item: #1 of 125 id: cord-001613-fsbemdry author: Chang, Chih-Hao title: Procalcitonin and C-reactive protein cannot differentiate bacterial or viral infection in COPD exacerbation requiring emergency department visits date: 2015-04-13 words: 3727 flesch: 37 summary: Our data provided worthwhile epidemiologic results of viral and bacterial etiologies of COPD exacerbation, and this may have important implications for appropriate empirical selection of antibiotics and proper management of COPD exacerbations. Global strategy for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: GOLD executive summary Antibiotic therapy in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Relationship between exacerbation frequency and lung function decline in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Severe acute exacerbations and mortality in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Upper-respiratory viral infection, biomarkers, and COPD exacerbations Respiratory viral infection in exacerbations of COPD Virus infection in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring ventilation Sputum bacteriology in hospitalized patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Taiwan with an emphasis on Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Pseudomonas aeruginosa in patients hospitalised for COPD exacerbation: a prospective study Procalcitonin vs C-reactive protein as predictive markers of response to antibiotic therapy in acute exacerbations of COPD Sputum purulence-guided antibiotic use in hospitalised patients with exacerbations of COPD Quality of care for patients hospitalized for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Antibiotic therapy and treatment failure in patients hospitalized for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Evaluation of COPD Longitudinally to Identify Predictive Surrogate Endpoints (ECLIPSE) Investigators. keywords: acute; antibiotic; bacteria; biomarkers; chronic; clinical; common; copd; copd exacerbations; crp; culture; differences; different; disease; exacerbations; groups; higher; hospital; identification; infections; influenzae; levels; negative; obstructive; oropharyngeal; patients; pcr; pct; period; piv3; positive; procalcitonin; pulmonary; recurrent; respiratory; serum; significant; sputum; study; subsequent; symptoms; viral; virus; viruses; visits; volume; wbc; year cache: cord-001613-fsbemdry.txt plain text: cord-001613-fsbemdry.txt item: #2 of 125 id: cord-002591-kt25ip40 author: Ponce-Gallegos, Marco Antonio title: Th17 profile in COPD exacerbations date: 2017-06-22 words: 4758 flesch: 35 summary: Mild, moderate and severe exacerbation Seasonality and determinants of moderate and severe COPD exacerbations in the TORCH study Outgrowth of the bacterial airway microbiome after rhinovirus exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Rhinovirus infection induces degradation of antimicrobial peptides and secondary bacterial infection in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Respiratory viral infections in adults with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Impairment of human NK cell cytotoxic activity and cytokine release by cigarette smoke Relation of sputum inflammatory markers to symptoms and lung function changes in COPD exacerbations Bacterialviral load and the immune response in stable and exacerbated COPD: significance and therapeutic prospects Toll-like receptors in antiviral innate immunity Vitamin D decreases respiratory syncytial virus induction of NFkappaB-linked chemokines and cytokines in airway epithelium while maintaining the antiviral state Vitamin D deficiency is highly prevalent in COPD and correlates with variants in the vitamin D-binding gene Immune modulatory treatment of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid colitis with calcitriol is associated with a change of a T helper (Th) 1/Th17 to a Th2 and regulatory T cell profile Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is associated with low levels of Vitamin D Serum amyloid a promotes lung neutrophilia by increasing IL-17A levels in the mucosa and γδ T cells Cigarette smoke alters the ability of human dendritic cells to promote anti-Streptococcus pneumoniae Th17 response Cigarette smoke induction of interleukin-27/WSX-1 regulates the differentiation of Th1 and Th17 cells in a smoking mouse model of emphysema IL-10 is an important mediator of the enhanced susceptibility to pneumococcal pneumonia after influenza infection The authors wish to thank the Programa Interinstitucional para el Fortalecimiento de la Investigación y el Posgrado del Pacífico (DELFIN) for the scholarship obtained to carry out The International Journal of COPD is an international, peer-reviewed journal of therapeutics and pharmacology focusing on concise rapid reporting of clinical studies and reviews in COPD. In COPD exacerbations, there is an increased cellularity in the lung region and respiratory tract. keywords: addition; airway; bacteria; cd4; cells; chronic; cigarette; copd; copd exacerbations; cxcl8; cytokines; damage; dcs; deficiency; dendritic; differentiation; disease; epithelial; epithelial cells; exacerbations; example; exposure; expression; extracellular; factors; goblet; host; il-17a; il-23; il-6; immune; important; increase; infection; inflammation; innate; lung; lymphocytes; macrophages; mechanisms; molecular; naive; neutrophils; obstructive; pathogens; patients; pneumoniae; present; production; profile; proinflammatory; pulmonary; receptors; recruitment; release; respiratory; response; responsible; role; smoke; th17; tissue; tnf; tract; virus; vitamin cache: cord-002591-kt25ip40.txt plain text: cord-002591-kt25ip40.txt item: #3 of 125 id: cord-004314-gtwtakpr author: Holmen, Heidi title: Working with patients suffering from chronic diseases can be a balancing act for health care professionals - a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies date: 2020-02-10 words: 8171 flesch: 43 summary: Together, these themes describe how clinical encounters with patients depend, to a large degree, on the personal interaction between patient and professional, real clinical practice situations and professional ideals, and contextual support and managing one's own emotions. key: cord-004314-gtwtakpr authors: Holmen, Heidi; Larsen, Marie Hamilton; Sallinen, Merja Helena; Thoresen, Lisbeth; Ahlsen, Birgitte; Andersen, Marit Helen; Borge, Christine Råheim; Eik, Hedda; Wahl, Astrid Klopstad; Mengshoel, Anne Marit title: Working with patients suffering from chronic diseases can be a balancing act for health care professionals - a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies date: 2020-02-10 journal: BMC Health Serv Res DOI: 10.1186/s12913-019-4826-2 sha: doc_id: 4314 cord_uid: gtwtakpr BACKGROUND: keywords: analysis; appraisal; approach; authors; balancing; best; care; category; challenges; chronic; ckd; clinical; codes; colleagues; conditions; copd; criteria; data; decisions; diabetes; difficult; disease; emotional; emotions; encounters; example; experiences; feelings; general; group; hand; hcps; health; health care; important; inclusion; kidney; lack; lifestyle; literature; lives; long; management; methodological; need; new; nurses; order; overall; pairs; papers; particular; patients; personal; physicians; positive; practice; primary; process; professional; provider; qualitative; quality; relationship; research; responsibility; review; role; self; shared; specific; strategy; studies; study; support; systematic; term; themes; theory; time; treatment; type; understanding; working cache: cord-004314-gtwtakpr.txt plain text: cord-004314-gtwtakpr.txt item: #4 of 125 id: cord-004535-p4s5uqz8 author: Luyt, Charles-Edouard title: Virus diseases in ICU patients: a long time underestimated; but be aware of overestimation date: 2006-05-24 words: 1275 flesch: 38 summary: The incidence of viral infection has long been underestimated because of the scarcity of diagnostic tests. Modern diagnosis methods, such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), that can detect small amounts of viral nucleic acid, has markedly improved the identification of viral infections. keywords: acute; cases; chronic; copd; detection; diagnostic; disease; exacerbations; infection; load; obstructive; patients; pcr; pulmonary; real; respiratory; study; tests; time; tract; upper; viral; viruses cache: cord-004535-p4s5uqz8.txt plain text: cord-004535-p4s5uqz8.txt item: #5 of 125 id: cord-004982-q9wsiimn author: Rohmann, Kristina title: Innate immunity in the human lung: pathogen recognition and lung disease date: 2010-10-09 words: 4205 flesch: 30 summary: The influence of PRRs on epithelial cells and immune cells is also very important in allergic lung diseases which has recently been summarized (Lloyd and Murdoch 2010) . Regarding the different role of cell populations (i.e. alveolar macrophages and alveolar epithelial cells), epithelial cells are less responsive to microorganisms and their products like LPS or LTA compared to mononuclear phagocytes (Bals and Hiemstra 2004) . keywords: activation; adaptor; alveolar; bacterial; binding; card; cells; chronic; cigarette; copd; cytokines; dendritic; dependent; different; diseases; domain; epithelial; et al; expression; family; gram; human; immune; immunity; important; infection; inflammatory; influenzae; innate; intracellular; kinase; leads; like; lps; lung; macrophages; microbial; molecules; myd88; nod1; nod2; opitz; pathogens; pneumoniae; production; protein; prrs; pulmonary; receptor; recognition; respiratory; responses; signaling; smoke; surface; surfactant; system; tir; tissue; tlr2; tlr4; tlrs; toll; type cache: cord-004982-q9wsiimn.txt plain text: cord-004982-q9wsiimn.txt item: #6 of 125 id: cord-005814-ak5pq312 author: None title: 8th European Congress of Intensive Care Medicine Athens - Greece, October 18–22, 1995 Abstracts date: 1995 words: 179325 flesch: 51 summary: Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a growth factor recently recognised as a polyfunctional cytokine integrated in cytokine networks was measured in unconcentrated BALF of patients from different patient groups. It is difficult to generalize on intensive care units as different patient groups are in different ICUs aud there are great changes from one hospital to another and from one country to another. keywords: + +; -the; 0.001; 1st; 2nd; 3rd; 48h; 546c88; 900c; aaar group; aaar patients; abdominal; abnormalities; absence; absent; absolute; absorption; access; accident; account; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acid; acidosis; activation; active; activities; activity; actual; acute; acute lung; acute myocardial; acute renal; acute respiratory; adaptation; addition; adequacy; adequate; adhesion; administration; admission; admission patients; adopted; adult patients; adults; advanced; advantages; adverse; aeruginosa; affected; age; aged; aged patients; agents; aggregation; agreement; aid; aim; airway; airway pressure; alarm; albumin; alive; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alveolar; ambulance; ami patients; amounts; anaerobes; anaerobic; anaesthesia; analgesia; analysis; anemia; anesthetic; anesthetized; angiography; angiotensin; animals; anova; anp; antagonist; anterior; antibiotics; antibody; anticoagulation; antioxidant; antipyretics; aorta; aortic; apache; apache ii; apnoeic patients; apparatus; appearance; application; applied; approach; appropriate; approval; april; aptt; ards group; ards patients; area; arf; arginine; arrest; arrhythmias; arrival; arterial; arterial blood; arterial pressure; arteries; arterio; artery; artificial; aspects; aspiration; assay; assess; assessment; assist; assisted; associated; association; asthma; atc; atelectasis; athens; attacks; attempts; august; aureus; authors; autologous; automatic; autopsy; available; average; b.a; babies; background; bacteremia; bacterial; balance; balf; balloon; barbiturates; basal; baseline; basis; baxter; bed; beds; bedside; beginning; belgium; beneficial; benefit; bennett; best; beta; better; bicarbonate; bilateral; bilirubin; biochemical; biological; birth; bleeding; blind; blockade; blocker; blood; blood cultures; blood cyanide; blood flow; blood gas; blood lactate; blood loss; blood oxygen; blood pressure; blood samples; blood transfusion; blood volume; blunt; body; bolus; bone; bovine; bpap; bpm; brain blood; breathing; breaths; bronchial; bronchogram; bronchoscopy; bulb; burn; bypass; cabg; calculated; calibration; calories; cancer; candida; cannula; capacity; capillary; carbohydrate; carbon; cardiac; cardiac arrest; cardiac failure; cardiac function; cardiac index; cardiac output; cardiac patients; cardiac surgery; cardiogenic; cardiomyoplasty; cardiopulmonary; cardiovascular; care patients; care unit; carotid; cases; category; catheter; catheterization; cause; cells; cellular; center; central; cephalosporins; cerebral; cerebral blood; certain; cgmp; changes; changes patients; characteristics; chest; chfjv; children; choice; chronic; cip; circuit; circulation; circulatory; cis; cisapride; clamp; clamping; classification; clearance; clinical; clonidine; closed; cmh20; cmv; co2; coagulation; coefficient; cohort; cold; collection; colonization; coma; comatose patients; combination; combined; committee; common; comparable; comparative; comparison; compartment; compensation; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; components; computer; concentration; conclusion patients; conclusions; concomitant; conditions; congenital; congestive; connected; consecutive patients; consequence; considerable; constant; consumption; contamination; content; continued; continuous; contrary; contrast; control group; control patients; controls; contusion; conventional; copd patients; coronary; correct; correlate; correlation; corresponding; cortisol; cost; count; course; cpap; cpb; cpk; cpl; cpr; creatinine; criteria; criterion; critical care; critical patients; cross; csf; cultures; current; curve; cvp; cvvh; cxr; cyanide; cytokines; daily; damage; data; data analysis; date; days; dcm; dead; death; death patients; deceased patients; december; decision; decrease; decreasing; deep; defect; degradation; degree; delay; delayed; delivery; demand; demographic; department; dependent; dependent patients; dept; design; detection; deterioration; determination; determined; development; deviation; device; diabetes; diagnosis; dialysis; diameter; diastolic; diet; differences; different; differential; difficult; dioxide; diphtheria; direct; discharge; discontinuation; discrepancies; discrimination; discussion; disease; disorders; distress; distribution; disturbances; diuresis; do2; do2crit; dobutamine; doctors; dogs; donation; donor; dopexamine; doppler; dosage; dose; double; drainage; drop; drugs; dry; dudng; duodenal; duration; dynamics; dysfunction; dyspnea; earlier; early; easy; ecg; echocardiography; ecmo; edema; eeg; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efficiency; efforts; effusion; ejection; elderly patients; electrical; electrolyte; elevated; elevation; elisa; embolism; emergency; emergency patients; enalaprilat; end; endocarditis; endoscopy; endothelial; endotoxin; endotracheal; energy; enoxaparin; enteral; entire; entry; environment; enzyme; epidural; epinephrine; episodes; equal; equation; equipment; erythropoietin; esophageal; essential; established; estimate; estimation; etc; etco2; ethical; ethics; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; evlw; examination; excellent; excessive; exchange; exclusion; excretion; existing; exogenous; experience; experimental; expired; exposure; expression; extensive; extent; external; extracorporeal; extraction; extreme; facilities; factors; failure; failure patients; fall; fast; fatal; fatigue; favourable; february; feedback; feeding; female; femoral; fentanyl; fever; fiberoptic; fibrillation; fibrin; fibrinogen; fick; figure; filling; filter; filtration; final; findings; fio2; fire; flail; flow; fluconazole; fluid; flux; focus; fold; following; foreign; forms; formula; foy; fraction; france; free; frequency; frequent; frg; function; future; ganz; gas; gastric; gastrointestinal; gcs; general; generation; germany; gestational; glasgow; global; glucagon; glucose; glycogen; goal; good; grade; gradient; graft; grafting; gram; granulocytopenic patients; greater; greece; group; group b; group blood; group ii; group l; group patients; guidelines; h20; half; hand; hbr; head; headtrauma patients; healthy; heart; heart failure; heart rate; heart surgery; help; hemodialysis; hemodynamic; hemoglobin; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatic; hepatocytes; heroin; high; high levels; high mortality; high risk; higher; highest; history; hiv; hme; hmef; home; hormonal; hormone; hospital; hospital mortality; hospitalisation; hourly; hours; hrs; hrv; human; humoral; hydrochloride; hypertension; hyperventilation; hypothesis; hypovolemic; hypoxemia; hypoxemic patients; hypoxia; i.c.u; i.v; icg; ich; icp; icpe; icu admission; icu day; icu mortality; icu patients; icu pts; icu stay; icu treatment; icus; identical; iger; ii score; iii; il-6; il-8; ill; illness; ilv; immediate; immune; immunity; impact; impaired; impairment; impedance; important; improved; improvement; incidence; inclusion; increased; index; indications; indicator; indices; indirect; individual patients; indomethacine; induced; induction; infants; infection; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; inflated; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhalation; inhaled; inhibitor; initial; injured; injuries; injury; inos; inotropes; inotropic; insertion; inspiratory pressure; inspired; institute; institutional; insufficiency; insulin; insult; intensity; intensive; intensive care; interaction; interest; intermittent; internal; interstitial; intervals; interventions; intoxication; intracerebral; intracranial; intramucosal; intraoperative; intrapulmonary; intravascular; intravenous; intrinsic; introduction; intubated patients; intubation; invasive; investigate; investigation; involved; involvement; ippv; ips; ischemia; isoflurane; isolated; isolation; italy; itbv; items; ivh; ivig; january; jejunal; jet; jugular; july; june; kidney; kind; known; kpa; laboratory; lack; lactate; lactate levels; lactatemia; large; later; lavage; lead; left; length; lesions; lethality; leukocyte; levels; life; like; likely; limb; limited; limits; linear; lipid; liquor; literature; little; liver; loading; local; logistic; long; longer; loss; losses; lower; lowering; lowest; lps; lung; lung injury; lung volume; lvad; main; main results; maintain; maintenance; major; majority; making; male; malignant; management; mandatory; manner; mannitol; map; march; marked; markers; mask; massive; material; maximal; maximum; mbar; mean; mean age; mean apache; mean arterial; mean blood; mean duration; mean icu; mean pulmonary; mean time; mean values; measured; measurements; measuring; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; mechanism; median; medical; medication; medicine; membrane; mentioned; mesenteric; metabolic; methods; microbiological; micu; midazolam; middle; mild; min; minor; minutes; mixed; mixture; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modified; mof; moisture; molecules; monitoring; months; morbidity; morphine; mortality; mortality rate; mosf; mpap; mpm; mri; mrsa; msec; mucosal; multidisciplinary; multiple; multivariate; murray; muscle; myocardial; n =; n=10; n=5; n=6; n=7; n=9; nasogastric; national; natural; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; negative pressure; neonatal; neonates; neopterin; nerve; nervous; network; neurological; neurological patients; neuromuscular; neutropenic patients; new; newborns; nitric; nitrogen; nmol; no2; no3; non; noninvasive; nonsurvivors; noradrenaline; normal; nosocomial; nox; npe; number; nurses; nursing; nutrition; o.05; obese patients; objectives; observation; observed; observed patients; obstetric patients; obstruction; occlusion; occurrence; old; ones; onset; operating; operation; optimal; order; organ; organ failure; organism; origin; outcome; output; overall; overdose; overload; oxidase; oxidation; oxide; oxygen; oxygenation; oxygenators; p =; p0.1; p<0.001; p<0.05; pace2; paco; paediatric patients; paf; pain; pancreatic; pancreatitis; pao2; paper; parallel; paralysed patients; paralyzed; parameters; parenteral; partial; particular; past; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathological; pathology; patient days; patients; patients ability; patients characteristics; patients conventional; patients hemodynamic; patients methods; patients non; patients outcome; patients peep; patients therapy; patients treatment; pattern; pav; paw; pci; pco; pco2; pcwp; pdr; peak; pediatric; pediatric patients; peep; pel; people; percentage; performance; perfusion; pericardial; period; period patients; peripheral; peritoneal; peritonitis; permeability; peroxidation; persistent; personal; pgi2; phase; phd; phi; physician; physiological; physiology; piece; pigs; pip; placebo; plasma; plasma levels; plasmapheresis; plateau; platelet; play; pleural; pmn; pnct; pneumonia; pneumothorax; po group; po2; points; poisoning; poor; population; porcine; portal; position; positioning; positive; positive blood; positive patients; possibility; possible; postoperative; postoperative patients; postoperative period; potassium; potential; ppa; pph; ppm; practice; precise; predictive; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; preload; premature; preoperative; preparation; prescribed; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; pressure score; pressure support; pressure time; pressure ventilation; prevalence; prevention; prevents; previous; prevotella; primary; prior; prism; probability; problem; procedure; process; processing; proct; products; professional; profiles; prognosis; program; programme; progressive; prolongation; prolonged; promising; prone; pronounced; properties; prophylaxis; propofol; proportional; prospective; prospective study; prostacyclin; protection; protein; protocol; providing; psb; pseudomonas; psv; ptca; ptr; pts; pulmonary; pulmonary artery; pulmonary blood; pulmonary embolism; pulmonary function; pulmonary gas; pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary pressure; pulmonary vascular; pulse; pump; puritan; purpose; purulent; pvr; pvs patients; pwp; pwt; qrs; qtc; quality; quantitative; question; quick; quinine; r =; radicals; rain; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rare; rate; rats; ray; reach; reaction; ready; reason; recent; recipients; recombinant; records; recovery; recruitment; rectal; reduced; reducing; reduction; reference; reflex; refractory; regard; regimen; regional; registered; regression; regular; regulated; rehabilitation; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; renal; renal failure; renin; replacement; reported; requirements; research; residual; resistance; respect; respiratory; respiratory failure; respiratory system; responders; response; responsible; resulted; results; resuscitation; retrospective; return; reversible; review; revision; right; rise; risk; risk patients; role; room; route; routine; rtotlsf; rvef; safe; safety; saline; samples; sao2; saps; saturation; saving; scale; scan; score; scoring; sdd; second; second group; secondary; secretions; sedation; segment; selam-1; selectin; selective; self; sem; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; septic patients; septic shock; sequelae; serial; series; serum; service; servo; setting; severe; severe acute; severe ards; severe patients; severe sepsis; severity; sex; shock; shock group; shock patients; short; shorter; shows; shunt; shvo; sicam-1; siemens; significant; significant changes; significant correlation; significant differences; significant increase; signs; similar; simple; simplified; simultaneous; single; sinus; sirs; site; situations; size; sjo; skin; sleep; slight; slope; small; smaller; smokers; sodium; software; soluble; solution; sores; source; space; special; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; splanchnic; spontaneous; spp; square; stability; stabilization; stable; stable patients; staff; stages; standard; standardized; staphylococcus; start; starting; state; static; statistical; status; stay; stenosis; step; sterile; steroid; stimulation; stimulus; strains; strategies; strategy; stress; stroke; structure; student; studies; study; study group; study period; study results; subarachnoid; subgroups; subjects; subsequent; substances; substantial; successful; sufentanil; suffering; sufficient; supine; supply; support; support ventilation; surface; surfactant; surgery patients; surgical icu; surgical patients; survey; survival; survived; survived patients; surviving; survivors; susceptible; sustained; svo2; svr; swan; symptoms; syndrome; syndrome patients; synthase; system; systemic; systolic; systolic blood; t =; tachycardia; task; tbars; tcd; team; technique; temperature; tendency; terms; tertiary; test; tested; tga; therapeutic; therapy; thermal; thermodilution; thoracic; threatening; thrombolytic; thrombosis; tidal; tidal volume; tile; time; tissue; tnf; tnt; tone; tonometer; tool; total; total respiratory; toxic; toxicity; tpn; tracheal; tracheal pressure; tracheostomy; training; tranmatised patients; transducer; transfer; transfusion; transient; transit; transplantation; transplanted; transport; trauma patients; traumatic; treated; treatment; treatment group; trend; trial; triggering; true; tube; tubing; tumor; type; typical; ulcer; ultrasound; unable; unchanged; underlying; underwent; unit; unit patients; university; unknown; untreated; upper; uptake; urea; urgent; urinary; urine; usa; use; useful; usefulness; usual; values; valve; valvular; vap; variability; variables; variance; variation; varied; vascular; vasoactive; vasoconstriction; vasodilator; vasoreactivity; vco2; vein; velocity; venous; venous blood; venous pressure; ventilated; ventilation; ventilation patients; ventilatory; ventricle; ventricular; verapamil; vessels; victims; vital; vo2; volume; volunteers; vsmc; wall; ward; warm; wave; wbc; wean patients; weaning; wedge; wedge pressure; weeks; weight; white; wide; wilcoxon; withdrawn; wobadd; women; work; worse; wound; xanthine; years; years patients; younger patients; yrs; zeep cache: cord-005814-ak5pq312.txt plain text: cord-005814-ak5pq312.txt item: #7 of 125 id: cord-006452-mmdk2xom author: Chen, Jing title: Nucleic Acid-Based Therapeutics for Pulmonary Diseases date: 2018-10-18 words: 6615 flesch: 28 summary: One of the most challenging intracellular barriers for nucleic acids delivery is their tendency to remain entrapped in endosomes. The susceptibility of nucleic acids to degradation and the complex structure of lungs retard the effective pulmonary delivery of nucleic acid drug. keywords: acids; action; activity; acute; administration; aerosol; agents; airway; ali; antisense; aptamers; ards; asos; asthma; barriers; binding; cancer; cells; cellular; cftr; chemical; chronic; clinical; common; complex; copd; current; cystic; degradation; delivery; development; different; diseases; drug; dry; effects; efficiency; enac; expression; family; fda; fibrosis; formulation; function; gene; high; immune; inflammation; inflammatory; inhalation; inhaled; inhibitor; injection; injury; levels; like; lipid; local; lung; lung cancer; micrornas; mirnas; models; modification; molecules; mrna; multiple; murine; muscle; nanoparticles; new; non; novel; nucleic; nucleic acids; obstructive; oligonucleotides; patients; phase; potential; powder; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary diseases; respiratory; responses; route; silencing; sirna; site; small; specific; strand; strategies; study; suppressor; surface; systemic; systems; target; targeted; targeting; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; treatment; trials; tumor; types; vectors; viral cache: cord-006452-mmdk2xom.txt plain text: cord-006452-mmdk2xom.txt item: #8 of 125 id: cord-006862-5va1yyit author: None title: ITS ASM 2012 date: 2012-11-04 words: 26008 flesch: 50 summary: A questionnaire was sent to relevant members of the Exercise has been shown to improve quality of life in respiratory patients. Conclusion: A significant percentage of respiratory patients lack adequate knowledge of their respiratory medication; this is despite a majority having previously been educated on this medication. keywords: aat; aatd; access; activity; acute; adherence; admission; age; ahi; aim; airway; alcohol; alpha-1; analysis; antibiotics; antitrypsin; apnoea; appropriate; arterial; assessment; associated; asthma; audit; background; bal; baseline; bilateral; biopsy; blood; bmi; breath; bronchial; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; cancer; capacity; care; cases; cause; cells; cessation; change; chest; children; chronic; clinical; cohort; common; complete; complications; conclusion; conditions; consistent; consolidation; control; copd; copd patients; cork; correlation; cough; ctpa; culture; curb-65; current; cxcr3; cxr; cystic; data; date; days; deficiency; department; development; diagnosis; difference; disease; disease patients; dose; dyspnoea; early; ebus; education; effusions; elevated; evidence; exacerbations; examination; exercise; experience; expression; factors; failure; female; fev1; fibrosis; findings; fluid; follow; free; function; general; gentleman; group; guidelines; haemoptysis; healthy; high; higher; history; hold; hospital; idiopathic; ild; imaging; important; improved; increase; individuals; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhaler; inhibitors; initial; international; interstitial; invasive; ipf; ipf patients; ireland; irish; key; knowledge; large; lavage; left; length; lesion; levels; life; liver; lobe; long; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lymphoma; male; management; mass; mean; mean age; medical; methods; mif; min; months; mortality; mtb; multiple; muscle; mutation; mycobacterium; n =; need; negative; neutrophil; new; non; normal; novel; number; observed; obstruction; old; onset; oral; osas; outcomes; oxygen; p =; parents; patients; pcd; period; persistent; physical; pirfenidone; pizz; plasma; pleural; pneumonia; poor; population; positive; post; predictive; prescribed; prescription; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; primary; prior; procedure; program; programme; progressive; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; quality; questionnaire; radiological; range; rare; rate; recurrent; reduction; reported; research; resection; resolution; respiratory; respiratory disease; response; results; retrospective; review; right; risk; role; samples; sarcoidosis; score; secondary; sensitivity; serum; service; severe; severity; significant; sleep; small; smokers; smoking; spirometry; sputum; stable; stage; standard; steroids; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; survival; swa; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; tbna; technique; term; testing; tests; therapeutic; therapy; thorax; time; tissue; tnf; total; treatment; trial; tst; tuberculosis; tumour; type; ultrasound; underwent; university; upper; use; value; vats; ventilation; wall; weaning; weeks; western; wheeze; year old; years cache: cord-006862-5va1yyit.txt plain text: cord-006862-5va1yyit.txt item: #9 of 125 id: cord-006888-qfnukav4 author: None title: Irish Thoracic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, Ramada Hotel, Belfast: 7th–8th November 2008 date: 2008-10-21 words: 30386 flesch: 51 summary: We determined the frequency of HSV-1 in COPD patients (stable and exacerbated) and if it was associated with disease severity and mortality. Methods: Stable and exacerbated COPD patients were recruited. keywords: a1at; aat; aatd; ability; abnormal; access; active; activities; activity; acute; adenosine; admissions; aecopd; aeruginosa; age; ahi; aim; airway; alpha-1; analysis; antibiotic; antibody; anxiety; appropriate; assessment; associated; asthma; asthmatic; audit; available; average; bacterial; ban; baseline; belfast; beta; biopsy; blood; bmi; body; bronchial; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; bts; cancer; capacity; cardiac; care; cases; cause; cells; cf patients; changes; chest; children; chronic; clinical; cohort; combination; common; community; compliance; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; control; copd; copd patients; correlation; cough; cpap; cpet; criteria; crp; cse; culture; current; cystic; data; days; death; decrease; deficiency; dependent; development; diabetic; diagnosis; differences; disease; dose; drains; drug; duration; early; education; effect; effective; elevated; endurance; eosinophil; epithelial; eus; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; experience; exposure; expression; factors; failure; female; fev1; fibrosis; findings; fna; following; free; function; general; group; guidelines; health; high; higher; highlights; history; home; hospital; hypertonic; igg; il-8; impact; important; improved; incidence; increased; index; individuals; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; information; inhaled; initial; injury; international; intervention; interviews; invasive; involvement; ipf; ireland; irish; isolates; issues; knowledge; known; large; levels; life; limited; liver; living; ll-37; long; lower; lpa; lps; lung; lung cancer; macrophages; major; male; management; mass; mds; mean; measure; median; medical; membrane; methods; months; morbidity; mortality; muscle; n =; national; need; negative; neutrophil; niv; non; normal; number; nurse; obstructive; old; omalizumab; osa; osas; outcome; outpatient; overall; oxygen; p =; pack; palliative; pathway; patients; pcr; period; players; pleural; pneumonia; poor; population; positive; post; potential; practice; prescribed; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; primary; prior; procedure; programme; prophylaxis; protein; pulmonary; quality; questionnaire; radiation; range; rate; receptor; recurrent; reduction; referrals; regulation; rehabilitation; related; release; report; research; resistant; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; review; risk; role; s1p; saline; samples; sarcoidosis; score; screening; second; serum; service; severe; severity; shr; shuttle; significant; similar; sleep; slpi; small; smokers; smoking; society; specialist; spirometry; sputum; stable; staging; standard; status; stay; strategy; studies; study; subjects; support; surgical; survey; symptoms; syndrome; system; tbna; term; test; testing; therapy; thoracic; time; tlc; total; treatment; tuberculosis; type; ultrasound; underwent; unit; use; vitamin; ward; weeks; western; years cache: cord-006888-qfnukav4.txt plain text: cord-006888-qfnukav4.txt item: #10 of 125 id: cord-007444-c9vu8ako author: Sherk, Peter A. title: The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbation date: 2000-12-01 words: 9175 flesch: 34 summary: They analyzed 362 admissions for acute COPD exacerbation from the APACHE I11 database. This airflow obstruction is generally progressive, may be accompanied by airway hyperreactivity, and often is partially re~ersible.~ Declining lung function is almost universally caused by decades of tobacco smoke exposure and develops insidiously so that patients often do not complain of exertional dyspnea until their 1-second forced expiratory volume (FEV,) is between 40% and 59% of its predicted value.20 When the FEV, falls below 1 L, patients are disabled in the activities of daily living and have a 5-year survival of approximately 50?!0. keywords: acute; acute exacerbations; acute respiratory; administration; admission; aecopd; airflow; airway; aminophylline; analysis; antibiotics; article; authors; bacterial; baseline; benefit; better; bronchitis; care; cause; cessation; chest; chronic; chronic obstructive; clinical; colonization; common; contrast; copd; copd exacerbations; corticosteroids; costs; data; days; death; different; disease; duration; effect; efficacy; elderly; emergency; evidence; exacerbations; failure; fev; function; greater; group; health; higher; hospital; hospitalization; hours; hypercarbia; hypoxemia; important; improved; increase; infection; influenza; intubation; likely; lower; lung; malnutrition; management; mechanical; minute; mortality; noninvasive; nppv; nutritional; obstructive; outcomes; overall; oxygen; pathogens; patients; placebo; pneumoniae; positive; potential; pressure; pulmonary; randomized; rates; recent; reduced; respiratory; respiratory failure; risk; role; severe; short; significant; similar; small; smoking; sputum; studies; study; survival; symptoms; term; theophylline; therapy; time; treatment; trials; type; use; vaccination; ventilation; viral; year cache: cord-007444-c9vu8ako.txt plain text: cord-007444-c9vu8ako.txt item: #11 of 125 id: cord-007726-bqlf72fe author: Rydell-Törmänen, Kristina title: The Applicability of Mouse Models to the Study of Human Disease date: 2018-11-09 words: 7993 flesch: 32 summary: In this chapter, an in-depth analysis of these similarities and differences is provided to allow researchers to use mouse models of human disease and primary cells derived from these animal models under the most appropriate and meaningful conditions. Using specific examples of mouse models of human lung disease, i.e., asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pulmonary fibrosis, this chapter explores the most salient features of mouse models of human disease and provides a full assessment of the advantages and limitations of these models, focusing on the relevance of disease induction and their ability to replicate critical features of human disease pathophysiology and response to treatment. keywords: adaptive; addition; administration; advantage; agent; airway; allergen; allergic; analysis; anatomy; animals; aspects; asthma; bleomycin; c57bl/6; cell; changes; chapter; chronic; circulation; clinical; common; complex; considerable; copd; development; differences; different; disease; divergence; effects; environmental; ethical; etiology; example; experiments; exposure; expression; features; fibrosis; following; function; genetic; genome; guidelines; hdm; human; human disease; human lung; immune; immunological; important; induction; inflammation; key; live; long; lung; medical; method; mice; model; mouse; mouse models; number; organism; ova; pulmonary; pulmonary fibrosis; quality; refinement; regulation; regulatory; relevance; relevant; remodeling; research; respiratory; response; results; robust; route; severe; similar; situation; size; species; specific; strains; structural; studies; study; system; systemic; time; tissue; treatment; type; understanding; ways; weeks; years cache: cord-007726-bqlf72fe.txt plain text: cord-007726-bqlf72fe.txt item: #12 of 125 id: cord-010075-72jodunj author: None title: Paediatric SIG: Poster Session date: 2011-03-21 words: 32065 flesch: 52 summary: Results mRNA stability studies indicated that B 1 R SV was ≈35% less stable than the WT transcript in H2126 cells suggesting a stabilizing element 5'UTR. Lower fi bre intake in asthmatic subjects (n = 124) was associated with lower %predicted FEV 1 (r = 0.41, p = 0.004), %FVC (r = 0.43, p = 0.015) and FEV 1 /FVC keywords: 0.001; 1,2; 6mwd; action; activation; activity; acute; admission; adrβ2; adult; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agents; aim; aims; airway; allergen; ammation; ammatory; analysis; appropriate; area; asm; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthmatic; audit; australia; available; average; background; bacterial; bal; baseline; blood; bmi; body; bos; bpd; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; brosis; cancer; capsule; care; cases; cause; cells; centre; cessation; challenge; changes; chest; children; chronic; clinical; cohort; colistin; common; community; compliance; complications; conclusions; confl; control; copd; cord; cough; cpap; crp; culture; current; cxr; cystic; cytokines; daily; data; days; defi; delivery; demographic; density; department; detection; determined; diagnosis; difference; disease; dlco; dose; drainage; drug; duration; dysfunction; dyspnoea; early; ecm; eczema; education; effective; effects; effi; effusions; emergency; emphysema; episodes; epithelial; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; extent; factors; failure; females; fev; follow; foundation; frequency; function; gene; gord; greater; group; h1n1; health; higher; hospital; hours; hrv; human; icc; ict; identifi; iii; immune; impact; important; improved; incidence; increased; index; indigenous; individuals; induced; infection; infl; information; inhaled; initial; insertion; interest; intervention; introduction; invasive; ipaq; isolated; january; key; large; latency; layer; length; levels; life; likely; limited; long; lower; lung; lymphocytes; major; male; management; mean; mechanisms; median; medical; methods; mice; model; monocytes; months; morbidity; mouse; movement; mrna; muscle; n =; narrowing; nasal; ndings; ned; negative; neutrophilic; new; nhmrc; nil; niv; non; normal; novel; number; osa; outcomes; overall; oxygen; p =; pandemic; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; period; peripheral; pge2; pleural; pneumonia; pneumothoraces; pneumothorax; population; positive; post; potential; presence; presentation; pressure; preterm; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; procedures; program; proportion; protein; pulmonary; qol; quality; quantifi; questionnaire; r =; randomized; range; rate; receptor; reduced; reduction; refl; rehabilitation; relationship; release; research; resection; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; review; risk; role; rrs; rst; samples; scores; self; service; severe; severity; sex; signifi; similar; single; sleep; small; smoking; specifi; specimens; spirometry; sputum; stable; standard; status; stay; stimulation; studies; study; subjects; support; surface; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; therapy; time; tissue; tlr2; total; training; transfer; transplant; treatment; tsc2; tuberculosis; type; uence; uenza; uid; ultrasound; underwent; upper; use; variation; ventilation; viral; vocal; volume; weeks; wheeze; years; young cache: cord-010075-72jodunj.txt plain text: cord-010075-72jodunj.txt item: #13 of 125 id: cord-010078-8lkkez3n author: None title: Invited Speakers date: 2010-11-24 words: 21364 flesch: 41 summary: The SIRT1 is decreased in alveolar macrophages of smokers and COPD patients, and associated with pro-infl ammatory response through the activation of NF-κB. Understanding the complexity of infl ammatory and epigenetic regulations in chronic lung diseases may potentiate the development of novel therapies. In China, non-smokers accounted for 38.6% of COPD patients compared with 24.9% in USA and 22.9% in the UK. keywords: abnormalities; activity; acute; addition; adults; advances; airway; altitude; alveolar; ammation; ammatory; ams; analysis; antibiotics; antibody; approaches; ards; asbestos; asian; assessment; asthma; available; benefi; benign; better; biomarkers; biopsy; blood; bmi; body; bronchitis; bronchoscopy; brosis; burden; cacy; cancer; capacity; care; cases; cation; cause; cells; cellular; certain; cessation; chemotherapy; chest; children; chronic; chronic obstructive; classifi; clinical; clinicians; combination; common; compartment; confi; control; copd; copd patients; corticosteroids; cough; countries; cpap; crd; current; cvd; data; days; decline; decrease; defi; development; diagnosis; differences; different; diffi; disease; disorders; drug; early; edema; effective; effects; effi; effusions; egfr; emphysema; environmental; epithelial; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exible; exposure; factors; failure; feno; fev1; frequent; function; future; gefi; gene; genetic; gina; gold; greater; group; growth; guidelines; hape; health; heart; high; history; hospital; hrct; hypertension; identifi; idiopathic; iips; ild; image; imaging; implementation; important; increased; individuals; induced; infection; infl; inhaled; initial; international; interstitial; interventions; journal; large; leptin; lesions; levels; life; light; likely; limited; long; low; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung function; major; malignant; management; mechanisms; medical; medications; mesothelioma; methods; middle; mild; modifi; mortality; multiple; muscle; mutations; national; ndings; ned; need; new; non; normal; novel; number; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; outcomes; oxygen; pacifi; pah; pathogenesis; patients; people; phenotypes; physicians; pleural; pneumonia; poor; population; potential; practice; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; process; production; program; public; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; rate; recent; receptor; recognition; reduced; rehabilitation; remodeling; respiratory; respirology; responses; results; rigid; risk; role; rst; screening; sdb; second; severe; severity; signifi; similar; sleep; small; smoke; smokers; smoking; society; specifi; spirometry; sputum; stage; standard; strategies; studies; study; subjects; support; survival; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; techniques; term; test; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thoracic; time; tinib; tiotropium; tissue; titration; tobacco; travel; treatment; trials; tumors; underlying; understanding; use; useful; vascular; vivo; vte; wall; weight; world; years cache: cord-010078-8lkkez3n.txt plain text: cord-010078-8lkkez3n.txt item: #14 of 125 id: cord-011269-j2rogzm7 author: Stefan, Mihaela S. title: Protocol for two-arm pragmatic cluster randomized hybrid implementation-effectiveness trial comparing two education strategies for improving the uptake of noninvasive ventilation in patients with severe COPD exacerbation date: 2020-05-06 words: 7407 flesch: 36 summary: Only few studies have tested strategies for supporting NIV implementation. METHODS AND DESIGN: Twenty hospitals with low baseline rates of NIV use will be randomized to either the OLE or IPE study arm. keywords: acute; aim; analysis; autonomy; barriers; care; change; clinicians; codes; coordination; copd; data; delivery; disease; domains; education; effect; effectiveness; evidence; exacerbation; failure; functionality; health; hospitals; impact; implementation; imv; increase; interprofessional; intervention; interviews; ipe; knowledge; level; management; mechanical; mediators; models; months; need; niv; niv use; noninvasive; number; nurses; ole; online; organizational; outcomes; participants; patients; percentage; period; physicians; post; potential; power; practice; primary; prior; providers; qualitative; randomized; rates; readiness; research; respiratory; review; risk; roles; rts; sample; sessions; severe; size; strategies; strategy; study; survey; team; teamwork; training; trial; use; ventilation; work cache: cord-011269-j2rogzm7.txt plain text: cord-011269-j2rogzm7.txt item: #15 of 125 id: cord-011800-8h7eiihp author: Guan, Wei-jie title: Giants in Chest Medicine: Professor Nan-shan Zhong, MD date: 2018-02-05 words: 1113 flesch: 27 summary: Bronchial hyperresponsiveness in young students in China, relation to respiratory symptoms, diagnosed asthma and risk factors Is asymptomatic bronchial hyperresponsiveness an indication of potential asthma? Using siRNA in prophylactic and therapeutic regimens against SARS coronavirus in Rhesus macaque Treatment of SARS with glucosteroids: the Guangzhou experience What have we learned from SARS epidemics in China? Biomass fuels are the probable risk factor for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in rural South China Prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in China: a large, population-based survey Effect of carbocisteine on acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (PEACE study): a randomised placebo-controlled study Community based integrated intervention for prevention and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Guangdong, China: cluster randomised controlled trial Clinical findings in 111 cases of influenza A (H7N9) virus infection Leukotriene D4 and methacholine bronchial provocation tests for identifying leukotriene-responsiveness subtypes A prospective, multicenter survey on causes of chronic cough in china Twice daily N-acetylcysteine 600 mg for exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (PANTHEON): a randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trial Lung function and incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease after improved cooking fuels and kitchen ventilation: a 9-year prospective cohort study Human infection with a novel avian influenza A(H5N6) virus Ceftaroline fosamil versus ceftriaxone for the treatment of Asian patients with community-acquired pneumonia: a randomised, controlled, double-blind, phase 3, non-inferiority with nested superiority trial The bronchiectasis severity index and FACED score for bronchiectasis Prevention and management of COPD in China: successes and major challenges Impact of air pollution on the burden of chronic respiratory diseases in China: time for urgent action Tiotropium in early-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Role of sponsors: The sponsor had no role in the design of the study, the collection and analysis of the data, or the preparation of the manuscript. His comments on improving air quality to reduce the burden on chronic respiratory diseases have inspired scientists and clinicians to dedicate themselves to the prevention and management of air pollution in China. keywords: asthma; bronchial; burden; china; chronic; copd; disease; guangzhou; management; medical; obstructive; patients; prevention; professor; pulmonary; randomised; research; respiratory; sars; shan; study; trial; university; zhong cache: cord-011800-8h7eiihp.txt plain text: cord-011800-8h7eiihp.txt item: #16 of 125 id: cord-014804-ye6wuwgd author: Moeser, A. title: Pneumonien bei immunsupprimierten Patienten date: 2018-03-16 words: 1477 flesch: 28 summary: [32] , für Patienten auf der Intensivstation sind die Kriterien nach Vandewoude hilfreich ( [33] ; . Patienten auf der Intensivstation (ITS) Wirtsfaktoren a) Patienten mit COPD im funktionellen Stadium III oder IV nach GOLD-Kriterien b) keywords: als; angeborene; auch; auf; aufgrund; bal; bei; bzw; copd; dar; das; den; der; des; deutlich; diagnostic; die; diseases; durch; eine; elderly; erhöht; erkrankungen; für; gegenüber; guidelines; hiv; häufiger; immundefekte; infektionen; intensivstation; invasive; ipa; ist; jedoch; kriterien; mit; neben; nicht; non; oder; pathogen; patienten; patients; pneumonia; pulmonary; respiratory; risiko; sich; sind; sowie; spp; tab; therapie; und; unter; von; zellen cache: cord-014804-ye6wuwgd.txt plain text: cord-014804-ye6wuwgd.txt item: #17 of 125 id: cord-015674-d4h9016a author: Provost, Karin title: Infectious Mechanisms Regulating Susceptibility to Acute Exacerbations of COPD date: 2013-07-13 words: 5854 flesch: 16 summary: A study of stable and exacerbated outpatients using the protected specimen brush New strains of bacteria and exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Bacterial infection and the pathogenesis of COPD Moraxella catarrhalis, a human respiratory tract pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa population biology in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Pseudomonas aeruginosa in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Relationship between airway colonization, infl ammation and exacerbation frequency in COPD Serological evidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in acute exacerbation of COPD Serological evidence of Legionella species infection in acute exacerbation of COPD Chlamydia pneumoniae infection in acute exacerbations of COPD The role of atypical respiratory pathogens in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease A persistent and diverse airway microbiota present during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations Analysis of the lung microbiome in the healthy smoker and in COPD Respiratory viruses in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring hospitalisation: a case-control study Respiratory viral infections in patients with chronic, obstructive pulmonary disease Infl ammatory response in acute viral exacerbations of COPD Role of viruses in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Detection of rhinovirus in induced sputum at exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are accompanied by elevations of plasma fi brinogen and serum IL-6 levels Haemophilus infl uenzae from patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation induce more infl ammation than colonizers Persisting Haemophilus infl uenzae strains induce lower levels of interleukin-6 and interleukin-8 in H292 lung epithelial cells than nonpersisting strains Bronchial microbial patterns in severe exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) requiring mechanical ventilation Outer membrane protein P6 of nontypeable Haemophilus infl uenzae is a potent and selective inducer of human macrophage proinfl ammatory cytokines Alveolar macrophages from subjects with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are defi cient in their ability to phagocytose apoptotic airway epithelial cells Mucus clearance as a primary innate defense mechanism for mammalian airways Mucociliary clearance in the airways Ciliary abnormalities in bronchial epithelium of smokers, ex-smokers, and nonsmokers Mucociliary clearance in smokers Regional impairment of mucociliary clearance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease In vitro restructuring effect of human airway immunoglobulins A and lysozyme on airway secretions The elevation of serum IGA in emphysema Serum IgA and secretory IgA levels in bronchial lavages from patients with a variety of respiratory diseases Chlamydia pneumoniae infection in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Reduced epithelial expression of secretory component in small airways correlates with airfl ow obstruction in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Mucosal immunity in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a role for immunoglobulin A? Bronchial secretory immunoglobulin a defi ciency correlates with airway infl ammation and progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Secretory IgA and COPD: a new kid on the block? Innate immunity in the lung: how epithelial cells fi ght against respiratory pathogens Collectins and pulmonary host defense Antimicrobial polypeptides Defensins: antimicrobial peptides of vertebrates CD14-dependent lipopolysaccharide-induced beta-defensin-2 expression in human tracheobronchial epithelium Effects of bacterial infection on airway antimicrobial peptides and proteins in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease The human cathelicidin LL-37: a multifunctional peptide involved in infection and infl ammation in the lung Cathelicidins, multifunctional peptides of the innate immunity Activity of abundant antimicrobials of the human airway Lysozyme secretion by submucosal glands protects the airway from bacterial infection Killing of gram-negative bacteria by lactoferrin and lysozyme Human neutrophil elastase inhibitors in innate and adaptive immunity Anti-neutrophil elastase defense of the normal human respiratory epithelial surface provided by the secretory leukoprotease inhibitor Changes in bronchial infl ammation during acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis A possible role for lysozyme in determining acute exacerbation in chronic bronchitis Evidence for excessive bronchial infl ammation during an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients with alpha(1)-antitrypsin defi ciency (PiZ) Human SLPI inactivation after cigarette smoke exposure in a new in vivo model of pulmonary oxidative stress Structure, biologic properties, and expression of surfactant protein D (SP-D) Effects of ageing and smoking on SP-A and SP-D levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fl uid Decreased contents of surfactant proteins A and D in BAL fl uids of healthy smokers Alteration of pulmonary surfactant proteins in rats chronically exposed to cigarette smoke Mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphism predicts hospital admissions for COPD infections Cutting edge: heat shock protein 60 is a putative endogenous ligand of the toll-like receptor-4 complex Hyaluronan in tissue injury and repair Role of TLR-2 in the activation of nuclear factor kap-paB by oxidative stress in cardiac myocytes Its prevalence, nature, and pathogenesis The natural history of chronic bronchitis and emphysema Role of infection in chronic bronchitis Severe exacerbations of COPD patients: the role of pulmonary infections Lower respiratory illnesses promote FEV(1) decline in current smokers but not ex-smokers with mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: results from the lung health study Impact of sputum bacteria on airway infl ammation and health status in clinical stable COPD Airway bacterial load and FEV1 decline in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Airway infl ammation and bronchial bacterial colonization in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Airway bacterial concentrations and exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Infections and airway infl ammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease severe exacerbations Pathophysiology of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Prevalence of viral infection detected by PCR and RT-PCR in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD: a systematic review Respiratory viruses, symptoms, and infl ammatory markers in acute exacerbations and stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Moraxella catarrhalis acquisition, airway infl ammation and protease-antiprotease balance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Moraxella catarrhalis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: burden of disease and immune response The role of bacteria in exacerbations of COPD. keywords: acute; adaptive; aecopd; airway; alveolar; ammation; ammatory; antigen; bacterial; bronchial; bronchitis; catarrhalis; cd4; cells; chronic; chronic obstructive; cigarette; clearance; clinical; colonization; copd; defi; dendritic; disease; effector; emphysema; epithelial; exacerbations; expression; gold; haemophilus; healthy; host; human; identifi; immune; immunity; impaired; induced; infection; infl; innate; levels; like; lower; lung; lymphocytes; lysozyme; macrophages; moraxella; non; normal; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; pathogenesis; pathogens; patients; pneumoniae; presence; present; progression; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; recent; receptors; recognition; respiratory; response; role; secretion; severe; signifi; smokers; smoking; specifi; sputum; stable; studies; study; tlr4; uenzae; viral cache: cord-015674-d4h9016a.txt plain text: cord-015674-d4h9016a.txt item: #18 of 125 id: cord-016009-qa7bcsbu author: Starkel, Julie L. title: Respiratory date: 2019-10-07 words: 22281 flesch: 42 summary: In Europe, lung disease represents 15% of all deaths -the fourth leading cause. Added together, lung disease rivals the position for the top cause of death. keywords: a1at; absorption; acetylcysteine; acid; activation; activity; acute; addition; adults; affected; air; airway; allergic; allergy; alpha-1; alveolar; alveoli; analysis; antioxidant; antitrypsin; anxiety; arsenic; assess; associated; association; asthma; asthmatic; available; bacterial; balance; benefits; blood; body; breathing; bronchitis; cadmium; cancer; capacity; carbon; cause; cells; cellular; certain; children; chronic; chronic lung; cigarette; cofactors; collagen; common; concentrations; conditions; connective; contrast; control; copd; curcumin; cysteine; cystic; cytokines; dairy; damage; data; day; death; decreased; deficiency; depression; development; diagnosis; diet; dietary; different; dioxide; disease; disorders; doses; effective; effects; emphysema; enzymes; epithelial; essential; evidence; example; excessive; exercise; exposure; factor; fatty; fibroblasts; fibrosing; fibrosis; fibrotic; fig; fish; folate; foods; form; free; fruits; function; genes; genetic; glutathione; good; greater; growth; gsh; gut; health; heavy; help; helpful; high; higher; history; homeostasis; human; idiopathic; ige; immune; impact; impaired; important; improved; increase; individual; induced; infections; inflammation; inflammatory; inhaled; injury; intake; integrative; interstitial; ipf; iron; issues; key; lead; leading; length; levels; life; lifestyle; like; lining; lipid; lipoic; liver; long; low; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung function; lung health; lung tissue; magnesium; mechanisms; mice; microbiome; minerals; mucus; muscle; mutations; new; nutrients; nutrition; obstructive; oral; oxidative; oxygen; particles; particular; pathway; patients; people; phytonutrients; play; pneumonia; pneumonitis; pollutants; pollution; potential; powerful; present; prevention; production; products; progression; protective; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; pulmonary fibrosis; quality; quercetin; rate; recent; receptor; reduced; research; respiratory; respiratory disease; respiratory health; response; responsible; results; review; risk; role; selenium; serum; severe; significant; sleep; smoke; smokers; smoking; soluble; status; stress; studies; study; supplementation; support; surfactant; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; synthesis; system; systematic; target; telomere; testing; tgf; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; toxic; tract; treatment; trigger; type; united; upper; vegetables; vitamin; vitamin d; weight; year; zinc cache: cord-016009-qa7bcsbu.txt plain text: cord-016009-qa7bcsbu.txt item: #19 of 125 id: cord-016300-vw11c2wt author: Jain, Kewal K. title: Biomarkers of Pulmonary Diseases date: 2017-09-18 words: 5584 flesch: 38 summary: Lung ECM remodeling in healthy controls and COPD patients was investigated in the COPDGene study. One study was done to quantify bronchial lavage (BAL) fluid and serum levels of IL-8, secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), soluble intracellular adhesion molecules-1 (sICAM-1) and sCD14, as surrogate markers of inflammatory and immune response in asthma and COPD patients with similar disease duration time (Hollander et al. 2007 ). keywords: activity; acute; airway; arginase; association; asthma; biomarkers; blood; breath; bronchial; cap; cells; children; chronic; clinical; collagen; control; copd; corticosteroids; cough; crp; cytokine; development; disease; early; ebc; elevated; et al; expression; failure; fev1; findings; function; gene; high; higher; ige; il-8; ild; important; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; information; injury; ip-10; levels; lung; measured; measurements; mortality; nitric; non; obstructive; oxidative; oxide; patients; periostin; plasma; pneumonia; prognostic; protein; pulmonary; respiratory; response; risk; role; sars; serum; severe; severity; significant; sputum; stress; study; tissue; tool; treatment; turnover; type; useful cache: cord-016300-vw11c2wt.txt plain text: cord-016300-vw11c2wt.txt item: #20 of 125 id: cord-016814-tf17dpo5 author: Enes, Sara Rolandsson title: Clinical Application of Stem/Stromal Cells in COPD date: 2019-08-07 words: 10760 flesch: 35 summary: Effects of freeze-thawing and intravenous infusion on mesenchymal stromal cell gene expression Freshly thawed and continuously cultured human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells comparably ameliorate allergic airways inflammation in immunocompetent mice Attachment, growth, and detachment of human mesenchymal stem cells in a chemically defined medium Collagen promotes higher adhesion, survival and proliferation of mesenchymal stem cells The extracellular matrixthe under-recognized element in lung disease? Comprehensive review of the recent literature 2010-2012 Mitochondrial transfer between cells can rescue aerobic respiration Cell-tocell cross-talk between mesenchymal stem cells and cardiomyocytes in co-culture Mechanisms of mesenchymal stem/stromal cell function Characterization of intercellular communication and mitochondrial donation by mesenchymal stromal cells derived from the human lung Mitochondrial transfer via tunneling nanotubes is an important mechanism by which mesenchymal stem cells enhance macrophage phagocytosis in the in vitro and in vivo models of ARDS Mitochondria in mesenchymal stem cell biology and cell therapy: from cellular differentiation to mitochondrial transfer Mitochondrial dysfunction increases allergic airway inflammation Association between mitochondrial dysfunction and severity and outcome of septic shock Mitochondria in lung diseases Intra-and intercellular quality control mechanisms of mitochondria Mitochondrial transfer from bone-marrow-derived stromal cells to pulmonary alveoli protects against acute lung injury Mesenchymal stem cells use extracellular vesicles to outsource mitophagy and shuttle microRNAs Monocyte/macrophage-derived microparticles up-regulate inflammatory mediator synthesis by human airway epithelial cells CD18-mediated adhesion is required for the induction of a proinflammatory phenotype in lung epithelial cells by mononuclear cell-derived extracellular vesicles Thy-1 dependent uptake of mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles blocks myofibroblastic differentiation Extracellular vesicle-shuttled mRNA in mesenchymal stem cell communication Biological properties of extracellular vesicles and their physiological functions Exosomal miR-146a contributes to the enhanced therapeutic efficacy of interleukin-1beta-primed mesenchymal stem cells against sepsis Microvesicles derived from mesenchymal stem cells: potent organelles for induction of tolerogenic signaling Adipose stem cell-derived nanovesicles inhibit emphysema primarily via an FGF2-dependent pathway Treatment with allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cells for moderate to severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (START study): a randomised phase 2a safety trial A prospective, non-randomized, no placebo-controlled, phase Ib clinical trial to study the safety of the adipose derived stromal cells-stromal vascular fraction in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis A phase 1b study of placentaderived mesenchymal stromal cells in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome with allogeneic adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells: a randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study Autologous mesenchymal stromal cell infusion as adjunct treatment in patients with multidrug and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis: an open-label phase 1 safety trial Mitochondrial transfer of induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells to airway epithelial cells attenuates cigarette smokeinduced damage Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell transplantation for treatment of emphysemic rats Mesenchymal stem cells protect cigarette smoke-damaged lung and pulmonary function partly via VEGF-VEGF receptors Therapeutic effects of amniotic fluid-derived mesenchymal stromal cells on lung injury in rats with emphysema IFN-gamma activation of mesenchymal stem cells for treatment and prevention of graft versus host disease Species variation in the mechanisms of mesenchymal stem cell-mediated immunosuppression Cytokine modulation of TLR expression and activation in mesenchymal stromal cells leads to a proinflammatory phenotype Impaired function of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells from immune thrombocytopenia patients in inducing regulatory dendritic cell differentiation through the Notch-1/Jagged-1 signaling pathway Human MSC suppression correlates with cytokine induction of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and bystander M2 macrophage differentiation Mesenchymal stromal cells cross-present soluble exogenous antigens as part of their antigen-presenting cell properties Antigen-presenting property of mesenchymal stem cells occurs during a narrow window at low levels of interferon-gamma Activation of human mesenchymal stem cells impacts their therapeutic abilities in lung injury by increasing interleukin (IL)-10 and IL-1RN levels Serum from asthmatic mice potentiates the therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stromal cells in experimental allergic asthma The toll-like receptor 3 ligand, poly(I:C), improves immunosuppressive function and therapeutic effect of mesenchymal stem cells on sepsis via inhibiting MiR-143 Transplantation of hypoxia-preconditioned mesenchymal stem cells improves infarcted heart function via enhanced survival of implanted cells and angiogenesis Reduced oxygen tension attenuates differentiation capacity of human mesenchymal stem cells and prolongs their lifespan Mesenchymal stem cells modified with Akt prevent remodeling and restore performance of infarcted hearts Hepatocyte growth factor-modified mesenchymal stem cells improve ischemia/reperfusioninduced acute lung injury in rats Transfection of mesenchymal stem cells with the FGF-2 gene improves their survival under hypoxic conditions Supportive interaction between cell survival signaling and angiocompetent factors enhances donor cell survival and promotes angiomyogenesis for cardiac repair Prevention of LPS-induced acute lung injury in mice by mesenchymal stem cells overexpressing angiopoietin 1 Mesenchymal stem cell survival in the infarcted heart is enhanced by lentivirus vector-mediated heat shock protein 27 expression Promotion of survival and engraftment of transplanted adipose tissue-derived stromal and vascular cells by overexpression of manganese superoxide dismutase Mesenchymal stem cells overexpressing angiotensin-converting enzyme keywords: acute; addition; adipose; administration; airway; alveolar; approach; authors; biological; body; bone; bone marrow; capacity; cells; challenges; chronic; cigarette; clinical; copd; copd patients; culture; current; cytokines; damage; date; development; differences; different; differentiation; disease; early; ebv; ecm; effects; efficacy; emphysema; enhanced; environment; et al; evs; expansion; experimental; expression; extracellular; factor; fev1; field; following; function; gamma; gene; group; growth; human; human mesenchymal; hypoxia; immune; immunomodulatory; immunosuppressive; impaired; important; improved; induced; induction; inflammation; inflammatory; infusion; injury; insertion; international; intravenous; levels; likely; lung; macrophages; marrow; matrix; mechanisms; medium; mesenchymal; mesenchymal stem; mesenchymal stromal; mice; mitochondria; model; mouse; msc administration; mscs; need; new; number; obstructive; order; oxygen; paracrine; patients; phase; phenotype; placebo; plastic; potency; potential; preclinical; progression; proliferation; properties; pulmonary; quality; rate; reduction; regulatory; respiratory; response; results; role; safety; serum; severe; shock; significant; smoking; society; stage; stem; stem cells; stromal; stromal cells; studies; study; survival; systemic; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; time; tissue; transfer; transplantation; treatment; trials; use; vivo; volume; way cache: cord-016814-tf17dpo5.txt plain text: cord-016814-tf17dpo5.txt item: #21 of 125 id: cord-017412-1avevzya author: Losada, Liliana title: The Human Lung Microbiome date: 2010-10-11 words: 10016 flesch: 28 summary: Lastly, Wu et al. have provided evidence to suggest that viral infections have a causal role in asthma initiation and development where they show that viral infection during the first 4 months of age is strongly correlated with the development of asthma by age 5 (Wu et al., 2008) . To test this hypothesis, 16S rRNA sequence analysis was performed on BAL samples from 42 subjects, 28 CF patients, and 14 other disease controls (Harris et al., 2007) . keywords: 16s; addition; aeruginosa; age; airway; allergens; allergic; alveolar; analysis; antibiotic; aspergillus; associated; association; asthma; atopy; bacterial; bal; biopsy; body; bronchial; bronchiectasis; bronchopulmonary; causes; cells; characterization; childhood; children; chronic; clinical; colonization; colonized; common; communities; components; copd; culture; cystic; data; detection; development; different; disease; diversity; dna; early; emphysema; environmental; epithelium; et al; evidence; exacerbations; exposure; factors; fibrosis; flora; fumigatus; function; fungal; fungi; fungus; gas; genetic; health; hiv; human; identification; idiopathic; immune; immunodeficiency; independent; individuals; infections; inflammation; inflammatory; levels; likely; lower; lung; methods; microbes; microbial; microbiome; microorganisms; molecular; mucociliary; mucus; multiple; normal; ntm; numbers; obstructive; organisms; pathogenesis; pathogens; patients; physical; pneumocystis; pneumonia; population; possible; present; prevalence; procedure; pulmonary; recent; regions; relationship; respiratory; response; rhinovirus; risk; role; rrna; samples; sampling; sensitization; sequence; sequencing; severe; severity; single; skin; small; smokers; smoking; species; specific; sputum; sterility; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; system; techniques; therapy; tissue; tract; treatment; viral; viruses; wheezing; years cache: cord-017412-1avevzya.txt plain text: cord-017412-1avevzya.txt item: #22 of 125 id: cord-017428-euzvhtax author: Janssens, Wim title: Vitamin D and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease date: 2012-02-17 words: 8874 flesch: 29 summary: Vitamin D and health: perspectives from mice and man Vitamin D de fi ciency Vitamin D and human health: lessons from vitamin D receptor null mice Gene-environment interactions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Projections of global mortality and burden of disease from 2002 to 2030 Global strategy for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: GOLD executive summary Effect of pharmacotherapy on rate of decline of lung function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: results from the TORCH study Effect of tiotropium on outcomes in patients with moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (UPLIFT): a prespeci fi ed subgroup analysis of a randomised controlled trial Tiotropium as a fi rst maintenance drug in COPD: secondary analysis of the UPLIFT trial Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: molecular and cellular mechanisms Antielastin autoimmunity in tobacco smoking-induced emphysema Phenotypic characterisation of T-lymphocytes in COPD: abnormal CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-lymphocyte response to tobacco smoking Alveolar macrophages as orchestrators of COPD Role of HDAC2 in the pathophysiology of COPD Schematic representation of potential relationship between vitamin D and COPD Defective macrophage phagocytosis of bacteria in COPD Relationship between exacerbation frequency and lung function decline in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD exacerbations: de fi ning their cause and prevention Effect of interactions between lower airway bacterial and rhinoviral infection in exacerbations of COPD New strains of bacteria and exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Airway bacterial concentrations and exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Susceptibility to exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD as a systemic disease Systemic effects of COPD COPD as a lung disease with systemic consequences-clinical impact, mechanisms, and potential for early intervention From COPD to chronic systemic in fl ammatory syndrome? Mortality in COPD: role of comorbidities Prevalence and outcomes of diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease in COPD Biological and clinical aspects of the vitamin D binding protein (Gc-globulin) and its polymorphism Vitamin D physiology Overview of general physiologic features and functions of vitamin D Identi fi cation and immune regulation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1-alpha-hydroxylase in murine macrophages Immunoregulation by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3: basic concepts Genetics and biology of vitamin D receptor polymorphisms 13th workshop consensus for vitamin D nutritional guidelines Vitamin D de fi ciency and secondary hyperparathyroidism in the elderly: consequences for bone loss and fractures and therapeutic implications Demographic differences and trends of vitamin D insuf fi ciency in the US population Estimation of optimal serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D for multiple health outcomes Vitamin D toxicity, policy, and science Vitamin D beyond bones in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: time to act IOM report sets new dietary intake levels for calcium and vitamin D to maintain health and avoid risks associated with excess Relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d and pulmonary function in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Make no bones about it: increasing epidemiologic evidence links vitamin D to pulmonary function and COPD Smoking patterns in African Americans and whites with advanced COPD Common genetic determinants of vitamin D insuf fi ciency: a genome-wide association study Vitamin D binding protein variants and the risk of COPD Candidate genes for COPD in two large data sets Vitamin D de fi ciency, bone mineral density and weight in patients with advanced pulmonary disease Vitamin D de fi ciency is highly prevalent in COPD and correlates with variants in the vitamin D binding gene The vitamin D axis in the lung: a key role for vitamin D-binding protein Vitamin D-binding protein contributes to COPD by activation of alveolar macrophages Relationship of vitamin D status to adult lung function and COPD The coming of age of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) analogs as immunomodulatory agents Immune modulatory treatment of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid colitis with calcitriol is associated with a change of a T helper (Th) 1/Th17 to a Th2 and regulatory T cell pro fi le Evaluation of phagocytosis in rickets Control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis through mammalian Toll-like receptors High doses of vitamin D to reduce exacerbations in COPD: a randomized trial A 4-year trial of tiotropium in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Combined salmeterol and fl uticasone in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomised controlled trial Treatment of COPD: the sooner the better? Decreased histone deacetylase activity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease VDR microRNA expression and epigenetic silencing of vitamin D signaling in melanoma cells DNA methylation-related vitamin D receptor insensitivity in breast cancer Vitamin D and susceptibility of chronic lung diseases: role of epigenetics Peripheral muscle weakness contributes to exercise limitation in COPD Pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Exercise training in COPD: how to distinguish responders from nonresponders Higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are associated with better lower-extremity function in both active and inactive persons aged > or =60 Vitamin D status predicts physical performance and its decline in older persons Effect of vitamin D on falls: a metaanalysis Effect of vitamin D supplementation on muscle strength: a systematic review and meta-analysis Role of vitamin D in skeletal muscle function Osteomalacic myopathy Low-dose vitamin D prevents muscular atrophy and reduces falls and hip fractures in women after stroke: a randomized controlled trial Vitamin D and its role in skeletal muscle Fall prevention with supplemental and active forms of vitamin D: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Oxidative capacity of the skeletal muscle and lactic acid kinetics during exercise in normal subjects and in patients with COPD Muscle fi ber type IIX atrophy is involved in the loss of fat-free mass in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Induction of speci fi c proteins in cultured skeletal muscle cells by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 Analysis of the oxidative damage-induced conformational changes of apo-and holocalmodulin by dose-dependent protein oxidative surface mapping The effect of cholecalciferol in vivo on proteins and lipids of skeletal muscle from rachitic chicks Vitamin D and human skeletal muscle keywords: 1,25(oh; airway; ammation; ammatory; analysis; antimicrobial; bacterial; bene; bone; calcemic; calcium; cancer; capacity; cause; cells; chronic; chronic obstructive; ciency; cient; clinical; colleagues; concentrations; consequences; copd; copd patients; data; decline; density; different; disease; dose; early; effect; emphysema; evidence; exacerbations; expression; factors; fev; fi ciency; fractures; function; genes; health; higher; human; hydroxyvitamin; immune; impaired; important; increase; infections; intake; intervention; levels; life; loss; low; lower; lung; macrophages; mineral; morbidities; mortality; muscle; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; ohd; osteoporosis; oxidative; patients; population; potential; prevalence; protein; pth; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; randomized; recent; receptor; reduced; regulation; relationship; respiratory; response; results; risk; role; serum; severe; severity; signi; skeletal; skin; smoking; stages; status; strength; studies; study; subgroup; supplementation; systemic; therapy; treatment; trial; vdr; vertebral; vitamin; vitamin d; women cache: cord-017428-euzvhtax.txt plain text: cord-017428-euzvhtax.txt item: #23 of 125 id: cord-017784-4r3fpmlb author: Foccillo, Giampiero title: The Infections Causing Acute Respiratory Failure in Elderly Patients date: 2019-08-06 words: 3573 flesch: 26 summary: Severe community-acquired pneumonia and acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) are causes of acute respiratory failure (ARF) in elderly patients. Elderly patients are more predisposed to pneumonia because of their impaired gag reflex, decreased mucociliary function, waning immunity, impaired febrile response, and chronic disease (diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic heart failure, cancer and chronic renal insufficiency). keywords: acute; aecopd; aeruginosa; age; antibiotic; ards; arf; aspiration; atypical; bacterial; cap; cause; chronic; clinical; common; community; copd; disease; distress; duration; early; elderly; empirical; exacerbations; factors; failure; frequent; function; guidelines; hospitalization; immune; important; infection; initial; lung; management; mechanical; mmhg; obstructive; pathogens; patients; pneumonia; pulmonary; respiratory; risk; sepsis; severe; sputum; symptoms; syndrome; therapy; treatment; use; ventilation cache: cord-017784-4r3fpmlb.txt plain text: cord-017784-4r3fpmlb.txt item: #24 of 125 id: cord-018005-53cl75gk author: Humphreys, Hilary title: Lower Respiratory Tract Infections date: 2012-08-21 words: 3865 flesch: 34 summary: Plain radiographs of adequate diagnostic quality are often dif fi cult to obtain in critical care patients and CT scanning is often required to make a radiological diagnosis which should be supplemented with microbiological samples to con fi rm the aetiology [ 30 ] . All units admitting such patients should have local protocols and training in place to offer NIV to patients presenting in respiratory failure in the context of COPD. keywords: acute; admission; antibiotic; appropriate; aureus; cap; care; cases; clinical; common; community; con; copd; critical; days; diagnosis; different; disease; e.g.; failure; following; gram; guidelines; hospital; icu; infection; initial; intensive; intubation; legionella; lower; management; mortality; new; niv; non; number; pathogens; patients; pneumonia; pressure; rate; recent; resistant; respiratory; risk; severe; studies; study; therapy; tract; treatment; uenza; underlying; use; vap; ventilation; viral cache: cord-018005-53cl75gk.txt plain text: cord-018005-53cl75gk.txt item: #25 of 125 id: cord-018439-4btpqlxd author: Kato, Akane title: Pathogenesis of COPD (Persistence of Airway Inflammation): Why Does Airway Inflammation Persist After Cessation of Smoking? date: 2016-07-06 words: 5013 flesch: 42 summary: Initially, cigarette smoke influences the expression of pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) including Toll-like receptors (TLRs), the intracellularly located nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors (NLRs), retinoic acid-inducible gene I (RIG-I)-like receptors (RLRs), and receptors for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) on lung epithelial cells, endothelial cells, and leukocytes in the lung. Systemic administration of acrolein causes the stress response in the endoplasmic reticulum and lung cell apoptosis, and chronic administration leads to an enlargement of the alveolar air spaces and emphysema in rats keywords: activation; acute; airway; alveolar; apoptosis; bacterial; causes; cd4þ; cd8þ; cells; cessation; changes; chronic; cigarette; copd; cytokines; damps; dendritic; destruction; disease; elastase; emphysema; epithelial; exacerbations; expression; factor; fibrosis; fig; formation; function; goblet; growth; human; hypersecretion; hypoxia; il-1β; il-8; immune; important; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; innate; lung; macrophages; matrix; mice; mmp9; mucus; neutrophils; obstructive; patients; production; progression; pulmonary; rage; receptors; release; respiratory; responses; rhinovirus; role; smoke; smokers; smoking; structural; tissue; tlrs; viral; wall cache: cord-018439-4btpqlxd.txt plain text: cord-018439-4btpqlxd.txt item: #26 of 125 id: cord-018452-qyf2vymf author: Sica, Valentina title: Pathophysiologic Role of Autophagy in Human Airways date: 2016-03-07 words: 7010 flesch: 25 summary: In summary, although autophagy generally (but not always) promote the progression of pulmonary malignancies and increases the resistance of lung cancer cells to chemo-and radiotherapeutic regimens, additional experiments are required to understand whether combinatorial treatments involving autophagy inhibitors constitute a clinically viable approach against pulmonary neoplasms. Furthermore, the higher expression of autophagy proteins has been linked to lung epithelial cell death, airway dysfunction and emphysema in response to CS. keywords: aat; able; accumulation; activation; activity; acute; airway; ammation; ammatory; anti; antitrypsin; apoptosis; asthma; asthmatic; atg5; autophagy; beclin; broblasts; brosis; cancer; cells; cellular; cftr; chronic; cient; clearance; common; complex; conditions; copd; cystic; death; defi; degradation; dependent; depletion; development; disease; ecm; emphysema; epithelial; essential; evidences; exposure; expression; fact; fi brosis; functions; genetic; heme; ho-1; homeostasis; human; hyperoxia; hypertension; idiopathic; immune; increase; infection; infl; inhibition; inhibitors; injury; intracellular; ipf; lc3; level; like; liver; lung; machinery; macrophages; malignant; mechanisms; mice; mitophagy; molecular; mtor; mucus; mutant; mutation; non; obstructive; oxygen; p62; pathogenesis; pathway; patients; pharmacological; pink1; production; profi; progression; protein; pulmonary; rapamycin; reduced; response; role; senescence; smoke; specifi; stress; tgf; th2; therapeutic; tissue; transformation; treatment; tumor; type; vivo cache: cord-018452-qyf2vymf.txt plain text: cord-018452-qyf2vymf.txt item: #27 of 125 id: cord-020507-3gzh1lw6 author: Gillissen, Adrian title: Bronchitis, Bronchiolitis und Lungenemphysem date: 2005 words: 3355 flesch: 56 summary: T b b b a Tab ab ab ab b b b b b a Kausaler und damit effektivster therapeutischer Ansatz in der Therapie der chronischen Bronchitis ist die Elimination des auslösenden Agens. In der Behandlung der COPD muss zwischen der Pharmakotherapie der stabilen Erkrankung und der Notfallsituation unterschieden werden. keywords: ab ab; ab t; abb; abe e; acetylcystein; als; auch; auf; b b; b l; behandlung; bei; bronchitis; bupropion; chronic; chronische; copd; daher; der; deren; des; die; disease; durch; e d; e e; e el; e g; e k; e l; e t; eine; el l; empfehlungen; empfohlen; erkrankung; exazerbation; fev; für; gibt; h t; husten; ist; jahre; kann; können; l l; l le; long; lung; lungenemphysem; m e; mal; management; mit; mmhg; n e; nach; nicht; obstructive; oder; pao; patienten; pulmonary; r e; r t; sich; sie; sind; sind t; sowie; stabilen; t b; t n; t s; t t; t tab; tabelle; tag; tagen; term; therapie; therapy; u l; und; unter; von; weitere; werden; wird; während; zum; zur; über; überblähung; übersicht cache: cord-020507-3gzh1lw6.txt plain text: cord-020507-3gzh1lw6.txt item: #28 of 125 id: cord-022050-h24f0fpd author: Naughton, Matthew T. title: Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma date: 2009-05-15 words: 7004 flesch: 39 summary: The mortality of COPD patients admitted to the hospital is 15%, exceeding that for myocardial infarction. COPD patients liberated from invasive ventilatory support may also benefit from NIV, although studies have questioned the utility of its use in this setting. keywords: acidosis; acute; administration; agonists; airflow; airway; alveolar; associated; asthma; breathing; bronchodilator; capacity; changes; chest; chronic; circulatory; clinical; common; copd; days; degree; diagnosis; disease; dose; dynamic; dyspnea; effects; exacerbations; excessive; exposure; factors; failure; fev; fig; function; heart; high; higher; history; hours; hypercapnia; hyperinflation; hypertension; hypoxemia; important; increase; inhaled; intravenous; life; long; lung; mechanical; mild; min; minute; muscle; myopathy; noninvasive; normal; obstruction; oxygen; paco; patients; peep; pneumonia; pneumothorax; pplat; present; pressure; pulmonary; rate; reduced; reduction; resistance; respiratory; response; result; right; risk; salbutamol; setting; severe; severe asthma; severity; small; steroids; support; term; tidal; time; treatment; use; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricular; volume; work cache: cord-022050-h24f0fpd.txt plain text: cord-022050-h24f0fpd.txt item: #29 of 125 id: cord-022633-fr55uod6 author: None title: SAEM Abstracts, Plenary Session date: 2012-04-26 words: 147610 flesch: 49 summary: Objectives: To identify the prevalence of NCS and other EEG abnormalities in ED patients with AMS. Objectives: Test the hypothesis that prior to antibiotic administration, circulating LPS can be detected in the plasma of fewer than 10% of ED patients with severe sepsis. keywords: 95%ci; abdominal; ability; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; abuse; academic ed; acasi; access; accuracy; accurate; acgme; acls; acquisition; acs; actions; active; activities; activity; actual; acuity; acute; addition; adjudication; adjunct; adjusted; administration; admission; adult ed; adult patients; adults; advanced; adverse; aed; aeds; affected; age; aged; ages; agitation; agreement; aha; aht; aim; airway; alcohol; alert; alternative; ambulance; american; ams; analgesia; analysis; angiography; animal; annual; annual ed; anonymous; anova; antibiotics; aortic; apap; appendicitis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; arrest; arrest patients; arrival; artery; assessed; assessment; assistants; associated; association; asthma; attempts; attending; attitudes; auc; availability; available; average; background; bal; barriers; baseline; basic; bed; bedside; behaviors; benefit; best; better; bicycle; bleeding; blinded; blood; bls; boarding; body; bolus; brain; breaker; burn; bystander; cadaver; calculated; calls; cancer; cardiac; cardiac arrest; cardiovascular; care; cases; categories; category; cause; ccta; cdr; census; center; central; cerebral; certification; certified; change; characteristics; charges; chart; charting; checklist; chest; chest pain; chief; children; chronic; ciwa; class; classified; clerkship; clinical; clinicians; clinics; closed; closure; cluster; cocaine; codes; cognitive; cohort; cohort study; collected; collection; combined; common; communication; community; community ed; comparison; competencies; competency; complaints; complete; completion; compliance; complications; components; comprehensive; compressions; computer; computerized; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; confidence; confirmed; consciousness; consecutive patients; consensus; consent; consequences; continuous; control; control patients; convenience; conventional; cooling; copd; copd patients; coronary; correlated; correlation; cost; county; course; cpap; cpr; criteria; critical; cross; crp; cultures; current; curriculum; cxr; daily; data; data analysis; database; days; death; december; decision; decreased; defibrillation; degree; delayed; delivery; demographics; denver; department; department patients; descriptive; design; determined; development; device; diabetes; diagnosis; dictation; didactic; difference; differential; difficult; dimer; directors; discharge; discharged patients; disease; disposition; distance; distress; distribution; documentation; door; dose; dosing; drug; duration; dyspnea; early; ecg; ed arrival; ed bed; ed boarding; ed care; ed census; ed clinical; ed discharge; ed evaluation; ed length; ed los; ed pain; ed patients; ed performance; ed physicians; ed services; ed setting; ed staff; ed stay; ed throughput; ed treatment; ed users; ed utilization; ed visits; ed volume; eds; education; educators; eeg; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficiency; efforts; elderly; electronic; elements; eligible patients; emergencies; emergency; emergency care; emergency department; emergency medicine; emergency physicians; emergent; emr; ems; endotracheal; english; enrollment; entry; environment; epinephrine; errors; essential; estimate; etco; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; exact; exam; excellent; exclusion; existing; experience; experimental; exposure; external; facilities; facility; factors; faculty; failure; fall; feasible; febrile; feedback; feel; fellows; female; fentanyl; fewer; fidelity; figure; film; final; findings; fisher; flow; fluid; focused; following; forms; fracture; free; frequency; frequent; frequent ed; function; future; gcs; gender; general; glucose; goal; gold; good; grades; greater; group; guidelines; half; hand; head; health; health care; heart; hemodynamic; hemorrhage; high; high ed; higher; highest; history; hiv; home; homeless; hospital; hospital admission; hospital cardiac; hospital ed; hospital mortality; hospitalization; hours; hrs; human; hyperglycemia; hypotension; hypothermia; hypothesis; hypothesized; hypoxia; icd-9; ich; identification; illness; image; imaging; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; income; increased; independent; index; individual; infection; influence; influenza; information; infusion; ingestion; initial; initiation; injured; injuries; injury; injury patients; inpatient; inr; institution; instruction; instrument; insulin; insurance; intensity; interaction; interest; internal; interpretation; interruptions; intervals; intervention; interview; intoxication; intracranial; intravenous; introduction; intubation; investigators; involved; ipv; iqr; irb; issues; items; ivc; january; july; june; kappa; ketamine; key; knowledge; known; laboratory; lacerations; lack; lactate; large; later; lead; learning; lecture; left; length; level; life; likelihood; likely; likert; limitations; limited; linear; literacy; literature; little; local; location; logistic; long; longer; longitudinal; los; loss; lot; low; lower; lowest; main; major; majority; making; male; management; map; mcg; mdd; mean; mean age; measured; measurements; mechanism; median; median time; medical; medical care; medications; medicine; meeting; members; mental; mentoring; methods; metrics; migraine; mild; miles; minimum; minutes; missing; misuse; mmhg; mmi; modality; model; moderate; modified; monitored; monthly; months; morbidity; morphine; mortality; mri; mtbi; multiple; multivariate; myocardial; n =; naloxone; national; necessary; need; negative; nerve; net; neurologic; new; noise; non; normal; novel; npv; number; nurses; objectives; observational; observational study; observed; october; odds; offer; ohca; ohca patients; old; ongoing; online; operational; opioid; opportunity; optic; optimal; oral; order; ordering; organ; osce; outcomes; outpatient; overall; overall ed; overdose; overweight; oxygen; p =; pain; pain patients; paired; paramedics; parents; participants; participation; past; patient care; patient visits; patients age; patterns; pci; pds; pediatric ed; pediatric emergency; pediatric patients; people; percent; percentage; perceptions; performance; perfusion; period; person; personnel; pgy1; pharmacist; phase; physical; place; placement; plan; plasma; platelet; pneumonia; pofu; point; poisoning; poor; population; positive; possible; post; posterior; potential; practice; pre; predictive; predictors; preference; preferred; pregnancy; prehospital; preparation; prescription; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; priority; probability; problem; procedures; process; productivity; professional; program; propofol; proportion; prospective; prospective study; protocol; providers; psychiatric; psychological; public; pulmonary; pulse; pump; purpose; qrs; quality; questionnaire; questions; race; radiation; randomization; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rate; rating; ratios; rats; real; reasons; receiving; recent; recognition; recommendations; recorded; records; reduction; referral; reform; regional; registry; regression; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliability; reliable; repair; repeat; reported; reporting; research; residencies; residency; residents; resource; respectively; respiratory; respondents; response; results; resuscitation; retrospective; return; review; rhythm; risk; risk patients; role; room; rosc; routine; rule; rural; safety; sah; saline; sample; satisfaction; saturation; sbis; sbp; scale; scans; scenarios; school; score; scoring; screening; scribes; secondary; seconds; sectional; sedation; seizure; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separate; sepsis; septic; septic patients; series; serum; services; session; setting; severe; severity; sex; shift; shock; shock patients; short; shorter; shoulder; significant; significant difference; signs; similar; simulated; simulation; single; sirs; site; skills; small; sofa; software; specialty; specific; specificity; square; staff; standard; standardized; start; state; statistics; status; stay; stemi; step; strategies; stress; stroke; stroke patients; strong; structured; students; studies; study; study ed; study group; study period; study population; subjects; subsequent; substantial; success; successful; suicide; support; surgical; survey; survival; swine; symptoms; syncope; syndrome; system; systolic; table; target; targeted; task; tbi; teaching; team; techniques; telephone; temperature; tertiary; tertiary care; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; threshold; thrombolytic; time; time ed; time patients; time period; tissue; tool; total; total ed; total patients; toxicity; tracking; tracts; traditional; training; transfer; transfusion; transport; trauma patients; traumatic; treating; treatment; trend; triage; trial; troponin; type; u.s; ultrasound; unable; unclear; understanding; underwent; unique; university; unknown; urban; urban ed; urgent; use; useful; usual; utility; vacant; validated; validity; value; variability; variables; variation; varied; vascular; venom; venous; ventilation; ventricular; vessel; victims; video; violence; violent; vital; voice; volume; vs.; wait; washington; waveform; week; weight; white; wide; wilcoxon; withdrawal; women; work; wound; years; yield; young cache: cord-022633-fr55uod6.txt plain text: cord-022633-fr55uod6.txt item: #30 of 125 id: cord-023288-sqr33y72 author: None title: Paediatric SIG: Poster Session date: 2008-03-12 words: 30188 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions This is the first Australian study to identify alexithymia among asthma patients and investigate relationship to control as well as management and communication. Methods Cross sectional study of 25 moderate to severe asthma patients recruited from Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatients. keywords: 6mwd; ability; action; activity; acute; additional; adults; aeruginosa; age; aged; ahr; aim; airway; alexithymia; allergic; alternative; analysis; anti; apoptosis; area; artpah; asm; asm cells; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthma control; asthma patients; asthmatics; australia; azithromycin; background; bal; balb; baseline; best; biopsy; birth; blood; breathing; bronchial; bronchiectasis; cancer; capacity; care; cases; cat; cause; cells; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; childhood; children; chronic; clearance; clinical; cohort; collagen; combination; combined; common; complete; conclusions; control; copd; copd patients; correlation; corticosteroids; cough; cpap; current; current asthma; cytokines; data; days; dcs; department; development; diagnosis; diaries; difference; disease; donors; dose; early; ebc; effect; elisa; emphysema; epithelial; events; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; factors; family; fat; features; female; fev1; fibronectin; fibrosis; findings; flow; fold; follow; fot; frequency; function; gene; general; gord; gp130; gps; granzyme; group; growth; health; hfd; high; higher; history; hospital; hrct; human; hypertension; ige; il-6; il-8; immune; impact; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; index; individuals; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; inhaled; initial; interstitial; intervention; introduction; isolated; large; length; levels; life; likely; long; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung function; major; male; management; mannitol; markers; mean; measured; mechanism; median; medical; medication; mesothelin; methods; mice; model; monocyte; months; morbidity; morning; mrna; muscle; n =; nhmrc; nod; non; normal; nsw; number; obstructive; osa; outcomes; p =; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; peak; people; period; persistent; phagocytic; pleural; pm10; poor; population; positive; post; potential; practice; predictors; pregnancy; presence; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problems; process; production; program; protein; pulmonary; quality; questionnaire; randomized; range; rate; recent; receptor; recruitment; recurrent; reduced; relationship; release; remodelling; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; reversibility; review; right; risk; role; samples; scid; score; screening; second; secondary; sem; sensitivity; sensitization; serum; severe; severity; significant; similar; single; sleep; smokers; smoking; smooth; specific; spirometry; sputum; stage; standard; stimulated; studies; study; subjects; support; surgery; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; th1; therapy; tidal; time; tissue; total; training; treatment; trend; trials; tuberculosis; tumour; tumstatin; underwent; unknown; use; ventilation; viral; vitro; volume; weeks; wheeze; wks; women; years; yrs cache: cord-023288-sqr33y72.txt plain text: cord-023288-sqr33y72.txt item: #31 of 125 id: cord-023298-ysur3sjq author: None title: Respiratory Nurses SIG: Poster Session date: 2011-03-21 words: 32066 flesch: 52 summary: Results mRNA stability studies indicated that B 1 R SV was ≈35% less stable than the WT transcript in H2126 cells suggesting a stabilizing element 5'UTR. Lower fi bre intake in asthmatic subjects (n = 124) was associated with lower %predicted FEV 1 (r = 0.41, p = 0.004), %FVC (r = 0.43, p = 0.015) and FEV 1 /FVC keywords: 0.001; 1,2; 6mwd; action; activation; activity; acute; admission; adrβ2; adult; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agents; aim; aims; airway; allergen; ammation; ammatory; analysis; appropriate; area; asm; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthmatic; audit; australia; available; average; background; bacterial; bal; baseline; blood; bmi; body; bos; bpd; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; brosis; cancer; capsule; care; cases; cause; cells; centre; cessation; challenge; changes; chest; children; chronic; clinical; cohort; colistin; common; community; compliance; complications; conclusions; confl; control; copd; cord; cough; cpap; crp; culture; current; cxr; cystic; cytokines; daily; data; days; defi; delivery; demographic; density; department; detection; determined; diagnosis; difference; disease; dlco; dose; drainage; drug; duration; dysfunction; dyspnoea; early; ecm; eczema; education; effective; effects; effi; effusions; emergency; emphysema; episodes; epithelial; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; extent; factors; failure; females; fev; follow; foundation; frequency; function; gene; gord; greater; group; h1n1; health; higher; hospital; hours; hrv; human; icc; ict; identifi; iii; immune; impact; important; improved; incidence; increased; index; indigenous; individuals; induced; infection; infl; information; inhaled; initial; insertion; interest; intervention; introduction; invasive; ipaq; isolated; january; key; large; latency; layer; length; levels; life; likely; limited; long; lower; lung; lymphocytes; major; male; management; mean; mechanisms; median; medical; methods; mice; model; monocytes; months; morbidity; mouse; movement; mrna; muscle; n =; narrowing; nasal; ndings; ned; negative; neutrophilic; new; nhmrc; nil; niv; non; normal; novel; number; osa; outcomes; overall; oxygen; p =; pandemic; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; period; peripheral; pge2; pleural; pneumonia; pneumothoraces; pneumothorax; population; positive; post; potential; presence; presentation; pressure; preterm; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; procedures; program; proportion; protein; pulmonary; qol; quality; quantifi; questionnaire; r =; randomized; range; rate; receptor; reduced; reduction; refl; rehabilitation; relationship; release; research; resection; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; review; risk; role; rrs; rst; samples; scores; self; service; severe; severity; sex; signifi; similar; single; sleep; small; smoking; specifi; specimens; spirometry; sputum; stable; standard; status; stay; stimulation; studies; study; subjects; support; surface; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; therapy; time; tissue; tlr2; total; training; transfer; transplant; treatment; tsc2; tuberculosis; type; uence; uenza; uid; ultrasound; underwent; upper; use; variation; ventilation; viral; vocal; volume; weeks; wheeze; years; young cache: cord-023298-ysur3sjq.txt plain text: cord-023298-ysur3sjq.txt item: #32 of 125 id: cord-023302-p9pxz44a author: None title: Cystic Fibrosis SIG: Poster Session date: 2011-03-21 words: 32066 flesch: 52 summary: Results mRNA stability studies indicated that B 1 R SV was ≈35% less stable than the WT transcript in H2126 cells suggesting a stabilizing element 5'UTR. Lower fi bre intake in asthmatic subjects (n = 124) was associated with lower %predicted FEV 1 (r = 0.41, p = 0.004), %FVC (r = 0.43, p = 0.015) and FEV 1 /FVC keywords: 0.001; 1,2; 6mwd; action; activation; activity; acute; admission; adrβ2; adult; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agents; aim; aims; airway; allergen; ammation; ammatory; analysis; appropriate; area; asm; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthmatic; audit; australia; available; average; background; bacterial; bal; baseline; blood; bmi; body; bos; bpd; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; brosis; cancer; capsule; care; cases; cause; cells; centre; cessation; challenge; changes; chest; children; chronic; clinical; cohort; colistin; common; community; compliance; complications; conclusions; confl; control; copd; cord; cough; cpap; crp; culture; current; cxr; cystic; cytokines; daily; data; days; defi; delivery; demographic; density; department; detection; determined; diagnosis; difference; disease; dlco; dose; drainage; drug; duration; dysfunction; dyspnoea; early; ecm; eczema; education; effective; effects; effi; effusions; emergency; emphysema; episodes; epithelial; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; extent; factors; failure; females; fev; follow; foundation; frequency; function; gene; gord; greater; group; h1n1; health; higher; hospital; hours; hrv; human; icc; ict; identifi; iii; immune; impact; important; improved; incidence; increased; index; indigenous; individuals; induced; infection; infl; information; inhaled; initial; insertion; interest; intervention; introduction; invasive; ipaq; isolated; january; key; large; latency; layer; length; levels; life; likely; limited; long; lower; lung; lymphocytes; major; male; management; mean; mechanisms; median; medical; methods; mice; model; monocytes; months; morbidity; mouse; movement; mrna; muscle; n =; narrowing; nasal; ndings; ned; negative; neutrophilic; new; nhmrc; nil; niv; non; normal; novel; number; osa; outcomes; overall; oxygen; p =; pandemic; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; period; peripheral; pge2; pleural; pneumonia; pneumothoraces; pneumothorax; population; positive; post; potential; presence; presentation; pressure; preterm; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; procedures; program; proportion; protein; pulmonary; qol; quality; quantifi; questionnaire; r =; randomized; range; rate; receptor; reduced; reduction; refl; rehabilitation; relationship; release; research; resection; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; review; risk; role; rrs; rst; samples; scores; self; service; severe; severity; sex; signifi; similar; single; sleep; small; smoking; specifi; specimens; spirometry; sputum; stable; standard; status; stay; stimulation; studies; study; subjects; support; surface; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; therapy; time; tissue; tlr2; total; training; transfer; transplant; treatment; tsc2; tuberculosis; type; uence; uenza; uid; ultrasound; underwent; upper; use; variation; ventilation; viral; vocal; volume; weeks; wheeze; years; young cache: cord-023302-p9pxz44a.txt plain text: cord-023302-p9pxz44a.txt item: #33 of 125 id: cord-023303-fxus38mp author: None title: Lung Cancer/Bronchology SIGs: Combined Poster Session date: 2008-03-12 words: 30191 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions This is the first Australian study to identify alexithymia among asthma patients and investigate relationship to control as well as management and communication. Methods Cross sectional study of 25 moderate to severe asthma patients recruited from Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatients. keywords: 6mwd; ability; action; activity; acute; additional; adults; aeruginosa; age; aged; ahr; aim; airway; alexithymia; allergic; alternative; analysis; anti; apoptosis; area; artpah; asm; asm cells; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthma control; asthma patients; asthmatics; australia; azithromycin; background; bal; balb; baseline; best; biopsy; birth; blood; breathing; bronchial; bronchiectasis; cancer; capacity; care; cases; cat; cause; cells; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; childhood; children; chronic; clearance; clinical; cohort; collagen; combination; combined; common; complete; conclusions; control; copd; copd patients; correlation; corticosteroids; cough; cpap; current; current asthma; cytokines; data; days; dcs; department; development; diagnosis; diaries; difference; disease; donors; dose; early; ebc; effect; elisa; emphysema; epithelial; events; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; factors; family; fat; features; female; fev1; fibronectin; fibrosis; findings; flow; fold; follow; fot; frequency; function; gene; general; gord; gp130; gps; granzyme; group; growth; health; hfd; high; higher; history; hospital; hrct; human; hypertension; ige; il-6; il-8; immune; impact; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; index; individuals; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; inhaled; initial; interstitial; intervention; introduction; isolated; large; length; levels; life; likely; long; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung function; major; male; management; mannitol; markers; mean; measured; mechanism; median; medical; medication; mesothelin; methods; mice; model; monocyte; months; morbidity; morning; mrna; muscle; n =; nhmrc; nod; non; normal; nsw; number; obstructive; osa; outcomes; p =; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; peak; people; period; persistent; phagocytic; pleural; pm10; poor; population; positive; post; potential; practice; predictors; pregnancy; presence; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problems; process; production; program; protein; pulmonary; quality; questionnaire; randomized; range; rate; recent; receptor; recruitment; recurrent; reduced; relationship; release; remodelling; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; reversibility; review; right; risk; role; samples; scid; score; screening; second; secondary; sem; sensitivity; sensitization; serum; severe; severity; significant; similar; single; sleep; smokers; smoking; smooth; specific; spirometry; sputum; stage; standard; stimulated; studies; study; subjects; support; surgery; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; th1; therapy; tidal; time; tissue; total; training; treatment; trend; trials; tuberculosis; tumour; tumstatin; underwent; unknown; use; ventilation; viral; vitro; volume; weeks; wheeze; wks; women; years; yrs cache: cord-023303-fxus38mp.txt plain text: cord-023303-fxus38mp.txt item: #34 of 125 id: cord-023305-5lb9kho6 author: None title: Oliv SIG: Poster Session date: 2011-03-21 words: 32065 flesch: 52 summary: Results mRNA stability studies indicated that B 1 R SV was ≈35% less stable than the WT transcript in H2126 cells suggesting a stabilizing element 5'UTR. Lower fi bre intake in asthmatic subjects (n = 124) was associated with lower %predicted FEV 1 (r = 0.41, p = 0.004), %FVC (r = 0.43, p = 0.015) and FEV 1 /FVC keywords: 0.001; 1,2; 6mwd; action; activation; activity; acute; admission; adrβ2; adult; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agents; aim; aims; airway; allergen; ammation; ammatory; analysis; appropriate; area; asm; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthmatic; audit; australia; available; average; background; bacterial; bal; baseline; blood; bmi; body; bos; bpd; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; brosis; cancer; capsule; care; cases; cause; cells; centre; cessation; challenge; changes; chest; children; chronic; clinical; cohort; colistin; common; community; compliance; complications; conclusions; confl; control; copd; cord; cough; cpap; crp; culture; current; cxr; cystic; cytokines; daily; data; days; defi; delivery; demographic; density; department; detection; determined; diagnosis; difference; disease; dlco; dose; drainage; drug; duration; dysfunction; dyspnoea; early; ecm; eczema; education; effective; effects; effi; effusions; emergency; emphysema; episodes; epithelial; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; extent; factors; failure; females; fev; follow; foundation; frequency; function; gene; gord; greater; group; h1n1; health; higher; hospital; hours; hrv; human; icc; ict; identifi; iii; immune; impact; important; improved; incidence; increased; index; indigenous; individuals; induced; infection; infl; information; inhaled; initial; insertion; interest; intervention; introduction; invasive; ipaq; isolated; january; key; large; latency; layer; length; levels; life; likely; limited; long; lower; lung; lymphocytes; major; male; management; mean; mechanisms; median; medical; methods; mice; model; monocytes; months; morbidity; mouse; movement; mrna; muscle; n =; narrowing; nasal; ndings; ned; negative; neutrophilic; new; nhmrc; nil; niv; non; normal; novel; number; osa; outcomes; overall; oxygen; p =; pandemic; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; period; peripheral; pge2; pleural; pneumonia; pneumothoraces; pneumothorax; population; positive; post; potential; presence; presentation; pressure; preterm; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; procedures; program; proportion; protein; pulmonary; qol; quality; quantifi; questionnaire; r =; randomized; range; rate; receptor; reduced; reduction; refl; rehabilitation; relationship; release; research; resection; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; review; risk; role; rrs; rst; samples; scores; self; service; severe; severity; sex; signifi; similar; single; sleep; small; smoking; specifi; specimens; spirometry; sputum; stable; standard; status; stay; stimulation; studies; study; subjects; support; surface; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; therapy; time; tissue; tlr2; total; training; transfer; transplant; treatment; tsc2; tuberculosis; type; uence; uenza; uid; ultrasound; underwent; upper; use; variation; ventilation; viral; vocal; volume; weeks; wheeze; years; young cache: cord-023305-5lb9kho6.txt plain text: cord-023305-5lb9kho6.txt item: #35 of 125 id: cord-023306-3gdfo6vd author: None title: TSANZ Oral Abstracts date: 2010-03-01 words: 23408 flesch: 50 summary: This prospective study confirms the risk status assigned by the LCSS with 41 (6%) vs. 11 (2%) lung cancers over the 5 year follow up (OR = 2.6 (%% CI 1.3-5.4, p = 0.005).The performance characteristics of the LCSS reported here, confirm its utility, in correctly identifying smokers at greatest lung cancer risk. In the Indigenous Australian setting the SGRQ total score was independently associated with exacerbation frequency and lung function (% predicted FEV1) whilst the symptom score was associated more strongly with AE frequency and activity score with lung function. keywords: 6mwd; activity; adherence; adult; age; aged; ahr; aim; aims; airway; alri; analysis; anti; aoct; asbestos; assessment; associated; asthma; asthmatics; atopic; australia; background; bal; baseline; benefit; birth; blood; bos; bronchiectasis; cancer; capacity; care; cases; cdad; cells; centres; cf patients; challenge; changes; chest; childhood; children; chronic; clinical; clonal; cohort; collagen; common; community; conclusion; conflict; control; copd; cough; cse; ctpa; culture; current; cystic; cytokine; daily; data; days; decreased; deficiency; department; determined; development; diagnosis; difference; disease; distensibility; dose; dyspnea; early; effect; electronic; emphysema; epithelial; eradication; evidence; exercise; exposure; expression; factor; family; feno; fev; fev1; fibrosis; findings; following; frequency; function; fvc; gag; gene; gp130; gps; group; growth; gsh; healthy; high; higher; history; hmc-1a; hospital; hours; human; ifn; iga; ige; igg; il-17a; il-6; immune; impaired; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; inhaled; interest; intervention; introduction; levels; life; local; low; lower; lung; lung function; macrophage; major; management; markers; massive; maternal; mbl; mean; measures; median; medical; medication; mesothelioma; methods; mice; minute; model; monitoring; months; mortality; mrna; n =; new; nhmrc; nil; nomination; non; normal; nox2; number; obstructive; outcomes; oxygen; pal; paracetamol; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; peak; people; period; plasma; poor; positive; post; potential; predictors; pregnancy; pregnant; preterm; prevalence; primary; prior; production; program; proliferation; prospective; protein; pulmonary; quality; questionnaire; ra+; randomised; range; reduced; reflex; regulation; rehabilitation; release; repair; respiratory; response; results; review; risk; role; samples; scans; score; screening; sec; severe; significant; similar; small; smokers; smoking; smr; spacer; specific; spirometry; sputum; stage; status; strains; studies; study; subjects; support; swallow; symptoms; technique; term; test; tgfb; time; tissue; total; transplant; transplantation; trapping; treatment; type; use; useful; ventilation; viruses; volume; walk; weight; women; years; young cache: cord-023306-3gdfo6vd.txt plain text: cord-023306-3gdfo6vd.txt item: #36 of 125 id: cord-023308-af5nihyi author: None title: COPD SIG: Poster Session 2 date: 2008-03-12 words: 30189 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions This is the first Australian study to identify alexithymia among asthma patients and investigate relationship to control as well as management and communication. Methods Cross sectional study of 25 moderate to severe asthma patients recruited from Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatients. keywords: 6mwd; ability; action; activity; acute; additional; adults; aeruginosa; age; aged; ahr; aim; airway; alexithymia; allergic; alternative; analysis; anti; apoptosis; area; artpah; asm; asm cells; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthma control; asthma patients; asthmatics; australia; azithromycin; background; bal; balb; baseline; best; biopsy; birth; blood; breathing; bronchial; bronchiectasis; cancer; capacity; care; cases; cat; cause; cells; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; childhood; children; chronic; clearance; clinical; cohort; collagen; combination; combined; common; complete; conclusions; control; copd; copd patients; correlation; corticosteroids; cough; cpap; current; current asthma; cytokines; data; days; dcs; department; development; diagnosis; diaries; difference; disease; donors; dose; early; ebc; effect; elisa; emphysema; epithelial; events; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; factors; family; fat; features; female; fev1; fibronectin; fibrosis; findings; flow; fold; follow; fot; frequency; function; gene; general; gord; gp130; gps; granzyme; group; growth; health; hfd; high; higher; history; hospital; hrct; human; hypertension; ige; il-6; il-8; immune; impact; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; index; individuals; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; inhaled; initial; interstitial; intervention; introduction; isolated; large; length; levels; life; likely; long; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung function; major; male; management; mannitol; markers; mean; measured; mechanism; median; medical; medication; mesothelin; methods; mice; model; monocyte; months; morbidity; morning; mrna; muscle; n =; nhmrc; nod; non; normal; nsw; number; obstructive; osa; outcomes; p =; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; peak; people; period; persistent; phagocytic; pleural; pm10; poor; population; positive; post; potential; practice; predictors; pregnancy; presence; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problems; process; production; program; protein; pulmonary; quality; questionnaire; randomized; range; rate; recent; receptor; recruitment; recurrent; reduced; relationship; release; remodelling; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; reversibility; review; right; risk; role; samples; scid; score; screening; second; secondary; sem; sensitivity; sensitization; serum; severe; severity; significant; similar; single; sleep; smokers; smoking; smooth; specific; spirometry; sputum; stage; standard; stimulated; studies; study; subjects; support; surgery; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; th1; therapy; tidal; time; tissue; total; training; treatment; trend; trials; tuberculosis; tumour; tumstatin; underwent; unknown; use; ventilation; viral; vitro; volume; weeks; wheeze; wks; women; years; yrs cache: cord-023308-af5nihyi.txt plain text: cord-023308-af5nihyi.txt item: #37 of 125 id: cord-023311-7wqdlha4 author: None title: Oral Session date: 2010-11-24 words: 17283 flesch: 47 summary: Conclusion Depression and anxiety were also found in lung cancer patients and need further evaluation and attention from clinician. Methods Patients with medically inoperable or unresectable single nodule NSCLC underwent treatments, in 3 different centers of Bangladesh. keywords: 0.001; active; acute; administration; adult; age; aged; airway; allergic; ammation; analysis; arsenic; asmc; association; asthma; asthmatics; average; bacterial; bangladesh; beroptic; blood; breathing; bronchial; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; brosis; bubbles; cancer; cap; care; cases; cell; chest; children; chronic; ciclesonide; city; classifi; clinical; common; community; complications; conclusion; confi; congenital; contacts; control; copd; copd patients; correlation; cpfe; cpg; criteria; culture; cvb; data; day; days; death; defi; development; diagnosis; difference; disease; disorder; drug; duration; effective; emphysema; emt; epithelial; evaluation; exacerbation; exercise; expression; factors; female; frequency; function; gauge; greater; group; gvpla2; hap; heart; high; higher; hospital; human; icu; identifi; important; index; induction; infection; infl; inhalation; initial; insomnia; introduction; january; left; lesions; levels; local; lower; lung; major; male; malignancy; management; mass; mean; median; medical; methods; mice; model; mometasone; months; mortality; muscle; myostatin; ndings; ned; needle; negative; non; normal; number; obstructive; odds; open; outcome; overall; p =; patients; people; perception; pleurodesis; pneumonia; positive; post; present; prevalence; primary; protocol; pulmonary; questionnaire; range; rate; ratio; refl; regression; resistance; respiratory; results; rfa; rhinitis; risk; role; sample; score; sensitivity; serum; severe; severity; signifi; similar; size; skin; sleep; small; smear; snoring; sod; specifi; specimens; sputum; status; stay; studies; study; subjects; surgery; survival; symptoms; systemic; test; therapy; tissue; total; treatment; tuberculosis; tumor; underwent; use; value; virtual; years cache: cord-023311-7wqdlha4.txt plain text: cord-023311-7wqdlha4.txt item: #38 of 125 id: cord-023314-rwjxk8v4 author: None title: Asthma & Allergy SIG: Poster Session 1 date: 2011-03-21 words: 32067 flesch: 52 summary: Results mRNA stability studies indicated that B 1 R SV was ≈35% less stable than the WT transcript in H2126 cells suggesting a stabilizing element 5'UTR. Lower fi bre intake in asthmatic subjects (n = 124) was associated with lower %predicted FEV 1 (r = 0.41, p = 0.004), %FVC (r = 0.43, p = 0.015) and FEV 1 /FVC keywords: 0.001; 1,2; 6mwd; action; activation; activity; acute; admission; adrβ2; adult; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agents; aim; aims; airway; allergen; ammation; ammatory; analysis; appropriate; area; asm; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthmatic; audit; australia; available; average; background; bacterial; bal; baseline; blood; bmi; body; bos; bpd; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; brosis; cancer; capsule; care; cases; cause; cells; centre; cessation; challenge; changes; chest; children; chronic; clinical; cohort; colistin; common; community; compliance; complications; conclusions; confl; control; copd; cord; cough; cpap; crp; culture; current; cxr; cystic; cytokines; daily; data; days; defi; delivery; demographic; density; department; detection; determined; diagnosis; difference; disease; dlco; dose; drainage; drug; duration; dysfunction; dyspnoea; early; ecm; eczema; education; effective; effects; effi; effusions; emergency; emphysema; episodes; epithelial; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; extent; factors; failure; females; fev; follow; foundation; frequency; function; gene; gord; greater; group; h1n1; health; higher; hospital; hours; hrv; human; icc; ict; identifi; iii; immune; impact; important; improved; incidence; increased; index; indigenous; individuals; induced; infection; infl; information; inhaled; initial; insertion; interest; intervention; introduction; invasive; ipaq; isolated; january; key; large; latency; layer; length; levels; life; likely; limited; long; lower; lung; lymphocytes; major; male; management; mean; mechanisms; median; medical; methods; mice; model; monocytes; months; morbidity; mouse; movement; mrna; muscle; n =; narrowing; nasal; ndings; ned; negative; neutrophilic; new; nhmrc; nil; niv; non; normal; novel; number; osa; outcomes; overall; oxygen; p =; pandemic; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; period; peripheral; pge2; pleural; pneumonia; pneumothoraces; pneumothorax; population; positive; post; potential; presence; presentation; pressure; preterm; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; procedures; program; proportion; protein; pulmonary; qol; quality; quantifi; questionnaire; r =; randomized; range; rate; receptor; reduced; reduction; refl; rehabilitation; relationship; release; research; resection; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; review; risk; role; rrs; rst; samples; scores; self; service; severe; severity; sex; signifi; similar; single; sleep; small; smoking; specifi; specimens; spirometry; sputum; stable; standard; status; stay; stimulation; studies; study; subjects; support; surface; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; therapy; time; tissue; tlr2; total; training; transfer; transplant; treatment; tsc2; tuberculosis; type; uence; uenza; uid; ultrasound; underwent; upper; use; variation; ventilation; viral; vocal; volume; weeks; wheeze; years; young cache: cord-023314-rwjxk8v4.txt plain text: cord-023314-rwjxk8v4.txt item: #39 of 125 id: cord-023331-jrvmgnu3 author: None title: Asthma & Allergy SIG: Poster Session 3. Physiology, Environment, Investigation and Management date: 2008-03-12 words: 30195 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions This is the first Australian study to identify alexithymia among asthma patients and investigate relationship to control as well as management and communication. Methods Cross sectional study of 25 moderate to severe asthma patients recruited from Royal Adelaide Hospital Outpatients. keywords: 6mwd; ability; action; activity; acute; additional; adults; aeruginosa; age; aged; ahr; aim; airway; alexithymia; allergic; alternative; analysis; anti; apoptosis; area; artpah; asm; asm cells; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthma control; asthma patients; asthmatics; australia; azithromycin; background; bal; balb; baseline; best; biopsy; birth; blood; breathing; bronchial; bronchiectasis; cancer; capacity; care; cases; cat; cause; cells; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; childhood; children; chronic; clearance; clinical; cohort; collagen; combination; combined; common; complete; conclusions; control; copd; copd patients; correlation; corticosteroids; cough; cpap; current; current asthma; cytokines; data; days; dcs; department; development; diagnosis; diaries; difference; disease; donors; dose; early; ebc; effect; elisa; emphysema; epithelial; events; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; factors; family; fat; features; female; fev1; fibronectin; fibrosis; findings; flow; fold; follow; fot; frequency; function; gene; general; gord; gp130; gps; granzyme; group; growth; health; hfd; high; higher; history; hospital; hrct; human; hypertension; ige; il-6; il-8; immune; impact; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; index; individuals; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; inhaled; initial; interstitial; intervention; introduction; isolated; large; length; levels; life; likely; long; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung function; major; male; management; mannitol; markers; mean; measured; mechanism; median; medical; medication; mesothelin; methods; mice; model; monocyte; months; morbidity; morning; mrna; muscle; n =; nhmrc; nod; non; normal; nsw; number; obstructive; osa; outcomes; p =; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; peak; people; period; persistent; phagocytic; pleural; pm10; poor; population; positive; post; potential; practice; predictors; pregnancy; presence; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problems; process; production; program; protein; pulmonary; quality; questionnaire; randomized; range; rate; recent; receptor; recruitment; recurrent; reduced; relationship; release; remodelling; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; reversibility; review; right; risk; role; samples; scid; score; screening; second; secondary; sem; sensitivity; sensitization; serum; severe; severity; significant; similar; single; sleep; smokers; smoking; smooth; specific; spirometry; sputum; stage; standard; stimulated; studies; study; subjects; support; surgery; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; th1; therapy; tidal; time; tissue; total; training; treatment; trend; trials; tuberculosis; tumour; tumstatin; underwent; unknown; use; ventilation; viral; vitro; volume; weeks; wheeze; wks; women; years; yrs cache: cord-023331-jrvmgnu3.txt plain text: cord-023331-jrvmgnu3.txt item: #40 of 125 id: cord-023333-b7w9zrl6 author: None title: Oeld/Population Health SIG: Poster Session date: 2011-03-21 words: 32067 flesch: 52 summary: Results mRNA stability studies indicated that B 1 R SV was ≈35% less stable than the WT transcript in H2126 cells suggesting a stabilizing element 5'UTR. Lower fi bre intake in asthmatic subjects (n = 124) was associated with lower %predicted FEV 1 (r = 0.41, p = 0.004), %FVC (r = 0.43, p = 0.015) and FEV 1 /FVC keywords: 0.001; 1,2; 6mwd; action; activation; activity; acute; admission; adrβ2; adult; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agents; aim; aims; airway; allergen; ammation; ammatory; analysis; appropriate; area; asm; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthmatic; audit; australia; available; average; background; bacterial; bal; baseline; blood; bmi; body; bos; bpd; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; brosis; cancer; capsule; care; cases; cause; cells; centre; cessation; challenge; changes; chest; children; chronic; clinical; cohort; colistin; common; community; compliance; complications; conclusions; confl; control; copd; cord; cough; cpap; crp; culture; current; cxr; cystic; cytokines; daily; data; days; defi; delivery; demographic; density; department; detection; determined; diagnosis; difference; disease; dlco; dose; drainage; drug; duration; dysfunction; dyspnoea; early; ecm; eczema; education; effective; effects; effi; effusions; emergency; emphysema; episodes; epithelial; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; extent; factors; failure; females; fev; follow; foundation; frequency; function; gene; gord; greater; group; h1n1; health; higher; hospital; hours; hrv; human; icc; ict; identifi; iii; immune; impact; important; improved; incidence; increased; index; indigenous; individuals; induced; infection; infl; information; inhaled; initial; insertion; interest; intervention; introduction; invasive; ipaq; isolated; january; key; large; latency; layer; length; levels; life; likely; limited; long; lower; lung; lymphocytes; major; male; management; mean; mechanisms; median; medical; methods; mice; model; monocytes; months; morbidity; mouse; movement; mrna; muscle; n =; narrowing; nasal; ndings; ned; negative; neutrophilic; new; nhmrc; nil; niv; non; normal; novel; number; osa; outcomes; overall; oxygen; p =; pandemic; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; period; peripheral; pge2; pleural; pneumonia; pneumothoraces; pneumothorax; population; positive; post; potential; presence; presentation; pressure; preterm; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; procedures; program; proportion; protein; pulmonary; qol; quality; quantifi; questionnaire; r =; randomized; range; rate; receptor; reduced; reduction; refl; rehabilitation; relationship; release; research; resection; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; review; risk; role; rrs; rst; samples; scores; self; service; severe; severity; sex; signifi; similar; single; sleep; small; smoking; specifi; specimens; spirometry; sputum; stable; standard; status; stay; stimulation; studies; study; subjects; support; surface; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; therapy; time; tissue; tlr2; total; training; transfer; transplant; treatment; tsc2; tuberculosis; type; uence; uenza; uid; ultrasound; underwent; upper; use; variation; ventilation; viral; vocal; volume; weeks; wheeze; years; young cache: cord-023333-b7w9zrl6.txt plain text: cord-023333-b7w9zrl6.txt item: #41 of 125 id: cord-023343-y17z9w2x author: None title: COPD SIG: Poster Session 1 date: 2011-03-21 words: 32066 flesch: 52 summary: Results mRNA stability studies indicated that B 1 R SV was ≈35% less stable than the WT transcript in H2126 cells suggesting a stabilizing element 5'UTR. Lower fi bre intake in asthmatic subjects (n = 124) was associated with lower %predicted FEV 1 (r = 0.41, p = 0.004), %FVC (r = 0.43, p = 0.015) and FEV 1 /FVC keywords: 0.001; 1,2; 6mwd; action; activation; activity; acute; admission; adrβ2; adult; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agents; aim; aims; airway; allergen; ammation; ammatory; analysis; appropriate; area; asm; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthmatic; audit; australia; available; average; background; bacterial; bal; baseline; blood; bmi; body; bos; bpd; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; brosis; cancer; capsule; care; cases; cause; cells; centre; cessation; challenge; changes; chest; children; chronic; clinical; cohort; colistin; common; community; compliance; complications; conclusions; confl; control; copd; cord; cough; cpap; crp; culture; current; cxr; cystic; cytokines; daily; data; days; defi; delivery; demographic; density; department; detection; determined; diagnosis; difference; disease; dlco; dose; drainage; drug; duration; dysfunction; dyspnoea; early; ecm; eczema; education; effective; effects; effi; effusions; emergency; emphysema; episodes; epithelial; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exposure; expression; extent; factors; failure; females; fev; follow; foundation; frequency; function; gene; gord; greater; group; h1n1; health; higher; hospital; hours; hrv; human; icc; ict; identifi; iii; immune; impact; important; improved; incidence; increased; index; indigenous; individuals; induced; infection; infl; information; inhaled; initial; insertion; interest; intervention; introduction; invasive; ipaq; isolated; january; key; large; latency; layer; length; levels; life; likely; limited; long; lower; lung; lymphocytes; major; male; management; mean; mechanisms; median; medical; methods; mice; model; monocytes; months; morbidity; mouse; movement; mrna; muscle; n =; narrowing; nasal; ndings; ned; negative; neutrophilic; new; nhmrc; nil; niv; non; normal; novel; number; osa; outcomes; overall; oxygen; p =; pandemic; parameters; participants; pathway; patients; pcr; period; peripheral; pge2; pleural; pneumonia; pneumothoraces; pneumothorax; population; positive; post; potential; presence; presentation; pressure; preterm; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; procedures; program; proportion; protein; pulmonary; qol; quality; quantifi; questionnaire; r =; randomized; range; rate; receptor; reduced; reduction; refl; rehabilitation; relationship; release; research; resection; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; review; risk; role; rrs; rst; samples; scores; self; service; severe; severity; sex; signifi; similar; single; sleep; small; smoking; specifi; specimens; spirometry; sputum; stable; standard; status; stay; stimulation; studies; study; subjects; support; surface; symptoms; system; technique; test; testing; therapy; time; tissue; tlr2; total; training; transfer; transplant; treatment; tsc2; tuberculosis; type; uence; uenza; uid; ultrasound; underwent; upper; use; variation; ventilation; viral; vocal; volume; weeks; wheeze; years; young cache: cord-023343-y17z9w2x.txt plain text: cord-023343-y17z9w2x.txt item: #42 of 125 id: cord-027721-hpzs6fvf author: Mcheick, Hamid title: Context-Aware Healthcare Adaptation Model for COPD Diseases date: 2020-05-31 words: 2828 flesch: 41 summary: In software systems, context awareness notion is mostly coupled with selfadaptation capability otherwise, there is no point in collecting contextual data. IBM Syst A survey on engineering approaches for self-adaptive systems An architecture-based approach to self-adaptive software Rainbow: cost-effective software architecture-based self-adaptation Comparison of approaches for developing self-adaptive systems MetaSelf -an architecture and a development method for dependable self-* systems CASA a contract-based adaptive software architecture framework Towards a generic context-aware framework for self-adaptation of service-oriented architectures CAreDroid: adaptation framework for android context-aware applications Getting to requirements: the W5H challenge Ontology-based model to support ubiquitous healthcare systems for COPD patients A survey on engineering approaches for self-adaptive systems 3PC: System support for adaptive peer-to-peer pervasive computing Composing adaptive software IBM: keywords: -the; activities; adaptation; adaptive; application; approach; architecture; aware; biometrics; changes; chronic; context; contextual; copd; data; different; disease; environmental; framework; global; healthcare; logic; monitoring; need; obstructive; patient; requirements; resources; responsible; rules; self; service; software; state; sub; system; telemonitoring; unit; user cache: cord-027721-hpzs6fvf.txt plain text: cord-027721-hpzs6fvf.txt item: #43 of 125 id: cord-028989-w50thois author: Figueira Gonçalves, Juan Marco title: Clinical challenges in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients who suffered SARS-CoV-2 infection() date: 2020-07-10 words: 2008 flesch: 31 summary: A systemic review and meta-analysis Procoagulant activity during viral infections Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia Acute pulmonary embolism and COVID-19 pneumonia: a random association Prevalence of venous thromboembolism in patients with severe novel coronavirus pneumonia Analysis of Deaths During the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Epidemic in Singapore: Challenges in Determining a SARS Association of cardiac injury with mortality in hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China SARScoronavirus modulation of myocardial ACE2 expression and inflammation in patients with SARS The ACE2 expression in human heart indicates new potential mechanism of heart injury among patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 and the Heart Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study Cardiac involvement in a patient with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Altered lipid metabolism in recovered sars patients twelve years after infection Thin-section CT in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome following hospital discharge: Preliminary experience Long term outcomes in survivors of epidemic Influenza A (H7N9) virus infection 1-year pulmonary function and health status in survivors of severe acute respiratory syndrome Long-term bone and lung consequences associated with SARS Relation Between Chest CT Findings and Clinical Conditions of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Pneumonia: key: cord-028989-w50thois authors: Figueira Gonçalves, Juan Marco; Golpe, Rafael title: Clinical challenges in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in patients who suffered SARS-CoV-2 infection() date: 2020-07-10 journal: Med Clin (Engl Ed) DOI: 10.1016/j.medcle.2020.04.012 sha: doc_id: 28989 cord_uid: w50thois nan Ni el manuscrito ni parte de su contenido han sido publicados previamente por ninguno de los autores, ni están en consideración para su publicación en ninguna otra revista al momento de su presentación. keywords: acute; aspect; cardiac; cardiovascular; cases; changes; chronic; copd; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; date; development; disease; evidence; functional; heart; impact; infection; inflammation; long; lung; mechanisms; parameters; patients; pneumonia; pulmonary; radiological; respiratory; risk; sars; severe; study; term; thromboembolic; viral; years cache: cord-028989-w50thois.txt plain text: cord-028989-w50thois.txt item: #44 of 125 id: cord-030131-klhg7x8z author: Tan, Dingyu title: High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy versus non-invasive ventilation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients after extubation: a multicenter, randomized controlled trial date: 2020-08-06 words: 4589 flesch: 40 summary: Due to intolerance, drinking and eating, sputum clearance, communication, discomfort, or displacement of the NIV mask, NIV patients frequently remove their masks and significantly increase the nursing workload [28] . Ninety-six patients were randomly assigned to the HFNC group or NIV group. keywords: acute; airway; analysis; arterial; baseline; better; blood; cannula; care; chronic; comfort; copd; difference; disease; extubation; failure; flow; gas; group; hfnc; hfnc group; high; higher; hypercapnic; invasive; level; lower; nasal; niv; niv group; non; obstructive; oxygen; patients; pressure; pulmonary; randomized; rate; respiratory; respiratory failure; score; severe; significant; study; support; therapy; tolerance; treatment; trial; ventilation cache: cord-030131-klhg7x8z.txt plain text: cord-030131-klhg7x8z.txt item: #45 of 125 id: cord-031315-p7jb4gf2 author: Kong, Qing title: Efficacy and safety of Jia Wei Bushen Yiqi formulas as an adjunct therapy to systemic glucocorticoids on acute exacerbation of COPD: study protocol for a randomized, double-blinded, multi-center, placebo-controlled clinical trial date: 2020-09-03 words: 8386 flesch: 48 summary: Trial participants, care providers including attending physician and nurse, outcome assessors including PI and sub-PI, and data analysts will be blinded after the assignment of interventions. Plans for communicating important protocol amendments to relevant parties (e.g., trial participants, ethical committees) {25} Any modification to the protocol which may impact the conduct of the study and the potential benefit of the patients will be reported to ethic committee. keywords: acute; acute exacerbation; adjunct; adverse; analysis; assessment; axis; baseline; blinded; blood; case; center; changes; china; chinese; chronic; clinical; clinical trial; committee; copd; copd exacerbation; crf; daily; data; day; day prednisone; days; difference; disease; dose; double; drugs; duration; effects; efficacy; emergency; ethics; events; exacerbation; follow; formulas; function; glucocorticoids; granules; group; herbs; hospital; hospitalization; hpa; huashan; information; informed; investigators; jwby; kidney; laboratory; level; lung; management; medical; medication; medicine; new; number; obstructive; oral; outcomes; participants; patients; physician; placebo; prednisone; primary; protocol; pulmonary; randomized; report; research; respiratory; results; safety; samples; severe; short; site; standard; study; sub; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; table; tcm; term; therapy; time; traditional; treatment; trial; use; variables; visit cache: cord-031315-p7jb4gf2.txt plain text: cord-031315-p7jb4gf2.txt item: #46 of 125 id: cord-031558-8wysernx author: Michas, Marta title: Factors influencing the implementation and uptake of a discharge care bundle for patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a qualitative focus group study date: 2020-08-21 words: 6200 flesch: 37 summary: The aim of this study was to explore and understand factors influencing implementation and uptake of COPD discharge care bundle items in acute care facilities from the perspective of health care providers and patients. Health care providers and patients identified four factors that can challenge the implementation of COPD discharge care bundles: process of care complexities, human capacity in care settings, communication and engagement, and attitudes and perceptions towards change. keywords: acute; acute care; analysis; attitude; barriers; bundle; capacity; care; care bundle; care providers; change; chronic; clinical; common; communication; community; copd; copd discharge; data; diagnosis; discharge; discharge care; disease; engagement; evidence; facilitators; factors; family; focus; focus groups; groups; health; health care; hospital; human; implementation; important; issues; lack; level; management; obstructive; participants; patients; primary; primary health; process; processes; providers; pulmonary; qualitative; research; respiratory; results; settings; staff; study; support; system; thematic; themes; time; uptake; urban cache: cord-031558-8wysernx.txt plain text: cord-031558-8wysernx.txt item: #47 of 125 id: cord-032831-mupxzffk author: Diehl, J.-L. title: Physiological effects of adding ECCO(2)R to invasive mechanical ventilation for COPD exacerbations date: 2020-09-29 words: 5074 flesch: 44 summary: Only a small number of IMV COPD patients were studied under ECCO 2 R, with the aim to facilitate extubation [10] [11] key: cord-032831-mupxzffk authors: Diehl, J.-L.; Piquilloud, L.; Vimpere, D.; Aissaoui, N.; Guerot, E.; Augy, J. L.; Pierrot, M.; Hourton, D.; Arnoux, A.; Richard, C.; Mancebo, J.; Mercat, A. title: Physiological effects of adding ECCO(2)R to invasive mechanical ventilation for COPD exacerbations date: 2020-09-29 journal: Ann Intensive Care DOI: 10.1186/s13613-020-00743-y sha: doc_id: 32831 cord_uid: mupxzffk BACKGROUND: Extracorporeal CO(2) removal (ECCO(2)R) could be a valuable additional modality for invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) in COPD patients suffering from severe acute exacerbation (AE). keywords: acidosis; acute; additional; adjustment; arterial; blood; breathing; clinical; copd; course; day; decrease; disease; dynamic; early; ecco; ecco(2)r; effects; extracorporeal; failure; file; financial; flow; gas; group; higher; hyperinflation; imv; inclusion; initiation; lung; measurements; mechanical; median; min; native; non; obstructive; paco; parameters; patients; peepi; pressure; process; pulmonary; removal; respiratory; results; severe; study; support; time; value; vco; ventilation; weaning; wob; work cache: cord-032831-mupxzffk.txt plain text: cord-032831-mupxzffk.txt item: #48 of 125 id: cord-033561-kc0mi20z author: Hausen, Thomas title: Atemwege und Lunge date: 2020-10-09 words: 2617 flesch: 39 summary: Eher nein Häufig Nein Broncholysetest Positiv Negativ Hyperreaktivität +++ Ø-leicht Hoch Niedrig • KK, alte, behinderte Pat. u. anderweitig in der Bedienung des DA einge- Arbeit ist empfehlenswert, an jedem Arbeitsplatz Sammlung von Demo-Geräten zu deponieren u. mit wenigen Geräten zu beginnen (Erfahrung sammeln). keywords: adipositas; akute; aller; als; alveoläre; antikoagulation; art; asthma; atemmuskulatur; atemwege; auch; aus; ausschluss; bakt; behandlung; bei; bekannt; belastung; bes; bis; bisher; blut; bronchiektasen; bronchitis; cave; chemother; chron; copd; cor; definition; der; des; druck; durch; dyspnoe; evtl; faktoren; für; ggf; herzinsuff; immer; ind; index; ist; kardiale; keine; komb; können; körperl; labor; lebensqualität; leitlinie; lungenerkr; meist; mind; mit; mmhg; mortalität; möglich; nach; nicht; nur; nutzen; oberen; obstruktion; oft; ohne; pat; pneumonie; polyglobulie; pos; prim; prognose; pulmonale; resektion; rezid; risiko; schmerzen; sehr; selten; sicher; sind; sondern; stadium; tbc; ther; therapie; thorax; tonsillenhyperplasie; trocken; tumor; und; unter; verlauf; von; wenn; werden; zur; über cache: cord-033561-kc0mi20z.txt plain text: cord-033561-kc0mi20z.txt item: #49 of 125 id: cord-034294-ti1cc24m author: Wang, Cuixue title: Progress in the mechanism and targeted drug therapy for COPD date: 2020-10-27 words: 16542 flesch: 29 summary: COPD patients suffer from oxidative stress caused by the inhalation of cigarette smoke (CS) or harmful substances which causes an accumulation of pulmonary inflammatory cells (neutrophils, macrophages), leading to large numbers of reactive oxygen species (ROS). 221 Clinically, they are used for long-term treatment of chronic inflammatory lung diseases such as COPD. keywords: activation; activity; acute; addition; adenosine; adhesion; agonists; airflow; airway; airway inflammation; akt; alveolar; analysis; animal; anti; antioxidant; apoptosis; asthma; balance; bambi; beta; binding; blood; bosentan; bronchial; camp; cause; cells; cellular; chemokines; chronic; chronic obstructive; cigarette; clinical; control; copd; copd patients; cytokines; damage; dependent; development; different; disease; drugs; effective; effects; egfr; elastase; emphysema; endothelial; epithelial; epithelial cells; essential; exacerbations; expression; extracellular; factor; family; fibrosis; fig; function; glucocorticoid; growth; high; human; hypertension; ikk; il-1β; il-6; il-8; imbalance; immune; important; increase; induced; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; inhaled; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; injury; intestinal; kappab; key; kinase; leukotriene; levels; like; long; lps; lung; lung disease; lung inflammation; lymphocytes; macrophages; main; major; matrix; mechanism; mediators; mice; mif; migration; mmp-9; mmps; models; moderate; molecular; molecules; mucin; mucus; muscle; neutrophils; new; novel; nrf2; nuclear; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; oral; oxidative; oxidative stress; p38mapk; pathogenesis; pathway; patients; pde4; peptide; phosphoinositide; pi3k; pka; potential; pparγ; process; production; progression; proliferation; protease; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; randomised; recent; receptor; reduced; regulating; related; release; remodelling; resistance; respiratory; response; risk; roflumilast; role; ros; safety; selectin; selective; serum; severe; signalling; significantly; sirt1; small; smoke; smokers; smoking; smooth; specific; sputum; stress; studies; study; subjects; suppresses; synthesis; system; systemic; table; target; targeted; term; tgf; th2; therapeutic; therapy; thioredoxin; tissue; tnf; transcription; treatment; trial; trx; type; variety; vascular; vasoactive; vip cache: cord-034294-ti1cc24m.txt plain text: cord-034294-ti1cc24m.txt item: #50 of 125 id: cord-034579-3s26tjrd author: McAuley, Hamish title: COPD in the time of COVID-19: An analysis of acute exacerbations and reported behavioural changes in patients with COPD date: 2020-10-30 words: 4001 flesch: 44 summary: Ethics approval was granted by the Electronic community prescription records were used to record community exacerbation events and electronic hospital records similarly for hospital exacerbations. In this observational study a 38% increase in community managed exacerbation events during the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020 was seen compared to the same six-week period in 2019, as measured by primary care prescription records. keywords: activity; acute; adherence; aecopd; antibiotics; anxiety; baseline; behaviour; change; chronic; clinic; community; copd; covid-19; data; disease; events; exacerbations; frequency; healthcare; home; hospital; increase; lockdown; normal; obstructive; p<0.001; pandemic; participants; patients; people; period; physical; pre; previous; pulmonary; respiratory; risk; sars; self; shielding; significant; study; telephone; treatment; use; weeks cache: cord-034579-3s26tjrd.txt plain text: cord-034579-3s26tjrd.txt item: #51 of 125 id: cord-048201-8qnrcgnk author: Slebos, Dirk-Jan title: Heme oxygenase-1 and carbon monoxide in pulmonary medicine date: 2003-08-07 words: 7605 flesch: 31 summary: E-CO levels may correlate with functional parameters such as peak expiratory flow rate. In direct contrast to such studies promoting E-CO as a useful noninvasive tool for monitoring airway inflammation, other studies reported no difference in E-CO levels of asthma patients versus healthy controls, or between patients with stable and unstable asthma. keywords: action; activity; acute; addition; administration; airway; allograft; alveolar; anti; antioxidant; apoptosis; apoptotic; asthma; carbon; carbon monoxide; cells; cellular; chronic; concentrations; controls; copd; cytokine; dependent; development; disease; effects; endogenous; epithelial; exposure; expression; factors; fibroblasts; fibrosis; function; gene; growth; healthy; heme; heme oxygenase-1; higher; ho-1; ho-2; human; hyperoxia; hypertension; hypoxia; il-10; important; increased; induced; inducible; induction; inflammation; inflammatory; inhaled; injury; iron; ischemia; levels; low; lung; macrophages; mapk; mechanisms; metabolism; mice; model; modulation; monoxide; mouse; nitric; overexpression; oxidative; oxygenase-1; pathway; patients; physiological; possible; ppm; protection; protein; pulmonary; rat; rats; regulation; rejection; reperfusion; research; respiratory; response; role; smoking; stress; studies; survival; system; therapeutic; therapy; tissue; toxicity; transcription; transfer; transplantation; treatment; vascular; vivo cache: cord-048201-8qnrcgnk.txt plain text: cord-048201-8qnrcgnk.txt item: #52 of 125 id: cord-103020-ckuma42j author: McDowell, G. title: Two-way remote monitoring allows effective and realistic provision of home-NIV to COPD patients with persistent hypercapnia. date: 2020-11-12 words: 5825 flesch: 39 summary: Establishing whether beneficial outcomes from home NIV COPD RCTs can be matched with routine clinical adoption is required. A task force of the European Respiratory Society has since adopted home NIV as recommended treatment for COPD patients presenting with persistent hypercapnic respiratory failure (10) . keywords: acute; analyses; author; available; blood; chronic; clinical; cohort; control; copd; copyright; data; days; death; doi; exacerbation; face; failure; follow; funder; healthcare; holder; home; hospital;; hypercapnic; initiation; international; invasive; license; median; medrxiv; medrxiv preprint; monitoring; niv; non; november; outcomes; patients; peer; period; perpetuity; preprint; primary; provision; quality; readmission; remote; respiratory; review; service; significant; study; subgroup; support; therapy; time; treatment; trial; usage; users; ventilation; version cache: cord-103020-ckuma42j.txt plain text: cord-103020-ckuma42j.txt item: #53 of 125 id: cord-103137-qohntipf author: Porter, P. title: Rapid, point of care detection of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease using a cough-centred algorithm in acute care settings. date: 2020-09-08 words: 3705 flesch: 45 summary: Accurate diagnosis of COPD requires confirmation by spirometry, the gold standard tool for COPD diagnosis [2] . We used the GOLD criteria for COPD diagnosis (FEV 1 /FVC<0.7) when developing our algorithms although COPD can also be defined using lower limit of normal (LLN). keywords: acute; agreement; algorithm; analysis; author; available; care; chronic; clinical; copd; copyright; cough; criteria; diagnosis; disease; funder; gold; high; holder; international; license; medrxiv; npa; obstructive; patients; perpetuity; ppa; preprint; primary; pulmonary; rapid; respiratory; risk; screening; september; settings; spirometry; standard; study; subjects; symptoms; test; version cache: cord-103137-qohntipf.txt plain text: cord-103137-qohntipf.txt item: #54 of 125 id: cord-253564-3y1wdepc author: Traves, Suzanne L title: Viral-associated exacerbations of asthma and COPD date: 2007-03-21 words: 3876 flesch: 30 summary: 6: the aetiology of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Role of viral infections in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease How viral infections cause exacerbation of airway diseases Allergens, viruses, and asthma exacerbations The role of rhinovirus in asthma exacerbations Persistence of rhinovirus RNA after asthma exacerbation in children Study of modifiable risk factors for asthma exacerbations: virus infection and allergen exposure increase the risk of asthma hospital admissions in children Viral infections in relation to age, atopy, and season of admission among children hospitalized for wheezing The September epidemic of asthma hospitalization: school children as disease vectors The relationship of rhinovirus-associated asthma hospitalizations with inhaled corticosteroids and smoking Unravelling synergistic immune interactions between respiratory virus infections and allergic airway inflammation Bronchial matrix and inflammation respond to inhaled steroids despite ongoing allergen exposure in asthma The global burden of disease Molecular mechanisms of respiratory virus-induced asthma and COPD exacerbations and pneumonia Role of viruses in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Infections and airway inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease severe exacerbations Virus infection in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring ventilation Epidemiological relationships between the common cold and exacerbation frequency in COPD An experimental model of rhinovirus induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations: a pilot study Quantitative and qualitative analysis of rhinovirus infection in bronchial tissues Rhinovirus infection induces cytotoxicity and delays wound healing in bronchial epithelial cells Proud D: Human airway epithelial cells produce IP-10 (CXCL10) in vitro and in vivo upon rhinovirus infection Rhinovirus induces airway epithelial gene expression through double-stranded RNA and IFN-dependent pathways Human rhinovirus induces robust IP-10 release by monocytic cells, which is independent of viral replication but linked to type I interferon receptor ligation and STAT1 activation Host defense function of the airway epithelium in health and disease: clinical background Interleukin-10 gene expression in acute virus-induced asthma Mechanisms of mucin production by rhinovirus infection in cultured human airway epithelial cells Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase is required for rhinovirus-induced airway epithelial cell interleukin-8 expression Syk is downstream of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 and mediates human rhinovirus activation of p38 MAPK in airway epithelial cells We also review the current state of our knowledge on the mechanisms by which viruses might trigger such disease exacerbations, as well as the factors that could regulate susceptibility to viral exacerbations. keywords: activation; airway; antiviral; approaches; asthma; binding; cells; chemokines; children; chronic; copd; corticosteroids; disease; dsrna; epithelial; evidence; exacerbations; experimental; expression; factor; healthcare; host; hrv; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhaled; interferon; kinase; major; mechanisms; obstructive; pathways; patients; production; protein; pulmonary; receptor; replication; respiratory; responses; rhinovirus; rig; role; signalling; studies; syk; therapeutic; treatment; types; understanding; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-253564-3y1wdepc.txt plain text: cord-253564-3y1wdepc.txt item: #55 of 125 id: cord-255807-7goz1agp author: Hak, E. title: Conventional Influenza Vaccination Is Not Associated with Complications in Working-Age Patients with Asthma or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease date: 2003-04-15 words: 4315 flesch: 32 summary: Because influenza vaccination appeared not to be associated with a clinically relevant reduction in severe morbidity, other measures need to be explored. Although the vaccine does not lead to potentially adverse effects in asthmatics (12) , the few available small-scale studies on the clinical benefits of influenza vaccination among working-age patients with COPD have failed to demonstrate any effectiveness from annual vaccination (6, 13, 14) . keywords: age; analysis; asthma; care; cases; chronic; complications; confounding; controls; copd; data; disease; effectiveness; epidemic; exacerbations; factors; general; health; high; incidence; infection; influenza; information; medical; netherlands; odds; patients; percent; potential; practitioners; presence; previous; primary; propensity; pulmonary; ratio; records; reduction; respiratory; risk; season; severe; sex; studies; study; subjects; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; virus; viruses; working; years cache: cord-255807-7goz1agp.txt plain text: cord-255807-7goz1agp.txt item: #56 of 125 id: cord-256224-qprj8vlc author: Boixeda, R. title: Is chronic obstructive pulmonary disease a protective factor in SARS-CoV-2 infection? The importance of bronchodilator treatment() date: 2020-09-26 words: 1403 flesch: 39 summary: We compared the baseline treatment of patients with COPD in our COVID-19 cohort with other published series of patients with hospital admission due to COPD exacerbation related to other respiratory pathogens or those in stable clinical condition. In a systematic review of infections in patients with COPD that required hospital admission, it was observed that the rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and influenza virus were the most prevalent agents, followed by parainfluenza and coronavirus. keywords: chronic; clinical; copd; coronavirus; corticosteroids; cov-2; covid-19; diagnosis; disease; effect; factors; infection; inhaled; lower; mortality; obstructive; patients; prevalence; primary; protective; pulmonary; rate; respiratory; sars; severe; study; tiotropium; treatment cache: cord-256224-qprj8vlc.txt plain text: cord-256224-qprj8vlc.txt item: #57 of 125 id: cord-257163-hodykbcb author: Sanz, Ivan title: Viral Etiology of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations during the A/H1N1pdm09 Pandemic and Postpandemic Period date: 2015-05-07 words: 3837 flesch: 39 summary: Influenza viruses were the most detected respiratory pathogens in AE-COPD patients during the pandemic and following epidemics. Additionally, the probability for detecting influenza virus in the first epidemic was significantly lower than in the second epidemic (OR = 0.27, CI95% = 0.09-0.84; = 0.024). keywords: age; bacterial; cases; characteristics; chronic; clinical; copd; copd patients; data; detection; differences; different; disease; emergence; epidemic; episodes; etiology; exacerbations; fluep2; group; h1n1pdm09; hrev; infections; influenza; new; number; obstructive; pandemic; pathogens; patients; period; prevalence; probability; pulmonary; respiratory; respiratory viruses; role; rsv; samples; study; viral; viruses; years cache: cord-257163-hodykbcb.txt plain text: cord-257163-hodykbcb.txt item: #58 of 125 id: cord-258093-6fn8ei9f author: Hanania, Nicola A. title: Asthma in the elderly: Current understanding and future research needs—a report of a National Institute on Aging (NIA) workshop date: 2011-08-25 words: 17068 flesch: 41 summary: The aging lung Large, longitudinal, and more complete studies to determine the effects of aging on the function of the respiratory system Improved knowledge about lung structure-function relationships in older age using techniques of imaging and measures of lung function not requiring effort (eg, high-resolution computed tomographic scanning and forced oscillation) Improved assessment of lung processes underlying airflow limitation attributable to aging versus COPD or asthma, especially in asthmatic patients who smoke Studies to examine the effects of aging in ethnic groups and the role of gender Epidemiology, effect, diagnosis, and management Determine the true prevalence and cost of asthma in the older population Develop a uniform definition of asthma to be applied to health care records that will distinguish asthma from COPD and mixed asthma/COPD Evaluate evidence-based treatment algorithms for older asthmatic patients, such as those developed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Global Initiative For Asthma guidelines 7 Assess the effect of asthma treatment, including direct medical costs of care, indirect costs of care, and value of treatment in improving quality of life 8, 9 Assess the effect of comorbid conditions, especially COPD and congestive heart failure, on asthma 9 Characterize phenotypes of elderly asthma with regard to responses to therapy and long-term outcomes based on age of onset, duration of disease, and environmental triggers Develop algorithms for electronic medical record systems that are asthma-specific Evaluate effects of current asthma medications in older patients compared with younger patients Identify pharmacogenetic determinants of response to asthma medications in older adults Identify simpler and safer drug delivery systems and schedules for older adults Develop simple methods to differentiate COPD from asthma exacerbations in older adults Understand how environmental or aging-related factors affect epigenetic changes in asthma in older adults Identify differences between older and younger asthmatic patients or between LSA and LOA with regard to inflammation, remodeling, intracellular mechanisms, responses to environmental pollutants, and allergy sensitization and their effects on the metabolism and action of asthma drugs Identify naturally occurring age-related changes in airway cellular patterns Develop animal models of age-related airway inflammation Understand the significance of allergy sensitization associated with asthma in older adults (eg, through larger prospective studies) 97, 124, 128 Patients with LOA start having asthma symptoms for the first time when they are 65 years of age or older (some studies have suggested middle age or older). keywords: acute; addition; adults; adverse; age; age group; aged; agents; aging; airflow; airway; allergen; allergic; allergy; animal; assessment; association; asthma; asthma care; asthma control; asthma exacerbations; asthma symptoms; asthmatic; asthmatic patients; bronchial; bronchodilator; capacity; cardiovascular; care; cause; cells; challenge; changes; children; chronic; clinical; cognitive; common; community; conditions; control; copd; corticosteroids; costs; current; data; decrease; definite; department; development; diagnosis; differences; different; difficult; disability; disease; dna; dose; drug; dyspnea; early; effects; elderly; elderly asthmatic; elderly patients; emergency; environmental; epigenetic; evidence; exacerbations; exposure; expression; factors; failure; fev; focus; frailty; function; future; general; greater; group; guidelines; health; heart; higher; history; human; ige; immune; impairment; important; incidence; increase; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhaled; institute; intervention; knowledge; large; levels; life; lifespan; likely; limitation; loa; long; loss; lower; lung; lung function; management; maximum; measures; mechanisms; medical; medications; methacholine; mice; models; mortality; muscle; national; need; normal; number; objective; obstruction; older; older adults; onset; outcomes; patients; peak; performance; persons; physical; population; positive; prevalence; process; program; pulmonary; quality; questionnaire; rates; recent; reduced; research; respiratory; response; responsiveness; results; reversible; risk; role; self; senescence; serum; severe; severity; short; skin; species; specific; spirometry; status; studies; study; subjects; survival; symptoms; test; testing; therapy; time; total; tract; treatment; understanding; united; use; viral; viruses; visits; wheezing; women; workshop; years; younger cache: cord-258093-6fn8ei9f.txt plain text: cord-258093-6fn8ei9f.txt item: #59 of 125 id: cord-260114-tkh93k1u author: Zhao, Qianwen title: The impact of COPD and smoking history on the severity of COVID‐19: A systemic review and meta‐analysis date: 2020-05-17 words: 972 flesch: 46 summary: The heterogeneity of included studies was moderate for both COPD and ongoing smoking history on the severity of COVID‐19. A comprehensive systematic literature search was carried out to find studies published from December 2019 to 22 March 2020 from five databases. keywords: analysis; clinical; copd; coronavirus; covid‐19; disease; model; ongoing; patients; sars; severe; severity; smoking; studies; study; wuhan cache: cord-260114-tkh93k1u.txt plain text: cord-260114-tkh93k1u.txt item: #60 of 125 id: cord-261856-i1e0uj0s author: Heffner, John E title: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in geriatric critical care date: 2005-03-04 words: 4818 flesch: 32 summary: A model analysis in the netherlands The evidence base for management of acute exacerbations of COPD: clinical practice guideline, part 1 Antibiotic therapy in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Toward a consensus definition for COPD exacerbations Time course and recovery of exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Relation of sputum inflammatory markers to symptoms and lung function changes in COPD exacerbations Airway eosinophilia in chronic bronchitis during exacerbations Airway eosinophilia and expression of interleukin-5 protein in asthma and in exacerbations of chronic bronchitis Exacerbations of Bronchitis: bronchial eosinophilia and gene expression for interleukin-4, interleukin-5, and eosinophil chemoattractants Relationship of sputum color to nature and outpatient management of acute exacerbations of COPD Air pollution and daily admissions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in 6 European cities: results from the APHEA project Effect of temperature on lung function and symptoms in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Randomized, doubleblind study of ciprofloxacin and cefuroxime axetil for treatment of acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. key: cord-261856-i1e0uj0s authors: Heffner, John E; Highland, Kristin B title: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in geriatric critical care date: 2005-03-04 journal: Crit Care Clin DOI: 10.1016/s0749-0704(03)00054-x sha: doc_id: 261856 cord_uid: i1e0uj0s COPD is a progressive disorder that is punctuated in its later stages with acute exacerbations that present a risk for respiratory failure. keywords: acute; acute exacerbations; agonists; airway; american; bacterial; breathing; bronchitis; care; chronic; chronic obstructive; copd; definition; disease; dynamic; dyspnea; elderly; end; exacerbations; experience; failure; flow; function; group; health; hospitalization; icu; ill; impact; increase; infection; intubation; life; lung; management; mechanical; moderate; mortality; muscles; need; nippv; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; outcomes; oxygen; patients; physicians; poor; positive; postdischarge; presence; pressure; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; quality; randomized; rates; recent; respiratory; risk; severe; severity; sputum; studies; study; support; survival; symptoms; therapy; trials; underlying; use; ventilation; ventilatory; year cache: cord-261856-i1e0uj0s.txt plain text: cord-261856-i1e0uj0s.txt item: #61 of 125 id: cord-264295-7ojvhwb0 author: Maddaloni, Ernesto title: Cardiometabolic multimorbidity is associated with a worse Covid-19 prognosis than individual cardiometabolic risk factors: a multicentre retrospective study (CoViDiab II) date: 2020-10-01 words: 4691 flesch: 34 summary: Age and sex adjusted regression models confirmed that Covid-19 patients with the primary composite outcome were more likely to have diabetes (adjusted odds ratio [ adj OR] 2.04, 95% confidence interval Overall our results confirm previous findings from other countries that Covid-19 patients with diabetes are more likely to require intensive care or to die, compared with Covid-19 patients without diabetes [12, 19, 20, 27] , and in addition suggest this association is driven by the presence of cardiometabolic multimorbidity rather than by diabetes alone. keywords: 95%ci; additional; adj; admission; age; association; available; blood; bmi; cardiometabolic; cardiometabolic multimorbidity; cardiometabolic risk; cardiovascular; care; characteristics; clinical; composite; composite outcome; conditions; copd; covid-19; data; death; design; diabetes; differences; disease; dyslipidaemia; factors; failure; features; glucose; heart; higher; hospital; hypertension; icu; impact; independent; infection; multimorbidity; outcome; p =; patients; primary; primary composite; progression; ratio; risk; risk factors; sars; secondary; sex; single; study; system; table; type cache: cord-264295-7ojvhwb0.txt plain text: cord-264295-7ojvhwb0.txt item: #62 of 125 id: cord-269316-1nlpo42a author: Mansfield, K. E. title: COVID-19 collateral: Indirect acute effects of the pandemic on physical and mental health in the UK date: 2020-10-30 words: 8037 flesch: 42 summary: [60] However, we saw a sustained reduction in primary care contacts for anxiety, depression and other mental health conditions consistent with other reports; 18 this is concerning as the majority of common mental disorders are managed in primary care. Primary care contacts for all conditions dropped dramatically after introduction of population-wide restrictions. keywords: acute; adults; aged; alcohol; analysis; asthma; author; behaviour; cardiovascular; care; changes; conditions; contacts; copd; covid-19; data; depression; diabetes; diabetic; disease; effects; emergencies; emergency; event; evidence; exacerbations; funder; health; hospital; indirect; individuals; introduction; j u; july; l j; license; lockdown; march; measures; medrxiv; mental; mental health; multiple; n j; number; outcomes; overall; pandemic; peer; people; period; physical; population; preprint; primary; primary care; r m; records; reduced; reduction; restrictions; review; severe; specific; study; time; u n; unstable; version; week; y j; years cache: cord-269316-1nlpo42a.txt plain text: cord-269316-1nlpo42a.txt item: #63 of 125 id: cord-269913-ubtd3vdq author: Tesfaigzi, Yohannes title: Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and chronic mucus hypersecretion date: 2006-06-28 words: 6992 flesch: 35 summary: The main difficulties in interpreting the results or studies of treating chronic bronchitis exacerbations include the heterogeneity of the condition. Severity classifications based on the symptomatology of chronic bronchitis exacerbations have, thus far, been largely empirical and have not been validated by clinical trials [14] . keywords: acute; acute exacerbations; admission; agents; airway; antibiotic; associated; bacterial; bronchial; bronchitis; cause; cells; change; chronic; chronic bronchitis; chronic obstructive; clinical; cmh; copd; copd exacerbations; copd patients; daily; days; death; disease; environmental; epithelial; exacerbations; factors; failure; fev; following; frequent; gcm; general; goblet; group; high; hospital; hypersecretion; increase; infections; inflammation; inflammatory; likely; lps; lung; major; mechanisms; metaplastic; mortality; mucolytic; mucous; mucous cells; nac; nasal; numbers; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; patients; placebo; presence; production; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; rats; recovery; relapse; respiratory; response; results; risk; severity; significant; small; sputum; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; treatment; viral; year cache: cord-269913-ubtd3vdq.txt plain text: cord-269913-ubtd3vdq.txt item: #64 of 125 id: cord-271174-886xc1n3 author: Lipworth, Brian title: Weathering the Cytokine Storm in Susceptible Patients with Severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection date: 2020-04-18 words: 2347 flesch: 27 summary: ACE-2 expression in the small airway epithelia of smokers and COPD patients: Implications for COVID-19 A trial of lopinavir-ritonavir in adults hospitalized with severe COVID-19 Compassionate use of remdesivir for patients with severe COVID-19 Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial In vitro antiviral activity and projection of optimized dosing design of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Hydroxychloroquine, a less toxic derivative of chloroquine, is effective in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro Selective regulation of cytokine secretion by hydroxychloroquine: inhibition of interleukin 1 alpha (IL-1-alpha) and IL-6 in human monocytes and T cells TMPRSS2: a potential target for treatment of influenza virus and coronavirus infections Oncedaily single-inhaler triple versus dual therapy in patients with COPD Current appraisal of single inhaler triple therapy in COPD Corticosteroid suppression of antiviral immunity increases bacterial loads and mucus production in COPD exacerbations Inhaled corticosteroid suppression of cathelicidin drives dysbiosis and bacterial infection in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Precision medicine urgency: the case of inhaled corticosteroids in COPD Pneumonia risk in asthma patients using inhaled corticosteroids: a quasi-cohort study The inhaled corticosteroid ciclesonide blocks coronavirus RNA replication by targeting viral NSP15 Acute lung injury induces cardiovascular dysfunction: effects of IL-6 and budesonide/formoterol Differences between asthmatics and nonasthmatics hospitalised with influenza A infection Blood eosinophil guided prednisolone therapy for exacerbations of COPD: a further analysis Glucocorticosteroids enhance replication of respiratory viruses: effect of adjuvant interferon COVID-19: consider cytokine storm syndromes and immunosuppression Level of IL-6 predicts respiratory failure in hospitalized symptomatic COVID-19 patients Effective treatment of severe COVID-19 patients with tocilizumab B. Lipworth had the idea and is responsible for the overall content as guarantor. Having said that compassionate use of iv remdesivir in 53 patients with severe COVID-19 infection resulted in 68% having improved oxygenation status and 18% mortality among those receiving invasive ventilation, albeit with no control arm for comparison. keywords: acute; angiotensin; antiviral; asthma; cell; ciclesonide; copd; coronavirus; corticosteroids; cov-2; covid-19; cytokine; disease; downstream; effective; entry; failure; figure; hydroxychloroquine; hypertension; ics; il-6; infection; inhaled; interferon; lung; patients; pneumonia; replication; respiratory; risk; sars; severe; study; suppression; syndrome; therapy; tocilizumab; treatment; trials; upstream; use; viral cache: cord-271174-886xc1n3.txt plain text: cord-271174-886xc1n3.txt item: #65 of 125 id: cord-272034-fvii5nsv author: McNaughton, Amanda title: Taking Charge: A Proposed Psychological Intervention to Improve Pulmonary Rehabilitation Outcomes for People with COPD date: 2020-09-11 words: 3314 flesch: 37 summary: 1,2 Furthermore, psychological factors can influence uptake and outcomes of the most effective therapy available for people with COPD -pulmonary rehabilitation (PR). 9, 10 The Take Charge intervention was tested in the early community phase of stroke rehabilitation, 2-16 weeks after acute stroke, in addition to usual community stroke rehabilitation. keywords: activity; anxiety; approach; capacity; charge; chronic; community; copd; covid-19; depression; disease; evidence; exercise; face; group; health; intervention; key; life; living; management; medical; motivation; obstructive; outcomes; participants; patients; people; person; personal; physical; programmes; psychological; pulmonary; quality; randomized; rehabilitation; self; significant; singing; social; specific; stroke; study; taking; therapy; trials cache: cord-272034-fvii5nsv.txt plain text: cord-272034-fvii5nsv.txt item: #66 of 125 id: cord-273594-vmbhok1u author: Sichelstiel, Anke title: Targeting IL-1β and IL-17A Driven Inflammation during Influenza-Induced Exacerbations of Chronic Lung Inflammation date: 2014-06-11 words: 5628 flesch: 36 summary: Overall, blockade of IL-17A and IL-1b could be valuable therapeutic options for future treatment of viral induced exacerbations of chronic lung inflammation. In order to investigate the role of IL-1b during COPD exacerbations we utilized a model of LPS and elastase induced chronic lung inflammation, followed by infection with influenza in wild type or IL-1b deficient mice. keywords: absence; acute; airways; anakinra; anti; balb; c57bl/6; cells; chronic; cigarette; control; copd; cytokines; data; day; deficient; development; disease; early; elastase; emphysema; exacerbations; exposure; expression; factor; figure; il-17a; il-1b; il-6; induced; induction; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; key; levels; line; lps; lung; mechanisms; mice; model; mouse; neutrophil; observed; obstructive; patients; peak; phase; post; production; pulmonary; receptor; recruitment; reduced; replication; resistance; respiratory; response; role; signaling; smoke; study; therapeutic; tnfa; treatment; viral; virus cache: cord-273594-vmbhok1u.txt plain text: cord-273594-vmbhok1u.txt item: #67 of 125 id: cord-275858-46jzw94p author: Leung, Janice M. title: COVID-19 and COPD date: 2020-08-13 words: 3026 flesch: 23 summary: The epidemiological data emerging from China and other early epicentres have not yet provided the necessary granularity required to determine whether these medications are harmful or beneficial in COVID-19 patients with COPD. Because of the results of the RECOVERY trial, however, it is likely that dexamethasone will become standard of care treatment for COVID-19 patients including those with COPD. keywords: ace2; airway; analysis; angiotensin; care; cases; characteristics; china; chronic; clinical; cohort; copd; coronavirus; coronavirus disease; corticosteroids; cov-2; covid-19; data; disease; effects; entry; evidence; expression; factors; features; hospital; ill; impact; infected; infection; long; mortality; non; novel; obstructive; outcomes; pandemic; patients; pneumonia; pulmonary; receptor; respiratory; retrospective; risk; sars; severe; studies; study; trial; use; wuhan cache: cord-275858-46jzw94p.txt plain text: cord-275858-46jzw94p.txt item: #68 of 125 id: cord-278846-nqj7ctk3 author: Ogger, Patricia P. title: Macrophage metabolic reprogramming during chronic lung disease date: 2020-11-12 words: 10150 flesch: 16 summary: The iron-y of iron overload and iron deficiency in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Increased iron sequestration in alveolar macrophages in chronic obtructive pulmonary disease Defective bacterial phagocytosis is associated with dysfunctional mitochondria in COPD macrophages Mitochondrial dysfunction in macrophages: A key to defective bacterial phagocytosis in COPD Alveolar macrophage immunometabolism and lung function impairment in smoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Increase in reactive nitrogen species production in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease airways Alterations in adenosine metabolism and signaling in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis The MIF antagonist ISO-1 attenuates corticosteroid-insensitive inflammation and airways hyperresponsiveness in an ozone-induced model of COPD Targeting Nrf2 signaling improves bacterial clearance by alveolar macrophages in patients with COPD and in a mouse model Mitochondrial iron chelation ameliorates cigarette smokeinduced bronchitis and emphysema in mice Cigarette smoke-induced changes to alveolar macrophage phenotype and function are improved by treatment with procysteine Progress in understanding mucus abnormalities in cystic fibrosis airways Lung inflammation in cystic fibrosis: pathogenesis and novel therapies Inflammation in cystic fibrosis: an update Inflammation and its genesis in cystic fibrosis Alveolar macrophages and CC chemokines are increased in children with cystic fibrosis Inflammation, infection, and pulmonary function in infants and young children with cystic fibrosis Azithromycin reduces exaggerated cytokine production by M1 alveolar macrophages in cystic fibrosis Macrophages directly contribute to the exaggerated inflammatory response in cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator-/-mice CFTR-dependent defect in alternatively-activated macrophages in cystic fibrosis Characterization of macrophage activation states in patients with cystic fibrosis Pivotal Advance: Expansion of small sputum macrophages in CF: failure to express MARCO and mannose receptors Tgf-β1 inhibits Cftr biogenesis and prevents functional rescue of ΔF508-Cftr in primary differentiated human bronchial epithelial cells Series 'matrix metalloproteinases in lung health and disease': the role of matrix metalloproteinases in cystic fibrosis lung disease Glutathione and infection Systemic deficiency of glutathione in cystic fibrosis Iron accumulates in the lavage and explanted lungs of cystic fibrosis patients Transforming growth factorβ activation in the lung: Focus on fibrosis and reactive oxygen species Impaired defenses of neonatal mouse alveolar macrophage with cftr deletion are modulated by glutathione and TGFβ1 Human cystic fibrosis macrophages have defective calciumdependent protein kinase C activation of the NADPH oxidase, an effect augmented by burkholderia cenocepacia Irg1 expression in myeloid cells prevents immunopathology during M. tuberculosis infection Pseudomonas aeruginosa utilizes host-derived itaconate to redirect its metabolism to promote biofilm formation Pulmonary pathogens adapt to immune signaling metabolites in the airway Lipid metabolism in cystic fibrosis Alterations in immune response and PPAR/LXR regulation in cystic fibrosis macrophages Reduced 15-lipoxygenase 2 and lipoxin A4/leukotriene B4 ratio in children with cystic fibrosis Pro-resolving lipid mediator Resolvin D1 serves as a marker of lung disease in cystic fibrosis Metabolic reprograming of cystic fibrosis macrophages via the IRE1α arm of the unfolded protein response results in exacerbated inflammation Glutathione aerosol suppresses lung epithelial surface inflammatory cell-derived oxidants in cystic fibrosis Elevated Mirc1/Mir17-92 cluster expression negatively regulates autophagy and CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) function in CF macrophages Cysteamine re-establishes the clearance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by macrophages bearing the cystic fibrosis-relevant F508del-CFTR mutation An overview of monitoring and supplementation of omega 3 fatty acids in cystic fibrosis Fatty acid alterations and n-3 fatty acid supplementation in cystic fibrosis Oral DHA supplementation in ΔF508 homozygous cystic fibrosis patients Bioavailability and safety of a high dose of docosahexaenoic acid triacylglycerol of algal origin in cystic fibrosis patients: a randomized, controlled study Effect of an 8-month treatment with ω-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic) in patients with cystic fibrosis Long-term docosahexaenoic acid therapy in a congenic murine model of cystic fibrosis Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Guidelines for diagnosis and clinical management have advanced from consensus-based in 2000 to evidence-based in 2011 Revealing the pathogenic and aging-related mechanisms of the enigmatic idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: An integral model Macrophages: Friend or foe in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis? Matrix metalloproteinase: An upcoming therapeutic approach for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Multiplex protein profiling of bronchoalveolar lavage in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and hypersensitivity pneumonitis Metalloproteinases in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Accumulation of damaged mitochondria in alveolar macrophages with reduced OXPHOS related gene expression in IPF Metabolic characterization and RNA profiling reveal glycolytic dependence of profibrotic phenotype of alveolar macrophages in lung fibrosis Glucose transporter-1 distribution in fibrotic lung disease: Association with [18F]-2-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose-PET scan uptake, inflammation, and neovascularization Tracing compartmentalized NADPH metabolism in the cytosol and mitochondria of mammalian cells Succinate: a metabolic signal in inflammation Immunoresponsive gene 1 and itaconate inhibit succinate dehydrogenase to modulate intracellular succinate levels Itaconate is an anti-inflammatory metabolite that activates Nrf2 via alkylation of KEAP1 Itaconate links inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase with macrophage metabolic remodeling and regulation of inflammation Itaconate controls the severity of pulmonary fibrosis Reactive oxygen species as signaling molecules in the development of lung fibrosis Macrophages and iron metabolism The NOX family of ROS-generating NADPH oxidases: Physiology and pathophysiology Modulation of reactive oxygen species by Rac1 or catalase prevents asbestos-induced pulmonary fibrosis Rac1 regulates the activity of mTORC1 and mTORC2 and controls cellular size Delta-like 4 induces Notch signaling in macrophages: implications for inflammation Increased production of the potent oxidant peroxynitrite in the lungs of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Production of superoxide and nitric oxide by alveolar macrophages in the bleomycin-induced interstitial pneumonia mice model Mitochondrial calcium uniporter regulates PGC-1α expression to mediate metabolic reprogramming in pulmonary fibrosis Iron laden macrophages in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: the telltale of occult alveolar hemorrhage? Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) cells in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis express a complex pro-inflammatory, pro-repair, angiogenic activation pattern, likely associated with macrophage iron accumulation The transferrin receptor CD71 delineates functionally distinct airway macrophage subsets during idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis TOLLIP, MUC5B, and the response to N-acetylcysteine among individuals with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Prednisone, azathioprine, and N-acetylcysteine for pulmonary fibrosis Safety and tolerability of acetylcysteine and pirfenidone combination therapy in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial Metformin: an old dog with a new trick? Metformin attenuates lung fibrosis development via NOX4 suppression Metformin reverses established lung fibrosis in a bleomycin model Metformin does not affect clinically relevant outcomes in patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Reversal of persistent fibrosis in aging by targeting Nox4-Nrf2 redox imbalance Nitrated fatty acids reverse pulmonary fibrosis by dedifferentiating myofibroblasts and promoting collagen uptake by alveolar macrophages SARS-CoV-2 and viral sepsis: observations and hypotheses Complex immune dysregulation in COVID-19 patients with severe respiratory failure COVID-19: consider cytokine storm syndromes and immunosuppression The landscape of lung bronchoalveolar immune cells in COVID-19 revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus-induced lung epithelial cytokines exacerbate SARS pathogenesis by modulating intrinsic functions of monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells The role of cytokines including interleukin-6 in COVID-19 induced pneumonia and macrophage activation syndrome-like disease Rhinovirus exposure impairs immune responses to bacterial products in human alveolar macrophages H5N1 and 1918 pandemic influenza virus infection results in early and excessive infiltration of macrophages and neutrophils in the lungs of mice Interaction of influenza virus with mouse macrophages Host defense mechanisms against influenza virus: interaction of influenza virus with murine macrophages in vitro Heparin inhibits intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterial replication by reducing iron levels in human macrophages Pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines in tuberculosis: a two-edged sword in TB pathogenesis Mycobacterial survival strategies in the phagosome: defence against host stresses Intracellular trafficking in mycobacterium tuberculosis and mycobacterium avium-infected macrophages HIF-1α Is an essential mediator of IFN-γ-dependent immunity to mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection with mycobacterium tuberculosis induces the Warburg effect in mouse lungs Cutting edge: mycobacterium tuberculosis induces aerobic glycolysis in human alveolar macrophages that is required for control of intracellular bacillary replication Mycobacterium tuberculosis carrying a rifampicin drug resistance mutation reprograms macrophage metabolism through cell wall lipid changes Hydrogen sulfide dysregulates the immune response by suppressing central carbon metabolism to promote tuberculosis Mycobacterium tuberculosis limits host glycolysis and IL-1β by restriction of PFK-M via MicroRNA-21 Fumarase deficiency causes protein and metabolite succination and intoxicates mycobacterium tuberculosis An essential bifunctional enzyme in Mycobacterium tuberculosis for itaconate dissimilation and leucine catabolism The effect of the host's iron status on tuberculosis Hereditary hemochromatosis results in decreased iron acquisition and growth by Mycobacterium tuberculosis within human macrophages A major role for ferroptosis in mycobacterium tuberculosis-induced cell death and tissue necrosis Small RNA profiling in mycobacterium tuberculosis identifies mrsi as necessary for an anticipatory iron sparing response PPAR-α activation mediates innate host defense through induction of TFEB and lipid catabolism Growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in vivo segregates with host macrophage metabolism and ontogeny Mycobacterium tuberculosis induces the MIR-33 locus to reprogram autophagy and host lipid metabolism In vivo inhibition of tryptophan catabolism reorganizes the tuberculoma and augments immune-mediated control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin infection induces TLR2-dependent peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ expression and activation: functions in inflammation, lipid metabolism, and pathogenesis Mycobacterium tuberculosis activates human macrophage peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ linking mannose receptor recognition to regulation of immune responses Liver X receptors contribute to the protective immune response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis in mice Statin therapy reduces the mycobacterium tuberculosis burden in human macrophages and in mice by enhancing autophagy and phagosome maturation Furthermore, post birth and during maturation, circulating monocytes do not significantly contribute to lung macrophage populations at homoeostasis 18 . keywords: accumulation; acetylcysteine; acid; activation; activity; airway; alterations; alveolar; alveolar macrophages; ams; anti; associated; asthma; asthmatic; bacterial; bal; bleomycin; burden; cd206; cells; cellular; cftr; changes; chronic; clds; clearance; collagen; controls; copd; cycle; cystic; cystic fibrosis; cytokines; defence; delivery; development; disease; distinct; drug; effect; eicosanoid; energy; environment; epithelial; expression; fao; fatty; fibrosis; fig; function; glucose; glycolysis; healthy; high; homoeostasis; host; human; idiopathic; immune; impaired; induced; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibition; innate; intracellular; ipf; iron; itaconate; key; kinase; leading; levels; like; lipid; local; lung; lung disease; macrophages; major; matrix; metabolic; metabolites; metformin; mice; mitochondrial; model; monocytes; mouse; mtb; muc5b; mucus; murine; mycobacterium; nadph; new; nox; obstructive; oxidative; oxphos; oxygen; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathology; pathways; patients; phagocytosis; phenotype; potential; processes; production; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; pulmonary fibrosis; reactive; recent; receptor; regulator; remodelling; reprogramming; resident; respiratory; responses; results; role; severe; species; specific; stress; studies; study; succinate; superoxide; surface; surfactant; synthesis; target; tca; tgf; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; tissue; treatment; tuberculosis; understanding; unique; vivo; wound cache: cord-278846-nqj7ctk3.txt plain text: cord-278846-nqj7ctk3.txt item: #69 of 125 id: cord-280348-vrnxucye author: Argano, Christiano title: Pattern of comorbidities and 1-year mortality in elderly patients with COPD hospitalized in internal medicine wards: data from the RePoSI Registry date: 2020-07-27 words: 4677 flesch: 31 summary: In this observational study on the RePoSI registry, we assessed the distribution of comorbidities and the occurrence of outcomes in a population of elderly COPD in-patients admitted to the internal medicine and geriatric wards, with the aim to evaluate whether COPD subjects behave differently from non-COPD individuals. COPD patients took more drugs, both at admission, in-hospital stay, discharge and 3-month and 1-year follow-up. keywords: admission; age; analysis; association; azienda; blood; burden; chronic; clinical; cognitive; comorbidities; comorbidity; copd; copd patients; current; data; depression; diagnosis; disability; discharge; disease; drugs; elderly; exacerbation; factors; failure; findings; follow; functional; geriatric; heart; higher; hospital; hospitalization; hospitalized; ics; impairment; independent; index; inflammation; internal; laba; long; management; medicine; month; mortality; non; obstructive; older; ospedaliera; outcomes; patients; pneumonia; policlinico; predictor; pressure; prevalence; pulmonary; recent; reposi; respiratory; risk; severity; significant; status; stay; study; subjects; systemic; term; variables; wards; year cache: cord-280348-vrnxucye.txt plain text: cord-280348-vrnxucye.txt item: #70 of 125 id: cord-280986-i27mge10 author: Mallia, Patrick title: How Viral Infections Cause Exacerbation of Airway Diseases date: 2017-01-25 words: 4241 flesch: 26 summary: Asthma exacerbations are associated with shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, and chest tightness, and are accompanied by decreases in expiratory airflow mani-fested by reductions in peak expiratory flow. An association between colds and asthma exacerbations has long been recognized, but early studies yielded low virus detection rates of approximately 10%. keywords: acute; airway; antiviral; asthma; asthmatic; bronchial; cause; cells; cellular; chemokines; children; chronic; copd; cytokines; disease; epithelial; etiology; evidence; exacerbations; experimental; ifn-; il-8; immune; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; innate; key; levels; lower; markers; mechanisms; mediators; neutrophil; nonasthmatic; obstructive; patients; production; pulmonary; release; respiratory; response; rhinovirus; samples; severe; sputum; stable; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-280986-i27mge10.txt plain text: cord-280986-i27mge10.txt item: #71 of 125 id: cord-283061-qr8xynn2 author: Uzzaman, Md. Nazim title: Continuing professional education for general practitioners on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: feasibility of a blended learning approach in Bangladesh date: 2020-09-28 words: 5408 flesch: 49 summary: This is timely, given that online learning with limited face-to-face contact is likely to become the norm in the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. In contrast, one trainee preferred the traditional approach because it enabled him to focus on the topic for the duration of the course, whereas online learning could too easily be postponed. keywords: analysis; approach; assessment; bangladesh; blended; blended learning; care; chronic; classes; cme; component; copd; course; data; days; discussion; disease; education; experience; face; face classes; facebook; feasibility; focus; global; gps; groups; guidelines; icddr; information; interviews; knowledge; learning; limited; management; medical; module; need; obstructive; online; participants; physicians; post; ppaq; practical; practice; preferred; previous; primary; provision; pulmonary; queries; questionnaire; research; self; sessions; similar; skills; studies; study; time; traditional; trainees; trainer; training; years cache: cord-283061-qr8xynn2.txt plain text: cord-283061-qr8xynn2.txt item: #72 of 125 id: cord-285148-bch7814v author: Singanayagam, Aran title: Viruses exacerbating chronic pulmonary disease: the role of immune modulation date: 2012-03-15 words: 7925 flesch: 28 summary: Emerg Infect Dis Impaired innate host defense causes susceptibility to respiratory virus infections in cystic fibrosis Prevalence and impact of respiratory viral infections in young children with cystic fibrosis: prospective cohort study Australian Respiratory Early Surveillance Team for Cystic Fibrosis: Innate inflammatory responses of pediatric cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells: effects of nonviral and viral stimulation Interleukin-8 production by cystic fibrosis nasal epithelial cells after tumor necrosis factor-alpha and respiratory syncytial virus stimulation Lack of an exaggerated inflammatory response upon virus infection in cystic fibrosis Impaired type I and type III interferon induction and rhinovirus control in human cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells Hypersusceptibility to respiratory viruses as a shared mechanism for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cystic fibrosis Insights into the interaction between influenza virus and pneumococcus Many of the inflammatory mediators produced are chemoattractants and, therefore, following virus infection inflammatory cells are recruited to the lungs. keywords: acute; airflow; airway; allergic; alpha; antiviral; asthma; asthma exacerbations; asthmatics; bacterial; bronchial; cause; cells; children; chronic; clinical; common; control; copd; cystic; cytokine; deficient; detection; development; differences; different; disease; effect; epithelial; evidence; exacerbations; experimental; exposure; factor; fibrosis; function; gene; group; host; human; ifn; illness; immune; impaired; increased; induced; induction; infants; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; innate; interferon; key; levels; life; likely; lower; lung; macrophages; major; mechanisms; obstructive; patients; pcr; production; pulmonary; recent; research; respiratory; responses; rhinovirus; risk; role; rsv; rvs; severe; severity; significant; similar; sputum; stable; studies; study; subjects; susceptibility; symptoms; syncytial; type; viral; virus; virus infection; viruses; wheezing cache: cord-285148-bch7814v.txt plain text: cord-285148-bch7814v.txt item: #73 of 125 id: cord-286449-ekvzaae2 author: McManus, Terence E. title: Respiratory viral infection in exacerbations of COPD date: 2008-07-30 words: 3109 flesch: 46 summary: key: cord-286449-ekvzaae2 authors: McManus, Terence E.; Marley, Anne-Marie; Baxter, Noreen; Christie, Sharon N.; O'Neill, Hugh J.; Elborn, J. Stuart; Coyle, Peter V.; Kidney, Joseph C. title: Respiratory viral infection in exacerbations of COPD date: 2008-07-30 journal: The role of respiratory viral infection is just emerging. keywords: acute; agent; airways; cases; chronic; common; copd; detection; disease; exacerbated; exacerbations; group; hospital; human; infection; influenza; metapneumovirus; non; obstructive; patients; pcr; positive; present; previous; pulmonary; rate; respiratory; rhinovirus; role; rsv; smokers; specimens; sputum; stable; studies; study; symptoms; time; tract; viral; viruses cache: cord-286449-ekvzaae2.txt plain text: cord-286449-ekvzaae2.txt item: #74 of 125 id: cord-288412-1fmsipqu author: Klaile, Esther title: Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)-related cell adhesion molecules are co-expressed in the human lung and their expression can be modulated in bronchial epithelial cells by non-typable Haemophilus influenzae, Moraxella catarrhalis, TLR3, and type I and II interferons date: 2013-08-14 words: 8437 flesch: 42 summary: While we did not find a direct correlation between CEACAM1 expression and COPD, the COPD-associated bacteria NTHi and M. catarrhalis were able to increase the expression of their own receptor on host cells. In NHBE cells, CEACAM1 expression was enhanced upon exposure to interferons, the TLR3 agonist polyinosinic:polycytidylic acid (poly I:C), M. catarrhalis, and NTHi. keywords: adhesion; adventitia; alveolar; analysis; analyzed; antibodies; antibody; antigen; bacterial; balf; binding; blood; bronchial; cancer; carcinoembryonic; catarrhalis; ceacam1; ceacam1 isoforms; cells; chronic; colonization; conditions; control; copd; cse; data; differences; different; disease; domain; endothelium; epithelium; expression; figure; fold; gamma; genes; goat; granulocyte; haemophilus; high; host; human; ifnα; ifnβ; ifnγ; igg; immune; increase; induced; infection; infiltration; influenzae; interferons; isoforms; levels; long; lower; lung; min; molecule; moraxella; mouse; mrna; negative; neisseria; nhbe; nhbe cells; non; nthi; obstructive; paraffin; pathogens; patients; pcr; pleura; poly; positive; present; protein; pulmonary; qpcr; receptor; regulated; regulation; respiratory; response; role; samples; sections; short; smoking; soluble; specific; specimens; staining; status; submucosa; table; tissues; tlr3; total; type; vessel; viral; viruses cache: cord-288412-1fmsipqu.txt plain text: cord-288412-1fmsipqu.txt item: #75 of 125 id: cord-290674-1kdc6xk8 author: Hershenson, Marc B. title: Rhinovirus-Induced Exacerbations of Asthma and COPD date: 2013-02-21 words: 6763 flesch: 35 summary: Clinical and biologic significance Effect of treatment with inhaled corticosteroids before and during experimental infection Rhinovirus upper respiratory infection increases airway hyperreactivity and late asthmatic reactions A common cold virus, rhinovirus 16, potentiates airway inflammation after segmental antigen bronchoprovocation in allergic subjects Rhinovirus infection preferentially increases lower airway responsiveness in allergic subjects Interleukin-1 and interleukin-1ra levels in nasal lavages during experimental rhinovirus infection in asthmatic and non-asthmatic subjects Bronchial biopsies in asthma: an ultrastructural, quantitative study and correlation with hyperreactivity Epithelial damage and angiogenesis in the airways of children with asthma Basal cells of differentiated bronchial epithelium are more susceptible to rhinovirus infection Interleukin-13-induced mucous metaplasia increases susceptibility of human airway epithelium to rhinovirus infection Cytokines and autoimmunity Rhinovirus-induced PBMC responses and outcome of experimental infection in allergic subjects Relationship of upper and lower airway cytokines to outcome experimental rhinovirus infection Rhinovirusinduced lower respiratory illness is increased in asthma and related to virus load and Th1/2 cytokine and IL-10 production Asthmatic bronchial epithelial cells have a deficient innate immune response to infection with rhinovirus Role of deficient type III interferon-production in asthma exacerbations The current explanation is that rhinovirus infection induces the release of chemokines from airway epithelial cells, thereby attracting inflammatory cells to the airways. keywords: activation; acute; adults; airway; allergen; allergic; asthma; asthmatic; bronchial; cause; ccl11; cells; changes; chemokines; children; chronic; clearance; colds; control; copd; cystic; cytokine; data; development; differentiation; disease; early; effects; eosinophils; epithelial; epithelial cells; evidence; exacerbations; experimental; exposure; expression; fibrosis; function; group; human; hyperresponsiveness; immune; immunity; increased; induced; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; innate; interferon; lower; lung; macrophages; mice; model; mouse; nasal; neutrophils; number; obstructive; ovalbumin; patients; positive; prevalence; production; pulmonary; receptor; replication; respiratory; response; rhinovirus; rhinovirus infection; rna; role; similar; sputum; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; temperature; th1; th2; tract; type; upper; viral; viral infection; viruses; vivo; wheezing cache: cord-290674-1kdc6xk8.txt plain text: cord-290674-1kdc6xk8.txt item: #76 of 125 id: cord-291639-hioh2s35 author: Alfredo, Potena title: Pathophysiology of viral-induced exacerbations of COPD date: 2007-12-17 words: 4436 flesch: 22 summary: Granulocyte infl ammatory markers and airway infection during acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Recognition of doublestranded RNA and activation of NF-kappaB by Toll-like receptor 3 Respiratory syncytial virus infection of human lung endothelial cells enhances selectively intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression Respiratory syncytial virus infection of human primary nasal and bronchial epithelial cell cultures and bronchoalveolar macrophages Airway epithelial cell-induced activation of monocytes and eosinophils in respiratory syncytial viral infection Respiratory viral infections in patients with chronic, obstructive pulmonary disease Blocking intercellular adhesion molecule-1 on human epithelial cells decreases respiratory syncytial virus infection Transcription factors in asthma and COPD Molecular mechanisms of respiratory virus-induced asthma and COPD exacerbations and pneumonia Requirement of a novel upstream response element in respiratory syncytial virus-induced IL-8 gene expression Activation of ERK2 by respiratory syncytial virus in A549 cells is linked to the production of interleukin 8 Respiratory syncytial virus infl uences NF-kappaB-dependent gene expression through a novel pathway involving MAP3K14/NIK expression and nuclear complex formation with NF-kappaB2 Role of defi cient type III interferon-lambda production in asthma exacerbations Effectiveness of neuraminidase inhibitors in treatment and prevention of infl uenza A and B: systematic review and meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials Respiratory syncytial virus infection of monocyte-derived dendritic cells decreases their capacity to activate CD4 T cells Relationship between exacerbation frequency and lung function decline in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Detection of respiratory syncytial virus and human metapneumovirus by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in adults with and without respiratory illness Respiratory syncytial virus infection in elderly and high-risk adults Respiratory syncytial virus infection in adults Inhibition of viral replication reverses respiratory syncytial virus-induced NF-kappaB activation and interleukin-8 gene expression in A549 cells Lower airways infl ammation during rhinovirus colds in normal and in asthmatic subjects Relationship of upper and lower airway cytokines to outcome of experimental rhinovirus infection Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, National Institute of Health, National Heart Lung, and Blood Institute. In this review we will provide an overview of the relationship between respiratory virus infection and the molecular mechanisms involved in the activation of airway infl ammation in COPD exacerbations. keywords: activation; adhesion; airway; ammation; ammatory; asthma; bacterial; bronchial; cells; chemokines; chronic; copd; copd exacerbations; cytokines; data; disease; epithelial; et al; exacerbations; experimental; expression; factors; gene; human; induced; infection; infl; inflammatory; kinase; lower; lung; mechanisms; model; molecular; obstructive; papi; patients; production; protein; pulmonary; recent; receptor; related; replication; respiratory; response; rhinovirus; role; rsv; severe; sputum; studies; study; susceptibility; syncytial; transcription; treatment; uenza; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-291639-hioh2s35.txt plain text: cord-291639-hioh2s35.txt item: #77 of 125 id: cord-292231-vxaqizkj author: Bouquet, Jerome title: Microbial burden and viral exacerbations in a longitudinal multicenter COPD cohort date: 2020-03-30 words: 5753 flesch: 31 summary: These findings are interesting because they mirror another study showing the partitioning of COPD exacerbation samples into 3 cytokine profile clusters [3] with associations to specific ratios of Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes that highlighted the heterogeneity of exacerbation profiles in COPD patients. Prevotella, Streptococcus and Veillonella represented the majority of the microbiota in samples collected at stable states, Haemophilus and Moraxella were predominant in acute exacerbation samples, and Pseudomonas was prevalent in exacerbation follow-up samples (Fig. 2b ). keywords: 16s; abundance; acute; airway; alpha; analysis; antibiotic; bacterial; beta; biotype; chronic; clinical; cohort; copd; correlated; data; days; detection; differences; disease; diversity; europe; events; exacerbation; factors; fig; figure; follow; frequency; frequent; haemophilus; higher; hrv; human; independent; infections; influenza; longitudinal; lower; lung; microbial; microbiota; moraxella; number; obstructive; odds; patients; phenotype; potential; predominant; prevotella; pseudomonas; pulmonary; ratio; relative; respiratory; rhinovirus; role; samples; severe; severity; significant; sputum; stable; state; streptococcus; study; subjects; supplementary; taxa; treatment; unifrac; usa; viral; viruses; visits; weighted; year cache: cord-292231-vxaqizkj.txt plain text: cord-292231-vxaqizkj.txt item: #78 of 125 id: cord-292301-h20337ib author: Falsey, Ann R title: Respiratory syncytial virus–associated illness in adults with advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and/or congestive heart failure date: 2018-09-24 words: 2217 flesch: 34 summary: E E Walsh provides consultative advice to Clinical and epidemiologic features of respiratory syncytial virus Respiratory syncytial virus infection in elderly and high-risk adults Rates of hospitalizations for respiratory syncytial virus, human metapneumovirus, and influenza virus in older adults Mortality associated with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus in the United States Medically attended respiratory syncytial virus infections in adults aged >/=50 years: clinical characteristics and outcomes Risk factors for severe respiratory syncytial virus infection in elderly persons High morbidity and mortality in adults hospitalized for respiratory syncytial virus infections Respiratory viral infections in adults with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Global and regional estimates of COPD prevalence: systematic review and meta-analysis Epidemiology and risk profile of heart failure Can analysis of routine viral testing provide accurate estimates of respiratory syncytial virus disease burden in adults? Palivizumab, a humanized respiratory syncytial virus monoclonal antibody, reduces hospitalization from respiratory syncytial virus infection in high-risk infants Comparison of the GenMark Diagnostics eSensor respiratory viral panel to real-time PCR for detection of respiratory viruses in children The burden of hospitalized lower respiratory tract infection due to respiratory syncytial virus in rural Thailand Development and pilot study of a dualtarget RSV assay to detect and subtype respiratory syncytial virus in nasal swab samples Development of electrochemiluminescent serology assays to measure the humoral response to antigens of respiratory syncytial virus Consequences of immature and senescent immune responses for infection with respiratory syncytial virus Influenza-and RSVassociated hospitalizations among adults Risk factors for respiratory syncytial virus illness among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Winter viruses: influenza-and respiratory syncytial virus-related morbidity in chronic lung disease Comparison of the safety and immunogenicity of 2 respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccinesnonadjuvanted vaccine or vaccine adjuvanted with alum-given concomitantly with influenza vaccine to high-risk elderly individuals keywords: acute; adults; advanced; analysis; antibody; assay; chf; children; chronic; class; copd; days; disease; failure; heart; high; iii; illness; incidence; infection; influenza; mari; obstructive; older; patients; pcr; population; pulmonary; respiratory; risk; rsv; severe; sputum; study; subjects; syncytial; vaccine; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-292301-h20337ib.txt plain text: cord-292301-h20337ib.txt item: #79 of 125 id: cord-293613-xnos7iud author: Ritchie, Andrew I. title: Definition, Causes, Pathogenesis, and Consequences of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations date: 2020-08-12 words: 7490 flesch: 23 summary: trial Serum IP-10 as a biomarker of human rhinovirus infection at exacerbation of COPD An experimental model of rhinovirus induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations: a pilot study Lymphocyte subsets in experimental rhinovirus infection in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease A systematic review of diagnostic biomarkers of COPD exacerbation C-reactive protein in outpatients with acute exacerbation of COPD: its relationship with microbial etiology and severity Serum inflammatory biomarkers and clinical outcomes of COPD exacerbation caused by different pathogens Procalcitonin to guide antibiotic administration in COPD exacerbations: a meta-analysis High plasma brain natriuretic peptide levels in stable COPD without pulmonary hypertension or cor pulmonale Calistru PI. Eur Respir The role of the bacterial microbiome in lung disease Haemophilus influenzae from patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation induce more inflammation than colonizers Moraxella catarrhalis acquisition, airway inflammation and protease-antiprotease balance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Moraxella catarrhalis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Host-pathogen interaction during pneumococcal infection in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Strain-specific immune response to Haemophilus influenzae in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Systemic and upper and lower airway inflammation at exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Rhinovirus infection induces degradation of antimicrobial peptides and secondary bacterial infection in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Rhinovirus exposure impairs immune responses to bacterial products in human alveolar macrophages Viral inhibition of bacterial phagocytosis by human macrophages: redundant role of CD36 Human rhinovirus impairs the innate immune response to bacteria in alveolar macrophages in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Rhinovirus attenuates non-typeable Hemophilus influenzaestimulated IL-8 responses via TLR2-dependent degradation of IRAK-1 Rhinovirus enhances various bacterial adhesions to nasal epithelial cells simultaneously Stable COPD: predicting benefit from high-dose inhaled corticosteroid treatment COPD exacerbation severity and frequency is associated with impaired macrophage efferocytosis of eosinophils Sputum eosinophilia and short-term response to prednisolone in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomised controlled trial Association of sputum and blood eosinophil concentrations with clinical measures of COPD severity: an analysis of the SPIROMICS cohort Blood eosinophil counts, exacerbations, and response to the addition of inhaled fluticasone furoate to vilanterol in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a secondary analysis of data from two parallel randomised controlled trials Blood eosinophils and inhaled corticosteroid/long-acting b-2 agonist efficacy in COPD Viral infections in allergy and immunology: how allergic inflammation influences viral infections and illness Airway eosinophilia in chronic bronchitis during exacerbations Oxidative and nitrosative stress and histone deacetylase-2 activity in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Neutrophil adhesion molecules in experimental rhinovirus infection in COPD Altered macrophage function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Impaired alveolar macrophage response to Haemophilus antigens in chronic obstructive lung disease Differential effects of p38, MAPK, PI3K or rho kinase inhibitors on bacterial phagocytosis and efferocytosis by macrophages in COPD Elastaseand LPS-exposed mice display altered responses to rhinovirus infection Analysis of viral infection and biomarkers in patients with acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease The expression of IL-6, TNF-a, and MCP-1 in respiratory viral infection in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease The use of serum procalcitonin as a diagnostic and prognostic biomarker in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations: a literature review update A two-stage logistic model based on the measurement of pro-inflammatory cytokines in bronchial secretions for assessing bacterial, viral, and noninfectious origin of COPD exacerbations Diagnosing viral and bacterial respiratory infections in acute COPD exacerbations by an electronic nose: a pilot study Biomarkers for predicting COPD exacerbations Fibrinogen and COPD: now what? keywords: acute; aecopd; airway; airway inflammation; alveolar; analysis; bacterial; biomarkers; blood; bronchial; care; cause; cells; changes; chronic; chronic obstructive; clearance; clinical; cohort; colleagues; controls; copd; copd exacerbations; decline; definition; disease; disease exacerbations; eosinophilia; epithelial; events; exacerbations; experimental; factor; fibrinogen; following; frequency; frequent; function; greater; hcu; healthy; high; hospital; host; human; ifn; il-6; immune; impact; impaired; important; increase; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenzae; key; levels; life; lower; lung; macrophages; microbiome; mortality; neutrophil; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; onset; pathogenesis; patients; plasma; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; quality; recovery; related; relationship; respiratory; response; rhinovirus; risk; role; serum; severe; severity; significant; sputum; stable; state; strains; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; time; tnf; treatment; viral; viruses; year cache: cord-293613-xnos7iud.txt plain text: cord-293613-xnos7iud.txt item: #80 of 125 id: cord-293760-9mk2h2qf author: Takamoto, Hiroki title: Development and Clinical Application of a Novel Non-contact Early Airflow Limitation Screening System Using an Infrared Time-of-Flight Depth Image Sensor date: 2020-09-11 words: 3962 flesch: 43 summary: Therefore, early airflow limitation screening is important to inform recommendations to people with the disease to improve their daily habits. Detecting early airflow limitation caused by diseases above is critical to stop the progression. keywords: airflow; airflow limitation; analysis; anterior; asthma; calibration; chronic; contact; copd; curve; data; depth; disease; eafl; eafl−ss; early; examinee; fev1; fev1.0; figure; fvc; healthy; home; image; infrared; limitation; lung; measurement; method; novel; obstructive; patients; processing; pulmonary; respiratory; screening; sensor; sitting; spirometer; study; system; thorax; time; tof; vital; volume cache: cord-293760-9mk2h2qf.txt plain text: cord-293760-9mk2h2qf.txt item: #81 of 125 id: cord-295206-vetdsk48 author: Woodfork, Karen title: Bronchitis date: 2008-01-10 words: 6119 flesch: 33 summary: Acute infectious bronchitis differs from chronic bronchitis with respect to etiology, pathophysiology, and treatment. As a form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), chronic bronchitis is characterized by irreversible or incompletely reversible airway obstruction that produces a decrease in maximal expiratory airflow Chitkara and Sarinas (2002) . keywords: acute; acute bronchitis; acute exacerbations; administration; adrenoceptor; agonists; airflow; airway; alpha; bacterial; beta-2; bronchial; bronchitis; bronchoconstriction; bronchodilator; cases; cells; chitkara; chronic; chronic bronchitis; chronic obstructive; clinical; common; copd; cough; cytokines; decrease; development; disease; elevated; emphysema; et al; exacerbations; function; glucocorticoids; gonzales; illness; individuals; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; inhibitors; ipratropium; lower; lung; management; mccrory; mucus; muscle; number; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; persons; phase; pneumonia; present; production; progression; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; release; respiratory; result; reversible; right; risk; sande; sarinas; severe; significant; signs; smoke; sputum; symptoms; therapy; tobacco; treatment; useful; viral; virus; weeks; wheezing cache: cord-295206-vetdsk48.txt plain text: cord-295206-vetdsk48.txt item: #82 of 125 id: cord-296585-yfh5d4io author: Su, Yu-Ching title: The Interplay Between Immune Response and Bacterial Infection in COPD: Focus Upon Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae date: 2018-11-05 words: 16584 flesch: 21 summary: Episodes of large inflammation as the consequences of multiple interactions between airway immune cells and NTHi, accumulatively contribute to COPD exacerbations and may result in worsening of the clinical status. Expression of microbialinduced AMP (human β-defensin 2) is suppressed in airway epithelial cells when exposed to cigarette smoke (175, 176) . keywords: activated; activation; activity; acute; adaptive; addition; aecopd; airway; airway epithelial; airway immune; airway inflammation; altered; alveolar; alveolar macrophages; antibiotic; antibodies; antigen; antimicrobial; asthma; azithromycin; bacterial; beta; blood; bronchial; causes; cbp; cells; changes; chronic; chronic obstructive; cigarette; cigarette smoke; clearance; clinical; colonization; common; complex; compromised; concentrations; contribute; copd; copd alveolar; copd exacerbations; copd patients; damage; defective; defense; deficiency; dendritic; dependent; destruction; different; disease; dna; ecm; effects; emphysema; enhanced; epithelial; epithelial cells; exacerbations; exposure; expression; extracellular; factor; fibrosis; formation; function; gene; genetic; growth; haemophilus; haemophilus influenzae; healthy; histone; host; human; ifn; il-1β; il-6; il-8; immune; immune cells; immune response; immunity; impaired; important; increase; induced; induction; infection; inflammasome; inflammation; inflammatory; influenzae; inhaled; innate; invasive; involved; isolated; kinase; levels; like; los; lower; lung; lung disease; lymphocytes; macrophages; mapk; mechanisms; mediators; methylation; mice; microbiome; model; mucosal; mucus; neutrophils; nlrp3; nontypeable; nontypeable haemophilus; nthi; nthi infection; nuclear; number; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; oxidative; p300; p38; p65; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathway; patients; peripheral; persistent; phagocytosis; pneumoniae; primary; production; progression; protease; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; receptor; reduced; related; release; remodeling; resistance; respiratory; response; results; review; rhinovirus; risk; role; secretion; severe; severity; siga; signaling; small; smoke; species; specific; sputum; stable; stimulation; strains; stress; studies; study; system; t cells; tc1; tgf; th2; tissue; tlr2; tlr4; tlrs; tnf; tobacco; toll; tract; transcription; treatment; tregs; vaccine; viral; viruses cache: cord-296585-yfh5d4io.txt plain text: cord-296585-yfh5d4io.txt item: #83 of 125 id: cord-296898-icowa7wn author: Jouneau, Stéphane title: Prise en charge des exacerbations : de la ville à l’hôpital date: 2015-04-30 words: 4419 flesch: 46 summary: Les critères couramment utilisés sont l'augmentation de la dyspnée, de la toux, du volume de l'expectoration ou la modification de l'expectoration (aspect purulent). Elle concerne 5 à 10 % de la population adulte. keywords: acute; aeruginosa; ainsi; antibiothérapie; artérielle; aux; bactérienne; bactéries; bpco; bronchique; bronchodilatateurs; cardiaque; cas; catarrhalis; cause; ces; charge; chez; chronic; chronic obstructive; clinical; clinique; comorbidités; copd; corticothérapie; d'ea; d'une; dans; des; diagnostic; disease; doit; domicile; durée; dyspnée; ea bpco; ecbc; elle; est; exacerbations; faut; fièvre; gravité; home; hospitalisation; infections; influenzae; invasive; jours; kinésithérapie; l'expectoration; large; les; lors; mais; malades; maladie; montré; mortalité; n'est; non; obstructive; par; pas; patients; pendant; peut; pneumoniae; pour; première; prescription; principalement; prise; pulmonary; que; qui; respiratoire; retour; risque; réanimation; signes; soit; sont; sur; symptômes; systémique; therapy; thoracique; traitement; treatment; trial; très; une; urgences; ventilation; virus; vni; également; être cache: cord-296898-icowa7wn.txt plain text: cord-296898-icowa7wn.txt item: #84 of 125 id: cord-297840-z5l6vdsr author: Río, Francisco García title: Air Travel and Respiratory Disease date: 2007-02-28 words: 16168 flesch: 49 summary: Grupo Aula Médica Hypoxaemia during air travel in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Altitude exposures during aircraft flights: flying higher Oxygen concentrations in commercial aircraft flights Air travel and oxygen therapy in cardiopulmonary patients Air travel hypoxemia with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Servera Pieras E. El pulmón y los viajes en avión Oxygen supplementation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients during air travel Hypoxaemia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients during a commercial flight Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company Air medical transport of cardiac patients Inflight arterial saturation: continuous monitoring by pulse oximetry Applied Respiratory Physiology Detection and correction of hypoxemia associated with air travel Altitude hypoxaemia and the arterial-toalveolar oxygen ratio Hypoxemia during air travel Changes in cardiac output during air ambulance repatriation Ventilation-perfusion inequality in normal humans during exercise at sea level and simulated altitude Limits of human lung function at high altitude Predicted gas exchange on the summit of Mt High altitude medicine and physiology. In other patients, in-flight hypoxemia should be estimated if they have a PaO 2 less than 70 mm keywords: acute; addition; affected; air; air travel; aircraft; airline; airport; altitude; analysis; arterial; assessment; authorities; available; blood; body; cabin; cardiac; case; challenge; changes; chronic; clinical; commercial; common; companies; company; conditions; contacts; continuous; control; copd; cystic; data; disease; disease patients; diving; dvt; effects; emergencies; environment; equations; evidence; exercise; exposure; factors; failure; feet; fev; fibrosis; figure; fio; flight; flight pao; flow; following; function; gas; general; greater; guidelines; health; heart; high; hours; hypobaric; hypoxemia; hypoxia; important; incidence; increase; index; individuals; infection; influenza; information; international; journey; length; level; limited; long; low; lower; lung; mask; measures; medical; min; necessary; nitrogen; number; obstructive; outbreak; oxygen; pao; passengers; patients; pio; plane; pneumothorax; positive; possible; presence; present; pressure; prior; problems; prophylactic; provision; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; recent; recommendations; reduction; respiratory; respiratory disease; response; results; risk; sars; series; severe; similar; situation; small; studies; study; subjects; supplementary; symptoms; syndrome; system; table; test; therapy; thoracic; thromboembolism; thrombosis; time; transmission; transport; travel; treatment; tuberculosis; use; venous; ventilation; virus; volume; vtd; water; weeks; weight; years; zone cache: cord-297840-z5l6vdsr.txt plain text: cord-297840-z5l6vdsr.txt item: #85 of 125 id: cord-298646-wurzy88k author: van der Merwe, René title: Challenge models to assess new therapies in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease date: 2012-09-13 words: 4781 flesch: 34 summary: No effect of inhaled budesonide on the response to inhaled ozone in normal subjects Effects of cyclo-oxygenase inhibition on ozone-induced respiratory inflammation and lung function changes SCH527123, a novel treatment option for severe neutrophilic asthma SB-656933, a novel CXCR2 selective antagonist, inhibits ex-vivo neutrophil activation and ozone-induced airway inflammation in humans Short-term respiratory effects of 0.12 ppm ozone exposure in volunteers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease The acute effects of 0.2 ppm ozone in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Response to ozone in volunteers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Responses of older men with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to prolonged ozone exposure Detection of rhinovirus RNA in lower airway cells during experimentally induced infection The major human rhinovirus receptor is ICAM-1 Members of the low density lipoprotein receptor family mediate cell entry of a minor-group common cold virus Role of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase in rhinovirus-induced cytokine production by bronchial epithelial cells Rhinovirus induction of the CXC chemokine epithelial-neutrophil activating peptide-78 in bronchial epithelium Low grade rhinovirus infection induces a prolonged release of IL-8 in pulmonary epithelium Quantitative and qualitative analysis of rhinovirus infection in bronchial tissues Rhinoviruses infect the lower airways Lower airways inflammation during rhinovirus colds in normal and in asthmatic subjects Respiratory viruses in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring hospitalisation: a case-control study Infections and airway inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease severe exacerbations A 1-year prospective study of the infectious etiology in patients hospitalized with acute exacerbations of COPD Effect of interactions between lower airway bacterial and rhinoviral infection in exacerbations of COPD Viral pathogens in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease A one-year prospective study of infectious etiology in patients hospitalized with acute exacerbations of COPD and concomitant pneumonia Rhinovirus infections in chronic bronchitis: isolation of eight possibly new rhinovirus serotypes Role of infection in chronic bronchitis Infectious agents associated with exacerbations of chronic obstructive bronchopneumopathies and asthma attacks Respiratory viruses, symptoms, and inflammatory markers in acute exacerbations and stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Respiratory viral infections in adults with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease An experimental model of rhinovirus induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations: a pilot study An experimental model of virus induced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation Experimental rhinovirus infection as a human model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation Comparative antirhinoviral activities of soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1) and chimeric ICAM-1/immunoglobulin A molecule Efficacy of tremacamra, a soluble intercellular adhesion molecule 1, for experimental rhinovirus infection: a randomized clinical trial Genetic clustering of all 102 human rhinovirus prototype strains: serotype 87 is close to human enterovirus 70 Regulation of innate antiviral defenses through a shared repressor domain in RIG-I and LGP2 for Pleconaril Respiratory Infection Study Group. The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease defines chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) as a … common preventable and treatable disease characterized by persistent airflow limitation that is usually progressive and associated with an enhanced chronic inflammatory response in the airways and the lung to noxious particles or gases. keywords: activation; acute; agents; airway; asthma; cells; challenge; chronic; clinical; copd; corticosteroids; data; development; disease; dose; drug; early; effects; efficacy; endotoxin; exacerbations; experimental; exposure; fev; fluticasone; function; healthy; hours; hrv; human; il-6; il-8; increase; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhaled; levels; lower; lps; lung; making; model; monocytes; neutrophils; new; novel; obstructive; oral; ozone; patients; placebo; potential; pulmonary; receptor; reduction; respiratory; response; rhinovirus; role; significant; sputum; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; systemic; therapeutic; therapies; treatment; viral; volunteers cache: cord-298646-wurzy88k.txt plain text: cord-298646-wurzy88k.txt item: #86 of 125 id: cord-304461-332eygtr author: Ganesan, Shyamala title: Barrier function of airway tract epithelium date: 2013-10-01 words: 6092 flesch: 23 summary: Tight junctions and the regulation of gene expression Dynamic regulation of epithelial cell fate and barrier function by intercellular junctions The pathology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Relationship of epidermal growth factor receptors to goblet cell production in human bronchi Effects of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor on LPSinduced goblet cell metaplasia SPDEF regulates goblet cell hyperplasia in the airway epithelium Foxa2 regulates alveolarization and goblet cell hyperplasia Airway epithelial transcription factor NK2 homeobox 1 inhibits mucous cell metaplasia and Th2 inflammation Aldose reductase inhibition prevents metaplasia of airway epithelial cells A nonredundant role for mouse Serpinb3a in the induction of mucus production in asthma SPDEF is required for mouse pulmonary goblet cell differentiation and regulates a network of genes associated with mucus production Distinct roles of FOXA2 and FOXA3 in allergic airway disease and asthma Primary ciliary dyskinesia: diagnostic and phenotypic features Ciliary beating is depressed in nasal cilia from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease subjects Effects of second hand smoke on airway secretion and mucociliary clearance A pharmacologic approach to acquired cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator dysfunction in smoking related lung disease Cigarette smoke exposure impairs respiratory epithelial ciliogenesis Long-term cigarette smoke exposure in a mouse model of ciliated epithelial cell function Different mucins are produced by the surface epithelium and the submucosa in human trachea: identification of MUC5AC as a major mucin from the goblet cells The airway goblet cell Mucin gene (MUC 2 and MUC 5AC) upregulation by Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria Regulation of human airway mucins by acrolein and inflammatory mediators Tobacco smoke control of mucin production in lung cells requires oxygen radicals AP-1 and JNK Cigarette smoke induces MUC5AC mucin overproduction via tumor necrosis factor-alpha-converting enzyme in human airway epithelial (NCI-H292) cells Cigarette smoke total particulate matter increases mucous secreting cell numbers in vitro: a potential model of goblet cell hyperplasia Hyaluronan fragments/CD44 mediate oxidative stress-induced MUC5B up-regulation in airway epithelium Physiology of airway mucus clearance Innate immunity and mucus structure and function Effective mucus clearance is essential for respiratory health Regulation of airway surface liquid volume and mucus transport by active ion transport Cystic fibrosis and estrogens: a perfect storm Requirement for IL-13 independently of IL-4 in experimental asthma Interleukin-13: central mediator of allergic asthma Epidermal growth factor receptor activation by epidermal growth factor mediates oxidant-induced goblet cell metaplasia in human airway epithelium Expression of the leucocyte common antigen-related (LAR) tyrosine phosphatase is regulated by cell density through functional E-cadherin complexes Transforming growth factor-β-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition facilitates epidermal growth factor-dependent breast cancer progression Defective epithelial barrier function in asthma Aberrantly activated EGFR contributes to enhanced IL-8 expression in COPD airways epithelial cells via regulation of nuclear FoxO3A Increased cytokine response of rhinovirus-infected airway epithelial cells in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Mechanistic insights from structural studies of beta-catenin and its binding partners Cigarette smoke extract induces activation of beta-catenin/TCF signaling through inhibiting GSK3beta in human alveolar epithelial cell line Wnt signaling in lung cancer Epidermal growth factor receptor exposed to cigarette smoke is aberrantly activated and undergoes perinuclear trafficking Tobacco smoke-induced lung cell proliferation mediated by tumor necrosis factor alphaconverting enzyme and amphiregulin Pollen proteases compromise the airway epithelial barrier through degradation of transmembrane adhesion proteins and lung bioactive peptides Der p 1 facilitates transepithelial allergen delivery by disruption of tight junctions Strategies for new antimicrobial proteins and peptides: lysozyme and aprotinin as model molecules Killing of gram-negative bacteria by lactoferrin and lysozyme Antimicrobial polypeptides in host defense of the respiratory tract The SARS coronavirus E protein interacts with PALS1 and alters tight junction formation and epithelial morphogenesis Induction of Ran GTP drives ciliogenesis Occludin phosphorylation in regulation of epithelial tight junctions The coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor is a transmembrane component of the tight junction Virus-induced Abl and Fyn kinase signals permit coxsackievirus entry through epithelial tight junctions Isolation of a common receptor for Coxsackie B viruses and adenoviruses 2 and 5 Rhinovirusinduced barrier dysfunction in polarized airway epithelial cells is mediated by NADPH oxidase 1 Rhinovirus infection liberates planktonic bacteria from biofilm and increases chemokine responses in cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells Oxidative stress-induced disruption of epithelial and endothelial tight junctions Alpha-catenin is a molecular switch that binds E-cadherin-beta-catenin and regulates actin-filament assembly alpha-Catenin mediates initial E-cadherin-dependent cell-cell recognition and subsequent bond strengthening E-cadherin-mediated adhesion inhibits liganddependent activation of diverse receptor tyrosine kinases Protein-tyrosine phosphatasemediated decrease of epidermal growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor receptor tyrosine phosphorylation in high cell density cultures Cellular redistribution of protein tyrosine phosphatases LAR and PTPsigma by inducible proteolytic processing Cigarette smoking reprograms apical junctional complex molecular architecture in the human airway epithelium in vivo Altered expression of epithelial junctional proteins in atopic asthma: possible role in inflammation The sentinel role of the airway epithelium in asthma pathogenesis Rhinovirus disrupts the barrier function of polarized airway epithelial cells MAPK and heat shock protein 27 activation are associated with respiratory syncytial virus induction of human bronchial epithelial monolayer disruption Disruption of tight junctions during traversal of the respiratory epithelium by Burkholderia cenocepacia Effects of TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma and IL-beta on normal human bronchial epithelial cells Regulation of airway tight junctions by proinflammatory cytokines The Crumbs3-Pals1 complex participates in the establishment of polarity in mammalian epithelial cells The Maguk protein, Pals1, functions as an adapter, linking mammalian homologues of Crumbs and Discs Lost Direct interaction of two polarity complexes implicated in epithelial tight junction assembly A novel Crumbs3 isoform regulates cell division and ciliogenesis via importin beta interactions Multiple regions of Crumbs3 are required for tight junction formation in MCF10A cells Apical junctional complexes and cell polarity Loss of PALS1 expression leads to tight junction and polarity defects Human beta-defensin-1 is a salt-sensitive antibiotic in lung that is inactivated in cystic fibrosis R Bals for the CAPNETZ Study Group. Tight and adherens junctions located at the apicolateral border of airway epithelial cells also contribute significantly to the barrier function of conductive airway tract epithelium. keywords: activation; adherens; airway; airway epithelium; allergens; antimicrobial; apical; asl; asthma; bacteria; barrier; basal; beating; beta; bronchial; cadherin; catenin; cells; chronic; cigarette; ciliated; clara; clearance; complex; complexes; copd; cystic; defective; differentiation; disease; disruption; dysfunction; egfr; epithelial cells; epithelium; expression; factor; fibrosis; formation; function; glands; glycoproteins; goblet; goblet cell; gram; growth; human; hyperplasia; impaired; infection; inhaled; innate; junctions; lactoferrin; layer; levels; lung; lysozyme; metaplasia; molecular; mucin; mucociliary; mucus; normal; obstructive; pals1; pathogens; patients; peptides; permeability; polarity; primary; production; proliferation; proteases; proteins; pulmonary; receptor; reduced; regulate; regulation; respiratory; role; secretion; signaling; smoke; spdef; submucosal; surface; tight; tract; transmembrane; virus cache: cord-304461-332eygtr.txt plain text: cord-304461-332eygtr.txt item: #87 of 125 id: cord-304556-1f47gvys author: Grabiec, Aleksander M. title: The role of airway macrophages in apoptotic cell clearance following acute and chronic lung inflammation date: 2016-03-08 words: 8921 flesch: 17 summary: IL-1 expression is inhibited by GAS6 in monocytes/macrophages Macrophages that have ingested apoptotic cells in vitro inhibit proinflammatory cytokine production through autocrine/paracrine mechanisms involving TGF-beta, PGE2, and PAF Thrombospondin cooperates with CD36 and the vitronectin receptor in macrophage recognition of neutrophils undergoing apoptosis Efferocytosis impairs pulmonary macrophage and lung antibacterial function via PGE2/EP2 signaling Phosphatidylserinedependent ingestion of apoptotic cells promotes TGF-beta1 secretion and the resolution of inflammation PPARgamma activation following apoptotic cell instillation promotes resolution of lung inflammation and fibrosis via regulation of efferocytosis and proresolving cytokines Apoptotic cells induce immunosuppression through dendritic cells: critical roles of IFN-gamma and nitric oxide CD103+ pulmonary dendritic cells preferentially acquire and present apoptotic cell-associated antigen Differential role of CD80 and CD86 on alveolar macrophages in the presentation of allergen to T lymphocytes in asthma Alveolar macrophages: plasticity in a tissue-specific context The prolonged life-span of alveolar macrophages Efficient clearance of apoptotic cells from the airways is essential for successful resolution of inflammation and the return to lung homeostasis. keywords: accumulation; activation; airway; airway macrophages; alveolar; apoptosis; apoptotic; apoptotic cells; asthma; axl; binding; bronchial; cell clearance; cells; changes; chronic; cigarette; clearance; consequences; control; copd; defective; defects; dendritic; dependent; different; disease; effects; efferocytic; efferocytosis; engulfment; epithelial; epithelial cells; example; expression; factor; family; fibrosis; function; gas6; glucocorticoids; growth; healthy; homeostasis; host; human; immune; impaired; important; induced; induction; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; innate; interaction; intracellular; kinase; levels; lung; lung inflammation; macrophages; mechanism; mertk; mice; microbial; molecules; necrotic; neutrophils; obstructive; pathogens; patients; phagocytes; phagocytosis; phosphatidylserine; potential; process; production; protein; ptdser; pulmonary; receptors; recognition; reduced; release; removal; resident; resolution; respiratory; response; role; severe; signals; specific; studies; surface; system; tam; tim; tissue; tuberculosis; turnover; tyrosine; uptake; vitro cache: cord-304556-1f47gvys.txt plain text: cord-304556-1f47gvys.txt item: #88 of 125 id: cord-305838-i0ck2oo0 author: Kouri, Andrew title: CHEST Reviews: Addressing reduced laboratory-based pulmonary function testing during a pandemic date: 2020-07-08 words: 4890 flesch: 28 summary: [17] [18] [19] [20] Access to reliable pulmonary function data is particularly critical for lung transplant patients when weekly monitoring with spirometry is the gold standard care during the first 3 months post-transplant when the risk of acute graft rejection is highest. In asthma care, mHealth applications supporting patient self-management through education, medication reminders, symptom monitoring, and action plan provision have been shown to improve asthma control, medication and action plan adherence, and quality of life. keywords: alternatives; asthma; available; capacity; care; children; chronic; clinical; conditions; control; conventional; copd; covid-19; data; devices; diagnosis; digital; disease; electronic; feno; fibrosis; flow; function; health; healthcare; home; important; interventions; laboratories; laboratory; learning; likely; long; lung; machine; management; measurement; measures; mobile; monitoring; need; new; nitric; non; objective; obstructive; options; oscillometry; oxide; pandemic; patients; peak; pef; pfts; portable; potential; pulmonary; quality; remote; respiratory; results; review; risk; self; society; spirometry; studies; symptoms; technologies; term; testing; transplant; treatment; use; useful cache: cord-305838-i0ck2oo0.txt plain text: cord-305838-i0ck2oo0.txt item: #89 of 125 id: cord-306076-ygfnkgqp author: Fujita, Yu title: RNAi Therapeutic Platforms for Lung Diseases date: 2013-02-06 words: 8427 flesch: 36 summary: Strategies for silencing human disease using RNA interference RNAi therapeutics: A potential new class of pharmaceutical drugs Small interfering RNA inhibits hepatitis B virus replication in mice RNAi suppresses polyglutamine-induced neurodegeneration in a model of spinocerebellar ataxia Confirming the RNAi-mediated mechanism of action of siRNA-based cancer therapeutics in mice Chemical modification of siRNA siRNA and isRNA: Two edges of one sword Targeted delivery of antisense oligodeoxynucleotide and small interference RNA into lung cancer cells Poly(ester amine)-mediated, aerosol-delivered Akt1 small interfering RNA suppresses lung tumorigenesis Poly(beta-amino ester) as a carrier for si/shRNA delivery in lung cancer cells Inhibition of non-small cell lung cancer cell proliferation and tumor growth by vector-based small interfering RNAs targeting HER2/neu Rodriguez-Padilla, C. WT1 gene silencing by aerosol delivery of PEI-RNAi complexes inhibits B16-F10 lung metastases growth Inhibition of influenza virus production in virus-infected mice by RNA interference Using siRNA in prophylactic and therapeutic regimens against SARS coronavirus in Rhesus macaque Intrapulmonary delivery of XCL1-targeting small interfering RNA in mice chronically infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Effective treatment of respiratory alphaherpesvirus infection using RNA interference A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of an RNAi-based therapy directed against respiratory syncytial virus RNA interference: new therapeutics in allergic diseases Emerging oligonucleotide therapies for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Suppression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 In general, both viral and non-viral vectors are being assessed for siRNA delivery to lung cells. keywords: addition; airway; aln; alveolar; anti; applications; approaches; associated; asthma; barriers; cancer; cause; cells; cellular; chemical; chronic; cigarette; clinical; complex; conditions; copd; corticosteroids; degradation; delivery; development; diseases; drug; effective; effects; efficient; epithelial; evidence; expression; factor; fibrosis; function; future; gene; growth; human; important; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhalation; inhaled; inhibition; inhibits; interference; intranasal; kinase; lipid; lung; lung cancer; lung diseases; major; mice; microrna; mimics; mirnas; molecular; molecules; mrna; mucus; multiple; naked; new; non; obstructive; oligonucleotides; particles; pathogenesis; patients; phase; potential; progression; promising; pulmonary; recent; receptor; regulation; respiratory; response; rnai; role; rsv; rsv01; significant; silencing; sirna; sirna delivery; size; small; smoke; smoking; specific; studies; syk; systemic; target; targeted; targeting; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; toxicity; tract; transfection; treatment; trial; tumor; use; vectors; viral; virus; vivo cache: cord-306076-ygfnkgqp.txt plain text: cord-306076-ygfnkgqp.txt item: #90 of 125 id: cord-306266-8qdrshz3 author: Scully, Crispian title: Respiratory medicine date: 2014-06-25 words: 13246 flesch: 40 summary: Respiratory infections must also be eradicated; sputum should first be sent for culture and sensitivity, but antimicrobials such as amoxicillin should be started without await ing results. Immunocompromised persons (e.g. those with human immunode ficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome [HIV/AIDS] and transplant recipients) and people with bronchiectasis or cystic fibrosis are also susceptible to respiratory infections by a range of opportun istic microbes. keywords: -there; abscess; abscessus; active; acute; adequate; africa; aids; air; airflow; airways; alveolar; antibiotic; arterial; asia; aspiration; assessment; association; asthma; asthmatic; attacks; bacterial; benefit; best; biopsy; blood; breathing; breathlessness; bronchiectasis; bronchitis; bronchodilators; cancer; carbon; care; cases; cause; cells; cervical; chest; children; chronic; clinical; combination; common; complications; contact; contagious; control; copd; corticosteroids; cough; countries; culture; cystic; days; defects; dental; dental treatment; development; diagnosis; disease; disorders; drugs; dyspnoea; early; emphysema; evidence; exacerbations; example; exchange; exercise; exposure; failure; fatal; features; fever; fibrosis; fig; flow; following; frequent; function; gas; gastric; glands; healthcare; help; high; highincome; history; hiv; hospital; human; ige; igra; illness; immune; impaired; impairment; important; individuals; infected; infection; influenza; inhalation; inhaled; isoniazid; legionella; lesions; lower; ltot; lung; lymphadenopathy; main; maintenance; management; material; mdrtb; medical; milk; months; mortality; mott; mouth; mucus; muscle; mycobacteria; necessary; need; new; nodes; normal; obstruction; oedema; older; oral; oxygen; pain; patients; people; persons; pneumonia; poor; positive; possible; present; prevention; primary; production; pulmonary; radiography; rare; rate; recent; recurrent; release; respiratory; respiratory infections; response; result; rifampicin; risk; salivary; sarcoidosis; sars; secretions; september; severe; shortacting; significant; similar; skin; smoking; spirometry; spread; sputum; surgery; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; systems; table; test; testing; theophylline; therapy; tract; transmission; transplantation; treatment; tuberculin; tuberculosis; type; upper; vaccines; vap; ventilation; ventilatorassociated; viruses; water; weeks; wheeze; world; years; young cache: cord-306266-8qdrshz3.txt plain text: cord-306266-8qdrshz3.txt item: #91 of 125 id: cord-307309-s0t4kp2x author: Liang, Ying title: Symptoms, Management and Healthcare Utilization of COPD Patients During the COVID-19 Epidemic in Beijing date: 2020-10-14 words: 3016 flesch: 41 summary: A recent report from American Thoracic Society Patient Education emphasized that an action plan for COPD patients is important and helps patients to manage the lung condition and monitor the symptoms. Prevalence and attributable health burden of chronic respiratory diseases, 1990-2017: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2017 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in China: a nationwide prevalence study Determinants of smoking cessation in patients with COPD treated in the outpatient setting Smoking cessation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients aged 40 years or older in China Seasonal and regional variations in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation rates in adults without cardiovascular risk factors All authors made a significant contribution to the work reported, whether that is in the conception, study design, execution, acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation, or in all these areas; took part in drafting, revising or critically reviewing the article; gave final approval of the version to be published; have agreed on the journal to which the article has been submitted; and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work. keywords: analysis; april; beijing; china; chronic; copd; covid-19; cross; data; disease; epidemic; exacerbation; healthcare; hospital; journal; long; maintenance; management; medical; medication; obstructive; online; pandemic; patients; pharmacological; population; prevalence; pulmonary; respiratory; risk; sectional; smoking; study; survey; symptoms; table; treatment; utilization; worsening; years cache: cord-307309-s0t4kp2x.txt plain text: cord-307309-s0t4kp2x.txt item: #92 of 125 id: cord-308466-f0iu6sje author: Ko, Fanny W. title: Acute exacerbation of COPD date: 2016-03-30 words: 8629 flesch: 27 summary: 9 Impairment of working ability or early retirement in COPD patients due to physical disability contributes to a substantial socioeconomic loss and health expenditure. A recent Cochrane review found no difference in outcomes for nebulizers and MDI with spacers in patients with acute asthma; 55 a similar appraisal of the evidence specific to COPD patients is awaited. keywords: acute; acute exacerbation; admissions; aecopd; air; airway; ambient; analysis; antibiotics; asia; associated; australia; azithromycin; bacterial; care; cause; changes; chronic; chronic obstructive; clinical; common; comorbidities; copd; copd exacerbations; copd patients; corticosteroids; data; days; different; discharge; disease; dose; early; effect; emergency; evidence; exacerbations; exposure; factors; failure; follow; frequency; guidelines; health; high; home; hong; hospital; hospitalization; infection; inhaled; interventions; kong; length; long; lower; lung; macrolide; major; management; microbiome; mortality; niv; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; oral; oxygen; pacific; patients; pollution; population; post; prevalence; primary; programme; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; randomized; rate; rct; readmission; recent; reduce; reduction; region; rehabilitation; research; respiratory; review; risk; self; severe; severity; significant; sputum; stay; studies; study; support; symptoms; systematic; term; therapy; thoracic; time; treatment; trial; use; ventilation; viral; work; year cache: cord-308466-f0iu6sje.txt plain text: cord-308466-f0iu6sje.txt item: #93 of 125 id: cord-309885-6sjxi2et author: Maremanda, Krishna P. title: Age-Dependent Assessment of Genes Involved in Cellular Senescence, Telomere, and Mitochondrial Pathways in Human Lung Tissue of Smokers, COPD, and IPF: Associations With SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 ACE2-TMPRSS2-Furin-DPP4 Axis date: 2020-09-09 words: 6449 flesch: 47 summary: Here, we analyzed differentially expressed transcript levels among old non-smokers vs. old smokers, old smokers vs. old COPD, and old non-smokers vs. old COPD groups. Overall, four genes PARP1, SIRT6, KLOTHO, and CDKN1C were among the common target genes that were differentially expressed in the young COPD group as compared to young non-smokers and young smokers groups. keywords: ace2; age; aging; altered; analysis; associated; cells; cellular; changes; chronic; comparisons; copd; copd group; covid-19; crucial; current; data; different; disease; dpp4; dysfunction; et al; expression; figures; function; furin; genes; group; higher; human; important; induced; ipf; levels; lung; mice; mitochondrial; nanostring; nfatc2; non; obstructive; old; old copd; old non; old smokers; pairwise; parp1; pathways; patients; progression; protein; pulmonary; receptor; reports; role; samples; sars; senescence; smokers; smokers group; smoking; study; subjects; supplementary; table; targets; telomere; tissues; tmprss2; transcript; young; young copd; young ipf; young non; young smokers cache: cord-309885-6sjxi2et.txt plain text: cord-309885-6sjxi2et.txt item: #94 of 125 id: cord-310304-f28tjmi8 author: Alcendor, Donald J. title: Racial Disparities-Associated COVID-19 Mortality among Minority Populations in the US date: 2020-07-30 words: 7730 flesch: 35 summary: Aggressive strategies to help minority patients at higher risk understand the seriousness of COVID-19 disease could include direct mailings, providing patients with samples of masks and sanitizers, COVID-19 office placards, COVID-19 infomercials in waiting areas, wellness checks, and COVID-19 information for family members and caretakers. COVID-19 patients with diabetes are at increased risk of having adverse clinical complications, including death [37, 38] . keywords: aas; access; ace2; aceis; acute; alveolar; angiotensin; blood; cardiovascular; care; cells; changes; china; chronic; clinical; communities; complications; control; copd; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 patients; covs; cvd; cytokine; death; determinants; development; diabetes; disease; disparities; distress; dysfunction; entry; essential; ethnic; expression; factors; failure; figure; health; heart; higher; hypertension; increase; individuals; infected; infection; inflammation; injury; leakage; levels; likely; lung; management; medical; minority; model; mortality; novel; patients; pneumocytes; policy; poor; populations; pressure; pulmonary; racial; rate; receptor; related; renin; respiratory; review; risk; sars; severe; social; socioeconomic; storm; study; syndrome; system; type; vascular; viral; wuhan cache: cord-310304-f28tjmi8.txt plain text: cord-310304-f28tjmi8.txt item: #95 of 125 id: cord-312338-r6jqmes3 author: Althani, Asma title: Characterisation of winter respiratory viral infections in patients with asthma and COPD in Qatar date: 2012-12-14 words: 2423 flesch: 50 summary: Our study is the first in Qatar to analyse the clinical aetiology of respiratory tract viral infections in adult patients from all age groups with asthma or COPD. In the last several years, respiratory virus infections have been identified in [50 % of wheezing episodes in adults [1, 3, 9] . keywords: acute; adults; aetiology; asthma; chronic; common; copd; cough; data; disease; exacerbations; fluorescence; infections; non; obstructive; patients; pcr; population; pulmonary; qatar; respiratory; rhinovirus; sample; studies; study; symptoms; tract; viral; viruses; wheezing cache: cord-312338-r6jqmes3.txt plain text: cord-312338-r6jqmes3.txt item: #96 of 125 id: cord-313431-swkcdvx8 author: Becerra-Diaz, Mireya title: Androgen and Androgen Receptors as Regulators of Monocyte and Macrophage Biology in the Healthy and Diseased Lung date: 2020-08-07 words: 14998 flesch: 29 summary: We have highlighted here how sex hormones contribute to changes in lung macrophage function that contribute to lung disease. Thus, testosterone appears to play a key immunoregulatory role in lung macrophages. keywords: action; activation; activity; adaptive; adult; airway; allergic; alveolar; alveolar macrophages; analysis; androgen; androgen receptor; antigen; apoptosis; ars; asthma; asthmatic; atherosclerosis; binding; biological; biology; blood; bone; cancer; cd14; cells; cellular; changes; chemokine; chronic; cigarette; circulation; classical; concentrations; control; copd; critical; cytokine; dcs; decrease; deficiency; dehydroepiandrosterone; dendritic; dependent; development; dhea; dht; differences; different; differentiation; disease; donors; effects; epithelial; estradiol; estrogen; exposure; expression; factor; female; fibrosis; foam; function; gender; greater; healthy; high; higher; homeostasis; hormones; human; human monocytes; il-6; immune; immune cells; immune response; immunity; important; ims; incidence; increase; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; inhibits; innate; interstitial; key; klinefelter; levels; like; lipid; low; lower; lps; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung function; lung macrophages; ly6c; macrophages; male; mdms; mechanisms; men; metabolism; mice; models; modulate; modulation; molecular; monocytes; monocytic; mononuclear; mortality; mouse; murine; myeloid; non; number; observed; obstructive; pathogenesis; patients; pcos; peripheral; phenotype; polarization; populations; primary; production; prostate; protective; protein; pulmonary; rates; receptor; reduced; regulation; replacement; respiratory; responses; results; review; risk; role; serum; severe; sex; sex differences; sex hormones; signaling; similar; small; smoke; smoking; specific; states; steroids; studies; study; subpopulations; survival; susceptibility; syndrome; system; systemic; target; testosterone; therapy; tissue; tnf; treatment; tuberculosis; tumor; types; virus; women cache: cord-313431-swkcdvx8.txt plain text: cord-313431-swkcdvx8.txt item: #97 of 125 id: cord-314868-ei2b8oqn author: Leung, J. M. title: ACE-2 Expression in the Small Airway Epithelia of Smokers and COPD Patients: Implications for COVID-19 date: 2020-03-23 words: 2713 flesch: 53 summary: There was a significant inverse relationship between ACE-2 gene expression and FEV1% of predicted (r=-0.24; p=0.035; Figure 1B) . First, the study was cross-sectional and as such, we could not determine whether interventions such as inhaled corticosteroids or bronchodilators (for those with COPD) could modulate ACE-2 gene expression in the airways. keywords: ace2; airways; angiotensin; author; available; cohort; converting; copd; copyright; coronavirus; counts; covid-19; cpm; current; disease; doi; enzyme; expression; fev1; funder; gene; holder; individuals; international; levels; license; lung; medrxiv; non; patients; peer; perpetuity; preprint; respiratory; risk; severe; smokers; smoking cache: cord-314868-ei2b8oqn.txt plain text: cord-314868-ei2b8oqn.txt item: #98 of 125 id: cord-315249-yclnl87n author: Read, R. C. title: Infection in acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis: a clinical perspective date: 1999-12-31 words: 2662 flesch: 36 summary: Patients with pneumonia treated with high dose penicillin and subsequently shown to be infected with penicillin-resistant pneumococci, showed no increase in severity of outcome compared to patients with sensitive strains (32) . Co-existing cardiopulmonary disease such as ischaemic heart disease, and also diabetes, have been linked to poor outcome in COPD patients (38) . keywords: acute; aecb; airways; antibiotic; antimicrobial; bacterial; benefit; bronchitis; cause; chronic; clinical; copd; death; disease; dyspnoea; effect; exacerbations; haemophilus; increased; infection; lower; management; obstructive; outcome; pathogens; patients; penicillin; placebo; pneumoniae; pulmonary; resistance; respiratory; severe; sputum; stable; studies; therapy; tract; use; volume cache: cord-315249-yclnl87n.txt plain text: cord-315249-yclnl87n.txt item: #99 of 125 id: cord-317548-ft7lkpzq author: Proud, David title: Upper airway viral infections date: 2007-07-05 words: 4008 flesch: 30 summary: Interestingly, respiratory viral infections are associated with COPD exacerbations that are more frequent, severe and have longer recovery times Upper respiratory viral infections (URI) and their complications Rhinovirus infections in an industrial population. keywords: acute; airway; antiviral; approaches; asthma; bronchial; care; case; cells; chemokines; children; chronic; colds; common; complications; copd; cytokines; disease; effects; epithelial; exacerbations; experimental; expression; health; hrv; human; immune; induced; induction; infections; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; levels; lower; major; mediators; nasal; obstructive; production; pulmonary; replication; respiratory; response; rhinovirus; role; rsv; secretions; specific; studies; study; symptoms; treatment; types; upper; uri; viral; viruses; vivo cache: cord-317548-ft7lkpzq.txt plain text: cord-317548-ft7lkpzq.txt item: #100 of 125 id: cord-317550-4gl5xe1w author: Rady, W. title: Role of bronchoscopy during non invasive ventilation in hypercapnic respiratory failure date: 2014-10-31 words: 6156 flesch: 42 summary: So, the aim of this work is to assess the role of early fiberoptic bronchoscopy during non invasive ventilation in acute exacerbation of COPD patients in terms of effectiveness and safety. Considering the limited data on the application of FOB during NIPPV in COPD patients, it was very important to record the complications related to FOB in group I of the study to validate the safety of the procedure in this specific setting and compare it to overall rates of FBO related complications in other studies. keywords: 0.001; acute; admission; airway; application; arterial; blood; bronchoscopy; care; cases; chronic; complications; copd; days; difference; disease; duration; early; exacerbation; face; failure; fiberoptic; fob; group; group ii; heart; hypercapnic; icu; improvement; length; level; lung; mask; mean; mean value; mechanical; medical; min; mortality; nippv; niv; noninvasive; obstructive; oxygen; patients; pneumonia; positive; pressure; procedure; pulmonary; rate; respiratory; scala; secretions; significant; statistical; stay; studies; study; support; treatment; value; ventilation cache: cord-317550-4gl5xe1w.txt plain text: cord-317550-4gl5xe1w.txt item: #101 of 125 id: cord-318248-y2vkpuv3 author: None title: Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease strategy for the diagnosis, management and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: An Asia–Pacific perspective date: 2005-02-03 words: 5783 flesch: 41 summary: While the COPD Roundtable Group recommends vaccination of all patients with COPD in communities where there is a high likelihood of SARS, there remain some issues regarding the implementation of influenza vaccination for COPD patients in the Asia-Pacific region, for the following reasons: (i) low surveillance data from tropical countries; (ii) apparent lack of bimodal seasonality in tropical countries; (iii) uncertainty of appropriate frequency or timing of vaccines; (iv) the presence of two potential vaccine formulations to coincide with influenza strains emerging in February and September; (v) limited efficacy data on vaccination in tropical countries; and (vi) lack of cost-effectiveness and cost-savings studies. GOLD also states that 'health care workers involved in the diagnosis and management of COPD patients should have access to spirometry'. keywords: acute; asia; bronchodilators; burden; chronic; clinical; copd; copd patients; copd roundtable; countries; data; diagnosis; disease; evidence; exercise; expert; global; gold; gold guidelines; group; guidelines; health; healthcare; iii; implementation; influenza; inhaled; lung; management; mdi; obstructive; pacific; pacific region; panel; patients; prevalence; prevention; programmes; pulmonary; pulmonary rehabilitation; recommendations; region; rehabilitation; risk; roundtable; roundtable group; sars; severe; spacer; spirometry; statement; strategy; study; symptoms; technique; therapy; training; treatment; use; vaccination; world cache: cord-318248-y2vkpuv3.txt plain text: cord-318248-y2vkpuv3.txt item: #102 of 125 id: cord-318277-j073u7ga author: Sapey, Elizabeth title: Building toolkits for COPD exacerbations: lessons from the past and present date: 2019-07-03 words: 7248 flesch: 29 summary: a post hoc cohort analysis from the Summit randomized clinical trial Increased platelet activation in patients with stable and acute exacerbation of COPD Cardiovascular risk, myocardial injury, and exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Cognitive dysfunction in patients hospitalized with acute exacerbation of COPD Prevalence and outcomes of diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease in COPD Audit programme: outcomes from the clinical audit of COPD exacerbations admitted to acute units in England Susceptibility to exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Acute kidney injury in stable COPD and at exacerbation Bedside assessment of quadriceps muscle by ultrasound after admission for acute exacerbations of chronic respiratory disease Validation of the DECAF score to predict hospital mortality in acute exacerbations of COPD I Notes on Xrays Ueber die isolierte Farbung Der Schizomyceten in Schmitt-und Trockenpraparaten On consumption, on certain diseases of the lungs and pleura Infection in the pathogenesis and course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Infections and airway inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease severe exacerbations Respiratory viruses, symptoms, and inflammatory markers in acute exacerbations and stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Major air pollutants and risk of COPD exacerbations: a systematic review and meta-analysis Adherence to inhaled therapy, mortality and hospital admission in COPD Socioeconomic status, race and COPD health outcomes Physiological changes during symptom recovery from moderate exacerbations of COPD Venous thromboemboli and exacerbations of COPD Diagnosis of myocardial infarction following hospitalisation for exacerbation of COPD Relationship of sputum color to nature and outpatient management of acute exacerbations of COPD Sputum colour reported by patients is not a reliable marker of the presence of bacteria in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: identification of biologic clusters and their biomarkers The pathogenesis of bronchial catarrk and of acute and chronic bronchitis Acute and chronic inflammation of the bronchial tree Inter-relationships between inflammatory markers in patients with stable COPD with bronchitis: Intra-patient and inter-patient variability Variability of sputum inflammatory mediators in COPD and alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency Relation of sputum inflammatory markers to symptoms and lung function changes in COPD exacerbations Increased bronchoalveolar granulocytes and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor during exacerbations of chronic bronchitis Changes in T-lymphocyte subpopulations at the onset of severe exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Aberrant neutrophil functions in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the neutrophil as an immunotherapeutic target neutrophil elastase cleaves C3bi keywords: acute; acute exacerbations; aetiology; airways; antibiotics; audit; available; bacterial; benefit; biomarkers; blood; bronchitis; care; cause; cells; changes; chronic; chronic obstructive; clinical; common; comorbid; comorbidities; comorbidity; copd; copd exacerbations; corticosteroids; damage; day; differences; direct; disease; eosinophils; evidence; exacerbations; factor; failure; function; hospital; host; identification; immune; impact; important; increase; inflammation; inflammatory; interventions; life; likely; lung; management; mediators; mortality; myocardial; need; neutrophil; non; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; oral; outcomes; patients; phenotypes; presence; presentation; prevalence; prevention; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; quality; readmission; recovery; reduced; respiratory; response; review; risk; score; severity; short; significant; specific; sputum; stable; studies; study; symptoms; systemic; therapy; time; tissue; treatment; trial; understanding; use; variability; ventilation; viral; viruses; years cache: cord-318277-j073u7ga.txt plain text: cord-318277-j073u7ga.txt item: #103 of 125 id: cord-319163-d1oj15cw author: Lee, Jinju title: The Role of Autophagy in Eosinophilic Airway Inflammation date: 2019-02-04 words: 4096 flesch: 27 summary: However, the mechanism underlying autophagy-mediated regulation of eosinophilic airway inflammation remains unclear. The aim of this review is to provide a general overview of the role of autophagy in eosinophilic airway inflammation. keywords: activation; addition; airway; allergic; apoptosis; asthma; asthmatic; atg5; atg7; autophagosome; autophagy; cells; chronic; copd; crs; deficient; dependent; disease; eosinophilic; epithelial; expression; formation; human; il-5; important; inflammation; inflammatory; lc3b; lung; major; membrane; mice; model; mucosa; murine; nasal; nps; obstructive; pathogenesis; patients; pgd; polyps; production; proteins; pulmonary; recent; remodeling; rhinosinusitis; role; severe; specific; stress; studies; table; tgf; th2; therapeutic; treatment; type cache: cord-319163-d1oj15cw.txt plain text: cord-319163-d1oj15cw.txt item: #104 of 125 id: cord-320153-a0bqliei author: Ezzeldin, Nada title: Association of TNF-α –308G/A, SP-B 1580 C/T, IL-13 –1055 C/T gene polymorphisms and latent adenoviral infection with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in an Egyptian population date: 2012-05-09 words: 3945 flesch: 43 summary: The age and the smoking history in the resistant smokers group and COPD patients group were matched without significant differences ( Table I) . The mean values of the post-bronchodilator FEV 1 , FEV 1 /FVC and FEF25/75% of predicted in COPD patients group were 47.3%, 59.0% and 29.2%, respectively. keywords: -1055; adenovirus; alleles; association; bronchodilator; cases; chronic; copd; difference; disease; distribution; factor; fef25/75; fev; frequency; gene; genotype; groups; heterozygous; higher; homozygous; il-13; infection; latent; lung; mean; necrosis; non; obstructive; patients; pcr; polymorphism; population; post; promoter; pulmonary; resistant; results; significant; smokers; smoking; study; subjects; susceptibility; table; tnf; tumor; values cache: cord-320153-a0bqliei.txt plain text: cord-320153-a0bqliei.txt item: #105 of 125 id: cord-321401-w4ne60fn author: Schrumpf, Jasmijn A. title: Impact of the Local Inflammatory Environment on Mucosal Vitamin D Metabolism and Signaling in Chronic Inflammatory Lung Diseases date: 2020-07-10 words: 10396 flesch: 19 summary: The emerging role of extracellular molecular events in sustaining intestinal inflammation Vitamin D decreases respiratory syncytial virus induction of NF-kappaB-linked chemokines and cytokines in airway epithelium while maintaining the antiviral state Vitamin D enhances production of soluble ST2, inhibiting the action of IL-33 Regulation of immune function by vitamin D and Its use in diseases of immunity Vitamin D in asthma: mechanisms of action and considerations for clinical trials Accelerated ageing of the lung in COPD: new concepts Molecular mechanisms of vitamin D action Klotho: an antiaging protein involved in mineral and vitamin D metabolism Fibroblast growth factor 23 and Klotho contribute to airway inflammation Klotho expression is reduced in COPD airway epithelial cells: effects on inflammation and oxidant injury Critical roles of intestinal epithelial vitamin D receptor signaling in controlling gut mucosal inflammation Imbalance of autophagy and apoptosis in intestinal epithelium lacking the vitamin D receptor Autophagy and inflammation in chronic respiratory disease Autophagy proteins are required for club cell structure and function in airways Corticosteroid resistance in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Reversing the defective induction of IL-10-secreting regulatory T cells in glucocorticoid-resistant asthma patients Vitamin D levels, lung function, and steroid response in adult asthma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3-deficiency enhances oxidative stress and corticosteroid resistance in severe asthma exacerbation Vitamin D downregulates the IL-23 receptor pathway in human mucosal group 3 innate lymphoid cells Vitamin D counteracts an IL-23-dependent IL-17A(+)IFN-γ(+) response driven by urban particulate matter Comparative effect of 25(OH)D3 and 1,25(OH)2D3 on Th17 cell differentiation Enhanced production of IL-17A in patients with severe asthma is inhibited by 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in a glucocorticoidindependent fashion Novel regulation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 24-hydroxylase (24(OH)ase) transcription by glucocorticoids: cooperative effects of the glucocorticoid receptor, C/EBPβ, and the Vitamin D receptor in 24(OH)ase transcription Relationship between exacerbation frequency and lung function decline in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Vitamin D enters the circulation either via food intake (plantbased: vitamin D 2 /animal-based: vitamin D 3 ) or as a result of its synthesis in the skin by UVB radiation. keywords: 25(oh)d; active; activity; addition; airway; airway epithelial; amps; analysis; antimicrobial; asthma; bacterial; barrier; cancer; cells; chronic; cigarette; composition; copd; cyp24a1; cyp27b1; cystic; cytokines; defense; deficiency; degradation; development; dihydroxyvitamin; direct; disease; effects; epithelial; epithelial cells; evidence; exacerbations; exposure; expression; factors; fibrosis; function; gut; hcap18; host; human; hydroxylase; immune; impaired; important; induced; induction; infections; inflammation; inflammatory; inhaled; inhibition; innate; integrity; intestinal; klotho; levels; line; ll-37; local; low; lung; macrophages; mechanisms; mesenchymal; metabolism; mice; microbiota; models; modulation; mucosal; number; obstructive; oxidative; pathogenesis; pathogens; patients; production; protective; pulmonary; rcts; recent; receptor; regulation; respiratory; responses; result; review; role; serum; signaling; smoke; stress; studies; study; sufficient; supplementation; synthesis; tgf; toxicants; treatment; vdr; viral; vitamin; vitamin d; vivo cache: cord-321401-w4ne60fn.txt plain text: cord-321401-w4ne60fn.txt item: #106 of 125 id: cord-323468-xn7anxj6 author: Olloquequi, Jordi title: COVID‐19 Susceptibility in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease date: 2020-08-11 words: 4159 flesch: 37 summary: All rights reserved 70 Immune Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Amplification of inflammation in emphysema and its association with latent adenoviral infection Impaired phagocytosis of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae by human alveolar macrophages in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Impaired alveolar macrophage response to Haemophilus antigens in chronic obstructive lung disease Dysregulated Functions of Lung Macrophage Populations in COPD Accumulation of dendritic cells and increased CCL20 levels in the airways of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Acute effects of tobacco smoke on human airway dendritic cells in vivo Lung dendritic cell expression of maturation molecules increases with worsening chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Deficient pulmonary IFN-beta expression in COPD patients Interferon-beta 1a and SARS coronavirus replication Interferon-beta and interferon-gamma synergistically inhibit the replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus Polymeric immunoglobulin receptor down-regulation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) recognizes COPD patients amongst the worst affected by COVID-19 11 . keywords: acute; airway; alveolar; article; bacterial; cases; cells; chronic; cigarette; clinical; copd; copyright; coronavirus; course; cov-2; covid-19; disease; evidence; exacerbations; expression; factor; function; group; higher; human; immune; impaired; infection; lung; main; novel; obstructive; patients; pneumonia; pulmonary; recent; receptor; reduced; reported; respiratory; response; review; rhinovirus; rights; risk; role; sars; severe; severity; smokers; smoking; stable; study; subjects; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; viral; viruses cache: cord-323468-xn7anxj6.txt plain text: cord-323468-xn7anxj6.txt item: #107 of 125 id: cord-326834-eeldyj2u author: Graziani, Desirée title: Characteristics and Prognosis of COVID-19 in Patients with COPD date: 2020-10-12 words: 4371 flesch: 40 summary: The demographic and clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients with and without COPD are shown in Table 1 . The demographic and clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients with and without COPD are shown in Table 1 . keywords: age; analysis; associated; cardiovascular; cases; characteristics; chronic; clinical; comorbidities; copd; copd patients; cov-2; covid-19; data; diagnosis; disease; exacerbations; factors; failure; free; general; heart; higher; hospital; impact; information; mortality; obstructive; older; pandemic; patients; pcr; pneumonia; population; precision; prevalence; prognosis; pulmonary; rates; records; results; risk; sars; savana; severe; studies; study; system; table; tests; variables; winter; years cache: cord-326834-eeldyj2u.txt plain text: cord-326834-eeldyj2u.txt item: #108 of 125 id: cord-328829-yywxmioq author: Boixeda, Ramon title: Microbiological study of patients hospitalized for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AE-COPD) and the usefulness of analytical and clinical parameters in its identification (VIRAE study) date: 2012-05-25 words: 3828 flesch: 36 summary: This prospective observational study of patients admitted for AE-COPD (VIR-AE) included a 2-year follow-up period and was intended to identify the infectious etiology of COPD exacerbations (whether viral or bacterial), as well as to describe the clinical features and analytical variables used to differentiate the cause of exacerbation. A study of stable and exacerbated outpatients using the protected specimen brush Respiratory viral infections in adults with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Respiratory viruses, symptoms, and inflammatory markers in acute exacerbations and stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Respiratory viruses in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring hospitalisation: a case-control study Infections and airway inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease severe exacerbations Prevalence of viral infection detected by PCR and RT-PCR in patients with acute exacerbation of COPD: a systematic review Diagnosis and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: joint guidelines of the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR) and the Latin Antibiotics in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations. keywords: acute; admission; aeruginosa; analysis; analytical; antibiotic; bacterial; baseline; blood; cases; cause; chronic; chronic obstructive; clinical; copd; criteria; data; diagnostic; different; disease; dyspnea; etiology; exacerbations; failure; group; heart; history; hospital; identification; infection; influenza; manuscript; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; parameters; patients; pcr; positive; presence; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; respiratory; result; rsv; samples; severe; severity; significant; sputum; studies; study; techniques; test; treatment; unknown; viral; viruses cache: cord-328829-yywxmioq.txt plain text: cord-328829-yywxmioq.txt item: #109 of 125 id: cord-331895-3srslmgk author: Jacobs, M. title: Increased expression of ACE2, the SARS-CoV-2 entry receptor, in alveolar and bronchial epithelium of smokers and COPD subjects date: 2020-06-02 words: 4906 flesch: 46 summary: Our study in smokers with and without COPD confirms our hypothesis that their increased risk for severe COVID-19 may be at least partially attributed to increased ACE2 expression. Pulmonary expression levels of TMPRSS2 were significantly higher in patients with (very) severe COPD and correlated significantly with ACE2 expression. keywords: ace2; alveolar; analyses; author; available; bronchial; cells; copd; copyright; copyright holder; cov-2; covid-19; current; disease; doi; entry; epithelium; expression; figure; funder; gold; higher; holder;; iii; increased; international license; june; levels; license; lung; medrxiv; medrxiv preprint; mrna; patients; perpetuity; preprint; protein; pulmonary; receptor; sars; severe; smokers; smoking; stage; subjects; tissue; tmprss2; version cache: cord-331895-3srslmgk.txt plain text: cord-331895-3srslmgk.txt item: #110 of 125 id: cord-332652-wm9krxve author: Koslik, Hayley J. title: Prevalence and correlates of obstructive lung disease among people who inject drugs, San Diego, California date: 2020-07-02 words: 4523 flesch: 46 summary: Black race (AOR = 2.66, 95%CI: 1.37, 5.17), pack-years smoked (AOR = 1.06/5 years, 95%CI: 1.01, 1.12), and duration of injection drug use (AOR = 1.13, 95%CI: 1.01, 1.27) were independently associated with OLD after controlling for age. In addition, OLD prevalence increased with greater duration of injection drug use, suggesting a link between cumulative exposure to injected insoluble particles and OLD. keywords: age; analysis; black; chronic; cohort; copd; correlates; data; diego; disease; drug; drummond; duration; emphysema; et al; exposure; factors; findings; healthcare; hepatitis; high; hiv; injection; lifetime; lung; months; mtb; national; non; number; obstructive; old; pack; participants; past; population; prevalence; prevention; pulmonary; pwid; race; related; reported; research; respiratory; risk; san; smoking; spirometry; stahr; status; study; symptoms; treatment; tuberculosis; use; utilization; virus; years cache: cord-332652-wm9krxve.txt plain text: cord-332652-wm9krxve.txt item: #111 of 125 id: cord-332737-iclruwmx author: Webley, Wilmore C. title: Infection-mediated asthma: etiology, mechanisms and treatment options, with focus on Chlamydia pneumoniae and macrolides date: 2017-05-19 words: 7493 flesch: 37 summary: Over the past three decades, animal models of asthma have been extensively utilized to elucidate mechanisms of the disease, determine the activities of genes of interest, investigate cellular pathways and predict the safety and efficacy of various drugs being considered for asthma treatment. The question then remains; what factors determine if a viral respiratory infection provokes the onset of chronic asthma? keywords: acute; adult; airway; allergic; animal; anti; association; asthma; asthmatic; atypical; authors; azithromycin; bacterial; bronchial; bronchitis; cases; cells; cellular; childhood; children; chlamydia; chronic; clinical; confirmed; copd; current; data; death; development; disease; early; effects; episodes; etiology; evidence; exacerbations; factors; findings; greater; health; host; human; hygiene; hypothesis; ige; immune; important; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; life; likely; long; lower; lung; macrolide; manifestations; mechanisms; mice; microbes; microbiome; models; mouse; new; non; onset; outcomes; pathogen; patients; people; phenotype; pneumoniae; population; positive; pragmatic; primary; qol; quality; randomized; rcts; refractory; research; resistance; respiratory; responses; results; risk; role; severe; severity; significant; specific; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; syndrome; term; test; th2; time; treatment; trial; type; uncontrolled; underlying; viral; wheezing cache: cord-332737-iclruwmx.txt plain text: cord-332737-iclruwmx.txt item: #112 of 125 id: cord-335597-anrzcsrt author: None title: 44. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie date: 2020-10-26 words: 14654 flesch: 44 summary: Methods: We performed single cell RNA sequencing on pulmonary arteries isolated from donors and pulmonary hypertension patients. Arteries in pulmonary hypertension patients displayed altered composition of EC population characterized by the diminished presence of one cell cluster. keywords: 2020; abstracts; activity; acute; age; ahi; airway; analysis; apnea; approach; arterial; arteries; artery; associated; association; asthma; background; bal; biomarkers; blood; bmi; bpa; cancer; cases; cell; centers; central; changes; children; chronic; cht; clinical; cohort; colonisation; complications; conclusions; control; copd; copd patients; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; criteria; crp; csa; cteph; current; data; days; der; development; die; difference; disease; dysfunction; dyspnea; early; effects; eine; elevated; endothelial; exacerbations; exercise; expression; face; factors; female; fev1; fibrinogen; fibrosis; fig; findings; follow; free; function; future; fvc; general; gold; groups; health; hemodynamics; high; higher; highest; hsp90; human; hypertension; icc; ici; ilc; immune; important; independent; index; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhalation; insulin; interventions; ipah; life; local; lower; lung; lymphocyte; male; malignant; management; mean; median; medication; methods; mice; mindfulness; mit; model; months; mortality; mpap; multivariate; n =; nach; need; neutrophil; nlr; non; normal; nsclc; number; obese; obesity; observed; obstructive; outcome; overall; p =; paecs; pain; pandemic; parameters; parsimonious; patients; pfs; physical; pirfenidone; pneumonectomy; population; positive; postoperative; potential; predictors; present; pressure; pretreatment; prevalence; prevention; primary; prognostic; pulmonary; quality; rate; regression; rehabilitation; resection; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; right; risk; role; sars; score; sdb; serum; severe; sex; significant; single; sleep; slope; specific; spt; ssc; status; strategies; studies; study; subjects; survival; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; term; testing; tests; therapy; time; tissue; tmem16a; total; transplantation; treatment; tumor; type; use; vascular; vats; ventricular; vmis; weeks; world; worse; wurde; years cache: cord-335597-anrzcsrt.txt plain text: cord-335597-anrzcsrt.txt item: #113 of 125 id: cord-337431-3rrvm787 author: Dimopoulos, G title: Viral Profile of COPD Exacerbations According to Patients§ date: 2015-02-23 words: 3224 flesch: 37 summary: RESULTS : 247 patients (median age: 69.3±9.5 years) were recruited and categorized into group A: non-elderly patients [n=81 (32.8%), median age 58±5.99] and group B: elderly patients [n=166 (67.2%), median age 74.8±4.8] years. Up to date most of the efforts are small single center cohorts that have tried to study elderly patients together with specific characteristics and risk factors associated with certain infection keywords: acute; aecopd; age; aged; bacterial; chronic; common; copd; criteria; critically; definition; detection; differences; disease; elderly; epidemiology; exacerbations; failure; fev; frequent; group; health; high; higher; hospital; human; infections; influenza; longer; min; non; obstructive; older; parainfluenza; patients; pcr; population; pulmonary; respiratory; response; risk; samples; specific; stage; study; tract; type; values; viral; virus; viruses; years cache: cord-337431-3rrvm787.txt plain text: cord-337431-3rrvm787.txt item: #114 of 125 id: cord-338907-5l6rsa94 author: Choi, Juwhan title: The association between blood eosinophil percent and bacterial infection in acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease date: 2019-05-06 words: 2998 flesch: 38 summary: 19, 20 Since animal studies showed that eosinophil count decreased with acute bacterial infection, eosinophils have been studied as a marker of bacterial infections. The reason for the decrease in peripheral eosinophils count in acute bacterial infection was the accumulation of eosinophils at the inflammatory site and inhibition of egress from the bone marrow. keywords: acute; admission; aecopd; airway; analysis; antibiotics; bacterial; blood; chronic; copd; count; crp; data; disease; eosinopenia; eosinophil; events; exacerbations; factors; group; hospital; identification; infection; obstructive; oral; pathogen; patients; pcr; percent; procalcitonin; pulmonary; results; significant; sputum; steroid; studies; study; table; test; treatment; use; value; variables; viral; virus cache: cord-338907-5l6rsa94.txt plain text: cord-338907-5l6rsa94.txt item: #115 of 125 id: cord-340420-ws3qesns author: Sin, Don D. title: COVID-19 in COPD: A growing concern date: 2020-09-19 words: 867 flesch: 38 summary: Pulmonary vascular endothelialitis, thrombosis, and angiogenesis in Covid-19 Global strategy for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive lung disease: the GOLD science committee report 2019 COVID-19 and COPD SARS-CoV-2 infection in the COPD population is associated with increased healthcare utilization: an analysis of Cleveland Clinic's COVID-19 Registry Comorbidity and its impact on 1590 patients with COVID-19 in China: a nationwide analysis SARS-CoV-2 receptor ACE2 gene expression and RAAS inhibitors ACE-2 expression in the small airway epithelia of smokers and COPD patients: implications for COVID-19 Serum levels of RAAS components in COPD Dexamethasone in hospitalized patients with Covid-19 À preliminary report A recent review of the epidemiological literature revealed wideranging prevalence (1.1À38%) of COPD among patients with COVID-19 4 . keywords: copd; corticosteroids; cov-2; covid-19; data; disease; expression; infection; odds; patients; pulmonary; respiratory; risk; sars; severe; virus cache: cord-340420-ws3qesns.txt plain text: cord-340420-ws3qesns.txt item: #116 of 125 id: cord-341832-uskyldv0 author: Miravitlles, Marc title: Tratamiento farmacológico de las agudizaciones infecciosas de la EPOC date: 2007-12-31 words: 5087 flesch: 32 summary: La importancia de la resistencia a la penicilina en infecciones por S. pneumoniae va unida también al hecho de que es muy común que estas cepas presenten también resistencia a otros antimicrobianos usados en el tratamiento de la infección neumocócica, como macrólidos, tetraciclinas o cotrimoxazol 33 . La administración de amoxicilina-ácido clavulánico a dosis de 2.000/125 mg 2 veces al día durante 5 días se ha demostrado que es tan eficaz desde el punto de vista clínico y bacteriológico como el tratamiento durante 7 días con el mismo compuesto a dosis de 875/125 mg 2 veces al día, sin diferencias en su tolerabilidad 46 . Obviamente, los nuevos tratamientos van destinados a reducir la duración de la antibioterapia para mejorar el cumplimiento 47 y restituir la función lo antes posible. keywords: acute; agudizaciones; agudización; am3; antes; anthonisen; antibiótico; aunque; años; bacteriana; bronchitis; bronquial; características; carga; cepa; chronic; chronic obstructive; clinical; clínica; clínicos; colonización; como; con; con epoc; copd; criterios; crónica; de la; de los; debe; definición; del; demostrado; desde; deterioro; disease; dosis; duración; durante; días; eficaz; el tratamiento; enfermedad; ensayos; entre; episodios; epoc; erradicación; esputo; estable; este; estos; estudios; etiología; evolución; exacerbations; factor; factores; fase; fev; forma; fracaso; frecuencia; frecuentes; frente; fue; función; gravedad; graves; grupo; han; hasta; hay; importante; infecciones; infección; infection; influenzae; la epoc; las; las agudizaciones; los; mayor; mayoría; mejor; menos; microorganismos; motivo; muy; más; nueva; nuevos; número; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; oral; otras; pacientes; pacientes con; para; patients; pero; placebo; pneumoniae; por; posible; potencialmente; presentan; prevenir; procalcitonina; puede; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; que; recaídas; reducir; resistencia; respiratory; riesgo; ser; significativa; sin; sobre; son; sputum; study; superior; síntomas; sólo; tabla; también; tasa; therapy; tiempo; tract; tratamiento; tratamiento antibiótico; treatment; una; y la cache: cord-341832-uskyldv0.txt plain text: cord-341832-uskyldv0.txt item: #117 of 125 id: cord-342476-0rupk21u author: van Rijn, Anneloes L. title: The respiratory virome and exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease date: 2019-10-24 words: 4038 flesch: 39 summary: Correlation between qPCR Cq value and logarithm of normalized numbers of mNGS viral reads was tested with population Pearson correlation coefficient. No correlation was found between viral reads and clinical markers. keywords: abundance; acute; analysis; asthma; bacterial; bacteriophages; chronic; clinical; control; copd; coronavirus; correlation; counts; coverage; current; data; detection; diagnostics; different; disease; diversity; dna; exacerbations; fig; high; human; infections; influenza; metagenomic; mngs; nasopharyngeal; negative; normalized; nucleic; number; oc43; pathogens; patients; pcr; positive; potential; predictive; protocol; qpcr; reads; respiratory; results; rhinovirus; rna; samples; sensitivity; sequencing; severity; species; specificity; studies; study; target; test; total; value; viral; virome; viruses cache: cord-342476-0rupk21u.txt plain text: cord-342476-0rupk21u.txt item: #118 of 125 id: cord-343607-yu5n9eur author: Wesseling, Geertjan title: Occasional review: Influenza in COPD: pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment date: 2007-03-17 words: 3641 flesch: 37 summary: Cochrane Clinical effects of inhaled corticosteroids in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease The neuraminidase inhibitor GS4104 (oseltamivir phosphate) is effective against A/Hong Kong/156/97 (H5N1) and A/Hong Kong/1074/99 (H9N2) infl uenza viruses How viral infections cause exacerbations of airway diseases Neuraminidase is important for the initiation of infl uenza virus infection in human airway epithelium Clinical signs and symptoms predicting infl uenza infection Detection of infl uenza viruses resistant to neuraminidase inhibitors in global surveillance during the fi rst three years of their use Neuraminidase inhibitors for infl uenza Management of infl uenza in patients with asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Global strategy for the diagnosis, management and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In a randomized clinical trial, Wongsurakiat and colleagues (2004) demonstrated that infl uenza vaccination is highly effective in the prevention of acute respiratory illness related to infl uenza virus infection, regardless of severity of COPD, comorbid diseases, age, gender, or smoking status. keywords: acute; airway; ammation; antigenic; associated; available; cause; cell; chronic; copd; disease; drugs; early; effective; effectiveness; effects; elderly; et al; exacerbations; hospitalizations; host; important; infections; infl; influenza; inhibitors; lung; mortality; neuraminidase; new; obstructive; oseltamivir; outbreaks; patients; prevention; pulmonary; reduction; related; respiratory; result; risk; strains; studies; symptoms; treatment; uenza; vaccination; vaccines; viral; viruses; zanamivir cache: cord-343607-yu5n9eur.txt plain text: cord-343607-yu5n9eur.txt item: #119 of 125 id: cord-344835-iivry1ou author: Tsoumakidou, Maria title: Novel insights into the aetiology and pathophysiology of increased airway inflammation during COPD exacerbations date: 2006-05-22 words: 5062 flesch: 27 summary: The pathophysiologic consequences of increased airway inflammation during COPD exacerbations are also discussed. This review aims to establish a cause and effect relationship between etiological factors of increased airway inflammation and COPD exacerbations based on recently published data. keywords: acute; airway; airway inflammation; association; bacterial; bronchial; bronchitis; cells; changes; chronic; chronic obstructive; colonization; copd; copd exacerbations; different; disease; effect; eosinophilia; evidence; exacerbations; expression; factors; frequent; function; group; il-8; immune; increase; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenzae; levels; lower; lung; mechanisms; mediators; mpo; numbers; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; oxidative; oxygen; pathogenesis; patients; pneumoniae; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; related; relationship; respiratory; role; samples; severe; significant; species; sputum; stable; state; stress; studies; study; systemic; treatment; type; viral; viruses cache: cord-344835-iivry1ou.txt plain text: cord-344835-iivry1ou.txt item: #120 of 125 id: cord-344889-1y4ieamp author: Cameron, Robert J. title: Virus infection in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring ventilation date: 2006-05-24 words: 4314 flesch: 42 summary: An attempt to evaluate the relationship Infectious exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associated with respiratory viruses and non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae Respiratory viruses in exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease requiring hospitalisation: a case-control study Bronchial microbial patterns in severe exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) requiring mechanical ventilation Characterization of distal bronchial microflora during acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. Role of inflammatory cells and mediators A model of viral wheeze in nonasthmatic adults: symptoms and physiology Virus-induced asthma attacks Human metapneumovirus and lower respiratory tract disease in otherwise healthy infants and children Respiratory picornaviruses and respiratory syncytial virus as causative agents of acute expiratory wheezing in children Field's virology, 4th edn Standards for the diagnosis and treatment of patients with COPD: a summary of the ATS/ERS position paper Noninvasive ventilation in acute respiratory failure Evaluation of antimicrobial treatment in mechanically ventilated patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations Noninvasive positivepressure ventilation via face mask during bronchoscopy with BAL in high-risk hypoxemic patients Evaluation of a quantitative real-time PCR for the detection of respiratory syncytial virus in pulmonary diseases Detection of rhinovirus in induced sputum at exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Recent advances in diagnosis and management of chronic bronchitis and emphysema Evidencebased approach to acute exacerbations of COPD Exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: when are bacteria important? Impact of sputum bacteria on airway inflammation and health status in clinical stable COPD Relationship between bacterial colonisation and the frequency, character, and severity of COPD exacerbations Natural and experimental rhinovirus infections of the lower respiratory tract Virus-induced airway hyperresponsiveness in man Low grade rhinovirus infection induces a prolonged release of IL-8 in pulmonary epithelium Detection of rhinovirus RNA in lower airway cells during experimentally induced infection Respiratory viruses, symptoms, and inflammatory markers in acute exacerbations and stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Lower respiratory viral illnesses: improved diagnosis by molecular methods and clinical impact Impact of respiratory virus infections on persons with chronic underlying conditions Epidemiology and treatment of chronic bronchitis and its exacerbations Respiratory viral infections in adults Respiratory viral infections in adults with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Rapid and sensitive routine detection of all members of the genus enterovirus in different clinical specimens by real-time PCR keywords: acute; admission; aetiology; agents; assay; atypical; bacterial; blood; cases; changes; chest; chlamydia; chronic; clinical; common; copd; culture; days; detection; diagnosis; disease; endotracheal; episodes; evidence; exacerbations; group; hospital; icu; illness; infection; lower; mechanical; mixed; niv; non; npa; obstructive; organism; parameters; pathogen; patients; pcr; positive; presence; probable; pulmonary; respiratory; rsv; significant; soler; specimens; sputum; study; table; time; tract; treatment; ventilated; ventilation; viral; virus; viruses; years cache: cord-344889-1y4ieamp.txt plain text: cord-344889-1y4ieamp.txt item: #121 of 125 id: cord-345517-ji4cet51 author: Duarte de Araújo, António Manuel Silva title: Copd: will there be room for nebulisers after the current covid-19 pandemic? date: 2020-09-16 words: 1343 flesch: 31 summary: In the future, a dual inhibitor of phosphodiesterase 3 and phosphodiesterase 4 enzymes, developed for use as nebulisation, could be used as maintenance therapy for COPD patients, because of the bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory related effects.8 In a recent systematic review and meta-analysis, high doses of nebulised budesonide during hospitalisation, seemed to be non-inferior to systemic corticosteroids, in the treatment of COPD acute exacerbations.9 Nebulised corticosteroids can also be preferable versus oral prednisolone in patients with diabetes mellitus or with heart failure, because of the mineralocorticoid effects and fluid retention related to systemic corticosteroids. A subgroup of COPD patients is known to present chronic bronchial infection, and the use of antibiotics can be associated with reduction of bacterial load.10 Low doses of nebulised antibiotics can provide higher tissue concentration with fewer bacterial-resistance related issues. keywords: aerosol; authors; chronic; clinical; copd; devices; disease; dose; drugs; founding; infection; inhalers; maintenance; medication; nebulisers; obstructive; patients; recent; related; respiratory; review; risk; sars; systematic; therapy; treatment; use cache: cord-345517-ji4cet51.txt plain text: cord-345517-ji4cet51.txt item: #122 of 125 id: cord-349647-cfjrwt44 author: Girkin, Jason title: Chapter 8 In vivo experimental models of infection and disease date: 2019-12-31 words: 12502 flesch: 25 summary: The expansion of mouse RV infection models has paralleled our understanding of RV biology in humans. 138À140 One of the biggest developments in mouse RV infection models was the protocol for isolation of highly purified, concentrated (high titers) of RV from Henrietta Lacks (HeLa) immortalized human epithelial cell lines and later, the intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) transfected rhabdomyosarcoma cell lines. keywords: 2/2; a16; activation; acute; administration; ahr; airway; allergen; allergic; animal; antibody; antiviral; associated; asthma; asthma exacerbations; asthmatic; bacterial; balb; biology; ccl2; cells; challenge; children; chimpanzees; chronic; clinical; colds; control; copd; copd exacerbations; cotton; cytokine; deficient; detection; development; differences; different; disease; drug; early; effects; elastase; eosinophil; epithelial; evidence; exacerbations; experimental; experimental infection; experimental rhinovirus; exposure; expression; factors; findings; function; group; hdm; healthy; high; host; human; human rhinovirus; ifn; il-13; il-5; immune; immunity; induced; infected; infection; infection models; infection studies; inflammation; inflammatory; inhaled; inoculation; insights; interferon; intranasal; key; limited; load; lower; lung; lymphocyte; macrophage; major; mda5; mechanisms; mice; models; mouse; mouse models; mucus; neutrophil; new; nonhuman; novel; numbers; obstructive; outcomes; ova; pathology; patients; pcr; people; potential; production; pulmonary; randomized; range; receptor; relevant; replication; research; respiratory; responses; rhinovirus; rhinovirus infection; role; rv infection; rvs; secondary; severe; severity; similar; species; strains; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; sufficient; symptoms; tcid; therapeutic; tnfα; tract; treatment; trial; type; understanding; upper; viral; viruses; vivo; volunteers; wild cache: cord-349647-cfjrwt44.txt plain text: cord-349647-cfjrwt44.txt item: #123 of 125 id: cord-349807-ar77cnsa author: Rouadi, Philip W. title: Immunopathological features of air pollution and its impact on inflammatory airway diseases (IAD) date: 2020-10-05 words: 8643 flesch: 23 summary: Taken together, controlled airway exposure studies to ambient pollutants in healthy individuals show small but significant negative health effects whereas exposure studies in allergic patients support the role of pollutants in increasing atopic airway hypersensitivity. The role of the reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress in the pathomechanism of the agerelated ocular diseases and other pathologies of the anterior and posterior eye segments in adults House dust mite -induced asthma causes oxidative damage and DNA double-strand breaks in the lungs International expert consensus on the management of allergic rhinitis (AR) aggravated by air pollutants Impact of air pollution on patients with AR: current knowledge and future strategies Combined diesel exhaust particulate and ragweed allergen challenge markedly enhances human in vivo nasal ragweed-specific IgE and skews cytokine production to a T helper cell 2-type pattern Immunomodulation and T Helper TH1/TH2 response polarization by CeO2 and TiO2 nanoparticles Association of indoor dampness and molds with rhinitis risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis Rhinitis symptoms and asthma among parents of preschool children in relation to the home environment in chongqing , China Long-term exposure to close-proximity air pollution and asthma and allergies in urban children PM 10, and children's respiratory symptoms and lung function in the PATY study Association between environmental factors and hospital visits among allergic patients: a retrospective study Science of the Total Environment Time-series studies on air pollution and daily outpatient visits for allergic rhinitis in Traffic-related air pollution and the development of asthma and allergies during the first 8 Years of life Air quality influences the prevalence of hay fever and sinusitis Traffic-related air pollution in relation to respiratory symptoms , allergic sensitisation and lung function in schoolchildren Upper airway inflammation and respiratory symptoms in domestic waste collectors An association between fine particles and asthma emergency department visits for children in Seattle Asthma and air pollutants: a time series study Environmental and occupational allergies Residential proximity to major roadways is associated with increased prevalence of allergic respiratory symptoms in children Meta-analysis of air pollution exposure association with allergic sensitization in European birth cohorts The effects of air pollution on the development of atopic disease Ambient particulate pollution and the world-wide prevalence of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema in children: phase One of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) Expression of dual oxidases and secreted cytokines in chronic rhinosinusitis Expression of heme oxygenase-1 in eosinophilic and non-eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps: modulation by cytokines Airborne fine particulate matter induces oxidative stress and inflammation in human nasal epithelial cells Diesel exhaust as a model xenobiotic in allergic inflammation Phase 3, single-center, sequential and parallel group, double-blind, randomized study evaluating the efficacy and safety of Fexofenadine Hydrochloride 180 mg (Allegra/Telfast) versus placebo in subjects suffering from Allergic Rhinitis with symptoms aggravated in presence of pollutants: analysis of individual symptom scores Low-level ozone has both respiratory & systemic effects in African-American adolescents with asthma despite asthma controller therapy Atopic asthmatic subjects but not atopic subjects without asthma have enhanced inflammatory response to ozone Ozone-induced inflammation is attenuated with multiday exposure Prolonged acute exposure to 0.16 ppm ozone induces eosinophilic airway inflammation in asthmatic subjects with allergies Airway cells from atopic asthmatics exposed to ozone display an enhanced innate immune gene profile Breath markers of oxidative stress and airway inflammation in seasonal allergic rhinitis Oxidative stress status and plasma trace elements in patients with asthma or allergic rhinitis Total antioxidant status and oxidative stress and their relationship to total IgE levels and eosinophil counts in children with allergic rhinitis Plasma paraoxonase activity and oxidative stress and their relationship to disease severity in children with allergic rhinitis A new oxidative stress marker for thiol-disulphide homeostasis in seasonal allergic rhinitis Oxidative stress in the airways of children with asthma and allergic rhinitis Heme oxygenase (HO)-1 is upregulated in the nasal mucosa with allergic rhinitis Overexpression of the superoxide anion and NADPH oxidase isoforms 1 and 4 (NOX1 and NOX4) in allergic nasal mucosa Influence of desloratadine on selected oxidative stress markers in patients between 3 and 10 years of age with allergic perennial rhinitis Diesel exhaust alters the response of cultured primary bronchial epithelial cells from patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae Genetic susceptibility to the respiratory effects of air pollution Effects of glutathione Stransferase gene polymorphisms and antioxidant capacity per unit albumin on the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Novel antioxidant approaches to the treatment of upper airway inflammation Effects of Nacetylcysteine on outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (Bronchitis Randomized on NAC Cost-Utility Study, BRONCUS): a randomised placebo-controlled trial Antioxidant intake and allergic disease in children Effect of silymarin in the treatment of allergic rhinitis N-Acetylcysteine combined with home based physical activity: effect on health related quality of life in stable COPD patients-a randomised controlled trial Air pollutant-mediated disruption of sinonasal epithelial cell barrier function is reversed by activation of the Nrf2 pathway Potential role of antioxidant food supplements, preservatives and colorants in the pathogenesis of allergy and asthma Effects of antioxidant supplements and nutrients on patients with asthma and allergies N-acetylcysteine exerts therapeutic action in a rat model of allergic rhinitis Short-term effects of low-level air pollution on respiratory health of adults suffering from moderate to severe asthma Air pollution and asthma control in the epidemiological study on the genetics and environment of asthma Associations of PM10 and airborne iron with respiratory health of adults living near a steel factory Increased asthma medication use in association with ambient fine and ultrafine particles Increased levels of exhaled carbon monoxide in bronchiectasis: a new marker of oxidative stress Realistic indoor nanoaerosols for a human exposure facility Effects on heart rate variability by artificially generated indoor nano-sized particles in a chamber study Health effects of a mixture of indoor air volatile organics , their ozone oxidation products , and stress Sensory and cognitive effects of acute exposure to hydrogen sulfide 1998 equivalence of sensory responses to single and mixed volatile organic compounds at equimolar concentrations Exposure of humans to a volatile organic mixture . keywords: activity; acute; adaptive; air; air pollution; airway; allergen; allergic; alterations; ambient; analysis; animal; antimicrobial; antioxidant; asthma; asthmatics; atopic; bacterial; barrier; biomarkers; cells; challenge; changes; chemical; children; chronic; cigarette; clearance; climate; clinical; complex; compounds; copd; crs; cytokine; dep; diesel; different; disease; dust; effects; environment; enzymes; epidemiological; epithelial; evidence; example; exhaust; exposure; expression; factor; fuel; function; gene; health; host; human; iad; immune; immunity; immunopathological; impact; increase; individuals; indoor; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; inhaled; innate; levels; like; long; low; lung; macrophages; matter; mice; microbial; mite; model; mucosal; nasal; natural; nitrogen; non; organic; outdoor; oxidative; oxidative stress; oxide; oxygen; ozone; particles; particulate; pathways; patients; phagocytosis; phenotypes; pneumonia; pollutants; pollution; potential; production; pulmonary; ragweed; respiratory; response; review; rhinitis; rhinosinusitis; risk; role; ros; scores; secondhand; short; similar; smoke; smoking; status; streptococcus; stress; studies; study; surface; susceptibility; symptoms; term; th1; th2; therapy; total; ultrafine; viral; vitro; vivo; volatile cache: cord-349807-ar77cnsa.txt plain text: cord-349807-ar77cnsa.txt item: #124 of 125 id: cord-354040-7ylp7edo author: Maremanda, Krishna P. title: Age-dependent assessment of genes involved in cellular senescence, telomere and mitochondrial pathways in human lung tissue of smokers, COPD and IPF: Associations with SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19 ACE2-TMPRSS2-Furin-DPP4 axis date: 2020-06-15 words: 6199 flesch: 50 summary: Differentially expressed genes in young non-smokers versus young smokers versus young COPD groups First, we analyzed differentially expressed transcript levels among young non-smokers vs. young smokers, young smokers vs. young COPD and young non-smokers vs. young COPD (Figure 1 ). Out of 5 genes, transcript levels of 1 gene (SIRT6) was decreased and the remaining 4 genes (RAD17, CDKN1C, COX10 and KLOTHO) were signi cantly increased in young smokers as compared to young COPD group (Figures 2A and 3B ). keywords: ace2; age; aging; analysis; cells; cellular; changes; chronic; comparisons; copd; covid-19; crucial; current; data; different; disease; dpp4; dysfunction; expression; factor; figures; function; furin; genes; group; higher; human; important; ipf; levels; lung; mice; mitochondrial; nanostring; nfatc2; non; obstructive; old; old copd; old non; old smokers; pairwise; parp1; pathways; patients; protein; pulmonary; reports; rna; role; samples; sars; senescence; signi; smokers; smokers group; smoking; studies; study; subjects; table; targets; telomere; tissues; tmprss2; total; transcript; young; young copd; young ipf; young non; young smokers cache: cord-354040-7ylp7edo.txt plain text: cord-354040-7ylp7edo.txt item: #125 of 125 id: cord-355038-o2hr5mox author: None title: Proceedings of Réanimation 2020, the French Intensive Care Society International Congress date: 2020-02-11 words: 102622 flesch: 49 summary: No significant difference between the NE and AVP groups for lactate clearance between H0 and H6 (25.6 [− 7.31 to 35.34]% vs 47.84 [13.42-82.73 ]%, p = 0.686). D: blood frequency of MAIT cells in patients with pneumonia compared with healthy controls (as % of total T cells) keywords: 0.001; abdominal; ability; absence; account; accuracy; accurate; acinetobacter; activity; acute; acute respiratory; addition; adherence; adjusted; adjustment; administration; admission; adult patients; adults; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agents; agreement; aim; airway; aki; aki patients; alive; analysis; anemia; anesthesia; angers; animals; ann; antibiotic; antifungal; antimicrobial; antoine; anxiety; applicable; approach; appropriate; ards; ards patients; area; arf; arrest; arterial; articles; assessment; associated; association; atc; auc; august; available; average; bacterial; bal; balance; baseline; basis; baumannii; bed; benefit; best; beta; better; biological; biomarkers; blood; bmi; body; bolus; brain; breathing; breathing patients; bronchiolitis; bsi; burn patients; calculated; cancer; candida; cannula; caps; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; care patients; care unit; casablanca; cases; catheter; catheterization; cause; cdi; cells; center; central; cerebral; changes; characteristics; chemotherapy; chest; children; chronic; chu; cio; circuit; circulatory; cirrhosis; cirrhotic patients; citrate; classified; clearance; clinical; cmh; cmh2o; cmv; cohort; cohort study; colistin; colonization; coma; combination; common; community; comorbidities; comparison; complete; compliance; complications; component; concentration; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; conflict; congresses; consecutive patients; consequences; consultancy; context; continuous; control; conventional; copd patients; correct; correlation; correspondence; costs; course; cox; cpb; cpr; creatinine; criteria; critical; culture; current; curve; cvc; daily; data; database; day-28; days; death; december; decision; decrease; definition; delay; department; descriptive; detection; development; device; diabetes; diabetic patients; diagnosis; dialysis; diaphragm; diaphragmatic; diastolic; differences; different; difficult; digestive; discharge; disclosure; discomfort; discussion; disease; disorders; distress; dka; dose; dosing; drug; dtf; duration; dysfunction; early; ecco2r; echocardiography; ecmo; ecmo patients; edema; effect; effective; efficacy; efficient; effort; efl; elderly patients; electronic; eligible; embolism; emergency; encephalopathy; end; endotracheal; endpoint; epicuc; epidemiological; epidemiology; epilepticus; episodes; equal; esophageal; ethics regulations; etiology; events; evolution; exacerbation; examination; experienced; experimental; expert; exposure; extracorporeal; extraction; factors; failure; family; fast; fatal; favorable; feasible; features; female; fig; figure; findings; fio2; flow; fluid; following; france; free; french; frequency; frequent; fresenius; functional; fungal; gas; gcs; gender; general; glasgow; global; glove; gnb; gold; good; grade; greater; group; guidelines; guillaume; half; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; hematological; hemodynamic; hemoglobin; hemorrhagic; hepatic; hfd; hfnc; high; high mortality; higher; history; hospital; hospital mortality; hospitalization; hrv; hsv; hypercapnic; hyperoxia; hypnosis; hyponatremia; hypotension; hypothesis; hôpital; icp; icu admission; icu discharge; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; identification; ihd; iii; ill; illness; imipenem; immune; immunocompromised; impact; impairment; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; independent; index; individual; induced; infants; infected; infected patients; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza patients; information; infusion; initial; injuries; injury; insulin; intensive; intensive care; interest; international; intervention; intra; intubated; intubated patients; intubation; invasive; invitation; involved; iqr; ischemic; isolated; isolation; issue; ivc; january; jean; journals; july; june; ketamine; key; kidney; knowledge; known; lack; lactate; large; lead; learning; left; length; lesions; level; life; limited; literature; little; liver; local; logistic; long; longer; lower; lung; main; mait; major; majority; male; malignancies; malignancy; management; marie; martinique; matched; maximal; mcao; mdr; mean; mean age; measurement; measures; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; mechanisms; median; medical; medical care; medical icu; members; membrane; meningitis; mep; methods; mice; microbiological; microorganisms; min; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modified; monitoring; monocentric; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mri; msd; mtx; multicenter; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mwcas; n =; nasal; national; nava; nebulization; need; negative; neurological; neuromuscular; neutropenia; neutropenic patients; new; nicolas; niv; non; normal; nosocomial; nssh patients; number; nurses; nutrition; objective; observational; observational study; observed; occurrence; odds; old; onset; operating; operative; optimal; organ; outcome; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; pain; pancreatitis; parameters; parents; paris; participants; particular; pathogens; pathways; patients; pcr; pct; peak; pediatric; peep; percent; performance; period; peritonitis; persistent; pes; pfizer; phase; physicians; physiological; picu; piperacillin; placebo; plasma; platelet; pmus; pneumonia; points; poisoning; poor; population; position; positive; positive patients; possible; post; potential; ppv; practices; predictive; predictors; predominance; prehospital; prescription; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; process; profile; prognosis; program; prolonged; prone; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; pseudomonas; psv; psychological; psychologist; pulmonary; purpose; purulent; quality; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; ratio =; rationale; rbc; reactivation; reasons; recent; recommendations; recovery; reduction; refractory; regional; regression; related; relationship; relatives; reliable; remains; renal; replacement; report; research; resistance; respiratory; respiratory failure; response; responsible; responsiveness; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; review; right; risk; risk factors; role; room; rri; rrt; rsv patients; réanimation; safety; samples; saps; sbt; scale; scan; scientific; score; secondary; sedation; seizures; sensitivity; sepsis; september; septic; septic patients; serum; service; sessions; setting; severe; severe acute; severe patients; severity; sex; shock; shock patients; short; significant; signs; similar; simplified; single; sirs; site; situations; size; small; sofa; software; specialized; species; specific; specificity; spectrum; spontaneous; staff; stage; standard; standardized; statistical; status; stay; step; strains; strategies; strategy; stroke; stroke patients; strong; studies; study; study day; study group; study period; subjects; success; successful; suppl; support; surgery; surgical; survey; survival; survivors; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; systolic; table; tapse; target; tbi; teaching; team; techniques; term; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; thoracic; threatening; threshold; thrombocytopenia; thrombolysis; tidal; time; tools; total; total patients; toxicity; tracheostomy; training; transfusion; transient; transition; transplantation; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; trial; tube; tumor; tunisia; type; ultrasound; underlying; underwent; unit; unit patients; univariate; university; use; useful; vaccination; validated; value; vancomycin; vap; vap patients; variables; variation; vein; venous; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricular; viral; virus; visual; volume; weakness; weaning; weight; women; work; workers; worldwide; years cache: cord-355038-o2hr5mox.txt plain text: cord-355038-o2hr5mox.txt