item: #1 of 76 id: cord-000285-7p3b6tyf author: HARTERT, Tina V. title: The Tennessee Children's Respiratory Initiative: Objectives, design and recruitment results of a prospective cohort study investigating infant viral respiratory illness and the development of asthma and allergic diseases date: 2010-04-08 words: 3853 flesch: 29 summary: The TCRI is a prospective cohort of mother-infant dyads enrolled in a longitudinal investigation of the relationship of infant viral respiratory infection severity and aetiology and the interaction of other risk factors on the development of childhood asthma and allergic diseases. The primary goals of the study are: (i) to investigate both the acute and the long-term health consequences of varying severity and aetiology of clinically significant viral respiratory tract infections on the outcomes of allergic rhinitis (AR) and early childhood asthma; and (ii) to identify the potentially modifiable factors that define children who are at greatest risk of developing asthma following infant respiratory viral infection. keywords: asthma; atopic; childhood; children; cohort; development; infant; infection; severity; study cache: cord-000285-7p3b6tyf.txt plain text: cord-000285-7p3b6tyf.txt item: #2 of 76 id: cord-010078-8lkkez3n author: None title: Invited Speakers date: 2010-11-24 words: 21364 flesch: 41 summary: The SIRT1 is decreased in alveolar macrophages of smokers and COPD patients, and associated with pro-infl ammatory response through the activation of NF-κB. Understanding the complexity of infl ammatory and epigenetic regulations in chronic lung diseases may potentiate the development of novel therapies. In China, non-smokers accounted for 38.6% of COPD patients compared with 24.9% in USA and 22.9% in the UK. keywords: acute; airway; asthma; bronchitis; cancer; care; cells; chronic; copd; copd patients; cough; countries; data; diagnosis; disease; factors; function; group; health; infl; lung; new; non; patients; pleural; prevalence; pulmonary; risk; signifi; smoking; stage; studies; study; symptoms; therapy; treatment; trials; use cache: cord-010078-8lkkez3n.txt plain text: cord-010078-8lkkez3n.txt item: #3 of 76 id: cord-015893-e0fofgxq author: Ryhal, Bruce title: Viral Disease, Air Pollutants, Nanoparticles, and Asthma date: 2011-05-03 words: 6332 flesch: 43 summary: The causal direction in the association between respiratory syncytial virus hospitalization and asthma Evidence of a causal role of winter virus infection during infancy in early childhood asthma The effect of respiratory syncytial virus on subsequent recurrent wheezing in atopic and nonatopic children Siblings, day-care attendance, and the risk of asthma and wheezing during childhood Day-care attendance, position in sibship, and early childhood wheezing: A population-based birth cohort study Day care, siblings, and asthma-Please, sneeze on my child A novel group of rhinoviruses is associated with asthma hospitalizations Association between human rhinovirus and severity of acute asthma in children Effects of allergic inflammation of the nasal mucosa on the severity of rhinovirus 16 cold Oral prednisolone for preschool children with acute virus-induced wheezing The Asthma Predictive Index: A very useful tool for predicting asthma in young children Preemptive use of high-dose fluticasone for virus induced wheezing in young children Montelukast reduces asthma exacerbations in 2-to 5-year-old children with intermittent asthma Computed tomographic study of the common cold Effect of amoxicillin-clavulanate in clinically diagnosed acute rhinosinusitis Antibiotics for acute maxillary sinusitis Cluster analysis and clinical asthma phenotypes Infectious asthma: a reemerging clinical entity? Epidemiology of asthma exacerbations A cluster analysis divided asthma patients into five different groups. keywords: air; asthma; children; disease; hrv; illness; infection; patients; pollution; respiratory; study; wheezing cache: cord-015893-e0fofgxq.txt plain text: cord-015893-e0fofgxq.txt item: #4 of 76 id: cord-016009-qa7bcsbu author: Starkel, Julie L. title: Respiratory date: 2019-10-07 words: 22281 flesch: 42 summary: In Europe, lung disease represents 15% of all deaths -the fourth leading cause. Added together, lung disease rivals the position for the top cause of death. keywords: acid; antioxidant; asthma; body; cancer; cells; children; chronic; copd; deficiency; diet; disease; exposure; fibrosis; function; glutathione; health; immune; inflammation; intake; iron; levels; liver; low; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; patients; pulmonary; research; risk; role; status; stress; study; symptoms; tissue; treatment; vitamin cache: cord-016009-qa7bcsbu.txt plain text: cord-016009-qa7bcsbu.txt item: #5 of 76 id: cord-016173-ro7nhody author: Louis, Mariam title: Pulmonary Disorders in Pregnancy date: 2014-08-13 words: 7666 flesch: 42 summary: A/H1N1v in pregnancy: an investigation of the characteristics and management of affected women and the relationship to pregnancy outcomes for mother and infant Novel infl uenza A(H1N1) virus among gravid admissions California Pandemic Working G. Severe 2009 H1N1 infl uenza in pregnant and postpartum women in California Antiviral agents for the treatment and chemoprophylaxis of infl uenza --recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Severe, critical and fatal cases of 2009 H1N1 infl uenza in China Severity of 2009 pandemic infl uenza A (H1N1) virus infection in pregnant women Product Information: RELENZA(R) oral inhalation powder, zanamivir oral inhalation powder. Snoring and OSA have been shown to be associated with a variety of adverse pregnancy outcomes including gestational hypertension, gestational diabetes, and cesarean deliveries. keywords: asthma; disease; infection; infl; outcomes; patients; pneumonia; pregnancy; risk; symptoms; therapy; treatment; uenza; varicella; women cache: cord-016173-ro7nhody.txt plain text: cord-016173-ro7nhody.txt item: #6 of 76 id: cord-016783-8x05oh5q author: Arruda, L. Karla title: Early Interventions in Allergic Diseases date: 2010 words: 7026 flesch: 34 summary: Likewise, outcome of the Canadian Primary Prevention Study on high risk infants has been reported at age 7 years, showing that intervention during the first year of life, comprising avoidance of mite, pet allergens and ETS, as well as dietary regimen, resulted in reduction of asthma symptoms and asthma diagnosed by a pediatric allergist in the intervention group. [77, 78] reached similar conclusions as the PEAK trial: very early treatment of asthma with inhaled corticosteroids, even before the persistent form of the disease has become evident, does not change the natural clinical course of the disease, and does not seem to affect the level of lung function attained at the end of follow-up, despite the fact that this form of treatment is very effective in controlling asthma symptoms while in use [79] . keywords: age; asthma; children; development; exposure; infections; life; prevention; risk; sensitization; study; wheezing; years cache: cord-016783-8x05oh5q.txt plain text: cord-016783-8x05oh5q.txt item: #7 of 76 id: cord-016931-il8o0fps author: Kroegel, C. title: Allergie, Pathomechanismen, Krankheitsbilder date: 2008 words: 9055 flesch: 32 summary: Da die Höhe des IgE-Spiegels mit der Häufigkeit und der Dauer der Die pharmakologische Wirkung des Theophyllins bei einer Serumkonzentration zwischen 10-20 mg/l umfasst daher ▬ eine Bronchodilatation, ▬ eine Steigerung der mukoziliären Clearance sowie ▬ eine schwache zentrale Atemstimulation. keywords: aber; allergischen; als; andere; asthma; atemwege; auch; auf; aufgrund; aus; bedeutung; behandlung; bei; beim; bronchiale; bzw; das; dass; dem; den; der; des; diagnostik; die; diese; durch; eine; entzündung; erkrankungen; für; gegenüber; gehören; granulozyten; hierzu; hyperreagibilität; ige; ist; jahren; konzentration; können; lassen; lymphozyten; mit; nach; neben; nicht; oder; patienten; prävalenz; rahmen; reaktion; rhinitis; rolle; sein; sich; sie; sind; sowie; spezifischen; tab; test; typ; und; unter; von; vor; werden; wird; wirkung; während; zellen; zum; zur; zwischen; über cache: cord-016931-il8o0fps.txt plain text: cord-016931-il8o0fps.txt item: #8 of 76 id: cord-017412-1avevzya author: Losada, Liliana title: The Human Lung Microbiome date: 2010-10-11 words: 10016 flesch: 28 summary: Lastly, Wu et al. have provided evidence to suggest that viral infections have a causal role in asthma initiation and development where they show that viral infection during the first 4 months of age is strongly correlated with the development of asthma by age 5 (Wu et al., 2008) . To test this hypothesis, 16S rRNA sequence analysis was performed on BAL samples from 42 subjects, 28 CF patients, and 14 other disease controls (Harris et al., 2007) . keywords: airway; asthma; bacteria; cells; chronic; colonization; copd; development; disease; et al; exacerbations; fungal; hiv; human; infections; lung; microbiome; patients; species; studies; study cache: cord-017412-1avevzya.txt plain text: cord-017412-1avevzya.txt item: #9 of 76 id: cord-017789-rhoisec4 author: Stockert, Karin title: Lipidmediatoren und ihre Rolle bei Entzündungen und Allergien date: 2020-03-25 words: 18400 flesch: 38 summary: Woche Fischmahlzeiten bzw. Omega-3-Substitution Tipp 3: wenig AGEs und von der Nahrungsmittelindustrie verarbeitete Nährstoffe Tipp 4: wenig Zucker Tipp 5: Fleisch wegen Antibiotikaeinsatz in der Tierhaltung möglichst aus biologischer Landwirtschaft N-3 PUFA supplementation, monocyte PCA expression and interleukin-6 production Maresin 1 biosynthesis during platelet-neutrophil interactions is organ-protective Expression of arachidonate metabolism enzymes and receptors in nasal polyps of aspirin-hypersensitive asthmatics Prostaglandin E2 and cysteinyl leukotriene concentrations in sputum: association with asthma severity and eosinophilic inflammation Resolvin E1 dampens airway inflammation and hyperresponsiveness in a murine model of asthma New lives given by cell death: macrophage differentiation following their encounter with apoptotic leukocytes during the resolution of inflammation The docosatriene protectin D1 is produced by TH2 skewing and promotes human T cell apoptosis via lipid raft clustering Stereochemical assignment, antiinflammatory properties, and receptor for the omega-3 lipid mediator resolvin E1 Resolvin E1 selectively interacts with leukotriene B 4 receptor BLT1 and ChemR23 to regulate inflammation Differential regulation of airway smooth muscle cell migration by E-prostanoid receptor subtypes Die Bildung von PGE2 ist sowohl COX-1-als auch COX-2-abhängig. keywords: aber; abschn; acids; aerd; airway; aktiviert; aktivierung; allergen; allergischen; als; arachidonsäure; aspirin; asthma; asthmatikern; auch; auf; aus; bei; beim; bereits; besonders; bildung; cell; challenge; cox-2; dadurch; dass; dem; den; der; des; dha; die; diese; durch; eine; entzündung; entzündungsauflösung; eosinophilen; ep2; epa; erkrankungen; et al; expression; fatty; fettsäuren; für; gabe; gebildet; haben; hat; hemmt; hemmung; human; il-1β; ilc2; indem; inflammation; ist; jedoch; kann; können; leukotriene; lipidmediatoren; lipoxin; lox; lunge; makrophagen; man; mit; n-3; nach; neutrophilen; nicht; oder; omega-3; pge2; produktion; proinflammatorischen; prostaglandin; pufas; receptor; reduzierte; resolution; resolvin; rezeptoren; rvd1; rve1; sein; sich; sie; sind; somit; sowie; sowohl; studie; th2; und; von; von pge2; vor; werden; werte; wie; wird; wirkung; wurde; während; zellen; zur; über cache: cord-017789-rhoisec4.txt plain text: cord-017789-rhoisec4.txt item: #10 of 76 id: cord-018537-t1gi76nc author: Frey, U. title: Obstruktive Atemwegserkrankungen date: 2013-10-05 words: 10075 flesch: 37 summary: den erfahrenen betreuenden Kinderpneumologen in der Einschätzung der klinischen Situation; die Datenlage zu FeNo-Messungen ist jedoch zu heterogen, als dass diese Methodik Eingang in die Leitlinien zum Asthma-Monitoring gefunden hätte. Die Daten der Melbourne-Studie befinden sich im Einklang mit den Ergebnissen anderer Asthma-Langzeitstudien, wonach sich die episodische infektgetriggerte »wheezy bronchitis« meist auswächst, während frühkindliches Asthma, welches mit einer frühen atopischen Sensibilisierung einhergeht, in der Mehrzahl der Fälle bis ins Erwachsenalter persistiert und die Lungenfunktion schon im Schulalter vermindert ist und bleibt. keywords: abb; aber; akuten; als; asthma; asthmakontrolle; atemwege; atemwegserkrankungen; auch; auf; aufgrund; aus; bedeutung; behandlung; bei; beim; bereits; bis; bronchiale; bronchiolitis; bronchitiden; bronchitis; bzw; children; das; dass; dem; der; des; die; diese; durch; eine; episoden; formen; führen; für; haben; hat; infektion; ist; jedoch; kann; kap; kindern; klinische; krupp; können; lebensjahr; meist; mit; muss; nach; nicht; noch; nur; obstruktiven; oder; patienten; rsv; sehr; sein; sich; sind; sollte; sowie; studien; symptome; säuglingen; säuglingsalter; therapie; und; virale; virus; von; vor; wenn; werden; wheezing; wie; wird; wobei; während; z.b; zum; zur; zwischen; über cache: cord-018537-t1gi76nc.txt plain text: cord-018537-t1gi76nc.txt item: #11 of 76 id: cord-019347-tj3ye1mx author: None title: ABSTRACT BOOK date: 2010-02-19 words: 108161 flesch: 50 summary: in allergic patients and 250 and 500 ug. In allergic patients after histamine threshold challenge mean decrease was for FEV1 19, 2% and for FEV1/VC 17, 3%. keywords: age; airway; allergen; allergic; allergy; allergy asthma; analysis; anti; antibody; asthma; asthma control; asthma diagnosis; asthma patients; asthma symptoms; atopic; background; baseline; blood; care; case; cd4; cells; chest; children; chronic; conclusion; control; daily; data; day; days; deficiency; desensitization; diagnosis; disease; dose; drug; effect; efficacy; evaluation; exposure; female; following; food; function; group; histamine; history; hours; ics; ige; igg; immune; improvement; increase; infections; inflammatory; introduction; levels; life; low; lung; male; mean; medical; medication; methods; minutes; months; nasal; negative; new; non; normal; number; objective; ova; patients; period; persistent; placebo; pollen; population; positive; prednisone; prevalence; prick; primary; production; pulmonary; quality; rate; reactions; recurrent; report; response; results; rhinitis; rhinitis patients; risk; serum; severity; significant; skin; specific; spray; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; syndrome; testing; tests; therapy; time; total; treatment; urticaria; use; visits; weeks; wheezing; years cache: cord-019347-tj3ye1mx.txt plain text: cord-019347-tj3ye1mx.txt item: #12 of 76 id: cord-021905-fjcks7w4 author: Win, Patrick H. title: Asthma Triggers: What Really Matters? date: 2009-05-22 words: 5995 flesch: 39 summary: After asthma triggers are identified and confirmed with testing (if necessary), every effort should be made to avoid or eliminate these specific triggers of asthma symptoms (with the exception of exercise). Irritant: Any substance, chemical, or physical factor that triggers asthma symptoms by nonspecific mechanisms resulting in increased bronchial hyperreactivity. keywords: allergen; asthma; cat; dust; exposure; house; individuals; mite; mold; patients; pollen; symptoms; triggers cache: cord-021905-fjcks7w4.txt plain text: cord-021905-fjcks7w4.txt item: #13 of 76 id: cord-022050-h24f0fpd author: Naughton, Matthew T. title: Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma date: 2009-05-15 words: 7004 flesch: 39 summary: The mortality of COPD patients admitted to the hospital is 15%, exceeding that for myocardial infarction. COPD patients liberated from invasive ventilatory support may also benefit from NIV, although studies have questioned the utility of its use in this setting. keywords: airflow; airway; asthma; chronic; copd; disease; exacerbations; expiratory; failure; hyperinflation; patients; pressure; rate; ventilation; volume cache: cord-022050-h24f0fpd.txt plain text: cord-022050-h24f0fpd.txt item: #14 of 76 id: cord-022155-9759i9wr author: Nag, Pranab Kumar title: Sick Building Syndrome and Other Building-Related Illnesses date: 2018-08-18 words: 17611 flesch: 33 summary: VOCs and sick building syndrome: Application of a new statistical approach for SBS research to US EPA BASE study data Indoor carbon dioxide concentrations, VOCs, environmental sensitivity associations with mucous membrane and lower respiratory sick building syndrome symptoms in the BASE study: Analyses of the 100 building dataset Associations between indoor CO 2 concentrations and sick building syndrome symptoms in US office buildings: An analysis of the 1994-1996 BASE study data Relationship between selected indoor volatile organic compounds, so-called microbial VOC, and the prevalence of mucous membrane symptoms in single family homes Windows, view, and office characteristics predict physical and psychological discomfort Indoor air quality audit implementation in a hotel building in Portugal Airborne and soilborne microfungi in the vicinity Hamitabat Thermic Power Plant in Kirklareli City (Turkey), their seasonal distributions and relations with climatological factors Push-pull air curtain performances for VOCs containment in an industrial process Indoor and outdoor airborne bacteria in child day-care centers in Edirne City (Turkey), seasonal distribution and influence of meteorological factors Hot and steamy: Outbreak of Bacillus cereus in Singapore associated with construction work and laundry practices Protean nature of mass sociogenic illness Current views of health care design and construction: Practical implications for safer, cleaner environments Institut fur Baubiologie + Okologie IBN Plasma-assisted surface modification of organic biopolymers to prevent bacterial attachment Prevalence of allergic sensitization to indoor fungi in West Virginia related symptoms in relation to indoor carbon dioxide concentrations in the 100-building BASE dataset Airborne Alternaria and Cladosporium species and relationship with meteorological conditions in Eskisehir City Catalytic combustion of volatile organic compounds Introduction of the olf and the decipol units to quantify air pollution perceived by humans indoors and outdoors Quantitative health impact assessment: taking stock and moving forward Standards of care for occupational asthma Health and productivity gains from better indoor environments and their relationship with building energy efficiency Meta-analyses of the associations of respiratory health effects with dampness and mold in homes Quantitative relationship of sick building syndrome symptoms with ventilation rates Effectiveness and optimum jet velocity for a plane jet air curtain used to restrict cold room infiltration Airborne Aspergillus contamination during hospital construction works: Efficacy of protective measures Hypersensitivity pneumonitis: keywords: air; asthma; building; building syndrome; concentrations; disease; dust; environment; et al; exposure; factors; fungal; fungi; growth; health; indoor; materials; mould; occupants; office; office buildings; person; pollutants; prevalence; quality; risk; sbs; sbs symptoms; sick; spores; study; symptoms; syndrome; systems; transmission; ventilation; vocs; water; work; workers cache: cord-022155-9759i9wr.txt plain text: cord-022155-9759i9wr.txt item: #15 of 76 id: cord-022467-j2trahab author: Loo, May title: Select Populations: Children date: 2009-05-15 words: 19091 flesch: 37 summary: Relationship between breast-feeding duration and acute respiratory infections in infants Cognitive training in ADHD children: less to it than meets the eye Hyperactive children treated with stimulants: is cognitive training a useful adjunct? Efficacy and safety of a fixed-combination homeopathic therapy for sinusitis Clinical assessment of acupuncture in asthma therapy: discussion paper Committee on Drugs: Guidelines for the ethical conduct of studies to evaluate drugs in pediatric populations Committee on Children with Disabilities: Counseling families who choose complementary and alternative medicine for their child with chronic illness or disability Measles-mumps-rubella immunisation, autism, and inflammatory bowel disease: update Evaluation of massage with essential oils on childhood atopic eczema Respiratory syncytial virus vaccines for otitis media The use of alternative therapies by children with asthma: a brief report Use of complementary and alternative medicine in the treatment of asthma Use of complementary treatment by those hospitalised with acute illness Some nontraditional (unconventional and/or innovative) psychosocial treatments for children and adolescents: critique and proposed screening principles Hypnotherapy in the treatment of bronchial asthma International study of asthma and allergies in childhood (ISAAC): rationale and methods Asthma mortality and hospitalization among children and young adults: United States Cranio-sacral therapy and the treatment of common childhood conditions A comparison of active and simulated chiropractic manipulation as adjunctive treatment for childhood asthma Hypnosis and self-hypnosis in the management of nocturnal enuresis: a comparative study with imipramine therapy Spirituality, religion, and pediatrics: intersecting worlds of healing Acupuncture and micro-massage in the treatment of idiopathic nocturnal enuresis Treatment of incontinent boys with non-obstructive disease Academic medicine and complementary medicine differ from each other in reasoning and evaluation but not in goals Alternative and controversial treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder Parent acceptability and feasibility of ADHD interventions: assessment, correlates, and predictive validity Management of acute and chronic otitis media in pediatric practice Evaluation of rhesus rotavirus monovalent and tetravalent reassortant vaccines in U.S. children Traditional acupuncture increases the content of beta-endorphin in immune cells and influences mitogen induced proliferation A double-blind placebo-controlled study of desipramine in the treatment of ADD. I. General trends and demographic groups Relationship of infant feeding to recurrent wheezing at age 6 years Current treatment of allergic rhinitis and sinusitis 302 cases of enuresis treated with acupuncture Treatment of acne with ear acupuncture-a clinical observation of 80 cases 14 cases of child bronchial asthma treated by auricular plaster and meridian instrument Acupuncture of guanyuan (Ren 4) and Baihui (Du 20) in the treatment of 500 cases of enuresis Effect of acupuncture on bronchial asthma Acupuncture treatment of chronic rhinitis in 75 cases Immediate antiasthmatic effect of acupuncture in 192 cases of bronchial asthma Preliminary study of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of minimal brain dysfunction: analysis of 100 cases Clinical and experimental study on yifei jianshen mixture in preventing and treating infantile repetitive respiratory infection Clinical investigation on massage for prevention and treatment of recurrent respiratory tract infection in children Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine for young children Prevention of asthma morbidity: recent advances keywords: acupuncture; acupuncture treatment; acute; age; alternative; asthma; breast; cam; childhood; children; chiropractic; chronic; diarrhea; disease; efficacy; enuresis; group; homeopathic; infants; medicine; months; otitis; patients; pediatric; studies; study; symptoms; therapy; treatment; trial; use; years cache: cord-022467-j2trahab.txt plain text: cord-022467-j2trahab.txt item: #16 of 76 id: cord-022527-a0x6lws3 author: None title: Eosinophils in Human Disease date: 2012-10-12 words: 56098 flesch: 33 summary: Extending this study, Flood-Page et al. 74 evaluated anti-IL-5 monoclonal antibody treatment in asthma patients by examining its multidose effect on blood and sputum, as well as bone marrow and airway tissue eosinophils. As corticosteroid treatment reduced serum, sputum, and tissue eosinophils, and these reductions were associated with improved asthma symptoms, the eosinophil's place as a primary contributor to asthma appeared further substantiated. keywords: activation; acute; airway; allergen; anti; asthma; blood; blood eosinophils; bone; bronchial; cells; chronic; crs; cytokines; disease; ecp; eoe; eosinophils; epithelial; expression; factor; following; gene; group; growth; human; il-5; infection; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; levels; lung; marrow; mbp; nasal; numbers; patients; polyps; presence; present; production; protein; rejection; release; response; role; serum; skin; specific; sputum; sputum eosinophils; stent; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; syndrome; t cells; t h; therapy; tissue; tissue eosinophils; treatment; tumor; virus cache: cord-022527-a0x6lws3.txt plain text: cord-022527-a0x6lws3.txt item: #17 of 76 id: cord-022650-phsr10jp author: None title: Abstracts TPS date: 2018-08-14 words: 119916 flesch: 51 summary: Method: Postal questionnaires were distributed to an unselected group of asthma patients (n = 190). NHR was reported in 71% of asthma patients and 22% in non-asthmatic controls (P < 0.0001), with changes in temperature being the most important inducer of nasal symptoms (74% of asthmatics), followed by strong odours (62%) and cigarette smoke (61%). keywords: adults; age; aim; allergen; allergies; allergy; analysis; anaphylaxis; angioedema; anti; ara; asthma; asthma control; asthma patients; asthma symptoms; asthmatic; atopic; background; blood; case; cells; challenge; children; chronic; clinic; concentration; conclusion; control; control group; correlation; cross; data; days; dermatitis; diagnosis; differences; disease; dose; drug; dust; effect; efficacy; egg; episodes; exposure; extracts; factors; food; food allergy; grass; group; hae; high; history; hospital; hours; house; ige; ige levels; igg; immunotherapy; improvement; increase; levels; life; low; male; mean; median; medical; medication; method; milk; minutes; mite; months; nasal; non; number; p 1; p =; patients; peanut; period; pollen; pollen allergy; population; positive; present; prevalence; prick; protein; questionnaire; rate; reaction; reactivity; reduction; report; respiratory; response; results; rhinitis; rhinitis patients; risk; scit; score; sensitization; serum; severity; sige; skin; skin prick; slit; specific; spt; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; syndrome; test; testing; time; total; treatment; type; urticaria; use; weeks; years cache: cord-022650-phsr10jp.txt plain text: cord-022650-phsr10jp.txt item: #18 of 76 id: cord-022653-qa1uph35 author: None title: Poster Discussion Session PDS date: 2017-08-30 words: 58403 flesch: 49 summary: Out of all maxillary sinuses (n=72) from study patients, 62 (86.11%) were opacified, and only these sinuses were included in further analyses. We studied three groups of subjects: peach allergic patients who received Prup3-enriched-SLIT for 1 year, peach allergic patients non treated, and healthy controls who tolerated peach. keywords: age; aim; allergen; allergic; allergy; analysis; anaphylaxis; anti; associated; asthma; asthma patients; atopic; blood; cases; cells; changes; children; conclusions; control; correlation; data; diagnosis; differences; disease; dose; drug; effect; exposure; expression; food; food allergy; group; hdm; healthy; history; ige; ige levels; immune; immunotherapy; increase; inflammation; introduction; levels; low; mean; methods; mice; milk; months; nasal; non; number; objectives; patients; period; pollen; production; protein; reactions; reactivity; response; results; rhinitis; risk; samples; score; sensitization; serum; skin; slit; specific; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; test; therapy; time; total; treatment; use; years cache: cord-022653-qa1uph35.txt plain text: cord-022653-qa1uph35.txt item: #19 of 76 id: cord-022658-mq91h15t author: None title: Executive summary date: 2008-12-30 words: 12010 flesch: 33 summary: Evidence of minimal, persistent inflammation in asymptomatic allergic patients suggests that by inducing ICAM-1, subclinical allergen exposure may incregse the susceptibility of allergic patients to rhinovirus infection, and thereby explain the greater frequency of colds in asthmatic children (30) . Although the use of antihistamines in asthma is still controversial, the new nonsedating agents seem to offer some benefit for allergic patients with concomitant asthma. keywords: agents; airway; allergy; antihistamines; asthma; children; chronic; control; effects; intranasal; loratadine; medications; nasal; patients; performance; rhinitis; symptoms; therapy; topical; treatment; use cache: cord-022658-mq91h15t.txt plain text: cord-022658-mq91h15t.txt item: #20 of 76 id: cord-023239-06a03o14 author: None title: II. Topic Sessions date: 2016-06-10 words: 33484 flesch: 34 summary: Several studies reported an association of preterm birth (30-36 weeks' GA) without clinical lung disease with altered lung development and function [2] . The Size and Lung function In Children (SLIC) study was designed to improve normative reference ranges for lung function by taking differences in body physique into account to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment of lung disease in all children, irrespective of ethnic background 7 . keywords: age; airway; approach; asthma; birth; bronchiectasis; cells; cftr; childhood; children; chronic; control; cystic; data; diagnosis; disease; effect; evidence; exacerbations; factors; fibrosis; function; infants; lung; lung disease; lung function; need; non; osas; patients; pcd; pneumonia; preschool; preterm; receptors; respiratory; results; risk; sleep; studies; study; symptoms; term; therapy; treatment; use; years cache: cord-023239-06a03o14.txt plain text: cord-023239-06a03o14.txt item: #21 of 76 id: cord-023288-sqr33y72 author: None title: Paediatric SIG: Poster Session date: 2008-03-12 words: 30188 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions This is the first Australian study to identify alexithymia among asthma patients and investigate relationship to control as well as management and communication. Methods Cross sectional study of 25 moderate to severe asthma patients recruited from Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatients. keywords: age; aim; airway; analysis; asm; asthma; asthmatics; blood; cancer; cells; children; conclusions; control; copd; data; days; disease; effect; expression; fev1; flow; function; group; health; il-6; increase; infection; inflammatory; levels; lung; mean; methods; mice; n =; non; p =; participants; patients; pulmonary; response; results; risk; smokers; study; subjects; therapy; treatment; use; years cache: cord-023288-sqr33y72.txt plain text: cord-023288-sqr33y72.txt item: #22 of 76 id: cord-023303-fxus38mp author: None title: Lung Cancer/Bronchology SIGs: Combined Poster Session date: 2008-03-12 words: 30191 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions This is the first Australian study to identify alexithymia among asthma patients and investigate relationship to control as well as management and communication. Methods Cross sectional study of 25 moderate to severe asthma patients recruited from Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatients. keywords: age; aim; airway; analysis; asm; asthma; asthmatics; blood; cancer; cells; children; conclusions; control; copd; data; days; disease; effect; expression; fev1; flow; function; group; health; il-6; increase; infection; inflammatory; levels; lung; mean; methods; mice; n =; non; p =; participants; patients; pulmonary; response; results; risk; smokers; study; subjects; therapy; treatment; use; years cache: cord-023303-fxus38mp.txt plain text: cord-023303-fxus38mp.txt item: #23 of 76 id: cord-023308-af5nihyi author: None title: COPD SIG: Poster Session 2 date: 2008-03-12 words: 30189 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions This is the first Australian study to identify alexithymia among asthma patients and investigate relationship to control as well as management and communication. Methods Cross sectional study of 25 moderate to severe asthma patients recruited from Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatients. keywords: age; aim; airway; analysis; asm; asthma; asthmatics; blood; cancer; cells; children; conclusions; control; copd; data; days; disease; effect; expression; fev1; flow; function; group; health; il-6; increase; infection; inflammatory; levels; lung; mean; methods; mice; n =; non; p =; participants; patients; pulmonary; response; results; risk; smokers; study; subjects; therapy; treatment; use; years cache: cord-023308-af5nihyi.txt plain text: cord-023308-af5nihyi.txt item: #24 of 76 id: cord-023331-jrvmgnu3 author: None title: Asthma & Allergy SIG: Poster Session 3. Physiology, Environment, Investigation and Management date: 2008-03-12 words: 30195 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions This is the first Australian study to identify alexithymia among asthma patients and investigate relationship to control as well as management and communication. Methods Cross sectional study of 25 moderate to severe asthma patients recruited from Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatients. keywords: age; aim; airway; analysis; asm; asthma; asthmatics; blood; cancer; cells; children; conclusions; control; copd; data; days; disease; effect; expression; fev1; flow; function; group; health; il-6; increase; infection; inflammatory; levels; lung; mean; methods; mice; n =; non; p =; participants; patients; pulmonary; response; results; risk; smokers; study; subjects; therapy; treatment; use; years cache: cord-023331-jrvmgnu3.txt plain text: cord-023331-jrvmgnu3.txt item: #25 of 76 id: cord-023713-daz2vokz author: Devereux, Graham title: Epidemiology of Asthma and Allergic Airway Diseases date: 2013-09-06 words: 27946 flesch: 44 summary: Asthma prevalence of less than 4% was found in Iceland, parts of Spain, Germany, Italy, Algeria, and India. The results for asthma prevalence are given in Figure 48 -9. keywords: adults; age; airway; allergy; association; asthma; asthma prevalence; atopic; birth; childhood asthma; children; cohort; disease; exposure; food; function; health; incidence; levels; life; lung; pollution; population; prevalence; risk; studies; study; symptoms; use; wheeze; wheezing; years cache: cord-023713-daz2vokz.txt plain text: cord-023713-daz2vokz.txt item: #26 of 76 id: cord-252012-hdjbxah8 author: McErlean, Peter title: Viral diversity in asthma: Immunology and Allergy Clinics of North America: Asthma and Infectious Disease date: 2010-11-01 words: 5502 flesch: 32 summary: 252012 cord_uid: hdjbxah8 Asthma exacerbations are precipitated primarily by respiratory virus infection and frequently require immediate medical intervention. Nevertheless, the disparity in viral detection between the asthmatic and control groups may imply some mechanism of either persistence in asthmatics or an association with the long-term compliance of glucocorticoid therapy and inhibition of symptoms during respiratory virus infection. keywords: ari; asthma; bocavirus; children; exacerbations; hbov; infection; kipyv; studies; viruses; wupyv cache: cord-252012-hdjbxah8.txt plain text: cord-252012-hdjbxah8.txt item: #27 of 76 id: cord-252769-fe50u028 author: Mendes, J. Pinto title: Infecção na modulaçâo da asma 1 1 Trabalho apresentado no XXIII Congresso de Pneumologia da SPP – Guarda, Novembro 2007 / Paper presented at the XXIII Congresso de Pneumologia da SPP / PSP Pulmonology Congress, Guarda, November 2007 date: 2008-10-31 words: 14004 flesch: 41 summary: A estimulação virusal pode originar uma interconversão das células plasmacitóides em mielóides, passando -se, em relação aos alergénios inalados, de um comportamento tolerogénico para o aumento da resposta, com perfil atópico 57 .Um importante handicap, sobretudo para as populações em risco de atopia e de asma. Como se explicaria, naquela base, o aumento paralelo da prevalência das doenças inflamatórias autoimunes, de expressão Th 1, e de asma e atopia 71 , ou o facto de as doen ças autoimunes terem elevada prevalência nos asmáticos 64 ? keywords: airway; allergy; anti; asma; asma e; asthma; asthmatic; atopia; cd14; cells; children; com; como; crianças; células; da asma; das; dos; e da; endotoxin; estudos; exposição; exposure; gene; hygiene; hypothesis; infection; infecção; infecções; inflammation; life; mais; mas; mendes; modulaçâo; nos; não; para; por; que; response; resposta; risk; role; rsv; ser; studies; uma; vida; virus; viruses; vsr cache: cord-252769-fe50u028.txt plain text: cord-252769-fe50u028.txt item: #28 of 76 id: cord-254766-585iu5ey author: Tauro, Sharyn title: Molecular and cellular mechanisms in the viral exacerbation of asthma date: 2008-08-13 words: 5254 flesch: 34 summary: The dynamics that contribute to disease pathogenesis are multifactorial and involve overlapping molecular and cellular mechanisms, particularly the immune response to respiratory virus infection or allergen sensitization. Many small animal models were designed to reveal the pathogenic mechanisms behind the enhancement of allergic sensitization by respiratory virus infections; the increased airway inflammation and responsiveness resulting from allergic airway sensitization following respiratory viral infection and, in those with established allergic airway sensitization, the increased airway inflammation and responsiveness due to respiratory viral infections. keywords: airway; asthma; cells; disease; exacerbation; infection; inflammation; mice; response; rsv; th2; virus cache: cord-254766-585iu5ey.txt plain text: cord-254766-585iu5ey.txt item: #29 of 76 id: cord-257244-gryp0khc author: Edwards, M. R. title: The potential of anti‐infectives and immunomodulators as therapies for asthma and asthma exacerbations date: 2017-08-10 words: 5758 flesch: 25 summary: Despite these important associations, the use of antiinfectives (antibiotics, antivirals, antifungals, vaccines) that specifically target known pathogens, or drugs that are based on or exploit microbe-host receptor interactions (toll-like receptor agonists, bacterial lysates) or are immunomodulators (vitamin D), and/or may work in part by altering our associated microbiology (probiotics) are, with the exception of severe asthma, seldom considered in asthma treatment, prevention and guidelines. Evidence to date suggested that modulation of the gut microbiome may represent an interesting therapeutic or preventative opportunity for the prevention of allergic asthma and AE, whilst clinical trials do not confirm initial enthusiastic expectations. keywords: antibiotics; asthma; childhood; children; disease; influenza; risk; studies; study; treatment; trial; use; virus cache: cord-257244-gryp0khc.txt plain text: cord-257244-gryp0khc.txt item: #30 of 76 id: cord-258093-6fn8ei9f author: Hanania, Nicola A. title: Asthma in the elderly: Current understanding and future research needs—a report of a National Institute on Aging (NIA) workshop date: 2011-08-25 words: 17068 flesch: 41 summary: The aging lung Large, longitudinal, and more complete studies to determine the effects of aging on the function of the respiratory system Improved knowledge about lung structure-function relationships in older age using techniques of imaging and measures of lung function not requiring effort (eg, high-resolution computed tomographic scanning and forced oscillation) Improved assessment of lung processes underlying airflow limitation attributable to aging versus COPD or asthma, especially in asthmatic patients who smoke Studies to examine the effects of aging in ethnic groups and the role of gender Epidemiology, effect, diagnosis, and management Determine the true prevalence and cost of asthma in the older population Develop a uniform definition of asthma to be applied to health care records that will distinguish asthma from COPD and mixed asthma/COPD Evaluate evidence-based treatment algorithms for older asthmatic patients, such as those developed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Global Initiative For Asthma guidelines 7 Assess the effect of asthma treatment, including direct medical costs of care, indirect costs of care, and value of treatment in improving quality of life 8, 9 Assess the effect of comorbid conditions, especially COPD and congestive heart failure, on asthma 9 Characterize phenotypes of elderly asthma with regard to responses to therapy and long-term outcomes based on age of onset, duration of disease, and environmental triggers Develop algorithms for electronic medical record systems that are asthma-specific Evaluate effects of current asthma medications in older patients compared with younger patients Identify pharmacogenetic determinants of response to asthma medications in older adults Identify simpler and safer drug delivery systems and schedules for older adults Develop simple methods to differentiate COPD from asthma exacerbations in older adults Understand how environmental or aging-related factors affect epigenetic changes in asthma in older adults Identify differences between older and younger asthmatic patients or between LSA and LOA with regard to inflammation, remodeling, intracellular mechanisms, responses to environmental pollutants, and allergy sensitization and their effects on the metabolism and action of asthma drugs Identify naturally occurring age-related changes in airway cellular patterns Develop animal models of age-related airway inflammation Understand the significance of allergy sensitization associated with asthma in older adults (eg, through larger prospective studies) 97, 124, 128 Patients with LOA start having asthma symptoms for the first time when they are 65 years of age or older (some studies have suggested middle age or older). keywords: adults; age; aging; airway; asthma; care; changes; control; copd; diagnosis; disease; effects; elderly; function; group; health; inflammation; life; lung; patients; population; response; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; treatment; years cache: cord-258093-6fn8ei9f.txt plain text: cord-258093-6fn8ei9f.txt item: #31 of 76 id: cord-260472-xvvfguht author: Papadopoulos, Nikolaos G. title: Antimicrobial strategies: An option to treat allergy? date: 2007-01-31 words: 5112 flesch: 20 summary: Effects on cell differentials and soluble markers in sputum in asthmatic subjects Rhinovirus replication in human macrophages induces NF-kappaB-dependent tumor necrosis factor alpha production Rhinovirus infection induces expression of its own receptor intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) via increased NF-kappaB-mediated transcription Respiratory epithelial cell expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 and its up-regulation by rhinovirus infection via NF-kappaB and GATA transcription factors Rhinovirus infection preferentially increases lower airway responsiveness in allergic subjects Duration of postviral airway hyperresponsiveness in children with asthma: effect of atopy The role of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), and regulated on activation, normal T-cell expressed and secreted (RANTES) in the relationship between air pollution and asthma among children Effect of experimental rhinovirus 16 colds on airway hyperresponsiveness to histamine and interleukin-8 in nasal lavage in asthmatic subjects in vivo Rhinovirus inhalation causes long-lasting excessive airway narrowing in response to methacholine in asthmatic subjects in vivo Experimental rhinovirus 16 infection causes variable airway obstruction in subjects with atopic asthma Rhinovirus infection induces major histocompatibility complex class I and costimulatory molecule upregulation on respiratory epithelial cells Relationship of upper and lower airway cytokines to outcome of experimental rhinovirus infection Cytokines in asthma Asthmatic bronchial epithelial cells have a deficient innate immune response to infection with rhinovirus Expression of costimulatory molecules in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of atopic asthmatic children during virus-induced asthma exacerbations Lower airways inflammation during rhinovirus colds in normal and in asthmatic subjects Nerve growth factor and nerve growth factor receptors in respiratory syncytial virus-infected lungs The role of neural inflammation in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Neurotrophin overexpression in lower airways of infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection A defective type 1 response to rhinovirus in atopic asthma Atopic phenotype in children is associated with decreased virus-induced interferon-alpha release Impaired virus-induced interferon-alpha2 release in adult asthmatic patients IL-4 and interferon-gamma production in children with atopic disease Rhinovirus-induced interferon-gamma and airway responsiveness in asthma Antigen-nonspecific recruitment of Th2 cells to the lung as a mechanism for viral infection-induced allergic asthma Personal exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and the severity of virus-induced asthma in children Epidemiology of childhood asthma Are non-allergenic environmental factors important in asthma? Air pollution and infection in respiratory illness Nitrogen dioxide exposure: effects on airway and blood cells Synergism between rhinovirus infection and oxidant pollutant exposure enhances airway epithelial cell cytokine production Study of modifiable risk factors for asthma exacerbations: virus infection and allergen exposure increase the risk of asthma hospital admissions in children Synergism between allergens and viruses and risk of hospital admission with asthma: case-control study Presence of asthma risk factors and environmental exposures related to upper respiratory infection-triggered wheezing in middle school-age children Trial of roxithromycin in subjects with asthma and serological evidence of infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae in asthma: effect of clarithromycin Immunomodulatory activity and effectiveness of macrolides in chronic airway disease Clinical implications of the immunomodulatory effects of macrolides Chlamydia pneumoniae immunoglobulin A reactivation and airway inflammation in acute asthma Chlamydia pneumoniae infection and asthma Chlamydia and apoptosis: life and death decisions of an intracellular pathogen The development of asthma in children infected with Chlamydia pneumoniae is dependent on the modifying effect of mannose-binding lectin The effect of telithromycin in acute exacerbations of asthma Vaccines, vaccination, and vaccinology Prophylaxis with palivizumab against respiratory syncytial virus infection in infants with congenital heart diseasedwho should receive it? Immunopathology of RSV infection: prospects for developing vaccines without this complication Incidence of adamantane resistance among influenza A (H3N2) viruses isolated worldwide from 1994 to 2005: a cause for concern Adamantane resistance among influenza A viruses isolated early during the 2005e2006 influenza season in the United States Antiviral resistance in influenza viruseseimplications for management and pandemic response Neuraminidase inhibitor susceptibility network position statement: antiviral resistance in influenza A/H5N1 viruses The structure of H5N1 avian influenza neuraminidase suggests new opportunities for drug design Comparison of the efficacy and safety of live attenuated cold-adapted influenza vaccine, trivalent, with trivalent inactivated influenza virus vaccine in children and adolescents with asthma Estimating efficacy of trivalent, cold-adapted, influenza virus vaccine (CAIV-T) against influenza A (H1N1) and B using surveillance cultures Safety and efficacy of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in young children: a summary for the new era of routine vaccination Direct and total effectiveness of the intranasal, live-attenuated, trivalent cold-adapted influenza virus vaccine against the 2000e2001 influenza A(H1N1) and B epidemic in healthy children Randomised placebo-controlled crossover trial on effect of inactivated influenza vaccine on pulmonary function in asthma Influenza vaccination in children with asthma: randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial IFN-lambdas mediate antiviral protection through a distinct class II cytokine receptor complex Prevention of rhinovirus colds by human interferon alpha-2 from Escherichia coli Efficacy and tolerance of intranasally applied recombinant leukocyte A interferon in normal volunteers Intranasal interferon alpha 2 for prevention of rhinovirus infection and illness Intranasal interferon-alpha 2 prophylaxis of natural respiratory virus infection Intranasal interferonalpha 2b for seasonal prophylaxis of respiratory infection Interferon-beta ser as prophylaxis against experimental rhinovirus infection in volunteers Tolerance and efficacy of intranasal administration of recombinant beta serine interferon in healthy adults Ineffectiveness of recombinant interferon-beta serine nasal drops for prophylaxis of natural colds Role of deficient type III interferon-lambda production in asthma exacerbations Comparative susceptibility of respiratory viruses to recombinant interferons-alpha 2b and -beta Combined antiviral and antimediator treatment of rhinovirus colds Corticosteroids inhibit rhinovirus-induced intercellular adhesion molecule-1 up-regulation and promoter activation on respiratory epithelial cells Rhinovirus-induced airway inflammation in asthma: effect of treatment with inhaled corticosteroids before and during experimental infection A randomized controlled trial of glucocorticoid prophylaxis against experimental rhinovirus infection Doubling the dose of inhaled corticosteroid to prevent asthma exacerbations: randomised controlled trial Doubling the dose of budesonide versus maintenance treatment in asthma exacerbations Combination therapy: [124] can block pro-inflammatory mechanisms induced by virus infections in airway epithelial cells, although in vitro evidence has not been paralleled by convincing clinical data. keywords: airway; asthma; cells; children; chronic; exacerbations; infection; influenza; pneumoniae; rhinovirus; virus; viruses cache: cord-260472-xvvfguht.txt plain text: cord-260472-xvvfguht.txt item: #32 of 76 id: cord-263556-y8vx4ie2 author: Koistinen, Annamari title: Prednisolone for the first rhinovirus‐induced wheezing and 4‐year asthma risk: A randomized trial date: 2017-08-06 words: 3006 flesch: 47 summary: Interaction analysis examined rhinovirus genome load. The interaction analysis included the effect of rhinovirus genome load (ie, copy number) on the effectiveness of prednisolone vs placebo on the main outcome. keywords: asthma; children; control; load; medication; rhinovirus; wheezing cache: cord-263556-y8vx4ie2.txt plain text: cord-263556-y8vx4ie2.txt item: #33 of 76 id: cord-267835-ic0oqqln author: Jones, K. title: Management of acute asthma attacks associated with respiratory tract infection: a postal survey of general practitioners in the U.K. date: 1996-08-31 words: 3760 flesch: 56 summary: In spite of such recommendations, preliminary discussions with GP colleagues suggested a widespread use of antibiotics in asthma attacks associated with respiratory tract infection, and a wide diversity about the management of acute asthma attacks in general. There is a need to examine further the proper role, if any, of antibiotics in such situations, to determine the optimum dose and course length of oral steroid therapy, and to continue validating the use of self-management plans in acute asthma management. keywords: adult; asthma; child; general; gps; management cache: cord-267835-ic0oqqln.txt plain text: cord-267835-ic0oqqln.txt item: #34 of 76 id: cord-269554-fzu6dy4e author: Hussein, M. H. title: Asthma in COVID-19: An extra chain fitting around the neck? date: 2020-07-15 words: 3093 flesch: 45 summary: Univariate analysis revealed that asthma patients were more likely to be obese (75% vs 54.2%, p=0.001), with higher frequency of intubation (40.3% vs 27.8%, p = 0.036), and required longer duration of hospitalization (15.1{+/-}12.5 vs 11.5{+/-}10.6, p=0.015). We sought to analyze the effect of asthma on the disease progression and outcomes of COVID-19 patients. keywords: asthma; asthmatic; covid-19; license; medrxiv; outcomes; patients; preprint cache: cord-269554-fzu6dy4e.txt plain text: cord-269554-fzu6dy4e.txt item: #35 of 76 id: cord-270647-vn4kirrx author: Romero-Espinoza, Jose A. title: Virome and bacteriome characterization of children with pneumonia and asthma in Mexico City during winter seasons 2014 and 2015 date: 2018-02-15 words: 3518 flesch: 43 summary: Molecular detection of human rhinoviruses in respiratory samples: a comparison of Taqman probe-, SYBR green I-and BOXTObased real-time PCR assays Detection and Characterization of respiratory viruses causing Acute Respiratory Illness and Asthma Exacerbation in children during Three Different Season (2011-2014) in Mexico City. The role of respiratory viruses in the etiology of bacterial pneumonia: keywords: asthma; children; diseases; dna;; pneumonia; reads; samples; tract; viruses cache: cord-270647-vn4kirrx.txt plain text: cord-270647-vn4kirrx.txt item: #36 of 76 id: cord-270834-b625s54s author: Robinson, Lacey B. title: COVID-19 severity in hospitalized patients with asthma: A matched cohort study date: 2020-10-22 words: 544 flesch: 50 summary: In the fully adjusted model, the risk of ICU admission was lower among asthma patients than 116 comparators (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 0.52, 95%CI:0.30-0.90) ( Table II) . In the fully 118 adjusted model, the risk of mechanical ventilation was lower among asthma patients than 119 comparators (aHR 0.42, 95%CI: 0.21-0.81). keywords: asthma; patients cache: cord-270834-b625s54s.txt plain text: cord-270834-b625s54s.txt item: #37 of 76 id: cord-271790-3s8o774l author: Pinto Mendes, J. title: The role of infection in asthma date: 2008-10-31 words: 13929 flesch: 41 summary: A estimulação virusal pode originar uma interconversão das células plasmacitóides em mielóides, passando -se, em relação aos alergénios inalados, de um comportamento tolerogénico para o aumento da resposta, com perfil atópico 57 .Um importante handicap, sobretudo para as populações em risco de atopia e de asma. Como se explicaria, naquela base, o aumento paralelo da prevalência das doenças inflamatórias autoimunes, de expressão Th 1, e de asma e atopia 71 , ou o facto de as doen ças autoimunes terem elevada prevalência nos asmáticos 64 ? keywords: airway; allergy; anti; asma; asma e; asthma; asthmatic; atopia; cd14; cells; children; com; como; crianças; células; da asma; das; dos; e da; endotoxin; estudos; exposição; exposure; gene; hygiene; hypothesis; infection; infecção; infecções; inflammation; life; mais; mas; mendes; modulaçâo; nos; não; para; por; que; response; resposta; risk; role; rsv; ser; studies; uma; vida; virus; viruses; vsr cache: cord-271790-3s8o774l.txt plain text: cord-271790-3s8o774l.txt item: #38 of 76 id: cord-272742-q37xxkja author: Mei‐Zahav, Meir title: Aerosol treatments for childhood asthma in the era of COVID‐19 date: 2020-06-08 words: 253 flesch: 46 summary: Meir Mei-Zahav MD 1, 2 Israel Amirav MD 2,3,4 1 Factors involved in the aerosol transmission of infection and control of ventilation in healthcare premises Prevention and control of influenza during a pandemic for all healthcare settings Aerosol and surface stability of SARS-CoV-2 as compared with SARS-CoV-1 N Holding chambers (spacers) versus nebulisers for beta-agonist treatment of acute asthma The Canadian Paediatric Society Practice Point. key: cord-272742-q37xxkja authors: Mei‐Zahav, Meir; Amirav, Israel title: Aerosol treatments for childhood asthma in the era of COVID‐19 date: 2020-06-08 journal: keywords: asthma cache: cord-272742-q37xxkja.txt plain text: cord-272742-q37xxkja.txt item: #39 of 76 id: cord-280210-6xivdgvt author: Eichner, E. Randy title: Writing on Sports Medicine in Pandemic Times date: 2020-07-08 words: 1661 flesch: 72 summary: A laboratory study even suggests that allergic asthma may fend off severe COVID-19. Health organizations cautioned that those with asthma may be at higher risk, but they based this on questionnaires with an umbrella box (to check or not) that included asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or emphysema. keywords: antibody; asthma; covid-19; history; quarantine cache: cord-280210-6xivdgvt.txt plain text: cord-280210-6xivdgvt.txt item: #40 of 76 id: cord-280859-3ff72mlq author: Abe, Nozomi title: Multi‐season analyses of causative pathogens in children hospitalized with asthma exacerbation date: 2019-08-12 words: 2952 flesch: 35 summary: Zheng et al 25 reported that RV type A infection with high viral load leads to severe asthma exacerbation; we therefore speculate that the difference in the viral load of subjects between RV type A and type C may reflect similar results in asthma exacerbation intensity and asthma severity in our study. There was no seasonality of pathogen types associated with asthma exacerbation although a sporadic prevalence of EV‐D68 was observehinovirud. keywords: asthma; children; exacerbation; infection; patients; rsv cache: cord-280859-3ff72mlq.txt plain text: cord-280859-3ff72mlq.txt item: #41 of 76 id: cord-281844-c0uhcatg author: Costa, Lusmaia D.C. title: Exacerbation of asthma and airway infection: is the virus the villain? date: 2014-12-31 words: 6550 flesch: 37 summary: The impact of viral respiratory infection on the severity and recovery from an asthma exacerbation Symptomatic viral infection is associated with impaired response to treatment in children with acute asthma Newly identified respiratory viruses in children with asthma exacerbation not requiring admission to hospital Understanding the September asthma epidemic Seasonality and prevalence of respiratory pathogens detected by multiplex PCR at a tertiary care medical center Innate immunity in the pathogenesis of virus-induced asthma exacerbations Sentinel surveillance of influenza and other respiratory viruses, Brazil Variação sazonal nos atendimentos de emergência por asma em Gama Effect of seasonality on the occurrence of respiratory symptoms in a Brazilian city with a tropical climate Prevalência dos atendimentos por crises de asma nos serviços públicos do Município de Juiz de Fora (MG) Study of modifiable risk factors for asthma exacerbations: virus infection and allergen exposure increase the risk of asthma hospital admissions in children Risk factors for wheezing in a subtropical environment: Role of respiratory viruses and allergen sensitization Associations between environmental exposures and asthma control and exacerbations in young children: a systematic review Smoke-free legislation and hospitalizations for childhood asthma Personal exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) and the severity of virus-induced asthma in children Health effects of indoor nitrogen dioxide and passive smoking on urban asthmatic children Environmental tobacco smoke exposure and nocturnal symptoms among inner-city children with asthma Results of a home-based environmental intervention among urban children with asthma Guidelines reduce X-ray and blood gas utilization in acute asthma Basic Research on virus-induced asthma exacerbation: inhibition of inflammatory chemokine expression by fluticasone propionate Respiratory viral infections in children with asthma: do they matter and can we prevent them? 4 Considering the possibility of a causal relationship between respiratory virus infection and the triggering of asthma attacks in children, the implications of this association, as well as the possibility of specific prophylaxis and therapy for these agents, special attention to this subject is justified. keywords: association; asthma; children; detection; exacerbations; hrv; infection; patients; pcr; studies; viruses; years cache: cord-281844-c0uhcatg.txt plain text: cord-281844-c0uhcatg.txt item: #42 of 76 id: cord-283870-b9hvcrd1 author: Castillo, Jamee R. title: Asthma Exacerbations: Pathogenesis, Prevention, and Treatment date: 2017-08-31 words: 5608 flesch: 30 summary: Asthma exacerbations are most commonly triggered by viral respiratory infections, particularly with human rhinovirus. Given the importance of these events to asthma morbidity and health care costs, we will review common inciting factors for asthma exacerbations and approaches to prevent and treat these events. keywords: airway; asthma; children; control; corticosteroids; dose; exacerbations; ics; patients; therapy; treatment cache: cord-283870-b9hvcrd1.txt plain text: cord-283870-b9hvcrd1.txt item: #43 of 76 id: cord-284313-rg3krh7d author: Wood, Lisa G. title: Persistent Airway Obstruction After Virus Infection Is Not Associated With Airway Inflammation date: 2007-02-28 words: 3832 flesch: 36 summary: Methods:Subjects (n = 40) were recruited at hospital admission for acute asthma exacerbation. Persistent airway obstruction following acute asthma exacerbation is a significant clinical problem. keywords: airway; asthma; exacerbation; group; obstruction; postexacerbation; recovery; subjects; virus cache: cord-284313-rg3krh7d.txt plain text: cord-284313-rg3krh7d.txt item: #44 of 76 id: cord-286328-ap0wfjhq author: Lewis, Toby C. title: Nasal cytokine responses to natural colds in asthmatic children date: 2012-11-26 words: 4780 flesch: 41 summary: Our finding that IRF7 mRNA is elevated after respiratory viral infection in children with asthma is validated by a recent study analysing patterns of gene expression in nasal lavage samples from children experiencing picornavirus-induced asthma exacerbations Our ability to detect statistically significant changes in specific mRNAs and proteins using the current study design suggests that this is a viable approach for use in future investigations, for example, studies examining whether an early adjustment of asthma medications could abort or temper the impact of respiratory viral infections. keywords: asthma; cells; children; cytokines; ifn; infection; levels; nasal; rhinovirus; samples; symptoms cache: cord-286328-ap0wfjhq.txt plain text: cord-286328-ap0wfjhq.txt item: #45 of 76 id: cord-288344-8dar2p3j author: Yang, Xiaoyu title: The rescue intervention strategy for asthma patients under severe air pollution: a protocol for a single-centre prospective randomized controlled trial date: 2020-11-04 words: 4683 flesch: 49 summary: Studies have shown that air pollution is a high-risk factor for asthma exacerbations. The primary outcome is the frequency of asthma exacerbations per year. keywords: air; asthma; data; exacerbations; group; intervention; participants; pollution; study cache: cord-288344-8dar2p3j.txt plain text: cord-288344-8dar2p3j.txt item: #46 of 76 id: cord-289697-g24xib4l author: MacDowell, Ana L. title: Infectious triggers of asthma date: 2005-03-01 words: 7780 flesch: 33 summary: Serum IgE levels in white and metis communities in Saskatchewan Hay fever, hygiene, and household size Viral induction of a chronic asthma phenotype and genetic segregation from the acute response Recurrent wheezy bronchitis and viral respiratory infections Viral respiratory infections in asthamtic children staying in a mountain resort Microbiology and epidemiology of upper respiratory tract infections Acute respiratory illness in the community: frequency of illness and the agents involved Repeat consultations after antibiotic prescribing for respiratory infection: a study in one general practice The economic burden of non-influenza-related viral respiratory tract infection in the United States Risk factors for lower respiratory complications of rhinovirus infections in elderly people living in the community: prospective cohort study Community study of role of viral infections in exacerbations of asthma in 9-11 year old children Viral respiratory tract infections and exacerbations of asthma in adult patients Viruses as precipitants of asthma symptoms. Viral infections commonly trigger asthma exacerbations, having been noted in nearly half of asthma exacerbations in adults [10] and in an even greater percentage of exacerbations in children. keywords: acute; age; asthma; children; exacerbations; infection; influenza; patients; pneumoniae; rsv; study; virus; wheezing cache: cord-289697-g24xib4l.txt plain text: cord-289697-g24xib4l.txt item: #47 of 76 id: cord-293678-jfjc7wjb author: Haroun-Díaz, Elisa title: SEVERE ASTHMA DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: CLINICAL OBSERVATIONS date: 2020-06-27 words: 335 flesch: 26 summary: Severe asthma affects 3.9% of asthmatic patients (5). The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence and characterization of COVID-19 120 infection among patients with severe asthma according to ERS/ATS criteria who 121 presented to our allergy department during the COVID-19 pandemic. keywords: asthma; patients cache: cord-293678-jfjc7wjb.txt plain text: cord-293678-jfjc7wjb.txt item: #48 of 76 id: cord-295575-zgta5ah8 author: Howard, Evin title: The Impact of Ambient Environmental Exposures to Microbial Products on Asthma Outcomes from Birth to Childhood date: 2019-11-28 words: 6939 flesch: 44 summary: Genetic variations among individuals also mitigate the effects of microbial products on asthma development and symptom severity. Viral products are related to asthma-associated hospital admissions; and the climate and patient genetics can also temper or intensify the relationships between microbial products, asthma development, and asthma symptom severity. keywords: age; asthma; children; development; endotoxin; exposure; fungal; products; studies; study cache: cord-295575-zgta5ah8.txt plain text: cord-295575-zgta5ah8.txt item: #49 of 76 id: cord-299672-dq1y1gkc author: Leung, Ting Fan title: Multiplex Molecular Detection of Respiratory Pathogens in Children With Asthma Exacerbation date: 2010-02-28 words: 3647 flesch: 46 summary: The objectives of this study were: (1) to investigate the importance of different respiratory patho gens in childhood asthma exacerbation, and (2) to delineate the epidemiology of respiratory pathogens causing asthma exacerbation in Hong Kong children. key: cord-299672-dq1y1gkc authors: Leung, Ting Fan; To, Man Yin; Yeung, Apple C.M.; Wong, Yun Sze; Wong, Gary W.K.; Chan, Paul K.S. title: Multiplex Molecular Detection of Respiratory Pathogens in Children With Asthma Exacerbation date: 2010-02-28 journal: Chest DOI: 10.1378/chest.09-1250 sha: doc_id: 299672 cord_uid: dq1y1gkc Background Up to 80% of asthma exacerbations in white children are associated with viral upper respiratory infections. keywords: asthma; children; exacerbation; group; hrv; pathogens; patients; pcr; study cache: cord-299672-dq1y1gkc.txt plain text: cord-299672-dq1y1gkc.txt item: #50 of 76 id: cord-300311-eah49b3g author: Bueving, Herman J. title: What is the role of virus vaccination in patients with asthma? date: 2007-05-30 words: 2985 flesch: 41 summary: A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial Influenza vaccination in children with asthma: randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial Until now, the only RCT investigating the clinical effectiveness of influenza vaccination in children Burden of influenza in children in the community Invited Commentary: Use of selective viral cultures to adjust nonvirologic endpoints in studies of influenza vaccine efficacy Incidence of influenza and associated illness in children aged 0-19 years: a systematic review Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults Assessment of the efficacy and effectiveness of influenza vaccines in healthy children: systematic review Methodological quality of studies and patient age as major sources of variation in efficacy estimates of influenza vaccination in healthy adults: a meta-analysis Clinical effectiveness of conventional influenza vaccination in asthmatic children Effectiveness of influenza vaccine for the prevention of asthma exacerbations Influenza vaccination in patients with asthma: effect on the frequency of upper respiratory tract infections and exacerbations Vaccines for preventing influenza in people with asthma. The spectrum of viruses found consists of rhinovirus, coronavirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), influenza virus, and an assortment of other viruses. keywords: asthma; children; exacerbations; influenza; patients; vaccination cache: cord-300311-eah49b3g.txt plain text: cord-300311-eah49b3g.txt item: #51 of 76 id: cord-301022-0q2ertja author: Mims, James W. title: Inhalant Allergies in Children date: 2011-04-29 words: 7632 flesch: 41 summary: Marchisio and colleagues 86 found that the poor correlation between adenoid size and clinical nasal obstruction was worse in allergic children, presumably because of turbinate hypertrophy playing a larger role. If turbinate hypertrophy is more frequently the cause of nasal obstruction in allergic children relative to adenoid hypertrophy, nasal steroid sprays or other management of the child's allergies should be carefully considered in the treatment of their nasal obstruction. keywords: age; allergies; allergy; asthma; atopic; children; disease; inhalant; rhinitis; risk; study; wheezing; years cache: cord-301022-0q2ertja.txt plain text: cord-301022-0q2ertja.txt item: #52 of 76 id: cord-303606-ypkia5x1 author: Lee, So-lun title: Is respiratory viral infection really an important trigger of asthma exacerbations in children? date: 2011-03-30 words: 3529 flesch: 42 summary: Our result was comparable to a clinic-based prospective study [19] and more closely matched to the Canadian case-control study conducted in September 2001 before the epidemics of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in which 62% of asthma children attending emergency department for exacerbations had respiratory viruses isolated [13] . Respiratory viruses were detected in 61 of 166 episodes (36.7%). keywords: asthma; children; detection; episodes; exacerbations; infections; study; viruses cache: cord-303606-ypkia5x1.txt plain text: cord-303606-ypkia5x1.txt item: #53 of 76 id: cord-304549-e8q8mck4 author: Holgate, Stephen T. title: Genetic and environmental interaction in allergy and asthma()() date: 2005-11-02 words: 4710 flesch: 35 summary: A genome-wide search for asthma susceptibility loci in ethnically diverse populations Genetic influences of chromosome 5q31-q33 and 11q13 on specific IgE responsiveness to common inhaled allergens among African American families: Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Asthma Genome-wide search for asthma susceptibility loci in a founder population A genome-wide search for linkage to asthma: German Asthma Genetics Group Report on the Working Group on Phenotype Approaches Workshop on Genetics of Asthma: methodological approaches Promoter polymorphisms in the chromosome 5 gene cluster in asthma and atopy Common polymorphisms in the coding part of the IL-4-receptor gene Ileu50Val variant of IL-4a upregulates IgE synthesis and associates with atopic asthma The polymorphisms S530P and Q576R in the interleukin-4 receptor * gene are associated ith atopy and influence signal transduction Effect of allergy associated mutation in human IL-4RA (Q576R) on human IL-4 induced signal transduction This has been further strengthened by the findings in a recent 11,688 Danish twin pairs with use of additive and genetic and nonshared environmental modeling that 73% of asthma susceptibility was genetic and a substantial part of the variation liability of asthma was the result of environmental factors. keywords: analysis; asthma; atopy; children; disease; factors; gene; ige; il-4; linkage; phenotype; response cache: cord-304549-e8q8mck4.txt plain text: cord-304549-e8q8mck4.txt item: #54 of 76 id: cord-305838-i0ck2oo0 author: Kouri, Andrew title: CHEST Reviews: Addressing reduced laboratory-based pulmonary function testing during a pandemic date: 2020-07-08 words: 4890 flesch: 28 summary: [17] [18] [19] [20] Access to reliable pulmonary function data is particularly critical for lung transplant patients when weekly monitoring with spirometry is the gold standard care during the first 3 months post-transplant when the risk of acute graft rejection is highest. In asthma care, mHealth applications supporting patient self-management through education, medication reminders, symptom monitoring, and action plan provision have been shown to improve asthma control, medication and action plan adherence, and quality of life. keywords: asthma; copd; diagnosis; function; lung; management; oscillometry; patients; pulmonary; spirometry; testing cache: cord-305838-i0ck2oo0.txt plain text: cord-305838-i0ck2oo0.txt item: #55 of 76 id: cord-307202-iz1bo218 author: Shaw, Dominick title: Asthma date: 2014-05-02 words: 19202 flesch: 32 summary: The aim of asthma treatment is to improve symptoms, maintain lung function, and prevent exacerbations. Although there are several pharmacological options for asthma treatment (see Figure 28 .4), the two main classes remain bronchodilators (short-or long-acting) and corticosteroids. keywords: airway; approaches; association; asthma; cells; children; control; corticosteroid; disease; effects; exacerbations; factors; fev; function; gene; inflammation; leukotriene; lung; montelukast; patients; polymorphisms; protein; receptor; response; snps; studies; study; symptoms; therapy; treatment; use cache: cord-307202-iz1bo218.txt plain text: cord-307202-iz1bo218.txt item: #56 of 76 id: cord-308169-a0ft6wdy author: Custovic, A. title: EAACI position statement on asthma exacerbations and severe asthma date: 2013-11-06 words: 7718 flesch: 30 summary: Recent joint modelling of longitudinal observations on wheezing from parental reports and medical records identified a novel phenotype of persistent troublesome wheeze with high rates of severe asthma exacerbations and healthcare utilization (24) . A decline in lung function has also been associated with severe asthma exacerbations in adult asthma (4) . keywords: airway; asthma; care; childhood; children; clinical; control; disease; exacerbations; lung; need; patients; risk; studies; study; treatment cache: cord-308169-a0ft6wdy.txt plain text: cord-308169-a0ft6wdy.txt item: #57 of 76 id: cord-309421-725u6dau author: Wechsler, Michael E. title: SOURCE: a phase 3, multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of tezepelumab in reducing oral corticosteroid use in adults with oral corticosteroid dependent asthma date: 2020-10-13 words: 5803 flesch: 38 summary: Therefore, asthma treatments that allow a reduction in OCS dose or complete cessation of treatment with OCS, while maintaining control of asthma symptoms, would reduce morbidity and improve patient health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Systematic literature review of systemic corticosteroid use for asthma management Effect of dexamethasone on glucose tolerance and fat metabolism in a diet-induced obesity mouse model High-fat diet and glucocorticoid treatment cause hyperglycemia associated with adiponectin receptor alterations Corticosteroid effects on proximal femur bone loss Adverse outcomes from initiation of systemic corticosteroids for asthma: long-term observational study The cumulative burden of oral corticosteroid side effects and the economic implications of steroid use Doseresponse relationship between long-term systemic corticosteroid use and related complications in patients with severe asthma Oral glucocorticoid-sparing effect of mepolizumab in eosinophilic asthma Oral glucocorticoid-sparing effect of benralizumab in severe asthma Efficacy and safety of dupilumab in glucocorticoid-dependent severe asthma TROPOS: designing a clinical trial to evaluate the oral corticosteroid-sparing effect of a biologic in severe asthma Long-term safety and efficacy of benralizumab in patients with severe, uncontrolled asthma: 1-year results from the BORA phase 3 extension trial Liberty asthma QUEST: phase 3 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group study to evaluate dupilumab efficacy/safety in patients with uncontrolled, moderate-to-severe asthma Omalizumab for asthma in adults and children Human epithelial cells trigger dendritic cell mediated allergic inflammation by producing TSLP Increased expression of immunoreactive thymic stromal lymphopoietin in patients with severe asthma Thymic stromal lymphopoietin is released by human epithelial cells in response to microbes, trauma, or inflammation and potently activates mast cells Expression and cellular provenance of thymic stromal lymphopoietin and chemokines in patients with severe asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Thymic stromal lymphopoietin expression is increased in asthmatic airways and correlates with expression of Th2-attracting chemokines and disease severity Directional secretory response of double stranded RNA-induced thymic stromal lymphopoetin (TSLP) and CCL11/eotaxin-1 in human asthmatic airways Characteristics associated with clinical severity and inflammatory phenotype of naturally occurring virus-induced exacerbations of asthma in adults Steroid resistance of airway type 2 innate lymphoid cells from patients with severe asthma: the role of thymic stromal lymphopoietin Tezepelumab in adults with uncontrolled asthma Effects of an anti-TSLP antibody on allergen-induced asthmatic responses Tezepelumab treatment effect on annualized rate of exacerbations by baseline biomarkers in uncontrolled severe asthma patients: phase 2b PATHWAY study Development of a glucocorticoid toxicity index (GTI) using multicriteria decision analysis Tezepelumab granted Breakthrough Therapy Designation by US FDA Accessed 16 Corticosteroid tapering with benralizumab treatment for eosinophilic asthma: PONENTE trial Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations keywords: asthma; control; dose; effect; ocs; patients; phase; reduction; study; tezepelumab; treatment cache: cord-309421-725u6dau.txt plain text: cord-309421-725u6dau.txt item: #58 of 76 id: cord-312613-1nl7q6cy author: Luz Garcia-Garcia, M. title: Pediatric Asthma and Viral Infection() date: 2016-03-26 words: 4095 flesch: 34 summary: Asthma in the United States: burden and current theories Epidemiology of asthma: prevalence and burden of disease Community study of role of viral infections in exacerbations of asthma in 9-11 year old children Frequent detection of human rhinoviruses, paramyxoviruses, coronaviruses, and bocavirus during acute respiratory tract infections Role of emerging respiratory viruses in children with severe acute wheezing Hospitalizations and outpatient visits for rhinovirus-associated acute respiratory illness in adults The role of respiratory virus infections in childhood asthma inception Asthma as a chronic disease of the innate and adaptive immune systems responding to viruses and allergens What's in the name? A cohort study Preschool asthma after bronchiolitis in infancy The outcome after severe bronchiolitis is related to gender and virus A novel group of rhinoviruses is associated with asthma hospitalizations Rhinovirus illnesses during infancy predict subsequent childhood wheezing Wheezing rhinovirus illnesses in early life predict asthma development in highrisk children Decreased lung function after preschool wheezing rhinovirus illnesses in children at risk to develop asthma Rhinovirus bronchiolitis and recurrent wheezing: 1-year follow-up Adolescent asthma after rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis A newly discovered human pneumovirus isolated from young children with respiratory tract disease Human metapneumovirus bronchiolitis in infancy is an important risk factor for asthma at age 5 Cloning of a human parvovirus by molecular screening of respiratory tract samples Recurrent wheezing and asthma after bocavirus bronchiolitis The effect of respiratory syncytial virus on subsequent recurrent wheezing in atopic and nonatopic children Causal direction between respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis and asthma studied in monozygotic twins Neonatal bronchial hyperresponsiveness precedes acute severe viral bronchiolitis in infants Evidence for a causal relationship between allergic sensitization and rhinovirus wheezing in early life Detection of new respiratory viruses in hospitalized infants with bronchiolitis: a three-year prospective study Influence of maternal asthma on the cause and severity of infant acute respiratory tract infections keywords: age; asthma; bronchiolitis; children; infections; rhinovirus; risk; rsv; wheezing; years cache: cord-312613-1nl7q6cy.txt plain text: cord-312613-1nl7q6cy.txt item: #59 of 76 id: cord-312952-9gbb4own author: WARDZYŃSKA, ALEKSANDRA title: The profile of respiratory pathogens in induced sputum of elderly and non-elderly asthmatics date: 2020-01-20 words: 2992 flesch: 42 summary: This technique was chosen for the present study, to test the hypothesis that elderly patients with asthma display a different profile of respiratory pathogens in the airways as compared to non-elderly asthmatics, and that this profile may be related to local airway and/or systemic inflammation. The presence of Influenza A virus in the airways of stable asthma patients (without any clinical signs of infection) was associated with lower respiratory function and RSV B with a lower percentage of lymphocytes in the IS. keywords: asthma; asthmatics; pathogens; patients; presence; sputum; study; viruses cache: cord-312952-9gbb4own.txt plain text: cord-312952-9gbb4own.txt item: #60 of 76 id: cord-320431-0877trhh author: Frey, Andreas title: More Than Just a Barrier: The Immune Functions of the Airway Epithelium in Asthma Pathogenesis date: 2020-04-28 words: 15249 flesch: 26 summary: Implications for asthma Intrinsic phenotypic differences of asthmatic epithelium and its inflammatory responses to respiratory syncytial virus and air pollution Sputum E-cadherin and asthma severity New insights into airway epithelial barrier function in health and disease Barrier responses of human bronchial epithelial cells to grass pollen exposure House dust mite-induced calcium signaling instigates epithelial barrier dysfunction and CCL20 production Quantitative structural and biochemical analyses of tight junction dynamics following exposure of epithelial cells to house dust mite allergen Der p 1 Der p 1 facilitates transepithelial allergen delivery by disruption of tight junctions Characterisation of cell adhesion in airway epithelial cell types using electric cell-substrate impedance sensing Barrier disrupting effects of alternaria alternata extract on bronchial epithelium from asthmatic donors A fungal protease allergen provokes airway hyper-responsiveness in asthma Pollen proteases compromise the airway epithelial barrier through degradation of transmembrane adhesion proteins and lung bioactive peptides Environmental changes could enhance the biological effect of Hop J pollens on human airway epithelial cells Pollen proteolytic enzymes degrade tight junctions PAR2 activation interrupts E-cadherin adhesion and compromises the airway epithelial barrier: protective effect of beta-agonists Interactions of airway epithelium with protease allergens in the allergic response Dust mite-derived Der f 3 activates a pro-inflammatory program in airway epithelial cells via PAR-1 and PAR-2 Respiratory syncytial virus infection in adults Human Metapneumovirus: mechanisms and molecular targets used by the virus to avoid the immune system MAPK and heat shock protein 27 activation are associated with respiratory syncytial virus induction of human bronchial epithelial monolayer disruption Rhinovirus-induced barrier dysfunction in polarized airway epithelial cells is mediated by NADPH oxidase 1 Rhinovirus delays cell repolarization in a model of injured/regenerating human airway epithelium Effect of human rhinovirus infection on airway epithelium tight junction protein disassembly and transepithelial permeability Sustained protein kinase D activation mediates respiratory syncytial virus-induced airway barrier disruption Rhinovirus C targets ciliated airway epithelial cells The gene structure and replication of influenza virus newly discovered human pneumovirus isolated from young children with respiratory tract disease Viral protein requirements for assembly and release of human parainfluenza virus type 3 virus-like particles The morphology and assembly of respiratory syncytial virus revealed by cryo-electron tomography Viral diversity in asthma age and respiratorysecretion-specific prevalence of respiratory viruses associated with asthma exacerbation: a literature review Respiratory Syncytial Virus Uses CX3CR1 as a Receptor on Primary Human Airway Epithelial Cultures CX3CR1 as a respiratory syncytial virus receptor in pediatric human lung Human bocaviruses: Possible etiologic role in respiratory infection Human bocavirus: a cause of severe asthma exacerbation in children The effect of corticosteroid treatment on the cell surface glycocalyx of the rat pulmonary alveolus: relevance to the hostparasite relationship in pneumocystis carinii infection Effect of antigen on the glycoconjugate profile of tracheal secretions and the epithelial glycocalyx in allergic sheep Regulation of mucociliary clearance in health and disease Model for the transient subdiffusive behavior of particles in mucus Biological hydrogels as selective diffusion barriers Antimicrobial peptides and innate lung defenses: role in infectious and noninfectious lung diseases and therapeutic applications Role of IgA versus IgG in the control of influenza viral infection in the murine respiratory tract Functions of proteins and lipids in airway secretions Mucins: the frontline defence of the lung Structure and function of the polymeric mucins in airways mucus Structure and function of the cell surface (tethered) mucins Airway mucus function and dysfunction The MUC family: an obituary Mucins and Their Sugars. A concentrations and allergic manifestations in infants Sublingual immunotherapy alters salivary IgA and systemic immune mediators in timothy allergic children Production of salivary immunoglobulin A and suppression of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus-induced airway inflammation by local nasal immunotherapy Chronic inflammatory airway diseases: the central role of the epithelium revisited Innate immunity in the lung: how epithelial cells fight against respiratory pathogens Innate immunity in the respiratory epithelium Airway epithelial regulation of pulmonary immune homeostasis and inflammation The airway epithelium in asthma DAMPs activating innate and adaptive immune responses in COPD S100A8, S100A9 and S100A12 activate airway epithelial cells to produce MUC5AC via extracellular signal-regulated kinase and nuclear factor-κB pathways Dangerassociated molecular patterns and danger signals in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Toll-like receptors and their crosstalk with other innate receptors in infection and immunity Type I interferon response to extracellular bacteria in the airway epithelium The danger within: endogenous danger signals, atopy and asthma Innate and adaptive immune responses in asthma House dust mite allergen induces asthma via Toll-like receptor 4 triggering of airway structural cells Transcription of interleukin-25 and extracellular release of the protein is regulated by allergen proteases in airway epithelial cells TLR4 signaling in stromal cells is critical for the initiation of allergic Th2 responses to inhaled antigen Interleukin-1α controls allergic sensitization to inhaled house dust mite via the epithelial release of GM-CSF and IL-33 Proteases induce production of thymic stromal lymphopoietin by airway epithelial cells through proteaseactivated receptor-2 Allergens and the airway epithelium response: gateway to allergic sensitization Commensal bacteria-derived signals regulate basophil hematopoiesis and allergic inflammation Innate lymphoid cells: critical regulators of allergic inflammation and tissue repair in the lung Klebsiella pneumoniae increases the levels of Toll-like receptors 2 and 4 in human airway epithelial cells Various human epithelial cells express functional Toll-like receptors, NOD1 and NOD2 to produce antimicrobial peptides, but not proinflammatory cytokines Role of double-stranded RNA pattern recognition receptors in rhinovirus-induced airway epithelial cell responses Dynamic cross talk model of the epithelial innate immune response to double-stranded RNA stimulation: coordinated dynamics emerging from cell-level noise Respiratory syncytial virus induces TLR3 protein and protein kinase R, leading to increased double-stranded RNA responsiveness in airway epithelial cells Cutting Edge: keywords: airway; airway epithelium; allergen; allergic; asthma; barrier; bronchial; cells; chronic; cytokines; disease; epithelial; expression; function; human; iga; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; lung; mucus; production; proteins; receptor; response; rhinovirus; role; specific; th2; virus cache: cord-320431-0877trhh.txt plain text: cord-320431-0877trhh.txt item: #61 of 76 id: cord-321824-zbo75ki3 author: Coverstone, Andrea M. title: Beyond Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Rhinovirus in the Pathogenesis and Exacerbation of Asthma: The Role of Metapneumovirus, Bocavirus and Influenza Virus date: 2019-05-16 words: 4271 flesch: 35 summary: In people with asthma exacerbations, the detection rate of influenza virus is approximately 10% worldwide, 4 but, during a flu season, the prevalence of influenza viruses can be as high as 20% in wheezing infants and 20% to 25% in adults with acute asthma exacerbations. In mouse models, this protective effect of allergic asthma on influenza infection has been recapitulated and the increased eosinophil levels in asthmatic airways may be one of the mechanisms. keywords: asthma; children; hmpv; infection; influenza; respiratory; viruses; wheezing cache: cord-321824-zbo75ki3.txt plain text: cord-321824-zbo75ki3.txt item: #62 of 76 id: cord-323761-9m177ozm author: Wang, Huijie title: Asthma in Pregnancy: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Whole-Course Management, and Medication Safety date: 2020-02-22 words: 6840 flesch: 37 summary: In a systematic review of 13 randomized-placebo controlled trials, the use of anticholinergic tiotropium ameliorates asthma control in patients with moderate symptomatic asthma who have already received medium-to-high doses ICS or ICS/LABA [44] , while there are few studies on the use of anticholinergics in asthma patients during pregnancy. It is generally believed that one-third of asthma patients are aggravated due to pregnancy, and most occur in the middle of pregnancy; one-third improved, and no significant changes are observed in the remaining 1/3 of patients. keywords: asthma; control; effects; ics; outcomes; patients; pregnancy; risk; studies; study; treatment; use; women cache: cord-323761-9m177ozm.txt plain text: cord-323761-9m177ozm.txt item: #63 of 76 id: cord-327610-cm3vkpcn author: Fukuda, Yosuke title: Virus-Induced Asthma Exacerbations: SIRT1 Targeted Approach date: 2020-08-13 words: 8213 flesch: 33 summary: A previous study confirmed elevated expression of interferon (IFN) and Type 2 cytokines analyzed from bronchosorption and nasosorption in asthma patients infected with HRV [8] . Despite recent advances in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying asthma exacerbations, current therapeutic modalities are inadequate for complete prevention and treatment of these episodes. keywords: activation; airway; asthma; cells; disease; epithelial; exacerbations; expression; infection; inflammation; model; mouse; patients; resveratrol; role; sirt1; study; treatment; virus cache: cord-327610-cm3vkpcn.txt plain text: cord-327610-cm3vkpcn.txt item: #64 of 76 id: cord-328918-nc0a77r6 author: Kuczia, Pawel title: Citrullinated histone H3, a marker of extracellular trap formation, is increased in blood of stable asthma patients date: 2020-07-13 words: 4462 flesch: 40 summary: H3cit was increased in asthma patients receiving systemic steroids (p = 0.02), as well as in subjects with BAL eosinophilia above 144 cells/ml (p = 0.02). Asthma patients were eligible if they had no exacerbation during the preceding 6 months. keywords: asthma; asthmatics; bal; blood; disease; ets; formation; h3cit; patients; serum; traps cache: cord-328918-nc0a77r6.txt plain text: cord-328918-nc0a77r6.txt item: #65 of 76 id: cord-332053-df44guu7 author: Malka, Jonathan title: The Effect of Viral Infection on Exhaled Nitric Oxide in Children with Acute Asthma Exacerbations date: 2015-07-26 words: 4759 flesch: 47 summary: In this study of children with asthma, we sought to determine whether FENO levels were elevated during acute asthma exacerbations. We found FENO levels to be the highest in children with acute asthma exacerbations that were not associated with viral infections [PCR(À)]. keywords: asthma; baseline; children; exacerbation; feno; levels; nitric; oxide; pcr; virus cache: cord-332053-df44guu7.txt plain text: cord-332053-df44guu7.txt item: #66 of 76 id: cord-332298-ig1j5z07 author: Couetil, Laurent title: Equine Asthma: Current Understanding and Future Directions date: 2020-07-30 words: 15567 flesch: 30 summary: -reported coughing and nasal discharge are associated with clinical findings, arterial oxygen tension, mucus score and bronchoprovocation in horses with recurrent airway obstruction in a field setting Physiological measurements and prevalence of lower airway diseases in trotters with dorsal displacement of the soft palate The occurrence of dynamic structural disorders in the pharynx and larynx, at rest and during exercise, in horses diagnosed with mild and moderate equine asthma (inflammatory airway disease) Indeed, 19 years ago, Robinson et al. found that even in horses with historical severe EA, clinical score failed to reflect low-grade airway obstruction, and suggested that without easily used, field-accessible testing equipment, lower airway disease would go underdiagnosed (53) . keywords: airway; analysis; asthma; bal; cells; cytology; development; diagnosis; disease; equine; field; function; group; horses; human; inflammation; inflammatory; lung; mucus; obstruction; performance; racing; recurrent; research; signs; studies; study; tracheal cache: cord-332298-ig1j5z07.txt plain text: cord-332298-ig1j5z07.txt item: #67 of 76 id: cord-332737-iclruwmx author: Webley, Wilmore C. title: Infection-mediated asthma: etiology, mechanisms and treatment options, with focus on Chlamydia pneumoniae and macrolides date: 2017-05-19 words: 7493 flesch: 37 summary: Over the past three decades, animal models of asthma have been extensively utilized to elucidate mechanisms of the disease, determine the activities of genes of interest, investigate cellular pathways and predict the safety and efficacy of various drugs being considered for asthma treatment. The question then remains; what factors determine if a viral respiratory infection provokes the onset of chronic asthma? keywords: airway; asthma; azithromycin; chlamydia; chronic; disease; evidence; infection; life; lung; patients; pneumoniae; studies; treatment; trial cache: cord-332737-iclruwmx.txt plain text: cord-332737-iclruwmx.txt item: #68 of 76 id: cord-333175-klnxnxwm author: Hussein, Mohammad H. title: Asthma in COVID-19 patients: An extra chain fitting around the neck? date: 2020-11-11 words: 2656 flesch: 45 summary: Univariate analysis revealed that asthma patients were more likely to be obese (75% versus 54.2%, p = 0.001), with a higher frequency of intubation (40.3% versus 27.8%, p = 0.036), and required a longer duration of hospitalization (15.1 ± 12.5 versus 11.5 ± 10.6, p = 0.015). key: cord-333175-klnxnxwm authors: Hussein, Mohammad H.; Toraih, Eman A.; Attia, Abdallah S.; Burley, Nicholas; Zhang, Allen D.; Roos, Jackson; Houghton, August; Aniemeka, Nedum; Omar, Mahmoud; Aboueisha, Mohamed; Shama, Mohamed A.; Duchesne, Juan; Kandil, Emad title: Asthma in COVID-19 patients: An extra chain fitting around the neck? date: 2020-11-11 journal: keywords: asthma; asthmatic; covid-19; disease; outcomes; patients cache: cord-333175-klnxnxwm.txt plain text: cord-333175-klnxnxwm.txt item: #69 of 76 id: cord-336562-5qmzne98 author: Auten, Richard title: Pediatric pulmonology year in review 2016: Part 2 date: 2017-04-25 words: 2540 flesch: 25 summary: comparisons and limitations of current definitions of bronchopulmonary dysplasia for the prematurity and respiratory outcomes program Lung function gain in preterm infants with and without bronchopulmonary dysplasia Mid-childhood lung function in a cohort of children with new bronchopulmonary dysplasia Global and national burden of diseases and injuries among children and adolescents between 1990 and 2013: findings from the Global Burden of Disease Viral bronchiolitis in children Predictors of asthma following severe respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) bronchiolitis in early childhood Admission to hospital for bronchiolitis in England: trends over five decades, geographical variation and association with perinatal characteristics and subsequent asthma Bronchiolitis: analysis of 10 consecutive epidemic seasons Acute viral bronchiolitis: physician perspectives on definition and clinically important outcomes Spatial clusters of child lower respiratory illnesses associated with community-level risk factors Value in inpatient pediatrics network quality collaborative for improving hospital compliance with AAP bronchiolitis guideline (BQIP). In another study with practical implications, Heikkila et al 59 Factors influencing delivered mean airway pressure during nasal CPAP with the RAM cannula Diagnostic accuracy of capnography during high-frequency ventilation in neonatal intensive care units The effect of prolonged lateral positioning during routine care on regional lung volume changes in preterm infants Role of electrical impedance tomography in clinical practice in pediatric respiratory medicine FGR in the setting of preterm sterile intra-uterine milieu is associated with a decrease in RDS Association of BNP, NTproBNP, and early postnatal pulmonary hypertension in very preterm infants Bronchopulmonary dysplasia impairs L-type amino acid transporter-1 expression in human and baboon lung Pulmonary ventilation and micro-structural findings in congenital diaphragmatic hernia Neonatal hyperoxia increases airway reactivity and inflammation in adult mice Perinatal nicotine exposure induces myogenic differentiation, but not epithelial-mesenchymal transition in rat offspring lung Perinatal nicotine exposure induces asthma in second generation offspring Respiratory effects of air pollution on children Respiratory function and symptoms in young preterm children in the contemporary era Four-locus gene interaction between IL13, IL4, FCER1B, and ADRB2 for asthma in Chinese Han children DNA methylation in newborns and maternal smoking in pregnancy: genome-wide consortium metaanalysis Associations of early life exposures and environmental factors with asthma among children in rural and urban areas of Guangdong Vitamin D and pulmonary function in obese asthmatic children Sex differences in the association between neck circumference and asthma Lifetime exposure to ambient pollution and lung function in children Association between trafficrelated air pollution and asthma in preschool children in a national Japanese nested case-control study Postpartum depression, a direct and mediating risk factor for preschool wheeze in girls Prenatal maternal stress and atopic diseases in the child: a systematic review of observational human studies Looking beyond patients: can parents' quality of life predict asthma control in children? keywords: asthma; bronchiolitis; children; function; infants; lung; pulmonary cache: cord-336562-5qmzne98.txt plain text: cord-336562-5qmzne98.txt item: #70 of 76 id: cord-339578-eg19rfvi author: Garcia-Garcia, Maria Luz title: Role of viral coinfections in asthma development date: 2017-12-05 words: 3664 flesch: 40 summary: It can be hypothesized that this stronger TSLP response after viral coinfection bronchiolitis, could stimulate a vigorous production of Th2-associated effector cytokines, such as IL-4, IL-5, IL-13, as was reported in asthmatic adults by Ying et al, that could be associated with higher frequency of wheezing and asthma development later on [31] . In conclusion, asthma at the age of 6-8 is more frequent and severe in those children previously hospitalized with viral coinfection bronchiolitis compared with those with single infection. keywords: age; asthma; bronchiolitis; children; coinfections; wheezing; years cache: cord-339578-eg19rfvi.txt plain text: cord-339578-eg19rfvi.txt item: #71 of 76 id: cord-340583-kjrxrk50 author: Castro‐Rodriguez, Jose A. title: Asthma and COVID‐19 in children – a systematic review and call for data date: 2020-06-18 words: 3087 flesch: 34 summary: Summary of a Report of 72314 Cases From the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Clinical characteristics of 140 patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan Distinct characteristics of COVID-19 patients with initial rRT-PCR-positive and rRT-PCRnegative results for SARS-CoV-2. However, the largest studies to date have been limited to a description of the number of cases by age group, and so it remains unclear whether childhood asthma -or other pediatric respiratory diseases-are associated with COVID-19 risk or severity. keywords: asthma; children; clinical; covid-19; disease; patients; risk; sars cache: cord-340583-kjrxrk50.txt plain text: cord-340583-kjrxrk50.txt item: #72 of 76 id: cord-342464-6vk2oxo5 author: Edwards, Michael R. title: The microbiology of asthma date: 2012-06-06 words: 8103 flesch: 27 summary: An interesting aspect of asthma is its heterogeneous, complex nature and the fact that it can present as a chronic, stable disease and as asthma exacerbations. In this Review, we summarize the association of microorganisms with asthma, discuss the importance of such organisms for the disease and consider the idea that part of the cause and at least some of the patho genesis of asthma -in particular, of asthma exacerbations -result from microorganisms and their components. keywords: airway; asthma; cells; children; disease; exacerbations; ige; infection; inflammation; lung; patients; receptor; risk; rsv; studies; type; viruses cache: cord-342464-6vk2oxo5.txt plain text: cord-342464-6vk2oxo5.txt item: #73 of 76 id: cord-346253-0mnsm6s4 author: Ahanchian, Hamid title: Respiratory viral infections in children with asthma: do they matter and can we prevent them? date: 2012-09-13 words: 7750 flesch: 29 summary: key: cord-346253-0mnsm6s4 authors: Ahanchian, Hamid; Jones, Carmen M; Chen, Yueh-sheng; Sly, Peter D title: Respiratory viral infections in children with asthma: do they matter and can we prevent them? Viral respiratory infections are the major cause of acute asthma exacerbations and may contribute to asthma inception in high risk young children with susceptible genetic background. keywords: airway; asthma; cells; childhood; children; cold; exacerbations; hrv; infections; prevention; probiotics; rhinovirus; risk; rsv; tract; trial; vitamin cache: cord-346253-0mnsm6s4.txt plain text: cord-346253-0mnsm6s4.txt item: #74 of 76 id: cord-346751-x3gd19kq author: Kelly, Frank J. title: Air Pollution and Asthma: Critical Targets for Effective Action date: 2020-11-08 words: 6233 flesch: 40 summary: We know that air pollution is associated with the development and worsening of asthma and that improving air quality can result in respiratory health gains. Furthermore, recommendations must avoid advocating the use of inaccurate personal pollution-monitoring devices and any interventions designed to reduce air pollution exposure/the risk of adverse respiratory outcomes that are scientifically unproven. keywords: air; asthma; children; emissions; exposure; health; people; pollution; public; quality; respiratory; road; traffic; transport; urban cache: cord-346751-x3gd19kq.txt plain text: cord-346751-x3gd19kq.txt item: #75 of 76 id: cord-351129-lzzyn570 author: Lee, Jae-Hyun title: Management of Allergic Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia date: 2020-06-15 words: 3418 flesch: 40 summary: Coronavirus disease 2019 in Children -United States Intranasal corticosteroids in allergic rhinitis in COVID-19 infected patients: an ARIA-EAACI statement Atopic dermatitis: Collegium Internationale Allergologicum (CIA) update 2019 Recurrent eczema herpeticum -a retrospective European multicenter study evaluating the clinical characteristics of eczema herpeticum cases in atopic dermatitis patients Safety of dupilumab in severe atopic dermatitis and infection of COVID-19: two case reports The diagnosis and management of acute and chronic urticaria: 2014 update Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study Risk factors of critical & mortal COVID-19 cases: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis Inpatient care of patients with COVID-19: a guide for hospitalists The use of biologics for immune modulation in allergic disease COVID-19 in a MS patient treated with ocrelizumab: does immunosuppression have a protective role However, most of the biologics require periodic parenteral/subcutaneous administration, for which such patients have to visit an allergy clinic to receive medications according to a treatment protocol. keywords: asthma; children; covid-19; disease; pandemic; patients; risk; treatment cache: cord-351129-lzzyn570.txt plain text: cord-351129-lzzyn570.txt item: #76 of 76 id: cord-351565-ryjxbqno author: Johnston, S. L. title: Bronchial hyperresponsiveness and cytokines in virus‐induced asthma exacerbations date: 2006-04-27 words: 1680 flesch: 38 summary: In recent years studies employing new sensitive molecular methods of identification for the most common upper respiratory tract viruses (coronavirus and rhinovirus) have demonstrated that viral infections are associated with the majority of asthma exacerbations in children and adults in the community These data are supported by other recent studies demonstrating that virus infections are associated with more severe exacerbations of asthma requiring hospital admission in both adults and children [3] and also in asthma mortality where winter peaks of asthma deaths in adults suggest a viral aetiology [4] . keywords: asthma; studies; subjects; virus cache: cord-351565-ryjxbqno.txt plain text: cord-351565-ryjxbqno.txt