key: cord-340583-kjrxrk50 authors: Castro‐Rodriguez, Jose A.; Forno, Erick title: Asthma and COVID‐19 in children – a systematic review and call for data date: 2020-06-18 journal: Pediatr Pulmonol DOI: 10.1002/ppul.24909 sha: doc_id: 340583 cord_uid: kjrxrk50 RATIONALE: Whether asthma constitutes a risk factor for COVID‐19 is unclear. Here we aimed to assess whether asthma, the most common chronic disease in children, is associated with higher COVID‐19 risk or severity in pediatric populations. METHODS: We performed a systematic literature search in three stages: First, we reviewed PubMed, EMBASE and CINAHL for systematic reviews of SARS‐CoV‐2 and COVID‐19 in pediatric populations, and reviewed their primary articles; second, we searched PubMed for studies on COVID‐19 or SARS‐CoV‐2 and asthma/wheeze, and evaluated whether the resulting studies included pediatric populations; third, we repeated the second search in and to find pre‐prints that may have information on pediatric asthma. RESULTS: In the first search, eight systematic reviews were found, of which five were done in pediatric populations; none of the 67 primary studies included data on pediatric asthma as a comorbidity for COVID‐19. In the second search, we found 34 results in PubMed, of which five reported asthma in adults, but none included data on children. In the third search, 25 pre‐prints in MedRxiv included data on asthma, but none on children. We found one report by the U.S. CDC stating that 40/345 (~11.5%) children with data on chronic conditions had “chronic lung diseases including asthma”, and one from a tertiary hospital in New York that reported asthma in 11/46 (~23.9%) children hospitalized for COVID‐19. CONCLUSION: There is scarcely any data on whether childhood asthma (or other pediatric respiratory diseases) constitute risk factors for SARS‐CoV‐2 infection or COVID‐19 severity. Studies are needed that go beyond counting the number of cases in the pediatric age range. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. The current outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 , caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), started in or around December, 2019, in Wuhan (1) . On January 30 th , 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a pandemic health emergency (2) . Since then, COVID-19 has continued to spread quickly and has now become the most dangerous pandemic in over 100 years. An interactive real-time COVID-19 reporting system set up by the Center for Systemic Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University (3) shows, as of the time of this writing, more than 5.8 million confirmed cases and over 361,000 deaths worldwide (led by the U.S., with ~30% of all cases and ~28% of all deaths). Globally, this corresponds to a ~6% case fatality rate, although rates vary widely among countries and subpopulations and it is difficult to ascertain both the true numerator (active unresolved cases may eventually become deaths) and the true denominator (many true cases may go untested or undetected). The first pediatric case in the literature was reported on January 2020 in 10-yearold boy from Shenzhen, China, whose family had visited Wuhan (4) . All epidemiological evidence to date suggests that SARS-CoV-2 infection is less severe in children than in adults. In the latest and largest study in the UK, including 16,749 patients hospitalized for COVID-19, only 239 (2%) were <18 years of age (including 139 who were <5 years This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Supplementary Table 1) . None of the primary studies reviewed reported asthma or recurrent wheezing as a comorbidity or risk factor for COVID-19. Instead, some of those studies reported young age (especially children <1 year of age) as a group with more severe COVID-19. One large Chinese study (16) reported non-respiratory chronic conditions (hydronephrosis, leukemia receiving chemotherapy, and intussusception) among three children who required ICU support and mechanical ventilation. Among them, one death occurred in a10-month old child with intussusception. Another study reported a patient who developed shock with metabolic acidosis requiring ICU (17) . Yet another report from China (18) described one patient aged 10-19 years who died, without other clinical information; that death probably represents the same 14-year-old boy described by Dong and colleagues (19) . Unfortunately, the two larger studies in Chinese pediatric patients, Dong et al. (19) (2,413 children) and Wu and MacGoogan (20) (965 children) did not report enough clinical data to identify comorbidities or risk factors for COVID-19 severity. In the German survey of 33 hospitalized children, 4 out of 22 (18%) children with clinical information had "respiratory comorbidities" without further details (15) . Our second search yielded 34 results in PubMed. Of those, five were primary studies that reported on asthma in adults (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) ; one other was a guidance statement (26) that referenced a primary report that also included information on asthma in adults (27) . No studies from that search included information on asthma in children, although one case series reported two young children (ages 2 and 3 years) with history of atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis, who were hospitalized with COVID-19; both patients recovered (28) . This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Our third search yielded 26 pre-prints in BioRxiv and 137 in MedRxiv. None of the BioRxiv posts were relevant to our topic. Of the 137 pre-prints in MedRxiv, 23 nonduplicate studies included information on asthma , but none of them included specific information in children. Weekly Report (MMWR) (52) , published by the CDC, that included information from 2,572 U.S. children aged < 18 years. Of those cases, 345 had data on clinical and underlying conditions, and 80 of those children (23%) had at least one underlying condition. The most common underlying conditions were "chronic lung diseases (including asthma)" in 40 children, cardiovascular disease in 25, and immunosuppression in 10; separate information on asthma was not provided. Among the 295 cases for which data on both hospitalization status and underlying medical conditions was available, 28/37 (77%) hospitalized patients had one or more underlying medical condition (including all six patients admitted to an ICU); compared to 30/258 (12%) patients who were not hospitalized (52) . A recently published Italian study, including100 children seen in 17 emergency departments, reported that 27% had comorbidities without more specifications, and no deaths occurred (53) . And most recently, a study of 46 children This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. In a systematic review of the literature, we only found two reports that described asthma or recurrent wheezing as potential risk factors for COVID-19 in children. Importantly, none of the largest epidemiological studies including children with COVID-19 reported clinical findings or underlying characteristics to help assess whether asthma -or other chronic lung diseases-constitutes a risk factor for SARS-CoV-2 infection or COVID-19 severity. COVID-19 affects primarily the lungs, and accordingly several international guidelines have designated some respiratory conditions as a potential risk factor for severe disease. Chinese guidelines (54) state that "children with a history of contact with severe 2019-nCoV infected cases, or with underlying conditions (such as congenital heart disease, bronchial pulmonary hypoplasia, respiratory tract anomaly, with abnormal hemoglobin level, severe malnutrition), or with immune deficiency or immunocompromised status… may become severe cases". A recent statement from the EAACI Section on Pediatrics (26) declared that "patients with asthma (particularly severe or uncontrolled asthma) and immunodeficiency have also been classified to be at increased risk of developing severe COVID-19, based more on common sense rather than mounting evidence". The Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) recommends avoiding the use of nebulizers due to the increased risk of disseminating COVID-19 to other patients and healthcare staff; they thus recommend the use of pressurized metered dose inhalers (pMDI) as the preferred delivery system during asthma attacks (55) . A recent randomized controlled trial (RCT) (56) showed that even in children with severe asthma exacerbations, administration of albuterol/salbutamol and ipratropium by MDI with valved-holding chamber and mask along with oxygen by nasal cannula was more effective than This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Accepted Article nebulized administration. GINA (55) and the British Thoracic Society (57) do not recommend stopping oral steroids in the patients already taking them for asthma management, and they do not recommend avoiding them for acute asthma attacks even if due to COVID-19. The U.S. CDC, the Canadian Pediatric Society, and other professional associations have issued guidance for patients with asthma and/or allergies (58) (59) (60) . Other professional organizations, such as the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Thoracic Society, have published interim guidelines that do not specifically address asthma, likely given a paucity of evidence (61, 62) . Rather than a risk factor, a recent review of data in adults reported that both asthma and COPD appear to be under-represented in the comorbidities reported for patients with COVID-19, compared with global estimates of prevalence for these conditions in the general population (63) . This is consistent with individual studies we found during our search, which have shown lower-than-expected prevalence of asthma among cases of COVID-19 (21) (22) (23) (24) 27) , and in contrast to the prevalence of other chronic diseases such as diabetes, which occurred with higher frequency among patients with COVID-19 than the estimated national prevalence (63) . If asthma is indeed "protective", this could be due to several factors, including changes in the immune response or decreased risk secondary to chronic medications such as inhaled corticosteroids (ICS). Invitro models have shown that ICS may suppress both coronavirus replication and cytokine production (64, 65) . Analysis of induced sputum samples in a well-characterized cohort of adults with severe asthma found reduced ACE2 (angiotensin-converting enzyme 2) and TMPRSS2 (transmembrane protease serine 2) gene expression among patients taking ICS, and especially among those on higher doses (66) ; ACE2 and TMPRSS2 mediate This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. patients with asthma and respiratory allergies had reduced ACE2 gene expression in airway cells, suggesting a potential mechanism of reduced COVID-19 risk (67) . This is particularly noteworthy considering that one of the potential explanations for children being generally less affected than adults is the hypothesis that children have lower ACE2 receptor expression in alveolar type 2 cells (68) . However, the lower prevalence of asthma among COVID-19 cases could also stem from bias due to underdiagnosis and underreporting, or because patients with chronic lung diseases may be especially cautious in practicing physical distancing and other measures to avoid infection. Finally, it is also conceivable that some milder cases of COVID-19 might be confused with exacerbations of respiratory disease, and/or that these patients may be reluctant to seek medical care even when sick and are thus never counted. It is important to note that our understanding of the role of asthma -even in adults-is still incipient. In the largest and most recent analysis to date, UK investigators analyzed data from 17 million adults, including 5,683 deaths due to COVID-19, and reported that both asthma (adjusted hazard ratio, aHR: 1.11 [95% confidence interval: 1.02-1.20]) and severe asthma (aHR: 1.25 [1.08-1.44]) were risk factors for COVID-19 mortality (51) . This study compared COVID-19 deaths to the general population (regardless of being SARS-CoV-2 positive or not), so the estimates combine both risk of infection and risk of death once infected. These results highlight how incomplete our understanding still is. As with most other studies, this large analysis did not include a pediatric population. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. After an extensive review of the current literature, only two reports included information on asthma as a potential risk factor for COVID-19 infection -but not severity or mortality-in children. However, the largest studies to date have been limited to a description of the number of cases by age group, and so it remains unclear whether childhood asthma -or other pediatric respiratory diseases-are associated with COVID-19 risk or severity. We hereby ask the public health community to move beyond confirming what's already known -that the disease affects children and young adults less frequently and severely than older groups-and to study affected pediatric populations in more detail. Does asthma constitute a risk factor for COVID-19 in children? Do asthma severity or control modify the course of the disease? Are asthma medications (particularly ICS and systemic steroids) or their doses protective or detrimental? Given the limited numbers of pediatric cases in any one given center/country, collaborative international efforts may be the only way to shed light on the topic. Initiatives such as the Pediatric Asthma in Real Life (PeARL) group (69) or a pediatric version of the International Severe Asthma Registry (70) , or efforts coordinated by large professional societies, may be best suited for the task. This will be true not just for childhood asthma but for pediatric diseases in general. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. China Medical Treatment Expert Group for C. 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