item: #1 of 606 id: cord-000091-1qo1krxv author: Wilcox, Bruce A. title: Disease ecology and the global emergence of zoonotic pathogens date: 2005-09-17 words: 6384 flesch: 24 summary: It is also concluded that human development and large scale social phenomena are closely associated to infectious disease threats at a global level, which points to the need for research focused on social and ecological factors affecting infectious disease emergence (1) . Several authors have categorized causal factors of infectious disease emergence, including explicitly citing 'ecological' ones involving land use change (9) (10) (11) (12) or 'land use drivers' (13) , human movement (10, 12) , encroachment and wildlife translocation (10, 11) , rapid transport (9, 10) and climate change (11, 12) . keywords: abundance; agricultural; alteration; application; area; associated; basis; behavior; biology; biomedical; causal; change; climate; communities; community; complex; complexity; control; critical; cross; current; demographic; densities; development; different; disease; disease ecology; disease emergence; dynamics; ecological; ecology; economic; ecosystems; emergence; environmental; events; evolutionary; example; expansion; factors; forest; general; genetic; global; habitat; health; history; host; human; infectious; infectious disease; intensification; land; large; level; loss; mechanisms; natural; new; particular; pathogen; phenomenon; population; predators; processes; public; recent; regional; research; resilience; result; scale; schema; significant; size; social; species; systems; terms; theoretical; theory; transmission; tropical; urbanization; use; variables; vector; zoonotic; zoonotic disease cache: cord-000091-1qo1krxv.txt plain text: cord-000091-1qo1krxv.txt item: #2 of 606 id: cord-000254-bufbjdmw author: Clement, Annick title: Interstitial lung diseases in children date: 2010-08-20 words: 15055 flesch: 31 summary: The diagnostic value of bronchoalveolar lavage in immunocompetent children with chronic diffuse pulmonary infiltrates The safety and efficacy of thoracoscopic lung biopsy for diagnosis and treatment in infants and children Diagnosis of interstitial lung disease by a percutaneous lung biopsy sample Combined percutaneous lung biopsy and high-resolution computed tomography in the diagnosis and management of lung disease in children key: cord-000254-bufbjdmw authors: Clement, Annick; Nathan, Nadia; Epaud, Ralph; Fauroux, Brigitte; Corvol, Harriet title: Interstitial lung diseases in children date: 2010-08-20 journal: keywords: abca3; abnormalities; accumulation; activity; addition; adult; aec; age; aged; agents; alveolar; anti; antibodies; antigens; apoptosis; associated; association; bal; basement; biopsy; blood; bronchoalveolar; capacity; capillary; cases; cause; cells; cellular; changes; chest; childhood; children; chronic; classification; clinical; collagen; common; components; conditions; congenital; connective; csf; ctd; damage; deficiency; development; diagnosis; diffuse; disease; disorders; drugs; dysfunction; dysplasia; environmental; eosinophilic; epithelial; evaluation; evidence; exchange; exercise; exposure; expression; factors; failure; familial; fatal; features; fibrosis; fibrotic; findings; formation; forms; function; gas; gene; genetic; granulomatous; growth; high; histiocytosis; history; hrct; human; hyperplasia; idiopathic; ild; imaging; immune; impaired; important; incidence; individuals; infancy; infants; infection; infiltrates; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; interstitial; interstitial lung; investigations; involvement; langerhans; large; lavage; levels; limited; lipid; literature; long; lung; lung biopsy; lung disease; lymphatic; macrophages; manifestations; mechanisms; membrane; mesenchymal; mice; molecules; months; multiple; mutations; neonatal; neuroendocrine; new; non; number; older; outcome; oxygen; parenchymal; pathogenesis; pathological; pathways; patients; patterns; pediatric; pediatric ild; pneumonia; pneumonitis; potential; presence; presentation; primary; process; production; progression; protein; proteinosis; pulmonary; pulmonary alveolar; pulmonary disease; pulmonary fibrosis; rare; recent; receptor; repair; reported; reports; respiratory; response; result; review; role; rsv; sarcoidosis; serum; severe; situations; skin; small; specific; spectrum; stress; structure; studies; study; suggestive; surfactant; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; telomerase; term; tests; tgf; therapeutic; therapy; thyroid; tissue; treatment; type; underlying; variety; vasculitis; virus; years; young cache: cord-000254-bufbjdmw.txt plain text: cord-000254-bufbjdmw.txt item: #3 of 606 id: cord-000843-e1bn79ui author: None title: ECR 2011 Book of Abstracts - A - Postgraduate Educational Programme date: 2011-03-01 words: 91300 flesch: 40 summary: Both conditions are easily discernible with CT imaging. CT perfusion imaging is a quantitative technique that employs rapid sequences of CT images after bolus administration of intravenous contrast material to measure a range of physiological processes related to the microvasculature of tissues. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; ability; ablation; abnormalities; absence; abuse; accepted; access; accuracy; accurate; acquisition; active; activity; acute; adc; addition; address; adenocarcinoma; adequate; adjacent; administration; adnexal; adults; advanced; advanced imaging; advantages; agents; aim; air; airways; algorithms; alterations; alternative; analysis; anatomic; anatomy; aneurysms; angiogenesis; angiography; anomalies; answer; anterior; aortic; appearance; applications; approach; appropriate; appropriate imaging; areas; artefacts; arterial; arteries; artery; aspects; assessment; associated; attenuation; audit; availability; available; aware; axial; basic; benefit; benign; best; better; biological; biology; biomarkers; biopsy; blood; bmls; body; bone; bowel; brain; brain imaging; brain tumour; breast cancer; breast imaging; breast mri; bronchiolitis; cad; calcifications; cancer; cancer patients; capabilities; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiac ct; cardiovascular; care; cartilage; cases; cause; cavity; cell; cellular; central; cerebral; certain; challenge; changes; characterisation; chemical; chemotherapy; chest; chest ct; childhood; children; choice; chronic; classification; classified; clinical; clinical findings; clinical imaging; clinical information; clinical mri; clinical practice; clinical studies; clinical trials; clinical use; clinician; close; coil; collaboration; colonic; colonoscopy; colorectal; colour; combination; combined; common; communication; community; comparison; complete; complex; complications; components; comprehensive; computer; concepts; conclusion; conditions; congenital; consequences; context; contrast; control; conventional; conventional imaging; coronary; correct; correlation; cortex; cost; countries; course; crc; criteria; critical; cross; crucial; ct angiography; ct colonography; ct examination; ct findings; ct images; ct imaging; ct perfusion; ct scan; ct scanners; ct techniques; ct technology; cta; ctc; current; cystic; cysts; daily; data; date; dce; decade; decision; decrease; dedicated; deep; density; design; detail; detailed; detection; detector; development; devices; diabetes; diagnosis; diagnostic imaging; diameter; differences; different; different imaging; differential; differential diagnosis; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; diffusion; digital; dilatation; dimensional; direct; disadvantages; discussion; disease; disorders; distant; distribution; doppler; dose; drainage; drug; dual; dwi; dynamic; dynamic imaging; dysfunction; early; ecg; echo; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficient; effusion; elderly; embolisation; emergency; emission; emphasis; end; endovascular; energy; energy ct; enhanced; enhancement; entities; environment; eortc; epilepsy; equipment; errors; essential; established; estimation; european; evaluation; evar; evidence; examination; examples; excellent; expected; experience; expert; expiratory; exposure; extension; extent; external; factors; failure; false; familiar; fast; fat; fdg; fibrosis; field; findings; floor; flow; fluid; fmri; focus; foetal; follow; following; forms; fractures; free; frequent; functional imaging; functional mri; future; gadolinium; gain; general; good; grade; gradient; great; greater; group; growth; guidance; guidelines; haemorrhage; hand; head; health; heart; help; helpful; hepatic; high; higher; hip; histologic; history; hospital; hours; hrct; human; identification; images; imaging; imaging appearance; imaging approach; imaging criteria; imaging evaluation; imaging features; imaging findings; imaging methods; imaging modality; imaging procedures; imaging protocols; imaging reporting; imaging sequences; imaging strategies; imaging studies; imaging techniques; imaging test; imaging tool; impact; implementation; important; important clinical; important role; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; indications; indirect; individual; induced; infants; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; initial; initial imaging; injuries; injury; insight; intensity; interest; internal; international; interpretation; interstitial; interventional; intracranial; intravenous; introduction; invasive; invasive imaging; investigation; involved; involvement; iodine; ionising; ischaemic; issues; key; knowledge; known; lack; large; lateral; lead; leading; learning; lecture; lesions; level; life; like; likely; limitations; limited; limits; line imaging; linear; literature; liver; lobe; local; location; long; loss; lower; lung; lymph; lymphoma; magnetic; main; major; majority; making; malformations; malignant; mammography; management; mandatory; margin; marrow; mass; masses; material; matter; mdct; means; measurements; measures; mechanism; mediastinum; medical; medical imaging; medicine; medium; mesenteric; metabolic; metastases; middle; modalities; models; modern; molecular imaging; monitoring; months; morbidity; morphological; morphology; mortality; motion; mr imaging; mra; mrcp; mri; mri findings; mrs; multidetector; multidisciplinary; multiple; muscle; myocardial; nature; near; necessary; neck; necrosis; need; needle; negative; neuroimaging; neurological; new; new imaging; new techniques; nodes; nodules; noise; non; noninvasive; normal; novel; nuclear; number; numerous; objectives; obstruction; oedema; oncological; oncology; opacity; operation; optimal; optimisation; options; order; organ; origin; osteomyelitis; outcome; ovarian; overall; overview; paediatric; pain; painful; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; panel; parallel imaging; parameters; parenchymal; particular; parts; pathological; pathologies; pathology; patients; pattern; pelvic; percutaneous; perforation; performance; perfusion; perfusion imaging; period; peripheral; peritoneal; permeability; perspective; pet; phase; physical; physiological; pitfalls; planning; play; pleural; pneumonia; point; polyps; poor; population; portal; position; positive; possibilities; possibility; possible; post; posterior; postoperative; potential; practical; practice; precise; predictive; pregnancy; pregnant; preoperative; preparation; presence; presentation; prevalence; primary; primary imaging; principles; prior; probes; problem; procedures; process; processes; processing; prognosis; progression; promising; proper; properties; prostate; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quantification; quantitative; question; radiation; radiofrequency; radiographers; radiography; radiological; radiological imaging; radiologist; radiology; radiotherapy; rads; range; rapid; rare; rates; ray; ray imaging; recent; recognition; recurrences; recurrent; reduced; reduction; reference; regional; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliable; renal; repair; report; reported; reporting; required; requirements; research; residual; resolution; resolution ct; resonance imaging; respect; response; responsible; results; revascularisation; review; right; risk; robust; role; room; routine; rupture; sad; safety; sagittal; scan; scanners; scanning; sclerosis; screening; second; secondary; sectional imaging; selected; selection; sensitive; sensitivity; sequences; session; setting; severe; severity; shape; shift; short; signal; significant; signs; similar; simple; simulation; single; site; situations; size; skeletal; skills; small; soft; software; solid; source; space; spatial; special; specific; specific imaging; specificity; spectroscopy; spectrum; spine; spread; stages; staging; standard; standard imaging; state; stenosis; step; strategies; strategy; strength; stroke; structures; studies; study; subsequent; substantial; success; superior; supply; support; surgeons; surgery; surgical; surveillance; survival; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; tailored; talk; targeted; task; team; technical; technological; technologies; technology; teleradiology; temporal; tendon; tensor imaging; term; test; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickening; thin; thoracic; thoracic ct; threatening; time; tissue; today; tomography; tool; torsion; tracers; tract; training; transplantation; trauma; traumatic; treatment; treatment response; trials; tuberculosis; tumour; tumour imaging; tumour response; type; typical; ultrasonography; ultrasound; underlying; understanding; upper; uptake; urinary; use; useful; validation; valuable; value; variants; variety; vascular; venous; vessels; virtual; visualisation; vital; vivo; volume; wall; water; way; weighted; white; wide; women; work; working; years; young cache: cord-000843-e1bn79ui.txt plain text: cord-000843-e1bn79ui.txt item: #4 of 606 id: cord-001221-due9tloa author: None title: ECR 2014, Part A date: 2014-02-27 words: 107894 flesch: 38 summary: On CT imaging, thermal ablation areas are well circumscribed and oval shaped. MR imaging allows earlier detection of residual liver tumour than CT imaging. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; ability; ablation; ablation imaging; abnormalities; abnormality; absence; academic; accepted; access; account; accuracy; accurate; acquisition; action; active; activities; activity; acute; adc; additional; additional imaging; adequate; adjuvant; administration; adrenal; adults; advanced; advanced imaging; advantages; adverse; affected; agents; aim; air; algorithms; allow; alternative; analysis; anatomical; anatomical imaging; anatomy; angiography; angioplasty; annual; anomalies; aorta; aortic; appearance; applications; applied; approach; appropriate; appropriate imaging; area; artefacts; arterial; arteries; artery; asl; aspects; assessment; associated; attention; audience; audit; auditory; availability; available; aware; axial; base; basic; beam; beam ct; benefits; benign; best; better; biliary; biological; biology; biopsies; biopsy; bleeding; blood; body; bone; bowel; brain; brain imaging; breast cancer; breast imaging; breast mri; calcifications; canal; cancer; cancer patients; candidates; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiac ct; cardiovascular; care; careful; carotid; cartilage; cases; cause; cbct; cbf; cell; cellular; centers; central; centres; cerebral; certain; ceus; challenges; challenging; changes; characterisation; chemotherapy; chest; chest imaging; children; choice; chronic; classification; clinical; clinical applications; clinical audit; clinical ct; clinical diagnosis; clinical evaluation; clinical findings; clinical information; clinical practice; clinical presentation; clinical radiology; clinical trials; clinical use; clinicians; close; cmr; cns; cognitive; collections; colorectal; combination; combined; common; common imaging; communication; comparison; complete; complex; complicated; complications; components; composition; comprehensive; comprehensive imaging; compression; concepts; concern; conditions; cone; congenital; connectivity; consideration; context; continuous; contrast; control; conventional; conventional imaging; copd; cord; core; coronal; coronary; coronary ct; correct; correlation; cortical; cost; countries; country; course; cranial; criteria; critical; cross; crosssectional imaging; crucial; ct angiography; ct findings; ct images; ct imaging; ct perfusion; ct scan; ct studies; ct techniques; cta; cuff; current; current imaging; cystic; cysts; daily; damage; data; date; dbt; dce; death; decade; decision; dedicated; deep; definition; degree; delivery; dementia; density; department; dependent; description; design; detailed; detection; development; devices; diabetic; diagnosis; diagnostic imaging; diameter; dicom; differences; different imaging; differential; differential diagnosis; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; diffusion; diffusion imaging; digital; dilatation; dimensional; direct; discussion; disease; disorders; displays; dissection; distribution; dose; dose ct; drug; dvt; dwi; dynamic; dysfunction; e.g.; earlier; early; easy; ecg; echo; education; effective; effective imaging; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; efficient; elastography; embolisation; emergencies; emergency; emphasis; endoscopy; endovascular; endovascular treatment; energy; enhancement; entities; environment; equipment; errors; esr; essential; established; european; evaluation; evidence; evolving; examination; examples; excellent; expected; experience; expertise; exposure; expression; extension; extent; external; facial; factors; failure; false; familiar; fast; fat; fatty; fdg; features; fibrosis; field; final; fistulas; flow; fluid; fluoroscopy; focus; focused; follow; following; foot; fractures; free; frequent; functional imaging; future; gadolinium; gastric; gastrointestinal; general; ggo; glass; goal; good; grade; grafts; great; greater; ground; group; growth; guidance; guidelines; haemorrhage; hand; hcc; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; helpful; high; higher; history; hospital; hours; hrct; human; hybrid imaging; hypertension; identification; illustrated; image; imaging; imaging appearances; imaging approach; imaging aspects; imaging biomarkers; imaging characteristics; imaging criteria; imaging data; imaging evaluation; imaging examinations; imaging features; imaging findings; imaging information; imaging methods; imaging modalities; imaging pattern; imaging probes; imaging procedures; imaging professionals; imaging protocols; imaging reporting; imaging research; imaging signs; imaging strategies; imaging studies; imaging systems; imaging techniques; imaging technologies; imaging tools; imaging workup; impact; implementation; important; important imaging; important role; improved; improvement; incidence; incidental; increased; indeterminate; index; indications; individual; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; initial; initial imaging; injuries; injury; institutions; integrated; integration; intensity; interest; internal; international; interpretation; interstitial; interventional; interventional radiology; intra; introduction; invasion; invasive; invasive imaging; investigation; involved; involvement; ischaemic; issues; joint; key; knowledge; known; labelling; laboratory; lack; large; laryngeal; lateral; learning; lecture; left; lesions; level; life; like; likely; limb; limitations; limited; line imaging; literature; liver; local; location; long; longer; loss; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lymph; lymphoma; magnetic; main; main imaging; major; majority; making; malignancies; malignant; mammography; management; mandatory; manifestations; maps; marrow; mass; masses; matter; mdct; means; measurements; measures; measuring; mechanisms; media; mediastinal; medical imaging; medicine; medium; members; metabolic; metastases; metastatic; mimic; modality; models; modern; molecular imaging; monitoring; months; morbidity; morphological; morphological imaging; morphology; mortality; motion; mpi; mr imaging; mra; mre; mri; mri techniques; multidetector; multidisciplinary; multimodality imaging; multiple; muscle; myocardial; nature; near; necessary; neck; neck imaging; necrosis; necrotic; need; needed; needle; negative; neoadjuvant; neoplasms; neoplastic; nerve; nets; network; neuroendocrine; neuroimaging; neurological; neurovascular; new; nodes; nodules; non; nonspecific; normal; novel; nuclear imaging; number; numerous; obesity; objectives; obstruction; occlusion; oedema; oesophageal; offer; oncologic; oncologic imaging; oncology; open; operative; opportunity; optimal; optimal imaging; optimisation; options; orbital; organ; origin; outcome; outside; ovarian; overall; overview; paediatric; paediatric imaging; pain; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; parallel; parameters; parenchyma; partial; particular; parts; past; pathological; pathologies; pathology; pathophysiology; pathways; patient care; patient dose; patient management; patients; pattern; pelvic; percutaneous; performance; perfusion imaging; peripheral; peritoneal; personal; pet; pet imaging; phase; physical; physicians; physiological; pitfalls; place; placement; planning; play; pneumonia; points; poor; population; positioning; positive; possibilities; possibility; possible; post; posterior; postoperative; postoperative imaging; potential; practical; practice; precise; precision; predictive; preoperative; presence; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; primary imaging; principles; prior; problems; procedures; process; processes; processing; professional; prognostic; progression; project; promising; proper; properties; prostate; protection; protocols; pseudo; pulmonary; purpose; pwi; quality; quantification; quantitative; quantitative imaging; questions; radiation; radiation dose; radiofrequency; radiographs; radiological; radiological imaging; radiologists; radiology; radiotherapy; rads; range; rapid; rare; rates; ray; reading; recent; receptor; recist; recognition; recommendations; reconstruction; rectal; recurrence; reduced; reduction; reference; regard; region; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliable; remains; renal; reporting; reports; requirements; research; resection; residual; resolution; resonance imaging; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; restricted; results; revascularisation; review; right; risk; risk patients; robust; role; room; rotator; routine; rule; rupture; safety; sampling; scan; scanners; scanning; scientific; scintigraphy; scoring; screening; second; secondary; sectional imaging; selection; sensitive; sensitivity; sequences; series; services; session; setting; severe; severity; short; shows; signal; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; sinus; site; situations; size; skills; skin; skull; small; social; societies; society; soft; software; solid; sophisticated; source; space; spatial; special; specialists; specific; specific imaging; specificity; spect; spectroscopy; spectrum; spinal; spine; spread; staff; stage; staging; standard; standard imaging; standardisation; standardised; status; stenosis; steps; strategies; strategy; strengths; stroke; structures; studies; study; subsequent; success; successful; superior; support; surgery; surgical; surveillance; survival; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; systematic; systems; tablets; talk; targeted; targets; task; team; technical; technological; technology; teleradiology; templates; temporal; tensor imaging; term; testing; tests; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thermal; thin; thoracic; thrombolysis; thyroid; time; tissue; today; tomography; tool; total; tract; traditional; training; trauma; traumatic; treated; treatment; treatment imaging; treatment response; trials; true; tumors; tumour; tumour imaging; tumour response; tumour size; tumoural; type; typical; ultrasonography; ultrasound; ultrasound imaging; underlying; understanding; unique; units; upper; uptake; use; useful; user; uterine; validation; value; variability; variable; variants; variations; variety; vascular; vasculitis; venous; ventricular; vessel; viable; visible; visualisation; vital; vivo; volume; wall; way; weighted; weighted imaging; white; wide; women; work; workflow; workup; world; worldwide; wrist; years; young; zone cache: cord-001221-due9tloa.txt plain text: cord-001221-due9tloa.txt item: #5 of 606 id: cord-001309-gdc2e40t author: Muramoto, Osamu title: Retrospective diagnosis of a famous historical figure: ontological, epistemic, and ethical considerations date: 2014-05-28 words: 12478 flesch: 36 summary: As discussed above in the Sections Epistemic challenges of retrospective diagnosis and Retrospective diagnosis as theory construction, it is important to evaluate the hypothesis on the basis of the Bayesian model or the explationist model (more or less plausible or better explainable) rather than whether it is true or false. Investigating the ills of long-dead celebrities Retrospective diagnoses of conditions affecting historical individuals Retrospective diagnosis: use and abuse in medical historiography Next emperor, please! keywords: act; anachronistic; ancient; argument; aspect; available; bayesian; biological; case; certain; challenges; change; chopin; clinical; clinical diagnosis; clinician; concepts; construction; contemporary; context; critics; cunningham; current; dead; debate; diagnosis; different; discussion; disease; entities; epilepsy; epistemic; essay; ethics; evaluation; evidence; example; fact; false; famous; figure; genetic; historians; historical; historical time; history; humanities; hypothesis; identification; identifying; illness; important; independent; information; journals; judgment; karenberg; knowledge; laboratory; life; lobe; long; making; medical; medical diagnosis; medicine; modern; nature; need; new; non; ontological; order; paleopathologists; particular; past; patient; peer; person; philosophy; point; possibility; probability; process; professionalism; question; reality; reason; retrospective diagnosis; review; scholarly; scholars; scholarship; sciences; section; similar; social; socrates; symptoms; syndrome; syndromic; temporal; tests; theory; time; true; tuberculosis; use; voice; way cache: cord-001309-gdc2e40t.txt plain text: cord-001309-gdc2e40t.txt item: #6 of 606 id: cord-001427-qw1e5cof author: Cantas, Leon title: Review: The Important Bacterial Zoonoses in “One Health” Concept date: 2014-10-14 words: 5813 flesch: 34 summary: Bacterial zoonotic diseases can be transferred from animals to humans in many ways (4): (i) The transfer may occur through animal bites and scratches (5) ; (ii) zoonotic bacteria originating from food animals can reach people through direct fecal oral route, contaminated animal food products, improper food handling, and inadequate cooking (6) (7) (8) ; (iii) farmers and animal health workers (i.e., veterinarians) are at increased risk of exposure to certain zoonotic pathogens and they may catch zoonotic bacteria; they could also become carriers of the zoonotic bacteria that can be spread to other humans in the community (9) ; (iv) vectors, frequently arthropods, such as mosquitoes, ticks, fleas, and lice can actively or passively transmit bacterial zoonotic diseases to humans. New strategies for continuous dissemination of multidisciplinary research findings related to zoonotic bacterial diseases are hence needed. keywords: agents; animal; antibiotic; antimicrobial; approach; bacterial; bartonella; better; biofilm; birds; bites; cat; cause; clinical; closer; coli; companion; contact; control; countries; diarrhea; diseases; dog; emergence; environment; escherichia; europe; european; exposure; farm; fecal; feed; fever; fish; food; global; great; growth; health; high; horse; humans; immune; impact; important; increased; infected; infections; livestock; long; main; management; manuscript; measures; medical; new; number; oral; owners; particular; pathogens; people; pets; populations; potential; prevalence; prevention; products; public; research; resistance; review; risk; routine; salmonella; scratch; scratches; severe; small; species; spectrum; spp; spread; staphylococcus; surveillance; tick; time; transmission; treatment; tuberculosis; usa; use; vector; veterinarians; veterinary; worldwide; wounds; years; zoonoses; zoonotic; zoonotic bacterial; zoonotic diseases cache: cord-001427-qw1e5cof.txt plain text: cord-001427-qw1e5cof.txt item: #7 of 606 id: cord-001654-o2zfilcl author: Laidler, Matthew R. title: Statin Treatment and Mortality: Propensity Score-Matched Analyses of 2007–2008 and 2009–2010 Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza Hospitalizations date: 2015-03-04 words: 4010 flesch: 36 summary: Two studies evaluating statin use during multiple influenza seasons in the decade before the 2009 pandemic found a protective effect on influenza mortality, although 1 of the studies found only a modest (10% reduction in deaths from pneumonia) Nonetheless, we also found a protective effect of statins on death among laboratoryconfirmed influenza patients hospitalized during the 2007-2008 season. keywords: age; analysis; antiviral; association; bmi; cardiovascular; case; chronic; clinical; cohort; covariates; data; days; death; differences; disease; effect; groups; hospitalization; influenza; laboratory; lung; matched; medical; metabolic; model; mortality; pairs; pandemic; patients; propensity; protective; race; renal; results; review; sample; score; season; significant; statin; status; studies; study; subject; surveillance; test; treatment; untreated; use; vaccination; vaccine; virus cache: cord-001654-o2zfilcl.txt plain text: cord-001654-o2zfilcl.txt item: #8 of 606 id: cord-002094-7tewne3a author: Tago, Damian title: The Impact of Farmers’ Strategic Behavior on the Spread of Animal Infectious Diseases date: 2016-06-14 words: 6295 flesch: 47 summary: key: cord-002094-7tewne3a authors: Tago, Damian; Hammitt, James K.; Thomas, Alban; Raboisson, Didier title: The Impact of Farmers’ Strategic Behavior on the Spread of Animal Infectious Diseases date: 2016-06-14 journal: PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157450 sha: doc_id: 2094 cord_uid: 7tewne3a One of the main strategies to control the spread of infectious animal diseases is the implementation of movement restrictions. Movement restriction policies (MRPs) are one of the most popular strategies implemented within and between countries to fight the spread of infectious animal diseases in Europe and worldwide [1] . keywords: analysis; animals; anticipation; anticipatory; behavior; case; cattle; connected; control; costs; degree; detection; disease; distribution; efficiency; epidemic; factors; farmers; farms; fig; geographic; high; hubs; implementation; infected; infected nodes; infection; infectious disease; market; measures; model; monetary; movement; mrp; neighbors; network; nodes; number; period; policy; probability; rate; risk; sales; second; selling; spread; spreading; stage; strategies; susceptible; time; trade; transfer; transmission; vector cache: cord-002094-7tewne3a.txt plain text: cord-002094-7tewne3a.txt item: #9 of 606 id: cord-002095-47dbqu2r author: Al-Helou, Georges title: When the Illness Goes Off Script—An Exercise in Clinical Reasoning date: 2016-03-14 words: 2846 flesch: 41 summary: It is the mismatch between common illness scripts (pleural) 5 and a patient's presentation that prompts diagnosticians to consider rare diseases. Illness scripts are an adaptation from cognitive psychology's script theory. keywords: acute; antibiotics; autoimmunity; babesiosis; bacterial; bilateral; blood; case; cell; chest; clinical; clinician; common; conditions; consideration; cough; data; diagnosis; dic; differential; diffuse; disease; fever; hilar; histiocytosis; hlh; hypotension; illness; important; infection; langerhans; lch; leukemia; likely; liver; lung; lymphadenopathy; lymphoma; malignancy; non; normal; patient; pneumonia; pulmonary; rare; rash; ray; respiratory; sarcoidosis; scripts; sepsis; syndrome; viral cache: cord-002095-47dbqu2r.txt plain text: cord-002095-47dbqu2r.txt item: #10 of 606 id: cord-002757-upwe0cpj author: Sullivan, Kathleen E. title: Emerging Infections and Pertinent Infections Related to Travel for Patients with Primary Immunodeficiencies date: 2017-08-07 words: 24227 flesch: 37 summary: Importantly, after a novel PIDD has been described, subsequent reports often reveal a wider variation in associated infections and cellular findings, often without clear genotype-phenotype correlations [320] [321] Human infection, called Cat Scratch Disease, is assumed to involve inoculation of Bartonella-infected flea feces into the skin during a cat scratch. keywords: acanthamoeba; acute; addition; adults; africa; agents; america; amphotericin; anaplasma; animals; antibiotic; antibodies; antibody; antifungal; antimicrobial; areas; asia; aspergillus; associated; auris; azithromycin; azole; bacteria; balamuthia; bartonella; bcg; bite; blood; borrelia; brain; candida; candidiasis; card9; cases; cause; cell; central; cgd; change; chikungunya; children; chronic; climate; clinical; cns; combination; combined; common; complex; complications; concern; contact; contaminated; countries; country; cov; csf; culture; cutaneous; data; days; death; defects; deficiencies; deficiency; dengue; detection; development; diagnosis; different; direct; disease; disorders; distinct; distribution; doxycycline; drugs; early; ebola; efficacy; ehrlichia; emergence; encephalitis; endemic; enterovirus; environment; epidemic; epidemiology; europe; exposure; factors; family; fatal; features; febrile; fever; form; fowleri; fumigatus; function; fungal; fungi; gae; gata2; general; genetic; genus; geographic; global; granulomatous; group; guidelines; half; headache; health; hemorrhagic; henselae; hepatitis; high; higher; history; hiv; host; human; igm; illness; immune; immunity; immunocompetent; immunocompromised; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; impact; impaired; important; incidence; increase; incubation; individuals; infants; infected; infection; influenza; interferon; intravenous; invasive; isolated; laboratory; large; leishmania; leishmaniasis; lesions; like; limited; literature; live; living; local; lyme; major; malaria; management; mandrillaris; manifestations; measles; melioidosis; meningoencephalitis; merkel; mers; methods; mild; molecular; months; mortality; mosquitoes; mucosal; multiple; mutations; naegleria; natural; negative; nervous; new; nile; non; novel; ntm; number; onset; oral; organ; organism; outbreaks; parasites; pathogen; patients; patterns; pcr; people; period; pertussis; phase; phenotypes; pidd; pidd patients; plasma; plasmodium; pneumonia; polio; population; positive; present; presentation; prevention; primary; products; prolonged; prophylaxis; protein; pulmonary; range; rare; rash; rates; recent; recipients; regions; relapsing; related; renal; reported; reports; reservoir; resistance; respiratory; response; results; review; rifampin; risk; rodents; sars; scid; secondary; section; serologic; severe; severe disease; severity; similar; single; skin; small; south; species; specific; spectrum; spp; spread; stage; stat1; states; strains; studies; study; susceptibility; susceptible; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; table; term; testing; therapy; tick; transmission; transplantation; travel; travelers; treatment; trophozoites; type; uncommon; unique; usa; vaccination; vaccine; variable; vector; viral; virus; virus infection; viruses; visceral; vomiting; water; weeks; west; world; worldwide; xla; years; yellow; young; zika; zoonotic cache: cord-002757-upwe0cpj.txt plain text: cord-002757-upwe0cpj.txt item: #11 of 606 id: cord-003062-qm8kalyt author: Chowdhury, Fazle Rabbi title: The association between temperature, rainfall and humidity with common climate-sensitive infectious diseases in Bangladesh date: 2018-06-21 words: 4998 flesch: 48 summary: A previous study in Chittagong, Bangladesh showed increased malaria cases with increasing temperature Table 4 . Unfortunately, very few studies on the relationship between various environmental variables and trends of infectious disease incidence have been performed so far in Bangladesh, although there are reports of some infections increasing sporadically in different regions of the country keywords: africa; association; autumn; average; bacterial; bangladesh; cases; change; china; climate; common; correlation; countries; country; data; diagnosis; diarrhea; diseases; encephalitis; enteric; fever; fig; findings; global; health; higher; highest; hospital; humidity; impact; incidence; increase; india; infectious; japanese; low; malaria; meningitis; number; period; pneumonia; positive; public; rainfall; rainy; rate; region; related; relationship; season; sensitive; significant; studies; study; table; temperature; test; transmission; vector; vulnerable; weather; years cache: cord-003062-qm8kalyt.txt plain text: cord-003062-qm8kalyt.txt item: #12 of 606 id: cord-003063-mowj6wyl author: Zhou, Xuezhong title: A Systems Approach to Refine Disease Taxonomy by Integrating Phenotypic and Molecular Networks date: 2018-04-06 words: 9376 flesch: 34 summary: We use it to measure the consistency of disease categories (ICD chapter or NCD) as an annotation of topological module (or community) structures within disease networks. Our analysis revealed that the heterogeneous molecular diversity of disease chapters and the blurred boundary between disease categories in ICD should be further investigated. keywords: additional; algorithm; approach; associations; betweenness; biological; boundaries; cancer; categories; category; category similarity; chapter; classification; clinical; codes; common; communities; community; complex; correlation; data; database; degree; different; disease; disease categories; disease network; disease pairs; disease taxonomy; disorders; distinct; diversity; et al; example; fig; framework; genes; genotype; gwas; high; higher; human; icd; icd chapters; icd disease; icd taxonomy; icd-9; idn; information; integration; interactions; level; links; measure; medicine; methods; modularity; module; molecular; molecular diversity; msdn; multiple; ncd; ncs; neoplasms; network; new; number; overlapping; pairs; particular; phenotype; phewas; positive; possible; precision; profiles; protein; quality; random; related; relationships; research; results; section; shared; shortest; significant; similarities; similarity; sm section; specificity; strong; structure; study; sub; subcategories; system; table; taxonomy; tree; types; underlying; value cache: cord-003063-mowj6wyl.txt plain text: cord-003063-mowj6wyl.txt item: #13 of 606 id: cord-003216-5qioku84 author: Rehman, Zaib Ur. title: Pathobiology of Avian avulavirus 1: special focus on waterfowl date: 2018-09-19 words: 5617 flesch: 36 summary: Molecular characterization and epitope mapping of fusion (F) and hemagglutinin (HN) genes of avian paramyxovirus serotype i from peacocks in Pakistan Supplementation of vitamin e protects chickens from Newcastle disease virus-mediated exacerbation of intestinal oxidative stress and tissue damage Genetic diversity and mutation of avian paramyxovirus serotype 1 (Newcastle disease virus) in wild birds and evidence for intercontinental spread Newcastle disease in geese: natural occurrence and experimental infection Development and field application of a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for detection of Newcastle disease virus antibodies in chickens and ducks Isolation and identification of paramyxovirus type 1 from duck Genomic sequence of an avian paramyxovirus type 1 strain isolated from Muscovy duck (Cairina moschata) in China Phylogenetic and pathotypical analysis of two virulent Newcastle disease viruses isolated from domestic ducks in China Genome sequence of a virulent genotype III Newcastle disease virus isolated from laying ducks in China Pathotypical and genotypical characterization of strains of Newcastle disease virus isolated from outbreaks in chicken and goose flocks in some regions of China during Generation of velogenic Newcastle disease viruses from a nonpathogenic waterfowl isolate by passaging in chickens Evolution of Newcastle disease virus quasispecies diversity and enhanced virulence after passage through chicken air sacs Phylogenetic and pathotypic characterization of Newcastle disease viruses circulating in South China and transmission in different birds Molecular and antigenic characteristics of Newcastle disease virus isolates from domestic ducks in China Evaluation of histopathological changes, viral load and immune function of domestic geese infected with Newcastle disease virus Phylogenetic relationships and pathogenicity variation of two Newcastle disease viruses isolated from domestic ducks in southern China Characterization and sequencing of a genotype VIId Newcastle disease virus isolated from laying ducks in Identification of a genotype VIId Newcastle disease virus isolated from sansui sheldrake ducks in Guizhou province Complete genome sequences of Newcastle disease virus strains isolated from three different poultry species in China Serologic and virologic survey for evidence of infection with velogenic Newcastle disease virus in Chinese duck farms Characterization of velogenic Newcastle disease viruses isolated from dead wild birds in Serbia during Molecular epidemiological analysis of Newcastle disease virus isolated in China in 2005 Characterization of Newcastle disease virus isolated from waterfowl in China Antigenic and genotypical characterization of Newcastle disease viruses isolated in Taiwan between Association of RIG-I with innate immunity of ducks to influenza Goose RIG-I functions in innate immunity against Newcastle disease virus infections The RNA helicase RIG-I has an essential function in double-stranded RNA-induced innate antiviral responses Promoter structures and differential responses to viral and nonviral inducers of chicken type I interferon genes Distinct RIG-I and MDA5 signaling by RNA viruses in innate immunity Viral evasion and subversion of pattern-recognition receptor signalling The specific and essential role of MAVS in antiviral innate immune responses Essential role of IPS-1 in innate immune responses against RNA viruses The V proteins of paramyxoviruses bind the IFN-inducible RNA helicase, mda-5, and inhibit its activation of the IFN-beta promoter Histopathological alterations in immune organs of chickens and ducks after experimental infection with virulent 9a5b newcastle disease virus Expression of RIG-I, IRF3, IFN-beta and IRF7 determines resistance or susceptibility of cells to infection by Newcastle Disease Virus Newcastle disease virus infection in chicken embryonic fibroblasts but not duck embryonic fibroblasts is associated with elevated host innate immune response Identification of 2′-5′-oligoadenylate synthetase-like gene in goose: gene structure, expression patterns, and antiviral activity against Newcastle disease virus Experimental infection of duck origin virulent Newcastle disease virus strain in ducks Lack of detection of host associated differences in Newcastle disease viruses of genotype VIId isolated from chickens and geese Isolation and preliminary identification of a virulent Newcastle disease virus isolate of duck origin Molecular characterization and expression analysis of the duck viperin gene Infection of goose with genotype VIId Newcastle disease virus of goose origin elicits strong immune responses at early stage Experimental co-infections of domestic ducks with a virulent Newcastle disease virus and low or highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses Effect of immunosuppression on newcastle disease virus persistence in ducks with different immune status Antigenic variation between Newcastle disease viruses of goose and chicken origin Molecular epidemiological investigation of Newcastle disease virus from domestic ducks in Korea A preliminary study of the role of ducks in the transmission of Newcastle disease virus to in-contact rural free-range chickens The response of ducks to V4 Newcastle disease virus and its transmission to contact ducks and domestic chickens An epizootiological report of the re-emergence and spread of a lineage of virulent Newcastle disease virus into Eastern Europe Passaging of a Newcastle disease virus pigeon variant in chickens results in selection of viruses with mutations in the polymerase complex enhancing virus replication and virulence Characterisation of an antigenically unusual virus responsible for two outbreaks of Newcastle disease in the Republic of Ireland in 1990 Phylogenetic diversity among low-virulence newcastle disease viruses from waterfowl and shorebirds and comparison of genotype distributions to those of poultry-origin isolates Multiplex RT-PCR for rapid detection and differentiation of class I and class II Newcastle disease viruses Avian paramyxovirus serotype-1: a review of disease distribution, clinical symptoms, and laboratory diagnostics Surveillance of avirulent Newcastle disease viruses at live bird markets in eastern China during 2008-2012 reveals a new sub-genotype of class I virus A review of virulent Newcastle disease viruses in the United States and the role of wild birds in viral persistence and spread Characterization of complete genome sequence of genotype VI and VII velogenic Newcastle disease virus from Japan Potential of genotype VII Newcastle diseaseviruses to cause differential infections in chickens and ducks Genetic, pathogenic and antigenic diversity of Newcastle disease viruses in Phylogenetic analysis of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from wild birds in the Poyang Lake region of China Temporal dynamics, diversity, and interplay in three components of the virodiversity of a Mallard population: influenza A virus, avian paramyxovirus and avian coronavirus Comparison of viral shedding following vaccination with inactivated and live Newcastle disease vaccines formulated with wild-type and recombinant viruses Evolutionary dynamics of Newcastle disease virus Imperfect vaccination can enhance the transmission of highly virulent pathogens Newcastle disease: evolution of genotypes and the related diagnostic challenges A vaccine candidate of attenuated genotype VII Newcastle disease virus generated by reverse genetics Genotyping of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from 2001 to 2007 in Japan Avian influenza virus and Newcastle disease virus (NDV) surveillance in commercial breeding farm in China and the characterization of Class I NDV isolates Molecular epidemiology of outbreak-associated and wild-waterfowl-derived newcastle disease virus strains in Finland, including a novel class I genotype Genomic characterizations of a Newcastle disease virus isolated from ducks in live bird markets in China Complete genome sequences of two subgenotype 1b Newcastle disease viruses isolated from Sansui sheldrake Ducks in Guizhou Wood ducks (Aix sponsa) as potential reservoirs for avian influenza and avian paramyxoviruses Genomic characterization of the first class I Newcastle disease virus isolated from the mainland of China Surveillance for avirulent Newcastle disease viruses in domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchos and Cairina moschata) at live bird markets in Eastern China and characterization of the viruses isolated Whole genome sequencing and biological characterization of Duck/JS/10, a new lentogenic class I Newcastle disease virus Genetic characterization and evolutionary analysis of Newcastle disease virus isolated from domestic duck in South Korea Complete genome sequence of genotype IB Newcastle disease virus isolated from a mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) in Russia Prevalence of avian paramyxovirus type 1 in Mallards during autumn migration in the western Baltic Sea region Characterization of newcastle disease viruses in wild and domestic birds in Luxembourg from Genetic diversity of newcastle disease virus in wild birds and pigeons in West Africa Exchange of Newcastle disease viruses in Korea: the relatedness of isolates between wild birds, live bird markets, poultry farms and neighboring countries Monitoring of wild birds for Newcastle disease virus in north Queensland Molecular epidemiologic investigation of lentogenic Newcastle disease virus from domestic birds at live bird markets in Korea Characterization of avian paramyxovirus type 1 from migratory wild birds in chickens Surveillance and characterization of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from northern pintail (Anas acuta) in Japan during 2006-09 Genetic characterization and evolutionary analysis of 4 Newcastle disease virus isolate full genomes from waterbirds in South China during Phylogenetic analysis of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from waterfowl in the upper midwest region of the United States Orthomyxo-, paramyxo-and flavivirus infections in wild waterfowl in Finland Characterization of Newcastle disease virus isolated from northern pintail (Anas acuta) in Japan Pathotyping and genetic characterization of avian avulavirus-1 from domestic and wild waterfowl, geese and black swans in Pakistan Complete genome sequences of two Newcastle disease virus strains isolated from a wild duck and a pigeon in Russia Complete genome sequence of a virulent Newcastle disease virus strain isolated from a clinically healthy duck (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) in Pakistan Genomic and biological characterization of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from migratory mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) Identification of a genotype IX Newcastle disease virus in a Guangxi white duck Potentially virulent Newcastle disease viruses are maintained in migratory waterfowl populations Pathotypical characterization and molecular epidemiology of Newcastle disease virus isolates from different hosts in China from 1996 to Genetic, antigenic, and pathogenic characteristics of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from geese in China Biological characteristics and sequence analysis of fusion genes of Newcastle disease virus isolates Isolation, identification, and sequencing of a goose-derived Newcastle disease virus and determination of its pathogenicity Genomic analysis of Newcastle disease virus strain NA-1 isolated from geese in China Genetic diversity of Newcastle disease viruses isolated from domestic poultry species in Eastern China during Complete genome sequences of new emerging Newcastle disease virus strains isolated from china keywords: analysis; antiviral; apmv-1; avian; birds; cells; characterization; chicken; china; class; clinical; commercial; complete; different; disease; disease virus; diversity; domestic; ducks; evolution; experimental; expression; geese; genes; genetic; genome; genotype; goose; host; ifn; immune; infected; infection; influenza; innate; isolates; lentogenic; live; low; molecular; natural; newcastle; newcastle disease; organs; origin; outbreaks; paramyxovirus; pathogenicity; poultry; rate; resistance; responses; results; rig; rna; role; route; shedding; species; strains; strong; studies; study; susceptibility; susceptible; transmission; vaccination; vaccine; viral; virulence; virulent; virus; viruses; waterfowl; wild cache: cord-003216-5qioku84.txt plain text: cord-003216-5qioku84.txt item: #14 of 606 id: cord-003372-cpl7zf7f author: Provoost, Judith title: A retrospective study of factors associated with treatment decision for nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease in adults without altered systemic immunity date: 2018-12-14 words: 3389 flesch: 34 summary: In the absence of systemic immunodeficiency, decision of NTM lung disease treatment must relies on a careful risk/benefit assessment, given the requirement of long-term administration of multidrug therapies supported by limited evidence. This retrospective, single center study (2013–2016, 45 months) addressed the criteria supporting treatment decision among adults with NTM lung disease without systemic immunodeficiency at our institution, with the assigned goal to harmonize the practice. keywords: active; adults; analysis; anti; aspergillus; assessment; ats; bronchiectasis; chronic; clinical; criteria; culture; data; decision; diagnosis; disease; factors; final; group; guidelines; idsa; immunodeficiency; important; infection; initiation; lung; lyon; management; manuscript; months; mortality; mycobacterial; nontuberculous; ntm; ntm lung; ntm treatment; number; outcome; patients; positive; prior; pulmonary; radiological; retrospective; single; society; spp; study; systemic; treatment; untreated; variables; version cache: cord-003372-cpl7zf7f.txt plain text: cord-003372-cpl7zf7f.txt item: #15 of 606 id: cord-003686-1pfk4qve author: Kaneko, Naoe title: The role of interleukin-1 in general pathology date: 2019-06-06 words: 9513 flesch: 32 summary: Activated IL-1 is incapable of functioning until recognized by cell surface receptors. Gevokizumab is an anti-IL-1β monoclonal antibody, IgG2, which improved glucose control and β-cell function in a diet-induced-obesity mouse model [163] and in the presence of IL-1β-driven inflammatory diseases [164] . keywords: activate; activation; active; activity; acute; amyloid; anakinra; antagonist; anti; antibody; arthritis; autoimmune; autoinflammatory; binding; biological; blind; blockade; breast; canakinumab; cancer; caspase-1; cells; characterized; chronic; clinical; complex; cytokine; death; deficiency; diabetes; disease; domain; dose; double; effective; effects; efficacy; events; expression; factor; familial; family; fever; fig; fmf; form; function; gangrenosum; gene; glucose; group; high; homeostatic; human; ifn; il-1; il-1r1; immune; important; induced; inflammasome; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibition; injury; innate; interleukin-1; islet; kinase; label; levels; like; low; lymphocytes; mabp1; macrophages; mature; mediterranean; mellitus; metabolic; microenvironment; model; molecular; monoclonal; mouse; neutrophils; nlrp3; obesity; onset; pathways; patients; periodic; phase; placebo; precursor; processing; production; progression; protein; prrs; pyoderma; pyrin; randomized; range; receptor; recombinant; release; resistant; response; rilonacept; risk; role; safety; secretion; signaling; specific; step; stress; study; syndrome; systemic; targeting; terminal; therapy; tissue; tnf; traps; treatment; trial; tumor; type cache: cord-003686-1pfk4qve.txt plain text: cord-003686-1pfk4qve.txt item: #16 of 606 id: cord-003856-05u4t67u author: Mao, Ying title: A descriptive analysis of the Spatio-temporal distribution of intestinal infectious diseases in China date: 2019-09-02 words: 5146 flesch: 49 summary: HFMD and OIDD exhibited high incidence rates, which reflected the negligence of Class C diseases by the government. Higher incidence rates for OIDD and Hepatitis A were observed in summer and autumn. keywords: additional; analysis; areas; autocorrelation; beijing; btt; cases; china; chinese; cholera; class; cluster; data; decomposition; different; diseases; distribution; dysentery; foot; global; hand; hepatitis; hfmd; high; iids; incidence; incidence rates; infectious; infectious diseases; intestinal; local; low; moran; mouth; number; observed; oidd; present; prevention; province; rates; regions; results; risk; scan; seasonal; secondary; space; spatial; spatio; study; summer; tap; temporal; time; trend; typhoid; units; variation; viral; west cache: cord-003856-05u4t67u.txt plain text: cord-003856-05u4t67u.txt item: #17 of 606 id: cord-004675-n8mlxe7p author: None title: 2019 CIS Annual Meeting: Immune Deficiency & Dysregulation North American Conference date: 2019-02-26 words: 86609 flesch: 43 summary: Background: Patients with primary immune deficiencies characterized by severe T lymphopenia and/or poor T cell function and patients posthematopoietic cell transplantation are at high risk of severe viral infections. In this study, we investigated effect of IL12R1 mutation in IL-12/IFNaxis by evaluation of patients whole blood cell response to IL-12 and IFN-, IL-12R1 expression in PBMCs and T cell blasts. keywords: + cells; abdominal; abnormal; abnormalities; abscesses; absence; absent; absolute; acid; activation; activity; acute; ada; addition; administration; admission; adult; adult patients; advanced; adverse; affected; affected patients; afp; african; age; age patients; aged; agents; allele; allergy; allogeneic; alpha; alps; altered; alternative; american; amino; anakinra; analysis; anemia; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antibody deficiency; antigen; antimicrobial; apeced; apoptosis; appropriate; arthritis; aspergillus; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asymptomatic; ataxia; atopic; atypical; autoantibodies; autoimmune; autoimmunity; autoinflammatory; autologous; autosomal; available; average; b cells; background; bacterial; bartonella; baseline; bcl11b; beta; bilateral; binding; biopsy; birth; blood; blood cell; bone; bowel; boy; brain; broad; bronchiectasis; brother; c1q; cancer; candida; candidiasis; capacity; card11; care; carrier; case; caucasian; causes; cd19; cd27; cd3; cd34; cd4; cd40l; cd8; cd8 t; cell counts; cell development; cell function; cell lymphopenia; cell numbers; cell proliferation; cell receptor; cell transplantation; cellular; center; central; cervical; cgd; ch50; change; characteristics; chart; chest; chh; childhood; children; chimerism; chronic; class; clear; clinical; clinical diagnosis; clinicians; cmv; cohort; colitis; combined; combined immunodeficiency; common; comorbidities; comparable; complement; complete; complex; complicated; complications; compound; concentrations; concern; conclusions; conditioning; conditions; congenital; consanguineous; consistent; continued; contrast; control; conventional; copa; cord; correlation; corticosteroids; counseling; counts; course; criteria; critical; csf; ctla-4; ctla4; cultures; cvid patients; cytokine; cytometry; cytopenias; cytotoxicity; daily; damage; data; days; death; decision; decrease; defective; defects; deficiencies; deficient patients; definitive; delay; delayed; deletion; delta; demographic; department; dependent; development; dhr; diagnosis; diarrhea; differences; different; differential; differentiation; diffuse; discussion; disease; disorders; distinct; dna; dock8; domain; dominant; donor; dose; double; drug; dsdna; duffy; duration; dysfunction; dysregulation; earlier; early; ebv; ecs; eczema; effective; effects; efficacy; elevated; encodes; endocarditis; endoscopy; engraftment; enteropathy; enzyme; episodes; errors; essential; established; etanercept; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; exome; exon; expansion; expression; extl3; face; facial; factor; fadd; failure; familial; family; fas; fatigue; features; febrile; female; fever; figure; fill; findings; flow; fluid; fmf; following; foxn1; free; frequency; frequent; function; fungal; future; gain; gastrointestinal; gata2; gene; general; generation; genetic; genomic; gof; good; granulomatous; greater; group; growth; gvhd; h2ax; hair; haploinsufficiency; hct; healthy; help; hematopoietic; hepatic; hepatitis; heterozygous; hies; hies patients; high; higher; history; hla; hlh; homozygous; hospital; hospitalization; host; hours; hscs; hsct; hsct patients; hsp; human; humoral; hydroxychloroquine; hypertension; hypogammaglobulinemia; hypomorphic; ibd; identification; ifn; iga; igd; ige; igg; igg4; ighy; igm; igrt; igsc; ikaros; il-18; il-2; il-6; illness; imaging; immune; immune cell; immune deficiency; immunodeficiency; immunodeficiency patients; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunology; immunosuppression; impact; impaired; important; improved; improvement; inborn; incidence; increased; index; individuals; induced; infants; infections; inflammation; inflammatory; infliximab; information; infusion; inhibitor; initial; innate; institute; intensity; interferon; interpretation; interstitial; intracellular; intravenous; introduction; invasive; irradiation; isolated; ivig; key; kidney; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; large; later; lead; left; lesions; leukemia; levels; life; ligand; likely; limited; literature; liver; local; long; loss; low; low t; lower; lung; lung disease; lupus; lymphadenopathy; lymphocyte; lymphoid; lymphoma; lymphopenia; lymphoproliferation; majority; male; malignancies; malignancy; management; manifestations; markers; marrow; mass; maturation; mcl; mean; mechanism; median; medical; medications; medicine; mefv; members; memory; memory b; mental; metabolic; methods; mice; mild; minimal; missense; mitogen; mm3; mmr; model; moderate; molecular; monogenic; months; mortality; mother; mouse; mri; multiple; mutant; mutations; mycobacterial; n=1; nasal; national; natural; naã¯ve; naã¯ve t; nbs; necrosis; need; negative; neurological; neutralizing; neutropenia; neutrophil; newborn; nfkb2; niaid; nih; nk cells; nodes; non; normal; normal t; northwell; novel; novo; number; oas1; objectives; old; older; ongoing; onset; oral; organs; osteomyelitis; otitis; outcomes; overall; oxidase; pad; pain; pancytopenia; panel; parameters; parents; partial; participants; particular; past; pathogenic; pathway; patient b; patients; patients clinical; pbmcs; pcr; pediatric; pediatric patients; percentile; pericarditis; period; peripheral; persistent; phase; phenotype; phenotyping; phosphorylation; physical; pid; pid patients; pidd; pids; pjp; plasma; platelet; plcg2; plt; pneumococcal; pneumonia; pneumonitis; poig; poor; population; positive; possible; post; potential; prednisone; pregnancy; presence; present; presentation; presumed; prevalence; previous; primary; primary immune; primary immunodeficiency; prior; process; production; profile; progressive; proliferation; prolonged; prophylaxis; proportion; protective; protein; protocol; providers; pulmonary; purpura; qol; quality; quantification; quantitative; radiosensitivity; rag1; range; rare; rash; rate; rationale; rdd; reactive; receiving; recent; receptor; recessive; recipient; recombination; reconstitution; recurrent; recurrent infections; reduced; reference; refractory; regimen; region; registry; regulatory; related; relative; renal; repair; repeat; repertoire; replacement; reported; reports; required; research; resolution; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; review; right; risk; rituximab; rna; role; rotavirus; routine; rvt-802; s1p; safety; samples; scid; score; screening; secondary; seizures; self; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; series; serum; setting; severe; severe t; severity; siblings; sided; signaling; signature; significant; signs; similar; single; sinopulmonary; sinusitis; sister; site; size; skin; small; specific; spectrum; splenomegaly; spontaneous; standard; state; status; stem; stem cell; steroids; stim1; stimulated; stimulation; streptococcus; studies; study; subcutaneous; subjects; submission; subsequent; subsets; successful; suggestive; summary; support; surgical; survey; survival; susceptibility; suspicion; switched; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; t cells; table; targeted; tcl; tcr; telangiectasia; telomere; term; terminal; testing; tests; tetanus; tfh; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thought; threshold; thrombocytopenia; thymic; thymus; time; tissue; titers; tnf; tool; total; tract; transient; transplant; transplantation; treatment; trec; treg; trial; trough; ulcers; uncertain; underlying; understanding; underwent; undetectable; unique; university; unknown; unrelated; upper; usa; use; usidnet; vaccination; vaccine; values; variable; variant; vasculitis; viral; viremia; virus; vitro; vivo; vsts; warts; weekly; weeks; weight; wes; white; work; workup; worsening; xla; years; years old; yrs; zap70 cache: cord-004675-n8mlxe7p.txt plain text: cord-004675-n8mlxe7p.txt item: #18 of 606 id: cord-004925-fj068j67 author: Morin, B. R. title: Economic Incentives in the Socially Optimal Management of Infectious Disease: When [Formula: see text] is Not Enough date: 2017-09-29 words: 9303 flesch: 47 summary: The general response of public health authorities to the under-provision of private disease risk mitigation is the adoption of social distancing measures that include quarantines, travel restrictions, and school closures. We investigated the effect of a subsidy/tax on the cost of illness on private disease risk mitigation in the key epidemiological classes across four compartmental models: SIR, SEIR, and two SAIR models, a one-path progression and a two-path progression. keywords: affinity; asymptomatic; authority; avoidance; benefits; case; changes; contact; cost; decisions; disease; disease risk; disease state; duration; dynamics; economic; effect; effort; epidemic; epidemiological; et al; expected; health; health authority; illness; illness avoidance; increase; individuals; infected; infectious; infectiousness; instruments; intervention; level; marginal; mitigation; mitigation effort; mixing; model; morin; net; optimal; path; people; population; prevalence; private; private cost; private disease; private individuals; private mitigation; private risk; probability; problem; public; public health; recovered; relative; representative; results; risk; risk mitigation; seir; short; sir; socially; society; spread; state; strategies; susceptible; susceptible individuals; tax; time cache: cord-004925-fj068j67.txt plain text: cord-004925-fj068j67.txt item: #19 of 606 id: cord-004957-erigjz4g author: Robertson, Colin title: Towards a geocomputational landscape epidemiology: surveillance, modelling, and interventions date: 2015-11-30 words: 7680 flesch: 29 summary: These models require spatial datasets describing every aspect of disease risk from wind patterns to health-seeking behaviours. In landscape epidemiological research, all of these datasets can be accessed, mapped, and integrated via their geographies to derive factors affecting disease risk, and the cumulative risk distribution in space and time. keywords: aim; analysis; animal; application; approaches; areas; available; cases; complex; components; composition; conceptual; configuration; context; control; data; different; disease; distribution; early; emergence; environmental; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; et al; events; example; explicit; factors; flows; framework; functional; geocomputational; geographic; gis; gle; global; health; high; human; importance; infectious; information; integrated; interest; interventions; key; knowledge; landscape; lanka; large; learning; leptospirosis; level; local; mapping; measures; methods; modelling; models; month; movement; multi; natural; new; order; outbreak; outcomes; paper; patterns; place; potential; processes; processing; production; properties; public; questions; rainfall; real; recent; relationships; relevant; research; risk; scale; science; social; sources; space; spatial; spike; spread; sri; step; studies; study; support; surveillance; systems; temporal; time; tools; translation; transmission; understanding; use; web; wildlife; zoonotic cache: cord-004957-erigjz4g.txt plain text: cord-004957-erigjz4g.txt item: #20 of 606 id: cord-004958-yvh2fzxt author: Nabarro, David title: The Links Between Public and Ecosystem Health in Light of the Recent Ebola Outbreaks and Pandemic Emergence date: 2016-05-11 words: 1799 flesch: 40 summary: Preventive Veterinary Medicine Update on the economic impact of the Interim guidance: clinical care for survivors of Ebola virus disease Public and Ecosystem Health Links: Ebola Case Study 229 For example global hotspots for emerging infectious diseases that originate in wildlife have been mapped (Morse el al. 2012) . keywords: africa; animal; control; cross; disease; ebola; economic; efforts; emergence; global; health; human; impact; infectious; interfaces; international; livestock; outbreak; pandemic; pathogen; preparedness; public; response; risk; sectoral; systems; time; transmission; virus; west; wildlife; work; zoonotic cache: cord-004958-yvh2fzxt.txt plain text: cord-004958-yvh2fzxt.txt item: #21 of 606 id: cord-005147-mvoq9vln author: None title: Autorenregister date: 2017-02-23 words: 86765 flesch: 41 summary: While a long list of gene mutations have so far been described to be responsible for the disease phenotype, little is known about the underlying neuronal mechanisms. WD pathogenesis, however, can not only be explained by gene coding mutations since phenotypes exhibit strong variations despite the same exonic DNA makeup in the gene. keywords: 003; 005; 1,2; aberrant; aberrations; abnormalities; absence; absent; abstracts; acid; active; activity; additional; additional mutations; adult; advantage; adverse; ae1; affected; affected patients; age; agilent; aim; allele; alterations; altered; alternative; amd; amino; aml; analysis; analyzed; anemia; anomalies; apoptosis; approach; appropriate; arm; array; aspects; assay; assembly; assessment; associated; association; assumed; asxl2; asymptomatic; ataxia; atp7b; autism; autosomal; available; average; background; basis; bbs; behavioral; benign; berlin; best1; better; biallelic; bilateral; binding; biochemical; biological; biopsies; biopsy; birth; bl variants; blood; blot; bmi; body; bone; boy; brain; brca1; brca1/2; breakpoints; breast; breast cancer; broad; brother; burkitt; cag; calls; cancer; cancer genes; candidate; candidate genes; capture; carcinoma; card14; cardiac; carriers; cas9; cases; causal; causative; cause; ccdc66; cdkl5; cdna; cell; cellular; center; central; cerebral; cftr; cgh; challenge; changes; channel; characteristic; characterization; characterized; chd; chek2; chh; childhood; children; chip; chloride; chromatin; chromosome; classical; classification; cleft; clinical; clinical diagnosis; clinical features; clonal; clones; close; cmt; cnvs; coding; codon; cognitive; cohort; combination; combined; common; comparison; complete; complex; complexity; compound; comprehensive; computational; conclusion; conditions; congenital; consanguineous; consequences; conserved; considered; consistent; consortium; context; contrast; contribute; controls; conventional; copy; correlation; corresponding; counselling; course; cpg; cpg85; cpgs; craniofacial; crc; crispr; criteria; critical; crucial; ctcf; culture; current; cycle; cystic; cysts; cytogenetic; data; data analysis; database; daughter; days; ddd; death; decision; decrease; deep; defects; deficiency; deficits; degree; delay; deleterious; deletion; department; detailed; detectable; detection; determined; developing; development; diabetes; diagnosis; differences; different; different genes; differential; differentiation; difficulties; direct; disability; discussion; disease; disease genes; disease mutations; disorders; distal; distinct; dlbcl; dmr; dmrs; dna; dna methylation; dna variants; domain; dominant; donors; double; duplication; dysfunction; dysmorphism; dysplasia; dystrophy; early; ebf3; ebv; eds; effect; ehmt1; elements; elevated; embryonic; encodes; encoding; enhancer; enrichment; environmental; enzyme; epidermal; epigenetic; epilepsy; epileptic; erlangen; established; etiology; european; ev3; evaluation; events; evidence; exac; examination; exome; exome sequencing; exon; expansion; expected; experiments; expressed; expression; extended; eye; face; facial; factors; failure; familial; families; family; fast; father; features; feeding; feet; female; fetal; fetus; fibroblasts; findings; finger; fish; flanking; fluorescence; fmr1; follow; following; forms; fraction; fragments; frameshift; free; frequency; frequent; frontal; function; function mutations; fusion; future; für; g84e; gain; gastric; gcnis; gdm; gene; gene expression; gene family; gene mutations; gene panel; general; generation; genetic; genetic analysis; genetic cause; genetic risk; genetic testing; genetic variants; geneticists; genome; genomic; genotype; germany; germline; germline mutations; girl; glaucoma; global; group; growth; gwas; hair; hamburg; hand; handedness; haplotype; hcc; hdac3; head; healthy; hearing; heart; heidelberg; hereditary; heritability; heterogeneity; heterogeneous; heterozygosity; heterozygous; heterozygous mutations; heterozygous variants; high; higher; highest; histone; history; hnpcc; homozygosity; homozygous; hospital; hoxb13; human; human genetics; human phenotype; humangenetik; huntington; hypoplasia; hypothesis; hypotonia; identification; idh1r132h; ikbkg; il36rn; illumina; immune; immunohistochemistry; impact; impaired; impairment; implications; important; imprinted; imprinting; improved; inactivation; increased; independent; index; individuals; induced; influence; information; inheritance; inhibition; initial; insertion; insights; institute; intellectual; interaction; interest; international; interpretation; intracellular; intragenic; introduction; intron; intronic; invasive; inversion; investigations; involved; involvement; ipscs; isolated; joubert; karyotype; kcnk9; key; kidney; kinase; knockdown; knockout; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; landscape; large; later; leading; learning; length; leptin; leukemia; levels; lgl; library; life; lifr; likely; limb; limited; lines; lip; literature; little; liver; localization; loci; locus; long; loss; low; lower; lymphocytes; lymphoma; maintenance; major; majority; making; malformations; malignancies; management; manifestation; mapping; markers; maternal; mds; measurement; mechanisms; mecom; median; medical; meg3; members; membrane; mental; metabolic; methods; methylation; methylation analysis; mice; microcephaly; microdeletion; microduplication; microsatellite; mid1; midas; mild; milder; minor; mir-371a-3p; mirnas; missense; missense mutation; mitochondrial; mlh1; mlpa; mmml; model; moderate; modifier; molecular; molecular genetic; molecule; monogenic; months; mosaic; mosaicism; mother; motor; mouse; mpb; mri; mrna; mtdna; multiple; muscle; muscular; mutant; mutated; mutation carriers; mutations; mutationtaster; myc; myeloid; myopathy; nahr; nail; neandertal; near; need; negative; nervous; neural; neurodegenerative; neurodevelopmental; neurological; neuromuscular; neuronal; neurons; new; nf1; ngs; non; nonsense; normal; nose; novel; novel mutation; novo; novo mutations; npcs; npy; nuclear; nucleotide; number; obesity; observed; ocular; offspring; old; older; olfactory; omim; ongoing; onset; origin; outside; ovarian; overall; overexpression; overlap; p =; pain; palate; pancreatic; panel; parental; parents; partial; particular; partner; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathogenic mutations; pathogenic variants; pathways; patients; pattern; pcr; penetrance; peripheral; pex; phenotype; phenotyping; pitx1; plasma; platform; plcd1; plk4; pnh; point; point mutations; population; position; positive; possible; postnatal; potential; prca; precise; prediction; predisposition; pregnancies; pregnancy; premature; prenatal; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; primers; probands; probes; problems; processes; profiles; prognosis; progressive; project; proliferation; prominent; promising; promoter; protein; protein expression; protocol; prp; prs1; prs2; psenen; psmc3ip; psoriasis; psychiatric; putative; quality; quantitative; r6/2; range; rapid; rare; rare variants; rate; rb1; recent; receptor; recessive; recurrent; reduced; reference; regard; regions; regression; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relative; relevance; relevant; reliable; renal; repair; repeat; report; reporter; reporter gene; reprogramming; research; residual; resolution; respective; respiratory; response; responsible; resulted; results; retardation; retinal; rhox; right; risk; risk variants; rna; role; routine; runx1; runx1mut; samples; sanger; scale; score; screening; search; second; secondary; secretion; segment; segregation; seizures; sensitivity; sensory; sequence; sequence variants; sequencing; serum; severe; sex; short; shox; siblings; signaling; signals; significant; signs; silico; similar; single; sites; size; skeletal; skin; small; smc2; snps; snvs; social; software; somatic; specific; specificity; spectrum; speech; sperm; splice; splicing; spoc1; sporadic; srs; stage; standard; stature; status; step; stop; strand; strategies; strong; structural; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; subunit; successful; suggests; summary; sureselect; survival; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; syndromic; synonymous; system; target genes; targeted; targeting; targets; technology; telomere; terminal; terms; testing; tgase1; tgct; thap1; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; time; tissue; tmprss2; tools; total; traits; transcription; transcripts; translocation; transport; treatment; trio; trisomy; truncating; ts14; tumor; type-1; types; typical; underlying; understanding; unique; units; university; unknown; unrelated; upper; user; value; variable; variants; variations; vitro; vivo; weeks; weight; wes; western; wgbs; wgs; wide; wildtype; women; work; working; ws2; ws3; ws4; ws6; ws7; ws8; years; yield; young; zebrafish; zinc cache: cord-005147-mvoq9vln.txt plain text: cord-005147-mvoq9vln.txt item: #22 of 606 id: cord-005453-4057qib7 author: None title: The 45th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation: Physicians – Poster Session date: 2019-07-03 words: 276280 flesch: 51 summary: Goals: In the present study, we describe the frequencies of CRE colonization and analyzed its relationship with development of CRE bacteremia and mortality in two different scenarios: stem cell transplant patients (HSCT) and Leukemia patients. The aim of this study was to analyse a single centre experience with HSCT patients requiring ICU admission and the factors affecting outcome. keywords: +100; +14; +180; +30; +365; +60; +90; /day; /kg; 1,2; 1st; 1x10; 2nd; 95%ci; ab0; abdominal; abnormalities; abo; absence; absolute; abstract; acceptable; access; acid; active; active disease; activity; acute graft; acute gvhd; acute leukemia; acute myeloid; addition; adenovirus; adequate; administration; admission; adolescents; adult patients; adults; advanced; advantage; adverse; advt; aes; affected; affected patients; age group; age range; aged; agents; aggressive; agvhd; aic; aim; albumin; alemtuzumab; alive patients; allele; allo hsct; allogeneic bone; allogeneic cell; allogeneic donors; allogeneic hematopoietic; allogeneic hsct; allogeneic patients; allogeneic stem; allogeneic transplantation; allogenic; allograft patients; alloreactive; alloreactivity; allosct; allosct patients; alternative; aml patients; amounts; amphotericin; analysis; analyze; anemia patients; anti; antibiotic; antibodies; antibody; antifungal; antigen; antileukemic; antithymocyte; antiviral; apheresis; aplasia; aplastic; apoptosis; application; approach; appropriate; approved; april; area; arf; ascs; asct; aspergillosis; aspergillus; assay; assessment; associated; association; atg; auc; august; authors; autograft; autoimmune; autologous; autologous hematopoietic; autologous hsct; autologous patients; autologous stem; autologous transplantation; autophagy; availability; available; average; aza; b cells; bacteremia; bacterial; bal; barr; basal; based; baseline; basis; beam; beginning; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; bilirubin; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; bkv; blasts; bleeding; blinatumomab; blood; blood cells; blood group; blood patients; blood stem; blood transplantation; bmf; bmi; bmt; body; bone; bone marrow; boost; bortezomib; bos; boys; brain; brentuximab; brincidofovir; brother; bsi; budesonide; bumel; burden; busulfan; calcineurin; calcium; calculated; cancer; cancer cell; candida; candidates; candidemia; candidiasis; capacity; car; cardiac; care; caregivers; cart; carv; cases; category; cause; ccr4; cd10; cd19; cd25; cd34; cd34 cells; cd4; cd45ra; cd52; cd56; cd66b; cd8; cdi; cell collection; cell count; cell death; cell depletion; cell disease; cell dose; cell free; cell function; cell graft; cell infusion; cell levels; cell lines; cell lymphoma; cell mobilization; cell non; cell numbers; cell population; cell products; cell proliferation; cell reconstitution; cell recovery; cell replete; cell source; cell subsets; cell therapy; cell transplantation; cell transplants; cell viability; cells; cellular; cellularity; center; central; centre; cerebral; cfdna; cfu; cgd patients; chain; changes; characterization; characterized; chemosensitive patients; chemotherapy; chest; childhood; children; chimeric; chimeric patients; chimerism; china; choice; chronic graft; chronic gvhd; cidofovir; cik cell; cir; class; classical; classification; clearance; clinical; clinical background; clinical study; clinimacs; cll; clonal; clones; close; cml; cmv; cmv disease; cmv infection; cmv prophylaxis; cmv reactivation; cns; cohort; collected; collection; colonization; colonized patients; colony; combination; combined; common; comorbidities; comparable; compare; comparison; complete; complete donor; complete response; complexity patients; complications; components; composition; concentration; conclusions; conditioning; conditioning regimen; conditions; confidence; confirmed; conflict; congenital; consecutive patients; consensus; consent; consideration; consistent; consolidation; context; continued; continuous; contrast; contribute; control; control group; conventional; conversion; copies; copy; cord; cord blood; correlate; correlation; corresponding; corticosteroid; cost; counseling; count; countries; country; course; cox; cpx-351; cr1; cr2; creatinine; criteria; critical; cross; crp; crs; crucial; cryopreservation; cryopreserved patients; csa; csf; ctls; culture; cumulative; cumulative incidence; curative; curative treatment; cure; current; cutaneous; cvc; cycles; cyclophosphamide; cyclosporine; cystitis; cytarabine; cytogenetic; cytokine; cytomegalovirus; cytometry; cytopenias; cytoreductive; cytotoxicity; daily; damage; dasatinib; data; data patients; database; date; day mortality; days; days post; dcs; death; decades; december; decision; declare; decreased; defibrotide; deficiency; degree; delayed; demographic; demyelinating; dendritic; department; depleted; desensitization; detailed patients; detectable; detection; determination; determined; developed; development; device; dexamethasone; dfs; diagnosis; diarrhea; differences; different; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; direct; discharge; disclosure; disclosure background; disclosure results; discontinuation; disease; disease control; disease free; disease patients; disease progression; disease prophylaxis; disease relapse; disease response; disease status; dismal; disorders; distinct; distribution; dlbcl patients; dli; dmso; dna; donations; donor; donor age; donor cells; donor chimerism; donor cmv; donor graft; donor group; donor lymphocyte; donor source; donor t; donor transplant; donor type; doppler; dosage; dose; dosing; double; dpb1; drug; dsa; ductopenia; duration; dysfunction; e.g.; earlier; early; easix; ebmt; ebv; ecp; ecs; eculizumab; education; effect; effective; effectiveness; effector; efficacy; efs; elafin; elderly; elevated; eligible patients; elisa; elispot; eltrombopag; employee; encephalitis; encephalopathy; encouraging; endothelial; endothelial cells; endpoint; engraftment; enhanced; enriched; enrichment; entire; enzyme; epag; episodes; epstein; equivalent; essential; established; estimate; etanercept; etoposide; european; evaluable patients; evaluation; events; evidence; evs; exact; examination; excellent; exercise; expansion; expected; experience; exposure; expression; extended; extensive; extracorporeal; extramedullary; facs; factors; failure; failure patients; family; fanconi; faster; fatal; favorable; fb2; feasibility; feasible; features; febrile; february; female; ferritin; fertility; fever; figure; final; financial; findings; flow; flt3; flubu; fluconazole; fludarabine; flumel; fluorescence; fmt; fnh; focus; fold; following; followup; forms; foundation; fractions; fractures; free; free survival; freezing; frequency; frequent; fresh; frozen; function; funding; fungal; future; gamma; ganciclovir; gastrointestinal; gcsf; gender; general; generation; genes; genetic; genotype; germany; gi gvhd; global; globulin; good; grade; grade ii; graft; graft failure; graftversus; granulocyte; gray; greater; grfs; group; group b; group patients; growth; guidelines; gut; gvhd grade; gvhd group; gvhd incidence; gvhd patients; gvhd prophylaxis; gvhd rate; gvhd therapy; gvl; hadv; haematopoietic; half; hand; haploidentical; haploidentical donor; haploidentical hsct; haploidentical patients; haploidentical stem; haploidentical transplantation; haplosct; harvest; hazard; hbv; hct; hdct; hdm; hdt; healthy; help; hematological; hematological patients; hematology; hematopoietic cell; hematopoietic stem; hemoglobin; hemolysis; hemorrhage; hepatic; hepatitis; hev; hid; high; high dose; high grade; high mortality; high risk; higher; higher median; highest; histological; historical; history; hiv; hla; hla donor; hlh patients; hma; hodgkin; home; honoraria; hospital; hospitalization; host disease; hours; hscs; hsct =; hsct background; hsct complications; hsct group; hsct methods; hsct outcome; hsct patients; hsct program; hsct recipients; hsct relapse; hsct response; hsct setting; hsct treatment; hsos; human; hypertension; hypothesis; i.v; ibrutinib; icu; identification; ifd; ifn; igg; ii patients; iii; iks; il-15; il-2; image; imaging; immediate; immune; immune cell; immunity; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunomodulatory; immunosuppressive; immunotherapy; impact; impaired; impairment; important; improved; improvement; improving; incidence; inclusion; incompatibility; increase; independent; index; india; indications; individual; individual patients; induced; induction; infants; infection; infection patients; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; initiation; injury; inkt; institute; institution; intensity; intensity conditioning; intensive; interactions; interest; intermediate; international; interval; intervention; intestinal; intestinal gvhd; intracellular; intravenous; introduction; invasive; involvement; ips; iqr; iron; irradiation; isa; isolated; isolation; itd; itma; iv acute; january; japan; jazz; july; june; kaplan; karnofsky; karyotype; key; kidney; killer; killing; kinetics; kit; kits; knowledge; known; krp203; laboratory; lack; large; later; ldh; lead; leading; left; length; lesions; letermovir; leukaemia; leukapheresis; leukemia cells; leukemia patients; leukemic; leukocyte; levels; lfs; life; like; likely; limitations; limited; limiting; line; line treatment; lineage; linear; liposomal; literature; little; liver; load; local; logistic; long; longer; loss; lower; ltv; lung; lymphoblastic; lymphocyte; lymphoid; lymphoma patients; lymphomas; lymphoproliferative; main; maintenance; major; majority; making; male patients; males; malignancies; malignant; malignant disease; maltophilia; management; manifestations; mann; manufacturing; march; maria; markers; marrow; marrow transplantation; mass; matched; matching; maternal; mature; maximum; mcl; mds patients; mean; measles; measurements; mechanism; median; median age; median cd34; median cell; median day; median donor; median dose; median duration; median follow; median frequency; median group; median interval; median neutrophil; median number; median os; median overall; median pre; median survival; median time; median treatment; medical; medicine; medium; meier; melphalan; memory; mesenchymal; metabolic; methods; methotrexate; mets; mfd; mfi; mice; microbiological; microbiota; mild; miltenyi; minimal; minimum; minor; minutes; mirna; mismatched; mixed; mlc; mmf; mmud; mnc; mobilization; mobilizers; model; moderate; modified; mofetil; molecular; moment; monitoring; monoclonal; monocytes; mononuclear cells; months; months post; morbidity; mortality; mothers; motion; mpn; mrd; mrd group; mri; mscs; msd; msd hsct; mtx; mucositis; mud; multicenter; multiple; multivariate; multivariate analysis; mutations; mycophenolate; myeloablative; myeloablative conditioning; myelodysplastic; myelofibrosis; myeloid; myeloma patients; n=1; n=10; n=11; n=12; n=13; n=14 patients; n=15; n=2; n=21; n=22; n=23; n=3; n=4; n=5; n=6; n=7; n=8; n=9; national; natural; nausea; naïve; nd hsct; necessary; needed; needs; negative patients; negativity; neoplasms; neuroblastoma; neurological; neutropenia; neutrophil; new; nhl; nih; nivolumab; nk cells; nkg2d; nlr; nma; non; nonmalignant; normal; note; novel; november; novo; npm1; nrm; nucleated; number; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; obtaining; obvious; occlusive; occlusive disease; occurrence; october; offer; offspring; older patients; oncology; ones; ongoing; onset; optimal; option; oral; order; organ; origin; original; outcome; ovarian; overall; overall response; overall survival; oxygen; ozogamicin; p=0.002; p=0.01; paediatric patients; pain; pairs; panel; panobinostat; parameters; parents; partial; participants; particular; pathogenesis; pathological; pathway; patient age; patients; patients background; patients characteristics; patients chronic; patients donors; patients higher; patients median; patients recipients; pattern; pbmcs; pbsc; pcnsl patients; pcr; peak; pediatric hsct; pediatric patients; peptide; percentage; performance; period; peripheral; peripheral blood; peripheral stem; persistent; pet; pfs; pgf patients; pharmaceuticals; phase; phenotype; photopheresis; physical; planned; plasma; platelet; platform; play; plerixafor; plt; plus; pneumocystis; pneumonia; pnh; points; pooled; poor; poorer; population; posaconazole; positive cell; positive patients; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post allo; post hsct; post transplant; potential; ppx; practice; pre; predictive; predictors; prednisone; preemptive; preferred; preliminary; preparation; presence; present; presentation; pressure; pretransplant; pretreated patients; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; primary disease; primary graft; prior; probability; probable; problems; procedure; process; processes; processing; product; profile; prognosis; program; progression; project; proliferation; prolonged; promising; properties; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; proven; pt#2; ptcy; ptld; pts; pubertal; pubertal patients; pulmonary; purpose; qol; qpcr; quality; quantitative; rabbit; radiological; radiotherapy; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rare; rate; ratg; ratio; rbc; reaction; reactivation; reasons; received; recent; receptor; reconstitution; records; recovered; recovery; recurrent; red cell; reduced; reduction; reference; refractory; refractory acute; refractory disease; refractory gvhd; refractory patients; regard; regimen; registry; regulation; regulatory; rejection; relapse; relapse incidence; relapse mortality; relapse rate; relapsing; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; remaining; remission; renal; replacement; reported; reports; rescue; research; residual; residual disease; resistant; resistant patients; resolution; resolved; respect; respiratory; responders patients; response; results; retrospective; retrospective study; review; rfs; rhce; risk acute; risk aml; risk disease; risk factors; risk group; risk patients; risks; rituximab; role; romiplostim; routine; rsv; ruxolitinib; rzf; saa; safety; salvage; samples; sampling; sarcoma; sc patients; scale; scan; scd; schedule; scid; score; screening; second; second transplant; secondary; selected; selection; self; sensitivity; sepsis; september; septic; sequence; sequencing; sequential; series; serology; seropositive; serostatus; serotherapy; serum; sessions; setting; severe; severe acute; severe gvhd; severe patients; severity; sex; sga; shock; short; shorter; shows; sibling; sibling donor; sickle cell; signaling; significant; significant risk; signs; similar; single; sinusoidal; sirolimus; sister; site; size; skin; slightly; small; smx; social; society; software; sos; sources; species; specific; specificity; spectrum; spgf; spleen; splenomegaly; spontaneous; spp; spss; stable disease; stage; staining; standard; start; starting; statistical; status; stay; stem cell; step; steroid; steroid treatment; stimulated; stimulation; storage; strategies; strategy; stromal; strong; studies; study; study background; study group; study patients; study period; subgroup; subjects; suboptimal; subpopulations; subsequent; substantial; subtypes; successful; suffering; sufficient; suitable; superior; support; supportive; suppression; surface; surgical; surveillance; survival; survival rate; survive; survivors; susceptibility; sustained; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; t cells; table; tacrolimus; tandem; tapered; tapering; target; targeted; tbi; tcd; tcr; tcrαβ; team; technique; technology; term; term survival; test; testing; thalassemia; thalassemic patients; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thiotepa; threshold; thrombocytopenia; thrombotic; thymic; thymoglobuline; tim3; times; timing; tissue; titers; tki; tma; tmp; tnc; tnf; tocilizumab; tolerability; tolerance; tolerated; tool; total; total patients; toxicities; toxicity; toxoplasma; tpo; traditional; trail; training; transduced; transduction; transfer; transformation; transformed; transfusion; transient; transplant characteristics; transplant complications; transplant conditioning; transplant cyclophosphamide; transplant disease; transplant high; transplant outcomes; transplant patients; transplant period; transplant recipients; transplant relapse; transplant therapy; transplantation background; transplantation results; transplantation unit; transplantations; transplanted; treatment; treatment option; treatment patients; trec; treg; trend; treosulfan; trial; trm; tumor; tumor cells; type; ucb; ucbt; ultrasound; umbilical; unclear; undergone; underlying; underwent; underwent hsct; unit; univariate; university; unknown; unmanipulated; unrelated; unrelated donor; unrelated hsct; untreated; upfront; upper; uric; urine; usa; use; useful; vaccination; vaccine; valganciclovir; validation; values; variables; variants; varied; variety; vascular; vector; vedotin; vein; veno; versus; vgpr; viability; viable; vip; viral; viremia; virus; viruses; visual; vitamin; vitro; vivo; vod; vod patients; volume; vomiting; voriconazole; vwf; wbc; weekly; weeks; weight; white; whitney; wide; withdrawal; women; work; working; world; worse; wt1; x10; y.o; year os; years; years old; years overall; years post; yield; younger patients; yrs cache: cord-005453-4057qib7.txt plain text: cord-005453-4057qib7.txt item: #23 of 606 id: cord-005874-dgqevs6r author: Piel, S. title: Pulmonale granulomatöse Erkrankungen und pulmonale Manifestationen systemischer Granulomatosen: Inklusive Tuberkulose und nichttuberkulöse Mykobakteriosen date: 2016-09-15 words: 2716 flesch: 37 summary: Die häufigste Veränderung (Prävalenz von 70 %) in der CT ist der Rundherd im Lauf der Erkrankung radiologischen Befunde in der Dünnschichtcomputertomographie der Lunge und ihre klinische Signifikanz. keywords: abb; als; auch; auf; auftreten; bei; beobachtet; cardiac; cases; chest; chronic; clinical; dabei; das; dem; der; des; diagnose; diagnostik; die; discussion; disease; durch; dünnschicht; ebenso; eine; erfolgen; erkrankung; findings; form; fälle; für; gpa; granulomatous; granulomatöse; granulome; high; häufigste; imaging; important; interdisciplinary; interstitial; interstitielle; ist; kann; kavernen; knoten; kommt; konventionelle; können; langerhans; lung; magnetic; manifestationen; methodical; mikronoduli; mit; mri; muster; mykobakteriosen; nach; nicht; oder; oft; patienten; patients; pattern; polyangiitis; pulmonale; pulmonary; radiographic; radiological; radiologische; resolution; resonance; retikuläre; role; routine; sarcoidosis; sarkoidose; selten; seltener; sich; silikose; sind; slice; sowie; sowohl; specific; stadium; standard; thin; tomography; tuberculosis; tuberkulose; typischen; und; von; werden; work; zeigen; zur cache: cord-005874-dgqevs6r.txt plain text: cord-005874-dgqevs6r.txt item: #24 of 606 id: cord-006104-f9000hjy author: Morgan, B. Paul title: Complement, a target for therapy in inflammatory and degenerative diseases date: 2015-10-23 words: 16366 flesch: 26 summary: F1000Prime Rep Complement inhibitor of C5 activation from the soft tick Ornithodoros moubata Structure of and influence of a tick complement inhibitor on human complement component 5 In vivo characterization and therapeutic efficacy of a C5 specific inhibitor from the soft tick Ornithodoros moubata High-density lipoproteins can act as carriers of glycophosphoinositol lipid anchored CD59 in human plasma Generation of a recombinant, membrane-targeted form of the complement regulator CD59; activity in vitro and in vivo Protection of erythrocytes from human complement-mediated lysis by membrane-targeted recombinant soluble CD59: a new approach to PNH therapy Aurin tricarboxylic acid protects against red blood cell hemolysis in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinemia Generation of anti-complement 'prodrugs': cleavable reagents for specific delivery of complement regulators to disease sites Antibody-directed enzyme prodrug therapy (ADEPT) for cancer Targeted complement inhibition by C3d recognition ameliorates tissue injury without apparent increase in susceptibility to infection Targeted complement inhibitors protect against posttransplant cardiac ischemia and reperfusion injury and reveal an important role for the alternative pathway of complement activation Design and development of TT30, a novel C3d targeted C3/C5 convertase inhibitor for treatment of human complement alternative pathway-mediated diseases Describe novel reagents that enable imaging of complement activation in vivo Noninvasive detection of complement activation through radiologic imaging The complotype: dictating risk for inflammation and infection Describes the development of the concept of the complotype as predictor of disease risk Common polymorphisms in C3, factor B, and factor H collaborate to determine systemic complement activity and disease risk A common haplotype in the complement regulatory gene factor H (HF1/CFH) predisposes individuals to age-related macular degeneration Complement factor H genetic variant and age-related macular degeneration: effect size, modifiers and relationship to disease subtype Variation in factor B (BF) and complement component 2 (C2) genes is associated with age-related macular degeneration Complement C3 variant and the risk of age-related macular degeneration Age-related macular degeneration Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome Mutations in factor H reduce binding affinity to C3b and heparin and surface attachment to endothelial cells in hemolytic uremic syndrome Association of factor H autoantibodies with deletions of CFHR1, CFHR3, CFHR4, and with mutations in CFH, CFI, CD46, and C3 in patients with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome Important description of link between anti FH autoantibodies, deletions in FH-related (FHR) proteins and aHUS Generation of a monoclonal antibody to mouse C5; application in an ELISA assay for detection of anti C5 antibodies Anti C5 monoclonal antibody therapy prevents collagen-induced arthritis and ameliorates established disease Inhibition of complement activity by humanized anti C5 antibody and single-chain Fv Adis International Limited Eculizumab: 5G1.1, h5G1.1, long-acting anti C5 monoclonal antibody 5G1 1, long-acting anti C5 monoclonal antibody 5G1.1 Eculizumab (Alexion) Effect of eculizumab on hemolysis and transfusion requirements in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria Multicenter phase 3 study of the complement inhibitor eculizumab for the treatment of patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria Long-term safety and efficacy of sustained eculizumab treatment in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria Terminal complement inhibitor eculizumab in atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome A molecular insight into complement inhibition by the Staphylococcal complement inhibitor family Genetic variants in C5 and poor response to Eculizumab Protein-protein interaction inhibitors get into the groove Structure of complement fragment C3b-factor H and implications for host protection by complement regulators Inhibition of complement by a C3 binding peptide isolated from a phage-displayed random peptide library New analogs of the clinical complement inhibitor compstatin with subnanomolar affinity and enhanced pharmacokinetic properties Compstatin: a C3 targeted complement inhibitor reaching its prime for bedside intervention Update on current and future novel therapies for dry age-related macular degeneration The amplification loop of the complement pathways Pharmacokinetics of plasmaderived C1 esterase inhibitor after subcutaneous versus intravenous administration in subjects with mild or moderate hereditary angioedema: the PASSION study A phase I study of recombinant human C1 inhibitor in asymptomatic patients with hereditary angioedema Recombinant human C1 esterase inhibitor relieves symptoms of hereditary angioedema attacks: phase 3, randomized, placebo-controlled trial Spectrum of complement-mediated thrombotic microangiopathies: pathogenetic insights identifying novel treatment approaches Eculizumab in AQP4 IgG-positive relapsing neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders: an open-label pilot study Complement in multiple sclerosis: its role in disease and potential as a biomarker Systemic complement profiling in multiple sclerosis as a biomarker of disease state The role of complement and complement regulators in mediating motor nerve terminal injury in murine models of Guillain-Barré syndrome Emerging drugs for Guillain-Barré syndrome The membrane attack pathway of complement drives pathology in passively induced experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in mice A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II study of eculizumab in patients with refractory generalized myasthenia gravis Dramatic effects of eculizumab in a child with diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis resistant to conventional therapy The genetics and immunobiology of IgA nephropathy Eculizumab treatment for rescue of renal function in IgA nephropathy Rheumatoid arthritis and the complement system Association of genetic variants of mannan-binding (MBL) lectin 2 gene, MBL levels and function in ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease Regulation of the alternative pathway of complement modulates injury and immunity in a chronic model of DSS-induced colitis Long-term response of refractory primary cold agglutinin disease to eculizumab therapy Complement and cutaneous autoimmune blistering diseases Complement and the antiphospholipid syndrome Eculizumab prevents recurrent antiphospholipid antibody syndrome and enables successful renal transplantation Association of C2 and CFB polymorphisms with anterior uveitis Pathogenesis of ANCA-associated vasculitis: new possibilities for intervention The membrane attack complex of complement drives the progression of atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E knockout mice The complement system in human cardiometabolic disease Label-free quantitative proteomic analysis reveals dysfunction of complement pathway in peripheral blood of schizophrenia patients: evidence for the immune hypothesis of schizophrenia Each role in itself could warrant a review; therefore, here we merely highlight that these many roles may be affected by complement inhibitors. keywords: activation; active; activities; activity; acute; administration; agents; ahus; alternative; alternative pathway; amd; amplification; angioedema; animal; anti; antibodies; antibody; approaches; arthritis; assembly; associated; attack; atypical; bacterial; binding; blocking; c1inh; c1q; c1r; c1s; c3 convertase; c3a; c3b; c5a; cause; cell; changes; chronic; classical; classical pathway; cleavage; clinical; common; complement; complement activation; complement drugs; complement inhibitor; complement pathway; complement proteins; complement system; complex; complexes; components; compstatin; conditions; consensus; convertase; cr1; cr2; crucial; cvf; date; deficiencies; deficiency; degeneration; development; different; disease; dose; dosing; drugs; dysregulation; early; eculizumab; effective; effects; efficacy; enzymes; essential; evidence; example; factor; fig; form; formation; fragment; function; genetic; haemolytic; half; hereditary; high; human; immune; immunity; important; individuals; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibitor; injury; key; large; lectin; levels; life; long; mac; macular; masp2; mbl; membrane; mice; models; molecule; monoclonal; mouse; multiple; mutations; nocturnal; non; novel; numerous; paroxysmal; pathology; pathway; pathway activation; patients; peptide; pharmaceuticals; phase; plasma; pnh; polymorphisms; potential; powerful; present; primary; production; properdin; protease; protein; rare; recent; receptors; recombinant; regulators; related; renal; repeats; reperfusion; response; risk; role; scr1; sepsis; serine; short; sites; small; soluble; specific; structure; studies; study; success; surface; syndrome; synthesis; system; systemic; target; targeting; terminal; therapeutic; therapy; tissue; treatment; trials; uremic; use; vitro; vivo; years cache: cord-006104-f9000hjy.txt plain text: cord-006104-f9000hjy.txt item: #25 of 606 id: cord-006466-e1phpqes author: None title: 2018 CIS Annual Meeting: Immune Deficiency & Dysregulation North American Conference date: 2018-04-23 words: 92405 flesch: 42 summary: Despite defective T cell signaling responses to chemokines (i.e., GPCR stimulation), chemotaxis of patient T cell blasts in vitro was normal. Proteasome assembly and catalytic function was assessed by SDS-PAGE and native gel respectively, using patient derived cell lines. keywords: abdominal; abnormal; abnormalities; abscesses; absence; absent; absolute; acid; activation; activity; acute; ada; ada2; addition; additional patients; adequate; adhesion; administration; admission; adult; adult patients; adverse; affected; age; aim; allele; allergic; allergy; allogeneic; alps; alternative; amino; analysis; anemia; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antigens; apoptosis; approach; appropriate; arthritis; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; atopic; atopy; atypical; autoantibodies; autoimmune; autoimmunity; autoinflammation; autosomal; available; average; awareness; b cells; background; bacterial; bal; baseline; bcg; benefit; beta; better; bilateral; binding; biochemical; biopsies; biopsy; birth; blood; bmt; bone; booster; bowel; boy; broad; bronchiectasis; btk; burst; busulfan; canadian; cancer; card11; cardiac; care; carriers; case; causative; cd160; cd18; cd19; cd3; cd4; cd40l; cd45; cd45ra; cd8; cd8 t; celiac; cell counts; cell deficiency; cell development; cell function; cell immunodeficiency; cell lymphopenia; cell proliferation; cell receptor; cell reconstitution; cell repertoire; cell subsets; cell transplantation; cellular; centers; central; cgd; chain; challenges; changes; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chart; chest; chh; childhood; children; chimerism; chronic; circles; class; clinical; clinical phenotype; cmc; cmv; codon; cohort; colitis; combination; combined; combined immunodeficiency; common; comparable; complement; complete; complex; complicated; complications; compound; concentrations; conclusions; conditioning; conditions; congenital; consistent; continued; control; copies; cord; correlation; cost; cough; counts; course; criteria; cross; crucial; ctla-4; ctla4; culture; curative; cutaneous; cvid patients; cybb; cytokine; cytometry; cytopenias; cytotoxic; data; database; day; days; decreased; defective; defects; deficiencies; deficient; deficient patients; delay; delayed; deletion; dermatitis; detection; developed; development; dhr; diabetes; diagnosis; diarrhea; differences; different; differential; differentiation; difficult; disease; disorders; distinct; distribution; dna; dock8; domain; dominant; donor; dose; drug; dysfunction; dysregulation; earlier; early; ebv; eczema; editing; effective; effector; effects; efficacy; elevated; encoding; engraftment; enteropathy; eosinophilia; episodes; epithelial; essential; established; evaluation; evans; events; evidence; examination; excision; exome; exon; expansion; experience; expression; extensive; factor; failure; families; family; fatigue; features; female; feno; ferritin; fever; findings; flow; following; form; foxn1; foxp3; frequency; frequent; function; fungal; future; gain; gastrointestinal; gata2; gene; gene therapy; generalized; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; girl; good; granulomas; granulomatous; greater; group; gvhd; h2ax; half; haploidentical; haploinsufficiency; hct; healthy; hematologic; hematopoietic; hematopoietic cell; hemolytic; hepatitis; heterogeneous; heterozygous; hies patients; high; higher; highly; history; hiv; hizentra; hla; hlh; home; homozygous; hospital; hospitalization; hsct; human; humoral; hyper; hypogammaglobulinemia; hypomorphic; ibd; identification; idiopathic; ifn; ifnγ; iga; ige; igg; igg levels; igg4; iggsc; igm; igrt; ikbkb; il-17; il-2; il2rg; imaging; immune; immune cell; immune deficiency; immune dysregulation; immune system; immunization; immunodeficiency; immunodeficiency disease; immunodeficiency patients; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunology; impact; impaired; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; individuals; induced; infancy; infants; infections; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; information; infusions; inhibitory; initial; initiation; innate; institute; institution; intensity; interferon; intermittent; interstitial; intracellular; intravenous; introduction; invasive; investigation; involvement; ipex; irradiation; isolated; isolation; itp; ivig; january; kinase; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; lad; large; lead; left; lesions; leukemia; levels; life; like; likely; limited; literature; little; liver; long; loss; low; low b; low igg; lower; lung; lung disease; lupus; lymphadenopathy; lymphocyte; lymphoid; lymphoma; lymphopenia; lymphoproliferative; majority; male; male patients; malignancies; malignancy; management; manifestations; marked; markers; marrow; mass; matched; maternal; maturation; mature; mbl; mcl; mean; measurement; mechanism; median; medical; medications; medicine; mellitus; memory; memory b; methods; mice; mild; missense; mitogen; mm3; models; molecular; monocytes; months; mortality; mother; mouse; mri; multiple; mutant; mutation; mycobacterial; myeloid; n=1; n=2; n=3; national; natural; naïve; naïve t; nbs; ncf1; negative; neurological; neutropenia; neutrophil; newborn; niaid; nih; nk cells; non; nonsense; normal; normal t; notable; novel; nu/+; number; objectives; observed; oit; old; older; ongoing; onset; option; organ; organism; origin; otitis; outcomes; overall; oxidase; oxide; p22phox; p47phox; pain; panel; parameters; parents; partial; pathogenic; pathway; patients; pattern; pbmcs; pcr; pediatric; pediatric patients; percentage; period; peripheral; persistent; phase; phd; phenotype; phenotyping; phosphorylation; physical; physicians; pid; pidd; pidd patients; pids; pidtc; plasma; plasma cells; platelet; pneumococcal; pneumonia; pneumovax; pnp; point; polysaccharide; poor; population; position; positive; possible; post; potential; ppsv23; pregnancy; presence; present; presentation; presenting; prevalence; previous; primary; primary immune; primary immunodeficiency; prior; proband; process; production; professor; profile; profound; prognosis; progressive; proliferation; prolonged; prominent; prophylactic; prophylaxis; proportion; protamine; protective; protein; protocol; pts; pulmonary; qol; quality; quantification; rag1; range; rapid; rare; rash; rate; reactions; reactive; recent; receptor; recessive; recipients; reconstitution; records; recurrent; recurrent infections; reduced; reference; refractory; regimen; region; regulatory; related; renal; repair; repeat; repertoire; replacement; reported; reports; research; residual; respiratory; responders; response; results; retrospective; review; right; risk; rituximab; role; routine; rubella; safety; samples; sanger; scid; scid patients; scig; scores; screening; second; secondary; selection; selective; sensitivity; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; series; serotypes; serum; setting; severe; severe infections; severe t; severity; shingles; short; showing; signaling; significant; signs; similar; single; sinopulmonary; sinus; sinusitis; sister; site; skin; skin infections; small; somatic; species; specific; spectrum; splenomegaly; splice; staining; standard; starting; stat3; statistical; status; stem; stem cell; steroids; stimulated; stimulation; studies; study; subcutaneous; subjects; submission; subsequent; subsets; substitution; successful; suggestive; support; surgery; survival; susceptibility; suspicion; switched; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; t cells; t lymphocytes; targeted; tcr; term; tested; testing; tests; tetanus; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thi; threatening; thrombocytopenia; throughput; thymectomy; thymic; thymus; time; tissue; titers; tool; total; tract; transcription; transplant; transplant patients; transplantation; treatment; trec; treg; trial; trough; types; ucbt; umbilical; underlying; understanding; underwent; undetectable; unique; university; unknown; unrelated; upper; use; utility; vaccination; vaccine; values; variable; variant; vascular; viral; viremia; virus; vitro; vs.; weekly; weeks; weight; wes; wide; wild; women; work; workup; worsening; xiap; xla; years; years old; yield; young cache: cord-006466-e1phpqes.txt plain text: cord-006466-e1phpqes.txt item: #26 of 606 id: cord-006508-rje9bnph author: Ballas, Samir K. title: Sickle Cell Anaemia: Progress in Pathogenesis and Treatment date: 2012-10-10 words: 14708 flesch: 42 summary: Five years of experience with hydroxyurea in children and young adults with sickle cell disease Clinical evaluation of a semi-permeable polymeric membrane dressing for the treatment of chronic diabetic foot ulcers Core decompression in avascular necrosis of the hip in sickle cell disease Long term results of total hip arthroplasty for osteonecrosis of the femoral head: a comparison with osteoarthritis Osteonecrosis of the hip in sickle cell diseases Total replacement of the hip for avascular necrosis in sickle cell disease Cholecystectomy in sickle cell anemia patients: Perioperative outcome of 364 cases from the National Preoperative Transfusion Study Cholecystectomy in adult patients with sickle cell disease Influence of bilirubin uridine diphosphate-glucoronosyltransferase 1A promotor polymorphisms on serum bilirubin levels and cholelithiasis in children with sickle cell anemia Genetic determinants of jaundice and gallstones in haemoglobin E b-thalassemia Exchange transfusion in sickle cell intrahepatic cholestasis Bone marrow transplantation for sickle cell disease Successful related cord blood transplantation for hemoglobinopathies Unrelated placental umbilical cord blood cell (UCBC) transplantation in children with high-risk sickle cell disease (SCD) Successful cord blood transplantation for sickle cell anemia from a sibling who is human leukocyte antigen-identical: implications for comprehensive care Correction of sickle cell disease in transgenic mouse models by gene therapy Hydroxyurea exposure alters mouse testicular kinetics and sperm chromatin structure Comparison of teratogenic effects of aspirin and hydroxyurea in the Fischer 344 and Wistar strains Severe developmental malformations: malformations induced by urethane and hydroxyurea in the hamster Acute leukemia (AL), hydroxyurea (HO) and polycythemia vera (PV): an analysis of risk and the Polycythemia Vera Study Group Fetal haemoglobin variations following hydroxyurea treatment in patients with cyanotic congenital heart disease A short-term trial of burtyate to stimulate fetal-globin-gene expression in the bglobin disorders Fetal hemoglobin induction with butyric acid: efficacy and toxicity Isobutyramide therapy in patients with sickle cell anemia Increased fetal hemoglobin in patients receiving sodium 4-phenylbutyrate Increased fetal hemoglobin production in patients receiving valproic acid for epilepsy Stimulation of hemoglobin synthesis by erythropoietin in baboons Augmentation by erythropoietin of the fetal-hemoglobin response to hydroxyurea in sickle cell disease Granulocytosis causing sickle cell crisis Fatal sickle cell crisis after granulocyte colony-stimulating factor administration Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-inducted sickle cell crisis and multiorgan dysfunction in a patient with compound heterozygous sickle cell b+ thalassemia Inhibition of Ca2+-dependent K+ transport and cell dehydration in sickle erythrocytes by clotrimazole and other imidazole derivatives Oral magnesium supplements reduce erythrocyte dehydration in patients with sickle cell disease Pulmonary hypertension in sickle cell disease and treatment with L-Carritine Arginine therapy: a new treatment for pulmonary hypertension in sickle cell disease Zileuton: a potential new treatment approach for acute chest syndrome Sickle cell anemia: a potential nutritional approach for a molecular disease Green tea extract and aged garlic extract inhibit potassium chloride co-transport in sickle cells in vitro, but Vitamin-C and Vitamin-E do not Hydration of sickle erythrocytes using a herbal extract (Pfaffia paniculata) in-vitro Department of Medicine, Cardeza Foundation for Hematologic Research Supported in part by the Sickle Cell Program of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA. Basic principles and clinical picture Sickle cell anemia and major organ failure Beyond hemoglobin polymerization: The red blood cell membrane and sickle disease pathophysiology Vascular occlusion in sickle cell disease: Current concepts and unanswered questions Regulation of erythrocytes cation and water content in sickle cell anemia Cation transport and volume regulation in sickle red blood cells Prevention of red cell dehydration: a possible new treatment for sickle cell disease A mathematical model of the volume, pH1 and ion content regulation in reticulocytes: application to the pathophysiology of sickle cell dehydration Regulation of cation content and cell volume in hemoglobin erythrocytes from patients with homozygous hemoglobin C disease Inhibition of K transport by divalent cations in sickle erythrocytes Therapy with oral clotrimazole induces inhibition of the Gardos channel and reduction of erythrocyte dehydration in patients with sickle cell disease Compartmentation of sickle cell calcium in endocytic inside-out vesicles Compartmentation of Ca2+ in sickle cells Endocytosis in sickle erythrocytes: A mechanism for elevated intracellular Ca2+ levels Erythrocyte adherence to endothelium in sickle cell anemia: a possible determinant of disease severity Abnormal adherence of sickle cell erythrocytes to cultured vascular endothelium: possible mechanism for microvascular occlusion in sickle cell disease Adhesion of normal and sickle erythrocytes to endothelial monolayer cultures Rheological studies of erythrocyte-endothelial cell interactions in sickle cell disease Sickle cell vaso-occlusion In vivo demonstration of red cell-endothelial interaction, sickling and altered microvascular response to oxygen in the sickle transgenic mouse Microvascular sites and characteristics of sickle cell adhesion to vascular endothelium in shear flow conditions: pathophysiological implications Adherence of sickle erythrocytes to vascular endothelial cells; requirement for both cell membrane changes and plasma factors Sickle reticulocytes adhere to VCAM-1 a4b1-integrin expression on sickle reticulocytes: vascular cell adhesion molecular-1-dependent binding to endothelium Platelet hyperactivity in sickle cell disease: a consequence of hyposplenism Significance of plasma beta-thromboglobulin values in patients with sickle cell disease Platelet activation during steady state sickle cell disease Phenomenology to function Thrombospondin mediates adherence of CD36+ sickle reticulocytes to endothelial cells Thrombospondin from activated platelets promotes sickle erythrocyte adherence to human microvascular endothelium under physiologic flow: a potential role for platelet activation in sickle cell vasoocclusion P-selectin mediates the adhesion of sickle erythrocytes to the endothelium Occlusion of large cerebral vessels in sickle cell anemia Sickle cell anemia and central nervous system infarction: a neuropathological study Hypofibronectinaemia and severity of sickle cell anaemia Hypoxia/reoxygenation causes inflammatory response in transgenic sickle mice but not in normal mice Sickle cell anemia as an inflammatory disease Monoclonal antibodies to αvβ3 (7E3and LM609) inhibit sickle red blood cell endothelium interaction induced by platelet activating factor Blockade of adhesion of sickle cells to endothelium by monoclonal antibodies Thalassemia in blacks: genetic and clinical aspects and interactions with the sickle hemoglobin gene The Senegal DNA haplotype is associated with the amelioration of anemia in African-American sickle cell anemia patients Sickle cell anemia bs-gene-cluster haplotypes as prognostic indicators of vital organ failure Rheologic predictors of the severity of the painful sickle cell crisis The painful crisis of homozygous sickle cell disease: a study of risk factors Pain in sickle cell disease: rates and risk factors The prevalence of avascular necrosis in sickle cell anemia: correlation with athalassemia Sickle cell disease as a cause of osteonecrosis of the femoral head Leg ulcers in patients with sickle cell disease Alpha thalassemia and stroke risk in sickle cell anemia Is Hb A2 elevated in adults with sickle-α-thalassemia (Bs/Bs;-α/-α)? keywords: acid; acute; acute chest; adherence; adhesion; adults; adverse; african; agents; agonists; analgesics; anemia; anti; approach; assessment; associated; available; beneficial; blood; blood cell; blood transfusion; bone; butyrate; care; cause; cell anaemia; cell disease; cell pain; cells; cellular; cerebral; channel; chest; chest syndrome; children; chronic; clinical; combination; common; complications; cord; crises; damage; data; date; decrease; dehydration; deletion; disease; disease sickle; dose; effect; effective; efficacy; endothelium; episodes; erythrocytes; events; evidence; exchange; factors; failure; fat; fetal; follow; form; frequency; future; gardos; gene; hb f; hemoglobin; high; hip; human; hydroxyurea; iii; important; incidence; increase; induced; infarction; inflammatory; inhibit; iron; leg; levels; life; liver; long; major; management; marrow; membrane; microvascular; molecular; morbidity; mortality; mouse; mutation; nature; necrosis; new; non; normal; nsaids; occlusion; onset; opioid; oral; order; organ; overload; oxycodone; pain; pain management; painful; paracetamol; pathogenesis; patients; penicillin; pethidine; picture; polymerisation; possible; potential; presence; present; prevention; priapism; production; pulmonary; rbc; rbcs; recent; red; related; relief; renal; reports; research; resistant; respiratory; results; reticulocytes; risk; role; secondary; selective; serum; severe; severity; short; sickle cell; sickle hb; stroke; studies; study; syndrome; table; term; thalassemia; therapy; time; tissue; total; tramadol; transfusion; transgenic; transplantation; transport; treatment; trials; turn; ulcers; use; vaccine; vascular; vaso; years cache: cord-006508-rje9bnph.txt plain text: cord-006508-rje9bnph.txt item: #27 of 606 id: cord-006653-fy0yg0xh author: Popper, Helmut H. title: Interstitial lung diseases—can pathologists arrive at an etiology-based diagnosis? A critical update date: 2012-12-07 words: 13645 flesch: 36 summary: key: cord-006653-fy0yg0xh authors: Popper, Helmut H. title: Interstitial lung diseases—can pathologists arrive at an etiology-based diagnosis? Interstitial lung diseases (ILD) are characterized by a diffuse infiltration of both lungs, usually evaluated by highresolution computed tomography (HRCT) scan. keywords: accumulation; acute; addition; affected; allergic; alveolar; alveoli; amyloid; areas; arthritis; autoantibodies; autoimmune; balt; blood; bodies; body; bronchioles; bronchiolitis; cases; cause; cells; changes; children; chronic; classification; clinical; collagen; common; complexes; contrast; cvd; cystic; dad; damage; death; deposition; diagnosis; different; diffuse; disease; drug; early; endothelial; eosinophilic; epithelial; etiology; expression; features; fibroblastic; fibrosing; fibrosis; fibrotic; fig; findings; foci; focus; form; formation; function; gene; genetic; giant; granulation; granulomas; hard; hemorrhage; high; histiocytosis; hrct; hyaline; hyperplasia; idiopathic; idiopathic pulmonary; induced; infection; infiltrates; infiltration; inflammatory; inhalation; interstitial; interstitial fibrosis; interstitial lung; interstitial pneumonia; involvement; ipf; langerhans; large; later; lesions; lhch; like; lip; lobules; lung; lung disease; lupus; lymphangioleiomyomatosis; lymphocytic; macrophages; major; material; membranes; metabolic; metal; microlithiasis; morphologic; mutations; new; nonspecific; nsip; organizing; pathogenesis; pathologic; pathologists; patients; pattern; peripheral; phase; picture; pneumocytes; pneumonia; pneumonitis; positive; present; proliferation; proteinosis; proteins; pulmonary; pulmonary fibrosis; rare; reactions; resolution; respiratory; results; review; rheumatoid; sclerosis; septa; severe; single; sjs; sjøgren; sle; small; smokers; smoking; specific; ssc; stages; study; suppl; surfactant; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; therapy; tissue; toxic; treatment; tumor; type; uip; underlying; usual; variety; viral; virus; walls cache: cord-006653-fy0yg0xh.txt plain text: cord-006653-fy0yg0xh.txt item: #28 of 606 id: cord-006780-l503f86l author: Leitch, A E title: Relevance of granulocyte apoptosis to resolution of inflammation at the respiratory mucosa date: 2008-07-02 words: 9382 flesch: 25 summary: It is evident that granulocytes play an important role in the pathogenesis of pulmonary inflammation but other cell types such as macrophages, dendritic cells, mast cells, and lymphocytes are equally and potentially more influential in subsets of inflammatory respiratory disease. Our aim will be to address current understanding of granulocyte biology in relation to respiratory inflammatory diseases and prospects for driving resolution of inflammation at the respiratory mucosa to develop effective treatments for lung-based disease. keywords: activation; acute; addition; airway; ali; alveolar; animal; anti; apoptosis; apoptotic; architecture; ards; associated; asthma; asthmatic; bacterial; bal; brosis; caspase; cause; cells; chronic; circulation; clearance; copd; cystic; cytokines; damage; death; debate; defense; dependent; different; disease; distress; dominant; effects; enhanced; enhancement; eosinophil; eosinophil apoptosis; epithelial; exacerbations; exchange; extracellular; factor; family; fibrosis; function; granulocyte; granulocyte apoptosis; growth; host; idiopathic; il-5; il-8; immune; important; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory disease; inhaled; injury; ipf; key; large; longevity; loss; lung; macrophages; matter; mcl-1; mechanisms; membrane; mitochondrial; models; mortality; mouse; mucosa; necrosis; neutrophil apoptosis; neutrophils; new; non; numbers; obstructive; pathogenesis; pathophysiology; pathway; patients; phagocytosis; phenotype; physiological; pneumonia; population; possible; potential; process; production; promote; proresolution; protein; pulmonary; reactive; receptor; recruitment; regulation; removal; resistant; resolution; respiratory; respiratory mucosa; response; responsible; results; review; role; severe; signaling; significant; specific; stimulus; strategies; strategy; survival; syndrome; system; therapeutic; therapy; tissue; toxic; treatment; work cache: cord-006780-l503f86l.txt plain text: cord-006780-l503f86l.txt item: #29 of 606 id: cord-006819-sxz1s6kz author: Daniel Givens, M. title: Infectious causes of embryonic and fetal mortality date: 2008-05-27 words: 7667 flesch: 44 summary: Abortion following infection with serovar pomona occurs in the last trimester, whereas abortion caused by serovar hardjo occurs from 4 months of gestation to term. capricolum Isolation of Mycoplasma mycoides, mycoides (LC variant), from two naturally aborted caprine fetuses Abortion and early neonatal death of kids attributed to intrauterine Yersinia pseudotuberculosis infection Multiple abortions associated with caprine herpesvirus infection in a goat herd Abortion and ulcerative posthitis associated with caprine herpesvirus-1 infection in goats in California Caprine herpesvirus-1 abortion storm in a goat herd in Quebec Serologic and reproductive findings after a herpesvirus-1 abortion storm in goats Toxoplasma gondii-induced abortion in dairy goats Abortion and death in goats inoculated with Sarcocystis sporocysts from coyote feces Bacterial, rickettsial, protozoal, and fungal causes of infertility and abortion in swine Diseases of swine Streptococcus suis type II-associated diseases in swine: observations of a one-year study Miscellaneous bacterial infections Actinobacillus suis, a potential cause of abortion in gilts and low parity sows Exploratory study of Mycoplasma suis (Eperythrozoon suis) on four commercial pig farms in southern Brazil Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (porcine arterivirus) keywords: aborted; aborting; abortion; abortus; animals; anorexia; asymptomatic; bacteria; birth; bovine; campylobacter; canine; cats; cattle; cause; clinical; common; congenital; contact; contaminated; cows; death; diagnostic; diarrhea; discharge; disease; dogs; early; embryonic; ewes; feces; feed; feline; fetal; fetus; fetuses; fever; genital; gestation; goats; gram; healthy; herpesvirus; humans; infected; infection; infertility; ingestion; inhalation; late; milk; months; mummification; mummified; mycoplasma; nasal; negative; neonatal; normal; oral; organism; pathogens; piglets; pigs; placenta; porcine; potential; pregnancy; pregnant; present; prior; reproductive; resorption; respiratory; results; salmonella; secretions; sheep; signs; sows; spp; spread; stillbirth; suis; swine; term; tract; transmission; trimester; urine; uterine; vaginal; venereally; viral; virus; weak; zoonotic cache: cord-006819-sxz1s6kz.txt plain text: cord-006819-sxz1s6kz.txt item: #30 of 606 id: cord-006824-btcdjmfp author: None title: Key Note and State of the Art Lectures date: 2002-09-07 words: 7580 flesch: 31 summary: The mucopolysaccharidoses Longterm outcome of Hurler syndrome following bone marrow transplantation Reversal of pathology in murine mucopolysaccharidosis type VII by somatic cell gene transfer Stem cell transplantation in lysosomal storage diseases Prolonged survival and remyelination after hematopoietic cell transplantation in the twitcher mouse (murine globoid cell leukodystrophy) Hematopoietic cell transplantation after administration of high-dose busulfan in murine globoid cell leukodystrophy (the twitcher mouse) Repopulation by donor-derived macrophages in the murine central nervous system (CNS) after congenic bone marrow transplantation (BMT): a quantitative study Hematopoietic cell transplantation in the twitcher mouse. The largest retrospective analysis of Italian children after allogeneic stem cell transplantation demonstrated a pulmonary mortality of 9% [28] . keywords: adrenoleukodystrophy; ald; allogeneic; allogeneic hct; alveolar; analysis; antibodies; approach; autologous; autologous hct; bal; blood; bmt; bone; bone marrow; boop; bronchiolitis; cell transplantation; cells; central; chemotherapy; children; clinical; cns; complications; deficiency; diffuse; disease; donor; dose; early; effects; enzyme; evaluation; failure; farber; forms; free; function; gcl; globoid; graft; group; gvhd; hct; hematopoietic; high; host; hsct; hurler; hydrolase; important; incidence; infantile; infections; interstitial; ips; irradiation; late; leukodystrophy; limited; long; lung; lymphoma; lysosomal; macrophages; marrow; marrow transplantation; microglia; model; monoclonal; months; mortality; mouse; mps; mucopolysaccharidosis; murine; nervous; nhl; non; number; obliterans; onset; outcome; patients; peripheral; phase; pneumonia; post; progressive; pulmonary; recipients; relapse; related; remission; risk; role; specific; status; stem; storage; studies; study; survival; syndrome; system; term; therapeutic; therapy; time; transfer; transplantation; treatment; trials; twitcher; viral; years cache: cord-006824-btcdjmfp.txt plain text: cord-006824-btcdjmfp.txt item: #31 of 606 id: cord-006828-i88on326 author: None title: Abstracts DGRh-Kongress 2013 date: 2013-09-15 words: 30854 flesch: 47 summary: Es zeigen sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Krankheitsaktivität der beiden Gruppen (vor Einleitung der ADA-Therapie nach DMARD-und nach anti-TNF-Versagen). key: cord-006828-i88on326 authors: nan title: Abstracts DGRh-Kongress 2013 date: 2013-09-15 journal: Z Rheumatol DOI: 10.1007/s00393-013-1255-1 sha: doc_id: 6828 cord_uid: i88on326 nan im Namen der DGRh, der DGORh und der GKJR begrüßen wir Sie ganz herzlich zu unserem diesjährigen Kongress Visualisierung therapeutischer Effekte von Vasodilatantien beim sekundären Raynaud-Syndrom mittels fluoreszenzoptischer Bildgebung DI.14 Stellenwert der Gelenksonographie bezüglich Diagnose, Behandlung und Therapiekontrolle der Bursitis intermetatarsalis -einer häufig übersehenen Differenzialdiagnose. keywords: aav; abatacept; abklärung; able; action; activation; active; activity; acute; adalimumab; addition; adhesion; adiponectin; admps; aea; aes; affinity; agents; aim; alpha; als; amcv; amd3100; analysis; angiogenesis; ansprechen; anti; antibodies; antibody; anzahl; apoptotic; apr20; apremilast; area; arthritis; asas; assay; assessment; at1r; atp; auch; auf; autoantibodies; autoimmune; autoreactive; available; axspa; b cells; background; baff; basdai; baseline; basfi; befund; behandelt; bei; bei der; belimumab; beneficial; berlin; binding; biologic; biomarkers; bis; blood; bone; bone marrow; bortezomib; capable; capillaroscopy; cartilage; case; cb1; ccp; cd20; cd4; cd56; cd69; cd8; cells; cellular; changes; characteristics; characterized; chemokines; children; chondrocytes; chondroitin; chronic; clinical; cmv; cohort; collagen; combination; combined; common; comparable; comparison; complement; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; connective; consistent; contrast; control; conventional; correlates; correlation; corresponding; course; crp; cultured; current; cytokines; cytometry; czp; das; das28; dass; data; days; dem; den; dependent; depletion; der; der patienten; der therapie; des; destructive; diagnose; diagnosis; die; dieser; differences; different; differentiation; disease; disease activity; distribution; dmards; donors; dose; dsdna; duration; durch; early; effective; effector; effects; efficacy; eine; einleitung; elisa; endothelial; endothelial cells; energy; enhanced; ergebnisse; erhielten; erkrankung; etar; exercise; expansion; expression; factors; failure; fall; faser; faslpr; fatty; fcrn; features; fever; ffa; fibroblasts; findings; flares; flow; fls; foi; fold; follow; formation; foxo1; frequencies; frequency; functional; für; gcs; gelenke; genes; gießen; glucocorticoid; good; gp130; gpa; group; haben; haq; healthy; hif-1α; hif-2; higher; hla; human; hypoxia; idiopathic; ifn; ifx; iga; igg; il-1β; il-2; il-6; il-7; il-8; imaging; immune; immunization; immunized; immunogenicity; immunologie; imn; impact; important; improvement; inactive; increased; index; individuals; induction; infection; infiltrating; inflamed; inflammasome; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; infusions; inhibition; initial; initiation; insights; interferon; intravenous; involvement; irradiation; isolated; ist; jahr; jahren; jia; joint; juvenile; kann; key; kidney; klinik; klinischen; knockdown; konnte; krankheitsaktivität; kriterien; können; later; lda; leads; lesions; levels; like; limited; limiting; loading; long; loss; lower; lupus; lymphocytes; major; manner; markers; marrow; matrix; mcvs; mean; mechanisms; median; mediators; membrane; memory; memory t; metabolic; methoden; methods; mgr; mice; microrna; mit; mit der; mit einer; mittels; model; modified; molecules; monocytes; monotherapie; months; mri; mrl; mrt; msasss; mtx; murine; nach; nachweis; negative; neurotransmitter; neutrophils; new; nicht; non; normal; normoxia; number; nur; nzb; objective; oder; ohne; onset; oral; osteoarthritis; osteoblasts; osteophyte; outcome; overall; p<0.0001; p<0.05; pain; parameter; pathogenesis; patienten; patienten mit; patients; pbl; pbmcs; pdcs; period; peripheral; pet; phase; phenotype; physical; placebo; plasma; plasma cells; play; polyarthritis; populations; positive; post; potential; presence; present; previous; primary; prior; procedure; processes; production; progranulin; progression; proliferation; proportion; prospective; protein; proteinurie; psa; ra patients; radiographic; radiological; rahmen; randomized; range; rasf; rates; raynaud; receptor; reduced; regulated; regulation; regulatory; release; relevant; remission; renal; research; resistin; responders; response; results; retention; rheumatoid; rheumatoid arthritis; rheumatologie; risikofaktoren; risk; rituximab; role; safety; samples; schlussfolgerung; score; secondary; secretion; secukinumab; serum; severe; severity; short; sich; sie; siglec-1; signaling; signature; significant; signs; similar; sind; sle; sle patients; sowie; sowohl; specific; spinal; spleen; spondylitis; spondyloarthritis; ssc; staining; standard; state; status; stimulation; studies; study; subcutaneous; subsets; sulfate; suppl; surface; symptomatik; symptoms; syndrom; synovial; systemic; t cells; tag; target; tcon; tcz; technique; term; test; th1; therapeutic; therapie; therapy; time; tissue; titers; tnf; tnfr1; tocilizumab; total; transcription; transcriptome; transcytosis; transport; treatment; treg; trpv1; type; und; und der; units; unter; untersuchung; vegf; vergleich; verlauf; veränderungen; visfatin; vitro; von; vor; vzv; w94; waren; week; weight; werden; wert; wird; woche; worsening; wurde; years; zeigte; zeitschrift; zum; zur; zwischen; µmol; über cache: cord-006828-i88on326.txt plain text: cord-006828-i88on326.txt item: #32 of 606 id: cord-006862-5va1yyit author: None title: ITS ASM 2012 date: 2012-11-04 words: 26008 flesch: 50 summary: A questionnaire was sent to relevant members of the Exercise has been shown to improve quality of life in respiratory patients. Conclusion: A significant percentage of respiratory patients lack adequate knowledge of their respiratory medication; this is despite a majority having previously been educated on this medication. keywords: aat; aatd; access; activity; acute; adherence; admission; age; ahi; aim; airway; alcohol; alpha-1; analysis; antibiotics; antitrypsin; apnoea; appropriate; arterial; assessment; associated; asthma; audit; background; bal; baseline; bilateral; biopsy; blood; bmi; breath; bronchial; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; cancer; capacity; care; cases; cause; cells; cessation; change; chest; children; chronic; clinical; cohort; common; complete; complications; conclusion; conditions; consistent; consolidation; control; copd; copd patients; cork; correlation; cough; ctpa; culture; curb-65; current; cxcr3; cxr; cystic; data; date; days; deficiency; department; development; diagnosis; difference; disease; disease patients; dose; dyspnoea; early; ebus; education; effusions; elevated; evidence; exacerbations; examination; exercise; experience; expression; factors; failure; female; fev1; fibrosis; findings; fluid; follow; free; function; general; gentleman; group; guidelines; haemoptysis; healthy; high; higher; history; hold; hospital; idiopathic; ild; imaging; important; improved; increase; individuals; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhaler; inhibitors; initial; international; interstitial; invasive; ipf; ipf patients; ireland; irish; key; knowledge; large; lavage; left; length; lesion; levels; life; liver; lobe; long; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lymphoma; male; management; mass; mean; mean age; medical; methods; mif; min; months; mortality; mtb; multiple; muscle; mutation; mycobacterium; n =; need; negative; neutrophil; new; non; normal; novel; number; observed; obstruction; old; onset; oral; osas; outcomes; oxygen; p =; parents; patients; pcd; period; persistent; physical; pirfenidone; pizz; plasma; pleural; pneumonia; poor; population; positive; post; predictive; prescribed; prescription; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; primary; prior; procedure; program; programme; progressive; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; quality; questionnaire; radiological; range; rare; rate; recurrent; reduction; reported; research; resection; resolution; respiratory; respiratory disease; response; results; retrospective; review; right; risk; role; samples; sarcoidosis; score; secondary; sensitivity; serum; service; severe; severity; significant; sleep; small; smokers; smoking; spirometry; sputum; stable; stage; standard; steroids; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; survival; swa; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; tbna; technique; term; testing; tests; therapeutic; therapy; thorax; time; tissue; tnf; total; treatment; trial; tst; tuberculosis; tumour; type; ultrasound; underwent; university; upper; use; value; vats; ventilation; wall; weaning; weeks; western; wheeze; year old; years cache: cord-006862-5va1yyit.txt plain text: cord-006862-5va1yyit.txt item: #33 of 606 id: cord-006882-t9w1cdr4 author: None title: Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland date: 2012-07-22 words: 13737 flesch: 50 summary: Older patients have lower lean muscle mass and therefore using serum creatinine alone as marker of renal function can lead to underdiagnosis of CKD. Due of the favourable prognosis with this type of tumour, MTSCC must be differentiated from papillary renal cell carcinoma to avoid administration of excessive adjuvant treatment to patients. keywords: abdominal; acute; administration; admission; aim; allergy; anaemia; analysis; antibodies; antimicrobial; appropriate; area; asymptomatic; audit; axillary; background; biopsy; bmi; bone; breast; bronchoscopy; cancer; carcinoma; cardiac; care; case; cell; cervical; children; chronic; ckd; clinical; common; complications; conclusion; condition; cost; cphd; creatinine; cross; current; cysts; data; database; date; day; department; dexa; diabetes; diagnosis; disease; doctors; domperidone; drug; emergency; evidence; examination; exercise; fdg; fistula; fluid; general; gentleman; greater; group; guidelines; haemoglobin; heart; high; history; hospital; ighd; infection; information; injury; intern; invasive; ireland; kardex; kidney; left; lymph; lymphoscintigraphy; majority; male; management; mass; mean; median; medical; menorrhagia; metastatic; methods; months; neck; need; negative; node; non; normal; notes; number; objective; old; older; osteoporosis; outcomes; outpatient; pain; patients; period; pet; population; positive; post; practice; pregnancy; prescribed; prescribing; prescription; present; presentation; prevalence; primary; prior; procedural; qtc; questionnaire; rare; rate; regional; renal; report; results; retrospective; review; right; risk; sarcoidosis; scans; score; second; sentinel; serum; service; setting; significant; skills; skin; smoking; spinal; steroids; students; study; surgery; surgical; symptoms; teaching; test; therapy; thermablation; thyroid; time; total; trauma; treatment; tto; tumour; type; university; uptake; use; vascular; vulval; warfarin; weeks; women; year cache: cord-006882-t9w1cdr4.txt plain text: cord-006882-t9w1cdr4.txt item: #34 of 606 id: cord-007170-svsfu7fj author: Richt, J. A. title: Infection with Borna Disease Virus: Molecular and Immunobiological Characterization of the Agent date: 1992-06-17 words: 6144 flesch: 39 summary: Eine vergleichend-pathologische Studie Axonal transport of Borna disease virus along olfactory pathways in spontaneously and experimentally infected rats Seroepidemiologische Untersuchungen zur Bornaschen Krankheit (Ansteckende Gehirn-Riickenmarkentziindung) der Pferde Borna disease: a persistent virus infection of the central nervous system Preliminary studies on the biology of Borna disease virus Molecular characterization of the Borna disease agent Isolation and characterisation of Borna disease agent cDNA clones A Borna virus cDNA encoding a protein recognized by antibodies in humans with behavioral diseases Analysis of Borna disease virus-specific RNAs in infected cells and tissues Replication of Borna disease virus in cell cultures Influence of interferon on persistent infection caused by Borna disease virus in vitro Borna disease, a possible hazard for man? Isolation and characterization of a 14500 molecular weight protein from brains and tissue cultures persistently infected with Borna disease virus Purification and properties of an intranuclear virus-specific antigen from tissues infected with Borna disease virus Atypical dissemination of the highly neurotropic Borna disease virus during persistent infection in cyclosporin A-treated, immunosuppressed rats Antigenetic relationship and further characterization of two major Borna disease virus proteins Behavioral disease in rats caused by immunopathological responses to persistent Borna virus in the brain Pathogenesis of Borna disease in rats: immune-mediated viral ophthalmoencephalopathy causing blindness and behavioral abnormalities Pathogenesis of Borna disease in rats: evidence that intraaxonal spread is the major route for virus dissemination and the determinant for disease incubation Molecular and immunopathological studies of Borna disease virus infection in rats Coronaviruses and their replication Coronavirus transcription: subgenomic mouse hepatitis virus replicative intermediates function in RNA synthesis Minus-strand copies of replicating coronavirus Clinical and histological findings Persistent Borna virus infection in adult hamsters Adaptation of Borna disease virus to the mouse Astrocytes and Schwann cells are virus-host cells in the nervous system of rats with Borna disease Determination of immune cells and expression of major histocompatibility complex class II antigen in encephalitic lesions of experimental Borna disease Replication of Borna disease virus in rats: age-dependent differences in tissue distribution Effect of Borna disease virus infection on athymic rats Inhibition of immunemediated meningoencephalitis in persistently Borna disease virusinfected rats by cyclosporine A Spread of infectious virus along the optic nerve into the retina in Borna disease virus-infected rabbits Borna disease virus-induced meningoencephalomyelitis caused by a virus-specific CD4+ T cell-mediated immune reaction Escape from lethal disease in rats after Borna disease virus infection: survival with obesity syndrome Influence of immunosuppressive treatment on Borna disease in rabbits Borna disease, a progressive meningoencephalomyelitis as a model for CD4 + T cell-mediated immunopathology in the brain Viral particles induce la antigen expression on astrocytes Tumor necrosis factor amplifies measles virus-mediated la induction on astrocytes Narayan 0, Oldstone MBA. keywords: adult; agent; animals; antibodies; antigens; astrocytes; bdv; behavioral; blot; borna; borna disease; brain; carriers; cdna; cells; cellular; changes; clinical; clone; cns; csf; cultures; cyclophosphamide; data; day; days; der; disease; disease virus; disorders; encephalitis; expression; figure; horses; immune; immunocompetent; infected; infection; infectivity; inflammatory; inoculated; inoculation; krankheit; lesions; loss; mabs; material; molecular; nervous; neural; neurological; neurons; newborn; nonneural; onset; paralysis; pathogenesis; pathological; patients; persistent; phase; positive; protein; rabbits; rats; replication; results; retina; rnas; sera; severe; signs; similar; species; specific; spleen; studies; system; tissues; tolerance; transfer; viral; virus; weeks cache: cord-007170-svsfu7fj.txt plain text: cord-007170-svsfu7fj.txt item: #35 of 606 id: cord-007331-wccmeaep author: Orcutt, Connie J. title: Emergency and Critical Care of Ferrets date: 2017-04-20 words: 9981 flesch: 41 summary: Beta-adrenergic blockers (atenolol, 6.25 mg/ferret PO q24h) or calcium channel antagonists (diltiazem, 3.75 to 7.5 mg/ferret PO q12h) are most commonly used to relax the myocardium and to improve diastolic filling in cases of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.l3, 54 Administer fluid therapy judiciously in ferrets with cardiac disease to avoid fluid overload and subsequent development of pulmonary edema. Emergency situations involving ferrets are most often caused by gastrointestinal disease, neoplasia, cardiac disease, or endocrinopathy. keywords: abdominal; abnormal; access; additional; administer; administration; adrenal; adrenocortical; affected; age; anemia; anesthesia; animals; anorexia; antibiotic; author; bacterial; blood; bodies; body; bowel; bun; cardiac; care; cases; catheter; catheterization; cats; cause; cbc; chronic; clinical; clinical signs; collapse; common; critical; culture; days; debilitated; definitive; dehydration; dextrose; diagnosis; diarrhea; differential; disease; dose; effusion; elevated; esophageal; estrogen; evaluation; evident; examination; feeding; ferrets; fluid; foreign; gagging; gastric; gastrointestinal; gauge; glucose; heart; hepatic; hypoglycemia; infection; influenza; initial; insulinoma; jugular; kg po; lateral; lethargy; levels; loss; male; mass; mediastinal; medications; melena; metabolic; monitor; mustelae; needle; neoplasia; normal; obstruction; patient; pcv; peripheral; pet; place; pleural; pneumonia; pneumothorax; prednisone; prostatic; protocols; pulmonary; q12h; radiographs; recumbency; results; risk; section; sensitivity; serum; severe; signs; similar; skin; small; specific; supplementation; supportive; surgical; syringe; tissue; treatment; tube; ultrasound; uncommon; urethral; urinary; urine; use; vein; volume; vomiting; weakness; weight cache: cord-007331-wccmeaep.txt plain text: cord-007331-wccmeaep.txt item: #36 of 606 id: cord-007437-mktbkn1u author: Harris, Mallory J. title: Early warning signals of malaria resurgence in Kericho, Kenya date: 2020-03-18 words: 3310 flesch: 38 summary: We recommend more extensive investigation of critical slowing down across infectious disease systems, particularly to identify which indicators most reliably predict critical slowing down and to analyse the effects of bandwidth and notional month of transition on early warning signal detection. Our conclusion is that the statistical signatures of critical slowing down may be detected in ordinary surveillance data prior to disease resurgence and therefore should be incorporated into monitoring programmes and decision support for proactive response. keywords: approach; april; autocorrelation; cases; control; critical; criticality; data; disease; early; elimination; epidemic; incidence; increases; indicators; infectious; instance; kenya; kericho; malaria; methods; months; number; prior; resistance; results; resurgence; rolling; series; signals; slowing; statistics; study; summary; surveillance; system; theory; time; transition; transmission; values; variance; vector; warning; window cache: cord-007437-mktbkn1u.txt plain text: cord-007437-mktbkn1u.txt item: #37 of 606 id: cord-007708-hr4smx24 author: van Kampen, Antoine H. C. title: Taking Bioinformatics to Systems Medicine date: 2015-08-13 words: 8773 flesch: 27 summary: Early approaches for network inference (also called reverse engineering ) used only gene expression data to reconstruct gene networks. This showed that the intrinsic subtypes (basal, luminal A and B, HER2) that had previously been determined using gene expression data only could be largely confi rmed in an integrated analysis of a large number of breast tumors. keywords: aim; alignment; analysis; approaches; associated; associations; available; bayesian; better; bioinformatics; biological; biology; biomedical; breast; cancer; cation; cell; challenges; clinical; clinical data; common; complex; complexity; computational; correlation; data; databases; datasets; defi; development; different; disease; dna; efforts; example; experimental; expression; functional; future; gene; gene expression; general; genetic; genome; genomic; groups; health; human; hypotheses; identifi; important; individual; inference; information; integrated; integration; interactions; knowledge; large; level; major; management; mathematical; measurements; mechanisms; medicine; methods; microrna; mining; models; modules; molecular; mouse; multiple; networks; new; number; omics; omics data; pathway; patient; personalized; phenome; phenotype; predictive; profi; protein; public; reconstruction; records; regulatory; related; relationships; repositories; research; resource; result; robust; scale; sequence; sequencing; set; sharing; signatures; single; species; specifi; statistical; studies; study; systems; systems medicine; tcga; techniques; technologies; text; tissue; treatment; types; understanding; value; variations; wide cache: cord-007708-hr4smx24.txt plain text: cord-007708-hr4smx24.txt item: #38 of 606 id: cord-007713-611sp7uo author: Hughes, J. M. title: Emerging infectious diseases: the public’s view of the problem and what should be expected from the public health community date: 2005 words: 2684 flesch: 35 summary: As a result, rapid and collaborative responses to infectious disease outbreaks have become both essential and expected. key: cord-007713-611sp7uo authors: Hughes, J. M. title: Emerging infectious diseases: the public’s view of the problem and what should be expected from the public health community date: 2005 journal: Infectious Diseases from Nature: Mechanisms of Viral Emergence and Persistence DOI: 10.1007/3-211-29981-5_17 sha: doc_id: 7713 cord_uid: 611sp7uo nan The public's view of major threats to health, as with other contemporary issues, is largely influenced by the media. keywords: acute; box; consequences; countries; deaths; detection; diseases; efforts; epidemic; experts; global; health; human; impact; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; information; international; major; media; microbial; national; network; new; outbreak; political; public; public health; recent; report; research; respiratory; response; sars; severe; social; spread; states; syndrome; threats; united; world cache: cord-007713-611sp7uo.txt plain text: cord-007713-611sp7uo.txt item: #39 of 606 id: cord-007726-bqlf72fe author: Rydell-Törmänen, Kristina title: The Applicability of Mouse Models to the Study of Human Disease date: 2018-11-09 words: 7993 flesch: 32 summary: In this chapter, an in-depth analysis of these similarities and differences is provided to allow researchers to use mouse models of human disease and primary cells derived from these animal models under the most appropriate and meaningful conditions. Using specific examples of mouse models of human lung disease, i.e., asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pulmonary fibrosis, this chapter explores the most salient features of mouse models of human disease and provides a full assessment of the advantages and limitations of these models, focusing on the relevance of disease induction and their ability to replicate critical features of human disease pathophysiology and response to treatment. keywords: adaptive; addition; administration; advantage; agent; airway; allergen; allergic; analysis; anatomy; animals; aspects; asthma; bleomycin; c57bl/6; cell; changes; chapter; chronic; circulation; clinical; common; complex; considerable; copd; development; differences; different; disease; divergence; effects; environmental; ethical; etiology; example; experiments; exposure; expression; features; fibrosis; following; function; genetic; genome; guidelines; hdm; human; human disease; human lung; immune; immunological; important; induction; inflammation; key; live; long; lung; medical; method; mice; model; mouse; mouse models; number; organism; ova; pulmonary; pulmonary fibrosis; quality; refinement; regulation; regulatory; relevance; relevant; remodeling; research; respiratory; response; results; robust; route; severe; similar; situation; size; species; specific; strains; structural; studies; study; system; systemic; time; tissue; treatment; type; understanding; ways; weeks; years cache: cord-007726-bqlf72fe.txt plain text: cord-007726-bqlf72fe.txt item: #40 of 606 id: cord-007749-lt9is0is author: Preston, Nicholas D. title: The Human Environment Interface: Applying Ecosystem Concepts to Health date: 2013-05-01 words: 5761 flesch: 31 summary: Unfortunately, studies tend to view the role of wildlife as a risk factor for spillover and rarely involve detailed studies of wildlife population dynamics. Wildlife population ecology can be employed to improve global health models, but within limitation. keywords: abiotic; abundance; agricultural; anthropogenic; approaches; availability; bats; biodiversity; carpenter; change; chapter; cholera; climate; communities; community; complex; complexity; components; concepts; context; control; cycles; disease; distribution; diversity; dynamics; ecological; ecology; ecosystem; edges; effect; eids; emergence; environment; equilibrium; et al; evolution; example; focus; food; genetic; global; habitat; health; host; human; important; infectious; influence; interactions; jones; land; levels; matrix; models; moose; networks; nipah; nodes; nutrients; organisms; pathogens; physical; population; population dynamics; predation; predator; prey; processes; public; regions; regulation; resilience; resource; risk; role; services; species; structure; studies; study; systems; transmission; trophic; use; vector; virus; water; webs; wildlife; wolf cache: cord-007749-lt9is0is.txt plain text: cord-007749-lt9is0is.txt item: #41 of 606 id: cord-008147-lyfh0ixi author: Hutber, Marcus title: The use of vaccines to control disease is not a simple matter date: 2006-09-07 words: 832 flesch: 36 summary: However, in practical terms, the use of vaccines is complex and they can be less effective for disease control than other measures. The article by Hägglund et al. (2006) indirectly highlights both quarantine and the restriction of livestock movements as effective measures for disease control and questions whether such biosecurity could enhance the impact of subsequent vaccinations presumably by maintaining and maximizing a clean susceptible pool. keywords: animals; bovine; brd; challenge; control; disease; effective; efficacy; endemic; hägglund; livestock; regular; transmission; use; vaccination; vaccines cache: cord-008147-lyfh0ixi.txt plain text: cord-008147-lyfh0ixi.txt item: #42 of 606 id: cord-008764-j9qmw4zy author: None title: Chapter 1 The need for chemotherapy and prophylaxis against viral diseases date: 2008-05-29 words: 6405 flesch: 43 summary: Problems Easy Accessible Incidence with vaccine diagnosis virus enzyme aAlthough not included in the six target diseases, there is a relationship between this programme and the prevention and control of diseases such as yellow fever, hepatitis, rubella and mumps. It briefly mentions clinical diseases and syndromes such as influenza, respiratory tract infections, hepatitis, and arbovirus infections resulting from virus infections. keywords: age; agents; analysis; annual; antiviral; arboviruses; attack; benefits; care; cases; cause; certain; chapter; children; clinical; control; cost; countries; data; deaths; development; diagnosis; different; difficult; diseases; drugs; economic; effectiveness; example; genital; group; hbv; health; hepatitis; herpes; immunization; important; incidence; increase; infections; influenza; major; measles; medical; morbidity; mortality; mumps; net; new; period; persons; polio; population; prevention; programme; prophylaxis; rabies; rate; respiratory; risk; rubella; screening; smallpox; syndrome; table; tract; treatment; usa; vaccination; vaccines; viral; viral diseases; viruses; world; year cache: cord-008764-j9qmw4zy.txt plain text: cord-008764-j9qmw4zy.txt item: #43 of 606 id: cord-009322-7l7slziv author: Kraetsch, Hans-Georg title: Verlauf und prognostische Parameter bei Still-Syndrom des Erwachsenen: Eigene Erfahrungen und Literaturübersicht date: 1997 words: 2074 flesch: 51 summary: Die Erkrankung ist weltweit verbreitet; vorwiegend sind junge Erwachsene zwischen 16 und 35 Jahren betroffen. Die fiitiologie der Erkrankung ist unldar. keywords: abbildung; adult; als; anderen; aosd; auch; auf; beginn; bei; beobachtet; betroffen; bis; bisher; cases; chronic; chronischen; clinical; course; criteria; das; der; des; diagnostic; die; dieses; disease; durch; eine; entzª; erkrankung; erwachsene; established; ffir; fieber; form; gelegentlich; gelenke; hemophagocytic; ira; ire; ist; k6nnen; kann; konnte; literatur; mit; month; nicht; nur; oder; onset; outcome; parameters; patienten; patients; schon; secondary; sich; sind; symptoms; syndrome; teil; therapie; und; unserer; verlauf; von; werden; wurde; yamagushi; years; zehn; zeigen; zum cache: cord-009322-7l7slziv.txt plain text: cord-009322-7l7slziv.txt item: #44 of 606 id: cord-009380-5uptbat3 author: Evermann, James F. title: Diagnostic Medicine: The Challenge of Differentiating Infection from Disease and Making Sense for the Veterinary Clinician date: 2007-09-28 words: 2923 flesch: 34 summary: In infections such as EIA, the consequences of infection are just as severe as the horse that has clinical signs of EIA. The ecology of infection is divided into infection rate, attack rate (progress to become clinical), and mortality rate. keywords: animal; approach; assays; bovine; chain; clinical; coli; concern; consequences; control; detection; diagnostic; disease; early; ecology; eia; epidemiology; evermann; factors; feline; genetic; health; infected; infection; laboratory; microbial; monitor; new; polymerase; population; potential; preclinical; process; rabies; rate; reaction; risk; salmonella; susser; test; testing; use; veterinarian; veterinary; viral; virus; zoonotic cache: cord-009380-5uptbat3.txt plain text: cord-009380-5uptbat3.txt item: #45 of 606 id: cord-009420-k3fq0b6m author: Gunderman, Richard B. title: Medical Valor in Plague Time: Dr. Benjamin Rush date: 2020-04-13 words: 1584 flesch: 59 summary: His medical students were so impressed by Rush that they founded Rush Medical College in Chicago, now Rush University Medical Center, in his honor. A staunch abolitionist, Rush argued that blacks were in no way naturally inferior to whites. keywords: blacks; canal; capital; city; deaths; disease; efforts; epidemic; example; fever; human; medical; mosquitoes; necessary; new; patients; people; philadelphia; physicians; prominent; response; role; rush; time; virus; yellow cache: cord-009420-k3fq0b6m.txt plain text: cord-009420-k3fq0b6m.txt item: #46 of 606 id: cord-009571-mygj2nd4 author: None title: Proceedings of the 42nd annual meeting of the american rheumatism association a section of the arthritis foundation june 1 & 2, 1978 new york city abstracts of papers presented date: 2005-11-23 words: 46205 flesch: 47 summary: Ten of 11 boys had disease onset prior to sexual maturation, whereas disease began after menarche in ADCC activity between patient cells and control cells when either the mixed mononuclear population or monocyte-depleted population were studied as effectors. Urate clear-ance appears to be the major determinant of serum uric acid concentration even in sickle cell patients with urate overproduction. keywords: abnormalities; abnormality; absence; absorption; acid; activation; active; active sle; activity; acute; adcc; addition; adherent; adult; agents; aggregated; altered; amounts; amyloid; ana; analysis; animals; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; antisera; apparent; arthritis; arthritis patients; articular; aspirin; assay; assessment; associated; association; autoimmune; average; b27; bacterial; binding; biopsies; biopsy; blood; bmt; bone; buffer; calf; cartilage; cases; cause; cells; cellular; central; certain; changes; characteristics; characterized; chemotactic; children; chronic; classic; clearance; clinical; clq; cns; coated; colchicine; collagen; collagenase; column; common; complaints; complement; complexes; concentration; conditions; connective; contrast; control; correlation; counts; course; cpm; creatinine; criteria; cross; crp; crystals; csf; ctap; culture; cytotoxicity; data; day; days; decrease; defect; deficiency; definite; degradation; degree; dependent; deposits; depressed; determined; development; deviation; diagnosis; differences; different; diminished; direct; disease; disease activity; dna; dnp; dose; double; drug; duration; early; effect; effector; effusions; electron; elevated; enzyme; episodes; erythematosus; erythrocytes; established; evaluation; evidence; examination; excretion; experiments; factor; features; female; fever; findings; fixation; fluid; fold; following; followup; formation; fraction; fragments; free; frequency; function; gel; glass; glomerular; glomerulonephritis; glucose; gly; gradient; greater; group; growth; half; hdz; heat; high; higher; histone; history; hla; hours; human; hydroxyapatite; iga; igg; igm; immune; immune complexes; immunofluorescence; immunoglobulin; important; improved; improvement; inclusions; incorporation; increase; incubation; indomethacin; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; initial; interaction; involved; involvement; isolated; joint; jra; kidney; knee; laboratory; large; latex; lca; lesions; leukocyte; levels; light; like; lines; liver; long; loss; low; lower; lupus; lymphocytes; lysosomal; major; management; manifestations; marrow; material; matrix; mctd; mean; mechanisms; median; medical; medium; membrane; method; mice; microscopy; minutes; mixed; model; molecular; molecules; monocytes; mononuclear; months; motrin; mouse; muscle; native; natural; necrosis; negative; nephritis; neuronal; neutrophils; new; non; normal; nuclear; number; nzb; observed; old; onset; order; osteoarthritis; pain; parameters; passage; pathogenesis; pathway; patients; pattern; pbl; pbmc; peak; percent; period; peripheral; pge; pgs; pha; phenomenon; placebo; plasma; pmn; poly; polymyositis; population; positive; possible; pps; prednisone; preparations; presence; present; prevalence; previous; prior; procedure; production; products; progressive; prostaglandin; protein; proteinuria; pss; purified; ra patients; rabbits; radioimmunoassay; raji; rana; range; rats; raynaud; reaction; reactive; reduced; regions; relationship; release; renal; response; responsible; results; rheumatoid; rheumatoid arthritis; role; salivary; samples; sarcoidosis; scleroderma; secretion; sedimentation; sensitive; sensitivity; separate; sera; serologic; serum; severe; severity; significant; similar; single; sites; skin; sle; sle patients; sle sera; small; sodium; soluble; specific; specificity; spleen; spleen cells; ssdna; staining; standard; steroid; stimulation; strains; studies; study; subjects; supernatants; suppression; surface; surgery; suspensions; symptoms; syndrome; synovial; synovitis; synthesis; systemic; systemic lupus; t cells; table; target; technique; tests; therapy; time; tissue; tissue disease; titers; total; treatment; type; unknown; untreated; uptake; urate; uric; urinary; urine; use; values; vascular; virus; viruses; vitamin; vitro; vivo; vzl; weeks; weight; wrist; years; young cache: cord-009571-mygj2nd4.txt plain text: cord-009571-mygj2nd4.txt item: #47 of 606 id: cord-009702-02bo7pnl author: SCOTT, G. R. title: Guidelines for the Control of Equine Viral Infections date: 2010-04-23 words: 3365 flesch: 47 summary: Mechanisms of infection and immunity in virus diseases of man. The urgency of a better knowledge of virus diseases had been underlined a t the recent International Conference in Paris. keywords: addition; african; arteritis; arthropod; caballo; clinical; contact; contagions; control; der; des; die; diseases; distribution; dna; durch; elf; encephalitis; equine; general; global; group; herpes; horses; immunity; impfungen; infection; influenza; kontrolliert; les; limited; live; maladies; onze; par; population; por; prophylactic; prophylaktische; que; respiratory; rna; scott; sickness; sont; syndromes; table; treatment; tres; trois; und; vaccination; vaccines; vacunacion; vectors; vektoren; vingt; viral; viren; virus; viruses; werden cache: cord-009702-02bo7pnl.txt plain text: cord-009702-02bo7pnl.txt item: #48 of 606 id: cord-009765-v20r44lr author: Vasan, Aditya title: Medical Devices for Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Review and Directions for Development date: 2020-03-01 words: 5876 flesch: 38 summary: The WHO estimates that 70% of medical equipment coming from developed countries does not work in hospitals in developing countries [68, 111] due to lack of trained personnel, limitations with infrastructure, and the lack of spare parts or support for equipment. Poor quality healthcare extends beyond LMIC to underserved communities in developed countries. keywords: affected; africa; areas; asia; assay; attention; bacterium; blood; burden; burkholderia; care; cases; cause; children; chronic; clinical; condition; control; cost; countries; deaths; desorption; detection; developed; development; devices; diabetes; diagnosis; difficult; diseases; effects; estimates; exposure; global; group; health; healthcare; heavy; high; hospitals; identification; income; increased; lack; laser; lead; lmic; low; malaria; mass; medical; melioidosis; metal; mortality; need; neonatal; number; outcomes; past; pcr; people; pesticides; point; poisoning; presence; pseudomallei; rapid; reports; research; results; resuscitation; review; risk; saharan; schistosomiasis; sensitivity; settings; severe; significant; soil; south; spectrometry; study; sub; systems; technique; time; treatment; tropical; urinary; use; water; world; years cache: cord-009765-v20r44lr.txt plain text: cord-009765-v20r44lr.txt item: #49 of 606 id: cord-009820-fi54s0x7 author: Andries, K. title: Pathogenicity of Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis (Vomiting and Wasting Disease) Virus of Pigs, using Different Routes of Inoculation date: 2010-05-13 words: 3847 flesch: 49 summary: The inability to find the virus in the cerebral cortex of ON inoculated pigs may indicate that the present isolate has little or no affinity for this part of the central nervous system. du dCpCrissement des porcelets (coronalike virus) Lesions induced by hemagglutinating enccphalomyelitis virus strain 67 N in pigs Vomiting and wasting disease in piglets A hemagglutinating virus producing encephalomyelitis in baby pigs Characteristics of a coronavirus (strain 67 N) of pigs Experimentally induced infection of newborn pigs with hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus strain 67 N Pathogenicity of field isolants of hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus from neonatal pigs Characteristics of a coronavirus causing vomition and wasting in pigs The size and morphology of TGE and vomiting and wasting disease viruses of pifs A viral encepha omyelitis of pigs. keywords: 10s; abdominal; antibodies; cerdos; clinical; con; days; del; der; des; different; disease; encephalomyelitis; enfermaron; hemagglutinating; hipotrepsia; infraorbital; inoculated; inoculation; isolated; isolation; les; los; lumen; medulla; nasal; nerve; organ; par; period; piglets; pigs; pons; por; positive; present; que; replication; results; routes; sick; signs; stock; stomach; studies; syndrome; time; todos; tras; und; virus; vomiting; vomition; von; wall cache: cord-009820-fi54s0x7.txt plain text: cord-009820-fi54s0x7.txt item: #50 of 606 id: cord-009966-6kcgc5fx author: Warren, Kimberly R. title: Role of chronic stress and depression in periodontal diseases date: 2013-12-09 words: 6823 flesch: 21 summary: Psychological stress refers to the emotional and physiological reactions experienced when a person confronts a life event, such as marital conflict, financial debt or death of a loved one, that exceeds his or her ability to cope effectively with the situation. The search terms psychiatry, psychological stress, depression, dental, periodontal disease, periodontitis, teeth, oral health, and immune function were used in the searches. keywords: activation; acute; adrenal; adults; alpha; analysis; animal; association; axis; brain; care; cell; central; changes; chronic; chronic stress; clinical; comorbidities; complex; conditions; consistent; cortisol; cytokines; depressed; depression; diabetes; disease; disorders; effects; events; evidence; factors; genetic; glucocorticoid; healing; health; higher; hormones; hypothalamic; immune; immunity; individuals; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; interactions; interleukin-6; levels; life; loss; major; markers; measures; mechanisms; meta; molecular; necrosis; nervous; oral; pathways; patients; periodontal; periodontal disease; periodontitis; potential; production; progression; protein; psychological; psychological stress; psychosocial; receptors; relationship; response; review; risk; role; salivary; serum; significant; smoking; states; stress; studies; study; susceptibility; symptoms; system; systemic; treatment; tumor; vaccine; wound; years cache: cord-009966-6kcgc5fx.txt plain text: cord-009966-6kcgc5fx.txt item: #51 of 606 id: cord-009997-oecpqf1j author: None title: 2018 ASPHO ABSTRACTS date: 2018-03-31 words: 182444 flesch: 45 summary: Of included patients, 165 had treatment intensity of 2 (41.0%), 192 of 3 (47.8%) and 45 of 4 (11.2%). After 2 cycles of treatment patient was no longer requiring oxygen and was ambulating without assistance. keywords: -globin; 10(9)/l; 6mp; abdominal; ability; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; absolute; academic; access; acid; acs; activation; active; activity; acute; additional; additional patients; adenovirus; adequate; adherence; adhesion; adjuvant; administration; admission; adolescents; adrenal; adult patients; adults; advanced; adverse; aes; affected; afp; african; age; aged; agent; ages; aggregation; aggressive; aiha; aim; alfa; algorithm; alive; alk; allogeneic; allopurinol; alpha; altemiatm; alterations; alternative; ambulatory; american; amh; aml patients; analgesia; analysis; anaphylaxis; anaplastic; anemia; angiogenesis; annual; anomalies; anthracyclines; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; anticoagulation; antigen; anxiety; apc; apoptosis; application; appointments; approach; appropriate; approval; approved; area; ascites; asparaginase; aspirate; assay; assc; assessment; associated; association; atlanta; attention; atypical; august; autoimmune; autologous; autosomal; availability; available; average; aya; ayas; b12; background; bacteremia; bacterial; barriers; baseline; basiliximab; bcor; bcr; behavioral; beneficial; benefits; bereaved; best; beta; better; bilateral; binding; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; birth; blasts; bleeding; blinatumomab; block; blood; blood cell; bmd; bmi; bmt; board; bone; bone marrow; bortezomib; bradycardia; braf; brain; breakthrough; broad; bruising; bsi; burden; burkitt; cairo; calculated; california; calls; cancer; cancer diagnosis; cancer patients; cancer therapy; cancer treatment; carboplatin; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiology; care; caregivers; cases; catheter; caucasian; cause; cd123; cd19; cd34; cd4; cdc42; cell; cell acute; cell anemia; cell disease; cell lines; cell patients; cell proliferation; cell therapy; cell transplant; cell transplantation; cellular; center; central; cerebral; certain; cervical; chain; challenges; challenging; changes; characteristics; chart; chelation; chemotherapeutic; chemotherapy; chemotherapy treatment; chest; chicago; childhood; childhood cancer; children; choice; cholelithiasis; chromosome; chronic; cincinnati; cincinnati children; cinv; cisplatin; ck2; classification; clearance; clinical; clinical data; clinical outcomes; clinicians; clonal; clone; cns; coagulopathy; cog; cognitive; cohort; cold; collection; college; combination; combined; common; communication; community; comparison; complement; complete; completion; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; component; comprehensive; concentration; concern; conclusion; concomitant; concurrent; condition; conditioning; confidence; congenital; consent; consistent; consolidation; contact; context; continued; continuous; contrast; control; conventional; copper; copy; correlate; correlation; corticosteroids; cost; counseling; count; countries; course; creatinine; crisis; criteria; critical; crlf2; cross; crs; cultures; curative; cure; current; curriculum; cutaneous; cvc; cxcr4; cxr; cycles; cyclophosphamide; cytarabine; cytogenetics; cytokine; cytometry; cytopenias; cytotoxicity; daily; data; database; date; days; ddavp; death; december; decision; decline; decreased; defects; deferasirox; deferoxamine; defibrotide; deficiency; degree; delay; delayed; deletion; delirium; delivery; demographic; department; dependent; descriptive; design; detection; development; dexamethasone; dfmo; diagnosis; diastolic; differences; different; differential; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; dimer; dinutuximab; dipg; direct; discharge; discussions; disease; dismal; disorder; distinct; distress; distribution; dli; dna; documentation; documented; domains; donor; doppler; dose; dosing; downstream; doxorubicin; drug; duration; dvt; dysfunction; early; easy; ebv; echocardiogram; ecmo; eculizumab; eds; education; eec patients; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; efs; egypt; electronic; electrophoresis; elevated; eligible patients; emergency; emergent; emotional; empiric; emr; encounters; end; engraftment; enhanced; enhancement; enrollment; entry; enzymes; epinephrine; episodes; epistaxis; epstein; essential; estimate; etiology; etoposide; evaluable patients; evaluation; events; evidence; ewing; exact; exam; examination; excellent; exchange; exercise; existing; exome; exosomes; expansion; experience; experts; exposure; expression; extension; extensive; extraneural; extremity; ezrin; f13; factors; faculty; failure; families; family; father; fatigue; fava; favorable; feasibility; feasible; features; febrile; febrile patients; feedback; feeding; fellows; fellowship; female; ferritin; fertility; fever; fibrinogen; fibrosis; final; findings; fish; fli1; florida; flow; fluid; focus; folate; fold; following; foundation; free; frequency; frequent; function; functioning; fungal; future; gain; gastrointestinal; gata1; gbm; gcsf; gender; gene; general; generation; genetic; genomic; genotype; germline; gfr; girl; gla; gliomas; global; goal; good; grade; graft; granulocyte; greater; grief; group; growth; guidelines; gvhd; half; hbethal patients; hbss; hct; head; health; healthcare; hearing; heart; heavy; hemangiomas; hemarthrosis; hematological; hematology; hematopoietic; hematuria; hemoglobin; hemoglobinopathy; hemolysis; hemolytic; hemophilia; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatotoxicity; heterozygous; hgg; high; high risk; higher; highest; highlights; hispanic; hispanic patients; histology; history; hiv; hla; hlh; hmb; hodgkin; home; homozygous; hope; hospital; hospitalization; host; hours; houston; hpv; hsct patients; human; hus; hydroxyurea; hydroxyurea treatment; hypertension; hypoglycemia; identification; idh1; ido1; ifd; igfr; igg; ikaros; il-2; illness; imaging; imatinib; immediate; immune; immunity; immunocompromised; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; immunosuppressive; immunotherapy; impact; impairment; implementation; implemented; important; improved; improvement; incidence; income; increased; index; indicated; individuals; induced; induction; induction therapy; infants; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; information; informed; infusion; inhibitor; initial; initiation; injury; inpatient; institute; institution; intensity; intensive; interactions; interest; interferon; intermediate; intermittent; international; interval; intervention; interviews; intracranial; intravenous; invasive; investigation; involved; involvement; iqr; irb; iron; isolated; itp; ivig; january; joint; july; june; kaplan; key; kidney; kinase; knowledge; known; laboratory; labs; lack; lankan patients; large; largest; later; lch; leading; learning; left; length; leptomeningeal; lesions; leukemia; leukemia patients; levels; life; likelihood; likely; limitations; limited; linear; liquid; literacy; literature; little; liver; living; lmp; local; location; long; longer; longitudinal; loss; low; lower; lung; lymphatic; lymphoblastic; lymphocytes; lymphoma; lymphoproliferative; maintenance; major patients; majority; making; male; male patients; malformations; malignancies; malignancy; malnutrition; management; manifestations; mapk; marked; markers; marrow; mass; masses; matched; maximum; mbf; mcar19; mdli; mds; mds patients; mean; measles; measurements; measures; mechanical; mechanisms; mecom; median; median age; median time; mediastinal; medical; medications; medicine; medulloblastoma; meier; melanoma; members; membrane; memory; menstrual; mental; metabolic; metastases; metastatic; metastatic disease; method; methotrexate; methylation; miami; mibg; mice; middle; mild; minimal; minutes; missed; mixed; mobile; modalities; model; moderate; molecular; molecule; monitoring; monoclonal; monthly; months; morbidity; mortality; mrd; mri; mscs; mtx; mucositis; multidisciplinary; multiple; murine; muscle; mutations; myeloid; n =; national; nausea; nb patients; nbl; necessary; neck; need; negative; negative patients; neonatal; nervous; neuroblastoma; neuroblastoma patients; neurologic; neutropenia; neutropenic patients; neutrophil; new; news; nf1; nhl; node; nodules; non; normal; normalization; notable; novel; november; novo; number; numerous; nurses; objectives; observation; observed; occlusive; occurrence; occurring; ohio; old; older; older patients; oncologists; oncology patients; ongoing; online; onset; operative; opioid; optimal; optimize; options; oral; organ; osteonecrosis; osteosarcoma; osteosarcoma patients; outcomes; outpatient; outside; ovarian; overall; overload; oxygen; p =; p<0.001; p<0.05; packed; pain; palliative; pancytopenia; panel; panobinostat; parameters; parental; parents; partial; participants; participation; particular; past; pathogenic; pathology; pathway; patient care; patient population; patients; patients ages; patients ≥10y; patterns; pca; pcps; pcr; pdsa; peak; pediatric acute; pediatric aml; pediatric cancer; pediatric hematology; pediatric oncology; pediatric patients; pediatric population; pediatric scd; pediatrics; peg; percentage; period; peripheral; persistent; pet; pft; pgocc; ph+; pharmacy; phase; phenotype; philadelphia; phlebotomy; phone; physical; physician; picc; picu; placebo; placement; planned; plasma; platelet; play; pneumonia; points; ponatinib; poor; population; portal; positive; positive patients; possibility; possible; post; potential; practice; prbc; precursor; predictive; predictors; prednisone; pregnancy; preliminary; premature; prenatal; prescribed; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; probability; problems; procedures; process; products; professional; profile; profound; prognosis; program; progression; project; proliferation; prolonged; promising; prophylactic; prophylaxis; proportion; propranolol; prospective; protein; protocol; providers; psychological; psychosocial; ptda; ptld; pts; pubertal; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; race; radiation; radiation therapy; radiographic; radiotherapy; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rare; rasburicase; rates; rbc; reach; rearrangement; reason; recent; receptor; recessive; recognition; recombinant; recommendations; recorded; records; recovery; recurrent; red cell; reduction; referral; refractory; regimen; region; registry; regular; relapse; related; relationship; relative; relevant; remission; renal; repeat; reported; reports; required; research; resection; residents; residual; resistance; resolution; resources; respiratory; respondents; response; results; retrospective; retrospective study; review; rhabdomyosarcoma; right; risk; risk disease; risk factors; risk patients; rituximab; rms; rna; role; romiplostim; routine; rpp; rpps; run; s301; safety; salvage; samd9l; samples; sarcomas; satisfaction; scale; scan; scd patients; scenarios; school; scores; scpc; screening; sdp; sds; secondary; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; sequestration; series; serum; service; sessions; setting; severe; severity; sex; shared; short; shrna; shunt; sickle; sickle cell; signaling; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; sirolimus; sites; size; skills; skin; small; smear; social; socioeconomic; soft; software; solid; somatic; sos; special; specific; specimens; spectrum; spinal; spine; splenectomy; splenic; splenomegaly; spontaneous; srh; stable; staff; stage; staging; staining; standard; standardized; standardized patients; start; states; states background; statistical; stay; stem; stem cell; steroids; strategies; strategy; stress; stroke; stromal; strong; students; studies; study; subcutaneous; subgroups; subjects; subsequent; subset; subtypes; successful; sufficient; suggestive; support; supportive; suppression; surface; surgery; surgical; surveillance; survey; survival; survivors; survivorship; suspicion; sustained; swelling; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; t cell; targeted; targeting; targets; tcd; teaching; team; technology; temperature; temporal; term; tertiary; testicular; testing; tests; texas; tgf; tgn; thalassemia; thalassemia patients; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thiotepa; threshold; thrombocytopenia; thrombosis; thyroid; time; timing; tisagenlecleucel; tissue; titers; tki; tls; toci; tolerated; tonsillectomy; tool; topical; topics; total; toxicities; toxicity; training; trait; transcription; transfusion; transition; translocation; transplant; transplant patients; transplantation; treating; treatment; trends; trial; tube; tumor; tumor cells; twice; type; tyrosine; unclear; uncommon; undergoing; understand; understanding; underwent; unique; united; united states; units; univariate; university; unknown; unrelated; unresectable; unusual; upper; upr; use; useful; utilization; vaccine; value; variability; variables; variant; vascular; vaso; vcr; vein; velocities; venous; ventilation; vertebral; viii; vincristine; viral; virus; visits; vitamin; vitro; voc; vod; volume; vomiting; von; voxelotor; vte; vwd; vwf; wbc; weekly; weeks; weight; wes; white; wide; wilcoxon; willebrand; wilms; women; work; working; workup; world; worsening; wound; yap; years; years old; york; young; young children; young patients; younger cache: cord-009997-oecpqf1j.txt plain text: cord-009997-oecpqf1j.txt item: #52 of 606 id: cord-010078-8lkkez3n author: None title: Invited Speakers date: 2010-11-24 words: 21364 flesch: 41 summary: The SIRT1 is decreased in alveolar macrophages of smokers and COPD patients, and associated with pro-infl ammatory response through the activation of NF-κB. Understanding the complexity of infl ammatory and epigenetic regulations in chronic lung diseases may potentiate the development of novel therapies. In China, non-smokers accounted for 38.6% of COPD patients compared with 24.9% in USA and 22.9% in the UK. keywords: abnormalities; activity; acute; addition; adults; advances; airway; altitude; alveolar; ammation; ammatory; ams; analysis; antibiotics; antibody; approaches; ards; asbestos; asian; assessment; asthma; available; benefi; benign; better; biomarkers; biopsy; blood; bmi; body; bronchitis; bronchoscopy; brosis; burden; cacy; cancer; capacity; care; cases; cation; cause; cells; cellular; certain; cessation; chemotherapy; chest; children; chronic; chronic obstructive; classifi; clinical; clinicians; combination; common; compartment; confi; control; copd; copd patients; corticosteroids; cough; countries; cpap; crd; current; cvd; data; days; decline; decrease; defi; development; diagnosis; differences; different; diffi; disease; disorders; drug; early; edema; effective; effects; effi; effusions; egfr; emphysema; environmental; epithelial; evidence; exacerbations; exercise; exible; exposure; factors; failure; feno; fev1; frequent; function; future; gefi; gene; genetic; gina; gold; greater; group; growth; guidelines; hape; health; heart; high; history; hospital; hrct; hypertension; identifi; idiopathic; iips; ild; image; imaging; implementation; important; increased; individuals; induced; infection; infl; inhaled; initial; international; interstitial; interventions; journal; large; leptin; lesions; levels; life; light; likely; limited; long; low; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung function; major; malignant; management; mechanisms; medical; medications; mesothelioma; methods; middle; mild; modifi; mortality; multiple; muscle; mutations; national; ndings; ned; need; new; non; normal; novel; number; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; outcomes; oxygen; pacifi; pah; pathogenesis; patients; people; phenotypes; physicians; pleural; pneumonia; poor; population; potential; practice; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; process; production; program; public; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; rate; recent; receptor; recognition; reduced; rehabilitation; remodeling; respiratory; respirology; responses; results; rigid; risk; role; rst; screening; sdb; second; severe; severity; signifi; similar; sleep; small; smoke; smokers; smoking; society; specifi; spirometry; sputum; stage; standard; strategies; studies; study; subjects; support; survival; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; techniques; term; test; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thoracic; time; tinib; tiotropium; tissue; titration; tobacco; travel; treatment; trials; tumors; underlying; understanding; use; useful; vascular; vivo; vte; wall; weight; world; years cache: cord-010078-8lkkez3n.txt plain text: cord-010078-8lkkez3n.txt item: #53 of 606 id: cord-010887-qbyk4psh author: Kwon, Somin title: Immunotherapies for Aging-Related Neurodegenerative Diseases—Emerging Perspectives and New Targets date: 2020-04-28 words: 11826 flesch: 28 summary: A comprehensive hypothetical mechanism underlying Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative disorders Neurodegenerative diseases: a decade of discoveries paves the way for therapeutic breakthroughs The amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease at 25 years Molecular mechanisms of proteinopathies across neurodegenerative disease: a review Amyloid beta deposition, neurodegeneration, and cognitive decline in sporadic Alzheimer's disease: a prospective cohort study Changes in brain function occur years before the onset of cognitive impairment Revisiting protein aggregation as pathogenic in sporadic Parkinson and Alzheimer diseases A critical appraisal of amyloid-beta-targeting therapies for Alzheimer disease Imaging tau and amyloid-beta proteinopathies in Alzheimer disease and other conditions An Overview of Primary Dementias as Clinicopathological Entities Toward a biological definition of Alzheimer's disease Pathogenesis of synaptic degeneration in Alzheimer's disease and Lewy body disease The many faces of alpha-synuclein: from structure and toxicity to therapeutic target The neuropathological diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease Tau and TDP-43 proteinopathies: kindred pathologic cascades and genetic pleiotropy Brain connectivity in neurodegenerative diseases-from phenotype to proteinopathy Alpha-synuclein in Lewy bodies Abnormal accumulation of NACP/alpha-synuclein in neurodegenerative disorders Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases A neuropathological subset of Alzheimer's disease with concomitant Lewy body disease and spongiform change Frontotemporal dementia: implications for understanding Alzheimer disease. keywords: accumulation; active; adjuvant; age; aggregates; aggregation; aging; alpha; alphasynuclein; alterations; alzheimer; alzheimer disease; amyloid; analysis; antibodies; antibody; approach; atrophy; beta; binding; biomarkers; block; brain; cell; chain; clearance; clinical; cognitive; combination; combinatorial; combined; current; damage; decline; deficits; degeneration; degradation; delivery; dementia; development; disease; disorders; dlb; dna; dose; drug; early; effective; effects; efficacy; epitope; example; extracellular; failed; fibrillar; fig; formation; fragments; ftd; function; future; herpes; high; human; hypothesis; iii; immune; immunization; immunotherapy; impairment; inflammation; inhibitors; lewy; like; loss; mechanisms; mice; microglia; microtubule; mild; model; moderate; monoclonal; mouse; multiple; national; neurodegenerative; neurodegenerative disease; neuroinflammation; neuronal; neurons; neuropathological; new; non; novel; oligomers; onset; parkinson; passive; pathogenic; pathological; pathology; pathways; patients; peptide; phase; phosphorylation; plaques; potential; preclinical; prevent; prevention; primary; processes; progressive; propagation; protein; proteinopathies; recent; related; repeat; research; response; results; review; risk; safety; seeding; single; soluble; species; specific; strategies; studies; study; syn; synaptic; synuclein; synucleinopathies; system; table; targeting; targets; tau; tauopathies; tdp43; terminal; terminus; therapeutic; therapies; tolerability; toxicity; transgenic; transmission; treatment; trials; trigger; vaccine; virus; vivo; years cache: cord-010887-qbyk4psh.txt plain text: cord-010887-qbyk4psh.txt item: #54 of 606 id: cord-010977-fwz7chzf author: Myserlis, Pavlos title: Translational Genomics in Neurocritical Care: a Review date: 2020-02-20 words: 12007 flesch: 21 summary: Given that diseases common to the neurocritical care population so rarely afford access to brain tissue for pathologic or genomic analysis antemortem, model system genomic studies offer an important adjunct for translational research. As such, many model system studies start with RNA, examining how the genome responds to perturbation through the transcriptome. keywords: activity; acute; addition; analysis; aneurysm; animal; animal models; anril; approach; artery; association; atherosclerosis; biomarkers; blood; brain; brain injury; candidate; care; case; cell; cellular; cerebral; challenges; clinical; coding; col4a2; common; complex; conditions; control; current; data; dci; dependent; development; differences; different; direct; discoveries; discovery; disease; dna; drug; early; edema; editing; effects; efforts; epilepsy; epilepticus; example; exome; experimental; expression; factors; field; forward; functional; genes; genetic; genome; genomic; genomic studies; glyburide; goal; gwas; hdac9; hemorrhage; human; human disease; ich; identification; impact; important; individuals; inflammatory; information; initial; injury; insight; interest; international; intracranial; ischemic; ischemic stroke; journal; large; likely; limited; mechanisms; mice; model systems; models; molecular; mortality; mouse; mutations; neurocritical; neuronal; new; novel; observations; onset; outcome; pathophysiology; pathways; patients; phase; phenotypes; polygenic; populations; potential; preclinical; protein; prs; rare; rat; recent; receptor; reduced; refinement; region; related; relevant; research; response; results; reverse; review; risk; rna; role; sah; sample; scale; sequencing; severity; significant; small; specific; status; stroke; studies; study; subarachnoid; subtypes; sur1; systems; target; tbi; techniques; therapeutic; time; tissue; tools; traits; transcriptome; translational; translational genomics; traumatic; traumatic brain; treatment; trials; type; understanding; upregulation; useful; variable; variants; variation; vasospasm; vessel; wide; work cache: cord-010977-fwz7chzf.txt plain text: cord-010977-fwz7chzf.txt item: #55 of 606 id: cord-011053-gza05hsv author: Tiew, Pei Yee title: The Mycobiome in Health and Disease: Emerging Concepts, Methodologies and Challenges date: 2020-01-01 words: 10942 flesch: 22 summary: Stop neglecting fungi Global and multi-national prevalence of fungal diseases-estimate precision Global warming will bring new fungal diseases for mammals An overview of fungal infections An official American Thoracic Society clinical practice guideline: the clinical utility of bronchoalveolar lavage cellular analysis in interstitial lung disease An epidemic of coccidioidomycosis in Arizona associated with climatic changes Molecular evidence that the range of the Vancouver Island outbreak of Cryptococcus gattii infection has expanded into the Pacific Northwest in the United States The global problem of antifungal resistance: prevalence, mechanisms, and management Fungal infections in HIV/AIDS Early diagnosis of fungal infection in immunocompromised patients Revised definitions of invasive fungal disease from the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Invasive Fungal Infections Cooperative Group and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mycoses Study Group (EORTC/MSG) Consensus Group Diagnostic value of galactomannan antigen test in serum and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples from patients with nonneutropenic invasive pulmonary aspergillosis Serum galactomannan-based early detection of invasive aspergillosis in hematology patients receiving effective antimold prophylaxis Use of bronchoalveolar lavage to detect galactomannan for diagnosis of pulmonary aspergillosis among nonimmunocompromised hosts Finding the 'missing 50%' of invasive candidiasis: how nonculture diagnostics will improve understanding of disease spectrum and transform patient care What is the clinical significance of positive blood cultures with Aspergillus sp. In this state-of-the-art review, we discuss current diagnostic and therapeutic challenges associated with fungal disease and provide key examples where the application of sequencing technologies has potential diagnostic application in assessing the human ‘mycobiome’. keywords: abundance; addition; airway; allergic; amplicon; analysis; antifungal; application; approaches; aspergillosis; aspergillus; assessment; associated; asthma; available; axis; bacterial; bacteriome; bias; body; bowel; brain; bronchiectasis; building; candida; candidemia; candidiasis; care; case; cell; challenges; chronic; clinical; coccidioidomycosis; colonisation; commensal; communities; community; composition; contamination; control; coverage; cross; cryptococcus; culture; current; cystic; date; dermatitis; detection; development; diagnosis; disease; diversity; dna; drug; dysbiosis; early; endemic; environment; epidemiology; exposure; extraction; factors; fibrosis; fig; fumigatus; function; fungal; fungal disease; fungi; future; generation; glabrata; global; guidelines; gut; gut mycobiome; healthy; high; higher; hiv; host; human; ibd; identification; immune; immunity; impact; importance; independent; individuals; indoor; infection; interaction; intestinal; invasive; invasive fungal; its1; its2; key; large; likely; limited; lower; lung; malassezia; management; metagenomic; methods; microbial; microbiomes; microbiota; molecular; mortality; multiple; mycobiome; new; ngs; non; number; overall; pathogenesis; patients; pcr; penicillium; pneumocystis; possible; potential; practice; present; primer; pulmonary; range; rates; region; relative; research; resistance; respiratory; results; review; risk; role; rrna; samples; sclerosis; selection; sequences; sequencing; shotgun; significant; sites; skin; society; species; specific; spectrum; spp; studies; study; syndrome; systems; targeted; taxa; taxonomic; therapeutic; tissue; treatment; understanding; use; validation; yeast; yield cache: cord-011053-gza05hsv.txt plain text: cord-011053-gza05hsv.txt item: #56 of 606 id: cord-011417-a5q15dq1 author: Pace, David title: The epidemiology of invasive meningococcal disease and the utility of vaccination in Malta date: 2020-05-16 words: 6689 flesch: 43 summary: The Climate of Malta: statistics, trends and analysis 1951-2010 Environmental exposures and invasive meningococcal disease: an evaluation of effects on varying time scales The Stonehouse survey: nasopharyngeal carriage of meningococci and Neisseria lactamica United Kingdom meningococcal carriage group (2006) Social behavior and meningococcal carriage in British teenagers Meningococcal carriage among a university student population -United States Meningococcal carriage in Dutch adolescents and young adults; a cross-sectional and longitudinal cohort study Prevalence of meningococcal carriage in children and adolescents aged 10-19 years in Chile in 2013 Effectiveness and impact of a reduced infant schedule of 4CMenB vaccine against group B meningococcal disease in England: a national observational cohort study Seroprevalence of meningococcal serogroup C bactericidal antibody in England and Wales in the pre-vaccination era Invasive pneumococcal and meningococcal disease: association with influenza virus and respiratory syncytial virus activity? Meningococcal serogroup Y disease in Europe: continuation of high importance in some European regions in 2013 Cross-antigenicity and immunogenicity between capsular polysaccharides of group C Neisseria meningitidis and of Escherichia coli K92 Antigenic cross-reactivity between outer membrane proteins of Neisseria meningitidis and commensal Neisseria species B-cell responses to vaccination at the extremes of age Changes in Neisseria meningitidis disease epidemiology in the United States Significance of meningococcal hyperinvasive clonal complexes and their influence on vaccines development Genetic characterization of a new variant within the ET-37 complex of Neisseria meningitidis associated with outbreaks in various parts of the world Serogroup and clonal characterization of Czech invasive Neisseria meningitidis strains isolated from 1971 to Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of carriage and invasive disease isolates of Neisseria meningitidis in Finland Summary of product characteristics: Bexsero meningococcal group B vaccine for injection in prefilled syringe. The introduction of MenACWY and MenB vaccines on the national immunization schedule in Malta would be expected to reduce the disease burden of meningococcal disease in children and adolescents in Malta. keywords: adolescents; adults; age; boost; burden; capsular; carriage; cases; catch; children; conjugate; control; countries; data; direct; disease; dose; effect; effectiveness; epidemiology; european; fig; following; groups; herd; higher; highest; imd; immunization; impact; incidence; individuals; infants; introduction; invasive; isolates; laboratory; malta; maltese; mean; median; menacwy; menb; menc; meningitidis; meningococcal; meningococcal disease; menw; months; national; neisseria; number; olds; overall; population; prevention; programme; protection; rate; result; risk; routine; schedule; serogroup; similar; specific; study; surveillance; tourists; transmission; usa; vaccination; vaccine; years; young cache: cord-011417-a5q15dq1.txt plain text: cord-011417-a5q15dq1.txt item: #57 of 606 id: cord-011496-r8e19t0c author: de Rooij, Doret title: Development of a competency profile for professionals involved in infectious disease preparedness and response in the air transport public health sector date: 2020-05-21 words: 7600 flesch: 37 summary: Although competency profiles for infectious disease control professionals are available, none addresses the complex airport environment. This method is commonly used for the development of competency profiles keywords: action; advice; airport; analysis; assessment; case; communication; competencies; competency; competency profile; consensus; control; countries; criteria; data; development; different; disaster; disease; disease management; disease preparedness; education; emergency; entry; european; event; experienced; expert; general; group; guidelines; health; implementation; infectious; infectious disease; information; international; involved; knowledge; level; literature; management; measures; medical; meeting; organization; outbreak; panel; participants; planning; points; practice; preparedness; professionals; profile; public; public health; questionnaire; recovery; relevance; relevant; response; risk; roles; round; screening; search; setting; specific; step; studies; study; surveillance; tasks; team; textual; training; transport; travelers; usability; use; world cache: cord-011496-r8e19t0c.txt plain text: cord-011496-r8e19t0c.txt item: #58 of 606 id: cord-012462-q8u47hdp author: Olsavszky, Victor title: Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with Automated Machine Learning on a National ICD-10 Database date: 2020-07-10 words: 5248 flesch: 44 summary: [15] , the majority of disease forecast models have been created for infectious diseases [12, [16] For the purpose of better visualization and comprehension, disease counts of the last two years in the analyzed dataset, namely, 2017 and 2018, were plotted on a monthly basis next to the predicted counts of 2019 and 2020 (Figures 4 and 5) . keywords: absolute; alzheimer; analysis; automated; autots; bucharest; cancer; cases; chronic; codes; counts; data; database; dataset; decline; deep; diabetes; disease; east; error; figure; forecasting; global; health; heart; highest; holdout; hospitalization; icd-10; ilfov; incidence; infections; influenza; injuries; ischemic; learning; lower; lowest; lung; machine; mean; medical; model; mortality; multiple; national; new; north; nuts; obstructive; period; platform; predictions; public; pulmonary; regional; regions; respiratory; road; romania; selection; series; south; stroke; study; table; target; time; tuberculosis; values; window; years cache: cord-012462-q8u47hdp.txt plain text: cord-012462-q8u47hdp.txt item: #59 of 606 id: cord-012465-tta58o6t author: Vlietstra, Wytze J. title: Identifying disease trajectories with predicate information from a knowledge graph date: 2020-08-20 words: 5642 flesch: 44 summary: From the 4014 disease trajectories in the Jensen set, there were 2530 trajectories where disease proteins could be assigned to both diseases (63%). These 2530 trajectories, which were used as positive cases in this reference set, contained 453 of the 465 diseases to which disease proteins could be assigned (97%). keywords: akker; akker set; alzheimer; analysis; assessors; available; biomedical; cases; classification; codes; data; den; directional; disease; disease proteins; disease trajectories; ekp; example; false; feature; fig; graph; indirect; information; jensen; jensen set; knowledge; likely; literature; metapaths; method; mixed; negative; network; non; object; paths; pathways; patients; performance; positive; predicates; proteins; range; reference; relationships; results; risk; second; sequences; set; sets; standard; study; subject; susceptibility; table; temporal; trajectories; trajectory; triples; undirected; value; van cache: cord-012465-tta58o6t.txt plain text: cord-012465-tta58o6t.txt item: #60 of 606 id: cord-013486-hg87xsyr author: Buttery, Philip C. title: Gene and Cell-Based Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease: Where Are We? date: 2020-10-30 words: 16144 flesch: 39 summary: Rather, DA cell therapies are being used as a symptomatic therapy to better treat the nigrostriatal dopaminergic aspects of PD, albeit that a core component of the PD pathology is being repaired in the process. Gene and cell therapies for PD are now being trialled in the clinic. keywords: aadc; aav2; aavs; acid; activity; addition; adeno; advanced; animal; approach; benefit; better; biotech; blind; brain; cargo; cell; cell line; cell therapies; changes; clinical; cns; cohorts; company; control; convection; coverage; current; da cells; da neurons; data; dbs; decarboxylase; delivery; development; different; disease; distribution; dopaminergic; dose; double; early; effects; efficacy; embryonic; end; expression; factor; features; fetal; field; fluctuations; form; function; future; gad; gdnf; gene; gene therapy; gfs; glial; good; grafting; grafts; gts; hfvm; high; higher; host; human; immune; important; improvement; imri; induced; infusion; issues; label; large; later; lentiviral; levodopa; line; long; loss; lvs; main; major; midbrain; models; modification; months; motor; need; neural; neuronal; neurons; neurotrophic; neurturin; new; nhp; nigra; nigrostriatal; non; nrtn; open; options; oral; outcome; parkinson; parkinson disease; parkinsonian; pathological; pathology; patients; pet; phase; potential; preclinical; present; primary; problems; procedure; progression; protein; putamen; putaminal; recombinant; related; response; results; safety; scores; severe; sham; signal; significant; single; snc; stage; stem; stem cell; stimulation; stn; strategies; strategy; striatal; striatum; studies; study; subjects; surgery; surgical; survival; synuclein; system; target; technology; term; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; time; tissue; transduction; transfer; transgene; transplantation; transplants; treatment; trial; type; updrs; use; vector; viral; virus; vivo; voyager; work; years cache: cord-013486-hg87xsyr.txt plain text: cord-013486-hg87xsyr.txt item: #61 of 606 id: cord-014462-11ggaqf1 author: None title: Abstracts of the Papers Presented in the XIX National Conference of Indian Virological Society, “Recent Trends in Viral Disease Problems and Management”, on 18–20 March, 2010, at S.V. University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh date: 2011-04-21 words: 35463 flesch: 47 summary: The following virus isolates have been used in the analysis: GTPV-Uttarkashi, P60, vaccine virus; GTPV Mukteswar, P10, Challenge virus; GTPV (Akola), GTPV Bareilly/00, GTPV Ladakh/01 and GTPV Sambalpur/82, field isolates and SPPV Srinagar, P40; SPPV Ranipet, P50; SPPV-RF, P50, vaccine viruses and SPPV Makdhoom/07, SPPV CIRG/08, SPPV Pune/08, SPPV Bareilly, SPPV 183/03 and SPPV 125/02, field isolates. Present paper discusses about virus disease of quarantine importance affecting ornamental and fruit plants such as Chrysanthimum, Dahlia, Dianthus, Rosabengalensis, Cattleya, Cymbidium, Dendrobium, Lilium, Citrus, Vitis etc. keywords: acid; activity; acute; addition; affected; amino; amplification; analysis; andhra; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; approach; appropriate; aquaculture; areas; asia; assay; association; availability; available; begomovirus; bengal; bitter; blood; blot; bovine; breeding; brinjal; btv; buffaloes; capture; car; cases; cassava; cause; cells; cellular; chain; challenge; characterization; chikungunya; chikungunya virus; chikv; children; chilli; citrus; clinical; cloned; cloning; cmv; coat; coli; commercial; common; complete; conditions; contagious; control; conventional; core; cost; cotton; countries; country; cowpea; crop; ctv; cultivars; culture; curl; curl disease; curl virus; current; data; days; dcm; decades; delhi; delhi virus; dengue; dengue virus; department; detection; developed; development; diagnosis; different; disease; distinct; distribution; district; dna; dna vaccine; dose; drug; dsmv; earlier; early; economic; effective; efficiency; elisa; enteric; enzyme; essential; etc; experimental; expression; family; farmers; fever; field; findings; fluid; fmdv; food; foot; form; free; fruit; ganjv; gbnv; genbank; gene; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; genus; geographical; global; goats; groundnut; group; growth; gtpv; h1n1; hbsag; hcv; healthy; hepatitis; high; higher; highest; hiv; homology; hospital; host; hsv; human; humoral; identification; identity; igm; il-18; il-6; immune; immunity; immunization; important; incidence; india; induced; industry; infected; infection; information; inoculation; insect; isolates; isolation; jatropha; kit; laboratory; large; leaf; leaf curl; leaf samples; leaf virus; leaves; length; lesions; levels; like; limitations; limited; lineage; long; losses; lymphocytes; major; management; marker; material; maximum; measures; methods; mice; mmr; molecular; morbidity; mortality; mosaic; mosaic disease; mosaic virus; movement; multiple; nadu; natural; nature; necrosis; need; negative; new; non; ns1; nss; nucleic; nucleotide; number; order; orf; outbreaks; overall; page; palampur; papaya; paper; partial; particular; pathogens; patients; pcr; people; period; phase; phylogenetic; plant; planting; plasmid; polymerase; poor; population; positive; positivity; possible; post; potency; potential; potyvirus; pox; pradesh; presence; present; present study; prevalence; primers; probe; produce; production; products; progress; protein; protein gene; prsv; public; pune; purified; quality; quantification; quarantine; rabies; rapid; reaction; real; recent; recombinant; recombination; region; regulatory; related; relationship; replication; reported; research; resistance; response; responsible; results; rice; risk; rna; role; rotavirus; rtbv; rtsv; safety; samples; sap; scientific; screening; scylv; second; seed; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequence analysis; sequencing; sera; serological; serotypes; serum; severe; sheep; shrimp; significant; silencing; silkworm; single; size; small; south; species; specific; specific primers; specificity; specimens; sppv; spread; standard; states; sti; strains; strategies; strategy; structural; studies; study; sub; sugarcane; sunflower; symptoms; system; tamil; tcid; technology; temperature; tested; tests; time; tissue; tomato; tomato leaf; tool; total; traditional; transformation; transgenic; transmission; trials; tsv; tungro; typical; umbel; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; value; variability; variation; varieties; vector; vegetable; vein; vigs; viral; viral disease; virulent; virus; virus infection; virus resistance; virus specific; viruses; viz; vp1; vp2; water; weight; west; wide; world; yak; years; yellow cache: cord-014462-11ggaqf1.txt plain text: cord-014462-11ggaqf1.txt item: #62 of 606 id: cord-014516-r59usk02 author: None title: Research Communications of the 24th ECVIM‐CA Congress date: 2015-01-10 words: 55086 flesch: 49 summary: Method specificity was confirmed by the absence of matrix effect in six serum specimen obtained from clinical dogs. Stage C dogs had lower SRs (p = 0.0005), higher SRe (p = 0.0029) and SRa (p = 0.0004) than other dogs. keywords: abdominal; abnormalities; absence; acid; activation; activity; acute; acvim; additional; administration; adult; affected; age; agreement; aim; aip; albumin; alveolar; amlodipine; analysis; anemia; animal; anti; antibiotic; antibodies; antimicrobial; aoa; aod; aortic; appropriate; area; arterial; assay; assess; assessment; associated; atrial; author; available; average; azotaemic; azotemia; bacteria; balf; bartonella; baseline; bcs; beta; better; biochemical; biochemistry; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; blood; body; bowel; breed; breed dogs; calcium; calculated; calprotectin; canine; canis; cardiac; cases; cats; cause; ccecai; cell; cfa; changes; chf; chordae; chronic; cipf; citrulline; ckd; class; clearance; client; clinical; clinical signs; closure; cobalamin; coli; colon; common; company; comparison; complete; concentrations; conclusion; concurrent; condition; confirmed; conflicts; congenital; contrast; control; control dogs; correlation; cortisol; count; cpli; creatinine; criteria; crp; culture; cynos; cystic; daily; damage; data; days; decreased; dependent; detected; detection; determined; development; device; dglu; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diameter; diet; differences; different; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; dogs; dogs n; domestic; doppler; dose; drugs; duration; early; ebp; echocardiographic; effects; elisa; enteropathy; enzyme; epirubicin; eroa; esbl; established; evaluation; examination; exocrine; expression; factors; failure; fcv; fdps; features; fecal; feline; felis; females; fhv-1; fibrinogen; fibrosis; findings; fiv; flc; flow; fluid; following; food; forelimb; foundation; frd; frequency; frequent; function; fvii; gallbladder; gastrointestinal; gender; gene; general; genetic; geriatric; giardia; glucose; good; grade; group; growth; hac; half; hcii; healthy dogs; heart; hepatic; higher; highest; histological; history; hormone; hospital; hours; human; hypertension; hyperthyroidism; ibd; idiopathic; iga; imaging; immune; important; imrd; incidence; increase; index; individual; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; information; initial; insufficiency; insulin; insurance; intact; intensity; interest; interval; intestinal; invasive; involved; islets; isolates; kidney; knowledge; laboratory; large; leaflet; left; lesions; levels; life; likely; limb; limit; linear; lomustine; long; loss; lower; lphs; ltd; lung; main; malignant; management; markers; mast; max; mean; measured; measurements; median; medical; medicine; mellitus; metabolic; method; mild; mitral; mixed; mmhg; mmvd; model; moderate; molecular; months; morbidity; mortality; mrs; mucosal; multiple; murmur; mutation; mvp; myocardial; n =; need; needle; negative; neoplasia; neurological; neutered; new; nmol; non; normal; normal dogs; nptt; nsdtrs; number; obese; objective; older; oral; organs; outcome; overall; overweight; owners; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; parameters; pathogens; pathological; patients; pattern; pcr; pda; pdh; peak; perforation; perfringens; period; peripheral; pet; phase; phf; physical; pituitary; placebo; plasma; platelet; pleural; point; population; positive; possible; post; potential; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; probiotic; prognosis; progressive; prospective; protein; proteinuria; protocol; pulmonary; puppies; purpose; pwbc; qpcr; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; r =; range; rate; reaction; records; reference; regression; regurgitation; related; relationship; remains; remission; renal; report; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; right; risk; role; royal; s100a12; saa; samples; sampling; sap; sbp; score; scoring; screening; secondary; sensitivity; serum; severe; severity; sex; short; significant; signs; similar; single; size; small; snap; software; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spontaneous; spp; sre; stage; staining; standard; statistical; status; strain; studies; study; supplementation; support; surgery; survival; syndrome; systemic; systole; systolic; taiwan; target; technique; terrier; test; tested; therapeutic; therapy; thoracic; thyroid; time; tissue; total; transcutaneous; treatment; trough; tsh; tumours; type; ultrasonography; ultrasound; university; unknown; unrelated; upc; urea; urinalysis; urinary; urine; useful; usg; values; valve; variability; variables; variation; vegf; ventricular; veterinary; virus; volume; vomiting; wave; weeks; weight; whwt; work; years; zoetis cache: cord-014516-r59usk02.txt plain text: cord-014516-r59usk02.txt item: #63 of 606 id: cord-014712-5u4e00q6 author: None title: Selected Abstracts from the 100th J Project Meeting, Antalya, Turkey, March 12-14, 2014 date: 2014-08-02 words: 36956 flesch: 46 summary: Recurrent severe complicated infections developed in 90% of PID patients. Register for PID patients has been set up in Bulgaria that allowed the collection of data on the incidence and prevalence of PID and the negative effect of these conditions on the population. keywords: abnormal; abscess; absolute; acid; activation; activity; acute; additional; administration; adult; adult patients; adverse; affected; age; aged; aim; allergic; allergy; analysis; anemia; angioedema; antibiotic; antibodies; antibody; antibody deficiency; associated; association; asthma; ataxia; atopic; attacks; autoimmune; autoimmunity; autosomal; awareness; b cells; background; bcg; better; biopsy; birth; blood; bone; boy; boys; brain; bronchiectasis; burst; candida; candidiasis; care; case; causes; cd19; cd3; cd4; cd40; cd8; cells; cellular; center; central; cervical; cgd; changes; characterized; chest; children; chronic; class; clinical; cmc; cohort; collaboration; combined; common; complement; complete; complex; complications; conclusion; congenital; consanguineous; consanguinity; controls; costs; count; countries; country; course; cvid; cvid patients; cytometry; data; days; death; defective; defects; deficiencies; deficiency; degree; delay; deletion; department; dermatitis; detection; determined; developed; development; dgs; diagnosis; different; disease; disorders; dna; dock8; donor; dose; drug; early; education; effect; elevated; eosinophils; esid; european; evaluation; events; examination; exons; expected; expression; factors; failure; families; family; father; features; female; fever; findings; flow; follow; following; food; form; foxp3; frequency; frequent; function; fungal; gene; generalized; genetic; genomic; george; girl; gof; good; granulomatous; group; healthy; heart; heterozygous; hies; high; higher; higm; history; hla; homozygous; hospital; hsct; human; humoral; hyper; hypogammaglobulinemia; identification; iga; igd; ige; igg; ighy; igm; igsc; il-12rb1; immune; immunity; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunology; impaired; important; improvement; incidence; increase; individuals; infancy; infections; inflammatory; infusion; initial; institute; international; intravenous; introduction; ivig; known; laboratory; lack; later; lead; left; lesions; levels; life; like; likely; liver; local; long; loss; low; lower; lung; lymphadenitis; lymphocyte; lymphopenia; main; major; majority; malignancy; management; manifestations; marrow; mean; median; medical; memory; methods; mhc; molecular; molecules; months; mortality; mother; msmd; mucocutaneous; multiple; mutation; mycobacterial; n =; national; negative; new; non; normal; novel; number; old; omenn; onset; oral; otitis; outcome; outpatient; oxidase; parents; past; pathway; patients; pediatric; percentage; period; peripheral; persistent; phenotype; phox; physical; physicians; pid; pid patients; pids; pneumonia; pnp; population; positive; possible; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; prevention; primary; primary immunodeficiency; process; production; progressive; project; protein; pulmonary; quality; rare; rate; ratio; reactions; recent; receptor; recessive; recurrent; recurrent infections; reduced; regional; registry; regular; related; replacement; report; research; respiratory; response; results; right; risk; role; russia; salmonella; sap; scid; scig; screening; second; secondary; sequencing; serum; severe; severe infections; sibling; sigad; significant; signs; similar; single; sinusitis; sister; site; skin; small; specific; stat3; stimulation; studies; study; subclass; subcutaneous; surface; survival; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; t cells; tafa; telangiectasia; term; test; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; total; tract; transplantation; treatment; tuberculosis; turkey; types; university; unknown; upper; use; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; variable; vasculitis; viral; wasp; week; weight; wheezing; xla; years; years old cache: cord-014712-5u4e00q6.txt plain text: cord-014712-5u4e00q6.txt item: #64 of 606 id: cord-014790-qp916bdd author: Mayer, Kenneth H. title: Ecological Studies of Diseases: Promise and Praxis date: 2009-03-17 words: 1506 flesch: 43 summary: There are other examples in this text of how basic ecology helps inform the public health approach to infectious disease outbreaks in humans. To the modern ecologist, infectious disease outbreaks are inherent events that inevitably will occur and be structured by specific ecosystem dynamics. keywords: aids; book; burgdorferi; disease; ecological; ecology; ecosystems; effects; health; human; infectious; land; lyme; mayer; new; number; ostfeld; outbreaks; pathogen; people; pets; pizer; populations; public; spread; text; ticks; vectors cache: cord-014790-qp916bdd.txt plain text: cord-014790-qp916bdd.txt item: #65 of 606 id: cord-015147-h0o0yqv8 author: None title: Oral Communications and Posters date: 2014-09-12 words: 73903 flesch: 39 summary: After 3 months of exposures, inflammatory cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid were increased in both the HCR-and LCR-smokeexposed(SE) animals compared to air-exposed controls (p<0.001); however there was a 2-3-fold increase in the number of neutrophils and lymphocytes in the LCR-over the HCR-SE group (p<0.001).Histopathology revealed there was greater inflammation and lung damage present in the LCR-versus HCR-SE group (p<0.05). This causes the symptoms of the early phase of AI and the onset of the late phase characterized by the penetration in the inflamed tissue of inflammatory cells, notably the eosinophils. keywords: a2ar; ability; able; absence; accumulation; achr; acid; action; activated; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; adaptive; addition; adherence; adhesion; administration; adult; adv; aeruginosa; affected; affinity; agents; aggregation; aia; aim; airway; allele; allergic; allodynia; alpha; alterations; altered; amounts; analysis; angiogenesis; animals; antagonist; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antiinflammatory; ap-1; apc; apoptosis; apoptotic; approach; arachidonic; arry-162; arterial; arthritis; assay; associated; association; asthma; astrocytes; atherosclerosis; atopic; atp; australia; autoimmune; b cells; background; bacterial; bal; balb; barrier; basal; basophils; beneficial; beta; better; binding; bioactivity; biological; biology; biopsies; biotin; blister; blockade; blocking; blood; blot; bone; bovine; bowel; bpw; brain; brazil; c mice; c57bl/6; c5ar; ca2; cadpr; calcitriol; calcium; canada; cancer; capable; capacity; carrageenan; cartilage; cascade; cases; caspase-1; cause; cbp; ccp; cd4; cell activation; cells; cellular; center; central; centre; cerebral; certain; chain; challenge; changes; characterized; chemokine; chemotaxis; chromosome; chronic; chronic inflammatory; cii; circulation; class; clinical; clp; cns; coagulation; colitis; collagen; colon; combination; common; complement; complete; complex; components; compounds; concentration; conclusions; conditions; considered; constitutively; contact; contrast; control; cord; correlated; correlation; corresponding; course; cox-2; cpla2; critical; crohns; crp; csf; cultured; current; cutaneous; cx5; cyclin; cyclooxygenase; cytokines; cytoskeleton; daily; damage; data; day; days; dcs; decrease; defense; deficient; deficient mice; degradation; delayed; demonstrate; dendritic; dendritic cells; denmark; density; department; dependent; depletion; dermatitis; destruction; detrusor; development; dexamethasone; diabetes; diabetic; diagnostic; diet; differences; different; differential; differentiation; discovery; disease; disorders; distinct; dna; dogs; domain; dose; dpt; drug; dss; dynamic; dysfunction; e.g.; eae; early; ebi3; effect; effective; effector; efficacy; egfr; elevated; elisa; endogenous; endothelial; endothelial cells; enhanced; enzymatic; enzyme; eosinophils; epcr; epidermal; epidermis; epithelial; erk; erk1/2; essential; established; events; evidence; examination; example; experimental; exposure; expression; expression levels; extracellular; extracts; factor; family; fat; fcs; female; fibroblasts; fibrosis; findings; flavonoids; flow; fluid; fluorescence; focus; fold; formation; fprl1; free; function; gamma; gata-3; gene; generation; genetic; genome; germany; gimap5; glucocorticoids; glycine; group; growth; h2s; h4r; hand; hdsmc; healthy; heme; high; higher; highest; hind; histamine; histological; hit; hla; hospital; host; hours; human; hydrogen; hyperalgesia; hyperplasia; hypothesis; i.p; ibd; ic50; icam-1; ifn; ifna; ifnbeta; ikba; ikka; il-1b; il-1beta; il-23; il-4; il-6; il-8; immune; immune response; immunity; immunization; immunohistochemistry; immunomodulatory; impaired; important; important role; incidence; increased; incubation; individual; induced; inducible; induction; infected; infiltration; inflamed; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory activity; inflammatory arthritis; inflammatory bowel; inflammatory cells; inflammatory conditions; inflammatory cytokines; inflammatory diseases; inflammatory effects; inflammatory mediators; inflammatory response; inflammatory skin; influence; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; injection; injury; innate; inos; institute; insulin; integrin; interaction; intestinal; intravital; introduction; investigated; involvement; ischemic; isolated; italy; japan; jnk; joint; joint inflammation; keratinocytes; key; kidney; kinase; knee; knockout; known; large; lavage; ldl; leading; leo; lesions; leukocyte; levels; ligand; like; likely; lilra2; limited; line; lipid; lipopolysaccharide; little; liver; local; loss; low; lower; lps; ltb4; lung; lung inflammation; lymphocytes; mab; macrophages; major; male; manner; mapk; marked; markers; marrow; mast; mast cells; matrix; mbp; mean; measured; measurement; mechanical; mechanisms; mediate; mediators; medical; medicine; medium; members; membrane; memory; mesenteric; metabolism; methods; mice; microscopy; mif; migration; mitogen; mmp-9; model; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; monocytes; mononuclear; mouse; mrna; mrna expression; mrna levels; multiple; murine; muscle; mutation; myeloperoxidase; nabs; nad+; natural; ncf1; necrosis; negative; netherlands; neurons; neutralizing; neutrophils; new; nfkb; ngf; nitric; nkg2d; nod1; non; normal; novel; nuclear; nucleus; number; objectives; observed; oedema; onset; oral; order; organ; osteoarthritis; outcome; ova; overexpression; oxidative; oxide; oxygen; p.o; p13; p38; p65; p<0.05; paf; pain; pancreatic; pancreatitis; par-2; par1; par2; par4; parameters; pars; particular; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathological; pathways; patients; pattern; paulo; paw; pbmc; pcr; peptide; percentage; period; peripheral; peritoneal; permeability; pge2; phagocytosis; pharmacological; phase; phenotype; phosphorylation; physiological; pi3k; pivotal; pkc; plasma; plasma cells; platelet; pma; pmn; pollutants; population; positive; possibility; possible; posters; potential; pouch; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; pretreatment; prevention; primary; process; processes; production; products; profile; progression; proliferation; promoter; properties; prostaglandin; proteases; protective; protein; protein expression; psoriasis; psoriatic; pulmonary; purpose; range; rapid; rats; reaction; reactive; recent; receptor; recombinant; recovery; recruitment; reduced; region; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; remodeling; renal; reperfusion; research; resistance; response; responsible; results; reversed; rheumatoid; rheumatoid arthritis; risk; rock-2; role; route; s100a12; saa; safety; saline; samples; school; score; secondary; secretion; selectin; selective; sensory; sepsis; sequence; sera; serine; serum; severe; severity; shock; shows; signaling; significant; signs; similar; single; sirna; site; skin; sle; slx-2119; small; snp; socs1; soluble; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spla; spleen; staining; starting; stat1; step; stimulated; stimulation; strains; stress; stroke; strong; structural; studies; study; subsequent; superoxide; supplement; support; suppression; surface; survival; susceptibility; swelling; symptoms; syndrome; synovial; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; system; systemic; sâ¼o; t cells; target; targeting; tdzd-8; technique; tested; th1; th17; th2; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thp-1; thrombin; time; tissue; tlr2; tnbs; tnf; tnfa; tnfalpha; tolerance; topical; total; tpa; tpko; trafficking; transcription; transduction; transgenic; transient; treated; treatment; trpv1; trypsin; ttp; tumor; tumor cells; type; type mice; underlying; understanding; unique; university; unknown; untreated; uptake; usa; useful; variety; vascular; vegf; vehicle; vein; vitro; vivo; volunteers; wall; water; weeks; weight; western; wide; wild; wistar; work; years; zymosan cache: cord-015147-h0o0yqv8.txt plain text: cord-015147-h0o0yqv8.txt item: #66 of 606 id: cord-015324-y44sfr0c author: None title: Scientific Programme date: 2007-09-01 words: 197844 flesch: 49 summary: In the group I, consisted of 63 infants (35 males and 28 females) PCD increased during the time in 3,2% infants, remained unchanged in 11,1%, decreased in 14,3%, and disappeared in 71,4% patients. There was no significant difference between renal transplant patients and healthy controls in genotype distribution of allelic frequencies of IL-6, FAS and MCP-1 polymorphisms. keywords: abdominal; abnormalities; abnormality; abpm; absence; absent; absolute; abundance; according; accumulation; accuracy; acei; acid; acidosis; activation; active; activity; acute renal; addition; adequate; adma; administration; admission; adolescents; adpkd; adr; adult patients; adulthood; adults; adverse; affected; affected patients; africa; aga; age; age group; age range; aged; agents; ages; ahus; aim; aims; alanine; alarm; albumin; aldosterone; alkalosis; allele; alpha; alport; alport syndrome; alteration; altered; alternative; ambulatory; amino; analysis; anca; anemia; angiotensin; angiotensinogen; angptl3; animals; anomalies; antenatal; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antihypertensive; anuria; aorta; aortic; apical; apn; apoptosis; apoptotic; apparent; appearance; approach; appropriate; apsgn; aqp1; area; arf; arm; arterial; asian; assay; assessment; associated; association; asymptomatic; atherosclerosis; atn; atp; atrophy; auc; autosomal; availability; available; average; azathioprine; background; bacterial; balance; barrier; bartter; basal; baseline; basement; basiliximab; basis; bau; beginning; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; bicarbonate; bilateral; bilateral renal; binding; biochemical; biological; biomarkers; birth; black children; bladder; bleeding; blood; blood pressure; blot; bmd; bmi; bmp4; bnp; body; bone; bone age; bone disease; boys; branching; brazil; bud; bun; cadaveric; calcification; calcimimetics; calcineurin; calcium; calculated; capacity; capd; capillary; cardiac; cardiovascular; cardiovascular disease; care; carotid; carriers; cases; catch; cathelicidin; catheter; cause; cb4; ccr; cd3; cd4; cells; cellular; center; central; centre; cerebral; chain; changes; channel; characteristics; chemotherapy; childhood; children; children hospital; children renal; china; chinese; chloride; cholesterol; chromosome; chronic kidney; chronic renal; cimt; ckd; ckd children; ckid; classical; classification; clcn5; clcnkb; clearance; clinical; close; cmv; cni; coagulation; cohort; col4a5; coli; collagen; collection; combination; combined; common; comparable; comparison; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complications; components; compound; concentration; conclusion; concomitant; condition; congenital; consecutive; consequences; conservative; consistent; continuous; contrast; control; control group; control patients; conventional; converting; correlated; correlation; cortical; corticosteroids; cortisol; countries; course; creatinine; creatinine levels; crescents; crf patients; criteria; critical; cross; crp; crucial; csa; csa treatment; cultured; cumulative; curve; cx3cl1; cya; cycle; cyclophosphamide; cyclosporine; cystatin; cystic; cystine; cystinosis; cystinotic patients; cysts; cytokines; cytoplasmic; cytosolic; cytotoxic; daily; data; date; day; days; daytime; dbp; ddavp; ddd; deafness; death; dec1; december; decline; decrease; defective; defects; deficiency; definition; degree; delayed; deletion; demographic; density; dent disease; department; dependent; dependent patients; deposition; deposits; design; detection; determined; detrusor; development; deviation; dexamethasone; dhea; diabetes; diabetic; diabetic patients; diagnosis; dialysate; dialysis; dialysis patients; diameter; diaphragm; diarrhea; diastolic; diet; dietary; differences; different; differential; differentiation; diffuse; dilatation; dipyridamole; direct; discussion; disease activity; disease onset; disease patients; disease progression; diseases; disorders; distal; distal renal; distribution; diuresis; dmsa; dna; domain; dominant; donor; doppler; dosage; dose; dosing; double; drugs; dry; duration; dysfunction; dysplasia; earlier; early; early renal; ebv; echocardiography; edema; effect; effective; efficacy; egfr; electrolytes; electron; elevated; elevation; elisa; enalapril; encodes; encoding; end; endocapillary; endogenous; endothelial; enhanced; entry; enuresis; enzyme; episodes; epithelial; erk; esrd; esrd patients; essential; established; estimated; estimation; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; evident; examination; examined; excellent; exchange; excretion; exon; experience; experimental; exposure; expression; extent; extracellular; extrarenal; facilities; factor; familial; families; family; father; features; febrile; feeding; female; ferritin; fetal; fetus; fever; fibrosis; filtration; final; findings; flow; fluid; fmd; focal; fold; follow; following; formation; forms; formula; foxp3; fraction; free; frequency; frequent; frozen; fsgs; fty720; function group; functional; furosemide; future; gain; gastrointestinal; gbm; gcm1; gdnf; gender; gene; gene expression; general; generalized; generation; genetic; genotype; germany; gestation; gfr; girls; glomerular; glomerular disease; glomerulonephritis; glomerulosclerosis; glucose; glycosylation; good; grade; graft; graft function; greater; group; group b; group ii; growth; half; hand; hd patients; hdl; healthy age; healthy children; heart; heavy; help; hematuria; hemodialysis; hemoglobin; hemolytic; henoch; hepatic; hepatitis; hereditary; heterozygous; high; higher; highest; histological; histopathological; history; hiv; hivan; hla; homeostasis; homozygous; hormone; hospital; hours; hrs; hsn; hsp; htn; human; hus; hydronephrosis; hypercalciuria; hypercholesterolemia; hyperfiltration; hyperlipidemia; hyperoxaluria; hyperparathyroidism; hypertension; hypertensive children; hypertensive patients; hypertrophy; hypoalbuminemia; hypokalemia; hypomagnesemia; hyponatremia; hypoplasia; hypothesis; identification; idiopathic; iga; iga1; igan; igfr; igg; igm; iii; il-2; illness; imaging; immediate; immune; immunofluorescence; immunohistochemistry; immunological; immunosuppressive; impact; impaired; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incontinence; increased; increasing; index; indian children; indicator; indices; individual; induced; induction; infancy; infants; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; infusion; inheritance; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; initiation; injury; insertion; insulin; intact; intake; intensive; interactions; interstitial; interval; intervention; intrauterine; intravenous; introduction; invasive; investigation; involved; iron; ischemia; isolated; israel; iugr; january; japanese patients; key; kidney; kidney biopsy; kidney disease; kidney failure; kidney function; kidney transplantation; kinase; kingdom; knowledge; known; laboratory; lactobacillus; large; later; ldl; lead; leading; left; left renal; leg; length; leptin; lesions; leukocytes; levels; life; like; likely; limited; linear; lipid; literature; little; liver; living; lmwh; load; localization; logistic; london; long; longer; longitudinal; loss; lost; lower; lps; lupus; lvh; lvm; lvmi; lymphocytes; macroscopic; magnesium; main; maintenance; major; major renal; majority; male; male patients; malnutrition; management; manifestations; marked; markedly; markers; marrow; mass; material; matrix; maturation; mature; maximal; mcd; mcns; mcp-1; mean; mean age; mean±sd; measured; measurement; measuring; mechanisms; median; medical; medication; medicine; medium; medullary; megalin; members; membrane; membranoproliferative; membranous; meq; mesangial; mesenchyme; metabolic; metanephric; methods; methylprednisolone; mg/24; mice; microalbuminuria; microarrays; microglobulin; microscopy; mild; mild renal; min/1.73; mineralization; minimal; minimum; minor; missense; mitochondrial; mma patients; mmf; mmhg; mmol; mne; modalities; modality; model; moderate; moderate renal; mofetil; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monthly; months; morbidity; morning; morphogenesis; mortality; mosm; mother; mouse; mpgn; mri; mrna; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mutant; mutations; mycophenolate; n=1; n=2; n=3; n=5; n=6; n=7; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; neonatal; neonates; neph1; nephrectomy; nephrin; nephritis; nephrocalcinosis; nephrogenesis; nephrolithiasis; nephrologists; nephrology; nephronophthisis; nephrons; nephropathy; nephrotic; nephrotic children; nephrotic patients; nephrotic proteinuria; nephrotic syndrome; nephrotoxicity; neurological; neutrophil; new; newborn; ngal; nhe3; nights; nitric; nitrogen; nocturnal; non; nonsense; normal; normal blood; normal children; normal group; normal kidney; normal range; normal renal; normalization; novel; nphp1; nphs2; ns children; ntx patients; number; numerous; nutritional; obese; obese children; obesity; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; occurrence; ocrl1; ocular; ofmu; old; older; older children; onset; operation; operative; optimal; oral; organ; origin; osmolality; osmotic; outcome; overall; overweight; oxalate; oxidative; oxide; p38; p<0.001; p<0.05; pad; paediatric; paediatric patients; pain; parameters; parents; partial; past; pathogenesis; pathological; pathology; pathway; patients; patients data; patients group; patients results; pattern; pcr; pd patients; pdf; peak; pediatric kidney; pediatric patients; pediatric renal; people; peptide; percentage; period; peripheral; peritoneal; peritonitis; permeability; persistent; phase; phb; phenotype; phosphate; phosphorylation; physical; placebo; plasma; plasmapheresis; platelet; play; pmt; pne; podocin; podocyte; point; polycystic; polymerase; polymorphism; polyuria; poor; population; positive; positive patients; possible; post; posterior; postnatal; potassium; potential; predictive; predictor; prednisone; pregnancy; preliminary; prenatal; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; preterm; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; primary disease; primary renal; prior; problems; process; processes; product; profile; prognosis; program; progression; progressive renal; proliferation; prolonged; prontbnp; prophylactic; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; prospective study; proteins; proteinuria; proteinuric renal; protocol; proximal; psf; pth; ptld; pts; pubertal patients; pulmonary; pulse; puromycin; purpose; purpura; pwv; pyelonephritis; quality; quantitative; radiological; randomized; range; range proteinuria; rapid; rare; rate; ratio; rats; ray; reabsorption; reaction; reactive; reason; receiving; recent; receptor; recessive; recipients; recombinant; records; recovered; recovery; recurrent; reduced; reducing; reduction; reference; reflux; refractory; regimen; region; regular; regulation; regulatory; rejection; relapse; related; relationship; relative; release; reliable; remaining; remission; removal; renal; renal abnormalities; renal allograft; renal anemia; renal arteries; renal artery; renal biopsies; renal biopsy; renal blood; renal care; renal cell; renal complications; renal cortex; renal cystic; renal damage; renal development; renal disease; renal disorders; renal dysplasia; renal epithelial; renal failure; renal fanconi; renal fibrosis; renal function; renal glomerular; renal graft; renal growth; renal histological; renal histology; renal impairment; renal infarction; renal inflammation; renal injury; renal insufficiency; renal interstitial; renal involvement; renal length; renal magnesium; renal manifestations; renal mg; renal osteodystrophy; renal outcome; renal parameters; renal parenchymal; renal pathology; renal pelvis; renal phenotype; renal prognosis; renal proximal; renal renal; renal repair; renal replacement; renal scarring; renal scars; renal scintigraphy; renal size; renal sodium; renal stones; renal survival; renal symptoms; renal syndrome; renal tissue; renal toxicity; renal transplantation; renal transplants; renal tubular; renal ultrasonography; renal ultrasound; renal units; renin; repair; report; research; residual; resistant; resolution; respect; respiratory; responders; response; responsible; restriction; results; retardation; retrospective; review; rhd; rhgh; rhuepo; rickets; right; right renal; risk; risk patients; rituximab; role; routine; rpd; rrf; rsv; rtd; rtx; safe; safety; salt; samples; sbp; scan; scd80; school; schwartz; schönlein; score; screening; sdma; sdns; sds; secondary; secretion; sections; segmental; segmental renal; selective; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; series; serum; serum creatinine; serum levels; sessions; severe; severe renal; severity; sex; sga; sham; shiraz; short; showing; signaling; significant; significant difference; significant renal; signs; similar; simple; single; sirolimus; site; size; skin; sle; sle patients; slit; small; small children; social; sodium; south; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; sporadic; square; srl; srns; srns patients; ssns; stable; stage renal; stages; staining; standard; standardized; start; state; statistical; status; stenosis; steroid; steroid therapy; steroid treatment; stfr; stiffness; stimulation; strategies; stress; strong; structural; studies; study; study group; subcapsular; subgroup; subjects; subsequent; substitution; successful; suffering; suggested; summary; supplementation; support; surface; surgery; surgical; sustained; switch; sympathetic; symptoms; syndrome; syndrome patients; synthesis; system; systemic; systolic; tacrolimus; taking; target; tbars; techniques; term; term renal; terminal; terminus; tertiary; test; testing; tgf; thalassemia; thalassemic patients; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; thrive; thrombocytopenia; thrombosis; time; tissues; tolerance; tool; total; toxicity; tract; traditional; transcription; transfusion; transient; transplant patients; transplanted; transplanted children; transport; treated; treatment; treatment group; trial; triglycerides; trough; trpc6; tuberculosis; tubular function; tubules; tubulointerstitial; tumor; type; type children; typical; tyrosine; uca; ucr; ultrasonography; unchanged; unclear; uncontrolled; underlying; underlying renal; understanding; underwent; united; univariate; university; university children; unknown; upper; upr; urea; uremic; ureteric; uric; urinalysis; urinary; urinary protein; urinary tract; urine; urolithiasis; uropathy; useful; uti; uti patients; uuo; vaccination; values; variability; variables; vasculitis; vasopressin; vcug; vector; vegf; velocity; ventricular; vesicoureteral; vessels; viral; virulence; virus; visit; vitamin; vitro; vivo; voiding; volume; vomiting; vs.; vur; vur patients; wall; wasting; weekly; weeks; weight; western; wet; white; wide; wild; wilms; withdrawal; work; wt1; years; years old; young; young children; younger; yrs; μmol cache: cord-015324-y44sfr0c.txt plain text: cord-015324-y44sfr0c.txt item: #67 of 606 id: cord-015335-l0kjxhd1 author: None title: Irish Society of Gastroenterology: Proceedings for summer meeting – 26th/27th May 1995 in Galway date: 1995 words: 8736 flesch: 49 summary: It is postulated that cells may be of the Th2 phenotype in normal subjects and coeliac patients with inactive disease (due to the observed increase in IL6 in the absence of IFN~t production) The differences between the IBS group (42.8 + 5.6 yr) and the controls or the CD and UC patients were not statistically significant. keywords: acr; activation; acute; addition; age; aim; anal; animals; antral; apical; apoptosis; appendicectomy; arginine; basolateral; blood; bowel; cancer; carcinoma; cases; cell; cellular; channel; chimerism; chloride; coeliac; colon; colorectal; combined; common; conclusion; controls; development; diagnosis; disease; dmh; dna; donor; dr+; duodenitis; effects; egg; endoscopy; epithelium; eradication; factor; fas; females; fissure; fluid; gastric; gliadin; group; histology; human; ibs; imaging; immune; incidence; increase; individuals; induced; infection; inflammatory; inhibited; interferon; laparoscopy; liver; lymphocytes; mean; mechanism; membrane; metastases; months; mucosal; negative; non; normal; observed; olt; patients; pcr; population; positive; potassium; prevalence; production; proliferation; pylori; range; ratio; regime; response; results; risk; role; s.c.c; salt; secretion; significant; specific; status; studies; study; subjects; surgery; symptoms; test; transplantation; treatment; tumour; type; u.c; ubt; ulcer; use; water; weeks cache: cord-015335-l0kjxhd1.txt plain text: cord-015335-l0kjxhd1.txt item: #68 of 606 id: cord-015348-qt0worsl author: None title: Abstract date: 2010-07-30 words: 74228 flesch: 40 summary: The role of autophagy in cancer seems to be dual: On one hand, there is a growing body of evidence supporting the idea that autophagy may represent a tumor suppressor mechanism by reducing intratumoral necrosis, restricting oxidative stress and limiting chromosomal instability; on the other hand, autophagy may be an important process used by tumor cells to escape various types of stress and even therapeutic agents. At a higher magnification, tumor cells are grouped in small nests formed by large cells, with an abundant, pale, mucus-laden cytoplasm and an eccentric nucleus. keywords: abdominal; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; abundant; accepted; accumulation; accurate; activation; activity; acute; addition; adenocarcinoma; adenoma; adjacent; adults; advanced; affected; age; agents; aggressive; aim; akt; alb; alk; allergic; alterations; alveolar; amplification; amyloid; analysed; analysis; angiosarcoma; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; appearance; appendiceal; appendix; application; applied; approach; appropriate; architecture; area; aspects; aspiration; assessment; associated; association; atypia; atypical; autophagy; autopsy; available; axillary; background; basal; basis; bcr; behaviour; benign; best; better; biochemical; biological; biology; biopsies; biopsy; bladder; bleeding; blood; bone; bowel; braf; brain; breast; breast cancer; breast lesions; bronchial; budding; c4d; cadherin; cancer; cancer patients; carcinoid; carcinoma; cardiac; cases; categories; cause; cd117; cd34; cd56; cd8; cdlu; cell carcinoma; cell lung; cells; cellular; center; central; cervical; changes; characteristics; chemotherapy; children; chromogranin; chronic; ck7; classification; clinical; clinicopathological; collagen; colon; colorectal; combination; common; comparison; complete; complex; component; computer; conclusion; conditions; congenital; consistent; context; contrast; control; conventional; cord; correct; correlate; correlation; countries; course; crc; criteria; critical; crucial; cruz; current; cutaneous; cystic; cysts; cytokeratin; cytological; cytology; cytoplasm; damage; data; death; decrease; degree; density; department; deposition; deposits; dept; desmin; desmoplastic; detection; determined; development; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diameter; differences; different; differential; differential diagnosis; differentiated; difficult; diffuse; digital; digitized; direct; disease; disorders; distant; distinction; distribution; dna; dose; dox; doxorubicin; drug; ductal; dysfunction; dysplasia; e.g.; early; ecs; effect; effective; egfr; electron; endocrine; endometrial; endoscopic; endothelial; entire; entities; entity; eosinophilic; epithelial; epithelioid; essential; european; evaluated; evaluation; evidence; examination; example; excised; excision; exon; experience; expression; extensive; ezrin; factors; false; familial; family; fcd; features; female; fetus; ffpe; fibers; fibres; fibroblastic; fibrosis; field; final; findings; fine; fish; fixation; fna; foci; focus; follicles; follicular; following; formalin; forms; free; frequency; frequent; frontal; frozen; function; future; gallbladder; gastric; gastrointestinal; gbl; gene; gene expression; general; genetic; germany; gland; glioblastoma; gliomas; glomerular; goblet; good; grade; grading; graft; great; gross; group; growth; guidelines; gvhd; h&e; hand; head; heart; help; hematoxylin; hepatic; her2; high; higher; highest; histological; histology; histopathological; histopathology; history; hodgkin; hospital; host; hpv; human; hur; hyaline; hybridization; hyperplasia; hypertension; identification; ihc; images; imaging; imatinib; immature; immune; immunohistochemical; immunohistochemical expression; immunostaining; impact; implementation; important; improved; incidence; includes; inclusions; increase; independent; index; individual; induced; infection; infiltrate; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; inhibitors; initial; injury; institute; intensity; interest; interstitial; intraepithelial; invasion; invasive; investigation; involved; involvement; italy; kai1; ki67; kidney; kinase; kit; knowledge; known; kras; laboratories; laboratory; lack; large; layer; left; lesions; levels; lfs; lgr5; like; likely; limited; literature; liver; lobe; local; localization; location; long; loss; low; lower; lung; lymph; lymphangiogenesis; lymphatic; lymphocytic; lymphoid; lymphoma; macrophages; main; major; majority; males; malignancies; malignant; mammary; management; marked; markers; marking; marrow; mass; material; matrix; mean; mechanisms; median; medical; medicine; melanocytic; melanoma; membrane; membranous; mena; mesenchymal; mesothelioma; metaplasia; metastases; metastatic; method; methylation; mgmt; mib-1; microscopy; mild; minimal; mitochondrial; mitotic; mixed; mlcnec; mmp-9; model; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; months; morphological; morphology; mortality; mtor; mucinous; mucosa; mucus; multiple; multivariate; muscle; muscular; mutations; myxoid; naevi; national; nature; necessary; neck; necrosis; needle; negative; neoplasms; neoplastic; neoplastic cells; nephropathy; nerve; nervous; network; neuroendocrine; new; node; nodular; nodules; non; normal; notch1; novel; nsclc; nuclear; nuclei; nucleoli; nucleus; number; numerous; objective; observed; ofd; old; oncology; optimal; order; organ; origin; outcome; ovarian; ovary; overall; overexpression; oxidative; p16; p53; p63; p<0.001; p<0.05; pancreatic; panel; papillary; paraffin; parameters; parenchyma; partial; particular; pas; pathogenesis; pathological; pathologists; pathology; pathway; patients; pattern; pcr; pdgfra; percentage; period; peripheral; peritoneal; phenotype; pigment; placental; plasma; play; pleomorphic; pleural; poland; poland objective; polish; polyps; poor; population; positive; positive cases; positive cells; positive expression; positivity; possibility; possible; post; potential; practice; predictive; predominant; preoperative; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problems; procedures; process; processes; production; profiles; progesterone; prognostic; progression; proliferation; prominent; promoter; prostate; prostatic; protein; protein expression; protocol; psa; pseudomyxoma; ptc; pten; pulmonary; purpose; qrt; quality; radiation; radical; radiologic; radiotherapy; range; rare; ras; rate; rats; reaction; reactive; recent; receptor; recognition; recurrence; reduced; region; related; relationship; relevant; reliable; renal; report; reporting; research; resection; residual; resolution; respect; response; results; review; rich; right; risk; role; routine; s-100; s100; salivary; samples; santa; sarcoma; scha; score; scpv; screening; second; secondary; sections; selection; sensitive; sensitivity; sentinel; sequencing; series; serous; serum; setting; severe; sex; short; shows; signaling; significant; signs; similar; single; sinonasal; site; situ; size; skin; slides; small; small cell; smears; smoking; smooth; snomed; soft; software; solid; special; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spindle; sporadic; squamous; stage; staging; staining; standard; standardization; statistical; status; step; stomach; stress; stromal; strong; structure; students; studies; study; submucosal; subset; subtypes; support; suppressor; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; suspicious; symptoms; synaptophysin; syndrome; system; targeted; targets; technical; techniques; teratoma; terms; testing; tests; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; thyroid; time; tirapazamine; tissue; tnm; tool; total; tract; transplantation; treatment; true; tubular; tumor; tumor cells; tumoral; tumours; type; tyrosine; uip; ultrastructural; uncommon; underlying; understanding; underwent; unique; university; unknown; unusual; upper; urothelial; usa; use; useful; uterine; validation; value; variable; variant; vascular; vegf; vessels; vimentin; virtual; volume; wall; weeks; white; wide; women; workup; world; years; young cache: cord-015348-qt0worsl.txt plain text: cord-015348-qt0worsl.txt item: #69 of 606 id: cord-015352-2d02eq3y author: None title: ESPR 2017 date: 2017-04-26 words: 82384 flesch: 43 summary: In 2011, the image gently campaign released a safety checklist for performing digital radiography examinations on pediatric patients which is easily applicable to every radiology service. Health care professionals have a shared responsibility for communicating risks and benefits of imaging procedures to patients, especially in the case of pediatric patients. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abnormal; abnormalities; abnormality; absence; abuse; abusive; access; accuracy; accurate; acquisition; active; activity; acute; adc; additional; administration; adolescents; adults; affected; age; aged; agenesis; agents; agreement; aim; airway; alp; alterations; alternative; analysis; anatomic; angiography; anomalies; anomalous; anomaly; anterior; aorta; appearance; applications; applied; approach; appropriate; areas; arm; arterial; arteries; artery; arthritis; assessment; associated; association; asymptomatic; atresia; atrial; atrophy; autopsy; available; average; aware; awareness; axial; babies; background; base; baseline; benign; best; better; bilateral; biliary; biopsies; biopsy; birth; black; bladder; blinded; blood; blunt; body; body mri; bone; bony; bowel; boy; brain; brain mri; calcifications; calculated; callosum; cardiac; care; cases; catheter; cause; cava; cell; center; central; cerebral; challenging; changes; characteristics; chemotherapy; chest; chest ct; childhood; children; chronic; circumferential; classification; clavicle; clear; clinical; clinicians; cns; coefficient; cohort; colonic; color; combination; combined; common; communication; comparison; complete; complex; complications; compression; conclusion; conditions; congenital; consecutive; consensus; consistent; consolidation; contrast; controls; conventional; cord; coronal; corpus; correct; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; course; criteria; critical; cross; ct examinations; ct findings; ct imaging; ct scan; cultures; current; curve; cxr; cyst; cystic; damage; data; days; death; decision; decrease; deep; defect; deformity; degree; delay; density; department; detection; determined; developed; development; diagnosis; diagnostic imaging; differences; different; differential; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; diffusion; digital; dilatation; direct; disease; disorders; distal; distribution; doppler; dose; drl; dti; duodenal; dwi; dynamic; dysplasia; early; echo; edema; effective; effects; effusion; elevated; embolization; emergency; encephalopathy; enhanced; enhancement; enthesitis; epi; erosions; espr; essential; established; european; evaluation; evidence; examination; experience; exposure; extension; extensive; extent; eyes; factors; failure; false; fast; fat; feasible; features; female; femoral; fetal; fetal mri; fetuses; fever; fibrosis; field; fig; figure; final; findings; fistula; flow; fluid; fluoroscopy; fmri; focal; focus; follow; following; fossa; fractures; free; frequency; frequent; frontal; functional; future; gadolinium; gastric; gastrointestinal; general; genetic; gestational; girl; gland; gold; good; grade; grading; graz; greater; grey; group; growth; gsd; guidance; guidelines; half; hand; head; healthy; heart; help; helpful; hemangioma; hematoma; hemorrhages; hepatic; heterotaxy; high; higher; hip; histiocytosis; histological; histopathological; history; hiv; home; hospital; hours; hrct; hsct; hyperintense; hypoplasia; hypoxic; ibd; idiopathic; images; imaging; imaging findings; imaging modality; imaging techniques; impact; important; improvement; incidence; increased; index; indicated; indications; individual; induced; infantile; infants; infected; infection; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; information; initial; injuries; injury; insertion; institution; intensity; inter; interest; international; interpretation; interstitial; intervention; intra; intracranial; intravenous; invasion; invasive; investigation; involvement; ionizing; iron; irregular; ischaemic; isolated; isomerism; iva; january; jejunal; jejunum; jia; joint; jspa; junction; juvenile; kappa; key; kidneys; knowledge; known; laboratory; large; lead; left; length; lesions; level; life; like; likely; limitations; limited; limits; linear; literature; liver; location; london; long; loops; loss; lower; luminal; lung; lus; lymphadenopathy; lymphatic; magnetic; main; majority; males; malformations; malignant; malrotation; management; mandatory; manifestations; mapping; markers; marrow; mass; masses; materials; matter; mean; mean age; measurements; mechanism; meconium; median; medical; medicine; mesenteric; metabolic; metaphyseal; metastasis; method; microcephaly; microlithiasis; middle; midline; mild; minor; minutes; modalities; modality; model; moderate; months; morbidity; mortality; mortem; mps; mr imaging; mre; mri; mri findings; mri images; mrs; multifocal; multiple; mural; muscle; necessary; neck; need; needle; negative; neonatal; neonates; nervous; neural; neuroimaging; neurological; new; newborns; nodules; non; normal; nuclear; number; objective; observer; obstruction; old; older; oncology; onset; opacification; optimal; optimization; organ; osseous; outcome; ovarian; overall; p<0.001; paediatric patients; pain; pancreas; pancreatic; panel; parameters; parenchymal; parents; partial; particular; past; pathological; pathology; patients; pattern; pediatric; pediatric ct; pediatric imaging; pediatric patients; pediatric radiologists; pelvic; percutaneous; performance; perfusion; perinatal; perineal; period; peripheral; pet; phase; physical; physiology; planning; pleural; pneumonia; points; poor; population; portal; position; positive; possible; post; posterior; postnatal; potential; practice; predictive; preliminary; prenatal; preoperative; presence; present; presentation; previous; primary; prior; procedure; process; prognosis; progressive; prone; prospective; protocol; proven; proximal; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quantitative; radial; radiation; radiography; radiological; radiologists; radiology; range; rapid; rare; rate; ray; rays; reader; reasons; recent; recommendations; recovery; recurrent; reduced; reduction; reference; referral; regional; regions; regression; related; relative; relevant; reliability; reliable; renal; reported; reporting; reports; required; research; resolution; resonance; resonance imaging; respiratory; response; restriction; results; retrospective; review; rickets; right; risk; role; routine; sacroiliac; safety; sample; scale; scan; scanner; scimitar; sclerotherapy; scoliosis; score; scoring; screening; scrotum; secondary; segment; seizures; sensitive; sensitivity; sequences; sequestration; series; serum; setting; severe; severity; shape; shows; siemens; signal; significant; signs; similar; single; sinus; site; size; skeletal; skeleton; skin; skull; slice; small; smooth; sms; soft; software; solid; sonographic; space; specificity; spectrum; spinal; spleen; splenic; srv; standard; standardised; state; statistical; stenosis; step; stiffness; stir; strain; structures; studies; study; subcutaneous; subdural; subjects; subsequent; subsets; successful; sudden; suggestive; summary; superior; supine; suppl; support; surface; surgery; surgical; susceptibility; swelling; swi; symmetric; symptoms; syndrome; synovitis; system; systemic; table; task; teaching; technical; technique; term; test; therapy; thickening; thickness; thoracic; thorax; thrombosis; time; tissue; tmjs; tomography; tool; total; tract; training; trans; transplant; transplantation; transverse; trauma; traumatic; treatment; tse; tube; tumor; tumours; type; typical; ultrasonography; ultrasound; underlying; underwent; unique; units; university; upper; urinary; use; useful; utd; valuable; values; variability; variation; varied; vascular; vein; vena; venous; ventricle; ventricular; vessels; volume; vomiting; vs.; vur; vus; wall; water; weeks; weighted; white; wide; wilms; work; wrist; years; young; zika; zikv cache: cord-015352-2d02eq3y.txt plain text: cord-015352-2d02eq3y.txt item: #70 of 606 id: cord-015372-76xvzvdg author: None title: National scientific medical meeting 1996 abstracts date: 1996 words: 36628 flesch: 50 summary: Control patients were enrolled who had no clinical evidence of rheumatological disease, A salivary sample was collected and examined by light microscopy. Drug induced photosensitivity may look identical clinically, have a similar history and patients with CAD may be treated with potentially photosensitising drugs. keywords: 3rd; abbott; abdominal; abnormalities; acid; activity; acute; addition; adhesion; administration; admission; affected; age; aged; aim; alcohol; analysis; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apoptosis; area; arm; artery; assay; assessment; associated; association; autosomal; average; b12; babies; behavioural; biopsy; blood; bmd; board; bone; breast; bupivacaine; cad; calcium; cancer; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; cases; cause; cd30; cdad; cells; central; centre; changes; children; chronic; class; clinical; cns; cognitive; combination; common; community; comparison; compliance; complications; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; consecutive; consecutive patients; controls; cord; correct; correlation; cost; criteria; crying; culture; current; cytokine; daily; damage; data; day; days; death; deficiency; degree; department; dependent; detection; development; diagnosis; diclofenac; diet; dietary; difference; discharge; disease; disorder; dna; doctors; dose; drug; dublin; duration; dysphagia; early; ebv; effect; egf; elderly; elderly patients; elevated; endothelial; evidence; examination; expected; experience; exposure; expression; factor; failure; families; family; features; females; findings; flap; flow; folic; following; formation; free; frequency; function; gender; gene; general; generation; greater; group; group b; growth; haemorrhage; hcv; headache; health; heart; hepatitis; high; higher; histology; history; hiv; hla; home; homocysteine; homozygous; hospital; hours; hsp; human; hypothesis; hysterectomy; icas; icu; iga; igaga; il-6; illness; immune; impaired; implicated; important; improvement; imx; incidence; increase; index; individuals; induction; infection; inflammatory; infusion; initial; intake; investigation; ireland; irish; isolates; ivf; journal; july; known; lack; large; lead; left; length; levels; limited; linkage; lipid; liver; loci; locus; long; loss; lower; lp(a; lps; lung; major; majority; males; management; mania; markers; mass; matched; mbw; mean; mean age; measurements; measures; median; medical; medication; methadone; method; microscopy; middle; mild; minimal; minutes; mmhg; mmse; months; mortality; movements; mrsa; multiple; muscle; necrosis; need; negative; negative patients; neurological; new; non; normal; number; nursing; objective; observed; old; onset; oral; outcome; overall; p53; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; pathogenesis; patients; pattern; pcr; pelvic; people; performance; period; phase; photosensitivity; plasma; pneumoniae; poor; population; positioning; positive; positive patients; possible; post; postoperative; potential; pregnancy; prescribed; prescribing; prescriptions; presence; present; presenting; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; problem; procedures; propofol; protein; psychiatric; psychosis; pts; pulmonary; purpose; questionnaire; range; rate; reaction; reactive; receiving; recent; reconstruction; recovery; reduced; reduction; report; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; retrieval; retrospective; review; right; risk; role; samples; scale; schizophrenia; science; scores; screening; seasonal; second; sensitive; series; serum; service; severe; severity; significant; signs; similar; single; skin; small; smoking; social; species; specific; specimens; standard; status; stay; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; successful; supplement; support; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; taurine; technique; term; test; testing; thcy; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tnf; tonsillectomy; total; tract; transplant; treatment; tumour; type; ulcers; ultrasound; underwent; units; untreated; uptake; urinary; use; uva; vaccine; value; variation; vascular; venous; viral; virus; vitamin; vocal; volume; weeks; weight; women; work; years; young cache: cord-015372-76xvzvdg.txt plain text: cord-015372-76xvzvdg.txt item: #71 of 606 id: cord-015613-ls9qus8y author: Macdonald, David W. title: Infectious disease: Inextricable linkages between human and ecosystem health date: 2006-06-06 words: 6158 flesch: 40 summary: key: cord-015613-ls9qus8y authors: Macdonald, David W.; Laurenson, M. Karen title: Infectious disease: Inextricable linkages between human and ecosystem health date: 2006-06-06 journal: That false dichotomy has long since passed as infectious disease has become a central issue in biological conservation, which itself has become enmeshed in an inter-disciplinary web that embraces the health of ecosystems and people (e.g. Riordan et al., 2006) . keywords: african; animals; approach; areas; authors; bats; biodiversity; biological; biological conservation; btb; canids; case; cattle; china; conservation; contact; control; devil; disease; dogs; domestic; emergence; et al; ethiopian; european; example; extinction; factors; foresight; foxes; fruit; global; grey; habitat; health; host; human; identification; important; individuals; infectious; infectious disease; island; issue; large; livestock; macdonald; mammals; management; modelling; models; natural; new; outbreaks; papers; pathogens; people; persistence; populations; potential; prevalence; public; rabies; recent; red; report; research; reservoirs; risk; role; saiga; sars; special; species; spread; sqpv; squirrels; studies; surveillance; transmission; understanding; virus; viruses; volume; wildlife; world; years cache: cord-015613-ls9qus8y.txt plain text: cord-015613-ls9qus8y.txt item: #72 of 606 id: cord-015651-yhi83hgq author: Kovács, Katalin title: Social Disparities in the Evolution of an Epidemiological Profile: Transition Processes in Mortality Between 1971 and 2008 in an Industrialized Middle Income Country: The Case of Hungary date: 2014-03-25 words: 11310 flesch: 41 summary: For these causes of death mortality levels are quite similar at the beginning of the period considered here, but at a certain point of time mortality of the two groups starts to diverge quite distinctly (Type III, Fig. 4.8) . Three Brazilian birth-cohorts Infectious causes of cancer and their detection, Mini review Life-course socioeconomic and behavioural influences on cardiovascular disease mortality: keywords: analysis; better; cancer; cardiovascular; cardiovascular diseases; cardiovascular mortality; case; causes; cee; century; certain; changes; classification; coding; conditions; consumption; countries; data; death; decline; developed; development; diet; differences; different; diseases; dynamics; eastern; economy; educated; education; emergence; epidemiological; epidemiological transition; european; factors; fig; follow; food; framework; fundamental; future; global; groups; health; heart; higher; history; human; hungary; important; income; inequalities; infectious; infectious diseases; ischemic; large; level; life; linear; living; lower; major; mortality; mortality inequalities; mortality patterns; mortality time; mortality trends; nature; new; non; number; nutrition; omran; original; overall; paper; particular; patterns; period; point; population; possible; present; process; processes; production; quality; rates; related; relationship; risk; role; second; sequences; series; similar; social; specific; specific mortality; stage; stroke; study; system; theories; theory; time; transition; transition theory; trends; type; view; western; years cache: cord-015651-yhi83hgq.txt plain text: cord-015651-yhi83hgq.txt item: #73 of 606 id: cord-015672-qau96gvw author: Willermain, François title: Global Variations and Changes in Patterns of Infectious Uveitis date: 2017-06-01 words: 3009 flesch: 43 summary: Emerging infectious disease thus resumes the origin of human infectious disease. If emerging disease brings us to the origin of infectious disease, re-emerging disease deals with the evolution of infectious disease and the impact of the human society on it. keywords: africa; agent; aids; causes; central; chikungunya; clinical; countries; diagnosis; discovery; disease; endemic; epidemiology; europe; evolution; global; globe; human; impact; important; incidence; increase; infectious; infectious uveitis; intraocular; limited; major; new; non; origin; pathogens; patients; population; recent; regions; respiratory; severe; south; states; syndrome; syphilis; treatment; tuberculosis; united; uveitis; virus; world cache: cord-015672-qau96gvw.txt plain text: cord-015672-qau96gvw.txt item: #74 of 606 id: cord-016009-qa7bcsbu author: Starkel, Julie L. title: Respiratory date: 2019-10-07 words: 22281 flesch: 42 summary: In Europe, lung disease represents 15% of all deaths -the fourth leading cause. Added together, lung disease rivals the position for the top cause of death. keywords: a1at; absorption; acetylcysteine; acid; activation; activity; acute; addition; adults; affected; air; airway; allergic; allergy; alpha-1; alveolar; alveoli; analysis; antioxidant; antitrypsin; anxiety; arsenic; assess; associated; association; asthma; asthmatic; available; bacterial; balance; benefits; blood; body; breathing; bronchitis; cadmium; cancer; capacity; carbon; cause; cells; cellular; certain; children; chronic; chronic lung; cigarette; cofactors; collagen; common; concentrations; conditions; connective; contrast; control; copd; curcumin; cysteine; cystic; cytokines; dairy; damage; data; day; death; decreased; deficiency; depression; development; diagnosis; diet; dietary; different; dioxide; disease; disorders; doses; effective; effects; emphysema; enzymes; epithelial; essential; evidence; example; excessive; exercise; exposure; factor; fatty; fibroblasts; fibrosing; fibrosis; fibrotic; fig; fish; folate; foods; form; free; fruits; function; genes; genetic; glutathione; good; greater; growth; gsh; gut; health; heavy; help; helpful; high; higher; history; homeostasis; human; idiopathic; ige; immune; impact; impaired; important; improved; increase; individual; induced; infections; inflammation; inflammatory; inhaled; injury; intake; integrative; interstitial; ipf; iron; issues; key; lead; leading; length; levels; life; lifestyle; like; lining; lipid; lipoic; liver; long; low; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung function; lung health; lung tissue; magnesium; mechanisms; mice; microbiome; minerals; mucus; muscle; mutations; new; nutrients; nutrition; obstructive; oral; oxidative; oxygen; particles; particular; pathway; patients; people; phytonutrients; play; pneumonia; pneumonitis; pollutants; pollution; potential; powerful; present; prevention; production; products; progression; protective; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; pulmonary fibrosis; quality; quercetin; rate; recent; receptor; reduced; research; respiratory; respiratory disease; respiratory health; response; responsible; results; review; risk; role; selenium; serum; severe; significant; sleep; smoke; smokers; smoking; soluble; status; stress; studies; study; supplementation; support; surfactant; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; synthesis; system; systematic; target; telomere; testing; tgf; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; toxic; tract; treatment; trigger; type; united; upper; vegetables; vitamin; vitamin d; weight; year; zinc cache: cord-016009-qa7bcsbu.txt plain text: cord-016009-qa7bcsbu.txt item: #75 of 606 id: cord-016136-vxjyjql6 author: Burge, Harriet A. title: Airplanes and Infectious Disease date: 2005-08-08 words: 3297 flesch: 52 summary: Thus, the risk of infectious disease transmission is related to the probability that: 1. Until further studies can document a significant risk for infectious disease transmission in the aircraft environment, cost-increasing measures to reduce already minimal risks seem unwarranted. Airplanes and Infectious Disease 149 keywords: aerosol; agent; airborne; aircraft; case; commercial; common; contact; contagious; disease; environment; exposure; flight; infected; infectious; likely; low; organisms; outbreaks; passengers; people; person; present; rare; respiratory; risk; sars; sensitive; spread; time; transmission; travel; tuberculosis; ventilation cache: cord-016136-vxjyjql6.txt plain text: cord-016136-vxjyjql6.txt item: #76 of 606 id: cord-016171-17ut32bu author: Lane, J. Michael title: Smallpox as a Weapon for Bioterrorism date: 2009 words: 8406 flesch: 46 summary: Recent research suggests that smallpox virus could be recreated by synthesizing long strands of DNA, thus enhancing its availability for bioterrorism. Efforts are currently underway to detect smallpox virus in the environment, including in air distribution systems in large buildings. keywords: adequate; aerosol; air; algorithm; attack; bioterrorist; bodies; breman; bush; care; cases; cdc; centers; characteristic; clinical; close; contacts; containment; control; day; days; diagnosis; disease; disease control; dixon; easy; efforts; emergency; epidemiological; et al; face; fatality; fenner; fever; general; good; guidelines; handling; health; hemorrhagic; henderson; high; hospitals; immune; index; infection; intelligence; isolation; laboratories; laboratory; lane; large; lesions; mack; major; management; medical; modern; nations; natural; new; numbers; orthopoxviruses; outbreak; patients; pcr; personnel; plan; possible; potential; prevention; prodrome; program; public; public health; rao; rash; rate; real; recent; respiratory; response; risk; skin; smallpox; smallpox vaccination; smallpox virus; specific; specimens; spread; states; stocks; strains; summary; supply; surveillance; systems; terrorists; tests; threat; time; transmission; united; use; vaccination; vaccine; vaccinia; variola; viral; viremia; virus; viruses; weapon; widespread; workers cache: cord-016171-17ut32bu.txt plain text: cord-016171-17ut32bu.txt item: #77 of 606 id: cord-016222-dltsdqcm author: Siegel, Frederic R. title: Lessening the Impacts from Non-Tectonic (Natural) Hazards and Triggered Events date: 2016-06-24 words: 7137 flesch: 52 summary: The threat or onset of infectious disease can be mitigated in several ways. With respect to improved diagnostics (4 above), Nature published a December 2015 supplement in which contributors modeled the impact of new diagnostic and prognostic technologies for lessening the global burden of infectious diseases [ 11 ] . keywords: access; activity; aquifer; areas; available; avalanches; base; california; care; cause; central; change; citizens; cliff; climate; collapse; countries; damage; data; degree; developed; disease; downslope; early; earth; ebola; economic; epidemic; event; fever; future; geological; global; groundwater; hazards; health; hills; home; infectious; infl; infrastructure; insurance; landslide; loss; mass; materials; measles; medications; mental; movements; natural; new; ooding; outbreak; people; place; populations; potential; preparedness; pressure; problem; prone; protocols; rainfall; regions; report; result; risk; river; roads; rocks; second; sinkhole; slope; small; snow; snowpack; soils; spread; stress; structures; study; subsidence; subsurface; surface; systems; terrain; time; topography; transmission; vaccines; valley; warning; water; weight; wet cache: cord-016222-dltsdqcm.txt plain text: cord-016222-dltsdqcm.txt item: #78 of 606 id: cord-016238-bs1qk677 author: Venkatachalam, Sangeeta title: An Infectious Disease Outbreak Simulator Based on the Cellular Automata Paradigm date: 2006 words: 4212 flesch: 48 summary: Most of the work in modeling infectious disease epidemics is mathematically inspired and based on differential equations and SIR/SEIR model [3] . The simulator facilitates the study of dynamics of epidemics of different infectious diseases, and has been applied to study the effects of spread vaccination and ring vaccination strategies. keywords: automata; capable; cell; cellular; coefficient; contact; different; disease; distance; dynamics; epidemic; figure; global; individuals; infected; infectious; interaction; latency; lattice; model; modeling; neighborhood; number; outbreak; parameter; period; population; random; rate; region; section; simulator; spatial; spread; state; stochastic; study; susceptible; time; tools; vaccination cache: cord-016238-bs1qk677.txt plain text: cord-016238-bs1qk677.txt item: #79 of 606 id: cord-016241-qom2rokn author: Chen, Long title: Post-Newborn: A New Concept of Period in Early Life date: 2013-12-06 words: 3168 flesch: 42 summary: The common point of post-neonatal infant and other infancy stages is the low immune function. The research on the developmental law of post-neonatal infants will help to find new diagnosis, treatment and prevention methods for the diseases of children and adults. keywords: adult; age; attention; birth; cause; children; clinical; complications; concept; congenital; days; death; development; different; diseases; early; epigenetic; function; gene; growth; health; heart; high; immune; important; infants; infectious; life; low; medicine; milk; mortality; neonatal; neonatal period; neurological; newborn; nutritional; period; post; prevention; quality; rate; research; respiratory; sequelae; specific; syndrome; time; treatment; virus cache: cord-016241-qom2rokn.txt plain text: cord-016241-qom2rokn.txt item: #80 of 606 id: cord-016292-o4cw5ufy author: Horby, Peter W. title: Drivers of Emerging Zoonotic Infectious Diseases date: 2014-07-19 words: 4014 flesch: 32 summary: Stage 4: Animal disease that have sustained transmission between humans (e.g. influenza). Some aspects of socio-economic change might serve to reduce the overall risk of infectious disease emergence, but all ecosystem changes have the potential to provide new opportunities for microorganisms to spill-over into human populations. keywords: agriculture; animals; antibiotics; areas; asia; better; biodiversity; changes; consumption; countries; demand; diseases; diversity; domestic; drivers; economic; emergence; et al; fao; farming; food; foodborne; global; h5n1; health; high; host; humans; important; increase; infectious; influenza; intensification; key; land; large; livestock; loss; major; markets; meat; natural; new; opportunities; pathogens; population; potential; poultry; production; products; resistance; result; risk; scale; small; species; spread; stage; swine; systems; trade; transmission; use; virus; water; wild; world; zoonotic cache: cord-016292-o4cw5ufy.txt plain text: cord-016292-o4cw5ufy.txt item: #81 of 606 id: cord-016293-pyb00pt5 author: Newell-McGloughlin, Martina title: The flowering of the age of Biotechnology 1990–2000 date: 2006 words: 22413 flesch: 45 summary: These DNA chips have broad commercial applications and are now used in many areas of basic and clinical research including the detection of drug resistance mutations in infectious organisms, direct DNA sequence comparison of large segments of the human genome, the monitoring of multiple human genes for disease associated mutations, the quantitative and parallel measurement of mRNA expression for thousands of human genes, and the physical and genetic mapping of genomes. Of course for such a radical approach certain basal level criteria needed to be established for selecting disease candidates for human gene therapy. keywords: ability; access; activity; ada; addition; adult; affymetrix; algorithm; alignment; analysis; animal; applications; approach; approval; aquaculture; areas; array; available; basic; benefits; bioinformatics; biological; biology; biotechnology; blood; body; brain; broad; california; calves; cancer; capillary; cause; cells; century; cheese; chemistry; chip; chromosome; clinical; clinton; cloned; cloning; coding; collaboration; colleagues; collins; commercial; common; companies; company; complete; complex; computer; countries; course; crops; current; cystic; data; database; david; day; decade; design; development; different; differentiated; director; discovery; disease; disorders; dna; dna sequence; document; draft; drug; early; effective; efficient; effort; embryonic; embryos; end; entire; enzymes; established; ests; ethical; europe; example; experiment; expression; factor; fda; fetal; fibrosis; field; fish; focus; fodor; following; food; french; function; gene; gene expression; gene therapy; gene transfer; generation; genetic; genome; genome project; genome sequence; genomics; gilead; global; goal; group; growth; health; herman; hgp; hgs; high; history; hiv; human; human disease; human genome; immune; important; inc; incyte; individual; industrial; influenza; information; initial; institute; interest; international; issues; james; key; knowledge; laboratory; large; later; leukemia; level; life; like; limited; line; long; machine; major; making; mammalian; management; mapping; market; medical; medicine; method; mice; microbes; milk; model; molecular; multiple; nature; necessary; need; neuraminidase; new; nih; nineties; non; novel; november; nuclear; nuclei; nucleotide; nucleus; number; organisms; particular; patent; patenting; patients; people; perlegen; perspective; pharmaceuticals; physical; plant; play; population; possible; potential; president; primary; principal; process; production; products; program; project; promise; protein; public; rapid; recombinant; regulatory; related; replication; research; researchers; resistant; results; ribozymes; rna; role; run; safety; scale; science; scientific; scientists; second; sequence; sequencing; set; sheep; significant; similar; single; small; snps; sources; species; specific; stage; stem cells; strains; structure; studies; study; successful; surface; system; tamiflu; target; team; techniques; technologies; technology; term; therapeutics; therapy; thousands; throughput; tigr; time; tissue; tools; traditional; transfer; transgenic; treatment; trials; types; u.s; understanding; unique; university; use; vaccines; valuable; variants; variety; venter; viral; virus; viruses; vitamin; way; work; world; year; yeast cache: cord-016293-pyb00pt5.txt plain text: cord-016293-pyb00pt5.txt item: #82 of 606 id: cord-016312-u47mb2h0 author: Lu, Pu-Xuan title: Introduction of Emerging Infectious Diseases date: 2015-07-25 words: 1781 flesch: 45 summary: Such contagious diseases did not exist in the past and newly emerge due to new pathogens such as AIDS, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), human infection with highly pathogenic avian infl uenza H5N1, Thirdly, new infectious diseases are incurred by various complicated reasons such as evolution of pathogens. keywords: avian; cases; changes; characteristics; clinical; contagious; control; countries; diagnosis; diseases; eids; example; factors; great; health; human; imaging; infectious; infl; measures; new; pathogens; patients; people; period; public; pulmonary; result; sars; severe; symptoms; uenza; viruses cache: cord-016312-u47mb2h0.txt plain text: cord-016312-u47mb2h0.txt item: #83 of 606 id: cord-016364-80l5mua2 author: Menotti-Raymond, Marilyn title: The Domestic Cat, Felis catus, as a Model of Hereditary and Infectious Disease date: 2008 words: 6926 flesch: 28 summary: The canine genome Understanding the genetics of autoimmune disease: Two loci that regulate late onset Addison's disease in Portuguese Water Dogs Canine RPGRIP1 mutation establishes cone-rod dystrophy in miniature longhaired dachshunds as a homologue of human Leber congenital amaurosis Cat domestication age An STR forensic typing system for genetic individualization of domestic cat (Felis catus) samples Tyrosinase and tyrosinase related protein 1 alleles specify domestic cat coat color phenotypes of the albino and brown loci Feline polycystic kidney disease mutation identified in PKD1 An ∼140-kb deletion associated with feline spinal muscular atrophy implies an essential LIX1 function for motor neuron survival A homozygous single-base deletion in MLPH causes the dilute coat color phenotype in the domestic cat Albinism in the domestic cat (Felis catus) is associated with a tyrosinase (TYR) mutation Tyrosinase mutations associated with Siamese and Burmese patterns in the domestic cat (Felis catus) Molecular diagnosis of gangliosidosis: A model of inherited diseases in pure breeds Characterization of the molecular defect in a feline model for type II GM2-gangliosidosis (Sandhoff disease) An inversion of 25 base pairs causes feline GM2 gangliosidosis variant Mutation of the GM2 activator protein in a feline model of GM2 gangliosidosis Glycogen storage disease Type IV: Inherited deficiency of branching enzyme activity in cats Glycogen storage disease Type IV in Norwegian Forest Cats: Molecular detection of carriers Characterization of the mutations causing hemophilia B in 2 domestic cats A mutation in the lipoprotein lipase gene is the molecular basis of chylomicronemia in a colony of domestic cats A cardiac myosin binding protein C mutation in the Maine Coon cat with familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy A missense mutation in Nacetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase causes mucolipidosis II in domestic shorthair cats Two mutations within a feline mucopolysaccharidosis type VI colony cause three different clinical phenotypes Molecular basis of feline beta-glucuronidase deficiency: An animal model of mucopolysaccharidosis VII Deletion of the dystrophin muscle promoter in feline muscular dystrophy Mutation analysis of feline Niemann-Pick C1 disease A tyrosinase gene missense mutation in temperature-sensitive type I oculocutaneous albinism. [130] [131] [132] Historically, many of the human oncogenes that defi ne signal transduction pathways were originally discovered in the context of feline leukemia virus interaction in cat models. keywords: acute; adeno; analysis; animal; assembly; association; atrophy; bone; breeds; canine; cat; cat genome; cats; causes; cells; characterization; chromosome; clinical; cns; coat; color; comparative; congenital; conserved; coronavirus; critical; cystic; defi; deficiency; development; different; disease; disorders; dog; domestic; domestic cat; dystrophin; enzyme; feline; felis; fiv; gangliosidosis; gene; generation; genetic; genome; genome sequence; genomic; hereditary; human; hybrid; identification; immunodeficiency; important; infectious; large; leukemia; linkage; lipoprotein; lix1; loci; locus; lysosomal; mammalian; map; mapping; maps; markers; marrow; model; molecular; motor; mouse; mucopolysaccharidosis; muscle; muscular; mutation; neurons; novel; nuclear; pathologies; pathology; patterns; phenotypes; population; protein; radiation; recent; region; research; role; sars; sequence; severe; similar; sma; somatic; species; spinal; storage; strategies; strategy; strs; syndrome; synteny; system; targeted; therapeutic; therapy; transfer; transplantation; treatment; type; tyrosinase; virus cache: cord-016364-80l5mua2.txt plain text: cord-016364-80l5mua2.txt item: #84 of 606 id: cord-016387-ju4130bq author: Last, John title: A Brief History of Advances Toward Health date: 2005 words: 5466 flesch: 49 summary: Ecological and evolutionary changes in micro-organisms account for the origins of diarrhea , measles, malaria, smallpox, plague, and many other diseases. Many others belong in their company: The great German pathologist Rudolph Virchow recognized that political action as well as rational science are necessary to initiate effective action to control public health problems; Edwin Chadwick and Lemuel Shattuck reported on the appalling sanitary conditions associated with the unacceptably high infant and child death rates that prevailed in 19 th century industrial towns; William Farr established vital statistics in England as a model for other nations to follow. keywords: addiction; analysis; ancient; bacillus; bills; causes; century; changes; children; cholera; clinical; conditions; control; death; diet; discoveries; diseases; early; effects; environment; epidemics; essential; father; fracastorius; global; good; graunt; great; half; handful; health; history; human; infectious; james; jenner; john; late; life; lind; london; long; medical; medicine; micro; modern; mortality; nature; new; observations; organisms; pasteur; pathfinders; people; physician; plague; political; problem; process; public; public health; rabies; rates; reforms; road; sailors; sanitary; science; scurvy; second; smallpox; snow; social; society; spread; study; syphilis; terrible; theory; time; tobacco; understanding; wards; water; ways; work; years cache: cord-016387-ju4130bq.txt plain text: cord-016387-ju4130bq.txt item: #85 of 606 id: cord-016403-id6fjgye author: Djikeng, Appolinaire title: Implications of Human Microbiome Research for the Developing World date: 2011-10-11 words: 8150 flesch: 31 summary: The nonresident microbiota contains known and unknown microbes that cause a wide range of human diseases, most of which remain to be effectively controlled in both the developed and the developing world. As an example, recent human microbiome studies have led to the discovery of a novel virus of the Cosavirus genus and its association with acute diarrhea in a child in Australia (Holtz et al., 2008) . keywords: 16s; acquisition; addition; africa; analysis; animals; approaches; areas; asia; associated; available; bacterial; better; body; cases; cause; children; communities; community; conditions; context; control; core; countries; data; deaths; development; diarrhea; diseases; diversity; effective; environment; et al; example; flora; focus; gastrointestinal; genes; genome; genomics; global; group; gut; health; high; hiv; host; human; human body; human health; human microbiome; identification; implications; infectious; initial; initiatives; known; leptospira; leptospirosis; major; malaria; metagenomics; microbial; microbiome; microorganisms; new; number; parasite; past; pathogens; patients; people; population; potential; present; probiotics; project; recent; research; result; risk; role; rrna; samples; sciences; scientific; sequence; sequencing; significant; south; species; studies; study; technological; technologies; time; tract; treatment; turnbaugh; understanding; unknown; vaccine; vaginal; viruses; world; years cache: cord-016403-id6fjgye.txt plain text: cord-016403-id6fjgye.txt item: #86 of 606 id: cord-016413-lvb79oxo author: Efthimiou, Petros title: Adult-Onset Still’s Disease date: 2018-07-14 words: 6129 flesch: 38 summary: Myocarditis, pericarditis, and pleural effusions have also been observed in AOSD patients, and they seem to respond to anti-inflammatory treatment. Several retrospective case series and one open-labeled prospective randomized trial have evaluated the use of anakinra in AOSD patients [41, 42] . keywords: activation; active; activity; acute; adult; agents; anakinra; anti; aosd; arthritis; articular; association; available; bone; cases; chronic; classification; clinical; corticosteroids; criteria; cytokine; diagnosis; different; disease; dose; drb1; early; effect; efficacy; elevated; factor; ferritin; fever; findings; form; glycosylated; high; hla; idiopathic; il-1; il-6; inflammatory; inhibitors; involvement; joint; juvenile; levels; limited; line; liver; macrophage; manifestations; marrow; mas; methotrexate; monocyclic; months; new; nsaids; onset; patients; pattern; phase; present; production; randomized; rash; recent; receptor; refractory; response; results; role; series; serum; severe; sjia; study; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; tests; therapeutic; therapy; tnf; tocilizumab; treatment; trial; use cache: cord-016413-lvb79oxo.txt plain text: cord-016413-lvb79oxo.txt item: #87 of 606 id: cord-016476-78r0rsio author: Jani, Meghna title: Management of the Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient with Interstitial Lung Disease date: 2017-11-29 words: 15259 flesch: 30 summary: Abatacept can be used safely for RA patients with interstitial lung disease Risk of hospitalised infection in rheumatoid arthritis patients receiving biologics following a previous infection while on treatment with anti-TNF therapy American College of Rheumatology guideline for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis Adding tocilizumab or switching to tocilizumab monotherapy in methotrexate inadequate responders: 24-week symptomatic and structural results of a 2-year randomised controlled strategy trial Comparison of adding tocilizumab to methotrexate with switching to tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis with inadequate response to methotrexate: 52-week results from a prospective, randomised, controlled study (SURPRISE study) Inverse effects of interleukin-6 on apoptosis of fibroblasts from pulmonary fibrosis and normal lungs Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with humanized anti-interleukin-6 receptor antibody: a multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Effect of interleukin-6 receptor inhibition with tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (OPTION study): a double-blind, placebocontrolled, randomised trial Study of active controlled tocilizumab monotherapy for rheumatoid arthritis patients with an inadequate response to methotrexate (SATORI): significant reduction in disease activity and serum vascular endothelial growth factor by IL-6 receptor inhibition Tocilizumab monotherapy versus adalimumab monotherapy for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (ADACTA): a randomised, double-blind, controlled phase 4 trial Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous tocilizumab versus intravenous tocilizumab in combination with traditional DMARDs in patients with RA at week 97 (SUMMACTA) Sarilumab, a fully human monoclonal antibody against IL-6Rα in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and an inadequate response to methotrexate: efficacy and safety results from the randomised SARIL-RA-MOBILITY part a trial Sarilumab plus methotrexate in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis and inadequate response to methotrexate: results of a phase III study A case of organizing pneumonia induced by tocilizumab A fatal case of acute exacerbation of interstitial lung disease in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis during treatment with tocilizumab Exacerbation of combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema syndrome during tocilizumab therapy for rheumatoid arthritis Acute pneumonitis in a patient with adult-onset disease after toclizumab treatment with good response to anakinra Interstitial lung disease in rheumatoid arthritis: response to IL-6R blockade Postmarketing surveillance of tocilizumab for rheumatoid arthritis in Japan: interim analysis of 3881 patients Association of disease activity with acute exacerbation of interstitial lung disease during tocilizumab treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a retrospective, case-control study Recombinant human interleukin-1 receptor type I in the treatment of patients with active rheumatoid arthritis Dose-range and dose-frequency study of recombinant human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Whilst mortality rates have been reported up to 17%, hypersensitivity pneumonitis is reported to be a rare AE in RA patients. keywords: abatacept; active; acute; adalimumab; agents; analysis; anti; antirheumatic; arm; arthritis; associated; association; available; baseline; benefit; biologic; blind; case; certolizumab; clinical; combination; complications; concerns; cyclophosphamide; data; deaths; decisions; disease; dose; double; drug; early; effects; efficacy; etanercept; events; evidence; exacerbation; existing; experience; extension; factor; fibrosis; follow; function; glucocorticoids; group; hrct; human; idiopathic; iii; ild; improvement; inadequate; incidence; incident; infection; infliximab; inhibitors; injury; interstitial; interstitial lung; ipf; japanese; joint; leflunomide; likely; limited; literature; long; lung; lung disease; management; methotrexate; monotherapy; mortality; mtx; mycophenolate; nbdmards; necrosis; new; non; nsip; observational; observed; onset; outcomes; p13; patients; pfts; phase; pirfenidone; placebo; pneumonia; pneumonitis; possible; post; potential; pre; previous; progression; pulmonary; randomised; rcts; recent; receptor; reported; reports; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; review; rheumatoid; rheumatoid arthritis; risk; rituximab; safety; scleroderma; sclerosis; series; severe; severity; small; spontaneous; sraes; studies; study; survival; symptoms; systemic; table; therapies; therapy; tnfi; tocilizumab; tofacitinib; toxicity; treatment; trial; uip; use; weeks; year cache: cord-016476-78r0rsio.txt plain text: cord-016476-78r0rsio.txt item: #88 of 606 id: cord-016490-yog4sfvi author: Liu, Xiaobo title: Ambient Temperature and Major Infectious Diseases in China date: 2019-06-08 words: 9795 flesch: 37 summary: Clarifying the correlation between ambient temperature and major infectious diseases in China is a crucial step toward the successful control of infectious diseases including vector-borne diseases, water-borne diseases, food-borne diseases, respiratory infectious diseases, etc. and the implementations of climate change adaption strategy and measures in China. However, no study has systematically reviewed the available evidences on the impact of ambient temperature on the incidence of major infectious diseases, and such information is essential for policymakers and stakeholders to take specific actions to control infectious diseases and protect the vulnerable population in the future. keywords: ambient; ambient temperature; analysis; areas; asia; association; available; average; avian; cases; central; change; china; climate; climatic; control; data; dengue; density; development; different; diseases; distribution; effect; environmental; factors; fever; foot; future; guangzhou; h5n1; h7n9; hand; hemorrhagic; hfmd; hfrs; high; higher; host; human; humidity; hupensis; impact; incidence; increase; infectious; infectious diseases; influence; influenza; information; january; japonicum; major; malaria; maximum; mean; meteorological; minimum; minimum temperature; model; monthly; mouth; nonlinear; occurrence; oncomelania; outbreaks; plague; potential; present; province; range; rate; rcp; regions; related; relationship; renal; respiratory; risk; rodent; scenarios; schistosoma; schistosomiasis; sfts; snail; southern; spatial; spread; studies; study; suitable; syndrome; temperature; threshold; time; transmission; variables; variation; vector; virus; years; zone; ° c cache: cord-016490-yog4sfvi.txt plain text: cord-016490-yog4sfvi.txt item: #89 of 606 id: cord-016508-39glgeft author: Possas, Cristina title: Vaccines: Biotechnology Market, Coverage, and Regulatory Challenges for Achieving Sustainable Development Goals date: 2019-06-13 words: 6598 flesch: 32 summary: One of the major gaps in vaccine innovation, particularly affecting the development of new vaccines against emerging and neglected diseases, is related to the inability of scientists to explain the diversity of individual immune responses and clinical outcomes to the same vaccine and how this diversity relates to innate and acquired immunity. Pfizer is expected to increase its participation in the market in the next decade due to the success of its pneumococcal vaccine Prevnar 13 and increasing investments in vaccine development. keywords: access; adjuvants; bill; biotechnology; candidates; companies; countries; coverage; crucial; current; decade; dengue; deposits; development; diseases; economic; effective; et al; failure; foundation; funding; gates; gavi; global; goals; health; high; hiv; human; immune; immunization; immunome; income; industry; infectious; influenza; information; innovation; intellectual; international; investments; long; main; major; manufacturers; market; mechanisms; melinda; model; necessary; need; new; order; organizations; patent; people; perspectives; pharmaceutical; players; policy; poorest; population; possas; production; products; property; public; r&d; regulatory; related; report; research; scenario; sdgs; strategies; strategy; support; sustainable; sustainable development; system; targets; technological; technologies; term; vaccine; vaccine development; value; world; year; zika cache: cord-016508-39glgeft.txt plain text: cord-016508-39glgeft.txt item: #90 of 606 id: cord-016536-8wfyaxcb author: Ubokudom, Sunday E. title: Physical, Social and Cultural, and Global Influences date: 2012-02-20 words: 10473 flesch: 38 summary: In a letter to the Editor of the JAMA , Winkelstein ( 1993 Winkelstein ( , p. 2504 argues that curative medical care, or those practices that are used for the care and rehabilitation of the sick, which involve most of the physical and designed social technologies listed in Table 5 .1 of the previous chapter, is not the same as health care. Further, it is argued that as countries compete for foreign direct investment and outsourced production, the need to appear business-friendly may limit their ability to adopt and implement labor standards, occupational safety and health regulations, and other redistributive programs (Cornia 2005 ) ; global integration of production may cause a sharp decline in the wages of, and demand for, low-skilled workers; large amounts of debt limit the ability of many developing and developed countries to meet other human needs related to health, education, water, public safety, sanitation, nutrition, etc.; globalization may lead to an intensifi cation of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away, and vice versa (Giddens 1990 , p. 64) ; much of the urbanization caused by international fi nance and trade policies occurs in countries that have limited resources to provide urban infrastructures; and the emphasis on private fi nancing and provision of health care leads to large-scale underinsurance and uninsurance in both the developed and developing countries (Labonte and Schrecker 2007 , p. 6) . keywords: access; affect; air; alcohol; america; asthma; attention; behaviors; benefi; biological; blood; cancer; care; causes; cdc; change; chapter; children; chronic; climate; communities; conditions; control; countries; country; deaths; defi; determinants; development; dietary; differences; disasters; disease; distribution; education; effects; environmental; et al; evidence; example; exposure; factors; force; foreign; genetic; global; globalization; growth; health; health care; health policy; heart; high; higher; human; identifi; ill; important; income; individual; infectious; infl; injuries; international; large; leading; levels; lifestyle; likely; lives; low; lower; marmot; mcginnis; measures; medical; medical care; medicine; migration; mobility; mortality; motor; nance; national; natural; occurrence; order; people; physical; policies; policy; policymaking; poor; population; population health; practice; pressure; preventive; primary; problems; programs; promotion; public; public health; quality; rates; recommendations; relationship; research; results; risk; security; services; signifi; social; socioeconomic; states; states health; studies; study; suicide; survey; system; task; technology; terrorism; tobacco; trade; uenza; united; united states; uspstf; vehicle; water; world; years cache: cord-016536-8wfyaxcb.txt plain text: cord-016536-8wfyaxcb.txt item: #91 of 606 id: cord-016657-w30hed7w author: Blatt, Amy J. title: Geographic Medicine date: 2014-09-29 words: 3209 flesch: 38 summary: key: cord-016657-w30hed7w authors: Blatt, Amy J. title: Geographic Medicine date: 2014-09-29 journal: Health, Science, and Place DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-12003-4_8 sha: doc_id: 16657 cord_uid: w30hed7w This chapter uses a sub-discipline of medicine, known as geographic medicine, to describe how human movements contribute to the transmission of parasites on spatial scales that exceed the limits of its natural habitat. This chapter demonstrates how public health is intimately linked to patient care through human movement. keywords: areas; care; chapter; commuting; control; dengue; different; disease; factors; geographic; global; health; high; hosts; human; important; increase; individuals; infection; information; international; large; local; medicine; mosquito; movement; new; observation; pathogen; patterns; people; place; population; public; regional; risk; role; scale; sources; spatial; study; time; transmission; travel; travelers; u.s; urban; vector cache: cord-016657-w30hed7w.txt plain text: cord-016657-w30hed7w.txt item: #92 of 606 id: cord-016663-qnp99m7o author: Taylor, Robert B. title: Medical Words Linked to Places date: 2017-02-01 words: 4837 flesch: 61 summary: This chapter is about diseases named for places. If a young physician today were asked to identify a disease named for a place, the answer might well be Lyme disease, also called Lyme borreliosis. keywords: addition; american; amines; babesiosis; bce; black; blood; camel; cape; cases; cattle; cause; century; cod; disease; drug; early; east; ebola; encephalitis; epsom; europe; family; fever; fig; foot; funk; german; god; greek; guinea; health; hemorrhagic; humans; infection; island; known; language; latin; lyme; magnesia; magnesium; meaning; medical; member; mers; middle; mosquito; mountains; names; nantucket; new; nile; organism; paris; patients; persons; physician; places; river; rocky; states; story; substance; surgeon; term; tick; today; town; trench; uganda; united; urine; viral; virus; vitamin; war; water; west; white; word; worm; year; yellow; zika cache: cord-016663-qnp99m7o.txt plain text: cord-016663-qnp99m7o.txt item: #93 of 606 id: cord-016704-99v4brjf author: Nicholson, Felicity title: Infectious Diseases: The Role of the Forensic Physician date: 2005 words: 14642 flesch: 55 summary: In 1998, 56% of reported cases were from people born outside the United Kingdom and 3% were associated with HIV infection (70, 71) . Clusters of skin infections with MRSA have been reported among injecting drug users (IDUs) since 1981 in America (45, 46) , and more recently, similar strains have been found in the United Kingdom in IDUs in the community (47) . keywords: acute; adults; africa; age; agent; aids; approx; asymptomatic; aureus; available; bedding; bites; blood; body; care; cases; cell; chicken; children; chronic; clinical; close; clothing; common; complications; contact; contaminated; control; countries; course; custody; data; days; department; detainee; disease; dose; drug; early; east; eggs; end; estimated; exposure; fluids; following; forensic; gloves; group; hands; hav; hbv; hcv; health; hepatitis; high; higher; hiv; hospital; hours; human; idus; illness; immunocompromised; increased; incubation; individuals; infected; infection; information; injuries; intravenous; involved; kingdom; lesions; likely; liver; management; medical; member; mild; months; mouth; mucous; need; new; nonimmune; old; onset; open; outbreak; patients; people; period; person; phase; physician; population; positive; possible; pox; pregnant; present; prevalence; prevention; prolonged; rash; report; resistant; respiratory; risk; route; sars; scabies; severe; sexual; shingles; signs; site; skin; specific; spread; staff; states; symptoms; time; transmission; treatment; tuberculosis; united; united kingdom; use; users; vaccination; vaccine; varicella; victim; viral; virus; weeks; women; world; wounds; years; zoster cache: cord-016704-99v4brjf.txt plain text: cord-016704-99v4brjf.txt item: #94 of 606 id: cord-016717-2twm4hmc author: Vourc’h, Gwenaël title: How Does Biodiversity Influence the Ecology of Infectious Disease? date: 2011-06-28 words: 7767 flesch: 35 summary: We highlight that the number of pathogen species is not well known but that new findings are facilitated by the rapid expansion of molecular techniques. For these reasons, combined with the limited knowledge available of the systematics of many pathogens (Brooks and Hoberg 2001) , it is difficult to accurately estimate the number of pathogen species. keywords: abundance; addition; amplification; analysis; animals; bacteria; begon; biodiversity; biology; case; change; communities; community; competent; competition; consequences; different; difficult; dilution; disease; distribution; disturbance; diversity; dynamics; ecology; ecosystem; effect; emergence; equator; et al; evolutionary; example; exposure; falciparum; forests; genes; genetic; global; habitat; high; higher; host; host species; human; hypothesis; immune; impact; important; increase; individuals; infectious; infectious diseases; instance; interactions; investigations; knowledge; level; link; loss; low; lyme; major; mhc; molecular; mortality; multi; natural; new; number; organisms; parasite; pathogen species; pathogens; plant; population; question; rate; reservoir; resistance; response; results; richness; risk; role; selective; small; species; species richness; studies; susceptibility; systems; temperate; theoretical; ticks; time; transmission; tropics; vaccines; variability; vector; viral; virulence; viruses; work; years cache: cord-016717-2twm4hmc.txt plain text: cord-016717-2twm4hmc.txt item: #95 of 606 id: cord-016782-aods92rf author: Lessenger, James E. title: Diseases from Animals, Poultry, and Fish date: 2006 words: 4988 flesch: 45 summary: Other documented infections of humans from manure-contaminated foods includes Listeria monocytogenes in cabbage contaminated by sheep waste, Cryptosporidium spread by municipal water contaminated by cattle, Salmonella hartford in food prepared by contaminated water from a shallow well polluted with poultry manure, and Pleisomonas shigelloides infection associated with well-water contaminated by poultry manure (5) . Key to the prevention of the transmission of animal disease to humans is the proper processing of food products. keywords: agricultural; animals; aquaculture; areas; associated; avian; birds; campylobacter; cases; cattle; chapter; children; common; consumption; contact; contaminated; control; critical; culture; deer; diarrhea; direct; disease; dogs; elephants; equipment; example; farming; farms; feces; fish; food; h5n1; handling; hatchery; health; herds; high; humans; illness; important; infected; infection; influenza; manure; meat; methods; milk; monitoring; monkeypox; mycobacterium; new; pathogens; patients; people; positive; poultry; prevention; problem; processing; production; products; proper; protective; public; reptiles; respiratory; risk; salmonella; salmonellosis; secretions; source; species; spread; states; strain; symptoms; techniques; transmission; treatment; tuberculosis; urine; virus; water; wild; workers; zoonotic cache: cord-016782-aods92rf.txt plain text: cord-016782-aods92rf.txt item: #96 of 606 id: cord-016826-oatjcmy0 author: Arata, Andrew A. title: Old and New Pestilences date: 2005 words: 7129 flesch: 51 summary: And we wonder why new diseases emerge? The virus (first described in 1933) has been isolated in numerous locations, but human disease is known only from Europe and the Americas. keywords: aegypti; africa; aids; america; animal; areas; asia; associated; avian; birds; cases; chagas; changes; children; cholera; common; concern; conditions; control; countries; deaths; dengue; dhf; different; disease; drug; early; ebola; effective; endemic; environmental; epidemic; europe; fever; global; groups; health; hemorrhagic; high; history; hiv; hosts; human; important; infected; infectious; influenza; insecticides; large; lassa; like; major; malaria; marburg; measles; modern; mortality; mosquito; natural; new; north; number; old; origin; outbreaks; people; persons; pestilence; plague; populations; public; rates; recent; reservoirs; resistance; rodent; severe; south; southeast; species; spread; strain; syndrome; time; transmission; tuberculosis; vector; viral; virus; viruses; water; west; wild; world; years cache: cord-016826-oatjcmy0.txt plain text: cord-016826-oatjcmy0.txt item: #97 of 606 id: cord-016960-xhzvp35g author: Berencsi, György title: Fetal and Neonatal Illnesses Caused or Influenced by Maternal Transplacental IgG and/or Therapeutic Antibodies Applied During Pregnancy date: 2012-03-08 words: 17740 flesch: 31 summary: Experimental systemic lupus erythemetosus could be induced in mice using immunisation with anti-idiotype antibodies (Ab2) specific to the anti-DNA-specific monoclonal antibodies (Mendlovic et al. 1989) . MELIMMUNE: anti-idiotype antibody that mimic the high molecular weight chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan antigen of melanoma cells (Pride et al. 1998; Murray et al. 2004; keywords: abatacept; abnormalities; abortion; acetylcholine; activation; activity; acute; adalimumab; adcc; administration; adult; age; agents; alpha; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; antiphospholipid; arthritis; associated; association; atresia; autoantibodies; autoimmune; autoimmunity; barré; bevacizumab; biliary; binding; biological; birth; block; blockade; blood; bowel; breast; cancer; case; cd20; cd25; cd3; cd4; cd80; cd86; cells; chain; children; chimeric; circulation; clinical; colitis; colon; combination; combined; complement; complex; complications; concentration; congenital; consequences; contrast; control; cord; crohn; cross; ctla-4; cytokines; cytotoxic; death; decrease; delivery; dengue; dependent; development; diabetes; diagnosis; different; disease; disorders; dna; domain; dose; drb1; drug; early; ebv; effect; effective; egfr; elevated; enhancement; epitopes; erythematosus; et al; etanercept; evidence; exposure; expression; factor; fetal; fetus; formation; function; gamma; gene; genetic; glycoprotein; gravis; group; growth; guillain; healthy; heart; hepatitis; her2; high; higher; hla; hodgkin; host; hres-1; human; humanized; idiotype; idiotypic; igg; igg1k; il-6; immune; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunosuppression; important; increase; induction; infants; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; infliximab; inhibition; inhibitors; integrin; interferon; intravenous; ivig; juvenile; kda; kinase; laan; levels; like; long; loss; low; lung; lupus; lymphocytes; lymphoma; management; maternal; mechanism; melanoma; mellitus; mice; microchimerism; mimicry; model; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; monoclonal antibody; months; mothers; multiple; murine; mutations; myasthenia; myeloid; natalizumab; necrosis; negative; neonatal; neonates; newborn; nieri; nieri et; non; onset; orger; outcome; pathogenesis; patients; pd-1; pentsuk; phase; placenta; platelet; positive; possible; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; present; prevention; primary; production; prolonged; protein; rate; reactive; receptor; recombinant; recurrent; reduced; regulatory; renal; respiratory; response; results; review; rheumatoid; risk; rituximab; role; rsv; sclerosis; sera; serum; severe; similar; sle; small; specific; study; surface; survival; syncytial; syndrome; systemic; t cells; targeting; term; therapeutic; therapy; tnf; tnfa; tocilizumab; tolerance; toxicity; transfer; transient; transplacental; transplantation; trastuzumab; treatment; trial; tumor; twins; ulcerative; use; vaccination; vaccine; van; viral; virus; viruses; weeks; weight; women; østensen cache: cord-016960-xhzvp35g.txt plain text: cord-016960-xhzvp35g.txt item: #98 of 606 id: cord-017012-yl0vanuh author: Herberg, Jethro title: Infectious Diseases and the Kidney date: 2009 words: 23989 flesch: 30 summary: Bacterial infections associated with renal disease and the likely mechanisms causing renal dysfunction are shown in > Impaired renal function is a common occurrence in systemic sepsis (1) . The group A streptococci (GAS) are a major worldwide cause of renal disease, usually as poststreptococcal nephritis. keywords: activation; acute; acute renal; addition; administration; adults; affected; africa; agents; allograft; antibiotic; antibodies; antibody; antigens; antiviral; apsgn; areas; associated; association; asymptomatic; bacterial; beta; biopsy; bkv; blood; capillary; cases; cause; cells; changes; childhood; children; chronic; circulation; clinical; cmv; coli; combination; common; complement; complexes; complication; congenital; countries; course; creatinine; damage; days; dengue; deposition; deposits; developed; development; diagnosis; dialysis; different; diffuse; direct; disease; disorder; distribution; dysfunction; early; effective; effects; electron; elevated; endocarditis; endothelial; epithelial; evidence; exposure; factors; falciparum; family; features; fever; findings; focal; forms; fulminant; function; gas; glomerular; glomerulonephritis; glomerulosclerosis; good; group; hbsag; hbv; hcv; hematuria; hemolytic; hemorrhagic; hepatic; hepatitis; high; histologic; hiv; hivan; human; hus; hypertension; hypovolemia; iga; igg; igm; illness; immune; immunocompromised; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; impairment; important; incidence; induced; infants; infected; infection; inflammatory; initial; injury; intensive; interferon; interstitial; intravenous; invasive; involvement; kidney; late; leptospirosis; lesions; levels; likely; liver; low; major; malaria; management; manifestations; mechanisms; membrane; meningococcal; mesangial; mgn; microscopy; mild; months; mortality; mountain; mpgn; necrosis; nephritis; nephropathy; nephrotic; nephrotic syndrome; normal; oliguria; onset; organisms; outcome; pathogenesis; pathophysiology; patients; pcr; pediatric; persistent; phase; plasma; pneumoniae; population; positive; prerenal; presence; present; primary; prognosis; proliferative; proportion; proteinuria; pulmonary; range; rash; recent; recipients; recovery; renal; renal biopsy; renal disease; renal failure; renal function; renal involvement; renal syndrome; renal transplant; renal transplantation; replacement; reported; reports; respiratory; response; results; review; ribavirin; risk; rocky; role; salmonella; secondary; segmental; sepsis; septic; serum; severe; severe cases; shock; shock syndrome; significant; similar; skin; specific; spread; stage; staphylococcal; states; strains; streptococcal; studies; study; support; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; therapy; thrombocytopenia; toxic; tract; transplant; transplantation; treatment; tubular; tubules; tubulointerstitial; united; urinary; urine; varicella; vasculitis; viral; virus; virus infection; viruses; volume; weeks; worldwide; years; yersinia cache: cord-017012-yl0vanuh.txt plain text: cord-017012-yl0vanuh.txt item: #99 of 606 id: cord-017142-vx3rgs4r author: Nair, Ranjit title: What the Intensivists Need to Know About Critically Ill Myeloma Patients date: 2019-07-09 words: 9346 flesch: 29 summary: In: Decision making in medicine A pilot randomised comparison of dexamethasone 96 mg vs 16 mg per day for malignant spinal-cord compression treated by radiotherapy: TROG 01.05 Superdex study Plasmablastic morphologyan independent prognostic factor with clinical and laboratory correlates: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) myeloma trial E9486 report by the ECOG Myeloma Laboratory Group Light-chain cardiac amyloidosis: strategies to promote early diagnosis and cardiac response Outcome and incidence of appropriate implantable cardioverterdefibrillator therapy in patients with cardiac amyloidosis Hyperviscosity in plasma cell dyscrasias Randomized, double-blind study of denosumab versus zoledronic acid in the treatment of bone metastases in patients with advanced cancer (excluding breast and prostate cancer) or multiple myeloma Renal thrombotic microangiopathy and podocytopathy associated with the use of carfilzomib in a patient with multiple myeloma Bortezomib and heart failure: case-report and review of the French Pharmacovigilance database Risk of early mortality in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma Multiple intraparenchymal brain plasmacytomas with spontaneous intratumoral hemorrhage Treatment of acute renal failure secondary to multiple myeloma with chemotherapy and extended high cut-off hemodialysis The pathogenesis and diagnosis of acute kidney injury in multiple myeloma Early reduction of serum-free light chains associates with renal recovery in myeloma kidney Immunosuppression and infection in multiple myeloma Discrimination of metastatic from acute osteoporotic compression spinal fractures with MR imaging Diffuse pulmonary parenchymal involvement in multiple myeloma: antemortem diagnosis Nonspecific interstitial pneumonitis after bortezomib and thalidomide treatment in a multiple myeloma patient Multiple myeloma with myelomatous pleural effusion: a case report and review of the literature Plasmapheresis in the treatment of renal failure associated with multiple myeloma Review of 1027 patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma Salmon calcitonin in the acute management of hypercalcemia Vertebral compression fractures in multiple myeloma Distribution and appearance at MR imaging Low-molecular-weight heparin versus a coumarin for the prevention of recurrent venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer Narrative review: furosemide for hypercalcemia: an unproven yet common practice Use of abdominal fat tissue aspirate in the diagnosis of systemic amyloidosis Acute tubular necrosis in a patient with myeloma treated with carfilzomib Implantable cardioverter defibrillators in patients with cardiac amyloidosis A 2011 updated systematic review and clinical practice guideline for the management of malignant extradural spinal cord compression Multiple myeloma causing interstitial pulmonary infiltrates and softtissue plasmacytoma Myeloma in patients younger than age 50 years presents with more favorable features and shows better survival: an analysis of 10 549 patients from the International Myeloma Working Group Central nervous system involvement in multiple myeloma patients in the era of novel therapies (P07.005) Zoledronic acid is superior to pamidronate in the treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy: a pooled analysis of two randomized, controlled clinical trials Effectiveness of radiation therapy without surgery in metastatic spinal cord compression: final results from a prospective trial Multiple myeloma invasion of the central nervous system Proliferative activity of myeloma cells determined by Ki-67 antibody: biological and clinical significance Acute respiratory distress syndrome due to pulmonary involvement by neoplastic plasma cells in multiple myeloma Hyperviscosity syndrome in plasma cell dyscrasias Acute pancreatitis secondary to hypercalcemia of multiple myeloma Effect of plasmapheresis on hyperviscosity-related retinopathy and retinal hemodynamics in patients with Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia Cardiac amyloidosis and its new clinical phenotype: heart failure with preserved ejection fraction Corticosteroids as adjunctive therapy for diffuse alveolar hemorrhage associated with bone marrow transplantation Acute tachypnea during mechanical ventilation in a 62-year-old man with multiple myeloma involving the spinal cord Optimizing the management of patients with spinal myeloma disease Risk factors for early death in patients undergoing treatment for multiple myeloma Prophylactic low-dose aspirin is effective antithrombotic therapy for combination treatments of thalidomide or lenalidomide in myeloma Is elevated plasma B-natriuretic peptide in amyloidosis simply a function of the presence of heart failure? Infections in patients with multiple myeloma in the era of high-dose therapy and novel agents Unexpected cardiotoxicity in haematological bortezomib treated patients Phase I trial of the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib in patients with advanced solid tumors with observations in androgenindependent prostate cancer Cerebral infarction in IgG multiple myeloma with hyperviscosity Meningeal and cerebral involvement in multiple myeloma patients Randomized phase II trial comparing different doses of the bisphosphonate ibandronate in the treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy Efficacy and safety of ibandronate in the treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy: a randomized multicentric comparison to pamidronate Continued survival gains in recent years among critically ill myeloma patients Acute respiratory distress syndrome with pulmonary calcification in two patients with B cell malignancies Immunodeficiency and immunotherapy in multiple myeloma Is surgery required in the management of spinal cord compression in myeloma patients? Despite having increased life expectancy now, the majority of MM patients ultimately develop resistant subclones, leading to disease progression and disease-related complications. keywords: acid; acute; agents; aggressive; alveolar; amyloidosis; analysis; anemia; anticoagulation; approach; arrhythmias; associated; atrial; bal; benefit; biopsy; bleeding; blood; bone; bortezomib; calcium; cancer; cardiac; cardiotoxicity; care; carfilzomib; cases; cast; cause; cell; chain; chemotherapy; chronic; clinical; cns; combination; common; complications; compression; concomitant; cord; course; days; deposition; diagnosis; diffuse; direct; disease; dose; drug; dysfunction; early; effect; events; evidence; factors; failure; flc; function; group; guidelines; half; heart; hemorrhage; high; higher; hypercalcemia; hyperviscosity; imaging; incidence; infection; inhibitors; insufficiency; interstitial; involvement; kidney; lenalidomide; level; light; low; lower; lung; majority; malignancy; management; marrow; mm patients; monoclonal; mortality; multiple; multiple myeloma; myeloma; myeloma patients; nephropathy; novel; onset; patients; plasma; plasmapheresis; presence; present; pressure; proteasome; pulmonary; randomized; recovery; renal; renal failure; reports; results; review; risk; role; serum; setting; severe; significant; small; spinal; spine; status; steroids; studies; study; survival; suspicion; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; thalidomide; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; time; treatment; trials; tubular; tumor; use; venous; ventricular; work cache: cord-017142-vx3rgs4r.txt plain text: cord-017142-vx3rgs4r.txt item: #100 of 606 id: cord-017154-h8hxroos author: Wielinga, Peter R. title: One Health and Food Safety date: 2014-07-19 words: 7621 flesch: 37 summary: Here we will focus on the human health risk related to zoonotic microorganisms present both in food animals and food derived from these animals, and typically transmitted to humans through food. Basically, zoonotic diseases related to food animals can be separated into three groups. keywords: addition; amr; animal health; animals; antibiotics; antimicrobial; approach; authorities; bovine; brucellosis; bse; burden; cases; centers; chain; collaboration; consumption; contact; control; countries; cross; cysticercosis; danish; data; different; diseases; dramatic; e.g.; environment; et al; fao; farm; food; food animals; foodborne; fork; global; group; growth; health; human; human health; important; infectious; influenza; instance; integrated; international; level; major; medicine; microorganisms; new; number; oie; organization; outbreaks; pathogens; poor; population; potential; prevalence; principles; problem; production; program; public; related; reservoir; resistance; risk; safety; salmonella; sector; settings; solutions; spread; surveillance; trade; transmission; use; veterinary; way; wgs; wildlife; work; world; zoonoses; zoonotic; zoonotic diseases cache: cord-017154-h8hxroos.txt plain text: cord-017154-h8hxroos.txt item: #101 of 606 id: cord-017224-naromr0a author: McLeish, Caitriona title: Evolving Biosecurity Frameworks date: 2016-12-06 words: 6006 flesch: 33 summary: What was previously seen as two separate domains – public health and national security – have, through various events and disease outbreaks in the last 15 years, become intertwined and as a result biosecurity policies now need to address a spectrum of disease threats that encompass natural outbreaks, accidental releases and the deliberate use of disease as weapons. The UN High Level Panel report quoted above also alludes to another vulnerability that was exposed during the SARS outbreak, namely the deficiencies in the contemporary reporting system for infectious disease outbreaks. keywords: affected; africa; aids; anthrax; attacks; biological; biological weapons; biosecurity; bioterrorism; cases; chemical; community; concern; council; countries; deliberate; disease; early; ebola; economic; emergency; epidemic; example; focused; general; global; global health; health; health security; high; hiv; human; ihrs; infectious; infectious disease; influenza; information; intelligence; international; international health; issues; level; national security; nations; new; number; occurring; organisations; outbreak; pandemic; panel; peace; people; political; potential; preparedness; president; public; public health; regulations; report; response; responsibility; revised; risk; sars; science; security; security council; spread; states; surveillance; terrorist; threat; time; travel; tucker; united; use; war; weapons; work; world; years cache: cord-017224-naromr0a.txt plain text: cord-017224-naromr0a.txt item: #102 of 606 id: cord-017248-a37t31u1 author: None title: Alphabetic Listing of Diseases and Conditions date: 2010-05-17 words: 48773 flesch: 37 summary: Peptic ulcers may be associated with emphysema,* tuberculosis,* and other chronic pulmonary diseases. Procedures See under Alcoholism and alcohol intoxication. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abnormalities; abscess; abscesses; absence; absent; abuse; accident; acid; acute; adjacent; adrenal; adult; affected; aids; air; airway; alcohol; alcoholic; alpha; alveolar; amounts; amyloidosis; analysis; anemia; anesthesia; aneurysm; angiopathy; anomalies; anomaly; anterior; anthrax; antitrypsin; aorta; aortic; aortitis; appearance; appropriate; arch; areas; arsenic; arterial; arteries; arteriography; artery; arthritis; aspiration; associated; associated conditions; association; asthma; atherosclerosis; atresia; atrial; atrioventricular; atrium; atrophy; autoimmune; autopsy; autopsy procedures; available; bacterial; base; basic; basilar; bilateral; bile; biliary; biochemical; bladder; blood; blood alcohol; blue; bodies; body; bone; bowel; bowel disease; brain; breast; bronchitis; bubbles; bullet; bums; cachexia; calcification; calcium; cancer; carbon; carboxyhemoglobin; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiomyopathy; cases; cause; cava; cavities; cavity; cell; cerebral; cervical; chain; chambers; changes; chapter; characteristic; chemical; chest; childhood; children; chloride; chronic; circumstances; cirrhosis; clinical; clothing; coarctation; colitis; colon; column; common; comparison; complete; complications; concentrations; conditions; congenital; contents; coronary; cranial; crash; crohn; culture; cutaneous; cyanide; cystic; cysts; death; decedent; decompression; defect; deficiency; degeneration; demyelination; deposits; dermatomyositis; determination; diabetes; diagnosis; difficult; diffuse; dilatation; discoloration; disease; disorders; dissection; distal; diving; double; drowning; drug; dry; ductal; ducts; dust; dystrophy; edema; electron; embolism; emphysema; encephalitis; encephalopathy; endocarditis; endocrine; enterocolitis; entry; eosinophilic; epstein; erythematosus; esophagus; ethanol; ethylene; evaluation; evidence; examination; examiner; example; expected; expected findings; exposure; extent; external; external examination; extremities; eyes; face; factor; failure; familial; fatal; fatty; features; feet; femoral; fetalis; fever; fibers; fibrosis; fig; findings; fire; fistula; fixation; fluid; foam; follow; food; foramen; foreign; formalin; fractures; free; fresh; frozen; fungal; ganglia; gas; gastric; gastrointestinal; general; giant; gieson; glands; glass; glomerulonephritis; glycogenosis; glycol; graft; granulomas; granulomatosis; great; grocott; growth; hair; half; hand; head; heading; heart; heart disease; heavy; helpful; hemolytic; hemorrhages; hepatic; hepatitis; hereditary; high; histologic; histologic sections; histologic study; history; hiv; hodgkin; homicide; hospital; host; human; hydrops; hypercalcemia; hypertension; hypertrophy; hypoplasia; hypoxia; identification; idiopathic; immunodeficiency; impact; infantile; infants; infarctions; infected; infection; infective; inferior; infiltrates; inflammatory; information; injuries; injury; instances; insufficiency; intact; internal; interpretation; interstitial; interventions; intestinal; intoxication; investigation; involved; involvement; ischemic; joints; kidney; laboratories; laboratory; lacerations; large; larynx; lateral; lead; left; length; lesions; leukemia; level; like; list; literature; liver; liver disease; location; long; loss; lower; lung; lupus; lymphocytic; lymphoma; main; major; malformation; malignant; manifestations; marrow; material; matter; measure; mechanism; meconium; medical; mellitus; meningitis; mercury; metabolic; metastases; methenamine; methods; microbiologic; microbiologic study; microscopy; midline; mitral; monoxide; motor; mouth; mucosa; multiple; muscles; muscular; myocarditis; myocardium; neck; necrosis; necrotizing; needle; negative; nerves; nitrogen; nodes; nodosa; note; nucleus; number; objects; obstruction; ofthe; old; optic; oral; organs; origin; osteomalacia; osteonecrosis; osteoporosis; pancreas; pancreatitis; panniculitis; paper; paraffin; parathyroid; pas; patent; pathologist; pathology; patients; perforation; perfuse; pericardial; pericarditis; peripheral; persistent; persons; photograph; place; placenta; plasma; pleural; pneumoconiosis; pneumonia; pneumonitis; pneumothorax; poisoning; police; polyarteritis; polycystic; polymyositis; polyposis; porphyria; position; positive; possible; possible associated; posterior; postmortem; potassium; precautions; premature; preparation; prepare; presence; present; presenting; previous; primary; procedures; procedures possible; progressive; prosthetic; protein; proximal; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; purpura; pyelonephritis; radiation; rare; reaction; recent; record; recurrent; red; references; rejection; related; related terms; removal; renal; renal disease; repair; report; reportable; request; respiratory; resuscitation; retinal; review; rheumatoid; rickets; right; risk; roentgenograms; room; routine; rupture; sac; samples; sampling; sarcoidosis; scalp; scene; sclerosis; scuba; search; secondary; sections; septal; septicemia; septum; serologic; serum; severe; short; sickness; signs; silver; similar; single; sinus; sites; situ; size; sjogren; skeletal; skin; skull; small; smears; snap; sodium; soft; solution; special; specific; specimen; specimen preparation; spinal; spine; spleen; stain; states; stenosis; stomach; storage; studies; study; subacute; subcutaneous; sudan; sudden; suffocation; superior; surfaces; surgery; surgical; survival; swelling; syndrome; synonyms; syphilis; syphilitic; syringe; systemic; techniques; terms; tests; thalassemia; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thrombocytopenic; thrombosis; thyroiditis; time; tissue; tongue; total; toxicity; toxicologic; toxicologic study; trachea; tract; transplantation; transposition; trauma; treatment; tricuspid; truncal; tuberculosis; tubular; tumor; type; ulcers; underlying; unknown; unspecified; upper; uremic; urinary; urine; useful; values; valve; valvular; van; varicella; vascular; vasculitis; vehicle; veins; vena; venous; ventricle; ventricular; verhoeff; vessels; victim; viral; virus; vitamin; vitreous; volume; wall; water; weight; white; wounds; year cache: cord-017248-a37t31u1.txt plain text: cord-017248-a37t31u1.txt item: #103 of 606 id: cord-017249-la5sum39 author: Feldblyum, Tamara V. title: Seasonal and Pandemic Influenza Surveillance and Disease Severity date: 2015-05-12 words: 11448 flesch: 30 summary: A virus from bats The pig as a mixing vessel for infl uenza viruses: human and veterinary implications Estimates of deaths associated with seasonal infl uenza-United States Infl uenza-associated hospitalizations in the United States Fatal cases of infl uenza A(H3N2) in children: insights from whole genome sequence analysis The signature features of infl uenza pandemics-implications for policy Transmission of infl uenza virus in temperate zones is predominantly by aerosol, in the tropics by contact Transmission of infl uenza virus via aerosols and fomites in the guinea pig model Survival of infl uenza virus on banknotes Global infl uenza seasonality: reconciling patterns across temperate and tropical regions Dynamics airborne infl uenza a viruses indoors and dependence on humidity Mitigation of pandemic infl uenza: review of cost-effectiveness studies The persistent legacy of the 1918 infl uenza virus The genomic and epidemiological dynamics of human infl uenza The timely reporting of information on circulating infl uenza viruses and the disease burden associated with seasonal and pandemic infl uenza is essential for optimal public health response, identifi cation of vulnerable populations, and for prevention and patient management strategies. keywords: activity; adults; age; annual; antigenic; associated; asthma; burden; care; cases; cation; cdc; children; chronic; clinical; comorbidities; conditions; confi; countries; data; deaths; diabetes; diagnosis; disease; disease severity; effective; electronic; epidemics; factors; fatalities; global; groups; h1n1; h1n1 infl; h1n1 pandemic; health; heart; higher; hospitalizations; hospitalized; host; human; icd-9; icu; identifi; ili; illness; immune; immunity; impact; incidence; infected; infection; infl; infl uenza; information; laboratory; like; lung; medical; methods; monitoring; morbidity; mortality; national; new; novel; obesity; older; outcomes; pandemic; pandemic infl; patients; pediatric; persons; pneumonia; population; pregnancy; pregnant; prevalence; prevention; proportion; public; rate; records; reporting; respiratory; response; results; risk; rmed; sample; seasonal; seasonal infl; seasons; severe; severity; signifi; spread; states; strains; studies; study; subtypes; surveillance; susceptibility; syndromic; system; timely; times; transmission; uenza; uenza cases; uenza surveillance; uenza virus; underlying; united; usa; vaccine; viral; virus; viruses; visits; women; years cache: cord-017249-la5sum39.txt plain text: cord-017249-la5sum39.txt item: #104 of 606 id: cord-017324-l3d3t4wh author: DjukanoviĆ, Ljubica title: Balkan nephropathy date: 2008 words: 6844 flesch: 37 summary: The prevalence of Balkan endemic nephropathy has not changed since 1971 in the Kolubara region in Serbia Epidemiology and treatment of renal pelvic and ureeral tumours Tumors of the upper urothelium and endemic nephropathy Decreasing incidence of urothelial cancer in a Balkan endemic nephropathy region in Serbia. Recherches cliniques et étiologique Papillary transitional cell tumours, Balkan nephropathy, and beta2-microglobulin Cytogenetic studies in Balkan endemic nephropathy Spontaneous and induced chromosome aberrations in Balkan endemic nephropathy Genetic predisposition to Balkan endemic nephropathy Etiology of Balkan endemic nephropathy: a multifactorial disease? Induction of characteristic chromosomal aberrations, particularly X-trisomy, in cultured human lymphocytes treated by ochratoxin A, a mycotoxin implicated in Balkan endemic nephropathy The inheritance of liability of Balkan nephropathy The monofactorial model for inheritance of liability to disease and its implications for relatives at risk Particules virales dans le rein de la nephropathie endemique Balcanique Endemic Balkan nephropathy, a slow virus disease? keywords: absence; acid; affected; agent(s; altitude; analgesic; anemia; areas; association; authors; balkan; balkan endemic; balkan nephropathy; blood; bulgaria; cadmium; cases; cause; changes; characteristics; children; chinese; chronic; clinical; common; criteria; croatia; data; diagnosis; differences; disease; disorders; early; endemic; endemic nephropathy; epidemiological; etiology; evidence; excretion; exposure; factors; failure; families; features; findings; foci; frequency; function; glomerular; groups; high; higher; history; households; incidence; induced; initial; international; kidneys; large; lead; low; meetings; nephropathy; nephropathy patients; non; normal; occurrence; ochratoxin; particular; pathology; patients; phase; possible; prevalence; proteinuria; recent; regions; relationship; renal; research; risk; role; serbia; single; specific; stage; studies; study; surface; treatment; tubular; tubulointerstitial; tumors; unknown; upper; urinary; urine; urothelial; villages; water; yugoslavia cache: cord-017324-l3d3t4wh.txt plain text: cord-017324-l3d3t4wh.txt item: #105 of 606 id: cord-017428-euzvhtax author: Janssens, Wim title: Vitamin D and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease date: 2012-02-17 words: 8874 flesch: 29 summary: Vitamin D and health: perspectives from mice and man Vitamin D de fi ciency Vitamin D and human health: lessons from vitamin D receptor null mice Gene-environment interactions in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Projections of global mortality and burden of disease from 2002 to 2030 Global strategy for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: GOLD executive summary Effect of pharmacotherapy on rate of decline of lung function in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: results from the TORCH study Effect of tiotropium on outcomes in patients with moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (UPLIFT): a prespeci fi ed subgroup analysis of a randomised controlled trial Tiotropium as a fi rst maintenance drug in COPD: secondary analysis of the UPLIFT trial Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: molecular and cellular mechanisms Antielastin autoimmunity in tobacco smoking-induced emphysema Phenotypic characterisation of T-lymphocytes in COPD: abnormal CD4+CD25+ regulatory T-lymphocyte response to tobacco smoking Alveolar macrophages as orchestrators of COPD Role of HDAC2 in the pathophysiology of COPD Schematic representation of potential relationship between vitamin D and COPD Defective macrophage phagocytosis of bacteria in COPD Relationship between exacerbation frequency and lung function decline in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD exacerbations: de fi ning their cause and prevention Effect of interactions between lower airway bacterial and rhinoviral infection in exacerbations of COPD New strains of bacteria and exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Airway bacterial concentrations and exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Susceptibility to exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD as a systemic disease Systemic effects of COPD COPD as a lung disease with systemic consequences-clinical impact, mechanisms, and potential for early intervention From COPD to chronic systemic in fl ammatory syndrome? Mortality in COPD: role of comorbidities Prevalence and outcomes of diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease in COPD Biological and clinical aspects of the vitamin D binding protein (Gc-globulin) and its polymorphism Vitamin D physiology Overview of general physiologic features and functions of vitamin D Identi fi cation and immune regulation of 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1-alpha-hydroxylase in murine macrophages Immunoregulation by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3: basic concepts Genetics and biology of vitamin D receptor polymorphisms 13th workshop consensus for vitamin D nutritional guidelines Vitamin D de fi ciency and secondary hyperparathyroidism in the elderly: consequences for bone loss and fractures and therapeutic implications Demographic differences and trends of vitamin D insuf fi ciency in the US population Estimation of optimal serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D for multiple health outcomes Vitamin D toxicity, policy, and science Vitamin D beyond bones in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: time to act IOM report sets new dietary intake levels for calcium and vitamin D to maintain health and avoid risks associated with excess Relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d and pulmonary function in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Make no bones about it: increasing epidemiologic evidence links vitamin D to pulmonary function and COPD Smoking patterns in African Americans and whites with advanced COPD Common genetic determinants of vitamin D insuf fi ciency: a genome-wide association study Vitamin D binding protein variants and the risk of COPD Candidate genes for COPD in two large data sets Vitamin D de fi ciency, bone mineral density and weight in patients with advanced pulmonary disease Vitamin D de fi ciency is highly prevalent in COPD and correlates with variants in the vitamin D binding gene The vitamin D axis in the lung: a key role for vitamin D-binding protein Vitamin D-binding protein contributes to COPD by activation of alveolar macrophages Relationship of vitamin D status to adult lung function and COPD The coming of age of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) analogs as immunomodulatory agents Immune modulatory treatment of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid colitis with calcitriol is associated with a change of a T helper (Th) 1/Th17 to a Th2 and regulatory T cell pro fi le Evaluation of phagocytosis in rickets Control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis through mammalian Toll-like receptors High doses of vitamin D to reduce exacerbations in COPD: a randomized trial A 4-year trial of tiotropium in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Combined salmeterol and fl uticasone in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a randomised controlled trial Treatment of COPD: the sooner the better? Decreased histone deacetylase activity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease VDR microRNA expression and epigenetic silencing of vitamin D signaling in melanoma cells DNA methylation-related vitamin D receptor insensitivity in breast cancer Vitamin D and susceptibility of chronic lung diseases: role of epigenetics Peripheral muscle weakness contributes to exercise limitation in COPD Pulmonary rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Exercise training in COPD: how to distinguish responders from nonresponders Higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations are associated with better lower-extremity function in both active and inactive persons aged > or =60 Vitamin D status predicts physical performance and its decline in older persons Effect of vitamin D on falls: a metaanalysis Effect of vitamin D supplementation on muscle strength: a systematic review and meta-analysis Role of vitamin D in skeletal muscle function Osteomalacic myopathy Low-dose vitamin D prevents muscular atrophy and reduces falls and hip fractures in women after stroke: a randomized controlled trial Vitamin D and its role in skeletal muscle Fall prevention with supplemental and active forms of vitamin D: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials Oxidative capacity of the skeletal muscle and lactic acid kinetics during exercise in normal subjects and in patients with COPD Muscle fi ber type IIX atrophy is involved in the loss of fat-free mass in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Induction of speci fi c proteins in cultured skeletal muscle cells by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D-3 Analysis of the oxidative damage-induced conformational changes of apo-and holocalmodulin by dose-dependent protein oxidative surface mapping The effect of cholecalciferol in vivo on proteins and lipids of skeletal muscle from rachitic chicks Vitamin D and human skeletal muscle keywords: 1,25(oh; airway; ammation; ammatory; analysis; antimicrobial; bacterial; bene; bone; calcemic; calcium; cancer; capacity; cause; cells; chronic; chronic obstructive; ciency; cient; clinical; colleagues; concentrations; consequences; copd; copd patients; data; decline; density; different; disease; dose; early; effect; emphysema; evidence; exacerbations; expression; factors; fev; fi ciency; fractures; function; genes; health; higher; human; hydroxyvitamin; immune; impaired; important; increase; infections; intake; intervention; levels; life; loss; low; lower; lung; macrophages; mineral; morbidities; mortality; muscle; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; ohd; osteoporosis; oxidative; patients; population; potential; prevalence; protein; pth; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; randomized; recent; receptor; reduced; regulation; relationship; respiratory; response; results; risk; role; serum; severe; severity; signi; skeletal; skin; smoking; stages; status; strength; studies; study; subgroup; supplementation; systemic; therapy; treatment; trial; vdr; vertebral; vitamin; vitamin d; women cache: cord-017428-euzvhtax.txt plain text: cord-017428-euzvhtax.txt item: #106 of 606 id: cord-017463-repm1vw9 author: Ungchusak, Kumnuan title: Public Health Surveillance: A Vital Alert and Response Function date: 2018-07-27 words: 5672 flesch: 37 summary: key: cord-017463-repm1vw9 authors: Ungchusak, Kumnuan; Heymann, David; Pollack, Marjorie title: Public Health Surveillance: A Vital Alert and Response Function date: 2018-07-27 journal: The Palgrave Handbook of Global Health Data Methods for Policy and Practice DOI: 10.1057/978-1-137-54984-6_10 sha: doc_id: 17463 cord_uid: repm1vw9 Ungchusak, Heymann and Pollack address the critical global issue of public health surveillance. While public health surveillance originated to control spread of infectious diseases such as plague and cholera, it has evolved to include some non-communicable diseases, occupational health and injuries as well as surveillance of biological, behavioural and social determinants of these conditions. keywords: activities; acute; analyse; analysis; authorities; avian; benefits; borders; cases; cent; cholera; community; condition; control; countries; country; data; detection; diseases; distribution; early; ebola; economic; epidemic; epidemiologists; events; example; factors; fever; global; guide; guidelines; health; health surveillance; human; ihr; infectious; influenza; information; international; laboratories; laboratory; local; need; network; new; number; occurrence; organization; outbreaks; patients; plague; programmes; public; public health; real; regional; report; reporting; response; risk; sars; set; sharing; sources; spread; support; surveillance; systems; technology; threats; time; transmission; tuberculosis; unusual; use; virus; workers; world; zikv cache: cord-017463-repm1vw9.txt plain text: cord-017463-repm1vw9.txt item: #107 of 606 id: cord-017469-dnnkor2o author: Georgiev, Vassil St. title: Tick-Borne Bacterial, Rickettsial, Spirochetal, and Protozoal Diseases date: 2009 words: 16536 flesch: 36 summary: Lack of evidence of Borrelia involvement in Alzheimer's disease Two controlled trials of antibiotic treatment in patients with persistent symptoms and a history of Lyme disease Cognitive function in post-treatment Lyme disease: do additional antibiotics help? Study and treatment of post Lyme disease (STOP-LD): a randomized double masked clinical trial Genotypes determine phenotype in experimental Lyme disease Increased expression of B-lymphocyte chemoattractant but not pro-inflammatory cytokines, in muscle tissue in rhesus chronic Lyme borreliosis The chemokine CXCL13 (BLC): a putative diagnostic marker for neuroborreliosis Detection of attenuated, noninfectious spirochetes of Borrelia burgdorferi-infected mice after antibiotic treatment Identification of candidate T-cell epitopes and molecular mimics in chronic Lyme disease Antibodies against OspA epitopes of Borrelia burgdorferi cross-react with neural tissue Evidence of Borrelia autoimmunity-induced component of Lyme carditis and arthritis Homologies betwen proteins of Borrelia burgdorferi and thyroid autoantigens A case-control study to examine HLA haplotype associations in patients with posttreatment chronic Lyme disease Increased arthritis severity in mice coinfected with Borrelia burgdorferi and Babesia microti Coinfection with Borrelia burgdorferi and the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis alters the murine immune responses, pathogen burden, and severity of Lyme arthritis Controlled trials of antibiotic treatment in patients with post-treatment chronic Lyme disease, Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis Cytolethal distending toxin is essential for colonization of Helicobacter hepaticus in outbread Swiss Webster mice Characterization of a Borrelia burgdorferi VlsE invariable region useful in canine Lyme disease serodiagnosis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay Intralaboratory reliability of serologic and urine testing for Lime disease Critical evaluation of urine-based PCR assay for diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis Pretreatment and post-treatment assessment of the C6 test in patients with persistent symptoms and a history of Lyme borreliosis Comparison of Western immunoblotting and the C 6 Lyme antibody test for laboratory detection of Lyme disease A decline in C 6 antibody titer occurs in successfully treated patients with culturecontrolled early localized or early disseminated Lyme borreliosis Detection of immune complexes is not independent of detection of antibodies in Lyme disease patients and does not confirm active infection with Borrelia burgdorferi A plasmid-encoded nicotinamidase (PncA) is essential for infectivity of Borrelia burgdorferi in a mammalian host Identification of Borrelia burgdorferi outer surface protein TRO-SPA, and Ixodes scapularis receptor for Borrelia burgdorferi An ecological approach to preventing human infection: vaccinating wild mouse reservoirs intervenes in the Lyme disease cycle In NIAID-supported clinical studies on chronic Lyme disease, patients with persisting symptoms were examined to determine if they might have been co-infected with other tick-borne infectious diseases at the time of their acute episode of Lyme disease. keywords: acute; adults; agent; amblyomma; americanum; anaplasmosis; animals; antibiotic; antibodies; antibody; arthritis; assay; associated; autoimmune; babesiosis; blood; borrelia; borrelia burgdorferi; borreliosis; burgdorferi; cases; cause; cdc; ceftriaxone; cell; central; children; chloramphenicol; chronic; chronic lyme; clinical; cognitive; common; course; cycle; daily; days; deer; degree; development; diagnosis; different; disease; disorders; dose; doxycycline; drug; early; effective; efficacy; ehrlichia; ehrlichiosis; elisa; endemic; essential; evidence; ewinglii; experimental; exposure; expression; failure; fatal; fatigue; fever; findings; granulocytic; group; headache; hga; high; hme; host; human; iii; illness; immune; incidence; infected; infection; intravenous; ixodes; known; laboratory; levels; life; long; louse; lyme; lyme borreliosis; lyme disease; major; mammalian; manifestations; mice; microti; mountain; nature; neuroborreliosis; neurologic; new; niaid; oral; ospa; ospc; outer; pathogen; patients; phagocytophilum; pregnant; primary; problems; protein; rash; rate; recombinant; recommended; regions; relapse; relapsing; reported; research; reservoir; response; responsible; results; rickettsia; rmsf; rocky; role; scapularis; sensitive; serum; severe; significant; small; species; specific; spirochete; states; strains; studies; study; surface; symptoms; syndrome; system; tbrds; tbrf; test; tetracycline; therapy; tick; time; transmission; treatment; tularemia; tularensis; united; united states; use; vaccination; vaccine; vector; virulence; women; years cache: cord-017469-dnnkor2o.txt plain text: cord-017469-dnnkor2o.txt item: #108 of 606 id: cord-017621-pyn1enz2 author: Zaras, Nikolaos V. title: Case Study – Greece date: 2012-08-31 words: 2153 flesch: 37 summary: The percentage of declared cases of speci fi c diseases attributed to Greek citizens and immigrants is shown in Table 11 .1 . In case of a CBRN agent release, Hellenic National Defence General Staff activates its Special Joint CBRN Company which has the capability to be airborne and deploy anywhere in Greece within 4 h (maximum), to conduct a CBRN search, survey, identi fi cation, sampling, decontamination, and provide specialized fi rst aid. keywords: art; biological; cases; cation; cdcp; centres; clinical; countries; country; cult; defence; deliberate; dif; diseases; epidemiologic; equipment; general; greece; gscp; health; hospital; infectious; information; laboratories; laboratory; mandatory; medical; monitoring; national; objectives; pathogens; personal; population; prevention; protection; public; reporting; risk; services; speci; specialized; surveillance; system; weapons cache: cord-017621-pyn1enz2.txt plain text: cord-017621-pyn1enz2.txt item: #109 of 606 id: cord-017634-zhmnfd1w author: Straif-Bourgeois, Susanne title: Infectious Disease Epidemiology date: 2005 words: 12380 flesch: 43 summary: Outbreaks or epidemics are defined as the number of disease cases above what is normally expected in the area for a given time period. Even among those who have overt disease there are several disease stages that may not be included in a surveillance system: some have symptoms but do not seek medical attention some do get medical attention but do not get diagnosed or get misdiagnosed some get diagnosed but do not get reported Cases reported Cases diagnosed but not reported Cases who seek medical attention but were not diagnosed Cases who were symptomatic but did not seek medical attention Cases who were not symptomatic Infectious disease cases play different roles in the epidemiology of an infectious disease; some individuals are the indicators (most symptomatic), some are the reservoir of microorganisms (usually asymptomatic, not very sick), some are amplifiers (responsible for most of the transmission), some are the victims (those who develop severe long term complications). keywords: ability; active; activities; age; agents; analysis; antibody; antigen; area; association; available; basic; best; better; care; cases; cause; cdc; certain; chain; changes; chap; cholera; clinical; collection; common; compliance; conditions; confirmed; contact; contaminated; control; countries; culture; data; definitions; detection; diagnosis; different; difficult; disease; disease epidemiology; disease surveillance; distribution; early; environmental; epidemic; epidemiology; eradication; evaluation; example; exposure; fever; field; following; food; foodborne; geographical; group; handbook; health; hepatitis; high; hiv; house; human; important; increase; individual; industrialized; infected; infectious; infectious disease; influenza; information; investigations; knowledge; laboratory; large; level; likely; local; long; louisiana; main; major; malaria; medical; methods; molecular; mortality; national; necessary; new; nile; number; outbreak; passive; patient; people; persons; population; positive; prevention; program; providers; public; pulmonary; pulmonary cases; purpose; rates; reaction; reported; reporting; restaurant; result; risk; routine; samples; sampling; school; single; smear; source; specific; states; studies; surveillance; surveillance system; surveys; symptoms; system; techniques; term; tests; time; tool; transmission; treatment; tuberculosis; tuberculosis cases; type; useful; virus; water; west; wnv; world; year cache: cord-017634-zhmnfd1w.txt plain text: cord-017634-zhmnfd1w.txt item: #110 of 606 id: cord-017702-v46ye328 author: Ganguly, Nirmal Kumar title: Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine for Infectious Diseases date: 2013-06-11 words: 16571 flesch: 34 summary: From the several RNAi screenings in human and in fruit fl y cells, only 300 host factors were validated from about 10,000 and 20,000 targets identifi ed in the initial screen (Agaisse et al. 2005 ; Brass et al. 2008 ; Konig et al. 2008 ; Krishnan et al. 2008 ; Zhou et al. 2008 ) . It has been observed in the case of measles vaccination that only 10 % of the population was seronegative and clustered in family (Poland 1999a , b ; Poland et al. 1999c ). keywords: able; acetylators; acetyltransferase; acid; active; activity; adverse; africa; alleles; amino; amodiaquine; analysis; antigen; antimalarial; antituberculosis; asia; association; azar; bacterial; better; bioavailability; biological; biology; body; braziliensis; cases; cation; cause; cell; change; chemical; children; chromosome; chronic; ciency; class; clearance; clinical; combination; common; complex; concentration; cutaneous; cyp2a6; cyp2c8; cyp2e1; cytochrome; cytokine; data; decades; defi; detection; development; different; discovery; disease; dna; donovani; dosage; drug; drug discovery; drug resistance; drug response; drug treatment; effective; effi; efforts; eld; enzymes; epitopes; et al; exposure; expression; factors; failure; falciparum; fi eld; gene; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; glutathione; gst; hand; health; hepatitis; hepatotoxicity; high; higher; hiv; hla; host; human; identifi; il-10; immune; immunity; important; indian; individuals; infected; infection; infectious diseases; information; interaction; interferon; intracellular; isoniazid; knowledge; lead; leishmaniasis; level; liver; major; malaria; management; mcl; measles; mechanisms; medical; medicine; metabolism; metabolizing; model; molecular; mortality; mutations; nat2; need; new; nramp1; number; outcome; p450; parasite; pathogen; patients; peptides; personalized; pharmacogenomics; pharmacokinetics; pkdl; polymorphism; population; possible; potential; presence; present; production; protein; public; pulmonary; rapid; reaction; receptor; reduced; regimes; region; replication; research; resistance; response; responsible; rifampicin; rise; risk; rna; rnai; role; rst; screening; sequence; similar; single; slow; small; south; species; specifi; status; strains; structural; studies; study; susceptibility; system; target; technologies; technology; test; th1; th2; therapy; time; tnf; transporters; treatment; tuberculosis; tuberculosis patients; tuberculosis treatment; vaccine; variant; variation; viral; virus; visceral; way; weekly; world cache: cord-017702-v46ye328.txt plain text: cord-017702-v46ye328.txt item: #111 of 606 id: cord-017790-5iwgebvp author: Siegel, Frederic R. title: Disease Protection in Sea Coast (and Inland) Cities: Problems in Dense Populations with Shantytowns/Slums date: 2019-07-13 words: 6263 flesch: 48 summary: key: cord-017790-5iwgebvp authors: Siegel, Frederic R. title: Disease Protection in Sea Coast (and Inland) Cities: Problems in Dense Populations with Shantytowns/Slums date: 2019-07-13 journal: Adaptations of Coastal Cities to Global Warming, Sea Level Rise, Climate Change and Endemic Hazards DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-22669-5_6 sha: doc_id: 17790 cord_uid: 5iwgebvp As discussed earlier in this book, there are sea coast cities worldwide that are at risk from floods, storm surges, and extreme weather conditions such as wind-driven high category hurricanes (typhoons, monsoons), or drought and heat waves, plus along Pacific Ocean coasts, earthquakes and tsunamis. As discussed earlier in this book, there are sea coast cities worldwide that are at risk from floods, storm surges, and extreme weather conditions such as wind-driven high category hurricanes (typhoons, monsoons), or drought and heat waves, plus along Pacific Ocean coasts, earthquakes and tsunamis. keywords: africa; agricultural; air; arsenic; atmosphere; body; cadmium; case; children; cholera; cities; citizens; city; clean; coast; coast cities; conditions; contaminated; cooking; countries; deaths; development; disease; drinking; ebola; economic; emissions; endemic; epidemic; extreme; fever; fish; food; group; health; heavy; high; human; important; industrial; infectious; ingestion; inland; low; major; measles; mercury; metals; mombasa; natural; ncds; necessary; people; personnel; poisoning; pollutants; pollution; populations; power; premature; public; rice; risk; sea; sea coast; soil; sources; spread; threat; time; toxic; toxins; use; vaccination; vaccine; water; world; years; zones cache: cord-017790-5iwgebvp.txt plain text: cord-017790-5iwgebvp.txt item: #112 of 606 id: cord-017841-57rm046y author: Flower, Darren R. title: Immunomic Discovery of Adjuvants, Delivery Systems, and Candidate Subunit Vaccines: A Brief Introduction date: 2012-09-28 words: 4996 flesch: 41 summary: A principal reason is that there are no effective vaccines for either malaria or HIV, two of the WHO's big three diseases; nor is there expectation that such vaccines will appear in the near future, irrespective of the optimism of those working in the area. Such vaccines may offer low-cost, temperaturestable products suitable for pulmonary delivery, with the added advantage that the pulmonary route avoids the use of needles (and their associated risks). keywords: ability; addiction; adjuvants; alum; analysis; antigens; approaches; biological; book; candidate; cases; cationic; cells; century; chap; countries; current; data; deaths; delivery; design; developed; development; discovery; diseases; drugs; effect; effective; eradication; formulation; global; high; hundreds; identification; immune; important; industry; infectious; influenza; iscoms; life; liposomes; major; malaria; methods; molecular; need; new; niosomes; numbers; particulate; pharmaceutical; polio; potential; processes; proteins; range; reverse; review; science; significant; similar; smallpox; story; systems; target; technology; use; vaccination; vaccines; vaccinology; world; worldwide; years cache: cord-017841-57rm046y.txt plain text: cord-017841-57rm046y.txt item: #113 of 606 id: cord-017864-cbkrve2h author: None title: Defending Against Catastrophic Terrorism date: 2006 words: 2234 flesch: 46 summary: The WNV-BOT Portal makes available the Spatial Temporal Visualizer (STV) (Buetow et al., 2003) to facilitate exploration of infectious disease case data and to summarize query results. Over the course of data analysis, the method creates a large number of distinct circular windows (other shapes such as rectangle and ellipse have also been used), each with a different set of neighboring areas within it and each a possible candidate for containing a cluster of events. keywords: analysis; approach; baseline; case; circle; clustering; clusters; data; density; different; disease; health; high; hotspot; infectious; information; kernel; measure; methods; national; new; number; points; portal; precision; recall; research; rnnh; rsvc; scan; scenario; security; shapes; spatial; statistic; study; techniques; temporal; time cache: cord-017864-cbkrve2h.txt plain text: cord-017864-cbkrve2h.txt item: #114 of 606 id: cord-018017-c8myq6bi author: Iversen, Patrick L. title: The Threat from Viruses date: 2018-09-30 words: 11576 flesch: 47 summary: Antisense oligonucleotide-based therapy for HIV-1 infection from laboratory to clinical trials Oligodeoxynucleotide phosphoramidates and phosphorothioates as inhibitors of human immunodeficiency virus A tribute to Sheik Humarr Khan and all the healthcare workers in West Africa who have sacrificed in the fight against Ebola virus disease: mae we hush Inhibition of Norovirus replication by Morpholino oligomers targeting the 5'-end of the genome Marine viruses: truth or dare Cancer virus Oseltamivir-resistant 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus infection in two summer campers receiving prophylaxis-North Carolina Approved antiviral drugs of the past 50 years The Eradicatio of smallpox: Edward Jenner and the first and only eradication of a human infectious disease Oseltamivir resistance during treatment of influenza A (H5N1) infection In vitro resistance and in vivo efficacy of antisense oligomer against West Nile virus Outbreak of antiviral drug-resistant influenza A in long-term care facility The perpetual challenge of infectious disease Clonal integration of a polyomavirus in human Merkel cell carcinoma Morpholino oligomers targeting the PB1 and NP genes enhance survival of mice infected with highly pathogenic influenza A H7N7 virus Inhibition of multiple subtypes of influenza a virus in cell cultures with morpholino oligomers Safety and pharmacokinetic profiles of phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers with activity against Ebola virus and Marburg virus: results of two single ascending dose studies Cytomegalovirus infection and atherosclerosis in candidate of coronary artery bypass graft Inhibition of dengue virus translation and RNA synthesis by a morpholino oligomer targeted to the terminal 3′ stem-loop structure Pharmacokinetics of an antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotide against rev from human immunodeficiency virus type 1 in the adult male rat following single injections and continuous infusion Phase 2a study of the CCR5 monoclonal antibody PRO 140 administered intravenously to HIV-infected adults Anti-HIV-1 activity of weekly or biweekly treatment with subcutaneous PRO 140, a CCR5 monoclonal antibody Oseltamivir for influenza in adults and children: systemic review of clinical study reports and summary of regulatory comments Passive immunity in prevention and treatment of infectious diseases Viral diversity and clonal evolution from unphased genomic data Ecology of viruses in soils: past, present and future perspectives Inhibition of dengue virus serotypes 1 to 4 in cell culture with Morpholino oligomers Inhibition of respiratory Syncitial virus infections in cell cultures and in mice with morpholino oligomers Dissemination, divergence and establishment of H7N9 influenza viruses in China Health impact of globalization: towards global governance Inhibition of influenza A H3N8 virus infections in mice by morpholino oligomers Isolation and characterization of a new Vesivirus from rabbits Phosphorothioate analogs of oligodeoxyribonucleotides: inhibitors of replication and cytopathic effects of human immunodeficiency virus Endogenous retroviruses: with us and against us The value of neuraminidase inhibitors for the prevention and treatment of seasonal influenza: a systematic review of systematic reviews Antisense morpholino oligomers directed against the 5'-end of the genome inhibit coronavirus proliferation and growth Inhibition, escape and attenuation of SARS coronavirus treated with antisense morpholino oligomers Inactivating mutations in an SH2 domain-encoding gene in X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome Inhibition of alphavirus infection in cell culture and in mice with antisense morpholino oliogmers Immunological disorders and malignancies in five young brothers Spillover animal infections and the next human pandemic Deposition rates of viruses and bacteria above the atmospheric boundary layer A prospective monitoring study of cytomegalovirus infection in nonimmunosuppressed critical heart surgery patients Inhibition of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome virus by oligonucleotide methylphosphonates Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis virus infection in FVB mouse produces hemorrhagic disease Ancient Athenian plague proves to be typhoid Inhibition of Measles virus infection in cell cultures by peptide-conjugated Morpholino oligomers Vesivirus viremia and Seroprevalence in humans Virus specific antiviral therapy for controlling severe and fatal outbreaks of feline Calicivirus infection Chimpanzee adenovirus vaccine generates acute and durable protective immunity against ebolavirus challenge Inhibition of Vesivirus infetions in mammalian tissue culture with antisense morpholino oligomers Inhibition of Rous sarcoma viral RNA translation by a specific oligodeoxynucleotide Inhibition of multiple species of picornavirus using a morpholino oligomer targeting highly conserved IRES sequence Increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in male hepatiis B surface antigen carriers with chronic hepatitis who have detectable aflatoxin metabolite M1 Viruses in the sea Chemical modifications to phosphorodiamidate Morpholino oligomer antisense molecules targeting VP24 modify their efficacy against Ebola virus infection Use of ChAd3-EBO-Z Ebola virus vaccine in Malian adults with MVA-BN-Filo: a phase I, single-blind, randomized trial, a phase 1b, open label and double blind, doseescallation trial, and a nested, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Inhibition of foot-and-mouth disease virus in cell cultures with antisense morpholino oligomers Antiviral activity of morpholino oligomers designed to block various aspects of Equine arteritis virus amplification in cell culture PCR for detection of oseltamivir resistance mutation in influenza A(H7N9) virus IgG antibodies to dengue enhanced for FcγRIIIA binding determine disease severity Gene-specific countermeasures against Ebola virus based on antisense phosphorodiamidate morpholino oligomers Advanced antisense therapies for postexposure protection against lethal filovirus infections Single component AVI-7537 antisense compound provides greater protection than double component AVI-6002 against Lethal Ebola virus infection in Rhesus Monkeys Isolation of an arenavirus closely related to Lassa virus from Mastomys natalensis in south-east Inhibition of coxsackievirus b3 in cell cultures and in mice by Peptide-conjugated morpholino oligomers targeting the internal ribosomal entry site Inhibition of Rous sarcoma virus replication and transformation by a specific oligodeoxynucleotide Characteristic chromosomal abnormalities in biopsies and lymphoid-cell lines from patients with Burkitt and non-Burkitt lymphomas Effect of early and late GB virus C viremia on survival of HIV-infected individuals: a meta-analysis Suppression of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus replication by morpholino antisense oligomers West Nile virus genome cyclization and RNA replication require two pairs of long-distance RNA interactions The focus has been on viral infections because they rely on host ribosomes to produce their proteins, recent emerging infections have been from single-stranded RNA genome viruses, and replication of RNA viruses is error prone. keywords: active; activity; acute; adults; africa; agents; animal; antibodies; antisense; antiviral; areas; blood; burkitt; cancer; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiovascular; cases; cell; challenge; change; children; chronic; clinical; cmv; collection; common; concern; control; culture; data; death; dengue; development; different; discovery; disease; dna; double; drug; earth; ebola; ebv; effective; endemic; environmental; et al; events; evolution; extensive; extinctions; family; fever; focus; following; food; form; genes; genome; global; greatest; group; hbv; hcv; health; heart; hepatitis; high; history; hiv; host; human; human life; immune; immunodeficiency; impact; individuals; infected; infections; infectious disease; influenza; inhibition; inhibitors; key; known; large; lethal; life; like; likely; limited; liver; long; loss; lymphocytes; lymphoma; mass; mice; morpholino; multiple; mutations; natural; new; non; number; oligomers; outbreak; pandemic; past; patients; people; percent; phase; plague; polymerase; population; positive; pressure; problem; protein; rapid; rate; reagents; recent; related; replication; research; reservoir; resistance; respiratory; responsible; retrovirus; rna; rous; samples; sarcoma; second; sequence; severe; significant; single; site; size; small; smallpox; species; specific; studies; study; success; support; survival; symptoms; syndrome; table; targeting; therapeutics; therapy; threat; time; translation; transmission; treatment; tumor; type; vaccine; vesivirus; viral; viral infections; virus; viruses; way; west; world; years cache: cord-018017-c8myq6bi.txt plain text: cord-018017-c8myq6bi.txt item: #115 of 606 id: cord-018058-n3majqes author: Modrow, Susanne title: Historical Overview date: 2013-08-12 words: 5378 flesch: 42 summary: Slow virus infections principally affect the central nervous system and are caused, for example, by measles virus and JC polyomavirus. This is demonstrated, for example, by SARS virus infections (▶ Sect. 14.8), the pandemic with the new influenza A virus variant (Mexican flu, swine flu) and the threatening potential with regard to humans of new highly pathogenic influenza viruses (▶ Sect. 16.3). keywords: agent; animal; antiviral; available; bacteria; basis; biological; bodies; cancer; cells; cellular; chap; cultivation; culture; detection; development; discovery; disease; dna; early; effect; example; experiments; expression; genes; genetic; healthy; herpes; human; immune; important; inclusion; infected; infections; influenza; insights; koch; later; long; material; media; methods; molecular; mosaic; nature; new; organism; particles; pasteur; pathogen; pathogenesis; poisonous; possible; postulates; processes; properties; proteins; replication; research; retroviruses; rna; sect; similar; simplex; slow; smallpox; specific; study; term; time; tissue; tobacco; today; transmission; tumour; vaccination; vaccines; viral; virology; virus; viruses; vitro; way; years cache: cord-018058-n3majqes.txt plain text: cord-018058-n3majqes.txt item: #116 of 606 id: cord-018101-zd4v222b author: Kawashima, Kent title: Disease Outbreaks: Critical Biological Factors and Control Strategies date: 2016-05-31 words: 13132 flesch: 39 summary: One reason of this apparent inconsistency might be the assumption of a fixed mean R. Under this assumption, increased variance in the R distribution increases both the numbers of individuals with extremely high R and low R. Individuals with low R are essentially dead ends in disease infection and high numbers of such individuals will decrease outbreak risk. The SARS example illustrates the need for extensive interdisciplinary efforts, combining expertise from physics (fluid mechanics), biology (especially understanding mechanisms of disease transmission), and building design for resilience to future outbreaks. keywords: ace2; acute; affected; airborne; animal; bat; bats; biological; boots; cases; cause; cell; chance; changes; china; civets; close; connections; contact; contagious; contaminated; control; coronavirus; countries; cov; critical; cross; different; difficult; direct; disease; distance; distribution; droplets; dynamics; ebola; effect; emergence; epidemic; et al; events; evolution; example; exposure; factors; future; general; global; health; high; higher; hiv; hong; hospital; host; hotel; human; immune; impact; important; increases; index; individuals; infected; infection; infectious disease; infectiousness; infectivity; influenza; interferon; isolation; key; kong; large; like; likely; lipsitch; lipsitch et; long; low; major; measures; mechanisms; medical; mers; models; mutation; network; new; novel; number; occurs; outbreak; palm; pandemic; pathogen; patients; people; period; plague; population; potential; prevention; probability; protein; public; quarantine; range; rapid; rates; receptor; regions; respiratory; response; risk; rna; role; sars; severe; short; similar; single; society; species; spike; spread; structure; studies; superspreaders; superspreading; susceptible; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; theoretical; time; transmission; urban; vector; viral; virulence; virus; viruses; water; world cache: cord-018101-zd4v222b.txt plain text: cord-018101-zd4v222b.txt item: #117 of 606 id: cord-018116-99z6ykb2 author: Healing, Tim title: Surveillance and Control of Communicable Disease in Conflicts and Disasters date: 2009 words: 8924 flesch: 47 summary: When designing health surveillance systems, it is essential to do the following: The population under surveillance may be relatively small and well defined (such as the population of a refugee camp) or a much less defined group such as mobile groups of refugees or IDPs or the population of a village, town, or region, the size of whose population may be unknown or may be fluctuating because of a disaster. Despite the difficulties that warfare imposes, it is generally possible to undertake at least limited public health programs, including disease surveillance and control activities. keywords: accurate; activities; adequate; affected; age; agencies; agents; appropriate; area; available; camp; care; cases; cause; chain; changes; children; cold; collection; communicable; conflict; control; coverage; data; day; deaths; definitions; diluent; disaster; disease; early; effectiveness; emergencies; emergency; epidemic; essential; example; facilities; following; food; health; health surveillance; important; information; key; laboratory; large; likely; limited; local; measles; measures; medical; methods; months; morbidity; mortality; necessary; need; number; outbreak; particular; point; population; possible; prevent; prevention; programs; public; rapid; rate; refugee; response; results; risk; sanitation; sensitive; services; shelter; situations; size; specific; specimens; staff; surveillance; system; team; temperature; time; transmission; transport; treatment; use; vaccination; vaccines; value; water cache: cord-018116-99z6ykb2.txt plain text: cord-018116-99z6ykb2.txt item: #118 of 606 id: cord-018151-5su98uan author: Lynteris, Christos title: Introduction: Infectious Animals and Epidemic Blame date: 2019-10-12 words: 8568 flesch: 31 summary: Providing original studies of rats, mosquitoes, marmots, dogs and 'bushmeat', which at different points in the history of modern medicine and public health have come to embody social and scientific concerns about infection, this volume aims to elucidate the impact of framing non-human animals as epidemic villains. Underlining the ethical, aesthetic, epistemological and political entanglement of non-human animals with shifting medical perspectives and agendas, ranging from tropical medicine to Global Health, the chapters in this volume come to remind us that, in spite of the rhetoric of One Health and academic evocations of multispecies intimacies, the image and social life of non-human animals as epidemic villains is a constitutive part of modern epidemiology and public health as apparatuses of state and capitalist management. keywords: aedes; aegypti; animals; bacteriology; black; brazil; british; bushmeat; carriers; case; castro; century; chapter; class; colonial; complex; concerns; context; control; course; culture; cynegetic; death; different; discourse; disease; dogs; early; ebola; ecology; economic; eid; emergence; enemies; england; entanglement; epidemic; epidemic villains; epidemiological; epidemiology; example; fever; fissell; focus; framework; framing; global; globe; great; hand; health; historical; history; hosts; human; human animals; humanity; hunters; image; impact; important; india; infectious; introduction; key; life; lopes; lynteris; marmot; medical; medicine; miasma; modern; mosquitoes; nadal; nature; new; nineteenth; non; notion; outbreak; pandemic; particular; photography; plague; points; political; poor; public; public health; rabies; rat; rats; recent; reis; relation; role; rural; sanitary; sayer; science; scientific; separation; seventeenth; shift; social; species; specific; spreaders; state; studies; suffolk; terms; thys; time; transformation; turn; twentieth; urban; vectors; vermin; villains; visual; volume; yellow; zika; zoonotic cache: cord-018151-5su98uan.txt plain text: cord-018151-5su98uan.txt item: #119 of 606 id: cord-018263-cus1sqka author: Nadal, David title: Pediatric infectious diseases — Quo vadis 2015? date: 2007 words: 4005 flesch: 23 summary: key: cord-018263-cus1sqka authors: Nadal, David title: Pediatric infectious diseases — Quo vadis 2015? date: 2007 journal: Pediatric Infectious Diseases Revisited DOI: 10.1007/978-3-7643-8099-1_18 sha: doc_id: 18263 cord_uid: cus1sqka In modern medicine the discipline pediatric infectious diseases is an essential medical specialty. This, in turn, has been a downside for the development of pediatric infectious diseases as a medical discipline recognized on its own in many countries. keywords: activities; adult; antimicrobial; care; children; clinical; communication; consultations; countries; development; diagnostic; disciplines; disease; disease specialists; distinct; drugs; epidemiology; example; general; health; high; hiv; hospital; immune; immunity; important; improved; infants; infectious; infectious disease; innate; interactions; knowledge; level; likely; management; measures; medical; medicine; microbiology; need; new; number; pathogens; patients; pediatric; pediatric infectious; poliomyelitis; potential; prevention; process; programs; quality; recent; research; specialists; specialty; success; tasks; training; treatment; type; use; vaccination; vaccine; vaccinology; years cache: cord-018263-cus1sqka.txt plain text: cord-018263-cus1sqka.txt item: #120 of 606 id: cord-018316-drjfwcdg author: Shephard, Roy J. title: Building the Infrastructure and Regulations Needed for Public Health and Fitness date: 2017-09-19 words: 6248 flesch: 49 summary: 4. To note the new challenges to public health presented by such current issues as the abuse of tobacco and mood-altering drugs, continuing toxic auto-emissions, the epidemic of HIV/AIDS, a decreased acceptance of MMR vaccinations, and the ready spread of infectious diseases by air travel. In this chapter, we will look at success in meeting these objectives in various communities from early history through the Classical Era, the Arab World, Mediaeval Europe, the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment to the Victorian Era, concluding with some comments on current challenges to public health. keywords: adequate; aids; air; appropriate; baths; blood; boards; britain; british; building; canada; cause; century; challenges; chap; cholera; cigarette; cities; city; clean; clothing; conditions; control; countries; current; days; deaths; developed; disease; drinking; drugs; early; enlightenment; epidemic; era; europe; european; exposure; fig; fleas; food; great; health; history; hiv; houses; housing; hygiene; infected; infection; infrastructure; issues; large; living; local; london; major; management; measures; mediaeval; medical; model; modern; mood; new; paris; people; physician; plague; poisoning; polluted; pollution; poor; poorer; population; provision; public; public health; quality; regulations; renaissance; responsibility; roman; set; sewage; smoke; smoking; spread; substantial; supply; things; times; tobacco; travel; treatment; u.s; united; urban; vaccination; victorian; waste; water; workers; world; years; york cache: cord-018316-drjfwcdg.txt plain text: cord-018316-drjfwcdg.txt item: #121 of 606 id: cord-018349-rt2i2wca author: Tosam, Mbih Jerome title: Global Emerging Pathogens, Poverty and Vulnerability: An Ethical Analysis date: 2019-03-20 words: 3770 flesch: 41 summary: Examples of specific factors affecting infectious disease emergence is shown on Table 18 .1. In fact, the WHO has proposed solidarity as one of the key ethical principles in the management of infectious disease outbreaks globally (WHO 2016) . keywords: africa; areas; capacity; changes; chapter; cities; climate; communities; conditions; countries; cultural; diseases; ebola; ecological; economic; eids; emergence; environmental; ethical; evd; events; example; factors; food; global; health; high; human; inequalities; infectious; infectious diseases; international; outbreak; pathogens; people; poor; poverty; regions; resources; sanitation; slums; socio; spread; threats; trend; use; vulnerability; water; west; wildlife; world cache: cord-018349-rt2i2wca.txt plain text: cord-018349-rt2i2wca.txt item: #122 of 606 id: cord-018364-b06084r1 author: LaBrunda, Michelle title: The Emerging Threat of Ebola date: 2019-06-07 words: 13506 flesch: 55 summary: Ebola hemorrhagic fever in Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo: clinical observations in 103 patients Interim guidance for healthcare workers providing care in West African countries affected by the Ebola outbreak: limiting heat burden while wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) Viral bioterrorism: learning the lesson of Ebola virus in West Africa CDC announces active post-arrival monitoring for travelers from impacted countries Enhanced Ebola screening to start at five U.S. airports and new tracking program for all people entering U.S. from Ebola-affected countries History of quarantine Enhanced Ebola screening to start at five U.S. airports and new tracking program for all people entering U.S. from Ebola-affected countries History of quarantine Protecting borders: the road to zero Severe meningoencephalitis in a case of Ebola virus disease: a case report Possible sexual transmission of Ebola virus -Liberia Persistence of Ebola virus in various body fluids during convalescence: evidence and implications for disease transmission and control The world's ten largest megacities Ebola virus-related encephalitis Survey of Ebola viruses in frugivorous and insectivorous bats in Guinea, Cameroon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo Transmissibility and pathogenicity of Ebola virus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of household secondary attack rate and asymptomatic infection Ebola RNA persistence in semen of Ebola virus disease survivors -final report Demographia world urban areas: 14th annual edition Epidemiology and risk factors for Ebola virus disease in Sierra Leone -23 Ebola in Nigeria and Senegal: stable -for the moment (n.d.) Retrieved December Infection prevention and control measures for Ebola virus disease Transmission dynamics of Ebola virus disease and intervention effectiveness in Sierra Leone Use of viremia to evaluate the baseline case fatality ratio of Ebola virus disease and inform treatment studies: a retrospective cohort study Air trafic by the numbers Ebola haemorrhagic fever Variability in intrahousehold transmission of Ebola virus, and estimation of the household secondary attack rate The discovery of Bombali virus adds further support for bats as hosts of ebolaviruses Confronting the threat of bioterrorism: realities, challenges, and defensive strategies Cultural context of Ebola in northern Ugands Clinical presentation, biochemical, and haematological parameters and their association with outcome in patients with Ebola virus disease: an observational cohort study Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations for Hospitalized Patients Under Investigation (PUIs) for Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in U Interim Guidance for Management of Survivors of Ebola Virus Disease Late Ebola virus relapse causing meningoencephalitis: a case report Disability among Ebola survivors and their close contacts in Sierra Leone: a retrospective case-controlled cohort study Monitoring of prognostic laboratory markers in Ebola virus disease Lethal experimential infection of rhesus monkeys with Ebola-Zaire (Mayinga) virus by the oral and conjunctival route of exposure Experimental inoculation of Egyptian Rousette bats (Rousettus aegyptiacus) with viruses of the ebolavirus and Marburgvirus genera An overview of Ebola virus disease Some airports have a new security routine: taking your temperature The worship of God in African traditional religion a Nigerian perspective The reemergence of Ebola hemorrhagic fever Democreatic Republic of the Congo, 1995, Commission de Lutte Contre les Epidemies a Kikwit Ebola virus disease in health care workers -Sierra Leone Some airports have a new security routine: taking your temperature. keywords: able; active; acute; additional; africa; agents; ancestors; areas; available; bats; beliefs; biological; bioterrorism; blood; bodies; body; care; cases; cdc; central; clinical; common; community; conflict; congo; contact; control; countries; data; days; dead; democratic; developed; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; different; difficult; disease; drc; early; ebola; ebola outbreak; ebola virus; effective; emergence; entry; environmental; epidemic; equipment; evd; exit; exposure; factors; family; fever; fluids; frequency; general; global; goal; guinea; healers; health; hemorrhagic; high; human; illness; important; infected; infection; international; leone; level; liberia; likely; limited; living; local; low; measures; medical; monitoring; months; negative; new; number; onset; outbreak; patients; people; person; personal; population; potential; poverty; practices; prevention; primates; prior; public; public health; quarantine; rate; region; relationship; republic; reservoir; response; risk; saa; safe; screening; screens; section; security; semen; sexual; sia; sierra; social; specific; spread; start; states; studies; study; sudan; survivors; symptoms; technology; temperature; test; threat; time; traditional; transmission; travelers; treatment; understanding; united; use; vaccine; viral; virus; virus disease; west; workers; world; zaire cache: cord-018364-b06084r1.txt plain text: cord-018364-b06084r1.txt item: #123 of 606 id: cord-018430-u3k8pds6 author: Mason, Jay W. title: Myocarditis date: 2007 words: 21762 flesch: 28 summary: Evidence for a CD18-dependent mechanism Neutrophil-activating peptide-1/interleukin 8, a novel cytokine that activates neutrophils Interleukin-2: inception, impact, and implications Cytokines: coordinators of immune and inflammatory responses Induction of fibroblast proliferation by human mononuclear leukocyte-derived proteins Mechanisms of immune-mediated myocyte injury Interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor inhibit cardiac myocyte beta-adrenergic responsiveness Abnormal contractile function due to induction of nitric oxide synthesis in rat cardiac myocytes follows exposure to activated macrophageconditioned medium The role of the NO pathway in the control of cardiac function Contractile depression and expression of proinflammatory cytokines and iNOS in viral myocarditis The role of inducible nitric oxide synthase in the host response to Coxsackievirus myocarditis Suppression of cytokines and nitric oxide production, and protection against lethal endotoxemia and viral myocarditis by a new NF-kappaB inhibitor Nitric oxide production within cardiac myocytes reduces their contractility in endotoxemia Cellular basis for the negative inotropic effects of tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the adult mammalian heart Cardiac failure in transgenic mice with myocardial expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha Increased serum levels of circulating intercellular adhesion molecule-1 in patients with myocarditis Increased circulating cytokines in patients with myocarditis and cardiomyopathy Augmentation of pathogenesis of coxsackievirus B3 infections in mice by exogenous administration of interleukin-1 and interleukin-2 Detection of transforming growth factor-b1 in Coxsackie B3 virus-induced murine myocarditis Concepts of autoimmunity applied to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy Progressive interstitial collagen deposition in Coxsackievirus B3-induced murine myocarditis Myocardial remodeling in viral heart disease: Possible interactions between inflammatory mediators and MMP-TIMP system Prevention of encephalomyocarditis virus myocarditis in mice by inactivated virus vaccine Treatment of viral myocarditis with ribavirin in an animal preparation Ribavirin treatment of murine coxsackievirus B3 myocarditis with analysis of lymphocyte subsets Prevention of viral myocarditis with recombinant human leukocyte interferon alpha A/D in a murine model Modification of viral myocarditis in mice by interleukin-6 Effects of intranasal administration of recombinant murine interferon-gamma on murine acute myocarditis caused by encephalomyocarditis virus Effects of prednisolone on acute viral myocarditis in mice A nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drug exacerbates Coxsackie B3 murine myocarditis Coxsackievirus B3 murine myocarditis: deleterious effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents Immunosuppression with high doses of cyclophosphamide reduces the severity of myocarditis but increases the mortality in murine Coxsackievirus B3 myocarditis Effect of delayed captopril therapy on left ventricular mass and myonecrosis during acute coxsackievirus murine myocarditis Impact of FK 506 on myocarditis in the enteroviral murine model Synergistic effects of tacrolimus and human interferon-alpha A/D in murine viral myocarditis Therapeutic effect of anti-tumor necrosis factor-alpha on the murine model of viral myocarditis induced by encephalomyocarditis virus Treatment of virus-induced myocardial injury with a novel immunomodulating agent, vesnarinone. Viral myocarditis is a triphasic process. keywords: abnormalities; absence; active; activity; acute; acute myocarditis; agents; aids; analysis; antiarrhythmic; antibodies; antibody; antigens; antimyosin; areas; arrhythmias; associated; association; asymptomatic; atrial; autoimmune; autoimmunity; autopsy; azathioprine; beneficial; biopsies; biopsy; block; cardiac; cardiac disease; cardiac involvement; cardiomyopathy; cardiovascular; cases; cause; cell; cell myocarditis; chagas; chain; changes; chf; children; chronic; class; clinical; cmv; colleagues; common; complete; complex; conduction; congestive; coronary; corticosteroids; course; coworkers; coxsackievirus; criteria; ctls; cvb3; cyclosporine; cytokines; dallas; damage; days; dcm; death; detection; development; diagnosis; diastolic; direct; disease; drug; duration; dysfunction; early; ecg; echocardiographic; effective; effects; elevated; encephalomyocarditis; endomyocardial; endomyocardial biopsy; enteroviral; enteroviruses; eosinophilic; etiology; evidence; expression; extensive; factor; failure; fatal; features; fever; fibrosis; fig; findings; follow; form; frequent; fulminant; functional; gcm; giant; giant cell; group; heart; heart disease; heart failure; hemodynamic; hepatitis; high; higher; histologic; history; hiv; human; hypersensitivity; hypersensitivity myocarditis; idiopathic; igg; illness; imaging; immune; immunodeficiency; immunomodulatory; immunosuppressive; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; infected; infection; infiltrates; inflammation; inflammatory; initial; injury; inos; inotropic; interstitial; intracellular; intravenous; involvement; isolated; kawasaki; known; left; left ventricular; lvef; lyme; lymphocytic; lymphocytic myocarditis; major; manifestations; mechanisms; mhc; mice; mild; model; months; mortality; mtt; murine; murine myocarditis; muscle; myocardial; myocardial disease; myocardial involvement; myocarditis; myocyte; myopericarditis; myosin; natural; necrosis; need; negative; new; nitric; onset; outcome; oxide; pain; pathologic; patients; pericardial; period; peripartum; phase; positive; possible; prednisone; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; prevention; process; production; prognosis; progressive; proportion; prospective; proteins; rapid; rare; recent; recipients; recognition; rejection; replication; report; response; responsible; results; review; right; role; sarcoidosis; series; serologic; severe; significant; similar; specific; specimens; studies; study; successful; sudden; survival; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; systolic; tachycardia; therapy; time; tissue; tnf; transplantation; transplanted; treatment; trials; uncommon; unknown; vaccination; variety; ventricular; ventricular arrhythmias; ventricular dysfunction; viral; viral infection; viral myocarditis; virus; viruses; vitro; wall; year; young cache: cord-018430-u3k8pds6.txt plain text: cord-018430-u3k8pds6.txt item: #124 of 606 id: cord-018452-qyf2vymf author: Sica, Valentina title: Pathophysiologic Role of Autophagy in Human Airways date: 2016-03-07 words: 7010 flesch: 25 summary: In summary, although autophagy generally (but not always) promote the progression of pulmonary malignancies and increases the resistance of lung cancer cells to chemo-and radiotherapeutic regimens, additional experiments are required to understand whether combinatorial treatments involving autophagy inhibitors constitute a clinically viable approach against pulmonary neoplasms. Furthermore, the higher expression of autophagy proteins has been linked to lung epithelial cell death, airway dysfunction and emphysema in response to CS. keywords: aat; able; accumulation; activation; activity; acute; airway; ammation; ammatory; anti; antitrypsin; apoptosis; asthma; asthmatic; atg5; autophagy; beclin; broblasts; brosis; cancer; cells; cellular; cftr; chronic; cient; clearance; common; complex; conditions; copd; cystic; death; defi; degradation; dependent; depletion; development; disease; ecm; emphysema; epithelial; essential; evidences; exposure; expression; fact; fi brosis; functions; genetic; heme; ho-1; homeostasis; human; hyperoxia; hypertension; idiopathic; immune; increase; infection; infl; inhibition; inhibitors; injury; intracellular; ipf; lc3; level; like; liver; lung; machinery; macrophages; malignant; mechanisms; mice; mitophagy; molecular; mtor; mucus; mutant; mutation; non; obstructive; oxygen; p62; pathogenesis; pathway; patients; pharmacological; pink1; production; profi; progression; protein; pulmonary; rapamycin; reduced; response; role; senescence; smoke; specifi; stress; tgf; th2; therapeutic; tissue; transformation; treatment; tumor; type; vivo cache: cord-018452-qyf2vymf.txt plain text: cord-018452-qyf2vymf.txt item: #125 of 606 id: cord-018454-sy21cpff author: Mitrovic, Stéphane title: Adult-Onset Still’s Disease date: 2019-10-30 words: 9392 flesch: 38 summary: It is efficient in controlling AoSD disease activity and allowing for steroid dose sparing [3, [136] [137] Management of hereditary recurrent fevers-SHARE experience Complications of adult-onset Still's disease and their management Life-threatening complications of adult-onset Still's disease The evolution of adultonset Still disease: an observational and comparative study in a cohort of 76 Italian patients keywords: activation; active; activity; acute; adult; adult onset; agents; amyloidosis; anakinra; anti; aosd; arterial; arthritis; association; autoimmune; autoinflammatory; biomarker; canakinumab; cases; cells; chronic; classification; clinical; coagulation; complications; criteria; cytokine; day; diagnosis; different; disease; disease activity; disease adult; disorders; dose; effects; efficacy; elevated; experience; factor; failure; features; ferritin; fever; frequent; glycosylated; hemophagocytic; high; hypertension; idiopathic; il-1; il-6; immune; immunomodulatory; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibitors; intravascular; involvement; joint; juvenile; key; level; limited; literature; liver; long; low; macrophage; manifestations; mechanisms; methotrexate; new; nsaids; onset; organ; outcome; overall; pah; pathogenesis; patients; pattern; periodic; phase; possible; potential; prognosis; protein; pulmonary; rapid; rare; receptor; refractory; refractory adult; remission; response; results; retrospective; review; rhl; role; safety; series; serum; severe; sojia; specific; steroids; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; therapies; therapy; thrombocytopenic; thrombotic; tissue; tma; tnf; tocilizumab; treatment; weeks; years cache: cord-018454-sy21cpff.txt plain text: cord-018454-sy21cpff.txt item: #126 of 606 id: cord-018493-q24f86e9 author: Ranjan, Prabhat title: Importance of Natural Proteins in Infectious Diseases date: 2015-08-08 words: 3935 flesch: 33 summary: Proteins might also be involved in playing solely protective roles against infections like various cell surface receptor proteins (Toll-like receptors, Nod-like receptors, etc.), which trigger protective immune responses. Likewise, almost all the elements of our immune system, e.g., Immunoglobulins (antibodies), various cell surface proteins (T and B cell receptors, Major histocompatibility complex, CD4, CD8, CD3, etc.), the several adaptor proteins and enzymes, involved in signal transduction pathways, are all of protein origin and crucial for combating against external infections. keywords: acid; agents; aid; aureus; bacterial; biological; biomedical; body; cell; chaperones; class; clostridium; components; defense; diseases; domain; drugs; envelope; enzymes; external; extracellular; factor; fig; folding; form; glycoproteins; glycosylation; heat; hemagglutinin; host; human; immune; immunity; important; infectious; innate; interaction; key; lichens; like; membrane; microbial; microorganisms; molecular; myd88; natural; new; nlrs; nod; number; peptides; prion; protection; proteins; prp; quality; receptors; recognition; responses; role; shock; shock proteins; surface; system; target; tissue; tlrs; toll; toxins; transmembrane; treatment; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-018493-q24f86e9.txt plain text: cord-018493-q24f86e9.txt item: #127 of 606 id: cord-018619-aknktp6d author: Bello-Orgaz, Gema title: A Survey of Social Web Mining Applications for Disease Outbreak Detection date: 2015 words: 3254 flesch: 42 summary: [28] is also a widely data source used for disease outbreaks detection. Epidemic Intelligence Systems are nowadays widely used by public health organizations like monitoring mechanisms for early detection of disease outbreaks to reduce the impact of epidemics. keywords: blogs; context; data; detection; different; disease; early; epidemic; events; global; google; health; healthcare; illness; influenza; information; intelligence; knowledge; learning; location; machine; mail; media; methods; mining; monitoring; networks; new; outbreaks; paper; potential; promed; public; real; regression; relevant; search; social; sources; specific; surveillance; survey; systems; techniques; text; time; twitter; useful; web cache: cord-018619-aknktp6d.txt plain text: cord-018619-aknktp6d.txt item: #128 of 606 id: cord-018620-3kqx8arn author: Rueda, Mario title: Hepatic Failure date: 2016-10-09 words: 13815 flesch: 42 summary: Besides parkinsonian movements and tremors, Kayser-Fleischer rings, psychiatric alterations, and renal problems, Wilson's disease will present with liver disease: cirrhosis, chronic failure without cirrhosis, and acute liver failure. Epidemiology of acute liver failure East meets west: acute liver failure in the global village The electroencephalograph in liver disease Low myo-inositol and high glutamine levels in brain are associated with neuropsychological deterioration after induced hyperammonemia Interorgan ammonia, glutamate, and glutamine trafficking in pigs with acute liver failure Branched-chain amino acids in liver diseases An interaction between benzodiazepines and neuroactive steroids at GABA A receptors in cultured hippocampal neurons Liver function, cerebral blood flow autoregulation, and hepatic encephalopathy in fulminant hepatic failure Difficult management problems in fulminant hepatic failure Incidence and pathophysiology of pulmonary edema in fulminant hepatic failure Pulmonary vascular complications of liver disease Hepatopulmonary syndrome: role of nitric oxide and clinical aspects Hepatorenal syndrome: pathophysiology and management Hepatorenal syndrome: a dreaded complication of end-stage liver disease Coagulopathy in liver diseases Mechanisms of water and sodium retention in cirrhosis and the pathogenesis of ascites Acute liver failure Acute liver failure Risk factors and outcomes of acute kidney injury in patients with acute liver failure Diagnosis and treatment of acute renal failure in patients with cirrhosis Lactic acidosis: recognition, kinetics, and associated prognosis Lactic acidosis Too much lactate or too little liver? Intensive care management of acute liver failure Patients with acute on chronic liver failure display sepsis-like immune paralysis Endotoxemia in patients with alcoholic and non-alcoholic cirrhosis and in subjects with no evidence of chronic liver disease following acute alcohol excess Effects of antimicrobial prophylaxis and blood stream infections in patients with acute liver failure: a retrospective cohort study The systemic inflammatory response syndrome in acute liver failure Infection and the progression of hepatic encephalopathy in acute liver failure Jaundice in older children and adolescents Update on the treatment of the pruritus of cholestasis Acute liver failure Medical palliation of the jaundiced patient with pruritus Acute hepatitis C AASLD position paper : the management of acute liver failure : update Propofol to control intracranial pressure in fulminant hepatic failure Management of fulminant hepatic failure in the USA: results from a survey of 14 liver transplant programs The safety and value of extradural intracranial pressure monitors in fulminant hepatic failure The American experience with transplantation for acute liver failure Ammoniainduced brain edema and intracranial hypertension in rats after portacaval anastomosis Complications of intracranial pressure monitoring in fulminant hepatic failure Cerebral and cardiovascular responses to changes in head elevation in patients with intracranial hypertension Lactulose therapy in acute liver failure Efficacy of L-ornithine L-aspartate in acute liver failure: a double-blind, randomized. keywords: accumulation; acetaminophen; acute; acute liver; administration; albumin; alf; ammonia; ascites; bacterial; benefit; bilirubin; bleeding; blood; brain; cardiac; care; cause; cells; cerebral; changes; child; chronic; chronic liver; cirrhosis; cld; clinical; coagulation; coagulopathy; common; compromised; creatinine; day; decrease; derangements; development; diagnosis; dialysis; different; disease; dysfunction; edema; effective; elevated; encephalopathy; end; etiology; evaluation; evidence; exam; factors; failure; flow; fluid; fulminant; function; gastrointestinal; grade; greater; hemodynamic; hepatic; hepatic failure; hepatitis; hepatorenal; high; history; hrs; hypertension; ich; important; improvement; incidence; increase; infection; ingestion; initial; injury; intracranial; ischemic; laboratory; levels; liver; liver disease; liver failure; liver transplantation; low; management; mechanism; meld; metabolism; molecular; mortality; neurologic; normal; oral; order; overall; pain; paracentesis; pathophysiology; patients; perfusion; peritonitis; physical; plasma; poisoning; portal; possible; presence; presentation; pressure; process; production; prophylactic; protein; pugh; pulmonary; randomized; renal; replacement; respiratory; response; results; risk; role; secondary; serum; severe; similar; skin; sodium; stage; status; studies; study; supportive; survival; symptoms; syndrome; system; table; therapy; toxicity; transplantation; treatment; trial; type; underlying; united; upper; urine; use; values; varices; vasodilation; vein; viral; volume; wilson; workup cache: cord-018620-3kqx8arn.txt plain text: cord-018620-3kqx8arn.txt item: #129 of 606 id: cord-018623-of9vx7og author: Saghazadeh, Amene title: The Physical Burden of Immunoperception date: 2019-04-27 words: 5764 flesch: 31 summary: For example, emotional stress is ranked as the second most common neuropsychological cause of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) owing to its record in approximately 40-50% of these patients [30, 31] . A possible pathogenic pathway for metabolic syndrome is initiated by emotional stress and ensuing enhancement in the levels of proinflammatory cytokines, e.g., IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-α. keywords: activation; activity; acute; affect; aids; alzheimer; anterior; anxiety; asthma; autoimmune; behaviors; brain; breast; cancer; cardiovascular; cell; changes; childhood; chronic; cognitive; cold; common; controls; cortex; cytokines; depressive; diet; disease; disorders; distress; emotional; emotions; evidence; exposure; expression; factor; healthy; heart; high; higher; hippocampus; il-1β; il-6; illness; immune; increased; individuals; inflammation; inflammatory; levels; life; like; manner; markers; memory; metabolic; mice; model; mood; negative; patients; personality; physical; positive; production; psychiatric; psychological; reduced; regions; regulation; related; relationship; response; review; role; sle; sleep; social; states; stress; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; term; tnf; type; women cache: cord-018623-of9vx7og.txt plain text: cord-018623-of9vx7og.txt item: #130 of 606 id: cord-018638-4pyjhpbk author: Pilania, Rakesh Kumar title: Kawasaki Disease date: 2019-10-30 words: 5677 flesch: 47 summary: The global epidemiology of Kawasaki disease: review and future perspectives Epidemiologic features of Kawasaki disease in Shanghai from Epidemiologic survey of Kawasaki disease in Jilin from 1999 through Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of Kawasaki disease and factors associated with coronary artery abnormalities in East China: nine years experience Epidemiologic study on Kawasaki disease in Beijing from Is Kawasaki disease incidence rising in Chandigarh Descriptive epidemiology of Kawasaki disease in Japan Genetics of Kawasaki disease: what we know and don't know The genetics of Kawasaki disease Dissecting Kawasaki disease: a state-of-the-art review Variations in ORAI1 gene associated with Kawasaki disease Transforming growth factor-beta signaling pathway in patients with Kawasaki disease Is Kawasaki disease an infectious disorder? Three linked vasculopathic processes characterize Kawasaki disease: a light and transmission electron microscopic study Histopathological aspects of cardiovascular lesions in Kawasaki disease Spatial and temporal clustering of Kawasaki syndrome cases The role of superantigens of group A Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus in Kawasaki disease Diagnosis, treatment, and long-term management of Kawasaki disease: a scientific statement for health professionals from the American Heart Association Revision of diagnostic guidelines for Kawasaki disease (the 5th revised edition) Kawasaki disease in infants below 6 months: a clinical conundrum Arthritis presenting during the acute phase of Kawasaki disease BCG site reactivation in Kawasaki disease Controversies in diagnosis and management of Kawasaki disease Acute kidney injury in patients with Kawasaki disease Pulmonary presentation of Kawasaki disease-a diagnostic challenge Acute anterior uveitis as the presenting feature of Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease as a cause of encephalitis Kawasaki disease and the pediatric gastroenterologist: a diagnostic challenge Pyuria in patients with Kawasaki disease High risk of coronary artery aneurysms in infants younger than 6 months of age with Kawasaki disease Mortality in children with Kawasaki disease: 20 years of experience from a tertiary care centre in North India Kawasaki disease in older children and adolescents Clinical assessment of coronary arteries in Kawasaki disease: focus on echocardiographic assessment Not just coronary arteritis, Kawasaki disease is a myocarditis, too Myocarditis and Kawasaki disease Early differentiation of Kawasaki disease shock syndrome and toxic shock syndrome in a pediatric intensive care unit Kawasaki disease in a pediatric intensive care unit: a case-control study Tropospheric winds from northeastern China carry the etiologic agent of Kawasaki disease from its source to Japan Kawasaki disease in India: increasing awareness or increased incidence? Biomarkers for diagnosis of Kawasaki disease Screening of differentially expressed genes associated with Kawasaki disease by microarray analysis Pro-brain natriuretic peptide (ProBNP) levels in North Indian children with Kawasaki disease Usefulness of natriuretic peptide for the diagnosis of Kawasaki disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis Guidelines for diagnosis and management of cardiovascular sequelae in Kawasaki disease (JCS 2013). keywords: 2de; acute; aha; aneurysms; arteries; artery; arthritis; aspirin; associated; caas; cardiovascular; care; cases; cavity; cervical; changes; children; china; clinical; common; complications; coronary; criteria; days; development; diagnosis; disease; dose; edema; erythema; evaluation; features; fever; fig; findings; genes; group; guidelines; high; illness; important; incidence; incomplete; infants; infection; irritability; ivig; japan; japanese; kawasaki; kawasaki disease; kdss; lips; lymphadenopathy; management; manifestations; measles; months; new; oral; patients; phase; presence; present; principal; refractory; risk; scores; shock; sign; size; stage; subacute; syndrome; therapy; time; treatment; use; weeks cache: cord-018638-4pyjhpbk.txt plain text: cord-018638-4pyjhpbk.txt item: #131 of 606 id: cord-018706-gykw2nvt author: Yadav, Mahendra Pal title: Emerging and Transboundary Animal Viral Diseases: Perspectives and Preparedness date: 2020-02-23 words: 9689 flesch: 38 summary: A few other factors are also responsible for greater threat due to TADs, namely (1) lack of awareness of the farmers about the high-threat epizootic animal diseases; (2) lack of diagnostic facilities for exotic diseases, and under-reporting of animal diseases like HPAI due to the fear of loss of internal and export market till the country gets infection-free status as per OIE-laid-down criteria; and (3) poor and faulty compensation schemes. As animal diseases get less priority than human infections/diseases in undertaking immediate disease control measures, the threat scenario with the use of animal pathogens for bioterrorism or biowarfare will have many serious consequences. keywords: account; adequate; affected; african; agencies; agents; animal; animal diseases; animal health; areas; asf; asia; avian; better; biosafety; biosecurity; birds; borders; bse; changes; consequences; control; countries; country; current; detection; development; diagnostic; different; diseases; domestic; early; economic; economy; effective; eids; environment; epidemiology; equine; eradication; europe; exotic; exposure; factors; fao; farm; farmers; fever; field; fmd; food; free; future; global; greater; h5n1; health; host; hpai; human; important; india; industry; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; international; laboratory; large; level; livestock; losses; management; measures; meat; need; new; nipah; number; oie; outbreak; pathogens; pigs; place; populations; poultry; practices; preparedness; prevention; production; products; programmes; public; quarantine; reporting; research; response; rift; rinderpest; risk; sanitary; scenario; services; spill; spread; sps; status; strains; successful; support; surveillance; swine; systems; tads; threat; time; timely; trade; transboundary; transmission; vaccination; vaccine; valley; veterinary; viral; virus; viruses; welfare; west; wildlife; world; zoonotic cache: cord-018706-gykw2nvt.txt plain text: cord-018706-gykw2nvt.txt item: #132 of 606 id: cord-018746-s9knxdne author: Perra, Nicola title: Modeling and Predicting Human Infectious Diseases date: 2015-04-23 words: 9710 flesch: 50 summary: The next logical step in the hierarchy of large scale epidemic models is to take the description of the underlying population all the way down to the individual level with what are known as ABM. Epidemic models divide the progression of the disease into several states or compartments, with individuals transitioning compartments depending on their health status. keywords: able; activity; age; analysis; approaches; average; basic; behavior; case; class; compartments; computational; contact; correlations; countries; country; critical; crucial; data; degree; degree k; description; different; diffusion; digital; disease; dynamics; early; epidemic; epidemic models; epidemiology; equation; focus; fraction; general; geographical; gft; gleam; global; h1n1; health; heterogeneous; hki; household; human; individuals; infected; infectious; influenza; information; interactions; k d; large; level; likely; metapopulation; mobility; modeling; models; networks; new; node; number; outbreak; pandemic; parameters; particular; patterns; population; probability; process; rate; reaction; realistic; recent; results; scale; search; seasonal; set; simple; sir; size; social; spreading; state; structure; study; surveillance; susceptible; system; term; threshold; time; tools; total; transportation; travel; twitter; users; value; way; wikipedia; world cache: cord-018746-s9knxdne.txt plain text: cord-018746-s9knxdne.txt item: #133 of 606 id: cord-018760-blwguyl4 author: Guleria, Randeep title: Health Effects of Changing Environment date: 2019-03-22 words: 4789 flesch: 42 summary: A holistic view is needed to address the problem of environmental health where agriculture, animal husbandry, public health, water safety and air pollution need to be looked at in a combined manner for education, planning and resource allocation. Air pollution has risen to the extent that many big cities in the world have a highly toxic air quality. keywords: air; air pollution; airway; ambient; asthma; burden; cancer; carbon; cause; change; chemical; chronic; climate; cooking; coronary; deaths; development; dioxide; diseases; disorders; drinking; effects; energy; environmental; et al; exposure; factors; floods; food; fuel; function; global; health; high; higher; human; increase; india; indoor; industrial; infectious; inflammation; lead; levels; long; lung; matter; monoxide; mortality; nitrogen; non; oxides; ozone; particulate; people; pollutants; pollution; public; pulmonary; respiratory; rise; risk; significant; solid; studies; study; substances; sulphur; symptoms; temperature; term; waste; water; world; years cache: cord-018760-blwguyl4.txt plain text: cord-018760-blwguyl4.txt item: #134 of 606 id: cord-018761-vm86d4mj author: Bradt, David A. title: Technical Annexes date: 2017-11-08 words: 10432 flesch: 48 summary: In some countries, vaccine may also be used with close contacts of sporadic disease cases to prevent secondary cases. Classic biotype caused the 5th and 6th pandemics but little epidemic disease since the 1970s though it still causes cases in India. keywords: abx; acute; age; agglutination; area; assessors; association; attack; available; bacterial; bias; capacity; care; cases; cause; cfr; children; cholera; civilian; clinical; cluster; coli; common; community; comparable; complete; contact; control; countries; data; day; death; design; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; different; disease; distribution; dose; e.g.; effect; endemic; environmental; epidemic; error; estimate; ethnic; events; exposure; fever; findings; food; gender; greater; group; health; high; higher; host; human; humanitarian; hygiene; immunity; important; incidence; increase; infection; influenza; informants; information; international; investigation; key; laboratory; level; likely; limited; live; local; low; malnutrition; management; material; mean; measurement; measures; medical; meningitis; meningococcal; mortality; muac; necessary; non; number; o139; o157; outbreak; overall; patients; period; personal; population; potential; precision; present; prevalence; prevention; probability; public; random; rapid; rate; recall; reference; reporting; resistance; resources; response; results; risk; sample; sampling; season; severe; shigella; size; sources; species; specific; specimen; spread; staff; standard; strains; study; stunting; support; surveillance; survey; systematic; team; technical; time; transmission; transport; treatment; type; use; vaccination; vaccine; validity; wasting; water; week; weight; work cache: cord-018761-vm86d4mj.txt plain text: cord-018761-vm86d4mj.txt item: #135 of 606 id: cord-018899-tbfg0vmd author: Brauer, Fred title: Epidemic Models date: 2011-10-03 words: 19651 flesch: 54 summary: The definition of the basic reproduction number R 0 is that it is the number of secondary infections caused by a single infective introduced into a wholly susceptible population of size N â�� S 0 over the course of the infection of this single infective. In fact, this general framework is the age of infection epidemic model originally introduced by Kermack and McKendrick in 1927. keywords: approach; assumption; average; basic; beginning; behavior; case; class; compartmental; constant; contact; control; data; degree; different; disease; disease outbreak; distribution; edge; eigenvalues; epidemic; epidemic model; equation; equilibrium; europe; example; excess; factor; final; form; fraction; free; function; general; generation; immunity; important; individuals; infected; infection; infective; infectivity; influenza; initial; integration; k â; kermack; large; major; malaria; mathematical; matrix; mckendrick; mean; members; model; n â; neighbor; network; new; node; nonnegative; number; number r; outbreak; parts; period; plague; population; population size; positive; possible; probability; random; rate; recovery; relation; reproduction; reproduction number; s â; secondary; section; simple; sir; size; small; spread; stage; study; susceptible; system; t =; t â; term; time; total; transmission; treatment; unit; use; vaccination; vertex; z â; â �; � n; � v; � ¤; � � cache: cord-018899-tbfg0vmd.txt plain text: cord-018899-tbfg0vmd.txt item: #136 of 606 id: cord-018911-tpm2594i author: Goodin, Douglas G. title: Integrating Landscape Hierarchies in the Discovery and Modeling of Ecological Drivers of Zoonotically Transmitted Disease from Wildlife date: 2018-04-28 words: 6443 flesch: 31 summary: Simple compartment models (SEIR-susceptible, exposed, infectious, and recovered) are connected via a dispersal network in what is often called a patch model or metapopulation model (Allen et al. 2009; Models for spatial spread among discrete patches have shown the importance of there being at least one patch where the disease persists (Arino et al. 2005; Allen et al. 2009; McCormack and Allen 2007b) . keywords: allen; analysis; areas; argentina; associated; brazil; challenges; change; characteristics; climate; climatic; continental; cover; data; different; disease; distribution; disturbance; dynamics; ecological; ecology; emergence; environmental; epidemiology; et al; example; extent; factors; finer; forest; framework; global; grain; habitat; hantavirus; heterogeneity; hierarchical; hierarchy; host; human; infectious; information; interest; landscape; large; levels; limitations; local; mathematical; modeling; models; multi; natural; number; occurrence; outbreaks; paraguay; pathogen; patterns; populations; processes; rabies; range; regional; relationship; remote; research; reservoir; resolution; review; rodents; role; scale; sensor; size; small; smith; south; spatial; species; structure; study; systems; theory; transmission; variety; vegetation; viral; viruses; wildlife; zoonoses; zoonotic cache: cord-018911-tpm2594i.txt plain text: cord-018911-tpm2594i.txt item: #137 of 606 id: cord-018917-7px75s3c author: Hopkins, Richard S. title: Informatics in Disease Prevention and Epidemiology date: 2013-07-29 words: 7517 flesch: 36 summary: Paper presented at Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Nationally notifi able disease surveillance system case defi nitions Association of State and Territorial Health Offi cers. Public health laboratory information systems (LIS) contain information about test results on specimens submitted for primary diagnosis, for confi rmation of a commercial or hospital laboratory's results, for identifi cation of unusual organisms, or for further characterization of organisms into subgroupings (like serotypes) that are of epidemiologic importance. keywords: approach; automated; available; birth; cancer; care; case; cation; cdc; clinical; common; components; conditions; confi; contacts; control; data; defects; defi; departments; design; different; disease; disease surveillance; display; electronic; elr; emergency; epidemiologic; example; federal; food; health; health surveillance; hepatitis; hospital; identifi; illness; implementation; important; individual; infectious; infl; information; information systems; interventions; investigation; laboratories; laboratory; level; like; local; management; multiple; national; need; new; notifi; number; outbreak; people; person; positive; possible; prevention; program; public; public health; records; registries; reportable; reporting; reports; response; results; services; single; specifi; standard; state; surveillance; surveillance information; surveillance systems; syndromic; systems; time; timeliness; treatment; uenza; use; users; work cache: cord-018917-7px75s3c.txt plain text: cord-018917-7px75s3c.txt item: #138 of 606 id: cord-018976-0ndb7rm2 author: Iwasa, Yoh title: Mathematical Studies of Dynamics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases date: 2007 words: 1796 flesch: 45 summary: The mathematical study of infectious disease dynamics has a long history. The classic work by Kermack and McKendrick (1927) established the basis of modeling infectious disease dynamics. keywords: anderson; cancer; cells; chap; colleagues; delay; different; disease; dynamics; epidemics; equilibrium; evolution; evolutionary; host; immune; important; infectious; mathematical; modeling; models; papers; patient; population; spatial; strains; studies; system; time cache: cord-018976-0ndb7rm2.txt plain text: cord-018976-0ndb7rm2.txt item: #139 of 606 id: cord-019001-ralxw4ad author: Oishi, Peter title: Diseases of the Pulmonary Vascular System date: 2008-11-15 words: 12802 flesch: 23 summary: Other, less common causes of pediatric pulmonary vascular disease include primary (idiopathic) pulmonary hypertension, hypoxiainduced pulmonary vascular disease, rheumatologic disorders, sickle cell disease, portal hypertension, chronic thromboembolic disease, human immunodefi ciency virus disease, and drug-toxin induced disease. Finally, a genetic disposition appears to be important in some subtypes of pulmonary vascular disease and remains an area of active research. keywords: abnormalities; acute; addition; adult; agents; alveolar; area; arterial; arterial hypertension; arteries; associated; atrial; bed; benefi; birth; blood; blood fl; calcium; cardiac; cell; changes; channels; children; chronic; circulation; clinical; concentrations; congenital; congenital heart; continuous; data; decrease; defects; dependent; disease; disorders; distress; dysfunction; effects; elevated; endothelial; endothelin-1; et-1; etiology; evidence; example; expression; factors; failure; fetal; fl ow; heart; heart disease; hemodynamic; hernia; high; hypertension; hypoxemia; hypoxia; important; increases; infants; infl; inhaled; injury; intravenous; lambs; large; left; low; lung; mechanisms; milrinone; mortality; muscle; neonatal; neonates; newborn; nitric; nitric oxide; normal; number; output; oxide; oxygen; oxygenation; pathophysiology; patients; pediatric; persistent; persistent pulmonary; pressure; primary; primary pulmonary; production; prostacyclin; pulmonary; pulmonary arterial; pulmonary blood; pulmonary circulation; pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary vascular; pulmonary vasoconstriction; pulmonary vasodilation; randomized; reactivity; recent; receptor; remodeling; resistance; respiratory; response; results; right; role; secondary; setting; severe; signifi; sildenafi; smooth; structural; studies; study; substances; support; surgery; surgical; survival; syndrome; systemic; term; therapies; therapy; tone; treatment; underlying; use; vascular; vascular disease; vascular resistance; vasculature; vasoactive; vasoconstriction; vasodilation; venous; ventilation; ventricular; vessels cache: cord-019001-ralxw4ad.txt plain text: cord-019001-ralxw4ad.txt item: #140 of 606 id: cord-019055-k5wcibdk author: Pacheco, Jorge M. title: Disease Spreading in Time-Evolving Networked Communities date: 2017-10-05 words: 8604 flesch: 44 summary: Here we investigate the impact of such a dynamical network structure on disease dynamics, where infection occurs along the edges of the network. Notwithstanding, the active-linking dynamics allows us to include, analytically, the temporal dimension into the problem of disease dynamics. keywords: absorbing; adaptive; analytical; average; case; chain; changes; complex; computer; contact; contact network; degree; dependent; disease; disease dynamics; disease progression; dynamical; dynamics; epidemic; events; evolution; fig; finite; following; fraction; frequency; g(i; health; hki; impact; individuals; infected; infected individuals; infection; information; limit; linking; links; local; markov; mixed; model; nature; network; network dynamics; note; number; overall; place; population; possible; probability; process; progression; rate; recovered; recovery; results; scale; simulations; sir; sis; size; small; social; spreading; state; stationary; status; structure; study; susceptible; temporal; time; type; update cache: cord-019055-k5wcibdk.txt plain text: cord-019055-k5wcibdk.txt item: #141 of 606 id: cord-019063-mcxbl8mv author: Vijayan, Vannan K. title: Diagnosis of Pulmonary Parasitic Diseases date: 2013-06-05 words: 6672 flesch: 35 summary: World Health Organization Laboratory diagnosis of malaria infection-a short review of methods Malaria diagnosis: a brief review Rapid diagnostic tests for malaria parasites Rapid diagnostic testing for malaria A review of malaria diagnostic tools: microscopy and rapid diagnostic test (RDT) Co-infections acquired from Ixode ticks Acute respiratory failure in patients treated for babesiosis Diagnosis of pulmonary infection with Toxoplasma gondii in immunocompromised HIV-positive patients by real time PCR Clinical and diagnostic management of toxoplasmosis in the immunocompromised patient Eosinophilic lung disease in the tropics Parasitic diseases of the respiratory tract Spontaneous rupture of lung echinococcal cyst causing anaphylactic shock and respiratory distress syndrome Expert consensus for the diagnosis and treatment of cystic and alveolar echinococcosis in humans Usefulness of four different Echinococcus granulosus recombinant antigens for serodiagnosis of unilocular hydatid disease (UHD) and postsurgical follow-up of patients treated for UHD Pulmonary cystic echinococcosis Echinococcus multilocularis Disseminated alveolar echinococcosis mimicking a metastatic malignancy The immunodiagnosis of Echinococcus multilocularis infection Pulmonary schistosomiasis Pulmonary manifestations of early Schistosoma infection in nonimmune travelers Katayama fever; an acute manifestation of schistosomiasis Schistosomiasis associated pulmonary hypertension A diagnostic dilemma of right lower lobe collapse caused by pulmonary bilharsiasis Acute schistosomiasis in nonimmune travelers: chest CT fi ndings in 10 patients Pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment Detection of circulating antigens in patients with active Schistosoma haematobium infection Studies on clinical manifestations, diagnosis and control of paragonimiasis in China Pulmonary paragonimiasis: an evaluation of roentgen fi ndings in 38 positive sputum patients in an endemic area in Thailand Clinicoradiologic features of pleuropulmonary Paragonimus westermani on Kyushu Island Evaluation of human IgG subclass antibodies in the serodiagnosis of Paragonimus heterotremus Tropical parasitic lung diseases Strongyloidiasis and other intestinal nematode infections Eosinophilic lung disease (or how to slice PIE) Ascariasis and hookworm Possible approach for serodiagnosis of ascariasis by evaluation of immunoglobulin G4 response using Ascaris lumbricoides somatic antigen Nature and causes of hookworm anemia Differentiation between the human hookworm Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus using PCR-RFLP Biology and immunology of human strongyloidiasis Disseminated Strongyloides stercoralis in human immunodefi ciency virus-infected patients: treatment failure and review of literature Pulmonary manifestations of strongyloidiasis Strongyloides stercoralis infestation associated with septicemia due to intestinal transmural migration of bacteria Corticosteroidinduced asthma: a manifestation of limited hyperinfection syndrome due to Strongyloides stercoralis Diagnosis of Strongyloides stercoralis infection A simple modification of the Baermann method for diagnosis of strongyloidiasis Evaluation of three methods for laboratory diagnosis of Strongyloides stercoralis infection Diagnosis of pulmonary strongyloidiasis by bronchoalveolar lavage Serology and eosinophil count in the diagnosis and management of strongyloidiasis in a non-endemic area Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia Acute tropical pulmonary eosinophilia: characterization of the lower respiratory tract infl ammation and its response to therapy Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia: analysis of antifi larial antibody localized to the lung Pulmonary eosinophilia: progress in respiration research Tropical pulmonary eosinophilia Re-examination of the diagnostic criteria of tropical pulmonary eosinophilia In certain situations, invasive investigations such as fiberoptic bronchoscopic evaluation (transbronchial lung biopsies and bronchoalveolar lavage studies) and thoracic surgical procedures (thoracoscopy and open lung biopsy) may be required for a diagnosis and also to exclude other lung diseases. keywords: abscess; active; acute; amebiasis; amebic; anemia; antibodies; antibody; antigen; associated; asthma; asymptomatic; biopsy; blood; cases; cells; chest; chronic; clinical; common; cough; cyst; cystic; defi; detection; diagnosis; direct; dirofi; diseases; dispar; distress; dyspnea; echinococcus; effusion; eggs; elevated; endemic; entamoeba; eosinophilia; examination; falciparum; features; fever; helminthic; hemoptysis; histolytica; history; hookworm; human; hydatid; hypertension; important; infected; infection; infi; intestinal; lariasis; larvae; leishmaniasis; leukocytosis; life; liver; loss; ltrates; lung; lung diseases; malaria; manifestations; method; molecular; ndings; pain; paragonimiasis; parasites; parasitic; patients; pcr; peripheral; plasmodium; pleural; present; pulmonary; respiratory; result; rupture; samples; schistosoma; schistosomiasis; severe; sign; smears; species; specifi; specimens; sputum; stercoralis; stool; strongyloides; strongyloidiasis; studies; symptoms; syndrome; test; toxocara; toxoplasmosis; tpe; treatment; tropical; uid; useful; visceral; wheezing cache: cord-019063-mcxbl8mv.txt plain text: cord-019063-mcxbl8mv.txt item: #142 of 606 id: cord-020544-kc52thr8 author: Bradt, David A. title: Technical Annexes date: 2019-12-03 words: 6172 flesch: 46 summary: In some countries, vaccine may also be used with close contacts of sporadic disease cases to prevent secondary cases. An area may be considered cholera-free after 2 incubation periods (total of 10 d) have passed without cholera disease. keywords: abx; adults; agglutination; animals; area; available; care; carrier; cases; cause; cfr; children; cholera; civilian; clinical; coli; communicable; community; contact; control; cots; countries; data; death; development; diagnosis; different; disease; dose; dukoral; early; endemic; environmental; epidemic; excreta; fever; following; food; group; guidance; health; high; host; human; humanitarian; hygiene; immunity; incidence; infected; infection; influenza; international; key; laboratory; live; longer; malaria; management; measures; meningitis; meningococcal; mortality; non; o139; organization; outbreak; patients; pedes; people; population; potential; preparedness; prevalence; prevention; programs; public; rapid; rate; reference; resistance; response; sample; sanitation; sector; serotypes; severe; shiga; species; specific; specimen; strains; stunting; subtypes; surveillance; technical; tests; therapy; time; toxin; transmission; transport; treatment; tropical; use; vaccination; vaccine; viral; water; work; world cache: cord-020544-kc52thr8.txt plain text: cord-020544-kc52thr8.txt item: #143 of 606 id: cord-020610-hsw7dk4d author: Thys, Séverine title: Contesting the (Super)Natural Origins of Ebola in Macenta, Guinea: Biomedical and Popular Approaches date: 2019-10-12 words: 9758 flesch: 41 summary: Furthermore, it raises the question of whether there is evidence to indicate and confirm that 'bushmeat'-related information included in public health campaigns in the region actually reduced Ebola transmission. Bulletin de l'Académie vétérinaire de France Inclusivity and the Rogue Bats and the War Against the Invisible Enemy About the natural reservoir for Ebola virus see The Evolution of Ebola Virus: keywords: activities; affected; africa; animal; animist; anthropological; anthropology; ban; bats; biomedical; body; bushmeat; care; case; certain; chain; communication; communities; community; conakry; consequences; context; control; cultural; culture; dandano; deaths; different; disease; doctor; ebola; ebola epidemic; ebola response; ebola virus; economic; emergence; epidemic; epidemiological; ethnic; ethnographic; evd; event; experiences; explanatory; fetish; fever; field; food; forest; global; group; guinea; guinée; guéckédou; health; human; hunting; illness; individual; infectious; international; interventions; kissi; knowledge; local; macenta; main; measures; messages; model; narrative; national; natural; nature; new; non; number; order; origin; outbreak; particular; patients; people; perspective; political; popular; population; practices; present; public; public health; region; related; religious; research; resistance; response; risk; role; rumours; scientific; social; society; source; species; systems; term; time; traditional; transgression; transmission; understanding; village; virus; virus disease; west; wild; wildlife; world; zoonotic cache: cord-020610-hsw7dk4d.txt plain text: cord-020610-hsw7dk4d.txt item: #144 of 606 id: cord-020769-elzkwyz0 author: Day, Brennan title: The new normal: lessons learned from SARS for corporations operating in emerging markets date: 2004-07-01 words: 6424 flesch: 51 summary: In a letter to journalists, when Beijing was saying that only 12 people in the city were infected with SARS, Dr Jiang disclosed that the true number of SARS patients was at least 100, including ten who had died. Encephalitis outbreak in mainland China Statistics are first casualty 1918 flu pandemic hit insurers hard Emerging Markets and International Development: Options for US Foreign Policy China isn't the only alluring partner for investors: despite worries, Southeast Asia still draws firms Doing Business in Emerging Markets: Entry and Negotiation Strategies Exercise in terror Municipal Affairs Minister David Young says he hopes Ottawa will 'rethink' its compensation offer for the province's SARS outbreak How Congress coped in the age of yellow fever Emerging markets of the global marketplace The SARS outbreak: cases flare in Taiwan; China gets draconian Sales take a holiday Airline woes: SARS take toll on Cara Masked peril Europe struggles to eradicate Avian flu outbreak Five rules for winning emerging market consumers Before disaster hits: a multifaceted approach to crisis management Emerging Markets: A Practical Guide for Corporations, Lenders, and Investors Infomart (2003), available at: ¼ corp/cfps International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank AIDS plants crop of death in Africa Many US firms fear SARS will hurt profits this quarter Beijing imposes new SARS curbs: city's theaters and cafés are shut down as China lists another 161 cases Epidemic disease since the Black Death Hong Kong worries about Bill to curb SARS reporting China's growth may fall below 7 percent: SARS causes drop in sales of electronic products, closing of stock exchanges Crisis Management: A Diagnostic Guide for Improving Your Organization's Crisis Preparedness SARS squeezes Asia's travel sector: industry study says virus may cost economies billions of dollars, millions of jobs Emerging Markets and International Development: Options for US Foreign Policy Infection rates might drop as spring temperatures rise The high cost of illness Nokia warns of lower sales, blaming economy and SARS The Big Emerging Markets: 1996 Outlook and Sourcebook Local health official continue to plan for crisis Cumulative number of reported probable cases of SARS China cool toward MD who told SARS truth: whistleblower treated both as a hero and political threat, writes Geoffrey York in Beijing keywords: africa; aids; areas; asia; bank; beijing; business; cases; challenges; china; chinese; city; commerce; companies; company; contagious; contingency; corporate; corporations; countries; crisis; developed; development; diseases; drop; economic; economies; economy; effects; environmental; epidemic; event; example; face; foreign; future; global; government; growth; health; hiv; hong; human; impact; important; income; india; infected; infectious; international; investment; key; kong; lack; lessons; level; low; major; management; markets; nations; need; new; operating; organizations; outbreak; paper; people; percent; plague; plan; planning; population; quarter; rates; recent; sales; sars; section; strategic; time; today; travel; usa; virus; workers; world; year cache: cord-020769-elzkwyz0.txt plain text: cord-020769-elzkwyz0.txt item: #145 of 606 id: cord-020846-mfh1ope6 author: Zlabinger, Markus title: DSR: A Collection for the Evaluation of Graded Disease-Symptom Relations date: 2020-03-24 words: 2535 flesch: 48 summary: We provide graded symptom judgments for diseases by differentiating between relevant symptoms and primary symptoms. We label the symptoms using graded judgments [5] , where we differentiate between: relevant symptoms (graded as 1) and primary symptoms (graded as 2). keywords: adaption; articles; available; baselines; collection; cooccur; diagnosis; disease; dsr; effectiveness; evaluation; extraction; graded; keywords; medical; mesh; method; occurrence; pmc; primary; pubmed; relations; relevant; second; symptom; text; title; umls; vocabulary cache: cord-020846-mfh1ope6.txt plain text: cord-020846-mfh1ope6.txt item: #146 of 606 id: cord-021082-a1jsbunw author: Parthasarathy, A. title: Training in pediatric infectious disease: Need of the time date: 2013-05-25 words: 715 flesch: 41 summary: key: cord-021082-a1jsbunw authors: Parthasarathy, A. title: Training in pediatric infectious disease: Need of the time date: 2013-05-25 journal: nan DOI: 10.1016/ sha: doc_id: 21082 cord_uid: a1jsbunw nan Training in pediatric infectious disease: Need of the time In recent years, there has been increased coverage by the media on infectious diseases thereby making it one of the most debated topics amongst scientific and public forums. Public health officials, pharmaceutical professionals and policy makers need to understand the transmission patterns of infectious diseases, in order to be able to interpret and evaluate the epidemiological data and the findings of such studies. keywords: academy; children; course; deaths; diseases; health; infectious; need; pediatric; professionals; public; time; training; years cache: cord-021082-a1jsbunw.txt plain text: cord-021082-a1jsbunw.txt item: #147 of 606 id: cord-021259-spteznv7 author: Heikkilä, Jaakko title: Anything left for animal disease insurance? A choice experiment approach date: 2016-07-07 words: 7998 flesch: 45 summary: key: cord-021259-spteznv7 authors: Heikkilä, Jaakko; Niemi, Jarkko K.; Heinola, Katriina; Liski, Eero; Myyrä, Sami title: Anything left for animal disease insurance? We found that producers’ willingness to pay for animal disease insurance is relatively low, even if consequential losses are covered. keywords: alternative; animal; animal disease; attributes; average; biosecurity; buy; case; characteristics; choice; class; classes; coefficient; common; compensated; compensation; cover; damages; deductible; demand; different; disease; disease insurance; euro; european; experiment; farms; finland; group; high; higher; impact; important; information; instance; insurance; insurance products; interested; large; latent; level; losses; low; lower; management; market; measures; model; mutual; negative; notifiable; overall; pig; positive; poultry; price; private; producers; production; products; public; purchase; questionnaire; respondents; risk; schemes; set; sets; significant; study; support; table; types; utility; van; willing; wtp; wtps cache: cord-021259-spteznv7.txt plain text: cord-021259-spteznv7.txt item: #148 of 606 id: cord-021261-budyph2u author: Bonnaud, Laure title: Serge Morand and Muriel Figuié (eds), 2016, Emergence de maladies infectieuses. Risques et enjeux de société (The emergence of infectious diseases. Societal risks and stakes): Paris, Quae, 136 p date: 2017-04-10 words: 1366 flesch: 35 summary: In the northern countries, changes to healthcare systems, the medical and paramedical professions, the NGO relating to public health, and more broadly, migratory policies might also throw light on how certain infectious diseases are managed (AIDS is one well-documented example: Gelly et al. 2014) . Twenty-five years after Stephen Morse's seminal work which helped put emerging infectious diseases onto the political and scientific agenda (Morse 1993), contemporary debates were very much influenced by an article published in Nature in 2008 (Jones et al. 2008 ). keywords: actors; animal; biological; book; case; countries; diseases; epidemiological; experts; fight; figuié; global; health; implementation; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; international; model; new; organization; origin; public; role; surveillance; vaccination cache: cord-021261-budyph2u.txt plain text: cord-021261-budyph2u.txt item: #149 of 606 id: cord-021361-v3nw0xh9 author: Willard, Michael D. title: Gastrointestinal, Pancreatic, and Hepatic Disorders date: 2009-05-15 words: 13420 flesch: 41 summary: A serum chemistry profile should be obtained to help rule out hepatic disease (alanine aminotransferase Intestinal disease, ruptured intestines, and hepatic disease have been suspected of causing increased serum amylase because of amylase present in these tissues. keywords: abdominal; abnormalities; acid; activity; acute; albumin; alt; ammonia; amylase; analysis; anemia; anorexia; artifacts; ast; availability; bacterial; barium; best; bile; biliary; bilirubin; biopsy; blood; bowel; canine; cases; cats; cause; cbc; changes; chronic; cirrhosis; clinical; clostridium; common; concentrations; consistent; contrast; culture; damage; days; decrease; diagnostic; diarrhea; diet; dietary; difficult; disadvantages; disease; disorders; dogs; drugs; endoscopy; enzyme; epi; esophageal; examination; false; fat; fecal; feces; feline; figure; finding; fluid; food; fresh; function; gastric; ggt; greater; hemolytic; hepatic; hepatic disease; high; history; hyperadrenocorticism; icterus; imaging; important; increased; indications; inflammatory; insufficiency; intestinal; laboratory; large; lipase; liver; loss; low; magnitude; major; malabsorption; maldigestion; methods; mucosal; necrosis; negative; normal; note; obstruction; pancreatic; pancreatitis; parasites; patients; physical; plasma; portosystemic; positive; possible; postprandial; present; primary; radiographs; rare; regurgitation; result; samples; sap; secondary; sensitive; sensitivity; serum; serum alt; serum bile; severe; significant; signs; small; solution; specific; spp; surgery; table; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; times; tli; tract; trials; ultrasonography; undigested; useful; values; vomiting; weeks; weight cache: cord-021361-v3nw0xh9.txt plain text: cord-021361-v3nw0xh9.txt item: #150 of 606 id: cord-021453-vf8xbaug author: Dysko, Robert C. title: Biology and Diseases of Dogs date: 2007-09-02 words: 42005 flesch: 46 summary: Preventing laboratory animals from contacting ticks is the primary means to avoid monocytic ehrlichiosis in research dogs. For this reason, medical treatment of heartworm disease is not usually attempted in research dogs. keywords: abdominal; ability; abnormalities; acid; acral; acute; addition; adequate; administration; adult; affected; age; agents; aggressive; allergy; ammonia; anemia; angarano; animals; anorexia; antibiotic; antibody; appearance; areas; artery; ascarid; aspiration; associated; asymptomatic; atrophy; available; bacterial; beagles; behavior; benign; best; biomedical; biopsy; bitch; bite; blood; body; bone; bordetella; bph; breed; breeding; bronchiseptica; burn; canine; caninum; canis; cardiovascular; care; cases; cataracts; catheter; cats; cause; cavity; cells; changes; characteristic; chlorhexidine; choice; chronic; clean; clinical; clinical signs; closure; colony; common; complete; complications; condition; congenital; contact; contagious; contaminated; control; corneal; cough; culture; cycle; cysts; days; death; decrease; deficiency; definitive; demodicosis; dermatitis; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; diet; dietary; differential; differential diagnosis; difficult; direct; discharge; discomfort; discussion; disease; disorder; distemper; dogs; drug; dysplasia; early; edema; effective; effects; eggs; ehrlichia; ehrlichiosis; elbow; encephalopathy; endothelial; energy; enlarged; entire; environment; epithelial; epizootiology; essential; estrogen; estrus; et al; etiology; examination; excision; exercise; experimental; exposure; extensive; external; eye; facilities; facility; factors; failure; fat; fatty; fecal; feces; female; fenbendazole; ferguson; fever; fibers; fig; findings; flea; fluid; food; form; free; function; fungal; gastric; gastrointestinal; generalized; giardia; gland; good; grade; gram; granuloma; greene; gross; group; growth; hair; healing; health; heartworm; helicobacter; hemorrhages; hepatic; high; hip; histiocytomas; histopathologic; history; hormone; host; hours; human; hygromas; hyperplasia; hypothyroidism; identification; iii; illness; immune; immunologic; important; incidence; increase; indicative; individuals; indwelling; infected; infection; infective; infestations; inflammation; inflammatory; information; ingestion; initial; injury; intake; interdigital; intermediate; internal; intestinal; jejuni; joint; juvenile; kennel; laboratory; large; larvae; lens; leptospirosis; lesions; lethargy; levels; lewis; lice; lick; life; likely; liver; local; long; loss; low; lower; lung; lyme; lymphocytic; lymphoma; macewen; male; malignant; mammary; management; masses; mast; means; medicine; membranes; metabolism; metastasis; migration; mild; minimal; months; mucosa; mucous; muller; multiple; muscle; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; neoplasia; neurologic; new; nodes; normal; number; obesity; onset; oral; order; organism; pain; panciera; paralysis; parturition; parvovirus; pathogenesis; pathologic; period; peterson; phase; placement; platys; pneumonia; poor; population; positive; possibility; possible; potential; practice; presence; present; pressure; prevention; primary; problem; production; proper; prostatic; protein; protocols; pulmonary; puppies; pups; purpose; rabies; random; range; rapid; rate; red; removal; renal; reported; reproductive; requirements; research; research complications; research dogs; research setting; respiratory; response; result; right; risk; role; samples; secondary; section; self; semen; sensitivity; sepsis; serum; setting; severe; severity; significant; signs; similar; site; size; skin; small; soft; solution; source; source dogs; species; specific; spp; spread; stage; states; studies; study; subclinical; subcutaneous; superficial; supplementation; supportive; surface; surgery; surgical; swaim; swelling; syndrome; systemic; systems; techniques; temperature; term; tests; textbook; therapy; thrombocytopenia; tick; time; tissue; topical; total; tracheobronchitis; tract; transmissible; transmission; trauma; treatment; trevor; tsh; tumors; type; ulcers; united; unknown; use; uterine; vaccination; vaginal; variable; vascular; vasculitis; vector; venereal; veterinary; viral; virus; volume; vomiting; vulva; waldron; water; weeks; weight; whipworm; wide; worms; wound; years; young cache: cord-021453-vf8xbaug.txt plain text: cord-021453-vf8xbaug.txt item: #151 of 606 id: cord-021465-2pj26fmv author: PERDUE, MICHAEL L. title: Impact of Avian Viruses date: 2007-05-09 words: 14079 flesch: 42 summary: The isolation and classification of tern virus influenza virus A/tern/South Africa/1961 Close relationship between mink influenza (H10N4) and concomitantly circulating avian influenza viruses Spread of Marek's disease Proteolytic cleavage of influenza virus hemagglutinins: Primary structure of the connecting peptide between HA1 and HA2 determines proteolytic cleavability and pathogenicity of Avian influenza viruses Duck plague Avian encephalomyelitis Diseases of Poultry Diseases of Poultry Infectious bronchitis virus: Evidence for recombination within the Massachusetts serotype Revision of the taxonomy of the Coronavirus, Torovirus and Arterivirus genera An outbreak of disease due to chicken anemia agent in broiler chickens in England Outbreak of virulent infectious bursal disease in East Anglia Retroviridae: The viruses and their replication Evaluation of the molecular basis of pathogenicity of the variant Newcastle disease viruses termed pigeon PMV-I viruses Mass survival of birds across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary: Molecular evidence Infectious laryngotracheitis in peafowl and pheasants Exogenous and endogenous leukosis virus genes: A review Propagation and preliminary characterization of a chicken candidate calicivirus Studies on Australian infectious bronchitis virus, IV: Apparent farm-to-farm airborne transmission of infectious bronchitis Significance of parvoviruses, entero-like viruses and reoviruses in the aetiology of the chicken maladsorption syndrome The relationship between quail bronchitis virus and chicken embryo lethal orphan virus Avian influenza in Pennsylvania: The most imminent and significant human public health concerns with regard to bird viruses appear to be twofold: keywords: acids; addition; adenoviruses; agent; amino; analysis; antibodies; antigenic; associated; aves; avian; avian influenza; avian viruses; basis; birds; bronchitis; bursal; cases; cause; cell; chickens; class; clear; cleavage; clinical; commercial; common; complex; cormorants; coronavirus; course; differences; different; disease; disease virus; distinct; dna; documented; domestic; ducks; ecological; ecology; egg; enteric; enteritis; et al; evidence; evolution; example; extent; families; flocks; free; future; geese; genes; genetic; group; health; hemagglutinin; herpesvirus; high; host; human; immune; impact; important; infected; infections; influenza; influenza viruses; interesting; isolates; large; laryngotracheitis; latent; like; list; live; lymphoid; lymphomas; major; mammalian; mammals; marek; members; molecular; mortality; natural; nature; ndv; newcastle; newcastle disease; north; number; numerous; order; origin; orthomyxoviruses; outbreaks; pathogenic; pathogenicity; pheasants; phylogenetic; populations; poultry; present; problems; production; protein; quail; range; recent; related; relationships; replication; reservoir; respiratory; result; retroviruses; rna; role; sense; sequence; serotype; severe; significant; signs; similar; single; site; source; south; species; specific; states; strains; studies; subtypes; syndrome; system; table; tissue; transmission; turkeys; unique; united; vaccination; vaccine; velogenic; viral; virulence; virulent; virus; viruses; waterfowl; wild; worldwide; years; young cache: cord-021465-2pj26fmv.txt plain text: cord-021465-2pj26fmv.txt item: #152 of 606 id: cord-021491-x8czsmyd author: Hoefer, Heidi L. title: Gastrointestinal Diseases date: 2009-05-18 words: 10312 flesch: 45 summary: key: cord-021491-x8czsmyd authors: Hoefer, Heidi L.; Bell, Judith A. title: Gastrointestinal Diseases date: 2009-05-18 journal: Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents DOI: 10.1016/b0-72-169377-6/50005-8 sha: doc_id: 21491 cord_uid: x8czsmyd nan Dental tartar, gingivitis, and periodontal disease are common in middle-aged and older ferrets (see Chapter 34) . Although this lesion is uncommon in ferrets, mucocele diagnosis and treatment have been described. keywords: abdominal; acid; adenocarcinoma; affected; affected ferrets; age; agent; aleutian; animals; anorexia; area; associated; available; biopsy; bismuth; blood; bodies; body; bowel; canine; care; cases; cat; cause; cells; chapter; chloramphenicol; chronic; clinical; coccidiosis; colitis; common; conditions; contrast; days; diagnosis; diarrhea; differential; difficult; disease; dogs; domestic; drugs; eosinophilic; esophageal; examination; fecal; feces; ferrets; fig; food; foreign; foreign body; gastric; gastritis; gastroenteritis; gland; helicobacter; hepatic; high; history; hours; humans; important; infected; infection; inflammation; intestinal; intracellularis; jejuni; lesions; lethargy; liver; loss; lymphoma; megaesophagus; mucocele; mucosa; mustelae; neoplasia; new; normal; obstruction; older; oral; organism; owner; pbd; pet; possible; presence; present; prolapse; proliferative; pylori; radiographs; rare; rectal; reported; research; results; samples; severe; sick; signs; small; species; stomach; supportive; surgery; surgical; table; tests; therapy; tissue; treatment; ulceration; ulcers; uncommon; virus; vomiting; weeks; weight; young cache: cord-021491-x8czsmyd.txt plain text: cord-021491-x8czsmyd.txt item: #153 of 606 id: cord-021494-9glqvzfx author: Funkhouser, William K. title: Pathology: The Clinical Description of Human Disease date: 2012-07-27 words: 2801 flesch: 31 summary: As the human genome is deciphered, and as the complex interactions of cellular biochemistry are refined, risk of disease in unaffected individuals will be calculable, disease diagnosis will be increasingly accurate and prognostic, and molecular subsets of morphologically defined disease entities will be used to guide customized therapy for individual patients. New molecular data for both neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases will most likely benefit unaffected individuals by estimating disease risk, and will most likely benefit patients by defining the molecular subset for morphologically defined diagnostic entities, thus guiding individualized therapy. keywords: acid; benefit; carcinoma; cell; clinical; criteria; current; data; diagnosis; differences; different; differential; disease; dna; emphysema; etiologies; etiology; example; features; findings; function; h&e; history; human; immunohistochemistry; likely; lineage; lung; malignant; molecular; morphologic; mutations; natural; neoplasms; new; normal; nucleic; outcome; particular; pathogenesis; pathologists; pathology; patients; prognosis; radiographic; response; risk; screening; single; small; specific; therapy; tissues; undifferentiated; uses cache: cord-021494-9glqvzfx.txt plain text: cord-021494-9glqvzfx.txt item: #154 of 606 id: cord-021527-1etvgoxc author: Ellis, Christine title: Ferrets date: 2009-05-15 words: 22603 flesch: 52 summary: If complete obstruction is present ferrets often appear lethargic and anorexic, and may not demonstrate obvious signs of dysuria. Other ferrets may develop nonpersistent, self-limiting disease and fully recover. keywords: abdominal; acute; administer; administration; adrenal; adrenal disease; adrenal gland; affected; age; agents; alopecia; anal; analysis; anemia; animal; anorexia; antibiotics; aspiration; available; bacterial; bid; biochemical; biopsy; bladder; blood; body; bone; calculi; canine; cardiac; care; cases; catheter; cats; caudal; cause; cava; cbc; cdv; cell; cephalic; changes; chapter; chf; chronic; clinical; clinical signs; collection; common; complete; contact; count; cranial; culture; cysts; cytology; days; decrease; definitive; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; diet; differential; difficult; discharge; disease; dogs; dorsal; dose; early; echocardiography; effective; effusion; enlarged; estrogen; estrus; examination; excessive; exposure; failure; fat; feeding; feline; female; ferrets; finding; fluids; follow; following; food; foreign; gauge; gland; gland disease; glucose; hair; hand; heart; heartworm; high; history; hours; human; hypoglycemia; infected; infection; influenza; insulinoma; intact; irregular; isoflurane; ivermectin; jill; jugular; key; kits; large; lateral; lead; left; lesions; lethargy; liver; long; loss; lymphoma; lymphosarcoma; marrow; meat; medical; mild; milk; mites; mitotane; monitor; months; necessary; neck; needle; neoplasia; normal; nutritional; obstruction; older; oral; ovarian; owners; palpate; patient; pcv; perform; period; peripheral; pet; physical; place; pleural; point; positive; possible; postoperatively; potential; prednisone; presence; present; procedure; prognosis; prostatic; protein; pulmonary; quality; rabies; radiographs; rare; removal; restraint; results; right; rule; samples; secondary; section; sedation; sensitivity; serum; severe; signs; similar; site; size; skin; small; spleen; splenic; splenomegaly; states; supportive; surgery; surgical; symptoms; syringe; system; table; tail; techniques; term; testing; therapy; thoracic; time; tissue; toxicity; tract; transfusion; treatment; tumors; uncommon; underlying; united; unknown; urethral; urinalysis; urinary; use; useful; vein; vena; ventral; volume; vomiting; weeks; weight; years; young cache: cord-021527-1etvgoxc.txt plain text: cord-021527-1etvgoxc.txt item: #155 of 606 id: cord-021555-rrverrsj author: Delano, Margaret L. title: Biology and Diseases of Ruminants: Sheep, Goats, and Cattle date: 2007-09-02 words: 71795 flesch: 48 summary: In less severe outbreaks or individual animal disease, definitive diagnosis may never be made. Therefore, they should be housed in groups or at least within eyesight and hearing of other animals. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abnormalities; abomasal; aborted; abortion; abscesses; acid; acidosis; acute; addition; adequate; administration; adult; adult animals; affected; affected animals; age; agents; agricultural; amounts; anaerobic; anemia; animals; anorexia; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; appropriate; arcanobacterium; areas; arthritis; artificial; associated; asymptomatic; ataxia; available; bacterial; base; beef; behavior; best; beta; birth; birthing; biting; black disease; bladder; bloat; blood; bloodstream; bluetongue; blv; body; bovine; bovis; brain; breeding; breeds; brown; brucella; brucellosis; bulls; bvdv; caev; calcium; calf; calves; campylobacter; caprine; cardiac; care; carriers; caseous; cases; cattle; causative; cause; cells; central; changes; characteristic; chlamydia; chronic; cleaning; clinical disease; clinical signs; clostridial; cold; coli; colostrum; commercial; common; comparable; complex; complications; concentrates; concurrent; condition; congenital; conjunctivitis; contact; contagious; contagious disease; contaminated; contamination; contrast; control; copper; cord; corneal; coronavirus; corynebacterium; course; cows; culture; culturing; cycle; dairy; dairy cattle; damage; dams; dark; days; dead; death; decrease; defects; deficiency; definitive; degeneration; dehydration; dependent; depressed; depression; dermatitis; detection; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; diet; dietary; differential; differential diagnosis; difficult; direct; discharges; disease; disease signs; disease virus; display; docking; doe; domestic; dose; dry; duration; early; ecthyma; edema; effective; effects; eggs; electrolyte; elevated; elisa; embryo; encephalitis; endemic; energy; enlargement; enterotoxemia; environment; enzootic; enzyme; epithelial; epizootiology; equipment; erosions; escherichia; essential; estrus; etiology; evidence; evident; ewes; example; excessive; experimental; exposure; external; facilities; facility; factors; failure; fall; family; farm; fatty; feces; fed; feed; feeding; feedstuffs; feet; female; fetal; fetuses; fever; findings; flies; flock; fluids; following; food; foot; form; formation; free; fusobacterium; gastrointestinal; generalized; genetic; gestation; gland; glucose; goats; good; gray; gross; group; growth; hair; handlers; handling; hay; head; health; heat; heifers; helpful; hemoglobinuria; hemolysis; hemolytic; hemorrhage; hepatic; herd; herpesvirus; high; holstein; hoof; host; housing; humans; hyperplasia; hyperthermia; hypocalcemia; identification; iii; illness; immune; immunity; important; inability; incidence; increase; incubation; individual; induced; industry; infected; infected animals; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; ingested; ingestion; initial; injuries; injury; insemination; intact; intake; interdigital; intermediate; internal; intestines; introduction; involved; isolated; isolation; johne; joints; kids; known; laboratory; lack; lambs; lameness; large; larvae; lead; length; leptospirosis; lesions; levels; lice; life; light; likely; limiting; listeria; liver; livestock; local; long; longer; loss; low; lungs; lymph; lymphadenopathy; lymphosarcoma; major; male; malignant; mammary; management; manifestations; mastitis; materials; maternal; mature; means; measures; medicine; membranes; mesenteric; metabolic; methods; migration; mild; milk; milking; models; modified; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mouth; mouth disease; mucosa; mucous; multiple; muscle; muscular; mycobacterium; mycoplasma; nasal; natural; navel; necessary; neck; necrophorum; necropsy; necropsy findings; necrosis; necrotic; negative; nematodes; neonatal; neonates; neospora; nervous; new; newborn; nodes; non; nonmotile; normal; novyi; number; nursing; nutrition; ocular; older; older animals; oocysts; oral; organism; organs; outbreaks; oxytetracycline; pain; painful; palpation; paralysis; parasites; particular; parturition; passive; pasteurella; pasture; pathogenesis; pathogens; penicillin; pens; perfringens; period; persistent; photosensitization; placental; placentitis; pneumonia; poisoning; polyarthritis; poor; positive; possible; potential; practices; pregnancy; pregnant; presence; present; presentation; prevention; primary; problems; procedures; process; produce; production; products; prognosis; programs; progressive; prolapse; prolonged; proper; protein; pruritus; pseudotuberculosis; pulmonary; quality; rabies; range; rapid; rare; rates; reach; recent; recovery; rectal; red; regimens; related; removal; replacers; reportable; reproductive; requirements; research; research animals; reservoirs; resistant; respiratory; respiratory disease; response; rest; result; rhinotracheitis; risk; role; rotavirus; roughage; rumen; ruminal; ruminants; salmonella; sanitation; scrapie; screening; season; secondary; secretions; section; selenium; semen; sensitive; septicemia; serological; serology; serotypes; serum; severe; shedding; sheep; sherman; shipping; short; similar; single; size; skin; small; smaller; smears; smith; sodium; soil; solutions; sources; species; specific; spinal; sporadic; spore; spp; spread; spring; stage; standard; staphylococcus; states; stomach; stomatitis; strains; stress; stresses; subclinical; subcutaneous; subsequent; successful; sudden; sufficient; sulfate; supportive; surface; surgical; susceptible; swelling; swine; swollen; syndrome; system; systemic; tail; techniques; temperature; term; testing; tests; tetanus; therapy; ticks; time; tissues; toxemia; toxicity; toxin; toxoplasma; tract; transfer; transmission; trauma; treatment; trimester; tube; type; typical; udder; ulceration; ulcers; umbilicus; united; unthriftiness; urethral; urine; useful; uterine; uterus; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; vaginal; vectors; vesicles; vesicular; veterinary; viral; virus; vitamin; vulva; vulvovaginitis; wall; warm; warts; water; weak; weakness; weaning; weeks; weight; western; white; wild; winter; wool; worldwide; worms; wounds; years; yellow; young; young animals; younger; zinc; zoonotic cache: cord-021555-rrverrsj.txt plain text: cord-021555-rrverrsj.txt item: #156 of 606 id: cord-021668-33zfio0u author: Tyring, Stephen K. title: Syndromal tropical dermatology date: 2009-05-15 words: 6256 flesch: 40 summary: Therefore, the physician should not ignore the common sources of dermatological problems while searching for an exotic etiology. Another, somewhat recent source of patients with tropical skin diseases are adoptees who frequently originate in Central America or Southeast Asia. Tropical Dermatology DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-443-06790-7.50005-3 sha: doc_id: 21668 cord_uid: 33zfio0u nan Stephen K. Tyring With increasing numbers of persons from industrialized, temperate countries traveling and/or working in tropical lands, there is a marked need for physicians to be able to diagnose accurately and treat tropical diseases with mucocutaneous manifestations. keywords: available; bacterial; cancer; cause; certain; cervical; chancroid; common; countries; cutaneous; destination; diagnosis; diseases; drugs; eosinophilia; etiology; example; exposure; fever; fig; genital; gud; hand; hepatitis; herpes; history; hiv; hpv; important; infection; lands; lesions; lgv; likely; manifestations; measles; medical; medications; mucocutaneous; nodules; non; number; outbreak; papules; patient; persons; petechiae; physician; presentation; prevalent; primary; problems; pruritus; rash; reactions; recent; result; rickettsia; risk; rubella; signs; skin; source; specific; stds; symptoms; syphilis; temperate; tests; therapy; travel; traveler; tropical; type; ulcers; urticaria; vesicles; viral; viruses; world cache: cord-021668-33zfio0u.txt plain text: cord-021668-33zfio0u.txt item: #157 of 606 id: cord-021825-4tkc61yq author: Hooks, John J. title: Infections Associated with Retinal Autoimmunity date: 2007-05-09 words: 4977 flesch: 46 summary: In summary, ECOR is a virus triggered retinal degenerative disease that is influenced by both genetics and the immune response. Anterior chamber associated immune deviation (ACAID): regulation, biological relevance, and implications for therapy Experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis-rat and mouse Amino acid homology between the encephalitogenic site of myelin basic protein and virus: mechanism for autoimmunity The role of infection in the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease Retinopathies associated with antiretinal antibodies Ocular tropisms of murine coronavirus (strain JHM) after inoculation by various routes Murine coronavirus induces an acute and long-lasting disease of the retina Genetic predisposition to coronavirus-induced retinal disease The critical role of IFNgamma in experimental coronavirus retinopathy Retina and retinal pigment epithelial cell autoantibodies are produced during murine coronavirus retinopathy SARS-associated coronavirus The role of apoptosis within the retina of coronavirus-infected mice Virus RNA persists within the retina in coronavirus-induced retinopathy Redistribution and reduction of interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein during ocular coronavirus infection Blood-retinal barrier breakdown in experimental coronavirus retinopathy: association with viral antigen, inflammation, and VEGF in sensitive and resistant strains Coronavirus (JHM) replication within the retina: analysis of cell tropism in mouse retinal cell cultures Expression of HLA-DR antigen on retinal pigment epithelial cells in retinitis pigmentosa Cytokine-mediated activation of a neuronal retinal resident cell provokes antigen presentation Sur une infection a corps de Leishman (ou organismes voisins) due Gondii Un nuovo protozoa parassita dei conigli: incontrato nell lesioni anatomiche d'une malattia che ricorda in molti punti kala-azar dell'uomo Pathogenesis and pathologic anatomy of coloboma of macula lutea in eye of normal dimensions, and in microphthalmic eye, with parasites in the retina Ocular toxoplasmosis: a 50th anniversary tribute to the contribution of Helenor Campbell Wilder Foerster Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis and ocular toxoplasmosis Longitudinal study of serum antibody reponses to retinal antigens in acute ocular toxoplasmosis Human antiretinal antibodies in toxoplasma retinochroiditis Cellular immune responsiveness of uveitis patients to retinal Santigen Lymphocyte proliferative responses of pateints with ocular toxoplasmosis to parasite and retinal antigens Pathogenesis of onchocercal keratitis (River blindness) keywords: acute; anterior; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antiretinal; autoantibodies; autoimmune; autoimmunity; balb; c mice; cd-1; cell; changes; class; component; coronavirus; day; days; degenerative; disease; early; ecor; experimental; eye; host; human; infection; inflammatory; jhm; layers; mice; model; mouse; normal; number; ocular; organism; pathology; patients; phase; pigment; presence; process; processes; protein; reactivity; responses; retinal; retinopathy; role; rpe; sera; strains; studies; study; system; tissue; toxoplasma; toxoplasmosis; uveitis; viral; virus; volvulus cache: cord-021825-4tkc61yq.txt plain text: cord-021825-4tkc61yq.txt item: #158 of 606 id: cord-021917-z9wpjr0d author: Stephens, R. Scott title: Bioterrorism and the Intensive Care Unit date: 2009-05-15 words: 8262 flesch: 42 summary: Finally, other patients in the ICU are immunocompromised by virtue of their own critical illnesses, notwithstanding the disproportionate number of ICU patients who are immunosuppressed secondary to organ transplantation, oncologic conditions, or infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Hands must be washed after each patient contact even when protective gloves are used because a surprisingly high percentage of protective gloves contain microscopic holes, and holes may develop during the activities of routine patient care. keywords: adequate; agents; anthrax; attack; available; biologic; bioterrorism; bioweapons; botulinum; botulism; care; cases; casualties; category; clinical; contact; contagious; contaminated; control; critical; critical care; days; develop; diagnosis; disease; droplet; early; effective; equipment; event; exposure; failure; fever; following; gloves; health; health care; hemorrhagic; high; hospital; icu; ill; illness; incubation; infection; inhalational; initial; laboratories; laboratory; large; likely; limited; management; mechanical; medical; mortality; need; number; outbreak; pathogen; patients; people; period; person; plague; pneumonic; possible; postexposure; potential; precautions; present; prophylaxis; protective; public; rapid; rash; release; resources; respiratory; response; risk; scale; secondary; sepsis; severe; smallpox; specific; staff; states; suspicion; symptoms; table; therapy; toxin; transmission; treatment; tularemia; united; use; ventilation; vhfs; victims; virus; workers cache: cord-021917-z9wpjr0d.txt plain text: cord-021917-z9wpjr0d.txt item: #159 of 606 id: cord-021990-a8ku5rke author: Tyring, Stephen K. title: Syndromal Tropical Dermatology date: 2016-12-02 words: 7078 flesch: 42 summary: Part I. Insecta Tropical dermatology: marine and aquatic dermatology Tropical dermatology: tropical diseases caused by protozoa Tropical dermatology: bacterial tropical diseases Tropical dermatology: fungal tropical diseases Since the first publication of Tropical Dermatology in 2006, many tropical diseases previously unknown in temperate countries have been reported to have been transmitted outside the tropics (e.g., Ebola, Chikungunya, and Zika viruses), or have markedly increased their endemic areas (e.g., Chagas disease). keywords: america; available; bacterial; cancer; cases; cause; certain; cervical; chancroid; chikungunya; clinical; common; countries; cutaneous; dengue; dermatology; destination; diagnosis; disease; drugs; ebola; eosinophilia; examination; example; fever; fig; genital; gud; hand; health; hepatitis; herpes; history; hiv; hpv; human; important; industrialized; infection; lands; lesions; lgv; likely; manifestations; measles; medical; medications; mucocutaneous; nodules; non; number; outbreak; papules; patient; person; petechiae; presentation; prevalent; primary; problem; pruritus; rash; recent; result; rickettsia; risk; rubella; signs; skin; source; specific; stds; symptoms; syphilis; temperate; tests; therapy; travel; traveler; tropical; tropical countries; tropics; type; ulcers; urticaria; usa; vesicles; viral; virus; viruses; weeks; world; zika cache: cord-021990-a8ku5rke.txt plain text: cord-021990-a8ku5rke.txt item: #160 of 606 id: cord-022002-6edzmj7n author: Mitruka, Kiren title: Cruise Ship Travel date: 2009-05-15 words: 9689 flesch: 46 summary: asp?section=transportation&obj=cruise.htm&cssNav=browsecyb Infectious diseases on cruise ships Cruise ships: high-risk passengers and the global spread of new influenza viruses Outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis on cruise ships and on land: identification of a predominant circulating strain of norovirus-United States Norovirus transmission on cruise ship Outbreak of Legionnaires' disease among cruise ship passengers exposed to a contaminated whirlpool spa Outbreaks of gastrointestinal diseases on cruise ships: lessons from three decades of progress International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Available from: The contribution of the North American cruise industry to the US economy in Business Research and Economic Advisors for International Council of Cruise Lines (US) The safety of cruise ship passengers and crew members is of paramount importance to cruise lines. keywords: acute; addition; age; american; appropriate; associated; association; available; board; care; cases; cdc; clia; clinicians; common; conditions; contact; contaminated; control; countries; crew; cruise; cruise industry; cruise lines; cruise ships; cruise travel; day; disease; doctor; emergency; environment; facilities; fever; flag; food; gastroenteritis; gastrointestinal; global; guidelines; health; high; home; hours; illness; illnesses; important; industry; infected; infectious; infirmary; influenza; information; insurance; international; isolation; large; legionnaires; lines; maritime; measures; medical; medicine; members; months; multiple; new; north; nov; number; onboard; outbreaks; passengers; people; person; physicians; pneumonia; ports; preparation; prevention; public; public health; quarantine; rapid; recent; regulations; respiratory; result; review; risk; routine; rubella; safety; sanitation; services; ship; shore; sickness; source; spas; spread; staff; standards; states; strain; surveillance; susceptible; tourists; transmission; travel; travelers; u.s; united; varicella; vessel; virus; vpd; vsp; water; waterborne; women; world; years cache: cord-022002-6edzmj7n.txt plain text: cord-022002-6edzmj7n.txt item: #161 of 606 id: cord-022034-o27mh4wz author: OLANO, JUAN P. title: Distinguishing Tropical Infectious Diseases from Bioterrorism date: 2009-05-15 words: 10732 flesch: 36 summary: Shigella is a highly infectious organism that requires very low numbers (10 2 -10 3 organisms) to provoke clinical disease. They include presence of disease outbreaks of the same illness in noncontiguous areas, disease outbreaks with zoonotic impact, different attack rates in different environments (indoor versus outdoor), presence of large epidemics in small populations, increased number of unexplained deaths, unusually high severity of a disease for a particular pathogen, unusual clinical manifestations owing to route of transmission for a given pathogen, presence of a disease (vector-borne or not) in an area not endemic for that particular disease, multiple epidemics with different diseases in the same population, a case of a disease by an uncommon agent (smallpox, viral hemorrhagic fevers, inhalational anthrax), unusual strains of microorganisms when compared to conventional strains circulating in the same affected areas, and genetically homogenous organisms isolated from different locations. keywords: acute; aerosol; agents; amplification; analysis; animal; anthracis; anthrax; antibodies; assays; attack; available; bacillus; bacteria; biological; bioterrorism; blood; botulinum; brucella; cases; certain; chapter; clinical; common; confirmation; contamination; cough; cutaneous; days; death; demonstration; detection; development; diagnosis; different; disease; dna; early; environmental; epidemic; epidemiological; equine; event; exposure; fever; food; form; gene; group; health; hemorrhagic; high; hours; human; identification; illness; immunohistochemical; incubation; infected; infectious; ingestion; inhalational; initial; intentional; isolation; laboratories; laboratory; large; lesions; lethal; level; management; manifestations; medical; microbiology; molecular; mortality; natural; new; nonspecific; order; organisms; outbreak; parvum; pathogenesis; pathology; patients; pcr; pestis; phase; plague; pneumonic; populations; possible; potential; presence; presentation; procedures; protein; public; pulmonary; range; rapid; rates; real; recognition; related; respiratory; responsible; ricin; rickettsiae; salmonella; samples; secondary; sensitivity; serological; severe; shigella; short; single; skin; smallpox; specialized; specimens; spores; spp; standard; states; strains; surveillance; symptoms; syndromes; syndromic; system; systemic; techniques; testing; tests; time; toxin; transmission; treatment; tularensis; type; typhus; united; use; viral; virus; viruses; warfare; weapons; work; world; yersinia cache: cord-022034-o27mh4wz.txt plain text: cord-022034-o27mh4wz.txt item: #162 of 606 id: cord-022141-yxttl3gh author: Siegel, Frederic R. title: Progressive Adaptation: The Key to Sustaining a Growing Global Population date: 2014-08-23 words: 11118 flesch: 51 summary: Initially, and for many years thereafter, the added greenhouse gases were taken up by vegetation for photosynthesis and was also absorbed by the oceans and other water bodies. For smaller waterways that flow through cities, municipalities may invest in deepening, widening, and straightening channels as well as erecting walls so that more water can flow through the area more rapidly without coming out of a channel. keywords: access; adaptation; additional; africa; america; animals; areas; asia; atmosphere; available; blood; building; cases; centers; century; chagas; change; chap; children; citizens; climate; coastal; conditions; control; countries; country; crops; deaths; dengue; developed; disease; drought; drugs; earth; earthquake; economically; effective; effects; endemic; energy; especially; evacuation; fever; fish; flooding; food; future; global; global warming; good; governments; growth; hazard; health; heat; help; higher; hiv; illness; important; increase; industrial; infected; influenza; inland; international; land; latin; level; life; low; malaria; medical; methods; mosquito; nations; natural; necessary; needs; new; number; option; outbreak; parasite; past; people; persons; physical; population; possible; problems; protection; reach; regional; regions; research; resources; rise; risk; safe; saharan; scientists; sickness; spread; storms; structures; sub; subtropical; surges; term; threats; time; transmission; treatment; tropical; urban; use; vaccination; vaccine; virus; warmer; warming; water; weather; world; worldwide; years; zones cache: cord-022141-yxttl3gh.txt plain text: cord-022141-yxttl3gh.txt item: #163 of 606 id: cord-022176-hprwqi4n author: Löscher, Thomas title: Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases date: 2009-07-28 words: 8292 flesch: 41 summary: Since then, several outbreaks of Nipah virus infections have been observed in Asian countries: Singapore in 1999, India 2001 , and Bangladesh since 2003 (WHO 2004a Harit et al. 2006) . WHO Regional Office for Europe Altitudinal distribution limit of the tick Ixodes ricinus shifted considerably towards higher altitudes in central Europe: results of three years monitoring in the Krkonose Mts Epidemiology of Helicobacter pylori infection 1999: results of a household-based seroepidemiological survey Outbreak of West Nile virus infection Novel chikungunya virus variant in travelers returning from Indian Ocean islands Isolation of a cDNA from the virus responsible for enterically transmitted non-A, non-B hepatitis Infection with Chikungunya virus in Italy: an outbreak in a temperate region Waldarbeiter-Studie Berlin-Brandenburg 2000 zu zeckenübertragenen und andere Zoonosen Risikofaktoren für Lyme-Borreliose: Ergebnisse einer Studie in einem Brandenburger Landkreis übertrifft die Infektionszahlen der Vorjahre Zahl der Hantavirus-Erkrankungen erreichte 2007 in Deutschland einen neuen Höchststand Prevalence and determinants of Helicobacter pylori infection in preschool children: a population-based study from Germany Hantaviruses: a global disease problem Safety and efficacy of a recombinant hepatitis E vaccine Tick-borne diseases in the United States The National Creutzfeld-Jakob Disease Surveillance Unit (NCJDSU) Marburg virus infection detected in a common African bat Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carrying Panton-Valentine leukocidin genes: worldwide emergence Multiple exposures during a norovirus outbreak on a river-cruise sailing through Europe Toxin production by an emerging strain of Clostridium difficile associated with outbreaks of severe disease in North America and Europe Prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi antibodies in Hamburg blood donors Nipah virus outbreaks in Bangladesh Revision of the International Health regulations Nosocomial bloodstream infections in US hospitals: analysis of 24 179 cases from a prospective nationwide surveillance study Large outbreak of norovirus: The baker who should have known better Epidemiology of drugresistant malaria Nipah virus infection in bats (order Chiroptera) in peninsular Malaysia keywords: acute; addition; africa; agent; america; animals; antibiotics; antimicrobial; areas; asia; associated; cases; cause; certain; changes; chapter; chemotherapy; china; cholera; climate; clinical; common; conditions; considerable; control; countries; deaths; decades; developed; development; different; disease; drugs; early; east; effective; emergence; encephalitis; endemic; epidemics; et al; europe; european; factors; fatality; fever; germany; global; health; hemorrhagic; hepatitis; hev; high; higher; hiv; hospitals; human; important; increase; india; industrialized; infected; infections; infectious diseases; influenza; international; kingdom; large; leishmaniasis; low; lyme; major; malaria; mosquito; natural; new; nipah; nosocomial; number; nursing; outbreaks; parts; pathogens; patients; person; poor; population; prevalence; prevention; problem; public; pylori; rates; recent; regions; reported; reservoir; resistance; risk; sars; severe; species; spread; states; strains; surveillance; table; tick; transmission; treatment; united; vector; viral; virus; viruses; water; west; worldwide; years cache: cord-022176-hprwqi4n.txt plain text: cord-022176-hprwqi4n.txt item: #164 of 606 id: cord-022203-t2f0vr1w author: Dowers, Kristy L title: The pyrexic cat date: 2009-05-15 words: 8911 flesch: 50 summary: However, some cats do not develop detectable IgM titers, and in other cats, positive IgM titers can persist for months to years after infection. The condition, however, does not appear to be contagious to other cats. keywords: abdominal; abscess; abscesses; acute; affected; anemia; animals; anorexia; antibody; available; bacterial; biochemistry; blood; bone; cases; cats; cause; cell; chain; chronic; classical; clinical; clinical signs; common; complete; count; culture; days; definitive; demonstration; depression; diagnosis; diarrhea; discharge; disease; dose; doxycycline; drugs; effective; effusive; evident; exposure; feline; felv; fever; fip; fiv; following; form; gastrointestinal; high; history; hours; humans; igm; immune; infected; infection; ingestion; initial; kittens; lesions; lethargy; leukocytes; likely; liver; loss; lymphadenopathy; main; mild; months; nasal; nodes; non; ocular; onset; oocysts; organism; page; panel; plague; polymerase; poor; positive; present; prognosis; reaction; reference; respiratory; response; result; serum; severe; signs; sneezing; suggestive; swelling; systemic; temperature; test; tetracycline; therapy; tissue; titers; toxoplasmosis; transmission; treatment; tumor; viral; vomiting; weeks; weight cache: cord-022203-t2f0vr1w.txt plain text: cord-022203-t2f0vr1w.txt item: #165 of 606 id: cord-022252-9yiuuye3 author: Mims, Cedric A. title: Mechanisms of Cell and Tissue Damage date: 2013-11-17 words: 28876 flesch: 45 summary: Mycoplasma (see Table A .2) can grow in special cell-free media, but in the infected individual they generally multiply while attached to the surface of host cells. to host cells and tissues, but α-toxin is easily the most important one. keywords: ability; absorption; acid; action; activation; active; activity; acute; addition; adenylate; adp; affected; agent; amounts; animals; anthrax; antibodies; antibody; antigen; associated; bacteria; basis; binding; biological; black; blood; blood cells; botulinum; brain; camp; cases; cattle; cause; cells; central; certain; chains; changes; characterised; characteristic; children; cholera; cholera toxin; chronic; classical; clear; clinical; clostridium; cmi; coagulation; coli; common; complement; complexes; components; conditions; contaminated; crypt; cyclase; damage; days; death; deposition; destruction; determinants; development; diarrhoea; different; difficult; diphtheria; direct; disease; disease virus; effects; endogenous; endotoxin; enterocytes; enzymes; epithelial; evidence; example; experimental; exposure; expression; extent; factor; faeces; fatal; features; fever; fig; fluid; following; follows; food; form; formation; fragment; function; gangrene; gastroenteritis; genes; genetic; glomeruli; glomerulonephritis; gram; greater; group; growth; guinea; gut; haemolytic; haemorrhagic; healthy; heat; hepatitis; high; host; host cells; human; illness; immune; immune complexes; immunological; immunopathological; important; increase; incubation; individuals; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; ingestion; inhibits; instance; intestine; intracellular; kidney; kill; large; lesions; lethal; levels; life; like; likely; lipid; little; liver; local; long; longer; loss; low; lps; lung; lysis; macrophages; major; man; massive; materials; means; measles; mechanism; membrane; mice; microbial; microorganism; mode; molecular; monkeys; mouse; mucosa; muscle; nature; necessary; necrosis; negative; nervous; new; normal; number; oedema; organism; origin; outer; particular; pathogenesis; pathogenicity; pathological; patients; perfringens; period; persistent; pertussis; phagocytes; physiological; pigs; place; plague; pneumonia; possible; potent; present; primary; produce; production; properties; protein; proteolytic; rashes; rate; reactions; receptor; red; release; respiratory; response; responsible; result; rise; role; salmonella; second; secondary; secretion; sequence; severe; sheep; shiga; shock; signs; similar; site; situation; skin; slow; small; space; species; specific; spores; staphylococcal; strains; streptococcal; stress; structure; studies; substances; subunit; surface; susceptible; swelling; symptoms; syndrome; synthesis; system; t cells; table; target; terminal; tetanus; throat; time; tip; tissue; toxicity; toxin; tract; treatment; tumour; type; typhoid; understood; variety; vascular; vessels; villi; villus; viral; virulence; virus; virus infections; viruses; vitro; vivo; water; way; weight; years cache: cord-022252-9yiuuye3.txt plain text: cord-022252-9yiuuye3.txt item: #166 of 606 id: cord-022265-7xw8qeku author: JULIAN, RICHARD J. title: The Peritoneum, Retroperitoneum, and Mesentery date: 2012-12-02 words: 10298 flesch: 39 summary: All members of the genus live as well-adjusted symbionts as adults in their normal host and do not cause peritoneal lesions. An area study of the outbreak of fat necrosis Disseminated necrotizing panniculitis and pancreatic nodular hyperplasia in a dog Clinical and pathological observations on generalized steatitis in foals Chemical composition of necrotic fat lesions in beef cows grazing fertilized 'Kentucky-31' tall fescue Studies on bovine fat necrosis. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; acute; adhesions; adipose; affected; animals; ascites; bacteria; blood; body; cases; cats; cattle; cause; cavity; cells; central; changes; chronic; circulation; clinical; common; congestive; death; development; diaphragm; diaphragmatic; diffuse; disease; dogs; duct; edema; evidence; examination; extension; exudate; failure; fat; fat necrosis; fatal; feline; fibrin; fibrous; fig; fluid; foci; form; free; generalized; gross; hemorrhage; hepatic; high; horses; infectious; infectious peritonitis; inflammation; inflammatory; intestine; large; larvae; lesions; liver; local; localized; lymphatics; macrophages; malignant; masses; material; mechanisms; mesenteries; mesentery; mesotheliomas; mild; necrosis; necrotic; nervous; neutrophils; normal; obstruction; omental; omentum; organs; origin; pancreatic; parasites; pathogenesis; perforation; peritoneal; peritoneal cavity; peritonitis; pigs; plasma; portal; present; pressure; primary; process; protein; purulent; pyogranulomatous; rare; reaction; response; result; retroperitoneal; rupture; secondary; serofibrinous; serosa; serous; setaria; severe; sheep; signs; similar; small; species; steatitis; surfaces; swine; system; tissue; tumors; type; uterus; variety; vascular; venous; vessels; volume; wall; white; yellow; young cache: cord-022265-7xw8qeku.txt plain text: cord-022265-7xw8qeku.txt item: #167 of 606 id: cord-022363-1l887fyy author: None title: Cornea date: 2008-11-10 words: 9351 flesch: 34 summary: The only degenerative, noninflammatory, acquired corneal lesions presented here are corneal sequestrum in cats and horses, and canine persistent erosion syndrome. The major attribute of cornea is its clarity, and it is the loss of clarity that is the most obvious indicator of corneal disease. keywords: acute; adhesion; adjacent; affected; agents; animals; anterior; associated; basal; basement; bilateral; bovine; breeds; bulbar; canine; cases; cats; cattle; cause; cells; chamber; changes; characterized; chemical; chronic; clinical; collagen; common; conjunctival; conjunctivitis; corneal; corneal edema; corneal epithelium; corneal stroma; corneal ulceration; cutaneous; deep; defect; deposition; descemet; desiccation; different; diffuse; disease; dogs; dystrophy; early; edema; endothelial; eosinophilic; epithelium; examination; examples; eyelid; eyes; features; feline; fibrosis; fibrous; fig; film; focal; fungi; healing; herpesviral; histologic; horses; hours; hyperplasia; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; ingrowth; initial; injured; injury; iris; keratectomy; keratitis; keratoconjunctivitis; lacrimal; lamina; large; lens; lesion; leukocytes; like; likely; limbus; lipid; loss; membrane; metaplasia; microbial; mycotic; neutrophils; new; normal; ocular; onset; pathogenesis; permanent; persistent; pigmentation; prevalence; primary; progressive; protective; reason; response; result; scarring; sequestrum; severe; severity; shallow; similar; sliding; species; specific; specimens; squamous; stroma; superficial; surface; syndrome; tear; therapy; time; tissue; trauma; ulceration; ulcers; underlying; uveitis; vascularization; wound cache: cord-022363-1l887fyy.txt plain text: cord-022363-1l887fyy.txt item: #168 of 606 id: cord-022383-pz0htccp author: Kohn, Dennis F. title: Biology and Diseases of Rats date: 2013-11-17 words: 20192 flesch: 48 summary: It must, there- fore, be assumed that seropositive rats are persistently infected and can serve as a source of infection to other rats. Attempts to induce the disease in other rats with this agent have yielded inconsistent results (Fox et al, 1977) . keywords: acute; adults; aerosol; aeruginosa; affected; agar; aged; agents; air; ambient; animals; antibody; arthritis; axenic; bacteria; bacterium; baker; barrier; bedding; best; blood; bottles; brain; breeding; cages; carcinomas; carriers; cause; cecum; cell; changes; characteristic; chronic; clinical; colonies; colony; commercial; common; complete; conditions; contact; contaminated; control; course; cpn; cycle; data; dawley; days; deficiency; degeneration; dependent; develop; development; diagnosis; diets; differences; different; direct; discharge; disease; early; edema; effective; effects; eggs; elisa; entry; environmental; enzootic; epithelium; estrus; et al; evidence; evident; experimental; f344; factors; farris; feces; feed; females; fertility; fever; fig; focal; foci; free; fur; genital; glands; gram; greater; gross; groups; growth; hair; heavy; hemorrhagic; hepatic; high; host; hsu; humans; humidity; husbandry; hyperplasia; hysterectomy; ileum; immune; important; inapparent; incidence; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; ingestion; inhibition; interstitial; intestinal; involved; isolation; jacoby; joints; kidney; kutscheri; laboratory; laboratory rats; lacrimai; lane; large; lesions; leukocytes; levels; life; light; like; litter; liver; long; low; lung; lymph; major; means; media; metaplasia; methods; mhv; mice; middle; mild; months; mouse; mrm; mucosa; muris; muscle; mycoplasma; mycoplasmosis; nasal; national; natural; necessary; necrosis; negative; neonates; nodes; number; numerous; nutritional; occasion; onset; organism; ova; pathogens; personnel; petter; piliformis; pneumonia; pneumotropica; positive; presence; present; prevalence; prior; production; protein; pseudomonas; pulmonary; pulmonis; pups; pvm; range; rare; rat virus; rats; rcv; reader; recovery; rederivation; related; renal; reproductive; research; respiratory; respiratory disease; response; retinal; rodents; room; salivary; salmonella; sanitation; sdav; sendai; sendai virus; serological; serum; severe; sex; significant; signs; similar; single; size; skin; small; sources; species; specific; sprague; spread; squamous; stage; stocks; strains; stress; studies; subclinical; surface; susceptible; syndrome; system; table; temperature; term; tests; tissues; today; tract; transmission; treatment; tumors; type; tyzzer; upper; useful; uterus; vagina; variety; vendors; viral; virus; virus infection; viruses; water; weeks; weisbroth; wide; wild; young cache: cord-022383-pz0htccp.txt plain text: cord-022383-pz0htccp.txt item: #169 of 606 id: cord-022393-s26d54ew author: E. Newcomer, Christian title: Zoonoses and Other Human Health Hazards date: 2007-09-02 words: 17048 flesch: 33 summary: The biomedical literature contains numerous reports of zoonotic diseases and parasitic infestations from laboratory mice and their wild counterparts. Wild caught mice that are maintained in naturalistic housing environments in the laboratory, laboratory mice that have contact with wild or feral mice, and mice kept as pets in the home environment are examples of animal management conditions that would be conducive to the expression and transmission of zoonotic diseases and other mouse-associated hazards. keywords: addition; adult; agent; akari; allergen; allergic; allergy; analysis; animal; antibodies; antibody; asthma; asymptomatic; attention; bacoti; ballum; bite; blood; cage; care; cases; cause; cells; chapter; children; choriomeningitis; choriomeningitis virus; city; clinical; colonies; colony; common; conditions; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; days; death; decades; dermatitis; dermatophytes; detection; development; diagnosis; disease; dykewicz; early; effective; eggs; environment; equipment; et al; evidence; examination; experimental; exposure; facilities; facility; family; fatal; feces; female; feral; fever; flea; food; fox; free; gordon; gordon et; group; hamsters; handling; hantavirus; hazards; headache; health; hepatitis; high; higher; history; host; housing; humans; identification; ige; important; incidence; incubation; individuals; infants; infected; infection; infestations; involved; isolation; laa; laboratory; laboratory animal; laboratory mice; large; lcmv; leptospira; leptospirosis; lesions; levels; literature; living; long; lymphocytic; major; management; medical; mentagrophytes; mhv; mice; mild; minus; mite; molecular; moniliformis; mouse; mus; musculus; nana; nasal; national; natural; new; newborn; number; occupational; occurs; organism; ornithonyssus; outbreak; parasite; pathogen; patients; period; personal; personnel; persons; pet; population; positive; potential; practices; present; prevalence; prevention; programs; proteins; rabies; rash; rat mite; rats; reaction; recent; related; reovirus; report; research; reservoir; respiratory; review; rickettsialpox; ringworm; risk; rodents; room; saah; safety; salmonella; sendai; sera; serologic; serotype; serovars; serum; severe; signs; skin; small; source; species; specific; states; stoenner; streptobacillus; studies; study; survey; symptoms; syphacia; systems; technicians; tests; therapy; tissue; transmission; trichophyton; tropical; tumors; type; typhi; typhus; united; urban; urinary; urine; variety; vector; viral; virus; viruses; water; weeks; wild; work; workers; world; years; zoonoses; zoonotic cache: cord-022393-s26d54ew.txt plain text: cord-022393-s26d54ew.txt item: #170 of 606 id: cord-022483-hdmwv540 author: None title: Gastrointestinal Disease date: 2009-06-05 words: 19330 flesch: 42 summary: In some respects, the diagnostic approach to colic in neonatal foals is similar to that used in mature horses: rarely will any single fact be useful in determining the exact etiology. However, early signs of abdominal pain in neonatal foals may only manifest as reduced frequency of nursing and prolonged recumbency. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abdominal pain; abdominocentesis; acetylcysteine; acid; acute; additional; administration; adult; affected; affected foals; age; agents; ammonia; atresia; available; bacterial; barium; bicarbonate; bile; biliary; bilirubin; birth; blood; bowel; care; cases; cause; cavity; celiotomy; cell; changes; chapter; clearance; clinical; clinical signs; clostridium; colic; colon; common; concentrations; concurrent; congenital; consistent; contrast; critical; cryptosporidium; cultures; days; defecate; development; diagnostic; diarrhea; difficile; disease; disorders; distended; distension; dorsal; duodenal; dysfunction; encephalopathy; enema; enteritis; enterocolitis; enzymes; equine; etiology; evidence; examination; exploratory; factors; failure; fecal; feces; figure; findings; flow; fluid; foals; frequent; functional; gastric; gastric ulcers; gastrointestinal; general; glandular; healthy; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatopathies; hernias; high; history; horses; hours; hypoperfusion; hypoxic; ileus; ill; impaction; important; incidence; increase; indicative; infection; inflammatory; information; injury; intestine; lactate; large; left; lesions; life; likely; liver; liver disease; long; mares; mechanical; meconium; milk; months; mucosa; mutation; necrosis; necrotizing; neonatal; neonatal foals; neonate; normal; number; nursing; nutritional; obstruction; onset; oral; pain; parenteral; passage; perfringens; period; peritoneal; piliformis; plasma; portosystemic; potential; presence; present; pressure; primary; prior; prolonged; protein; radiography; ranitidine; rate; recumbency; reflux; renal; replacement; reported; response; result; retrospective; risk; role; rotavirus; rupture; salmonella; secondary; sepsis; serum; severe; shunts; significant; signs; small; sodium; specific; status; stomach; study; subsequent; successful; sucralfate; support; supportive; surgery; surgical; survival; syndrome; systemic; table; tachycardia; term; therapy; time; treatment; type; tyzzer; ulceration; ulcers; umbilical; uroperitoneum; use; variable; volume; wall; water; white cache: cord-022483-hdmwv540.txt plain text: cord-022483-hdmwv540.txt item: #171 of 606 id: cord-022505-17khcmta author: Delaney, Martha A. title: Rodentia date: 2018-10-26 words: 10531 flesch: 32 summary: The deliberate poisoning of free-ranging rats and mice results in inadvertent toxicity of nontarget animals including other rodents, such as squirrels or carnivorous predators that consume affected carcasses. Unlike other rodents, naked mole-rats, beavers, and woodchucks do not require dietary vitamin D and toxicity can develop if they are fed rodent chow or diets supplemented with vitamin D. Lesions consistent with calcinosis cutis and circumscripta can develop in naked mole-rats fed such diets. keywords: adenoma; affected; aged; agent; agoutis; alopecia; american; anatomy; animals; associated; bacterial; beaver; black; body; captive; capybaras; carcinoma; cardiac; cases; causative; cause; cells; changes; chapter; characteristic; chinchillas; chronic; chronicity; clinical; coalescing; colonies; common; crusting; culture; cutaneous; cysts; death; degeneration; dermatitis; detection; diagnosis; disease; dogs; edema; eggs; enamel; eosinophilic; epithelial; eslide; et al; fatal; female; fibrosis; fig; findings; formation; free; fungal; glands; glomeruli; granulomatous; gray; gross; gross lesions; ground; guinea; hamsters; health; hemorrhage; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatocellular; histologic; histologic lesions; humans; hyperplasia; important; incisors; inclusions; individuals; infected; infection; inflammation; interstitium; intracytoplasmic; kidney; krinke; laboratory; large; lesions; levels; like; liver; low; lung; lymph; lymphocytes; macrophages; male; mange; marmota; material; mice; microscopic; mineralization; mineralized; mole; morrisey; mouse; multifocal; multiple; naked; necrosis; necrotic; necrotizing; neoplasms; neoplastic; nephropathy; nodes; nodules; norvegicus; norway; numerous; pathogens; pathology; pcr; pigs; pneumonia; populations; porcupine; prairie; present; progressive; proliferative; pruritis; pulmonary; rabbits; rats; rattus; red; related; renal; reproductive; research; respiratory; results; rodent species; rodentia; rodents; rothenburger; sciurus; severe; significant; similar; skin; small; spaces; species; spleen; spontaneous; squamous; squirrels; staining; stains; studies; susceptible; syrian; system; systemic; tailed; tissue; tooth; tract; tubular; tubules; tumors; variable; viral; virus; vitamin; voles; white; wild; wildlife; williams; woodchuck; yersiniosis; zoonotic cache: cord-022505-17khcmta.txt plain text: cord-022505-17khcmta.txt item: #172 of 606 id: cord-022506-fkddo12n author: Griffin, Brenda title: Population Wellness: Keeping Cats Physically and Behaviorally Healthy date: 2011-12-05 words: 23812 flesch: 46 summary: Indeed, veterinarians may be tasked with developing health care programs for cat populations in a wide spectrum of settings-from facilities housing laboratory animals, to animal shelters, home-based rescue and foster providers, care-for-life cat sanctuaries, breeding catteries, or large multicat households. In particular, upper respiratory disease is the most common endemic disease in cat populations and is impossible to completely prevent in an open population. keywords: ability; access; activity; addition; adequate; adoption; adults; age; agents; aggression; air; animal; animal health; animal shelters; appetite; approach; appropriate; areas; author; available; behavioral; best; body; box; breeding; cage; care; careful; caregivers; case; cats; catteries; cleaning; closed; collars; colonies; colony; combination; common; conditions; consideration; contact; context; control; crowding; crucial; daily; days; development; difficult; disease; disinfection; domestic; ear; easy; effective; enclosures; entry; environment; essential; established; example; exposure; facilities; facility; factors; feasible; feeding; feline; felv; figure; fiv; floor; following; food; form; free; general; goals; good; grooming; group; guidelines; hair; health; hiding; high; history; holding; house; housing; housing cats; human; ideal; identification; impact; important; individual; infected; infectious; intake; introduction; isolation; kittens; laboratory; large; length; levels; life; likely; litter; long; management; medical; members; mental; microchip; minimum; monitoring; months; necessary; needs; new; normal; number; owners; panleukopenia; particular; pathogens; periods; personality; pet; physical; place; population; population health; population wellness; positive; possible; potential; practice; presence; prevention; prior; problems; procedures; program; proper; protection; protocols; provision; purpose; quality; quarantine; queens; rabies; reason; recommended; regular; resources; respiratory; response; resting; result; risk; room; routine; safe; scanner; scanning; separate; setting; shelter; signs; small; social; socialization; space; specific; staff; status; stay; stimulation; stress; surfaces; susceptible; system; temperature; term; tester; time; treatment; type; unfamiliar; upper; use; useful; vaccination; vaccines; variety; ventilation; virus; viruses; water; weeks; welfare; wellness; young; � ¢ cache: cord-022506-fkddo12n.txt plain text: cord-022506-fkddo12n.txt item: #173 of 606 id: cord-022520-ebj51v9o author: Marini, Robert P. title: Biology and Diseases of Ferrets date: 2007-09-02 words: 19517 flesch: 43 summary: Paper presented at the 90th Meeting of the American Veterinary Medical Association Salmonella infections in mink and ferrets The experimental transmission of a virus causing hypergammagloblinemia in mink: sources and modes in infection Meningeal cryptococcosis and congestive cardiomyopathy in a ferret The Biomedical Use of Ferrets in Research The Universities Federation for Animal Welfare Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory Animals Endocrine factors in hematological changes seen in dogs and ferrets given estrogens Cryptosporidiosis in the dog and cat Dematologic diseases Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery A Practitioner's Guide to Rabbits and Ferrets Recurrent Mycobacterium bovis infection following a ferret bite Cell mediated immunity in ferrets: delayed dermal hypersensitivity, lymphocyte transformation, and macrophage migration inhibitory factor production Experimental transmission of Aleutian disease with urine Enteric coccidial infections Heartworm infections Treatment of proliferative colitis in ferrets Current Veterinary Therapy 11 Haematological and serum chemistry profiles of ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) Biology and Diseases of the Ferret Cutaneous lymphoma in a ferret (Mustela putoriusfuro) The pathogenesis, pathology, and diagnosis of the disease in experimentally infected ferrets The Clinical Chemistry of Laboratory Animals Derivation of gnotobiotic ferrets: perinatal diet and hand-rearing requirements Lack of detectable blood groups in domestic ferrets: implications for transfusion Distribution of technetium 99m-labeled red blood cells during isoflurane anesthesia in ferrets Ranitidine-bismuth citrate and clarithromycin, alone or in combination, for eradication of Helicobacter mustelae infection in ferrets The effect of isoflurane on hematologic variables in ferrets The Biomedical Use of Ferrets in Research Congenital malformations and variations in reproductive performance in the ferret: effects of maternal age, color, and parity Dirofilariasis in a ferret Dirofilariasis in a ferret Use of the ferret in cardiovascular research Current Therapy in Theriogenology Soft tissue surgery Demodiciasis in ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) keywords: abdominal; abscesses; acid; acute; administration; adrenal; adult; adv; affected; age; aleutian; alopecia; anemia; animals; anorexia; antibiotic; antibody; appropriate; associated; avium; bacterial; bell; biology; biomedical; black; blood; body; bovis; bowel; box; breeding; brown; campylobacter; canine; care; carotene; cases; cats; cause; cell; cesarean; changes; characterized; chronic; clinical; clinical signs; coburn; coli; colony; commercial; common; condition; contact; control; cryptosporidiosis; culture; cycle; daily; dark; days; definitive; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; diet; differential; direct; discharge; disease; distemper; dogs; domestic; dose; early; effective; elevated; energy; enlargement; eosinophilic; epithelial; epizootiology; eradication; erdman; estrus; et al; etiology; evident; examination; experimental; exposure; facility; failure; fast; fat; fecal; feces; feeding; females; ferrets; fig; findings; flea; fluid; food; footed; form; fox; fox et; free; furo; gastric; gastritis; gastroenteritis; gastrointestinal; gestation; glands; gorham; gram; healthy; heartworm; heat; helicobacter; hepatic; high; hill; histologic; hormone; humans; important; induced; infected; infection; infestation; inflammation; influenza; inoculation; intestinal; isolated; isolation; jejuni; jills; kits; laboratory; large; lesions; lethargy; light; like; litters; liver; long; loss; lung; lymphoma; males; mastitis; mild; milk; mink; mites; model; months; morris; mucosa; mustelae; mycobacterium; nasal; natural; necropsy; negative; neoplasia; nest; new; nodes; normal; old; oocysts; oral; orcutt; organism; outbreak; parturition; perfringens; phase; photoperiod; pneumonia; potential; pregnancy; presence; present; production; proliferative; protein; pruritus; putorius; pylori; rabies; report; reproductive; research; respiratory; result; risk; rosenthal; rotavirus; salmonella; secondary; section; sensitivity; serum; short; signs; similar; size; skin; small; species; specific; spleen; splenomegaly; spp; strains; studies; study; supportive; surgical; susceptible; syndrome; systemic; testing; therapy; time; tissue; toxemia; tract; transmission; treatment; tuberculosis; tumors; type; typhimurium; ulcers; use; vaccination; vaccine; variety; veterinary; virus; vomiting; water; weeks; weight; years; young cache: cord-022520-ebj51v9o.txt plain text: cord-022520-ebj51v9o.txt item: #174 of 606 id: cord-022526-j9kg00qf author: Jones, Samuel L. title: Disorders of the Gastrointestinal System date: 2009-05-18 words: 108877 flesch: 36 summary: Abdominal radiographs are reserved for smaller horses and ponies. In addition, one may detect mineral opacity within the colon on abdominal radiographs, particularly in foals, ponies, and small horses. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abdominocentesis; abnormalities; abscesses; absence; absorption; accumulation; acid; acidosis; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; addition; adenosine; adequate; adhesion; adjacent; administration; adult horses; adverse; affected; affected horses; agents; alimentary; alterations; amounts; anaerobic; analgesic; analysis; anaphylaxis; anastomosis; anemia; animals; anorexia; antagonist; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antiinflammatory; antimicrobial; apical; apparent; appearance; appropriate; area; arsenic; arterial; assessment; associated; association; attributable; auscultation; available; azotemia; bacteria; barrier; base; basement; beings; beneficial; benefit; bicarbonate; bile; binding; biochemical; biopsies; biopsy; bleeding; blockade; blood; blood cells; blood flow; body; bolus; borborygmi; bowel; broad; calcium; cantharidin; capillary; carbohydrate; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; cascade; cases; cause; cavity; cecum; cells; cellular; certain; cervical; chain; changes; characteristic; characterized; cheek; chloride; chronic; circulation; clear; clinical; clinical cases; clinical signs; clinician; clinicopathologic; clostridiosis; clostridium; coagulation; colic; colitis; colloid; colon; colonic; colonization; combination; common; complement; complete; complex; complications; components; compromised; concentration; conditions; congenital; contact; contamination; contents; contraction; contrast; control; core; correction; count; course; cox-2; cranial; critical; crypt; culture; cyathostomiasis; cyclic; cyclooxygenase; cytokines; cytologic; daily; damage; data; days; death; decreased; defect; defense; deficiency; definitive; degree; dehydration; delayed; dental; depression; detection; development; diagnosis; diaphragmatic; diarrhea; dietary; different; difficile; difficult; diffuse; digestive; dilation; direct; disease; disorders; displacement; disruption; distal; distended; distention; diverticula; dorsal; dosage; dose; dpj; drugs; duodenal; duodenum; duration; dysfunction; dysphagia; early; edema; effective; effects; efficacy; ehrlichia; electrolyte; elevated; emptying; endoscopic; endothelial; endothelial cells; endotoxemia; endotoxin; energy; enteric; enteritis; enterocolitis; enterocytes; enteroliths; enteropathy; enterotoxin; entrapment; environment; enzyme; eosinophilic; epiploic; epithelial; equine; equine intestinal; equine large; equine small; erythromycin; esophageal; esophageal obstruction; esophagitis; esophagus; evaluation; events; evidence; evident; examination; example; excessive; exists; experimental; exploration; exposure; extensive; extent; factors; failure; fatal; fatty; features; fecal; feces; feeding; fermentation; fever; fibrinogen; figure; findings; flexure; flora; flow; fluid; flunixin; foals; food; foramen; foreign; form; formation; free; frequent; function; gastric; gastric fluid; gastric mucosa; gastric ulceration; gastroesophageal; gastrointestinal; gastrointestinal disease; gastrointestinal tract; general; glands; glandular; glucose; good; gram; granulomatous; grass; greater; group; growth; hay; healing; healthy; heart; hematologic; hemorrhage; heparin; hernia; high; higher; histamine; history; horse fever; horses; host; hours; human; hypertonic; hypertrophy; hypoalbuminemia; hypocalcemia; hyponatremia; hypoproteinemia; idiopathic; iii; ileal; ileocecal; ileus; imbalances; immune; immunity; immunoglobulin; impaction; impaired; important; incidence; incisor; increase; induced; infected; infection; infiltration; inflamed; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; inflammatory response; influence; infusion; ingesta; inguinal; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; injured; injury; intact; integrins; integrity; interaction; intermittent; intervention; intestinal; intestinal disease; intestinal distention; intestinal ileus; intestinal inflammation; intestinal injury; intestinal motility; intestinal mucosa; intestinal obstruction; intestinal strangulation; intestinal surgery; intestinal tissue; intestinal tract; intracellular; intraluminal; intravenous; intussusception; invasion; investigation; involved; involvement; ischemia; isolated; jejunum; junctions; key; kinase; known; laboratory; lack; lactate; lactic; laminitis; laparotomy; large; large colon; large intestine; larvae; lavage; layer; lbp; left; length; lesions; leukocytes; leukopenia; leukotrienes; levels; lidocaine; likely; limited; lipid; lipopolysaccharide; lips; little; liver; local; location; long; longer; loss; losses; lower; lumen; luminal; lymphoma; lymphosarcoma; macrophages; maintenance; major; malabsorption; management; mandibular; mare; mass; masses; massive; mast; material; matrix; means; mechanical; mechanisms; mediators; medical; megaesophagus; meglumine; membrane; mesenteric; metabolic; method; metoclopramide; mice; migration; mild; minutes; models; moderate; molecules; monitoring; monocytes; months; morphologic; motility; mouth; movement; mucosal; mucosal blood; mucosal injury; mucous; multiple; mural; muscle; muscular; nasogastric; natural; nature; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; neonatal; neoplasia; nerves; nervous; neural; neurologic; neutropenia; neutrophils; nitric; nodes; nonspecific; nonsteroidal; normal; normal horses; nsaids; number; nutritional; observed; obstruction; occlusal; occurring; oil; older horses; oncotic; onset; oral; organisms; organs; outcome; output; overall; overload; oxide; oxygen; pain; palpable; palpate; palpation; parasite; parietal; parotid; partial; particular; passage; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathologic; pathophysiology; pathway; patients; pattern; pcr; peak; pelvic; peptides; perfringens; period; peripheral; peritoneal; peritoneal fluid; peritonitis; permeability; pge; phagocytes; pharyngeal; phase; phenylbutazone; physical; plasma; platelet; poi; polymyxin; ponies; poor; population; portion; position; positive; possible; postoperative; potassium; potential; potomac; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; prevention; primary; problem; procedure; process; processes; production; products; profound; prognosis; progressive; prokinetic; prolapse; proliferative; prolonged; properties; prostaglandins; protective; protein; proximal; pulp; pyloric; radiography; range; rapid; rare; rate; reaction; reactive; recent; receptor; recovery; rectal; rectum; reduced; reflux; region; related; release; removal; renal; repair; reperfusion; replacement; reported; reports; resection; resistance; resolve; respiratory; response; responsible; restitution; result; retrospective; review; right; risk; risticii; role; roughage; rule; rupture; salivary; salmonella; salmonellosis; samples; sand; scintigraphy; secondary; secretion; secretory; segment; selective; sensitive; sensitivity; sensory; sepsis; septic; septicemia; series; serosal; serum; severe; severe cases; severity; shock; short; signaling; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; site; size; small colon; small intestinal; smooth; sodium; soft; soluble; solution; sounds; source; space; species; specific; spectrum; sphincter; spleen; spp; squamous; stage; stimulation; stomach; strangulated; strangulating; strictures; strongylosis; studies; study; submucosa; subsequent; successful; sufficient; supply; support; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; susceptible; swallowing; sympathetic; syndrome; synthesis; synthetic; systemic; systems; technique; teeth; term; tests; tgf; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thoroughbred; thrombosis; time; tissue; tnf; tolerance; tongue; tooth; total; toxic; toxicity; toxins; tract; transit; transport; trauma; treatment; trefoil; tube; tumor; type; ulceration; ulcers; ultrasonography; underlying; unknown; upper; urine; useful; value; variable; varies; variety; vascular; vasculature; ventral; vessels; veterinary; villous; visceral; vitro; vivo; volume; volvulus; vulgaris; wall; water; weeks; weight; white; wound; xylose; years; young horses cache: cord-022526-j9kg00qf.txt plain text: cord-022526-j9kg00qf.txt item: #175 of 606 id: cord-022555-a7ie82fs author: None title: Digestive System, Liver, and Abdominal Cavity date: 2011-12-05 words: 66503 flesch: 46 summary: The worm is transmitted to other cats that ingest the vomitus of an infected cat. Other cats should not be allowed to ingest infected vomit. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abnormalities; absorption; accumulation; acid; acute; addition; adenocarcinoma; administration; adult; adult cats; adverse; affected; affected cats; agents; ammonia; anal; anemia; anesthesia; animals; anorexia; antibiotic; antiemetic; antigen; anus; apparent; appearance; approach; appropriate; areas; ascites; aspiration; assessment; associated; association; author; available; bacterial; balloon; barium; base; beneficial; benefit; best; bile; biliary; bilirubin; biochemistry; biopsies; biopsy; bladder; bleeding; blood; bodies; body; bowel; bowel disease; box; breed; care; cases; cats; cats clinical; cats present; cause; cavity; cell; cell lymphoma; changes; chapter; chlorambucil; choice; cholangitis; cholestasis; chronic; chronic disease; cisapride; clinical; clinical signs; clinician; cobalamin; coli; colon; colonic; combination; common; complete; complications; concentrations; concurrent; condition; congenital; constipation; contaminated; contrast; control; corticosteroids; course; cryptosporidium; culture; cysts; cytology; daily; damage; days; definitive; degree; dehydration; detection; development; diabetes; diagnosis; diameter; diarrhea; diet; dietary; different; difficult; diffuse; dilation; direct; discrete; disease; disorders; distal; distention; dogs; dose; dosing; drug; duct; duodenalis; duodenum; duration; dysfunction; eating; effective; effects; effusion; electrolyte; elevated; emptying; endoscopy; enteric; environment; enzymes; epi; esophageal; esophageal disease; esophagitis; esophagus; essential; evaluation; evidence; examination; example; exocrine; extrahepatic; factors; failure; fat; fecal; feces; feeding; feline; feline liver; felis; fenbendazole; fever; fiber; figure; findings; fip; flotation; fluid; fna; foetus; folate; following; food; foreign; foreign bodies; foreign body; form; formation; fpli; frequency; frequent; fresh; function; gall; gallbladder; gastric; gastric disease; gastritis; gastroesophageal; gastrointestinal; gastrointestinal disease; general; giardia; gondii; good; grade; greater; guidelines; healthy cats; heart; helicobacter; help; helpful; hepatic; hepatic disease; hepatobiliary; high; higher; histologic; histopathologic; history; host; hours; humans; hypertension; ibd; ibds; identification; idiopathic; illness; imaging; immune; immunoreactivity; important; increased; indicator; individual; induced; infected; infection; infective; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; ingestion; initial; injury; insufficiency; intake; intermittent; interpretation; intestinal; intestinal obstruction; intussusception; involved; involvement; isospora; kittens; laboratories; laboratory; laparotomy; large; larvae; length; lesions; lethargy; levels; life; likely; limited; linear; lipase; lipidosis; liquid; litter; liver; liver disease; location; long; longer; loss; low; lower; lymphocytic; lymphoma; lymphosarcoma; management; mass; masses; mast; mean; median; medical; medications; megacolon; megaesophagus; mellitus; metabolism; method; metoclopramide; metronidazole; mild; minutes; moderate; modified; months; motility; mucosal; mucus; multiple; muscle; necessary; necrosis; needle; negative; neoplasia; nodes; nonspecific; normal; normal cats; note; novel; number; nutritional; object; obstruction; older cats; onset; oocysts; oral; organism; organs; owner; pain; palpable; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatic disease; pancreatitis; paper; parasite; partial; pathology; patients; pcr; perforation; period; peritoneal; peritonitis; physical; placement; plasma; point; poor; population; portal; positive; possible; potential; practice; precise; prednisolone; presence; present; presentation; presenting; pressure; prevalence; primary; prior; problems; procedure; process; production; prognosis; prokinetic; prolonged; protein; proximal; radiographs; range; rare; rates; recent; receptors; rectum; recurrent; reflux; regurgitation; removal; renal; reported; reports; resection; resistance; response; result; review; right; risk; role; routine; rule; rupture; safe; samples; secondary; secretion; self; sensitive; sensitivity; septic; series; serum; severe; severity; shedding; siamese cats; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; size; skin; small; small cell; small intestinal; smooth; solution; species; specific; spectrum; sphincter; spontaneous; spp; steps; stomach; stricture; strongyloides; studies; study; subsequent; supplementation; supportive; surgery; surgical; survey; survival; syndrome; system; systemic; table; technique; term; testing; tests; therapy; thickening; time; tissue; total; tract; transmission; transudates; trauma; treatment; trichobezoars; tritrichomonas; trophozoites; tube; tumors; type; typical; ulceration; ulcers; ultrasonography; ultrasound; uncommon; underlying; united; unknown; unwell; urinary; urine; useful; variable; vascular; veterinary; vitamin; volume; vomiting; wall; water; weeks; weight; wet; worms; years; young; younger cats; zoonotic cache: cord-022555-a7ie82fs.txt plain text: cord-022555-a7ie82fs.txt item: #176 of 606 id: cord-022561-rv5j1201 author: Boes, Katie M. title: Bone Marrow, Blood Cells, and the Lymphoid/Lymphatic System date: 2017-02-17 words: 52302 flesch: 38 summary: Production and turnover of blood cells are balanced so that numbers are maintained within normal ranges (steady-state kinetics) in healthy individuals. (note: Some parasites may infect blood cells, such as Hepatozoon organisms within circulating neutrophils or monocytes or Bartonella organisms within erythrocytes, but mainly cause disease in other body systems and are therefore not discussed in this chapter.) keywords: abnormal; abnormalities; abscesses; absence; activation; active; activity; acute; addition; adhesion; adjacent; affected; afferent; agents; altered; anemia; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; aplasia; aplastic; architecture; areas; arteries; artery; atrophy; autosomal; available; b cell; bacteria; basis; basophilic; bilirubin; binding; bleeding; blood; blood cells; blood smear; blood vessels; blue; body; bone; bone marrow; bovine; box; brain; breeds; bvdv; canine; capsule; cases; cats; cattle; cause; cbc; cell lymphoma; cells; cellular; centers; central; certain; cervical; chain; changes; chapter; characteristic; characterized; chronic; circulation; classification; clinical; coagulation; collagen; common; complement; complex; components; concentration; concurrent; conditions; congenital; congested; congestion; consistency; contraction; cords; cortex; cutaneous; cytokines; cytopenias; cytoplasmic; damage; dark; days; dcs; decreased; defect; deficiency; degree; demand; dependent; depletion; destruction; detail; development; diagnosis; diameter; different; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; direct; discoloration; disease; disorders; distribution; dogs; domestic; domestic animals; drugs; dysfunction; dysplasia; early; edema; effects; efig; emh; endothelial; enlarged; entry; enzyme; eosinophilic; epithelial; epo; equine; erythrocytes; erythrocytosis; erythroid; erythrophagocytosis; erythropoiesis; essential; evaluation; evidence; evident; examination; example; excessive; extracellular; extramedullary; factors; failure; fat; features; feline; felv; fever; fibrin; fibrous; fig; findings; firm; flow; follicles; follicular; following; form; formation; free; function; gastrointestinal; general; generalized; genetic; germinal; glucocorticoid; goats; grade; granules; granulocytes; granulomatous; granulopoiesis; gross; group; growth; haptoglobin; healthy; hematologic; hematomas; hematopoietic; hematopoietic cells; hemoglobin; hemolysis; hemolytic; hemolytic anemia; hemorrhage; hemosiderin; hemotropic; high; histiocytic; histiocytosis; histologic; horses; host; human; hyperplasia; icterus; immature; immune; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; impaired; important; increase; individuals; infarcts; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; intermediate; intravascular; involved; iron; kidney; lack; large; later; lead; leading; left; lesions; leukemia; leukocyte; light; likely; liver; loss; low; lung; lymph; lymph nodes; lymphadenitis; lymphatic; lymphoblastic; lymphocytes; lymphocytosis; lymphoid; lymphoid hyperplasia; lymphoid tissue; lymphoma; macrophages; main; major; malignant; malt; mantle; marginal; marginating; marked; marrow; mass; mast; material; maturation; mature; mechanisms; medullary; megakaryocytes; membrane; metastatic; methemoglobin; microorganisms; microscopic; mild; molecular; molecules; monocytes; months; morphologic; mucosal; mucous; multifocal; multiple; multisystemic; muscle; mycoplasma; myeloid; myeloma; necrosis; neonatal; neoplasia; neoplasms; neoplastic cells; neutropenia; neutrophils; nodes; nodular; nodules; normal; nuclei; numbers; numerous; oral; organisms; organs; oxidative; pale; pals; pams; paracortex; parasites; parenchyma; particles; parvovirus; patches; pathogenesis; pathologic; pathways; patients; peripheral; peyer; phagocytized; phagocytosis; phase; physiologic; pigs; plasma; plasma cells; platelet; pool; precursors; presence; present; primary; process; processes; production; progenitor; proliferation; prolonged; protein; pulmonary; pulp; pure; rare; rate; rbc; reactive; receptors; red; red blood; red cell; red pulp; reduced; reductase; regenerative; regional; relative; release; renal; respiratory; response; result; reticular; reticulocytosis; rich; role; round; routine; ruminants; rupture; sample; sarcoma; secondary; secondary lymphoid; section; severe; severity; shape; sheep; shift; significant; signs; similar; single; sinus; sinuses; sinusoids; sites; size; skin; small; smaller; smear; spaces; species; specific; spleen; splenic; splenic red; splenomegaly; spp; spread; stage; staining; stains; states; stimulation; storage; stress; structure; study; subcapsular; subsequent; supply; surface; survival; syndrome; synthesis; system; systemic; t cell; table; term; test; theileria; thrombocytopenia; thrombocytosis; thymic; thymus; time; tissue; toxins; trabeculae; tract; trauma; tumor; type; underlying; uniform; urine; vascular; vessels; veterinary; viral; virus; viruses; visible; vitamin; weight; white;; young; zone cache: cord-022561-rv5j1201.txt plain text: cord-022561-rv5j1201.txt item: #177 of 606 id: cord-022575-ybj6lwdb author: Platt, Simon R. title: Vestibular Disorders date: 2009-05-15 words: 9454 flesch: 41 summary: Cerebellar dysfunction in conjunction with vestibular dysfunction implies central vestibular disease. Wave I represents acoustic nerve activity, and subsequent waves mark peak activities as sound is being processed through ascending portions of the auditory pathway ( Figure 56 Generally, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis is a useful adjunctive test for determination of the cause of central vestibular disease but rarely is specific. keywords: activity; advanced; affected; analysis; associated; auditory; bilateral; bone; brainstem; bulla; canal; cases; cats; caudal; cause; cell; central; central disease; central vestibular; cerebellar; clinical; clinical signs; cns; common; contrast; cortex; cranial; cryptococcosis; csf; damage; diagnosis; disease; disorders; dogs; dorsal; ear; ear disease; evaluation; examination; extension; extensor; external; eye; facial; feline; fibers; figure; findings; fluid; head; imaging; infection; inflammatory; inner; inner ear; interna; intracranial; ipsilateral; lesion; loss; magnetic; media; medulla; middle; middle ear; movement; mri; muscles; nasopharyngeal; neoplasms; nerve; neurological; neurons; normal; nuclei; nucleus; nystagmus; osseous; otitis; otitis media; ototoxic; paralysis; paresis; pathway; peripheral vestibular; petrous; polyps; position; present; prognosis; radiography; receptors; recovery; residual; resonance; results; secondary; signs; skull; soft; spinal; study; surgical; syndrome; system; t1w; temporal; testing; therapy; tilt; tissue; treatment; tympanic; tympanic bulla; tympanum; vestibular; vestibular disease; vestibular dysfunction; vestibular nuclei; vestibular signs; vestibular syndrome; vestibular system cache: cord-022575-ybj6lwdb.txt plain text: cord-022575-ybj6lwdb.txt item: #178 of 606 id: cord-022581-awivedxp author: Diaz, James H. title: Ticks, Including Tick Paralysis date: 2014-10-31 words: 10471 flesch: 36 summary: Cluster of tick paralysis cases-Colorado Tick paralysis presenting in an urban environment A six-year-old girl with tick paralysis Tick paralysis: electrophysiologic studies A review of tick paralysis Tick paralysis: 33 human cases in Washington state A 60-year meta-analysis of tick paralysis in the United States: a predictable, preventable, and often misdiagnosed poisoning Clinical and neurophysiological features of tick paralysis Prophylaxis with single dose doxycycline for the prevention of Lyme disease after an Ixodes scapularis tick bite [60] Although 43 species of ticks have been implicated in tick paralysis cases worldwide, most cases occur in the United States and Canadian Pacific Northwest (Washington State and British Columbia) and in Australia. keywords: acute; addition; adults; agent; america; anaplasmataceae; anaplasmosis; animal; antibiotic; antibody; argasid; arthropod; assay; australia; babesia; babesiosis; bacterial; bite; blood; borrelia; borreliosis; burgdorferi; burnetii; cases; causative; cause; central; cfrs; chronic; clinical; cns; coltiviruses; common; complications; ctfv; daily; days; deer; dermacentor; diagnosis; differential; diseases; domestic; doxycycline; effective; ehrlichia; ehrlichioses; encephalitis; epidemiology; erythema; europe; failure; febrile; feeding; fever; fig; following; hard; hemorrhagic; hosts; hours; humans; illness; incubation; infected; infectious; infectious diseases; intracellular; ixodes; ixodid; ixodid tick; laboratory; like; lyme; lyme disease; lymphadenopathy; manifestations; microorganisms; migrans; mountain; neurologic; new; north; old; organ; paralysis; patients; pcr; period; potential; preferred; prevention; product; prolonged; range; rare; rash; regional; related; removal; reservoirs; rickettsial; rmsf; rocky; rodents; salivary; severe; sfs; skin; species; specific; stari; states; strategies; syndrome; table; tbevs; tbrf; therapy; tick; tick bite; tick paralysis; tick vectors; transfusion; transmission; treatment; tularemia; tularensis; united; united states; vectors; viral; week; wild; world; worldwide; year cache: cord-022581-awivedxp.txt plain text: cord-022581-awivedxp.txt item: #179 of 606 id: cord-022659-chwk2bs4 author: None title: Abstracts: Poster session date: 2004-10-08 words: 49293 flesch: 47 summary: We conclude that this cingulate activation may reflect the greater involvement of an attentional network (of which the anterior cingulate is a part) in tasks requiring a higher degree of mental work on the part of AD patients. To investigate erythrocyte membrane molecular dynamics in AD patients and age-matched controls, we investigated erythrocyte membrane molecular motion at the surface (fluorescamine), aqueous-hydrocarbon interface (DPPE-ANS), and hydrocarbon core (1219j-AS; PPC-DPH) by steady-state fluorescence anisotropy measurements of 16 probable AD patients (5 males; 11 females) and 20 (1 1 males; 9 females) age-matched controls. keywords: .05; ability; abnormal; abnormalities; abnormality; absent; abstracts; accumulation; acid; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; ad patients; addition; admission; adult; affected; age; aged; agent; aging; als; alterations; alzheimer; american; amino; amplitude; amyotrophic; analysis; animals; ann; anterior; antibodies; antibody; antigen; aphasia; app; areas; arm; artery; assay; assessment; associated; association; astrocytes; atrophy; attentional; autoimmune; autopsy; autosomal; average; basal; basic; battery; behavioral; bilateral; binding; biopsy; blind; block; blood; brain; brainstem; breast; ca2; calcium; canada; cancer; cases; cause; cells; central; cerebellar; cerebral; cerebrospinal; cervical; chain; changes; chorea; chronic; class; clinical; clones; cns; cognitive; combined; common; community; complete; complex; concentrations; conditions; conduction; consecutive; consistent; content; contralateral; contrast; controls; cord; correlation; cortex; cortical; course; cranial; criteria; cross; csf; culture; cyclophosphamide; daily; damage; data; days; death; decline; decreased; deficits; definite; degeneration; degree; demented; dementia; denervation; dependence; deprenyl; detectable; development; diagnosis; differences; different; differentiation; disability; disease; disorders; distal; distinct; distribution; dna; dominant; dopa; dopamine; dorsal; dose; double; drug; dss; duration; dysfunction; dyskinesia; dystonia; dystrophy; eae; earlier; early; education; effective; effects; elderly; electrophysiological; elevated; emg; emission; endothelial; enhancement; enzyme; epidemiological; etiology; evaluation; evidence; evoked; examination; experimental; expressed; expression; extent; extremity; eye; factors; families; family; fatigue; features; females; fibers; findings; flow; fluid; focal; following; free; frequency; frequent; frontal; function; gait; ganglia; gbs; gender; generalized; genetic; glutamate; gm1; good; grade; grammatical; greater; group; growth; hand; head; healthy; hemisphere; high; higher; hippocampus; histological; history; hla; holiday; hours; htlv; human; hypothesis; ibm; ifnp; igg; images; immune; immunoglobulin; immunological; impaired; impairment; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incontinence; increase; independent; index; individuals; induced; infarct; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; information; inhibition; initial; injury; intracranial; intravenous; involved; involvement; ipsilateral; iron; ischemic; ivig; japan; jews; laboratory; lacunar; language; large; latency; later; lateral; lead; left; lesions; levels; levodopa; like; limbs; line; living; long; longer; loss; lower; lyme; lymphocytes; lymphoma; macrophages; magnetic; major; males; marked; mashadi; matter; maximum; mbp; mean; measured; measurements; mechanism; median; members; membrane; memory; mental; metabolism; method; methylprednisolone; mhc; mice; microglia; microscopy; midline; migraine; migraine patients; mild; mini; mitochondrial; mms; model; moderate; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; months; morphine; motor; mouse; movements; mri; multiple; murine; muscle; myelin; myopathy; n =; naming; negative; neglect; nerve; nervous; neural; neurological; neuron; neuronal; neuropathy; neuropsychological; new; nmr; nondemented; normal; number; objective; observations; observed; old; onset; opca; operation; opsoclonus; oral; overall; p =; pain; parameters; paraparesis; parkinson; parkinsonism; partial; pathogenesis; pathological; pathways; patients; pattern; pcr; pd patients; pdc; pdgf; percent; performance; period; peripheral; pet; phase; placebo; plaques; plasma; point; polymerase; polyneuropathy; population; positive; positron; possible; posterior; postmortem; potential; presence; present; pressure; presumed; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; probable; probe; problems; processes; program; progressive; protein; psp; pts; pulse; pure; purified; quantitative; range; rapid; rate; rating; rats; rcbf; reaction; receptor; records; recovery; reduction; regional; regions; regression; related; relationship; release; reliable; repetitive; report; response; rest; results; right; risk; rochester; role; rrf; samples; scale; scans; sclerosis; scopolamine; scores; screening; second; secondary; sections; selective; sensitive; sensory; sequence; serial; series; serum; severe; severity; sex; sgpg; short; signal; significant; signs; sihi; silicone; similar; single; sites; size; skin; small; space; spastic; specific; specimens; spinal; stable; staining; standard; state; status; stimulation; strength; stress; stroke; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; support; surface; survival; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; tasks; techniques; temporal; term; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; thought; time; tissue; total; toxicity; toxin; transient; transport; treatment; tremor; trials; tumor; type; typical; unchanged; unified; unique; unknown; untreated; updrs; upper; uptake; urinary; useful; variability; variable; variance; vascular; verbal; viral; virus; visual; volume; weakness; weeks; western; white; women; years; york cache: cord-022659-chwk2bs4.txt plain text: cord-022659-chwk2bs4.txt item: #180 of 606 id: cord-022754-ehq9qnoo author: None title: Liver date: 2012-07-25 words: 87936 flesch: 36 summary: Fad or future of liver disease? Copper-induced hepatitis: the COMMD1 deficient dog as a translational animal model for human chronic hepatitis Copper-associated liver disease Esteller A: Physiology of bile secretion Coagulation disorders in dogs with hepatic disease Current cytochrome P450 phenotyping methods applied to metabolic drug-drug interaction prediction in dogs Substrate specificity and kinetic properties of seven heterologously expressed dog cytochromes P50 Differential expression of CYP3A12 and CYP3A26 mRNAs in canine liver and intestine In vitro comparison of cytochrome P450-mediated metabolic activities in human, dog, cat, and horse Cytochrome P450s and other enzymes in drug metabolism and toxicity mRNA and protein expression of dog liver cytochromes P450 in relation to the metabolism of human CYP2C substrates Modulation of acetaminopheninduced hepatotoxicity by the xenobiotic receptor CAR Increased free cortisol in plasma of dogs with portosystemic encephalopathy Chronic glucocorticoid excess and impaired osmoregulation of vasopressin release in dogs with hepatic encephalopathy GABAergic inhibition of the pituitary release of adrenocorticotropin and melanotropin is impaired in dogs with hepatic encephalopathy Liver sinusoidal endothelial cells: a new type of organ-resident antigen-presenting cell Characterisation of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases in feline kidney and liver Central hypertensinogenic effects of glycyrrhizic acid and carbenoxolone Feline lower urinary tract diseases Metabolic and genetic aspects of urate urolithiasis in Dalmatians Hypoglycemia associated with nonislet cell tumor in 13 dogs The origins and kinetics of bilirubin in dogs with hepatobiliary and haemolytic diseases Bilirubin metabolism in canine hepatobiliary and haemolytic disease Plasma coagulation factor abnormalities in dogs with naturally occurring hepatic disease Alterations of prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time id dogs with hepatic disease Correlation between coagulation profile findings and bleeding complications after ultrasoundguided biopsies: 434 cases (1993-1996) Use of a test for proteins induced by vitamin K absence or antagonism in diagnosis or anticoagulant poisoning in dogs HP: Circulatory disorders of the liver in dogs and cats Diagnostic value of fasting plasma ammonia and bile acid concentrations in identification of portosystemic shunting in dogs Evaluation of ammonia measurements in dogs with two analysers for use in veterinary practice Ultrasonographic findings in dogs with hyperammonemia: 90 cases Comparative studies on plasma and tissue sorbitol, glutamic, lactic and hydroxybutyric dehydrogenase and transaminase activities in the dog Pharmacokinetics of liver transaminases in healthy dogs: potential clinical relevance for assessment of liver damage Plasma and tissue enzyme activities in the cat Hepatic clearance of rat liver aspartate aminotransferase isozymes: evidence for endocytotic uptake via different binding sites on sinusoidal liver cells Effects of phenobarbital treatment on serum thyroxine and thyroid-stimulating hormone concentrations in epileptic dogs Lobular dissecting hepatitis in juvenile and young adult dogs Differential expression of copper-associated and oxidative stress related proteins in a new variant of copper toxicosis in Doberman Pinschers Chronic active hepatitis in 26 Doberman Pinschers Improvement in liver pathology after 4 months of D-penicillamine in 5 Doberman Pinschers with subclinical hepatitis Subclinical versus clinical hepatitis in the Doberman: Evaluation of changes in blood parameters Copper-associated hepatopathies in dogs Hepatitis and copper accumulation in Skye Terriers Part I. Differential diagnosis Glomerular filtration rate and renal volume in dogs with congenital portosystemic vascular anomalies before and after surgical ligation Morphology of congenital portocaval shunts in dogs and cats Congenital interruption of the portal vein and caudal vena cava in dogs: six case reports and a review of the literature Functional closure of the ductus venosus during early postnatal life in the dog The anatomy and embryology of portosystemic shunts in dogs and cats Portal hypertension associated with primary hypoplasia of the hepatic portal vein in dogs Budd-Chiari syndrome) as a cause of ascites in a cat Use of endovascular stents in three dogs with Budd-Chiari syndrome Characterization of hepatoportal microvascular dysplasia in a kindred of cairn terriers Ultrasonographic identification and characterization of congenital portosystemic shunts and portal hypertensive disorders in dogs and cats Gross anatomy of the canine portal vein Portal hypertension Part I. Pathophysiology and clinical consequences Ultrasonographic evaluation of partially attenuated congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in 14 dogs Polycystic kidney and liver disease in cats Acquired portosystemic shunting in 2 cats secondary to congenital hepatic fibrosis Portal hypertension in a dog due to circumscribed fibrosis of the wall of the extrahepatic portal vein Ultrasonographic diagnosis of unusual portal vascular abnormalities in two cats Thrombosis of the portal vein in eleven dogs Heterobilharzia americana infection in a dog Multiple congenital portal vein anomalies in a dog Intraoperative ultrasonography of the portal vein during attenuation of intrahepatic portocaval shunts in dogs Portosystemic communications in the dog Nutritional aspects of the management of chronic hepatic encephalopathy Alterations of GABA-A and dopamine D-2 brain receptors in dogs with portal-systemic encephalopathy Clinical presentation and management of moxidectin toxicity in two dogs Generalized motor seizures after portosystemic shunt ligation in dogs: five cases Nutritional support for dogs and cats with hepatobiliary disease Effects of a branched chain amino acid-enriched diet on chronic hepatic encephalopathy in dogs Cerebrospinal fluid glutamine, tryptophan, and tryptophan metabolite concentrations in dogs with portosystemic shunts Evaluation of twelve-hour preprandial and two-hour postprandial serum bile acids disease in dogs Hematologic changes associated with serum and hepatic iron alterations in dogs with congenital portosystemic vascular anomalies Characterization of iron status in young dogs with portosystemic shunt Iron status and erythrocyte volume in dogs with congenital portosystemic vascular anomalies Hemostatic profiles in 39 dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts Coagulation profiles in dogs with congenital portosystemic shunts before and after surgical attenuation Standard planes for ultrasonographic examination of the portal system in dogs Szatmári V: Ultrasonography of portosystemic shunting in dogs Doppler studies before, during and after surgery Ultrasonographic assessment of hemodynamic changes in the portal vein during surgical attenuation of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in dogs Use of transcolonic 99mtechnetium-pertechnetate as a screening test for portosystemic shunts in dogs Quantification of portosystemic shunting in dogs by ultrasound-guided injection of 99m Tc-macroaggregates into a splenic vein Portal vein anomalies in the dog: their angiographic diagnosis Use of intraoperative mesenteric portovenography in congenital portosystemic shunt surgery Helical computed tomographic angiography of canine portosystemic shunts Three-dimensional multiscale helical computed tomography techniques for canine extra-hepatic portosystemic shunt assessment Use of magnetic resonance angiography for diagnosis of portosystemic shunts in dogs Brain magnetic resonance imaging characteristics in dogs and cats with congenital portosystemic shunts Medical management of animals with portosystemic shunts Improvement of chronic hepatic encephalopathy in dogs by the benzodiazepine-receptor partial inverse agonist sarmazenil, but not by the antagonist flumazenil Apparent dietary protein requirement of dogs with portosystemic shunt Medical management of congenital portosystemic shunts in 27 dogs -a retrospective study Ultrasonographic diagnosis of congenital portosystemic shunt in 14 cats Increasing incidence of hereditary intrahepatic portosystemic shunts in Irish Wolfhounds in the Netherlands (1984 to 1992) Determination of inheritance of single congenital portosystemic shunts in Yorkshire Terriers Inherited congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in cairn terriers Detection of the single nucleotide polymorphism causing feline autosomal-dominant polycystic kidney disease in Persians from the UK using a novel real-time PCR assay Diagnostic value of fasting plasma ammonia and plasma bile acid concentrations in the identification of portosystemic shunting in dogs Hyperammonemia due to a urea cycle enzyme deficiency A suspected case of ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency in a cat Transient metabolic hyperammonaemia in young Irish Wolfhounds Hyperammonemia associated with urethral obstruction in a dog Ammonia intoxication in the near-adult cat as a result of a dietary deficiency of arginine Cobalamin deficiency associated with methylmalonic acidemia in a cat Hyperammonaemic encephalopathy secondary to selective cobalamin deficiency in a juvenile Border collie Transient hyperammonemia in an adult German Shepherd dog Evaluation of bile acid concentrations for the diagnosis of portosystemic venous anomalies in the dog and cat Epidemiologic factors associated with the anatomic location of intrahepatic portosystemic shunts in dogs Association of breed with the diagnosis of congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs: 2400 cases Ammonia tolerance test in clinically normal dogs and in dogs with portosystemic shunts Rectal ammonia tolerance test in the evaluation of portal circulation in dogs with liver disease Postprandial venous ammonia concentration in the diagnosis of hepatobiliary disease in dogs Long-term biochemical and physiologic effects of surgically placed portocaval shunts in dogs Outcome of ameroid constrictor occlusion of single congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in cats: 12 cases Evaluation of ameroid ring constrictors for the management of single extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in cats: 23 cases Clinicopathologic features of primary and metastatic neoplastic disease of the liver in dogs A retrospective study of 395 feline neoplasms A survey of feline neoplasms Hepatobiliary neoplasia in dogs and cats Tumors of the liver and gallbladder Small Animal Clinical Oncology Primary neoplasms in dog liver induced by diethylnitrosamine Translation of new cancer treatments from pet dogs to humans The establishment and characterization of the first canine hepatocellular carcinoma cell line, which resembles human oncogenic expression patterns Immunohistochemical characterization of canine hyperplastic hepatic lesions and hepatocellular and biliary neoplasms with monoclonal antibody hepatocyte paraffin 1 and a monoclonal antibody to cytokeratin 7 Canine hepatic neuroendocrine carcinoma: an immunohistochemical and electron microscopic study Canine biliary carcinoma: epidemiological comparisons with man Comparative analysis of hepatocellular carcinoma in men and dogs Inactivation of TGFbeta signaling in hepatocytes results in an increased proliferative response after partial hepatectomy MDM2 and p53 polymorphisms are associated with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus infection Epidermal growth factor-induced hepatocellular carcinoma: gene expression profiles in precursor lesions, early stage and solitary tumours Identification of hepatic stem/progenitor cells in canine hepatocellular and cholangiocellular carcinoma Withrow and MacEwen's Small Animal Clinical Oncology Status epilepticus after ligation of portosystemic shunts Progressive remission of portosystemic shunting in 23 dogs after partial closure of congenital portosystemic shunts Gradual occlusion of extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in dogs and cats using the ameroid constrictor Methods of gradual vascular occlusion and their applications in treatment of congenital portosystemic shunts in dogs: a review A method for controlling portal pressure after attenuation of intrahepatic portocaval shunts Gauged attenuation of congenital portosystemic shunts: results in 160 dogs and 15 cats Evaluation of cellophane banding with and without intraoperative attenuation for treatment of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in dogs Cellophane banding for the gradual attenuation of single extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in eleven dogs Outcomes of cellophane banding for congenital portosystemic shunts in 106 dogs and 5 cats Evaluation of the characteristics of venous occlusion after placement of an ameroid constrictor in dogs Evaluation of ameroid ring constrictors for treatment for single extrahepatic portosystemic shunts in dogs: 168 cases Evaluation of a portocaval venograft and ameroid ring for the occlusion of intrahepatic portocaval shunts in dogs Surgical management of left divisional intrahepatic portosystemic shunts: outcome after partial ligation of, or ameroid ring constrictor placement on, the left hepatic vein in twenty-eight dogs Laparoscopic portosystemic shunt attenuation in two dogs Transvenous coil embolization of portosystemic shunt in dogs Transjugular coil embolisation of an intrahepatic shunt in a cat Complications associated with the diagnostic, medical, and surgical management of portosystemic shunts Portal vein thrombosis as a complication of portosystemic shunt ligation in two dogs Neurologic dysfunction in dogs following attenuation of congenital extrahepatic portosystemic shunts Neurologic dysfunction in three dogs and one cat following attenuation of intrahepatic portosystemic shunts Use of propofol to manage seizure activity after surgical treatment of portosystemic shunts Portal hypertension Part II: Clinical assessment and treatment Diagnostic comparison of needle and wedge biopsy specimens of the liver in dogs and cats Magnetic resonance imaging of focal splenic and hepatic lesions in the dog Accuracy of ultrasound guided aspiration of the liver and cytologic findings in dogs and cats: 97 cases A multistep approach in the cytologic evaluation of liver biopsy samples of dogs with hepatic diseases Metronomic therapy with cyclophosphamide and piroxicam effectively delays tumor recurrence in dogs with incompletely resected soft tissue sarcomas Sorafenib (BAY 43-9006, Nexavar), a dual-action inhibitor that targets RAF/MEK/ERK pathway in tumor cells and tyrosine kinases VEGFR/PDGFR in tumor vasculature Sorafenib in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma: we have won a battle not the war Phase I dose escalating study of SU11654, a small molecule receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor, in dogs with spontaneous malignancies Continuous low-dose oral chemotherapy for adjuvant therapy of splenic hemangiosarcoma in dogs Hepatic artery embolization and chemoembolization for treatment of patients with metastatic carcinoid tumors: the M.D. Anderson experience Percutaneous arterial embolization and chemoembolization for treatment of benign and malignant tumors in three dogs and a goat Treatment of unresectable hepatocellular adenoma in dogs with transarterial iodized oil and chemotherapy with and without an embolic agent: a report of two cases Results of partial hepatectomy in 18 dogs with hepatocellular carcinoma The pathology of liver tumours in the dog Partial hepatectomy in dogs Cancer of the liver Efficacy of mitoxantrone against various neoplasms in dogs Low-dose metronomic chemotherapy with cisplatin: can it suppress angiogenesis in H22 hepatocarcinoma cells? keywords: abdominal; ability; abnormalities; absence; absent; absorption; accumulation; accuracy; acetaminophen; acids; activation; activities; activity; acute hepatic; acute liver; additional; administration; adult; advanced; affected dogs; aflatoxin; age; agents; alf; alkaline; alp; alt; alt activity; amino; ammonia; ammonium; analysis; anemia; anesthesia; angiography; animals; anomalies; anorexia; antibiotics; appearance; appropriate; apsc; areas; arginine; ascites; aspiration; assessment; associated; association; asymptomatic; attenuation; autoimmune; available; bacterial; bedlington; beneficial; benign; best; bile; bile acids; bile duct; biliary; biliary tract; bilirubin; biochemical; bleeding; blood; body; bone; brain; breed; breed dogs; canine; canine hepatic; canine liver; capacity; carcinoma; care; cases; cats; caudal; cause; cava; ccnu; cell; central; centrilobular; certain; changes; chapter; characteristic; characterization; characterized; chemotherapy; cholangiohepatitis; cholangitis; cholecystitis; cholestasis; cholestatic liver; cholesterol; chronic disease; chronic hepatitis; chronic liver; circulation; cirrhosis; clear; clinical; clinical disease; clinical findings; clinical liver; clinical signs; clinician; clotting; coagulation; coagulopathy; combination; common; common bile; common liver; comparison; complete; complications; concentrations; concurrent; conditions; congenital; congenital hepatic; conjugated; consequence; consistent; content; contrast; contribute; control; copper accumulation; copper concentrations; correlation; corticosteroids; cortisol; cpss; culture; cycle; cysts; cytologic; cytology; daily; damage; days; death; decreased; deficiency; definitive; degree; dependent; detection; determined; develop; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; dietary; different; difficult; diffuse; diffuse liver; dilation; direct; disease process; diseases; disorders; doberman; dogs; dogs hepatic; dogs liver; dogs serum; dose; drug; dry; duct; duration; early; effective; effects; effusion; ehbo; elevated; elevations; endogenous; endothelial; enlarged; enzyme activity; enzymes; essential; etiology; evaluation; evidence; examination; example; excess; excretion; exposure; expression; extrahepatic; extrahepatic disease; factors; fasting; fat; fatal; fatty; features; feeding; feline; feline hepatic; feline liver; female; fever; figure; findings; fine; flow; fluid; focal; following; food; form; free; frequent; functions; gallbladder; gastric; general; genetic; ggt; glucocorticoid; glucose; glutamine; glutathione; glycogen; good; granulomatous; greater; group; growth; half; hcc; healthy; healthy dogs; hemolysis; hemolytic; hemorrhage; hepatectomy; hepatic; hepatic abscesses; hepatic bile; hepatic biopsy; hepatic blood; hepatic copper; hepatic damage; hepatic disease; hepatic dysfunction; hepatic encephalopathy; hepatic enzyme; hepatic failure; hepatic fibrosis; hepatic inflammation; hepatic injury; hepatic insufficiency; hepatic involvement; hepatic lesions; hepatic lipidosis; hepatic mass; hepatic metabolism; hepatic necrosis; hepatic neoplasia; hepatic nodular; hepatic parenchyma; hepatic portal; hepatic synthesis; hepatic tissue; hepatic tumors; hepatitis; hepatobiliary disease; hepatocellular; hepatocytes; hepatomegaly; hepatopathies; hepatopathy; hepatotoxicity; herbal; high; higher; highland; histologic; histopathologic; history; hormone; hours; hscs; humans; hyperadrenocorticism; hyperammonemia; hyperbilirubinemia; hyperplasia; hypertension; hypoalbuminemia; hypoglycemia; hypothyroidism; icterus; identification; idiopathic; idiosyncratic; illness; imaging; immune; impaired; important; improvement; incidence; increased; individual; induced; induction; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory liver; information; ingestion; initial; intestinal; intracellular; intrahepatic bile; invasive; involved; involvement; iron; jaundice; kidney; kupffer; laboratory; labrador; lack; laparoscopy; laparotomy; large; lead; left; leptospirosis; lesions; lethargy; levels; life; likely; limited; lipids; liver biopsies; liver biopsy; liver cancer; liver cell; liver copper; liver cytology; liver damage; liver disease; liver enzyme; liver failure; liver fibrosis; liver function; liver hepatic; liver injury; liver liver; liver lobe; liver mass; liver neoplasia; liver nodules; liver regeneration; liver tissue; liver tumors; lobes; lobular; long; loss; lower; lymphocytes; lymphoma; major; malignant; management; marker; mass; mean; measurement; mechanisms; medical; medication; membranes; metabolism; metabolites; metal; metastatic; method; mild; minutes; mixed; moderate; months; morphologic; mortality; mucoceles; multifocal; multiple; muscle; nac; necessary; needle; negative; neoplasia; neoplasms; neurologic; new; nodular; nodules; nonspecific; normal; normal dogs; normal liver; note; number; obstruction; occlusion; onset; optimal; oral; organ; origin; oxidative; p450; pancreatic; pancreatitis; parenchymal; parenchymal liver; partial; pathogenesis; pathology; patients; pattern; penicillamine; percutaneous; period; periportal; peritonitis; phase; phenobarbital; phosphatase; phpv; physical; pinschers; plasma; point; polycystic; poor; population; portal; portal blood; portal hypertension; portal vein; portal venous; portosystemic; portosystemic shunting; positive; possible; postprandial; potential; prehepatic; presence; present; presentation; pressure; primary; primary hepatic; primary liver; prior; procedure; process; processes; production; progenitor; prognosis; progressive; proliferation; prolonged; protein; radiographs; range; rare; reactions; reactive; recent; receptors; recovery; reduced; reference; regenerative; related; relationship; release; renal; reported; reports; reserve; resolution; response; result; retrievers; retrospective; review; right; risk; role; rupture; samples; sampling; sba; scintigraphy; screening; secondary; secretion; section; seizures; sensitive; sensitivity; serum; serum alt; serum bile; serum hepatic; serum liver; severe; severe hepatic; severe liver; severity; sex; shunting; shunts; significant; signs; similar; single; sinusoidal; site; size; small; small liver; source; spaniels; species; specific; specific hepatic; specificity; specimens; spleen; splenic; spontaneous; spp; stage liver; stages; stellate; steroid; storage; stress; studies; study; subclinical; substances; suggestive; sulfonamides; supplements; supportive; surgery; surgical; survival; symptoms; syndrome; synthesis; systems; table; target; techniques; term; terriers; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; thrombocytopenia; thrombosis; thyroxine; time; tissue; total; toxicity; toxicosis; toxin; tract; tract disease; transport; transudate; treatment; tumors; type; typical; ultrasonography; ultrasound; underlying; unknown; urea; urinary; urine; useful; vacuolar; value; variable; variety; vascular; vasculature; vein; vena; venous; veterinary; virus; vitamin; volume; vomiting; wall; water; wedge; weeks; weight; west; white; years; young; young dogs; zinc cache: cord-022754-ehq9qnoo.txt plain text: cord-022754-ehq9qnoo.txt item: #181 of 606 id: cord-023095-4dannjjm author: None title: Research Abstract Program of the 2011 ACVIM Forum Denver, Colorado, June 15–18, 2011 date: 2011-05-03 words: 134382 flesch: 49 summary: Mminimum HR, mean HR and the HRV variables (7 and 10) differing between dog groups, also consistently decreased with increasing MR, LA/Ao and the proximal isovelocity surface area in CKCS. The apparently normal levels of hexosaminidase A activity in affected dog samples may be a result of b subunit overexpression. keywords: 5ht; 95%ci; abdominal; abnormalities; absence; absorption; abstract; abundance; access; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acetate; acid; acth; activation; active; activity; acute; additional; adequate; adhesion; administration; admission; adrenal; adult; adult cats; adult dogs; adverse; affected dogs; age; aged; agents; aggregation; aim; aims; airway; aki; albumin; aldosterone; alpaca; alpha; alterations; alveolar; ambulatory; amino; analysis; analyzer; anaplasma; anemia; anesthesia; anesthetized; animals; anova; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antimicrobial; aortic; apparent; approach; appropriate; area; arterial; articular; arvc; aspiration; aspirin; assay; assessment; associated; association; asymptomatic; atenolol; atrial; attempts; auc; automated; available; average; avp; axis; azotemia; bacterial; balf; bartonella; basal; baseline; basis; bcs; beagle dogs; beagles; beginning; benazepril; beta; better; binding; biochemical; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; bleeding; blinded; blood; blood glucose; blood samples; blot; body; bone; bovine; bowel; boxers; bpm; brain; breed dogs; breeds; calcitriol; calcium; calculated; calprotectin; calves; canal; cancer; canine; canis; carboplatin; cardiac; cardiomyopathy; care; cartilage; cases; catheter; cats; cattle; caudal; cause; cbc; cca; ccp; cdv; cell; cellular; center; central; cerebellar; cervical; chain; challenge; changes; characteristics; characterized; chemistry; chf; chf cats; chromatography; chronic; ciprofloxacin; ckcs; ckd; classes; classified; clearance; client; clinical; clinical disease; clinical signs; clinicians; clinicopathologic; clinics; clm; clopidogrel; clostridium; cns; coagulation; cobalamin; coefficient; coli; collagen; collapse; collection; college; colon; colostrum; combination; commercial; common; compare; comparison; complete; completion; composition; compression; computed; concentrations; conclusion; concurrent; condition; confidence; confirmed; congenital; congestive; consecutive; consistent; content; contrast; control cats; control dogs; control group; control horses; control study; controls; copper; correlated; correlation; cortisol; count; course; cpe; cpr; cpv; cranial; creatinine; cria; criteria; cross; crossover; crp; cryptosporidium; csf; ctni; culture; curve; cutoff; cyclophosphamide; cyclosporine; cystine; cytokine; cytometry; daily; damage; data; date; days; dca; death; decreased; defect; deficiency; definitive; degenerative; degree; deletion; density; dependent; described; design; detection; determination; determined; development; deviation; device; dexamethasone; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diarrhea; diastolic; diet; dietary; differences; different; difficile; difficult; digital; diminazene; direct; discharge; disease; disease cats; disorders; dissolution; distribution; dmvd; dna; documented; dogs; dogs o; domperidone; donkeys; doppler; dorsal; dose; dosing; double; doxycycline; drug; dry; duodenal; duodenum; duration; dysfunction; early; ecg; echocardiographic; edema; edta; effective; effects; efficacy; effusion; ehrlichia; elevated; elisa; end; endothelial; energy; enlargement; enrofloxacin; enteric; enzyme; epithelial; equal; equine; equivalent; erythrocytosis; established; estradiol; eus; euthanasia; evaluated; evaluation; events; evidence; exact; examination; exercise; experimental; exposure; expression; factors; faecalibacterium; failure; farms; fasting; fatty; features; fecal; fecal samples; feces; fed; feeding; feline; female dogs; females; fever; fgf-23; fibrinogen; fibrosis; field; final; findings; firocoxib; fiv; flagellin; flow; fluid; fna; foals; fold; following; food; formalin; formulation; fossa; fraction; frd; free; frequency; frozen; function; furosemide; future; gastric; gastrointestinal; gastrointestinal disease; gemcitabine; gender; gene; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; gentamicin; german; gfr; giardia; gingivitis; glucocorticoids; glucose; glut12; goal; golden; good; grade; greater; group; growth; gsd; gsh; hac; half; hand; hbgm; hcm; head; healthy cats; healthy dogs; healthy horses; heart; heart disease; help; hepatic; herda; hereditary; herniation; het dogs; higher; highest; histopathological; histopathology; history; homozygous; hormone; horses; hospital; hospitalization; hours; hplc; hrs; hrv; hsa; hsp; human; humerus; hyperthyroid; hyperthyroid cats; hypothesis; hypothyroidism; iad; ibd; identical; identification; idiopathic; ifn; igg; iii; il-10; il-2; il-4; il-6; il-8; iliac; ill; ill dogs; illness; images; imaging; immune; impact; impaired; impedance; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; index; indirect; individual; induced; induction; infected; infected dogs; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; ingestion; inhibitor; initial; injury; insertion; insulin; intact; interaction; interest; internal; interstitial; intervals; intervertebral; intracellularis; intravenous; invasive; investigation; iodine; ipf; irc; iris; iron; isolates; ivabradine; kidney; kinase; kit; knowledge; kruskal; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; lameness; laminar; laminitis; large; lateral; left; length; lesions; leukocytes; levels; life; likely; limb; limited; linear; lines; lipid; liquid; little; liver; location; logistic; long; longer; loss; lower; lps; lung; lymphocyte; lymphoma; maintenance; major; majority; males; mammary; management; mann; manual; mapk; marcks; marker; marrow; mass; matter; maximum; mdr; meal; mean; mean ae; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medicine; membrane; meningiomas; meq; metabolic; methimazole; method; microbiota; mii; mild; minimal; minimum; minutes; mitral; mixed; mmhg; mmol; mmvd; model; moderate; molecular; molecules; monitoring; months; mortality; mri; mrna; mucosal; multiple; muscle; mutant; mutation; mycoplasma; myocardial; necessary; needle; negative; neoplasia; neurological; neutrophils; new; nmol; non; normal cats; normal dogs; normal horses; novel; number; obese dogs; obesity; objective; observed; obstruction; occurrence; occurring; og1; old; omeprazole; onset; oral; organisms; osa; outcome; ovariectomy; overall; overweight; owners; oxygen; p o; p38; pain; pancreas; pancreatic; parameters; partial; participants; partum; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathway; patients; pattern; pcr; pda; peak; peis; people; peptide; percentage; performance; perfringens; period; peripheral; persistent; pet; phagocytophilum; pharmacokinetic; phase; phosphate; phosphorylation; physical; pigs; piiinp; pilot study; placebo; placement; plasma; plasma concentrations; plasma samples; platelet; ple dogs; pln; plus; pmol; point; polymerase; polymorphisms; ponies; pooled; poor; population; positive; possible; post; potential; ppf; ppid; ppm; practices; predictive; preliminary; preparation; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problem; probnp; procedure; processes; production; profile; prognosis; proliferation; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; proximal; psva; pulmonary; puppies; purpose; qpcr; quality; quantitative; quarter; racing; radiographic; randomized; range; ranitidine; rank; rao; rapid; rare; rate; ratios; rbc; reaction; recent; receptor; recorded; records; recovery; rectal; reduced; reference; region; regional; regression; regurgitation; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; remaining; remission; renal; reported; reports; research; resistance; resolution; respiratory; respondents; response; results; retriever; retrospective; retrospective study; reverse; right; risk; role; rottweilers; routine; safety; saline; salmonella; samples; sampling; sas; sba; scale; scan; score; screening; sd dogs; sdr; secondary; secretion; sedation; segment; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; septic; sequence; sequencing; serum; serum concentrations; serum samples; set; severe; severity; sex; shar; shedding; short; shorter; sid; signaling; signalment; significant; significant difference; signs; similar; simple; single; site; size; skin; small; small dogs; smooth; snps; sodium; software; spayed; spearman; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spinal; spontaneous; spp; square; stability; stable; stage; staining; stalls; standard; standardized; starting; statistical; status; sternal; stimulated; stimulation; stomach; strain; stress; striatin; strong; structural; struvite; student; studies; study; study period; study population; subsequent; successful; suggested; sum; supplementation; support; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; susceptibility; susceptible; syndrome; synovial; syrinx; system; systemic; systolic; tablets; target; tcc; teaching; technique; teg; temperature; terminal; terriers; test; testing; tetracycline; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thrombocytopenia; tick; time; tissue; titers; tlr5; tolerance; tool; total; toxicity; toxin; tract; traditional; transfusion; transport; trauma; treatment; treatment group; trilostane; tt4; tubes; tumor; type; ultrasound; underlying; underwent; university; unknown; untreated; upc; upper; uptake; urea; urinalysis; urinary; urine; uroliths; use; useful; utility; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; values; valve; variability; variables; variation; variety; vascular; ventricular; veress; veterinary; vhs; viral; virus; visceral; vitamin; vitro; vivo; volume; vomiting; wall; wallis; water; weekly; weeks; weight; western; white; whitney; wide; widely; wilcoxon; wild; wnt; work; wound; years; zinc; zooepidemicus cache: cord-023095-4dannjjm.txt plain text: cord-023095-4dannjjm.txt item: #182 of 606 id: cord-023134-y665agnh author: None title: Oral Research Communications of the 22(nd) ECVIM‐CA Congress date: 2012-11-20 words: 29627 flesch: 47 summary: Concerning gross pathology findings in hearts with clinical DCM diagnosis, LV chambers were dilated in 3/4 cases of group 4, while in groups 3 and 5, the papillary muscles appeared grossly prominent and not flattened as in group 4.Histopathologically, in control dogs LV and RV myocardium showed no (3/4) or mild (1/4) interstitial collagen deposits, no or single adipocytes, and normal vessels. Histopathologically, RAA in control dogs showed small amounts of interstitialcollagen and single adipocytes. keywords: 5ht; acdo; acid; acth; activation; additional; administration; advanced; age; agp; aim; aims; albumin; analysis; animals; aortic; apps; arterial; artery; assay; assessment; association; atrial; available; avb; basal; baseline; basis; bem; bid; biopsies; blood; bmi1; body; breeds; campylobacter; canine; cardiac; cardiomyopathy; carriage; cases; catenin; cats; cause; cd133; cell; change; chronic; ckcs; ckd; class; client; clinical; coli; common; complete; concentrations; conclusion; control; correlation; cortisol; counts; creatinine; crp; culture; daily; data; days; dcm; decrease; detection; determine; development; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diastolic; differences; different; disease; dogs; doppler; dose; drug; duration; early; echocardiographic; edema; effect; effective; efficacy; eia; elevated; elisa; esophageal; evaluation; evidence; examination; expression; factors; faecal; failure; feline; female; femoral; fgf-23; fibrosis; films; findings; fip; follow; function; gene; general; ghrelin; glucose; group; growth; hcm; healthy; healthy cats; healthy dogs; heart; hepatic; higher; histopathological; history; hours; hpc; hpcs; hsdm; human; hypertrophy; ibd; imaging; immune; increase; infected; infection; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; information; initial; insulin; interval; intestinal; intra; introducer; investigation; ipf; kidney; large; left; level; liver; long; loss; lower; mann; marker; mean; measurement; median; medical; medicine; mellitus; microcirculation; mild; minutes; mitral; mmhg; mmvd; moderate; monitoring; months; multiple; murmur; muscle; myocardial; negative; neoplasia; ngal; non; normal; normeta; number; obese; objective; obstruction; onset; order; outcome; outflow; overall; p<0.001; pancreas; pancreatitis; papillary; parameters; pathogenesis; pathogens; patients; pcr; peak; period; phenobarbital; pheo; physical; piiip; placebo; plasma; platelet; population; positive; post; potential; pra; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; procedures; progression; proliferation; prospective; protein; pulmonary; quality; quantitative; ragdoll; raiu; range; rate; reference; region; relative; renal; response; results; rfeifn; rhtsh; rhythm; rifampin; right; risk; role; saa; samples; sap; score; septal; serum; severe; severity; sheath; sid; significant; signs; similar; single; small; snps; specific; spp; stage; standard; statistical; stent; stimulation; studies; study; survival; system; systolic; tcd; tdi; technique; tee; test; tgfb1; theileriosis; therapy; thoracic; thyroid; time; tissue; total; tract; treatment; trilostane; tt4; tumor; tumours; untwist; urinary; urine; uvc; values; valve; variables; vascular; velocity; ventricular; veterinary; volume; wave; weeks; weight; whitney; wnt; xanthine; years cache: cord-023134-y665agnh.txt plain text: cord-023134-y665agnh.txt item: #183 of 606 id: cord-023165-f6o6owg3 author: NAVARRE, CHRISTINE B. title: Diseases of the Gastrointestinal System date: 2009-05-21 words: 24580 flesch: 53 summary: Unlike in other small animals, contrast techniques are not practical for characterizing small intestinal problems in sheep and goats because the rumen dilutes and slows passage of the contrast media. Using EDTA tubes made for small animals or shaking excess EDTA out of large tubes resolves this problem. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abomasal; abomasum; abscesses; acidosis; acute; administration; adult; affected; agents; amounts; analysis; anemia; anesthesia; animals; anorexia; anthelmintic; antimicrobial; anus; area; associated; atresia; authors; available; bacteria; beneficial; best; bid; biopsy; bloat; blood; body; calves; care; cases; cattle; caudal; cause; changes; chapter; choice; chronic; clinical; clinical signs; clinician; clinicopathologic; cobalt; coccidiostats; colic; collected; colon; colostrum; common; concentrations; condition; contamination; control; culture; cycle; damage; days; death; deficiency; dehydration; depression; deworming; diagnosis; diarrhea; diet; dietary; difficult; disease; distention; drugs; dry; effective; eggs; elevated; energy; environment; enzymes; epg; etec; ewes; examination; failure; fecal; feces; fed; feed; feeding; females; figure; flock; fluid; flukes; form; formation; free; frothy; gastrointestinal; general; glucose; goats; good; grain; grazing; gut; hay; helpful; high; host; hours; important; incidence; incision; increase; infected; infection; infective; ingestion; intake; intestine; johne; keepers; kids; lactic; lambs; large; larvae; left; levels; life; likely; limited; liver; liver disease; local; long; loss; low; management; method; mild; milk; mineral; mixed; months; motility; mucosa; negative; nematode; new; normal; numbers; obstruction; oral; organisms; outbreak; pain; parasites; pasture; pathogenesis; pattern; peritonitis; plants; poor; possible; presence; present; prevention; problem; procedure; production; prognosis; programs; prolapse; proper; protein; purse; quality; rectal; rectum; resistance; result; rumen; rumenitis; rumenotomy; ruminants; safe; salmonella; samples; secondary; serum; severe; sheep; signs; similar; skin; small; sodium; species; specific; stress; string; supportive; surgery; surgical; suture; systemic; technique; tests; therapy; time; tissue; toxemia; treatment; tube; type; ultrasonography; umbilical; useful; vaccination; values; wall; water; weeks; weight; year; young cache: cord-023165-f6o6owg3.txt plain text: cord-023165-f6o6owg3.txt item: #184 of 606 id: cord-023168-cd7adns8 author: Thachil, Jecko title: Haematological Diseases in the Tropics date: 2013-10-21 words: 30246 flesch: 37 summary: WHD/3 Information sheet for clinicians Development and evaluation of a new paediatric blood transfusion protocol for Africa Electrocardiographic ST-segment changes during acute, severe isovolemic hemodilution in humans Use of clinical judgement to guide administration of blood transfusions in Malawi Giving tranexamic acid to reduce surgical bleeding in sub-Saharan Africa: an economic evaluation Autologous transfusion techniques: a systematic review of their efficacy Intraoperative autologous blood management Artificial O2 carriers: status in 2005 Red blood cell transfusions in acute paediatrics Survival and haematological recovery of children with severe malaria transfused in accordance to WHO guidelines in Kilifi Intermittent preventive therapy for malaria with monthly artemether-lumefantrine for the post-discharge management of severe anaemia in children aged 4-59 months in southern Malawi: a multicentre, randomised, placebocontrolled trial Bacterial contamination of pediatric whole blood transfusions in a Kenyan hospital Bacterial contamination of blood and blood components in three major blood transfusion centres in Accra, Ghana Access the complete references online at Causes and outcomes of the acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease The acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease: incidence and risk factors Acute chest syndrome in sickle-cell disease Bronchoalveolar lavage in adult sickle cell patients with acute chest syndrome: value for diagnostic assessment of fat embolism Secretory phospholipase A(2) predicts impending acute chest syndrome in sickle cell disease Serum C-reactive protein parallels secretory phospholipase A2 in sickle cell disease patients with vasoocclusive crisis or acute chest syndrome Cerebrovascular accidents in sickle cell disease: rates and risk factors Pathophysiology and treatment of stroke in sicklecell disease: Present and future Lesion burden and cognitive morbidity in children with sickle cell disease Prevention of a first stroke by transfusions in children with sickle cell anemia and abnormal results on transcranial Doppler ultrasonography Silent infarction as a risk factor for overt stroke in children with sickle cell anemia: A report from the Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease Nocturnal hypoxaemia and central-nervoussystem events in sickle-cell disease Natural history of blood pressure in sickle cell disease: Risks for stroke and death associated with relative hypertension in sickle cell anemia Prophylaxis with oral penicillin in children with sickle cell anemia. keywords: abnormalities; absorption; acid; acs; activation; active; activity; acute; adequate; adults; affected; africa; agents; aids; anaemia; analysis; antibodies; anticoagulant; antiretroviral; appropriate; areas; art; assessment; associated; atll; available; bacterial; best; beta; bleeding; blood; blood cell; blood donors; blood film; blood transfusion; body; bone; bone marrow; box; burden; cardiac; care; cases; cause; cell; cell anemia; cell disease; central; cerebral; chains; changes; characteristic; chelation; chemotherapy; chest; childhood; children; chronic; clinical; clotting; cml; coagulation; combination; common; commonest; complications; concentration; conditions; contribute; copper; cost; countries; counts; crises; daily; damage; day; days; death; decreased; deficiencies; deficiency; dehydrogenase; dependent; destruction; development; diagnosis; different; disease; disorders; donors; dose; drop; drugs; e.g.; early; effective; effects; endothelial; enzyme; eosinophilia; epidemiology; episodes; erythrocytes; erythropoiesis; evidence; examination; excessive; exchange; exist; exposure; factor; failure; falciparum; features; fetal; fever; figure; film; folate; folate deficiency; folic; following; form; g6pd; gene; genetic; global; glucose-6; good; growth; guidelines; haematological; haemoglobin; haemolysis; hbf; hbs; health; helpful; hepatitis; high; higher; history; hiv; hiv infection; hodgkin; hospital; human; hydroxyurea; immune; immunodeficiency; impact; important; incidence; income; increased; individuals; infants; infected; infections; inflammatory; inhibitors; intake; intermedia; intermittent; interventions; intravascular; intravenous; iron; iron deficiency; laboratory; lack; lead; leukaemia; levels; life; likely; liver; long; loss; low; lymphocyte; lymphoid; lymphoma; major; malaria; malignant; management; manifestations; marrow; maternal; mechanisms; medical; mediterranean; mild; moderate; molecular; months; mortality; multiple; mutations; myeloid; myeloma; necessary; need; neutropenia; neutrophil; nhl; non; normal; number; nutrition; occlusion; older; oral; outcome; overload; oxygen; pain; painful; pathophysiology; patients; peripheral; phosphate; plasma; plasmodium; platelet; poor; population; potential; pregnancy; pregnant; presence; present; prevalence; prevention; primary; problems; process; production; products; protein; pulmonary; quality; rates; reactions; recurrent; red; red blood; red cell; regular; related; release; renal; replacement; requirements; response; result; review; risk; risk factors; role; saharan; scd; screening; secondary; serum; services; severe; severe anaemia; sickle; sickle cell; significant; signs; small; specialist; specific; splenectomy; splenomegaly; states; stroke; study; sub; supplementation; supplements; supply; support; surgery; survival; symptoms; syndrome; synthesis; system; table; tests; thalassaemia; thalassaemia major; therapy; thrombocytopenia; thromboembolism; thrombosis; time; tissue; transfusion; transmission; treatment; trial; tropical; type; underlying; unit; unusual; useful; vaso; virus; vitamin; vitamin b; voluntary; von; wealthy; weeks; white; willebrand; women; world; years; young; zinc cache: cord-023168-cd7adns8.txt plain text: cord-023168-cd7adns8.txt item: #185 of 606 id: cord-023216-avn8f2w3 author: None title: Symposium summaries date: 2004-10-18 words: 55740 flesch: 41 summary: The existence of an underlying defect in the airway immune response of CF patients remains controversial; however, increasing evidence suggests that the CF lung exhibits an exaggerated immune response even in the absence of bacterial infection (1;2). In CF patients with mild disease, compared with age-matched normal subjects, a reduced mucociliary clearance has been reported (4). keywords: abdominal; ability; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; absorption; acid; acquisition; acting; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; addition; adenylate; adherence; admissions; adolescents; adp; adults; aeruginosa; affected; age; agents; aggressive; airway; alterations; altered; amino; amp; analysis; anti; antibiotics; anxiety; apical; apoptotic; application; approach; appropriate; areas; asl; assessment; associated; association; atp; atpase; atypical; available; bacterial; basis; bcc; bearing; benefit; best; better; bile; biliary; binding; biochemical; blood; bone; breathing; camp; capacity; carbohydrate; care; cases; cause; cells; cellular; center; cepacia; cf airway; cf care; cf cells; cf center; cf diagnosis; cf disease; cf foundation; cf gene; cf hae; cf infants; cf lung; cf mice; cf mutation; cf newborn; cf patients; cf phenotype; cf respiratory; cf study; cfld; cfrd; cftr; cftr chloride; cftr expression; cftr function; cftr gene; cftr mutations; cftr protein; changes; channel; chest; children; chloride; chronic; chronic pain; ciliated; cirrhosis; clearance; clinical; combination; common; compared; complete; complex; complications; components; concentrations; concerns; conditions; conductance; consensus; consequences; consistent; content; contrast; control; core; correctors; correlation; cough; course; criteria; critical; culture; current; cystic fibrosis; cytokines; data; day; death; decision; decline; decreased; defect; defective; defense; deficiency; degree; delayed; delivery; density; dependent; development; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diet; differences; different; difficult; discovery; disease; dna; domain; dose; drug; dysfunction; early; effective; effects; efficacy; efforts; elevated; end; energy; environment; epithelial; epithelial cells; essential; established; evidence; example; exercise; experience; exposure; expression; factors; failure; families; family; fat; features; fev; fibrosis patients; findings; fluid; focused; folding; follow; foundation; frequency; frequent; function; gain; gating; gene; general; genetic; genome; genotype; gentamicin; gland; glandular; glucose; goal; good; greater; groups; growth; guidelines; health; healthcare; help; hepatic; high; higher; hospital; host; hpiv; hrqol; human; human cftr; hyperglycemia; hypertension; hypnosis; hypothesis; identification; ikk; il-8; illness; imaging; immune; impact; impaired; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; increasing; individual; induced; infants; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; injury; innate; insulin; intake; intensity; interactions; interventions; intestinal; invasive; involved; key; kinase; knowledge; known; lack; large; lead; levels; life; likely; limited; liquid; list; little; liver; liver disease; living; long; loss; lower; lung disease; lung function; lungs; major; majority; management; mass; matrix; measurements; measures; mechanisms; median; medical; members; membrane; metabolism; method; mice; mild; model; modifier; molecular; molecules; morbidity; mortality; mouse; mucociliary; mucus; multiple; muscle; mutant; mutant cftr; mutations; nasal; nature; nbd1; nbd2; necessary; need; negative; neonatal; neutrophil; newborn; non; nonsense; normal; normal cftr; novel; nucleotide; number; nutritional; observations; observed; obstruction; occur; open; opening; opportunity; optimal; oral; order; organ; outcomes; overall; pain; pancreatic; parents; particular; past; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathology; pathway; patterns; pediatric; people; performance; person; phenotype; phosphorylation; physical; physiotherapy; pip; pkc; poor; population; portal; positive; possible; post; potential; practice; presence; present; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problems; process; processes; processing; production; program; progression; properties; protein; providers; pseudomonas; psychological; pulmonary; pump; quality; range; rapid; rate; recent; receptor; recognition; reduced; registry; regulation; related; relationship; reported; reports; rescue; research; residual; resistance; respiratory; response; results; review; risk; role; screening; second; secretion; secretory; self; sensitive; sensitivity; serous; serum; severe; severity; short; siblings; signaling; significant; similar; single; site; small; sodium; species; specific; specificity; spectrum; sputum; stable; state; status; stellate; stimulation; story; strains; strategies; strategy; stress; structure; studies; study; subjects; sufficient; summary; support; surface; survival; sweat; symptoms; system; team; term; test; testing; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; time; tissue; tnf; tolerance; tract; transcript; transfer; transmembrane; transplant; transplantation; transport; treatment; trial; twins; type; understanding; unique; use; useful; values; variability; variation; variety; vectors; ventilation; viral; vitro; vivo; volume; waiting; water; weight; wide; wild; women; work; years; young; ∆508; ∆f508; ∆f508 cftr cache: cord-023216-avn8f2w3.txt plain text: cord-023216-avn8f2w3.txt item: #186 of 606 id: cord-023239-06a03o14 author: None title: II. Topic Sessions date: 2016-06-10 words: 33484 flesch: 34 summary: Several studies reported an association of preterm birth (30-36 weeks' GA) without clinical lung disease with altered lung development and function [2] . The Size and Lung function In Children (SLIC) study was designed to improve normative reference ranges for lung function by taking differences in body physique into account to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment of lung disease in all children, irrespective of ethnic background 7 . keywords: abnormal; acetylcholine; activation; activity; acute; addition; adenotonsillectomy; administration; adolescents; adults; age; aged; agents; airway; allergic; allergy; altered; alternative; analysis; antibiotic; anticholinergic; apnea; approach; appropriate; assessment; association; asthma; asthma control; available; bacterial; better; birth; body; bpd; breathing; bromide; bronchial; bronchiectasis; bronchopulmonary; care; case; cdhr3; cells; center; central; cf patients; cftr; changes; chest; childhood; childhood asthma; children; chronic; ciliary; class; clearance; clinical; cohort; collapse; combination; common; conditions; consensus; control; copd; countries; criteria; critical; cystic; cystic fibrosis; data; decrease; delivery; detection; development; diagnosis; differences; different; difficult; disease; disorders; dose; dynamic; dysfunction; dyskinesia; dysplasia; early; effect; effective; efficacy; endotracheal; environmental; epithelial; equations; ethnic; ethnicity; etiology; european; evidence; evolution; exacerbations; example; exposure; expression; factors; features; fev; fibrosis; findings; flow; follow; following; function; future; fvc; gas; gene; general; genetic; genome; gli; global; group; growth; guidelines; gwas; health; height; heterogeneous; high; higher; host; human; ics; imaging; immune; impaired; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; index; individual; induced; infants; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; inhaled; initial; intermittent; interpretation; intubation; ipratropium; lack; large; later; levels; life; likely; limited; loci; locus; long; longer; longitudinal; low; lower; lung; lung disease; lung function; maintenance; major; majority; management; maternal; measures; mechanical; mechanisms; medication; medicine; meta; methods; mice; microbes; microbiome; mild; models; moderate; months; morbidity; mortality; mri; mucus; multiple; muscarinic; muscle; mutations; nasal; ncpap; need; neonatal; nerve; new; newborn; nippv; non; normal; novel; number; obesity; observed; obstructive; odds; onset; organisms; osas; osdb; outcomes; overall; overlap; pancreatic; pathogenesis; pathogens; patients; pcd; pediatric; performance; period; persistent; phenotype; pneumonia; poor; population; positive; possible; post; potential; practice; premature; prematurity; preschool; preschool children; present; pressure; preterm; prevalence; prevention; primary; problems; production; proportion; prospective; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary function; quality; radiation; randomized; range; rapid; rate; rds; recent; receptors; recurrent; reference; related; relationship; release; remodeling; report; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; review; rhinovirus; risk; role; routine; rsv; screening; severe; severe asthma; severity; short; significant; similar; single; size; sleep; small; smooth; snoring; society; specific; specificity; spirometry; sputum; standard; statistical; steroids; strategies; strategy; strong; structural; studies; study; subjects; support; surfactant; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; systematic; technique; term; testing; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; tidal; time; tiotropium; tracheobronchomalacia; treatment; trial; tuberculosis; underlying; understanding; upper; use; utility; values; vascular; ventilation; viral; virus; viruses; volume; weeks; wheeze; wheezing; wide; years; young; young children cache: cord-023239-06a03o14.txt plain text: cord-023239-06a03o14.txt item: #187 of 606 id: cord-023367-ujflw19b author: Newcomer, Benjamin W. title: Diseases of the hematologic, immunologic, and lymphatic systems (multisystem diseases) [Image: see text] date: 2020-04-17 words: 33192 flesch: 48 summary: No treatment is available for border disease infection. Because blood gas analysis and exclusion of other diseases often are impractical, the term floppy kid syndrome frequently is used by owners to refer to any kid that is weak and does not have an overt, organ-specific sign (e.g., diarrhea). keywords: abnormalities; abscesses; absorption; acidosis; acute; addition; adequate; administration; adult; affected; affected animals; agents; alpha; america; analysis; anemia; animals; anorexia; antibodies; antibody; areas; assays; associated; available; azotemia; bacteria; best; beta; bicarbonate; biopsy; birth; black; blood; body; bone; bovine; brain; caev; calves; care; cases; cattle; cause; cells; central; cervids; changes; chapter; characteristic; chronic; clinical; clinical disease; clinical signs; clostridium; colostrum; common; concentration; conditions; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; copper; counts; course; culture; damage; dams; days; dead; death; deer; definitive; dehydration; depression; diagnosis; diarrhea; different; difficult; direct; disease; disorder; drugs; early; edema; effective; effects; efforts; electrolyte; elisa; elk; endemic; enteritis; enterotoxemia; environment; erythrocytes; evidence; ewes; examination; exposure; factors; failure; fatal; fawns; fecal; feces; fed; feed; fever; findings; flock; fluids; foot; form; fpt; function; gastrointestinal; generalized; goats; good; gram; gut; head; healthy; help; hemoglobinuria; hemolysis; hemolytic; hemorrhagic; herd; high; higher; history; host; hours; humans; identification; igg; immature; immune; immunity; immunoglobulin; important; increased; individual; infected; infected animals; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; ingestion; internal; intestinal; invasion; isolation; kidding; kids; lambing; lambs; large; lead; lesions; life; likely; liver; local; loss; low; lower; lung; lymph; lymphoma; major; malignant; management; marrow; masses; mastitis; maternal; membranes; meq; metabolic; method; microscopic; mild; milk; months; morbidity; mortality; mouth; mucous; muscle; mycoplasma; nasal; necropsy; necrosis; necrotic; needle; negative; neonatal; neonates; nervous; neutrophils; new; newborn; nodes; normal; north; novyi; numbers; old; older; onset; oral; organism; outbreak; ovis; parasites; paratuberculosis; parts; parturition; passive; pathogenesis; pathogens; pcr; penicillin; perfringens; pneumonia; poor; positive; possible; postmortem; potential; pregnant; presence; present; prevention; production; proliferation; pulmonary; quality; rapid; rare; rates; rbc; recent; recumbency; red; related; reported; respiratory; response; results; risk; role; ruminants; samples; season; secondary; sepsis; septicum; serologic; serotypes; serum; severe; shed; sheep; short; signs; similar; sites; skin; small; sodium; soil; solutions; source; species; specific; spleen; spp; spread; states; stress; study; subcutaneous; sudden; supportive; surface; susceptible; syndrome; systemic; systems; testing; tests; therapy; time; tissue; total; toxemia; toxin; tract; transfer; transmission; treatment; type; uncommon; uncomplicated; united; urine; useful; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccines; vector; vein; vesicular; viral; virus; viruses; volume; water; weakness; weeks; weight; white; wild; wound; year; young cache: cord-023367-ujflw19b.txt plain text: cord-023367-ujflw19b.txt item: #188 of 606 id: cord-023488-jf2xl3vl author: Le Duc, James W. title: Emerging Viral Diseases: Why We Need to Worry about Bats, Camels, and Airplanes date: 2016-02-12 words: 9387 flesch: 46 summary: Even though the era of modern virology has been well established for more than 65 years, virus diseases continue to appear or reemerge. Ebola virus disease in West Africa-The first 9 months of the epidemic and forward projections Gene loss and adaptation to hominids underlie the ancient origin of HIV-1 Sharp PM AIDS as a zoonosis: scientific and public health implications Nef proteins of epidemic HIV-1 group O strains antagonize human tetherin Vif proteins from diverse primate lentiviral lineages use the same binding site in APOBEC3G The origins of AIDS Origins of HIV and the AIDS pandemic keywords: ability; acute; africa; agent; aids; animals; areas; avian; barrier; bats; camels; cases; causal; cause; cell; chapter; chimpanzees; contact; control; coronavirus; countries; cov; cross; culture; cycle; different; disease; dramatic; ebola; ebola virus; effort; emergence; emergent; epidemic; epidemiological; established; etiology; evidence; example; fatal; fever; figure; food; global; group; hantavirus; health; hemorrhagic; high; hiv; host; human; identification; illness; important; increase; infected; infections; influenza; instances; isolated; isolation; limited; mers; methods; mice; modern; molecular; monkeys; months; mortality; mutations; new; new virus; novel; number; origin; outbreak; pandemic; pathogenesis; patients; period; population; public; putative; recent; reservoir; respiratory; response; sars; sequence; severe; similar; sivcpz; species; spread; states; strains; studies; susceptible; syndrome; table; time; transmission; united; unknown; urban; vector; viral; virology; virulence; virus; virus disease; viruses; west; world; years; yellow; zoonotic cache: cord-023488-jf2xl3vl.txt plain text: cord-023488-jf2xl3vl.txt item: #189 of 606 id: cord-023509-tvqpv6fp author: Corrin, Bryan title: Occupational, environmental and iatrogenic lung disease date: 2011-03-02 words: 42595 flesch: 39 summary: Aluminium powder holds a paradoxical position in regard to lung disease. 366 More directly, welders may be exposed to asbestos insulation that they themselves use, while welders of special steel alloys run the risk of metal-induced asthma, metal fume fever, polymer fume fever and the consequences of toxic metal fume inhalation, 367 all of which are described separately in this chapter, as is lung disease in aluminium welders. keywords: accidental; acid; active; activity; acute; acute lung; acute pulmonary; adjacent; adverse; affected; agents; air; airways; allergic; altitude; altitude pulmonary; aluminium; alveolar; alveolar damage; alveolar epithelial; alveolar fibrosis; alveolar macrophages; alveoli; alveolitis; amiodarone; amosite; amounts; amphibole; amphibole asbestos; analysis; analytical; animal; antibodies; appearances; areas; arteries; artery; asbestos; asbestos asbestos; asbestos bodies; asbestos dust; asbestos exposure; asbestos fibres; asbestos workers; asphyxia; aspiration; associated; association; asthma; atomic; attributable; autopsy; barium; basis; berylliosis; beryllium; beryllium disease; biopsy; birefringent; black; blast; bleomycin; blood; bodies; body; box; bronchial; bronchioles; bronchiolitis; bronchitis; bronchoalveolar; burden; byssinosis; carbon; carcinoma; cardiac; cases; cause; cells; central; centriacinar; certain; changes; characteristic; chemical; chest; chloride; chronic; chrysotile; cigarette; clearance; clinical; coal; coal pneumoconiosis; coal workers; coalminers; coated; cobalt; cocaine; collagen; collapse; combined; common; complicated; complications; compounds; concentrations; condition; consist; content; contrast; correlation; cotton; cough; countries; counts; course; criteria; crystalline; crystals; cytotoxic; damage; dangerous; days; death; degree; dependent; deposition; described; desquamative; development; diagnosis; diameter; different; diffuse; diffuse alveolar; diffuse interstitial; dioxide; diseases; distress; distribution; dose; drowning; drug; dry; dust; dust exposure; dust particles; dust pneumoconiosis; e.g.; early; earth; effects; electron; embolism; emphysema; eosinophilia; epithelial; evidence; evident; example; exogenous; experimental; exposure; extrinsic; factor; failure; fatal; features; fever; fibres; fibrogenic; fibrotic; fibrous; fig; filler; findings; fine; fluid; focal; follow; foreign; form; free; fume; function; gas; general; granulomas; granulomatous; greater; growth; haemorrhage; hard; health; heart; heavy; high; hilar; histological; human; human lung; humidifier; hyaline; hypersensitivity; hypoxia; idiopathic pulmonary; illness; immune; immunological; important; incidence; increase; individual; industrial; industry; inert; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; ingested; ingestion; inhalation; inhaled; injuries; interstitial; interstitial fibrosis; interstitial lung; interstitial pneumonia; interstitial pulmonary; intravenous; iron; irritant; known; laboratory; large; lavage; lead; left; length; lesions; levels; liable; light; likely; lipid; liquid; literature; little; liver; lobes; long; longer; loss; lower; lung; lung asbestos; lung cancer; lung damage; lung disease; lung dust; lung fibrosis; lung function; lung injury; lung pulmonary; lung tissue; lymph; macrophages; major; manufacture; marijuana; marked; marrow; massive; massive fibrosis; material; mechanisms; medical; membranes; mesothelioma; metal; microprobe; microscopy; mineral; mineral dust; miners; mining; mixed; molecular; months; mortality; mountain; myalgia; natural; near; necessary; necrosis; new; nitrogen; nodes; nodules; non; normal; number; obliterans; obliterative; observations; obstructive; occupational; oedema; oil; onset; opacities; organic; organising; oxygen; ozone; page; pain; paraffin; paraquat; particles; particular; parts; pathogenesis; pathological; pathology; patients; pattern; people; period; pleural; pneumoconiosis; pneumonia; pneumonitis; pneumothorax; poisoning; pollution; population; positive; postpneumonectomy; powder; presence; present; pressure; principal; process; production; progressive; prolonged; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary alveolar; pulmonary arteries; pulmonary changes; pulmonary damage; pulmonary disease; pulmonary fibrosis; pulmonary function; pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary oedema; pulmonary toxicity; pure; radiation; radicals; radiological; range; rank; rapid; rare; rat lung; rats; ray; reaction; related; relation; relationship; release; report; respiratory; respiratory disease; response; responsible; result; review; rheumatoid; rich; risk; rock; role; sarcoidosis; sections; severe; short; sickness; silica; silica particles; silicates; siliceous; silicosis; silicotic; similar; simple; size; skin; small; smokers; smoking; space; specific; stenosis; structure; studies; study; substances; surface; symptoms; syndrome; syndrome pulmonary; systemic; table; talc; technique; term; test; therapy; time; tissue; tobacco; total; toxicity; tracheal; tract; trade; transplantation; treatment; tryptophan; tuberculosis; tumour; type; uncoated; unusual; upper; variety; ventilation; vessels; vitro; walls; water; welders; widespread; workers; world; years cache: cord-023509-tvqpv6fp.txt plain text: cord-023509-tvqpv6fp.txt item: #190 of 606 id: cord-023528-z9rc0ubj author: Wilkins, Pamela A. title: Disorders of Foals date: 2009-05-18 words: 42606 flesch: 40 summary: A syndrome of bronchointerstitial pneumonia and acute respiratory distress has been described in older foals and appears to be a distinct entity from acute respiratory distress syndrome in neonatal foals in association with sepsis. One can use these measurements and the ultrasonographic appearance of the internal umbilical structures from clinically normal foals as references to diagnose abnormalities of the umbilical structures in neonatal foals. keywords: abdominal; ability; abnormalities; acid; acidosis; activity; acute; additional; adequate; administration; adult; affected foals; age; agents; air; airway; alloantibodies; angular; antibodies; antibody; antimicrobial; apnea; appearance; approach; appropriate; areas; arterial; arthritis; asphyxia; aspiration; associated; association; atresia; attempt; attention; author; available; bacterial; bandage; base; bearing; beneficial; benefit; best; bicarbonate; bilateral; birth; bladder; blood; blood gas; body; bone; brain; breathing; broad; cardiac; care; carpal; carpus; cartilage; cases; cause; cell; central; cerebral; changes; chest; choice; chronic; circulation; clinical; clinical signs; clinician; coaptation; colic; colostral; colostrum; combined; common; comparison; complete; concentration; condition; conformation; congenital; constant; control; correction; culture; current; dam; damage; days; death; decreased; defects; deformities; degree; delivery; depression; development; deviations; diagnosis; diarrhea; difficult; direct; disease; disorders; distal; distress; dopamine; dose; drug; dysfunction; early; edema; effective; effects; efficacy; electrolyte; encephalopathy; enteral; enterocolitis; environment; epinephrine; equine; erythrocytes; erythromycin; evaluation; evidence; examination; excessive; exercise; external; factors; failure; feces; feeding; fetal; fetlock; fetus; fever; field; findings; flexural; flow; fluid; fluid therapy; foal blood; foal syndrome; foals; foals clinical; foals failure; following; fpt; fractures; free; frequent; function; gastric; gastrointestinal; gestation; glucose; goal; good; greater; group; growth; healthy; heart; hie; high; history; horse foals; horses; hours; human; hypercapnia; hypertension; hypoxemia; hypoxia; igg; ill; ill foals; immunity; immunoglobulin; important; improved; incidence; increased; infants; infected; infection; infusion; initial; injury; inotrope; intensive; intracellular; intranasal; intravenous; involved; ischemic; isoerythrolysis; joint; kg foal; lack; lameness; large; lateral; laxity; left; length; lesions; levels; life; ligamentous; likely; limb; liver; loading; local; location; long; loss; losses; low; lung; magnesium; maintenance; management; mares; mass; maternal; mean; mechanical; meconium; medical; membrane; metabolic; mild; milk; moderate; monitor; months; mucosal; multiple; muscle; musculoskeletal; naloxone; necessary; need; negative; neonatal foals; neonatal isoerythrolysis; neonate; neurologic; newborn foals; nicu; normal; normal foals; nutritional; older foals; onset; organism; orthopedic; ossification; osteomyelitis; outcome; output; overload; oxygen; packed; parturition; passive; pathogens; pathophysiology; patients; pattern; perfusion; perinatal; period; periosteal; persistent; placental; plasma; pneumonia; poor; positive; possible; potential; pph; practitioners; pregnancy; premature; prematurity; presence; present; pressor; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; problems; production; products; prognosis; prophylaxis; protein; proximal; pulmonary; radiographs; rare; rate; rats; receptor; rectum; recumbency; renal; reported; respiratory; response; result; resuscitation; retention; review; rhodococcus; risk; role; rotation; rupture; secondary; secretion; seizures; sepsis; septic; septic foals; serum; severe; severity; shock; short; significant; signs; similar; site; small; sodium; soft; source; specific; spectrum; splints; structures; studies; study; sucralfate; sulfate; support; supportive; surgery; surgical; survival; swelling; syndrome; system; systemic; table; tachycardia; tarsal; temperature; term; tests; therapeutic; therapy; thorax; thoroughbred; thought; time; tissue; total; tract; transfer; transfusion; transition; trauma; treatment; tube; type; ulceration; ulcers; ultrasonographic; umbilical; umbilicus; unknown; urinary; urine; uroperitoneum; use; useful; utero; valgus; values; vascular; vasopressin; ventilation; vessels; virus; vitamin; volume; wall; water; weeks; weight; white; years; young; young foals cache: cord-023528-z9rc0ubj.txt plain text: cord-023528-z9rc0ubj.txt item: #191 of 606 id: cord-023584-yaxawqhj author: Bucknall, R.A. title: The Continuing Search for Antiviral Drugs date: 2008-04-10 words: 8499 flesch: 45 summary: Research into the treatment of virus diseases by drugs is at present directed toward three general areas: (1) attempts to stimulate the defense mechanism of the host animal, (2) large screening programs to find drugs which directly block some virus-specific process, and (3) alleviation of the symptoms of the disease. Because of this, it is usually assumed that antiviral drugs will only be of value in preventing and not in curing virus diseases. keywords: acid; active; activity; agar; agents; animal; antiviral; antiviral activity; antiviral drugs; case; cells; cellular; challenge; chance; changes; chemical; ciliary; cold; common; compounds; concentrations; control; course; culture; cytopathic; difficult; direct; disease; dose; drugs; dsa; effects; example; fact; general; growth; host; human; important; infected; infection; influenza; inhibition; interferon; large; leads; low; lower; maximum; medium; metabolism; method; models; natural; nucleic; numbers; period; positive; possible; potential; present; process; protection; rate; red; research; respiratory; results; rna; screening; screens; small; specific; symptoms; synthesis; system; tamm; target; test; test compounds; time; tissue; tissue culture; toxicity; treatment; uptake; useful; vaccines; value; veterinary; virus; virus diseases; virus growth; viruses cache: cord-023584-yaxawqhj.txt plain text: cord-023584-yaxawqhj.txt item: #192 of 606 id: cord-023711-xz5ftnat author: MORENO-LÓPEZ, J. title: Acute Respiratory Disease in Cattle date: 2013-11-17 words: 1526 flesch: 45 summary: The symptomatology of acute respiratory disease is similar in different outbreaks and includes depression, inappétence, dullness, increased respiration and pulse rates in the early stages. As diagnostic techniques become more widely applied, an increasing number of viruses has been isolated from cattle with acute respiratory disease. keywords: acute; adenoviruses; agents; animals; bacteria; bovine; bvdv; cattle; cause; cell; common; countries; disease; enteric; etiology; fever; infection; outbreaks; pi3; respiratory; single; tract; type; usa; virus; viruses cache: cord-023711-xz5ftnat.txt plain text: cord-023711-xz5ftnat.txt item: #193 of 606 id: cord-023913-pnjhi8cu author: Foreman, Stephen title: Broader Considerations of Medical and Dental Data Integration date: 2011-10-08 words: 47672 flesch: 38 summary: Over the past decade evidence has been building that there is a relationship between dental disease, particularly periodontal disease, and chronic illnesses. Dentists will need to be alert for early signs of chronic illness among their patients and physicians will need to be alert for signs of dental disease. keywords: access; action; additional; adults; advanced; affected; aggressive; alleles; alternative; american; american dental; ammation; ammatory; analysis; annual; application; approach; appropriate; areas; arthritis; association; available; average; basic; benefi; benefi ts; better; bioterrorism; blood; blue; cancers; cardiovascular; cardiovascular disease; care costs; care providers; caries; case; causes; cavity; cell; center; central; certain; challenges; changes; childhood; children; chromosome; chronic; chronic disease; chronic health; chronic periodontal; ciency; cient; cigna; ckd; clear; clinical; clinical care; clinical data; clinical research; clinicians; clinics; cms; collaboration; colleagues; collection; common; communication; community; community health; complex; complications; comprehensive; computer; conditions; confi; consequences; consortium; control; coronary; costs; coverage; craniofacial; critical; cross; current; curriculum; data; database; day; death; decade; decision; defi; delivery; demonstration; dental; dental association; dental benefi; dental care; dental clinic; dental coverage; dental data; dental disease; dental education; dental electronic; dental health; dental informatics; dental insurance; dental patient; dental profession; dental providers; dental record; dental research; dental schools; dental services; dental students; dental treatment; dental visit; dentistry; dentists; department; design; detection; development; diabetes; diabetics; diagnosis; different; diffi; direct; disability; disease; disorders; dna; drug; early; economic; edr; educational; effective; effectiveness; effects; effi; efforts; ehr; ehrs; eld; electronic; electronic health; enamel; entire; entities; entry; environment; epigenetic; equivalent; essential; estimate; et al; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; example; exchange; existing; expenditures; experience; extended; extramural; factors; faculty; failure; families; family; federal; fhc; fig; focused; following; forms; foundation; fragile; frequency; function; future; general; genes; genetic; genome; gerd; gingival; good; government; greater; group; hand; head; health care; health center; health information; health insurance; health professionals; health record; health system; healthcare; heart; help; heritability; high; higher; history; home; hospitals; human; hygiene; hypertension; identifi; iehr; illness; impact; impairment; implementation; important; improved; incidence; increased; independent; individuals; industry; infarction; infectious; infl; information; initiative; institute; insurance coverage; integrated; integration; intellectual; involved; iom; issues; key; kidney; knowledge; lack; large; lead; learning; level; life; likely; limited; linkage; little; local; long; loss; low; lower; major; majority; making; management; mapping; markers; marshfi; mechanisms; medicaid; medicaid dental; medical; medical care; medical costs; medical health; medicare; medication; medicine; members; metabolic; methods; methylation; michigan; models; moderate; molecular; months; mother; mouth; multiple; myocardial; national; national health; ndings; necessary; ned; need; neurodevelopmental; new; new dental; non; number; numerous; offi; opportunities; opportunity; oral care; oral disease; oral health; outcomes; overall; pain; paper; particular; past; patient; patient care; patient information; patient record; patterns; pediatric; people; percent; periodontal disease; periodontitis; persons; phenytoin; physician; pipeline; plan; planning; point; policy; poor; population; portion; possible; potential; practice; practitioners; pregnancy; presence; present; preterm; prevalence; preventive; preventive dental; primary; primary care; private; private dental; private health; problem; process; professionals; program; progress; progression; project; providers; public health; purposes; quality; rare; recent; recommendations; record; reduction; refl; reform; related; relationship; report; research; researchers; residents; response; result; retinal; review; rheumatoid; risk; role; rst; rural; savings; scale; secondary; section; security; seizure; sequencing; services; set; severe; shared; sharing; signifi; signs; similar; single; sites; software; source; special; specifi; spending; standards; state; status; stroke; strong; structural; students; studies; study; substantial; success; support; surgeon; surveillance; survey; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; team; technologies; technology; teeth; terms; time; tool; tooth; total; training; traits; treatment; trials; type; underserved; uninsured; unique; united; university; use; value; variants; variation; visit; way; wide; willing; wong; work; workforce; years; � ¢ cache: cord-023913-pnjhi8cu.txt plain text: cord-023913-pnjhi8cu.txt item: #194 of 606 id: cord-023942-vrs3je1x author: Powers, Karen S. title: Acute Pulmonary Infections date: 2011-12-16 words: 11280 flesch: 40 summary: High risk children include those with sickle cell disease and other types of functional asplenia, human immunodefi ciency syndrome, primary immunodefi ciency, children receiving immunosuppressive therapy, and children with chronic pulmonary or cardiac disease. I N FECTIONS high risk children who need expanded serotype coverage. keywords: acute; age; airway; alveolar; ammatory; antibody; antigen; antiviral; associated; asthma; atelectasis; aureus; available; bacterial; blood; bronchiolitis; cap; care; cases; cause; cell; chest; children; chlamydia; chronic; ciencies; ciency; clinical; common; community; complicated; complications; congenital; consolidation; contact; corticosteroids; cough; course; cultures; days; deaths; decrease; detection; development; diagnosis; diffi; disease; distress; early; effective; effusions; elevated; failure; fever; following; gram; greater; group; h1n1; hbov; healthy; heart; high; hmpv; hospitalization; hospitalized; host; human; immune; immunodefi; incidence; infants; infected; infections; infi; infl; infl uenza; intensive; leading; levels; life; likely; lower; ltrates; lung; majority; mechanical; mechanisms; months; mortality; mrsa; nasal; neuraminidase; non; normal; older; organisms; oxygen; palivizumab; parainfl; pathogens; patients; pediatric; pleural; pneumonia; positive; present; pressure; primary; production; pulmonary; randomized; rare; recent; resistance; respiratory; respiratory tract; response; ribavirin; risk; rst; rsv; secondary; serotypes; severe; signifi; small; specifi; streptococcus; studies; study; supportive; symptoms; syncytial; syndrome; therapy; times; tract; treatment; trial; uenza; uid; upper; vaccine; ventilation; viral; virus; viruses; weeks; wheezing; years; young; younger cache: cord-023942-vrs3je1x.txt plain text: cord-023942-vrs3je1x.txt item: #195 of 606 id: cord-024048-xj6245hn author: Moya, Alfonso title: Congenital Peripheral Vestibular Syndrome in a Domestic Ferret (Mustela putorius furo) date: 2014-06-05 words: 3298 flesch: 40 summary: 7, 8 Lesions located in receptors of the membranous labyrinth and vestibulocochlear nerve deficits result in peripheral vestibular disease. The anatomic diagnosis of peripheral vestibular disease is made in the absence of clinical disease signs associated with the medulla. keywords: abnormalities; anesthesia; animals; ataxia; auditory; baer; balance; brainstem; cats; causes; central; citicoline; clinical; complete; congenital; deafness; development; diagnostic; disease; disorders; dogs; ear; evaluation; evoked; examination; ferret; fluid; furo; head; hearing; imaging; initial; inner; left; lesion; life; limbs; middle; month; mri; mustela; nerve; neurologic; normal; patient; peripheral; putorius; recovery; results; sensorineural; sequences; signs; syndrome; system; test; tilt; treatment; vestibular; vestibular disease cache: cord-024048-xj6245hn.txt plain text: cord-024048-xj6245hn.txt item: #196 of 606 id: cord-024058-afgvztwo author: None title: Engineering a Global Response to Infectious Diseases: This paper presents a more robust, adaptable, and scalable engineering infrastructure to improve the capability to respond to infectious diseases.Contributed Paper date: 2015-02-17 words: 5594 flesch: 35 summary: key: cord-024058-afgvztwo authors: nan title: Engineering a Global Response to Infectious Diseases: This paper presents a more robust, adaptable, and scalable engineering infrastructure to improve the capability to respond to infectious diseases. Infectious diseases are a major cause of death and economic impact worldwide. keywords: acid; agents; algorithms; analysis; animal; applications; approaches; associated; biology; care; cause; challenges; clinical; complex; data; deaths; design; detection; development; different; digital; disease; dna; ebola; effective; electronic; engineering; engineers; environmental; example; fig; food; framework; genome; global; health; host; human; impact; individual; infectious; infectious disease; influenza; information; infrastructure; innovative; interventions; issues; life; like; management; manufacturing; medical; methods; microbes; network; new; nucleic; opportunities; organisms; outbreak; pandemic; paper; pathogen; potential; powerful; privacy; public; public health; research; response; scale; scientific; seasonal; sequence; sequencing; significant; strains; support; surveillance; systems; technology; timely; traditional; vaccines; virus; viruses cache: cord-024058-afgvztwo.txt plain text: cord-024058-afgvztwo.txt item: #197 of 606 id: cord-024087-j6riw1ir author: Stikova, Elisaveta title: Strengthening the Early-Warning Function of the Surveillance System: The Macedonian Experience date: 2010-07-30 words: 4221 flesch: 38 summary: Surveillance of communicable diseases in the activities/surveillance/Pages/StrategiesPrinciples_Long-termStrategy Improvement of a national public health Notifiable disease surveillance and practicing physicians What is epidemic intelligence, org/ViewArticle.aspx? If syndromic surveillance is the answer, what is the question? Surveillance for early detection and monitoring of infectious disease outbreaks associated with bioterrorism The Global Public Health Intelligence Network and early warning outbreak detection: a Canadian contribution to global public health Strengthening early warning function of surveillance in the Republic of Serbia: lessons learned after a year of ArticleId=465 The emerging science of very early detection of disease outbreaks Syndromic surveillance: a local perspective Microbial threats to health: emergence, detection, and response Syndromic surveillance and bioterrorism-related epidemics Enhanced drop-in syndromic surveillance Epidemiological response to syndromic surveillance signals Updated guidelines for evaluating public health surveillance systems: recommendations from the Guidelines Working Group Epidemic intelligence: a new framework for strengthening disease surveillance in Europe Investigation of disease outbreaks detected by syndromic surveillance systems Syndromic surveillance in public health practice Hot spots in a wired world: WHO surveillance of emerging and reemerging infectious diseases Retrospective validation of a surveillance system from unexplained illness and death Syndrome definitions for diseases associated with critical bioterrorism-associated agents The early warning and response system for communicable diseases in the EU: an overview from Epidemic alert and verification: summary report for ? Diverse names used to describe public health surveillance systems for early outbreak detection include: However, syndromic surveillance is the term that has persisted. keywords: acute; alert; care; cases; communicable; concern; control; countries; data; definitions; detection; diseases; early; emergencies; epidemic; european; events; ewars; fever; framework; global; health; ihr; influenza; information; international; level; macedonia; measures; new; nphi; number; organization; outbreaks; potential; prone; public; public health; regional; reporting; republic; response; sars; sources; specific; spread; strengthening; surveillance; syndrome; syndromic; syndromic surveillance; systems; table; threats; threshold; timely; units; virus; warning; world; world health cache: cord-024087-j6riw1ir.txt plain text: cord-024087-j6riw1ir.txt item: #198 of 606 id: cord-024088-020rgz5t author: Radandt, Siegfried title: Governance of Occupational Safety and Health and Environmental Risks date: 2008 words: 39342 flesch: 43 summary: Why should we include this topic in a book that is dominantly dealing with occupational health risks and safety issues? Actions implementing risk management decisions. keywords: acceptance; accidents; account; action; activities; actual; addition; affected; agreement; aim; alternatives; analysis; analytical; application; applied; approach; appropriate; areas; arguments; aspects; available; basis; behaviour; beings; benefits; best; better; binding; biological; capable; capacity; care; carrying; case; categorical; categories; causal; causes; challenges; changes; chapter; characterized; chemical; choice; combinations; common; company; complex; complexity; components; concept; concerned; conditions; conflicts; connection; consensus; consequences; conservation; considerations; context; control; countries; criteria; cultural; damage; data; decision; decision analysis; decision making; degree; deliberative; design; determined; developed; development; differences; different; difficult; discourse; discussion; diseases; disorders; dominant; economic; effects; elements; energy; enterprises; environment; epidemiology; equipment; ergonomics; essential; estimate; ethical; ethics; european; evaluation; event; evidence; example; expected; experience; experts; exposure; extent; external; factors; failure; far; fault; figure; finnish; following; formal; forms; framework; frequency; function; future; general; global; goals; good; governance; groups; guide; hand; harm; hazardous; hazards; health; help; high; higher; hours; human; human health; iec; impact; important; increase; individual; industrial; industrialized; influence; information; intended; internal; international; interventions; involved; issues; job; judgements; justification; justified; key; knowledge; large; legal; level; life; limit; list; living; long; machine; main; maintenance; major; making; materials; means; measures; methods; model; modern; monitoring; moral; morbidity; multi; musculoskeletal; natural; nature; necessary; need; negative; new; new work; noise; non; normative; number; objective; occupational; occupational diseases; occupational health; occupational safety; occurrence; operating; operation; options; order; organizational; outcomes; overall; pain; parameters; partial; participants; participation; particular; parts; people; performance; person; perspective; physical; physiocentric; place; point; policy; political; population; positive; possibilities; possible; potential; practical; preferences; present; prevention; primary; principles; priorities; probability; problems; procedure; process; processes; products; professional; properties; property; protection; psychological; public; quality; quantitative; question; range; rational; recognized; regard; related; relationship; relevant; renn; repair; requirements; research; resources; respect; result; review; rights; risk; risk analysis; risk assessment; risk evaluation; risk factors; risk governance; risk management; role; rules; safety; science; scientific; second; section; selection; self; sense; services; set; simple; single; situation; small; social; society; solutions; special; species; specific; standards; state; statements; steps; strain; strategies; stress; structure; structuring; studies; substances; system; systematic; table; task; technical; technologies; technology; term; theory; time; today; tolerable; tools; total; trade; traditional; tree; true; types; uncertainty; und; understanding; unit; unwelcome; use; valid; validity; value; variation; view; way; ways; work; work environment; work life; workers; working; workplace; world; year cache: cord-024088-020rgz5t.txt plain text: cord-024088-020rgz5t.txt item: #199 of 606 id: cord-024134-ym7ce5ux author: Chawla, Sonam title: Preparing for the Perpetual Challenges of Pandemics of Coronavirus Infections with Special Focus on SARS-CoV-2 date: 2020-04-30 words: 6816 flesch: 32 summary: Grossly, the extent of success of each pandemic action plan stands on the following pillars: • Surveillance of coronavirus-2 and COVID-19 infection: characterization of the virus, infection modes, diagnosing and detecting infection, contact tracing, annotation of data from confirmed cases, predicting mass infection outbreak, keeping a count, and estimation of mortality. R 0 of COVID-19 infection is estimated as 2-3.5 in the early phase, as even the asymptomatic patients or with mild pneumonia extruded large amounts of virus . keywords: action; antiviral; asymptomatic; cases; china; clinical; community; contact; control; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; coworkers; data; diagnostic; disease; disinfection; distancing; early; economic; emergency; epidemic; face; future; global; groups; healthcare; high; hospitalization; https://; human; hygiene; implementation; important; individuals; infected; infection; international; interventions; isolation; january; key; management; march; measures; medical; model; mortality; national; need; new; non; novel; number; outbreak; pandemic; patients; people; period; personal; personnel; pharmaceutical; phase; plans; platelet; potential; preparedness; present; providers; public; quarantine; rapid; rate; respiratory; response; restrictions; risk; samples; sars; service; severe; social; spread; stage; study; supplies; supply; support; surveillance; system; testing; time; tool; tracing; transmission; travel; treatment; use; vaccines; world; worldwide; wuhan cache: cord-024134-ym7ce5ux.txt plain text: cord-024134-ym7ce5ux.txt item: #200 of 606 id: cord-024189-t7mbsr25 author: Weyand, Cornelia M. title: Vasculitides date: 2008 words: 26662 flesch: 38 summary: The P-ANCA pattern, which usually corresponds to the presence of MPO-ANCA in vasculitis patients, occurs in approximately 10% of patients with WG, but is more typical of MPA, the CSS, and renal-limited vasculitis. No pathognomic test for PMR is available; exclusion of other diseases with similar clinical presentations is essential. keywords: aav; aavs; abdominal; abnormalities; activation; active; activity; acute; addition; adventitia; affected; age; agents; american; ammation; ammatory; analysis; anca; aneurysms; angiitis; angiography; anterior; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antineutrophil; aorta; aortic; appropriate; areas; arterial; arteries; arteritis; artery; aspirin; associated; association; azathioprine; behçet; biopsies; biopsy; blood; branches; capillaries; cardiac; cases; cause; cell; central; cerebral; changes; characteristic; children; chronic; churg; cial; ciency; cient; classifi; clear; clinical; combination; common; complement; complex; complexes; complications; confi; contrast; coronary; countries; course; criteria; critical; cryoglobulinemia; css; cult; cutaneous; cyclophosphamide; cytoplasmic; damage; data; day; defi; deposition; diagnosis; diffi; direct; disease; disease fl; disorder; dose; dysfunction; effective; effects; elastic; elevated; endothelial; eosinophilic; essential; evidence; examination; example; factor; features; fever; fi ndings; figure; following; formation; forms; gamma; gastrointestinal; gca; giant; glomerulonephritis; glucocorticoids; granulomatosis; group; hearing; heart; hepatitis; high; hla; hsp; human; hypersensitivity; iga; imaging; immune; immunofl; immunoglobulin; immunosuppressive; incidence; infection; infi; infl; infl ammation; infl ammatory; initial; injury; insuffi; intravenous; involved; involvement; ischemia; ivig; kawasaki; kawasaki disease; laboratory; large; lead; lesions; levels; likely; limited; long; loss; low; ltrates; lumen; macrophages; magnetic; maintenance; major; manifestations; medium; methotrexate; months; morbidity; mortality; mpa; mucocutaneous; multiple; muscle; ndings; necrosis; necrotizing; ned; negative; nerve; nervous; neuropathy; neutrophils; nodosa; nodules; nonspecifi; ocular; older; onset; organ; pacns; pain; pan; patients; pattern; peripheral; phase; pmr; polyarteritis; polymyalgia; positive; potential; pr3; prednisone; presence; present; primary; process; produce; production; protein; pulmonary; purpura; rare; rate; recent; recurrent; remission; renal; renal disease; reported; resonance; respiratory; response; result; rheumatica; rheumatoid; risk; role; rst; serum; setting; severe; signs; sized; skin; small; specifi; stenosis; strauss; studies; study; subset; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; table; takayasu; temporal; term; therapy; thrombosis; tissue; titers; tract; treatment; trial; type; typical; ulcers; uorescence; upper; urticarial; use; useful; uveitis; vascular; vasculitis; vessel; vessel vasculitis; visual; wall; weeks; wegener; years; young cache: cord-024189-t7mbsr25.txt plain text: cord-024189-t7mbsr25.txt item: #201 of 606 id: cord-024651-578c9ut5 author: None title: 2020 CIS Annual Meeting: Immune Deficiency & Dysregulation North American Conference date: 2020-05-11 words: 84772 flesch: 43 summary: CARD11 deficiency was confirmed by stimulating patient B cells with phorbol 12-myristate 13 acetate (PMA) and ionomycin and immunoblotting for signalling proteins in both the NF-κB (IKKα/β, IκBα, p65) and MAPK (MEK1/2, MKK4, JNK1/2, ERK1/2) pathways as well as cleavage substrates of the MALT1 paracaspase (RELB, CYLD, BCL10, HOIL1). Furthermore, RNA-Seq confirmed the developmental block observed in patient B cells and suggested that B cells were halted at the centroblast to centrocyte transition. keywords: aan; abdominal; abnormal; abnormalities; abscess; absence; absent; absolute; abstract; acid; activation; active; activity; acute; ada; adaptive; addition; adequate; administration; admission; adult; adverse; affected; affected patients; age; ages; aic; aiha; aim; allele; allergic; allergy; allogeneic; alpha; alps; alps patients; alternative; analysis; anemia; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apds; apeced; apoptosis; approach; appropriate; areas; arpc1b; arthritis; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asymptomatic; ataxia; atopic; atopy; atypical; aureus; autoantibodies; autoantibody; autoimmune; autoimmunity; autoinflammatory; autosomal; available; average; b cells; background; bacteremia; bacterial; bacterial infections; baseline; benioff; best; beta; better; biallelic; bilateral; binding; biologic; biomarker; biopsies; biopsy; birth; blood; bone; bortezomib; bowel; boy; brain; broad; bronchiectasis; busulfan; campylobacter; cancer; candida; candidiasis; card11; care; carriers; case; case presentation; case report; causes; causing; cd18; cd19; cd20; cd3; cd34; cd4; cd8; cd8 t; cell lymphopenia; cell transplantation; cells; cellular; cellulitis; center; central; cgd; cgd patients; changes; characteristics; characterized; chart; chemotherapy; chest; chief; childhood; children; chimerism; chronic; classic; clear; clinical; clinical presentation; cmv; cohort; colitis; combination; combined; common; compartment; complement; complete; complex; complicated; complications; compound; concern; conclusion; conditioning; conditions; confirmed; congenital; consanguineous; consensus; consistent; continued; control; copy; correlation; corticosteroids; count; course; criteria; critical; crucial; csf; ctla-4; ctla4; culture; cutaneous; cvid; cxcr4; cycles; cyclosporine; cytokine; cytometry; cytopenias; daily; data; database; date; days; death; decision; decreased; defective; defects; deficiencies; deficiency; deficiency patients; delay; deletion; demographic; department; dependent; dermatitis; description; detailed; detection; development; dexamethasone; dgs; diagnosis; diarrhea; different; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; discharge; discussion; disease; disorders; distinct; diversity; division; dna; domain; dominant; donor; dose; dosing; drug; ds patients; dupilumab; dysfunction; dysregulation; earlier; early; ebv; eczema; effect; effective; effector; elevated; encoding; enteropathy; eosinophils; episodes; essential; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; exam; exome; exon; expansion; exposure; expression; extensive; extent; face; factor; failure; families; family; fas; fatal; father; fbs; features; febrile; female; fever; fibroblasts; fibrosis; figure; findings; flow; fludarabine; following; formation; forms; foxp3; free; frequency; frequent; function; fungal; future; gain; gastrointestinal; gata2; gene; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; germline; girl; glild; glycosylation; gof; gof patients; grade; graft; granulomatous; greater; group; growth; gvhd; half; haploinsufficiency; hct; healthy; heart; helper; hematopoietic; hemolytic; hepatitis; hepatosplenomegaly; herpes; heterogeneous; heterozygous; hhv-6; hies; high; higher; highest; history; hiv; hla; hlh; homozygous; hospital; hospitalization; host; hours; hpo; hsct; human; humoral; hyperplasia; hypertension; hypogammaglobulinemia; ibd; identification; idiopathic; ifn; iga; ige; igg; igg2; igg4; igm; igrt; ikaros; ikzf1; il-18; il-6; ilcs; imaging; immune; immune cells; immune deficiency; immune dysregulation; immune evaluation; immune response; immune system; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunologists; immunology; immunophenotyping; immunosuppressive; impact; impaired; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; index; individuals; induced; induction; infants; infections; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; infusion; inhibitor; initial; initiation; innate; institute; institution; interferon; interstitial; intracellular; intravenous; introduction; invasive; involvement; ipex; iron; isolated; ivig; jak; jak1; kidney; kinase; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; large; later; lead; left; length; lesions; levels; like; likely; limited; literature; liver; lof; long; loss; low; lower; lrba; lung; lung disease; lupus; lymphadenopathy; lymphocyte; lymphoid; lymphoma; lymphopenia; lymphoproliferation; macrophages; major; majority; male; malignancies; malignancy; management; manifestations; markers; marrow; mass; matched; maternal; mature; mbl; mcs; mean; mechanism; median; medical; medications; members; memory; memory b; memory t; meningitis; metabolic; methods; methotrexate; mice; mild; missense; mm3; model; moderate; molecular; monitoring; monoclonal; monocytes; monogenic; monthly; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; mri; mucosal; multiple; mutations; mycoplasma; myeloid; myopathy; national; natural; naïve; nbs; ncf1; need; negative; nephritic; neutropenia; neutrophils; new; newborn; nfkb1; niaid; nih; nk cells; nodes; non; normal; normal levels; normal t; normalized; notable; note; novel; nrh; number; objective; observed; old; ongoing; onset; optimal; oral; organ; otitis; outcomes; overall; p67phox; pad; pain; panel; parental; parents; partial; participants; particular; past; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathologic; pathway; patients; pcr; pediatric; pediatric patients; percentage; perforations; period; peripheral; persistent; pgm3; phenotype; phenotyping; phosphorylation; physical; pi3k; pid; pid patients; pidd; pids; pik3cd; plasma; platelet; pneumococcal; pneumonia; polysaccharide; poor; population; positive; possible; post; potential; prednisone; preliminary; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; primary immune; primary immunodeficiency; prior; process; production; professor; program; progression; proliferation; prolonged; prophylaxis; proportion; protective; protein; protocol; providers; pts; pulmonary; range; rapamycin; rapid; rare; rash; rate; reaction; recent; receptor; recessive; records; recurrent; recurrent infections; reduced; refractory; regimen; regions; registry; regulatory; related; relevant; remission; renal; repeat; repertoire; replacement; report text; reported; reports; required; research; resolution; respiratory; respiratory infections; response; results; retrospective; review; right; risk; rituximab; role; ruxolitinib; safety; samples; scan; scid; scig; screening; secondary; section; sepsis; sequencing; serum; setting; severe; severe infections; severe t; severity; short; sibling; sid; signaling; significant; similar; single; sinopulmonary; sinusitis; sirolimus; sister; site; sjs; skin; sle; small; somatic; species; specific; spectrum; splenomegaly; staining; standard; starting; stat3; stat3 patients; status; steroids; stimulation; strategies; studies; study; subcutaneous; subjects; submission; subsequent; subsets; subunit; successful; support; survival; susceptibility; switched; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; t cells; table; targeted; tcf3; tcr; telangiectasia; term; terminal; testing; tests; tetanus; text; text introduction; th17; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thrombocytopenia; thymectomy; thymus; time; tissue; titers; tongue; topical; total; toxicity; transcription; transduced; transition; transplant; transplantation; trb; treatment; trec; tryptase; ucsf; ulcers; underlying; understanding; undetectable; unique; unknown; unrelated; unremarkable; upper; use; users; vaccination; vaccine; values; variable; variant; viral; viral infections; virus; vitro; vus; warts; wasp; weekly; weeks; weight; wes; wide; work; workup; worsening; xla; years; years old; young; zika cache: cord-024651-578c9ut5.txt plain text: cord-024651-578c9ut5.txt item: #202 of 606 id: cord-025998-1qawjquv author: Lara, R.J. title: Aquatic Ecosystems, Human Health, and Ecohydrology date: 2012-03-23 words: 27057 flesch: 40 summary: Previously, the population in the basin generally lived away from the main watercourses because of the threat from water borne diseases. Main waterborne diseases, mostly affecting developing countries and relevant in terms of water management and changes in land use, such as malaria, schistosomiasis, or cholera, are discussed stressing links to the global water crisis. keywords: abundance; addition; aedes; affected; africa; agriculture; akosombo; algal; america; analysis; animals; approach; aquaculture; aquatic; areas; artificial; asia; aspects; assessment; associated; attention; authors; bangladesh; basin; bengal; bilharziasis; birds; blindness; blooms; bmaa; bodies; brackish; brazil; breeding; burden; canals; capybaras; cases; cause; central; changes; chapter; chemical; children; chitin; cholera; city; climate; coastal; colwell; common; communities; complex; conditions; consequences; construction; control; countries; country; creation; crucial; cultivation; cyanobacteria; cycle; dam; dams; data; death; developed; development; dhaka; diarrhea; different; direct; disease; distribution; ditching; diversity; domestic; downstream; drainage; drinking; drinking water; dry; ducks; dynamics; early; east; ecohydrological; ecohydrology; ecological; ecology; economic; ecosystems; ecotones; effects; eggs; egypt; emergence; endemic; environmental; epidemics; epidemiological; essential; estuaries; estuarine; estuary; et al; europe; events; evidence; example; extensive; factors; falls; fever; fields; figure; fish; flooding; flow; following; food; forest; form; free; freshwater; ganges; general; global; groundwater; growth; habitat; health; high; higher; history; host; human; human health; illness; illnesses; impact; important; incidence; increase; india; indus; infected; infection; influence; influenza; information; integrated; intensity; intensive; intermediate; irrigation; isolated; karachi; key; kolkata; lake; lara; large; largest; larvae; leading; levels; life; likely; links; little; live; local; london; long; loss; main; major; malaria; management; mangrove; mansoni; marine; marsh; marsh water; marshes; matter; measures; megacities; methods; migration; miller; models; modification; mortality; mosquito; national; natural; near; new; nile; nitrogen; non; north; number; nutrient; o139; occurrence; ocean; omwm; onchocerciasis; open; organic; outbreaks; parasite; parasitic; particular; pathogens; patterns; paulo; people; period; permanent; plankton; policies; pollution; ponds; poor; population; possible; potential; presence; present; prevalence; problem; processes; productivity; proliferation; province; public; quality; rainfall; range; rates; recent; recreational; reduction; regions; related; relationship; relevant; report; research; reservoir; resources; responsible; result; rice; riparian; risk; river; role; runneling; salinity; salt; sanitation; scale; schemes; schistosoma; schistosomiasis; seasonal; seasonality; second; section; sediment; severe; sewage; shrimp; significant; sites; situation; skin; small; snails; source; south; species; spread; spreading; state; strains; streams; strong; studies; study; subtropical; sugarcane; supply; surface; surveillance; systems; table; temperature; terms; tidal; time; total; toxic; toxins; transmission; treatment; tropical; type; understanding; upper; urban; urinary; use; v. cholerae; vector; vegetation; vibrio; villages; virus; viruses; volta; wastewater; water; water management; water supply; way; west; wetlands; wild; wildlife; world; worldwide; years; zone; zooplankton cache: cord-025998-1qawjquv.txt plain text: cord-025998-1qawjquv.txt item: #203 of 606 id: cord-026005-f2khcjdy author: López, Alfonso title: Respiratory System, Mediastinum, and Pleurae date: 2017-02-17 words: 57351 flesch: 32 summary: Lung disease can have profound systemic effects when cytokines, produced locally during necrosis or inflammation, are released into circulation. Alveolar filling disorders are a heterogeneous group of lung diseases characterized by accumulation of various chemical compounds in the alveolar lumens. keywords: abnormal; abortion; abscesses; abundant; accumulation; acute; addition; adenovirus; adhesions; adult; aerogenous; affected; agents; air; airway; allergic; alveolar; alveolar capillaries; alveolar edema; alveolar injury; alveolar macrophages; alveolar walls; alveoli; alveolitis; amounts; animals; anomalies; antigen; appearance; ards; areas; aspiration; aspiration pneumonia; associated; atelectasis; atrophic; atrophy; bacterial; bacterial pneumonia; barrier; basement; beings; blood; bodies; body; bone; bordetella; bovine; bovis; brain; bronchi; bronchial; bronchiectasis; bronchiolar; bronchiolitis; bronchiseptica; bronchitis; bronchointerstitial; bronchopneumonia; calcification; calves; canine; capillaries; capillary; carcinoma; cases; catarrhal; cats; cattle; caudal; cause; cavity; cells; cellular; changes; chapter; characterized; chronic; ciliated; clearance; clinical; club; coli; collapse; color; common; complex; complicated; conchae; condition; conducting; congenital; congestion; conjunctivitis; connective; consist; consolidation; contact; contagious; contrast; cough; coughing; countries; cranial; cranioventral; cysts; cytokines; damage; days; death; debris; deep; defense; deposition; diagnosis; diameter; dictyocaulus; different; difficult; diffuse; discharge; disease; disorders; distemper; distention; distress; distribution; dogs; domestic; dorsal; dyspnea; early; edema; edematous; effect; efig; emboli; emphysema; endothelial; entire; entry; environmental; enzootic; enzootic pneumonia; eosinophilic; epithelial cells; epithelium; equine; europe; examination; example; excessive; exchange; exercise; experimental; exposure; extensive; extent; exudate; exudation; factors; failure; fatal; features; feline; fever; fibrinous; fibrosis; fig; figs; firm; flora; fluid; foals; focal; foci; foreign; form; formation; free; function; fungal; fungi; general; giant; glands; goats; goblet; granulomas; granulomatous; granulomatous pneumonia; gray; gross; guttural; haemolytica; haemophilus; heart; hematogenous; hemorrhage; hepatic; herpesvirus; high; horses; host; hours; human; human beings; hyaline; hyperemia; hyperplasia; hypersensitivity; idiopathic; immune; important; inclusion; increase; induced; infected; infection; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; inhalation; inhaled; injury; interlobular; interstitial; interstitial pneumonia; intravascular; isolated; large; larvae; laryngeal; larynx; later; leakage; lesions; lesser; leukocytes; life; like; lipid; little; liver; lobes; lobules; long; loss; low; lumen; lungs; lymph; lymphatic; lymphocytes; lymphoid; macrophages; maedi; main; major; malignant; mannheimia; mannheimiosis; masses; material; mechanisms; meconium; mediastinum; membranes; metaplasia; microscopic; mild; milk; mixed; mononuclear; mortality; movement; mucociliary; mucopurulent; mucosa; mucus; multifocal; multocida; muscle; mycobacterium; mycoplasma; mycotic; names; nasal; nasal cavity; nasal mucosa; natural; necropsy; necrosis; necrotic; necrotizing; neoplasms; neutrophils; new; nodes; nodules; normal; notable; numbers; numerous; obstruction; organisms; organs; pale; paranasal; paraquat; parasites; parasitic; parenchyma; particles; passages; pasteurella; pasteurellosis; pathogenesis; pathogens; pattern; pcv2; permeability; persistent; phagocytic; pharynx; pigs; pink; pleural; pleuritis; pleuropneumonia; pneumonia; pneumonitis; pneumonocytes; poor; porcine; portions; possible; postmortem; pouch; pouches; presence; present; pressure; primary; process; production; progress; progressive; proliferation; proteins; pulmonary; pulmonary alveolar; pulmonary cells; pulmonary disease; pulmonary edema; pulmonary fibrosis; pulmonary infection; pulmonary injury; pulmonary lesions; radicals; rare; reaction; recurrent; red; reduced; region; release; repair; respiratory; respiratory disease; respiratory infections; respiratory system; respiratory tract; response; responsible; result; retropharyngeal; rhinitis; rhinotracheitis; rhodococcus; right; role; route; ruminants; secondary; secretions; section; sepsis; septa; septic; septicemia; sequelae; serous; severe; severe cases; severity; sheep; signs; similar; sinuses; sinusitis; size; small; smooth; source; spaces; species; specific; spp; squamous; ssp; stages; stain; streptococcus; studies; suppurative; surface; surfactant; susceptible; swine; syndrome; system; systemic; techniques; term; texture; thick; thoracic; thorax; thrombosis; time; tissue; toxic; toxins; tracheal; tracheobronchial; tract; transient; transmission; trauma; tuberculosis; tumor; type; typical; underlying; upper; vascular; vasculitis; ventilation; vessels; veterinary; viral; virus; viruses; visceral; visible; walls; weight; white; worldwide; years; young cache: cord-026005-f2khcjdy.txt plain text: cord-026005-f2khcjdy.txt item: #204 of 606 id: cord-026025-xqj877en author: PETRAS, ROBERT E. title: Large Intestine (Colon) date: 2009-10-30 words: 48346 flesch: 37 summary: Large cell carcinoma and small cell carcinoma of the colon and rectum have a poor prognosis. A phase II trial with preliminary evidence of antiviral activity and low incidence of opportunistic infection Multicenter trial of lowdose paclitaxel in patients with advanced AIDS-related Kaposi sarcoma Docetaxel in anthracycline-pretreated AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma: A retrospective study Angiosarcoma of the colon and rectum: Report of a case and review of the literature Endoscopic management of rectal Dieulafoy-like lesions: A case series and review of literature Familial Polyposis Coli The Pathogenesis of Colorectal Cancer Cribriform-morular variant of papillary carcinoma: A distinctive variant representing the sporadic counterpart of familial adenomatous polyposis-associated thyroid carcinoma Gastric and duodenal polyps in familial adenomatous polyposis: A prospective study of the nature and prevalence of upper gastrointestinal polyps Fundic gland polyps in familial adenomatous polyposis: Neoplasms with frequent somatic adenomatous polyposis coli gene alterations The risk of upper gastrointestinal cancer in familial adenomatous polyposis Localization of the gene for familial adenomatous polyposis on chromosome 5 The gene for familial polyposis coli maps to the long arm of chromosome 5 Identification and characterization of the familial adenomatous polyposis coli gene Identification of FAP locus genes from chromosome 5q21 Mutations of chromosome 5q21 genes in FAP and colorectal cancer patients The multiple colorectal adenoma phenotype and MYH, a base excision repair gene Responsive colon cancer cell lines to the introduction of APC, a colon-specific tumor suppressor gene Familial adenomatous polyposis Correlation between the location of germ-line mutations in the APC gene and the number of colorectal polyps in familial adenomatous polyposis patients Attenuated familial adenomatous polyposis (AFAP). keywords: abdominal; abnormalities; absence; active; active colitis; activity; acute; additional; adenocarcinoma; adenomas; adenomatous; adherent; adjacent; advanced; affect; affected; agents; aids; analysis; anastomosis; aneuploidy; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antigen; apc; apoptosis; apoptotic; appearance; approach; architectural; areas; arteriovenous; artery; associated; association; asymptomatic; autosomal; available; bacteria; base; behçet; benign; best; biopsy; biopsy specimens; bleeding; blood; bowel; bowel disease; bowel syndrome; cancer; carcinoma; cases; cause; cavernous; cecum; cell carcinoma; cells; changes; characteristic; characterized; chemotherapy; chronic; chronic colitis; classic; classification; clinical; clinicopathologic; clostridium; colectomy; colitis; colitis pattern; collagenous; collagenous colitis; colleagues; colon; colon cancer; colonic; colonoscopy; colorectal; colorectal adenomas; colorectal biopsy; colorectal cancer; colorectal carcinoma; colorectal polyps; common; complications; component; conditions; constipation; contrast; correlate; correlation; cowden; criteria; crohn; crypt; culture; cystic; cysts; cytoplasmic; damage; deep; definitive; degree; deposits; detection; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; differential; differentiated; difficile; difficult; diffuse; disease; disorders; distal; distinction; distinguished; distribution; diverticula; diverticular disease; dna; dominant; drugs; dysplasia; early; ectasia; effects; endoscopic; enterocolitis; entity; eosinophilic; epithelial; escherichia; evaluation; evidence; examination; examples; excised; excision; experience; expression; extensive; externa; factors; familial; family; fap; features; fibrosis; fibrous; fig; figures; finding; fistula; flow; focal; follow; following; form; formation; frequent; ganglion; ganglioneuromatosis; gastric; gastrointestinal; gene; general; genetic; germline; giant; glands; glandular; goblet; grade; grade dysplasia; grading; granulomas; gross; group; growth; guidelines; gut; gvhd; half; helpful; hemangiomas; hemorrhage; hereditary; high; hirschsprung; histologic; histologic features; history; hiv; host; human; hyperplastic; ibd; identical; identification; idiopathic; ileal; immunodeficiency; immunohistochemical; increase; indeterminate; individuals; induced; infarct; infection; infectious colitis; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory bowel; inflammatory cells; injury; instability; interpretation; intestinal; intracellular; intraepithelial; intramucosal; invasion; invasive; invasive carcinoma; investigators; involved; involvement; irinotecan; irregular; ischemic; ischemic bowel; jeghers; jeghers syndrome; juvenile; juvenile polyps; kaposi; lack; lamina; large; large bowel; later; lead; lesions; like; likely; limited; literature; localized; long; loss; low; lower; luminal; lymphocytic; lymphocytic colitis; lymphoid; lymphoma; lynch; macrophages; major; malignant; management; margin; marked; markers; mass; medical; mesenteric; metastatic; microsatellite; microscopic; mild; mitotic; mmr; molecular; morphology; msi; mucinous; mucosal; mucosal biopsy; multiple; muscle; muscularis; mutations; necrosis; necrotizing; negative; neoplasia; neuroendocrine; neuronal; neutrophils; new; node; nodosa; nonspecific; normal; nuclear; nuclei; numbers; o157; obstruction; occur; organisms; original; outcome; pain; patchy; pathogenesis; pathologic; pathologists; patients; pattern; pcr; perforation; peutz; phase; phlebitis; plexus; polyarteritis; polypectomy; polypoid; polyposis; polyposis syndrome; polyps; poor; positive; possible; pouch; pouches; pouchitis; practice; presence; present; prevalence; primary; proctitis; profunda; prognosis; prolapse; proliferation; prominent; propria; prospective; protein; proximal; pten; radiation; rare; reaction; receptor; recognition; rectum; refractory; related; relative; repair; reported; reports; resection; resemble; residual; response; results; review; right; right colon; ring; risk; role; routine; sarcoma; screening; sections; segment; self; serrated; sessile; setting; severe; short; sided; sigmoid; significance; similar; site; situ; size; skin; small; small bowel; smooth; solitary; species; specific; specimens; spectrum; spindle; sporadic; squamous; stage; staining; status; stomach; stool; stromal; studies; study; submucosa; subsequent; surface; surgery; surgical; surveillance; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; table; techniques; term; testing; therapy; thickening; tissue; toxin; tract; trauma; treatment; true; tubules; tumor; type; typical; ulcerative colitis; ulcers; unknown; unusual; upper; useful; value; variant; vascular; venous; vessels; villous; wall; watery; years; yield; zone cache: cord-026025-xqj877en.txt plain text: cord-026025-xqj877en.txt item: #205 of 606 id: cord-027303-20plzyqd author: Krishnan, Gokul S. title: Hybrid Text Feature Modeling for Disease Group Prediction Using Unstructured Physician Notes date: 2020-05-23 words: 3716 flesch: 42 summary: Next, a comparative benchmarking against the state-of-the-art ICD9 disease group prediction model developed by Purushotham et al. Some recent works [8, 9, 15] focussed on investigating the effectiveness of modeling various unstructured text reports such as radiology and nursing notes of ICU patients for disease group prediction. keywords: approach; art; cdsss; classification; clinical; codes; coding; combination; countries; data; deep; disease; ehrs; embeddings; features; group; hospital; hybrid; icd9; icd9 disease; iii; information; input; labels; layer; learning; mimic; model; modeling; network; neural; notes; patient; performance; physician; prediction; records; results; specific; table; task; terms; text; training; unstructured; values; word cache: cord-027303-20plzyqd.txt plain text: cord-027303-20plzyqd.txt item: #206 of 606 id: cord-027859-citynr6c author: P. Shetty, Nandini title: Epidemiology of Disease in the Tropics date: 2020-06-22 words: 9154 flesch: 50 summary: As most patients with such diseases live in developing countries and are too poor to pay for drugs, the pharmaceutical industry has traditionally ignored these diseases. The worldwide eradication of smallpox and the near-eradication of polio from many countries provide excellent examples of the role of immunization in disease control. keywords: acute; adult; africa; age; aids; america; areas; asia; available; burden; cases; cause; changes; childhood; children; china; cholera; chronic; commercial; common; communicable; control; countries; deaths; dengue; development; diarrhoea; disease; drug; early; east; ebola; economic; epidemics; epidemiology; estimates; factors; fatality; fever; figure; geneva; global; h5n1; health; hepatitis; high; hiv; human; illness; immunization; important; incidence; increase; india; infected; infection; infl; large; life; like; low; majority; malaria; measles; mortality; national; ncds; new; non; number; organization; pacifi; patients; people; pigs; pneumonia; poor; population; prevalence; rapid; rates; region; resistance; respiratory; responsible; risk; rotavirus; rst; sars; severe; sex; social; south; spread; studies; study; surveillance; tetanus; total; transmission; treatment; tropical; tropics; tuberculosis; vaccination; vaccine; virus; western; women; workers; world; worldwide; year; young cache: cord-027859-citynr6c.txt plain text: cord-027859-citynr6c.txt item: #207 of 606 id: cord-027870-cuvfy4pj author: Baselga, Eulalia title: Inflammatory and Purpuric Eruptions date: 2020-06-22 words: 18223 flesch: 39 summary: Response to dapsone A new infantile acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (MLNS) prevailing in Japan Kawasaki syndrome Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease: recent advances Kawasaki disease in infants less than one year of age Clinical spectrum of Kawasaki disease in infants younger than 6 months of age Classical Kawasaki disease in a neonate Lethal vasculitis of coronary arteries in a neonate and two infants: possible neonatal variant of the MLNS/IPN complex? Myocarditis and coronary dilatation in the 1st week of life: neonatal incomplete Kawasaki disease? Kawasaki disease: what is the epidemiology telling us about the etiology? Kawasaki syndrome in the United States 1976 to 1980 Incidence survey of Kawasaki disease in 1997 and 1998 in Japan Results of the nationwide epidemiologic survey of Kawasaki disease in 1995 and 1996 in Japan Kawasaki disease in families Diagnosis, treatment, and long-term management of Kawasaki disease: a statement for health professionals from the Committee on Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young The perineal eruption of Kawasaki syndrome Psoriatic eruption in Kawasaki disease Development of psoriatic lesions during acute and convalescent phases of Kawasaki disease Guttate psoriasis following Kawasaki disease Annular pustules in Kawasaki disease: a further case indicating the association with psoriasis? Peripheral gangrene associated with Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease characterized by erythema and induration at the Bacillus Calmette-Guérin and purifi ed protein derivate inoculation sites Skin complications of Bacillus Calmette-Guérin immunization BCG reactivation: a useful diagnostic tool even for incomplete Kawasaki disease Infl ammation at a previous inoculation site: an unusual presentation of Kawasaki disease Diagnosis and therapy of Kawasaki disease in children Kawasaki disease: more patients are being diagnosed who do not meet American Heart Association criteria Infl ammatory pulmonary nodules in Kawasaki disease Acute respiratory distress syndrome in a child with Kawasaki disease Hemophagocytic syndrome after Kawasaki disease Sensorineural hearing loss and Kawasaki disease: A prospective study Pathogenesis and treatment of Kawasaki's disease Kawasaki disease: infection, immunity and genetics Kawasaki disease: what is the epidemiology telling us about the etiology? Development of coronary artery lesions in Kawasaki disease patients in relation to plasma interferon-gamma and interleukin-4 levels in the acute phase Circulating soluble CD23 levels in Kawasaki disease with coronary artery lesions High levels of circulating interleukin-4 and interleukin-10 in Kawasaki disease Immunopathology and cytokine detection in the skin lesions of patients with Kawasaki disease Circulating soluble L-selectin levels in Kawasaki disease with coronary artery lesions Genetic variations in the receptor-ligand pair CCR5 and CCL3L1 are important determinants of susceptibility to Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease in siblings Familial occurrence of Kawasaki syndrome in North America Clinical features of patients with Kawasaki disease whose parents had the same disease Serum cholesterol levels during and after Kawasaki disease Altered lipid profi le after Kawasaki syndrome Diagnosing Kawasaki syndrome: the need for a new clinical tool Diagnosis, treatment and outcome of Kawasaki disease in an Australian tertiary setting: a review of three years experience National survey of coronary artery bypass grafting for coronary stenosis caused by Kawasaki disease in Japan Mortality among persons with a history of Kawasaki disease in Japan: can paediatricians safely discontinue follow-up of children with a history of the disease but without cardiac sequelae? Mortality among persons with a history of Kawasaki disease in Japan: the fi fth look Longterm outcomes in patients with giant aneurysms secondary to Kawasaki disease Long-term consequences of Kawasaki disease. Urticaria in infants is often misdiagnosed as erythema multiforme, acute hemorrhagic edema, annular erythema of infancy, or Kawasaki disease. keywords: abnormalities; absent; activity; acute; affected; age; agents; ammatory; anemia; aneurysms; annular; annular erythema; anti; antibodies; antibody; areas; artery; aspirin; associated; asymptomatic; autoantibodies; autosomal; biopsy; birth; blisters; block; blood; blueberry; bone; cardiac; cases; cause; cells; central; centrifugum; changes; characteristic; childhood; children; chronic; cias1; ciency; cinca; clinical; cold; common; complete; congenital; congenital erythropoietic; coronary; corticosteroids; count; course; cutaneous; days; defi; delayed; dermal; dermatosis; development; diagnosis; differential; diffuse; disease; disorders; dominant; dose; drug; early; edema; effi; elevated; enzymatic; epidermal; eruption; erythema; erythematosus; erythrocyte; erythropoietic; erythropoietic porphyria; etiology; examination; exposure; extremities; face; factors; failure; familial; features; febrile; fever; fig; follow; fulminans; gene; genetic; gyratum; heart; hemolytic; hemorrhagic; high; histopathologic; history; homozygous; hours; hypersensitivity; identifi; iii; illness; immunoglobulin; incidence; individual; induced; infancy; infantile; infants; infection; infi; infl; inheritance; initial; intermittent; intravenous; involvement; ivig; japan; kawasaki; kawasaki disease; kawasaki syndrome; laboratory; lesions; leukocytosis; levels; life; like; limited; literature; liver; long; low; ltrate; lupus; lupus erythematosus; major; manifestations; maternal; mild; months; mortality; mothers; muffi; multiforme; mutations; ndings; necessary; necrosis; neonatal; neonatal lupus; neonatal purpura; neonates; neutrophilic; newborn; nle; nomid; occur; onset; oral; outcome; pain; pathogenesis; patients; period; peripheral; perivascular; persistent; phase; photosensitivity; phototherapy; physical; plaques; plasma; platelet; porphyria; present; protein; protein c; protoporphyria; purpura; purpuric; rare; rash; reaction; recurrent; report; respiratory; response; result; review; risk; role; rst; serum; severe; signs; single; sjs; skin; skin lesions; small; spectrum; studies; study; sun; sweet; sweet syndrome; swelling; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; term; tests; therapy; thrombosis; toxic; transient; transplantation; treatment; trunk; type; underlying; unknown; urine; urticaria; variant; vasculitis; viral; weeks; year cache: cord-027870-cuvfy4pj.txt plain text: cord-027870-cuvfy4pj.txt item: #208 of 606 id: cord-028275-szb45jm2 author: Reza Khorramizadeh, M. title: Animal models for human disease date: 2020-06-26 words: 11618 flesch: 42 summary: The sublining also undergoes alterations for its cellularity, both in cell type and in cell numbers, with prominent infiltration of mononuclear cells, including T cells, B cells, macrophages, and plasma cells. T cells are also important for CIA development during early stages of disease progression. keywords: activation; activity; addition; adjuvant; agents; animal; animal models; antibodies; antibody; antigen; arthritis; autoimmune; axonal; base; blood; bone; brain; cartilage; cd4; cd8; cells; cfa; characteristic; cia; cii; class; clinical; cns; collagen; common; complete; complex; components; conditions; cord; course; csf; cytokines; damage; day; demyelination; destruction; development; different; disease; disorder; dmards; drugs; eae; early; effect; effective; efficacy; encephalomyelitis; enzyme; et al; experimental; experimental models; expression; factors; fluid; formation; function; genetic; high; histocompatibility; hla; human; ifn; il-6; immune; important; individuals; induced; induction; inflamed; inflammation; inflammatory; injection; joint; lesions; like; long; lymphocytes; macrophages; main; major; mechanisms; methotrexate; mhc; mice; models; molecules; monoclonal; mouse; ms patients; multiple; myelin; new; number; onset; pain; pannus; pathogenesis; patients; pbs; pfa; phase; potential; present; progressive; protein; rats; receptor; regulatory; research; response; results; rheumatoid; rheumatoid arthritis; risk; rna; role; sclerosis; severity; similar; species; specific; spinal; spontaneous; studies; study; surface; symptoms; synovial; synovium; system; t cells; tail; target; telomerase; term; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tnf; treatment; trials; type; use; years cache: cord-028275-szb45jm2.txt plain text: cord-028275-szb45jm2.txt item: #209 of 606 id: cord-028803-l92jcw9h author: Tang, Claire title: Discovering Unknown Diseases with Explainable Automated Medical Imaging date: 2020-06-09 words: 3458 flesch: 51 summary: In this paper, we propose a new deep learning framework and pipeline for explainable medical imaging that can classify known diseases as well as detect new/unknown diseases when the models are only trained on known disease images. In the training, a DNN classifier is first trained only on known disease training images with class labels. keywords: calibration; cam; chest; classes; classifier; confidence; covid-19; data; dataset; decision; deep; detection; discovery; diseases; distribution; dnn; doctors; domain; explanation; fig; following; framework; images; imaging; learning; lesion; medical; model; new; overconfidence; performance; pipeline; pneumonia; probability; ray; regions; skin; training; unknown; visual; work cache: cord-028803-l92jcw9h.txt plain text: cord-028803-l92jcw9h.txt item: #210 of 606 id: cord-029030-3p0yieqv author: Fan, Chunyan title: Inferring Candidate CircRNA-Disease Associations by Bi-random Walk Based on CircRNA Regulatory Similarity date: 2020-06-22 words: 2368 flesch: 44 summary: Similarly, disease similarity is the mean of disease semantic similarity and GIP kernel similarity for diseases. Similarly, disease similarity is denoted as the average of disease sematic similarity and GIP kernel similarity for diseases. keywords: algorithm; associations; auc; bwhcda; cbg; circrna; circular; database; disease; fold; gip; heterogeneous; hsa; interaction; kernel; loocv; matrix; method; network; parameters; path; performance; prediction; random; regulatory; rnas; set; similarity; value; walk cache: cord-029030-3p0yieqv.txt plain text: cord-029030-3p0yieqv.txt item: #211 of 606 id: cord-029332-yn603pvb author: None title: Full Issue PDF date: 2020-07-15 words: 11336 flesch: 34 summary: To recognize cardiovascular complications among COVID-19 patients. We are also learning that acute kidney injury is quite prevalent and highly associated with mortality in COVID-19 patients (6). keywords: ace2; acute; acute respiratory; admission; almitrine; amiodarone; analysis; angiography; approach; ards; arrhythmias; arterial; associated; association; autonomic; available; best; block; blood; brugada; cardiac; cardiology; cardiomyopathy; cardiovascular; care; case; cell; characteristics; chest; children; china; clinical; coagulopathy; complications; concern; conduction; coronary; coronavirus; coronavirus disease; course; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 disease; covid-19 pandemic; covid-19 patients; cytokine; data; days; diagnosis; differences; differential; disease; distress; dysfunction; early; ecg; elevation; embolism; emergency; endothelial; events; evidence; factors; failure; fever; figure; guidance; guidelines; health; heart; high; history; home; hospital; ill; incidence; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; initial; injury; intensive; intervention; involvement; italy; jacc; laboratory; later; left; levels; like; low; lvad; management; markers; mechanical; medical; mild; mortality; myocardial; myocarditis; need; negative; new; normal; novel; outbreak; oxygen; pandemic; past; patients; pattern; percutaneous; pneumonia; positive; possible; present; presentation; pressure; prevention; primary; prior; prone; pulmonary; reports; research; respiratory; respiratory syndrome; response; retrospective; right; risk; room; sars; segment; setting; severe; severe acute; sex; significant; sinus; stemi; storm; study; support; symptoms; syndrome; system; table; tachycardia; takotsubo; therapy; thromboembolic; thrombosis; time; treatment; type; use; values; venous; ventilation; ventricular; viral; wuhan cache: cord-029332-yn603pvb.txt plain text: cord-029332-yn603pvb.txt item: #212 of 606 id: cord-030926-vtids9ns author: Laxminarayan, Ramanan title: Trans-boundary commons in infectious diseases date: 2016-02-15 words: 5840 flesch: 39 summary: Despite the benefits of warnings and reports on infectious disease outbreaks, there are few incentives for countries to report disease outbreaks that occur within their borders. There is evidence that countries respond to external incentives on whether or not they report infectious disease outbreaks. keywords: actions; acts; africa; amfm; antibiotic; artemisinin; bacteria; benefits; boundary; burden; cases; cause; child; combination; consequences; control; coordinated; costs; countries; country; coverage; deaths; disease; drug; ebola; economic; effective; elimination; eradication; et al; examples; externalities; financing; global; health; impact; incentives; infectious; influenza; international; large; laxminarayan; level; likely; malaria; mozambique; neonatal; new; number; optimal; outbreak; people; population; problems; programme; public; reduced; reporting; resistance; risk; sanctions; section; significant; single; south; states; subsidy; surveillance; threats; total; trade; trans; treatment; united; use; vaccination; world cache: cord-030926-vtids9ns.txt plain text: cord-030926-vtids9ns.txt item: #213 of 606 id: cord-032181-gmcugd8h author: Song, Jian-Xin title: Main Complications of AECHB and Severe Hepatitis B (Liver Failure) date: 2019-05-21 words: 51195 flesch: 34 summary: If liver disease patients have other lung diseases (such as chronic bronchitis, emphysema and pneumonia, and pleural effusion, etc.), then significant respiratory symptoms may occur. in liver cirrhosis patients with ascites that paracentesis should be performed after admission to determine whether SBP exist. keywords: aaa; abdominal; ability; abnormal; abnormalities; absorption; acid; acidosis; activated; activation; active; activity; acute; acute liver; addition; administration; aechb; agents; albicans; albumin; aldosterone; alkalosis; alveolar; amino; ammonia; analysis; angiography; anti; antibiotics; antibody; anticoagulation; antimicrobial; arterial; arterial blood; ascites; aspergillosis; aspergillus; associated; bacterial; bacterium; barrier; base; basic; bcaa; bile; biliary; binding; bleeding; blood; blood ammonia; blood cells; blood coagulation; blood flow; body; brain; broad; candida; capillaries; cardiac; cases; cause; cavity; cd14; cells; central; cerebral; chain; changes; characteristics; chest; chronic hepatitis; chronic liver; circulation; cirrhosis; cirrhotic patients; clear; clearance; clinical; clinical manifestations; clotting; coagulation; coagulation factors; coagulopathy; coli; coma; combination; common; compensatory; complement; complex; complicated; complications; concentration; conditions; control; correlation; count; creatinine; criteria; critical; culture; current; cytokines; damage; data; days; death; decline; decreased; deep; defense; deficiency; degree; dependent; detoxification; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; dic; different; difficult; diffuse; diffusion; dilatation; direct; diseases; disorder; disturbance; diuretics; dose; drugs; dysfunction; early; edema; effect; effective; efficacy; electrolyte; elevated; encephalopathy; endogenous; endothelial; endotoxemia; endotoxin; energy; epithelial; esophageal; etc; evidence; examination; excretion; expression; extracellular; factors; fdps; features; fever; fibrin; fibrinogen; fibrinolysis; filtration; flora; flow; fluid; following; formation; frequency; function; fungal; fungal infection; gaba; gastrointestinal; generation; glutamate; glutamine; gram; growth; gut; hco; heart; help; hemorrhage; hemostasis; heparin; hepatic; hepatic encephalopathy; hepatitis b; hepatitis patients; hepatocytes; hepatopulmonary; hepatorenal; herpes; high; higher; history; hospital; host; hps; hps patients; hrs; human; hyperfibrinolysis; hypertension; hypokalemia; hyponatremia; hypoxemia; hypoxia; ietm; iii; imbalance; immune; immunity; impaired; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; indicators; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhalation; inhibit; inhibition; initial; injury; innate; insufficient; internal; international; intestinal; intrahepatic; intrapulmonary; intravascular; intravenous; invasive; involved; ischemia; jaundice; key; kidney; known; kupffer; laboratory; lack; lactulose; large; lead; lesions; levels; life; like; limited; lipid; lipopolysaccharide; liver; liver cells; liver cirrhosis; liver damage; liver disease; liver failure; liver function; liver injury; liver transplantation; local; long; loss; low; lower; lps; lungs; macrophages; mainly; major; management; manganese; manifestations; massive; means; mechanisms; medical; membrane; mental; metabolic; methods; mild; minimal; mmhg; mmol; mods; molecular; molecules; mortality; mucosal; multiple; muscle; natural; nausea; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; nerve; nervous; neutrophil; nevus; new; nitric; non; normal; nosocomial; number; obvious; occurrence; onset; oral; organ; osmotic; output; overt; oxide; oxygen; oxygenation; paco; pain; pao; partial; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathological; pathway; patients; people; performance; period; peripheral; peritonitis; permeability; phagocytosis; physiological; plasma; plasminogen; platelet; pleural; pneumonia; poor; portal; portosystemic; position; positive; possible; potassium; potential; practice; present; pressure; prevention; primary; primary liver; process; production; products; prognosis; progressive; prospective; protein; prothrombin; pss; pulmonary; pulmonary vascular; randomized; rate; reaction; recent; receptor; recognition; reduced; refractory; related; release; removal; renal; renal blood; renal failure; renal function; reports; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; rifaximin; risk; role; sbp; secondary; secretion; sensitivity; sepsis; septic; serum; severe hepatitis; severe liver; severity; shock; short; shunt; significant; signs; sirs; sites; skin; small; sodium; soluble; specific; spectrum; spider; splanchnic; spontaneous; sputum; stage; stage liver; stool; stress; structure; studies; study; substances; surface; survival; symptoms; syndrome; synthesis; system; systemic; tendency; tenderness; terlipressin; term; tests; therapeutic; therapy; thrombosis; time; tips; tissue; tnf; total; toxic; toxins; tract; tract infection; transjugular; translocation; treatment; trial; tuberculosis; type; type-1; upper; uptake; urea; urinary; urine; value; variety; vascular; vasodilation; vein; venous; ventilation; vessels; viral; virus; vitamin; volume; vomiting; water; weight; xiii; years cache: cord-032181-gmcugd8h.txt plain text: cord-032181-gmcugd8h.txt item: #214 of 606 id: cord-032303-8rkemm72 author: Pascual, Isaac title: Mind the gap versus filling the gap. The heart beyond specialties date: 2020-09-18 words: 1932 flesch: 36 summary: Coronary artery and structural heart diseases are assessed differently if discussion involves diverse professionals. These groups have for some time now been considered necessary and essential for the surgical treatment and transcatheter therapy of structural heart disease. keywords: cardiologists; cardiology; cardiovascular; care; changes; development; different; disease; education; example; future; heart; heart disease; interventional; knowledge; medical; model; need; patient; point; practice; process; professional; programs; society; spain; specialties; specialty; structural; structural heart; surgeons; surgery; training; treatment; valve cache: cord-032303-8rkemm72.txt plain text: cord-032303-8rkemm72.txt item: #215 of 606 id: cord-034243-iz2alys0 author: Francis, John G. title: Fairness in the Use of Information About Carriers of Resistant Infections date: 2020-04-06 words: 6173 flesch: 39 summary: This chapter develops an account of the fair uses of information gained in public health surveillance. Detention of nonadherent tuberculosis patients Just health care The fair innings argument and increasing life spans Promoting equality in and through the paralympics HIV treatment as prevention: Not an argument for continuing criminalization of HIV transmission Informatics and public health surveillance Communicable diseases as health risks at mass gatherings other than Hajj: keywords: analysis; antibiotics; antimicrobial; antimicrobial resistance; areas; argument; attention; benefits; care; case; circumstances; concern; conditions; counter; development; disease; drug; ebola; education; efforts; emergencies; epidemic; events; example; fairness; fear; francis; funding; gonorrhea; great; group; hajj; health; hiv; important; incomplete; increase; infected; infections; information; international; investment; isolation; judgment; justice; level; likely; methods; need; new; non; outbreaks; patients; people; perspectives; pew; potential; problem; public; questions; recent; recommendations; research; resistance; resources; response; review; risks; saudi; sharing; spread; surveillance; term; threat; transmission; travel; treatment; use; vectors; victims; workers cache: cord-034243-iz2alys0.txt plain text: cord-034243-iz2alys0.txt item: #216 of 606 id: cord-034340-3ksfpaf7 author: None title: Proceedings of the 26th European Paediatric Rheumatology Congress: part 2: Virtual. 23 - 26 September 2020 date: 2020-10-28 words: 35133 flesch: 46 summary: Results: Of the 35 metabolites measured, 23 were significantly lower in JIA patients before the Etanercept treatment compared to the healthy control group. Urine metabolite ratios reflecting CYP21 and 11β-HSD2 enzymatic activity indicate that these two enzyme activities were lower in JIA patients. keywords: aaa; abdominal; abnormal; acid; acr; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; adalimumab; addition; administration; adults; adverse; affected; age; aged; agents; ahai; aim; alpha; anakinra; analysis; ankles; anti; antibodies; antibody; artery; arthralgia; arthritis; articular; assessment; associated; association; autoimmune; autoinflammatory; available; average; better; bilateral; biologic; biopsy; biosimilar; blood; bone; boys; canakinumab; capillary; care; cases; cause; cell; characteristics; childhood; children; chronic; classification; clinical; cohort; collected; common; comparable; comparisons; complaints; complete; complicated; concentrations; conclusion; condition; confirmed; controls; correlation; corticosteroids; count; course; criteria; crp; cyclophosphamide; cyp; damage; data; days; decreased; demographic; development; diagnosis; differences; different; differential; diphtheria; disclosure; disease; disease activity; disease onset; disorders; dose; drug; duration; early; edema; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; elevated; erythema; esr; etn; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; experience; facial; factors; failure; family; fatigue; fcal; features; female; fever; findings; fit; flares; fluid; follow; following; fop; form; frequency; frequent; function; gastrointestinal; general; genetic; girls; gol; good; group; growth; healthy; high; higher; hip; history; hla; hlh; hospital; hsp; idiopathic; idiopathic arthritis; il-1; ilar; impact; important; improved; improvement; inactive; increased; index; infection; inflamed; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibitors; initial; initiation; intensity; interest; interstitial; intravenous; introduction; involvement; iqr; isolated; ivig; jadas; january; jdm; jia; jia patients; joint; juvenile; kawasaki; kidney; knee; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; left; lesions; levels; life; likely; limb; line; literature; liver; long; loss; lower; lung; lupus; main; majority; manifestations; markers; marrow; mas; mean; measles; median; medical; medication; metabolites; methods; methotrexate; mild; monitoring; months; mri; mtx; multiple; muscle; musculoskeletal; mutation; n=1; negative; neurological; neutrophils; new; non; normal; normative; nsaids; number; objectives; old; oligoarticular; ongoing; onset; oral; outcome; overall; overlap; pain; parameters; parents; parotitis; pathogenesis; patients; pediatric; people; period; persistent; phase; phenotype; physical; physicians; plasma; polyarthritis; population; positive; positivity; possible; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; primary; prior; procedure; process; prognosis; progression; protein; psle; pts; pulmonary; questionnaire; range; rare; rash; rate; reactive; records; recurrent; red; relapse; remission; renal; reported; reports; resolution; response; results; retrospective; review; rheumatic; rheumatologist; rheumatology; right; risk; role; safety; samples; scores; second; secondary; serum; severe; significant; signs; single; sjia; sjögren; skin; sle; specific; spectrum; status; steroids; stroke; studies; study; survey; swelling; symptoms; syndrome; synovial; systemic; table; term; test; therapeutic; therapy; thyroid; time; tissue; titer; tnf; toc; total; treatment; trough; type; ultrasound; unit; untreated; use; uveitis; vaccination; values; vasculitis; vitamin; vzv; weeks; work; years; young cache: cord-034340-3ksfpaf7.txt plain text: cord-034340-3ksfpaf7.txt item: #217 of 606 id: cord-035030-ig4nwtmi author: None title: 10th European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products (ECRD 2020) date: 2020-11-09 words: 12246 flesch: 45 summary: While some barriers are being removed through remarkable innovation, there is one story of diagnostic delay that is echoed by rare disease patients across the globe and across thousands of different rare diseases: doctors failed to suspect something rare. The recognition of Clinical Genetics as health specialty is also urgent in Spain to provide equal access to RD patients and families all over the country. keywords: access; activities; ahp; analysis; app; appraisal; approach; areas; assessment; assurance; available; background; benefits; better; cab; care; case; challenges; change; children; clinical; cml; common; communication; community; compensatory; conclusions; condition; consent; consequences; costs; countries; country; criteria; data; design; developed; development; diagnosis; different; diseases; dmd; drug; early; economic; erns; essential; european; eurordis; evaluation; example; experience; expert; fair; families; family; field; fig; follow; framework; functional; future; genetic; genomic; german; government; groups; health; healthcare; high; impact; important; improved; improvement; individual; information; informed; innovation; knowledge; life; lifetime; making; market; medical; medicines; meeting; members; methods; model; monitoring; movement; muscular; national; needs; network; new; newborn; non; number; open; opportunities; organizations; orphanet; outcomes; paediatric; participants; patients; people; plan; practice; processes; professionals; programme; project; pts; public; quality; rare; rare diseases; rdts; real; recommendations; registry; relevant; representatives; research; resources; responses; results; rett; screening; services; set; sharing; sma; social; special; specific; spinal; standard; states; studies; study; support; surgery; survey; symptoms; syndrome; table; taxes; technology; test; time; tools; topics; training; treatment; trials; union; use; video; work; working; world; years cache: cord-035030-ig4nwtmi.txt plain text: cord-035030-ig4nwtmi.txt item: #218 of 606 id: cord-102199-mc6zruyx author: Toksvang, Linea Natalie title: Hepatotoxicity during 6-thioguanine treatment in inflammatory bowel disease and childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: a systematic review date: 2019-01-30 words: 2384 flesch: 15 summary: Pediatr Blood Cancer 6-Thioguanine: A new old drug to procure remission in inflammatory bowel disease High variation of tioguanine absorption in patients with chronic active Crohn's disease 6-thioguanine can cause serious liver injury in inflammatory bowel disease patients 6-Thioguanine associated nodular regenerative hyperplasia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease may induce portal hypertension Treatment of inflammatory bowel disease with 6-thioguanine (6-TG): Retrospective case series from a tertiary care center Efficacy of 6-thioguanine in patients with Crohn's disease intolerant to azathioprine Biotransformation of 6-thioguanine in inflammatory bowel disease patients: A comparison of oral and intravenous administration of 6-thioguanine Lower 6-thioguanine (6-TG) levels may be as effective as higher 6-TG levels in IBD patients treated with thioguanine 6-Thioguanine in children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: Influence of food on parent drug pharmacokinetics and 6-thioguanine nucleotide concentrations 6-Thioguanine as an alternative therapy in inflammatory bowel disease-experience in a London district general hospital Splitting a therapeutic dose of thioguanine may avoid liver toxicity and be an efficacious treatment for severe inflammatory bowel disease: a 2-center observational cohort study Efficacy and safety of 6-thioguanine in the management of inflammatory bowel disease To evaluate the efficacy and safety of 6-thioguanine therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease-a London DGH experience A systematic survey evaluating 6-thioguanine-related hepatotoxicity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease Toxicity and efficacy of intensive chemotherapy for children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) after first bone marrow or extramedullary relapse The Prevalence of Nodular Regenerative Hyperplasia in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients Treated with Thioguanine Is Not Associated with Clinically Significant Liver Disease Thioguanine in inflammatory bowel disease: Long-term efficacy and safety. Pediatr Blood Cancer Psychosomatic complications during treatment for ulcerative colitis Long-term follow-up of children with 6-thioguanine-related chronic hepatoxicity following treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia Variceal hemorrhage in a patient with ulcerative colitis treated with 6-thioguanine Acute sinusoidal obstruction syndrome after 6-thioguanine therapy for Crohn's disease Thioguanine treatment-related sinusoidal obstruction syndrome in 2 children MRI Patterns in a Case of 6-Thioguanine-Related Hepatic Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome Safe 6-thioguanine therapy of a TPMT deficient Crohn's disease patient by using therapeutic drug monitoring Veno-occlusive disease of the liver associated with thiopurines in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia Pharmacokinetics of 6-thioguanine and 6-mercaptopurine combination maintenance therapy of childhood ALL: Hypothesis and case report The case of colitis ulcerosa -Diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties Hepatotoxicity associated with 6-thioguanine therapy for Crohn's disease Liver venoocclusive disease (VOD) in a patient given 6-thioguanine for crohn's disease Early nodular hyperplasia of the liver occurring with inflammatory bowel diseases in association with thioguanine therapy Safety of Tioguanine During Pregnancy in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Thioguanine-induced symptomatic thrombocytopenia On the limitation of 6-tioguaninenucleotide monitoring during tioguanine treatment Thioguanine use in inflammatory bowel disease: 13 year experience in a tertiary centre Toxicity of 6-thioguanine: no hepatotoxicity in a series of IBD patients treated with longterm, low dose 6-thioguanine. keywords: 6tg; acute; bias; blood; bowel; case; childhood; children; disease; dose; drug; hepatotoxicity; hyperplasia; ibd; incidence; inflammatory; leukemia; liver; lymphoblastic; mercaptopurine; nodular; nrh; observational; obstruction; patients; rcts; regenerative; risk; sinusoidal; sos; standard; studies; syndrome; systematic; therapy; thioguanine; treatment; trial cache: cord-102199-mc6zruyx.txt plain text: cord-102199-mc6zruyx.txt item: #219 of 606 id: cord-102530-wetqqt2i author: Brandell, Ellen E. title: The rise of disease ecology date: 2020-07-17 words: 2709 flesch: 32 summary: As with 295 emergent topics, our topic detection was sensitive to detecting changes in frequency over time, have remained prominent foci of disease ecology, whereas an increase in a priori selected topics such as emerging infectious diseases, climate change, and effects of biodiversity loss 341 emphasize how this expanding field has grown to meet global health crises and priorities. At the same time, infrastructure has developed around disease ecology, such as a 48 specialized National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health funding program and 49 conference series (Scheiner & Rosenthal 2004) , which have helped to direct research effort and 50 create networks amongst researchers. keywords: age; analysis; articles; change; climate; corpus; dilution; disease; disease ecology; diversity; ecology; effect; environmental; field; fig; foci; gender; global; health; hiv; host; important; infectious; influential; journals; literature; natural; participants; pathogen; population; practitioners; research; respondents; review; science; superspreaders; survey; terms; time; topic; trends; wildlife; women; words cache: cord-102530-wetqqt2i.txt plain text: cord-102530-wetqqt2i.txt item: #220 of 606 id: cord-103797-aowe4kyl author: Chen, Li title: Phase transitions and hysteresis of cooperative contagion processes date: 2016-03-30 words: 4286 flesch: 40 summary: We analyze cooperative coinfection in stochastic network models as well as the idealized, well-mixed mean field system and show that cooperative mechanisms dramatically change the nature of phase transitions compared to single disease dynamics. We analyze cooperative coinfection in stochastic network models as well as the idealized, well-mixed mean field system and show that cooperative mechanisms dramatically change the nature of phase transitions compared to single disease dynamics. keywords: behavior; bifurcation; case; coinfection; cooperative; cooperative coinfection; cooperativity; critical; different; diffusion; discontinuous; disease; dynamical; dynamics; effects; endemic; epidemic; eradication; field; fig; fraction; free; host; hysteresis; individuals; infected; infectious; interacting; mean; models; network; non; outbreak; parameters; phase; point; population; probability; propagation; rate; single; spread; spreading; state; stationary; susceptible; system; threshold; transitions; transmission; wave cache: cord-103797-aowe4kyl.txt plain text: cord-103797-aowe4kyl.txt item: #221 of 606 id: cord-104128-0gyk9cwx author: Morand, Serge title: The accelerated infectious disease risk in the Anthropocene: more outbreaks and wider global spread date: 2020-04-20 words: 7039 flesch: 31 summary: Here, we report on another risk: the accelerated infectious disease risk associated with the number and geographic spread of human infectious disease outbreaks. Using the most complete, reliable, and up-to-date database on human infectious disease outbreaks (GIDEON), we show that the number of disease outbreaks, the number of diseases involved in these outbreaks, and the number of countries affected have increased during the entire Anthropocene. keywords: accelerated; acceleration; air; analysis; annual; anthropocene; biodiversity; centrality; change; climate; complete; connected; control; cost; countries; country; current; data; dataset; date; decrease; degrowth; development; different; discussion; disease; disease outbreaks; ecological; economic; ecosystem; eigenvector; emergence; environmental; epidemic; et al; food; gideon; global; global spread; growth; health; hosts; human; impacts; increase; infected; infectious; infectious disease; influenza; international; large; local; long; means; measures; mobility; modularity; morand; networks; new; number; ocean; outbreaks; overall; pandemic; public; quarantine; rates; real; restrictions; results; review; risk; sars; scenario; smith; smith et; social; species; spread; steffen; strategies; studies; study; sustainability; table; time; total; tourism; trade; traffic; transmission; transport; transportation; travel; trends; united; unwto; vectors; virus; world; worldwide; year cache: cord-104128-0gyk9cwx.txt plain text: cord-104128-0gyk9cwx.txt item: #222 of 606 id: cord-104204-pdnkabwj author: Tatu, C A title: The etiology of Balkan endemic nephropathy: still more questions than answers. date: 1998-11-17 words: 8729 flesch: 33 summary: Subsequent investigations, which revealed a high frequency of OTA contamination of foodstuffs from Yugoslavian and Bulgarian endemic regions, higher levels of OTA in foodstuffs from endemic versus nonendemic villages and in the blood of BEN patients versus individuals from nonendemic regions, and the detection of several characteristic OTA-DNA adducts in urinary tract tumors from Bulgarian individuals living in BEN endemic regions (35, 36) , substantiated this hypothesis. Clinical Presentation and Laboratory Findings in BEN BEN is a progressive kidney disease inexorably leading to end stage renal failure. keywords: activity; advanced; affected; agent; amines; areas; aromatic; associated; association; average; balkan; balkan endemic; ben; ben endemic; ben etiology; ben patients; blood; bulgaria; cancer; carcinogenic; cases; cause; certain; chronic; clinical; coal; compounds; concentrations; control; countries; data; debrisoquine; deficiency; degree; deposits; different; disease; dissolved; distribution; drinking; endemic; endemic areas; endemic nephropathy; endemic regions; endemic villages; environmental; epidemiological; etiological; etiology; experiments; exposure; factors; features; fluorophoric; general; genetic; geographical; glogovac; health; higher; households; human; hydrocarbons; hypothesis; incidence; individuals; interstitial; kidney; kidney disease; leaching; lead; levels; lignite; long; low; lower; major; matter; molecular; nephropathy; nephrotoxic; nonendemic; ochratoxin; organic; ota; pahs; patients; pliocene; population; possible; presence; present; rank; regions; renal; research; role; romania; rural; samples; serbia; serum; similar; specific; spectra; studies; study; susceptibility; tract; tumors; upper; urinary; utt; utts; villages; viral; viruses; water; water samples; weight; wells; years; yugoslavia cache: cord-104204-pdnkabwj.txt plain text: cord-104204-pdnkabwj.txt item: #223 of 606 id: cord-104486-syirijql author: Adiga, Aniruddha title: Data-driven modeling for different stages of pandemic response date: 2020-09-21 words: 7181 flesch: 39 summary: As with any mathematical modeling effort, data plays a big role in the utility of such models. Similar to the importation risk, such models may provide an estimate of when cases may emerge in different parts of the country. keywords: acceleration; agent; allocation; analysis; approaches; available; behaviors; capacity; case; challenges; community; compliance; contact; control; countries; country; covid-19; data; datasets; demand; detailed; different; disease; distancing; dynamics; early; effective; efforts; epidemic; estimate; forecasting; formulation; framework; health; healthcare; hospital; human; impact; important; individuals; infected; infectious; influenza; instance; interventions; key; kinds; large; level; measures; metapopulation; methods; mobility; modeling; models; multiple; needs; neighbors; network; number; outbreak; outcomes; pandemic; parameters; past; population; potential; problem; public; questions; rate; real; relevant; response; risk; sars; series; similar; social; specific; spread; stages; state; surveillance; survey; techniques; term; time; transmission; travel; use; vaccine cache: cord-104486-syirijql.txt plain text: cord-104486-syirijql.txt item: #224 of 606 id: cord-118731-h5au2h09 author: None title: cord-118731-h5au2h09 date: None words: 7181 flesch: 39 summary: As with any mathematical modeling effort, data plays a big role in the utility of such models. Similar to the importation risk, such models may provide an estimate of when cases may emerge in different parts of the country. keywords: acceleration; agent; allocation; analysis; approaches; available; behaviors; capacity; case; challenges; community; compliance; contact; control; countries; country; covid-19; data; datasets; demand; detailed; different; disease; distancing; dynamics; early; effective; efforts; epidemic; estimate; forecasting; formulation; framework; health; healthcare; hospital; human; impact; important; individuals; infected; infectious; influenza; instance; interventions; key; kinds; large; level; measures; metapopulation; methods; mobility; modeling; models; multiple; needs; neighbors; network; number; outbreak; outcomes; pandemic; parameters; past; population; potential; problem; public; questions; rate; real; relevant; response; risk; sars; series; similar; social; specific; spread; stages; state; surveillance; survey; techniques; term; time; transmission; travel; use; vaccine cache: cord-118731-h5au2h09.txt plain text: cord-118731-h5au2h09.txt item: #225 of 606 id: cord-140839-rij8f137 author: Langfeld, Kurt title: Dynamics of epidemic diseases without guaranteed immunity date: 2020-07-31 words: 2288 flesch: 49 summary: The different mathematical approaches have different objectives: A significant application of the statistical methods frequently aims at the early detection of disease outbreaks [4] , while modelling either tries to develop a model as realistic as possible for a given outbreak or to design a simplistic model, which, however, reveals some universal truth about the outbreak dynamics. This should influence the decision to what extent efforts focus on developing a cure or a vaccine. Strategies for containing an emerging influenza pandemic in southeast asia Statistical methods for the prospective detection of infectious disease outbreaks: a review Statistical studies of infectious disease incidence A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics Thresholds for epidemic outbreaks in finite scale-free networks The impacts of network topology on disease spread The mathematics of infectious diseases Statistical inference in a stochastic epidemic seir model with control intervention: Ebola as a case study Modelling the covid-19 epidemic and implementation of population-wide interventions in italy Mathematical modelling on phase based transmissibility of coronavirus A conceptual model for the coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) outbreak in wuhan, china with individual reaction and governmental action Data-based analysis, modelling and forecasting of the covid-19 outbreak Estimating clinical severity of covid-19 from the transmission dynamics in wuhan, china Capturing the time-varying drivers of an epidemic using stochastic dynamical systems Early dynamics of transmission and control of covid-19: a mathematical modelling study Beitrag zur theorie des ferromagnetismus Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems: A Concrete Mathematical Introduction Nonuniversal critical dynamics in monte carlo simulations An R package with real-time data, historical data and Shiny app I thank Lorenz von Smekal (Giessen) and Paul Martin (Leeds) for helpful discussions. keywords: agents; covid-19; data; disease; dynamics; epidemic; immune; immunity; individuals; infected; infection; mathematical; model; neighbours; network; number; outbreak; pandemic; phase; population; probability; rate; response; spread; statistical; study; susceptible; theory; time cache: cord-140839-rij8f137.txt plain text: cord-140839-rij8f137.txt item: #226 of 606 id: cord-193497-qqrhvlm5 author: Shoghri, Ahmad El title: Identifying highly influential travellers for spreading disease on a public transport system date: 2020-04-03 words: 5890 flesch: 42 summary: The authors used the recurrent mobility and the total mobility characteristics to group individuals into returners and explorers. To understand how different mobility behaviours influence the transmission paths of the simulated disease we classify the bus passengers into different mobility groups. keywords: average; average number; behaviour; bus; connected; contact; data; degree; different; dimensions; disease; distances; dynamics; encounters; environment; explorers; fig; groups; human; increase; individuals; infection; influential; locations; long; low; mobility; mobility groups; network; number; passengers; pathogens; period; population; probability; public; results; returners; segment; short; short distances; simulation; spread; spreading; study; susceptible; suspension; time; total; transmission; transport; travel; use; values cache: cord-193497-qqrhvlm5.txt plain text: cord-193497-qqrhvlm5.txt item: #227 of 606 id: cord-225429-pz9lsaw6 author: Rodrigues, Helena Sofia title: Optimal Control and Numerical Optimization Applied to Epidemiological Models date: 2014-01-29 words: 32062 flesch: 52 summary: A vaccination program is seen as an important measure used in infectious disease control and immunization and eradication programs. The OC-ODE [57] , Optimal Control of Ordinary-Differential Equations, by Matthias Gerdts, is a collection of Fortran 77 routines for optimal control problems subject to ordinary differential equations. keywords: account; adjoint; adulticide; aedes; aegypti; aim; analysis; application; approach; associated; authorities; available; average; basic; basic reproduction; best; better; boundary; c =; calculus; campaigns; cape; case; chapter; code; compartment; computational; conditions; constant; constraints; contact; continuous; control; control c; control problem; control u; control variable; cost; countries; data; days; definition; dengue; dengue disease; development; dfe; differential; difficult; direct; discretization; disease; disease control; disease transmission; distinct; dotcvp; dynamics; economic; educational; effective; effects; efficacy; eggs; endemic; entire; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; equations; equilibrium; equivalent; eradication; euler; example; expected; factors; features; fever; figure; fixed; following; formulation; free; functional; future; global; goal; hamiltonian; health; higher; host; human; human population; immune; immunity; impact; imperfect; important; increase; increasing; indirect; individuals; infected; infected individuals; infectious; infectious disease; influence; initial; insecticide; introduction; ipopt; issues; kutta; large; larvae; level; life; long; main; major; mass; mathematical; matlab; maximum; mayer; means; measures; mechanical; method; model; modeling; mosquitoes; multiple; natural; necessary; need; neos; new; newborns; nlp; nonlinear; number; number r; numerical; objective; oc problem; optimal control; optimality; optimization; order; outbreak; packages; parameters; particular; people; performance; period; perspective; phase; piecewise; point; pontryagin; population; possible; potential; present; prevention; previous; principle; probability; problem; process; programming; programs; proof; proportion; protection; public; rate; realistic; reality; related; reproduction; reproduction number; research; resistant; resources; respect; results; risk; runge; scenarios; scheme; second; section; seir; set; shooting; similar; simple; simulations; sir; situation; size; small; software; solution; solvers; specific; spread; stability; state; step; strategies; strategy; study; susceptible; system; t =; t f; table; term; theorem; theory; thesis; threshold; time; time t; total; transmission; transversality; treatment; type; use; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; value; variables; vector; vector control; verde; virus; water; way; weights; work; world; x(t; λ(t cache: cord-225429-pz9lsaw6.txt plain text: cord-225429-pz9lsaw6.txt item: #228 of 606 id: cord-253000-nwbmxepi author: Margină, Denisa title: Chronic Inflammation in the Context of Everyday Life: Dietary Changes as Mitigating Factors date: 2020-06-10 words: 8289 flesch: 25 summary: Studies on animal models show an improvement in neurodegenerative diseases after fasting, while other studies prove that intermittent fasting diets boost the levels of antioxidant defense, neurotrophic factors (BDNFS, H-70 and FGF2), proteins involved in adaptive response (HSP-70 and GRP-78), and reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines levels (TNFa, IL-1β, and IL-6) SCFAs have anti-inflammatory effects that bind to the nuclear transcription factor PPARγ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ) and, consequently, inhibit the NF-kB pathway keywords: acids; activation; activity; adiponectin; adults; age; alternate; asthma; bacteria; beneficial; blood; bmi; body; caloric; cancer; cardiovascular; cells; chain; changes; chronic; clinical; composition; covid-19; crp; day; days; decrease; development; diabetes; diet; dietary; different; diseases; disorders; disturbances; dna; effects; energy; exposure; expression; factors; fasting; fat; fatty; fiber; food; foxo; function; gene; glucose; grade; gut; health; high; histone; human; il-6; immune; impact; important; improved; increase; individuals; inflammation; inflammatory; insulin; intake; intermittent; intermittent fasting; intestinal; leptin; levels; lifespan; lifestyle; like; lipid; long; loss; low; markers; mechanisms; metabolic; metabolomics; mice; microbiota; models; molecular; nervous; normal; obese; obesity; overweight; oxidative; pathways; patients; periodic; pressure; protein; randomized; rats; real; reduction; regulation; related; resistance; response; restriction; results; risk; role; scfas; sensitivity; short; simulation; sirtuins; status; stress; studies; study; subjects; syndrome; system; time; tissue; transcription; trial; type; weight; western; women cache: cord-253000-nwbmxepi.txt plain text: cord-253000-nwbmxepi.txt item: #229 of 606 id: cord-253182-s60vzf3q author: Fang, Evandro F. title: A research agenda for ageing in China in the 21st century (2nd edition): Focusing on basic and translational research, long-term care, policy and social networks date: 2020-09-21 words: 23336 flesch: 37 summary: Rapid ageing and an alarming increase in non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have arisen as major health concerns in China Marten et al., 2014) . Fourthly, a reform of the payment model used in elderly care services should be carried out, focusing on value rather than volume of care for populations at risk of care dependency. keywords: 2030; access; addition; adults; aged; ageing; aids; alzheimer; analysis; approach; areas; assessment; associated; attention; awareness; basic; biomarkers; blood; brain; burden; cancer; capacity; cardiovascular; care; care services; care system; cases; cause; cells; centenarians; center; central; challenges; changes; characteristics; china; china national; chinese; chronic; clinical; cognitive; cohort; common; community; comparison; comprehensive; conditions; control; coronary; countries; country; coverage; cross; current; cvd; data; death; decline; delivery; dementia; dental; depression; development; diabetes; diagnosis; different; disability; diseases; disorders; drug; dwelling; e.g.; early; economic; education; effective; effects; elderly; elderly care; elderly patients; elderly people; elderly population; epidemiological; et al; european; exercise; expenditure; facilities; factors; failure; families; family; features; fig; financial; focus; frailty; function; future; general; geriatric; global; government; groups; health; health insurance; health services; healthcare; healthy china; heart; hepatitis; high; higher; hiv; home; hong; hospital; human; hypertension; immune; important; incidence; increase; individual; infection; influenza; informal; insurance; integrated; intervention; investment; kong; lack; large; lead; learning; level; liao; life; lifespan; likely; living; local; long; longevity; low; lower; ltci; machine; mainland; mainland china; major; management; medical; medicine; model; molecular; morbidity; mortality; muscle; national; national health; needs; new; non; number; nursing; older; older adults; older chinese; older people; oral; oral health; outcomes; palliative; palliative care; patients; people; periodontal; personalized; physical; pilot; plan; pneumonia; policies; policy; population; population ageing; potential; present; pressure; prevalence; prevention; primary; problems; progress; proportion; providers; public; pulmonary; quality; rapid; rate; recent; reduction; reform; regions; related; report; reported; research; residents; resources; response; results; review; risk; rural; sarcopenia; schemes; sectional; senescent; services; sexual; significant; smoking; social; social care; social health; societal; society; specific; state; status; stds; strategies; studies; study; support; survey; system; systematic; term; term care; time; tobacco; total; training; treatment; trend; trials; tuberculosis; urban; use; value; viral; wang; women; woo; work; world; years; yip et cache: cord-253182-s60vzf3q.txt plain text: cord-253182-s60vzf3q.txt item: #230 of 606 id: cord-253295-82ydczid author: Funkhouser, William K. title: Pathology: the clinical description of human disease date: 2020-07-24 words: 8869 flesch: 30 summary: The Pathologist is that physician or clinical scientist who specializes in the art and science of medical risk estimation and disease diagnosis, using observations at the clinical, gross, body fluid, light microscopic, immunophenotypic, ultrastructural, cytogenetic, and molecular levels. As the human genome is deciphered, and as the complex interactions of cellular biochemistry are refined, risk of disease in unaffected individuals will be calculable, disease diagnosis will be increasingly accurate and prognostic, and molecular subsets of morphologically defined disease entities will be used to guide customized therapy for individual patients. keywords: abnormalities; abundance; accuracy; accurate; acid; anatomy; antibodies; antigen; approaches; aristotle; assays; bacteria; bce; benefit; binding; biology; blood; carcinoma; cause; cell; cellular; century; changes; chemical; chemistry; circa; clear; clinical; clinical disease; community; concepts; correlate; criteria; critical; current; data; deficiency; demonstration; description; detection; development; diagnosis; differences; different; differential; disease; dna; dyes; emphysema; etiologic; etiology; examination; example; features; fever; findings; fluid; follow; function; galen; genetic; genome; greek; gross; h&e; high; history; hla; human; hybridization; immunohistochemistry; improved; individuals; initial; instance; laboratories; laboratory; light; likely; lineage; liver; lung; malignant; medical; method; modern; molecular; molecules; morphologic; mutations; natural; neoplasms; new; non; normal; nucleic; observations; organ; outcome; particular; pathogenesis; pathologist; pathology; patient; physicians; physiology; portion; possible; prediction; primary; prior; prognosis; proteins; puerperal; radiographic; recognition; response; risk; rna; role; scientific; screening; sections; self; sequence; sequencing; set; signs; similar; single; small; specific; stains; structure; study; symptoms; technologies; technology; theory; therapy; thought; tissue; treatment; tumors; unaffected; understanding; uses; variables; variation; work; workup cache: cord-253295-82ydczid.txt plain text: cord-253295-82ydczid.txt item: #231 of 606 id: cord-253638-5f9ofdsc author: Alsaied, Tarek title: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID‐19) Pandemic Implications in Pediatric and Adult Congenital Heart Disease date: 2020-06-10 words: 5693 flesch: 42 summary: Arrhythmia is also commonly seen in COVID-19 patients and while nonspecific, palpitations are one of the presenting symptoms in 7% of the patients 31, 44, 54 . There is no information to suggest any harmful effect in COVID-19 patients thus it is reasonable to continue these medications. keywords: ace; acute; addition; adults; age; american; angiotensin; arrhythmia; article; aspirin; association; asymptomatic; cardiac; cardiology; cardiovascular; care; cases; cause; characteristics; chd; children; china; clinical; congenital; control; copyright; coronavirus; course; covid-19; data; disease; early; effect; exposure; failure; health; heart; heart disease; high; hypertension; impact; important; infection; injury; involvement; lung; medications; members; mild; mortality; myocarditis; non; novel; outbreak; pandemic; patients; pediatric; pneumonia; population; potential; providers; reports; respiratory; review; rights; risk; role; sars; severe; symptoms; syndrome; team; time; transmission; urgent; viral; world; wuhan cache: cord-253638-5f9ofdsc.txt plain text: cord-253638-5f9ofdsc.txt item: #232 of 606 id: cord-253711-a0prku2k author: Mao, Liang title: Coupling infectious diseases, human preventive behavior, and networks – A conceptual framework for epidemic modeling date: 2011-11-26 words: 5875 flesch: 33 summary: The simulation outcomes suggest that the transmission probability of a disease and the structure of infection network have profound effects on the dynamics of coupled-diffusion. Infectious diseases often spread through direct or indirect human contacts, which form infection networks. keywords: adopters; adoption; antiviral; approach; article; average; behavior; characteristics; communication; conceptual; contacts; day; diffusion; disease; drugs; early; effects; epidemic; fig; framework; health; human; individuals; infected; infection; infection network; influence; influenza; interactions; links; model; modeling; networks; new; nodes; number; period; personal; population; pressure; preventive; preventive behavior; probability; process; processes; research; risk; scale; second; simulation; small; social; status; structure; susceptible; threshold; time; transmission; values; world cache: cord-253711-a0prku2k.txt plain text: cord-253711-a0prku2k.txt item: #233 of 606 id: cord-253891-d1ei287l author: Geddes, Duncan title: The history of respiratory disease management date: 2016-04-23 words: 2192 flesch: 59 summary: Management of lung disease has vastly improved but the impact of disease remains. Lung diseases surge and sometimes seem to go. keywords: 1970s; advances; agonists; air; antibiotics; asthma; better; cancer; care; century; chest; chronic; death; delivery; devices; diagnosis; disease; doctor; drugs; imaging; important; infections; key; london; lung; major; management; medicine; new; obstructive; patients; pneumonia; positive; pulmonary; respiratory; rich; scientific; support; surgery; today; treatment; use; years cache: cord-253891-d1ei287l.txt plain text: cord-253891-d1ei287l.txt item: #234 of 606 id: cord-254419-qw83atrx author: Bhattacharyya, Rajat title: The Interplay Between Coagulation and Inflammation Pathways in COVID-19-Associated Respiratory Failure: A Narrative Review date: 2020-08-25 words: 5908 flesch: 29 summary: Statins, another group of drugs that have anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic properties, have also been studied in COVID-19 patients; a retrospective study showed a favorable recovery profile and lower all-cause mortality with the use of statins in 1219 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 A pilot trial of adding tocilizumab therapy in patients with severe COVID-19 disease in combination with standard therapy of lopinavir, methylprednisolone, and oxygen therapy showed remarkable short-term clinical responses in 20 out of 21 patients within 2 weeks of tocilizumab therapy [57] . keywords: ace2; activation; acute; adaptive; agents; analysis; anti; anticoagulation; approach; article; care; cases; cells; china; chronic; clinical; combination; complement; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; current; cytokine; disease; distress; dose; drugs; dysregulation; endothelial; evidence; factor; failure; features; fig; high; higher; hypercoagulability; ibuprofen; icu; il6; ill; immune; incidence; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; innate; intensive; interferon; likely; low; lower; lung; macrophage; microvascular; mortality; nets; non; novel; outcomes; pathways; patients; plasma; pneumonia; prophylactic; protein; pulmonary; rate; respiratory; respiratory failure; results; review; risk; sars; severe; severity; significant; studies; study; suppression; syndrome; system; therapeutic; therapy; thrombosis; time; tocilizumab; trials; type; use; viral cache: cord-254419-qw83atrx.txt plain text: cord-254419-qw83atrx.txt item: #235 of 606 id: cord-254446-yxqbe1dj author: Ren, Yunzhao R. title: A Comprehensive Updated Review on SARS‐CoV‐2 and COVID‐19 date: 2020-05-29 words: 6750 flesch: 32 summary: One study reported that IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-8 plasma concentrations in COVID-19 patients were significantly higher compared to results from four healthy In addition to the consistent trend of lower lymphocyte counts observed in severe cases of COVID-19 (Table 3 ) from different studies, total T cells, CD4 + T cells, and CD8 + T cells also were significantly lower in severe/critical COVID-19 cases than in non-severe cases 124, 127, 128 . They also found that CD8 + T cells in COVID-19 patients exhibit many aspects of exhaustion and reduced function, such as Once in the cell, the virus is not killed or neutralized; instead, it may continue to replicate, and/or stimulate or kill the target cells, causing more inflammation and damage. keywords: ace2; acid; acute; admission; analysis; anti; antibody; antiviral; associated; asymptomatic; azithromycin; blood; cases; cells; characteristics; children; china; clinical; coronavirus; coronavirus disease; course; cov-2; covid-19; cytokine; data; days; death; detection; development; different; disease; early; exhaustion; failure; fda; features; findings; heart; high; higher; hospital; hours; human; hydroxychloroquine; immune; infected; infection; injury; levels; load; lower; lung; maternal; median; meta; mild; mother; ncov; neonatal; new; nicotine; non; novel; novel coronavirus; nucleic; observational; old; onset; outbreak; outcomes; pandemic; patients; pcr; plasma; pneumonia; positive; pregnant; rate; related; reported; reports; respiratory; results; retrospective; review; samples; sars; series; severe; severity; smoking; studies; study; swabs; symptom; syndrome; systematic; test; therapeutic; time; transmission; treatment; trial; use; viral; women; wuhan cache: cord-254446-yxqbe1dj.txt plain text: cord-254446-yxqbe1dj.txt item: #236 of 606 id: cord-255096-27dfbhsl author: Sweet, Michael J. title: Reprint of ‘Diseases in marine invertebrates associated with mariculture and commercial fisheries’ date: 2016-06-19 words: 18109 flesch: 47 summary: Diagnosis and/or treatment: Based on disease signs only at the current time. Diagnosis and/or treatment: Based on disease signs only at the current time. keywords: abalone; acute; addition; adult; affected; agent; ahpnd; america; americanus; antibiotics; apostichopus; appearance; aquaculture; areas; asia; associated; australia; available; bacterial; bacterium; black; body; bonamia; cancer; causal; causes; cells; certain; china; clear; clinical; clinical signs; coast; commercial; common; conditions; connective; copepods; countries; crab; crassostrea; crustaceans; cucumber; cultured; current; date; days; deng; detection; development; diagnosis; differences; different; digestive; disease; disease signs; east; edible; effect; electron; ems; epidemiology; et al; european; evidence; example; exhibit; family; farmed; farming; farms; food; future; geng; genotypes; genus; gigas; gills; gland; haliotis; head; healthy; hematodinium; high; homarus; hosts; important; increase; individuals; infected; infecting; infection; information; initial; inoculation; japonicus; juveniles; large; larvae; lesions; life; lightner; likely; limited; little; lobsters; losses; major; management; marine; marteilia; measure; mexico; mikrocytos; molecular; molluscs; monodon; mortalities; mortality; muscle; necrosis; new; non; north; notifiable; novel; numerous; oie; outbreaks; oysters; pacific; panulirus; parasite; particular; pathogens; pathological; pathology; pcr; penaeid; penaeus; peristome; perkinsus; populations; potential; practices; presence; present; prevalence; production; recent; regard; results; review; shrimp; significant; signs; similar; sinensis; skin; small; species; specific; spiroplasma; spot; spread; stages; stentiford; stocks; stomach; study; stylirostris; sud; surface; susceptible; syndrome; time; tissues; transmission; treatment; type; ulceration; vannamei; vibrio; viral; virions; virus; viruses; wang; wang et; water; white; wild; world; wssv; yellow; yhd; yin; zhang cache: cord-255096-27dfbhsl.txt plain text: cord-255096-27dfbhsl.txt item: #237 of 606 id: cord-255519-tcobane8 author: Bartels, Matthew N. title: Acute Medical Conditions: Cardiopulmonary Disease, Medical Frailty, and Renal Failure date: 2020-10-02 words: 20003 flesch: 28 summary: Guidelines for cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention programs Core components of cardiac rehabilitation/secondary prevention programs: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association and the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Writing Group Core components of cardiac rehabilitation/secondary prevention programs: 2007 update: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention Committee, the Council on Clinical Cardiology; the Councils on Cardiovascular Nursing, Epidemiology and Prevention, and Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; and the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Clinical practice guidelines for the management of pain, agitation, and delirium in adult patients in the intensive care unit Acute medical rehabilitation Physical medicine and rehabilitation patient centered care Essential physical medicine and rehabilitation Evaluation of pulmonary function and exercise performance by cardiopulmonary exercise testing before and after lung transplantation Improving the quality of quality improvement projects Canadian Study of Health and Aging Working Group: Disability and frailty among elderly Canadians: a comparison of six surveys Insulin-like growth factor I and interleukin-6 contribute synergistically to disability and mortality in older women Core competencies for cardiac rehabilitation/secondary prevention professionals: 2010 update: position statement of the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Physical activity and public health: updated recommendation for adults from the Objectively measured sedentary time may predict insulin resistance independent of moderate-and vigorous-intensity physical activity The CAM-S: development and validation of a new scoring system for delirium severity in 2 cohorts Evaluation of a frailty index based on a comprehensive geriatric assessment in a population based study of elderly Canadians The effects of training on heart rate; a longitudinal study Medical director responsibilities for outpatient cardiac rehabilitation/secondary prevention programs: 2012 update: a statement for health care professionals from the American Association for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation and the American Heart Association Rehabilitation for hospital-associated deconditioning The long-term psychological effects of daily sedative interruption on critically ill patients Exercise testing in asymptomatic adults: a statement for professionals from the American Heart Association Council on Clinical Cardiology, Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention Cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease: an American Heart Association scientific statement from the Council on Clinical Cardiology (Subcommittee on Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention) and the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism (Subcommittee on Physical Activity), in collaboration with the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation IGF-1, the cross road of the nutritional, inflammatory and hormonal pathways to frailty Uremic myopathy limits aerobic capacity in hemodialysis patients Coronary heart-disease and physical activity of work Coronary heart-disease and physical activity of work Improving long-term outcomes after discharge from intensive care unit: report from a stakeholders' conference European Respiratory Society statement on pulmonary rehabilitation Clinical competency guidelines for pulmonary rehabilitation professionals: American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Position Statement Cardiac rehabilitation after myocardial infarction. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders The national medical series for independent study: anatomy Culture of early mobility in mechanically ventilated patients Core components of cardiac rehabilitation/secondary prevention programs: a statement for healthcare professionals from the American Heart Association and the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Writing Group Core components of cardiac rehabilitation/secondary prevention programs: 2007 update: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association Exercise, Cardiac Rehabilitation, and Prevention Committee, the Council on Clinical Cardiology; the Councils on Cardiovascular Nursing, Epidemiology and Prevention, and Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; and the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Effectiveness and safety of the awakening and breathing coordination, delirium monitoring/management, and early exercise/mobility bundle Physical activity and mortality related to obesity and functional status in older adults in Spain Developing a rural transitional care community case management program using clinical nurse specialists Clinical practice guidelines for the management of pain, agitation, and delirium in adult patients in the intensive care unit Acute medical rehabilitation Grabois M, editor: Physical medicine and rehabilitation: the complete approach Physical medicine and rehabilitation patient centered care Pulmonary rehabilitation Rehabilitation management of lung volume reduction surgery Evaluation of pulmonary function and exercise performance by cardiopulmonary exercise testing before and after lung transplantation Improving the quality of quality improvement projects Lower limb skeletal muscle function after 6 wk of bed rest Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms after acute lung injury: a 2-year prospective longitudinal study Bed rest in heart trouble Effectiveness and safety of a home-based cardiac rehabilitation programme of mixed surveillance in patients with ischemic heart disease at moderate cardiovascular risk: a randomised, controlled clinical trial A perfect storm: care transitions for vulnerable older adults discharged home from the emergency department without a hospital admission Canadian Study of Health and Aging Working Group: Disability and frailty among elderly Canadians: a comparison of six surveys Electrophysiologic studies in the denervated transplanted human heart. keywords: active; activities; activity; acute; addition; adults; aerobic; aging; airway; american; american heart; appropriate; arrhythmias; artery; assessment; association; atrial; baseline; bed; behavior; benefits; blood; capacity; cardiac; cardiac disease; cardiac rehabilitation; cardiopulmonary; cardiopulmonary disease; cardiovascular; care; causes; centers; changes; chest; chronic; circulation; clinical; common; community; complications; conditioning; conditions; coordination; copd; coronary; council; covid-19; critical; decrease; degree; delirium; development; devices; dialysis; disabilities; disability; disabled; discharge; disease; dyspnea; early; education; effects; end; essential; evaluation; examination; exercise; exercise program; factor; failure; fatigue; following; frailty; function; greater; group; guidelines; health; heart; heart association; heart disease; heart failure; heart rate; hemodialysis; high; higher; history; home; hospital; hospitalized; hypertension; hypoxemia; important; improved; increase; index; individuals; insulin; intensity; intensive; interstitial; intervention; kidney; left; levels; life; limited; literature; loss; lower; lung; lung disease; management; maximum; mechanical; medical; medicine; metabolic; minute; mobility; mobilization; moderate; modification; monitoring; mortality; muscle; mvo; myocardial; national; need; new; normal; numerous; obesity; obstructive; occupational; older; outcomes; outpatient; oxygen; pain; participants; patients; phase; physical; physical activity; physiology; place; population; position; positive; possible; practice; pressure; prevention; primary; principles; professionals; program; prolonged; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary rehabilitation; quality; rate; reduced; reduction; rehabilitation; rehabilitation program; renal; respiratory; response; rest; restrictive; result; right; risk; role; safe; scale; secondary; secondary prevention; sedation; sedentary; services; setting; severe; similar; specific; stage; standard; statement; stroke; studies; study; substantial; supplemental; support; symptoms; syndrome; table; target; team; testing; therapy; time; training; transplantation; treatment; understanding; update; use; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricular; volume; week; wellness; work cache: cord-255519-tcobane8.txt plain text: cord-255519-tcobane8.txt item: #238 of 606 id: cord-256094-f85xc5uu author: Milinovich, Gabriel J title: Using internet search queries for infectious disease surveillance: screening diseases for suitability date: 2014-12-31 words: 4966 flesch: 40 summary: Infectious diseases surveillance systems have been developed using internet search metrics to estimate incidence of influenza (Google Flu Trends) Combined, these features of internet usage and availability, infectious disease surveillance systems and diseases susceptibility patterns make Australia an ideal system in which to study the potential application of internet-based surveillance systems. keywords: analyses; approach; australia; community; correlations; cross; data; dengue; development; diseases; early; events; figure; flu; forecasting; frequency; google; health; infectious; influenza; information; interest; internet; lag; level; metrics; models; monitoring; monthly; national; notifiable; notifications; period; positive; potential; preventable; range; rank; related; results; search; searches; series; significant; spearman; state; study; surveillance; systems; terms; time; traditional; trends; use; vaccine; value; vector; virus; warning cache: cord-256094-f85xc5uu.txt plain text: cord-256094-f85xc5uu.txt item: #239 of 606 id: cord-256686-fwh926g4 author: Leggio, Loredana title: Extracellular Vesicles as Nanotherapeutics for Parkinson’s Disease date: 2020-09-16 words: 14353 flesch: 35 summary: Thematic Report 1 Projected number of people with Parkinson disease in the most populous nations Pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease An Essay on the Shaking Palsy A new look at James Parkinson's Essay on the Shaking Palsy Biochemical aspects of Parkinson's disease The function of α-synuclein Slowing of neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease and Huntington's disease: Future therapeutic perspectives New clinical subtypes of Parkinson disease and their longitudinal progression a prospective cohort comparison with other phenotypes Comparing clinical features of young onset, middle onset and late onset Parkinson's disease Relationships between age and late progression of Parkinson's disease: A clinico-pathological study The PRIAMO study: A multicenter assessment of nonmotor symptoms and their impact on quality of life in Parkinson's disease Movement disorder society criteria for clinically established early Parkinson's disease Predicting diagnosis of Parkinson's disease: A risk algorithm based on primary care presentations Prodromal Parkinson's disease as defined per MDS research criteria in the general elderly community To be or not to be (inflamed)-Is that the question in anti-inflammatory drug therapy of neurodegenerative disorders? Parkinson's disease, aging and adult neurogenesis: Wnt/β-catenin signalling as the key to unlock the mystery of endogenous brain repair Glia as a Turning Point in the Therapeutic Strategy of Parkinsons Disease Boosting Antioxidant Self-defenses by Grafting Astrocytes Rejuvenates the Aged Microenvironment and Mitigates Nigrostriatal Toxicity in Parkinsonian Brain via an Nrf2-Driven Wnt/β-Catenin Prosurvival Axis Uncovering novel actors in astrocyte-neuron crosstalk in Parkinson's disease: The Wnt/β-catenin signaling cascade as the common final pathway for neuroprotection and self-repair Wnt your brain be inflamed? Front Plasticity of subventricular zone neuroprogenitors in MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) mouse model of Parkinson's disease involves cross talk between inflammatory and Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathways: Functional consequences for neuropr Aging-Induced Nrf2-ARE Pathway Disruption in the Subventricular Zone Drives Neurogenic Impairment in Parkinsonian Mice via PI3K-Wnt/ -Catenin Dysregulation Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling Is Required to Rescue Midbrain Dopaminergic Progenitors and Promote Neurorepair in Ageing Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease New α-and γ-synuclein immunopathological lesions in human brain Therapeutic strategies for Parkinson disease: Beyond dopaminergic drugs An Inflammation-Centric View of Neurological Disease: keywords: able; activity; administration; aged; aggregation; aging; analysis; anti; apod; approach; astrocytes; authors; bbb; beneficial; biomarkers; blood; brain; cargoes; carriers; catalase; catenin; cells; changes; characterized; clinical; cns; colleagues; common; complex; conditions; context; cross; curcumin; current; daergic; delivery; development; diagnostic; different; differentiation; disease; dj-1; dna; donor; dopaminergic; drug; early; effects; efficacy; environmental; evs; exosomal; exosomes; expression; extracellular; extracellular vesicles; factors; findings; free; functions; gdnf; gene; genetic; glial; growth; gut; human; identification; immune; important; increase; induced; inflammatory; injection; intestinal; involved; key; levels; line; lrrk2; macrophages; membrane; mesenchymal; mice; microbiota; microenvironment; microglia; midbrain; mitochondrial; model; molecules; motor; mouse; mptp; mutations; nds; neural; neurodegenerative; neuroinflammation; neuronal; neurons; neuroprotective; neurotrophic; new; nigrostriatal; novel; nps; ohda; onset; oxidant; oxidative; parkinson; parkinson disease; parkinsonian; particular; pathogenesis; pathway; patients; pd patients; people; phenotype; plasma; possible; potential; presence; production; progression; promising; properties; protein; rats; reactive; receptor; release; relevant; repair; response; results; risk; rna; role; safety; serum; signaling; significant; sirnas; small; snpc; specific; stem; stem cells; strategies; stress; striatum; studies; study; survival; symptoms; syn; synuclein; system; systemic; target; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; tools; transplantation; treatment; trials; ventral; vesicles; vitro; vivo; wnt; years cache: cord-256686-fwh926g4.txt plain text: cord-256686-fwh926g4.txt item: #240 of 606 id: cord-256688-yy7abob9 author: Chavez, Summer title: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): A primer for emergency physicians date: 2020-03-24 words: 6440 flesch: 47 summary: COVID-19 pushing Italian ICUs toward collapse Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) flowchart for healthcare professionals A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster Clinical characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China Clinical characteristics of 138 hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia in Wuhan, China Clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients with digestive symptoms in Hubei, China: a descriptive, cross-sectional, multicenter study Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection when novel coronavirus (nCoV) infection is suspected COVID-19) Interim Infection Prevention and Control Recommendations Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) healthcare infection prevention and control FAQs for COVID-19 COVID-19: what is next for public health? COVID-19): evaluating and testing persons for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) evaluating and reporting PUI COVID-19) Interim Guidance for Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Systems and 911 Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) for COVID-19 in the United States Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection control Surviving sepsis campaign: guidelines on the management of critically ill adults with Coronavirus Disease Infection prevention and control for coronavirus disease (COVID-19): interim guidance for acute healthcare settings Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Testing Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) information for laboratories COVID-19 requests for diagnostic panels and virus COVID-19) interim guidelines for collecting, handling, and testing clinical specimens from persons under investigation (PUIs) for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in different types of clinical specimens Correlation of chest CT and RT-PCR testing in Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in China: a report of 1014 cases. Up to 94% of COVID-19 cases were reported to originate from Hubei Province in December 2019; as of March 2020, the greatest number of new cases are now being reported in Italy, Spain, Germany, and the United States (U.S.) (Figs. 3 and 4) keywords: acute; air; airborne; appropriate; available; cases; cdc; characteristics; china; clinical; close; confirmed; contact; control; coronavirus; coronavirus disease; cough; cov-2; covid-19; critical; days; department; disease; dyspnea; early; emergency; equipment; exposure; facemask; failure; fatality; fever; findings; hcps; health; healthcare; high; history; hospital; ill; individuals; infected; infection; influenza; intubation; lung; management; medical; mild; ncov; new; nippv; non; novel; novel coronavirus; number; organization; outbreak; oxygen; pandemic; patients; person; personnel; physicians; pneumonia; potential; ppe; precautions; present; prevention; public; pui; puis; rate; respiratory; review; risk; room; sars; severe; shock; study; symptoms; syndrome; testing; transmission; travel; treatment; u.s; upper; use; viral; world; wuhan; years cache: cord-256688-yy7abob9.txt plain text: cord-256688-yy7abob9.txt item: #241 of 606 id: cord-257192-4fu922cp author: Ligon, B. Lee title: Outbreak of Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever in Angola: A Review of the History of the Disease and its Biological Aspects date: 2005-07-31 words: 3530 flesch: 50 summary: 5 Physicians should consider the diagnosis of MHF among febrile patients who, within 10 days before onset of fever, have traveled in an area where Marburg virus is endemic; have had direct contact with blood, other body fluids, secretions, or excretions of a person or animal suspected of having MHF; or have worked in a laboratory or animal facility that handles hemorrhagic fever viruses. An infectious disease transmitted by Cercopithecus aethiops A previously unknown infectious disease contracted from monkeys: Marburg virus disease Fatal human disease from vervet monkeys Filoviral hemorrhagic fevers: Marburg and Ebola fevers Questions and answers about Marburg hemorrhagic fever Outbreak of Marburg virus disease in Johannesburg The reemergence of Ebola hemorrhagic fever, Democratic Republic of the Congo World Health Organization. keywords: angola; area; blood; body; cases; cdc; congo; contact; control; days; death; democratic; disease; ebola; factors; fatality; fear; fever; fig; health; hemorrhagic; hospital; infection; laboratory; marburg; marburg virus; march; mhf; news; numerous; organization; outbreak; patients; people; percent; person; primary; province; republic; response; risk; secondary; severe; small; spread; total; transmission; treatment; uige; viral; virus; viruses; world cache: cord-257192-4fu922cp.txt plain text: cord-257192-4fu922cp.txt item: #242 of 606 id: cord-257344-d13at1y5 author: Ghasemiyeh, Parisa title: COVID-19 Outbreak: Challenges in Pharmacotherapy Based on Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Aspects of Drug Therapy in Patients with Moderate to Severe Infection date: 2020-09-18 words: 5690 flesch: 35 summary: According to recently published researches, the most common clinical presentations in COVID-19 patients were fever in 83% to 98% of patients, dry cough in 76 to 82%, and fatigue or myalgia in 11 to 44% of them. So close patient monitoring is required in COVID-19 patients with pre-existing cardiovascular disease who are planned to treat with lopinavir/ritonavir and sometimes alternative drugs might be considered 52 . keywords: ace2; acute; adjustment; administration; adverse; agents; antiviral; associated; available; cardiac; cardiovascular; caution; cells; china; chloroquine; clinical; common; coronavirus; covid-19; damage; disease; dosage; dose; drug; effects; efficacy; elimination; failure; function; health; hepatic; hours; hydroxychloroquine; immune; infected; infection; inhibitors; injury; kidney; level; life; liver; lopinavir; major; management; metabolism; monitoring; new; novel; oral; organ; patients; pharmacokinetic; pharmacotherapy; plasma; pneumonia; population; possible; potential; pregnancy; reactions; renal; respiratory; results; review; ribavirin; risk; ritonavir; sars; severe; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; systematic; therapeutic; therapy; transmission; treatment; umifenovir; use; world; wuhan cache: cord-257344-d13at1y5.txt plain text: cord-257344-d13at1y5.txt item: #243 of 606 id: cord-257358-uoek1pba author: Peset, José L. title: Plagues and Diseases in History date: 2015-03-12 words: 5048 flesch: 43 summary: Paleopathology enables us to discover the high incidence of diseases in the early inhabitants of the Earth, especially where such diseases left their mark on bones. It is thus possible to detect remnants of tumors, infections, necrosis, osteoporosis, and malformations, as also traumatisms, dental alterations, rickets, rheumatism, and other diseases of the bones. keywords: africa; agriculture; aids; america; animals; areas; asia; burden; centuries; century; changes; cholera; cities; climate; conditions; countries; cultures; death; development; different; dirty; diseases; economic; effective; endemic; environment; epidemic; europe; european; famines; fever; flu; genetic; great; harsh; health; high; history; human; hygiene; immunity; important; india; infectious; international; life; malaria; marshy; measles; medical; mental; migrations; mosquitoes; nations; new; nineteenth; old; people; plague; political; poor; population; poverty; public; rats; sanitary; sanitation; second; settlements; severe; smallpox; social; spread; terrible; times; today; trade; treatment; tuberculosis; twentieth; united; vaccination; wars; water; world; yellow cache: cord-257358-uoek1pba.txt plain text: cord-257358-uoek1pba.txt item: #244 of 606 id: cord-257418-cyul92w0 author: McGuirk, Sheila M. title: Disease Management of Dairy Calves and Heifers date: 2008-03-31 words: 5749 flesch: 44 summary: Do not Routine medications, feed additives, and well calf treatments should be reviewed closely in calf herds with enteric disease problems. This article focuses on the most important diseases of dairy calves and heifers and presents clinical approaches that can improve detection, diagnosis, and treatment of herd-based problems. keywords: abnormal; affected; age; bacterial; bedding; bronchoalveolar; calf; calf diarrhea; calves; catheter; clinical; colostrum; consistency; cows; culture; dairy; data; day; days; detection; diagnostic; diarrhea; disease; dose; early; effective; electrolyte; enteric; environment; exposure; factors; fecal; feces; feeding; fluid; group; health; heifers; herd; housing; immunity; important; infection; investigation; laboratory; management; milk; months; mortality; nasal; number; onset; oral; parvum; pathogens; pen; pens; pneumonia; potential; present; preweaned; problems; protocol; rate; records; replacer; respiratory; respiratory disease; results; review; risk; rotavirus; salmonella; samples; score; shedding; solution; source; spp; table; time; transmission; treatment; use cache: cord-257418-cyul92w0.txt plain text: cord-257418-cyul92w0.txt item: #245 of 606 id: cord-257943-fippk9p4 author: Palmeiro, Brian S. title: Clinical Approach to Dermatologic Disease in Exotic Animals date: 2013-07-17 words: 4679 flesch: 45 summary: The clinical approach to skin disease in exotic animal patients is reviewed with specific focus on structure and function of the skin, diagnostic testing, and differential diagnoses for commonly encountered cutaneous diseases. Skin disease is an extremely common presenting complaint to the exotic animal practitioner. keywords: amphibian; animal; approach; avian; bacterial; biopsy; birds; bsava; captive; cases; cells; clinical; common; complete; corneum; culture; cutaneous; dermal; dermatologic; dermatologic diseases; diagnoses; diagnostic; differential; direct; disease; ectoparasites; epidermis; evaluation; examination; exotic; feather; ferrets; fig; fish; fungal; gill; glands; gloucester; guinea; hairs; husbandry; important; impressions; keratinized; layers; lesions; manual; medicine; mucus; pet; pets; pigs; quality; questions; rabbits; reptiles; review; rodents; sample; scales; scent; scrapings; sebaceous; shed; skin; skin disease; slide; small; species; stratum; structure; surface; table; testing; thorough; tissue; water cache: cord-257943-fippk9p4.txt plain text: cord-257943-fippk9p4.txt item: #246 of 606 id: cord-258052-y9pzsoqa author: Adalja, Amesh A. title: Biothreat Agents and Emerging Infectious Disease in the Emergency Department date: 2018-09-06 words: 4217 flesch: 43 summary: In the current era, there are several molecular multianalyte tests available, some of which are Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) waived and available at point of care for specific infectious disease syndromes, such as gastrointestinal infections, meningitis, and respiratory infections, that can be used to increase the rate of microbial specific diagnoses in ED settings. These tests, in the hands of an astute physician, can improve the nation's resiliency to infectious disease emergencies, and negative results in the right clinical context may prompt further investigation for a specific etiology. keywords: agents; anthrax; attack; available; biological; botulism; care; cases; cdc; ciprofloxacin; clinical; common; consultation; days; diagnosis; disease; ebola; emergency; endemic; experimental; exposure; fever; form; gastrointestinal; gram; health; history; humans; important; incubation; infectious; infectious disease; influenza; inhalational; key; patients; period; person; physician; plague; pneumonic; postexposure; practice; present; principles; prophylaxis; rash; respiratory; severe; smallpox; specific; spores; spread; states; syndrome; travel; treatment; tularemia; united; vaccine; virus; viruses; zika; zoonotic cache: cord-258052-y9pzsoqa.txt plain text: cord-258052-y9pzsoqa.txt item: #247 of 606 id: cord-258093-6fn8ei9f author: Hanania, Nicola A. title: Asthma in the elderly: Current understanding and future research needs—a report of a National Institute on Aging (NIA) workshop date: 2011-08-25 words: 17068 flesch: 41 summary: The aging lung Large, longitudinal, and more complete studies to determine the effects of aging on the function of the respiratory system Improved knowledge about lung structure-function relationships in older age using techniques of imaging and measures of lung function not requiring effort (eg, high-resolution computed tomographic scanning and forced oscillation) Improved assessment of lung processes underlying airflow limitation attributable to aging versus COPD or asthma, especially in asthmatic patients who smoke Studies to examine the effects of aging in ethnic groups and the role of gender Epidemiology, effect, diagnosis, and management Determine the true prevalence and cost of asthma in the older population Develop a uniform definition of asthma to be applied to health care records that will distinguish asthma from COPD and mixed asthma/COPD Evaluate evidence-based treatment algorithms for older asthmatic patients, such as those developed by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and Global Initiative For Asthma guidelines 7 Assess the effect of asthma treatment, including direct medical costs of care, indirect costs of care, and value of treatment in improving quality of life 8, 9 Assess the effect of comorbid conditions, especially COPD and congestive heart failure, on asthma 9 Characterize phenotypes of elderly asthma with regard to responses to therapy and long-term outcomes based on age of onset, duration of disease, and environmental triggers Develop algorithms for electronic medical record systems that are asthma-specific Evaluate effects of current asthma medications in older patients compared with younger patients Identify pharmacogenetic determinants of response to asthma medications in older adults Identify simpler and safer drug delivery systems and schedules for older adults Develop simple methods to differentiate COPD from asthma exacerbations in older adults Understand how environmental or aging-related factors affect epigenetic changes in asthma in older adults Identify differences between older and younger asthmatic patients or between LSA and LOA with regard to inflammation, remodeling, intracellular mechanisms, responses to environmental pollutants, and allergy sensitization and their effects on the metabolism and action of asthma drugs Identify naturally occurring age-related changes in airway cellular patterns Develop animal models of age-related airway inflammation Understand the significance of allergy sensitization associated with asthma in older adults (eg, through larger prospective studies) 97, 124, 128 Patients with LOA start having asthma symptoms for the first time when they are 65 years of age or older (some studies have suggested middle age or older). keywords: acute; addition; adults; adverse; age; age group; aged; agents; aging; airflow; airway; allergen; allergic; allergy; animal; assessment; association; asthma; asthma care; asthma control; asthma exacerbations; asthma symptoms; asthmatic; asthmatic patients; bronchial; bronchodilator; capacity; cardiovascular; care; cause; cells; challenge; changes; children; chronic; clinical; cognitive; common; community; conditions; control; copd; corticosteroids; costs; current; data; decrease; definite; department; development; diagnosis; differences; different; difficult; disability; disease; dna; dose; drug; dyspnea; early; effects; elderly; elderly asthmatic; elderly patients; emergency; environmental; epigenetic; evidence; exacerbations; exposure; expression; factors; failure; fev; focus; frailty; function; future; general; greater; group; guidelines; health; heart; higher; history; human; ige; immune; impairment; important; incidence; increase; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhaled; institute; intervention; knowledge; large; levels; life; lifespan; likely; limitation; loa; long; loss; lower; lung; lung function; management; maximum; measures; mechanisms; medical; medications; methacholine; mice; models; mortality; muscle; national; need; normal; number; objective; obstruction; older; older adults; onset; outcomes; patients; peak; performance; persons; physical; population; positive; prevalence; process; program; pulmonary; quality; questionnaire; rates; recent; reduced; research; respiratory; response; responsiveness; results; reversible; risk; role; self; senescence; serum; severe; severity; short; skin; species; specific; spirometry; status; studies; study; subjects; survival; symptoms; test; testing; therapy; time; total; tract; treatment; understanding; united; use; viral; viruses; visits; wheezing; women; workshop; years; younger cache: cord-258093-6fn8ei9f.txt plain text: cord-258093-6fn8ei9f.txt item: #248 of 606 id: cord-258139-x4js9vqe author: Callan, Robert J title: Biosecurity and bovine respiratory disease date: 2005-03-04 words: 7692 flesch: 34 summary: This problem has an infectious origin, and it is by far the most frequently occurring form of cattle respiratory disease. In general, nasal shedding of viral respiratory pathogens is significantly reduced by 14 days after infection but may persist longer in individual animals, which suggests that quarantine for approximately 14 to 21 days should significantly reduce the exposure and transmission of these pathogens within an operation. keywords: adult; agents; airborne; ambient; animal; areas; authors; bacterial; beef; biosecurity; bovine; bovine respiratory; brdc; bvdv; calf; calves; cattle; common; contact; cow; dairy; decrease; density; development; diarrhea; disease; dust; effect; effective; environmental; epidemiology; exposure; factors; fans; feedlot; general; health; herd; high; housing; humidity; immune; important; improved; increase; individual; infected; infection; levels; livestock; management; means; milk; multiple; mycoplasma; occurrence; particles; pathogens; pneumonia; population; potential; practical; practices; prevalence; prevention; primary; problems; production; programs; rate; relative; resistance; respiratory; respiratory disease; respiratory pathogens; risk; role; shedding; significant; single; spp; spread; stocking; stress; survival; systems; temperature; time; tract; transmission; vaccination; vaccine; ventilation; viral; virus cache: cord-258139-x4js9vqe.txt plain text: cord-258139-x4js9vqe.txt item: #249 of 606 id: cord-258399-difauneh author: Rahmani, Amir Masoud title: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) prevention and treatment methods and effective parameters: A systematic literature review date: 2020-10-22 words: 10491 flesch: 39 summary: An Updated Meta-Analysis Early nutritional supplementation in non-critically ill patients hospitalized for the 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19): Rationale and feasibility of a shared pragmatic protocol A Case Report of a COVID-19-Associated Hyperactive Intensive Care Unit Delirium With Proposed Pathophysiology and Treatment Four point-of-care lateral flow immunoassays for diagnosis of COVID-19 and for assessing dynamics of antibody responses to SARS-CoV-2 SARS-CoV-2-specific antibody detection in healthcare workers in Germany with direct contact to COVID-19 patients Understanding antibody testing for covid-19 Analyzing barriers for implementation of public health and social measures to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 disease using DEMATEL method The COVID-19 pandemic calls for spatial distancing and social closeness: not for social distancing Does culture matter social distancing under the COVID-19 pandemic Influence of wind and relative humidity on the social distancing effectiveness to prevent COVID-19 airborne transmission: A numerical study Population flow drives spatiotemporal distribution of COVID-19 in China Adolescents' motivations to engage in social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic: Associations with mental and social health Predicting the Growth and Trend of COVID-19 Pandemic using Machine Learning and Cloud Computing Collective action and social distancing in COVID-19 responses. The positive impact of the review in various angles on people's level of awareness for self-caring and facing the disease An overall review has to investigate many proposed approaches to confront COVID-19 disease and the virus outbreak, whereas the previous SLR-based case studies focused on the particular fields of facing methods such as different observations of PCR's tests. keywords: accurate; acute; antibodies; antibody; approaches; aspects; background; blood; care; case; case studies; case study; categories; chest; cities; clinical; confronting; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 outbreak; covid-19 pandemic; covid-19 patients; cultural; death; december; definitive; detecting; detection; diabetes; diagnosing; different; disease; disease epidemic; distance; distancing; economic; effective; environmental; epidemic; et al; experimental; face; facing; factors; figure; health; healthcare; impact; infected; infection; information; issue; laboratory; learning; literature; main; management; medical; methods; model; negative; new; number; observations; outbreak; pandemic; papers; parameters; patients; people; physical; pneumonia; positive; prediction; prevention; previous; probability; problem; public; quarantine; recovery; research; researchers; respiratory; results; review; risk; role; rules; safety; section; self; slr; social; social distancing; spread; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; taxonomy; tests; therapy; time; transmission; treatment; tree; virus; virus outbreak; work; world; √ ✗; ✗ ✗ cache: cord-258399-difauneh.txt plain text: cord-258399-difauneh.txt item: #250 of 606 id: cord-258548-1u7v1nlr author: Mansueto, Gelsomina title: Can COVID 2019 disease induces a specific cardiovascular damage or it exacerbates pre-existing cardiovascular diseases? date: 2020-06-26 words: 5929 flesch: 25 summary: Heart damage patients had higher mortality than those without heart damage. The 3 main symptoms of COVID-19 disease are fever, cough, and shortness of breath. keywords: 2019; ace2; acute; alveolar; angiotensin; anti; associated; autopsy; azithromycin; cardiac; cardiovascular; case; causes; cells; china; clinical; coagulation; comorbidities; comorbidity; complications; coronary; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; damage; data; death; diabetes; dic; different; direct; disease; drug; effects; evidence; factors; heart; heme; higher; hydroxychloroquine; hypertension; immune; increase; infection; inflammatory; influenza; inhibitors; interaction; interference; interval; known; literature; lung; main; mechanism; mortality; myocardial; myocarditis; non; novel; old; patients; people; pneumonia; porphyrin; potential; pulmonary; raas; receptor; reported; respiratory; response; risk; rna; role; sars; severe; studies; study; subjects; sudden; syndrome; system; systemic; therapy; thromboembolism; treatment; types; underlying; ventricular; virus; viruses; years cache: cord-258548-1u7v1nlr.txt plain text: cord-258548-1u7v1nlr.txt item: #251 of 606 id: cord-258626-p469ysi8 author: Davis-Wurzler, Gina M. title: 2013 Update on Current Vaccination Strategies in Puppies and Kittens date: 2014-02-26 words: 10941 flesch: 38 summary: Assignment of vaccine products (which are considered biological agents, not drugs, and are therefore assessed and approved under the United States Department of Agriculture [USDA] Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service rather than the Food and Drug Administration) into these categories is based on how the product is created. The goal is to reach the highest level of overall animal health with the minimum number of adverse events, based on scientific and epidemiologic merit. Immunity in the fetus and newborn AAFP Feline Vaccination Advisory Panel report American Animal Hospital Association Canine Vaccination Task Force The defense of the body Cells and their response to antigen AVMA Council on Biologic and Therapeutic Agents' report on cat and dog vaccines Vaccines & vaccinations: guidelines vs. reality Vaccines and vaccinations: the strategic issues Infectious diseases of the dog and cat Vaccines and their production Multicenter case-control study of risk factors associated with development of vaccine-associated sarcomas in cats The use of vaccines Canine viral diseases Canine vaccination Vaccination of puppies born to immune dams with a canine adenovirus-based vaccine protects against a canine distemper virus challenge Vaccination against canine distemper virus infection in infant ferrets with and without maternal antibody protection using recombinant attenuated poxvirus vaccines Quedgeley (Gloucester): British Small Animal Veterinary Association Infectious canine hepatitis and canine acidophil cell hepatitis Infectious diseases of the dog and cat Seroconversion of puppies to canine parvovirus and canine distemper virus: a comparison of two combination vaccines Canine parvovirus (CPV) vaccination: comparison of neutralizing antibody responses in pups after inoculation with CPV2 or CPV2b modified live virus vaccine Evaluation of the efficacy and duration of immunity of a canine combination vaccine against virulent parvovirus, infectious canine hepatitis virus, and distemper virus experimental challenges Duration of serologic response to five viral antigens in dogs National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians. keywords: ability; addition; adenovirus; administration; adverse; age; animal; antibody; antigen; appropriate; associated; association; available; calicivirus; canine; care; cats; causes; cav; cdv; cells; clinical; contact; current; diarrhea; direct; discussion; disease; distemper; dogs; dose; efficacy; envenomation; environment; events; exposure; feline; fip; fiv; general; health; high; host; hypersensitivity; immune; immunity; individual; infected; infection; initial; interference; kittens; later; levels; likely; live; local; maternal; mlv; months; multiple; multivalent; noncore; old; owner; parvovirus; pathogens; patient; pet; population; potential; practitioner; prevent; product; protection; puppies; puppy; rabies; reactions; recombinant; recommendation; respiratory; response; risk; route; screening; second; signs; single; site; small; species; specific; standard; strategies; subsequent; system; test; time; tract; transmission; type; use; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; veterinary; viral; virus; weeks; year; young cache: cord-258626-p469ysi8.txt plain text: cord-258626-p469ysi8.txt item: #252 of 606 id: cord-258777-9jxvngvz author: Kunii, Osamu title: The Okinawa Infectious Diseases Initiative date: 2006-12-22 words: 3723 flesch: 33 summary: For information and to offer suggestions, please contact the webmaster at: Collaboration in the fight against infectious diseases G8 countries accused of ignoring debt relief Global plagues and the Global Fund: challenges in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria Japan's official development assistance: recent issues and future directions The United States and Japan pursue a common agenda Japan/United States collaboration in international HIV prevention and care Global parasite control initiative of Japan (Hashimoto Initiative) Infectious diseases, non-zero-sum thinking, and the developing world Social and economic impact of infectious diseases -United States Infectious diseases -new and ancient threats to world health Through infrastructure and institution building, in addition to provision of technical assistance, Japan supports and facilitates the development of health systems and sector reforms, thereby reinforcing health development planning and programmes, building capacity and helping to ensure sustainability of infectious disease control. keywords: activities; aids; approaches; assistance; basic; care; community; control; countries; development; diseases; donor; education; efforts; equipment; eradication; fight; global; health; hiv; idi; impact; infectious; infectious diseases; initiative; international; interventions; japan; japanese; major; malaria; measures; nations; need; new; okinawa; parasitic; parasitic diseases; partnerships; poverty; programmes; projects; public; reduction; research; resources; sanitation; sector; summit; support; technical; training; vivax; water; world; worldwide cache: cord-258777-9jxvngvz.txt plain text: cord-258777-9jxvngvz.txt item: #253 of 606 id: cord-258792-4lakgpxp author: Yoon, Sung‐Won title: Sovereign Dignity, Nationalism and the Health of a Nation: A Study of China's Response in Combat of Epidemics date: 2008-04-08 words: 7935 flesch: 45 summary: The official narrative of modern China is generally a tragic tale of its fall from being the 'centre of the Universe' beginning with the Opium Wars, to the incursion of Western powers into imperial China, to the grand finale of the invasion of China by the Japanese. This sort of mentality belies a negotiated basis of existence behind the modern Chinese nation -as if to say that there are no problems that modern China cannot handle or solve. keywords: able; aids; aids epidemic; approach; asia; authorities; beijing; cases; century; china; chinese; chinese government; chinese leadership; chinese nationalism; collaboration; community; control; country; cpc; crisis; desire; development; dignity; discourse; disease; economic; elites; epidemic; existence; extent; foreign; global; global health; governance; government; great; handling; health; health governance; hiv; human; image; infectious; infectious diseases; information; initial; interests; international; international health; issues; leadership; levels; local; long; medical; modern; national; national pride; nationalism; nations; new; obsession; outbreak; paper; people; plague; policy; political; power; pride; problem; provincial; public; public health; recent; response; rights; sars; sars outbreak; security; shame; short; sick; situation; sovereign; sovereign dignity; spread; state; sung; taiwan; threats; time; virus; world; yoon cache: cord-258792-4lakgpxp.txt plain text: cord-258792-4lakgpxp.txt item: #254 of 606 id: cord-259395-ytj21cit author: Hoyo, Javier Del title: Implementing Telemedicine in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: is COVID-19 the definitive trigger? date: 2020-05-15 words: 1095 flesch: 39 summary: Third, institutions lacking telemedicine programs can outsource these services, but the provision of remote health safely also requires a uniform legal framework regarding medical liability. Finally, in order to maintain adherence to follow-up it is essential to adapt telemedicine programs according to patients´ requirements. keywords: bowel; colitis; communication; covid-19; crohn; data; disease; health; healthcare; ibd; inflammatory; medical; pandemic; patients; practice; programs; remote; services; technical; telemedicine; ulcerative; use cache: cord-259395-ytj21cit.txt plain text: cord-259395-ytj21cit.txt item: #255 of 606 id: cord-259724-pbxd67tt author: Bamias, Giorgos title: Balkan Nephropathy: Evolution of Our Knowledge date: 2008-08-23 words: 5458 flesch: 47 summary: It is not clear what the current trend for BEN incidence is because results from studies performed in different endemic areas produced conflicting information. On a national scale, BEN cases are not distributed evenly throughout each affected country. keywords: acid; adducts; affected; agent; areas; aristolochic; aristolochic acid; association; balkan; ben; case; certain; characteristics; chinese; clematitis; clinical; contamination; coronavirus; countries; development; disease; endemic; endemic areas; endemic nephropathy; environmental; epidemiological; evidence; exposure; factor; families; features; flour; food; genetic; greater; health; human; hypothesis; incidence; interstitial; iviä; kidney; level; lignite; local; long; low; nature; nephropathy; new; nonendemic; ota; pathogenesis; patients; regions; renal; renal disease; result; second; seeds; studies; study; theory; time; toxic; tract; unique; upper; urinary; urothelial; use; villages; world; years; yugoslavia cache: cord-259724-pbxd67tt.txt plain text: cord-259724-pbxd67tt.txt item: #256 of 606 id: cord-260503-yq4dtf8n author: SAMARANAYAKE, LAKSHMAN P. title: Severe acute respiratory syndrome and dentistry A retrospective view date: 2004-09-30 words: 6841 flesch: 51 summary: The following are general criteria for laboratory confirmation of SARS-CoV: dDetection of serum antibody to SARS-CoV by a test validated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC (for example, enzyme immunoassay); or dIsolation in cell culture of SARS-CoV from a clinical specimen; or dDetection of SARS-CoV RNA by a reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction test validated by CDC and with subsequent confirmation in a reference laboratory (for example, CDC) dProbable case: meets the clinical criteria for severe respiratory illness of unknown etiology and epidemiologic criteria for exposure; laboratory criteria confirmed or undetermined dSuspect case: meets the clinical criteria for moderate respiratory illness of unknown etiology and epidemiologic criteria for exposure; laboratory criteria confirmed or undetermined A case may be excluded as a suspect or probable SARS case if: dAn alternative diagnosis can fully explain the illness; dThe case has a convalescent-phase serum sample (that is, obtained > 28 days after symptom onset), which is negative for antibodies to SARS-CoV; dThe case was reported on the basis of contact with an index case that was subsequently excluded as a case of SARS, provided other possible epidemiologic exposure criteria are not present * Adapted from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 260503 cord_uid: yq4dtf8n ABSTRACT Background Severe acute respiratory syndrome, or SARS, which has created panic in Asia and in some parts of North America, is the first epidemic of the new century. keywords: acute; acute respiratory; agents; airborne; animal; antibodies; available; care; case; cdc; cell; centers; china; clinical; close; common; community; contact; control; coronavirus; cov; criteria; culture; current; data; days; dental; dentistry; dentists; diagnosis; disease; early; epidemiologic; example; exposure; face; febrile; following; hand; health; hong; hospital; human; hygiene; illness; infection; infection control; infectivity; kong; laboratory; low; major; masks; measures; medical; new; number; onset; outbreak; patients; people; percent; period; person; phase; possible; prevention; procedures; questions; recent; researchers; respiratory; respiratory syndrome; review; routine; samples; sars; serum; severe; spread; symptoms; syndrome; test; transmission; treatment; vaccine; viral; virus; workers; world; worldwide cache: cord-260503-yq4dtf8n.txt plain text: cord-260503-yq4dtf8n.txt item: #257 of 606 id: cord-260750-utbuj5iz author: Dear, Jonathan D. title: Bacterial Pneumonia in Dogs and Cats date: 2013-11-21 words: 5230 flesch: 31 summary: Bacterial pneumonia remains one of the most common clinical diagnoses in dogs with either acute or chronic respiratory disease. New research suggests a complex relationship between viral respiratory diseases and development of bacterial pneumonia in dogs. keywords: acute; affected; airway; animals; appropriate; aspiration; bacterial; bacterial pneumonia; bal; blood; bodies; body; canine; cases; cats; cause; chronic; cird; clinical; common; complex; cough; culture; cytology; development; diagnosis; diffuse; disease; dogs; equi; evidence; examination; factors; fig; findings; foreign; gastric; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhalation; lateral; lavage; left; likely; lobe; lower; lung; material; mycoplasma; normal; organisms; oxygen; pathogens; patients; pattern; pneumonia; pulmonary; radiographs; refractory; resistant; resolution; respiratory; results; right; risk; role; samples; secretions; severe; severity; signs; spp; streptococcus; subsp; therapy; thoracic; tract; upper; useful; veterinary; viral; virus; zooepidemicus cache: cord-260750-utbuj5iz.txt plain text: cord-260750-utbuj5iz.txt item: #258 of 606 id: cord-261058-yu2qw02l author: Burgner, David title: Kawasaki disease: What is the epidemiology telling us about the etiology? date: 2005-06-03 words: 5150 flesch: 30 summary: The value of isolated populations in genetic studies of allergic diseases Kawasaki disease in parents and children Kawasaki syndrome Kawasaki disease: review of risk factors for coronary aneurysms Coronary risks after high-dose gamma-globulin in children with Kawasaki disease Clinical relevance of the risk factors for coronary artery inflammation in kawasaki disease Coronary artery involvement in Kawasaki syndrome in Manhattan Cytokines predict coronary aneurysm formation in Kawasaki disease patients Raised serum interleukin 15 levels in Kawasaki disease Urinary neopterin as a predictive marker of coronary artery abnormalities in Kawasaki syndrome Genetic influence on cytokine production and fatal meningococcal disease Kawasaki disease: the mystery continues Increased frequency of alleles associated with elevated tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels in children with Kawasaki disease High incidence of angiotensin I converting enzyme genotype II in Kawasaki disease patients with coronary aneurysm Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism in Kawasaki disease HLA antigens in Kawasaki disease HLA antigens in mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome in New England Problems of reporting genetic associations with complex outcomes The HLA class II region and susceptibility to Kawasaki disease Polymorphism of transmembrane region of MICA gene and Kawasaki disease Polymorphism of SLC11A1 (formerly NRAMP1) gene confers susceptibility to Kawasaki disease Mapping disease genes: family-based association studies Control of confounding of genetic associations in stratified populations The TDT and other family-based tests for linkage disequilibrium and association Identification of susceptibility loci for insulindependent diabetes mellitus by trans-racial gene mapping The diagnosis and management of Kawasaki disease Adenovirus infection in patients with Kawasaki disease Could a herpesvirus be the cause of Kawasaki disease? Mycoplasma infection and Kawasaki disease Probable role of Streptococcus pyogenes in Kawasaki disease Serologic evidence that streptococcal superantigens are not involved in the pathogenesis of Kawasaki disease Variant Streptococcus sanguis as an etiological agent of Kawasaki disease Toxic shock syndrome toxin-secreting Staphylococcus aureus in Kawasaki syndrome The absence of evidence of staphylococcal toxin involvement in the pathogenesis of Kawasaki disease Variant strain of Propionibacterium acnes: a clue to the etiology of Kawasaki disease Pathogenicity of Propionibacterium acnes isolated from Kawasaki disease patients-cytopathogenic protein (CPP) isolated from P. acnes culture filtrates and measurement of the antibody against CPP Positive Ehrlichia canis serology in Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease in European adult associated with serological response to Coxiella burneti Role of house dust mites in Kawasaki disease Urine mercury levels in Kawasaki disease Rug shampoo and Kawasaki disease Association of rug shampooing and Kawasaki disease Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics of patients referred for evaluation of possible Kawasaki disease. keywords: abnormal; acute; adult; agent; aneurysms; artery; associations; cardiovascular; cases; cause; childhood; children; clinical; common; consensus; conventional; coronary; countries; damage; data; determinants; diagnostic; different; disease; dose; epidemiological; epidemiology; ethnic; etiological; etiology; etiopathogenesis; evidence; factors; fever; genetic; heat; high; hla; host; immune; important; incidence; incomplete; infectious; inflammation; inflammatory; involvement; japan; japanese; kawasaki; kawasaki disease; korea; lesions; likely; long; months; outcome; patients; phenotype; populations; pro; protein; reported; response; risk; role; shock; specific; striking; studies; study; superantigens; susceptibility; susceptible; syndrome; toxic; treatment; viral; virus; years cache: cord-261058-yu2qw02l.txt plain text: cord-261058-yu2qw02l.txt item: #259 of 606 id: cord-261301-8mw2kpmr author: McVey, Scott title: Vaccines in Veterinary Medicine: A Brief Review of History and Technology date: 2010-05-13 words: 4041 flesch: 34 summary: In the mid-1950s, veterinarians were commonly using rabies vaccines of brain tissue origin in dogs. The principal biologic products used in practice at that time were rabies vaccines, 'viabilized' canine distemper/hepatitis virus vaccine and antisera, hog cholera and erysipelas vaccines and antisera, leptospirosis bacterins, and clostridial toxoids (Fig. 1) . keywords: adjuvants; agents; aid; animals; antibody; antigens; available; calicivirus; canine; cases; cats; cells; cellular; claim; clear; clinical; common; consistent; control; correlates; development; disease; dogs; early; effective; efficacious; efficacy; feline; formulations; guidelines; herpesvirus; immune; immunity; immunization; inactivated; inactivation; infection; initial; kittens; manufacturing; medicine; microbes; neutralizing; new; onset; potential; practice; presence; prevention; products; protection; rabies; research; responses; routine; safety; specific; studies; technical; technologies; time; types; use; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccines; veterinary; virulence; virus cache: cord-261301-8mw2kpmr.txt plain text: cord-261301-8mw2kpmr.txt item: #260 of 606 id: cord-261788-f728j3bb author: Sabater González, Mikel title: Emergencies and Critical Care of Commonly Kept Fowl date: 2016-03-02 words: 7744 flesch: 44 summary: Postmortem findings in affected birds include splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, airsacculitis, pericarditis, and peritonitis. However, after adequate therapy, there is no currently available test to ascertain whether affected birds are no longer carriers; therefore, treatment should be carefully considered, because of its zoonotic risk, especially in collections open to the public. keywords: acute; administration; affected; air; anesthesia; anesthetized; animals; anseriformes; arterial; association; available; avian; backyard; bandage; birds; blood; body; breathing; british; bsava; care; cases; cause; changes; chickens; clinical; common; condition; critical; crop; crystalloids; damage; days; death; diagnosis; diet; different; disease; ducks; early; egg; electrocardiogram; emergency; examination; fig; flock; fluid; food; fowl; fractures; galliformes; geese; hens; high; impaction; infection; influenza; injuries; intraosseous; intravenous; isoflurane; kingdom; large; lead; lesions; long; loss; management; manual; marek; monitoring; mortality; muscle; mycoplasma; neurologic; newcastle; normal; order; outbreaks; oviduct; oxygen; patient; pheasants; physical; pigeons; poisoning; possible; poultry; present; presentation; pressure; procedures; raptors; rate; repair; respiratory; response; risk; sac; samples; secondary; severe; signs; sinusitis; small; species; spp; stress; studies; study; surgical; swans; temperature; therapy; tract; trauma; treatment; tube; turkeys; united; vaccination; ventilation; veterinary; volume; waterfowl; weight cache: cord-261788-f728j3bb.txt plain text: cord-261788-f728j3bb.txt item: #261 of 606 id: cord-262119-s6hc7fxs author: Ostaszewski, Marek title: COVID-19 Disease Map, a computational knowledge repository of SARS-CoV-2 virus-host interaction mechanisms date: 2020-10-27 words: 12366 flesch: 31 summary: COVID-19 pathways featured in the previous section cover mechanisms reported so far. By aligning our efforts, we strive to provide COVID-19 specific pathway models, synchronize content with similar resources and encourage discussion and feedback at every stage of the curation process. keywords: ace2; activation; activity; acute; affected; akt; analysis; angiotensin; annotations; antiviral; apoptosis; approach; associated; autophagy; available; biochemical; biocuration; biocurators; biological; biology; blood; building; cases; cell; cellular; characteristics; children; clinical; community; complex; components; computational; content; coronavirus; coronavirus disease; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 disease; cytokine; damage; data; databases; death; degradation; dendritic; dependent; detailed; development; diagrams; different; dioxygenase; disease; disease map; domain; downstream; drug; effects; efforts; elements; entry; epithelial; evolving; experts; exploration; expression; factors; features; figure; findings; formats; framework; function; gene; graphical; graphs; group; guidelines; help; heme; high; hipathia; hmox1; host; human; ifn; immune; implications; indoleamine; induction; infected; infection; inflammasome; inflammation; inflammatory; information; inhibition; inhibits; innate; interactions; interferon; interpretation; intrinsic; kinase; knowledge; large; layout; level; like; literature; lung; manner; map; map diagrams; maps; material; mechanisms; mechanistic; membrane; metabolism; mining; modelling; models; molecular; multiple; networks; new; nlrp3; novel; omics; open; outcomes; pandemic; pathophysiology; pathway; patients; platform; potential; processes; production; protease; protein; range; reactome; receptor; regulation; regulatory; related; relevant; renin; replication; repositories; repository; representation; research; resources; respiratory; response; results; review; risk; rna; role; sars; sbgnml; sbml; scale; section; severe; severe covid-19; severity; signalling; specific; spike; standardised; stress; study; supplementary; support; susceptibility; syndrome; syndrome coronavirus; systems; targeting; targets; text; therapeutic; tools; transcription; translation; tryptophan; turn; type; use; viral; visualisation; workflows cache: cord-262119-s6hc7fxs.txt plain text: cord-262119-s6hc7fxs.txt item: #262 of 606 id: cord-262205-ax3i3d7f author: Karampourian, Arezou title: Exploring challenges of health system preparedness for communicable diseases in Arbaeen mass gathering: a qualitative study date: 2018-09-11 words: 6701 flesch: 42 summary: The most important findings of the study are the ineffectiveness of health training, the low perception of risk in pilgrims, poor control of the causative factors of infectious diseases, and deficient and defective health infrastructure in Iraq. Ineffectiveness of health training is one of the challenges of health system preparedness. keywords: analysis; arbaeen; arbaeen ceremony; ceremony; challenges; communicable; content; control; countries; data; different; diseases; education; example; executive; experience; facilities; factors; food; gatherings; hajj; health; health system; health training; important; infectious; infectious diseases; infrastructure; interviews; iran; iraq; job; lack; level; low; male; mass; medical; needs; number; organization; participants; people; personal; pilgrimage; pilgrims; planning; policy; policymakers; preparedness; problems; public; public health; qualitative; quotation; related; religious; research; results; risk; study; sub; system; themes; training; understanding; years cache: cord-262205-ax3i3d7f.txt plain text: cord-262205-ax3i3d7f.txt item: #263 of 606 id: cord-262253-3ovqhypt author: Iqbal, Umar H. title: The Use of Antimicrobial and Antiviral Drugs in Alzheimer’s Disease date: 2020-07-12 words: 8842 flesch: 41 summary: Abeta42 is essential for parenchymal and vascular amyloid deposition in mice Abeta40 inhibits amyloid deposition in vivo Subacute meningoencephalitis in a subset of patients with AD after Abeta42 immunization Clinical effects of Abeta immunization (AN1792) in patients with AD in an interrupted trial A subset of NSAIDs lower amyloidogenic Abeta42 independently of cyclooxygenase activity Substrate-targeting gamma-secretase modulators Effect of tarenflurbil on cognitive decline and activities of daily living in patients with mild Alzheimer disease: A randomized controlled trial A phase 3 trial of semagacestat for treatment of Alzheimer's disease Inositol stereoisomers stabilize an oligomeric aggregate of Alzheimer amyloid beta peptide and inhibit abeta -induced toxicity A phase 2 randomized trial of ELND005, scyllo-inositol, in mild to moderate Alzheimer disease Alzheimer's Amyloid-β is an Antimicrobial Peptide: A Review of the Evidence Characterizing the preclinical stages of Alzheimer's disease and the prospect of presymptomatic intervention Amyloid β deposition, neurodegeneration, and cognitive decline in sporadic Alzheimer's disease: A prospective cohort study Blood-based biomarkers for Alzheimer disease: Mapping the road to the clinic Diagnostic Value of Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers (Phospho-Tau181, total-Tau, Aβ42, and Aβ40) in Prodromal Stage of Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia with Lewy Bodies Plasma β-amyloid in Alzheimer's disease and vascular disease Serum neurofilament light in familial Alzheimer disease: A marker of early neurodegeneration Detection of misfolded Aβ oligomers for sensitive biochemical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease Seeding selectivity and ultrasensitive detection of tau aggregate conformers of Alzheimer disease Inflammation as a central mechanism in Alzheimer's disease. Aβ peptides are produced through a two-step cleavage process, in which APP is metabolized into smaller fragments. keywords: ability; able; accumulation; activity; acyclovir; addition; administration; aim; alzheimer; alzheimer disease; amps; amyloid; antimicrobial; antiviral; app; aβ peptides; aβ1; bacteria; bbb; beta; brain; cause; cells; central; clinical; cognitive; cytomegalovirus; death; deposition; determined; development; disease; dna; doxycycline; drug; effective; effects; evidence; findings; formation; function; gingipain; gingivalis; greater; group; herpes; hsv-1; human; hypothesis; immune; impact; increased; individuals; infected; infection; levels; like; load; mechanism; mice; microbes; model; neurodegeneration; neuroinflammation; neuronal; olfactory; oligomers; pathogenesis; pathogens; patients; peptides; plaques; pneumoniae; positive; potential; presence; present; production; progression; protein; recent; reduced; response; review; rifampicin; role; samples; secretase; significant; simplex; studies; study; system; target; tau; therapeutic; therapies; treatment; trial; type; virus; viruses; vitro cache: cord-262253-3ovqhypt.txt plain text: cord-262253-3ovqhypt.txt item: #264 of 606 id: cord-262281-56tbrl8a author: Hawkes, C. H. title: Parkinson's disease: a dual‐hit hypothesis date: 2007-10-24 words: 8202 flesch: 36 summary: In Parkinson's Disease: Progress in Research Dual-hit hypothesis 609 Poor and protracted myelination as a contributory factor to neurodegenerative disorders Neurodegeneration in normal brain aging and disease Alpha-synuclein lesions in normal aging, Parkinson disease, and Alzheimer disease: evidence from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA) Pathogenesis and preclinical course of Parkinson's disease Parkinson's disease Diagnostic staging of Parkinson's disease: conceptual aspects The relevance of the Lewy body to the pathogenesis of idiopathic Parkinson's disease Is Parkinson's disease a primary olfactory disorder? IPT and IBZM SPECT imaging in subclinical and clinically manifest idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder, Parkinson's disease, and controls Combination of 'idiopathic' REM sleep behaviour disorder and olfactory dysfunction as possible indicator for a-synucleinopathy demonstrated by dopamine transporter FP-CIT-SPECT Potential early markers of Parkinson disease in idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder Olfactory deficit in idiopathic rapid eye movements sleep behavior disorder Characteristics of idiopathic REM sleep behavior disorder and that associated with MSA and PD Gastric alphasynuclein immunoreactive inclusions in Meissner's and Auerbach's plexuses in cases staged for Parkinson's disease-related brain pathology Parkinson's disease: Lesions in dorsal horn layer I, involvement of parasympathetic and sympathetic preand postganglionic neurons Amygdala pathology in Parkinson's disease The neurobiology of the central nucleus of the amygdala in relation to neuroendocrine and autonomic outflow Projections from the central nucleus of the amygdala to the gastric related area of the dorsal vagal complex: a Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin study in rat The central nucleus of the amygdala modulates gut-related neurons in the dorsal vagal complex in rats Alafuzoff I. a-Synuclein pathology does not predict extrapyramidal symptoms or dementia Lewy body-related alpha-synucleinopathy in the aged human brain Regional distribution of proteinase-K-resistent a-synuclein correlates with Lewy body disease stage Lewy body-related alpha-synucleinopathy in aging Alzheimer disease with amgydala Lewy bodies: a distinct form of alpha-synucleinopathy Staging of sporadic Parkinson disease-related alpha-synuclein pathology: inter-and intra-rater reliability The expression of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-synucleins in olfactory mucosa from patients with and without neurodegenerative diseases Nasal mucosa in patients with Parkinson's disease Preliminary diagnosis of Parkinson's disease by olfactory bulb pathology keywords: affected; anterior; antibodies; associated; authors; autonomic; axons; bodies; body; brain; brainstem; bulb; cardiac; cases; cells; central; clinical; cns; controls; dementia; diagnosis; disease; disorder; distribution; dopamine; dorsal; dysfunction; early; ens; enteric; epithelium; evidence; fibres; figure; gastric; herpes; human; identification; idiopathic; idiopathic parkinson; individuals; infection; influenza; intermediate; involvement; lbs; lesions; lewy; lns; long; loss; lower; mice; motor; nasal; nerve; nervous; neuronal; neurones; neurotropic; nigra; non; normal; nucleus; olfaction; olfactory; olfactory nucleus; parasympathetic; parkinson; parkinson disease; parkinsonism; pathogen; pathological; pathology; patients; pd patients; phase; plexuses; preganglionic; presymptomatic; process; projection; prospective; rbd; related; rem; reticular; simplex; sites; sleep; smell; solitary; spinal; sporadic; stages; studies; study; subjects; substantia; sympathetic; symptomatic; synuclein; system; test; time; tract; trigeminal; type; upsit; uptake; vagal; vagus; viral; virus; viruses; vulnerable; years cache: cord-262281-56tbrl8a.txt plain text: cord-262281-56tbrl8a.txt item: #265 of 606 id: cord-262336-onghrm7y author: Nevarez, Javier title: CHAPTER 6 CROCODILIANS date: 2009-12-31 words: 13292 flesch: 46 summary: Naturally occurring antibacterial activities of avian and crocodile tissues Isolation of Aeromonas hydrophila from the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) Aeromonas-induced deaths among fi sh and reptiles in an eutrophic inland lake Diseases of the eye and ocular adnexae in reptiles Immobilization, blood sampling, necropsy techniques and diseases of crocodilians: a review Initial antibiotic therapy for alligator bites: characterization of the oral fl ora of Alligator mississippiensis Gram-negative septicemia in American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) Isolation of Edwardsiella tarda from a sea lion and two alligators Treatment of multiple cases of Pasteurella multocida and Staphylococcal pneumonia in Alligator mississippiensis on a herd basis Pathology of experimental mycoplasmosis in American alligators Adenovirus-like infection in two Nile crocodiles Morbidity and mortality associated with a new mycoplasma species from captive American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) Clinical values associated with opportunistic bacterial diseases in farm-raised alligators Brown spot disease in the Louisiana alligator industry: what we know about the disease and possible control protocols Brown spot disease of commercially-raised alligators: a preliminary report Colibacillosis in captive wild animals Mycoplasma alligatoris sp nov, from American alligators Aerobic intestinal fl ora of wild-caught African dwarf crocodiles (Osteolaemus tetraspis) However, I have also observed evidence of metabolic bone disease in a subset of captive American alligators being fed a commercial diet with no exposure to UVB light. keywords: addition; administration; affected; agents; aggressive; alligator mississippiensis; alligators; american; american alligators; anesthetic; animals; anorexia; antimicrobial; appropriate; available; bacterial; bath; benefi; blood; body; bone; buildings; caimans; calcium; captive; captivity; cases; cation; cause; challenge; changes; clinical; commercial; commercial operations; common; consideration; control; crocodiles; crocodilian species; crocodilians; defi; dermatitis; diagnostic; diet; different; diffi; disease; enclosure; environment; essential; evidence; examination; exposure; facilities; facility; factors; farmed; feeding; figure; foot; fungal; gallamine; gastrointestinal; general; growth; hand; head; health; heart; heterophilic; history; husbandry; identifi; important; increased; infection; infl; information; institution; juvenile; lack; large; lead; length; lesions; lethargy; light; like; long; louisiana; manual; meat; metabolic; mississippiensis; mouth; muscles; mycoplasma; natural; ndings; neurologic; neuromuscular; new; nile; niloticus; normal; number; nutritional; operations; palate; period; physical; physiology; possible; present; prey; procedure; production; quality; quarantine; reptiles; requirements; respiratory; response; restraint; results; role; salmonella; serum; signs; size; skin; source; species; specifi; stress; system; tail; temperature; tests; therapy; time; tissues; trauma; treatment; true; use; uvb; ventral; veterinarians; viral; virus; vitamin; water; weakness; west; white; wild; wnv; zoologic cache: cord-262336-onghrm7y.txt plain text: cord-262336-onghrm7y.txt item: #266 of 606 id: cord-262544-6q8eg9z4 author: Keller, Mikaela title: Use of Unstructured Event-Based Reports for Global Infectious Disease Surveillance date: 2009-05-17 words: 4009 flesch: 36 summary: This feature provides different contexts for viewing emerging infectious disease information. To improve public health surveillance and, ultimately, interventions, we examined 3 primary systems that process event-based outbreak information: Global Public Health Intelligence Network, HealthMap, and EpiSPIDER. keywords: access; alerts; articles; cdc; challenges; context; countries; critical; daily; data; database; day; department; development; different; disease; early; english; epispider; event; feeds; free; global; gphin; health; healthmap; human; infectious; informal; information; intelligence; internet; local; location; mail; media; monitoring; multiple; national; nations; natural; network; news; offi; online; outbreak; promed; public; public health; reporting; reports; research; rss; sites; sources; stream; surveillance; system; threats; time; topic; unstructured; use; users; worldwide cache: cord-262544-6q8eg9z4.txt plain text: cord-262544-6q8eg9z4.txt item: #267 of 606 id: cord-262623-lmf2h6oc author: Light, R. Bruce title: Plagues in the ICU: A Brief History of Community-Acquired Epidemic and Endemic Transmissible Infections Leading to Intensive Care Admission date: 2009-01-31 words: 7820 flesch: 39 summary: Over the ensuing weeks several more cases of severe respiratory syndromes began to appear in the region, also undiagnosed. Such superantigens have since been implicated in a number of other disease syndromes, among them the streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (see below). keywords: acute; aids; america; antimicrobial; authorities; available; care; cases; cause; century; children; china; clear; clinical; community; contact; course; critical; days; death; development; disease; earlier; early; effective; epidemic; epidemiologic; evidence; exposure; failure; fever; hantavirus; health; high; hiv; hospital; hps; humans; icu; icus; illness; incidence; infection; influenza; initial; intensive; large; later; legionnaire; lesson; likely; main; major; mechanical; mortality; necrotizing; new; north; numbers; onset; outbreak; pandemic; paralytic; pathogen; patients; plagues; pneumocystis; pneumonia; polio; population; potential; present; public; pulmonary; pyogenes; rates; related; respiratory; respiratory failure; respiratory syndrome; response; resuscitation; severe; shock; shock syndrome; states; streptococcal; support; syndrome; systemic; therapy; time; tissue; toxic; transmission; treatment; united; viral; virus; viruses; widespread; wild; workers; worldwide; years; young cache: cord-262623-lmf2h6oc.txt plain text: cord-262623-lmf2h6oc.txt item: #268 of 606 id: cord-263438-9ra94uda author: Snowden, Frank M. title: Emerging and reemerging diseases: a historical perspective date: 2008-09-19 words: 14396 flesch: 42 summary: key: cord-263438-9ra94uda authors: Snowden, Frank M. title: Emerging and reemerging diseases: a historical perspective date: 2008-09-19 journal: Immunol Rev DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-065x.2008.00677.x sha: doc_id: 263438 cord_uid: 9ra94uda Summary: Between mid‐century and 1992, there was a consensus that the battle against infectious diseases had been won, and the Surgeon General announced that it was time to close the book. The increasing virulence of dengue fever with dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome disproved the theory of the evolution toward commensalism, and the discovery of the microbial origins of peptic ulcer demonstrated the reach of infectious diseases. keywords: -the; 20th; access; addition; africa; agencies; agency; aids; america; antibiotics; antimicrobial; attention; campaign; capacity; care; case; cdc; century; challenge; cholera; cities; city; clear; communicable; communicable diseases; community; conditions; control; countries; course; crisis; danger; death; decades; dengue; department; development; diagnostic; die; director; disease surveillance; diseases; early; ebola; economic; effective; emergence; end; epidemic; epidemic diseases; eradication; events; evolutionary; example; fact; far; fever; field; final; general; global; globe; health; health care; hiv; hospital; human; impact; important; industrial; infections; infectious diseases; influenza; international; international health; iom; issue; large; leading; lederberg; levels; long; major; malaria; means; medical; medicine; microbes; microbial; modern; mortality; nations; nature; network; new; new diseases; niaid; non; numbers; outbreak; pandemic; patients; people; period; plague; point; policy; political; poor; population; poverty; preparedness; prevention; private; problem; public; public health; rapid; rate; reemerging; reemerging diseases; regulations; report; research; resistance; resources; response; result; rise; risk; sars; science; second; security; series; severe; significant; social; south; spread; states; step; surveillance; syndrome; system; technology; term; theory; thought; threat; time; today; transition; transmission; treatment; tropical; united; united states; unknown; urban; vaccines; victory; virus; vulnerability; vulnerable; war; water; weapons; west; white; women; words; work; world; world health; worldwide; years cache: cord-263438-9ra94uda.txt plain text: cord-263438-9ra94uda.txt item: #269 of 606 id: cord-263667-5g51n27e author: Steele, James Harlan title: Veterinary public health: Past success, new opportunities date: 2008-09-15 words: 11261 flesch: 56 summary: The relation of animal diseases to human disease was observed in the ancient civilizations of Babylon, the Nile Valley, and China and noted by Leviticus in the Old Testament, and later by Hippocrates in Greece, and Virgil and Galen in Rome. The movement of animal diseases into the Americas is believed to have been in the support of the settlements founded by Columbus in Santo Domingo in 1493. keywords: 20th; active; agencies; american; animal; animal diseases; animal health; anthrax; attention; authority; birds; board; bovine; brucella; brucellosis; bureau; california; cases; cattle; cause; cdc; center; century; chicago; commission; committee; common; concern; control; countries; days; dean; department; director; diseases; domestic; drinker; early; education; effective; encephalitis; epidemic; epidemiology; epizootic; equine; eradication; europe; expert; federal; fever; following; food; foundation; general; good; great; harvard; health program; health service; high; horses; human; hygiene; industry; infection; interest; irradiation; john; knowledge; laboratory; late; leptospirosis; listeriosis; major; meat; medical; medicine; meeting; mexico; meyer; michigan; milk; national; new; north; office; old; organization; origin; outbreak; past; pasteurization; pennsylvania; people; plague; prevention; problem; professor; program; public health; rabies; relation; report; research; reservoir; salmonella; sanitary; school; science; service; south; spread; staff; states; steele; stoenner; students; support; surgeon; tierkel; time; trichinosis; tuberculosis; united; united states; university; usphs; vaccine; veterinarians; veterinary; veterinary medicine; veterinary public; virus; vph; war; washington; water; wife; wild; work; world; worldwide; years; zoonoses; zoonotic cache: cord-263667-5g51n27e.txt plain text: cord-263667-5g51n27e.txt item: #270 of 606 id: cord-263882-s5oxr6es author: Najar Nobar, Niloufar title: Patients with specific skin disorders who are affected by COVID‐19: what do experiences say about management strategies? : A systematic review date: 2020-06-18 words: 2546 flesch: 33 summary: Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a first perspective Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a first perspective by Recalcati S Clinical and Histopathological study of skin dermatoses in patients affected by COVID-19 infection in the Northern part of Italy Cutaneous manifestations of COVID-19: Report of three cases and a review of literature Dermatologic findings in two patients with COVID-19 Cutaneous manifestation of COVID-19 in images: A case report Alert for non-respiratory symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in epidemic period: A case report of familial cluster with three asymptomatic COVID-19 patients Occupational skin disease among health care workers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic A distinctive skin rash associated with Coronavirus Disease A Case of COVID-19 Pneumonia in a Young Male with Full Body Rash as a Presenting Symptom Morbilliform exanthem associated with COVID-19 Rash as a Clinical Manifestation of COVID 19 Photographs of a Patient SARS-CoV-2 infection presenting as a febrile rash Urticarial eruption in COVID-19 infection Urticarial exanthem as early diagnostic clue for COVID-19 infection A case of COVID-19 presenting in clinical picture resembling chilblains disease. No evidence of increased risk for COVID-19 infection in patients treated with Dupilumab for atopic dermatitis in a high-epidemic area Systemic Isotretinoin Therapy In The Era Of COVID19 Evolution of COVID-19 infection in 4 psoriatic patients treated with biological drugs Occurrence of SARS-CoV-2 during mycophenolate mofetil treatment for pemphigus Mucous membrane pemphigoid and COVID-19 treated with highdose intravenous immunoglobulins: a case-report COVID-19 pulmonary infection in erythrodermic psoriatic patient with oligodendroglioma: safety and compatibility of apremilast with critical intensive care management A challenging case of psoriasis flare-up after COVID-19 infection COVID-19 in an elderly patient treated with secukinumab Improvement of SARS-CoV2 symptoms following Guselkumab injection in a psoriatic patient SARS-CoV-2 infection in a psoriatic patient treated with IL-23 inhibitor Systemic Immunobiological, Immunosuppressant and Oncologic Agents for the Treatment of Dermatologic Diseases during the SARS-Cov-2 (COVID19) Pandemic Emergency: a Quick Review for a Quick Consultation Evaluating the role of stress in skin disease. keywords: acute; affected; agents; articles; biologic; case; chronic; coronavirus; course; covid-19; cutaneous; dermatitis; dermatologic; dermatoses; disease; disorders; immunomodulators; infected; infection; like; management; manifestations; new; non; pandemic; patients; psoriasis; psoriatic; rash; report; review; risk; severe; skin; stress; study; symptoms; systemic; therapies; time; treatment; underlying cache: cord-263882-s5oxr6es.txt plain text: cord-263882-s5oxr6es.txt item: #271 of 606 id: cord-264355-9quf59td author: Jung, Sung-mok title: Epidemiological Identification of A Novel Pathogen in Real Time: Analysis of the Atypical Pneumonia Outbreak in Wuhan, China, 2019–2020 date: 2020-02-27 words: 4224 flesch: 34 summary: = Pr(observed characteristics pathogen j)q j Disease X was inferred to be very likely on all dates from 31 December 2019 onwards-the date on which descriptions of outbreak characteristics began to emerge. keywords: analysis; atypical; available; candidate; candidate pathogen; cases; causative; characteristics; china; coronavirus; current; december; different; disease; disease x; distance; euclidean; exposure; hamming; human; information; january; laboratory; market; novel; observed; ongoing; ongoing outbreak; outbreak; pathogen; pneumonia; probability; real; table; time; virological; wet; wuhan cache: cord-264355-9quf59td.txt plain text: cord-264355-9quf59td.txt item: #272 of 606 id: cord-264408-vk4lt83x author: Ruiz, Sara I. title: Animal Models of Human Viral Diseases date: 2017-06-23 words: 34509 flesch: 38 summary: The severe acute respiratory syndrome severe acute respiratory syndrome Bacterial sinusitis and otitis media following influenza virus infection in ferrets Neuropathology of H5N1 virus infection in ferrets The draft genome sequence of the ferret (Mustela putorius furo) facilitates study of human respiratory disease Immunopathogenesis of coronavirus infections: implications for sArs Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome: the new American hemorrhagic fever rift Valley fever Inbred rat strains mimic the disparate human response to rift Valley fever virus infection experimental studies of arenaviral hemorrhagic fevers experimental rift Valley fever in rhesus macaques Bovine respiratory syncytial virus protects cotton rats against human respiratory syncytial virus infection Human Hendra virus encephalitis associated with equine outbreak Molecularly engineered live-attenuated chimeric West Nile/dengue virus vaccines protect rhesus monkeys from West Nile virus structure as revealed by airway dissection. emerg Generation of a transgenic mouse model of Middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection and disease Pathological changes in brain and other target organs of infant and weanling mice after infection with nonneuroadapted Western equine encephalitis virus Particle-to-PFU ratio of ebola virus influences disease course and survival in cynomolgus macaques Progress toward norovirus vaccines: considerations for further development and implementation in potential target populations Characterization of lethal Zika virus infection in AG129 mice experimental in vitro and in vivo models for the study of human hepatitis B virus infection A model of meningococcal bacteremia after respiratory superinfection in influenza A virus-infected mice Middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus: current situation and travel-associated concerns Aerosol exposure to the Angola strain of marburg virus causes lethal viral hemorrhagic fever in cynomolgus macaques Necrotizing scleritis, conjunctivitis, and other pathologic findings in the left eye and brain of an ebola Virus-Infected rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) with apparent recovery and a delayed time of death American Academy of Pediatrics subcommittee on Diagnosis and Management of Bronchiolitis Identification of wild-derived inbred mouse strains highly susceptible to monkeypox virus infection for use as small animal models The gerbil, Meriones unguiculatus, a model for rift Valley fever viral encephalitis Morbidity and mortality among patients with respiratory syncytial virus infection: a 2-year retrospective review Chikungunya and the nervous system: what we do and do not know The West Nile virus outbreak of 1999 in New York: the Flushing Hospital experience Hospital outbreak of Middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus Diagnosis of noncultivatable gastroenteritis viruses, the human caliciviruses Norovirus vaccine against experimental human Norwalk Virus illness Determination of the 50% human infectious dose for Norwalk virus An epizootic attributable to Western equine encephalitis virus infection in emus in Texas evidence for camel-to-human transmission of Mers coronavirus Integrated molecular signature of disease: analysis of influenza virus-infected macaques through functional genomics and proteomics Disseminated and sustained HIV infection in CD34+ cord blood cell-transplanted rag2 −/− gamma c keywords: activity; acute; acute respiratory; adaptation; adapted; adult; aerosol; aerosolized; african; age; agms; aids; alveolar; analysis; animal; animal model; anorexia; antibodies; antibody; antiviral; asymptomatic; attenuated; avian; b virus; balb; bats; blood; brain; c57bl/6; cancer; cases; cats; cause; cchfv; cells; central; cervical; challenge; changes; characterization; characterized; chikungunya; chikungunya virus; chimpanzees; chronic; clinical; clinical disease; cns; common; comparison; congo; contact; control; coronavirus; coronavirus infection; cotton; countermeasures; course; cov; cov infection; crimean; cynomolgus; damage; days; death; dengue; dengue virus; denv; dependent; development; differences; different; difficult; disease; disease course; disease model; disease progression; distribution; dna; dogs; dose; drug; early; east; eastern; ebola; ebola virus; ebov; edema; eeev; effect; effective; efficacy; emerg; encephalitis; encephalitis virus; enzymes; equine; et al; euthanasia; evaluation; evidence; experimental; experimental infection; exposure; expression; factors; failure; fatal; fatality; features; ferrets; fever; fever virus; filovirus; filovirus infection; footpad; greater; guinea; h1n1; h5n1; hamsters; hantavirus; hbv; health; heart; hemorrhagic; hendra; hendra virus; hepatitis; high; higher; hiv; hiv-1; horses; host; human; human disease; human infection; human respiratory; humanized; illness; immune; immunity; immunocompetent; important; individuals; infected; infection; infection model; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; influenza infection; influenza virus; initial; innate; inoculated; inoculation; inoculum; interferon; interstitial; intracerebral; involvement; isolate; knockout; laboratory; lack; large; lassa; lassa virus; lesions; lethal; lethal disease; lethality; lethargy; levels; like; likely; limited; liver; loss; low; lower; lungs; lymph; macaca; macaques; major; manifestations; marburg; marmosets; marv; mers; mice; middle; mild; model; monkeypox; monkeypox virus; monkeys; moribund; mortality; mosquitoes; mouse; mouse model; mpxv; mucosal; murine; nasal; natural; nervous; neurological; new; nhps; nile; nile virus; nipah; nipah virus; nodes; nonhuman; norovirus; norwalk; norwalk virus; novel; number; numerous; old; onset; oral; organs; outbreak; outcome; papillomavirus; passaged; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathology; patients; period; persistent; person; pfu; phase; pichinde; pigs; pneumonia; pneumonitis; population; possible; postexposure; postinfection; potential; prairie; present; prevention; primary; primates; progression; protection; protein; pulmonary; rabbits; range; rash; rate; rats; recent; receptor; recombinant; reduced; reed et; related; replication; reported; research; respiratory; respiratory disease; respiratory syndrome; respiratory tract; response; responsible; results; rhesus; rhesus macaques; rift; risk; rna; roberts et; role; route; rsv; rvfv; sars; scid; severe; severe disease; severity; shedding; signs; similar; siv; skin; small; smallpox; species; spleen; spread; squirrel; stat1; states; strain; studies; study; subq; superinfection; susceptibility; susceptible; symptoms; syncytial; syncytial virus; syndrome; syrian; system; systemic; target; test; testing; therapeutics; therapy; thrombocytopenia; time; tissues; titers; tract; transgenic; transmission; treatment; tropism; type; understanding; united; upper; useful; vaccine; vaginal; valley; vascular; veev; venezuelan; viral; viremia; virulence; virulent; virus; virus disease; virus infection; virus replication; viruses; vomiting; weeks; weight; west; western; wild; wnv; world; year; young; zika; zika virus; zumbrun; −/− cache: cord-264408-vk4lt83x.txt plain text: cord-264408-vk4lt83x.txt item: #273 of 606 id: cord-264660-tfktgy57 author: Creech, C Buddy title: It’s True Even in a Pandemic: Children are Not Merely Little Adults date: 2020-05-30 words: 981 flesch: 43 summary: They share a predilection for severe disease, particularly in high risk hosts, while they also benefit from asymptomatic hosts and minimally symptomatic individuals who are capable of transmission prior to obvious signs of disease. Moreover, we must recognize that some proportion of children that are infected will experience either moderate disease, severe disease, or immunologically mediated complications, such as MIS-C. Defining the true burden of disease across pediatrics will be essential as we consider best practices for the start of the 2020-21 academic year. keywords: adults; authors; available; cases; children; cid; differences; disease; experience; high; new; pandemic; response; review; risk; severe; share; transmission; years cache: cord-264660-tfktgy57.txt plain text: cord-264660-tfktgy57.txt item: #274 of 606 id: cord-264794-bgygebgx author: Lundgren, A.-L. title: Feline non-suppurative meningoencephalomyelitis. A clinical and pathological study date: 1992-11-30 words: 4866 flesch: 45 summary: Cats previously shy became social and affectionate, mewing more than usual, while cats that were customarily cheerful and affectionate became introverted and shy. A clinical and pathological study date: 1992-11-30 journal: Journal of Comparative Pathology DOI: 10.1016/0021-9975(92)90015-m sha: doc_id: 264794 cord_uid: bgygebgx Abstract A spontaneous neurological disease in cats characterized by behavioural and motor disturbances was investigated by clinical, morphological and immunological methods. keywords: antibodies; antigen; blood; borrelia; brain; cases; cats; cause; cdv; cells; cent; central; cerebellum; cerebral; changes; clinical; cns; cord; cortex; count; cuffing; cuffs; degeneration; disease; encephalitis; encephalomyelitis; examination; feline; felv; findings; fiv; gondii; grey; immunodeficiency; immunohistochemical; infectious; inflammatory; leptomeninges; lesions; lymphoid; matter; meningitis; meningoencephalomyelitis; moderate; negative; nervous; nodules; non; normal; pathology; peritonitis; perivascular; presence; present; results; sections; serological; severe; signs; small; spinal; staggering; staggering disease; study; suppurative; sweden; system; thalamus; veterinary; viral; virus; wbc; white cache: cord-264794-bgygebgx.txt plain text: cord-264794-bgygebgx.txt item: #275 of 606 id: cord-264994-j8iawzp8 author: Fitzpatrick, Meagan C. title: Modelling microbial infection to address global health challenges date: 2019-09-20 words: 7107 flesch: 26 summary: Projections of Ebola outbreak size and duration with and without vaccine use in Équateur Ebola vaccination in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Emergence and pandemic potential of swine-origin H1N1 influenza virus Estimated influenza illnesses, medical visits, hospitalizations, and deaths averted by vaccination in the United States Global epidemiology of avian influenza A H5N1 virus infection in humans, 1997-2015: a systematic review of individual case data The role of evolution in the emergence of infectious diseases Information technology and global surveillance of cases of 2009 H1N1 influenza Optimizing provider recruitment for influenza surveillance networks Influenza A (H7N9) and the importance of digital epidemiology Disease surveillance on complex social networks Optimizing infectious disease interventions during an emerging epidemic Optimizing influenza vaccine distribution Nine challenges in incorporating the dynamics of behaviour in infectious diseases models Evolutionary game theory and social learning can determine how vaccine scares unfold Department of Health & Human Services. By explicitly defining the nonlinear processes underlying infectious disease spread, transmission models illuminate these otherwise opaque systems. keywords: age; analysis; antibiotic; antimicrobial; approach; available; behaviour; box; burden; case; cell; challenges; clinical; collaboration; combination; compartmental; contact; control; cost; data; design; development; digital; disease; drug; dynamics; ebola; effectiveness; emergence; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; evidence; evolution; example; factors; global; groups; health; high; hiv; host; human; impact; importance; incidence; individual; infected; infectious; influenza; initial; intervention; large; level; limitations; mathematical; microbiological; modellers; modelling; models; natural; network; new; outbreak; pandemic; parameters; pathogens; policies; policy; population; potential; predictions; projections; public; range; rates; research; resistance; response; results; ring; risk; role; scale; sensitivity; settings; size; social; sources; specific; spread; strategies; study; systems; table; therapy; time; transmission; treatment; uncertainty; uptake; vaccination; vaccine; viral; virus; west; zika cache: cord-264994-j8iawzp8.txt plain text: cord-264994-j8iawzp8.txt item: #276 of 606 id: cord-264996-og3sg0qw author: Howell, Gareth J. title: Cell Biology of Membrane Trafficking in Human Disease date: 2006-09-17 words: 20376 flesch: 29 summary: Sorting of proteins from donor to target membranes involves the recognition of cytoplasmic sequences in membrane proteins by clathrin-associated AP complexes. However, their exact role in the internalization of membrane proteins and soluble protein ligands is controversial. keywords: aberrant; acceptor; accessory; accumulation; acid; actin; activation; activity; adaptor; addition; akt; albinism; aldrich; alpha; alzheimer; anterograde; antigen; ap3; apoptosis; apparatus; assembly; associated; atp7a; autosomal; basolateral; binding; biogenesis; biology; blood; brain; breast; budding; cancer; cargo; cause; caveolae; caveolin-1; cdc42; cell; cellular; cftr; channel; chaperones; chediak; cholesterol; cis; class; clathrin; clinical; coated; compartment; complex; complexes; components; compromised; condition; conformation; congenital; conserved; constitutive; contrast; control; copii; copper; correct; ctls; cytoplasmic; cytoskeleton; cytosolic; defective; defects; deficiency; degradation; delivery; density; dependent; diabetes; disease; disorders; display; diverent; docking; domain; dominant; donor; dynamics; dynamin; dysfunction; dystrophy; early; eea1; endocytic; endocytosis; endoplasmic; endosomal; endosome; endothelial; enzymes; epithelial; ergic; ergic-53; essential; et al; evector; events; evidence; example; exit; expression; factor; familial; family; fission; formation; forms; function; fusion; gene; genetic; golgi; golgi apparatus; golgi transport; golgins; griscelli; growth; gtpase; hermansky; higashi; hiv; host; hsp90; human; human disease; hypercholesterolemia; identification; immunodeficiency; immunological; implications; infection; inhibition; inhibitors; insulin; interactions; intermediates; internalization; internalized; intracellular; kda; key; kidney; kinase; large; leukemia; levels; like; lipid; lipoprotein; localization; long; loss; low; lung; lymphocytes; lysosomal; lysosomes; macrophages; major; mammalian; manner; maturation; mechanisms; membrane; membrane protein; menkes; mice; microtubule; model; molecular; molecule; motif; motor; mouse; movement; munc13; muscle; mutant; mutations; myosin; negative; network; neurological; neuronal; new; novel; number; ocrl1; organelles; p115; particles; pathway; patients; peptide; phagosome; phosphate; plasma; plasma membrane; platelet; potential; present; primary; processing; product; progression; proliferation; proteasome; protein; protein transport; pudlak; rab27a; rab5a; rafts; range; receptor; recruitment; recycling; reduced; regulated; regulation; related; release; renal; resident; response; results; retention; reticulum; retrograde; review; role; secretion; secretory; sequence; signaling; single; small; snare; soluble; sorting; specific; step; storage; structure; subsequent; subunit; surface; sv40; synapse; synaptic; syndrome; system; target; targeting; tau; tethering; tgn; therapy; tissues; trafficking; transfer; translocation; transmembrane; transport; traycking; treatment; tumor; type; understanding; uptake; vesicles; vesicular; viral; virus; viruses; wasp; wiskott; yeast cache: cord-264996-og3sg0qw.txt plain text: cord-264996-og3sg0qw.txt item: #277 of 606 id: cord-265179-l5w1nkdo author: Dobbs, R. John title: Helicobacter Hypothesis for Idiopathic Parkinsonism: Before and Beyond date: 2008-08-13 words: 6493 flesch: 35 summary: (i) Diagnosed IP, (ii) A parkinsonian feature in subjects without diagnosed parkinsonism, (iii) Specified medication in IP probands. [16, 57] (i) Comparison between IP probands and controls of current and estimated past frequency of defecation. keywords: abnormal; abnormality; age; anti; antibodies; antibody; associated; association; autoimmunity; basal; blood; bowel; brady; brain; breath; caga; cells; chronic; clinical; comparison; constipation; contrast; controls; cortisol; csf; current; damage; dermatitis; diagnosis; different; disease; dopaminergic; duodenal; early; effect; eradication; evidence; explanation; facets; factor; frequency; function; ganglia; gastric; gastrointestinal; greater; h. pylori; helicobacter; helicobacter pylori; higher; hiv; hypokinesia; hypothesis; idiopathic; idiopathic parkinsonism; iga; igm; il-6; immunoblot; increase; index; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; ip probands; irrespective; like; long; lower; lymphopenia; measures; medication; mitochondrial; neurones; nigra; parkinsonism; pathogenesis; patients; polymorphisms; positive; presence; prevalence; probands; profile; pylori; relationship; response; risk; role; seropositivity; serum; severity; sibo; similar; smoking; specific; spouses; studies; study; subjects; syndrome; systemic; table; therapy; tnf; tract; urease; vaca; years cache: cord-265179-l5w1nkdo.txt plain text: cord-265179-l5w1nkdo.txt item: #278 of 606 id: cord-265472-b1s4stvz author: Guimarães, Luísa Eça title: Vaccines, adjuvants and autoimmunity date: 2015-10-31 words: 14650 flesch: 37 summary: An experimental study in Brown Norway rats Aluminum in the central nervous system (CNS): toxicity in humans and animals, vaccine adjuvants, and autoimmunity Six revolutions in vaccinology From Pasteur to genomics: progress and challenges in infectious diseases Systems vaccinology Vaccinomics, adversomics, and the immune response network theory: individualized vaccinology in the 21st century Studies of twins in vaccinology Vaccinomics current findings, challenges and novel approaches for vaccine development The HLA genomic loci map: expression, interaction, diversity and disease The link between genetic variation and variability in vaccine responses: systematic review and meta-analyses Development of polyarthritis after insertion of silicone breast implants followed by remission after implant removal in 2HLA-identical sisters bearing rheumatoid arthritis susceptibility genes Autoimmune/auto-inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) after quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccination in Colombians: a call for personalised medicine Anticardiolipin and anti-beta(2) glycoprotein I antibodies in sera of 61 apparently healthy children at regular preventive visits Autoimmunity and hepatitis A vaccine in children Bacterial induction of autoantibodies to beta2-glycoprotein-I accounts for the infectious etiology of antiphospholipid syndrome Vaccination-induced systemic autoimmunity in farmed Atlantic salmon Autoimmune response following annual influenza vaccination in 92 apparently healthy adults High non-specific T lymphocyte response to the adjuvanted H1N1 vaccine in comparison with the H1N1/H3N2/B-Brisbane vaccine without adjuvant Short and long-term effects of pandemic unadjuvanted influenza A(H1N1) pdm09 vaccine on clinical manifestations and autoantibody profile in primary Sjögren's syndrome Pneumococcal vaccination of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: effects on generation of autoantibodies Immunogenicity and safety of a quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: a case-control study Safety and immunogenicity of the quadrivalent HPV vaccine in female systemic lupus erythematosus patients aged 12 to 26 years Anti-phospholipid antibodies following vaccination with recombinant hepatitis B vaccine Development of autoantibodies before the clinical onset of systemic lupus erythematosus Genetics and autoantibodies Silicone and autoimmunity Platinum in the environment: frequency of reactions to platinum-group elements in patients with dermatitis and urticaria Silicone and scleroderma revisited Rupture of silicone gel breast implants and symptoms of pain and fatigue This suggests that genomics is crucial in inter-individual variations in vaccine immune responses [82] . keywords: activation; acute; adaptive; adem; adjuvants; administration; adverse; age; aluminum; anti; antibodies; antigen; antiphospholipid; aps; arthritis; asia; associated; association; autoantibodies; autoimmune; autoimmune disease; autoimmunity; bcg; bladder; body; brain; breast; bullous; calmette; cancer; cases; cause; celiac; cell; central; cervical; cfs; childhood; children; chronic; class; clinical; cns; components; conditions; conjugate; connective; cytokines; data; described; developing; development; diabetes; diagnosis; different; disease; effect; effective; efficacy; encephalomyelitis; enhanced; environmental; erythematosus; etiology; events; evidence; experimental; exposure; factors; fatigue; fever; fibromyalgia; fms; frequent; general; genetic; gulf; h1n1; hbv; healthy; hepatitis; higher; hla; host; hpv; human; hypersensitivity; iim; immune response; immunization; implants; incidence; individuals; induction; infection; inflammatory; influenza; influenza vaccination; innate; itp; like; link; literature; long; loss; low; lupus; major; manifestations; mechanisms; meningococcal; mice; mimicry; mmf; mmr; models; molecular; molecules; multiple; muscle; narcolepsy; natural; nervous; neurological; non; novel; observed; oil; onset; pain; papillomavirus; pathogenesis; pathogens; patients; pemphigoid; pneumococcal; polysaccharide; possible; post; presence; present; prevalence; previous; production; protein; prrs; purpura; reactions; relationship; reports; research; response; results; review; rheumatoid; risk; role; rotavirus; rubella; safety; sclerosis; self; silicone; sle; small; specific; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; t1d; term; tetanus; thrombocytopenia; tissue; tlrs; toxoid; treatment; trigger; tuftsin; type; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; vasculitis; viral; virus; women; years cache: cord-265472-b1s4stvz.txt plain text: cord-265472-b1s4stvz.txt item: #279 of 606 id: cord-265699-0socw0hp author: Ortega, Miguel Ángel title: Dendrimers and Dendritic Materials: From Laboratory to Medical Practice in Infectious Diseases date: 2020-09-14 words: 11158 flesch: 36 summary: An assessment of the merits of covalent conjugation compared to noncovalent encapsulation Dendrimers for gene delivery-a potential approach for ocular therapy? PEGylated PAMAM dendrimers as a potential drug delivery carrier: in vitro and in vivo comparative evaluation of covalently conjugated drug and noncovalent drug inclusion complex Function oriented molecular design: Dendrimers as novel antimicrobials Dendrimers and dendritic polymers as anti-infective agents: New antimicrobial strategies for therapeutic drugs Dendrimers-revolutionary drugs for infectious diseases Application of dendrimers for the treatment of infectious diseases In Dendrimer Chemistry: Synthetic Approaches towards Complex Architectures Bench-to-bedside translation of dendrimers: Reality or utopia? PLL differ from other dendrimers such as PAMAM and PPI in the asymmetry of their branching cell, which inevitably influences the encapsulation properties as they possess no interior void space [37] . keywords: acid; activity; administration; aeruginosa; agents; amino; amoebae; amphotericin; anionic; antifungal; antigen; antimicrobial; antiviral; applications; approach; bacteria; bearing; biocompatibility; biofilm; biomedical; bonds; cancer; candida; carbon; carbosilane; carbosilane dendrimers; cationic; cause; cells; challenges; clinical; control; core; covalent; delivery; dendrimers; dendritic; dendrons; design; development; diagnosis; different; diseases; divergent; drug; effective; effects; efficacy; efficient; electrostatic; encapsulation; ev71; example; excellent; field; fight; figure; flisa; formation; fungal; fungi; generation; global; gram; groups; growth; health; high; higher; hiv; host; hsv; human; immune; impact; important; increase; infections; inhibition; interactions; key; low; magnetic; main; malaria; materials; mechanisms; method; multiple; nanocarriers; nanoparticles; negative; new; non; novel; order; pamam; pamam dendrimers; parasites; peg; peptide; peripheral; pharmaceutics; pll; polymers; potential; ppi; presence; present; prevention; prion; problem; products; promising; properties; proteins; prp; release; representative; resistance; response; responsible; review; rna; role; routes; scaffold; solubility; specific; strategies; strategy; structure; studies; study; surface; synthesis; synthetic; system; targeted; therapeutic; therapy; tools; traditional; transmission; treatment; use; vaccines; viruses; vivagel; vivo; water cache: cord-265699-0socw0hp.txt plain text: cord-265699-0socw0hp.txt item: #280 of 606 id: cord-266211-cz7m1iqk author: Cheng, Tsung O. title: The current state of cardiology in China date: 2004-03-25 words: 6001 flesch: 51 summary: Myocardial infarction, which was extremely rare in old China, has been the fifth leading cause of death in modern China So much changes have taken place that I felt it important to report a few of the more significant ones in modern China. keywords: acute; advances; alcohol; analysis; arteriography; artery; artery disease; beijing; cardiologists; cardiology; cases; china; chinese; cholesterol; cigarette; clinical; common; congestive; coronary; coronary artery; country; diagnosis; disease; embolism; factors; failure; fast; fat; fig; food; genetic; genome; heart; human; hypertension; important; incidence; increase; infarction; international; interventional; journals; low; major; medical; medicine; meetings; milk; modern; mortality; myocardial; national; new; normal; number; obesity; patients; people; percutaneous; population; prevalence; project; pulmonary; rate; recent; registry; report; research; risk; sars; scientific; selective; significant; smoking; states; studies; study; table; treatment; trials; united; use; values; western; women; world; years cache: cord-266211-cz7m1iqk.txt plain text: cord-266211-cz7m1iqk.txt item: #281 of 606 id: cord-266516-0ure8256 author: Lim, Tow Keang title: Pneumonia in the tropics date: 2017-08-01 words: 5308 flesch: 39 summary: Outbreak of leptospirosis among triathlon participants and community residents in Outbreak of human pneumonic plague with dog-to-human and possible human-to-human transmission -Colorado Infectious diseases following natural disasters: prevention and control measures Tsunami lung Disseminated aspergillosis associated with tsunami lung Epidemiology, co-infections, and outcomes of viral pneumonia in adults: an observational cohort study Viral pneumonia: epidemiological, clinical, pathophysiological and therapeutic aspects Viral infection in patients with severe pneumonia requiring intensive care unit admission Viral pneumonia in older adults The use of polymerase chain reaction amplification for the detection of viruses and bacteria in severe community-acquired pneumonia Respiratory syncytial virus infection: denominator-based studies in Indonesia Respiratory syncytial virus infection in tropical and developing countries Epidemiology and seasonality of respiratory tract virus infections in the tropics Epidemiology and seasonality of respiratory viral infections in hospitalized children in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: a retrospective study of 27 years Acute lower respiratory illnesses during the first three years of life: potential roles for various etiologic agents. 9 Examples of such diseases are influenza and leptospirosis. keywords: acute; adults; ards; asia; authors; burden; cap; care; cases; causative; change; chest; chikungunya; children; china; climate; clinical; clinicians; common; community; cough; countries; dengue; diagnosis; disease; eosinophilia; epidemiology; exposure; factors; global; gram; health; higher; hospital; human; impact; incidence; increase; infections; influenza; intensive; leptospirosis; lung; malaria; manifestations; melioidosis; mortality; negative; non; organisms; organization; outbreak; pathogens; patients; patterns; phase; pneumonia; pulmonary; rainfall; rapid; rates; regions; resistance; respiratory; review; risk; scrub; severe; singapore; south; sputum; study; symptoms; syndrome; temperate; therapy; tract; treatment; tropical; tropics; tsunami; tuberculosis; typhus; viral; virus; world; year cache: cord-266516-0ure8256.txt plain text: cord-266516-0ure8256.txt item: #282 of 606 id: cord-266809-3gl8km98 author: Ather, Amber title: Reply to: "Coronavirus Disease 2019: Implications for Clinical Dental Care" date: 2020-08-15 words: 414 flesch: 41 summary: Given the surge in airborne infections over the past few decades, and the fact that only 2%-4% of rooms are equipped with negative pressure in approximately half of urban hospitals (4), efforts could be directed towards creating more negative-pressure rooms for health care providers. In agreement with the authors, oxygen saturation measurements are a vital screening tool to identify potential asymptomatic patients and should be incorporated into routine dental clinical practice. keywords: authors; care; clinical; covid-19; dental; hypoxemia; implications; negative; pressure; rooms cache: cord-266809-3gl8km98.txt plain text: cord-266809-3gl8km98.txt item: #283 of 606 id: cord-266822-ecq50ye2 author: Rath, Barbara title: Influenza and other respiratory viruses: standardizing disease severity in surveillance and clinical trials date: 2017-05-12 words: 10816 flesch: 31 summary: Experience during the recent influenza pandemic has shown that influenza disease severity appears rather unpredictable, especially in young patients. : findings from a multi-center, prospective study Human respiratory syncytial virus in children with acute respiratory tract infections in China Correlation between inflammatory mediators in the nasopharyngeal secretion and in the serum of children with lower respiratory tract infection caused by respiratory syncytial virus and disease severity Whole blood gene expression profiles to assess pathogenesis and disease severity in infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection Example of a study exploring the complex relationship between biomarkers and disease severity Innate immune dysfunction is associated with enhanced disease severity in infants with severe respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis Clinical course of communityacquired respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia in newborns hospitalized in neonatal intensive care unit Value of a risk scoring tool to predict respiratory syncytial virus disease severity and need for hospitalization in term infants FiO2 predicts outcome in infants with respiratory syncytial virus-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome Infants with severe respiratory syncytial virus needed less ventilator time with nasal continuous airways pressure then invasive mechanical ventilation Pulmonary matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity in mechanically ventilated children with respiratory syncytial virus Risk factors for respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis hospital admission in New Zealand Distribution and clinical impact of human respiratory syncytial virus genotypes in hospitalized children over 2 winter seasons Epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus in children in Cyprus during three consecutive winter seasons (2010-2013): age distribution, seasonality and association between prevalent genotypes and disease severity Molecular epidemiology and disease severity of human respiratory syncytial virus in Vietnam Disease severity and viral load are correlated in infants with primary respiratory syncytial virus infection in the community Nasopharyngeal bacterial burden and antibiotics: influence on inflammatory markers and disease severity in infants with respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis Respiratory syncytial virus genomic load and disease severity among children hospitalized with bronchiolitis: multicenter cohort studies in the United States and Finland Five Study G. Epidemiological and clinical data of hospitalizations associated with respiratory syncytial virus infection in children under 5 years of age in Spain: FIVE multicenter study. keywords: activity; acute; age; analysis; antivirals; application; ari; assessments; average; bronchiolitis; burden; care; case; children; clinical; cohort; complex; consultation; correlation; criteria; data; decision; detection; development; diagnostic; different; disease; disease severity; distribution; epidemiological; epidemiology; example; factors; figure; future; germany; group; h1n1; health; high; hospitalization; hospitalized; human; ili; illness; impact; important; index; individual; infants; infections; influenza; information; laboratory; literature; load; lower; mean; measure; medical; metapneumovirus; mobile; model; mortality; need; new; numbers; outcomes; pandemic; parameters; patients; patterns; pcr; pearson; pediatric; physician; pneumonia; point; population; positive; practices; presentations; program; rapid; rates; real; relationship; respiratory; respiratory infections; respiratory syncytial; respiratory viral; respiratory viruses; results; review; rfs; rhinovirus; risk; routine; rsv; score; seasonal; seasonality; seasons; sentinel; settings; severe; severity; severity score; significant; specific; standardized; studies; study; surveillance; syncytial; syncytial virus; systematic; team; testing; time; total; tract; treatment; trials; viral; virus; virus disease; viruses; vivi; vivi disease; week; winter; years; young cache: cord-266822-ecq50ye2.txt plain text: cord-266822-ecq50ye2.txt item: #284 of 606 id: cord-266988-72uvawth author: Barth, Rolf F. title: The spectrum of pathological findings in coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and the pathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 date: 2020-07-14 words: 2505 flesch: 40 summary: Consensus guidelines are now available for prevention, antithrombotic therapy, and follow-up for thrombotic and thromboembolic disease in COVID-19 patients [30] and the damping of the hyperimmune inflammatory response by the administration of Dexamethasone [31] . Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) has been postulated to have an important role in the progression of severe COVID-19 disease [28, 29] . keywords: acute; alveolar; associated; authors; autopsies; autopsy; better; brain; cases; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; dad; decedents; disease; early; editorial; endothelium; examination; findings; immune; important; individuals; infection; involvement; like; lungs; organ; pathogenesis; pathology; patients; pneumonia; pulmonary; reports; respiratory; response; review; sars; series; severe; syndrome; thrombotic; time; understanding; vascular cache: cord-266988-72uvawth.txt plain text: cord-266988-72uvawth.txt item: #285 of 606 id: cord-267055-xscwk74r author: Chassagnon, Guillaume title: AI-Driven quantification, staging and outcome prediction of COVID-19 pneumonia date: 2020-10-15 words: 5158 flesch: 34 summary: In conclusion, we show that the combination of chest CT and artificial intelligence can provide tools for fast, accurate and precise disease extent quantification as well as the identifica- Tensorflow: Large-scale machine learning on heterogeneous distributed systems Lung pattern classification for interstitial lung diseases using a deep convolutional neural network Semantic segmentation of pathological lung tissue with dilated fully convolutional networks Segnet: A deep convolutional encoder-decoder architecture for image segmentation Classification of interstitial lung abnormality patterns with an ensemble of deep convolutional neural networks Performance of a new quantitative computed tomography index for interstitial lung disease assessment in systemic sclerosis Quantification of tomographic patterns associated with covid-19 from chest ct Deep learning: definition and perspectives for thoracic imaging Computer-aided diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis using deep learning and ct images Interstitial lung disease associated with systemic sclerosis (ssc-ild) Automated classification of usual interstitial pneumonia using regional volumetric texture analysis in high-resolution ct Deformable registration through learning of context-specific metric aggregation A texton-based approach for the classification of lung parenchyma in ct images Holistic classification of ct attenuation patterns for interstitial lung diseases via deep convolutional neural networks Diabetes is a risk factor for the progression and prognosis of covid-19 Synergistic learning of lung lobe segmentation and hierarchical multi-instance classification for automated severity assessment of covid-19 in ct images Serial quantitative chest ct assessment of covid-19: Deep-learning approach. The paper is organized as follows: we first review related work mainly focusing on interstitial lung diseases (ILDs) diseases, which is followed by a description of all the components and implementation details of our method. keywords: approach; architecture; assessment; authors; automatic; biological; biomarkers; cases; characteristics; chest; classification; clinical; consensus; convolutional; covid-19; data; days; deceased; deep; different; disease; et al; extent; features; figure; ground; human; ild; image; imaging; important; information; interstitial; learning; long; lung; medical; method; models; multi; networks; non; order; outcome; particular; patients; performance; pneumonia; prediction; prognosis; pulmonary; quantification; radiomics; readers; response; scans; segmentation; sensitivity; severe; severity; short; staging; studies; study; task; term; treatment; use; variables; variety; weighted cache: cord-267055-xscwk74r.txt plain text: cord-267055-xscwk74r.txt item: #286 of 606 id: cord-267182-ctvnmjsl author: Mboowa, Gerald title: Human Genomic Loci Important in Common Infectious Diseases: Role of High-Throughput Sequencing and Genome-Wide Association Studies date: 2018-03-20 words: 4743 flesch: 21 summary: Furthermore, HTS has given us unprecedented resolution of understanding the role of host genetics to infectious diseases susceptibility. Review of findings to date suggests that the genetic architecture of infectious disease susceptibility may be importantly different from that of noninfectious diseases [20] . keywords: africa; aids; allele; analysis; approaches; association; bioinformatics; ccr5; clinical; common; computational; control; data; development; different; disease; distribution; dna; evolution; frequency; funding; genes; genetic; genome; genomic; global; gwas; health; high; hiv; host; hts; human; implications; important; infectious; infectious diseases; interactions; knowledge; large; loci; locus; major; malaria; markers; mortality; mutations; new; pathogen; polymorphisms; populations; positive; potential; progression; recent; receptor; resistance; risk; role; scale; selection; sequencing; single; species; specific; strong; studies; study; susceptibility; technologies; therapeutic; throughput; tools; tuberculosis; understanding; variants; variation; wide; world cache: cord-267182-ctvnmjsl.txt plain text: cord-267182-ctvnmjsl.txt item: #287 of 606 id: cord-267671-ys43n672 author: Whary, Mark T. title: Biology and Diseases of Mice date: 2015-07-10 words: 63704 flesch: 37 summary: If an endogenous retrovirus is still infectious to other mouse cell targets, it is termed ecotropic, whereas if it is no longer infectious for mouse cells, but can infect cells of other species, it is termed xenotropic. Recombinant viruses have recently been discovered that can infect mouse cells and heterologous cells and are associated with spontaneous leukemia development in high leukemia strains such as AKR mice. keywords: 16s; ability; abscesses; acid; activation; active; activity; acute; acute infection; adaptive; addition; adequate; adult mice; adults; aeruginosa; affected; agar; age; aged mice; agents; akr; allele; alopecia; altered; alveolar; amyloidosis; analysis; animal; anterior; antibiotic; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apparent; approach; arthritis; asf; assays; associated; athymic mice; available; b6c3f1 mice; bacillus; background; bacterial; bacterial infection; bacterium; balb; barrier; barthold; bedding; behavioral; bilis; biological; biology; black mice; bladder; blood; bone; bovis; bowel; brain; breeding; breeding mice; c3h; c3h mice; c57bl/6 mice; c57bl/6j; cage; caging; cancer; carcinomas; care; carinii; carrier mice; cases; cause; cba; cd4; cecum; cells; cellular; certain; cesarean; changes; chapter; characteristic; chemical; chromosome; chronic; chronic infection; clinical; clinical disease; clinical signs; clostridium; coat; coccoides; colitis; colonic; colonies; colony; combined; commercial; common; communication; comparison; complete; complex; complications; conditions; congenic; conjunctivitis; consists; contact; contaminated; contamination; contemporary; contrast; control; corning et; coronavirus; cost; course; culture; current; cycle; cysts; cytokine; dams; data; days; dba/2 mice; death; decrease; deficiency; dependent; deposition; dermatitis; detection; development; diagnosis; diagnosis diagnosis; diagnosis infection; diarrhea; dietary; diets; differences; differential; differential diagnosis; differentiated; difficile; difficile infection; difficult; direct; disease; dissemination; distinct; distribution; dna; domesticus; dominant; drinking; dysfunction; early; ectromelia; ectv; edema; edim; effective; effector; effects; eggs; elisa; embryo; endogenous; enteritis; enterotropic; entry; environmental; enzyme; epithelium; epizootiology; equipment; eradication; essential; established; estrus; et al; etiology; europe; evidence; examination; example; excreted; excretion; experimental; experimental infection; exposure; expression; factors; failure; family; fancy mice; fatal; features; fecal; feces; feed; female; fever; fig; flora; foci; food; form; formation; fox; fox et; free; function; fur; gastrointestinal; generation; genes; genetic; genome; genotype; germfree mice; glands; gram; granulomatous; gross; group; growth; hair; hamsters; head; health; heart; helicobacter; helicobacter infection; hematopoietic; hemorrhage; hepaticus; hepaticus infection; hepatitis; high; higher; histological; homologous; host; housing; humans; humoral; husbandry; hybridization; hyperplasia; ibd; identification; igg; iii; illness; immune; immunity; immunocompetent mice; immunocompromised; immunodeficient mice; immunohistochemistry; immunological; immunosuppression; impact; important; incidence; inclusions; increase; individual; individual mice; induced; induction; infant mice; infected mice; infection; infestation; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; ingestion; initial; innate; inoculated; inoculation; interest; international; interstitial; intestinal; intranuclear; introduction; isogenic; isolated; isolation; ivermectin; j mice; jacoby; jcr mice; kidney; knockout; knockout mice; known; kutscheri; laboratory animal; laboratory mice; lactation; lamina; large; lcmv; lcmv infection; ldv; lesions; lethal; lethal infection; leukemia; levels; life; light; like; likely; limited; limiting; lines; liver; livingston; loci; long; loss; low; lower; lung; lymph; lymphocytes; lymphoid; m.m; macrophages; maintenance; major; male mice; males; mammalian; mammals; mammary; marrow; material; mating; mcmv; means; medicine; members; mesenteric; methods; mhc; mhv; mice; mice deficient; mice genetic; mice mouse; mice results; microbial; microbiota; mild; milk; mineralization; mixed; mlv; mmtv; mnv; model; modern; molecular; monitoring; mononuclear; months; morbidity; mortality; mouse; mouse colonies; mouse genome; mouse hepatitis; mouse parvovirus; mouse strains; mousepox; mpv; mucosa; multiple; murine; muris; musculus; mutagenesis; mutant; mutant mice; mutations; mvm; mycoplasma; myobia; nasal; natural; natural infection; necrosis; necrotic; necrotizing; negative; neonatal mice; neonates; neoplasia; new; nodes; nodules; nomenclature; non; nonpathogenic; normal; normal mice; norovirus; novel; nude mice; null mice; number; numerous; nursing; obvelata; occurring; older mice; olfactory; onset; opportunistic; order; organisms; organs; origin; original; outbreak; outbred; outbred mice; ovarian; ovulation; oxytoca; paralysis; parental; parvovirus; pasteurella; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathology; patterns; pcr; percy; perfringens; peripheral; persistent infection; phase; pheromones; piliforme; pinworm; pneumocystis; pneumonia; pneumotropica; polytropic; populations; positive; possible; potential; pregnancy; presence; present; prevalence; prevention; primary; pritchett; procedures; produce; production; products; progeny; programs; progressive; proliferative; prolonged; prominent; propria; proteins; pulmonary; pulmonis; pulmonis infection; pvm; pyv; quality; quarantine; random; range; rapid; rare; rats; recent; receptors; recognition; recombinant; recombination; recovery; rederivation; regional; related; renal; reovirus; replication; reproductive; research; research mice; resistant; resistant mice; respiratory; respiratory infection; responses; results; retinal; retroelements; riley; risk; rna; rodentium; rodents; role; route; rrna; ruffled; salivary; salmonella; salmonellosis; sanitation; schaedler; scid mice; screening; secondary; secretion; sections; self; sensitive; sentinel mice; sequence; seroconversion; serological; serology; serum; severe; severe infection; shedding; short; signals; significant; signs; signs mice; silver; similar; single; sites; size; sjl; skin; small; social; source; species; specific; spleen; spontaneous; spores; spp; spread; states; stocks; stomach; strains; studies; study; subclinical; subclinical infection; subsequent; substrains; suckling; suppurative; surface; surveillance; susceptibility; susceptible; susceptible mice; sv infection; syncytia; syndrome; syphacia; system; systemic; t cells; table; tail; target; targeted; temperature; term; testing; tests; therapy; thymus; time; tissues; tmev; tract; transfer; transgene; transgenic mice; transient; transmissible; transmission; transplantable; treatment; tropism; tubular; tumors; type; typhlocolitis; tyzzer; ubiquitous; ulcerative; unique; united; upper; urinary; useful; utero; variable; variants; variation; variety; vascular; vessels; viral; virulence; virus; virus infection; virus strain; viruses; vitamin; vitro; vivo; ward et; wasting; water; weaning; weeks; weight; white; widespread; wild mice; young mice; zoonotic; −/− cache: cord-267671-ys43n672.txt plain text: cord-267671-ys43n672.txt item: #288 of 606 id: cord-268298-25brblfq author: Mao, Liang title: Modeling triple-diffusions of infectious diseases, information, and preventive behaviors through a metropolitan social network—An agent-based simulation date: 2014-03-04 words: 4989 flesch: 38 summary: The simulated epidemic curve is compared to the weekly reported data to show the validity of modeling disease diffusion. First, the event of symptom manifestation will motivate individuals to discuss disease information, and prompt their social contacts to adopt preventive behavior by posing infection risks. keywords: adoption; agent; area; attributes; awareness; behavior; cases; contact; control; curve; data; day; decision; diffusion; discussion; disease; distributions; epidemic; equation; events; fig; framework; health; human; individuals; infectious; influenza; information; informed; mao; mass; media; model; modeling; network; number; observed; outbreaks; pandemic; parameters; people; personal; population; preventive; preventive behavior; processes; public; reported; results; risks; second; simulated; simulation; social; spread; states; step; strategies; susceptible; symptomatic; threshold; time; transmission; triple; weekly cache: cord-268298-25brblfq.txt plain text: cord-268298-25brblfq.txt item: #289 of 606 id: cord-268324-86a0n0dc author: Charitos, Ioannis A title: Special features of SARS-CoV-2 in daily practice date: 2020-09-26 words: 6120 flesch: 38 summary: Current studies are investigating the relationship between different variables and the risk of death of COVID-19 patients hospitalized for pneumonia. COVID-19 patients are often very complex and require a multidisciplinary medical team which includes at least the following specialists: emergency doctor, pulmonologist, infectious disease specialist, critical care physician, and medical laboratory technician [72] keywords: acute; air; alpha; antiviral; associated; available; azithromycin; cases; cells; children; china; chinese; clinical; common; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 infection; covid-19 patients; critical; current; data; death; detection; disease; drugs; emergency; evidence; exposure; factor; failure; global; guidelines; health; healthcare; high; higher; human; hydroxychloroquine; illness; important; infected; infection; inflammatory; issue; italian; italy; kawasaki; laboratory; lesions; level; like; lower; lung; management; manifestations; measures; medical; mers; mild; mortality; multiple; national; new; non; novel; organization; pandemic; patients; people; pneumonia; possible; prevention; protein; public; rapid; rate; reason; recent; research; respiratory; risk; rna; sars; sepsis; september; severe; shock; skin; spread; studies; study; support; symptoms; syndrome; testing; transmission; treatment; triage; use; ventilation; viral; world; wuhan cache: cord-268324-86a0n0dc.txt plain text: cord-268324-86a0n0dc.txt item: #290 of 606 id: cord-268326-sbz3uk5h author: Bonam, Srinivasa Reddy title: Lysosomes as a therapeutic target date: 2019-09-02 words: 17914 flesch: 25 summary: There is an obvious requirement for safety, to ensure that a drug used as a lysosome modu lator for a particular type of lysosomal disease does not increase vulnerability to another disease. Intracellular distribution patterns of enzymes in rat-liver tissue Lysosomal membrane permeabilization and cell death Signals from the lysosome: a control centre for cellular clearance and energy metabolism This article is an encyclopaedia of lysosomal physiology The lysosome as a regulatory hub Lysosome positioning coordinates mTORC1 activity and autophagy The coming of age of chaperone-mediated autophagy Lysosome biogenesis and lysosomal membrane proteins: trafficking meets function Lysosomal disorders: from storage to cellular damage Enzyme replacement therapy for lysosomal diseases: lessons from 20 years of experience and remaining challenges Chemical modulators of autophagy as biological probes and potential therapeutics Pharmacological regulators of autophagy and their link with modulators of lupus disease Mechanism and medical implications of mammalian autophagy Autophagy: a new concept in autoimmunity regulation and a novel therapeutic option Critical functions of the lysosome in cancer biology The lysosome as a cellular centre for signalling, metabolism and quality control CLN8 is an endoplasmic reticulum cargo receptor that regulates lysosome biogenesis The mannose 6-phosphate receptor and the biogenesis of lysosomes Role of LIMP-2 in the intracellular trafficking of β-glucosidase in different human cellular models Lysosomal acidification mechanisms Vacuolar ATPases: rotary proton pumps in physiology and pathophysiology A TRP channel in the lysosome regulates large particle phagocytosis via focal exocytosis MCOLN1 is a ROS sensor in lysosomes that regulates autophagy Lysosomal storage diseases: from pathophysiology to therapy keywords: abnormal; accumulation; acidic; acidification; activation; active; activity; addition; agents; aggregation; als; alzheimer; amyotrophic; antigen; apilimod; approaches; arthritis; article; atpase; autoimmune; autoimmune diseases; autoimmunity; autophagosomes; autophagy; bafilomycin; biogenesis; bone; brain; cancer; cathepsin; cause; cd4; cells; cellular; central; certain; channel; chaperone; characterized; chronic; cidp; class; clear; clinical; cma; cns; common; complex; components; conditions; context; control; current; cytosolic; death; defects; deficiency; degradation; degraded; demyelinating; dependent; development; different; discovery; disease; disorders; drug; dysfunction; dysregulation; effects; endo; endocytosis; endosomal; endosomes; energy; enzyme; erythematosus; example; expression; factor; family; fig; form; fragments; function; fusion; gaucher; gaucher disease; gcase; genetic; glands; glucosidase; gm1; golgi; high; homeostasis; hspa8; htt; human; huntingtin; important; induced; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibitor; inhibits; intracellular; involved; key; kinase; lamp2a; large; lateral; levels; like; lipids; lpr; lsds; lupus; lysosomal; lysosomal diseases; lysosomal dysfunction; lysosomal enzymes; lysosomal membrane; lysosomal ph; lysosomal proteins; lysosomal storage; lysosomes; macroautophagy; macrophages; major; material; mechanisms; membrane; metabolic; methods; mhtt; mice; model; modulators; molecular; molecules; mouse; mrl; mtor; mtorc1; multiple; murine; mutant; mutations; nature; nervous; network; neurodegenerative; neurodegenerative diseases; neurological; neuronal; neurons; new; non; novel; numerous; observed; organelles; organs; p140; parkinson; particular; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathways; patients; peptide; peripheral; pharmacological; phase; pikfyve; plasma; pompe; position; potential; presentation; primary; processes; processing; properties; proteases; protein; proton; rapamycin; rare; recent; receptor; reduced; reduction; regulation; regulators; related; release; replacement; research; responsible; results; review; rheumatoid; risk; role; safety; salivary; sclerosis; secretion; secretory; selective; serum; signalling; sjs; sjögren; sle; small; specific; storage; strategies; studies; study; substrate; syndrome; synovial; synuclein; systemic; systems; t cells; table; target; targeting; tau; tfeb; therapeutic; therapy; tissues; toxicity; trafficking; transcription; transport; treatment; trial; trpml1; type; vacuolar; vesicles; vivo cache: cord-268326-sbz3uk5h.txt plain text: cord-268326-sbz3uk5h.txt item: #291 of 606 id: cord-268378-tcuv255v author: Hood, Ernie title: Evolutionary Medicine: A Powerful Tool for Improving Human Health date: 2008-02-13 words: 4590 flesch: 41 summary: Evolutionary medicine plays a critical role in the interpretation and application of this information, since human evolutionary history has shaped the genome. All in all, medicine seems to be making great progress in preventing, treating, and curing disease without including evolutionary information. keywords: agriculture; areas; biologists; body; care; changes; children; concept; contemporary; data; differences; different; disease; environment; evolutionary; example; exposure; fhs; genes; genetic; genome; genomic; group; health; high; history; human; immune; implications; important; individuals; infectious; information; lifestyle; long; medical; medicine; meeting; modern; new; offspring; parasites; pathogens; people; perspective; physiology; populations; potential; race; recent; researchers; response; risk; sars; selection; stearns; studies; study; term; time; tools; trade; trait; treatment; understanding; use; virus; vomiting; wide; years cache: cord-268378-tcuv255v.txt plain text: cord-268378-tcuv255v.txt item: #292 of 606 id: cord-268561-vq1uhj5i author: da Silva, Severino Jefferson Ribeiro title: Clinical and Laboratory Diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2, the Virus Causing COVID-19 date: 2020-08-04 words: 9935 flesch: 36 summary: Structure, Function, and Antigenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein Novel antibody epitopes dominate the antigenicity of spike glycoprotein in SARS-CoV-2 compared to SARS-CoV Protocol and Reagents for Pseudotyping Lentiviral Particles with SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein for Neutralization Assays Cross-reactive Antibody Response between SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV Infections Lack of cross-neutralization by SARS patient sera towards SARS-CoV-2 Analysis of the first cluster of cases in a family of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Gansu Province Profiling Early Humoral Response to Diagnose Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) SARS-CoV-2 Seroconversion in Humans: A Detailed Protocol for a Serological Assay, Antigen Production, and Test Setup Serological assays for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Test performance evaluation of SARS-CoV-2 serological assays Diagnostic performance of 7 rapid IgG/IgM antibody tests and the Euroimmun IgA/IgG ELISA in COVID-19 patients Development and Clinical Application of A Rapid IgM-IgG Combined Antibody Test for SARS-CoV-2 Infection Diagnosis Clinical Performance of Two SARS-CoV-2 Serologic Assays Serological immunochromatographic approach in diagnosis with SARS-CoV-2 infected COVID-19 patients Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2-Specific Antibody Responses in Coronavirus Disease Clinical performance of different SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody tests Evaluation of two automated and three rapid lateral flow immunoassays for the detection of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies Establishment and validation of a pseudovirus neutralization assay for SARS-CoV-2 Characterization of spike glycoprotein of SARS-CoV-2 on virus entry and its immune cross-reactivity with SARS-CoV Evaluation of novel antigen-based rapid detection test for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 in respiratory samples Evaluation of rapid antigen test for detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus Development of a Portable, Ultra-Rapid and Ultra-Sensitive Cell-Based Biosensor for the Direct Detection of the SARS-CoV-2 S1 Microfluidic Immunoassays for Sensitive and Simultaneous Detection of IgG/IgM/Antigen of SARS-CoV-2 within 15 min 2020) In addition, several studies have been used to evaluate the clinical sensitivity of serological tests with COVID-19 patient samples collected on different days after the onset of symptoms. keywords: acid; acute; addition; amplification; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; assays; asymptomatic; blood; cases; cdc; cells; characteristics; china; clinical; colleagues; collection; common; control; coronavirus; coronavirus disease; countries; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 patients; covs; crispr; cross; days; detection; development; diagnosis; different; disease; early; elisa; evaluation; false; features; findings; genome; health; high; higher; human; igg; igm; illness; important; infected; infection; influenza; isolation; isothermal; laboratory; lamp; level; loop; low; manifestations; median; methods; mild; molecular; nasopharyngeal; ncov; negative; neutralization; novel; novel coronavirus; nucleic; number; onset; outbreak; pandemic; pathogens; patients; performance; pneumonia; population; positive; presence; primer; probe; protein; qpcr; rapid; rate; reactivity; real; recent; respiratory; response; results; reverse; review; rna; samples; sars; sensitivity; sequences; sequencing; serological; severe; shedding; similar; specific; specificity; specimens; spike; studies; study; swabs; symptoms; syndrome; targets; testing; tests; time; transcription; transmission; use; validation; vero; viral; viruses; workers; world; wuhan cache: cord-268561-vq1uhj5i.txt plain text: cord-268561-vq1uhj5i.txt item: #293 of 606 id: cord-268564-5qhumjas author: Brown, Lisa title: Examining the relationship between infectious diseases and flooding in Europe: A systematic literature review and summary of possible public health interventions date: 2013-04-01 words: 6494 flesch: 44 summary: The public health measures cited in the literature to reduce the risk of infectious diseases as a result of flooding focus on: risk assessments, enhanced surveillance systems, and specific prevention and control measures depending upon the type of infectious disease risk. To mitigate infectious disease risk following flooding, those involved in flood planning, response, and recovery should be aware of the results of this systematic literature review. keywords: affected; areas; articles; assessment; association; bangladesh; borne; breeding; cases; change; cholera; climate; control; countries; criteria; czech; data; dengue; diarrhea; disasters; disease; et al; europe; events; evidence; expected; extreme; factors; fever; flooded; flooding; floods; frequency; future; health; heavy; high; higher; impacts; incidence; inclusion; increase; infectious; infectious diseases; interventions; leptospirosis; likely; literature; measures; melioidosis; mosquito; non; number; outbreak; papers; pathogens; patients; people; population; positive; possible; post; precipitation; public; rainfall; range; rate; relationship; republic; research; review; risk; rodent; routine; severe; significant; specific; studies; study; surveillance; systematic; systems; taiwan; times; transmission; trend; vector; virus; vulnerability; water; waterborne cache: cord-268564-5qhumjas.txt plain text: cord-268564-5qhumjas.txt item: #294 of 606 id: cord-268907-cv0mkpzd author: Kim, Jung Heon title: An Urgent Need for Global Preparedness against the Reemergence of “Forgotten” Infectious Diseases in Korea date: 2018-04-04 words: 683 flesch: 44 summary: In order to make and keep Korea safe from infectious diseases, we must expend every effort to go beyond the current fragmented approaches to institute a more balanced framework predicated on a mutually-reinforcing, cross-sectoral network of stakeholders. It is true that, in response to these crises, the Korean Government has reformed the structure of KCDC and increased its workforce to more effectively control emerging infectious diseases. keywords: cases; changes; comprehensive; data; diseases; global; hav; immunity; infectious; kcdc; korea; need; outbreak; preparedness; vaccination; vaccine cache: cord-268907-cv0mkpzd.txt plain text: cord-268907-cv0mkpzd.txt item: #295 of 606 id: cord-269170-9f460xbq author: Kaneko, Kazunari title: Our Evolving Understanding of Kawasaki Disease Pathogenesis: Role of the Gut Microbiota date: 2020-07-24 words: 4608 flesch: 22 summary: Front Pediatrics A presumed etiology of kawasaki disease based on epidemiological comparison with infectious or immune-mediated diseases The gut microbiota-host partnership as a potential driver of kawasaki syndrome Metabolites produced by commensal bacteria promote peripheral regulatory T-cell generation Short-chain fatty acids regulate cytokines and Th17/Treg cells in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro Butyrateproducing gut bacteria and viral infections in kidney transplant recipients: a pilot study Impact of gut colonization with butyrate-producing microbiota on respiratory viral infection following allo-HCT Diversity, metabolism and microbial ecology of butyrateproducing bacteria from the human large intestine Atopic predilection among kawasaki disease patients: a crosssectional study of 1,187,757 teenagers Increased risk of atopic dermatitis in preschool children with kawasaki disease: a population-based study in taiwan Atopic diathesis in patients with kawasaki disease The role of gut microbiota in atopic asthma and allergy, implications in the understanding of disease pathogenesis Previous antibiotic use and the development of kawasaki disease: a matched-pair casecontrol study The pervasive effects of an antibiotic on the human gut microbiota, as revealed by deep 16S rRNA sequencing The microbiome in early life: implications for health outcomes Breastfeeding and risk of kawasaki disease: a nationwide longitudinal survey in Japan Shaping microbiota during the first 1000 days of life We thank Edanz Group (https://en-author-services.edanzgroup. com/) for editing a draft of this manuscript. Report of the first four Italian cases Presence in kawasaki disease of antibodies to mycobacterial heat-shock protein HSP65 and autoantibodies to epitopes of human HSP65 cognate antigen Ehrlichia chaffeensis and rochalimaea antibodies in kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease in European adult associated with serological response to coxiella burneti Tropospheric winds from northeastern China carry the etiologic agent of kawasaki disease from its source to Japan Murine model of kawasaki disease induced by mannoprotein-betaglucan complex, CAWS, obtained from Candida albicans Neutrophil activation and arteritis induced by C. albicans water-soluble mannoprotein-beta-glucan complex (CAWS) CAWS administration increases the expression of interferon γ and complement factors that lead to severe vasculitis in DBA/2 mice COVID-19 and kawasaki disease in children Kawasaki-like disease: emerging complication during the COVID-19 pandemic An outbreak of severe kawasaki-like disease at the Italian epicentre of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic: an observational cohort study Kawasaki disease linked to COVID-19 in children Parents with a history of kawasaki disease whose child also had the same disease A genome-wide association study identifies three new risk loci for kawasaki disease Common variants in CASP3 confer susceptibility to kawasaki disease Genome-wide association study identifies FCGR2A as a susceptibility locus for kawasaki disease ITPKC functional polymorphism associated with kawasaki disease susceptibility and formation of coronary artery aneurysms Transforming growth factor-beta signaling pathway in patients with kawasaki disease Variations in ORAI1 gene associated with kawasaki disease Relationship of climate, ethnicity and socioeconomic status to kawasaki disease in San Diego county Increased kawasaki disease incidence associated with higher precipitation and lower temperatures Association of early social environment with the onset of pediatric kawasaki disease Th17-and treg-related cytokine and mRNA expression are associated with acute and resolving kawasaki disease The T helper type 17/regulatory T cell imbalance in patients with acute kawasaki disease CD25+CD4+ regulatory T cells in patients with kawasaki disease Infliximab regulates monocytes and regulatory T cells in kawasaki disease keywords: acute; albicans; antibiotic; association; bacteria; butyrate; cells; changes; children; colonization; commensal; composition; concentrations; coronary; covid-19; culture; cytokines; development; differentiation; disease; dysbiosis; early; etiology; factors; fecal; gut; gut microbiota; health; helper; higher; human; immune; incidence; infection; inflammatory; intestinal; japan; kawasaki; kawasaki disease; life; like; median; methods; mice; microbes; microbial; microbiota; months; patients; peripheral; perspective; phase; positive; potential; range; recent; regulation; regulatory; responses; risk; role; samples; scfas; specific; studies; study; susceptibility; syndrome; system; th17; treg; use; viral; virus; years cache: cord-269170-9f460xbq.txt plain text: cord-269170-9f460xbq.txt item: #296 of 606 id: cord-269190-w74bjtq1 author: Lennox, Angela M. title: Care of the Geriatric Rabbit date: 2010-02-11 words: 3435 flesch: 39 summary: Although estimation of GFR is unavailable for rabbit patients, serious consideration should be given to lowering dosages of all drugs, in particular, any drugs metabolized by glomerular filtration in rabbits with suspected renal insufficiency. The author and others frequently see geriatric rabbits that have had years of regular dental care. keywords: administration; age; anesthesia; animal; articular; author; beneficial; benefit; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; cases; chronic; clean; clinical; common; critical; dental; dermatitis; diagnosis; disease; dogs; dosages; drug; ecun; euthanasia; failure; feeding; fig; filtration; geriatric; glomerular; good; health; heart; home; hospice; joint; laboratory; lesions; life; local; management; normal; older; osteoarthritis; owners; patients; pet; products; quality; rabbits; renal; severe; species; stress; study; symptoms; table; teeth; treatment; urine; use; years cache: cord-269190-w74bjtq1.txt plain text: cord-269190-w74bjtq1.txt item: #297 of 606 id: cord-269389-x8i5x62v author: Gensini, Gian Franco title: The concept of quarantine in history: from plague to SARS date: 2004-04-12 words: 3199 flesch: 44 summary: However, it has also put into discussion the real effectiveness of quarantine measures, for, precisely as for every other health intervention, quarantine has limits of application of which the medical and social community should be perfectly aware. Fact sheet: Isolation and Quarantine Simulating the effect of quarantine on the spread of the 1918-19 flu in central Canada Plague as a biological weapon: medical and public health management. keywords: acute; century; cholera; concept; contagious; control; countries; days; disease; epidemics; europe; european; fever; great; health; historical; implementation; infected; international; isolation; italian; laws; measures; medical; new; organisation; people; period; plague; practices; preventive; public; quarantine; ragusa; regard; respiratory; sars; set; sick; spread; states; surveillance; syndrome; system; term; travellers; tuberculosis; united; years cache: cord-269389-x8i5x62v.txt plain text: cord-269389-x8i5x62v.txt item: #298 of 606 id: cord-269505-7g8lio9l author: Keesing, Felicia title: Impacts of biodiversity on the emergence and transmission of infectious diseases date: 2010-12-01 words: 5349 flesch: 34 summary: In systems like these, the loss of host species can actually increase transmission if the lost hosts are suboptimal for parasite development and reproduction; this is because these suboptimal hosts absorb pathogens but are poor at transmitting them. On the other hand, a greater diversity of host species can sometimes increase pathogen transmission by increasing the abundance of vectors 67 . keywords: abundance; animals; bacterial; biodiversity; box; cases; cause; changes; communities; community; competent; composition; consequence; contact; declines; density; disease; disease transmission; diverse; ecological; ecosystems; effects; emergence; established; evidence; example; experimental; extinction; future; hantavirus; high; host; humans; incidence; increase; infection; likely; loss; low; lyme; mammals; mechanisms; mice; microbes; microbial; mouse; new; nile; nombre; number; parasite; pathogens; plants; population; potential; prevalence; rates; recent; reduced; research; resistant; risk; sin; small; snails; species; studies; study; syndrome; table; ticks; total; transmission; trends; vectors; virus; west; wildlife cache: cord-269505-7g8lio9l.txt plain text: cord-269505-7g8lio9l.txt item: #299 of 606 id: cord-269640-0u3e1493 author: Kasai, Takeshi title: Research and control of parasitic diseases in Japan: current position and future perspectives date: 2007-03-09 words: 3781 flesch: 34 summary: The unique ODA philosophy in Japan, which is based on the overriding concept of self help and human security, contributes to overseas development by exporting its achievements in disease control and in shaping support for disease research and control activities (http:// contents.html). Hashimoto fervently desired to contribute to the health of people in less-developed counties by transferring Japanese experience, especially in disease research and control. keywords: activities; addition; africa; basic; centres; challenges; community; control; cooperation; countries; crucial; development; deworming; diseases; experience; field; focus; global; goals; hashimoto; hdi; health; help; idi; important; infectious; initiative; international; japan; japanese; major; mdgs; millennium; ministry; nations; new; oda; parasite; parasitic; parasitic diseases; parasitology; parasitoses; past; policy; position; programmes; research; school; science; substantial; system; target; technology; treatment; united; water cache: cord-269640-0u3e1493.txt plain text: cord-269640-0u3e1493.txt item: #300 of 606 id: cord-271814-a2vlkwce author: Brough, Helen A. title: Managing childhood allergies and immunodeficiencies during respiratory virus epidemics – The 2020 COVID‐19 pandemic: A statement from the EAACI‐section on pediatrics date: 2020-05-31 words: 2934 flesch: 39 summary: The care of children with allergies or immune conditions is being adapted to the current situation, with more remote working and providing guidance to children to reduce likelihood of infection in children who would be deemed at higher risk of severe COVID-19 disease. Stem Cells Dev Functional exhaustion of antiviral lymphocytes in COVID-19 patients Why the immune system fails to mount an adaptive immune response to a COVID -19 infection Clinical and immunologic features in severe and moderate Coronavirus Disease Parenting in a time of COVID-19 Shielding advice for very high-risk groups American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Position Paper on the Use of Telemedicine for Allergists Managing childhood allergies and immunodeficiencies during respiratory virus epidemics -The keywords: addition; adults; age; allergic; allergies; allergy; asthma; cases; childhood; children; china; chronic; clinical; conditions; control; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; current; data; disease; evidence; existing; factor; health; immune; immunodeficiencies; infection; pandemic; patients; pediatric; population; recommendations; respiratory; review; risk; sars; severe; severity; states; study; symptoms; treatment; underlying; viral; virus; viruses; wuhan cache: cord-271814-a2vlkwce.txt plain text: cord-271814-a2vlkwce.txt item: #301 of 606 id: cord-271863-apb8l8tq author: Ward, M.P. title: Companion animal disease surveillance: A new solution to an old problem? date: 2011-07-19 words: 6353 flesch: 47 summary: This might be achieved by annual surveys of Disease WatchDog participants, or by estimations based on reported disease cases. An array of analytical tools are available for detecting trends and clusters in disease surveillance data (for example, see Ward and Carpenter, 2000a,b; Ward, 2007) . keywords: adverse; age; analysis; animal; area; australia; canine; cases; clients; clinical; clinics; clusters; companion; control; cpv; current; data; date; design; diagnosis; disease; disease surveillance; disease watchdog; distribution; dogs; example; factors; feline; health; infectious; information; january; leptospirosis; months; national; new; number; outbreaks; paralysis; parvovirus; period; population; postcode; practices; project; rabies; reporting; reports; research; risk; scanning; september; south; space; spatial; specific; states; study; surveillance; surveillance system; system; tick; time; united; user; vaccinated; vaccination; veterinarians; veterinary; wales; ward; watchdog cache: cord-271863-apb8l8tq.txt plain text: cord-271863-apb8l8tq.txt item: #302 of 606 id: cord-272147-itdx3wqi author: White, Alexandre I R title: Historical linkages: epidemic threat, economic risk, and xenophobia date: 2020-03-27 words: 1832 flesch: 45 summary: While quarantine, cordon sanitaire, and other social distancing practices date back to 14th-century Europe and earlier, by the 19th century the spread of epidemic diseases emerged as a problem that required an international, coordinated response. When we think about the framing of disease threats, we must recognise that the history of international infectious disease control has largely been shaped by a distinctly European perspective, prioritising epidemic threats that arose from colonial (or now post-colonial) sites that threatened to spread disease and affect trade. keywords: administrators; asian; century; chinese; cholera; colonial; conventions; disease; economic; epidemic; europe; european; global; health; history; india; infectious; international; pandemic; particular; plague; quarantine; responses; risk; sanitary; spread; threat; trade; world; xenophobic cache: cord-272147-itdx3wqi.txt plain text: cord-272147-itdx3wqi.txt item: #303 of 606 id: cord-272547-ld1bux2h author: Eslick, Guy D. title: Future Perspectives on Infections Associated with Gastrointestinal Tract Diseases date: 2010-10-09 words: 1104 flesch: 35 summary: [6] [7] [8] In conjunction with this increasing incidence of digestive diseases are the re-emergence of certain infectious agents (Box 1) (eg, cholera) and the identification of new agents (eg, H pylori, Laribacter, Campylobacter concisus), which are associated with GI tract diseases. US Department of Health and Human Services Cancer statistics Changing trends in gastrointestinal disease in the Asia-Pacific region The burden of gastrointestinal and liver diseases Burden of digestive diseases in the United States part keywords: agents; burden; cause; criteria; development; digestive; diseases; effect; gastrointestinal; infections; number; organisms; population; pylori; relationship; research; states; tract; united cache: cord-272547-ld1bux2h.txt plain text: cord-272547-ld1bux2h.txt item: #304 of 606 id: cord-272829-i4jh6bcn author: ZANETTI, A. R. title: Emerging and re‐emerging infections at the turn of the millennium date: 2010-01-04 words: 4101 flesch: 45 summary: What is more, a number of other factors promote not only the dissemination but also the emergence of new infectious diseases: intensive farming and breeding associated with crowding promote the development of foci of infection; global warming has modified the climate, making insects, a major vector of pathogens, able to thrive in countries where the climate was previously hostile; the exploitation of natural resources has produced environmental changes that create opportunities for new contacts between species leading to emergence of infections in new hosts. In the last decades, a number of new pathogens responsible for emerging infectious diseases, such as avian and swine flu, AIDS, SARS, West Nile, Ebola and variant of Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (vCJD) have been identified and other infectious diseases are re-emerging after a period of quiescence, such as malaria and tuberculosis caused by multidrug resistant strains keywords: agents; animals; avian; blood; cases; cause; changes; climate; conditions; countries; death; diseases; ebola; emergence; emerging; environmental; epidemic; factors; global; health; host; human; infected; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; italy; mosquito; natural; new; nile; novel; number; organization; outbreaks; pandemic; pathogens; patient; people; population; prion; protein; reservoir; risk; sars; severe; southern; species; spread; syndrome; transfusion; transmission; variant; vcjd; vector; viral; virus; viruses; war; west; wnv; world; worldwide; years cache: cord-272829-i4jh6bcn.txt plain text: cord-272829-i4jh6bcn.txt item: #305 of 606 id: cord-273416-332stbjl author: Liu, Tianyuan title: Transcriptional differences for COVID-19 Disease Map genes between males and females indicate a different basal immunophenotype relevant to the disease date: 2020-10-01 words: 2741 flesch: 35 summary: Using DeCovid, we analyzed the extent of gene expression differences among demographic groups across different COVID-19 affected tissues (Table 1) . We used data from the GTEx database, which contains RNA-seq profiles for hundreds of demographically diverse healthy individuals in multiple tissues and allows us to interrogate COVID-19 genes globally or individually. keywords: age; analysis; app; associated; basal; cell; cov-2; covid-19; data; decovid; demographic; differences; differential; disease; et al; existing; expression; factors; females; figure; genes; groups; gtex; healthy; higher; immune; infection; level; map; molecular; pathways; patients; population; response; risk; samples; sars; severity; sex; specific; study; tissue; type; virus; women cache: cord-273416-332stbjl.txt plain text: cord-273416-332stbjl.txt item: #306 of 606 id: cord-273602-cq276tj8 author: Bavishi, Chirag title: Acute myocardial injury in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 infection: A review date: 2020-06-06 words: 2121 flesch: 23 summary: Circulation ST-Segment Elevation in Patients with Covid-19 -A Case Series Clinical observation and management of COVID-19 patients Pharmacologic Treatments for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Review Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial Association of Treatment With Hydroxychloroquine or Azithromycin With In-Hospital Mortality in Patients With COVID-19 in New York State Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis ACTT-1 Study Group Members. Remdesivir for the Treatment of Covid-19 -Preliminary Report Acute Cardiovascular Conditions During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Multicenter Tertiary Care Experience Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Infection and Renin Angiotensin System Blockers Renin-angiotensin system inhibitors improve the clinical outcomes of COVID-19 patients with hypertension Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Blockers and the Risk of Covid-19 Cardiovascular Disease, Drug Therapy, and Mortality in Covid-19 Association of Use of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers With Testing Positive for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) COVID-19 and Renin Angiotensin Blockers: Current Evidence and Recommendations Wang Y et al 12 keywords: ace2; acute; analysis; angiotensin; biomarkers; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; cell; characteristics; china; clinical; cohort; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; disease; elevation; factors; heart; infection; injury; mortality; myocardial; myocarditis; patients; prevalence; review; risk; sars; studies; study; system; treatment; troponin; type; wuhan cache: cord-273602-cq276tj8.txt plain text: cord-273602-cq276tj8.txt item: #307 of 606 id: cord-273789-sbppgkza author: Donohoe, Holly title: Lyme disease: Current issues, implications, and recommendations for tourism management date: 2014-08-20 words: 10269 flesch: 32 summary: Knowing that Lyme disease poses a real and growing threat to the tourism industry, the purpose of this paper is to first, review the scientific literature to identify Lyme disease risk factors and second, to critically assess the implications for tourism management. Modeling the SARS epidemic The relationships between habitat topology, critical scales of connectivity and tick abundance Ixodes ricinus in a heterogeneous landscape in northern Spain Potential for exposure to tick bites in recreational parks in a Lyme disease endemic area Integrated assessment of behavioural and environmental risk factors for Lyme disease infection on Block Island Environmental risk and prevention of Lyme disease Belief, attitude, intention, and behaviour: An introduction to theory and research Tick-borne diseases: an evaluation of a Lyme disease prevention education program for eight, nine, and ten year olds Prevalence of Lyme disease agents and several emerging pathogens in questing ticks from the German Baltic coast Prevention and prophylaxis of tick bites and tick-borne related diseases Present and future technologies for tick control Theory, Research, and Practice Environmental risk factors for Lyme disease identified with geographic information systems Lyme disease in New Jersey outdoor workers: a statewide survey of seroprevalence and tick exposure Norovirus gastroenteritis Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours regarding Lyme disease prevention among Connecticut residents, 1999e2004. keywords: action; activities; activity; analysis; areas; articles; associated; authorities; available; behaviour; better; bite; borrelia; burgdorferi; case; cdc; central; context; control; costs; countries; crisis; decisions; demand; department; destination; disease; disease prevention; disease risk; e.g.; economic; educational; effective; endemic; environmental; et al; example; exposure; factors; future; global; gray; habitat; health; health risk; high; host; human; impact; implications; important; individual; industry; infected; infection; information; international; interventions; ixodes; knowledge; likely; literature; lyme; lyme disease; majority; management; managers; medical; methods; model; national; new; number; occupational; outdoor; parks; pathogen; pennington; percent; perceptions; personal; piesman; poland; population; potential; prevention; primary; program; protection; public; public health; real; recreation; relationship; research; results; review; risk; risk factors; role; scale; scapularis; schwartz; significant; species; states; studies; study; surveillance; survey; symptoms; theory; threat; tick; tick bites; tick control; tourism; tourists; travel; travellers; united; university; use; vaccine; vector; visitors; workers; world; zoonotic cache: cord-273789-sbppgkza.txt plain text: cord-273789-sbppgkza.txt item: #308 of 606 id: cord-273833-yf8kt84e author: Mejia, Rojelio title: Global COVID-19 Efforts as the Platform to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals date: 2020-08-20 words: 2546 flesch: 45 summary: To be successful and achieve the global goals including the control of pandemics such as the one seen from the COVID-19, we must rely on strong leadership leading to impactful public policies and global collaborations, including global COVID-19 vaccinations, and potentially linking them to programs for childhood and adult vaccinations and programs for malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, and neglected tropical disease treatments. Major US cities had high levels of COVID-19 infections and a higher prevalence in those living below the poverty line [28] . keywords: affected; africa; america; areas; cities; control; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; deaths; development; disease; global; goals; health; high; income; india; infections; levels; low; new; number; organization; pandemic; people; poor; populations; poverty; programs; public; rates; recent; risk; rural; significant; situation; south; study; tropical; united; urban; usa; world cache: cord-273833-yf8kt84e.txt plain text: cord-273833-yf8kt84e.txt item: #309 of 606 id: cord-273915-jpzvjl0i author: Schmidt, Robert E. title: Types of Renal Disease in Avian Species date: 2006-01-07 words: 2910 flesch: 35 summary: Avian renal disease has a wide variety of noninfectious causes. Accurate diagnosis of renal disease is based on a complete history,physical examination, and laboratory evaluation of the patient. keywords: acid; anser; avian; birds; bodies; calcium; cases; cause; cells; changes; chickens; chronic; common; conditions; deposition; diagnosis; disease; eimeria; eosinophilic; epithelial; experimental; fungal; geese; glomerular; glomerulonephritis; gross; high; inclusion; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; interstitial; kidney; lead; lesions; necrosis; nephritis; nephrosis; organisms; pale; pathology; pigeons; plasma; polyomavirus; present; proliferation; protein; renal; result; secondary; severe; similar; small; species; swollen; systemic; toxicity; tubular; tubules; urate; urinary; variety; vitamin; waterfowl cache: cord-273915-jpzvjl0i.txt plain text: cord-273915-jpzvjl0i.txt item: #310 of 606 id: cord-273941-gu6nnv9d author: Chandran, Uma title: Chapter 5 Network Pharmacology date: 2017-12-31 words: 10268 flesch: 30 summary: Molecular dockingÀbased NEP can be a useful tool to computationally elucidate the combinatorial effects of traditional medicine to intervene disease networks (Gu et al., 2013c ). Disease and Gene Annotation (DGA), a database that provides a comprehensive and integrative annotation of human genes in disease networks, is useful in identifying the disease type that each indication belongs to (Peng et al., 2013) . keywords: 2014a; acid; action; activity; acyl; addition; analysis; antibacterial; antimicrobial; application; approach; associated; available; ayurveda; ayurvedic; basis; beta; binding; bioactives; biological; biology; blood; botanicals; cancer; cardiovascular; carrier; cells; chaihu; chemical; chinese; clinical; cold; colitis; combination; complex; compounds; computational; concept; current; data; database; decoction; design; development; different; discovery; disease; drug; drug discovery; effective; effects; efficacy; et al; experimental; expression; factor; falciparum; fig; formulae; formulation; gallate; gene; growth; help; herbal; herbs; hopkins; hot; human; identification; important; information; ingredients; insight; integration; interactions; key; knowledge; literature; major; mechanism; medicinal; medicine; metabolic; method; microarray; mining; model; modulation; molecular; molecules; multicomponent; multiple; natural; nep; network; network analysis; network pharmacology; new; nodes; novel; paradigm; pathway; pharmacological; pharmacology; plasmodium; polypharmacology; potential; process; products; properties; property; protein; quercetin; reductase; related; research; researchers; role; significant; silico; single; small; space; specific; studies; study; syndrome; synergistic; systems; targeting; targets; tcm; theory; therapeutic; time; tool; traditional; traditional medicine; treatment; triphala; type; understanding; useful; validation; virus; vivo; way; zheng cache: cord-273941-gu6nnv9d.txt plain text: cord-273941-gu6nnv9d.txt item: #311 of 606 id: cord-274019-dao10kx9 author: Rife, Brittany D title: Phylodynamic applications in 21(st) century global infectious disease research date: 2017-05-08 words: 6273 flesch: 23 summary: Despite the limitations to traditional infectious disease epidemiology, major advances in study designs and methods for epidemiological data analysis have been made over the past decade for a multifaceted investigation of the complexity of disease at both the individual and population levels [14, 15] . Combining pathogen genetic data with host population information (e.g., population density and air traffic) in a statistical framework is critical for the reliable assessment of factors potentially associated with pathogen population dynamics and geographic spread. keywords: analysis; approach; associated; bayesian; brazil; century; challenges; characteristics; coalescent; congo; data; disease; diversity; dynamics; early; effective; emergence; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; estimates; estimation; events; evolutionary; example; factors; framework; genomic; geographical; global; growth; health; history; hiv; human; impact; infectious; inference; information; introduction; knowledge; likely; limited; methods; models; molecular; new; organizations; origin; outbreaks; pathogen; patterns; phylodynamic; phylogenetic; phylogeny; population; potential; prevalence; prior; public; rapid; recent; recombinant; recombination; reconstruction; relationships; republic; research; researchers; resolution; results; risk; sampling; sequences; sequencing; single; spatial; spatiotemporal; spread; statistical; strategies; studies; study; surveillance; time; traditional; transmission; treatment; type; understanding; vector; viral; virus; viruses; zika; zikv cache: cord-274019-dao10kx9.txt plain text: cord-274019-dao10kx9.txt item: #312 of 606 id: cord-274113-m0nb78kf author: Vignier, Nicolas title: Travel, Migration and Emerging Infectious Diseases date: 2018-11-07 words: 1790 flesch: 40 summary: key: cord-274113-m0nb78kf authors: Vignier, Nicolas; Bouchaud, Olivier title: Travel, Migration and Emerging Infectious Diseases date: 2018-11-07 journal: EJIFCC DOI: nan sha: doc_id: 274113 cord_uid: m0nb78kf Emerging infectious diseases (EID) threaten public health and are sustained by increasing global commerce, travel and disruption of ecological systems. The risk appears low for emerging infectious diseases, or very low for high-risk emerging infectious diseases, but higher for multidrug-resistant enterobacteriaceae carriage with possibly limited consequences. keywords: access; bacteria; carriage; diseases; eids; enterobacteriaceae; epidemic; evidence; france; global; health; higher; infectious; low; malaria; migrants; migration; mre; multidrug; public; resistant; review; risk; role; sentinel; systems; travel; travelers; tuberculosis; urbanization; zoonotic cache: cord-274113-m0nb78kf.txt plain text: cord-274113-m0nb78kf.txt item: #313 of 606 id: cord-274189-mrrctuxt author: Freeman, Hugh James title: REVIEW: Adult Celiac Disease and the Severe “Flat” Small Bowel Biopsy Lesion date: 2004 words: 5333 flesch: 31 summary: Similar histologic changes have also been reported in some asymptomatic first-degree relatives of celiac disease patients (24, 25) and, therefore, may, in some instances, represent part of the pathological spectrum of celiac disease (26) . In addition, feeding high-gluten-containing diets to two patients with lymphocytic colitis did not elicit small intestinal changes of celiac disease (45) . keywords: abnormal; abnormalities; adult; agents; antibodies; architecture; associated; atrophy; autoimmune; biopsies; biopsy; bowel; cause; celiac; celiac disease; cell; changes; clinical; colitis; collagenous; crypt; deficiency; dermatitis; diagnosis; diarrhea; diet; disease; disorders; distal; duodenal; endoscopic; enteropathy; flat; free; gluten; herpetiformis; histologic; improvement; infection; intestinal; intraepithelial; lesion; loss; lymphocytic; lymphoma; malabsorption; mild; mucosal; normal; number; pathologic; patients; positive; present; proximal; refractory; related; response; result; screening; severe; severity; similar; sites; small; small bowel; small intestinal; specific; sprue; studies; symptoms; tissue; transglutaminase; treatment; villous; weight cache: cord-274189-mrrctuxt.txt plain text: cord-274189-mrrctuxt.txt item: #314 of 606 id: cord-274409-4ugdxbmy author: Laskar, Rezwanuzzaman title: Mutational analysis and assessment of its impact on proteins of SARS-CoV-2 genomes from India date: 2020-10-19 words: 3300 flesch: 53 summary: The maximum variants affecting protein sequence were present in NSP3 (63) followed by Spike (S) protein with 49 variants. Composition and distribution of variable sites (Table 1 ) and its negative value indicated the significance of these variable sites. keywords: acid; age; amino; analysis; asymptomatic; cov-2; data; deceased; different; disease; distribution; females; figure; file; genome; higher; impact; incidence; india; maximum; mutations; neutral; nucleotide; observed; orf3a; patients; prediction; present; prevalence; protein; samples; sars; sequence; sites; study; substitutions; supplementary; table; tools; total; variable; variants; variations; viral; virus cache: cord-274409-4ugdxbmy.txt plain text: cord-274409-4ugdxbmy.txt item: #315 of 606 id: cord-274756-nnm1n09a author: Varadé, Jezabel title: Human immunology and immunotherapy: main achievements and challenges date: 2020-09-02 words: 19166 flesch: 27 summary: Several factors have been involved in these advancements, and the most important ones include the development of thousands of different monoclonal antibodies that allow the identification of a large variety of cell subpopulations and the functional analysis of immune cells. After infection or vaccination, innate immune cells (such as monocytes and macrophages) display long-term functional changes through epigenetic and metabolic reprogramming, including histone acetylation, methylation and modulation of noncoding RNAs [94] keywords: achievements; activation; acute; adaptive; adaptive immune; addition; advances; aging; allergen; allergic; allergy; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antitumoral; approaches; arthritis; associated; association; asthma; autoimmune; autoimmune diseases; autoimmunity; b cells; bacteria; better; blood; cancer; cancer cells; capacity; car; case; cd4; cd8; cells; cellular; certain; challenges; checkpoint; chimeric; class; clinical; combination; commensal; common; complex; components; control; conventional; covid-19; ctla-4; current; cytokines; cytotoxic; cytotoxicity; data; death; dendritic; dendritic cells; development; different; differentiation; discovery; diseases; disorders; drugs; effective; effector; effects; efficacy; elements; example; expansion; expression; factor; field; foxp3; function; future; gamma; generation; genes; genetic; group; growth; gut; health; helper; high; histocompatibility; hla; host; human; human t; identification; ifn; il-2; ilcs; illnesses; immune; immune cells; immune responses; immune system; immunity; immunodeficiency; immunogenicity; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunology; immunotherapy; important; increase; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; innate; innate cells; innate immune; innate lymphoid; interactions; interferon; interleukin; intracellular; killer; killer cells; knowledge; lack; large; levels; like; long; low; lymphocytes; lymphoid; lymphoid cells; mabs; macrophages; main; major; maturation; mechanisms; melanoma; memory; mhc; mice; microbiota; models; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; mouse; mucosal; multiple; murine; mutations; natural; naïve; new; nk cells; nobel; number; oncolytic; pathogens; patients; pd-1; people; peptides; pids; play; population; potential; presence; prize; process; protection; protein; range; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; regulation; regulatory; rejection; related; researchers; resistance; responses; results; review; role; sclerosis; secondary; self; single; skin; solid; specific; strategies; studies; study; subsets; subunit; susceptibility; syndrome; system; systemic; t cells; target; technologies; th17; th2; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; tils; tissue; tnf; tolerance; transcription; transplantation; treatment; tregs; trials; tumor; tumor cells; types; understanding; use; vaccination; vaccines; variability; variants; viral; virus; viruses; way; years cache: cord-274756-nnm1n09a.txt plain text: cord-274756-nnm1n09a.txt item: #316 of 606 id: cord-275538-c44gmu22 author: Davis-Wurzler, Gina M. title: Current Vaccination Strategies in Puppies and Kittens date: 2006-03-24 words: 10386 flesch: 39 summary: There are killed virus vaccines that are efficacious; however, because they contain killed virus, they require an adjuvant to maximize the host's immune response. Assignment of vaccine products (which are considered biologic agents rather than drugs and are therefore assessed and approved by the US Department of Agriculture [USDA] rather than the US Food and Drug Administration keywords: ability; addition; administration; adverse; age; agent; animal; antibody; antigen; appropriate; associated; association; available; canine; cats; causes; cav; cdv; cell; clinical; contact; current; diarrhea; direct; disease; distemper; dog; dogs; dose; efficacy; environment; events; exposure; feline; felv; fip; fiv; general; health; high; host; hypersensitivity; immune; immunity; individual; infected; infection; initial; interference; kittens; levels; likely; live; maternal; medical; minimal; mlv; months; multiple; multivalent; noncore; owner; parainfluenza; parvovirus; pathogens; patient; population; potential; practitioner; prevent; product; protection; puppies; puppy; rabies; reactions; recombinant; recommendation; respiratory; response; risk; route; screening; signs; single; site; species; specific; standard; subsequent; system; test; time; tract; transmission; type; use; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; veterinary; viral; virus; weeks; year; young cache: cord-275538-c44gmu22.txt plain text: cord-275538-c44gmu22.txt item: #317 of 606 id: cord-275602-cog4nma0 author: Watkins, Kevin title: Emerging Infectious Diseases: a Review date: 2018-06-22 words: 4676 flesch: 47 summary: Emerging infectious diseases: a CDC perspective Emerging infectious diseases in 2012: 20 years after the Institute of Medicine Report Emerging infectious disease: a proactive approach A novel coronavirus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS): a review of the history, epidemiology, prevention, and concerns for the future Severe acute respiratory syndrome and coronavirus Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Severe acute respiratory syndrome and influenza: virus incursions from southern China WHO guidelines for the global surveillance of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Anti-SARS coronavirus agents: a patent review (2008-present) Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus: a comprehensive review Middle East respiratory syndrome: what clinicians need to know Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus: update for clinicians This article gives the majority of a summary of perhaps most significant recent emerging infectious disease in terms of both mortality and number of cases Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease is rare in children: an update from Saudi Arabia Risk factors for transmission of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection during the 2015 outbreak in South Korea Clinical course and outcomes of critically ill patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Infection Broad-spectrum antivirals for the emerging Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus A review of treatment modalities for Middle East respiratory syndrome Treatment outcomes for patients with middle eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS CoV) infection at a coronavirus referral center in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia A new Phlebovirus associated with severe febrile illness in Missouri Notes from the field: heartland virus disease-United States Heartland virus associated death in Tennessee Update and commentary on four emerging tick-borne infections Novel Thogotovirus associated with febrile illness and death Bourbon virus in field-collected ticks Nipah encephalitis-an update The pandemic potential of Nipah virus Therapeutic treatment of Nipah virus infection in nonhuman primates with a neutralizing human monoclonal antibody Emergomyces canadensis, a dimorphic fungus causing fatal systemic human disease in North America Emergomyces: a new genus of dimorphic fungal pathogens causing disseminated disease among immunocompromised persons globally Global spread of antibiotic resistance: the example of New Delhi metallo-ß-lactamase (NDM)-mediated carbapenem resistance The new medical challenge: why NDM-1? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends evaluation for patients with respiratory symptoms and travel to an affected country within 14 days or for those who are in a cluster of patients with severe acute respiratory disease in which MERS-CoV is being evaluated [14] . keywords: acute; africa; animal; article; bacteria; bourbon; cases; cchf; clinical; common; congo; contact; coronavirus; course; crimean; days; development; diagnosis; disease; east; elevated; emergomyces; encephalitis; europe; fact; family; fever; findings; genus; healthcare; hemorrhagic; high; human; illness; infected; infectious; like; majority; mers; middle; mild; mortality; new; nipah; number; outbreak; pathogens; patients; positive; potential; rate; recent; research; resistance; respiratory; respiratory syndrome; review; ribavirin; rna; sars; severe; south; species; spread; studies; symptoms; syndrome; thrombocytopenia; tick; transmission; treatment; usa; viral; virus cache: cord-275602-cog4nma0.txt plain text: cord-275602-cog4nma0.txt item: #318 of 606 id: cord-276616-odmnvv7m author: Darcel, C. title: Reflections on scrapie and related disorders, with consideration of the possibility of a viral aetiology date: 1995 words: 10485 flesch: 39 summary: Characterization of the env gene and long terminal repeat of molecularly cloned Friend mink cell focus-inducing virus A note on serum proteins in normal and scrapie infected sheep Fnrther observations on the neuropathology of experimental scrapie in mouse and hamster Oral transmission studies of BSE to mice Antiserum to scrapie-associated fibril-protein cross-reacts with Spiroplasma mirum fibril proteins Scrapie agent proteins do not accumulate in grey tumour mice Purification of scrapie agents: how far have we come? Identification of a protein that purifies with the scrapie prion Copurification of Sp33-37 and scrapie agent from hamster brain prior to detectable histopathology and clinical disease However, a problem with the use of laboratory animals is that they may carry other disease agents in a latent form. keywords: acid; activity; aetiology; agent; animals; antibody; associated; attention; barlow; behaviour; biochemical; blood; bovine; bovine spongiform; brain; bse; cases; cattle; causation; causative; cause; cell; certain; changes; characteristic; cjd; clinical; colleagues; conventional; creutzfeldt; development; different; disease; effect; encephalopathies; et al; evidence; experimental; feeding; fibrils; focus; gene; genetic; great; group; hamster; hepatitis; human; hypersensitivity; ill; immunological; incidence; infected; infection; infective; infectivity; inoculation; jakob; kimberlin; kuru; laboratory; large; latent; lesions; like; limbs; long; louping; manuelidis; material; meat; mice; mink; mouse; murine; natural; nature; new; normal; nucleic; outbreak; paper; pathogenesis; period; population; possibility; possible; presence; prion; protein; proteinase; prp; prpsc; related; research; resistant; result; saf; scrapie; scrapie agent; sheep; signs; similar; small; species; specific; spiroplasma; spleen; spongiform; spongiform encephalopathies; studies; study; susceptibility; system; terminal; time; tissues; tme; transmissible; transmissible spongiform; transmission; trials; vaccination; vacuoles; viral; virus; viruses; work cache: cord-276616-odmnvv7m.txt plain text: cord-276616-odmnvv7m.txt item: #319 of 606 id: cord-276837-1me44xh0 author: Wang, Wei title: InfectiousDiseases ofPoverty, the first five years date: 2017-05-04 words: 3592 flesch: 38 summary: IDP is dedicated to communicate global health concerns on finding ways for poverty alleviation and to publish papers dealing with the following topics: (1) approaches addressing essential public health questions related to infectious diseases of poverty; (2) multi-disciplinary concerns of infectious disease of poverty, such as the biology of pathogens, vectors, diagnosis, surveillance and response, treatment and case management, epidemiology including ecohealth issues and modelling, zoonoses and animal reservoirs, control strategies and implementation of new technologies; and (3) trans-disciplinary or multi-sectoral effects involving health systems, environmental management and innovative technology. The journal was assigned a first impact factor of 4.11 in 2015; however, this metric decreased to 2.13 in 2016, which can be explained by the large rise in the number The journal may seem less attractive for contributions pertaining to high-impact topics in infectious disease research compared to International Journal of Infectious Diseases and BMC Infectious Diseases, which may be explained by the fact that it is a relatively new journal, which has not yet garnered an adequate international following. keywords: analysis; articles; authors; burden; change; china; chinese; control; countries; diseases; editorial; elimination; fig; global; health; idp; impact; infectious; infectious diseases; international; interventions; journal; major; malaria; manuscripts; n =; new; october; poverty; progress; publications; regions; research; response; reviews; schistosomiasis; series; surveillance; thematic; times; total; tropical; tuberculosis; world; years cache: cord-276837-1me44xh0.txt plain text: cord-276837-1me44xh0.txt item: #320 of 606 id: cord-276855-j10tvmvd author: Batsukh, Zayat title: One Health in Mongolia date: 2012-10-14 words: 5652 flesch: 31 summary: The Coordination Committee has responsibility for developing joint policy on the prevention and control of priority zoonotic diseases; for approving action plans produced by a technical working group; for making recommendations on risk assessment, early warning and response activities during outbreaks; for reviewing and revising zoonotic diseases standard operational procedures (SOPs) and guidelines to reflect intersectoral collaboration; for providing methodological assistance to improve the capacity of professional institutions at the national and subnational level; for coordinating cooperation among different sectors in carrying out early detection and response functions; and for monitoring and evaluating overall zoonotic disease prevention and control. An intersectoral coordination mechanism established between the veterinary and public health sectors has expanded its function to incorporate more work on food safety, emergency management, and effects of climate change on zoonotic diseases. keywords: activities; addition; animal; anthrax; apsed; assessment; brucellosis; capacity; change; climate; collaboration; committee; communication; control; cooperation; coordination; countries; data; diagnostic; diseases; education; emergency; encephalitis; environment; fever; food; good; health; health sectors; human; human health; important; information; inspection; international; intersectoral; joint; laboratories; laboratory; level; livestock; management; mechanism; meetings; moh; mongolia; national; new; number; outbreaks; plague; population; prevention; priority; public; public health; rabies; reduction; research; response; risk; sectors; sharing; strategies; strategy; surveillance; technical; tick; training; vector; veterinary; virus; working; world; years; zoonoses; zoonotic; zoonotic diseases cache: cord-276855-j10tvmvd.txt plain text: cord-276855-j10tvmvd.txt item: #321 of 606 id: cord-277181-rvjvuxor author: Liu, Chen-Hsuan title: The Role of Comparative Pathology in the Investigation of Zoonoses date: 2007-09-30 words: 1681 flesch: 27 summary: It is estimated that three-fourths of emerging diseases are zoonotic Retrospective case studies of recently occurring zoonoses reflect the importance of diagnostic pathology with its use of morphologic similarities in disease diagnosis. keywords: anatomic; animal; cells; changes; comparative; control; diagnosis; diseases; encephalopathy; features; fig; human; important; infection; lesions; medicine; microbes; morphologic; past; pathologists; pathology; reaction; respiratory; role; severe; spongiform; stain; syncytial; syndrome; taiwan; team; use; veterinary; virus; years; zoonoses cache: cord-277181-rvjvuxor.txt plain text: cord-277181-rvjvuxor.txt item: #322 of 606 id: cord-277265-p8pns7r9 author: Malik, Yashpal Singh title: Biotechnological innovations in farm and pet animal disease diagnosis date: 2019-09-20 words: 7289 flesch: 29 summary: Although, yet not been adopted for animal disease diagnosis, but novel platforms such as smartphonebased diagnosis (which expands nucleic acid-based detection assays toward POCD) like RT-LAMP and fluorescent lateral flow immunoassay (already developed for Zika virus and Dengue virus) provide exciting opportunities for veterinary diagnostics in the near future (Rong et al., 2019) . The real-time PCR (qPCR) is a well-established tool with high sensitivity of pathogens detection and recently, qPCR has been transitioned into POCD platform. keywords: accurate; acid; agents; agglutination; amplification; analysis; animal; antibodies; antibody; applications; aptamers; assays; available; avian; bacteria; better; biosensors; biotechnological; bovine; canine; care; clinical; common; companion; complex; control; conventional; cost; culture; detection; development; diagnosis; direct; diseases; dna; dot; easy; economic; elisa; enzyme; et al; evaluation; farm; field; flow; gene; generation; gold; health; high; human; hybridization; identification; important; increase; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; innovations; isothermal; isothermal amplification; lamp; level; like; loop; major; methods; molecular; mouth; multiple; mycobacterium; nanoparticle; nanopore; need; new; ngs; novel; nucleic; pathogens; pcr; peptide; platform; pna; pocd; point; polymerase; portable; potential; poultry; probes; rapid; rapid detection; reaction; real; results; rna; rotavirus; samples; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; serological; single; species; specific; strip; system; taqman; techniques; technologies; technology; test; throughput; time; tools; veterinary; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-277265-p8pns7r9.txt plain text: cord-277265-p8pns7r9.txt item: #323 of 606 id: cord-277353-qilq1q7h author: Taniguchi, Kiyosu title: Imported infectious diseases and surveillance in Japan date: 2008-09-11 words: 2055 flesch: 38 summary: key: cord-277353-qilq1q7h authors: Taniguchi, Kiyosu; Yoshida, Makiko; Sunagawa, Tomimasa; Tada, Yuki; Okabe, Nobuhiko title: Imported infectious diseases and surveillance in Japan date: 2008-09-11 journal: Travel Med Infect Dis DOI: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2008.07.001 sha: doc_id: 277353 cord_uid: qilq1q7h Surveillance of imported infectious diseases is important because of the need for early detection of outbreaks of international concern as well as information of risk to the travelers. keywords: cases; cholera; control; country; current; data; dengue; diseases; domestic; fever; health; increase; infectious; information; investigation; japan; law; local; malaria; place; public; rate; reported; surveillance; system; travelers; typhoid; year cache: cord-277353-qilq1q7h.txt plain text: cord-277353-qilq1q7h.txt item: #324 of 606 id: cord-277635-e1ih1fkx author: Rahman, Md. Siddikur title: Defending against the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak: How Can the Internet of Things (IoT) help to save the World? date: 2020-04-22 words: 1922 flesch: 41 summary: key: cord-277635-e1ih1fkx authors: Rahman, Md. Siddikur; Peeri, Noah C.; Shrestha, Nistha; Zaki, Rafdzah; Haque, Ubydul; Hamid, Siti Hafizah Ab title: Defending against the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak: How Can the Internet of Things (IoT) help to save the World? date: 2020-04-22 journal: Health Policy Technol DOI: 10.1016/j.hlpt.2020.04.005 sha: doc_id: 277635 cord_uid: e1ih1fkx • IoT within infectious disease epidemiology is an emerging field of research, however the ubiquitous availability of smart technologies, as well as increased risks of infectious disease spread through the globalization and interconnectedness of the world necessitates its use for predicting, preventing and controlling emerging infectious diseases; • Considering the present situation in China, IoT based smart disease surveillance systems have the potential to be a major breakthrough in efforts to control the current pandemic. These monitoring systems utilize, in real-time, social media, public data, and health data, combined with the use of supervised, unsupervised, and machine learning. keywords: analysis; big; china; control; coronavirus; data; disease; global; health; healthcare; infectious; information; internet; iot; mobile; monitoring; new; outbreak; pandemic; potential; real; related; smart; spread; surveillance; systems; technologies; time; use; virus; wearable; world; wuhan cache: cord-277635-e1ih1fkx.txt plain text: cord-277635-e1ih1fkx.txt item: #325 of 606 id: cord-277703-sxt9lw0l author: Belz, Katie title: Rabbit hemorrhagic disease date: 2004-04-30 words: 1905 flesch: 55 summary: Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus: a calicivirus with differences Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents Clinical Medicine and Surgery In a sudden outbreak of rabbit hemorrhagic disease, the duration of signs in rabbits before death is usually less than a day (Photograph kindly provided by Elizabeth Morales Salinas). keywords: acute; animals; cases; clinical; common; contact; countries; death; disease; enzootic; europe; facilities; facility; form; hemorrhagic; hypochlorite; infected; liver; months; outbreak; rabbits; rhd; rhdv; signs; sodium; solution; source; states; united; vaccine; viral; virus cache: cord-277703-sxt9lw0l.txt plain text: cord-277703-sxt9lw0l.txt item: #326 of 606 id: cord-278093-0twnkv93 author: Perveen, Shagufta title: Coronavirus nCOVID-19: A Pandemic Disease and the Saudi precautions date: 2020-06-18 words: 3157 flesch: 52 summary: nCOVID-19 is the name of a new respiratory disease, abbreviated from coronavirus disease 2019, while n stand for new or novel and the causative agent of this disease is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (nCOVID-19). Asymptomatic carrier state, acute respiratory disease, and pneumonia due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): Facts and myths Coronaviruses: Important Emerging Human Pathogens A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin A new coronavirus associated with human respiratory disease in China Homologous recombination within the spike glycoprotein of the newly identified coronavirus may boost cross-species transmission from snake to human Host and infectivity prediction of Wuhan 2019 novel coronavirus using deep learning algorithm SARS: keywords: acute; animal; care; cases; cdc; chest; china; city; common; contact; control; coronavirus; coughing; countries; day; deaths; different; disease; epidemic; fever; health; human; infected; measures; medical; ncovid-19; new; novel; pandemic; patients; people; pharmacists; precautions; preventive; problems; public; respiratory; sars; saudi; severe; spread; spreading; study; symptoms; syndrome; table; transmission; virus; viruses; world cache: cord-278093-0twnkv93.txt plain text: cord-278093-0twnkv93.txt item: #327 of 606 id: cord-278136-ol2buwld author: Gonzales, Natalia M. title: 29th International Mammalian Genome Conference meeting report date: 2016-05-02 words: 4689 flesch: 31 summary: Alterations to the Seok et al. (2013) analysis included comparing genes that exist in both mouse and human, not just human disease genes that lack rodent homologs. The impact of mouse models on precision oncology was showcased by Carol Bult (O-01; The Jackson Laboratory), who discussed how patient-derived xenograft models can provide a platform for testing therapeutic options to guide treatments for breast and other cancers (Fig. 2) . keywords: advances; analysis; approach; biological; cancer; candidate; cas9; cell; center; complex; computational; conference; crispr; cross; data; development; differences; different; disease; editing; elements; enhancer; enu; expression; fig; gene; genetics; genome; genomic; group; host; human; imgc; importance; inflammatory; institute; ipscs; jackson; laboratory; lines; loci; mammalian; mapping; mattick; mechanisms; meeting; methods; mice; mirnas; miyakawa; models; molecular; mouse; national; neurodegenerative; new; noncoding; novel; olfactory; patterns; plenary; protein; questions; regions; regulation; relationship; research; researchers; resources; responses; results; riken; rna; rnas; role; scientific; seq; session; single; speakers; susceptibility; symposium; system; takahashi; talks; technology; time; tools; trainee; traits; transcriptional; types; understanding; university; work; world; year cache: cord-278136-ol2buwld.txt plain text: cord-278136-ol2buwld.txt item: #328 of 606 id: cord-278339-6ddsj014 author: Gianfrancesco, Milena title: Characteristics associated with hospitalisation for COVID-19 in people with rheumatic disease: data from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance physician-reported registry date: 2020-05-29 words: 5391 flesch: 34 summary: Age, sex, smoking status, rheumatic disease diagnosis, comorbidities and rheumatic disease medications taken immediately prior to infection were analysed. key: cord-278339-6ddsj014 authors: Gianfrancesco, Milena; Hyrich, Kimme L; Al-Adely, Sarah; Carmona, Loreto; Danila, Maria I; Gossec, Laure; Izadi, Zara; Jacobsohn, Lindsay; Katz, Patricia; Lawson-Tovey, Saskia; Mateus, Elsa F; Rush, Stephanie; Schmajuk, Gabriela; Simard, Julia; Strangfeld, Anja; Trupin, Laura; Wysham, Katherine D; Bhana, Suleman; Costello, Wendy; Grainger, Rebecca; Hausmann, Jonathan S; Liew, Jean W; Sirotich, Emily; Sufka, Paul; Wallace, Zachary S; Yazdany, Jinoos; Machado, Pedro M; Robinson, Philip C title: Characteristics associated with hospitalisation for COVID-19 in people with rheumatic disease: data from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance physician-reported registry date: 2020-05-29 journal: keywords: activity; age; analyses; anti; antimalarials; arthritis; association; c19; cases; characteristics; clinical; comorbidities; covid-19; data; day; diagnosis; disease; drug; fees; global; glucocorticoid; grants; higher; hospitalisation; hospitalised; hydroxychloroquine; inflammatory; inhibitors; medications; monotherapy; multivariable; non; novartis; nsaid; odds; outcomes; patients; people; personal; pfizer; physician; prior; registry; renal; reports; research; results; rheumatic; rheumatic disease; rheumatology; significant; specific; status; studies; study; support; synthetic; table; therapy; tnf; treatment; tsdmard; university; use; variables; work; ≥10 cache: cord-278339-6ddsj014.txt plain text: cord-278339-6ddsj014.txt item: #329 of 606 id: cord-278684-txlvla0j author: Gonzalez–Dunia, Daniel title: Borna Disease Virus and the Brain date: 1998-01-30 words: 13963 flesch: 39 summary: Arch Persistent Borna virus infection in adult hamsters Unusually high seroprevalence of Borna disease virus in clade E human immunodeficiency virus type 1-infected patients with sexually transmitted diseases in Thailand Varied prevalence of Borna disease virus infection in Arabic, thoroughbred and their cross-bred horses in Iran Developmental injury to the cerebellum following perinatal Borna disease virus infection Early and persistent abnormalities in rats with neonatally acquired Borna disease virus infection The hippocampus: functional and structural correlations Expanded nuclear magnetic resonance studies in Borna disease virus seropositive psychiatric patients and control probands Findings with nuclear magnetic resonance tomography in psychiatric patients with and without serum antibodies to the virus of Borna disease Possible significance of Borna disease for humans Borna disease virus: An immunohistological and virological study of naturally infected animals Borna disease-Neuropathology and pathogenesis Neuronal birth and death Mood disorders: Biochemical aspects Purification and properties of an intranuclear virus-specific antigen from tissue infected with Borna disease virus Mechanism of glial-guided neuronal migration in vitro and in vivo Die Bornasche Krankheit der Pferde und Schafe Ein Beitrag zur Epizootiologie der Bornaschen Krankheit beim Pferd Studies on the genetic control of resistance of black hooded rats to Borna disease Replication of Borna disease virus in rats: Age-dependent differences in tissue distribution Replication of Borna disease virus in cell cultures Effect of Borna disease virus infection on athymic rats Progressive decline in avoidance learning paralleled by inflammatory neurodegeneration in transgenic mice expressing interleukin 6 in the brain Persistent, tolerant or subacute infection in Borna disease virus-infected rats Genetic diversity of RNA viruses Local nitric oxide production in viral and autoimmune diseases of the central nervous system Viruses, neurosis and fatigue Borna disease virus p24 and p38/40 synthesized in a baculovirus expression system: Virus protein interactions in insect and mammalian cells Borna disease virus and the consumption of raw horse meat Abrogation of tolerance to a chronic viral infection Chimeric Theiler's virus with altered tropism for the central nervous system A single amino acid change determines persistence of a chimeric Theiler's virus Role of VP2 amino acid 141 in tropism of Theiler's virus within the central nervous system Ü ber eigentümliche Kerneinschlüsse der Ganglienzellen bei der enzootischen Gehirn-Rückenmarksentzündung der Pferde Untersuchungen über die pathologische Histologie, Pathogenese und postmortale Diagnose der seuchenhaften Gehirn-Rückenmarksentzündung (Bornasche Krankheit) des Pferdes keywords: ability; abnormalities; activity; acute; affective; agent; alterations; analysis; animals; antibodies; antigen; astrocytes; astrocytosis; bdv; bdv infection; bdv rna; behavioral; biology; blood; borna; borna disease; brain; cases; cd4; cd8; cells; central; cerebellum; changes; characterization; chronic; class; clinical; cns; complex; consequences; contribute; control; cortex; cytokines; cytotoxic; damage; data; degeneration; degree; detection; development; differences; different; disease; disease virus; disorders; disturbances; dopamine; dunia; early; encephalitis; epidemiological; evidence; exhibit; experimental; expression; factor; features; findings; function; gene; genetic; genome; glial; gonzalez; granule; high; hippocampus; horses; host; human; hypothesis; immune; important; induced; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; initial; isolation; kda; krankheit; levels; likely; limbic; load; long; low; main; major; mechanisms; mental; mhc; model; molecular; mononuclear; mrna; nervous; neurological; neuronal; neurons; neuropsychiatric; new; nitric; nns; nucleus; olfactory; orf; oxide; particles; pathogenesis; patients; pbmc; pcr; peripheral; persistent; phase; possible; potential; present; prevalence; primary; protein; psychiatric; pti; rats; reaction; recent; receptors; regulation; replication; response; results; rna virus; role; samples; sauder; schizophrenia; sequence; sheep; signs; similar; species; specific; spread; studies; study; symptoms; system; table; tissue; torre; transcription; transfer; und; unique; unknown; viral; virus; virus infection; viruses cache: cord-278684-txlvla0j.txt plain text: cord-278684-txlvla0j.txt item: #330 of 606 id: cord-279008-gioqkeda author: Rosenthal, Joshua title: Climate Change and the Geographic Distribution of Infectious Diseases date: 2010-05-25 words: 4047 flesch: 25 summary: How will global climate change affect parasite-host assemblages? Environmental signatures associated with cholera epidemics Multi-scale spatial analysis of human alveolar echinococcosis risk in China Emerging infectious diseases of wildlife-threats to biodiversity and human health Climate change: impact on the epidemiology and control of animal diseases Climate change-related health impacts in the Hindu Kush-Himalayas Biological and physical signs of climate change: focus on mosquito-borne diseases Animal movements and the spread of infectious diseases Linking climate change modelling to impacts studies: recent advances in downscaling techniques for hydrological modelling Occurrence and distribution of Vibrio cholerae in the coastal environment of Peru Transmission ecology of Echinococcus multilocularis: what are the ranges of parasite stability among various host communities in China? Impact of climate change and other factors on emerging arbovirus diseases Climate variability and change in the United States: potential impacts on vector-and rodent-borne diseases Aedes albopictus in North America: probable introduction in used tires from northern Asia The global distribution and population at risk of malaria: past, present, and future Hot topic or hot air? key: cord-279008-gioqkeda authors: Rosenthal, Joshua title: Climate Change and the Geographic Distribution of Infectious Diseases date: 2010-05-25 journal: Ecohealth DOI: 10.1007/s10393-010-0314-1 sha: doc_id: 279008 cord_uid: gioqkeda Our ability to predict the effects of climate change on the spread of infectious diseases is in its infancy. keywords: ability; african; analysis; approaches; biological; change; climate; climate change; conditions; control; countries; current; development; diarrheal; diseases; distribution; dynamics; effects; establishment; et al; factors; future; global; health; historical; host; human; impact; important; income; increases; infectious; influenza; ipcc; lafferty; long; malaria; mapping; models; movement; new; parasites; pathogens; precipitation; predictions; process; projections; public; range; recent; role; socioeconomic; spatial; species; spread; statistical; studies; support; systems; temperature; time; transmission; transport; use; variables; vector; warming; water; years cache: cord-279008-gioqkeda.txt plain text: cord-279008-gioqkeda.txt item: #331 of 606 id: cord-279215-qwk0jkqm author: Delmage, D. A. title: Auricular chondritis in a cat date: 2008-06-28 words: 1911 flesch: 52 summary: Ocular disease was also present, and mild cardiomegaly was found on routine radiography. Cartilage in other sites may also be affected, and in a proportion of cases this results in saddle nose deformity (collapse of the nasal septa! cartilage), joint disease, laryngeal/tracheal disease (leading to collapse of the tracheal rings), ocular disease, cardiovascular disease and skin disease. keywords: aural; auricular; authors; biopsy; bunge; cartilage; case; cat; cats; changes; collagen; condition; corneal; disease; distortion; ear; erythema; evidence; eye; eyes; feline; haematoma; heart; humans; intense; lesions; months; negative; normal; ocular; pinnae; polychondritis; positive; present; right; similar; skin; slight; thickening; type; virus cache: cord-279215-qwk0jkqm.txt plain text: cord-279215-qwk0jkqm.txt item: #332 of 606 id: cord-279694-25rblhwb author: Mahy, B.W.J title: Emerging and Reemerging Virus Diseases of Vertebrates date: 2014-11-28 words: 4322 flesch: 45 summary: The threat of a new pandemic of influenza virus in the human population stresses the need for development of better methods for detection, surveillance, and control of emerging virus diseases. Many important virus diseases are spread by arthropods, and exposure to new arthropods and the viruses they carry is critical to the emergence of new virus diseases. keywords: acute; africa; america; animals; bats; behavior; birds; blood; cases; cause; contact; control; coronavirus; dengue; different; disease; emergence; encephalitis; example; fatal; fever; genome; genus; hantavirus; hemorrhagic; hendra; hepatitis; hiv; host; human; important; infected; infection; influenza; mers; molecular; mosquito; new; nipah; people; persons; pigs; population; rate; related; reservoir; respiratory; rna; rodents; samples; sars; sequence; severe; south; species; spread; syndrome; time; transmission; usa; virus; viruses; west; worldwide cache: cord-279694-25rblhwb.txt plain text: cord-279694-25rblhwb.txt item: #333 of 606 id: cord-280299-1pbem51d author: Jeney, Zs. title: Recent achievements in studies on diseases of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) date: 1995-01-31 words: 8639 flesch: 45 summary: This means that they are almost always present in the water surrounding the fish, but they can Snieszko ( 1974) on the primary role of environmental stress in the outbreak of fish diseases is especially important in warmwater aquaculture, including carp culture, where mainly surface waters are used and the basic water quality parameters are subject to a wide range of fluctuations, as well as where the level of management is generally low. For a better understanding of the role of environmental stress factors in the outbreak of fish diseases it is essential to study the response of the fish organism. keywords: acute; aeromonas; aetiology; agent; aquaculture; associated; available; bacterial; bacterium; blood; carp; carpio; cases; causative; certain; changes; chronic; clinical; columnaris; common; common carp; conditions; control; course; csaba; culture; cyprinus; defence; developmental; different; disease; dropsy; early; effect; environmental; erythrodermatitis; et al; factors; fijan; fish; flexibacter; form; fungal; gill; high; hydrophila; important; infected; infection; inflammation; jeney; kidney; large; lesions; like; long; low; mechanisms; methods; molnar; mortality; motile; necrosis; new; non; normal; organs; parameters; parasites; parasitic; pathogens; pickering; possible; primary; problems; production; protozoa; quality; range; renal; renicola; resistance; review; salmon; salmonicida; saprolegnia; sbi; secondary; signs; skin; species; specific; sphaerospora; sphaerosporosis; spp; spring; stages; strains; stress; studies; survival; svc; swimbladder; szakolczai; table; temperature; time; tissue; treatment; typical; ulcerative; ulcers; use; vaccination; viraemia; viral; virus; wakabayashi; wall; water; wide; willoughby cache: cord-280299-1pbem51d.txt plain text: cord-280299-1pbem51d.txt item: #334 of 606 id: cord-280331-iu2e14jo author: Taboe, Hémaho B. title: Predicting COVID-19 spread in the face of control measures in West-Africa date: 2020-07-29 words: 6965 flesch: 46 summary: Combining two or more measures is better for disease control, e.g., if asymptomatic cases are contact traced or identified and isolated in less than 8 days, only about 29% reduction in the disease transmission rate is required for disease elimination. Thus, disease control is more difficult if it takes long to contact trace and isolate asymptomatic humans. keywords: africa; asymptomatic; baseline; basic; burden; care; cases; confirmed; contact; control; control measures; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; current; data; days; disease; disease transmission; distancing; e.g.; effective; elimination; epidemic; fig; health; humans; impact; incubation; individuals; infectious; isolated; isolation; june; masks; mathematical; measures; model; nigeria; novel; number; pandemic; peak; period; population; public; rate; reduction; region; reproduction; results; social; spread; study; symptoms; system; table; testing; time; transmission; use; west; world cache: cord-280331-iu2e14jo.txt plain text: cord-280331-iu2e14jo.txt item: #335 of 606 id: cord-280348-vrnxucye author: Argano, Christiano title: Pattern of comorbidities and 1-year mortality in elderly patients with COPD hospitalized in internal medicine wards: data from the RePoSI Registry date: 2020-07-27 words: 4677 flesch: 31 summary: In this observational study on the RePoSI registry, we assessed the distribution of comorbidities and the occurrence of outcomes in a population of elderly COPD in-patients admitted to the internal medicine and geriatric wards, with the aim to evaluate whether COPD subjects behave differently from non-COPD individuals. COPD patients took more drugs, both at admission, in-hospital stay, discharge and 3-month and 1-year follow-up. keywords: admission; age; analysis; association; azienda; blood; burden; chronic; clinical; cognitive; comorbidities; comorbidity; copd; copd patients; current; data; depression; diagnosis; disability; discharge; disease; drugs; elderly; exacerbation; factors; failure; findings; follow; functional; geriatric; heart; higher; hospital; hospitalization; hospitalized; ics; impairment; independent; index; inflammation; internal; laba; long; management; medicine; month; mortality; non; obstructive; older; ospedaliera; outcomes; patients; pneumonia; policlinico; predictor; pressure; prevalence; pulmonary; recent; reposi; respiratory; risk; severity; significant; status; stay; study; subjects; systemic; term; variables; wards; year cache: cord-280348-vrnxucye.txt plain text: cord-280348-vrnxucye.txt item: #336 of 606 id: cord-280386-a8qr7nl6 author: Pires, Sara M. title: Aetiology-Specific Estimates of the Global and Regional Incidence and Mortality of Diarrhoeal Diseases Commonly Transmitted through Food date: 2015-12-03 words: 5932 flesch: 40 summary: For all other pathogens we included two previously published systematic reviews: 1) the aetiology of diarrhoeal disease studies for children 5 years of age published between 1980 and 2008 Epidemiology and infection Global burden of childhood pneumonia and diarrhoea Global causes of diarrhoeal disease mortality in children <5 years of age: a systematic review Etiology of diarrhea among older children, adolescents, and adults: a systematic review Burden and aetiology of diarrhoeal disease in infants and young children in developing countries (the Global Enteric Multicenter Study, GEMS): a prospective, case-control study Foodborne illness acquired in the United States-unspecified agents Disease burden of foodborne pathogens in the Netherlands Longitudinal study of infectious intestinal disease in the UK (IID2 study): incidence in the community and presenting to general practice Estimates of the burden of foodborne illness in Canada for 30 specified pathogens and unspecified agents, circa Foodborne illness, Australia, circa 2000 and circa Foodborne infections in France Risk ranking for foodborne microbial hazards in New Zealand: burden of disease estimates Global Incidence of Human Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli Infections and Deaths: A Systematic Review and Knowledge Synthesis. keywords: aetiological; aetiology; age; agents; amro; approach; available; burden; cases; cause; children; contribution; countries; country; data; deaths; diarrhoeal; diarrhoeal diseases; diseases; estimates; etec; euro; foodborne; foods; global; group; health; important; incidence; infections; low; median; mortality; national; norovirus; number; pathogens; persons; population; proportions; region; regional; results; reviews; specific; spp; studies; study; sub; systematic; total; uncertainty; wpro; years cache: cord-280386-a8qr7nl6.txt plain text: cord-280386-a8qr7nl6.txt item: #337 of 606 id: cord-280691-nzc8ir0n author: Guo, Sun-Wei title: China’s “Gene War of the Century” and Its Aftermath: The Contest Goes On date: 2013-08-30 words: 12491 flesch: 47 summary: Association studies identify disease genes by finding the significant gene frequency differentials between a group of unrelated healthy individuals and another group of unrelated people with the disease of interest. They quickly reached a consensus and soon made it public: (1) China's genetic resources should not be pilfered by foreigners; (2) Chinese scientists should immediately grasp the opportunity to find disease genes and patent them; (3) We should educate the people, and raise the awareness and importance of protection of our genetic resources; (4) We welcome all international collaborations based on fairness and mutual benefits; (5) Through various avenues, the Chinese scientists should be vocal about certain views deemed to be harmful to China's genetic research (Xiao et al. 1997) . keywords: access; addition; aftermath; anhui; approach; association; asthma; authority; beijing; benefits; better; biomedical; blood; cancer; care; century; changes; china; chinese; cloning; common; companies; company; complex; complex diseases; conflict; consent; contest; cost; country; credibility; daily; data; decade; diabetes; discovery; disease; dna; drug; early; endeavor; epidemiology; epistemic; fact; financial; finding; foreign; gene; gene war; genetic; genetic research; genetic resources; genome; good; government; group; guo; harvard; health; heritage; high; hsph; human; human genetic; human genome; hunters; hunting; hypertension; important; informed; interest; investigation; investment; irregularities; issues; knowledge; lack; large; likely; long; low; major; materials; media; medical; millennium; national; nationalism; natural; new; nih; number; numerous; officials; ohrp; participants; patients; patriotism; people; personal; pharmaceuticals; political; pomfret; population; positional; prevention; price; process; program; projects; promises; protection; public; rare; region; report; research; resources; responsible; risk; samples; science; scientific; scientists; sequana; state; studies; study; subjects; support; susceptibility; system; team; technology; therapeutics; thousands; time; united; university; value; villagers; war; west; work; world; xiong; xiping; years cache: cord-280691-nzc8ir0n.txt plain text: cord-280691-nzc8ir0n.txt item: #338 of 606 id: cord-281177-2eycqf8o author: Robertson, Colin title: Review of methods for space–time disease surveillance date: 2010-02-20 words: 8861 flesch: 38 summary: Spat Spatiotemporal Epidemiol DOI: 10.1016/j.sste.2009.12.001 sha: doc_id: 281177 cord_uid: 2eycqf8o A review of some methods for analysis of space–time disease surveillance data is presented. Use of space-time models to investigate the stability of patterns of disease An incremental Knox test for the determination of the serial interval between successive cases of an infectious disease Local indicators of spatial association-LISA Spatio-temporal exploration of SARS epidemic The detection of clusters in rare diseases A comparison of Bayesian spatial models for disease mapping An application of density estimation to geographical epidemiology BioSense: implementation of a national early event detection and situational awareness system Algorithms for rapid outbreak detection: a research synthesis Syndromic surveillance and bioterrorism-related epidemics Framework for evaluating public health surveillance systems for early detection of outbreaks Predicting the local dynamics of epizootic rabies among raccoons in the United States A space time permutation scan statistic with irregular shape for disease outbreak detection Second-order analysis of space-time clustering Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns Point process methodology for on-line spatio-temporal disease surveillance Modelling disease outbreaks in realistic urban social networks Signals come and go: syndromic surveillance and styles of biosecurity Spatial and syndromic surveillance for public health The analysis of spatial association by use of distance statistics Accounting for regional background and population size in the detection of spatial clusters and outliers using geostatistical filtering and spatial neutral models: the case of lung cancer in Long Island The human/animal interface: emergence and resurgence of zoonotic infectious diseases Innovation diffusion as a spatial process A statistical framework for the analysis of multivariate infectious disease surveillance counts A k nearest neighbour test for space-time interaction In search of induction and latency periods: space-time interaction accounting for residential mobility, risk factors and covariates Case-control clustering for mobile populations Surveillance of the interaction parameter of the Ising model Prospective spatial prediction of infectious disease: experience of New York State (USA) with West Nile Virus and proposed directions for improved surveillance A bootstrap based space-time surveillance model with an application to crime occurrences Spatial analysis of the distribution of tsetse flies in the Lambwe Valley, Kenya, using Landsat TM satellite imagery and GIS Generalized linear models and generalized linear mixed models for small-area surveillance A generalized linear mixed models approach for detecting incident clusters of disease in small areas, with an application to biological terrorism A model-adjusted spacetime scan statistic with an application to syndromic surveillance The detection of space-time interactions Prospective time periodic geographical disease surveillance using a scan statistic A spacetime permutation scan statistic for the early detection of disease outbreaks The Knox method and other tests for space-time interaction Spatial disease clusters: detection and inference Spatial and syndromic surveillance for public health Bayesian disease mapping; hierarchical modeling for spatial epidemiology Applications of extraction mapping in environmental epidemiology Spatial pattern and ecological analysis Statistical analyses in disease surveillance systems A Bayesian hierarchical model for accident and injury surveillance Spline smoothing in Bayesian disease mapping Mapping disability-adjusted life years: a Bayesian hierarchical model framework for burden of disease and injury assessment Regression B-spline smoothing in Bayesian disease mapping: with an application to patient safety surveillance Spatial and syndromic surveillance for public health Implementing syndromic surveillance: a practical guide informed by the early experience The detection of disease clustering and a generalized regression approach A review of methods for the statistical analysis of spatial patterns of disease Visualization techniques and graphical user interfaces in syndromic surveillance systems. keywords: alarm; analysis; application; approaches; appropriate; area; autocorrelation; background; bayesian; cases; changes; clustering; clusters; context; control; counts; covariates; cusum; data; detection; development; different; disease; disease surveillance; distribution; early; effects; et al; example; expected; factors; form; framework; function; generalized; geographical; health; host; hypothesis; implementation; important; infectious; interaction; kulldorff; large; lawson; linear; local; location; macnab; mapping; methods; model; modelling; monitoring; multiple; multivariate; new; number; objective; observed; outbreak; pairs; parameters; patterns; period; point; population; problem; process; prospective; public; quality; regions; relationships; research; review; risk; rogerson; scale; scan; search; selection; single; small; space; spatial; spatiotemporal; specific; statistical; study; sub; surveillance; surveillance systems; syndromic; systems; temporal; testing; tests; time; time disease; trends; types; underlying; use; value; variable; variation; variety cache: cord-281177-2eycqf8o.txt plain text: cord-281177-2eycqf8o.txt item: #339 of 606 id: cord-281437-cb3u1s7s author: Bedford, Juliet title: A new twenty-first century science for effective epidemic response date: 2019-11-06 words: 6859 flesch: 33 summary: Global rise in human infectious disease outbreaks Pandemics, public health emergencies and antimicrobial resistance -putting the threat in an epidemiologic and risk analysis context How urbanization affects the epidemiology of emerging infectious diseases Microbial Evolution and Co-Adaptation: A Tribute to the Life and Scientific Legacies of Joshua Lederberg Travel, migration and emerging infectious diseases Understanding the link between malaria risk and climate The Ebola outbreak, fragile health systems, and quality as a cure Health inequalities and infectious disease epidemics: a challenge for global health security Historical parallels, Ebola virus disease and cholera: understanding community distrust and social violence with epidemics War and infectious diseases: challenges of the Syrian civil war Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework for the Sharing of Influenza Viruses and Access to Vaccines and Other Benefits (WHO How Africa can quell the next disease outbreaks The ability to prevent, detect and respond to any health issues will always depend on the local capacity and although international partners can bring complementary expertise and resources, it is the local capacity that is critical; in this article, the authors argue for national investment in public health, health systems, science and local leadership UN health chief orders probe into misconduct The inverse care law Agenda setting, research questions and funding for biomedical research has historically been led from Northern Hemisphere countries in an unequal Northern-Southern Hemisphere relationship Science granting councils in sub-Saharan Africa: trends and tensions International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Although this siloed landscape has brought major advances in global health, it is not fit for the transitional phase of epidemic diseases: rapidly evolving, high-impact events bring together communities, responders and researchers who do not routinely interact. keywords: affected; africa; approach; areas; artificial; available; capacity; care; century; challenges; change; cholera; clinical; communities; community; control; countries; critical; data; development; diseases; ebola; effects; epidemic; epidemiology; essential; example; expertise; field; future; genomic; global; governance; health; healthcare; high; history; human; income; infectious; influenza; information; integrated; international; knowledge; local; long; national; nations; nature; need; new; outbreak; people; population; potential; practices; pregnant; preparation; preparedness; prevention; public; public health; real; regional; research; researchers; resources; response; right; risk; science; skills; social; society; specific; surveillance; systems; time; tools; transmission; travel; trials; understanding; use; vaccination; vaccine; virus; way; west; women; work; world; years; zika; zoonotic cache: cord-281437-cb3u1s7s.txt plain text: cord-281437-cb3u1s7s.txt item: #340 of 606 id: cord-281703-6xwcxe8l author: Di Altobrando, Ambra title: Should SARS‐CoV‐2 influence immunosuppressive therapy for autoimmune blistering diseases? date: 2020-04-17 words: 999 flesch: 30 summary: Therefore, it will be crucial for our community to learn of more cases of autoimmune bullous disease patients under immunosuppressive treatment who have developed COVID-19, in order to better quantify the risk of infection under immunosuppressive therapy. But what about patients already in immunosuppressive therapy for these potentially life-threatening disorders? keywords: article; autoimmune; bullous; copyright; diseases; immunosuppressive; infection; inflammatory; management; order; patients; pemphigoid; pemphigus; possible; rights; sars; scientific; therapy; viral cache: cord-281703-6xwcxe8l.txt plain text: cord-281703-6xwcxe8l.txt item: #341 of 606 id: cord-282059-sdumq61z author: Nesse, Randolph M title: The great opportunity: Evolutionary applications to medicine and public health date: 2008-02-17 words: 13525 flesch: 45 summary: At the core of evolutionary medicine is recognition that diseases need both proximate explanations of bodily mechanisms and evolutionary explanations of why natural selection has left the body vulnerable to disease. When they first hear about evolutionary medicine, most doctors ask immediately, 'How can I apply it in the clinic today?' keywords: adaptive; adult; aging; allele; analysis; antibiotic; applications; areas; article; available; bacteria; basic; benefits; better; bilirubin; biological; biologists; biology; birth; bodies; body; cancer; causes; cells; certain; clinical; common; costs; cough; course; current; curriculum; data; defenses; depression; diabetes; diet; differences; different; disciplines; disease; disorders; doctors; early; education; effects; environments; et al; evidence; evolutionary; evolutionary biology; evolutionary medicine; evolutionary questions; example; explanations; factors; faster; female; field; framework; gap; general; genes; genetic; genome; good; growth; health; help; higher; history; hiv; host; human; hypothesis; immune; important; individuals; infectious; influenza; information; instance; journals; knowledge; large; levels; life; like; likely; loss; low; major; mechanisms; medical; medicine; methods; modern; mortality; natural; natural selection; need; nesse; new; normal; number; nutrition; obesity; opportunities; organisms; origins; particular; pathogens; patients; perspective; phylogenetic; physicians; population; positive; possible; practical; principles; problems; process; progress; protect; proximate; public; questions; rates; recent; receptor; regulation; reproductive; research; researchers; resistance; responses; results; review; risk; schizophrenia; science; scientists; selection; senescence; significance; species; specific; states; stearns; strains; students; studies; study; systems; technologies; theory; thinking; trait; understanding; useful; vaccines; variation; virulence; vulnerable; way; ways; williams; women; work; years cache: cord-282059-sdumq61z.txt plain text: cord-282059-sdumq61z.txt item: #342 of 606 id: cord-282610-zim7nond author: Proal, Amy title: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the Era of the Human Microbiome: Persistent Pathogens Drive Chronic Symptoms by Interfering With Host Metabolism, Gene Expression, and Immunity date: 2018-12-04 words: 12434 flesch: 33 summary: Pathogens that persist inside human immune cells and associated tunneling nanotubuoles have been particularly hard to detect. Expanding research on the human microbiome now allows ME/CFS-associated pathogens to be studied as interacting members of human microbiome communities. keywords: ability; activation; activity; acute; agents; alzheimer; amyloid; analysis; archaea; associated; aureus; autoimmunity; bacterial; bacteriophage; beta; better; biofilms; blood; body; brain; breast; cancer; capable; cause; cells; central; certain; cfs; changes; characterized; chronic; chronic fatigue; clinical; common; communities; community; composition; conditions; contribute; control; cytokine; damage; different; disease; diversity; dna; dysbiosis; dysfunction; dysregulate; early; ebola; ecosystems; effect; encephalomyelitis; environmental; et al; example; exposure; expression; factors; fatigue; findings; forms; functional; fungi; gene; genome; growth; gut; gut microbiome; healthy; history; hiv; holobiont; host; host immune; human; human microbiome; identification; illness; imbalance; immune; immune response; immune system; immunity; immunopathology; individuals; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; initial; innate; intestinal; intracellular; large; like; likely; manner; measles; mechanisms; metabolism; metabolites; metabolome; mice; microbes; microbial; microbiome; microbiome dysbiosis; mimicry; molecular; myalgic; nervous; novel; number; organisms; pathobionts; pathogens; pathways; patients; persistent; placenta; post; processes; proteins; range; receptor; related; research; response; rna; samples; severe; signaling; similar; single; sites; species; specific; state; studies; study; subjects; successive; survival; symptoms; syndrome; system; target; teams; time; tissue; transcription; treatment; unique; vdr; viral; virome; virulence; viruses; years cache: cord-282610-zim7nond.txt plain text: cord-282610-zim7nond.txt item: #343 of 606 id: cord-282628-6uoberfu author: Tiwari, Bhagyashree title: Future impacts and trends in treatment of hospital wastewater date: 2020-05-01 words: 5921 flesch: 31 summary: For instance, the outbreak of Nipah virus diseases was occurred due Anaplasma phagocytophilum [7] Buruli ulcers Mycobacterium ulcerans [8] to the extensive deforestation of a forest of Southeast Asia [24] . These fruit bats are natural reservoir (host) of Nipah virus and their migration to cultivable land lead to transmission of Nipah virus disease in farm animals and subsequently in humans [24] . keywords: action; agents; alternative; amr; animals; antibiotics; antimicrobial; approach; aquatic; arboviruses; associated; bacteria; borne; cause; change; class; climate; coli; colistin; community; compounds; concentration; control; cov; deforestation; development; disease; drivers; drug; effects; emergence; environment; estrogen; evolution; example; exposure; factors; food; formation; frequent; gene; global; group; health; help; high; host; human; increase; infected; infection; instance; known; lead; low; lysins; medicines; microbial; model; mosquito; new; novel; organisms; pathogens; persisters; phage; pharmaceuticals; population; potential; presence; prevalence; public; rate; receptor; research; researchers; resistant; results; risk; salmonella; sfts; species; specific; spread; studies; superbugs; surveillance; term; therapy; ticks; toxic; transmission; treatment; ulcerans; vector; viral; virus; viruses; wastewater; water; wildlife; world; zoonotic cache: cord-282628-6uoberfu.txt plain text: cord-282628-6uoberfu.txt item: #344 of 606 id: cord-282783-ps5jyjkl author: None title: Full Issue PDF date: 2020-09-30 words: 15963 flesch: 33 summary: Transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy: JACC state-of-the-art review Natural his A new staging system for cardiac transthyretin amyloidosis Cardiovascular disease mortality after chemotherapy or surgery for testicular nonseminoma: a populationbased study Testicular cancer: a Mechanisms of cisplatin nephrotoxicity White-Paper-1.pdf A new equation to estimate glomerular filtration rate Crosstalk between vascular redox and calcium signaling in hypertension involves TRPM2 (Transient Receptor Potential Melastatin 2) cation channel Marked impairment of protease-activated receptor type 1-mediated vasodilation and fibrinolysis in cigarette smokers: smoking, thrombin, and vascular responses in vivo Intra-arterial substance P mediated vasodilatation in the human forearm: pharmacology, reproducibility and tolerability Role of the endothelium in the vascular effects of the thrombin receptor (protease-activated receptor type 1) in humans Vascular effects of apelin in vivo in man The vasodilator action of nebivolol in forearm vasculature of subjects with essential hypertension Fire simulation and cardiovascular health in firefighters Vascular damage in testicular cancer patients: a study on endothelial activation by bleomycin and cisplatin in vitro Antiangiointravascular ultrasound imaging for coronary thrombosis after cisplatin-based chemotherapy Caspases and calpain are independent mediators of cisplatin-induced endothelial cell necrosis Arterial events in cancer patients-the case of acute coronary thrombosis Vascular toxic effects of cancer therapies Treatmentrelated cardiovascular toxicity in long-term survivors of testicular cancer Comprehensive characterisation of the vascular effects of cisplatin-based chemotherapy in patients with testicular cancer Impact of platinum-based chemotherapy on the progression of atherosclerosis Vascular fingerprint and vascular damage markers associated with vascular events in testicular cancer patients during and after chemotherapy Cardiovascular risk in long-term survivors of testicular cancer Long-term platinum retention after platinumbased chemotherapy in testicular cancer survivors: a 20-year follow-up study Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Europe 2014: more than 40 000 transplants annually Reduced mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic-cell transplantation Late mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation and functional status of long-term survivors: report from the Bone Marrow Transplant Survivor Study Vascular endothelium as 'novel' target of graft-versus-host disease Pericarditis in patients with chronic graft-vs-host disease National Institutes of Health hematopoietic cell transplantation late effects initiative: The Cardiovascular Disease and Associated Risk Factors Working Group Report Prevalence of outpatient cancer treatment in the United States: estimates from the Medical Panel Expenditures Survey (MPES) Chemotherapy-induced cardiotoxicity: detection, prevention, and management Long-term chemotherapy-related cardiovascular morbidity Cardiovascular disease in adult survivors of childhood cancer Epirubicin versus doxorubicin: which is the anthracycline of choice for the treatment of breast cancer? Gp91phox-containing NAD(P)H oxidase increases superoxide formation by doxorubicin and NADPH Enzymatic defenses of the mouse heart against reactive oxygen metabolites: alterations produced by doxorubicin Redox cycling of anthracyclines by cardiac mitochondria. However, elevations in TnI have also been observed in cancer patients receiving cancer therapy, including ICIs without any cardiotoxicities (23, 24) , thus suggesting that its utility may also be limited for the detection of iRC. keywords: abbreviations; abnormalities; acute; addition; advanced; adverse; age; analysis; anthracycline; aortic; arrhythmias; artery; ascvd; assessment; associated; association; authors; available; baseline; benefit; bleeding; blockade; blood; brain; breast; cac; calcium; cancer; cancer patients; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiologists; cardiomyopathy; cardiooncology; cardiotoxicity; cardiovascular; cardiovascular disease; cardiovascular risk; case; ccs; celecoxib; cell; cervical; changes; checkpoint; chemotherapy; chest; childhood; chronic; cisplatin; clinical; cohort; colorectal; combination; common; control; coronary; criteria; cumulative; current; cvd; cycles; daily; damage; data; death; decrease; detection; diagnosis; differences; different; disease; dose; doxorubicin; dysfunction; early; effects; endothelial; events; evidence; exposure; ezetimibe; factors; failure; figure; follow; general; gls; grade; greater; group; heart; heart disease; heart failure; high; higher; hsct; hypertension; ibrutinib; imaging; immune; impact; important; improved; incidence; increase; inflammatory; inhibitors; injury; interventions; ischemic; jacc; key; kinase; large; ldl; left; leukemia; levels; life; limited; long; low; lower; lung; lung cancer; lvef; lymphoma; major; malignancies; malignancy; management; mechanisms; median; medical; metastatic; mice; mitochondrial; models; months; mortality; myocardial; myocarditis; normal; observed; oncologists; oncology; outcomes; patients; pericardial; plasma; population; possible; potential; prediction; present; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; prognosis; radiation; range; rate; ratio; recent; receptor; related; reported; research; resection; response; results; review; right; risk; risk factors; role; ros; safety; score; secondary; sex; significant; similar; specific; status; stress; studies; study; supplemental; support; surveillance; survival; survivors; table; targeted; term; testicular; therapies; therapy; time; total; toxicities; treatment; trial; tumors; type; use; valvular; ventricular; years cache: cord-282783-ps5jyjkl.txt plain text: cord-282783-ps5jyjkl.txt item: #345 of 606 id: cord-283310-5wam14aa author: Bevova, M. R. title: The New Coronavirus COVID-19 Infection date: 2020-09-09 words: 4819 flesch: 48 summary: Situation Report -83, World Health Organization Early transmission dynamics in Wuhan, China, of novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia Estimates of the reproduction number for seasonal, pandemic, and zoonotic influenza: A systematic review of the literature Transmission of COVID-19 in the terminal stage of incubation period: A familial cluster Substantial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) Transmission of 2019-nCoV infection from an asymptomatic contact in Germany Aerosol and surface stability of SARS-CoV-2 as compared with SARS-CoV-1 Genomic characterization and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: Implications for virus origins and receptor binding Probable pangolin origin of SARS-CoV-2 associated with the COVID-19 outbreak The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 Epidemiology, genetic recombination, and pathogenesis of coronaviruses International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV Coronaviruses post-SARS: Update on replication and pathogenesis Identification of a novel coronavirus in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Isolation of a novel coronavirus from a man with pneumonia in Saudi Arabia SARS-CoV-2 cell entry depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and is blocked by a clinically proven protease inhibitor Labs rush to study coronavirus in transgenic animals: Some are in short supply Susceptibility of ferrets, cats, dogs, and other domesticated animals to SARS-coronavirus 2 Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in China Characteristics of and important lessons from the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in China: Summary of a report of 72314 cases from the Chinese center for disease control and prevention Case-fatality rate and characteristics of patients dying in relation to COVID-19 in Italy World Health Organization Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: A retrospective cohort study Clinical features and obstetric and neonatal outcomes of pregnant patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: A retrospective, single-center, descriptive study Neonatal early-onset infection with SARS-CoV-2 in 33 neonates born to mothers with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China Clinical analysis of 10 neonates born to mothers with 2019-nCoV pneumonia Clinical characteristics and intrauterine vertical transmission potential of COVID-19 infection in nine pregnant women: a retrospective review of medical records Novel coronavirus infection in hospitalized infants under 1 year of age in China Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: A descriptive study Unique epidemiological and clinical features of the emerging 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) implicate special control measures COVID-19 infection: The perspectives on immune responses Clinical characteristics of 138 hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia in Wuhan, China Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin Specific Primers and Probes for Detection 2019 Novel Coronavirus, Chinese National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention Fast, portable tests come online to curb coronavirus pandemic Coronavirus tests: Researchers chase new diagnostics to fight the pandemic Initial CT findings and temporal changes in patients with the novel coronavirus pneumonia (2019-nCoV): keywords: ace2; acute; age; article; asymptomatic; cases; cells; characteristics; china; clinical; coronavirus; countries; course; cov-2; covid-19; data; days; deaths; development; diagnostics; disease; drugs; form; health; human; immune; individuals; infected; infection; measures; mild; mortality; new; novel; number; organization; outbreak; pandemic; patients; pcr; pneumonia; presence; present; rate; respiratory; results; rna; sars; severe; specific; spread; states; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; testing; tests; time; treatment; united; viral; virus; viruses; world; wuhan; years cache: cord-283310-5wam14aa.txt plain text: cord-283310-5wam14aa.txt item: #346 of 606 id: cord-283316-a8jewy2h author: Bianchini, Juana title: Prioritization of livestock transboundary diseases in Belgium using a multicriteria decision analysis tool based on drivers of emergence date: 2019-10-09 words: 6674 flesch: 46 summary: Iowa State University Evidence of Schmallenberg virus circulation in ruminants in Greece Identification of wild boar-habitat epidemiologic cycle in African Swine fever epizootic Multi-criteria decision analysis tools for prioritising emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases associated with climate change in Canada Emerging infectious diseases of wildlife-threats to biodiversity and human health Regional and international approaches on prevention and control of animal transboundary and emerging diseases The highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H7N7) virus epidemic in The Netherlands in 2003-lessons learned from the first five outbreaks amending Annexes I and II to Council Directive 82/894/EEC on the notification of animal diseases within the Community Scientific Opinion on African swine fever Scientific opinion on porcine epidemic diarrhoea and emerging porcine deltacoronavirus Situation zoosanitaire et maladies à déclaration obligatoire en Belgique Notification Obligatoire Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany Animal production health Phylogeographic analysis of African Swine Fever Virus Prioritizing emerging zoonoses in the Netherlands Multidisciplinary and evidence-based method for prioritizing diseases of food-producing animals and zoonoses Emerging and re-emerging zoonotic diseases: Challenges and opportunities. Transbound Emerg Dis DOI: 10.1111/tbed.13356 sha: doc_id: 283316 cord_uid: a8jewy2h During the past decade, livestock diseases have (re‐)emerged in areas where they had been previously eradicated or never been recorded before. keywords: african; analysis; animal; belgium; belgium score; biosecurity; characteristics; countries; criteria; criterion; decision; different; disease; disease score; domain; driver; edible; effect; epidemic; europe; experts; farm; furniture; high; il)legal; importance; imports; infectious; influence; likely; list; livestock; low; measures; meat; member; model; moderate; movements; negligible; non; pathogen; points; present; prioritization; probability; products; questionnaire; ranking; re)emergence; reduced; risk; role; score; skin; spread; states; subproducts; swine; tires; virus; wildlife; wood; zoo cache: cord-283316-a8jewy2h.txt plain text: cord-283316-a8jewy2h.txt item: #347 of 606 id: cord-283380-l60yyr6l author: Grabbe, Stephan title: Systemic immunosuppression in times of COVID‐19: Do we need to rethink our standards? date: 2020-08-02 words: 2579 flesch: 25 summary: Although this is the normal case also in COVID-19 patients, in individual patients the virus can cause hyperactivation of the immune system, which then triggers the clinical picture of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). A report on Covid-19 disease in 86 patients with a range of autoimmune diseases of the skin, joints and intestines treated with various immunosuppressive drugs showed a hospitalization rate comparable to that of COVID-19 patients in the general population [24] . keywords: agents; antiviral; autoimmune; available; cells; chloroquine; clinical; coronavirus; corticosteroids; course; covid-19; data; disease; dose; effects; evidence; exhaustion; general; high; higher; hydroxychloroquine; il-6; immune; immunoglobulins; immunosuppression; immunotherapeutic; infection; inflammatory; long; pandemic; particular; patients; report; risk; sars; severe; substances; systemic; term; therapeutic; therapy; treatment cache: cord-283380-l60yyr6l.txt plain text: cord-283380-l60yyr6l.txt item: #348 of 606 id: cord-283485-xit6najq author: Van Damme, Wim title: The COVID-19 pandemic: diverse contexts; different epidemics—how and why? date: 2020-07-27 words: 9634 flesch: 46 summary: Cluster of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) in the French Alps Investigation of a COVID-19 outbreak in Germany resulting from a single travelassociated primary case: a case series A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating personto-person transmission: a study of a family cluster High SARS-CoV-2 attack rate following exposure at a Choir practice Estimating the overdispersion in COVID-19 transmission using outbreak sizes outside China Why do some COVID-19 patients infect many others, whereas most don't spread the virus at all? What we already know The available information on SARS-CoV-2 and the spectrum of COVID-19 disease is summarised in tables 6 and 7. keywords: acute; air; analysis; animal; areas; asymptomatic; bmj; box; case; cfr; china; clear; climate; cluster; collective; communities; community; conditions; contexts; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 epidemic; critical; different; disease; dose; dynamics; early; effects; epidemic; estimates; events; evidence; factors; fatality; future; global; groups; h1n1; health; herd; high; host; human; human transmission; immunity; important; infected; infection; influence; influenza; initial; inoculum; insights; international; knowledge; large; local; lockdown; lower; mathematical; measles; measures; models; months; mortality; new; novel; observations; outbreak; pandemic; pathogen; patients; patterns; people; persons; pneumonia; population; possible; potential; protective; public; respiratory; response; risk; role; rural; sars; scenarios; scientific; severe; severity; social; spread; strategies; study; subsequent; syndrome; table; time; transmission; uncertainties; understanding; unknowns; urban; vaccine; variables; variety; viral; virus; viruses; waves; ways; world; wuhan; years cache: cord-283485-xit6najq.txt plain text: cord-283485-xit6najq.txt item: #349 of 606 id: cord-283719-zmizyx7e author: Cheng, Yuan-Yang title: Rehabilitation Programs for Patients with COronaVIrus Disease 2019: Consensus Statements of Taiwan Academy of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation date: 2020-08-17 words: 2816 flesch: 23 summary: 36 Rehabilitation interventions for such patients should include the following: (1) Active or active-assisted range of motion (ROM) exercise: Patients with moderate to severe disease who are able to actively move their extremities are encouraged to engage in active or active-assisted ROM exercises to maintain or improve joint integrity and prevent joint contracture and soft-tissue shortening. However, a formal exercise test should still be considered in patients with advanced CVD with proper clinical disinfection following CDC 11 (3) Pulmonary disease: Patients with previous chronic pulmonary diseases could develop much more airway secretions than those without. keywords: active; acute; airway; analysis; bed; cardiovascular; care; chen; chest; china; clearance; clinical; consensus; coronavirus; covid-19; cvd; disease; early; exercise; expert; factors; failure; following; heart; hospital; hypertension; illness; infection; intensive; medical; meta; mild; mobilization; mortality; muscle; outpatients; patients; pneumonia; proper; pulmonary; rate; rehabilitation; respiratory; review; risk; severe; systematic; therapy; training; treatment; ventilation cache: cord-283719-zmizyx7e.txt plain text: cord-283719-zmizyx7e.txt item: #350 of 606 id: cord-283971-q5d3uza1 author: von Oertzen, Tim J title: COVID‐19 – neurologists stay aware! date: 2020-05-27 words: 310 flesch: 40 summary: It became apparent, that this new disease was highly contagious, and – intensive care ‐ patients numbers were rapidly rocketing, overwhelming the capacity of local health care facilities. and officially declared the COVID-19 pandemia (2) . As of today (19 th May), official numbers report more than 4,7 million cases worldwide, more than 315,000 death, and approximately 1,7 million patients recovered from the disease. keywords: article; care; covid-19; disease; neuro; new; numbers; patients cache: cord-283971-q5d3uza1.txt plain text: cord-283971-q5d3uza1.txt item: #351 of 606 id: cord-283979-1dn7at6k author: Portillo, Aránzazu title: Arthropods as vectors of transmissible diseases in Spain() date: 2018-12-14 words: 4439 flesch: 50 summary: Biology of disease vectors Ecology of zoonoses: natural and unnatural histories Agency for International Development) Recreational infections Disease outbreak news Challenges in predicting climate and environmental effects on vector-borne disease episystems in a changing world Travel and the emergence of infectious diseases Aedes albopictus in Italy and possible diffusion of the species into the Mediterranean area Updating the known distribution of Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1984) in Spain Direct evidence of adult Aedes albopictus dispersal by car Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1894) (Diptera, Culicidae) primera cita para la Comunidad de Madrid Chikungunya is back in Italy Preliminary report of an autochthonous chikungunya outbreak in France Enfermedad por virus Chikungunya en España Zika virus: an updated review of comp or naturally infected mosquitoes First two autochthonous dengue virus infections in metropolitan France European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. We have evaluated the risk of emergence and/or re-emergence of these diseases in Spain according to the existing studies for each pathogen, the experience according to other diseases, previous immunity and other criteria, some of them subjective, that do not appear in the text. keywords: aedes; albopictus; areas; arthropod; autochthonous; avbd; body; cases; change; chikungunya; circulation; climate; congo; countries; country; dengue; detection; diagnosis; different; diptera; diseases; distribution; emergence; endemic; epidemic; españa; europe; example; factors; fever; france; great; health; hemorrhagic; high; history; human; infections; italy; leishmaniasis; lice; low; malaria; mediterranean; mosquito; new; nile; outbreak; people; possible; presence; rickettsia; risk; sand; spain; species; ticks; transmission; travel; typhus; vector; virus; war; west; wnv; world; years; zika cache: cord-283979-1dn7at6k.txt plain text: cord-283979-1dn7at6k.txt item: #352 of 606 id: cord-284125-35ghtmhu author: Chua, Kaw Bing title: Perspectives of public health laboratories in emerging infectious diseases date: 2013-06-26 words: 3612 flesch: 15 summary: Emerging Infections: getting ahead of the curve Emerging Infectious Diseases: a 10-year perspective from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Emerging viruses: the evolution of viruses and viral diseases Global trends in emerging infectious diseases Emerging viral diseases of Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific Emerging infections: microbial threats to health in the United States Resurgent vector-borne diseases as a global health problem key: cord-284125-35ghtmhu authors: Chua, Kaw Bing; Gubler, Duane J title: Perspectives of public health laboratories in emerging infectious diseases date: 2013-06-26 journal: Emerg Microbes Infect DOI: 10.1038/emi.2013.34 sha: doc_id: 284125 cord_uid: 35ghtmhu The world has experienced an increased incidence and transboundary spread of emerging infectious diseases over the last four decades. keywords: agents; analytical; associated; capacity; categories; category; centralized; changes; clinical; control; countries; country; development; diagnostic; diagnostic laboratories; diseases; early; effective; emergence; epidemic; factors; global; health; health laboratories; human; incidence; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; international; investigation; laboratories; laboratory; measures; medical; national; network; new; nipah; novel; outbreak; pandemic; pathogens; patterns; population; primary; public; public health; quality; rapid; reference; regional; research; respiratory; support; surveillance; system; types; virus; viruses; world cache: cord-284125-35ghtmhu.txt plain text: cord-284125-35ghtmhu.txt item: #353 of 606 id: cord-285613-hbd44euq author: Søborg, Christian title: Vaccines in a hurry date: 2009-05-26 words: 3805 flesch: 39 summary: In the present discussion paper, we propose mechanisms to facilitate development of emergency vaccines in Europe by focusing on public–private scientific partnerships, fast-track approval of emergency vaccine by regulatory agencies and proposing incentives for emergency vaccine production in private vaccine companies. In the present discussion paper, we address mechanisms to facilitate development of emergency vaccines in Europe by focusing on regulatory aspects and proposing incentives for emergency vaccine production in private vaccine companies. keywords: agencies; animal; approval; assessment; basic; candidates; capacity; clinical; correlates; data; deployment; development; disease; early; efficacy; emergency; europe; fast; health; human; iii; immunity; important; infectious; influenza; international; limited; major; market; mass; need; new; partnerships; phase; poliomyelitis; possible; potential; private; production; public; rapid; regulatory; research; risk; safety; sars; spread; studies; study; systems; testing; time; track; trials; vaccination; vaccine; vector; virus cache: cord-285613-hbd44euq.txt plain text: cord-285613-hbd44euq.txt item: #354 of 606 id: cord-286075-yp2ta24o author: Nacul, Luis title: How Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Progresses: The Natural History of ME/CFS date: 2020-08-11 words: 8475 flesch: 19 summary: An operational definition Postviral Fatigue Syndrome-The Saga of Royal Free Disease Comorbidity of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome in an Australian cohort Chronic fatigue: risk factors for symptom persistence in a 2 1/2-year follow-up study Chronic fatigue in primary care: prevalence, patient characteristics, and outcome The prognosis of chronic fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome: a systematic review Regional distribution of fatiguing illnesses in the United States: a pilot study Sub-typing CFS patients on the basis of 'minor' symptoms Microbial infections in eight genomic subtypes of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis Seven genomic subtypes of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: a detailed analysis of gene networks and clinical phenotypes Insights into myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome phenotypes through comprehensive metabolomics Symptom patterns in long-duration chronic fatigue syndrome Onset patterns and course of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome. Fatigue Biomed Health Behav Environmental exposures as a potential underlying factor in chronic fatigue syndrome; a case report Abnormalities of AMPK activation and glucose uptake in cultured skeletal muscle cells from individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome Recent insights into 3 underrecognized conditions: myalgic encephalomyelitis-chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and environmental sensitivities-multiple chemical sensitivity Inability of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome patients to reproduce VO2peak indicates functional impairment Genetic And Environmental Factors Impact Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients Biomarkers for chronic fatigue keywords: abnormalities; acute; associated; association; authors; autonomic; axis; biological; blood; brain; care; cases; cell; cfs; changes; chronic; chronic fatigue; clinical; cns; cognitive; cohort; conditions; course; criteria; definition; diagnostic; different; disease; distinct; dysfunction; early; effects; encephalomyelitis; energy; environmental; events; evidence; factors; failure; fatigue; fatigue syndrome; fibromyalgia; following; framework; genes; genetic; health; history; homeostatic; host; illness; immune; individuals; infection; inflammatory; injury; insult; intolerance; key; levels; life; long; mechanisms; mediators; medicine; metabolic; model; multiple; myalgic; myalgic encephalomyelitis; natural; nervous; neuro; number; onset; orthostatic; oxygen; pathophysiological; patients; patterns; people; physiological; play; population; post; potential; preliminary; present; processes; production; prognosis; progression; psychiatric; psychosocial; range; related; research; response; results; review; risk; role; sepsis; severe; severity; sleep; stages; state; stress; studies; study; support; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; time; trauma; understanding; viral cache: cord-286075-yp2ta24o.txt plain text: cord-286075-yp2ta24o.txt item: #355 of 606 id: cord-286607-5i406twr author: Esposito, Susanna title: The Gut Microbiota-Host Partnership as a Potential Driver of Kawasaki Syndrome date: 2019-04-05 words: 6229 flesch: 14 summary: The role of superantigens of group A Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus in Kawasaki disease Detection of multiple superantigen genes in stools of patients with Kawasaki disease Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in patients with Kawasaki disease Tropospheric winds from northeastern China carry the etiologic agent of Kawasaki disease from its source to Japan Effects of natural and chemically defined nutrients on Candida albicans water-soluble fraction (CAWS) vasculitis in mice Neutrophil activation and arteritis induced by C. albicans water-soluble mannoprotein-beta-glucan complex (CAWS) Induction of coronary arteritis with administration of CAWS (Candida albicans water-soluble fraction) depending on mouse strains Kawasaki disease may be a hyperimmune reaction of genetically susceptible children to variants of normal environmental flora The throat flora and its mitogenic activity in patients with Kawasaki disease Microbiologic studies on the small intestine in Kawasaki disease Immunohistochemical studies on small intestinal mucosa in Kawasakidisease Kawasaki disease and the pediatric gastroenterologist: a diagnostic challenge Characteristic role of intestinal microflora in Kawasaki disease The starting lineup: key microbial players in intestinal immunity and homeostasis Anti-inflammatory capacity of selected lactobacilli in experimental colitis is driven by NOD2-mediated recognition of a specific peptidoglycan-derived muropeptide Anti-inflammatory effect of Lactobacillus casei on Shigellainfected human intestinal epithelial cells Heat shock proteins and superantigenic properties of bacteria from the gastrointestinal tract of patients with Kawasaki disease Characterization of the gut microbiota of Kawasaki disease patients by metagenomic analysis Altered mucosal microbiome diversity and disease severity in Sjögren syndrome Alterations of the human gut microbiome in liver cirrhosis Eubiosis and dysbiosis: the two sides of the microbiota Further investigations of the intestinal microflora in larger cohorts of KS patients will provide clues to disentangle the pathogenesis of this disease and probably indicate disease-modifying agents or more rational KS-specific therapies. keywords: activation; acute; adenovirus; age; agents; anti; arteritis; association; authors; bacterial; bacteroides; caws; cells; changes; children; clinical; community; composition; coronary; data; development; differences; different; disease; disorders; effects; environmental; et al; etiology; factors; febrile; flora; gastrointestinal; genetic; gram; gut; gut microbiota; healthy; higher; host; human; illness; immune; immunity; incidence; increased; infant; infectious; inflammasome; inflammation; inflammatory; innate; intestinal; intestinal microbiota; ivig; japan; kawasaki; kawasaki disease; kawasaki syndrome; ks patients; microbial; microbiota; microflora; microorganisms; molecular; mucosa; non; number; particular; pathogenesis; patients; phase; pneumoniae; potential; presence; reaction; recent; relationship; respiratory; response; role; sags; small; species; specific; staphylococcus; streptococcus; studies; study; syndrome; system; systemic; throat; tract; type; vasculitis; viral; virus; viruses; years cache: cord-286607-5i406twr.txt plain text: cord-286607-5i406twr.txt item: #356 of 606 id: cord-286865-6imc98f5 author: Schneider, Susanne A. title: Emerging Targeted Therapeutics for Genetic Subtypes of Parkinsonism date: 2020-09-10 words: 8329 flesch: 41 summary: Multicenter analysis of glucocerebrosidase mutations in Parkinson's disease The Spectrum of Neurological Manifestations Associated with Gaucher Disease Age-specific Parkinson disease risk in GBA mutation carriers: information for genetic counseling Mutations in the glucocerebrosidase gene are associated with early-onset Parkinson disease Association of glucocerebrosidase mutations with dementia with lewy bodies Next-generation sequencing reveals substantial genetic contribution to dementia with Lewy bodies Variants associated with Gaucher disease in multiple system atrophy Frequency of GBA Variants in Autopsy-proven Multiple System Atrophy Glucocerebrosidase mutations in 108 neuropathologically confirmed cases of multiple system atrophy Glucocerebrosidase mutations in diffuse Lewy body disease Glucocerebrosidase mutations are an important risk factor for Lewy body disorders Gaucher disease glucocerebrosidase and alpha-synuclein form a bidirectional pathogenic loop in synucleinopathies Advances in GBAassociated Parkinson's disease-Pathology, presentation and therapies Glucosylceramide synthase inhibition alleviates aberrations in synucleinopathy models Safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of oral venglustat in Parkinson disease patients with a GBA mutation Human gene therapy approaches for the treatment of Parkinson's disease: An overview of current and completed clinical trials Augmenting CNS glucocerebrosidase activity as a therapeutic strategy for parkinsonism and other Gaucher-related synucleinopathies Chaperoning glucocerebrosidase: a therapeutic strategy for both Gaucher disease and Parkinsonism Identification and characterization of ambroxol as an enzyme enhancement agent for Gaucher disease Ambroxol improves lysosomal biochemistry in glucocerebrosidase mutation-linked Oral ambroxol increases brain glucocerebrosidase activity in a nonhuman primate Ambroxol for the Treatment of Patients With Parkinson Disease With and Without Glucocerebrosidase Gene Mutations: A Nonrandomized, Noncontrolled Trial Ambroxol as a novel disease-modifying treatment for Parkinson's disease dementia: protocol for a single-centre, randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled trial Glucocerebrosidase deficiency in substantia nigra of parkinson disease brains mTOR Signaling in Growth, Metabolism, and Disease New tricks from old dogs join the fight against ageing Inhibition of mTOR by rapamycin abolishes cognitive deficits and reduces amyloid-beta levels in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease mTOR inhibition alleviates L-DOPAinduced dyskinesia in parkinsonian rats Deep brain stimulation and genetic variability in Parkinson's disease: a review of the literature Therapeutic approaches to enhance PINK1/ Parkin mediated mitophagy for the treatment of Parkinson's disease Mitochondrial endophenotypes of PD, MitoPD Accessed Rising to the Challenges of Clinical Trial Improvement in Parkinson's Disease Correction: Genetic testing for Parkinson disease: current practice, knowledge, and attitudes among US and Canadian movement disorders specialists Fluid and imaging biomarkers for Huntington's disease alpha-Synuclein real-time quaking-induced conversion in the cerebrospinal fluid of uncertain cases of parkinsonism Targeting alpha-synuclein for PD Therapeutics: A Pursuit on All Fronts A Proposed Roadmap for Parkinson's Disease Proof of Concept Clinical Trials Investigating Compounds Targeting Alpha-Synuclein The Biopharmaceutical Pipeline: Innovative Therapies in Clinical Development Genetic variability and potential effects on clinical trial outcomes: perspectives in Parkinson's disease The changing investment in translational science by academic medical centers: HOPE in the Valley of Death Data Sharing For Precision Medicine: Policy Lessons And Future Directions Ensuring Trustworthy Use of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Analytics in Health Insurance Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations Acknowledgments Open Access funding provided by Projekt DEAL. As described below, these treatments may also be useful for a broader range of PD patients. keywords: activity; age; alpha; ambroxol; analysis; approach; asos; atrophy; available; benefit; biomarkers; blood; bodies; brain; carriers; cases; clinical; clinical trials; common; company; compounds; current; data; dementia; design; development; different; disease; disorders; doses; drug; early; effects; enzyme; example; expression; fig; forms; frequency; function; gaucher; gba; gcase; genes; genetic; glucocerebrosidase; group; high; human; inhibition; inhibitors; interventions; ipd; kinase; large; levels; lewy; lrrk2; lysosomal; major; mechanisms; medicine; mitochondrial; models; molecule; motor; msa; multiple; mutations; new; non; online; parkinson; pathology; pathways; patients; pd patients; penetrance; phase; phenotype; placebo; population; potential; precision; present; progression; protein; randomized; recent; research; review; risk; safety; single; small; snca; strategy; studies; study; symptoms; syn; synuclein; system; target; targeted; testing; therapeutics; therapies; therapy; treatment; trials; type; variants; wide; years cache: cord-286865-6imc98f5.txt plain text: cord-286865-6imc98f5.txt item: #357 of 606 id: cord-287258-m4so4il0 author: Riley, David title: Looking Back, Looking Forward date: 2014-01-01 words: 807 flesch: 43 summary: Statins are routinely prescribed for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. A recent randomized trial showed that a Mediterranean diet reduced the risk of diabetes among persons at high risk for cardiovascular disease. keywords: cardiovascular; care; case; citrus; development; disease; guidelines; high; industry; medical; medicine; mortality; prevention; risk; scurvy; states; supplements; united; vitamin cache: cord-287258-m4so4il0.txt plain text: cord-287258-m4so4il0.txt item: #358 of 606 id: cord-287737-tc4vulou author: Reavill, Drury R. title: Disease Overview of the Urinary Tract in Exotic Companion Mammals and Tips on Clinical Management date: 2019-11-20 words: 6965 flesch: 42 summary: The most common causes of renal disease reported in the literature are Encephalitozoon cuniculi, chronic renal failure in older rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), and urolithiasis. Surgical management of renal disease Various surgical approaches to the kidney have been described. keywords: acute; amyloidosis; animals; associated; author; bacterial; bladder; breviceps; calcium; carcinoma; cases; cause; cell; chinchillas; chronic; clinical; common; condition; cuniculi; cuniculus; cystitis; cysts; diagnosis; disease; domestic; drr; exotic; failure; female; ferrets; fig; finding; fluid; furo; glider; guinea; hamsters; hematuria; herniation; histology; hydration; hydronephrosis; infection; inflammation; inguinal; interstitial; kidney; large; lesions; lymphoma; male; mammals; management; mice; mineralization; mustela; nephritis; obstruction; oryctolagus; paracloacal; pelvis; pet; petaurus; pigs; polycystic; present; primary; progressive; putorius; pyelonephritis; rabbits; rare; rats; renal; renal disease; result; rodents; severe; signs; sludge; small; species; spontaneous; struvite; study; sugar; surgical; systemic; therapy; tissue; tract; transitional; treatment; tubular; tumors; uncommon; urethra; urinary; urinary bladder; urine; urolithiasis; uroliths; variable; water cache: cord-287737-tc4vulou.txt plain text: cord-287737-tc4vulou.txt item: #359 of 606 id: cord-288023-6uflg5oc author: Allen,, Koya C. title: Tracking the Traveler Without a Passport: Perspective on Surveillance of Imported Disease date: 2014-08-25 words: 1258 flesch: 40 summary: This would allow researchers and practitioners to extend prevention strategies beyond endemic regions and the individuals therein, and consider international travel behavior a significant facet of imported disease risk. One strategy could be the use of the concept of Cultural Embeddedness (CE), which could aid our understanding of the relationship between travel behavior and imported disease risk. keywords: approach; behavior; cases; cemap; concept; control; dengue; detection; disease; fever; health; international; prevention; response; risk; role; spread; strategies; strategy; surveillance; transmission; travel; traveler; vector cache: cord-288023-6uflg5oc.txt plain text: cord-288023-6uflg5oc.txt item: #360 of 606 id: cord-288187-84oj3xtp author: Khan, Ali S. title: Forensic public health: epidemiological and microbiological investigations for biosecurity date: 2019-12-06 words: 8427 flesch: 30 summary: Novel pathogens and transmission methods can easily be exploited to cause disease outbreaks. Bioterrorism-related anthrax: the first 10 cases reported in the United States Antimicrobial susceptibility testing: a review of general principles and contemporary practices Anthrax molecular epidemiology and forensics: using the appropriate marker for different evolutionary scales Public health preparedness for biological terrorism in the USA The unacceptable risks of man-made pandemic How Canadian researchers reconstituted an extinct poxvirus for $100,000 using mailorder DNA A Dictionary of Epidemiology Genome-editing technologies for gene and cell therapy Phylogenetic analysis of human influenza A/H3N2 viruses isolated in 2015 in Germany indicates significant genetic divergence from vaccine strains Gene therapy returns to centre stage Construction of an infectious horsepox virus vaccine from chemically synthesized DNA fragments Host and viral traits predict zoonotic spillover from mammals Electrophoretic typing Parity among the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA method, multilocus enzyme electrophoresis, and Southern blot hybridization with the moderately repetitive DNA probe Ca 3 for fingerprinting Candida albicans Monitoring of ebola virus makona evolution through establishment of advanced genomic capacity in liberia Bacillus anthracis comparative genome analysis in support of the Amerithrax investigation Emerging infectious diseases Methods for subtyping and molecular comparison of human viral genomes Alloenzyme electrophoresis Gain eof-function research: ethical analysis Laboratory-guided detection of disease outbreaks: three generations of surveillance systems Microbial Threats to Health: Emergence, Detection and Response Mail-order CRISPR kits allow absolutely anyone to hack DNA The ins and outs of DNA fingerprinting of infectious fungi Laboratory procedures for the epidemiological analysis of microorganisms PulseNet: the molecular subtyping network for foodborne bacterial disease surveillance, United States How to select and interpret molecular strain typing methods for epidemiological studies of bacterial infections: a review for healthcare epidemiologists Overview and significance of molecular methods: what role for molecular epidemiology? Genetic characterization of six parasitic protozoa: parity between random primer DNA typing and multilocus enzyme electrophoresis A large community outbreak of salmonellosis caused by intentional contamination of restaurant salad bars Tracing isolates of bacterial species by multilocus variable number of tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) keywords: ability; agent; analysis; anthracis; anthrax; attack; biological; biosecurity; bioterrorism; cases; cause; cdc; centers; clinical; clues; common; community; control; critical; data; death; deliberate; detection; different; disease; dissemination; distribution; dna; ebola; editing; electrophoresis; environmental; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiological investigation; epidemiology; et al; example; exposure; factors; field; following; food; forensic; gene; genetic; genome; health; human; illness; increase; infectious; influenza; information; initial; intentional; investigation; isolates; laboratories; laboratory; large; level; local; methods; microbial; microorganisms; mlva; molecular; multiple; national; natural; new; number; organism; outbreak; pandemic; pathogens; pattern; persons; phenotypic; population; possible; potential; public; public health; pulsenet; release; research; resistance; results; risk; samples; sequencing; similar; source; spread; states; step; strain; subtyping; surveillance; systems; table; techniques; technology; threat; time; transmission; typing; unexplained; united; unusual; use; virus; viruses cache: cord-288187-84oj3xtp.txt plain text: cord-288187-84oj3xtp.txt item: #361 of 606 id: cord-288342-i37v602u author: Wang, Zhen title: Coupled disease–behavior dynamics on complex networks: A review date: 2015-07-08 words: 15811 flesch: 34 summary: Behavior changes in SIS STD models with selective mixing Infection-age structured epidemic models with behavior change or treatment Coupled contagion dynamics of fear and disease: mathematical and computational explorations On the existence of a threshold for preventive behavioral responses to suppress epidemic spreading Towards a characterization of behavior-disease models The impact of information transmission on epidemic outbreaks Modeling and analysis of effects of awareness programs by media on the spread of infectious diseases Coevolution of pathogens and cultural practices: a new look at behavioral heterogeneity in epidemics Spontaneous behavioural changes in response to epidemics Risk perception and effectiveness of uncoordinated behavioral responses in an emerging epidemic A generalization of the Kermack-McKendrick deterministic model The spread of awareness and its impact on epidemic outbreaks Social contact networks and disease eradicability under voluntary vaccination The impact of awareness on epidemic spreading in networks Suppression of epidemic spreading in complex networks by local information based behavioral responses Epidemic spreading with information-driven vaccination Intermittent social distancing strategy for epidemic control Peer pressure is a double-edged sword in vaccination dynamics Imitation dynamics of vaccination behaviour on social networks Insight into the so-called spatial reciprocity Impact of committed individuals on vaccination behavior Wisdom of groups promotes cooperation in evolutionary social dilemmas Braess's paradox in epidemic game: better condition results in less payoff Price of anarchy in transportation networks: efficiency and optimality control Effects of behavioral response and vaccination policy on epidemic spreading-an approach based on evolutionary-game dynamics Modeling the interplay between human behavior and the spread of infectious diseases The impact of imitation on vaccination behavior in social contact networks A computational approach to characterizing the impact of social influence on individuals' vaccination decision making Risk assessment for infectious disease and its impact on voluntary vaccination behavior in social networks Vaccination and public trust: a model for the dissemination of vaccination behavior with external intervention Assessing vaccination sentiments with online social media: implications for infectious disease dynamics and control Erratic flu vaccination emerges from short-sighted behavior in contact networks The dynamics of risk perceptions and precautionary behavior in response to 2009 (H1N1) pandemic influenza Optimal interdependence between networks for the evolution of cooperation Social factors in epidemiology Catastrophic cascade of failures in interdependent networks Globally networked risks and how to respond Eigenvector centrality of nodes in multiplex networks Synchronization of interconnected networks: the role of connector nodes Epidemic spreading on interconnected networks Effects of interconnections on epidemics in network of networks The robustness and restoration of a network of ecological networks Diffusion dynamics on multiplex networks Dynamical interplay between awareness and epidemic spreading in multiplex networks Competing spreading processes on multiplex networks: awareness and epidemics Two-stage effects of awareness cascade on epidemic spreading in multiplex networks Effects of awareness diffusion and self-initiated awareness behavior on epidemic spreading-an approach based on multiplex networks Spontaneous behavioural changes in response to epidemics Coupling infectious diseases, human preventive behavior, and networks-a conceptual framework for epidemic modeling Modeling triple-diffusions of infectious diseases, information, and preventive behaviors through a metropolitan social networkan agent-based simulation Influence of breaking the symmetry between disease transmission and information propagation networks on stepwise decisions concerning vaccination Asymmetrically interacting spreading dynamics on complex layered networks Modelling the influence of human behaviour on the spread of infectious diseases: a review Adaptive coevolutionary networks: a review Exact solution for the time evolution of network rewiring models Epidemic reemergence in adaptive complex networks Temporal networks: slowing down diffusion by long lasting interactions Epidemic dynamics on an adaptive network Robust oscillations in sis epidemics on adaptive networks: coarse graining by automated moment closure Fluctuating epidemics on adaptive networks Adaptive networks: coevolution of disease and topology Infection spreading in a population with evolving contacts Contact switching as a control strategy for epidemic outbreaks Susceptible-infected-recovered epidemics in dynamic contact networks Absence of epidemic thresholds in a growing adaptive network Epidemic spreading in evolving networks Enhanced vaccine control of epidemics in adaptive networks Efficient community-based control strategies in adaptive networks Evolutionary dynamics of time-resolved social interactions Random walks on temporal networks Outcome inelasticity and outcome variability in behavior-incidence models: an example from an SIR infection on a dynamic network Exploiting temporal network structures of human interaction to effectively immunize populations Pastor-Satorras R. Immunization strategies for epidemic processes in time-varying contact networks The effect of opinion clustering on disease outbreaks Network theory and SARS: predicting outbreak diversity Positive network assortativity of influenza vaccination at a high school: implications for outbreak risk and herd immunity An ongoing multi-state outbreak of measles linked to non-immune anthroposophic communities in Austria Measles outbreak in Switzerland-an update relevant for the European football championship Dynamics and control of diseases in networks with community structure Spreading of sexually transmitted diseases in heterosexual populations Particle swarm optimization with scale-free interactions Modelling dynamical processes in complex socio-technical systems Modelling disease outbreaks in realistic urban social networks Complex social contagion makes networks more vulnerable to disease outbreaks Traffic-driven epidemic spreading in finite-size scale-free networks Impact of rotavirus vaccination on epidemiological dynamics in England and Wales Epidemiological effects of seasonal oscillations in birth rates Dynamic modeling of vaccinating behavior as a function of individual beliefs Social contacts and mixing patterns relevant to the spread of infectious diseases Location-specific patterns of exposure to recent pre-pandemic strains of influenza a in Southern China Social contacts and the locations in which they occur as risk factors for influenza infection The social brain hypothesis Modeling users' activity on Twitter networks: validation of Dunbar's number Reality mining: sensing complex social systems Inferring friendship network structure by using mobile phone data A high-resolution human contact network for infectious disease transmission Dynamics of person-to-person interactions from distributed RFID sensor networks What's in a crowd? Moreover, social contact networks also display small-world properties (i.e., short average path length between any two individuals and strong local clustering tendency), which cannot be well described by regular lattices or random graphs [23] . keywords: adaptive; agents; altruism; analysis; authors; awareness; behavior; behavior dynamics; cases; change; community; complex; complex networks; contact; contact networks; control; cost; coupled; coverage; data; decision; degree; different; diffusion; disease; disease dynamics; disease transmission; distancing; distribution; dynamical; dynamics; effects; empirical; epidemic; epidemic threshold; epidemiological; epidemiology; equilibrium; evolutionary; example; face; field; fig; figure; fraction; framework; free; game; hand; health; herd; heterogeneous; high; homogeneous; human; imitation; immunity; impact; increases; individuals; infected; infection; influence; influenza; information; interactions; interest; large; lattice; layer; level; local; long; low; making; mathematical; mean; measures; methods; mixed; mixing; modeling; models; multilayer; multiplex; natural; neighbors; networked; networks; new; nodes; number; outbreak; outcomes; pair; particular; patterns; peer; people; physics; policy; population; potential; pressure; prevalence; prevention; probability; process; processes; protective; public; random; rate; realistic; recent; ref; research; response; review; riding; risk; role; scale; section; self; set; similar; sir; size; small; social; social networks; spatial; spreading; state; statistical; strategies; strategy; structure; study; survey; susceptible; systems; temporal; theory; threshold; time; topology; transition; transmission; turn; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccination behavior; vaccine; value; world cache: cord-288342-i37v602u.txt plain text: cord-288342-i37v602u.txt item: #362 of 606 id: cord-288982-63ddlh20 author: Peeling, Rosanna W. title: Diagnostics in a digital age: an opportunity to strengthen health systems and improve health outcomes date: 2015-11-09 words: 4391 flesch: 38 summary: The simplest POC diagnostic tests that are widely used today are rapid diagnostics tests (RDTs) in a lateral flow format. The use of these non-invasive specimens has made it possible to design HIV tests for self-testing or for home use. keywords: access; amplification; assays; assured; care; case; chain; challenges; control; cost; countries; critical; data; decentralised; detection; development; diagnostics; digital; disease; early; electronic; elimination; generation; global; health; healthcare; high; hiv; immunoassays; infectious; laboratory; low; management; microfluidic; molecular; multiple; national; need; new; number; patient; platform; poc; point; prevention; programmes; quality; rapid; rdts; readers; real; resistance; results; screening; sensitivity; services; single; specific; supply; surveillance; syphilis; systems; targets; technologies; testing; tests; time; transmission; treatment; use; web; years cache: cord-288982-63ddlh20.txt plain text: cord-288982-63ddlh20.txt item: #363 of 606 id: cord-289034-yl3emjef author: Moro, Loredana title: Mitochondria at the Crossroads of Physiology and Pathology date: 2020-06-24 words: 3794 flesch: 23 summary: Primary mitochondrial diseases develop as a consequence of germline mutations in mtDNA and/or nuclear DNA genes that encode proteins affecting mitochondrial functionality and energy production, including ETC proteins and proteins involved in mtDNA replication, such as POLG. Since then, a range of primary mitochondrial diseases has been described (reviewed in [15] ). keywords: activation; activity; aging; arterial; biogenesis; cancer; cardiovascular; cause; cells; conditions; covid-19; cycle; damage; dehydrogenase; diseases; dysfunction; energy; etc; evidence; fission; fusion; immune; inflammation; inflammatory; key; levels; mechanisms; melatonin; metabolic; miro1; mitochondrial; mitophagy; mtdna; mutations; neurodegenerative; nuclear; oxidative; oxphos; parkinson; pathogenesis; pathological; patients; peripheral; potential; primary; production; proteins; reduced; respiratory; response; role; ros; signaling; stress; studies; system; tca; therapeutic; tissue cache: cord-289034-yl3emjef.txt plain text: cord-289034-yl3emjef.txt item: #364 of 606 id: cord-289148-k055coui author: McKeown, Alex title: Health Outcome Prioritization in Alzheimer’s Disease: Understanding the Ethical Landscape date: 2020-09-01 words: 8598 flesch: 35 summary: Although there are several types of dementia, ROADMAP focuses exclusively on AD dementia; as such, the paper analyses ethical issues in health outcome prioritization for AD alone. Indeed, the current diagnostic guidelines state that AD dementia is preceded by MCI, and MCI is preceded by an asymptomatic preclinical AD phase [113] . keywords: affected; allocation; alzheimer; analysis; articles; assessment; associated; authors; available; balance; benefit; care; carers; challenges; circumstances; clinical; clinicians; cognitive; complex; context; decision; dementia; diagnosis; different; disclosure; disease; drug; effectiveness; end; ethical; ethics; european; evidence; example; factors; family; global; health; healthcare; important; individuals; information; issues; key; landscape; life; likely; literature; long; making; mci; narrative; need; older; outcome prioritization; outcomes; paper; particular; patients; people; possible; potential; preferences; prevention; priorities; prioritization; priority; process; public; qualitative; quality; related; relative; relevant; research; resources; results; review; risk; shared; significant; social; stages; stakeholders; studies; study; systematic; themes; tools; treatment; understanding; values; wishes cache: cord-289148-k055coui.txt plain text: cord-289148-k055coui.txt item: #365 of 606 id: cord-289439-jrvl0ykn author: Nelson, Martha I. title: Fogarty International Center collaborative networks in infectious disease modeling: Lessons learnt in research and capacity building date: 2018-10-23 words: 8729 flesch: 23 summary: The Multinational Influenza Seasonal Mortality Study (MISMS) has strengthened global capacity to study the epidemiology and evolutionary dynamics of influenza viruses in 80 countries by organizing international research activities and training workshops. The MISMS project was initiated in 2001 to build global research capacity for the study of influenza viruses using computational methods (, Box 1). keywords: africa; alonso; analysis; animal; annual; approaches; areas; big; box; building; capacity; case; challenges; chowell; collaboration; collaborators; computational; control; countries; data; dengue; different; disease; disease modeling; dynamics; ebola; efforts; emergence; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; et al; evolutionary; fellows; field; focus; fogarty; forecasting; funding; gaps; generation; genetic; genome; global; government; groups; h1n1; h3n2; health; host; human; impact; important; income; infectious; infectious disease; inference; influenza; influenza virus; information; interface; international; key; large; major; measles; methodological; methods; misms; mobility; modeling; models; mortality; multiple; need; network; new; nih; novel; opportunities; outbreak; pandemic; participants; pathogen; patterns; policy; population; potential; programs; publications; rapidd; real; regions; research; researchers; resistance; respiratory; review; risk; role; scale; scientific; scientists; seasonal; seasonality; sequence; sequencing; series; settings; simonsen; social; southern; spatial; spread; strategies; strong; studies; study; success; support; surveillance; threats; time; training; transmission; tropical; vaccination; vaccine; viboud; viboud et; viral; virus; viruses; west; working; workshops; years; zika cache: cord-289439-jrvl0ykn.txt plain text: cord-289439-jrvl0ykn.txt item: #366 of 606 id: cord-289626-8oldaa8i author: Murray, Kris A. title: Pathogeography: leveraging the biogeography of human infectious diseases for global health management date: 2018-04-19 words: 10517 flesch: 19 summary: key: cord-289626-8oldaa8i authors: Murray, Kris A.; Olivero, Jesús; Roche, Benjamin; Tiedt, Sonia; Guégan, Jean‐Francois title: Pathogeography: leveraging the biogeography of human infectious diseases for global health management date: 2018-04-19 journal: Ecography (Cop.) Here we review the theory and application of biogeography to the research and management of human infectious diseases, an integration we refer to as ‘pathogeography’. keywords: 2017a; addition; africa; analysis; animal; approaches; areas; assemblages; biodiversity; biogeographical; biogeography; biotic; box; burden; cases; change; chorotypes; climate; community; complex; complexity; components; countries; data; databases; diseases; dispersal; distributions; diversity; e.g.; ebola; ecological; ecologists; ecology; effects; effort; elements; emergence; environmental; epidemiological; epidemiology; et al; events; example; factors; favourability; fever; fig; framework; future; geographic; global; guernier; hay; health; higher; hosts; human; human infectious; impact; importance; infectious; infectious diseases; information; insights; interactions; jones; known; land; large; level; macroecology; mammalian; management; mapping; medical; methods; modelling; models; modern; multiple; murray; murray et; nestedness; new; niche; novel; number; observation; occurrence; olivero; outbreaks; pathogen; pathogeography; patterns; peterson; pigott; plant; population; potential; presence; probability; processes; public; quality; range; real; recent; regions; related; relative; relevant; research; reservoir; richness; risk; sampling; scale; single; sources; spatial; species; specific; studies; study; surveillance; systems; temporal; theory; time; transmission; understanding; use; vector; virus; wildlife; world; zoonotic cache: cord-289626-8oldaa8i.txt plain text: cord-289626-8oldaa8i.txt item: #367 of 606 id: cord-290472-w77cmljm author: Sharon, Donald title: Systems Biology Approaches to Disease Marker Discovery date: 2010-06-09 words: 8676 flesch: 33 summary: Traditionally, discovery and detection of these disease markers relied on low throughput technologies such as Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbant Assay (ELISA) or 2D-gel plus Edman degradation for protein markers, Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) for mRNA markers, and restriction enzyme digestion, cloning and Sanger sequencing for DNA markers. Overall, this study demonstrated for the first time that protein microarrays could be used to diagnose and monitor human antibodies as protein markers that are generated during the course of a disease. keywords: analysis; application; approaches; asthma; autoantibodies; autoantibody; autoantigens; autoimmune; autoreactive; binding; biomarkers; breast; cancer; candidate; cases; cell; chromatin; clinical; controls; coronavirus; data; density; detection; development; diagnosis; different; discovery; disease; disease markers; dna; early; electrophoresis; elisa; expression; functional; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; group; healthy; high; hom; human; identification; igg; immune; important; improved; individual; infection; information; large; levels; limited; markers; mass; methods; microarrays; molecular; multiple; mutations; myeloma; new; novel; number; ovarian; pancreatic; panel; parallel; patients; platforms; possible; potential; present; probing; profiles; profiling; protein; proteome; proteomics; reads; recent; receptor; regions; repertoire; responses; result; review; rna; samples; sars; scale; sclerosis; screening; self; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; sera; serum; signal; single; specific; specificity; spectrometry; stages; studies; study; systems; technologies; technology; tests; throughput; tissue; transcription; transcriptome; treatment; tumor; type; understanding; unique; use; virus cache: cord-290472-w77cmljm.txt plain text: cord-290472-w77cmljm.txt item: #368 of 606 id: cord-290591-yi6yjjne author: Desai, Angel N. title: Bending the epidemic curve: advancements and opportunities to reduce the threat of emerging pathogens date: 2019-04-03 words: 940 flesch: 33 summary: These, and indeed the great majority of emerging disease threats, are zoonotic and require us to consider other hosts and the environment in addressing them. Outbreaks of re-emerging infectious diseases in high-income countries are also discussed, often implicating products imported across borders as well as trans-national spread due to as yet unknown causes. keywords: control; diseases; efforts; epidemic; epidemiology; global; health; impact; infection; measures; outbreak; pathogens; preparedness; prevention; public; respiratory; review; surveillance; threats cache: cord-290591-yi6yjjne.txt plain text: cord-290591-yi6yjjne.txt item: #369 of 606 id: cord-290930-438td98a author: Lazcano-Ponce, Eduardo title: The Contribution of International Agencies to the Control of Communicable Diseases date: 2005-10-08 words: 4281 flesch: 29 summary: International infectious disease law: revision of the World Health Organization's International Health Regulations Globalization and disease: in an unequal world, unequal health A decade of child health research in developing countries The emergence of global disease control priorities Global public goods and health: taking the agenda forward Global health goals: lessons from the worldwide effort to eradicate poliomyelitis District health systems in a neoliberal world: a review of five key policy areas Communicable disease control: a 'Global Public Good' perspective A global health fund: a leap of faith? Globalization has had multiple repercussions on international health, including the dissemination of certain infectious and vector-borne diseases, greater reach for bioterrorism and new health behaviors, among others. keywords: agencies; bank; capacity; care; collaboration; communicable; communicable diseases; control; cooperation; countries; developed; development; different; diseases; efforts; emergencies; epidemics; epidemiologic; eradication; geographic; global; health; high; human; infectious; infectious diseases; international; international health; investment; issues; law; level; malaria; nations; need; north; number; organization; poor; priorities; priority; public; related; research; resources; response; south; strategies; support; surveillance; systems; transfer; treatment; tuberculosis; use; world cache: cord-290930-438td98a.txt plain text: cord-290930-438td98a.txt item: #370 of 606 id: cord-291388-tt9eq7e0 author: Wang, Jann-Tay title: Clinical Manifestations, Laboratory Findings, and Treatment Outcomes of SARS Patients date: 2004-05-17 words: 4357 flesch: 47 summary: We conducted a prospective study on the clinical, radiologic, and hematologic findings of SARS patients with pneumonia, who were admitted to National Taiwan University Hospital from March 8 to June 15, 2003. We conducted a prospective study on the clinical, radiologic, and hematologic findings of SARS patients with pneumonia, who were admitted to National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) from March 8 to June 15, 2003 . keywords: acute; age; chest; clinical; cov; crp; days; death; diarrhea; disease; duration; elevated; factors; failure; fatal; fever; findings; high; hospitalization; infection; initial; ivig; laboratory; ldh; leukopenia; level; lobes; onset; patients; pneumonia; previous; progression; protocol; radiography; rate; respiratory; sars; sars patients; second; severe; sputum; steroids; study; symptoms; syndrome; taiwan; thrombocytopenia; treatment; underlying; use; virus; week cache: cord-291388-tt9eq7e0.txt plain text: cord-291388-tt9eq7e0.txt item: #371 of 606 id: cord-291687-kwu0otpi author: Judson, Gregory L. title: Cardiovascular Implications and Therapeutic Considerations in COVID-19 Infection date: 2020-06-13 words: 5583 flesch: 34 summary: The initial cohort study of COVID-19 patients included data from 552 hospitals in China with 1099 patients with COVID-19 disease [17] . Initial reports of myocarditis from China described cases of cardiogenic shock and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction among COVID-19 patients [37, 38] . keywords: ace2; acs; acute; angiotensin; article; authors; black; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; cases; cell; characteristics; china; clinical; cohort; comorbidities; coronary; coronavirus; cov-2; cov2; covid-19; data; diabetes; disease; early; effects; elevation; evidence; failure; heart; higher; hospital; hypertension; illness; infection; influenza; initial; injury; involvement; mortality; myocardial; myocarditis; new; non; novel; obstructive; outbreak; outcomes; pandemic; pathophysiology; patients; population; potential; presentation; prevalence; rates; receptor; respiratory; retrospective; risk; rna; role; sars; segment; series; severe; severity; similar; states; stemi; studies; study; syndrome; treatment; troponin; underlying; united; use; viral; worldwide; wuhan cache: cord-291687-kwu0otpi.txt plain text: cord-291687-kwu0otpi.txt item: #372 of 606 id: cord-292575-vsswxwdi author: Hammou, Rahma Ait title: Chapter 7 Scientific Advances in the Diagnosis of Emerging and Reemerging Viral Human Pathogens date: 2020-12-31 words: 8502 flesch: 30 summary: These features make miRNAs, in single or in a combination (Peng et al., 2016) , ideally suited as biomarkers for disease diagnosis. The normal state is determined by the collected data and by creating baselines for a given area or community (Wang et al., 2005; Berger et al., 2006) . keywords: accurate; acid; agents; amplification; antimicrobial; applications; approach; artus; assays; automated; available; bacterial; biological; biomarkers; bioterrorism; cancer; cases; cell; characterization; clinical; complex; context; controls; conventional; data; detection; development; diagnosis; different; disease; dna; early; effective; enterovirus; essential; et al; exosomes; expression; extracellular; extraction; fluids; gallego; gene; h7n9; health; hepatitis; high; host; hsa; hsv; human; identification; important; infected; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; instrument; isolation; kit; kits; laboratories; laboratory; lightcycler; local; methods; microarray; microbiology; micrornas; mirnas; molecular; multiplex; nanoparticles; new; nile; nucleic; outbreak; pathogens; patients; pcr; plasma; platforms; polymerase; potential; processing; protein; public; rapid; real; realart; reemerging; resistance; respiratory; response; roche; role; samples; sars; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; serum; significant; sintchenko; small; specific; specimen; stage; states; strand; studies; study; surveillance; systems; target; targeting; techniques; technology; testing; tests; therapy; time; time pcr; transcripts; type; united; viral; virus; viruses; vivo; vzv; west cache: cord-292575-vsswxwdi.txt plain text: cord-292575-vsswxwdi.txt item: #373 of 606 id: cord-292604-x9amm87g author: Rupali, Priscilla title: Introduction to Tropical Medicine date: 2019-03-31 words: 3863 flesch: 41 summary: He eventually came back to London where he lectured on tropical diseases at the St. George's hospital. Tropical diseases are classified as communicable and noncommunicable diseases. keywords: access; acute; africa; approach; asia; available; bacteria; burden; cases; cause; challenges; children; climate; coli; common; contaminated; countries; data; deaths; diarrhea; diseases; enteric; fever; food; foodborne; global; health; high; host; human; hygiene; illnesses; important; infectious; ingestion; lack; low; major; malaria; medicine; morbidity; mortality; mosquito; nations; neurologic; pathogens; people; plants; poor; poverty; practices; regions; related; respiratory; sanitation; scarcity; skin; soil; south; spp; study; table; test; tropical; tropics; vector; viruses; water; world; years cache: cord-292604-x9amm87g.txt plain text: cord-292604-x9amm87g.txt item: #374 of 606 id: cord-292623-mxdlii77 author: Arji, Goli title: Fuzzy logic approach for infectious disease diagnosis: A methodical evaluation, literature and classification date: 2019-09-26 words: 6117 flesch: 40 summary: In addition, this study highlights the absence of an integration of infectious disease information systems in order to provide a valuable datasets in this domain. key: cord-292623-mxdlii77 authors: Arji, Goli; Ahmadi, Hossein; Nilashi, Mehrbakhsh; A. Rashid, Tarik; Hassan Ahmed, Omed; Aljojo, Nahla; Zainol, Azida title: Fuzzy logic approach for infectious disease diagnosis: A methodical evaluation, literature and classification date: 2019-09-26 journal: Biocybern Biomed Eng DOI: 10.1016/j.bbe.2019.09.004 sha: doc_id: 292623 cord_uid: mxdlii77 This paper presents a systematic review of the literature and the classification of fuzzy logic application in an infectious disease. keywords: adaptive; analysis; anfis; application; approach; articles; blood; case; clinical; cognitive; current; data; decision; dengue; diagnosis; different; disease; disease diagnosis; domain; evaluation; expert; fever; fig; fuzzy; fuzzy cognitive; fuzzy inference; fuzzy logic; fuzzy methods; fuzzy techniques; health; hepatitis; hiv; indicators; infectious; infectious disease; inference; inference system; information; inward; literature; logic; logic methods; logic techniques; making; map; mathematical; medical; meningitis; methods; model; modelling; n e; network; neuro; number; numerous; outward; papers; performance; population; procedures; process; questions; relevant; research; researchers; review; risk; rule; section; sensitivity; slr; specificity; studies; study; support; system; systematic; techniques; tuberculosis; use; variables; virus cache: cord-292623-mxdlii77.txt plain text: cord-292623-mxdlii77.txt item: #375 of 606 id: cord-293026-cq7uzziv author: Ma, Hui title: Military-civilian cooperative emergency response to infectious disease prevention and control in China date: 2016-12-30 words: 2581 flesch: 14 summary: Military emergency prevention and control provides important support for not only the military itself but also national missions, such as emergency disposal during public health emergency events, major activity security, and major domestic and overseas disaster rescue. To effectively address severe epidemics, the government and military formulated several laws, regulations, policies, strategic development plans, joint action programs, emergency safety measures, and various types of operable emergency predetermined plans; clearly defined the division of duties and transactions; established an assessment mechanism for military-civilian joint epidemic situations and a docking mechanism for military-civilian relevant departments; and jointly improved the ability to respond to infectious disease emergencies. keywords: china; chinese; civilian; civilian collaborative; collaborative; collaborative emergency; command; control; cooperation; development; disease prevention; diseases; disposal; ebola; emergency; emergency response; epidemic; government; h1n1; health; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; information; integration; joint; management; measures; mechanism; medical; military; national; prevention; public; regulations; rescue; research; response; severe; sharing; situations; system; treatment; unified; virus cache: cord-293026-cq7uzziv.txt plain text: cord-293026-cq7uzziv.txt item: #376 of 606 id: cord-293151-g3758oes author: Nemzek, Jean A. title: Biology and Diseases of Dogs date: 2015-07-10 words: 30311 flesch: 42 summary: Dogs have well developed olfactory glands, vision, and auditory and tactile senses that allow them to gain environmental cues and information from other dogs and humans (Field and Jackson, 2006; Joint Working Group on Refinement, 2004) . For example, from 3 to 8 weeks of age, puppies are most capable of learning about how to interact with other dogs. keywords: abdominal; abnormalities; access; acral; acute; addition; administration; adult; affected; age; aggressive; anesthesia; angarano; animal; anorexia; antibiotic; appropriate; area; aspiration; associated; association; available; avgeris; bacterial; beagles; behavior; benign; best; biomedical; biopsy; bitch; bite; blood; body; bone; bph; breeding; breeds; bronchiseptica; burn; campylobacter; cancer; canine; canis; cardiovascular; care; cases; catheter; cats; cause; cavity; cell; cell tumors; chapter; chemotherapy; choice; chronic; classification; clean; clinical; clinical signs; closure; colony; common; comparison; complete; complications; composition; condition; congenital; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; corneal; cough; culture; cysts; damage; data; days; death; debridement; decrease; deep; deeper; definitive; delivery; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; diets; differential; differential diagnosis; direct; discharge; disease; disorder; dogs; drugs; early; edema; effective; effects; eggs; elbow; energy; enlarged; enterohepatic; environment; epizootiology; estrogen; estrus; et al; etiology; evaluation; examination; experimental; exposure; extensive; external; eye; facilities; factors; failure; fat; features; female; ferguson; fetal; fever; findings; flea; fluid; food; formula; free; gastric; gastrointestinal; general; gland; glandular; golden; good; grade; gram; granuloma; group; growth; guide; guidelines; hair; healing; health; heat; helicobacter; hemorrhagic; high; hormone; host; housing; human; hygromas; hyperplasia; hypothyroidism; identification; illness; important; increase; individuals; indwelling; infected; infection; infestation; inflammation; inflammatory; information; initial; injury; insemination; intake; interdigital; intestinal; isolation; jejuni; johnson; jps; known; laboratory; laboratory animal; large; leptospirosis; lesions; levels; lick; life; likely; local; location; long; loss; lung; lymphoma; macewen; majority; male; malignant; mammary; management; masses; mast; material; medicine; metabolic; mild; models; months; movement; multiple; muscle; national; necessary; necrosis; needle; negative; neoplasia; nodes; normal; number; nutrient; nutrition; obesity; onset; oral; order; organisms; origin; pain; palpation; panciera; paralysis; parturition; parvovirus; pathogenesis; pathologic; pcr; peterson; pneumonia; point; poor; population; ports; positive; possible; potential; pregnancy; presence; present; pressure; prevention; primary; problem; production; proestrus; progesterone; proper; prostate; prostatic; protein; pulmonary; puppies; pups; purpose; radiation; random; rapid; rate; recurrence; red; regulations; removal; reported; reproductive; requirements; research; respiratory; response; result; review; risk; secondary; self; semen; sensitivity; sepsis; serovars; serum; setting; severe; severity; significant; signs; similar; simple; site; size; skin; small; source; species; specific; sperm; spontaneous; spp; stage; status; streptococcus; studies; study; subclinical; subcutaneous; superficial; surface; surgery; surgical; swaim; swelling; syndrome; systemic; systems; term; testing; therapy; thermal; thickness; tick; time; tissue; topical; total; tract; transmissible; transmission; trauma; treatment; trevor; tsh; tumors; type; ulceration; ulcers; underlying; use; uterine; uterus; vaccinated; vaginal; vascular; vasculitis; veterinary; virus; volume; vomiting; vulva; waldron; water; weeks; weight; welfare; wound; years; young; zooepidemicus cache: cord-293151-g3758oes.txt plain text: cord-293151-g3758oes.txt item: #377 of 606 id: cord-293221-gf9wy4a9 author: Idowu, Abiodun Benjamin title: Ebola virus disease in the eyes of a rural, agrarian community in Western Nigeria: a mixed method study date: 2020-08-31 words: 4437 flesch: 56 summary: Results of a qualitative study A time for fear: local, national and international responses to a large EVD outbreak in Uganda Cultural contexts of Ebola in northern Uganda Modelling the role of public health education in Ebola virus disease outbreaks in Sudan The Liberia Ministry of Health. In 2014; the deadliest, most widespread (affected ten countries), EVD outbreak that lasted approximately 2 years occurred making it a global emergency keywords: agrarian; attitude; burial; bush; cause; communities; community; contact; control; cure; data; discussants; disease; ebola; education; epidemic; evd; good; health; human; infected; information; knowledge; level; local; majority; male; measures; meat; medical; misconceptions; nigeria; non; old; outbreak; participants; people; point; poor; practices; preparedness; preventive; public; qualitative; research; residents; respondents; response; rural; salt; sampling; spread; stage; study; survivor; table; virus; water; world; year cache: cord-293221-gf9wy4a9.txt plain text: cord-293221-gf9wy4a9.txt item: #378 of 606 id: cord-293365-z1h788sc author: Semenza, Jan C title: Climate change impact on migration, travel, travel destinations and the tourism industry date: 2019-04-12 words: 6244 flesch: 38 summary: Climate change is a long-term process, but the extent to which individual weather events are influenced by climate change can increasingly be estimated. key: cord-293365-z1h788sc authors: Semenza, Jan C; Ebi, Kristie L title: Climate change impact on migration, travel, travel destinations and the tourism industry date: 2019-04-12 journal: J Travel Med DOI: 10.1093/jtm/taz026 sha: doc_id: 293365 cord_uid: z1h788sc Background: Climate change is not only increasing ambient temperature but also accelerating the frequency, duration and intensity of extreme weather and climate events, such as heavy precipitation and droughts, and causing sea level rise, which can lead to population displacement. keywords: access; africa; air; america; areas; asia; associated; blood; care; change; chikungunya; climate; climate change; climatic; communicable; conditions; control; countries; country; dengue; destination; development; disease; drivers; ecdc; economic; endemic; environmental; europe; european; events; evidence; example; extreme; factors; figure; frequency; global; health; heat; high; hiv; human; immunization; impact; implications; importation; increase; infectious; international; living; long; migrants; migration; mosquito; new; number; outbreaks; pathogens; people; population; potential; practice; precipitation; prevention; public; regions; resistant; review; risk; screening; significant; social; spread; stress; suitable; surveillance; table; temperature; term; tourism; transmission; travel; treatment; tropical; vaccination; vector; virus; warming; water; weather; world; zika cache: cord-293365-z1h788sc.txt plain text: cord-293365-z1h788sc.txt item: #379 of 606 id: cord-293421-0ksn0fc7 author: Rodriguez, J. M. title: Detection of animal pathogens by using the polymerasechain reaction (PCR) date: 1997-05-31 words: 9107 flesch: 40 summary: Cohen et al., 1993; Way et al., 1993; Booster PCR methods for the genus-specific detection of salmonellas in equine and chicken faeces have been developed (Cohen et al., 1994a, b) with detection possible within 10-12h from the time of submission of samples. keywords: 16s; abortion; acid; aetiological; affected; african; agent; amplification; amplified; analysis; animals; anthracis; antibodies; application; assay; asymptomatic; authors; bacteria; biv; blood; bovine; btv; bvdv; cae; calves; canine; carriers; cases; cattle; causative; cause; cdv; cells; chain; chain reaction; clinical; coli; comparison; contaminated; copies; countries; cows; culture; deer; detection; development; diagnosis; diarrhoea; different; differentiation; direct; disease; disease virus; dna; dogs; domestic; early; eggs; ehec; encephalitis; equine; et al; faeces; fast; fever; fi'om; field; fimbrial; fmdv; foodborne; foot; genes; group; herpesvirus; high; human; identification; important; infected; infection; isolates; isolation; laboratories; large; low; major; mastitis; methods; milk; mycoplasma; nested; nucleic; organism; outbreaks; paraffin; pathogens; pcr; pcr detection; piglets; pigs; polymerase; polymerase chain; potential; presence; present; primers; problems; products; protein; prv; rabies; rapid; reaction; regions; related; reproductive; research; restriction; results; rna; role; routine; rpv; ruminants; samples; scale; seals; semen; sensitive; sensitivity; sequences; sequencing; severe; sheep; signs; similar; single; small; source; species; specific; specific detection; specimens; spread; strains; swabs; swine; target; technique; tests; tile; time; tissue; tool; transmission; type; use; useful; van; viral; virulent; virus; viruses; weeks; wild cache: cord-293421-0ksn0fc7.txt plain text: cord-293421-0ksn0fc7.txt item: #380 of 606 id: cord-293542-o0zspgrk author: Ippolito, G. title: Facing the threat of highly infectious diseases in Europe: the need for a networking approach date: 2014-12-12 words: 2642 flesch: 34 summary: Research on emerging infectious diseases has been funded since the inception of the European Union (EU) Framework Programmes (FP) for Research in 1985. In total, both influenza research and research on other emerging infectious diseases have received more than €100 million of EU funding each since 2002. keywords: adequate; agents; area; available; cases; clinical; common; control; countries; development; diagnostic; diseases; effective; epidemic; european; fever; h5n1; health; hids; human; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; international; isolation; lassa; management; measures; need; network; networking; new; order; pandemic; plans; potential; preparedness; prevention; protocols; public; recent; research; response; support; threats cache: cord-293542-o0zspgrk.txt plain text: cord-293542-o0zspgrk.txt item: #381 of 606 id: cord-293622-gdplbrsf author: Arget, Michael title: Successful Treatment of Legionnaires’ Disease with Tigecycline in an Immunocompromised Man with a Legion of Antibiotic Allergies date: 2019-04-30 words: 1947 flesch: 31 summary: Given prior complications due to graft versus host disease, he was receiving prednisone at a maintenance dose of 15 mg daily for several years. Given his documented allergies to both fluoroquinolones and macrolides, hemodynamic instability, and concern for poor gastrointestinal absorption of oral antimicrobials, he was subsequently treated with intravenous tigecycline with an initial, loading dose of 100 mg, followed by 50 mg twice daily for a total of 14 days of therapy. keywords: allergies; antigen; authors; cases; community; days; disease; fever; fluoroquinolones; following; generation; glycylcycline; immunocompromised; intravenous; legionella; legionnaires; levofloxacin; macrolides; negative; patients; pcr; pneumonia; pneumophila; prior; respiratory; species; testing; therapy; tigecycline; treatment; urine; use; virus; years cache: cord-293622-gdplbrsf.txt plain text: cord-293622-gdplbrsf.txt item: #382 of 606 id: cord-293714-s6ezxi5r author: Principi, Nicola title: The role of infection in Kawasaki syndrome date: 2013-04-18 words: 6236 flesch: 28 summary: The value of isolated populations in genetic studies of allergic disease High incidence of angiotensin I converting enzyme genotype II in Kawasaki disease patients with coronary aneurysm Polymorphism of angiotensin-1converting enzyme gene and Kawasaki disease Insertion/deletion polymorphism of angiotensin converting enzyme gene in Kawasaki disease Possible synergic effect of angiotensin-I converting enzyme gene insertion/deletion polymorphism and angiotensin-II type-1 receptor 1166A/C gene polymorphism on ischemic heart disease in patients with Kawasaki disease Common variants in CASP3 confer susceptibility to Kawasaki disease Genetic variations in the receptor-ligand pair CCR5 and CCL3L1 are important determinants of susceptibility to Kawasaki disease The CCR5 (-2135C/T) polymorphism may be associated with the development of Kawasaki disease in Korean Children Polymorphisms in chemokine receptor genes and susceptibility to Kawasaki disease Genetic polymorphisms in the CD40 ligand gene and Kawasaki disease Inflammatory gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to Kawasaki disease and its arterial sequelae Polymorphism of Fc gamma RIIa may affect the efficacy of gamma-globulin therapy in Kawasaki disease The involvement of Fc gamma receptor gene polymorphisms in Kawasaki disease Association of IL-1Ra gene polymorphism, but no association of IL-1beta and IL-4 gene polymorphisms, with Kawasaki disease The -590 C/T and 8375 A/G interleukin-4 polymorphisms are not associated with Kawasaki disease in Taiwanese children Interleukin 6 gene promoter polymorphism is not associated with Kawasaki disease The IL-10 (-627 A/C) promoter polymorphism may be associated with coronary aneurysms and low serum albumin in Korean children with Kawasaki disease Influence of interleukin 18 promoter polymorphisms in susceptibility to Kawasaki disease in Taiwan Inducible and endothelial constitutive nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms in Kawasaki disease Increased frequency of alleles associated with elevated tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels in children with Kawasaki disease Association of mannose-binding lectin genotype with cardiovascular abnormalities in Kawasaki disease Polymorphisms in the mannose-binding lectin gene as determinants of age-defined risk of coronary artery lesions in Kawasaki disease Modulating effects of mannose binding lectin genotype on arterial stiffness in children after Kawasaki disease Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 gene regulatory region polymorphism and serum levels of monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 in Japanese patients with Kawasaki disease Polymorphism of transmembrane region of MICA gene and Kawasaki disease Circulating matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in patients with Kawasaki disease Polymorphism of matrix metalloproteinase-3 promoter gene as a risk factor for coronary artery lesions in Kawasaki disease Genetic analysis of MMP gene polymorphisms in patients with Kawasaki disease Association of the matrix metalloproteinase-3 (-439C/G) promoter polymorphism with Kawasaki disease in Korean children Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism in Kawasaki disease A polymorphism in plasma platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase is involved in resistance to immunoglobulin treatment in Kawasaki disease Polymorphism of SLC11A1 (formerly NRAMP1) gene confers susceptibility to Kawasaki disease Transforming growth factor-beta signaling pathway in patients with Kawasaki disease Polymorphisms of transforming growth factor-b signaling pathway and Kawasaki disease in the Taiwanese population Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase 2 and coronary artery lesions in Kawasaki disease Analysis of tumor necrosis factor-alpha production and polymorphisms of the tumor necrosis factor-alpha gene in individuals with a history of Kawasaki disease Association between levels of TNF-alpha and TNF-alpha promoter -308 A/A polymorphism in children with Kawasaki disease Tumor necrosis factor-alpha levels and promoter polymorphism in patients with Kawasaki disease in Korea Association of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and VEGF receptor gene polymorphisms with coronary artery lesions of Kawasaki disease Vascular endothelial growth factor gene haplotypes in Kawasaki disease Association of vascular endothelial growth factor C-634 g polymorphism in Taiwanese children with Kawasaki disease Lack of association of the vascular endothelial growth factor gene polymorphisms with Kawasaki disease in Taiwanese children ITPKC functional polymorphism associated with Kawasaki disease susceptibility and formation of coronary artery aneurysms A genome-wide association study identifies novel and functionally related susceptibility loci for Kawasaki disease A genome-wide association analysis reveals 1p31 and 2p13.3 as susceptibility loci for Kawasaki disease Identification of novel susceptibility loci for Kawasaki disease in a Han Chinese population by a genome-wide association study Genome-wide association study identifies FCGR2A as a susceptibility locus for Kawasaki disease A genome-wide association study identifies three new risk loci for Kawasaki disease Two new susceptibility loci for Kawasaki disease identified through genome-wide association analysis This review was supported by a grant from the Italian Ministry of Health (Bando Giovani Ricercatori 2007). A new infantile acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome (MLNS) prevailing in Japan Current recommendations for the pharmacological therapy in Kawasaki syndrome and management of its cardiovascular complications Kawasaki syndrome: an intriguing disease with numerous unsolved dilemmas Diagnosis, treatment, and long-term management of Kawasaki disease: a statement for health professionals from the Committee on Rheumatic Fever, Endocarditis, and Kawasaki Disease, Council on Cardiovascular Disease in the Young Discrimination between incomplete and atypical Kawasaki syndrome versus other febrile diseases in childhood: results from an international registry-based study Kawasaki syndrome-like illness associated with infection caused by enterotoxin B-secreting Staphylococcus aureus Development of serum IgM antibodies against superantigens of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes in Kawasaki disease Lack of association between Kawasaki syndrome and infection with parvovirus B19, human herpesvirus 8, TT virus, GB virus C/hepatitis G virus or Chlamydia pneumoniae Emerging from obscurity: understanding pulmonary and extrapulmonary syndromes, pathogenesis and epidemiology of human Mycoplasma pneumonia infections Respiratory tract infections by Mycoplasma pneumoniae in children: a review of diagnostic and therapeutic measures Kawasaki disease with a concomitant primary Epstein-Barr virus infection Adenovirus type 2 isolated from a patient with fatal Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease and parvovirus B19 infection in an adult HIV-1-infected patient Isolation of human herpesvirus-6 from an infant with Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease associated with Klebsiella pneumoniae bacteremia and parainfluenza type 3 virus infection Kawasaki disease associated with measles virus infection in a monozygotic twin Association of rotavirus infection with Kawasaki syndrome Concomitant dengue hemorrhagic fever with Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease associated with chickenpox: report of two sibling cases Kawasaki disease coincident with influenza A H1N1/09 infection Kawasaki syndrome and concurrent Coxsackie-virus B3 infection Kawasaki disease in England: ethnicity, deprivation, and respiratory pathogens Association between a novel human coronavirus and Kawasaki disease Detection of human bocavirus in children with Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease and human bocavirus e potential association? keywords: activation; acute; alpha; analysis; artery; associated; association; aureus; authors; blood; bocavirus; cases; cell; children; clinical; controls; coronary; data; development; different; disease; et al; etiological; european; evidence; factor; fever; findings; gene; genetic; genome; growth; healthy; high; human; hypothesis; immune; incidence; infectious; involvement; japan; japanese; kawasaki; kawasaki disease; kawasaki syndrome; lesions; levels; loci; new; nl63; non; number; origin; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathway; patients; pneumoniae; polymorphism; population; possible; promoter; protein; receptor; region; respiratory; response; results; risk; role; sas; signs; snps; specific; studies; study; subjects; susceptibility; syndrome; taiwanese; times; treatment; usa; variants; vascular; virus; viruses; wide; years cache: cord-293714-s6ezxi5r.txt plain text: cord-293714-s6ezxi5r.txt item: #383 of 606 id: cord-293819-tbdsr5iw author: Carvalho, C.L. title: Tularaemia: A challenging zoonosis date: 2014-01-13 words: 7830 flesch: 38 summary: Natural infections with F. tularensis have also been documented in different arthropods, although only a subset of these have been identified as important in F. tularensis transmission to humans. Also, a renewed concern has arisen with regard to F. tularensis: its potential use by bioterrorists. keywords: aerosols; agent; analysis; animals; antibodies; areas; arthropod; bacterium; blood; brown; cases; cats; cells; clinical; contact; contaminated; countries; cysteine; cytokines; dermacentor; detection; different; discrimination; disease; dogs; effective; endemic; endosymbionts; epidemiology; europaeus; european; fever; findings; finland; fles; forms; france; francisella; francisella tularensis; genes; geographic; growth; hares; health; high; holarctica; host; human; identification; immune; immunity; important; infected; infection; inflammasome; inflammatory; isolates; lagomorphs; lepus; lesions; level; like; locus; lps; main; methods; mlva; molecular; mosquitoes; multiple; new; novicida; number; outbreaks; pathogen; pcr; populations; portugal; potential; prairie; primary; production; recent; receptors; research; reservoirs; response; results; risk; rodents; role; samples; schus4; serum; signs; small; specific; specificity; spleen; spp; strain; study; subspecies; surveillance; sweden; system; ticks; transmission; tularaemia; tularensis; tularensis subspecies; type; typing; vaccine; vectors; virulence; virulent; water; wide; wild; zoonotic cache: cord-293819-tbdsr5iw.txt plain text: cord-293819-tbdsr5iw.txt item: #384 of 606 id: cord-293852-r72c6584 author: Greco, S. title: Noncoding RNAs implication in cardiovascular diseases in the COVID-19 era date: 2020-10-31 words: 8171 flesch: 32 summary: However, in the heart of both SARS-CoV infected mice and of SARS patients, decreased ACE2-levels were observed [64] , suggesting a complex virus/receptor dynamic that needs to be elucidated. Interestingly, in the hearts of both SARS-CoV infected mice and SARS patients, macrophage infiltration with evidence of myocardial damage was observed [64] . keywords: ace2; activation; acute; addition; analysis; angiotensin; anti; assembly; biomarkers; blood; cardiac; cardiomyocytes; cardiovascular; cause; cells; changes; chronic; circular; clinical; cms; coronary; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 patients; cvds; cytokines; damage; data; direct; disease; effects; epithelial; expression; failure; fig; function; genes; genome; heart; host; human; identification; ifn; immune; important; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; innate; interferon; ipsc; ischemic; levels; lncrnas; long; lung; macrophages; mechanisms; micrornas; mir-155; mirnas; myocardial; myocarditis; noncoding; novel; nuclear; particular; pathogenesis; pathway; patients; pattern; pbmcs; peripheral; phase; plasma; pneumonia; potential; profiling; protein; receptor; recovery; regulation; release; remodeling; renin; respiratory; response; risk; rna; rnas; role; samples; sars; seq; severe; signaling; significant; single; storm; structural; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; system; targets; tissue; tnf; transcriptional; transcriptomics; type; understanding; viral cache: cord-293852-r72c6584.txt plain text: cord-293852-r72c6584.txt item: #385 of 606 id: cord-294312-ju6vuywm author: Rohde, Rodney E. title: Common Myths and Legends of Rabies date: 2019-04-19 words: 4491 flesch: 56 summary: Which type of animals are often more at risk for contracting rabies virus, otherwise known as highrisk animals? Rabies virus is by far the most common lyssavirus infection of humans. keywords: animal; bats; behavior; bite; brain; cases; chapter; clinical; common; days; disease; dog; early; example; exposure; family; far; fear; fig; globulin; hair; health; history; hosts; human; immune; infected; infection; legends; like; long; lyssaviruses; misconceptions; modern; myths; new; old; people; person; popular; prevalence; prevention; public; rabid; rabies; rabies virus; saliva; science; signs; states; symptoms; texas; time; today; travel; treatment; united; vaccine; vampire; variants; virus; viruses; world; wound; zoonotic cache: cord-294312-ju6vuywm.txt plain text: cord-294312-ju6vuywm.txt item: #386 of 606 id: cord-294478-3ickafd3 author: Kapil, Sanjay title: Diagnostic Investigation of Emerging Viruses of Companion Animals date: 2008-05-22 words: 7330 flesch: 35 summary: Now, these molecular techniques, which are becoming mainstream applications in routine viral diagnoses, are proving their merit in facilitating the diagnosis of emerging animal viruses. Veterinarians are bound to encounter emerging viruses in their practice. keywords: acid; acute; agents; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; applications; association; available; canine; cases; cats; cdc; cdv; cell; clinical; common; companion; control; coronavirus; cpv; culture; detection; diagnostic; diagnostic laboratory; diseases; dna; dogs; elisa; feline; feral; findings; fluorescent; health; history; human; identification; igm; important; infection; influenza; isolation; kits; known; laboratories; laboratory; large; lesions; methods; molecular; monoclonal; national; new; novel; nucleic; outbreaks; owners; parvovirus; pcr; pet; population; possible; potential; presence; present; protein; public; rabies; rapid; recent; response; results; rna; routine; samples; sequencing; serum; single; small; specific; specimen; states; study; surveillance; symptoms; system; techniques; technology; test; testing; time; timely; tissues; titers; type; united; vaccination; vaccine; variant; veterinarians; veterinary; viral; virology; virus; viruses; wildlife; world cache: cord-294478-3ickafd3.txt plain text: cord-294478-3ickafd3.txt item: #387 of 606 id: cord-294856-eeh2a0t8 author: Lambert, Paul-Henri title: Consensus Summary Report for CEPI/BC March 12-13, 2020 Meeting: Assessment of Risk of Disease Enhancement with COVID-19 Vaccines date: 2020-05-25 words: 5249 flesch: 32 summary: Virology Intratracheal exposure of common marmosets to MERS-CoV Jordan-n3/2012 or MERS-CoV EMC/2012 isolates does not result in lethal disease Anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike antibodies trigger infection of human immune cells via a pH-and cysteine protease-independent FcgammaR pathway Antibody-dependent infection of human macrophages by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus A double-inactivated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus vaccine provides incomplete protection in mice and induces increased eosinophilic proinflammatory pulmonary response upon challenge Vaccine efficacy in senescent mice challenged with recombinant SARS-CoV bearing epidemic and zoonotic spike variants Successful vaccination strategies that protect aged mice from lethal challenge from influenza virus and heterologous severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus Immunization with SARS coronavirus vaccines leads to pulmonary immunopathology on challenge with the SARS virus Prior immunization with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) nucleocapsid protein causes severe pneumonia in mice infected with SARS-CoV Immunization with modified vaccinia virus Ankara-based recombinant vaccine against severe acute respiratory syndrome is associated with enhanced hepatitis in ferrets Animal models and antibody assays for evaluating candidate SARS vaccines: summary of a technical meeting 25-26 Immunization with inactivated Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus vaccine leads to lung immunopathology on challenge with live virus A Highly Immunogenic, Protective, and Safe Adenovirus-Based Vaccine Expressing Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus S1-CD40L Fusion Protein in a Transgenic Human Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 Mouse Model Anti-spike IgG causes severe acute lung injury by skewing macrophage responses during acute SARS-CoV infection Immunodominant SARS Coronavirus Epitopes in Humans Elicited both Enhancing and Neutralizing Effects on Infection in Non-human Primates Correction: Immunodominant SARS Coronavirus Epitopes in Humans Elicited Both Enhancing and Neutralizing Effects on Infection in Non-human Primates Immunogenicity and protective efficacy in monkeys of purified inactivated Verocell SARS vaccine. In murine models, evidence for vaccine related disease enhancement has been demonstrated for inactivated whole vaccine (with and without alum), vectored vaccine expressing N protein (but not seen with vectored vaccine expressing S protein in same report), a replicon particle platform expressing S protein, and a vectored vaccine expressing S proteins. keywords: acute; adjuvants; aged; animal; antibodies; antibody; antigen; as03; candidates; cd4; cell; challenge; clinical; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; critical; cross; data; developers; development; different; disease; efficacy; enhanced; enhancement; evidence; experts; hace2; human; immune; immunopathology; important; inactivated; induced; infected; infection; inflammatory; influenza; lethal; lung; macaques; mers; mice; models; mouse; multiple; neutralizing; non; note; pathology; phase; post; protection; protein; pulmonary; receptor; replication; report; respiratory; response; rhesus; risk; rsv; safety; sars; severe; similar; studies; syndrome; th2; transgenic; trials; vaccination; vaccine; viral; virus cache: cord-294856-eeh2a0t8.txt plain text: cord-294856-eeh2a0t8.txt item: #388 of 606 id: cord-296208-uy1r6lt2 author: Greenspan, Hayit title: Position paper on COVID-19 imaging and AI: from the clinical needs and technological challenges to initial AI solutions at the lab and national level towards a new era for AI in healthcare date: 2020-08-19 words: 8010 flesch: 43 summary: The COVID-19 crisis has seen the emergence of multiple observational studies to support research into understanding disease risk, monitoring disease trajectory, and for the development of diagnostic and prognostic tools, based on a variety of data sources including clinical data, samples and imaging data. It is therefore important that, while conducting efforts to provide access to observational COVID-19 data, we already plan for using part of the data for designing challenges around relevant clinical use cases. keywords: access; algorithms; analysis; automated; care; cases; challenges; chest; clinical; collection; common; community; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; current; cxr; data; deep; denmark; design; detection; development; diagnosis; different; disease; early; efforts; et al; european; example; factors; fair; figure; findings; general; glass; ground; health; high; hospital; image; imaging; important; individual; infection; information; infrastructure; key; lab; large; learning; level; limited; lung; management; medical; modeling; models; monitoring; multiple; need; network; neural; new; observational; opacities; pandemic; paper; patients; place; platform; pneumonia; predictive; pulmonary; quantification; radiologist; rapid; ray; region; research; results; risk; role; scale; segmentation; sensitivity; severe; severity; software; solutions; specific; standard; studies; subjects; support; systems; task; testing; time; tools; tracking; treatment; unique; use cache: cord-296208-uy1r6lt2.txt plain text: cord-296208-uy1r6lt2.txt item: #389 of 606 id: cord-296585-yfh5d4io author: Su, Yu-Ching title: The Interplay Between Immune Response and Bacterial Infection in COPD: Focus Upon Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae date: 2018-11-05 words: 16584 flesch: 21 summary: Episodes of large inflammation as the consequences of multiple interactions between airway immune cells and NTHi, accumulatively contribute to COPD exacerbations and may result in worsening of the clinical status. Expression of microbialinduced AMP (human β-defensin 2) is suppressed in airway epithelial cells when exposed to cigarette smoke (175, 176) . keywords: activated; activation; activity; acute; adaptive; addition; aecopd; airway; airway epithelial; airway immune; airway inflammation; altered; alveolar; alveolar macrophages; antibiotic; antibodies; antigen; antimicrobial; asthma; azithromycin; bacterial; beta; blood; bronchial; causes; cbp; cells; changes; chronic; chronic obstructive; cigarette; cigarette smoke; clearance; clinical; colonization; common; complex; compromised; concentrations; contribute; copd; copd alveolar; copd exacerbations; copd patients; damage; defective; defense; deficiency; dendritic; dependent; destruction; different; disease; dna; ecm; effects; emphysema; enhanced; epithelial; epithelial cells; exacerbations; exposure; expression; extracellular; factor; fibrosis; formation; function; gene; genetic; growth; haemophilus; haemophilus influenzae; healthy; histone; host; human; ifn; il-1β; il-6; il-8; immune; immune cells; immune response; immunity; impaired; important; increase; induced; induction; infection; inflammasome; inflammation; inflammatory; influenzae; inhaled; innate; invasive; involved; isolated; kinase; levels; like; los; lower; lung; lung disease; lymphocytes; macrophages; mapk; mechanisms; mediators; methylation; mice; microbiome; model; mucosal; mucus; neutrophils; nlrp3; nontypeable; nontypeable haemophilus; nthi; nthi infection; nuclear; number; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; oxidative; p300; p38; p65; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathway; patients; peripheral; persistent; phagocytosis; pneumoniae; primary; production; progression; protease; protein; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; receptor; reduced; related; release; remodeling; resistance; respiratory; response; results; review; rhinovirus; risk; role; secretion; severe; severity; siga; signaling; small; smoke; species; specific; sputum; stable; stimulation; strains; stress; studies; study; system; t cells; tc1; tgf; th2; tissue; tlr2; tlr4; tlrs; tnf; tobacco; toll; tract; transcription; treatment; tregs; vaccine; viral; viruses cache: cord-296585-yfh5d4io.txt plain text: cord-296585-yfh5d4io.txt item: #390 of 606 id: cord-296891-23xkaa19 author: Sahu, Govind Prasad title: Dynamics of an SEQIHRS epidemic model with media coverage, quarantine and isolation in a community with pre-existing immunity date: 2015-01-15 words: 6227 flesch: 44 summary: Ordinary Differential Equations Global stability of an SIR epidemic model with information dependent vaccination On the computation of R 0 and its role on global stability Dynamical models of tuberculosis and their applications On the dynamics of a two-strain influenza model with isolation Determining important parameters in the spread of malaria through the sensitivity analysis of a mathematical model The impact of media on the control of infectious diseases An SIS infection model incorporating media coverage When is quarantine a useful control strategy for emerging infectious diseases? Mathematical modeling has become an important tool in analyzing the spread and control of infectious diseases taking into account the main factors governing development of a disease, such as transmission and recovery rates. keywords: analysis; awareness; control; coverage; days; dfe; disease; dynamics; effective; endemic; epidemic; equilibrium; fig; free; immunity; impact; incidence; individuals; infected; infectious; influenza; isolation; level; mathematical; media; media coverage; model; negative; non; number; pandemic; parameters; population; positive; pre; proposed; public; quarantine; r c; rate; reproduction; respect; sars; section; sensitivity; spread; stability; state; system; table; theorem; transmission; use cache: cord-296891-23xkaa19.txt plain text: cord-296891-23xkaa19.txt item: #391 of 606 id: cord-297125-la20vi9j author: Brower, Jennifer L. title: The Threat and Response to Infectious Diseases (Revised) date: 2016-08-01 words: 12338 flesch: 40 summary: Slides: generics to push statin revenues down by $7B. Cardiovascular Business Fidaxomicin versus vancomycin for Clostridium Difficile infection Industrial production of β-lactam antibiotics Evidence linking arctic amplification to extreme weather in mid-latitudes Genetic identification of a hantavirus associated with an outbreak of acute respiratory illness The ecology and evolutionary history of an emergent disease: hantavirus pulmonary syndrome Impacts of biodiversity on the emergence and transmission of infectious diseases Increased avian diversity is associated with lower incidence of human West Nile infection: observation of the dilution effect Avian diversity and West Nile virus: testing associations between biodiversity and infectious disease risk Mapping of poverty and likely zoonoses hotspots Healthy animals, healthy people: zoonosis risk from animal contact in pet shops, a systematic review of the literature Emerging infectious diseases of wildlife-threats to biodiversity Tuberculosis in humans and animals: are we a threat to each other? CDC (2015) H5 viruses in the United States Human food safety not likely threatened by costly Avian Flu Economic impact of Avian Influenza Infectious disease, endangerment, and extinction Effects of environmental change on emerging parasitic diseases Patterns of gastrointestinal bacterial exchange between chimpanzees and humans involved in research and tourism in western Uganda Promoting childhood immunizations Measles activity in Canada Working Group on Measles Elimination (2004) According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), emerging infectious diseases are those whose incidence in humans has increased in the past two decades or threatens to increase in the near future keywords: acinetobacter; acute; addition; aids; american; animal; antibiotic; antimicrobial; approach; args; aureus; authors; available; bacteria; biological; canada; cases; cause; cdc; century; changes; children; china; clinical; clostridium; common; community; concentrations; concern; control; cost; countries; dangers; deadly; death; decades; defense; dengue; development; difficile; difficult; diseases; distribution; domestic; drug; early; ebola; economic; effective; effects; environment; epidemic; example; exemptions; exposure; factors; fda; federal; fever; fidaxomicin; following; general; genes; global; government; gram; half; health; hiv; hospital; human; impact; important; incidence; increased; india; individuals; industry; infected; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; infrastructure; instance; institutions; international; lack; large; leading; likely; lower; market; measles; medical; methicillin; microorganisms; mortality; new; nile; number; obama; observed; organisms; outbreak; outcomes; past; pathogens; patients; patterns; people; pharmaceutical; policies; policy; population; potential; president; prevention; primary; problem; production; public; public health; rates; recent; research; researchers; resistant; respiratory; response; review; risk; security; severe; sexual; short; significant; spread; staphylococcus; states; strains; studies; study; systems; threat; tourism; transmission; travel; treatment; trusted; tuberculosis; united; united states; use; vaccination; vaccine; vancomycin; virus; viruses; wastewater; water; west; widespread; wildlife; work; world; worldwide; years; zika cache: cord-297125-la20vi9j.txt plain text: cord-297125-la20vi9j.txt item: #392 of 606 id: cord-297669-22fctxk4 author: Proudfoot, Chris title: Genome editing for disease resistance in pigs and chickens date: 2019-06-25 words: 4555 flesch: 38 summary: CD163 consists of nine globular domains, organized like beads on a string, with domain 5 determined to mediate the key-lock interaction allowing viral entry into pig cells (Van Gorp et al., 2010) . Technical improvements in the generation of genome editing animals will undoubtedly reduce the cost implications of this technology. keywords: aminopeptidase; animals; approach; asfv; avian; biological; breeding; cd163; cells; chicken; circumstances; cloning; crispr; disease; dna; domestic; edited; editing; editors; et al; figure; function; generation; genetic; genome; genome editing; germ; host; important; infection; influenza; institute; livestock; locus; loss; major; pathogen; pigs; porcine; possible; potential; production; productivity; protein; prrsv; reagents; receptor; recipient; reproductive; research; resistance; respiratory; results; risk; selection; selective; severe; species; specific; studies; syndrome; target; technology; traits; use; viral; virus; wild cache: cord-297669-22fctxk4.txt plain text: cord-297669-22fctxk4.txt item: #393 of 606 id: cord-297840-z5l6vdsr author: Río, Francisco García title: Air Travel and Respiratory Disease date: 2007-02-28 words: 16168 flesch: 49 summary: Grupo Aula Médica Hypoxaemia during air travel in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Altitude exposures during aircraft flights: flying higher Oxygen concentrations in commercial aircraft flights Air travel and oxygen therapy in cardiopulmonary patients Air travel hypoxemia with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Servera Pieras E. El pulmón y los viajes en avión Oxygen supplementation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients during air travel Hypoxaemia in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients during a commercial flight Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company Air medical transport of cardiac patients Inflight arterial saturation: continuous monitoring by pulse oximetry Applied Respiratory Physiology Detection and correction of hypoxemia associated with air travel Altitude hypoxaemia and the arterial-toalveolar oxygen ratio Hypoxemia during air travel Changes in cardiac output during air ambulance repatriation Ventilation-perfusion inequality in normal humans during exercise at sea level and simulated altitude Limits of human lung function at high altitude Predicted gas exchange on the summit of Mt High altitude medicine and physiology. In other patients, in-flight hypoxemia should be estimated if they have a PaO 2 less than 70 mm keywords: acute; addition; affected; air; air travel; aircraft; airline; airport; altitude; analysis; arterial; assessment; authorities; available; blood; body; cabin; cardiac; case; challenge; changes; chronic; clinical; commercial; common; companies; company; conditions; contacts; continuous; control; copd; cystic; data; disease; disease patients; diving; dvt; effects; emergencies; environment; equations; evidence; exercise; exposure; factors; failure; feet; fev; fibrosis; figure; fio; flight; flight pao; flow; following; function; gas; general; greater; guidelines; health; heart; high; hours; hypobaric; hypoxemia; hypoxia; important; incidence; increase; index; individuals; infection; influenza; information; international; journey; length; level; limited; long; low; lower; lung; mask; measures; medical; min; necessary; nitrogen; number; obstructive; outbreak; oxygen; pao; passengers; patients; pio; plane; pneumothorax; positive; possible; presence; present; pressure; prior; problems; prophylactic; provision; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; recent; recommendations; reduction; respiratory; respiratory disease; response; results; risk; sars; series; severe; similar; situation; small; studies; study; subjects; supplementary; symptoms; syndrome; system; table; test; therapy; thoracic; thromboembolism; thrombosis; time; transmission; transport; travel; treatment; tuberculosis; use; venous; ventilation; virus; volume; vtd; water; weeks; weight; years; zone cache: cord-297840-z5l6vdsr.txt plain text: cord-297840-z5l6vdsr.txt item: #394 of 606 id: cord-297857-ybqj8z1r author: Petagna, L. title: Pathophysiology of Crohn’s disease inflammation and recurrence date: 2020-11-07 words: 6664 flesch: 31 summary: Regional ileitis Medical management of postoperative recurrence in Crohn's disease Ornidazole for prophylaxis of postoperative Crohn's disease recurrence: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Immunopathology of inflammatory bowel disease Chemokines in inflammatory bowel disease Intestinal inflammation: a complex interplay of immune and nonimmune cell interactions Interleukin-21 sustains inflammatory signals that contribute to sporadic colon tumorigenesis Ischemic preconditioning protects intestine from prolonged ischemia Immunopathogenesis of IBD: current state of the art IL-15 positively regulates IL-21 production in celiac disease mucosa Interleukin-34 sustains pro-tumorigenic signals in colon cancer tissue Inflammatory bowel disease position statement of the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery (SICCR): Crohn's disease Interleukin-25 production is differently regulated by TNF-α and TGF-β1 in the human gut TNF-alpha producing innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are increased in active celiac disease and contribute to promote intestinal atrophy in mice Targeting immune cell circuits and trafficking in inflammatory bowel disease Plasma cells in the mucosa of patients with inflammatory bowel disease produce granzyme B and possess cytotoxic activities Genome and pan-genome analysis to classify emerging bacteria Identification of city specific important bacterial signature for the MetaSUB CAMDA challenge microbiome data Integration of molecular features with clinical information for predicting outcomes for neuroblastoma patients Unraveling bacterial fingerprints of city subways from microbiome 16S gene profiles Antibiotic resistance and metabolic profiles as functional biomarkers that accurately predict the geographic origin of city metagenomics samples Application of machine learning techniques for creating urban microbial fingerprints Assessment of urban microbiome assemblies with the help of targeted in silico gold standards Darwinian selection of host and bacteria supports emergence of Lamarckian-like adaptation of the system as a whole P314 C-reactive protein is associated with depression and anxiety in patients with inflammatory bowel disease ECCO guidelines on therapeutics in Crohn's disease: medical treatment Impact of surgery on quality of life in Crohn's disease: short-and mid-term followup Systematic review with network meta-analysis: comparative efficacy and safety of budesonide and mesalazine (mesalamine) for Crohn's disease Antibiotic therapy in inflammatory bowel disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis Comparative effectiveness of Mesalamine, sulfasalazine, corticosteroids, and budesonide for the induction of remission in Crohnʼs disease Recomendaciones del Grupo Español de Trabajo en Enfermedad de Crohn y colitis Ulcerosa (GETECCU) sobre el uso de tiopurinas en la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal The safety and tolerability of methotrexate for treating patients with Crohnʼs disease Systematic review with network meta-analysis: the efficacy of anti-TNF agents for the treatment of Crohn's disease Vedolizumab for the treatment of Crohn's disease Ustekinumab in the management of Crohn's disease: expert opinion Evolution of surgery for Crohnʼs disease An appraisal of the long-term results of surgical treatment of regional ileitis Carcinoma complicating Crohn's disease Cancer in Crohn's disease after diversionary surgery Multi-omics integration for neuroblastoma clinical endpoint prediction Effect of resection margins on the recurrence of Crohn's disease in the small bowel Recurrent Crohn's disease and resection margins: bigger is not better Stricture-plasty for tubercular strictures of the gastro-intestinal tract Minimal surgery for chronic obstruction in patients with extensive or universal Crohn's disease Inflammatory bowel disease position statement of the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery (SICCR): ulcerative colitis A comprehensive review of Strictureplasty techniques in Crohn's disease: types, indications, comparisons, and safety Two surgical procedures for strictures at Finney Strictureplasty for small bowel Crohn's disease How I do it: side-to-side Isoperistaltic Strictureplasty for extensive Crohn's disease Postoperative change of mucosal inflammation at Strictureplasty segment in Crohn's disease: cytokine production and endoscopic and histologic findings Sideto-side Isoperistaltic Strictureplasty in extensive Crohn's disease Modified side-to-side Isoperistaltic Strictureplasty over the Ileocaecal valve: an alternative to Ileocaecal resection in extensive terminal Ileal Crohn's disease Michelassi II Strictureplasty for Crohnʼs disease Gastrointestinal cancer surgery and enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) during COVID-19 outbreak Minimal open access Ileocolic resection in complicated Crohn's disease of the terminal ileum Comparative study of laparoscopic vs open gastrectomy in gastric cancer management Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) position statement of the Italian Society of Colorectal Surgery (SICCR): general principles of IBD management Surgery for inflammatory bowel disease in the era of laparoscopy Laparoscopic versus open Ileo-colonic resection in Crohn's disease: shortand long-term results from a prospective longitudinal study Pathogenesis of postoperative recurrence in Crohn's disease Effect of faecal stream diversion on recurrence of Crohn's disease in the neoterminal ileum Early lesions of recurrent Crohn's disease caused by infusion of intestinal contents in excluded ileum Predictability of the postoperative course of Crohn's disease Ambulatory management of perianal Crohn's disease during the COVID-19 pandemic Early post-operative endoscopic recurrence in Crohn's disease patients: data from an Italian group for the study of inflammatory bowel disease (IG-IBD) study on a large prospective multicenter cohort Recomendaciones del Grupo Español de Trabajo en Enfermedad de Crohn y colitis Ulcerosa (GETECCU) Patients can develop one or more of these disease behavior and they often tend to evolve from inflammatory to penetrating or stricturing disease [25] . keywords: active; adhesion; affected; analysis; anastomosis; anti; antibody; antimesenteric; bowel; bowel disease; cd patients; cells; chronic; clinical; colitis; colon; complex; complications; crohn; crohnʼs; cytokines; different; disease; early; effects; end; endoscopic; expression; factors; fat; formation; functional; ibd; il-12; il-23; il-34; ileo; ileocolic; ileum; immune; immunity; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory bowel; innate; interaction; intestinal; involved; isoperistaltic; key; known; kono; ksa; lesions; like; management; mechanism; medical; mesentery; meta; microbial; migration; model; molecules; mucosa; multicenter; multiple; new; particular; pathogenesis; patients; por; postoperative; procedure; production; randomized; recurrence; remission; resection; response; responsible; results; review; risk; role; safety; second; segment; series; small; society; sssa; stenosis; strictureplasty; strictures; study; surgery; surgical; system; target; techniques; terms; tissue; tnf; treatment; trial cache: cord-297857-ybqj8z1r.txt plain text: cord-297857-ybqj8z1r.txt item: #395 of 606 id: cord-298372-4pw1y404 author: Koch, Lionel title: Natural outbreaks and bioterrorism: How to deal with the two sides of the same coin? date: 2020-08-18 words: 6210 flesch: 34 summary: Over the past ten years, epidemiological and mathematical modelling data were essential for risk characterisation and management during infectious disease outbreaks [92] but ironically, the rising power of AI systems will not erase the role of human experts [93] . The effect of control strategies to reduce social mixing on outcomes of the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan, China: a modelling study To what extent does evidence support decision making during infectious disease outbreaks? keywords: able; actions; africa; agent; alert; analysis; anthracis; attack; authorities; biological; bioterrorist; capabilities; care; case; china; common; complex; context; control; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; crisis; data; decision; detection; development; disease; disease outbreaks; early; ebola; effectiveness; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; events; evidence; example; experts; future; global; governmental; health; human; impact; infectious; infectious disease; influenza; information; intelligence; international; internet; investigation; knowledge; laboratory; management; measures; medical; monitoring; natural; natural outbreaks; new; non; outbreak; pandemic; pathogen; people; plague; population; potential; preparation; preparedness; process; programs; public; real; research; response; review; risk; sars; science; spread; strain; strategies; surveillance; system; technologies; threat; time; tools; transmission; unusual; use; vaccine; virus; way; west; years cache: cord-298372-4pw1y404.txt plain text: cord-298372-4pw1y404.txt item: #396 of 606 id: cord-299741-tbtlnv8b author: Massó Sagüés, Elena title: Risk of Introduction of Infectious Animal Diseases for Europe Based on the Health Situation of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula date: 2019-09-04 words: 5032 flesch: 47 summary: In the same way, there are countries without information available, for lack of declaration on the current health situation or underreporting of diseases outbreaks. key: cord-299741-tbtlnv8b authors: Massó Sagüés, Elena; Fernández-Carrión, Eduardo; Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Jose Manuel title: Risk of Introduction of Infectious Animal Diseases for Europe Based on the Health Situation of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula date: 2019-09-04 journal: Front Vet Sci DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00293 sha: doc_id: 299741 cord_uid: tbtlnv8b The current growth of the human population, the intensification of animal production, climate change or globalization favors an increase in the transmission of infectious diseases. keywords: affected; africa; analysis; animal; areas; available; avian; bluetongue; countries; country; culicoides; data; different; disease; disease j; dispersion; east; entry; european; european union; fever; foot; health; infectious; influenza; information; introduction; middle; model; mouth; movement; newcastle; outbreaks; pathogens; peninsula; possible; probability; respiratory; results; rift; risk; routes; study; survival; syndrome; transmission; transport; union; vector; vehicles; wild; wind; years cache: cord-299741-tbtlnv8b.txt plain text: cord-299741-tbtlnv8b.txt item: #397 of 606 id: cord-299828-fb84rtmx author: Joseph, Maxwell B. title: Taming wildlife disease: bridging the gap between science and management date: 2013-04-16 words: 6625 flesch: 24 summary: Simultaneously, wildlife disease management (WDM) presents opportunities for large‐scale empirical tests of disease ecology theory in diverse natural systems. Theoretical concepts that have received limited attention to date in wildlife disease management could provide a basis for improving management and advancing disease ecology in the future. keywords: academics; adaptive; antibiotic; application; approach; articles; biodiversity; brucellosis; cases; chronic; community; concepts; consequences; conservation; contact; control; criteria; cross; culling; cwd; data; deer; density; disease; disease ecology; dynamics; ecology; ecology theory; effective; effects; efforts; elk; environmental; epidemic; et al; evolution; example; extent; extinction; field; fig; framework; groups; help; host; immune; increase; individuals; infection; influence; information; instance; integration; interactions; interventions; likely; limited; literature; management; managers; models; multiple; objectives; outcomes; pathogen; persistence; population; predation; prevalence; probiotics; rates; research; resistance; results; review; risk; search; social; species; specific; strategies; studies; systematic; systems; table; target; terms; test; theoretical; theory; time; transmission; treatment; understanding; use; vaccination; vaccines; virulence; wdm; white; wildlife cache: cord-299828-fb84rtmx.txt plain text: cord-299828-fb84rtmx.txt item: #398 of 606 id: cord-300187-fr6tme32 author: Kearns, Shawn title: Infectious Hepatopathies in Dogs and Cats date: 2009-11-26 words: 5801 flesch: 31 summary: Disseminated infection and death have been reported in a single dog. 104, 105 In dogs, disseminated infection is most often associated with canine distemper, other infections including ehrlichiosis and immunosuppression, or vaccination with live attenuated vaccines. keywords: abscesses; acute; adult; affected; agent; animals; areas; aspergillosis; aspergillus; aspirate; associated; avium; bacterial; bile; blood; canine; canis; cases; cats; cells; changes; cholangiohepatitis; chronic; clinical; clinical signs; cns; common; complex; conditions; culture; cytology; definitive; diagnosis; disease; dissemination; dogs; domestic; environment; evidence; fatal; feline; findings; flow; geographic; granulomatous; helicobacter; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatozoon; histopathology; host; infected; infection; inflammation; ingestion; inhalation; involvement; kidney; life; liver; lungs; lymph; mononuclear; mycobacterium; necrosis; negative; new; nodes; organisms; organs; parasite; pcr; peritonitis; phase; primary; protozoal; puppies; renal; reported; result; secondary; serology; severe; signs; sites; skin; soil; species; spleen; spp; states; systemic; tachyzoites; testing; tick; tissue; toxoplasmosis; transmission; treatment; tuberculosis; tyzzer; use; viral; virus; young cache: cord-300187-fr6tme32.txt plain text: cord-300187-fr6tme32.txt item: #399 of 606 id: cord-300301-7amiljnm author: Clements, Bruce W. title: Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Disease Threats date: 2016-03-04 words: 6536 flesch: 45 summary: Institute of Medicine Human ebola outbreak resulting from direct exposure to fruit bats in Luebo, Democratic Republic of Congo Monitoring EU emerging infectious disease risk due to climate change Multistate point-prevalence survey of health careassociated infections Bats, emerging virus infections and the rabies paradigm Measles Cases Linked to Disneyland Rise, and Debate Over Vaccinations Intensifies Tracking the roots of a killer Possible role of an animal vector in the SARS outbreak at Amoy Gardens Climate, environmental and socio-economic change: weighing up the balance in vector-borne disease transmission Risk management of febrile respiratory illness in emergency departments West Nile virus in the United States-a historical perspective Fungal infections associated with contaminated methylprednisolone injections The Mosquito Solution Risk factors for human disease emergence. • Discuss the impact of emerging infectious diseases on public health preparedness. keywords: addition; africa; animals; areas; associated; avian; bacteria; bats; cases; causative; cdc; change; climate; commerce; community; contact; control; countries; deaths; development; disease; early; ebola; eids; emergency; epidemic; epidemiological; et al; europe; example; factors; fig; food; h1n1; health; healthcare; history; host; human; illness; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; infrastructure; international; investigation; isolation; large; low; management; measles; measures; medical; microbial; movement; new; nile; novel; number; organism; outbreak; pathogens; patients; people; population; poultry; prevalence; prevention; programs; public; public health; quarantine; rapid; reemerging; resistant; respiratory; response; result; risk; sick; source; spread; states; study; surveillance; systems; testing; threats; transmission; travel; united; vaccination; vaccine; vector; virus; viruses; west; world; york; zoonotic cache: cord-300301-7amiljnm.txt plain text: cord-300301-7amiljnm.txt item: #400 of 606 id: cord-300324-95fty9yi author: Ni Lochlainn, M. title: Key predictors of attending hospital with COVID19: An association study from the COVID Symptom Tracker App in 2,618,948 individuals date: 2020-04-29 words: 4273 flesch: 43 summary: It is possible that, in contrast to the diagnosis of diabetes, there was substantial underdiagnosis or poor recognition of pulmonary disease in patients with COVID-19 patients described in early Chinese cohort studies. In addition, it is becoming apparent that COVID-19 can cause acute kidney injury (AKI) in COVID-19, and this confers a worse prognosis: a Chinese prospective cohort study (n=701) reported that 44% and 27% of COVID-19 patients had proteinuria and haematuria on admission, respectively, with 5.1% of this cohort developed AKI during their hospital stay (38) . keywords: adults; age; app; april; asthma; available; bmi; characteristics; china; chronic; clinical; cohort; coronavirus; covid-19; covid19; data; diabetes; disease; existing; factors; groups; health; hospital; hospitalisation; individuals; infection; kidney; license; lung; medical; medrxiv; obesity; older; participants; patients; population; preprint; reporting; respiratory; review; risk; sars; self; severe; studies; study; support; symptoms; table; tracker; visit; wuhan cache: cord-300324-95fty9yi.txt plain text: cord-300324-95fty9yi.txt item: #401 of 606 id: cord-300605-gozt5aur author: Tambo, Ernest title: Acquired immunity and asymptomatic reservoir impact on frontline and airport ebola outbreak syndromic surveillance and response date: 2014-10-29 words: 6856 flesch: 23 summary: Technological advances in disease surveillance and detection that have benefited public health surveillance such as rapid, automated, and sensitive biosensors; portable sampling and assay systems; and DNA-based diagnostic tools remain to be adapted to track animal diseases. The different types of public health surveillance systems for early detection of outbreaks include: (1)Early warning systems in the region, disease control policies to restrict border crossings, as well as sales and accustomed consumption of bush meats, which have been ineffective implemented and sustained in diseases or outbreak surveillance and response. keywords: active; activities; addition; africa; airport; animal; approaches; associated; asymptomatic; cases; challenges; clinical; communication; communities; community; contact; containment; control; countries; current; data; detection; development; diagnostic; different; disease; disease outbreak; disease surveillance; dynamics; early; ebola; ebola outbreak; effective; effectiveness; efforts; environmental; epidemiological; exposure; factors; frontline; future; global; health; high; human; illness; immune; immunity; impact; indicators; infectious; infectious disease; information; infrastructure; international; interventions; investigation; laboratory; lack; limitations; local; low; media; methods; monitoring; national; number; order; outbreak; poor; population; potential; prevention; programs; prompt; public; public health; rapid; regional; reliable; reporting; research; reservoirs; response; response systems; risk; social; spot; spread; strategies; surveillance; surveillance response; surveillance systems; symptoms; syndrome; syndromic; syndromic surveillance; systems; timely; tools; transmission; virus; warning; web; west; world cache: cord-300605-gozt5aur.txt plain text: cord-300605-gozt5aur.txt item: #402 of 606 id: cord-300727-v3spbo5u author: Peterson, A. Townsend title: Biogeography of diseases: a framework for analysis date: 2008-03-05 words: 4424 flesch: 31 summary: Disease transmission systems have key differences from other sorts of biological phenomena: Interactions among species are particularly important, interactions may be stable or unstable, abiotic conditions may be relatively less important in shaping disease distributions, and dispersal abilities may be quite variable. key: cord-300727-v3spbo5u authors: Peterson, A. Townsend title: Biogeography of diseases: a framework for analysis date: 2008-03-05 journal: Naturwissenschaften DOI: 10.1007/s00114-008-0352-5 sha: doc_id: 300727 cord_uid: v3spbo5u A growing body of literature offers a framework for understanding geographic and ecological distributions of species; a few applications of this framework have treated disease transmission systems and their geography. keywords: abiotic; actual; africa; america; appropriate; areas; asia; biodiversity; biogeography; cases; circle; conditions; considerations; cycle; disease; dispersal; distributions; dynamics; ebola; ecological; ecology; endemic; epizootic; et al; events; evolution; example; fever; fig; filoviruses; framework; geographic; hosts; interactions; known; marburg; modeling; niche; nile; outbreaks; particular; pathogens; peterson; plague; potential; present; requirements; reservoirs; soberón; southern; species; studies; systems; time; transmission; tropical; understanding; unstable; virus; viruses; west; wnv; world; yellow cache: cord-300727-v3spbo5u.txt plain text: cord-300727-v3spbo5u.txt item: #403 of 606 id: cord-300793-tuq8z6gm author: Weiss, Robin A title: Social and environmental risk factors in the emergence of infectious diseases date: 2004 words: 5855 flesch: 41 summary: A better understanding of the evolving social dynamics of emerging infectious diseases ought to help us to anticipate and hopefully ameliorate current and future risks. Emerging infectious diseases in humans comprise the following: first, established diseases undergoing increased incidence or geographic spread, for example, Tuberculosis and Dengue fever; second, newly discovered infections causing known diseases, for example, hepatitis C and Helicobacter pylori; and third, newly emerged diseases, for example, HIV/AIDS and SARS. keywords: advent; africa; aids; america; animal; antibiotics; asia; avian; better; cattle; cells; century; change; close; contaminated; control; countries; cross; deaths; disease; drug; dynamics; east; ebola; ecology; emergence; environmental; epidemic; europe; example; factors; far; fever; forest; global; hantavirus; health; hepatitis; hiv; host; human; individuals; infected; infectious; infectious disease; influenza; like; live; living; long; major; malaria; measles; microbes; mortality; new; nile; nipah; outbreak; pandemic; past; pathogens; person; polio; political; populations; public; recent; reservoir; respiratory; rise; risk; sars; scale; smallpox; social; species; spread; states; sv40; syndrome; time; today; trade; transition; transmissible; transmission; travel; tuberculosis; twentieth; united; unknown; urban; vaccines; vcjd; vector; virus; viruses; west; world; years cache: cord-300793-tuq8z6gm.txt plain text: cord-300793-tuq8z6gm.txt item: #404 of 606 id: cord-300807-9u8idlon author: Tong, Joo Chuan title: 7 Infectious disease informatics date: 2013-12-31 words: 2437 flesch: 47 summary: In cases where the ancestry is unclear, sequence alignment methods can be used to infer their phylogenetic relationships. Upcoming challenges for multiple sequence alignment methods in the high-throughput era Founder effects in the assessment of HIV polymorphisms and HLA allele associations Prediction and entropy of printed English HLA class I restriction as a possible driving force for Chikungunya evolution Complete-proteome mapping of human infl uenza keywords: acid; alignment; amino; changes; characters; computational; deaths; diseases; distance; evolution; evolutionary; human; infectious; infl; information; lineages; measure; method; microbes; molecular; mutations; new; nucleotide; pathogens; positive; residue; selection; sequences; similarity; single; sites; strings; substitution; synonymous; uenza; virus; world cache: cord-300807-9u8idlon.txt plain text: cord-300807-9u8idlon.txt item: #405 of 606 id: cord-300969-a3zcggf2 author: Antolin, Michael F. title: EVOLUTION AND MEDICINE IN UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION: A PRESCRIPTION FOR ALL BIOLOGY STUDENTS date: 2012-02-06 words: 10214 flesch: 28 summary: Here, we frame key evolutionary concepts in terms of human health, so that biomedical examples may be more easily incorporated into evolution courses or more specialized courses on evolutionary medicine. Our message is that evolutionary medicine is an exciting and useful field that many of our students will need to understand and will find engaging, and that evolutionary biologists can actively connect evolutionary biology and the biomedical sciences. keywords: ability; adaptations; adaptive; affective; age; aging; alleles; animals; antibiotic; approach; associated; association; autism; bacteria; basic; biologists; biology; biomedical; box; brain; cancer; case; causes; cells; clear; common; compensatory; concepts; conditions; courses; curriculum; darwin; development; diet; different; disease; drug; early; education; effects; environment; et al; evolutionary; evolutionary biology; evolutionary medicine; examples; fever; fitness; flexner; future; generation; genes; genetic; genome; genomic; global; goal; growth; health; history; human; hypothesis; immune; important; individuals; infections; information; interactions; key; knowledge; learning; life; long; major; medical; medicine; microbes; modern; multiple; mutations; natural; nature; need; nesse; new; offs; omenn; organisms; pathogens; patients; phenotypic; physicians; populations; potential; practice; practitioners; premedical; principles; process; processes; psychotic; public; public health; questions; rapid; recent; related; report; reproductive; research; resistance; responses; result; risk; role; school; science; scientific; selection; social; specific; stearns; stone; strains; students; studies; study; success; susceptibility; symptoms; synthesis; theory; thinking; time; trade; training; traits; type; undergraduate; understanding; use; vaccine; variants; variation; view; virus; viruses; williams; work cache: cord-300969-a3zcggf2.txt plain text: cord-300969-a3zcggf2.txt item: #406 of 606 id: cord-301117-egd1gxby author: Barh, Debmalya title: In Silico Models: From Simple Networks to Complex Diseases date: 2013-11-15 words: 13767 flesch: 33 summary: Now that we have an idea on what in silico modeling of infectious diseases are generally based on, we will outline a better understanding of the parameters that are considered in most in silico disease models. These in silico models encode and test hypotheses about mechanisms underlying the function of cells, the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of disease, and contribute to identification of new drug targets and drug design. keywords: ability; addition; agent; aggregation; alzheimer; ambient; analysis; animal; applications; applied; approach; appropriate; available; basic; behavior; better; biochemical; bioinformatics; biological; biological systems; biology; biotechnology; blood; cancer; cell; cellular; challenge; characteristics; clinical; complete; complex; complexity; components; computational; concentration; conditions; constants; control; counts; cycle; data; design; development; different; differential; diffusion; discrete; disease; disease modeling; dna; drug; dynamics; effects; environmental; equations; et al; example; experimental; expression; factors; field; following; function; gene; genetic; genome; genomics; growth; healing; health; high; host; human; hybrid; hypotheses; immune; important; individual; infectious; infectious diseases; information; integrated; interactions; key; kinetics; knowledge; large; level; link; mass; mathematical; mathematical models; mechanisms; metabolic; methods; microenvironment; modeling; models; molecular; multiple; networks; neuronal; new; nucleation; number; organism; parameters; pathophysiology; pathways; possible; potential; predictions; process; processes; properties; protein; rate; reactions; regulation; regulatory; related; research; response; results; scale; science; set; signaling; silico; silico disease; silico infectious; silico modeling; simulation; skin; specific; stage; statistical; step; structure; studies; study; systems; systems biology; target; techniques; temporal; time; tissue; tools; transcriptional; transduction; treatment; triad; tuberculosis; tumor; types; understanding; use; values; variables; virtual; virus; vivo; website; wound cache: cord-301117-egd1gxby.txt plain text: cord-301117-egd1gxby.txt item: #407 of 606 id: cord-301479-dc1oyftd author: Koehlmoos, Tracey Pérez title: Global Health: Chronic Diseases and Other Emergent Issues in Global Health date: 2011-09-30 words: 7337 flesch: 40 summary: These increases in health risks are particularly critical for those most vulnerable: children younger than 5 years, infants, and the elderly. While urban settings offer many opportunities including access to better health care, they can affect existing health risks and introduce new health hazards. keywords: accidents; action; areas; bangladesh; burden; care; cause; change; children; chronic; chronic diseases; cities; climate; climate change; common; complex; conditions; control; countries; data; deaths; depression; developed; development; diabetes; disaster; diseases; disorders; drr; economic; effective; effects; elderly; factors; food; global; growth; health; heart; high; human; illness; impact; importance; income; increase; infectious; injuries; injury; international; interventions; issues; lack; leading; levels; likely; living; low; major; malaria; malnutrition; mental; mental health; migration; morbidity; mortality; nations; natural; ncds; noncommunicable; number; occupational; people; physical; policy; poor; population; poverty; prevalence; primary; problems; psychiatric; public; public health; rapid; reduction; regions; risk; road; study; systems; tobacco; traffic; united; urban; urbanization; use; vulnerable; water; world; year cache: cord-301479-dc1oyftd.txt plain text: cord-301479-dc1oyftd.txt item: #408 of 606 id: cord-301856-71syce4n author: Domínguez-Andrés, Jorge title: Impact of Historic Migrations and Evolutionary Processes on Human Immunity date: 2019-11-27 words: 8211 flesch: 26 summary: Genetic variants conferring resistance to the disease have spread through human populations over time, including several abnormal hemoglobins that protect against malaria but usually cause erythrocyte-associated diseases in the populations where these adaptations are prevalent. To assign changes in the genetic landscape of human populations to certain diseases is an extraordinary challenge. keywords: adaptations; african; agents; alleles; american; analysis; ancestors; ancestry; archaic; association; autoimmune; autoimmune diseases; bacteria; ccr5; cell; certain; changes; communities; continent; control; development; differences; different; different populations; diseases; disorders; diverse; dna; drift; effects; environmental; epigenetic; european; evolutionary; example; exposure; expression; factors; figure; functional; genes; genetic; genetic variants; genome; group; higher; history; hiv; hla; homo; host; human; human immune; human populations; ifn; immune; immune responses; immune system; immunity; impact; individuals; infected; infection; infectious diseases; inflammatory; inheritance; innate; large; like; loci; long; malaria; mechanisms; mice; modern; natural; new; nod2; number; offspring; organisms; origin; pathogens; patients; populations; positive; present; pressure; processes; protection; protein; receptor; regulatory; relative; resistance; responses; result; risk; role; selection; selective; species; spread; studies; study; survival; susceptibility; system; time; tlr1; toll; traits; transgenerational; tuberculosis; variants; variation; virus; viruses; world; years cache: cord-301856-71syce4n.txt plain text: cord-301856-71syce4n.txt item: #409 of 606 id: cord-302127-1abupl36 author: Vokó, Zoltán title: The effect of social distance measures on COVID-19 epidemics in Europe: an interrupted time series analysis date: 2020-06-11 words: 3200 flesch: 33 summary: key: cord-302127-1abupl36 authors: Vokó, Zoltán; Pitter, János György title: The effect of social distance measures on COVID-19 epidemics in Europe: an interrupted time series analysis date: 2020-06-11 journal: GeroScience DOI: 10.1007/s11357-020-00205-0 sha: doc_id: 302127 cord_uid: 1abupl36 Following the introduction of unprecedented “stay-at-home” national policies, the COVID-19 pandemic recently started declining in Europe. Our results allow for moderate optimism related to the gradual lifting of social distance measures in the general population, and call for specific attention to the protection of focal micro-societies enriching high-risk elderly subjects, including nursing homes and chronic care facilities. keywords: analysis; association; care; cases; centre; changepoint; closure; community; containment; control; countries; country; covid-19; daily; data; decline; disease; distance; distancing; effect; epidemic; european; facilities; google; homes; incidence; index; interventions; level; lifting; measures; mobility; models; national; new; period; poisson; policies; population; prevention; quartiles; regression; reports; response; social; spread; stata; team; threshold; time cache: cord-302127-1abupl36.txt plain text: cord-302127-1abupl36.txt item: #410 of 606 id: cord-302222-9ad0fw6z author: Monath, Thomas P. title: Vaccines against diseases transmitted from animals to humans: A one health paradigm date: 2013-11-04 words: 15731 flesch: 35 summary: The complexity, timeline, and cost of development of animal vaccines and the regulatory hurdles for product approval are far less than for human vaccines. As mentioned above, the regulatory pathway for animal vaccines is considerably simpler than for human vaccines [201] . keywords: abortion; addition; affected; africa; america; animal health; animals; approaches; approval; associated; attenuated; bacteria; bait; benefit; bovis; brucella; brucellosis; burgdorferi; canine; cases; cattle; cause; challenge; chimeric; clinical; coli; commercial; company; contact; control; cost; countries; cycle; delivery; developed; development; disease; distribution; diva; dogs; domestic; early; economic; effective; efficacy; efforts; emergence; encephalitis; encephalitis virus; epidemic; epidemiology; epizootic; equine; europe; examples; experimental; factors; fever; fever vaccines; fever virus; field; following; foxes; framework; gene; glycoprotein; health; hendra; hendra virus; high; horses; hosts; human; human disease; human health; human vaccine; illness; immunity; immunization; immunogenic; important; inactivated; incidence; industry; infected; infection; influenza; interventions; introduction; japanese; laboratory; large; live; livestock; long; lower; lyme; lyme disease; major; market; means; meat; mice; milk; model; mosquito; mp-12; multiple; new; nile; nile vaccine; nile virus; non; number; o157; oral; oral rabies; oral vaccination; ospa; outbreaks; potential; prevalence; prevention; problem; product; program; protection; protein; public; rabies; rabies vaccines; rabies virus; raccoon; rapid; recombinant; regulatory; research; reservoir; review; rift; rift valley; risk; role; safety; severe; sheep; single; skunks; source; south; species; spread; states; strain; strategy; studies; study; subtype; successful; table; tc-83; ticks; transmission; tuberculosis; united; use; v3526; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; vaccine development; vaccinia; valley; valley fever; vector; vee; venezuelan; veterinary; veterinary vaccines; virulent; virus; virus vaccine; viruses; west; west nile; wild; wildlife; world; yellow; zoonotic cache: cord-302222-9ad0fw6z.txt plain text: cord-302222-9ad0fw6z.txt item: #411 of 606 id: cord-302277-c66xm2n4 author: Bakaletz, Lauren O. title: Developing animal models for polymicrobial diseases date: 2004 words: 10914 flesch: 22 summary: After inoculation with influenza virus, the rate of RDC migration to the draining peribronchial lymph nodes increased, but this only occurred during the first 24 hours after virus infection. Ontario group A streptococcal study group Risk factors for invasive group A streptococcal infections in children with varicella: a casecontrol study Invasive group A streptococcal infections in children with varicella in Southern California Presence of specific viruses in the middle ear fluids and respiratory secretions of young children with acute otitis media Adenovirus infection enhances in vitro adherence of Streptococcus pneumoniae Effect of adenovirus type 1 and influenza A virus on Streptococcus pneumoniae nasopharyngeal colonization and otitis media in the chinchilla Reviews the evidence in support of the crucial role of a viral virulence factor in predisposing both the upper and lower respiratory tract to bacterial secondary infections Adenovirus serotype 1 does not act synergistically with Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis to induce otitis media in the chinchilla Comparison of alteration of cell surface carbohydrates of the chinchilla tubotympanum and colonial opacity phenotype of Streptococcus pneumoniae during experimental pneumococcal otitis media with or without an antecedent influenza A virus infection Effect of experimental influenza A virus infection on isolation of Streptococcus pneumoniae and other aerobic bacteria from the oropharynges of allergic and nonallergic adult subjects Prevalence of various respiratory viruses in the middle ear during acute otitis media Infectious exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease associated with respiratory viruses and non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae Impaired innate host defense causes susceptibility to respiratory virus infections in cystic fibrosis Modulation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa gene expression by host microflora through interspecies communication The herpesvirus-Porphyromonas gingivalis-periodontitis axis Herpesviral-bacterial interactions in aggressive periodontitis A mouse model of dual infection with influenza virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae Lethal synergism between influenza virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae: characterization of a mouse model and the role of plateletactivating factor receptor Role of neuraminidase in lethal synergism between influenza virus and Streptococcus pneumoniae A model of meningococcal bacteremia after respiratory superinfection in influenza A virus-infected mice The chinchilla superinfection model developed in this study was the first animal model to demonstrate conclusively the important role of the upper respiratory tract viruses Eustachian tube histopathology during experimental influenza keywords: ability; actinomycetemcomitans; acute; addition; adenovirus; adherence; aeruginosa; albicans; animal; animal models; arthritis; bacterial; bacterial co; biofilms; bronchiseptica; burgdorferi; candida; candidiasis; cavity; cell; children; chinchilla; chronic; clinical; colonization; common; complex; cytokines; development; different; disease; dual; ear; effect; experimental; expression; factor; fig; flora; form; formation; haemophilus; hbv; hcv; helminth; hepatitis; hiv; host; human; iav; immune; immunosuppression; important; individuals; induced; infected; infection; inflammatory; influenza; innate; inoculation; interactions; leukotoxin; loss; lyme; malaria; mansoni; measles; mechanisms; media; methods; mice; microorganisms; middle; mixed; model; molecular; mortality; mouse; multiple; multocida; murine; new; non; nthi; oral; otitis; parasite; pathogenesis; pathogens; patients; periodontal; periodontal disease; periodontitis; peritonitis; phenotypic; pigs; plaque; plasmodium; pneumococcal; pneumoniae; polymicrobial; polymicrobial diseases; porcine; production; rats; replication; reproductive; respiratory; response; results; risk; role; rsv; schistosoma; sepsis; severe; significant; species; specific; spp; strains; streptococcus; studies; study; susceptibility; switch; syndrome; synergistic; systems; tissue; tract; type; upper; vaginal; variants; viral; virulence; virus; virus infection; viruses; vivo; yeast cache: cord-302277-c66xm2n4.txt plain text: cord-302277-c66xm2n4.txt item: #412 of 606 id: cord-302435-6nrfipz8 author: Jay, Taylor R. title: TREM2 in Neurodegenerative Diseases date: 2017-08-02 words: 21802 flesch: 44 summary: How TREM2 variants affect TREM2 expression is a topic currently under investigation. It may be that TREM2 variants also alter TREM2 expression in distinct ways. keywords: activation; ad mouse; ad patients; ad risk; adaptor; addition; alternative; alzheimer; amyloid; analysis; apoe; apoptotic; associate; association; beta; binding; biological; biomarkers; blood; bone; brain; carriers; cases; cells; cells-2; changes; chemotaxis; clear; clearance; clinical; cns; cognitive; colleagues; complex; components; confer; context; controls; correlate; csf; cultured; dap12; data; decreased; deficient; degeneration; dementia; demyelination; dendritic; dependent; differences; different; differentiation; disease; disease risk; disease trem2; distinct; diverse; domain; downstream; early; ectodomain; effects; elevated; enhanced; evidence; exon; expression; factor; family; fig; findings; fluid; form; frontotemporal; ftd; function; genes; genetic; hakola; heterozygous; high; higher; human; identification; immune; impact; impaired; important; increase; individuals; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibitory; injury; innate; insight; intracellular; itam; known; late; length; levels; ligands; like; likely; lines; lipid; loss; lps; macrophages; matter; mechanisms; mediate; membrane; mice; microglia; models; molecular; molecules; monocytes; mouse; mrna; multiple; mutations; myeloid; myeloid cells; nasu; ndds; necessary; network; neurodegenerative; neuronal; new; non; novel; number; onset; osteoclast; parkinson; pathogenesis; pathologies; pathology; pathways; patients; phagocytic; phagocytosis; phenotype; plaques; plosl; population; possible; production; progression; proliferation; protein; r47h; rare; recent; receptor; recognition; reduced; regulation; response; result; risk; role; sclerosis; signaling; significant; site; soluble; soluble trem2; specific; splice; splicing; stimuli; studies; study; substrates; support; surface; survival; synaptic; system; t66; tau; therapeutics; tissue; transcription; trem-2; trem2; trem2 deficient; trem2 expression; trem2 function; trem2 levels; trem2 protein; trem2 signaling; trem2 trem2; trem2 variants; type; understanding; upregulated; uptake; variants; vitro; vivo; y38c cache: cord-302435-6nrfipz8.txt plain text: cord-302435-6nrfipz8.txt item: #413 of 606 id: cord-302925-6us88smz author: McFee, Robin B. title: Travel-related illness date: 2013-12-31 words: 1053 flesch: 34 summary: UNWTO tourism highlights Travel-associated illness Trends and Clusters Health problems after travel to developing countries Spectrum of disease and relation to place of exposure among ill returned travelers The role of the traveler in emerging infections and magnitude of travel Knowledge, attitudes and practices in travel-related infectious diseases: the European airport survey Epidemiology of travel-related hospitalization Severe respiratory syndromes: travel history matters Infectious diseases of potential risk for travelers. key: cord-302925-6us88smz authors: McFee, Robin B. title: Travel-related illness date: 2013-12-31 journal: Disease-a-Month DOI: 10.1016/j.disamonth.2013.10.005 sha: doc_id: 302925 cord_uid: 6us88smz nan International travel, the expansion of transnational business enterprises, growing reliance on imported goods, including food, all continue to raise the likelihood that infectious diseases, as well as the vectors that spread them, will enter the United States, remain, and pose significant public health challenges. keywords: care; coronavirus; diseases; endemic; food; health; history; illness; illnesses; important; infectious; international; middle; resources; respiratory; sars; severe; spread; symptoms; tourism; travel; travelers cache: cord-302925-6us88smz.txt plain text: cord-302925-6us88smz.txt item: #414 of 606 id: cord-303165-ikepr2p2 author: Tulchinsky, Theodore H. title: Expanding the Concept of Public Health date: 2014-10-10 words: 33923 flesch: 39 summary: In 1920, C. E. A. Winslow, professor of public health at Yale University, defined public health as follows: Public health is the Science and Art of (1) preventing disease, (2) prolonging life, and (3) Winslow's far-reaching definition remains a valid framework but is unfulfilled when clinical medicine and public health have financing and management barriers between them. The evolution of concepts of public health will have to address these new challenges of population health. keywords: 1960s; access; achievements; action; activities; adequate; advances; advocacy; affected; agencies; agent; aids; allocation; alma; application; approach; appropriate; areas; associated; ata; attention; available; awareness; basic; behavior; benefits; best; better; better health; biological; box; broad; cancer; capacity; cardiovascular; care services; care systems; case; causes; centers; central; centuries; century; challenges; change; chapter; child health; children; chronic; cities; clinical; common; communities; community health; complications; comprehensive; concept; concern; conditions; consumer; context; control; copc; cost; countries; country; coverage; current; death; decades; determinants; developed; development; diabetes; different; direct; disease; distribution; drug; early; economic; education; effective; effectiveness; effects; efforts; elements; emphasis; environment; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; essential; europe; european; evidence; example; factors; failure; family; financing; focus; follow; food; function; fundamental; funding; general; global; goals; good; government; great; greater; groups; health action; health care; health education; health field; health inequalities; health insurance; health intervention; health issues; health needs; health organization; health planning; health policy; health practice; health problems; health promotion; health services; health status; health systems; health targets; healthy; heart; help; high; higher; hiv; hospital; host; human; illness; immunization; impact; implementation; important; improved; income; increase; individual; individual health; industrialized; inequalities; infant; infectious; information; international; intervention; key; knowledge; large; leadership; leading; legislation; levels; life; limited; living; local; long; low; major; management; market; maternal; measures; medical; medical care; medicine; methods; modern; morbidity; mortality; movement; national health; nations; natural; needs; new; new public; nineteenth; non; nutrition; objectives; occupational health; opposition; order; organizations; organized; ottawa; paradigm; patient; patterns; people; percent; personal; personal health; physical; planning; policies; policy; political; poor; population; population health; potential; poverty; practices; prevention; primary; primary care; primary health; priorities; priority; private; process; professional; programs; progress; protection; providing; provision; public health; public policy; quality; raising; range; rates; recent; recognition; reduction; reform; regional; report; research; resources; responsibility; result; rights; risk; risk factors; role; safety; salt; sanitation; sciences; scientific; screening; secondary; self; set; setting; smoking; social; societal; societies; society; special; specific; specific health; spread; standards; state; strong; successful; supply; support; targets; technology; terms; time; transition; transmission; treatment; twentieth; universal health; usa; use; vaccination; vaccine; vital; water; way; wide; women; workers; working; world; world health; years cache: cord-303165-ikepr2p2.txt plain text: cord-303165-ikepr2p2.txt item: #415 of 606 id: cord-303192-il3s8lgp author: Tam, Lai‐Shan title: Care for patients with rheumatic diseases during COVID‐19 pandemic: A position statement from APLAR date: 2020-05-27 words: 1801 flesch: 20 summary: Rheumatologists need to be vigilant in preventing rheumatic disease patients from contracting the disease during this pandemic, especially patients with chronic lung problems (eg scleroderma with lung fibrosis) and chronic kidney disease (eg lupus nephritis) and those on high-dose glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants (Appendix 1). 6 Globally the quality of evaluation, monitoring and treatment of comorbidities in rheumatic disease patients is variable with considerable scope for improvement. keywords: acute; anti; aplar; china; chinese; chronic; clinical; comorbidities; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; disease; drugs; effective; evidence; guidance; hydroxychloroquine; il-6; immunosuppressive; infection; inflammatory; kidney; lung; non; patients; pneumonia; potential; respiratory; review; rheumatic; rheumatologists; rheumatology; risk; sars; severe; steroidal; syndrome; tocilizumab; treatment; use cache: cord-303192-il3s8lgp.txt plain text: cord-303192-il3s8lgp.txt item: #416 of 606 id: cord-303557-bbbq6ylr author: Tong, Michael Xiaoliang title: China's capacity of hospitals to deal with infectious diseases in the context of climate change date: 2018-04-16 words: 4678 flesch: 41 summary: key: cord-303557-bbbq6ylr authors: Tong, Michael Xiaoliang; Hansen, Alana; Hanson-Easey, Scott; Xiang, Jianjun; Cameron, Scott; Liu, Qiyong; Liu, Xiaobo; Sun, Yehuan; Weinstein, Philip; Han, Gil-Soo; Bi, Peng title: China's capacity of hospitals to deal with infectious diseases in the context of climate change date: 2018-04-16 journal: Soc Sci Med DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.04.021 sha: doc_id: 303557 cord_uid: bbbq6ylr OBJECTIVES: Infectious diseases are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in China. keywords: anhui; capacity; care; cases; cdc; change; china; climate; climate change; clinical; commission; concerned; control; dengue; development; diagnosis; diseases; et al; fever; health; hfrs; hospitals; impact; important; incidence; increase; infectious; infectious diseases; level; likely; malaria; management; national; participants; perceptions; population; prevention; professionals; province; public; renal; reported; rural; staff; study; support; syndrome; system; table; tong; transmission; treatment; years cache: cord-303557-bbbq6ylr.txt plain text: cord-303557-bbbq6ylr.txt item: #417 of 606 id: cord-303700-rrwy3osd author: Neiderud, Carl-Johan title: How urbanization affects the epidemiology of emerging infectious diseases date: 2015-06-24 words: 7087 flesch: 47 summary: Even if it is not always the urban population who is at the front of new encounters with wildlife, it can still have an effect on urban health. The rapid influx of residents is however not universal and the developed countries are already urban, but the big rise in urban population in the next 30 years is expected to be in Asia and Africa. keywords: africa; areas; asia; better; burden; care; cases; centres; century; certain; challenges; cities; city; community; conditions; control; countries; dengue; density; different; diseases; ebola; environment; epidemic; example; facilities; factors; global; growth; health; high; hiv; host; housing; human; immunization; impact; important; income; infectious; infectious diseases; international; knowledge; lack; large; live; living; local; major; malaria; migrants; need; new; overall; people; poor; population; potential; public; rapid; residents; rise; risk; role; rural; safe; sanitation; sars; services; settings; settlements; slums; social; spread; studies; surveillance; transmission; travel; tuberculosis; united; urban; urban population; urbanization; vector; virus; water; west; world; worldwide; zoonotic cache: cord-303700-rrwy3osd.txt plain text: cord-303700-rrwy3osd.txt item: #418 of 606 id: cord-304343-m7tbdfri author: Khandia, Rekha title: A Comprehensive Review of Autophagy and Its Various Roles in Infectious, Non-Infectious, and Lifestyle Diseases: Current Knowledge and Prospects for Disease Prevention, Novel Drug Design, and Therapy date: 2019-07-03 words: 20405 flesch: 25 summary: Autophagic degradation of inhibitor of apoptosis dBruce controls DNA fragmentation during late oogenesis in Drosophila Suppression of T cell autophagy results in decreased viability and function of T cells through accelerated apoptosis in a murine sepsis model Combination of TRAIL and Chal-24 synergistically induces autophagy-mediated apoptosis in lung cancer cells Induction of autophagy-dependent necroptosis is required for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells to overcome glucocorticoid resistance FADD and caspase-8 control the outcome of autophagic signaling in proliferating T cells Identification of small molecule inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and autophagy Fas-associated death domain (FADD) is a negative regulator of T-cell receptor-mediated necroptosis Caspase inhibition prevents tumor necrosis factor-α-induced apoptosis and promotes necrotic cell death in mouse hepatocytes in vivo and in vitro An ursolic acid derived small molecule triggers cancer cell death through hyperstimulation of macropinocytosis L929 cells depends on autocrine production of TNFα mediated by the PKC-MAPKs-AP-1 pathway The sirtuin family, therapeutic targets to treat diseases of aging Antineoplastic activity of the cytosolic FoxO1 results from autophagic cell death RIP3, a molecular switch for necrosis and inflammation Knockout of Atg5 inhibits proliferation and promotes apoptosis of DF-1 cells The autophagy machinery controls cell death switching between apoptosis and necroptosis Sorafenib-induced defective autophagy promotes cell death by necroptosis NAD+ depletion triggers macrophage necroptosis, a cell death pathway exploited by Mycobacterium tuberculosis ADP-ribose) polymerase 1, PARP1, modifies EZH2 and inhibits EZH2 histone methyltransferase activity after DNA damage Receptor interacting protein kinase-3 determines cellular necrotic response to TNF-alpha AMP-activated protein kinase, an emerging drug target to regulate imbalances in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism to treat cardio-metabolic diseases Role of AMPK-mTOR-Ulk1/2 in the regulation of autophagy: Cross talk, shortcuts, and feedbacks ATM signals to TSC2 in the cytoplasm to regulate mTORC1 in response to ROS Autophagy recognizes intracellular Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium in damaged vacuoles Listeria monocytogenes ActA is a key player in evading autophagic recognition Interactions between Shigella flexneri and the autophagy machinery NOD proteins: Regulators of inflammation in health and disease Similarly, components were found to be degraded by autophagy during developmental apoptosis [185] , whilst it was recently shown that inhibiting autophagy increased apoptosis and accelerated mortality in murine sepsis models with inadequate autophagy pathways in CD4 + T cells, indicating that autophagy has a functional role against apoptosis and immunosuppression in T cells in sepsis [186] . keywords: -atpase; accumulation; acid; activation; activity; addition; agents; aggregates; akt; alzheimer; amino; ampk; anti; antigen; antiviral; apoptosis; apoptotic; association; atg12; atg16l1; atg5; atg7; atg8; autoimmune; autophagosome; autophagy; autophagy autophagy; autophagy genes; autophagy protein; autosis; bacterial; bafilomycin; basal; beclin; binding; biogenesis; brain; breast; cancer; cancer cells; cardiac; cell death; cells; cellular; cellular autophagy; chaperone; chloroquine; class; clearance; cma; colorectal; complex; compounds; conditions; conserved; control; crohn; damage; danon; death; defective; defects; defense; deficient; degradation; degraded; dependent; derivatives; development; different; differentiation; disease; disorders; dna; domain; drug; dysfunction; early; effects; elegans; endoplasmic; epithelial; essential; excessive; exhibit; expression; factor; family; ferritin; figure; formation; functions; fusion; genes; genetic; growth; health; heart; hepatitis; hepatocytes; high; higher; hiv; homeostasis; host; human; huntington; hydroxychloroquine; ifn; iii; immune; immunity; important; increase; induced; induction; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; inhibit; inhibition; inhibitors; initiation; innate; insulin; interaction; intracellular; involved; iron; key; kinase; knockdown; knockout; lamp-2a; lc3; levels; like; line; lipid; liver; long; loss; lysosomal; lysosome; machinery; macroautophagy; macrophages; major; mammalian; maturation; mechanisms; membrane; metabolism; mhc; mice; mitochondrial; mitophagy; model; modulates; molecular; molecules; mouse; mtor; multiple; mutations; necroptosis; necrosis; negative; neurodegeneration; neuronal; neurons; non; normal; novel; numerous; nutrient; obesity; organelles; oxidative; p62; parkinson; patent; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathological; pathway; patients; peptide; physiological; pi3k; positive; potential; presentation; prevents; process; processes; production; progression; proliferation; promote; protein; rapamycin; receptor; reduced; regulation; regulators; related; replication; research; resistance; response; reticulum; review; rna; role; salmonella; selective; selective autophagy; signaling; small; stages; starvation; stimulated; strategies; stress; studies; substrate; suppresses; suppression; survival; synuclein; system; targeting; targets; therapeutic; therapy; treatment; trehalose; tuberculosis; tumor; tumorigenesis; type; ubiquitin; unfolded; uvrag; vacuolar; vacuoles; vesicles; viral; virus; viruses; vivo; yeast cache: cord-304343-m7tbdfri.txt plain text: cord-304343-m7tbdfri.txt item: #419 of 606 id: cord-304455-z5n9ys86 author: Murray, Jillian title: Infectious Disease Surveillance date: 2017-12-31 words: 5470 flesch: 39 summary: Infectious disease surveillance is an important epidemiological tool to monitor the health of a population. The goals of infectious disease surveillance are threefold: (1) to describe the current burden and epidemiology of disease, (2) to monitor trends, and (3) to identify outbreaks and new pathogens. keywords: active; aggregate; burden; care; cases; cdc; clinical; community; control; countries; country; critical; data; definition; disease; ebola; example; facilities; facility; global; health; hospital; impact; important; incidence; individuals; infectious; influenza; information; international; interventions; laboratory; level; measles; medical; mobile; monitoring; national; network; notifiable; number; ongoing; online; outbreak; passive; pathogens; patients; population; public; reports; resources; response; sensitive; sentinel; severe; sites; specific; studies; surveillance; syndromic; system; time; trends; use; vaccination; vaccine cache: cord-304455-z5n9ys86.txt plain text: cord-304455-z5n9ys86.txt item: #420 of 606 id: cord-304549-e8q8mck4 author: Holgate, Stephen T. title: Genetic and environmental interaction in allergy and asthma()() date: 2005-11-02 words: 4710 flesch: 35 summary: A genome-wide search for asthma susceptibility loci in ethnically diverse populations Genetic influences of chromosome 5q31-q33 and 11q13 on specific IgE responsiveness to common inhaled allergens among African American families: Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Asthma Genome-wide search for asthma susceptibility loci in a founder population A genome-wide search for linkage to asthma: German Asthma Genetics Group Report on the Working Group on Phenotype Approaches Workshop on Genetics of Asthma: methodological approaches Promoter polymorphisms in the chromosome 5 gene cluster in asthma and atopy Common polymorphisms in the coding part of the IL-4-receptor gene Ileu50Val variant of IL-4a upregulates IgE synthesis and associates with atopic asthma The polymorphisms S530P and Q576R in the interleukin-4 receptor * gene are associated ith atopy and influence signal transduction Effect of allergy associated mutation in human IL-4RA (Q576R) on human IL-4 induced signal transduction This has been further strengthened by the findings in a recent 11,688 Danish twin pairs with use of additive and genetic and nonshared environmental modeling that 73% of asthma susceptibility was genetic and a substantial part of the variation liability of asthma was the result of environmental factors. keywords: affected; airway; allergic; allergy; analysis; association; asthma; atopic; atopy; basis; bhr; binding; bronchial; candidate; case; cells; children; chromosome; chronic; clinical; common; complex; cyst; dietary; different; disease; disorders; effect; enhanced; environmental; epithelial; example; expression; factors; families; fatty; function; genes; genetic; genome; high; human; ige; il-4; inflammation; inflammatory; inheritance; large; leukotriene; levels; linkage; lung; mutations; patients; phenotype; polymorphisms; population; production; promoter; receptor; region; related; remodeling; response; risk; score; serum; specific; studies; study; susceptibility; synthase; total; transcription; twins cache: cord-304549-e8q8mck4.txt plain text: cord-304549-e8q8mck4.txt item: #421 of 606 id: cord-304720-0lgup7yj author: Robbins, R.C. title: Swine Diseases and Disorders date: 2014-08-21 words: 12875 flesch: 41 summary: A postmortem examination, or necropsy, of affected pigs should occur last. Bacteriologic isolation of a β-hemolytic strain of E. coli from affected pigs with meningoencephalitis is not sufficient for a diagnosis. keywords: abortion; acute; addition; administration; affected; age; animal; antibiotics; antibody; antimicrobial; appearance; autogenous; available; bacterial; blood; brain; breeding; causes; chronic; clinical; clinical signs; coli; commercial; common; contaminated; control; cpa; culture; days; death; diagnosis; diarrhea; disease; disorders; dyspnea; early; economic; edema; effective; elisa; enteritis; eradication; erysipelas; estrus; et al; examination; exposure; facilities; failure; farrowing; feed; feeding; females; fetal; fetuses; fever; finish; finishing; fluid; form; formalin; gilts; gram; gross; groups; grow; growth; health; herd; high; histopathologic; history; hps; ihc; immunity; infected; infection; intestinal; isolation; joint; lameness; large; lesions; lethargy; like; limited; live; low; lung; lymph; moderate; morbidity; mortality; mummies; mycoplasma; nasal; necropsy; neonatal; normal; nursery; onset; oral; pathogenesis; pcr; pcv2; performance; period; phase; piglets; pigs; pneumonia; porcine; positive; postmortem; postweaning; presence; present; prevalence; prevention; production; prrs; prv; rate; reduced; reproductive; respiratory; response; result; review; salmonella; samples; secondary; sensitive; serum; severity; signs; skin; small; sows; species; specific; states; stillbirths; strains; suckling; sufficient; suis; surface; swine; syndrome; system; table; testing; time; tissue; toxin; transmission; treatment; type; united; vaccination; vaccines; variable; virus; vitamin; water; weeks cache: cord-304720-0lgup7yj.txt plain text: cord-304720-0lgup7yj.txt item: #422 of 606 id: cord-304961-w0pm33fs author: Riad, Abanoub title: The Alarming Burden of Non‐Communicable Diseases in COVID‐19 New Normal: Implications on Oral Health date: 2020-06-18 words: 845 flesch: 34 summary: (Cullinan et al., 2009; Yao et al., 2014) Oral diseases and major NCDs share common etiological factors, chronicity mechanisms, and control requirements, implying that the burden of oral diseases may unprecedentedly increase. While navigating through the post‐outbreak era, we aim to demonstrate the importance of continuous global focus on the burden of non‐communicable diseases (NCDs) such as oral diseases. keywords: burden; chronic; common; control; covid-19; dental; diseases; factor; global; health; increase; interventions; ncds; oral; outbreak; risk; services cache: cord-304961-w0pm33fs.txt plain text: cord-304961-w0pm33fs.txt item: #423 of 606 id: cord-305195-e41yfo89 author: Rainwater-Lovett, Kaitlin title: Viral Epidemiology: Tracking Viruses with Smartphones and Social Media date: 2016-02-12 words: 6164 flesch: 30 summary: Expanded access to the Internet and social media has revolutionized outbreak detection and viral disease surveillance by providing novel sources of data in real time (Chunara, 2012) . Investigation into the spatiotemporal dynamics of viral diseases at smaller spatial scales has become ProMED, the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases, is an Internet-based reporting system established in 1994 that compiles information on outbreaks of infectious diseases affecting humans, animals, and food plants. keywords: activity; advances; agent; analysis; animal; approaches; available; better; cases; changes; chapter; contact; control; data; dengue; different; disease; dynamics; early; ebola; environmental; epidemiological; epidemiology; evolutionary; example; exposure; factors; figure; global; google; health; high; hiv; host; human; immune; immunity; impact; incidence; individuals; infection; influenza; information; internet; interventions; key; large; long; measles; media; methods; models; movement; networks; new; nile; number; outbreaks; patterns; period; population; potential; processes; reports; response; risk; satellite; scales; sequencing; social; sources; spatial; spread; states; strains; studies; study; surveillance; systems; technologies; temporal; time; traditional; transmission; trends; united; viral; viral infections; virus; viruses; west cache: cord-305195-e41yfo89.txt plain text: cord-305195-e41yfo89.txt item: #424 of 606 id: cord-305299-vbhilmve author: Santos, C. Sieiro title: Determinants of COVID-19 disease severity in patients with underlying rheumatic disease date: 2020-07-27 words: 2944 flesch: 37 summary: Studies including inflammatory rheumatic disease patients with COVID-19 are still limited; however, we hope these data can shed some light as to know which of the factors may be associated with an increased mortality. Rheumatic patients should be given special attention regarding COVID-19 infection due to their immunocompromised state resulting from their underlying immune conditions and use of targeted immune-modulating therapies. keywords: abnormalities; activity; admission; age; arthritis; cases; characteristics; comorbidities; covid-19; diabetes; diagnosis; disease; dyslipidaemia; factors; higher; hospital; hydroxychloroquine; hypertension; infection; inflammatory; interstitial; iqr; lung; median; mortality; patients; results; rheumatic; rheumatic disease; sars; serum; severity; studies; study; symptoms; systemic; tocilizumab; treatment; underlying; use cache: cord-305299-vbhilmve.txt plain text: cord-305299-vbhilmve.txt item: #425 of 606 id: cord-305327-hayhbs5u author: Gonzalez, Jean-Paul title: Global Spread of Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses: Predicting Pandemics date: 2017-09-19 words: 10217 flesch: 34 summary: The smallpox pandemic of Smallpox: 12,000 years from plagues to eradication: a dermatologic ailment shaping the face of society Strategies for mitigating an influenza pandemic Dengue, urbanization and globalization: the unholy trinity of the 21st century SARS: an emerging global microbial threat Predicting epidemic risk from past temporal contact data Ebola control: effect of asymptomatic infection and acquired immunity Shedding of Ebola virus in an asymptomatic pregnant woman Understanding the emergence of Ebola virus disease in sierra leone: stalking the virus in the threatening wake of emergence Perspectives on West Africa Ebola virus disease outbreak Aedes alpobictus and the world trade in used tires, 1988-1995: the shape of things to come? Men, primates, and germs: an ongoing affair Seewis virus: phylogeography of a Shrew-Borne hantavirus in Siberia Coevolution of rodent and viruses: arenaviruses and hantaviruses The arenavirus and rodent coevolution process: a global view of a theory Bats worldwide carry hepatitis E virus-related viruses that form a putative novel genus within the family Hepeviridae VHF such as Ebola Virus Disease, Lassa fever, Rift Valley fever, or Marburg virus disease are highly contagious and deadly diseases, with potential to become pandemics. keywords: account; africa; america; analysis; animal; approach; area; arthropod; asia; available; biosurveillance; cases; century; characteristics; climate; clinical; collection; contact; continents; control; countries; cycle; data; dengue; density; denv; detection; development; different; disease; dispersion; distribution; early; ebola; ebola virus; emergence; emerging; endemic; environmental; epidemic; epidemic risk; epidemiological; epidemiology; europe; evd; events; example; expansion; exposure; factors; fever; future; genomic; geographical; gis; global; hantaviruses; hazard; health; hemorrhagic; high; historical; host; house; human; impact; important; individuals; infected; infectious; influenza; information; international; known; large; late; level; limited; local; long; major; management; mechanisms; millennium; modeling; models; monitoring; mosquito; multiple; natural; necessary; needs; new; observed; outbreak; pandemic; pandemic risk; past; pathogen; people; period; plague; political; population; potential; preparedness; presence; present; prevention; public; rate; real; relationships; reservoir; response; risk; rodent; security; severe; smallpox; south; space; spatial; species; spread; syndrome; systems; threat; time; tools; transmission; transportation; understanding; vector; vhf; viral; virus; virus disease; viruses; vulnerability; warning; western; world; worldwide; years; yellow cache: cord-305327-hayhbs5u.txt plain text: cord-305327-hayhbs5u.txt item: #426 of 606 id: cord-305501-srq1bo2v author: Fèvre, Eric M. title: Animal movements and the spread of infectious diseases date: 2006-02-07 words: 4941 flesch: 40 summary: [62] , and similar data could be crucial to understand animal disease risks. Detailed guidelines have also been developed by the World Conservation Union (IUCN) to minimize disease risks associated with the intentional movement of wildlife for conservation or game management purposes: for example, the supplementation of populations, reintroduction of endangered species, removal of problem animals and the release of confiscated animals [4] ( Table 1) . keywords: addition; africa; animal; animal movements; areas; britain; btb; canine; case; cattle; contact; control; countries; culling; data; disease; disease risks; dogs; domestic; emergence; epidemic; epidemiology; example; farm; fmd; foot; free; global; health; high; humans; important; importation; infected; infectious; international; introduction; island; key; large; legislation; leishmaniasis; livestock; long; major; markets; measures; mouth; movements; new; parasite; pathogens; pets; population; products; public; rabies; range; recent; regulations; result; risks; role; somalia; species; spread; trade; translocation; transmission; understanding; unregulated; vector; virus; wildlife; wildlife trade; world; zoonotic cache: cord-305501-srq1bo2v.txt plain text: cord-305501-srq1bo2v.txt item: #427 of 606 id: cord-306056-4jx0u7js author: Sulmasy, Daniel P. title: “Diseases and Natural Kinds” date: 2005 words: 9603 flesch: 50 summary: The notion of natural kinds presents a modest form of essentialism that can serve as the basis for a foundationalist philosophy of medicine. Disease can be understood as making necessary reference to living natural kinds without invoking the claim that diseases themselves are natural kinds. keywords: affairs; basis; beings; better; biological; biology; cases; certain; characteristic; class; classical; classification; concept; data; david; definition; development; diagnosis; disease; distinction; disturbance; disturbed; essentialism; ethics; example; explanation; explanatory; fact; flourishing; good; health; history; human; human natural; identity; illness; important; individual; injury; internal; judgment; kinds; law; levels; like; mean; medical; medicine; members; natural; natural kind; necessary; necessity; notion; objective; organization; parallel; particular; pattern; philosophy; possible; principles; psychology; reference; relations; science; scientific; sense; sickness; signs; smith; state; symptoms; terms; theory; thing; time; typical; understanding; use; value; world cache: cord-306056-4jx0u7js.txt plain text: cord-306056-4jx0u7js.txt item: #428 of 606 id: cord-306076-ygfnkgqp author: Fujita, Yu title: RNAi Therapeutic Platforms for Lung Diseases date: 2013-02-06 words: 8427 flesch: 36 summary: Strategies for silencing human disease using RNA interference RNAi therapeutics: A potential new class of pharmaceutical drugs Small interfering RNA inhibits hepatitis B virus replication in mice RNAi suppresses polyglutamine-induced neurodegeneration in a model of spinocerebellar ataxia Confirming the RNAi-mediated mechanism of action of siRNA-based cancer therapeutics in mice Chemical modification of siRNA siRNA and isRNA: Two edges of one sword Targeted delivery of antisense oligodeoxynucleotide and small interference RNA into lung cancer cells Poly(ester amine)-mediated, aerosol-delivered Akt1 small interfering RNA suppresses lung tumorigenesis Poly(beta-amino ester) as a carrier for si/shRNA delivery in lung cancer cells Inhibition of non-small cell lung cancer cell proliferation and tumor growth by vector-based small interfering RNAs targeting HER2/neu Rodriguez-Padilla, C. WT1 gene silencing by aerosol delivery of PEI-RNAi complexes inhibits B16-F10 lung metastases growth Inhibition of influenza virus production in virus-infected mice by RNA interference Using siRNA in prophylactic and therapeutic regimens against SARS coronavirus in Rhesus macaque Intrapulmonary delivery of XCL1-targeting small interfering RNA in mice chronically infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis Effective treatment of respiratory alphaherpesvirus infection using RNA interference A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of an RNAi-based therapy directed against respiratory syncytial virus RNA interference: new therapeutics in allergic diseases Emerging oligonucleotide therapies for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Suppression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 In general, both viral and non-viral vectors are being assessed for siRNA delivery to lung cells. keywords: addition; airway; aln; alveolar; anti; applications; approaches; associated; asthma; barriers; cancer; cause; cells; cellular; chemical; chronic; cigarette; clinical; complex; conditions; copd; corticosteroids; degradation; delivery; development; diseases; drug; effective; effects; efficient; epithelial; evidence; expression; factor; fibrosis; function; future; gene; growth; human; important; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhalation; inhaled; inhibition; inhibits; interference; intranasal; kinase; lipid; lung; lung cancer; lung diseases; major; mice; microrna; mimics; mirnas; molecular; molecules; mrna; mucus; multiple; naked; new; non; obstructive; oligonucleotides; particles; pathogenesis; patients; phase; potential; progression; promising; pulmonary; recent; receptor; regulation; respiratory; response; rnai; role; rsv; rsv01; significant; silencing; sirna; sirna delivery; size; small; smoke; smoking; specific; studies; syk; systemic; target; targeted; targeting; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; toxicity; tract; transfection; treatment; trial; tumor; use; vectors; viral; virus; vivo cache: cord-306076-ygfnkgqp.txt plain text: cord-306076-ygfnkgqp.txt item: #429 of 606 id: cord-306266-8qdrshz3 author: Scully, Crispian title: Respiratory medicine date: 2014-06-25 words: 13246 flesch: 40 summary: Respiratory infections must also be eradicated; sputum should first be sent for culture and sensitivity, but antimicrobials such as amoxicillin should be started without await ing results. Immunocompromised persons (e.g. those with human immunode ficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome [HIV/AIDS] and transplant recipients) and people with bronchiectasis or cystic fibrosis are also susceptible to respiratory infections by a range of opportun istic microbes. keywords: -there; abscess; abscessus; active; acute; adequate; africa; aids; air; airflow; airways; alveolar; antibiotic; arterial; asia; aspiration; assessment; association; asthma; asthmatic; attacks; bacterial; benefit; best; biopsy; blood; breathing; breathlessness; bronchiectasis; bronchitis; bronchodilators; cancer; carbon; care; cases; cause; cells; cervical; chest; children; chronic; clinical; combination; common; complications; contact; contagious; control; copd; corticosteroids; cough; countries; culture; cystic; days; defects; dental; dental treatment; development; diagnosis; disease; disorders; drugs; dyspnoea; early; emphysema; evidence; exacerbations; example; exchange; exercise; exposure; failure; fatal; features; fever; fibrosis; fig; flow; following; frequent; function; gas; gastric; glands; healthcare; help; high; highincome; history; hiv; hospital; human; ige; igra; illness; immune; impaired; impairment; important; individuals; infected; infection; influenza; inhalation; inhaled; isoniazid; legionella; lesions; lower; ltot; lung; lymphadenopathy; main; maintenance; management; material; mdrtb; medical; milk; months; mortality; mott; mouth; mucus; muscle; mycobacteria; necessary; need; new; nodes; normal; obstruction; oedema; older; oral; oxygen; pain; patients; people; persons; pneumonia; poor; positive; possible; present; prevention; primary; production; pulmonary; radiography; rare; rate; recent; recurrent; release; respiratory; respiratory infections; response; result; rifampicin; risk; salivary; sarcoidosis; sars; secretions; september; severe; shortacting; significant; similar; skin; smoking; spirometry; spread; sputum; surgery; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; systems; table; test; testing; theophylline; therapy; tract; transmission; transplantation; treatment; tuberculin; tuberculosis; type; upper; vaccines; vap; ventilation; ventilatorassociated; viruses; water; weeks; wheeze; world; years; young cache: cord-306266-8qdrshz3.txt plain text: cord-306266-8qdrshz3.txt item: #430 of 606 id: cord-306707-dde4nlhh author: Antabe, Roger title: Diseases, Emerging and Infectious date: 2019-12-04 words: 2400 flesch: 38 summary: Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases: the third epidemiologic transition Emerging infectious diseases: public health issues for the 21st century Global trends in emerging infectious diseases Point-of-Care testing for infectious diseases: past, present, and future Thomas Hepatitis B virus epidemiology, disease burden, treatment, arid current and emerging prevention and control measures Geography, ecology and emerging infectious diseases Emerging infectious diseases: threats to human health and global stability Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases The epidemiology of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in African, Caribbean and Black men in Toronto Developments in the diagnostic techniques of infectious diseases: rural and urban prospective shweta Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform. In the 14th Century alone, infectious diseases were responsible for decimating 20–45% of the world's population. keywords: affected; aids; areas; care; century; countries; development; diseases; drug; ebola; effective; eids; global; health; hiv; human; improved; increased; infectious; infectious diseases; issue; malaria; new; outbreaks; pathogens; people; population; prevalence; resistant; resources; sars; spread; treatment; vaccines; world; zoonotic cache: cord-306707-dde4nlhh.txt plain text: cord-306707-dde4nlhh.txt item: #431 of 606 id: cord-307464-66eqh79t author: Hwang, Grace M. title: A model-based tool to predict the propagation of infectious disease via airports date: 2012-01-13 words: 5982 flesch: 39 summary: Time to reach the United States, referred to as early disease arrival time, was defined as the number of days it took for the tenth symptomatically infectious person from anywhere in the simulated worldwide network to appear in U.S. metropolitan areas. In the R 0 Z 1.53 simulations, early disease arrival times varied from about 5 days to slightly under 225 days from disease emergence in a population. keywords: air; airports; america; analysis; areas; arrival; asia; authorities; available; aviation; cities; city; communicable; data; days; disease; disease arrival; early; early disease; effective; entry; example; fig; flights; global; health; infectious; influenza; international; interventions; measures; median; metropolitan; mexico; model; modeling; novel; number; origin; outbreaks; pandemic; pandemic influenza; passengers; people; person; ph1n1; planning; points; population; public; public health; rate; regions; resources; response; risk; screening; simulated; simulation; spread; states; study; supplemental; susceptible; table; time; travel; travelers; u.s; united; virus; world cache: cord-307464-66eqh79t.txt plain text: cord-307464-66eqh79t.txt item: #432 of 606 id: cord-307803-rlvk6bcx author: Balloux, Francois title: Q&A: What are pathogens, and what have they done to and for us? date: 2017-10-19 words: 3850 flesch: 42 summary: The main arguments for an origin of human pathogens linked to agriculture are based on the proximity between traditional farmers with their livestock and the emergence of higher human population densities in stable settlements enabled by agricultural subsistence. There is also no obvious pattern pointing to the Neolithic revolution as a strong driver for the emergence of human pathogens. keywords: ability; africa; age; ancient; authors; bacteria; cause; cells; century; current; cycle; diseases; earth; emergence; environment; epidemic; evolution; evolutionary; example; facultative; genes; genetic; genome; health; hepatitis; high; history; host; human; human pathogens; immune; immunity; infected; infectious; influenza; intracellular; leprosy; life; major; malaria; mycobacterium; new; number; obligate; obvious; origin; pathogenicity; pathogens; pattern; pestis; plague; population; protective; range; recent; reduction; resistance; selective; species; symptoms; transmission; tuberculosis; variants; vast; virulence; viruses; yersinia cache: cord-307803-rlvk6bcx.txt plain text: cord-307803-rlvk6bcx.txt item: #433 of 606 id: cord-307885-butuv3n1 author: Galvani, Alison P. title: Emerging Infections: What Have We Learned from SARS? date: 2004-07-17 words: 1196 flesch: 33 summary: The role of evolution in the emergence of infectious diseases Infectious disease dynamics: what characterizes a successful invader? The outcome of this new authority will depend on integrating the expertise of public health officials, medical doctors, and epidemiologists worldwide with guidance from disease transmission models. keywords: access; acute; california; contact; control; course; disease; dynamics; epidemic; evolution; global; health; hospital; human; infectious; key; model; open; outbreak; population; public; publishing; respiratory; sars; severe; syndrome; transmission; university cache: cord-307885-butuv3n1.txt plain text: cord-307885-butuv3n1.txt item: #434 of 606 id: cord-307899-427a7i3h author: BITTLE, JAMES L. title: Vaccines Produced by Conventional Means to Control Major Infectious Diseases of Man and Animals date: 1989-12-31 words: 17484 flesch: 47 summary: This stems from concern over possible persistence and oncogenicity of vaccine viruses. A large number of different attenuated live-virus HC vaccines with different characteristics have been used over the years, but residual pathogenicity, shedding, and spread of vaccine viruses have remained problems. keywords: abortion; acute; adenoviruses; aerosol; affected; africa; agent; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigenic; antigens; areas; associated; attempts; attenuated; attenuated live; bacterial; bacterium; birds; bluetongue; bovine; bvd; calves; canine; capsular; cats; cattle; cause; cav-2; cell; central; chickens; chicks; cholera; chronic; clinical; common; contact; contagious; control; culture; death; development; diarrhea; different; difficult; disease; distemper; distinct; dogs; domestic; doses; early; effective; effects; efficacious; eggs; embryo; equine; et al; etiologic; exposure; family; fatal; feline; fever; field; flocks; fmd; formalin; formalinized; genera; gestation; goats; good; heat; hepatitis; herpesvirus; high; horses; host; humans; immune; immunity; immunization; important; inactivated; inactivated vaccines; incidence; infected; infection; inoculations; intestinal; kidney; later; lesions; lethal; levels; live; long; low; major; man; material; measles; membranes; method; mice; mild; monkeys; months; mortality; mucosa; mucous; multiple; multivalent; natural; nervous; neutralizing; number; oral; organisms; parainfluenza; parenterally; parvovirus; passage; pasteur; pathogenic; persons; piglets; pigs; pneumonia; porcine; pregnant; primary; proc; protection; protein; rabbits; rabies; rate; rats; recipients; reduced; related; respiratory; respiratory disease; results; rotavirus; rubella; safe; serial; serotypes; serum; severe; sheep; significant; signs; similar; skin; small; source; sows; species; specific; spread; states; strain; susceptible; swine; system; tge; tissue; toxin; tract; transmission; type; united; upper; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; vaccinia; viral; virulence; virulent; virus; virus vaccines; viruses; weeks; widespread; years; young cache: cord-307899-427a7i3h.txt plain text: cord-307899-427a7i3h.txt item: #435 of 606 id: cord-308066-lrbi5198 author: Childs, James E. title: Pre-spillover Prevention of Emerging Zoonotic Diseases: What Are the Targets and What Are the Tools? date: 2007 words: 15706 flesch: 21 summary: In a matter of weeks, investigators confirmed the disease was clinically distinct from Eurasian disease (Moolenaar et al. 1995) , that the etiologic agent was a new Hantavirus , Sin Nombre virus (Nichol et al. 1993) , and the reservoir host (H R ; for definition of terminology see the chapter by Childs et al., this volume) was a species of New World rodent, Peromyscus maniculatus (Childs et al. 1994) . For example, the H R s for influenza A subtype H5NI are among wild waterfowl and shorebirds, and perhaps other avian types, although, domestic chickens and other poultry serve as both the first secondary host (H S1 ) or intermediate host (H I )(see the chapter by Childs et al., this volume, for description of terms) and can develop as a novel H R (see the chapter by Webby et al., this volume). keywords: 2004b; active; activities; activity; african; agents; america; animal; animal rabies; anonymous; approaches; avian; bats; biology; birds; bovine; bse; carnivores; cases; cattle; cause; cdc; centers; chapter; chickens; childs; childs et; china; clinical; collection; control; countries; county; cov; cross; culling; data; deer; diagnostic; disease; disease control; disease surveillance; dogs; domestic; ducks; dynamics; early; ecology; effective; efforts; emergence; encephalitis; enzootic; epidemic; epidemiology; epizootic; et al; europe; events; example; factors; fatal; federal; fever; field; fig; focus; fox; genetic; global; gordon; gordon et; h r; h5n1; hantavirus; health; high; history; hiv; hong; host; hps; human; identification; impact; importance; infected; infection; influenza; information; infrastructure; instances; international; isolation; kong; level; limited; little; livestock; local; long; maintenance; major; malaysia; mammals; mathematical; measures; merianos; methods; mills; models; molecular; monitoring; monkeypox; mortality; national; natural; new; nile; nipah; north; novel; ohio; oie; ongoing; oral; orv; outbreak; pandemic; passive; pathogens; population; potential; poultry; prevention; process; products; professionals; programs; public; public health; pulmonary; r s; rabies; rabies surveillance; rabies virus; raccoon; raccoon rabies; rapid; recombinant; reduction; regional; related; reporting; research; reservoir; response; rickettsialpox; risk; rodents; role; sars; sentinel; southwestern; species; specific; specimens; spillover; spread; stallknecht; states; strategies; studies; subtypes; surveillance; surveillance system; susceptible; swine; syndrome; system; systematic; target; temporal; term; testing; time; trade; transmission; united; united states; usda; vaccination; vaccine; vaccinia; vampire; variant; vector; veterinary; viral; virus; viruses; volume; waterfowl; west; white; wildlife; wildlife disease; wnv; world; years; zoonoses; zoonotic; zoonotic disease cache: cord-308066-lrbi5198.txt plain text: cord-308066-lrbi5198.txt item: #436 of 606 id: cord-308089-q2w9fb0i author: Ewald, Paul W. title: Evolution of virulence date: 2005-03-01 words: 5407 flesch: 37 summary: Though this idea has not been tested directly, geographic variations in virulence and the demonstrated effect of vector proofing of houses on disease transmission suggests that it will work [17] . Theory about the evolution of virulence is fundamentally different for chronic infectious diseases than for acute infectious diseases. keywords: acute; agents; allele; antigen; benign; cancer; case; causation; causes; century; chlamydia; chronic; chronic diseases; common; contact; control; diphtheria; diseases; effects; evolutionary; exploitation; framework; frequency; genetic; greater; harmful; high; historical; history; hospital; host; human; increase; individuals; infected; infectious; infectious diseases; level; long; low; management; mild; natural; new; pathogens; people; pneumoniae; populations; potential; run; schizophrenia; selection; senegal; severe; sexual; sexual transmission; strains; term; theory; time; toxin; transmission; type; understanding; vaccination; vaccine; variants; vector; virulence; virulent; virus; water cache: cord-308089-q2w9fb0i.txt plain text: cord-308089-q2w9fb0i.txt item: #437 of 606 id: cord-308535-xe2pkahz author: Reinero, Carol R. title: Perspectives in veterinary medicine: Description and classification of bronchiolar disorders in cats date: 2019-04-13 words: 4984 flesch: 26 summary: Prevalence, structure, and function Small airways involvement in coal mine dust lung disease Airway-centered interstitial fibrosis: etiology, clinical findings and prognosis Interstitial lung diseases that are difficult to classify: a review of Bronchiolocentric interstitial lung disease The computed tomographic treein-bud pattern: characterization and comparison with radiographic and clinical findings in 36 cats Evaluation of biomarkers in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid for discrimination between asthma and chronic bronchitis in cats Advances in the understanding of pathogenesis, and diagnostics and therapeutics for feline allergic asthma Imaging of small airways diseases The pathologist's approach to small airways disease Bronchiolar disorders Occupational and environmental bronchiolar disorders Use of keyhole lung biopsy for diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases in dogs and cats: 13 cases The pathology of interstitial lung disease in nylon flock workers Bronchiolitis: classification, computed tomographic and histopathologic features, and radiologic approach Bronchiolar disorders: classification and diagnostic approach Bronchitis and bronchiolitis in a cat with cilia-associated respiratory bacillus-like organisms Clinical, radiographic, and pathologic features of bronchiectasis in cats: 12 cases (1987-1999) Thoracic radiography, the major imaging modality used in the diagnostic evaluation of respiratory disease in cats, has low utility in detection of bronchiolar disease. keywords: acute; airways; alveolar; aspiration; associated; asthma; authors; bronchial; bronchiolar; bronchiolar disorders; bronchiolitis; bronchitis; case; cats; causes; changes; chronic; classification; clinical; computed; constrictive; diagnosis; diffuse; disease; disorders; dogs; end; environmental; evidence; examination; exposures; features; feline; fibrosis; figure; findings; histologic; histopathologic; hrct; humans; idiopathic; ild; imaging; important; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; interstitial; involvement; large; lesions; lobule; lung; mild; mineral; normal; obliterans; old; pathology; pattern; pneumonia; present; primary; pulmonary; radiography; respiratory; right; scheme; secondary; severe; signs; similar; small; thoracic; tissue; tomography; trapping; treatment; veterinary; year cache: cord-308535-xe2pkahz.txt plain text: cord-308535-xe2pkahz.txt item: #438 of 606 id: cord-308658-38f8ftmh author: Aleta, Alberto title: Evaluation of the potential incidence of COVID-19 and effectiveness of contention measures in Spain: a data-driven approach date: 2020-03-06 words: 4780 flesch: 50 summary: Finally, we have not considered the temporal and spatial variability of disease parameters, nor other potentially important characteristics of the host population such as the existence of super spreaders or the age structure, which seems to play a relevant role for this disease, at least in what concerns the case fatality rate. Stochastic SEIR-metapopulation models are routinely used to study the temporal and spatial transmission of diseases like the COVID-19. keywords: asymptomatic; available; cases; china; contention; country; covid-19; data; days; different; disease; effect; epidemic; figure; important; individuals; infected; international; islands; isolation; large; license; measures; medrxiv; metapopulation; mobility; model; number; outbreak; peak; perpetuity; possible; preprint; province; reduction; restrictions; results; seir; spain; spanish; spatial; spreading; study; time; transmission cache: cord-308658-38f8ftmh.txt plain text: cord-308658-38f8ftmh.txt item: #439 of 606 id: cord-309795-2kozsv4z author: Dewidar, Bedair title: Metabolic liver disease in diabetes – from mechanisms to clinical trials date: 2020-06-20 words: 8655 flesch: 28 summary: The Liver The multiple-hit pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) Role of diet and lifestyle changes in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Acute dietary fat intake initiates alterations in energy metabolism and insulin resistance The integrative biology of type 2 diabetes Adipose expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha: direct role in obesity-linked insulin resistance Anti-inflammatory effects of excessive weight loss: potent suppression of adipose interleukin 6 and tumour necrosis factor alpha expression Potential Nexus of Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Insulin Resistance Between Hepatic and Peripheral Tissues Insulin resistance causes inflammation in adipose tissue Adipocyte inflammation is essential for healthy adipose tissue expansion and remodeling Serum adiponectin levels in different types of non alcoholic liver disease. BL, baseline; CCR2/5, C-C chemokine receptors type 2 and type 5; FXR, farnesoid X receptor; HbA 1c , glycated haemoglobin; LXR, Liver X receptor; MPC, mitochondrial pyruvate carrier; NA, data not available; NAFLD, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; NFS, NAFLD fibrosis score; PPAR, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor; NASH, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis; SCD, stearoyl-CoA desaturase; SGLT, sodium-glucose cotransporter; THR, thyroid hormone receptor; T2DM, type 2 diabetes. keywords: acid; activated; activation; activity; adipose; agonist; alcoholic fatty; alterations; analysis; association; autophagy; beneficial; bile; biomarkers; blind; cardiovascular; cells; cirrhosis; clinical; coa; content; death; diabetes; diagnostic; diet; disease; dnl; double; drug; effects; efficacy; expression; fatty; fatty liver; ffa; fibrosis; fxr; glp-1; gluconeogenesis; glucose; guidelines; gut; hepatic; hepatocellular; hepatocytes; high; higher; hscs; humans; individuals; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibition; insulin; insulin resistance; intestinal; levels; lipid; lipogenesis; liver; liver disease; liver fibrosis; loss; mechanisms; mellitus; metabolic; metformin; mice; microbiome; mitochondrial; models; muscle; nafld; nash; non; nonalcoholic; nonalcoholic fatty; novel; obese; obesity; outcomes; patients; people; persons; phase; pioglitazone; placebo; plasma; ppar; progression; protein; randomized; recent; receptor; related; resistance; resolution; results; review; risk; signaling; specific; steatohepatitis; steatosis; stress; studies; study; surgery; systematic; t2 dm; table; tissue; treatment; trial; type; use; weight cache: cord-309795-2kozsv4z.txt plain text: cord-309795-2kozsv4z.txt item: #440 of 606 id: cord-309870-l5oecoot author: Pirofski, Liise-anne title: Immunomodulators as an antimicrobial tool date: 2006-08-22 words: 3929 flesch: 26 summary: The spectrum of infectious diseases has shifted in the past 50 years to include those caused by microbes that cause disease predominantly in immunocompromised individuals. The limited efficacy of the available antimicrobial armamentarium in immunocompromised individuals, combined with increasing resistance to these agents, has led to an urgent need for new therapies for infectious diseases. keywords: ability; action; activity; adjunctive; administration; agents; amphotericin; antibody; antifungal; antimicrobial; beneficial; certain; clinical; cryptococcal; cytokines; damage; diseases; effect; efficacy; framework; fungal; hiv; host; human; ifn; immune; immunity; immunomodulators; individuals; infectious; infectious diseases; inflammatory; interferon; limited; mabs; mechanisms; meningitis; microbes; mycograb; pathogenesis; pathogens; patients; placebo; potential; rationale; response; rsv; serum; specific; status; studies; study; therapies; therapy; treatment; use cache: cord-309870-l5oecoot.txt plain text: cord-309870-l5oecoot.txt item: #441 of 606 id: cord-310509-c8wp2m69 author: Morens, David M. title: Emerging Infectious Diseases: Threats to Human Health and Global Stability date: 2013-07-04 words: 2122 flesch: 38 summary: key: cord-310509-c8wp2m69 authors: Morens, David M.; Fauci, Anthony S. title: Emerging Infectious Diseases: Threats to Human Health and Global Stability date: 2013-07-04 journal: PLoS Pathog DOI: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003467 sha: doc_id: 310509 cord_uid: c8wp2m69 nan Historical information as well as microbial sequencing and phylogenetic constructions make it clear that infectious diseases have been emerging and reemerging over millennia, and that such emergences are driven by numerous factors (Table 1) . Although precise figures are lacking, emerging infectious diseases comprise a substantial fraction of all consequential human infections. keywords: agents; aids; association; authors; avian; cause; certain; complex; control; deaths; dengue; diseases; drug; emergence; examples; factors; genetic; global; health; hiv; host; human; infectious; influenza; leading; major; microbial; mosquito; multiple; new; pandemic; pathogenic; rapid; reemerging; resistant; response; social; spread; stages; syndrome; transmission; virus; world cache: cord-310509-c8wp2m69.txt plain text: cord-310509-c8wp2m69.txt item: #442 of 606 id: cord-310557-d33ll0ka author: Alotaibi, Badriah M. title: Strengthening health security at the Hajj mass gatherings: characteristics of the infectious diseases surveillance systems operational during the 2015 Hajj date: 2017-02-26 words: 4302 flesch: 37 summary: International engagement is important to strengthen Hajj infectious diseases surveillance and to prevent disease transmission and globalization of infectious agents which could undermine global health security. Additionally, public health surveillance systems play a substantial role in providing reassurance of the absence of a deleterious public health event to mass gathering organizers and political office holders during an international mass gathering. keywords: appropriate; arabia; areas; cases; control; countries; country; cov; data; directorates; diseases; diseases surveillance; effective; electronic; entry; facilities; gatherings; global; hajj; health; healthcare; hesn; hospital; infectious; infectious diseases; information; international; kingdom; management; mass; medical; meningococcal; mers; moh; notification; office; operational; outbreaks; pilgrims; points; public; public health; regional; reporting; requirements; response; risk; saudi; security; surveillance; surveillance systems; syndromic; systems; teams; threats; timely; vaccination cache: cord-310557-d33ll0ka.txt plain text: cord-310557-d33ll0ka.txt item: #443 of 606 id: cord-310902-cfci8lef author: Freites Nuñez, Dalifer D title: Risk factors for hospital admissions related to COVID-19 in patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases date: 2020-08-07 words: 3989 flesch: 39 summary: To describe patients with autoimmune inflammatory rheumatic diseases (AIRD) who had COVID-19 disease; to compare patients who required hospital admission with those who did not and assess risk factors for hospital admission related to COVID-19. The incidence and severity of COVID-19 disease seem to be higher in patients with risk factors, such as advanced age and associated comorbidities, mainly hypertension, diabetes, heart disease and previous respiratory diseases. keywords: admission; age; aird; analysis; anti; antirheumatic; arthritis; associated; autoimmune; baseline; care; characteristics; chronic; clinical; comorbidities; condition; coronavirus; covid-19; data; days; diabetes; diagnosis; disease; drugs; factors; glucocorticoids; hcsc; higher; hospital; hospital admission; hypertension; inflammatory; laboratory; lung; madrid; median; multivariable; outcome; patients; pulmonary; regression; respiratory; results; rheumatic; risk; sars; study; syndrome; synthetic; systemic; table; total; treatment; variables; years cache: cord-310902-cfci8lef.txt plain text: cord-310902-cfci8lef.txt item: #444 of 606 id: cord-311220-3pn04u32 author: Gaddy, Hampton Gray title: Using local knowledge in emerging infectious disease research date: 2020-06-13 words: 3586 flesch: 39 summary: Moreover, the study of local disease knowledge is well-established within medical anthropology. I suspect that this disregard for local disease knowledge is partly because of the popular but incorrect perceptions that infectious disease emergence is an uncommon and unpredictable event (Brooks et al. 2019) . keywords: animal; anthropology; brooks; camel; case; clostridium; communities; community; difficult; diseases; diversity; documentation; e.g.; ecological; eids; emergence; empirical; environmental; et al; global; health; human; indigenous; infectious; information; knowledge; likely; limited; local; local knowledge; medical; paper; pastoralists; pathogens; potential; recent; research; respiratory; ruminantium; science; scientific; situated; source; species; studies; study; traditional; understanding; unknown; useful; zoonoses; zoonotic cache: cord-311220-3pn04u32.txt plain text: cord-311220-3pn04u32.txt item: #445 of 606 id: cord-311795-kvv3fx2n author: Barratt, Ruth title: Clinician perceptions of respiratory infection risk; a rationale for research into mask use in routine practice date: 2019-08-31 words: 5296 flesch: 36 summary: The knowledge and skills of HCWs are factors that affect protective mask use, therefore investigating how knowledge and cognition impacts on the HCW decision-making for mask use can inform the delivery of education and how policies are implemented. However, little is known about the influences on decisions and behaviours of HCWs with respect to protective mask use when providing routine care. keywords: absenteeism; appropriate; australian; behaviour; burden; clinical; control; costs; diseases; education; emergency; equipment; factors; financial; global; h1n1; hcws; healthcare; high; hospital; illness; impact; important; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; ipc; knowledge; making; mask; mask use; measures; need; non; optimal; outbreak; pandemic; paper; patients; perceptions; personal; planning; policy; ppe; practice; prevention; protective; protective mask; public; research; respect; respiratory; responsibility; risk; routine; safety; sars; seasonal; sick; significant; social; society; staff; study; sub; training; transmission; use; vaccination; vaccine; virus; workers; workforce cache: cord-311795-kvv3fx2n.txt plain text: cord-311795-kvv3fx2n.txt item: #446 of 606 id: cord-311834-1vzntckq author: Rondeau, Mark P. title: Hepatitis and Cholangiohepatitis date: 2014-06-25 words: 4029 flesch: 27 summary: Alternative antibiotic Histopathologic features, immunophenotyping, clonality, and eubacterial fluorescence in situ hybridization in cats with lymphocytic cholangitis/cholangiohepatitis Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, breed-specific hepatopathies, copper storage hepatopathy, suppurative hepatitis, granulomatous hepatitis, and idiopathic hepatic fibrosis Characterization of the inflammatory infiltrate in canine chronic hepatitis Effects of corticosteroid treatment on survival time in dogs with chronic hepatitis: 151 cases (1977-1985) Improvement in liver pathology after 4 months of D-penicillamine in 5 Doberman Pinschers with subclinical hepatitis Performances of different diagnostic tests for feline infectious peritonitis in challenging clinical cases Treatment and outcome of dogs with leptospirosis: 36 cases (1990-1998) ACVIM small animal consensus statement on leptospirosis: diagnosis, epidemiology, treatment and prevention Infectious diseases of the dog and cat Canine bartonellosis Detection of Bartonella henselae and Bartonella clarridgeiae DNA in hepatic specimens from two dogs with hepatic disease Peliosis hepatic in a dog infected with Bartonella henselae Granulomatous hepatitis in dogs: nine cases S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe) for the treatment of acetaminophen toxicity in a dog S-Adenosylmethionine protects against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity in mice Canine and feline gastroenterology Morphological classification of the parenchymal disorders of the canine and feline liver Acute hepatic injury: hepatic necrosis and fulminant hepatic failure CD154-CD40 interactions drive hepatocyte apoptosis in murine fulminant hepatitis Histopathologic evaluation of feline inflammatory liver disease Cholangiohepatitis in a dog Morphological classification of biliary disorders of the canine and feline liver The cholangitis/cholangiohepatitis complex in the cat Relationship between inflammatory hepatic disease and inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, and nephritis in cats WSAVA classification and role of bacteria in feline inflammatory hepatobiliary disease A survey of feline inflammatory hepatobiliary disease using the WSAVA classification Clinical features of inflammatory liver disease in cats: 41 cases (1983-1993) Feline cholangitis: a necropsy study of 44 cats Intrahepatic biliary disorders Immunohistochemical characterization of the lesions of feline progressive lymphocytic cholangitis/cholangiohepatitis A suspicion of hepatitis or cholangiohepatitis may be based on supportive historical, physical examination, and clinicopathologic findings that are similar for most causes of hepatic disease. keywords: acute; affected; animals; associated; bacterial; bartonella; bile; biopsy; canine; care; cases; cats; cause; cch; cells; cholangiohepatitis; cholangitis; chronic; clinical; copper; diagnosis; disease; dogs; examination; failure; feline; fibrosis; findings; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatocellular; histopathologic; infection; infiltrate; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; intrahepatic; involvement; leptospira; levels; likely; liver; mechanisms; necrosis; neutrophilic; nonspecific; parenchyma; patients; portal; prognosis; response; signs; specific; specimens; spp; supportive; therapy; tissue; treatment cache: cord-311834-1vzntckq.txt plain text: cord-311834-1vzntckq.txt item: #447 of 606 id: cord-312366-8qg1fn8f author: Adiga, Aniruddha title: Mathematical Models for COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Analysis date: 2020-10-30 words: 8804 flesch: 45 summary: Since the surveillance systems have relatively stabilized in recent weeks, the development of forecasting models has gained traction and several models are available in the literature. The mobility network is derived by combining commuter and airline networks, to model time spent per day by individuals of region (patch) keywords: agent; airline; analysis; assumptions; available; basic; behavioral; case; census; challenges; compartments; computational; contact; control; covid-19; data; deaths; detailed; different; disease; distancing; dynamics; end; ensemble; epidemic; epidemiology; forecasting; forecasts; group; hard; health; household; impact; important; individual; infected; infectious; influenza; institute; interventions; large; learning; level; limitations; machine; makers; mathematical; measures; mechanistic; metapopulation; methods; mixing; mobility; modeling; models; mortality; network; number; observed; outbreak; pandemic; paper; parameters; patterns; point; policies; policy; population; predictions; public; rate; region; research; researchers; response; results; risk; school; science; seir; set; simple; social; specific; spread; state; statistical; stockholm; strategies; strength; structure; subpopulations; support; sweden; swedish; systems; term; time; uncertainty; underlying; understanding; university; use; world; xxx cache: cord-312366-8qg1fn8f.txt plain text: cord-312366-8qg1fn8f.txt item: #448 of 606 id: cord-312418-e4g5u1nz author: Melillo, Alessandro title: Rabbit Clinical Pathology date: 2007-09-18 words: 6444 flesch: 45 summary: Test dipsticks work well to evaluate blood, glucose, ketone, and pH levels in rabbit urine but are not accurate for other parameters. The pH of rabbit urine tends to be high (7.5 to 9) in rabbits fed a correct diet. keywords: activity; acute; albumin; alp; alt; anemia; ast; azotemia; bile; biochemical; bladder; blood; calcium; cases; cause; cell; chronic; clinical; common; concentrations; counts; creatinine; cuniculi; damage; dental; diabetes; diagnostic; diet; different; difficult; disease; failure; finding; function; ggt; glucose; healthy; hematological; hemolysis; hepatic; high; important; increase; indicator; infection; inflammation; information; kidney; laboratory; lesions; levels; lipidosis; liver; loss; low; lymphopenia; main; mellitus; muscle; normal; obstruction; parameters; patients; pet; possible; potassium; practice; present; protein; rabbits; range; rare; reference; renal; response; restraint; results; sample; serum; significant; signs; small; species; stress; table; test; tissue; total; urea; urine; useful; values; white cache: cord-312418-e4g5u1nz.txt plain text: cord-312418-e4g5u1nz.txt item: #449 of 606 id: cord-312461-5qzpo6l1 author: Adalja, Amesh A. title: Characteristics of Microbes Most Likely to Cause Pandemics and Global Catastrophes date: 2019-08-30 words: 6830 flesch: 35 summary: Other factors that may increase a virus' potential to cause a global catastrophic risk include a segmented genome (as exemplified by influenza viruses), a comparatively smaller genome size, and high host viremia (e.g., vector-borne flaviviruses). Nontraditional molecules, such as monoclonal antibodies and immunomodulators, should also be investigated for a role in the treatment and prevention of RNA virus respiratory infections (Walker and Burton 2018) . keywords: ability; activities; agents; analysis; antiviral; approach; assessment; biological; broad; casadevall; catastrophic; cause; centers; certain; characteristics; class; classes; clinical; contagious; control; development; devices; diagnosis; disease; dna; earth; efforts; emergence; et al; example; factors; fungal; fungi; future; gcbr; global; health; high; higher; historical; host; human; important; infected; infectious; influenza; island; laboratory; level; likely; limited; literature; mammalian; medical; meeting; microbe; microbial; national; new; organisms; outbreaks; pandemic; pathogen; population; possible; potential; preparedness; present; prevention; prion; programs; project; public; replication; research; resistant; respiratory; response; review; risk; rna; rna viruses; severe; significant; special; species; specific; spread; study; surveillance; syndrome; system; threat; transmission; treatment; vaccine; vector; viral; viruses; widespread; work; world; zoonotic cache: cord-312461-5qzpo6l1.txt plain text: cord-312461-5qzpo6l1.txt item: #450 of 606 id: cord-312580-r57rkrya author: Harcourt-Brown, Frances title: Chapter 6 Clinical pathology date: 2002-12-31 words: 12630 flesch: 47 summary: Automated differential white cells counts cannot be relied upon for rabbit blood and accurate results can only be obtained using manual counting methods (Kabata et al., 1991) . Although basophils are rare in blood films from species such as the dog, they may be seen commonly in rabbit blood (Kerr, 1989) . keywords: abstract; acids; activity; affected; albumin; alkaline; alt; anaemia; animals; association; available; baker; bile; blood; blood calcium; body; bone; brown; caecotrophs; calcium; calcium concentrations; cases; cause; cell; changes; cholesterol; chronic; clinical; coccidiosis; collected; collection; common; comparison; concentrations; conditions; cortisol; counts; creatinine; cuniculi; damage; data; deficiency; dental; diabetes; diagnosis; dietary; differences; different; differential; difficult; disease; distribution; effects; elevated; erythrocytes; et al; examination; excretion; experimental; factors; faeces; failure; fasting; figure; fish; fluid; free; function; glucose; group; haematological; hair; handling; harcourt; hepatic; high; higher; impaired; increase; indicator; induced; infection; intestinal; kidney; laboratory; laboratory rabbits; large; lead; lesions; levels; life; liver; low; lymphocytes; lymphopaenia; marked; mclaughlin; mellitus; metabolism; mmol; muscle; neoplasia; neutrophils; non; normal; numbers; oocysts; parameters; pathology; pet; pet rabbits; phosphate; physiological; plasma; potassium; presence; present; protein; pth; rabbit blood; rabbits; range; red; reference; renal; response; results; rise; samples; section; serum; serum calcium; similar; skin; small; sodium; species; stress; study; time; tissue; total; urea; urine; values; variation; white cache: cord-312580-r57rkrya.txt plain text: cord-312580-r57rkrya.txt item: #451 of 606 id: cord-312807-8v4r9jij author: Recht, Judith title: Host Diversity and Origin of Zoonoses: The Ancient and the New date: 2020-09-17 words: 5844 flesch: 34 summary: There is a considerable impact of these diseases on the economy and health at local and global levels, including zoonotic diseases caused by the ingestion of food and products derived from animals. Paleopathology studies of ancient human bone lesions, in combination with ancient DNA analysis of the causative pathogen, have contributed to our understanding of the origin of zoonotic diseases, including brucellosis and mycobacterial zoonoses. keywords: africa; analysis; ancient; animals; areas; avian; bacteria; bats; birds; bone; bovine; bovis; brazil; brucella; brucellosis; cases; cattle; cause; chagas; consumption; contact; countries; covid-19; cruzi; diseases; diversity; dna; endemic; evidence; evolution; example; fever; food; global; health; hosts; human; hunting; impact; important; infected; infection; known; leading; leprae; leprosy; livestock; mammalian; mammals; meat; medieval; milk; mycobacterium; new; origin; outbreak; paleopathology; pandemics; pathogens; people; populations; potential; present; primates; products; range; recent; remains; reservoirs; review; rodents; sars; southern; species; studies; study; table; transmission; trypanosoma; tuberculosis; viral; virus; viruses; wide; wild; world; yellow; zoonoses; zoonotic cache: cord-312807-8v4r9jij.txt plain text: cord-312807-8v4r9jij.txt item: #452 of 606 id: cord-313118-dv5xq2k4 author: Davis, Eric M. title: Neurologic Manifestations of Systemic Disease: Sleep Disorders date: 2020-08-06 words: 6176 flesch: 33 summary: Systemic diseases often have sleep manifestations and this report will help the clinician identify key risk factors linking sleep disorders to systemic diseases so as to optimize the overall care of the patient. This review will introduce the accepted organization of sleep disorders, review important features in history taking and evaluation, and survey the systemic diseases that have important comorbidities with particular sleep disorders. keywords: acute; airway; apnea; associated; associations; behavioral; breathing; cancer; cardiovascular; care; cause; central; chf; chronic; circadian; ckd; clinical; cognitive; common; comorbid; continuous; controls; copd; cpap; daytime; delirium; depression; disease; disorders; disturbances; dysfunction; effects; experience; factors; failure; fatigue; fibrillation; findings; form; health; heart; high; hypersomnia; ibd; icu; impact; important; inflammatory; insomnia; iron; kidney; legs; levels; liver; long; lung; lupus; narcolepsy; nocturnal; non; obesity; obstructive; onset; osa; outcomes; overall; pandemic; patients; positive; pregnancy; pressure; prevalence; primary; prospective; quality; randomized; rates; related; relationship; rem; renal; respiratory; restless; review; risk; rls; severe; sleep; sleep apnea; sleep disorders; sleepiness; specific; state; study; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; therapy; treatment; trial; underlying; use; ventilation; wake; women cache: cord-313118-dv5xq2k4.txt plain text: cord-313118-dv5xq2k4.txt item: #453 of 606 id: cord-313173-0u4s5y20 author: ten Have, H.A.M.J. title: Sheltering at Our Common Home date: 2020-08-25 words: 2528 flesch: 51 summary: It has been known for a long time that emerging infectious diseases are associated with the destruction of functioning ecosystems and biodiversity. It is estimated that zoonotic pathogens cause 60 per cent of emerging infectious diseases in humans (Jones et al. 2008; Daszak et al. 2004) . keywords: authoritarian; biodiversity; common; countries; covid-19; destruction; diseases; distancing; ecological; environmental; global; health; home; human; impact; individual; infectious; influenza; isolation; liberal; life; metaphor; military; nations; natural; nature; neutral; new; pandemic; people; perspective; place; policies; responsibility; self; social; time; virus; viruses; wildlife; world cache: cord-313173-0u4s5y20.txt plain text: cord-313173-0u4s5y20.txt item: #454 of 606 id: cord-313222-a1rd7kas author: Guo, Zuiyuan title: Early warning of some notifiable infectious diseases in China by the artificial neural network date: 2020-02-19 words: 3865 flesch: 47 summary: Published by the Royal Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, provided the original author and source are credited. infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, dengue fever, malaria and influenza are also jeopardizing human health Faced with the complex situation of current infectious disease prevention, we should not only strengthen the surveillance of the epidemic information of infectious diseases but also issue early warning signals as soon and as accurately as possible to strive for the timely identification of outbreaks and epidemics in the early stages and to take rapid response measures to minimize the harm to social and economic development. keywords: actual; analysis; cases; china; control; data; digestive; early; early warning; epidemic; figure; health; higher; historical; increase; infectious diseases; influenza; input; january; learning; level; model; network; neural; new; number; output; prevention; public; recurrent; respiratory; respiratory infectious; results; rtrl; seasonal; set; signal; state; study; surveillance; system; threshold; time; tract; tract infectious; types; value; vector; warning cache: cord-313222-a1rd7kas.txt plain text: cord-313222-a1rd7kas.txt item: #455 of 606 id: cord-313615-cts45n3j author: Tam, John S title: Research agenda for mass gatherings: a call to action date: 2012-01-15 words: 5489 flesch: 33 summary: The principal objectives of this research agenda are to identify topics for research and underpin and prioritise their importance in achieving interventions for the control of public health; provide a research framework to gather evidence to address health issues associated with MGs and global security risks to public health; ensure focus on less well addressed issues such as operational and implementation research, particularly for under-resourced regions; provide a platform to enable co ordination, discussion, and interaction among organisers of MGs, public health professionals, and researchers; and encourage a multidisciplinary approach to address gaps in knowledge about health risks associated with MGs and their control. Communicable disease alert and response for mass gatherings The Hajj: communicable and non-communicable health hazards and current guidance for pilgrims Public health surveillance for mass gatherings A literature review of the health and safety risks associated with major sporting events: learning lessons for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic games Health risks at the Hajj Global perspectives for prevention of infectious diseases associated with mass gatherings Crowd and environmental management during mass gatherings Non-communicable health risks during mass gatherings Public health legacy: experiences from Vancouver 2010 and Sydney 2000 Olympic and Paralympic Games Mass gatherings and public health: the experience of the Athens 2004 Olympic Games WHO Western Pacifi c Region. keywords: agenda; assessment; associated; care; clinical; communicable; communicable diseases; communication; communities; control; countries; data; development; diff; diseases; drugs; ective; eff; emergency; erent; events; evidence; gatherings; global; hajj; health; health risks; home; host; identifi; important; infectious; infectious diseases; infl; information; international; interventions; issues; knowledge; legacy; management; mass; medical; methods; mgs; monitoring; new; non; olympic; planning; policy; potential; prevention; provision; public; public health; rapid; research; response; risks; security; services; settings; specifi; spread; surveillance; systems; transmission; uenza; use; vaccines cache: cord-313615-cts45n3j.txt plain text: cord-313615-cts45n3j.txt item: #456 of 606 id: cord-314325-nquov2i0 author: Murphy, F.A. title: Epidemiology of Human and Animal Viral Diseases date: 2008-07-30 words: 5496 flesch: 34 summary: The risk of infection or disease in a population is determined by characteristics of the virus, the host, and the host population, as well as behavioral, environmental, and ecological factors that affect virus transmission from one host to another. The risk of infection or disease in a population is determined by characteristics of the virus, the host, and the host population, as well as behavioral, environmental, and ecological factors that affect virus transmission from one host to another. keywords: aids; amev; animal; antibody; arthropod; cases; cause; common; contact; control; cycle; data; determinants; development; different; disease; dynamics; effect; entry; environmental; epidemic; epidemiology; evs; example; exposure; factors; fetus; health; host; human; immune; immunity; important; incidence; infected; infections; influenza; information; investigation; kind; laboratory; large; life; measles; models; molecular; nature; new; number; occurrence; particular; period; population; present; prevalence; prevention; programs; putative; rate; research; reservoir; respiratory; response; risk; shedding; species; specific; status; strains; studies; study; susceptible; time; transmission; vaccine; vector; vertebrate; vertical; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-314325-nquov2i0.txt plain text: cord-314325-nquov2i0.txt item: #457 of 606 id: cord-314808-ssiggi2z author: Pappas, G. title: Psychosocial consequences of infectious diseases date: 2014-12-12 words: 3183 flesch: 38 summary: An infectious diseases specialist is on a plane, returning from an international congress on infectious diseases; several hours earlier, he attended a lecture about the then evolving severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) outbreak. These three individuals, among many others, experience levels of fear associated with infectious diseases in their everyday lives. keywords: acute; aids; authorities; avian; bse; case; consequences; control; disease; epidemic; ethical; factors; fear; general; germ; health; human; individuals; infection; infectious diseases; influenza; information; major; media; medical; mortality; new; numerous; outbreak; pandemic; panic; patients; perception; potential; psychological; psychosocial; public; response; result; risk; sars; social; stigmatization; subconscious; threat; transmission; unknown; virus; years cache: cord-314808-ssiggi2z.txt plain text: cord-314808-ssiggi2z.txt item: #458 of 606 id: cord-315131-4yb2b70g author: Hammerschmidt, Sven title: Threat of infection: Microbes of high pathogenic potential – strategies for detection, control and eradication date: 2005-06-28 words: 7181 flesch: 33 summary: The endothelium is affected in two ways: directly by virus infection leading to activation and lytic replication and indirectly by a mediator-induced inflammatory response. A landmark of infectious diseases research is the chemical synthesis of genomes, a major new field of research referred to as “synthetic biology”, that to date has resulted in the chemical synthesis of the poliovirus and of phage φX174 genomes and their expression as infectious viruses. keywords: agents; analysis; animal; antibodies; antigens; attenuated; bacteria; biology; cases; cd155; cdna; cells; chemical; classical; clathrin; concept; control; countries; cytosol; delivery; dependent; detection; development; different; diseases; diva; dna; efficacious; efficient; emergence; eradication; et al; europe; evolution; fever; functions; gene; genetic; genome; genomic; germany; glycoprotein; golgi; health; henselae; heterologous; high; host; human; immunity; immunization; important; individuals; infected; infectious; influenza; institute; intracellular; islands; live; loss; major; mammalian; mechanisms; microbes; molecular; natural; new; novel; oral; pathogenic; pathogenicity; pestis; phage; poliovirus; population; potential; present; programs; progress; protective; protein; quintana; rabies; receptor; research; reservoirs; retrograde; ricin; risk; rna; secretion; sequence; severe; shiga; similar; smallpox; strains; strategies; surface; swine; synthesis; synthetic; system; threat; toxin; transmission; transport; type; vaccination; vaccine; veterinary; viral; virulence; virus; viruses; wild; yersinia cache: cord-315131-4yb2b70g.txt plain text: cord-315131-4yb2b70g.txt item: #459 of 606 id: cord-315180-itvc86cv author: Hollingsworth, T Déirdre title: Counting Down the 2020 Goals for 9 Neglected Tropical Diseases: What Have We Learned From Quantitative Analysis and Transmission Modeling? date: 2018-06-15 words: 4495 flesch: 38 summary: Similarly, as prevalence falls for MDA diseases, if the right diagnostic becomes available, addressing these diseases could shift to a test-and-treat campaign or even case management. Infectious disease modeling has an increasing role in public-health policy, with resulting challenges and successes [6] . keywords: administration; area; article; asymptomatic; burden; case; comparison; contribution; control; course; current; data; diagnosis; different; diseases; drug; dynamics; elimination; figure; filariasis; gains; global; goals; group; health; impact; individuals; infected; infection; infectivity; interventions; issue; key; large; leishmaniasis; leprosy; likely; lymphatic; mass; mathematical; mda; modeling; models; new; ntds; number; policy; potential; special; strategies; table; transmission; treatment; tropical; vector; visceral cache: cord-315180-itvc86cv.txt plain text: cord-315180-itvc86cv.txt item: #460 of 606 id: cord-315282-05eh1gzd author: Thiemann, Alexandra K. title: Gastrointestinal Disorders of Donkeys and Mules date: 2019-10-03 words: 5073 flesch: 41 summary: Behavioural assessment of pain in horses and donkeys: application to clinical practice and future studies Relationships between behaviour and health in working horses, donkeys and mules in developing countries Anatomical and morphometric study of gastrointestinal tract of donkey (Equus africanus asinus) Sedation, anaesthesia and analgesia Shifts in body fluid during dehydration in the burro, Equus asinus Intake, digestion and gastrointestinal transit time in resting donkeys and ponies and exercised donkeys given ad libitum hay and straw diets Colic in the donkey Epidemiology of impaction colic in donkeys in the UK Common helminth infections of donkeys and their control in temperate regions Equine gastric ulcer syndrome in adult donkeys: investigation on prevalence, anatomical distribution and severity Necropsy survey of gastric ulcers in a population of aged donkeys: prevalence, lesion description and risk factors Successful treatment of chronic grass sickness in a donkey Asinine typhlocolitis; 'scouring' the literature for diagnostic and aetiological clues Gastrointestinal Disorders of Donkeys and Mules Gasterophilosis: a major cause of rectal prolapse in working donkeys in Ethiopia Development and application of a scoring system for prognostic evaluation of equine liver biopsies Acute pancreatitis in a horse-a case report Outcome following exploratory laparotomy in 24 donkeys: a retrospective multicentre study. Skin tenting is an unreliable sign of fluid loss in donkeys and mules (see Erin L. Goodrich and Erica Behling-Kelly's article, Clinical Pathology of Donkeys and Mules; and Elena Barrio and colleagues' article, Clinical Evaluation and Preventative Care in Donkeys, in this issue). keywords: abdominal; acute; administration; animals; article; available; behavior; body; care; cases; cause; challenging; chronic; clinical; colic; colitis; colon; common; condition; countries; dehydration; dental; diagnosis; diarrhea; differences; disease; disorders; donkeys; drugs; dullness; enteral; equine; evaluation; examination; fig; finding; fluid; frequent; gastric; gastrointestinal; grass; high; horses; hyperlipemia; impaction; information; intravenous; issue; kingdom; knowledge; lack; large; liver; loss; management; mules; nasogastric; pain; pathologic; physiology; presence; present; prognosis; prolapse; rectal; response; risk; sedation; signs; similar; small; spp; stress; therapy; treatment; ulcers; ultrasound; united; use; water; weight; working cache: cord-315282-05eh1gzd.txt plain text: cord-315282-05eh1gzd.txt item: #461 of 606 id: cord-315362-u9slrjmk author: Jiménez, Ma Ángeles title: Membranous glomerulonephritis in the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) date: 2008-01-15 words: 5146 flesch: 39 summary: Urinalyses from records were available for 9 of the necropsied animals and blood and urine samples from 23 free ranging and captive Iberian lynxes were prospectively obtained in order to evaluate the renal function of the living population. A prospective study of 23 free ranging and captive Iberian lynxes was carried out (Table 1 ). keywords: animals; anti; available; basement; capillary; captive; chronic; collagen; complexes; creatinine; dako; dense; disease; electron; endangered; et al; feline; fibronectin; glomerular; glomerulonephritis; glomerulopathy; glomerulosclerosis; hyperphosphatemia; iberian; iberian lynx; ics; iga; igg; igm; immune; interstitial; kidney; laminin; lynx; lynxes; median; membranous; mgn; microscopy; moderate; necropsied; newman; non; normal; origin; percentage; population; positive; presence; present; related; renal; samples; serum; severe; signs; spain; species; specific; stage; study; tests; type; urine; values; variables; wild cache: cord-315362-u9slrjmk.txt plain text: cord-315362-u9slrjmk.txt item: #462 of 606 id: cord-315462-u2dj79yw author: Hewitt, Judith A. title: ACTIVating Resources for the COVID-19 Pandemic: In vivo Models for Vaccines and Therapeutics date: 2020-10-01 words: 8974 flesch: 35 summary: Ferrets are considered good models for respiratory diseases as the physiology of their lung and airways are close to humans and they have been used extensively to model disease caused by many respiratory viruses including influenza (Thangavel and Bouvier, 2014) , RSV (Stittelaar et al., 2016) and SARS-CoV (van den Brand et al., 2008) . It bears emphasizing that mouse models that are not available from public repositories or commercial vendors cannot be scaled effectively to meet the high demand for animals and supply the high throughput needs of the community. keywords: ace2; activ; acute; adapted; additional; african; aged; agms; angiotensin; animal; animal models; antibodies; antiviral; available; biorxiv; body; cases; cell; challenge; clinical; comorbidities; converting; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; day; days; development; disease; dose; early; efficacy; enzyme; et al; exposure; ferrets; findings; genetic; golden; green; group; hamsters; high; host; human; immune; infected; infection; infectivity; inflammatory; information; initial; interventions; key; laboratory; limited; loss; lung; macaques; mice; mild; models; moderate; mortality; mouse; multiple; munster; new; nhps; nih; non; older; ows; pandemic; pathogenesis; pathology; pet; pneumonia; post; preclinical; present; primates; progression; rapid; receptor; replication; research; resources; respiratory; response; review; rhesus; sars; severe; severe disease; severity; shedding; significant; small; species; spike; studies; study; syndrome; syrian; testing; therapeutics; transgenic; transient; transmission; understanding; useful; vaccines; viral; virus; viruses; vivo; weight cache: cord-315462-u2dj79yw.txt plain text: cord-315462-u2dj79yw.txt item: #463 of 606 id: cord-315598-qwh72inx author: Mendoza, Jose Luis Accini title: ACTUALIZACION DE LA DECLARACIÓN DE CONSENSO EN MEDICINA CRITICA PARA LA ATENCIÓN MULTIDISCIPLINARIA DEL PACIENTE CON SOSPECHA O CONFIRMACIÓN DIAGNÓSTICA DE COVID-19 date: 2020-10-06 words: 69660 flesch: 31 summary: y los que tienen menos probabilidades de beneficiarse (él «demasiado enfermo»), no prestan suficiente atención a las diferencias entre grupos en términos de la duración de los cuidados intensivos necesarios para lograr resultados. Se recomienda aplicar la escala SOFA al menos cada 48 horas sumado al criterio de fragilidad y años de vida saludables salvados estos criterios podrían ser válidos en pacientes con fallo terapéutico a las medidas óptimas y orientar decisiones de deescalamiento de medidas y de nivel de complejidad de atención cuando la demanda potencial supera la oferta (capacidad y capacidades), estas decisiones deben ser tomadas idealmente en junta médica. keywords: 2019; 2020; acceso; acerca de; actual; actualmente; acuerdo con; acute; acute respiratory; adecuación de; adecuado; adecuado de; además de; adicional; adición de; adquirida en; adultos; adultos con; adversos; aguda; aguda en; aire; ajustar; ajustar el; al día; alguno de; algunos; altas; alteraciones; alteración; alto; alveolar; amci; americano de; analysis; antes; antes de; anticoagulación; antivirales; análisis de; aparición de; aplicación de; aquellos; aquellos con; ards; arterial de; asignación de; asistencial; asociada; asociado con; asociados; asoció con; assessment; associated; association; así; ataque; aumenta el; aumentar la; aumento de; aunque; ausencia de; aérea; años; aún; bajo; bajo la; basado en; base en; beneficio de; beneficios; bien; biomarcadores; bloqueo; bolsa; cadena de; cadáver; calidad de; camas; camas de; cambio en; cambios; cannula; cardiaca; cardiovascular; care; cases; casos de; casos y; catéter; central; cerebral; characteristics; choque; citoquinas; ciudad de; claro; clinical; clínica; clínica de; clínico en; clínicos; cohorte; colombia; combinación de; combinado de; comité de; como el; como la; como los; como se; como una; comorbilidades; comparación con; comparado con; compararon; complejidad de; complicaciones; componentes; compromiso; con alta; con amci; con aumento; con baja; con base; con comorbilidades; con compromiso; con covid-19; con dosis; con el; con enfermedad; con esta; con evidencia; con falla; con frecuencia; con hipoxemia; con ic; con infección; con la; con lopinavir; con los; con mayor; con mejoría; con menor; con más; con neumonía; con otros; con peep; con plasma; con presión; con que; con respecto; con riesgo; con sars; con sdra; con shock; con solución; con sospecha; con su; con síndrome; con tcz; con todo; con un; con uso; conciencia; condiciones de; condición; confirmación de; confirmado de; consenso; consensus; considerar la; considere; contagio; contar con; contenido de; continua; continuo de; contra; contra la; contra para; control; controles; convaleciente; convalescent; convertidora de; coronavirus; coronavirus covid-19; course; cov-2; covid-19 acute; covid-19 al; covid-19 covid-19; covid-19 infection; covid-19 pandemic; covid-19 pneumonia; crb-65; criterios de; critical; crítica; crítica y; críticamente; crítico con; cuadros de; cual se; cuales el; cuales se; cuando el; cuando la; cuando se; cuanto; cuenta con; cuenta la; cuenta que; cursan con; curso de; células; dados de; datos; de 1; de 3; de 7; de abril; de acuerdo; de aerosoles; de aerosolización; de aislamiento; de alerta; de alta; de amci; de anakinra; de anticuerpos; de antimaláricos; de apoyo; de arritmias; de atención; de baja; de base; de bioseguridad; de bioética; de cada; de capacitación; de citocinas; de clasificación; de cohorte; de consciencia; de consenso; de contacto; de contaminación; de control; de coronavirus; de corticoides; de corticosteroides; de covid-19; de cq; de crisis; de cuidados; de de; de desarrollar; de detección; de dexametasona; de dificultad; de disfunción; de disminuir; de dímero; de elementos; de emergencia; de encefalitis; de enfermedad; de ensayos; de entre; de epp; de esta; de estancia; de estos; de estudios; de evaluación; de expansión; de expertos; de falla; de fiebre; de fluidos; de flujo; de forma; de gasto; de hbpm; de hcq; de hipoxemia; de hospitalización; de igiv; de il-6; de infecciones; de infección; de ingreso; de interdependencia; de interferón; de intervención; de intubación; de la; de lactato; de letalidad; de linfocitos; de lopinavir; de los; de mal; de manera; de manos; de marzo; de menor; de monitoreo; de muerte; de norepinefrina; de novo; de obtener; de origen; de oxígeno; de pacientes; de paro; de pcr; de plasma; de protección; de recursos; de referencia; de respiración; de rutina; de salud; de segunda; de ser; de shock; de sobrevida; de sodio; de soporte; de su; de tcz; de tocilizumab; de trabajo; de transmisión; de triaje; de tórax; de un; de ventilación; de vida; de vista; de volumen; de wuhan; de ácidos; de ética; de éxito; de óxido; deben; deber de; deberá; debido; decisiones; decisiones de; definición de; definida; definir el; del; del sistema; del tracto; del virus; delirium; delphi; demostrado; dentro; dentro del; dependerá de; dependiente de; descrito; desde el; desde la; desenlaces; desinfectante; después de; deterioro; determinar la; diagnosis; diagnóstico covid-19; diagnóstico de; diciembre de; diferencias; diferentes; difícil; directa; disease; disminución de; disminución en; disminuir el; disminuye la; disponibilidad de; disponible; dispositivos; distress; documento; dolor; donde; dosis; dosis de; duración de; durante la; día por; días; días de; días en; días y; dímero; early; echocardiography; ecmo; edema; efectividad; efectos de; effect; eficacia; egreso; el acceso; el agente; el alta; el apoyo; el balance; el cadáver; el caso; el circuito; el colegio; el comité; el compromiso; el conocimiento; el consentimiento; el contexto; el contrario; el crb-65; el cual; el cuidado; el curso; el daño; el de; el deber; el desarrollo; el destete; el diagnóstico; el documento; el día; el ecmo; el efecto; el equipo; el espacio; el estudio; el examen; el familiar; el fin; el flujo; el grado; el grupo; el hospital; el impacto; el inicio; el lugar; el lóbulo; el manejo; el marco; el mayor; el menor; el mismo; el momento; el más; el médico; el nivel; el número; el paciente; el papel; el perfil; el plan; el plasma; el primer; el procedimiento; el pronóstico; el punto; el qsofa; el remdesivir; el rendimiento; el resultado; el retiro; el riesgo; el rigor; el sars; el score; el sdra; el seguimiento; el segundo; el tcz; el tiempo; el tipo; el transporte; el traslado; el uso; el ventilador; el área; el índice; elementos; elevación de; elevados de; elisa; embargo; emitir; emitir una; en algunos; en cada; en china; en contra; en cuenta; en donde; en el; en estado; en este; en falla; en la; en los; en otro; en quien; en salud; en su; en uci; en un; en wuhan; encima de; encontraron; enfermedad por; enfermedades; enfermería; enfermo; enfermo con; enteral; entre el; entre la; entre los; entrenamiento; epidemia de; epilépticas de; epp; equipo de; equipos; es importante; es una; escala; escasez de; escenarios; esfuerzo; española de; especialmente; especificidad; específico; espontánea; establecer; establecer el; estado de; estas; este; esteroides; esto se; estos pacientes; estrategia de; estrategias; estudio con; estudios para; está; estándar; esté; et al; evaluación; evaluar; evaluaron; evaluaron la; evaluó la; eventos; evidence; evidencia de; evidencia que; evitar el; evitar la; existe; extracorporeal; extubación; factores; failure; familiar; fase; fase de; favor; favor o; fenotipos; fin de; final de; finalmente; fio2; flow; flujo; frecuencia; frente; fue de; fue en; fue la; fuera de; fueron; fueron de; fuerte en; fundamento; fundamento el; fármacos; garanticen la; garantizar la; generación de; generador de; general; generales; generales de; gestión de; global; grado de; gran; gravedad de; graves; graves de; grupo de; grupos; guidance; guidelines; guía de; guías; h1n1; hacer; hacia; hallazgos; hallazgos de; hasta el; hasta la; hay; hcq y; health; hemodinámica; herramienta; high; higiene de; horas; hospitalaria; hospitales; hospitalizados; hubo; humano; huésped; hydroxychloroquine; ic del; identificación de; identificar; igm; igual; ill; implementación; implementar; importante; importante que; incidencia de; incluir; incluso; incluyendo; incremento; independientemente de; infección por; infected; infection; inferior; influenza; información; informado; inhibidor de; inicial; iniciales; inicio de; injury; inspirada de; institucional; insuficiencia; integridad de; intensidad; intensive; intensivista; intensivos en; intensivos y; intervenciones; intravenosa; intubados; intubation; invasiva; invasiva en; investigación; italia; kidney; la actualidad; la administración; la admisión; la adopción; la alta; la amci; la anatomía; la asociación; la cabecera; la capacidad; la carga; la ciudad; la compliance; la comunidad; la condición; la cual; la cánula; la decisión; la definición; la demanda; la detección; la dexametasona; la dificultad; la disnea; la disponibilidad; la distribución; la dosis; la duración; la ecografía; la edad; la eficacia; la elevación; la eliminación; la emergencia; la enfermedad; la entrada; la epidemia; la estabilidad; la estancia; la evidencia; la evolución; la experiencia; la exposición; la falla; la familia; la fase; la fda; la fecha; la fiebre; la función; la gestión; la gravedad; la guía; la habitación; la hcq; la hidroxicloroquina; la higiene; la hipoxemia; la historia; la hospitalización; la identificación; la igiv; la il-6; la incidencia; la infección; la influenza; la información; la inmunoglobulina; la institución; la intubación; la liberación; la literatura; la mayor; la mecánica; la membrana; la monitoria; la monitorización; la mortalidad; la muerte; la muestra; la n95; la neumonía; la nutrición; la opción; la oxigenación; la pandemia; la perfusión; la población; la posición; la presencia; la presión; la prevención; la primera; la probabilidad; la procalcitonina; la pronación; la proteína; la prueba; la radiografía; la reanimación; la recomendación; la recuperación; la relación; la respuesta; la rt; la sala; la salud; la saturación; la seguridad; la sensibilidad; la supervivencia; la tasa; la telesalud; la terapia; la tolerancia; la toma; la transfusión; la traqueostomía; la troponina; la técnica; la uci; la unidad; la utilización; la valoración; la variabilidad; la vasopresina; la vida; la vmni; la vía; laboratorio; las; las medidas; las personas; lesiones; lesión; leve; limitaciones; limitación de; limitar el; litro de; lograr; lopinavir; los biomarcadores; los cambios; los casos; los criterios; los cuales; los cuidados; los diferentes; los días; los efectos; los elementos; los epp; los equipos; los estudios; los factores; los familiares; los grupos; los hallazgos; los medicamentos; los médicos; los niveles; los participantes; los primeros; los procedimientos; los protocolos; los recursos; los residuos; los respiradores; los resultados; los servicios; los síntomas; los valores; los índices; luego de; lugar; lung; líderes de; línea de; líquidos; management; manejo con; manejo de; manifestaciones; mantener; mantener la; mascarilla; mayor; mayores; mayoría de; mechanical; mecánica; mediante; mediante la; medicamentos; medicina; medición de; medidas de; mejora de; mejorar la; mejoría; membrana; menor; mental; mental de; mers; meta; metaanálisis; metas de; ministerio de; minutos; miocárdica; mismo; mmhg; modalidades de; modelo de; modelos; moderado; moral de; mortality; mostraron; mostró; muerte; muestras; multicenter; multicéntrico; murieron; muy; más de; médica; múltiples; n95; n95 de; nacional; nasal; necesario; necesidad de; negativa; negativos; nervioso; neumonía por; neurological; neuromuscular; new; news-2; ninguno de; ningún; nivel de; niveles; noninvasive; novel; nutrition; número de; o las; o muerte; o más; o por; o que; o se; o sin; objetivo de; objetivos; observacional; ofrecer; opción; organización; orotraqueal; otra; otros; outcomes; oxigenación y; oxigenoterapia; oxygenation; oxígeno y; paciente por; pacientes adultos; pacientes con; pacientes covid-19; pacientes críticamente; pacientes críticos; pacientes fueron; pacientes infectados; pacientes que; pacientes recibieron; pacientes sin; pacientes tratados; pacientes y; pafi; page; paliativos; pao2; para el; para este; para evitar; para la; para los; para manejo; para pacientes; para que; para sars; para su; para una; paro; parte de; parámetros; pasiva de; patients; patologías; pcr; pcr para; peep; perfil de; permite; pero; pero en; pero se; personal de; personal y; personas; personas con; pesar de; peso; plan de; plantea la; plasma; pneumonia; podrían; por covid-19; por el; por esto; por la; por los; por sars; por su; por un; posibilidad de; posible; position; positioning; positiva; posterior; potencial; predecir la; predictores; preoxigenación; presenta; presentación; presentaron; pressure; prestación de; previamente; primeras; probable; procedimientos; proceso de; procesos; profesionales de; progresión; promedio de; promover la; prone; propone; protectora; protocolo de; protocolos; prueba de; pruebas; práctica; publicaciones; publicación; publicado; pueden; pulmonar; pulmonar en; puntaje; punto de; puntos; pérdida de; pública; qsofa; que; que el; que esta; que la; que los; que puede; que recibieron; que requieren; que se; que una; quien se; quienes; qué; randomized; razonable; realización de; realizado; realizar; recambio de; receptor de; recibieron; reclutamiento; recomendaciones de; recomendación se; recomienda como; recomienda la; recomienda que; recommendations; recuperado de; recursos; reducción de; reduce; reducir; reducir el; refiere; refractaria; relacionadas con; relacionados; relación con; renal; renal en; renal y; reportaron; reportes de; requerimiento; requiere; residuos; residuos de; resistencia; resolución de; respiratoria con; respiratoria y; respiratory; responsable; resultados; retiro de; retraso en; retrospectivo; review; revisión de; ribavirina; riesgo de; riesgo para; riesgos; risk; ritonavir; rutina la; rutinaria; rutinaria la; rutinario de; rápida; safety; salas; salud y; sanitario; sars; sars y; score; sdra y; se asoció; se debe; se encuentran; se han; se puede; se realiza; se recomienda; se sugiere; secuelas; sedación; segura; seguridad del; según la; sepsis; ser; ser el; ser una; serie de; series; servicios; servicios de; será; severa en; severe; severe covid-19; severidad de; severo de; shock; si el; si la; si los; si se; sido; siempre; siendo; siendo el; significativa de; significativamente; signos; signos de; siguientes; similar; simple de; sin; sin embargo; sin que; sintomatología; sistema; sistemática de; situaciones; situación de; sobre el; sobre la; sobre los; sobrevivientes; social; society; solo; solo el; son de; son el; son la; son los; sospecha de; spo2; study; su uso; suficiente; sugiere; superior; support; sus; syndrome; systematic; síndrome de; síntomas y; sólo; tabla; tamaño de; también; también se; tanto; tasa de; tasas; tcz; temperatura de; temprana; temprana de; tener; tener en; teniendo en; tenían; terapia con; terapéutico; therapy; tiempo de; tiempo y; tiempos; tiene; tienen el; time; tipo de; tocilizumab; todas; todo el; todos los; toma de; tomar; tomografía de; tormenta de; total de; trabajadores de; tracto; transmission; tras el; trastorno de; trata de; tratados con; tratamiento de; través; través de; treatment; trial; trombosis; troponina; tuvieron; técnicas; técnicas de; términos; uci con; uci de; uci y; ultrasound; un estudio; un grupo; un manejo; un mayor; un paciente; un protocolo; un tiempo; un uso; una; una estrategia; una o; una presión; una reducción; una revisión; una serie; una vez; unidad de; unidades; unit; usar; uso de; uso y; utilidad de; utilizando; utilizar; utilizar el; valorar la; valores; variables; varias; veces; ventilación mecánica; ventilador; ventilation; ventilatorio; versus; vez; vez se; vida y; viral; viral y; virus y; vitro; vmni; volumen; weaning; wuhan; y al; y bajo; y cols; y como; y con; y cuando; y de; y debe; y el; y en; y entre; y es; y estudios; y fueron; y la; y los; y manejo; y mayor; y mortalidad; y otros; y para; y por; y protección; y puede; y que; y riesgo; y se; y seguridad; y shock; y si; y soporte; y su; y tratamiento; y una; y ventilación; ® el; ® la; áreas; áreas de; ésta; éticos; índice de; óptimo; último; útil; útil para cache: cord-315598-qwh72inx.txt plain text: cord-315598-qwh72inx.txt item: #464 of 606 id: cord-315794-se0sq3c3 author: Lamps, L W title: Infective disorders of the gastrointestinal tract date: 2006-12-14 words: 4193 flesch: 34 summary: Many of these infections mimic other inflammatory gastrointestinal disease processes, such as ischaemic colitis, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Diagnostic histological features of selected enteric infections will be emphasized, including those that mimic other inflammatory conditions of the gut (such as ischaemia or idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease), along with available diagnostic methods that can aid in diagnosis. keywords: abdominal; acute; aeromonas; associated; biopsy; bowel; campylobacter; cause; cells; chronic; clinical; colitis; common; crohn; crypt; culture; diagnosis; diarrhoea; differential; difficult; disease; distortion; ehec; enteric; features; fever; food; gastrointestinal; histological; idiopathic; important; infectious; infective; inflammation; inflammatory; limited; mucosa; non; normal; organisms; pain; pathology; patients; present; processes; propria; salmonella; self; severe; shigellosis; species; stool; surgical; symptoms; tract; typhoid; ulcerative; ulcers; water; yersinia cache: cord-315794-se0sq3c3.txt plain text: cord-315794-se0sq3c3.txt item: #465 of 606 id: cord-315825-ckg8mf8t author: B, Liu title: Decrease of respiratory diseases in one social children welfare institute in Shanxi Province during COVID-19 date: 2020-09-02 words: 2700 flesch: 40 summary: The Ministry of Civil A airs issued an emergency notice novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic prevention and control work of a service organization in the field of children welfare institute should be done with all e orts E ectiveness of hand hygiene interventions in reducing illness absence among children in educational settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis Face mask use and control of respiratory virus transmission in households Face masks to prevent transmission of influenza virus: a systematic review Visualizing the e ectiveness of face masks in obstructing respiratory jets Infection prevention and control in Pediatric ambulatory settings Hand hygiene and risk of influenza virus infections in the community: a systematic review and metaanalysis E ect of hand hygiene on infectious disease risk in the community setting: a meta-analysis Simplifying the World Health Organization protocol: 3 steps versus 6 steps for performance of hand hygiene in a cluster-randomized trial Nonpharmaceutical measures for pandemic influenza in nonhealthcare settings-personal protective and environmental measures Reported adverse health e ects in children from ingestion of alcohol-based hand sanitizers-United States Influenza in children Respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette in healthcare settings E ectiveness of personal protective measures in reducing pandemic influenza transmission: a systematic review and meta-analysis Pilot of an elementary school cough etiquette intervention: acceptability, feasibility, and potential for sustainability National Health Commission of People's Republic of China. 315825 cord_uid: ckg8mf8t BACKGROUND: To assess the impact of disinfection measures on the incidence of common diseases in children welfare institute during the epidemic of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), and provide a basis for the daily disinfection management of children welfare institute. keywords: air; children; children welfare; china; control; cough; covid-19; daily; digestive; diseases; disinfection; epidemic; etiquette; group; hand; health; hygiene; infectious; institute; institutions; management; measures; people; prevalence; prevention; public; rate; republic; respiratory; respiratory diseases; review; shanxi; social; study; time; transmission; use; virus; welfare; welfare institute; year cache: cord-315825-ckg8mf8t.txt plain text: cord-315825-ckg8mf8t.txt item: #466 of 606 id: cord-316201-08pyx98r author: Grout, Andrea title: Guidelines, law, and governance: disconnects in the global control of airline-associated infectious diseases date: 2017-02-01 words: 3438 flesch: 35 summary: 4 Management of these risks requires knowledge of the dynamics of infectious disease transmission and the potential effectiveness of control measures, suggesting that frontline employees (eg, airline staff) would need appropriate training to handle suspected disease cases. 8 Current measures, such as entry and exit screening, isolation, quarantine, and travel health information might not be feasible or sufficient to control infectious disease transmission. keywords: air; air travel; aircraft; aircrew; airline; airport; aviation; board; cabin; civil; control; countries; destination; disease; disinsection; dynamics; ebola; effectiveness; endemic; enforceable; entry; evidence; example; flight; global; guidance; guidelines; health; iata; infectious; influenza; insecticides; international; laws; legislation; measures; mosquitoes; non; organization; passengers; policies; potential; public; quarantine; research; response; risk; sars; screening; severe; spread; transmission; travel; vector; virus cache: cord-316201-08pyx98r.txt plain text: cord-316201-08pyx98r.txt item: #467 of 606 id: cord-316894-zhmuzv7z author: Stetzenbach, L.D. title: Airborne Infectious Microorganisms date: 2009-02-17 words: 4394 flesch: 38 summary: Inhalation of microbial aerosols can elicit adverse human health effects including infection, allergic reaction, inflammation, and respiratory disease. H5N1, H7N2, H9N2, and H7N3 Strains of avian influenza A viruses that have been linked to respiratory disease in humans. keywords: acute; aerosols; airborne; allergic; aspergillus; avian; bacteria; bioaerosols; biological; cases; cause; cells; contaminated; disease; dust; endotoxin; environments; exposure; fever; fungi; fungus; gram; hantavirus; host; human; illness; individuals; infected; infection; influenza; inhalation; legionella; like; lung; material; measles; microbial; microorganisms; mild; neoformans; nlvs; occurs; particles; person; pneumophila; pulmonary; respiratory; result; sars; severe; skin; soil; spores; spread; states; surfaces; symptoms; syndrome; tract; transmission; tuberculosis; united; variety; viruses; water cache: cord-316894-zhmuzv7z.txt plain text: cord-316894-zhmuzv7z.txt item: #468 of 606 id: cord-317638-ccb36coz author: Subiakto, Yuli title: Aviation medicine capacity on facing biological threat In Indonesia airports date: 2020-07-06 words: 3424 flesch: 30 summary: The development of threat outbreak disease in air transportation is real in the future, so all Indonesia airports must have action plans to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Biological agents that are dangerous sources of outbreaks infectious diseases can be spread by criminal and terrorists for biological warfare. keywords: activities; agents; aircraft; airports; attacks; aviation; biological; biological agents; capacity; conditions; dangerous; defense; detection; diseases; entry; equipment; facilities; flight; force; goods; health; identification; indonesia; infectious; infectious diseases; international; kesehatan; medicine; ministry; office; outbreaks; passengers; people; personnel; persons; place; population; potential; prevent; prevention; public; quarantine; real; response; role; safety; sanitation; security; services; spread; terrorism; threat; training; transportation; use; victims; weapons cache: cord-317638-ccb36coz.txt plain text: cord-317638-ccb36coz.txt item: #469 of 606 id: cord-317864-44knig6g author: Thacker, S.B. title: Centers for Disease Control date: 2008-08-26 words: 4553 flesch: 41 summary: CDC programs have contributed significantly to the eradication and reduction of diseases such as smallpox, polio, and guinea worm, as well as the control of health problems such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), childhood lead poisoning, breast and cervical cancer, diabetes, violence, and unintentional injuries. The grant program enhanced the agency's connection and collaboration with state health departments, and the public health advisor became the primary nonscientific manager of CDC programs and of the agency itself. keywords: 60th; agency; anniversary; assistance; association; budget; cancer; cdc; centers; century; chronic; control; data; decade; departments; director; disease; disease control; eis; end; epidemic; epidemiology; eradication; events; expertise; field; general; global; health; human; infectious; influenza; international; laboratory; langmuir; lead; major; malaria; mcwa; mmwr; national; new; perspective; phs; polio; prevention; program; public; public health; report; role; service; smallpox; staff; states; strain; study; surgeon; surveillance; syndrome; u.s; united; vaccination; vaccine; violence; virus; war; world; years cache: cord-317864-44knig6g.txt plain text: cord-317864-44knig6g.txt item: #470 of 606 id: cord-317952-4oa9hfb4 author: Bourgonje, Arno R. title: Angiotensin‐converting enzyme‐2 (ACE2), SARS‐CoV‐2 and pathophysiology of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) date: 2020-05-17 words: 12115 flesch: 33 summary: Safety concerns of clinical images and skin biopsies Urticarial eruption in COVID-19 infection A case of COVID-19 pneumonia in a young male with full body rash as a presenting symptom Reply to COVID-19 can present with a rash and be mistaken for Dengue: Petechial rash in a patient with COVID-19 infection COVID-19 can present with a rash and be mistaken for Dengue Immune thrombocytopenic purpura in a patient with Covid-19 A distinctive skin rash associated with Coronavirus Disease Cutaneous manifestations in COVID-19: a first perspective Complement associated microvascular injury and thrombosis in the pathogenesis of severe COVID-19 infection: A report of five cases Organ distribution of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in SARS patients: implications for pathogenesis and virus transmission pathways Clinical characteristics and intrauterine vertical transmission potential of COVID-19 infection in nine pregnant women: a retrospective review of medical records Clinical features and obstetric and neonatal outcomes of pregnant patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective, single-centre, descriptive study A case report of neonatal COVID-19 infection in China Novel coronavirus infection and pregnancy Possible vertical transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from an infected mother to her newborn Unlikely SARS-CoV-2 vertical transmission from mother to child: A case report Neonatal early-onset infection with SARS-CoV-2 in 33 neonates born to mothers with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China Vertical transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) from infected pregnant mothers to neonates: Possible explanations of male predominance among COVID-19 patients may be differences in exposure, smoking behaviour, other lifestyle factors, differences in chromosomal ACE2 expression, ACE2 expression in testicular tissue, sex hormone-driven immune system regulation, or gender differences in RAAS regulation [37, [42] keywords: ace2; ace2 expression; aceis; activity; acute; addition; aki; alveolar; analysis; angiotensin; anti; antiviral; arbs; article; associated; available; binding; blockade; blood; cardiac; cardiovascular; case; cells; changes; characteristics; china; chronic; clinical; complications; converting; copyright; coronavirus; coronavirus disease; course; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 patients; crucial; cytokine; damage; death; development; differences; different; direct; disease; drugs; effects; elevated; endothelial; entry; enzyme; epithelial; events; evidence; expression; factors; failure; findings; function; future; gastrointestinal; genetic; hcq; heart; higher; host; human; hydroxychloroquine; hypertension; ibd; icu; ill; immune; important; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; injury; involvement; kidney; leptin; levels; liver; lung; management; manifestations; mechanisms; mice; mortality; myocardial; ncov; novel; obesity; observed; organs; pandemic; pathogenesis; pathological; pathology; pathophysiology; patients; phase; plasma; pneumonia; populations; potential; present; protein; pulmonary; raas; recent; receptor; regulation; related; renal; renin; report; respiratory; response; results; review; rights; risk; rna; role; sars; severe; severity; sex; single; skin; small; specific; spike; storm; strategies; studies; study; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; target; therapeutic; therapy; thrombosis; time; tissue; tocilizumab; tract; transmission; treatment; trials; type; use; vertical; viral; vitro; women; wuhan cache: cord-317952-4oa9hfb4.txt plain text: cord-317952-4oa9hfb4.txt item: #471 of 606 id: cord-317999-i48cwutg author: Mazet, Jonna A. K. title: Joint China-US Call for Employing a Transdisciplinary Approach to Emerging Infectious Diseases date: 2015-12-08 words: 2992 flesch: 24 summary: These leading nations have the opportunity to set an example for best practices in science by combining intellectual, technological, and financial resources to help reduce the impacts from emerging infectious diseases at every level, from families to global economies. A general consensus was reached among experts at the workshop that, although some aspects of infectious disease transmission and emergence are being productively addressed by the current global health community, increasingly collaborative, transdisciplinary attention is needed for the development of a detailed understanding of the drivers of disease emergence (Jones et al. 2008) and their implications and associated recommendations for infectious disease control. keywords: addition; agricultural; animals; approach; areas; change; china; chinese; collaboration; control; countries; development; disease; diversity; drivers; ecology; economic; economies; efforts; emergence; environmental; et al; example; global; h7n9; health; hosts; human; increase; infectious; influenza; international; land; loss; need; new; pandemic; pathogen; people; rapid; recent; research; rural; science; scientific; surveillance; transdisciplinary; transmission; urban; use; virus; wildlife; world cache: cord-317999-i48cwutg.txt plain text: cord-317999-i48cwutg.txt item: #472 of 606 id: cord-318061-xe8lljz0 author: Overgaauw, Paul A.M. title: A One Health Perspective on the Human–Companion Animal Relationship with Emphasis on Zoonotic Aspects date: 2020-05-27 words: 14063 flesch: 45 summary: Of course, in the field there is animal abuse, negative animal welfare conditions, and animal diseases. The One Health initiative or concept is a worldwide strategy that recognizes that public health is connected with animal health and the environment. keywords: abnormal; adults; allergic; analysis; animals; anthropomorphism; anxiety; arbs; areas; article; aspects; assessment; assisted; asthma; attention; available; bacteria; bacterium; bartonella; bed; behavior; benefits; bites; biting; bond; breeding; canimorsus; canine; canis; capnocytophaga; cases; cats; challenges; childhood; children; clinical; cognitive; common; companion; companion animals; concept; conditions; contact; countries; course; data; decades; development; diets; different; disease; disorders; dogs; domestic; early; effects; eggs; endemic; environment; european; evidence; example; exotic; exposure; face; factors; family; feeding; fever; food; frequency; function; fur; general; gut; health; helminths; henselae; high; higher; households; human; human health; hygiene; hypothesis; impact; important; incidents; individuals; infected; infection; interventions; known; large; licking; life; like; likely; literature; mental; meta; negative; new; non; number; obese; obesity; ocular; online; oral; overweight; owners; ownership; parasites; pasteurella; pathogens; patients; patterns; people; pet; pet ownership; pets; physical; play; population; positive; potential; practices; presence; prevalence; problems; public; public health; rabies; raw; reasons; recent; recommendations; related; relationship; repetitive; reported; reptiles; rescue; resistant; responsible; result; review; risk; role; salmonella; scratch; self; severe; small; social; soil; species; specific; spp; status; stress; studies; study; symptoms; systematic; therapy; toxocara; toxoplasma; transmission; united; usa; value; vector; vegan; welfare; wound; years; young; zoonoses; zoonotic cache: cord-318061-xe8lljz0.txt plain text: cord-318061-xe8lljz0.txt item: #473 of 606 id: cord-318277-j073u7ga author: Sapey, Elizabeth title: Building toolkits for COPD exacerbations: lessons from the past and present date: 2019-07-03 words: 7248 flesch: 29 summary: a post hoc cohort analysis from the Summit randomized clinical trial Increased platelet activation in patients with stable and acute exacerbation of COPD Cardiovascular risk, myocardial injury, and exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Cognitive dysfunction in patients hospitalized with acute exacerbation of COPD Prevalence and outcomes of diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease in COPD Audit programme: outcomes from the clinical audit of COPD exacerbations admitted to acute units in England Susceptibility to exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Acute kidney injury in stable COPD and at exacerbation Bedside assessment of quadriceps muscle by ultrasound after admission for acute exacerbations of chronic respiratory disease Validation of the DECAF score to predict hospital mortality in acute exacerbations of COPD I Notes on Xrays Ueber die isolierte Farbung Der Schizomyceten in Schmitt-und Trockenpraparaten On consumption, on certain diseases of the lungs and pleura Infection in the pathogenesis and course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Infections and airway inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease severe exacerbations Respiratory viruses, symptoms, and inflammatory markers in acute exacerbations and stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Major air pollutants and risk of COPD exacerbations: a systematic review and meta-analysis Adherence to inhaled therapy, mortality and hospital admission in COPD Socioeconomic status, race and COPD health outcomes Physiological changes during symptom recovery from moderate exacerbations of COPD Venous thromboemboli and exacerbations of COPD Diagnosis of myocardial infarction following hospitalisation for exacerbation of COPD Relationship of sputum color to nature and outpatient management of acute exacerbations of COPD Sputum colour reported by patients is not a reliable marker of the presence of bacteria in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: identification of biologic clusters and their biomarkers The pathogenesis of bronchial catarrk and of acute and chronic bronchitis Acute and chronic inflammation of the bronchial tree Inter-relationships between inflammatory markers in patients with stable COPD with bronchitis: Intra-patient and inter-patient variability Variability of sputum inflammatory mediators in COPD and alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency Relation of sputum inflammatory markers to symptoms and lung function changes in COPD exacerbations Increased bronchoalveolar granulocytes and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor during exacerbations of chronic bronchitis Changes in T-lymphocyte subpopulations at the onset of severe exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Aberrant neutrophil functions in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the neutrophil as an immunotherapeutic target neutrophil elastase cleaves C3bi keywords: acute; acute exacerbations; aetiology; airways; antibiotics; audit; available; bacterial; benefit; biomarkers; blood; bronchitis; care; cause; cells; changes; chronic; chronic obstructive; clinical; common; comorbid; comorbidities; comorbidity; copd; copd exacerbations; corticosteroids; damage; day; differences; direct; disease; eosinophils; evidence; exacerbations; factor; failure; function; hospital; host; identification; immune; impact; important; increase; inflammation; inflammatory; interventions; life; likely; lung; management; mediators; mortality; myocardial; need; neutrophil; non; obstructive; obstructive pulmonary; oral; outcomes; patients; phenotypes; presence; presentation; prevalence; prevention; pulmonary; pulmonary disease; quality; readmission; recovery; reduced; respiratory; response; review; risk; score; severity; short; significant; specific; sputum; stable; studies; study; symptoms; systemic; therapy; time; tissue; treatment; trial; understanding; use; variability; ventilation; viral; viruses; years cache: cord-318277-j073u7ga.txt plain text: cord-318277-j073u7ga.txt item: #474 of 606 id: cord-318407-uy0f7f2o author: Nara, Peter L. title: Perspectives on advancing preventative medicine through vaccinology at the comparative veterinary, human and conservation medicine interface: Not missing the opportunities date: 2008-11-18 words: 12532 flesch: 37 summary: In addition vaccination along with other animal production changes has provided the ability to produce otherwise unaffordable animal protein and animal health worldwide. In addition vaccination along with other animal production changes has provided the ability to produce otherwise unaffordable animal protein and animal health worldwide. keywords: access; additional; affected; africa; agencies; agriculture; american; animal; animal diseases; animal health; areas; association; avian; basic; benefits; care; case; cdc; century; changes; communities; comparative; complex; conservation; control; costs; countries; country; coverage; critical; current; data; demand; developed; development; direct; diseases; domestic; early; ecological; economic; economy; education; effective; effects; environment; epidemiology; eradication; example; factors; fever; field; flu; food; foot; future; general; global; health; health care; high; human; human health; human medicine; immunization; impact; important; income; increase; infectious; international; interventions; investment; life; livestock; local; long; losses; major; market; measles; measures; medical; medicine; models; mouth; national; need; new; nih; organization; outbreak; past; people; physicians; policy; polio; political; politics; poor; population; poultry; practice; prevention; preventive medicine; primary; problems; production; productivity; products; programs; public; public health; quality; rates; recent; related; report; research; response; risk; role; safety; science; scientific; scientists; second; services; significant; social; society; species; states; supply; sustainable; systems; term; time; today; training; treatment; tuberculosis; u.s; united; vaccination; vaccines; vaccinology; value; veterinarians; veterinary; veterinary medicine; wildlife; work; world; years; zoonoses; zoonotic cache: cord-318407-uy0f7f2o.txt plain text: cord-318407-uy0f7f2o.txt item: #475 of 606 id: cord-318683-1yxurnev author: Green, Manfred S title: Confronting the threat of bioterrorism: realities, challenges, and defensive strategies date: 2018-10-16 words: 8027 flesch: 32 summary: Since the west African Ebola virus epidemic, new Ebola virus vaccines that have been long under development are being used successfully in the 2018 epidemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Currently, the vaccines that would most likely be used for pre-exposure or post-exposure prophylaxis are the smallpox and anthrax vaccines. keywords: african; agents; animals; anthracis; anthrax; antibodies; antibody; antimicrobial; attack; available; bacillus; biological; bioterrorism; botulinum; care; cases; clinical; communication; contagious; contamination; control; countries; data; detection; development; disease; dual; early; ebola; ebola virus; effective; efficacy; emergency; epidemic; evidence; exposure; fever; food; generation; global; health; high; human; immune; immunity; important; improved; incident; increase; infected; infectious; influenza; information; international; isolation; large; lessons; likely; management; medical; military; need; new; number; outbreak; pandemic; panel; pathogens; patients; people; personnel; plague; population; possible; post; postexposure; potential; precautions; preparedness; prevention; prophylaxis; protective; public; rapid; regulations; research; response; review; risk; safety; security; select; sensitive; smallpox; specific; study; surveillance; syndromic; system; therapy; threat; time; toxins; treatment; tularaemia; u.s; unusual; usa; use; vaccination; vaccine; virus; viruses; water; weapons; west; workers; world; years cache: cord-318683-1yxurnev.txt plain text: cord-318683-1yxurnev.txt item: #476 of 606 id: cord-319121-et957lfl author: Mifflin, Lauren title: Receptor-interacting protein kinase 1 (RIPK1) as a therapeutic target date: 2020-07-15 words: 12659 flesch: 20 summary: The pseudokinase MLKL and the kinase RIPK3 have distinct roles in autoimmune disease caused by loss of death-receptor-induced apoptosis RIPK1 maintains epithelial homeostasis by inhibiting apoptosis and necroptosis Cutting edge: RIPK1 kinase inactive mice are viable and protected from TNF-induced necroptosis in vivo Cutting edge: RIP1 kinase activity is dispensable for normal development but is a key regulator of inflammation in SHARPINdeficient mice This paper demonstrates RIPK1 activation in human RA and psoriasis samples by pS166 immunochemistry, efficacy of a RIPK1 inhibitor in animal disease models of IBD, RA and skin inflammation, and effect of RIPK1 inhibitor for pancreatic cancer metastases RIP kinase-dependent necrosis drives lethal systemic inflammatory response syndrome Cutting edge: RIPK1 kinase inactive mice are viable and protected from TNF-induced necroptosis in vivo SPATA2 regulates the activation of RIPK1 by modulating linear ubiquitination Regulation of RIPK1 activation by TAK1-mediated phosphorylation dictates apoptosis and necroptosis TBK1 and IKKε prevent TNF-induced cell death by RIPK1 phosphorylation Serine 25 phosphorylation inhibits RIPK1 kinase-dependent cell death in models of infection and inflammation TAB2 and TAB3 activate the NF-κB pathway through binding to polyubiquitin chains Holding RIPK1 on the ubiquitin leash in TNFR1 signaling ABIN-1 regulates RIPK1 activation by linking Met1 ubiquitylation with Lys63 deubiquitylation in TNF-RSC Ubiquitin-mediated regulation of RIPK1 kinase activity independent of IKK and MK2 A20-a bipartite ubiquitin editing enzyme with immunoregulatory potential Mutations that prevent caspase cleavage of RIPK1 cause autoinflammatory disease A dominant autoinflammatory disease caused by non-cleavable variants of RIPK1 2020) (ref. 41), this paper reports the discovery of a dominant autoinflammatory human disease caused by non-cleavable RIPK1 Activity of caspase-8 determines plasticity between cell death pathways Biallelic RIPK1 mutations in humans cause severe immunodeficiency, arthritis, and intestinal inflammation Human RIPK1 deficiency causes combined immunodeficiency and inflammatory bowel diseases Cleavage of the death domain kinase RIP by caspase-8 prompts TNF-induced apoptosis Cleavage of RIPK1 by caspase-8 is crucial for limiting apoptosis and necroptosis RIPK1 can mediate apoptosis in addition to necroptosis during embryonic development NF-κB pathway in autoinflammatory diseases: dysregulation of protein modifications by ubiquitin defines a new category of autoinflammatory diseases Loss-of-function mutations in TNFAIP3 leading to A20 haploinsufficiency cause an early-onset autoinflammatory disease Haploinsufficiency of A20 impairs protein-protein interactome and leads into caspase-8-dependent enhancement of NLRP3 inflammasome activation Analysis of 17 autoimmune diseaseassociated variants in type 1 diabetes identifies 6q23/ TNFAIP3 as a susceptibility locus Sequencing of TNFAIP3 and association of variants with multiple autoimmune diseases Genome-wide scan reveals association of psoriasis with IL-23 and NF-κB pathways Farm dust and endotoxin protect against allergy through A20 induction in lung epithelial cells Keratinocyte expression of A20/ TNFAIP3 controls skin inflammation associated with atopic dermatitis and psoriasis Regulation and function of IKK and IKK-related kinases Specific recognition of linear ubiquitin chains by NEMO is important for NF-κB activation Infliximab therapy for inflammatory colitis in an infant with NEMO deficiency NEMO/IKKγ-deficient mice model incontinentia pigmenti Female mice heterozygous for IKKγ/ NEMO deficiencies develop a dermatopathy similar to the human X-linked disorder incontinentia pigmenti Skin lesion development in a mouse model of incontinentia pigmenti is triggered by NEMO deficiency in epidermal keratinocytes and requires TNF signaling NEMO prevents RIP kinase 1-mediated epithelial cell death and chronic intestinal inflammation by NF-κ-dependent and -independent functions OTULIN antagonizes LUBAC signaling by specifically hydrolyzing Met1-linked polyubiquitin The deubiquitinase OTULIN is an essential negative regulator of inflammation and autoimmunity Biallelic hypomorphic mutations in a linear deubiquitinase define otulipenia, an early-onset autoinflammatory disease OTULIN limits cell death and inflammation by deubiquitinating LUBAC OTULIN deficiency in ORAS causes cell type-specific LUBAC degradation, dysregulated TNF signalling and cell death Human HOIP and LUBAC deficiency underlies autoinflammation, immunodeficiency, amylopectinosis, and lymphangiectasia Second case of HOIP deficiency expands clinical features and defines inflammatory transcriptome regulated by LUBAC Immunodeficiency, autoinflammation and amylopectinosis in humans with inherited HOIL-1 and LUBAC deficiency Cell death and inflammation -a vital but dangerous liaison A spontaneous mutation characterized by chronic proliferative dermatitis in C57BL mice Linear ubiquitination prevents inflammation and regulates immune signalling RIP1 kinase activity is critical for skin inflammation but not for viral propagation Host-microbe interactions have shaped the genetic architecture of inflammatory bowel disease Epidemiology of inflammatory bowel disease in a German twin cohort: results of a nationwide study Enterocyte-specific A20 deficiency sensitizes to tumor necrosis factor-induced toxicity and experimental colitis Elevated A20 promotes TNF-induced and RIPK1-dependent intestinal epithelial cell death A20 prevents inflammasomedependent arthritis by inhibiting macrophage necroptosis through its ZnF7 ubiquitin-binding domain A20 controls intestinal homeostasis through cell-specific activities Crohn disease: a current perspective on genetics, autophagy and immunity Atg16L1 T300A variant decreases selective autophagy resulting in altered cytokine signaling and decreased antibacterial defense A Crohn's disease variant in Atg16l1 enhances its degradation by caspase 3 Distinct kinase and scaffold functions of RIPK1 RIPK1 is a 76-kDa protein with an amino-terminal (N-terminal) kinase domain, a carboxy-terminal (C-terminal) death domain and an intermediate domain with a RHIM (receptor-interacting protein homotypic interacting motif) that can bind to other NF-κB (Nuclear factor κ light chain enhancer of activated B cells). keywords: a20; abin1; activation; activity; acute; addition; ageing; als; alzheimer; animal; anti; apoptosis; arthritis; association; atg16l1; autoimmune; autoinflammatory; brain; casp8; cause; cell; cell death; cflip; chains; characterized; chronic; cleavage; clinical; colitis; complement; complex; conditions; cytokines; d138n; data; death; deficiency; denali; dependent; development; disease; domain; dysfunction; expression; factor; formation; function; genes; genetic; human; ibd; ikk; il-6; immunodeficiency; important; incontinentia; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibition; inhibitors; injury; intestinal; key; kinase; kinase activation; kinase activity; known; leads; levels; like; lof; loss; lubac; lupus; mediates; mice; microglia; mlkl; models; molecule; mouse; multiple; mutations; nec-1s; necroptosis; necrosis; necrostatin-1; nemo; neurodegenerative; neuroinflammation; neurons; neutrophil; non; novel; onset; optn; otulin; paper; pathology; pathway; patients; phase; phosphorylation; pigmenti; pocket; potent; production; protein; protein kinase; psoriasis; receptor; reduced; ref; regulated; regulation; related; reperfusion; response; ripk1; ripk1 activation; ripk1 inhibitors; ripk1 kinase; risk; role; samples; sclerosis; selective; sepsis; sharpin; signalling; skin; small; specific; stimulation; studies; study; survival; susceptibility; syndrome; systemic; tak1; target; tbk1; therapeutic; tnf; tnfaip3; tnfr1; tnip1; treatment; trials; type; ubiquitin; ubiquitylation; variants; vivo cache: cord-319121-et957lfl.txt plain text: cord-319121-et957lfl.txt item: #477 of 606 id: cord-319463-erdwejd2 author: Diaz, J. H. title: Global Climate Changes and International Trade and Travel: Effects on Human Health Outcomes date: 2011-12-31 words: 4969 flesch: 31 summary: There is, however, no universal agreement on how rapidly, regionally, or asymmetrically the earth will warm; or on the true impact of global warming on infectious disease outbreaks and natural disasters and their inevitable public health outcomes. The ultimate effects of climate changes and the increased distribution of pathogens by international trade and travel will not be limited to infectious disease outbreaks in immunologically naïve populations but will also impact world food production and quality, air quality, drinking water availability and quality, immigration, urban relocation, and civil unrest. keywords: african; airport; americas; animals; anopheline; areas; asia; cantonensis; cases; chagas; change; chikungunya; climate; common; competent; cruzi; cycle; dengue; disease; distribution; ecosystems; eggs; endemic; eosinophilic; exotic; fever; figure; food; free; global; gns; health; hosts; human; infected; infectious; infective; international; larvae; life; local; malaria; monkeypox; mosquito; nas; nations; new; nile; outbreaks; parasite; paratenic; patients; pet; prevention; public; rat; raw; regions; reported; slugs; snails; southeast; species; stage; states; strategies; trade; transmission; travel; travelers; tropical; united; vectors; virus; warming; water; west; wild; world cache: cord-319463-erdwejd2.txt plain text: cord-319463-erdwejd2.txt item: #478 of 606 id: cord-319933-yp9ofhi8 author: Ruiz, Sara I. title: Chapter 38 Animal Models of Human Viral Diseases date: 2013-12-31 words: 28862 flesch: 41 summary: Wild-type C57BL/6 adult mice are not permissive to chikungunya virus infection by intradermal inoculation. [Comparative Study Research Support Characterization of clinical and immune response in a rotavirus diarrhea model in suckling Lewis rats Development of a heterologous model in germfree suckling rats for studies of rotavirus diarrhea Studies of oral rehydration solutions in animal models Induction of mucosal immune responses and protection against enteric viruses: rotavirus infection of gnotobiotic pigs as a model Developmental immunity in the piglet Swine in biomedical research Neonatal calf diarrhea induced by rotavirus Characterisation of the primary local and systemic immune response in gnotobiotic lambs against rotavirus infection Experimental infection of non-human primates with a human rotavirus isolate Development of a rotavirus-shedding model in rhesus macaques, using a homologous wild-type rotavirus of a new P genotype Reflections on 30 years of AIDS HIVs and their replication The utility of the new generation of humanized mice to study HIV-1 infection: transmission, prevention, pathogenesis, and treatment Antiretroviral pre-exposure prophylaxis prevents vaginal transmission of HIV-1 in humanized BLT mice Hematopoietic stem cell-engrafted NOD/ SCID/IL2Rgamma null mice develop human lymphoid systems and induce long-lasting HIV-1 infection with specific humoral immune responses HIV-1 infection and CD4 T cell depletion in the humanized Rag2Ã�/Ã� gamma cÃ�/Ã� (RAG-hu) mouse model HIV-1 infection and pathogenesis in a novel humanized mouse model Induction of robust cellular and humoral virusspecific adaptive immune responses in human immunodeficiency virus-infected humanized BLT mice An aptamer-siRNA chimera suppresses HIV-1 viral loads and protects from helper CD4(þ) T cell decline in humanized mice Mucosal immunity and vaccines Low-dose rectal inoculation of rhesus macaques by SIVsmE660 or SIVmac251 recapitulates human mucosal infection by HIV-1 Propagation and dissemination of infection after vaginal transmission of simian immunodeficiency virus Limited dissemination of pathogenic SIV after vaginal challenge of rhesus monkeys immunized with a live Virulence and reduced fitness of simian immunodeficiency virus with the M184V mutation in reverse transcriptase SIV-induced impairment of neurovascular repair: a potential role for VEGF Therapeutic DNA vaccine induces broad T cell responses in the gut and sustained protection from viral rebound and AIDS in SIV-infected rhesus macaques A Nonfucosylated variant of the anti-HIV-1 monoclonal antibody b12 has enhanced FcgammaRIIIamediated antiviral activity in vitro but does not improve protection against mucosal SHIV challenge in macaques A trivalent recombinant Ad5 gag/pol/nef vaccine fails to protect rhesus macaques from infection or control virus replication after a limiting-dose heterologous SIV challenge Animal model for the therapy of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome with reverse transcriptase inhibitors Susceptibility of HIV-2, SIV and SHIV to various anti-HIV-1 compounds: implications for treatment and postexposure prophylaxis Use of a small molecule CCR5 inhibitor in macaques to treat simian immunodeficiency virus infection or prevent simian-human immunodeficiency virus infection SHIV-1157i and passaged progeny viruses encoding R5 HIV-1 clade C env cause AIDS in rhesus monkeys Update on animal models for HIV research Limited or no protection by weakly or nonneutralizing antibodies against vaginal SHIV challenge of macaques compared with a strongly neutralizing antibody Macaque studies of vaccine and microbicide combinations for preventing HIV-1 sexual transmission Vpx is Critical for SIVmne infection of pigtail macaques Impact of short-term HAART initiated during the chronic stage or shortly post-exposure on SIV infection of male genital organs The rhesus macaque pediatric SIV infection modeld a valuable tool in understanding infant HIV-1 pathogenesis and for designing pediatric HIV-1 prevention strategies Perinatal transmission of SHIV-SF162P3 in Macaca nemestrina Immune and genetic correlates of vaccine protection against mucosal infection by SIV in monkeys Chronic administration of tenofovir to rhesus macaques from infancy through adulthood and pregnancy: summary of pharmacokinetics and biological and virological effects Efficacy assessment of a cell-mediated immunity HIV-1 vaccine (the step study): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, test-of-concept trial Human papillomavirus in cervical cancer Human papillomavirus research: do we still need animal models? Animal models of papillomavirus pathogenesis Evidence of human papillomavirus vaccine effectiveness in reducing genital warts: an analysis of California public family planning administrative claims data The rabbit viral skin papillomas and carcinomas: a model for the immunogenetics of HPV-associated carcinogenesis Protection of beagle dogs from mucosal challenge with canine oral papillomavirus by immunization with recombinant adenoviruses expressing codon-optimized early genes Naturally occurring, nonregressing canine oral papillomavirus infection: host immunity, virus characterization, and experimental infection Regression of canine oral papillomas is associated with infiltration of CD4þ and CD8þ lymphocytes Characterization and experimental transmission of an oncogenic papillomavirus in female macaques A multimeric L2 vaccine for prevention of animal papillomavirus infections Preclinical development of highly effective and safe DNA vaccines directed against HPV 16 E6 and E7 US doctors investigate more than 50 possible cases of monkeypox Isolation of monkeypox virus from wild squirrel infected in nature Reemergence of monkeypox: prevalence, diagnostics, and countermeasures Human monkeypox infection: a family cluster in the midwestern United States Human monkeypox and other poxvirus infections of man The confirmation and maintenance of smallpox eradication Human monkeypox Identification of wild-derived inbred mouse strains highly susceptible to monkeypox virus infection for use as small animal models A prairie dog animal model of systemic orthopoxvirus disease using west African and Congo Basin strains of monkeypox virus Comparison of monkeypox viruses pathogenesis in mice by in vivo imaging Comparative pathology of North American and central African strains of monkeypox virus in a ground squirrel model of the disease Experimental infection of an African dormouse (Graphiurus kelleni) with monkeypox virus A mouse model of lethal infection for evaluating prophylactics and therapeutics against monkeypox virus Experimental infection of ground squirrels (Spermophilus tridecemlineatus) with monkeypox virus Experimental infection of prairie dogs with monkeypox virus Experimental infection of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) with aerosolized monkeypox virus The pathology of experimental aerosolized monkeypox virus infection in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) Immunogenicity of a highly attenuated MVA smallpox vaccine and protection against monkeypox Smallpox vaccine does not protect macaques with AIDS from a lethal monkeypox virus challenge Smallpox vaccine-induced antibodies are necessary and sufficient for protection against monkeypox virus Virulence and pathophysiology of the Congo Basin and west African strains of monkeypox virus in non-human primates keywords: able; activity; acute; adapted; adult; aerosol; african; age; aids; analysis; animal; animal models; anorexia; antibodies; antibody; antiviral; asymptomatic; attenuated; avian; b virus; balb; bats; birds; blood; brain; cases; cause; cells; central; challenge; changes; characterization; characterized; chikungunya; children; chimpanzees; chronic; clinical; clinical disease; clinical signs; cns; common; comparative; congo; contact; coronavirus; cotton; course; cov; cov infection; crimean; cynomolgus; damage; days; death; dengue; dengue virus; dependent; develop; development; diarrhea; different; disease; disease model; distribution; dogs; dose; drug; early; ebov; eeev; effective; efficacy; encephalitis; encephalitis virus; encephalomyelitis; enzymes; equine; experimental; experimental infection; exposure; failure; fatal; fatality; features; ferrets; fever; fever virus; filovirus; form; guinea; h5n1; hamsters; hantavirus; health; heart; hemorrhagic; hendra; hendra virus; hepatitis; high; histopathological; hiv; hiv-1; horses; host; human; human disease; human infection; illness; immune; immunity; important; individuals; induced; infant; infected; infection; infection model; inflammation; influenza; influenza infection; influenza virus; initial; inoculation; interferon; interstitial; intracerebral; intranasal; intraperitoneal; intratracheal; involvement; isolate; knockout; laboratory; lack; lassa; lesions; lethal; lethality; lethargy; levels; like; limited; liver; loss; low; lower; lungs; lymph; macaca; macaques; major; manifestations; marmosets; mice; mild; model; monkeypox; monkeypox virus; monkeys; mortality; mosquitoes; mouse; mouse model; mpxv; mucosal; natural; necrosis; nervous; neurological; new; nhps; nile; nile virus; nipah; nipah virus; nodes; nonhuman; norovirus; novel; number; old; onset; oral; outbreak; papillomavirus; paralysis; passaged; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathology; patients; period; peripheral; person; phase; pigs; pneumonia; pneumonitis; poliovirus; possible; postexposure; postinfection; potential; present; prevention; primary; primates; progression; protection; pulmonary; rabies; rabies virus; range; rate; rats; receptor; recombinant; related; replication; reported; research; respiratory; respiratory disease; response; responsible; results; rhesus; rhesus macaques; rift; role; rotavirus; route; sars; severe; severe disease; shedding; signs; similar; siv; small; smallpox; species; spleen; spread; states; strains; studies; study; subcutaneous; susceptibility; susceptible; symptoms; syncytial; syncytial virus; syndrome; syrian; system; test; testing; therapeutics; time; tissues; tract; transmission; treatment; type; understanding; united; upper; useful; vaccine; vaginal; valley; veev; venezuelan; viral; viremia; virulence; virus; virus experimental; virus infection; virus pathogenesis; viruses; weeks; weev; weight; west; western; wild; wnv; world; years; young cache: cord-319933-yp9ofhi8.txt plain text: cord-319933-yp9ofhi8.txt item: #479 of 606 id: cord-320463-4nchg95h author: Rampling, Tommy title: International Biological Reference Preparations for Epidemic Infectious Diseases date: 2019-02-17 words: 3948 flesch: 20 summary: International reference materials The role of laboratory diagnostics in emerging viral infections: the example of the Middle East respiratory syndrome epidemic Diagnostics in Ebola virus disease in resource-rich and resource-limited settings Zika virus: diagnostics for an emerging pandemic threat Vaccines against Ebola virus Efficacy and effectiveness of an rVSV-vectored vaccine in preventing Ebola virus disease: final results from the Guinea ring vaccination, open-label, clusterrandomised trial (Ebola ça suffit!) Evaluation of convalescent plasma for Ebola virus disease in Guinea Multi-National PREVAIL II Study Team. keywords: access; acquisition; addition; antibodies; antibody; appropriate; assays; availability; biological; blueprint; clinical; collaborative; consent; convalescent; countries; cov; development; diagnostics; diseases; ebola; epidemic; evaluation; evd; framework; global; health; high; human; infectious; influenza; international; irps; issues; laboratories; list; materials; mers; organization; outbreaks; pathogens; patients; phase; plasma; potential; preparedness; priority; processes; production; reagents; recent; reference; research; roadmap; samples; sharing; standards; studies; study; threat; trial; use; vaccines; virus; world; zika cache: cord-320463-4nchg95h.txt plain text: cord-320463-4nchg95h.txt item: #480 of 606 id: cord-321734-ugy0kys5 author: Neulight, Nina title: Children’s Participation in a Virtual Epidemic in the Science Classroom: Making Connections to Natural Infectious Diseases date: 2006-11-23 words: 6506 flesch: 44 summary: To determine students' conceptual understanding about the causes of natural infectious disease, we developed a survey that asked students about the cause, spread, and prevention of natural infectious diseases. In the following example, the teacher responded to a student who thought that she had These links of Whypox to natural infectious diseases, aside from emphasizing a point, may have helped students to think about the virtual infectious disease in ways similar to natural infectious disease. keywords: activities; aspects; avatars; biological; causal; causes; children; classroom; colella; computer; concepts; curriculum; discussions; disease; educational; epidemic; example; experience; features; germs; infectious; infectious disease; learning; natural; natural disease; natural infectious; online; outbreak; participation; participatory; questions; reasoning; research; scale; science; segments; sick; simulation; spread; students; study; survey; symptoms; teacher; thinking; time; understanding; user; video; virtual; virtual disease; virtual infectious; week; whypox; whyville cache: cord-321734-ugy0kys5.txt plain text: cord-321734-ugy0kys5.txt item: #481 of 606 id: cord-321966-q0if8li9 author: Simpson, Ryan B. title: An analecta of visualizations for foodborne illness trends and seasonality date: 2020-10-13 words: 7150 flesch: 38 summary: As expected, by compressing data to annual rates, Supplementary Figure S2 masks within-year trends of disease rates. For salmonellosis, disease rates are highest in the summertime (with peaks in July and August) and lowest during the wintertime (with a well-defined February nadir). keywords: active; amplitude; analecta; analyses; annual; august; available; average; axis; calculated; campylobacter; cases; catchment; changes; characteristics; comparisons; confidence; confirmed; counties; counts; data; differences; disease; distribution; download; entire; estimates; example; fast; features; fig; figure; foodborne; foodnet; harmonic; health; highest; incidence; infections; information; intensity; july; left; level; line; location; long; median; models; monthly; months; multi; nbhr; network; outbreaks; panel; pathogen; patterns; peak; peak timing; percentages; period; plot; population; public; rates; regression; research; right; salmonellosis; seasonal; seasonality; series; shared; signatures; states; supplementary; surveillance; terms; time; time series; timing; trends; united; use; variations; vertical; visualizations; website;; year; yearly cache: cord-321966-q0if8li9.txt plain text: cord-321966-q0if8li9.txt item: #482 of 606 id: cord-321984-qjfkvu6n author: Tang, Lu title: A Review of Multi‐Compartment Infectious Disease Models date: 2020-08-03 words: 21860 flesch: 43 summary: Building sampling variations in infectious disease models makes a statistical modelling approach different from a mathematical modelling approach. Hence, statistical extensions are necessary to incorporate sampling uncertainty in estimation and inference for infectious disease models. keywords: .t/; account; addition; analysis; antibody; approach; approximation; assumption; available; average; basic; bayesian; better; cases; cell; cellular; certain; class; collection; compartment; compartment model; condition; constant; contagious; control; coronavirus; counties; county; covid-19; covid-19 data; covid-19 pandemic; cumulative; current; daily; data; days; death; details; deterministic; different; dimensional; discrete; disease; disease data; disease model; disease transmission; distancing; distributions; dynamics; e.g.; earlier; early; effective; epidemic; epidemic model; esair; esair model; estimated; estimation; et al; evolution; example; expected; extensions; features; figure; following; follows; framework; function; future; health; high; i.t/; immunisation; immunity; important; incubation; individuals; infected; infectious; infectious compartment; infectious disease; inference; information; interest; issue; key; latent; level; likelihood; literature; local; long; loss; markov; mathematical; mcmc; mean; measures; mechanism; mechanistic; mechanistic model; methods; michigan; model; model parameters; modelling; multi; need; new; non; number; observed; odes; order; outbreak; package; pandemic; paper; parameters; parametric; period; person; personal; population; possible; practice; prediction; prior; probability; process; processes; proportions; public; quarantine; r t; rate; recovered; recovery; relevant; removed; reporting; reproduction; research; results; review; risk; s.t/; sample; sampling; second; section; seir; self; series; set; similar; sir model; size; social; software; solution; space; space model; spatial; specific; specified; spread; state; statistical; statistical model; stochastic; study; surveillance; surveillance data; susceptible; system; t d; target; temporal; term; time; time t; transmission; types; uncertainty; underlying; usa; useful; values; virus; wang; words; â t cache: cord-321984-qjfkvu6n.txt plain text: cord-321984-qjfkvu6n.txt item: #483 of 606 id: cord-321993-uazc3lyg author: Hedrick, Stephen M. title: The Imperative to Vaccinate date: 2018-10-31 words: 4191 flesch: 49 summary: Infectious diseases are a major, and almost certainly permanent, part of human existence. World Health Organization Vaccination and herd immunity to infectious diseases Why does measles persist in Europe Vaccination and the theory of games 1491: keywords: adverse; agents; animals; bacteria; beings; california; cases; children; common; community; concept; cough; counties; deadly; death; density; disease; earth; effects; entire; hosts; human; immune; immunity; individual; infectious; journal; large; life; long; measles; medical; mmr; network; new; number; people; personal; population; protection; rate; reaction; respiratory; risk; safety; severe; smallpox; society; species; susceptible; system; term; threshold; time; vaccination; vaccine; virus; viruses; wakefield; world; years cache: cord-321993-uazc3lyg.txt plain text: cord-321993-uazc3lyg.txt item: #484 of 606 id: cord-322069-ys9s7l6e author: Gaspari, Valeria title: COVID‐19: how it can look on the skin. Clinical and pathological features in twenty COVID‐19 patients observed in Bologna, northeastern Italy date: 2020-06-03 words: 833 flesch: 51 summary: The clinical patterns of the rashes described in COVID-19 patients till now include urticaria, acral ischemia, morbilliform, livedo reticularis, vesicular, and petechial [5;7-9] . Coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) Situation Report -29 Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China Ministero della salute. keywords: cases; china; clinical; coronavirus; covid-19; disease; figure; manifestations; patients; pneumonia; rashes; severe; skin; spread; symptoms; viral cache: cord-322069-ys9s7l6e.txt plain text: cord-322069-ys9s7l6e.txt item: #485 of 606 id: cord-322087-gj5mfzxz author: de Sanctis, Vincenzo title: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in adolescents: An update on current clinical and diagnostic characteristics date: 2020-05-11 words: 4598 flesch: 42 summary: Detailed epidemiological information based on a larger sample of COVID-19 patients is needed to determine the infectious period of SARS-CoV-2, as well as whether transmission can occur from asymptomatic individuals during the incubation period (pre-symptomatic period). In summary, compared with elderly patients, adolescent and young adult COVID-19 patients have a longer incubation period, a shorter serial interval, higher odds of being asymptomatic and a lower mortality rate. keywords: acute; adolescents; adults; aged; april; asymptomatic; available; cases; characteristics; chest; children; china; clinical; common; control; coronavirus; coronavirus disease; cov-2; covid-19; current; data; days; disease; distress; epidemiological; evidence; features; fever; findings; health; high; higher; incubation; infected; infection; influenza; information; italy; laboratory; literature; lower; national; ncov; need; novel; number; outbreak; patients; people; period; person; pneumonia; prevention; reported; reports; respiratory; review; risk; sars; severe; spread; study; symptoms; syndrome; systematic; testing; transmission; viral; wuhan; years; young cache: cord-322087-gj5mfzxz.txt plain text: cord-322087-gj5mfzxz.txt item: #486 of 606 id: cord-322377-0o9ru8zz author: Migliaccio, Raffaella title: Cognitive and behavioural inhibition deficits in neurodegenerative dementias date: 2020-08-10 words: 11694 flesch: 17 summary: This scale is mostly used in AD (Vercelletto et al., 2006) but is also useful in discriminating between FTD and AD, with FTD patients showing higher scores on the disinhibition subscale (Levy et al., 1996; Boutoleau-Bretonnière et al., 2012) . Overall, studies using questionnaires such as NPI, CBI or FrSBe have found that behaviours related to disinhibition (especially inappropriate behaviours, impulsive motor/verbal actions and ritualistic routines) were significantly higher in FTD patients compared to AD patients (Levy et al., 1996; Bozeat et al., 2000; Wedderburn et al., 2008; O'Callaghan et al; 2013b). keywords: ability; actions; ad patients; aggression; agitation; alzheimer; analysis; anterior; apathy; assessment; associated; atrophy; authors; available; behavior; behavioural; behavioural disinhibition; brain; bvftd; bvftd patients; caregiver; case; changes; clinical; cognition; cognitive; cognitive inhibition; complex; context; control; correlates; correlation; cortex; criteria; deficits; degeneration; dementia; diagnosis; differences; different; disease; disinhibition; disorders; early; errors; et al; evidence; example; executive; findings; frequency; frontal; frontotemporal; frontotemporal dementia; functions; general; grey; hayling; higher; hornberger; hornberger et; huntington; imaging; impaired; impairments; impulsive; impulsivity; inappropriate; inhibitory; insula; inventory; involvement; items; j o; limbic; lobe; major; making; matter; measures; mechanisms; memory; mind; motor; network; neural; neuroanatomical; neurodegenerative; neuropsychiatric; neuropsychological; non; npi; number; o u; orbitofrontal; palsy; parkinson; participants; particular; patients; patterns; performance; prefrontal; processes; progressive; r n; recent; regions; related; response; results; review; right; santillo; santillo et; scale; score; sensitive; severity; sexual; signal; social; specific; stimuli; stop; stroop; structures; studies; study; subjects; supranuclear; symptoms; syndrome; system; task; test; theory; time; tool; treatment; trials; type; u r; variant; variant frontotemporal; version; white cache: cord-322377-0o9ru8zz.txt plain text: cord-322377-0o9ru8zz.txt item: #487 of 606 id: cord-322728-10m3xscs author: Severance, Emily G. title: Chapter 29 Role of Immune and Autoimmune Dysfunction in Schizophrenia date: 2016-12-31 words: 8339 flesch: 13 summary: A recent resurgence in this field is exemplified by the numerous antibody studies that confirm an increased immune response directed at these food antigens, including a role for maternal antibodies to food antigens and the possible presence of an antigen-specific immune reaction up to 2 years before diagnosis of the disease (Cascella et al., 2011; Dickerson, Stallings, Origoni, Vaughan, et al., 2010; Jackson et al., 2012; Karlsson et al., 2012; Lachance & McKenzie, 2014; Niebuhr et al., 2011; Samaroo et al., 2010; Severance et al., 2010; . Exposure to infectious disease pathogens during the pre-and postnatal period as defined by an antibody response is significantly associated with the future development of or current status of schizophrenia (Arias et al., 2012; Brown & Derkits, 2010; Buka, Cannon, Torrey, & Yolken, 2008; Fellerhoff, Laumbacher, Mueller, Gu, & Wank, 2007; Mortensen et al., 2010; Niebuhr et al., 2008; Xiao et al., 2009; Yolken et al., 2001; . keywords: activation; acute; adaptive; adult; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigens; aspartate; association; autism; autoantibodies; autoimmune; autoimmunity; bacterial; barrier; bipolar; blood; brain; brown; c1q; celiac; cells; cerebrospinal; changes; children; cns; complement; complex; csf; development; disease; disorders; dohan; dysfunction; dysregulation; early; eaton; effects; elevated; endothelial; environmental; epithelial; et al; etiology; evidence; exposure; factors; fetal; findings; fluid; food; function; gastrointestinal; genes; genetic; gluten; gondii; gut; human; humoral; hypothesis; idea; igg; immune; immune activation; immune system; immunity; immunoglobulin; impact; important; individuals; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; innate; intestinal; investigations; kirch; later; levels; like; literature; major; markers; maternal; methyl; microbiome; miller; molecules; neurodevelopmental; offspring; onset; pathogenesis; pathophysiology; pathways; patients; people; plasma; population; possible; prenatal; presence; process; processes; proteins; psychiatric; psychosis; psychotic; reaction; reactive; recent; receptors; related; relevant; response; result; review; risk; role; schizophrenia; section; sensitivity; serum; severance; specific; spectrum; studies; study; synaptic; system; toll; torrey; toxoplasma; tract; type; understanding; virus; wheat; yolken cache: cord-322728-10m3xscs.txt plain text: cord-322728-10m3xscs.txt item: #488 of 606 id: cord-323311-xl2fv0qx author: Kahn, R. E. title: 6th International Conference on Emerging Zoonoses date: 2012-09-07 words: 19173 flesch: 32 summary: Such research begins with either in vitro studies of virus replication on cell lines or primary cell cultures, moving to nonhuman primate models of virus infection. Already, a good understanding of the 'timing' and extent of immune (innate)-mediated injury after virus infection has been achieved. keywords: acute; addition; africa; agency; agent; aim; analysis; animal; applied; approach; article; assay; avian; avian influenza; bats; better; biology; biosafety; birds; blood; bovine; brucellosis; bse; canada; case; cattle; causes; cchfv; cell; cellular; center; centre; chain; challenges; clear; clinical; colleagues; community; complex; conference; considerable; control; countries; covs; culex; data; defense; department; detection; development; diagnostic; differences; different; differentiation; disease; domestic; dynamics; early; ebola; ecological; effective; emergence; encephalopathy; environmental; essential; et al; europe; european; events; evidence; example; exposure; expression; extensive; factors; farmers; fever; fever virus; field; food; genome; geographical; germany; global; green; group; h1n1; h5n1; haemorrhagic; hantavirus; health; hendra; high; host; hpai; human; hypothesis; identification; ifn; illness; immune; impact; important; inactivation; increase; infected; infection; influenza; influenza viruses; institute; interactions; international; invasion; jejuni; kansas; key; knowledge; laboratory; leishmaniasis; level; like; lines; listeria; local; macaques; major; marburg; medicine; methods; mexico; mice; microbiology; milk; min; model; modelling; molecular; mosquitoes; mouse; multiple; mycoplasma; natural; nature; need; nervous; new; nile; non; nonhuman; north; novel; number; numerous; observed; outbreak; pandemic; pathogenesis; pathogenicity; pathogens; pcr; people; period; pigs; polymerase; population; positive; possible; potential; poultry; predict; presence; presentation; presented; prevalence; prevention; primary; primate; prion; processing; production; professor; program; proportion; proteins; public; range; rapid; recent; receptor; relevant; research; reservoir; respiratory; respond; response; results; risk; rodent; role; samples; sars; scale; science; secretion; severe; significant; similar; single; siv; small; southern; special; species; specific; specificity; spongiform; spread; states; strategies; studies; study; supplement; surveillance; swine; system; target; team; temperature; tests; tick; time; tools; topic; transmission; type; understanding; united; university; usa; usuv; vaccines; vector; veterinary; view; viral; virus; virus infection; viruses; west; wild; wildlife; wnv; work; world; years; zoonoses; zoonotic; zoonotic diseases cache: cord-323311-xl2fv0qx.txt plain text: cord-323311-xl2fv0qx.txt item: #489 of 606 id: cord-323703-fsj736dg author: Patterson, Grace T. title: Moving health to the heart of agri-food policies; mitigating risk from our food systems date: 2020-08-30 words: 6363 flesch: 31 summary: Food systems have wide and far-reaching impact on health, economy, and society locally and globally, while health issues and our response to them have major impacts on how food systems operate. Although the interactions between food systems and our health are many and complex, we outline here four key health externalities arising from these systems of concern across the globe; 1) the dual burden of malnutrition, 2) foodborne disease, 3) antimicrobial resistance and 4) emergence of novel pathogens. keywords: access; african; agri; agricultural; animal; antimicrobial; approach; burden; chains; change; colistin; communities; consumer; consumption; countries; covid-19; current; demand; development; diet; direct; disease; diversification; ebola; economic; effects; emergence; energy; environment; estimated; et al; europe; farmers; fmd; food; food systems; foodborne; future; global; health; high; human; human health; impacts; income; infectious; intensive; key; lack; large; level; livestock; lmics; local; losses; low; major; malnutrition; market; meat; middle; milk; national; ncds; obesity; oecd; outbreak; pathogens; pig; pigs; planning; policies; policy; population; processing; production; products; public; related; report; resistance; response; restrictions; result; review; risk; role; safety; scale; security; spread; supply; support; sustainable; swine; systems; trade; transmission; trends; use; value; virus; west; world; year; zoonotic cache: cord-323703-fsj736dg.txt plain text: cord-323703-fsj736dg.txt item: #490 of 606 id: cord-324107-1u5cskii author: Nembaware, Victoria title: The Sickle Cell Disease Ontology: Enabling Collaborative Research and Co-Designing of New Planetary Health Applications date: 2020-10-01 words: 4822 flesch: 35 summary: This was facilitated by a web-based platform onto which participants uploaded data elements from previous or ongoing SCD-relevant research studies before the workshop, making multisite collaborative research studies based on existing SCD data possible, including multisite cohort, SCD global clinical trials, and SCD community engagement approaches. Work is already underway to translate this resource into French and Portuguese and to create SCDO-framed data standards for SCD research. keywords: aas; addition; african; analysis; approaches; big; blood; brazil; cameroonian; care; cell; cell disease; challenges; children; clinical; cohort; collaborative; consortium; countries; data; design; development; disease; disease ontology; elements; engagement; et al; ethics; field; framework; future; genetic; ghana; global; group; harmonization; health; impact; institutes; key; knowledge; large; life; multisite; national; network; new; nih; observational; ontology; participants; patients; planetary; planetary health; platform; populations; potential; process; prospective; public; quality; registry; research; researchers; resource; sadacc; scale; scd; scdo; screening; session; sickle; sickle cell; sickleinafrica; sites; sparco; standards; studies; study; training; trials; working; workshop; year cache: cord-324107-1u5cskii.txt plain text: cord-324107-1u5cskii.txt item: #491 of 606 id: cord-324667-wmhdw1qs author: Nishtala, Krishnatej title: Tear biomarkers for keratoconus date: 2016-08-04 words: 4085 flesch: 30 summary: Tear proteins have been reported to be altered in patients with keratoconus with and without contact lens wear when compared to controls [36] . One of the major challenges in tear proteomics is the wide dynamic range of tear proteins. keywords: alpha; analysis; approach; biomarkers; changes; clinical; collagen; composition; conditions; corneal; cytokines; data; des; diagnosis; different; disease; dry; elevated; epithelium; expression; eye; factors; film; fluid; gene; genetic; high; human; importance; incidence; inflammatory; keratoconus; levels; lipidome; lipids; manuscript; mass; matrix; metabolites; metabolome; mmp9; molecular; molecules; multiple; ocular; pathology; pathways; patients; profiling; protease; proteins; proteome; proteomic; reduction; role; severity; signaling; similar; source; specific; spectrometry; studies; study; subjects; syndrome; tear; tear fluid; thinning; topography; treatment cache: cord-324667-wmhdw1qs.txt plain text: cord-324667-wmhdw1qs.txt item: #492 of 606 id: cord-324775-3x5os79m author: Crowe, J.E. title: Human Respiratory Viruses date: 2008-07-30 words: 5719 flesch: 41 summary: Respiratory virus infections of humans are the most common and frequent infections of man. The anatomy and the cell types of the respiratory tract dictate to a large degree the type of disease observed during respiratory virus infection. keywords: acute; adenovirus; adults; age; antigenic; asthma; cases; cause; cell; children; clinical; cold; common; coronavirus; culture; different; disease; drug; family; fever; genome; genus; h5n1; high; hmpv; htlv-1; human; illness; immunity; immunocompromised; infants; infection; influenza; large; leukemia; life; lower; lower respiratory; measles; months; mortality; new; number; oral; outbreaks; pandemic; pathogen; patients; pcr; pharyngitis; pneumonia; positive; proteins; related; respiratory; respiratory tract; respiratory viruses; rhinoviruses; risk; rna; route; rsv; sars; serotypes; severe; species; studies; subjects; symptoms; syncytial; syndrome; systemic; tract; transmission; treatment; types; upper; vaccines; viral; virus; viruses; years; young cache: cord-324775-3x5os79m.txt plain text: cord-324775-3x5os79m.txt item: #493 of 606 id: cord-324788-echu0zmf author: Aich, Palok title: Modern approaches to understanding stress and disease susceptibility: A review with special emphasis on respiratory disease date: 2009-07-30 words: 7673 flesch: 30 summary: The current review focuses on (a) the effects of psychological stressors in humans and animals, (b) various methodologies employed to understand stress responses and their outcomes, and (c) the current status of the attempts to correlate stress and disease with respiratory disease as model system. Stress responses usually include physical perturbations that can encompass either the entire body or specifi c cellular compartments. keywords: activation; activity; acute; ammatory; analysis; animals; approaches; area; association; asthma; axis; bacterial; behavioral; biological; biomarkers; blood; bovine; brd; calves; cattle; cells; cellular; central; changes; cold; common; complex; cortisol; cytokine; data; day; disease; disease susceptibility; effects; evidence; experimental; expression; factors; gel; genes; genomic; glucocorticoids; group; health; high; host; hpa; human; identifi; il-6; illness; immune; important; increase; infection; infl; information; levels; mechanisms; methodologies; microarray; models; molecular; multiple; nervous; neuroendocrine; new; omics; onset; pathway; physiological; processes; production; protein; proteomic; psychological; psychological stress; psychosocial; related; release; research; respiratory; respiratory disease; response; results; review; role; sam; serum; severity; signifi; social; specifi; stress; stressors; studies; study; support; susceptibility; symptoms; synergy; system; time; tract; transportation; uenza; understanding; upper; variety; viral; virus; weaning cache: cord-324788-echu0zmf.txt plain text: cord-324788-echu0zmf.txt item: #494 of 606 id: cord-324875-04s0ysih author: Honigsbaum, Mark title: Introduction: microbes, networks, knowledge—disease ecology and emerging infectious diseases in time of COVID-19 date: 2020-06-23 words: 4044 flesch: 31 summary: As the debate over the role of ecological causation in SARS-CoV-2 demonstrates, the history of modern ideas of disease ecology can not only help us make sense of the past, it can also illuminate current scientific debates around emerging infectious diseases, and the interaction between biological, economic, and cultural factors in current pandemic emergencies, as well as others that may be lurking beyond the horizon. Moving beyond Mendelsohn’s answer, this collection of new essays considers the global history of disease ecology in the past century and shows how epidemics and pandemics have made “microbes complex”. keywords: 1960s; anderson; answer; burnet; century; concept; disease; disease ecology; dubos; ecological; ecology; epidemics; fenner; geography; health; history; honigsbaum; host; human; ideas; infectious; intellectual; interactions; issue; jones; knowledge; laboratory; life; medical; medicine; mendelsohn; microbes; modern; méthot; natural; networks; new; pandemic; parasite; particular; perspectives; philosophy; point; research; researchers; sars; science; scientific; scientists; study; term; time; understanding; view; virulence; war; world; years cache: cord-324875-04s0ysih.txt plain text: cord-324875-04s0ysih.txt item: #495 of 606 id: cord-325052-7vlxa0i7 author: Williamson, E. D. title: Vaccines for emerging pathogens: prospects for licensure date: 2019-04-11 words: 6218 flesch: 37 summary: An alternative is to develop such vaccines to request US Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), or equivalent status in the United States, Canada and the European Union, making use of a considerable number of regulatory mechanisms that are available prior to licensing. An alternative is to develop such vaccines to request US Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), or an alternative status in the United States, Canada and European Union (EU) making use of a considerable number of alternative regulatory mechanisms that are available prior to licensing, so that the products are deployable at the first indications of a disease outbreak. keywords: access; adverse; africa; alternative; animal; antibody; approval; authorization; available; bacterial; bats; canada; candidate; cause; cell; chikungunya; clinical; conditions; coronaviruses; countries; data; development; disease; drug; e.g.; effects; efficacy; endemic; eua; european; exposure; fda; fever; future; global; health; human; iii; immunogenicity; level; licensed; life; list; marketing; medical; medicines; model; national; need; new; non; number; outbreak; pathogens; pestis; phase; plague; pneumonic; potential; prevalent; priority; product; programmes; protection; regions; regulatory; research; reservoirs; respiratory; response; review; risk; safety; sars; severe; species; specific; states; syndrome; testing; trial; union; united; use; vaccination; vaccine; viral; virus; volunteers; widespread; world; yersinia; zika; zoonotic cache: cord-325052-7vlxa0i7.txt plain text: cord-325052-7vlxa0i7.txt item: #496 of 606 id: cord-325077-j77wbcr3 author: Prado-Gascó, Vicente title: Stay at Home and Teach: A Comparative Study of Psychosocial Risks Between Spain and Mexico During the Pandemic date: 2020-09-30 words: 8236 flesch: 43 summary: This sector is usually highly affected by psychosocial risks, and this could be aggravated during the current health emergency. Psychosocial risks may cause health problems, lack of motivation, and a decrease of effectiveness at work, which in turn affect the quality of teaching. keywords: adequate; affected; associated; available; burnout; cases; centre; conflict; consequences; context; control; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; crisis; data; demands; different; disease; education; emergency; emotional; et al; european; factors; general; government; hand; health; higher; impact; important; information; insecurity; items; job; justice; lack; levels; low; measures; mexico; non; organizational; pandemic; perception; present; prevention; previous; problems; properties; psychological; psychometric; psychosocial; psychosocial risks; public; related; research; resources; risks; role; sample; scale; school; scores; situation; spain; spanish; stress; students; studies; study; support; teachers; time; total; university; variables; work; workers; workload cache: cord-325077-j77wbcr3.txt plain text: cord-325077-j77wbcr3.txt item: #497 of 606 id: cord-325112-7ie23c7f author: Heimer, Carol A. title: The uses of disorder in negotiated information orders: information leveraging and changing norms in global public health governance date: 2018-10-04 words: 10440 flesch: 37 summary: Thus it is especially information initially categorized as non‐knowledge – including suppressed data, rumour, unverified evidence, and unofficial information – that creates pressure for the renegotiation of information orders. In particular, the article suggests that it is especially information categorized initially as non-knowledge -including suppressed data, rumour, unverified evidence, and unofficial information -that creates pressure for the renegotiation of information orders. keywords: action; actors; argument; article; available; blood; borders; case; changes; china; chinese; consensus; control; countries; country; data; decision; different; disease; domestic; early; economic; emerging; enserink; epidemic; evidence; existing; fact; fidler; formal; framework; global; global health; global public; goarn; governance; government; gphin; health; health governance; heimer; hospitals; ignorance; ihr; important; infectious; information; information order; insurance; insurers; interests; international; international health; key; kinds; knowledge; law; legal; legitimate; long; making; march; medical; member; new; new information; non; norms; obligations; officials; oil; order; organizations; outbreak; particular; people; period; plasma; poor; practices; pressure; problem; promed; public; public health; quality; regulations; report; reporting; revision; risks; rules; sars; social; sources; spread; states; sufficient; sufficient information; surveillance; system; technologies; threats; time; trade; treaty; unofficial; unofficial information; use; uses; workers; world; world health cache: cord-325112-7ie23c7f.txt plain text: cord-325112-7ie23c7f.txt item: #498 of 606 id: cord-325148-oe3yv69y author: Dutta, Ritaban title: Replacement Management in Cattle: Health Management date: 2015-11-30 words: 3973 flesch: 46 summary: Timing of vaccinations is important for replacement animals. Given the fact that airborne spread is probably the one of the most serious issue in animal biosecurity management, a predictive meteorological service for national level biosecurity risk pathway analysis is essential, for prevention of large-scale livestock disease control. keywords: adequate; animals; antibodies; appropriate; better; biosecurity; blood; body; calf; calves; calving; cattle; colostrum; common; control; cows; dairy; dams; decrease; diarrhea; disease; dry; farm; feed; feeding; flies; greater; growth; health; herd; high; housing; immunoglobulins; important; internal; lack; low; management; milk; new; nutrition; older; organisms; parasites; period; prevention; producers; production; rates; replacements; risk; spread; time; transfer; treatment; vaccination cache: cord-325148-oe3yv69y.txt plain text: cord-325148-oe3yv69y.txt item: #499 of 606 id: cord-325300-wawui0fd author: Tulchinsky, Theodore H. title: 4 Communicable Diseases date: 2000-12-31 words: 31283 flesch: 46 summary: EIS officers are assigned to state health departments, other public health units, and research centers as part of their training, carrying out epidemic investigation and special tasks in disease control. In disease control, individual immunity may also protect another individual. keywords: 1990s; abdominal; access; acute; adequate; adults; affected; africa; agent; aids; america; animals; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; approach; areas; aris; asia; associated; asymptomatic; available; bacillus; bacteria; bcg; blood; body; burden; cancer; care; carriers; cases; cattle; cause; cdc; cell; cellular; centers; central; century; chapter; children; chlamydia; cholera; chronic; clinical; clinical disease; common; communicable; communicable disease; community; complications; conditions; confirmation; congenital; contact; contaminated; contamination; continued; control; cost; countries; coverage; current; data; days; deaths; dengue; developed; development; diagnosis; diarrheal; different; diphtheria; direct; disease; disease control; domestic; dose; dpt; drug; early; education; effective; efforts; eggs; elderly; elimination; encephalitis; endemic; environmental; epidemic; epidemiologic; eradication; estimated; europe; exposure; failure; fatality; fecal; fever; field; following; food; form; free; general; global; great; groups; handling; hbv; headache; health; health care; hepatitis; high; hiv; hospital; host; humans; hygiene; illness; immune; immunity; immunization; immunized; important; improved; incidence; increase; incubation; india; individual; industrialized; inexpensive; infants; infected; infection; infectious disease; infective; infestation; influenza; ingestion; initial; international; intervention; investigation; ipv; laboratory; large; levels; life; limited; liver; living; local; long; low; major; malaria; management; mass; material; measles; measures; medical; meningitis; methods; mild; milk; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; multiple; natural; nervous; new; new cases; newborns; number; occurrence; onset; opv; oral; organism; organization; outbreaks; pain; pandemic; parasitic; parents; parts; patients; people; period; persons; pertussis; pneumonia; policy; poliomyelitis; poor; population; possible; potential; practices; present; prevalence; preventable; prevention; primary; problem; products; program; progress; protection; providers; public; public health; rabies; rash; rates; reduced; reduction; reports; research; reservoir; resistance; respiratory; response; result; risk; routine; rubella; safe; saharan; sanitation; scale; school; secondary; self; services; settings; severe; severity; short; similar; single; skin; smallpox; source; south; specific; spread; standards; states; strains; sub; success; successful; supplies; support; surveillance; susceptible; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; system; table; tapeworm; target; technology; term; testing; tetanus; therapy; time; tract; transmission; treatment; tropical; tuberculosis; types; u.s; united; united states; untreated; urine; vaccination; vaccine; varicella; vector; vector control; viral; virus; viruses; vomiting; water; weeks; widespread; wild; women; workers; world; world health; worldwide; year; young cache: cord-325300-wawui0fd.txt plain text: cord-325300-wawui0fd.txt item: #500 of 606 id: cord-325433-a2fynm75 author: Riggs, Shannon M. title: CHAPTER 17 GUINEA PIGS date: 2009-12-31 words: 8877 flesch: 49 summary: In the wild, guinea pigs live in small groups and, therefore, are often more comfortable in the presence of other guinea pigs when maintained as companion animals. This chapter deals with the health and medical care issues of guinea pigs. keywords: abdominal; abnormalities; abscesses; acid; adenoma; adenovirus; administration; affected; age; anesthesia; animals; antibiotics; appropriate; associated; available; bacterial; bladder; blood; body; bordetella; box; bronchiseptica; calculi; care; cation; cavity; cell; cervical; changes; cheek; clinical; coat; common; count; cult; culture; cysts; decrease; defi; dental; development; diagnosis; diet; diffi; disease; enzyme; examination; fecal; female; figure; food; gram; guinea; guinea pigs; health; high; identifi; imaging; important; induction; infection; intubation; kurloff; laboratory; large; lesions; limbs; long; lymphadenitis; malocclusion; mild; nasal; necessary; necropsy; neoplasia; normal; nutritional; occlusal; oral; organisms; ovarian; ovaries; overgrowth; owners; patient; physical; pigs; pneumonia; poor; positive; premolars; present; quality; rabbits; radiographs; rate; reported; reproductive; respiratory; rodents; routine; short; signs; small; species; stress; surgical; techniques; teeth; temperatures; thorough; time; tissues; tract; treatment; tumor; uid; ultrasound; urane; urinary; useful; visualization; vitamin; young cache: cord-325433-a2fynm75.txt plain text: cord-325433-a2fynm75.txt item: #501 of 606 id: cord-325700-f102uk2m author: Fraser, Douglas D. title: Metabolomics Profiling of Critically Ill Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients: Identification of Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers date: 2020-10-21 words: 5712 flesch: 33 summary: Although plasma kynurenine effectively discriminated COVID19+ patients from healthy control subjects, determination of COVID19 status in ICU patients required further specificity that was optimally provided by an arginine/kynurenine ratio. None. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Age- and sex-matched healthy controls and ICU patients that were either coronavirus disease 2019 positive or coronavirus disease 2019 negative were enrolled. keywords: accuracy; acid; activation; acute; age; amino; analysis; arginine; biomarkers; blood; care; cells; classification; clinical; cohorts; consent; control; coronavirus; coronavirus disease; cov-2; covid-19; covid19; creatinine; critical; cutoff; data; days; death; diagnostic; different; direct; disease; feature; figure; filter; fold; future; healthy; healthy control; high; icu; icu patients; identification; ill; injury; kynurenine; lysopcs; mass; metabolites; metabolome; metabolomics; mortality; negative; nmr; novel; number; outcome; patients; plasma; plate; pneumonia; positive; positive patients; potential; profiling; prognostic; random; ratio; renal; reported; research; samples; sarcosine; sars; selection; sepsis; sex; standard; status; study; subjects; testing; time; trees; tryptophan cache: cord-325700-f102uk2m.txt plain text: cord-325700-f102uk2m.txt item: #502 of 606 id: cord-325906-2k2g5khw author: Tresker, Steven title: A typology of clinical conditions date: 2020-05-22 words: 7590 flesch: 39 summary: Yet recent calls for revisions in Alzheimer disease (AD) and Huntington disease diagnostic criteria advocate inclusion of AD and Huntington disease biomarkers (Jack et al., 2018; Reilmann et al., 2014) . (Boorse, 1977, 560) Similarly, there are diseases (categories C, D, G, and H) for which asymptomaticity represents pathophysiological variability, in the sense that some cases of the disease result in symptoms, whereas others result in asymptomatic disease, but disease nonetheless (as assessed by signs, such as results of laboratory tests). keywords: aging; alzheimer; asymptomatic; available; basis; better; biological; biomarkers; boorse; bst; cases; categories; category; certain; classification; clinical; clinical conditions; conditions; considerations; criteria; current; dementia; diabetes; diagnostic; diagnostic criteria; disease; disorders; dubois; dysfunction; early; et al; evidence; example; factors; framework; functional; health; huntington; hypertension; important; jack; jack et; key; medical; meeting; mild; nia; normal; normative; overdiagnosis; pathology; pathophysiological; patients; people; person; possible; practice; presence; present; prodromal; research; result; risk; schwartz; signs; specific; symptoms; test; treatment; true; type; typology; underlying; years cache: cord-325906-2k2g5khw.txt plain text: cord-325906-2k2g5khw.txt item: #503 of 606 id: cord-326017-qw4qynqv author: Laskar, Partha title: “Tomorrow Never Dies”: Recent Advances in Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention Modalities against Coronavirus (COVID-19) amid Controversies date: 2020-08-06 words: 14817 flesch: 35 summary: Thus, early, rapid, and accurate diagnosis of COVID-19 patients is becoming very crucial to control the sources of infection and to prevent further community spread. Such tests have proven lung histology (lung damage or holes/honeycomb-like appearance) of COVID-19 patients [70] . keywords: 2019; ace2; acid; acute; addition; agencies; alternative; amplification; antibodies; antibody; antiviral; areas; assay; associated; autopsy; bat; big; blood; cam; care; cases; cells; changes; chest; china; chinese; clinical; combination; complementary; concern; contact; control; controversies; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; covid-19 patients; crispr; data; day; days; death; deep; detection; development; diagnose; diagnostic; disease; dna; drug; effective; effects; enzyme; etc; evidence; figure; following; gears; genome; global; glycoprotein; government; guidelines; health; healthcare; help; high; higher; host; huge; human; hydroxychloroquine; iii; immune; important; increase; infected; infection; influenza; information; isothermal; knowledge; lamp; large; like; load; loop; lopinavir; lung; management; mass; measurements; medical; medicine; mers; methods; mild; mobile; modalities; molecular; mortality; multiple; national; ncov; new; novel; nucleic; number; open; outbreak; pandemic; patients; pcr; person; pneumonia; population; positive; possible; potential; practices; precautionary; prevention; previous; primary; process; progress; proper; properties; protective; protein; public; range; rapid; ray; reaction; real; recent; receptor; recommended; report; repurposing; research; researchers; respiratory; response; results; reverse; review; risk; ritonavir; rna; role; samples; sars; scan; sensitive; sequence; serological; severe; similar; single; situation; social; specific; spike; spread; strategy; studies; study; successful; surface; symptoms; syndrome; system; target; technique; technology; testing; therapeutic; therapy; time; traditional; transcription; transmission; treatment; trials; use; vaccine; viral; viruses; world cache: cord-326017-qw4qynqv.txt plain text: cord-326017-qw4qynqv.txt item: #504 of 606 id: cord-326785-le2t1l8g author: None title: Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 163rd meeting, 3–5 July 1991 date: 2005-06-15 words: 22778 flesch: 36 summary: SSCs in the Connective tissue were Melled with the antibody along With a number of other cells (lymphocytes) within the germinal centres. These results show that sadium iodoacetate reduces cell number and interferes wqth the manufacture of matrix components. keywords: abnormalities; accurate; acid; acp; actin; activity; acute; addition; adenocarcinomas; adenylate; adhesion; adult; age; agnor; ahprbp; alveolar; amyloid; analysis; aner; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apparent; appearance; areas; arterial; arteries; artery; asbestos; assessment; associated; association; asthmatics; atherosclerosis; atypical; autopsies; autopsy; available; bane; benign; bile; binding; biopsies; biopsy; blood; blue; bone; bowel; brain; breast; bronchial; camp; cancer; capable; carcinoma; cartilage; cases; cause; cbsa; ceiis; cell adhesion; cell carcinomas; cell type; cells; cellular; cerebral; certain; cgrp; chain; chamber; changes; chondrocytes; chromatin; chromosome; chronic; clinical; cns; colitis; collagen; colon; colonic; colorectal; common; complication; component; conditions; connective; consistent; content; contrast; controls; conventional; cortex; cota; course; crescentic; crohn; crypt; cultured; cyclase; cyst; cytoplasmic; cytospin; data; day; days; death; dense; dependent; deposits; development; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diameter; differences; differentiation; digestion; disease; dispersal; distal; distribution; dna; dose; e n; early; effects; elastic; electron; electron microscopy; embedding; endoscopic; endothelium; endothellal; enolase; environment; enzyme; eosinophils; epidermal; epithelial; epithelial cells; erbb-2; established; estrogen; evidence; evident; examination; exposure; expression; factor; failure; far; fat; fatty; features; fgf; fibres; fibroblast; fibrosis; fibrous; findings; fine; fixation; flow; fluid; follicles; follow; formalin; formation; forms; fragmentation; free; frequent; frozen; function; gastric; gene; general; germ; germinal; giant; glandular; glycan; grade; granulomas; greater; group; growth; gst; gun; hepatocytes; hgf; high; histological; histology; history; homing; hospital; hpv; hrhgf; hsv; human; hydroxylase; hypothesis; identification; ileal; image; immune; immunohistochemistry; immunological; important; incidence; increase; infected; infection; infiltrate; inflammation; inflammatory; initial; injury; inorganic; integnn; integrin; intestine; ireland; irradiation; kidney; knee; l e; labelling; laboratory; lamina; large; large cell; later; lesions; leu; level; light; like; lines; lining; liver; local; loh; london; long; lor; loss; low; lower; ltsem; lung; lymphocytes; lymphoid; lymphomas; macrophages; major; male; malignant; malt; mammalian; manow; margins; marked; markers; marrow; mass; mast; material; matrix; matter; mean; mechanism; median; melanocytic; melanomas; membrane; mesothelioma; metabolism; metastases; metastatic; method; mgn; mice; microscopy; mild; mimic; mitotic; mixed; model; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; months; morphological; morphology; mouse; mucosa; muscle; muscular; mutations; myc; myelin; n s; n t; naevi; nasal; needle; negative; neoplastic; nephropathy; nerve; neuroendocrine; new; nlsh; node; non; normal; nuclear; number; numerous; o n; occasional; ofthe; old; operation; order; overgrowth; p53; p62; pack; panel; papillary; paraffin; parallel; parameters; past; pathological; pathologists; pathology; patients; pattern; pclo; pcr; period; peripheral; pnmary; poor; populations; positive; possible; post; pouchitis; presence; present; presentation; previous; primary; probe; procedures; processing; product; profile; prognosis; progressive; proliferation; prominent; propria; prostatic; protein; pulmonary; quantitative; rabbits; range; rapid; rat; rate; rats; rcc; reaction; reactive; receptor; rectal; recurrence; region; regression; relationship; renal; renewing; resin; resistant; resorption; response; results; resuns; review; role; routine; royal; s e; s t; samples; schwann; secondary; sections; sem; semi; sequences; serum; set; severe; sickness; significant; similar; simplex; single; site; size; skin; small; small cell; smokers; smooth; sodium; southampton; species; specific; specimens; squamous; stage; staining; standard; statin; status; storage; strength; stromal; strong; structure; students; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; support; surface; surgical; synovial; synthesis; system; t o; tartrate; technique; tendency; term; therapy; thin; thought; time; tissue; total; treatment; tubular; tumors; tumour; turnours; type; ulcerative; upper; useful; variable; variation; variety; vascular; vessels; view; viral; virus; wax; weak; weakness; weeks; whlch; wide; widespread; wlth; wound; wwe; years cache: cord-326785-le2t1l8g.txt plain text: cord-326785-le2t1l8g.txt item: #505 of 606 id: cord-326788-qzm3b3xy author: Liew, Jean W. title: Patient‐reported Disease Activity in an Axial Spondyloarthritis Cohort during the COVID‐19 Pandemic date: 2020-09-06 words: 3854 flesch: 46 summary: In this study, higher levels of perceived stress and anxiety, but not depression, were significantly associated with higher disease activity levels among individuals with axSpA. The impact of such stressors on disease activity in individuals with axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) is unclear. keywords: activity; analysis; anxiety; association; average; axspa; basdai; baseline; change; characteristics; cohort; confounders; coronavirus; covid-19; data; depression; disease; disease activity; earthquake; exercise; factors; following; group; higher; impact; important; individuals; job; levels; lower; major; months; natural; nsaid; pandemic; patients; potential; prior; rheumatic; scale; scores; spondylitis; spondyloarthritis; status; stress; studies; study; survey; use cache: cord-326788-qzm3b3xy.txt plain text: cord-326788-qzm3b3xy.txt item: #506 of 606 id: cord-327109-2fh004df author: Polyzos, Stergios A. title: Making progress in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as we are transitioning from the era of NAFLD to dys-metabolism associated fatty liver disease (DAFLD) date: 2020-07-21 words: 3964 flesch: 37 summary: Fasting plasma glucose associated with mortality rate in T2DM patients with COVID-19 infection Commentary: COVID-19 and diabetes mellitus: What we know, how our patients should be treated now, and what should happen next Care of patients with liver disease during the COVID-19 pandemic: EASL-ESCMID position paper The emerging role of endocrine disruptors in pathogenesis of insulin resistance: a concept implicating nonalcoholic fatty liver disease key: cord-327109-2fh004df authors: Polyzos, Stergios A.; Mantzoros, Christos S. title: Making progress in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) as we are transitioning from the era of NAFLD to dys-metabolism associated fatty liver disease (DAFLD) date: 2020-07-21 journal: Metabolism DOI: 10.1016/j.metabol.2020.154318 sha: doc_id: 327109 cord_uid: 2fh004df nan This special issue of Metabolism, Clinical and Experimental is dedicated to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a disease closely linked with the insulin resistance (IR) syndrome or metabolic syndrome (MetS) keywords: appropriate; better; biomarkers; cardiovascular; change; characterization; clinical; complications; concept; covid-19; diabetes; diagnosis; disease; factors; fatty; fatty liver; fibrosis; field; future; hepatic; high; important; issue; liver; liver disease; management; metabolic; morbidity; mortality; multiple; nafld; nash; need; nonalcoholic; nonalcoholic fatty; noninvasive; novel; obesity; pathogenesis; patients; prevalence; progression; related; risk; special; steatohepatitis; transplantation; treatment; trials cache: cord-327109-2fh004df.txt plain text: cord-327109-2fh004df.txt item: #507 of 606 id: cord-327442-e02y93f6 author: Kastritis, Efstathios title: Systemic autoimmune diseases, anti-rheumatic therapies, COVID-19 infection risk and patient outcomes date: 2020-07-11 words: 4050 flesch: 32 summary: Treatment adherence of patients with systemic rheumatic diseases in COVID-19 pandemic COVID-19, rheumatic diseases and immunosuppressive drugs: an appeal for medication adherence Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and anti-rheumatic drugs Virusassociated hemophagocytic syndrome as a major contributor to death in patients with 2009 influenza A (H1N1) infection Genomic analysis of increased host immune and cell death responses induced by 1918 influenza virus COVID-19: a new virus, but a familiar receptor and cytokine release Syndrome The many faces of the anti-COVID immune response Clinical predictors of mortality due to COVID-19 based on an analysis of data of 150 patients from Wuhan, China Current concepts in the diagnosis and management of cytokine release syndrome Recommendations for the management of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in adults On the alert for cytokine storm: immunopathology in COVID-19 Immunosuppression for hyperinflammation in COVID-19: a double-edged sword? Risk of serious infection in biological treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic review and meta-analysis Risk factors for reported influenza and influenza-like symptoms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Greek Rheumatology Society and Professional Association of Rheumatologists (ERE-EPERE) (2020) Recommendations regarding COVID-19 infection in rheumatic patients in Greece Impact of low dose tocilizumab on mortality rate in patients with COVID-19 related pneumonia Scarpellini P, Dagna L (2020) Interleukin-1 blockade with high-dose anakinra in patients with COVID-19, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and hyperinflammation: a retrospective cohort study Effective treatment of severe COVID-19 patients with tocilizumab Favorable Anakinra responses in severe COVID-19 patients with secondary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis Baricitinib for COVID-19: a suitable treatment? Baricitinib as potential treatment for 2019-nCoV acute respiratory disease COVID-19: combining antiviral and antiinflammatory treatments Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial Clinical and microbiological effect of a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin in 80 COVID-19 patients with at least a 6-day follow up: a pilot observational study Observational study of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalized patients with Covid-19 A rush to judgment? Clinical course of COVID-19 in a series of patients with chronic arthritis treated with immunosuppressive targeted therapies Rheumatic disease and COVID-19: initial data from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance provider registries Characteristics associated with hospitalisation for COVID-19 in people with rheumatic disease: data from the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance physicianreported registry Incidence and clinical course of COVID-19 in patients with connective tissue diseases: a descriptive observational analysis Rituximab for granulomatosis with polyangiitis in the pandemic of covid-19: lessons from a case with severe pneumonia A (2020) Identifying rheumatic disease patients at high risk and requiring shielding during the COVID-19 pandemic WHO Coronavirus Disease Geoepidemiology of autoimmune rheumatic diseases COVID-19 pandemic: is a gender-defined dosage effect responsible for the high mortality rate among males Conflict of interest None for this manuscript, for all authors. keywords: analysis; anti; arthritis; associated; authors; autoimmune; chronic; clinical; comorbidities; confirmed; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 infection; cytokine; data; death; diseases; dose; drugs; erythematosus; evidence; general; glucocorticoids; hand; high; hospitalization; hydroxychloroquine; infected; infection; inflammatory; lupus; management; outcomes; pandemic; patients; population; potential; reported; respiratory; responses; rheumatic; risk; rituximab; severe; storm; study; syndrome; synthetic; systemic; table; targeted; therapies; therapy; treatment; trials; viral cache: cord-327442-e02y93f6.txt plain text: cord-327442-e02y93f6.txt item: #508 of 606 id: cord-328287-3qgzulgj author: Moni, Mohammad Ali title: Network-based analysis of comorbidities risk during an infection: SARS and HIV case studies date: 2014-10-24 words: 10661 flesch: 39 summary: The list of disorders, disease genes, and associations between them were obtained from the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) [58] , a compendium of human disease genes and phenotypes (see details in the Methods section). keywords: acute; additional; additional file; ageing; analysis; approach; associated; associations; available; breast; cancer; categories; cause; cells; chronic; clinical; codes; common; comorbidities; comorbidity; complex; conditions; confidence; connected; control; coronavirus; correlation; cov; data; database; diabetes; different; digit; disease; disease comorbidities; disease genes; disorders; drug; expression; failure; figure; file; function; gene expression; genes; genetic; group; health; heart; hiv; hiv infection; hiv-1;; human; icd-9; immune; impact; important; increase; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; information; interaction; kidney; level; lung; medical; medicine; mers; metabolic; method; microarray; molecular; multiple; network; new; nfkbia; number; occurrence; omim; osteoporosis; pathways; patients; people; phenotypic; points; population; ppi; process; profiles; protein; related; relationships; relative; respiratory; response; risk; role; rr ij; sars; sars infection; set; severe; signalling; significant; similar; statistical; studies; study; syndrome; system; table; test; time; type; value cache: cord-328287-3qgzulgj.txt plain text: cord-328287-3qgzulgj.txt item: #509 of 606 id: cord-328655-55ebve2k author: Rohr, Jason R. title: Frontiers in climate change–disease research date: 2011-04-12 words: 5727 flesch: 32 summary: Extinction risk from climate change Global trends in emerging infectious diseases A globally coherent fingerprint of climate change impacts across natural systems Ecological responses to recent climate change Consequences of climate change on the tree of life in Europe Climate warming and disease risks for terrestrial and marine biota Impact of regional climate change on human health Climate change and human health Shifting patterns: malaria dynamics and rainfall variability in an African highland Refractory periods and climate forcing in cholera dynamics Nonstationary influence of El Nino on the synchronous dengue epidemics in Thailand Plague dynamics are driven by climate variation Opinion Trends in Ecology and Evolution Climate change and the recent emergence of bluetongue in Europe Thermal stress and coral cover as drivers of coral disease outbreaks Are diseases increasing in the ocean? Linking global climate and temperature variability to widespread amphibian declines putatively caused by disease key: cord-328655-55ebve2k authors: Rohr, Jason R.; Dobson, Andrew P.; Johnson, Pieter T.J.; Kilpatrick, A. Marm; Paull, Sara H.; Raffel, Thomas R.; Ruiz-Moreno, Diego; Thomas, Matthew B. title: Frontiers in climate change–disease research date: 2011-04-12 journal: Trends Ecol Evol DOI: 10.1016/ keywords: amphibian; better; biodiversity; box; category; change; cholera; climate; climate change; climatic; collaborations; community; control; controversy; data; decrease; difficult; direct; disease; dynamics; ecological; ecology; effects; efforts; evidence; evolution; example; experiments; extinctions; factors; field; figure; gaps; global; high; higher; host; human; immunity; impacts; important; increase; infectious; instance; interactions; likely; malaria; management; measures; metabolic; models; need; organisms; outbreaks; parasite; pathogen; range; regions; relative; research; risk; scale; sensitive; severity; shifts; species; systems; temperature; theory; transmission; trends; tropical; understanding; variability; variables; variation; virus; wildlife cache: cord-328655-55ebve2k.txt plain text: cord-328655-55ebve2k.txt item: #510 of 606 id: cord-329244-z28twpb1 author: McAloose, Denise title: Wildlife cancer: a conservation perspective date: 2009 words: 8478 flesch: 23 summary: However, with the identification of Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease, sea turtle fibropapillomatosis and sea lion genital carcinoma, it has become apparent that neoplasia can be highly prevalent and have considerable effects on some species. However, with the identification of Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease, sea turtle fibropapillomatosis and sea lion genital carcinoma, it has become apparent that neoplasia can be highly prevalent and have considerable effects on some species. keywords: affected; allograft; animals; anthropogenic; areas; attwater; bandicoots; bap; beluga; beluga whales; brown; bullhead; california; californianus; cancer; canine; captive; carcinoma; catfish; cause; cell; characterization; chelonia; chickens; common; concern; conservation; contaminated; ctvs; cutaneous; cyp1a1; data; death; delphinapterus; density; dependent; development; devil; dftd; disease; diversity; dna; dogs; early; effects; endangered; environmental; estuary; evidence; example; exposure; expression; extinction; facial; factors; fibropapillomatosis; fish; free; frequency; genetic; genital; green; growth; harrisii; health; hepatic; herpesvirus; high; host; human; identification; immune; impact; important; incidence; infection; intestinal; isolated; known; lawrence; leucas; limited; lions; long; low; malignant; marine; mechanisms; mhc; models; monitoring; mortality; mydas; natural; neoplasia; novel; pah; papillomas; papillomavirus; pathology; population; potential; prairie; prevalence; rate; relationships; review; river; role; sarcoma; sarcophilus; scientific; sediment; similar; sle; small; species; spontaneous; squamous; states; studies; tasmanian; tasmanian devil; tissue; transmissible; transmission; tumors; tumour; turtle; type; understanding; venereal; viral; virus; viruses; western; whales; wildlife; wildlife species; world; zalophus cache: cord-329244-z28twpb1.txt plain text: cord-329244-z28twpb1.txt item: #511 of 606 id: cord-329881-9vnz5zzg author: Garcia, Sònia title: Pandemics and Traditional Plant-Based Remedies. A Historical-Botanical Review in the Era of COVID19 date: 2020-08-28 words: 6222 flesch: 38 summary: Besides, in the USA a group of doctors known as The Eclectics got positive results by treating the flu symptoms with plant remedies, together with other measures that included exercise. Front Plant Sci DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.571042 sha: doc_id: 329881 cord_uid: 9vnz5zzg Pandemics are as old as humanity and since ancient times we have turned to plants to find solutions to health-related problems. keywords: active; ages; allium; alternative; americans; ancient; antiviral; artemisia; artemisinin; bark; black; botanical; cases; century; china; chinese; clinical; compounds; countries; covid-19; covid19; cure; current; death; derivatives; discovery; disease; drugs; early; effective; effectiveness; effects; et al; extract; family; flu; garlic; global; health; herbs; high; historical; history; human; hydroxychloroquine; important; indigenous; infectious; influenza; knowledge; long; main; malaria; medical; medicine; middle; modern; native; nature; new; origin; pandemic; people; plague; plant; potential; present; prevention; production; properties; quinine; recent; remedies; remedy; research; review; role; sars; sativum; smallpox; spanish; species; studies; symptoms; synthetic; therapeutic; tobacco; traditional; treatment; tree; trials; tuberculosis; use; vaccination; vaccine; virus; world; years cache: cord-329881-9vnz5zzg.txt plain text: cord-329881-9vnz5zzg.txt item: #512 of 606 id: cord-330148-yltc6wpv author: Lessler, Justin title: Trends in the Mechanistic and Dynamic Modeling of Infectious Diseases date: 2016-07-02 words: 5914 flesch: 30 summary: Infectious disease models are being given a firmer empirical footing, while the use of generative mechanistic approaches allows us to use models as tools for forecasting, strategic planning, and other activities in ways that would not be possible with models that do not represent the underlying dynamic epidemiologic processes. Similarly, ensemblebased climate models have been incorporated with infectious disease models to forecast climate-related disease including plague and malaria keywords: analysis; approaches; areas; big; burden; case; climate; coalescent; complex; contact; control; data; datasets; dengue; different; disease; dynamics; early; ebola; ensemble; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; estimates; example; force; forecasting; forecasts; future; global; health; high; hiv; human; impact; important; incidence; infectious; infectious disease; inference; influenza; key; large; likelihood; malaria; mechanistic; mechanistic models; mers; methods; mobile; modeling; models; movement; new; number; observed; outbreak; parameters; pathogens; patterns; people; phylodynamics; population; processes; public; rate; recent; reproductive; research; risk; role; seasonal; sequence; sources; spatial; spread; statistical; structure; study; surveillance; susceptible; time; transmission; trends; uncertainty; underlying; understanding; use; viral; virus; work cache: cord-330148-yltc6wpv.txt plain text: cord-330148-yltc6wpv.txt item: #513 of 606 id: cord-330701-k68b0wqe author: Gerc, Vjekoslav title: Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) in COVID-19 Pandemic Era date: 2020-06-17 words: 5524 flesch: 45 summary: Patients with CVDs must be observed by health professionals (specialists of cardiology, family practitioners, epidemiologists, etc) with special preventive measures regarding COVID-19 infection (1). A Review Effective treatment of severe COVID-19 patients with tocilizumab TH17 responses in cytokine storm of CO-VID-19: an emerging target of JAK2 inhibitor fedratinib COVID-19: consider cytokine storm syndromes and immunosuppression Flooded by the torrent: the COVID-19 drug pipeline Remdesivir in adults with severe COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial ESC Guidance for the Diagnosis and Management of CV Disease during the COVID-19 Pandemic Sleep and Motion Disorders of Physicians and Nurses Working in Hospitals Facing the Pandemic of COVID-19 Pharmacologist's view of the new corona virus keywords: ace; activity; acute; angiotensin; arrhythmias; blood; cardiac; cardiovascular; cells; china; clinical; complications; coronary; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cvds; cytokine; damage; death; disease; drugs; dysfunction; endothelial; factors; failure; global; health; heart; hypertension; immune; important; increase; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibitors; interleukin; lungs; mortality; myocardial; myocarditis; new; pandemic; patients; people; poor; possible; presence; remdesivir; respiratory; risk; sars; severe; significant; storm; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; therapy; time; treatment; use; vaccine; values; vessels; virus; world; wuhan cache: cord-330701-k68b0wqe.txt plain text: cord-330701-k68b0wqe.txt item: #514 of 606 id: cord-330716-hbhtbgzd author: Hui, Zhang title: An analysis of the current status of hospital emergency preparedness for infectious disease outbreaks in Beijing, China date: 2007-02-28 words: 3683 flesch: 39 summary: Comprehensive measures should be developed and implemented to enhance their capacity for infectious disease emergency. One year after these initiatives, are hospitals now well prepared for infectious disease emergencies in Beijing? keywords: aspects; beds; beijing; capability; capacity; care; control; diseases; drugs; emergency; equipment; health; hospitals; infectious; infectious diseases; large; medical; outbreak; personal; plan; preparedness; prevention; procedures; protective; public; questionnaire; respondents; response; results; sars; scale; secondary; specific; staff; stockpile; study; survey; system; tertiary; training; treatment cache: cord-330716-hbhtbgzd.txt plain text: cord-330716-hbhtbgzd.txt item: #515 of 606 id: cord-330830-x2swoy4d author: Kobayashi, Nobumichi title: Impact of Emerging, Re-Emerging and Zoonotic Viral Infectious Diseases, in a Virologist’s Perspective date: 2018-08-31 words: 922 flesch: 36 summary: Thus, spread of emerging viral diseases is considered to be caused by multifactorial mechanisms. Despite such situations, scientists have a significant role to reduce the risks of emerging viral diseases. keywords: development; diseases; factors; global; high; humans; increase; infectious; natural; pathogens; population; related; species; spread; vectors; viral; virus; viruses; zoonotic cache: cord-330830-x2swoy4d.txt plain text: cord-330830-x2swoy4d.txt item: #516 of 606 id: cord-331255-t85yioyl author: Rohr, Jason R. title: Emerging human infectious diseases and the links to global food production date: 2019-06-11 words: 9091 flesch: 22 summary: Here, we synthesize the pathways by which projected agricultural expansion and intensification will influence human infectious diseases and how human infectious diseases might likewise affect food production and distribution. Here, we review both the beneficial and adverse effects of agricultural expansion and intensification on the transmission of human infectious diseases. keywords: addition; adverse; africa; agricultural; agricultural development; agricultural production; analysis; animals; antibiotics; antimicrobial; aquaculture; associated; benefits; biodiversity; change; children; climate; consequences; consumption; contact; control; conversion; countries; crop; dams; data; demand; densities; development; direct; disease; disease emergence; disease risk; drivers; dynamics; early; ecological; economic; education; effects; emergence; environmental; evidence; example; expansion; factors; feeding; fig; food; future; global; growth; health; higher; host; human; human disease; human health; human infectious; human population; impacts; important; increase; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; infrastructure; intensification; interactions; international; irrigation; land; large; livestock; losses; major; malaria; management; modelling; models; mortality; natural; non; nutrition; parasites; parasitic; pathogens; people; pesticides; poor; population; potential; poverty; production; productivity; public; rates; recent; research; resistance; resources; responses; review; risk; rural; schistosomiasis; species; spillover; subsistence; systems; transmission; trap; tropical; turn; undernutrition; united; use; vector; virulence; virus; water; wild; wildlife; world; zoonotic cache: cord-331255-t85yioyl.txt plain text: cord-331255-t85yioyl.txt item: #517 of 606 id: cord-331268-kzy33hdb author: Lynch, Sharon G. title: Multiple sclerosis date: 1996-01-31 words: 13858 flesch: 43 summary: Multiple sclerosis and human Tcell lymphotrophic retroviruses Amplification and molecular cloning of HTLV-I sequences from DNA of multiple sclerosis patients HTLV1 and tropical spastic paraparesis The G and Brahic M analysis of human Tlymphotrophic virus sequences in multiple sclerosis tissue Serologic studies of MS patients, controls, and patients with other neurologic diseases: antibodies to HTLV I Human T lymphotrophic virus type I may not be associated with multiple sclerosis in Japan Detection of human T-cell lymphoma virus type I DNA and antigen in spinal fluid and blood of patients with chronic progressive myelopathy Detection of coronavirus RNA and antigen in multiple sclerosis brain Bacterial toxin superantigens activate human T lymphocytes reactive with myelin autoantigens V-Beta specific stimulation of human T cells by staphylococcal toxins Findings in multiple sclerosis Problems of experimental trials of therapy in multiple sclerosis: report by the panel on evaluation of experimental trials of therapy in multiple sclerosis Influenza1 encephalopathy and post-influenza1 encephalitis Lyme disease: recommendations for diagnosis and treatment Human T-lymphocyte virus type I antibodies in the serum of patients with tropical spastic paraparesis in the Seychelles The diagnosis of childhood neurodegenerative disorders presenting as dementia in adults Textbook of child neurology Risk of developing multiple sclerosis after uncomplicated optic neuritis: a long-term prospective study Transverse myelitis: retrospective analysis of 33 cases, with differentiation of cases associated with multiple sclerosis and parainfectious events Long-term follow-up of acute partial transverse myelopathy Early risk of multiple sclerosis following isolated acute syndromes of the brainstem and spinal cord Prognostic significance of brain MRI at presentation with a clinically isolated syndrome suggestive of MS: a five-year follow-up study neuromyelitis optica and Schilder's myelinoclastic diffuse sclerosis Prognostic factors in a multiple sclerosis incidence cohort with twenty-five years of follow-up Multiple sclerosis: early prognostic guidelines Studies on the natural history of multiple sclerosis: eight early prognostic features of the later course of the illness Cardiovascular testing and exercise prescription in multiple sclerosis patients Multiple sclerosis. keywords: abnormalities; activity; acute; administration; agents; antibodies; antigen; areas; autoimmune; azathioprine; baclofen; bands; basic; benefit; betaseron; bladder; blood; brain; brainstem; careful; cause; cell; central; cerebral; chronic; clinical; cns; cognitive; common; condition; control; copolymer; cord; correlate; course; criteria; csf; days; demyelination; depression; diagnosis; diazepam; disability; disease; dose; double; drug; dysfunction; early; effects; encephalomyelitis; environmental; episode; examination; exercise; experience; experimental; exposure; factors; fatigue; features; findings; fluid; follow; frequency; genetic; helpful; high; history; human; iii; images; imaging; important; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; interferon; intermittent; intravenous; investigations; january; known; lesions; level; long; low; lymphocytes; magnetic; matter; medications; methylprednisolone; mhc; mild; mri; multiple; multiple sclerosis; myelin; neuritis; neurologic; new; number; numbness; oligoclonal; onset; optic; oral; pain; paraparesis; pathogenesis; pathologic; patients; phase; physical; plaques; pregnancy; presence; present; primary; problems; progressive; protein; receptor; relapses; resonance; response; results; risk; sclerosis; severe; sign; spasms; spasticity; specific; spinal; steroid; studies; study; subacute; symptoms; syndrome; system; table; techniques; testing; therapy; time; transverse; treatment; tremor; trials; type; urinary; use; useful; vertigo; viral; virus; weakness; white; women; years cache: cord-331268-kzy33hdb.txt plain text: cord-331268-kzy33hdb.txt item: #518 of 606 id: cord-331401-bhl729up author: Rantsios, A.T. title: Zoonoses date: 2015-09-22 words: 3339 flesch: 36 summary: Relevant lists of zoonotic diseases are presented. The severity of zoonotic diseases in humans varies from mild symptoms to life-threatening conditions. keywords: agents; agricultural; animals; approach; concept; conditions; contact; control; cooperation; cross; diseases; economic; emergence; environment; factors; food; foodborne; general; global; health; host; human; human health; impact; important; increase; infected; infectious; interface; international; list; livestock; management; new; pathogens; people; pet; population; prevention; production; professionals; public; related; responsible; risk; safety; significance; species; specific; table; transmission; water; wildlife; zoonoses; zoonotic; zoonotic diseases cache: cord-331401-bhl729up.txt plain text: cord-331401-bhl729up.txt item: #519 of 606 id: cord-331584-z43ifmr3 author: Mahy, B.W.J. title: Emerging and Reemerging Virus Diseases of Vertebrates date: 2008-07-30 words: 3985 flesch: 44 summary: The threat of a new pandemic of influenza virus in the human population stresses the need for development of better methods for detection, surveillance, and control of emerging virus diseases. Many important virus diseases are spread by arthropods, and exposure to new arthropods and the viruses they carry is critical to the emergence of new virus diseases. keywords: acute; america; animals; bats; behavior; birds; blood; cases; cause; contact; control; coronavirus; dengue; different; disease; emergence; epidemic; example; fatal; fever; genome; genus; hantavirus; hemorrhagic; hendra; hepatitis; hiv; host; human; important; infected; infection; influenza; molecular; mosquito; new; nipah; people; persons; pigs; population; related; reservoir; respiratory; rna; rodents; samples; sequence; severe; south; species; spread; syndrome; time; usa; virus; viruses; west; worldwide cache: cord-331584-z43ifmr3.txt plain text: cord-331584-z43ifmr3.txt item: #520 of 606 id: cord-331605-h1qf96oh author: Brown, Keith D. title: Precision medicine in kidney disease: the patient’s view date: 2020-08-05 words: 2898 flesch: 44 summary: In this Viewpoint, we asked three individuals who have been affected by kidney failure for their views on the importance of understanding the drivers of kidney disease and, on a personal level, what they hope might be achieved with this information. limited clinical practice, is highly involved in kidney research. key: cord-331605-h1qf96oh authors: Brown, Keith D.; Campbell, Catherine; Roberts, Glenda V. title: Precision medicine in kidney disease: the patient’s view date: 2020-08-05 journal: keywords: advisory; american; basis; biopsy; cancer; care; causes; ckd; clinical; committee; community; disease; early; example; failure; family; findings; genetic; health; hope; individual; information; kidney; kidney disease; kpmp; likely; mechanisms; medicine; member; molecular; patients; physicians; precision; research; risk; term; treatment; understanding cache: cord-331605-h1qf96oh.txt plain text: cord-331605-h1qf96oh.txt item: #521 of 606 id: cord-331853-qun1kyvw author: Pourbohloul, Babak title: Modeling Control Strategies of Respiratory Pathogens date: 2005-08-17 words: 4298 flesch: 37 summary: Until we have developed contact network models for a wide range of communities and assessed their generality, contact network epidemiology will need to be applied on a case-bycase basis. In response to this problem, we have found that mathematical models of disease transmission can be used to evaluate and optimize control strategies. keywords: average; case; close; community; contact; contagious; control; degree; disease; distribution; edges; effect; epidemic; epidemiology; example; figure; health; hospital; infectious; interventions; isolation; large; mathematical; models; network; number; outbreak; pathogen; patterns; period; persons; population; probability; public; respiratory; sars; size; smallpox; spread; strategies; strategy; threshold; transmissibility; transmission; urban; vaccination; vaccine; value cache: cord-331853-qun1kyvw.txt plain text: cord-331853-qun1kyvw.txt item: #522 of 606 id: cord-332038-icyut3xa author: Pillaiyar, Thanigaimalai title: A medicinal chemistry perspective of drug repositioning: Recent advances and challenges in drug discovery date: 2020-04-02 words: 11290 flesch: 33 summary: Schein Update on the management of rosacea: a status report on the current role and new horizons with topical azelaic acid Cure of condylomaacuminata covering the glans penis using aminolevulinic acid/photodynamic therapy A phase 1 study of azacitidine with high-dose cytarabine and mitoxantrone in high-risk acute myeloid leukemia Quinine an old anti-malarial drug in a modern world: role in the treatment of malaria Antiviral effects of quinine sulfate on HSV-1 HaCat cells infected: analysis of the molecular mechanisms involved Inhibition of influenza virus replication by targeting broad host cell pathways Quinoline hybrids and their antiplasmodial and antimalarial activities Evaluation of antiplasmodial potential of C2 and C8 modified quinolines: in vitro and in silico Astemizole analogues with reduced hERG inhibition as potent antimalarial compounds Liver-stage malaria parasites vulnerable to diverse chemical scaffolds New leads for drug repurposing against malaria Repurposing drugs to target the malaria parasite unfolding protein response Repositioning Salirasib as a new antimalarial agent Triazole derivatives and their antiplasmodial and antimalarial activities Antimalarial agents against both sexual and asexual parasites stages: structure-activity relationships and biological studies of the Malaria Box compound 1-[5-(4-bromo-2-chlorophenyl)furan-2-yl]-N-[(piperidin-4-yl)methyl]methanamine (MMV019918) and analogues World Alzheimer Report 2010: the global economic impact of dementia (Alzheimer's disease international The amyloid cascade hypothesis for Alzheimer's disease: an appraisal for the development of therapeutics Dendritic function of tau mediates amyloid-β toxicity in Alzheimer's disease mouse models Alzheimer's disease Aligning the evidence with practice: NICE guidelines for drug treatment of Alzheimer's disease The exploration of novel Alzheimer's therapeutic agents from the pool of FDA approved medicines using drug repositioning, enzyme inhibition and kinetic mechanism approaches The prokinetic cinitapride has no clinically relevant pharmacokinetic interaction and effect on qt during coadministration with ketoconazole Cinitapride protects against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal injury in rats: role of 5-hydroxytryptamine, prostaglandins and sulfhydryl compounds Treating Alzheimer's disease by targeting iron Tarenflurbil Phase 3 Study Group. Salirasib (72, Figure 6 ) is a promising cancer drug candidate inhibits isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase (ICMT), a validated target for cancer drug development. keywords: ability; abl; accumulation; acid; action; activation; activities; activity; acute; addition; agents; alzheimer; amyloid; analogs; analysis; angiotensin; anti; anticancer; antimalarial; apoptosis; approach; aspirin; assay; associated; available; aβ1; benefit; blood; brain; breast; calcium; cancer; candidate; cells; cellular; cerebral; channel; class; clinical; cognitive; colorectal; combination; complex; compounds; coronavirus; daily; data; day; death; dementia; dengue; development; diabetes; different; discovery; disease; disorders; dopaminergic; dose; drug; drug repurposing; effective; effects; efficacy; enzyme; evidence; expression; fda; figure; function; group; high; human; ibuprofen; incidence; induced; inflammatory; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; isradipine; kinase; leukemia; levels; lung; mechanism; melanin; melanoma; memory; meta; metformin; mice; minocycline; model; molecular; molecules; motor; mouse; myeloid; neurons; neuroprotective; new; nilotinib; non; novel; old; parkinson; pathway; patients; people; phase; potential; preclinical; production; promising; prostate; protective; protein; rate; recent; receptor; reduced; related; replication; repositioning; repurposing; resistant; respiratory; results; retinoic; review; risk; role; safety; signaling; simvastatin; small; statins; strategy; studies; study; success; syndrome; synthesis; target; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thiourea; toxicity; transgenic; treatment; trial; type; tyrosinase; viral; virus; vitro; vivo; years cache: cord-332038-icyut3xa.txt plain text: cord-332038-icyut3xa.txt item: #523 of 606 id: cord-332093-iluqwwxs author: Lessler, Justin title: Mechanistic Models of Infectious Disease and Their Impact on Public Health date: 2016-02-17 words: 5503 flesch: 26 summary: Even outside of public health crises, infectious disease models play an important role in setting public health policy. Infectious disease models play a critical role in incorporating indirect effects that can vary substantially across alternative programs. keywords: analysis; cases; century; control; course; critical; crs; data; design; development; disease; dynamics; ebola; effectiveness; epidemic; epidemiology; forecasting; frost; future; global; h5n1; health; hiv; immunity; impact; important; incidence; individuals; infected; infectious; infectious disease; influenza; interventions; malaria; mathematical; measles; mechanistic; mechanistic models; methods; modeling; models; number; organization; outbreak; pandemic; pathogens; policy; population; potential; process; public; public health; reed; research; respiratory; response; results; role; ross; rubella; school; severe; smallpox; spread; states; strategies; studies; study; syndrome; theory; tools; transmission; united; use; vaccination; vaccine; virus; work; world cache: cord-332093-iluqwwxs.txt plain text: cord-332093-iluqwwxs.txt item: #524 of 606 id: cord-332270-fusfdkjw author: Lukiw, Walter J. title: Biomarkers for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and the Application of Precision Medicine date: 2020-09-21 words: 5198 flesch: 21 summary: AD biomarkers also include protein, lipid, proteolipid, inflammatory cytokine, chemokine, carbohydrate, microRNA (miRNA), and messenger RNA (mRNA) abundance, speciation, and complexity, as well as an evolving assortment of neuro-radiological and neuroimaging technologies (Table 1) . AD biomarkers are certainly useful in the detection of dementing illness during its progressive course, and their appearance and magnitude correlate with cognitive loss in a dynamic way, allowing clinicians to monitor responses to therapeutic intervention across a background of aging of the AD patient. keywords: ad biomarkers; ad patient; age; alzheimer; amyloid; analysis; application; approaches; assessment; bacterial; biofluids; biomarkers; blood; brain; cases; cerebrospinal; clinical; cognitive; csf; current; data; dementia; diagnosis; disease; disorders; dna; early; examination; extracellular; factors; fluid; gender; genetic; geriatric; heterogeneity; high; human; inflammatory; integrated; medicine; messenger; microbial; microbiome; microrna; molecular; mortem; mri; mrna; multiple; neurodegenerative; neuroimaging; neurological; neuropathological; non; onset; pathogenic; patient; people; pet; plasma; post; potential; precision; prion; progressive; protein; recent; related; research; rna; serum; signaling; specific; stage; strategies; systems; techniques; technologies; therapeutic; tissues; tract; type; viral cache: cord-332270-fusfdkjw.txt plain text: cord-332270-fusfdkjw.txt item: #525 of 606 id: cord-332298-ig1j5z07 author: Couetil, Laurent title: Equine Asthma: Current Understanding and Future Directions date: 2020-07-30 words: 15567 flesch: 30 summary: -reported coughing and nasal discharge are associated with clinical findings, arterial oxygen tension, mucus score and bronchoprovocation in horses with recurrent airway obstruction in a field setting Physiological measurements and prevalence of lower airway diseases in trotters with dorsal displacement of the soft palate The occurrence of dynamic structural disorders in the pharynx and larynx, at rest and during exercise, in horses diagnosed with mild and moderate equine asthma (inflammatory airway disease) Indeed, 19 years ago, Robinson et al. found that even in horses with historical severe EA, clinical score failed to reflect low-grade airway obstruction, and suggested that without easily used, field-accessible testing equipment, lower airway disease would go underdiagnosed (53) . keywords: accessible; acute; affected; airway; airway disease; airway inflammation; airway obstruction; allergic; analysis; area; assessment; association; asthma; available; bacterial; bal; better; biomarkers; breath; breathing; british; bronchial; bronchoalveolar; bronchoprovocation; cases; cells; challenge; changes; chronic; clinical; clinicians; common; comparison; conditions; consensus; control; corticosteroids; coughing; cytokines; cytology; database; detection; development; diagnosis; different; directions; discussions; disease; dust; early; effects; endoscopy; endotypes; environment; epa; epithelial; equine; equine asthma; evaluation; evidence; exacerbation; exercise; experience; exposure; expression; extracellular; factors; field; findings; fluid; forms; function; fungal; future; genes; genetic; grass; group; havemeyer; healthy; healthy horses; heaves; high; higher; histamine; history; horses; human; human asthma; ideas; immune; important; infectious; inflammation; inflammatory; inhaled; investigation; key; laboratory; large; lavage; level; likely; lower; lung; management; mast; medicine; methods; microbiota; mild; mild asthma; mild ea; minimum; moderate; moderate ea; molecular; mrna; mucus; multiple; muscle; nasal; need; neutrophils; new; non; normal; number; obstruction; order; participants; particulates; pasture; pathophysiology; performance; peripheral; phenotypes; pollen; poor; population; practice; practitioners; present; protein; pulmonary; racehorses; racing; recent; recurrent; recurrent airway; relationship; remission; remodeling; research; researchers; resistance; respirable; respiratory; response; results; risk; role; samples; sampling; scoring; sensitive; serum; severe; severe asthma; severe ea; severe equine; signs; similar; smooth; specific; statement; studies; study; subclinical; summer; systemic; term; testing; th17; th2; therapy; time; tissue; topic; tracheal; tract; training; treatment; understanding; upper; useful; veterinary; viral; wash; workshop; years cache: cord-332298-ig1j5z07.txt plain text: cord-332298-ig1j5z07.txt item: #526 of 606 id: cord-332610-t99l3zii author: Mayer, J.D. title: Emerging Diseases: Overview date: 2008-08-26 words: 9597 flesch: 50 summary: However, it is impossible to say when the terms 'emerging infection' or 'emerging infectious diseases' were first used to describe new infectious diseases, or diseases that meet the criteria that are described in this article. In discussions of emergence, both 'emerging infections' and 'emerging infectious diseases' are commonly found. keywords: acute; africa; aids; antibiotics; antimicrobials; apparent; areas; attention; avian; blood; bse; cases; cattle; cause; change; clear; clinical; committee; common; communities; community; concern; control; countries; development; diagnosis; diseases; ebola; economic; effective; emergence; epidemic; events; evidence; example; factors; fever; government; great; health; hemorrhagic; high; historical; history; hiv; host; human; individuals; infected; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; institute; kingdom; lassa; leading; legionellosis; legionnaires; major; malaria; medical; medicine; methods; new; number; outbreak; pathogen; people; potential; present; prevalence; public; public health; regions; report; resistance; respiratory; response; result; risk; sars; scientific; severe; shock; significant; social; societies; species; spread; states; symptoms; syndrome; tampons; threats; time; toxic; transmission; treatment; tss; understanding; united; united states; unknown; vcjd; viral; virus; women; world; years cache: cord-332610-t99l3zii.txt plain text: cord-332610-t99l3zii.txt item: #527 of 606 id: cord-332658-548402bb author: Brownstein, John S title: Surveillance Sans Frontières: Internet-Based Emerging Infectious Disease Intelligence and the HealthMap Project date: 2008-07-08 words: 3109 flesch: 33 summary: The system characterizes disease outbreak reports by means of a series of text mining algorithms. However, the myriad diverse sources of infectious disease information across the Web are not structured or organized; public health officials, nongovernmental organizations, and concerned citizens must routinely search and synthesize a continually growing number of disparate sources in order to use this information. keywords: accessible; areas; articles; available; awareness; coverage; critical; current; data; day; detection; developed; discussion; disease; early; figure; global; government; greater; health; healthmap; infectious; infectious disease; information; intelligence; international; internet; knowledge; local; location; mail; media; monitors; multiple; network; news; number; officials; online; outbreak; potential; promed; public; public health; range; real; reporting; reports; resources; sites; sources; surveillance; system; time; traditional; users; web cache: cord-332658-548402bb.txt plain text: cord-332658-548402bb.txt item: #528 of 606 id: cord-333405-ji58jbct author: Morens, David M. title: The challenge of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases date: 2004-07-08 words: 6423 flesch: 33 summary: Germs and Genocide in Hawai'i Agents of Apocalypse: Epidemic Disease in the Colonial Philippines Measles in Fiji, 1875: thoughts on the history of emerging infectious diseases Die Aetiologie der Milzbrand-Krankheit, begründet auf die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Bacillus Anthracis. Microbial Threats to Health in the United States: Emergence, Detection and Response Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases: a multidisciplinary perspective Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases Infectious history Emerging infectious diseases in the 21st century Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases Human Frontiers, Environments and Disease The origins of acquired immune deficiency viruses: where and when? keywords: acute; aegyptius; agents; aids; animal; anthrax; avian; biogroup; bse; cancer; cases; cause; century; challenge; changes; cholera; chronic; clinical; complex; control; death; dengue; developed; development; diseases; drugs; ecological; eis; emergence; environmental; epidemic; epidemiology; evolutionary; example; factors; fever; fig; food; genes; genetic; genome; global; haemorrhagic; health; history; hiv; hosts; human; identification; immune; immunity; impact; important; infectious; infectious agents; infectious diseases; influenza; innate; interactions; large; leading; major; malaria; microbes; microbial; microorganisms; mortality; national; new; nile; outbreak; pandemic; past; people; plague; populations; prevention; protein; public; recent; ref; research; resistance; respiratory; responses; risk; severe; smallpox; spread; states; strains; streptococcal; surveillance; syndrome; threats; transmission; transplantation; travel; tuberculosis; unique; united; vaccines; vector; viral; virulence; virus; viruses; west; world; worldwide; years; zoonotic cache: cord-333405-ji58jbct.txt plain text: cord-333405-ji58jbct.txt item: #529 of 606 id: cord-334446-yf8vynqe author: Agrawal, Gaurav title: Putting Crohn’s on the MAP: Five Common Questions on the Contribution of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis to the Pathophysiology of Crohn’s Disease date: 2020-10-22 words: 6547 flesch: 33 summary: Despite this, several advancements in MAP treatment have occurred over time; rifabutin is now preferred to rifampicin due to its higher intracellular concentrations and tissue distribution that are essential for targeting intracellular MAP. Low cure rates MAP has been cultured and grown in human blood but took 18 months to do so Can create dysbiosis of the local (gut) microbiome leading to inflammatory cascades Disease is a result of host-microbe interaction and immune susceptibility of the host Infection does not mean disease is expressed but may result in colonization/persistence/latency Table 2 keywords: active; amat; analysis; animal; anti; antibiotic; arm; avium; bacteria; blood; bowel; cattle; cell; clinical; common; control; crohn; culture; current; cwdm; detection; disease; early; environmental; essential; evidence; exposure; factor; forms; gut; healthy; higher; host; human; hypothesis; immune; incidence; induction; infected; infection; inflammatory; intracellular; involvement; johne; knowledge; koch; lack; life; macrophage; map; members; methods; microbiome; milk; mtb; mycobacterium; mycobacterium avium; order; organism; paratuberculosis; pathogenesis; pathogenicity; pathogens; patients; pcr; phase; placebo; population; present; prevalence; rates; recent; remission; research; resistance; response; review; rifabutin; risk; safety; sequence; specific; studies; study; subspecies; table; therapies; therapy; time; tissue; tnf; treatment; trials; walled; week cache: cord-334446-yf8vynqe.txt plain text: cord-334446-yf8vynqe.txt item: #530 of 606 id: cord-335250-se7gdpna author: Jesus, Isley title: Promising effects of exercise on the cardiovascular, metabolic and immune system during COVID-19 period date: 2020-09-17 words: 1584 flesch: 18 summary: In many chronic disorders and diseases including type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension, cardiovascular and immune beneficial effects of exercise interventions should be reminded. In many chronic disorders and diseases including T2DM and hypertension, cardiovascular, metabolic and immune, beneficial effects of exercise interventions have been reported [2, 3] . keywords: activity; anti; beneficial; cardiovascular; cells; chronic; covid-19; diabetes; diseases; effects; exercise; hypertension; immune; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; interventions; lifestyle; link; metabolic; moderate; mortality; patients; physical; respiratory; response; sedentary; system; training; type; viral cache: cord-335250-se7gdpna.txt plain text: cord-335250-se7gdpna.txt item: #531 of 606 id: cord-335373-17tcikxl author: Paul, Elisabeth title: COVID-19: time for paradigm shift in the nexus between local, national and global health date: 2020-04-20 words: 3705 flesch: 46 summary: 26 27 One real result of fragmentation of global health governance is an inefficient division of labour, where hundreds of actors such as the WHO, Global Fund, President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief, United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS, United States Agency BMJ Global Health for International Development, World Bank, the Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation (to name only a few) produce parallel programmes or bric-à-brac vertical health silos that have neither generated overall system strengthening in high burden countries nor allowed for effective global health policy. The global health community, national security agencies and all governments have known that a pandemic like COVID-19 was likely to come, yet global health policy has remained woefully unprepared nor fit-for-purpose. keywords: approach; case; change; climate; communicable; conditions; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; current; deaths; determinants; development; die; diseases; emergency; environmental; epidemic; factors; funding; global; global health; governance; health; health systems; holistic; immunity; individual; infectious; international; level; local; measures; mode; needs; organization; pandemic; paradigm; people; picture; policies; policy; populations; preventive; public; report; research; respiratory; response; risk; security; shift; social; strengthening; systems; terms; world; year cache: cord-335373-17tcikxl.txt plain text: cord-335373-17tcikxl.txt item: #532 of 606 id: cord-335382-fk4um9nw author: Farver, Carol F. title: Molecular Basis of Pulmonary Disease date: 2012-08-10 words: 32359 flesch: 38 summary: In hyperoxia-induced cell death, hyperoxia may induce the expression of angiopoietin 2 (Ang2) in lung epithelial cells. Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer Pathology and Genetics of Tumours of the Lung, Pleura AJCC Cancer Staging Manual varying), National Cancer Institute, DCCPS, Surveillance Research Program, Cancer Statistics Branch, released Diagnosis and management of lung cancer executive summary: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines Genetics of preneoplasia: Lessons from lung cancer Allelotyping demonstrates common and distinct patterns of chromosomal loss in human lung cancer types Genome-wide allelotyping of lung cancer identifies new regions of allelic loss, differences between small cell lung cancer and non-small cell lung cancer, and loci clustering High resolution analysis of non-small cell lung cancer cell lines by whole genome tiling path array CGH Lung cancer preneoplasia Characterizing the cancer genome in lung adenocarcinoma Focus on lung cancer New molecularly targeted therapies for lung cancer High resolution chromosome 3p allelotyping of human lung cancer and preneoplastic/preinvasive bronchial epithelium reveals multiple, discontinuous sites of 3p allele loss and three regions of frequent breakpoints Genetic and molecular alterations Allelic losses at chromosome 8p21-23 are early and frequent events in the pathogenesis of lung cancer Sequential molecular abnormalities are involved in the multistage development of squamous cell lung carcinoma Hereditary cancers disclose a class of cancer genes Tobacco smoke carcinogens, DNA damage and p53 mutations in smoking-associated cancers Molecular oncogenesis of lung cancer Molecular genetics of lung cancer The P16/cyclin D1/ keywords: aberrant; abnormal; abnormalities; abundant; acs; activation; activity; acute; addition; adjacent; advanced; agents; airways; allelic; alterations; alveolar; alveoli; amplification; analysis; antibodies; antigen; apoptosis; appearance; areas; asbestos; asthma; atypical; bacteria; basis; bilateral; blood; body; breath; bronchial; bronchiectasis; bronchitis; cancers; carcinoids; carcinoma; cases; categories; category; cause; cavitation; cavities; cell lung; cells; cellular; central; cftr; changes; characteristic; characterized; chest; chester; chromosome; chronic; chronic lung; cigarette; classification; clinical; clinical disease; combination; common; complex; component; congenital; consists; copd; cough; course; csf; css; current; cycle; cyclin; cystic; cysts; cytokines; dad; damage; death; defects; deficiency; deletions; dendritic; destruction; development; diagnosis; differences; differentiation; diffuse; disease; distal; dna; domain; dysplasia; dyspnea; early; effects; egfr; emphysema; endothelial; environmental; eosinophils; epigenetic; epithelial; epithelial cells; epithelioid; erdheim; events; evidence; examination; exposure; expression; factor; familial; family; features; fever; fibers; fibroblasts; fibrosis; figure; findings; form; formation; frequent; function; fungi; gene; genetic; grade; granulomas; gross; group; growth; high; higher; hilar; histiocytes; histiocytosis; histologic; history; hla; hosts; human; human disease; hyperplasia; hypertension; idiopathic; ifn; iii; imaging; immune; immunity; immunocompromised; important; incidence; increased; infections; infiltrates; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; influenza; inhibitors; initial; injury; innate; interstitial; invasion; invasive; involved; involvement; kinase; known; langerhans; large; large cell; lcnecs; lead; lesions; like; likely; long; loss; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lung pathology; lung tumors; lymph; lymphocytes; macrophages; main; major; majority; malignant; material; matrix; mechanisms; mediators; membrane; mesenchymal; mesothelioma; metastasis; methylation; microscopic; mms; molecular; molecules; mucin; multiple; muscle; mutations; necrosis; necrotizing; neoplasms; neoplastic; neuroendocrine; neutrophils; new; nodules; non; normal; nsclc; number; obstructive; oncogenes; onset; organisms; organs; p16; p53; pah; pap; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathology; pathway; patients; pattern; peripheral; phase; phenotype; picture; plasma; plch; pleural; pneumocystis; pneumonia; population; positive; precursor; presence; present; presentation; primary; production; progression; proliferation; prominent; promoter; proteases; protein; proteinosis; pulmonary; pulmonary alveolar; pulmonary disease; pulmonary fibrosis; pulmonary pathology; rare; ras; recent; receptor; recurrent; regions; regulation; related; release; remodeling; represent; respiratory; response; responsible; result; review; role; sarcoidosis; sclcs; second; secondary; setting; severe; signaling; similar; situ; size; small; small cell; smokers; smoking; smooth; spaces; specific; spectrum; spp; sputum; sqcc; squamous; stage; states; structures; studies; study; suppressor; surface; surfactant; survival; symptoms; syndrome; systemic; telomerase; therapy; tissue; tnfa; tp53; transcription; treatment; tsgs; tuberculosis; tumor; tumours; type; tyrosine; underlying; united; upper; variable; variety; vascular; vessels; viral; viruses; wall; women; years cache: cord-335382-fk4um9nw.txt plain text: cord-335382-fk4um9nw.txt item: #533 of 606 id: cord-335839-wgdqu1s1 author: Singh, Meharban title: Pediatrics in 21(st) Century and Beyond date: 2016-08-10 words: 4425 flesch: 43 summary: There will be reduced burden of genetic diseases because of selective abortions of “defective” fetuses and replacement of “bad” genes with “good” ones by genetic engineering. There will be reduced burden of genetic diseases because of selective abortions of Bdefective^fetuses and replacement of Bbad^genes with Bgood^ones by genetic engineering. keywords: adult; advances; antibodies; artificial; arts; assisted; availability; available; babies; blood; body; burden; cancers; care; cells; century; chakras; children; constitution; developments; diagnosis; digital; diseases; disorders; dna; doctor; drugs; effective; electronic; engineering; ethical; field; foods; future; genes; genetic; genome; genomic; greater; healing; health; help; hope; human; identification; improved; infective; interventions; issues; large; lasers; legal; life; lifestyle; likely; medicine; nature; new; newer; non; number; outstanding; parameters; patient; pediatrics; possible; practice; public; pulse; quality; reality; risk; smart; spiritual; stem; strategies; surgical; survival; technology; therapy; treatment; vaccines; waves cache: cord-335839-wgdqu1s1.txt plain text: cord-335839-wgdqu1s1.txt item: #534 of 606 id: cord-335960-biwnqa3f author: Luke, Anthony title: Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Athletes date: 2007-07-31 words: 6817 flesch: 42 summary: key: cord-335960-biwnqa3f authors: Luke, Anthony; d'Hemecourt, Pierre title: Prevention of Infectious Diseases in Athletes date: 2007-07-31 journal: Clinics in Sports Medicine DOI: 10.1016/j.csm.2007.04.006 sha: doc_id: 335960 cord_uid: biwnqa3f The sports medicine physician may face challenging issues regarding infectious diseases when dealing with teams or highly competitive athletes who have difficulties taking time off to recover. This article reviews preventive strategies for infectious disease in athletes, including immunization recommendations and prophylaxis guidelines, improvements in personal hygiene and prevention of spread of infectious organisms by direct contact, insect-borne disease precautions, and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. keywords: adolescents; adults; advisory; age; antibody; associated; athletes; aureus; available; blood; cases; children; close; college; committee; common; condoms; contact; control; cough; days; disease; dose; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; endemic; equipment; exposure; fever; football; health; hepatitis; high; hiv; hpv; human; hygiene; illness; illnesses; immunity; immunization; individuals; infected; infectious; influenza; live; lyme; measles; medicine; meningococcal; methicillin; months; mrsa; patients; pertussis; physicians; practices; precautions; prevention; prophylaxis; protection; public; recommendations; respiratory; risk; routine; schedule; school; sex; skin; sports; spread; staphylococcus; states; stds; strains; students; study; symptoms; team; tests; tetanus; tick; transmission; treatment; types; united; use; vaccination; vaccine; virus; water; wounds; years cache: cord-335960-biwnqa3f.txt plain text: cord-335960-biwnqa3f.txt item: #535 of 606 id: cord-336045-8qcj5uiy author: Langlois, Isabelle title: Viral diseases of ferrets date: 2005-03-01 words: 7203 flesch: 40 summary: Compendium of animal rabies control Epidemiologists and public health veterinarians issue statement on ferrets Viral diseases: ferret rabies. Infected ferrets become symptomatic after an incubation period of 7 to 10 days keywords: acute; administration; adv; affected; aleutian; aleutian disease; animal; anorexia; antibodies; antibody; associated; avian; bacterial; blood; brain; canine; cases; catarrhal; cdv; clinical; condition; contact; control; coronavirus; days; develop; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; diet; disease; distemper; domestic; dose; enteritis; exposure; fatal; feces; ferrets; findings; fox; gastric; health; hours; human; immune; individuals; infected; infection; influenza; influenza virus; intestinal; intranasal; jills; kits; lesions; liver; mild; mink; model; mortality; nasal; observed; old; pathogenesis; period; peripheral; phase; postinfection; presence; present; rabid; rabies; rabies virus; raccoon; reaction; respiratory; response; role; rotavirus; saliva; secondary; severity; shedding; signs; site; skunk; strains; studies; tissue; tract; transmission; use; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; variant; veterinarians; viral; virulent; virus; viruses; young cache: cord-336045-8qcj5uiy.txt plain text: cord-336045-8qcj5uiy.txt item: #536 of 606 id: cord-336115-7ykvl3u6 author: Binns, Colin title: The COVID-19 Pandemic: Public Health and Epidemiology date: 2020-05-19 words: 3560 flesch: 55 summary: At the present time, COVID-19 disease is diagnosed by detecting the virus in throat and nasal swabs in patients who have symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection who have been in a region with disease transmission. COVID-19 is the latest in a continuing series of infectious disease epidemics in the history of the human race. keywords: care; cases; cfr; clinical; contact; control; coronavirus; cough; countries; covid-19; days; deaths; development; disease; epidemic; epidemiology; fever; health; high; history; infectious; influenza; isolation; issue; likely; lower; measures; number; outbreak; population; present; public; public health; quarantine; rate; respiratory; risk; sars; severe; smallpox; spread; symptoms; testing; time; transmission; vaccine; workers; world; wuhan; years cache: cord-336115-7ykvl3u6.txt plain text: cord-336115-7ykvl3u6.txt item: #537 of 606 id: cord-336142-jmetfa6x author: MacDougall, Heather title: Toronto’s Health Department in Action: Influenza in 1918 and SARS in 2003 date: 2006-10-11 words: 10369 flesch: 52 summary: Fortunately, Toronto Health had been hiring community workers from the various ethnic groups since the 1980s in recognition of the need to provide culturally sensitive approaches to health education and preventive services. Post, 2003, 39, 6. lack of provincial laboratory support for diagnostic purposes left Toronto Health reliant on volunteers from other health units in Ontario and medical researchers based in the city's hospitals for the information that it needed to determine whether individuals were at risk of contracting or spreading the disease. keywords: activities; american; april; assistance; association; authorities; authority; basrur; board; budget; canada; canadian; care; cases; century; challenge; citizens; city; communicable; community; concern; contact; control; coordination; crisis; days; deaths; department; disease; disease control; doctors; early; economic; education; effective; efforts; emergency; epidemic; ethnic; experience; experts; extent; facilities; families; fear; federal; flu; food; future; general; government; groups; hastings; health; health authorities; health care; health department; hospital; ill; impact; infectious; influenza; information; international; isolation; knowledge; lack; levels; limited; local; local health; march; mccullough; measures; media; medical; military; moh; municipal; new; north; nurses; nursing; october; officers; officials; ontario; outbreak; pandemic; patients; people; population; possible; press; preventive; procedures; province; provincial; provincial health; public; public health; quarantine; reports; response; result; role; sars; sars outbreak; services; sick; situation; social; spread; staff; state; toronto; toronto health; torontonians; tph; twentieth; university; use; vaccine; volunteers; war; workers; world; york cache: cord-336142-jmetfa6x.txt plain text: cord-336142-jmetfa6x.txt item: #538 of 606 id: cord-336447-hpnkou41 author: Pitlik, Silvio Daniel title: COVID-19 Compared to Other Pandemic Diseases date: 2020-07-31 words: 6150 flesch: 44 summary: 87, 88 Readers can visit these sites to access updates regarding ongoing developments related to COVID-19 vaccines and treatments. Excess mortality estimation during the COVID-19 pandemic: preliminary data from Portugal Diagnostic performance of COVID-19 serology assays Cholera and the water supply in the South districts of London UCLA Department of Epidemiology, Fielding School of Public Health New insights on the emergence of cholera in Latin America during 1991: the Peruvian experience Impact of complete lockdown on total infection and death rates: a hierarchical cluster analysis The Jenner Society and the Edward Jenner Museum: tributes to a physicianscientist Smallpox vaccines for biodefense Draft landscape of COVID-19 candidate vaccines The race for coronavirus vaccines: a graphical guide The COVID-19 vaccine development landscape The SARS-CoV-2 vaccine pipeline: an overview Remdesivir for the treatment of COVID-19 -preliminary report Deployment of convalescent plasma for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 Economics in the Age of COVID-19 The economic impact of COVID-19 COVID-19: in the footsteps of Ernest Shackleton Coronavirus drug and treatment tracker Coronavirus vaccine tracker. keywords: acute; aids; analysis; animals; asymptomatic; bats; beginning; blood; cases; cell; century; characteristics; china; cholera; clinical; common; contact; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; cycle; data; degrees; development; different; disease; dna; drug; economic; epidemic; epidemiology; example; fatality; figure; genome; genomic; grna; health; high; history; host; human; impact; important; infected; infection; influenza; involved; laboratory; lack; lice; manifestations; mechanisms; multiple; new; novel; number; origin; outbreak; pandemic; paper; past; patients; persons; plague; proportion; protein; ratio; research; respiratory; rna; sars; scientists; severe; smallpox; species; specific; spread; structure; studies; syndrome; table; time; tract; transmission; treatment; understanding; vaccine; viral; virions; virus; viruses; volunteers; water; worldwide; years; zoonotic cache: cord-336447-hpnkou41.txt plain text: cord-336447-hpnkou41.txt item: #539 of 606 id: cord-336464-eslgz1ka author: Chomel, Bruno B. title: Wildlife, Exotic Pets, and Emerging Zoonoses date: 2007-01-17 words: 3477 flesch: 34 summary: More than 25 outbreaks of human infectious diseases associated with visitors to animal exhibits were identifi ed during 1990-2000 (33) . Exotic pets are also a source of several human infections that vary from severe monkeypox related to pet prairie dogs or lyssaviruses in pet bats to less severe but more common ringworm infections acquired from African pygmy hedgehogs or chinchillas. keywords: activities; african; agricultural; america; animals; areas; avian; bats; bushmeat; cases; children; consumption; contact; deer; development; disease; dogs; domestic; emergence; europe; exotic; exposure; factors; forest; habitat; health; human; increase; infected; infection; international; live; macaques; major; markets; mycobacterium; natural; new; north; outbreak; pathogens; persons; pet; pets; population; prairie; public; rabies; reservoirs; risk; source; species; spp; states; surveillance; trade; transmission; travel; tuberculosis; united; virus; wildlife; year; zoonoses; zoonotic cache: cord-336464-eslgz1ka.txt plain text: cord-336464-eslgz1ka.txt item: #540 of 606 id: cord-336822-cw37jrt2 author: Dennison Himmelfarb, Cheryl R. title: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Implications for Cardiovascular and Socially At-risk Populations date: 2020-05-06 words: 2263 flesch: 38 summary: • Avoid crowds and travel, and limit contact with others Additional considerations specific to those with an underlying cardiovascular disease: • Stay up-to-date with vaccinations such as flu and pneumonia Manage stress by taking a few minutes each day to meditate, contact family and friends to stay socially connected, and improve sleep hygiene Consider electronic consulting (telehealth) phone, videoconferencing, or messaging options for visits Continue taking angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin receptor blocker medications as prescribed for heart failure, hypertension, or ischemic heart disease • Contact health provider immediately if experiencing fever or sore throat, and call 911 if experiencing shortness of breath or warning signs of a heart attack or stroke • In the presence of COVID-19 infection, consider need for intensified antiplatelet therapy in those with a history of previous coronary intervention Coronavirus (COVID-19) resources Report of the WHO-China joint mission on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Prevalence of comorbidities in the novel Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) infection: a systematic review and metaanalysis Correlates of health literacy and its impact on illness beliefs for emergency department patients with acute heart failure Prevalence and impact of cardiovascular metabolic diseases on COVID-19 in China Coronaviruses and the cardiovascular system: acute and long-term implications SARS-CoV2: should inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system be withdrawn in patients with COVID-19? The CDC released general preventive measures for COVID-19 infection; however, socially at-risk persons and those with underlying cardiovascular and chronic conditions bear the burden of an elevated risk for developing severe complications and death. keywords: addition; american; angiotensin; attack; cardiovascular; cases; chronic; conditions; coronavirus; covid-19; disease; experience; failure; health; healthcare; heart; home; impact; increase; infection; information; novel; pandemic; patients; people; persons; populations; providers; public; respiratory; risk; rna; sars; states; systems; time; transmission; underlying; united; visits cache: cord-336822-cw37jrt2.txt plain text: cord-336822-cw37jrt2.txt item: #541 of 606 id: cord-337315-qv8ycdhe author: Miller, Maureen title: Integrated biological–behavioural surveillance in pandemic-threat warning systems date: 2017-01-01 words: 4631 flesch: 31 summary: For example, poverty can place individuals and communities at the forefront of zoonotic disease risk through several mechanisms. Current pandemic-threat warning systems rely almost exclusively on disease surveillance in clinical settings. keywords: acute; africa; animals; assays; behavioural; behavioural risk; behavioural surveillance; behavioural surveys; biological; central; clinical; community; comportamiento; control; current; data; del; disease; ebola; effective; epidemiology; evidence; exposure; factors; fever; future; haemorrhagic; health; high; hiv; human; infection; integrated; interventions; las; los; mechanisms; mers; observational; origin; outbreak; outcome; pandemic; pathogen; policies; populations; potential; prevalence; prevention; previous; que; reported; reporting; republic; respiratory; results; risk; risk factors; self; serological; serosurveys; settings; sobre; source; specific; spillover; standardized; studies; subgroups; surveillance; syndrome; systems; threats; traditional; transmission; understanding; unknown; useful; variables; vigilancia; viral; virus; viruses; zoonotic; zoonotic disease cache: cord-337315-qv8ycdhe.txt plain text: cord-337315-qv8ycdhe.txt item: #542 of 606 id: cord-337487-1lbopaso author: Hansildaar, Romy title: Cardiovascular risk in inflammatory arthritis: rheumatoid arthritis and gout date: 2020-09-01 words: 9481 flesch: 27 summary: However, over the past 20 years several nontraditional risk factors, such as chronic inflam mation, have emerged as amplifiers of cardiovascular disease risk. The recognition of an increased cardiovascular disease risk in arthritis prompted the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) to set out evidencebased recom mendations for the management of cardiovascular disease risk in inflammatory arthritis, and these guidelines were updated in 2017. keywords: acid; activation; activity; acute; addition; allopurinol; antiinflammatory; artery; arthritis; associated; association; atherosclerosis; beneficial; cardiac; cardiovascular; cardiovascular disease; cardiovascular events; cardiovascular mortality; cardiovascular risk; care; cells; cholesterol; chronic; clinical; cohort; colchicine; comorbidities; concentrations; congestive; control; coronary; crystal; cytokines; daily; data; death; deposition; development; diabetes; different; disease; disease risk; dmards; dose; drugs; dysfunction; early; effects; ejection; endothelial; eular; events; evidence; factor; failure; favourable; febuxostat; fees; flares; fraction; general; gout; group; guidelines; heart; heart failure; high; higher; hypertension; hyperuricaemia; important; incidence; independent; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibitors; lipid; management; mechanisms; metaanalysis; methotrexate; mortality; myocardial; necrosis; neutrophil; outcomes; oxidative; patients; placebo; population; practice; prevalence; primary; protein; randomised; reduced; reduction; review; rheumatoid; rheumatoid arthritis; risk; risk factors; risk management; role; safety; secondary; serum; smoking; state; statins; stress; studies; study; subclinical; systematic; therapy; tnf; traditional; treatment; trial; urate; uratelowering; use; years cache: cord-337487-1lbopaso.txt plain text: cord-337487-1lbopaso.txt item: #543 of 606 id: cord-337659-x4oywbrj author: Wilson, Brenda A. title: Global biosecurity in a complex, dynamic world date: 2008-07-31 words: 10629 flesch: 38 summary: Pollution and exposure to waste water or sewage can also lead to the emergence of new diseases. The Global Alert and Response Network (GOARN) was established in 2000 by WHO as a partnership of >140 institutions and networks to mobilize human and technical resources for the rapid identification and control of disease outbreaks that are of international importance [88] . keywords: accidental; agents; agricultural; aids; america; animals; areas; asia; attack; avian; bacteria; bacterium; better; biological; biosecurity; bse; cases; cattle; cdc; certain; cholera; coli; common; conditions; consequences; considerable; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; coral; countries; critical; current; cwd; deadly; deaths; detection; development; direct; disease; distribution; drug; early; economic; effective; emergence; enhanced; epidemic; events; evolution; example; exposure; fmd; food; free; genetic; global; health; healthcare; high; hiv; host; human; impact; improved; increase; individuals; infected; infectious; influenza; international; introduction; large; limited; long; major; management; measures; meat; medical; microbe; monkeypox; multidrug; natural; nature; need; network; new; number; o157; outbreak; pandemic; people; period; populations; potential; practices; pressure; prevalence; prevention; prion; processing; programs; public; rabbits; rapid; recent; research; resistance; resources; response; risk; safety; sanitation; scientists; selective; south; species; spinach; spread; states; strains; strategies; strategy; surveillance; system; table; threats; time; today; trade; transmission; treatment; u.s; understanding; use; vaccination; vcjd; viral; virus; viruses; water; world; years; zoonotic cache: cord-337659-x4oywbrj.txt plain text: cord-337659-x4oywbrj.txt item: #544 of 606 id: cord-338145-al2m9lou author: Wolka, Eskinder title: Awareness Towards Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) and Its Prevention Methods in Selected Sites in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia: A Quick, Exploratory, Operational Assessment date: 2020-10-28 words: 4998 flesch: 50 summary: (Male participant, aged 30) Two of the participants noted that the disease is the result of the anger of God since people do not obey the rule of God and one of the participants who is a bajaj driver explained that; what I know is, it is the disease that came from God as result of our bad and evil acts, it has no drug to treat and the only option is pray to God to be protected from this type of disease. Study participants deserve special acknowledgment for all their cooperation in the data collection process and for providing genuine information that resulted in the accomplishment of this assessment. keywords: aged; areas; assessment; awareness; common; community; contact; corona; countries; covid-19; data; different; disease; distancing; ethiopia; female; follows; global; god; government; hand; health; important; infected; information; interview; isolation; level; male; media; methods; modes; novel; pandemic; participants; people; person; physical; poor; prevention; public; qualitative; religious; risk; rural; service; study; symptoms; time; transmission; virus; washing; water; wolaita; zone cache: cord-338145-al2m9lou.txt plain text: cord-338145-al2m9lou.txt item: #545 of 606 id: cord-338484-a8jmc8lq author: Wu, Tong title: Economic growth, urbanization, globalization, and the risks of emerging infectious diseases in China: A review date: 2016-08-04 words: 6674 flesch: 40 summary: To that end, improving the management of infectious disease risk in China is a necessary, though not sufficient, condition for managing such risks globally. The archetypal modern pandemic-the one that remains a touchstone for thinking about global infectious disease risk-is the 1918-1919 Spanish Flu. keywords: animal; areas; asia; avian; birds; century; change; china; cities; climate; conditions; consumption; contact; control; countries; daszak; decades; disease; east; economic; emergence; epidemiological; et al; factors; fig; food; future; global; globalization; growth; h5n1; h7n9; health; high; hpai; human; important; income; increase; infectious; infectious disease; influenza; instance; international; land; large; largest; level; likelihood; likely; livestock; management; markets; meat; mitigation; new; outbreaks; pandemic; pathogens; people; plague; policy; populations; potential; poultry; primary; production; public; rate; recent; research; reservoirs; respiratory; risk; river; sars; school; sciences; social; socioecological; southern; species; spread; syndrome; trade; transmission; travel; urbanization; virus; wang; wet; wildlife; world; zoonoses; zoonotic cache: cord-338484-a8jmc8lq.txt plain text: cord-338484-a8jmc8lq.txt item: #546 of 606 id: cord-338582-o976nab9 author: Dahlhausen, Bob title: Future Veterinary Diagnostics date: 2010-09-19 words: 9203 flesch: 30 summary: Antibodies in an immunoassay format have been widely used and are well established as highly sensitive tools for disease detection. 26, 27 Researchers led by Joseph DeRisi of the University of California at San Francisco have combined genome databases of sequenced viruses with DNA microarray technology. keywords: ability; accurate; acid; agents; amplification; analysis; analytical; antibodies; antibody; antigen; applications; assays; associated; available; biological; biomarkers; biosensors; cancer; care; cdna; cells; changes; chip; clinical; coli; comparative; conserved; control; conventional; culture; density; detection; determination; development; diagnostic; different; discovery; disease; dna; dna microarrays; early; efficient; expression; field; fragments; future; gene; genetic; genome; genomic; high; human; hybridization; identification; important; individual; infectious; influenza; information; known; laboratories; laboratory; lamp; large; low; markers; medical; medicine; metabolomics; methods; microarrays; molecular; molecules; monitoring; multiple; new; nucleic; nucleotide; number; oligonucleotides; organisms; pathogen; patient; patterns; pcr; point; polymerase; portable; potential; presence; present; primers; probes; processes; product; profiling; protein; range; rapid; reaction; real; recognition; related; research; respiratory; results; rna; sample; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; simultaneous; single; small; solid; species; specific; specificity; spp; study; surface; systems; target; technique; technologies; technology; testing; tests; thousands; throughput; time; tissues; tool; treatment; tumor; veterinary; viral; virochip; viruses cache: cord-338582-o976nab9.txt plain text: cord-338582-o976nab9.txt item: #547 of 606 id: cord-339188-apgdzgfz author: Lewis, Thomas J title: Reduction in Chronic Disease Risk and Burden in a 70-Individual Cohort Through Modification of Health Behaviors date: 2020-08-26 words: 11394 flesch: 43 summary: Increasing the n in our database and making appropriate adjustments to assigned subjective risk values within the algorithm offers the potential to improve the correlation between determinants of health risks and physiological health status. There are numerous studies on the association between lifestyle behaviors and chronic disease risk. keywords: a1c; actions; acute; adverse; allostatic; approach; assessment; associated; authors; average; better; biomarkers; blood; broad; calorie; cancer; carbohydrate; cardiovascular; care; cause; cda; cdt; cell; changes; cholesterol; chronic; chronic disease; coaching; cohort; complaints; condition; consumption; control; cost; daily; data; day; diabetes; diagnosis; diet; disease; disease risk; doctor; early; elevated; end; events; example; factors; fats; figure; food; general; grade; group; health; health risk; healthcare; heart; high; higher; hrp; important; improved; improvement; increase; individual; inflammation; information; insulin; intake; levels; lifestyle; literacy; load; low; major; management; measurement; medical; medications; metabolic; month; mortality; multiple; national; need; new; non; nutritional; outcomes; pain; participants; patients; people; period; personalized; plan; population; potential; predictive; prevention; primary; problems; process; program; protein; ratio; recommendations; reduction; reported; revival; risk; risk assessment; score; set; significant; status; studies; study; supplements; system; table; team; temperature; time; total; type; u.s; use; usual; value; vitamin; white; world; year cache: cord-339188-apgdzgfz.txt plain text: cord-339188-apgdzgfz.txt item: #548 of 606 id: cord-339341-c2o42b5j author: Matibag, Gino C. title: Advocacy, promotion and e-learning: Supercourse for zoonosis date: 2005-09-01 words: 5856 flesch: 37 summary: key: cord-339341-c2o42b5j authors: Matibag, Gino C.; Igarashi, Manabu; La Porte, Ron E.; Tamashiro, Hiko title: Advocacy, promotion and e-learning: Supercourse for zoonosis date: 2005-09-01 journal: Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine DOI: 10.1007/bf02897702 sha: doc_id: 339341 cord_uid: c2o42b5j This paper discusses the history of emerging infectious diseases, risk communication and perception, and the Supercourse lectures as means to strengthen the concepts and definition of risk management and global governance of zoonosis. World Health Organization Globalisation of prevention education: a golden lecture Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases Threats to global health and survival; the growing crises of tropical infectious diseasesan unfinished agenda Emerging infectious diseases among indigenous peoples Epidemiology of the plague of Athens The Columbian Exchange: Biological and Cultural Consequences of 1492. keywords: acute; agents; aids; animal; anthrax; asia; bse; cause; challenges; children; cholera; chronic; communication; concerns; control; countries; death; dengue; developed; development; diseases; education; effective; efforts; emergence; environmental; epidemiology; factors; fever; food; global; governance; health; hemorrhagic; hiv; hosts; human; immune; important; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; information; interested; internet; japan; knowledge; lead; lectures; major; malaria; management; microbial; national; new; pacific; pandemic; parties; past; people; population; poverty; prevention; process; promotion; public; range; region; resistant; risk; risk communication; safety; sars; scan; severe; societies; species; specific; spread; states; strains; streptococcal; supercourse; sustainable; syndrome; table; technology; threats; tuberculosis; understanding; united; viral; virulence; viruses; world; years; zoonosis; zoonotic cache: cord-339341-c2o42b5j.txt plain text: cord-339341-c2o42b5j.txt item: #549 of 606 id: cord-339475-okw6la2b author: None title: Chapter 11 Health effects date: 2005-12-31 words: 3091 flesch: 44 summary: However, none of the harmful components mentioned above exists in ambient particles at sufficiently high concentration levels to cause a specific disease. Ambient particles are harmful when their concentration exceeds a certain limit; epidemiological studies have indicated a strong association of increases in human morbidity and mortality rates with increased concentrations of ambient particles in a certain size fraction (Wilson and Spengler, 1996; Vedal, 1997) . keywords: acute; adverse; aerosol; agents; air; airways; alveolar; ambient; bronchial; bronchitis; cancer; carrier; cause; certain; chemical; chronic; cigarette; common; components; concentrations; cough; deposit; disease; droplets; effects; emphysema; exposure; form; harmful; health; high; important; inhalation; lead; lung; obstructive; particles; particulate; pneumonia; pulmonary; radioactive; reactive; region; respiratory; response; sars; species; symptoms; systemic; toxicants; tract; types; ultrafine cache: cord-339475-okw6la2b.txt plain text: cord-339475-okw6la2b.txt item: #550 of 606 id: cord-339763-2wt5z9r1 author: Porcelli, Brunetta title: Celiac and non-celiac gluten sensitivity: a review on the association with schizophrenia and mood disorders date: 2014-10-16 words: 4826 flesch: 40 summary: Among autoimmune diseases, celiac disease (CD) has been described for years in association with SCZ [5] [6] [7] , as celiac patients are felt to be at increased risk of schizophrenia. Association of schizophrenia and autoimmune diseases: linkage of Danish national registers Autoimmune diseases and severe infections as risk factors for schizophrenia: a 30-year population-based register study Autoimmune diseases, bipolar disorder, and non-affective psychosis Autoimmune diseases and severe infections as risk factors for mood disorders: a nationwide study Coeliac disease and schizophrenia: population based case control study with linkage of Danish national registers The gluten connection: the association between schizophrenia and celiac disease Prevalence of autoimmune diseases in in-patients with schizophrenia: nationwide population-based study Markers of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease in recent-onset psychosis and multi-episode Schizophrenia Novel immune response to gluten in individuals with Schizophrenia Interaction between psychiatric and autoimmune disorders in coeliac disease patients in the northeastern United States Meta-analysis on anxiety and depression in adult celiac disease Coeliac disease and risk of mood disorder-A general population based cohort study Markers of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease in bipolar disorder Markers of gluten sensitivity in acute mania: a longitudinal study Spectrum of autoantibodies in Tunisian psychiatric inpatients Spectrum of gluten-related disorders: consensus on new nomenclature and classification The immunology of gluten sensitivity: beyond the gut Cutting-edge issues in celiac disease and in gluten intolerance Divergence of gut permeability and mucosal immune gene expression in two gluten-associated conditions: celiac disease and gluten sensitivity expression in two gliadin-induced disorders: gluten sensitivity and the autoimmune enteropathy celiac disease Neurologic and psychiatric manifestations of celiac disease and gluten sensitivity Wheat 'consumption' and hospital admissions for schizophrenia during World War II. keywords: adult; aga; antibodies; antibody; anxiety; association; authors; autoimmune; bipolar; brain; celiac; celiac disease; clinical; controls; depression; diet; different; disease; disorders; ema; general; gfd; gliadin; gluten; group; higher; iga; igg; immune; increased; individuals; intestinal; levels; major; mechanisms; mood; pathogenesis; patients; population; prevalence; psychiatric; recent; related; response; results; risk; schizophrenia; scz; sensitivity; studies; study; symptoms; transglutaminase; ttg cache: cord-339763-2wt5z9r1.txt plain text: cord-339763-2wt5z9r1.txt item: #551 of 606 id: cord-340285-mq9x12nw author: Blagosklonny, Mikhail V. title: From causes of aging to death from COVID-19 date: 2020-06-12 words: 5970 flesch: 39 summary: This review is intended for a professional audience, to stimulate new ideas and to aid the global efforts to develop effective treatments for COVID-19 disease. Geroscience: linking aging to chronic disease Rejuvenating immunity: anti-aging drug today eight years later mTOR regulation and therapeutic rejuvenation of aging hematopoietic stem cells Rapamycin-induced enhancement of vaccine efficacy in mice Immunostimulatory activity of lifespan-extending agents mTOR regulates memory CD8 t-cell differentiation Paradoxical aspects of rapamycin immunobiology in transplantation Sirolimus enhances the magnitude and quality of viralspecific CD8+ t-cell responses to vaccinia virus vaccination in rhesus macaques Chronic mTOR inhibition in mice with rapamycin alters T, B, myeloid, and innate lymphoid cells and gut flora and prolongs life of immune-deficient mice mTOR inhibition improves immune function in the elderly TORC1 inhibition enhances immune function and reduces infections in the elderly Cutting edge: rapamycin augments pathogen-specific but not graft-reactive CD8+ T cell responses Aging, obesity, and inflammatory age-related diseases Immunosenescence in aging: between immune cells depletion and cytokines up-regulation mTORC1 signaling governs hematopoietic stem cell quiescence Aging, stem cells, and mammalian target of rapamycin: a prospect of pharmacologic rejuvenation of aging stem cells Geroconversion of aged muscle stem cells under regenerative pressure Microenvironmental contributions to hematopoietic stem cell aging Long-term adaptation to hypoxia preserves hematopoietic stem cell function Regulation of the HIF-1alpha level is essential for hematopoietic stem cells Hypoxia suppresses conversion from proliferative arrest to cellular senescence Rapamycin enhances long-term hematopoietic reconstitution of ex vivo expanded mouse hematopoietic stem cells by inhibiting senescence Rapamycin is highly effective in murine models of immune-mediated bone marrow failure Amino acid and insulin signaling via the mTOR/p70 S6 kinase pathway. keywords: adaptive; age; aging; anti; cancer; cause; cells; cellular; clinical; continuation; coronavirus; course; covid-19; cytokine; damage; deadly; death; decrease; developmental; diabetes; diseases; elderly; everolimus; example; exhaustion; failure; figure; function; geroconversion; growth; health; hematopoietic; high; higher; hyper; hyperfunction; hypertension; immune; immunity; increase; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibition; innate; insulin; levels; lifespan; long; loss; low; lung; memory; mice; mortality; mtor; obesity; organ; outcomes; pathway; patients; pneumonia; potential; pre; programmed; quasi; rapamycin; resistance; response; risk; sars; senescence; severe; severity; signaling; sirolimus; stem; storm; study; syndrome; system; systemic; target; theory; treatment; type; vulnerability; year cache: cord-340285-mq9x12nw.txt plain text: cord-340285-mq9x12nw.txt item: #552 of 606 id: cord-341445-0e759ijp author: Zhang, Ke title: Threat of infectious disease during an outbreak: Influence on tourists' emotional responses to disadvantaged price inequality() date: 2020-07-16 words: 6633 flesch: 41 summary: For example, in response to infectious disease threat, might tourists prefer tourism products of national (vs. international) brand because of in-group favouritism. Prior research has tested how disease threats can influence macro-level variables in the tourism industry. keywords: analysis; averse; aversion; businesses; condition; context; covid-19; customers; demand; destination; disadvantaged; disadvantaged price; disease; disease threat; effect; emotional; emotional reaction; et al; findings; health; higher; impact; implications; income; individuals; inequality; infectious; infectious disease; influence; information; items; likely; literature; low; management; mechanism; negative; negative emotional; new; outbreak; pandemic; participants; people; perceptions; point; price; price inequality; pricing; psychological; pvd; reactions; research; researchers; responses; results; risk; risk aversion; role; scale; schaller; second; service; sex; social; strategies; studies; study; threat; tourism; tourists; travel; underlying; zhang cache: cord-341445-0e759ijp.txt plain text: cord-341445-0e759ijp.txt item: #553 of 606 id: cord-341879-vubszdp2 author: Li, Lucy M title: Genomic analysis of emerging pathogens: methods, application and future trends date: 2014-11-22 words: 5030 flesch: 31 summary: Because of the simplistic assumptions of population genetics models, the population size inferred using coalescentbased methods cannot be directly interpreted as pathogen population size (prevalence of infection). Although the two approaches are methodologically different, both aim to reconstruct pathogen population history and produce estimates of epidemiological parameters, such as the reproductive number (R 0 ). keywords: analysis; animal; approaches; birth; case; coalescent; coronavirus; data; date; death; demographic; disease; distribution; diversity; dynamics; east; ebov; eids; emergence; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; estimates; evolution; evolutionary; framework; genealogy; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; history; host; human; important; individuals; infectious; inference; influenza; information; large; level; mathematical; methods; middle; models; molecular; number; outbreak; pandemic; parameters; pathogen; phylogenetic; phylogeny; population; rate; resistant; respiratory; sample; sequences; sequencing; size; spread; studies; surveillance; time; transmission; viral; virus cache: cord-341879-vubszdp2.txt plain text: cord-341879-vubszdp2.txt item: #554 of 606 id: cord-342412-azkamnpa author: Ecker, David J title: The Microbial Rosetta Stone Database: A compilation of global and emerging infectious microorganisms and bioterrorist threat agents date: 2005-04-25 words: 7212 flesch: 37 summary: Infectious disease agents important to the public health in the U.S. are monitored by the CDC and listed in Additional File 2 The goal of the database is to provide an informative, readily accessible, single location for basic information on a broad range of important disease causing agents. keywords: acute; additional; additional file; agents; analysis; animal; antibiotic; available; bacterial; bioengineering; biological; bioterrorist; bioweapons; cases; cause; cdc; cdna; chemical; common; database; detection; developed; different; disease; dna; emergence; eukaryotic; example; expression; factors; families; figure; file; food; foodborne; fungi; genomic; genus; global; health; hhs; high; human; illness; impact; important; infectious; influenza; information; institute; key; large; list; literature; major; manuscript; medical; microbial; microorganisms; molecular; names; national; nations; ncbi; new; niaid; nomenclature; notifiable; number; organisms; outbreak; pathogens; phyla; phylogenetic; phylogeny; plant; populations; potential; properties; public; regulated; relationships; research; resistant; respiratory; responsible; risk; rna; rosetta; salmonella; sequence; severe; shigella; significant; sources; species; specific; states; stone; strand; structure; synthesis; taxonomic; threat; toxins; transmission; tree; united; usda; vaccine; viruses; warfare; weapons; world; year cache: cord-342412-azkamnpa.txt plain text: cord-342412-azkamnpa.txt item: #555 of 606 id: cord-342588-berrojmq author: Burri, Christian title: Sleeping Sickness at the Crossroads date: 2020-04-08 words: 5882 flesch: 42 summary: The need for a lumbar puncture was, for over 50 years, a characteristic of HAT treatment, a source of patient distress, stigma and technical limitation of treatment. The changes and significant impact on funding were later summarized in the landmark publication the new landscape of neglected disease drug development [12] . keywords: 1990s; active; activities; adverse; african; african trypanosomiasis; anti; available; brucei; cases; clinical; colonial; compounds; congo; continued; control; days; detection; development; diagnosis; disease; drc; drug; drug development; efforts; eflornithine; elimination; end; et al; factor; fexinidazole; field; gambiense; gambiense hat; hat; health; high; human; human african; impact; interest; international; late; lumbar; major; melarsoprol; molecules; new; nifurtimox; number; patients; pentamidine; point; potential; problem; programs; public; puncture; reactions; research; reservoir; resistance; role; second; set; sickness; sleeping; stage; surveillance; test; time; today; tools; transmission; treatment; trials; trypanosomes; trypanosomiasis; use; vector; years cache: cord-342588-berrojmq.txt plain text: cord-342588-berrojmq.txt item: #556 of 606 id: cord-342786-dl8vjwfn author: Sattar, Yasar title: COVID-19 Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Cellular Pathogenesis, Clinical Manifestations and Management date: 2020-07-14 words: 5274 flesch: 32 summary: A study reports that heart failure is a common manifestation of COVID-19 patients, seen in 23% of affected patients [47] . Hypertension is frequently seen in COVID-19 patients however it is unclear whether it is a risk factor for acquiring COVID-19. keywords: ace2; acei; acute; angiotensin; arrhythmias; at1r; axis; cardiac; cardiogenic; cardiomyopathy; cardiovascular; case; cells; cellular; clinical; coagulation; complications; conditions; coronary; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cytokine; damage; diagnosis; disease; drug; dysfunction; effects; elevated; endothelial; expression; factor; failure; figure; heart; host; hypertension; il-6; immune; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; jacc; levels; like; management; manifestations; mortality; myocardial; myocarditis; outcomes; oxygen; pandemic; patients; pci; pericardial; pericarditis; potential; present; protein; pulmonary; receptor; release; rep; respiratory; review; right; risk; role; ros; sars; setting; severe; shock; state; stress; study; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; therapy; thromboembolism; treatment; trial; underlying; use; ventricular; viral cache: cord-342786-dl8vjwfn.txt plain text: cord-342786-dl8vjwfn.txt item: #557 of 606 id: cord-343205-zjw4fbfd author: Bhaskar, Sonu title: Telemedicine as the New Outpatient Clinic Gone Digital: Position Paper From the Pandemic Health System REsilience PROGRAM (REPROGRAM) International Consortium (Part 2) date: 2020-09-07 words: 9177 flesch: 25 summary: A randomized controlled trial using high-fidelity simulation Self-management maintenance inhalation therapy with eHealth (SELFIE): observational study on the use of an electronic monitoring device in respiratory patient care and research Telemedicine in primary care for patients with chronic conditions: the ValCrònic Quasi-Experimental study Impact of telemonitoring home care patients with heart failure or chronic lung disease from primary care on healthcare resource use (the TELBIL study randomised controlled trial) Home-based telemonitoring of simple vital signs to reduce hospitalization in heart failure patients: real-world data from a community-based hospital Home telemonitoring of non-invasive ventilation decreases healthcare utilisation in a prospective controlled trial of patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Adjusted cost analysis of video televisits for the care of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Telehealth exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation: a systematic review and meta-analysis Feasibility and acceptability of inpatient palliative care E-family meetings during COVID-19 pandemic Telemedically augmented palliative care: Such patients are also at high risk of infection and poor outcomes, including mortality, among COVID-19-positive patients (3) . keywords: access; acute; adherence; analysis; areas; assessment; barriers; benefit; brain; bulbar; cancer; cardiac; cardiology; cardiovascular; care; cases; chronic; clinical; cognitive; community; comprehensive; conditions; consortium; consultation; copd; coronavirus; cost; covid-19; critical; current; cvd; data; delivery; devices; diabetes; diagnosis; digital; disease; education; effects; elderly; electronic; essential; evidence; failure; function; guidelines; health; healthcare; heart; help; high; home; hospital; impact; implementation; infection; injury; integration; interventions; issues; lack; life; limited; long; management; medical; mental; messaging; mobile; monitoring; mortality; multidisciplinary; necessary; need; network; neurological; non; ongoing; outcomes; outpatient; palliative; pandemic; patients; person; physical; physician; populations; positive; potential; practice; primary; programs; providers; pulmonary; quality; randomized; rapid; recommendations; rehabilitation; reimbursement; remote; respiratory; review; risk; role; rural; self; services; settings; sleep; solutions; specialist; specific; stroke; studies; study; support; systematic; systems; technologies; technology; telehealth; telemedicine; telemonitoring; telepsychiatry; telerehabilitation; term; text; therapy; time; training; traumatic; treatment; triage; trial; use; video; virtual; visits; workers cache: cord-343205-zjw4fbfd.txt plain text: cord-343205-zjw4fbfd.txt item: #558 of 606 id: cord-343347-guciupc8 author: Hajj Hussein, Inaya title: Vaccines Through Centuries: Major Cornerstones of Global Health date: 2015-11-26 words: 12286 flesch: 44 summary: In 2012, the FDA approved several vaccines: HibMenCY a new combination of meningococcal and Hib vaccine for infants; Flucelvax, which is the first seasonal influenza vaccine, manufactured using cell culture technology and a quadrivalent formulation of Fluarix (26) . This has led to a suboptimal effectiveness of influenza vaccines, which are only successful against strains included in the vaccine formulation or strains of homogenous subtype. keywords: able; addition; age; antibodies; antibody; antigen; attenuated; bacteria; bcg; beginning; biography; body; boy; burden; cases; cause; cells; century; chapter; childhood; children; cholera; clinical; colleagues; combined; control; countries; cowpox; cultures; data; deaths; development; diphtheria; discovery; disease; dose; early; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; eighteenth; elderly; epidemic; fda; fever; following; fresh; future; general; global; great; health; hepatitis; high; history; human; illness; immune; immunity; immunization; importance; inactivated; individuals; infected; infection; influenza; influenza vaccine; influenza virus; inoculation; institute; international; introduction; jenner; koch; later; live; major; measles; medical; method; mmr; months; mumps; national; new; nineteenth; non; oral; outbreaks; pasteur; people; pertussis; physicians; plague; pneumococcal; polio; polio vaccine; process; program; protection; public; rabies; related; research; respiratory; response; rotavirus; rubella; safety; salk; scientists; serum; severe; significant; smallpox; specific; spread; strain; studies; successful; system; techniques; tetanus; time; toxoid; trials; tuberculosis; types; typhoid; u.s; use; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; vaccine development; vaccine efficacy; varicella; variolation; virus; virus vaccine; viruses; world; years; yellow cache: cord-343347-guciupc8.txt plain text: cord-343347-guciupc8.txt item: #559 of 606 id: cord-343365-4y9fedcr author: Chang, Christopher title: Unmet Needs in Respiratory Diseases: “You Can’t Know Where You Are Going Until You Know Where You Have Been”—Anonymous date: 2013-11-30 words: 7303 flesch: 45 summary: key: cord-343365-4y9fedcr authors: Chang, Christopher title: Unmet Needs in Respiratory Diseases: “You Can’t Know Where You Are Going Until You Know Where You Have Been”—Anonymous date: 2013-11-30 journal: Clin Rev Allergy Immunol DOI: 10.1007/s12016-013-8399-2 sha: doc_id: 343365 cord_uid: 4y9fedcr The care of patients with respiratory diseases has improved vastly in the past 50 years. keywords: analysis; anca; antibody; antigens; areas; asthma; autoimmune; avoidance; biomarkers; care; cases; cells; certain; challenges; children; clinical; common; coronavirus; countries; cov; current; cystic; cystic fibrosis; cytokines; deaths; developed; development; diagnosis; disease; dna; drugs; east; effective; efficacy; endotypes; fact; fha; fibrosis; future; gene; gene therapy; genetic; global; health; high; higher; hiv; human; identification; il-18; immunization; infants; infection; levels; like; lung; management; medications; mers; mice; middle; molecular; months; mortality; needs; new; novel; patients; people; pertussis; phenotypes; problem; progress; pulmonary; research; resistant; respiratory; rsv; rsv vaccine; sars; severe; significant; specific; studies; syncytial; syndrome; targeting; techniques; therapy; time; treatment; tuberculosis; understanding; use; vaccine; vasculitis; virus; world; years cache: cord-343365-4y9fedcr.txt plain text: cord-343365-4y9fedcr.txt item: #560 of 606 id: cord-343421-k1dqe4lk author: Hoelzer, Karin title: Vaccines as alternatives to antibiotics for food producing animals. Part 2: new approaches and potential solutions date: 2018-07-31 words: 9645 flesch: 30 summary: Underneath the mucus layer, a single layer of intestinal epithelial cells prevents uncontrolled access of the luminal content to the underlying intestinal tissues, further restricting uptake of oral vaccine antigens. This often results in a low immunogenicity of oral vaccines and requires innovative strategies to deliver the vaccine antigens to the intestinal immune system as well as the inclusion of adjuvants that promote innate and adaptive immunity [5] . keywords: ability; adjuvants; administration; age; agriculture; alpha; alternatives; animals; antibiotics; antibodies; anticoccidial; antigens; approach; attenuated; available; avs; bacillus; bacterial; barrier; broiler; bursal; calves; cause; cells; challenges; chickens; chicks; clinical; clostridium; coccidiosis; coli; colonization; combination; control; current; delivery; development; different; disease; drugs; effective; efficacy; eimeria; enteric; enteritis; enterocytes; environment; enzymes; epithelial; escherichia; feed; field; food; gut; health; high; human; ideal; immune; immunity; immunization; important; inactivated; induction; infectious; instance; intestinal; key; layer; manuscript; mucosal; multiple; necrotic; necrotic enteritis; need; new; non; novel; oral; oral vaccines; ovo; ovo vaccination; parasite; parenteral; pathogens; perfringens; potential; poultry; products; promising; protection; protein; recent; receptors; recombinant; regulatory; related; research; resistance; responses; results; safety; salmonella; second; siga; single; small; species; specific; spores; strains; strategies; studies; subtilis; surface; system; target; targeting; tolerance; toxin; tract; uptake; use; vaccination; vaccine antigens; vaccines; vector; vectored; veterinary; viral cache: cord-343421-k1dqe4lk.txt plain text: cord-343421-k1dqe4lk.txt item: #561 of 606 id: cord-344408-4ko557n1 author: Cunningham, Andrew A. title: One Health, emerging infectious diseases and wildlife: two decades of progress? date: 2017-07-19 words: 5978 flesch: 34 summary: Identification of a herpesvirus within the gill epithelium Disease and endangered species: the black-footed ferret as a recent example The decline of the sharp-snouted day frog (Taudactylus acutirostris): the first documented case of extinction by infection in a free-ranging wildlife species Extinction of a species of land snail due to infection with a microsporidian parasite Emerging infectious diseases of wildlifethreats to biodiversity and human health Chlorinated hydrocarbons and eggshell changes in raptorial and fish-eating birds Decrease in eggshell weight in certain birds of prey Competition mediated by parasites: biological and theoretical progress Prevention of population cycles by parasite removal Emerging marine diseases-climate links and anthropogenic factors Inconclusiveness of chytridiomycosis as the agent in widespread frog declines Detecting disease and parasite threats to endangered species and ecosystems The epizootiology and ecological significance of malaria in Hawaiian land birds Extinction by infection The first historical extinction of a marine invertebrate in an ocean basin-the demise of the eelgrass limpet Lottia alveus The importance of disease in reintroduction programmes International disease implications for wildlife translocations Infectious disease and intensive management: population dynamics, threatened hosts, and their parasites Disease risks of wildlife translocations Reemerging and emerging infectious diseases: economic and other impacts on wildlife-transport of animals sometimes spreads infections, while other outbreaks are a mystery Spread of chytridiomycosis has caused the rapid global decline and extinction of frogs A breakthrough in the hunt for a cause of amphibian declines. Possible environmental factors underlying amphibian decline in eastern Puerto Rico: analysis of US government data archives Complex causes of amphibian population declines Emerging infectious disease and the loss of biodiversity in a neotropical amphibian community Two amphibian diseases, chytridiomycosis and ranaviral disease, are now globally notifiable to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE): an assessment Dynamics and genetics of a disease-driven species decline to near extinction: lessons for conservation Bat white-nose syndrome: an emerging fungal pathogen? Experimental infection of bats with Geomyces destructans causes white-nose syndrome Killer fungus that's devastating bats may have met its match Evidence for the role of infectious disease in species extinction and endangerment The origins of plagues: old and new Risk factors for human disease emergence Population biology of multihost pathogens Population biology of emerging and re-emerging pathogens Host range and emerging and reemerging pathogens Global trends in emerging infectious diseases Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus in bats, Saudi Arabia Bats: important reservoir hosts of emerging viruses What links bats to emerging infectious diseases? keywords: 1990s; aids; amphibian; analysis; animal; approaches; bats; biodiversity; burden; case; causes; change; chytridiomycosis; climate; conservation; control; cost; countries; daszak; declines; dendrobatidis; disease; disease emergence; drivers; dynamics; ebola; ecological; economic; eids; emergence; endemic; events; evidence; example; extinction; factors; global; health; high; hosts; human; identification; impact; important; infectious; infectious diseases; international; land; management; measures; ministries; mitigation; new; nipah; novel; origin; pandemic; pathogens; people; policy; population; programmes; public; rabies; recent; research; review; risk; sars; series; species; spillover; spread; syndrome; term; threats; trade; understanding; viral; virus; viruses; west; wildlife; world; years; zoonoses; zoonotic cache: cord-344408-4ko557n1.txt plain text: cord-344408-4ko557n1.txt item: #562 of 606 id: cord-344486-iu5flbcl author: Chiotos, Kathleen title: Multicenter interim guidance on use of antivirals for children with COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 date: 2020-09-12 words: 8619 flesch: 24 summary: Antiviral Activity and Safety of Darunavir/Cobicistat for the Treatment of COVID-19 Comparison of hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir/ritonavir, and standard of care in critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia: an opportunistic retrospective analysis Stopping lopinavir/ritonavir in COVID-19 patients: duration of the drug interacting effect Clinical Characteristics and Disease Progression in Early-Stage COVID-19 Patients in South Korea Clinical and epidemiological features of 36 children with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Zhejiang, China: an observational cohort study Guidance statement: Remdesivir is suggested for children with severe COVID-19. keywords: acute; admission; adolescents; adults; age; antiviral; associated; association; available; azithromycin; benefit; care; case; characteristics; children; china; clinical; cohort; combination; coronavirus; course; covid-19; critical; data; days; decisions; diabetes; difference; disease; drug; duration; efficacy; evidence; factor; fda; group; guidance; health; high; hospital; hydroxychloroquine; illness; infants; infection; inflammatory; insufficient; invasive; limited; lopinavir; making; mechanical; medical; mild; moderate; mortality; multisystem; new; non; novel; obesity; observational; outcomes; oxygen; panel; patients; pediatric; picu; placebo; potential; prevalence; primary; pulmonary; randomized; rationale; remdesivir; reported; reports; respiratory; results; risk; ritonavir; sars; series; severe; severe covid-19; severity; standard; statement; status; studies; study; support; syndrome; table; therapy; time; transplant; treatment; trial; underlying; use; ventilation; years cache: cord-344486-iu5flbcl.txt plain text: cord-344486-iu5flbcl.txt item: #563 of 606 id: cord-345086-vq4ei1do author: Johnston, Marjorie C. title: Physical Disease and Resilient Outcomes: A Systematic Review of Resilience Definitions and Study Methods date: 2015-04-30 words: 5327 flesch: 46 summary: Objective The aim was to summarize the range of definitions of physical disease resilience and the approaches taken to study it in studies examining physical disease and its relationship to resilient outcomes. Conclusion This work begins building consensus as to the approach to take when defining and measuring physical disease resilience. keywords: ability; adverse; adversity; approaches; association; authors; bonanno; breast; cancer; cognitive; definition; disease; distress; dynamic; et al; event; factors; findings; functioning; group; health; high; levels; life; low; measurement; measures; normal; outcomes; participants; personality; physical; physical disease; process; psychological; quality; questionnaire; range; recent; resilience; results; review; reviewers; scale; scores; self; social; stressful; studies; study; systematic; thriving; time; work cache: cord-345086-vq4ei1do.txt plain text: cord-345086-vq4ei1do.txt item: #564 of 606 id: cord-345370-44z28cm8 author: Zou, Kelly H. title: Harnessing real-world evidence to reduce the burden of noncommunicable disease: health information technology and innovation to generate insights date: 2020-11-06 words: 4411 flesch: 30 summary: Given the variety of data sources for RWD, important issues arise around data integrity, integration, access, interoperability, standardization, quality control, security, privacy protection, and ethical standards for data use. The continued growth of the aging population, which is often pronounced in developed economies with relatively advanced healthcare systems, will increase the prevalence of NCDs and accentuate disease burden. keywords: access; adherence; administration; analysis; burden; cardiovascular; chronic; clinical; collaborators; consent; control; cost; countries; covid-19; data; deaths; diabetes; disease; drug; economic; effectiveness; et al; evidence; example; factors; focus; food; global; global burden; health; healthcare; high; important; incidence; information; informed; key; major; medical; mortality; national; ncds; noncommunicable; observational; organization; outcomes; patient; populations; potential; premature; prevalence; prevention; protection; quality; rcts; real; representative; research; review; risk; rwd; rwe; sources; study; subject; treatment; united; use; world; years cache: cord-345370-44z28cm8.txt plain text: cord-345370-44z28cm8.txt item: #565 of 606 id: cord-345381-9cckppk2 author: Klimek, Ludger title: Use of biologicals in allergic and type-2 inflammatory diseases during the current COVID-19 pandemic: Position paper of Ärzteverband Deutscher Allergologen (AeDA)(A), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Klinische Immunologie (DGAKI)(B), Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Allergologie und Umweltmedizin (GPA)(C), Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie (ÖGAI)(D), Luxemburgische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie (LGAI)(E), Österreichische Gesellschaft für Pneumologie (ÖGP)(F) in co-operation with the German, Austrian, and Swiss ARIA groups(G), and the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)(H) date: 2020-09-07 words: 6158 flesch: 34 summary: Epub ahead of print SARS-CoV-2 cell entry depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and is blocked by a clinically proven protease inhibitor Risk factors for severity and mortality in adult COVID-19 inpatients in Wuhan High IL-6/IFN-γ ratio could be associated with severe disease in COVID-19 patients The society for immunotherapy of cancer perspective on regulation of interleukin-6 signaling in COVID-19-related systemic inflammatory response Why judiciously timed anti-IL 6 therapy may be of benefit in severe COVID-19 infection. COVID-19 patients with a history of respiratory disease develop ARDS more frequently (58 vs. 42%; 14 vs. 11 patients; of these, 4 vs. 2 patients with asthma; n = 50) ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome. keywords: ace2; acute; adequate; allergic; allergologie; allergy; anti; antibodies; asthma; atopic; atopy; available; biologicals; bronchial; care; case; cells; characteristics; china; chronic; clinical; control; coronavirus; course; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; current; cytokine; damage; data; dermatitis; disease; dupilumab; eaaci; early; effects; epub; evidence; fees; für; gesellschaft; glucocorticosteroids; ifn; ige; il-4; il-5; il-6; immune; immunological; indications; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; known; nasal; novartis; organ; pandemic; patients; personal; phase; possible; potential; print; reactions; recommendations; respiratory; response; rhinosinusitis; risk; sanofi; sars; self; severe; severe covid-19; situation; storm; study; syndrome; systemic; table; telemedical; therapy; thomas; treatment; type; type-2; und; urticaria; use; viral; wolfgang; work; wuhan; years cache: cord-345381-9cckppk2.txt plain text: cord-345381-9cckppk2.txt item: #566 of 606 id: cord-345402-brhvfsgy author: Miller, Ryan S. title: Diseases at the livestock–wildlife interface: Status, challenges, and opportunities in the United States date: 2013-06-01 words: 8150 flesch: 27 summary: The existing and potential importance of brucellosis and tuberculosis in Canadian wildlife: a review New perspectives on managing wildlife diseases Infectious Diseases of Wild Birds Molecular and morphological characterization of Echinococcus in cervids from North America North American and French Caprine arthritis-encephalitis viruses emerge from ovine Maedi-Visna viruses Chlamydia psittaci infections: a review with emphasis on avian chlamydiosis Epidemiology of Mycoplasma agalactiae infection in free-ranging Spanish ibex (Capra Pyrenaica The dynamic role of livestock protection dogs in a changing world Green and blue lasers are ineffective for dispersing deer at night Fences and deerdamage management: a review of designs and efficacy Livestock protection dogs for deterring deer from cattle and feed A fence design for excluding elk without impeding other wildlife Efficacy of an animal-activated frightening device on urban elk and mule deer Host culling as an adaptive management tool for chronic wasting disease in white tailed deer: a modelling study Epizootic vesicular stomatitis in Colorado, 1982: some observations on the possible role of wildlife populations in an enzootic maintenance cycle One Health: the 21st century challenge The vulnerability of the Australian beef industry to impacts of the cattle tick (Boophilus microplus) under climate change Chronic wasting disease Infectious Diseases of Wild Mammals Chronic wasting disease of deer and elk: a review with recommendations for management The natural history of Anaplasma phagocytophilum Bovine tuberculosis in cattle and badgers in localized culling areas Serologic survey for selected microbial pathogens in Alaskan wildlife We would like to acknowledge the insightful comments and critical review of early versions of this manuscript by Dr. Steve Sweeney, Dr. Tom DeLiberto, Dr. Reginald Johnson, Dr. Kathe Bjork, Dr. Tracey Lynn, and Mr. Allan Nelson. Evaluating evidence for top-down regulation of zoonotic disease reservoirs Tuberculosis: a reemerging disease at the interface of domestic animals and wildlife Experimental persistent infection with bovine viral diarrhea virus in white-tailed deer Unhealthy landscapes: policy recommendations on land use change and infectious disease emergence The role of the National Wildlife Disease Program in wildlife disease surveillance and emergency response Virulence of Pasteurella multocida subsp. keywords: adaptive; addition; agencies; agricultural; america; animal; arthropod; associated; authorities; avian; babesia; birds; bison; bovine; bovis; brucellosis; btb; cattle; challenges; collaborations; component; conservation; contact; control; cross; deer; development; direct; disease; domestic; economic; ecosystem; effective; efforts; elk; emergence; equine; eradication; et al; evidence; federal; feral; fever; free; health; host; human; impacts; indirect; industry; infectious; influenza; integrated; interface; issues; levels; literature; livestock; maintenance; management; mexico; michigan; mitigation; monitoring; mycobacterium; national; need; new; north; northern; offer; pathogen; policy; populations; potential; poultry; present; program; public; rabies; range; recent; relationships; reservoir; review; risk; role; significant; social; species; spickler; spillover; states; strategies; successful; surveillance; swine; systems; tailed; term; thomas; ticks; tools; transmission; tuberculosis; understanding; united; united states; vercauteren; vercauteren et; virus; viruses; white; wildlife; wildlife interface; working; yellowstone; zoonotic cache: cord-345402-brhvfsgy.txt plain text: cord-345402-brhvfsgy.txt item: #567 of 606 id: cord-345843-yz0buegp author: Gushulak, BD title: Migrants and emerging public health issues in a globalized world: threats, risks and challenges, an evidence-based framework date: 2010-03-31 words: 7628 flesch: 27 summary: The introduction of population movement into an area characterized by sustained differences in measures of population health allows for the transfer or elaboration of these characteristics between locations. In migration health, threat and risk identification, assessment and management rarely occur 'pre-event.' keywords: access; address; administrative; adverse; approaches; aspects; care; challenges; communities; conditions; control; countries; country; cultural; destination; determinants; differences; different; disease; disparities; diversity; economic; effective; epidemiology; factors; global; globalization; health; health outcomes; health services; health threats; high; host; human; immigrant; impact; infectious; influenza; information; integrated; international; issues; lack; legal; literature; locations; long; management; medical; migrant health; migrant populations; migrants; migration; mobile; mobility; modern; nations; need; new; organization; origin; outcomes; pandemic; policies; policy; population; population mobility; prevention; principles; processes; programs; promotion; public; public health; quarantine; refugees; regional; responses; result; review; risks; screening; services; social; source; specific; status; strategies; systematic; terminology; terms; threats; time; traditional; travel; travelers; tuberculosis; united; use; world cache: cord-345843-yz0buegp.txt plain text: cord-345843-yz0buegp.txt item: #568 of 606 id: cord-346276-1dcp05rd author: Bonfá, Eloisa title: How COVID-19 is changing rheumatology clinical practice date: 2020-11-02 words: 4812 flesch: 48 summary: Patients from the rheumatology unit were transferred to the Orthopaedic Institute, along with patients from almost all specialized clinical wards. Consequently, the ceasing of medication or inappropriate self-management occurred in many patients across the country, resulting in flares of disease in some patients. keywords: access; appointments; arthritis; beds; bonfá; care; challenge; challenging; changes; clinical; clinics; consultations; covid-19; david; disease; eloisa; face; gossec; health; hospital; institute; interests; isenberg; laure; limitations; medical; months; need; new; non; number; online; opportunities; pandemic; patients; period; person; personal; physical; possible; practice; professor; raychaudhuri; research; rheumatic; rheumatologists; rheumatology; risk; routine; soumya; system; team; telemedicine; time; transition; university; virtual; visits; work; zhanguo cache: cord-346276-1dcp05rd.txt plain text: cord-346276-1dcp05rd.txt item: #569 of 606 id: cord-346339-y7z1sa8y author: Baumgärtner, Wolfgang title: Re-emergence of neuroinfectiology date: 2016-01-11 words: 1750 flesch: 27 summary: [13] depicts emerging and re-emerging neurotropic and non-neurotropic viruses that cause CNS diseases and sheds some light on the mechanisms underlying both the direct and indirect as well as the immediate and delayed consequences of these diseases. Various bacteria, including Streptococcus pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, Haemophilus influenzae, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) and Listeria monocytogenes, are among the most common bacterial causes of CNS diseases in humans. keywords: addition; agents; associated; bacterial; central; cns; countries; development; diseases; encephalitis; epilepsy; factors; health; human; immune; infections; inflammatory; medicine; meningitis; nervous; neuroinfectiology; new; pathogens; patients; prevention; recent; review; role; strategies; syndrome; system; threat; underlying; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-346339-y7z1sa8y.txt plain text: cord-346339-y7z1sa8y.txt item: #570 of 606 id: cord-346389-gbmnoo84 author: Callender, Lauren A. title: The Impact of Pre-existing Comorbidities and Therapeutic Interventions on COVID-19 date: 2020-08-11 words: 10050 flesch: 29 summary: Engineering Coronavirus susceptibility to the antiviral remdesivir (GS-5734) is mediated by the viral polymerase and the proofreading exoribonuclease Broad-spectrum antiviral GS-5734 inhibits both epidemic and zoonotic coronaviruses Comparative therapeutic efficacy of remdesivir and combination lopinavir, ritonavir, and interferon beta against MERS-CoV Remdesivir in adults with severe COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre trial Gilead Announces Results From Phase 3 Trial of Remdesivir in Patients With Moderate COVID-19 Available online at Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in severe and refractory systemic lupus erythematosus Survival after mesenchymal stromal cell therapy in steroidrefractory acute graft-versus-host disease: systematic review and metaanalysis Transplantation of ACE2-mesenchymal stem cells improves the outcome of patients with COVID-19 pneumonia Extraordinary GUrich single-strand RNA identified from SARS coronavirus contributes an excessive innate immune response Delayed induction of proinflammatory cytokines and suppression of innate antiviral response by the novel Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus: implications for pathogenesis and treatment Effective treatment of severe COVID-19 patients with tocilizumab Favorable changes of CT findings in a patient with COVID-19 pneumonia after treatment with tocilizumab Tocilizumab, an anti-IL6 receptor antibody, to treat Covid-19-related respiratory failure: a case report Rapid and severe Covid-19 pneumonia with severe acute chest syndrome in a sickle cell patient successfully treated with tocilizumab Dissection of the effects of jak and btk inhibitors on the functionality of healthy and malignant lymphocytes COVID-19: combining antiviral and anti-inflammatory treatments Baricitinib for COVID-19: a suitable treatment? TH17 responses in cytokine storm of COVID-19: an emerging target of JAK2 inhibitor fedratinib Baricitinib restrains the immune dysregulation in COVID-19 patients. Given that comorbidities are associated with high mortality among COVID-19 patients, a better understanding of the biological mechanisms that underpin this risk are needed to enable development of appropriate preventative and therapeutic strategies. keywords: ace2; acute; adverse; analysis; angiotensin; antibody; antiviral; ards; associated; available; btk; cancer; cardiovascular; cases; cd4; cells; china; chloroquine; chronic; clinical; common; comorbidities; complications; conditions; control; convalescent; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 patients; critical; cytokine; data; development; diabetes; disease; efficacy; elevated; events; evidence; existing; factors; failure; favipiravir; figure; global; greater; high; higher; human; hyperinflammation; hypertension; immune; immunity; impact; increased; individuals; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza; inhibitors; kidney; levels; lopinavir; mers; meta; mild; moderate; mortality; multiple; non; novel; obesity; older; outcomes; pandemic; patients; plasma; pneumonia; potential; pre; prevalence; progression; pulmonary; receptor; related; remdesivir; respiratory; response; results; review; risk; ritonavir; role; sars; severe; severe covid-19; severity; small; storm; studies; study; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; system; therapies; therapy; thromboembolic; tocilizumab; transfusion; treatment; trial; underlying; use; vaccine; viral; wuhan cache: cord-346389-gbmnoo84.txt plain text: cord-346389-gbmnoo84.txt item: #571 of 606 id: cord-346496-crhv0gnt author: Sun, Ying title: Characteristics and prognostic factors of disease severity in patients with COVID-19: The Beijing experience date: 2020-04-24 words: 3407 flesch: 45 summary: Histological characteristics in the lung of COVID-19 patients showed diffuse alveolar damage and interstitial lymphocytes infiltrates [11] . key: cord-346496-crhv0gnt authors: Sun, Ying; Dong, Yanli; Wang, Lifeng; Xie, Huan; Li, Baosen; Chang, Christopher; Wang, Fu-sheng title: Characteristics and prognostic factors of disease severity in patients with COVID-19: keywords: acute; admission; age; ast; beijing; cases; cd4; cd8; characteristics; china; clinical; coronavirus; count; covid-19; data; difference; dimer; disease; elevated; eosinopenia; ferritin; groups; higher; history; il-6; ill; ill patients; infection; inflammatory; levels; liver; lung; lymphocyte; male; mild; moderate; p<0.01; patients; prognostic; protein; respiratory; sars; serum; severe; severe disease; severity; significant; table; variables; work; wuhan cache: cord-346496-crhv0gnt.txt plain text: cord-346496-crhv0gnt.txt item: #572 of 606 id: cord-346866-90w4zepx author: Bassareo, Pier Paolo title: Learning from the past in the COVID-19 era: rediscovery of quarantine, previous pandemics, origin of hospitals and national healthcare systems, and ethics in medicine date: 2020-08-20 words: 5580 flesch: 57 summary: In a catastrophic perspective, since a second outbreak cannot be excluded, we should be ready to cope with it by building new specific COVID-19 hospitals and preparing nurses and general practitioners to face the emergency at the very early beginning, thus preventing patients from the need to be admitted to hospitals. key: cord-346866-90w4zepx authors: Bassareo, Pier Paolo; Melis, Maria Rosaria; Marras, Silvia; Calcaterra, Giuseppe title: Learning from the past in the COVID-19 era: rediscovery of quarantine, previous pandemics, origin of hospitals and national healthcare systems, and ethics in medicine date: 2020-08-20 journal: keywords: ages; ancient; available; bismarck; black; book; box; caffa; century; city; control; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; current; days; death; deontology; disease; doctors; early; emergency; ethical; ethics; europe; face; federal; goddess; government; great; greek; healing; health; healthcare; historical; history; hospitals; human; infected; infection; insurance; isolation; italian; life; limited; lockdown; march; medical; medicine; middle; model; modern; national; new; old; origin; outbreak; pandemic; patients; people; period; personal; plague; principles; public; quarantine; ragusa; resources; responsible; risk; sars; sick; single; social; spread; system; term; time; universal; venice; wards; word; years cache: cord-346866-90w4zepx.txt plain text: cord-346866-90w4zepx.txt item: #573 of 606 id: cord-346964-9afuen7k author: Ensari, A. title: The Malabsorption Syndrome and Its Causes and Consequences date: 2014-08-21 words: 9914 flesch: 32 summary: Upper GI involvement is more common in children, while colonic involvement is usually more severe than small intestinal disease. Though numerous bacteria may cause small intestinal infection, they usually involve the colonic mucosa as well, in the form of enterocolitis. keywords: abdominal; abnormalities; acid; active; aids; antibodies; associated; autoantibodies; autoimmune; bacterial; bile; biopsies; biopsy; border; bowel; brush; carbohydrates; cases; cause; cd4; celiac; celiac disease; cells; certain; changes; children; chronic; clinical; colitis; common; conditions; congenital; crohn; crypt; damage; defective; deficiencies; deficiency; diagnosis; diarrhea; disease; disorders; duodenal; duodenum; enterocytes; enteropathy; enzymes; eosinophils; epithelial; fat; features; figure; flat; food; form; gastric; gastrointestinal; genetic; giardiasis; gluten; gvhd; histological; histology; hla; host; hyperplasia; ielosis; iels; iga; immune; immunodeficiency; impaired; infections; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; intact; intestinal; intestinal mucosa; intraepithelial; involvement; lactase; lamina; life; like; loss; lumen; luminal; lymphangiectasia; lymphatic; lymphocytes; lymphoma; malabsorption; mechanisms; mucosa; normal; nutrients; opportunistic; overgrowth; pain; pancreatic; pathology; patients; picture; present; primary; production; propria; protein; rare; refractory; related; response; secondary; severe; small; small intestinal; sprue; stasis; surface; symptoms; syndrome; system; table; tissue; tract; transplantation; transport; tropical; type; ulcerative; upper; variety; villous; viral; vitamins; weight; whipple cache: cord-346964-9afuen7k.txt plain text: cord-346964-9afuen7k.txt item: #574 of 606 id: cord-347289-3yi5tz04 author: Poon, L. . C. title: ISUOG Interim Guidance on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) during pregnancy and puerperium: information for healthcare professionals – an update date: 2020-06-01 words: 8045 flesch: 35 summary: Although not yet validated in COVID-19 pregnant patients, a modified early obstetric warning score (MEOWS) can be used to enable early recognition of critical illness 50, 51 . Miscarried embryos/fetuses and placentae of COVID-19 pregnant women should be treated as infectious tissues and should be disposed of appropriately. keywords: acute; american; analysis; anesthesia; appendix; appropriate; areas; assessment; asymptomatic; baby; birth; blood; breastfeeding; care; cases; chest; china; clinical; college; condition; confirmed; contact; control; coronavirus; coronavirus disease; cov-2; covid-19; days; delivery; diagnosis; disease; early; equipment; evidence; examination; exposure; fetal; fever; fluid; following; guidance; healthcare; hospital; illness; imaging; infected; infection; interim; isolation; isuog; labor; local; lung; management; maternal; medical; mers; monitoring; mother; need; negative; neonatal; novel; obstetric; obstetricians; order; organization; outcomes; oxygen; patients; pneumonia; position; possible; potential; ppe; pregnancy; pregnant; pregnant women; pressure; preterm; prevention; probable; protection; pulmonary; rate; report; respiratory; review; risk; room; safety; sars; scan; severe; society; study; symptoms; syndrome; team; testing; tract; transmission; treatment; ultrasound; use; ventilation; vertical; ward; women cache: cord-347289-3yi5tz04.txt plain text: cord-347289-3yi5tz04.txt item: #575 of 606 id: cord-347449-mey7e8gd author: Albers, Heidi J. title: Disease Risk from Human–Environment Interactions: Environment and Development Economics for Joint Conservation-Health Policy date: 2020-07-09 words: 7026 flesch: 22 summary: Frameworks that simultaneously model decisions to interact with natural systems and environmental mechanisms of zoonotic disease spread allow for identification of policy levers to mitigate disease risk and promote conservation. Establishing policy to increase conservation and reduce disease risk requires understanding both people's decisionsincluding land use, resource extraction, and market activities-within their context, and how environment-human interactions lead to disease risk. keywords: access; activities; agricultural; albers; amazon; analysis; areas; bat; bats; behavior; biodiversity; bushmeat; chain; change; characteristics; collection; community; conservation; consumption; contact; data; decisions; deforestation; demand; development; disease; disease risk; drivers; ecological; economic; emergence; empirical; environment; epidemiological; et al; evidence; example; exposure; extraction; fever; forest; fragmentation; frameworks; global; habitat; health; human; hunters; hunting; incentives; increase; individual; infectious; influence; inform; information; institutional; interactions; interdisciplinary; labor; land; landscape; latinne; levers; lmics; local; malaria; markets; middlemen; modeling; models; mosquito; natural; outcomes; pathogen; people; policies; policy; research; resource; risk; robinson; role; settings; socio; spatial; species; specific; spillover; spread; sulawesi; supply; time; trade; transmission; use; wildlife; zoonotic cache: cord-347449-mey7e8gd.txt plain text: cord-347449-mey7e8gd.txt item: #576 of 606 id: cord-347872-naz24vct author: Rostal, Melinda K. title: Wildlife: The Need to Better Understand the Linkages date: 2012-11-02 words: 10054 flesch: 37 summary: Wildlife health surveillance can be used to better understand the pool of pathogens that may spillover into people or domestic animals; it can also be used to track the spread of wildlife diseases through populations. This chapter will describe these linkages and demonstrate the need to understand these linkages through targeted surveillance and understanding the ecology of wildlife diseases. keywords: africa; animals; anthropogenic; areas; assessment; avian; bats; better; biodiversity; birds; bovine; box; btb; bushmeat; cattle; cause; change; chemicals; chytrid; communities; community; conservation; contact; contamination; control; cost; countries; culling; data; date; decrease; deer; development; difficult; diseases; distance; domestic; domestic animals; drivers; early; ecological; ecology; economic; ecosystem; ecotourism; effects; eids; emergence; environmental; eradication; et al; europe; example; factors; food; foodborne; foxes; free; fungus; geographic; global; h5n1; health; high; host; human; important; indicators; infectious; influenza; lack; land; large; lead; likely; linkages; local; long; loss; low; mammals; management; methods; michigan; modeling; mortality; need; new; nonhuman; nose; outbreaks; pathogens; patterns; people; pollution; populations; predict; primates; project; rabies; range; rate; recent; research; reservoir; risk; role; sars; security; significant; small; smith; source; species; specific; spillover; spread; states; studies; study; surveillance; sustainable; syndrome; target; threats; trade; transmission; tuberculosis; understanding; use; vaccination; viral; virus; viruses; white; wildlife; wns; wtd; years; zoonotic cache: cord-347872-naz24vct.txt plain text: cord-347872-naz24vct.txt item: #577 of 606 id: cord-347884-zpzncgiv author: Galimberti, Andrea title: Rethinking Urban and Food Policies to Improve Citizens Safety After COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2020-10-08 words: 5477 flesch: 29 summary: To shed light on this issue, we brought together a faculty group involving experts in environment and biodiversity, food safety, human nutrition, and behavior, bioprospecting, as well as medical doctors having a deep knowledge of the complex historical relationship between humanity and vector-borne infections. Definitely, some priority issues should be addressed to achieve these goals, such as global efforts to increase food safety and security, which would benefit from urban and peri-urban agriculture enhancement, smallholder food producers support, and ecosystem services and local biodiversity maintenance. keywords: analysis; approach; areas; aspects; available; behavior; biodiversity; cases; changes; cities; citizens; community; concept; consumption; coronavirus; cortex; countries; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; current; data; diagnostic; dietary; diets; different; diseases; environment; events; evidence; figure; food; food safety; framework; future; global; health; high; host; human; human health; immune; important; increase; infection; issues; key; local; management; medical; mediterranean; natural; new; nutrition; outbreak; pandemic; pathogens; patients; patterns; policies; policy; population; possible; prevention; production; public; quality; recent; related; risk; role; safety; sars; science; scientific; security; severe; social; species; specific; spillover; spread; strategies; sustainable; systems; time; tools; transmission; urban; vector; viral; wildlife; world; zoonotic cache: cord-347884-zpzncgiv.txt plain text: cord-347884-zpzncgiv.txt item: #578 of 606 id: cord-347885-fbl7jjb3 author: Cassini, Alessandro title: Impact of infectious diseases on population health using incidence-based disability-adjusted life years (DALYs): results from the Burden of Communicable Diseases in Europe study, European Union and European Economic Area countries, 2009 to 2013 date: 2018-04-19 words: 6269 flesch: 38 summary: In 2006, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) commissioned a pilot disease burden study using seven selected infectious diseases in order to propose a methodology for a burden of disease study tailored towards infectious diseases and assess the feasibility of, and interest in, such an approach [17] . Seventh update Infection with chikungunya virus in Italy: an outbreak in a temperate region Global burden of cancers attributable to infections in 2008: a review and synthetic analysis Causal inference regarding infectious aetiology of chronic conditions: a systematic review The burden of infectious diseases in Europe: a pilot study Why a burden of disease study? keywords: acute; age; aids; annual; approach; assessment; availability; bcode; burden; cases; communicable; control; countries; dalys; data; deaths; disability; disease; disease study; ecdc; eea; estimated; estimation; european; example; factors; figure; future; global; group; health; healthcare; highest; hiv; impact; incidence; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; information; invasive; ipd; legionnaires; life; limited; lower; methodology; model; mortality; multiplication; national; number; order; outcome; population; prevention; project; ranking; reporting; results; risk; selected; specific; studies; study; supplement; surveillance; time; total; vaccination; virus; years cache: cord-347885-fbl7jjb3.txt plain text: cord-347885-fbl7jjb3.txt item: #579 of 606 id: cord-348141-eskefcwk author: Herrington, CS title: Viruses and disease: emerging concepts for prevention, diagnosis and treatment date: 2014-12-11 words: 2121 flesch: 32 summary: Similarly, Lucas and Nelson combine to provide an equally comprehensive review of the diversity of diseases associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 infection, including discussing the additional problems that are likely to be encountered as successfully treated HIV-infected individuals age [9] . Orphan viruses, orphan diseases: still the raw material for virus discovery Prediction and prevention of the next pandemic zoonosis Tissue and cellular tropism, pathology and pathogenesis of Ebola and Marburg viruses Pathogenesis of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus Molecular pathology of emerging coronavirus infections Animal models of disease shed light on Nipah virus pathogenesis and transmission The molecular pathology of noroviruses Tissue tropism, pathology and pathogenesis of enterovirus infection HIV and the spectrum of human disease Molecular biology, pathogenesis and pathology of mumps virus Pathological consequences of systemic measles virus infection RSV and its propensity for causing bronchiolitis The olfactory nerve: a shortcut for influenza and other viral diseases into the central nervous system The pathogenesis of human cytomegalovirus Pathogenesis of varicelloviruses in primates The history of tumor virology Why do viruses cause cancer? keywords: acute; animal; articles; barr; cancer; cause; development; disease; ebola; ebv; effects; epstein; host; human; immune; infection; kaposi; measles; mechanisms; molecular; mumps; pathogenesis; pathological; pathology; respiratory; review; role; studies; tissue; understanding; viral; virology; virus; viruses cache: cord-348141-eskefcwk.txt plain text: cord-348141-eskefcwk.txt item: #580 of 606 id: cord-348423-zq86ms8w author: Louvardi, Maya title: Mental health in chronic disease patients during the COVID-19 quarantine in Greece date: 2020-06-29 words: 3666 flesch: 36 summary: The aims of the study were the following: (a) to search for an effect of quarantine duration on anxiety, depression, somatization, and distress of chronic disease patients and (b) to investigate differences between healthy individuals and patients with chronic diseases in anxiety, depression, somatization, and distress during the COVID-19 quarantine. key: cord-348423-zq86ms8w authors: Louvardi, Maya; Pelekasis, Panagiotis; Chrousos, George P.; Darviri, Christina title: Mental health in chronic disease patients during the COVID-19 quarantine in Greece date: 2020-06-29 journal: Palliative & supportive care DOI: 10.1017/s1478951520000528 sha: doc_id: 348423 cord_uid: zq86ms8w OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of the time spent on quarantine on distress, anxiety, depression, and somatization of chronic disease patients during the COVID-19 quarantine in Greece and the differences in these parameters between healthy individuals and chronic disease patients. keywords: 4dsq; analysis; anxiety; cardiovascular; care; chronic; chronic disease; covid-19; depression; differences; disease; disease patients; distress; duration; greece; group; healthy; healthy individuals; higher; individuals; levels; mental; outbreak; pandemic; participants; patients; present; public; quarantine; relevant; respiratory; sample; significant; somatization; studies; study; subscales; supportive; table; time cache: cord-348423-zq86ms8w.txt plain text: cord-348423-zq86ms8w.txt item: #581 of 606 id: cord-348567-rvwxysvc author: Panfili, F. M. title: Possible role of vitamin D in Covid-19 infection in pediatric population date: 2020-06-15 words: 5402 flesch: 30 summary: Vitamin D supplementation, as already described, seems to decrease proinflammatory cytokines in the lung via modulation of both macrophages and T lymphocytes activity [24] . At the moment of writing, an interventional randomized clinical trial has been proposed at the University of Granada, with enrollment of 200 participants, proposing vitamin D supplementations (a single dose of 25,000 UI of vitamin D) in preventing and treating mild forms of suspected Covid-19 [68] . keywords: activation; activity; acute; adaptive; affected; age; arthritis; autoimmune; care; cases; cells; children; china; clinical; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; cytokine; data; day; deficiency; development; disease; dose; effect; epidemic; expression; fibrosis; health; high; human; il-6; immunomodulatory; important; increase; infected; infections; inflammatory; innate; levels; like; low; lower; lung; manuscript; patients; pediatric; pneumonia; population; possible; potential; prevention; production; pulmonary; recent; receptor; respiratory; response; review; rheumatoid; risk; role; sars; serum; severe; status; studies; study; supplementation; syndrome; system; tract; treatment; vdr; vitamin; vitamin d cache: cord-348567-rvwxysvc.txt plain text: cord-348567-rvwxysvc.txt item: #582 of 606 id: cord-349066-546ozkly author: Walker, D.H. title: Principles of Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases date: 2014-08-21 words: 2943 flesch: 30 summary: The McGraw-Hill Companies Emerging pathogens: challenges and success of molecular diagnostics Immunohistochemistry of infectious diseases Diagnosing emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases: the pivotal role of the pathologist Koneman's Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology Infectious Disease Pathology: The field of emerging infectious diseases is where diagnostic infectious diseases and basic science meet to solve current biomedical infectious challenges. keywords: acid; agent; anthrax; antibodies; antibody; antigens; appropriate; bacteria; bacterium; cause; cell; clinical; culture; detection; diagnosis; diseases; dna; fungi; gram; identification; illness; immune; immunohistochemistry; infectious; infectious diseases; isolation; knowledge; koch; laboratory; media; medical; methods; microbiology; microscopic; molecular; novel; nucleic; organisms; particular; pathogens; patient; reaction; rna; sequences; specific; tissue; treatment; unknown; viral; viruses cache: cord-349066-546ozkly.txt plain text: cord-349066-546ozkly.txt item: #583 of 606 id: cord-349451-vak2p7ac author: Rocha, Francisco Airton Castro title: Microbes, Helminths and Rheumatic Diseases date: 2020-05-07 words: 7470 flesch: 28 summary: * Identify causal relationships between microbiome perturbations and human rheumatic disease * Inflammatory bowel diseases, e.g. Crohn's disease, are considered perfect models of the association between changes in dietary habits and less exposure to germs with increased incidence of diseases considered to be immune-mediated. keywords: acid; activity; adaptive; administration; animals; antibiotic; antigen; arthritis; arthropathies; association; atherosclerosis; autoimmune; b27; bacteria; benefits; body; bone; bowel; brazil; burden; cells; chain; changes; chlamydia; chronic; citrullination; clinical; concept; contact; countries; damage; data; developed; development; dietary; diseases; evidence; factor; flora; fmt; gastrointestinal; genetic; germs; gut; harmful; health; helminths; hla; host; human; il-23; immune; impact; income; increase; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; innate; interest; intestinal; like; long; low; mechanisms; mice; microbes; microbial; microbiota; milk; modifications; normal; oral; pathogenesis; patients; periodontitis; pneumoniae; populations; possible; presence; present; prevalence; probiotics; products; reactive; recent; regions; relationship; relevance; relevant; respiratory; response; rheumatic; rheumatic diseases; rheumatology; role; skin; spa; specific; spondylitis; spondyloarthritis; studies; study; synovial; system; systemic; therapeutic; therapy; tissue; tract; treatment; type; use cache: cord-349451-vak2p7ac.txt plain text: cord-349451-vak2p7ac.txt item: #584 of 606 id: cord-350235-yoy3hj3j author: Sansonetti, Philippe J title: COVID‐19, chronicle of an expected pandemic date: 2020-05-04 words: 2989 flesch: 53 summary: Ebola virus disease Investigating the zoonotic origin of the West African Ebola epidemic Probable limited person-to-person transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in China Beta-coronaviruses like SARS-CoV-2 (the official name of COVID-19 virus) on the other hand are well adapted to their reservoir, the bat, but not to humans, which explains why human infections are so damaging. keywords: able; animals; case; coronaviruses; countries; cov-2; covid-19; days; difficult; disease; ebola; enzyme; epidemic; hands; health; healthcare; higher; human; immune; individuals; infected; infections; intermediate; like; mers; mortality; number; pandemic; patients; population; rate; reservoir; respiratory; risk; sars; severe; situation; species; system; time; transmission; vaccine; viral; virus; years cache: cord-350235-yoy3hj3j.txt plain text: cord-350235-yoy3hj3j.txt item: #585 of 606 id: cord-350408-rqlkwoya author: Rajewsky, Nikolaus title: LifeTime and improving European healthcare through cell-based interceptive medicine date: 2020-09-07 words: 8068 flesch: 24 summary: The stratification of patients on the basis of underlying disease mechanisms, assessed in situ within single cells, will help physicians to select the most appropriate treatment(s) or to use combination therapies that are tailored to the individual. A single-cell atlas of entorhinal cortex from individuals with Alzheimer's disease reveals cell-type-specific gene expression regulation A unique microglia type associated with restricting development of Alzheimer's disease Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of Alzheimer's disease Single-cell reconstruction of the adult human heart during heart failure and recovery reveals the cellular landscape underlying cardiac function An immune-cell signature of bacterial sepsis Multi-omics profiling of mouse gastrulation at single-cell resolution scNMT-seq enables joint profiling of chromatin accessibility DNA methylation and transcription in single cells Simultaneous quantification of protein-DNA contacts and transcriptomes in single cells Spatial transcriptomics and in situ sequencing to study Alzheimer's disease Dissecting cellular crosstalk by sequencing physically interacting cells Molecular, spatial, and functional single-cell profiling of the hypothalamic preoptic region Gene expression cartography Visualization and analysis of gene expression in tissue sections by spatial transcriptomics Single-cell and spatial transcriptomics reveal somitogenesis in gastruloids High-definition spatial transcriptomics for in situ tissue profiling Super-resolution chromatin tracing reveals domains and cooperative interactions in single cells Microscopy-based chromosome conformation capture enables simultaneous visualization of genome organization and transcription in intact organisms RNA imaging. keywords: access; alzheimer; analysis; application; approaches; atlas; biomarkers; cancer; cell; cellular; centre; challenges; changes; chronic; clinical; clinicians; cohorts; community; complex; computational; data; datasets; detection; development; different; disease; disease models; disorders; drug; early; ethical; european; example; experimental; fig; framework; groups; health; healthcare; heterogeneity; high; human; imaging; immune; impact; implementation; individual; industry; infectious; inflammatory; information; initiative; innovation; integration; interactions; interceptive; key; knowledge; large; learning; level; lifetime; limited; longitudinal; machine; management; mechanisms; medical; medicine; models; molecular; multi; national; necessary; need; neurological; new; omics; onset; organoids; patient; potential; predictive; processes; programme; progression; public; required; research; resistance; resolution; response; samples; scale; science; scientific; single; spatial; specific; states; strategies; study; support; systems; technologies; technology; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; tissues; training; trajectories; trajectory; transcriptomics; treatment; types; understanding; use; vision; working cache: cord-350408-rqlkwoya.txt plain text: cord-350408-rqlkwoya.txt item: #586 of 606 id: cord-350443-ca5avyjf author: Zhang, Lei title: Trends in Notifiable Infectious Diseases in China: Implications for Surveillance and Population Health Policy date: 2012-02-16 words: 7966 flesch: 45 summary: In 1955, a total of 5,970,000 malaria cases were reported nationally, accounting for 68% of the total number of reported infectious disease cases and an incidence of 1,028 per 100,000 population. Vaccine-preventable diseases, bacterial infections and gastrointestinal diseases were the greatest causes of death, accounting for 30.0%, 24.0% and 19.5% of reported infectious diseases death cases among Chinese population in 1975 ( Figure 1b) . keywords: aids; analysis; annual; areas; bacterial; cases; china; chinese; coinfection; conditions; control; country; data; database; deaths; decline; diseases; dogs; drug; early; effective; endemic; epidemic; estimated; fever; figure; hbv; hcv; health; hepatitis; high; hiv; human; immigrants; incidence; infected; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; information; interventions; large; levels; low; major; mean; measles; men; ministry; morbidity; mortality; national; new; notifiable; number; outbreaks; people; period; plague; population; prevalence; prevention; public; rabies; rate; reported; result; risk; rural; sars; second; sex; sexual; spread; stis; study; surveillance; syndrome; system; table; total; transmission; treatment; trends; tuberculosis; type; urban; vaccination; vaccine; viral; virus; year; zoonotic cache: cord-350443-ca5avyjf.txt plain text: cord-350443-ca5avyjf.txt item: #587 of 606 id: cord-350565-mejd7blb author: Lewnard, Joseph A title: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities in Infectious Disease Epidemiology date: 2019-03-16 words: 6619 flesch: 10 summary: The impact of past vaccination coverage and immunity on pertussis resurgence Direct and indirect effects in vaccine efficacy and effectiveness Population biology of infectious diseases: Part I Population biology of infectious diseases: Part II Modeling infectious disease dynamics in the complex landscape of global health BEAST 2: a software platform for Bayesian evolutionary analysis Supersize me: how whole-genome sequencing and big data are transforming epidemiology The surveillance of communicable diseases of national importance Completeness of notifiable infectious disease reporting in the United States: an analytical literature review US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and its partners' contributions to global health security Effectiveness of seven-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against invasive pneumococcal disease: a matched case-control study US Agency for International Development Uncovering Earth's virome The Global Virome Project Pandemics: spend on surveillance, not prediction Global trends in emerging infectious diseases Towards a genomics-informed, realtime, global pathogen surveillance system Ebola virus disease: 11,323 deaths later, how far have we come? Simulation-guided design further presents the opportunity for applying adaptive trial methods (115) in the context of infectious disease outbreaks, where dynamic trends in incidence may highlight the benefits of such approaches. keywords: ability; acute; age; agents; analysis; antibiotic; antimicrobial; approaches; case; causal; century; challenges; cholera; chronic; clinical; cluster; control; data; design; detection; development; direct; disease; drug; dynamics; early; ebola; ebov; ecological; effectiveness; efficacy; efforts; emergence; epidemic; epidemiology; events; factors; fever; field; future; global; health; human; impact; important; incidence; infectious; infectious disease; inference; influenza; integration; intellectual; interest; interventions; large; mathematical; measles; media; methods; modeling; models; mumps; new; novel; outbreak; pandemic; pathogens; pneumococcal; population; potential; practice; prevention; programs; public; public health; randomized; real; recent; reporting; resistance; respiratory; response; review; risk; role; sequencing; severe; sources; spread; states; statistical; studies; study; surveillance; syndrome; threat; time; training; transmission; treatment; trends; trial; tuberculosis; united; use; vaccination; vaccine; virus; world; years; yellow; zika cache: cord-350565-mejd7blb.txt plain text: cord-350565-mejd7blb.txt item: #588 of 606 id: cord-351231-aoz5jbf1 author: Bartlett, John G. title: Why Infectious Diseases date: 2014-09-15 words: 5512 flesch: 38 summary: So it is with the discipline of infectious diseases. As with all medical specialties, infectious diseases has unique features that are important to highlight: Among medical specialties, this one is consistently changing, often unpredictable, usually exciting, and incredibly rewarding for health impact. keywords: antibiotic; arthritis; aureus; bacteremia; bioterrorism; career; cases; central; challenges; change; city; clinical; community; consequences; control; cost; data; development; diagnostics; difficile; discipline; disease; diverse; emergence; epidemics; example; extraordinary; field; following; genes; global; good; health; healthcare; impact; important; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; investigation; kpc; life; long; lyme; major; management; marshall; measles; medical; medicine; meningitis; microbe; microbial; microbiome; molecular; multiple; national; new; outbreak; pathogens; patient; penicillin; pneumonia; point; potential; prevention; public; recent; report; resistance; respiratory; results; role; sequencing; severe; skills; specific; states; study; syndrome; system; tests; time; transmission; travel; treatment; unique; united; unpredictable; use; vaccine; value; virus; years; york cache: cord-351231-aoz5jbf1.txt plain text: cord-351231-aoz5jbf1.txt item: #589 of 606 id: cord-352049-68op3d8t author: Wang, Xingyuan title: Model of epidemic control based on quarantine and message delivery date: 2016-09-15 words: 4431 flesch: 54 summary: Risk factors for human disease emergence The spread of awareness and its impact on epidemic outbreaks Endemic disease, awareness, and local behavioural response Disease containment strategies based on mobility and information dissemination Modeling the dynamical interaction between epidemics on overlay networks Asymmetrically interacting spreading dynamics on complex layered networks Model for rumor spreading over networks Complex dynamics in a singular Leslie-Gower predator-prey bioeconomic model with time delay and stochastic fluctuations Spreading of periodic diseases and synchronization phenomena on networks Influenza epidemic spread simulation for Poland-a large scale, individual based model study Effects of epidemic threshold definition on disease spread statistics Analysis of the impact of education rate on the rumor spreading mechanism The mathematical theory of infectious diseases and its applications Incubation periods of acute respiratory viral infections: a systematic review The Distribution of incubation periods of infectious diseases Extending the SIR epidemic model Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of functionalized phthalimides: A new class of antimalarials and inhibitors of falcipain-2, a major hemoglobinase of malaria parasite Fruit bats as reservoirs of Ebola virus Marburg hemorrhagic fever Measles virus for cancer therapy Effectiveness of precautions against droplets and contact in prevention of nosocomial transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Are we there yet? The model provides two novel strategies for the preventive control of epidemic diseases. keywords: average; certain; control; different; direct; disease; distribution; epidemic; fig; free; home; human; increasing; individuals; infected; infectious; information; invasion; isolated; isolating; isolation; latent; latent period; long; measures; messages; model; neighbors; network; nodes; number; people; period; periodic; population; prevention; probability; quality; quarantine; rate; research; results; scale; section; small; social; spreading; status; time; value; world cache: cord-352049-68op3d8t.txt plain text: cord-352049-68op3d8t.txt item: #590 of 606 id: cord-352348-2wtyk3r5 author: Sabroe, Ian title: Identifying and hurdling obstacles to translational research date: 2007 words: 5308 flesch: 31 summary: Although central to an effective understanding of immune biology and the role of new candidate drug targets, the predictive value of in vivo experimentation is less than desired, particularly in the context of studies of single knockouts in specific disease models and mouse strains. Therefore, rodent models remain essential and cannot be replaced by in vitro approaches at present, but are an imperfect translational conduit for both biological and practical reasons (such as the difficulty in establishing chronic disease models). keywords: ability; access; approaches; appropriate; areas; asthma; basic; biological; biology; biomedical; cells; chronic; clinical; complex; contiguous; culture; data; development; differences; different; difficulties; disease; effective; ethical; example; funding; future; gene; global; good; health; human; immune; immunity; important; individuals; inflammatory; long; mice; models; mouse; multiple; national; nature; need; networks; new; obstacles; pathology; phenotypes; potential; practice; primary; process; processes; progress; public; quality; relevance; research; responses; risk; science; scientific; scientists; species; specific; studies; study; systems; term; time; tissues; translational; understanding; use; view; vivo cache: cord-352348-2wtyk3r5.txt plain text: cord-352348-2wtyk3r5.txt item: #591 of 606 id: cord-352532-xqphom6x author: Papanikolaou, Ilias C title: 1 Tropical Lung Diseases date: 2013-12-31 words: 3342 flesch: 38 summary: In a typical tropical clinic, 20-40% of outpatients have respiratory complaints, and 20-30% of inpatients have lung disease (Table 1-1) Many tropical patients suffer from lung diseases that are found worldwide, e.g. asthma, bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive lung disease, HIV infection-related lung disease, and lung cancer. keywords: acute; asthma; available; bacterial; blood; cases; cause; chest; children; chronic; clinical; common; community; copd; cough; countries; days; diagnosis; disease; dyspnea; e.g.; effusion; elderly; eosinophilia; examination; fever; fig; fluid; health; hemoptysis; important; individuals; infection; inhalation; leptospirosis; low; lung; lung disease; malaise; melioidosis; obstructive; oral; pain; parasitic; patients; pleural; pneumococcal; pneumonia; pulmonary; ray; respiratory; severe; skin; sputum; symptoms; syndrome; table; treatment; tropical; tropics; tuberculosis; typical; upper; weeks; wheezing; worldwide cache: cord-352532-xqphom6x.txt plain text: cord-352532-xqphom6x.txt item: #592 of 606 id: cord-352546-w3catjj3 author: Degeling, Chris title: Implementing a One Health approach to emerging infectious disease: reflections on the socio-political, ethical and legal dimensions date: 2015-12-29 words: 7689 flesch: 37 summary: Governing Health in a Global Age Don't be scared, be angry: the politics and ethics of Ebola A perfect moral storm: climate change, intergenerational ethics and the problem of moral corruption Hendra virus vaccine, a one health approach to protecting horse, human, and environmental health Pandemic H1N1 in Canada and the use of evidence in developing public health policies -a policy analysis Civilization and madness: the great BSE scare of 1996 Making a crisis out of a drama: the political analysis of BSE policymaking in the UK. The effective control and prevention of EIDs therefore requires: (i) social science research to improve understanding of how EID threats and responses play out; (ii) the development of an analytic framework that catalogues case experiences with EIDs, reflects their dynamic nature and promotes inter-sectoral collaboration and knowledge synthesis; (iii) genuine public engagement processes that promote transparency, education and capture people’s preferences; (iv) a set of practical principles and values that integrate ethics into decision-making procedures, against which policies and public health responses can be assessed; (v) integration of the analytic framework and the statement of principles and values outlined above; and (vi) a focus on genuine reform rather than rhetoric. keywords: analysis; animal; approach; asia; bse; case; central; challenges; collaboration; consequences; control; crisis; critical; cross; cultural; data; decision; development; dimensions; disease; drivers; dynamic; east; economic; effective; eid; eids; emergence; endemic; environmental; ethical; ethics; events; evidence; fear; focus; food; framework; genuine; global; health; health approach; hendra; human; human health; impacts; implementation; infectious; influenza; information; integration; international; issues; knowledge; law; legal; likely; local; making; nature; need; new; nipah; ohaf; outbreak; pandemic; pathogens; people; policy; policymakers; political; potential; practitioners; precautionary; preferences; prevention; principles; processes; public; public health; rabies; research; resources; responses; risk; sars; science; scientific; sectoral; significant; social; socio; solutions; species; structural; support; threats; uncertainty; values; vcjd; virus; world; zoonoses; zoonotic cache: cord-352546-w3catjj3.txt plain text: cord-352546-w3catjj3.txt item: #593 of 606 id: cord-352781-aqh9zxgh author: El Homsi, Maria title: Review of Chest CT Manifestations of COVID-19 Infection date: 2020-06-07 words: 3810 flesch: 41 summary: Here, we review the pertinent clinical findings and the current published data describing chest CT findings in COVID-19 pneumonia, the diagnostic performance of CT for diagnosis, including differential diagnosis, as well the evolving role of imaging in this disease. In their statement, they also note that with further research, information gained from a baseline CT in COVID-19 patients may play an important role in predicting who will have poor outcomes or need ventilation. keywords: acute; associated; bilateral; cases; characteristics; chest; china; clinical; consolidation; coronavirus; covid-19; deep; detection; diagnosis; disease; distribution; early; european; features; findings; ggo; imaging; infection; initial; learning; low; lung; manifestations; negative; non; novel; opacities; patients; pcr; performance; peripheral; pneumonia; positive; pregnant; pulmonary; radiology; respiratory; review; role; sars; sensitivity; severe; society; stage; statement; study; symptoms; syndrome; thickening; thoracic; viral cache: cord-352781-aqh9zxgh.txt plain text: cord-352781-aqh9zxgh.txt item: #594 of 606 id: cord-352798-rb2ggonx author: Chaber, Anne-Lise title: The Era of Human-Induced Diseases date: 2017-11-21 words: 1996 flesch: 32 summary: A plethora of examples is already linking human diseases-both infectious and non-infectious-to environment perturbation in developed and developing countries. Anthropogenic environmental change leads to the emergence of infectious diseases in wildlife (Daszak et al. 2001) keywords: activities; air; animal; approach; bacteria; burden; cause; change; climate; common; countries; degradation; disease; ecohealth; economic; emergence; environmental; global; health; human; impact; infectious; international; mass; non; organization; pollution; protection; scientific; social; species; spread; trade; transmission; unesco; united; viruses; wild; world; zoonoses; zoonotic cache: cord-352798-rb2ggonx.txt plain text: cord-352798-rb2ggonx.txt item: #595 of 606 id: cord-352962-burm9nxm author: Eckmanns, Tim title: Digital epidemiology and global health security; an interdisciplinary conversation date: 2019-03-19 words: 6366 flesch: 31 summary: Digital infectious disease early detection systems such as the ProMed-mail, Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN), HealthMap, the now closed Google Flu Trends or the syndromic surveillance system ESSENCE are central elements of global public health surveillance. In addition, I pose that the rationale of an 'emerging diseases world view' (King 2002) is similarly influential for public health surveillance on a domestic scale. keywords: algorithmic; analysis; approaches; assessment; big; claims; contemporary; context; control; conversation; critical; current; data; detection; digital; disease; disease surveillance; early; ebola; emergence; epidemiology; era; essence; event; example; following; future; global; global health; global public; gphin; health; health security; health surveillance; healthmap; henning; implications; infectious; infectious disease; information; international; issues; knowledge; monitoring; new; non; novel; order; organization; outbreak; pandemic; points; policies; policy; political; politics; potential; practices; preemption; problem; processes; processing; public; public health; related; resolution; rise; risk; securitization; security; signals; social; sources; specific; state; stephen; surveillance; surveillance systems; syndromic; systems; techniques; technologies; threats; time; traditional; truth; ways; world cache: cord-352962-burm9nxm.txt plain text: cord-352962-burm9nxm.txt item: #596 of 606 id: cord-353609-no3mbg5d author: Vandegrift, Kurt J. title: An Ecological and Conservation Perspective on Advances in the Applied Virology of Zoonoses date: 2011-04-15 words: 6927 flesch: 39 summary: Recently, it has been demonstrated that the pathogens of host populations might also be useful to this end. Unfortunately, the very characteristics that make viruses useful for estimating host population structure and demography may also impede the analyses. keywords: ability; advances; analysis; animal; approach; avian; bayesian; case; changes; coalescent; conservation; control; cross; data; demography; development; different; disease; dispersal; distribution; diversity; dogs; dynamics; ebola; ecological; ecologists; ecology; efforts; emergence; endangered; events; evolutionary; example; extinction; field; future; generation; genetic; global; health; help; high; history; host; host population; human; important; individuals; infectious; influenza; information; interactions; key; known; long; management; methods; molecular; new; novel; number; origin; pandemic; parasite; pathogens; phylodynamics; phylogenetic; phylogeography; population; potential; problems; processes; progress; public; rabies; range; rate; recent; recombination; research; researchers; reservoir; risk; sequences; sequencing; size; species; spread; strain; strategies; structure; studies; study; surveillance; techniques; theory; time; transmission; understanding; vaccination; vaccines; viral; virology; viruses; wildlife; zoonotic cache: cord-353609-no3mbg5d.txt plain text: cord-353609-no3mbg5d.txt item: #597 of 606 id: cord-353633-a4pu6rlu author: Perakakis, Nikolaos title: The role of omics in the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease date: 2020-07-23 words: 14755 flesch: 21 summary: Practice guidance from the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Accumulation of PNPLA3 on lipid droplets is the basis of associated hepatic steatosis Pnpla3 silencing with antisense oligonucleotides ameliorates nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and fibrosis in Pnpla3 I148M knock-in mice Phenome-wide association studies across large population cohorts support drug target validation The dual and opposite role of the TM6SF2-rs58542926 variant in protecting against cardiovascular disease and conferring risk for nonalcoholic fatty liver: A meta-analysis Leveraging Human Genetics to Identify Potential New Treatments for Fatty Liver Disease Attenuated effect of PNPLA3 on hepatic fibrosis by HSD17B13 in Japanese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Relationship between methylome and transcriptome in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease DNA methylation analysis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease suggests distinct disease-specific and remodeling signatures after bariatric surgery Human liver epigenetic alterations in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis are related to insulin action Epigenetic modification of liver mitochondrial DNA is associated with histological severity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease DNA methylation signatures reflect aging in patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis Targetedbisulfite sequence analysis of the methylation of CpG islands in genes encoding PNPLA3, SAMM50, and PARVB of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Identification of the genomic region under epigenetic regulation during non-alcoholic fatty liver disease progression Hepatic stellate cell transdifferentiation involves genome-wide remodeling of the DNA methylation landscape MeCP2 controls an epigenetic pathway that promotes myofibroblast transdifferentiation and fibrosis Differential DNA methylation of genes involved in fibrosis progression in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and alcoholic liver disease Multigenerational epigenetic adaptation of the hepatic wound-healing response Epigenetic regulation of insulin resistance in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: impact of liver methylation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1alpha promoter Identification of differentially methylated region (DMR) networks associated with progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Epigenetics in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Tannic acid, a novel histone acetyltransferase inhibitor, prevents non-alcoholic fatty liver disease both in vivo and in vitro model Elimination of Age-Associated Hepatic Steatosis and Correction of Aging Phenotype by Inhibition of cdk4-C/EBPalpha-p300 Axis P300 Acetyltransferase Mediates Stiffness-Induced Activation of Hepatic Stellate Cells Into Tumor-Promoting Myofibroblasts SirT1 gain of function increases energy efficiency and prevents diabetes in mice Sirt1 protects against high-fat diet-induced metabolic damage Hepatocytespecific deletion of SIRT1 alters fatty acid metabolism and results in hepatic steatosis and inflammation SIRT3 deficiency and mitochondrial protein hyperacetylation accelerate the development of the metabolic syndrome Epigenetic mechanisms underlying the link between non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases and nutrition By a Candidate Genes Resequencing Strategy GWAS and enrichment analyses of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease identify new traitassociated genes and pathways across eMERGE Network A common variant in PNPLA3, which encodes adiponutrin, is associated with liver fat content in humans A nonsynonymous gene variant in the adiponutrin gene is associated with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease severity PNPLA3 variants specifically confer increased risk for histologic nonalcoholic fatty liver disease but not metabolic disease The association of genetic variability in patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 (PNPLA3) with histological severity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Genetic polymorphisms of the human PNPLA3 gene are strongly associated with severity of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Japanese Combined effects of the PNPLA3 rs738409, TM6SF2 rs58542926, and MBOAT7 rs641738 variants on NAFLD severity: a multicenter biopsy-based study Adiposity amplifies the genetic risk of fatty liver disease conferred by multiple loci Genetic determinants of steatosis and fibrosis progression in paediatric nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Carriage of the PNPLA3 rs738409 C >G polymorphism confers an increased risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease associated hepatocellular carcinoma Association Between PNPLA3 rs738409 C>G Variant and Liver-Related Outcomes in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Exome-wide association study identifies a TM6SF2 variant that confers susceptibility to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Impaired hepatic lipid synthesis from polyunsaturated fatty acids in TM6SF2 E167K variant carriers with NAFLD TM6SF2 rs58542926 influences hepatic fibrosis progression in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Genetic variation in transmembrane 6 superfamily member 2 and the risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and histological disease severity MBOAT7 rs641738 variant and hepatocellular carcinoma in non-cirrhotic individuals An intronic variant in the GCKR gene is associated with multiple lipids Common variant in the glucokinase regulatory gene rs780094 and risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a metaanalysis Update on NAFLD genetics: From new variants to the clinic A Pathophysiologic Approach Combining Genetics and Insulin Resistance to Predict the Severity of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease A Protein-Truncating HSD17B13 Variant and Protection from Chronic Liver Disease Genome-wide and Mendelian randomisation studies of liver MRI yield insights into the pathogenesis of steatohepatitis Genome-wide association study of non-alcoholic fatty liver and steatohepatitis in a histologically-characterised cohort Prediction of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and liver fat using metabolic and genetic factors Noninvasive Detection of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Using Clinical Markers and Circulating Levels of Lipids and Metabolites Development and Validation of a Scoring System, Based on Genetic and Clinical Factors, to Determine Risk of Steatohepatitis in Asian Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Combined Effect of PNPLA3, TM6SF2, and HSD17B13 Variants on Risk of Cirrhosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in the General Population The diagnosis and management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: keywords: able; accumulation; accuracy; acid; activation; activity; advanced; advanced fibrosis; alterations; analysis; animal; approach; associated; association; biomarker; biopsy; blood; cancer; cell; ceramide; changes; cirrhosis; clinical; cohorts; collagen; combined; data; development; diabetes; diagnostic; diet; different; disease; dna; effects; epigenetic; expression; extracellular; factors; fatty; fatty liver; fibrogenesis; fibrosis; findings; formation; fucosylation; function; genes; genome; glucose; glycans; hcc; healthy; hepatic; hepatocellular; hepatocytes; high; higher; histone; human; identification; immune; impact; important; increase; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibition; insulin; invasive; j o; levels; limited; lipid; lipogenesis; liver; liver disease; liver fibrosis; lpc; markers; matrix; metabolic; metabolomics; methylation; mice; mir-122; mirna; mitochondrial; models; modifications; molecules; nafld; nash; new; nonalcoholic; nonalcoholic fatty; nonalcoholic steatohepatitis; noninvasive; normal; novel; novo; number; numerous; o u; obese; obesity; oxidation; panel; pathways; patients; performance; peripheral; phase; plasma; pnpla3; population; potential; presence; profile; profiling; progression; proteins; proteome; proteomic; r n; ratio; receptor; regulation; related; resistance; results; review; risk; role; rs738409; score; secretion; sensitivity; serum; severity; signaling; signatures; significant; simple; small; species; specific; specificity; stage; status; steatohepatitis; steatosis; stellate; stress; studies; study; subjects; synthesis; system; tests; therapeutic; tissue; tm6sf2; transcriptional; transcriptomics; treatments; trial; type; u r; use; validation; value; variant; wide cache: cord-353633-a4pu6rlu.txt plain text: cord-353633-a4pu6rlu.txt item: #598 of 606 id: cord-354608-1me3nopu author: Rabinowicz, Shira title: COVID-19 in the Pediatric Population—Review and Current Evidence date: 2020-09-19 words: 5429 flesch: 38 summary: Epidemiology of COVID-19 among children in China Coronavirus disease 2019 in children -United States Department of Health and Human Services SARS-COV-2 infection in children and newborns : a systematic review Systematic review of COVID-19 in children shows milder cases and a better prognosis than adults SARS-CoV-2 cell entry depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and is blocked by a clinically proven protease inhibitor SARS-CoV-2 detection, viral load and infectivity over the course of an infection Age-related differences in nasopharyngeal severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) levels in patients with mild to moderate coronavirus disease American Medical Association The immune system of children: the key to understanding SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility? COVID-19 pathophysiology: a review Pathophysiology of COVID-19: Why children fare better than adults? Daycare attendance and respiratory tract infections: a prospective birth cohort study The epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of 2019 novel coronavirus diseases ( COVID-19 ) -China Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Italy Children with COVID-19 in Pediatric Emergency Departments in Italy SARS-CoV-2 Infection in children Articles COVID-19 in children and adolescents in Europe : a multinational , multicentre cohort study COVID-19 in children and the dynamics of infection in families Coinfection and other clinical characteristics of COVID-19 in children SARS-CoV-2 transmission and infection among attendees of an overnight camp -Georgia A large COVID-19 outbreak in a high school 10 days after schools' reopening, Israel Plan for school reopening | IIEP-UNESCO Asymptomatic transmission and the infection fatality risk for COVID-19: implications for school reopening Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China COVID-19: consider cytokine storm syndromes and immunosuppression Anosmia and ageusia: common findings in COVID-19 patients Anosmia and ageusia: not an uncommon presentation of COVID-19 infection in children and adolescents Hospitalization rates and characteristics of children aged <18 years hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 -COVID-NET, 14 States Characteristics and outcomes of children with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection admitted to US and Canadian Pediatric Intensive Care Units Clinical characteristics and outcomes of hospitalized and critically ill children and adolescents with coronavirus disease 2019 at a tertiary care medical center Clinical characteristics and intrauterine vertical transmission potential of COVID-19 infection in nine pregnant women: a retrospective review of medical records Care of newborns born to mothers with COVID-19 infection; a review of existing evidence Neonatal early-onset infection with SARS-CoV-2 in 33 neonates born to mothers with COVID-19 in Wuhan Maternal and perinatal outcomes with COVID-19: a systematic review of 108 pregnancies Neonatal resuscitation and postresuscitation care of infants born to mothers with suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection Transplacental transmission of SARS-CoV-2 infection Neonatal early-onset infection with SARS-CoV-2 in 33 neonates born to mothers with COVID-19 in Wuhan An outbreak of severe Kawasaki-like disease at the Italian epicentre of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic: an observational cohort study Clinical characteristics of 58 children with a pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome with features of atypical Kawasaki disease during COVID-19 pandemic Kawasaki-like multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children during the covid-19 pandemic Hyperinflammatory shock in children during COVID-19 pandemic COVID-19-associated multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children -United States Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in U.S. children and adolescents Multi-system inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) following SARS-CoV-2 infection: review of clinical presentation, hypothetical pathogenesis, and proposed management COVID-19 and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children and adolescents Acute heart failure in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) in the context of global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic American College of Rheumatology Clinical Guidance for Pediatric Patients with Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) associated with SARS-CoV-2 and hyperinflammation in COVID-19. Microorganisms Supportive treatment with tocilizumab for COVID-19: a systematic review Managing childhood allergies and immunodeficiencies during respiratory virus epidemics -The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic : a statement from the EAACI-section on pediatrics Considerations on biologicals for patients with allergic disease in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: an EAACI Statement Characteristics and outcomes of Coronavirus Infection in Children: The role of viral factors and an immunocompromised state Coronaviruses and immunosuppressed patients: the facts during the third epidemic COVID-19 in immunocompromised hosts: what we know so far Reluctance to seek pediatric care during the COVID-19 pandemic and the risks of delayed diagnosis Delayed emergency surgical presentation: impact of corona virus disease (COVID-19) on non-COVID patients Gathering evidence on the decreased emergency room visits during the coronavirus disease 19 pandemic Routine vaccination during covid-19 pandemic response Masked paediatricians during the COVID -19 pandemic and communication with children Pandemic school closures: risks and opportunities ADHD management during the COVID-19 pandemic: guidance from the European ADHD Guidelines Group Acute stress, behavioural symptoms and mood states among school-age children with attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder during the COVID-19 outbreak Starting ADHD medications during the COVID-19 pandemic: recommendations from the European ADHD Guidelines Group Challenges and burden of the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic for child and adolescent mental health: a narrative review to highlight clinical and research needs in the acute phase and the long return to normality Impact of COVID-19 and lockdown on mental health of children and adolescents: a narrative review with recommendations An investigation of mental health status of children and adolescents in china during the outbreak of COVID-19 Mental health status among children in home confinement during the coronavirus disease Child protection in the time of COVID -19. keywords: activity; acute; addition; adhd; adolescents; adults; age; aged; asymptomatic; care; cases; cell; characteristics; children; china; clinical; cohort; common; conditions; coronavirus; countries; course; cov-2; covid-19; cytokine; data; death; disease; effects; elevated; evidence; existing; fever; glycoprotein; guidelines; health; higher; hospitalized; icu; immune; infected; infection; inflammatory; like; lower; mask; medical; mild; mis; multisystem; neonatal; older; onset; outbreak; pandemic; patients; pediatric; phase; physical; population; potential; presentation; rates; recent; receptor; remdesivir; reported; reports; respiratory; review; risk; safety; sars; school; severe; study; suggested; symptoms; syndrome; table; transmission; treatment; trial; use; vaccine; viral; years; young cache: cord-354608-1me3nopu.txt plain text: cord-354608-1me3nopu.txt item: #599 of 606 id: cord-354651-bxm9yxjm author: Zeng, Yawen title: Molecular Mechanism of Functional Ingredients in Barley to Combat Human Chronic Diseases date: 2020-03-30 words: 16017 flesch: 36 summary: Interestingly, the types of prevention and treatment of human chronic diseases by key functional components in barley grain were in order: β-glucans (16)>polyphenols (13)>arabinoxylan (7) = tocols (7)>phytosterols (5)>resistant starch (4), but GABA (13)>flavonoids (11)>SOD (8)>K-Ca (7) = vitamins (7)>tryptophan (3) in barley grains. More than 30 functional ingredients in barley grass can combat over 20 chronic diseases, and 15 functional ingredients in barley grains may prevent 11 chronic diseases [9] . keywords: accumulation; acid; activities; activity; africa; altitude; amylose; analysis; ancient; anthocyanin; anticancer; antidiabetes; antiobesity; antioxidant; arabinoxylan; asia; barley; barley bran; barley extract; barley flour; barley grains; barley β; beer; best; bile; biosynthesis; black; blood; body; bowel; bran; cardiovascular; cardiovascular diseases; cells; cellular; central; china; cholesterol; chronic; chronic diseases; civilization; colon; components; composition; compounds; concentration; consumption; content; contribution; coumaric; countries; crop; density; development; diabetes; diet; dietary; different; diseases; drought; early; east; effects; endothelial; environmental; enzymes; ethiopia; evolution; expression; extract; extremes; factor; faecal; fat; fatty; ferulic; fiber; figure; flavonoids; flour; food; formation; free; fruits; functional; functional barley; functional food; functional ingredients; gaba; gene; glucan; glucose; grains; grass; gut; health; heart; high; high functional; high β; higher; highest; highland; hominids; homo; homo sapiens; hordeum; hulless; hulless barley; human; human chronic; immune; immunomodulatory; important; improved; increase; inflammation; inflammatory; ingredients; insulin; intake; intelligence; key; kidney; leaves; levels; linoleic; lipid; lipoprotein; liver; longevity; low; lower; major; malt; mechanism; medicine; metabolic; mg/100; mg/100 g; mice; microbiota; middle; migration; modern; molecular; mushrooms; neanderthals; novel; nuts; oat; origin; oxidative; phenolic; phytosterols; plants; polyphenols; polysaccharide; powder; pressure; prevention; production; products; properties; protein; purple; radical; rats; reduced; regulation; resistant; response; results; review; rice; rich; risk; role; salt; sapiens; seeds; serum; similar; sod; soluble; staple; starch; stress; stroke; structure; study; syndrome; synthesis; system; table; tibetan; tocols; tocopherol; tocotrienol; total; treatment; type; vanillic; vegetables; vitamins; vulgare; water; waxy; weight; wheat; wild; world; wound; years cache: cord-354651-bxm9yxjm.txt plain text: cord-354651-bxm9yxjm.txt item: #600 of 606 id: cord-354656-9ao33rq8 author: Cossart, Yvonne E title: The rise and fall of infectious diseases: Australian perspectives, 1914‐2014 date: 2014-07-07 words: 3345 flesch: 40 summary: As global population pressure drives clearance of forested areas for agriculture, humans have become targets for many infections carried by wild animals. Australian hospitals experienced some of the earliest outbreaks of antibiotic-resistant staphylococci, 22 22 which led to radical improvements in infection control. keywords: acute; africa; antibiotics; areas; asia; australia; blood; cancer; cases; century; changes; children; clinical; communicable; control; countries; deaths; diphtheria; discovery; disease; drug; effective; epidemiology; eradication; fever; global; health; hepatitis; high; human; infant; infected; infection; infl; international; malaria; medical; mja; mortality; new; old; organisms; outbreaks; patients; pneumonia; prevalence; public; quarantine; resistant; respiratory; rst; screening; severe; social; strains; syndrome; syphilis; testing; transfusion; transmission; treatment; troops; tuberculosis; uenza; use; vaccination; vaccine; virus; war; western; world; wwii; years cache: cord-354656-9ao33rq8.txt plain text: cord-354656-9ao33rq8.txt item: #601 of 606 id: cord-354677-duxm9u8v author: Sweileh, Waleed M. title: Bibliometric analysis of peer-reviewed literature on climate change and human health with an emphasis on infectious diseases date: 2020-05-08 words: 6921 flesch: 43 summary: A scoping review The interplay of climate change and air pollution on health Emerging and reemerging diseases in the World Health Organization (WHO) eastern Mediterranean region-progress, challenges, and WHO initiatives Climate change research in view of bibliometrics Software survey: VOSviewer, a computer program for bibliometric mapping An index to quantify an individual's scientific research output Accessed 15 Weather-related mortality: how heat, cold, and heat waves affect mortality in the United States The association between extreme precipitation and waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States, 1948-1994 Potential effect of population and climate changes on global distribution of dengue fever: an empirical model The ecology of climate change and infectious diseases Prioritizing climate change adaptation needs for food security in 2030 Climate change and human health: present and future risks Impact of regional climate change on human health Global food security under climate change Heat-related deaths during the July 1995 heat wave in Chicago Climate change impacts on global food security Climate change and infectious diseases: from evidence to a predictive framework Climate change and vector-borne diseases: a regional analysis Climate variability and change in the United States: potential impacts on vector-and rodent-borne diseases Climate change and the resurgence of malaria in the east African highlands Global climate change and emerging infectious diseases Climate change and mosquito-borne disease Climate change and infectious diseases in Europe Report of the international conference on the assessment of the role of carbon dioxide and of other greenhouse gases in climate variations and associated impacts Earth summit 2002: a new deal: Routledge The Kyoto protocol to the United Nations framework convention on climate change Latest IPCC report points to global warming and relevant human influence WHO: WHO Workplan on climate change and health: aims and objectives Accessed 15 Atmospheric chemistry and physics: from air pollution to climate change A good climate for clean air: linkages between climate change and air pollution. Climate change is a broad scientific topic and assessing research activity on climate change, in general, might not be very helpful. keywords: active; activity; adaptation; africa; afro; air; air pollution; analysis; annual; antimicrobial; authors; bibliometric; certain; change; citations; climate; climate change; collaboration; contribution; countries; country; current; current study; data; dengue; diseases; documents; effects; emphasis; emro; environmental; expected; fever; field; food; funding; future; global; growth; health; higher; human; human health; impact; increase; infectious; infectious diseases; international; journals; keywords; literature; malaria; model; nations; new; number; pathogens; pattern; pollution; public health; publications; query; region; research; researchers; resistance; retrieved; review; risk; role; science; scopus; second; security; study; systematic; temperature; themes; topic; transmission; united; usa; vector; virus cache: cord-354677-duxm9u8v.txt plain text: cord-354677-duxm9u8v.txt item: #602 of 606 id: cord-354953-q1imoe7k author: Zhong, ShaoBo title: Simulation of the spread of infectious diseases in a geographical environment date: 2009-02-26 words: 5220 flesch: 53 summary: Spatial infectious disease models and Cellular Automata (CA) models are two outstanding types of them. key: cord-354953-q1imoe7k authors: Zhong, ShaoBo; Huang, QuanYi; Song, DunJiang title: Simulation of the spread of infectious diseases in a geographical environment date: 2009-02-26 journal: Sci DOI: 10.1007/s11430-009-0044-9 sha: doc_id: 354953 cord_uid: q1imoe7k keywords: case; cells; cellular; complex; contagion; data; differential; diseases; epidemic; figure; following; function; geographical; global; immune; individuals; infected; infectious; infectious diseases; infective; interaction; interventions; isolation; local; model; modeling; networks; number; rate; real; recovered; regions; sars; set; simulation; spatial; spread; state; step; study; subclass; susceptible; t l; t p; t t; time; weighting cache: cord-354953-q1imoe7k.txt plain text: cord-354953-q1imoe7k.txt item: #603 of 606 id: cord-355001-audh5qa7 author: Novick, Tessa K. title: COVID-19 and Kidney Disease Disparities in the United States date: 2020-06-23 words: 3578 flesch: 42 summary: The economic impact of the pandemic has had a disproportionate effect on women, minorities and immigrants, which may limit their ability to manage kidney disease, and lead to complications or kidney disease progression. A study in San Francisco found that chronic kidney disease patients experiencing homelessness have higher acute care utilization than stably housed counterparts, and greater exposure to hospitals increases COVID-19 exposure. keywords: access; adults; care; chronic; complications; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; dialysis; disease; disparities; emergency; end; ethnic; exposure; failure; health; higher; homeless; housing; immigrants; impact; infection; kidney; kidney disease; latinx; likely; medical; minorities; mortality; new; older; outcomes; pandemic; patients; people; populations; progression; racial; renal; risk; sars; sex; social; stage; states; time; undocumented; united; women; york cache: cord-355001-audh5qa7.txt plain text: cord-355001-audh5qa7.txt item: #604 of 606 id: cord-355024-v5lahyw4 author: van Seventer, Jean Maguire title: Principles of Infectious Diseases: Transmission, Diagnosis, Prevention, and Control date: 2016-10-24 words: 10081 flesch: 31 summary: Other types of vehicles for infectious disease agents are biologic products (e.g., blood, organs for transplant) and fomites (inanimate objects such as needles, surgical instruments, door handles, and bedding). Inanimate matter in the environment, such as soil and water, can also act as a reservoir of human infectious disease agents. keywords: a.k.a; ability; active; activities; acute; adaptive; agent; airborne; animal; bacterial; barriers; biological; box; cases; cause; cells; chain; classic; community; contact; contaminated; contrast; control; dengue; determinants; diagnosis; diarrheal; direct; disease; disease control; disease transmission; dna; early; ebola; efforts; elimination; entry; environmental; epidemic; eradication; et al; evidence; example; exit; exposure; factors; feces; fever; figure; food; global; health; hiv; host; human; hygiene; illness; immune; immunity; immunization; important; incidence; increase; individuals; infected; infectious; infectious agent; infectious disease; infectivity; influenza; innate; interventions; large; latent; level; malaria; measures; mechanical; memory; morbidity; mortality; natural; number; organism; outbreak; passive; pathogen; patients; period; person; population; portal; potential; precautions; prevention; primary; principles; properties; proportion; public; reservoir; respiratory; response; result; risk; secondary; severe; significant; signs; skin; soil; source; specific; spread; surveillance; susceptibility; susceptible; susceptible host; test; tetanus; time; transmission; treatment; type; vaccination; vaccine; vector; virulence; virus; water; years; zoonotic cache: cord-355024-v5lahyw4.txt plain text: cord-355024-v5lahyw4.txt item: #605 of 606 id: cord-355267-ndzgxk0k author: Kassa, Semu M. title: Analysis of the mitigation strategies for COVID-19: from mathematical modelling perspective date: 2020-06-05 words: 8624 flesch: 48 summary: key: cord-355267-ndzgxk0k authors: Kassa, Semu M.; Njagarah, John B.H.; Terefe, Yibeltal A. title: Analysis of the mitigation strategies for COVID-19: from mathematical modelling perspective date: 2020-06-05 journal: Chaos Solitons Fractals DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2020.109968 sha: doc_id: 355267 cord_uid: ndzgxk0k In this article, a mathematical model for the transmission of COVID-19 disease is formulated and analysed. The World Health Organization (WHO) medical team codenamed the new outbreak caused by SARS-CoV-2 as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID- 19) . keywords: addition; analysis; asymptomatic; average; bifurcation; cases; china; class; control; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; data; days; different; disease; distancing; dynamics; effect; environment; epidemic; equilibrium; figure; health; immunity; individuals; infected; infection; infectious individuals; initial; intervention; lockdown; mathematical; measures; mechanisms; mitigation; model; new; novel; number; observed; outbreak; parameters; pathogen; period; phase; population; positive; potential; prccs; processes; protective; similar; situation; social; strategies; strict; study; symptoms; system; table; theorem; time; total; transmission; use; value; weeks cache: cord-355267-ndzgxk0k.txt plain text: cord-355267-ndzgxk0k.txt item: #606 of 606 id: cord-355635-fan0sf48 author: Thacker, Stephen B. title: Epidemic Assistance by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Role of the Epidemic Intelligence Service, 1946–2005 date: 2011-12-01 words: 6499 flesch: 42 summary: They reviewed Epi-Aid reports and EIS Bulletins, contacted current and former Epidemic Intelligence Service staff, and systematically searched the PubMed and Web of Science databases. Although the CDC (now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) works with health agencies throughout the world in multiple ways, the term Epi-Aid refers to investigations of serious and urgent public health problems in response to formal requests for rapid assistance from states, federal agencies (e.g., the Indian Health Service, the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, and the US Department of Defense), international organizations (e.g., the World Health Organization), and ministries of health from other countries. keywords: activities; advanced; agency; aids; analysis; applied; assistance; birth; botulism; cases; cdc; centers; chronic; coli; contaminated; control; current; data; deaths; decade; defects; department; disease; drug; early; eisos; environmental; epi; epidemic; epidemiology; evaluation; events; example; field; figure; food; georgia; health; hepatitis; hospital; human; impact; infectious; information; initial; injuries; intelligence; international; investigations; laboratory; langmuir; later; majority; measures; mechanism; methods; multiple; new; number; officers; outbreak; persons; polio; prevention; problems; program; public; quality; recommendations; related; report; requests; response; risk; service; similar; staff; states; statistical; study; support; surveillance; syndrome; table; time; total; united; use; vaccine; virus; west; women; world; years; york cache: cord-355635-fan0sf48.txt plain text: cord-355635-fan0sf48.txt