item: #1 of 179 id: cord-001470-hn288o97 author: Pivette, Mathilde title: Drug sales data analysis for outbreak detection of infectious diseases: a systematic literature review date: 2014-11-18 words: 4424 flesch: 48 summary: Most studies compared drug sales data to reference surveillance data using correlation measurements or indicators of outbreak detection performance (sensitivity, specificity, timeliness of the detection). Nineteen studies retrospectively compared drug sales data to reference clinical data, and significant correlations were observed in 17 of them. keywords: data; detection; disease; drug; health; outbreak; review; sales; studies; surveillance cache: cord-001470-hn288o97.txt plain text: cord-001470-hn288o97.txt item: #2 of 179 id: cord-002366-t94aufs3 author: Aurrecoechea, Cristina title: EuPathDB: the eukaryotic pathogen genomics database resource date: 2017-01-04 words: 3784 flesch: 40 summary: The Galaxy toolshed contains many tools for data analysis. The workspace is accessed through the 'Analyze My Experiment' (Figure 2A ) tab on the home page of any EuPathDB resource and can be used to upload your own data e.g. RNA-seq reads, compose and run preconfigured or custom workflows ( Figure 2B and C), retrieve your results, visualize them in EuPathDB ( Figure 2D ), and share workflows and data analysis results with colleagues. keywords: analysis; data; database; eupathdb; figure; gene; genome; host; search; sets; transcript cache: cord-002366-t94aufs3.txt plain text: cord-002366-t94aufs3.txt item: #3 of 179 id: cord-002774-tpqsjjet author: None title: Section II: Poster Sessions date: 2017-12-01 words: 83566 flesch: 48 summary: The CHIP framework drives the complex inter-relationships between community-hospital engagement, reciprocal capacity-building, integration initiatives, and community-based research and evaluation, to create an interconnected network of health care services. Those living in urban centers should have the best ava1l~b1hty, chmce, and access to a variety of health care services because of the distribution of health care services, fac1lmes, and health professionals in concentrated in urban centers. keywords: access; address; age; aids; analysis; approach; areas; barriers; canada; cancer; care services; care system; case; child health; children; cities; city; clients; clinic; communities; community health; community services; conclusion; conditions; current; data; demographic; depression; development; disease; drug; education; effects; environmental; ethnic; experience; factors; family; findings; focus; food; government; group; health care; health centre; health education; health information; health insurance; health issues; health needs; health outcomes; health policy; health problems; health promotion; health research; health services; health status; health survey; health system; healthcare; help; hiv; homeless; hospital; housing; immigrants; impact; income; individuals; information; interventions; interviews; introduction; issues; key; knowledge; lack; level; life; living; low; medical; methods; model; mortality; national; neighborhood; new; non; number; paper; participants; patients; people; physical; poor; population; population health; poster; poverty; prevalence; prevention; primary; process; program; project; provide; providers; public; quality; rates; relationship; research; residents; resources; results; risk; role; sample; self; sessions; sexual; social; strategies; street; street health; studies; study; substance; support; survey; system; time; toronto; treatment; urban; use; users; women; work; workers; years; youth cache: cord-002774-tpqsjjet.txt plain text: cord-002774-tpqsjjet.txt item: #4 of 179 id: cord-003243-u744apzw author: Michael, Edwin title: Quantifying the value of surveillance data for improving model predictions of lymphatic filariasis elimination date: 2018-10-08 words: 10328 flesch: 27 summary: key: cord-003243-u744apzw authors: Michael, Edwin; Sharma, Swarnali; Smith, Morgan E.; Touloupou, Panayiota; Giardina, Federica; Prada, Joaquin M.; Stolk, Wilma A.; Hollingsworth, Deirdre; de Vlas, Sake J. title: Quantifying the value of surveillance data for improving model predictions of lymphatic filariasis elimination date: 2018-10-08 journal: PLoS Negl Trop Dis DOI: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0006674 sha: doc_id: 3243 cord_uid: u744apzw BACKGROUND: The present results further pinpoint the crucial need for longitudinal infection surveillance data for enhancing the precision and accuracy of model predictions of the intervention durations required to achieve parasite elimination in an endemic location. keywords: data; information; mda; model; parameter; post; predictions; prevalence; scenario; site; table cache: cord-003243-u744apzw.txt plain text: cord-003243-u744apzw.txt item: #5 of 179 id: cord-004464-nml9kqiu author: Lhommet, Claire title: Predicting the microbial cause of community-acquired pneumonia: can physicians or a data-driven method differentiate viral from bacterial pneumonia at patient presentation? date: 2020-03-06 words: 4451 flesch: 40 summary: key: cord-004464-nml9kqiu authors: Lhommet, Claire; Garot, Denis; Grammatico-Guillon, Leslie; Jourdannaud, Cassandra; Asfar, Pierre; Faisy, Christophe; Muller, Grégoire; Barker, Kimberly A.; Mercier, Emmanuelle; Robert, Sylvie; Lanotte, Philippe; Goudeau, Alain; Blasco, Helene; Guillon, Antoine title: Predicting the microbial cause of community-acquired pneumonia: can physicians or a data-driven method differentiate viral from bacterial pneumonia at patient presentation? date: 2020-03-06 journal: BMC Pulm Med DOI: 10.1186/s12890-020-1089-y sha: doc_id: 4464 cord_uid: nml9kqiu BACKGROUND: Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) requires urgent and specific antimicrobial therapy. We included 153 patients with CAP (70.6% men; 62 [51–73] years old; mean SAPSII, 37 [27–47]), 37% had viral pneumonia, 24% had bacterial pneumonia, 20% had a co-infection and 19% had no identified respiratory pathogen. keywords: bacterial; data; dataset; information; patient; pneumonia; respiratory; viral cache: cord-004464-nml9kqiu.txt plain text: cord-004464-nml9kqiu.txt item: #6 of 179 id: cord-004647-0fuy5tlp author: Patson, Noel title: Systematic review of statistical methods for safety data in malaria chemoprevention in pregnancy trials date: 2020-03-20 words: 5666 flesch: 34 summary: Geneva, World Health Organization Treatment of uncomplicated and severe malaria during pregnancy Methodology of assessment and reporting of safety in anti-malarial treatment efficacy studies of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in pregnancy: a systematic literature review Evaluating harm associated with anti-malarial drugs: a survey of methods used by clinical researchers to elicit, assess and record participant-reported adverse events and related data The PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that evaluate health care interventions: explanation and elaboration Statement: updated guidelines for reporting parallel group randomised trials Superiority, equivalence, and non-inferiority trials The statistical content of published medical research: some implications for biomedical education Use of statistical analysis in the The analysis of multivariate longitudinal data: a review Modeling laboratory data from clinical trials Statistical methods for evaluating safety in medical product development The risks and rewards of covariate adjustment in randomized trials: an assessment of 12 outcomes from 8 studies A model for the distribution of daily number of births in obstetric clinics based on a descriptive retrospective study Some simple robust methods for the analysis of recurrent events An approach to integrated safety analyses from clinical studies Analysis of adverse events in drug safety: a multivariate approach using stratified quasi-least squares A framework for the design, conduct and interpretation of randomised controlled trials in the presence of treatment changes Correcting for non-compliance in randomized trials using structural nested mean models Addressing complications of intention-to-treat analysis in the combined presence of all-or-none treatment-noncompliance and subsequent missing outcomes Intention-to-treat meets missing data: implications of alternate strategies for analyzing clinical trials data Estimating treatment effects in randomised controlled trials with non-compliance: a simulation study Graphical approaches to the analysis of safety data from clinical trials Bayesian methods for design and analysis of safety trials Recent advances in methodology for clinical trials in small populations: the InSPiRe project Lessons learned from IDeAl-33 recommendations from the IDeAl-net about design and analysis of small population clinical trials Applicability and added value of novel methods to improve drug development in rare diseases Recommendations to improve adverse event reporting in clinical trial publications: a joint pharmaceutical industry/journal editor perspective Analysis and reporting of adverse events in randomised controlled trials: a review Effect of repeated treatment of pregnant women with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and azithromycin on preterm delivery in Malawi: a randomized controlled trial Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria with sulphadoxinepyrimethamine during pregnancy in Burkina Faso: effect of adding a third dose to the standard two-dose regimen on low birth weight, anaemia and pregnancy outcomes Superiority of 3 over 2 doses of intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for the prevention of malaria during pregnancy in mali: a randomized controlled trial Efficacy of malaria prevention during pregnancy in an area of low and unstable transmission: an individually-randomised placebo-controlled trial using intermittent preventive treatment and insecticide-treated nets • fast, convenient online submission • thorough peer review by experienced researchers in your field • rapid publication on acceptance • support for research data, including large and complex data types • gold Open Access which fosters wider collaboration and increased citations maximum visibility for Choose BMC and benefit from: in the Kabale Highlands, southwestern Uganda Intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine versus weekly chloroquine prophylaxis for malaria in pregnancy in Honiara, Solomon Islands: a randomised trial Cotrimoxazole prophylaxis versus mefloquine intermittent preventive treatment to prevent malaria in HIV-infected pregnant women: two randomized controlled trials Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy with mefloquine in HIV-negative women: a multicentre randomized controlled trial Intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy with mefloquine in HIV-infected women receiving cotrimoxazole prophylaxis: a multicenter randomized placebo-controlled trial Effectiveness of co-trimoxazole to prevent Plasmodium falciparum malaria in HIV-positive pregnant women in sub-saharan Africa: an open-label, randomized controlled trial Safety of daily Co-trimoxazole in pregnancy in an area of changing malaria epidemiology: a phase 3b randomized controlled clinical trial Intermittent screening and treatment or intermittent preventive treatment with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine versus intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for the control of malaria during pregnancy in western Kenya: an open-label, three-group, randomised controlled superiority trial Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine plus azithromycin for the prevention of low birthweight in Papua New Guinea: a randomised controlled trial dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for the prevention of malaria in pregnancy Efficacy and safety of azithromycin-chloroquine versus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for intermittent preventive treatment of Plasmodium falciparum malaria infection in pregnant women in Africa: an open-label, randomized trial Intermittent preventive treatment with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for the prevention of malaria among HIV-infected pregnant women Chloroquine as weekly chemoprophylaxis or intermittent treatment to prevent malaria in pregnancy in Malawi: a randomised controlled trial Comparative study of mefloquine and sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine for malaria prevention among pregnant women with HIV in southwest Nigeria Monthly sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine versus dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy: a double-blind, randomised, controlled, superiority trial Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. The findings are useful to advance the development of standardized guidelines for safety data statistical analysis in analysis in anti-malarial drugs in pregnancy trials and related fields. keywords: aes; analysis; data; drug; malaria; methods; pregnancy; review; safety; treatment; trials cache: cord-004647-0fuy5tlp.txt plain text: cord-004647-0fuy5tlp.txt item: #7 of 179 id: cord-004894-75w35fkd author: None title: Abstract date: 2006-06-14 words: 92227 flesch: 48 summary: A marked interindividual variability in high risk patients is seen, but at present the basis for this variability is unclear and can not be explained solely by environmental factors. Conclusion and discussion: This study provides evidence for a role for genetic variation of MCP-1 gene in the occurrence of coronary collaterals in high risk patients. keywords: abstract; age; analysis; association; background; baseline; birth; blood; bmi; breast; breast cancer; cancer patients; cancer risk; cardiovascular; care; cases; characteristics; chd; children; clinical; cohort; cohort study; conclusion; control; coronary; countries; data; death; design; diabetes; differences; discussion; disease; dutch; effect; epidemiological; european; evidence; exposure; follow; general; group; health; incidence; increase; index; information; intake; levels; life; mean; methods; model; months; mortality; netherlands; non; number; objectives; outcome; participants; patients; period; population; practice; pressure; prevalence; primary; public; quality; questionnaire; rates; ratio; regression; research; results; risk; risk factors; risk patients; screening; self; smoking; specific; status; studies; study; subjects; survival; time; total; treatment; use; weight; women; years cache: cord-004894-75w35fkd.txt plain text: cord-004894-75w35fkd.txt item: #8 of 179 id: cord-007708-hr4smx24 author: van Kampen, Antoine H. C. title: Taking Bioinformatics to Systems Medicine date: 2015-08-13 words: 8773 flesch: 27 summary: Early approaches for network inference (also called reverse engineering ) used only gene expression data to reconstruct gene networks. This showed that the intrinsic subtypes (basal, luminal A and B, HER2) that had previously been determined using gene expression data only could be largely confi rmed in an integrated analysis of a large number of breast tumors. keywords: analysis; approaches; bioinformatics; biological; data; databases; disease; example; expression; gene; human; information; integration; medicine; molecular; networks; omics; protein; systems cache: cord-007708-hr4smx24.txt plain text: cord-007708-hr4smx24.txt item: #9 of 179 id: cord-008584-4eylgtbc author: Singh, David E. title: Evaluating the impact of the weather conditions on the influenza propagation date: 2020-04-05 words: 7281 flesch: 42 summary: Our meteorological model is based on the regression model developed by AB and JS, and it is tuned with influenza surveillance data obtained from SISSS. This component is tuned with influenza surveillance data obtained from SISSS to provide realistic simulations. keywords: climate; conditions; data; humidity; individuals; infection; influenza; model; propagation; simulator; temperature; values; work cache: cord-008584-4eylgtbc.txt plain text: cord-008584-4eylgtbc.txt item: #10 of 179 id: cord-009797-8mdie73v author: Valle, Denis title: Extending the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model to presence/absence data: A case study on North American breeding birds and biogeographical shifts expected from climate change date: 2018-08-26 words: 5627 flesch: 41 summary: For instance, biome transition zones, ecotones, and habitat edges are locations that are often comprised of a mix of species groups, providing sources for potentially novel species interactions (Gosz, 1993; Ries, Fletcher, Battin, & Sisk, 2004) . We adopted a Beta 0:5; 0:5 ð Þdistribution for ϕ sk because this distribution is likely to generate species groups that are more dissimilar in terms of species composition given that it is a U-shaped symmetric distribution. keywords: change; climate; data; groups; lda; methods; model; number; results; species cache: cord-009797-8mdie73v.txt plain text: cord-009797-8mdie73v.txt item: #11 of 179 id: cord-010310-jqh75340 author: None title: Next Generation Technology for Epidemic Prevention and Control: Data-Driven Contact Tracking date: 2018-12-24 words: 6663 flesch: 37 summary: Collecting contact data from multi-views and analyzing contact patterns from multi-scale mobility interactions will be new directions in the future. Because of the high cost of tuberculosis vaccines, contact data can also aid in the determination of high-priority vaccinations. keywords: behaviors; contact; data; diseases; gps; group; individuals; information; interactions; methods; network; patterns; time; tracking cache: cord-010310-jqh75340.txt plain text: cord-010310-jqh75340.txt item: #12 of 179 id: cord-010406-uwt95kk8 author: Hu, Paul Jen-Hwa title: System for Infectious Disease Information Sharing and Analysis: Design and Evaluation date: 2007-07-10 words: 6888 flesch: 35 summary: Because data analysis and outbreak detection involve innovative spatial-temporal data mining research beyond system implementation, we defer their discussion to Section II-C. 1) Portal Data Store: A main objective of BioPortal is to enable users from partnering states and organizations to share data. The usability of everyday technology: Emerging and fading opportunities The influence of climate on the epidemiology of bartonellosis in Ancash Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology The technology acceptance model: Past, present, and future Determinants of perceived ease of use: Integrating control, intrinsic motivation, and emotion into the technology acceptance model Evaluating an infectious disease information sharing and analysis system Validating instruments in MIS research Applied Multiple Regression/Correlation Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences keywords: analysis; bioportal; data; disease; health; idi; information; spreadsheet; subjects; support; system; task; user cache: cord-010406-uwt95kk8.txt plain text: cord-010406-uwt95kk8.txt item: #13 of 179 id: cord-014833-ax09x6gk author: Wu, Jia title: Data Decision and Transmission Based on Mobile Data Health Records on Sensor Devices in Wireless Networks date: 2016-06-20 words: 4031 flesch: 58 summary: This item contains history data, collection data, and doctor data. This type of probability is expressed as follows: PðDiseÞ is the probability of a disease, p his is the probability of history data, a shows the rate of history data, p col is the probability of collection data, b is the rate of collection data, p doc is the probability of doctor data, and c is the rate of doctor data. keywords: data; devices; disease; health; mobile; patients; probability; sensor; wireless cache: cord-014833-ax09x6gk.txt plain text: cord-014833-ax09x6gk.txt item: #14 of 179 id: cord-016140-gvezk8vp author: Ahonen, Pasi title: Safeguards date: 2008 words: 25749 flesch: 44 summary: Another prominent example is the German IT Security Handbook (BSI, 1992 organisations can, at the same time, achieve a measure of both organisational security and personal data protection. Leenes and Koops recognise the potential of these privacyenhancing technologies (PETs) to enforce data protection law and privacy rules. keywords: ami; applications; consumer; consumer protection; data processing; data protection; directive; european; individual; information; intelligence; law; liability; means; need; new; privacy; privacy protection; processing; protection directive; rights; rules; safeguards; security; service; software; systems; technologies; technology; user cache: cord-016140-gvezk8vp.txt plain text: cord-016140-gvezk8vp.txt item: #15 of 179 id: cord-016146-2g893c2r author: Kim, Yeunbae title: Artificial Intelligence Technology and Social Problem Solving date: 2019-03-14 words: 4230 flesch: 40 summary: In this letter, we will present the views on how AI and ICT technologies can be applied to ease or solve social problems by sharing examples of research results from studies of social anxiety, environmental noise, mobility of the disabled, and problems in social safety. For example, in 2017, only 4.2% of the total budget of the Korean government's R&D of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) was used for social problem solving, but this investment will be increased to 45% within the next five years as the improvement of Korean people's livelihoods and social problems are selected as important issues by the present government keywords: analysis; anxiety; data; learning; machine; problems; research; response; suicide cache: cord-016146-2g893c2r.txt plain text: cord-016146-2g893c2r.txt item: #16 of 179 id: cord-016448-7imgztwe author: Frishman, D. title: Protein-protein interactions: analysis and prediction date: 2009-10-01 words: 18357 flesch: 31 summary: These insights arise from the integration of functional information, dynamic data and protein interaction networks. The roles of intrinsic disorder in protein interaction networks Profile hidden Markov models Evaluation of docking programs for predicting binding of Golgi alpha-mannosidase II inhibitors: a comparison with crystallography Protein interaction maps for complete genomes based on gene fusion events A novel genetic system to detect protein-protein interactions iPfam: visualization of protein-protein interactions in PDB at domain and amino acid resolutions Pfam: clans, web tools and services Pharmaceuticals: a new grammar for drug discovery A genomic approach of the hepatitis C virus generates a protein interaction map Reconstruction of a functional human gene network, with an application for prioritizing positional candidate genes Glide: a new approach for rapid, accurate docking and scoring. keywords: analysis; approach; binding; complexes; cytoscape; data; database; disease; docking; domain; domain interactions; drug; et al; evidence; fig; gene; human; information; interaction data; interactions; ligand; methods; network; nodes; number; pairs; prediction; protein; protein interactions; sequence; similarity; structure; types cache: cord-016448-7imgztwe.txt plain text: cord-016448-7imgztwe.txt item: #17 of 179 id: cord-016528-j7lflryj author: Waller, Anna E. title: Using Emergency Department Data For Biosurveillance: The North Carolina Experience date: 2010-07-27 words: 6845 flesch: 35 summary: ED data permit public health authorities to identify human health events as a result of bioterrorism, natural or accidental disaster, or infectious disease outbreak, but the rapidity of detection is contingent on the extent of the event and affected individuals, the ability of chief complaint data to be successfully transmitted to NC DETECT in a timely manner, and the frequency and timing of aberration detection and investigation by public health authorities; • The NC statute mandating provision of ED visit data for public health surveillance and the availability of UNC DEM staff to provide technical and analytical expertise have been instrumental in assuring that timely, quality data are available for public health surveillance; • ED data are useful to public health authorities; • Advances in Disease Surveillance Post-Katrina situational awareness in North Carolina Use of emergency department chief complaint and diagnostic codes for identifying respiratory illness in a pediatric population Framework for evaluating public health surveillance systems for early detection of outbreaks Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. keywords: carolina; chief; complaint; data; department; detect; detection; disease; ed data; emergency; health; public; surveillance; syndrome; systems cache: cord-016528-j7lflryj.txt plain text: cord-016528-j7lflryj.txt item: #18 of 179 id: cord-016889-7ih6jdpe author: Shibuya, Kazuhiko title: Identity Health date: 2019-12-03 words: 7748 flesch: 38 summary: Especially, at 2015, after serial tragedies of the Tohoku Quakes and Fukushima nuclear disasters, the UNISDR as a part of the United Nations (at 2019, UNISDR was renamed to UNDRR 7 : The UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) held the global conference on disaster management at both Tokyo and Sendai city of Japan. Especially, using social media data, there were innumerable examinations to analyze the relations with mental health and diagnosis of discourses on Twitter and SNS services. keywords: case; citizens; data; disaster; fukushima; future; health; human; influenza; japan; life; plants; power; risk; services; shibuya; trends cache: cord-016889-7ih6jdpe.txt plain text: cord-016889-7ih6jdpe.txt item: #19 of 179 id: cord-017634-zhmnfd1w author: Straif-Bourgeois, Susanne title: Infectious Disease Epidemiology date: 2005 words: 12380 flesch: 43 summary: Outbreaks or epidemics are defined as the number of disease cases above what is normally expected in the area for a given time period. Even among those who have overt disease there are several disease stages that may not be included in a surveillance system: some have symptoms but do not seek medical attention some do get medical attention but do not get diagnosed or get misdiagnosed some get diagnosed but do not get reported Cases reported Cases diagnosed but not reported Cases who seek medical attention but were not diagnosed Cases who were symptomatic but did not seek medical attention Cases who were not symptomatic Infectious disease cases play different roles in the epidemiology of an infectious disease; some individuals are the indicators (most symptomatic), some are the reservoir of microorganisms (usually asymptomatic, not very sick), some are amplifiers (responsible for most of the transmission), some are the victims (those who develop severe long term complications). keywords: cases; countries; data; disease; epidemiology; example; food; health; infection; information; laboratory; new; outbreak; population; program; public; reporting; risk; surveillance; surveys; system; transmission; tuberculosis cache: cord-017634-zhmnfd1w.txt plain text: cord-017634-zhmnfd1w.txt item: #20 of 179 id: cord-018133-2otxft31 author: Altman, Russ B. title: Bioinformatics date: 2006 words: 9594 flesch: 44 summary: Computer systems within bioinformatics thus must be able to handle biological sequence information effectively and efficiently. Nonetheless, the effects of sequence information on clinical databases will be significant. keywords: analysis; bioinformatics; data; databases; dna; function; genes; genome; human; information; knowledge; molecules; protein; sequence; structure cache: cord-018133-2otxft31.txt plain text: cord-018133-2otxft31.txt item: #21 of 179 id: cord-019050-a9datsoo author: Ambrogi, Federico title: Bioinformatics and Nanotechnologies: Nanomedicine date: 2014 words: 8853 flesch: 23 summary: Now, scientists can obtain a genome-wide perspective of cancer gene expression useful to discover novel cancer biomarkers for more accurate diagnosis and prognosis, and monitoring of treatment effectiveness. Current applications involve high-throughput analysis of gene expression data and for multiplexed molecular profiling of intact cells and tissue specimens. keywords: analysis; approaches; biomarkers; breast; cancer; cells; data; detection; development; discovery; disease; expression; gene; level; methods; microarray; research; studies; tumor cache: cord-019050-a9datsoo.txt plain text: cord-019050-a9datsoo.txt item: #22 of 179 id: cord-021088-9u3kn9ge author: Huberty, Mark title: Awaiting the Second Big Data Revolution: From Digital Noise to Value Creation date: 2015-02-18 words: 7305 flesch: 57 summary: To date, big data has not achieved this distinction. Big data, despite protests to the contrary, is thus an incremental change-and its revolution one of degree, not kind. keywords: behavior; business; data; flu; google; models; online; people; products; revolution; services; today; value; world cache: cord-021088-9u3kn9ge.txt plain text: cord-021088-9u3kn9ge.txt item: #23 of 179 id: cord-022633-fr55uod6 author: None title: SAEM Abstracts, Plenary Session date: 2012-04-26 words: 147610 flesch: 49 summary: Objectives: To identify the prevalence of NCS and other EEG abnormalities in ED patients with AMS. Objectives: Test the hypothesis that prior to antibiotic administration, circulating LPS can be detected in the plasma of fewer than 10% of ED patients with severe sepsis. keywords: academic; acute; admission; adult ed; adult patients; age; analysis; arrest; arrest patients; assessment; association; average; background; blood; cardiac; care; cases; center; change; characteristics; chest; children; clinical; cohort; conclusion; confidence; control; cpr; criteria; data; days; department; diagnosis; difference; discharge; disease; ed care; ed patients; ed physicians; ed visits; eds; effect; emergency; emergency department; ems; evaluation; factors; following; group; health; high; hospital; hospital ed; hours; implementation; increase; information; initial; injury; inpatient; intervention; intubation; length; level; los; low; management; mean; median; medical; medicine; methods; minutes; model; months; mortality; n =; non; number; objectives; outcomes; overall; p =; pain; pain patients; participants; pediatric; performance; period; population; post; pre; prehospital; primary; prior; program; protocol; providers; quality; range; rate; regression; research; residency; residents; respectively; results; retrospective; review; risk; sample; score; screening; self; sepsis; setting; shock; standard; students; studies; study; study ed; subjects; survey; survival; system; table; test; testing; time; total; training; trauma patients; treatment; triage; urban; use; years cache: cord-022633-fr55uod6.txt plain text: cord-022633-fr55uod6.txt item: #24 of 179 id: cord-023284-i0ecxgus author: None title: Abstracts of publications related to QASR date: 2006-09-19 words: 19972 flesch: 40 summary: The systems allow interactive data communication among the simulation programs for their strategically combined use; e) The structure and functions of MolWorld is illustrated on modeling the alanine molecule: (i) data model of molecular structures; (ii) chemical formula input; (iii) generation of 3D molecular structure; (iv) formulation of bonding model; (v) interactive molecular orbital graphics; (vi) methods of visualizing electronic structures; (vii) use of molecular orbital graphics for chemical reactions. Title: Retention prediction of analytes in reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography based on molecular structure. keywords: activity; analysis; atoms; binding; chemical; compounds; conformations; crystal; data; descriptors; distance; energy; fig; group; linear; logp; method; model; modeling; molecular; molecules; nmr; number; parameters; protein; ray; receptor; relat; results; ring; set; site; solution; steric; structure; substituent; title; type; values cache: cord-023284-i0ecxgus.txt plain text: cord-023284-i0ecxgus.txt item: #25 of 179 id: cord-024058-afgvztwo author: None title: Engineering a Global Response to Infectious Diseases: This paper presents a more robust, adaptable, and scalable engineering infrastructure to improve the capability to respond to infectious diseases.Contributed Paper date: 2015-02-17 words: 5594 flesch: 35 summary: key: cord-024058-afgvztwo authors: nan title: Engineering a Global Response to Infectious Diseases: This paper presents a more robust, adaptable, and scalable engineering infrastructure to improve the capability to respond to infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are a major cause of death and economic impact worldwide. keywords: approaches; data; disease; engineering; global; health; influenza; information; outbreak; public; response; systems; virus cache: cord-024058-afgvztwo.txt plain text: cord-024058-afgvztwo.txt item: #26 of 179 id: cord-024865-umrlsbh5 author: Jiang, Shufan title: Towards the Integration of Agricultural Data from Heterogeneous Sources: Perspectives for the French Agricultural Context Using Semantic Technologies date: 2020-04-29 words: 1825 flesch: 31 summary: Recent developments in Smart Agriculture and Internet of Things have made possible the collection of unprecedented amounts of agricultural data with the goal of making agricultural processes better and more efficient, and thus supporting sustainable agriculture. Our objective is to integrate such heterogeneous data into knowledge bases that can support farmers in their activities, and to present global, real-time and comprehensive information to researchers. keywords: agriculture; crop; data; information; knowledge; ontology cache: cord-024865-umrlsbh5.txt plain text: cord-024865-umrlsbh5.txt item: #27 of 179 id: cord-024866-9og7pivv author: Lepenioti, Katerina title: Machine Learning for Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics of Operational Data in Smart Manufacturing date: 2020-04-29 words: 4065 flesch: 40 summary: Time series forecasting involves prediction models that analyze time series data and usually infer future data trends. To do this, it implements algorithms, such as Recurrent Neural Networks for predictive analytics, and Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning for prescriptive analytics. keywords: actions; analytics; data; learning; maintenance; manufacturing; model; predictive; time cache: cord-024866-9og7pivv.txt plain text: cord-024866-9og7pivv.txt item: #28 of 179 id: cord-024870-79hf7q2r author: Salierno, Giulio title: An Architecture for Predictive Maintenance of Railway Points Based on Big Data Analytics date: 2020-04-29 words: 4028 flesch: 49 summary: Despite big data attract railways industries, many challenges have to be faced to enable effective big data analysis of railway data. On the contrary, the scope of our work is to define a scalable Big Data architecture for enabling analytical tasks using railway data. keywords: analysis; architecture; data; files; layer; points; railway; tasks cache: cord-024870-79hf7q2r.txt plain text: cord-024870-79hf7q2r.txt item: #29 of 179 id: cord-025289-lhjn97f7 author: Zehnder, Philipp title: StreamPipes Connect: Semantics-Based Edge Adapters for the IIoT date: 2020-05-07 words: 4817 flesch: 59 summary: Since these abilities are often spread over several people, we try to enable domain experts with little technical understanding to access data sources themselves. Such engines provide solutions to connect to data sources with Kafka Connect 5 . keywords: adapter; data; events; model; participants; sources; streampipes; system; user cache: cord-025289-lhjn97f7.txt plain text: cord-025289-lhjn97f7.txt item: #30 of 179 id: cord-025506-yoav2b35 author: Kyriazis, Dimosthenis title: PolicyCLOUD: Analytics as a Service Facilitating Efficient Data-Driven Public Policy Management date: 2020-05-06 words: 3813 flesch: 32 summary: Built in support is provided for data sources with a JDBC interface, as well as for Hive, and the Avro, Parquet, ORC and JSON formats. In the PolicyCLOUD architecture, data are managed whether in flight or at rest and are federated across multiple frameworks, data sources, locations and formats. keywords: analytics; data; datasets; environment; interoperability; making; policies; policy; sources cache: cord-025506-yoav2b35.txt plain text: cord-025506-yoav2b35.txt item: #31 of 179 id: cord-025519-265qdtw6 author: Zouinina, Sarah title: A Two-Levels Data Anonymization Approach date: 2020-05-06 words: 3488 flesch: 46 summary: The impact of microaggregation on the utility of anonymized data is quantified as the resulting accuracy of a machine learning model trained on a portion of microaggregated data and tested on the original data [13] . The main purpose of generalizing exemplars (by merging them into hyper-rectangles) is to improve speed and accuracy as well as inducing classification rules, but not to handle anonymized data. keywords: anonymization; clustering; data; data anonymization; information; learning; utility cache: cord-025519-265qdtw6.txt plain text: cord-025519-265qdtw6.txt item: #32 of 179 id: cord-025545-s6t9a7z8 author: Christantonis, Konstantinos title: Using Classification for Traffic Prediction in Smart Cities date: 2020-05-06 words: 3309 flesch: 55 summary: This paper relates classification with Smart City projects, particularly focusing on traffic prediction. Prediction efforts regard classification tasks aiming at highlighting factors that affect traffic prediction. keywords: conditions; data; prediction; results; sensors; traffic; weather cache: cord-025545-s6t9a7z8.txt plain text: cord-025545-s6t9a7z8.txt item: #33 of 179 id: cord-025550-nr3goxs5 author: Gizelis, Christos-Antonios title: Towards a Smart Port: The Role of the Telecom Industry date: 2020-05-04 words: 3815 flesch: 44 summary: Data in the maritime domain is growing at an unprecedented rate, e.g., terabytes of oceanographic data are collected every month as well as petabytes of data are already publicly available. The goal is to find the balance between the level of risk the people are willing to take and the benefit they expect as users of a personal data platform; in other words, data privacy versus data utility. keywords: business; data; opportunities; order; platform; port; privacy; services; telecom cache: cord-025550-nr3goxs5.txt plain text: cord-025550-nr3goxs5.txt item: #34 of 179 id: cord-025576-8oqfn4rg author: Kotouza, Maria Th. title: Towards Fashion Recommendation: An AI System for Clothing Data Retrieval and Analysis date: 2020-05-06 words: 3770 flesch: 46 summary: To this end, the fashion designers are required to come up with a wide and diverse amount of fashion products in a short time frame. Clothing data can be characterized by both numerical (i.e. product price) and categorical features (i.e. product category) in general. keywords: algorithms; clothing; clustering; clusters; data; fashion; products; system cache: cord-025576-8oqfn4rg.txt plain text: cord-025576-8oqfn4rg.txt item: #35 of 179 id: cord-025827-vzizkekp author: Jarke, Matthias title: Data Sovereignty and the Internet of Production date: 2020-05-09 words: 2889 flesch: 31 summary: More recently, however, driven by the goals of exploiting the opportunities of platforms but also preserving organizational data sovereignty, we are seeing the appearance of platform-based ecosystems organized and governed by alliances of cooperating players. However, some of them employ the vision of data sovereignty of citizens as a weapon to abolish mandatory data privacy rules as limiting customer sovereignty by viewing them as people in need of protection in an uneven struggle for data ownership. keywords: business; data; exchange; ids; model; production; sovereignty; usage cache: cord-025827-vzizkekp.txt plain text: cord-025827-vzizkekp.txt item: #36 of 179 id: cord-026356-zm84yipu author: Tzouros, Giannis title: Fed-DIC: Diagonally Interleaved Coding in a Federated Cloud Environment date: 2020-05-15 words: 7287 flesch: 51 summary: is the search delay caused by missing data chunks in the cloud. c i being available with the total number of data chunks in the entire cloud, subtracted from 1, as follows: Fed-DIC provides an API with the following four operations: Encode(). keywords: access; chunks; cloud; clusters; coding; data; dic; erasure; fed; nodes; storage cache: cord-026356-zm84yipu.txt plain text: cord-026356-zm84yipu.txt item: #37 of 179 id: cord-026935-586w2cam author: Fang, Zhichao title: An extensive analysis of the presence of altmetric data for Web of Science publications across subject fields and research topics date: 2020-06-17 words: 9209 flesch: 37 summary: Comparing with previous observations of altmetric data coverage reported in earlier altmetric studies, it can be concluded that the presence of altmetric data is clearly increasing, and our results are generally higher than those previous studies using the same types of datasets. Although there are multiple previous studies discussing the coverage of different altmetric data, after nearly 10 years of altmetric research, we find that a renewed large-scale empirical analysis of the up-to-date presence of altmetric data for WoS publications is highly relevant. keywords: altmetric; citations; coverage; data; mentions; micro; presence; publications; research; research topics; topics; twitter cache: cord-026935-586w2cam.txt plain text: cord-026935-586w2cam.txt item: #38 of 179 id: cord-027431-6twmcitu author: Mukhina, Ksenia title: Spatiotemporal Filtering Pipeline for Efficient Social Networks Data Processing Algorithms date: 2020-05-25 words: 5461 flesch: 59 summary: If we look into any popular LBSN, like Instagram or Twitter, location data contains a lot of errors [5] . After that, we calculate the difference between titles in social media data and data from OSM with the help of Damerau-Levenshtein distance. keywords: area; city; data; location; number; places; posts; tags; twitter; users cache: cord-027431-6twmcitu.txt plain text: cord-027431-6twmcitu.txt item: #39 of 179 id: cord-027704-zm1nae6h author: Vito, Domenico title: The PULSE Project: A Case of Use of Big Data Uses Toward a Cohomprensive Health Vision of City Well Being date: 2020-05-31 words: 2926 flesch: 38 summary: For example, it permits the study of general geographical patterns in health data and identifying specific high-risk locations. Empowering citizens through perceptual sensing of urban environmental and health data following a participative citizen science approach World Health Organization -UN HABITAT: Global report on urban health WHO: Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health Why we need urban health equity indicators: integrating science, policy, and community Associations between neighborhood perceptions and mental well-being among older adults Overview of the health and retirement study and introduction to the special issue Identification of persons at high risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus: do we need the oral glucose tolerance test? keywords: air; cities; data; health; pollution; pulse; risk; wellbeing cache: cord-027704-zm1nae6h.txt plain text: cord-027704-zm1nae6h.txt item: #40 of 179 id: cord-027712-2o4svbms author: Urošević, Vladimir title: Baseline Modelling and Composite Representation of Unobtrusively (IoT) Sensed Behaviour Changes Related to Urban Physical Well-Being date: 2020-05-31 words: 4143 flesch: 15 summary: Physical activity level as a single measure is mainly expressed in terms of time spent and calories burned while performing light/soft, moderate, and intense/vigorous physical activity. From several existing elementary statistical approaches for aggregating the underlying dimensional indices and constructing the summary composite indicator value, we consider the weighted geometric mean of the four constituting dimensional indices as most adequate and appropriate for this specific well-being problematics: where summary dimensional indices denoted by the scoring function values are: I wwalking activity index, I pphysical activity/exercise index, I ssleep duration index, I ccardio-respiratory fitness index (through VO 2 max), and Wt w , Wt p , Wt s , and Wt c are respective weight factors, derived from expert assessments and rank data from relevant previous studies and experience, and assigned to adjust the relative importance and contribution of each of the indices to the resulting composite indicator value, per compositing methods outlined in [19] and [9] , or for derivation of composite UN Human Development Index (HDI). keywords: activity; approach; composite; data; devices; health; indicators; max; sleep; values cache: cord-027712-2o4svbms.txt plain text: cord-027712-2o4svbms.txt item: #41 of 179 id: cord-028802-ko648mzz author: Asri, Hiba title: Big Data and Reality Mining in Healthcare: Promise and Potential date: 2020-06-05 words: 2735 flesch: 49 summary: 4. Using data mining and big data analytics requires a high level of expertise and knowledge. Thanks to the use of HER and EMR, an estimated number of 50% of hospitals will integrate analytics solutions, such as Hadoop, hadapt, cloudera, karmasphere, MapR, Neo, Datastax, for health big data [3] . keywords: data; healthcare; information; mining; mobile; reality; sensors cache: cord-028802-ko648mzz.txt plain text: cord-028802-ko648mzz.txt item: #42 of 179 id: cord-029865-zl0romvl author: Bowe, Emily title: Learning from lines: Critical COVID data visualizations and the quarantine quotidian date: 2020-07-27 words: 4113 flesch: 44 summary: By understanding the origins of epidemiological data and reinforcing the importance of context and non-quantitative forms of data, we can push for a richer, more diverse discourse through data visualization. First, they offer tutorials and tools for both dataviz practitioners and their publics to encourage critical thinking about how COVID-19 data is sourced and modeled—and to consider which subjects are not interpellated in those data sets, and why not. keywords: coronavirus; covid-19; data; figure; making; maps; new; pandemic; projects; public; quarantine; visualizations; www cache: cord-029865-zl0romvl.txt plain text: cord-029865-zl0romvl.txt item: #43 of 179 id: cord-030772-swha1e4m author: Huizinga, Tom W J title: Interpreting big-data analysis of retrospective observational data date: 2020-08-21 words: 987 flesch: 46 summary: key: cord-030772-swha1e4m authors: Huizinga, Tom W J; Knevel, Rachel title: Interpreting big-data analysis of retrospective observational data date: 2020-08-21 journal: Lancet Rheumatol DOI: 10.1016/s2665-9913(20)30289-7 sha: doc_id: 30772 cord_uid: swha1e4m nan Interpreting big-data analysis of retrospective observational data Current data technology offers fantastic new oppor tunities to generate data that can inform us about the safety of drugs. It is important to note that the authors used stateoftheart methods to deal with the chal lenges of studying retrospective electronic medical record data; they did a newuser cohort study and a selfcontrolled case series to avoid the risk of bias in a casecontrol design, using propensity scores, fitting models with ten-fold cross validation, and negative control outcome analyses. keywords: data; patients; study cache: cord-030772-swha1e4m.txt plain text: cord-030772-swha1e4m.txt item: #44 of 179 id: cord-032383-2dqpxumn author: Shuja, Junaid title: COVID-19 open source data sets: a comprehensive survey date: 2020-09-21 words: 16209 flesch: 51 summary: CNNs and deep learning techniques are reported to overfit models due to the limited size of COVID-19 data sets [49] . Most of the studies that estimate COVID-19 transmissions utilize COVID-19 case data collected from various governmental, journalistic, and academic sources [42] . keywords: analysis; application; authors; cases; cough; covid-19; covid-19 cases; covid-19 diagnosis; data; data sets; diagnosis; images; learning; mobility; model; pandemic; ray; research; set; source; source data; study; techniques cache: cord-032383-2dqpxumn.txt plain text: cord-032383-2dqpxumn.txt item: #45 of 179 id: cord-032403-9c1xeqg1 author: Sokolov, Michael title: Decision Making and Risk Management in Biopharmaceutical Engineering—Opportunities in the Age of Covid-19 and Digitalization date: 2020-09-08 words: 4107 flesch: 26 summary: 10 The main engineering challenges 9,11−13 are to (1) robustly control the behavior of the living organism involved in the process, (2) efficiently align the often heterogeneous data generated across different process units and scales, (3) include all available prior know-how and experience into the decision process, (4) reduce human errors and introduced inconsistency, and (5) enable an automated and adaptive procedure to assess the critical process characteristics. Such a two-step procedure enables complete simulation of process and product quality based on different process designs and optimizing the design space to reach optimal product quality. keywords: control; covid-19; data; decision; hybrid; learning; making; manufacturing; modeling; process cache: cord-032403-9c1xeqg1.txt plain text: cord-032403-9c1xeqg1.txt item: #46 of 179 id: cord-032607-bn8g02gi author: Wake, Melissa title: Integrating trials into a whole-population cohort of children and parents: statement of intent (trials) for the Generation Victoria (GenV) cohort date: 2020-09-24 words: 8364 flesch: 39 summary: Each wave of GenV data collection will likely take 2 years from first to last participant to collect measures that are predicated on age milestones; thus, trials data would be available much sooner for trial interventions conducted later than earlier in a data collection wave. If feasibility (potentially demonstrated through pilot studies) and mutual alignment appear likely [29] , the trial would proceed to a partnering agreement that defines at least the following 8 items: 1) Which GenV trial model is being followed; 2) Design and high-level (or draft) protocol; 3) Timelines; 4) Data sharing and governance plans; 5) Status of ethical approval; 6) Communication with participants, including information statement and consent; 7) Trial oversight and 8) Capacity assessment, including trial quality, human resource and funding. keywords: children; cohort; consent; data; design; genv; health; outcomes; participants; population; research; support; time; trials; victoria; years cache: cord-032607-bn8g02gi.txt plain text: cord-032607-bn8g02gi.txt item: #47 of 179 id: cord-032763-cdhu2pfi author: Efroni, Zohar title: Location Data as Contractual Counter-Performance: A Consumer Perspective on Recent EU Legislation date: 2020-06-22 words: 9378 flesch: 43 summary: Furthermore, depending on the technology and device at play, consumer location data that are collected automatically often come with 'build-in identifiers' such as IP address, device ID and advertiser ID in smartphones. key: cord-032763-cdhu2pfi authors: Efroni, Zohar title: Location Data as Contractual Counter-Performance: A Consumer Perspective on Recent EU Legislation date: 2020-06-22 journal: Smart Urban Mobility DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-61920-9_13 sha: doc_id: 32763 cord_uid: cdhu2pfi This chapter analyses recent developments in the area of digital consumer law in the EU while focusing on the ‘data as counter-performance’ quandary and its application to location data. keywords: art; communications; consumer; content; data; dcsd; devices; directive; information; location data; metadata; mobility; personal; protection; services cache: cord-032763-cdhu2pfi.txt plain text: cord-032763-cdhu2pfi.txt item: #48 of 179 id: cord-033721-o1c7m9wy author: Kostovska, Ana title: Semantic Description of Data Mining Datasets: An Ontology-Based Annotation Schema date: 2020-09-19 words: 4483 flesch: 46 summary: Our main objective is to provide a rich vocabulary for data annotation, that will serve as a basis for the construction of a dataset repository that closely follows the FAIR and TRUST principles. These include (1) the availability of data examples, (2) the existence of missing values, (3) the mode of learning, and (4) the type of target in the case of (semi-)supervised learning tasks. keywords: annotation; core; data; datasets; domain; learning; ontology; semantic cache: cord-033721-o1c7m9wy.txt plain text: cord-033721-o1c7m9wy.txt item: #49 of 179 id: cord-034545-onj7zpi1 author: Abuelkhail, Abdulrahman title: Internet of things for healthcare monitoring applications based on RFID clustering scheme date: 2020-11-03 words: 7775 flesch: 59 summary: However, clustering RFID nodes into groups comes with many technical challenges, such as achieving accurate positioning, collecting information in each cluster, and reporting this information from clusters head to the server for processing it. In this work, we build a network of smart nodes where each node comprises a Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tag, reduced function RFID reader (RFRR), and sensors. keywords: approach; cluster; clusterhead; clustering; data; nodes; number; range; reader; rfid; rfid reader; tag; total cache: cord-034545-onj7zpi1.txt plain text: cord-034545-onj7zpi1.txt item: #50 of 179 id: cord-035030-ig4nwtmi author: None title: 10th European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products (ECRD 2020) date: 2020-11-09 words: 12246 flesch: 45 summary: While some barriers are being removed through remarkable innovation, there is one story of diagnostic delay that is echoed by rare disease patients across the globe and across thousands of different rare diseases: doctors failed to suspect something rare. The recognition of Clinical Genetics as health specialty is also urgent in Spain to provide equal access to RD patients and families all over the country. keywords: access; care; countries; data; development; diseases; european; families; health; information; life; needs; patients; people; processes; professionals; project; quality; rare; registry; research; results; study; treatment; use; work cache: cord-035030-ig4nwtmi.txt plain text: cord-035030-ig4nwtmi.txt item: #51 of 179 id: cord-035388-n9hza6vm author: Xu, Jie title: Federated Learning for Healthcare Informatics date: 2020-11-12 words: 6144 flesch: 38 summary: The next generation of precision medicine: observational studies, electronic health records, biobanks and continuous monitoring National health information privacy: regulations under the health insurance portability and accountability act Robust aggregation for adaptive privacy preserving federated learning in healthcare KETOS: Clinical decision support and machine learning as a service-A training and deployment platform based on Docker One-shot federated learning Distributed learning of deep neural network over multiple agents Deep compression: compressing deep neural networks with pruning, trained quantization and huffman coding Robust federated training via collaborative machine teaching using trusted instances Federated learning for mobile keyboard prediction Private federated learning on vertically partitioned data via entity resolution and additively homomorphic encryption Central server free federated learning over single-sided trust social networks The Rationale for Learning Communities and Learning Community Models Distilling the knowledge in a neural network Observational health data sciences and informatics (ohdsi): opportunities for observational researchers Patient clustering improves efficiency of federated machine learning to predict mortality and hospital stay time using distributed electronic medical records Privacy preserving qoe modeling using collaborative learning Mining electronic health records: towards better research applications and clinical care Improving federated learning personalization via model agnostic meta learning A survey towards federated semi-supervised learning Mimic-iii, a freely accessible critical care database Advances and open problems in federated learning Efficient decentralized deep learning by dynamic model averaging Incentive design for efficient federated learning in mobile networks: A contract theory approach Credit risk assessment from combined bank records using federated learning Federated tensor factorization for computational phenotyping Federated optimization: distributed optimization beyond the datacenter Federated optimization: distributed machine learning for on-device intelligence Federated learning: strategies for improving communication efficiency Survey of personalization techniques for federated learning Peer-to-peer federated learning on graphs Deep learning Privacy-preserving patient similarity learning in a federated environment: development and analysis Federated optimization for heterogeneous networks Fair resource allocation in federated learning Distributed learning from multiple ehr databases: Contextual embedding models for medical events Two-stage federated phenotyping and patient representation learning Threats to federated learning: a survey Communication-efficient learning of deep networks from decentralized data Learning differentially private recurrent language models Predictive modeling of the hospital readmission risk from patients' claims data using machine learning: A case study on copd Deep learning for healthcare: review, opportunities and challenges Agnostic federated learning System and method for dynamic context-sensitive federated search of multiple information repositories Client selection for federated learning with heterogeneous resources in mobile edge Dissecting racial bias in an algorithm used to manage the health of populations Multiparty differential privacy via aggregation of locally trained classifiers Large-scale assessment of a smartwatch to identify atrial fibrillation Federated and differentially private learning for electronic health records The eicu collaborative research database, a freely available multi-center database for critical care research Modern framework for distributed healthcare data analytics based on hadoop A model and infrastructure for federated learning content repositories Accelerating dnn training in wireless federated edge learning system Braintorrent: a peer-to-peer environment for decentralized federated learning Learning in a large function space: privacypreserving mechanisms for svm learning A generic framework for privacy preserving deep learning Federated learning for ultra-reliable lowlatency v2v communications Robust and communication-efficient federated learning from non-iid data Preserving patient privacy while training a predictive model of in-hospital mortality Biscotti: a ledger for private and secure peer-topeer machine learning Privacy-preserving deep learning Federated learning in distributed medical databases: meta-analysis of large-scale subcortical brain data An investigation into on-device personalization of end-to-end automatic speech recognition models Using the adap learning algorithm to forecast the onset of diabetes mellitus Federated multi-task learning Multiparty privacy in social media unfriendly: multi-party privacy risks in social networks Federated learning: rewards & challenges of distributed private ml A hybrid approach to privacy-preserving federated learning Federated learning of electronic health records improves mortality prediction in patients hospitalized with covid-19 medRxiv Deep reinforcement learning with double q-learning Split learning for health: distributed deep learning without sharing raw patient data Ai in health: state of the art, challenges, and future directions -edge ai: Intelligentizing mobile edge computing, caching and communication by federated learning Federated learning for healthcare informatics Federated patient hashing Federated machine learning: concept and applications A federated learning framework for healthcare iot devices Federated learning with non-iid data Mobile edge computing, blockchain and reputationbased crowdsourcing iot federated learning: a secure, decentralized and privacy-preserving system Multi-objective evolutionary federated learning Federated reinforcement learning Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. In particular, we summarize the general solutions to the statistical challenges, system challenges, and privacy issues in federated learning, and point out the implications and potentials in healthcare. keywords: clients; communication; data; healthcare; learning; machine; mobile; model; patient; privacy; server; training cache: cord-035388-n9hza6vm.txt plain text: cord-035388-n9hza6vm.txt item: #52 of 179 id: cord-102238-g6dsnhmm author: Wescoat, Ethan title: Frequency Energy Analysis in Detecting Rolling Bearing Faults date: 2020-12-31 words: 8764 flesch: 54 summary: The bearing in the motor next to the shaft is incrementally damaged on purpose to gather failure data from different defects. For the experimental validation, baseline data and fault data are generated at a component test stand. keywords: analysis; bearing; classification; data; defect; energy; equipment; failure; fault; figure; frequency; maintenance; time cache: cord-102238-g6dsnhmm.txt plain text: cord-102238-g6dsnhmm.txt item: #53 of 179 id: cord-102490-yvcrv94c author: Souza, Jonatas S. de title: The General Law Principles for Protection the Personal Data and their Importance date: 2020-09-29 words: 4500 flesch: 50 summary: The paper is composed of sections, in Section 2 presents the Theoretical Reference that will address the history of data protection in Brazil and the European Regulation, in Section 3 describes the Principles of Brazilian Law demonstrating the similarity with the European Regulation, in Section 4 the Importance of Brazilian Law showing the fundamentals of the Law and emphasizes the importance of consent of the data holder, in Section 5 the Results and Discussions with real cases of data leaks and countries that already have some legislation on protection of personal data, in Section 6 are the Conclusions bringing the final considerations obtained. Through the Internet Civil Framework, which establishes rights and duties, guarantees and principles for the use of the Internet in Brazil, it does not guarantee data protection and privacy in a well-structured, complete and comprehensive manner, nor is a general regulation on the protection of personal data, and its provisions on data protection not protective in nature. keywords: brazil; data; data protection; european; holder; internet; law; lgpd; processing; protection; regulation cache: cord-102490-yvcrv94c.txt plain text: cord-102490-yvcrv94c.txt item: #54 of 179 id: cord-102634-0n42h72w author: Willforss, Jakob title: OmicLoupe: Facilitating biological discovery by interactive exploration of multiple omic datasets and statistical comparisons date: 2020-10-22 words: 5790 flesch: 39 summary: Data analysis was performed by JW and VS. OmicLoupe is implemented using R (v3.6.3) and RShiny (v1.4.0.2), using packages providing interactive visualizations: Plotly (v4.9.2.1), DT (v0.13) and packages for data visualization: ggplot2 (v3.3.0), GGally (v1.5.0), UpSetR (v1.4.0, [10] ) and dplyr (v0.8.5) for data processing. keywords: comparisons; data; datasets; features; figure; hours; omicloupe; samples; software; study cache: cord-102634-0n42h72w.txt plain text: cord-102634-0n42h72w.txt item: #55 of 179 id: cord-102760-5tkdwtc0 author: Zambetti, Michela title: Enabling servitization by retrofitting legacy equipment for Industry 4.0 applications: benefits and barriers for OEMs date: 2020-12-31 words: 4828 flesch: 35 summary: • Visibility on customers, installed base and its status and operations • Possibility to use data to develop customer profiles and propose ad-hoc solutions • New revenue streams from the retrofitting solutions and data driven services. key: cord-102760-5tkdwtc0 authors: Zambetti, Michela; Khan, Muztoba A.; Pinto, Roberto; Wuest, Thorsten title: Enabling servitization by retrofitting legacy equipment for Industry 4.0 applications: benefits and barriers for OEMs date: 2020-12-31 journal: keywords: data; equipment; industry; legacy; oems; retrofitting; services; servitization; solutions cache: cord-102760-5tkdwtc0.txt plain text: cord-102760-5tkdwtc0.txt item: #56 of 179 id: cord-103310-qtrquuvv author: Wu, Tianzhi title: Open-source analytics tools for studying the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak date: 2020-02-27 words: 1132 flesch: 60 summary: Doc. 2, the death rate, estimated by dividing current total deaths by total confirmed cases, in Wuhan is 4.47%. The rapid, exponential growth phase in China spans roughly from January 15 to February 15, 2020, when the number of confirmed cases skyrocketed 1670-fold from 41 to 68,500. keywords: cases; data; preprint cache: cord-103310-qtrquuvv.txt plain text: cord-103310-qtrquuvv.txt item: #57 of 179 id: cord-103813-w2sb6h94 author: Schumacher, Garrett J. title: Genetic information insecurity as state of the art date: 2020-07-10 words: 6461 flesch: 30 summary: Human genetic information is identifiable and contains sensitive information, but genetic data security is only recently gaining attention. Genetic data is generated in an evolving and distributed cyber-physical ecosystem, with multiple systems that handle data and multiple partners that utilize the data. keywords: data; devices; dna; ecosystem; et al; information; laboratory; material; privacy; samples; security; sequencing; stakeholders; systems cache: cord-103813-w2sb6h94.txt plain text: cord-103813-w2sb6h94.txt item: #58 of 179 id: cord-104486-syirijql author: Adiga, Aniruddha title: Data-driven modeling for different stages of pandemic response date: 2020-09-21 words: 7181 flesch: 39 summary: As with any mathematical modeling effort, data plays a big role in the utility of such models. Similar to the importation risk, such models may provide an estimate of when cases may emerge in different parts of the country. keywords: case; contact; covid-19; data; datasets; disease; individuals; modeling; models; number; pandemic; response; spread; stages; time cache: cord-104486-syirijql.txt plain text: cord-104486-syirijql.txt item: #59 of 179 id: cord-118731-h5au2h09 author: None title: cord-118731-h5au2h09 date: None words: 7181 flesch: 39 summary: As with any mathematical modeling effort, data plays a big role in the utility of such models. Similar to the importation risk, such models may provide an estimate of when cases may emerge in different parts of the country. keywords: case; contact; covid-19; data; datasets; disease; individuals; modeling; models; number; pandemic; response; spread; stages; time cache: cord-118731-h5au2h09.txt plain text: cord-118731-h5au2h09.txt item: #60 of 179 id: cord-130507-baheh8i5 author: Benreguia, Badreddine title: Tracking COVID-19 by Tracking Infectious Trajectories date: 2020-05-12 words: 5766 flesch: 48 summary: The algorithm stops when the previously entered/calculated set To find black zones, the investigation system S performs the following steps: Input: T rajectory; A; P atient; if ((∃(P ersoni, * ) ∈ P atient and (∃(P ersonj, c k , ti) ∈ T rajectory ) ) then count k ← count k + 1 suspected t,(i−1) is empty (which means that the next set of suspected persons suspected t,i cannot be calculated). As shown by the algorithm of Figure 5 , at each iteration, based on the precedently entered/calculated set suspected t,(i−1) , the new set of suspected persons suspected t,i is determined. keywords: coronavirus; data; figure; investigation; patients; people; persons; system; time cache: cord-130507-baheh8i5.txt plain text: cord-130507-baheh8i5.txt item: #61 of 179 id: cord-131678-rvg1ayp2 author: Ponce, Marcelo title: An R Package to Obtain, Analyze and Visualize Data from the Corona Virus Disease Pandemic date: 2020-09-02 words: 15209 flesch: 66 summary: # retrieve aggregated data data <-covid19 . Date ( 2020 / 4 / 09 ) , days ) # data . keywords: cases; chr;; dashboard; data; function; generate; geo; growth; location; model; number; output; package; ppe; rate; series; server; shiny; time; users cache: cord-131678-rvg1ayp2.txt plain text: cord-131678-rvg1ayp2.txt item: #62 of 179 id: cord-133273-kvyzuayp author: Christ, Andreas title: Artificial Intelligence: Research Impact on Key Industries; the Upper-Rhine Artificial Intelligence Symposium (UR-AI 2020) date: 2020-10-05 words: 42474 flesch: 53 summary: [16] have shown, that, despite their initial design for image data, a residual neural network (ResNet) can perform quite well on time-series classification. Additionally, it discusses whether more general requirements can be sufficiently addressed in the scenarios, as e.g. proposed in ethical guidelines for AI based systems like [9, 10] . keywords: algorithm; approach; behavior; bottle; case; classification; data; dataset; deep; detection; devices; evaluation; example; features; figure; human; image; information; input data; learning; level; machine; methods; model; networks; object; parameters; patient; point; process; processing; product; quality; real; reality; results; robot; set; size; space; speed; step; stress; structure; system; time; training; training data; type; use; user; validation; walk cache: cord-133273-kvyzuayp.txt plain text: cord-133273-kvyzuayp.txt item: #63 of 179 id: cord-137263-mbww0yyt author: Hayashi, Teruaki title: Data Requests and Scenarios for Data Design of Unobserved Events in Corona-related Confusion Using TEEDA date: 2020-09-08 words: 4370 flesch: 54 summary: Using TEEDA, we collect data items (data requests and providable data) in the corona-related confusion in the workshop, discuss the characteristics of missing data, and create three scenarios for data design of unobserved events focusing on variables. In Section 2, we explain the methodology of TEEDA based on the descriptions of data requests and providable data, as well as demonstrate the functions of the platform. keywords: confusion; corona; data; requests; types; users; variables cache: cord-137263-mbww0yyt.txt plain text: cord-137263-mbww0yyt.txt item: #64 of 179 id: cord-138627-jtyoojte author: Buzzell, Andrew title: Public Goods From Private Data -- An Efficacy and Justification Paradox for Digital Contact Tracing date: 2020-07-14 words: 4280 flesch: 26 summary: Neo-muzak and the business of mood Necessity and least infringement conditions in public health ethics Qatar: 'huge' security weakness in COVID-19 contact-tracing app Exposure Notifications: Using technology to help public health authorities fight COVID-19 Contact tracing of tuberculosis: a systematic review of transmission modelling studies Principles of biomedical ethics Principlism and communitarianism Pact: Privacy sensitive protocols and mechanisms for mobile contact tracing The communitarian turn: myth or reality Public health ethics: mapping the terrain Aarogya Setu: Why India's Covid-19 contact tracing app is controversial A critique of principlism How many principles for public health ethics Information, technology, and the virtues of ignorance Quantifying SARS-CoV-2 transmission suggests epidemic control with digital contact tracing Group privacy: A defence and an interpretation Ethical Foresight Analysis: What it is and Why it is Needed Ethical issues in predictive genetic testing: a public health perspective Clusters of Coronavirus Disease in Communities Privacy-centric analysis treats data as private property, frames the relationship between individuals and governments as adversarial, entrenches technology platforms as gatekeepers, and supports a conception of emergency public health authority as limited by individual consent and considerable corporate influence that is in some tension with the more communitarian values that typically inform public health ethics. keywords: 2020; contact; data; dct; ethics; health; individual; privacy; public; technology; transmission cache: cord-138627-jtyoojte.txt plain text: cord-138627-jtyoojte.txt item: #65 of 179 id: cord-144221-ohorip57 author: Kapoor, Mudit title: Authoritarian Governments Appear to Manipulate COVID Data date: 2020-07-19 words: 3202 flesch: 52 summary: Aggregated data on Covd-19 across all countries in each of 4 regime categories provides further visual evidence that there is less variation in case data in authoritarian regimes. Figure 3 presents the results of our analysis for cumulative case and death data when our screening criteria is that growth in the 7 day centered moving average is greater than 7.5%. keywords: cases; covid-19; data; deaths; democracy; law cache: cord-144221-ohorip57.txt plain text: cord-144221-ohorip57.txt item: #66 of 179 id: cord-145831-ag0xt2nj author: Schmidt, Lena title: Data Mining in Clinical Trial Text: Transformers for Classification and Question Answering Tasks date: 2020-01-30 words: 6059 flesch: 50 summary: We compare our sentence classification with the LSTM baseline and evaluate the biggest set of PICO sentence data available at this point (Jin and Szolovits, 2018) . Focus points for the investigation are the problems of ambiguity in labelled PIO data, integration of training data from different tasks and sources and assessing our model's capacity for transfer learning and domain adaptation. keywords: bert; classes; classification; data; model; pico; question; scores; sentence; squad; training cache: cord-145831-ag0xt2nj.txt plain text: cord-145831-ag0xt2nj.txt item: #67 of 179 id: cord-146850-5x6qs2i4 author: Gupta, Abhishek title: The State of AI Ethics Report (June 2020) date: 2020-06-25 words: 47079 flesch: 44 summary: The report also proposes the potential of utilizing a guardian AI system that can monitor other AI systems to check for compliance with different sets of AI principles. The building of AI systems today doesn't just require highly skilled human labor but it must be supplemented with mundane jobs of labeling data that are poorly compensated and involve increasingly harder tasks as, for example, image recognition systems become more powerful, leading to the labeling of more and more complex images which require greater effort. keywords: ai ethics; ai systems; approach; article; authors; case; content; data; design; development; disinformation; example; help; human; impact; information; labor; learning; lot; machine; making; model; need; new; paper; people; perspective; platform; potential; privacy; problem; process; public; research; researchers; rights; security; set; spread; technology; terms; time; tools; use; user; way; work; world cache: cord-146850-5x6qs2i4.txt plain text: cord-146850-5x6qs2i4.txt item: #68 of 179 id: cord-148109-ql1tthyr author: El-Din, Doaa Mohey title: E-Quarantine: A Smart Health System for Monitoring Coronavirus Patients for Remotely Quarantine date: 2020-05-05 words: 4621 flesch: 54 summary: The life cycle of smart health technique includes six main layers, cleaning data layer, anomaly detection layer, extracting features based on deep learning, LSTM deep learning layer, and fusion layer as shown in the lifecycle in Figure ( 2). Data fusion means the process to reach higher efficiency results to deal with multiple and heterogeneous data sources. keywords: data; fusion; health; layer; level; patients; rate; system; time cache: cord-148109-ql1tthyr.txt plain text: cord-148109-ql1tthyr.txt item: #69 of 179 id: cord-154587-qbmm5st9 author: Nguyen, Thanh Thi title: Artificial Intelligence in the Battle against Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Survey and Future Research Directions date: 2020-07-30 words: 8188 flesch: 38 summary: -Imbalanced datasets due to insufficient COVID-19 medical image data. A summary of COVID-19 related data sources that are available for research purposes is also presented. keywords: applications; artificial; cases; coronavirus; covid-19; data; detection; images; intelligence; language; learning; machine; methods; model; number; pandemic; pneumonia; text; time cache: cord-154587-qbmm5st9.txt plain text: cord-154587-qbmm5st9.txt item: #70 of 179 id: cord-159103-dbgs2ado author: Rieke, Nicola title: The Future of Digital Health with Federated Learning date: 2020-03-18 words: 6704 flesch: 41 summary: Medical data is particularly diverse -not only in terms of type, dimensionality and characteristics of medical data in general but also within a defined medical task, due to factors like acquisition protocol, brand of the medical device or local demographics. key: cord-159103-dbgs2ado authors: Rieke, Nicola; Hancox, Jonny; Li, Wenqi; Milletari, Fausto; Roth, Holger; Albarqouni, Shadi; Bakas, Spyridon; Galtier, Mathieu N.; Landman, Bennett; Maier-Hein, Klaus; Ourselin, Sebastien; Sheller, Micah; Summers, Ronald M.; Trask, Andrew; Xu, Daguang; Baust, Maximilian; Cardoso, M. Jorge title: The Future of Digital Health with Federated Learning date: 2020-03-18 journal: nan DOI: nan sha: doc_id: 159103 cord_uid: dbgs2ado Data-driven Machine Learning has emerged as a promising approach for building accurate and robust statistical models from medical data, which is collected in huge volumes by modern healthcare systems. keywords: access; data; datasets; federated; healthcare; institutions; learning; medical; model; peer; privacy; research; training cache: cord-159103-dbgs2ado.txt plain text: cord-159103-dbgs2ado.txt item: #71 of 179 id: cord-160526-27kmder5 author: Meyer, R. Daniel title: Statistical Issues and Recommendations for Clinical Trials Conducted During the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2020-05-21 words: 9272 flesch: 36 summary: Its effects on trial data create multiple potential statistical issues. Statistical analyses of trial data will then be properly adjusted for pandemic effects. keywords: analyses; covid-19; data; ices; missingness; need; pandemic; participants; strategy; study; treatment; trial cache: cord-160526-27kmder5.txt plain text: cord-160526-27kmder5.txt item: #72 of 179 id: cord-162326-z7ta3pp9 author: Shahi, Gautam Kishore title: AMUSED: An Annotation Framework of Multi-modal Social Media Data date: 2020-10-01 words: 6455 flesch: 57 summary: The framework is designed to mitigate the issues of collecting and annotating social media data by cohesively combining machine and human in the data collection process. Usually, researchers encounter several problems while conducting research using social media data, like data collection, data sampling, data annotation, quality of the data, Copyright © 2020, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence ( keywords: annotation; articles; data; framework; media; misinformation; news; platforms; post; step; twitter cache: cord-162326-z7ta3pp9.txt plain text: cord-162326-z7ta3pp9.txt item: #73 of 179 id: cord-169484-mjtlhh5e author: Pellert, Max title: Dashboard of sentiment in Austrian social media during COVID-19 date: 2020-06-19 words: 4673 flesch: 52 summary: We adapt the dictionaries to the task at hand by excluding most obvious terms that can bias the analysis, as done in recent research validating Twitter word frequency data [18] . The sentiment dynamics on social media platforms can be influenced by content that spreads fear and other negative emotions. keywords: austria; covid-19; dashboard; data;; livetickers; online; platform; posts; public; twitter cache: cord-169484-mjtlhh5e.txt plain text: cord-169484-mjtlhh5e.txt item: #74 of 179 id: cord-176472-4sx34j90 author: Diou, Christos title: BigO: A public health decision support system for measuring obesogenic behaviors of children in relation to their local environment date: 2020-05-06 words: 2610 flesch: 38 summary: The analysis of BigO data is still work in progress, however some preliminary results on prediction are presented in [18] . Collected data includes (i) triaxial accelerometer signal, (ii) GPS location data, (iii) meal pictures, (iv) food advertisement pictures, (v) meal self-reported data, (vi) answers to a one-time questionnaire (when the myBigO app is started for the first time) and (v) answers to recurring mood questionnaires. keywords: bigo; children; data; environment; indicators; obesity; portal; system cache: cord-176472-4sx34j90.txt plain text: cord-176472-4sx34j90.txt item: #75 of 179 id: cord-176677-exej3zwh author: Coveney, Peter V. title: When we can trust computers (and when we can't) date: 2020-07-08 words: 6297 flesch: 34 summary: 57 Recent years have seen an explosive growth in digital data accompanied by the rising public awareness that their lives depend on algorithms, though it is plain to all that any computer code is based on an algorithm, without which it will not run. 85 The Turing Way -A handbook for reproducible data science The need for open source software in machine learning As Concerns About Non-Reproducible Data Mount, Some Solutions Take Shape Addressing Scientific Fraud. keywords: computers; data; learning; machine; models; reproducibility; research; results; science; simulations; systems; theory; uncertainty cache: cord-176677-exej3zwh.txt plain text: cord-176677-exej3zwh.txt item: #76 of 179 id: cord-183016-ajwnihk6 author: Carrillo, Dick title: Containing Future Epidemics with Trustworthy Federated Systems for Ubiquitous Warning and Response date: 2020-10-26 words: 6379 flesch: 37 summary: It is argued that a ubiquitous system can be employed to manage such data in a privacy-preserving manner. In addition to this, machine learning methods are expected to combine expert knowledge (e.g. from virologists and sociologists) with global data collected from different sources for fitting powerful predictive models to high-dimensional data. keywords: citizens; covid-19; data; devices; health; information; iot; level; monitoring; network; privacy; public; system cache: cord-183016-ajwnihk6.txt plain text: cord-183016-ajwnihk6.txt item: #77 of 179 id: cord-184194-zdxebonv author: Chen, Lichin title: Using Deep Learning and Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Patients' Choices of Hospital Levels date: 2020-06-24 words: 4916 flesch: 44 summary: To address such maldistributed patient volume, it is essential to oversee patients choices before further evaluation of a policy or resource allocation. According to our result, three features could interpret the majority of patients' choices of hospital levels: the MFPC, LFPC, and physician density. keywords: care; data; features; health; hospital; learning; number; patients; providers; study cache: cord-184194-zdxebonv.txt plain text: cord-184194-zdxebonv.txt item: #78 of 179 id: cord-185121-f6vjm4j4 author: Paiva, Henrique Mohallem title: A computational tool for trend analysis and forecast of the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-10-20 words: 7052 flesch: 50 summary: For instance, when analysing the values of γ : presented in Figure 10 -(a) and Figure 12 -(a), it can be seen that such values are γ : = 0.963 and γ : = 0.873 for the city and for the state of São Paulo, respectively. Analyzing γ ‹ • for different values of k enables the conclusion of whether the convergence has occurred or not within variable window sizes. keywords: analysis; covid-19; curve; data; figure; model; number; parameters; trend; value cache: cord-185121-f6vjm4j4.txt plain text: cord-185121-f6vjm4j4.txt item: #79 of 179 id: cord-197127-o30tiqel author: Breugel, Floris van title: Numerical differentiation of noisy data: A unifying multi-objective optimization framework date: 2020-09-03 words: 5987 flesch: 43 summary: Third, the optimal value of the hyper-parameter is consistent across different differentiation methods, thus our approach unifies vastly different numerical differentiation methods and facilitates unbiased comparison of their results. Figure 4 : Loss function and heuristic for choosing γ is equally effective for different differentiation methods. keywords: data; derivative; differentiation; estimates; function; loss; methods; time cache: cord-197127-o30tiqel.txt plain text: cord-197127-o30tiqel.txt item: #80 of 179 id: cord-198180-pwmr3m4o author: Gupta, Deepti title: Future Smart Connected Communities to Fight COVID-19 Outbreak date: 2020-07-20 words: 8235 flesch: 43 summary: Smart devices have the potential to be a major breakthrough in efforts to control and fight against the current pandemic situation. It is responsible for connecting physical sensors, smart devices, edge compute nodes or cloudlets, and cloud services with different technologies, and is also used for transmitting and processing sensor data. keywords: applications; challenges; cloud; control; covid-19; data; devices; health; home; hospital; internet; iot; people; privacy; sensors; smart; store; things cache: cord-198180-pwmr3m4o.txt plain text: cord-198180-pwmr3m4o.txt item: #81 of 179 id: cord-199267-cm6tqbzk author: Wang, Zijie title: Survive the Schema Changes: Integration of Unmanaged Data Using Deep Learning date: 2020-10-15 words: 8823 flesch: 49 summary: AI magazine Deeper-deep entity resolution Clio: Schema mapping creation and data exchange Aurum: A data discovery system Seeping semantics: Linking datasets using word embeddings for data discovery Domain-adversarial training of neural networks Schema mapping discovery from data instances Clio: A semi-automatic tool for schema mapping Codel-a relationally complete language for database evolution Living in parallel realities: Co-existing schema versions with a bidirectional database evolution language Migcast: Putting a price tag on data model evolution in nosql data stores Learning a partitioning advisor for cloud databases Evolution management of multi-model data Data migration Low-resource deep entity resolution with transfer and active learning A collective, probabilistic approach to schema mapping using diverse noisy evidence Learned cardinalities: We argue that in our targeting scenario, the approach we propose can save significant storage overhead as we only need store data integration models which are significantly smaller than the EKG, and can also achieve better performance for wide and sparse tables. keywords: attribute; cell; changes; data; data integration; integration; key; learning; model; process; representation; schema; super; target; training; training data cache: cord-199267-cm6tqbzk.txt plain text: cord-199267-cm6tqbzk.txt item: #82 of 179 id: cord-204835-1yay69kq author: Sun, Chenxi title: A Review of Deep Learning Methods for Irregularly Sampled Medical Time Series Data date: 2020-10-23 words: 8294 flesch: 51 summary: Recurrent neural networks for multivariate time series with missing values Convolutional LSTM network: A machine learning approach for precipitation nowcasting Restful: Resolution-aware forecasting of behavioral time series data Tensorized lstm with adaptive shared memory for learning trends in multivariate time series Clustering and classification for time series data in visual analytics: A survey Time2graph: Revisiting time series modeling with dynamic shapelets Adversarial unsupervised representation learning for activity time-series Revisiting spatial-temporal similarity: A deep learning framework for traffic prediction Deep EHR: A survey of recent advances in deep learning techniques for electronic health record (EHR) analysis Predicting in-hospital mortality of icu patients: The physionet/computing in cardiology challenge 2012 HOLMES: health online model ensemble serving for deep learning models in intensive care units Dipole: Diagnosis prediction in healthcare via attention-based bidirectional recurrent neural networks Learning to diagnose with LSTM recurrent neural networks RETAIN: an interpretable predictive model for healthcare using reverse time attention mechanism Multi-layer representation learning for medical concepts Mime: Multilevel medical embedding of electronic health records for predictive healthcare Patient subtyping via time-aware lstm networks Deep computational phenotyping A survey of methodologies for the treatment of missing values within datasets: limitations and benefits Singular value decomposition and least squares solutions An efficient nearest neighbor classifier algorithm based on pre-classify. CoRR, abs Timeautoml: Autonomous representation learning for multivariate irregularly sampled time series A distributed descriptor characterizing structural irregularity of EEG time series for epileptic seizure detection A bio-statistical mining approach for classifying multivariate clinical time series data observed at irregular intervals Automatic classification of irregularly sampled time series with unequal lengths: A case study on estimated glomerular filtration rate Mcpl-based FT-LSTM: medical representation learning-based clinical prediction model for time series events A comparison between discrete and continuous time bayesian networks in learning from clinical time series data with irregularity Multi-resolution networks for flexible irregular time series modeling (multi-fit) keywords: data; imputation; intervals; ismts; learning; medical; methods; missing; prediction; series; tasks; time; time series; values cache: cord-204835-1yay69kq.txt plain text: cord-204835-1yay69kq.txt item: #83 of 179 id: cord-206145-snkdgpym author: Ackermann, Klaus title: Object Recognition for Economic Development from Daytime Satellite Imagery date: 2020-09-11 words: 4011 flesch: 49 summary: Our study is a proof-of-concept exercise to show that combining daytime satellite imagery, open source ground truth data and machine learning tools can translate unstructured image data into valuable insights about local economic development at an unprecedented scale. The Quarterly Using luminosity data as a proxy for economic statistics The View from Above: Applications of Satellite Data in Economics Equitable development through deep learning: The case of subnational population density estimation A guide to convolution arithmetic for deep learning VIIRS night-time lights A global poverty map derived from satellite data Evaluating the relationship between spatial and spectral features derived from high spatial resolution satellite data and urban poverty in Colombo, Sri Lanka Deep residual learning for image recognition Measuring Economic Growth from Outer Space Regional favoritism Combining satellite imagery and machine learning to predict poverty Combining satellite imagery and machine learning to predict poverty Tile2Vec -Unsupervised Representation Learning for Spatially Distributed Data Statistical tragedy in Africa? keywords: countries; data; imagery; images; learning; model; osm; satellite cache: cord-206145-snkdgpym.txt plain text: cord-206145-snkdgpym.txt item: #84 of 179 id: cord-209932-1lsv7cel author: Challet, Damien title: Predicting financial markets with Google Trends and not so random keywords date: 2013-07-17 words: 3928 flesch: 61 summary: This syllogism has been investigated in details in [9] : the price returns of the components of the Russell 3000 index are regressed on many factors, including GT data, and these factors are averaged over all of the 3000 assets. The need to average over many stocks is due to the amount of noise in both price returns and GT data, and to the fact that only a small fraction of people who search for a given keywords do actually trade later. keywords: data; information; keywords; performance; returns; time cache: cord-209932-1lsv7cel.txt plain text: cord-209932-1lsv7cel.txt item: #85 of 179 id: cord-219107-klpmipaj author: Zachreson, Cameron title: Risk mapping for COVID-19 outbreaks using mobility data date: 2020-08-14 words: 5908 flesch: 37 summary: Our general method is to use an Origin-Destination (OD) matrix based on Facebook mobility data to estimate the diffusion of transmission risk based on one or more identified outbreak sources. Our results indicate that mobility data can be a good predictor of geographic patterns of exposure risk from transmission centres, particularly in scenarios involving workplaces or other environments associated with habitual travel patterns. keywords: case; covid-19; data; facebook; mobility; mobility data; number; outbreak; risk; time; transmission cache: cord-219107-klpmipaj.txt plain text: cord-219107-klpmipaj.txt item: #86 of 179 id: cord-223332-51670qld author: Agrawal, Prashant title: An operational architecture for privacy-by-design in public service applications date: 2020-06-08 words: 11880 flesch: 40 summary: The pre-conditions of the authorisation rules may be based on consent of data individuals, approvals by authorities or even other dynamic constraints (e.g., time-bound permissions). The second obligation of the regulator is to play an online role in authorising data accesses by the TEs. keywords: access; architecture; attacks; authority; control; data; data protection; database; design; encryption; identity; india; individuals; information; key; principles; privacy; protection; purpose; regulator; tes; use cache: cord-223332-51670qld.txt plain text: cord-223332-51670qld.txt item: #87 of 179 id: cord-224516-t5zubl1p author: Daubenschuetz, Tim title: SARS-CoV-2, a Threat to Privacy? date: 2020-04-21 words: 4800 flesch: 41 summary: Furthermore, aside from the danger of collecting data by the government, the crisis situation leads to increase of data collection by private companies, as people all over the world switch to remote communication and remote collaboration tools from faceto-face communications. In this, we are supporting informed consent of data subjects, because it ensures that people will only share data with institutions that kept their data safe against privacy harms. keywords: context; crisis; data; information; integrity; pandemic; people; privacy; protection; security; situation cache: cord-224516-t5zubl1p.txt plain text: cord-224516-t5zubl1p.txt item: #88 of 179 id: cord-225826-bwghyhqx author: Jiang, Zheng title: Combining Visible Light and Infrared Imaging for Efficient Detection of Respiratory Infections such as COVID-19 on Portable Device date: 2020-04-15 words: 4814 flesch: 53 summary: In this paper, we propose a remote, potable and intelligent health screening system based on respiratory data for pre-screening and auxiliary diagnosis of respiratory diseases like COVID-19. During the analysis of respiratory data, the entire waveform in time sequence should be taken into consideration. keywords: breathing; data; face; masks; network; people; respiration; respiratory; screening; time cache: cord-225826-bwghyhqx.txt plain text: cord-225826-bwghyhqx.txt item: #89 of 179 id: cord-226263-ns628u21 author: Ye, Yanfang title: $alpha$-Satellite: An AI-driven System and Benchmark Datasets for Hierarchical Community-level Risk Assessment to Help Combat COVID-19 date: 2020-03-27 words: 5696 flesch: 43 summary: In our developed system (named α-Satellite), we first develop a set of tools to collect and preprocess the large-scale and real-time pandemic related data from multiple sources, including disease related data from official public health organizations, demographic data, mobility data, and user generated data from social media; and then we devise advanced AI-driven techniques to provide hierarchical community-level risk assessment to enable actionable strategies for community mitigation. We have developed a set of crawling and preprocessing tools to collect and parse the largescale and real-time pandemic related data from multiple sources, including disease related data from official public health organizations and digital media, demographic data, mobility data, and user generated data from social media (i.e., Reddit). keywords: area; cases; community; county; covid-19; data; information; risk; system; time cache: cord-226263-ns628u21.txt plain text: cord-226263-ns628u21.txt item: #90 of 179 id: cord-226956-n5qwsvtr author: Arbia, Giuseppe title: A Note on Early Epidemiological Analysis of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outbreak using Crowdsourced Data date: 2020-03-13 words: 1764 flesch: 38 summary: While the work by Sun, Chen and Viboud (2020) has to be commended, given the importance of the topic for worldwide health security, in this paper we deem important to remark the presence of the possible sources of statistical biases and to point out possible solutions to them The paper by Sun, Chen and Viboud (2020) (henceforth SCV) is an important example of the use of crowdsourced data in monitoring the spread of COVID-19. There are two main statistical problems connected with the use of crowdsourced data in general and with those presenting a spatial configuration in particular (such as those employed by SCV), namely: 1. keywords: data; sample; sampling; test cache: cord-226956-n5qwsvtr.txt plain text: cord-226956-n5qwsvtr.txt item: #91 of 179 id: cord-229198-aju7xkel author: Wei, Viska title: Sketch and Scale: Geo-distributed tSNE and UMAP date: 2020-11-11 words: 4784 flesch: 59 summary: We show this technique to be fully parallel, scale linearly in time, logarithmically in memory, and communication, making it possible to analyze datasets with many millions, potentially billions of data points, spread across several data centers around the globe. tSNE converts similarities between data points to joint probabilities and tries to minimize the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the joint probabilities of the low-dimensional embedding and the highdimensional data. keywords: cells; clusters; count; data; hitters; number; points; sketch; tsne cache: cord-229198-aju7xkel.txt plain text: cord-229198-aju7xkel.txt item: #92 of 179 id: cord-233012-ltbvpv8b author: Garcia-Gasulla, Dario title: Global Data Science Project for COVID-19 Summary Report date: 2020-06-10 words: 4754 flesch: 57 summary: The x-axis of Figure 19 and As for sharing bike data, we track the number of people using bikes at each bike station every 30 seconds from NYC Open Data OpenData (2020a). To investigate the effects of these travel restrictions on worldwide flights, we analyzed the decline of flights for continents and countries from public flight data. keywords: city; countries; covid-19; data; lockdown; march; mobility; number; people; posts; tweets cache: cord-233012-ltbvpv8b.txt plain text: cord-233012-ltbvpv8b.txt item: #93 of 179 id: cord-238342-ecuex64m author: Fong, Simon James title: Composite Monte Carlo Decision Making under High Uncertainty of Novel Coronavirus Epidemic Using Hybridized Deep Learning and Fuzzy Rule Induction date: 2020-03-22 words: 9525 flesch: 49 summary: Furthermore, different from other decision rule models, FRI allows some fuzzy relaxation in bracketing the upper and lower bounds, thereby a decision can be made based on the min-max values pertaining to each conditional test (attribute in the data). However, MC model allows decision makers to predict by studying the probabilities of possible outcomes on how the changes impact the effectiveness of the Polish EMS system. keywords: covid-19; data; decision; deterministic; epidemic; eqn; future; input; mc model; model; number; rule; simulation; time; variables cache: cord-238342-ecuex64m.txt plain text: cord-238342-ecuex64m.txt item: #94 of 179 id: cord-252984-79jzkdu2 author: Bickman, Leonard title: Improving Mental Health Services: A 50-Year Journey from Randomized Experiments to Artificial Intelligence and Precision Mental Health date: 2020-07-26 words: 35544 flesch: 44 summary: Confidentiality and trust are key issues in mental health treatment. I was trained as a social psychologist and was a graduate student of Stanley Milgram (of the famous obedience experiments), so I was curious about the research on the relationship between technological virtual agents and humans beyond the context of mental health treatment. keywords: analysis; approach; authors; bickman; care; causal; children; clinical; clinicians; data; depression; effectiveness; et al; evidence; feedback; health; health services; human; interventions; issue; learning; machine; medicine; mental; meta; need; new; outcomes; paper; potential; precision; problems; psychiatry; rcts; research; review; services research; social; studies; study; system; therapy; time; treatment; use cache: cord-252984-79jzkdu2.txt plain text: cord-252984-79jzkdu2.txt item: #95 of 179 id: cord-253918-8g3erth8 author: Ienca, Marcello title: On the responsible use of digital data to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-03-27 words: 1422 flesch: 46 summary: On the responsible use of digital data to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-03-27 journal: Nat Med DOI: 10.1038/s41591-020-0832-5 sha: doc_id: 253918 cord_uid: 8g3erth8 Large-scale collection of data could help curb the COVID-19 pandemic, but it should not neglect privacy and public trust. Transparent public communication about data processing for the common good should be pursued. keywords: covid-19; data; health; public cache: cord-253918-8g3erth8.txt plain text: cord-253918-8g3erth8.txt item: #96 of 179 id: cord-259247-7loab74f author: CAPPS, BENJAMIN title: Where Does Open Science Lead Us During a Pandemic? A Public Good Argument to Prioritize Rights in the Open Commons date: 2020-06-05 words: 6142 flesch: 42 summary: The egalitarian response to a potential the tragedy of the commons, brought about by misplaced trust in capitalist platforms, is to exclude those that follow strategies that destroy the very resource itself; 108 and recognition that the threat from open data use is so sweeping that its can no longer be circumscribed by the concept of privacy and its contests. 259247 cord_uid: 7loab74f During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, open science has become central to experimental, public health, and clinical responses across the globe. keywords: access; commons; data; good; health; interest; pandemic; public; research; rights; science; use cache: cord-259247-7loab74f.txt plain text: cord-259247-7loab74f.txt item: #97 of 179 id: cord-259929-02765q5j author: Stanley, Philip M. title: Decoding DNA data storage for investment date: 2020-09-28 words: 5981 flesch: 42 summary: key: cord-259929-02765q5j authors: Stanley, Philip M.; Strittmatter, Lisa M.; Vickers, Alice M.; Lee, Kevin C.K. title: Decoding DNA data storage for investment date: 2020-09-28 journal: Biotechnol Adv DOI: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2020.107639 sha: doc_id: 259929 cord_uid: 02765q5j While DNA's perpetual role in biology and life science is well documented, its burgeoning digital applications are beginning to garner significant interest. We anticipate a significant increase in available investment capital and continuous scientific progress, creating a ripe environment on which DNA data storage-enabling startups can capitalize to bring DNA data storage into daily life. keywords: capital; data; data storage; dna; error; et al; information; sequence; sequencing; storage; synthesis; technologies; venture cache: cord-259929-02765q5j.txt plain text: cord-259929-02765q5j.txt item: #98 of 179 id: cord-261809-ccc8wzne author: Ram, Natalie title: Mass Surveillance in the Age of COVID-19 date: 2020-05-08 words: 3424 flesch: 47 summary: 62 Below, we explain how that framework might guide the development and deployment of public health surveillance programs like digital contact tracing, location monitoring, and data aggregation and analysis. 261809 cord_uid: ccc8wzne Epidemiological surveillance programs such as digital contact tracing have been touted as a silver bullet that will free the American public from the strictures of social distancing, enabling a return to school, work, and socializing. keywords: amendment; contact; data; fourth; location; programs; public; surveillance cache: cord-261809-ccc8wzne.txt plain text: cord-261809-ccc8wzne.txt item: #99 of 179 id: cord-264994-j8iawzp8 author: Fitzpatrick, Meagan C. title: Modelling microbial infection to address global health challenges date: 2019-09-20 words: 7107 flesch: 26 summary: Projections of Ebola outbreak size and duration with and without vaccine use in Équateur Ebola vaccination in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Emergence and pandemic potential of swine-origin H1N1 influenza virus Estimated influenza illnesses, medical visits, hospitalizations, and deaths averted by vaccination in the United States Global epidemiology of avian influenza A H5N1 virus infection in humans, 1997-2015: a systematic review of individual case data The role of evolution in the emergence of infectious diseases Information technology and global surveillance of cases of 2009 H1N1 influenza Optimizing provider recruitment for influenza surveillance networks Influenza A (H7N9) and the importance of digital epidemiology Disease surveillance on complex social networks Optimizing infectious disease interventions during an emerging epidemic Optimizing influenza vaccine distribution Nine challenges in incorporating the dynamics of behaviour in infectious diseases models Evolutionary game theory and social learning can determine how vaccine scares unfold Department of Health & Human Services. By explicitly defining the nonlinear processes underlying infectious disease spread, transmission models illuminate these otherwise opaque systems. keywords: analysis; data; disease; dynamics; ebola; example; health; hiv; modelling; models; outbreak; population; resistance; risk; transmission; vaccination; vaccine cache: cord-264994-j8iawzp8.txt plain text: cord-264994-j8iawzp8.txt item: #100 of 179 id: cord-266626-9vn6yt8m author: Lei, Howard title: Agile Clinical Research: A Data Science Approach to Scrumban in Clinical Medicine date: 2020-10-22 words: 3454 flesch: 46 summary: Data scientists can spend significant time working in isolation to build predictive models that may not be useful in clinical environments. There is a need for agility in clinical research, and the use of data science to develop predictive models for patient treatment is a potential solution. keywords: data; development; framework; model; physicians; science; scientists cache: cord-266626-9vn6yt8m.txt plain text: cord-266626-9vn6yt8m.txt item: #101 of 179 id: cord-266898-f00628z4 author: Nikitenkova, S. title: It's the very time to learn a pandemic lesson: why have predictive techniques been ineffective when describing long-term events? date: 2020-06-03 words: 2822 flesch: 51 summary: However, it is easier to assume that this unavoidable regular error is due only to the specifics of data monitoring. Processing statistical data of countries that have reached an epidemic peak has shown that this regular monitoring obeys a simple analytical regularity which allows us to answer the question: is this or that country that has already passed the threshold of the epidemic close to its peak or is still far from it? people desire to know about future epidemic events in terms of where, how much and when. keywords: countries; data; epidemic; license; preprint cache: cord-266898-f00628z4.txt plain text: cord-266898-f00628z4.txt item: #102 of 179 id: cord-267485-1fu1blu0 author: Lazarus, Ross title: Distributed data processing for public health surveillance date: 2006-09-19 words: 4774 flesch: 37 summary: The focus of this report is on the model used to collect surveillance data while providing maximum protection for PHI, so the statistical methods we use in the NDP, which have been described elsewhere [4] are not discussed further here. Despite the exemption, data providers may be unwilling to offer identifiable data for surveillance purposes in the face of increasing awareness of the potential costs of inadvertent disclosure or inappropriate use of PHI. keywords: data; health; phi; processing; provider; public; software; surveillance cache: cord-267485-1fu1blu0.txt plain text: cord-267485-1fu1blu0.txt item: #103 of 179 id: cord-269693-9tsy79lt author: Shao, Xue-Feng title: Multistage implementation framework for smart supply chain management under industry 4.0 date: 2020-10-06 words: 11035 flesch: 41 summary: The front-end technology dimension includes smart working, smart products, smart supply chain, and smart manufacturing initiatives. key: cord-269693-9tsy79lt authors: Shao, Xue-Feng; Liu, Wei; Li, Yi; Chaudhry, Hassan Rauf; Yue, Xiao-Guang title: Multistage implementation framework for smart supply chain management under industry 4.0 date: 2020-10-06 journal: Technol Forecast Soc Change DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120354 sha: doc_id: 269693 cord_uid: 9tsy79lt The true potential of the industry 4.0, which is a byproduct of the fourth industrial revolution, cannot be actually realized. keywords: chain; data; end; et al; firm; implementation; industry; management; manufacturing; order; process; research; smart; study; supplier; supply; supply chain; team; technologies cache: cord-269693-9tsy79lt.txt plain text: cord-269693-9tsy79lt.txt item: #104 of 179 id: cord-270703-c8mv2eve author: Christensen, Paul A title: Real-time Communication With Health Care Providers Through an Online Respiratory Pathogen Laboratory Report date: 2018-11-30 words: 1680 flesch: 43 summary: In addition, clinical laboratories should routinely monitor local influenza data to determine if epidemics are occurring, if continued testing is necessary, or if patients can be treated based on positive symptoms alone [2, 3] . Open Forum Infect Dis DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofy322 sha: doc_id: 270703 cord_uid: c8mv2eve We implemented a real-time report to distribute respiratory pathogen data for our 8-hospital system to anyone with an Internet connection and a web browser. keywords: data; influenza; report; system; time cache: cord-270703-c8mv2eve.txt plain text: cord-270703-c8mv2eve.txt item: #105 of 179 id: cord-270721-81axdn0g author: Allam, Zaheer title: The Emergence of Voluntary Citizen Networks to Circumvent Urban Health Data Sharing Restrictions During Pandemics date: 2020-07-24 words: 5165 flesch: 39 summary: When all these challenges are compounded, as noted by Waithira et al. (2019) , it becomes relatively hard to convince people to freely share their data, as already the levels of mistrust on agencies handling data are high and thus are seen to create psychological barriers to data sharing. Such data have also become very popular for target marketing and those with capacity to collect gain financially by sharing insights with marketing institutions. keywords: allam; case; coronavirus; covid-19; data; health; share; sharing; technologies; virus cache: cord-270721-81axdn0g.txt plain text: cord-270721-81axdn0g.txt item: #106 of 179 id: cord-272276-83f0ruku author: Wagner, Joseph E. title: A computer based system for collection, storage, retrieval and reporting accession information in a veterinary medical diagnostic laboratory date: 1984-12-31 words: 3239 flesch: 46 summary: Annually, a large amount of accession data is generated at the RADIL. key: cord-272276-83f0ruku authors: Wagner, Joseph E.; Warriner, William J.; Bradfield, Sylvia A.; Farrar, Patricia L.; Morehouse, Lawrence G. title: A computer based system for collection, storage, retrieval and reporting accession information in a veterinary medical diagnostic laboratory date: 1984-12-31 journal: Computers in Biology and Medicine DOI: 10.1016/0010-4825(84)90033-7 sha: doc_id: 272276 cord_uid: 83f0ruku Abstract Substantial data collected from large numbers of accessions, the need for comprehensive reporting of negative as well as positive laboratory findings, and the necessity for obtaining rapid diagnostic correlations prompted the development of a computer based system of accession data management for collection, storage, rapid retrieval, reporting, concording, and administrative compiling in a state-university Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory. keywords: accession; data; fig; laboratory; panel; results; system cache: cord-272276-83f0ruku.txt plain text: cord-272276-83f0ruku.txt item: #107 of 179 id: cord-273163-xm6qvhn1 author: Tarkoma, Sasu title: Fighting pandemics with digital epidemiology date: 2020-08-25 words: 1173 flesch: 34 summary: The new health data rules in the US within the 21st Century Cures Act are another example of how third parties can work more easily with health data. According to Salath e, digital epidemiology is epidemiology building on digital data and tools, but a narrower definition defines it as epidemiology building on data generated and obtained with a primary goal other than conducting epidemiological studies [1] . keywords: data; digital; epidemiology; health cache: cord-273163-xm6qvhn1.txt plain text: cord-273163-xm6qvhn1.txt item: #108 of 179 id: cord-274019-dao10kx9 author: Rife, Brittany D title: Phylodynamic applications in 21(st) century global infectious disease research date: 2017-05-08 words: 6273 flesch: 23 summary: Despite the limitations to traditional infectious disease epidemiology, major advances in study designs and methods for epidemiological data analysis have been made over the past decade for a multifaceted investigation of the complexity of disease at both the individual and population levels [14, 15] . Combining pathogen genetic data with host population information (e.g., population density and air traffic) in a statistical framework is critical for the reliable assessment of factors potentially associated with pathogen population dynamics and geographic spread. keywords: analysis; bayesian; data; disease; dynamics; epidemiology; factors; global; health; pathogen; phylodynamic; population; spread; transmission cache: cord-274019-dao10kx9.txt plain text: cord-274019-dao10kx9.txt item: #109 of 179 id: cord-275069-opuwyaiv author: Amram, Denise title: Building up the “Accountable Ulysses” model. The impact of GDPR and national implementations, ethics, and health-data research: Comparative remarks date: 2020-07-31 words: 4878 flesch: 38 summary: If we consider that open access is becoming the new standard to manage research data, the role of the data protection officer/expert/advisor becomes essential to establish which data can be shared or not. Also this exception may create some practical issues if we consider that data protection is an ethical profile that an ethical committee should face in its opinion. keywords: article; data; data protection; gdpr; processing; protection; purposes; research cache: cord-275069-opuwyaiv.txt plain text: cord-275069-opuwyaiv.txt item: #110 of 179 id: cord-275300-4phjvxat author: Galván‐Casas, C. title: Sars‐CoV‐2 infection: the same virus can cause different cutaneous manifestations: reply from authors date: 2020-06-22 words: 360 flesch: 55 summary: Br J Dermatol DOI: 10.1111/bjd.19317 sha: doc_id: 275300 cord_uid: 4phjvxat Dr Drago et al. are right to point out that our paper did not provide data on enanthems(1,2). We also agree on the discussed hypotheses about coinfection or reactivation and the need for further studies to test them. keywords: data cache: cord-275300-4phjvxat.txt plain text: cord-275300-4phjvxat.txt item: #111 of 179 id: cord-275742-7jxt6diq author: Batarseh, Feras A. title: Preventive healthcare policies in the US: solutions for disease management using Big Data Analytics date: 2020-06-23 words: 7227 flesch: 52 summary: Completeness of health data is required to allow for comprehensive examinations and to provide early recommendations to preventive parameters. NHANES data are cross-sectional (i.e. collected at a single point in time); thus a follow up on patients is required for ML trends and forecasts [16] . keywords: clustering; data; disease; healthcare; imputations; medical; methods; models; nhanes; patients; periodontitis; results; variables cache: cord-275742-7jxt6diq.txt plain text: cord-275742-7jxt6diq.txt item: #112 of 179 id: cord-276405-yfvu83r9 author: Brat, Gabriel A. title: International electronic health record-derived COVID-19 clinical course profiles: the 4CE consortium date: 2020-08-19 words: 5733 flesch: 43 summary: RESTful API The Genomics Research and Innovation Network: creating an interoperable, federated, genomics learning system Scalable collaborative infrastructure for a learning healthcare system (SCILHS): architecture SHRINE: enabling nationally scalable multi-site disease studies Overview of data collection and analysis The Shared Health Research Information Network (SHRINE): a prototype federated query tool for clinical data repositories Accrual to Clinical Trials (ACT): a clinical and translational science award consortium network A translational engine at the national scale: informatics for integrating biology and the bedside Case-fatality rate and characteristics of patients dying in relation to COVID-19 in Italy An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time Prediction models for diagnosis and prognosis of covid-19 infection: systematic review and critical appraisal Laboratory abnormalities in patients with COVID-2019 infection Impact of selective mapping strategies on automated laboratory result notification to public health authorities Learning from the crowd in terminology mapping: the LOINC experience Standardizing laboratory data by mapping to LOINC Evaluating congruence between laboratory LOINC value sets for quality measures, public health reporting, and mapping common tests Early vision for the CTSA Program Trial Innovation Network: a perspective from the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Launching PCORnet, a national patient-centered clinical research network German medical informatics initiative The COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance: collecting data in a pandemic Recent developments in clinical terminologies-SNOMED CT, LOINC, and RxNorm i2b2: Informatics for Integrating Biology & the Bedside CTSA ACT Network i2b2 and SHRINE Ontology with 1-1 SHRINE Adapter Mapping File (Github The Unified Medical Language System (UMLS): integrating biomedical terminology All authors approved the manuscript. Aggregate laboratory data have limited ability to identify general trends in the admitted population. keywords: countries; covid-19; data; day; diagnosis; disease; hospitals; laboratory; level; number; patients; sites; tests; time; values cache: cord-276405-yfvu83r9.txt plain text: cord-276405-yfvu83r9.txt item: #113 of 179 id: cord-278913-u6vihq3u author: Allam, Zaheer title: The Rise of Machine Intelligence in the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Health Policy date: 2020-07-24 words: 5401 flesch: 44 summary: It cemented its authority in the use of modern computing technologies in 2014, where it developed risk assessment models that allowed it to predict the spread of Ebola virus outbreak that struck three West Africa countries (Allen, 2016 ). Such technologies, as noted earlier, are what allowed BlueDot and Metabiota to obtain the correct predictions they made about the outbreak and spread of COVID-19 to different regions. keywords: data; health; outbreak; spread; technologies; time; use; virus; world cache: cord-278913-u6vihq3u.txt plain text: cord-278913-u6vihq3u.txt item: #114 of 179 id: cord-279125-w6sh7xpn author: Egli, Adrian title: Digital microbiology date: 2020-06-27 words: 1603 flesch: 34 summary: Challenges of digitalisation in the microbiology diagnostic process The collection, quality control and cleaning, storage, security and protection, stewardship and governance, interoperability and interconnection, reporting and visualization, versioning, and sharing 20 of data pose considerable challenges for big data in microbiology diagnostic laboratories. Stud Health Technol MIMIC-III, a freely accessible critical care database The eICU Collaborative Research Database, a freely available multi-center 14 database for critical care research PulseNet and the Changing Paradigm of Laboratory-Based Surveillance Microreact: visualizing and sharing data for genomic epidemiology and 19 phylogeography Nextstrain: real-time tracking of pathogen evolution Improving the quality and workflow of bacterial genome sequencing and 23 analysis: paving the way for a Switzerland-wide molecular epidemiological surveillance 24 platform A comprehensive collection of systems biology data characterizing Infectious Diseases and Associated Ethical Impacts Big data and machine learning in 35 critical care: Opportunities for collaborative research Privacy in the age of medical big data The COMPARE Data Hubs. keywords: data; laboratory; learning; machine; microbiology; process cache: cord-279125-w6sh7xpn.txt plain text: cord-279125-w6sh7xpn.txt item: #115 of 179 id: cord-282724-zzkqb0u2 author: Moore, Jason H. title: Ideas for how informaticians can get involved with COVID-19 research date: 2020-05-12 words: 7598 flesch: 28 summary: These are organized under sub-disciplines for biomedical informatics including Bioinformatics that focuses on basic science questions, Clinical Informatics that focuses on the delivery of healthcare, Clinical Research Informatics that focuses on research using clinical data, Consumer Health Informatics that focuses on the use of mobile devices and telemedicine, and Public Health informatics that focuses on research questions at the population or community level. Secure informatics platforms such as Integrating Bench to Bedside (i2b2) and the Shared Health Research Information Network (SHRINE), Trinetix, and Atlas play an important role in standardizing and harmonizing clinical data to common data models (CDMs) including i2b2, Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Network (PCORnet), Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR), and Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership (OMOP). keywords: analysis; cov-2; covid-19; data; disease; efforts; health; healthcare; informatics; models; pandemic; patients; public; research; researchers; sars; social; testing; tools cache: cord-282724-zzkqb0u2.txt plain text: cord-282724-zzkqb0u2.txt item: #116 of 179 id: cord-282938-1if7bl2u author: Wang, Yanxin title: Using Mobile Phone Data for Emergency Management: a Systematic Literature Review date: 2020-09-16 words: 8949 flesch: 35 summary: An embedding based IR model for disaster situations Stay safe stay connected: Surgical mobile app at the time of Covid-19 outbreak The uses of mobile technologies in the aftermath of terrorist attacks among low socioeconomic populations Using Mobile phone data to predict the spatial spread of cholera Disaster management and information systems: Insights to emerging challenges Remotely measuring populations during a crisis by overlaying two data sources A survey of results on mobile phone datasets analysis Performing systematic literature reviews in software engineering Travel restriction measures: COVID-19 program delivery Data fusion for city life event detection Novel coronavirus named COVID-19 by WHO Introduction to special issue on terrorism informatics Reality mining: A prediction algorithm for disease dynamics based on mobile big data A microblogging-based approach to terrorism informatics: Exploration and chronicling civilian sentiment and response to terrorism events via twitter Evidence and future potential of mobile phone data for disease disaster management 19 countries track mobile location to fight COVID-19 Delay-aware accident detection and response system using fog computing AREA: As mobile phones have become ubiquitous, many scholars have shown interest in using mobile phone data for EM. keywords: analysis; applications; data; emergencies; emergency; et al; framework; human; information; management; mobile; papers; phase; phone; research; studies; study cache: cord-282938-1if7bl2u.txt plain text: cord-282938-1if7bl2u.txt item: #117 of 179 id: cord-285379-ljg475sj author: Slotwiner, David J. title: Digital Health in Electrophysiology and the COVID-19 Global Pandemic date: 2020-10-03 words: 3219 flesch: 35 summary: Difficulty identifying and training staff is the reason some practices are outsourcing the technical components of managing the acquisition and collation of digital health data to independent remote monitoring organizations. Our present health care infrastructure was not designed to process, triage and incorporate digital health data generated outside the traditional medical environment. keywords: care; data; digital; health; patient; tools cache: cord-285379-ljg475sj.txt plain text: cord-285379-ljg475sj.txt item: #118 of 179 id: cord-285522-3gv6469y author: Bello-Orgaz, Gema title: Social big data: Recent achievements and new challenges date: 2015-08-28 words: 13157 flesch: 45 summary: key: cord-285522-3gv6469y authors: Bello-Orgaz, Gema; Jung, Jason J.; Camacho, David title: Social big data: In this paper, we assume that social big data comes from joining the efforts of the two previous domains: social media and big data. keywords: algorithms; analysis; applications; clustering; data; graph; hadoop; information; learning; machine; mapreduce; media; methods; mining; networks; number; processing; spark; system; techniques; text; time; twitter; users cache: cord-285522-3gv6469y.txt plain text: cord-285522-3gv6469y.txt item: #119 of 179 id: cord-286288-gduhterq author: Spitzer, Ernest title: Cardiovascular Clinical Trials in a Pandemic: Immediate Implications of Coronavirus Disease 2019 date: 2020-05-01 words: 2761 flesch: 32 summary: Two general principles governing the execution of clinical trials are ensuring patient safety and clinical trial integrity. [14] Planning, executing and reporting clinical trials designed for the approval of (or to extend indications for) drugs, biological products, devices and combinations thereof, are highly regulated activities. keywords: coronavirus; covid-19; data; monitoring; pandemic; patient; safety; trials cache: cord-286288-gduhterq.txt plain text: cord-286288-gduhterq.txt item: #120 of 179 id: cord-287027-ahoo6j3o author: Lai, Yuan title: Unsupervised Learning for County-Level Typological Classification for COVID-19 Research date: 2020-08-30 words: 3464 flesch: 44 summary: Notably, non-urban counties have steeper slopes than urban counties, are hit later in the total pandemic timeline, and experience death rates higher than in urban areas. Figure 3c bins the counties by death rate slope, highlighting that most counties are classified as non-urban areas, and that these had a long-tail distribution of death rate growth slope as compared to urban counties. keywords: 2020; age; counties; county; covid-19; data; group; level; mobility cache: cord-287027-ahoo6j3o.txt plain text: cord-287027-ahoo6j3o.txt item: #121 of 179 id: cord-287884-qxk1wfk8 author: Yamin, Mohammad title: Information technologies of 21st century and their impact on the society date: 2019-08-16 words: 3540 flesch: 48 summary: Familiar disciplines to create Big data include astronomy, atmospheric science, biology, genomics, nuclear physics, biochemical experiments, medical records, and scientific research. Because of its size, analysis of big data is not a straightforward task and often requires advanced methods and techniques. keywords: applications; blockchain; computing; data; internet; robot; technologies; technology cache: cord-287884-qxk1wfk8.txt plain text: cord-287884-qxk1wfk8.txt item: #122 of 179 id: cord-288264-xs08g2cy author: Ulahannan, Jijo Pulickiyil title: A citizen science initiative for open data and visualization of COVID-19 outbreak in Kerala, India date: 2020-08-06 words: 3126 flesch: 37 summary: key: cord-288264-xs08g2cy authors: Ulahannan, Jijo Pulickiyil; Narayanan, Nikhil; Thalhath, Nishad; Prabhakaran, Prem; Chaliyeduth, Sreekanth; Suresh, Sooraj P; Mohammed, Musfir; Rajeevan, E; Joseph, Sindhu; Balakrishnan, Akhil; Uthaman, Jeevan; Karingamadathil, Manoj; Thomas, Sunil Thonikkuzhiyil; Sureshkumar, Unnikrishnan; Balan, Shabeesh; Vellichirammal, Neetha Nanoth title: A citizen science initiative for open data and visualization of COVID-19 outbreak in Kerala, India date: 2020-08-06 journal: J Am Med Inform Assoc DOI: 10.1093/jamia/ocaa203 sha: doc_id: 288264 cord_uid: xs08g2cy OBJECTIVE: MATERIALS AND METHODS: Through a citizen science initiative, we leveraged publicly available and crowd-verified data on COVID-19 outbreak in Kerala from the government bulletins and media outlets to generate reusable datasets. keywords: cases; covid-19; data; dataset; india; individuals; kerala; outbreak; public cache: cord-288264-xs08g2cy.txt plain text: cord-288264-xs08g2cy.txt item: #123 of 179 id: cord-289447-d93qwjui author: Helmy, Mohamed title: Systems biology approaches integrated with artificial intelligence for optimized food-focused metabolic engineering date: 2020-10-09 words: 7407 flesch: 31 summary: The availability of such data is necessary for more holistic studying of the organism and helps in discovering new pathways or proteins, simpler, shorter directed pathways or new enzymes with better production rate [12] . Design of an in vitro biocatalytic cascade for the manufacture of islatravir Machine Learning Methods for Analysis of Metabolic Data and Metabolic Pathway Modeling Can complex cellular processes be governed by simple linear rules? Constructing kinetic models of metabolism at genome-scales: A review Silico Approach to Characterization and Reduction of Uncertainty in the Kinetic Models of Genome-scale Metabolic Networks Macroscopic law of conservation revealed in the population dynamics of Toll-like receptor signaling Comparative protein modelling by satisfaction of spatial restraints High-resolution comparative modeling with RosettaCM A Completely Reimplemented MPI Bioinformatics Toolkit with a New HHpred Server at its Core The I-TASSER suite: Protein structure and function prediction The KEGG resource for deciphering the genome Update: integration, analysis and exploration of pathway data The MetaCyc database of metabolic pathways and enzymes-a 2019 update Siri, in my hand: Who's the fairest in the land? keywords: annotation; data; engineering; food; gene; genome; learning; machine; metabolic; methods; modeling; models; pathways; protein cache: cord-289447-d93qwjui.txt plain text: cord-289447-d93qwjui.txt item: #124 of 179 id: cord-290003-pmf7aps6 author: Avtar, Ram title: Assessing sustainable development prospects through remote sensing: A review date: 2020-09-03 words: 4352 flesch: 28 summary: 851 • Estimation of income distribution from remote sensing data still remain a 852 challenge in understanding the quality of life. 853 • Population estimation using remote sensing data without ground measurement 854 remain a difficult task. keywords: data; development; global; information; mapping; population; remote; resolution; satellite; sensing; use; water cache: cord-290003-pmf7aps6.txt plain text: cord-290003-pmf7aps6.txt item: #125 of 179 id: cord-290251-ihq8gdwj author: Hasell, Joe title: A cross-country database of COVID-19 testing date: 2020-10-08 words: 3809 flesch: 49 summary: We continually check for invalid figures such as negative daily test figures, out-of-sequence dates, or test positivity rates above 100% (by comparing testing data to confirmed case data), and we monitor each country for abrupt changes in daily testing rates. No international authority has taken on the responsibility for collecting and reporting testing data. keywords: data; database; figures; series; testing; tests; time cache: cord-290251-ihq8gdwj.txt plain text: cord-290251-ihq8gdwj.txt item: #126 of 179 id: cord-291975-y8ck4lo8 author: Simon, Perikles title: Robust Estimation of Infection Fatality Rates during the Early Phase of a Pandemic date: 2020-04-10 words: 7347 flesch: 48 summary: Testing data for these countries were controlled by visiting the official test report pages of the fourteen countries (supplemental Table 1 ), which enabled adding another 77 data points. Population data of nations were imported from World Bank 20 and data on gross domestic products and age cohort compositions from the UN 21 in their version for 2018 to be comparable with the population data from 2018 or as age cohort estimates for 2020. keywords: cases; cfr; countries; data; death; ifr; pandemic; population; testing cache: cord-291975-y8ck4lo8.txt plain text: cord-291975-y8ck4lo8.txt item: #127 of 179 id: cord-292475-jrl1fowa author: Abry, Patrice title: Spatial and temporal regularization to estimate COVID-19 reproduction number R(t): Promoting piecewise smoothness via convex optimization date: 2020-08-20 words: 7472 flesch: 46 summary: The tool also provides local trends that permit to forecast short-term future values of R. The proposed tools were applied to pandemic incidence data consisting of daily counts of new infections, from several databases providing data either worldwide on an aggregated percountry basis or, for France only, based on the sole hospital counts, spread across the French territory. This calls for a triplet of constraints: i) robust access to fast-collected data; ii) semi-parametric models for such data that focus on a subset of critical parameters; iii) estimation procedures that are both elaborated enough to yield robust estimates, and versatile enough to be used on a daily basis and applied to (often-limited in quality and quantity) available data. keywords: data; estimation; ffi; france; number; pandemic; r(t; reproduction; time cache: cord-292475-jrl1fowa.txt plain text: cord-292475-jrl1fowa.txt item: #128 of 179 id: cord-292835-zzc1a7id author: Otoom, Mwaffaq title: An IoT-based Framework for Early Identification and Monitoring of COVID-19 Cases date: 2020-08-15 words: 5261 flesch: 54 summary: Maghdid proposed the use of sensors available on smartphones to collect health data, such as temperature [16] . Hamidi studied authentication of IoT smart health data to ensure privacy and security of health information. keywords: algorithms; cases; covid-19; data; health; instance; iot; learning; machine; time cache: cord-292835-zzc1a7id.txt plain text: cord-292835-zzc1a7id.txt item: #129 of 179 id: cord-295013-ew9n9i7z author: Nambiar, Devaki title: Field-testing of primary health-care indicators, India date: 2020-11-01 words: 4484 flesch: 42 summary: A major problem reported by staff and officials is that health facility data are usually just a tally of patient visits, which is simple to produce, as opposed to the actual number of (potentially repeat) patients receiving care or services. The survey, conducted during June-October 2019, included questions on sociodemographic parameters, health outcome indicators (e.g. noncommunicable disease risk behaviours and screening; awareness of components of Aardram and family health centre reform) and financial risk protection (e.g. out-ofpocket expenditure). keywords: care; coverage; data; facility; family; field; health; india; indicators; kerala; level; los; monitoring; national; primary; survey; universal cache: cord-295013-ew9n9i7z.txt plain text: cord-295013-ew9n9i7z.txt item: #130 of 179 id: cord-295450-ca7ll1tt author: Jia, Peng title: Early warning of epidemics: towards a national intelligent syndromic surveillance system (NISSS) in China date: 2020-10-26 words: 2501 flesch: 32 summary: Third, hospital information systems should be tightly linked with the NISSS to enable more timely information sharing and make syndromic surveillance possible. Currently, hospital information systems are not directly linked to the diagnosis-based (or diseasebased) NNDRS in China, which could also cause reporting delay and errors (eg, manual typing errors) and should be improved. keywords: data; disease; health; information; nisss; surveillance; system cache: cord-295450-ca7ll1tt.txt plain text: cord-295450-ca7ll1tt.txt item: #131 of 179 id: cord-296208-uy1r6lt2 author: Greenspan, Hayit title: Position paper on COVID-19 imaging and AI: from the clinical needs and technological challenges to initial AI solutions at the lab and national level towards a new era for AI in healthcare date: 2020-08-19 words: 8010 flesch: 43 summary: The COVID-19 crisis has seen the emergence of multiple observational studies to support research into understanding disease risk, monitoring disease trajectory, and for the development of diagnostic and prognostic tools, based on a variety of data sources including clinical data, samples and imaging data. It is therefore important that, while conducting efforts to provide access to observational COVID-19 data, we already plan for using part of the data for designing challenges around relevant clinical use cases. keywords: analysis; chest; covid-19; data; detection; disease; imaging; learning; lung; pandemic; patients; solutions; systems cache: cord-296208-uy1r6lt2.txt plain text: cord-296208-uy1r6lt2.txt item: #132 of 179 id: cord-297811-8gyejoc5 author: Finnie, Thomas J.R. title: EpiJSON: A unified data-format for epidemiology date: 2015-12-29 words: 4892 flesch: 54 summary: Our decision to enter location data using GeoJSON format (Butler et al., 2008) permits recording of event data to any of the standard geographical objects (point, line or polygon) and simultaneously solves potential issues caused by using different Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS). We introduce ‘EpiJSON’, a new, flexible, and standards-compliant format for the interchange of epidemiological data using JavaScript Object Notation. keywords: data; epijson; format; information; key; object; record; string; value cache: cord-297811-8gyejoc5.txt plain text: cord-297811-8gyejoc5.txt item: #133 of 179 id: cord-299254-kqpnwkg5 author: Sun, Yingcheng title: INSMA: An integrated system for multimodal data acquisition and analysis in the intensive care unit date: 2020-04-28 words: 4610 flesch: 36 summary: The prototype system has been tested using ICU patient data from ECG to understand how variability in the heartbeat time-series can be used to dynamically track patient state [19] . All three modules are developed using MFC and C/C++, so that they all run in the same operating environment and use compatible data formats, and therefore provide a complete solution for data acquisition, parsing and visualization. keywords: acquisition; analysis; care; data; icu; information; insma; monitor; patient; system; time; visualization cache: cord-299254-kqpnwkg5.txt plain text: cord-299254-kqpnwkg5.txt item: #134 of 179 id: cord-301300-nfl9z8c7 author: Slavova, Svetla title: Operationalizing and selecting outcome measures for the HEALing Communities Study date: 2020-10-02 words: 5466 flesch: 34 summary: The primary outcome, number of opioid overdose deaths, will be measured from death certificate data. The Helping to End Addiction Long-term (HEALing) Communities Study (HCS) is a multisite, parallel-group, cluster randomized wait-list controlled trial evaluating the impact of the Communities That HEAL intervention to reduce opioid overdose deaths and associated adverse outcomes. keywords: communities; community; data; death; drug; hcs; measures; naloxone; opioid; overdose; state; study; use cache: cord-301300-nfl9z8c7.txt plain text: cord-301300-nfl9z8c7.txt item: #135 of 179 id: cord-301405-7ijaxk4v author: El Mouden, Zakariyaa Ait title: Towards Using Graph Analytics for Tracking Covid-19 date: 2020-12-31 words: 3767 flesch: 50 summary: A good communities' detection (also called graph clustering) is the optimization function with minimal value of σ ext and maximal value of σ int . Our contribution focuses on the use of machine learning algorithms to manipulate Covid-19 data; the existing approaches classifies countries according to predefined classes and using statistical data in function of time, which is a very basic classification that requires to define the classes before processing the algorithm. keywords: clustering; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; data; graph; nodes; novel cache: cord-301405-7ijaxk4v.txt plain text: cord-301405-7ijaxk4v.txt item: #136 of 179 id: cord-301888-f1drinpl author: Raoult, Didier title: Lancet gate: A matter of fact or a matter of concern date: 2020-09-22 words: 551 flesch: 59 summary: We 25 should not forget that Husserl clearly explained that mathematical methods are the clothes of 26 ideas (4) and sophisticated models should not dissimulate rough data. In fact, the studies reported by the physicians themselves may correct dubious data by their own experience, the computer will 32 not. keywords: data; matter cache: cord-301888-f1drinpl.txt plain text: cord-301888-f1drinpl.txt item: #137 of 179 id: cord-302648-16aq6ai4 author: Iovanovici, Alexandru title: A dataset of urban traffic flow for 13 Romanian cities amid lockdown and after ease of COVID19 related restrictions date: 2020-09-17 words: 2109 flesch: 49 summary: Later the third script iterates over the XML files and extracts the road information data and traffic flow data, discarding the geometrical properties of the road. The cities for which we provide traffic data, also represent a diverse set in terms of demographics, urban development and geographical placement in Romania. keywords: cities; data; flow; restrictions; road; traffic cache: cord-302648-16aq6ai4.txt plain text: cord-302648-16aq6ai4.txt item: #138 of 179 id: cord-303651-fkdep6cp author: Thompson, Robin N. title: Key questions for modelling COVID-19 exit strategies date: 2020-08-12 words: 11573 flesch: 35 summary: Adjusting COVID-19 deaths to account for reporting delay Using mobility to estimate the transmission intensity of COVID-19 in Italy: a subnational analysis with future scenarios A note on generation times in epidemic models Serial interval of SARS-CoV-2 was shortened over time by nonpharmaceutical interventions Using information theory to optimise epidemic models for real-time prediction and estimation An exact method for quantifying the reliability of end-of-epidemic declarations in real time. The effects of local spatial structure on epidemiological invasions Pair approximations for spatial structures? Management of invading pathogens should be informed by epidemiology rather than administrative boundaries UK Government Office for National Statistics Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study SARS-CoV-2 infection among travelers returning from Wuhan 2020 The probability of detection of SARS-CoV-2 in saliva Mathematics of epidemics on networks: from exact to approximate models Epidemic processes in complex networks A novel field-based approach to validate the use of network models for disease spread between dairy herds Analysis of a stochastic SIR epidemic on a random network incorporating household structure Reproduction numbers for epidemic models with households and other social structures II: comparisons and implications for vaccination Reproductive numbers, epidemic spread and control in a community of households Reproduction numbers for epidemic models with households and other social structures. keywords: countries; cov-2; covid-19; data; disease; epidemic; exit; health; immunity; individuals; interventions; modelling; models; pandemic; population; r(t; sars; social; strategies; time; transmission cache: cord-303651-fkdep6cp.txt plain text: cord-303651-fkdep6cp.txt item: #139 of 179 id: cord-305542-zyxqcfa3 author: Oliver, Nuria title: Mobile phone data for informing public health actions across the COVID-19 pandemic life cycle date: 2020-06-05 words: 4490 flesch: 36 summary: key: cord-305542-zyxqcfa3 authors: Oliver, Nuria; Lepri, Bruno; Sterly, Harald; Lambiotte, Renaud; Deletaille, Sébastien; De Nadai, Marco; Letouzé, Emmanuel; Salah, Albert Ali; Benjamins, Richard; Cattuto, Ciro; Colizza, Vittoria; de Cordes, Nicolas; Fraiberger, Samuel P.; Koebe, Till; Lehmann, Sune; Murillo, Juan; Pentland, Alex; Pham, Phuong N; Pivetta, Frédéric; Saramäki, Jari; Scarpino, Samuel V.; Tizzoni, Michele; Verhulst, Stefaan; Vinck, Patrick title: Mobile phone data for informing public health actions across the COVID-19 pandemic life cycle date: 2020-06-05 journal: Sci Adv DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abc0764 sha: doc_id: 305542 cord_uid: zyxqcfa3 nan global scale and spread of the COVID-19 pandemic highlight the need for a more harmonized or coordinated approach. In the following sections, we outline the ways in which different types of mobile phone data can help to better target and design measures to contain and slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. keywords: covid-19; data; governments; information; measures; mobile; mobility; network; pandemic; phone; time; use cache: cord-305542-zyxqcfa3.txt plain text: cord-305542-zyxqcfa3.txt item: #140 of 179 id: cord-306375-cs4s2o8y author: Costa-Santos, C. title: COVID-19 surveillance - a descriptive study on data quality issues date: 2020-11-05 words: 5154 flesch: 46 summary: We aimed to assess data quality issues of COVID-19 surveillance data and suggest solutions to overcome them, using the Portuguese surveillance datasets as an example. Epidemiological surveillance systems need to be designed having data quality as a high priority and thus promoting, rather than relying on, users' efforts to ensure data quality [6] . keywords: cases; covid-19; data; dataset; dgsaugust; license; preprint; quality cache: cord-306375-cs4s2o8y.txt plain text: cord-306375-cs4s2o8y.txt item: #141 of 179 id: cord-310406-5pvln91x author: Asbury, Thomas M title: Genome3D: A viewer-model framework for integrating and visualizing multi-scale epigenomic information within a three-dimensional genome date: 2010-09-02 words: 3016 flesch: 39 summary: Background A significant portion of genomic data that is currently being generated extends beyond traditional primary sequence information. To meet these challenges, Genome3D manipulates and displays genomic data at multiple resolutions. keywords: data; genome; genome3d; genomic; histone; information; model; resolution; structure cache: cord-310406-5pvln91x.txt plain text: cord-310406-5pvln91x.txt item: #142 of 179 id: cord-312366-8qg1fn8f author: Adiga, Aniruddha title: Mathematical Models for COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Analysis date: 2020-10-30 words: 8804 flesch: 45 summary: Since the surveillance systems have relatively stabilized in recent weeks, the development of forecasting models has gained traction and several models are available in the literature. The mobility network is derived by combining commuter and airline networks, to model time spent per day by individuals of region (patch) keywords: covid-19; data; disease; epidemic; forecasting; forecasts; health; individual; interventions; mobility; models; number; pandemic; population; spread; time cache: cord-312366-8qg1fn8f.txt plain text: cord-312366-8qg1fn8f.txt item: #143 of 179 id: cord-315510-vtt8wvm1 author: Keogh, John G. title: Optimizing global food supply chains: The case for blockchain and GSI standards date: 2020-10-16 words: 10781 flesch: 37 summary: In this regard, Blockchain technology brings substantial improvements in transparency and trust in food traceability (Behnke & Janssen, 2019; Biswas, Muthukkumarasamy, & Tan, 2017; Sander, Semeijn, & Mahr, 2018) . Blockchain technology enables FSC exchange partners to maintain food traceability by providing a secure, unfalsifiable, and complete history of food products from farm to retail (Molding, 2019). keywords: blockchain; blockchain technology; business; consumer; data; food; food traceability; fscs; global; gs1; gs1 standards; industry; information; management; parties; product; quality; safety; set; smart; standards; supply; technology; traceability; trust cache: cord-315510-vtt8wvm1.txt plain text: cord-315510-vtt8wvm1.txt item: #144 of 179 id: cord-315531-2gc2dc46 author: McGarvey, Peter B. title: Systems Integration of Biodefense Omics Data for Analysis of Pathogen-Host Interactions and Identification of Potential Targets date: 2009-09-25 words: 7018 flesch: 33 summary: Callable Personal Librarian (CPL) (version 65) UniRef: comprehensive and non-redundant UniProt reference clusters A data integration methodology for systems biology: experimental verification From bytes to bedside: data integration and computational biology for translational cancer research Integration of metabolomic and proteomic phenotypes: analysis of data covariance dissects starch and RFO metabolism from low and high temperature compensation response in Arabidopsis thaliana Comparative proteomics of human monkeypox and vaccinia intracellular mature and extracellular enveloped virions The utility of accurate mass and LC elution time information in the analysis of complex proteomes Cytoscape: a software environment for integrated models of biomolecular interaction networks Exploring biological networks with Cytoscape software Comparative assessment of large-scale data sets of protein-protein interactions A direct comparison of protein interaction confidence assignment schemes A relationship between gene expression and protein interactions on the proteome scale: analysis of the bacteriophage T7 and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Protein interactions: two methods for assessment of the reliability of high throughput observations Assessment of the reliability of protein-protein interactions and protein function prediction Gaining confidence in high-throughput protein interaction networks Vaccinia virus induces cell fusion at acid pH and this activity is mediated by the N-terminus of the 14-kDa virus envelope protein A 14K envelope protein of vaccinia virus with an important role in virus-host cell interactions is altered during virus persistence and determines the plaque size phenotype of the virus The oligomeric structure of vaccinia viral envelope protein A27L is essential for binding to heparin and heparan sulfates on cell surfaces: a structural and functional approach using site-specific mutagenesis Vaccinia virus envelope H3L protein binds to cell surface heparan sulfate and is important for intracellular mature virion morphogenesis and virus infection in vitro and in vivo Vaccinia virus envelope D8L protein binds to cell surface chondroitin sulfate and mediates the adsorption of intracellular mature virions to cells Vaccinia virus F9 virion membrane protein is required for entry but not virus assembly, in contrast to the related L1 protein The vaccinia virus gene I2L encodes a membrane protein with an essential role in virion entry Blockade of chemokine activity by a soluble chemokine binding protein from vaccinia virus Monkeypox virus viral chemokine inhibitor (MPV vCCI), a potent inhibitor of rhesus macrophage inflammatory protein-1 Identification of a peptide derived from vaccinia virus A52R protein that inhibits cytokine secretion in response to TLR-dependent signaling and reduces in vivo bacterial-induced inflammation A46R and A52R from vaccinia virus are antagonists of host IL-1 and toll-like receptor signaling The poxvirus protein A52R targets Toll-like receptor signaling complexes to suppress host defense Molecular characterization and expression of the stratification-related cytokeratins 4 and 15 Mouse keratin 4 is necessary for internal epithelial integrity Clumping factor B, a fibrinogen-binding MSCRAMM (microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules) adhesin of Staphylococcus aureus, also binds to the tail region of type I cytokeratin 10 The surface protein Srr-1 of Streptococcus agalactiae binds human keratin 4 and promotes adherence to epithelial HEp-2 cells Vaccinia virus entry, exit, and interaction with differentiated human airway epithelia Protective effect of Toll-like receptor 4 in pulmonary vaccinia infection Computational identification of strain-, species-and genus-specific proteins A search method for homologs of small proteins. The MPD is built on the data and capabilities of iProClass [6] a warehouse of protein information, which in turn is built around UniProtKB keywords: analysis; anthracis; bacillus; data; gene; host; information; integration; interactions; mpd; pathogen; protein; proteomics; research; results; search; virus cache: cord-315531-2gc2dc46.txt plain text: cord-315531-2gc2dc46.txt item: #145 of 179 id: cord-315610-ihh521ur author: Lu, Qiang title: KDE Bioscience: Platform for bioinformatics analysis workflows date: 2005-10-11 words: 4594 flesch: 48 summary: To cope with large amounts of sequence data, our Java Class KSe-quenceDB implementing the SequenceDB interface is based on files in hard disk instead of memory. Thereafter, such data can be used in the workspace as sequence collections or tables for further processing by various nodes. keywords: algorithms; analysis; bioinformatics; bioscience; data; kde; nodes; protein; sequence; web; workflow cache: cord-315610-ihh521ur.txt plain text: cord-315610-ihh521ur.txt item: #146 of 179 id: cord-317602-ftcs7fvq author: O’Reilly-Shah, Vikas N. title: The COVID-19 Pandemic Highlights Shortcomings in US Health Care Informatics Infrastructure: A Call to Action date: 2020-05-12 words: 3072 flesch: 34 summary: Specifically in the United States, although efforts have been made to secure the interoperability of health care data, countervailing forces have undermined these efforts for myriad reasons. Integration of health care data with nonhealthcare source data is currently an impossibility in the United States due to lack of a universal health care identifier. keywords: care; covid-19; data; health; information; pandemic; public; sharing; systems cache: cord-317602-ftcs7fvq.txt plain text: cord-317602-ftcs7fvq.txt item: #147 of 179 id: cord-317853-vd35a2eq author: Shu, Yuelong title: GISAID: Global initiative on sharing all influenza data – from vision to reality date: 2017-03-30 words: 1855 flesch: 28 summary: Its concept for incentivising data sharing established an alternative to data sharing via conventional public-domain archives. In 2006, the reluctance of data sharing, in particular of avian H5N1 influenza viruses, created an emergency bringing into focus certain limitations and inequities, such that the World Health Organization (WHO)'s Global Influenza Surveillance Network (now the Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) keywords: data; gisaid; health; influenza; sharing; viruses cache: cord-317853-vd35a2eq.txt plain text: cord-317853-vd35a2eq.txt item: #148 of 179 id: cord-319828-9ru9lh0c author: Shi, Shuyun title: Applications of Blockchain in Ensuring the Security and Privacy of Electronic Health Record Systems: A Survey date: 2020-07-15 words: 9689 flesch: 46 summary: With the notion of self-sovereignty, it is a trend to return the ownership of healthcare data back to the user who is capable of sharing (or not sharing) his personal data at will. Most systems use cryptographic technology to enhance the security and privacy of healthcare data in the blockchain. keywords: access; blockchain; control; data; ehr; encryption; healthcare; identity; information; key; mechanism; network; privacy; record; research; security; sharing; systems cache: cord-319828-9ru9lh0c.txt plain text: cord-319828-9ru9lh0c.txt item: #149 of 179 id: cord-320040-h8v6cs5b author: Delaunay, Sophie title: Knowledge sharing during public health emergencies: from global call to effective implementation date: 2016-04-01 words: 1016 flesch: 39 summary: Welcome Trust Sharing clinical trial data-a proposal from the International Committee of Rationale for WHO's new position calling for prompt reporting and public disclosure of interventional clinical trial results Providing incentives to share data early in health emergencies: the role of journal editors Developing global norms for sharing data and results during public health emergencies Sharing research data to improve public health Public Library of Science Seattle: Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Specimen repository Frontier Science and Technology Research Foundation Rare Diseases Human Biospecimens/Biorepositories (RD-HuB) In February 2016, the issue of data sharing during emergencies made headlines around the world after leading research funders, academic journals and nongovernmental organizations signed a joint declaration of commitment to rapidly share data relevant to the Zika virus outbreak. keywords: data; health; outbreak; sharing cache: cord-320040-h8v6cs5b.txt plain text: cord-320040-h8v6cs5b.txt item: #150 of 179 id: cord-324198-b8f99z8r author: Allam, Zaheer title: Underlining the Role of Data Science and Technology in Supporting Supply Chains, Political Stability and Health Networks During Pandemics date: 2020-07-24 words: 6793 flesch: 39 summary: All the data collected from these platforms and numerous others that are actively being used elsewhere across the globe would remain its usefulness, even post-COVID-19, but this will require a superior statistical modeling tools to manage the increasing magnitude of such data. This far, in the medical field, with such technologies, there is evidence that it is now possible to perform noninvasive surgeries that reduce fatalities and also reduce healing time for patients, and such have proven beneficial (Elrod, 2014) , especially during this period of COVID-19. keywords: cities; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; data; devices; health; people; spread; technologies; use; world cache: cord-324198-b8f99z8r.txt plain text: cord-324198-b8f99z8r.txt item: #151 of 179 id: cord-326908-l9wrrapv author: Duchêne, David A. title: Evaluating the Adequacy of Molecular Clock Models Using Posterior Predictive Simulations date: 2015-07-10 words: 7597 flesch: 42 summary: We describe a method that uses posterior predictive simulations to assess the adequacy of clock models. We also compare the performance of the multinomial test statistic, originally developed to assess the adequacy of substitution models, but find that it has low power in identifying the adequacy of clock models. keywords: branch; clock; clock model; data; model; posterior; predictive; substitution cache: cord-326908-l9wrrapv.txt plain text: cord-326908-l9wrrapv.txt item: #152 of 179 id: cord-327651-yzwsqlb2 author: Ray, Bisakha title: Network inference from multimodal data: A review of approaches from infectious disease transmission date: 2016-09-06 words: 7199 flesch: 29 summary: The purpose of this review is to provide an in-depth analysis of multimodal infectious disease transmission network inference methods with a specific focus on Bayesian inference. In infectious disease transmission network inference, Bayesian inference frameworks have been primarily used to integrate data such as dates of pathogen sample collection and symptom report date, pathogen genome sequences, and locations of patients [24] [25] [26] . keywords: bayesian; data; disease; genetic; genomic; infection; inference; information; methods; network; parameters; pathogen; time; transmission cache: cord-327651-yzwsqlb2.txt plain text: cord-327651-yzwsqlb2.txt item: #153 of 179 id: cord-327784-xet20fcw author: Rieke, Nicola title: The future of digital health with federated learning date: 2020-09-14 words: 5659 flesch: 34 summary: key: cord-327784-xet20fcw authors: Rieke, Nicola; Hancox, Jonny; Li, Wenqi; Milletarì, Fausto; Roth, Holger R.; Albarqouni, Shadi; Bakas, Spyridon; Galtier, Mathieu N.; Landman, Bennett A.; Maier-Hein, Klaus; Ourselin, Sébastien; Sheller, Micah; Summers, Ronald M.; Trask, Andrew; Xu, Daguang; Baust, Maximilian; Cardoso, M. Jorge title: The future of digital health with federated learning date: 2020-09-14 journal: NPJ Digit Med DOI: 10.1038/s41746-020-00323-1 sha: doc_id: 327784 cord_uid: xet20fcw Data-driven machine learning (ML) has emerged as a promising approach for building accurate and robust statistical models from medical data, which is collected in huge volumes by modern healthcare systems. Medical data is particularly diverse-not only because of the variety of modalities, dimensionality and characteristics in general, but even within a specific protocol due to factors such as acquisition differences, brand of the medical device or local demographics. keywords: access; data; deep; healthcare; information; institutions; learning; model; peer; privacy; research; training cache: cord-327784-xet20fcw.txt plain text: cord-327784-xet20fcw.txt item: #154 of 179 id: cord-327810-kquh59ry author: Canhoto, Ana Isabel title: Leveraging machine learning in the global fight against money laundering and terrorism financing: An affordances perspective date: 2020-10-17 words: 11121 flesch: 41 summary: Defendants of machine learning use in AML highlight the potential of this technology to discover novel patterns in financial transaction data, and to do so in a cost-effective manner (e.g. Fernandez, 2019) . These requirements mean that financial services organisations are wary of adopting technologies where they lack complete control over use of customer data, or whose workings they do not fully understand, as in the case of black-box type of algorithms. keywords: algorithms; aml; approach; bank; case; customers; data; laundering; learning; machine; machine learning; money; organisations; services; type; use cache: cord-327810-kquh59ry.txt plain text: cord-327810-kquh59ry.txt item: #155 of 179 id: cord-328438-irjo0l4s author: Krittanawong, Chayakrit title: Integration of novel monitoring devices with machine learning technology for scalable cardiovascular management date: 2020-10-09 words: 10205 flesch: 24 summary: Historically, medical device data have been kept in databases owned and maintained by industry and accessible by health-care providers, yet with more limited accessibility for patients. key: cord-328438-irjo0l4s authors: Krittanawong, Chayakrit; Rogers, Albert J.; Johnson, Kipp W.; Wang, Zhen; Turakhia, Mintu P.; Halperin, Jonathan L.; Narayan, Sanjiv M. title: Integration of novel monitoring devices with machine learning technology for scalable cardiovascular management date: 2020-10-09 journal: keywords: arrhythmias; cardiac; care; data; detection; devices; ecg; fibrillation; health; heart; learning; machine; management; monitoring; patients; rate; study; technology; use; wearable cache: cord-328438-irjo0l4s.txt plain text: cord-328438-irjo0l4s.txt item: #156 of 179 id: cord-328826-guqc5866 author: Wissel, Benjamin D title: An Interactive Online Dashboard for Tracking COVID-19 in U.S. Counties, Cities, and States in Real Time date: 2020-04-25 words: 1807 flesch: 54 summary: It displays COVID-19 data from every county and 188 metropolitan areas in the U.S. Features include rankings of the worst affected areas and auto-generating plots that depict temporal changes in testing capacity, cases, and deaths. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) do not publish COVID-19 data for local municipalities, so it is critical that academic resources fill this void so the public can stay informed. keywords: cases; county; covid-19; data; public cache: cord-328826-guqc5866.txt plain text: cord-328826-guqc5866.txt item: #157 of 179 id: cord-329986-sbyu7yuc author: Farrokhi, Aydin title: Using artificial intelligence to detect crisis related to events: Decision making in B2B by artificial intelligence date: 2020-11-30 words: 10466 flesch: 43 summary: This pioneering study is among the first studies that endeavour to use email data and sentiment analysis for extracting meaningful information that helps early detection of a crisis in an organization. In our method, we used email data to detect critical events. keywords: analysis; business; communication; crisis; data; day; detection; email; enron; events; information; intelligence; management; media; model; news; number; organization; sentiment; study cache: cord-329986-sbyu7yuc.txt plain text: cord-329986-sbyu7yuc.txt item: #158 of 179 id: cord-330148-yltc6wpv author: Lessler, Justin title: Trends in the Mechanistic and Dynamic Modeling of Infectious Diseases date: 2016-07-02 words: 5914 flesch: 30 summary: Infectious disease models are being given a firmer empirical footing, while the use of generative mechanistic approaches allows us to use models as tools for forecasting, strategic planning, and other activities in ways that would not be possible with models that do not represent the underlying dynamic epidemiologic processes. Similarly, ensemblebased climate models have been incorporated with infectious disease models to forecast climate-related disease including plague and malaria keywords: approaches; data; disease; dynamics; ebola; epidemic; health; influenza; methods; models; number; population; time; transmission cache: cord-330148-yltc6wpv.txt plain text: cord-330148-yltc6wpv.txt item: #159 of 179 id: cord-330503-w1m1ci4i author: Yamin, Mohammad title: IT applications in healthcare management: a survey date: 2018-05-31 words: 3268 flesch: 46 summary: Big medical data analytics 7. With the advancement in data processing, large amounts of medical data collected by medical centres and providers, can now be mined and analysed to assist in planning and making appropriate decisions. keywords: analytics; data; healthcare; information; management; medical; systems; technology cache: cord-330503-w1m1ci4i.txt plain text: cord-330503-w1m1ci4i.txt item: #160 of 179 id: cord-338207-60vrlrim author: Lefkowitz, E.J. title: Virus Databases date: 2008-07-30 words: 7958 flesch: 45 summary: Extensible markup language (XML) is another widely used format for storing database information. The original data may be faulty: using sequence data as one example, nucleotides in a DNA sequence may have been misread or miscalled, or someone may even have mistyped the sequence. keywords: biological; data; database; genbank; gene; information; ncbi; protein; record; sequence; table; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-338207-60vrlrim.txt plain text: cord-338207-60vrlrim.txt item: #161 of 179 id: cord-339440-qu913a8q author: Fonseca, David title: New methods and technologies for enhancing usability and accessibility of educational data date: 2020-10-26 words: 3188 flesch: 26 summary: Educational data are also the basis for learning analytics [17] [18] [19] , with an increasing focus on the way educational data are presented [20] [21] keywords: analytics; data; design; education; experience; game; learning; reality; students; study; user cache: cord-339440-qu913a8q.txt plain text: cord-339440-qu913a8q.txt item: #162 of 179 id: cord-339491-lyld3up2 author: Prakash, A. title: Using Machine Learning to assess Covid-19 risks date: 2020-06-23 words: 4193 flesch: 51 summary: doi: medRxiv preprint Generating Multi-label Discrete Patient Records using Generative Adversarial Networks Real-valued (Medical) Time Series Generation with Recurrent Conditional GANs Generating Synthetic but Plausible Healthcare Record Datasets The validity of synthetic clinical data: a validation study of a leading synthetic data generator (Synthea) using clinical quality measures 10,000 Synthetic Medicare Patient Records Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area Association of Public Health Interventions With the Epidemiology of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Wuhan, China Alterations in Smell or Taste in Mildly Symptomatic Outpatients With SARS-CoV-2 Infection Clustering-Aided Approach for Predicting Patient Outcomes with Application to Elderly Healthcare in Ireland A Fast Clustering Algorithm to Cluster Very Large Categorical Data Sets in Data Mining Extensions to the K-means Algorithm for Clustering Large Data Sets with Categorical Value Silhouettes: A Graphical Aid to the Interpretation and Validation of Cluster Analysis Clustering-Aided Approach for Predicting Patient Outcomes with Application to Elderly Healthcare in Ireland The Application of Unsupervised Clustering Methods to Alzheimer's Disease Approach and Method for Generating Realistic Synthetic Electronic Healthcare Records for Secondary Use Cluster analysis and its application to healthcare claims data: a study of end-stage renal disease patients who initiated hemodialysis Given the low availability of infected Covid-19 patients clinical data, it is challenging to understand and comprehend similar and complex patterns in these symptomatic patients. keywords: cases; covid; data; license; population; preprint; risk; symptoms cache: cord-339491-lyld3up2.txt plain text: cord-339491-lyld3up2.txt item: #163 of 179 id: cord-339886-th1da1bb author: Gardy, Jennifer L. title: Towards a genomics-informed, real-time, global pathogen surveillance system date: 2017-11-13 words: 8778 flesch: 23 summary: As genomics has moved into the domain of clinical and public health practice, the notion of free and im mediate access to genomic surveillance data has encountered several barriers: the siloing of critical metadata across multiple public health databases with no interoperability; balancing openness and transparency with patient privacy and safety; variable data quality, particularly in resource-limited settings; concerns over data reuse by third parties; a lack of standards and ontologies to capture metadata; and career advancement disincentives to releasing data [107] EIDs are driven by multiple factors, many of which have digital outputs and represent novel sources of surveillance data 91 . keywords: data; digital; disease; ebola; epidemiology; genome; genomic; health; human; metagenomics; outbreak; pathogen; public; response; sequencing; sharing; surveillance; time; transmission; virus; zika cache: cord-339886-th1da1bb.txt plain text: cord-339886-th1da1bb.txt item: #164 of 179 id: cord-343944-nm4dx5pq author: Theys, Kristof title: Advances in Visualization Tools for Phylogenomic and Phylodynamic Studies of Viral Diseases date: 2019-08-02 words: 9595 flesch: 18 summary: Phylogenetic tree visualizations have played a central role since the earliest evolutionary and molecular epidemiological analyses of fast-evolving viral pathogens. Due to the increasing complexity and interactivity of the various aspects that make up phylodynamic analyses, the gradual change in visualization tools has resulted in a wide but incomplete range of solutions provided (illustrated by the Wikipedia list of phylogenetic tree visualization software 1 ). keywords: analyses; data; dynamics; evolutionary; example; figure; inference; information; nodes; packages; phylogenies; software; time; tools; transmission; trees; virus; visualization cache: cord-343944-nm4dx5pq.txt plain text: cord-343944-nm4dx5pq.txt item: #165 of 179 id: cord-343962-12t247bn author: Cori, Anne title: Key data for outbreak evaluation: building on the Ebola experience date: 2017-05-26 words: 9871 flesch: 36 summary: In particular, it is critical to know the proportion of cases for whom clinical outcome is unknown or has not been recorded, which is typically easier to assess using detailed case data rather than aggregated case counts However, the decentralization of the response meant that intervention data were not systematically reported or collated and these data were not shared widely with the research community. keywords: african; analyses; case; data; disease; ebola; ebola epidemic; epidemic; health; impact; information; interventions; outbreak; population; time; transmission; west cache: cord-343962-12t247bn.txt plain text: cord-343962-12t247bn.txt item: #166 of 179 id: cord-344152-pb1e2w7s author: Kolatkar, Anand title: C-ME: A 3D Community-Based, Real-Time Collaboration Tool for Scientific Research and Training date: 2008-02-20 words: 5460 flesch: 42 summary: These annotations provide additional information about the atomic structure or image data that can then be evaluated, amended or added to by other project members. Now, the reader can step through the C-ME annotations extracted from the paper and watch as the relevant portions of the structure are highlighted to place additional data, such as activity assays, sequence comparisons, and protein purification gels, in the context of the structural features. keywords: annotations; application; data; entity; image; information; molecular; project; research; system; time; user cache: cord-344152-pb1e2w7s.txt plain text: cord-344152-pb1e2w7s.txt item: #167 of 179 id: cord-344307-541hu7so author: Marsch, Lisa A. title: Digital health data-driven approaches to understand human behavior date: 2020-07-12 words: 5825 flesch: 22 summary: It reviews methods of digital health assessment and sources of digital health data. The manuscript first describes various methods of digital health assessment and sources of digital health data. keywords: assessment; behavior; data; disorders; health; individuals; models; research; risk; science; time; use cache: cord-344307-541hu7so.txt plain text: cord-344307-541hu7so.txt item: #168 of 179 id: cord-346309-hveuq2x9 author: Reis, Ben Y title: An Epidemiological Network Model for Disease Outbreak Detection date: 2007-06-26 words: 8426 flesch: 43 summary: Full networks, total-visit networks, two-node networks (target data stream and total visits at the same hospital), and reference models are compared. Full networks, total-visit networks, two-node networks (target data stream and total visits at the same hospital), and reference models are compared. keywords: care; data; data streams; health; models; network; outbreaks; public; shifts; streams; surveillance cache: cord-346309-hveuq2x9.txt plain text: cord-346309-hveuq2x9.txt item: #169 of 179 id: cord-347121-5drl3xas author: Farah, I. title: A global omics data sharing and analytics marketplace: Case study of a rapid data COVID-19 pandemic response platform. date: 2020-09-29 words: 16890 flesch: 43 summary: Third, using the platform as a repository for research data during a peer-review publication process. Publishing research data to an open platform with audit features and data provenance increases the chance of reproducibility and to have reliable assurances for the integrity of the raw data. keywords: access; analysis; covid-19; data; data sharing; datasets; disease; healthcare; information; license; medrxiv; need; new; pandemic; patient; peer; pipelines; platform; preprint; public; research; researchers; review; share; sharing; shivom; user cache: cord-347121-5drl3xas.txt plain text: cord-347121-5drl3xas.txt item: #170 of 179 id: cord-347199-slq70aou author: Safta, Cosmin title: Characterization of partially observed epidemics through Bayesian inference: application to COVID-19 date: 2020-10-07 words: 8415 flesch: 49 summary: This was somewhat expected based on the evolution of the daily counts of symptomatic cases and the functional form that couples the infection rate and incubation models. The epidemiological model is formulated in Sect. 2, with postulated forms for the infection rate curve and the derivation of the prediction for daily new cases; we also discuss a filtering approach that is applied to the data before using it to infer model parameters. keywords: cases; covid-19; daily; data; distribution; incubation; infection; model; number; parameters; rate; results; time cache: cord-347199-slq70aou.txt plain text: cord-347199-slq70aou.txt item: #171 of 179 id: cord-347952-k95wrory author: Prieto, Diana M title: A systematic review to identify areas of enhancements of pandemic simulation models for operational use at provincial and local levels date: 2012-03-30 words: 9205 flesch: 34 summary: We also agreed with the concern that social behavior is inadequately represented in pandemic influenza models. We also agreed with the concern that social behavior is inadequately represented in pandemic influenza models. keywords: access; assumptions; contact; data; health; infection; influenza; mitigation; models; pandemic; parameters; public; review; strategies; table; time cache: cord-347952-k95wrory.txt plain text: cord-347952-k95wrory.txt item: #172 of 179 id: cord-348244-1py0k53e author: Buyse, Marc title: Central statistical monitoring of investigator-led clinical trials in oncology date: 2020-06-23 words: 4053 flesch: 37 summary: A Risk-Based Approach to Monitoring Data-driven risk identification in phase III clinical trials using central statistical monitoring Available at https ://trans celer atebi ophar mainc .com/asset s/rbm-asset s/ (Accessed 14 A statistical approach to central monitoring of data quality in clinical trials Linear mixed-effects models for central statistical monitoring of multicenter clinical trials Use of the betabinomial model for central statistical monitoring of multicenter clinical trials A hercule poirot of clinical research Detection of atypical data in multicenter clinical trials using unsupervised statistical monitoring Statistical monitoring of data quality and consistency in the Stomach Cancer Adjuvant Multi-institutional The control of the false discovery rate in multiple testing under dependency Sequential paclitaxel followed by tegafur and uracil (UFT) or S-1 vs. UFT or S-1 monotherapy as adjuvant chemotherapy for T4a/b gastric cancer (SAMIT): a phase 3 factorial randomised controlled trial Fraud in clinical trials The role of biostatistics in the prevention, detection and treatment of fraud in clinical trials Guidance for industry, investigators, and institutional review boards. The contribution of clinical trials to the overall costs of drug development is not known with precision, but recent estimates suggest that pivotal clinical trials leading to FDA approval have a median cost of US$ 19 million; such costs are even higher in oncology and cardiovascular medicine, as well as in trials with a long-term clinical outcome, such as survival keywords: centers; data; industry; investigator; monitoring; quality; risk; trials cache: cord-348244-1py0k53e.txt plain text: cord-348244-1py0k53e.txt item: #173 of 179 id: cord-349790-dezauioa author: Johnson, Stephanie title: Ethical challenges in pathogen sequencing: a systematic scoping review date: 2020-06-03 words: 6223 flesch: 38 summary: In general, public health laws are quite strong in shielding public health data, but that may not be the case with research data. If there is uncertainty about whether such data are protected, any participants in research should be notified. keywords: data; health; literature; pathogen; public; research; risk; sequencing; studies; study; use cache: cord-349790-dezauioa.txt plain text: cord-349790-dezauioa.txt item: #174 of 179 id: cord-351065-nyfnwrtm author: Zhang, Tenghao title: Integrating GIS technique with Google Trends data to analyse COVID-19 severity and public interest date: 2020-09-16 words: 462 flesch: 50 summary: 2,3 Along the same lines, given the substantial regional disparities of COVID-19 case severities across states in the United States, the relationship between regional case severities and the public interest emerges as an imperative for COVID-19-based public health studies. Integrating GIS technique with Google Trends data to analyse COVID-19 severity and public interest date: 2020-09-16 journal: Public Health DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2020.09.005 sha: doc_id: 351065 cord_uid: nyfnwrtm nan At the time of writing, the tally of confirmed novel coronavirus cases worldwide has exceeded 26.6 million. keywords: data; health cache: cord-351065-nyfnwrtm.txt plain text: cord-351065-nyfnwrtm.txt item: #175 of 179 id: cord-351454-mc7pifep author: Rowhani-Farid, Anisa title: What incentives increase data sharing in health and medical research? A systematic review date: 2017-05-05 words: 5521 flesch: 40 summary: Data sharing in research is widely discussed in the literature; however, there are seemingly no evidence-based incentives that promote data sharing. Data sharing is defined here as making raw research data available in an open data depository, and includes controlled access where data is made available upon request which may be required due to legal or ethical reasons. keywords: articles; data; data sharing; evidence; health; incentives; medical; research; researchers; review; science; sharing; strategies; studies cache: cord-351454-mc7pifep.txt plain text: cord-351454-mc7pifep.txt item: #176 of 179 id: cord-351652-y8p3iznq author: Keogh, John G. title: Data and food supply chain: Blockchain and GS1 standards in the food chain: a review of the possibilities and challenges date: 2020-07-10 words: 10205 flesch: 36 summary: In this regard, Blockchain technology brings substantial improvements in transparency and trust in food traceability (Behnke & Janssen, 2019; Biswas, Muthukkumarasamy, & Tan, 2017; Sander, Semeijn, & Mahr, 2018) . Blockchain technology enables FSC exchange partners to maintain food traceability by providing a secure, unfalsifiable, and complete history of food products from farm to retail (Molding, 2019). keywords: blockchain; blockchain technology; data; food; food traceability; fscs; global; gs1; gs1 standards; industry; information; management; parties; product; research; safety; smart; standards; supply; supply chain; technology; traceability cache: cord-351652-y8p3iznq.txt plain text: cord-351652-y8p3iznq.txt item: #177 of 179 id: cord-352522-qnvgg2e9 author: Langille, Morgan G. I. title: BioTorrents: A File Sharing Service for Scientific Data date: 2010-04-14 words: 2995 flesch: 46 summary: [16] handles large files very well, is actively being developed, and is a very popular method for data transfer. Also, many BitTorrent clients support a distributed hash table (DHT) for peer discovery, which often allows data transfer to continue in the absence of a tracker, further enhancing the reliability over traditional client-server file transfers. keywords: biotorrents; data; datasets; file; peer; sharing; transfer cache: cord-352522-qnvgg2e9.txt plain text: cord-352522-qnvgg2e9.txt item: #178 of 179 id: cord-354833-vvlsqy36 author: Peters, Bjoern title: Integrating epitope data into the emerging web of biomedical knowledge resources date: 2007 words: 4081 flesch: 34 summary: With the emergence and consolidation of new databases, this information will expand to include single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), biomedical imaging and disease association, as well as immune epitope data, such as in the Immune Epitope Database and Analysis Resource (IEDB), which is the focus of this article. Integrating epitope data into the emerging web of biomedical knowledge resources date: 2007 journal: keywords: data; database; epitope; iedb; immune; information; knowledge; ontology; protein cache: cord-354833-vvlsqy36.txt plain text: cord-354833-vvlsqy36.txt item: #179 of 179 id: cord-356353-e6jb0sex author: Fourcade, Marion title: Loops, ladders and links: the recursivity of social and machine learning date: 2020-08-26 words: 14366 flesch: 35 summary: Information Corrupting the cyber-commons: Social media as a tool of autocratic stability Policy paradigms, social learning, and the state: The case of economic policymaking in Britain Perceiving persons and groups The architecture of community: Some new proposals on the social consequences of architectural and planning decisions Exposed: Desire and disobedience in the digital age Simmel, the police form and the limits of democratic policing Posthuman learning: Theories of social learning and socialization have explained how people come to assume behaviors and attitudes in ways not well captured by a focus on internal motivation or conscious deliberation (Miller and Dollard 1941; Bandura 1962; Mauss 1979; Elias 2000) . keywords: algorithms; data; human; hunger; instance; interactions; learning systems; life; machine learning; meaning; media; network; new; online; people; platforms; power; practices; process; self; social; society; systems; twitter; users; ways; world cache: cord-356353-e6jb0sex.txt plain text: cord-356353-e6jb0sex.txt