and in situ immobilisation (PISA method) Distinct formats of protein microarrays have been developed for different applications, including abundance-based and function-based methods. keywords: abundance; alternative; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigens; applications; approach; assay; bacteria; bead; binding; biomarkers; capture; cell; chip; clinical; coli; complex; control; cross; data; detection; development; diagnostic; different; discovery; disease; dna; domains; dryvax; example; expression; fluorescent; format; free; function; genome; gst; high; host; human; identification; igg; immune; important; infection; interactions; label; limited; methods; microarrays; molecules; monkeypox; multiplexed; multiplexing; new; non; number; pathogen; patients; pestis; phase; plague; potential; printing; probes; profiling; protein; protein microarrays; proteome; purified; reactive; reactivity; recombinant; reported; research; responses; results; samples; screening; sera; serum; significant; similar; single; small; smallpox; specific; specificity; spr; studies; study; surface; system; technology; throughput; tularensis; usa; use; useful; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; vaccinia; viral; virus; vzv cache: cord-319884-d8n0aokl.txt plain text: cord-319884-d8n0aokl.txt item: #107 of 140 id: cord-321369-xzu2faol author: Andreano, Emanuele title: Extremely potent human monoclonal antibodies from convalescent Covid-19 patients date: 2020-10-07 words: 3704 flesch: 44 summary: Furthermore, giving the initial rush in isolating potential antibody candidates for clinical development, the whole picture on different types of neutralizing antibodies generated after infection is not yet clear. We found that approximately 10% of the total B cells against the spike protein produce neutralizing antibodies and these can be divided into 4 different groups recognizing the S1-RBD, S1domain, S2-domain and the S-protein trimer. keywords: ability; antibodies; antibody; assay; binding; cells; conformation; convalescent; cov-2; covid-19; development; different; domain; expression; fig; group; high; human; infection; mabs; mbcs; memory; monoclonal; nabs; neutralization; neutralizing; pandemic; patients; potency; potent; prefusion; prophylactic; protein; rbd; sars; screening; single; specific; spike; subunit; supernatants; table; tap; therapeutic; trimeric; vaccines; vero; viral; virus; î¼l cache: cord-321369-xzu2faol.txt plain text: cord-321369-xzu2faol.txt item: #108 of 140 id: cord-321901-zpi7uis1 author: Roberts, Anjeanette title: Animal models and antibody assays for evaluating candidate SARS vaccines: Summary of a technical meeting 25–26 August 2005, London, UK date: 2006-11-30 words: 6604 flesch: 36 summary: Severe acute respiratory syndrome WHO investigates China's fall in SARS cases WHO says SARS outbreak is over, but fight should go on Summary of probable SARS cases with onset of illness from 1 Identification of a novel coronavirus in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus as a possible cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome Characterization of a novel coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome Unique and conserved features of genome and proteome of SARS-coronavirus, an early split-off from the coronavirus group 2 lineage The Genome sequence of the SARS-associated coronavirus SARS coronavirus: a new challenge for prevention and therapy Isolation and characterization of viruses related to the SARS coronavirus from animals in southern China The aetiology, origins, and diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome Structure of SARS coronavirus spike receptor-binding domain complexed with receptor Adaptation of SARS coronavirus to humans Bats are natural reservoirs of SARS-like coronaviruses Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-like virus in Chinese horseshoe bats Clinical progression and viral load in a community outbreak of coronavirus-associated SARS pneumonia: a prospective study Clinical features and short-term outcomes of 144 patients with SARS in the greater Toronto area Coronavirus pathogenesis and the emerging pathogen severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus SARS immunity and vaccination Prior infection and passive transfer of neutralizing antibody prevent replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in the respiratory tract of mice Aged BALB/c mice as a model for increased severity of severe acute respiratory syndrome in elderly humans Virology: SARS virus infection of cats and ferrets Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection of golden Syrian hamsters Koch's postulates fulfilled for SARS virus Newly discovered coronavirus as the primary cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome Effects of a SARS-associated coronavirus vaccine in monkeys Replication of SARS coronavirus administered into the respiratory tract of African Green, rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys Macaque model for severe acute respiratory syndrome An animal model of SARS produced by infection of Macaca mulatta with SARS coronavirus An exposed domain in the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein induces neutralizing antibodies Identification of an antigenic determinant on the S2 domain of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike glycoprotein capable of inducing neutralizing antibodies Contributions of the structural proteins of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus to protective immunity Evaluation of human monoclonal antibody 80R for immunoprophylaxis of severe acute respiratory syndrome by an animal study, epitope mapping, and analysis of spike variants Development and characterisation of neutralising monoclonal antibody to the SARS-coronavirus Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein expressed by attenuated vaccinia virus protectively immunizes mice A DNA vaccine induces SARS coronavirus neutralization and protective immunity in mice Immunization with modified vaccinia virus Ankara-based recombinant vaccine against severe acute respiratory syndrome is associated with enhanced hepatitis in ferrets Mucosal immunisation of African green monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) with an attenuated parainfluenza virus expressing the SARS coronavirus spike protein for the prevention of SARS Adenoviral expression of a truncated S1 subunit of SARS-CoV spike protein results in specific humoral immune responses against SARS-CoV in rats Identification of the membrane-active regions of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike membrane glycoprotein using a 16/18-mer peptide scan: implications for the viral fusion mechanism Mechanisms of host defense following severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus (SARS-CoV) pulmonary infection of mice Symptoms of infection caused by SARS coronavirus in laboratory mice and guinea pigs Civets are equally susceptible to experimental infection by two different severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus isolates Infection of SARS-CoV on juvenile and adult Brandt's vole Microtus brandtii Potent neutralization of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus by a human mAb to S1 protein that blocks receptor association Development and characterization of a severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus-neutralizing human monoclonal antibody that provides effective immunoprophylaxis in mice Human monoclonal antibody as prophylaxis for SARS coronavirus infection in ferrets An efficient method to make human monoclonal antibodies from memory B cells: potent neutralization of SARS coronavirus Therapy with a severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus-neutralizing human monoclonal antibody reduces disease severity and viral burden in golden Syrian hamsters A single immunization with a rhabdovirus-based vector expressing severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) S protein results in the production of high levels of SARS-CoV-neutralizing antibodies Long-term protection from SARS coronavirus infection conferred by a single immunization with an attenuated VSV-based vaccine Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nucleocapsid protein expressed by an adenovirus vector is phosphorylated and immunogenic in mice Characterization of humoral responses in mice immunized with plasmid DNAs encoding SARS-CoV spike gene fragments A subcutaneously injected UV-inactivated SARS coronavirus vaccine elicits systemic humoral immunity in mice Inactivated SARS-CoV vaccine prepared from whole virus induces a high level of neutralizing antibodies in BALB/c mice Immunogenicity of SARS inactivated vaccine in BALB/c mice Augmentation of immune responses to SARS coronavirus by a combination of DNA and whole killed virus vaccines Immunogenicity, safety, and protective efficacy of an inactivated SARS-associated coronavirus vaccine in rhesus monkeys A double-inactivated whole virus candidate SARS coronavirus vaccine stimulates neutralising and protective antibody responses Antibody-dependent enhancement of virus infection and disease Antibody-dependent enhancement of viral infection: molecular mechanisms and in vivo implications Intracellular transport of recombinant coronavirus spike proteins: implications for virus assembly Localization of antigenic sites of the S glycoprotein of feline infectious peritonitis virus involved in neutralization and antibody-dependent enhancement Monoclonal antibody analysis of neutralization and antibody-dependent enhancement of feline infectious peritonitis virus Laboratory Biosafety Manual WHO biosafety guidelines for handling of SARS specimens Caution urged on SARS vaccines The authors thank Dr. Marc P. Girard and Dr. Marie-Paule Kieny for their invaluable assistance in preparing the manuscript. keywords: acute; analysis; animal; animal models; antibodies; antibody; assays; associated; available; candidate; challenge; china; clinical; collaborative; coronavirus; cov; cynomolgus; data; days; development; different; disease; efficacy; enhanced; enhancement; entry; evaluation; ferrets; hamsters; human; immune; immunity; immunized; immunological; important; inactivated; infection; international; laboratory; like; macaques; mice; models; monoclonal; neutralization; neutralizing; number; observed; p.i; pathology; patients; pneumonitis; points; preparation; protective; protein; quantitative; reagents; replication; repository; research; respiratory; rhesus; rsv; sars; sera; severe; species; spike; standard; strains; studies; study; sufficient; suitable; syndrome; time; vaccinated; vaccines; viral; virology; viruses cache: cord-321901-zpi7uis1.txt plain text: cord-321901-zpi7uis1.txt item: #109 of 140 id: cord-324316-ulb8d5fe author: Bramstedt, Katrina A. title: Antibodies as Currency: COVID-19’s Golden Passport date: 2020-08-25 words: 1400 flesch: 42 summary: Those with negative antibody test results could use various forms of identity theft to confer themselves a positive test result. Currently, COVID-19 antibody testing requires an in-person visit for blood sampling in the inpatient or outpatient setting. keywords: antibodies; antibody; concept; covid-19; currency; ethical; golden; identity; immunity; negative; pandemic; passport; patients; people; person; positive; potential; restrictions; results; sample; sars; test; testing; travel; work; world cache: cord-324316-ulb8d5fe.txt plain text: cord-324316-ulb8d5fe.txt item: #110 of 140 id: cord-326673-p8qbxi57 author: Kitching, R. P. title: The interference by maternally-derived antibody with active immunization of farm animals against foot-and-mouth disease date: 1995-12-31 words: 4794 flesch: 36 summary: In South America, Nicholls el al. (1984) showed that MDA against FMD was likely to persist for 4-5 months, and that calves with MDA vaccinated against FMD not only failed to respond, but that vaccination depressed the serum titre of specific FMD virus antibody in these animals. However, it has been clearly shown that the presence of MDA in the offspring correlates with the antigen-specific suppression of antibody responses, an effect that can be mimicked by the passive administration of monoclonal antibodies to neonatal mice (Xiang & Ertl, 1992) . keywords: active; age; animals; antibodies; antibody; antibody response; antigen; birth; black; calves; cattle; cells; colostrum; days; different; disease; effect; effective; et al; farm; fmd; fmd virus; foot; francis; generation; high; iga; igg; igm; immune; immunity; immunization; infection; interference; levels; life; live; maternal; mda; mice; months; mouth; neonatal; nicholls; offspring; old; period; pigs; possible; presence; protection; rabies; response; results; serum; species; specific; study; suppression; system; titres; vaccination; vaccine; virus; young cache: cord-326673-p8qbxi57.txt plain text: cord-326673-p8qbxi57.txt item: #111 of 140 id: cord-327287-e5k2gcse author: May, Jori E. title: The challenges of diagnosing heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia in patients with COVID‐19 date: 2020-08-02 words: 175 flesch: 30 summary: key: cord-327287-e5k2gcse authors: May, Jori E.; Siniard, Rance C.; Marques, Marisa title: The challenges of diagnosing heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia in patients with COVID‐19 date: 2020-08-02 journal: Herein, we report our experience with hospitalized patients with The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. keywords: antibodies; covid-19; e5k2gcse; heparin; thrombocytopenia cache: cord-327287-e5k2gcse.txt plain text: cord-327287-e5k2gcse.txt item: #112 of 140 id: cord-327629-ep28ay11 author: Herron, J.B.T. title: Coronavirus antibody positive tests and continued use of personal protective equipment throughout the pandemic date: 2020-06-20 words: 1175 flesch: 43 summary: -Face masks, eye protection and person distancing: systematic review and meta-analysis High-profile coronavirus retractions raise concerns about data oversight COVID-19 infodemic: More retweets for science-based information on coronavirus than for false information A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new CoV-2 through the postpandemic period Reducing medical error during a pandemic Generational and Occupational Differences in Human Factors Knowledge and Awareness: A Comparison Study Mission command: applying principles of military leadership to the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) crisis Laboratory diagnosis and monitoring the viral shedding of 2019-nCoV infections Persistence and clearance of viral RNA in 2019 novel coronavirus disease rehabilitation patients Covid-19: Antibody tests will not be rolled out in UK until at least May, MPs hear COVID-19 immunity passports and vaccination certificates: scientific, equitable, and legal challenges expert reaction to PHE laboratory evaluations of Roche and Abbott antibody tests. As mentioned in a recent publication current Covid-19 antibody tests are similar to the first-generation HIV tests (17) . keywords: antibody; assertive; coronavirus; covid-19; current; disease; doctor; equipment; healthcare; important; key; knowledge; masks; pandemic; patients; protection; roche; social; spread; staff; team; testing; tests; use; virus cache: cord-327629-ep28ay11.txt plain text: cord-327629-ep28ay11.txt item: #113 of 140 id: cord-327883-s9nbr5y8 author: None title: Section Virology date: 1990-03-31 words: 10597 flesch: 45 summary: Inst. of Virology, Univ., D-6300 Giessen A highly purified nucleoprotein (NP) preparation from influenza virus infected cells yielded in addition to the commonly known 56 kd protein a 42 kd component which could not be detected in virus particles. The biological activity of the clone was confirmed by a variety of criteria: induction of characteristic CPE in susceptible cells infected with cell-free supernatant from cultures transfected with pHSRV; indirect immunofluorescence; radioimmunoprecipitation of viral proteins and electron microscopy. keywords: acid; active; activity; acute; additional; adsorption; age; amino; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; assay; associated; autoantibodies; binding; blot; bovine; cases; cells; cellular; cleavage; clones; complete; contrast; control; culture; data; detection; determined; different; distinct; dna; early; ebv; elisa; enzyme; epitopes; experiments; expression; following; fragments; frame; functional; fusion; gene; genome; genomic; gil; glycoprotein; group; hbc; hbeag; hbs; hbv; hcmv; hcv; heparin; hepatitis; herpes; high; histone; hiv; host; hpv8; hsrv; hsv; hsv-2; human; hybridization; igg; igm; infected; infection; inst; jcv; kbp; laboratory; line; mab; major; membrane; mice; molecular; monoclonal; negative; nonstructural; nrs; nucleocapsid; nucleotide; open; particles; patients; polypeptides; positive; presence; prevalence; probe; products; protease; protein; pry; purified; radioimmunoprecipitation; reaction; reading; recombinant; region; related; replication; residues; response; results; rna; s71; samples; second; sequences; sera; serological; serum; size; specific; specificity; strains; study; surface; test; testing; time; tissue; transcription; treatment; type; univ; urine; vaccines; viral; virion; virology; virus; viruses; vitro; western; years cache: cord-327883-s9nbr5y8.txt plain text: cord-327883-s9nbr5y8.txt item: #114 of 140 id: cord-328753-qwdxgk4z author: Lafaye, Pierre title: Use of camel single-domain antibodies for the diagnosis and treatment of zoonotic diseases date: 2018-09-25 words: 4626 flesch: 37 summary: Expression of anti human IL-4 and IL-6 scFvs in transgenic tobacco plants Antibody repertoire development in cartilaginous fish Medicine and Surgery of South American Camelids Dromedary IgG: purification, characterization and quantitation in sera of dams and new-borns The isolation and characterization of camel (Camelus dromedarius) immunoglobulin classes and subclasses Naturally occurring antibodies devoid of light chains Selection and identification of single domain antibody fragments from camel heavy-chain antibodies Nanobodies: natural single-domain antibodies Functional heavy-chain antibodies in Camelidae Selection of similar single domain antibodies from two immune VHH libraries obtained from two alpacas by using different selection methods Single domain antibodies: promising experimental and therapeutic tools in infection and immunity Single domain camel antibodies: current status Efficient tumor targeting by singledomain antibody fragments of camels novel promiscuous class of camelid single-domain antibody contributes to the antigen-binding repertoire Properties, production, and applications of camelid single-domain antibody fragments Isolation and characterization of a thermally stable recombinant anti-caffeine heavy-chain antibody fragment Antigen specificity and high affinity binding provided by one single loop of a camel single-domain antibody Experimental therapy of African trypanosomiasis with a nanobody-conjugated human trypanolytic factor Camelid heavy-chain variable domains provide efficient combining sites to haptens Crystal structure of a camel single-domain VH antibody fragment in complex with lysozyme Single-domain antibodies recognize selectively small oligomeric forms of amyloid β, prevent Aβ-induced neurotoxicity and inhibit fibril formation Single domain antibodies as blood-brain barrier delivery vectors Llama VHH antibody fragments against GFAP: better diffusion in fixed tissues than classical monoclonal antibodies Cell-penetrating anti-GFAP VHH and corresponding fluorescent fusion protein VHH-GFP spontaneously cross the blood-brain barrier and specifically recognize astrocytes: application to brain imaging Camelid single-domain antibodies: a versatile tool for in vivo imaging of extracellular and intracellular brain targets Chemically-defined camelid antibody bioconjugate for the magnetic resonance imaging of Alzheimer's disease Sortagging: a versatile method for protein labeling Sortase A-mediated sitespecific labeling of camelid single-domain antibody-fragments: a versatile strategy for multiple molecular imaging modalities Site-specific labeling of cysteine-tagged camelid single-domain antibody-fragments for use in molecular imaging Under the Microscope: A single VHH-based toxin-neutralizing agent and an effector antibody protect mice against challenge with Shiga toxins 1 and 2 The molecular mechanism of Shiga toxin Stx2e neutralization by a single-domain antibody targeting the cell receptor-binding domain Listeria-review of epidemiology and pathogenesis Structural basis of VHH-mediated neutralization of the food-borne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes High affinity anti-Internalin B VHH antibody fragments isolated from naturally and artificially immunized repertoires Identification and characterization of species-specific nanobodies for the detection of Listeria monocytogenes in milk Thawing of permafrost may disturb historic cattle burial grounds in East Siberia Responding to the threat of bioterrorism: a microbial ecology perspective-the case of anthrax Functional analysis of Bacillus anthracis protective antigen by using neutralizing monoclonal antibodies A heterodimer of a VHH (variable domains of camelid heavy chain-only) antibody that inhibits anthrax toxin cell binding linked to a VHH antibody that blocks oligomer formation is highly protective in an anthrax spore challenge model A diverse set of single-domain antibodies (VHHs) against the Anthrax toxin lethal and edema factors provides a basis for construction of a bispecific agent that protects against Anthrax infection Adenoviral expression of a bispecific VHH-Based neutralizing agent that targets protective antigen provides prophylactic protection from Anthrax in mice Neurocysticercosis: a major cause of neurological disease worldwide Immunodiagnostic tools for human and porcine cysticercosis Nanobodies, a promising tool for speciesspecific diagnosis of Taenia solium cysticercosis Beyond Tsetse-implications for research and control of human African Trypanosomiasis epidemics Nanobodies as tools to understand, diagnose, and treat African Trypanosomiasis Efficient targeting of conserved cryptic epitopes of infectious agents by single domain antibodies. keywords: african; alternative; animals; anthrax; antibodies; antibody; antigen; approach; bacterial; binding; brain; camelid; camels; campylobacter; cell; chain; challenge; characterization; coli; control; conventional; detection; development; diagnostic; disease; domain; dromedary; epitopes; family; fever; fmd; foot; fragments; heavy; hemorrhagic; high; human; imaging; infected; infection; influenza; inhibit; jejuni; light; llama; mabs; major; mice; molecules; monocytogenes; mouth; nanobodies; nanobody; neutralizing; outbreaks; parasite; pigs; potential; protection; protein; rabies; rabv; review; single; small; species; specific; stx2; targeting; therapeutic; therapy; tissues; tools; toxin; treatment; vaccine; variable; vhhs; viral; virus; viruses; zoonotic cache: cord-328753-qwdxgk4z.txt plain text: cord-328753-qwdxgk4z.txt item: #115 of 140 id: cord-328935-mn8r972x author: Hodgins, Douglas C. title: Mucosal Veterinary Vaccines: Comparative Vaccinology date: 2015-03-13 words: 16353 flesch: 27 summary: The gnotobiotic piglet as a model for studies of disease pathogenesis and immunity to human rotaviruses Comparative studies of the pathogenesis, antibody immune responses, and homologous protection to porcine and human rotaviruses in gnotobiotic piglets Gut microbiota and probiotics in modulation of epithelium and gut-associated lymphoid tissue function Prevention of human rotavirus-induced diarrhea in gnotobiotic piglets using bovine antibody Influence of maternal antibodies on vaccine responses: inhibition of antibody but not T cell responses allows successful early prime-boost strategies in mice Canine parvovirus type 2 vaccine protects against virulent challenge with type 2c virus Boosting of secretory IgA antibody responses in man by parenteral cholera vaccination Cleavage of proteins of reproductive secretions by extracellular proteinases of Tritrichomonas foetus Differential production of proinflammatory cytokines: in vitro PRRSV and Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae co-infection model Veterinary Immunology, An Introduction Serum and intestinal isotype antibody responses and correlates of protective immunity to human rotavirus in a gnotobiotic pig model of disease Toll-like receptor 2 and 9 are expressed and functional in gut-associated lymphoid tissues of presuckling newborn swine Efficacy of a recombinant equine influenza vaccine against challenge with an American lineage H3N8 influenza virus responsible for the 2003 outbreak in the United Kingdom Efficacy of a cold-adapted, intranasal equine influenza vaccine: challenge trials Dendritic cell-targeted protein vaccines: a novel approach to induce T-cell immunity Failure of passive transfer in foals: incidence and outcome on four studs in New South Wales Protective immunity in macaques vaccinated with live attenuated, recombinant, and subunit measles vaccines in the presence of passively acquired antibodies Contribution of antibody-secreting cells induced in mucosal lymphoid tissues of pigs inoculated with respiratory or enteric strains of coronavirus to immunity against enteric coronavirus challenge Isotype-specific antibody-secreting cells to transmissible gastroenteritis virus and porcine respiratory coronavirus in gut-and bronchus-associated lymphoid tissues of suckling pigs Effects of various vaccination protocols on passive and active immunity to Pasteurella haemolytica and Haemophilus somnus in beef calves Development of an experimental inactivated PRRSV vaccine that induces virus-neutralizing antibodies Nanobodies ® : new ammunition to battle viruses Maternal antibodies against equine influenza virus in foals and their interference with vaccination Egg yolk IgY: protection against rotavirus induced diarrhea and modulatory effect on the systemic and mucosal antibody responses in newborn calves Cholera toxin improves the F4(K88)-specific immune response following oral immunization of pigs with recombinant FaeG A field trial to evaluate the efficacy of a combined rotaviruscoronavirus/Escherichia coli vaccine in dairy cattle Inactivated rotavirus vaccine induces protective immunity in gnotobiotic piglets Possible mechanisms of protection elicited by candidate rotavirus vaccines as determined with the adult mouse model Rotavirus vaccines: how they work or don't work Role of maternally derived circulating antibodies in protection of neonatal swine against porcine group Because PRRSV infection rapidly subverts the host immune responses, an effective adjuvant must overcome immunosuppression caused by vaccine virus and simultaneously potentiate virus-specific adaptive immunity. keywords: active; adjuvants; administration; age; animals; antibodies; antibody; antibody responses; antigen; antigenic; apcs; asc; associated; attenuated; available; bacteria; boost; booster; boosting; bovine; brucella; bulls; calves; canine; cattle; causes; cells; challenge; clearance; clinical; coli; colostrum; commercial; common; conditions; control; corbeil; coronavirus; cows; cpv; current; cytokine; delivery; development; diarrhea; different; disease; dogs; domestic; doses; dwivedi; early; economic; effective; effects; efficacy; egg; enhanced; enteric; epithelial; equine; escherichia; et al; experimental; failure; fernandez; field; foetus; following; genital; gnotobiotic; gut; high; higher; horses; host; human; ifnγ; iga; iga antibodies; igg; igg1; immune; immune responses; immunity; immunization; immunogenicity; improved; inactivated; induction; inductive; infected; infection; influenza; intestinal; iscom; isotype; levels; like; limited; live; local; low; lymphoid; major; maternal; maternal antibodies; mechanisms; memory; mice; milk; mlv; model; months; mucosal; mucosal immune; mucosal vaccines; multiple; need; neonatal; neonates; new; oral; parenteral; parvovirus; passive; passive immunity; pathogenesis; pathogens; piglets; pigs; porcine; poultry; presence; prevent; prevention; primary; prime; priming; protection; protein; prrsv; pups; recent; recombinant; reproductive; respiratory; responses; rotavirus; route; rv vaccines; saif; secretions; serum; shedding; similar; site; sows; species; specific; strains; strategies; strategy; studies; study; surface; swine; syndrome; systemic; systems; tgev; th1; th2; tissues; titers; tract; transfer; tritrichomonas; type; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccines; variable; veterinary; viral; virulent; virus; virus vaccines; viruses; vlp; wcl; weeks; yolk; yuan cache: cord-328935-mn8r972x.txt plain text: cord-328935-mn8r972x.txt item: #116 of 140 id: cord-329857-pcsuu597 author: Chan, Kuan Rong title: Fc receptors and their influence on efficacy of therapeutic antibodies for treatment of viral diseases date: 2015-11-02 words: 5871 flesch: 24 summary: An improved understanding of these processes would allow identification of predictive factors to better assess the efficacy of therapeutic antibodies and facilitate development of engineered therapeutic antibodies with improved efficacy. key: cord-329857-pcsuu597 authors: Chan, Kuan Rong; Ong, Eugenia Z; Mok, Darren ZL; Ooi, Eng Eong title: Fc receptors and their influence on efficacy of therapeutic antibodies for treatment of viral diseases date: 2015-11-02 journal: Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther DOI: 10.1586/14787210.2015.1079127 sha: doc_id: 329857 cord_uid: pcsuu597 keywords: activation; activity; adcc; ade; affinity; antibodies; antibody; antigen; better; binding; cdc; cells; class; clearance; clinical; complexes; cytokine; cytotoxicity; dendritic; dengue; dependent; development; diseases; effector; effects; efficacy; endosomes; enhanced; enhancement; fcgamma; fcgriiia; fcgrs; fcrn; functions; gamma; half; hiv-1; human; igg; immune; immunity; important; improved; infected; infection; inhibitory; instance; interaction; itam; kinases; life; mab; mabs; macrophages; mhc; monocytes; neutralization; neutralizing; phagocytosis; phosphatases; presentation; production; receptor; responses; results; risk; signaling; studies; therapeutic; therapeutic antibodies; tyrosine; uptake; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-329857-pcsuu597.txt plain text: cord-329857-pcsuu597.txt item: #117 of 140 id: cord-330218-l5q3n3ri author: Foss, Stian title: TRIM21: a cytosolic Fc receptor with broad antibody isotype specificity date: 2015-10-26 words: 7858 flesch: 29 summary: A detailed understanding of the TRIM21-IgG interaction has been obtained from solving a co-crystal structure between the C-terminal PRYSPRY domain of human TRIM21 and an Fc fragment derived from human IgG1 (43) . Although the presence of the SC appears to inhibit TRIM21 function, data suggest that the disulfide bonds between IgA and the SC may be broken upon exposure to the reducing environment of the cytosol, allowing attachment by TRIM21 (35) . keywords: aaa; activation; activity; addition; adenovirus; adin; adv5; affinity; antibodies; antibody; antiviral; associated; atpase; attachment; binding; capsid; cells; chain; classical; compartment; complex; complexes; crystal; cytosolic; defense; degradation; dependent; detection; different; dimeric; domain; effector; endosomal; engagement; entry; enveloped; environment; epitopes; expression; fccrs; fcrn; form; functions; high; human; hydrogen; ifn; iga; igg; igg1; igm; immune; immunity; induction; infection; inflammatory; innate; interaction; intracellular; isotype; levels; likely; mechanism; membrane; mhc; mice; monomeric; motif; mouse; mucosal; neonatal; neutralization; neutralizing; non; p97; pathogens; pigr; polyclonal; proteasomal; protection; protein; pryspry; receptor; recognition; response; results; role; serum; signaling; site; specific; specificity; spry; structure; surface; terminal; transport; trim21; tripartite; ubiquitin; vcp; viral; virus; viruses; vivo cache: cord-330218-l5q3n3ri.txt plain text: cord-330218-l5q3n3ri.txt item: #118 of 140 id: cord-330324-4hqhty5o author: Yu, Meng title: Determination and application of immunodominant regions of SARS coronavirus spike and nucleocapsid proteins recognized by sera from different animal species date: 2008-02-29 words: 5807 flesch: 41 summary: Development and characterisation of neutralising monoclonal antibody to the SARS-coronavirus A novel cell-based binding assay system reconstituting interaction between SARS-CoV S protein and its cellular receptor Production and application of recombinant antibodies to foot-andmouth disease virus non-structural protein 3ABC Isolation and characterization of viruses related to the SARS coronavirus from animals in Southern China Characterization of monoclonal antibody against SARS coronavirus nucleocapsid antigen and development of an antigen capture ELISA Identification of immunodominant sites on the spike protein of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus: implication for developing SARS diagnostics and vaccines Adaptation of SARS coronavirus to humans Development and evaluation of an efficient 3'-noncoding region based SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV) RT-PCR assay for detection of SARS-CoV infection Molecular evolution analysis and geographic investigation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-like virus in palm civets at an animal market and on farms Coronaviridae Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-like virus in Chinese horseshoe bats Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 is a functional receptor for the SARS coronavirus Animal origins of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus: insight from ACE2-S-protein interactions Bats are natural reservoirs of SARS-like coronaviruses Laboratory diagnosis of four recent sporadic cases of community-acquired SARS Synthetic peptides derived from SARS coronavirus S protein with diagnostic and therapeutic potential Evaluation of a safe and sensitive Spike protein-based immunofluorescence assay for the detection of antibody responses to SARS-CoV Severe acute respiratory syndrome Identification of a novel coronavirus in bats Diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) by detection of SARS coronavirus nucleocapside antibodies in an antigen-capturing enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Domestic poultry and SARS coronavirus, southern China Molecular cloning and characterization of pig, cow and sheep MAdCAM-1 cDNA and the demonstration of cross-reactive epitopes amongst mammalian homologues Prevalence and genetic diversity of coronaviruses in bats from A versatile plasmid expression vector for the production of biotinylated proteins by site-specific, enzymatic modification in Escherichia coli BTag: a novel sixresidue epitope tag for surveillance and purification of recombinant proteins SARS-CoV infection in a restaurant from palm civet Assays for the assessment of neutralizing antibody activities against severe acute respiratory (SARS) associated coronavirus (SCV) Susceptibility of pigs and chickens to SARS coronavirus A 193-amino acid fragment of the SARS coronavirus S protein efficiently binds angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 Molecular diversity of coronaviruses in bats Epidemiologic clues to SARS origin in China Identification of dominant epitopes of synthetic immunocontraceptive that induce antibodies in dogs Characterization of epitopes for neutralizing monoclonal antibodies to classical swine fever virus E2 and E rns using phage-displayed random peptide library The authors would like to thank D. Middleton, J. Bingham, K. Halpin, and R. Fogarty for help with animal infection experiments; M. Tachidjian and S. Wilson for assistance in production of chicken antibodies; K. Selleck, and J. Brangwyn for technical support; D. Magoffin and K. Halpin for critical reading of the manuscript; and T. Pye and E. Hansson for DNA sequencing service. For the S protein, the location of S3 (aa 402-622) is consistent with previous studies conducted with SARS patient sera, which revealed that the immunodominant regions are located in the following regions of the S protein, aa 528-635 , 540-559 and 441-700 . keywords: able; acute; addition; analysis; animal; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assays; bats; binding; blot; buffer; cells; chicken; competition; coronavirus; cov; covs; data; detecting; detection; different; elisa; et al; expression; f26g8; fig; final; fragments; hrp; human; igy; immunodominant; inactivated; infected; infection; inhibition; like; mabs; membrane; mono; panel; positive; production; proteins; reactivity; recombinant; regions; respiratory; results; sars; sera; serum; severe; species; specific; study; susceptible; syndrome; test; transmission; viral; virus; vnt; western cache: cord-330324-4hqhty5o.txt plain text: cord-330324-4hqhty5o.txt item: #119 of 140 id: cord-331786-wgt7kg6f author: Diego-Martin, Borja title: Pilot production of SARS-CoV-2 related proteins in plants: a proof of concept for rapid repurposing of indoors farms into biomanufacturing facilities date: 2020-10-13 words: 7052 flesch: 38 summary: We carried out a final agroinfiltration for recombinant antibody production using a total of 112 plants, equivalent to approximately 2.5 kilograms of fresh plant material. For antibody production we used wild-type and RNAi ΔXT/FT glycoengineered N. benthamiana plant lines, the latter lacking plantspecific Xylose and Fucose glycosylation (Strasser et al., 2008) . keywords: affinity; agrobacterium; agroinfiltration; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apoplastic; benthamiana; binding; biomanufacturing; buffer; capacity; case; cells; chain; cloning; codon; cov-2; covid-19; crisis; crude; culture; data; days; design; detection; different; dna; domain; elisa; et al; exercise; experiment; expression; extracts; facilities; fig; fluid; high; human; igg1; incubation; kda; leaf; leaves; levels; lower; magnicon; min; module; monoclonal; nanobody72; new; nicotiana; optimization; parallel; pbs; peptide; pilot; plant; preparation; procedures; process; production; protein; purification; purified; rapid; rbd; recombinant; requirements; samples; sars; scale; selection; sequences; signal; single; size; small; solution; standard; sybody17; synthetic; system; table; test; times; transient; vacuum; vector; vhh; viral; virus; weeks; yields cache: cord-331786-wgt7kg6f.txt plain text: cord-331786-wgt7kg6f.txt item: #120 of 140 id: cord-335121-ro3x3qa3 author: Ingram, George A. title: A comparative assessment of four serological methods used in the detection and measurement of anti-parasite antibodies in the serum of the amphibian, bufo viridis date: 1988-04-30 words: 3124 flesch: 46 summary: key: cord-335121-ro3x3qa3 authors: Ingram, George A.; Al-Yaman, Fadwa title: A comparative assessment of four serological methods used in the detection and measurement of anti-parasite antibodies in the serum of the amphibian, bufo viridis date: 1988-04-30 journal: International Journal for Parasitology DOI: 10.1016/0020-7519(88)90147-6 sha: doc_id: 335121 cord_uid: ro3x3qa3 Abstract Antibodies against Crithidia fasciculata choanomastigotes were detected in green toad (Bufo viridis) sera by direct agglutination, indirect haemagglutination (IHA), complement-fixation test (CFT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Correlation coefficients (r) were calculated for comparisons between each of the techniques and regression formulae derived in order to convert antibody levels as determined by one immunological method to that of another. This implies that the above two techniques have similar sensitivities in the screening of normal BVS for anti-parasite antibodies. keywords: agglutination; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; blood; bvs; cells; cft; choanomastigotes; complement; control; current; determined; different; elisa; extracts; fixation; highest; iha; immune; infection; ingram; levels; mean; method; min; normal; parasite; pbs; positive; rabbit; results; sera; serum; significant; similar; techniques; test; titres; toad; trypanosomatid; use; values cache: cord-335121-ro3x3qa3.txt plain text: cord-335121-ro3x3qa3.txt item: #121 of 140 id: cord-335311-l73hsik0 author: Chan, Conrad E. Z. title: The role of phage display in therapeutic antibody discovery date: 2014-08-18 words: 7050 flesch: 19 summary: Today, a wide variety of antibody phage display libraries exist, with the antibodies displayed either as Fabs, scFvs (single-chain variable fragments) or sdAbs (single-domain antibodies) in fusion with typically the gene III coat protein (6,7) (Fig. 1 ). In recent years, similar methodologies have also been employed with antibody phage libraries not only to identify potentially therapeutic antibodies but also for determining the accessibility of a given target (66) , further expanding the boundaries of phage display technology. keywords: activity; addition; affinity; animal; antibodies; antibody; antigen; approach; autoimmune; bacterial; binding; cancer; carbohydrate; cdr3; cdrs; cells; chain; characterization; clinical; coat; combinatorial; development; discovery; disease; display; diversity; domain; effective; efficacy; epitopes; expression; fab; fragments; functional; generation; h5n1; heavy; high; hucal; human; immune; immunization; immunoglobulin; individual; influenza; isolation; key; large; libraries; library; light; lipids; low; mammalian; maturation; method; mice; models; monoclonal; multiple; natural; neutralizing; non; novel; particular; phage; phage display; plasma; potential; protein; rapid; receptors; recognition; recombinant; regions; repertoire; response; screening; selection; self; sequences; serum; single; specific; specificity; strategy; surface; synthetic; system; targeting; targets; technique; technologies; technology; therapeutic; therapy; transgenic; treatment; tumour; use; variable; virus; vivo; years cache: cord-335311-l73hsik0.txt plain text: cord-335311-l73hsik0.txt item: #122 of 140 id: cord-335316-x2t5h5gu author: Madariaga, M. L. L. title: Clinical predictors of donor antibody titer and correlation with recipient antibody response in a COVID-19 convalescent plasma clinical trial date: 2020-06-23 words: 4330 flesch: 40 summary: The aim of this study was to establish a translational convalescent plasma program to investigate the relationship between clinical and serological parameters in convalescent plasma donors and define the antibody response of convalescent plasma recipients. Despite variability in donor titer, 80% of convalescent plasma recipients showed significant increase in antibody levels post-transfusion. keywords: abo; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antibody titer; author; average; blood; clinical; collection; convalescent; convalescent plasma; copyright; covid-19; data; days; disease; donation; donors; ecmo; fever; figure; funder; higher; holder; june; license; medrxiv; models; myalgia; patients; peer; permission; perpetuity; plasma; positive; post; predictors; preprint; rbd; recipients; research; respiratory; response; reuse; review; rights; sars; severe; spike; study; symptom; table; therapy; time; titer; transfusion; treatment; type; ucm; version; viral cache: cord-335316-x2t5h5gu.txt plain text: cord-335316-x2t5h5gu.txt item: #123 of 140 id: cord-336280-tsx409e3 author: Byrne, Barry title: Antibody-Based Sensors: Principles, Problems and Potential for Detection of Pathogens and Associated Toxins date: 2009-06-05 words: 12274 flesch: 32 summary: Detection antibodies are labelled with a fluorophore, typically cyanine 5 (Cy5) The original capture format permitted the detection of 1 × 10 7 CFU/mL. This sandwich format used a monoclonal capture and polyclonal detection antibody, the former immobilised through standard EDC/NHS coupling. keywords: ability; acid; additional; alternative; amperometric; amplification; analysis; analytical; antibodies; antibody; antigen; approach; array; assay; assay format; associated; bacterial; biacore; binding; biosensor; bound; campylobacter; capture; carbon; cells; cfu; chain; change; chip; coated; coli; coli o157; colleagues; conductimetric; coupling; crystal; detection; determination; development; different; direct; disposable; e. coli; electrochemical; electrode; electronic; elisa; escherichia; escherichia coli; et al; etc; fab; fiber; figure; food; foodborne; format; fragments; free; fungal; growth; health; heavy; high; hosts; human; identification; immobilisation; immobilised; immune; immunosensor; implementation; importance; key; large; leporine; libraries; light; limit; listeria; low; magnetic; marine; mass; methodology; methods; microarray; minutes; monitoring; monoclonal; monocytogenes; non; number; o157; optical; parallel; pathogen; pathogen detection; pcr; phage; piezoelectric; plant; plasmon; platforms; poisoning; polyclonal; polyclonal antibody; potential; potentiometric; presence; problems; production; protein; rabbit; range; rapid; rapid detection; reaction; real; recombinant; reference; related; resonance; review; salmonella; samples; sandwich; scfv; screen; screening; secondary; selection; selective; sensitive; sensitivity; sensors; separation; shellfish; signal; simultaneous; single; species; specific; specificity; spp; spr; strains; suitable; surface; surface plasmon; system; target; time; toxins; typhimurium; use; versatility; viable; viral; virus; water; workers cache: cord-336280-tsx409e3.txt plain text: cord-336280-tsx409e3.txt item: #124 of 140 id: cord-337464-otwps68u author: Parray, Hilal Ahmed title: Hybridoma technology a versatile method for isolation of monoclonal antibodies, its applicability across species, limitations, advancement and future perspectives date: 2020-05-27 words: 12214 flesch: 34 summary: The rabbit IgGs are somewhat simpler than the mouse and human antibodies. Human hybridoma technology which allows the direct generation of human antibodies in a native form, is the most direct effective approach for the production of natural therapeutic and diagnostic antibodies with no additional modifications require [54] . keywords: ability; activity; administration; advancement; advantage; affinity; agents; animal; antibodies; antibody; antigen; applications; approach; avian; b cells; binding; blood; cancer; catalytic; cell line; cells; chain; challenge; characterization; chicken; clinical; clones; cloning; conformational; constant; cpg; development; diagnostic; different; direct; diseases; display; diverse; diversity; dna; domain; drug; ebv; effective; efficiency; epitope; expression; fda; fig; flow; fusion; future; generation; groups; heavy; hetero; high; host; human; human antibodies; human hybridoma; human mabs; human monoclonal; humanization; hybridoma; hybridoma cells; hybridoma development; hybridoma technology; igg; igy; immune; immunization; immunized; immunogenic; immunoglobulin; improved; infected; infection; instability; isolated; isolation; large; light; like; limitations; limited; limits; line; low; mabs; major; mammalian; market; medium; membrane; method; mice; models; monoclonal; monoclonal antibodies; mouse; murine; myeloma; native; natural; nature; neutralizing; new; non; novel; number; optimization; origin; pabs; pairing; partners; patients; platform; polyclonal; potential; preferred; present; process; production; promising; properties; proteins; rabbit; rabbit mabs; rapid; recent; receptor; recombinant; region; repertoire; research; response; screening; selection; selective; serum; single; soluble; species; specific; specific mabs; specificity; stable; stereospecific; strategy; structural; success; successful; suitable; surface; system; targets; technologies; technology; therapeutic; therapy; time; transgenic; treatment; variable; viral; virus; vivo; years cache: cord-337464-otwps68u.txt plain text: cord-337464-otwps68u.txt item: #125 of 140 id: cord-338517-1mxcssjj author: Ishay, Yuval title: Antibody response to SARS‐Co‐V‐2, diagnostic and therapeutic implications date: 2020-08-26 words: 7408 flesch: 29 summary: Prior to and concurrently with the isolation of specific antibodies, SARS-CoV S1-specific serum from convalescent SARS patients or from animals was proposed to cross-neutralize the SARS-CoV-2 infection by reducing S proteinmediated SARS-CoV-2 entry (30) . Convalescent plasma or immunoglobulins were effective in SARS patients whose condition continued to deteriorate. keywords: ace2; acute; administration; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antiviral; article; associated; binding; blocking; cells; clinical; convalescent; convalescent plasma; copyright; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cross; current; data; days; development; diagnostic; different; disease; donors; effective; effects; efficacy; entry; epitopes; exposure; fusion; high; higher; host; human; humoral; igg; igm; ill; immune; infected; infection; inflammation; influenza; levels; mabs; methods; monoclonal; mortality; nabs; neutralization; neutralizing; new; novel; onset; patients; plasma; potential; production; protease; protein; rbd; receptor; recovered; reserved; resistance; respiratory; response; results; rights; sars; sensitivity; serum; severe; similar; specific; spike; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; system; testing; tests; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; titers; transfusion; treatment; trial; use; viral cache: cord-338517-1mxcssjj.txt plain text: cord-338517-1mxcssjj.txt item: #126 of 140 id: cord-339520-odly2fwg author: Madic, J. title: Isotype-specific antibody responses to bovine herpesvirus 1 in sera and mucosal secretions of calves after experimental reinfection and after reactivation date: 1995-07-31 words: 3362 flesch: 44 summary: However, the discrepancy between virus excretion and antibody response may be due to our failure to detect infectious virus particles, because these were not excreted via nasal or ocular secretions or because only one nasal or ocular swab was taken per 24 h. However, it may be the serum IgA response seems to be a much more sensitive indicator for reinfection with or reactivation of BHVl than detection of nasal and ocular virus shedding. There was no correlation between nasal or ocular IgA antibody titre at the time of reinfection or corticosteroid treatment, and the respective virus excretion periods in the individual calf, e.g. some calves that had no nasal IgA at reinfection shed BHVl for a shorter time than some calves that had a high nasal IgA titre at reinfection (data not shown). keywords: antibodies; antibody; bhvl; bovine; calves; control; corticosteroid; days; detection; genital; iga; igg2; iggl; igm; increase; isotype; mean; mucosal; nasal; ocular; prd; primary; ptd; reactivation; reinfected; reinfection; response; secretions; serum; shedding; specific; table; titre; treatment; virus cache: cord-339520-odly2fwg.txt plain text: cord-339520-odly2fwg.txt item: #127 of 140 id: cord-339879-92esdjy9 author: Delhalle, Sylvie title: Phages and HIV-1: From Display to Interplay date: 2012-04-13 words: 22095 flesch: 39 summary: The multimerization of human immunodeficiency virus type I Vif protein: A requirement for Vif function in the viral life cycle Potent suppression of viral infectivity by the peptides that inhibit multimerization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Vif proteins An immunodominant neutralization epitope on the -thumb‖ subdomain of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase revealed by phage display antibodies A novel neutralization epitope on the -thumb‖ subdomain of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 reverse transcriptase revealed by a monoclonal antibody Recombinant human antibodies against the reverse transcriptase of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 HIV-1 Rev nuclear export signal binding peptides isolated by phage display Measuring cooperative Rev protein-protein interactions on rev responsive RNA by fluorescence resonance energy transfer An intrabody based on a llama single-domain antibody targeting the N-terminal α-helical multimerization domain of HIV-1 Rev prevents viral production Generation and characterization of a chimeric rabbit/human fab for co-crystallization of HIV-1 Rev A peptide inhibitor of HIV-1 assembly in vitro Potential drug targets on the HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins, gp120 and gp41 Small-molecule HIV-1 gp120 inhibitors to prevent HIV-1 entry: An emerging opportunity for drug development Molecular characterization of the circulating anti-HIV-1 gp120-specific b cell repertoire using antibody phage display libraries generated from pre-selected HIV-1 gp120 binding PBLs Relevance of the antibody response against human immunodeficiency virus type 1 envelope to vaccine design Binding of glycoprotein 120 and peptides from the HIV-1 envelope by autoantibodies in mice with experimentally induced systemic lupus erythematosus and in patients with the disease Prospects for immunotherapeutic proteolytic antibodies Phosphonate ester probes for proteolytic antibodies Naturally occurring proteolytic antibodies: Selective immunoglobulin m-catalyzed hydrolysis of HIV gp120 Theory of proteolytic antibody occurrence Site-directed mutagenesis of proteolytic antibody light chain Naturally occurring antibodies devoid of light chains Nanobodies(r): New ammunition to battle viruses Mode of action for linear peptide inhibitors of HIV-1 gp120 interactions Cutting edge: CD4 is the receptor for the tick saliva immunosuppressor, Salp15 The ixodes scapularis salivary protein, Salp15, prevents the association of HIV-1 gp120 and CD4 Natural human antibodies retrieved by phage display libraries from healthy donors: Polyreactivity and recognition of human immunodeficiency virus type 1gp120 epitopes A VH clonal deficit in human immunodeficiency virus-positive individuals reflects a B-cell maturational arrest Selective variations in vivo of VH3 and VH1 gene family expression in peripheral B cell igM, igD and igG during HIV infection Molecular analysis of HIV-1 gp120 antibody response using isotype igM and igG phage display libraries from a long-term non-progressor HIV-1-infected individual Improvement in affinity and HIV-1 neutralization by somatic mutation in the heavy chain first complementarity-determining region of antibodies triggered by HIV-1 infection Cross-reactive human igm-derived monoclonal antibodies that bind to HIV-1 envelope glycoproteins Characterization of germline antibody libraries from human umbilical cord blood and selection of monoclonal antibodies to viral envelope glycoproteins: Implications for mechanisms of immune evasion and design of vaccine immunogens Cross-reactive HIV-1-neutralizing human monoclonal antibodies identified from a patient with 2F5-like antibodies Enfuvirtide: The first therapy to inhibit the entry of HIV-1 into host CD4 lymphocytes Identification of D-peptide ligands through mirror-image phage display Protein design of an HIV-1 entry inhibitor Molecular recognition by a binary code Structural basis for HIV-1 neutralization by a gp41 fusion intermediate-directed antibody Subdomain folding and biological activity of the core structure from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 gp41: A representative sequence from the first group (268.1, HLGPGR), corresponded to the crown of the V3 loop, a linear epitope, while two sequences of the second group (268.2, KAIHRI and 268.3, KSLHRH), showed no homology to linear HIV-1 epitopes. keywords: 2g12; able; acids; activity; addition; affinity; amino; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antiviral; approach; assays; asymptomatic; authors; b12; binding; biopanning; bntabs; bound; broad; capable; capsid; ccl5; ccr5; cd4; cdr; cdr3; cell; cellular; chain; characterization; chemokine; clade; cleavage; clones; coil; combinatorial; complex; conformational; consensus; conserved; constrained; core; corresponding; cross; cxcr4; dependent; development; different; discovery; display; display library; display technology; dna; domain; elicit; entry; envelope; epitope; et al; experiments; fab; fab library; fabs; filamentous; fragments; fusion; gag; gene; germline; gklic; glycoprotein; gp120; gp41; group; heavy; helix; high; higher; hiv-1; host; human; human fab; human immunodeficiency; human monoclonal; humoral; hydrophobic; identification; igg; igm; immobilized; immune; immunization; immunized; immunodeficiency; immunodeficiency virus; immunodominant; immunogenic; infected; infection; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; interaction; isolated; later; libraries; library; ligands; light; like; linear; long; loop; low; mab; mabs; mapping; mer; mice; mimotopes; molecules; monoclonal; monoclonal antibodies; motif; natural; nef; neutralization; neutralizing; new; nhr; non; p24; panel; parallel; particles; patients; peptide; peptide library; phage; phage display; phage library; phagotopes; plasma; pocket; positive; potency; potent; potential; properties; protease; protein; rabbit; random; range; receptor; recognition; recombinant; region; repertoire; replication; residues; response; results; rev; reverse; rna; rpl; rpls; scfv; screening; second; selected; selection; sequences; similar; single; site; small; specific; specificity; strains; strong; structural; studies; study; substrate; surface; synthetic; system; target; targeted; targeting; tat; technology; terminal; terminus; titers; trimeric; tropic; type; use; v3 loop; vaccine; variable; variants; vif; viral; virus; virus type; viruses; vitro; vpr; years; z13 cache: cord-339879-92esdjy9.txt plain text: cord-339879-92esdjy9.txt item: #128 of 140 id: cord-340305-jtvn9tlm author: Cimolai, Nevio title: A Minimalist Strategy Towards Temporarily Defining Protection for COVID-19 date: 2020-09-19 words: 5117 flesch: 33 summary: Glob Health Prior infection and passive transfer of neutralizing antibody prevent replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in the respiratory tract of mice Therapy with a severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus-neutralizing human monoclonal antibody reduces disease severity and viral burden in golden Syrian hamsters Comparison of immunoglobulin G responses to the spike and nucleocapsid proteins of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus in patients with SARS Potently neutralizing and protective human antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 Potent neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 identified by highthroughput single-cell sequencing of convalescent patients' B cells Shahverdi S Clinical efficacy and convalescent plasma for treatment of COVID-19 infections: results of a multicenter clinical study Replication-competent vesicular stomatitis virus vaccine vector protects against SARS-CoV-2-mediated pathogenesis Syrian hamsters as a small animal model for SARS-CoV-2 infection and countermeasure development A SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibody protects from lung pathology in COVID-19 hamster model Passive immunization against transmissible gastroenteritis virus in piglets by ingestion of milk of sows inoculated with attenuated virus Effect of specific humoral immunity and some nonspecific factors on resistance of volunteers to respiratory coronavirus infection Infection with novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) causes pneumonia in rhesus macaques Protective effect of immunoglobulins in serum and milk of sows exposed to transmissible gastroenteritis virus Neutralization of a transmissible gastroenteritis virus of swine by colostral antibodies elicited by intestine and cell culture-propagated virus Intestinal, pulmonary, and serum antibody responses of feeder pigs exposed to transmissible gastroenteritis virus by the oral and the oral-intranasal routes in inoculation Mucosal and systemic isotype-specific antibody responses and protection in conventional pigs exposed to virulent or attenuated porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus Isotype-specific antibody responses to bovine coronavirus structural proteins in serum, feces, and mucosal secretions from experimentally challengeexposed colostrum-deprived calves Primary exposure to SARS-CoV-2 protects against reinfection in Rhesus macaques Relationship among transmissible gastroenteritis virus antibody titers in serum, colostrum, and milk from vaccinated sows, and protection in their suckling pigs Passive protection of neonatal calves against bovine coronavirus-induced diarrhea by administration of egg yolk or colostrum antibody powder The time course of the immune response to experimental coronavirus infection of man Infectious Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus excretion and serotype variability based on live virus isolates from patients in Saudi Arabia Viral shedding and antibody response in 37 patients with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus infection Sensitive and specific detection of low-level antibody responses in mild Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus infections MERS-CoV antibody responses 1 year after symptom onset, South Korea Persistence of antibodies against Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus High neutralizing antibody titer in intensive care unit patients with COVID-19 Human B cell clonal expansion and convergent antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 Cross-reactive antibody response between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV infections Evaluating the association of clinical characteristics with neutralizing antibody levels in patients who have recovered from mild COVID-19 in Heterogeneous antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor binding domain and nucleocapsid with implications on COVID-19 immunity Dynamics and significance of the antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 infection Humoral and cellular and circulating follicular helper T cell responses in recovered patients with COVID-19 Antibody profiles according to mild or severe SARS-CoV-2 infection Human-IgGneutralizing monoclonal antibodies block the SARS-CoV-2 infection Rapid generation of neutralizing antibody responses in COVID-19 patients Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2-specific antibody responses in coronavirus disease patients Expansion of SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody-secreting cells and generation of neutralizing antibodies in hospitalized COVID-19 patients Antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 are distinct in children with MIS-C compared to adults with COVID-19 Pediatric SARS-CoV-2: clinical presentation, infectivity, and immune responses SARS-CoV-2 antibody responses in children with MIS-C and mild and severe COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 serology and virology trends in donors and recipients of convalescent plasma Viral dynamics and immune correlates of COVID-19 disease severity Anti SARS-CoV-2 antibodies monitoring in a group of residents in a long term care facility during COVID-19 pandemic peak Sex differences in immune responses that underlie COVID-19 disease outcomes Development and characterization of neutralizing monoclonal antibody to the SARS-coronavirus The behavior of recent isolates of human respiratory coronavirus in vitro and in volunteers: evidence of heterogeneity among 229E-related strains Sequential emergence and wide spread of neutralization escape Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus mutants Increased antibody affinity confers broad in vitro protection against escape mutants of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus COVID-19 re-infection by a phylogenetically distinct SARScoronavirus-2 strain confirmed by whole genome sequencing Adaptive immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection in severe versus mild individuals Functional SARS-CoV-2-specific immune m e m Does neutralization antibody ensure protection? keywords: acute; antibodies; antibody; antigen; approach; assay; best; cell; clinical; comparison; confirmatory; coronavirus; correlates; cov-2; covid-19; current; detection; development; diagnostic; disease; east; eia; higher; human; igg; igm; immune; immunity; immunoblotting; individuals; infected; infection; likely; methods; middle; mild; minimalist; monoclonal; neutralization; neutralizing; non; pandemic; passive; patients; person; positive; possible; potential; prevention; protection; protein; repeat; respiratory; responses; samples; sars; second; sera; serodiagnostic; serological; serology; serum; severe; specific; specificity; spike; strategy; studies; syndrome; systems; test; threshold; time; use; vaccine; viral; world cache: cord-340305-jtvn9tlm.txt plain text: cord-340305-jtvn9tlm.txt item: #129 of 140 id: cord-341305-zf97tcwe author: Ge, Shikun title: Canine Parvovirus is diagnosed and neutralized by chicken IgY-scFv generated against the virus capsid protein date: 2020-09-03 words: 3696 flesch: 41 summary: scFv bound in a dose-dependent manner to the soluble VP2 ( Figure 5 ). The CRFK cells expressing scFv showed a small amount of cytopathic effect (CPE) after CPV infection; the cells without scFv expression were significantly broken away from the bottom wall, became round, and some cells even broke up ( Figure 7D ). keywords: acids; advantages; affinity; amino; amplified; analysis; animal; antibodies; antibody; assay; authors; better; canine; cells; chain; chicken; china; clinical; cpv; crfk; cross; detection; different; display; elisa; figure; fragment; functional; generation; high; ica; igg; igy; library; mabs; macular; model; molecular; monoclonal; parvovirus; pbs; pcr; phage; primary; protein; recombinant; results; round; samples; scfv; single; specificity; study; system; technology; total; usa; use; variable; veterinary; viral; virus; vlp; vp2 cache: cord-341305-zf97tcwe.txt plain text: cord-341305-zf97tcwe.txt item: #130 of 140 id: cord-342242-cynpob7b author: Godakova, Svetlana A. title: Camelid VHHs Fused to Human Fc Fragments Provide Long Term Protection Against Botulinum Neurotoxin A in Mice date: 2019-08-07 words: 7535 flesch: 48 summary: A light chain from a macaque immune library Role of homologous Fc fragment in the potency and efficacy of anti-botulinum antibody preparations Monoclonal antibodies to type A, B, E and F botulinum neurotoxins Selection and identification of single domain antibody fragments from camel heavy-chain antibodies Basics of antibody phage display technology Multi-subunit proteins on the surface of filamentous phage: Methodologies for displaying antibody (Fab) heavy and light chains Botulinum Toxoid Vaccine for Workers at Risk for Occupational Exposure to Botulinum Toxins Clostridium botulinum-International Programme on Chemical Safety-Bacteria; World Health Organization Current strategies for designing antidotes against botulinum neurotoxins Neutralizing antibodies of botulinum neurotoxin serotype A screened from a fully synthetic human antibody phage display library The European AntibotABE Framework Program and its update: Development of innovative botulinum antibodies Hammers, R. Naturally-occurring antibodies devoid of light-chains Properties, production, and applications of camelid single-domain antibody fragments Single domain antibodies: Promising experimental and therapeutic tools in infection and immunity Nanobodies: Natural single-domain antibodies Single-Domain Antibodies as therapeutics against human viral diseases Development of antiricin single domain antibodies toward detection and therapeutic reagents Genetic passive immunization with adenoviral vector expressing chimeric nanobody-Fc molecules as therapy for genital infection caused by Mycoplasma hominis Increasing the potency of neutralizing single-domain antibodies by functionalization with a CD11b/CD18 binding domain Selection of nanobodies that block the enzymatic and cytotoxic activities of the binary Clostridium difficile toxin Camelid single-domain antibodies (VHHs) against Crotoxin: A basis for developing modular building blocks for the enhancement of treatment or diagnosis of crotalic envenoming Structural basis for the specific neutralization of Stx2a with a camelid single domain antibody fragment A single-domain llama antibody potently inhibits the enzymatic activity of botulinum neurotoxin by binding to the non-catalytic α-exosite binding region Botulinum neurotoxins and botulism: A novel therapeutic approach Camelid single-domain antibodies: Historical perspective and future outlook Current approaches and future perspectives for nanobodies in stroke diagnostic and therapy Fusion of hIgG1-Fc to 111In-anti-amyloid single domain antibody fragment VHH-pa2H prolongs blood residential time in APP/PS1 mice but does not increase brain uptake Prolonged prophylactic protection from botulism with a single adenovirus treatment promoting serum expression of a VHH-based antitoxin protein Genetically engineered red cells expressing single domain camelid antibodies confer long-term protection against botulinum neurotoxin Beyond binding: Antibody effector functions in infectious diseases Botulinum neurotoxins: Biology, pharmacology, and toxicology The neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) binds independently to both sites of the IgG homodimer with identical affinity Human IgG subclass cross-species reactivity to mouse and cynomolgus monkey Fcγ receptors Differential tumor-targeting abilities of three single-domain antibody formats Characterization of neutralizing antibodies and identification of neutralizing epitope mimics on the Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin type A Potent neutralization of botulinum neurotoxin by recombinant oligoclonal antibody Characterization of botulinum neurotoxin type A neutralizing monoclonal antibodies and influence of their half-lives on therapeutic activity Characterization of the monoclonal antibody response to botulinum neurotoxin type A in the complexed and uncomplexed forms Development of germline-humanized antibodies neutralizing botulinum neurotoxin A and B Llama-derived single-domain antibodies for the detection of botulinum A neurotoxin Camelid single domain antibodies (VHHs) as neuronal cell intrabody binding agents and inhibitors of Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) proteases Antigen recognition by single-domain antibodies: Structural latitudes and constraints Single-domain antibodies and their formatting to combat viral infections Engineered antibody fragments and the rise of single domains Chimeric camel/human heavy-chain antibodies protect against MERS-CoV infection A novel nanobody targeting middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) receptor-binding domain has potent cross-neutralizing activity and protective efficacy against MERS-CoV Nanobody-Fc constructs targeting chemokine receptor CXCR4 potently inhibit signaling and CXCR4-mediated HIV-entry and induce antibody effector functions Intracellular antibody-bound pathogens stimulate immune signaling via the Fc receptor TRIM21 Universal protection against influenza infection by a multidomain antibody to influenza hemagglutinin Neutralization of Clostridium difficile toxin B with VHH-Fc fusions targeting the delivery and CROPs domains Efficient serum clearance of botulinum neurotoxin achieved using a pool of small antitoxin binding agents Development of neutralizing scFv-Fc against botulinum neurotoxin keywords: activity; administration; alpaca; amounts; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antitoxin; b11; bio; blood; bont; botulinum; botulism; buffer; camelid; cells; chain; challenge; circulation; clones; clostridium; conditions; control; culture; days; different; dimer; display; domain; dose; dtt; elisa; figure; forms; fragments; group; half; healthcare; heavy; high; hours; human; igg; immune; immunization; injection; kda; libraries; library; life; light; membrane; mice; min; monoclonal; mouse; neurotoxin; neutralization; neutralizing; non; phage; potency; pre; protection; protectiveness; protein; receptor; region; research; rounds; sciences; second; selected; selection; serum; single; specific; surface; sweden; therapeutic; time; total; toxin; tpbs; treatment; type; uppsala; usa; vhhs; vivo cache: cord-342242-cynpob7b.txt plain text: cord-342242-cynpob7b.txt item: #131 of 140 id: cord-344445-slv7r9u7 author: Vakharia, Kunal title: The right to know: ethical implications of antibody testing for healthcare workers and overlooked societal implications date: 2020-06-03 words: 2416 flesch: 45 summary: The promise and peril of antibody testing for COVID-19 Antibody testing for Covid-19 The potential danger of suboptimal antibody responses in COVID-19 Emergence of drift variants that may affect COVID-19 vaccine development and antibody treatment HIV antibody screening in a general Hospital population The Richest neighborhoods Emptied out most as coronavirus hit New York City Show me your Passport: ethical concerns about Covid-19 antibody testing as key to reopening public life Mandatory screening for HIV antibody HIV antibody screening. With limited knowledge about the significance of COVID-19 antibody testing at this time, it is hard to use this to stratify work in a healthcare setting or to use it for any purpose beyond epidemiological studies on the spread of the disease. keywords: antibodies; antibody; antibody testing; autonomy; benefit; challenge; covid-19; current; data; different; disease; epidemiological; ethical; healthcare; hiv; idea; immunity; implications; important; information; long; moral; pandemic; patients; people; populations; positive; potential; public; risk; spread; term; testing; understanding; work cache: cord-344445-slv7r9u7.txt plain text: cord-344445-slv7r9u7.txt item: #132 of 140 id: cord-345296-4z7yfj5s author: Ho, Mei-Shang title: Neutralizing Antibody Response and SARS Severity date: 2005-11-17 words: 4603 flesch: 32 summary: Autopsies of SARS patients have found the virus to be widespread throughout a variety of tissues and organs (8) . To validate the consistency of the interhospital practices in patient care in relation to the severity of patients, we collected and analyzed anonymous and computerized clinical data, focusing on oxygen supplementation and respiratory therapy, on a sample of SARS patients from 3 hospitals that represented 3 healthcare accreditation levels in Taiwan: a major medical center (National Taiwan University Hospital), a regional teaching hospital (Taipei Mackay Memorial Hospital), and a district hospital (Taipei Hospital). keywords: acute; age; analysis; antibody; associated; clinical; convalescent; coronavirus; course; cov; data; days; death; detectable; duration; early; effect; epidemiologic; exact; figure; fisher; high; higher; hospital; illness; infection; laboratory; likely; model; neutralizing; number; onset; pathogenesis; patients; pcr; phase; positive; rate; respiratory; responders; response; results; sars; seronegative; serum; severe; severity; shorter; specimens; study; syndrome; table; taiwan; test; time; titer; vaccine; viral; virus; weeks; years cache: cord-345296-4z7yfj5s.txt plain text: cord-345296-4z7yfj5s.txt item: #133 of 140 id: cord-349669-o3eelqcw author: Stadlbauer, Daniel title: Anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 Spike Antibodies are Stable in Convalescent Plasma when Stored at 4° Celsius for at Least 6 Weeks date: 2020-08-14 words: 897 flesch: 43 summary: However, the rationale for this guideline stems from the fact that under normal circumstances, donor plasma is transfused or exchanged therapeutically for the purposes of correcting or preventing a coagulation factor deficiency, to replace deficient factors necessary for hemostatic balance such as ADAMTS13, or to restore complement-regulatory factors in the setting of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. All samples were then stored at 4˚C, and plasma endpoint titers were reevaluated at 14, 28 and 42 days. keywords: antibodies; antibody; article; blood; convalescent; covid-19; days; donor; factors; patients; plasma; samples; severe; spike; stability; studies; titers; transfusion cache: cord-349669-o3eelqcw.txt plain text: cord-349669-o3eelqcw.txt item: #134 of 140 id: cord-350029-1y5ex4d5 author: McDade, Thomas W. title: Beyond serosurveys: Human biology and the measurement of SARS‐Cov‐2 antibodies date: 2020-08-09 words: 2690 flesch: 36 summary: In this commentary, we describe antibody testing and how human biologists can use it to inform our understanding of the pandemic, and to address questions of longstanding interest regarding the causes and consequences of human biological variation. Based on these dynamics, antibody testing can be applied clinically to diagnose a current or very recent infection, and epidemiologically as a surveillance tool. keywords: antibodies; antibody; antigen; approach; biologists; biology; blood; cases; clinical; community; cov-2; covid-19; current; data; dbs; disease; elisa; example; exposure; health; higher; human; igg; igm; immune; important; individuals; infection; lfia; mcdade; mortality; pandemic; rates; research; response; risk; samples; sars; settings; social; spot; testing; tests; understanding; viral; virus cache: cord-350029-1y5ex4d5.txt plain text: cord-350029-1y5ex4d5.txt item: #135 of 140 id: cord-352172-g0jiaenw author: Stoevesandt, Oda title: Protein microarrays: high-throughput tools for proteomics date: 2014-01-09 words: 7470 flesch: 28 summary: In contrast to screening systems such as yeast two-hybrid, the in vitro nature of protein arrays allows for the control of the interaction conditions, protein concentrations, PTMs and specific cofactor requirements [2] . In situ synthesis of protein array (see Figure Recently, a novel system has been introduced that converts a reusable DNA array into multiple protein array copies ( Figure 2C ) keywords: activities; activity; affinity; amplification; ana; antibodies; antibody; antigen; applications; approach; arrayed; arraying; binding; biomarker; cancer; capture; cell; changes; chip; coli; covalent; density; detection; different; discovery; disease; dna; enzyme; epitopes; events; example; expression; factors; figure; free; functional; generation; high; human; identification; immobilization; immobilized; individual; interactions; kinase; label; labeling; large; lysates; lysis; means; methods; microarrays; modifications; molecular; molecules; mrna; multiple; new; novel; number; pathway; phase; phosphorylation; pisa; potential; production; profiling; protein; protein arrays; protein microarrays; proteome; proteomics; purification; purified; range; rapid; reagents; recent; receptor; recombinant; responses; reverse; review; samples; scale; screening; sensitive; sera; serum; signaling; single; situ; slide; small; species; specific; specificity; spots; spotting; studies; surface; synthesis; systems; tagged; target; technologies; technology; throughput; time; tools; transcription; use; yeast cache: cord-352172-g0jiaenw.txt plain text: cord-352172-g0jiaenw.txt item: #136 of 140 id: cord-354137-6oe8nj1j author: Wang, Hua title: Aspects of recent development of immunosensors date: 2008-05-20 words: 9977 flesch: 18 summary: A plasmapolymerized fi lm for surface plasmon resonance immunosensing A reusable piezo-immunosensor with amplifi ed sensitivity for ceruloplasmin based on plasma-polymerized fi lm Helical microtubules of graphitic carbon Carbon nanotube/tefl on composite electrochemical sensors and biosensors Electrochemical biosensing platforms using platinum nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes Synthesis, structural characterization, and immunological properties of carbon nanotubes functionalized with peptides Novel immunoassay for Toxoplasma gondii-specifi c immunoglobulin G using a silica nanoparticle-based biomolecular immobilization method Self-assembled monolayers as the coating in a quartz piezoelectric crystal immunosensor to detect salmonella in aqueous solution Fabrication of self-assembled protein A monolayer and its application as an immunosensor A protein A-based orientation-controlled immobilization strategy for antibodies using nanometer-sized gold particles and plasma-polymerized fi lm Atomic force spectroscopybased study of antibody pesticide interactions for characterization of immunosensor surface In situ quartz crystal microbalance monitoring of FabЈ-fragment binding to linker lipids in a phosphatidylcholine monolayer matrix: application to immunosensors Oriented immobilization of antibodies and its applications in immunoassays and immunosensors Use of protein A as an immunological reagent and its application using fl ow injection: a review Comparative study of IgG binding to proteins G and A: nonequilibrium kinetic and binding constant determination with the acoustic waveguide device Site-directed immobilization of glycoproteins on hydrazidecontaining solid supports Oriented immobilization of antibodies onto the gold surfaces via their native thiol groups The majority of known immunosensor devices belong to the group of electrochemical immunosensors. keywords: acid; adsorption; affi; amperometric; amperometric immunosensor; amplifi; analysis; analytes; analytical; antibodies; antibody; antigen; applications; array; binding; biological; biosensors; biotin; capacitance; capacitive; carbon; clinical; complex; covalent; coworkers; crystal; design; detection; determination; development; devices; diagnosis; digoxin; direct; disease; e.g.; effect; eld; electrochemical; electrode; electrostatic; enhancement; environmental; enzyme; et al; example; free; gel; gold; groups; high; human; igg; immobilization; immobilized; immunoassay; immunochemical; immunological; immunoreaction; immunosensor; impedance; important; indirect; interaction; interfacial; labels; latex; layer; limit; lipid; lms; low; magnetic; markers; mass; measurements; membrane; metal; method; microbalance; microgravimetric; modifi; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monolayers; nanoparticles; new; nity; non; novel; optical; performance; physical; piezoelectric; plasma; plasmon; polymer; potential; potentiometric; problems; procedures; processes; properties; protein; qcm; quartz; range; rapid; reaction; real; recent; recognition; resonance; schistosoma; selective; self; sensing; sensitive; sensitivity; sensors; signal; silver; simple; simultaneous; single; sol; solution; specifi; spectroscopy; spr; strategy; study; surface; system; techniques; technology; thin; time; transducer; uorescence; use; years cache: cord-354137-6oe8nj1j.txt plain text: cord-354137-6oe8nj1j.txt item: #137 of 140 id: cord-354325-r73datur author: Berger, Mitchell title: Therapeutic Applications of Monoclonal Antibodies date: 2002-07-31 words: 12352 flesch: 35 summary: Prevention of respiratory syncytial virus infections: indications for the use of palivizumab and update on the use of RSV-IGIV Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) immune globulin and palivizumab for prevention of RSV infection Directed selection of recombinant human monoclonal antibodies to herpes simplex virus glycoproteins from phage display libraries Effective antibody therapy in herpes simplex virus ocular infection: characterization of recipient immune response Use of monoclonal antibody directed against herpes simplex virus glycoproteins to protect mice against acute virus-induced neurological disease Ability of monoclonal antibody to herpes simplex virus glycoprotein gB to promote healing of herpetic skin lesions in nude mice Protection against herpetic ocular disease by immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies to herpes simplex virus glycoprotein Passive immunization with monoclonal antibodies against herpes simplex virus glycoproteins protects mice against herpetic ocular disease Characterization of a type-common human recombinant monoclonal antibody to herpes simplex virus with high therapeutic potential Topically applied human recombinant monoclonal IgG 1 antibody and its Fab and F(ab')2 fragments protect mice from vaginal transmission of HSV-2 Epitopes involved in antibody-mediated protection from Ebola virus Isolation and characterization of human monoclonal antibodies to digoxin Drug-specific antibodies as antidotes for tricyclic antidepressant overdose Automated Immunosensing system for 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol application to surface water samples Exploiting antibody-based technologies to manage environmental pollution Pharmacokinetic mechanisms for obtaining high renal coelimination of phencyclidine and a monoclonal antiphencyclidine antigen-binding fragment of immunoglobulin G in the rat Prevention of paraquat toxicity in suspensions of alveolar type II cells by paraquatspecific antibodies Production and characterization of a monoclonal antibody against domoic acid and its application to enzyme immunoassay Antiphencyclidine monoclonal antibody therapy significantly changes phencyclidine concentrations in brain and other tissues in rats Pharmacodynamics of a monoclonal antiphencyclidine Fab with broad selectivity for phencyclidine-like drugs Antibodies as pharmacokinetic and metabolic modifiers of neurotoxicity Antibodies may treat overdoses, addiction Phencyclidine-specific Fab fragments alter phencyclidine disposition in dogs Crystal structure of monoclonal 6B5 Fab complexed with phencyclidine Disposition of a monoclonal anti-phencyclidine Fab fragment of immunoglobulin G in rats Drug-fighting drugs Reactive immunization A catalytic antibody against cocaine attenuates cocaine's cardiovascular effects in mice: a dose and time course analysis Natural and artificial enzymes against cocaine. The vectors will replicate in the COS cells and transiently express and secrete reshaped human antibodies. keywords: acid; active; adcc; affinity; agents; amino; animals; antibodies; antibody; antibody fragments; antibody therapy; antigen; applications; asthma; bacteria; binding; blood; breast; cancer; cause; cells; center; chain; characterization; chimeric; clinical; cmv; cocaine; coding; complement; complexes; constant; cross; culture; cytomegalovirus; cytotoxic; development; different; difficult; digoxin; disease; display; disulfide; domain; dose; drug; effective; effector; effects; enzyme; epitopes; erythrocyte; evaluation; expression; fab; factor; fda; fragments; fusion; ganciclovir; generation; genes; glycoprotein; group; growth; hat; heavy; herpes; high; higher; host; hsv; human; human antibodies; human mabs; human monoclonal; human variable; hybridoma; idiotype; igg; immune; immunization; immunogenic; immunotherapy; infection; instance; light; lymphocytes; lymphoma; mabs; mice; model; molecules; monoclonal; monoclonal antibodies; mouse; murine; myeloma; natural; negative; neutralizing; new; patients; pcp; phage; phencyclidine; plants; points; potential; production; promising; protein; rate; rats; recent; receptor; recombinant; regions; renal; research; researchers; reshaped; response; risk; rodent; rsv; selection; sequences; simplex; single; site; specific; specificity; spleen; study; surface; system; target; testing; theory; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissues; tobacco; toxin; transgenic; transplant; treatment; trial; tumor; use; variable; variable regions; vectors; virus; vivo cache: cord-354325-r73datur.txt plain text: cord-354325-r73datur.txt item: #138 of 140 id: cord-354700-bdpp3qmf author: Lanzavecchia, Antonio title: Dissecting human antibody responses: useful, basic and surprising findings date: 2018-01-23 words: 3122 flesch: 31 summary: key: cord-354700-bdpp3qmf authors: Lanzavecchia, Antonio title: Dissecting human antibody responses: useful, basic and surprising findings date: 2018-01-23 journal: A straightforward application of the method lies in the rapid isolation of neutralizing antibodies against emerging pathogens, such as Ebola virus, SARS (Traggiai et al, 2004) and MERS coronaviruses. keywords: affinity; antibodies; antibody; antigens; approach; b cells; cells; different; diversification; dna; domain; fig; finding; genes; group; high; human; immune; individuals; infection; insertion; lair1; large; mechanism; memory; memory b; monoclonal; mutations; neutralizing; new; pathogen; plasma; receptor; region; response; screening; single; somatic; switch; target; virus; viruses cache: cord-354700-bdpp3qmf.txt plain text: cord-354700-bdpp3qmf.txt item: #139 of 140 id: cord-354790-xx6imhzb author: Lambour, Jennifer title: Converting monoclonal antibody-based immunotherapies from passive to active: bringing immune complexes into play date: 2016-08-17 words: 6514 flesch: 25 summary: Tsouchnikas et al. 84 investigated the influence of immunization with ICs on the specificity of antibody responses using the E protein of the tick-borne encephalitis virus as an immunogen. Thus, such phenomena can profoundly influence the fine specificity of antibody responses to the same immunogen and must be considered in IC-based vaccination strategies. keywords: ability; activation; activity; administration; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antiviral; binding; cd4; cd8; cell; cellular; chronic; clinical; complexes; cross; ctl; dcs; dependent; different; disease; effector; effects; endogenous; enhancement; fcγrs; figure; formation; frcase; functions; hbsag; hbv; hepatitis; higher; hiv; hiv-1; host; human; humoral; ics; igg; immune; immune responses; immunity; immunization; immunogenic; immunotherapies; important; induction; infected; infection; long; mabs; mechanisms; mice; models; monoclonal; mouse; neutralizing; passive; patients; potential; presentation; propagation; protective; receptors; responses; role; rsv; simian; specific; strategies; stronger; surface; therapeutic; type; use; vaccination; vaccine; virions; virus cache: cord-354790-xx6imhzb.txt plain text: cord-354790-xx6imhzb.txt item: #140 of 140 id: cord-355610-7xy4s483 author: Hu, Dan title: A broadly neutralizing germline-like human monoclonal antibody against dengue virus envelope domain III date: 2019-06-26 words: 6192 flesch: 48 summary: Homology modeling of variable regions of heavy (V H ) and light (V L ) chains for m366.6 scFv antibody was carried out using the SWISS-MODEL workspace How to increase the neutralization breadth is a key issue in developing anti-DENV antibodies. keywords: ade; affinity; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assay; binding; broad; candidate; cdr; cells; china; clinical; complex; conserved; control; cross; data; dengue; denv; denv diii; denv infection; denv serotypes; denv-1; development; different; diii; disease; docking; domain; effective; envelope; epitope; experiments; expression; fig; fusion; genbank; genes; germline; healthy; high; human; igg; igm; infected; infection; interface; lala; library; like; m360; m366.6; m366.6 igg; mab; mabs; mapping; mice; model; monoclonal; mouse; mutant; naïve; neutralization; neutralizing; pcr; potent; potential; protein; reactive; residues; results; scfv; sequence; serotypes; shanghai; specific; structure; surface; therapeutic; vaccine; viral; virus; viruses; yeast cache: cord-355610-7xy4s483.txt plain text: cord-355610-7xy4s483.txt