item: #1 of 66 id: cord-001221-due9tloa author: None title: ECR 2014, Part A date: 2014-02-27 words: 107894 flesch: 38 summary: On CT imaging, thermal ablation areas are well circumscribed and oval shaped. MR imaging allows earlier detection of residual liver tumour than CT imaging. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; ability; ablation; ablation imaging; abnormalities; abnormality; absence; academic; accepted; access; account; accuracy; accurate; acquisition; action; active; activities; activity; acute; adc; additional; additional imaging; adequate; adjuvant; administration; adrenal; adults; advanced; advanced imaging; advantages; adverse; affected; agents; aim; air; algorithms; allow; alternative; analysis; anatomical; anatomical imaging; anatomy; angiography; angioplasty; annual; anomalies; aorta; aortic; appearance; applications; applied; approach; appropriate; appropriate imaging; area; artefacts; arterial; arteries; artery; asl; aspects; assessment; associated; attention; audience; audit; auditory; availability; available; aware; axial; base; basic; beam; beam ct; benefits; benign; best; better; biliary; biological; biology; biopsies; biopsy; bleeding; blood; body; bone; bowel; brain; brain imaging; breast cancer; breast imaging; breast mri; calcifications; canal; cancer; cancer patients; candidates; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiac ct; cardiovascular; care; careful; carotid; cartilage; cases; cause; cbct; cbf; cell; cellular; centers; central; centres; cerebral; certain; ceus; challenges; challenging; changes; characterisation; chemotherapy; chest; chest imaging; children; choice; chronic; classification; clinical; clinical applications; clinical audit; clinical ct; clinical diagnosis; clinical evaluation; clinical findings; clinical information; clinical practice; clinical presentation; clinical radiology; clinical trials; clinical use; clinicians; close; cmr; cns; cognitive; collections; colorectal; combination; combined; common; common imaging; communication; comparison; complete; complex; complicated; complications; components; composition; comprehensive; comprehensive imaging; compression; concepts; concern; conditions; cone; congenital; connectivity; consideration; context; continuous; contrast; control; conventional; conventional imaging; copd; cord; core; coronal; coronary; coronary ct; correct; correlation; cortical; cost; countries; country; course; cranial; criteria; critical; cross; crosssectional imaging; crucial; ct angiography; ct findings; ct images; ct imaging; ct perfusion; ct scan; ct studies; ct techniques; cta; cuff; current; current imaging; cystic; cysts; daily; damage; data; date; dbt; dce; death; decade; decision; dedicated; deep; definition; degree; delivery; dementia; density; department; dependent; description; design; detailed; detection; development; devices; diabetic; diagnosis; diagnostic imaging; diameter; dicom; differences; different imaging; differential; differential diagnosis; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; diffusion; diffusion imaging; digital; dilatation; dimensional; direct; discussion; disease; disorders; displays; dissection; distribution; dose; dose ct; drug; dvt; dwi; dynamic; dysfunction; e.g.; earlier; early; easy; ecg; echo; education; effective; effective imaging; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; efficient; elastography; embolisation; emergencies; emergency; emphasis; endoscopy; endovascular; endovascular treatment; energy; enhancement; entities; environment; equipment; errors; esr; essential; established; european; evaluation; evidence; evolving; examination; examples; excellent; expected; experience; expertise; exposure; expression; extension; extent; external; facial; factors; failure; false; familiar; fast; fat; fatty; fdg; features; fibrosis; field; final; fistulas; flow; fluid; fluoroscopy; focus; focused; follow; following; foot; fractures; free; frequent; functional imaging; future; gadolinium; gastric; gastrointestinal; general; ggo; glass; goal; good; grade; grafts; great; greater; ground; group; growth; guidance; guidelines; haemorrhage; hand; hcc; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; helpful; high; higher; history; hospital; hours; hrct; human; hybrid imaging; hypertension; identification; illustrated; image; imaging; imaging appearances; imaging approach; imaging aspects; imaging biomarkers; imaging characteristics; imaging criteria; imaging data; imaging evaluation; imaging examinations; imaging features; imaging findings; imaging information; imaging methods; imaging modalities; imaging pattern; imaging probes; imaging procedures; imaging professionals; imaging protocols; imaging reporting; imaging research; imaging signs; imaging strategies; imaging studies; imaging systems; imaging techniques; imaging technologies; imaging tools; imaging workup; impact; implementation; important; important imaging; important role; improved; improvement; incidence; incidental; increased; indeterminate; index; indications; individual; induced; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; initial; initial imaging; injuries; injury; institutions; integrated; integration; intensity; interest; internal; international; interpretation; interstitial; interventional; interventional radiology; intra; introduction; invasion; invasive; invasive imaging; investigation; involved; involvement; ischaemic; issues; joint; key; knowledge; known; labelling; laboratory; lack; large; laryngeal; lateral; learning; lecture; left; lesions; level; life; like; likely; limb; limitations; limited; line imaging; literature; liver; local; location; long; longer; loss; lower; lung; lung cancer; lung disease; lymph; lymphoma; magnetic; main; main imaging; major; majority; making; malignancies; malignant; mammography; management; mandatory; manifestations; maps; marrow; mass; masses; matter; mdct; means; measurements; measures; measuring; mechanisms; media; mediastinal; medical imaging; medicine; medium; members; metabolic; metastases; metastatic; mimic; modality; models; modern; molecular imaging; monitoring; months; morbidity; morphological; morphological imaging; morphology; mortality; motion; mpi; mr imaging; mra; mre; mri; mri techniques; multidetector; multidisciplinary; multimodality imaging; multiple; muscle; myocardial; nature; near; necessary; neck; neck imaging; necrosis; necrotic; need; needed; needle; negative; neoadjuvant; neoplasms; neoplastic; nerve; nets; network; neuroendocrine; neuroimaging; neurological; neurovascular; new; nodes; nodules; non; nonspecific; normal; novel; nuclear imaging; number; numerous; obesity; objectives; obstruction; occlusion; oedema; oesophageal; offer; oncologic; oncologic imaging; oncology; open; operative; opportunity; optimal; optimal imaging; optimisation; options; orbital; organ; origin; outcome; outside; ovarian; overall; overview; paediatric; paediatric imaging; pain; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; parallel; parameters; parenchyma; partial; particular; parts; past; pathological; pathologies; pathology; pathophysiology; pathways; patient care; patient dose; patient management; patients; pattern; pelvic; percutaneous; performance; perfusion imaging; peripheral; peritoneal; personal; pet; pet imaging; phase; physical; physicians; physiological; pitfalls; place; placement; planning; play; pneumonia; points; poor; population; positioning; positive; possibilities; possibility; possible; post; posterior; postoperative; postoperative imaging; potential; practical; practice; precise; precision; predictive; preoperative; presence; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; primary imaging; principles; prior; problems; procedures; process; processes; processing; professional; prognostic; progression; project; promising; proper; properties; prostate; protection; protocols; pseudo; pulmonary; purpose; pwi; quality; quantification; quantitative; quantitative imaging; questions; radiation; radiation dose; radiofrequency; radiographs; radiological; radiological imaging; radiologists; radiology; radiotherapy; rads; range; rapid; rare; rates; ray; reading; recent; receptor; recist; recognition; recommendations; reconstruction; rectal; recurrence; reduced; reduction; reference; regard; region; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliable; remains; renal; reporting; reports; requirements; research; resection; residual; resolution; resonance imaging; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; restricted; results; revascularisation; review; right; risk; risk patients; robust; role; room; rotator; routine; rule; rupture; safety; sampling; scan; scanners; scanning; scientific; scintigraphy; scoring; screening; second; secondary; sectional imaging; selection; sensitive; sensitivity; sequences; series; services; session; setting; severe; severity; short; shows; signal; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; sinus; site; situations; size; skills; skin; skull; small; social; societies; society; soft; software; solid; sophisticated; source; space; spatial; special; specialists; specific; specific imaging; specificity; spect; spectroscopy; spectrum; spinal; spine; spread; staff; stage; staging; standard; standard imaging; standardisation; standardised; status; stenosis; steps; strategies; strategy; strengths; stroke; structures; studies; study; subsequent; success; successful; superior; support; surgery; surgical; surveillance; survival; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; systematic; systems; tablets; talk; targeted; targets; task; team; technical; technological; technology; teleradiology; templates; temporal; tensor imaging; term; testing; tests; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thermal; thin; thoracic; thrombolysis; thyroid; time; tissue; today; tomography; tool; total; tract; traditional; training; trauma; traumatic; treated; treatment; treatment imaging; treatment response; trials; true; tumors; tumour; tumour imaging; tumour response; tumour size; tumoural; type; typical; ultrasonography; ultrasound; ultrasound imaging; underlying; understanding; unique; units; upper; uptake; use; useful; user; uterine; validation; value; variability; variable; variants; variations; variety; vascular; vasculitis; venous; ventricular; vessel; viable; visible; visualisation; vital; vivo; volume; wall; way; weighted; weighted imaging; white; wide; women; work; workflow; workup; world; worldwide; wrist; years; young; zone cache: cord-001221-due9tloa.txt plain text: cord-001221-due9tloa.txt item: #2 of 66 id: cord-004894-75w35fkd author: None title: Abstract date: 2006-06-14 words: 92227 flesch: 48 summary: A marked interindividual variability in high risk patients is seen, but at present the basis for this variability is unclear and can not be explained solely by environmental factors. Conclusion and discussion: This study provides evidence for a role for genetic variation of MCP-1 gene in the occurrence of coronary collaterals in high risk patients. keywords: 95%ci; abstract background; abstracts; account; accuracy; acid; active; activities; activity; acute; additional; adjusted; adjustment; admissions; adolescents; adults; adverse; affected; age; aged; agreement; aim; alcohol; allele; allergic; analysis; annual; antibiotics; anxiety; application; approach; area; arm; arterial; artery; aspects; assessment; associated; association; asthma; atherosclerosis; attributable; available; average; background; baseline; bcs; behaviour; beneficial; benefits; best; better; bias; birth; blood; bmi; body; brazil; breast; breast cancer; breastfeeding; burden; calcification; calcium; calculated; cancer cases; cancer incidence; cancer mortality; cancer patients; cancer risk; cancer screening; cancers; cardiac; cardiovascular; cardiovascular risk; care; caries; carotid; carriers; cases; categories; category; cause; central; centre; certain; cervical; cessation; changes; characteristics; chd; chd patients; childhood; children; cholesterol; chronic; city; class; clinical; cluster; coefficients; cognitive; cohort; cohort study; colon; colorectal; colorectal cancer; combined; common; community; comparison; complaints; complete; complications; components; comprehensive; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; confidence; confounders; confounding; congenital; congress; consecutive; consistent; consumption; contact; context; control; control study; controlling; conventional; copd; coronary; correlation; costs; countries; country; course; cox; criteria; cross; crp; crude; current; cvd; daily; damage; data; database; date; day; days; death; decision; decline; decrease; degree; delivery; demographic; dengue; density; dental; design; detection; determinants; determined; development; diabetes; diabetes patients; diabetic; diagnosis; dialysis; dietary; differences; different; digital; direct; discharge; discussion; disease; disease risk; disorders; distribution; dm2; dose; drinking; drug; duration; dutch; early; eczema; education; effect; effectiveness; efficacy; elderly; elevated; energy; environmental; epic; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; episode; established; estimates; estimation; estrogen; ethnic; european; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; examine; example; excess; excess risk; exercise; experience; exposed; exposure; extent; external; failure; falls; family; fasting; fatigue; female; fetal; fever; final; findings; finland; folate; fold; follow; following; food; free; frequency; frequent; fruit; function; future; gain; gender; general; general population; generation; genetic; genotype; geographical; germany; glucose; good; gps; grade; greater; group; guidelines; habits; hazard; health; health care; health effects; heart; help; high; high risk; higher; highest; history; hospital; hospitalization; hour; household; hpv; hrqol; hrv; human; hypertension; identification; igf; ihd; illness; immigrant; impact; implementation; important; important risk; improved; improvement; incidence; incident; income; increase; independent; index; indicators; individual; inequalities; infants; infected; infection; inflammatory; influence; influenza; information; initial; insulin; intake; interaction; international; internet; interval; intervention; interview; introduction; invasive; inverse; investigation; involved; ipd; ischemic; isolates; italian; january; knee; knowledge; known; lack; large; lead; levels; life; lifestyle; likely; linear; linkage; literature; little; living; local; logistic; logistic regression; long; longer; longitudinal; lower; lower risk; lowest; lung; lung cancer; main; major; majority; malaria; male; mammography; management; manifest; map; mass; maternal; mean; measurement; measures; median; medical; medicine; melanoma; menopause; metabolic; methodological; methods; migrants; missing; mmol; model; modelling; moderate; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality risk; mothers; multidisciplinary; multiple; multivariate; myocardial; n =; national; native; need; negative; nested; netherlands; network; new; newborns; nitrate; non; normal; northern; number; nurses; obese; obesity; objectives; observational; observed; occupational; occurrence; odds; older; oral; organic; outbreak; outcome; ovarian; overall; overweight; p =; p<0.001; p<0.05; parameters; parents; participants; participation; passive; pathways; patients; patterns; pcr; people; percent; percentage; performance; period; persistent; personal; persons; pesticides; phase; physical; physicians; plasma; pneumonia; points; policy; polymorphism; poor; population; positive; possible; postmenopausal; postoperative; potential; practice; practitioners; predictive; predictors; pregnancy; preliminary; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; private; probability; problems; procedures; process; profile; prognostic; program; programme; project; properties; proportion; prospective; protein; public; public health; publication; qol; quality; quartile; questionnaire; questions; radiation; radiotherapy; randomization; randomized; randomly; range; rates; ratio; reasons; recent; recommendations; records; reduced; reduction; reference; referral; referred; region; regional; register; registration; registries; registry; regression; regression analysis; regular; related; relation; relationship; relative; relative risk; relevance; relevant; renal; reported; reporting; research; residence; resistance; respiratory; respondents; response; results; review; risk; risk areas; risk factors; risk groups; risk patients; risk population; risk profile; risk women; role; routine; rule; rural; sample; sampling; sbp; scale; school; scientific; score; screening; second; secondary; sectional; sectional study; selected; selection; self; sensitivity; series; serum; services; session; setting; severe; severity; sex; significant; silicosis; similar; single; sir; size; skin; small; smear; smokers; smoking; social; socioeconomic; sources; southern; spain; spatial; specific; specificity; stage; standard; standardized; statin; statistical; status; strategies; stratified; stress; stroke; strong; structure; students; studies; study; study design; study population; study results; subgroup; subjects; substantial; suicide; support; surgery; surveillance; survey; survival; survivors; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; systolic; technique; term; test; testing; testosterone; therapy; time; tissue; tobacco; tool; total; tracing; transmission; treatment; trends; trial; tuberculosis; tumours; turkish; type; unknown; urban; use; useful; users; utrecht; vaccination; vaccine; validity; value; variables; variation; varied; vegetables; visits; volume; waist; water; weeks; weight; western; women; workers; working; years; young; younger cache: cord-004894-75w35fkd.txt plain text: cord-004894-75w35fkd.txt item: #3 of 66 id: cord-007476-wu9tuvy9 author: Katz, Jonathan B. title: Antigenic differences between European and American isolates of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) are encoded by the carboxyterminal portion of viral open reading frame 3 date: 2000-03-10 words: 3940 flesch: 30 summary: This material was specific to virus infected cells, but was apparently not of virus structural protein origin, because it was not detected by either RIPA or immunoblot using purified virus preparations. A comparative examination using CF, PLA, and NPLA assays Rapid and efficient purification of native histidine-tagged protein expressed by recombinant vaccinia virus Reproductive failure of unknown etiology Enhanced replication of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome ( PRRS) virus in a homogenous subpopulation of MA-104 cell line A simple method for displaying the hydropathic character of a protein Cleavage of structural proteins during assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4 Glycosylation is necessary for the correct folding of human immunodeficiency virus gp 120 in CD4 binding Ratselhafte schweinkrankenheit Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual Differentiation of U.S. and European isolates of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PIUS) virus by monoclonal antibodies Baculovirus expression vectors: a laboratory manual Lactate dehydrogenase-elevating virus, equine arteritis virus, and simian hemorrhagic fever virus: a new group of positive-strand RNA viruses Primer-directed enzymatic amplification of DNA with a thermostable DNA polymerase Expression of prostaglandin endoperoxidase synthase-1 in a baculovirus system Experimental reproduction of porcine epidemic abortion and respiratory syndrome (mystery swine disease) by infection with Lelystad virus: Koch's postulates fulfilled Antigenic comparison of Lelystad virus and swine infertility and respiratory syndrome (SIRS) virus A modified semm neutralization test for the detection of antibody to porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus in swine sera keywords: american; amino; antibody; antigenic; antigens; antisera; baculovirus; bp03; bpo3; cell; cultures; differences; et al; european; expression; fig; gene; glycosylation; gnotobiotic; host; immunoblot; inc; infected; insect; ipma; isolates; kda; lelystad; mass; molecular; nelson; orf; orfs; origin; porcine; portion; protein; prototypic; prrsv; purified; rabbit; reactive; recombinant; reproductive; respiratory; ripa; sequence; sera; serologic; serum; sf-9; swine; syndrome; usa; viral; virus; viruses; vr-2332; western cache: cord-007476-wu9tuvy9.txt plain text: cord-007476-wu9tuvy9.txt item: #4 of 66 id: cord-016140-gvezk8vp author: Ahonen, Pasi title: Safeguards date: 2008 words: 25749 flesch: 44 summary: Another prominent example is the German IT Security Handbook (BSI, 1992 organisations can, at the same time, achieve a measure of both organisational security and personal data protection. Leenes and Koops recognise the potential of these privacyenhancing technologies (PETs) to enforce data protection law and privacy rules. keywords: access; actions; address; adequate; aims; ambient; ami; anonymity; anonymous; applicable; applications; appropriate; article; authentication; automated; awareness; basis; behaviour; biometric data; biometrics; capabilities; case; certain; code; collected; collection; commerce; commission; communication; concept; conditions; consent; consumer; consumer protection; context; contract; contractual; control; controller; convention; creation; damages; data collection; data controller; data processing; data protection; data subject; databases; decision; design; development; devices; different; difficult; digital; directive; discrimination; easy; economic; electronic; enforcement; environment; eu data; european; european data; example; framework; friendly; future; general; good; group; guidelines; hardware; health; help; high; home; human; identifiable; identity; implants; important; individual; industry; information; information security; information systems; informed; intellectual; intelligence; interests; international; internet; interoperability; iso; issues; knowledge; law; laws; legal; legal protection; legislation; level; liability; location; making; management; market; means; measures; member; methods; mobile; national; necessary; need; networks; new; non; number; obligations; oecd; online; opacity; order; organisations; particular; parties; party; people; personal data; place; policies; policy; possibility; possible; practices; principle; privacy; privacy protection; private; problems; processing; products; profiles; profiling; property; proposal; protection directive; protection rules; providers; provisions; public; purpose; real; regime; regulation; related; relevant; requirements; research; respect; rfid; rights; rome; rules; safeguards; security; service; similar; society; software; solution; spam; specific; standard; states; storage; strict; sufficient; support; systems; technical; technological; technologies; technology; terms; territory; threats; time; tools; transparency; trust; user; view; vulnerabilities; way; ways; working; world cache: cord-016140-gvezk8vp.txt plain text: cord-016140-gvezk8vp.txt item: #5 of 66 id: cord-016285-cwhmm3f6 author: None title: Challenges to the European Exception: What Can S&T Do? date: 2006 words: 7855 flesch: 51 summary: Economic growth is slow. In the second half of the post-war period, however, the decline in economic growth was more pronounced in Europe than in the United States, Japan and other OECD economies (Figs 1.1 and 1.2) . keywords: -and; air; benefits; better; capita; cent; challenges; change; chapter; climate; competitiveness; contribution; countries; current; development; disasters; diseases; economic; economic growth; economy; education; employment; enlargement; environmental; eu-15; europe; european; evidence; expectations; fig; gdp; global; growth; hand; health; high; higher; important; income; inequality; innovation; japan; knowledge; labour; level; life; lower; member; new; number; nuts; oecd; opportunities; people; period; point; pollution; position; post; poverty; problems; process; production; productivity; products; public; quality; r&d; rate; regional; research; resources; role; s&t; science; second; services; share; social; society; solutions; states; sustainable; technological; technologies; technology; time; trade; union; united; united states; war; water; work; world; years cache: cord-016285-cwhmm3f6.txt plain text: cord-016285-cwhmm3f6.txt item: #6 of 66 id: cord-016322-dyjpfvvf author: Gardner, Anthony Luzzatto title: Foreign Aid and Humanitarian Assistance date: 2019-12-10 words: 9075 flesch: 45 summary: Moreover, US foreign aid is sometimes used as a tool to open global markets to US exports and is often tied to the purchase of US 7 The United Nations has urged countries to spend at least 0.7% of their GDP on foreign aid, a target met by Sweden, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. US foreign aid policy is often shaped by national security concerns, especially during major wars, and devotes significant resources to military and non-military security assistance (concentrated in Afghanistan, Israel, Egypt, and Iraq). keywords: access; africa; agenda; aid; aids; areas; assistance; body; budget; capacity; cases; cdc; children; commission; control; cooperation; coordination; countries; crisis; deaths; department; development; dialogue; disease; donors; early; ebola; economic; effective; efforts; electrification; emergency; energy; equipment; eu member; european; example; facilities; food; foreign; foreign aid; fund; funding; general; global; government; growth; guinea; health; healthcare; hiv; hospitals; humanitarian; humanitarian assistance; important; increase; infected; infections; international; investment; leone; like; major; malaria; means; medical; member; member states; military; msf; new; number; organization; outbreak; partnership; patients; people; political; population; power; president; private; programs; projects; public; region; response; role; saharan; saharan africa; sector; security; services; sierra; significant; staff; states; sub; support; term; transmission; treatment; united; united states; usaid; vaccines; virus; west; west africa; workers; world; year cache: cord-016322-dyjpfvvf.txt plain text: cord-016322-dyjpfvvf.txt item: #7 of 66 id: cord-017024-7amhia06 author: Lidfors, Lena title: The welfare of laboratory rabbits date: 2007 words: 11686 flesch: 53 summary: Laboratory rabbits are by tradition kept individually in small cages with restricted food availability. Laboratory rabbits are recommended to be kept in animal rooms with a regular light:dark cycle and isolated from external lighting fluctuations (Batchelor 1999) . keywords: abnormal; activity; aggressive; animals; area; batchelor; behaviour; bell; birth; blood; body; breeding; breeds; burrows; cages; care; cause; changes; cm²; common; cowan; cuniculus; days; development; diarrhoea; diet; different; digging; disease; doe; domestic; dominant; early; effects; enrichment; environmental; et al; european; european wild; example; experimental; factors; feeding; females; fibre; fighting; figure; floor; food; free; fur; glands; good; grass; group; gunn; hair; handling; hauskaninchen; hay; health; high; home; hopping; housing; husbandry; important; infections; laboratories; laboratory; laboratory rabbits; larger; lehmann; level; lidfors; light; locomotion; main; mating; mature; meredith; minutes; morton; morton et; myers; mykytowycz; natural; need; nest; new; number; nzw; order; oryctolagus; paired; pellets; pens; periods; population; problems; rabbits; range; regulations; reproduction; research; room; scent; sex; sexual; size; small; social; stable; stauffacher; stauffacher et; stop; strains; structure; studies; swallow; sweden; symptoms; temperature; time; transport; und; urine; warren; water; weeks; weight; welfare; white; wild; wild rabbits; wire; years; young; zealand cache: cord-017024-7amhia06.txt plain text: cord-017024-7amhia06.txt item: #8 of 66 id: cord-020941-1qwbkg9o author: HODDLE, MARK S. title: Biological Control of Vertebrate Pests date: 2007-09-02 words: 14120 flesch: 28 summary: Rabbit populations in Australia and New Zealand are maintained at low levels by introduced predators, but regulation only occurs after pest numbers have been reduced by other means. Similarly in Australia, European foxes and cats maintain rabbit populations at low densities following population crashes caused by prolonged hot summers that reduce forage and browse (Newsome et al., 1989; Newsome, 1990) . keywords: ability; agents; agricultural; anderson; animals; antibodies; antigens; areas; attack; attempts; australia; barlow; behavior; biological; biological control; biology; birds; breeding; brown; calicivirus; capillaria; cats; cause; chemical; communities; conditions; conservation; control; control agents; countries; damage; death; deer; densities; density; dependent; development; disease; distribution; dobson; dynamics; early; ecosystems; effective; effects; efficacy; eggs; endangered; enemies; enemy; establishment; et al; european; example; exotic; experimental; factors; females; fenner; feral; fertility; field; food; forest; foxes; free; genetic; goats; growth; habitats; haemorrhagic; hepatica; herbivores; high; history; horses; host; human; immune; immunocontraception; impact; important; increase; individuals; infected; infection; infestation; instances; insular; introductions; island; lack; large; levels; limited; linnaeus; long; low; lower; major; mammals; management; mccallum; mice; microparasites; models; mortality; mouse; mus; myxoma; myxoma virus; myxomatosis; native; natural; need; nematode; new; new zealand; newsome; nontarget; numbers; organisms; outbreaks; parasites; pathogens; patterns; pellucida; pest; pest populations; poisoning; populations; possible; possums; potential; predation; predators; prey; problems; programs; proliferation; rabbit; rabbit populations; range; rates; rattus; rcd; rcd virus; reduced; regulation; releases; reproductive; research; resistance; response; robinson; selection; self; similar; sinclair; singleton; small; snake; social; south; species; specific; specificity; sperm; spread; states; sterility; sterilization; sterilizing; strains; studies; successful; survival; susceptibility; system; term; transmission; tree; tyndale; united; van; vectors; vertebrate; viral; virulence; virus; viruses; wild; wildlife; williams; years; zealand; zona cache: cord-020941-1qwbkg9o.txt plain text: cord-020941-1qwbkg9o.txt item: #9 of 66 id: cord-022889-lv6fy6e6 author: Dávalos, Alberto title: Literature review of baseline information on non‐coding RNA (ncRNA) to support the risk assessment of ncRNA‐based genetically modified plants for food and feed date: 2019-08-07 words: 96106 flesch: 44 summary: In a later observational study, Lukasik et al. evaluated plant miRNAs miR-166a, miR-156a, miR-157a, miR-172a and miR-168a and reported the presence of plant miRNAs in human (n=6) breast milk, both in whole milk and exosomes . This HEN1-dependent 2'-Omethylation on the 3' terminal ribose is a Mg2+ dependent methylation mechanism that will ultimately stabilize miRNAs (Abe et al., 2010; Molnar et al., 2007; Yu et al., 2005; Yang et al., 2006) .The keywords: -are; absence; absorption; abundance; abundant; accumulation; acids; acting; action; activation; active; activity; acute; addition; administration; adverse; ago; ago1; ago2; alsaweed et; alternative; amounts; amplification; analysis; animal mirnas; animals; annex; antisense; antiviral; aouadi et; approaches; appropriate; aptamers; arabidopsis; area; ariel et; aso; aspects; assays; assessment; associated; association; authors; available; average; barriers; baseline; basis; beatty et; binding; bioavailability; biogenesis; biological; biological effects; blood; bodies; body; bovine; braasch et; brain; breast; cabbage; cancer; case; cells; cellular; certain; changes; chekanova; chemical; chen; chin et; cholesterol; chow; chromatin; circrnas; circular; circulation; circulatory; class; clathrin; clearance; cleavage; clinical; coding; colitis; colon; common; compartment; complementary; complex; complexes; components; composition; concentration; conclusions; conditions; conserved; consumption; contamination; context; contract; control; copies; copy; corn; counterparts; counts; cow; cross; cytoplasm; daily; data; databases; datasets; day; days; dcl1; dcl4; decoction; defence; degradation; delivery; dendritic; dependent; detailed; details; detectable; detection; development; dicer; dietary; dietary exogenous; dietary mirnas; dietary plant; dietary rna; diets; differences; different; diffusion; digestion; direct; disease; distinct; distribution; dna; document search; documents; dose; double; drug; dsrna; dtdt; duplex; duplexes; e.g.; early; effective; effects; efsa; efsa task; elimination; endocytosis; endosomal; endosomes; endothelial; ends; entry; enuka et; environment; enzymes; epigenetic; epithelial; escape; essential; et al; european food; evaluated; evaluation; evidence; example; existence; exogenous; exogenous ncrnas; exogenous plant; exosomes; experimental; exposure; expression; extensive; extracellular; factor; family; fate; features; fed; feeding; field; figure; final; findings; fish; fluids; fmol; focus; foetal; foetus; fold; following; food plant; food safety; foods; foreign; forms; formulated; formulation; forsbach et; free; fresh; fruit; function; ganesh et; gaps; gastric; gastrointestinal; gavage; gene; general; generated; generation; genome; glands; gonzalez et; group; growth; guide; gut; hairpin; half; healthy; hen1; high; higher; highest; homeostasis; honeysuckle; host; huang et; human; human mirnas; human plasma; hyl1; identification; iii; immune; immunity; impact; important; increase; induced; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; ingested; ingestion; initial; injection; innate; instance; intake; intended; interaction; interference; interferon; intestinal; involved; isolated; issues; j et; jeong et; judge et; juliano et; key; kidney; kingdom; klein et; kleinman et; knowledge; koch et; kriegel et; lack; lamina; large; layer; ldlrap1; lee et; length; levels; liang et; lieskovan et; life; ligand; like; likely; limited; linear; lipid; literature; liu et; lncrna; loaded; loading; local; long; loop; lower; lung; macrophages; main; maize; major; male; mammalian; mammalian cells; mammalian mirnas; mammals; maternal; mature; mechanism; members; membrane; metabolism; methodology; methods; methylation; mhc; mi et; mice; microbiota; micrornas; microvesicles; milk; milk mirnas; mimic; mir-156a; mir-159; mir-168a; mir-21; mir-2911; mir168a; mir2911; mirnas levels; mirnas present; model; modifications; modified; molecular; molecules; molnar et; mouse; movement; mrna; mucus; multiple; naeye et; naked; naked sirna; nanoparticles; natural; ncrnas; need; negative; new; non; noncoding; normal; novel; nuclear; nucleases; nucleic; nucleus; number; o'neill; observed; occurring; oligonucleotides; oliveira et; oral; oral administration; organism; organs; origin; output; overall; oxidation; pairing; parameters; passage; pathogens; pathological; pathway; patients; pcr; periodate; permeability; pharmacokinetics; phase; philip et; phosphate; phosphorothioate; physiological; placenta; plant mirnas; plant ncrna; plant rna; plant small; plants; plasma; play; pmol; pollen; polymerase; population; position; possibility; possible; post; potential; prejudice; preparatory; presence; present document; principle; procedure; processes; processing; production; products; profile; properties; proteins; publication; putative; qrt; quantitative; questions; rajagopalan et; range; rapid; rats; reads; recent; receptor; recipient; recognition; reduced; regions; regulation; regulatory; related; relevance; relevant; ren et; renal; reports; research; resistance; response; results; retrieved; review; ribose; rice; rich; rights; risc; risk; rna degradation; rna delivery; rna interference; rna molecules; rna present; rna therapeutics; rnai; rnase; rogers; role; rossi; route; rrna; safety authority; samples; scientific; scope; search; secondary; section; selection; sequence; sequencing; sera; serum; short; signalling; significant; silencing; similar; simulated; single; sirna; sites; size; small; small ncrnas; small rna; source; specialized; species; specific; specific mirnas; specificity; spleen; splicing; srnas; stability; stable; stage; step; stomach; strand; stress; structure; studies; study; subject; sufficient; sukumar et; sun et; supplementation; support; surface; synthetic; system; systemic; target; targeted; targeting; task; team; tender; tender procedure; terms; tgh; thaliana; therapeutics; therapy; thompson et; time; tissue; title; tlr3; tlr7; tlrs; tnfα; toll; topic; total; total rna; toxicity; trafficking; transcription; transcripts; transfer; transgenic; translation; transparency; transparency principle; transport; treatment; trials; trigger; tumour; turnover; types; unclear; understanding; unknown; uptake; urine; vegetables; vegetarians; version; vesicles; view; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; water; weeks; weiberg et; weight; wide; words;; xenomirs; xie et; yang et; yeast; yu et; zhang et; zhou; zuckerman et cache: cord-022889-lv6fy6e6.txt plain text: cord-022889-lv6fy6e6.txt item: #10 of 66 id: cord-022903-08ugoxns author: Jensen, Bent Borg title: Extensive Literature Search on the ‘Effects of Copper intake levels in the gut microbiota profile of target animals, in particular piglets’ date: 2016-05-02 words: 21242 flesch: 46 summary: Feeding high copper diets to germ free pigs has been investigated in one study with growing pigs (P149, Shurson et al., 1990) . High copper diets seem to reduce intestinal cell turnover in germ free pigs while it tended to accelerate intestinal turnover in conventionally reared pigs, perhaps via an interaction with the gut microbiota. keywords: activity; addition; animal; antibiotic; appendix; bacteria; birds; bodies; broilers; caecum; ch34; characteristics; chickens; clay; clostridia; coliform; coliform bacteria; colon; community; concentrations; conclusions; content; contract; control; copper; copper concentrations; copper diets; copper sources; copper supplementation; copper supplemented; cu complex; cu sources; cuso; cuso 4; day; density; dietary; diets; effect; efsa; els; en-1024; erosion; et al; european food; experiment; fecal; fed; food safety; gastrointestinal; gastrointestinal tract; gizzard; growth; gut; high; higher; ileal; increase; intestine; issues; kg copper; kg cu; kg cuso; kg feed; kim; lactobacilli; layers; low; methionine; microbial; microbiota; microflora; min; montmorillonite; nanoparticles; number; odour; organic; output; p41; papers; performance; piglets; pigs; population; position; prejudice; present document; principle; procedure; publication; quality; reduction; references; results; rights; safety authority; samples; search; significant; significant effect; similarity; small; sources; streptococci; structure; studies; study; subject; supplementation; supplemented; table; task; tender; tender procedure; total; transparency; transparency principle; view; cache: cord-022903-08ugoxns.txt plain text: cord-022903-08ugoxns.txt item: #11 of 66 id: cord-022910-kjs6je2u author: Martel, Cyril title: Bibliographic review on the potential of microorganisms, microbial products and enzymes to induce respiratory sensitization date: 2010-10-29 words: 24320 flesch: 48 summary: Similarly, there is no clear evidence that the rising prevalence of allergy is due to any systematic change in allergen exposure or to changes in diet. The most common route of allergen exposure is inhalation. keywords: accordance; account; addition; additives; agent; airborne; airway; allergenicity; allergens; allergic; allergies; allergy; alpha; amylase; animal; antibodies; antigen; area; article; aspergillus; asthma; atopic; author(s; bacillus; bacteria; bakery; biological; bodies; case; cells; cheese; class; common; company; compounds; concentration; conclusions; context; cough; cross; cultures; dermatitis; detergent; development; different; disease; early; effect; efsa; environmental; enzymes; epidemiological; epithelial; established; european food; evidence; example; exposure; factory; feed; flour; food safety; form; fungal; fungi; general; grant agreement; high; human; hypersensitivity; ige; immune; immunological; important; industrial; industry; inhalation; issues; levels; life; like; list; literature; livestock; low; lung; mice; microbial; microorganisms; models; moulds; mouse; nasal; niger; non; number; observed; occupational; oels; order; oryzae; output; patients; phytase; pneumonitis; pollen; population; position; positive; possible; potential; prejudice; present document; prevalence; processes; processing; production; products; properties; proteases; proteins; reactions; recent; regulation; related; relationship; relevant; reported; reports; research; respiratory; respiratory sensitization; response; results; rhinitis; rights; risk; role; safety authority; search; sectional; sensitization; sensitizers; serum; severe; silico; similar; skin; species; specific; studies; study; subject; substance; subtilis; survey; symptoms; task; test; th1; th2; transparency principle; type; use; view; vitro; workers; year cache: cord-022910-kjs6je2u.txt plain text: cord-022910-kjs6je2u.txt item: #12 of 66 id: cord-023993-rncleqqy author: Ramírez, J. Martín title: Long-Lasting Solutions to the Problem of Migration in Europe date: 2020-03-12 words: 11279 flesch: 49 summary: (c) the Visegrad countries (V4) -Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakiaplus Baltics (Latvia and Lithuania) and some recent addings (at least, Austria, and partially Italy), call for reform, and refuse to consider any binding sharing 15 In 2017, Germany received 222.560 applications, almost double that of any other EU country, requesting the return of 64.267 refugees to other EU countries, but only managed to execute 15% of the returns of asylum seekers requesting from the EU. By way of example, there is a positive counter-terrorism cooperation carried out by several EU countries working closely with Northern Africa on security, providing training and equipment for counter-terrorism and conducting some joint operations. keywords: action; adequate; africa; african countries; agreements; aid; area; arrival; asylum; attitude; benefits; better; boats; borders; change; coasts; common; conditions; control; cooperation; countries; country; crisis; deal; destination; development; dublin; economic; economist; education; egypt; entry; eu countries; europe; european; european countries; external; flows; following; foreign; free; frontex; future; germany; global; good; governments; help; home; host; human; illegal; immigrant; important; integration; international; irregular; italy; labor; lack; libya; living; local; mafias; main; management; massive; means; measures; mediterranean; member; middle; migrants; migration; migratory; minister; money; morocco; need; new; newcomers; north; northern; number; open; opportunities; orderly; origin; origin countries; people; place; point; policies; policy; political; population; ports; positive; possible; potential; previous; problem; protection; ramirez; reception; refugees; regulation; resources; responsibility; return; right; safe; sea; security; seekers; small; social; solution; southern; spanish; state; system; terms; territory; terrorism; time; traffickers; trafficking; training; transit; trip; tunisia; turkey; turkish; uncontrolled; union; way; workers; working; world; years cache: cord-023993-rncleqqy.txt plain text: cord-023993-rncleqqy.txt item: #13 of 66 id: cord-024349-f8hm9v9g author: MICKLITZ, Hans-W. title: The COVID-19 Threat: An Opportunity to Rethink the European Economic Constitution and European Private Law date: 2020-04-23 words: 2444 flesch: 45 summary: The COVID-19 threat has opened a window of opportunity for transgressing boundaries, for thinking the unthinkable: a fundamental revision of the European Economic Constitution and therewith European private law. What is urgently needed is a serious stocktaking of the state of affairs in terms of European private law in the light of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that highlight the dark side of one-sided rules that protect employees and consumers without taking their counterproductive effects on the environment into account. keywords: business; circular; constitution; consumer; covid-19; covid-19 threat; crisis; digital; digitisation; economic; economic constitution; economy; european; european constitution; european economic; european legal; european private; european society; internal; law; legal; legal order; market; member; national; new; opportunity; order; political; post; private; private law; regulation; social; society; states; sustainability; sustainable; threat cache: cord-024349-f8hm9v9g.txt plain text: cord-024349-f8hm9v9g.txt item: #14 of 66 id: cord-025724-ea09nbkh author: Mitzner, Veera title: Conclusion and Further Thoughts date: 2020-05-30 words: 8544 flesch: 42 summary: It is also exactly this technical, abstract, complex, and distant nature of this policy domain that at least in part explains the persisting gap between rhetoric and reality in European research policy from the mid-1960s to the mid-1980s. There was a concern, she writes, about funding being too low for basic research and about quality of science and its institutions in Europe and, as in European research policy in general, USA provided a benchmark with which comparisons were made. keywords: 1980s; activities; activity; area; basic; book; budget; challenges; change; collaboration; commission; community; competition; competitiveness; cooperation; council; countries; creation; deal; declaration; development; different; early; economic; economy; era; eu research; european; european commission; european level; european research; european science; european union; field; focus; framework; framing; frontier; funding; global; goals; grand; growth; horizon; horizon europe; increase; initiatives; innovation; innovation policy; institutions; integration; key; knowledge; language; level; makers; market; member; national; nedeva; need; new; objectives; organizations; percent; place; policies; policy; political; program; programme; projects; proposal; public; research; research area; research policy; researchers; role; science; scientific; shift; social; society; socio; solid; space; states; strategy; strengthening; support; sustainable; systems; technological; technology; time; transformative; union; universities; wedlin; world; years cache: cord-025724-ea09nbkh.txt plain text: cord-025724-ea09nbkh.txt item: #15 of 66 id: cord-026037-0gg9fm7x author: Corradetti, Claudio title: Reflecting on the EU: the Good and the Bad Times, and Those That Are Yet to Come date: 2020-06-04 words: 2206 flesch: 53 summary: Thirdly, with the outbreak of the refugee crisis, EU governance has tackled problems of relocation, border control, and registration with a fairly modest budget of 2.4 million euros for the years 2014-2020. 19 Cosmopolitan ideals and national sentiment Is EU supranational governance a challenge to liberal constitutionalism? Which European Union? keywords: citizens; citizenship; coal; common; community; constituent; constitutional; core; crisis; economies; ecsc; european; european union; following; governance; institutions; integration; law; liberal; maastricht; market; national; open; political; powers; principle; problems; project; refugee; rights; shift; solidarity; states; steel; supranational; treaties; treaty; union cache: cord-026037-0gg9fm7x.txt plain text: cord-026037-0gg9fm7x.txt item: #16 of 66 id: cord-029160-z2sxr3dx author: Coveri, Andrea title: Supply chain contagion and the role of industrial policy date: 2020-07-14 words: 5530 flesch: 37 summary: On the one hand, the outbreak of the pandemic has an impact on global production with a domino effect. On the other hand, global production has played a role in the amplification of the pandemic, especially accelerating its spread up to a rate never experienced before. keywords: activities; affected; automotive; backward; baldwin; chains; china; companies; contagion; context; countries; country; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; data; development; east; economic; economies; economy; equipment; et al; european; exports; firms; fragmentation; gdp; global; global economy; global production; global value; globalization; goods; gvcs; hand; health; hyper; impact; increase; industrial; industrial policy; industry; intermediate; international; investment; italian; italy; key; level; manufacturing; market; matrix; medical; national; networks; pandemic; participation; particular; policy; production; recession; role; scale; sector; specialization; supply; time; trade; transmission; value; value chains; vertical; world cache: cord-029160-z2sxr3dx.txt plain text: cord-029160-z2sxr3dx.txt item: #17 of 66 id: cord-029402-5gun91ep author: Celi, Giuseppe title: A fragile and divided European Union meets Covid-19: further disintegration or ‘Hamiltonian moment’? date: 2020-07-17 words: 4784 flesch: 47 summary: Divisions between member countries marked by opposition between debtors and frugal creditors, as well intra-country political struggles and conflicting interests, have-even in the face of this dramatic crisisled to the paralysis of the European institutions, with the one exception of the ECB. In fact, not all the countries of the Union have the resources needed to intervene in support of their economy, prompting concern that countries with the deepest pockets might be getting an unfair advantage in the EU's single market. keywords: austerity; automotive; capacity; care; celi; central; chains; change; china; common; core; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; crisis; demand; development; eastern; ecb; economic; economies; economy; effects; emu; european; euros; export; financial; firms; fiscal; foreign; gdp; germany; goods; greater; growth; hand; health; industrial; industry; international; italy; level; long; market; member; merkel; monetary; new; pandemic; periphery; plan; policies; policy; process; producers; production; recovery; shock; social; southern; states; structural; suppliers; trade; union; united; use; value cache: cord-029402-5gun91ep.txt plain text: cord-029402-5gun91ep.txt item: #18 of 66 id: cord-030909-6if3qquj author: None title: Perspectives on the Economics of the Environment in the Shadow of Coronavirus date: 2020-08-27 words: 28261 flesch: 43 summary: The economic crisis can end up having long-run negative consequences for the environment if, as a result, regulations and environmental policies are relaxed or if institutions are weakened. Acceptability of environmental policies by companies is a necessary condition for their implementation. keywords: account; action; activities; activity; adaptation; additional; affected; agriculture; aid; air; allowances; america; analysis; april; areas; associated; attention; authors; available; bank; base; benefits; better; biodiversity; bond; capacity; capital; carbon; case; central; certain; chains; challenges; change; china; clear; climate; climate change; commission; companies; company; comprehensive; conditions; consequences; consumption; context; control; coronavirus; costs; countries; country; covid-19; covid-19 crisis; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; criteria; current; data; deal; debt; decisions; decline; decrease; deforestation; demand; design; development; different; difficult; diseases; domestic; drop; ecb; economic; economic recovery; economies; economy; effective; effects; efficiency; efforts; egd; emissions; energy; energy companies; energy policy; environmental; environmental efforts; environmental impacts; environmental policies; estimates; et al; ets; eu27; european; european energy; european green; evidence; example; existing; expected; exporters; factors; fall; farmers; figure; final; financial; firm; fiscal; focus; following; food; fossil; france; fuels; funds; future; gas; general; ghg; global; goals; government; green; green recovery; greenhouse; growth; health; high; higher; https; human; impact; implementation; implications; important; incentives; income; increase; industrial; industry; infection; information; instance; institutions; instruments; intensity; intensive; interest; international; investment; issue; june; large; largest; latin; levels; likely; limited; list; literature; lobbying; lockdown; long; low; major; makers; making; march; market; material; means; measures; mitigation; mobility; model; mortality; natural; nature; necessary; need; negative; neutrality; new; non; novel; number; objectives; observed; oil; opportunity; order; organic; overall; packages; pandemic; particular; people; period; place; plan; point; policies; policy; political; pollution; population; positive; possible; post; potential; power; pressures; prices; private; productive; products; programs; projects; public; quality; question; rates; rebound; recent; recession; recovery; reduced; reduction; region; regulation; related; renewable; report; research; resource; respiratory; response; results; revenue; review; rise; risk; run; second; sector; shock; short; shows; significant; similar; situation; social; society; socio; special; specific; spending; spread; states; statistical; stimuli; stimulus; strategy; strong; studies; study; subsidies; supply; support; sustainability; sustainable; system; tax; technologies; technology; temperature; term; term economic; testing; tests; time; total; trade; transition; transport; unemployment; unprecedented; urban; usa; use; value; water; way; weather; world; year cache: cord-030909-6if3qquj.txt plain text: cord-030909-6if3qquj.txt item: #19 of 66 id: cord-031090-dd8z7stt author: Giosa, Penelope title: Exploitative Pricing in the Time of Coronavirus—The Response of EU Competition Law and the Prospect of Price Regulation date: 2020-07-15 words: 5815 flesch: 50 summary: In addition to this, where self-correction of excessive prices is not possible at all or within a reasonable timeframe, the likelihood that consumers will suffer high prices for a long time makes necessary the regulatory intervention. In view of the aforementioned remedies that a NCA has at its disposal in excessive pricing cases, it gets apparent that excessive price cases are among the most difficult and complex cases for NCAs in terms of the design and implementation of suitable remedies. keywords: abuse; article; case; circumstances; commission; commitment; competition; consumers; coronavirus; coronavirus outbreak; costs; crisis; current; customers; decisions; demand; difficulties; dominance; dominant; dominant firms; dominant position; economic; entry; european; european commission; excessive; excessive pricing; firms; goods; gouging; high; incumbent; internal; law; level; market; ncas; order; outbreak; position; power; price; pricing; production; products; regulation; regulatory; relevant; remedies; section; tfeu; time; undertakings; unfair; value cache: cord-031090-dd8z7stt.txt plain text: cord-031090-dd8z7stt.txt item: #20 of 66 id: cord-034205-53i2tw65 author: Richau, Lukas title: The sky is the limit?! Evaluating the existence of a speculative bubble in European football date: 2020-10-24 words: 9411 flesch: 44 summary: Sloane (1971) was first to note that European football clubs try to maximize wins under a financial break-even constraint, which aligns with today's principal view (e.g., Garcia-del- Barrio and Szymanski 2009; Kesenne 2002; Sloane 2015) . The market for football club investors: a review of theory and empirical evidence from professional European football The economics of superstars A Minsky-Kindleberger perspective on the financial crisis The East Asian crisis in Kindleberger-Minskys framework Insolvency in French soccer: the case of payment failure Walk the talk: financial fairness in European club football Princeton Sloane PJ (1971) keywords: analysis; annual; behavior; bidding; broadcasting; bubble; bundesliga; business; case; cash; changes; clubs; crisis; current; debt; deloitte; der; development; economic; economy; effect; england; european; european football; evidence; example; external; fees; finance; financial; financing; following; football; football clubs; football market; foreign; franck; future; growth; herding; higher; income; increase; indicators; individual; inflows; insolvencies; investments; investors; italy; kindleberger; labor; lead; league; levels; literature; lower; main; major; managers; marginal; market; media; minsky; model; new; number; particular; past; pattern; performance; perspective; player; potential; premier; previous; price; product; professional; profitability; public; ratio; rational; recent; registrations; regulatory; research; revenue; review; rights; risk; second; selling; shows; soccer; speculative; speculative bubble; spending; sporting; sports; stability; studies; study; success; szymanski; team; trading; transfer; transfer fees; trend; typical; uefa; values; years cache: cord-034205-53i2tw65.txt plain text: cord-034205-53i2tw65.txt item: #21 of 66 id: cord-035030-ig4nwtmi author: None title: 10th European Conference on Rare Diseases & Orphan Products (ECRD 2020) date: 2020-11-09 words: 12246 flesch: 45 summary: While some barriers are being removed through remarkable innovation, there is one story of diagnostic delay that is echoed by rare disease patients across the globe and across thousands of different rare diseases: doctors failed to suspect something rare. The recognition of Clinical Genetics as health specialty is also urgent in Spain to provide equal access to RD patients and families all over the country. keywords: access; activities; ahp; analysis; app; appraisal; approach; areas; assessment; assurance; available; background; benefits; better; cab; care; case; challenges; change; children; clinical; cml; common; communication; community; compensatory; conclusions; condition; consent; consequences; costs; countries; country; criteria; data; design; developed; development; diagnosis; different; diseases; dmd; drug; early; economic; erns; essential; european; eurordis; evaluation; example; experience; expert; fair; families; family; field; fig; follow; framework; functional; future; genetic; genomic; german; government; groups; health; healthcare; high; impact; important; improved; improvement; individual; information; informed; innovation; knowledge; life; lifetime; making; market; medical; medicines; meeting; members; methods; model; monitoring; movement; muscular; national; needs; network; new; newborn; non; number; open; opportunities; organizations; orphanet; outcomes; paediatric; participants; patients; people; plan; practice; processes; professionals; programme; project; pts; public; quality; rare; rare diseases; rdts; real; recommendations; registry; relevant; representatives; research; resources; responses; results; rett; screening; services; set; sharing; sma; social; special; specific; spinal; standard; states; studies; study; support; surgery; survey; symptoms; syndrome; table; taxes; technology; test; time; tools; topics; training; treatment; trials; union; use; video; work; working; world; years cache: cord-035030-ig4nwtmi.txt plain text: cord-035030-ig4nwtmi.txt item: #22 of 66 id: cord-035132-6hih3qoy author: Crosier, David title: Evolving Social Dimension of the European Higher Education Area date: 2020-07-26 words: 5885 flesch: 43 summary: Torotcoi demonstrates, however, that other national strategies and policies are in contradiction with the objectives of higher education social dimension strategy, and hence the likelihood of deeply-rooted change is diminished. This paper aims to present an overview of the ways in which the issues under the umbrella term of social dimension have been conceptualised and addressed by higher education policy throughout the Bologna Process. keywords: access; action; approach; area; aspects; asylum; background; body; bologna; challenges; change; characteristics; communiqué; completion; countries; country; data; different; dimension; disadvantaged; education; effective; ehea; european; eurydice; experience; factors; fees; funding; future; gender; groups; higher; higher education; impact; important; information; institutions; issues; learning; level; low; measures; monitoring; national; need; new; participation; particular; policy; principles; process; reality; refugees; report; research; seekers; significant; social; social dimension; specific; staff; strategies; students; support; systems cache: cord-035132-6hih3qoy.txt plain text: cord-035132-6hih3qoy.txt item: #23 of 66 id: cord-129016-i0096vhj author: Simha, Ashutosh title: A simple Stochastic SIR model for COVID 19 Infection Dynamics for Karnataka: Learning from Europe date: 2020-03-26 words: 1424 flesch: 57 summary: Learning from Europe date: 2020-03-26 journal: nan DOI: nan sha: doc_id: 129016 cord_uid: i0096vhj In this short note we model the region-wise trends of the evolution to COVID-19 infections using a stochastic SIR model. The evolution of COVID-19 infections in each region, has been modeled via the stochastic susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model keywords: covid-19; data; days; european; exposure; factor; growth; india; infections; karnataka; lockdown; model; number; parameters; population; rate; regions; sir; stochastic; trend cache: cord-129016-i0096vhj.txt plain text: cord-129016-i0096vhj.txt item: #24 of 66 id: cord-148358-q30zlgwy author: Pang, Raymond Ka-Kay title: An analysis of network filtering methods to sovereign bond yields during COVID-19 date: 2020-09-28 words: 4527 flesch: 48 summary: does full financial integration exist in european government bond markets? Interbank Markets and Multiplex Networks: Centrality Measures and Statistical Null Models Multi-scale correlations in different futures markets The geography of the great rebalancing in euro area bond markets during the sovereign debt crisis Analysis of correlation based networks representing dax 30 stock price returns Measuring bilateral spillover and testing contagion on sovereign bond markets in europe A minimum spanning tree approach Spanning trees and the eurozone crisis Bootstrap methods: another look at the jackknife A set of measures of centrality based on betweenness Comovements in government bond markets: A minimum spanning tree analysis Using multiplex networks for banking systems dynamics modelling Maximal spanning trees, asset graphs and random matrix denoising in the analysis of dynamics of financial networks Multifractal diffusion entropy analysis on stock volatility in financial markets Dynamic correlation network analysis of financial asset returns with network clustering Currency crises and the evolution of foreign exchange market: Evidence from minimum spanning tree Correlation of financial markets in times of crisis Multi-layered interbank model for assessing systemic risk On the shortest spanning subtree of a graph and the traveling salesman problem A perspective on correlation-based financial networks and entropy measures Random matrix theory and financial correlations Extracting the sovereigns' cds market hierarchy: A correlation-filtering approach Portfolio optimization based on network topology Complex networks and minimal spanning trees in international trade network Hierarchical structure in financial markets Network filtering for big data: Triangulated maximally filtered graph Interest rates hierarchical structure Relation between financial market structure and the real economy: Comparison between clustering methods The multiplex dependency structure of financial markets Dynamic asset trees and black monday Asset trees and asset graphs in financial markets Clustering and information in correlation based financial networks Random matrix approach to cross correlations in financial data The multi-layer network nature of systemic risk and its implications for the costs of financial crises Universal and nonuniversal allometric scaling behaviors in the visibility graphs of world stock market indices Pruning a minimum spanning tree On stock market dynamics through ultrametricity of minimum spanning tree Causality networks of financial assets Complexities in financial network topological dynamics: Modeling of emerging and developed stock markets Cross-border interbank networks, banking risk and contagion A tool for filtering information in complex systems Spanning trees and bootstrap reliability estimation in correlation-based networks Hierarchically nested factor model from multivariate data Correlation, hierarchies, and networks in financial markets A cluster driven log-volatility factor model: a deepening on the source of the volatility clustering Multiscale correlation networks analysis of the us stock market: a wavelet analysis Network formation in a multi-asset artificial stock market keywords: analysis; approach; average; bond; centrality; clustering; connected; correlation; countries; covid-19; crisis; data; debt; degree; different; dynamics; economic; edges; european; filtering; filtering methods; financial; graph; higher; highest; length; links; markets; mast; matrix; mean; measures; methods; mst; network; network filtering; nodes; observed; period; positive; sovereign; sovereign bonds; spanning; stock; structure; time; tmfg; tree; values; variance; yields cache: cord-148358-q30zlgwy.txt plain text: cord-148358-q30zlgwy.txt item: #25 of 66 id: cord-258885-ev2pvr3s author: Werth, Annette title: Impact analysis of COVID-19 responses on energy grid dynamics in Europe date: 2020-10-22 words: 4843 flesch: 46 summary: This procedure enabled a systematic determination of the interval of time to study how European countries modulated electrical energy generation, and transmission in order to balance for the reduced consumption. With this methodology, energy load, generation and international transmission were studied for 16 European countries, for which data were available, to understand how Europe's electric grid was affected by the epidemic. keywords: action; balance; change; coal; consumption; countries; country; covid-19; cumulative; data; decrease; deviation; different; drop; economic; electricity; emergency; energy; epidemic; european; fig; forecast; fossil; generation; germany; governmental; grid; impact; imports; index; indices; intermittent; load; markets; measures; net; nuclear; observed; output; pandemic; period; present; previous; renewables; responses; restrictions; severity; significant; sources; study; time; value; years cache: cord-258885-ev2pvr3s.txt plain text: cord-258885-ev2pvr3s.txt item: #26 of 66 id: cord-259236-8ezfke9z author: Baruah, H. K. title: An Empirical Inference of the Severity of Resurgence of COVID-19 in Europe date: 2020-10-23 words: 1476 flesch: 61 summary: We now proceed to analyze the recent data on the cumulative total number of COVID-19 cases in the six European countries mentioned above. ; doi: medRxiv preprint . keywords: cases; countries; covid-19; european; growth; license; medrxiv; october; pattern; preprint; spread; trend cache: cord-259236-8ezfke9z.txt plain text: cord-259236-8ezfke9z.txt item: #27 of 66 id: cord-262038-lgdsi48m author: Lin, Feng title: Evaluating the different control policies for COVID-19 between mainland China and European countries by a mathematical model in the confirmed cases date: 2020-04-22 words: 3878 flesch: 64 summary: The determination of parameters relies on case number data provided by the Chinese CDC which updates the number of active cases both in China and the global per day [7] and NHC which mainly updates the number of the active cases, the close contacts and the recovered cases in China [12, 15, 20] , the other is that the initial number of susceptible cases is not accurate due to lack of access to COVID-19 testing in the early weeks keywords: active; actual; cases; china; close; contacts; control; countries; covid-19; data; death; disease; epidemic; european; figure; formula; infected; mathematical; medrxiv; model; number; outbreak; parameters; population; preprint; rate; recovered; study; susceptible; transportation cache: cord-262038-lgdsi48m.txt plain text: cord-262038-lgdsi48m.txt item: #28 of 66 id: cord-264770-93viq4ak author: Vogler, Sabine title: How to address medicines shortages: Findings from a cross-sectional study of 24 countries date: 2020-09-21 words: 4117 flesch: 42 summary: key: cord-264770-93viq4ak authors: Vogler, Sabine; Fischer, Stefan title: How to address medicines shortages: Findings from a cross-sectional study of 24 countries date: 2020-09-21 journal: Health Policy DOI: 10.1016/j.healthpol.2020.09.001 sha: doc_id: 264770 cord_uid: 93viq4ak Shortages of medicines have become a major public health challenge. Medicines shortages have become a major issue globally [1] , as they affect numerous countries, including Canada [2, 3] and European countries keywords: access; action; addition; april; authorities; authors; bans; case; causes; countries; country; covid-19; drug; e.g.; european; export; financial; finland; germany; health; information; italy; major; march; measures; medicines; national; netherlands; network; non; notification; pharmaceutical; policies; policy; ppri; price; pricing; public; registers; regulatory; reimbursement; report; requirements; research; sanctions; shortages; stakeholders; study; supply; survey; table; time; wholesalers cache: cord-264770-93viq4ak.txt plain text: cord-264770-93viq4ak.txt item: #29 of 66 id: cord-268082-znfo9xgv author: Picek, Oliver title: Spillover Effects From Next Generation EU date: 2020-10-24 words: 5007 flesch: 62 summary: Next Generation EU spillovers: Multiplier of the total effect relative to domestic grants Source: WIOD, Picek and Schröder (2018) , author's calculations. This chauvinistic view leaves out the additional induced growth effects triggered by the package both at home (domestic multipliers) and abroad (spillover effects to other EU countries). keywords: additional; amounts; austria; commission; consumption; countries; country; direct; domestic; e c; e l; e t; economic; economy; effect; european; figure; funds; gdp; generation; generation eu; grants; increase; induced; investment; l g; l o; l t; loans; member; model; n d; n e; n l; northern; o n; output; package; period; plan; prices; programme; r l; r t; recovery; results; s l; spending; spillover; states; total; western cache: cord-268082-znfo9xgv.txt plain text: cord-268082-znfo9xgv.txt item: #30 of 66 id: cord-268661-a56u5e2o author: Nadeau, S. A. title: The origin and early spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Europe date: 2020-06-12 words: 5410 flesch: 50 summary: We see that under sustained risk of case migration from Hubei, isolated cases were confirmed throughout Europe beginning in late January 2020 but did not immediately cause large outbreaks. Finally, before the first border closures in Europe, we estimate the risk of new cases arising from within-region transmission to be within the estimated range for the risk of new migration cases. keywords: a2a; analysis; ancestor; birth; border; cases; clade; closures; confirmed; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; data; death; deme; different; early; estimates; europe; european; figure; france; geographic; germany; hubei; italy; lineage; mar; medrxiv; migration; model; new; number; origin; outbreak; parameters; patterns; posterior; preprint; rates; region; report; sampling; sars; sequences; spread; support; table; time; transmission; tree; version; virus cache: cord-268661-a56u5e2o.txt plain text: cord-268661-a56u5e2o.txt item: #31 of 66 id: cord-271269-0gimxteg author: Gourtsoyannis, John title: COVID-19: Possible reasons for the increased prevalence of Olfactory and Gustatory dysfunction observed in European studies date: 2020-05-31 words: 582 flesch: 41 summary: The first possibility is informed by the hypothesis that there are differences in ACE2 receptor expression in the nasopharynx of East Asians as compared to European populations. 9 Increased expression of ACE2 in European populations may contribute to a higher risk of olfactory and gustatory symptoms. keywords: clinical; coronavirus; covid-19; european; gustatory; olfactory; possibility; prevalence; study; symptoms; wuhan cache: cord-271269-0gimxteg.txt plain text: cord-271269-0gimxteg.txt item: #32 of 66 id: cord-271687-sxl8g85p author: Mathews, Fiona title: Chapter 8 Zoonoses in Wildlife: Integrating Ecology into Management date: 2009-03-14 words: 7884 flesch: 41 summary: The spatio-temporal distribution of Mycobacterium bovis (bovine tuberculosis) infection in a high-density badger population Mathematical Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases: Model Building, Analysis and Interpretation What links bats to emerging infectious diseases Positive and negative effects of widespread badger culling on tuberculosis in cattle Impact of localized badger culling on tuberculosis incidence in British cattle Elevated testosterone and reduced 5-HIAA concentrations are associated with wounding and hantavirus infection in male Norway rats A survey of zoonotic pathogens carried by Norway Immunological mechanisms mediating Hantavirus persistence in rodent reservoirs Screening of active lyssavirus infection in wild bat populations by viral RNA or oropharyngeal swabs Microsatellite analysis reveals that female mice are indiscriminate when choosing infected or dominant males in an arena setting A spatial model of shared risk for plague and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in the southwestern United States Ecologically based control, including the management of conditions leading to spill‐overs into target host populations, is likely to be more effective and sustainable than simple reductions in wildlife populations alone. keywords: active; animals; antibody; areas; associated; badger; bats; bovine; british; btb; canine; case; cattle; changes; clear; common; conservation; contact; control; culling; data; deer; density; difficult; disease; distemper; dogs; domestic; dynamics; eblv-1; ecological; ecology; effects; efforts; endangered; et al; ethiopian; european; example; farms; field; groups; habitat; hantavirus; health; hendra; high; host; humans; implications; important; incidence; increase; individuals; infected; infection; key; kingdom; lack; level; likely; long; low; lower; lyssavirus; management; meles; mice; models; natural; nipah; number; outbreaks; parasites; pathogens; population; prevalence; public; rabies; rate; reservoir; risk; role; scott; screening; single; size; social; species; states; strategy; studies; study; surveillance; susceptibility; susceptible; term; transmission; tuberculosis; united; use; vaccination; virus; viruses; wildlife; wolf; wolves; wounding; zoonoses cache: cord-271687-sxl8g85p.txt plain text: cord-271687-sxl8g85p.txt item: #33 of 66 id: cord-271765-altqn10l author: Fernández-Díaz, Elena title: Exploring WHO Communication during the COVID 19 Pandemic through the WHO Website Based on W3C Guidelines: Accessible for All? date: 2020-08-05 words: 6461 flesch: 44 summary: The practical implications of this study highlight the need to raise awareness among health organisations such as the WHO about the importance of accessibility to their digital content in times of health crisis with the social objective of universal health information accessibility. From a technical point of view, more associated with web accessibility studies, it is worth mentioning that due to the recent approval of the WCAG 2.1, most studies have focused on the previous guidelines, so there is a shortage of studies based on the new guidelines, among which [15, 16] , focusing on the education sector, stand out. keywords: accessibility; accessible; analysis; case; citizens; communication; compliance; content; content accessibility; contrast; countries; covid-19; different; digital; disabilities; disease; errors; european; figure; groups; guidelines; health; images; information; international; internet; level; main; media; need; organization; page; pandemic; people; point; public; public health; research; search; shows; social; study; table; text; times; tool; traffic; type; view; w3c; wcag; web; web accessibility; web content; website; world; world health cache: cord-271765-altqn10l.txt plain text: cord-271765-altqn10l.txt item: #34 of 66 id: cord-275209-j0za3g3p author: Kaden, V. title: Retrospective serological survey on selected viral pathogens in wild boar populations in Germany date: 2008-10-17 words: 3721 flesch: 43 summary: Based on the experiences with CSF control in wild boar populations (Kaden et al. 2006 ) and the risk of an introduction of new or re-emerging diseases to Europe, as e.g. African swine fever which just now circulates in domestic pigs, free-range backyard pigs and/or in wild boars in Armenia, Georgia and Russia (, surveillance should include the whole territory of a country and should be carried out continuously, that is year-round. ForschungsReport Nr. 9 Oral immunisation of wild boar against classical swine fever: concluding analysis of the recent field trials in Germany Classical swine fever (CSF) in wild boar: the role of the transplacental infection in the perpetuation of CSF Diagnostic procedure after completion of oral immunization against classical swine fevere in wild boar Epidemiological survey of swine influenza A virus in selected wild boar populations in Germany Incidence of classical swine fever (CSF) in wild boar in a densely populated area indicating CSF virus persistence as a mechanism from virus perpetuation Serologische Untersuchungen auf porcine Parvovirus beim Schwarzwild European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) as reservoir of infectious diseases for domestic pigs Serologische Untersuchungen zum Nachweis von Antikörpern gegen Viren des Seuchenhaften Spätaborts der Europäischen Schweinepest und Porzine Parvoviren beim Wildschwein (Sus scrofa A long-term survey of pseudorabies virus infections in European wild boar of western Germany The sero-prevalence of influenza virus amongst pigs and wild boar in Poland Torque teno virus (TTV) is highly prevalent in the European wild boar (Sus scrofa) Pseudorabies virus infections in European wild boar-a potential danger for domestic pigs? Pseudorabies in the European wild boar from Eastern Germany Pseudorabies virus infection (Aujeszky's disease) in wild swine Prävalenz von Antikörpern gegen die Viren der Europäischen Schweinepest, Aujeszkyschen Krankheit, und des Porcinen reproductiven and respiratory syndrome Zum Vorkommen von Antikörpern gegen verschiedene Influenza-A-Subtypen bei Haus-und Wildschweinen in Prevalence of Antibodies to Procine Parvovirus in Wild Boars (Sus scrofa) in Croatia Seroprevalence of six reproductive pathogens in European wild boar (Sus scrofa) from Spain: The effect on wild boar female reproductive performance A review of viral diseases of the European wild boar: Effects of population dynamics and reservoir rôle Serosurvey of selected viral and bacterial diseases in wild swine from Oklahoma The increased population of the wild boar (Sus scrofa L Untersuchungen zur Verbreitung von BVD-Virusinfektionen bei Schalenwild in Bayern Identification of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome in European wild boar (Sus scrofa) Contribution to the helminth infestation in wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) in Hungary Avian and swine influenza viruses: our current understanding of the zoonotic risk Presence of Antibodies Against Aujeszky's Disease Virus in Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) in Slovenia A Serological survey of selected pathogens in wild boar in Slovenia Antibodies to selected viral and bacterial pathogens in european wild boars from Southcentral Spain Serosurvey of Aujeszky's disease virus infection in European wild boar in Spain Prevalence of antibodies to classical swine fever, Aujeszky's Disease, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, and keywords: adv; animals; antibodies; aujeszky; boar; csf; dedek; disease; domestic; epidemiological; et al; european; germany; high; infection; investigations; kaden; lower; lutz; mecklenburg; pathogens; pigs; pomerania; populations; porcine; ppv; prcv; prrsv; rates; reservoir; risk; samples; saxony; scrofa; serological; seroprevalence; situation; siv; sus; swine; tgev; vengust; viral; virus; viruses; western; wild; wildlife; wuerttemberg; wurm; year cache: cord-275209-j0za3g3p.txt plain text: cord-275209-j0za3g3p.txt item: #35 of 66 id: cord-275912-p979bnvu author: Thiberville, Simon-Djamel title: Diagnostic issues and capabilities in 48 isolation facilities in 16 European countries: data from EuroNHID surveys date: 2012-09-25 words: 1831 flesch: 40 summary: Following EUNID, the European Network for Highly Infectious Diseases (EuroNHID), a new EU-funded project, performed a cross-sectional study analysis of European isolation facilities. The specific mission of EuroNHID is to prepare and support isolation facilities to provide appropriate infection control measures and strategies for health care worker (HCW) safety during care to patients with suspected and confirmed HIDs. keywords: agent; appropriate; biosafety; capabilities; centers; city; diagnostic; diseases; european; facilities; group; handling; hospital; infectious; isolation; isolation facilities; lab; level; management; network; protocols; referral; safe; specimens cache: cord-275912-p979bnvu.txt plain text: cord-275912-p979bnvu.txt item: #36 of 66 id: cord-280733-d44se0v3 author: Aguiar de Sousa, Diana title: Maintaining stroke care in Europe during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from an international survey of stroke professionals and practice recommendations from the European Stroke Organisation date: 2020-06-10 words: 3058 flesch: 44 summary: Two hundred sixty-six European participants (71%) estimated that functional outcomes and recurrence rates of stroke patients would be affected by the changes in stroke care related to the COVID-19 outbreak. Only 21% of respondents considered that, in their centres, all stroke patients were still receiving the usual acute and post-acute care, and more than 70% estimated that functional outcomes and recurrence rates of stroke patients would be affected by the changes in stroke care related with the outbreak. keywords: activities; acute; affected; analysis; authors; available; care; centres; changes; countries; covid-19; data; delivery; equipment; european; health; hospital; mortality; organisation; outbreak; outcomes; pandemic; participants; patients; personal; physicians; professionals; protective; providers; rehabilitation; respondents; responses; services; situation; stroke; stroke care; study; survey; table; time; treatment cache: cord-280733-d44se0v3.txt plain text: cord-280733-d44se0v3.txt item: #37 of 66 id: cord-289555-1z4vbldd author: Mühldorfer, Kristin title: Diseases and Causes of Death in European Bats: Dynamics in Disease Susceptibility and Infection Rates date: 2011-12-28 words: 5766 flesch: 38 summary: For hypotheses A and B, we used a generalized linear mixed modeling approach (binomial GLMM using function lmer in library lme4) with bat species included as random effect. Additional findings of our parasite analyses are distinct variations in ecto-and endoparasite prevalence in relation to bat species. keywords: adult; affected; age; agents; analysis; animals; assays; bacterial; bat species; batghv4; bats; brain; carcasses; causes; daic; data; death; deceased; detection; differences; different; disease; e.g.; ectoparasite; effect; endoparasitic; european; female; fig; findings; germany; half; health; herpesviruses; hibernation; higher; host; human; identification; important; individual; infected; infection; infestation; investigations; isolation; juveniles; like; low; lyssavirus; males; model; mortality; myotis; noctula; observed; organ; pathogens; pathological; pcr; period; pipistrellus; prevalence; rabies; rates; research; results; roosting; samples; seasonal; sex; significant; size; species; specific; staining; studies; study; susceptibility; table; test; tissue; transmission; trauma; urban; variable; variations; vespertilionid; viral; virus cache: cord-289555-1z4vbldd.txt plain text: cord-289555-1z4vbldd.txt item: #38 of 66 id: cord-290351-5sct52t4 author: Kujundžić Tiljak, Mirjana title: Is there a better future of healthy aging? date: 2020-04-17 words: 1433 flesch: 43 summary: The role of digitalization in health care is vital in advancing solutions to challenges related to all three conference topics, particularly as health systems are often not keeping pace with the integration of the new technologies. The implementation of modern sophisticated genomic methods in routine diagnostics for personalized medicine and the scale up of demanddriven innovations in health care systems includes organizational, economical, technical, and clinical aspects. keywords: age; aging; andrija; better; care; challenges; conference; disease; elderly; european; future; health; impacts; important; issues; life; medicine; older; personalized; services; social; solutions; state; system; technologies; world; štampar cache: cord-290351-5sct52t4.txt plain text: cord-290351-5sct52t4.txt item: #39 of 66 id: cord-292093-6pp9l4j2 author: Li, Yan title: The role of the IDEMV in predicting European stock market volatility during the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-09-03 words: 1879 flesch: 56 summary: The modeling and forecasting of stock market volatility has always been a hotspot and difficulty in academic research (see, e.g., Wei et al., 2010; Wen et al., 2016; Hong and Lee, 2017; The unprecedented stock market impact of COVID-19 Global equity market volatility spillovers: A broader role for the United States The contagion effects of the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Gold and Cryptocurrencies A simple approximate long-memory model of realized volatility Forecasting the good and bad uncertainties of crude oil prices using a HAR framework The incremental information content of investor fear gauge for volatility forecasting in the crude oil futures market COVID-19 and finance: Agendas for future research The model confidence set A General Approach to Testing Volatility Models in Time Series Which sentiment index is more informative to forecast stock market volatility? keywords: ability; covid-19; et al; european; forecasting; global; har; idemv; indices; information; market; mcs; model; pandemic; period; predictive; results; sample; stock; table; usrv; vix; volatility cache: cord-292093-6pp9l4j2.txt plain text: cord-292093-6pp9l4j2.txt item: #40 of 66 id: cord-293542-o0zspgrk author: Ippolito, G. title: Facing the threat of highly infectious diseases in Europe: the need for a networking approach date: 2014-12-12 words: 2642 flesch: 34 summary: Research on emerging infectious diseases has been funded since the inception of the European Union (EU) Framework Programmes (FP) for Research in 1985. In total, both influenza research and research on other emerging infectious diseases have received more than €100 million of EU funding each since 2002. keywords: adequate; agents; area; available; cases; clinical; common; control; countries; development; diagnostic; diseases; effective; epidemic; european; fever; h5n1; health; hids; human; infectious; infectious diseases; influenza; international; isolation; lassa; management; measures; need; network; networking; new; order; pandemic; plans; potential; preparedness; prevention; protocols; public; recent; research; response; support; threats cache: cord-293542-o0zspgrk.txt plain text: cord-293542-o0zspgrk.txt item: #41 of 66 id: cord-295467-9fnis6ci author: Botella, Leticia title: The European race of Gremmeniella abietina hosts a single species of Gammapartitivirus showing a global distribution and possible recombinant events in its history date: 2014-12-12 words: 5927 flesch: 42 summary: A unique species of G. abietina RNA virus–MS1 (GaRV-MS1) appears to occur indistinctly in G. abietina biotypes A and B, without a particular geographical distribution pattern. RNA recombination events are common among plant ssRNA viruses (Chare 2003; Alabi et al. 2010; Sztuba-Solinska et al. 2011 ) and human and animal dsRNA viruses such as rotaviruses (Suzuki et al. 1998; Phan et al. 2007 ), but there is less evidence of recombination in the dsRNAs of plant (Liu et al. 2012) or fungal viruses (Carbone et al. 2004; Feau et al. 2014; Linder-Basso et al. 2005; Voth et al. 2006) , and this phenomenon is particularly scarce in fungal partitiviruses. keywords: abietina; acid; alignment; alpine; amino; analysis; average; biotype; botella; case; cdna; complete; conditions; cryphonectria; data; differences; different; diversity; dsrna; et al; european; events; evolutionary; family; fig; following; fungal; fungi; garv; genetic; gremmeniella; gremmeniella abietina; hantula; heterobasidion; host; hypovirus; iii; isolates; length; major; methods; ms1; mycoviruses; north; nucleotide; number; occurrence; parent; partial; partitiviridae; partitiviruses; pcr; phylogenetic; plant; population; possible; protein; putative; race; rdrp; recombinant; recombination; region; related; rna; selection; sequences; sites; spanish; species; strains; synonymous; table; total; tree; tuomivirta; unknown; uotila; vainio; viral; virus cache: cord-295467-9fnis6ci.txt plain text: cord-295467-9fnis6ci.txt item: #42 of 66 id: cord-297286-bo6pr34s author: None title: Medical conferences in the post-COVID world: a challenge, and an opportunity date: 2020-05-16 words: 1305 flesch: 49 summary: Many other conferences have been similarly affected; no one yet knows when face-to-face conferences can safely resume, and what restrictions may still be necessary when they do. key: cord-297286-bo6pr34s authors: nan title: Medical conferences in the post-COVID world: a challenge, and an opportunity date: 2020-05-16 journal: Eur Radiol DOI: 10.1007/s00330-020-06933-3 sha: doc_id: 297286 cord_uid: bo6pr34s nan The current COVID-19 pandemic has struck humanity like a biblical or historical plague, with a rapidity rarely seen even during those previous events. keywords: changes; conferences; covid-19; different; disease; european; face; future; learning; life; like; march; medical; meetings; necessary; new; online; pandemic; patients; planned; radiology; societies; society; spread; time cache: cord-297286-bo6pr34s.txt plain text: cord-297286-bo6pr34s.txt item: #43 of 66 id: cord-299741-tbtlnv8b author: Massó Sagüés, Elena title: Risk of Introduction of Infectious Animal Diseases for Europe Based on the Health Situation of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula date: 2019-09-04 words: 5032 flesch: 47 summary: In the same way, there are countries without information available, for lack of declaration on the current health situation or underreporting of diseases outbreaks. key: cord-299741-tbtlnv8b authors: Massó Sagüés, Elena; Fernández-Carrión, Eduardo; Sánchez-Vizcaíno, Jose Manuel title: Risk of Introduction of Infectious Animal Diseases for Europe Based on the Health Situation of North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula date: 2019-09-04 journal: Front Vet Sci DOI: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00293 sha: doc_id: 299741 cord_uid: tbtlnv8b The current growth of the human population, the intensification of animal production, climate change or globalization favors an increase in the transmission of infectious diseases. keywords: affected; africa; analysis; animal; areas; available; avian; bluetongue; countries; country; culicoides; data; different; disease; disease j; dispersion; east; entry; european; european union; fever; foot; health; infectious; influenza; information; introduction; middle; model; mouth; movement; newcastle; outbreaks; pathogens; peninsula; possible; probability; respiratory; results; rift; risk; routes; study; survival; syndrome; transmission; transport; union; vector; vehicles; wild; wind; years cache: cord-299741-tbtlnv8b.txt plain text: cord-299741-tbtlnv8b.txt item: #44 of 66 id: cord-301856-71syce4n author: Domínguez-Andrés, Jorge title: Impact of Historic Migrations and Evolutionary Processes on Human Immunity date: 2019-11-27 words: 8211 flesch: 26 summary: Genetic variants conferring resistance to the disease have spread through human populations over time, including several abnormal hemoglobins that protect against malaria but usually cause erythrocyte-associated diseases in the populations where these adaptations are prevalent. To assign changes in the genetic landscape of human populations to certain diseases is an extraordinary challenge. keywords: adaptations; african; agents; alleles; american; analysis; ancestors; ancestry; archaic; association; autoimmune; autoimmune diseases; bacteria; ccr5; cell; certain; changes; communities; continent; control; development; differences; different; different populations; diseases; disorders; diverse; dna; drift; effects; environmental; epigenetic; european; evolutionary; example; exposure; expression; factors; figure; functional; genes; genetic; genetic variants; genome; group; higher; history; hiv; hla; homo; host; human; human immune; human populations; ifn; immune; immune responses; immune system; immunity; impact; individuals; infected; infection; infectious diseases; inflammatory; inheritance; innate; large; like; loci; long; malaria; mechanisms; mice; modern; natural; new; nod2; number; offspring; organisms; origin; pathogens; patients; populations; positive; present; pressure; processes; protection; protein; receptor; regulatory; relative; resistance; responses; result; risk; role; selection; selective; species; spread; studies; study; survival; susceptibility; system; time; tlr1; toll; traits; transgenerational; tuberculosis; variants; variation; virus; viruses; world; years cache: cord-301856-71syce4n.txt plain text: cord-301856-71syce4n.txt item: #45 of 66 id: cord-302127-1abupl36 author: Vokó, Zoltán title: The effect of social distance measures on COVID-19 epidemics in Europe: an interrupted time series analysis date: 2020-06-11 words: 3200 flesch: 33 summary: key: cord-302127-1abupl36 authors: Vokó, Zoltán; Pitter, János György title: The effect of social distance measures on COVID-19 epidemics in Europe: an interrupted time series analysis date: 2020-06-11 journal: GeroScience DOI: 10.1007/s11357-020-00205-0 sha: doc_id: 302127 cord_uid: 1abupl36 Following the introduction of unprecedented “stay-at-home” national policies, the COVID-19 pandemic recently started declining in Europe. Our results allow for moderate optimism related to the gradual lifting of social distance measures in the general population, and call for specific attention to the protection of focal micro-societies enriching high-risk elderly subjects, including nursing homes and chronic care facilities. keywords: analysis; association; care; cases; centre; changepoint; closure; community; containment; control; countries; country; covid-19; daily; data; decline; disease; distance; distancing; effect; epidemic; european; facilities; google; homes; incidence; index; interventions; level; lifting; measures; mobility; models; national; new; period; poisson; policies; population; prevention; quartiles; regression; reports; response; social; spread; stata; team; threshold; time cache: cord-302127-1abupl36.txt plain text: cord-302127-1abupl36.txt item: #46 of 66 id: cord-304056-2bo0s0hz author: Lezotre, Pierre-Louis title: Part I State of Play and Review of Major Cooperation Initiatives date: 2014-12-31 words: 64920 flesch: 36 summary: During these first 10 years, there was a growing interest in ICH products beyond ICH countries, and ICH recognized early that harmonization within the ICH regions would not suffice. ICH harmonization activities fall into four categories. keywords: access; account; action; active; activities; activity; addition; administrative; adoption; advanced; advice; agencies; agency; agreement; american; apec; applications; approach; appropriate; approval; april; areas; asean; asia; aspects; assessment; assistance; associated; associations; authorities; authority; authorization; authorized; availability; available; basis; beneficial; benefit; best; better; bilateral; biological; blood; board; bodies; body; building; business; capacity; case; central; centralized; certain; challenges; china; chmp; clear; clinical; clinical trials; collaboration; commission; commitment; committee; common; communication; community; companies; concept; conduct; conference; consensus; consultation; content; control; cooperation; coordinated; coordination; council; countries; country; creation; critical; ctd; current; data; december; decision; developed; development; differences; different; directive; discussion; diseases; document; domain; draft; dras; drug; drug regulatory; duplication; early; economic; economies; eea; eec; effective; efficacy; efficient; efforts; electronic; ema; environment; essential; establishment; eu countries; eu member; european; european countries; european medicines; european pharmaceutical; evaluation; ewg; example; exchange; executive; experience; expertise; experts; fda; final; financial; focus; focused; following; force; forum; framework; free; future; gcc; gcg; gcp; general; global; global cooperation; global harmonization; globalization; gmp; goal; good; government; group; guidance; guidelines; harmonization; harmonization activities; harmonization initiatives; harmonization process; harmonized; health; healthcare; help; herbal; high; hoc; human; ich; ich activities; ich countries; ich global; ich guidelines; ich harmonization; ich process; ich recommendations; ich regions; ich steering; impact; implementation; important; increase; individual; industry; information; initiative; inspection; institutions; integration; interest; international; international cooperation; international harmonization; international standards; investment; involved; issues; january; japan; joint; july; june; key; lack; laws; leaders; legal; legislation; level; list; lsif; maintenance; major; making; management; manufacturers; manufacturing; market; marketing; measures; meddra; medical; medicinal; medicinal products; medicines; medicines regulatory; meeting; member; member countries; member states; membership; ministers; model; monitoring; mutual; names; national dras; national regulatory; nations; necessary; need; network; new; non; norms; note; november; number; objective; observers; offices; ongoing; opinion; order; organization; organized; orphan; outside; overall; pandrh; paper; parliament; parties; party; past; patients; pediatric; people; pharmaceutical; pharmaceutical harmonization; pharmaceutical industry; pharmaceutical products; pharmaceutical regulations; pharmaceutical system; pharmacopoeia; pharmacovigilance; phase; pilot; place; plan; policies; policy; political; population; positive; possible; post; potential; ppwg; practices; primary; principles; priorities; problems; procedure; process; processes; products; program; progress; projects; promotion; proposal; protection; public; public health; quality; recognition; recommendations; reference; regional; regional harmonization; regions; registration; regular; regulations; regulatory; regulatory harmonization; related; relevant; reports; representatives; requirements; research; resources; responsibility; responsible; results; review; risk; role; rules; sadc; safety; scientific; scope; second; secretariat; sector; selected; september; services; set; share; sharing; significant; single; specific; staff; standards; states; steering; steering committee; step; strategic; strategy; structure; studies; subregional; substances; successful; summit; support; system; technical; technical cooperation; technical guidelines; technical requirements; terminology; terms; testing; texts; therapeutic; time; today; tools; topics; trade; traditional; training; treaty; trials; types; understanding; union; unique; united; use; vaccines; volume; way; website; wha; working; workshops; world; worldwide; years cache: cord-304056-2bo0s0hz.txt plain text: cord-304056-2bo0s0hz.txt item: #47 of 66 id: cord-304887-7ly692to author: Skoczkowski, Tadeusz title: Technology Innovation System analysis of decarbonisation options in the EU steel industry date: 2020-08-28 words: 15615 flesch: 35 summary: Rising costs of energy make ITs more profitable The large share of public funds allocated for green economy envisaged in the EU financial perspective for 2021-2028 Growing unwillingness or even ban on financing non-sustainable investments (like coal power stations) with a risk of extension on other EII, e.g. I&S industry The expected positive impact of EU ETS on low-carbon technological up-take in I&S industry after 2020 (Modernisation Fund, Innovation Fund) technologies from environmental funds Lack of new business models in I&S industries rewarding TI Source: Own work. We built on the existing knowledge but unlike other analysis of I&S industry, development our TIS-based approach enables to a systematic analysis of the innovation system in a wider dimension than the standard methods, e.g. encompassing societal and environmental issues, networking, external factors. keywords: actors; analysis; approach; assessment; barriers; benefits; better; breakthrough; breakthrough technologies; business; capacity; carbon; case; chain; change; chemical; circular; clear; climate; co2; coal; collaboration; commission; common; companies; competitive; competitiveness; control; corporate; costs; countries; crucial; current; customers; data; decarbonisation; deep; demand; demonstration; development; different; diffusion; direct; e.g.; eaf; economic; economy; effective; effectiveness; efficiency; eiis; electricity; elements; emission; energy; energy efficiency; environmental; ets; eu i&s; eu steel; european; european steel; external; financial; financing; framework; free; functioning; functions; funding; future; gas; ghg; global; governments; green; heat; help; high; hydrogen; i&s industry; impact; implementation; implications; importance; incentives; increase; industrial; industry; industry decarbonisation; information; infrastructure; innovation; innovation system; institutions; instruments; intensive; interactions; interest; internal; international; investments; iron; key; knowledge; lack; large; lead; level; limited; literature; local; long; low; main; management; manufacturing; market; material; measures; national; need; network; new; options; paper; pathways; phase; pilot; plan; policies; policy; political; politicians; potential; power; prices; process; processes; production; products; programs; progress; projects; public; r&d; regulations; research; review; risk; role; scrap; section; sector; set; share; smart; social; societal; specific; state; steel; steel industry; steel production; steelmaking; strategies; strategy; strong; study; support; sustainable; system; technical; technological; technological innovation; technologies; technology; term; time; tis; transformation; transition; trl; uncertainties; union; use; value cache: cord-304887-7ly692to.txt plain text: cord-304887-7ly692to.txt item: #48 of 66 id: cord-306184-wfvc35l5 author: Perrin, Christophe title: Europe should lead in coordinated procurement of quality-assured medicines for programmes in low-income and middle-income countries date: 2020-07-26 words: 2420 flesch: 37 summary: ► Applying stringent and harmonised quality assurance requirements, European donors and their implementing organisations can help shaping the global pharmaceutical market towards affordable, quality assured products. Presently, the QA policies and the mechanisms for accountability and risk management still vary across European development and humanitarian aid programmes, and only a minority of European donors have explicit QA policies in place. keywords: aid; assurance; countries; covid-19; development; donors; european; falsified; global; health; humanitarian; implementers; income; international; lmics; market; medical; medicines; national; organization; pharmaceutical; policies; policy; poor; procurement; products; programmes; quality; recipient; requirements; risk; stringent; substandard; supply; use; world cache: cord-306184-wfvc35l5.txt plain text: cord-306184-wfvc35l5.txt item: #49 of 66 id: cord-308284-r546ypur author: Simpson, Shmona title: Navigating facilitated regulatory pathways during a disease X pandemic date: 2020-10-23 words: 7033 flesch: 33 summary: To mitigate this, national and regional regulatory agencies generally should engage with their global regulatory counterparts and WHO Prequalification in a collaborative approach to product assessment and oversight under emergency circumstances, especially when novel outbreak etiologies and novel therapeutic and prophylactic modalities are being proffered. For products manufactured in, or used in, countries that cannot assure quality standards, WHO Prequalification is a system developed to help procurers of Prequalification eligible products determine if the products they are procuring meets international regulatory standards for product efficacy, safety and manufacturing quality. keywords: accelerated; access; administration; agencies; agency; animal; application; approaches; approval; article; assessment; authorities; authorization; available; benefit; candidates; clinical; clinical trials; conditional; countermeasures; countries; data; designation; development; disease; drug; early; efficacy; ema; emergencies; emergency; epidemic; eul; european; example; facilitated; fda; food; health; health emergency; human; income; investigational; key; manufacturing; marketing; medical; medicines; model; national; need; new; novel; nras; outbreak; pathways; phase; post; potential; prequalification; process; product; program; public; public health; regulatory; review; risk; rule; safety; scientific; situations; specific; states; studies; support; therapy; time; trials; united; unmet; use; vaccine; world cache: cord-308284-r546ypur.txt plain text: cord-308284-r546ypur.txt item: #50 of 66 id: cord-308821-j4vylbhy author: Martin, R. title: The role of law in pandemic influenza preparedness in Europe date: 2009-03-04 words: 8245 flesch: 42 summary: Public health powers in relation to disease lie with national governments. 18 Hong Kong, which has had recent experience of epidemic disease, considered but rejected expanding its Emergency Regulations Ordinance to cover pandemic influenza, concluding that public health powers were sufficient and appropriate to disease control even during a pandemic. keywords: act; approaches; article; border; case; citizens; civil; closure; code; commission; common; communicable; community; compulsory; contingencies; control; convention; countries; danger; department; disease; disease control; emergency; emergency powers; entry; epidemic; eu states; european; european states; evidence; exercise; extent; government; grounds; health; health law; health powers; human; human rights; ihr; individual; influenza; information; international; interventions; isolation; issues; law; laws; legal; legislation; life; measures; medical; member; movement; national; need; new; pandemic; pandemic disease; pandemic influenza; persons; plans; policy; population; powers; preparedness; protection; public; public emergency; public health; regulations; relation; responses; rights; risk; role; schengen; screening; security; services; social; states; systems; threat; travel; treatment; tuberculosis; vaccination cache: cord-308821-j4vylbhy.txt plain text: cord-308821-j4vylbhy.txt item: #51 of 66 id: cord-315157-2p45frlk author: Donell, Simon T. title: Preparation for the next COVID-19 wave: The European Hip Society and European Knee Associates recommendations date: 2020-08-17 words: 4618 flesch: 46 summary: The theory of second waves is based on the 1918-1920 Spanish flu pandemic, which may have started in a US Army camp in Kansas, a British camp in Etaples in France, or possibly German concentration camps [19] . Close monitoring of the Rt value is essential in predicting the risk of a resurgence or second wave of a pandemic. keywords: arthroplasty; associates; cases; coronavirus; countries; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; disease; economic; effects; elective; epidemic; european; family; health; healthcare; hip; hospital; impact; increase; individuals; infection; information; international; joint; key; knee; level; local; lockdown; management; measures; medical; national; need; new; number; orthopaedic; pandemic; patients; personal; phase; planning; policies; possible; practice; preparation; primary; quality; recommendations; resources; resurgence; review; risk; sars; scientific; second; second wave; services; social; society; spread; surgeons; surgery; system; time; total; treatment; use; waiting; wave cache: cord-315157-2p45frlk.txt plain text: cord-315157-2p45frlk.txt item: #52 of 66 id: cord-316050-mqrx003q author: Seabra, Claudia title: The influence of terrorism in tourism arrivals: A longitudinal approach in a Mediterranean country date: 2020-01-31 words: 9395 flesch: 40 summary: Using a spatial dyadic approach, the authors concluded that terrorist attacks on tourist destinations in a given country reduce tourist flows due to a substitution effect that is visible at several levels: i) from the countries in which the attacks took place and other similar source markets to a different destination or country; and ii) from the same tourism source market to other similar destinations (Neumayer & Plümper, 2016) . In the cases of tourist destination such as Greece or Israel, the substitution effect involves Portugal, probably because the three markets share the same emissive tourist markets. keywords: activity; affected; africa; america; analysis; arrivals; attacks; autoregressive; best; case; consortium; countries; country; data; demand; destinations; different; domestic; east; economic; effect; enders; european; events; evidence; existence; factors; flows; france; generalization; germany; global; greece; image; impact; important; increase; industry; influence; information; instability; institute; international; israel; kingdom; lagged; level; lutz; main; markets; mediterranean; memory; middle; model; negative; neighboring; neumayer; new; number; organization; peace; perception; period; political; portugal; portuguese; positive; potential; previous; record; regions; related; research; responses; results; risk; russia; safe; safety; saha; seabra; series; social; spain; spatial; spillover; strong; study; substitution; sönmez; terrorism; terrorist attacks; time; tourism; tourist arrivals; tourists; travel; turkey; united; variables; vector; violence; world; yap; year cache: cord-316050-mqrx003q.txt plain text: cord-316050-mqrx003q.txt item: #53 of 66 id: cord-319066-jdvvegp9 author: Bressan, Silvia title: Preparedness and response to Pediatric CoVID-19 in European Emergency Departments: a survey of the REPEM and PERUKI networks date: 2020-05-15 words: 4027 flesch: 40 summary: Overall 46% of centers agreed (36%) or strongly agreed (10%) about the statement My hospital was ready and prepared to handle COVID-19 at the time the outbreak started in our country and 54% agreed (39%) or strongly agreed (15%) when the statement was referred to ED pediatric care. Surge capacity for pediatric suspected COVID-19 cases was variable between centers at an ED, admission ward and intensive care level in terms of number of available rooms/beds ( Table 2 ). keywords: care; cases; centers; children; contingency; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; data; department; disease; eds; eligible; emergency; european; ffp2; future; gaps; healthcare; hospital; infection; isolation; masks; medical; n95; networks; number; outbreak; pandemic; patient; pediatric; peruki; point; ppe; preparedness; presentations; reduction; referral; repem; reported; research; response; room; sars; shortage; staff; study; survey; triage; use; variation; workers cache: cord-319066-jdvvegp9.txt plain text: cord-319066-jdvvegp9.txt item: #54 of 66 id: cord-319365-v75pvlka author: Navajas-Romero, Virginia title: Comparing working conditions and job satisfaction in hospitality workers across Europe date: 2020-07-23 words: 9027 flesch: 31 summary: Countries that present similar institutional contexts-that show similar coercive and normative pressures-might present differences in terms of employee job satisfaction. These results point to the need to propose a new classification or clustering of European countries according to their prevailing working conditions and job satisfaction levels. keywords: analysis; anglo; blocks; central; characteristics; classification; cluster; comparison; conditions; context; countries; country; degree; differences; different; discretion; earnings; economic; effect; employees; employment; environment; et al; european; european countries; existence; factors; flexibility; greece; group; high; homogeneity; hours; human; industry; influence; institutional; institutional context; intensity; inter; intra; job; job satisfaction; jobs; labor; latin; levels; literature; low; management; market; model; national; new; nordic; organizational; perspective; physical; policies; practices; present; previous; prospects; quality; related; research; rest; results; role; salary; sample; satisfaction; saxon; sector; security; significant; similar; skills; social; spain; studies; study; table; terms; test; time; tourism; variables; workers; working; working conditions cache: cord-319365-v75pvlka.txt plain text: cord-319365-v75pvlka.txt item: #55 of 66 id: cord-320773-zisujjsx author: Sabat, Iryna title: United but divided: policy responses and people's perceptions in the EU during the COVID-19 outbreak date: 2020-06-22 words: 5644 flesch: 48 summary: Explaining the need for and the advantages of such intrusive policies through trusted means of communication, while addressing people's concerns explicitly and being open about the risks of using such policy measures may help raise the support and compliance in society to a sufficient degree. Citizens were overall satisfied with their government's response to the pandemic; however, the extent of approval differed across countries and policy measures. keywords: age; closures; compliance; concerns; containment; countries; country; covid-19; data; denmark; differences; economic; epidemic; european; european countries; extent; france; future; germany; government; health; high; higher; individual; information; italy; level; lockdown; measures; mobile; national; netherlands; north; outbreak; pandemic; people; perceptions; policies; policy; policymakers; population; portugal; public; regions; respondents; response; restrictions; sample; situation; social; society; sources; south; states; support; survey; time; trust; worries; worry cache: cord-320773-zisujjsx.txt plain text: cord-320773-zisujjsx.txt item: #56 of 66 id: cord-322078-cli7mpev author: Schaller, Karl title: Neurosurgeons in the Corona crisis: striving for remedy and redemption. A message from the president of the EANS date: 2020-03-27 words: 1975 flesch: 58 summary: Poor political planning and cultural differences from an all-inclusive state responsibility to more social Darwinist principles may be the reason, and reflect the different approaches across European countries. In other countries with more centralized health care, specialists proposed some sort of a herd immunization of the whole population (i.e. Netherlands). keywords: beds; big; care; clear; corona; countries; crisis; current; day; different; difficult; doctors; eans; european; example; experts; feeling; icu; large; leadership; medical; neurosurgeons; nurses; patients; people; place; political; public; situation; spirit; time; world cache: cord-322078-cli7mpev.txt plain text: cord-322078-cli7mpev.txt item: #57 of 66 id: cord-325155-lqzgz6p3 author: Gallo, Juan E. title: Hypertension and the roles of the 9p21.3 risk locus: classic findings and new association data date: 2020-09-15 words: 5291 flesch: 34 summary: Risk alleles were defined as those for which mean difference or beta was positive (continuous variables), for which effect size was greater than one (dichotomous variables), or that were explicitly labeled as 'risk allele'. Basic statistical analysis in genetic case-control studies The genetics of blood pressure regulation and its target organs from association studies in 342,415 individuals Genomewide association analysis identifies novel blood pressure loci and offers biological insights into cardiovascular risk Genetic analysis of over 1 million people identifies 535 new loci associated with blood pressure traits Genomes Project Consortium. keywords: 1kg; 9p21.3; allele; american; amr; analysis; ancestry; association; block; blood; cardiovascular; chromosome; classes; classic; coding; colombian; common; control; coronary; cvd; cvd risk; data; dbp; disease; dna; effect; european; evidence; factor; figure; findings; frequencies; gene; genetic; genome; genotyped; haplotype; human; hypertension; individuals; island; lead; left; locus; material; medellín; mtap; p15; pathway; population; pressure; promoter; protein; red; ref; region; regulatory; relevant; results; risk; risk locus; role; rs2069418; sample; sbp; signals; significance; size; smad; snps; studies; study; supplementary; tgfβ; values; variables; variation; wide cache: cord-325155-lqzgz6p3.txt plain text: cord-325155-lqzgz6p3.txt item: #58 of 66 id: cord-330180-lvn4hqk5 author: Rosenkötter, Nicole title: Twentieth anniversary of the European Union health mandate: taking stock of perceived achievements, failures and missed opportunities – a qualitative study date: 2013-11-14 words: 9165 flesch: 47 summary: The ease of cooperation and the potential to achieve policy coherence between DG SANCO and DGs with stronger regulatory competences like the internal market (e.g. regarding tobacco, pharmaceuticals) or agriculture policy (regarding food safety, subsidies of unhealthy versus healthy food products) represented another characteristic that influenced the individual perception of EU public health policies. The ranking of influential policy outputs provided indications on important developments in EU public health policy. keywords: achievement; actions; advocate; agencies; analysis; approach; article; aspects; assessment; border; commission; common; community; control; cooperation; council; cross; development; directive; directorate; disease; ecdc; eu health; eu policies; eu policy; eu public; european; european health; european public; european union; evaluation; experts; failure; field; food; general; group; health; health mandate; health policy; health relevant; healthcare; hiap; impact; important; infectious; influential; internal; interviews; issues; law; level; level public; maastricht; making; mandate; market; member; missed; national; opportunities; opportunity; outputs; participants; patients; perceptions; policies; policy; policy outputs; potential; products; programme; protection; public health; regard; regulation; relevant; research; respondents; rights; safety; sanco; social; states; strategy; study; tobacco; topics; treaty; union; years cache: cord-330180-lvn4hqk5.txt plain text: cord-330180-lvn4hqk5.txt item: #59 of 66 id: cord-330296-706hf4qw author: Romette, J. L. title: The European Virus Archive goes global: A growing resource for research date: 2018-10-31 words: 6300 flesch: 33 summary: The approach to Quality Management is directed by the project's own Quality Standard, based upon Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) guidelines, and critically focusses on the acquisition, characterisation and storage of virus products. The current project aims at the development of virus collections in low-income countries where, in some cases, there has been an understandable reluctance to exchange viruses for fear of losing their resource to institutes from more highly developed countries. keywords: access; accessible; africa; animal; approach; appropriate; archive; associated; benefit; catalogue; china; collections; community; concept; consortium; control; countries; dedicated; development; diagnostic; diseases; distribution; efficient; end; enquiry; european; evag; facilities; fever; form; free; funding; germany; global; health; high; infrastructure; institutes; interest; international; key; laboratories; laboratory; level; management; material; members; network; new; non; objective; organization; outbreak; partners; pathogens; portal; products; programme; project; public; quality; range; reagents; research; researchers; resources; response; russia; scientific; scientists; south; specific; support; team; time; user; viral; virology; viruses; web; wide; world; zika cache: cord-330296-706hf4qw.txt plain text: cord-330296-706hf4qw.txt item: #60 of 66 id: cord-330749-xt4aa2ur author: Schilling, Stefan title: Isolation Facilities for Highly Infectious Diseases in Europe – A Cross-Sectional Analysis in 16 Countries date: 2014-10-28 words: 4126 flesch: 35 summary: The study presented was set up to compare the operational management, resources, and technical equipment among European isolation facilities. Consensus statements on the operational management of isolation facilities have been published recently. keywords: access; additional; adherence; available; capacities; care; cases; checklists; consensus; control; countries; cross; data; design; diseases; equipment; european; facilities; facility; haemorrhagic; health; hid; hids; high; hlius; hospital; infectious; infrastructure; intensive; international; isolation; isolation facilities; level; majority; management; member; n =; national; network; number; operational; overall; patients; personnel; preparedness; project; public; recommendations; report; resources; rooms; specific; states; study; technical; training cache: cord-330749-xt4aa2ur.txt plain text: cord-330749-xt4aa2ur.txt item: #61 of 66 id: cord-334810-hw1aijwf author: Banyard, Ashley C. title: Repeated detection of European bat lyssavirus type 2 in dead bats found at a single roost site in the UK date: 2009-10-20 words: 1965 flesch: 47 summary: Bats: important reservoir hosts of emerging viruses European bat lyssavirus type 2: human exposure in England European bat lyssaviruses: an emerging zoonosis Detection of high levels of European bat lyssavirus type-1 viral RNA in the thyroid gland of experimentally infected Eptesicus fuscus bats Susceptibility of North American big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) to infection with European bat lyssavirus type 1 First isolation of EBLV-2 in Germany Experimental infection of Serotine bats (Eptesicus serotinus) with European bat lyssavirus type 1a (EBLV-1a) Isolation of European bat lyssavirus type 2 from a Daubenton's bat (Myotis daubentonii) in Shropshire Antibodies against Lagos bat virus in megachiroptera from West Africa Heminested PCR assay for detection of six genotypes of rabies and rabies-related viruses Experimental infection of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) with Eurasian bat lyssaviruses Aravan, Khujand, and Irkut virus Isolation of a European bat lyssavirus type 2 from a Daubenton's bat in the United Kingdom Airbourne transmission of lyssaviruses Experimental study of European bat lyssavirus type-2 infection in Daubenton's bats (Myotis daubentonii) Experimental infection of big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) with West Caucasian bat virus (WCBV) Influence of the gravid state Rabies in individual countries-Denmark Prevalence and genetic diversity of coronaviruses in bats from China Natural and experimental infection of sheep with European bat lyssavirus type-1 of Danish bat origin European bat lyssaviruses European bat lyssaviruses-an ecological enigma Development of a real-time, differential RT-PCR TaqMan assay for lyssavirus genotypes 1, 5 and 6 First isolation of a rabies-related virus from a Daubenton's bat in the United Kingdom Detection of diverse astroviruses from bats in China Acknowledgments We wish to acknowledge Denise Marston for technical assistance. keywords: bat; bats; brain; castle; control; daubenton; detection; eblv-2; eptesicus; european; experimental; fig; infection; levels; lyssavirus; pcr; positive; public; rabies; rna; roost; site; species; stokesay; studies; tongue; transmission; type; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-334810-hw1aijwf.txt plain text: cord-334810-hw1aijwf.txt item: #62 of 66 id: cord-347182-oj3v1x99 author: Catala, M. title: Robust estimation of diagnostic rate and real incidence of COVID-19 for European policymakers date: 2020-05-06 words: 7904 flesch: 61 summary: Right now, it is impossible to assess if this is indeed the case in different countries given 520 the lack of reported cases and mortality rates by age and sex. Different European countries in terms of the EPG computed using the reported data on the attack rate vs the EPG using our estimation of the real attach rate. keywords: age; analysis; april; available; belgium; biased; cases; cfr; clear; correlation; countries; country; covid-19; cumulative; data; days; deaths; delay; demographic; diagnostic; diagnostic rate; different; different countries; disease; epg; epidemic; estimated; estimation; european; european countries; evolution; fig; growth; health; higher; immunity; important; incidence; infected; korea; license; medrxiv; new; number; people; picture; policymakers; population; possibility; possible; preprint; present; rate; real; recovered; reported; reporting; situation; south; spain; symptoms; time; unbiased; use cache: cord-347182-oj3v1x99.txt plain text: cord-347182-oj3v1x99.txt item: #63 of 66 id: cord-350164-dzma5ye7 author: Rippin, Holly L. title: Disrupted food systems in the WHO European region – a threat or opportunity for healthy and sustainable food and nutrition? date: 2020-07-23 words: 2988 flesch: 45 summary: Food systems that are not sustainable often fail to provide the amount or types of food needed to ensure population health. Food systems were already under great stress. keywords: article; availability; better; challenges; changes; consumption; countries; covid-19; crisis; current; dietary; diets; diseases; elderly; european; evidence; factors; food; health; high; home; immediate; impact; insecurity; levels; lockdown; measures; national; ncd; ncds; noncommunicable; nutrition; obesity; office; opportunity; outcomes; overweight; pandemic; people; population; prevention; region; regional; risk; services; sustainability; sustainable; systems; term; university; use; vulnerable; world cache: cord-350164-dzma5ye7.txt plain text: cord-350164-dzma5ye7.txt item: #64 of 66 id: cord-353775-ogb56xg9 author: Palomino, Juan C. title: Wage inequality and poverty effects of lockdown and social distancing in Europe date: 2020-08-11 words: 5976 flesch: 50 summary: When we decompose overall inequality in Europe, both within countries and between countries inequality increase, producing a double process of divergence in wage inequality in Europe. Wage inequality changes in Europe. keywords: ability; activities; average; capacity; case; changes; closed; closure; component; countries; countries inequality; covid-19; different; distancing; economic; essential; europe; european; european countries; figure; functioning; gini; group; headcount; home; increase; index; individual; inequality; levels; lockdown; loss; losses; lwa; mean; measures; months; occupation; pandemic; partial; period; points; poor; potential; poverty; rate; scenario; social; teleworking; wage; wage inequality; workers cache: cord-353775-ogb56xg9.txt plain text: cord-353775-ogb56xg9.txt item: #65 of 66 id: cord-354738-4rxradwz author: Kohl, Claudia title: European Bats as Carriers of Viruses with Zoonotic Potential date: 2014-08-13 words: 4799 flesch: 45 summary: Especially the high-risk occupational groups (i.e., bat workers, bat carers in bat bat hospitals) are at increased risk. [9] [10] , while hardly anything is known about human-pathogenicity of European bat viruses apart from lyssaviruses. keywords: acute; adenovirus; bat; bats; biodiversity; biogeography; capable; case; characterization; contact; coronavirus; cov; detection; diseases; diversity; dromedaries; east; effect; emergence; european; evidence; general; genome; genus; germany; gradient; hosts; human; identification; infection; isolated; isolation; italy; like; llov; low; lyssavirus; mammalian; mers; molecular; myotis; new; novel; orthoreoviruses; paramyxoviruses; pathogenic; pcr; pipistrellus; possible; postulates; potential; prevalence; public; rabies; reported; reservoir; respiratory; risk; sars; sequence; severe; species; studies; study; syndrome; transmission; type; viral; viruses; zoonotic cache: cord-354738-4rxradwz.txt plain text: cord-354738-4rxradwz.txt item: #66 of 66 id: cord-354884-q8634dyc author: Mitter, Hermine title: Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture and food systems: The Eur-Agri-SSPs date: 2020-09-19 words: 9676 flesch: 28 summary: Yet, conceptual and methodological transparency and rigor lags behind and scenario development has often been criticized for insufficient scientific neutrality and replicability (Beck and Mahony, 2017; Carlsen et al., 2017) including unsystematic stakeholder selection and engagement (Reed et al., 2013) . Climate change integrated assessment methodology for cross-sectoral adaptation and vulnerability in Europe Bringing the sharing-sparing debate down to the ground-Lessons learnt for participatory scenario development Synthesizing plausible futures for biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe and Central Asia using scenario archetypes Climate change impact modelling needs to include cross-sectoral interactions Combining qualitative and quantitative understanding for exploring cross-sectoral climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability in Europe Combining policy analyses, exploratory scenarios, and integrated modelling to assess land use policy options Reviewing drivers of ecosystem change as input for environmental and ecosystem services modelling. keywords: adaptation; agriculture; alternative; analysis; applied; approach; assessment; basic; challenges; change; climate; climate change; conditions; consistency; cooperation; core; data; decision; demand; development; different; directions; diverse; drivers; economic; economy; elements; energy; engagement; environmental; et al; eur; european; european agriculture; expertise; feedback; focus; food; food systems; framework; future; global; group; high; increase; information; institutions; integrated; interests; international; key; knowledge; land; major; makers; making; members; methods; mitigation; mitter; models; narratives; national; nesting; new; order; participatory; paths; pathways; plausible; policies; policy; population; potential; private; process; protocol; public; qualitative; regional; related; research; resources; review; salience; scales; scenarios; scientists; section; sectoral; sectors; services; set; shared; socio; socioeconomic; spatial; specific; ssps; stakeholder; step; storyline; storyline elements; structured; sustainability; systems; table; technological; technology; time; use; working cache: cord-354884-q8634dyc.txt plain text: cord-354884-q8634dyc.txt