item: #1 of 65 id: cord-004534-jqm1hxps author: None title: Abstract date: 2009-06-09 words: 139178 flesch: 39 summary: This simple model illustrates how differential detergent selectivity for faces and strong constraints coming from purely environmental features could influence transmembrane helix packing, membrane protein structure and assembly. Imaging of mobile stable lipid rafts in the live cell plasma membrane M. Brameshuber 1 , J. Weghuber 1 , V. Ruprecht 1 , H. Stockinger 2 , G. J. Schuetz 1 1 Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, 2 Medical University of Vienna, Austria The organization of the cellular plasma membrane at a nanoscopic length scale is believed to affect the association of distinct sets of membrane proteins for the regulation of multiple signaling pathways. keywords: a. m.; a30p; aba; able; absence; absorption; academy; acceleration; acceptor; accessible; account; accumulation; accuracy; acid; acidic; acquisition; actin; activation; active; activities; activity; acyl; addition; address; adhesion; adp; adult; advanced; advantage; affected; affinity; afm; agents; aggregates; aggregation; agreement; aim; albumin; algorithm; alp14; alpha; altered; alternative; alzheimer; amb; amino; amounts; amplitude; amyloid; amyloidogenic; analogues; analysis; analytical; angle; animals; anionic; anisotropy; antenna; antibiotics; antibody; anticancer; antigen; antimicrobial; apoptosis; apoptotic; apparent; applications; applied; approach; appropriate; aqueous; architecture; area; aromatic; arrays; artificial; aspects; assay; assemblies; assembly; associated; atomic; atomic force; atomistic; atoms; atp; atpase; attached; attachment; attention; attractive; austria; available; average; axis; azurin; backbone; background; bacterial; balance; bands; barcelona; barrier; base; basis; bax; beads; beam; behavior; belgium; berlin; best; beta; better; bianchini; bilayer; binary; binding; biochemical; biochemistry; biofisica; biological; biological membranes; biology; biomedical; biomembrane; biomolecular; biophysics; biosensors; biotechnology; biotin; blood; bodipy; body; bologna; bond; bovine; brain; breast; bridge; brightness; broad; brownian; bsa; budding; buffer; build; caf1; cagliari; calcium; calculated; calculations; calorimetry; cancer; cancer cells; candidate; capable; capsid; carbohydrate; carbon; cardiac; cardiomyocytes; carlo; carriers; case; catalysis; catalytic; cationic; causes; cavities; cea; cell; cell biology; cell cycle; cell imaging; cell membrane; cell surface; cellular; center; central; centre; certain; chain; changes; changing; channel; chaperone; characteristic; characterization; characterized; charge; chemical; chemistry; chip; chitosan; chloride; chlorophyll; chloroplast; cholesterol; chromatin; chromophore; circular; cis; clamp; class; classical; clavulanic; clc; cleavage; clinical; close; clustering; clusters; cnr; cnrs; coarse; coated; coefficient; coil; cold; coli; collagen; collagenase; collective; college; colloids; color; combination; combined; common; compact; comparable; comparison; complementary; complete; complex; complexes; components; composition; compounds; computational; computer; concentration; concept; conclusion; condensation; conditions; conductance; configuration; confined; confinement; confocal; confocal microscopy; conformational; conformational changes; consequence; conserved; considerable; consistent; constant; constructs; contact; content; continuous; contraction; contrast; contribute; contribution; control; controlling; conventional; conversion; coordination; core; correlation; corresponding; counterions; counting; coupling; covalent; cp29; cpt; critical; cross; crucial; crystal; crystalline; crystallography; culture; current; curvature; curves; cycle; cyclic; cysteine; cytochrome; cytometry; cytoplasm; cytoskeleton; cytosolic; damage; dark; data; day; days; death; decay; decrease; decreasing; deeper; defensins; degradation; degree; delivery; demonstrated; denaturation; denmark; densities; density; department; dependent; depletion; deposition; dept; derivatives; description; design; destabilization; detailed; details; detection; detergent; determination; determined; developed; development; device; diabetes; diameter; diaspro; dichroism; differences; different; different lipid; different membrane; different molecular; different proteins; differential; differentiation; diffraction; diffusion; dimensional; dimer; dimerization; dipartimento; dipole; direct; direction; discovery; disease; disordered; displacement; display; dissociation; distance; distinct; distribution; diverse; division; dmpc; dna; dna complexes; dna molecule; docking; domain; donor; dopc; double; dppc; drug; dsc; duplex; duration; dyes; dynamical; dynamics; dynamics simulations; e.g.; early; ecs; effect; effective; efficacy; efficiency; ejection; elastic; elc; electric; electrochemical; electrode; electron; electron microscopy; electrophoresis; electrophysiological; electrostatic; elements; elongation; emission; emodin; endogenous; energies; energy; energy transfer; engineered; engineering; enhancement; enriched; ensemble; enthalpy; entropy; entry; environment; enzymatic; enzyme; epr; equilibrium; erythrocytes; esr; essential; estimate; estimation; etbr; ethanol; eukaryotic; evanescent; events; evidence; example; excess; exchange; excitation; excited; exhibits; existence; expansion; experimental data; experimental results; experiments; explanation; exponential; exposure; expression; extended; extension; extensive; extent; external; extracts; extrusion; factors; faculty; failure; family; far; fast; faster; fatty; fccs; fcs; features; fibers; fibres; fibrillar; fibrils; field; filaments; film; filter; findings; fisica; fit; flexibility; flim; flow; fluctuations; fluid; fluidity; fluorescence; fluorescence correlation; fluorescence emission; fluorescence experiments; fluorescence intensity; fluorescence lifetime; fluorescence microscopy; fluorescence properties; fluorescence techniques; fluorescent protein; fluorophores; flux; fluxes; focus; focused; following; force; force microscopy; force spectroscopy; formation; forms; forward; fourier; fps; fragments; frame; france; frap; free; free energy; frequencies; frequency; fret; ftir; function; functionalized; functioning; fundamental; fungal; future; g protein; gag; gain; gap; gating; gel; gels; gene; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genova; georgia; germany; gfp; giant; glucose; glutamate; glycation; goal; gold; good; gram; great; greater; green; grenoble; group; growth; guvs; göttingen; hairpin; half; hand; harmonic; head; heat; heating; heavy; heidelberg; helical; helices; helix; help; heme; hemoglobin; heparin; hepatitis; heterogeneity; high; higher; histone; hiv-1; hmga2; hmgb1; homologous; hormone; host; hours; hp1; hsa; hsp22; human; hungary; hybrid; hydrated; hydration; hydrodynamic; hydrogels; hydrogen; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hyp; hypothesis; iapp; ideal; identical; identification; iii; iit; illumination; image; imaging; imaging microscopy; immobilization; immobilized; immune; impact; important; important role; inclusions; incorporated; incorporation; increase; incubation; individual; induced; induction; infection; influence; infrared; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; initiation; inner; inorganic; insertion; inside; insight; institute; instrument; insulin; intact; integral; integrin; integrity; intensity; interaction; interest; interesting; interface; interference; interior; intermediate; intermolecular; internal; interplay; intracellular; intrinsic; investigation; involved; ionic; irradiation; islet; isoforms; isolated; isothermal; isotropic; istituto; italian; italy; itc; japan; johannes; jump; kcl; kcsa; kda; key; kinase; kind; kinetics; knowledge; known; ktp; label; labeling; laboratory; lack; lambs; lapse; large; laser; lateral; law; ldl; leading; leaflet; length; level; lfa-1; lifetime; ligand; ligand binding; light; light scattering; like; like protein; likely; limited; limiting; linear; linked; linking; linz; lipid; lipid bilayer; lipid membranes; lipid vesicles; liposomes; liquid; literature; little; live cells; living; living cells; load; local; localization; lodz; london; long; longer; loop; loss; low; lower; lps; luciferase; lung; luv; lysine; lysozyme; macromolecules; macroscopic; magnetic; magnitude; major; mammalian; manner; marker; mass; material; mathematical; matrix; matter; maturation; maximum; means; measured; measurements; mechanical; mechanism; medical; medicine; medium; melting; membrane; membrane fluorescence; membrane fusion; membrane interaction; membrane microdomains; membrane potential; membrane properties; membrane protein; membrane structure; membrane surface; membrane system; membrane tension; metabolic; metal; method; methodology; mice; micelles; microdomains; microscopy; microtubules; migration; milan; millisecond; mimic; minimum; minor; mitochondria; mixed; mixing; mixtures; mobile; mobility; model; model membrane; model protein; model system; modeling; modifications; modified; modulates; modulation; moiety; molecular; molecular biology; molecular biophysics; molecular dynamics; molecular interactions; molecular level; molecular mechanism; molecule fluorescence; molecule force; molecules; monitoring; monolayers; monomeric; monomers; morphological; morphology; motif; motion; motor; movement; mrna; multiple; muscle; mutagenesis; mutant; mutated; mutations; myosin; nadh; nanoclusters; nanoparticles; nanoscale; national; native; natural; nature; ncp7; necessary; need; negative; nerve; nervous; netherlands; network; neurodegenerative; neuronal; neurons; neuroscience; neurotransmitter; neutral; neutron; new; nmr; noise; non; normal; nottingham; novel; nps; nuclear; nucleation; nucleic; nucleotide; nucleus; number; numerical; numerous; objective; observation; observed; occurrence; oligomerization; oligomers; oligonucleotide; ompf; ones; oocytes; open; opening; opposite; optical; optical microscopy; optical properties; orai1; order; organelles; organic; organisms; organization; organized; organs; orientation; original; osmotic; outer; outer membrane; overall; oxford; oxidation; oxidative; oxidized; oxygen; p2x; p53; packing; padova; pairs; palermo; parallel; parameters; parkinson; partial; particles; particular; partition; partitioning; partners; patch; pathological; pathway; patients; patterns; pcer; pdz; peak; peculiar; peg; peptide; permeability; permeation; peroxidation; peroxide; perpendicular; perturbation; pes; petersburg; pgk; phagocytosis; pharmaceutical; pharmacological; phase; phenomenon; phosphate; phosphatidylcholine; phosphatidylglycerol; phospholipid; photobleaching; photodynamic; photolysis; photon; photosynthetic; physical; physical properties; physics; physiological; physiology; picture; pigment; pisa; place; planar; planck; plant; plaques; plasma membrane; platelet; platforms; play; point; poland; polar; polarization; polarized; polymer; polymeric; polymerization; polypeptide; popc; populations; pore; porins; porous; portugal; positions; positive; possibility; possible; post; potassium; potential; powerful; ppme; precision; predictions; preliminary; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; presynaptic; previous; primary; prion; probability; probe; problem; process; processes; produce; production; products; profile; program; proiapp; project; proliferation; proline; promising; propagation; propensity; properties; property; protein; protein aggregation; protein binding; protein complexes; protein conformational; protein dynamics; protein function; protein interactions; protein molecules; protein stability; protein structure; protein surface; protocol; protonation; prp; psii; psm; pulse; pump; pure; purification; purified; purpose; putative; quantification; quantitative; quantum; quasi; quenching; questions; radical; raman; random; range; rapid; rate; ratios; rats; ray; rbc; reaction; reactive; real; rearrangements; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; reconstituted; reconstitution; recordings; recovery; redox; reduced; reflection; refolding; regime; region; regulate; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; relaxation; release; relevance; relevant; remarkable; removal; repair; replication; report; representative; repressor; republic; research; residues; resistance; resolution; resonance; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; results; reverse; reversible; review; rhodopsin; ribozymes; rich; rigid; rise; rna; role; rotational; russia; saint; salt; sample; sampling; sarcomere; saxs; scale; scanning; scattering; scheme; school; sciences; scientific; sclerosis; screening; second; secondary; section; segment; selective; selectivity; self; sense; sensing; sensitive; sensitivity; sensor; separation; sequence; series; serotonin; sers; serum; set; setup; severe; shape; shear; sheet; shg; shift; short; shorter; shows; shr; signal; signaling; significant; silicon; similar; simulations; simultaneous; single; single cell; single channel; single dna; single molecule; single protein; sirna; site; situ; size; skeletal; slices; sln; slovakia; slow; small; smaller; soce; sodium; soft; solid; soluble; solutions; solvent; source; space; spain; spatial; spatio; species; specific; specific dna; specific protein; specificity; spectra; spectroscopy; spectrum; speed; spherical; sphingomyelin; spindle; spontaneous; spr; square; stability; stabilized; stable; stages; standard; starting; state; state university; statistical; steady; stem cells; step; stimulated; stoichiometry; strain; strand; strategies; strategy; strength; stress; stretching; strong; structural changes; structural properties; structure; studied; study; subject; subsequent; substrate; subunit; sugar; suitable; superfamily; support; supramolecular; surface; surfactant; survival; sweden; switching; switzerland; syn; synapses; synaptic; synchrotron; syndrome; synko; synthesis; synthetic; synuclein; system; target; targeted; targeting; tau; tbilisi; techniques; technologies; technology; temperature; temporal; tension; terminal; terminus; terms; test; tethered; theoretical; theory; therapeutic; therapy; thermal; thermodynamic; thickness; thin; threshold; tht; time; tirf; tissue; titin; titration; tocopherol; tool; topology; total; toxic; toxicity; tracking; trafficking; trajectories; transcription; transduction; transfer; transient; transition; translational; translocation; transmembrane; transmission; transport; treatment; trieste; triplet; trp; tryptophan; tumor; turnover; tweezers; type; typical; tyrosine; u.k; u.s.a; ucp4; ukraine; ultrasound; umr; unclear; underlying; understanding; understood; unfolded; unfolding; unilamellar; unique; university; unknown; unusual; unwinding; uptake; usa; use; useful; uses; values; variable; variants; variation; variety; vectors; velocity; venom; versus; vesicles; vgsc; viability; vibrational; view; viral; virus; viruses; viscosity; visible; vitro; vivo; voltage; volume; walls; warwick; water; wavelength; waves; ways; weak; wide; wild; work; working; years; yeast; yidc; zwitterionic; zürich cache: cord-004534-jqm1hxps.txt plain text: cord-004534-jqm1hxps.txt item: #2 of 65 id: cord-004584-bcw90f5b author: None title: Abstracts: 8th EBSA European Biophysics Congress, August 23rd–27th 2011, Budapest, Hungary date: 2011-08-06 words: 106959 flesch: 38 summary: to that of cell proteins (amide II band at *1550 cm -1 ) Membrane proteins and peptides are acting in an environment rich in other proteins or peptides. keywords: 1,2; able; absence; absorption; acceptor; account; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acetylation; acid; acidic; actin; activation; active; activities; activity; acyl; adaptation; addition; address; adhesion; adp; advanced; advantages; affinity; afm; agent; aggregates; aggregation; agreement; aim; albumin; allosteric; alpha; altered; alternative; alzheimer; amb; amino; amounts; amplitude; amyloid; analogues; analysis; angle; animal; anionic; anisotropy; antenna; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; anticancer; antimicrobial; apoptosis; applications; applied; approach; appropriate; aqueous; architecture; area; arginine; array; artificial; aspects; assay; assemblies; assembly; assignment; associated; association; atomic; atomistic; atoms; atp; atpase; attention; august; available; axis; backbone; background; bacterial; bacteriorhodopsin; band; bar; base; basis; bcd; behavior; best; beta; better; bilayer; binding; biochemical; biological; biological membrane; biology; biomembranes; biomimetic; biomolecular; biophysical; blockers; blood; body; bond; bpl; brain; breaks; breast; bsa; budapest; buffer; bulk; bundling; ca2; calcium; calculated; calculations; calorimetry; cancer; cancer cells; capable; capacity; capsid; cardiac; carotenoid; carrier; case; catalytic; cationic; causes; cavity; cell; cell adhesion; cell biology; cell division; cell imaging; cell level; cell lines; cell membrane; cell migration; cell proliferation; cell protein; cell shape; cell surface; cell types; cellular; center; central; ceramide; chain; challenge; changes; channel; chaperonin; characteristics; characterization; characterized; charge; chemical; chemistry; chemotherapy; chitosan; chlorophyll; cholesterol; chr2; chromatin; chromophore; cin8; circular; clamp; class; classical; cleavage; clinical; close; clusters; coated; coefficients; coil; coli; collagen; collective; combination; combined; common; comparison; compartments; complete; complex; complexation; complexes; complexity; components; composition; compounds; computational; computer; concentration; concept; conclusion; conditions; conductance; conductivity; configuration; confirmed; confocal; conformational; conformational changes; conjugate; connected; consequences; conserved; consistent; consists; constant; contact; content; continuous; contraction; contrast; contribute; contribution; control; conventional; conversion; core; correlated; correlation; corresponding; cortex; coupling; crac; critical; cross; crowding; crucial; cryo; crystal; crystallography; ctd; cultures; current; curvature; cycle; cyclic; cytochrome; cytokine; cytoplasmic; cytoskeleton; cytosolic; daam; damage; data; days; death; decrease; decreasing; degradation; degree; delivery; denaturation; density; department; dependent; depletion; depolarization; deposition; description; design; detailed; details; detection; determination; determined; development; devices; diagrams; diameter; dichroism; differences; different; different cell; different lipid; different membrane; different protein; differential; differentiation; difficult; diffraction; diffusion; dimensional; dimer; dimeric; dimerization; direct; direction; diseases; disordered; displacement; displays; disruption; distance; distinct; distribution; diverse; division; dna; docking; domain; donor; dose; double; dox; doxorubicin; dppc; drms; drug; dsc; dyes; dynamical; dynamics; dynamics simulations; early; effect; effective; efficiency; elastic; electric; electrochemical; electron; electrophysiological; electrostatic; elements; embryo; emission; endocytosis; endothelial; energetic; energy; engineering; enhanced; ensemble; entire; entry; environment; enzymatic; enzyme; epithelial; epr; equilibrium; erythrocyte membrane; erythrocytes; essential; etc; eukaryotic; events; evidence; example; exchange; excitation; exhibit; existence; experimental results; experimentally; experiments; exposure; expression; extended; external; extracts; ezrin; factor; family; far; fast; faster; fatty; fcs; features; fiber; fibres; fibrillar; fibrils; fibrinogen; field; filaments; film; final; findings; flexibility; flow; fluctuations; fluid; fluorescence; fluorescence correlation; fluorescence microscopy; fluorescent protein; focus; folding; following; food; force; forespore; formation; forms; fourier; fraction; fragments; france; free; frequencies; frequency; fret; ftir; function; functionalized; functioning; fundamental; fusion; future; gap; gating; gel; gene; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; geometry; germany; gfp; globular; gm1; goal; gold; good; gradient; gram; grant; great; green; group; growth; gtp; hand; harvesting; hcv; head; heart; heavy; helical; helices; helix; help; heme; hemoglobin; herg1; heterogeneous; high; high membrane; high protein; higher; histone; homology; host; hours; hsa; human; hungarian; hungary; hyaluronic; hydration; hydrogen; hydrophobic; hydrophobicity; hyp; hypothesis; identification; iii; illumination; image; imaging; immune; impact; important; important role; improved; inactive; increase; incubation; individual; induced; induction; influence; infrared; inherent; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; inner; insertion; inside; insights; institute; insulin; intact; integrated; integrity; intensity; interaction; interest; interesting; interface; interfacial; intermediate; intermolecular; internal; intracellular; intracellular protein; intrinsic; invasion; invasive; investigated; investigation; ionic; isoforms; isolated; isothermal; itc; kda; key; kinase; kinetics; kit; known; labeling; laboratory; lack; large; laser; lateral; laurdan; ldl; leading; leads; leakage; leiomodin2; length; level; lifetime; ligand; light; like; likely; limitations; limited; linear; lipid; lipid bilayer; lipid composition; lipid interactions; lipid membrane; lipid molecules; lipid rafts; lipid structure; liposomes; liquid; little; live cells; living; living cells; local; localization; long; loop; loss; low; lower; lymphocytes; lysozyme; machinery; macromolecular; magnetic; magnitude; mail; major; malignant; mammalian; manipulation; manner; map; marker; mass; materials; matrix; max; means; measured; measurements; measuring; mechanical; mechanism; medical; medicine; medium; melting; members; membrane; membrane binding; membrane curvature; membrane domains; membrane dynamics; membrane fusion; membrane interaction; membrane organization; membrane potential; membrane properties; membrane protein; membrane structure; membrane surface; membrane systems; membrane vesicles; metal; metastatic; method; mhc; micelles; microenvironment; microscopy; microtubule; migration; mimic; minimal; mitochondrial; mixed; mixing; mixtures; model; model lipid; model membrane; model system; modeling; modifications; modified; modulation; molecular; molecular dynamics; molecular interactions; molecular level; molecular mechanism; molecule fluorescence; molecules; monitored; monitoring; monolayers; monomeric; monomers; morphological; morphology; mother cell; motif; motility; motion; motor; movement; mrna; multiple; muscle; mutagenesis; mutants; mutations; myosin; nanoparticles; nanoscale; narrow; national; native; natural; nature; needle; negative; nerve; netherlands; network; neural; neurodegenerative; neuronal; neurons; neutron; new; nmr; non; normal; novel; nps; nrf; ns4b; nuclear; nucleation; nucleic; nucleotide; nucleus; number; numerical; numerous; observations; observed; occurring; oligomerization; oligomers; ones; open; opening; opp; opposite; opsins; optical; optimization; order; ordered; organic; organisms; organization; orientation; oriented; osmotic; outer; overall; oxidation; oxide; oxygen; packing; pairs; parallel; paramagnetic; parameters; parkinson; partial; particular; partition; patch; pathological; pathway; patients; patterns; pca; peg; pegylated; peptide; performance; peridinin; pgk; pharmaceutical; phase; phenomena; phosphate; phosphatidylcholine; phospholipids; phosphorylation; photobleaching; photochemical; photodynamic; photosensitizer; photosynthetic; photosystem; physics; physiological; picture; planck; plane; plants; plasma membrane; platelet; plus; pocket; point; poland; polar; polarity; polymerization; polymers; polypeptide; poor; popc; populations; pore; porphyrin; positive; possibility; possible; potential; powerful; precise; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; previous; primary; prior; probe; problems; processes; products; profile; program; progress; progression; project; proliferation; promising; properties; property; protease; protein; protein aggregation; protein binding; protein complex; protein dynamics; protein environment; protein function; protein interactions; protein stability; protein structure; protein surface; protein translocation; proton; proximal; proximity; prp; pulse; pump; pure; purification; purified; purple; purpose; putative; quality; quantitative; quantum; quenching; question; quinone; radiation; rafts; raman; random; range; rapid; rate; ray; reaction; reactive; real; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; recorded; recruitment; redox; reduced; reduction; reference; reflection; region; regulated; regulation; related; relationship; relative; relaxation; release; relevant; reliable; repair; replication; report; research; residues; resistance; resolution; resonance; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; resulted; results; reversible; rich; rise; rna; role; rutin; salt; samples; saxs; scale; scanning; scattering; science; screening; seca; second; secondary; secondary structure; secretion; segments; selected; selective; selectivity; self; sensing; sensitive; sensitivity; sensor; separated; separation; sequence; series; sers; serum; set; shape; sheet; shift; short; shows; signal; signaling; significant; similar; simple; simulations; simultaneous; single; single cell; single molecule; single protein; sites; situ; size; skeletal; slbs; slow; small; smaller; sodium; solid; soluble; solutions; solvent; source; space; spatial; species; specific; specific membrane; specific protein; specificity; specimens; spectra; spectrometry; spectroscopy; spectrum; speed; sphingomyelin; spin; ssbauer; stability; stabilized; stable; standard; state; steady; step; stiffness; stimuli; stoichiometry; strand; strategies; strength; stress; stretch; strong; stronger; structure; studies; study; subcellular; subsequent; substrate; subunits; sugar; suitable; super; supported; supramolecular; surface; surfactants; survival; switching; symmetry; synaptic; synthesis; synuclein; system; systematic; t cells; talk; target; targeted; targeting; tau; techniques; technology; temperature; temporal; tension; terminal; terms; test; theoretical; theory; therapeutic; therapy; thermal; thermodynamic; thickness; threshold; time; tirf; tissue; titration; tool; torque; total; toxic; toxicity; tracking; trafficking; transcription; transduction; transfer; transform; transient; transition; translocation; transmembrane; transport; treatment; trehalose; tryptophan; ttc; ttingen; ttr; ttss; tumor; tumor cells; turn; tweezers; type; typical; tyrosine; udu; unclear; understanding; unfolded; unfolding; unilamellar; unique; university; unknown; uptake; usa; use; values; variable; variations; variety; velocity; vesicles; vibrational; view; viral; virus; viruses; viscosity; vitro; vivo; voltage; volume; water; wavelength; way; weak; wide; wild; work; working; years; yeast; znpc; zwitterionic cache: cord-004584-bcw90f5b.txt plain text: cord-004584-bcw90f5b.txt item: #3 of 65 id: cord-004894-75w35fkd author: None title: Abstract date: 2006-06-14 words: 92227 flesch: 48 summary: A marked interindividual variability in high risk patients is seen, but at present the basis for this variability is unclear and can not be explained solely by environmental factors. Conclusion and discussion: This study provides evidence for a role for genetic variation of MCP-1 gene in the occurrence of coronary collaterals in high risk patients. keywords: 95%ci; abstract background; abstracts; account; accuracy; acid; active; activities; activity; acute; additional; adjusted; adjustment; admissions; adolescents; adults; adverse; affected; age; aged; agreement; aim; alcohol; allele; allergic; analysis; annual; antibiotics; anxiety; application; approach; area; arm; arterial; artery; aspects; assessment; associated; association; asthma; atherosclerosis; attributable; available; average; background; baseline; bcs; behaviour; beneficial; benefits; best; better; bias; birth; blood; bmi; body; brazil; breast; breast cancer; breastfeeding; burden; calcification; calcium; calculated; cancer cases; cancer incidence; cancer mortality; cancer patients; cancer risk; cancer screening; cancers; cardiac; cardiovascular; cardiovascular risk; care; caries; carotid; carriers; cases; categories; category; cause; central; centre; certain; cervical; cessation; changes; characteristics; chd; chd patients; childhood; children; cholesterol; chronic; city; class; clinical; cluster; coefficients; cognitive; cohort; cohort study; colon; colorectal; colorectal cancer; combined; common; community; comparison; complaints; complete; complications; components; comprehensive; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; confidence; confounders; confounding; congenital; congress; consecutive; consistent; consumption; contact; context; control; control study; controlling; conventional; copd; coronary; correlation; costs; countries; country; course; cox; criteria; cross; crp; crude; current; cvd; daily; damage; data; database; date; day; days; death; decision; decline; decrease; degree; delivery; demographic; dengue; density; dental; design; detection; determinants; determined; development; diabetes; diabetes patients; diabetic; diagnosis; dialysis; dietary; differences; different; digital; direct; discharge; discussion; disease; disease risk; disorders; distribution; dm2; dose; drinking; drug; duration; dutch; early; eczema; education; effect; effectiveness; efficacy; elderly; elevated; energy; environmental; epic; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; episode; established; estimates; estimation; estrogen; ethnic; european; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; examine; example; excess; excess risk; exercise; experience; exposed; exposure; extent; external; failure; falls; family; fasting; fatigue; female; fetal; fever; final; findings; finland; folate; fold; follow; following; food; free; frequency; frequent; fruit; function; future; gain; gender; general; general population; generation; genetic; genotype; geographical; germany; glucose; good; gps; grade; greater; group; guidelines; habits; hazard; health; health care; health effects; heart; help; high; high risk; higher; highest; history; hospital; hospitalization; hour; household; hpv; hrqol; hrv; human; hypertension; identification; igf; ihd; illness; immigrant; impact; implementation; important; important risk; improved; improvement; incidence; incident; income; increase; independent; index; indicators; individual; inequalities; infants; infected; infection; inflammatory; influence; influenza; information; initial; insulin; intake; interaction; international; internet; interval; intervention; interview; introduction; invasive; inverse; investigation; involved; ipd; ischemic; isolates; italian; january; knee; knowledge; known; lack; large; lead; levels; life; lifestyle; likely; linear; linkage; literature; little; living; local; logistic; logistic regression; long; longer; longitudinal; lower; lower risk; lowest; lung; lung cancer; main; major; majority; malaria; male; mammography; management; manifest; map; mass; maternal; mean; measurement; measures; median; medical; medicine; melanoma; menopause; metabolic; methodological; methods; migrants; missing; mmol; model; modelling; moderate; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality risk; mothers; multidisciplinary; multiple; multivariate; myocardial; n =; national; native; need; negative; nested; netherlands; network; new; newborns; nitrate; non; normal; northern; number; nurses; obese; obesity; objectives; observational; observed; occupational; occurrence; odds; older; oral; organic; outbreak; outcome; ovarian; overall; overweight; p =; p<0.001; p<0.05; parameters; parents; participants; participation; passive; pathways; patients; patterns; pcr; people; percent; percentage; performance; period; persistent; personal; persons; pesticides; phase; physical; physicians; plasma; pneumonia; points; policy; polymorphism; poor; population; positive; possible; postmenopausal; postoperative; potential; practice; practitioners; predictive; predictors; pregnancy; preliminary; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; private; probability; problems; procedures; process; profile; prognostic; program; programme; project; properties; proportion; prospective; protein; public; public health; publication; qol; quality; quartile; questionnaire; questions; radiation; radiotherapy; randomization; randomized; randomly; range; rates; ratio; reasons; recent; recommendations; records; reduced; reduction; reference; referral; referred; region; regional; register; registration; registries; registry; regression; regression analysis; regular; related; relation; relationship; relative; relative risk; relevance; relevant; renal; reported; reporting; research; residence; resistance; respiratory; respondents; response; results; review; risk; risk areas; risk factors; risk groups; risk patients; risk population; risk profile; risk women; role; routine; rule; rural; sample; sampling; sbp; scale; school; scientific; score; screening; second; secondary; sectional; sectional study; selected; selection; self; sensitivity; series; serum; services; session; setting; severe; severity; sex; significant; silicosis; similar; single; sir; size; skin; small; smear; smokers; smoking; social; socioeconomic; sources; southern; spain; spatial; specific; specificity; stage; standard; standardized; statin; statistical; status; strategies; stratified; stress; stroke; strong; structure; students; studies; study; study design; study population; study results; subgroup; subjects; substantial; suicide; support; surgery; surveillance; survey; survival; survivors; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; systolic; technique; term; test; testing; testosterone; therapy; time; tissue; tobacco; tool; total; tracing; transmission; treatment; trends; trial; tuberculosis; tumours; turkish; type; unknown; urban; use; useful; users; utrecht; vaccination; vaccine; validity; value; variables; variation; varied; vegetables; visits; volume; waist; water; weeks; weight; western; women; workers; working; years; young; younger cache: cord-004894-75w35fkd.txt plain text: cord-004894-75w35fkd.txt item: #4 of 65 id: cord-005147-mvoq9vln author: None title: Autorenregister date: 2017-02-23 words: 86765 flesch: 41 summary: While a long list of gene mutations have so far been described to be responsible for the disease phenotype, little is known about the underlying neuronal mechanisms. WD pathogenesis, however, can not only be explained by gene coding mutations since phenotypes exhibit strong variations despite the same exonic DNA makeup in the gene. keywords: 003; 005; 1,2; aberrant; aberrations; abnormalities; absence; absent; abstracts; acid; active; activity; additional; additional mutations; adult; advantage; adverse; ae1; affected; affected patients; age; agilent; aim; allele; alterations; altered; alternative; amd; amino; aml; analysis; analyzed; anemia; anomalies; apoptosis; approach; appropriate; arm; array; aspects; assay; assembly; assessment; associated; association; assumed; asxl2; asymptomatic; ataxia; atp7b; autism; autosomal; available; average; background; basis; bbs; behavioral; benign; berlin; best1; better; biallelic; bilateral; binding; biochemical; biological; biopsies; biopsy; birth; bl variants; blood; blot; bmi; body; bone; boy; brain; brca1; brca1/2; breakpoints; breast; breast cancer; broad; brother; burkitt; cag; calls; cancer; cancer genes; candidate; candidate genes; capture; carcinoma; card14; cardiac; carriers; cas9; cases; causal; causative; cause; ccdc66; cdkl5; cdna; cell; cellular; center; central; cerebral; cftr; cgh; challenge; changes; channel; characteristic; characterization; characterized; chd; chek2; chh; childhood; children; chip; chloride; chromatin; chromosome; classical; classification; cleft; clinical; clinical diagnosis; clinical features; clonal; clones; close; cmt; cnvs; coding; codon; cognitive; cohort; combination; combined; common; comparison; complete; complex; complexity; compound; comprehensive; computational; conclusion; conditions; congenital; consanguineous; consequences; conserved; considered; consistent; consortium; context; contrast; contribute; controls; conventional; copy; correlation; corresponding; counselling; course; cpg; cpg85; cpgs; craniofacial; crc; crispr; criteria; critical; crucial; ctcf; culture; current; cycle; cystic; cysts; cytogenetic; data; data analysis; database; daughter; days; ddd; death; decision; decrease; deep; defects; deficiency; deficits; degree; delay; deleterious; deletion; department; detailed; detectable; detection; determined; developing; development; diabetes; diagnosis; differences; different; different genes; differential; differentiation; difficulties; direct; disability; discussion; disease; disease genes; disease mutations; disorders; distal; distinct; dlbcl; dmr; dmrs; dna; dna methylation; dna variants; domain; dominant; donors; double; duplication; dysfunction; dysmorphism; dysplasia; dystrophy; early; ebf3; ebv; eds; effect; ehmt1; elements; elevated; embryonic; encodes; encoding; enhancer; enrichment; environmental; enzyme; epidermal; epigenetic; epilepsy; epileptic; erlangen; established; etiology; european; ev3; evaluation; events; evidence; exac; examination; exome; exome sequencing; exon; expansion; expected; experiments; expressed; expression; extended; eye; face; facial; factors; failure; familial; families; family; fast; father; features; feeding; feet; female; fetal; fetus; fibroblasts; findings; finger; fish; flanking; fluorescence; fmr1; follow; following; forms; fraction; fragments; frameshift; free; frequency; frequent; frontal; function; function mutations; fusion; future; für; g84e; gain; gastric; gcnis; gdm; gene; gene expression; gene family; gene mutations; gene panel; general; generation; genetic; genetic analysis; genetic cause; genetic risk; genetic testing; genetic variants; geneticists; genome; genomic; genotype; germany; germline; germline mutations; girl; glaucoma; global; group; growth; gwas; hair; hamburg; hand; handedness; haplotype; hcc; hdac3; head; healthy; hearing; heart; heidelberg; hereditary; heritability; heterogeneity; heterogeneous; heterozygosity; heterozygous; heterozygous mutations; heterozygous variants; high; higher; highest; histone; history; hnpcc; homozygosity; homozygous; hospital; hoxb13; human; human genetics; human phenotype; humangenetik; huntington; hypoplasia; hypothesis; hypotonia; identification; idh1r132h; ikbkg; il36rn; illumina; immune; immunohistochemistry; impact; impaired; impairment; implications; important; imprinted; imprinting; improved; inactivation; increased; independent; index; individuals; induced; influence; information; inheritance; inhibition; initial; insertion; insights; institute; intellectual; interaction; interest; international; interpretation; intracellular; intragenic; introduction; intron; intronic; invasive; inversion; investigations; involved; involvement; ipscs; isolated; joubert; karyotype; kcnk9; key; kidney; kinase; knockdown; knockout; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; landscape; large; later; leading; learning; length; leptin; leukemia; levels; lgl; library; life; lifr; likely; limb; limited; lines; lip; literature; little; liver; localization; loci; locus; long; loss; low; lower; lymphocytes; lymphoma; maintenance; major; majority; making; malformations; malignancies; management; manifestation; mapping; markers; maternal; mds; measurement; mechanisms; mecom; median; medical; meg3; members; membrane; mental; metabolic; methods; methylation; methylation analysis; mice; microcephaly; microdeletion; microduplication; microsatellite; mid1; midas; mild; milder; minor; mir-371a-3p; mirnas; missense; missense mutation; mitochondrial; mlh1; mlpa; mmml; model; moderate; modifier; molecular; molecular genetic; molecule; monogenic; months; mosaic; mosaicism; mother; motor; mouse; mpb; mri; mrna; mtdna; multiple; muscle; muscular; mutant; mutated; mutation carriers; mutations; mutationtaster; myc; myeloid; myopathy; nahr; nail; neandertal; near; need; negative; nervous; neural; neurodegenerative; neurodevelopmental; neurological; neuromuscular; neuronal; neurons; new; nf1; ngs; non; nonsense; normal; nose; novel; novel mutation; novo; novo mutations; npcs; npy; nuclear; nucleotide; number; obesity; observed; ocular; offspring; old; older; olfactory; omim; ongoing; onset; origin; outside; ovarian; overall; overexpression; overlap; p =; pain; palate; pancreatic; panel; parental; parents; partial; particular; partner; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathogenic mutations; pathogenic variants; pathways; patients; pattern; pcr; penetrance; peripheral; pex; phenotype; phenotyping; pitx1; plasma; platform; plcd1; plk4; pnh; point; point mutations; population; position; positive; possible; postnatal; potential; prca; precise; prediction; predisposition; pregnancies; pregnancy; premature; prenatal; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; previous; primary; primers; probands; probes; problems; processes; profiles; prognosis; progressive; project; proliferation; prominent; promising; promoter; protein; protein expression; protocol; prp; prs1; prs2; psenen; psmc3ip; psoriasis; psychiatric; putative; quality; quantitative; r6/2; range; rapid; rare; rare variants; rate; rb1; recent; receptor; recessive; recurrent; reduced; reference; regard; regions; regression; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relative; relevance; relevant; reliable; renal; repair; repeat; report; reporter; reporter gene; reprogramming; research; residual; resolution; respective; respiratory; response; responsible; resulted; results; retardation; retinal; rhox; right; risk; risk variants; rna; role; routine; runx1; runx1mut; samples; sanger; scale; score; screening; search; second; secondary; secretion; segment; segregation; seizures; sensitivity; sensory; sequence; sequence variants; sequencing; serum; severe; sex; short; shox; siblings; signaling; signals; significant; signs; silico; similar; single; sites; size; skeletal; skin; small; smc2; snps; snvs; social; software; somatic; specific; specificity; spectrum; speech; sperm; splice; splicing; spoc1; sporadic; srs; stage; standard; stature; status; step; stop; strand; strategies; strong; structural; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; subunit; successful; suggests; summary; sureselect; survival; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; syndromic; synonymous; system; target genes; targeted; targeting; targets; technology; telomere; terminal; terms; testing; tgase1; tgct; thap1; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; time; tissue; tmprss2; tools; total; traits; transcription; transcripts; translocation; transport; treatment; trio; trisomy; truncating; ts14; tumor; type-1; types; typical; underlying; understanding; unique; units; university; unknown; unrelated; upper; user; value; variable; variants; variations; vitro; vivo; weeks; weight; wes; western; wgbs; wgs; wide; wildtype; women; work; working; ws2; ws3; ws4; ws6; ws7; ws8; years; yield; young; zebrafish; zinc cache: cord-005147-mvoq9vln.txt plain text: cord-005147-mvoq9vln.txt item: #5 of 65 id: cord-006229-7yoilsho author: None title: Abstracts of the 82(nd) Annual Meeting of the German Society for Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (DGPT) and the 18(th) Annual Meeting of the Network Clinical Pharmacology Germany (VKliPha) in cooperation with the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Angewandte Humanpharmakologie e.V. (AGAH) date: 2016-02-06 words: 134020 flesch: 40 summary: Clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) is the most common subtype of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and is characterized by a metabolic shift towards enhanced aerobic glycolysis and hence, increased lactate production. Further studies will be performed to clarify whether silver ions and/or silver nanoparticles could affect the specific N-acetylation of arylamines in human cells. keywords: a549; abcb1; absence; absorption; accordance; account; accumulation; acetate; acetylation; acetylcholine; acid; acinar; acinar cells; actin; actions; activation; active; activities; activity; acts; acute; addition; adducts; adenosine; adequate; adhesion; adipocytes; adipose; administration; adp; adrb1; adrenergic; adult; adverse; adverse effects; affected; affinity; agents; aggregation; agonist; ahr; aim; airway; allergic; allosteric; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alveolar; amcm; amino; amodiaquine; amounts; analysed; analysis; anesthesia; ang-(1; angiogenesis; angiotensin; animal; antagonist; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; anticholinergic; antiplatelet; aorta; aortic; apelin; apical; apj; apoptosis; apoptotic; applicability; application; applied; approach; aqueous; area; arginine; arglabin; arrestin; asic3; aspects; assay; assessment; associated; association; at1r; atherosclerosis; atp; atrial; autophagy; available; b2r; b[a]p; background; bacterial; balb; barrier; basal; baseline; basis; baso; battery; bbb; behavior; beneficial; benefit; berlin; best; beta; better; bgn; bid; bile; binding; biochemical; biological; biomarkers; bisphenol; bispyridinium; block; blood; blood cells; blot; blue; bmp2k; body; bone; bpa; bradykinin; brain; breaks; breast; broad; burden; bzw2; c57bl/6; c81; calcium; camp; cancer; cancer cells; candidates; capacity; carcinogenesis; carcinogenic; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiac cells; cardiac function; cardiomyocytes; cardiovascular; care; cascade; cases; cause; cb1; ccmp; ccrcc; cd86; cdt; cell activation; cell culture; cell cycle; cell death; cell line; cell membrane; cell migration; cell model; cell proliferation; cell signaling; cell stress; cell surface; cell transformation; cell type; cell viability; cells; cellular; central; ceo; certain; cgi500; cgmp; chain; challenge; changes; channels; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chemerin; chemical; chemokine; children; chip; choice; cholesterol; chromatography; chronic; chronotropic; cisplatin; cispt; citrate; class; classes; classical; classification; clearance; cleaved; clinical; clom; coa; coated; coculture; cognitive; cohort; collagen; colon; combination; combined; combustion; comet; common; communication; comparable; comparison; compartments; complete; complex; complexes; components; compounds; comprehensive; concentrations; concept; conclusion; conditions; consequences; conserved; consistent; constant; constriction; constructs; consumer; consumption; contact; contaminants; content; contractility; contrast; contribute; contribution; control; conventional; cooh; correlation; corresponding; coupling; course; crem; criteria; critical; cross; crucial; cscc; ctrl; cultivation; culture; cump; current; curves; cxcl12; cxcr4; cycle; cyclic; cyp; cysteine; cytochrome; cytokines; cytometry; cytoskeleton; cytosolic; cytotoxic effects; cytotoxicity; dabigatran; daf-16; daily; damage; data; database; days; ddr; death; decrease; deficient; deficient cells; deficient mice; deficits; degradation; degree; deletion; delivery; dementia; dendritic cells; density; dependent; derivatives; dermal; desvenlafaxine; detail; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; dexamethasone; dfg; diabetes; diabetic; diameter; diastolic; diet; dietary; differences; different; different cell; differential; differentiation; difficile; difficult; diffusion; direct; discovery; discussion; disease; disorders; distinct; distribution; dmt; dna; dna damage; dnmt1; domain; dopaminergic; dorsal; dosage; dose; dosing; double; downregulation; downstream; dox; dpat; dpp10; dpra; drg; drug; drug development; duration; dynamic; dysfunction; dyt1; e.g.; early; ecm; effective; effects; efficacy; efficiency; efflux; egf; egfp; ehm; elderly; electrical; electron; electrophysiological; elegans; element; elevated; elisa; embryonic; embryos; endocrine; endogenous; endothelial cells; endothelium; endpoints; energy; engineered; enhanced; enos; entry; environment; enzyme; epac1; epidermal; epidermis; epithelial; epithelial cell; erk1/2; essential; established; esters; estimated; estrogen; eucp; european; evaluated; evaluation; events; evidence; evoked; examination; example; exchange; exhibit; exist; expected; experiments; export; exposure; expression; expression levels; extent; extract; extravasation; eye; faah; factor; failure; family; fatty; fcs; female; ferroptosis; fibroblasts; fibrosis; field; final; findings; fish; flow; fluid; fluorescence; foci; focus; focused; fold; following; food; force; formation; formulations; fraction; frataxin; free; frequency; frequent; fret; function; future; für; g protein; gabaergic; gain; gastric; gastrointestinal; gene; gene expression; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genotoxic; genotoxicity; genotypes; germany; gland; glucose; glutamate; glycidol; goal; good; gpcrs; gradient; great; grk2; group; growth; gtpases; guidelines; gβγ; hacat; hacat cells; hair; half; hand; hazard; hca; hcat-1; health; heart; hek293; hek293 cells; hela; hemin; hepatic; hepatocytes; hepg2; herbal; heterotrimeric; heterozygous; hfd; high; higher; highest; histamine; histological; histone; homeostasis; homoarginine; homozygous; hormone; host; host cells; hours; hplc; hsa; human; human cell; human lung; human skin; huvecs; hypericin; hypertension; hypertrophy; hypochlorite; hypothesis; i.p; ib∆c; icer; idd+ird; identification; igfbp5; il-1β; il-6; il-8; imaging; immature; immune; immunofluorescence; immunohistochemistry; impact; impaired; important; improved; increased; incubation; index; individual; induced; inducible; induction; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; infusion; ingredients; inhalation; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; injection; injury; inorganic; inos; insights; institut; insulin; intake; integrity; interaction; interest; interesting; interference; internalization; international; intervention; intestinal; intracellular; intrinsic; introduction; invasive; investigated; investigations; involved; involvement; ird; irritation; isoforms; isolated; isolation; isoproterenol; items; j-82; jaw1; keratinocytes; key; kidney; kinase; kinetics; knockdown; knockout; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; large; larixyl; laser; lcs; lead; learning; left; leishmania; length; levels; ligand; light; like; likely; limitations; limited; line; linear; link; lipid; liquid; literature; little; liver; living; localization; long; longer; loss; lovastatin; low; lower; lps; luciferase; lung; lung cells; macrophages; major; majority; male; mammalian; manner; mapk; marker; mass; matrix; maturation; max; maximal; maximum; mcpd; mean; measured; measurement; mechanisms; mechanistic; median; mediate; medical; medication; medicine; medium; members; membrane; mesh; messenger; metabolism; metabolites; metabolomics; metformin; methods; methylation; mgmt; mice; microbiome; microrna; microscopy; migration; minor; mir-21; mirnas; mitochondrial; mixture; mmhg; model; moderate; modification; modified; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monocytes; monolayer; months; morphological; morphology; mortality; motor; mouse; mpp22; mrna; mtt; mtx; multiple; muscarinic; muscle; muscle cells; mustard; mutagenic; mutant; mutations; mwcnt; myocardial; n=5; naadp; nacl; nact; nanomaterials; nanoparticles; nat1; natural; nav1.5; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; neonatal; nerve; network; neurodegenerative; neuronal; neurons; new; nmol; non; normal; note; novel; nox; nrf2; nuclear; nuclei; nucleotide; nucleus; number; obesity; objective; observed; occurring; oct1; oecd; offspring; ongoing; onset; open; opioid; option; oral; order; organ; organelles; organic; organisms; outcome; overall; overexpression; overload; oxidation; oxidative; oxide; oxygen; p110γ; p450; p63rhogef; p<0.001; p<0.05; pahs; pain; pancreas; pancreatic; par2; parallel; parameters; parp1; partial; particular; past; patch; pathogenesis; pathological; pathophysiological; pathways; patients; patox; pattern; pde; pdes; pentamers; peptide; performance; period; peripheral; permeability; permeation; pesticides; pharmacokinetic; pharmacological; pharmacology; pharmakologie; phase; phenotype; phosphorylation; physiological; pi16; pie; pigments; pilot; piperacillin; pka; placebo; plant; plasma; platelet; platform; play; pln; pmt; pol; population; position; positive; positive cells; possible; post; postsynaptic; potency; potential; preadipocytes; preclinical; pregnancy; preliminary; preparations; presence; present; present study; pressure; previous; primary; primary cells; primary human; prior; problem; processes; products; profile; profiling; program; progression; project; proliferation; prolonged; promising; promoter; promotion; pronounced; proof; properties; protective; protein; protein expression; protein levels; protocol; pulmonary; purified; purpose; putative; pvat; qpcr; quality; quantification; quantitative; questions; rac1; radiation; range; ranitidine; rapamycin; rapid; rats; reach; reaction; reactive; reason; recent; receptor; receptor activation; receptor potential; receptor protein; recovery; recruitment; reduced; reduction; reference; refinement; regard; regions; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationships; relative; release; relevance; relevant; reliable; remodeling; removal; renal; renin; repair; reported; requirements; research; residues; resistance; resonance; respective; respiratory; response; responsible; results; reticulated; rhoa; rich; rip1; rise; risk; rkip; robust; rock2; rodent; role; root; route; rt-112; s1p; safety; salt; samples; scale; scientific; score; scoring; screening; second; secretion; selected; selection; selective; selectivity; senescence; sensitive; sensitivity; sensitization; sensitizers; sensor; septins; sequence; series; serine; serotonin; serum; set; sets; setup; severe; sham; shift; short; shows; signaling; signals; significance; significantly; silencing; silico; silver; similar; single; single cell; sirna; site; situation; size; skin; skin cells; sleep; slices; slow; sly1; small; smooth; sodium; sources; species; specific; specific expression; specificity; spectrometry; spontaneous; stably; stages; staining; standard; state; statin; statistical; status; stem cells; step; stimulation; strain; strand; strategies; strategy; stress; striatal; strong; stronger; structure; students; studies; study; stw; subsequent; substances; substantial; substrate; subtype; subunit; successful; sufficient; suitable; summary; superoxide; support; surface; survival; symptoms; synaptic; syndrome; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; synuclein; system; systemic; taking; talk; tamoxifen; target; target cells; targeted; targeting; tbhq; tcdb; tcpobop; technique; technology; temperature; terminal; terminus; terms; test; tested; testing; tg mice; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thp-1; threonine; threshold; thrombin; throughput; time; tissue; tlr2; tmem2; tnf; tnfα; tolerance; tool; total; toxicity; toxicological; toxicology; toxikologie; toxin; tpcs; tps; training; transcription; transduction; transfected; transfer; transformation; transgenic; transgenic mice; transient; translocation; transmission; transport; transporters; transverse; treatment; trials; trpa1; trpc5; trpm3; true; tsh; tumor; tumor cells; turnover; type; type mice; typical; unchanged; underlying; understanding; unique; universität; unknown; untreated; uptake; urinary; urine; useful; validation; values; variants; variety; vascular; veh; vehicle; vein; ventricular; vessels; viability; vimentin; vitro; vivo; voltage; volume; vpa; vs.; water; weeks; weight; welfare; western; wide; wild; wildtype; wnt; women; wood; work; world; wrn; wt mice; wt1; xan; xenobiotic; years; yfp; zebrafish; zolpidem; µor; γh2ax cache: cord-006229-7yoilsho.txt plain text: cord-006229-7yoilsho.txt item: #6 of 65 id: cord-006230-xta38e7j author: None title: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie und Toxikologie e.V. date: 2012-02-22 words: 136000 flesch: 40 summary: In in-vitro studies on rat and canine mast cells and human mast cell leukemia cells HMC1.2 BZ at micromolar concentrations inhibited mediator release which appeared to be related to an inhibition of the intracellular cAMP pathway. Previous work showed that mouse cells lacking the immediate-early gene c-fos are hypersensitive to ultraviolet (UVC) light. keywords: 2007; 24h; 5,6; 72h; a549; abcc2; able; absence; absorption; abundant; ac5; accelerated; accompanied; account; accumulation; acetate; acetyl; acetylcholine; acid; acs; actin; actions; activated; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; addition; adducts; adenosine; adenylyl; adhesion; adipocytes; adipose; administration; adrenergic; adrenergic receptor; adrenoceptor; adult; adverse; adverse effects; affected; affinity; agent; aggregation; agonist; ahr; aif; aim; airway; akt; alanine; alcohol; aldosterone; allergic; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alveolar; amino; amounts; ampk; amplitude; analogues; analysis; anandamide; angii; angiogenesis; angiotensin; animals; annexin; antagonists; anti; antibodies; antibody; anticancer; antioxidant; aoh; aortic; apomorphine; apoptosis; apoptotic; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; arfrp1; arnt; array; arterial; artery; asbestos; asd; assay; assessment; associated; association; assumed; assumption; asthma; atherosclerosis; atp; atrial; attenuated; autophagy; available; average; b cells; background; balb; ballast; barrier; basal; base; basis; bcrp; behavior; best; beta; better; binding; biochemical; biological; biomarkers; biotinylated; bladder; block; blocker; blocking; blood; blood cells; blot; blotting; body; bpde; brain; breaks; breast; brown; c101a; c3bot; c57bl/6; caco-2; cadmium; caf; calcium; calculated; calpain; camp; cancer; cancer cells; candesartan; candidate; capable; capacity; carbon; carcinogenesis; carcinogenic; carcinoma; carcinoma cells; cardiac; cardiomyocytes; cardiovascular; cascade; cases; caspase; catalytic; catalyzed; catechol; cause; cav2.1; cavβ3; ccmp; cd86; cdk5; cdk6; cdna; cdt; celecoxib; cell activation; cell culture; cell cycle; cell death; cell growth; cell line; cell membrane; cell migration; cell proliferation; cell type; cell viability; cells; cellular; central; certain; cfp; cga; cgki; cgmp; chain; challenge; changes; channels; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chemical; chemokine; children; cholesterol; cholinergic; chromatography; chronic; classical; clinical; clopidogrel; cnp; coated; coculture; collagen; colon; column; combination; combined; comet; common; comparable; comparison; compartment; complete; complex; complexes; components; composition; compounds; concentration; concept; concern; conclusion; concomitant; conditions; consequence; conserved; consistent; constitutive; constructs; consumers; consumption; contact; content; contractility; contraction; contrast; contribution; control; control cells; cord; correlation; corresponding; cortex; corticosterone; cosmetic; coupling; course; cox-2; cpg; creb; crem; critical; crucial; cse; ctgf; ctl; culture; cump; current; cx40; cxcr4; cyanamide; cyclase; cycle; cyclic; cyp; cyp1a1; cypa; cytochrome; cytokine; cytometry; cytoskeleton; cytosolic; cytotoxicity; d541a; daily; damage; darc; data; database; days; dcs; death; decreased; deficient; deficient mice; degradation; dehp; deletion; delivery; dendritic cells; density; dental; dependent; dependent cell; dependent protein; derivatives; dermal; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; dfg; diabetes; diet; dietary; differences; different; different cell; differential; differentiation; dimerization; diminished; dioxin; direct; discussion; disease; disorder; display; distinct; distribution; diverse; dma; dna; dna damage; domain; dominant; dorsal; dose; double; downregulation; downstream; doxorubicin; drg; drinking; drug; drz; dsbs; dynamics; dyrk1a; dysfunction; dyt1; düsseldorf; e.g.; early; ec50; effective; effects; efficacy; efficient; electrical; electrophilic; elegans; element; elevated; elimination; elisa; embryonic; encoding; endocrine; endocytosis; endogenous; endothelial cells; endpoints; energy; enhanced; enos; environmental; enzymatic; enzyme; eosinophils; ep3; epidemiological; epigenetic; epilepsy; epithelial; er81; erk; erk1/2; erk2; essential; established; estradiol; estrogen; ethanol; evaluation; events; evidence; example; exchange; excretion; exhibit; exon; experimentelle; experiments; exposure; expressed; expression; expression levels; extent; extraction; extracts; extrapolation; factor; failing; failure; family; fast; fat; fatty; features; feeding; female; fibers; fibroblasts; fibrosis; fibrotic; field; findings; flavonoids; flow; fluid; fluorescence; foci; fold; following; food; force; formation; forskolin; fos; foxo4; fraction; free; frequency; fret; function; furthermore; fusion; future; fxa; für; g protein; gain; gel; gene; gene expression; general; generated; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genotoxic; genotoxicity; genotypes; germany; git1; gland; glioblastoma cells; glioma cells; gls; glucose; glutamate; glutathione; good; gpcrs; gq/11; gradient; grant; grb; great; grk2; grk5; group; growth; gsh; gtpases; guanine; guanylyl; guidance; guinea; gαi2; gαq; gβγ; h2o2; h2r; h4r; h9c2 cells; half; hand; has3; has3v2; hazard; hcc; hcn2; hcn3; hdac; healing; health; heart; heart failure; hek293 cells; hela cells; helenalin; hema; hepatic; hepatoma cells; hepg2; hepg2 cells; herbal; heterologous; heterotrimeric; high; higher; histamine; hivep1; homeostasis; homologous; hormone; hours; hplc; hprt; ht1a; ht2a; human; human cells; human exposure; human heart; human liver; human lung; hur; hyaluronan; hydralazine; hydrogen; hyo; hypertension; hypertrophy; hypothesis; ic50; icer; identification; iii; il-1β; il-4; il-6; il-8; imaging; immune; immune cells; immunoprecipitation; impact; impaired; impairment; important; important role; improved; inactive; increased; incubated; incubation; individual; induced; inducible; induction; infants; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; influence; influx; inhalation; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; injection; injury; inos; insights; insp3r; institut; insulin; intact; intact cells; intake; integrity; interaction; interest; interesting; internalization; intervention; intestinal; intracellular; intrinsic; introduction; investigation; involved; involvement; irag; ischemic; isoforms; isolated; isolation; isoprenaline; jnk; keratinocytes; key; kibra; kidney; kinase; kinetics; klinische; knockdown; knockout; knowledge; known; ksrp; lack; large; laser; lat1; leads; learning; left; leipzig; length; lesions; leukemia; levels; library; ligand; like; likely; limited; line; linear; link; lipid; liquid; literature; littermates; little; liver; living; living cells; localization; long; loop; loss; lov; low; lower; lps; luciferase; lung; lymph; lysates; macrophages; mainz; major; male; mammalian; mammalian cells; mammary; manner; mapk; marker; mass; mast; mast cells; matrix; maturation; maximal; maximum; mda; means; measurements; mechanical; mechanisms; mecp2; mediate; mediators; medical; medicinal; medium; melanoma cells; members; membrane; membrane potential; memory; mesangial cells; messenger; met-5a cells; metabolism; metabolites; methods; methylation; mice; microarray; microglial; micrornas; microscopy; migration; milk; minipigs; minor; minutes; mirnas; mitochondrial; mixtures; model; modifications; modified; modulate; modulation; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monomers; months; morphology; mortality; motility; mouse; mrna; mtt; mtx; multiple; murine; muscarinic; muscle cells; mutagenic; mutant; mutated; mutations; mycotoxin; myeloid; myocardial; myosmine; myricetin; münchen; münster; n=3; n=4; nadph; nanomaterials; nanoparticles; nat1; natural; ndpk; necessary; need; negative; neonatal; nerve; nervous; network; neuroblastoma; neuronal; neuronal cells; neurons; neuropathic; neutrophils; new; nfat; nitric; noaels; nociceptive; non; noradrenaline; normal; novel; nox4; nrf2; nuclear; nucleotide; nucleus; number; numerous; oat2; observed; oecd; oil; olesoxime; ongoing; onset; open; opioids; oral; order; organic; organism; organs; origin; overall; overexpression; overload; oxidase; oxidation; oxidative; oxide; oxygen; p110γ; p2x7; p38; p450; p53; p63rhogef; p<0.05; pacing; pain; par-2; parallel; parameters; parp; particular; pasireotide; patch; pathogenesis; pathological; pathophysiology; pathway; patients; pattern; pcb; pcls; pcr; pde10; pde2a; pde4; pdgf; peak; peptide; period; peripheral; permeability; pfoa; pharmacokinetics; pharmacological; pharmacology; pharmakologie; phase; phenotype; phosphatase; phosphodiesterases; phospholamban; phospholipase; phosphorylation; physiological; pi16; pi3k; pimecrolimus; pka; pkc; pkgi; placebo; placenta; plant; plasma; plasmin; platelet; plcγ2; pln; plus; pma; pmt; point; polarized; poly(adp; polymerase; polyphenols; poorly; pore; positive; possible; post; postsynaptic; potassium; potency; potential; pparγ; ppd; preparations; presence; present; present study; pressure; previous; primary; primary cells; prior; procedure; processes; processing; production; products; profile; progression; project; proliferation; prominent; promising; promoter; pronounced; properties; protease; protective; protein; protein activation; protein expression; protein kinase; protein levels; protocol; proximal; pulmonary; purified; putative; pxr; qpcr; qrt; quality; quantification; quantitative; question; rabbit; rac1; radiation; range; rapid; rats; reach; reaction; reactive; recent; receptor; receptor activation; receptor potential; receptor protein; recombinant; redox; reduced; reference; regard; region; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relative; relaxation; release; relevance; relevant; remodeling; renal; repair; replacement; reported; research; residues; resistance; respect; respective; respiratory; response; responsible; results; resveratrol; reticulum; retigabine; rhoa; rhob; rhogef17; rhoh; right; risk; rkip; robust; rodents; role; root; ros; s. 1; s1p; s49; sac; safety; samples; sclc cells; screening; second; secondary; secretion; selected; selective; sensitive; sensitivity; sensitization; sensor; separated; separation; sept4; sequence; series; serine; serum; set; severe; sex; shock; short; shortening; signaling; signals; significant; silencing; silver; similar; single; sirna; sirt1; site; situation; size; skeletal; skin; slc2a9; slices; small; smc; smf; smooth; soat; soce; sodium; soluble; solution; somatostatin; sources; special; species; specific; specific expression; specificity; spectrometry; spectrum; sperm; sphk-1; spinal; spontaneous; src; sst2; sst5; stability; stable; stages; staining; standard; state; status; stem cells; step; steroid; stimulated; stimulation; stimulatory; stimuli; strand; strategies; strategy; straße; streptavidin; stress; strex; strong; structural; students; studies; study; stw; subcellular; subject; subsequent; substances; substrate; subtypes; subunits; suitable; sulfate; summary; superoxide; support; suppression; surface; survival; syndrome; synthesis; synthetic; system; systemic; t cells; tak1; tandem; target; target cells; targeting; tcdd; techniques; telmisartan; tempol; terminal; terminus; test; tested; testing; testis; tgf; therapeutic; therapy; thr188; threonine; threshold; thrombin; throughput; time; tissue; tmc8; tmem2; tmz; tnf; tnfα; tone; tool; top2b; total; toxic effects; toxicity; toxicological; toxicology; toxikologie; toxin; tpc1; transcription; transcripts; transduction; transfer; transformation; transgenic; transgenic mice; transient; translocation; transmembrane; transplantation; transport; transporters; treatment; trials; triple; trpa1; trpc6; trpm3; trpv5; ttc; tumor; tumor cells; turn; type; type mice; typical; tyrosine; unchanged; unclear; underlying; understanding; understood; universität; unknown; untreated; untreated cells; uptake; useful; utp; uvb; v79 cells; values; variants; variety; vascular; vasoconstriction; vasodilator; vector; ventilation; ventricular; vessel; viability; vitamin; vitro; vivo; voltage; volume; volunteers; vsmc; water; weekly; weeks; weight; western; white; wide; wild; wildtype; women; work; wound; würzburg; years; zebrafish; zen; zno; µmol; α2a; βar; γh2ax cache: cord-006230-xta38e7j.txt plain text: cord-006230-xta38e7j.txt item: #7 of 65 id: cord-006860-a3b8hyyr author: None title: 40th Annual Meeting of the GTH (Gesellschaft für Thrombose- und Hämostaseforschung) date: 1996 words: 90772 flesch: 46 summary: The data show that children with low risk did in part receive higher doses of heparin and/or AT III concentrate than did high risk patients, whereas plasma therapy was adjusted to severity of eoagnlopathy. Inhibitor testing was done on patients plasma samples using the Bethesda method. keywords: ability; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; absolute; acid; acl; actin; activated; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; addition; adenosine; adhesion; administration; admission; adp; adult; affected; affinity; age; aged; agents; aggregation; aim; allele; alpha; alterations; amounts; amplification; amplified; analysis; analytical; angina; animals; antagonist; antibodies; antibody; anticoagulant; anticoagulant therapy; anticoagulation; antigen; antithrombin; antithrombotic; aortic; apc; apc resistance; apcr; apparent; application; applied; approach; aprotinin; apsac; apteg; aptt; area; argatroban; arterial; arteries; artery; asa; asn; aspirin; assay; assessment; association; atherosclerosis; atiii; autoimmune; automated; available; average; axa; basal; baseline; basis; bcs; behring; better; binding; bleeding; blood; blood cells; blood coagulation; blood loss; blood plasma; blood samples; boehringer; bolus; bone; buffer; bypass; ca2; cad; calcium; calculated; calibration; cancer; cancer patients; capillary; cardiac; cardiovascular; carotid; cases; cause; cd4; cd62; cells; cellular; center; cerebral; certain; cgmp; chain; changes; characterized; children; cholesterol; chromatography; chromogenic; chronic; circulation; citrate; clauss; clear; cleavage; clinical; cll; clots; clotting; clotting time; cls; coagulation; coagulation activation; coagulation factor; coagulation parameters; coagulation system; coated; cofactor; collagen; combination; common; comparable; comparison; complement; complete; complex; complexes; complications; components; concentrate; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; constant; contact; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coronary; coronary patients; correlation; corresponding; coumarin; count; course; cpb; criteria; cross; csf; cultured; curcumin; cytokines; cytometry; d419n; dade; daily; damage; data; day; days; decrease; deep; defect; deficiencies; deficiency; degradation; degree; density; dependent; deposition; derfbg; derivatives; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; dfib; diabetes; diagnosis; differences; different; dilution; dimer; diminished; dipyridamole; direct; discussion; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; domain; donors; dosage; dose; dose heparin; double; drop; drug; duration; dvt; early; ecc; edta; effect; effective; efficacy; electra; elevated; elevation; elimination; elisa; embolism; endothelial; endothelial cells; enhanced; enzyme; episodes; established; estimation; evaluation; events; evidence; exchange; exclusion; excretion; exercise; exon; expected; experiments; exposure; expression; exteg; extensive; extent; extrinsic; factor; factor ix; factor levels; factor v; factor viii; factor xa; failure; false; family; fast; fatal; fdp; female; fi+2; fibrin; fibrinogen; fibrinolytic; fibrinopeptide; filter; final; findings; fitc; fl+2; flow; fluorescence; fold; followed; following; formation; forms; fragment; frankfurt; free; frequency; frequent; function; fxa; fxii; fxla; gbpg; general; generation; genetic; germany; gla; glycoprotein; good; gpib; granulocytes; great; group; half; hat; hat patients; hcv; hcys; healthy; heart; help; hemophilia; hemorrhagic; hemostatic; hepadn; heparin; heparin therapy; heparin treatment; hepatic; hepatitis; heptest; hereditary; heterozygous; high; high levels; high risk; higher; hipa; hirudin; history; hit; hla; home; homozygous; hospital; hours; hrs; human; human blood; human plasma; huvec; i.v; identical; igg; il-6; immune; immunological; impaired; implantation; important; improvement; incidence; incorporation; increased; incubation; index; indicate; indications; individuals; induced; induction; infants; infarction; inflammatory; influence; infusion; inhibited; inhibitor; inhibitor patients; inhibits; initial; injection; injury; inr; institute; insulin; intact; intensity; interaction; intervention; intracellular; intravascular; intravenous; intrinsic; introduction; investigation; involved; involvement; irradiation; ischemia; isolated; kallikrein; kaolin; kda; kinetics; klinik; klinikum; known; laboratory; lack; large; later; ldl; lead; left; leg; leiden; lesions; leukocyte; levels; life; like; likely; limited; linear; little; liver; lmmh; lmwh; loss; low; low molecular; lower; lps; lung; lupus; lymphocytes; mab; main; major; majority; malaria; male; management; manner; marburg; marked; markers; marrow; material; matrix; maximum; mcs; mean; measurements; measuring; mechanical; mechanism; median; medical; medicine; members; membrane; metabolism; method; mice; microscopy; mild; minor; minutes; model; modified; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monocytes; monomer; months; mortality; mouse; mrna; multiple; muscle; mutant; mutation; myocardial; native; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; neonatal; new; nmol; non; normal; normal plasma; normal platelet; normal range; normal values; normalized; number; oac; observation; observed; occlusive; old; onset; operation; optical; oral; order; organ; orgaran; outcome; overall; p<0.001; p<0.05; pa activity; pai; pal; pallidipin; pancreas; pap; parallel; parameters; partial; pathogenesis; pathway; patients; patients months; pci; pcr; peak; pediatric patients; peg; peptide; period; persons; phase; physical; physiological; pin; placebo; plasma; plasma concentrations; plasma levels; plasma protein; plasma samples; plasmapheresis; plasmatic; plasminogen; platelet; platelet activation; platelet adhesion; platelet aggregation; platelet count; platelet factor; platelet function; platelet surface; plus; pmnl; point; pool; poor; population; positive; possible; postoperative; potency; potent; potential; predictive; pregnancy; preliminary; preoperative; preparations; prepared; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; procedure; process; processes; products; profile; proliferation; prolongation; prolonged; pronounced; properties; prophylactic; prophylaxis; propositus; prospective; protamine; protease; protein; protein c; protein s; proteolytic; prothrombin; prp; ptca; pts; pulmonary; purified; purity; purpose; quality; quantitative; quick; rabbit; rain; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; ratios; rats; reaction; reactive; reagent; received; recent; receptor; recombinant; recovery; recurrent; reduced; reduction; reference; regard; regimen; regulation; related; relative; release; relevance; relevant; reliability; reliable; renal; reperfusion; replacement; report; resistance; respect; responders; response; restenosis; restriction; results; rfviia; rich; right; rise; risk; risk factor; role; routine; run; safety; samples; score; screening; second; secondary; selectin; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; septic; septicemia; serine; serotonin; serum; severe; severity; shape; shock; short; signal; significant; signs; silica; similar; simple; simultaneous; single; site; skin; slight; small; smooth; sodium; soluble; solution; sorbents; special; species; specific; specificity; spontaneous; stability; stable; stage; standard; status; stents; step; stimulation; streptokinase; stroke; strong; structure; studies; study; subcutaneous; subjects; subsequent; substitution; substrate; successful; suffering; sufficient; suitable; sulfate; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; symptoms; syndrome; synthetic; system; systemic; target; technique; teg; tendency; terminal; test; testing; tfpi; therapeutic; therapy; thrombin; thrombin generation; thrombin inhibitor; thrombin time; thrombocyte; thrombocytopenia; thromboembolic; thrombolytic; thrombomodulin; thrombophilia; thromboplastin; thrombosis; thrombus; time; tissue; tissue factor; tnf; total; tpa; training; transduction; transplantation; transport; trapidil; treatment; triabin; trials; trypsin; tumor; turbidimetric; type; ufh; umbilical; unchanged; und; underlying; unfractionated; units; university; unknown; upa; upar; upper; urine; urokinase; use; useful; values; valve; variable; vascular; vein; venous; venous blood; venous thrombosis; versus; vessel; viia; viii; virus; vitamin; vitro; vivo; vod; volume; volunteers; von; vs.; vte; vwd; vwf; wall; weeks; weight; weight heparin; willebrand; willebrand factor; women; xiia; xiii; years; yon; young cache: cord-006860-a3b8hyyr.txt plain text: cord-006860-a3b8hyyr.txt item: #8 of 65 id: cord-008777-i2reanan author: None title: ECB12: 12th European Congess on Biotechnology date: 2005-07-19 words: 151661 flesch: 40 summary: During the process development for protein production, short time to market and the demand for cheap processes dominate today's process development. Interdependence of the impact of methanol and oxygen supply on protein production with recombinant Pichia pastoris N.K. Khatri, F. Hoffmann Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute for Biotechnology, Halle D-06120, Germany. keywords: -1,4; -amylase; 1,2; 16s; 2,4; aat; absence; abundant; acceptor; account; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acetate; acetyl; acid; acid bacteria; acid concentration; acid fermentation; acid production; actions; activated; activation; active; activities; activity; acyl; addition; adequate; adhesion; administration; adsorbents; adsorption; adult; advanced; advantages; aeration; affected; affinity; agar; agents; agitation; agricultural; aim; air; alcohol; algal; algorithm; alkaline; alkaloid; altered; alternative; alık; amino; amino acid; ammonia; ammonium; amounts; amplification; amplified; anaerobic; analogues; analysis; analytical; analyzed; anammox; animal; ankara; ankara university; antibacterial; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; antimicrobial; antioxidant; apoptosis; apparent; applicability; applicable; application; applied; approach; appropriate; aqueous; arabinose; area; aromatic; ascorbic; aspects; aspergillus; assay; assayed; assembly; associated; astaxanthin; atcc; atp; attention; attractive; aureus; availability; available; average; bacillus; bacteria; bacterium; balance; balhimycin; barley; basal; base; basis; batch; batch process; batches; beads; bed; behavior; benefits; benzene; benzoin; best; beta; better; binding; bioactive; biocatalysts; biocatalytic; biocentrum; biochemical; biochemistry; biocontrol; biodegradation; bioethanol; biofilm; biological; biology; biomarkers; biomass; biomass production; biomedical; bioprocess; bioreactor; bioremediation; biosynthesis; biotechnological; biotechnology; blood; blot; blue; bonds; bone; botulinum; bovine; box; braun; breeding; brewing; brm; broad; broth; bsa; buffer; building; bulk; business; butachlor; butanol; bvdv; calcium; calculated; calibration; campus; canary; cancer; candida; capabilities; capable; capacity; caprine; capture; carbohydrate; carbon; care; carotene; carotenoids; case; cassava; catalyst; catalytic; catalyze; cdna; cell; cell culture; cell growth; cell line; cell mass; cell proliferation; cell protein; cellulose; center; central; centre; centrifugation; ceramide; cerevisiae; certain; chain; challenge; changes; characteristics; characterization; characterized; cheap; cheese; chemical; chemical engineering; chemistry; chemostat; chip; chiral; chitin; chitosan; choice; chromatography; chymosin; citrate; citric; citric acid; class; classical; classification; cleavage; clinical; cloned; cloning; close; cluster; coal; coated; coating; coefficients; coffe; coli; collagen; collected; collection; college; colon; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; community; companies; comparative; compare; comparison; compartments; compatible; complementary; complete; complex; complexes; complexity; components; composition; compounds; compression; concentration; concept; conclusion; conditions; conformational; consequence; conserved; considerable; considerations; consistent; constant; constructed; construction; consumed; consumers; consuming; consumption; contact; contaminated; contamination; content; continuous; contrast; contribution; control; controlling; conventional; conversion; corn; correlation; corresponding; cost; countries; coupling; course; cresol; criteria; critical; crl; crls; crop; cross; crucial; crude; cultivars; cultivation; culture; culture conditions; culture medium; current; curves; cycle; cysteine; cytochrome; cytometry; cytotoxic; dairy; damage; data; date; days; dbc; debris; decades; decrease; deficiency; degradation; degraded; degrading; degree; dehydrogenase; deletion; delivery; demand; denmark; density; department; dependent; derivatives; design; detailed; detection; detergent; determination; determined; development; device; dhap; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; dialysis; diet; differences; different; different concentrations; different conditions; different process; different time; differential; differentiation; difficult; diffusion; dige; digestion; dilution; direct; directed; discovery; disease; disinfectants; disrupted; disruption; dissolved; distilled; distinct; distribution; diverse; dk-2800; dna; domain; donor; dopamine; dose; double; downstream; drug; dry; dtu; dye; dyes; dynamic; e. coli; e.c; e.g.; early; easy; eba; economic; education; effect; effective; efficient; effluent; efforts; ehts; electron; electrophoresis; elements; elisa; elution; embryos; emission; enantiomeric; enantioselectivity; encoding; endothelial; energy; engineering; enriched; enrichment; environmental; enzymatic; enzyme; enzyme activity; enzyme production; eps; equilibrium; equipment; equivalent; escherichia; essential; ester; estimation; et al; etc; ethanol; ethanol production; eukaryotic; european; evaluation; evidence; examined; examples; excellent; excess; exchange; exclusion; expansion; expensive; experience; experiments; exposure; expressed; expression; extended; extent; extract; extraction; facilitated; facilities; factors; faculty; family; far; fast; fatty; features; fed; feed; feeding; feedstock; fermentable; fermentation; fermentation conditions; fermentation process; fermented; fermentor; fibre; fibroin; filamentous; filtration; final; findings; fine; finland; fish; flasks; flavonoids; flavour; flora; flow; fluid; fluorescence; flux; fluxes; focused; folate; fold; following; food; formate; formation; forms; formulations; forward; foundation; fraction; fragment; framework; france; free; fructose; fruit; fucoidan; fuel; function; fundamental; fungal; fungi; fungus; fusarium; fusion; fusion protein; future; fviii; g l; gain; galactose; galactosidase; gas; gel; geldanamycin; gels; gene; gene expression; general; genetic; genome; genomic; genotypes; genus; germany; gfp; global; glucosamine; glucose; glucuronic; glutamate; glutamicum; glutathione; glycerol; glycine; glycolytic; glycoproteins; glycosylation; goal; god; good; gradient; gram; grant; grape; great; greater; green; group; growing; grown; growth; growth conditions; growth medium; growth rate; gsh; gut; half; hamster; hand; hbv; hcv; health; heat; heating; heavy; help; hepatitis; heterologous; hexane; hgh; hic; high; high activity; high cell; high level; high production; high temperature; high yield; higher; highest; his7tnf; histidine; homogeneity; homologous; homology; hormone; host; hplc; human; human cells; human growth; hungarian; hybrid; hybridization; hydrodynamic; hydrolysate; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hypothesis; ibs; ideal; identical; identification; igg; iii; immobilization; immobilized; immune; immunological; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; increase; incubation; indicator; individual; induced; inducible; induction; industrial; industrial production; industry; infection; inflammatory; influence; infrared; ingredients; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; initial; innovative; inoculum; inorganic; inositol; insect; insight; insoluble; institute; instrument; insulin; integrated; intein; intended; interaction; interest; interesting; intermediates; internal; international; intestinal; intracellular; introduction; introns; inulinase; investigation; involved; iran; islands; isoforms; isolated; isolation; isomerase; isopropanol; isotherms; issues; japan; juice; kda; keto; kind; kinetic; kit; kits; kluyveromyces; knowledge; known; kobe; korea; l −1; labelling; laboratory; laccase; lack; lactate; lactic; lactic acid; lactobacillus; lactococcal; lactose; large; layer; lead; lee; length; level; level production; library; licheniformis; life; ligand; light; lignocellulosic; like; likely; limitations; limited; limiting; lincomycin; line; linear; lipase; lipase production; lipid; liquid; literature; little; living; load; loading; local; lodz; long; loop; loss; low; lower; ltd; luciferase; lund; lutein; lyase; lyngby; lyophilized; lysine; mabs; magnetic; mail; main; major; making; maltose; mammalian; management; manipulation; manner; manufacturing; marine; markers; market; marxianus; mass; material; mathematical; matrix; matter; maturation; maximal; maximum; means; measured; measurements; mechanism; media; medical; medicines; medium; membrane; mercury; metabolic; metabolic activity; metabolic engineering; metabolites; metabolome; metal; methionine; method; methodology; methyl; metu; mg l; mice; microalgae; microarrays; microbial; microbiology; microfluidic; microorganisms; microscopy; microspheres; middle; milk; mill; mineral; minimal; mixed; mixing; mixture; model; modeling; modern; modification; modified; modules; molasses; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monooxygenases; months; morphological; morphology; mothers; mouse; mrna; multiple; muscle; mutants; mutation; mycelium; myogenic; n19tnf; nacl; nadorcott; nadph; naproxen; national; natural; nature; necessary; need; negative; nerve; netherlands; network; neurons; new; niger; nir; nitrite; nitrogen; non; nonlinear; normal; novel; nuclear; nucleic; nucleotide; number; numerous; nutrient; nutritional; objective; observed; occurring; odor; oil; oligonucleotide; oligosaccharides; olive; omw; ones; open; operating; operation; operon; opportunity; optimal; optimization; optimum; order; organic; origin; oryzae; osmotic; overall; overcome; overlap; oxidase; oxidation; oxidative; oxygen; p.o; p450; paa; packed; page; paper; parallel; parameters; partial; particles; particular; partition; parts; pastoris; pathogenic; pathway; patients; patterns; pcr; pdh; pdna; pectin; peg; penicillium; pentose; people; peptide; perceptions; performance; period; peroxidase; perturbation; peter; petroleum; ph conditions; pharmaceutical; pharmacological; phase; phenol; phenotypic; phosphate; phylogenetic; physical; physiological; physiology; phytases; phytate; pichia; pilot; plant; plantarum; plasma; plasmid; plate; platform; pls; pnp; point; poland; pollen; pollution; polyclonal; polymer; polymorphisms; polypeptide; polysaccharides; population; portal; portion; portugal; positive; possibility; possible; post; potato; potential; powder; powerful; ppm; practical; practice; precipitation; precursor; preliminary; preparations; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; pretreatment; previous; primary; primers; principle; prior; probes; probiotic; problem; procedure; process; process conditions; process development; processes; processing; produce; production; production cost; production medium; production process; production strains; production system; production yield; productivity; products; profiles; profiling; progenitors; program; progress; project; prokaryotic; proliferation; promising; promoter; properties; protease; protective; protein; protein concentration; protein engineering; protein expression; protein production; proteolytic; proteome; proteomics; pseudomonas; public; puerto; pulp; pure; purification; purified; purity; purpose; putative; puvls; pınar; quality; quantification; quantitative; quantities; quantity; rabbits; racemic; random; range; rapid; rate; ratios; rats; raw; rbbr; rdc; reaction; reactive; reactors; real; reca; recd; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; recombinant enzyme; recombinant protein; recovered; recovery; reduced; reductase; reference; refolding; regeneration; region; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; remove; renewable; repair; replacement; reported; reproducible; requirements; research; residual; residues; resistance; resources; respect; respective; respiration; respiratory; response; responsible; resulting; results; retention; reverse; rfviia; rhctla4ig; rhizopus; ribosomal; rice; rico; rise; risk; rnai; rnase; rnc; robust; robustness; role; root; route; rpl23; rpm; rrna; run; saccharomyces; safe; salt; samples; sampling; sandwich; sap; sbt; scaffolds; scale; scale production; scar; schistosomules; school; science; scientific; scientists; screening; sds; second; secondary; secretion; seeds; selection; selective; selectivity; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separated; separation; sepharose; sequence; sequencing; sera; series; serine; serum; set; sets; severe; shake; shaking; shock; short; shrimp; signal; signalling; significant; silencing; silica; silkworm; similar; similarity; simple; simulated; simulation; simultaneous; single; sirna; site; situ; size; skeletal; skin; sludge; small; smb; sodium; software; soil; sole; solid; solubility; soluble; soluble protein; solutes; solution; solvent; source; soybean; spain; special; species; specific; specific activity; specific growth; specificities; specificity; spectra; spectrometry; spectroscopy; spectrum; splicing; spores; spots; srb; stability; stable; stages; standard; starch; starting; state; stationary; statistical; status; stem cells; step; stirred; stoichiometric; storage; strains; strategies; strategy; straw; streptomyces; stress; strong; structure; students; studies; study; styrene; subjects; submerged; substances; substitution; substrate; subtilis; subunit; successful; sucrose; sugar; suitable; sulfate; sulphate; superior; supply; support; surface; survival; susceptibility; suspended; suspension; sweden; syndrome; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; syrup; system; systematic; tagatose; tags; tank; tannase; tannic; target; target protein; targeted; targeting; technical; technical university; technique; technologies; tehran; temperature; temporal; tendency; terminal; terms; tested; testing; tests; textile; therapeutic; therapy; thermal; thermophilic; thermostable; threonine; thrombin; throughput; thuringiensis; time; tissue; tobacco; today; tof; tolerance; tool; total; toxic; toxicity; toxins; tpi; traditional; training; transcription; transcriptome; transfer; transferase; transformants; transformation; transgenic; translational; transplantation; transport; treatment; trichoderma; trimethoprim; tropical; trypsinogen; tumor; turkey; type; typical; uncontrolled; understanding; unfolding; unique; unit; university; uptake; urease production; usa; use; useful; utilization; utilizing; valuable; value; variables; variants; variation; varied; variety; vector; vegetable; versicolor; viability; viable; view; vinyl; viral; virus; viruses; viscosity; vitro; vivo; volume; volumetric; vvm; wall; wastes; wastewater; water; wavelength; ways; weeks; weight; western; wet; whey; white; wide; widespread; wild; wildtype; wnt; work; workforce; working; world; worldwide; xylitol; xylitol production; xylose; years; yeast; yeast cells; yield; yogurt; zealand; zinc; zone cache: cord-008777-i2reanan.txt plain text: cord-008777-i2reanan.txt item: #9 of 65 id: cord-011794-ejoufvvj author: Binder, Florian title: Isolation and characterization of new Puumala orthohantavirus strains from Germany date: 2020-04-23 words: 5994 flesch: 47 summary: Phylogenetic analysis of the concatenated S, M and L segment coding sequences grouped the novel isolates together with Astrup prototype strain in sister relationship to PUUV sequences from France (Fig. 4a) . Moreover, the hybrid-capture-based enrichment of PUUV sequences allows a rapid determination of the complete genome and underlines the value of this workflow for hantavirus surveillance and molecular evolution studies [35] . keywords: analysis; animals; antibodies; antibody; article; assay; astrup; bank; blot; cavity; cdna; cells; central; characterization; chest; coding; complete; control; culture; days; detection; dmem; europe; european; fcs; field; fig; generation; genome; germany; gpc; hantavirus; human; ifa; immunization; immunofluorescence; infected; infections; isolates; isolation; kidney; like; line; lineage; lower; lung; material; medium; mgn-2; molecular; monoclonal; moravia; new; non; novel; original; orthohantavirus; osnabrück; passaging; phylogenetic; positive; protein; protocol; puumala; puuv; qpcr; reactivity; region; reservoir; rna; rodent; samples; segment; sequences; sequencing; sotkamo; specific; standard; strain; studies; study; tissue; titer; tulv; usa; use; v29; value; veroe6; virus; vlps; vole; vranica; western cache: cord-011794-ejoufvvj.txt plain text: cord-011794-ejoufvvj.txt item: #10 of 65 id: cord-012518-ncrdwtdg author: None title: Abstractband DOG 2020 date: 2020-08-24 words: 32667 flesch: 52 summary: In 1852 he founded famous private eye clinic in Berlin, where he treated many eye patients and educated many prominent ophthalmologists. In I group patients were examined before the first time and after 3 months of SCL wear. keywords: 1st; 2nd; a. 1; a. 2; ability; abq; abstracts; acc; activity; acuity; acute; addition; adenocarcinoma; administration; advanced; aflibercept; age; aim; aims; ait; als; alter; amd; amniotic; analyse; analysis; angiography; angle; anterior; anti; antibodies; antioxidant; aos; apc; approach; area; articles; assessment; associated; auf; augen; augenklinik; autoimmune; available; average; axial; background; barriers; baseline; bcva; bei; beiden; beta; betrug; better; bis; blindness; blue; bonn; c. 1; cases; cataract; cells; central; chamber; changes; children; choroidal; clinical; cm2; cnv; coherence; cohort; combined; common; comparison; complications; concentration; conclusions; conjunctival; contact; contrast; control; control group; corneal; correlation; csc; cst; ctsd; culture; cxl; damage; das; data; day; days; death; decrease; degeneration; dekeph; dekmet; delivery; density; der; des; detachment; development; deviation; dexamethasone; diabetic; diameter; die; differences; different; direct; disc; disease; disorders; distance; dme; dmek; dmem; don; donor; dose; dry; durch; durchgeführt; dystrophic; early; ecd; edema; effect; efficacy; eine; einfluss; elevation; endothelial; epidemiological; epithelial; ergebnisse; established; evaluation; evidence; examination; excision; expression; eyelid; eyes; factor; faricimab; females; fibrotic; field; findings; following; fovea; frequency; functional; fundus; für; gamma; general; germany; glaucoma; glaucoma patients; graft; group; gruppe; healthy; heidelberg; higher; highest; horizontal; human; hydrops; images; imaging; impact; implant; implantation; improvement; incidence; incision; increase; induced; industry; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; injections; injury; intraocular; intravitreal; introduction; iod; iol; iop; iopstim; iris; irr; ischemic; ivt; jahre; kein; keratoconus; kitasamycin; konnten; lamp; large; layer; length; lens; lesion; letters; levels; lgl; life; light; like; limbal; local; location; logmar; long; longer; loss; lower; lowering; lscd; lscs; macrophages; macular; main; management; marker; material; mean; measurements; median; medical; medium; melanoma; membrane; meridian; methodology; methods; microns; microstent; migs; mild; mit; mittels; mmhg; model; moderate; modern; monaten; monthly; months; muscle; myopia; n =; nach; namd; nasal; naïve; near; neovascular; nerve; new; non; normal; novel; nps; nuclei; number; objective; observation; oct; ocular; oder; old; onhd; open; operation; ophthalmological; ophthalmology; optic; optical; orbital; organ; outcome; overall; oxygen; pachychoroid; parameters; pathological; pathology; patienten; patients; patterns; pdpt; pdr; pds; peptide; period; peripapillary; petrochemical; phase; pigment; place; pnv; points; population; position; positive; possible; posterior; postoperative; potential; predescemetal; preoperative; presence; present; pressure; primary; probanden; processes; promising; prospective; protein; protocol; pterygium; purpose; quality; questionnaire; range; ranibizumab; rates; rbz; rectus; reduction; refractive; regime; registry; regression; relationship; repeated; reported; rescue; research; resection; responders; response; results; retinal; retinopathy; retrospective; risk; rnfl; role; rpc; rpe; s. 1; safety; schlussfolgerung; score; sebaceous; second; secondary; segment; sensitivity; serum; severe; severity; sich; significant; similar; sind; single; situ; size; slit; sowie; specific; stage; standard; states; studies; study; subjects; supplementary; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; sutures; sy5y; symptoms; system; tear; tearing; term; test; therapeutic; therapie; therapy; thickness; time; tissue; tomography; tonebp; topical; total; trab; transplantation; trauma; treatment; trends; trial; tube; type; ulcers; und; underwent; university; universitäts; unterschied; use; uveitis; value; vegf; vergleich; vertical; vessels; vision; visual; visus; vitreous; vivo; von; war; waren; weeks; werden; white; workers; worse; wurde; years; zeigte; zma; zone; zur; zvv; zwischen cache: cord-012518-ncrdwtdg.txt plain text: cord-012518-ncrdwtdg.txt item: #11 of 65 id: cord-015359-gf32a6f1 author: None title: B scientific sessions (SS) date: 2002 words: 159804 flesch: 47 summary: The PTB accelerates the diagnostic management of ER-and ICU-patients and hence increases CT patient throughput. Non-surgical patients had radiological follow up for minimum 1 year Conclusion: The incidence of malignancy in Bosniak category III is 60.7 % (95 % confidence interval). keywords: -10; 2001; 3d ct; 3d data; 3d mr; abdomen; abdominal; abdominal ct; ablation; abnormalities; abnormality; abscess; abscesses; absence; absent; absolute; access; accessory; accuracy; accurate; acl; acquisition; active; activity; acute; adc; additional; adenomas; adequate; adjacent; administration; admission; adrenal; advanced; advantages; adverse; aes; affected; aged; agent; agreement; aim; air; airway; algorithm; alterations; alternative; amorphous; analogue; analysed; analysis; anatomical; anatomy; anesthesia; aneurysms; angiography; angioplasty; angle; animals; anomalies; anterior; aorta; aortic; apoptosis; appearances; appendicitis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; arm; array; arterial; arteries; artery; arthrography; arthroscopy; artifacts; aspiration; assessment; assisted; associated; association; asymptomatic patients; atherosclerotic; atl; atp; atrophy; attenuation; automatic; available; average; axial; axial ct; axial images; axis; background; balloon; barium; baseline; basis; beam; benefit; benign; berlin; best; better; bifurcation; bile; biliary; biopsies; biopsy; biopsy results; bladder; bleeding; blinded; blood; bmd; bmi; bodies; body; bolus; bone; bowel; brain; branches; breast; breath; breathhold; bronchial; bronchiectasis; c.a; cad; calcification; calcium; calculated; calculation; calibre; cancer; cancer patients; carcinoid; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiovascular; carotid; carpal; cartilage; cases; cases ct; cases mri; category; catheter; cause; cava; cavities; cavity; cca; cdi; cds; cells; cemra; center; central; cerebral; cervical; ceus; changes; characteristic; characterization; chemotherapy; chest; chest ct; children; choice; cholangiography; chronic; cine; cirrhosis; cirrhotic patients; classification; clinical; clinical examination; clinical results; clips; close; co2; coil; collected; collecting; collimation; colonic; colonoscopy; color; colorectal; combination; combined; common; communication; comparable; comparison; complete; complex; complications; comprehensive; compression; computer; concentration; conclusion; conditions; confidence; confirmed; congenital; consecutive patients; consensus; consistent; conspicuity; constant; contact; content; continuous; contour; contraction; contralateral; contrast; contrast agent; contrast enhancement; contrast images; contrast injection; contrast material; contrast medium; contrast resolution; control; control group; conventional; cord; coronal; coronary; correct; correlated; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; cost; course; covered; creatinine; criteria; crohn; cross; csf; ct angiography; ct colonography; ct data; ct examinations; ct findings; ct images; ct imaging; ct perfusion; ct protocol; ct results; ct scanner; ct scans; ct signs; ct studies; ct study; ct system; cta; cuff; current; curve; cycle; cystic; cystoscopy; cysts; damage; data; database; datasets; days; de purpose; death; decrease; dedicated; deep; defects; deficits; degree; delayed; delineation; density; dental; department; depiction; design; detail; detectable; detection; detector; determination; determined; development; deviation; device; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diagnostic imaging; diameter; diastolic; dicom; differences; different; differential; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; diffusion; digital; dilatation; diluted; dimensional; direct; disc; discussion; disease; disorders; displacement; display; dissection; distal; distance; distension; distribution; doppler; dose; double; drainage; drug; dry; dsa; dtmg; dtpa; ducts; duplex; duration; dvt; dwi; dynamic; dynamic contrast; dynamic mri; dysfunction; dysphagia; early; easy; ecg; echo; echocardiography; edv; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; efficient; ejection; elderly patients; electrode; electron; elevated; embolism; embolization; emergency; emphysema; end; endoscopy; endovascular; energy; enhanced; enhancement; enhancing; enlarged; enlargement; enteroclysis; entire; environment; equal; equipment; equivalent; ercp; erlangen; esophageal; essential; established; estimation; esv; european; evaluated; evaluation; events; evidence; evident; exact; examination; excellent; expandable; experience; experiments; exposure; extended; extension; extensive; extent; external; facet; factors; failure; false; fast; fat; fatty; fdg; feasibility; feasible; features; female; female patients; femoral; ffdm; fibrosis; field; file; filled; filling; film; filter; final; findings; fine; fistulas; flair; flash; flat; floor; flow; fluid; fluoroscopy; fmri; focal; follow; following; fornix; fov; fraction; fractures; fragments; free; frequency; frequent; fse; function; future; gadobutrol; gadolinium; gastric; gastrointestinal; gastrostomy; general; generated; generation; geometry; germany; glass; global; gold; good; grade; gradient; grading; grafts; gray; greater; grey; grid; ground; group; growth; guidance; half; hand; harmonic; haste; hcc; hccs; hdi; head; healthy; heart; height; helical ct; helpful; hemodynamic; heparin; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatocellular; hernia; herniation; high; high contrast; high resolution; higher; highest; histological; histology; histopathological; histopathology; history; homogeneous; hospital; hours; hrct; human; hyperenhancement; hyperintense; hyperplasia; hypertension; hypoechoic; i.v; icm; identical; identification; iii; iliac; image data; image quality; images; imaging; imaging findings; impact; impingement; implantation; important; improved; improvement; imt; incidence; increased; increment; independent; index; indications; individual; induced; infarcted; infarction; inferior; infiltration; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; initial; injection; injuries; injury; inner; insertion; instability; insufficiency; intensity; interactive; interest; intermittent; interobserver; interpretation; interstitial; interval; intervention; intervertebral; intra; intraarterial; intracranial; intrahepatic; intraoperative; intravenous; invasion; invasive; inversion; investigated; investigation; involved; involvement; iodinated; iodinated contrast; iodine; iomeprol; ionic; ipsilateral; iron; ischemic; isoechoic; isolated; isotropic; ivus; j.f; joint; kidney; kinematic; knee; knowledge; known; kvp; laboratory; lack; large; largest; laryngoscopy; laser; lateral; lead; learning; left; length; lesions; level; levovist; life; ligament; like; limbs; limitations; limited; linear; lines; literature; litt; liver; liver contrast; liver lesions; lobe; localisation; location; long; longer; loops; loss; lower; lumbar; lumen; luminal; lung; lymph; lymphography; lymphoma; maf; magnetic; magnetom; magnevist; main; major; male; malformation; malignant; mammograms; mammography; management; manifestations; manual; mapping; maps; marfan patients; margin; marked; mass; masses; materials; matrix; matter; maximum; mdct; mean; mean age; measured; measurements; mechanism; media; mediastinal; medical; medium; medullary; meningioma; meniscal; mesenteric; metabolism; metastases; metastatic; methods; mhz; mibi; mice; microcalcifications; middle; mild; minimal; minimum; minor; minutes; mip; mitral; ml contrast; mm collimation; mm data; mm slice; mmhg; mmol; mobile; modalities; modality; model; moderate; modified; monitoring; months; morphological; morphology; mortality; motion; movement; mpd; mprs; mr images; mr imaging; mr study; mr system; mra; mrcp; mri; mri data; mri examination; mri findings; mri follow; mri studies; mrs; msct; msv; mucinous; multidetector; multiplanar; multiple; multislice ct; muscle; myocardial; n =; naa; narrowing; navigation; necessary; neck; necrosis; needle; negative; neoplasms; neoplastic; nerve; network; neural; neurological; neurovascular; new; nodes; nodular; nodules; noise; non; noninvasive; normal; novel; number; objective; observed; observers; obstruction; opacity; open; operating; operation; optimal; oral; order; organ; orientation; origin; outcome; outer; outside; overall; oxide; oxygen; p =; p792; pacs; paediatric; paediatric patients; pain; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; panel; papillary; parameters; parenchyma; partial; particles; particular; pass; passariello; patency; pathological; pathologies; pathology; patients; patients conventional; patients ct; patients mri; patients results; pattern; pcr; pct; peak; pediatric patients; pelvic; percentage; percutaneous; perforation; performance; perfusion; period; peripheral; persistent; pet; phantom; pharyngeal; phase; phase ct; phase images; philips; phosphor; pihi; pitch; pixel; placement; plane; planning; plaque; plus; pneumothorax; points; polyps; poor; population; portal; position; positioning; positive; possibility; possible; post; post contrast; posterior; postoperative; potential; ppm; practice; precise; predictive; preliminary; preliminary results; preoperative; preparation; presence; present; presentation; presented; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; probe; problems; procedure; processing; prognostic; program; progressive; projection; prolonged; promising; proportion; prospective; prostate; protocol; proton; proven; proximal; psa; ptb; ptca; pts; pulmonary; pulse; puncture; purpose; quality; quantification; quantitative; quick; r =; rabbits; radiation; radiofrequency; radiographs; radiological; radiologists; radiology; radiotherapy; range; rapid; rate; ratios; rats; ray; readers; reading; recognition; reconstructed; reconstruction; recovery; recurrence; reduced; reduction; reference; reflux; regard; region; regional; registration; regression; relationship; relative; relaxation; relevant; reliability; reliable; remote; renal; rendering; report; research; resection; residual; resistance; resolution; resolution ct; resonance; respect; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; review; right; risk; role; room; root; rotation; routine; rupture; safe; safety; sagittal; saline; samples; saturation; scale; scanner; scanning; scans; schering; scintigraphy; score; scoring; screening; second; secondary; secretin; sectional; sections; segmental; segmentation; segments; selective; self; sense; sensitive; sensitivity; sequences; series; serum; sessions; set; sets; settings; severe; severity; sex; shape; short; shorter; showing; shunt; siemens; signal; significant; significant correlation; significant difference; signs; silicon; similar; simple; simulated; simulation; sinerem; single; sinus; site; size; skeletal; slab; slice; slope; small; smaller; smokers; smoking; smv; snr; software; solid; somatom; sonography; sos; source; space; spatial; special; specificity; specimens; spectra; spectrum; speech; speed; spinal; spine; spiral ct; spleen; splenic; spread; ssd; stage; staging; standard; standard ct; standardized; static; statistical; status; stay; stenosis; stenotic; stent; stenting; step; stereo; stir; stomach; storage; strangulation; stress; stroke patients; strong; structures; studies; study; stylet; subclavian; subjects; subsegmental; subsequent; subtle; subtraction; successful; suited; superficial; superior; suppression; surface; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; survival; suspicion; swallowing; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; synovial; system; systematic; systolic; t =; t mr; t1w; t2w; table; tace; tagging; target; targeted; teaching; tear; technical; technique; technology; temperature; temporal; tendon; terms; test; tested; testicular; testing; therapeutic; therapy; thermal; thickening; thickness; thin; thoracic; threshold; thrombi; thromboembolic; thrombosis; thrombus; thyroid; tia patients; tibial; time; time mri; timing; tissue; tolerated; tool; total; tr =; tracking; tract; training; transducer; transfer; transient; transmural; transplant patients; transverse; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; tree; true; truefisp; trunk; tse; tube; tuberculous; tumor; tumours; turboflash; type; typical; ultrasonography; ultrasound; undergone; underwent; unilateral; unit; unknown; unusual; upper; uptake; ureter; urethra; urinary; urography; usa; use; useful; usefulness; uses; uterine; valuable; values; valve; valvular; variability; variable; varicocele; varied; varying; vascular; vascularity; vein; velocity; velopharyngeal; venous; ventricle; ventricular; vertebral; vessels; viable; vibe; videofluoroscopy; vienna; view; viewing; virtual; virtualprobe; visibility; visible; vision; visualization; visualized; vital; vivo; voice; volume; volumetric; volunteers; voxel; vs.; wall; washout; water; weeks; weighted; white; wide; width; wire; women; work; workflow; workstation; wrist; years; young; young patients; zone; zoom; µmol cache: cord-015359-gf32a6f1.txt plain text: cord-015359-gf32a6f1.txt item: #12 of 65 id: cord-022888-dnsdg04n author: None title: Poster Sessions date: 2009-08-19 words: 189173 flesch: 41 summary: Our aim is to describe how B cell lymphoma cells respond to TGF-b compared to normal peripheral B cells, to create an overview of the different signaling pathways involved, and to characterize the mechanisms behind the loss of sensitivity to TGF-b. Methods: Proliferation assays were performed on 11 different B-cell lymphoma cell lines and normal peripheral B cells to screen for TGF-b-induced effects. Using a CD3 and CD28 activation model system -TLR4 presence on CD4+ cells is found in mouse T cells, human T cells and Jurkat cell lines. keywords: + +; + /+; + cells; 1,2; a*0201; a549 cells; ab t; ability; able; absence; absent; accessibility; accumulation; acid; actin; activated; active; activities; activity; acute; ad5; adaptive; adaptive immune; adaptor; addition; adenoviral; adhesion; adipocytes; adjuvant; administration; adp; adult; affect; affected; affinity; afp; agents; aggrecan; agonist; aim; aims; airway; akt; allele; allergens; allergic; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; amino; amounts; analyse; analysis; anergy; animals; antagonist; antibodies; antibody; antibody response; antigen; antigen expression; antigen presentation; antigen receptor; antigen specific; antigenic; antiviral; apc; apcs; apoptosis; apoptotic cells; approach; appropriate; area; arthritis; asc; aspects; assay; associated; association; asthma; atherosclerosis; atp; attenuated; aureus; autoantibodies; autoantibody; autoimmune; autoimmunity; autologous; autophagy; autoreactive; available; avidity; b cells; b lymphocytes; b t; b-1 cells; b27; background; bacterial; baff; balb; basal; baseline; basis; basophils; bcg; bcl-2; bcr; berlin; beta; better; binding; biochemical; biological; biology; biopsies; blocking; blood; blood cells; blot; blotting; bone; boost; bowel; brain; breast; broad; burst; c mice; c57bl/6; caga; calcineurin; calcium; cancer cells; candidate; capable; capacity; carabin; carkl; cascade; cases; caspase; caspase-1; catalytic; cause; cbl; cd11b; cd14; cd152; cd16; cd19; cd1a; cd1d; cd25; cd28; cd3; cd36; cd4; cd40; cd45; cd5; cd56; cd69; cd8 +; cd8 cells; cd8 t; cd80; cd86; cd8a; cell activation; cell activity; cell antigen; cell biology; cell compartment; cell contact; cell culture; cell cycle; cell cytokine; cell cytotoxicity; cell death; cell degranulation; cell depletion; cell development; cell differentiation; cell epitopes; cell expansion; cell function; cell growth; cell help; cell homeostasis; cell hybridomas; cell immunity; cell influx; cell interaction; cell level; cell lines; cell lymphoma; cell lysates; cell maturation; cell membrane; cell number; cell phenotype; cell population; cell priming; cell production; cell proliferation; cell receptor; cell recognition; cell recruitment; cell repertoire; cell responses; cell signaling; cell sorting; cell stimulation; cell subsets; cell supernatant; cell surface; cell survival; cell tolerance; cell transfer; cell transplantation; cell types; cells cells; cells co; cells incubation; cells present; cells specific; cellular immune; center; central; certain; cfse; cgd; chain; challenge; changes; channels; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chemokines; chemotaxis; children; chimeric; chip; chitosan; cholesterol; chop10; chromatin; chromosome; chronic; cht; class; classical; clearance; cleavage; clinical; clones; close; cmv; cns; coated; cohort; colitis; collagen; colon; combination; combined; common; comparable; comparison; complement; complete; complex; complexes; components; composition; compounds; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; confocal; conjugate; consequences; conserved; consistent; constitutively; contact; context; contrary; contrast; contribute; contribution; control; control cells; control mice; controlling; conventional t; cord; coro1a; coronin-1; correlated; correlation; corresponding; course; cpg; criteria; critical; crohn; cross; crosstalk; crp; crt; crtam; crucial; csf; csk; ct26; ctl; ctla-4; ctls; cultured; current; cutaneous; cytokine; cytokine expression; cytokine levels; cytokine production; cytokine response; cytometry; cytoplasmic; cytoskeleton; cytosolic; cytotoxic t; damage; dasatinib; data; day; days; dcs; decreased; defective; defects; defense; deficiency; deficient cells; deficient mice; degradation; degree; delivery; delta t; dendritic cells; density; department; dependent; dependent cell; depleted; depletion; design; detail; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; developmental; diabetes; diagnosis; differences; different; different cell; differential; differentiated; diminished; direct; disease; disorders; display; distinct; distribution; diverse; division; dna; domain; dominant; donors; dose; double; downregulation; downstream; draining; drb1; drugs; dsrna; dss; dynamics; early; early t; ebpb; ebv; effective; effector cells; effector t; effects; efficacy; efficient; efhd2; elements; elevated; elimination; elisa; elispot; embryonic; encoding; endosomal; endothelial; engagement; enhanced; enhancement; enhancing; enrichment; enzyme; eosinophils; epidermal; epidermis; epithelial cells; epithelium; eraap; erap1; erk1/2; erp57; erythematosus; escape; essential; ev71; evaluated; evaluation; events; evidence; example; exhibit; exogenous; exon; exosomes; expansion; experiments; exposed; exposure; expressed; expression; expression levels; expression system; extended; extent; extract; facs; factor; factor t; failure; family; far; fasl; fcgriib; features; feeding; female; ferritin; fetal; fibroblasts; fibrosis; findings; flow; fluorescence; foam cells; fold; following; formation; foxp3; fraction; fragment; free; frequencies; frequency; frequent; function; fusion; future; fviii; g t; galcer; gamma; gammadelta t; gastrointestinal; gcs; gd cells; gd t; gdcd8; gel; gene; gene expression; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; germany; gfp; glioma cells; glycoprotein; glycosylation; goal; good; gp120; grade; gram; grant; granules; granulocytes; granzyme; grb; greater; group; growth; gut; h5n1; ha-1; haart; hadv; half; hand; hcv; hdl; hdm; healing; healthy; heat; heavy; hek cells; helper cells; hematopoietic cells; heme; hepatitis; hi cells; high; high expression; high levels; high t; higher; highest; histamine; histological; history; hiv; hiv-1; hla; hla class; hmb; hmgb1; hospital; host; host immune; hours; hrs cells; hscs; hsp70; human b; human cd4; human cells; human peripheral; human t; humans; humoral; hybridomas; hypothesis; ibd; icam-1; icos; identification; iel; ifn; ifnar; ifnb; ifng; igg; igg1; igm; igsf4; ii t; il-10; il-12p40; il-1b expression; il-1ra; il-2; il-33; il-4; il-5; il-6; il-7; il-8; imaging; immature; immune activation; immune cells; immune regulation; immune response; immune system; immunity; immunization; immunized; immunocompetent cells; immunodeficiency; immunodominant; immunofluorescence; immunogenicity; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunology; immunomodulatory; immunoprecipitation; immunoproteasomes; immunosuppression; immunotherapy; impact; impaired; implications; important; important role; improved; inactivation; inactive; incidence; incorporation; increased; increasing; incubation; individuals; induced; induced cell; inducible; induction; infants; infected cells; infected mice; infection; infiltrates; infiltration; inflamed; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; inflammatory cytokines; inflammatory immune; inflammatory response; influence; influenza; influx; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; inhibits; initial; initiation; injury; inkt; inkt cell; inkt17 cells; innate; innate immune; innate t; insights; institute; intact; intensity; interaction; interest; interesting; interference; interferon; interleukin; intermediate; internalization; intestinal; intracellular; intraepithelial; intranasal; introduction; invariant; investigation; involved; involvement; isoforms; isolated; isolation; isotype; italy; jab1; jam; jnk; jurkat cells; jurkat t; kda; keratinocytes; key; killer cells; killer t; killing; kinase; kinetics; kit; knock; knockdown; knockout; knowledge; ko mice; kupffer cells; laboratory; lack; lamina; langerhans cells; large; latent; later; lck; lcmv; leishmania; length; leprae; lesions; lethal; leukemia; leukemic cells; leukemic t; leukocytes; levels; ligand; ligation; light; like; likely; limited; lineage cells; lineages; link; lipid; listeria; little; liver; lmp2; lmp7; lnk; loaded; loading; local; localization; locus; long; loss; low cells; lower; lp(a; lpr; lps; lsec; lung; lupus; lymphoid cells; lymphoma; mab; mabs; macrophage cell; macrophages; mainly; maintenance; major; majority; malaria; male; malignant cells; manipulation; manner; mapk; marked; markers; marrow cells; mass; mast cells; matrix; maturation; mature; mature b; mature cells; mcl-1; mcmv; mcs; mdp; mdsc; mean; measles; measure; measurement; mechanisms; mediated; mediators; medical; medicine; medium; medullary; melanoma cells; members; membrane; memory b; memory cells; memory t; methods; mhc; mhc class; mhcii; mice; microarray; microbial; microcapsules; microenvironment; microglia; microscopy; migration; milk; minimal; minor; minutes; mirnas; mitochondrial; mixed; model; moderate; modified; modulation; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; monocytes; monocytic cells; monocytogenes; mononuclear cells; months; mortality; mothers; mouse; mouse t; mrna; mucosal; multiple; murine; murine t; mutant; mutations; mva; mycn; mycobacteria; myd88; myeloid cells; naive; naive t; nanoparticles; national; natural; naï; nck; ncs; necessary; necrosis; necrotic cells; need; nef; nef138; negative; neonatal; neopterin; nets; network; neuroblastoma cells; neuronal cells; neutralization; neutralizing; neutrophils; new; newborn; nfat; nfatc1; nfkb; nfxb; nitric; nk cell; nk t; nkg2d; nkt cells; nod mice; node t; nodes; normal; normal t; novel; ns3; nucleotide; null t; number; numerous; objectives; observation; observed; onset; opn; optimal; optimal t; order; organ; organization; origin; outcome; ova; ovalbumin; overall; overexpression; oxidative; oxide; p110; p14 t; p1c; p24; p38; p53; panel; parameters; parasite; parasitic; partial; participate; particles; particular; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathological; pathology; pathway; patients; pattern; pbmc; pcr; pd-1; pdc; peak; peptide; percentage; period; peripheral; peripheral blood; peritoneal; peritoneal cells; persistent; pge; pgp; phagocytes; phagocytosis; phase; phenomenon; phenotype; phosphatase; phosphorylation; physiological; pi3k; pivotal; pkc; place; placebo; plasma cells; play; plc; plus; pma; pneumoniae; point; polarization; polarized; pollen; poly(i; polyclonal; polymorphisms; pool; populations; position; positive cells; positive t; possibility; possible; post; potential; pparg; precursor; preliminary; prepared; presence; present study; presentation; presenting; pretreatment; prevents; previous; primary; primary cells; primary t; primed; priming; prior; process; processes; processing; producers; producing; production; products; profile; profound; progenitor cells; progenitors; program; progression; project; proliferative; prominent; promising; promoter; prone; properties; proportion; proteasome; protective; protein; protein expression; protein levels; protein production; proteolytic; protocol; provide; psoriasis; pta; ptx3; pulmonary; pulsed; purified; purpose; putative; pylori; quality; quantitative; quantity; question; rac1; range; rapid; rats; rbl-2h3 cells; reaction; reactive; real; rearrangements; recent; receptor expression; receptors; recipients; recognition; recombinant; recruitment; reduced; reg cells; region; regulated; regulation; regulators; regulatory cells; regulatory role; regulatory t; related; relationship; relative; release; relevance; relevant; remains; remission; repertoire; replication; reported; required; research; resident; resident cells; residues; resistance; respect; respiratory; responder; responsible; responsiveness; resting; restricted; results; reticulum; reverse; rhdv; rich; rise; risk; rma cells; rnai; robust; role; roquin; route; rsv; s1p; salivary; samples; samsn1; sarcoidosis; scanning; school; sciences; sclerosis; seasonal; second; secondary; secrete; secretion; secretory; selected; selection; selective; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separated; sepsis; sequence; sera; serum; severe; severity; sh3; shock; short; shrna; signaling; signals; significantly; similar; simultaneous; single cell; site; size; skin; slc; sle; sle patients; sly2; small; smurf2; snps; socs1; soluble; sortilin; sorting; source; spain; species; specific activation; specific antibodies; specific b; specific cd8; specific expression; specific immune; specific responses; specific role; specific t; spectrometry; spleen cells; splenic; splenocytes; splicing; spontaneous; src; ssc; stability; stable; stages; staining; standard; stat6; statistical; status; steady; stem cells; step; stimulated; stimulated cells; stimulation; stimulatory; stimuli; stimulus; strain; strategies; strategy; strength; stress; stromal cells; strong; structural; student t; studies; study; studying; subcellular; subcutaneous; subjects; subpopulations; subsequent; substantial; substrate; subtypes; subunit; successful; suffering; summary; supernatants; support; suppression; surface expression; surgery; surveillance; survival; survivin; susceptibility; susceptible; sustained; swap-70; swiprosin-1; switch; syk; symptoms; synapse; syndrome; synthesis; synthetic; system; systemic; t activation; t cells; t em; t h; t helper; t lineage; t lines; t lymphocytes; t reg; t test; tap1; tap2; tapasin; target cells; targeted; targeting; targets; tcr; tcrab; tcrgd; technique; technology; tecs; teff cells; terminal; terminus; terms; tested; tests; tgf; tgfb1; th1 cells; th17; th2; th2 cell; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thymic; thymic cells; thymocytes; thymus; time; tissue; titers; tlr; tlr2; tlr3; tlr4; tlr7; tlr9; tlrs; tnc.1 cells; tnf; tnfa; tolerance; tolerogenic; toll; tool; total; trail; transcription; transcripts; transduction; transfer; transgenic; transgenic mice; transient; translocation; transmembrane; transport; treatment; tregs; trials; triggering; triggers; tuberculosis; tumor cells; tumors; tumour; turnover; type; type b; type mice; typical; tyrosine; u937 cells; ubiquitin; ulcerative; unclear; unconventional t; underlying; understanding; understood; uninfected; unique; united; university; unknown; untreated; upa; uptake; us3; useful; uty; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; vaccinia; vacv; values; variable; variants; variety; vascular; vector; vegf; venous cells; versus; vesicles; vg9vd2 t; vgamma9vdelta2 t; viral; virulent; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; vivo t; vlps; volunteers; weeks; wehi231 cells; weight; western; whitney; wide; wild; wildtype; wnt; work; years; zfp36l1 cache: cord-022888-dnsdg04n.txt plain text: cord-022888-dnsdg04n.txt item: #13 of 65 id: cord-027027-2vxnmiyj author: Schartau, Patricia title: Male mortality and the German response: lessons from COVID‐19 date: 2020-06-04 words: 2042 flesch: 50 summary: As mentioned, in Germany the diagnostics infrastructure was readily in place and scaled up upon the emergence of COVID-19 cases. 2 UK data collected and analysed from 1st February-25th April 2020 confirmed (amongst other factors) a male hazard ratio of 1.99 in COVID-19 related deaths when compared to females. keywords: authors; case; countries; covid-19; current; data; deaths; digital; early; europe; example; fatality; future; gender; germany; government; health; healthcare; higher; hospital; male; measures; men; mortality; order; outbreak; pandemic; patients; public; rates; system; testing; time; women cache: cord-027027-2vxnmiyj.txt plain text: cord-027027-2vxnmiyj.txt item: #14 of 65 id: cord-028201-x57bhyhr author: Platz, Thomas title: German hospital capacities for prolonged mechanical ventilator weaning in neurorehabilitation – results of a representative survey date: 2020-07-01 words: 1559 flesch: 34 summary: key: cord-028201-x57bhyhr authors: Platz, Thomas; Bender, Andreas; Dohle, Christian; Gorsler, Anna; Knecht, Stefan; Liepert, Joachim; Mokrusch, Thomas; Sailer, Michael title: German hospital capacities for prolonged mechanical ventilator weaning in neurorehabilitation – results of a representative survey date: 2020-07-01 journal: Neurol Res Pract DOI: 10.1186/s42466-020-00065-1 sha: doc_id: 28201 cord_uid: x57bhyhr A brief survey among members of the German Neurorehabilitation Society aimed to document the hospital capacities (“beds”) for prolonged weaning from a mechanical ventilator for patients with neuro-disabilities that require simultaneous multi-professional neurorehabilitation treatment. Overall, 1094 “beds” for prolonged weaning (and neurorehabilitation) were reported, 871 together with further information regarding their identification and hence regional location. keywords: beds; capacities; care; data; disabilities; distribution; federal; germany; hospital; information; mechanical; neuro; neurorehabilitation; number; patients; prolonged; specialized; states; survey; treatment; units; ventilation; weaning cache: cord-028201-x57bhyhr.txt plain text: cord-028201-x57bhyhr.txt item: #15 of 65 id: cord-029402-5gun91ep author: Celi, Giuseppe title: A fragile and divided European Union meets Covid-19: further disintegration or ‘Hamiltonian moment’? date: 2020-07-17 words: 4784 flesch: 47 summary: Divisions between member countries marked by opposition between debtors and frugal creditors, as well intra-country political struggles and conflicting interests, have-even in the face of this dramatic crisisled to the paralysis of the European institutions, with the one exception of the ECB. In fact, not all the countries of the Union have the resources needed to intervene in support of their economy, prompting concern that countries with the deepest pockets might be getting an unfair advantage in the EU's single market. keywords: austerity; automotive; capacity; care; celi; central; chains; change; china; common; core; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; crisis; demand; development; eastern; ecb; economic; economies; economy; effects; emu; european; euros; export; financial; firms; fiscal; foreign; gdp; germany; goods; greater; growth; hand; health; industrial; industry; international; italy; level; long; market; member; merkel; monetary; new; pandemic; periphery; plan; policies; policy; process; producers; production; recovery; shock; social; southern; states; structural; suppliers; trade; union; united; use; value cache: cord-029402-5gun91ep.txt plain text: cord-029402-5gun91ep.txt item: #16 of 65 id: cord-033219-uwzgbpeo author: Naumann, Elias title: COVID‐19 policies in Germany and their social, political, and psychological consequences date: 2020-09-28 words: 4664 flesch: 52 summary: The German Internet Panel The welfare state and risk perceptions: The Novel Coronavirus Pandemic and public concern in 70 countries Social policy responsiveness in developed democracies The impact of public opinion on public policy: A review and an agenda Mobilizing Policy (In)Capacity to Fight COVID-19: Understanding Variations in State Responses Framing Theory Herd-immunity Across Intangible Borders: Public Policy Responses to COVID-19 in Ireland and the UK. Promoting Recovery from COVID-19 Conflict in Decision-making and Variation in Public Administration Outcomes in Italy during the COVID-19 Crisis The consequences of public policy for democratic citizenship: Bridging policy studies and mass politics Effects of public opinion on policy When effect becomes cause Protecting soldiers and mothers Roni Lehrer keywords: analysis; april; attitudes; benefits; confinement; consequences; costs; covid-19; daily; economic; education; example; figure; focus; germany; government; greater; higher; home; infected; infection; labor; level; lockdown; lockdown policies; march; market; measures; negative; opinion; pandemic; participants; people; perceptions; policies; policy; political; population; psychological; public; response; risk; short; social; societal; strict; support; threat; time; weeks; work cache: cord-033219-uwzgbpeo.txt plain text: cord-033219-uwzgbpeo.txt item: #17 of 65 id: cord-168710-a5pst4gf author: Jalilian, Abdollah title: A hierarchical spatio-temporal model to analyze relative risk variations of COVID-19: a focus on Spain, Italy and Germany date: 2020-09-28 words: 4579 flesch: 49 summary: Gayawan et al. (2020) used a zero-inflated Poisson model for the daily number of new COVID-19 cases in the African continent and found that the pandemic varies geographically across Africa with notable high incidence in neighboring countries. Let Y it denote the number of new COVID-19 cases in region keywords: available; bayesian; cases; considered; correlation; countries; country; covid-19; daily; data; different; disease; distribution; effects; epidemic; gaussian; germany; health; incidence; italy; log; mapping; mean; model; modeling; new; number; pandemic; parameter; period; poisson; population; precision; random; regional; regions; relative; risks; section; spain; spatial; spatio; spread; structure; study; table; temporal; time; trend; values; variance; variations cache: cord-168710-a5pst4gf.txt plain text: cord-168710-a5pst4gf.txt item: #18 of 65 id: cord-226245-p0cyzjwf author: Schneble, Marc title: Nowcasting fatal COVID-19 infections on a regional level in Germany date: 2020-05-15 words: 5166 flesch: 59 summary: In this paper we pursue the idea of directly modelling registered death counts instead of registered infections. It is important to highlight that the proposed model makes no use of new infection numbers, but only of observed deaths related to Covid-19. keywords: age; analysis; available; counts; course; covid-19; cumulated; daily; data; date; day; days; death; different; disease; district; duration; dynamics; e.g.; effects; fatal; figure; fit; gender; germany; global; group; infections; level; max; model; nowcasting; number; overall; point; prior; random; rate; region; regional; registration; reported; results; section; smooth; spatial; specific; structure; term; testing; time; trend cache: cord-226245-p0cyzjwf.txt plain text: cord-226245-p0cyzjwf.txt item: #19 of 65 id: cord-239527-69bxbhjh author: Montag, Felix title: Are temporary value-added tax reductions passed on to consumers? Evidence from Germany's stimulus date: 2020-08-19 words: 5431 flesch: 61 summary: Our measure of retail margins only subtracts taxes, duties and the price of crude oil at the port of Rotterdam from fuel prices. Fuel prices are a key determinant of travel costs, commuting costs and, more broadly, the cost of personal transportation. keywords: average; change; columns; consumers; cost; crude; data; diesel; differences; e10; effects; estimates; fiscal; france; fuel; fuel stations; gasoline; germany; increase; july; june; likely; lower; margins; market; mobility; oil; pass; percent; policy; price; rate; rate reduction; reduction; results; retail; share; stations; tax; temporary; time; types; unconventional; value; vat; vat rate; vat reduction cache: cord-239527-69bxbhjh.txt plain text: cord-239527-69bxbhjh.txt item: #20 of 65 id: cord-252244-y5w9hjy8 author: Loeffler-Wirth, H. title: Covid-19 trajectories: Monitoring pandemic in the worldwide context date: 2020-06-05 words: 7925 flesch: 44 summary: Comparative analysis between trajectories of different countries enables to judge different scenarios of NPIs, population size, and social factors. The paper is organized as follows: In the results section we introduce and illustrate the different trajectories and plots available in the monitoring tool by showing examples from different countries of the world, which are thought to serve as worked examples referring to the actual state of pandemic in the second half of May 2020. keywords: appendix; author; available; cases; comparison; copyright; countries; country; courses; covid-19; cumulative; data; decays; differences; different; disease; doi; dynamics; e.g.; effective; epidemic; european; exponential; factors; fall; figure; function; funder; germany; growth; holder;; individuals; infected; infections; international; italy; june; license; maximum; measures; medrxiv; medrxiv preprint; model; monitoring; mortality; npis; numbers; ones; outbreak; overall; pandemic; parallel; perpetuity; plots; population; preprint; rate; recovery; removal; removed; reproduction; respective; rise; sir; south; spain; spread; states; sweden; terms; time; tool; trajectories; trajectory; transmission; version; viewer; weeks cache: cord-252244-y5w9hjy8.txt plain text: cord-252244-y5w9hjy8.txt item: #21 of 65 id: cord-252343-a85wz2hs author: Skoda, Eva-Maria title: Psychological burden of healthcare professionals in Germany during the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic: differences and similarities in the international context date: 2020-08-07 words: 2923 flesch: 47 summary: High psychological burden of front-line workers could be found in China 4-6,26 and other countries (e.g. Tan et al . 3 ). Subjective levels of information regarding COVID-19 correlated negatively with generalized anxiety levels across all groups. keywords: anxiety; burden; burdened; china; countries; covid-19; data; depression; fear; generalized; generalized anxiety; germany; groups; health; healthcare; high; hps; information; levels; low; nhps; nursing; online; outbreak; pandemic; paramedics; physicians; point; population; psychological; sample; scale; staff; status; study; subjective; symptoms; system; workers; ≥10 cache: cord-252343-a85wz2hs.txt plain text: cord-252343-a85wz2hs.txt item: #22 of 65 id: cord-253720-s6hwui6n author: Andraz, Jorge M. title: Monitoring tourism flows and destination management: Empirical evidence for Portugal date: 2016-03-26 words: 5191 flesch: 46 summary: Research on tourism cycles was, to the best of our knowledge, first considered by Gouveia and Rodrigues (2005) . key: cord-253720-s6hwui6n authors: Andraz, Jorge M.; Rodrigues, Paulo M.M. title: Monitoring tourism flows and destination management: Empirical evidence for Portugal date: 2016-03-26 journal: Tour Manag DOI: 10.1016/j.tourman.2016.03.019 sha: doc_id: 253720 cord_uid: s6hwui6n We propose the use of a tool recently introduced by Gayer (2010), known as the “economic climate tracer”, to analyze and monitor the cyclical evolution of tourism source markets to Portugal. keywords: 1990s; 2000s; analysis; average; business; corresponding; countries; country; crisis; cycle; cyclical; demand; different; domestic; domestic tourism; economic; economy; effects; end; european; evolution; expansion; fig; financial; flows; fluctuations; gdp; germany; growth; international; levels; main; markets; month; movements; netherlands; number; overnight; path; peak; period; portugal; quadrant; rates; recent; recession; second; series; shocks; short; source; source markets; spain; statistics; stays; tourism; tourism cycle; tourism demand; tourism source; tourists; world cache: cord-253720-s6hwui6n.txt plain text: cord-253720-s6hwui6n.txt item: #23 of 65 id: cord-254148-wc762p6v author: Prell, Tino title: Recommendations for Standards of Network Care for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease in Germany date: 2020-05-13 words: 5351 flesch: 37 summary: In the meantime, in Germany, several university clinics with a PD focus have established this or a similar PD day clinic concept to close the gap in PD care that have been found to be a transnational issue [26] [27] [28] . Rural location, nursing home residence, and the presence of physical or cognitive impairment are common reasons for limited access to specialized PD health care keywords: abbvie; access; activities; advanced; approach; available; bayer; bial; care; caregivers; clinical; costs; course; criteria; current; desitin; deutschland; development; diagnosis; different; digital; disease; disorder; dysphagia; early; effects; evidence; functional; germany; gmbh; group; health; health care; home; honoraria; individual; information; inpatient; integrated; issues; knowledge; life; limited; management; medical; motor; movement; network; neurologists; nurse; nursing; occupational; options; outpatient; pain; palliative; parkinson; patients; performance; pharma; physiotherapy; quality; recommendations; research; results; self; society; specialists; specialized; specific; standards; structures; support; symptoms; telemedicine; therapists; therapy; treatment; ucb; working; zambon cache: cord-254148-wc762p6v.txt plain text: cord-254148-wc762p6v.txt item: #24 of 65 id: cord-254169-sjoiv70c author: Nakano, Katsuyuki title: Future risk of dengue fever to workforce and industry through global supply chain date: 2017-03-16 words: 6285 flesch: 45 summary: 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Proportion of workers at risk of contracting dengue infection Table 2 shows the portion of workers at risk of contracting dengue infection in the supply chain (r impact ) of the countries and industrial sectors included in the analysis. Nakatani et al. (2015) assessed the risk of water shortages, whereas Norris et al. (2014) employed input-output tables to assess the social risks associated with supply chains. keywords: activities; analysis; asia; assessment; brazil; chain; change; china; climate; countermeasures; countries; country; dengue; dengue fever; dengue infection; direct; disease; economic; effects; environmental; et al; eur; fever; fish; germany; global; health; higher; india; indirect; industries; industry; infection; input; international; japan; labor; major; management; motor; number; output; pacific; product; production; relevant; results; risk; sector; significant; study; supply; supply chain; table; usa; value; virus; wood; wood et; workers cache: cord-254169-sjoiv70c.txt plain text: cord-254169-sjoiv70c.txt item: #25 of 65 id: cord-255465-sc1yzzsn author: Krasteva, Gabriela title: Caveolin-1 and -2 in airway epithelium: expression and in situ association as detected by FRET-CLSM date: 2006-08-11 words: 5696 flesch: 46 summary: Conventional indirect double-labeling immunofluorescence with subsequent FRET-CLSM analysis was conducted to determine whether cav-1 and cav-2 are in close apposition in airway epithelial cells in situ, thereby indicating an association of both proteins and formation of hetero-oligomers. in epithelial cells. keywords: airway; analysis; anti; antibodies; antibody; association; basal; basolateral; blotting; bronchi; bronchial; buffer; cav-1α; cav-2; caveolae; caveolin-1; caveolins; cells; ciliated; clsm; conditions; deficient; donkey; double; electron; epithelial; epithelial cells; expression; figure; formation; fret; functions; germany; higher; homogenates; human; immunofluorescence; immunoreactivity; indirect; labeling; large; laser; lung; membrane; mice; min; mouse; mrna; pcr; plasma; protein; rabbit; rat; rats; region; reverse; secondary; sections; signal; spf; tissue; tracheal; type; western; ∆if cache: cord-255465-sc1yzzsn.txt plain text: cord-255465-sc1yzzsn.txt item: #26 of 65 id: cord-256635-zz58w3ro author: Beermann, Sandra title: Public health microbiology in Germany: 20 years of national reference centers and consultant laboratories date: 2015-08-21 words: 3878 flesch: 36 summary: According to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), the five key activities of public health microbiology reference laboratories are reference diagnostics; reference material resources; scientific advice; collaboration and research; and monitoring, alerting and responding (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2010) . Public health microbiology laboratories play a central role in detecting infectious disease, monitoring outbreak response and providing scientific evidence to prevent and control disease. keywords: advice; advisory; basic; board; case; centers; cls; control; cooperation; data; diagnostic; disease; epidemiological; epidemiology; european; evaluation; example; experts; federal; funding; germany; health; health microbiology; high; infectious; invasive; laboratories; laboratory; local; meetings; methods; microbiology; ministry; monitoring; national; network; nrcs; outbreak; pathogens; period; prevention; professional; projects; public; public health; quality; reference; reference laboratories; relevance; research; responsible; rki; scientific; services; studies; surveillance; system; years cache: cord-256635-zz58w3ro.txt plain text: cord-256635-zz58w3ro.txt item: #27 of 65 id: cord-257940-12nf27j4 author: Schwendicke, Falk title: Dental service utilization in the very old: an insurance database analysis from northeast Germany date: 2020-09-30 words: 5640 flesch: 42 summary: Dental service utilization in the very old: an insurance database analysis from northeast Germany date: 2020-09-30 journal: Clin Oral Investig DOI: 10.1007/s00784-020-03591-z sha: doc_id: 257940 cord_uid: 12nf27j4 OBJECTIVES: We assessed dental service utilization in very old Germans. keywords: access; age; aged; analysis; aok; areas; associated; available; berlin; brandenburg; care; cities; claims; conditions; data; dental; dental services; diagnosis; drgs; examinations; federal; general; germany; group; hardship; health; high; higher; icd-10; individuals; insurance; level; living; lower; mecklenburg; municipalities; nordost; northeast; number; old; older; oral; outreach; patients; place; pomerania; population; possible; prevention; prosthetic; range; restorations; rural; sample; service utilization; services; severe; similar; social; specific; status; study; surgery; table; treatment; utilization; western; years cache: cord-257940-12nf27j4.txt plain text: cord-257940-12nf27j4.txt item: #28 of 65 id: cord-259562-e1htl489 author: Petzold, Moritz Bruno title: Risk, resilience, psychological distress, and anxiety at the beginning of the COVID‐19 pandemic in Germany date: 2020-07-07 words: 3510 flesch: 44 summary: Interestingly, personal experiences with COVID-19 were not strongly connected to COVID-19 anxiety. This is undermined by our finding that self-efficacy (meaning a person's believe in his or her own ability to master situations or show a certain behavior) showed essential significant negative correlations with COVID-19 anxiety. keywords: anxiety; average; committee; consequences; covid-19; current; data; day; depression; distress; efficacy; factors; general; germany; health; healthcare; higher; infected; infection; items; longitudinal; medical; mental; negative; online; outbreak; pandemic; participants; population; protective; psychological; questionnaire; range; results; risk; sample; scale; score; self; severe; situation; social; studies; study; survey; symptoms; tan; virus cache: cord-259562-e1htl489.txt plain text: cord-259562-e1htl489.txt item: #29 of 65 id: cord-264526-bxpzo2xu author: Aydin, Malik title: House Dust Mite Exposure Causes Increased Susceptibility of Nasal Epithelial Cells to Adenovirus Infection date: 2020-10-11 words: 5039 flesch: 42 summary: For AdV cell entry, several cellular receptors have been described, including the coxsackie andadenovirus receptor (CAR), CD46, sialic acid, desmoglein-2 (DSG-2), and heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) During the nasal brushing procedure, we collected the cells in cell culture medium, centrifuged at 350x g for 8 min, and washed with PBS. keywords: addition; adenovirus; adv; adv5; allergic; analyses; analyzed; asthma; asthmatics; car; cd46; cells; coated; collagen; concentrations; controls; culture; day; dermatophagoides; different; donors; dust; electron; epithelial; exacerbation; exposition; exposure; expression; figure; flow; germany; gfp; hdm; healthy; hours; house; human; increase; infection; levels; luciferase; manuscript; medium; min; mite; naepcs; nasal; numbers; patients; pediatric; post; rates; receptor; respiratory; samples; set; specimens; stimulation; study; time; transduction; types; university; virus; viruses; vivo; vpc; years cache: cord-264526-bxpzo2xu.txt plain text: cord-264526-bxpzo2xu.txt item: #30 of 65 id: cord-268094-ubz0q7e9 author: Curland, N. title: Investigation into diseases in free-ranging ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) in northwestern Germany during population decline with special reference to infectious pathogens date: 2018-02-06 words: 8172 flesch: 41 summary: In 11.9% (n = 19) of investigated pheasants, dermal abrasions or lacerations were diagnosed, which probably were caused by trauma. Myositis was detected in 10.0% (n = 23) of investigated pheasants. keywords: adult; affected; agar; age; alterations; ampv; animals; avian; bacterial; birds; body; breeding; bronchitis; bursal; captive; carcasses; cases; cause; cavanagh; cells; changes; clinical; coccidia; colchicus; condition; coronavirus; dead; decline; dermatitis; detection; different; disease; dna; effect; eggs; et al; examination; findings; fitzgerald; free; gallisepticum; germany; goldová; gough; granulomatous; hepatitis; heterakis; high; individuals; infected; infectious; infiltration; inflammations; inflammatory; influence; influenza; investigated; investigations; juvenile; lesions; like; liver; lower; moderate; mortality; muscle; mycoplasma; n =; non; observed; occurrence; oocysts; organs; pathogens; pathomorphological; pcr; pennycott; periocular; phasianus; pheasants; pneumonia; poor; population; positive; possible; present; prevalence; rates; respiratory; results; ring; rna; role; samples; sarcocystis; severe; signs; single; skin; species; specific; spleen; spp; status; study; success; suppurative; tissue; trachea; tract; virus; viruses; welchman; wild; years cache: cord-268094-ubz0q7e9.txt plain text: cord-268094-ubz0q7e9.txt item: #31 of 65 id: cord-269559-gvvnvcfo author: Kergaßner, Andreas title: Memory-based meso-scale modeling of Covid-19: County-resolved timelines in Germany date: 2020-08-03 words: 4497 flesch: 48 summary: The zoom-in clearly shows that county infections are dominated by their largest cities, following the three purple areas that represent Nürnberg, Fürth and Erlangen from bottom to top, underpinning our formulation of the cross-county infection terms (cf. We further assume that patients in courses (b) to (d) will be tested positive and are thereby considered in reported infection numbers. keywords: care; cases; city; considered; counties; county; courses; covid-19; cross; cumulative; dark; data; differential; disease; distribution; dynamics; federal; fig; figure; following; germany; global; history; infected; infections; initial; intensive; level; local; march; measures; model; modeling; network; new; number; pandemic; particle; patients; rates; reported; resolution; restrictions; rki; sir; space; spatial; spread; state; symptomatic; time; type; vector; weights; wise cache: cord-269559-gvvnvcfo.txt plain text: cord-269559-gvvnvcfo.txt item: #32 of 65 id: cord-270948-qfsjtflv author: Klosterhalfen, Stephanie title: Waterpipe Use among Adolescents in Germany: Prevalence, Associated Consumer Characteristics, and Trends (German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents, KiGGS) date: 2020-10-22 words: 5576 flesch: 55 summary: These aspects provide insight into why WP use is popular among adolescents, why many WP WP use differs from conventional cigarette use not only with respect to the length of a smoking session; WP tobacco tastes often sweeter due to the added flavors, and the inhalation of cooled smoke seems less irritating to the mucosae and lungs. A further ban on the advertising of tobacco products or combined warnings (consisting of pictures and text) are planned for WP tobacco in Germany from May 2024, which will help to increase the awareness about health hazards connected to WP use. keywords: adolescents; age; analyses; associations; background; boys; children; cigarette; consumption; current; data; education; federal; figures; germany; girls; health; high; interview; kiggs; level; lower; migration; month; non; olds; parents; people; prevalence; products; public; rates; respondents; response; results; school; secondary; shisha; sided; smokers; smoking; status; studies; study; survey; tobacco; trends; use; users; waterpipe; wave; wp use; wps; year; young; youth cache: cord-270948-qfsjtflv.txt plain text: cord-270948-qfsjtflv.txt item: #33 of 65 id: cord-276363-m8di6dpt author: Holm, Majbrit V. title: Influenza vaccination coverage rates in Europe – covering five consecutive seasons (2001–2006) in five countries date: 2008-06-28 words: 3349 flesch: 54 summary: Published literature evaluating vaccination coverage rates in Europe shows that importance placed on influenza vaccination varies greatly between countries. key: cord-276363-m8di6dpt authors: Holm, Majbrit V.; Blank, Patricia R.; Szucs, Thomas D. title: Influenza vaccination coverage rates in Europe – covering five consecutive seasons (2001–2006) in five countries date: 2008-06-28 journal: keywords: avian; britain; chronic; countries; coverage; data; different; elderly; europe; france; germany; great; group; health; high; higher; highest; illness; immunization; influenza; italy; level; odds; overall; pandemic; persons; population; rates; reasons; respondents; risk; season; significant; spain; survey; table; target; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccination coverage; vaccine; years cache: cord-276363-m8di6dpt.txt plain text: cord-276363-m8di6dpt.txt item: #34 of 65 id: cord-278508-h145cxlp author: Streng, Andrea title: Continued high incidence of children with severe influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 admitted to paediatric intensive care units in Germany during the first three post-pandemic influenza seasons, 2010/11–2012/13 date: 2015-12-18 words: 4712 flesch: 37 summary: Furthermore, we described the clinical characteristics of influenza PICU patients and compared patients with severe A(H1N1)pdm09 disease between the post-pandemic seasons. The minimum incidence of influenza-associated PICU admissions per 100,000 children <17 years of age was calculated for each season based on the observed number of influenza PICU patients with a residential address in Bavaria. keywords: a(h1n1)pdm09; active; admissions; age; bacterial; bavaria; care; cases; characteristics; children; chronic; clinical; complications; conditions; data; days; disease; estimates; germany; group; high; higher; incidence; infection; influenza; intensive; median; observed; paediatric; pandemic; patients; pcr; period; picu; pneumonia; post; previous; proportion; respiratory; risk; screening; season; seasonal; severe; similar; studies; study; surveillance; table; total; treatment; underlying; vaccination; virus; years; younger cache: cord-278508-h145cxlp.txt plain text: cord-278508-h145cxlp.txt item: #35 of 65 id: cord-279557-hk77e3pp author: Drosten, Christian title: Clinical features and virological analysis of a case of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection date: 2013-06-17 words: 4220 flesch: 51 summary: The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is an emerging virus involved in cases and case clusters of severe acute respiratory infection in the Arabian Peninsula, Tunisia, Morocco, France, Italy, Germany, and the UK. We report data for a patient who was admitted to the Klinikum Schwabing (Munich, Germany) for severe acute respiratory infection. keywords: abu; acute; analysis; assay; available; blood; care; case; clinical; concentrations; confi; copies; coronavirus; cov; data; day; days; detection; dhabi; diagnostic; disease; east; emc; genome; germany; gure; health; herpes; human; infection; laboratory; low; lower; maximum; mers; middle; munich; novel; patient; pcr; phylogenetic; positive; quantitative; reported; respiratory; rna; samples; sars; sequences; serum; severe; simplex; stool; syndrome; table; time; tract; treatment; urine; viral; virological; virus cache: cord-279557-hk77e3pp.txt plain text: cord-279557-hk77e3pp.txt item: #36 of 65 id: cord-285162-srkd3wh0 author: Jung, F. title: How we should respond to the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 outbreak: A German perspective date: 2020-06-05 words: 4638 flesch: 57 summary: The effect on the viral spread of the German measures taken and the impact on the peak of new infection cases is shown. How we should respond to the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 outbreak A decade after SARS: strategies for controlling emerging coronaviruses Summary of probable SARS cases with onset of illness from 1 Rapidly increasing cumulative incidence of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the European Union/European Economic Area and the United Kingdom First cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in France: surveillance, investigations and control measures Potential scenarios for the progression of a COVID-19 epidemic in the European Union and the European Economic Area Influenza-associated pneumonia as reference to assess seriousness of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany Covid-19 National Emergency Response Center E, Case Management Team KCfDC, Prevention. keywords: asian; care; cases; china; coronavirus; countries; cov-2; covid-19; dance; data; day; days; deaths; disease; distancing; end; european; face; fig; following; france; germany; health; infected; infection; influenza; italy; january; japan; korea; lockdown; march; masks; measures; new; number; outbreak; pandemic; people; persons; plateau; point; population; positive; possible; public; risk; sars; schools; social; south; spread; strategy; system; taiwan; testing; time cache: cord-285162-srkd3wh0.txt plain text: cord-285162-srkd3wh0.txt item: #37 of 65 id: cord-287548-3wv9xcxh author: Plümper, Thomas title: The Pandemic Predominantly Hits Poor Neighbourhoods? SARS-CoV-2 Infections and Covid-19 Fatalities in German Districts date: 2020-08-20 words: 3076 flesch: 51 summary: Taxable income thus shows a negative association with cumulative cases in phase 1 but not in phase 2, demonstrating that the pandemic increasingly affects poorer districts too even if, as in Germany, the pandemic started in richer districts. Only in the second phase and controlling for temporal dependence does Covid-19 predominantly hit poorer districts. keywords: april; average; cases; covid-19; cumulative; deaths; deprived; disease; districts; economic; fatalities; germany; higher; home; income; infections; likely; lockdown; model; mortality; new; number; pandemic; people; phase; poorer; poorer districts; population; rate; richer; second; social; socio; spread; taxable; unemployment; virus cache: cord-287548-3wv9xcxh.txt plain text: cord-287548-3wv9xcxh.txt item: #38 of 65 id: cord-288721-3bv3aak6 author: Schneider, Annika title: Single organelle analysis to characterize mitochondrial function and crosstalk during viral infection date: 2019-06-11 words: 5607 flesch: 32 summary: Fig. 2 ) Taken together these data demonstrate that mitochondria which are in close physical proximity exchange information leading to changes in mitochondrial membrane potential but not in mitochondrial size. We chose the liver, and more specifically hepatocytes, as Viral infection increases size and mitochondrial fragility of liver mitochondria. keywords: adenovirus; analysis; anti; antibodies; autofluorescence; bio; buffer; calcium; cells; cellular; changes; cmv; cytometry; decrease; density; dilc; dsred; dynamics; electron; expression; fig; flow; fluorescence; function; germany; glass; healthy; hepatitis; hepatocytes; ice; imaging; increase; infected; infection; influence; intensity; isolated; isolation; laboratories; level; livers; loss; mechanisms; membrane; metabolism; mice; microscopy; minutes; mitochondria; mitophagy; mitorl; non; organelle; potential; primary; protein; purified; rad; recombinant; results; scatter; scientific; single; size; supp; tbs; thermofisher; time; tissue; usa; viral; virus; viruses; vivo; cache: cord-288721-3bv3aak6.txt plain text: cord-288721-3bv3aak6.txt item: #39 of 65 id: cord-289285-aof7xy13 author: Michaelis, Martin title: Glycyrrhizin Exerts Antioxidative Effects in H5N1 Influenza A Virus-Infected Cells and Inhibits Virus Replication and Pro-Inflammatory Gene Expression date: 2011-05-17 words: 4332 flesch: 36 summary: Phospholipid biosynthesis from native and organometallic precursors Quantitative analysis of cellular proteome alterations in human influenza A virus-infected mammalian cell lines Nuclear factor 90 negatively regulates influenza virus replication by interacting with viral nucleoprotein Inflammatory responses in influenza A virus infection Role of apoptosis and cytokines in influenza virus morbidity Apoptosis and pathogenesis of avian influenza A (H5N1) virus in humans The A549 cell line, derived from a human pulmonary adenocarcinoma, is an established model for type II pneumocytes [36] , and commonly used for the investigation of the effect of influenza viruses on this cell type [see e.g. 6,37,38]. keywords: a549; activation; active; activity; addition; antiviral; apoptosis; avian; caspase; cells; cellular; concentrations; culture; cytokine; disease; effects; expression; figure; formation; gene; germany; glycyrrhizin; gmbh; h5n1; human; immunomodulatory; incubation; infected; infection; inflammatory; influence; influenza; inhibited; japan; jnk; kinase; lower; lung; manufacturer; membrane; monocytes; nfkb; nuclear; oseltamivir; oxygen; p38; pandemic; pathogenic; pathways; period; post; pro; reactive; redox; reduced; replication; resistant; ros; sars; sensitive; signalling; strains; supernatants; treatment; virus; viruses cache: cord-289285-aof7xy13.txt plain text: cord-289285-aof7xy13.txt item: #40 of 65 id: cord-289555-1z4vbldd author: Mühldorfer, Kristin title: Diseases and Causes of Death in European Bats: Dynamics in Disease Susceptibility and Infection Rates date: 2011-12-28 words: 5766 flesch: 38 summary: For hypotheses A and B, we used a generalized linear mixed modeling approach (binomial GLMM using function lmer in library lme4) with bat species included as random effect. Additional findings of our parasite analyses are distinct variations in ecto-and endoparasite prevalence in relation to bat species. keywords: adult; affected; age; agents; analysis; animals; assays; bacterial; bat species; batghv4; bats; brain; carcasses; causes; daic; data; death; deceased; detection; differences; different; disease; e.g.; ectoparasite; effect; endoparasitic; european; female; fig; findings; germany; half; health; herpesviruses; hibernation; higher; host; human; identification; important; individual; infected; infection; infestation; investigations; isolation; juveniles; like; low; lyssavirus; males; model; mortality; myotis; noctula; observed; organ; pathogens; pathological; pcr; period; pipistrellus; prevalence; rabies; rates; research; results; roosting; samples; seasonal; sex; significant; size; species; specific; staining; studies; study; susceptibility; table; test; tissue; transmission; trauma; urban; variable; variations; vespertilionid; viral; virus cache: cord-289555-1z4vbldd.txt plain text: cord-289555-1z4vbldd.txt item: #41 of 65 id: cord-292380-ulsejzqt author: Iwanejko, Jakub title: Octahydroquinoxalin-2(1H)-One-Based Aminophosphonic Acids and Their Derivatives—Biological Activity towards Cancer Cells date: 2020-05-22 words: 6206 flesch: 49 summary: Two phenolic Mannich bases were found to be comparatively active to cisplatin with a noticeable increase of selectivity against cancer cell lines (one of them shown on the scheme). Our new goal was to synthesize phosphorus analogs of these structures and evaluate their cytotoxicity against cancer cell lines. keywords: acids; activity; addition; agents; aldrich; aminophosphonates; aminophosphonic; anticancer; antiproliferative; biological; cancer; case; caspase; cells; chemie; compounds; concentration; control; culture; cytotoxicity; density; derivatives; experiment; figure; germany; gmbh; group; imine; increase; incubation; level; lines; materials; methods; min; mv4; new; nmr; novel; pbs; percentage; plates; poland; potential; reaction; research; results; sarstedt; scheme; sigma; software; solution; solvent; spectra; steinheim; studies; supplementary; synthesis; table; temperature; tested; times; usa; values cache: cord-292380-ulsejzqt.txt plain text: cord-292380-ulsejzqt.txt item: #42 of 65 id: cord-294815-mhqe3xjz author: Küchenhoff, H. title: Analysis of the early Covid-19 epidemic curve in Germany by regression models with change points date: 2020-10-30 words: 4051 flesch: 52 summary: However, using change point analysis for variables derived from daily new infections appears problematic, since assumptions modeling the reproduction number R(t) or the cumulative numbers are questionable. The respective time series are analyzed by a Poisson trend regression model with change points. keywords: analysis; approach; available; bavaria; cases; change; change points; countries; course; covid-19; curve; daily; data; date; delay; different; disease; epidemic; estimate; germany; growth; incubation; infections; international; interventions; license; march; measures; medrxiv; model; number; onset; perpetuity; phase; points; preprint; regression; reported; reporting; results; segmented; series; time; use cache: cord-294815-mhqe3xjz.txt plain text: cord-294815-mhqe3xjz.txt item: #43 of 65 id: cord-298469-0sny9dit author: Schlickeiser, Reinhard title: A Gaussian model for the time development of the Sars-Cov-2 corona pandemic disease. Predictions for Germany made on March 30, 2020 date: 2020-04-02 words: 2386 flesch: 56 summary: Each person in a given population has a probability distribution (normalized to unity) as a function of time of being infected: it is a very noncontinuous distribution being 1 at the day of infection and 0 on all other days. 1 , where I 0 denotes the maximum value at time E and ∆ denotes the width of the Gaussian. keywords: april; available; central; confidence; corresponding; days; der; die; distribution; doubling; evolution; fig; gaussian; germany; hospitals; infected; infections; license; maximum; medrxiv; nssps; number; pandemic; percent; persons; population; preprint; time; value; virus; wave cache: cord-298469-0sny9dit.txt plain text: cord-298469-0sny9dit.txt item: #44 of 65 id: cord-299988-jaekryq5 author: Karte, Claudia title: Re-emergence of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in a piglet-producing farm in northwestern Germany in 2019 date: 2020-09-10 words: 3147 flesch: 51 summary: The prevalence of intestinal trichomonads in Chinese pigs Isolation and characterization of porcine epidemic diarrhea viruses associated with the 2013 disease outbreak among swine in the United States Comparison of porcine epidemic diarrhea viruses from Germany and the United States Isolation and characterisation of porcine epidemic diarrhoea virus in Hungary -short communication Complete genome sequence of a porcine epidemic diarrhea s gene indel strain isolated in france in Complete genome sequence of a porcine epidemic diarrhea virus from a novel outbreak in belgium Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) introduction into a naive Dutch pig population in 2014 Outbreak of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus in Portugal First detection, clinical presentation and phylogenetic characterization of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in Austria Porcine epidemic Diarrhoea virus in Italy: disease spread and the role of transportation Porcine epidemic diarrhea in Europe: in-detail analyses of disease dynamics and molecular epidemiology Genomnachweis des Porzinen Epidemischen Diarrhoe Virus (PEDV) mittels Real-time RT-PCR. key: cord-299988-jaekryq5 authors: Karte, Claudia; Platje, Nadine; Bullermann, Johannes; Beer, Martin; Höper, Dirk; Blome, Sandra title: Re-emergence of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in a piglet-producing farm in northwestern Germany in 2019 date: 2020-09-10 journal: BMC Vet Res DOI: 10.1186/s12917-020-02548-4 sha: doc_id: 299988 cord_uid: jaekryq5 BACKGROUND: keywords: affected; analyses; animals; authors; cases; causative; clinical; countries; data; diarrhea; disease; drift; emergence; epidemic; epidemic diarrhea; europe; farm; farrowing; fecal; follow; france; genome; germany; high; hungary; impact; indel; losses; manuscript; metagenomic; new; non; northwestern; outbreaks; pedv; phylogenetic; piglets; pigs; porcine; porcine epidemic; reported; samples; sequences; sequencing; signs; sows; states; strains; time; unit; virulent; virus; viruses cache: cord-299988-jaekryq5.txt plain text: cord-299988-jaekryq5.txt item: #45 of 65 id: cord-303489-ve1fgnyg author: Klabunde, Thomas title: How high and long will the COVID-19 wave be? A data-driven approach to model and predict the COVID-19 epidemic and the required capacity for the German health system date: 2020-04-17 words: 4829 flesch: 52 summary: Since early April 2020 the numbers of daily new COVID-19 cases in Germany and Italy appear to be either constant with similar numbers of new infections each day or declining (see Figure 1 ), indicating that the epidemic has moved from the exponential growth phase into a linear growth phase in these countries. Based on the projected number of new COVID-19 cases we expect that the hospital capacity requirements for severe and critical cases in Germany will decline from the 2nd week of April onwards from 13,500 to ~2500 hospital beds (range 1500-4300) and from 2500 to ~500 ICU beds in early May (range 300-800). keywords: april; available; beds; capacity; care; cases; copyright; countries; covid-19; covid-19 cases; critical; critical cases; daily; data; decline; doi; epidemic; estimate; exponential; germany; growth; growth rate; holder; hospital; icu; impact; italy; license; measures; medrxiv; medrxiv preprint; model; new; number; perpetuity; preprint; rate; severe; total cache: cord-303489-ve1fgnyg.txt plain text: cord-303489-ve1fgnyg.txt item: #46 of 65 id: cord-304930-gf3cptnt author: Hinz, Sebastian title: The Digital Abutment Check: An Improvement of the Fully Digital Workflow date: 2020-10-24 words: 3477 flesch: 39 summary: a systematic review Guidance means accuracy: a randomized clinical trial on freehand versus guided dental implantation Accuracy of dental implant placement via dynamic navigation or the freehand method: a split-mouth randomized controlled clinical trial Accuracy of computer-aided dynamic navigation compared to computer-aided static navigation for dental implant placement: an in vitro study The influence of guided sleeve height, drilling distance, and drilling key length on the accuracy of static computer-assisted implant surgery Influence of surgical guide support and implant site location on accuracy of static computer-assisted implant surgery Accuracy of newly developed sleeve-designed templates for insertion of dental implants: a prospective multicenters clinical trial Accuracy of computer-assisted template-based implant placement using two different surgical templates designed with or without metallic sleeves: a randomized controlled trial Technical accuracy of printed surgical templates for guided implant surgery with the coDiagnostiXTMSoftware Precision and accuracy of a digital impression scanner in full-arch implant rehabilitation Comparison of postoperative intraoral scan versus cone beam computerised tomography to measure accuracy of guided implant placement-a prospective clinical study Methods used to assess the 3D accuracy of dental implant positions in computer-guided implant placement: a review Evaluation of impression accuracy for a four-implant mandibular model-a digital approach Improving the fit of implant-supported superstructures using the spark erosion technique Comparison of the accuracy of implants placed with CAD-CAM surgical templates manufactured with various 3D printers: an in vitro study The impact of the fabrication method on the three-dimensional accuracy of an implant surgery template Preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission in rehabilitation pools and therapeutic water environments A prospective cohort study Current state of the art of computer-guided implant surgery The All-on-4 concept for full-arch rehabilitation of the edentulous maxillae: a longitudinal study with 5-13 years of follow-up The use of computer-guided flapless implant surgery and four implants placed in immediate function to support a fixed denture: preliminary results after a mean follow-up period of thirteen months Guided implant surgery in the edentulous maxilla: a systematic review Computer-guided surgery using Human Allogenic Bone ring with simultaneous implant placement: a case report Accuracy of computer-guided template-based implant Surgery Clinical applications and effectiveness of guided implant surgery: a critical review based on randomized controlled trials Shortterm report of an ongoing prospective cohort study evaluating the outcome of full-arch implant-supported fixed hybrid polyetheretherketone-acrylic resin prostheses and the All-onfour concept The NobelGuide®All-on-4®treatment concept for rehabilitation of edentulous jaws: a retrospective report on the 7-years clinical and 5-years radiographic outcomes The NobelGuide® All-on-4® treatment concept 13 Dentistry for rehabilitation of edentulous jaws: a prospective report on medium-and long-term outcomes Accuracy of computer-guided flapless implant surgery in fully edentulous arches and in edentulous arches with fresh extraction sockets Accuracy of virtually planned and conventionally placed implants in edentulous cadaver maxillae and mandibles: a preliminary report Static computer-aided implant surgery (s-CAIS) analysing patientreported outcome measures (PROMs), economics and surgical complications: keywords: abutment; accuracy; arch; bar; bodies; cad; cam; camlog; case; check;; complete; computer; data; definitive; dental; denture; digital; edentulous; figure; final; fit; fpd; germany; gmbh; halle; immediate; implant; implant surgery; interim; intraoral; laboratory; material; maxillomandibular; patient; placement; position; present; procedure; prosthetic; provisional; relationship; removable; report; resin; restoration; scan; soft; study; surgery; surgical; template; treatment; use; workflow cache: cord-304930-gf3cptnt.txt plain text: cord-304930-gf3cptnt.txt item: #47 of 65 id: cord-310775-6d5vi2c5 author: Brinks, Verena title: From Corona Virus to Corona Crisis: The Value of An Analytical and Geographical Understanding of Crisis date: 2020-06-09 words: 7556 flesch: 46 summary: In the corona crisis, the formal assignment of authority in epidemic events (as mentioned, the federal states (Bundesländer) are responsible instead of the national government in Germany) is now critically eyed and political efforts have been started to change the respective law in order to allow the upscaling of competencies to the national level in such crises (Waschinsky 2020). Particularly, geographers in Marxist tradition (most prominently represented by David Harvey) deploy crises as an inherent and recurring feature of capitalism; or to cite Harvey (2011, p. 11) : 'capital never solves its crisis tendencies' (emphasis in orig.). keywords: acting; acute; analytical; approach; aspects; boin; boundaries; case; contrast; corona; corona crisis; course; crisis; crisis management; decision; diagnosis; different; dimensions; distance; distancing; e.g.; economic; empirical; escalation; et al; events; example; federal; framing; future; general; geographical; geography; germany; government; human; important; infections; instance; jessop; level; literature; loop; makers; management; masks; media; national; network; new; order; outbreak; pandemic; paper; particular; parts; performative; person; place; policies; political; post; practices; present; problem; public; research; respective; response; retail; scale; second; sense; sensemaking; similar; situation; social; society; space; spatial; spatiality; specific; states; strategies; supermarkets; term; territorial; territory; theoretical; threat; time; tpsn; uncertainty; understanding; urgency; use; virus cache: cord-310775-6d5vi2c5.txt plain text: cord-310775-6d5vi2c5.txt item: #48 of 65 id: cord-315064-2mgv9j6n author: Escher, Felicitas title: Detection of viral SARS‐CoV‐2 genomes and histopathological changes in endomyocardial biopsies date: 2020-06-12 words: 3821 flesch: 43 summary: Nevertheless, SARS CoV-2 can potentially bind to its cellular ACE2 receptor in heart tissue cells and can therefore be detected in the heart muscle. If SARS CoV-2 can replicate in these target cells of the heart, this has to be investigated in subsequent analysis. keywords: acute; analysis; assays; cardiac; cardiovascular; cdna; cells; clinical; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; damage; detection; diagnosis; different; disease; embs; endomyocardial; failure; gene; genomes; germany; heart; high; histopathological; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; involvement; ischaemia; low; myocardial; myocarditis; obliteration; patients; pcr; positive; possible; qpcr; reaction; recent; respiratory; results; rna; samples; sars; sars‐cov‐2; scientific; specific; specimens; study; symptoms; target; time; tissue; treatment; troponin; unexplained; vascular; viral cache: cord-315064-2mgv9j6n.txt plain text: cord-315064-2mgv9j6n.txt item: #49 of 65 id: cord-318766-vx0dnnxh author: Wendt, Ralph title: Comprehensive investigation of an in-hospital transmission cluster of a symptomatic SARS-CoV-2–positive physician among patients and healthcare workers in Germany date: 2020-06-03 words: 1565 flesch: 43 summary: The next day, she stayed at home, but she returned the following day for another 3 hours of hospital work, still coughing heavily and apparently ill. We tested a large number of possible contact persons of a symptomatic SARS-CoV-2-infected physician among HCWs and patients on day 5 after exposure; all were negative. keywords: contacts; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; days; disease; exposure; germany; hcws; healthcare; high; hospital; index; infected; infection; mask; number; patients; physician; positive; results; risk; sars; symptomatic; throat; time; transmission cache: cord-318766-vx0dnnxh.txt plain text: cord-318766-vx0dnnxh.txt item: #50 of 65 id: cord-318900-dovu6kha author: Pitschel, T. title: SARS-Cov-2 proliferation: an analytical aggregate-level model date: 2020-08-22 words: 3844 flesch: 46 summary: It is maintained that (compared to elementary SIR models) the model is more faithfully representing real proliferation at the instantaneous level, leading to overall more plausible association of model parameters to physical transmission and recovery parameters. Though models for tracing the trajectory of infectious diseases exist, for example the intuitive SIR model [Ken56] which is formulated as a system of scalar differential equations, we believe that physically more realistic descriptions are possible, which, moreover, lead to increased accuracy of estimated parameters. keywords: agents; aggregate; analysis; care; cases; characteristic; contagious; covid-19; data; differential; duration; elementary; equation; evolution; example; fig; germany; individuals; infected; infections; infectiousness; initial; instantaneous; interval; measures; medrxiv; model; new; number; onset; parameters; population; preprint; proliferation; real; restrictions; sars; series; sir; t c; time; transmission; unit; virus; weeks; x(t cache: cord-318900-dovu6kha.txt plain text: cord-318900-dovu6kha.txt item: #51 of 65 id: cord-326223-q6e60nf8 author: Gembardt, Florian title: Organ-specific distribution of ACE2 mRNA and correlating peptidase activity in rodents date: 2005-02-16 words: 3961 flesch: 49 summary: It was also shown that ACE2 expression can be upregulated by blockade of AT 1 -receptors [27] . The expression in mouse was most pronounced higher than in rat in kidney (∼31.9-fold), colon (∼18.6-fold), and ileum (∼12.0-fold) (Fig. 3) , whereas in bladder (∼2.5-fold) and ventricle (∼2.1-fold) ACE2 expression in rat exceeded the mouse. keywords: ace2; actions; activity; acute; ang-(1; angiotensin; antibodies; antibody; assay; at1; blot; cardiovascular; cells; commercial; converting; coronavirus; data; differences; different; distribution; endogenous; enzyme; expression; fig; fold; function; germany; gmbh; heart; higher; highest; human; ileum; immunohistochemistry; investigations; kidney; levels; lung; mas; mice; min; monoclonal; mouse; mrna; nep; peptides; positive; protein; ras; rat; rats; recent; receptor; regulation; row; rpa; sars; severe; slides; species; specific; spleen; system; testis; tissue; western cache: cord-326223-q6e60nf8.txt plain text: cord-326223-q6e60nf8.txt item: #52 of 65 id: cord-329900-lq91rb8c author: Seiffert, Moritz title: Temporal trends in the presentation of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular emergencies during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: an analysis of health insurance claims date: 2020-08-04 words: 3354 flesch: 35 summary: Population trends in rates of percutaneous coronary revascularization for acute coronary syndromes associated with the COVID-19 outbreak Reduced rate of hospital admissions for ACS during Covid-19 outbreak in Northern Italy Decline of acute coronary syndrome admissions in Austria since the outbreak of COVID-19: the pandemic response causes cardiac collateral damage Societa Italiana di C, the CCUAig (2020) Reduction of hospitalizations for myocardial infarction in Italy in the COVID-19 era Reduction in cardiovascular emergency admissions in Monaco during the COVID-19 pandemic Capacity changes in German certified chest pain units during COVID-19 outbreak response Disturbing effect of lockdown for COVID-19 on the incidence of infective endocarditis: a word of caution Declines in hospitalizations for acute cardiovascular conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic: a multicenter tertiary care experience 31 days of COVID-19-cardiac events during restriction of public life-a comparative study Editor's choice-comorbidity patterns among patients with peripheral arterial occlusive disease in Germany: a trend analysis of health insurance claims data Editor's choice -long term survival after femoropopliteal artery revascularisation with paclitaxel coated devices: a propensity score matched cohort analysis The impact of the lookback period and definition of confirmatory events on the identification of incident cancer cases in administrative data Mortality in the German Pharmacoepidemiological Research Database (GePaRD) compared to national data in Germany: results from a validation study The mystery of missing visits in an emergency cardiology department a time-series analysis in a tertiary Greek General Hospital Where have the STEMIs gone during COVID-19 lockdown? This analysis of a large dataset of routinely collected health insurance claims demonstrated a marked decrease in hospital admission rates for several cardiovascular and cerebrovascular emergencies during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. keywords: acute; admission; affected; age; analysis; april; barmer; cardiovascular; care; cases; cerebrovascular; claims; comorbidities; coronary; cov-2; covid; covid-19; data; decline; diagnosis; disease; elevation; emergencies; european; germany; health; hospital; hospitalizations; infarction; insurance; ischemia; january; limb; material; medical; mortality; myocardial; nstemi; outbreak; pandemic; patients; pre; primary; procedures; rates; sars; segment; similar; stroke; study; syndromes; table; tia; time; treatment cache: cord-329900-lq91rb8c.txt plain text: cord-329900-lq91rb8c.txt item: #53 of 65 id: cord-331336-4kf2jn8c author: Aravindakshan, A. title: Restarting after COVID-19: A Data-driven Evaluation of Opening Scenarios date: 2020-05-30 words: 4004 flesch: 51 summary: Initial analysis of the impact of policy restrictions in China suggests that NPIs that significantly affected human mobility (e.g., household quarantine) reduced the spread of the disease (7, 10) , even more than restrictions that limited national and international travel (11) . The results confirm that policy restrictions are not all equal in their ability to affect disease spread. keywords: april; author; available; cases; copyright; covid-19; daily; data; disease; distancing; effect; figure; funder; germany; holder; impact; increase; international; iqr; license; lifting; medrxiv; mobility; model; movement; npis; number; perpetuity; policies; policy; preprint; restrictions; scenario; social; spread; states; time; version; week cache: cord-331336-4kf2jn8c.txt plain text: cord-331336-4kf2jn8c.txt item: #54 of 65 id: cord-331421-rioeke67 author: Valentowitsch, Johann title: Flattening the COVID-19 Curve: The Impact of Contact Restrictions on the Infection Curve in Germany date: 2020-07-22 words: 1455 flesch: 52 summary: In Germany, the federal organization of health authorities can be held responsible for the comparatively long transmission of infection numbers. However, since the disease is not yet completely contained, such negligence can overturn the positive development of infection dynamics at any time and quickly bring the development of case numbers back to the point of exponential increase. keywords: basic; case; contact; coronavirus; covid-19; crisis; curve; disease; end; germany; infection; institute; koch; life; lockdown; measures; number; political; restrictions; robert; social; strategy; study cache: cord-331421-rioeke67.txt plain text: cord-331421-rioeke67.txt item: #55 of 65 id: cord-333413-8buawes0 author: Liebing, J. title: Health status of free-ranging ring-necked pheasant chicks (Phasianus colchicus) in North-Western Germany date: 2020-06-16 words: 5556 flesch: 47 summary: Based on these findings, our study focused on pheasant chicks up to eleven weeks of age. Previous studies on pheasants indicated that the most sensitive age class for infectious diseases was pheasant chicks, possibly due to a higher susceptibility keywords: a1111111111; ac1; ac2; ac3; acid; adult; age; animals; avian; birds; body; bronchitis; bursal; cases; cause; changes; chicks; colchicus; colony; condition; decline; diet; different; disease; effects; eggs; enteritis; examination; farmland; fig; findings; free; germany; granulomatous; head; health; hepatitis; herbicide; holstein; hunting; ibdv; ibv; immune; individuals; infectious; inflammation; inflammatory; insects; intestinal; investigations; life; lower; mild; moderate; mycoplasma; negative; north; number; nutritional; pathogens; pcr; pesticides; phasianus; pheasant; pneumonia; poor; population; positive; reduced; rhine; ring; samples; saxony; schleswig; severe; single; size; skin; species; specific; spp; stain; state; status; study; substances; system; table; tissue; trachea; traps; virus; weeks; westphalia cache: cord-333413-8buawes0.txt plain text: cord-333413-8buawes0.txt item: #56 of 65 id: cord-337037-xpj17vn4 author: Weigel, Ralf title: Global child health in Germany - Time for action date: 2020-10-09 words: 2546 flesch: 40 summary: key: cord-337037-xpj17vn4 authors: Weigel, Ralf; Krüger, Carsten title: Global child health in Germany - Time for action date: 2020-10-09 journal: Global health action DOI: 10.1080/16549716.2020.1829401 sha: doc_id: 337037 cord_uid: xpj17vn4 Child health is central to the SDG agenda. Universities in the UK and other European countries provide leadership in research and education for global child health to inform related policy and practice, but the German contribution is inadequate. keywords: academic; adolescents; agenda; care; change; child; child health; children; climate; countries; debate; development; education; federal; funding; germany; global; global child; health; institutions; international; maternal; ministry; need; opportunities; paediatricians; paediatrics; pandemic; policy; public; quality; research; scientific; society; standards; strategy; tropical; universities; university; world cache: cord-337037-xpj17vn4.txt plain text: cord-337037-xpj17vn4.txt item: #57 of 65 id: cord-337339-0vkigjv2 author: Osterrieder, Nikolaus title: Age-Dependent Progression of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Syrian Hamsters date: 2020-07-20 words: 4355 flesch: 39 summary: Histopathology revealed clear age-dependent differences, with young hamsters launching earlier and stronger immune cell influx than aged hamsters. Association between age and clinical characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 Coronavirus Infections-More Than Just the Common Cold SARS and MERS: recent insights into emerging coronaviruses A Genomic Perspective on the Origin and Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 in older adults: what we may expect regarding pathogenesis, immune responses, and outcomes Clinical features of COVID-19 in elderly patients: A comparison with young and middle-aged patients Estimating excess 1-year mortality associated with the COVID-19 pandemic according to underlying conditions and age: a population-based cohort study The search for a COVID-19 animal model Animal models for emerging coronavirus: progress and new insights SARS-CoV-2 Cell Entry Depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2 and Is Blocked by a Clinically Proven Protease Inhibitor Receptor Recognition by the Novel Coronavirus from Wuhan: an Analysis Based on Decade-Long Structural Studies of SARS Coronavirus ACE2-Variants Indicate Potential SARS-CoV-2-Susceptibility in Animals: An Extensive Molecular Dynamics Study Respiratory disease in rhesus macaques inoculated with SARS-CoV-2 Comparative pathogenesis of COVID-19, MERS, and SARS in a nonhuman primate model Ocular conjunctival inoculation of SARS-CoV-2 can cause mild COVID-19 in 2 Rhesus macaque Age-related rhesus macaque models of COVID-19 A mouse-adapted SARS-CoV-2 model for the evaluation of COVID-19 medical countermeasures Rapid adaptation of SARS-CoV-2 in BALB/c mice: Novel mouse model for vaccine efficacy The pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 in hACE2 transgenic mice The battle against SARS and MERS coronaviruses: Reservoirs and Animal Models Animal models for SARS and MERS coronaviruses Infection and Rapid Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Ferrets Is there an ideal animal model for SARS? Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection of golden Syrian hamsters Pathogenesis and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in golden hamsters Simulation of the clinical and pathological manifestations of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in golden Syrian hamster model: implications for disease pathogenesis and transmissibility Rapid reconstruction of SARS-CoV-2 using a synthetic genomics platform Virological assessment of hospitalized patients with COVID-2019 Effects of a mixture of medetomidine, midazolam and butorphanol on anesthesia and blood biochemistry and the antagonizing action of atipamezole in hamsters Spectrum of pathogen-and model-specific histopathologies in mouse models of acute pneumonia The Family of Chloride Channel Regulator, Calcium-activated Proteins in the Feline Respiratory Tract: A Comparative Perspective on Airway Diseases in Man and Animal Models Pulmonary immunostimulation with MALP-2 in influenza virus-infected mice increases survival after pneumococcal superinfection IL-37 Causes Excessive Inflammation and Tissue Damage in Murine Pneumococcal Pneumonia Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR Validation of assays to monitor immune responses in the Syrian golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) Tropism, replication competence, and innate immune responses of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in human respiratory tract and conjunctiva: an analysis in ex-vivo and in-vitro cultures Syrian hamsters as a small animal model for SARS-CoV-2 infection and countermeasure development This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license The authors acknowledge the excellent technical assistance by Ann Reum, Annett Neubert, and Simon Dökel. keywords: ace2; age; aged; alveolar; animals; body; bronchial; cells; clinical; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; dependent; differences; disease; dpi; edema; epithelial; figure; germany; groups; hamsters; high; human; hybridization; immune; inc; infected; infection; inflammation; loss; lung; macrophages; mice; mock; model; moderate; old; patients; perivascular; qpcr; replication; respiratory; rna; sars; score; sections; severe; signs; small; studies; study; syrian; table; temperatures; time; tissue; titers; tract; type; usa; vero; viral; virus; week; weight; young cache: cord-337339-0vkigjv2.txt plain text: cord-337339-0vkigjv2.txt item: #58 of 65 id: cord-339735-6964ktxr author: Empl, Michael T. title: The influence of chronic l-carnitine supplementation on the formation of preneoplastic and atherosclerotic lesions in the colon and aorta of male F344 rats date: 2014-08-28 words: 5184 flesch: 29 summary: F344 rats have extensively been used in longterm (i.e., 2 years-long) carcinogenicity studies (Dinse et al. 2010; Solleveld et al. 1984) and are characterized by an extremely low spontaneous incidence rate (0.1-0.6 %) of neoplasms of the small and large intestine (Haseman et al. 1998) , rendering them particularly useful for the investigation of putative colon carcinogens. After absorption, TMA is oxidized to trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMNO) by hepatic flavin monooxygenases (Baker and Chaykin 1962; Bennett et al. 2013; Koeth et al. 2013 ): keywords: aberrant; acf; acid; administration; age; analysis; animals; aorta; atherosclerotic; bile; body; carnitine; changes; chronic; colon; concentrations; consumption; control; crypt; data; day; dietary; differences; different; dose; drinking; et al; experimental; f344; fat; fig; final; findings; fischer; foci; formation; gastrointestinal; germany; group; gut; heart; high; humans; incidence; infection; influence; koeth; lead; lesions; liver; male; metabolism; mice; mild; min; ndma; number; nutritional; oral; organ; oxide; post; rats; rebouche; sdav; significant; spontaneous; studies; study; supplementation; system; table; test; transport; treatment; trimethylamine; uptake; urine; water; week; weight cache: cord-339735-6964ktxr.txt plain text: cord-339735-6964ktxr.txt item: #59 of 65 id: cord-342160-snfm62js author: Panait, Luciana Cătălina title: First report of Cytauxzoon sp. infection in Germany: organism description and molecular confirmation in a domestic cat date: 2020-07-17 words: 3559 flesch: 40 summary: key: cord-342160-snfm62js authors: Panait, Luciana Cătălina; Stock, Graham; Globokar, Majda; Balzer, Jörg; Groth, Bernhard; Mihalca, Andrei Daniel; Pantchev, Nikola title: First report of Cytauxzoon sp. infection in Germany: organism description and molecular confirmation in a domestic cat date: 2020-07-17 journal: Parasitol Res DOI: 10.1007/s00436-020-06811-3 sha: doc_id: 342160 cord_uid: snfm62js Cytauxzoonosis is described as an emerging tick-borne disease of domestic and wild felids caused by protozoans of the genus Cytauxzoon. This study describes the first case of Cytauxzoon sp. infection in Germany, in a domestic cat. keywords: 18s; anaemia; analysis; areas; blood; carli; carli et; cases; cats; clinical; cytauxzoon; cytauxzoon sp; cytauxzoonosis; disease; domestic; erythrocytes; et al; european; fatal; feline; felis; findings; fiv; gene; germany; high; iberian; idexx; infected; infection; kidney; legroux; legroux et; lifestyle; lynx; molecular; nentwig; nentwig et; outdoor; parasitaemia; pardinus; patient; piroplasm; present; regañón; report; results; rrna; sdma; silvestris; small; smear; spain; species; studies; study; tick; transmission; wild cache: cord-342160-snfm62js.txt plain text: cord-342160-snfm62js.txt item: #60 of 65 id: cord-344431-2wq7msqz author: Holzinger, Felix title: Self-referred walk-in patients in the emergency department – who and why? Consultation determinants in a multicenter study of respiratory patients in Berlin, Germany date: 2020-09-10 words: 7367 flesch: 39 summary: Utilization motives of non-urgent ED patients have been evaluated in various settings Much has been written about non-urgent ED patients and inappropriate utilization. keywords: access; acute; analysis; available; berlin; care; cases; categories; characteristics; chronic; complaints; conditions; connections; consultation; convenience; data; decision; demographic; department; determinants; diagnoses; distress; edges; education; emanet; emergency; emergency department; factors; general; generation; germany; greater; group; health; higher; hospital; hours; information; level; literature; logistic; low; medical; methods; mgm; migrant; migration; model; motives; network; nodes; non; participants; patients; people; population; practice; primary; problems; proportion; pulmonary; quality; questionnaire; questions; reasons; records; recruitment; regression; regular; research; respiratory; results; review; selection; self; services; set; severe; srw; srw patients; structures; studies; study; survey; symptoms; systematic; table; tertiary; triage; urgent; utilization; variables; visits; walk; years cache: cord-344431-2wq7msqz.txt plain text: cord-344431-2wq7msqz.txt item: #61 of 65 id: cord-344553-uya1j94u author: Bodova, K. title: Time-adjusted Analysis Shows Weak Associations Between BCG Vaccination Policy and COVID-19 Disease Progression date: 2020-05-06 words: 3864 flesch: 41 summary: No evidence from a regression discontinuity analysis Exercising caution in correlating COVID-19 incidence and mortality rates with BCG vaccination policies due to variable rates of SARS CoV-2 testing Johns Hopkins University Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases Data Application of BCG vaccine for immune-prophylaxis among Egyptian healthcare workers during the pandemic of COVID-19 Patterns of the COVID19 epidemic spread around the world: exponential vs power laws Incubation period and other epidemiological characteristics of 2019 novel coronavirus infections with right truncation: a statistical analysis of publicly available case data Differences in power-law growth over time and indicators of COVID-19 pandemic progression worldwide Correlation between universal BCG vaccination policy and reduced morbidity and mortality for COVID-19: an epidemiological study Non-specific effects of BCG vaccine on viral infections Early epidemiological assessment of the virulence of emerging infectious diseases: a case study of an influenza pandemic CSV mit den aktuellen Covid-19 Infektionen pro Tag (Zeitreihe) Using a delay-adjusted case fatality ratio to estimate under-reporting. key: cord-344553-uya1j94u authors: Bodova, K.; Boza, V.; Brejova, B.; Kollar, R.; Mikusova, K.; Vinar, T. title: Time-adjusted Analysis Shows Weak Associations Between BCG Vaccination Policy and COVID-19 Disease Progression date: 2020-05-06 journal: nan DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.01.20087809 sha: doc_id: 344553 cord_uid: uya1j94u In this study, we ascertain the associations between BCG vaccination policies and progression of COVID-19 through analysis of various time-adjusted indicators either directly extracted from the incidence and death reports, or estimated as parameters of disease progression models. keywords: analysis; associations; bcg; bcg vaccination; cases; cfr; countries; country; covid-19; data; days; deaths; differences; disease; east; epidemic; estimates; exponential; fatality; germany; growth; indicators; infected; infection; license; number; parameters; policies; policy; polynomial; population; preprint; progression; r100; rates; recent; reported; reporting; reports; reproduction; significant; spread; testing; time; universal; vaccination cache: cord-344553-uya1j94u.txt plain text: cord-344553-uya1j94u.txt item: #62 of 65 id: cord-345024-dtsi9qit author: Brauers, Hanna title: Comparing coal phase-out pathways: The United Kingdom’s and Germany’s diverging transitions date: 2020-10-01 words: 10312 flesch: 44 summary: In the analysis included actor groups are the firms of the incumbent coal regime, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), governments, labour unions, civil society and competitors for coal (this selection is based on Hess (2014) and Turnheim and Geels (2013) and the actors influence on coal transitions). To analyse drivers and hurdles away from coal, two EU countries, where coal mining and using coal for electricity generation played or still plays a major role for the economy, were chosen. keywords: 1980s; actors; agreement; analysis; aspects; big; british; business; capacity; carbon; case; change; civil; climate; climate change; coal; coal industry; coal mining; coal phase; coal regime; commission; companies; concerns; consumption; costs; countries; data; decision; decline; der; different; domestic; e.g.; economic; economy; electricity; electricity generation; embeddedness; emissions; employment; energiewende; energy; environment; et al; european; fig; financial; firms; focus; framework; gas; geels; generation; germany; government; groups; hard; hard coal; high; increase; incumbent; industries; industry; influence; information; investments; kingdom; large; law; lignite; low; main; major; market; mining; natural; ngos; nuclear; oei; paper; paris; phase; plants; policies; policy; political; politics; pollution; power; pressure; prices; production; public; reduced; regime; regional; regions; regulations; related; renewable; renewable energy; reserve; rwe; scale; sector; selection; share; small; social; society; socio; strategies; strategy; strong; subsidies; support; targets; techno; tef; time; transition; und; unions; united; use; wholesale; workers cache: cord-345024-dtsi9qit.txt plain text: cord-345024-dtsi9qit.txt item: #63 of 65 id: cord-345834-l2e5v39s author: Anacleto, M.A. title: Diffusive process under Lifshitz scaling and pandemic scenarios date: 2020-08-20 words: 5230 flesch: 57 summary: [10] , and a study to predict COVID-19 peaks around the world based on active cases curves, introduced by Tsallis et al. In our investigation, we introduce a new version of the diffusion equation inspired by Horava's work, and we use it to fit real active cases data of COVID-19 from Germany, Spain and Brazil. keywords: active; active cases; brazil; cases; cases data; cities; coefficient; countries; cov-2; covid-19; cumulative; curves; data; day; days; different; diffusion; double; equation; evolution; fig; figs; germany; kink; lifshitz; like; lockdown; measures; model; number; pandemic; paulo; process; rate; real; sars; scenarios; section; solutions; spain; spreading; são; time; transmission; virus; work; world cache: cord-345834-l2e5v39s.txt plain text: cord-345834-l2e5v39s.txt item: #64 of 65 id: cord-348495-pa6iqc83 author: Perrotta, D. title: Behaviors and attitudes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from a cross-national Facebook survey date: 2020-05-15 words: 7499 flesch: 46 summary: We gained these insights by using a novel approach to collecting health behavior data in times of a pandemic. From a public health perspective, this information is key to understand the behaviors and attitudes of specific demographic groups in different countries and help guide the decision-making process to design adequate policies to contain the spread of COVID-19. keywords: age; approach; author; available; behaviors; belgium; confidence; countries; country; covid-19; data; demographic; different; facebook; figure; france; funder; germany; government; groups; health; higher; international; iqr; italy; kingdom; level; license; local; lower; march; measures; medrxiv; national; netherlands; non; online; pandemic; participants; perpetuity; population; preprint; reported; respondents; results; sample; sex; social; spain; specific; states; survey; threat; time; united; united kingdom; united states; use; version; week cache: cord-348495-pa6iqc83.txt plain text: cord-348495-pa6iqc83.txt item: #65 of 65 id: cord-351732-wws6ring author: Sarteschi, Christine M. title: Sovereign Citizens: A Narrative Review With Implications of Violence Towards Law Enforcement date: 2020-09-24 words: 5903 flesch: 56 summary: One concerning extremist group is that of sovereign citizens. Sovereign citizens have been labeled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a terrorist threat. keywords: access; antigovernment; articles; attacks; australia; authorities; authority; belief; cases; citizens; company; court; danger; deadly; delusional; district; door; enforcement; extremist; far; fbi; germany; government; group; harm; health; history; ideology; incident; individuals; information; instance; journal; known; law; laws; legal; leos; life; limited; media; mental; money; movement; mustian; number; officer; officials; online; paper; para; police; pre; prison; proof; property; public; research; right; rodvelt; shooting; smith; sovereign; sovereign citizens; states; stops; study; table; targeted; tesi; threat; traffic; training; trial; u.s; united; use; vehicle; violence; white cache: cord-351732-wws6ring.txt plain text: cord-351732-wws6ring.txt