item: #1 of 45 id: cord-002586-gilnlwms author: Nahar, Nazmun title: A large-scale behavior change intervention to prevent Nipah transmission in Bangladesh: components and costs date: 2017-06-26 words: 5026 flesch: 43 summary: The implementation cost included NGO cost, mass media dissemination expenditures (local TV channel, DVDs copies and printing posters) and intervention monitoring cost. We used an activity-based costing approach to compare health interventions [16] [17] keywords: activity; affected; announcement; area; banas; bangladesh; behavior; cents; change; collection; communication; community; component; cost; data; date; disease; districts; drinking; effective; estimate; future; gachhi; health; high; impact; implementation; intervention; leaders; local; lower; materials; meetings; messages; ngo; ngos; nipah; niv; palm; palm sap; people; person; posters; prevention; public; public service; raw; raw sap; risk; rural; safe; safe sap; sap; service; spillover; start; study; table; training; transmission; virus cache: cord-002586-gilnlwms.txt plain text: cord-002586-gilnlwms.txt item: #2 of 45 id: cord-003062-qm8kalyt author: Chowdhury, Fazle Rabbi title: The association between temperature, rainfall and humidity with common climate-sensitive infectious diseases in Bangladesh date: 2018-06-21 words: 4998 flesch: 48 summary: A previous study in Chittagong, Bangladesh showed increased malaria cases with increasing temperature Table 4 . Unfortunately, very few studies on the relationship between various environmental variables and trends of infectious disease incidence have been performed so far in Bangladesh, although there are reports of some infections increasing sporadically in different regions of the country keywords: africa; association; autumn; average; bacterial; bangladesh; cases; change; china; climate; common; correlation; countries; country; data; diagnosis; diarrhea; diseases; encephalitis; enteric; fever; fig; findings; global; health; higher; highest; hospital; humidity; impact; incidence; increase; india; infectious; japanese; low; malaria; meningitis; number; period; pneumonia; positive; public; rainfall; rainy; rate; region; related; relationship; season; sensitive; significant; studies; study; table; temperature; test; transmission; vector; vulnerable; weather; years cache: cord-003062-qm8kalyt.txt plain text: cord-003062-qm8kalyt.txt item: #3 of 45 id: cord-032887-ctet5mun author: Mamun, Mohammed A. title: Depression literacy and awareness programs among Bangladeshi students: An online survey date: 2020-09-21 words: 4031 flesch: 41 summary: Moreover, there is a lack of data on whether having personal experience of depression impacts depression literacy, although it is expected that individuals exposed to depression will have higher literacy (Lincoln et al., 2006; Maneze et al., 2016) . key: cord-032887-ctet5mun authors: Mamun, Mohammed A.; Naher, Shabnam; Moonajilin, Mst. Sabrina; Jobayar, Ahsanul Mahbub; Rayhan, Istihak; Kircaburun, Kagan; Griffiths, Mark D. title: Depression literacy and awareness programs among Bangladeshi students: An online survey date: 2020-09-21 journal: Heliyon DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e04901 sha: doc_id: 32887 cord_uid: ctet5mun BACKGROUND: keywords: 2018a; arafat; awareness; bangladesh; correct; data; depression; depression literacy; differences; disorders; education; et al; experienced; factors; family; findings; gender; griffiths; health; higher; individuals; items; knowledge; level; literacy; mamun; management; mean; medical; mental; mental health; mhl; online; participants; past; personal; present; programs; related; response; scale; sciences; scores; seminars; social; students; studies; study; suicide; survey; total; university; variables; year cache: cord-032887-ctet5mun.txt plain text: cord-032887-ctet5mun.txt item: #4 of 45 id: cord-148145-qg5623s7 author: Singh, Bikash Chandra title: COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak in the Subcontinent: A data-driven analysis date: 2020-08-22 words: 5840 flesch: 51 summary: In order to find the transmission potential in the subcontinent, we used five models, namely, SIR model, Exponential growth, Sequential Bayesian method, Maximum likelihood estimation, and Time-dependent estimation, briefly described in what follows. We observe that the number of cases (black dotted line as shown in Figure 3A and in Figure 3B ) follows the number of confirmed cases expected (black line as shown in Figure 3A and Figure 3B ) by SIR model. keywords: analysis; article; bangladesh; basic; cases; china; constant; control; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; curve; data; dataset; deaths; different; disease; epidemic; estimation; figure; growth; immunity; india; infected; infectious; likelihood; maximum; methods; model; new; number; outbreak; pakistan; pandemic; parameters; people; period; population; r(t; rate; recovered; reproduction; reproduction number; sir; sir model; spread; spreading; susceptible; table; time; total; transmission; wuhan cache: cord-148145-qg5623s7.txt plain text: cord-148145-qg5623s7.txt item: #5 of 45 id: cord-252795-x66zqmgv author: Islam, Md. Akhtarul title: Depression and anxiety among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: A web-based cross-sectional survey date: 2020-08-26 words: 4014 flesch: 41 summary: Tanvir title: Depression and anxiety among university students during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: A web-based cross-sectional survey date: 2020-08-26 journal: PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238162 sha: doc_id: 252795 cord_uid: x66zqmgv The purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence of depression and anxiety among Bangladeshi university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is expected that both the government and universities could work together to fix the academic delays and financial problems to reduce depression and anxiety among university students. keywords: academic; anxiety; bangladesh; case; coronavirus; covid-19; depression; different; education; epidemic; exercise; families; family; financial; health; higher; information; likely; living; lockdown; media; mental; mild; online; outbreak; pandemic; participants; people; prevalence; problems; psychological; public; quarantine; questionnaire; research; results; severe; significant; situation; social; socio; stress; students; studies; study; survey; symptoms; times; universities; university; university students; work; world cache: cord-252795-x66zqmgv.txt plain text: cord-252795-x66zqmgv.txt item: #6 of 45 id: cord-253542-twn07poq author: Nikolay, Birgit title: Evaluating Hospital-Based Surveillance for Outbreak Detection in Bangladesh: Analysis of Healthcare Utilization Data date: 2017-01-17 words: 6905 flesch: 36 summary: We estimated the disease-specific case detection probability as the proportion of cases who reportedly sought care at a surveillance hospital among all cases identified during community surveys (number of surveillance cases/number of community cases) and computed 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) based on the Clopper-Pearson exact method [19] . Likewise, we estimated the probability of detecting at least five cases (Pr outbreak5 ) as one minus the probability of detecting no cases (Pr 0 ) and exactly one (Pr 1 ), two (Pr 2 ), three (Pr 3 ), and four cases (Pr 4 ): We investigated the representativeness of surveillance cases (sex, age, and socioeconomic group) by comparing the proportion of cases with a specific characteristic (and exact binomial confidence intervals) among community cases to the proportion of cases with that characteristic among surveillance cases. keywords: administrative; age; aged; approach; areas; bangladesh; capacity; cases; catchment; characteristics; communities; community; data; detection; dhaka; different; disease; disease cases; distance; evaluating; fatal; fatal respiratory; fig; greater; group; healthcare; hospital; house; individuals; infectious; influenza; information; international; low; neurological; neurological disease; number; outbreak; population; probabilities; probability; proportion; public; representativeness; respiratory; respiratory disease; seeking; sensitivity; settings; severe; severe neurological; small; socioeconomic; status; study; surveillance; surveillance hospital; surveys; symptoms; system; text; utilization; world cache: cord-253542-twn07poq.txt plain text: cord-253542-twn07poq.txt item: #7 of 45 id: cord-254250-l0v602x9 author: Hooper, Chantelle title: A Novel RNA Virus, Macrobrachium rosenbergii Golda Virus (MrGV), Linked to Mass Mortalities of the Larval Giant Freshwater Prawn in Bangladesh date: 2020-10-02 words: 6445 flesch: 44 summary: Global scale of freshwater prawn farming A review on the diseases of freshwater prawns with special focus on white tail disease of Macrobrachium rosenbergii Current status and prospects of farming the giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) in Bangladesh Shrimp Research Station Mass larval mortality in a giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii hatchery: An attempt to detect microbes in the berried and larvae Fishing for prawn larvae in Bangladesh: An important coastal livelihood causing negative effects on the environment Distinctive histopathology of Spiroplasma eriocheiris infection in the giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii A viral disease associated with mortalities in hatchery-reared postlarvae of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii Extra small virus-like particles (XSV) and nodavirus associated with whitish muscle disease in the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii White tail disease of the giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Thailand Experimental transmission and tissue tropism of Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus (MrNV) and its associated extra small virus (XSV) RT-PCR amplification and sequence analysis of extra small virus associated with white tail disease of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man) cultured in Taiwan Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus infection in a giant freshwater prawn hatchery in Indonesia Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Dicistrovirus Associated with Moralities of the Great Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii Infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV) infections in giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii Description of a Natural Infection with Decapod Iridescent Virus 1 in Farmed Giant Freshwater Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii Parvo-like virus in the hepatopancreas of freshwater prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii cultivated in Thailand Tolerance of Macrobrachium rosenbergii to white spot syndrome virus Clearance of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and immunological changes in experimentally WSSV-injected Macrobrachium rosenbergii In experimental challenge with infectious clones of Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus (MrNV) and extra small virus (XSV), MrNV alone can cause mortality in freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) Characterization and pathogenicity studies of Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolated from diseased freshwater prawn A Wrapper Tool around Cutadapt and FastQC to Consistently Apply Quality and Adapter Trimming to FastQ Files A Quality Control Tool for High Throughput Sequence Data Assembling Genomes and Mini-metagenomes from Highly Chimeric Reads Accurate de novo assembly of RNA virus genomes Fast and sensitive protein alignment using DIAMOND MEGAN Community Edition-Interactive Exploration and Analysis of Large-Scale Microbiome Sequencing Data Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows-Wheeler transform Genome Project Data Processing The Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools Integrative genomics viewer Evaluating next-generation sequencing alignment data Prokka: Rapid prokaryotic genome annotation GeneMarkS: A self-training method for prediction of gene starts in microbial genomes. Furthermore, RNA viruses can only be visualised indirectly in histology sections (normally associated with damaged host cells and nuclei). keywords: alignment; animals; assembly; associated; bangladesh; cause; cdna; challenge; contigs; coverage; culture; cycles; data; default; disease; eriocheiris; events; experienced; experimental; extra; figure; freshwater; gav; genome; giant; hatcheries; hatchery; head; infecting; large; larvae; libraries; library; like; loop; macrobrachium; macrobrachium rosenbergii; mass; min; monodon; moribund; mortalities; mortality; motifs; mrgv; mrnv; negative; nidoviruses; nodavirus; novel; number; order; orf3; orfs; parameters; pathogens; pcr; penaeus; polymerase; pooled; positive; post; prawn; primers; production; promega; protein; quality; river; rna; rnaspades; roniviridae; rosenbergii; sequence; shrimp; similarity; small; species; stages; structure; study; usa; utr; virus; viruses; white; xsv; yellow; yhv cache: cord-254250-l0v602x9.txt plain text: cord-254250-l0v602x9.txt item: #8 of 45 id: cord-254254-14xtxmpg author: Dhillon, Jasmine title: Controlling Nipah virus encephalitis in Bangladesh: Policy options date: 2015-04-30 words: 3816 flesch: 50 summary: Paper presented in the 3rd International One Health Conference Characterization of Nipah virus from outbreaks in Bangladesh Nipah virus in Lyle's flying foxes A Hendra virus G glycoprotein subunit vaccine protects African green monkeys from Nipah virus challenge A randomized controlled trial of interventions to impede date palm sap contamination by bats to prevent Nipah virus transmission in Bangladesh Piloting the use of indigenous methods to prevent Nipah virus infection by interrupting bats' access to date palm sap in Bangladesh Bangladesh Bans Sale of Palm Sap After an Unusually Lethal Outbreak Nipah still a major health concern Community Intervention to Prevent Nipah Spillover The Science of Public Policy. Nipah virus outbreaks in Bangladesh: A deadly infectious disease A review of Nipah and Hendra viruses with an historical aside The natural history of Hendra and Nipah viruses Nipah virus: An emergent deadly paramyxovirus infection in Bangladesh Nipah virus infection outbreak with nosocomial and corpse-tohuman transmission Foodborne transmission of Nipah virus Nipah virus outbreaks in the WHO South-East Asia Region ) Vulnerability, hysteria and fear -conquering Ebola virus In-depth assessment of an outbreak of Nipah encephalitis with person-to-person transmission in Bangladesh: Implications for prevention and control strategies Nipah virus outbreak with person-to-person transmission in a district of Bangladesh Ecological determinants of Nipah virus risk in Bangladesh: The convergence of people, bats, trees and a tasty drink. keywords: africa; bangladesh; bats; canada; care; cases; cent; communities; community; consumption; contact; contaminated; control; date; disease; dps; early; ebola; education; encephalitis; future; health; help; hendra; hospital; human; infection; information; international; livestock; local; long; nipah; nipah virus; niv; nosocomial; option; outbreak; palm; patients; people; person; pigs; policy; population; potential; prevention; public; raw; risk; sap; social; spread; surveillance; time; training; transmission; vaccine; virus; viruses cache: cord-254254-14xtxmpg.txt plain text: cord-254254-14xtxmpg.txt item: #9 of 45 id: cord-254636-3lr008th author: Shishir, Tushar Ahmed title: In silico comparative genomics of SARS-CoV-2 to determine the source and diversity of the pathogen in Bangladesh date: 2020-08-16 words: 2976 flesch: 44 summary: Rapid detection of selective pressure on individual sites of codon alignments DeepDDG: Predicting the Stability Change of Protein Point Mutations Using Neural Networks AputativediacidicmotifintheSARS-CoVORF6proteininfluencesitssubcellularlocalizationandsuppressionofexpressionofco -transfectedexpressionconstructs SARS-CoV accessory protein 7a directly interacts with human LFA-1 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Gene 7 Products Contribute to Virus-Induced Apoptosis Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus ORF7a Inhibits Bone Marrow Stromal Antigen 2 Virion Tethering through a Novel Mechanism of Glycosylation Interference The ORF8 Protein of SARS-CoV-2 Mediates Immune Evasion through Potently Downregulating MHC-I. bioRxiv The Proteins of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS CoV-2 or n-COV19), the Cause of COVID-19 COVID-2019: All mutations were synonymous and found this gene conserved In summary, mutation analysis revealed point mutations as well as deletion of base pairs. keywords: analysis; ancestral; bangladesh; chattogram; china; clades; coding; comparative; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; d614; dhaka; different; fig; genome; genomic; haplotype; isolates; mutations; narayanganj; network; non; number; pandemic; phylogenetic; pressure; protein; region; respiratory; sars; selection; sequences; spike; syndrome; table; tree; unique; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-254636-3lr008th.txt plain text: cord-254636-3lr008th.txt item: #10 of 45 id: cord-255574-gqekw0si author: Samanta, Indranil title: Chapter 14 Biosecurity Strategies for Backyard Poultry: A Controlled Way for Safe Food Production date: 2018-12-31 words: 13646 flesch: 46 summary: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations Soil as a source of dioxin contamination in eggs from free-range hens on a Polish farm Zoonotic public health hazards in backyard chickens Raising chickens in city backyards: the public health role Dynamics of Avian coronavirus circulation in commercial and non-commercial birds in Asia: a review Contact variables for exposure to Avian influenza H5N1 virus at the human-animal interface First reported incursion of highly pathogenic notifiable Avian influenza A H5N1 viruses from clade 2.3.2 into European poultry Comparison of Escherichia coli isolates implicated in human urinary tract infection and Avian colibacillosis Detection of T-and B-cell target antigens of Fowl Pox virus isolated from backyard chickens in India Molecular characterization of Fowl Pox Virus isolates from backyard poultry Possible Avian influenza (H5N1) from migratory bird Egypt An active serological survey of antibodies to newcastle disease and Avian influenza (H9N2) viruses in the unvaccinated backyard poultry in Bushehr province Pakistan poultry sector still on an upward swing Status of rural poultry production in North 24 Parganas district of West Bengal Endogenous recipes for controlling arthropod ectoparasites of domestic poultry Towards good livestock policies: backyard poultry farming through self-help groups in West Bengal Salmonella Livestock as a reservoir of extended spectrum beta lactamase producing gram negative organisms Current scenario of backyard poultry farming in West Bengal Virulence repertoire, characterization, and antibiotic resistance pattern analysis of Escherichia coli isolated from backyard layers and their environment in India Comparative possession of Shiga toxin, intimin, enterohaemolysin and major extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESBL) genes in Escherichia coli isolated from backyard and farmed poultry Prevalence and antibiotic resistance profiles of Salmonella serotypes isolated from backyard poultry flocks in West Bengal India Evaluation of egg production after adoption of biosecurity strategies by backyard poultry farmers in West Bengal Participatory evaluation of chicken health and production constraints in Ethiopia Animal sources of human salmonellosis Foodborne illness acquired in the United States-major pathogens Putative human and Avian risk factors for Avian influenza virus infections in backyard poultry in Egypt Measuring the costs of biosecurity on poultry farms: a case study in broiler production in Finland Axone, an ethnic probiotic containing food, reduces age of sexual maturity and increases poultry production Ecological sources of zoonotic diseases Open burning of household waste: effect of experimental condition on combustion quality and emission of PCDD PCDF and PCB Emergence and predominance of an H5N1 influenza variant in China Immunology of Avian influenza virus: a review Update on molecular epidemiology of H1, H5, and H7 influenza virus infections in poultry in North America Backyard poultry raising in Bangladesh: a valued resource for the villagers and a setting for zoonotic transmission of Avian influenza-a qualitative study Bangladeshi backyard poultry raisers' perceptions and practices related to zoonotic transmission of Avian influenza Variation in qualitative traits in Bhutanese indigenous chickens New outbreaks of H5N1 highly pathogenic Avian influenza in domestic poultry and wild birds in Cambodia in 2011 A framework to reduce infectious disease risk from urban poultry in the United States Diagnostic and clinical observation on the infectious bronchitis virus strain Q1 in Italy Fatty liver hemorrhagic syndrome in the backyard chicken: a retrospective histopathologic case series Poultry '04 Part Bangladesh Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations Cluster randomized trials of the impact of biosecurity measures of poultry health in backyard flocks Biosecurity measures for backyard poultry in developing countries: a systematic review Surveillance for Avian influenza and Newcastle disease in backyard poultry flocks in Côte d'Ivoire Outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes in an urban poultry flock Dairying & Fisheries (DADF), 2013. keywords: africa; aiv; analysis; animal; antibiotic; area; asia; average; avian; avian influenza; awareness; backyard; backyard birds; backyard chickens; backyard farming; backyard flocks; backyard poultry; bangladesh; bengal; biosecurity; birds; breeds; california; campylobacter; cases; characterization; chickens; chile; china; clade; clinical; coli; commercial; common; comparison; contact; control; cost; countries; country; cross; detection; developed; different; direct; disease; domestic; drinking; ducks; eggs; egypt; elkhorabi et; escherichia; et al; ethiopia; evidence; exposure; factors; family; fao; farmers; farming; farms; feed; flocks; food; fowl; free; genes; genetic; group; h5n1; h9n2; hamilton; health; higher; household; hpai; human; income; india; indigenous; infected; infection; influenza; influenza virus; island; isolates; keepers; keeping; lack; level; live; local; low; major; majority; management; measures; meat; mixed; molecular; mortality; native; ndv; new; newcastle; north; number; outbreaks; owners; pakistan; pathogenic; people; phylogenetic; poultry; poultry flocks; poultry production; practices; presence; prevalent; prevention; production; products; range; rearing; resistance; review; rice; rir; risk; role; rural; rural backyard; salmonella; samanta et; sambo; scavenging; sector; seroprevalence; sick; size; small; source; south; species; spp; states; strains; strategy; study; subtype; sultana et; survey; system; thailand; transmission; turkeys; type; united; urban; urban backyard; use; vaccination; vaccine; village; virulence; virus; viruses; washing; water; west; west et; wild; women; world; year; zealand; zheng; zone; zoonotic cache: cord-255574-gqekw0si.txt plain text: cord-255574-gqekw0si.txt item: #11 of 45 id: cord-276177-hhmd8ilk author: Islam, Abu Reza Md. Towfiqul title: Are meteorological factors enhancing COVID-19 transmission in Bangladesh? Novel findings from a compound Poisson generalized linear modeling approach date: 2020-10-28 words: 6433 flesch: 46 summary: Therefore, the results imply that AH, TDN, and MRH are the key contributing climatic variables for daily COVID-19 cases across Bangladesh. In this study, the change in daily COVID-19 cases has a strong association with AH and RH, which move southward to increase easterlies. keywords: absolute; air; analysis; april; association; bangladesh; barishal; carlo; cases; china; climatic; contributing; coronavirus; country; covid-19; covid-19 cases; cpglm; daily; data; days; deaths; disease; distribution; diurnal; divisions; effects; elevated; environmental; et al; factors; fig; highest; humidity; increase; infection; influenza; islam; lag; low; march; mean; meteorological; model; monte; mortality; mrh; new; nrh; outbreak; pandemic; parameters; poisson; potential; rainfall; random; regions; relative; sars; studies; study; tdn; temperature; time; transmission; unit; variables; virus; ° c cache: cord-276177-hhmd8ilk.txt plain text: cord-276177-hhmd8ilk.txt item: #12 of 45 id: cord-276254-q04hqra2 author: Paul, Kishor Kumar title: Comparing insights from clinic-based versus community-based outbreak investigations: a case study of chikungunya in Bangladesh date: 2020-06-02 words: 3830 flesch: 42 summary: Inference from community cases plus controls from same household J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f Incorporating controls from the households where cases reside allowed us to assess additional potential risk factors for being a case. The epidemic curve was constructed using symptom onset date of chikungunya cases. keywords: age; analysis; aor; bangladesh; blood; cases; characteristics; chikungunya; clinic; community; comprehensive; controls; data; datasets; different; disease; district; et al; factors; fever; figure; formal; healthcare; household; individuals; infection; information; investigation; key; level; likely; members; mosquito; outbreak; potential; risk; samples; seeking; sex; strategies; study; suspect; symptoms; table; virus; years cache: cord-276254-q04hqra2.txt plain text: cord-276254-q04hqra2.txt item: #13 of 45 id: cord-282303-idh7io9v author: Hassan, Md. Zakiul title: Contamination of hospital surfaces with respiratory pathogens in Bangladesh date: 2019-10-28 words: 4160 flesch: 32 summary: Muzahidul; Rahman, Mahmudur; Gurley, Emily S. title: Contamination of hospital surfaces with respiratory pathogens in Bangladesh date: 2019-10-28 journal: PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0224065 sha: doc_id: 282303 cord_uid: idh7io9v With limited infection control practices in overcrowded Bangladeshi hospitals, surfaces may play an important role in the transmission of respiratory pathogens in hospital wards and pose a serious risk of infection for patients, health care workers, caregivers and visitors. Respiratory viral and bacterial pathogens, including Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, rhinoviruses and novel coronavirus strains, can survive on hospital surfaces for days, weeks or even months. keywords: acid; adult; bacterial; bangladesh; bed; care; caregivers; case; cleaning; clinical; contaminated; contamination; control; days; detectable; family; hand; health; healthcare; hospital; human; illness; infection; influenza; klebsiella; laboratory; low; medicine; multipurpose; nearby; nosocomial; nucleic; paediatric; pathogens; patients; pneumoniae; public; rail; respiratory; respiratory pathogens; respiratory swabs; risk; severe; sheet; study; surfaces; swabs; tertiary; towel; transmission; viral; viruses; visitors; wall; wards; workers cache: cord-282303-idh7io9v.txt plain text: cord-282303-idh7io9v.txt item: #14 of 45 id: cord-283061-qr8xynn2 author: Uzzaman, Md. Nazim title: Continuing professional education for general practitioners on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: feasibility of a blended learning approach in Bangladesh date: 2020-09-28 words: 5408 flesch: 49 summary: This is timely, given that online learning with limited face-to-face contact is likely to become the norm in the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. In contrast, one trainee preferred the traditional approach because it enabled him to focus on the topic for the duration of the course, whereas online learning could too easily be postponed. keywords: analysis; approach; assessment; bangladesh; blended; blended learning; care; chronic; classes; cme; component; copd; course; data; days; discussion; disease; education; experience; face; face classes; facebook; feasibility; focus; global; gps; groups; guidelines; icddr; information; interviews; knowledge; learning; limited; management; medical; module; need; obstructive; online; participants; physicians; post; ppaq; practical; practice; preferred; previous; primary; provision; pulmonary; queries; questionnaire; research; self; sessions; similar; skills; studies; study; time; traditional; trainees; trainer; training; years cache: cord-283061-qr8xynn2.txt plain text: cord-283061-qr8xynn2.txt item: #15 of 45 id: cord-283169-v1ly657m author: Zaman, Shamrita title: Disaster risk reduction in conflict contexts: Lessons learned from the lived experiences of Rohingya refugees in Cox's bazar, Bangladesh date: 2020-06-01 words: 7903 flesch: 48 summary: International Organization for Migration (IOM) Rohingya refugee crisis and forest cover change in Teknaf Cyclone risk assessment of the Cox's Bazar district and Rohingya refugee camps in southeast Bangladesh The International Organization for Migration -Bangladesh Mission Bangladesh: UNHCR Camp Settlement and Protection Profiling -Round 6 Measuring community vulnerability to environmental hazards: a method for combining quantitative and qualitative data IBM SPSS Statistics 25 Brief Guide Pearson-Fisher chi-square statistic revisited Test of two proportions using SPSS Statistics. Lessons learned from the lived experiences of Rohingya refugees in Cox's bazar, Bangladesh date: 2020-06-01 journal: Int J Disaster Risk Reduct DOI: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101694 sha: doc_id: 283169 cord_uid: v1ly657m Bangladesh is currently hosting more than one million stateless Rohingya refugees, who fled from the Rakhine State to avoid serious crimes against humanity persecuted by the Myanmar Army. keywords: access; analysis; bangladesh; bazar; bhasan; binomial; camps; cases; cbd; change; char; classified; communities; community; construction; context; coordination; cox; crisis; cyclone; disaster; district; drr; early; education; emergency; exposure; fgds; fig; flooding; food; global; gob; government; group; hazards; high; households; humanitarian; illiterate; income; independent; international; island; issues; kits; kutupalong; landslides; learning; level; literacy; logistic; messages; model; myanmar; nations; natural; natural hazards; office; overall; participants; people; perception; plan; probability; protection; questionnaire; rakhine; reduction; refugees; regression; relocation; repatriation; research; respondents; results; risk; rohingya; rohingya refugees; safer; shelter; significant; square; state; statistical; status; strategies; study; survey; sustainable; tdks; test; total; training; unhcr; united; value; vulnerability; warning; women; years cache: cord-283169-v1ly657m.txt plain text: cord-283169-v1ly657m.txt item: #16 of 45 id: cord-283756-ycjzitlk author: Simons, Robin R. L. title: Potential for Introduction of Bat-Borne Zoonotic Viruses into the EU: A Review date: 2014-05-16 words: 14416 flesch: 51 summary: As some viruses such as coronaviruses can survive for long periods in water [157] , bat guano or even dead bats transported in bilge waters of ships could, in theory, serve as route of transport of bat viruses around the world. It should also be noted that migration could pose a risk for other bat viruses which may be present on these migration routes. keywords: aegyptiacus; aegyptiacus bats; africa; aircraft; animals; antibodies; areas; asia; assessment; australia; bangladesh; bat species; bats; bushmeat; cases; cave; central; change; commercial; congo; consumption; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; countries; cross; current; data; date; days; different; direct; disease; distribution; e.g.; east; europe; european; events; evidence; example; experimental; exposure; factors; faeces; fever; figure; flying; food; foxes; fruit; fruit bat; geographical; giganteus; guano; helvum; henipaviruses; hev; high; higher; horses; host; human; human infection; human travel; hunting; illegal; important; importation; india; individuals; infected; infection; introduction; knowledge; large; likely; limited; long; low; malaysia; marburg; marv; migration; multiple; nipah; nipah virus; niv; north; number; outbreak; palm; paper; particular; passengers; pcr; people; periods; pigs; population; positive; potential; presence; present; prevalence; products; pteropus; range; recent; regions; related; reports; result; review; risk; rna; rousettus; routes; samples; sap; seasonal; serological; significant; similar; south; species; specific; spillover; spread; states; strain; studies; study; surveillance; survival; susceptible; tcid; time; tissues; trade; transmission; travel; uganda; urine; vampyrus; viral; virus; virus infection; viruses; west; wildlife; zoonotic cache: cord-283756-ycjzitlk.txt plain text: cord-283756-ycjzitlk.txt item: #17 of 45 id: cord-284830-vaikav9m author: Ferdous, M. Z. title: Universal Health Coverage and COVID-19 Pandemic: A Bangladesh Perspective date: 2020-11-13 words: 2174 flesch: 47 summary: It estimates approximately 60% of deaths from conditions amenable to health care are due to poor quality care, whereas the remaining deaths result from non-utilization of the health system [12] . The aftermath has a significant impact on the vulnerable population by lacking social protection and access to health care services in their normal life [11] . keywords: access; author; bangladesh; care; control; copyright; countries; country; coverage; covid-19; crisis; doi; funder; global; health; holder;; impact; license; medrxiv; needs; november; pandemic; peer; preprint; public; quality; review; scarcity; services; systems; testing; uhc; universal; version; world cache: cord-284830-vaikav9m.txt plain text: cord-284830-vaikav9m.txt item: #18 of 45 id: cord-286543-mtjk59rp author: Al-Zaman, Md. Sayeed title: Healthcare Crisis in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2020-08-20 words: 1814 flesch: 53 summary: Bangladesh hospitals forced to turn away patients Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses Bangladesh arrests hospital owner over fake coronavirus results COVID-19 fake certificates scam: JKG Healthcare's chairman Dr. Sabrina held How much the permission-based investigation in hospitals would be effective. Surprisingly, whereas many developed countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, and Spain, have suffered greatly during the COVID-19 pandemic even with their highly efficient healthcare systems, many less developed countries with inadequate healthcare systems are surviving the crisis more easily. keywords: bangladesh; communication; coronavirus; corruption; countries; country; covid-19; crisis; doctors; expenditure; facilities; government; health; healthcare; hospitals; inadequate; information; march; medical; pandemic; patients; people; piece; private; public; situation; system; test; testing; united; usd; workers cache: cord-286543-mtjk59rp.txt plain text: cord-286543-mtjk59rp.txt item: #19 of 45 id: cord-296550-wkmnfph3 author: Hossain, Mohammad Anwar title: Knowledge, attitudes, and fear of COVID-19 during the Rapid Rise Period in Bangladesh date: 2020-09-24 words: 4581 flesch: 51 summary: However, our study did find subjects with high fear scores and who were also more likely to follow good preventive practices, as recommended by the health advisory. The majority of the population had high fear scores, with significantly higher scores found in women and elderly adults. keywords: .05; advisory; age; attitudes; bangladesh; belief; cases; china; covid-19; cross; data; demographic; disease; education; fear; females; gender; health; higher; home; kap; knowledge; levels; majority; males; mask; mental; morbidities; occupation; online; pandemic; population; positive; practices; precautions; public; questionnaire; relationship; respondents; response; scale; scores; significant; similar; studies; study; subjects; survey; symptoms; table; urban; variables; virus; years cache: cord-296550-wkmnfph3.txt plain text: cord-296550-wkmnfph3.txt item: #20 of 45 id: cord-297786-jz1d1m2e author: Hasan, Md. Mahbub title: Global and Local Mutations in Bangladeshi SARS-CoV-2 Genomes date: 2020-08-26 words: 3273 flesch: 48 summary: According to a recent study on 48,635 of SARS CoV-2 genome sequences, 353,341 mutation events have been observed globally in comparison to the reference genome of Wuhan. In line with the global trend, D614G mutation in spike glycoprotein was predominantly high (95.6%) in Bangladeshi isolates. keywords: amino; analysis; average; bangladesh; clade; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; d614; different; disease; distribution; domain; european; g614; genomes; genomic; gisaid; global; higher; host; implications; isolates; like; mutations; new; nsp2; nsp3; number; orf1ab; orf3a; origin; pathogenesis; pathogenicity; phylogenetic; protein; replication; rna; sars; sequences; study; table; total; tree; ums; understanding; unique; variations; viral; virus cache: cord-297786-jz1d1m2e.txt plain text: cord-297786-jz1d1m2e.txt item: #21 of 45 id: cord-303442-5fjb6iz8 author: Morshed, M. S. title: Clinical manifestations of patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID- 19) attending at hospitals in Bangladesh date: 2020-08-01 words: 1565 flesch: 54 summary: However, the scientific literature on clinical manifestations of COVID-19 patients from Bangladesh is virtually absent. This study will help both the clinicians and epidemiologists to understand the magnitude and clinical spectrum of COVID-19 patients in Bangladesh. keywords: august; bangladesh; cases; clinical; common; coronavirus; covid-19; critical; disease; fever; license; medrxiv; mild; moderate; patients; perpetuity; preprint; severe; study; symptoms; version cache: cord-303442-5fjb6iz8.txt plain text: cord-303442-5fjb6iz8.txt item: #22 of 45 id: cord-305682-b232ra0j author: Rahaman Khan, Md Hasinur title: COVID-19 Outbreak Situations in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis date: 2020-04-22 words: 3786 flesch: 59 summary: As of today, we have found very few research works on COVID-19 that have been conducted using Bangladesh data. measure the risk of infectious disease and predict the risk of COVID-19 transmission using Bangladesh data along with other four countries-United States, Australia, Canada and China. keywords: april; author; available; bangladesh; beds; care; cases; cfr; china; copyright; countries; covid-19; data; days; deaths; disease; funder; health; holder; hospital; icu; infected; infections; international; license; medrxiv; number; patients; people; perpetuity; polynomial; preprint; projection; rate; regression; spread; time; total; version cache: cord-305682-b232ra0j.txt plain text: cord-305682-b232ra0j.txt item: #23 of 45 id: cord-306124-sn780ike author: Jakariya, Md. title: Assessing climate-induced agricultural vulnerable coastal communities of Bangladesh using machine learning techniques date: 2020-06-16 words: 4078 flesch: 37 summary: The parameters with the highest vulnerability weights belong to exposure: average rainfall Community response variations about different vulnerability factors in the three districts are shown in Figure 5 . In order to obtain the importance scores of different vulnerability factors, permutation importance was used, which works by measuring the R 2 score on the original set of factors for a model and then calculating the decrease in R 2 by randomly permutating the values of each of the factors one at a time (Altmann et al., 2010) . keywords: adaptive; agricultural; application; areas; assessment; average; bangladesh; bayesian; calculation; capacity; change; climate; climatic; coastal; community; crop; data; development; different; factors; farmers; figure; giz; highest; important; individual; issues; learning; level; livelihood; local; machine; maps; method; mobile; models; random; ranking; regression; related; research; resources; score; sensitivity; significant; significant factors; study; table; variables; vulnerability; vulnerability scores; vulnerable; weight cache: cord-306124-sn780ike.txt plain text: cord-306124-sn780ike.txt item: #24 of 45 id: cord-306227-63qvvkvk author: Shammi, Mashura title: Strategic assessment of COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: comparative lockdown scenario analysis, public perception, and management for sustainability date: 2020-07-18 words: 9392 flesch: 46 summary: (3.5.1-3.5.3) we have analysed emergency management issues including short to medium-term measures as well as long-term management strategies of COVID-19 pandemic lockdown scenarios in Bangladesh based on our research outcomes. PCA showed a significant level of controlling factors in Bangladesh COVID-19 pandemic and how these statements are associated with the various scenarios (Table 7) . keywords: activities; analysis; areas; assessment; bangladesh; basic; business; cases; cluster; communities; community; community transmission; coronavirus; correlation; countries; country; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; daily; death; development; different; disease; distancing; economic; economy; education; emergency; financial; food; gathering; gender; global; gob; government; groups; guidelines; health; healthcare; impact; increase; infected; infection; informal; level; life; limited; livelihood; local; lockdown; lockdown scenario; long; loss; low; management; mass; measures; movement; needs; number; outbreak; overall; package; pandemic; partial; partial lockdown; participants; pca; people; plan; planning; poor; population; positive; poverty; preparedness; products; proper; public; rate; recovery; relief; research; resources; respondents; response; risk; rural; scenario; sdg; sector; services; significant; situation; social; socio; statements; strategic; strategy; strong; study; supply; support; survey; system; table; term; test; total; transmission; urban; variance; vulnerable; workers; years cache: cord-306227-63qvvkvk.txt plain text: cord-306227-63qvvkvk.txt item: #25 of 45 id: cord-307674-4fb5xnil author: Weaver, Anne M. title: Household‐level risk factors for secondary influenza‐like illness in a rural area of Bangladesh date: 2017-01-05 words: 4931 flesch: 43 summary: We recruited index‐case patients with ILI – fever (<5 years); fever, cough or sore throat (≥5 years) – from health facilities, collected information on household factors and conducted syndromic surveillance among household contacts for 10 days after resolution of index‐case patients’ symptoms. We evaluated the associations between household factors at baseline and secondary ILI among household contacts using negative binomial regression, accounting for clustering by household. keywords: acute; adult; age; air; analysis; bangladesh; biomass; burden; case; children; compound; contacts; control; countries; data; days; disease; exposure; factors; handwashing; health; high; home; household; ili; illness; income; index; individuals; indoor; infections; influenza; latrine; level; like; low; members; models; pathogens; patient; people; pollution; respiratory; results; risk; secondary; secondary ili; shared; sharing; smoke; smoking; study; symptoms; tobacco; transmission; urban; water; years cache: cord-307674-4fb5xnil.txt plain text: cord-307674-4fb5xnil.txt item: #26 of 45 id: cord-310677-begnpodw author: Yeasmin, Sabina title: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of children in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study date: 2020-07-29 words: 4179 flesch: 46 summary: K-means clustering used to group children according to mental health score and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) performed to identify the relationship among the parental behavior and child mental health, and also these associations were assessed through chi-square test. Thirdly, a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was constructed to explore the components associated with child mental health. keywords: aged; analysis; anxiety; areas; bangladesh; behavior; children; covid-19; data; depression; disorder; disturbances; educational; face; family; groups; health; higher; home; impact; income; job; level; lockdown; mean; mental; mental health; mild; pandemic; parental; parents; participants; period; psychological; questionnaire; results; sample; scale; school; scores; severe; significant; sleeping; smoking; square; status; study; survey; table; test; time; total; workplace; years cache: cord-310677-begnpodw.txt plain text: cord-310677-begnpodw.txt item: #27 of 45 id: cord-311256-o3ig9sde author: Rahman, Md Mostafizur title: Biomedical waste amid COVID-19: perspectives from Bangladesh date: 2020-08-13 words: 553 flesch: 50 summary: Poor medical waste management will increase infections Reverse logistics network design for effective management of medical waste in epidemic outbreaks: insights from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in Wuhan (China) Survey on quantitative and qualitative assessment of medical waste generation and management in Dhaka North City Corporation and Dhaka South City Corporation World environment day: medical waste prolonging COVID-19, threatening biodiversity 206·2 tonnes of COVID-19 wastes produced in Dhaka a day: study. Global health DOI: 10.1016/s2214-109x(20)30349-1 sha: doc_id: 311256 cord_uid: o3ig9sde nan Bangladesh was already struggling with poor medical waste management before the COVID-19 pandemic and has now been hit hard by a sudden increase in the volume of medical waste. keywords: bangladesh; covid-19; day; dhaka; generation; health; hospitals; management; medical; risk; tonnes; waste cache: cord-311256-o3ig9sde.txt plain text: cord-311256-o3ig9sde.txt item: #28 of 45 id: cord-312417-li41ng7v author: Chowdhury, Moyukh title: Rural community perceptions of antibiotic access and understanding of antimicrobial resistance: qualitative evidence from the Health and Demographic Surveillance System site in Matlab, Bangladesh date: 2020-10-12 words: 6156 flesch: 46 summary: Wellcome Open Res To sell or not to sell; the differences between regulatory and community demands regarding access to antibiotics in rural Ghana Community knowledge and practices regarding antibiotic use in rural Mozambique: where is the starting point for prevention of antibiotic resistance? Thematic analysis What can thematic analysis offer health and wellbeing researchers? Antimicrobial resistance as a problem of values? Multi-sectoral action is needed to confront the underlying social, economic, cultural and political drivers that impact on the access and use of antibiotic medicines in Bangladesh. keywords: -male; abacus; ability; access; advice; age; amr; analysis; antibiotic; antimicrobial; approachability; appropriate; area; bangladesh; behaviours; community; costs; countries; cultural; data; demographic; development; disease; drug; economic; education; employment; facilities; factors; fgds; focus; framework; government; group; hdss; health; healthcare; higher; homemaker; human; idis; important; income; informal; informants; knowledge; lmics; matlab; medical; medicines; methods; need; people; percent; personal; perspective; pharmacies; pharmacy; policy; political; poverty; practices; primary; project; public; qualitative; research; resistance; review; rural; secondary; sector; seeking; services; social; study; surveillance; system; themes; treatment; trust; understanding; use; village; women; years cache: cord-312417-li41ng7v.txt plain text: cord-312417-li41ng7v.txt item: #29 of 45 id: cord-313603-y8p9bmph author: Akter, Shahina title: Coding-Complete Genome Sequences of Three SARS-CoV-2 Strains from Bangladesh date: 2020-09-24 words: 959 flesch: 49 summary: key: cord-313603-y8p9bmph authors: Akter, Shahina; Banu, Tanjina Akhtar; Goswami, Barna; Osman, Eshrar; Uzzaman, Mohammad Samir; Habib, M. Ahashan; Jahan, Iffat; Mahmud, Abu Sayeed Mohammad; Sarker, M. Murshed Hasan; Hossain, M. Saddam; Shamsuzzaman, A. K. Mohammad; Nafisa, Tasnim; Molla, M. Maruf Ahmed; Yeasmin, Mahmuda; Ghosh, Asish Kumar; Al Din, Sheikh M. Selim; Ray, Utpal Chandra; Sajib, Salek Ahmed; Hossain, Maqsud; Khan, M. Salim title: Coding-Complete Genome Sequences of Three SARS-CoV-2 Strains from Bangladesh date: 2020-09-24 journal: Microbiol Resour Announc DOI: 10.1128/mra.00764-20 sha: doc_id: 313603 cord_uid: y8p9bmph We report the sequencing of three severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) genomes from Bangladesh. The data from this analysis will contribute to advancing our understanding of the epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 in Bangladesh as well as worldwide at the molecular level and will identify potential new targets for interventions. keywords: bangladesh; bcsir; bcsir_nilmrc_007; complete; coronavirus; data; database; genome; gisaid; influenza; initiative; manufacturer; mohammad; patients; reads; rna; samples; sars; sequences; sequencing; unique cache: cord-313603-y8p9bmph.txt plain text: cord-313603-y8p9bmph.txt item: #30 of 45 id: cord-316805-6rshrecb author: Hossain, M. A. title: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Fear of COVID-19 during the Rapid Rise Period in Bangladesh date: 2020-06-18 words: 4387 flesch: 52 summary: Conclusions: Overall, Bangladeshis reported a high prevalence of self-isolation, positive preventive health behaviors related to COVID-19, and moderate to high fear levels. Knowledge and education levels were directly associated, with Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree holders reporting higher knowledge of COVID-19 symptoms and precautions than any other education group (p=<.005). keywords: age; attitude; author; available; bangladesh; cases; copyright; covid-19; disease; doi; education; fear; funder; health; higher; holder; home; international; june; knowledge; level; license; majority; mask; medrxiv; medrxiv preprint; p=<.001; perpetuity; population; positive; practice; preprint; questionnaire; related; relationship; respondents; response; score; significant; similar; staying; study; subjects; symptoms; table; version; world; years cache: cord-316805-6rshrecb.txt plain text: cord-316805-6rshrecb.txt item: #31 of 45 id: cord-319435-le2eifv8 author: Rahman, Mohammad Mahmudur title: Impact of control strategies on COVID-19 pandemic and the SIR model based forecasting in Bangladesh. date: 2020-04-23 words: 4910 flesch: 54 summary: The prediction results are illustrated in Figure 05 and tabulated in the third column in Table 01 confirmed that by social distancing, COVID-19 infection cases can be controlled and reduced as well as the ending of the outbreak will be rapid. [6] , may help to keep infection number low.. keywords: april; author; bangladesh; cases; control; copyright; covid-19; data; date; day; disease; distancing; epidemic; funder; holder; infected; infection; license; lockdown; mathematical; medrxiv; model; number; pandemic; peer; people; permission; perpetuity; persons; population; possible; prediction; preprint; rate; recovered; reuse; review; rights; sir; sir model; social; strict; study; susceptible; today; transmission; version; yesterday cache: cord-319435-le2eifv8.txt plain text: cord-319435-le2eifv8.txt item: #32 of 45 id: cord-321098-j3glby40 author: Bodrud-Doza, Md. title: Psychosocial and Socio-Economic Crisis in Bangladesh Due to COVID-19 Pandemic: A Perception-Based Assessment date: 2020-06-26 words: 8966 flesch: 44 summary: However, a surge of COVID-19 outbreaks in all inhabitable continents, with 84,187 deaths alone in the USA, indicates that the infection had passed the tipping point (1, 6) . The DGHS, on the other hand, is the responsible body for the coordination of testing and sample collections of COVID-19 patients (10) . keywords: activities; analysis; anxiety; assessment; association; bangladesh; basic; cases; chance; community; country; covid-19; covid-19 outbreak; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; daily; deaths; decision; disasters; disease; distancing; doctors; economic; environmental; facilities; fear; formal; fragile; global; governance; government; gpi1; groups; healthcare; healthcare system; hospitals; hsb1; iei1; immediate; increase; infected; infection; information; issues; lack; lockdown; management; march; mean; mean value; measures; medical; mental; natural; number; online; outbreak; pandemic; patients; pca; people; perception; political; political issues; poor; positive; possibility; possible; proper; psychosocial; public; questionnaire; regression; respondents; response; results; risk; sei2; services; severe; significant; situation; social; socio; socioeconomic; statement; study; survey; system; table; testing; time; total; transmission; value; variables; vulnerable; waste; weak; years cache: cord-321098-j3glby40.txt plain text: cord-321098-j3glby40.txt item: #33 of 45 id: cord-324856-hf969tav author: Abir, Tanvir title: Factors Associated with the Perception of Risk and Knowledge of Contracting the SARS-Cov-2 among Adults in Bangladesh: Analysis of Online Surveys date: 2020-07-21 words: 4147 flesch: 47 summary: A similar survey conducted to test the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of people in the Hubei province, China, about the COVID-19 outbreak found that higher knowledge, attitude and perception scores among residents was related to the ages and socioeconomic statuses of the respondents [22] . Compared with the early lockdown period, the results indicated that perceived risk scores for contracting COVID-19 in late lockdown period reduced significantly (adjusted coefficients (β) −0.85, 95% CI:−1.31, −0.39). keywords: adults; age; analysis; associated; awareness; bangladesh; contracting; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; disease; early; early lockdown; education; factors; figure; findings; health; high; higher; infection; knowledge; late; late lockdown; level; lockdown; low; mean; model; online; outbreak; pandemic; people; perception; period; practice; public; quarantine; religious; respondents; response; risk; sars; scores; significant; stratification; study; survey; variables; virus; world; worried cache: cord-324856-hf969tav.txt plain text: cord-324856-hf969tav.txt item: #34 of 45 id: cord-325109-zi1qm589 author: Ara, Tasnim title: Identifying the Associated Risk Factors of Sleep Disturbance During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Bangladesh: A Web-Based Survey date: 2020-09-17 words: 6023 flesch: 41 summary: The mediating role of emotion regulation Associations between sleep disturbance and mental health status: a longitudinal study of Japanese junior high school students Sleep complaints and depression in an aging cohort: a prospective perspective Insomnia in young men and subsequent depression: The Johns Hopkins Precursors Study Sleep disturbance and psychiatric disorders: a longitudinal epidemiological study of young adults Epidemiologic study of sleep disturbances and psychiatric disorders: an opportunity for prevention? Sleep disturbance as transdiagnostic: consideration of neurobiological mechanisms Interacting epidemics? The objective of this study is to identify the risk factors associated with sleep disturbance which has developed as a general impact of COVID-19 and new normal life during the lockdown (a measure to control the spread of COVID-19) in Bangladesh. keywords: anxiety; areas; associated; association; bangladesh; burden; characteristics; classes; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; covid-19 lockdown; demographic; depression; disease; disorders; disturbance; effects; factors; family; general; health; higher; home; impact; income; individuals; information; insomnia; internet; life; lockdown; logistic; mental; mental health; model; new; normal; online; outbreak; pandemic; participants; people; population; potential; prevalence; psychological; quality; questionnaire; related; resources; respondents; results; risk; self; severe; significant; sleep; sleep disturbance; sleeping; social; status; stress; students; studies; study; survey; symptoms; web; women; workers; world; years cache: cord-325109-zi1qm589.txt plain text: cord-325109-zi1qm589.txt item: #35 of 45 id: cord-325226-8zrtjuwf author: Biswas, Raaj Kishore title: Underreporting COVID-19: the curious case of the Indian subcontinent date: 2020-09-11 words: 2600 flesch: 46 summary: Similarly, as COVID-19 is not identical with regard to seasonal outbreaks such as measles or dengue in Bangladesh or wild polio in Pakistan, we cannot predict COVID-19 fatality rate from the mortality of the previous seasonal outbreaks, which is likely to lead to a dubious understanding of COVID-19 numbers in these countries. International Labor Organization (2020) COVID-19 and the World of Work Distribution of reported COVID-19 fatalities in three higher income countries (UK, Italy and Germany) and three countries of ISC (Bangladesh, India and Pakistan) for the first 169 days Coronavirus info Bangladesh: Press release Coronavirus: What is the true death toll of the pandemic? keywords: bangladesh; cases; coronavirus; countries; country; coverage; covid-19; daily; data; days; deaths; dhaka; disease; early; example; fatalities; fatality; health; income; india; infection; isc; italy; june; likely; limited; lmics; low; number; observed; pakistan; pandemic; patients; people; public; rate; research; response; sample; subcontinent; symptoms; testing; tests; total; transmission; underreporting cache: cord-325226-8zrtjuwf.txt plain text: cord-325226-8zrtjuwf.txt item: #36 of 45 id: cord-330395-2qoyrqmj author: Huq, Samin title: COVID-19 in Bangladesh: Data deficiency to delayed decision date: 2020-04-15 words: 1463 flesch: 53 summary: Also, decision making based on the current prevalence of COVID-19 can undermine the Photo: The distribution of positive COVID-19 cases across the districts of Bangladesh (8 April 2020), data source: The lack of data has led to unplanned decision making and contributed to skewing global data. issue of the health system preparedness without a careful understanding of the dynamics of COVID-19 evidenced worldwide. Although scarcity of test kits and lack of awareness from the general public certainly contributed to the crisis, Bangladesh is one of the few countries which had more than two months to prepare for COVID-19 crisis. keywords: april; areas; availability; bangladesh; care; cases; community; countries; covid-19; crisis; data; deaths; decision; facilities; global; government; health; kits; lack; limited; march; surge; testing; tests; transmission; urban cache: cord-330395-2qoyrqmj.txt plain text: cord-330395-2qoyrqmj.txt item: #37 of 45 id: cord-337329-a9l8e5z6 author: Selim, S. A. title: Rotavirus infection in calves in Bangladesh date: 1991 words: 1933 flesch: 58 summary: Of 402 dairy calves tested, 28 (7.0%) were positive, of which 21 (7.2%) were from diarrhoeic calves and 7 (6.3%) from non-diarrhoeic calves. The absence of detectable rotavirus antigen in non-diarrhoeic calves up to 1 week old and the high prevalence rate in diarrhoeic calves in the same age group (Table II) emphasizes the association between rotavirus and diarrhoea in such calves. keywords: age; bangladesh; calf; calves; dairy; diarrhoeic; elisa; faecal; farm; group; infection; leeuw; month; non; positive; prevalence; rotavirus; samples; study; table; titres; tzipori; village; week; year; young cache: cord-337329-a9l8e5z6.txt plain text: cord-337329-a9l8e5z6.txt item: #38 of 45 id: cord-340939-ikomc19t author: van Doremalen, Neeltje title: A single-dose ChAdOx1-vectored vaccine provides complete protection against Nipah Bangladesh and Malaysia in Syrian golden hamsters date: 2019-06-06 words: 5494 flesch: 46 summary: A time-and cost-efficient system for high-level protein production in mammalian cells Biochemical, conformational, and immunogenic analysis of soluble trimeric forms of henipavirus fusion glycoproteins RNAscope: a novel in situ RNA analysis platform for formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues Comparison of the pathogenicity of Nipah virus isolates from Bangladesh and Malaysia in the Syrian hamster A VLP-based vaccine provides complete protection against Nipah virus challenge following multiple-dose or single-dose vaccination schedules in a hamster model Recombinant nipah virus vaccines protect pigs against challenge ChAdOx1 NiVB efficacy in the Syrian Golden hamster PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases Protection against henipaviruses in swine requires both, cell-mediated and humoral immune response A Hendra virus G glycoprotein subunit vaccine protects African green monkeys from Nipah virus challenge Single-dose live-attenuated vesicular stomatitis virus-based vaccine protects African green monkeys from Nipah virus disease Recombinant measles virus vaccine expressing the Nipah virus glycoprotein protects against lethal Nipah virus challenge A recombinant subunit vaccine formulation protects against lethal Nipah virus challenge in cats Single injection recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus vaccines protect ferrets against lethal Nipah virus disease Vaccination of ferrets with a recombinant G glycoprotein subunit vaccine provides protection against Nipah virus disease for over 12 months Nipah virus: vaccination and passive protection studies in a hamster model Characterization of Nipah virus from naturally infected Pteropus vampyrus bats Isolation of Nipah virus from Malaysian Island flying-foxes Nipah virus in Lyle's flying foxes, Cambodia Protection against henipavirus infection by use of recombinant adeno-associated virus-vector vaccines Feline model of acute nipah virus infection and protection with a soluble glycoprotein-based subunit vaccine Neutralization assays for differential henipavirus serology using Bio-Plex protein array systems Changing resource landscapes and spillover of henipaviruses Hendra virus vaccine, a one health approach to protecting horse, human, and environmental health A neutralizing human monoclonal antibody protects against lethal disease in a new ferret model of acute nipah virus infection A neutralizing human monoclonal antibody protects african green monkeys from hendra virus challenge A Protective Monoclonal Antibody Targets a Site of Vulnerability on the Surface of Rift Valley Fever Virus Development of an acute and highly pathogenic nonhuman primate model of Nipah virus infection We would like to thank the animal care takers for their excellent care of the animals, and Anita Mora for assistance with figures. The Syrian hamster is a suitable initial small animal model to investigate the efficacy of NiV vaccines, followed by the African green monkey keywords: adenovirus; african; animals; antibodies; antibody; average; bangladesh; brain; cells; chadox1; challenge; clinical; contrast; control; control animals; days; disease; dmem; dose; efficacy; experiment; fig; gfp; green; groups; hamsters; hev; human; igg; infectious; inoculation; lethal; loss; lung; malaysia; model; nipah; niv; oropharyngeal; passive; post; protection; protein; pulmonary; purified; recombinant; rna; sem; serum; shed; signs; single; studies; study; survival; swabs; syrian; tcid; test; tissue; titer; vaccinated; vaccinated animals; vaccination; vaccine; vector; viral; virus; weight cache: cord-340939-ikomc19t.txt plain text: cord-340939-ikomc19t.txt item: #39 of 45 id: cord-341880-wxliz485 author: Mottaleb, Khondoker Abdul title: COVID-19 induced economic loss and ensuring food security for vulnerable groups: Policy implications from Bangladesh date: 2020-10-16 words: 7554 flesch: 57 summary: By multiplying the estimated per head average daily wage earnings (in BDT) in the farm sector W f and that in the nonfarm sector W nf by the absolute number of daily waged workers in those in Bangladesh, the expected loss of daily wage earnings due to the COVID-19 induced lockdown is calculated as follows: To estimate the minimum compensation package for the daily wage-based workers to ensure the minimum food security, we specify and estimate a function that explains household level daily food expenditure for the household of daily wage worker i (that is, survey respondent i) in sector s, as follows: where lnEDFX is the natural log of the household level daily total expenditure on all food (in terms of BDT); wage earnings, lnDWEH is is the natural log of the total daily wage earning of the household of respondent i calculated as: The definitions of the vectors of variables ILC is and RLC is are the same as explained in Eq (1). It provides the share of total wage earnings are spent on household level daily food expenditure of a sampled day-labor household in farm and nonfarm sectors. keywords: average; bangladesh; basis; bdt; case; china; countries; covid-19; daily; daily food; daily household; daily minimum; daily total; daily wage; day; district; division; dummies; earnings; economic; estimating; expenditure; farm; farm sector; female; food; food expenditure; food security; global; government; health; household; household level; impacts; income; increase; labor; level; level daily; lockdown; loss; minimum; movement; nonfarm; organization; people; poor; poverty; respondents; rural; sampled; sector; security; severe; share; study; support; survey; table; time; total; total food; total wage; value; wage earnings; wage workers; workers; world; years cache: cord-341880-wxliz485.txt plain text: cord-341880-wxliz485.txt item: #40 of 45 id: cord-345655-fb4vv4my author: Islam, M. Z. title: Risk factors associated with morbidity and mortality outcomes of COVID-19 patients on the 28th day of the disease course: a retrospective cohort study in Bangladesh date: 2020-10-29 words: 3425 flesch: 52 summary: key: cord-345655-fb4vv4my authors: Islam, M. Z.; Riaz, B. K.; Islam, A. N. M. S.; Khanam, F.; Akhter, J.; Choudhury, R.; Farhana, N.; Jahan, N. A.; Uddin, M. J.; Efa, S. S. title: Risk factors associated with morbidity and mortality outcomes of COVID-19 patients on the 28th day of the disease course: a retrospective cohort study in Bangladesh date: 2020-10-29 journal: Epidemiology and infection DOI: 10.1017/s0950268820002630 sha: doc_id: 345655 cord_uid: fb4vv4my Diverse risk factors intercede the outcomes of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Therefore, it is irrefutably obligatory to determine the risk factors to avert the aggressive consequences of COVID-19 patients. keywords: age; aor; bangladesh; case; central; china; clinical; cohort; confirmed; copd; coronavirus; course; covid-19; covid-19 patients; cured; data; disease; elderly; factors; group; health; higher; htn; infection; laboratory; majority; morbidity; mortality; nipsom; non; outcomes; patients; retrospective; risk; risk factors; study; survivors; test; tobacco; use; wuhan; years cache: cord-345655-fb4vv4my.txt plain text: cord-345655-fb4vv4my.txt item: #41 of 45 id: cord-346068-489qq5pp author: Chowdhury, Sukanta title: Association of Biosecurity and Hygiene Practices with Environmental Contamination with Influenza A Viruses in Live Bird Markets, Bangladesh date: 2020-09-17 words: 4377 flesch: 42 summary: We summarized characteristics of poultry shops, including infrastructure and biosecurity and hygiene measures, by using descriptive analyses. The average number of poultry shops in each market was 20 (SD 10.5, range 10-55). keywords: aiv; aivs; areas; avian; avian influenza; bangladesh; biosecurity; bird; china; cleaning; contamination; daily; day; days; disinfection; environmental; floor; h5n1; h7n9; human; hygiene; infected; influenza; infrastructure; interventions; lbms; level; live; markets; monthly; number; p<0.01; pathogenic; positive; poultry; poultry shops; practices; rest; risk; rna; samples; shops; slaughtering; specimens; study; surfaces; transmission; viral; virus; viruses; weekly; workers cache: cord-346068-489qq5pp.txt plain text: cord-346068-489qq5pp.txt item: #42 of 45 id: cord-347375-5ucemm87 author: Sazzad, Hossain M.S. title: Nipah Virus Infection Outbreak with Nosocomial and Corpse-to-Human Transmission, Bangladesh date: 2013-02-17 words: 4336 flesch: 50 summary: The duration between onset of illness of the physician and his contact with confirmed NiV case-patients was beyond the range of the 6-to 11day incubation period for NiV (12, 17) . Among 7 persons with confirmed sporadic cases, 6 died, including a physician who had physically examined encephalitis patients without gloves or a mask. keywords: adult; bangladesh; body; care; case; casepatients; confirmed; contact; control; corpse; date; days; disease; encephalitis; exposure; faridpur; fever; health; history; hospital; igm; illness; infected; infection; investigation; january; medicine; meningoencephalitis; month; nipah; niv; onset; outbreak; palm; patients; person; physician; probable; raw; respiratory; ritual; samples; sap; secretions; sporadic; study; surveillance; team; transmission; virus; ward cache: cord-347375-5ucemm87.txt plain text: cord-347375-5ucemm87.txt item: #43 of 45 id: cord-349219-tl97bj42 author: Rayhan Arusha, Anowara title: Prevalence of Stress, Anxiety and Depression due to Examination in Bangladeshi Youths: A Pilot Study date: 2020-07-18 words: 3603 flesch: 38 summary: Results indicated that youths with higher anxiety level perceived their mothers and fathers as being more socially isolating, more concerned about others' opinions, more ashamed of the students' shyness and poor performance, and less socially active than youths with low anxiety level (Caster et al., 1999) . Higher levels of examination anxiety were observed for students who lived without their family compared to those who lived with their family. keywords: academic; anxiety; associated; balanced; bangladesh; children; dass; demographic; depression; dhaka; diet; disorders; ecologic; education; environment; et al; examination; factors; family; financial; food; health; help; higher; insomnia; level; lifestyle; likely; living; medical; mental; mental health; model; organization; parents; performance; pilot; prevalence; psychological; relationship; scores; self; sleep; social; socio; stress; students; studies; study; sufficient; survey; test; theory; university; world; youths cache: cord-349219-tl97bj42.txt plain text: cord-349219-tl97bj42.txt item: #44 of 45 id: cord-351083-3oy7zuy9 author: Rashid, Sabina Faiz title: Towards a socially just model: balancing hunger and response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh date: 2020-06-01 words: 2147 flesch: 48 summary: Sadly, countries with large pools of poor populations may soon be forced to confront similar trade-offs, with all its moral and ethical implications, if there is no solution soon in sight. poliTiCal CommiTmenT foR eConomiC SuppoRT foR The pooR needS uRgenT and effeCTive implemenTaTion Bangladesh, like many other countries, has rolled out an economic stimulus package to address the severe economic and business fallout from the pandemic. keywords: april; bangladesh; better; context; countries; covid-19; daily; different; economic; focus; food; health; hunger; impact; individual; informal; living; lockdown; marginalised; model; needs; pandemic; people; political; poor; poorest; populations; realities; relief; research; responsive; shutdown; social; support; urban; vulnerable; world cache: cord-351083-3oy7zuy9.txt plain text: cord-351083-3oy7zuy9.txt item: #45 of 45 id: cord-352672-gjo29e21 author: Hoque, E. title: Adjusted Dynamics of COVID-19 Pandemic due to Herd Immunity in Bangladesh date: 2020-09-05 words: 5875 flesch: 53 summary: doi: medRxiv preprint Bangladesh has already implemented various types of control measures to contain the pandemic. This is why, a discussion is surfacing among the public health professionals as though Bangladesh government is expecting to achieve herd immunity [27] . keywords: affected; age; age group; author; available; bangladesh; cases; cfr; control; copyright; country; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; current; data; deaths; disease; doi; dynamics; estimated; estimation; figure; funder; group; health; herd; herd immunity; holder; hospital; immunity; infected; license; lockdown; medrxiv; methods; model; number; outbreak; pandemic; patients; peer; people; policy; population; positive; preprint; rate; review; sars; september; sird; susceptible; test; time; total; version cache: cord-352672-gjo29e21.txt plain text: cord-352672-gjo29e21.txt