item: #1 of 70 id: cord-000566-271vldil author: Lacerda, Marcus VG title: Understanding the clinical spectrum of complicated Plasmodium vivax malaria: a systematic review on the contributions of the Brazilian literature date: 2012-01-09 words: 9460 flesch: 36 summary: Malaria Malaria is associated with poor school performance in an endemic area of the Brazilian Amazon Plasmodium vivax: a cause of malnutrition in young children The malarial impact on the nutritional status of Amazonian adult subjects Plasmodium vivax malaria in children and adolescents -epidemiological, clinical and laboratory features Relation of the stage of parasite development in the peripheral blood to prognosis in severe falciparum malaria Plasma superoxide dismutase-1 as a surrogate marker of vivax malaria severity Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in an endemic area for malaria in Manaus: a cross-sectional survey in the Brazilian Amazon The impact of phenotypic and genotypic G6PD deficiency on risk of Plasmodium vivax infection: a case-control study amongst Afghan refugees in Pakistan X-linked G6PD deficiency protects hemizygous males but not heterozygous females against severe malaria Duffy blood group gene polymorphisms among malaria vivax patients in four areas of the Brazilian Amazon region Plasmodium vivax infection among Duffy antigen-negative individuals from the Brazilian Amazon region: an exception? FY polymorphisms and vivax malaria in inhabitants of Amazonas State On cytoadhesion of Plasmodium vivax: raison d'etre? Augmented plasma microparticles during acute Plasmodium vivax infection Heme impairs prostaglandin E2 and TGF-beta production by human mononuclear cells via Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase: insight into the pathogenesis of severe malaria Oxidative stress of platelets and thrombocytopenia in patients with vivax malaria The role of platelet and plasma markers of antioxidant status and oxidative stress in thrombocytopenia among patients with vivax malaria Martins Braga E: Association between particular polymorphic residues on apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA-1) and platelet levels in patients with vivax malaria Similar cytokine responses and degrees of anemia in patients with Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax infections in the Brazilian Amazon region Blood and bone marrow changes in malaria Plasmodium vivax and the importance of the subtelomeric multigene vir superfamily Molecular epidemiology of Plasmodium vivax in the State of Amazonas Frequency of pruritus in Plasmodium vivax malaria patients treated with chloroquine in Thailand Chloroquine-induced recurrent psychosis Bonini-Domingos CR: Incidence evaluation of Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase and hematological profile in Rondônia Clinical and laboratorial alterations in Plasmodium vivax malaria patients and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency treated with primaquine at 0.50 mg/kg/day Randomized trial of 3-dose regimens of tafenoquine (WR238605) versus low-dose primaquine for preventing Plasmodium vivax malaria relapse New developments in Plasmodium vivax malaria: severe disease and the rise of chloroquine resistance Plasmodium vivax resistance to chloroquine (R2) and mefloquine (R3) in Brazilian Amazon region Chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium vivax, Brazilian Amazon. Malaria-related anaemia: a Latin American perspective Comparative hematologic analysis of uncomplicated malaria in uniquely different regions of unstable transmission in Brazil and Colombia The risk of malarial infections and disease in Papua New Guinean children Anemia and thrombocytopenia in children with Plasmodium vivax malaria Vivax malaria: a major cause of morbidity in early infancy Malaria and hematological aspects among residents to be impacted by reservoirs for the Santo Antonio and Jirau Hydroelectric Power Stations Anemia and iron deficiency in school children, adolescents, and adults: a community-based study in rural Amazonia Anaemia, iron deficiency and malaria in a rural community in Brazilian Amazon Parvovirus B19 infection contributes to severe anemia in young children in Papua New Guinea Thrombocytopenia in Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium vivax and mixed infection malaria: A study from Bikaner (Northwestern India) Thrombocytopenia in malaria: who cares? Guidelines for the treatment of malaria A case of Plasmodium vivax malaria with findings of DIC DIC in vivax malaria Thrombocytopenia in patients with dengue virus infection in the Brazilian Amazon Concurrent Dengue and malaria in the Amazon region Concurrent dengue and malaria WHO: Severe falciparum malaria Pulmonary edema due to Plasmodium vivax malaria in an American Missionary Pulmonary oedema in vivax malaria Acute lung injury and other serious complications of Plasmodium vivax malaria The pathophysiology of vivax malaria An autopsy study of maternal mortality in Mozambique: the contribution of infectious diseases Acute attack of AIP (acute intermittent porphyria) with severe vivax malaria associated with convulsions: a case report Coma associated with microscopy-diagnosed plasmodium vivax: a prospective study in Papua How prevalent is Plasmodium malariae in Rondonia, western Brazilian Amazon? Delayed diagnosis of malaria in a dengue endemic area in the Brazilian extra-Amazon: recent experience of a malaria surveillance unit in state of Rio de Janeiro Clinical features of children hospitalized with malaria-a study from Bikaner, northwest India Severe Plasmodium vivax malaria: a report on serial cases from Bikaner in northwestern India Malarial hepatitis Acute acalculous cholecystitis complicating an imported case of mixed malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax Mixed infection with Plasmodium vivax and Salmonella typhi in an infant Concurrent salmonella bacteremia in P. vivax infection-a report of 2 cases at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases Natural history of chronic hepatitis B Algid malaria: a syndromic diagnosis Malaria deaths in the United States: case report and review of deaths, 1979-1998 Severe malaria and concomitant bacteraemia in children admitted to a rural Mozambican hospital Two cases of Plasmodium vivax malaria with the clinical picture resembling toxic shock Lung injury in vivax malaria: pathophysiological evidence for pulmonary vascular sequestration and posttreatment alveolarcapillary inflammation On the Cytoadhesion of Plasmodium vivax-Infected Erythrocytes Clinical and laboratory findings of Plasmodium vivax malaria in Colombia Effects of Plasmodium vivax malaria in pregnancy Adverse pregnancy outcomes in an area where multidrug-resistant Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum infections are endemic Malaria during pregnancy in a reference centre from the Brazilian Amazon: unexpected increase in the frequency of Plasmodium falciparum infections Rhabdomyolysis associated with malaria tertiana in a patient with myoadenylate deaminase deficiency Nonoperative treatment of splenic rupture in malaria tropica: review of literature and case report A review of the spectrum of clinical ocular fundus findings in P. falciparum malaria in African children with a proposed classification and grading system Retinal Hemorrhage in Plasmodium vivax keywords: abstracts; acute; adults; age; amazon; amazonas; america; anaemia; analysis; anti; areas; aspects; associated; association; available; blood; brazilian; brazilian amazon; burden; case; children; chloroquine; clinical; common; complicated; complications; criteria; data; deficiency; dengue; diagnosis; disease; distress; duffy; endemic; evidence; exclusion; falciparum; falciparum malaria; fatality; febrile; fever; findings; frequency; frequent; good; health; high; higher; impact; increase; indexed; infected; infection; information; jaundice; laboratorial; latin; levels; literature; low; lung; major; malaria; manaus; manifestations; marker; mixed; morbidities; new; non; p. vivax; parasite; pathogenesis; patients; pcr; plasma; plasmodium; plasmodium falciparum; plasmodium vivax; platelet; polymorphisms; population; possible; pregnancy; pregnant; presence; present; presentation; primaquine; pulmonary; rare; recent; region; report; resistance; respiratory; review; risk; robust; series; severe; severe disease; severe malaria; severe vivax; severity; species; spectrum; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; systematic; thrombocytopaenia; treatment; tropical; vivax; vivax disease; vivax infection; vivax malaria; women cache: cord-000566-271vldil.txt plain text: cord-000566-271vldil.txt item: #2 of 70 id: cord-004345-7s2m9v2k author: Ishak, Ricardo title: The challenge of describing the epidemiology of HTLV in the Amazon region of Brazil date: 2020-02-14 words: 6060 flesch: 40 summary: Epidemiological and molecular evidence of intrafamilial transmission Evidence for sexual and mother-to-child transmission of human T lymphotropic virus type II among Guaymi Indians Nucleotide sequence and restriction fragment-length polymorphism analysis of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type II (HTLV-II) in Southern Europe: evidence for the HTLV-IIa and HTLV-IIb subtypes Short communication: identification and molecular characterization of human T lymphotropic virus type II infections in intravenous drug abusers in the former south Vietnam Evolutionary rate and genetic heterogeneity of human T-cell lymphotropic virus type II (HTLV-II) using isolates from European injecting drug users High rate of human T lymphotropic virus type IIa infection in HIV type 1-infected intravenous drug abusers in Ireland Serological evidence of HTLV-I and HTLV-II coinfections in HIV-1 positive patients in Belém, state of Pará. Brazil Molecular epidemiology of human T-lymphotropic virus type II infection in Amerindian and urban populations of the Amazon region of Brazil Epidemiological characteristics of HTLV-I and II co-infection in Brazilian subjects infected by HIV-1 Risk factors for human T cell lymphotropic virus type I among injecting drug users in northeast Brazil: possibly greater efficiency of male to female transmission Assessing risk behaviors and prevalence of sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections among female crack cocaine users in salvador-Bahia, Brazil Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 and 2 among people who used illicit drugs in the state of Pará High prevalence of human T-lymphotropic virus 2 (HTLV-2) infection in villages of the Xikrin tribe (Kayapo), Brazilian Amazon region Current prevalence of HTLV-1 in Japan as determined by screening of blood donors Prevalence of human T-cell lymphotropic virus and the socio-demographic and risk factors associated with the infection among post-natal clinics women in Zaria Detection and isolation of type C retrovirus particles from fresh and cultured lymphocytes of a patient with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma Isolation of a new type C retrovirus (HTLV) in primary uncultured cells of a patient with Sézary T-cell leukaemia A new subtype of human T-cell leukemia virus (HTLV-II) associated with a T-cell variant of hairy cell leukemia History of the discoveries of the first human retroviruses: HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 Endemic human T cell lymphotropic virus type II infection among isolated Brazilian Amerindians First description of endemic HTLV-II infection among Venezuelan Amerindians Findings from the Miyazaki cohort study The epidemiology of HTLV-I in Europe Human T cell lymphotropic virus types I and II in intravenous drug users in San Francisco: keywords: amazon; amazon region; antibodies; arb; areas; belém; blood; brazil; brazilian; cell; cell lymphotropic; child; clinical; communities; conflicting; country; detection; different; diseases; distribution; donors; drug; endemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; evidence; factors; figures; general; geographical; groups; high; htlv; htlv-1; htlv-1/2; human; human t; important; indians; infected; infection; information; isolated; large; leukemia; lymphoma; lymphotropic; lymphotropic virus; manifestations; molecular; mother; native; new; patients; persons; population; pregnant; prevalence; rate; region; results; risk; route; spread; state; studies; study; t cell; transmission; type; type ii; urban; users; vertical; viral; virus; virus type; viruses; women cache: cord-004345-7s2m9v2k.txt plain text: cord-004345-7s2m9v2k.txt item: #3 of 70 id: cord-011411-hufxjf5p author: Oliveira, Thalita Evani Silva title: Mycoplasma bovis and viral agents associated with the development of bovine respiratory disease in adult dairy cows date: 2019-06-24 words: 4598 flesch: 19 summary: When the histopathologic patterns were correlated with the TA B L E 3 Principal histopathologic diagnosis/features and immunohistochemical findings of bovine respiratory disease in 32 dairy cows Obliterative bronchiolitis M. bovis (10/10) Primary pulmonary infections due to BVDV were demonstrated experimentally (Fulton et al., 2016; Gershwin et al., 2015; Rodríguez et al., 1996) and observed in field outbreaks of BRD (Fulton et al., 2000 (Fulton et al., , 2004 Szeredi, Janosi, & Palfi, 2010 in coinfections (Ridpath, 2010) . Additionally, there is the isolation of M. bovis (Pretto et al., 2001) , while few studies from Brazil have investigated only BRSV by immunohistochemistry, IHC (Brasil et al., 2013; Peixoto et al., 2000) . keywords: agents; alveolar; associated; bacterial; beef; bohv-1; bovine; bovine respiratory; bovis; brazil; brd; bronchial; bronchiolitis; bronchitis; bronchopneumonia; brsv; bvdv; calves; cases; cattle; characterization; chronic; confer; cows; dairy; dairy cows; detection; diagnosis; diarrhea; disease; et al; features; feedlot; findings; fulton; headley; headley et; histopathologic; ihc; immunohistochemical; immunoreactivity; infectious; intralesional; investigation; m. bovis; mycoplasma; mycoplasma bovis; necrotizing; pathogen; patterns; pneumonia; positive; presence; pretto; primary; pulmonary; respiratory; respiratory disease; studies; study; syncytial; table; tissues; type; viral; virus cache: cord-011411-hufxjf5p.txt plain text: cord-011411-hufxjf5p.txt item: #4 of 70 id: cord-011669-hkkpw2bl author: Rodríguez-Sánchez, Diego Noé title: Lissencephaly in Shih Tzu dogs date: 2020-06-20 words: 4863 flesch: 41 summary: The neurological signs in dogs commonly begin with an early-onset of seizures and behavioral alterations, leading to disability Malformations of cortical development have rarely been reported in dogs, but epileptic seizures seem to be a frequent clinical sign in affected dogs keywords: abnormalities; acetazolamide; agyria; alterations; behavioral; bilateral; blindness; brain; brazil; callosum; central; cerebral; changes; clinical; cluster; corpus; cortical; development; diagnosis; dogs; ectomarginal; examination; fig; findings; fluid; forebrain; gardenal; genetic; gyri; humans; hydrocephalus; imaging; interictal; internal; isolated; lissencephaly; magnetic; malformations; months; mri; neurological; old; omeprazole; onset; period; phenobarbital; presentation; q12h; reduction; resonance; safoni; seizures; serum; sfa; shih; signs; strabismus; study; sulci; suprasylvian; temporal; treatment; type; tzu cache: cord-011669-hkkpw2bl.txt plain text: cord-011669-hkkpw2bl.txt item: #5 of 70 id: cord-021377-1qac76tn author: Barstow, Anita L. title: Leopardus braccatus (Carnivora: Felidae) date: 2012-04-09 words: 5811 flesch: 44 summary: Shape of the notch for the postpalatine vein in the palate is narrow and deep in L. braccatus and wide and comparatively shallow in L. colocolo and L. pajeros (Garcia-Perea 1994:11) . The frequency of the presence of P2 is higher in L. braccatus (630/0, n = 8) than in L. colocolo (330/0, n = 6) and L. pajeros (00/0, n = 21). keywords: american; areas; argentina; bagno; black; braccatus; braeeatus; brazil; brazilian; brown; captive; carnivora; cats; cavalcanti; central; colocolo; combination; conservation; cossios; der; eoloeolo; et al; evidence; feet; felidae; felids; female; forests; fossil; garcia; genetic; genus; grasslands; grosso; group; habitat; international; jackson; johnson; l. b.; large; length; leopardus; leopardus braccatus; males; mato; mattern; mclennan; mitochondrial; molecular; munoai; natural; nature; neotropical; new; north; notes; nowell; o'brien; oliveira; oncifelis; pajeros; pampas; pantanal; paraguay; patterns; pecon; pelage; perea; pleistocene; population; precipitation; prevosti; range; region; resources; sharp; silveira; slattery; small; south; southern; species; specimens; stripes; studies; subspecies; sui; sunquist; tail; throat; tigrinus; trolle; type; union; uruguay; width; wild; wozencraft; years cache: cord-021377-1qac76tn.txt plain text: cord-021377-1qac76tn.txt item: #6 of 70 id: cord-025998-1qawjquv author: Lara, R.J. title: Aquatic Ecosystems, Human Health, and Ecohydrology date: 2012-03-23 words: 27057 flesch: 40 summary: Previously, the population in the basin generally lived away from the main watercourses because of the threat from water borne diseases. Main waterborne diseases, mostly affecting developing countries and relevant in terms of water management and changes in land use, such as malaria, schistosomiasis, or cholera, are discussed stressing links to the global water crisis. keywords: abundance; addition; aedes; affected; africa; agriculture; akosombo; algal; america; analysis; animals; approach; aquaculture; aquatic; areas; artificial; asia; aspects; assessment; associated; attention; authors; bangladesh; basin; bengal; bilharziasis; birds; blindness; blooms; bmaa; bodies; brackish; brazil; breeding; burden; canals; capybaras; cases; cause; central; changes; chapter; chemical; children; chitin; cholera; city; climate; coastal; colwell; common; communities; complex; conditions; consequences; construction; control; countries; country; creation; crucial; cultivation; cyanobacteria; cycle; dam; dams; data; death; developed; development; dhaka; diarrhea; different; direct; disease; distribution; ditching; diversity; domestic; downstream; drainage; drinking; drinking water; dry; ducks; dynamics; early; east; ecohydrological; ecohydrology; ecological; ecology; economic; ecosystems; ecotones; effects; eggs; egypt; emergence; endemic; environmental; epidemics; epidemiological; essential; estuaries; estuarine; estuary; et al; europe; events; evidence; example; extensive; factors; falls; fever; fields; figure; fish; flooding; flow; following; food; forest; form; free; freshwater; ganges; general; global; groundwater; growth; habitat; health; high; higher; history; host; human; human health; illness; illnesses; impact; important; incidence; increase; india; indus; infected; infection; influence; influenza; information; integrated; intensity; intensive; intermediate; irrigation; isolated; karachi; key; kolkata; lake; lara; large; largest; larvae; leading; levels; life; likely; links; little; live; local; london; long; loss; main; major; malaria; management; mangrove; mansoni; marine; marsh; marsh water; marshes; matter; measures; megacities; methods; migration; miller; models; modification; mortality; mosquito; national; natural; near; new; nile; nitrogen; non; north; number; nutrient; o139; occurrence; ocean; omwm; onchocerciasis; open; organic; outbreaks; parasite; parasitic; particular; pathogens; patterns; paulo; people; period; permanent; plankton; policies; pollution; ponds; poor; population; possible; potential; presence; present; prevalence; problem; processes; productivity; proliferation; province; public; quality; rainfall; range; rates; recent; recreational; reduction; regions; related; relationship; relevant; report; research; reservoir; resources; responsible; result; rice; riparian; risk; river; role; runneling; salinity; salt; sanitation; scale; schemes; schistosoma; schistosomiasis; seasonal; seasonality; second; section; sediment; severe; sewage; shrimp; significant; sites; situation; skin; small; snails; source; south; species; spread; spreading; state; strains; streams; strong; studies; study; subtropical; sugarcane; supply; surface; surveillance; systems; table; temperature; terms; tidal; time; total; toxic; toxins; transmission; treatment; tropical; type; understanding; upper; urban; urinary; use; v. cholerae; vector; vegetation; vibrio; villages; virus; viruses; volta; wastewater; water; water management; water supply; way; west; wetlands; wild; wildlife; world; worldwide; years; zone; zooplankton cache: cord-025998-1qawjquv.txt plain text: cord-025998-1qawjquv.txt item: #7 of 70 id: cord-032786-ps2mtin4 author: Py, Fábio title: Bolsonaro’s Brazilian Christofascism during the Easter period plagued by Covid-19 date: 2020-09-28 words: 7044 flesch: 50 summary: Therefore, in the midst of Easter 2020, under the Covid-19 pandemic context, Bolsonaro government developed an offensive by redesigning an authoritarian Christology of power based on the figure of martyr and Messiah, equating it to the memory of Jesus Christ Easter. Bolsonaro presidente: conservadorismo, evangelicalismo e a crise brasileira Pronunciamento do presidente da Republica, Jair Bolsonaro (08/04/2020). keywords: 2020b; almeida; appeal; april; authoritarian; base; batista; biblical; boff; bolsonarism; bolsonaro; book; brazil; brazilian; christian; christianity; christofascism; church; communism; context; coronavirus; country; covid-19; day; death; easter; end; evangelical; face; family; fast; figure; fundamentalist; getsemani; god; gods; good; government; gramsci; groups; igreja; image; intellectuals; jesus; john; leaders; life; lowy; media; messiah; nation; order; pandemic; people; political; population; practice; president; presidential; process; rancière; religious; resurrection; scene; servant; social; solle; speech; state; suffering; sunday; term; theology; time; truth; tvbrasilgov; unemployment; video; war; week cache: cord-032786-ps2mtin4.txt plain text: cord-032786-ps2mtin4.txt item: #8 of 70 id: cord-035347-adzkwzz2 author: Quintans-Júnior, Lucindo José title: Brazil’s research budget: endless setbacks date: 2020-09-21 words: 923 flesch: 45 summary: These endless cuts in science funding need to be reviewed by Brazilian Government and the National Congress, or Brazilian science will be doomed to continued destruction and dismay for researchers. This was a fund created to finance Brazilian science and innovation, but the data clearly shows any increasing gap between the funds theoretically available (budget), and those actually spent (executed) on projects for the development of science in Brazil. keywords: angelo; brazil; brazilian; budget; covid-19; current; cuts; draft; education; funding; government; health; ploa; reduction; research; researchers; science; situation cache: cord-035347-adzkwzz2.txt plain text: cord-035347-adzkwzz2.txt item: #9 of 70 id: cord-102490-yvcrv94c author: Souza, Jonatas S. de title: The General Law Principles for Protection the Personal Data and their Importance date: 2020-09-29 words: 4500 flesch: 50 summary: The paper is composed of sections, in Section 2 presents the Theoretical Reference that will address the history of data protection in Brazil and the European Regulation, in Section 3 describes the Principles of Brazilian Law demonstrating the similarity with the European Regulation, in Section 4 the Importance of Brazilian Law showing the fundamentals of the Law and emphasizes the importance of consent of the data holder, in Section 5 the Results and Discussions with real cases of data leaks and countries that already have some legislation on protection of personal data, in Section 6 are the Conclusions bringing the final considerations obtained. Through the Internet Civil Framework, which establishes rights and duties, guarantees and principles for the use of the Internet in Brazil, it does not guarantee data protection and privacy in a well-structured, complete and comprehensive manner, nor is a general regulation on the protection of personal data, and its provisions on data protection not protective in nature. keywords: access; according; activities; article; august; brazil; brazilian; cases; civil; clauses; collection; commission; communications; companies; consent; consumer; dados; data; data holder; data processing; data protection; development; digital; european; figure; free; gdpr; general; guarantees; holder; importance; information; integrity; internet; law; leaks; legal; level; lgpd; means; new; nâº; owner; paragraph; personal; personal data; pessoais; principles; privacy; processing; protection; proteã§ã£o; purpose; regulation; rights; section; security; terms; use; users; website cache: cord-102490-yvcrv94c.txt plain text: cord-102490-yvcrv94c.txt item: #10 of 70 id: cord-103179-naynznc1 author: Simon, L. M. title: Are temperature suitability and socioeconomic factors reliable predictors of dengue transmission in Brazil? date: 2020-11-04 words: 4559 flesch: 38 summary: 134 We used a previously estimated temperature suitability for dengue transmission (23) 135 and 7 socio-economic variables to study the prevalence of dengue disease in 5570 136 municipalities across Brazil. key: cord-103179-naynznc1 authors: Simon, L. M.; Rangel, T. F. title: Are temperature suitability and socioeconomic factors reliable predictors of dengue transmission in Brazil? date: 2020-11-04 journal: nan DOI: 10.1101/2020.11.02.20224444 sha: doc_id: 103179 cord_uid: naynznc1 Background Dengue disease is an ongoing problem, especially in tropical countries. keywords: aedes; areas; author; available; brazil; cases; climate; copyright; copyright holder; countries; dengue; dengue transmission; disease; distribution; doi; effect; factors; funder; global; health; holder;; infectious; international; license; medrxiv; medrxiv preprint; model; municipalities; november; number; peer; peer review; perpetuity; population; preprint; prevalence; regions; review; socioeconomic; spatial; suitability; temperature; transmission; tropical; urbanization; vectors; version; virus cache: cord-103179-naynznc1.txt plain text: cord-103179-naynznc1.txt item: #11 of 70 id: cord-127293-mujyq3kk author: Neto, Osmar Pinto title: Mathematical model of COVID-19 intervention scenarios for Sao Paulo- Brazil date: 2020-05-18 words: 3490 flesch: 48 summary: Therefore, the purpose of the current investigation is to model COVID-19 SD intervention strategies on transmission dynamics in São Paulo, Brazil and to determine best-case scenarios. Therefore, exploring alternative SD intervention strategies for Brazil in general and São Paulo specifically is of utmost importance. keywords: addition; analysis; associated; average; best; brazil; cases; covid-19; critical; current; data; day; days; deaths; figure; health; icu; levels; model; number; optimal; pandemic; paulo; peak; period; personal; possible; protection; results; scenarios; second; social; spread; state; stepping; strategies; strategy; são; são paulo; threshold; time; transmission; values; window; world cache: cord-127293-mujyq3kk.txt plain text: cord-127293-mujyq3kk.txt item: #12 of 70 id: cord-176540-48mapwlq author: Schulz, Rodrigo A. title: COVID-19: A model for studying the evolution of contamination in Brazil date: 2020-03-31 words: 4749 flesch: 51 summary: [14] , so that the period required for susceptible population to reach the entire country is 24 days, and thus, from equation (6): Finally, it remains to determine the values of α and β from the current scenario of the epidemic in Brazil. In section 3.1.3 we showed how it is possible to consider population reduction rates as a result of social isolation measures. keywords: birth; brazil; brazilian; case; contamination; country; covid-19; current; daily; data; day; days; disease; epidemic; evolution; february; future; individuals; infected; infectious; initial; input; isolation; march; mean; measures; model; number; order; people; percentage; period; population; possible; rate; recovered; reduction; s(t; sir; social; susceptible; susceptible population; time; value cache: cord-176540-48mapwlq.txt plain text: cord-176540-48mapwlq.txt item: #13 of 70 id: cord-199107-01w8fk5f author: Savi, Pedro V. title: A Mathematical Description of the Dynamics of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): A Case Study of Brazil date: 2020-04-07 words: 2245 flesch: 46 summary: The fundamental hypothesis of the analysis is that average populations of the country is of concern. (1) 17 days Figure 8 : Brazil -infected population through time. keywords: action; average; brazil; case; china; coronavirus; covid-19; data; description; different; disease; dynamics; figure; governmental; individual; infected; information; iran; italy; model; parameters; population; presents; real; scenarios; time; transmission cache: cord-199107-01w8fk5f.txt plain text: cord-199107-01w8fk5f.txt item: #14 of 70 id: cord-214822-pfx1eh5b author: Sotolongo-Costa, Oscar title: A fractal viewpoint to COVID-19 infection date: 2020-07-14 words: 2649 flesch: 64 summary: So, in order to study this process let us assume that spread occurs in fractal time or internal time In this case, deformed derivatives with fractal time seems to be a good option to deal with this kind of system. keywords: behavior; brazil; case; condition; countries; country; covid-19; daily; data; derivative; dynamics; equation; figure; fitting; fractal; function; herd; immunity; like; model; number; outbreak; pandemic; parameters; peak; process; relaxation; system; table; time cache: cord-214822-pfx1eh5b.txt plain text: cord-214822-pfx1eh5b.txt item: #15 of 70 id: cord-221717-h1h2vd3r author: Scabini, Leonardo F. S. title: Social Interaction Layers in Complex Networks for the Dynamical Epidemic Modeling of COVID-19 in Brazil date: 2020-05-16 words: 8581 flesch: 51 summary: The largest difference that appears right after the first confirmed case may indicate a significant underdetection of COVID-19 cases. The peak occurs at 108 days (June 13) with an average of 40,937 (± 11,010) new cases, and at 122 days (June 27) with an average of 6,484 (± 1,739) new deaths. keywords: activities; activity; approach; asymptomatic; average; beds; brazil; brazilian; capacity; cases; complex; connected; contact; country; covid-19; critical; current; daily; data; days; deaths; different; disease; distribution; dynamics; edges; epidemic; figure; groups; health; home; hospitalization; icu; important; increase; infected; infection; isolation; june; layer; levels; measures; mild; model; network; new; nodes; number; pandemic; patients; peak; people; person; population; possible; probability; propagation; random; real; recovered; religious; results; scenario; severe; sir; smaller; social; structure; system; time; total; transports; virus; world cache: cord-221717-h1h2vd3r.txt plain text: cord-221717-h1h2vd3r.txt item: #16 of 70 id: cord-252345-06jdg26s author: Carvalho, Vitor Oliveira title: COVID‐19 pandemic: Beyond medical education in Brazil date: 2020-06-12 words: 516 flesch: 41 summary: key: cord-252345-06jdg26s authors: Carvalho, Vitor Oliveira; Conceição, Lino Sergio Rocha; Gois, Miburge Bolivar title: COVID‐19 pandemic: Beyond medical education in Brazil date: 2020-06-12 journal: J Card Surg DOI: 10.1111/jocs.14646 sha: doc_id: 252345 cord_uid: 06jdg26s nan rethought. The current pandemic has also brought new challenges to medical education in general (eg, physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and pharmaceuticals). keywords: brazil; country; covid-19; education; healthcare; medical; online; pandemic; public; scenario; students; system cache: cord-252345-06jdg26s.txt plain text: cord-252345-06jdg26s.txt item: #17 of 70 id: cord-256553-iw5squ6n author: Neiva, Mariane Barros title: Brazil: the emerging epicenter of COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-10-21 words: 3641 flesch: 54 summary: Along with the comparison of countries, we also compared the first and second positions in the worldwide rank of case numbers provided by 1 . Supported by the quantitative information in Figure 2b demonstrating that Brazil is expected to overtake the US in total number of cases (proportionally by population size), the current low isolation rates, low population testing percentage with consequently high under detection, high daily cases, and death rates all suggest that Brazil has eased its restrictions prematurely and may face severe consequences in the near future as a result, such as becoming the next global epicenter of the pandemic. keywords: active; analysis; brazil; brazilian; cases; china; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; daily; data; day; deaths; disease; essential; figure; health; high; highest; information; isolation; lockdown; low; months; new; new cases; number; pandemic; paper; patients; paulo; people; population; public; rate; restrictions; second; social; south; spread; states; study; system; são; testing; time; total; zealand cache: cord-256553-iw5squ6n.txt plain text: cord-256553-iw5squ6n.txt item: #18 of 70 id: cord-257582-e9306xae author: Day, M. J. title: Recommendations on vaccination for Latin American small animal practitioners: a report of the WSAVA Vaccination Guidelines Group date: 2020-03-30 words: 25495 flesch: 42 summary: Repeatedly on our practice visits, we noted large sign boards above the reception desk in practices that listed individual dog and cat vaccines and their prices. There remains the significant challenge of veterinary vaccines being available directly to owners and breeders out with the veterinary practice. keywords: academic; access; active; adenovirus; adequate; administration; adult; adverse; advice; age; agents; america; animal; annual; antibodies; antibody; antigens; area; argentina; associated; availability; available; basis; benefit; brazil; canine; care; cases; cats; cav; cdv; challenge; check; client; clinical; combination; commercial; companion; companion animal; components; confirmed; consultation; control; core; core vaccination; core vaccines; coronavirus; countries; country; cpv2; cross; current; cvl; data; day; day et; delivery; developed; development; diagnosis; different; disease; distemper; document; dogs; doi; domestic; dose; duration; e.g.; earlier; early; education; efficacy; endemic; enteric; et al; europe; events; evidence; exposure; factors; fcv; feline; feline vaccines; felis; felv; fhv1; field; fiv; fpv; giardia; global; group; guidelines; health; herd; high; human; immune; immunity; immunodeficiency; immunological; important; inactivated; individual; industry; infected; infection; infectious disease; information; international; intranasal; isolation; kittens; lack; large; latam; latam countries; latin; leishmaniasis; leptospira; leptospirosis; leukemia; licensed; life; likely; limited; literature; local; low; manufacturer; markets; mda; mexico; mlv; mlv core; months; need; new; non; north; number; order; owners; particular; parts; parvovirus; pcr; peer; pet; population; possible; post; practice; practitioners; prevalence; preventive; products; profession; project; protection; protocol; puppies; puppy; quality; question; questionnaire; rabies; rabies vaccines; ranges; reaction; recent; recommendations; refrigerator; region; regional; related; relevant; report; research; respondents; response; risk; scientific; serological; seroprevalence; serovar; serum; signs; single; small; south; specific; state; studies; study; support; survey; table; testing; time; titre; type; use; vaccinal; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccination guidelines; vaccine products; vaccines; vaccinology; veterinarians; veterinary; vgg; virus; visceral; visits; weeks; world; wsava; wsava vaccination; years; young cache: cord-257582-e9306xae.txt plain text: cord-257582-e9306xae.txt item: #19 of 70 id: cord-261228-o80y5cic author: Jorge, D. C. P. title: Assessing the nationwide impact of COVID-19 mitigation policies on the transmission rate of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil date: 2020-06-28 words: 6412 flesch: 47 summary: In this work we analyzed the effects of 547 published governmental interventions, and population adherence thereof, on the dynamics of COVID-19 cases across all 27 Brazilian states, with emphasis on state capitals and remaining inland cities. In this work, we comparatively analyze the evolution of the COVID-19 transmission rate and reproductive number in all 27 Brazilian states, with emphasis on state capitals and remaining inland cities, establishing links with measures of governmental restrictions (NPIs) implemented in each region together with the human behaviour response, particularly the adherence to recommendations of social distancing. keywords: adherence; april; author; available; average; brazilian; capitals; cases; changes; cities; copyright; countries; country; cov-2; covid-19; data; decrease; different; dynamics; epidemic; figure; funder; governmental; health; holder; increase; index; inland; inland cities; international; international license; interventions; june; license; measures; medrxiv; mobility; model; movement; number; pandemic; perpetuity; policies; population; preprint; recommendations; reduction; regions; results; sars; seir; social; spread; states; stringency; time; transmission; values; version; work cache: cord-261228-o80y5cic.txt plain text: cord-261228-o80y5cic.txt item: #20 of 70 id: cord-261311-j6bmgmhz author: Parreiras Martins, Maria Auxiliadora title: Preparedness of pharmacists to respond to the emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil: a comprehensive overview date: 2020-07-31 words: 4312 flesch: 32 summary: Rev Bras Ter Intensiva Liver and kidney injuries in COVID-19 and their effects on drug therapy; a letter to editor COVID-19 and older adults: what we know New understanding of the damage of SARS-CoV-2 infection outside the respiratory system Anticoagulant treatment is associated with decreased mortality in severe coronavirus disease 2019 patients with coagulopathy A proposal for staging COVID-19 coagulopathy Heparin: effects upon the glycocalyx and endothelial cells The versatile heparin in COVID-19 Stratifying therapeutic enoxaparin dose in morbidly obese patients by BMI class: a retrospective cohort study Guidance on minimizing risk of drug-induced ventricular arrhythmia during treatment of COVID-19: a statement from the Canadian Heart Rhythm Society Antibiotic use in the intensive care unit: optimization and de-escalation COVID-19: the uninvited guest in the intensive care unit (ICU) implications for pharmacotherapy COVID-19 and the potential long-term impact on antimicrobial resistance Involving antimicrobial stewardship programs in COVID-19 response efforts: all hands on deck Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and pregnancy: what obstetricians need to know Hyperinflammatory shock in children during COVID-19 pandemic Breastfeeding and respiratory antivirals: coronavirus and influenza COVID-19 and cancer: a comprehensive review A standardized, structured approach to identifying drug-related problems in the intensive care unit: FASTHUG-MAIDENS Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia Prediction models for diagnosis and prognosis of COVID-19 infection: systematic review and critical appraisal The laboratory tests and host immunity of COVID-19 patients with different severity of illness Development and validation of a clinical risk score to predict the occurrence of critical illness in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 Factors associated with hospital admission and critical illness among 5279 people with coronavirus disease COVID19 coagulopathy in Caucasian patients Atrial fibrillation: prevalence in a large database of primary care patients in Brazil Acknowledgements COVID-19 patients may present high risk in the use of medications and clinical pharmacists can contribute substantially as part of a multidisciplinary team to improve outcomes in drug therapy in severe and critical illness. keywords: acute; antimicrobial; beds; brazil; brazilian; burden; care; cases; china; chronic; clinical; community; context; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; critical; disease; drug; emergency; guidance; hcps; health; healthcare; hospital; hydroxychloroquine; illness; impact; income; increase; infection; information; intensive; laboratory; liver; low; medication; middle; multidisciplinary; novel; number; organization; outbreak; outcomes; pandemic; patients; people; pharmaceutical; pharmacists; pharmacy; protocols; public; response; review; risk; role; safety; services; settings; severe; shortages; social; society; spread; strategies; support; system; tests; therapy; transmission; treatments; use; workflow cache: cord-261311-j6bmgmhz.txt plain text: cord-261311-j6bmgmhz.txt item: #21 of 70 id: cord-262003-vjqqtqd6 author: DUTRA, J. C. S. title: Monitoring and forecasting the number of reported and unreported cases of the COVID-19 epidemic in Brazil using Particle Filter date: 2020-05-29 words: 5882 flesch: 50 summary: We filter the number of cumulative reported cases and estimate model parameters and more importantly unreported infectious cases (asymptomatic and symptomatic infectious individuals). However, as the model considered here is nonlinear and there may be high correlation between model parameters, local optimization methods such as gradient and direct search algorithms are not suitable since they strongly depend on the initial conditions. keywords: algorithm; author; available; brazil; cases; copyright; covid-19; cumulative; data; days; epidemic; estimation; evolution; figure; filter; forecast; function; funder; health; holder; individuals; infectious; information; initial; international; international license; isolation; license; medrxiv; model; new; number; optimization; pandemic; parameters; particle; perpetuity; prediction; preprint; problem; pso; public; rate; result; set; siru; state; step; swarm; symptomatic; time; unreported; values; variables; version cache: cord-262003-vjqqtqd6.txt plain text: cord-262003-vjqqtqd6.txt item: #22 of 70 id: cord-268296-w0i7rhru author: Barros, Eliana Nogueira Castro de title: Patterns of influenza B circulation in Brazil and its relevance to seasonal vaccine composition() date: 2015-11-25 words: 4113 flesch: 36 summary: International Congress on Infectious Diseases Options for the control of influenza World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases Patterns of influenza infections among different risk groups in Brazil Acute respiratory infection and influenza-like illness viral etiologies in Brazilian adults Molecular characterization of influenza B virus outbreak on a cruise ship in Brazil 2012 Applications of a duplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and direct immunofluorescence assay in comparison with virus isolation for detection of influenza A and B Impact of respiratory infections by influenza viruses A and B in pediatrics patients from Federal University of Parana, Brazil Influenza B outbreak on a cruise ship off the Sao Paulo Coast, Brazil Sentinel surveillance of influenza and other respiratory viruses, Brazil Evolutionary pattern of reemerging influenza B/Victoria lineage viruses in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1996-2012: implications for vaccine composition strategy Etiologia viral das infecç ões respiratórias agudas em população pediátrica no Instituto Fernandes Figueira/FIOCRUZ/RJ Análise filogenética e padronização da técnica de Eletroforese em gel com gradientes desnaturantes (DGGE) para caracterização das linhagens do vírus Influenza B identificadas durante as epidemias de Vigilância de oito vírus respiratórios em amostras clínicas de pacientes pediátricos no sudeste do Brasil The epidemiology and antigenic characterization of influenza viruses isolated in Curitiba, South Brazil Mismatch between vaccine strains and circulating influenza B viruses in different regions of Brazil: 2001-2013. The diagnostic kits currently available identify the influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viral strain (determined by WHO), influenza A(H3N2), influenza A not subtyped, and influenza B virus. keywords: abstracts; aged; america; analysis; antigenic; articles; available; b lineage; brazil; burden; cases; cause; children; circulating; composition; data; different; disease; effectiveness; epidemiological; groups; health; high; illness; individuals; influenza; information; levels; lineage; mismatch; national; online; outbreak; pattern; quadrivalent; respiratory; review; sars; saúde; seasonal; seasons; sentinel; south; studies; study; surveillance; system; trivalent; vaccination; vaccine; victoria; viral; virus; viruses; world; yamagata; years cache: cord-268296-w0i7rhru.txt plain text: cord-268296-w0i7rhru.txt item: #23 of 70 id: cord-268693-td6kvmlq author: Martins, Leila Droprinchinski title: How socio-economic and atmospheric variables impact COVID-19 and Influenza outbreaks in tropical and subtropical regions of Brazil date: 2020-09-16 words: 4437 flesch: 40 summary: The CFR values presented in Table 1 are higher when compared to statistics reported to other countries (Banerjee et al., 2020; Verity et al., 2020) . The fraction of elderly, one additional information captured by the HDI, is also an important risk factor, as already noticed and documented by Health Systems around the world (Banerjee et al., 2020; Yi-ru Wang, 2020; Verity et al., 2020) . keywords: analysis; atmospheric; brazil; brazilian; cases; climate; conditions; covid-19; data; days; different; distancing; economic; elderly; et al; exposure; factor; fig; hdi; health; human; humidity; important; influence; influenza; lag; main; mobility; number; period; population; rainfall; regions; relative; respiratory; results; risk; sars; seasonality; similar; social; socio; spread; state; study; subtropical; table; temperature; transmission; tropical; variables; viruses; world cache: cord-268693-td6kvmlq.txt plain text: cord-268693-td6kvmlq.txt item: #24 of 70 id: cord-270519-orh8fd1c author: Oliveira, A. C. S. d. title: Bayesian modeling of COVID-19 cases with a correction to account for under-reported cases date: 2020-05-25 words: 4265 flesch: 50 summary: key: cord-270519-orh8fd1c authors: Oliveira, A. C. S. d.; Morita, L. H. M.; da Silva, E. B.; Granzotto, D. C. T.; Zardo, L. A. R.; Fontes, C. J. F. title: Bayesian modeling of COVID-19 cases with a correction to account for under-reported cases date: 2020-05-25 journal: nan DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.24.20112029 sha: doc_id: 270519 cord_uid: orh8fd1c The novel of COVID-19 disease started in late 2019 making the worldwide governments came across a high number of critical and death cases, beyond constant fear of the collapse in their health systems. To address these issues, we introduce a Bayesian approach to the SIR model with correction for under-reporting in the analysis of COVID-19 cases in Brazil. keywords: author; available; bayesian; brazil; brazilian; cases; china; copyright; covid-19; data; death; disease; distribution; doi; epidemic; estimate; funder; health; holder; individuals; infected; infectious; international; lack; license; medrxiv; model; modeling; number; pandemic; peak; period; perpetuity; population; preprint; proportion; rate; reported; reporting; section; simulation; sir; study; susceptible; version cache: cord-270519-orh8fd1c.txt plain text: cord-270519-orh8fd1c.txt item: #25 of 70 id: cord-270998-1adloi3o author: Cunha, Rafes D. S. title: Comparison of immunity against canine distemper, adenovirus and parvovirus after vaccination with two multivalent canine vaccines date: 2020-04-27 words: 2425 flesch: 45 summary: Although no statistical difference between the two vaccines has been shown, a comparable proportion of animals was protected using vaccine V11 made in Brazil, which reinforces the quality of the product in comparison to the vaccine imported from the United States. Elevencell vaccine titres were not inferior to the imported US vaccine in conferring protective titres against CDV, CPV and CAH, which confirms the efficacy of this product. keywords: adenovirus; animals; antibodies; antibody; brazil; canine; cause; cav; cdv; colorimetric; cpv; difference; diseases; distemper; dogs; elevencell; females; group; hepatitis; immune; infectious; median; parvovirus; protective; puppies; response; results; scale; signs; statistical; study; subjects; test; titre; vaccination; vaccine; veterinary; virus cache: cord-270998-1adloi3o.txt plain text: cord-270998-1adloi3o.txt item: #26 of 70 id: cord-273065-peqz7okh author: Girard, Marc title: Arboviruses: A global public health threat date: 2020-04-24 words: 5575 flesch: 45 summary: Nevertheless, the substantial public health benefits of even a moderately effective dengue vaccine continue to drive all the efforts at developing dengue vaccines [29, 30] , hoping that safety concerns may be adequately addressed. Dr Joao Bosco Siqueira reported that Brazil had suffered from a shortage of yellow fever vaccine. keywords: ade; aedes; aegypti; africa; age; albopictus; america; anti; arboviral; arboviruses; areas; asia; attenuated; blood; brazil; cases; chikv; clinical; control; countries; cyd; dengue; dengue vaccine; denv; development; diagnostic; diseases; dose; duane; effective; efficacy; emergence; epidemic; evidence; fever; global; gubler; health; infected; infection; institute; laboratory; major; microcephaly; mosquitoes; need; ns1; past; pasteur; phase; pregnant; prevention; public; reported; risk; safety; serotypes; south; spread; study; surveillance; tdv; tests; threat; transmission; trial; tropical; tropics; urban; usa; vaccination; vaccine; vector; virus; wolbachia; women; world; years; yellow; yfv; zika; zikv cache: cord-273065-peqz7okh.txt plain text: cord-273065-peqz7okh.txt item: #27 of 70 id: cord-281603-3308f8hm author: Souza, William Marciel de title: Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the early phase of the COVID-19 epidemic in Brazil date: 2020-04-29 words: 3886 flesch: 43 summary: Geospatial analysis of COVID-19 cases, demographic and socio-economic data Based on data from the first COVID-19 reports in Brazil 10 , we hypothesized that rates of incidence and testing for COVID-19 are higher in areas of higher per capita income. Overall, 10% of COVID-19 cases in Brazil were hospitalized compared to 19% in the USA 22 . keywords: age; april; asymptomatic; author; available; brazil; capita; cases; china; clinical; copyright; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; demographic; diagnosis; disease; doi; fig; funder; health; higher; holder; hospitalization; income; infection; international; level; license; median; medrxiv; overall; patients; paulo; perpetuity; population; positive; pregnant; preprint; proportion; respiratory; sars; socioeconomic; structure; study; symptoms; testing; transmission; version; viruses; years cache: cord-281603-3308f8hm.txt plain text: cord-281603-3308f8hm.txt item: #28 of 70 id: cord-283291-lj3k53px author: Brugnago, Eduardo L. title: How relevant is the decision of containment measures against COVID-19 applied ahead of time? date: 2020-08-12 words: 4570 flesch: 57 summary: Section 3 discusses the effect of containment actions on the total number of confirmed infected cases applied in three distinct days and Sec. 3. Figures 4(a) , 4(c), 4(e), and 4(g) display the total cumulative number of confirmed infected cases and Figs. 4(b), 4(d), 4(f), and 4(h) show the cumulative number of only symptomatic infected individuals. keywords: actions; april; asymptomatic; belgium; black; brazil; cases; continuous; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; cumulative; curves; daily; data; days; distance; distinct; dynamics; epidemic; fig; growth; individuals; infected; initial; law; model; number; parameters; people; possible; power; real; results; social; strategies; table; tests; time; usa; value; work cache: cord-283291-lj3k53px.txt plain text: cord-283291-lj3k53px.txt item: #29 of 70 id: cord-284883-bkydu285 author: Luis Silva, L. title: Brazil Health Care System preparation against COVID-19 date: 2020-05-13 words: 4501 flesch: 46 summary: To evaluate the geographical accessibility to emergency care service care was used the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) technique. Once the EII was computed, and the municipalities with high incidence within regions with low access to emergency care services care were identified, a Getis-Ord-Gi analysis was performed. keywords: access; accessibility; author; available; beds; brazil; brazilian; care; cases; copyright; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; data; deaths; disease; efforts; emergency; emergency care; figure; funder; health; high; higher; holder; hospitals; icu; icu beds; incidence; index; infirmary; intensive; international; lack; license; map; medrxiv; municipalities; new; number; nurse; nursing; pandemic; patients; perpetuity; population; preprint; professionals; regions; response; saúde; services; spatial; states; study; system; ventilators; version cache: cord-284883-bkydu285.txt plain text: cord-284883-bkydu285.txt item: #30 of 70 id: cord-286130-4f7otdx1 author: Xavier, Joilson title: The ongoing COVID-19 epidemic in Minas Gerais, Brazil: insights from epidemiological data and SARS-CoV-2 whole genome sequencing date: 2020-08-11 words: 4674 flesch: 44 summary: To better understand the recent epidemic in the second most populous state in southeast Brazil - Minas Gerais (MG) - we sequenced 40 complete SARS-CoV-2 genomes from MG cases and examined epidemiological data from three Brazilian states. Overall these numbers suggest that in MG cases and deaths have been reported only in a subset of the overall population, while in the other states keywords: analysis; april; available; b.1; brazil; brazilian; cases; city; collected; complete; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; data; deaths; different; disease; effective; epidemic; epidemiological; estimated; events; february; figure; genome; genomic; gerais; health; independent; international; introductions; iom; isolates; lineage; maximum; minas; model; molecular; new; number; outbreak; paulo; pcr; phylogenetic; phylogeny; population; public; reported; samples; sars; sequences; sequencing; set; size; state; study; subset; supplementary; surveillance; são; table; time; total; transmission; travel; tree cache: cord-286130-4f7otdx1.txt plain text: cord-286130-4f7otdx1.txt item: #31 of 70 id: cord-287488-h102xn29 author: Araujo, Danielle Bastos title: SARS-CoV-2 isolation from the first reported patients in Brazil and establishment of a coordinated task network date: 2020-10-23 words: 3940 flesch: 44 summary: We used NP swab specimen for virus isolation. The preparation of VIS and VLS stocks was performed as described above for virus isolation. keywords: acid; acute; biomedical; brazil; cases; ccl-81; cell; city; clinical; collected; community; concentration; copies; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; culture; data; detection; different; dmem; effects; electron; fbs; february; fig; genome; h.p.i; human; infection; inoculated; institute; isolate; isolation; italy; kinetics; kit; lines; material; medium; microscopy; novel; patient; paulo; pcr; quantification; reference; replication; research; respiratory; rna; samples; sars; sciences; sequencing; severe; syndrome; são; tcid; tested; time; university; usa; vero; viral; virus cache: cord-287488-h102xn29.txt plain text: cord-287488-h102xn29.txt item: #32 of 70 id: cord-287911-aoulao8w author: Hone, Thomas title: Impact of the Programa Mais médicos (more doctors Programme) on primary care doctor supply and amenable mortality: quasi-experimental study of 5565 Brazilian municipalities date: 2020-09-15 words: 5409 flesch: 36 summary: The PMM could have delivered a near 30% increase in primary care doctors (a peak of 18,000 PMM doctors added to the 61,000 primary care doctor workforce in Brazil during 2013), but the actual increase was only 12.2% as nearly two thirds of PMM doctors substituted existing primary care doctors. In addition to funds for clinic construction and refurbishment, and new medical schools in areas lacking doctors, there was a politically-contentious emergency expansion of primary care doctors. keywords: additional; allocation; alternative; amenable; analysis; approach; areas; baseline; benefits; brazil; brazilian; care; criteria; cuban; data; density; differences; doctors; effects; evidence; expansion; file; findings; government; health; healthcare; higher; hrh; human; impact; implementation; increases; inequalities; introduction; local; longitudinal; low; lower; mais; medical; models; mortality; municipalities; municipality; médicos; new; non; outcomes; period; pmm; population; primary; primary care; priority; programa; programme; public; reductions; regression; resources; shortages; studies; study; substitution; supply; system; time; total; trends; working; year cache: cord-287911-aoulao8w.txt plain text: cord-287911-aoulao8w.txt item: #33 of 70 id: cord-290385-0smnl70i author: Chan, Jasper F.W. title: Zika fever and congenital Zika syndrome: An unexpected emerging arboviral disease date: 2016-03-03 words: 8262 flesch: 36 summary: Domain III peptides from flavivirus envelope protein are useful antigens for serologic diagnosis and targets for immunization A single mutation in chikungunya virus affects vector specificity and epidemic potential Spread of the pandemic Zika virus lineage is associated with NS1 codon usage adaptation in humans Biology of Zika virus infection in human skin cells Autophagy and viral diseases transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus Zika virus infection of the central nervous system of mice Zika virus: further isolations in the Zika area, and some studies on the strains isolated Persistence of arboviruses and antiviral antibodies in vertebrate hosts: its occurrence and impacts Incubation periods of mosquito-borne viral infections: a systematic review Rapid risk assessment: Zika virus infection outbreak, French Polynesia Current Zika virus epidemiology and recent epidemics Zika virus outbreak Zika virus infection in man Zika virus infection, Cambodia Fatal Zika virus infection in girl with sickle cell disease, Colombia. Zika situation report e neurological syndrome and congenital anomalies Zika virus infection acquired during brief travel to Indonesia First case of Zika virus infection in a returning Canadian traveler Two cases of Zika fever imported from French Polynesia to Japan First case of laboratory-confirmed Zika virus infection imported into Europe Zika virus infection after travel to Tahiti Zika virus infection in a traveller returning to Europe from Brazil Zika virus infections imported to Italy: clinical, immunological and virological findings, and public health implications Cytokine kinetics of Zika virus-infected patients from acute to reconvalescent phase Zika virus in an American recreational traveler Acute Zika virus infection after travel to Malaysian Borneo Zika fever imported from Thailand to Japan, and diagnosed by PCR in the urines Zika virus infection in a traveller returning from the Maldives Epidemiological alert e neurological syndrome, congenital malformations, and Zika virus infection. keywords: acute; aedes; affected; africa; albopictus; americas; animal; anomalies; antibodies; arboviruses; areas; asian; association; asymptomatic; birth; bite; blood; brazil; cases; cells; central; chikungunya; chikv; clinical; complications; concomitant; congenital; congenital zikv; control; days; dengue; denv; detection; diagnosis; disease; donation; donors; east; emergence; endemic; epidemic; evidence; fever; flaviviruses; foetal; french; global; health; human; igm; important; infected; infection; island; isolated; laboratory; like; likely; major; manifestations; measures; mice; microcephaly; mosquito; neonates; neurological; nile; non; novel; number; outbreak; pacific; patients; pcr; perinatal; persistent; polynesia; positive; possible; potential; pregnancy; pregnant; present; protein; rapid; rash; recent; regions; report; respiratory; risk; rna; routes; saliva; samples; semen; serum; severe; south; spread; strains; studies; symptoms; syndrome; table; tests; tissues; transmission; travel; travellers; uganda; useful; vaccine; vector; viral; virological; virus; virus infection; virus transmission; west; wnv; women; yap; years; yellow; zika; zika fever; zika virus; zikv; zikv infection cache: cord-290385-0smnl70i.txt plain text: cord-290385-0smnl70i.txt item: #34 of 70 id: cord-292209-d1ty9etr author: Horta, Bernardo L title: Prevalence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 according to socioeconomic and ethnic status in a nationwide Brazilian survey date: 2020-10-29 words: 4333 flesch: 46 summary: O ajuste regional reduziu as taxas de prevalência de acordo com a riqueza, educação e etnia, mas os resultados permaneceram estatisticamente significativos. Se utilizó el análisis de los componentes principales de los bienes para clasificar la posición socioeconómica en cinco quintiles de riqueza. keywords: adjustment; african; analyses; ancestry; antibodies; antibody; association; black; blood; brazil; brazilian; brown; case; cities; color; com; contra; country; cov-2; covid-19; data; del; education; ethnic; ethnicity; groups; health; higher; household; indigenous; individuals; inequalities; las; likely; los; lower; mixed; mortality; national; para; population; positive; present; prevalence; prevalência; proportion; que; quintiles; rapid; ratio; region; resultados; results; risk; sample; sars; schooling; second; sensitivity; seroprevalence; size; skin; socioeconomic; specificity; studies; study; subjects; surveys; table; test; validation; whites; wondfo cache: cord-292209-d1ty9etr.txt plain text: cord-292209-d1ty9etr.txt item: #35 of 70 id: cord-295554-0pzjyrdf author: Lima, Francisco Esmaile de Sales title: Detection of Alphacoronavirus in velvety free-tailed bats (Molossus molossus) and Brazilian free-tailed bats (Tadarida brasiliensis) from urban area of Southern Brazil date: 2013-03-16 words: 1788 flesch: 52 summary: In this initial study, samples were restricted in location and variety of bat species, and we found only alphacoronaviruses. Additional studies with larger numbers of bats and bat species, as well as the continued vigilance on the occurrence of viral infections in bats over the years is required to follow the evolution of bat coronaviruses in its interactions with the different bat host species. keywords: alphacoronaviruses; area; bats; brazil; brazilian; coronavirus; cov; detection; different; fecal; free; humans; infections; insectivorous; min; molossus; new; nucleotide; pcr; program; rna; samples; sars; sequences; southern; species; studies; study; tailed; urban; viruses; world cache: cord-295554-0pzjyrdf.txt plain text: cord-295554-0pzjyrdf.txt item: #36 of 70 id: cord-300795-s7y9m8iu author: Brandão, Paulo E. title: Complete Genome Sequence of a Brazil-Type Avian coronavirus Detected in a Chicken date: 2016-10-13 words: 743 flesch: 41 summary: Review of infectious bronchitis virus around the world S1 gene-based phylogeny of infectious bronchitis virus: an attempt to harmonize virus classification Molecular evolution and emergence of avian gammacoronaviruses Coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus Molecular epidemiology of avian infectious bronchitis in Brazil from 2007 to 2008 in breeders, broilers, and layers Increased level of protection of respiratory tract and kidney by combining different infectious bronchitis virus vaccines against challenge with nephropathogenic Brazilian genotype subcluster 4 strains Spike sequence-based analysis revealed that strain Gammacoronavirus/AvCoV/chicken/Brazil/23/2013 belongs to the GI-11 AvCoV lineage (Brazil type) with only 82.9% nt identity with the Massachusetts (GI-1) type used as a live vaccine in Brazil against avian infectious bronchitis; this low identity is one of the reasons for the lower protection given by this vaccine reported after challenges with the Brazil type (6). keywords: avcov; avian; brazil; bronchitis; chicken; complete; gammacoronavirus; genome; ibv; infectious; paulo; reads; sequence; spike; type; vaccine; virus cache: cord-300795-s7y9m8iu.txt plain text: cord-300795-s7y9m8iu.txt item: #37 of 70 id: cord-305936-tdswzj7r author: Freitas, André Ricardo Ribas title: Excess of Mortality in Adults and Elderly and Circulation of Subtypes of Influenza Virus in Southern Brazil date: 2018-01-08 words: 4346 flesch: 31 summary: Prevention and control of influenza: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Influenza and the winter increase in mortality in the United States, 1959-1999 Impact of respiratory virus infections on persons with chronic underlying conditions Epidemiology of seasonal influenza: use of surveillance data and statistical models to estimate the burden of disease Influenza-related hospitalizations among children in Hong Kong Trends in mortality from respiratory diseases among the elderly and the influenza vaccine intervention Mortality associated with influenza in tropics, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 2002 to 2011: the pre-pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic periods Influenza-related deaths -available methods for estimating numbers and detecting patterns for seasonal and pandemic influenza in Europe Excess mortality associated with influenza epidemics in Portugal Time series methods for obtaining excess mortality attributable to influenza epidemics Influenza associated mortality in the subtropics and tropics: results from three Asian cities Influenza in tropical regions Seasonality of influenza in Brazil: a traveling wave from the Amazon to the subtropics Methods for current statistical analysis of excess pneumonia-influenza deaths Impact of influenza vaccination on seasonal mortality in the US elderly population Influenza-related mortality in Spain Is influenza-like illness a useful concept and an appropriate test of influenza vaccine effectiveness? Estimates of US influenza-associated deaths made using four different methods Mortality associated with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus in the United States Role of humoral and cell-mediated immunity in protection from influenza disease after immunization of healthy elderly Mortality burden of the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic in France: comparison to seasonal influenza and the A/H3N2 pandemic The global circulation of seasonal influenza A (H3N2) viruses Comparing clinical characteristics between hospitalized adults with laboratory-confirmed influenza A and B virus infection Trends in mortality from respiratory disease in Latin America since 1998 and the impact of the 2009 influenza pandemic Estimated global mortality associated with the first 12 months of 2009 pandemic influenza A H1N1 virus circulation: a modelling study T cell mediated immunity to influenza: mechanisms of viral control T-cell immunity to influenza in older adults: a pathophysiological framework for development of more effective vaccines A question of self-preservation: immunopathology in influenza virus infection Fatal outcome of human influenza A (H5N1) is associated with high viral load and hypercytokinemia Influenza as a trigger for acute myocardial infarction or death from cardiovascular disease: a systematic review Acute respiratory tract infections: a potential trigger for the acute coronary syndrome Influenza and atherosclerosis: vaccination for cardiovascular disease prevention Multiple immunological abnormalities in patients with type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus Use of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines in people with diabetes Mortality attributable to influenza in England and Wales prior to, during and after the 2009 pandemic Risk factors for severe outcomes following 2009 influenza A (H1N1) infection: a global pooled analysis Pandemic H1N1 influenza in Brazil: analysis of the first 34,506 notified cases of influenza-like illness with severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) Pandemic versus epidemic influenza mortality: a pattern of changing age distribution Epidemiology of influenza and its control Aberrant innate immune response in lethal infection of macaques with the 1918 influenza virus Cytokine and chemokine profiles in lung tissues from fatal cases of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1): role of the host immune response in pathogenesis Crossreactive antibody responses to the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus The evolution of human influenza A viruses from 1999 to 2006: a complete genome study Molecular evolution of human influenza A/H3N2 virus in Asia and Europe from 2001 to Molecular characterization of influenza viruses collected from young children in Uberlandia, Brazil-from Virus influenza detectados no estado do Rio Grande do Sul durante Center for Disease Control and Prevention. keywords: acute; adults; age; ah1n1; ah3n2; analysis; brazil; brazilian; causes; chronic; circulation; clinical; comorbidities; coverage; data; deaths; different; diseases; elderly; epidemics; estimates; excess; group; higher; immune; impact; infection; influenza; mortality; pandemic; period; pneumonia; population; predominance; rates; region; regression; respiratory; response; results; samples; seasonal; sentinel; serfling; severe; southern; strain; study; surveillance; time; units; vaccination; viral; virological; virus; viruses; weekly; years cache: cord-305936-tdswzj7r.txt plain text: cord-305936-tdswzj7r.txt item: #38 of 70 id: cord-307089-344rhiw0 author: Marson, Fernando Augusto Lima title: Covid-19 in Brazil date: 2020-04-27 words: 1948 flesch: 40 summary: In the early stages of COVID-19 disease, before community infection, the number of hospitalizations in the private system was higher than in public health system conforming with the disease origin and type of infection and its placement. In Brazil, the number of COVID-19 cases is increasing daily and by April 14 th , 2020, 23,955 positive cases have emerged. keywords: addition; april; beds; brazil; care; cases; china; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; deaths; different; disease; health; higher; hospital; infection; italy; number; pandemic; patients; population; public; severe; social; state; system; time cache: cord-307089-344rhiw0.txt plain text: cord-307089-344rhiw0.txt item: #39 of 70 id: cord-307306-ju0vcalk author: Barbosa, Daniel A. N. title: Upholding Scientific Duty Amidst Poisonous Disinformation date: 2020-07-22 words: 904 flesch: 47 summary: In a recent Lancet editorial, the world's attention was directed toward the rising numbers of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths in Brazil [1] . Brazil is now the country with the second-highest total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths [4] . keywords: authors; brazil; cases; countries; covid-19; data; deaths; disinformation; editorial; highest; lancet; lockdown; number; people; scientific; size cache: cord-307306-ju0vcalk.txt plain text: cord-307306-ju0vcalk.txt item: #40 of 70 id: cord-309875-8awkpi2p author: Cavalcante, Francisco Pimentel title: Breast cancer and COVID‐19 pandemic in Brazil date: 2020-08-05 words: 458 flesch: 36 summary: Discordance of COVID-19 guidelines for patients with cancer: a systematic review A practical approach to the management of cancer patients during the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic: an international collaborative group Recommendations for prioritization, treatment, and triage of breast cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. the COVID-19 pandemic breast cancer consortium Recommendations for triage, prioritization and treatment of breast cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic Management of early breast cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil The authors declare that there are no conflict of interests. keywords: brazil; breast; cancer; covid-19; guidelines; management; pandemic; patients; recommendations; sbm; treatment cache: cord-309875-8awkpi2p.txt plain text: cord-309875-8awkpi2p.txt item: #41 of 70 id: cord-312267-0tb08b0z author: Freitas, A. S. title: New S.I.R. model used in the projection of COVID 19 cases in Brazil date: 2020-05-01 words: 4564 flesch: 42 summary: Epidemic curves for several scenarios, with different contagion rates and exposure factors. Epidemic curves for several scenarios, with different contagion rates and exposure factors. keywords: account; april; brazil; cases; contagion; contagion rate; country; covid-19; curve; data; days; different; epidemic; exposure; factor; february; fig; graph; greater; individuals; infected; infection; isolation; measures; model; number; outbreak; peak; people; percentage; rate; social; spread; time cache: cord-312267-0tb08b0z.txt plain text: cord-312267-0tb08b0z.txt item: #42 of 70 id: cord-312555-qytl2vqt author: da Silva, Josivan Soares title: Use of game fauna by Fulni-ô people in Northeastern Brazil: implications for conservation date: 2020-04-17 words: 6743 flesch: 44 summary: Furthermore, we did not find any variation between the periods mentioned above in relation to the number of hunted species (R 2 = 0.13, F = 1.53, p > 0.05). During this period, information about hunted animals was collected only by hunters who assisted us in the research. keywords: abundance; activities; activity; addition; amazon; analysis; animals; areas; arid; authors; availability; biomass; birds; brazil; brazilian; bushmeat; caatinga; capture; ceremony; communities; conservation; consumption; cultural; data; demand; ethnic; factor; fauna; fulni; game; game meat; game species; group; higher; hunted; hunted species; hunters; hunting; important; indigenous; individuals; information; local; mammals; meat; months; natural; non; northeast; number; order; ouricuri; people; period; possible; preferred; present; proximity; region; relation; religious; research; resources; results; ritual; seasonality; semi; species; strategies; study; subsistence; time; total; traditional; urban; use; village; wild; wildlife; year cache: cord-312555-qytl2vqt.txt plain text: cord-312555-qytl2vqt.txt item: #43 of 70 id: cord-315624-57kzulqv author: Storopoli, Jose title: Confidence in social institutions, perceived vulnerability and the adoption of recommended protective behaviors in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-10-27 words: 5801 flesch: 40 summary: During a global COVID-19 pandemic, the public depends on the media to convey accurate information in order to make informed decisions regarding health protective behavior (Garfin, Silver and Holman, 2020) . Using recreancy theory, we explored the relationship between confidence, perceived risk and social behavior in the presence of social risks (Freudenburg, 1993) . keywords: adoption; analysis; assessment; behaviors; brazil; cases; central; confidence; coronavirus; country; covid-19; disease; distance; distancing; effect; efficacy; et al; factors; gender; government; health; hospitals; important; income; individuals; influenza; information; institutions; large; likely; measures; media; model; number; outbreak; pandemic; people; perceptions; policy; population; preventive; protective; protective behaviors; protective measures; public; r n; recreancy; respondents; risk; role; self; social; social institutions; state; studies; study; theory; trust; u r; variables; virus; vulnerability; workers cache: cord-315624-57kzulqv.txt plain text: cord-315624-57kzulqv.txt item: #44 of 70 id: cord-316993-mv577rok author: Marra, V. title: An estimate of the COVID-19 infection fatality rate in Brazil based on a seroprevalence survey date: 2020-08-21 words: 2986 flesch: 55 summary: A much larger survey with 61075 participants was conducted in Spain, but IFR estimates were not reported. Two states have unreliable combined IFR results and are shown in light gray: PA has a significant decrease in pa in round 3 that cannot be a simple fluctuation; RR has a very low IFR in round 2 which is in tension with the other rounds and artificially shrinks the CI. ture. keywords: antibodies; brazil; brazilian; cases; cities; cov-2; covid-19; data; dataset; deaths; delay; epicovid19; estimate; fatality; figure; health; ifr; infection; large; levels; license; materials; number; order; pandemic; population; preprint; public; results; round; sars; seroprevalence; states; study; supplementary; survey; symptoms; tests; time; total cache: cord-316993-mv577rok.txt plain text: cord-316993-mv577rok.txt item: #45 of 70 id: cord-329401-b09wj0h7 author: Fernandes, M.C. title: Identification of pathogens and virulence profile of Rhodococcus equi and Escherichia coli strains obtained from sand of parks date: 2013-10-30 words: 3917 flesch: 48 summary: This risk is particularly important to children and immunocompromised people, especially HIV-positive patients, because avirulent R. equi may cause the disease in immunosuppressed and non-immunosuppressed patients (Takai et al., 2003) , including in Brazil (Ribeiro et al., 2011) . In Brazil, genes that encode papG adhesins, as well as hly and sfa genes, were found in E. coli strains isolated from pyometra, urinary tract infections, and feces of dogs (Siqueira et al., 2009) . keywords: adhesin; animals; bacterial; bovine; brazil; coli; contamination; coronavirus; different; dogs; domestic; e. coli; eae; eggs; epec; equi; escherichia; et al; factors; fecal; feces; gene; groups; hly; humans; identification; infections; iron; isolates; iucd; papg; parks; pathogens; plasmid; presence; rhodococcus; risk; rotavirus; salmonella; samples; sand; sfa; soil; spp; strains; study; takai; toxocara; type; vapa; vapb; virulence; virulent cache: cord-329401-b09wj0h7.txt plain text: cord-329401-b09wj0h7.txt item: #46 of 70 id: cord-329469-vbk42y1l author: Palamim, Camila Vantini Capasso title: COVID-19 in the Indigenous Population of Brazil date: 2020-10-06 words: 2504 flesch: 39 summary: The impact of COVID-19 for Indigenous population might be an unprecedented tragedy, and the government in Brazil must take emergency measures as the social isolation. Thus, the aim of the present study is to discuss the epidemiologic and social characteristics of indigenous population aiming to protect them from COVID-19 pandemic. keywords: access; alto; areas; brazil; brazilian; cases; community; confirmed; contact; covid-19; data; deaths; disease; doctor; ethnic; group; health; impact; important; indians; indigenous; indigenous population; individuals; june; lands; number; pandemic; population; respiratory; rio; risk; social; time; urban; virus; vulnerable cache: cord-329469-vbk42y1l.txt plain text: cord-329469-vbk42y1l.txt item: #47 of 70 id: cord-329536-3xsncmyi author: Passos, Lígia title: Impact on Mental Health Due to COVID-19 Pandemic: Cross-Sectional Study in Portugal and Brazil date: 2020-09-17 words: 4367 flesch: 48 summary: Positivo de Coronavírus em Portugal Morte por Coronavírus no Brasil Aconteceu em 12 de Março, diz Ministério da Saúde Registada Primeira Morte por Novo Coronavírus em Portugal Rapid assessment of the impact of lockdown on the COVID-19 epidemic in Portugal António Costa Anuncia fim do Estado de Emergência e Declara Estado de Calamidade Major Brazilian Cities set Lockdowns as Virus Spreads Forced social isolation and mental health: A study on 1006 Italians under COVID-19 lockdown Mental healthcare for psychiatric inpatients during the COVID-19 epidemic Timely mental health care for the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak is urgently needed The outbreak of COVID-19 coronavirus and its impact on global mental health The forgotten plague: The lack of a diverse sample limits the ability to explore how some demographic characteristics (e.g., socioeconomic status) may affect mental health during the pandemic. keywords: anxiety; average; brazil; comparison; countries; covid-19; current; days; depression; differences; disorder; factors; future; generalized; health; higher; impact; individuals; isolation; items; levels; life; linear; measures; median; mental; mental health; multiple; outbreak; pandemic; participants; points; population; portugal; portuguese; present; prevalence; psychological; public; questionnaire; residents; respondents; results; risk; sample; satisfaction; scale; score; significant; social; status; study; swls; table; variables cache: cord-329536-3xsncmyi.txt plain text: cord-329536-3xsncmyi.txt item: #48 of 70 id: cord-333487-zem2d4y6 author: Thomaz Ugliara Barone, Mark title: The Impact of COVID-19 on People with Diabetes in Brazil date: 2020-07-03 words: 4659 flesch: 41 summary: The Lancet The Silver Lining to COVID-19: Avoiding Diabetic Ketoacidosis Admissions with Telehealth Coronavirus Infections and Type 2 Diabetes -Shared Pathways with Therapeutic Implications Ensuring people-centred diabetes care during the COVID-19 pandemic Experiences from Portugal Beyond the virus: Additionally, announced measures for prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 consequences on this population, such as supply of medicines for 3 months, worked just for a minority. keywords: access; activity; age; america; analysis; authors; blood; brazil; brazilian; cardiovascular; care; case; changes; china; close; country; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; diabetes; disease; factors; figure; food; glucose; glycemic; group; habits; health; higher; home; impact; increase; individuals; infected; infection; international; italy; levels; measures; medical; medicines; mortality; ncds; number; pandemic; patients; people; physical; population; present; private; public; questions; respondents; response; risk; sars; severity; study; supplies; survey; t1d; t2d; testing; type cache: cord-333487-zem2d4y6.txt plain text: cord-333487-zem2d4y6.txt item: #49 of 70 id: cord-335087-z1dec19i author: Goldani, Luciano Z. title: Infectious diseases and the COVID-19 scenario in Brazil date: 2020-09-06 words: 816 flesch: 57 summary: 5 Brazil has the second-highest number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the world behind the United States. key: cord-335087-z1dec19i authors: Goldani, Luciano Z.; Salort, Shirlei G. title: Infectious diseases and the COVID-19 scenario in Brazil date: 2020-09-06 journal: keywords: brazil; brazilian; cases; country; covid-19; dengue; diseases; health; infectious; number; pandemic; public; scenario; science; tests; treatment; year; z1dec19i; zika cache: cord-335087-z1dec19i.txt plain text: cord-335087-z1dec19i.txt item: #50 of 70 id: cord-335578-u8b66oos author: Simões e Silva, Ana Cristina title: Coronavirus Disease Pandemic Is a Real Challenge for Brazil date: 2020-06-05 words: 1666 flesch: 49 summary: The Brazilian scientific community and healthcare workers are working hard to provide support for political health measures to address COVID-19 (15, 16) . However, our capacity to deal with critical cases is limited and very heterogeneous across the 26 states. keywords: brazil; cases; china; coronavirus; country; cov-2; covid-19; critical; diabetes; disease; health; healthcare; march; measures; medrxiv; number; old; pandemic; people; political; population; proportion; public; sars; social; spread; states; system; world; wuhan cache: cord-335578-u8b66oos.txt plain text: cord-335578-u8b66oos.txt item: #51 of 70 id: cord-337421-4v48kkus author: Ribeiro, Servio Pontes title: Severe airport sanitarian control could slow down the spreading of COVID-19 pandemics in Brazil date: 2020-03-27 words: 3489 flesch: 50 summary: The copyright holder for this preprint this version posted March 27, 2020. than Brazil, India, in turn, has a similar sized airport network to Brazil Nevertheless, the situation of COVID-19 in India is currently much milder than in Besides the within-city pattern of virus spreading, one must take into account the 205 pattern of dispersion between cities after the virus has invaded. In the SIR original 98 model, the infection of susceptible cities occurs by probability β of a healthy being (S) 99 encounters an infected one (I). keywords: airport; author; brazil; brazilian; cases; cities; city; connected; control; country; cov-2; covid-19; days; disease; entrance; expansion; flights; funder; health; infected; infection; manaus; march; medrxiv; model; network; pandemic; pattern; peer; people; perpetuity; population; preprint; review; sars; spreading; susceptible; virus cache: cord-337421-4v48kkus.txt plain text: cord-337421-4v48kkus.txt item: #52 of 70 id: cord-339616-4ctpq5v3 author: de Carvalho, Carolina Abreu title: How is Brazil facing the crisis of Food and Nutrition Security during the COVID-19 pandemic? date: 2020-10-12 words: 2757 flesch: 42 summary: Therefore, although no interruption in food supply occurred, Brazilians with compromised incomes during the pandemic may have problems accessing food as they are unable to afford it. The fight against food insecurity in Brazil was interrupted with the adoption of austerity measures, such as the National Amendment 95/2016 (4) , which reduced public expenditure on social policies, in addition to labour and social security reforms, which represents a scenario of violation of human rights that are being aggravated by the current pandemic. keywords: actions; agenda; brazil; brazilian; consea; context; country; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; economic; family; federal; fns; food; food insecurity; government; health; human; impacts; important; income; increase; insecurity; national; nutrition; pandemic; payment; people; population; programmes; public; right; safety; scenario; social; supply; support; unemployment; vulnerable cache: cord-339616-4ctpq5v3.txt plain text: cord-339616-4ctpq5v3.txt item: #53 of 70 id: cord-340942-oatf59k0 author: Magalhães, Jurandy Júnior Ferraz de title: Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the first 557 successive patients with COVID-19 in Pernambuco state, Northeast Brazil date: 2020-09-21 words: 3954 flesch: 55 summary: Since then, the number of COVID-19 cases in Brazil has increased steadily and the country has become the third most affected in the world after the USA and India. For that, the QGIS software (https://qgis. org/en/site/) was used to plot home addresses and the Kernel Density Estimation method was applied to identify the neighborhoods with the highest concentration of COVID-19 cases. keywords: age; brazil; cases; characteristics; china; clinical; common; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; days; deaths; disease; epidemiological; females; fig; group; health; higher; highest; incidence; income; infected; information; load; males; march; median; mild; neighborhoods; novel; number; old; onset; patients; pernambuco; population; recife; respiratory; sars; severe; state; study; symptoms; time; total; viral; world; wuhan; years cache: cord-340942-oatf59k0.txt plain text: cord-340942-oatf59k0.txt item: #54 of 70 id: cord-341212-dk6ioi15 author: Ribeiro, Andre Luis Ribeiro title: Besides the climate model, other variables driving the COVID-19 spread in Brazil() date: 2020-06-15 words: 487 flesch: 40 summary: This dispute was taken to the Supreme Court, which reinforced the authority of cities and states to define local measures of social distancing, quarantine, prohibition of activities and definition of essential services (Federal, 2020) . The study model and data analysis are well-performed, and although the authors found that temperature and relativity humidity influenced the COVID-19 dissemination, other well-known and important variables, such as social distancing, population testing, hand wash (Giordano et al., 2020) and rational use of face mask were not part of their study model (Feng et al., 2020) . keywords: authors; brazil; cities; covid-19; data; distancing; model; social; spread; study cache: cord-341212-dk6ioi15.txt plain text: cord-341212-dk6ioi15.txt item: #55 of 70 id: cord-342734-37xduboo author: Thomé, Beatriz C. title: Ethical Considerations for Restrictive and Physical Distancing Measures in Brazil During COVID-19: Facilitators and Barriers date: 2020-11-09 words: 2580 flesch: 42 summary: Adherence to restrictive and physical distancing measures depends on the general acceptance of public health measures as well as communities’ financial leverage. Adherence to public health measures largely relies on the public's trust in health systems. keywords: adherence; affected; brazil; brazilian; cent; communities; control; countries; country; covid-19; different; distancing; economic; et al; ethical; federal; financial; governments; health; ibge; isolation; measures; pandemic; particular; people; physical; place; political; population; prevention; public; response; restrictive; scientific; social; states; support; sus; systems; trust; vulnerable; work cache: cord-342734-37xduboo.txt plain text: cord-342734-37xduboo.txt item: #56 of 70 id: cord-343183-5jlnw6e0 author: Sato, Ana Paula Sayuri title: Pandemic and vaccine coverage: challenges of returning to schools date: 2020-11-05 words: 2647 flesch: 34 summary: Child vaccination coverage has declined sharply during the pandemic in several regions of the world 26, 28 . Here we go again: the reemergence of anti-vaccine activism on the Internet Routine childhood immunisation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa: a benefit-risk analysis of health benefits versus excess risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection Decline in child vaccination coverage during the COVID-19 Pandemic -Michigan Care Improvement Registry Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Emergency Department visits -United States Early impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic and physical distancing measures on routine childhood vaccinations in England Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on routine eediatric vaccine ordering and administration -United States Routine vaccination during covid-19 pandemic response The potential impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the immunization performance in Indonesia keywords: access; brazil; challenge; children; coronavirus; countries; coverage; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; decline; decrease; diphtheria; diseases; distancing; drop; face; health; hesitancy; immunization; immunopreventable; impact; important; march; measles; measures; national; nip; organization; pandemic; population; programs; return; risk; routine; sars; schools; services; social; vaccination; vaccination coverage; vaccine; world; years cache: cord-343183-5jlnw6e0.txt plain text: cord-343183-5jlnw6e0.txt item: #57 of 70 id: cord-344639-t9xbzczc author: DeVore, Jonathan title: From sharecropping to equal shares: transforming the sharing economy in northeastern Brazil date: 2020-08-09 words: 9245 flesch: 44 summary: These included decentralized squatter organizations formed by former plantation laborers who occupied abandoned plantation lands; independent associations that sought to directly purchase plantation lands from former owners; and Brazil's internationally known social movement, the Landless Rural Workers' Movement, or MST. In other words, the customary practice of sharing marginal plots of plantation land with enslaved laborers brought about gradual and subtle internal reconfigurations within Bahia's plantation and slave economy. keywords: 1990s; access; accumulation; asymmetrical; bahia; banana; brazil; brazilian; cacao; capital; century; certain; claims; commons; consequences; contrast; control; crops; cultivation; cuttings; devore; different; distribution; durable; economy; emancipation; enslaved; equal; families; family; feudal; following; forms; fruit; good; grounds; hegel; hills; historical; justice; labor; laborers; land; land sharing; landowners; landscape; large; late; legal; life; lives; local; managers; manioc; marx; master; material; means; mere; new; objects; occupations; owners; peasant; people; plantation; planters; plants; plots; political; politics; practice; property; provision; recognition; region; relations; replicative; resources; ride; rights; root; roças; rubber; rural; seeds; sharecropping; shared; sharing; sharing economy; slave; slavery; social; society; southern; squatter; status; subsistence; term; time; transformative; trees; twentieth; unequal; ways; words; workers; world cache: cord-344639-t9xbzczc.txt plain text: cord-344639-t9xbzczc.txt item: #58 of 70 id: cord-345238-p841weif author: Magalhaes, Tereza title: The Endless Challenges of Arboviral Diseases in Brazil date: 2020-05-09 words: 1664 flesch: 30 summary: One year after the Zika virus outbreak in Brazil: From hypotheses to evidence Serological tests reveal significant cross-reactive human antibody responses to Zika and Dengue viruses in the Mexican population Impact of preexisting dengue immunity on Zika virus emergence in a dengue endemic region Previous dengue or Zika virus exposure can drive to infection enhancement or neutralisation of other flaviviruses Dengue Virus and Zika Virus Serological Cross-reactivity and Their Impact on Pathogenesis in Mice Impacts of Zika emergence in Latin America on endemic dengue transmission The decline of dengue in the Americas in 2017: Discussion of multiple hypotheses Human Urban Arboviruses Can Infect Wild Animals and Jump to Sylvatic Maintenance Cycles in South America A list of mosquito species of the Brazilian State of Pernambuco, including the first report of Haemagogus janthinomys (Diptera: Culicidae), yellow fever vector and 14 other species (Diptera: Culicidae) Spatial distribution and exploitation of trees gouged by common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) Evidence of natural Zika virus infection in neotropical non-human primates in Brazil Seroprevalence of selected flaviviruses in free-living and captive capuchin monkeys in the state of Pernambuco Limited Evidence for Infection of Urban and Peri-urban Nonhuman Primates with Zika and Chikungunya Viruses in Brazil Zika Virus Surveillance at the Human-Animal Interface in West-Central Brazil Prevalence and Incidence of Zika Virus Infection Among Household Contacts of Patients With Zika Virus Disease Influenza Illness among Case-Patients Hospitalized for Suspected Dengue Frequency and clinical features of dengue infection in a schoolchildren cohort from medellin, Colombia Severe coinfections of dengue and pandemic influenza A H1N1 viruses Co-infection with dengue virus and pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus The diagnostic challenge of pandemic H1N1 2009 virus in a dengue-endemic region: In addition, virus transmission during the outbreaks was focal across metropolitan regions, where some areas were more intensely hit than others within the same municipality [4] , corroborating the notion of clustered household/community transmission of arboviruses transmitted by Ae. aegypti. keywords: arboviral; arboviruses; areas; brazil; care; cases; clinical; concurrent; control; cov-2; covid-19; cycles; dengue; denv; diagnoses; diseases; epidemics; epidemiological; health; human; infection; management; pandemic; regions; sars; sylvatic; transmission; virus; zika; zikv cache: cord-345238-p841weif.txt plain text: cord-345238-p841weif.txt item: #59 of 70 id: cord-345834-l2e5v39s author: Anacleto, M.A. title: Diffusive process under Lifshitz scaling and pandemic scenarios date: 2020-08-20 words: 5230 flesch: 57 summary: [10] , and a study to predict COVID-19 peaks around the world based on active cases curves, introduced by Tsallis et al. In our investigation, we introduce a new version of the diffusion equation inspired by Horava's work, and we use it to fit real active cases data of COVID-19 from Germany, Spain and Brazil. keywords: active; active cases; brazil; cases; cases data; cities; coefficient; countries; cov-2; covid-19; cumulative; curves; data; day; days; different; diffusion; double; equation; evolution; fig; figs; germany; kink; lifshitz; like; lockdown; measures; model; number; pandemic; paulo; process; rate; real; sars; scenarios; section; solutions; spain; spreading; são; time; transmission; virus; work; world cache: cord-345834-l2e5v39s.txt plain text: cord-345834-l2e5v39s.txt item: #60 of 70 id: cord-347830-4rlcozy4 author: de Castro, Larissa Alves title: From Orange Juice By-Product in the Food Industry to a Functional Ingredient: Application in the Circular Economy date: 2020-05-06 words: 5991 flesch: 54 summary: [50] in which they evaluated the effect of different dietary fiber inclusion in cookie dough, and related that the oat fiber presented irregular, squamous, and heterogeneous particles, the results were similar to those observed for cookies with a higher concentration of OBPF. Thus, it could be supposed that the increase of OBPF had the same effect, i.e., no significant difference in the phenomes of starch transition, once the sucrose level used was the same for dough cookies. keywords: absorption; acid; albedo; analysis; antioxidant; authors; baking; brazil; chemical; citrus; composition; compounds; content; control; cookies; dietary; differences; different; dough; dry; effect; equivalent; et al; fiber; figure; flour; food; fruit; g/100; gallic; high; higher; index; juice; level; lower; mass; material; matter; methodology; min; obpf; orange; parameters; paulo; peel; phenolic; potential; product; properties; relation; results; sample; sodium; study; substitution; sugar; synth; são; table; temperature; total; triplicate; usa; values; volume; wai; waste; water; wheat cache: cord-347830-4rlcozy4.txt plain text: cord-347830-4rlcozy4.txt item: #61 of 70 id: cord-349624-2sypsfba author: Ferigato, Sabrina title: The Brazilian Government's mistakes in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-10-20 words: 546 flesch: 40 summary: Yet, primary health care has been overlooked by the federal government as a key element in this public health crisis response. The gravity of the pandemic in Brazil is evidenced by the current epidemiological facts: Brazil is among the three countries with the largest number of confirmed cases (more than 5 million as of Oct 15, 2020, according to WHO), with high mortality, 3 evidence of underreporting, 3 and a high number of deaths among health professionals, pregnant women, 4 and the indigenous population. keywords: brazil; brazilian; covid-19; covid19; current; federal; government; health; mistakes; pandemic; population; public; response cache: cord-349624-2sypsfba.txt plain text: cord-349624-2sypsfba.txt item: #62 of 70 id: cord-350859-0khu9mz3 author: Grotto, Rejane Maria Tommasini title: Increasing molecular diagnostic capacity and COVID-19 incidence in Brazil date: 2020-08-18 words: 1673 flesch: 35 summary: With that in mind, we studied the increase in COVID-19 molecular diagnostic capacity of public health laboratories in different regions in Brazil. The primacy of the growth of cases over laboratory capacity is reinforced by the increase in hospital admissions and deaths (as reported in official data ( and recent studies [7, 8] ). keywords: brazil; capacity; cases; country; cov-2; covid-19; data; diagnosis; different; diffusion; early; epidemiological; health; incidence; increase; joinpoint; laboratories; laboratory; major; middle; molecular; number; paulo; public; rate; regions; regression; sars; surveillance; são; week cache: cord-350859-0khu9mz3.txt plain text: cord-350859-0khu9mz3.txt item: #63 of 70 id: cord-351430-bpv7p7zo author: Pequeno, Pedro title: Air transportation, population density and temperature predict the spread of COVID-19 in Brazil date: 2020-06-03 words: 4789 flesch: 37 summary: We evaluated the effect of meteorological conditions (temperature, solar radiation, air humidity and precipitation) on 292 daily records of cumulative number of confirmed COVID-19 cases across the 27 Brazilian capital cities during the 1st month of the outbreak, while controlling for an indicator of the number of tests, the number of arriving flights, population density, proportion of elderly people and average income. Therefore, we performed two versions of the above analysis: one including all predictors but excluding days for which precipitation was lacking (n = 269) and another one excluding precipitation as predictor and using all counts of confirmed COVID-19 cases (n = 292). keywords: account; brazil; brazilian; capital; cases; cities; city; conditions; confirmed; coronavirus; counts; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 cases; daily; data; days; density; disease; draft; effects; environmental; errors; et al; experiments; factors; fig; final; flights; health; humidity; icus; infection; influenza; information; log; march; mean; meteorological; model; number; paper; population; predictors; radiation; regions; relative; results; sars; significant; social; socioeconomic; spread; standard; table; temperature; tests; time; variables; virus cache: cord-351430-bpv7p7zo.txt plain text: cord-351430-bpv7p7zo.txt item: #64 of 70 id: cord-351885-hjw1940x author: Zhang, S. X. title: First study on mental distress in Brazil during the COVID-19 crisis date: 2020-04-23 words: 2725 flesch: 59 summary: key: cord-351885-hjw1940x authors: Zhang, S. X.; Wang, Y.; Afshar Jahanshahi, A.; Jia, J.; Haensel Schmitt, V. G. title: First study on mental distress in Brazil during the COVID-19 crisis date: 2020-04-23 journal: nan DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.18.20070896 sha: doc_id: 351885 cord_uid: hjw1940x Objective: We aim to provide the first evidence of mental distress and its associated predictors among adults in the ongoing COVID-19 crisis in Brazil. This paper aims to provide the first evidence of mental distress and its predictors among adults in Brazil during the COVID-19 crisis. keywords: adults; age; april; author; brazil; copyright; covid-19; cpdi; crisis; distance; distress; effect; epicenter; funder; health; holder; license; medrxiv; mental; perpetuity; preprint; version; workplace cache: cord-351885-hjw1940x.txt plain text: cord-351885-hjw1940x.txt item: #65 of 70 id: cord-353019-7wj0eu1f author: Alcadipani, Rafael title: Pandemic and Macho Organizations: Wakeup Call or Business as Usual? date: 2020-05-13 words: 7183 flesch: 60 summary: In this reflection, I will discuss this issue based on ethnographic research I have been doing with police detectives in Brazil. I am part of some police detectives' instant messaging groups and I can also easily reach police detectives via instant messaging and phone calls. keywords: academy; afraid; article; behavior; bolsonaro; brazil; care; central; collinson; concerned; connell; contaminated; copyright; covid-19; crime; culture; danger; day; death; detectives; display; ethnographic; face; fear; fieldwork; force; gender; hands; hearn; hegemonic; home; identity; important; knights; like; maanen; machismo; macho; management; masculine; masculinities; masculinity; military; need; occupational; officers; organization; pandemic; people; performance; piece; police; police detectives; policing; ppe; president; research; reserved; rights; situation; social; talk; time; van; violence; virus; way; work; world cache: cord-353019-7wj0eu1f.txt plain text: cord-353019-7wj0eu1f.txt item: #66 of 70 id: cord-353996-slnyun4l author: Baumgartner, M. T. title: Social distancing and movement constraint as the most likely factors for COVID-19 outbreak control in Brazil date: 2020-05-08 words: 6879 flesch: 45 summary: We downloaded temperature and precipitation values between February and April, which coincided with the time series of COVID-19 cases in Brazil and with the late summer season of the Southern Hemisphere, matching the world outbreak of the virus. For inference, we then plotted the log-transformed total number of confirmed cases against the standardized slopes of the models, which portrays the state-dependent context of growth in COVID-19 cases. keywords: author; available; average; brazil; brazilian; cases; china; cities; city; climate; climatic; connectivity; copyright; coronavirus; countries; country; cov-2; covid-19; data; disease; dissemination; distancing; early; et al; exponential; factors; fig; funder; global; growth; health; high; holder; human; humidity; important; information; international; international license; level; license; likely; log; medrxiv; mobility; models; new; novel; number; outbreak; pandemic; people; perpetuity; population; potential; precipitation; predictors; preprint; protocols; rate; recent; results; sars; series; significant; social; social distancing; spread; state; study; sub; temperature; time; total; transmission; variables; version; world; wuhan cache: cord-353996-slnyun4l.txt plain text: cord-353996-slnyun4l.txt item: #67 of 70 id: cord-354699-u4s2r8gy author: de Souza, Carlos Dornels Freire title: Human development, social vulnerability and COVID-19 in Brazil: a study of the social determinants of health date: 2020-08-31 words: 3924 flesch: 44 summary: We observed that 56.2% of municipalities with confirmed cases had very low human development (COVID-19 incidence rate: 59.00/100 000; mortality rate: 36.75/1 000 000), and 52.8% had very high vulnerability (COVID-19 incidence rate: 41.68/100 000; mortality rate: 27.46/1 000 000). Regarding incidence and COVID-19 mortality rate, the group with very low MHDI held third place (COVID-19 incidence rate: 59.00/100000 and COVID-19 mortality rate: 36.75/1 million) (Tables 1 and 2) . keywords: analysis; brazil; brazilian; capita; cases; conditions; context; correlation; country; covid-19; data; deaths; development; disease; education; elder; following; health; high; higher; human; incidence; income; index; indicators; inhabitants; living; low; measures; mhdi; minimum; model; mortality; municipalities; pandemic; people; percentage; persons; place; population; poverty; rate; regression; risk; social; spatial; states; study; svi; variables; vulnerability; vulnerable; years cache: cord-354699-u4s2r8gy.txt plain text: cord-354699-u4s2r8gy.txt item: #68 of 70 id: cord-355049-mf0lgrlp author: Martins-Filho, Paulo Ricardo title: No evidence supports the use of ether and chloroform inhalation for treating COVID-19 date: 2020-03-24 words: 534 flesch: 36 summary: It is important to check health information related to COVID-19 from reliable news sources and expert guidance from health authorities and international health organizations, rather than from shared stories in social media. The use of Internet as a source of health information has increased over the years, but reporting incomplete aspects of scientific studies, misinterpreting the findings and highlighting unusual claims have become common practice. keywords: brazil; chloroform; covid-19; ether; fake; health; information; media; news; social; trends; use cache: cord-355049-mf0lgrlp.txt plain text: cord-355049-mf0lgrlp.txt item: #69 of 70 id: cord-355800-g1xol1bw author: Favorito, Luciano A. title: The new impact factor of International Brazilian Journal of Urology is 1.342. Where can we get? date: 2020-09-02 words: 1480 flesch: 31 summary: Dr. Wang and colleagues from China performed in page 902 (1) a nice systematic review about the surgical treatments for proximal ureteral stones > 10mm comparing various surgical options such as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL), ureteroscopic lithotripsy (URSL), percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) and laparoscopic ureterolithotomy (LU) and concluded that LU have the potential to be considered as the first treatment choice of proximal ureteral stone This new impact is due to the hard work of the entire team o Int Braz J Urol and our goal will be to make the Int Braz J Urol impact rise even further and will place the International Brazilian Journal of Urology as one of the five most important in the area at the end of our management. keywords: anesthesia; arterial; biopsy; brazilian; collegues; factor; health; hypospadias; impact; int; interesting; international; journal; lithotripsy; outcomes; ovine; page; partial; patients; physiotherapy; procedures; prostate; proximal; renal; stones; study; surgical; testicular; times; treatment; urethral; urology; vacuum cache: cord-355800-g1xol1bw.txt plain text: cord-355800-g1xol1bw.txt item: #70 of 70 id: cord-356041-tc2cumv2 author: Cotrin, Paula title: Healthcare Workers in Brazil during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey date: 2020-10-09 words: 5190 flesch: 47 summary: 41, 42 In this scenario, it would be expected that healthcare workers have adequate training to care for patients infected with COVID-19, but most healthcare workers did not receive this training. This study compared the impact of COVID-19 pandemic among three categories of healthcare workers in Brazil: physicians, nurses, and dentists, about workload, income, protection, training, feelings, behavior, and level of concern and anxiety. keywords: anxiety; anxious; behavior; brazil; brazilian; cases; concern; contact; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; dentists; disease; essential; family; figure; future; groups; healthcare; healthcare workers; high; impact; income; infected; infection; influence; jobs; line; majority; measures; mental; national; number; nurses; pandemic; patients; people; personal; physicians; ppe; professionals; public; questionnaire; recommendations; respondents; risk; significant; social; studies; study; survey; training; use; workers; workload; world; years cache: cord-356041-tc2cumv2.txt plain text: cord-356041-tc2cumv2.txt