item: #1 of 87 id: cord-003974-cr6omr9l author: Rutter, Sara title: How do we … integrate pathogen reduced platelets into our hospital blood bank inventory? date: 2019-03-18 words: 5360 flesch: 42 summary: Currently, only one company has received FDA approval for its PLT PR system; however, at least two other companies as previously mentioned are working on their PR technologies. In this article, we explain the steps and ramp-up strategies we employed to implement PR PLTs on an institutionwide basis. keywords: bank; blood; hospital; inventory; pathogen; patient; plts; products; risk; safety; transfusion cache: cord-003974-cr6omr9l.txt plain text: cord-003974-cr6omr9l.txt item: #2 of 87 id: cord-004133-32w6g7qk author: Walker, Faye M. title: Advances in Directly Amplifying Nucleic Acids from Complex Samples date: 2019-09-30 words: 13589 flesch: 39 summary: A Useful Tool for the Surveillance of blaOXA-23-Positive Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Flinders technology associates (FTA) filter paper-based DNA extraction with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for detection of Pneumocystis jirovecii from respiratory specimens of immunocompromised patients Operational feasibility of using loop-mediated isothermal amplification for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in microscopy centers of developing countries Successful use of saliva without DNA extraction for detection of macrolide-resistant Mycoplasma pneumoniae DNA in children using LNA probe-based real-time PCR Rapid typing of STRs in the human genome by HyBeacon melting Ultra-rapid DNA analysis using HyBeacon probes and direct PCR amplification from saliva Comparison of boiling and robotics automation method in DNA extraction for metagenomic sequencing of human oral microbes Comparison of DNA Extraction Methods in Analysis of Salivary Bacterial Communities Study of inter-and intra-individual variations in the salivary microbiota Microbiological diversity of generalized aggressive periodontitis by 16S rRNA clonal analysis A Sweet Spot for Molecular Diagnostics: Coupling Isothermal Amplification and Strand Exchange Circuits to Diagnosis of mycobacterial infections by nucleic acid amplification: 18-month prospective study Pilot study of a rapid and minimally instrumented sputum sample preparation method for molecular diagnosis of tuberculosis Efficacy of loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for the laboratory identification of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates in a resource limited setting A novel and more sensitive loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay targeting IS6110 for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex Development of an in-house loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and evaluation in sputum samples of Nepalese patients Rapid detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by recombinase polymerase amplification Polymerase chain reaction for diagnosis of M. tuberculosis: Comparison of simple boiling and a conventional method for DNA extraction Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum samples by polymerase chain reaction using a simplified procedure Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in clinical samples by two-step polymerase chain reaction and nonisotopic hybridization methods Rapid, simple method for treating clinical specimens containing Mycobacterium tuberculosis to remove DNA for polymerase chain reaction An extremely rapid and simple DNA-release method for detection of M. tuberculosis from clinical specimens Evaluation of a simple loop-mediated isothermal amplification test kit for the diagnosis of tuberculosis Evaluation of the efficacy of five DNA extraction methods for the detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in direct and processed sputum by an in-house PCR method Clinical usefulness of multiplex PCR lateral flow in MRSA detection: A novel, rapid genetic testing method Development and evaluation of a rapid multiplex-PCR based system for Mycobacterium tuberculosis diagnosis using sputum samples Polymerase chain reaction for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis A simple method for diagnosing M. tuberculosis infection in clinical samples using PCR Self-Collected versus Clinician-Collected Sampling for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Screening: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis Validation of real-time PCR for laboratory diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis Effects of topical anaesthetics and fluorescein on the real-time PCR used for the diagnosis of Herpesviruses and Acanthamoeba keratitis Inhibition of PCR by Aqueous and Vitreous Fluids Use of the polymerase chain reaction to detect Bordetella pertussis in patients with mild or atypical symptoms of infection Diagnostic accuracy of a prototype point-of-care test for ocular chlamydia trachomatis under field conditions in the Gambia and Senegal High-throughput STR analysis for DNA database using direct PCR Multicenter clinical evaluation of the novel Amongst the collection of approaches for direct PCR amplification on saliva samples, those that begin with dried saliva swabs fully circumvent DNA extraction, purification, and quantification [93] . keywords: acid; amplification; assay; blood; clinical; detection; diagnostics; dna; extraction; isothermal; lamp; loop; method; nucleic; pcr; polymerase; reaction; samples; sensitivity; serum; sputum; testing; tests cache: cord-004133-32w6g7qk.txt plain text: cord-004133-32w6g7qk.txt item: #3 of 87 id: cord-005497-w81ysjf9 author: None title: 40th International Symposium on Intensive Care & Emergency Medicine: Brussels, Belgium. 24-27 March 2020 date: 2020-03-24 words: 103795 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions: This is one of the first studies to demonstrate that abnormal RV function is associated with an increased mortality in ICU patients with pneumonia. The fast efficacy of targeted therapies led some intensivists to use them as rescue therapy for ICU patients. keywords: acute; administration; admission; adult patients; age; aim; aki; aki patients; analysis; approach; arrest; arterial; associated; association; average; baseline; blood; cardiac; care; care patients; care unit; cases; clinical; cohort; cohort study; complications; control; critical; critical care; data; day mortality; days; death; delirium; difference; discharge; disease; early; ecmo; effect; emergency; factors; failure; figure; fluid; function; group; hospital; hospital mortality; hours; icu admission; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; ill; incidence; increase; index; infection; injury; intensive; introduction; length; levels; low; lps; lung; management; mean; median; medical; methods; min; model; months; mortality; non; number; observational; organ; outcome; pain; parameters; patients; period; plasma; population; positive; post; pressure; rate; renal; results; risk; score; sepsis; sepsis patients; septic; serum; shock; shock patients; sofa; stay; studies; study; support; surgery; survival; table; test; therapy; time; total; treatment; unit; university; use; value; ventilation; volume; years cache: cord-005497-w81ysjf9.txt plain text: cord-005497-w81ysjf9.txt item: #4 of 87 id: cord-005646-xhx9pzhj author: None title: 2nd World Congress on Pediatric Intensive Care 1996 Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23–26 June 1996 Abstracts of Oral Presentations, Posters and Nursing Programme date: 1996 words: 72090 flesch: 51 summary: Objective: To assess the normal ,gastric intramucosal pH ~Hi) by tonometry in healthy children Patients and methods: Twelve healthy children (6 males and 6 females) with age rmaged from 6 months to 12 years scheduled for minor plastic or urologic surgery. Pain relief was good (VRS less 2) in 53 children -94.6 % of study patients. keywords: acute; administration; admission; age; airway; analysis; ards; arterial; average; babies; blood; brain; cardiac; care; cases; changes; chest; children; complications; conclusion; cpb; criteria; data; days; death; diagnosis; difference; disease; dose; drug; duration; ecmo; effects; failure; flow; gas; group; heart; high; hospital; hours; hypertension; icu; ill; incidence; increase; infants; infusion; initial; injury; intensive; levels; life; lung; management; mean; measurements; mechanical; median; medical; methods; minutes; months; mortality; neonatal; neonates; newborns; nitric; non; nurses; outcome; oxide; oxygenation; parameters; patients; peak; pediatric; period; phi; picu; plasma; post; present; pressure; prism; pulmonary; range; rate; response; results; risk; score; sepsis; severe; severity; study; support; surgery; survivors; syndrome; system; test; therapy; time; total; treatment; unit; use; values; ventilation; volume; weeks; weight; years cache: cord-005646-xhx9pzhj.txt plain text: cord-005646-xhx9pzhj.txt item: #5 of 87 id: cord-005814-ak5pq312 author: None title: 8th European Congress of Intensive Care Medicine Athens - Greece, October 18–22, 1995 Abstracts date: 1995 words: 179325 flesch: 51 summary: Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a growth factor recently recognised as a polyfunctional cytokine integrated in cytokine networks was measured in unconcentrated BALF of patients from different patient groups. It is difficult to generalize on intensive care units as different patient groups are in different ICUs aud there are great changes from one hospital to another and from one country to another. keywords: activity; acute; administration; admission; adult patients; age; aim; airway; analysis; apache; application; ards patients; arf; arterial; artery; assess; average; baseline; blood; blood flow; blood pressure; blood volume; breathing; cardiac; care patients; care unit; cases; catheter; cerebral; changes; chest; children; clinical; compliance; complications; concentration; conclusions; conditions; constant; control group; control patients; copd patients; correlation; course; cpb; criteria; critical; cvp; daily; damage; data; days; death; death patients; decrease; diagnosis; difference; disease; dose; drugs; duration; dysfunction; effect; emergency; end; evaluation; exchange; factors; failure; failure patients; findings; flow; fluid; following; frequency; function; gas; gastric; general; good; group; group b; group ii; group patients; h20; head; heart; hemodynamic; hepatic; hospital; hours; hypertension; icp; icu patients; iii; ill; illness; improvement; incidence; increase; index; infection; influence; infusion; injury; intensive; introduction; intubation; lactate; left; levels; life; liver; lung; male; management; map; mean; measurements; median; medical; methods; min; minutes; mmhg; model; monitoring; mortality; mortality rate; muscle; myocardial; need; negative; new; non; normal; number; objectives; onset; operation; order; organ; outcome; output; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; p<0.05; pao2; parameters; patients; patients methods; pattern; peep; perfusion; period; phase; phi; plasma; population; position; postoperative; presence; present; pressure; pressure support; procedure; protocol; pts; pulmonary; rain; range; rate; rats; reduction; renal; resistance; respiratory; response; results; right; risk; risk patients; samples; saps; score; sepsis; septic; serum; severe; severity; shock; shock patients; signs; specific; standard; status; stay; studies; study; study group; study period; subjects; support; surgery patients; surgical; survival; survivors; syndrome; system; systemic; technique; temperature; test; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; total; tracheal; transplantation; trauma patients; treatment; tube; type; unit; university; use; values; variables; vascular; vein; venous; ventilation; ventricular; volume; weaning; years cache: cord-005814-ak5pq312.txt plain text: cord-005814-ak5pq312.txt item: #6 of 87 id: cord-006039-vbq9izw3 author: Coban, Cevayir title: Tissue-specific immunopathology during malaria infection date: 2018-01-15 words: 8942 flesch: 30 summary: The activation of blood tissue components and their effect on brain immune cells (microglia, astrocytes) have been addressed 53,74-80 , but how an obligate erythrocyte-resident pathogen can cause BBB disruption is not well understood. Importantly, blood vessels are lined by endothelial cells, a component of epithelial tissue, and covered by smooth muscles (a muscle tissue); they carry blood cells, infected erythrocytes and various materials to the tissues and organs of the entire body, suggesting that even at the basic blood vessel level, many complex tissues specifically interact with each other. keywords: blood; bone; brain; bulb; capillaries; cells; endothelial; erythrocytes; infected; infection; malaria; marrow; olfactory; parasites; plasmodium; tissue; vessels cache: cord-006039-vbq9izw3.txt plain text: cord-006039-vbq9izw3.txt item: #7 of 87 id: cord-006226-fn7zlutj author: None title: Abstracts of the 4th annual meeting of the German Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapy: Hannover, 14–17 September 1994 date: 1994 words: 25130 flesch: 47 summary: The effects were correlated with the %-~l-adrenoceptor occupancies estimated using a standard Emax-model (sigmoidicity=l) from the concentrations of active substrate in plasma determined by I~l-adrenoceptor specific radioreceptor assay. With regard to group I) the highest expenditures nccured in hospitals A and B whereas drug costs in C -E were 1/3 less and came to only 20% in hospital F. keywords: acid; activity; aggregation; blood; cell; clinical; concentrations; cost; data; disease; dose; drug; effects; excretion; function; group; hours; human; inhibition; mean; metabolites; method; min; patients; placebo; plasma; platelet; products; protein; rate; release; results; samples; serum; studies; study; therapy; time; total; treatment; urinary; urine; use; vitro; volunteers cache: cord-006226-fn7zlutj.txt plain text: cord-006226-fn7zlutj.txt item: #8 of 87 id: cord-006391-esnsa4u5 author: None title: Abstracts 5(th) Tripartite Meeting Salzburg/Austria, September 9–11,1982 date: 1982 words: 44873 flesch: 47 summary: Control patients (no ASA) were compared to those receiving 80 or 325 mg. After transplantation patients were followed for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 42 months. keywords: acid; activity; acute; animals; bile; blood; blood flow; body; bypass; cases; cells; changes; control; days; dogs; duct; effect; failure; flow; gastric; glucose; graft; group; heart; hepatic; increase; infusion; insulin; kidney; levels; liver; mean; method; min; months; non; normal; operation; patients; plasma; postoperative; present; pressure; rate; rats; rejection; response; results; serum; studies; study; surgery; survival; time; tissue; total; transplantation; treatment; tumor; values; vascular; weeks; weight cache: cord-006391-esnsa4u5.txt plain text: cord-006391-esnsa4u5.txt item: #9 of 87 id: cord-006860-a3b8hyyr author: None title: 40th Annual Meeting of the GTH (Gesellschaft für Thrombose- und Hämostaseforschung) date: 1996 words: 90772 flesch: 46 summary: The data show that children with low risk did in part receive higher doses of heparin and/or AT III concentrate than did high risk patients, whereas plasma therapy was adjusted to severity of eoagnlopathy. Inhibitor testing was done on patients plasma samples using the Bethesda method. keywords: activation; activity; acute; addition; age; agents; aggregation; analysis; antibodies; anticoagulant; anticoagulation; antigen; antithrombin; apc; aptt; assay; binding; bleeding; blood; blood coagulation; blood samples; cases; cells; children; clinical; clotting; coagulation; coagulation factor; complex; complications; concentrations; conclusion; contrast; control; coronary; correlation; count; data; day; days; deficiency; diagnosis; disease; dose; effect; elevated; endothelial; events; expression; factor; factor v; factor viii; family; fibrin; fibrinogen; formation; group; heparin; hirudin; hours; human; incidence; increase; influence; infusion; inhibitor; inr; laboratory; levels; low; mean; median; method; months; mutation; normal; order; parameters; patients; period; phase; plasma; plasma samples; plasminogen; platelet; platelet activation; platelet factor; present; products; protein; protein c; prothrombin; pts; range; reagent; receptor; reduced; release; resistance; response; results; risk; risk factor; role; samples; specific; studies; study; surface; surgery; system; test; therapy; thrombin; thrombosis; time; tissue; total; treatment; type; use; values; vascular; vein; venous; viii; vwf; weight; years cache: cord-006860-a3b8hyyr.txt plain text: cord-006860-a3b8hyyr.txt item: #10 of 87 id: cord-009417-458rrhcm author: Luce, Judith A. title: Use of Blood Components in the Intensive Care Unit date: 2009-05-15 words: 17116 flesch: 37 summary: Oxygen extraction ratio: A valid indicator of transfusion need in limited coronary vascular reserve? for the ABC Investigators: Anemia and blood transfusion in critically ill patients The CRIT study: Anemia and blood transfusion in the critically ill-current clinical practice in the United States Red cell transfusion practice following the Transfusion Requirements in Critical Care (TRICC) study: Prospective observational cohort study in a large UK intensive care unit Appropriateness of red blood cell transfusion in Australasian intensive care practice Silent myocardial ischaemia and haemoglobin concentration: A randomized controlled trial of transfusion strategy in lower limb arthroplasty Mathematical analysis of isovolemic hemodilution indicates that it can decrease the need for allogeneic blood transfusion Guidelines for perioperative red blood cell transfusions American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force: Practice guidelines for blood component therapy Prudent strategies for elective red blood cell transfusion Platelet transfusion therapy. The majority of blood transfusions are in the form of PRBCs, the component indicated for normovolemic patients or those for whom intravascular volume constraints are necessary. keywords: acute; associated; benefi; bleeding; blood; blood transfusion; care; cell; coagulation; components; disease; donor; factor; ffp; oxygen; patients; plasma; platelet; reactions; recipient; red; risk; storage; time; transfusion; transmission; unit; use; volume cache: cord-009417-458rrhcm.txt plain text: cord-009417-458rrhcm.txt item: #11 of 87 id: cord-010088-s9tfvtao author: None title: Oral Abstracts date: 2013-11-01 words: 43554 flesch: 46 summary: The information of blood donors with rare blood types is registered into the National Registering System for Blood Donors with Rare Blood Types by professional technician from organizations join the program. Present methods to recruit blood donors based on age, gender and occupation groups for a stable blood supply. keywords: aims; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigens; background; blood; blood components; blood donation; blood donors; blood group; blood products; blood transfusion; cases; cells; collection; data; day; development; events; group; haemovigilance; hbv; hcv; health; hit; hla; identification; immune; infection; international; inventory; management; methods; national; non; patients; plasma; platelet; platelet transfusion; population; positive; process; production; products; quality; reactions; red; results; risk; safety; samples; study; system; testing; therapy; time; transfusion; treatment; use; years cache: cord-010088-s9tfvtao.txt plain text: cord-010088-s9tfvtao.txt item: #12 of 87 id: cord-010092-uftc8inx author: None title: Abstract of 29th Regional Congress of the ISBT date: 2019-06-07 words: 233543 flesch: 50 summary: One central question is the need of individual NAT screening (ID) versus minipool NAT screening (MP) approaches to identify all relevant viremias in blood donors. 3A-S02-03 Background: The screening of blood donors and returning travelers from active transmission areas have highlighted the importance of diagnosis of acute arboviral infections. keywords: abo blood; addition; aims; allele; alloimmunization; analysis; anemia; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apheresis; approach; assay; available; average; background; bacterial; bleeding; blood bank; blood cells; blood center; blood chimerism; blood collection; blood components; blood count; blood culture; blood demand; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood flow; blood group; blood grouping; blood loss; blood management; blood plasma; blood platelet; blood pressure; blood processing; blood products; blood results; blood safety; blood samples; blood services; blood supply; blood system; blood test; blood transfusion; blood type; blood units; blood volume; care; cases; cause; cell donors; cell transfusion; clinical; concentrates; concentration; conclusions; confirmed; content; control; cord blood; countries; criteria; cross; current; data; day; days; deferral; detection; difference; disease; dna; donations; donor samples; effect; events; evidence; exon; expression; factors; female; ferritin; flow; following; frequency; gel; gene; genotyping; group system; groups; hbv; hcv; health; hemoglobin; hev; history; hiv; hla; hospital; hospital blood; human; identification; igg; impact; incidence; increase; individuals; infection; information; international; iron; laboratory; levels; life; low; major; mean; median; medical; methods; min; ml blood; model; molecular; months; n =; national; need; negative; new; non; number; order; overall; p =; patients; pcr; pcs; period; phenotype; plasma; plasma donors; plasma transfusion; platelet; platelet donors; platelet transfusion; population; positive; post; potential; practice; presence; present; prevalence; procedure; process; production; quality; quality blood; range; rate; rbc blood; rbc transfusion; rbcs; reactive; red; reduced; repeat donors; research; results; rhd; rhd blood; risk; routine; screening; selection; sequencing; serum; significant; specific; staff; standard; status; storage; studies; study; summary; surgery; systems; tested; testing; tests; therapy; time donors; total; transfusion medicine; transfusion reactions; transfusion safety; transfusion service; transfusion therapy; transfusions; treated; treatment; typing; use; value; variant; versus; weak; women; years cache: cord-010092-uftc8inx.txt plain text: cord-010092-uftc8inx.txt item: #13 of 87 id: cord-010119-t1x9gknd author: None title: Abstract Presentations from the AABB Annual Meeting San Diego, CA ctober 7‐10, 2017 date: 2017-09-04 words: 230433 flesch: 50 summary: Probability of occurrence of cannabis metabolites in blood donor samples is likely to be highly variable across donor centers and is largely dependent on blood donor demographics. OBRR, CBER, FDA Background/Case Studies: Extended molecular typing of a large number of blood donors can increase the likelihood of identifying donor red blood cells (RBCs) that match those of the recipient. keywords: abo; abo blood; acute; addition; alleles; alloimmunization; analysis; anemia; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apheresis; approach; assay; average; background; bacterial; blood; blood bank; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood count; blood donation; blood donors; blood group; blood loss; blood management; blood order; blood ordering; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood screening; blood services; blood specimens; blood supplier; blood supply; blood system; blood testing; blood transfusion; blood type; blood units; blood volume; care; case studies; case study; cases; cd36; cell transfusion; center background; centers; change; clinical; collections; concentration; conclusion; control; cord blood; cost; count; cross; culture; current; data; days; decreased; detection; difference; disease; dna; donations; donor samples; dose; dtt; effect; emergency blood; evaluation; events; evidence; expression; factors; fda; female; ffp; finding; flow; following; frequency; fresh; gel; gene; genotyping; given; groups; hbv; hcv; health; hemoglobin; hemolysis; high; history; hiv; hla; hospital; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; hours; human; identification; igg; immucor; impact; implementation; improvement; incidence; increase; infection; information; initial; institution; inventory; iron; laboratory; levels; low; manual; mean; median; medical; method; mice; minutes; model; molecular; months; mtp; need; negative; new; non; normal; number; order; partial; pathogen; patients; pcr; performance; period; phase; phenotype; plasma; plasma samples; plasma transfusion; plasma units; platelet; platelet blood; platelet transfusion; platelet units; plt; plts; population; positive; post; post transfusion; potential; practice; pre; presence; present; prevalence; procedure; process; processing; program; protocol; quality; r blood; range; rate; rbc; rbc blood; rbc transfusion; rbc units; rbcs; reactive; reactivity; reagent; recipients; recovery; red; reduced; reduction; reference; report; response; results; review; rhd; risk; routine; screening; second; sensitivity; sequencing; serum; set; small; solution; specific; specificity; staff; standard; storage; study design; study period; survey; systems; table; technology; test results; testing; tests; therapy; time; titer; total; tpe; training; transfused; transfusion medicine; transfusion practice; transfusion protocol; transfusion reactions; transfusion results; transfusion service; transfusions; trauma; treatment; tube; typing; units; university; use; values; virus; wastage; wbc; weak; weeks; women; year; zika; zikv cache: cord-010119-t1x9gknd.txt plain text: cord-010119-t1x9gknd.txt item: #14 of 87 id: cord-010772-e7kfe87q author: Hospach, Ingeborg title: In vitro characterization of PrismaLung+: a novel ECCO(2)R device date: 2020-05-13 words: 6172 flesch: 45 summary: ECCO 2 R uses similar gas-exchange principles as ECMO, but the main goal is to remove CO 2 in those with sufficient oxygenation and at lower blood flow rates than ECMO We compared the in vitro CO 2 removal rates during low blood flow (Q B 200-450 mL/min) of three devices: PrismaLung+ (Baxter), PrismaLung (Baxter), and Eurosets A.L.ONE (Eurosets) , and during a Q B of 600 mL/min for the Prisma-Lung+ and A.L.ONE devices [29] keywords: blood; device; flow; gas; min; patients; prismalung+; rates; removal; test cache: cord-010772-e7kfe87q.txt plain text: cord-010772-e7kfe87q.txt item: #15 of 87 id: cord-012354-2f5oq9e5 author: Holtkötter, Hannah title: Forensic differentiation between peripheral and menstrual blood in cases of alleged sexual assault—validating an immunochromatographic multiplex assay for simultaneous detection of human hemoglobin and D-dimer date: 2017-10-23 words: 4606 flesch: 48 summary: Moreover, we aimed to evaluate (1) the sensitivity of the PMB test by considering serial dilutions of peripheral blood and menstrual fluid, (2) possible influences of and cross-reactivity with other biological secretions, and blood from various species, (3) possible false-positive results on blood from aged donors and deceased's peripheral blood, (4) the viability of DNA extraction and amplification from the residual blood diluted on the remaining buffer, (5) a case example involving a historical ethnological artifact, and (6) the performance of the test on blood samples from ten cases of alleged sexual assault. Lastly, blood samples from ten cases of alleged sexual assault were analyzed using the SERATEC PMB test. keywords: blood; dimer; fluid; menstrual; positive; samples; test cache: cord-012354-2f5oq9e5.txt plain text: cord-012354-2f5oq9e5.txt item: #16 of 87 id: cord-015021-pol2qm74 author: None title: Third International Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis —Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches date: 1994 words: 162543 flesch: 45 summary: Ever since we know the role of endotoxins in the pathophysiology of sepsis, antibodies against the S-and R-LPS have also been detected in sepsis patients. In sepsis patients, the CD]4+/CD16+ cells can become a major population with more than 50% of all monocytes in 3 of 18 patients and with more than 500 cells/mm 3 in 4 of 18 cases. keywords: acid; activation; activity; acute; addition; adhesion; administration; aim; analysis; animals; anti; antibodies; antibody; ards; arterial; bacteria; binding; blood; blood cells; blood levels; blood samples; body; burn; capacity; cardiac; cause; cd14; cells; cellular; challenge; changes; circulating; clinical; clp; complement; complications; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; contrast; control; control group; control patients; correlation; course; csf; cultured; cytokine levels; cytokine production; cytokines; damage; data; days; death; decrease; development; differences; disease; dose; dysfunction; effect; elevated; elisa; endothelial; endotoxin; endotoxin levels; evidence; experimental; expression; factor; failure; flow; following; formation; function; gene; gram; group; growth; gut; hepatic; high; host; hours; hrs; human; il-1; il-6; il-6 levels; il-8; ill; immune; increased; induction; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; infusion; inhibitor; injury; ischemia; leukocytes; levels; lipid; liver; lps; lung; lymphocytes; macrophages; mean; mechanisms; mediators; membrane; methods; mice; model; mof; molecules; monoclonal; monocytes; mortality; multiple; necrosis; negative; neutrophils; new; non; normal; number; operation; organ; organ failure; organ injury; outcome; oxygen; p<0.05; parameters; patients; period; peritoneal; phase; placebo; plasma; plasma levels; plasma tnf; play; pmn; positive; post; postoperative; potential; presence; present; pressure; process; production; protein; pulmonary; rate; rats; receptor; reduced; related; release; reperfusion; response; results; risk; role; saline; samples; score; sepsis; sepsis patients; septic; serum; serum levels; severity; sham; shock; sirs; soluble; specific; state; stimulation; studies; study; surface; surgery; survival; syndrome; synthesis; system; systemic; t cells; test; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tnf; tnf levels; tnf production; tnf release; total; trauma patients; treated; treatment; tumor; type; use; values; vascular; vitro; vivo; wound cache: cord-015021-pol2qm74.txt plain text: cord-015021-pol2qm74.txt item: #17 of 87 id: cord-015126-cyhcbk1j author: None title: PS 0036-0344 date: 2007-08-25 words: 59258 flesch: 52 summary: The aim of this clinical trial is to study CIP in ICU patients (pts) after surgical procedures. The physiological condition of ICU patients is marked by rapidly evolving and frequently life-threatening derangements as well as 'silent' yet important alterations in homeostasis. keywords: acute; admission; age; aim; analysis; apache; arterial; baseline; blood; care; cases; changes; conclusion; control; data; days; disease; early; effects; end; factors; failure; fio2; flow; fluid; glucose; group; high; hospital; hours; icu; icu patients; increase; index; infection; infusion; injury; intensive; level; lung; mean; median; medical; min; model; mortality; non; outcome; parameters; patients; period; pressure; pts; rate; respiratory; results; risk; score; sepsis; septic; shock; shock patients; stay; study; support; surgery; system; test; therapy; time; total; trauma; treatment; unit; use; values; ventilation; volume; years cache: cord-015126-cyhcbk1j.txt plain text: cord-015126-cyhcbk1j.txt item: #18 of 87 id: cord-015941-4fz79wzf author: Hu, Yuan title: Molecular Techniques for Blood and Blood Product Screening date: 2018-11-10 words: 7210 flesch: 47 summary: Detection of early HBV infection of blood donors is still a major problem of blood transfusion. Section two: Specific virus families Evaluation of a prototype Trypanosoma cruzi antibody assay with recombinant antigens on a fully automated chemiluminescence analyzer for blood donor screening Transfusion-transmitted malaria in countries where malaria is endemic: a review of the literature from sub-Saharan Africa Detection and species identification of malaria parasites by isothermal tHDA amplification directly from human blood without sample preparation 18 years of research and surveillance Prions: beyond a single protein Crerutzfeldt-Jakob disease and blood transfusion: updated results of the UK transfusion medicine epidemiology review study Detection of prion infection in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: a blood-based assay Preclinical detection of variant CJD and BSE prions in blood Quantitative assessment of prion infectivity in tissues and body fluids by real-time quaking-induced conversion Analytical and clinical performance of the CDC real time RT-PCR assay for detection and typing of dengue virus Threat of dengue to blood safety in dengueendemic countries Comparison of a commercial IgM capture ELISA with dengue antigen focus reduction microneutralization test and the centers for disease control dengue IgM capture-ELISA PCR detection of nearly any dengue virus strain using a highly sensitive primer cocktail Do babesiosis and malaria share a common disease process? Babesia: a world emerging Babesia infection through blood transfusions: reports received by the US Food and Drug Administration Transfusion-transmitted Babesia spp.: keywords: acid; assay; blood; detection; disease; dna; hcv; hepatitis; infection; nucleic; pcr; screening; testing; tests; transfusion; virus cache: cord-015941-4fz79wzf.txt plain text: cord-015941-4fz79wzf.txt item: #19 of 87 id: cord-016248-dxk0i6t7 author: Papa, Joey C. title: Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation date: 2009 words: 6914 flesch: 47 summary: Any progression or change in neurologic status requires cessation of anticoagulation and thus removal from ECMO support. Oliguria and a slight rise in creatinine are common in ECMO patients and are often seen during the fi Hypertension should be aggressively treated due to the increased risk of intracerebral hemorrhage in ECMO patients. keywords: blood; circuit; ecmo; failure; membrane; oxygen; oxygenator; patients; pump; support; venous cache: cord-016248-dxk0i6t7.txt plain text: cord-016248-dxk0i6t7.txt item: #20 of 87 id: cord-016815-pva22xy7 author: Mannem, Hannah C. title: Transfusion and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Clinical Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Management, and Outcomes date: 2016-06-11 words: 5446 flesch: 45 summary: Reports as high as 67 % mortality have been shown in TRALI patients who were critically ill at the time of TRALI diagnosis; however, the cohorts utilized in these studies included some possible TRALI cases as well [ 14 , 16 , 32 ] . Clinical Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Management, and Outcomes date: 2016-06-11 journal: Hematologic Abnormalities and Acute Lung Syndromes DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-41912-1_11 sha: doc_id: 16815 cord_uid: pva22xy7 Transfusion related acute lung injury (TRALI) is a life-threatening complication of blood product transfusion. keywords: acute; blood; injury; lung; patients; plasma; population; risk; trali; transfusion cache: cord-016815-pva22xy7.txt plain text: cord-016815-pva22xy7.txt item: #21 of 87 id: cord-016871-1mlamf20 author: Streiff, Agathe title: Hemorrhage and Transfusions in the Surgical Patient date: 2012-10-30 words: 9061 flesch: 42 summary: The decision to transfuse such patients should weigh the bene fi ts and the risks of blood transfusions, especially given the patients' increased susceptibility to infections, iatrogenic events and increased metabolic demands [ 53 ] . Hemolytic reactions in blood transfusions occur because each individual carries antibodies against the blood group (A or B) that it does not express endogenously. keywords: bleeding; blood; coagulation; hemorrhage; mortality; patients; plasma; platelet; products; rbc; resuscitation; surgery; surgical; teg; transfusion; trauma cache: cord-016871-1mlamf20.txt plain text: cord-016871-1mlamf20.txt item: #22 of 87 id: cord-017248-a37t31u1 author: None title: Alphabetic Listing of Diseases and Conditions date: 2010-05-17 words: 48773 flesch: 37 summary: Peptic ulcers may be associated with emphysema,* tuberculosis,* and other chronic pulmonary diseases. Procedures See under Alcoholism and alcohol intoxication. keywords: abnormalities; acute; air; alcohol; analysis; aorta; aortic; arteries; artery; atresia; autopsy; blood; body; bone; brain; cases; cause; cell; cerebral; changes; chapter; chronic; column; concentrations; conditions; congenital; coronary; death; defect; deficiency; diagnosis; disease; dissection; embolism; evidence; examination; findings; formalin; gas; hand; heart; histologic; histologic study; infection; lesions; liver; lung; manifestations; material; neck; note; organs; patients; photograph; pneumonia; poisoning; preparation; prepare; present; procedures; pulmonary; record; removal; renal; report; request; right; roentgenograms; samples; sections; skin; specimen; spinal; stain; study; syndrome; synonyms; terms; time; tissue; toxicologic; tumor; type; valve; ventricular; vessels; victim; water; weight cache: cord-017248-a37t31u1.txt plain text: cord-017248-a37t31u1.txt item: #23 of 87 id: cord-017946-fa4ehlb0 author: Lawless, Ryan A. title: Adjuncts to Resuscitation date: 2018-05-26 words: 5945 flesch: 32 summary: Damage control resuscitation: the new face of damage control Damage control: collective review Damage control resuscitation: directly addressing the early coagulopathy of trauma Damage control resuscitation reduces volumes and improves survival in 390 damage control laparotomy patients Restrictive fluid resuscitation in combination with damage control resuscitation: time for adaptation The preventative treatment of wound shock General surgery Fluid resuscitation strategies: as systematic review of animal trials Hypotensive resuscitation during active hemorrhage: impact on in-hospital mortality Intraoperative hypotensive resuscitation for patients undergoing laparotomy or thoracotomy for trauma: early termination of a randomized prospective clinical trial Role of permissive hypotension, hypertonic resuscitation and the global increased permeability syndrome in patients with severe hemorrhage: adjuncts to damage control resuscitation to prevent intra-abdominal hypertension Physiology of shock Fluid therapy in hemorrhagic shock ATLS: advanced trauma life support: student course manual In vivo effect of haemodilution with saline on coagulation: a randomized controlled trial Pathophysiology and management of abdominal compartment syndrome Hyperacute abdominal compartment syndrome: an unrecognized complication of massive intraoperative resuscitation for extraabdominal injuries The cellular, metabolic, and systemic consequences of aggressive fluid resuscitation strategies Early predictors of massive transfusion in combat casualties Coagulopathy: its pathophysiology and treatment in the injured patient Secondary abdominal compartment syndrome is an elusive early complication of traumatic shock resuscitation Coagulopathy in the trauma patient Effect of blood pressure on hemorrhage volume and survival in nearfatal hemorrhage model incorporating a vascular injury Improved outcome with hypotensive resuscitation of uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock in a swine model Central and regional hemodynamics during crystalloid fluid therapy after uncontrolled intra-abdominal bleeding The detrimental effects of intravenous crystalloid after aortotomy in swine Immediate versus delayed resuscitation for hypotensive trauma patients with penetrating torso injuries Improved outcome with fluid restriction in treatment of uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock A controlled resuscitation strategy is feasible and safe in hypotensive trauma patients: results of a prospective randomized pilot trial Eight years if experience with massive blood transfusion A massive transfusion protocol to decrease blood component use and costs Damage control hematology: impact of a defined exsanguination protocol on mortality and blood utilization Prediction of massive transfusion Transfusion of plasma, platelets, and red blood cells in a 1:1:1 versus 1:1:2 ratio and mortality in patients with severe trauma: the PROPPR randomized clinical trial Creation, implementation, and maturation of a massive transfusion protocol for exsanguinating trauma patient Massive transfusion protocols: the role of aggressive resuscitation versus product ratio in mortality reduction Damage control resuscitation in patients with severe traumatic hemorrhage: a practice management guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma An emergency department thawed plasma protocol for severely injured patients American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (nd) Room for (performance) improvement: provider-related factors associated with poor outcomes in massive transfusion Compliance with massive transfusion protocol (MTP) impacts patient outcome Multicenter validation of a simplified score to predict massive transfusion Early prediction of massive transfusion in trauma: simple as ABC (assessment of blood consumption Transfusion therapy in hemorrhagic shock Every minute counts: time to delivery of initial massive transfusion cooler and its impact on mortality Military application of tranexamic acid in trauma emergency resuscitation (MATTERs) study Effects of tranexamic acid on death, vascular occlusive events, and blood transfusion in trauma patients with significant hemorrhage (CRASH-2): a randomized, placebo-controlled trial Cost effectiveness analysis of administering tranexamic acid to bleeding trauma patients using evidence from the CRASH-2 trial The importance of early treatment with tranexamic acid in bleeding trauma patients: an exploratory analysis of the CRASH-2 randomised controlled trial Tranexamic acid in trauma: how should we use it? Time course of haemostatic effects of fibrinogen concentrate administration Mechanisms of hydroxyethyl starchinduced dilutional coagulopathy Effects of fibrinogen concentrate as first-line therapy during major aortic replacement surgery Goal-directed coagulation management of major trauma patients using thromboelastometry (ROTEM)-guided administration of fibrinogen concentrate and prothrombin complex concentrate Administration of fibrinogen concentrate in exsanguinating trauma patients is associated with improved survival at 6 hours but not at discharge Association of cryoprecipitate and tranexamic acid with improved survival following wartime injury Cryoprecipitate use in the PROMMTT study A window of opportunity: the aggressive use of plasma in early resuscitation Efficacy and safety of a 4-factor prothrombin complex concentrate in patients on vitamin antagonists presenting with major bleeding: a randomized, plasma-controlled, phase IIIb study Prothrombin complex concentrate in trauma patients Experience with prothrombin complex for the emergent reversal of anticoagulation in rural geriatric trauma patients Protective effects of fresh frozen plasma on vascular endothelial permeability, coagulation, and resuscitation after hemorrhagic shock are time dependent and diminish between days 0 and 5 after thaw Damage control resuscitation The use of recombinant activated factor VII in platelet-associated bleeding Use of recombinant factor VIIa for adjunctive hemorrhage control in trauma and surgical patients Recombinant factor VIIa for hemorrhage control: early experience in critically ill trauma patients Recombinant factor VIIa for the treatment of severe postoperative and traumatic hemorrhage Recombinant factor VIIa as adjunctive therapy for bleeding control in severely injured trauma patients: two parallel randomized, placebocontrolled, double-blinded clinical trials Use of activated recombinant coagulation factor VII in patients undergoing reconstruction surgery for traumatic fracture of pelvis or pelvis and acetabulum: a double-blind, randomized, placebocontrolled trial Results of the CONTROL trial: efficacy and safety of recombinant activated factor VII in the management of refractory traumatic hemorrhage Vasopressin in hemorrhagic shock: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized animal trials Vasopressin clearance and secretion during haemorrhage in normal dogs and in dogs with experimental diabetes insipidus Vasopressin and shock but not fluid resuscitation, enhances survival in a liver trauma model with uncontrolled and otherwise lethal hemorrhagic shock in pigs Potential benefit of vasopressin in resuscitation of hemorrhagic shock Vasopressin deficiency in the syndrome of irreversible shock Arginine vasopressin, but not epinephrine, improves survival in uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock after liver trauma in pigs Vasopressin improves survival in a porcine model of abdominal vascular injury Anti-tumor mechanisms if valproate: a novel role for an old drug Acetylation: a regulatory modification to rival phosphorylation? Histone deacetylase is a direct target of valproic acid, a potent anticonvulsant, mood stabilizer, and teratogen Gene activation by histone and factor acetyltransferase Regulation of lifespan by histone deacetylase Cardiac histones are substrates of histone deacetylase activity in hemorrhagic shock and resuscitation Valproic acid prevents hemorrhage-associated lethality and affects the acetylation patterns of cardiac histones Surviving blood loss without fluid resuscitation Surviving blood loss without blood transfusion in a swine poly-trauma model A rational approach to perioperative fluid management Dynamic fluid redistribution in hyperosmolar resuscitation of hypovolemic hemorrhage Damage control immunoregulation: is there a role for low-volume hypertonic saline resuscitation in patients managed with damage control surgery? Hypertonic saline and the microcirculation Hypertonic saline and pentoxifylline attenuates gut injury after hemorrhagic shock Hypertonic saline and pentoxifylline reduces hemorrhagic shock resuscitation-induced pulmonary inflammation through attenuation of neutrophil degranulation and proinflammatory mediator synthesis keywords: blood; control; damage; hemorrhage; hypertonic; mortality; patients; resuscitation; saline; shock; transfusion; trauma; use cache: cord-017946-fa4ehlb0.txt plain text: cord-017946-fa4ehlb0.txt item: #24 of 87 id: cord-017948-fqhl1qb4 author: Hu, Yuan title: Molecular Techniques for Blood and Blood Product Screening date: 2012-04-05 words: 7305 flesch: 51 summary: Diagnosis depends upon fi nding parasites on blood fi lm examination which can be detected 2-4 weeks after a tick bite. Detection of early HBV infection of blood donors is still a major problem of blood transfusion. keywords: blood; cation; detection; disease; dna; hcv; hepatitis; infection; pcr; safety; screening; tests; transfusion; virus cache: cord-017948-fqhl1qb4.txt plain text: cord-017948-fqhl1qb4.txt item: #25 of 87 id: cord-018414-6ffhm895 author: Kang, Yoogoo title: Anesthesia Management of Liver Transplantation date: 2016-07-22 words: 21167 flesch: 28 summary: Liver transplantation requires a true multidisciplinary approach, and anesthesiologists and intensivists have played a major role in the successful outcome of liver transplantation. Right ventricular function during orthotopic liver transplantation Adult respiratory distress syndrome secondary to endstage liver disease-successful outcome following liver transplantation Use of intraoperative blood salvage during orthotopic liver transplantation Compression of the brachial plexus injury during right lobe liver donation as a cause of brachial plexus injury: a case report Rapid infusion devices for hemorrhagic cardiothoracic trauma Liver transplantation: effect of washing bank blood on intraoperative control of hyperkalemia Right heart dysfunction, pulmonary embolism, and paradoxical embolization during liver transplantation. keywords: administration; anesthesia; arterial; artery; blood; bypass; cardiac; coagulation; disease; dysfunction; et al; factors; failure; flow; function; hepatic; hypertension; ivc; level; liver; liver disease; liver transplantation; loss; output; patients; portal; pressure; reperfusion; right; serum; stage; syndrome; transplantation; vascular; vein; venous cache: cord-018414-6ffhm895.txt plain text: cord-018414-6ffhm895.txt item: #26 of 87 id: cord-018809-3nrvm4jt author: McMullin, N. R. title: Hemostatic Resuscitation date: 2006 words: 6236 flesch: 43 summary: In the austere environment of combat the practice of fresh whole blood transfusion has proven beneficial to patients who are coagulopathic and require massive transfusion. Reports of the rapid positive response of recipients to fresh whole blood are thought-provoking and suggest profound possibilities for fresh whole blood transfusion. keywords: blood; coagulation; coagulopathy; fibrinogen; oxygen; patients; plasma; platelets; rbcs; resuscitation; rfviia; transfusion; units cache: cord-018809-3nrvm4jt.txt plain text: cord-018809-3nrvm4jt.txt item: #27 of 87 id: cord-022035-annn4qn1 author: Menitove, Jay E. title: Other Viral, Bacterial, Parasitic and Prion-Based Infectious Complications date: 2009-05-15 words: 12441 flesch: 45 summary: The transfusion-associated transmission of parvovirus B19 Parvovirus B19 infection in patients with hemophilia Parvovirus B19 transmission by a highpurity factor VIII concentrate Detection of parvovirus B19 DNA in solventdetergent plasma Parvovirus B19 transmission by heat-treated clotting factor concentrates Prevalence of IgG antibodies to human parvovirus B19 in haemophilia children treated with recombinant factor (F)VIII only or with at least one plasma-derived FVIII or FIX concentrate: results from the French haemophilia cohort Human parvovirus B19 in young male patients with hemophilia A: associations with treatment product exposure and joint range-of-motion limitation Inactivation of parvovirus B19 during pasteurization of human serum albumin Life threatening human parvovirus B19 infection transmitted by intravenous immune globulin High-titer screening PCR: a successful strategy for reducing the parvovirus B19 load in plasma pools for fractionation Prion disease Guidance for Industry: revised preventative measures to reduce the possible risk of transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJD) and variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (vCJD) by blood and blood products Variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease surveillance in the UK: Twelfth Annual Report Incubation period of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease in human growth hormone recipients in France Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease associated with cadaveric dura mater grafts: Japan Similar levels of infectivity in the blood of mice infected with human-derived vCJD and GSS strains of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) investigational look-back study Surgical treatment and risk of sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease: a case-control study Risk factors for Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease: a reanalysis of case-control studies Surveillance for Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease among persons with hemophilia Retrospective neuropathological review of prion disease in UK haemophilic patients A new variant of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease in the UK New variant Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease: Neurological features and diagnostic tests Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease death, United States The same prion strain causes vCJD and BSE Natural and experimental oral infection of nonhuman primates by bovine spongiform encephalopathy agents Transmission of BSE by blood transfusion in sheep Transmission of prion diseases by blood transfusion Possible transmission of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease by blood transfusion Preclinical vCJD after blood transfusion in a PRNP codon 129 heterozygous patient Human prion protein with valine 129 prevents expression of variant CJD phenotype Bovine spongiform encephalopathy in the United States: an epidemiologist's view UK National Blood Service notifies 110 donors of vCJD risk, implements new blood component safeguards Estimating blood donor loss due to the variant CJD travel deferral Predictive ability of sequential surveys in determining donor loss from increasingly stringent variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease deferral policies Consensus conference on vCJD screening of blood donors: report of the panel Effectiveness of leucoreduction for removal of infectivity of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies from blood Visceral infection caused by Leishmania tropica in veterans of Operation Desert Storm Occurrence of Leishmania infantum parasitemia in asymptomatic blood donors living in an area of endemicity in Southern France Viscerotropic leishmaniasis in persons returning from Operation Desert Storm 1990-1991 Short report: occurrence of Leishmania donovani DNA in donated blood from seroreactive Brazilian blood donors The first probable case of platelet transfusiontransmitted visceral leishmaniasis Leishmania donovani transmission by packed RBC transfusion to anemic dogs in the United States Survivability and infectivity of viscerotropic Leishmania tropica from Operation Desert Storm participants in human blood products maintained under blood bank conditions Deferral for risk of leishmaniasis exposure The use of leukodepletion filters at collection to reduce the risk of transfusion transmission of Leishmania donovani infantum and Leishmania major Pulmonary toxoplasmosis after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation: case report and review Acquired toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis after platelet transfusions Toxoplasmosis after renal transplantation: implications of a missed diagnosis Travel-associated dengue infections: United States Dengue in travelers The dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever epidemic in Puerto Rico, 1994-1995 Nosocomial acquisition of dengue Nosocomial dengue by mucocutaneous transmission Nosocomial dengue by mucocutaneous transmission Frequent simian foamy virus infection in persons occupationally exposed to nonhuman primates Naturally acquired simian retrovirus infections in central African hunters Primate-to-human retroviral transmission in Asia Simian foamy virus infection in a blood donor CDC: Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection in organ transplant recipients The World Health Organization Global Influenza Program Surveillance Network. Although a correlation exists between the percentage of immigrants from endemic areas and the percentage of blood donors with serologic evidence of T. cruzi infection, investigators have also identified seropositive blood donors who were born in the United States. keywords: b19; blood; cases; cjd; cruzi; days; disease; donors; human; infection; malaria; parvovirus; patients; plasma; recipients; risk; states; testing; transfusion; transmission; united; united states; vcjd; virus; years cache: cord-022035-annn4qn1.txt plain text: cord-022035-annn4qn1.txt item: #28 of 87 id: cord-022474-xxy83c6u author: Tenorio, Grace C. title: Transfusion Medicine and Immunohematology date: 2007 words: 12096 flesch: 42 summary: Scientific Basis of Transfusion Medicine Estimated risk of transmission of the West Nile virus through blood transfusion in the US American Association of Blood Banks Current and emerging infectious risks of blood transfusions Current prevalence and incidence of infectious disease markers and estimated window-period risk in the American Red Cross blood donor population Modern Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine Blood Banking and Transfusion Medicine Standards for Blood Banks and Transfusion Services Transfusion Medicine Transfusion Therapy: Clinical Principles and Practice The HLA System: Basic Biology and Clinical Applications Clinical Practice of Transfusion Medicine Risks of transfusion-transmitted infection Rossi's Principles of Transfusion Medicine Principles of Transfusion Medicine Request for an exception under 21 CFR (Code of Federal Regulation) 640.120, Alternative Procedures, to 610.53 (d), Dating Periods, to use the Gambro 7-day ELP Platelet Storage System Using Apheresis Platelets Collected with the Cobe Spectra Apheresis System and Gambro Trima Automated Blood Component Collection System US Food and Drug Administration approves Gambro BCT's 7-day platelet Post-Market Surveillance Plan. Children with thalassemia, adults with myelodysplastic syndromes, and patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemias, leukemias, or aplastic anemias become chronically dependent on blood transfusions. keywords: antibodies; antigens; blood; cell; class; components; disease; donors; group; hla; individuals; infection; patients; plasma; platelet; products; reactions; red; risk; system; testing; transfusion; transmission; virus cache: cord-022474-xxy83c6u.txt plain text: cord-022474-xxy83c6u.txt item: #29 of 87 id: cord-022561-rv5j1201 author: Boes, Katie M. title: Bone Marrow, Blood Cells, and the Lymphoid/Lymphatic System date: 2017-02-17 words: 52302 flesch: 38 summary: Production and turnover of blood cells are balanced so that numbers are maintained within normal ranges (steady-state kinetics) in healthy individuals. (note: Some parasites may infect blood cells, such as Hepatozoon organisms within circulating neutrophils or monocytes or Bartonella organisms within erythrocytes, but mainly cause disease in other body systems and are therefore not discussed in this chapter.) keywords: acute; anemia; animals; blood; blood cells; bone; bone marrow; cases; cats; cattle; cause; cell lymphoma; cells; chapter; chronic; coagulation; common; concentration; deficiency; disease; disorders; dogs; erythrocytes; fig; form; hemoglobin; hemolysis; horses; hyperplasia; immune; infection; inflammation; iron; large; lesions; leukemia; liver; lymph; lymph nodes; lymphocytes; lymphoid; lymphoma; macrophages; marrow; neoplasia; neutrophils; nodes; plasma; platelet; pulp; red; response; result; sinus; species; spleen; system; thrombocytopenia; tissue; vessels; zone cache: cord-022561-rv5j1201.txt plain text: cord-022561-rv5j1201.txt item: #30 of 87 id: cord-023095-4dannjjm author: None title: Research Abstract Program of the 2011 ACVIM Forum Denver, Colorado, June 15–18, 2011 date: 2011-05-03 words: 134382 flesch: 49 summary: Mminimum HR, mean HR and the HRV variables (7 and 10) differing between dog groups, also consistently decreased with increasing MR, LA/Ao and the proximal isovelocity surface area in CKCS. The apparently normal levels of hexosaminidase A activity in affected dog samples may be a result of b subunit overexpression. keywords: abnormalities; acid; acth; activity; administration; adult; age; aim; analysis; animals; assay; association; available; baseline; blood; blood samples; body; breed dogs; breeds; canine; cardiac; cases; cats; cell; changes; chf; chronic; clinical; cobalamin; compare; concentrations; control dogs; controls; correlation; cortisol; creatinine; data; days; decrease; detection; diagnosis; diet; difference; disease; dna; dogs; dose; drug; duration; effects; elisa; equine; evidence; examination; expression; failure; fecal; feline; findings; foals; following; food; function; gastrointestinal; gene; glucose; group; heart; horses; hours; human; increase; infection; insulin; isolates; levels; mean; median; medical; minutes; model; months; negative; non; number; observed; outcome; p o; parameters; patients; pcr; period; plasma; platelet; post; potential; presence; present; prevalence; protein; pulmonary; purpose; range; rate; reference; resistance; response; results; risk; role; samples; serum; serum concentrations; serum samples; severity; significance; signs; species; specific; spinal; spp; standard; studies; study; survival; test; therapy; time; tissue; total; treatment; type; urinary; urine; uroliths; use; values; veterinary; weeks; weight; years cache: cord-023095-4dannjjm.txt plain text: cord-023095-4dannjjm.txt item: #31 of 87 id: cord-023168-cd7adns8 author: Thachil, Jecko title: Haematological Diseases in the Tropics date: 2013-10-21 words: 30246 flesch: 37 summary: WHD/3 Information sheet for clinicians Development and evaluation of a new paediatric blood transfusion protocol for Africa Electrocardiographic ST-segment changes during acute, severe isovolemic hemodilution in humans Use of clinical judgement to guide administration of blood transfusions in Malawi Giving tranexamic acid to reduce surgical bleeding in sub-Saharan Africa: an economic evaluation Autologous transfusion techniques: a systematic review of their efficacy Intraoperative autologous blood management Artificial O2 carriers: status in 2005 Red blood cell transfusions in acute paediatrics Survival and haematological recovery of children with severe malaria transfused in accordance to WHO guidelines in Kilifi Intermittent preventive therapy for malaria with monthly artemether-lumefantrine for the post-discharge management of severe anaemia in children aged 4-59 months in southern Malawi: a multicentre, randomised, placebocontrolled trial Bacterial contamination of pediatric whole blood transfusions in a Kenyan hospital Bacterial contamination of blood and blood components in three major blood transfusion centres in Accra, Ghana Access the complete references online at Causes and outcomes of the acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease The acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease: incidence and risk factors Acute chest syndrome in sickle-cell disease Bronchoalveolar lavage in adult sickle cell patients with acute chest syndrome: value for diagnostic assessment of fat embolism Secretory phospholipase A(2) predicts impending acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease Serum C-reactive protein parallels secretory phospholipase A2 in sickle cell disease patients with vasoocclusive crisis or acute chest syndrome Cerebrovascular accidents in sickle cell disease: rates and risk factors Pathophysiology and treatment of stroke in sicklecell disease: Present and future Lesion burden and cognitive morbidity in children with sickle cell disease Prevention of a first stroke by transfusions in children with sickle cell anemia and abnormal results on transcranial Doppler ultrasonography Silent infarction as a risk factor for overt stroke in children with sickle cell anemia: A report from the Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease Nocturnal hypoxaemia and central-nervoussystem events in sickle-cell disease Natural history of blood pressure in sickle cell disease: Risks for stroke and death associated with relative hypertension in sickle cell anemia Prophylaxis with oral penicillin in children with sickle cell anemia. keywords: acute; anaemia; bleeding; blood; blood transfusion; bone; cause; cell; cell disease; children; chronic; complications; countries; deficiency; diagnosis; disease; factor; folate; g6pd; haemoglobin; haemolysis; hiv; individuals; infections; iron; iron deficiency; levels; lymphoma; major; malaria; management; marrow; patients; platelet; prevalence; risk; scd; syndrome; thalassaemia; therapy; thrombocytopenia; transfusion; treatment; vitamin; years cache: cord-023168-cd7adns8.txt plain text: cord-023168-cd7adns8.txt item: #32 of 87 id: cord-023346-8sqbqjm1 author: None title: MONDAY: POSTERS date: 2005-06-08 words: 130150 flesch: 50 summary: The Polish Blood Transfusion Act of 22nd August 1997, in force since January 1st 1999, has been supplemented by 8 Decrees: 1. procedures for external BTS audits; 2. requirements for donor selection; 3. requirements and procedures for organization and safe management of blood transfusion in hospitals; 4. requirements for implementing of national and regional donor registers; 5. employment criteria for BTS personnel; 6. training requirements for hospital personnel involved in blood and blood product administration; 7. national, uniform price list for blood and blood products; 8. organization requirements for setting up of a National Committee for Blood and Blood Transfusion. Introduction: TRALI is a life threatening adverse reaction of blood transfusion. keywords: aim; analysis; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigens; apheresis; assay; associated; background; blood banking; blood banks; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood group; blood loss; blood plasma; blood pressure; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood service; blood supply; blood system; blood transfusion; blood units; blood volume; cases; clinical; complications; concentrates; conclusion; control; cord blood; count; data; day; days; detection; disease; dna; donations; effect; events; factor; ffp; following; frequency; general; groups; hbsag; hbv; hcv; health; high; hla; hospital; hospital blood; identification; important; increase; infections; information; introduction; iron; laboratory; level; low; major; management; mean; medical; methods; national; negative; new; non; number; order; patients; pcr; period; plasma; platelet; platelet transfusion; population; positive; post; practice; presence; present; procedure; process; quality; range; rbc; rbc transfusion; rbcs; red; results; rhd; risk; routine; screening; serum; specific; standard; storage; studies; study; surgery; system; table; test; tested; testing; therapy; time blood; total; transfusion medicine; transfusion reactions; transfusion service; transfusion therapy; transfusions; treatment; type; use; weak; women; years cache: cord-023346-8sqbqjm1.txt plain text: cord-023346-8sqbqjm1.txt item: #33 of 87 id: cord-023354-f2ciho6o author: None title: TUESDAY PLENARY SESSION 3 TUESDAY: POSTERS date: 2005-06-08 words: 130154 flesch: 50 summary: The Polish Blood Transfusion Act of 22nd August 1997, in force since January 1st 1999, has been supplemented by 8 Decrees: 1. procedures for external BTS audits; 2. requirements for donor selection; 3. requirements and procedures for organization and safe management of blood transfusion in hospitals; 4. requirements for implementing of national and regional donor registers; 5. employment criteria for BTS personnel; 6. training requirements for hospital personnel involved in blood and blood product administration; 7. national, uniform price list for blood and blood products; 8. organization requirements for setting up of a National Committee for Blood and Blood Transfusion. Introduction: TRALI is a life threatening adverse reaction of blood transfusion. keywords: aim; analysis; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigens; apheresis; assay; associated; background; blood banking; blood banks; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood group; blood loss; blood plasma; blood pressure; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood service; blood supply; blood system; blood transfusion; blood units; blood volume; cases; clinical; complications; concentrates; conclusion; control; cord blood; count; data; day; days; detection; disease; dna; donations; effect; events; factor; ffp; following; frequency; general; groups; hbsag; hbv; hcv; health; high; hla; hospital; hospital blood; identification; important; increase; infections; information; introduction; iron; laboratory; level; low; major; management; mean; medical; methods; national; negative; new; non; number; order; patients; pcr; period; plasma; platelet; platelet transfusion; population; positive; post; practice; presence; present; procedure; process; quality; range; rbc; rbc transfusion; rbcs; red; results; rhd; risk; routine; screening; serum; specific; standard; storage; studies; study; surgery; system; table; test; tested; testing; therapy; time blood; total; transfusion medicine; transfusion reactions; transfusion service; transfusion therapy; transfusions; treatment; type; use; weak; women; years cache: cord-023354-f2ciho6o.txt plain text: cord-023354-f2ciho6o.txt item: #34 of 87 id: cord-023364-ut56gczm author: None title: EDUCATION DAY MONDAY: PLENARY SESSION 1 MONDAY: PARALLEL SESSIONS date: 2005-06-08 words: 130157 flesch: 50 summary: The Polish Blood Transfusion Act of 22nd August 1997, in force since January 1st 1999, has been supplemented by 8 Decrees: 1. procedures for external BTS audits; 2. requirements for donor selection; 3. requirements and procedures for organization and safe management of blood transfusion in hospitals; 4. requirements for implementing of national and regional donor registers; 5. employment criteria for BTS personnel; 6. training requirements for hospital personnel involved in blood and blood product administration; 7. national, uniform price list for blood and blood products; 8. organization requirements for setting up of a National Committee for Blood and Blood Transfusion. Introduction: TRALI is a life threatening adverse reaction of blood transfusion. keywords: aim; analysis; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigens; apheresis; assay; associated; background; blood banking; blood banks; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood group; blood loss; blood plasma; blood pressure; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood service; blood supply; blood system; blood transfusion; blood units; blood volume; cases; clinical; complications; concentrates; conclusion; control; cord blood; count; data; day; days; detection; disease; dna; donations; effect; events; factor; ffp; following; frequency; general; groups; hbsag; hbv; hcv; health; high; hla; hospital; hospital blood; identification; important; increase; infections; information; introduction; iron; laboratory; level; low; major; management; mean; medical; methods; national; negative; new; non; number; order; patients; pcr; period; plasma; platelet; platelet transfusion; population; positive; post; practice; presence; present; procedure; process; quality; range; rbc; rbc transfusion; rbcs; red; results; rhd; risk; routine; screening; serum; specific; standard; storage; studies; study; surgery; system; table; test; tested; testing; therapy; time blood; total; transfusion medicine; transfusion reactions; transfusion service; transfusion therapy; transfusions; treatment; type; use; weak; women; years cache: cord-023364-ut56gczm.txt plain text: cord-023364-ut56gczm.txt item: #35 of 87 id: cord-023528-z9rc0ubj author: Wilkins, Pamela A. title: Disorders of Foals date: 2009-05-18 words: 42606 flesch: 40 summary: A syndrome of bronchointerstitial pneumonia and acute respiratory distress has been described in older foals and appears to be a distinct entity from acute respiratory distress syndrome in neonatal foals in association with sepsis. One can use these measurements and the ultrasonographic appearance of the internal umbilical structures from clinically normal foals as references to diagnose abnormalities of the umbilical structures in neonatal foals. keywords: abnormalities; acute; administration; age; author; birth; blood; care; cases; cell; concentration; days; deformities; diagnosis; diarrhea; disease; effects; equine; failure; fetal; fetus; fluid; foals; function; gastric; horses; hours; human; hypoxia; infants; infection; injury; intravenous; joint; limb; mares; neonatal; neonate; newborn; oxygen; patients; pneumonia; rate; renal; result; risk; sepsis; signs; specific; therapy; treatment; use; ventilation cache: cord-023528-z9rc0ubj.txt plain text: cord-023528-z9rc0ubj.txt item: #36 of 87 id: cord-026021-b8vtmr9h author: Hohenhaus, Ann E. title: Blood Transfusion and Blood Substitutes date: 2011-06-22 words: 12713 flesch: 47 summary: Screening blood donors for infectious diseases transmitted by blood transfusion is an integral step in maintaining a safe blood supply. 124 Organisms infectious to dogs and known to be transmitted by blood transfusion include B. canis, B. gibsoni, Haemobartonella canis, and Leishmania sp. 31 124 Dogs should not donate if they are ill or have fever, vomiting, or diarrhea; using donors with these clinical signs has resulted in Yersinia enterocolitica contamination of human units of blood. keywords: acute; administration; blood; canine; cats; cells; dea; dogs; donor; feline; hemolytic; human; plasma; reaction; recipient; red; transfusion; treatment; type; use cache: cord-026021-b8vtmr9h.txt plain text: cord-026021-b8vtmr9h.txt item: #37 of 87 id: cord-026031-hnf5vayd author: Ford, Richard B. title: Emergency Care date: 2009-05-21 words: 112481 flesch: 42 summary: animal patients. The normal CVP for small animal patients is 0 to 5 cm H 2 O. Values less than zero are associated with absolute or relative hypovolemia. keywords: abnormalities; acute; administer; administration; airway; animal; bandage; blood; blood pressure; body; cardiac; care; cases; catheter; cats; cause; charcoal; control; crystalloid; damage; days; decrease; diagnosis; disease; dogs; dose; drugs; dysrhythmias; edema; effects; effusion; emergency; emesis; examination; exposure; failure; fluid; following; function; gastrointestinal; heart; hemorrhage; hours; infection; ingestion; injury; intravenous; kg iv; kg po; lavage; loss; management; minutes; monitor; needle; normal; obstruction; occurs; oxygen; pain; patient; perform; perfusion; place; plasma; presence; present; pressure; pulmonary; radiographs; rate; renal; result; risk; saline; secondary; seizures; serum; shock; signs; skin; sodium; solution; supplemental; therapy; thoracic; time; tissue; toxicity; trauma; treatment; tube; urine; volume; vomiting; water; wound cache: cord-026031-hnf5vayd.txt plain text: cord-026031-hnf5vayd.txt item: #38 of 87 id: cord-026559-xx52u01h author: Tripathi, Siddhartha title: Blood Plasma Microfluidic Device: Aiming for the Detection of COVID-19 Antibodies Using an On-Chip ELISA Platform date: 2020-06-10 words: 2013 flesch: 44 summary: The technology was developed to realize a microdevice to enable blood plasma separation in a lab-on-chip format in an effective way. The technology of blood plasma separation in a microdevice can be employed for testing of antibodies present in the blood plasma of a COVID-19-infected subject, similar to a point-of-care serological test. keywords: antibodies; blood; microdevice; plasma cache: cord-026559-xx52u01h.txt plain text: cord-026559-xx52u01h.txt item: #39 of 87 id: cord-027659-rxbo7b0e author: Bates, Imelda title: Blood Transfusion date: 2020-06-22 words: 4170 flesch: 45 summary: WHO recommendations on SARS and blood safety The risk of malaria transmission by blood transfusion at Cotonou Human immunodefi ciency virus, hepatitis C and hepatitis B infections among blood donors in Germany 2000-2002: risk of virus transmission and the impact of nucleic acid amplifi cation testing Predonation screening of blood donors with rapid tests: implementation and effi cacy of a novel approach to blood safety in resource-poor settings Effect of blood transfusion on survival among children in a Kenyan hospital Trends and risk factors of HIV-1 seropositivity among outpatient children Anaemia, blood transfusion practices, HIV and mortality among women of reproductive age in western Kenya World Health Organization. Those who become infected through blood transfusion are infectious to others and contribute to the spread of disease throughout the wider population. keywords: anaemia; blood; countries; donors; haemoglobin; hepatitis; hiv; malaria; transfusion cache: cord-027659-rxbo7b0e.txt plain text: cord-027659-rxbo7b0e.txt item: #40 of 87 id: cord-032181-gmcugd8h author: Song, Jian-Xin title: Main Complications of AECHB and Severe Hepatitis B (Liver Failure) date: 2019-05-21 words: 51195 flesch: 34 summary: If liver disease patients have other lung diseases (such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema and pneumonia, and pleural effusion, etc.), then significant respiratory symptoms may occur. in liver cirrhosis patients with ascites that paracentesis should be performed after admission to determine whether SBP exist. keywords: acid; activity; acute; addition; ammonia; arterial; ascites; bacterial; bleeding; blood; body; brain; cause; cells; chronic; circulation; cirrhosis; coagulation; diagnosis; diseases; dysfunction; encephalopathy; endotoxin; factors; function; hepatic; hepatitis patients; high; hps; hps patients; hrs; hypoxemia; increase; infection; liver; liver cells; liver cirrhosis; liver disease; liver failure; liver function; liver transplantation; lps; manifestations; metabolic; oxygen; patients; plasma; platelet; pressure; protein; pulmonary; rate; receptor; renal; respiratory; role; serum; study; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; test; time; tract; treatment; type; vascular cache: cord-032181-gmcugd8h.txt plain text: cord-032181-gmcugd8h.txt item: #41 of 87 id: cord-102668-1yc38ok1 author: Siddiqui, Shoib S. title: Acidosis, Zinc and HMGB1 in Sepsis: A Common Connection Involving Sialoglycan Recognition date: 2020-07-15 words: 5404 flesch: 40 summary: So Far Targeting HMGB1 in the treatment of sepsis HMGB1, a potent proinflammatory cytokine in sepsis High mobility group 1 protein (HMG-1) stimulates proinflammatory cytokine synthesis in human monocytes Elevated serum levels of S100A8/A9 and HMGB1 at hospital admission are correlated with inferior clinical outcomes in COVID-19 patients Erythrocyte sialoglycoproteins engage Siglec-9 on neutrophils to suppress activation Selectin-mucin interactions as a probable molecular explanation for the association of Trousseau syndrome with mucinous adenocarcinomas Sepsis and Septic Shock Damage-Associated Molecular Patterns in Inflammatory Diseases DAMP-sensing receptors in sterile inflammation and inflammatory diseases Complexity of danger: the diverse nature of damage-associated molecular patterns High HMGB1 level is associated with poor outcome of septicemic melioidosis HMG-1 as a late mediator of endotoxin lethality in mice HMGB1 signals through toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 and TLR2 A critical cysteine is required for HMGB1 binding to Tolllike receptor 4 and activation of macrophage cytokine release HMGB1 and RAGE in inflammation and cancer CD24 and Siglec-10 selectively repress tissue damage-induced immune responses CD52 glycan binds the proinflammatory B box of HMGB1 to engage the Siglec-10 receptor and suppress human T cell function Occurrence of sialic acids in healthy humans and different disorders HMG-box domain stimulation of RAG1/2 cleavage activity is metal ion dependent The effect of manganese(II) on DNA structure: electronic and vibrational circular dichroism studies Specific Sialoforms Required for the Immune Suppressive Activity of Human Soluble CD52 A sialylated glycan microarray reveals novel interactions of modified sialic acids with proteins and viruses Human xeno-autoantibodies against a non-human sialic acid serve as novel serum biomarkers and immunotherapeutics in cancer Cross-comparison of protein recognition of sialic acid diversity on two novel sialoglycan microarrays Heparan sulfate is essential for high mobility group protein 1 (HMGB1) signaling by the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) Design of anti-inflammatory heparan sulfate to protect against acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure A new group of chromatin-associated proteins with a high content of acidic and basic amino acids Emerging roles for HMGB1 protein in immunity, inflammation, and cancer HMGB1 in health and disease HMGB1 interacts with many apparently unrelated proteins by recognizing short amino acid sequences HMGB1 as biomarker and drug target The evolution of High Mobility Group Box (HMGB) chromatin proteins in multicellular animals Release of chromatin protein HMGB1 by necrotic cells triggers inflammation Tolerance, danger, and the extended family Monocytic cells hyperacetylate chromatin protein HMGB1 to redirect it towards secretion The many faces of HMGB1: molecular structurefunctional activity in inflammation, apoptosis, and chemotaxis Therapeutic potential of HMGB1-targeting agents in sepsis Reversing established sepsis with antagonists of endogenous high-mobility group box 1 Identification of CD163 as an antiinflammatory receptor for HMGB1-haptoglobin complexes C1q and HMGB1 reciprocally regulate human macrophage polarization Tumor-infiltrating DCs suppress nucleic acid-mediated innate immune responses through interactions between the receptor TIM-3 and the alarmin HMGB1 T cell regulation mediated by interaction of soluble CD52 with the inhibitory receptor Siglec-10 Mutually exclusive redox forms of HMGB1 promote cell recruitment or proinflammatory cytokine release Regulation of Posttranslational Modifications of HMGB1 During Immune Responses High-mobility group box 1 protein orchestrates responses to tissue damage via inflammation, innate and adaptive immunity, and tissue repair CD52 inhibits Toll-like receptor activation of NF-κB and triggers apoptosis to suppress inflammation Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein Hernàndez Pando R. Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein, its local production and immunopathological participation in experimental pulmonary tuberculosis Detailed structural features of glycan chains derived from alpha1-acid glycoproteins of several different animals: the presence of hypersialylated, O-acetylated sialic acids but not disialyl residues Generation of monoclonal antibodies against highly conserved antigens Mechanistic insights into the protective impact of zinc on sepsis Persistent low serum zinc is associated with recurrent sepsis in critically ill patients -A pilot study Low zinc and selenium concentrations in sepsis are associated with oxidative damage and inflammation Zinc dyshomeostasis during polymicrobial sepsis in mice involves zinc transporter Zip14 and can be overcome by zinc supplementation Interleukin-6 regulates the zinc transporter Zip14 in liver and contributes to the hypozincemia of the acute-phase response The effect of physicochemical factors on the self-association of HMGB1: Thus, physiological blood pH limits interaction of HMGB1 with leukocyte receptors, suggesting natural inhibitor(s) of HMGB1 interaction in blood. keywords: acid; binding; blood; buffer; hmgb1; plasma; proinflammatory; sepsis; sialic; zinc cache: cord-102668-1yc38ok1.txt plain text: cord-102668-1yc38ok1.txt item: #42 of 87 id: cord-217663-3g2j9tnk author: Li, Na title: A decision integration strategy for short-term demand forecasting and ordering for red blood cell components date: 2020-08-17 words: 7936 flesch: 49 summary: The need for more accurate and efficient ways to manage blood demand and supply is an increasing concern. The need for more accurate and efficient ways to manage blood demand and supply is an increasing concern in many countries, including Canada. keywords: banks; blood; blood banks; demand; hospital; hospital blood; inventory; level; model; ordering; orders; rbc; strategy cache: cord-217663-3g2j9tnk.txt plain text: cord-217663-3g2j9tnk.txt item: #43 of 87 id: cord-252273-mykwzlsu author: Politis, Constantina title: Post-donation information and haemovigilance reporting for COVID-19 in Greece: information supporting the absence of SARS-CoV-2 possible transmission through blood components date: 2020-10-20 words: 1684 flesch: 43 summary: Haemovigilance provided information supporting the absence of transfusion transmission of COVID-19, thus strengthening the hypothesis that, even if it cannot yet be definitively ruled out, COVID-19 is not transmitted through blood transfusion. Due to the urgent requirement for blood, it remains critically important to know whether the COVID-19 virus can be transmitted by blood transfusion, because asymptomatic carriers may donate blood and therefore blood donation could be an unidentified route of transmission. keywords: blood; coronavirus; covid-19; transfusion; transmission cache: cord-252273-mykwzlsu.txt plain text: cord-252273-mykwzlsu.txt item: #44 of 87 id: cord-261788-f728j3bb author: Sabater González, Mikel title: Emergencies and Critical Care of Commonly Kept Fowl date: 2016-03-02 words: 7744 flesch: 44 summary: Postmortem findings in affected birds include splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, airsacculitis, pericarditis, and peritonitis. However, after adequate therapy, there is no currently available test to ascertain whether affected birds are no longer carriers; therefore, treatment should be carefully considered, because of its zoonotic risk, especially in collections open to the public. keywords: animals; avian; birds; blood; body; cause; chickens; condition; disease; ducks; fluid; fowl; lead; pressure; signs; species; therapy; treatment; waterfowl cache: cord-261788-f728j3bb.txt plain text: cord-261788-f728j3bb.txt item: #45 of 87 id: cord-269839-jxqs51o5 author: Bitome-Essono, Paul-Yannick title: Tracking zoonotic pathogens using blood-sucking flies as 'flying syringes' date: 2017-03-28 words: 5877 flesch: 49 summary: The omnipresence of hematophagous flies in certain habitats and their opportunistic blood-feeding behaviour (Muturi et al., 2011; Muzari et al., 2010; Späth, 2000) make of them compelling candidates to obtain blood meals from different vertebrate hosts for pathogen detection. Specifically, blood meals were from 20 vertebrate species, including 12 families and 8 orders (Figure 1b and Tables 2 and 3). keywords: blood; dna; et al; flies; hosts; meals; parasites; pathogens; pcr; species; system; tsetse cache: cord-269839-jxqs51o5.txt plain text: cord-269839-jxqs51o5.txt item: #46 of 87 id: cord-271485-a1633xxe author: Leaf, Rebecca Karp title: ABO Phenotype and Death in Critically Ill Patients with COVID‐19 date: 2020-07-01 words: 1591 flesch: 46 summary: All rights reserved The relationship between blood groups and disease Blood Groups in Infection and Host Susceptibility Relationship between the ABO Blood Group and the COVID-19 Susceptibility Genomewide Association Study of Severe Covid-19 with Respiratory Failure ABO blood group and susceptibility to severe acute respiratory syndrome Inhibition of the interaction between the SARS-CoV spike protein and its cellular receptor by anti-histo-blood group antibodies Retrovirus Epidemiology Donor S. ABO and Rh(D) phenotype frequencies of different racial/ethnic groups in the United States More on 'Association between ABO blood groups and risk of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia' ABO blood type A is associated with increased risk of ARDS in whites following both major trauma and severe sepsis Assessing race and ethnicity data quality across cancer registries and EMRs in two hospitals Accepted Article Age (yrs) -median (IQR) Body mass index -median (IQR) PaO 2 :FiO 2 , mm 7 To examine whether ABO phenotype is associated with mortality among critically ill patients with COVID-19, we used a chi-square test to compare the distribution of observed ABO blood phenotypes with 28-day in-hospital mortality, stratified by the above race/ethnicity categories. keywords: abo; blood; patients; type cache: cord-271485-a1633xxe.txt plain text: cord-271485-a1633xxe.txt item: #47 of 87 id: cord-273388-615acz0l author: He, Miao title: The Impact of Emerging Infectious Diseases on Chinese Blood Safety() date: 2016-11-04 words: 7071 flesch: 49 summary: Novel approach for detection of hepatitis E virus infection in German blood donors Transmission of hepatitis E virus by transfusion: what is the risk? Seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus infection, rural southern People's Republic of China Swine as a principal reservoir of hepatitis E virus that infects humans in eastern China Serological and molecular study of hepatitis E virus among illegal blood donors Prevalence of hepatitis E virus in Chinese blood donors The global distribution and burden of dengue Dengue viremia in blood donors identified by RNA and detection of dengue transfusion transmission during the 2007 dengue outbreak in Puerto Rico Probable and possible transfusion-transmitted dengue associated with NS1 antigen-negative but RNA confirmed-positive red blood cells Detection of dengue virus in sera of Brazilian blood donors Prevalence of antidengue immunoglobulin G antibodies among American Red Cross blood donors in Puerto Rico Dynamic spatiotemporal trends of dengue transmission in the Asia-Pacific region Dengue fever in mainland China A study of seroprevalence and rates of asymptomatic viremia of severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus among Chinese blood donors Seroprevalence and risk factors for severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus infection in Severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus Antibodies against severe fever with thrombocytopenia syndrome virus in healthy persons, China Science, medicine, and the future: leishmaniasis Leishmania braziliensis in blood 30 years after cure Leishmania donovani transmission by packed RBC transfusion to anemic dogs in the United States Transmission of visceral leishmaniasis through blood transfusions from infected English foxhounds to anemic dogs Cutaneous leishmaniasis, cutaneous-ganglionic leishmaniasis, and transfusional kala-azar Visceral leishmaniasis in an infant in Brittany: discussion on the modes of transmission out endemic zones Visceral leishmaniasis after cardiac surgery Survivability and infectivity of viscerotropic Leishmania tropica from operation desert storm participants in human blood products maintained under blood bank conditions Asymptomatic infection by Leishmania infantum in blood donors from the Balearic Islands (Spain) Detection of Leishmania infantum cryptic infection in asymptomatic blood donors living in an endemic area (Eivissa, Balearic Islands, Spain) by different diagnostic methods Asymptomatic Leishmania infantum/chagasi infection in blood donors of western Sicily Serological screening for Leishmania infantum in asymptomatic blood donors living in an endemic area Occurrence of Leishmania infantum parasitemia in asymptomatic blood donors living in an area of endemicity in southern France Current epidemiological profile and features of visceral leishmaniasis in people's Republic of China Major trends in human parasitic diseases in China Q fever as a biological weapon Q fever: a biological weapon in your backyard Chronic Q fever: diagnosis and follow-up Host factors in the severity of Q fever Q fever and HIV infection Postinfection fatigue syndrome following Q fever Q fever in the Netherlands: an update on the epidemiology and control measures Coxiella burnetii infection among blood donors during the 2009 Q-fever outbreak in the Netherlands Screening of blood donors for chronic Coxiella burnetii infection after large Q fever outbreaks Progress of Q-fever epidemiological research in China Molecular epidemiology investigation for Q-fever in northeast of China Sero-investigation of Q-fever among different population and livestock in Anhui Province Q-fever detection on antibody of one causal fever Blood donation in China: sustaining efforts and challenges in achieving safety and availability Epidemiology and cause of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in Guangdong, People's Republic of China Probable limited person-to-person transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza a (H5N1) virus in China Transfusion-transmitted dengue and associated clinical symptoms during the 2012 epidemic in Brazil Evidence for transmission of Zika virus by platelet transfusion Survey of blood collection centers and implementation of guidance for prevention of transfusion-transmitted Zika virus infection-Puerto Rico First case of laboratoryconfirmed Zika virus infection imported into China Early detection of Zika virus infection among travellers from areas of ongoing transmission in China Clearance of dengue virus in the plasma-derived therapeutic proteins Nile virus and the safety of plasma derivatives: verification of high safety margins, and the validity of predictions based on model virus data Quantitative evaluation of plasma after methylene blue and white light treatment in four Chinese blood centers The authors acknowledge Dr Hua Shan and Dr Ling Shi for their careful review of the paper. keywords: agents; blood; cases; china; dengue; donors; eid; fever; infection; malaria; prevalence; risk; transfusion; transmission; virus cache: cord-273388-615acz0l.txt plain text: cord-273388-615acz0l.txt item: #48 of 87 id: cord-274061-ynqxgyw6 author: Epstein, Jay S. title: Blood system changes since recognition of transfusion‐associated AIDS date: 2013-10-17 words: 6257 flesch: 34 summary: Improving Blood Safety and Supply in the U.S The efficiency of HIV p24 antigen screening of US blood donors: projections versus reality Risk of human immunodeficiency virus infection from blood donors who later developed the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome Risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission by blood transfusions before the implementation of HIV-1 antibody screening Guidelines for counseling persons with human T-lymphotropic virus Type I (HTLV-I) and Type II (HTLV-II) Jaundice occurring one to four months after transfusion of blood or plasma: report of seven cases A serologic follow-up of the 1942 epidemic of post-vaccination hepatitis in the United States Army A new antigen in leukemia sera Australia antigen and acute viral hepatitis Immunologic distinction between infectious and serum hepatitis Virus-like particles in serum of patients with Australia-antigen-associated hepatitis Infectious hepatitis: evidence for two distinctive clinical, epidemiological, and immunological types of infection Posttransfusion hepatitis after open-heart operations Serum hepatitis from transfusions of blood Posttransfusion hepatitis after exclusion of the commercial and hepatitis B antigen positive donor Hepatitis A: detection by immune electron microscopy of a virus-like antigen associated with acute illness Transfusion-associated hepatitis not due to viral hepatitis type A or B Posttransfusion non-A, non-B hepatitis: physiochemical properties of two distinct agents Inactivation of hepatitis B virus and non-A, non-B virus by chloroform Determining the size of non-A, non-B hepatitis virus by filtration The chronic sequelae of non-A, non-B hepatitis Serum alanine aminotransferase of donors in relation to the risk of non-A, non-B hepatitis in recipients: the transfusion-transmitted virus study The relationship of donor transaminase (ALT) to recipient hepatitis: impact on blood transfusion services Hepatitis C virus and eliminating post-transfusion hepatitis Hepatitis B virus antibody in blood donors and the occurrence of non-A, non-B hepatitis in transfusion recipients: an analysis of the Transfusion-Transmitted Virus Study Antibody to hepatitis B core antigen as a paradoxical marker for non-A, non-B hepatitis agents in donated blood Isolation of a cDNA clone derived from a blood-borne non-A, non-B viral hepatitis genome An assay for circulating antibodies to a major etiologic virus of non-A, non-B hepatitis Detection of antibody to hepatitis C virus in prospectively followed transfusion recipients with acute and chronic non-A, non-B hepatitis and update on West Nile virus infections in recipients of blood transfusions West Nile Virus Transmission Investigation Team. Transmission of West Nile virus through blood transfusion in the United States in 2002 As West Nile virus season heats up, blood safety testing lags behind West Nile virus among blood donors in the United States Screening the blood supply for West Nile virus RNA by nucleic acid amplification testing Triggers for switching from minipool testing by nucleic acid technology to individual-donation nucleic acid testing for West Nile virus: analysis of 2003 data to inform 2004 decision making Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies Estimation of epidemic size and incubation time based on age characteristics of vCJD in the United Kingdom Uncertainty due to model choice in variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease projections Guidance for industry: revised preventive measures to reduce the possible risk of transmission of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) by blood and blood products Transfusion transmission of human prion diseases Transfusion-associated Chagas disease (American trypanosomiasis) in Mexico: implications for transfusion medicine in the United States Guidance for industry: use of serological tests to reduce the risk of transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in whole blood and blood components intended for transfusion Trypanosoma cruzi in Los Angeles and Miami blood donors: impact of evolving donor demographics on seroprevalence and implications for transfusion transmission Epidemiological and laboratory findings from 3 years of testing United States blood donors for Trypanosoma cruzi The United States Trypanosoma cruzi Infection Study: evidence for vector-borne transmission of the parasite that causes Chagas disease among United States blood donors Anthrax as a biological weapon: medical and public health management. keywords: aids; blood; disease; donors; fda; hepatitis; non; risk; safety; screening; testing; transfusion; transmission; united; virus cache: cord-274061-ynqxgyw6.txt plain text: cord-274061-ynqxgyw6.txt item: #49 of 87 id: cord-277535-u283k70i author: Vaja, Rakesh title: Drugs and the liver date: 2020-09-22 words: 4015 flesch: 45 summary: Prevalence of ultrarapid metabolisers Metabolism of drugs in liver disease depends on liver blood flow. NSAIDS are contraindicated for systemic use in most liver disease patients, because of increased bioavalibilty, the high risk of precipitating gastrointestinal bleeding and renal failure. keywords: blood; codeine; disease; dose; drugs; failure; liver; metabolism; paracetamol; patients cache: cord-277535-u283k70i.txt plain text: cord-277535-u283k70i.txt item: #50 of 87 id: cord-278032-27ikx97x author: GÖKER, Hakan title: The effects of blood group types on the risk of COVID-19 infection and its clinical outcome date: 2020-06-23 words: 2134 flesch: 52 summary: O. A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study Human susceptibility and resistance to Norwalk virus infection ABO blood groups and hepatitis B virus infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis ABO blood group and susceptibility to severe acute respiratory syndrome Blood groups in infection and host susceptibility Relationship between the ABO blood group and the COVID-19 susceptibility Association between ABO blood groups and risk of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia Testing the association between blood type and COVID-19 infection, intubation, and death Inhibition of the interaction between the SARS-CoV spike protein and its cellular receptor by anti-histo-blood group antibodies ABO(H) blood groups and vascular disease: a systematic review and metaanalysis ABO blood group determines plasma von Willebrand factor levels: a biologic function after all? Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia Immune mechanisms of pulmonary intravascular coagulopathy in COVID-19 pneumonia More on association between ABO blood groups and risk of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia Age, sex, blood groups, comorbidities, need for intubation and intensive care unit follow up and mortalities of the patients were analyzed retrospectively. keywords: blood; blood group; covid-19; group; patients cache: cord-278032-27ikx97x.txt plain text: cord-278032-27ikx97x.txt item: #51 of 87 id: cord-278174-znc99yos author: Ramsey, Glenn title: Managing recalls and withdrawals of blood components date: 2004-01-31 words: 4904 flesch: 46 summary: Over the past 10 to 15 years, the stricter application of these principles to blood components has led to a growing number of recalls and withdrawals by blood suppliers, as well as a concomitant increase in the numbers of notices sent to transfusion services about blood products they have received. Furthermore, because platelets and red blood cells have a short shelf life and because hospitals do not keep a large reserve of blood components in storage, most of these notices about nonconforming blood products are often received after the units had been transfused. keywords: blood; components; donor; fda; hiv; recalls; risk; testing; transfusion; units cache: cord-278174-znc99yos.txt plain text: cord-278174-znc99yos.txt item: #52 of 87 id: cord-280379-1o9tzwjg author: Touyz, Louis Z. G. title: Liquorice Health Check, Oro-Dental Implications, and a Case Report date: 2009-07-08 words: 2953 flesch: 41 summary: This article appraises physiological and pharmacological effects on health of liquorice, critiques products containing liquorice, describes a typical case report of liquorice-induced hypertension, and appraises oral effects from consumption of liquorice products. Liquorice, or liquorice, is a uniquely tasting herb derived from Glycyrrhiza glabra, and has been used in medicine for thousands of years. Liquorice is used as a flavorant in a variety of edibles, medicine, and tobacco, and is often innocently consumed in vast amounts without any regard or only with vague concepts of side effects liquorice may produce. keywords: blood; consumption; effects; glycyrrhizin; health; hypertension; liquorice; pressure; tobacco cache: cord-280379-1o9tzwjg.txt plain text: cord-280379-1o9tzwjg.txt item: #53 of 87 id: cord-280480-djv7pc3m author: Jägers, Johannes title: Perfluorocarbon-based oxygen carriers: from physics to physiology date: 2020-11-03 words: 6220 flesch: 42 summary: To understand the difficulties that challenge researchers in creating formulations for clinical applications, this review provides the physical background of PFCs’ properties and then illuminates the reasons for instabilities of PFC emulsions. Because of the equal distribution of the nano-sized droplets, plasma skimming does not occur with PFC emulsions (Fig. 3B) . keywords: blood; carriers; droplets; emulsions; fig; liver; oxygen; perfluorocarbon; pfc; pfcs; plasma; properties; rbcs; size; use; water cache: cord-280480-djv7pc3m.txt plain text: cord-280480-djv7pc3m.txt item: #54 of 87 id: cord-281003-7pdhxdzc author: Farmakis, Dimitrios title: COVID‐19 and thalassaemia: A position statement of the Thalassaemia International Federation date: 2020-07-13 words: 2839 flesch: 37 summary: The haemoglobinopathy units and clinics are thus advised to designate a dedicated room within the medical facility that will be used to provide medical care to thalassaemia patients who are suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patients. On the other hand, therapeutic advances of the past decades have resulted in a significant improvement in the once ominous prognosis of thalassaemia patients, and thus, patients with access to modern treatment modalities and well-organized follow-up programmes grow old and face a new spectrum of comorbidities related to ageing. keywords: blood; care; coronavirus; covid-19; disease; pandemic; patients; thalassaemia cache: cord-281003-7pdhxdzc.txt plain text: cord-281003-7pdhxdzc.txt item: #55 of 87 id: cord-281990-x5nql0cw author: Liu, Y. title: Association between epidemic dynamics of Covid-19 infection and ABO blood group types date: 2020-07-15 words: 3603 flesch: 48 summary: In this study, total 2173 confirmed Covid-19 infection cases treated in hospitals were analyzed, and of these patients a higher population with blood group A than that of comparable population without Covid-19 infection was found. There was no significant correlation between health care expense and Covid-19 infection cases in the analyzed countries. keywords: blood; cases; covid-19; death; infection; type cache: cord-281990-x5nql0cw.txt plain text: cord-281990-x5nql0cw.txt item: #56 of 87 id: cord-284893-qi6dkcb3 author: Wilson, Kumanan title: Variant Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and the Canadian blood system after the tainted blood tragedy date: 2006-10-02 words: 6798 flesch: 42 summary: In particular, two key themes that have come to dominate decisionmaking in the post Krever era deserve further analysis-the application of the precautionary principle to blood policy and the challenge of rising costs in a risk-averse blood system. The other explanation for the lack of public influence on blood policy is the absence of welldefined advocacy coalitions representing the public and the interests of consumers of blood products (Orsini, 2002) . keywords: blood; blood system; canadian; decision; information; making; policy; public; risk; safety; transmission; vcjd cache: cord-284893-qi6dkcb3.txt plain text: cord-284893-qi6dkcb3.txt item: #57 of 87 id: cord-291644-5y0ioety author: Akiyama, Tomohiro title: The Natural-Mineral-Based Novel Nanomaterial IFMC Increases Intravascular Nitric Oxide without Its Intake: Implications for COVID-19 and beyond date: 2020-08-29 words: 5841 flesch: 36 summary: No problem was found in the monitoring results when spraying IFMC solution on the body or when wearing clothes impregnated with IFMC over several months. We think that mineral components exist as ions in IFMC solution since crystals were obtained when it dried up. keywords: blood; blood flow; body; covid-19; flow; ifmc; increase; intravascular; nitric; oxide; potential; rate; surface; temperature; therapy; vasodilation cache: cord-291644-5y0ioety.txt plain text: cord-291644-5y0ioety.txt item: #58 of 87 id: cord-294241-11abmmyl author: Jersild, C. title: Blood Transfusion Services date: 2008-08-26 words: 3306 flesch: 35 summary: key: cord-294241-11abmmyl authors: Jersild, C.; Hafner, V. title: Blood Transfusion Services date: 2008-08-26 journal: International Encyclopedia of Public Health DOI: 10.1016/b978-012373960-5.00520-7 sha: doc_id: 294241 cord_uid: 11abmmyl Blood transfusion services are an important part of the health-care system since blood transfusion is required in a number of frequently occurring clinical situations: Major surgical procedures, including treatment of trauma patients; obstetric care with major bleeding during child birth; and treatment of several medical diseases, especially hematological diseases. This article outlines the essential safety aspects of blood transfusion from the proper selection of the unpaid blood donor to processing and appropriate testing of the blood unit to safety aspects of transfusion, which include the appropriate clinical use of blood and blood components. keywords: blood; components; donor; health; plasma; quality; safety; transfusion; use cache: cord-294241-11abmmyl.txt plain text: cord-294241-11abmmyl.txt item: #59 of 87 id: cord-294585-dl5v9p50 author: Klein, H. G. title: Pathogen‐reduction methods: advantages and limits date: 2009-02-13 words: 4522 flesch: 36 summary: Pathogen-inactivation of components containing red blood cells presents a particularly challenging dilemma. S303 (Helinx), a small molecule designed for pathogeninactivation treatment of red blood cells, is an alkylating agent derived from a quinacrine mustard that belongs to a class of 'frangible anchor linker effectors' (FRALE) compounds. keywords: blood; cells; inactivation; light; pathogen; plasma; platelet; riboflavin; transfusion; treatment; ultraviolet; viruses cache: cord-294585-dl5v9p50.txt plain text: cord-294585-dl5v9p50.txt item: #60 of 87 id: cord-294684-wfsdjs1f author: Vesnaver, Elisabeth title: Barriers and enablers to source plasma donation by gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men under revised eligibility criteria: protocol for a multiple stakeholder feasibility study date: 2020-11-02 words: 6764 flesch: 42 summary: The implementation of revised eligibility criteria and gbMSM source plasma donation can be described as an intervention designed to support behaviour change in gbMSM. 6 Consistencies and discrepancies between the two Canadian cities and implications for tailoring strategies to support gbMSM source plasma donation in each context. keywords: blood; criteria; donation; donor; eligibility; gbmsm; men; plasma; research; source; source plasma; study cache: cord-294684-wfsdjs1f.txt plain text: cord-294684-wfsdjs1f.txt item: #61 of 87 id: cord-299422-s5evsj96 author: Abdollahi, Alireza title: The Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 Vulnerability Association with ABO/Rh Blood Types date: 2020-05-23 words: 2913 flesch: 41 summary: Previous researches have proved the potential role of ABO blood groups on a host's genetic susceptibility to various viral diseases such as influenza, Ebola, enteric viruses, and SARS-CoV infections (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) . Further studies are required to determine the exact mechanism through which ABO blood group influences COVID-19 susceptibility, which could be helpful in patient management and disease control. keywords: abo; blood; covid-19; group; histo; patients; sars; susceptibility cache: cord-299422-s5evsj96.txt plain text: cord-299422-s5evsj96.txt item: #62 of 87 id: cord-302690-0v7ne7vi author: Chow, Clara K. title: Ultra-low-dose quadruple combination blood pressure lowering therapy in patients with hypertension: The QUARTET randomized controlled trial protocol() date: 2020-10-02 words: 5614 flesch: 46 summary: 112 Rationale for very low-dose combination therapy 113 Dose response data on blood pressure reduction 114 Pharmacological dose response curves for blood pressure lowering drugs indicate that a quarter-dose has at least half 115 the blood pressure-lowering effect of a standard dose (usual maintenance dose) but with much fewer side effects. The QUARTET (Quadruple UltrA-low-dose tReaTment for hypErTension) double-blind, active controlled, randomized clinical trial will examine whether ultra-low-dose quadruple combination therapy is more effective than guideline recommended standard care, in lowering blood pressure. keywords: blood; combination; control; difference; dose; patients; pressure; study; therapy; treatment; trial; weeks cache: cord-302690-0v7ne7vi.txt plain text: cord-302690-0v7ne7vi.txt item: #63 of 87 id: cord-304437-ezqghyid author: Palmieri, Tina L. title: Children are not little adults: blood transfusion in children with burn injury date: 2017-08-15 words: 3889 flesch: 44 summary: Optimizing the use of blood transfusions requires an understanding of the physiology of burn injury, the risks and benefits of blood transfusion, and the indications for transfusion. key: cord-304437-ezqghyid authors: Palmieri, Tina L. title: Children are not little adults: blood transfusion in children with burn injury date: 2017-08-15 journal: keywords: adults; blood; burn; children; hemoglobin; injury; loss; transfusion; volume cache: cord-304437-ezqghyid.txt plain text: cord-304437-ezqghyid.txt item: #64 of 87 id: cord-306798-f28264k3 author: Walsh, Geraldine M. title: Blood-Borne Pathogens: A Canadian Blood Services Centre for Innovation Symposium date: 2016-02-23 words: 15316 flesch: 41 summary: The 2003 SARS and 2014 Ebola outbreaks illustrate the potential of epidemics unlikely to be transmitted by blood transfusion but disruptive to blood systems. Dr Turner began by mentioning some milestones in the history of blood transfusion, highlighting a number of events that took place in his adopted home city of Edinburgh, Scotland. keywords: blood; canada; cells; data; decision; disease; dna; donor; ebola; health; hepatitis; human; inactivation; making; ngs; pathogen; platelet; potential; rbcs; risk; safety; sequencing; supply; system; testing; transfusion; transmission; virus; viruses; west cache: cord-306798-f28264k3.txt plain text: cord-306798-f28264k3.txt item: #65 of 87 id: cord-306881-wrd2rhjz author: Gehrie, Eric title: Transfusion Service Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2020-06-25 words: 3300 flesch: 35 summary: 23 Providers also considered starting or increasing hydroxyurea in an effort to maintain lower levels of hemoglobin S. There were initially reports of TPE being done in COVID-19 patients with florid infections who developed sepsis, pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and multisystem organ failure, most likely the result of cytokine storm with endothelial damage, inflammation, and hypercoagulability. This risk should be carefully weighed, especially when considering that the literature contains significant advocacy for extensive plasma exposure to COVID-19 patients, some with no actual patient experience to support the proposed practice. keywords: blood; convalescent; covid-19; disease; pandemic; patients; plasma; supply; treatment cache: cord-306881-wrd2rhjz.txt plain text: cord-306881-wrd2rhjz.txt item: #66 of 87 id: cord-308614-gsgntf4c author: Eshar, David title: Venipuncture in bats date: 2010 words: 1329 flesch: 55 summary: in Zoo Animal And Wildlife Immobilization And Anesthesia A method of bleeding small bats A new method of bleeding small and infant bats Public health awareness of emerging zoonotic viruses of bats: a European perspective Basal, diurnal, and stress-induced levels of glucose and glucocorticoids in captive bats Comparison of serum and plasma for determination of blood biochemical values in Malaysian flying foxes (Pteropus vampyrus) A 25-gauge needle can be used to puncture the vessel in small bats, and the tube can be inserted into the hub of the needle to collect the sample, or if a vein is accidently punctured, blood can be collected into a microhematocrit capillary tube directly from the incision site 2 (Fig. 1) . keywords: bats; blood; sample; vein cache: cord-308614-gsgntf4c.txt plain text: cord-308614-gsgntf4c.txt item: #67 of 87 id: cord-310254-ko1sptzm author: Attri, Bhawna title: Basal-Bolus Insulin Regimen for Hospitalised Patients with COVID-19 and Diabetes Mellitus: A Practical Approach date: 2020-07-18 words: 6399 flesch: 44 summary: The basal insulin regulates the rise in blood glucose due to endogenous glucose production through the processes of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, and the bolus insulin prevents the meal-related rise in blood glucose levels. This gap ensures that the release of prandial insulin is appropriate to match the post-meal rise in blood glucose and that there is no second unregulated wave of glucose release during this period. keywords: blood; blood glucose; covid-19; diabetes; glucose; insulin; mmol; patients cache: cord-310254-ko1sptzm.txt plain text: cord-310254-ko1sptzm.txt item: #68 of 87 id: cord-312418-e4g5u1nz author: Melillo, Alessandro title: Rabbit Clinical Pathology date: 2007-09-18 words: 6444 flesch: 45 summary: Test dipsticks work well to evaluate blood, glucose, ketone, and pH levels in rabbit urine but are not accurate for other parameters. The pH of rabbit urine tends to be high (7.5 to 9) in rabbits fed a correct diet. keywords: blood; calcium; cause; chronic; disease; levels; liver; protein; rabbits; reference; serum; species; stress; urine cache: cord-312418-e4g5u1nz.txt plain text: cord-312418-e4g5u1nz.txt item: #69 of 87 id: cord-312580-r57rkrya author: Harcourt-Brown, Frances title: Chapter 6 Clinical pathology date: 2002-12-31 words: 12630 flesch: 47 summary: Automated differential white cells counts cannot be relied upon for rabbit blood and accurate results can only be obtained using manual counting methods (Kabata et al., 1991) . Although basophils are rare in blood films from species such as the dog, they may be seen commonly in rabbit blood (Kerr, 1989) . keywords: blood; calcium; cause; cell; concentrations; disease; laboratory; levels; liver; parameters; plasma; potassium; rabbits; range; reference; results; serum; species; total; urine; values; white cache: cord-312580-r57rkrya.txt plain text: cord-312580-r57rkrya.txt item: #70 of 87 id: cord-315077-i1xjcuae author: Branda, John A. title: Utilization management in microbiology date: 2014-01-01 words: 4120 flesch: 32 summary: However, once approved there was no requirement or formal mechanism in place to re-evaluate the ongoing need for a restricted antibiotic once the results of microbiology culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing became available. The results of microbiology tests have a significant impact on the overall cost of clinical care, most notably in the use and selection of antimicrobial therapy. keywords: blood; culture; hospital; laboratory; microbiology; patients; testing; tests; use; utilization cache: cord-315077-i1xjcuae.txt plain text: cord-315077-i1xjcuae.txt item: #71 of 87 id: cord-315293-kng4z4kf author: Quesenberry, Katherine E. title: Basic Approach to Veterinary Care of Ferrets date: 2020-05-29 words: 9070 flesch: 47 summary: key: cord-315293-kng4z4kf authors: Quesenberry, Katherine E.; de Matos, Ricardo title: Basic Approach to Veterinary Care of Ferrets date: 2020-05-29 journal: Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-48435-0.00002-2 sha: doc_id: 315293 cord_uid: kng4z4kf The approach to preventive medicine and basic veterinary care in ferrets is very similar to that used in dogs and cats. National association of state public health veterinarians Acetaminophen UDP-glucuronosyltransferase in ferrets: species and gender differences, and sequence analysis of ferret UGT1A6 Rabbit and ferret hemostasis First survey of endoparasites in pet ferrets in Italy Epidural anesthesia and analgesia in ferrets Urine specific gravity values in clinically healthy young pet ferrets (Mustelo furo) keywords: animals; blood; body; canine; catheter; cats; chapter; disease; distemper; ferrets; needle; pet; pressure; rabies; technique; use; vaccination; vaccine; virus cache: cord-315293-kng4z4kf.txt plain text: cord-315293-kng4z4kf.txt item: #72 of 87 id: cord-317250-a5ni1s9e author: Jackson, Ronald S. title: Wine, food, and health date: 2020-04-10 words: 19845 flesch: 40 summary: Even dietary flavonoid supplements (one of the benefits of wine consumption) can be detrimental, if taken in excess (Skibola and Smith, 2003) . As the sections below demonstrate, moderate, daily, wine consumption can have health benefits for the majority of people. keywords: acetaldehyde; acid; action; activity; addition; alcohol; alcohol consumption; antioxidant; benefits; beverages; blood; brain; cancer; cells; consumption; content; disease; effects; et al; ethanol; food; gastric; headache; health; histamine; human; intake; levels; liver; metabolism; oxidation; phenolics; plasma; potential; presence; production; release; resveratrol; risk; studies; study; tract; uptake; wine; wine consumption; wine phenolics cache: cord-317250-a5ni1s9e.txt plain text: cord-317250-a5ni1s9e.txt item: #73 of 87 id: cord-317383-uqg0xwdw author: Weiskopf, Richard B. title: The Need for an Artificial Oxygen Carrier for Disasters and Pandemics, Including COVID‐19 date: 2020-09-26 words: 3202 flesch: 42 summary: The above analyses and considerations regarding efficacy and safety of use of the HBOC for severe anemia when RBC transfusion is not an option (mortality is the ultimate expression of a severe adverse event) is supported by real-world experience emanating from South Africa, where Hemopure® is approved by the national regulatory authority for use in severe anemia when blood transfusion is not an option. An Analysis of the Current System and Alternatives for the Future The Need for Dried Plasma -A National Issue The large-scale production of crystalline human hemoglobin: with preliminary observations on the effect of its injection in man, in Blood Substitutes and Blood Transfusion Clinical experience with hemoglobinsaline solutions Survival of mammals breathing organic liquids equilibrated with oxygen a atmospheric pressure Serum alanine aminotransferase of donors in relation to the risk of non-A,non-B hepatitis in recipients: the transfusiontransmitted viruses study Non-A, non-B posttransfusion hepatitis in the United States Non-A, Non-B hepatitis following blood transfusion: risk factors associated with donor characteristics Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) associated with transfusions A new strategy for estimating risks of transfusion-transmittted viral infections based on rates of detection of recently infected donors for the Planning Committee and Speakers. keywords: anemia; blood; death; hemoglobin; oxygen; patients; red; risk; transfusion cache: cord-317383-uqg0xwdw.txt plain text: cord-317383-uqg0xwdw.txt item: #74 of 87 id: cord-318598-pzlf2zpc author: Roberts, Brian K. title: Basic Shock Physiology and Critical Care date: 2016-04-28 words: 4997 flesch: 39 summary: The ratio of arterial oxygen delivery to oxygen consumption is the oxygen extraction ratio (O 2 ER) (see Fig. 1 ). 18 During periods of increased oxygen need caused by changes in metabolism, such as fever, the tissues can extract more oxygen. keywords: acute; blood; cells; fluid; hemorrhage; injury; oxygen; response; sepsis; shock; sirs; system cache: cord-318598-pzlf2zpc.txt plain text: cord-318598-pzlf2zpc.txt item: #75 of 87 id: cord-318792-psw8bs17 author: Lee, Jaewon title: Lab on a chip for in situ diagnosis: From blood to point of care date: 2013-08-01 words: 4962 flesch: 39 summary: Blood separation method using microfluidic chip can be categorized as follows: separation by size and weight, and by hydrodynamic mechanisms. Micro electro mechanical systems Microneedle array for transdermal biological fluid extraction and in situ analysis Physics and applications of microfluidics in biology Micro-/nanotechnologybased isolation and clinical significance of circulating tumor cells Separation of plasma from whole human blood in a continuous cross-flow in a molded microfluidic device In situ fabricated porous filters for microsystems Isolation of plasma from whole blood using planar microfilters for lab-on-a-chip applications Microfluidic chip for blood cell separation and collection based on crossflow filtration Spheres in the vicinity of a bifurcation: elucidating the Zweifach-Fung effect A microfluidic device for continuous, real time blood plasma separation Continuous blood cell separation by hydrophoretic filtration Micro total analysis system (µ-TAS) in biotechnology The immunoassay handbook: theory and applications of ligand binding, ELISA and related techniques Heterogeneous enzyme immunoassay with electrochemical detection: competitive and sandwich-type immunoassays On-chip sample preparation by controlled release of antibodies for simple CD4 counting Antibody immobilization on to polystyrene substrate-on-chip immunoassay for horse IgG based on fluorescence Microchip based multiplex electro immunosensing system for the detection of cancer biomarkers Microfluidic immunoassays An integrated microfluidic platform for sensitive and rapid detection of biological toxins Rapid microchip-based electrophoretic immunoassays for the detection of swine influenza virus Microfluidic chip-based electrochemical immunoassay for hippuric acid Ultrasensitive, multiplexed detection of cancer biomarkers directly in serum by using a quantum dot-based microfluidic protein chip Design and testing of a disposable microfluidic chemiluminescent immunoassay for disease biomarkers in human serum samples Flow-through functionalized PDMS microfluidic channels with dextran derivative for ELISAs On-chip enzyme immunoassay of a cardiac marker using a microfluidic device combined with a portable surface plasmon resonance system On-chip immunoassay using surface-enhanced Raman scattering of hollow gold nanospheres Prussian blue modified amperometric FIA biosensor: one-step immunoassay forfetoprotein Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay on a microchip with electrochemical detection In situ electrochemical enzyme immunoassay on a microchip with surface-functionalized poly (dimethylsiloxane) channel Highly sensitive photoelectrochemical immunoassay with enhanced amplification using horseradish peroxidase induced biocatalytic precipitation on a CdS quantum dots multilayer electrode A label-free immunosensor array using single-chain antibody fragments In-situ quantitative analysis of a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) using a nanomechanical PZT cantilever Point of care diagnostics: status and future ACKNOWLEDGEMENT keywords: analysis; antibodies; blood; chip; detection; device; diagnosis; immunoassay; sample; separation; surface cache: cord-318792-psw8bs17.txt plain text: cord-318792-psw8bs17.txt item: #76 of 87 id: cord-323906-ro078y52 author: Sardu, Celestino title: Implications of AB0 blood group in hypertensive patients with covid-19 date: 2020-08-14 words: 3590 flesch: 37 summary: In this prospective study, we analyzed covid-19 hypertensive patients consecutively admitted to the Department of Infectious Disease at University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples, Italy between February 10, 2020 and April 20, 2020. Such a negative correlation between hypertension and clinical prognosis in covid-19 patients has been deeply investigated in recent trials [1, 2] . keywords: blood; blood group; covid-19; data; death; group; infection; injury; patients; study cache: cord-323906-ro078y52.txt plain text: cord-323906-ro078y52.txt item: #77 of 87 id: cord-327139-u5rzp2h4 author: Barrett, Claire L. title: Primary healthcare practitioners and patient blood management in Africa in the time of coronavirus disease 2019: Safeguarding the blood supply date: 2020-05-21 words: 1693 flesch: 50 summary: Understanding the missing gap and responding to present and future challenges Towards the future of blood transfusion -The South African National blood service's perspectives on cellular therapeutic services and products The essential role of patient blood management in a pandemic: A call for action Anesth Analg Global forum for blood safety: Patient Blood Management (PBM) structured observations The three-pillar matrix of patient blood management -An overview Patient blood management -A new paradigm for transfusion medicine? Multimodal patient blood management program based on a three-pillar strategy: A systematic review and meta-analysis A systematic analysis of global anemia burden from 1990 to 2010 Alternatives to blood transfusion. Keywords: Blood supply; patient blood management; Africa; COVID-19; resilience; transfusion. keywords: africa; blood; health; pandemic; supply cache: cord-327139-u5rzp2h4.txt plain text: cord-327139-u5rzp2h4.txt item: #78 of 87 id: cord-329176-av4qhu4f author: Liu, Nanyang title: Association between ABO blood groups and risk of coronavirus disease 2019: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis date: 2020-08-14 words: 2066 flesch: 45 summary: Clinical characteristics of 138 hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia in wuhan, china Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for virus origins and receptor binding Are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for COVID-19 infection? Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study ABO blood group determines plasma von Willebrand factor levels: a biologic function after all? Blood group alters platelet binding kinetics to von Willebrand factor and consequently platelet function An influence of ABO blood group on the rate of proteolysis of von Willebrand factor by ADAMTS13 The effect of ABO blood group on the diagnosis of von Willebrand disease More on COVID-19 coagulopathy in Caucasian patients Why the immune mechanisms of pulmonary intravascular coagulopathy in COVID-19 pneumonia are distinct from macrophage activation syndrome with disseminated intravascular coagulation Relationship between ABO blood group distribution and clinical characteristics in patients with COVID-19 COVID-19 and ABO blood groups Preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) 2015: elaboration and explanation Critical evaluation of the Newcastle-Ottawa scale for the assessment of the quality of nonrandomized studies in meta-analyses GRADE: an emerging consensus on rating quality of evidence and strength of recommendations Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia Testing the association between blood type and COVID-19 infection, intubation, and death ABO blood group and susceptibility to severe acute respiratory syndrome PRISMA Group Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose. key: cord-329176-av4qhu4f authors: Liu, Nanyang; Zhang, Tingting; Ma, Lina; Wang, Huican; Li, Hao title: Association between ABO blood groups and risk of coronavirus disease 2019: keywords: abo; analysis; blood; covid-19; group; type cache: cord-329176-av4qhu4f.txt plain text: cord-329176-av4qhu4f.txt item: #79 of 87 id: cord-331289-02411gfv author: Di Minno, Giovanni title: Current concepts in the prevention of pathogen transmission via blood/plasma-derived products for bleeding disorders() date: 2015-07-20 words: 8176 flesch: 34 summary: receiver operating characteristic analysis Placental transmission of human parvovirus 4 in newborns with hydrops Serodiagnosis of primary infections with human parvovirus 4, Finland Human parvovirus 4 infection Human parvovirus 4 viremia in young children Novel parvovirus and related variant in human plasma Detection of a novel DNA virus (TTV) in blood donors and blood products Validation of SYBR Green based quantification assay for the detection of human Torque Teno virus titers from plasma West Nile Virus: Detection with Serologic and Real-time PCR Assays Diagnosis of west nile virus human infections: overview and proposal of diagnostic protocols considering the results of external quality assessment studies Second international diagnostic accuracy study for the serological detection of West Nile virus infection Global incidence and prevalence of selected curable sexually transmitted infections Use of PCR in the diagnosis of early syphilis in the United Kingdom Evaluation of a PCR test for detection of treponema pallidum in swabs and blood The laboratory diagnosis of syphilis Current advances in detection and treatment of babesiosis A new real-time PCR assay for improved detection of the parasite Babesia microti Multiplex assay detection of immunoglobulin G antibodies that recognize Babesia microti antigens World Health Organisation (WHO) Guidelines on viral inactivation and removal procedures intended to assure the viral safety of human blood plasma products keywords: assays; blood; detection; donors; hbv; hepatitis; human; infection; nat; pathogen; plasma; products; risk; safety; screening; transfusion; transmission; use; virus cache: cord-331289-02411gfv.txt plain text: cord-331289-02411gfv.txt item: #80 of 87 id: cord-335733-u1g03s2y author: Lakshmanan, Hari Hara Sudhan title: Design of a Microfluidic Bleeding Chip to Evaluate Antithrombotic Agents for Use in COVID-19 Patients date: 2020-08-06 words: 3493 flesch: 34 summary: The velocity of blood in the bleeding channel was recorded by quantifying the rate of blood flow within a graduated polyethylene tubing connected to the distal end of bleeding channel. Our pilot data show a reduction in blood flow velocity as a function of time. keywords: bleeding; blood; channel; covid-19; flow; formation; model; patients; plug; thrombosis cache: cord-335733-u1g03s2y.txt plain text: cord-335733-u1g03s2y.txt item: #81 of 87 id: cord-339705-x8l3zgfd author: Patil, Vijaykumar title: An association between fingerprint patterns with blood group and lifestyle based diseases: a review date: 2020-08-18 words: 19197 flesch: 47 summary: International conference on communication and signal processing IEEE Dermatoglyphic characteristics of patients with rheumatoid arthritis Plantar and digital dermatoglyphic patterns in Malawian patients with diabetes, hypertension and diabetes with hypertension An approach for minutia extraction in latent fingerprint matching Fingerprint pattern examination of right hand thumb in relation to Blood Group Efficacy of fingerprint to determine gender and blood group Distribution of fingerprint patterns among medical students Dermatoglyphics study of fingerprints pattern's variations of a group of type II diabetic mellitus patients in erbil City Design and development of blood sample analyzer using intelligent machine vision techniques A study on relationship between dermatoglyphics and hypertension Detection of pre-diabetics by palmar prints: a computer study leading to a low-cost tool A case study on dermatoglyphics in rheumatoid arthritis Approaches to determination of a full profile of blood group genotypes: single nucleotide variant mapping and massively parallel sequencing Study of fingerprint patterns in type II diabetes mellitus Study of fingerprint patterns in type II diabetes mellitus Dermatoglyphics: an economical tool for prediction of diabetes mellitus A new method to assess asymmetry in fingerprints could be used as an early indicator of type 2 diabetes mellitus Study of fingerprint patterns in relation to gender and blood group Use of palmar dermatoglyphics in rheumatoid arthritis: a case-control study An automatic system to detect human blood group of many individuals in a parellel manner using image processing Application of dermatoglyphic traits for diagnosis of diabetic type 1 patients Spectrophotometric approach for automatic human blood typing Development of an automatic electronic system to human blood typing The study of dermatoglyphics in diabetics of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh population Pattern of fingerprints and their relation with blood groups Dermatoglyphics-quantitative analysis in rheumatoid arthritis Fingertip patterns: a diagnostic tool to predict diabetes mellitus An integrated fiberoptic-microfluidic device for agglutination detection and blood typing A study of fingerprints in relation to gender and blood group Finger ridge count and fingerprint pattern in maturity onset diabetes mellitus Determination and classification of blood types using image processing techniques Dermatoglyphics in rheumatoid arthritis Dermatoglyphics in rheumatoid arthritis Comparative study on the dermatoglyphic pattern among diabetic (type-2) and non-diabetic adults in North Indian population Dermatoglyphic patterns among type 2 diabetic adults in North Indian population Finger print pattern in different blood groups Forensic ABO blood grouping by 4 SNPs analyses using an ABI PRISMR 3100 genetic analyser Evaluation of ABO subtyping by DNA sequencing Finger dermatoglyphic patterns in diabetes mellitus Dermatoglyphics: a diagnostic tool to predict diabetes Utility of dermatoglyphics in Type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) to assess the risk for IHD: Apilot study A study of dermatoglyphic pattern in relation to ABO, Rh blood group and gender among the population of Chhattisgarh Dermatoglyphics: blueprints of human cognition on fingerprints A cost-effective method for blood group detection using fingerprints Comparative study of the fingerprint pattern among diabetic (type 1) & non-diabetic children in Koya City Modis medical jurisprudence and toxicology Qualitative analysis of primary fingerprint pattern indifferent blood group and gender in Nepalese Study of dermatoglyphics in patients with type II diabetes mellitus essential hypertension in the age group between 35-55 Years International conference on automatic control and dynamic optimization techniques (ICAC-DOT). key: cord-339705-x8l3zgfd authors: Patil, Vijaykumar; Ingle, D. R. title: An association between fingerprint patterns with blood group and lifestyle based diseases: a review date: 2020-08-18 journal: Artif Intell Rev DOI: 10.1007/s10462-020-09891-w sha: doc_id: 339705 cord_uid: x8l3zgfd In the current era of the digital world, the hash of any digital means considered as a footprint or fingerprint of any digital term but from the ancient era, human fingerprint considered as the most trustworthy criteria for identification and it also cannot be changed with time even up to the death of an individual. keywords: arches; blood; blood bunch; blood gathering; blood group; blood type; controls; diabetes; examination; females; fingerprint; fingerprint patterns; gathering; groups; guys; hand; hypertension; image; left; loops; mellitus; patients; patterns; ridge; right; type; whorls cache: cord-339705-x8l3zgfd.txt plain text: cord-339705-x8l3zgfd.txt item: #82 of 87 id: cord-344131-e7phs0jd author: Ford, Richard B. title: Section 4 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures date: 2012-12-31 words: 40231 flesch: 50 summary: Doing so can enhance significantly the patient's tolerance for the displacement of skin during the period of administration and, in small patients, prevent hypothermia. Additional training and/or experience is recommended for performing tracheoscopy in small patients. keywords: administration; animal; aspiration; biopsy; biopsy needle; bladder; blood; bone; catheter; cats; cells; collection; contrast; culture; disease; dogs; end; examination; figure; fluid; hair; hours; marrow; material; nasal; needle; patient; place; pressure; procedure; sample; site; skin; slide; syringe; technique; tissue; tract; tube; urinary; urine; use cache: cord-344131-e7phs0jd.txt plain text: cord-344131-e7phs0jd.txt item: #83 of 87 id: cord-345679-ydwcp75s author: Younas, Amber title: SEROPREVALENCE OF SARS-COV-2 ANTIBODIES AMONG HEALTHY BLOOD DONORS IN KARACHI, PAKISTAN date: 2020-08-24 words: 2372 flesch: 54 summary: Almost 40% of blood donors are now seroconverted for COVID-19. Their results were compared with specific serologic results of blood donors that came before the onset of pandemic(October, 2019). keywords: antibodies; blood; covid-19; donors; sars; study cache: cord-345679-ydwcp75s.txt plain text: cord-345679-ydwcp75s.txt item: #84 of 87 id: cord-347890-kx5vka0o author: Fan, Qian title: Association Between ABO Blood Group System and COVID-19 Susceptibility in Wuhan date: 2020-07-21 words: 3783 flesch: 43 summary: This work was supported by the Chinese Universities Scientific Fund (No. 2042018kf0136) to QF and Scientific Research Project of Hubei Provincial Health Committee (WJ2019M208) to FZ. Variation in the host ABO blood group may be associated with susceptibility to hepatitis C virus infection Comparative genetic analysis of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV/SARS-CoV-2) receptor ACE2 in different populations Association between ABO blood groups and Helicobacter pylori infection: a meta-analysis A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study ABO blood group system and the coronary artery disease: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis ABO blood group and susceptibility to severe acute respiratory syndrome Blood Groups in Infection and Host Susceptibility Association of ABO blood group and P. falciparum malaria related outcomes: a cross-sectional study in Ethiopia ABO blood grouping in Egyptian children with rotavirus gastroenteritis Human microbiota, blood group antigens, and disease COVID-19 and ABO blood group: another viewpoint Genetically determined ABO blood group and its associations with health and disease Inhibition of the interaction between the SARS-CoV spike protein and its cellular receptor by anti-histo-blood group antibodies Histo-blood group antigens as mediators of infections Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan ABO blood groups and hepatitis B virus infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis Secretor and salivary ABO blood group antigen status predict rotavirus vaccine take in infants Association between ABO blood groups and risk of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia Animal origins of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus: insight from ACE2-S-protein interactions ABO blood group-associated susceptibility to norovirus infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis Distribution of ABO/Rh blood groups and their association with hepatitis B virus infection in 3.8 million Chinese adults: a population-based cross-sectional study Beyond immunohaematology: the role of the ABO blood group in human diseases A genome-wide association study identifies protein quantitative trait loci (pQTLs) Association of ABO and Rh blood groups to blood-borne infections among blood donors in Tehran-Iran Blood group AB is associated with severe forms of dengue virus infection HIV-1 incorporates ABO histo-blood group antigens that sensitize virions to complement-mediated inactivation tructural Constraints on Human Norovirus Binding to Histo The ABO blood group system revisited: a review and update Potent binding of 2019 novel coronavirus spike protein by a SARS coronavirusspecific human monoclonal antibody Clinical Characteristics of 138 Hospitalized Patients With 2019 Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia in Wuhan, China ABO genotype and risk of thrombotic events and hemorrhagic stroke Pancreatic cancer risk and ABO blood group alleles: results from the pancreatic cancer cohort consortium Cryo-EM structure of the 2019-nCoV spike in the prefusion conformation Compensation of ACE2 Function for Possible Clinical Management of 2019-nCoV-Induced Acute Lung Injury Characteristics of and Important Lessons From the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak in China: As shown in Table 2 , we performed a combined association analysis between ABO blood group and COVID-19, which showed a statistically significant difference in COVID-19 infection among those with blood type A (P = 0.04, OR = 1.33, 95% CI = 1.02-1.73) but not blood types B, AB or O (P = 0.48, OR = 0.90, 95% CI = 0.66-1.23; P=0.61, OR = 0.88, 95% CI = 0.53-1.46; and P = 0.23, OR = 0.82, 95% CI = 0.58-1.15, respectively). keywords: abo; analysis; blood; covid-19; group; type cache: cord-347890-kx5vka0o.txt plain text: cord-347890-kx5vka0o.txt item: #85 of 87 id: cord-349803-tsjgypy5 author: Rouka, Erasmia title: The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the adequacy of blood supply: Specialists in Transfusion Medicine need to establish models of preparedness date: 2020-09-28 words: 664 flesch: 41 summary: key: cord-349803-tsjgypy5 authors: Rouka, Erasmia title: The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the adequacy of blood supply: Specialists in Transfusion Medicine need to establish models of preparedness date: 2020-09-28 journal: A study by Zimrin and Hess (2007) on the effect of a modern pandemic influenza on blood supply in the United States (US) predicted that transfusion services are likely to face significant losses of blood donors, personnel, supplies and reagents keywords: blood; pandemic; supply cache: cord-349803-tsjgypy5.txt plain text: cord-349803-tsjgypy5.txt item: #86 of 87 id: cord-350224-dt3li3bk author: Ye, Qingsong title: Safety and efficacy assessment of allogeneic human dental pulp stem cells to treat patients with severe COVID-19: structured summary of a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (Phase I / II) date: 2020-06-12 words: 2455 flesch: 41 summary: 2.3 Blood routine: white blood cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils Acidic granulocyte count, basophil count, red blood cell, hemoglobin, hematocrit, average volume of red blood cells, average red blood cell Hb content, average red blood cell Hb concentration, RDW standard deviation, RDW coefficient of variation, platelet count, platelet specific platelet average Volume, platelet distribution width,% of large platelets; 2.4 Liver and kidney function tests: alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, γ-glutamyl transferase, prealbumin, total protein, albumin, globulin, white / globule ratio , Total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, cholinesterase, urea, creatinine, total carbon dioxide, uric acid glucose, potassium, sodium, chlorine, calcium, corrected calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and phosphorus product, anion gap, penetration Pressure, total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, Low density lipoprotein cholesterol, lipoprotein a, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, estimated glomerular filtration rate. 2.3 Blood routine: white blood cells, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils Acidic granulocyte count, basophil count, red blood cell, hemoglobin, hematocrit, average volume of red blood cells, average red blood cell Hb content, average red blood cell Hb concentration, RDW standard deviation, RDW coefficient of variation, platelet count, platelet specific platelet average Volume, platelet distribution width,% of large platelets; 2.4 Liver and kidney function tests: alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, γ-glutamyl transferase, prealbumin, total protein, albumin, globulin, white / globule ratio , Total bilirubin, direct bilirubin, cholinesterase, urea, creatinine, total carbon dioxide, uric acid glucose, potassium, sodium, chlorine, (Continued on next page) keywords: blood; blood cells; cells; days; patients; period; study cache: cord-350224-dt3li3bk.txt plain text: cord-350224-dt3li3bk.txt item: #87 of 87 id: cord-354640-5p79qpok author: Taylor, Kirk A. title: Blood and Bone: The quarantine chronicles date: 2020-06-28 words: 1954 flesch: 55 summary: #WomenInMedicine: progress in gender equity at research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis Trends in the proportion of female speakers at medical conferences in the United States and in Canada Association between the proportion of women on a conference planning committee and the proportion of women speakers at medical conferences Navigating LGBTQ+ discrimination in academia: where do we go from here? Quite differently from traditional conferences, those who signed up were automatically given time to speak; we did not make any cuts or assign any type of speaker hierarchy. keywords: blood; bone; chaos; seminar; talks cache: cord-354640-5p79qpok.txt plain text: cord-354640-5p79qpok.txt