item: #1 of 216 id: cord-000083-3p81yr4n author: None title: Poster Exhibition date: 2009-01-31 words: 113010 flesch: 51 summary: From this group of HBV patients 35 (98%) have had elevated urinal Dol excreation (45,8±5,2 g/ml vs . 3% and 47.4 respectively in HCC patients, 60.3% and 39.7 in LC patients, 55% and 40 in CHB patients, 55% and 40 in ACLF patients. keywords: 1,2; 2008; abbott; abdominal; ability; ablation; abnormal; absence; accuracy; acid; aclf; aclf patients; activation; active; activity; acute; acute hepatitis; acute liver; addition; adefovir; adiponectin; administration; adult; adv; advanced; advanced hcc; adverse; afp; age; agent; ahb; aids patients; aim; aims; alanine; albumin; alcoholic; alfa-2a; allele; alpha; alt; alt group; alt levels; alternative; amino; aminotransferase; amplicor; analogues; analysis; anemia; angiogenesis; angiogenic; animals; anti; antibody; antigen; antioxidant; antiviral; antiviral therapy; antiviral treatment; apoptosis; apoptotic; approach; area; arm; arterial; ascites; asian; asian patients; assay; assessment; associated; association; ast; asymptomatic; available; average; b virus; background; bangladesh; basal; baseline; baseline hbv; basic; bcaa; bcp; beijing; benefit; better; bile; biliary; bilirubin; binding; biochemical; biomarkers; biopsies; bleeding; blood; blot; bmi; body; breakthrough; calculated; cancer; cancer patients; carcinoma; carcinoma patients; carriers; cases; caspase; cause; cccdna; cd25; cd4; cd8; cells; center; ceus; chain; change; characteristics; characterized; chb patients; chc; chemotherapy; chen; child; children; china; chinese patients; cholesterol; chronic hbv; chronic hepatitis; chronic liver; chronic viral; cirrhosis group; cirrhotic patients; cisplatin; classification; cld; clearance; clevudine; clinical; clinical study; clones; cobas; cohort; colon; combination; combination therapy; combination treatment; combined; common; comparable; comparison; complete; complications; concentration; conclusion; condition; consecutive patients; content; continued; contrast; contribute; control; control group; conventional; copies; copper; correlation; cost; countries; counts; course; cox; criteria; cross; crp; crucial; culture; cumulative; curative; curve; cycle; cytokines; cytometry; daily; damage; data; days; dcp; death; december; decline; decreased; degree; dendritic; density; department; detection; determined; developed; developing; development; diabetes; diabetic patients; diagnosis; diameter; diet; differences; different; difficult; dipivoxil; direct; diseases; distribution; divided; dna levels; dna load; dna negative; dna positive; donors; dose; double; drug; duration; dynamic; dysfunction; early; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; elder patients; elecsys; elevated; elevation; elisa; emergence; encephalopathy; end; endoscopic; endpoint; enhanced; entecavir; entry; enzyme; esophageal; essential; established; ethanol; etiology; etv; evaluation; events; evidence; evr; examination; excretion; experienced; experimental; exposure; expression; expression level; extent; extract; factors; failure; fatty liver; features; fed; female; fetoprotein; fibrosis; fibrotic; findings; flare; flow; fold; follow; following; formation; free; frequency; frequent; function; gallbladder; gallstones; gastric; gender; gene; general; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; genotyping; ggt; glucose; glutathione; good; gpc-3; grade; greater; group; group b; growth; hand; hav; hbc; hbeag; hbeag level; hbeag negative; hbeag positive; hbeag seroconversion; hbs; hbv carriers; hbv cccdna; hbv dna; hbv genotype; hbv group; hbv infection; hbv reactivation; hbv replication; hbv therapy; hbv treatment; hbv viral; hbvdna; hcc cases; hcc cell; hcc group; hcc patients; hcclm3; hccs; hcv; hcv rna; healthy; hepatectomy; hepatic; hepatic fibrosis; hepatic hbv; hepatitis b; hepatitis group; hepatitis patients; hepatocarcinogenesis; hepatocellular; hepatocellular carcinoma; hepatocytes; hepatoma; hepg2; hev; hfgl2; high hbv; high serum; higher; histological; history; hiv; hla; hospital; host; hours; hscs; human; hvpg; hypertension; ifn; igg4; iii; il-10; il-6; il-8; images; imaging; immune; immunohistochemical; impact; important; improved; improvement; inactive; incidence; increase; independent; index; india; individuals; induction; infected; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; inhibited; inhibitor; initial; injection; injury; institute; insulin; intensity; interferon; interval; intrahepatic; intrahepatic hbv; introduction; invasion; invasive; investigation; iron; isolated; january; japan; jaundice; july; key; kidney; kinase; klf8; known; korea; laboratory; lamivudine; lamivudine group; lamivudine treatment; large; later; ldt; leading; length; leptin; lesions; levels; like; limited; linear; lines; lipid; lipiodol; liver; liver biopsy; liver cancer; liver cells; liver cirrhosis; liver damage; liver disease; liver failure; liver function; liver injury; liver stiffness; liver tissue; liver transplantation; liver tumor; load; local; log10; long; loss; low; lower; lsm; lvd; lymphocytes; lymphoma patients; main; major; majority; male; male patients; malignant; management; markers; mars; mass; materials; mean; mean age; mean hbv; measurement; mechanism; median; medical; medicine; medium; meld; metabolic; metastasis; methods; mice; microarray; mild; mixed; model; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monotherapy; months; mortality; mouse; mrna; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mutant; mutation; mvi; nafld patients; nash; nash patients; national; naïve patients; nbnc; necessary; necrosis; need; needle; negative chronic; negative hbv; negative patients; neovascularization; new; nodules; non; nonalcoholic; normal; normal alt; normal liver; normalization; novel; npv; nuclear; nucleos(t)ide; nucleoside; number; obese; objective; observed; occult hbv; odds; old; order; outcome; overall; overexpression; overlapping; oxidative; p<0.001; p<0.05; parameters; partial; pathogenesis; pathological; pathway; patients; patients chronic; patients genotype; patients group; patterns; pbmcs; pcr; pd-1; peak; peg; peg10; peginterferon; pegylated; people; percentage; percutaneous; performance; period; peripheral; phase; phc patients; phg; phylogenetic; placebo; plasma; plasmid; platelet; play; plt; plus; point; polymerase; polymorphism; poor; population; portal; positive cells; positive chb; positive chronic; positive patients; positive rate; possibility; possible; post; poster; potential; ppv; practice; predictive; predictors; pregnant; presence; present; present study; pressure; pretreatment; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; profile; prognosis; progression; proliferation; prolonged; promoter; proportion; prospective; protein; protein expression; prothrombin; pugh; purpose; quality; quantification; quantitative; quantity; rabbits; radiofrequency; randomized; range; rapid; rate; ratio; rats; reaction; reactive; real; recent; receptor; recipients; recombinant; records; recurrence; reduced; reduction; refractory patients; region; regulation; regulatory; relapse; related; relationship; relative; replication; reported; reports; research; resection; resistance; resistant hbv; resistant patients; respectively; response; response rate; results; retrospective; reverse; rfa; ribavirin; risk; risk patients; rna; roche; role; rosiglitazone; routine; rvr; sae; safety; saline; samples; sbp; score; screening; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; sera; seroconversion; serological; serum alt; serum hbv; serum levels; session; severe; severity; sex; signal; signaling; significance; significant difference; significant fibrosis; significantly; similar; simple; simulation; single; sirna; site; size; small; sodium; somani; sonazoid; south; specific; specificity; spleen; splenic; stable; stage; staining; standard; statistical; status; steatohepatitis; steatosis; stellate; step; strain; stress; studies; study; study group; study patients; subjects; substitutions; suppression; surface; surgery; surveillance; survival; sustained; svr; svr patients; switching; syndrome; system; t cells; t12; tace; taiwan; target; technique; telbivudine; terlipressin; test; testing; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; therapy group; time; tissue; tlr2; tlr4; tnf; total; total hbv; toxicity; transaminase; transcription; transmission; transplantation; treatment; treatment group; treatment patients; treatment response; treatment results; treg; trials; tumor; tvr; types; ultrasonography; underwent; undetectable; undetectable hbv; univariate; university; unknown; untreated; urine; use; useful; vaccination; vaccine; value; variables; variations; variceal; varices; vascular; vegf; vein; venous; viral; viral hepatitis; viral load; virologic; virus; vitro; vivo; volume; wang; wd patients; weeks; weight; western; wild; withdrawal; women; workers; years; young patients; younger; zhang; zinc cache: cord-000083-3p81yr4n.txt plain text: cord-000083-3p81yr4n.txt item: #2 of 216 id: cord-000977-ka4261wc author: None title: ECR 2013 Book of Abstracts - B - Scientific Sessions date: 2013-03-07 words: 133260 flesch: 46 summary: Attenuation of anode heel effect with an aluminum filter and their influence on patient dose in lumbar spine radiography J. Soares, R. Dores, P. Sousa, S.I. Rodrigues, L.P.V. Ribeiro, A.F.C.L. Abrantes, R.P.P. Almeida; The aim of this study is to functionally map VWFA at the individual subject level using frequent words of the Portuguese lexicon, to develop a paradigm potentially useful for clinical patients. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abdominal ct; ablation; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; absolute; absorption; abvs; access; account; accuracy; accurate; acd; acid; acquisition; active; activity; acute; adapted; adaptive; adc; additional; adenocarcinoma; adequate; adhesions; adipose; adjacent; administration; adult; advanced; adverse; affected; agatston; aged; agent; agreement; aidr; aim; air; airway; algorithm; allograft; alternative; altman; amd; analogue; analysed; analysis; analysis ct; anastomotic; anatomical; anatomy; aneurysm; angiography; angle; animals; anode; anova; anterior; anxiety; aorta; aortic; apparent; appendicitis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; arm; artefacts; arterial; arteries; artery; articular; asir; asl; assessment; assisted; associated; association; assurance; asymptomatic; atherosclerosis; atp; atrophy; attenuation; auc; audit; author; automated; automatic; available; average; averaging; axial; axillary; axis; axus; balloon; baseline; basis; bayer; beam; benefit; benign; best; better; bias; bilateral; biliary; bilirubin; biomarker; biopsy; bladder; bland; blending; blinded; blood; bmi; body; bolus; bone; bos; bowel; bpa; brain; brain ct; breast; breast cancer; breast lesions; breast mri; breathing; burden; cad; calcifications; calcium; calculated; calprotectin; canal; cancer; cancer patients; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiovascular; carotid; cartilage; cases; categories; catheter; cause; cbf; cbv; ccta; cect; cells; central; centre; cerebral; cervical; ceus; challenges; changes; channel; characteristics; chemoradiation; chemotherapy; chest; chest ct; children; chronic; classification; classified; clinical; clopidogrel; cmr; cnr; cochlear; coefficient; cognitive; cohort; coil; colon; colonic; colonography; colorectal; colour; combination; combined; common; comparable; comparison; complete; complications; composition; computer; concentrations; conclusion; condition; confidence; conformities; consecutive patients; consensus; consent; contralateral; contrast; contrast agent; contrast ct; contrast enhancement; contrast imaging; contrast mri; contrast volume; control; control group; conventional; coronal; coronary; coronary ct; correct; correlate; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; costs; coverage; criteria; cross; crp; crt; ct angiography; ct data; ct group; ct images; ct imaging; ct liver; ct perfusion; ct protocols; ct scanner; ct scans; ct values; ctca; ctdivol; ctp; ctpa; current; curve; cvr; cycle; cystic; cystoscopy; damage; dark; data; datasets; days; dbt; dce; death; decision; decrease; dect; dedicated; definition; degree; delayed; delineation; density; department; depiction; descending; detecting; detection; detector; determined; development; deviation; diagnostic; diagnostic accuracy; diagnostic imaging; diameter; differences; different; differential; differentiation; diffuse; diffusion; digital; dimensional; direct; disc; disclosures; disease; disk; distal; distance; distension; distribution; dlp; dose; dose ct; dose reduction; dose values; dot; double; drainage; dti; dtpa; dts; dual; ductal; duration; dwi; dxa; dynamic; dynamic contrast; dysfunction; earlier; early; ecad; ecg; echo; education; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; elasticity; elastography; elevated; embolisation; emergency; emphysema; employee; encephalitis; endoleak; endoscopic; endovascular; energy; enhanced; enhancement; enhancing; entire; eob; equal; equipment; equivalent; errors; essential; estimated; estimation; european; evaluation; events; evidence; examinations; exams; excellent; experience; experimental; exposure; extent; extra; factors; failure; false; fast; fat; fbp; fdg; feasibility; feasible; features; female; femoral; femur; ffdm; fibroids; fibrosis; field; filter; final; findings; flair; flash; flow; fluid; fluorescence; fluoroscopy; fmri; fnab; focused; follow; following; fpct; fraction; fracture; free; frequency; frequent; frontal; function; future; gadobutrol; gadolinium; gadoxetic; gastric; gender; general; generation; germany; gkr; gliomas; global; glucose; gold; good; grade; gradient; grading; graft; greater; grey; group; group b; growth; guidance; guidelines; haemorrhage; half; hand; hcc; head; healthcare; healthy; heart; helical; hepatic; hepatobiliary; heterogeneity; heterogeneous; high; higher; highest; histological; histology; histopathological; histopathology; history; hospital; hours; hrct; hsk; human; hyperintense; icc; identification; iia; iii; iliac; image; image analysis; image data; image noise; image quality; imaging; imaging results; immediate; impact; impairment; implantation; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; index; individual; induced; infants; infarction; inferior; infiltration; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; initial; injection; injuries; injury; inspiration; intensity; inter; interest; intermediate; interobserver; interpretation; interval; intervention; intervertebral; intra; intracranial; intrahepatic; invasive; inversion; investigation; involved; involvement; iodine; irb; iron; ischaemic; ischiofemoral; islet; isolated; iterative; ivim; january; job; kappa; kernel; kev; kidney; knee; knowledge; kpa; kvp; labelling; large; lateral; lead; learning; left; leg; length; lesions; levels; lge; ligaments; like; limb; limited; limits; linear; liver; load; lobe; local; location; logistic; long; longest; loss; low; lower; lumbar; lumen; luminal; lung; lymph; lymphoma; magnetic; main; major; males; malignant; mammogram; mammography; management; mann; manual; mapping; maps; marker; marrow; mass; masses; materials; matrix; matter; maximum; mbir; mca; mdct; mean; mean age; mean value; measured; measurements; median; medical; medium; meis; mesorectal; metabolic; metastases; metastatic; methods; mgy; mice; micro; middle; mild; minimum; minutes; ml/100; mm2; mmol; modality; model; moderate; molecular; monitoring; monoenergetic; months; morphological; morphology; mortality; motion; mr images; mr imaging; mra; mrgfus; mri; mri findings; mri study; mrs; msv; mucinous; multidetector; multiple; multivariate; muscle; myocardial; n=2; nafld; nash; national; necessary; neck; necrosis; needle; negative; neoadjuvant; nephrostogram; nerve; new; nodal; nodes; nodules; noise; non; normal; novel; npv; nsclc; number; observers; obstruction; obtcm; oesophageal; ones; onset; onyx; operating; optimal; optimisation; order; organ; origin; osteoarthritis; outcome; overall; p value; p=0.001; paediatric; pain; paired; pancreatic; parameters; parenchyma; parietal; pathological; pathology; patients; patients group; pattern; pci; pcl; pd patients; peak; pelvic; percentage; percutaneous; performance; perfused; perfusion; perfusion mri; period; peripheral; permeability; pet; phantom; phase; philips; pitch; pituitary; pixel; placebo; placement; plane; planning; plaque; plasma; pleural; pneumothorax; point; pool; poor; population; portal; position; positioning; positive; positive patients; possible; post; posterior; potential; ppv; practice; pre; predictive; predictors; preliminary; preliminary results; preoperative; preparation; presence; present; presentation; preserved; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; probability; probe; procedure; process; processing; product; prognostic; projection; promising; proportion; proposed; prospective; prospective study; prostate; prosthesis; protocol; proximal; pts; pulmonary; pure; purpose; pvf; quality; quantification; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; radiation; radiation dose; radiographers; radiography; radiological; radiologists; radiology; radiotherapy; rads; randomised; range; rank; rate; ratio; rats; ray; reactions; readers; reading; recalled; recanalization; receiver; recist; reconstructed; reconstruction; recovery; rectal; recurrence; reduced; reduction; reference; referrals; region; regional; registration; regression; regular; related; relationship; relative; relaxation; relevant; reliability; reliable; renal; reported; reporting; reports; reproducibility; reproducible; research; resection; reserve; resistance; resolution; resonance; respect; respiratory; responders; response; results; retention; retrospectively; review; right; risk; rois; role; rotation; routine; row; row ct; rsv; sac; sacral; safety; safire; sagittal; sample; satisfaction; scale; scanner; scanning; scans; score; scoring; screening; second; secondary; sections; segmentation; segmented; segments; selection; self; semi; sensitive; sensitivity; sequences; series; serum; service; session; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shape; shielding; short; shows; siemens; signal; significant; significant correlation; significant differences; signs; similar; simulated; single; sinus; site; size; skin; slice; slice ct; slope; small; smaller; snr; software; solid; source; source ct; space; spatial; spearman; specificity; spectral; spectroscopy; spinal; spine; spleen; square; ssfp; stability; stable; stage; staging; standard; standard ct; standardised; statistical; status; steatosis; stenosis; stenotic; stent; stenting; stiffness; strain; strategies; strength; stress; stroke; strong; structures; students; studies; study; study group; stump; subjective; subjects; subsequent; substantial; subtraction; success; successful; suitable; superior; support; surface; surgery; surgical; survey; survival; susceptibility; suspicious; suvmax; svc; symptoms; syndrome; system; t mri; t1w; t2w; tagging; target; targeted; task; tavi; tear; technical; technique; technologists; temporal; terms; tesla; test; testing; texture; therapeutic; therapy; thickening; thickness; thoracic; threshold; thrombus; thyroid; tibial; time; tissue; tomography; tomosynthesis; tool; total; trabecular; tracts; training; trajectory; transverse; trauma; treatment; tree; trend; trg; trial; trochlear; true; tse; ttp; tube; tumour; twice; type; typical; ultrasound; underlying; underwent; upper; uptake; urethral; urinary; use; useful; uterine; validated; valuable; values; valve; variability; variation; vascular; vasculature; vbd; vdwi; vein; velocity; venous; ventricle; ventricular; vertebral; vessel; vibe; view; virtual; visual; visualisation; vitro; vivo; voltage; volume; volume ct; volumetric; volunteers; voxel; wall; warp; water; weak; weeks; weighted; white; whitney; width; wilcoxon; wmls; women; work; working; years; young; yrs; zone cache: cord-000977-ka4261wc.txt plain text: cord-000977-ka4261wc.txt item: #3 of 216 id: cord-001236-cgiok0ce author: Binjawadagi, Basavaraj title: An innovative approach to induce cross-protective immunity against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in the lungs of pigs through adjuvanted nanotechnology-based vaccination date: 2014-03-24 words: 7580 flesch: 37 summary: Therefore, in this study we investigated the immune responses exclusively both at mucosal surfaces and parenchyma of pig lungs. 14 Induction of strong local mucosal immunity and clearance of heterologous PRRSV from vaccinated pig lungs is important for effective control of PRRS. keywords: acid; adjuvant; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; avidity; bal; cd4; cd8; cells; clearance; cmi; comparable; components; cross; data; delivery; detectable; disease; dose; enhanced; figure; fluid; frequency; group; heterologous; high; higher; homogenate; ifn; iga; igg; igg1; igg2; immune; immunity; important; inactivated; infection; intranasal; kag; levels; lmncs; load; low; lung; lysate; mn184; mock; mucosal; mycobacterium; nanoparticle; parenchyma; pigs; plates; plga; porcine; potent; production; protective; prrsv; reproductive; respiratory; response; results; rna; role; samples; significant; soluble; specific; stimulated; strain; strong; study; surfaces; syndrome; tested; th1; th2; titers; total; tuberculosis; type; unentrapped; usa; vaccinated; vaccine; viral; virus; water; wcl cache: cord-001236-cgiok0ce.txt plain text: cord-001236-cgiok0ce.txt item: #4 of 216 id: cord-001809-azb7nie3 author: Qvarnstrom, Yvonne title: Characterization of a New Pathogenic Acanthamoeba Species, A. byersi n. sp., Isolated from a Human with Fatal Amoebic Encephalitis date: 2013-07-24 words: 4521 flesch: 51 summary: Molecular and structural analysis of the 18S rRNA gene concluded that it is genetically most similar to the other Group 1 species within the Acanthamoeba genus, confirming the description of CDC:V621 as a new Acanthamoeba Group I strain. Ten recombinant clones Figure 1 Acanthamoeba CDC:V621 trophozoites exhibiting varying sizes measuring from 50 to 110 lm. keywords: 18s; 18s rrna; acanthamoeba; agar; amoebae; analysis; astronyxis; atcc; base; brain; byers; cdc; cell; clones; comandoni; culture; cysts; difference; distinct; dna; e23; encephalitis; et al; features; fig; free; gae; gast; gene; genotype; genus; group; hlf; humans; identification; infection; isolates; large; length; morphology; new; pathogenic; patient; pcr; phylogenetic; primers; program; ribosomal; rrna; rrna gene; secondary; sequence; size; skin; species; spp; stem; stothard; strains; structure; t17; trophozoites; type; unique; v621; visvesvara; ° c cache: cord-001809-azb7nie3.txt plain text: cord-001809-azb7nie3.txt item: #5 of 216 id: cord-002774-tpqsjjet author: None title: Section II: Poster Sessions date: 2017-12-01 words: 83566 flesch: 48 summary: The CHIP framework drives the complex inter-relationships between community-hospital engagement, reciprocal capacity-building, integration initiatives, and community-based research and evaluation, to create an interconnected network of health care services. Those living in urban centers should have the best ava1l~b1hty, chmce, and access to a variety of health care services because of the distribution of health care services, fac1lmes, and health professionals in concentrated in urban centers. keywords: abuse; access; accessibility; accessible; action; active; activities; activity; addition; address; addresses; adequate; adherence; administrative; adolescents; adults; adverse; advisory; advocacy; affected; african; age; aged; agencies; agency; ages; aids; aim; aims; air; alcohol; alliance; alternative; american; amsterdam; analysis; angeles; anxiety; an~; approach; appropriate; appropriate health; areas; asian; aspects; assault; assessment; assist; assistance; associated; association; asthma; attempt; attendance; attention; attitudes; availability; available; average; awareness; background; bangalore; barriers; baseline; basic; behaviors; behaviour; beliefs; benefits; best; better; better health; birth; blocks; blood; bmi; body; boys; breast; breast health; broad; building; burden; california; campaign; canada; canadian; cancer; capacity; capital; cardiovascular; care access; care delivery; care needs; care providers; care services; care system; case; causes; census; centers; central; centres; cervical; cessation; challenges; change; characteristics; chart; chemical; chf; child health; childhood; children; chinese; chronic; cigarette; cities; citizenship; city; city health; clients; clinic; clinical; clubhouse; clusters; coalition; cocaine; cognitive; cohort; collaboration; collection; college; commitment; committee; common; communiry; communities; community capacity; community development; community food; community health; community members; community services; compare; complex; component; comprehensive; comprehensive health; conceptual; concerns; conclusion; conditions; consent; consequences; considerable; consultations; contact; context; contribute; control; coping; corporation; cost; counseling; countries; country; course; courts; coverage; crack; criminal; criteria; critical; cross; csw; cultural; culture; current; current health; cvd; daily; data; data analysis; database; date; day; deaths; decision; decreased; definition; delivery; demand; demographic; department; dependent; depression; depth; design; determinants; detox; developed; development; diabetes; diagnosis; diet; differences; different; different health; difficult; direct; disability; disabled; disadvantaged; discharge; discussion; disease; disorders; distribution; districts; diverse; downtown; drop; drug; drug treatment; drug use; dutch; dwellers; early; eastern; economic; education; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficient; efforts; elderly; emergency; emotional; emphasis; employment; empowerment; english; enhanced; enrollees; enrollment; environmental; environmental health; epidemiological; equity; essential; established; estimates; ethnic; ethnic health; ethnicity; europe; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; example; exchange; exclusion; existing; expenditure; experience; experts; exposure; extent; face; facilities; facility; factors; failure; fall; families; family; fear; features; feedback; female; field; financial; findings; focus; follow; following; food; forms; foundation; framework; francisco; free; free health; funding; future; gender; general; generation; gentrification; girls; global; goal; good; governance; government; government health; greater; greater health; greatest; group; growth; guide; half; handbook; harm; hazards; hcps; hcv; health access; health agencies; health behaviors; health canada; health care; health centre; health characteristics; health concerns; health conditions; health consequences; health data; health delivery; health disparities; health education; health effects; health facilities; health focus; health impact; health implications; health indicators; health inequalities; health information; health initiatives; health insurance; health interventions; health issues; health needs; health organizations; health outcomes; health policy; health practice; health problems; health professionals; health project; health promotion; health providers; health research; health risks; health sector; health services; health status; health studies; health study; health survey; health system; health workers; healthcare; healthcare services; healthy; heart; help; hepatitis; heroin; high; high health; high risk; higher; highest; highlight; hispanic; history; hiv; homeless; homelessness; hospital; households; housing; hpv; human; hygiene; identification; idus; illicit; illness; illnesses; immigrants; immunity; immunization; impact; implementation; implications; important; important health; improved; incarceration; incidence; income; increase; independence; index; india; indicators; individuals; inequality; infants; infected; infectious; influence; informal; information; infrastructure; initial; initiatives; injecting; injection; inner; innovative; insecurity; instrument; integrated; integration; interest; international; interventions; interviews; intra; introduction; involvement; ipv; issues; job; joseph; june; justice; kenya; key; knowledge; known; lack; land; language; large; law; lead; leaders; leading; learning; length; lesbians; level; life; likely; limitations; limited; line; literature; little; lives; living; local; local community; local health; logistic; london; long; los; loss; low; lower; main; mainstream; major; majority; makers; making; male; mammography; management; manhattan; maps; marginalized; market; mass; materials; maternal; mean; measles; measures; mechanisms; median; medical; medical care; medical services; medicine; meetings; members; mental health; methodology; methods; metropolitan; migration; minority; model; months; montreal; morbidity; mortality; mothers; msm; multiple; multiple health; multivariate; mumbai; municipal; municipal health; nairobi; naloxone; national; national health; nature; necessary; negative; neighborhood; network; new; new urban; nigerian; non; number; nurse; nutrition; nyc; obesity; objective; observation; observed; odds; older; ongoing; ontario; open; opportunities; opportunity; or=; organizations; ottawa; outpatient; outreach; overall; overall health; overdose; paper; parents; parks; participants; participation; participatory; particular; partners; partnership; past; patients; patterns; peer; people; percent; perceptions; period; personal; persons; perspectives; pet; phase; physical; physical health; physicians; pilot; place; planning; play; point; policies; political; pollution; poor; poor health; population; population health; positive; possible; poster; potential; potential health; poverty; ppd; practices; practitioners; predictors; pregnancy; pregnant; pregnant women; preliminary; prenatal; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary care; primary health; principles; prior; priority; private; process; processes; program; programme; project; promoting; proportion; provide; providers; province; provision; psychiatric; psychological; public health; purpose; qualitative; quality; questionnaire; questions; race; racial; random; range; rates; reasons; recent; recipients; recommendations; records; recovery; recruitment; reduced; reduction; referral; refugees; region; regional; regular; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reported; reports; reproductive health; requirements; research; research project; researchers; residence; residential; residents; resources; respect; respondents; response; results; review; rhe; rights; risk; risk factors; role; rural; safety; sample; sampling; sanitation; sars; satisfaction; satisfied; scale; scarborough; school; score; screening; second; secondary; sector; self; semi; service providers; services use; sessions; settings; severe; severity; sexual; sexual health; share; sharing; short; shows; sif; significant; similar; single; site; size; skills; slum; small; smoke; smoking; social; social capital; social justice; social services; social support; society; socio; socioeconomic; solid; solutions; space; spatial; special; specific health; spread; staff; stage; stakeholders; standard; states; statistics; sterile; stigma; strategies; strategy; street; street health; street youth; stress; stroke; strong; structured; students; studies; study; subjects; substance; substance use; substantial; successful; supply; support; supported; supportive; surveillance; survey; sustainable; symptoms; syringes; system; target; targeted; team; technical; telephone; term; test; tested; testing; themes; theoretical; theory; therapeutic; therapy; time; tool; topics; toronto; total; traditional; traffic; training; transmission; transportation; travel; treatment; treatment services; trust; tuberculosis; type; u.s; underserved; understanding; uninsured; unique; united; unsafe; unwanted; urban areas; urban communities; urban health; urban poor; urban populations; urban settings; urban social; urban women; urbanization; use; useful; users; utilization; vaccination; vaccine; value; vancouver; variables; variety; vct; violence; visits; voices; voluntary; vulnerable; warfarin; waste; water; way; ways; week; welfare; western; whites; wide; women; women age; work; workers; working; workplace; workplace health; workshop; world; world health; worm; years; york; young; youth cache: cord-002774-tpqsjjet.txt plain text: cord-002774-tpqsjjet.txt item: #6 of 216 id: cord-003024-17f1evh3 author: Nunes, Márcio Roberto Teixeira title: Revalidation and genetic characterization of new members of Group C (Orthobunyavirus genus, Peribunyaviridae family) isolated in the Americas date: 2018-05-24 words: 3450 flesch: 43 summary: So far, previous studies have described the genomic characteristics S and M RNA segments of members of Group C viruses, but many sequences generated by Sanger sequencing approach were divergent, despite using the same strains of group C viruses Thus, our study reported the genomes of three new members in Group C virus (Apeu strain BeAn848, Itaqui strain BeAn12797 and Nepuyo strain BeAn10709), as well as re-sequencing of original strains of five members: Caraparu (strain BeAn3994), Madrid (strain BT4075), Murucutu (strain BeAn974), Oriboca (strain BeAn17), and Marituba (strain BeAn15). keywords: acids; american; amino; c viruses; caraparu; characterization; coding; complement; complete; complex; events; evolutionary; family; fig; fixation; genomes; genomic; genus; gpc; group; group c; hemagglutination; inhibition; journal; kda; marituba; members; molecular; murv; neutralization; new; nss; nucleotide; orf; oriboca; orthobunyavirus; phylogenetic; program; protein; rdrp; reassortment; rna; segments; sequences; serogroup; serological; strain; studies; study; trees; tropical; unique; viral; viruses cache: cord-003024-17f1evh3.txt plain text: cord-003024-17f1evh3.txt item: #7 of 216 id: cord-003532-lcgeingz author: None title: 39th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine: Brussels, Belgium, 19-22 March 2019 date: 2019-03-19 words: 80115 flesch: 48 summary: Blood cultures were sent as per clinical & laboratory diagnosis of sepsis in ICU patients. Conclusions: HR, lactate levels and age before AVP initiation can predict the response to AVP in ICU patients with NE-resistant hypotension. keywords: 24h; 95%ci; abdominal; ability; abstract; access; accuracy; acid; activation; activity; acute; addition; adequate; administration; admission; adult patients; adults; adverse; affected; age; agreement; aim; airway; aki; algorithm; analysis; antibiotic; antimicrobial; anxiety; aorta; aortic; apache; approach; appropriate; ards; ards patients; area; arrest; arterial; artery; assay; assessing; assessment; associated; association; auc; audit; available; average; avp; bacterial; balance; baseline; bed; bedside; benefit; best; better; bias; biomarker; bleeding; blood; blood pressure; bmi; body; brain; bypass; cabg; calculated; cancer; carbapenem; cardiac; cardiac arrest; cardiogenic; cardiopulmonary; care; care patients; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cell; center; central; centre; cerebral; cfdna; changes; characteristics; chest; children; chronic; classification; clinical; co2; coagulation; coagulopathy; cognitive; cohort; combination; combined; common; comorbidities; comparison; complex; compliance; complications; concentration; conclusions; condition; consecutive; consecutive patients; consensus; consent; continuous; control; control group; conventional; coronary; correlate; correlation; cost; count; course; cpc; cpr; creatinine; criteria; critical; critical care; cross; crp; crrt; cse; ctn; cumulative; current; curve; cvp; cytosorb; daily; data; day mortality; days; death; december; decision; decrease; delayed; delirium; delivery; demographic; department; describe; design; detection; determined; development; device; diagnosis; difference; difficult; discharge; disease; distress; doctors; dose; downtime; drug; duration; dysfunction; eaa; early; ecls; ecmo; ecmo patients; eeg; effect; effective; efficacy; elderly patients; elective; electronic; elevated; elevation; emergency; end; enteral; epiglottis; errors; essential; established; estimated; evaluation; events; evidence; exercise; experience; experimental; expert; expression; extracorporeal; factors; failure; family; feasibility; feasible; features; feeding; female; fentanyl; fever; fibrinogen; fig; figure; final; findings; fio2; flow; fluid; fold; followed; following; frailty; framework; free; frequency; frequent; fucoidan; functional; future; gas; gcs; general; generation; genes; global; glucose; glutamine; good; greater; group; guidelines; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; hemodynamic; hepatic; hfc; higher; higher mortality; highest; hospital; hospital cardiac; hospital mortality; hospital stay; hospitalization; hours; htg; hypotension; hypothermia; hypoxemia; icnarc; icu; icu admission; icu discharge; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icu time; identification; igf; iii; il-6; ill; illness; image; imaging; immune; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; inclusion; increase; independent; index; individual; indoor; induced; induction; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; influenza; information; infusion; initial; initiation; injury; insertion; insulin; intensity; intensive care; interruption; interval; intervention; intracranial; intravenous; introduction; intubation; invasive; iqr; ischemic; isolated; january; japan; june; key; kidney; knowledge; laboratory; lactate; large; learning; left; length; levels; levosimendan; life; likely; limited; linear; literature; local; logistic; longer; los; loss; low; lower; lps; lung; main; maintenance; major; making; male; management; mann; map; march; markers; maximum; mcg; mean; measurements; measures; mechanical; median; medical; medication; medicine; melatonin; membrane; metabolic; methodology; methods; mice; microcirculatory; minutes; mitopo; mixed; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modified; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mortality risk; multidisciplinary; multiple; multivariate; muscle; myocardial; national; necrosis; need; negative; network; neurological; neutrophil; new; nitrogen; non; norepinephrine; normal; novel; nui; number; nursing; nutrition; obese patients; objective; observational; observational study; occurrence; odds; ohca; old; online; onset; operating; opioid; optimal; oral; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygenation; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; pao2; parameters; participants; patients; patients introduction; patients methods; patterns; pci; pcr; pct; peak; percentage; percutaneous; performance; perfusion; period; perioperative; phase; physical; physicians; physiological; physiology; pigs; placebo; placement; plasma; platelet; plr; pmx; pneumonia; pocd; pocus; point; poor; popf; population; position; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; practice; prbc; precision; predictive; predictor; prehospital; preload; prescribing; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; proadm; problems; procalcitonin; procedure; process; prognostic; project; prolonged; propofol; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; pts; pulmonary; pulse; puncture; purpose; quality; randomized; randomly; range; rank; rapid; rate; ratio; reactive; reboa; receiver; recent; records; recovery; reduced; reduction; reference; regional; regression; related; relationship; relevant; removal; renal; report; requirements; research; resistance; resources; respiratory; response; responsiveness; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; return; review; right; risk; risk patients; rml; role; room; routine; rso; safety; samples; saps; satisfaction; saturation; scale; score; scoring; secondary; sedation; self; sensitivity; sepsis; sepsis care; septic; septic patients; septic shock; sequential; serum; services; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock patients; short; sid; significant; signs; similar; simulation; single; sirs; site; size; small; sodium; sofa; sofa score; specificity; spontaneous; staff; standard; state; statistical; status; stay; strategies; stress; stroke; studies; study; study group; subjects; successful; support; surgery; surgical; surgical patients; survey; survival; survivors; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; table; target; targeted; team; technique; tee; temperature; tertiary; test; testing; tgci; therapeutic; therapy; thrombin; tidal; time; tissue; tnf; tool; total; tracheal; tracheostomy; training; transfusion; trauma; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; triage; trial; troponin; ttm; tube; type; ultrasound; unit; united; university; unknown; upper; urine; use; useful; validation; value; vap; variables; vascular; vasopressor; vein; velocity; venous; ventilation; vital; volume; vte; ward; weaning; weight; whitney; wide; work; worse; years cache: cord-003532-lcgeingz.txt plain text: cord-003532-lcgeingz.txt item: #8 of 216 id: cord-003673-u7711eb4 author: Xiong, Xiao-Li title: Emodin Rescues Intrahepatic Cholestasis via Stimulating FXR/BSEP Pathway in Promoting the Canalicular Export of Accumulated Bile date: 2019-05-22 words: 6882 flesch: 52 summary: Although UDCA showed a positive effect on the mRNA and protein expression of BSEP, FXR1, and FXR2 when compared with model group (p < 0.01 or 0.05), emodin (40 mg/kg) and emodin (80 mg/kg) groups presented better improvement than that in UDCA and DXM group (P < 0.05 or 0.01). P < 0.01 vs. model group; & P < 0.05, %P < 0.01 vs. DXM group; P < 0.01 vs. UDCA group.) FIGURE 7 keywords: acid; anit; anti; bas; bile; bsep; canalicular; cells; cholestasis; control group; data; ding; disease; dxm; dxm group; effect; elevated; emodin; emodin group; et al; experiment; export; expressions; farnesoid; fibrosis; figures; fxr; fxr1; fxr2; group; guggulsterones; gw4064; gw4064 group; hepatitis; hepatocytes; induced; intrahepatic; kg group; lentivirus; levels; liver; lo2; means; mice; model group; mrna; nuclear; pathological; pathway; pcr; positive; primary; protein; protein expressions; rats; receptor; role; salt; signaling; sirna; sirna group; student; study; target; tbil; test; time; tissue; treatment; udca; udca group; values cache: cord-003673-u7711eb4.txt plain text: cord-003673-u7711eb4.txt item: #9 of 216 id: cord-003825-tkqxb1ql author: Toman, Miroslav title: Dynamics and Differences in Systemic and Local Immune Responses After Vaccination With Inactivated and Live Commercial Vaccines and Subsequent Subclinical Infection With PRRS Virus date: 2019-08-06 words: 6738 flesch: 40 summary: Vaccine Immunological solutions for treatment and prevention of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) Inactivated and subunit vaccines against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome: current status and future direction Live porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus vaccines: current status and future direction Comparison of different vaccination schedules for sustaining immune response against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Modified-live PRRSV subtype 1 vaccine UNISTRAIN PRRS provides a partial clinical and virological protection upon challenge with East European subtype 3 PRRSV strain Lena Efficacy and safety of simultaneous vaccination with two modified live virus vaccine against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus types 1 and 2 in pigs Development of a broadly protective modified-live vaccine candidate against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Economic analysis of vaccination strategies for PRRS control Review on the transmission porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus between pigs and farms and impact on vaccination Cost of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus at farm level -an economic model Significance of different types and levels of antigen-specific immunity to Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae infection in piglets Cell-mediated immune response in swine infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp Intracellular cytokine detection by flow cytometry in pigs: fixation, permeabilization and cell surface staining Assessment of the efficacy of commercial porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) vaccines based on measurement of serologic response, frequency of gamma-IFN-producing cells and virological parameters upon challenge Comparison of serum and oral fluid antibody responses after vaccination with modified live (MLV) porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) vaccine in PRRS endemic farms Detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV)-specific IgM-IgA in oral fluid samples reveals PRRSV infection in the presence of maternal antibody Oral fluid samples used for PRRSV acclimatization program and sow performance monitoring in endemic PRRS-positive farms Ability of ELISAs to detect antibodies against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in serum of pigs after inactivated vaccination and subsequent challenge Humoral immune response and viral shedding following vaccination with modified live porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus vaccines Long duration of immunity against a type 1 heterologous PRRS virus challenge in pigs immunised with novel PRRS MLV vaccine: a randomised controlled study New species of Torque Teno miniviruses infecting gorillas and chimpanzees Adenovirus infection in savanna chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) in the Issa Valley Safety and immune response after intradermal application of Porcilis PRRS in either neck or the perianal region Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) virus-specific Interferon-γ + T-cell responses after PRRS virus infection or vaccination with inactivated PRRS vaccine T-helper cells from naive to commited Pig that recover porcine reproduction and respiratory syndrome virus infection develop cytotoxic CD4 + CD8 + and CD4 + CD8 − T-cells that kill virus infected cells Safety of reproductive and respire syndrome modified live virus (MLV) vaccine strains in a young pig infection model Molecular epidemiology of PRRSV: a phylogenetic perspective Genomic characterization and pathogenicity of a strain of type 1 porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Elimination of PRRS virus (EU-type) from farrow-to finish breeding farm by vaccination with Ingel-vac R PRRS MLV under unfavourable conditions Microbial ecology of swine farms and PRRS vaccine vaccination strategies Development and control of an acute PRRS field virus infection in an endemic PRRS breeding herd after vaccination with modified live vaccine Different porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) vaccine regimes and its effect on pig immunity status at South Asia pig farms Evaluation of the effect of a porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) modifiedlive virus vaccine on sow reproductive performance in endemic PRRS farm Successful elimination of PRRS virus from an infected farrow-to-finish herd by vaccination By repeated sampling and simultaneous monitoring of the antibody and cell-mediated immunity and virus shedding systematically and locally, we have managed to get comprehensive information about the dynamics of the immune response after vaccination or PRRS virus infection. keywords: + +; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; balf; blood; cd3; cd4; cd8; cells; challenge; control; days; detection; differences; different; diluted; dpi; feces; figure; groups; ifn; iga; igg; igm; immune; immunity; immunization; immunized; inactivated; infected; infection; intervals; levels; live; low; lymphocyte; min; mlv; negative; neutralization; non; piglets; pigs; porcilis; porcine; porcine reproductive; positive; post; production; prrs; reproductive; respiratory; respiratory syndrome; response; saliva; samples; sera; serum; specific; stimulation; strain; study; syndrome; syndrome virus; test; time; use; vaccination; vaccines; viral; virus cache: cord-003825-tkqxb1ql.txt plain text: cord-003825-tkqxb1ql.txt item: #10 of 216 id: cord-003913-jr9hj0bs author: Park, Hyeong-Jun title: Comprehensive Analysis of the Safety Profile of a Single-Stranded RNA Nano-Structure Adjuvant date: 2019-09-07 words: 7555 flesch: 47 summary: The six groups involved in this study were treated as follows: group 1 (G1), PBS-control group; group 2 (G2), 1 µg/mouse of MERS S protein; group 3 (G3), 200 µg/mouse of ssRNA nano-structure adjuvant; group 4 (G4), 1 µg/mouse of MERS S protein and 20 µg/mouse of ssRNA nano-structure adjuvant as the low-dose group; group 5 (G5), 1 µg/mouse of MERS S protein and 200 µg/mouse of ssRNA nano-structure adjuvant as the high-dose group; group 6 (G6), 1 µg/mouse of MERS S protein and 200 µg/mouse of ssRNA nano-structure adjuvant as the recovery group. Furthermore, poly I:C induced higher pro-inflammatory cytokines than those of ssRNA nano-structure adjuvant in RAW 264.7 cells, which are a mouse macrophage cell line ( Figure S3 , detailed in supplementary methods), indicating poly I:C may stimulate a stronger inflammation response compared to that of the ssRNA nano-structure adjuvant. keywords: adjuvant; alum; analysis; animals; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; autoimmune; blood; cd8; cell; changes; clone; concentration; control; control group; cytokines; data; day; differences; diseases; dncb; dose; females; figure; group; hematological; higher; human; ige; il-1β; il-6; immune; immunization; immunological; increase; inflammation; inflammatory; korea; levels; lines; liver; lung; males; mcp-1; mean; mers; mice; mouse; nano; normal; nuclear; organs; parameters; poly; protein; recovery; relative; responses; samples; serum; significant; spleen; ssrna; ssrna nano; structure; structure adjuvant; study; test; thymus; tnf; total; toxicity; treatment; usa; vaccine; wbc; weeks; weights cache: cord-003913-jr9hj0bs.txt plain text: cord-003913-jr9hj0bs.txt item: #11 of 216 id: cord-004091-gex0zvoa author: Abdulkareem, Shaheen A. title: Risk perception and behavioral change during epidemics: Comparing models of individual and collective learning date: 2020-01-06 words: 8381 flesch: 48 summary: Even in M2, there were limitations of making decisions about risk perceptions individually: risk perception fell too quickly, implying that people stopped worrying about the epidemics although they continued. key: cord-004091-gex0zvoa authors: Abdulkareem, Shaheen A.; Augustijn, Ellen-Wien; Filatova, Tatiana; Musial, Katarzyna; Mustafa, Yaseen T. title: Risk perception and behavioral change during epidemics: Comparing models of individual and collective learning date: 2020-01-06 journal: PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0226483 sha: doc_id: 4091 cord_uid: gex0zvoa Modern societies are exposed to a myriad of risks ranging from disease to natural hazards and technological disruptions. keywords: abm; abms; agents; appraisal; awareness; behavior; bn1; cabm; cases; change; cholera; collective; communities; data; days; decentralized; decisions; different; diffusion; disease; dynamics; epidemic; fig; group; household; household agents; impact; income; individual; infected; information; intelligent; interactions; interactive; isolated; leaders; learning; majority; making; media; members; modeling; models; neighbors; networks; number; peak; people; perception; performance; process; processes; research; results; risk; risk perception; simulation; social; spatial; steps; strategies; study; table; time; water cache: cord-004091-gex0zvoa.txt plain text: cord-004091-gex0zvoa.txt item: #12 of 216 id: cord-004342-9uok77wb author: Lin, Chun-Yu title: Elderly versus non-elderly patients undergoing surgery for left-sided native valve infective endocarditis: A 10-year institutional experience date: 2020-02-14 words: 3008 flesch: 31 summary: Eur Infective endocarditis: an analysis based on strict case definitions Current features of infective endocarditis in elderly patients: results of the International Collaboration on Endocarditis Prospective Cohort Study Age-dependent profile of left-sided infective endocarditis: a 3-center experience Proposed modifications to the Duke criteria for the diagnosis of infective endocarditis Infective endocarditis: diagnosis, antimicrobial therapy, and management of complications: a statement for healthcare professionals from the committee on rheumatic fever, endocarditis, and Kawasaki disease, council on cardiovascular disease in the young, and the councils on clinical cardiology, stroke, and cardiovascular surgery and anesthesia AHA/ACC guideline for the management of patients with valvular heart disease: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on practice guidelines Valve surgery in active endocarditis patients complicated by intracranial haemorrhage: the influence of the timing of surgery on neurological outcomes Native valve infective endocarditis in elderly and younger patients: comparison of clinical features and outcomes with use of Duke criteria and the Duke endocarditis database Carpentier's Reonstructive Valve Surgery Acute kidney injury network: report of an initiative to improve outcomes in acute kidney injury A simulation study of the number of events per variable in logistic regression analysis Sparse data bias: A problem hiding in plain sight A goodness-of-fit test for the multiple logistic regression model The evolution of cardiovascular surgery in elderly patient: a review of current options and outcomes Early and late predictors of mortality following on-pump coronary artery bypass graft surgery in the elderly as compared to a younger population Outcomes in nonagenarians after heart valve replacement operation Infective endocarditis in elderly patients: clinical characteristics and outcome Physiology of cardiovascular aging The changing clinical aspects of infective endocarditis: descriptive review of 90 episodes in a French teaching hospital and risk factors for death Risk of embolism and death in infective endocarditis: prognostic value of echocardiography, a prospective multicenter study Optimal timing of surgery for active infective endocarditis with cerebral complications: a Japanese multicentre study Chronic kidney disease in the elderly: evaluation and management Outcomes of cardiac surgery in chronic kidney disease We thank Tao-Hsin Tung, Department of Medical Research and Education, Cheng-Hsin General Hospital, for statistical assistance. key: cord-004342-9uok77wb authors: Lin, Chun-Yu; Lu, Cheng-Hui; Lee, Hsiu-An; See, Lai-Chu; Wu, Meng-Yu; Han, Yi; Tseng, Chi-Nan; Su, I-Li; Li, Han-Yan; Tsai, Feng-Chun title: Elderly versus non-elderly patients undergoing surgery for left-sided native valve infective endocarditis: keywords: active; cardiac; cardiovascular; clinical; complications; cpb; data; disease; elderly; elderly group; elderly patients; emboli; endocarditis; failure; function; group; heart; higher; hospital; incidence; infective; kidney; license; logistic; lsnie; management; mortality; non; outcomes; patients; postoperative; preoperative; rates; regression; renal; replacement; risk; septic; study; surgery; surgical; survival; term; test; treatment; valve; valvular; variables; years cache: cord-004342-9uok77wb.txt plain text: cord-004342-9uok77wb.txt item: #13 of 216 id: cord-004373-nmnssoeb author: Wall, Jonathan T. title: What about lay counselors’ experiences of task-shifting mental health interventions? Example from a family-based intervention in Kenya date: 2020-02-20 words: 9309 flesch: 43 summary: In our implementation model, the strategy is to lower demand and burden, with a maximum caseload of two families, and to integrate responsibilities into roles counselors had prior to TP training (e.g., informal counselors within their communities). Code summaries were then compared across counselor experience groups to check for patterned differences. keywords: activities; advice; analysis; burnout; care; category; challenges; changes; children; collection; community; counseling; counselors; countries; data; design; education; efficacy; eldoret; experience; families; family; female; fgds; focus; formal; goal; group; health; healthcare; help; high; identity; implementation; important; income; increased; individual; informal; intervention; interviews; intrinsic; kenya; lay; lay counselors; lay providers; level; lives; low; male; mental; mental health; middle; moderate; motivation; multiple; negative; new; outcomes; overall; participants; peer; people; personal; pilot; positive; problems; process; progress; providers; related; research; responsibilities; results; role; self; services; sessions; severity; shifting; shifts; skills; social; specific; strategies; stress; stressors; studies; study; supervision; supervisors; support; task; themes; theory; therapy; time; training; treatment; ways; work; workers cache: cord-004373-nmnssoeb.txt plain text: cord-004373-nmnssoeb.txt item: #14 of 216 id: cord-005105-twsy61oq author: None title: SIU 2015 Abstracts date: 2015-09-21 words: 124278 flesch: 51 summary: Th e patients were discharged from hospital aft er a median of 4.5 days (range 3 to 7). Th e patients were classifi ed into Group 1 (n=67, 60.3%) and into Group 2 (n=44, 39.7%) based on the presence of BPH. keywords: -siu; 35th; abdominal; ability; ablation; abnormal; absence; abstract; access; accuracy; acid; active; activity; acute; additional; adequate; adjuvant; administration; adrenal; adt; adult patients; adults; advanced; advantages; adverse; aff; aft; age; aged; aggressive; aggressiveness; aims; alpha; alternative; anaesthetic; analysis; anastomosis; androgen; anesthesia; angle; ank; anterior; antibiotic; antigen; application; approach; appropriate; april; area; arms; artery; assay; assessment; assisted; associated; association; augmentation; august; australian; available; bacterial; baseline; bcg; bcr; benefi; benign; better; bilateral; biochemical; biomarker; biopsies; biopsy; bladder; bladder cancer; bladder tumor; bleeding; blockers; blood; blue; bmi; body; bone; book; botulinum; bowel; boys; bph; buccal; bulbar; cacy; calculated; calculi; calculus; cancer; cancer patients; capacity; carcinoma; care; cases; catheter; catheterization; cause; ccrcc; cd44; cells; center; centre; challenge; challenging; change; characteristics; chart; chemotherapy; children; choice; chronic; cial; ciency; cient; ckd; classifi; clavien; clear; clinical; closure; clot; cohort; coli; combination; combined; common; comorbidities; comparable; comparative; comparison; complete; complex; complications; conclusion; concomitant; conditions; conduit; confi; congenital; congress; consecutive patients; conservative; content; continent; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; conversion; cores; correlation; cosmetic; cost; cox; creatinine; criteria; cspca; culture; current; curve; cystectomy; cystic; cystitis; cystoscopy; d'urologie; daily; damage; data; database; date; day; days; death; december; decreased; defi; degarelix; degree; delivery; demand; demographic; density; department; deprivation; detection; determined; detrusor; developed; development; devices; diabetes; diagnosis; diameter; diff; diff erence; digital; dilatation; direct; discharged; disease; dissection; distal; distribution; diversion; dna; donor; dose; double; drain; drainage; duration; dutasteride; dysfunction; e age; e aim; e average; e bladder; e data; e diff; e eff; e fi; e fl; e growth; e incidence; e initial; e main; e mean; e median; e model; e outcome; e overall; e patient; e present; e prevalence; e primary; e renal; e results; e signifi; e study; e success; e total; e tumor; e use; early; easy; ectiveness; ects; eff; eff ective; effi; egfr; elderly patients; elevated; emergency; endoscopic; endothelial; energy; enucleation; epispadias; ere; erectile; ered; erence; erent; ese patients; essential; established; estimated; eswl; evaluated; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; excellent; exible; experience; exploration; exposure; expression; external; extra; factors; failure; family; fat; fbc; feasibility; feasible; features; female; fever; fi ndings; fi rst; fift; figure; follow; following; fracture; fragile; fragile patients; fragments; free; frequency; frequent; function; gel; gender; general; generation; genital; genitourinary; gland; gleason; global; gold; good; gps; grade; graft; greater; greenlight; group; group b; group patients; growth; guidance; guidelines; hbo; health; help; hematuria; hemoglobin; hemorrhage; hernia; hgf; hif-1α; high; higher; histological; history; holep; hormonal; hospital; hospitalization; hours; human; hydronephrosis; hyperplasia; hypogonadism; hypospadias; iciq; identifi; identifi ed; iief-5; iii; ileal; image; imaging; immediate; immunohistochemical; impact; implantation; important; improved; improvement; incision; include; incontinence; increase; independent; index; individual; indwelling; infection; infertility; infl; information; inguinal; inhibitors; initial; injuries; injury; injury patients; insertion; institution; international; interstitial; interval; intervention; intracavernosal; intracorporeal; intraoperative; intravenous; intravesical; introduction; invasion; invasive; invasive bladder; involved; ipss; irty; ischemia; isolated; ivu; january; japan; july; june; key; kidney; kim; knowledge; known; laparoscopic; large; laser; lead; learning; left; length; lesions; level; life; like; likely; limited; literature; lithotripsy; little; local; location; logistic; loh; loh patients; long; longer; loop; loss; lower; lower urinary; lrp; ltration; lung; luts; luts patients; lymph; main; major; majority; male patients; males; malignant; management; march; margin; markers; mass; masses; materials; maximum; mean age; mean follow; mean operative; mean patient; mean prostate; mean time; means; measurements; medical; medication; medium; metabolic; metastasectomy; metastases; metastatic; metformin; methods; methylene; middle; migration; mild; minimal; minimum; miniperc; minor; minutes; modality; model; moderate; modifi; months; months aft; morbidity; morcellation; mortality; mpmri; mri; mucosal; multiparametric; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mvd; nadir; ndings; necessary; neck; necrosis; nect; ned; needle; negative; negative patients; neobladder; nephrectomy; nephrectomy patients; nephrolithotomy; nephroureterectomy; nerve; neuroendocrine; neurogenic; new; nlr; nocturia; node; non; normal; notes; novel; novo; number; oab; oabss; obesity; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; old; old patients; oncological; ongoing; onset; open; operating; operation; operative; operative time; optimal; option; oral; orchiectomy; order; organ; outcomes; outpatient; overall; owmetry; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; parameters; partial; participants; partner; pathological; pathology; pathway; patients; patients eligible; patterns; pca; pca patients; pcnl; peak; pediatric; pediatric patients; pelvic; penile; penis; people; percent; percentage; percutaneous; perforation; performance; perineal; period; peripheral; pet; pfui; phase; physical; placement; plasma; plate; pleural; points; pole; poor; population; position; positive; possibility; possible; post; posterior; postoperative; potency; potential; practice; predictive; predictor; pregnancy; preoperative; presence; present; present study; presentation; presenting; pressure; previous; prias; prior; problem; procedure; prognostic; proliferation; prolonged; promising; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; prostate; prostate biopsy; prostate cancer; prostate symptom; prostate volume; prostatectomy; prostatic; prostatitis; protein; protocols; proximal; psa; psma; pt0; pts; pua; public; pulmonary; puncture; pure; pvp; pvr; pyelonephritis; pyeloplasty; qol; quality; questionnaire; radiation; radical; radical prostatectomy; radiotherapy; randomized; range; rare; rarp; rate; rats; ray; reasons; recent; reconstruction; records; recovery; recurrence; reduced; reduction; ree patients; refl; region; regression; related; relationship; relative; relief; remaining; removal; renal; renal cell; renal function; renal stone; repair; reported; reports; required; research; resection; residual; resistant; responders; response; rest; results; retention; retrograde; retroperitoneal; retrospective; retrospective study; review; right; rigid; rirs; risk; risk group; risk patients; risk prostate; rmed; robotic; role; routine; rst; safe; safety; saline; salvage; samples; satisfaction; satisfactory; scale; scan; scar; score; second; secondary; segment; selected; selection; self; semen; sensitivity; sensor; sepsis; september; series; serum; service; session; setting; severe; severity; sexual; sham; sheath; shock; short; signifi; similar; simple; single; site; size; skin; sling; small; smoking; smooth; society; société; soft; solitary; space; sparing; specifi; specimens; sperm; sphincter; spinal; srw; stage; staining; standard; statistical; status; stay; stenosis; stent; stenting; step; stone; stone treatment; storage; stratifi; strength; stress; stricture; strong; studies; study; study group; study period; stula; subjects; subsequent; success; successful; suction; suff; sui; sunitinib; superior; suprapubic; surgeon; surgery; surgery group; surgical; surveillance; survey; survival; survivin; suture; symptom patients; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; table; tadalafi; targeted; technique; telephone; term; tertiary; test; testicular; testis; testosterone; th e; th ese; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thrombus; time; tissue; tnf; tomography; tool; torsion; total; toxin; tract; traditional; training; transfusion; transperitoneal; transplantation; transrectal; transurethral; transvaginal; trauma; trauma patients; traumatic; treated; treatment; treatment group; trial; trocar; trpm7; trt; trus; tube; tumor; turbt; turp; type; uence; uid; ultrasonography; ultrasound; undergone; underwent; univariate; university; uoroscopy; upper; ureter; ureteric; ureteroscopy; urethral; urethroplasty; urgency; urinary; urinary bladder; urinary fl; urinary tract; urine; urodynamic; urofl; urolithiasis; urological; urologists; urology; urothelial; useful; usefulness; uut; value; vaporization; variables; variants; varicocelectomy; vascular; vegf; vein; venous; vessels; video; virtual; vision; visual; voiding; volume; wall; warm; water; wave; way; websites; weeks; weeks aft; weight; western; women; working; world; wound; xps; years; years aft; years old; younger; zone cache: cord-005105-twsy61oq.txt plain text: cord-005105-twsy61oq.txt item: #15 of 216 id: cord-005379-5x4deimg author: Xu, Jing-Xiu title: Dietary Selenium Status Regulates the Transcriptions of Selenoproteome and Activities of Selenoenzymes in Chicken Kidney at Low or Super-nutritional Levels date: 2015-08-19 words: 5607 flesch: 43 summary: Biol Trace Elem Res DOI: 10.1007/s12011-015-0470-9 sha: doc_id: 5379 cord_uid: 5x4deimg To determine dietary selenium (Se) status regulates the transcriptions of selenoproteome and activities of selenoenzymes in chicken kidney, 1-day-old chickens received low Se (0.028 mg Se per kg of diet) or super-nutritional Se (3.0 or 5.0 mg Se per kg of diet) in their diets for 8 weeks. In this study, Dio1, Dio2, Dio3, Selk, Selu, and Sepp1 had the same trend that increased significantly in low Se and 3.0 mg/kg Se excess but decreased significantly in 5.0 mg/kg Se excess. keywords: activity; analysis; antioxidant; aoc; associated; changes; chicken; china; content; damage; data; day; decreased; deficiency; dietary; different; effects; eighth; enzymes; excess; excess ii; expression; factors; fig; function; genes; glutathione; gpx; group; gsh; kg se; kidney; levels; low; low se; manufacturer; mda; metabolism; mrna; mrna levels; nutritional; oxidative; p.r; pathological; qpcr; regulation; related; renal; response; results; se excess; secp43; selenium; selenocysteine; selenoenzyme; selenoprotein; selenoproteome; selh; significant; standard; standard group; status; stress; study; super; synthesis; table; thioredoxin; trna; trxr; usa; week cache: cord-005379-5x4deimg.txt plain text: cord-005379-5x4deimg.txt item: #16 of 216 id: cord-005453-4057qib7 author: None title: The 45th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation: Physicians – Poster Session date: 2019-07-03 words: 276280 flesch: 51 summary: Goals: In the present study, we describe the frequencies of CRE colonization and analyzed its relationship with development of CRE bacteremia and mortality in two different scenarios: stem cell transplant patients (HSCT) and Leukemia patients. The aim of this study was to analyse a single centre experience with HSCT patients requiring ICU admission and the factors affecting outcome. keywords: +100; +14; +180; +30; +365; +60; +90; /day; /kg; 1,2; 1st; 1x10; 2nd; 95%ci; ab0; abdominal; abnormalities; abo; absence; absolute; abstract; acceptable; access; acid; active; active disease; activity; acute graft; acute gvhd; acute leukemia; acute myeloid; addition; adenovirus; adequate; administration; admission; adolescents; adult patients; adults; advanced; advantage; adverse; advt; aes; affected; affected patients; age group; age range; aged; agents; aggressive; agvhd; aic; aim; albumin; alemtuzumab; alive patients; allele; allo hsct; allogeneic bone; allogeneic cell; allogeneic donors; allogeneic hematopoietic; allogeneic hsct; allogeneic patients; allogeneic stem; allogeneic transplantation; allogenic; allograft patients; alloreactive; alloreactivity; allosct; allosct patients; alternative; aml patients; amounts; amphotericin; analysis; analyze; anemia patients; anti; antibiotic; antibodies; antibody; antifungal; antigen; antileukemic; antithymocyte; antiviral; apheresis; aplasia; aplastic; apoptosis; application; approach; appropriate; approved; april; area; arf; ascs; asct; aspergillosis; aspergillus; assay; assessment; associated; association; atg; auc; august; authors; autograft; autoimmune; autologous; autologous hematopoietic; autologous hsct; autologous patients; autologous stem; autologous transplantation; autophagy; availability; available; average; aza; b cells; bacteremia; bacterial; bal; barr; basal; based; baseline; basis; beam; beginning; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; bilirubin; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; bkv; blasts; bleeding; blinatumomab; blood; blood cells; blood group; blood patients; blood stem; blood transplantation; bmf; bmi; bmt; body; bone; bone marrow; boost; bortezomib; bos; boys; brain; brentuximab; brincidofovir; brother; bsi; budesonide; bumel; burden; busulfan; calcineurin; calcium; calculated; cancer; cancer cell; candida; candidates; candidemia; candidiasis; capacity; car; cardiac; care; caregivers; cart; carv; cases; category; cause; ccr4; cd10; cd19; cd25; cd34; cd34 cells; cd4; cd45ra; cd52; cd56; cd66b; cd8; cdi; cell collection; cell count; cell death; cell depletion; cell disease; cell dose; cell free; cell function; cell graft; cell infusion; cell levels; cell lines; cell lymphoma; cell mobilization; cell non; cell numbers; cell population; cell products; cell proliferation; cell reconstitution; cell recovery; cell replete; cell source; cell subsets; cell therapy; cell transplantation; cell transplants; cell viability; cells; cellular; cellularity; center; central; centre; cerebral; cfdna; cfu; cgd patients; chain; changes; characterization; characterized; chemosensitive patients; chemotherapy; chest; childhood; children; chimeric; chimeric patients; chimerism; china; choice; chronic graft; chronic gvhd; cidofovir; cik cell; cir; class; classical; classification; clearance; clinical; clinical background; clinical study; clinimacs; cll; clonal; clones; close; cml; cmv; cmv disease; cmv infection; cmv prophylaxis; cmv reactivation; cns; cohort; collected; collection; colonization; colonized patients; colony; combination; combined; common; comorbidities; comparable; compare; comparison; complete; complete donor; complete response; complexity patients; complications; components; composition; concentration; conclusions; conditioning; conditioning regimen; conditions; confidence; confirmed; conflict; congenital; consecutive patients; consensus; consent; consideration; consistent; consolidation; context; continued; continuous; contrast; contribute; control; control group; conventional; conversion; copies; copy; cord; cord blood; correlate; correlation; corresponding; corticosteroid; cost; counseling; count; countries; country; course; cox; cpx-351; cr1; cr2; creatinine; criteria; critical; cross; crp; crs; crucial; cryopreservation; cryopreserved patients; csa; csf; ctls; culture; cumulative; cumulative incidence; curative; curative treatment; cure; current; cutaneous; cvc; cycles; cyclophosphamide; cyclosporine; cystitis; cytarabine; cytogenetic; cytokine; cytomegalovirus; cytometry; cytopenias; cytoreductive; cytotoxicity; daily; damage; dasatinib; data; data patients; database; date; day mortality; days; days post; dcs; death; decades; december; decision; declare; decreased; defibrotide; deficiency; degree; delayed; demographic; demyelinating; dendritic; department; depleted; desensitization; detailed patients; detectable; detection; determination; determined; developed; development; device; dexamethasone; dfs; diagnosis; diarrhea; differences; different; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; direct; discharge; disclosure; disclosure background; disclosure results; discontinuation; disease; disease control; disease free; disease patients; disease progression; disease prophylaxis; disease relapse; disease response; disease status; dismal; disorders; distinct; distribution; dlbcl patients; dli; dmso; dna; donations; donor; donor age; donor cells; donor chimerism; donor cmv; donor graft; donor group; donor lymphocyte; donor source; donor t; donor transplant; donor type; doppler; dosage; dose; dosing; double; dpb1; drug; dsa; ductopenia; duration; dysfunction; e.g.; earlier; early; easix; ebmt; ebv; ecp; ecs; eculizumab; education; effect; effective; effectiveness; effector; efficacy; efs; elafin; elderly; elevated; eligible patients; elisa; elispot; eltrombopag; employee; encephalitis; encephalopathy; encouraging; endothelial; endothelial cells; endpoint; engraftment; enhanced; enriched; enrichment; entire; enzyme; epag; episodes; epstein; equivalent; essential; established; estimate; etanercept; etoposide; european; evaluable patients; evaluation; events; evidence; evs; exact; examination; excellent; exercise; expansion; expected; experience; exposure; expression; extended; extensive; extracorporeal; extramedullary; facs; factors; failure; failure patients; family; fanconi; faster; fatal; favorable; fb2; feasibility; feasible; features; febrile; february; female; ferritin; fertility; fever; figure; final; financial; findings; flow; flt3; flubu; fluconazole; fludarabine; flumel; fluorescence; fmt; fnh; focus; fold; following; followup; forms; foundation; fractions; fractures; free; free survival; freezing; frequency; frequent; fresh; frozen; function; funding; fungal; future; gamma; ganciclovir; gastrointestinal; gcsf; gender; general; generation; genes; genetic; genotype; germany; gi gvhd; global; globulin; good; grade; grade ii; graft; graft failure; graftversus; granulocyte; gray; greater; grfs; group; group b; group patients; growth; guidelines; gut; gvhd grade; gvhd group; gvhd incidence; gvhd patients; gvhd prophylaxis; gvhd rate; gvhd therapy; gvl; hadv; haematopoietic; half; hand; haploidentical; haploidentical donor; haploidentical hsct; haploidentical patients; haploidentical stem; haploidentical transplantation; haplosct; harvest; hazard; hbv; hct; hdct; hdm; hdt; healthy; help; hematological; hematological patients; hematology; hematopoietic cell; hematopoietic stem; hemoglobin; hemolysis; hemorrhage; hepatic; hepatitis; hev; hid; high; high dose; high grade; high mortality; high risk; higher; higher median; highest; histological; historical; history; hiv; hla; hla donor; hlh patients; hma; hodgkin; home; honoraria; hospital; hospitalization; host disease; hours; hscs; hsct =; hsct background; hsct complications; hsct group; hsct methods; hsct outcome; hsct patients; hsct program; hsct recipients; hsct relapse; hsct response; hsct setting; hsct treatment; hsos; human; hypertension; hypothesis; i.v; ibrutinib; icu; identification; ifd; ifn; igg; ii patients; iii; iks; il-15; il-2; image; imaging; immediate; immune; immune cell; immunity; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunomodulatory; immunosuppressive; immunotherapy; impact; impaired; impairment; important; improved; improvement; improving; incidence; inclusion; incompatibility; increase; independent; index; india; indications; individual; individual patients; induced; induction; infants; infection; infection patients; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; initiation; injury; inkt; institute; institution; intensity; intensity conditioning; intensive; interactions; interest; intermediate; international; interval; intervention; intestinal; intestinal gvhd; intracellular; intravenous; introduction; invasive; involvement; ips; iqr; iron; irradiation; isa; isolated; isolation; itd; itma; iv acute; january; japan; jazz; july; june; kaplan; karnofsky; karyotype; key; kidney; killer; killing; kinetics; kit; kits; knowledge; known; krp203; laboratory; lack; large; later; ldh; lead; leading; left; length; lesions; letermovir; leukaemia; leukapheresis; leukemia cells; leukemia patients; leukemic; leukocyte; levels; lfs; life; like; likely; limitations; limited; limiting; line; line treatment; lineage; linear; liposomal; literature; little; liver; load; local; logistic; long; longer; loss; lower; ltv; lung; lymphoblastic; lymphocyte; lymphoid; lymphoma patients; lymphomas; lymphoproliferative; main; maintenance; major; majority; making; male patients; males; malignancies; malignant; malignant disease; maltophilia; management; manifestations; mann; manufacturing; march; maria; markers; marrow; marrow transplantation; mass; matched; matching; maternal; mature; maximum; mcl; mds patients; mean; measles; measurements; mechanism; median; median age; median cd34; median cell; median day; median donor; median dose; median duration; median follow; median frequency; median group; median interval; median neutrophil; median number; median os; median overall; median pre; median survival; median time; median treatment; medical; medicine; medium; meier; melphalan; memory; mesenchymal; metabolic; methods; methotrexate; mets; mfd; mfi; mice; microbiological; microbiota; mild; miltenyi; minimal; minimum; minor; minutes; mirna; mismatched; mixed; mlc; mmf; mmud; mnc; mobilization; mobilizers; model; moderate; modified; mofetil; molecular; moment; monitoring; monoclonal; monocytes; mononuclear cells; months; months post; morbidity; mortality; mothers; motion; mpn; mrd; mrd group; mri; mscs; msd; msd hsct; mtx; mucositis; mud; multicenter; multiple; multivariate; multivariate analysis; mutations; mycophenolate; myeloablative; myeloablative conditioning; myelodysplastic; myelofibrosis; myeloid; myeloma patients; n=1; n=10; n=11; n=12; n=13; n=14 patients; n=15; n=2; n=21; n=22; n=23; n=3; n=4; n=5; n=6; n=7; n=8; n=9; national; natural; nausea; naïve; nd hsct; necessary; needed; needs; negative patients; negativity; neoplasms; neuroblastoma; neurological; neutropenia; neutrophil; new; nhl; nih; nivolumab; nk cells; nkg2d; nlr; nma; non; nonmalignant; normal; note; novel; november; novo; npm1; nrm; nucleated; number; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; obtaining; obvious; occlusive; occlusive disease; occurrence; october; offer; offspring; older patients; oncology; ones; ongoing; onset; optimal; option; oral; order; organ; origin; original; outcome; ovarian; overall; overall response; overall survival; oxygen; ozogamicin; p=0.002; p=0.01; paediatric patients; pain; pairs; panel; panobinostat; parameters; parents; partial; participants; particular; pathogenesis; pathological; pathway; patient age; patients; patients background; patients characteristics; patients chronic; patients donors; patients higher; patients median; patients recipients; pattern; pbmcs; pbsc; pcnsl patients; pcr; peak; pediatric hsct; pediatric patients; peptide; percentage; performance; period; peripheral; peripheral blood; peripheral stem; persistent; pet; pfs; pgf patients; pharmaceuticals; phase; phenotype; photopheresis; physical; planned; plasma; platelet; platform; play; plerixafor; plt; plus; pneumocystis; pneumonia; pnh; points; pooled; poor; poorer; population; posaconazole; positive cell; positive patients; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post allo; post hsct; post transplant; potential; ppx; practice; pre; predictive; predictors; prednisone; preemptive; preferred; preliminary; preparation; presence; present; presentation; pressure; pretransplant; pretreated patients; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; primary disease; primary graft; prior; probability; probable; problems; procedure; process; processes; processing; product; profile; prognosis; program; progression; project; proliferation; prolonged; promising; properties; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; proven; pt#2; ptcy; ptld; pts; pubertal; pubertal patients; pulmonary; purpose; qol; qpcr; quality; quantitative; rabbit; radiological; radiotherapy; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rare; rate; ratg; ratio; rbc; reaction; reactivation; reasons; received; recent; receptor; reconstitution; records; recovered; recovery; recurrent; red cell; reduced; reduction; reference; refractory; refractory acute; refractory disease; refractory gvhd; refractory patients; regard; regimen; registry; regulation; regulatory; rejection; relapse; relapse incidence; relapse mortality; relapse rate; relapsing; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; remaining; remission; renal; replacement; reported; reports; rescue; research; residual; residual disease; resistant; resistant patients; resolution; resolved; respect; respiratory; responders patients; response; results; retrospective; retrospective study; review; rfs; rhce; risk acute; risk aml; risk disease; risk factors; risk group; risk patients; risks; rituximab; role; romiplostim; routine; rsv; ruxolitinib; rzf; saa; safety; salvage; samples; sampling; sarcoma; sc patients; scale; scan; scd; schedule; scid; score; screening; second; second transplant; secondary; selected; selection; self; sensitivity; sepsis; september; septic; sequence; sequencing; sequential; series; serology; seropositive; serostatus; serotherapy; serum; sessions; setting; severe; severe acute; severe gvhd; severe patients; severity; sex; sga; shock; short; shorter; shows; sibling; sibling donor; sickle cell; signaling; significant; significant risk; signs; similar; single; sinusoidal; sirolimus; sister; site; size; skin; slightly; small; smx; social; society; software; sos; sources; species; specific; specificity; spectrum; spgf; spleen; splenomegaly; spontaneous; spp; spss; stable disease; stage; staining; standard; start; starting; statistical; status; stay; stem cell; step; steroid; steroid treatment; stimulated; stimulation; storage; strategies; strategy; stromal; strong; studies; study; study background; study group; study patients; study period; subgroup; subjects; suboptimal; subpopulations; subsequent; substantial; subtypes; successful; suffering; sufficient; suitable; superior; support; supportive; suppression; surface; surgical; surveillance; survival; survival rate; survive; survivors; susceptibility; sustained; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; t cells; table; tacrolimus; tandem; tapered; tapering; target; targeted; tbi; tcd; tcr; tcrαβ; team; technique; technology; term; term survival; test; testing; thalassemia; thalassemic patients; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thiotepa; threshold; thrombocytopenia; thrombotic; thymic; thymoglobuline; tim3; times; timing; tissue; titers; tki; tma; tmp; tnc; tnf; tocilizumab; tolerability; tolerance; tolerated; tool; total; total patients; toxicities; toxicity; toxoplasma; tpo; traditional; trail; training; transduced; transduction; transfer; transformation; transformed; transfusion; transient; transplant characteristics; transplant complications; transplant conditioning; transplant cyclophosphamide; transplant disease; transplant high; transplant outcomes; transplant patients; transplant period; transplant recipients; transplant relapse; transplant therapy; transplantation background; transplantation results; transplantation unit; transplantations; transplanted; treatment; treatment option; treatment patients; trec; treg; trend; treosulfan; trial; trm; tumor; tumor cells; type; ucb; ucbt; ultrasound; umbilical; unclear; undergone; underlying; underwent; underwent hsct; unit; univariate; university; unknown; unmanipulated; unrelated; unrelated donor; unrelated hsct; untreated; upfront; upper; uric; urine; usa; use; useful; vaccination; vaccine; valganciclovir; validation; values; variables; variants; varied; variety; vascular; vector; vedotin; vein; veno; versus; vgpr; viability; viable; vip; viral; viremia; virus; viruses; visual; vitamin; vitro; vivo; vod; vod patients; volume; vomiting; voriconazole; vwf; wbc; weekly; weeks; weight; white; whitney; wide; withdrawal; women; work; working; world; worse; wt1; x10; y.o; year os; years; years old; years overall; years post; yield; younger patients; yrs cache: cord-005453-4057qib7.txt plain text: cord-005453-4057qib7.txt item: #17 of 216 id: cord-005497-w81ysjf9 author: None title: 40th International Symposium on Intensive Care & Emergency Medicine: Brussels, Belgium. 24-27 March 2020 date: 2020-03-24 words: 103795 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions: This is one of the first studies to demonstrate that abnormal RV function is associated with an increased mortality in ICU patients with pneumonia. The fast efficacy of targeted therapies led some intensivists to use them as rescue therapy for ICU patients. keywords: 1st; 24h; 95%ci; abdominal; ability; abnormal; absence; absolute; abstract; accuracy; acid; acquired; activated; activation; activity; acute; acute care; addition; adjusted; adjustment; administration; admission; admission patients; adult patients; adults; adverse; afxa; age; aged; agents; agreement; aim; aims; airway; aki; aki patients; albumin; analgesia; analysis; anesthesia; angiography; animals; antibiotic; anticoagulation; antimicrobial; antixa; anxiety; aof; apache; application; approach; appropriate; april; ards; area; arf; arrest; arrest patients; arterial; artery; assay; assessment; associated; association; athens; atx; auc; audit; available; average; bacteremia; bacterial; balance; barriers; baseline; bbv; bedside; benefit; better; bilirubin; biomarkers; bleeding; blood; blood pressure; bmi; body; bolus; brain; breathing; bundle; burden; burn; burnout; bypass; cabg; cancer; cardiac; cardiac arrest; cardiac patients; cardiac surgery; cardiopulmonary; cardiothoracic; cardiovascular; care; care hospital; care patients; care unit; cartridge; cases; catheter; cause; cbt; cci; cdi; cells; center; central; centre; cerebral; cfs; challenge; changes; characteristics; characterized; chart; chest; children; chloride; chronic; circuit; circulation; circulatory; citrate; classification; clearance; clinical; clinicians; clot; clotting; cmh; coagulation; coagulopathy; cohort; cohort study; collection; combination; combined; committee; common; community; comorbidities; comparable; compare; comparison; complex; compliance; complications; components; compression; concentration; conclusions; conditions; confidence; consciousness; consecutive patients; consent; consumption; continuous; control; control group; controlled; conventional; coronary; correct; correlation; costs; count; course; cpb; cpr; creatinine; criteria; critical; critical care; cross; crp; crrt; csf; cuff; cultures; cumulative; current; curve; cvc; daily; damage; data; database; dataset; day mortality; days; death; december; decision; decrease; degree; delirium; delivery; demographic; department; design; detecting; detection; determination; development; device; diabetes; diagnosis; diaphragm; diarrhea; difference; difficult; dimer; direct; discharge; disease; distress; distribution; doctors; donors; dose; drug; duration; dysfunction; dysglycemia; earlier; early; ecco; ecg; ecls; ecmo; ecmo patients; ecpr; effect; effective; efficacy; elderly patients; elective; electronic; elevated; elevation; emergency; emergency patients; end; endothelial; endotoxin; endpoint; enteral; episodes; ethics; evaluation; events; evidence; excess; exclusion; existing; expected; experience; exposure; expression; extracorporeal; factors; failure; family; favorable; feasible; features; feedback; female; fever; fibrinogen; figure; filter; final; findings; fio; flow; fluid; follow; fraction; fracture; frail patients; frailty; free; freiburg; frequency; frequent; function; future; gas; gender; general; generation; genes; germany; gfap; glasgow; global; glucose; goal; good; grade; gram; greater; group; group patients; guidelines; half; handover; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; hemodynamic; hemoperfusion; hemorrhage; heparin; higher; higher mortality; highest; history; hospital; hospital admission; hospital cardiac; hospital discharge; hospital mortality; hospital stay; hospitalization; hours; hrs; human; hypertension; hyponatremia; icp; icu admission; icu care; icu discharge; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu population; icu staff; icu stay; icuca; icus; ihca; iii; il-6; ill; illness; immune; immunosuppression; impact; impairment; implementation; important; improved; improvement; imv; incidence; incidents; inclusion; income; increased; independent; index; individual; induction; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhalation; initial; initiation; injuries; injury; inpatient; insulin; intake; intensive care; interaction; interval; intervention; intra; intravenous; introduction; intubated; intubation; invasive; involved; involvement; iqr; ir+f; iron; ischemia; italy; january; japan; july; kdigo; ketoacidosis; kidney; knowledge; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; lead; leading; learning; left; length; levels; levosimendan; life; likely; limited; linear; literature; liver; local; logistic; long; longer; los; loss; lower; lps; lung; main; major; majority; making; male; malignancy; management; map; march; markers; mass; max; maximum; mcs; mdr; mean; mean age; measured; measurements; mechanical; median; median icu; medical; medical care; medical patients; medication; medicine; members; membrane; mental; methods; mhla; mice; microstructure; min; minimal; minutes; mixed; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modified; mods; monitored; monitoring; monocytes; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; multicenter; multidisciplinary; multiple; multivariate; muscle; music; myocardial; national; necessary; need; negative; neurological; neutrophils; new; news; noise; non; normal; novel; november; number; nurses; nursing; nutritional; obese patients; objective; observational study; occurrence; october; odds; ohca; old; ongoing; onset; ooh; operating; optimal; oral; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p<0.001; p<0.05; pad; pain; pamv; panel; pao; parameters; participants; pathogens; patients; pattern; pci; pct; peak; pediatric; peep; percentage; performance; perfusion; period; perioperative; peripheral; peritonitis; physical; physicians; physiological; pics; placebo; plasma; platelet; pneumonia; poca; point; polymorphism; poor; population; position; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; practice; predict; predictive; predictors; prescribed; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; problem; procalcitonin; procedure; process; product; prognostic; project; prolonged; promising; properties; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; psychiatric; psychological; pts; public; pulmonary; pulse; pupillometry; purpose; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; randomized; range; rapid; rate; rats; rbc; rca; reactive; reasons; receiver; recent; record; recovery; reduced; reduction; regional; registered; regression; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliability; removal; renal; renin; replacement; reported; reports; research; resistance; respect; respiratory; responders; response; results; resuscitation; retinal; retrospective; retrospective study; return; review; rhythm; right; risk; risk factors; risk patients; roc; role; room; rosc; routine; s1p; safety; samples; satisfaction; sbf; sbt; scale; school; score; secondary; sedation; selected; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sepsis patients; sepsis-3; septic; septic shock; septicyte; sequential; series; serum; setting; severe; severe patients; severe sepsis; severity; sex; shock; shock patients; shockable; shorter; significant; signs; similar; simulation; single; size; skin; sleep; small; sofa; solution; specific; specificity; spontaneous; staff; stage; standard; standardized; start; statistical; status; stay; stmv; strategies; strategy; strength; stress; stroke; strong; students; studies; study; study group; study period; subgroup; subjects; subsequent; subset; support; surgery; surgical; surgical patients; survey; survival; survivors; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; table; target; tavi; tbi; tbi patients; teaching; team; technique; teg; temperature; term; tertiary; test; testing; tgp; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; threat; threshold; thrombin; thrombosis; tidal; time; tissue; tone; tool; total; tracheal; tracheostomy; traditional; training; transfusion; transplantation; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; trend; triage; trial; troponin; tube; type; uch; ultrasound; unit; united; university; university hospital; unknown; urinary; urine; use; useful; uws; validation; value; vancomycin; vap; variability; variables; vasopressor; vein; venous; ventilation; ventricular; vital; volume; vri; ward; wbc; weaning; week; weight; women; work; working; workload; worse; years; δci cache: cord-005497-w81ysjf9.txt plain text: cord-005497-w81ysjf9.txt item: #18 of 216 id: cord-005646-xhx9pzhj author: None title: 2nd World Congress on Pediatric Intensive Care 1996 Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23–26 June 1996 Abstracts of Oral Presentations, Posters and Nursing Programme date: 1996 words: 72090 flesch: 51 summary: Objective: To assess the normal ,gastric intramucosal pH ~Hi) by tonometry in healthy children Patients and methods: Twelve healthy children (6 males and 6 females) with age rmaged from 6 months to 12 years scheduled for minor plastic or urologic surgery. Pain relief was good (VRS less 2) in 53 children -94.6 % of study patients. keywords: -the; abdominal; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; accurate; acidosis; activity; acute; acute respiratory; additional; adequate; administration; admission; adrenaline; adult; adverse; age; aged; agents; aggressive; ahrf; aim; airway; akbr; albumin; alkalosis; alternative; alveolar; american; analysis; anesthesia; animals; anp; antibiotics; antioxidant; aorta; aortic; application; approach; appropriate; ards; ards patients; areas; arrest; arrival; arterial; arteriosus; artery; artificial; aspiration; assessment; assisted; associated; association; asthma; asthmatic; atrial; atrium; authors; auto; available; average; babies; baby; background; bacterial; balloon; base; baseline; basis; bed; beneficial; benefits; best; better; bilateral; birth; bleeding; block; blood; blood flow; blood pressure; body; bolus; bone; boys; bradycardia; brain; breathing; bronchial; bumetanide; bypass; cardiac; cardiac surgery; cardiopulmonary; cardiovascular; care; care patients; care unit; carotid; cases; categories; catheter; cause; caz; cdh; cells; center; central; cerebral; changes; characteristics; chd; chest; childhood; children; children patients; chronic; circuit; circulation; cld; clinical; close; cmh20; cmv; cns; co2; coagulation; coma; combined; comfort; common; comparable; complete; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; computer; concentration; conclusion; conditions; congenital; consecutive; consent; consequence; constant; continued; continuous; contractility; contrast; control; conventional; correlation; count; course; cpap; cpb; creatinine; criteria; critical; cultures; cvp; cvvh; daily; damage; data; days; death; december; decrease; defect; degree; delayed; delivery; department; dependent; design; deterioration; determination; development; device; diagnosis; differences; different; difficult; direct; disability; discharge; discussion; disease; disorders; distress; distribution; doppler; dosage; dose; doxapram; drug; duration; dysfunction; early; ecg; echo; ecmo; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; efficiency; effort; electrolyte; elevated; elevation; emco; emergency; end; endoscopy; endotracheal; energy; enteral; epinephrine; episodes; equipment; etiology; evaluation; evidence; exact; examination; excessive; exchange; excretion; expenditure; experience; experimental; extracorporeal; factors; failure; fat; features; feeding; female; fever; fi02; filling; final; findings; fio2; flow; fluid; fluoride; flux; fold; following; fontan; formula; fraction; france; frequency; frequent; function; gallbladder; gas; gastric; gcs; general; gestational; girl; goal; good; grade; gradient; greater; group; h20; haemofiltration; half; hand; head; healthy; hearing; heart; hemodynamic; hemorrhage; hepatic; hfo; hfov; high; higher; highest; histamine; hospital; hours; hrs; human; humidity; hypertension; hypothesis; hypoxic; i.v; icp; icu; icus; iii; il-6; ill; ill children; ill patients; illness; immediate; impairment; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; index; indication; indicators; induced; infants; infection; infiltrates; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; inhalation; inhaled; initial; injectate; injury; ino; inotropic; inspired; instability; institution; insufficiency; intake; intensive; intensive care; interval; intervention; intestinal; intracranial; intraosseous; intravenous; introduction; intubated; intubation; invasive; investigation; isoflurane; isolated; january; june; ketamine; knowledge; known; kpa; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; later; left; length; lesions; levels; life; likely; limited; lipid; liquid; little; liver; long; los; loss; lower; lowest; lung; magnitude; main; major; management; map; marked; mask; material; maximal; mcd; mda; mean; mean age; measurements; measures; measuring; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; median; medical; medicine; mee; membrane; meningitis; metabolic; methods; mild; milk; minimal; minutes; mmhg; model; moderate; monitoring; months; morbidity; morphine; mortality; mortality rate; motor; mtx; muf; multiple; muscle; myocardial; n=2; n=3; n=5; n=8; nasal; natural; necessary; need; negative; neonatal; neonates; netherlands; neurological; neuromuscular; newborns; nicu; nitrate; nitric; no2; non; normal; nox; number; nurses; nursing; nutritional; objective; observations; observed; obstruction; old; olt; onset; operation; optimal; oral; order; organ; oscillatory; outcome; output; overall; oxide; oximetry; oxygenation; p<.05; p<0.05; paediatdc; page; pain; paired; pao2; pap; parameters; parenteral; parents; particular; pathology; pathways; patients; pattern; pco2; pcv; peak; pediatric; pediatric icu; pediatric intensive; pediatric patients; peep; performance; perfusion; period; peripheral; peritoneal; permeability; persistent; pfc; phase; phi; pht; physicians; physiological; picu; piglets; pip; plasma; platelet; plv; pneumonia; points; poor; population; positive; possible; post; postoperative; postural; potential; ppm; practice; predictive; predictor; premature; presence; present; presentation; pressure; preterm; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prims; prism; problems; procedure; process; prognosis; program; prolonged; prone; prospective; protein; psv; pts; pulmonary; pulmonary hypertension; pulse; pump; purpose; purulent; randomization; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; ray; reaction; records; recovery; reduced; reduction; region; regression; related; relationship; release; removal; renal; repair; replacement; report; requirement; rescue; research; resistance; resource; respiratory; respiratory distress; respiratory failure; responders; response; results; resuscitation; retrospective; review; right; risk; role; room; route; routine; rsv; safe; salbutamol; saline; samples; sampling; saturation; scale; scan; score; scoring; screening; second; secondary; secretions; sedation; seizures; selected; selective; sensor; sepsis; septic; septicemia; sequelae; series; serum; setting; severe; severe respiratory; severity; sex; shift; shock; short; shunt; sick; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; site; situations; size; skills; skin; small; snli; sodium; solution; south; special; specific; spontaneous; staff; stage; standard; starting; statistical; status; stay; stenosis; structural; studies; study; subjects; successful; supine; supply; support; surfactant; surgery; surgical; survanta; survey; survival; survivors; symptoms; syndrome; syringe; system; systemic; systolic; table; tachycardia; teaching; team; technique; teico; temperature; terbutaline; term; tertiary; test; tetralogy; therapeutic; therapy; tidal; time; tissue; total; tract; training; transducer; transient; transplantation; transplants; trauma; traumatic; treatment; trials; trough; tsh; tube; tubing; twins; type; ultrasound; underlying; understanding; underwent; unit; university; upper; urinary; urine; use; useful; utilization; values; valve; variables; variance; variation; varied; vascular; vena; venous; ventilated; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricle; ventricular; versus; vessels; vitamin; vkbr; volume; wash; weaning; weeks; weight; white; wide; wks; work; years; young; zone cache: cord-005646-xhx9pzhj.txt plain text: cord-005646-xhx9pzhj.txt item: #19 of 216 id: cord-005727-li8pwigg author: None title: ESICM 2010 MONDAY SESSIONS 11 October 2010 date: 2010-08-31 words: 102900 flesch: 50 summary: Postoperative sedation with both midazolam and dexmedetomidine were effective in suppressing oxidative stress in ICU patients. Poorly controlled pain in the postoperative period can lead to slow recovery and life threatening complications, especially in elderly patients. The use of a tidal volume of 6 ml/kg of predicted body weight is part of the management of patients presenting with ARDS (1) and prevents ventilator induced lung injury in ICU patients undergoing mechanical ventilation (2) . keywords: 1st; abdominal; abnormal; absence; access; accurate; acetaminophen; acidosis; acknowledgment; activation; activities; activity; actual; acute; addition; adhesion; administration; admission; admittance; adult patients; adverse; age; agreement; aim; airway; aki; albumin; algorithm; alternative; anaemia; analgesia; analysis; anesthesia; angiography; animals; anova; antibiotic; anticoagulation; antimicrobial; anxiety; aortic; apache; apc; apoptosis; application; approach; appropriate; approval; april; ards; area; arrest; arterial; artery; aspects; assay; assessment; associated; association; asv; attention; auc; audit; available; average; awareness; bacterial; balance; baseline; bed; bedside; beneficial; benefit; best; better; bias; biomarkers; bland; bleeding; blood; blood glucose; bmi; body; bolus; brain; bsi; bundle; burn; cabg; calibration; capillary; cardiac; cardiopulmonary; cardiovascular; care; care patients; care unit; cases; categories; catheter; cause; ccu; cells; center; central; centre; cerebral; challenge; changes; characteristics; charts; chest; chi; chronic; clearance; clinical; clinicians; clp; cmh; coefficient; cohort; coli; coma; combination; comfort; common; communication; comparison; complete; compliance; complications; concentration; concept; conclusions; conditions; consecutive patients; consultants; context; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; cooling; copd; coronary; correct; correlated; correlation; cost; course; cpis; cpr; crbsi; criteria; critical; critical care; critical patients; cross; crp; crrt; crt; cuff; culture; current; curve; cvc; cytokines; daily; data; database; days; death; december; decision; decrease; degree; delay; delirium; delivery; demographic; density; department; descriptive; detection; determined; developed; development; deviation; device; diabetes; diabetic patients; diagnosis; diastolic; differences; different; difficult; direct; discharge; discomfort; disease; distress; distribution; doctors; dose; drug; duration; dysfunction; earlier; early; ecg; echocardiography; education; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; elderly patients; elective; elevated; emergency; end; endothelial; endotoxemia; endotracheal; environment; epidural; episodes; equipment; errors; esicm; established; estimated; evaluation; events; evidence; exchange; exclusion; experience; experimental; expression; factors; failure; families; family; females; femoral; fever; fibrillation; fig; figure; final; findings; finger; fio; flow; fluid; focus; following; forearm; france; frequency; frequent; functional; gas; gcs; gender; general; general icu; germany; glasgow; global; glucose; glyceamic; goals; good; graft; greater; group; group p; guidelines; half; hand; healthy; heart; help; hemodynamic; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatic; hfo; high; higher; higher mortality; highest; hospital; hospital cardiac; hospital mortality; hospitalization; hours; human; hypernatremia; hypertension; hypoglycaemia; hypothermia; hypovolemia; icp; icu admission; icu discharge; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; il-6; ill; illness; imaging; immune; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; improving; incidence; incidents; inclusion; increased; increasing; independent; index; indicator; individual; induced; infants; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; influenza; information; informed; infusion; initial; injury; insertion; instability; insulin; intact; intensive; intensive care; international; intervention; interviews; intestinal; intracranial; intravenous; introduction; intubation; invasive; investigation; involved; ischemia; issues; itu; january; key; kidney; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; lbnp; lead; leading; learning; left; length; leukocyte; levels; life; likely; limit; limited; linear; literature; little; liver; local; logistic; long; longer; loss; lower; lps; lung; lymphocyte; main; major; majority; making; male; malignancy; management; mann; mannitol; manual; map; marker; matched; maximum; mean; mean age; measured; measurement; mechanical; median; medical; medical patients; medicine; members; membrane; metabolic; methods; mice; microcirculation; microdialysis; microvascular; mild; min; mixed; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modified; monitored; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mri; multidisciplinary; multiple; multivariate; muscle; myocardial; n =; national; nava; necessary; need; negative; neurological; neurosurgical; neutrophils; new; niacin; nice; nirs; niv; non; noninvasive; norepinephrine; normal; nosocomial; number; nurses; nursing; objectives; observational; observational study; occlusion; occurrence; october; odds; ohca; ohca patients; old; olt; onsd; onset; operation; optimal; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; pain; pao; parameters; participants; particular; patients; pattern; pci; pct; peak; percentage; performance; perfused; perfusion; period; peripheral; phagocytosis; phase; physicians; physiological; picco; pigs; placebo; plasma; platelets; pneumonia; point; poor; population; positioning; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; ppv; practice; predictive; predictor; preliminary; prescribing; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; probe; problems; procalcitonin; procedure; process; products; professionalism; prognosis; program; project; prolonged; prophylaxis; propofol; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; psv; pts; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; r =; radial; randomized; range; rapid; rate; ratio; rats; reactive; reason; recent; receptor; recommendations; recorded; recovery; reduced; reduction; reference(s; region; regional; regression; related; relationship; relatives; relevant; reliable; removal; renal; repair; replacement; reported; required; research; resistance; respect; respiratory; respondents; response; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; review; rewarming; rhapc; rhythm; rifle; right; risk; risk patients; role; room; routine; safety; sah; saline; samples; sampling; saps; satisfaction; saturation; scale; score; sdf; second; secondary; sedation; sensitivity; sensor; sepsis; septic; septic patients; serum; service; sessions; set; setting; severe; severe sepsis; severity; sham; shock; short; signal; significant; similar; simulated; single; site; skills; skin; small; sodium; sofa; software; solution; sound; specific; specificity; spv; square; staff; standard; starting; state; statistical; status; stay; step; strategies; strategy; stress; stroke; student; studies; study; study group; study period; subjects; sublingual; subsequent; successful; sugar; suggested; support; surface; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; surgical patients; survey; survival; survivors; svo; svv; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; table; target; tbi; tbi patients; teaching; team; teamwork; technique; temperature; term; tertiary; test; tgc; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thoracic; thought; thrombocytopenia; tidal; time; tissue; tlr2; tnf; tool; total; tptd; tracheostomy; trainees; training; transfer; transfusion; transplantation; trauma; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; trial; troponin; trs; tube; type; ulcer; underwent; unit; university; unknown; upper; urinary; urine; usa; use; useful; value; vap; variability; variables; variation; vasopressor; venous; ventilated; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricular; vessel; vili; volume; vot; ward; water; weaning; week; weight; whitney; women; work; working; worse; years cache: cord-005727-li8pwigg.txt plain text: cord-005727-li8pwigg.txt item: #20 of 216 id: cord-005777-6rvfsx4p author: None title: PS 0420-0716 date: 2007-08-25 words: 59296 flesch: 50 summary: The aim of this study was to determine the risk factors and mortality rate of acinetobacter baumanii infections in ICU patients. It has been considered to play a role in worsening the prognosis of ICU patients. keywords: 24h; abdominal; acid; acinetobacter; acknowledgement; acs; activation; activity; acute; addition; adequate; administration; admission; adult; adult patients; adverse; aecopd; aeruginosa; age; aim; airway; albicans; amplitude; analysis; animals; anova; antibiotic; anticoagulation; antimicrobial; aortic; apache; applied; approach; appropriate; ards; ards patients; argatroban; arterial; artery; assessment; associated; association; atrial; aureus; available; average; avp; bacteria; balance; baseline; baumannii; bed; best; beta; bleeding; blood; bnp; body; brain; bypass; cabg; calcium; calculated; cancer; candida; candidemia; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; care patients; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cells; central; centre; changes; characteristics; chest; chpa; chronic; cipc; circuit; clearance; clinical; clotting; cmh2o; coagulation; colistin; collected; colonization; coma; combination; common; community; comparison; competence; compliance; complications; concentrations; conclusion; condition; consecutive patients; continuous; control; control group; conventional; coronary; correlation; cortisol; costs; count; course; cpfa; crbsi; creatinine; criteria; critical; crp; culture; current; curve; cvc; cvvh; cytokines; daily; damage; data; database; day mortality; days; death; december; decrease; degree; demographic; department; deterioration; determined; development; device; diagnosis; dialysis; difference; difficult; discharge; disease; dld; dose; drainage; drug; duration; dysfunction; early; edema; effect; effective; efficacy; elderly; elevated; emergency; empirical; endotoxin; endotracheal; epidural; episodes; esbl; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; experience; experimental; expression; extent; factors; failure; female; fibrinogen; filter; findings; fio2; flow; fluid; following; force; fraction; free; frequency; frequent; function; gas; gcs; gender; general; germany; glabrata; glasgow; glucose; glutamine; good; gos; gram; greater; group; group patients; guidelines; head; heart; hemodynamic; hemofiltration; heparin; higher; hospital; hospital mortality; hospitalization; hours; hrs; hvg; hypertension; icp; icu; icu admission; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; iii; il-6; il-8; ill; illness; iloprost; immune; impact; impaired; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; independent; index; indication; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; information; infusion; inhalation; initial; injury; insulin; intensive; intensive care; intervention; intracranial; introduction; intubated; intubation; invasive; january; laboratory; lactate; large; lead; left; length; levels; life; limited; liver; lma; local; longer; los; loss; lower; lps; lung; main; major; male; management; mann; map; march; maximal; maximum; mean; mean age; measurements; measures; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; median; medical; medical icu; medicine; meropenem; metabolic; methods; mice; minor; minutes; mmhg; mmol; model; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mrna; mrsa; multiple; multivariate; myocardial; n-3; need; negative; neurological; new; non; normal; nosocomial; number; nurse; nursing; observational; observed; odds; old; older; onset; optimal; oral; organ; organisms; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p<0.001; p<0.05; pao2; parameters; participants; patients; patients hospital; pct; pdt; peak; peep; percentage; perfusion; period; phase; physiological; picco; piece; plasma; platelet; pneumonia; point; poor; population; positioning; positive; possible; postoperative; potential; practice; predictor; presence; present; pressure; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; process; profile; prognosis; project; prolonged; prone; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; pts; pulmonary; quality; randomized; range; rate; ratio; rbc; reasons; recent; receptor; recommendations; recruitment; reduced; reduction; regression; related; relationship; relative; release; renal; replacement; report; requirements; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; resuscitation; retrospective; rfviia; risk; risk patients; role; routine; safety; saline; samples; saps; scale; score; second; secondary; sedation; sepsis; septic patients; septic shock; serum; severe; severe sepsis; severity; shock; shock patients; significant; similar; single; sirs; site; skills; slt; small; sodium; sofa; staff; standard; staphylococcus; state; statistical; status; stay; strategy; stress; stroke; studied; study; study group; study period; superoxide; support; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; surgical icu; surgical patients; survival; survivors; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; table; tbi; team; technique; teg; teicoplanin; temperature; tertiary; test; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tool; total; tracheostomy; training; transfusion; transplantation; trauma; traumatic; treatment; trend; tube; type; underwent; unit; university; usa; use; useful; values; valve; vancomycin; vap; variables; venous; ventilation; ventricular; versus; volume; water; wave; weaning; week; weight; whitney; years cache: cord-005777-6rvfsx4p.txt plain text: cord-005777-6rvfsx4p.txt item: #21 of 216 id: cord-005814-ak5pq312 author: None title: 8th European Congress of Intensive Care Medicine Athens - Greece, October 18–22, 1995 Abstracts date: 1995 words: 179325 flesch: 51 summary: Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a growth factor recently recognised as a polyfunctional cytokine integrated in cytokine networks was measured in unconcentrated BALF of patients from different patient groups. It is difficult to generalize on intensive care units as different patient groups are in different ICUs aud there are great changes from one hospital to another and from one country to another. keywords: + +; -the; 0.001; 1st; 2nd; 3rd; 48h; 546c88; 900c; aaar group; aaar patients; abdominal; abnormalities; absence; absent; absolute; absorption; access; accident; account; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acid; acidosis; activation; active; activities; activity; actual; acute; acute lung; acute myocardial; acute renal; acute respiratory; adaptation; addition; adequacy; adequate; adhesion; administration; admission; admission patients; adopted; adult patients; adults; advanced; advantages; adverse; aeruginosa; affected; age; aged; aged patients; agents; aggregation; agreement; aid; aim; airway; airway pressure; alarm; albumin; alive; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alveolar; ambulance; ami patients; amounts; anaerobes; anaerobic; anaesthesia; analgesia; analysis; anemia; anesthetic; anesthetized; angiography; angiotensin; animals; anova; anp; antagonist; anterior; antibiotics; antibody; anticoagulation; antioxidant; antipyretics; aorta; aortic; apache; apache ii; apnoeic patients; apparatus; appearance; application; applied; approach; appropriate; approval; april; aptt; ards group; ards patients; area; arf; arginine; arrest; arrhythmias; arrival; arterial; arterial blood; arterial pressure; arteries; arterio; artery; artificial; aspects; aspiration; assay; assess; assessment; assist; assisted; associated; association; asthma; atc; atelectasis; athens; attacks; attempts; august; aureus; authors; autologous; automatic; autopsy; available; average; b.a; babies; background; bacteremia; bacterial; balance; balf; balloon; barbiturates; basal; baseline; basis; baxter; bed; beds; bedside; beginning; belgium; beneficial; benefit; bennett; best; beta; better; bicarbonate; bilateral; bilirubin; biochemical; biological; birth; bleeding; blind; blockade; blocker; blood; blood cultures; blood cyanide; blood flow; blood gas; blood lactate; blood loss; blood oxygen; blood pressure; blood samples; blood transfusion; blood volume; blunt; body; bolus; bone; bovine; bpap; bpm; brain blood; breathing; breaths; bronchial; bronchogram; bronchoscopy; bulb; burn; bypass; cabg; calculated; calibration; calories; cancer; candida; cannula; capacity; capillary; carbohydrate; carbon; cardiac; cardiac arrest; cardiac failure; cardiac function; cardiac index; cardiac output; cardiac patients; cardiac surgery; cardiogenic; cardiomyoplasty; cardiopulmonary; cardiovascular; care patients; care unit; carotid; cases; category; catheter; catheterization; cause; cells; cellular; center; central; cephalosporins; cerebral; cerebral blood; certain; cgmp; changes; changes patients; characteristics; chest; chfjv; children; choice; chronic; cip; circuit; circulation; circulatory; cis; cisapride; clamp; clamping; classification; clearance; clinical; clonidine; closed; cmh20; cmv; co2; coagulation; coefficient; cohort; cold; collection; colonization; coma; comatose patients; combination; combined; committee; common; comparable; comparative; comparison; compartment; compensation; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; components; computer; concentration; conclusion patients; conclusions; concomitant; conditions; congenital; congestive; connected; consecutive patients; consequence; considerable; constant; consumption; contamination; content; continued; continuous; contrary; contrast; control group; control patients; controls; contusion; conventional; copd patients; coronary; correct; correlate; correlation; corresponding; cortisol; cost; count; course; cpap; cpb; cpk; cpl; cpr; creatinine; criteria; criterion; critical care; critical patients; cross; csf; cultures; current; curve; cvp; cvvh; cxr; cyanide; cytokines; daily; damage; data; data analysis; date; days; dcm; dead; death; death patients; deceased patients; december; decision; decrease; decreasing; deep; defect; degradation; degree; delay; delayed; delivery; demand; demographic; department; dependent; dependent patients; dept; design; detection; deterioration; determination; determined; development; deviation; device; diabetes; diagnosis; dialysis; diameter; diastolic; diet; differences; different; differential; difficult; dioxide; diphtheria; direct; discharge; discontinuation; discrepancies; discrimination; discussion; disease; disorders; distress; distribution; disturbances; diuresis; do2; do2crit; dobutamine; doctors; dogs; donation; donor; dopexamine; doppler; dosage; dose; double; drainage; drop; drugs; dry; dudng; duodenal; duration; dynamics; dysfunction; dyspnea; earlier; early; easy; ecg; echocardiography; ecmo; edema; eeg; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efficiency; efforts; effusion; ejection; elderly patients; electrical; electrolyte; elevated; elevation; elisa; embolism; emergency; emergency patients; enalaprilat; end; endocarditis; endoscopy; endothelial; endotoxin; endotracheal; energy; enoxaparin; enteral; entire; entry; environment; enzyme; epidural; epinephrine; episodes; equal; equation; equipment; erythropoietin; esophageal; essential; established; estimate; estimation; etc; etco2; ethical; ethics; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; evlw; examination; excellent; excessive; exchange; exclusion; excretion; existing; exogenous; experience; experimental; expired; exposure; expression; extensive; extent; external; extracorporeal; extraction; extreme; facilities; factors; failure; failure patients; fall; fast; fatal; fatigue; favourable; february; feedback; feeding; female; femoral; fentanyl; fever; fiberoptic; fibrillation; fibrin; fibrinogen; fick; figure; filling; filter; filtration; final; findings; fio2; fire; flail; flow; fluconazole; fluid; flux; focus; fold; following; foreign; forms; formula; foy; fraction; france; free; frequency; frequent; frg; function; future; ganz; gas; gastric; gastrointestinal; gcs; general; generation; germany; gestational; glasgow; global; glucagon; glucose; glycogen; goal; good; grade; gradient; graft; grafting; gram; granulocytopenic patients; greater; greece; group; group b; group blood; group ii; group l; group patients; guidelines; h20; half; hand; hbr; head; headtrauma patients; healthy; heart; heart failure; heart rate; heart surgery; help; hemodialysis; hemodynamic; hemoglobin; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatic; hepatocytes; heroin; high; high levels; high mortality; high risk; higher; highest; history; hiv; hme; hmef; home; hormonal; hormone; hospital; hospital mortality; hospitalisation; hourly; hours; hrs; hrv; human; humoral; hydrochloride; hypertension; hyperventilation; hypothesis; hypovolemic; hypoxemia; hypoxemic patients; hypoxia; i.c.u; i.v; icg; ich; icp; icpe; icu admission; icu day; icu mortality; icu patients; icu pts; icu stay; icu treatment; icus; identical; iger; ii score; iii; il-6; il-8; ill; illness; ilv; immediate; immune; immunity; impact; impaired; impairment; impedance; important; improved; improvement; incidence; inclusion; increased; index; indications; indicator; indices; indirect; individual patients; indomethacine; induced; induction; infants; infection; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; inflated; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhalation; inhaled; inhibitor; initial; injured; injuries; injury; inos; inotropes; inotropic; insertion; inspiratory pressure; inspired; institute; institutional; insufficiency; insulin; insult; intensity; intensive; intensive care; interaction; interest; intermittent; internal; interstitial; intervals; interventions; intoxication; intracerebral; intracranial; intramucosal; intraoperative; intrapulmonary; intravascular; intravenous; intrinsic; introduction; intubated patients; intubation; invasive; investigate; investigation; involved; involvement; ippv; ips; ischemia; isoflurane; isolated; isolation; italy; itbv; items; ivh; ivig; january; jejunal; jet; jugular; july; june; kidney; kind; known; kpa; laboratory; lack; lactate; lactate levels; lactatemia; large; later; lavage; lead; left; length; lesions; lethality; leukocyte; levels; life; like; likely; limb; limited; limits; linear; lipid; liquor; literature; little; liver; loading; local; logistic; long; longer; loss; losses; lower; lowering; lowest; lps; lung; lung injury; lung volume; lvad; main; main results; maintain; maintenance; major; majority; making; male; malignant; management; mandatory; manner; mannitol; map; march; marked; markers; mask; massive; material; maximal; maximum; mbar; mean; mean age; mean apache; mean arterial; mean blood; mean duration; mean icu; mean pulmonary; mean time; mean values; measured; measurements; measuring; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; mechanism; median; medical; medication; medicine; membrane; mentioned; mesenteric; metabolic; methods; microbiological; micu; midazolam; middle; mild; min; minor; minutes; mixed; mixture; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modified; mof; moisture; molecules; monitoring; months; morbidity; morphine; mortality; mortality rate; mosf; mpap; mpm; mri; mrsa; msec; mucosal; multidisciplinary; multiple; multivariate; murray; muscle; myocardial; n =; n=10; n=5; n=6; n=7; n=9; nasogastric; national; natural; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; negative pressure; neonatal; neonates; neopterin; nerve; nervous; network; neurological; neurological patients; neuromuscular; neutropenic patients; new; newborns; nitric; nitrogen; nmol; no2; no3; non; noninvasive; nonsurvivors; noradrenaline; normal; nosocomial; nox; npe; number; nurses; nursing; nutrition; o.05; obese patients; objectives; observation; observed; observed patients; obstetric patients; obstruction; occlusion; occurrence; old; ones; onset; operating; operation; optimal; order; organ; organ failure; organism; origin; outcome; output; overall; overdose; overload; oxidase; oxidation; oxide; oxygen; oxygenation; oxygenators; p =; p0.1; p<0.001; p<0.05; pace2; paco; paediatric patients; paf; pain; pancreatic; pancreatitis; pao2; paper; parallel; paralysed patients; paralyzed; parameters; parenteral; partial; particular; past; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathological; pathology; patient days; patients; patients ability; patients characteristics; patients conventional; patients hemodynamic; patients methods; patients non; patients outcome; patients peep; patients therapy; patients treatment; pattern; pav; paw; pci; pco; pco2; pcwp; pdr; peak; pediatric; pediatric patients; peep; pel; people; percentage; performance; perfusion; pericardial; period; period patients; peripheral; peritoneal; peritonitis; permeability; peroxidation; persistent; personal; pgi2; phase; phd; phi; physician; physiological; physiology; piece; pigs; pip; placebo; plasma; plasma levels; plasmapheresis; plateau; platelet; play; pleural; pmn; pnct; pneumonia; pneumothorax; po group; po2; points; poisoning; poor; population; porcine; portal; position; positioning; positive; positive blood; positive patients; possibility; possible; postoperative; postoperative patients; postoperative period; potassium; potential; ppa; pph; ppm; practice; precise; predictive; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; preload; premature; preoperative; preparation; prescribed; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; pressure score; pressure support; pressure time; pressure ventilation; prevalence; prevention; prevents; previous; prevotella; primary; prior; prism; probability; problem; procedure; process; processing; proct; products; professional; profiles; prognosis; program; programme; progressive; prolongation; prolonged; promising; prone; pronounced; properties; prophylaxis; propofol; proportional; prospective; prospective study; prostacyclin; protection; protein; protocol; providing; psb; pseudomonas; psv; ptca; ptr; pts; pulmonary; pulmonary artery; pulmonary blood; pulmonary embolism; pulmonary function; pulmonary gas; pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary pressure; pulmonary vascular; pulse; pump; puritan; purpose; purulent; pvr; pvs patients; pwp; pwt; qrs; qtc; quality; quantitative; question; quick; quinine; r =; radicals; rain; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rare; rate; rats; ray; reach; reaction; ready; reason; recent; recipients; recombinant; records; recovery; recruitment; rectal; reduced; reducing; reduction; reference; reflex; refractory; regard; regimen; regional; registered; regression; regular; regulated; rehabilitation; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; renal; renal failure; renin; replacement; reported; requirements; research; residual; resistance; respect; respiratory; respiratory failure; respiratory system; responders; response; responsible; resulted; results; resuscitation; retrospective; return; reversible; review; revision; right; rise; risk; risk patients; role; room; route; routine; rtotlsf; rvef; safe; safety; saline; samples; sao2; saps; saturation; saving; scale; scan; score; scoring; sdd; second; second group; secondary; secretions; sedation; segment; selam-1; selectin; selective; self; sem; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; septic patients; septic shock; sequelae; serial; series; serum; service; servo; setting; severe; severe acute; severe ards; severe patients; severe sepsis; severity; sex; shock; shock group; shock patients; short; shorter; shows; shunt; shvo; sicam-1; siemens; significant; significant changes; significant correlation; significant differences; significant increase; signs; similar; simple; simplified; simultaneous; single; sinus; sirs; site; situations; size; sjo; skin; sleep; slight; slope; small; smaller; smokers; sodium; software; soluble; solution; sores; source; space; special; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; splanchnic; spontaneous; spp; square; stability; stabilization; stable; stable patients; staff; stages; standard; standardized; staphylococcus; start; starting; state; static; statistical; status; stay; stenosis; step; sterile; steroid; stimulation; stimulus; strains; strategies; strategy; stress; stroke; structure; student; studies; study; study group; study period; study results; subarachnoid; subgroups; subjects; subsequent; substances; substantial; successful; sufentanil; suffering; sufficient; supine; supply; support; support ventilation; surface; surfactant; surgery patients; surgical icu; surgical patients; survey; survival; survived; survived patients; surviving; survivors; susceptible; sustained; svo2; svr; swan; symptoms; syndrome; syndrome patients; synthase; system; systemic; systolic; systolic blood; t =; tachycardia; task; tbars; tcd; team; technique; temperature; tendency; terms; tertiary; test; tested; tga; therapeutic; therapy; thermal; thermodilution; thoracic; threatening; thrombolytic; thrombosis; tidal; tidal volume; tile; time; tissue; tnf; tnt; tone; tonometer; tool; total; total respiratory; toxic; toxicity; tpn; tracheal; tracheal pressure; tracheostomy; training; tranmatised patients; transducer; transfer; transfusion; transient; transit; transplantation; transplanted; transport; trauma patients; traumatic; treated; treatment; treatment group; trend; trial; triggering; true; tube; tubing; tumor; type; typical; ulcer; ultrasound; unable; unchanged; underlying; underwent; unit; unit patients; university; unknown; untreated; upper; uptake; urea; urgent; urinary; urine; usa; use; useful; usefulness; usual; values; valve; valvular; vap; variability; variables; variance; variation; varied; vascular; vasoactive; vasoconstriction; vasodilator; vasoreactivity; vco2; vein; velocity; venous; venous blood; venous pressure; ventilated; ventilation; ventilation patients; ventilatory; ventricle; ventricular; verapamil; vessels; victims; vital; vo2; volume; volunteers; vsmc; wall; ward; warm; wave; wbc; wean patients; weaning; wedge; wedge pressure; weeks; weight; white; wide; wilcoxon; withdrawn; wobadd; women; work; worse; wound; xanthine; years; years patients; younger patients; yrs; zeep cache: cord-005814-ak5pq312.txt plain text: cord-005814-ak5pq312.txt item: #22 of 216 id: cord-005816-i54q5gsu author: None title: 10(th) European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery: May 13–17, 2009 Antalya, Turkey date: 2009-08-06 words: 83218 flesch: 50 summary: Liberal utilization of abdominal sonography and abdominal CT scan may reduce missed acute abdomen in abdominal pain patients and appropriate radiological imaging and meticulous evaluation of the X-rays may reduce unnoticed spinal, pelvic and facial fractures in trauma patients. The e-mail noticed us, the presenting author of this abstract (Akira Endo) posted 3 or more abstract as a presenting author, however, the authors of 'Increased mortality in trauma patients with systolic hypertension' believed that Akira Endo in Department of ACCDM, TMDU, Japan surely posted this abstract only. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abdominal injury; abdominal pain; abdominal trauma; abduction; abscess; absence; access; accident; accuracy; accurate; acs; active; activity; acute; acute abdominal; acute appendicitis; additional; adequate; admission; adult; affected; age; age group; aggressive; aim; aims; ais; alcohol; alternative; amelogenin; amputation; analgesia; analysis; analyze; anastomosis; anatomical; anesthesia; angioembolization; angiography; animals; ankara; ankle; anterior; antibiotic; anxiety; appendectomy; appendicitis; appendix; application; approach; appropriate; area; arterial; artery; articular; asa; assessment; associated; asymptomatic; author; available; average; average age; background; basis; bearing; benign; best; better; bilateral; bile; biliary; bleeding; blood; blunt; blunt trauma; body; bone; bony; bowel; brain; burn; burn patients; calculated; camel; cardiac; care; cases; cast; cause; cells; center; centre; challenging; changes; characteristics; chest; children; choice; cholecystectomy; chronic; classification; clinical; clinical results; closed; closure; cohort; colon; colonic; colostomy; combination; common; comparison; compartment; complaints; complete; complex; complicated; complications; compression; concentrations; conclusion; condition; consecutive patients; conservative; conservative treatment; consolidation; contrast; control; control group; correlation; cost; count; country; course; criteria; critical; cuff; current; cysts; daily; damage; dash; data; days; dcs; death; debridement; december; decision; decrease; deep; defect; definitive; deformity; degree; delayed; demographic; department; development; device; diagnosis; diameter; diaphragmatic; difference; difficult; direct; disaster; discharge; discussion; disease; dislocation; disorder; distal; distribution; diverticulitis; diverticulum; doctors; dorsal; drainage; duodenal; duodenum; duration; early; editor; education; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficient; elbow; elderly; elevated; embolization; emergency; emergency department; emergency surgery; emergent; endoscopic; energy; epigastric; equipment; evaluation; evidence; examination; excellent; excision; exercises; experience; exploration; expression; extensive; external; extremities; extremity; factors; failure; fall; fascial; fasciitis; fast; fecal; female; female patients; femoral; femur; fever; final; findings; fistula; fixation; fixator; flap; flexion; fluid; follow; followed; following; foreign; form; formation; fracture patients; fractures; free; frequent; functional; gallbladder; gastric; gastrointestinal; gcs; gender; general; general surgery; glu; good; grade; grafting; group; gunshot; half; hand; head; head trauma; healing; health; heart; hematoma; hemodynamic; hemorrhage; hems; hepatic; hernia; high; higher; hip; histopathologic; history; hospital; hospital stay; hospitalization; humeral; humerus; hydatic; hypotension; icu; ifn; iii; iliac; ill patients; imaging; immediate; immobilization; immune; impact; implant; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incision; increase; independent; index; indication; individual; infection; inflammatory; inguinal; initial; injured; injuries; injury; injury group; injury patients; injury severity; insertion; insufficient; intensive; internal; intervention; intestine; intra; intraabdominal; intramedullary; intraperitoneal; intravenous; introduction; invasive; involvement; ischemic; isolated; istanbul; january; jaundice; joint; kidney; knee; knowledge; laboratory; laparoscopic; laparotomy; large; lateral; lcp; leakage; left; leg; length; lesions; levels; life; ligament; limb; limited; line; literature; liver; liver injury; local; long; loss; lower; lung; main; major; majority; making; male; management; mass; massive; materials; maxillofacial; maximum; mda; mean; mean age; mean hospital; measures; mechanical; mechanism; meckel; median; medical; medicine; mehmet; melatonin; mesenteric; methods; middle; mild; minimal; mmhg; mobile; model; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; motion; motor; mri; multiple; muscle; n =; nac; nail; nailing; national; nausea; necessary; neck; necrosis; necrotizing; need; negative; nerve; neurological; neutrophils; new; non; nonoperative; nonunion; normal; number; nurses; objectives; objects; observation; obstruction; old; omentum; onset; open; operation; option; organ; organ injury; orthopaedic; osteosynthesis; outcome; overall; p =; pain; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; paper; paracetamol; parameters; partial; pathology; patient group; patients; patients older; pedicle; pelvic; penetrating; people; percent; percentage; percutaneous; perforated; perforation; performance; period; peripheral; peritoneal; peritonitis; phase; physical; physicians; physiological; placement; planned; plastic; plate; points; poor; population; portal; position; positive; possibility; possible; posterior; postoperative; postoperative patients; potential; practice; predictive; prehospital; preoperative; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; problems; procedure; process; properties; prospective; prosthesis; protein; protocol; proximal; psychiatric; psychological; pulmonary; purpose; pyloric; quadrant; quality; radial; radiographs; radiological; radius; range; rapid; rare; rate; rats; ray; rays; reason; recognition; reconstruction; records; recovery; rectal; rectum; recurrent; reduced; reduction; region; regional; registry; rehabilitation; related; renal; repair; reported; rescue; research; resection; respiratory; response; rest; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; review; revision; rib; right; risk; role; room; rotator; routine; rupture; safe; safety; samples; satisfactory; scale; scan; scaphoid; school; score; scoring; screw; second; secondary; self; sensitivity; sepsis; septic; septic patients; series; serum; service; setting; severe; severity; sex; shaft; sham; shock; short; shoulder; shows; sigmoid; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; site; situation; size; skin; slaf; small; sod; soft; space; specific; specimens; spinal; spine; spineboard; spleen; splenectomy; splenic; stability; stabilization; stable; stable patients; stage; standard; standardized; status; stay; stenosis; stenting; stents; stomach; stress; students; studies; study; study group; subjects; subsequent; success; successful; suitable; support; surface; surgeon; surgery; surgical; surgical treatment; survival; suspicion; suture; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; tae; tbi; team; technique; temporary; tenderness; tendon; term; tests; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thoracic trauma; thoracoabdominal; thorax; threatening; thrombocytosis; tibia; time; tissue; tomography; tool; total; tract; traffic; training; transfusion; trauma cases; trauma center; trauma patients; traumas; traumatic; treatment; treatment group; treatment methods; treatment results; triceps; triss; tube; tumor; turkey; type; ulcer; ultrasonography; ultrasound; underwent; uneventful; union; unit; united; university; unstable; upper; urgent; urinary; usa; useful; vac; vacuum; value; variables; vascular; vein; venous; view; volume; vomiting; wall; way; weeks; weight; women; work; wound; years; years old; young cache: cord-005816-i54q5gsu.txt plain text: cord-005816-i54q5gsu.txt item: #23 of 216 id: cord-005881-oswgjaxz author: None title: Abstracts: 11(th) European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery May 15–18, 2010 Brussels, Belgium date: 2010 words: 72013 flesch: 48 summary: The aim of this study was therefore to establish the impact of anaemia and blood transfusion on postoperative recovery of hip fracture patients. We assessed the adherence of these guidelines on the initial pre-operative management of tetanus prone open orthopaedic injuries in trauma patients admitted for surgery. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abdominal trauma; accidents; accuracy; acetabular; active; activity; actual; acute; additional; adequate; adjacent; admission; adults; advanced; advantage; affected; age; aim; ais; allograft; alternative; analysis; anastomosis; anatomical; angle; angular; animals; anterior; antibiotics; aofas; aorta; aortic; appendix; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; arm; artery; arthroplasty; arthroscopic; articular; asa; assessment; associated; attacks; augmented; authors; autopsy; available; average; axial; axillary; basis; bearing; best; better; biomechanical; blade; blast; bleeding; blood; blunt; blunt trauma; body; bone; bowel; brain; cable; calcium; callus; cancer; care; cases; cause; cavity; cell; cement; center; centre; cephalomedullary; changes; characteristics; chest; children; choice; chronic; classification; clavicle; clinical; clinical results; closed; cohort; collapse; colon; colonic; combination; combined; common; comparable; comparison; compartment; complete; complex; complications; compression; concentration; concept; conclusion; condition; consecutive patients; consent; conservative; constant; contact; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; conversion; correction; cortical; cost; course; criteria; cuff; current; cycles; daily; damage; dash; data; days; death; debridement; decision; deep; defect; definitive; deformity; degrees; delayed; density; department; development; device; diagnosis; differences; different; difficult; direct; disability; disaster; discharged; disclosure; disease; dislocation; distal; distance; distribution; dose; drainage; dutch; dynamic; early; edema; effect; effective; elbow; elderly patients; emergency; emergency patients; end; endovascular; energy; environment; evaluation; evidence; examination; existing; experience; experimental; exposure; extension; external; extremities; extremity; factors; failure; female; femoral; femur; fibrin; findings; fistula; fixation; fixator; flail; flexion; follow; followed; following; forces; foreign; fracture healing; fracture patients; fracture reduction; fracture results; fractures; frame; free; frequency; frequent; functional; gender; general; germany; good; good results; grade; graft; grafting; greater; group; group ii; guidelines; gunshot; hand; head; head fractures; healing; health; heart; hemodynamic; hepatic; hhs; high; higher; highest; hip fracture; hospital; hours; human; humeral; humerus; icu; iii; iliac; ilizarov; image; imaging; impact; implant; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incision; increase; independent; indication; indirect; individual; infection; inferior; influence; information; initial; injured; injuries; injury; injury risk; insertion; intact; internal; international; intervention; intestinal; intra; intramedullary; intraoperative; introduction; invasive; involvement; isolated; january; joint; knee; knowledge; laboratory; lag; laparoscopic; laparotomy; large; lateral; lcp; lead; left; length; lesions; level; life; ligament; like; limb; limited; literature; little; liver; liver injury; load; loading; local; locking; long; loss; lower; lung; main; major; male; male patients; management; mass; material; maximum; mci; mean; mean age; measurements; mechanism; median; medical; medicine; medium; meniscal; mesenteric; metaphyseal; methods; minimal; minimum; minutes; mipo; missed; mobility; model; moderate; months; morbidities; morbidity; mortality; mortality patients; mortality rate; motion; mri; multiple; muscle; n =; nail; nailing; national; natural; navigated; navigation; necessary; neck; necrosis; need; negative; nerve; new; nom; non; nonoperative; nonunions; normal; number; objective; observed; obstruction; odontoid; old; open; operated; operating; operation; operative; operative group; operative treatment; option; order; organ; orif; orthopaedic; osteoarthritis; osteoporotic; osteosynthesis; osteotomy; outcome; overall; ovx; p =; pain; pancreatic; parameters; patella; patients; pelvic; penetrating; people; percentage; percutaneous; perforation; performance; performed; period; peritoneal; peritonitis; personnel; phosphate; physical; placement; plate; plating; pod; points; poor; population; position; positive; possible; posterior; postoperative; potential; practice; preoperative; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; problems; procedure; process; program; properties; prospective; prosthesis; protocol; proximal; pth; ptsd; pulmonary; purpose; quality; questionnaire; radial; radiation; radiographs; radiological; radius; randomized; range; rare; rate; rats; rays; reasons; reconstruction; records; reduced; reduction; references; region; regional; registry; regression; related; relationships; relative; relevant; removal; renal; repair; reported; research; resection; resolution; response; restore; results; retrospective; review; revision; rib; rib fractures; right; ring; risk; role; room; rotation; rotator; routine; rupture; samples; satisfaction; scale; scan; scaphoid; score; screw; second; secondary; selected; self; series; serum; setting; severe; severity; shaft; short; shoulder; significant; significant differences; significant relationships; signs; similar; simple; simulation; single; site; skills; skin; small; soft; special; specific; specimens; spine; spleen; splenic; sports; stability; stabilization; stabilized; stable; staff; standard; standardized; static; statistical; status; stay; stiffness; stress; structures; students; studies; study; study group; subsequent; superior; surface; surgeon; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; surgical treatment; survey; survival; suture; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; teaching; team; technique; tendon; term; test; testing; tetanus; therapeutic; therapy; thoracic; thorax; tibial; tibial fractures; time; tissue; tool; torsional; total; traffic; training; transplantation; transport; trauma care; trauma centers; trauma patients; trauma surgery; traumatic; treatment; triage; tsf; tube; tuberosity; type; underwent; union; university; unstable; upper; use; vascular; vein; vertebral; vessels; victims; visceral; volume; walking; wall; way; weeks; weight; wire; women; work; working; worse; wound; years; young cache: cord-005881-oswgjaxz.txt plain text: cord-005881-oswgjaxz.txt item: #24 of 216 id: cord-006391-esnsa4u5 author: None title: Abstracts 5(th) Tripartite Meeting Salzburg/Austria, September 9–11,1982 date: 1982 words: 44873 flesch: 47 summary: Control patients (no ASA) were compared to those receiving 80 or 325 mg. After transplantation patients were followed for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 42 months. keywords: abdominal; absorption; accr; accumulation; acid; activity; acute; addition; administration; adrenal; agent; aim; alcohol; allografts; amino; amoebic; amx; analysis; anastomosis; aneurysm; angiography; animals; antibody; antigen; aorta; aortic; area; arterial; arteries; artery; asa; aspirin; associated; atg; atp; aureus; average; balloon; basal; basis; bearing; better; bilateral; bile; biliary; binding; bleeding; blood; blood flow; body; bone; breast; bypass; calcitonin; calcium; cancer; capacity; carbon; carcinoma; cardiac; carotid; cases; cause; cells; cellular; changes; charge; chemotherapy; cholesterol; chronic; cic; circulation; clinical; coagulation; collagen; colonic; combination; common; complete; complications; computer; concentration; conclusion; concrements; conditions; considered; constant; content; contrast; control; control group; coronary; correlated; correlation; creatinine; crystal; cya; cysts; cytochrome; cytology; daily; damage; data; days; decreased; degree; department; dependent; determined; development; dfmo; dhas; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diameter; diet; difference; direct; disease; distal; dna; dncb; dogs; donor; doppler; dose; duct; duodenal; duodenum; duration; early; effect; effective; electrical; elevated; emptying; end; endothelial; energy; enzymatic; enzymes; episodes; esophageal; evaluation; evidence; examination; experimental; factor; failure; fasted; fat; fdp; fed; femoral; fetal; fibrin; fibrinolytic; fibrosis; findings; fistula; flaps; flow; fluid; fold; following; formation; fraction; free; frequent; function; gallbladder; gamma; gastric; glucagon; glucose; glutamine; graft; greater; group; group b; group ii; growth; healing; heart; hemorrhagic; heparin; hepatectomy; hepatic; hepatocytes; high; higher; histamine; histological; histology; hla; hospital; human; hypothesis; i.v; identical; iii; iliac; immune; immunological; immunosuppression; impaired; implantation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incision; increase; index; individual; induced; infection; influence; infusion; inhibited; inhibition; injury; insulin; intact; intervals; intestinal; intravenous; intubation; invasive; ischemia; islet; isolated; juice; ketone; kidney; known; laboratory; large; lbf; left; lesions; levels; liver; load; local; long; loss; lower; lung; lymphocytes; major; male; malignant; management; marked; material; maximal; maximum; mean; measurements; mechanism; melanoma; metabolic; method; mice; microscopy; min; mitochondrial; mmhg; model; monocytes; months; mortality; muscle; myocardial; necessary; negative; new; non; normal; nucleation; number; nutritional; observed; oesophagitis; operated; operation; order; organ; output; oxygen; p<0.01; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; parameters; partial; particulate; patency; patients; pattern; peak; peptide; perfusion; period; peripheral; peritoneal; pge2; pgi2; pigs; plasma; platelet; pmol/1; popliteal; portal; positive; possible; postoperative; potassium; potential; preoperative; presence; present; preservation; pressure; previous; primary; prior; procedure; proliferation; prolonged; properties; protein; proximal; psa; pulmonary; purpose; rain; range; rapid; rate; rats; recipients; reconstruction; recurrence; redox; reduced; reduction; reflux; regeneration; rejection; relationship; release; remain; removal; renal; reported; resistance; respiratory; response; results; right; rise; role; saline; salt; samples; scanning; second; secretion; segment; segmental; selective; sem; sensitive; sepsis; septic; serum; severe; sgv; sham; shear; shock; short; shunt; sibp; significant; similar; simple; simultaneous; single; site; size; skin; small; sodium; solution; somatostatin; specific; specimens; sphincter; spleen; splenic; standard; state; stenosis; steroid; stimulation; stomach; stones; strength; stress; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; survived; syngeneic; synthesis; synthetase; system; table; technique; test; therapy; thoracic; thrombosis; thyroid; time; tissue; tolerance; total; tract; transfusion; transit; transplantation; transplanted; treatment; trials; true; trypsin; tube; tumor; type; unchanged; underwent; university; urinary; use; useful; vagal; vagotomy; values; valve; vascular; vein; velocity; venous; ventricular; vessels; viability; vitro; vivo; volume; wall; water; weeks; weight; whvp; wound; woundhealing; years cache: cord-006391-esnsa4u5.txt plain text: cord-006391-esnsa4u5.txt item: #25 of 216 id: cord-006578-wv3wc0ct author: Stevens, D. L. title: Invasive streptococcal infections date: 2001 words: 8844 flesch: 37 summary: 16, 34 In published series, the case fatality rate for necrotizing fasciitis is between 20% and 50%, whereas group A streptococcal myositis has a fatality rate between 80% and 100%. In contrast, recent cases of group A streptococcal pneumonia and empyema have been associated with the StrepTSS (author's observations). keywords: ability; addition; adherence; age; aggressive; animals; antibiotics; bacteremia; binding; cases; cells; clindamycin; clinical; common; contrast; cytokine; debridement; different; disease; documented; early; effect; efficacy; epithelial; et al; evidence; example; exotoxin; factors; failure; fasciitis; fever; fibronectin; findings; gangrene; group; growth; high; host; human; il-1; important; incidence; induction; infections; invasion; invasive; invasive group; invasive infections; isolates; like; likely; m-1; mortality; muscle; myositis; nadase; necrosis; necrotizing; non; organ; patients; penicillin; pharyngitis; population; presence; present; prevalence; production; protein; puerperal; pyogenes; pyrogenic; recent; reduced; risk; role; secondary; sepsis; severe; sfbi; shock; skin; soft; spea; speb; specific; states; strains; streptococcal; streptococcal infections; streptococcal myositis; streptococcal pyrogenic; streptococcal toxic; streptococcus pyogenes; streptss; studies; surgical; syndrome; synthesis; time; tissue; tnfî±; toxic; treatment; tumor; type; uncommon; united; varicella; virulence; years cache: cord-006578-wv3wc0ct.txt plain text: cord-006578-wv3wc0ct.txt item: #26 of 216 id: cord-006849-vgjz74ts author: None title: 27th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) Sevilla, Spain, 12–15 June 2019 date: 2019-09-13 words: 222539 flesch: 45 summary: Day after surgery patient was asymptomatic, got full oral diet. Methods: From January 2001 to March 2005 all characteristics of surgical patients with diverticular and colon adenocarcinoma colovesical fistulae were reviewed. keywords: 0.001; 1st; 3d laparoscopic; 3rd; 4th; 5th; abdomen; abdominal; abdominal approach; abdominal cavity; abdominal ct; abdominal hernia; abdominal pain; abdominal surgery; abdominal surgical; abdominal wall; ability; ablation; abscess; abscesses; absence; absorbable; accepted; access; access laparoscopic; access surgery; accessory; account; accuracy; accurate; achalasia; acid; activity; acute; additional; adenocarcinoma; adenoma; adequate; adhesions; adjacent; adjuvant; administration; admission; adrenal; adult; advanced; advanced laparoscopic; advantages; adverse; affected; age; aged; aim; aims; ajcc; algorithm; alternative; american; analgesia; analysis; anastomosis; anatomical; anatomopathological; anatomy; anesthesia; aneurysm; angiography; angle; animal; anterior; anterior resection; anti; antibiotics; antireflux; anus; aortic; appearance; appendectomy; appendiceal; appendicitis; appendix; application; applied; approaches; appropriate; april; area; arm; arms; arterial; artery; asa; ascites; aspects; aspiration; assessment; assistant; assisted; assisted surgery; associated; association; atypical; augmented; authors; available; average; awareness; axillary; axis; background; bag; balloon; band; barbed; bariatric patients; bariatric surgery; baseline; basic; benefits; benign; best; better; better results; bilateral; bile; biliary; billroth; biopsies; biopsy; bleeding; blood; blood loss; blue; blunt; bmi; bmi patients; body; bowel; box; branches; breast; bypass; camera; cancer patients; cancer surgery; cancer treatment; cancers; capsule; cardia; care; careful; case report; case series; cases; catheter; cause; cava; cavity; cbd; celiac; cells; center; centre; certain; cervical; challenges; challenging; changes; channels; characteristics; chemoradiotherapy; chemotherapy; chest; child; choice; cholangiography; cholecystitis; choledocholithiasis; cholelithiasis; chronic; circular; circumstances; cirrhosis; cirrhotic patients; classification; classified; clavien; clear; clinical; clinical case; clinicopathological; clip; clipping; closed; closure; cme; cohort; colic; colitis; collection; colon; colon cancer; colon surgery; colonic; colonoscopy; colorectal cancer; colorectal patients; colorectal surgery; colostomy; colovesical; combination; combined; committee; common; communication; comparable; compare; comparison; complaints; complete; complete laparoscopic; complete resection; complete surgical; completion; complex; complexity; complicated; complications; component; compression; computer; concept; conclusion; concomitant; condition; confirmed; congenital; consecutive patients; consensus; conservative; constipation; contact; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; controversial; conventional laparoscopic; conversion; conversion rate; converted; cooperative surgery; correct; correlation; cosmetic; cosmetic results; cost; countries; course; cox; creation; criteria; critical; crp; crural; ct scan; curative; current; curvature; curve; cutting; cvs; cystic; cysts; damage; data; database; davinci; day surgery; days; death; december; decision; decrease; decubitus; deep; defect; definitive; degree; delay; delayed; delta; demanding; demographics; department; description; design; detailed; details; detection; developing; development; device; dfs; diabetes; diagnosis; diameter; diaphragmatic; diastasis; diet; differences; different; different patients; different surgical; differential; differentiated; difficult; difficulties; diffuse; digestive; dilatation; dimensional; dindo; direct; discharged; discomfort; discussion; disease; disorders; dissected; dissection; distance; distant; diverticulitis; diverticulum; division; docking; dor; double; drainage; dry; dss; duct; duodenal; duodenum; duration; dye; dysphagia; dysplasia; eaes; earlier; early; easier; easy; edges; education; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; efficiency; elderly patients; elective laparoscopic; elective surgery; emergency surgery; emergent; endocrine; endogia; endometriosis; endoscopic approach; endoscopic resection; endoscopic surgery; endoscopic treatment; endoscopy; energy; enhanced; enterotomy; entire; entity; enucleation; environment; epigastric; episodes; equal; ercp; ergonomics; error; esd; esg; esophageal; esophageal cancer; esophageal surgery; esophagectomy; esophagitis; esophagogastric; esophagus; essential; established; estimated; etc; evaluation; events; evidence; ewl; exact; examination; excellent; excessive; excision; existing; expected; experience; experimental; expert; exploratory; exposure; extended; extensive; extent; external; extraction; facilitate; factors; failure; fascia; fashion; faster; fat; favorable; feasibility; feasible; features; february; fecal; feedback; feeding; female patient; females; fever; fibrin; fibrosis; field; figure; final; findings; fistula; fixation; flank; flap; flexible; flexure; flow; fluid; fluorescence; focused; follow; following; force; forceps; foreign; france; free; frequency; frequent; function; functional results; fundoplication; fundus; gallbladder; gastric; gastric bypass; gastric cancer; gastric resection; gastric sleeve; gastric surgery; gastric wall; gastroduodenal; gastroenterological surgery; gastroenterology; gastroesophageal; gastrointestinal; gastrointestinal surgery; gastrostomy; gaze; gc patients; gender; general surgery; gerd; gerd patients; germany; giant; gist; gland; glue; goal; gold; good; good results; grade; grasping; greater; green; groin; group; group b; growth; guidance; guidelines; hand; handling; hba1c; hcc; head; healing; health; help; helpful; hemicolectomy; hemorrhage; hemostasis; hepatectomy; hepatic; hepatic surgery; hepatobiliary surgery; hepatocellular; hernia; hernia patients; hernia repair; hernia surgery; herniation; hiatal; hiatal hernia; hiatus; high; higher; hilum; histological; histology; histopathological; history; home; hospital; hospital stay; hospitalization; hsi; human; hybrid; hypertension; hysterectomy; iatrogenic; icg; icg fluorescence; identification; ihd; iii; ileocolic; ileostomy; ileus; iliac; image; imaging; immediate; impact; implantation; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incarcerated; incidence; incidents; incision laparoscopic; incisional; incisional hernia; include; incontinence; increase; independent; index; indications; individual; indocyanine; infection; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infrared; inguinal; inguinal hernia; initial; injuries; injury; insertion; inside; institute; institution; instruments; insufflation; insulin; intact; intake; intensity; interaction; interest; internal; international; intervention; intestinal; intraabdominal; intracorporeal; intrahepatic; intraoperative; intraoperative laparoscopic; intrathoracic; intravenous; introduction; intussusception; invasion; invasive approach; invasive surgery; invasive surgical; invasive technique; invasive treatment; investigations; involved; involvement; ipom; ischemic; isolated; italy; january; japan; jejunal; jejunostomy; jejunum; july; june; key; kidney; kind; knot; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; lagb; laparoscopic abdominal; laparoscopic adrenalectomy; laparoscopic anastomosis; laparoscopic anterior; laparoscopic appendicectomies; laparoscopic approach; laparoscopic cases; laparoscopic cholecystectomy; laparoscopic colectomy; laparoscopic colorectal; laparoscopic distal; laparoscopic duodenojejunostomy; laparoscopic experience; laparoscopic exploration; laparoscopic gastrectomy; laparoscopic gastric; laparoscopic group; laparoscopic hartmann; laparoscopic heller; laparoscopic hernia; laparoscopic inguinal; laparoscopic instruments; laparoscopic intervention; laparoscopic liver; laparoscopic low; laparoscopic lymph; laparoscopic management; laparoscopic mesh; laparoscopic nissen; laparoscopic operation; laparoscopic performance; laparoscopic procedure; laparoscopic proximal; laparoscopic repair; laparoscopic resection; laparoscopic reversal; laparoscopic right; laparoscopic segmental; laparoscopic single; laparoscopic skills; laparoscopic sleeve; laparoscopic splenectomy; laparoscopic surgery; laparoscopic suturing; laparoscopic system; laparoscopic tasks; laparoscopic technique; laparoscopic total; laparoscopic training; laparoscopic treatment; laparoscopic wedge; laparoscopy; laparotomy; larc patients; large; lateral; lavage; layer; lcbde; leading; leak; leakage; learning; left; left gastric; leiomyoma; length; lesion; lesser; level; life; ligament; ligation; light; like; limb; limitations; limited; limits; line; linear; liquid; literature; little; liver resection; liver surgery; llr; lobe; local; localization; location; long; longer; loop; loss; lower; lpnd; lsg; lspdp; lumbar; lumen; lung; lymph; lymph node; lymphadenectomy; lymphatic; machine; magnetic; main; main group; maintaining; major; major surgery; majority; making; male patients; males; malignant; management; maneuver; manipulation; manner; manometry; manual; mapping; march; margin; marked; markers; mass; massive; material; maximum; mean; mean age; mean hospital; mean operative; mean time; measurement; measures; mechanism; median; mediastinal; medical; medical treatment; medicine; medium; mesenteric; mesh; meshes; mesocolic; mesocolon; mesorectal; metabolic; metabolic surgery; metastasis; methods; middle; midline; migration; minilaparotomy; minimal; mmhg; mobilization; modalities; model; moderate; modified; monitoring; months; months postoperative; morbidity; morgagni; mortality; motility; motion; movements; mri; multidisciplinary; multimodal; multiple; multivariate; muscle; myotomy; n =; narrow; national; natural; nausea; navigation; near; necessary; neck; necrosectomy; necrosis; need; needle; needlescopic; negative; neoadjuvant; neoplasia; neoplasm; nerve; neuroendocrine; new; new approach; new surgical; nir; node; node dissection; nodule; nomogram; non; noncompliance; normal; novel; november; ntnm; number; obese patients; obesity; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; october; odds; old; old male; old patient; old woman; omentum; oncological; oncological results; oncological surgery; oncology; onset; open approach; open surgery; opening; operating; operation; operation patient; operative pain; operative procedure; operative time; opportunity; optimal; option; oral; order; organs; orifice; origin; outcomes; outside; overall; overlap; ovesco; p =; pain; palpable; pancreas; pancreatectomy; pancreatic; pancreatic surgery; pancreatitis; paraesophageal; parameters; parastomal; parathyroid; parenchyma; partial; participants; particular; passage; past; pathological; pathologies; pathology; pathway; patient age; patient characteristics; patient demographics; patient outcomes; patient safety; patient underwent; patients; patients anatomy; pattern; pedicle; pelvic; pelvic laparoscopic; peptic; percentage; percutaneous; perforated; perforation; perform; performance; performing; perfusion; period; peritoneal; peritonitis; persistent; petersen; phase; pheochromocytoma; physical; pigs; placement; plane; planned; planning; plasma; platform; pleural; pneumonia; pneumoperitoneum; pod; point; polyp; polypropylene; poor; popf; population; porcine; port; port surgery; portal; position; positioning; positive; possibility; possible; post operative; posterior; postoperative; postoperative complications; postoperative course; postoperative day; postoperative hospital; postoperative morbidity; postoperative outcomes; postoperative patient; postoperative period; postoperative recovery; postoperative results; postoperative stay; potential; pouch; practice; precise; precision; predictive; preferred; preliminary results; preoperative; preperitoneal; presence; present; present study; presentation; preserving; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; previous laparoscopic; previous surgery; primary; principles; prior; problems; procedure; process; prognostic; program; progressive; project; promising; prone; propensity; proper; prophylactic; prospective; prosthesis; protein; protocol; proton; proximal; pseudo; pull; pulmonary; puncture; purpose; qol; quadrant; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; radical; radical surgery; radiological; randomized; range; rare; rate; ray; real; reality; reasons; recent; reconstruction; records; recovery; rectal cancer; rectal resection; recti; rectum; recurrence; redo; reduced; reduction; reflux surgery; refractory; regain; regard; region; regional; registry; regression; regular; regurgitation; related; relationship; release; relevant; reliability; reliable; remains; remnant; removal; repeat; report; reported; reporting; reproducible; research; resected; resection group; resection rate; resection surgery; resections; residents; resonance; respiratory; response; results; retrieved; retrograde; retromuscular; retroperitoneal; retrospective; retrospective study; return; reversal; review; revision surgery; revisional; rgc patients; right colon; risk; risk patients; robotic approach; robotic group; robotic rectal; robotic surgery; robotic surgical; robotic system; role; romania; room; root; route; routine; roux; running; rupture; rygb; sac; safe; safe approach; safe laparoscopic; safe procedure; safe technique; safety; saline; satisfaction; satisfactory; scale; scan; scar; scenario; scheduled; score; screening; second; secondary; sectionectomy; segment; segmentectomy; selection; self; sensitivity; sentinel; separation; september; series; seroma; service; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shaped; sheath; short; shorter; shows; sided; sigmoid; sigmoidectomy; signal; significant; signs; silc; sils; similar; simple; simulation; singapore; single; site; size; skin; sleeve gastrectomy; sln; small; smoking patients; software; solid; solution; space; special; specific; specimen; sphincter; spleen; splenic; splenomegaly; spread; stable; stable patients; staff; stage; staging; standard; standard laparoscopic; standard surgical; standardization; standardized; stapler; stapling; starting; statistical; status; stay; stenosis; stent; step; stitches; stomach; stones; strasbourg; strategy; stress; strong; structures; students; studies; study; study group; study period; stump; subcostal; submucosal; subsequent; subtotal; successful; successful laparoscopic; sufficient; suggestive; suitable; superior; supine; supply; support; surface; surgeons; surgeries; surgery approach; surgery department; surgery group; surgery patients; surgery results; surgery service; surgery training; surgical; surgical approach; surgical complications; surgical department; surgical emergency; surgical excision; surgical experience; surgical field; surgical intervention; surgical management; surgical margins; surgical option; surgical outcomes; surgical patients; surgical procedure; surgical repair; surgical resection; surgical results; surgical site; surgical system; surgical team; surgical technique; surgical time; surgical training; surgical treatment; surveillance; survey; survival; suspicion; suture; suturing; switch; symptomatic; symptomatic patients; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; tamis; tapp; target; tasks; tatme; team; technical; technique; technologies; technology; temperature; tendency; tension; term; term results; terminal; testing; tests; thanks; theatre; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thoracic surgery; thoracoscopic; thoracoscopic surgery; thorough; thread; thyroid; thyroid surgery; time; tissue; tnm; tolerance; tomography; tool; total gastrectomy; total patients; toupet; tract; traditional; traditional laparoscopic; trainees; trainer; training; transabdominal; transanal; transection; transfusion; transverse; trauma; traumatic; treatment; treatment results; tree; trial; triangle; trocars; trunk; tube; tumor; tumor size; tumours; type; ulcer; ultrasonography; ultrasound; umbilical; unclear; uncommon; undergone; underlying; understanding; underwent; underwent laparoscopic; uneventful; unit; united; univariate; university; unknown; upper; ureter; urgent; urgent surgery; urinary; use; useful; usefulness; users; usual; uterine; utility; vaginal; validation; validity; value; variables; vascular; vascularization; vats; vein; ventral; verge; vertical; vessels; video; view; vinci; virtual; visceral; visceral surgery; visualization; vivo; volume; volvulus; vomiting; wall; way; weeks; weight; white; wide; woman; work; working; worldwide; worse; wound; wrap; y gastric; years; years old; young patients; younger cache: cord-006849-vgjz74ts.txt plain text: cord-006849-vgjz74ts.txt item: #27 of 216 id: cord-006854-o2e5na78 author: None title: Scientific Session of the 16th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, Jointly Hosted by Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) & Canadian Association of General Surgeons (CAGS), Seattle, Washington, USA, 11–14 April 2018: Poster Abstracts date: 2018-04-20 words: 166333 flesch: 44 summary: Here we were able to demonstrate that the procedure can be safely used in laparoscopic surgery patients. On bivariate analysis, robotic-assist patients had a higher rate of readmission than laparoscopic patients (7.5% vs. 6.4%; P=.03), but no differences in 30-day reoperation ( Conclusion: Robotic-assistance does not confer an increased rate of morbidity and mortality after RYGB, and represents a feasible surgical modality for the surgeon willing to adopt the technology and accept its limitations. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abdominal pain; abdominal surgery; abdominal surgical; abdominoperineal; ability; ablation; abnormal; abscess; absence; absorbable; academic; acceptable; accepted; access; account; accuracy; achalasia; acid; acs; activation; active; activity; acute; additional; address; adenocarcinoma; adenoma; adequate; adhesions; adjacent; adult patients; adults; advanced; advantages; adverse; age; aim; aims; alcohol; alternative; alvim; american; analgesia; analysis; anastomosis; anatomical; anatomy; anemia; anesthesia; aneurysm; angiography; animal; anterior; antibiotics; antireflux surgery; appendectomy; appendicitis; appendix; application; approach; appropriate; approval; april; area; arm; artery; asa; aspiration; assessment; assistant; assisted; associated; association; attempts; attending; attention; august; available; average; average time; awareness; background; bacterial; balloon; band; bariatric patients; bariatric procedures; bariatric surgery; bariatric surgical; barrier; baseline; basic; benefit; benign; best; better; bilateral; bile; biliary; biopsy; bleeding; block; blood; blood loss; blunt; bmi; body; bowel; box; burden; bypass; bypass patients; bypass surgery; camera; cancer; cancer patients; cancer surgery; carcinoma; care; care surgery; case report; cases; cause; cavity; cbd; cecal; celiac; center; challenging; change; characteristics; chart; chemotherapy; chest; chi; choice; cholangitis; cholecystectomies; cholecystitis; choledocholithiasis; cholelithiasis; chronic; circular; circumferential; classification; clavien; clearance; clinical; clinical outcomes; clip; clipping; closed; closing; closure; cme; coccidioidomycosis; cognitive; cohort; colectomy; colic; collected; collection; college; colon; colonic; colonoscopy; colorectal; colorectal cancer; colorectal surgery; combined; common; community; comorbidities; comparable; comparison; complete; completion; complex; complicated; complications; comprehensive; compression; conclusion; concomitant; condition; conduit; confidence; congenital; consecutive patients; consensus; conservative; consistent; console; constipation; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; controversial; conventional; conventional laparoscopic; conversion; correlation; cosmetic; cost; course; creation; criteria; critical; crural; crus; current; curriculum; curvature; curve; cusum; cutting; cystic; daily; damage; data; database; date; days; death; december; decision; decreased; deep; defect; definitive; degree; delayed; demographics; department; design; details; detection; developing; development; device; diabetes; diagnosis; diameter; diaphragmatic; diet; difference; difficult; dilation; dindo; direct; discharge; discussion; disease; disorder; dissected; dissection; distal; distance; diverticulitis; diverticulum; division; domain; double; drainage; drains; duodenal; duodenum; duration; dysphagia; earlier; early; ebl; education; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; effort; egd; elderly patients; elective; elective laparoscopic; elective surgery; electronic; electrosurgical; elevated; emergency; emergency surgery; emergent; emptying; endoscopic; endoscopic procedures; endoscopic surgery; energy; engagement; enhanced; enucleation; environment; episodes; eras; ercp; esd; esophageal; esophagectomy; esophagitis; esophagus; essential; established; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; ewl; exact; examination; excellent; excess; excision; expected; experience; experienced laparoscopic; experimental; expert; expertise; exploration; exposed; exposure; expression; extended; extensive; extraction; facs; factors; faculty; failed; failure; fap; fascia; fashion; fast; fatigue; feasibility; feasible; february; feedback; feeding; fellows; female; female patient; fewer; field; fig; figure; final; findings; fires; fistula; fixation; flatus; flexible; flexure; flow; fls; fluid; fluorescence; focused; follow; following; food; forceps; free; frequency; frequent; function; fundoplication; fundus; fuse; gallbladder; gallstone; gastrectomy; gastric; gastric bypass; gastric cancer; gastric surgery; gastroesophageal; gastrointestinal; gastroparesis; gej; gender; general surgery; gerd; gerd patients; global; global surgery; glucose; glue; goal; gold; good; grade; graft; grasper; greater; green; groin; group; group b; guidance; guidelines; hand; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; hematoma; hemicolectomy; hemorrhage; hepatectomy; hepatic; hepatobiliary; hernia; hernia repair; hernia surgery; heterogeneity; hiatal; hiatal hernia; hiatus; hida; high; higher; histologic; history; holder; home; hospital; hospital introduction; hospital stay; hospitalization; hours; human; hybrid; hypertension; iatrogenic; ibd; icg; identification; iii; ileostomy; ileus; image; imaging; immediate; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incarcerated; incidence; incision; incision laparoscopic; increase; independent; index; indication; individual; indocyanine; induced; infection; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infrared; inguinal; inguinal hernia; initial; injuries; injury; insertion; inside; institute; institution; instruments; insurance; intake; interaction; interest; internal; intervention; intestine; intracorporeal; intragastric; intraoperative; introduction; intussusception; invasion; invasive surgery; invasive surgical; investigation; involved; ioc; iqr; irb; ischemia; isolated; issues; items; january; japan; jaundice; jejunal; july; june; key; kidney; knot; knowledge; laboratory; lack; laparoscopic anterior; laparoscopic appendectomy; laparoscopic approach; laparoscopic bariatric; laparoscopic cases; laparoscopic cholecystectomy; laparoscopic colorectal; laparoscopic fundoplication; laparoscopic gastrectomy; laparoscopic group; laparoscopic heller; laparoscopic hernia; laparoscopic hiatal; laparoscopic inguinal; laparoscopic instruments; laparoscopic liver; laparoscopic procedures; laparoscopic repair; laparoscopic resection; laparoscopic right; laparoscopic roux; laparoscopic skills; laparoscopic sleeve; laparoscopic splenectomy; laparoscopic surgery; laparoscopic technique; laparoscopic total; laparoscopic training; laparoscopy; laparotomy; large; lateral; layer; lead; leak; leakage; learning; left; length; lesion; lesser; leukocytosis; level; life; ligament; ligation; likely; limited; linear; liquid; literature; little; liver; liver surgery; lnm; lns; load; lobe; local; location; logistic; long; longer; loop; loss; loss surgery; lower; lsg; lsg patients; lung; lymph; lymphatic; magnetic; main; major; majority; making; male patients; males; malignancies; malignant; management; maneuver; manipulator; manual; march; margin; marginal; mass; matching; material; maximum; mean; mean age; mean operative; measured; measuring; median; median time; medical; medications; medicine; mesenteric; mesh; mesorectal; metabolic; metastasis; methods; middle; migration; mild; mimic; minimal; minimum; minor; minutes; mir-124; mm patients; mobilization; modalities; modality; model; moderate; modified; module; months; morbidity; mortality; motility; mri; mucosal; multidisciplinary; multiple; multivariate; muscle; myotomy; n=1; n=2; n=3; nasa; national; nausea; near; necessary; neck; necrosis; need; needle; needlescopic; negative; neoadjuvant; nerve; neuroendocrine; new; nissen; node; non; normal; notes; novel; number; nutritional; obese patients; obesity; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; obturator; old; omental; omentum; oncological; online; open; open surgery; operating; operation; operative; operative pain; operative patients; operative procedure; operative results; operative time; operator; optimal; option; oral; order; organ; outcomes; outpatient; output; overall; p.001; p.05; p=0.001; pain; pancreas; pancreatectomy; pancreatic; pancreatitis; papillary; paraesophageal; parameters; parenchyma; partial; participants; past; pathological; pathology; patient age; patient characteristics; patient demographics; patient outcomes; patients; patients laparoscopic; patients patients; pcr; pct; pediatric; peg; peh; pelvic; percent; percentage; percutaneous; perforation; performance; performed; perfusion; period; peritoneal; peritonitis; permanent; persistent; phase; phd; physical; pilot; placement; plane; planned; platform; pneumonia; pneumoperitoneum; pod; point; polypropylene; polyps; poor; popf; population; porcine; port surgery; portal; position; positive; positive patients; possible; post operative; posterior; postoperative; postoperative complications; postoperative day; postoperative hospital; postoperative morbidity; postoperative outcomes; potential; pouch; practice; precise; predictive; predictors; preliminary; preoperative; preparation; preperitoneal; presacral; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; procedure time; process; prognosis; program; programme; progress; prolonged; promising; propensity; prospective; protein; protocol; providers; proximal; public; pulmonary; purpose; pyloric; pyloroplasty; pylorus; quadrant; qualitative; quality; questionnaire; questions; radiation; radical; randomized; range; rare; rate; reach; readmission; real; reasons; received; recent; recognition; reconstruction; records; recovery; rectal cancer; rectum; recurrence; redo surgery; reduced; reduction; reflux; reflux surgery; regards; region; regression; regurgitation; reinforcement; related; relationship; release; relevant; remnant; removal; reoperations; repair; repeat; reported; reporting; reports; requirement; research; resected; resection; residency; residents; residual; resolution; respiratory; respondents; response; resulting; results; retention; retractor; retrieval; retrieved; retroperitoneal; retrospective; retrospective study; return; review; revisional; revisional surgery; right; risk; risk patients; rln; robotic surgery; robotically; robotics; role; room; routine; roux; rygb; rygb patients; s130; s359; safe; safety; sages; saline; sample; satisfaction; satisfied; scale; scan; school; science; score; scoring; second; secondary; secure; segment; selection; self; sems; senhance; sensitivity; september; series; seroma; session; setting; severe; severity; sex; sheath; short; shorter; shows; sided; sigmoid; significant; significant difference; signs; sils; similar; simulation; single; site; size; skills; skin; sleeve gastrectomy; small; smaller; smoking; society; soft; software; space; specific; specificity; specimen; sphincterotomy; spillage; spleen; splenectomy; splenic; spss; square; staff; stage; standard; standard laparoscopic; standardized; stapler; stapling; statistical; status; stay; stenosis; stent; stenting; step; stomach; stone; strategy; structures; students; studies; study; study group; study patients; study period; stump; subjects; submucosal; subsequent; subtotal; successful; suggested; superior; supply; support; surface; surgeons; surgeries; surgery accreditation; surgery introduction; surgery outcomes; surgery patients; surgery procedures; surgery program; surgery residents; surgical; surgical approach; surgical complications; surgical history; surgical instruments; surgical intervention; surgical management; surgical outcomes; surgical patients; surgical performance; surgical procedures; surgical repair; surgical resection; surgical residents; surgical results; surgical site; surgical skills; surgical technique; surgical time; surgical training; surgical treatment; survey; survival; suture; suturing; symptomatic; symptomatic patients; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; table; tapp; target; task; tattoo; team; technical; technique; technology; temperature; term; term outcomes; tertiary; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thoracoscopic; throws; thyroid; time; timing; tissue; tobacco; tomography; tool; total; total gastrectomy; total operative; total patients; tpc; tract; traditional; trainees; trainer; training; transabdominal; transanal; transection; transfer; transfusion; transverse; trauma; traumatic; treatment; trial; triangle; trocar; tube; tumor; tumours; type; uc patients; ugi; ulcer; ultrasonic; ultrasound; umbilical; unclear; uncommon; undergone; underwent; underwent laparoscopic; uneventful; unique; united; univariate; university; unknown; unusual; upper; urinary; use; useful; usefulness; users; utility; utilization; validity; value; variables; variation; variety; vascular; vats; vein; ventral; versus; vessels; video; vinci; virtual; visit; visualization; visualized; volume; vomiting; vs.; wall; way; weeks; weight; weight loss; window; wire; women; work; working; worldwide; wound; y gastric; years; younger patients cache: cord-006854-o2e5na78.txt plain text: cord-006854-o2e5na78.txt item: #28 of 216 id: cord-006864-t5qsjyfi author: Norris, S. title: National scientific medical meeting 1995 abstracts: Oral presentations date: 1995 words: 36498 flesch: 51 summary: X 100 birth weight (g) or birth head circumference (cm) divided by the age in weeks and expressed as % per weekhead index (HI) and weight index (WI). Home interviews suggest 31.1% Suicidal Ideation ever, 2.7% Self-harm rate -4% of those interviewed felt suicide was a right under adverse circumstances. keywords: a. a.; a. e.; a. g.; a. j.; abnormal; absent; acid; activation; active; activity; acute; administration; admission; age; age group; aggregation; aids; aim; anaesthesia; analysis; animals; anomalies; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; anticoagulation; antigen; appropriate; area; arthritis; assays; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asymptomatic; audit; autonomic; available; average; baseline; bcg; behaviour; bile; biopsies; biopsy; birth; bleeding; blood; bmt; bone; breast; bresnihan; c. a.; c. j.; c. m.; c. t.; c. v.; calculated; cancer; cardiac; care; cases; cause; cd4; cd8; cells; cervical; challenge; changes; children; cholesterol; chronic; cla+; class; clinical; codd; coeliac; cognitive; combination; common; community; complement; conclusion; congenital; consecutive; contrast; control; coronary; crit; culture; current; d. a.; d. c.; d. d.; d. f.; d. j.; d. m.; d. o.; d. p.; d. r.; daily; damage; data; days; death; defects; deficiency; delivery; department; details; detection; determined; development; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diet; dietary; difference; direct; disease; disorder; dna; do2; donnelly; donor; dose; drug; dublin; duration; early; education; effect; elderly; elevated; endometrial; enzyme; erythema; eurocat; evidence; examination; expression; f. m.; factors; family; features; feely; female; findings; fitzgerald; flow; folate; following; forearm; free; frequency; function; g. d.; g. j.; g. m.; general; glucose; greater; group; gst; h. a.; hayes; hcv; health; heart; hennessy; hepatitis; higher; highest; histological; history; hiv; hospital; hours; human; hypertension; icam-1; illness; impairment; important; improved; incidence; increase; index; individuals; induced; induction; infection; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; inhaled; initial; injury; insulin; ireland; irish; iron; isolates; j. f.; j. j.; j. s.; johnson; journal; k. d.; knowledge; known; laboratory; labour; large; layer; levels; liver; long; loss; lower; lp(a; lymphocytes; m. a.; m. j.; m. m.; macrophages; major; majority; male; malignant; management; marrow; mask; maternal; mccann; mckenna; mean; mean age; measured; measurements; measuring; medical; melanoma; method; minutes; model; monitoring; months; morbidity; morphine; mortality; mothers; mulherin; murphy; muscle; national; need; negative; neutrophils; non; normal; number; nutrition; oats; old; onset; open; operative; oral; outcome; overall; oxygen; o’connor; o’farrelly; o’neill; p. a.; p. j.; p. p.; p. s.; p<0.001; p<0.05; paediatric; parents; pathology; patients; pattern; pct; period; peripheral; platelet; population; positive; possible; post; potential; practice; pregnancy; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; procedure; prospective; psa; psoriasis; psychiatry; pulmonary; questionnaire; r. c.; r. j.; radiological; range; rate; receptor; recorded; records; recovery; reduced; reduction; regular; related; relationship; relative; reported; reports; resistance; response; results; review; risk; role; routine; s. a.; s. c.; s. k.; s. r.; samples; scale; schizophrenia; school; science; score; second; selectin; sensitivity; serotonin; serum; service; severe; sex; short; significant; similar; single; skin; small; smokers; smoking; specific; spinal; srm; staff; standard; status; stay; stress; studies; study; subjects; sugrue; suicide; surgery; surgical; survival; symptoms; syndrome; synovial; system; t. p.; technique; term; test; therapy; thrombolysis; thyroid; time; tissue; total; trab; treatment; tuberculin; underwent; urinary; use; useful; v. j.; values; vascular; vasodilatation; virus; visual; volunteers; walsh; weeks; weight; women; years; young; yrs cache: cord-006864-t5qsjyfi.txt plain text: cord-006864-t5qsjyfi.txt item: #29 of 216 id: cord-006984-x1r99rlm author: Yokhana, J. S. title: Effect of insoluble fiber supplementation applied at different ages on digestive organ weight and digestive enzymes of layer-strain poultry date: 2015-11-14 words: 7467 flesch: 50 summary: At wk 5, the relative proventricular weight (0.41 g/100g BW) and activities of pepsin (75.3 pepsin units/g proventriculus/min) and pancreatic general proteolytic activity (GP) (122.9 μmol tyrosine produced/g tissue) were greater (P < 0.05) than those of Group C (proventricular relative weight, 0.36; pepsin activity, 70.6; GP activity, 94.3). We therefore wished to determine whether there was a correlation between pepsin activity and mRNA in proventricular tissue so as to provide an alternate means of measuring the effects of dietary changes on digestive function. keywords: activities; activity; age; aldrich; arbocel; australia; broiler; brown; buffer; cat; chymotrypsin; concentration; control; diet; dietary; different; digestion; digestive; effects; egg; enzyme; et al; experiment; feed; feeding; fiber; gizzard; greater; group; group c; half; hens; hetland; higher; house; increase; insoluble; intestine; layer; line; means; min; mrna; old; organs; pancreas; pancreatic; pen; pepsin; pepsinogen; poultry; production; protein; proventriculus; pullets; relative; samples; sigma; significant; small; solution; standard; start; strain; table; tissue; tract; treatments; trypsin; tyrosine; units; water; weights; μmol cache: cord-006984-x1r99rlm.txt plain text: cord-006984-x1r99rlm.txt item: #30 of 216 id: cord-006987-1hf8vyhz author: Abass, Ahmed O title: Propolis supplementation attenuates the negative effects of oxidative stress induced by paraquat injection on productive performance and immune function in turkey poults date: 2017-10-05 words: 6789 flesch: 36 summary: PR with a daily subcutaneous PQ injection for 7 days (PR+PQ group), or received the experimental PR diet with a daily subcutaneous injection of 0.5 mL sterile saline for 7 days (PR group); while the control poults received a basal diet with a daily subcutaneous saline injection for 7 consecutive days (C group). Native male turkey poults (n = 120, 49-d-old) were randomly assigned into 4 groups: poults received a basal diet with a daily subcutaneous PQ injection of 5 mg/kg BW for 7 consecutive days (PQ group), an experimental diet containing 1 g/kg keywords: acid; activity; addition; antibody; antioxidant; basal; birds; blood; broiler; c group; cells; cellular; chickens; collected; compounds; concentration; consecutive; contrast; control; control group; conversion; corticosterone; daily; damage; days; diet; dietary; dna; effects; et al; experimental; expression; feed; fragmentation; function; gain; group; growth; heat; high; hsp70; immune; immunity; increased; inflammatory; injection; intake; levels; lymphocyte; mda; negative; oxidative; oxidative stress; parameters; paraquat; paraquat injection; pbmcs; performance; plasma; poultry; poults; pq group; pq injection; pr+pq; pr+pq group; present; production; proliferation; propolis; propolis supplementation; protein; ratio; rats; research; response; ros; samples; significant; srbcs; stress; study; subcutaneous; supplementation; table; thyroid; tnfα; toe; total; toxicity; treatment; turkey; turkey poults; web; weight cache: cord-006987-1hf8vyhz.txt plain text: cord-006987-1hf8vyhz.txt item: #31 of 216 id: cord-007367-e31zhty6 author: Tassier, Troy title: Network position and health care worker infections date: 2015-09-07 words: 11008 flesch: 52 summary: In this paper we use a newly collected data set on hospital worker contacts in order to identify hospital worker groups that have the potential to create the largest number of infections based on their location in a hospital contact network. Traditionally, epidemiology research has focused on well-mixed (randomly mixed) populations where agent contacts are homogeneous. keywords: additional; agent; agent j; average; average infections; betweenness; clerks; contacts; data; disease; effect; entire; epidemic; equal; externality; floor; groups; healthcare; hospital; important; increases; individuals; infected; infections; infectious disease; influenza; instance; large; level; likely; low; marginal; marginal infections; measure; model; network; node; note; number; nurses; observed; paper; patient; person; physicians; population; position; probability; problem; rate; recovered; results; second; set; similar; small; social; spread; staff; state; study; susceptible; table; terms; total; transmission; transmission rate; unit; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; value; worker groups; workers cache: cord-007367-e31zhty6.txt plain text: cord-007367-e31zhty6.txt item: #32 of 216 id: cord-007580-qwh8ei60 author: Knopf, Harry L.S. title: Clinical and Immunologic Responses in Patients with Viral Keratoconjunctivitis date: 2014-09-26 words: 5107 flesch: 49 summary: A comparison of the percent corneal involvement with fold-rise in antibody titer among patients infected with Group 1 (AV 1) and 2 (AV 2) adenoviruses. key: cord-007580-qwh8ei60 authors: Knopf, Harry L.S.; Hierholzer, John C. title: Clinical and Immunologic Responses in Patients with Viral Keratoconjunctivitis date: 2014-09-26 journal: Am J Ophthalmol DOI: 10.1016/0002-9394(75)90398-0 sha: doc_id: 7580 cord_uid: qwh8ei60 nan Ocular viral infections manifest them selves in a variety of clinical pictures. keywords: acute; adenovirus; agent; antibodies; antibody; antigen; cases; cause; changes; chronic; clinical; complement; convalescent; corneal; cultures; data; days; difference; disease; epidemic; eye; eyes; fixation; follicular; fourfold; group; hemagglutination; herpes; higher; illness; infected; infections; infiltrates; inhibition; initial; involvement; keratitis; keratoconjunctivitis; level; mean; neutralization; nonepidemic; number; ocular; patients; period; phase; positive; possible; respiratory; rise; sera; serologic; serum; significant; signs; similar; simplex; studies; study; subepithelial; symptoms; table; tears; tests; time; titer; type; upper; viral; viruses; visual cache: cord-007580-qwh8ei60.txt plain text: cord-007580-qwh8ei60.txt item: #33 of 216 id: cord-009567-osstpum6 author: None title: Abstracts Oral date: 2008-04-23 words: 131515 flesch: 49 summary: This graft infiltration by recipient cells was more pronounced with vascularized skin grafts, and to a higher degree in heart transplants. Recipient cells similarly infiltrated allogeneic grafts early on and in larger numbers than for syngeneic grafts by day 4/5 post-transplantation. keywords: + +; -/and; 24h; a20; a2all; ability; abmr; abo; absence; abstracts; accelerated; accepted; access; accumulation; accuracy; acid; activated; activation; activity; acute; acute rejection; addition; adherence; adjusted; administration; adoptive; adult; adverse; african; age; aged; agents; aih; aim; albumin; ald; alemtuzumab; alf; alive; alloag; alloantibody; alloantigen; allocation; allogeneic; allograft; allograft function; allograft recipients; allograft rejection; allograft survival; alloimmune; alloreactive; allospecific; american; amr; analysis; animals; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apc; apcs; apolt; apoptosis; apoptotic; apoptotic cells; approach; artery; assay; assessment; associated; association; atg; atrophy; auc; available; average; aza; b cells; background; baff; balb; baseline; basiliximab; bcl; bead; benefit; best; better; bile; biliary; binding; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; bkv; blockade; blocking; blood; blood group; bm12; bmi; bone; bos; c mice; c4d; c57bl/6; c5ar; cadaveric; calcineurin; calculated; cam; cancer; candidates; capable; capacity; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; cases; caucasian; cause; cav; ccr5; ccr7; cd103; cd11c; cd138; cd154; cd20; cd25; cd28; cd3; cd4; cd4 t; cd4+cd25; cd40; cd45rb; cd62l; cd8; cd80; cd86; cdc; cell activation; cell function; cell levels; cell proliferation; cell response; cell survival; cells specific; cellular; cellular rejection; center; cfse; chains; changes; characteristics; characterized; chemokine; children; chimeras; chimeric; chimerism; chronic; chronic allograft; chronic rejection; cinacalcet; cirrhosis; cirrhotic; class; clinical; cmv; cni; cohort; cold; collected; combination; combined; common; community; comparable; comparison; complement; complete; complications; conclusion; confirm; consecutive; consistent; continued; contrast; control; control group; conventional; conversion; converted; correlate; correlation; cost; costimulatory; course; cox; cpg; creatinine; criteria; critical; cross; crossmatch; csa; ctla4; cultured; cumulative; current; cvd; cve; cyclosporine; cytokine; cytometry; cytotoxic; daclizumab; daily; damage; dap12; data; database; days; days post; dba/2; dcd; dcs; death; deceased donor; decline; decreased; deficient; degree; delayed; demographic; dendritic cells; department; dependent; depletion; deposition; dept; detectable; detection; determined; development; dgf; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; dialysis; differences; different; differentiation; diminished; discontinuation; disease; dln; dn t; dna; donation; donor; donor age; donor cd4; donor cells; donor kidney; donor liver; donor renal; donor specific; donor t; donor transplant; dose; dosing; double; draining; drug; dsa; duration; dysfunction; early; ebv; ecd; effect; effective; effector; effector cells; efficacy; egfr; elevated; elisa; elispot; emt; endothelial; engraftment; enhanced; episodes; epithelial cells; erk; es cells; esrd; established; evaluation; events; evidence; excellent; exchange; exosomes; expansion; expected; experience; exposure; expression; extent; facs; factors; failure; family; fashion; fasl; fcxm; features; female; fewer; fibrosis; figure; final; findings; flow; fold; follow; following; form; foxp3; foxp3 expression; free; frequency; function; functioning; future; galt; gender; gene; general; generation; genetic; genotype; gfp; gfr; gils; glomerular; glucose; goal; good; grade; graft; graft biopsies; graft failure; graft function; graft loss; graft outcome; graft rejection; graft survival; greater; group; grp; gtko; h-2; h60; half; hand; hcc; hcv; hdaf; health; heart; heart transplant; help; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatocellular; hepatocytes; heterotopic; high; higher; highest; histological; histology; history; hla; ho-1; hospital; host; hours; hpsc; hrqol; hrs; human; humoral; hypertension; hypothesis; i.v; iak; ibd; identical; ido; ieq; ifn; ifng; ifnγ; igg; iii; il-10; il-2; il-4; il-6; imaging; immune; immunity; immunohistochemistry; immunological; immunosuppression; impact; impaired; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incompatible; increase; independence; indeterminate; index; indirect; individual; induced; induction; infected; infection; infiltrates; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; inhibited; inhibitor; inhibits; initial; injury; inkt; innate; institute; institution; insulin; insurance; interaction; interferon; interstitial; intestinal; intragraft; introduction; investigated; iri; isa247; ischemia; islet; islet allograft; islet transplant; isolated; ivig; january; john; kdr; key; kidney; kidney allograft; kidney cells; kidney function; kidney graft; kidney recipients; kidney transplant; kidney tx; kinase; kinetics; known; ktx; laboratory; lack; large; large t; later; ldlt; lead; left; length; lesions; leukocyte; levels; lfa-1; likely; limited; lipid; list; listing; little; liver; liver allografts; liver disease; liver graft; liver recipients; liver transplantation; living; lmp1; load; local; logistic; long; longer; loss; low; lower; lps; lsecs; lt recipients; ltx; luminex; lung; lung transplant; lymphocytes; lymphoid; m290; mab; machine; macrophage; maintenance; major; majority; male; marked; markers; marrow; marrow cells; mass; matches; maturation; mcp; mdc; mean; measured; mechanisms; median; medical; medications; medicine; meld; memory; memory t; mesangial; methods; mhc; mice; microarray; migration; mild; min/1.73; minimal; minutes; mismatched; mixed; mlr; mmf; model; moderate; modification; mofetil; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monocytes; mononuclear; monotherapy; months; months post; morbidity; mortality; mouse; mrna; mst; mths; multiple; multivariate; murine; mycophenolate; myd88; n=1; n=2; n=3; n=5; n=6; n=8; national; natural; naïve; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; nephropathy; network; neutrophil; new; nk cells; non; normal; novel; novo; number; objective; observed; occurring; older; olt; ongoing; onset; operational; operative; optimal; organ; organ transplant; orthotopic; outcomes; overall; ox40; p<0.001; p<0.05; paec; pairs; pancreas; panel; parameters; partial; particular; party; pathogenesis; pathology; pathway; patient survival; patients; patterns; pbmc; pcr; pd-1; pdc; peak; pediatric; peptide; percentage; performance; period; peripheral; persistent; pfd; phase; phenotype; physical; pig; pittsburgh; pkcθ; plasma; plasma cells; platelets; pod; point; policy; poor; population; porcine; positive; possible; post; post transplant; post transplantation; potential; pra; practice; predictive; predictors; prednisone; pregnancy; preliminary; presence; present; preservation; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; priming; prior; procedure; process; production; profile; program; progressive; proliferation; prolonged; promoter; properties; proportion; prospective; protein; proteinuria; protocol; proven; ptdm; ptld; pts; purified; purpose; pvb19; qft; quality; quantitative; r348; race; randomized; range; rapa; rapamycin; rapid; rates; ratg; reaction; recent; receptor; recipient cells; recipients; recovery; recurrence; reduced; regimen; region; registry; regression; regulation; regulatory; regulatory cells; rejecting; rejection; rejection episodes; rejection patients; rejection rates; related; relationship; relative; relevant; relt; renal; renal allograft; renal function; renal transplant; renal transplantation; reperfusion; replication; reported; research; resistant; respect; response; results; retrospective; review; rise; risk; risk patients; rituximab; role; rtx; samples; sap; score; scr; screening; secondary; secretion; self; sensitivity; sensitized; sensitized patients; sequential; sera; serum; severe; severity; sex; short; shows; signaling; signals; significant; signs; similar; simultaneous; single; sinusoidal; sirna; sirolimus; site; size; skin; small; solid; solution; source; specific; specific cd8; specificity; spk; spleen; splenic; splenocytes; split; srl; stable; stable graft; stable patients; stage; staining; standard; stat1; statistical; status; stay; steroids; stimulated; stimulation; strain; strategies; strategy; stress; strong; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; subsets; successful; summary; superior; support; suppressive; surface; surgery; surgical; survey; survival; survival benefit; survival rates; survival time; sustained; syndrome; syngeneic; system; t antigen; t cells; tace; tacrolimus; target; targeting; tcmr; tcr; tcrβ; term; term graft; term survival; test; testing; tgf; tgfβ; th17; therapeutic; therapy; thrombosis; thymoglobulin; time; tissue; tissue cells; tlr4; tlr4ko; tnf; tnfα; tolerance; tolerant; tolerogenic; total; toxicity; transcription; transcripts; transduced; transferred; transgenic; transition; transplant; transplant centers; transplant model; transplant outcomes; transplant patients; transplant recipients; transplant rejection; transplant survival; transplant tolerance; transplantation; treated; treatment; treg; treg cells; trend; trial; trough; tst; tubular; tubular cells; tumor; tx patients; tx recipients; type; unclear; underwent; unique; united; univariate; university; unknown; untreated; upregulated; urinary; use; utility; vad; value; variables; vascular; vasculopathy; vegfr2; viral; virus; vitro; vivo; volume; vs.; waiting; waitlist; warm; weeks; weight; western; wild; withdrawal; women; work; worse; year; year graft; year post; yrs; zdcyd cache: cord-009567-osstpum6.txt plain text: cord-009567-osstpum6.txt item: #34 of 216 id: cord-009797-8mdie73v author: Valle, Denis title: Extending the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model to presence/absence data: A case study on North American breeding birds and biogeographical shifts expected from climate change date: 2018-08-26 words: 5627 flesch: 41 summary: For instance, biome transition zones, ecotones, and habitat edges are locations that are often comprised of a mix of species groups, providing sources for potentially novel species interactions (Gosz, 1993; Ries, Fletcher, Battin, & Sisk, 2004) . We adopted a Beta 0:5; 0:5 ð Þdistribution for ϕ sk because this distribution is likely to generate species groups that are more dissimilar in terms of species composition given that it is a U-shaped symmetric distribution. keywords: able; absence; abundance; allocation; approaches; available; biogeographical; bird; boxplots; breaking; breeding; change; climate; clustering; community; composition; data; datasets; different; dirichlet; distribution; estimated; figure; find; fit; groups; hard; high; important; information; isl; latent; lda; locations; maximum; methods; model; multiple; north; novel; number; optimal; panels; parameters; patterns; presence; prior; probability; proportion; regions; results; sampling; set; simulated; spatial; species; study; time; true; unit cache: cord-009797-8mdie73v.txt plain text: cord-009797-8mdie73v.txt item: #35 of 216 id: cord-009962-k3opc553 author: Stjernquist‐Desatnik, Anna title: Pharyngotonsillitis date: 2008-12-17 words: 5506 flesch: 25 summary: Further subdivision of group A streptococci is made on the basis of the M-protein (45) . A streptococcus carriage in a child care centre after a fatal case Epidemiological and clinical aspects of invasive group A streptococcal infections and the streptococcal toxic shock syndrome Extension of the Lancefield classification for group A streptococci by addition of 22 new M protein gene sequence types from clinical isolates: emm103 to emm124 Outbreak of group keywords: acute; adenopathy; adults; alpha; antibiotic; bacteria; beta; betahemolytic; care; carrier; cause; cells; cervical; children; clindamycin; clinical; complications; days; diagnosis; disease; drug; epithelial; failure; fever; fluid; group; hemolytic; hemolytic group; hemolytic streptococci; high; human; individuals; infection; intracellular; invasive; lactamase; mononucleosis; necrotizing; patients; penicillin; pharyngitis; pharyngotonsillitis; present; primary; protein; pyogenes; randomized; rapid; recurrent; respiratory; rheumatic; shock; sore; specific; strains; streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis; streptococci; studies; study; surface; symptoms; syndrome; tests; therapy; throat; tolerance; tonsillar; tonsillectomy; toxic; treatment; type; virulence; virus cache: cord-009962-k3opc553.txt plain text: cord-009962-k3opc553.txt item: #36 of 216 id: cord-009969-ln91qfg4 author: Bertolesi, Gabriel E. title: Plasticity for colour adaptation in vertebrates explained by the evolution of the genes pomc, pmch and pmchl date: 2019-03-10 words: 9276 flesch: 40 summary: In contrast, background adaptation is plastic, with colour change mediated by pigment cell receptors activated by hormones secreted after eye photoperception of surface colour. Although background adaptation occurs in many species, differences exist in the mechanisms between species that are not well understood. keywords: a.a; acid; acth; adaptation; aggregation; agnathans; analysis; axons; background; background adaptation; baker; berman; birds; black; brain; cartilaginous; cells; change; classes; colour; conserved; control; cyclostomes; data; differences; different; dispersion; dual; duplication; et al; evolution; evolutionary; exon; expression; feeding; figure; fish; flounder; functional; gene; genetic; genome; gnathostomes; group; hfrw; hormonal; hormone; human; intermedia; kawauchi; key; lamprey; levels; light; lineage; mammalian; mammals; matching; mch; mchl; mcr1; mechanisms; melanin; melanocortin; melanocyte; melanosome; mizusawa; moseri; msh; nahon; nei; neurons; neuropeptide; neurotransmitter; note; orders; organisms; pars; peptide; physiological; pigmentation; pituitary; plasma; plasticity; pmch; pomc; possible; presence; present; receptor; red; regulation; related; response; role; salmon; sequence; single; skin; species; specific; status; structure; studies; system; table; takahashi; taxonomic; teleost; teleostei; verasper; vertebrates; white; xenopus; zebrafish cache: cord-009969-ln91qfg4.txt plain text: cord-009969-ln91qfg4.txt item: #37 of 216 id: cord-009997-oecpqf1j author: None title: 2018 ASPHO ABSTRACTS date: 2018-03-31 words: 182444 flesch: 45 summary: Of included patients, 165 had treatment intensity of 2 (41.0%), 192 of 3 (47.8%) and 45 of 4 (11.2%). After 2 cycles of treatment patient was no longer requiring oxygen and was ambulating without assistance. keywords: -globin; 10(9)/l; 6mp; abdominal; ability; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; absolute; academic; access; acid; acs; activation; active; activity; acute; additional; additional patients; adenovirus; adequate; adherence; adhesion; adjuvant; administration; admission; adolescents; adrenal; adult patients; adults; advanced; adverse; aes; affected; afp; african; age; aged; agent; ages; aggregation; aggressive; aiha; aim; alfa; algorithm; alive; alk; allogeneic; allopurinol; alpha; altemiatm; alterations; alternative; ambulatory; american; amh; aml patients; analgesia; analysis; anaphylaxis; anaplastic; anemia; angiogenesis; annual; anomalies; anthracyclines; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; anticoagulation; antigen; anxiety; apc; apoptosis; application; appointments; approach; appropriate; approval; approved; area; ascites; asparaginase; aspirate; assay; assc; assessment; associated; association; atlanta; attention; atypical; august; autoimmune; autologous; autosomal; availability; available; average; aya; ayas; b12; background; bacteremia; bacterial; barriers; baseline; basiliximab; bcor; bcr; behavioral; beneficial; benefits; bereaved; best; beta; better; bilateral; binding; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; birth; blasts; bleeding; blinatumomab; block; blood; blood cell; bmd; bmi; bmt; board; bone; bone marrow; bortezomib; bradycardia; braf; brain; breakthrough; broad; bruising; bsi; burden; burkitt; cairo; calculated; california; calls; cancer; cancer diagnosis; cancer patients; cancer therapy; cancer treatment; carboplatin; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiology; care; caregivers; cases; catheter; caucasian; cause; cd123; cd19; cd34; cd4; cdc42; cell; cell acute; cell anemia; cell disease; cell lines; cell patients; cell proliferation; cell therapy; cell transplant; cell transplantation; cellular; center; central; cerebral; certain; cervical; chain; challenges; challenging; changes; characteristics; chart; chelation; chemotherapeutic; chemotherapy; chemotherapy treatment; chest; chicago; childhood; childhood cancer; children; choice; cholelithiasis; chromosome; chronic; cincinnati; cincinnati children; cinv; cisplatin; ck2; classification; clearance; clinical; clinical data; clinical outcomes; clinicians; clonal; clone; cns; coagulopathy; cog; cognitive; cohort; cold; collection; college; combination; combined; common; communication; community; comparison; complement; complete; completion; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; component; comprehensive; concentration; concern; conclusion; concomitant; concurrent; condition; conditioning; confidence; congenital; consent; consistent; consolidation; contact; context; continued; continuous; contrast; control; conventional; copper; copy; correlate; correlation; corticosteroids; cost; counseling; count; countries; course; creatinine; crisis; criteria; critical; crlf2; cross; crs; cultures; curative; cure; current; curriculum; cutaneous; cvc; cxcr4; cxr; cycles; cyclophosphamide; cytarabine; cytogenetics; cytokine; cytometry; cytopenias; cytotoxicity; daily; data; database; date; days; ddavp; death; december; decision; decline; decreased; defects; deferasirox; deferoxamine; defibrotide; deficiency; degree; delay; delayed; deletion; delirium; delivery; demographic; department; dependent; descriptive; design; detection; development; dexamethasone; dfmo; diagnosis; diastolic; differences; different; differential; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; dimer; dinutuximab; dipg; direct; discharge; discussions; disease; dismal; disorder; distinct; distress; distribution; dli; dna; documentation; documented; domains; donor; doppler; dose; dosing; downstream; doxorubicin; drug; duration; dvt; dysfunction; early; easy; ebv; echocardiogram; ecmo; eculizumab; eds; education; eec patients; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; efs; egypt; electronic; electrophoresis; elevated; eligible patients; emergency; emergent; emotional; empiric; emr; encounters; end; engraftment; enhanced; enhancement; enrollment; entry; enzymes; epinephrine; episodes; epistaxis; epstein; essential; estimate; etiology; etoposide; evaluable patients; evaluation; events; evidence; ewing; exact; exam; examination; excellent; exchange; exercise; existing; exome; exosomes; expansion; experience; experts; exposure; expression; extension; extensive; extraneural; extremity; ezrin; f13; factors; faculty; failure; families; family; father; fatigue; fava; favorable; feasibility; feasible; features; febrile; febrile patients; feedback; feeding; fellows; fellowship; female; ferritin; fertility; fever; fibrinogen; fibrosis; final; findings; fish; fli1; florida; flow; fluid; focus; folate; fold; following; foundation; free; frequency; frequent; function; functioning; fungal; future; gain; gastrointestinal; gata1; gbm; gcsf; gender; gene; general; generation; genetic; genomic; genotype; germline; gfr; girl; gla; gliomas; global; goal; good; grade; graft; granulocyte; greater; grief; group; growth; guidelines; gvhd; half; hbethal patients; hbss; hct; head; health; healthcare; hearing; heart; heavy; hemangiomas; hemarthrosis; hematological; hematology; hematopoietic; hematuria; hemoglobin; hemoglobinopathy; hemolysis; hemolytic; hemophilia; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatotoxicity; heterozygous; hgg; high; high risk; higher; highest; highlights; hispanic; hispanic patients; histology; history; hiv; hla; hlh; hmb; hodgkin; home; homozygous; hope; hospital; hospitalization; host; hours; houston; hpv; hsct patients; human; hus; hydroxyurea; hydroxyurea treatment; hypertension; hypoglycemia; identification; idh1; ido1; ifd; igfr; igg; ikaros; il-2; illness; imaging; imatinib; immediate; immune; immunity; immunocompromised; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; immunosuppressive; immunotherapy; impact; impairment; implementation; implemented; important; improved; improvement; incidence; income; increased; index; indicated; individuals; induced; induction; induction therapy; infants; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; information; informed; infusion; inhibitor; initial; initiation; injury; inpatient; institute; institution; intensity; intensive; interactions; interest; interferon; intermediate; intermittent; international; interval; intervention; interviews; intracranial; intravenous; invasive; investigation; involved; involvement; iqr; irb; iron; isolated; itp; ivig; january; joint; july; june; kaplan; key; kidney; kinase; knowledge; known; laboratory; labs; lack; lankan patients; large; largest; later; lch; leading; learning; left; length; leptomeningeal; lesions; leukemia; leukemia patients; levels; life; likelihood; likely; limitations; limited; linear; liquid; literacy; literature; little; liver; living; lmp; local; location; long; longer; longitudinal; loss; low; lower; lung; lymphatic; lymphoblastic; lymphocytes; lymphoma; lymphoproliferative; maintenance; major patients; majority; making; male; male patients; malformations; malignancies; malignancy; malnutrition; management; manifestations; mapk; marked; markers; marrow; mass; masses; matched; maximum; mbf; mcar19; mdli; mds; mds patients; mean; measles; measurements; measures; mechanical; mechanisms; mecom; median; median age; median time; mediastinal; medical; medications; medicine; medulloblastoma; meier; melanoma; members; membrane; memory; menstrual; mental; metabolic; metastases; metastatic; metastatic disease; method; methotrexate; methylation; miami; mibg; mice; middle; mild; minimal; minutes; missed; mixed; mobile; modalities; model; moderate; molecular; molecule; monitoring; monoclonal; monthly; months; morbidity; mortality; mrd; mri; mscs; mtx; mucositis; multidisciplinary; multiple; murine; muscle; mutations; myeloid; n =; national; nausea; nb patients; nbl; necessary; neck; need; negative; negative patients; neonatal; nervous; neuroblastoma; neuroblastoma patients; neurologic; neutropenia; neutropenic patients; neutrophil; new; news; nf1; nhl; node; nodules; non; normal; normalization; notable; novel; november; novo; number; numerous; nurses; objectives; observation; observed; occlusive; occurrence; occurring; ohio; old; older; older patients; oncologists; oncology patients; ongoing; online; onset; operative; opioid; optimal; optimize; options; oral; organ; osteonecrosis; osteosarcoma; osteosarcoma patients; outcomes; outpatient; outside; ovarian; overall; overload; oxygen; p =; p<0.001; p<0.05; packed; pain; palliative; pancytopenia; panel; panobinostat; parameters; parental; parents; partial; participants; participation; particular; past; pathogenic; pathology; pathway; patient care; patient population; patients; patients ages; patients ≥10y; patterns; pca; pcps; pcr; pdsa; peak; pediatric acute; pediatric aml; pediatric cancer; pediatric hematology; pediatric oncology; pediatric patients; pediatric population; pediatric scd; pediatrics; peg; percentage; period; peripheral; persistent; pet; pft; pgocc; ph+; pharmacy; phase; phenotype; philadelphia; phlebotomy; phone; physical; physician; picc; picu; placebo; placement; planned; plasma; platelet; play; pneumonia; points; ponatinib; poor; population; portal; positive; positive patients; possibility; possible; post; potential; practice; prbc; precursor; predictive; predictors; prednisone; pregnancy; preliminary; premature; prenatal; prescribed; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; probability; problems; procedures; process; products; professional; profile; profound; prognosis; program; progression; project; proliferation; prolonged; promising; prophylactic; prophylaxis; proportion; propranolol; prospective; protein; protocol; providers; psychological; psychosocial; ptda; ptld; pts; pubertal; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; race; radiation; radiation therapy; radiographic; radiotherapy; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rare; rasburicase; rates; rbc; reach; rearrangement; reason; recent; receptor; recessive; recognition; recombinant; recommendations; recorded; records; recovery; recurrent; red cell; reduction; referral; refractory; regimen; region; registry; regular; relapse; related; relationship; relative; relevant; remission; renal; repeat; reported; reports; required; research; resection; residents; residual; resistance; resolution; resources; respiratory; respondents; response; results; retrospective; retrospective study; review; rhabdomyosarcoma; right; risk; risk disease; risk factors; risk patients; rituximab; rms; rna; role; romiplostim; routine; rpp; rpps; run; s301; safety; salvage; samd9l; samples; sarcomas; satisfaction; scale; scan; scd patients; scenarios; school; scores; scpc; screening; sdp; sds; secondary; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; sequestration; series; serum; service; sessions; setting; severe; severity; sex; shared; short; shrna; shunt; sickle; sickle cell; signaling; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; sirolimus; sites; size; skills; skin; small; smear; social; socioeconomic; soft; software; solid; somatic; sos; special; specific; specimens; spectrum; spinal; spine; splenectomy; splenic; splenomegaly; spontaneous; srh; stable; staff; stage; staging; staining; standard; standardized; standardized patients; start; states; states background; statistical; stay; stem; stem cell; steroids; strategies; strategy; stress; stroke; stromal; strong; students; studies; study; subcutaneous; subgroups; subjects; subsequent; subset; subtypes; successful; sufficient; suggestive; support; supportive; suppression; surface; surgery; surgical; surveillance; survey; survival; survivors; survivorship; suspicion; sustained; swelling; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; t cell; targeted; targeting; targets; tcd; teaching; team; technology; temperature; temporal; term; tertiary; testicular; testing; tests; texas; tgf; tgn; thalassemia; thalassemia patients; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thiotepa; threshold; thrombocytopenia; thrombosis; thyroid; time; timing; tisagenlecleucel; tissue; titers; tki; tls; toci; tolerated; tonsillectomy; tool; topical; topics; total; toxicities; toxicity; training; trait; transcription; transfusion; transition; translocation; transplant; transplant patients; transplantation; treating; treatment; trends; trial; tube; tumor; tumor cells; twice; type; tyrosine; unclear; uncommon; undergoing; understand; understanding; underwent; unique; united; united states; units; univariate; university; unknown; unrelated; unresectable; unusual; upper; upr; use; useful; utilization; vaccine; value; variability; variables; variant; vascular; vaso; vcr; vein; velocities; venous; ventilation; vertebral; viii; vincristine; viral; virus; visits; vitamin; vitro; voc; vod; volume; vomiting; von; voxelotor; vte; vwd; vwf; wbc; weekly; weeks; weight; wes; white; wide; wilcoxon; willebrand; wilms; women; work; working; workup; world; worsening; wound; yap; years; years old; york; young; young children; young patients; younger cache: cord-009997-oecpqf1j.txt plain text: cord-009997-oecpqf1j.txt item: #38 of 216 id: cord-010092-uftc8inx author: None title: Abstract of 29th Regional Congress of the ISBT date: 2019-06-07 words: 233543 flesch: 50 summary: One central question is the need of individual NAT screening (ID) versus minipool NAT screening (MP) approaches to identify all relevant viremias in blood donors. 3A-S02-03 Background: The screening of blood donors and returning travelers from active transmission areas have highlighted the importance of diagnosis of acute arboviral infections. keywords: /unit; aabb; abbott; abo blood; absence; abstract; accel; acceptable; access; accordance; account; accuracy; accurate; acid; activation; activities; activity; acute; addition; additive; adequate; adherence; adjusted; administration; admission; adsorption; adult; adverse; adverse reactions; adverse transfusion; aet; affected; african blood; age group; aged; agglutination; aggregation; agitation; agreement; ahg; aiha; aims; alert; algorithm; alinity; aliquots; allele; allergic; allergy; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; allogeneic donors; alloimmunization; altered; alternative; american; amino; amotosalen; amounts; amplification; analysed; analysis; analytical; analyzer; anemia; annexin; annual; antenatal; anti; antibodies; antibody; antibody positive; antibody screening; antigen; antigen expression; antiglobulin; aop; apheresis; apheresis donors; apheresis platelet; apoptosis; apparent; application; applied; approach; appropriate; approval; april; architect; areas; arm; arms; array; arterial blood; arv; asia; aspects; assay; assessment; associated; association; assurance; asymptomatic; atp; atrs; attempt; attention; audit; august; australia; authorities; autoimmune; autologous blood; autologous donors; automated; availability; available; available blood; average; awareness; babesia; background; bacterial; bag; bags; balance; banks; baseline; basis; bcp; bct; bedside blood; beginning; behaviour; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; binding; bio; biological; biotin; bleeding; blood administration; blood background; blood bank; blood banking; blood cells; blood center; blood chimerism; blood collection; blood components; blood conservation; blood count; blood culture; blood demand; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood flow; blood gas; blood group; blood grouping; blood guide; blood haemoglobin; blood institute; blood loss; blood management; blood mixer; blood ordering; blood packs; blood plasma; blood platelet; blood pressure; blood processing; blood products; blood recipients; blood results; blood safety; blood samples; blood screening; blood sector; blood separation; blood services; blood specimens; blood supply; blood system; blood test; blood testing; blood transfusion; blood type; blood typing; blood units; blood utilization; blood volume; blood wastage; bombay; bone; breast; bsms; bts; buffy; burden; calcium; calculated; calculation; canada; cancer; capable; capacity; cardiac; cards; care; cases; categories; category; caucasian; cause; ccdee; cd177; cd34; cd36; cd38; cd62p; cell antibody; cell antigens; cell disease; cell donors; cell transfusion; cell units; cellular; centers; central blood; centre; centrifugation; certain; cfnas; cfu; chain; challenge; change; characteristics; characterization; characterized; check; chemotherapy; children; china; chinese blood; chronic; circulatory; classification; classified; clear; clinical; clinical data; clinical transfusion; clinicians; close; cmnc; cmv; coagulation; coat; coated; cobas; cobe; coding; coefficient; cohort; cold; collaboration; collagen; collected; collections; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; communication; community; comparable; comparative; compare; comparison; compatible blood; complement; complete; complete blood; completion; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; computer; concentrates; concentration; concern; conclusions; conditions; confirmation; confirmatory; confirmed; consecutive; consensus; consequences; considerable; consistent; constant; consumption; contact; contaminated blood; contamination; content; continued; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coombs; cord blood; correct; correlation; corresponding; cost; countries; country; counts; courses; coverage; cpp; criteria; critical; cross; crossmatch; crp; crucial; cryopreservation; cultured; current blood; curve; cytokines; cytometry; d antigen; d rhd; dae; daily; daily blood; daratumumab; data; data analysis; database; date; day; days; death; decades; december; decision; decreased; decreasing; deferral; deficiency; definitions; degree; delayed; deletion; delivery; demographic; density; department; dependent; descriptive; design; details; detectable; detection; determination; determined; developed; development; deviation; device; diagnosis; difference; different blood; differentiation; difficult; direct; discrepancies; discrepancy; disease; disorders; distribution; dmso; dna; dna samples; documentation; donating; donations; donor adverse; donor deferral; donor group; donor health; donor population; donor rbcs; donor red; donor return; donor safety; donor samples; donor screening; donor selection; doppler; dose; double; drms; drug; dubai blood; duffy blood; duration; e.g.; early; east; easy; economic; edel; edta; education; effect; effective; effective blood; effectiveness; efficacy; effort; elecsys; elective; electronic; elevated; eligibility; eligible; eligible donors; elisa; elution; emergency; encoding; end; endemic; english; enhancer; entire; environment; enzyme; epidemiological; epidemiology; episodes; equipment; errors; erythrocyte; essays; essential; established; estimate; estimation; etc; ethnicity; european; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; example; exchange; exon; expected; experience; experimental; experts; expiry; exposure; expression; extended; external; extract; eye; facebook; factors; failure; false; family; fast; feasibility; feasible; features; febrile; february; feedback; female blood; female donors; females; ferritin; fetal; fetus; ffp; fibrinogen; filter; filtration; final; findings; finland; finnish blood; flow; fnait; focus; fold; following; follows; food; forms; forward; framework; france; free; freezing; french blood; frequencies; frequency; frequent blood; fresh; frozen; function; fut1; future; gain; gamma; gap; gel; gender; gene; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; genotyping; germany; global; glucose; glycophorin; glycoprotein; gmp; goal; good; governance; government; grade; graft; granulocyte; granulocyte transfusion; greater; grifols; group antigens; group system; groups; growing; growth; guidelines; gvhd; haemolytic; haemovigilance; half; hand; hb levels; hbc; hbcore; hbcrag; hbsag; hbv; hct; hcv; hdfn; health; healthcare; healthy blood; heart; help; hematocrit; hematological; hematological patients; hematology; hematopoietic; heme; hemoglobin; hemolysis; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; hepatitis; heterozygosity; heterozygous; hev; high; high risk; higher; highest; historical; history; hiv; hiv positive; hla; hna; homozygous; hormone; hospital; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; host; hours; house; house blood; hpa-1a; hsa; hsct; htlv; human; human blood; human platelet; hvs; hybrid; i2000sr; ida; identical; identification; igg; igm; ih-500; iii; il-1rap; il-3; illumination; immediate; immucor; immune; immunized; immunoglobulin; immunohematology; immunological; immunology; immunomodulatory; impact; implementation; important; important blood; improved; improvement; inactivated; incidence; incident; inclusion; incompatibility; incompatible; inconclusive; incorrect blood; increase; increment; incubation; index; india; indications; indicator; indirect; individual blood; individuals; induced; induction; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; initial; injured; injury; inno; insight; institute; institution; instruments; intake; integrated; intensity; intensive; intention; interaction; intercept blood; interest; international; interpretation; interregional blood; interval; intervention; interviews; intravenous; introduction; intron; invasive; inventory; investigation; ipu; iqr; iranian blood; irish blood; iron; irradiated; irradiation; irregular; isbt; isolated; issue; itp; ivig; january; july; june; kazakhstan; kell; key; kir; kit; kits; knowledge; known; korean; label; labeling; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; lapse; large; largest; later; lead; learning; length; leukemia; leukocyte; leukoreduced; levels; life; lifestyle; light; like; likely; limited; limiting; linear; literature; little; local; logistic; long; longer; low; low hb; lower; lowest; lps; lung; lutheran blood; machine; main; maipa; major; major blood; majority; making; mandatory; manner; manual; manufacturer; manufacturing; march; marker; marrow; marrow donors; massive transfusion; matched; matching; materials; maternal; maximal; maximum; mean; measurement; measures; measuring; mechanism; median; mediators; medical; medium; mega blood; members; membrane; message; metabolic; methods; metrics; mfi; mice; microparticles; microvesicles; middle; migration; mild; milk; minimum; minor; mirasol; missing; mixed; mixing; mks; ml blood; mmhg; mmol; mns blood; mobile blood; model; moderate; modern; modified; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; msm; multiple; multiple blood; murine; mutation; mvs; n =; national blood; nationwide blood; natural; necessary; need; needed; negative; negative blood; negative donors; negative results; negative samples; neonatal blood; neonates; netherlands; network; neutrophil; new blood; new donors; newborn; nhs blood; nhsbt; non; normal; normal blood; north; novel; november; nucleic; nucleotide; number; numerous; nurses; objective; observational; observed; occurrence; october; old; older blood; oncology; ongoing; online; operating; operational; operative; operators; opportunities; optia; optimal; optimal blood; option; oral; order; organ; organization; origin; outcomes; outside; overall; overload; oxidation; oxygen; p =; packed; pakistan; panel; papain; paper; parallel; parameters; partial; participants; particles; particular; particular blood; pas; past; pathogen; patient blood; patient safety; patients; patients samples; pattern; pbm; pbpc; pbsc; pcr; pcs; pdi; peak; pediatric; pediatric patients; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personnel; pf4; phase; phenotype; physical; physicians; physiological; pilot; planned; plasma; plasma donation; plasma donors; plasma samples; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet antibodies; platelet antigens; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet donors; platelet function; platelet products; platelet storage; platelet transfusion; platelet units; platform; plt; plts; plus; pmet; point; policies; policy; polish blood; polymerase; polymorphisms; pooled; pooling; pools; poor; population; portugal; positive; positive anti; positive blood; positive donations; positive donors; positive group; positive patients; positive results; positive samples; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; potassium; potential; potential donors; practical; practice; prbc; prc; precision; predictive; predictor; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; pregnant blood; pregnant donors; preliminary; premedication; prenatal; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; pretransfusion; prevalence; previous; previous blood; previous transfusion; prick; primary; primers; prior; prism; private blood; probability; problem; procedure; process; processed; production; profile; progenitor; program; programme; progress; project; proliferation; prolonged; promoter; proper; properties; prophylactic; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; prospective blood; protein; protocol; provision; prp; prt; public; purpose; quality; quality blood; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; randomized; range; rapid; rare blood; rare donors; rate; rbc blood; rbc transfusion; rbc units; rbcs; rcc; rccs; reach; reactive; reactive blood; ready; reagents; reasons; recent; receptor; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; reconstitution; records; recovery; recruitment; red blood; red cell; red cross; reduced; reference; refractory; regional blood; regions; registered; regression; regular blood; regular donors; regulation; regulatory; rejection; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; relevant blood; reliable; remote; remunerated blood; renal; repeat blood; repeat donors; replacement; replacement blood; reported; reporting; reports; reproductive; republic; request; require; requirements; research; residual; resistance; resource; respect; respiratory; respondents; response; responsible; restrictive; results; retention; retrospective; retrospective study; return; reveos; reveos blood; reverse; review; rh blood; rhce; rhd; rhd gene; rhd negative; rhd positive; rhdig; rhesus; rich; rise; risk; risk factors; risk patients; robust; roche; role; room; routine blood; russian; sagm; saharan; saline; sampling; sanger; sanguinis; sanquin blood; saving; scale; scd; scd patients; scenario; scientific; score; screening; season; second; second blood; secondary; sectional; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sensitization; separate; september; sequence; sequencing; sera; serological; serology; seroprevalence; serum; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; sheep; shift; shock; short; shows; sickle; sigma; significant; significant blood; signs; similar; simple; single; single blood; sites; situation; size; skin; small; snp; snps; social; society; software; solid; soluble; solution; sources; south; spain; special; species; specific; specific blood; specificities; specificity; spectra; splice; split; spss; squ; square; src; ssp; stability; stable; staff; stakeholders; standard; standard blood; standardized; staphylococcus; start; starting; state; statistical; status; stem cell; step; stimulation; storage; storage period; storage time; stores; strains; strategies; strategy; strength; strong; structure; students; studies; study; study group; study period; subgroups; subjects; subsequent; substitutions; successful; sufficient; suitable; summary; supernatant; support; surface; surgery; surgical; surgical blood; surveillance; survey; survival; swirling; switzerland; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; systematic; systems; t cell; ta6; ta7; taco; tacsi; tags; target; targeted; team; technical; technique; technologies; technology; temperature; temporary; terms; tertiary; terumo; test results; tested; testing; tests; thai blood; thalassemia; therapeutic; therapeutic blood; therapies; therapy; threats; threshold; thrombocytopenia; throughput; time donors; timely; times; tissues; titer; titre; tm blood; tool; total; total blood; total number; toxicity; tpe; tpo; traceability; training; trali; transcription; transfer; transfusion center; transfusion chain; transfusion data; transfusion events; transfusion guidelines; transfusion history; transfusion indications; transfusion institute; transfusion laboratory; transfusion management; transfusion medicine; transfusion models; transfusion policy; transfusion practice; transfusion process; transfusion protocol; transfusion reactions; transfusion recipients; transfusion results; transfusion safety; transfusion sample; transfusion service; transfusion strategies; transfusion support; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusion time; transfusion transmission; transfusions; transmission; transplantation; transpose; trauma; travel; treated; treatment; trend; trial; trigger; trima; true; ttis; tube; tumor; types; typing; uk blood; unclear; underlying; understanding; unique; united; universal; university; unknown; untreated; unusual; upper; uptake; usa; usage; use; useful; users; vaccination; valuable; value; variability; variables; variant; variation; varies; vasovagal; vector; vein; venous blood; version; versus; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; volumes; voluntary blood; vox; vvr; warm; washed; way; wb donors; wbc; wbd; weak; weak d; weeks; weight; western; wgs; white blood; wide; window; wnv; women; work; working; world; worldwide; wrong blood; years; yield; young; younger; zikv; à80 cache: cord-010092-uftc8inx.txt plain text: cord-010092-uftc8inx.txt item: #39 of 216 id: cord-010305-z5c7zgp7 author: GARDEN, JENNI G. title: Habitat structure is more important than vegetation composition for local‐level management of native terrestrial reptile and small mammal species living in urban remnants: A case study from Brisbane, Australia date: 2007-08-06 words: 8149 flesch: 39 summary: Group 4 represented the fewest sites (n = 10) and was characterized by a total absence of native reptile species. Similar findings have also been reported for native species within Australian urban landscapes (e.g. Dufty 1994; Jellinek et al. 2004; White & Burgin 2004) . keywords: agricultural; analysis; antechinus; areas; assemblages; associated; attributes; australia; bandicoot; belbin; brisbane; certain; characteristics; city; common; compaction; composition; conservation; correlated; correlation; council; cover; data; delicata; dense; development; disturbances; diversity; e.g.; ecology; et al; fallen; fauna; fig; findings; fischer; foraging; forest; fragments; garden; grass; ground; group; habitat; highest; human; important; influence; jellinek; kruskal; landscapes; large; level; likely; lizard; local; long; mammal; mammal species; management; mcao; moderate; mounds; native; northern; number; obs; occurrence; ordination; pers; possible; presence; previous; queensland; relationships; remnant; reptile; reptile species; requirements; research; results; richness; set; significant; similar; sites; skink; small; soil; south; species; spp; statistic; structure; studies; study; survey; table; termite; terrestrial; total; traps; trees; understorey; urban; use; variables; vegetation; virgatus; wallis; weed; woody cache: cord-010305-z5c7zgp7.txt plain text: cord-010305-z5c7zgp7.txt item: #40 of 216 id: cord-010390-lc22hp3o author: Nenna, Raffaella title: Age Limit in Bronchiolitis Diagnosis: 6 or 12 Months? date: 2020-04-20 words: 2050 flesch: 45 summary: This large series of bronchiolitis infants collected during 11 consecutive epidemic seasons allows an accurate evaluation of the age limit. On the contrary, older infants had slightly more tobacco smoking exposure and slightly higher recurrent wheezing after the hospitalization. keywords: acute; age; bronchiolitis; clinical; consecutive; disease; epidemic; exposure; group; higher; hospitalization; human; infants; infection; lower; months; old; older; recurrent; respiratory; rsv; seasons; severe; smoking; syncytial; tobacco; virus; wheezing cache: cord-010390-lc22hp3o.txt plain text: cord-010390-lc22hp3o.txt item: #41 of 216 id: cord-010501-kd95xvsg author: Zenetos, Argyro title: Analysis of Benthic Communities in the Cyclades Plateau (Aegean Sea) Using Ecological and Paleoecological Data Sets date: 2008-06-28 words: 2859 flesch: 48 summary: The clearest separation into station groups was obtained by using total living fauna (329 taxonomic units), the least clear using the living molluscan fauna (41 taxonomic units). The clearest classification was obtained using total living fauna, while the dead molluscan fauna gave a similar pattern; this indicates similar response to the environmental conditions of the area. keywords: analysis; area; assemblages; benthic; biotic; biotopes; classification; clusters; communities; coralligenous; correlation; cyclades; data; dead; depth; distribution; diversity; ecological; fauna; fig; grouping; groups; living; molluscan; multivariate; number; numerical; parameters; patterns; plateau; results; sampling; sea; sediment; sets; similar; species; stations; subfossil; table; taxa; taxonomic; techniques; total; type; units cache: cord-010501-kd95xvsg.txt plain text: cord-010501-kd95xvsg.txt item: #42 of 216 id: cord-010530-w8ir0e07 author: MOURA, HERCULES title: Acanthamoeba healyi N. Sp. and the Isoenzyme and Immunoblot Profiles of Acanthamoeba spp., Groups 1 and 3 date: 2007-05-01 words: 4390 flesch: 57 summary: In group 3, A. culbertsoni, A. palestinensis, A. lenticulata, and A. royreba have been well characterized on the basis of morphologic [ 14, 151, isoenzyme [3, 6, 71, and immunoprecipitation Based on cyst morphology and reactivities of the amebae in the brain sections with the rabbit anti-A. palestinensis serum in the indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) test, the amebae were identified at that time as A. palestinensis keywords: acanthamoeba; acp; amebae; analysis; antigenic; antigens; astronyxis; bands; brain; castellanii; cdc; cell; characteristics; comandoni; control; culbertsoni; culture; cysts; different; electrophoresis; enzymes; fig; fish; gel; gels; gradient; group; healyi; human; immunoblot; isoenzyme; mdh; molecular; morphologic; pagge; palestinensis; patterns; profiles; proteins; pustulosa; rabbit; rnin; royreba; sds; separated; silver; similar; solution; species; staining; strains; studies; tissue; trophozoites; unique cache: cord-010530-w8ir0e07.txt plain text: cord-010530-w8ir0e07.txt item: #43 of 216 id: cord-010980-sizuef1v author: None title: ECTES Abstracts 2020 date: 2020-05-11 words: 132805 flesch: 50 summary: Investigation of coagulopathies and its relevance with mortality and transfusion rates using thromboelastography in trauma patients Introduction: Inter-hospital variation in surgical intensity for trauma admissions: a multicenter cohort study L. Moore 1 , M. P. Patton 2 , I. Farhat 2 , P. A. Tardif 2 , C. Gonthier 3 , A. Belcaid 3 , F. Lauzier 2 , A. Turgeon 2 , J. Clément 2 1 Université Laval, Social and preventive medicine, québec, Canada, 2 CHU de Québec-Université-Laval, Québec, Canada, 3 Introduction: Guidelines for trauma patients are increasingly moving away from surgical management towards less invasive procedures but there is a knowledge gap on how these recommendations are influencing practice. keywords: 0.001; 1,2; 1st; abc; abdomen; abdominal; abdominal injuries; abdominal trauma; abscess; absence; access; accident; accident patients; account; accuracy; accurate; acetabular; acs; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; acute patients; acute trauma; additional; adequate; adjusted; administration; admission; adult patients; adult trauma; adults; advanced; adverse; affected; age; age group; aged; agreement; aim; aims; airway; ais; alcohol; algorithm; alignment; allograft; alternative; ambulance; amputation; analysed; analysis; anastomosis; anatomical; angioembolization; angiography; animals; ankle; anterior; antibiotic; anticoagulation; aorta; appendectomy; appendicitis; appendicular; application; approach; appropriate; ards; area; arrest; arrival; arterial; artery; arthroplasty; articles; articular; assessment; associated; associated injuries; association; atls; atypical; audit; august; authors; availability; available; average; awareness; background; balloon; baseline; bearing; benefit; best; better; bicycle; bilateral; bleeding; blood; blunt trauma; bmi; body; bone; bone injury; bony; bowel; brain; brain injury; brain trauma; bsi; burden; burn patients; burns; calculated; cap; capacity; cardiac; care surgery; case history; cases; cast; casualties; casualty; catheter; cause; cavity; cell; center study; centers; central; centre; cerebral; cervical; challenges; challenging; changes; characteristics; chest; chest injuries; chest trauma; children; cholecystectomy; chronic; civilian; classification; clavicle; clear; clinical; clinical findings; clinical outcomes; clinical results; closed; closure; clot; coagulation; coagulopathy; cohort; cohort study; collected; collection; colon; colonic; coma; combat; combination; combined; comments; comminuted; common; communication; comorbidities; comparable; compare; comparison; compartment; complete; complex; complicated; complications; compression; concentration; concept; conclusions; concomitant; condition; conflicts; consecutive patients; consequences; conservative; conservative treatment; consolidation; constant; contact; content; contrast; control; controversial; conventional; correct; correlated; correlation; corridor; cortex; costs; countries; course; criteria; critical; ct scan; current; daily; damage; data; database; date; days; days mortality; dead; death; debridement; december; decision; decrease; dedicated; deep; defect; deficit; definitive; deformity; degree; delayed; demographic; department; descriptive; design; determined; developed; development; device; diagnosis; diameter; diaphragmatic; differences; different; difficult; direct; disability; disaster; discharge; discussion; disease; dislocation; displacement; disruption; distal; distance; distribution; diverticulitis; dorsal; dose; drainage; dstc; duration; dutch; early; easy; educational; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; elderly patients; elderly trauma; elective; eligible patients; embolization; emergencies; emergency; emergency department; emergency surgery; emergency surgical; emergent; endoscopic; endovascular; energy; energy trauma; enhanced; epp; esophageal; essential; established; european; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; excellent; exercise; existing; experience; exploration; exposure; extension; extensive; extent; external; extremities; extremity; extremity trauma; facilities; factors; failure; falls; fascial; fast; fatal; feasible; female; femoral; femur; fever; fibrinogen; fibrinolysis; field; fig; figure; final; financial; findings; finger; fire; fistula; fixation; fixator; flexion; flow; fluid; fluoroscopy; focus; follow; following; foot; forearm; foreign; fractures; fragment; frailty; free; french; frequent; functional; functional results; gaba; gap; gastric; gcs; gender; general; general surgery; geriatric; germany; glasgow; good; gos; grade; graft; greater; group; guidelines; gunshot; half; hand; hap; head; head injury; healing; health; healthcare; heart; height; help; hematoma; hemodynamic; hemoglobin; hemorrhage; hemostasis; hems; hepatic; hernia; high; high mortality; higher; highest; hip; history; home; hospital; hospital mortality; hospital stay; hospital trauma; hospitalization; hours; humeral; hyperbilirubinemia; hypotension; icu; iii; iliac; images; imaging; immediate; imn; impact; implant; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incidents; inclusion; increased; independent; index; indications; induced; infection; inferior; inflammatory; influence; information; initial; injured; injuries; injury; injury mechanism; injury severity; insertion; inside; institution; insufficient; intensity; intensive; interest; internal; international; intertrochanteric; intervention; intestinal; intraabdominal; intramedullary; intraoperative; intraperitoneal; intravenous; introduction; intubation; invasive; investigation; involved; iqr; ischemia; isolated; israel; iss; issues; january; japan; joint; july; kappa; key; kidney; kingdom; knee; knife; knowledge; known; laboratory; laceration; lack; laparoscopic; laparotomies; laparotomy; large; largest; lateral; lead; leading; left; leg; length; lesions; level; life; ligament; likely; limb; limited; linear; literature; little; liver; local; locking; logistic; london; long; longer; loop; loss; lower; lumbar; madrid; main; major trauma; majority; making; malalignment; male; male patients; malleolus; management; mandatory; march; mass; massive; material; mci; mcs; mean; mean age; measurements; measures; mechanical; mechanism; median; medical; medicine; membrane; meniscus; mesenteric; mesh; mess; methods; middle; mild; military; minimal; minimum; minor; missed; mmhg; mobility; model; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; motion; motor; mri; mtbi; mtp; multidisciplinary; multiple; multitrauma patients; multivariate; muscle; n =; nail; nailing; national; national trauma; navigation; necessary; neck; necrosis; need; negative; nerve; netherlands; neurological; neurovascular; new; niss; nom; non; nonunion; normal; norway; norwegian; novel; npwt; number; objective; observational; observational study; observed; obstruction; occlusion; october; okayama; old; onset; open; operated; operating; operation; operative; opioid; optimal; option; order; organ; orif; orthopaedic; oslo; osteochondral; osteosynthesis; osteotomy; outcomes; outpatient; overall; overall mortality; oxygen; p =; pab; packing; paediatric patients; pain; palsy; pancreatic; pancreatic trauma; parameters; partial; participants; past; patella; patient age; patient group; patient outcomes; patients c; patients introduction; patients victims; pattern; pediatric patients; pediatric trauma; pelvic; pelvic fractures; pelvic injury; pelvic trauma; penetrating; people; percutaneous; perforation; performance; perfusion; period; peritoneal; peritonitis; personnel; pfna; phase; physical; pics patients; planned; plasma; plate; pleural; pneumonia; pneumothorax; points; polytrauma patients; poor; popliteal; population; position; positive; possible; posterior; postoperative; posttraumatic; potential; practice; prbc; predictive; predictors; prehospital; preoperative; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; process; products; profile; prognosis; program; progressions; prolonged; proportion; propranolol; prospective; protocol; proximal; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; questionnaires; radial; radiographs; radiological; radiology; radius; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; rats; ray; rays; reasons; reboa; recent; recommendations; reconstruction; records; recovery; rectal; recurrence; reduced; reduction; references; region; regional; regression; rehabilitation; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliability; removal; renal; repair; reported; reports; research; resection; resources; respiratory; response; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; return; review; revised; revision; rib; rib fractures; right; risk; road; role; room; rotational; routine; rupture; rural; sae; safe; safety; samples; satisfaction; saw; sbp; scale; scan; scenarios; scene; score; scoring; screw; secondary; segment; self; sensitivity; sepsis; september; septic; series; service; setting; severe; severe trauma; severity; sex; shaft; shock; short; shorter; shoulder; showing; shows; sided; sigmoid; significant; signs; similar; simple; simulation; single; site; size; skills; skin; small; society; soft; south; space; specialist; specific; specificity; spinal; spine; spleen; splenectomy; splenic; splenic injury; splenic trauma; spontaneous; stability; stabilization; stable patients; staff; standard; standardized; state; statistical; status; stay; step; stomach; strategies; strategy; stress; strong; structure; students; studies; study; study introduction; study period; study population; subgroup; subsequent; successful; superior; support; supracondylar; surface; surgeons; surgeries; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; surgical management; surgical patients; surgical trauma; surgical treatment; survey; survival; survivors; suspicion; suture; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; systolic; tae; tbi; tbi patients; teaching; teams; technique; tenderness; tendon; term; tertiary; test; tha; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thoracic trauma; thoracotomy; tibial; time; tissue; tissue injury; tomography; tool; total; tourniquets; tpa; tracheostomy; traction; traffic; training; transfer; transfusion; transport; trauma care; trauma center; trauma data; trauma emergency; trauma icu; trauma introduction; trauma management; trauma mechanism; trauma mortality; trauma outcome; trauma patients; trauma population; trauma registry; trauma resuscitation; trauma surgery; trauma system; trauma team; trauma unit; traumatic; traumatology; treatment; treatment results; trend; triage; trochanteric; tube; type; ulna; ultrasound; uncommon; understanding; underwent; uneventful; union; unit; united; university; university hospital; unstable; upper; urgent; use; useful; value; variables; variation; vascular; vascular injury; vehicle; vein; venous; vertebral; victims; virtual; vital; volume; volvulus; vte; wall; war; weeks; wires; women; work; working; worldwide; wound; wrist; years; years old; young; younger patients; zone cache: cord-010980-sizuef1v.txt plain text: cord-010980-sizuef1v.txt item: #44 of 216 id: cord-011062-ukz4hnmy author: None title: Poster date: 2020-03-11 words: 88442 flesch: 49 summary: Greater grip strength was associated with lower % of body fat and higher % of muscle mass. Conclusion: Older adult patients hospitalized for hip fracture who had frailty, functional dependence, and social problems had significant adverse events at a general hospital in Lima, Peru. keywords: 1,2; 1,3; 95%ci; abdominal; abilities; absorptiometry; accuracy; activation; active; activities; acute; addition; adherence; adipose; adjusted; adjustment; admission; adults age; adverse; aerobic; age; aged; aging; aichi; aim; aims; albumin; alcohol; algorithm; alm; analysis; anemia; anterior; appendicular; approach; area; articles; asian; asm; assessment; associated; association; atrophy; auc; autonomy; available; average; background; balance; barthel; baseline; basic; battery; behavior; belgium; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; bia; bioimpedance; biological; biomarkers; blood; bmd; bmi; body; body mass; body muscle; body weight; bone; brazil; burden; calf; cancer; capacities; capacity; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; caregivers; caring; cases; cause; cells; centenarians; center; cga; chair; changes; characteristics; characterized; chemotherapy; chronic; chs; ci95; circumference; ckd; classification; clinical; clinical frailty; coefficient; cognition; cognitive decline; cognitive frailty; cognitive function; cognitive impairment; cohort; cohort study; combination; combined; common; community; community older; comorbidities; comparison; complex; complications; components; composition; comprehensive; concentration; concept; conclusion; condition; confidence; confounders; consensus; control; control group; correlated; correlation; covariates; cox; criteria; cross; crp; csa; current; curve; cutoff; daily; data; date; day; days; death; decline; decreased; deficits; definition; dementia; demographic; density; department; dependence; depressive; derived; descriptive; design; determined; development; diabetes; diagnosis; dietary; differences; different; direct; disability; discharge; disease; distribution; domain; dose; drugs; duration; dwelling; dwelling older; dxa; dynamic; dynamometer; dysfunction; early; education; effect; effective; effectiveness; elderly; elective; electronic; endurance; energy; estimated; european; evaluation; events; evidence; ewgsop2; examination; exercise; exhaustion; expression; extension; extensor; factors; faculty; falls; family; fat; fat mass; fear; feasibility; features; female; ffp; fiber; final; findings; fitness; flexibility; follow; following; food; force; fracture; fragility; frail elderly; frail older; frail patients; frail women; frailty; frailty assessment; frailty characteristics; frailty criteria; frailty frailty; frailty index; frailty intervention; frailty measures; frailty outcomes; frailty phenotype; frailty risk; frailty score; frailty screening; frailty status; frailty syndrome; france; free; frequency; fried; fried frailty; functional; functionality; functioning; future; gait; gait speed; gdf-15; gender; general; genes; genetic; geriatric; gerontology; glim; global; good; greater; grip; grip strength; group; guidelines; hand; handgrip; handgrip strength; health; health outcomes; health status; health study; healthcare; healthy older; help; hemoglobin; higher; higher risk; highest; history; home; hospital; hospitalization; hospitalized; hours; hrql; human; hypertension; iadl; identification; images; imaging; impact; impaired; impairment; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; indicators; individuals; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; informal; information; initial; inpatient; instrumental; intake; integrated; intensity; interval; intervention; intervention group; involved; iqr; isolation; items; japan; japanese; kcl; key; knee; knowledge; known; lack; large; lead; lean; left; leg; length; leucine; level; life; lifestyle; likelihood; likely; limb; limited; linear; literacy; literature; little; livers; living; logistic; loneliness; long; longitudinal; loss; low; low muscle; low physical; lower; main; major; males; malnourished; malnutrition; management; markers; mass index; maximum; mci; mcr; mean; mean age; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medicine; memory; mental; metabolic; methods; mfi; mice; middle; mini; mirs; mitochondrial; mixed; mmse; mna; mobility; model; moderate; months; mood; morbidity; mortality; motor; mri; multicomponent; multidimensional; multiple; multivariate; muscle; muscle function; muscle health; muscle index; muscle mass; muscle power; muscle protein; muscle quality; muscle strength; muscle thickness; muscle volume; muscle weakness; muscular; mvpa; nagoya; national; necessary; needs; negative; new; non; normal; number; nursing; nutritional; nutritional status; obese; obese older; obesity; objectives; observational; observed; odds; odours; older adults; older age; older men; older participants; older patients; older people; older persons; older veterans; older women; omega-3; onset; oral; order; osteoarthritis; osteoporosis; outcomes; outpatients; overall; p =; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; parameters; participants; past; patients; perceived; percentage; perception; period; phase; physical activity; physical disability; physical exercise; physical fitness; physical frailty; physical function; physical health; physical performance; physiological; pilot; placebo; plasma; pneumonia; points; polypharmacy; poor; population; positive; possible; postmenopausal; postoperative; postural; potential; practice; predictive; predictor; prefrail; preliminary; preoperative; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; problems; process; procurement; procurers; professionals; profile; program; progressive; project; promising; proportion; prospective; protein; protein intake; psychosocial; purpose; qmt; quadriceps; quadriceps muscle; quality; quantity; questionnaire; r =; randomized; range; rates; ratio; ray; recommendations; records; recovery; reduced; reduction; regression; regular; rehabilitation; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliability; replacement; research; residents; resistance; resources; respiratory; response; results; review; right; risk; risk factors; robust; roc; rockwood; role; rural; sample; sarcopenia; sarcopenic older; satisfaction; scale; school; science; score; screening; secondary; sectional; sectional study; sedentary; self; sensitivity; sensory frailty; serum; services; sessions; set; settings; severe; severity; sex; short; short physical; shoulder; significant; similar; singapore; single; size; skeletal muscle; sleep; slow; slowness; small; smi; social frailty; society; sociodemographic; solutions; specific; specificity; speed; sppb; stand; standard; state; statistics; stay; steps; stepwise; stimulation; strategies; strategy; stronger; structure; studies; study; study group; study population; subjects; supplementation; support; surgery; surgical; surveys; survival; symptoms; syndrome; synthesis; system; systemic; taiwan; target; team; technology; term; test; thai; therapists; therapy; thickness; thigh; tibialis; time; tissue; tokyo; tool; total; training; transition; treatment; trend; trial; tug; ultrasound; understanding; underwent; unintentional; university; unknown; upper; urban; use; useful; usual; validation; value; variability; variables; version; veterans; visits; vitamin; vitro; volume; vs.; vulnerability; walking; wasting; weakness; week; weight; white; wide; women; working; working group; worse; years; years old; young cache: cord-011062-ukz4hnmy.txt plain text: cord-011062-ukz4hnmy.txt item: #45 of 216 id: cord-011147-55whf8md author: Sun, Hengchang title: Oral delivery of Bacillus subtilis spores expressing Clonorchis sinensis paramyosin protects grass carp from cercaria infection date: 2020-01-07 words: 7866 flesch: 47 summary: Our results were coincident with the former reports about immune response in grass carp induced by oral immunization with spore expressing enolase or cysteine protease of C. sinensis Tang et al. 2017) . TNF-α was also proved to be a crucial cytokine involved in immune regulation and mediates the inflammatory responses in grass carp Zhu et al. 2013 ). keywords: 2017a; abundance; administration; analysis; b.s; bacillus; bacteria; basal; bile; candidate; carp; cfu; china; claudin; clonorchis; coat; community; control; cotc; cotc spores; cspmy; cspmy spores; ctenopharyngodon; delivery; diet; different; digestion; disease; diversity; dosage; effect; et al; fed; fig; fishes; flesh; g b.s; grass; grass carp; group; growth; hao; head; higher; host; igm; igz; il-8; immune; immunization; index; infection; intestinal; junction; kidney; levels; metacercaria; microbiota; mrna; mucosa; mucus; naïve; oral; paramyosin; pellets; potential; probiotics; protect; proteins; recombinant; responses; results; samples; sera; sinensis; skin; specific; spleen; spores; study; subtilis; subtilis spores; surface; table; tang; tang et; tight; tnf; total; vaccine; weeks cache: cord-011147-55whf8md.txt plain text: cord-011147-55whf8md.txt item: #46 of 216 id: cord-012518-ncrdwtdg author: None title: Abstractband DOG 2020 date: 2020-08-24 words: 32667 flesch: 52 summary: In 1852 he founded famous private eye clinic in Berlin, where he treated many eye patients and educated many prominent ophthalmologists. In I group patients were examined before the first time and after 3 months of SCL wear. keywords: 1st; 2nd; a. 1; a. 2; ability; abq; abstracts; acc; activity; acuity; acute; addition; adenocarcinoma; administration; advanced; aflibercept; age; aim; aims; ait; als; alter; amd; amniotic; analyse; analysis; angiography; angle; anterior; anti; antibodies; antioxidant; aos; apc; approach; area; articles; assessment; associated; auf; augen; augenklinik; autoimmune; available; average; axial; background; barriers; baseline; bcva; bei; beiden; beta; betrug; better; bis; blindness; blue; bonn; c. 1; cases; cataract; cells; central; chamber; changes; children; choroidal; clinical; cm2; cnv; coherence; cohort; combined; common; comparison; complications; concentration; conclusions; conjunctival; contact; contrast; control; control group; corneal; correlation; csc; cst; ctsd; culture; cxl; damage; das; data; day; days; death; decrease; degeneration; dekeph; dekmet; delivery; density; der; des; detachment; development; deviation; dexamethasone; diabetic; diameter; die; differences; different; direct; disc; disease; disorders; distance; dme; dmek; dmem; don; donor; dose; dry; durch; durchgeführt; dystrophic; early; ecd; edema; effect; efficacy; eine; einfluss; elevation; endothelial; epidemiological; epithelial; ergebnisse; established; evaluation; evidence; examination; excision; expression; eyelid; eyes; factor; faricimab; females; fibrotic; field; findings; following; fovea; frequency; functional; fundus; für; gamma; general; germany; glaucoma; glaucoma patients; graft; group; gruppe; healthy; heidelberg; higher; highest; horizontal; human; hydrops; images; imaging; impact; implant; implantation; improvement; incidence; incision; increase; induced; industry; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; injections; injury; intraocular; intravitreal; introduction; iod; iol; iop; iopstim; iris; irr; ischemic; ivt; jahre; kein; keratoconus; kitasamycin; konnten; lamp; large; layer; length; lens; lesion; letters; levels; lgl; life; light; like; limbal; local; location; logmar; long; longer; loss; lower; lowering; lscd; lscs; macrophages; macular; main; management; marker; material; mean; measurements; median; medical; medium; melanoma; membrane; meridian; methodology; methods; microns; microstent; migs; mild; mit; mittels; mmhg; model; moderate; modern; monaten; monthly; months; muscle; myopia; n =; nach; namd; nasal; naïve; near; neovascular; nerve; new; non; normal; novel; nps; nuclei; number; objective; observation; oct; ocular; oder; old; onhd; open; operation; ophthalmological; ophthalmology; optic; optical; orbital; organ; outcome; overall; oxygen; pachychoroid; parameters; pathological; pathology; patienten; patients; patterns; pdpt; pdr; pds; peptide; period; peripapillary; petrochemical; phase; pigment; place; pnv; points; population; position; positive; possible; posterior; postoperative; potential; predescemetal; preoperative; presence; present; pressure; primary; probanden; processes; promising; prospective; protein; protocol; pterygium; purpose; quality; questionnaire; range; ranibizumab; rates; rbz; rectus; reduction; refractive; regime; registry; regression; relationship; repeated; reported; rescue; research; resection; responders; response; results; retinal; retinopathy; retrospective; risk; rnfl; role; rpc; rpe; s. 1; safety; schlussfolgerung; score; sebaceous; second; secondary; segment; sensitivity; serum; severe; severity; sich; significant; similar; sind; single; situ; size; slit; sowie; specific; stage; standard; states; studies; study; subjects; supplementary; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; sutures; sy5y; symptoms; system; tear; tearing; term; test; therapeutic; therapie; therapy; thickness; time; tissue; tomography; tonebp; topical; total; trab; transplantation; trauma; treatment; trends; trial; tube; type; ulcers; und; underwent; university; universitäts; unterschied; use; uveitis; value; vegf; vergleich; vertical; vessels; vision; visual; visus; vitreous; vivo; von; war; waren; weeks; werden; white; workers; worse; wurde; years; zeigte; zma; zone; zur; zvv; zwischen cache: cord-012518-ncrdwtdg.txt plain text: cord-012518-ncrdwtdg.txt item: #47 of 216 id: cord-012537-49v45di6 author: El-Ghandour, Mamdouh title: Efficacy of Milrinone Plus Sildenafil in the Treatment of Neonates with Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension in Resource-Limited Settings: Results of a Randomized, Double-Blind Trial date: 2020-08-28 words: 2825 flesch: 42 summary: Power 3: a flexible statistical power analysis program for the social, behavioral, and biomedical sciences Treatment with phosphodiesterase inhibitors type III and V: milrinone and sildenafil is an effective combination during thromboxane-induced acute pulmonary hypertension Outcome of oral sildenafil therapy on persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn at Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health Bosentan as adjunctive therapy for persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn: results of the randomized multicenter placebo-controlled exploratory trial Oral sildenafil in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn in invasive and non-invasive ventilated babies-its effect on oxygenation indices Milrinone decreases both pulmonary arterial and venous resistances in the hypoxic dog Milrinone: systemic and pulmonary hemodynamic effects in neonates after cardiac surgery Hemodynamic and inotropic effects of milrinone after heart transplantation in the setting of recipient pulmonary hypertension Oral sildenafil in infants with persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn: a pilot randomized blinded study The use of sildenafil in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn Authors' contributions Dr. Mamdouh El-Ghandour invented the idea of this clinical trial and performed the ecchocardiographic assessment of the studied cases blindly. Failure of the pulmonary circulation to undergo the normal transition after birth leads to persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN), which is characterized by an elevated pulmonary/systemic vascular resistance ratio resulting from either vasoconstriction, structural remodeling of the pulmonary vasculature, intravascular obstruction, or lung hypoplasia. keywords: cases; clinical; combination; combined; day; decrease; drugs; dual; effect; end; group; hypertension; intravenous; management; milrinone; monotherapy; neonates; newborn; oral; oxygenation; pasp; patients; persistent; pphn; pressure; pulmonary; randomized; results; severe; significant; sildenafil; statistical; study; table; test; therapy; treatment; trial; use cache: cord-012537-49v45di6.txt plain text: cord-012537-49v45di6.txt item: #48 of 216 id: cord-013263-xw611i8k author: Dederichs, Melina title: Students’ perspectives on interventions to reduce stress in medical school: A qualitative study date: 2020-10-15 words: 5663 flesch: 48 summary: Evidence-based mental health Mindfulness interventions in medical education: A systematic review of their impact on medical student stress, depression, fatigue and burnout Association Between Learning Environment Interventions and Medical Student Well-being: A Systematic Review The benefits of pass-fail grading on stress, mood, and group cohesion in medical students Impact of pass/fail grading on medical students' well-being and academic outcomes Differences in Medical Students' Academic Performance between a Pass/Fail and Tiered Grading System A systematic review of the literature describing the outcomes of nearpeer mentoring programs for first year medical students Introducing first-year students to medical school: experiences at the Faculty of Medicine of Erasmus University Students helping students: vertical peer mentoring to enhance the medical school experience The doctor, his patient and the illness Research on Balint groups: a literature review The impact of a physician awareness group and the first year of training on hematology-oncology fellows Stressors perceived by the para-clinical undergraduate medical students Teaching the clinical encounter in psychiatry: a trial of Balint groups for medical students Reflecting on our practice: an evaluation of Balint groups for medical students in psychiatry A qualitative analysis of student Balint groups in medical education: contexts and triggers of case presentations and discussion themes. The mental health of medical students remains to be a matter of concern. keywords: academic; association; balint; classes; clinical; courses; curriculum; data; elective; examination; faculty; fail; focus; grades; grading; groups; health; individual; information; instance; interventions; learning; lectures; literature; management; medical; medical students; medicine; mental; mentoring; online; participants; pass; peer; performance; practical; program; qualitative; questions; research; review; school; second; self; setting; state; stress; students; study; subjects; support; system; teaching; theoretical; time; university; year cache: cord-013263-xw611i8k.txt plain text: cord-013263-xw611i8k.txt item: #49 of 216 id: cord-013444-5aei9kaz author: Ruzauskas, Modestas title: The Influence of Essential Oils on Gut Microbial Profiles in Pigs date: 2020-09-24 words: 9204 flesch: 40 summary: Can Essential oil eugenol: Sources, extraction techniques and nutraceutical perspectives Immunomodulatory activity of geranial, geranial acetate, gingerol and eugenol essential oils: Evidence for humoral and cell-mediated responses In vitro activity of essential oils against gram-positive and gram-negative clinical isolates, including carbepenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae Essential oils as antiviral agents, potential of essential oils to treat sars-cov-2 infection: An in-silico investigation Much More Than a Pleasant Scent: A Review on Essential Oils Supporting the Immune System Immunomodulatory activities of selected essential oils The relative antioxidant activities of plant-derived polyphenolic flavonoids Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in selected herbs Enrichment of animal diets with essential oils-a great perspective on improving animal performance and quality characteristics of the derived products Porcine models of digestive disease: The future of large animal translational research In vivo effects of einkorn wheat (Triticum monococcum) bread on the intestinal microbiota, metabolome, and on the glycemic and insulinemic response in the pig model Effects of adding essential oil to the diet of weaned pigs on performance, nutrient utilization, immune response and intestinal health. The cytotoxicity of essential oil extracts was estimated against PK-15, Marc-145 and Vero cells using MTT assay [46] . keywords: active; activity; analysis; animal; animal group; antimicrobial; bacteria; barnesiella; bifidobacterium; caecum; carvacrol; cell; cell viability; changes; clostridium; colon; combination; composition; compounds; content; control; control group; copri; data; diet; differences; different; eeos; effect; end; eos; escherichia; essential; essential oil; experimental; experimental group; exposure; exposure group; extract; feed; figure; gallolyticus; genera; genus; group; gut; health; higher; highest; ileum; immune; important; intestines; lactobacillus; large; lines; liquid; marc-145; microbial; microbiota; mint; mixture; model; number; oil; oils; oregano; pigs; plant; positive; potential; predominant; prevalence; prevotella; probiotic; probiotic bacteria; profiles; properties; reads; results; role; separate; significant; similar; species; strains; streptococcus; studies; study; system; tablets; taxonomic; tested; thyme; thyme essential; thymol; thymus; times; variety; vero; viability cache: cord-013444-5aei9kaz.txt plain text: cord-013444-5aei9kaz.txt item: #50 of 216 id: cord-014464-m5n250r2 author: Sole-Violan, J title: Lethal influenza virus A H1N1 infection in two relatives with autosomal dominant GATA-2 deficiency date: 2013-03-19 words: 99097 flesch: 51 summary: The application of the endotoxin activity assay was useful for bedside monitoring of endotoxemia in ICU patients. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical and epidemiological profi le of ICU patients receiving tigecycline (TGC) and to evaluate the potential benefi ts of TGC higher doses. keywords: abdominal; accepted; achieved; acid; acidosis; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; acute care; addition; adequate; ades; adjusted; administration; admission; adult patients; adults; adverse; age; agreement; aim; aims; airway; aki; albumin; alcohol; algorithm; altman; amino; ammation; ammatory; analysis; animals; anova; anp; anti; antibiotic; apache; approach; appropriate; approval; april; aprv; ards; ards patients; area; arrest; arterial; artery; asah; assay; assessment; assist; associated; association; auc; audit; available; average; bacterial; balance; baseline; bedside; benefi; best; better; bias; bicarbonate; biomarkers; bipap; bland; bleeding; blood; body; bolus; brain; brinogen; brinolysis; burn; cacy; calcium; calculated; cancer; capacity; cardiac; cardiac icu; cardiopulmonary; cardiovascular; care; care patients; cases; category; catheter; cause; cce; cells; center; central; centre; cerebral; ceus; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; children; chronic; ci =; cial; ciency; cient; city; classifi; clinical; clinicians; clonidine; clot; cmh; coagulation; coagulopathy; coeffi; cohort; collected; colonization; combination; common; communication; comparable; comparison; complex; compliance; complications; concentration; conclusion; conditions; confi; consecutive; consecutive patients; consent; considered; consultant; consumption; continued; continuous; contraction; contrast; control; control group; control patients; conventional; coronary; correct; correlation; cost; course; cpp; creatinine; criteria; critical care; critically; cross; crypt; ctnt; cuff; cult; current; curve; cvc; cytokine; daily; damage; data; database; day mortality; days; death; death patients; december; decision; decrease; defi; degree; delirium; delivery; demographic; density; department; detection; development; device; diagnosis; diaphragm; diff; diff erence; direct; disaster; discharge; disease; distress; distribution; doctors; donation; donor; dose; drug; duration; dysfunction; earlier; early; ecg; ecmo; ect; ectiveness; ects; edema; education; eff; eff ect; effi; eld; elective; electronic; elevated; emergency; end; endothelial; endotoxemia; endotoxin; endpoint; energy; enteral; episodes; equipment; erence; erent; essential; evaluation; events; evidence; evlwi; excess; exclusion; exercise; expected; experience; experimental; exposure; expression; extracorporeal; factors; failure; families; family; feasible; feedback; feeding; female; fentanyl; fi ndings; fi rst; figure; fio; fl uid; focus; following; fraction; frequency; frequent; function; furosemide; future; gas; gdt; general; global; glucose; goal; good; greater; group; guidance; guidelines; haemorrhage; half; hand; handover; healthcare; healthy; heart; hemodynamic; heparin; higher; higher mortality; highest; history; hiv; hospital; hospital icu; hospital mortality; hours; human; hygiene; hypothermia; hypothesis; i.v; icp; icu admission; icu care; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; identifi; idrs; igg; iii; il-6; ill; illness; imaging; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; index; individual; induced; infection; infl; information; informed; infusion; initial; initiation; injured; injury; insertion; insuffi; insulin; intensive; intensive care; intensivists; international; intervention; intracranial; intraoperative; intravenous; introduction; introduction patients; intubation; invasive; investigation; iqr; ischemia; isofl; isolated; items; january; japan; june; key; kidney; knowledge; laboratory; lactate; large; leading; left; length; levels; liberal; life; likely; limited; linear; literature; little; liver; local; logistic; long; longer; loss; lower; lps; lung; magnesium; main; major; majority; making; male; management; map; march; markers; maximum; mean; measurements; measures; mechanical; median; medical; medical patients; medicine; membrane; metabolic; methods; methods data; methods patients; mice; microcirculation; microvascular; midazolam; minutes; mitochondrial; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modifi; monitoring; monthly; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mrna; multiple; multivariate; muscle; n =; national; ndings; ned; need; negative; neurological; neurosurgical patients; new; ngal; non; nonsurvivors; norepinephrine; normal; novel; november; number; nurses; nursing; nutrition; objective; observational; obstetric; october; ohca; older patients; operating; optimal; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; pain; pao; parameters; participants; patients; pct; pdt; peak; pediatric; peep; people; percentage; performance; performed; perfusion; period; phase; physical; physicians; pigs; placebo; plasma; platelet; plr; pneumonia; points; poor; population; position; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; ppv; practice; predictive; predictor; preliminary; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; process; prognosis; program; prolonged; propofol; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; psychological; pulmonary; pulse; purpose; quality; quantifi; questionnaire; questions; randomized; range; rapid; rate; rats; ray; rbc; recent; recommendations; records; recovery; reduced; reduction; reference; refl; region; regression; rehabilitation; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliable; removal; renal; replacement; report; requirements; research; resistance; resources; respiratory; respondents; response; restrictive; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; review; right; rise; risk; risk patients; role; room; routine; rrt; rst; rst group; safety; saline; samples; saps; satisfaction; saturation; scale; score; scoring; screening; second; secondary; sedation; selected; self; sensitivity; sepsis; september; septic patients; septic shock; serum; services; setting; severe; severe sepsis; severity; sham; shock; shock patients; short; shows; signifi; similar; single; site; small; society; sodium; sofa; software; specifi; staff; stage; standard; starch; start; statistical; status; stay; step; strategies; strategy; stratifi; stress; stroke; strong; studies; study; study group; study period; subjects; subsequent; successful; support; surgery; surgery patients; surgical icu; surgical patients; survey; survival; survivors; svo; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; table; target; tbi; tca; team; technique; teg; temperature; term; tertiary; test; tgc; thallium; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thoracic; tidal; time; tissue; tnfα; tool; total; tracheal; tracheostomy; training; trali; transfer; transfusion; trauma; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; trend; triage; trial; tube; type; uence; uid; uids; ultrasound; underwent; unit; university; urinary; urine; usa; use; values; vap; variability; variables; variation; vasopressin; vasopressors; vein; venous; ventilation; ventilatory; versus; volume; ward; water; weaning; week; weight; withdrawal; work; working; worse; years; young; ≤10 cache: cord-014464-m5n250r2.txt plain text: cord-014464-m5n250r2.txt item: #51 of 216 id: cord-014516-r59usk02 author: None title: Research Communications of the 24th ECVIM‐CA Congress date: 2015-01-10 words: 55086 flesch: 49 summary: Method specificity was confirmed by the absence of matrix effect in six serum specimen obtained from clinical dogs. Stage C dogs had lower SRs (p = 0.0005), higher SRe (p = 0.0029) and SRa (p = 0.0004) than other dogs. keywords: abdominal; abnormalities; absence; acid; activation; activity; acute; acvim; additional; administration; adult; affected; age; agreement; aim; aip; albumin; alveolar; amlodipine; analysis; anemia; animal; anti; antibiotic; antibodies; antimicrobial; aoa; aod; aortic; appropriate; area; arterial; assay; assess; assessment; associated; atrial; author; available; average; azotaemic; azotemia; bacteria; balf; bartonella; baseline; bcs; beta; better; biochemical; biochemistry; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; blood; body; bowel; breed; breed dogs; calcium; calculated; calprotectin; canine; canis; cardiac; cases; cats; cause; ccecai; cell; cfa; changes; chf; chordae; chronic; cipf; citrulline; ckd; class; clearance; client; clinical; clinical signs; closure; cobalamin; coli; colon; common; company; comparison; complete; concentrations; conclusion; concurrent; condition; confirmed; conflicts; congenital; contrast; control; control dogs; correlation; cortisol; count; cpli; creatinine; criteria; crp; culture; cynos; cystic; daily; damage; data; days; decreased; dependent; detected; detection; determined; development; device; dglu; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diameter; diet; differences; different; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; dogs; dogs n; domestic; doppler; dose; drugs; duration; early; ebp; echocardiographic; effects; elisa; enteropathy; enzyme; epirubicin; eroa; esbl; established; evaluation; examination; exocrine; expression; factors; failure; fcv; fdps; features; fecal; feline; felis; females; fhv-1; fibrinogen; fibrosis; findings; fiv; flc; flow; fluid; following; food; forelimb; foundation; frd; frequency; frequent; function; fvii; gallbladder; gastrointestinal; gender; gene; general; genetic; geriatric; giardia; glucose; good; grade; group; growth; hac; half; hcii; healthy dogs; heart; hepatic; higher; highest; histological; history; hormone; hospital; hours; human; hypertension; hyperthyroidism; ibd; idiopathic; iga; imaging; immune; important; imrd; incidence; increase; index; individual; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; information; initial; insufficiency; insulin; insurance; intact; intensity; interest; interval; intestinal; invasive; involved; islets; isolates; kidney; knowledge; laboratory; large; leaflet; left; lesions; levels; life; likely; limb; limit; linear; lomustine; long; loss; lower; lphs; ltd; lung; main; malignant; management; markers; mast; max; mean; measured; measurements; median; medical; medicine; mellitus; metabolic; method; mild; mitral; mixed; mmhg; mmvd; model; moderate; molecular; months; morbidity; mortality; mrs; mucosal; multiple; murmur; mutation; mvp; myocardial; n =; need; needle; negative; neoplasia; neurological; neutered; new; nmol; non; normal; normal dogs; nptt; nsdtrs; number; obese; objective; older; oral; organs; outcome; overall; overweight; owners; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; parameters; pathogens; pathological; patients; pattern; pcr; pda; pdh; peak; perforation; perfringens; period; peripheral; pet; phase; phf; physical; pituitary; placebo; plasma; platelet; pleural; point; population; positive; possible; post; potential; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; probiotic; prognosis; progressive; prospective; protein; proteinuria; protocol; pulmonary; puppies; purpose; pwbc; qpcr; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; r =; range; rate; reaction; records; reference; regression; regurgitation; related; relationship; remains; remission; renal; report; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; right; risk; role; royal; s100a12; saa; samples; sampling; sap; sbp; score; scoring; screening; secondary; sensitivity; serum; severe; severity; sex; short; significant; signs; similar; single; size; small; snap; software; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spontaneous; spp; sre; stage; staining; standard; statistical; status; strain; studies; study; supplementation; support; surgery; survival; syndrome; systemic; systole; systolic; taiwan; target; technique; terrier; test; tested; therapeutic; therapy; thoracic; thyroid; time; tissue; total; transcutaneous; treatment; trough; tsh; tumours; type; ultrasonography; ultrasound; university; unknown; unrelated; upc; urea; urinalysis; urinary; urine; useful; usg; values; valve; variability; variables; variation; vegf; ventricular; veterinary; virus; volume; vomiting; wave; weeks; weight; whwt; work; years; zoetis cache: cord-014516-r59usk02.txt plain text: cord-014516-r59usk02.txt item: #52 of 216 id: cord-014527-nvzfpntu author: None title: Research Communications of the 25th ECVIM‐CA Congress date: 2015-11-09 words: 89290 flesch: 49 summary: Dogs in the prolonged OS group were more likely to be anaemic on presentation (PCV<37%, P = 0.041), experienced a greater FRD (P = 0.012) and were more likely to be treated with a rescue protocol (P = 0.036) than other dogs. Dogs that did not respond to treatment had significantly higher S100A12 levels than dogs with partial (P = 0.005) or complete (P = 0.003) remission, but response to treatment was associated with disease classification (P = 0.020). keywords: 0.001; abdominal; abnormalities; absence; accuracy; activity; acute; acvim; additional; administration; adult; adult dogs; adverse; affected; affected dogs; age; aged; agents; agreement; aim; airway; allopurinol; alterations; analysis; anaplasma; anemia; animals; annular; anorexia; antibodies; antibody; antimicrobial; aortic; apical; area; arterial; artery; aspergillosis; assay; assessment; associated; association; atrial; authors; available; average; axis; bacterial; baos; baos dogs; bartonella; baseline; bcs; beagle dogs; biochemical; biochemistry; biomarker; biopsies; biopsy; bitches; blood; body; bowel; brachycephalic dogs; breed dogs; breeds; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; canine; cardiac; cardiomegaly; cardiomyopathy; cardiovascular; cases; cats; cause; ccl2; cd3; cd4; cells; cem; chain; changes; characterized; chf; chi; chronic; cipf; ckd; class; classified; client; clinical; clinical signs; clinical study; clinicopathological; cme; cmhm; cmt; cmvd; cobalamin; coefficient; cohort; coli; colon; combination; combined; common; companion; comparisons; complete; complications; concentrations; conclusion; condition; confirmed; congenital; congestive; consultation; contrast; control; control dogs; control group; correlated; correlation; cortisol; cough; count; creatinine; criteria; cross; crp; ctni; ctr; culture; current; cytology; daily; data; days; dcm; death; decrease; degree; detection; determined; development; diabetes; diabetic; diabetic cats; diagnosis; diameter; diarrhea; diastolic; diet; differences; different; different dogs; dimensional; disclosures; disease; disorders; distribution; dlbcl; dna; dogs; doppler; dose; duplicate; duration; dysfunction; early; echocardiography; effect; effective; efficacy; effusion; elevated; elfa; elisa; endoscopic; epidemiological; euthanasia; evaluated; evaluation; evidence; examination; exercise; expression; factors; failure; fat; features; fecal; feline; felv; females; fibrosis; findings; fip; fish; fiv; fluid; following; food; foreign; free; french; frequent; function; gastrointestinal; gene; general; geriatric; gfr; glucose; goal; good; grade; great; group; haemoplasma; hba1c; hbgm; hcm; hct; healthy cats; healthy dogs; heart; high; higher; histology; histopathological; histopathology; history; hospital; hours; hrct; humans; hypertension; hypertrophy; hypoadrenocorticism; hypoplasia; hypothesis; ibd; ibd dogs; identification; ifa; iga; images; imaging; immune; impact; important; increase; index; indices; individual; infantum; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; initial; injury; insulin; interest; interval; intestinal; intravenous; investigation; involved; iris; isolated; iwhs; kidney; kit; laboratory; labrador; lack; large; larvae; laryngeal; lead; left; leishmania; leishmaniosis; lesions; levels; lgl; likely; limited; linear; lipase; liver; logistic; long; loss; lower; lung; lymphocytes; lymphoma; main; major; majority; management; mann; marked; maternal; mean; measured; measurements; median; median age; medical; medicine; method; mhf; mild; minutes; mitral; mixed; mmhg; mmol; mmvd; model; moderate; monitoring; months; mortality; mucosal; murmur; mutations; mycoplasma; n =; nasal; negative; negative dogs; neoplasia; nhph; non; normal; normal dogs; number; obese dogs; obesity; objective; observed; older dogs; operator; oral; order; ormd; outcome; overall; owners; p =; pain; pancreatitis; pancytopenic dogs; parameters; parasternal; pathogenesis; patients; pattern; pcr; pda; percentage; period; peripheral; pet; phase; physical; pimobendan; placebo; plasma; pmol; point; poor; population; positive; positive dogs; possible; post; potential; practice; precision; prednisone; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; probnp; procedure; procoagulant; profile; prognostic; progressive; prospective; protein; protocol; pulmonary; pulmonic; puppies; purpose; quality; quantitative; r =; radiographs; range; rank; rate; reaction; records; reduction; reference; regression; relationship; relative; remission; renal; report; represented; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; retrospective; retrospective study; rhythm; right; risk; role; routine; royal; rpad; s100a12; samples; sbp1; score; scoring; screening; second; sensitive; sensitivity; sequence; sequencing; serum; severe; severity; sex; shepherd dogs; short; shorter; sick dogs; significant; signs; similar; single; sinonasal; sinus; site; size; small; software; species; specific; specificity; spp; square; stage; standard; staphylococcus; statistical; status; stenosis; stomach; strains; stress; studies; study; study group; study period; success; suffering; supplementation; survival; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; tac; tapse; test; testing; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thrombocytopenia; time; tissue; total; tract; treatment; tricuspid; tumors; type; ultrasound; underlying; university; upc; upper; urinary; urine; use; useful; vaccination; values; valve; variability; variables; vegf; ventricular; versus; veterinarians; veterinary; vhs; views; vincristine; viral; virus; vomiting; wall; weeks; weight; whitney; whwts; work; years; young dogs cache: cord-014527-nvzfpntu.txt plain text: cord-014527-nvzfpntu.txt item: #53 of 216 id: cord-014533-6qfecv5h author: Velasquez, T. title: ESICM LIVES 2016: part three: Milan, Italy. 1–5 October 2016 date: 2016-09-29 words: 88447 flesch: 46 summary: key: cord-014533-6qfecv5h authors: Velasquez, T.; Mackey, G.; Lusk, J.; Kyle, U. G.; Fontenot, T.; Marshall, P.; Shekerdemian, L. S.; Coss-Bu, J. A.; Nishigaki, A.; Yatabe, T.; Tamura, T.; Yamashita, K.; Yokoyama, M.; Ruiz-Rodriguez, J. C.; Encina, B.; Belmonte, R.; Troncoso, I.; Tormos, P.; Riveiro, M.; Baena, J.; Sanchez, A.; Bañeras, J.; Cordón, J.; Duran, N.; Ruiz, A.; Caballero, J.; Nuvials, X.; Riera, J.; Serra, J.; Rutten, A. M. F.; van Ieperen, S. N. M.; Der Kinderen, E. P. H. M.; Van Logten, T.; Kovacikova, L.; Skrak, P.; Zahorec, M.; Kyle, U. G.; Akcan-Arikan, A.; Silva, J. C.; Mackey, G.; Lusk, J.; Goldsworthy, M.; Shekerdemian, L. S.; Coss-Bu, J. A.; Wood, D.; Harrison, D.; Parslow, R.; Davis, P.; Pappachan, J.; Goodwin, S.; Ramnarayan, P.; Chernyshuk, S.; Yemets, H.; Zhovnir, V.; Pulitano’, S. M.; De Rosa, S.; Mancino, A.; Villa, G.; Tosi, F.; Franchi, P.; Conti, G.; Patel, B.; Khine, H.; Shah, A.; Sung, D.; Singer, L.; Haghbin, S.; Inaloo, S.; Serati, Z.; Idei, M.; Nomura, T.; Yamamoto, N.; Sakai, Y.; Yoshida, T.; Matsuda, Y.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Takaki, S.; Yamaguchi, O.; Goto, T.; Longani, N.; Medar, S.; Abdel-Aal, I. R.; El Adawy, A. S.; Mohammed, H. M. E. H.; Mohamed, A. N.; Parry, S. M.; Knight, L. D.; Denehy, L.; De Morton, N.; Baldwin, C. E.; Sani, D.; Kayambu, G.; da Silva, V. Z. M.; Phongpagdi, P.; Puthucheary, Z. A.; Granger, C. L.; Rydingsward, J. E.; Horkan, C. M.; Christopher, K. B.; McWilliams, D.; Jones, C.; Reeves, E.; Atkins, G.; Snelson, C.; Aitken, L. M.; Rattray, J.; Kenardy, J.; Hull, A. M.; Ullman, A.; Le Brocque, R.; Mitchell, M.; Davis, C.; Macfarlane, B.; Azevedo, J. C.; Rocha, L. L.; De Freitas, F. F. M.; Cavalheiro, A. M.; Lucinio, N. M.; Lobato, M. S.; Ebeling, G.; Kraegpoeth, A.; Laerkner, E.; De Brito-Ashurst, I.; White, C.; Gregory, S.; Forni, L. G.; Flowers, E.; Curtis, A.; Wood, C. A.; Siu, K.; Venkatesan, K.; Muhammad, J. B. H.; Ng, L.; Seet, E.; Baptista, N.; Escoval, A.; Tomas, E.; Agrawal, R.; Mathew, R.; Varma, A.; Dima, E.; Charitidou, E.; Perivolioti, E.; Pratikaki, M.; Vrettou, C.; Giannopoulos, A.; Zakynthinos, S.; Routsi, C.; Atchade, E.; Houzé, S.; Jean-Baptiste, S.; Thabut, G.; Genève, C.; Tanaka, S.; Lortat-Jacob, B.; Augustin, P.; Desmard, M.; Montravers, P.; de Molina, F. J. González; Barbadillo, S.; Alejandro, R.; Álvarez-Lerma, F.; Vallés, J.; Catalán, R. M.; Palencia, E.; Jareño, A.; Granada, R. M.; Ignacio, M. L.; Cui, N.; Liu, D.; Wang, H.; Su, L.; Qiu, H.; Li, R.; Jaffal, K.; Rouzé, A.; Poissy, J.; Sendid, B.; Nseir, S.; Paramythiotou, E.; Rizos, M.; Frantzeskaki, F.; Antoniadou, A.; Vourli, S.; Zerva, L.; Armaganidis, A.; Riera, J.; Gottlieb, J.; Greer, M.; Wiesner, O.; Martínez, M.; Acuña, M.; Rello, J.; Welte, T.; Atchade, E.; Mignot, T.; Houzé, S.; Jean-Baptiste, S.; Thabut, G.; Lortat-Jacob, B.; Tanaka, S.; Augustin, P.; Desmard, M.; Montravers, P.; Soussi, S.; Dudoignon, E.; Ferry, A.; Chaussard, M.; Benyamina, M.; Alanio, A.; Touratier, S.; Chaouat, M.; Lafaurie, M.; Mimoun, M.; Mebazaa, A.; Legrand, M.; Sheils, M. A.; Patel, C.; Mohankumar, L.; Akhtar, N.; Noriega, S. K. Pacheco; Aldana, N. Navarrete; León, J. L. Ávila; Baquero, J. Durand; Bernal, F. Fernández; Ahmadnia, E.; Hadley, J. S.; Millar, M.; Hall, D.; Hewitt, H.; Yasuda, H.; Sanui, M.; Komuro, T.; Kawano, S.; Andoh, K.; Yamamoto, H.; Noda, E.; Hatakeyama, J.; Saitou, N.; Okamoto, H.; Kobayashi, A.; Takei, T.; Matsukubo, S.; Rotzel, H. B.; Lázaro, A. Serrano; Prada, D. Aguillón; Gimillo, M. Rodriguez; Barinas, O. Diaz; Cortes, M. L. Blasco; Franco, J. Ferreres; Roca, J. M. Segura; Carratalá, A.; Gonçalves, B.; Turon, R.; Mendes, A.; Miranda, F.; Mata, P. J.; Cavalcanti, D.; Melo, N.; Lacerda, P.; Kurtz, P.; Righy, C.; Rosario, L. E. de la Cruz; Lesmes, S. P. Gómez; Romero, J. C. García; Herrera, A. N. García; Pertuz, E. D. Díaz; Sánchez, M. J. Gómez; Sanz, E. Regidor; Hualde, J. Barado; Hernández, A. Ansotegui; Irazabal, J. M. Guergué; Spatenkova, V.; Bradac, O.; Suchomel, P.; Urli, T.; Lazzeri, E. Heusch; Aspide, R.; Zanello, M.; Perez-Borrero, L.; Garcia-Alvarez, J. M.; Arias-Verdu, M. D.; Aguilar-Alonso, E.; Rivera-Fernandez, R.; Mora-Ordoñez, J.; De La Fuente-Martos, C.; Castillo-Lorente, E.; Guerrero-Lopez, F.; Lesmes, S. P. Gómez; Rosario, L. E. De la Cruz; Pertuz, E. D. Díaz; Hernández, A. Ansotegui; Romero, J. C. García; Sánchez, M. J. Gómez; Herrera, A. N. García; Ramírez, J. Roldán; Sanz, E. Regidor; Hualde, J. Barado; León, J. P. Tirapu; Navarro-Guillamón, L.; Cordovilla-Guardia, S.; Iglesias-Santiago, A.; Guerrero-López, F.; Fernández-Mondéjar, E.; Vidal, A.; Perez, M.; Juez, A.; Arias, N.; Colino, L.; Perez, J. L.; Pérez, H.; Calpe, P.; Alcala, M. A.; Robaglia, D.; Perez, C.; Lan, S. K.; Cunha, M. M.; Moreira, T.; Santos, F.; Lafuente, E.; Fernandes, M. J.; Silva, J. G.; Rosario, L. E. de la Cruz; Lesmes, S. P. Gómez; Herrera, A. N. García; Romero, J. C. García; Pertuz, E. D. Díaz; Sánchez, M. J. Gómez; Sanz, E. Regidor; Echeverría, J. G. Armando; Hernández, A. Ansotegui; Hualde, J. Barado; Podlepich, V.; Sokolova, E.; Alexandrova, E.; Lapteva, K.; Kurtz, P.; Shuinotsuka, C.; Rabello, L.; Vianna, G.; Reis, A.; Cairus, C.; Salluh, J.; Bozza, F.; Torres, J. C. Barrios; Araujo, N. J. Fernández; García-Olivares, P.; Keough, E.; Dalorzo, M.; Tang, L. K.; De Sousa, I.; Díaz, M.; Marcos-Zambrano, L. J.; Guerrero, J. E.; Gomez, S. E. Zamora; Lopez, G. D. Hernandez; Cuellar, A. I. Vazquez; Nieto, O. R. Perez; Gonzalez, J. A. Castanon; Bhasin, D.; Rai, S.; Singh, H.; Gupta, O.; Bhattal, M. K.; Sampley, S.; Sekhri, K.; Nandha, R.; Aliaga, F. A.; Olivares, F.; Appiani, F.; Farias, P.; Alberto, F.; Hernández, A.; Pons, S.; Sonneville, R.; Bouadma, L.; Neuville, M.; Mariotte, E.; Radjou, A.; Lebut, J.; Chemam, S.; Voiriot, G.; Dilly, M. P.; Mourvillier, B.; Dorent, R.; Nataf, P.; Wolff, M.; Timsit, J. F.; Ediboglu, O.; Ataman, S.; Ozkarakas, H.; Kirakli, C.; Vakalos, A.; Avramidis, V.; Obukhova, O.; Kurmukov, I. A.; Kashiya, S.; Golovnya, E.; Baikova, V. N.; Ageeva, T.; Haritydi, T.; Kulaga, E. V.; Rios-Toro, J. J.; Perez-Borrero, L.; Aguilar-Alonso, E.; Arias-Verdu, M. D.; Garcia-Alvarez, J. M.; Lopez-Caler, C.; De La Fuente-Martos, C.; Rodriguez-Fernandez, S.; Sanchez-Orézzoli, M. Gomez; Martin-Gallardo, F.; Nikhilesh, J.; Joshi, V.; Villarreal, E.; Ruiz, J.; Gordon, M.; Quinza, A.; Gimenez, J.; Piñol, M.; Castellanos, A.; Ramirez, P.; Jeon, Y. D.; Jeong, W. Y.; Kim, M. H.; Jeong, I. Y.; Ahn, M. Y.; Ahn, J. Y.; Han, S. H.; Choi, J. Y.; Song, Y. G.; Kim, J. M.; Ku, N. S.; Shah, H.; Kellner, F.; Rezai, F.; Mistry, N.; Yodice, P.; Ovnanian, V.; Fless, K.; Handler, E.; Alejos, R. Martínez; Romeu, J. D. Martí; Antón, D. González; Quinart, A.; Martí, A. Torres; Llaurado-Serra, M.; Lobo-Civico, A.; Ventura-Rosado, A.; Piñol-Tena, A.; Pi-Guerrero, M.; Paños-Espinosa, C.; Peralvo-Bernat, M.; Marine-Vidal, J.; Gonzalez-Engroba, R.; Montesinos-Cerro, N.; Treso-Geira, M.; Valeiras-Valero, A.; Martinez-Reyes, L.; Sandiumenge, A.; Jimenez-Herrera, M. F.; Helyar, S.; Riozzi, P.; Noon, A.; Hallows, G.; Cotton, H.; Keep, J.; Hopkins, P. A.; Taggu, A.; Renuka, S.; Sampath, S.; Rood, P. J. T.; Frenzel, T.; Verhage, R.; Bonn, M.; Pickkers, P.; van der Hoeven, J. G.; van den Boogaard, M.; Corradi, F.; Melnyk, L.; Moggia, F.; Pienovi, R.; Adriano, G.; Brusasco, C.; Mariotti, L.; Lattuada, M.; Bloomer, M. J.; Coombs, M.; Ranse, K.; Endacott, R.; Maertens, B.; Blot, K.; Blot, S.; Amerongen, M. P. van Nieuw; van der Heiden, E. S.; Twisk, J. W. R.; Girbes, A. R. J.; Spijkstra, J. J.; Riozzi, P.; Helyar, S.; Cotton, H.; Hallows, G.; Noon, A.; Bell, C.; Peters, K.; Feehan, A.; Keep, J.; Hopkins, P. A.; Churchill, K.; Hawkins, K.; Brook, R.; Paver, N.; Endacott, R.; Maistry, N.; van Wijk, A.; Rouw, N.; van Galen, T.; Evelein-Brugman, S.; Taggu, A.; Krishna, B.; Sampath, S.; Putzu, A.; Fang, M.; Berto, M. Boscolo; Belletti, A.; Cassina, T.; Cabrini, L.; Mistry, M.; Alhamdi, Y.; Welters, I.; Abrams, S. T.; Toh, C. H.; Han, H. S.; Gil, E. M.; Lee, D. S.; Park, C. M.; Winder-Rhodes, S.; Lotay, R.; Doyle, J.; Ke, M. W.; Huang, W. C.; Chiang, C. H.; Hung, W. T.; Cheng, C. C.; Lin, K. C.; Lin, S. C.; Chiou, K. R.; Wann, S. R.; Shu, C. W.; Kang, P. L.; Mar, G. Y.; Liu, C. P.; Dubó, S.; Aquevedo, A.; Jibaja, M.; Berrutti, D.; Labra, C.; Lagos, R.; García, M. F.; Ramirez, V.; Tobar, M.; Picoita, F.; Peláez, C.; Carpio, D.; Alegría, L.; Hidalgo, C.; Godoy, K.; Bakker, J.; Hernández, G.; Sadamoto, Y.; Katabami, K.; Wada, T.; Ono, Y.; Maekawa, K.; Hayakawa, M.; Sawamura, A.; Gando, S.; Marin-Mateos, H.; Perez-Vela, J. L.; Garcia-Gigorro, R.; Peiretti, M. A. Corres; Lopez-Gude, M. J.; Chacon-Alves, S.; Renes-Carreño, E.; Montejo-González, J. C.; Parlevliet, K. L.; Touw, H. R. W.; Beerepoot, M.; Boer, C.; Elbers, P. W. G.; Tuinman, P. R.; Abdelmonem, S. A.; Helmy, T. A.; El Sayed, I.; Ghazal, S.; Akhlagh, S. H.; Masjedi, M.; Hozhabri, K.; Kamali, E.; Zýková, I.; Paldusová, B.; Sedlák, P.; Morman, D.; Youn, A. M.; Ohta, Y.; Sakuma, M.; Bates, D.; Morimoto, T.; Su, P. L.; Chang, W. Y.; Lin, W. C.; Chen, C. W.; Facchin, F.; Zarantonello, F.; Panciera, G.; De Cassai, A.; Venrdramin, A.; Ballin, A.; Tonetti, T.; Persona, P.; Ori, C.; Del Sorbo, L.; Rossi, S.; Vergani, G.; Cressoni, M.; Chiumello, D.; Chiurazzi, C.; Brioni, M.; Algieri, I.; Tonetti, T.; Guanziroli, M.; Colombo, A.; Tomic, I.; Colombo, A.; Crimella, F.; Carlesso, E.; Gasparovic, V.; Gattinoni, L.; Neto, A. Serpa; Schmidt, M.; Pham, T.; Combes, A.; de Abreu, M. Gama; Pelosi, P.; Schultz, M. J.; Katira, B. H.; Engelberts, D.; Giesinger, R. E.; Ackerley, C.; Yoshida, T.; Zabini, D.; Otulakowski, G.; Post, M.; Kuebler, W. M.; McNamara, P. J.; Kavanagh, B. P.; Pirracchio, R.; Rigon, M. Resche; Carone, M.; Chevret, S.; Annane, D.; Eladawy, S.; El-Hamamsy, M.; Bazan, N.; Elgendy, M.; De Pascale, G.; Vallecoccia, M. S.; Cutuli, S. L.; Di Gravio, V.; Pennisi, M. A.; Conti, G.; Antonelli, M.; Andreis, D. T.; Khaliq, W.; Singer, M.; Hartmann, J.; Harm, S.; Carmona, S. Alcantara; Almudevar, P. Matia; Abellán, A. Naharro; Ramos, J. Veganzones; Pérez, L. Pérez; Valbuena, B. Lobo; Sanz, N. Martínez; Simón, I. Fernández; Arrigo, M.; Feliot, E.; Deye, N.; Cariou, A.; Guidet, B.; Jaber, S.; Leone, M.; Resche-Rigon, M.; Baron, A. Vieillard; Legrand, M.; Gayat, E.; Mebazaa, A.; Balik, M.; Kolnikova, I.; Maly, M.; Waldauf, P.; Tavazzi, G.; Kristof, J.; Herpain, A.; Su, F.; Post, E.; Taccone, F.; Vincent, J. L.; Creteur, J.; Lee, C.; Hatib, F.; Jian, Z.; Buddi, S.; Cannesson, M.; Fileković, S.; Turel, M.; Knafelj, R.; Gorjup, V.; Stanić, R.; Gradišek, P.; Cerović, O.; Mirković, T.; Noč, M.; Tirkkonen, J.; Hellevuo, H.; Olkkola, K. T.; Hoppu, S.; Lin, K. C.; Hung, W. T.; Chiang, C. C.; Huang, W. C.; Juan, W. C.; Lin, S. C.; Cheng, C. C.; Lin, P. H.; Fong, K. Y.; Hou, D. S.; Kang, P. L.; Wann, S. R.; Chen, Y. S.; Mar, G. Y.; Liu, C. P.; Paul, M.; Bougouin, W.; Geri, G.; Dumas, F.; Champigneulle, B.; Legriel, S.; Charpentier, J.; Mira, J. P.; Sandroni, C.; Cariou, A.; Zimmerman, J.; Sullivan, E.; Noursadeghi, M.; Fox, B.; Sampson, D.; McHugh, L.; Yager, T.; Cermelli, S.; Seldon, T.; Bhide, S.; Brandon, R. A.; Brandon, R. B.; Zwaag, J.; Beunders, R.; Pickkers, P.; Kox, M.; Gul, F.; Arslantas, M. K.; Genc, D.; Zibandah, N.; Topcu, L.; Akkoc, T.; Cinel, I.; Greco, E.; Lauretta, M. P.; Andreis, D. T.; Singer, M.; Garcia, I. Palacios; Cordero, M.; Martin, A. Diaz; Pallás, T. Aldabó; Montero, J. Garnacho; Rey, J. Revuelto; Malo, L. Roman; Montoya, A. A. Tanaka; Martinez, A. D. C. Amador; Ayala, L. Y. Delgado; Zepeda, E. Monares; Granillo, J. Franco; Sanchez, J. Aguirre; Alejo, G. Camarena; Cabrera, A. Rugerio; Montenegro, A. Pedraza; Pham, T.; Beduneau, G.; Schortgen, F.; Piquilloud, L.; Zogheib, E.; Jonas, M.; Grelon, F.; Runge, I.; Terzi, N.; Grangé, S.; Barberet, G.; Guitard, P. G.; Frat, J. P.; Constan, A.; Chrétien, J. M.; Mancebo, J.; Mercat, A.; Richard, J. C. M.; Brochard, L.; Soilemezi, E.; Koco, E.; Savvidou, S.; Nouris, C.; Matamis, D.; Di Mussi, R.; Spadaro, S.; Volta, C. A.; Mariani, M.; Colaprico, A.; Antonio, C.; Bruno, F.; Grasso, S.; Rodriguez, A.; Martín-Loeches, I.; Díaz, E.; Masclans, J. R.; Gordo, F.; Solé-Violán, J.; Bodí, M.; Avilés-Jurado, F. X.; Trefler, S.; Magret, M.; Reyes, L. F.; Marín-Corral, J.; Yebenes, J. C.; Esteban, A.; Anzueto, A.; Aliberti, S.; Restrepo, M. I.; Larsson, J. Skytte; Redfors, B.; Ricksten, S. E.; Haines, R.; Powell-Tuck, J.; Leonard, H.; Ostermann, M.; Berthelsen, R. E.; Itenov, T. S.; Perner, A.; Jensen, J. U.; Ibsen, M.; Jensen, A. E. K.; Bestle, M. H.; Bucknall, T.; Dixon, J.; Boa, F.; MacPhee, I.; Philips, B. J.; Doyle, J.; Saadat, F.; Samuels, T.; Huddart, S.; McCormick, B.; DeBrunnar, R.; Preece, J.; Swart, M.; Peden, C.; Richardson, S.; Forni, L.; Kalfon, P.; Baumstarck, K.; Estagnasie, P.; Geantot, M. A.; Berric, A.; Simon, G.; Floccard, B.; Signouret, T.; Boucekine, M.; Fromentin, M.; Nyunga, M.; Sossou, A.; Venot, M.; Robert, R.; Follin, A.; Renault, A.; Garrouste, M.; Collange, O.; Levrat, Q.; Villard, I.; Thévenin, D.; Pottecher, J.; Patrigeon, R. G.; Revel, N.; Vigne, C.; Mimoz, O.; Auquier, P.; Pawar, S.; Jacques, T.; Deshpande, K.; Pusapati, R.; Wood, B.; Pulham, R. A.; Wray, J.; Brown, K.; Pierce, C.; Nadel, S.; Ramnarayan, P.; Azevedo, J. R.; Montenegro, W. S.; Rodrigues, D. P.; Sousa, S. C.; Araujo, V. F.; Leitao, A. L.; Prazeres, P. H.; Mendonca, A. V.; Paula, M. P.; Das Neves, A.; Loudet, C. I.; Busico, M.; Vazquez, D.; Villalba, D.; Lischinsky, A.; Veronesi, M.; Emmerich, M.; Descotte, E.; Juliarena, A.; Bisso, M. Carboni; Grando, M.; Tapia, A.; Camargo, M.; Ulla, D. Villani; Corzo, L.; dos Santos, H. Placido; Ramos, A.; Doglia, J. A.; Estenssoro, E.; Carbonara, M.; Magnoni, S.; Donald, C. L. Mac; Shimony, J. S.; Conte, V.; Triulzi, F.; Stretti, F.; Macrì, M.; Snyder, A. Z.; Stocchetti, N.; Brody, D. L.; Podlepich, V.; Shimanskiy, V.; Savin, I.; Lapteva, K.; Chumaev, A.; Tjepkema-Cloostermans, M. C.; Hofmeijer, J.; Beishuizen, A.; Hom, H.; Blans, M. J.; van Putten, M. J. A. M.; Longhi, L.; Frigeni, B.; Curinga, M.; Mingone, D.; Beretta, S.; Patruno, A.; Gandini, L.; Vargiolu, A.; Ferri, F.; Ceriani, R.; Rottoli, M. R.; Lorini, L.; Citerio, G.; Pifferi, S.; Battistini, M.; Cordolcini, V.; Agarossi, A.; Di Rosso, R.; Ortolano, F.; Stocchetti, N.; Lourido, C. Mora; Cabrera, J. L. Santana; Santana, J. D. Martín; Alzola, L. Melián; del Rosario, C. García; Pérez, H. Rodríguez; Torrent, R. Lorenzo; Eslami, S.; Dalhuisen, A.; Fiks, T.; Schultz, M. J.; Hanna, A. Abu; Spronk, P. E.; Wood, M.; Maslove, D.; Muscedere, J.; Scott, S. H.; Saha, T.; Hamilton, A.; Petsikas, D.; Payne, D.; Boyd, J. G.; Puthucheary, Z. A.; McNelly, A. S.; Rawal, J.; Connolly, B.; McPhail, M. J.; Sidhu, P.; Rowlerson, A.; Moxham, J.; Harridge, S. D.; Hart, N.; Montgomery, H. E.; Jovaisa, T.; Thomas, B.; Gupta, D.; Wijayatilake, D. S.; Shum, H. P.; King, H. S.; Chan, K. C.; Tang, K. B.; Yan, W. W.; Arias, C. Castro; Latorre, J.; De La Rica, A. Suárez; Garrido, E. Maseda; Feijoo, A. Montero; Gancedo, C. Hernández; Tofiño, A. López; Rodríguez, F. Gilsanz; Gemmell, L. K.; Campbell, R.; Doherty, P.; MacKay, A.; Singh, N.; Vitaller, S.; Nagib, H.; Prieto, J.; Del Arco, A.; Zayas, B.; Gomez, C.; Tirumala, S.; Pasha, S. A.; Kumari, B. K.; Martinez-Lopez, P.; Puerto-Morlán, A.; Nuevo-Ortega, P.; Pujol, L. Martinez; Dolset, R. Algarte; González, B. Sánchez; Riera, S. Quintana; Álvarez, J. Trenado; Quintana, S.; Martínez, L.; Algarte, R.; Sánchez, B.; Trenado, J.; Tomas, E.; Brock, N.; Viegas, E.; Filipe, E.; Cottle, D.; Traynor, T.; Martínez, M. V. Trasmonte; Márquez, M. Pérez; Gómez, L. Colino; Martínez, N. Arias; Muñoz, J. M. Milicua; Bellver, B. Quesada; Varea, M. Muñoz; Llorente, M. Á. Alcalá; Calvo, C. Pérez; Hillier, S. D.; Faulds, M. C.; Hendra, H.; Lawrence, N.; Maekawa, K.; Hayakawa, M.; Ono, Y.; Kodate, A.; Sadamoto, Y.; Tominaga, N.; Mizugaki, A.; Murakami, H.; Yoshida, T.; Katabami, K.; Wada, T.; Sawamura, A.; Gando, S.; Silva, S.; Kerhuel, L.; Malagurski, B.; Citerio, G.; Chabanne, R.; Laureys, S.; Puybasset, L.; Nobile, L.; Pognuz, E. R.; Rossetti, A. O.; Verginella, F.; Gaspard, N.; Creteur, J.; Ben-Hamouda, N.; Oddo, M.; Taccone, F. S.; Ono, Y.; Hayakawa, M.; Iijima, H.; Maekawa, K.; Kodate, A.; Sadamoto, Y.; Mizugaki, A.; Murakami, H.; Katabami, K.; Wada, T.; Sawamura, A.; Gando, S.; Kodate, A.; Katabami, K.; Wada, T.; Ono, Y.; Maekawa, K.; Hayakawa, M.; Sawamura, A.; Gando, S.; Andersen, L. W.; Raymond, T.; Berg, R.; Nadkarni, V.; Grossestreuer, A.; Kurth, T.; Donnino, M.; Krüger, A.; Ostadal, P.; Janotka, M.; Vondrakova, D.; Kongpolprom, N.; Cholkraisuwat, J.; Pekkarinen, P. T.; Ristagno, G.; Masson, S.; Latini, R.; Bendel, S.; Ala-Kokko, T.; Varpula, T.; Vaahersalo, J.; Hoppu, S.; Tiainen, M.; Mion, M. M.; Plebani, M.; Pettilä, V.; Skrifvars, M.B.; Son, Y.; Kim, K. S.; Suh, G. J.; Kwon, W. Y.; Ko, J. I.; Park, M. J.; Cavicchi, F. Zama; Iesu, E.; Nobile, L.; Vincent, J. L.; Creteur, J.; Taccone, F. S.; Tanaka, H.; Otani, N.; Ode, S.; Ishimatsu, S.; Martínez, L.; Algarte, R.; Sánchez, B.; Romero, I.; Martínez, F.; Quintana, S.; Trenado, J.; Vondrakova, D.; Ostadal, P.; Kruger, A.; Janotka, M.; Malek, F.; Neuzil, P.; Yeh, Y. C.; Chen, Y. S.; Wang, C. H.; Huang, C. H.; Chao, A.; Lee, C. T.; Lai, C. H.; Chan, W. S.; Cheng, Y. J.; Sun, W. Z.; Kaese, S.; Horstmann, C.; Lebiedz, P.; Mourad, M.; Gaudard, P.; Eliet, J.; Zeroual, N.; Colson, P.; Ostadal, P.; Mlcek, M.; Hrachovina, M.; Kruger, A.; Vondrakova, D.; Janotka, M.; Mates, M.; Hala, P.; Kittnar, O.; Neuzil, P.; Jacky, A.; Rudiger, A.; Spahn, D. R.; Bettex, D. A.; Kara, A.; Akin, S.; Dos reis Miranda, D.; Struijs, A.; Caliskan, K.; van Thiel, R. J.; Dubois, E. A.; de Wilde, W.; Zijlstra, F.; Gommers, D.; Ince, C.; Marca, L.; Xini, A.; Mongkolpun, W.; Cordeiro, C. P. R.; Leite, R. T.; Lheureux, O.; Bader, A.; Rincon, L.; Santacruz, C.; Preiser, J. C.; Chao, A.; Chao, A. S.; Chen, Y. S.; Kim, W.; Ahn, C.; Cho, Y.; Lim, T. H.; Oh, J.; Choi, K. S.; Jang, B. H.; Ha, J. K.; Mecklenburg, A.; Stamm, J.; Soeffker, G.; Kubik, M.; Sydow, K.; Reichenspurner, H.; Kluge, S.; Braune, S.; Bergantino, B.; Ruberto, F.; Magnanimi, E.; Privato, E.; Zullino, V.; Bruno, K.; Pugliese, F.; Sales, G.; Girotto, V.; Vittone, F.; Brazzi, L.; Fritz, C.; Kimmoun, A.; Vanhuyse, F.; Trifan, B.; Orlowski, S.; Albuisson, E.; Tran, N.; Levy, B.; Chhor, V.; Joachim, J.; Follin, A.; Champigneulle, B.; Chatelon, J.; Fave, G.; Mantz, J.; Pirracchio, R.; Diaz, D. Díaz; Villanova, M.; Aguirregabyria, M.; Andrade, G.; López, L.; Palencia, E.; John, G.; Cowan, R.; Hart, R.; Lake, K.; Litchfield, K.; Song, J. W.; Lee, Y. J.; Cho, Y. J.; Choi, S.; Vermeir, P.; Vandijck, D.; Blot, S.; Mariman, A.; Verhaeghe, R.; Deveugele, M.; Vogelaers, D.; Chok, L.; Bachli, E. B.; Bettex, D.; Cottini, S. R.; Keller, E.; Maggiorini, M.; Schuepbach, R.; Fiks, T.; Stiphout, C.; Grevelink, M.; Vaneker, I.; Ruijter, A.; Buise, M.; Spronk, P. E.; Tena, S. Altaba; Barrachina, L. Galarza; Portillo, J. H. Rodriguez; Aznar, G. Pagés; Campos, L. Mateu; Sellés, M. D. Ferrándiz; Tomás, M. Arlandis; Muncharaz, A. Belenguer; Skinner, L.; Monsalvo, S.; Olavarria, E.; Stümpfle, R.; Na, S. J.; Park, J.; Chung, C. R.; Park, C. M.; Suh, G. Y.; Yang, J. H.; Witter, T.; Brousseau, C.; Butler, M. B.; Erdogan, M.; Dougall, P. C. Mac; Green, R. S.; Abbott, T. E. F.; Torrance, H. D. T.; Cron, N.; Vaid, N.; Emmanuel, J.; Siddiqui, S. S.; Prabu, N.; Chaudhari, H. K.; Patil, V. P.; Divatia, J. V.; Solanki, S.; Kulkarni, A. P.; Gutierrez, L. A. Rincon; Bader, A.; Brasseur, A.; Lheureux, O.; Vincent, J. L.; Creteur, J.; Taccone, F. S.; Hempel, D.; Stauffert, N.; Recker, F.; Schröder, T.; Reusch, S.; Schleifer, J.; Breitkreutz, R.; Sjövall, F.; Perner, A.; Møller, M. Hylander; Moraes, R. B.; Borges, F. K.; Guillen, J. A. V.; Zabaletta, W. J. C.; Ruiz-Ramos, J.; Ramirez, P.; Marqués-Miñana, M. R.; Villarreal, E.; Gordon, M.; Sosa, M.; Concha, P.; Castellanos, A.; Menendez, R.; Ramírez, C. Sánchez; Santana, M. Cabrera; Balcázar, L. Caipe; Escalada, S. Hípola; Viera, M. A. Hernández; Vázquez, C. F. Lübbe; Díaz, J. J. Díaz; Campelo, F. Artiles; Monroy, N. Sangil; Santana, P. Saavedra; Santana, S. Ruiz; Gutiérrez-Pizarraya, A.; Garnacho-Montero, J.; Martin, C.; Baumstarck, K.; Leone, M.; Martín-Loeches, I.; Pirracchio, R.; Legrand, M.; Mainardi, J. L.; Mantz, J.; Cholley, B.; Hubbard, A.; Frontera, P. Ruiz; Vega, L. M. Claraco; Miguelena, P. Ruiz de Gopegui; Usón, M. C. Villuendas; López, A. Rezusta; Clemente, E. Aurensanz; Ibañes, P. Gutiérrez; Aguilar, A. L. Ruiz; Palomar, M.; Olaechea, P.; Uriona, S.; Vallverdu, M.; Catalan, M.; Nuvials, X.; Aragon, C.; Lerma, F. Alvarez; Jeon, Y. D.; Jeong, W. Y.; Kim, M. H.; Jeong, I. Y.; Ahn, M. Y.; Ahn, J. Y.; Han, S. H.; Choi, J. Y.; Song, Y. G.; Kim, J. M.; Ku, N. S.; Bassi, G. Li; Xiol, E. Aguilera; Senussi, T.; Idone, F. A.; Motos, A.; Chiurazzi, C.; Travierso, C.; Fernández-Barat, L.; Amaro, R.; Hua, Y.; Ranzani, O. T.; Bobi, Q.; Rigol, M.; Torres, A.; Fernández, I. Fuentes; Soler, E. Andreu; de Vera, A. Pareja Rodríguez; Pastor, E. Escudero; Hernandis, V.; Ros Martínez, J.; Rubio, R. Jara; Torner, M. Miralbés; Brugger, S. Carvalho; Eroles, A. Aragones; Moles, S. Iglesias; Cabello, J. Trujillano; Schoenenberger, J. A.; Casals, X. Nuvials; Vidal, M. Vallverdu; Garrido, B. Balsera; Martinez, M. Palomar; Mirabella, L.; Cotoia, A.; Tullo, L.; Stella, A.; Di Bello, F.; Di Gregorio, A.; Dambrosio, M.; Cinnella, G.; Rosario, L. E. de la Cruz; Lesmes, S. P. Gómez; Romero, J. C. García; Herrera, A. N. García; Pertuz, E. D. Díaz; Sánchez, M. J. Gómez; Sanz, E. Regidor; Hualde, J. Barado; Hernández, A. Ansotegui; Ramirez, J. Roldán; Takahashi, H.; Kazutoshi, F.; Okada, Y.; Oobayashi, W.; Naito, T.; Baidya, D. K.; Maitra, S.; Anand, R. K.; Ray, B. R.; Arora, M. K.; Ruffini, C.; Rota, L.; Corona, A.; Sesana, G.; Ravasi, S.; Catena, E.; Naumann, D. N.; Mellis, C.; Husheer, S. L.; Bishop, J.; Midwinter, M. J.; Hutchings, S.; Corradi, F.; Brusasco, C.; Manca, T.; Ramelli, A.; Lattuada, M.; Nicolini, F.; Gherli, T.; Vezzani, A.; Young, A.; Carmona, A. Fernández; Santiago, A. Iglesias; Guillamon, L. Navarro; Delgado, M. J. García; Delgado-Amaya, M.; Curiel-Balsera, E.; Rivera-Romero, L.; Castillo-Lorente, E.; Carrero-Gómez, F.; Aguayo-DeHoyos, E.; Healey, A. J.; Cameron, C.; Jiao, L.R.; Stümpfle, R.; Pérez, A.; Martin, S.; del Moral, O. Lopez; Toval, S.; Rico, J.; Aldecoa, C.; Oguzhan, K.; Demirkiran, O.; Kirman, M.; Bozbay, S.; Kosuk, M. E.; Asyralyyeva, G.; Dilek, M.; Duzgun, M.; Telli, S.; Aydin, M.; Yilmazer, F.; Hodgson, L. E.; Dimitrov, B. D.; Stubbs, C.; Forni, L. G.; Venn, R.; Vedage, D.; Shawaf, S.; Naran, P.; Sirisena, N.; Kinnear, J.; Dimitrov, B. D.; Hodgson, L. E.; Stubbs, C.; Forni, L. G.; Venn, R.; Londoño, J. Gonzalez; Cardenas, C. Lorencio; Ginés, A. Sánchez; Gubianas, C. Murcia; Sánchez, E. Clapes; Sirvent, J. M.; Panafidina, V.; Shlyk, I.; Ilyina, V.; Judickas, S.; Kezyte, G.; Urbanaviciute, I.; Serpytis, M.; Gaizauskas, E.; Sipylaite, J.; Sprung, C. L.; Munteanu, G.; Morales, R. C.; Kasdan, H.; Volker, T.; Reiter, A.; Cohen, Y.; Himmel, Y.; Meissonnier, J.; Banderas-Bravo, M. E.; Gómez-Jiménez, C.; García-Martínez, M. V.; Martínez-Carmona, J. F.; Fernández-Ortega, J. F.; O‘Dwyer, M. J.; Starczewska, M.; Wilks, M.; Vincent, J. L.; Torsvik, M.; Gustad, L. T.; Bangstad, I. L.; Vinje, L. J.; Damås, J. K.; Solligård, E.; Mehl, A.; Tsunoda, M.; Kang, M.; Saito, M.; Saito, N.; Akizuki, N.; Namiki, M.; Takeda, M.; Yuzawa, J.; Yaguchi, A.; Frantzeskaki, F.; Tsirigotis, P.; Chondropoulos, S.; Paramythiotou, E.; Theodorakopoulou, M.; Stamouli, M.; Gkirkas, K.; Dimopoulou, I. K.; Makiko, S.; Tsunoda, M.; Kang, M.; Yuzawa, J.; Akiduki, N.; Namiki, M.; Takeda, M.; Yaguchi, A.; Preau, S.; Ambler, M.; Sigurta, A.; Saeed, S.; Singer, M.; Jochmans, S.; Chelly, J.; Vong, L. V. P.; Sy, O.; Serbource-Goguel, J.; Rolin, N.; Weyer, C. M.; Abdallah, R. I.; Adrie, C.; Vinsonneau, C.; Monchi, M.; Mayr, U.; Huber, W.; Karsten, E.; Lahmer, T.; Thies, P.; Henschel, B.; Fischer, G.; Schmid, R. M.; Ediboglu, O.; Ataman, S.; Naz, I.; Yaman, G.; Kirakli, C.; Su, P. L.; Kou, P. S.; Lin, W. C.; Chen, C. W.; Lozano, J. A. Benítez; Sánchez, P. Carmona; Francioni, J. E. Barrueco; Ferrón, F. Ruiz; Simón, J. M. Serrano; Riad, Z.; Mezidi, M.; Aublanc, M.; Perinel, S.; Lissonde, F.; Louf-Durier, A.; Yonis, H.; Tapponnier, R.; Richard, J. C.; Louis, B.; Guérin, C.; Mezidi, M.; Yonis, H.; Aublanc, M.; Lissonde, F.; Louf-Durier, A.; Perinel, S.; Tapponnier, R.; Richard, J. C.; Guérin, C.; Marmanidou, K.; Oikonomou, M.; Nouris, C.; Loizou, C.; Soilemezi, E.; Matamis, D.; Somhorst, P.; Gommers, D.; Hayashi, K.; Hirayama, T.; Yumoto, T.; Tsukahara, K.; Iida, A.; Nosaka, N.; Sato, K.; Ugawa, T.; Nakao, A.; Ujike, Y.; Hirohata, S.; Mojoli, F.; Torriglia, F.; Giannantonio, M.; Orlando, A.; Bianzina, S.; Tavazzi, G.; Mongodi, S.; Pozzi, M.; Iotti, G. A.; Braschi, A.; Jansen, D.; Gadgil, S.; Doorduin, J.; Roesthuis, L.; van der Hoeven, J. G.; Heunks, L. M. A.; Chen, G. Q.; Sun, X. M.; He, X.; Yang, Y. L.; Shi, Z. H.; Xu, M.; Zhou, J. X.; Pereira, S. M.; Tucci, M. R.; Tonelotto, B. F. F.; Simoes, C. M.; Morais, C. C. A.; Pompeo, M. S.; Kay, F. U.; Amato, M. B. P.; Vieira, J. E.; Suzuki, S.; Mihara, Y.; Hikasa, Y.; Okahara, S.; Morimatsu, H.; Kwon, H. M.; Moon, Y. J.; Lee, S. H.; Jung, K. W.; Shin, W. J.; Jun, I. G.; Song, J. G.; Hwang, G. S.; Lee, S.; Moon, Y. J.; Kwon, H. M.; Jung, K.; Shin, W. J.; Jun, I. G.; Song, J. G.; Hwang, G. S.; Ramelli, A.; Manca, T.; Corradi, F.; Brusasco, C.; Nicolini, F.; Gherli, T.; Brianti, R.; Fanzaghi, P.; Vezzani, A.; Tudor, B. A.; Klaus, D. A.; Lebherz-Eichinger, D.; Lechner, C.; Schwarz, C.; Bodingbauer, M.; Seemann, R.; Kaczirek, K.; Fleischmann, E.; Roth, G. A.; Krenn, C. G.; Malyshev, A.; Sergey, S.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Nomura, T.; Yoshitake, E.; Idei, M.; Yoshida, T.; Takaki, S.; Yamaguchi, O.; Kaneko, M.; Goto, T.; Tencé, N.; Zaien, I.; Wolf, M.; Trouiller, P.; Jacobs, F. M.; Kelly, J. M.; Veigas, P.; Hollands, S.; Min, A.; Rizoli, S.; Robles, C. M. Coronado; de Oca Sandoval, M. A. Montes; Tarabrin, O.; Gavrychenko, D.; Mazurenko, G.; Tarabrin, P.; Garcia, I. Palacios; Martin, A. Diaz; Mendez, M. Casado; orden, V. Arellano; Noval, R. Leal; McCue, C.; Gemmell, L.; MacKay, A.; Luján, J.; Villa, P.; Llorente, B.; Molina, R.; Alcázar, L.; Juanas, C. Arenillas; Rogero, S.; Pascual, T.; Cambronero, J. A.; Almudévar, P. Matía; Domínguez, J. Palamidessi; Carmona, S. Alcántara; Castañeda, D. Palacios; Abellán, A. Naharro; Lucendo, A. Pérez; Pérez, L. Pérez; Rivas, R. Fernández; Sanz, N. Martínez; Ramos, J. Veganzones; Villamizar, P. Rodríguez; Javadpour, S.; Kalani, N.; Amininejad, T.; Jamali, S.; Sobhanian, S.; Laurent, A.; Bonnet, M.; Rigal, R.; Aslanian, P.; Hebert, P.; Capellier, G.; Contreras, M. R. Diaz; Mejías, C. Rodriguez; Ruiz, F. C. Santiago; Lombardo, M. Duro; Perez, J. Castaño; de Hoyos, E. Aguayo; Estella, A.; Viciana, R.; Fontaiña, L. Perez; Rico, T.; Madueño, V. Perez; Recuerda, M.; Fernández, L.; Sandiumenge, A.; Bonet, S.; Mazo, C.; Rubiera, M.; Ruiz-Rodríguez, J. C.; Gracia, R. M.; Espinel, E.; Pont, T.; Kotsopoulos, A.; Jansen, N.; Abdo, W. F.; Gopcevic, A.; Gavranovic, Z.; Vucic, M.; Glogoski, M. Zlatic; Penavic, L. Videc; Horvat, A.; Martin-Villen, L.; Egea-Guerero, J. J.; Revuelto-Rey, J.; Aldabo-Pallas, T.; Correa-Chamorro, E.; Gallego-Corpa, A. I.; Granados, P. Ruiz del Portal-Ruiz; Faivre, V.; Wildenberg, L.; Huot, B.; Lukaszewicz, A. C.; Simsir, M.; Mengelle, C.; Payen, D.; Sanz, N. Martinez; Valbuena, B. Lobo; de la Fuente, M. Valdivia; Almudena, P. Matía; Pérez, L. Pérez; Carmona, S. Alcántara; Abellán, A. Navarro; Simón, I. Fernández; Muñoz, J. J. Rubio; Ramos, J. Veganzones; Carmona, S. Alcantara; Almudevar, P. Matia; Abellan, A. Naharro; Lucendo, M. A. Perez; Perez, L. Perez; Dominguez, J. Palamidessi; Rivas, R. Fernandez; Villamizar, P. Rodriguez; Wee, S.; Ong, C.; Lau, Y. H.; Wong, Y.; Banderas-Bravo, M. E.; Olea-Jiménez, V.; Mora-Ordóñez, J. M.; Gómez-Jiménez, C.; Muñoz-Muñoz, J. L.; Vallejo-Báez, J.; Daga-Ruiz, D.; Lebrón-Gallardo, M.; Rialp, G.; Raurich, J. M.; Morán, I.; Martín, M. C.; Heras, G.; Mas, A.; Vallverdú, I.; Hraiech, S.; Bourenne, J.; Guervilly, C.; Forel, J. M.; Adda, M.; Sylla, P.; Mouaci, A.; Gainnier, M.; Papazian, L.; Bauer, P. R.; Kumbamu, A.; Wilson, M. E.; Pannu, J. K.; Egginton, J. S.; Kashyap, R.; Gajic, O.; Yoshihiro, S.; Sakuraya, M.; Hayakawa, M.; Hirata, A.; Kawamura, N.; Tsutui, T.; Yoshida, K.; Hashimoto, Y.; Chang, C. H.; Hu, H. C.; Chiu, L. C.; Hung, C. Y.; Li, S. H.; Kao, K. C.; Sibley, S.; Drover, J.; D’Arsigny, C.; Parker, C.; Howes, D.; Moffatt, S.; Erb, J.; Ilan, R.; Messenger, D.; Ball, I.; Boyd, J. G.; Harrison, M.; Ridi, S.; Muscedere, J.; Andrade, A. H.; Costa, R. C.; Souza, V. A.; Gonzalez, V.; Amorim, V.; Rolla, F.; Filho, C. A. C. Abreu; Miranda, R.; Atchasiri, S.; Buranavanich, P.; Wathanawatthu, T.; Suwanpasu, S.; Bureau, C.; Rolland-Debord, C.; Poitou, T.; Clavel, M.; Perbet, S.; Terzi, N.; Kouatchet, A.; Similowski, T.; Demoule, A.; Diaz, P.; Nunes, J.; Escórcio, S.; Silva, G.; Chaves, S.; Jardim, M.; Câmara, M.; Fernandes, N.; Duarte, R.; Jardim, J. J.; Pereira, C. A.; Nóbrega, J. J.; Chen, C. M.; Lai, C. C.; Cheng, K. C.; Chou, W.; Lee, S. J.; Cha, Y. S.; Lee, W. Y.; Onodera, M.; Nakataki, E.; Oto, J.; Imanaka, H.; Nishimura, M.; Khadjibaev, A.; Sabirov, D.; Rosstalnaya, A.; Akalaev, R.; Parpibaev, F.; Antonucci, E.; Rossini, P.; Gandolfi, S.; Montini, E.; Orlando, S.; van Nes, M.; Karachi, F.; Hanekom, S.; Andrade, A. H.; Pereira, U. V.; Filho, C. A. C. Abreu; Costa, R. C.; Parkin, M. S. W.; Moore, M.; Andrade, A. H.; Costa, R. C.; Carvalho, K. V. Silva; Filho, C. A. C. Abreu; Min, H. J.; Kim, H. J.; Lee, D. S.; Choi, Y. Y.; Lee, E. Y.; Song, I.; Kim, D. J.; E, Y. Y.; Kim, J. W.; Park, J. S.; Cho, Y. J.; Lee, J. H.; Suh, J. W.; Jo, Y. H.; Kim, K. S.; Lee, Y. J.; Ferrero-Calleja, J.; Merino-Vega, D.; González-Jiménez, A. I.; Sigcha, M. Sigcha; Hernández-Tejedor, A.; Martin-Vivas, A.; Gabán-Díez, Á.; Luna, R. Ruiz-de; De la Calle-Pedrosa, N.; Temprano-Gómez, I.; Afonso-Rivero, D.; Pellin-Ariño, J. I.; Algora-Weber, A.; Fumis, R. R. L.; Ferraz, A. B.; Junior, J. M. Vieira; Kirca, H.; Cakin, O.; Unal, M.; Mutlu, H.; Ramazanoglu, A.; Cengiz, M.; Nicolini, E. A.; Pelisson, F. G. F.; Nunes, R. S.; da Silva, S. L.; Carreira, M. M.; Bellissimo-Rodrigues, F.; Ferez, M. A.; Basile-Filho, A.; Chao, H. C.; Chen, C. M.; Chen, L.; Hravnak, M.; Clermont, G.; Pinsky, M.; Dubrawski, A.; Varas, J. Luján; Montero, R. Molina; Sánchez-Elvira, L. Alcázar; Díaz, P. Villa; Delgado, C. Pintado; Ruiz, B. Llorente; Guerrero, A. Pardo; Galache, J. A. Cambronero; Sherif, H.; Hassanin, H.; El Hossainy, R.; Samy, W.; Ly, H.; David, H.; Burtin, P.; Charpentier, C.; Barral, M.; Courant, P.; Fournel, E.; Gaide-Chevronnay, L.; Durand, M.; Albaladejo, P.; Payen, J. F.; Chavanon, O.; Ortiz, A. Blandino; Pozzebon, S.; Lheureux, O.; Brasseur, A.; Vincent, J. L.; Creteur, J.; Taccone, F. S.; Fumagalli, F.; Scala, S.; Affatato, R.; De Maglie, M.; Zani, D.; Novelli, D.; Marra, C.; Luciani, A.; De Zani, D.; Luini, M.; Letizia, T.; Pravettoni, D.; Staszewsky, L.; Masson, S.; Belloli, A.; Di Giancamillo, M.; Scanziani, E.; Latini, R.; Ristagno, G.; Kye, Y. C.; Suh, G. J.; Kwon, W. Y.; Kim, K. S.; Yu, K. M.; Babini, G.; Ristagno, G.; Grassi, L.; Fumagalli, F.; Bendel, S.; De Maglie, M.; Affatato, R.; Masson, S.; Latini, R.; Scanziani, E.; Reinikainen, M.; Skrifvars, M.; Kappler, F.; Blobner, M.; Schaller, S. J.; Roasio, A.; Costanzo, E.; Cardellino, S.; Iesu, E.; Cavicchi, F. Zama; Fontana, V.; Nobile, L.; Vincent, J. L.; Creteur, J.; Taccone, F. S.; Park, M.; You, K. M.; Suh, G. J.; Kwon, W. Y.; Ko, S. B.; Kim, K. S.; Xini, A.; Marca, L.; Lheureux, O.; Brasseur, A.; Vincent, J. L.; Creteur, J.; Taccone, F. S.; Beane, A.; Thilakasiri, M. C. K. T.; De Silva, A. P.; Stephens, T.; Sigera, C. S.; Athapattu, P.; Jayasinghe, S.; Padeniya, A.; Haniffa, R.; Santiago, A. Iglesias; Sáez, V. Chica; Ruiz-Ruano, R. de la Chica; González, A. Sánchez; Kunze-Szikszay, N.; Wand, S.; Klapsing, P.; Wetz, A.; Heyne, T.; Schwerdtfeger, K.; Troeltzsch, M.; Bauer, M.; Quintel, M.; Moerer, O.; Cook, D. J.; Rutherford, W. B.; Scales, D. C.; Adhikari, N. K.; Cuthbertson, B. H.; Suzuki, T.; Takei, T.; Fushimi, K.; Iwamoto, M.; Nakagawa, S.; Mendsaikhan, N.; Begzjav, T.; Lundeg, G.; Dünser, M. W.; Romero, D. González; Cabrera, J. L. Santana; Santana, J. D. Martín; Padilla, Y. Santana; Pérez, H. Rodríguez; Torrent, R. Lorenzo; Kleinpell, R.; Chouris, I.; Radu, V.; Stougianni, M.; Lavrentieva, A.; Lagonidis, D.; Price, R. D. T.; Day, A.; Arora, N.; Henderson, M. A.; Hickey, S.; Costa, M. I. Almeida; Carvalho, J. P.; Gomes, A. A.; Mergulhão, P. J.; Chan, K. K. C.; Shum, H. P.; Yan, W. W.; Maghsoudi, B.; Tabei, S. H.; Masjedi, M.; Sabetian, G.; Tabatabaei, H. R.; Akbarzadeh, A.; Saigal, S.; Pakhare, A.; Joshi, R.; Pattnaik, S. K.; Ray, B.; Rousseau, A. F.; Michel, L.; Bawin, M.; Cavalier, E.; Reginster, J. Y.; Damas, P.; Bruyere, O.; Zhou, J. C.; Cauwenberghs, H.; De Backer, A.; Neels, H.; Deblier, I.; Berghmans, J.; Himpe, D.; Barea-Mendoza, J. A.; Portillo, I. Prieto; Fernández, M. Valiente; Gigorro, R. Garcia; Vela, J. L. Perez; Mateos, H. Marín; Alves, S. Chacón; Varas, G. Morales; Rodriguez-Biendicho, A.; Carreño, E. Renes; González, J. C. Montejo; Yang, J. S.; Chiang, C. H.; Hung, W. T.; Huang, W. C.; Cheng, C. C.; Lin, K. C.; Lin, S. C.; Chiou, K. R.; Wann, S. R.; Lin, K. L.; Kang, P. L.; Mar, G. Y.; Liu, C. P.; Zhou, J. C.; Choi, Y. J.; Yoon, S. Z.; Gordillo-Brenes, A.; Fernandez-Zamora, M. D.; Perez-Borrero, L.; Arias-Verdu, M. D.; Aguilar-Alonso, E.; Herruzo-Aviles, A.; Garcia-Delgado, M.; Hinojosa-Perez, R.; Curiel-Balsera, E.; Rivera-Fernandez, R.; Lesmes, S. P. Gómez; Rosario, L. E. De la Cruz; Hernández, A. Ansotegui; Herrera, A. N. García; Sanz, E. Regidor; Sánchez, M. J. Gómez; Hualde, J. Barado; Pascual, O. Agudo; León, J. P. Tirapu; Irazabal, J. M. Guergue; Pérez, A. González; Fernández, P. Alvarez; Amor, L. Lopéz; Albaiceta, G. Muñiz; Lesmes, S. P. Gómez; Rosario, L. E. De la Cruz; Hernández, A. Ansotegui; Sanz, E. Regidor; Sánchez, M. J. Gómez; Calvo, S. Aldunate; Herrera, A. N. García; Hualde, J. Barado; Pascual, O. Agudo; León, J. P. Tirapu; Corona, A.; Ruffini, C.; Spazzadeschi, A.; Marrazzo, F.; Gandola, A.; Sciurti, R.; Savi, C.; Catena, E.; Ke, M. W.; Cheng, C. C.; Huang, W. C.; Chiang, C. H.; Hung, W. T.; Lin, K. C.; Lin, S. C.; Wann, S. R.; Chiou, K. R.; Tseng, C. J.; Kang, P. L.; Mar, G. Y.; Liu, C. P.; Bertini, P.; De Sanctis, F.; Guarracino, F.; Bertini, P.; Baldassarri, R.; Guarracino, F.; Buitinck, S. H.; van der Voort, P. H. J.; Oto, J.; Nakataki, E.; Tsunano, Y.; Izawa, M.; Tane, N.; Onodera, M.; Nishimura, M.; Ghosh, S.; Gupta, A.; De Gasperi, A.; Mazza, E.; Limuti, R.; Prosperi, M.; Bissenova, N.; Yergaliyeva, A.; Talan, L.; Yılmaz, G.; Güven, G.; Yoruk, F.; Altıntas, N. D.; Mukherjee, D. N.; Agarwal, L. K.; Mandal, K.; Palomar, M.; Balsera, B.; Vallverdu, M.; Martinez, M.; Garcia, M.; Castellana, D.; Lopez, R.; Barcenilla, F.; Kaminsky, G. E.; Carreño, R.; Escribá, A.; Fuentes, M.; Gálvez, V.; Del Olmo, R.; Nieto, B.; Vaquerizo, C.; Alvarez, J.; De la Torre, M. A.; Torres, E.; Bogossian, E.; Nouer, S. Aranha; Salgado, D. Ribeiro; Brugger, S. Carvalho; Jiménez, G. Jiménez; Torner, M. Miralbés; Vidal, M. Vallverdú; Garrido, B. Balsera; Casals, X. Nuvials; Gaite, F. Barcenilla; Cabello, J. Trujillano; Martínez, M. Palomar; Doganci, M.; Izdes, S.; Besevli, S. Guzeldag; Alkan, A.; Kayaaslan, B.; Ramírez, C. Sánchez; Balcázar, L. Caipe; Santana, M. Cabrera; Viera, M. A. Hernández; Escalada, S. Hípola; Vázquez, C. F. Lübbe; Penichet, S. M. Marrero; Campelo, F. Artiles; López, M. A. De La Cal; Santana, P. Saavedra; Santana, S. Ruíz; Repessé, X.; Artiguenave, M.; Paktoris-Papine, S.; Espinasse, F.; Dinh, A.; El Sayed, F.; Charron, C.; Géri, G.; Vieillard-Baron, A.; Marmanidou, K.; Oikonomou, M.; Nouris, C.; Dimitroulakis, K.; Soilemezi, E.; Matamis, D.; Ferré, A.; Guillot, M.; Teboul, J. L.; Lichtenstein, D.; Mézière, G.; Richard, C.; Monnet, X.; Pham, T.; Beduneau, G.; Schortgen, F.; Piquilloud, L.; Zogheib, E.; Jonas, M.; Grelon, F.; Runge, I.; Terzi, N.; Grangé, S.; Barberet, G.; Guitard, P. G.; Frat, J. P.; Constan, A.; Chrétien, J. M.; Mancebo, J.; Mercat, A.; Richard, J. C. M.; Brochard, L.; Prīdāne, S.; Sabeļņikovs, O.; Mojoli, F.; Orlando, A.; Bianchi, I.; Torriglia, F.; Bianzina, S.; Pozzi, M.; Iotti, G. A.; Braschi, A.; Beduneau, G.; Pham, T.; Schortgen, F.; Piquilloud, L.; Zogheib, E.; Jonas, M.; Grelon, F.; Runge, I.; Terzi, N.; Grangé, S.; Barberet, G.; Guitard, P. G.; Frat, J. P.; Constan, A.; Chrétien, J. M.; Mancebo, J.; Mercat, A.; Richard, J. C. M.; Brochard, L.; Kondili, E.; Psarologakis, C.; Kokkini, S.; Amargianitakis, V.; Babalis, D.; Chytas, A.; Chouvarda, I.; Vaporidi, K.; Georgopoulos, D.; Trapp, O.; Kalenka, A.; Mojoli, F.; Orlando, A.; Bianchi, I.; Torriglia, F.; Bianzina, S.; Pozzi, M.; Iotti, G. A.; Braschi, A.; Lozano, J. A. Benítez; Sánchez, P. Carmona; Francioni, J. E. Barrueco; Ferrón, F. Ruiz; Simón, J. M. Serrano; Spadaro, S.; Karbing, D. S.; Gioia, A.; Moro, F.; Corte, F. Dalla; Mauri, T.; Volta, C. A.; Rees, S. E.; Petrova, M. V.; Mohan, R.; Butrov, A. V.; Beeharry, S. D.; Vatsik, M. V.; Sakieva, F. I.; Gobert, F.; Yonis, H.; Tapponnier, R.; Fernandez, R.; Labaune, M. A.; Burle, J. F.; Barbier, J.; Vincent, B.; Cleyet, M.; Richard, J. C.; Guérin, C.; Shinotsuka, C. Righy; Creteur, J.; Taccone, F. S.; Törnblom, S.; Nisula, S.; Vaara, S.; Poukkanen, M.; Andersson, S.; Pettilä, V.; Pesonen, E.; Xie, Z.; Liao, X.; Kang, Y.; Zhang, J.; Kubota, K.; Egi, M.; Mizobuchi, S.; Hegazy, S.; El-Keraie, A.; El Sayed, E.; El Hamid, M. Abd; Rodrigues, N. J.; Pereira, M.; Godinho, I.; Gameiro, J.; Neves, M.; Gouveia, J.; e Silva, Z. Costa; Lopes, J. A.; Mckinlay, J.; Kostalas, M.; Kooner, G.; Dudas, G.; Horton, A.; Kerr, C.; Karanjia, N.; Creagh-Brown, B.; Forni, L.; Yamazaki, A.; Ganuza, M. Sanz; Molina, J. A. Martinez; Martinez, F. Hidalgo; Freile, M. T. Chiquito; Fernandez, N. Garcia; Travieso, P. Medrano; Bandert, A.; Frithiof, R.; Lipcsey, M.; Smekal, D.; Schlaepfer, P.; Durovray, J. D.; Plouhinec, V.; Chiappa, C.; Bellomo, R.; Schneider, A. G.; Mitchell, S.; Durrant, J.; Street, H.; Dunthorne, E.; Shears, J.; Caballero, C. Hernandez; Hutchison, R.; Schwarze, S.; Ghabina, S.; Thompson, E.; Prowle, J. R.; Kirwan, C. J.; Gonzalez, C. A.; Pinto, J. L.; Orozco, V.; Patiño, J. A.; Garcia, P. K.; Contreras, K. M.; Rodriguez, P.; Echeverri, J. E. title: ESICM LIVES 2016: part three: Milan, Italy. 1–5 October 2016 date: 2016-09-29 journal: Intensive Care Med Exp DOI: 10.1186/s40635-016-0100-7 sha: doc_id: 14533 cord_uid: 6qfecv5h nan months is better than Cole's formula. keywords: 1,2; 95%ci; a. a.; a. n.; a. s.; abstract; accuracy; acinetobacter; acquisition; activation; active; activity; actual; acute; addition; adequate; adjusted; administration; admission; adult patients; adults; adverse; aetiology; affected; afib; age; aged; agreement; aim; airway; aki; albicans; analysis; and/or; anesthesia; animals; antibiotic; antimicrobial; aortic; apache; approach; appropriate; aptt; ards patients; area; argon; arrest; arterial; artery; aspiration; assessment; assisted; associated; association; asthma; asynchrony; atb; auc; audit; available; average; bacterial; balloon; basal; baseline; bed; beds; bedside; benefit; better; bgl; biomarkers; bleeding; blood; blood pressure; bloodstream; body; brain; breathing; breaths; bundle; bystander; c. a.; c. c.; c. h.; c. l.; c. m.; c. p.; calculated; candida; candidemia; cannulation; carbon; cardiac; cardiac arrest; cardiac surgery; cardiopulmonary; cardiovascular; care; care patients; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cells; center; central; centre; cerebral; changes; characteristics; chen; chest; children; chlorhexidine; chronic; circulation; circulatory; clinical; cmh; cmh2o; coagulation; coefficient; cognitive; cohort; cohort study; colistin; collapse; colonization; colonized; comatose; combination; combined; committee; common; comorbidities; comparison; complete; complex; compliance; complications; components; concentration; concept; conclusions; conditions; confidence; confirmed; consecutive patients; consensus; consumption; continuous; control; conventional; coronary; correlation; costs; countries; course; cpc; cpr; creatinine; criteria; critical; critical care; cross; crrt; cultures; current; curve; cvc; cytokine; d. s.; daily; data; database; day mortality; days; death; december; decision; decrease; defibrillation; definition; deflation; delayed; delirium; demographic; dengue; density; department; descriptive; detection; development; device; diagnosis; diaphragmatic; differences; different; dioxide; discharge; discontinuation; disease; distress; documented; donation; donors; dose; driving; drug; duration; dysfunction; díaz; eadi; early; ecmo; education; eeg; eelv; effect; effectiveness; efficacy; effort; elastance; elderly patients; eligible; eligible patients; emergency; end; endotoxin; escalation; esmolol; esophageal; estimate; estimation; evaluation; event; evidence; expected; experience; experimental; extracorporeal; extubation; f. s.; factors; failure; family; feedback; feeding; fernández; fever; figure; filter; findings; flow; fluconazole; fluid; focus; follow; formula; frail; frailty; frequency; frequent; function; fungal; g. a.; games; garcía; gas; gender; general; germany; goal; good; grant; greater; group; guidelines; gómez; h. m.; health; healthcare; heart; hemodynamic; hemorrhage; higher; highest; history; hospital; hospital cardiac; hospital discharge; hospital mortality; hours; hpi; hrs; human; hydrocortisone; hyperfibrinolysis; hypertension; hypothermia; hypothesis; ich; icu admission; icu beds; icu discharge; icu length; icu los; icu mortality; icu nurses; icu outcome; icu patients; icu staff; icu stay; icus; identification; ihca; iii; il-6; ill; illness; impact; impairment; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; inclusion; increased; independent; index; indications; individual; infected; infection; inflammatory; influence; influenza; information; infusion; initial; initiation; injury; intensive; intensive care; intensivists; international; interquartile; intervals; intervention; intravenous; introduction; intubated; intubated patients; invasive; iqr; isolated; isolation; j. a.; j. barado; j. c.; j. d.; j. e.; j. f.; j. g.; j. gómez; j. h.; j. j.; j. k.; j. l.; j. m.; j. p.; j. r.; j. s.; j. w.; january; july; k. c.; k. s.; key; kidney; kim; knowledge; known; l. e.; l. m.; laboratory; lactate; large; lead; length; level; life; likely; limited; linear; literature; little; liver; local; location; logistic; long; longer; los; loss; low; lower; lung; m. a.; m. d.; m. e.; m. f.; m. k.; m. m.; m. p.; m. v.; m. w.; main; major; majority; male; management; mann; march; martínez; mass; matter; maximum; mean; measurement; measures; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; median; medical; medical patients; medicine; membrane; meq; meta; methods; mild; minutes; mixed; mmhg; mobilisation; model; moderate; modified; monitored; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; motor; mrr; mscs; multicenter; multidisciplinary; multiple; multivariate; muscle; myocardial; national; necessary; need; negative; neurological; new; non; normal; nosocomial; number; nurses; nursing; objectives; observational; observational study; observed; occlusion; october; ohca patients; old; onset; open; opioid; optimal; order; organ; organisms; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; p value; p. l.; pah; pain; parameters; pards; pathogens; pathway; patient data; patients; peak; pediatric; pediatric patients; peep; percentage; perez; performance; perfusion; period; pes; phase; physical; physicians; physiotherapy; picu; plasma; pmb; pneumonia; poem; points; poor; population; position; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; pplat; practice; predictor; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; probability; probe; problem; procedure; process; prognosis; program; project; prolonged; propofol; proportion; prospective; prospective study; protein; protocol; ptp; pts; pulmonary; qeeg; quality; quantitative; r. c.; r. m.; randomized; range; rapid; rate; rats; recent; records; recovery; recruitment; rectal; reduced; reduction; refractory; regression; rehabilitation; related; relationship; relative; reliable; removal; renal; repeated; replacement; reported; required; research; resection; resistant; resources; respiratory; response; results; resuscitation; retrospective; return; review; right; ripc; risk; rodriguez; role; ruiz; s. c.; s. e.; s. h.; s. l.; s. m.; s. p.; s. r.; safety; sah; samples; santana; sanz; saps; satisfaction; sbt; scale; scan; score; scoring; second; secondary; sedation; self; sensitivity; sepsis; september; septic patients; serum; service; session; setting; severe; severe sepsis; severity; sex; shift; shock; shock patients; short; shorter; signal; significant; signs; similar; single; small; society; sofa; species; specific; specificity; spontaneous; square; staff; standard; start; starting; state; statistical; status; stay; strategies; strategy; stroke; strong; studies; study; study group; study period; success; successful; support; supratentorial; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; surgical icu; surgical patients; survey; survival; survivors; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; sánchez; table; targeted; teaching; team; techniques; temperature; term; tertiary; test; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; thrombocytopenia; tidal; time; timing; tissue; titrated; tool; total; total icu; tpp; tracheal; tracheostomy; training; transfusion; transplantation; transpulmonary; trauma patients; treatment; triage; trial; tube; type; ultrasound; underwent; unfavorable; unit; unit patients; united; university; unknown; urinary; use; useful; value; van; vap; variability; variables; vein; venous; ventilated; ventilation; ventricular; versus; viral; volume; vre; vs.; w. c.; ward; warning; waste; weaning; week; weight; whitney; work; workload; worse; y. j.; y. s.; years cache: cord-014533-6qfecv5h.txt plain text: cord-014533-6qfecv5h.txt item: #54 of 216 id: cord-014538-6a2pviol author: Kamilia, Chtara title: Proceedings of Réanimation 2017, the French Intensive Care Society International Congress date: 2017-01-10 words: 61107 flesch: 45 summary: We included ICU patients admitted for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure from a previous prospective trial [1] in whom FiO 2 was measured under oxygen mask using a portable oxygen analyzer. Introduction Relative adrenal insufficiency (RAI) is common in ICU patients, particularly during septic shock (1). keywords: account; accuracy; acinetobacter; activity; acute; acute respiratory; addition; administration; admission; adolescents; adult patients; adults; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agents; aim; airway; aki; alveolar; analysis; annals; anne; antibiotics; anticoagulation; antixa; antoine; approach; ards patients; area; arf; arrest; arterial; aspergillosis; associated; association; aureus; automated; available; average; baclofen; bacterial; baseline; baumannii; bed; ben; beneficial; best; better; biological; biperiden; blood; body; brain; burn; cancer patients; cannula; carbapenems; carbon; cardiac; cardiogenic; cardiomyopathy; care; care unit; caregivers; caroline; cases; catheter; cause; cci; cell; center; central; cerebral; changes; characteristics; chest; children; christophe; chronic; circuit; circulatory; cirrhotic patients; citrate; clinical; cmv; cohort; cohort study; common; comparison; complications; concentrations; conclusion; concordant; conditions; consecutive patients; consequences; continuous; control; conventional; copd; correction; cost; count; cpb; creatinine; criteria; critical; csf; culture; curve; cvvh; cytokines; dad; daily; data; database; days; death; december; decision; decrease; definition; delay; delta; demographic; department; determined; development; devices; diagnosis; different; difficult; direct; discharge; discussion; disease; distress; donation; donors; doppler; dosage; dose; drug; duration; dysfunction; dyspnea; early; ecls; ecmo; eeg; effect; efficacy; elderly patients; emergency; emmanuel; encephalopathy; end; endothelial; endotracheal; endpoint; enteral; epidemiological; episode; equal; eric; esbl; evaluation; events; examination; experience; experimental; extracorporeal; extubation; extubation failure; factors; failure; families; family; fasting; features; feeding; fig; filter; fio; flow; fluid; following; france; françois; free; french; frequency; frequent; functional; general; glucose; good; greater; group; guidelines; guillaume; half; haloperidol; health; heart; hemodynamic; hemofiltration; hepatic; high; high mortality; higher; history; hospital; hospital mortality; hospitalization; hyperglycemia; hypertension; hypokalemia; hypophosphoremia; hypoxemic; icp; icu; icu admission; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; ifd; ill; illness; imipenem; immune; immunocompromised; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; independent; index; infection; inflammatory; influence; initial; injury; intensive; intensive care; interest; intracranial; intravenous; introduction; intubated; invasive; iqr; ischemia; isolated; january; jean; julien; kidney; knowledge; known; lack; lactate; large; laurent; leading; left; length; level; life; lifespan; like; literature; liver; logistic; longer; louis; low; lower; lung; lvef; lymphocyte; lymphopenic patients; macrophage; main; major; majority; making; male; management; marc; marie; marker; materials; mathieu; mean; measures; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; median; medical; medical icu; medicine; membrane; meta; methods; min; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; mohamed; monitoring; monocentric; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mtdamps; mtdna; multicenter; multiple; multivariate; muscle; myocardial; médicale; n =; nasal; national; nebulizer; necessary; need; negative; nephrotoxic; neurological; neutropenia; neutropenic patients; new; nicolas; niv; nlr; nmba; non; normal; nosocomial; number; nurses; nutrition; objective; observational; observational study; obstructive; occurrence; old; olivier; onset; optimal; oral; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; pao; parameters; parenteral; participants; pathogens; patients; patients group; pav; pct; pediatric; percent; perfusion; period; philippe; physicians; physiotherapy; picu; pierre; plasma; platelet; pmv; pneumonia; point; poisoning; poor; population; position; positioning; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potassium; potential; pph; practice; predictive; predictors; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; probability; procedures; process; prognosis; prolonged; prone; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; psb; psv; pulmonary; purpose; quality; randomized; rapid; rate; reasons; receiving; recent; recommendations; reduction; refeeding; refractory; refusal; regimen; regional; regression; related; relationship; relatives; renal; replacement; report; research; resistant; respiratory; respiratory failure; response; responsible; responsiveness; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; review; right; risk; risk factors; role; route; réanimation; safety; samples; saps; scale; score; secondary; sedation; seizures; sensitivity; sepsis; septic; septic patients; septic shock; serum; service; sessions; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock; shock patients; short; significant; signs; similar; single; sld; sofa; source; specific; specificity; staff; standard; statistical; status; stay; strategies; strategy; stroke; studies; study; study patients; study period; subgroup; subjects; support; surgery; surgical; survey; survival; survivors; sva; symptoms; syndrome; systematic; systolic; table; target; team; term; test; therapeutic; therapy; thierry; thomas; thrombosis; tidal; time; total; tpe; transfusion; transplantation; traumatic; treatment; trial; tube; type; ultrasound; unit; univariate; university; urinary; use; value; vap; variables; vascular; ventilation; versus; vincent; volume; waste; weaning; work; xavier; years cache: cord-014538-6a2pviol.txt plain text: cord-014538-6a2pviol.txt item: #55 of 216 id: cord-014670-e31g8lns author: None title: Poster Sessions 313-503 date: 2004-10-05 words: 28600 flesch: 52 summary: We develop a systematic data collection of all the admitted patients in our ICU through a home-made software and database leading to a broad description of the population and activities of the ICU during the last five years; this was correlated with the classical scoring systems of ICU patients. At the first session, the participants were proposed to imagine a situation starting from one of 2 pictures of ICU patient. keywords: accuracy; acth; acute; acv; additional; administration; admission; age; agreement; aim; airway; anaesthesia; analysis; anesthesiology; aortic; apache; apoptosis; arf; arterial; artery; aureus; avdo2; balance; baseline; benefit; better; bias; bilirubin; bleeding; blood; blood volume; brain; bypass; calculated; cardiac; cardiopulmonary; care; care unit; cases; categories; catheter; cause; cells; center; central; cerebral; challenge; changes; clinical; complications; conclusion; consecutive; control; copd; copd patients; coronary; correlation; cost; course; criteria; critical; cvp; cytokines; daily; data; days; death; decrease; department; diagnosis; differences; different; discharge; disease; doppler; dose; drugs; dysfunction; early; effect; emergency; end; endogenous; evlw; experience; expression; extubation; f 1; factors; failure; feeding; female; findings; fio2; flow; fluid; following; fondaparinux; france; gas; gcs; germany; glasgow; good; greece; group; group ii; gut; h2o; head; heart; hemodynamic; hemofiltration; hfov; high; higher; hit; hospital; hours; human; hypertension; hypothermia; hypovolemia; icp; icu; icu patients; icus; il-6; ill; important; incidence; increase; index; infection; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; initial; injury; intensive; intensive care; intracranial; introduction; invasive; ischemia; itbv; j 1; laboratory; lactate; left; length; level; life; liver; loading; lower; lps; lung; male; management; map; mean; measurements; mechanical; medical; medicine; methods; microdialysis; min; minutes; mmhg; mods; monitoring; month; morbidity; morphine; mortality; mri; multiple; n-3; n-6; necessary; need; nep; neurological; new; nico; non; normal; number; objective; operation; order; organ; outcome; oxygen; p0.1; p<0.05; pancreatitis; pao2; parameters; patients; patients patients; peep; perfusion; period; pet; physicians; plasma; pneumonia; population; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; practice; predictive; present; pressure; prior; procedure; process; production; propofol; prospective; protocol; pts; pufa; pulmonary; pump; randomized; range; rate; ratio; rats; regional; renal; replacement; respiratory; response; restraint; results; rfviia; right; risk; role; sah; samples; sampling; saps; score; second; secondary; sedation; selenium; sepsis; septic; septic patients; serum; set; severe; severity; shock; significant; single; sirs; snp; sodium; specific; staff; standard; state; status; stay; studied; study; support; surgery; surgical; survival; survivors; syndrome; system; systemic; table; tcd; technique; temperature; test; therapeutic; therapy; thermodilution; thoracic; time; tissue; tma; total; toxicity; training; transfusion; transpulmonary; trauma; trauma patients; treatment; tube; type; underwent; unit; university; use; values; variables; vasospasm; venous; ventilation; volume; weaning; web; years cache: cord-014670-e31g8lns.txt plain text: cord-014670-e31g8lns.txt item: #56 of 216 id: cord-014794-yppi30a0 author: None title: 19th European Congress of Pathology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 6-11, 2003 date: 2003-07-31 words: 158305 flesch: 41 summary: The comparison in paired tumor and normal tissue samples showed that phosphorylated ERK-1/ERK-2 expression was higher in tumor cells as compared to surrounding normal salivary parenchyma. IRF-1 derepression by invading tumor cells was associated with poor prognosis. keywords: aah; abc; abdominal; aberrant; abnormalities; abnormality; absence; absent; abundant; academy; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acid; actin; activated; activation; activity; acute; addition; adenocarcinoma; adenocarcinoma cells; adenomas; adenomatous; adenosis; adenosquamous; adhesion; adipose; adjacent; adrenal; adult; advanced; affected; aged; aggregates; aggressive; agnor; agreement; aim; aims; alcian; alcl; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; aml; amplification; analysis; analyzed; anaplastic; ancillary; androgen; angiogenesis; angiogenic; angiomyolipoma; animals; ankara; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apoptosis; apoptotic; apoptotic cells; appearance; application; applied; approach; architecture; areas; arm; array; arterial; arteries; aspiration; assay; assessment; associated; association; atrium; atrophic; atrophy; atypia; atypical; authors; automated; autopsy; available; average; axillary; b cell; background; bak; basal; basal cell; base; basis; bax; bcl-2; bcl2; bcl6; behaviour; benefit; benign; best; beta; better; bilateral; binding; biological; biopsies; biopsy; biotin; biphasic; birth; bladder; bladder cancer; blocks; blood; blot; blue; bone; borderline; bowel; boy; bph; braf; brain; breast; breast cancer; breast carcinoma; breast lesions; breast tissue; breast tumors; bronchial; bucharest; cadherin; calcitonin; calculated; cancer; cancer cases; cancer cells; cancer patients; capillaries; capsule; carcinogenesis; carcinoid; carcinoma; carcinoma cases; carcinoma introduction; cardiac; case report; cases; cases introduction; caspase; catenin; catenin expression; cathepsin; cause; cd10; cd10 expression; cd117; cd20; cd30; cd31; cd34; cd4; cd43; cd5; cd68; cd8; cdk9; cdna; cdx1; cdx2; cea; celiac; cell carcinoma; cell cycle; cell death; cell differentiation; cell growth; cell lines; cell lung; cell lymphoma; cell morphology; cell proliferation; cell type; cells; cells expression; cells number; cellular; center; central; centre; certain; cervical; cervix; chain; changes; characteristics; characterized; checkpoint; chemotherapy; chest; childhood; children; chromogranin; chromophobe; chromosome; chronic; cip1; ck-14; ck19; ck20; ck34sse12; ck7; classical; classification; clear cell; clinical; clinical diagnosis; clinical stage; clinicopathological; cll; clone; clusters; cns; collagen; collected; colon; colonic; colorectal; combination; combined; common; compare; comparison; compartments; complete; complex; complications; component; composite; composition; computer; concentration; conclusion; conclusion expression; conditions; consecutive; consistent; content; contrast; control; control group; controversial; conventional; copd; cord; corpus; correct; correlate; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; count; countries; course; cox; cpt; crc; creatinine; criteria; criterion; croatia; crucial; current; cutaneous; cx43; cycle; cyclin; cystic; cysts; cytogenetic; cytokeratin; cytological; cytology; cytometry; cytoplasmic; dako; damage; data; days; dcis; death; decreased; defects; degeneration; degree; density; department; deposition; deposits; dept; design; desmin; detailed; detection; determination; determined; developed; developing; development; diagnosis; diameter; differences; different; differential; differential diagnosis; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; diffusely; digital; diploid; direct; discussion; disease; disorders; dissection; dissemination; distal; distant; distinct; distinction; distribution; dlbcl; dna; double; drugs; ductal; duodenal; duration; dysplasia; earlier; early; ebv; edema; effect; effective; effusions; egfr; electron; elements; elevated; embryonal; endocrine; endometrial; endomyocardial; endoscopic; endothelial; enhanced; enlarged; entity; enzyme; eosinophilic; epithelial; epithelial cells; epithelioid; erbb-2; erbb-2 expression; erbb2; estrogen; european; evaluation; event; evidence; evident; examination; excised; excision; existence; exon; experience; experimental; expressed; expression; expression analysis; expression levels; expression patterns; expression status; extensive; extent; extracellular; extranodal; ezrin; factor; faculty; failure; fallopian; familial; family; fas; fasl; fat; fatal; fatty; favorable; fddnp; features; federation; female; female patients; fever; fibroblasts; fibroma; fibrosis; fibrous; fields; figures; files; final; findings; fine; fish; flow; fls; fluid; fna; fnab; focal; foci; foetal; fold; follicle; follicular; follow; following; formaldehyde; formalin; forms; fraction; free; frequency; frequent; fresh; frozen; function; gain; galectin-3; gallbladder; gamma; gastric; gastric cancer; gastric carcinoma; gastritis; gastrointestinal; gbm; gcs; gdnf; gelsolin; gender; gene expression; general; genes; genetic; genital; genomic; genotype; germ; gfralpha1; giant cells; giemsa; gieson; gists; gland; glandular; gleason; glial; global; glomerular; glomerulonephritis; goblet cells; gonadoblastoma; good; grade; grade carcinoma; grading; graft; granular; granulomas; granulomatous; greater; greece; gross; group; growth; guidance; h&e; half; hand; hcc; hcg; hch; hcl; hcv; head; healing; healthy; heart; help; helpful; hematoxylin; hemorrhage; hemosiderin; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatocellular; hepatocytes; her-2; her2; herceptest; hereditary; heterogeneous; hhv8; hier; high; high expression; high grade; higher; highest; histogenesis; histological; histological diagnosis; histological grade; histological type; histology; histopathological; histopathology; history; hmlh1; hodgkin; hormone; hospital; host; hours; hpf; hpv; hsp17; hsp70; htert; human; hybridization; hypermethylation; hyperplasia; hypothesis; hypoxia; hysterectomy; idc; identical; identification; ihc; iii; ilc; image; imaging; immune; immunofluorescence; immunohistochemical; immunohistochemical analysis; immunohistochemical expression; immunohistochemical results; immunohistochemical staining; immunohistochemical study; immunological; immunophenotype; immunopositivity; immunoreactivity; immunostained; immunostaining; impact; implants; important; improved; incidence; increased; increasing; independent; index; indirect; individual; induced; infected; infection; infiltrate; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; influence; information; inhibitor; initial; injury; instability; institute; intense; intensity; intercellular; interferon; intermediate; internal; interstitial; interstitial cells; intestine; intimal; intraductal; intraepithelial; intraoperative; introduction; invasion; invasive; invasive breast; invasive carcinoma; investigation; involved; involvement; iplc; irregular; isoforms; isolated; istanbul; junctions; karyotype; kdr; ki-67; ki67; kidney; kinase; kit; knowledge; known; labeling; laboratory; lack; lamina; large; large cell; laryngeal; later; layers; lead; left; leiomyoma; leiomyosarcoma; length; lesions; leukemia; levels; like; like cells; likely; limited; lines; lipid; literature; little; liver; lncb; lobe; lobular; localization; location; loh; long; longer; loss; losses; low; low expression; low grade; lower; luminal; lung; lung cancer; lupus; lymph; lymph node; lymphatic; lymphocytes; lymphoid; lymphoid cells; lymphoma; macrophages; main; majority; males; malignancies; malignant; malignant cells; malignant tumors; malt; mammary; management; manifestation; mann; mantle; margins; marked; markers; marrow; marsh; mass; masses; massive; mast; mast cells; material; matrix; maturation; mature; mcd; mcp-1; mds; mean; mechanism; median; mediastinal; medical; medicine; medium; medullary; melanoma; members; membrane; mesangial; mesenchymal; mesothelioma; metaplasia; metastases; metastatic; metastatic tumors; methods; methods tissue; methylation; mexico; mib-1; mice; microarray; microdissected; micrometastases; microsatellite; microscopy; microvessel; migration; mild; minimal; mitoses; mitotic; mixed; model; moderate; modified; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; mononuclear; montenegro; months; morphological; morphology; morphometric; mortality; mouse; mrna; msi; muc1; muc2; muc4; mucinous; mucins; mucoepidermoid; mucosa; mucous; multiple; multivariate; muscle; muscle cells; muscle tumors; mutations; mvc; mvd; myc; myocardial; myocarditis; myoepithelial; myofibroblastic; myxoid; myxoma; nasopharyngeal; national; ncam; necessary; neck; necrosis; necrotic; needle; negative; negative cases; negative patients; negativity; neonatal; neoplasms; neoplastic; neoplastic cells; nerve; nervous; nests; neu; neuroendocrine; new; nhl; nodal; node; nodular; nodule; non; normal; normal breast; normal tissue; novel; nuclear; nuclear expression; nuclei; nucleoli; nucleus; number; numerical; numerous; observed; obstruction; occasional; occult; occur; old; oncogene; oncology; oncoprotein; ones; onset; open; operation; optical; order; organs; origin; osteosarcoma; outcome; oval; ovarian; ovarian carcinoma; ovary; overall; overexpression; oxyphilic; p-53; p16; p16ink4a; p21; p21waf1; p27; p53; p53 expression; p53 protein; p63; p<0.001; p<0.05; paediatric; pah; pain; palpable; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; panel; papillary; papillary carcinoma; paraffin; parameters; parathyroid; parietal; parotid; partial; particles; particular; parts; pas; pathogenesis; pathologists; pathology; pathway; patients; pattern; pca; pcna; pcr; peptide; percentage; period; peripheral; peritoneal; peritumor; pgr; phase; phenotype; phosphorylated; picture; pigmented; pineal; pituitary; placental; plasma cells; pleomorphic; pleural; pll; ploidy; point; polyclonal; polymorphism; poor; population; positive; positive cases; positive cells; positive correlation; positive expression; positive patients; positive staining; positive tumors; positivity; possibility; possible; post; postoperative; potential; precise; precursor; predictive; predominant; pregnancy; preliminary; premalignant; preoperative; preparations; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; preserved; preterm; prevalence; previous; primary; primary breast; primary tumor; prior; probes; problem; procedure; process; processes; product; profile; progesterone; prognostic; progression; proliferation; prominent; promoter; proper; proportion; propria; prostate; prostate cancer; prostate carcinoma; prostatectomy; prostatic; protein expression; proteins; proteinuria; protocol; proximal; psa; pts; pulmonary; pure; purpose; quality; quantitative; quantity; radical; range; rapid; rare; rare cases; rate; rats; rcc; rccs; reaction; reactive; rearrangement; recent; receptor; recurrence; reduced; reduction; refractory; region; regional; regulated; regulation; relapse; related; relationship; relative; relevance; relevant; reliable; relp; remission; removed; renal; renal cell; repair; reperfusion; report; reported; representative; republic; research; resected; resection; residual; respiratory; response; responsible; results; ret; retrieval; retroperitoneal; retrospective; review; rhabdoid; rich; right; ring; rise; risk; role; romania; rostov; routine; rupture; russian; s-100; s100; salivary; samples; sarcoidosis; sarcoma; scale; scan; scc; schistosomal; school; sclerosis; score; screening; second; secondary; sections; semi; sensitive; sensitivity; sentinel; sequence; sequencing; serbia; serial; series; serous; serum; setting; severe; sex; short; showing; signal; signet; significant; significant correlation; signs; sil; similar; single; sinonasal; sinus; site; situ; size; skin; slides; small; small cell; smaller; smears; smmhc; smooth; soft; software; solid; solitary; solution; special; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spinal; spindle; spindle cells; spleen; spontaneous; sporadic; spread; spreading; squamous; squamous cell; stage; staging; staining; stains; standard; statistical; status; steatosis; step; stomach; stromal; stromal cells; stromal tumors; strong; structures; studied; study; study group; study introduction; study material; subjects; subsequent; subtypes; sudden; sufficient; superficial; support; suppressor; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; survivin; survivin expression; symptoms; synaptophysin; synchronous; syndrome; synovial; synthesis; system; systemic; target; tashkent; technique; technology; telepathology; telomerase; temporal; tenascin; tenascin expression; terminal; test; testicular; testis; tgf; tgfbeta1; therapeutic; therapy; thessaloniki; thickening; thickness; thin; thp; thyroid; thyroid carcinoma; thyroiditis; time; timp-2; tissue; tissue expression; tissue samples; tissue sections; tma; tnf; tnm; tool; topo; torsion; total; tract; transcription; transformation; transitional; transitional cell; transplant; transplantation; trb1; treatment; true; tuberculosis; tubular; tubules; tumor cells; tumor grade; tumor mass; tumor progression; tumor proliferation; tumor size; tumor stage; tumor tissue; tumoral; tumorous; tumors; tumors introduction; tumour; turkey; type; tyrosine; ulcer; ultrasound; ultrastructural; uncommon; underlying; understood; underwent; undifferentiated; unique; univariate; university; unknown; unusual; upper; urinary; urothelial; usa; useful; uterine; valuable; value; variable; variant; varied; variety; vascular; vasculitis; vegf; ventricle; ventricular; versican; vessels; viii; villi; vimentin; viral; virus; vitro; vivo; volume; vs.; wall; weak; weeks; weight; western; white; whitney; wide; wilms; women; work; worse; xenin; years; years old; yellow; young; zone cache: cord-014794-yppi30a0.txt plain text: cord-014794-yppi30a0.txt item: #57 of 216 id: cord-014868-kg96uvpi author: Vita, S. title: Evaluation of Total Proteins and Serum Protein Fractions in Cats Naturally Infected by Leishmania infantum–A Preliminary Study date: 2006 words: 1265 flesch: 43 summary: The comparison among seronegative cats and cats of group A with different IFI titres showed that subjects with a titre of 1:40 had the same statistical significance of the entire Group A, whereas subjects with a titre 1:80 also had a higher level of both α 1 -globulins and α 2globulins when compared to the control group. The study was performed on 25 domestic shorthair cats (Group A), 16 females and 9 males, with an age ranging between 3 months and 16 years. keywords: albumin; cats; concentration; different; feline; fractions; globulin; group; infantum; leishmania; leishmaniosis; positive; protein; ratio; serum; subjects; titre; total; tps cache: cord-014868-kg96uvpi.txt plain text: cord-014868-kg96uvpi.txt item: #58 of 216 id: cord-014996-p6q0f37c author: None title: Posters_Monday_12 October 2009 date: 2009-08-06 words: 85276 flesch: 51 summary: ICU patients with acute respiratory failure requiring NIV were studied during three randomized consecutive 20 min-periods of NIV: ICU ventilator with and without NIV mode and NIV ventilator. EFL was recorded in 65% of ICU patients with pulmonary diseases: 65 % of ARDS patients, 75% of patients with respiratory infection, 75% of asthmatics and 85% of patients with COPD. keywords: abdominal; accuracy; accurate; activated; activation; activity; acute; addition; adequate; adherence; adjusted; administration; admission; admission patients; adult patients; adverse; age; agents; agreement; aim; aims; airway; aki; albumin; alveolar; analysis; anesthesia; animals; anova; antibiotic; anticoagulation; aortic; apache; apache ii; application; approach; appropriate; aptt; ards; ards patients; area; arf; arrest; arterial; artery; assay; assessment; associated; association; asynchrony; aud; available; average; background; bacteria; balance; baseline; basis; bed; best; better; bleeding; blood; blood pressure; bmi; body; brain; breathing; btt; bundles; bypass; calcium; calculated; cap; capillary; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; care patients; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cells; center; central; centre; cerebral; challenge; changes; channel; characteristics; chest; chi; chronic; circuit; circulating; clinical; clotting; clp; cognitive; cohort; coma; combination; committee; common; community; comparison; complex; compliance; complications; concentration; conclusion; conditions; consciousness; consecutive patients; constant; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coronary; correlation; course; cpa patients; cpap; cpb; creatinine; criteria; critical; critical care; crp; crrt; cultures; current; curve; cvvh; cytokine; daily; data; database; day mortality; days; death; december; decision; decreased; degree; delirium; delivery; demographic; density; department; described; deterioration; developed; development; device; diagnosis; dialysis; differences; different; difficult; discharge; discrimination; discussion; disease; dose; drug; duration; dysfunction; dyspnea; eaa; early; ecmo; education; effects; effusion; efl; egdt; elderly patients; elevated; emergency; end; endothelial; endotoxin; episodes; epithelial; estimate; ethical; etp; evaluation; events; evidence; evlw; excess; experienced; experimental; expression; extubation; f4h5; factors; failure; female; ffp; fig; findings; fio; flow; fluid; following; fraction; france; free; frequency; frequent; functional; gas; gcs; gender; general; global; glucose; goal; good; graft; gram; greater; group; guidelines; half; hcap; head; healthy; heart; hemodynamic; heparin; hepatic; higher; higher mortality; hospital; hospital mortality; hospital stay; human; hypertension; iah; icp; icu; icu admission; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; identification; ii score; iii; il-6; ill; illness; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; independent; index; indications; induction; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; inhalation; initial; injured; injury; injury patients; intensive; intensive care; interval; interventions; intracranial; introduction; intubated; invasive; iqr; isolated; itbv; itu; january; july; june; kidney; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; lavage; lead; leading; left; length; levels; life; likely; limited; literature; liver; local; logistic; longer; los; lower; lps; lung; magnesium; main; major; majority; male; malignancy; management; mann; map; march; markers; material; mdcs; mean; mean age; measured; measurements; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; median; medical; medical icu; medical patients; membrane; metabolic; methods; mice; microbiological; microcirculation; mild; min; mitochondrial; mixed; mmhg; mmol; model; modified; monitoring; months; morbidity; morphine; mortality; mortality rate; mrsa; multiple; multivariate; muscle; myocardial; n =; national; nava; necessary; need; negative; neurological; new; nirs; non; norepinephrine; normal; nosocomial; number; nurses; nursing; obese patients; objectives; observational; observational study; occurrence; old; old patients; onset; operation; optimal; order; organ; origin; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; pain; pancreatitis; pao; parameters; patients; pct; pdt; peak; peep; percentage; percutaneous; performance; perfusion; period; peripheral; permeability; phase; phosphate; physician; physiological; physiology; plasma; play; pleural; pmv; pneumonia; point; poor; population; position; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; ppv; practice; prbc; predictive; predictor; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; probnp; procalcitonin; procedure; process; prognosis; prolonged; propofol; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; psv; pts; pulmonary; pulse; quality; quantitative; randomized; randomly; range; rapid; rate; rats; ray; reason; recent; records; recovery; reduction; reference; referral; regression; related; relationship; relevant; reliable; removed; renal; replacement; report; research; respect; respiratory; respondents; response; results; resuscitation; retrospective; review; rhabdomyolysis; rifle; risk; role; rosc; routine; safe; saline; samples; saps; saturation; scale; score; scoring; scto; scvo; secondary; sedation; semi; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sepsis group; septic patients; septic shock; serum; setting; severe; severe sepsis; severity; sex; sham; shock; shock patients; short; significant; significant differences; signs; similar; single; site; small; smartcare; sofa; software; sop; specific; specificity; spontaneous; spss; square; staff; standard; state; statistical; status; stay; step; strategies; students; studied; study; study period; subsequent; support; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; surgical icu; surgical patients; survey; survival; survivors; svv; syndrome; system; systemic; table; target; tbi; teaching; team; technique; term; tertiary; test; therapeutic; therapy; thoracic; tidal; time; tissue; tool; total; tracheostomy; transfusion; transplantation; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; trial; triggering; type; understanding; underwent; unit; university; urban; urinary; urine; use; useful; utility; value; vap; variables; variation; vascular; vasopressors; venous; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricular; versus; vessels; volume; ward; weaning; week; weight; whitney; work; workshop; years cache: cord-014996-p6q0f37c.txt plain text: cord-014996-p6q0f37c.txt item: #59 of 216 id: cord-015021-pol2qm74 author: None title: Third International Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis —Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches date: 1994 words: 162543 flesch: 45 summary: Ever since we know the role of endotoxins in the pathophysiology of sepsis, antibodies against the S-and R-LPS have also been detected in sepsis patients. In sepsis patients, the CD]4+/CD16+ cells can become a major population with more than 50% of all monocytes in 3 of 18 patients and with more than 500 cells/mm 3 in 4 of 18 cases. keywords: + +; 24h; 48h; abdominal; abdominal sepsis; ability; able; abnormalities; abscess; absence; absolute; account; accumulation; acid; acinar; activation; activities; activity; acts; acute; acute phase; addition; adequate; adherence; adherent; adhesion; administration; admission; adult; aeruginosa; affected; affinity; agents; aggressive; aim; albumin; alcohol; allogeneic; allograft; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alveolar; amino; amounts; analysis; anastomotic; anesthesia; anesthetized; animals; anova; antagonist; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antiinflammatory; antimicrobial; antioxidants; antisense; antithrombin; aorta; aortic; apache; apoptosis; apparent; appearance; application; approach; appropriate; ards; ards patients; area; arf; arginine; arterial; arterial blood; artery; assay; assayed; assessment; associated; association; atp; attempt; attention; augmented; autologous; available; b cells; baboons; bacteremia; bacterial; bacterial sepsis; bactericidal; balance; balb; barrier; basal; baseline; basis; beginning; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; bfgf; bgc; binding; bioassay; biochemical; biological; bleeding; blind; blockade; blocking; blood; blood cells; blood flow; blood levels; blood loss; blood mononuclear; blood pressure; blood samples; blood transfusion; bmmc; body; bolus; bone; boston; bowel; bpi; bradykinin; bronchoalveolar; bum; burn; burn injury; burn patients; burned; burst; c mice; c3a; c3h; ca2; calcium; calculated; camp; cancer; cancer patients; candida; capable; capacity; capillary; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; cascade; cases; cathepsin; catheter; cause; cavity; cd14; cd16; cd18; cd3; cd4; cd8; cdlla; cea; cecal; ceil; cell activation; cell adhesion; cell death; cell injury; cell surface; cell types; cells; cellular; center; central; certain; cfu; chain; challenge; changes; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chemiluminescence; chemotactic; children; choice; cholesterol; chow; chronic; circulating; circulatory; cirrhosis; cirrhotic; class; classes; classification; clearance; clinical; clinical study; close; clotting; clp; cmi; cmv; cns; cntf; coagulation; coil; cold; coli; collagen; collected; colony; combination; combined; committee; common; communication; comparable; compare; comparison; complement; complete; complex; complexes; complicated; complications; components; composition; compounds; concentrations; concept; conclusion; concomitant; conditions; consecutive; consequence; considerable; constant; constitutively; consumption; contact; content; continuous; contraction; contrast; contributes; contribution; control; control animals; control cells; control group; control patients; conventional; coronary; correlate; correlation; corresponding; cortisol; count; course; coverage; cp-0127; criteria; critical; cross; crp; crp levels; crucial; csf; cultured; current; cutaneous; cvvh; cytokine levels; cytokine production; cytokine release; cytokine response; cytokines; cytokines tnf; cytometry; cytoplasmic; cytosolic; cytotoxic; cytotoxicity; daily; damage; data; dawley; days; days post; death; decreased; defect; defense; deficient; degradation; degranulation; degree; dehydrogenase; delayed; deleterious; delivery; density; department; dependent; deposition; depressed; dept; design; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; dfo; diagnosis; diet; differences; different; differential; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; diminished; direct; discussion; disease; disorders; disruption; distal; distinct; distress; distribution; disturbances; dna; domain; donors; dose; double; drainage; drug; dth; duration; dxs; dysfunction; e-75; e.coli; e.g.; earlier; early; early sepsis; edema; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efforts; ehec; elastase; elderly; elderly patients; elective; elements; elevated; elevated levels; elevation; elimination; elisa; endocrine; endogenous; endothelial; endothelial cells; endotoxemia; endotoxin; endotoxin levels; endotoxin release; endotoxin shock; energy; enhanced; enhancement; enteral; entry; enzymes; epithelial; equivalent; erythrocytes; escherichia; essential; ester; et levels; etc; ethanol; evaluated; evaluation; events; evidence; evident; evoked; exact; example; excessive; exchange; excretion; exhibit; experimental; exposure; expression; extensive; extent; extraction; facs; factor; failure; fall; family; fashion; fast; fatal; fatty; features; fed; feeding; female; femoral; fever; fiber; fibrinogen; fibroblasts; field; filgrastim; final; findings; flora; flow; fluid; fluorescence; fmlp; focus; fold; following; follows; food; formation; forms; formula; fraction; fragments; free; frozen; function; future; gain; gamma; gap; gapdh; gastric; gastrointestinal; gel; gene; general; generalized; generation; genomic; germany; glucose; glutamine; glutathione; gms; good; graft; gram; gramnegative; granulocyte; greater; group; group b; group ii; group patients; growth; gsh; gtn; gut; gwt; h202; ha-1a; haemorrhage; half; hand; healing; healthy; heart; hej; help; helper; hemodynamic; hemoglobin; hemorrhagic; hemorrhagic shock; heparin; hepatectomy; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatocellular; hepatocytes; high; high dose; high levels; higher; highest; hind; hirudin; histamine; histological; hla; homeostasis; hormone; hospital; host; host response; hours; hrs; human; human blood; human sepsis; humoral; hydrogen; hypersensitivity; hypotension; hypothesis; hypoxia; i.e.; i.p; i.v; ibuprofen; icam-1; icu; identical; ifn; igg; igm; iii; il-1; il-1ra; il-2; il-3; il-4; il-6; il-6 levels; il-6 production; il-8; il6; ill patients; illness; imipenem; immediate; immune; immune cells; immune function; immune response; immune system; immunity; immunization; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunology; immunosuppression; impact; impaired; impairment; important; important role; improved; improvement; incidence; incision; increased; incubation; index; indicator; indirect; individuals; induced; inducible; induction; infected; infection; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; inflammatory cytokines; inflammatory mediators; inflammatory response; influence; influx; infusion; inhalation; inhibited; inhibitor; inhibits; initial; initiation; injured; injuries; injury; injury severity; inos; institute; insufficiency; intact; integrins; integrity; intensive; interactions; interferon; interleukin; interstitial; intervals; intervention; intestinal; intraabdominal; intracellular; intraperitoneal; intravascular; intravenous; introduction; invading; invasion; investigations; involved; involvement; ionomycin; ip3; irf; iron; irradiation; irreversible; ischemia; isolated; ivig; kallikrein; keto; key; kidney; killing; kinase; kinetics; kit; knee; knowledge; known; kupffer; l ~; laboratory; lack; lactate; lal; laparotomy; large; late sepsis; later; lavage; lbp; lead; leading; leakage; left; leh; length; lesser; lethal; lethality; leukocytes; levels; lewis; ligand; ligation; light; like; likely; limb; limited; limulus; lipid; lipopolysaccharide; liposomes; little; liver; liver blood; liver cell; liver failure; liver injury; local; localized; long; longer; loss; lower; lps; lps activation; lps administration; lps challenge; lps immune; lps injection; lps lethality; lps release; lps stimulation; lps treatment; lra; ltb4; lung; lung injury; lymphocytes; lymphoid; lymphokine; lysate; lysosomal; m.d; mab; macrophages; mad; magnitude; mainly; major; major surgery; malaria; male; malignant; management; manner; map; marked; markers; marrow; mass; massive; mast; mast cells; materials; matrix; maximal; maximum; mda; mean; measurements; mechanical; mechanisms; median; mediators; medical; medicine; medium; membrane; mesenteric; metabolic; metabolites; methods; mhc; mice; microcirculatory; microorganisms; microscopy; microvascular; mid; mif; migration; mild; minutes; mip; mitochondrial; mitogen; mixed; ml blood; ml lps; mln; mmhg; moab; mobilization; model; modified; mods; modulate; mof; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monocytes; monocytic; mononuclear; mononuclear cells; morbidity; mortality; mouse; mps; mrna; mucosal; multiple; multiple organ; multiple trauma; munich; murine; muscle; muscle cells; myeloid; myeloperoxidase; myocardial; n =; n t; n=10; n=12; n=5; n=6; n=7; n=8; nac; natural; nature; near; necessary; necrosis; necrosis factor; need; negative; negative sepsis; neopterin; nervous; network; neutralizing; neutropenia; neutrophils; new; ngf; nitric; nitrogen; nma; nmma; nmol; no2; nodes; non; normal; northern; nosocomial; novel; number; numerous; nutrition; oatmeal; objectives; observation; observed; occurrence; occurring; odn; oil; onset; open; operation; order; organ; organ dysfunction; organ failure; organ injury; organisms; origin; osf; outcome; output; overall; oxidase; oxidative; oxide; oxygen; oxygenation; p.g; p2 cells; p75; p<0.001; p<0.05; paf; pancreatic; pancreatitis; pap; parallel; parameters; parenteral; partial; particular; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathological; pathophysiological; pathophysiology; pathways; patients; patients blood; patients levels; pattern; pbmc; pcr; peak; peptide; percentage; period; peripheral; peripheral blood; peritoneal; peritonitis; permeability; peroxidation; persistent; pge; pge2; phagocytic; phagocytic cells; phagocytosis; phase; phase response; phenomenon; phenotype; phosphate; phx; physiologic; pigs; pituitary; pivotal; pkc; pla2; placebo; placebo group; placebo patients; plasma; plasma concentrations; plasma endotoxin; plasma levels; plasma samples; plasma tnf; platelet; play; plf; pma; pmn; pmnl; pmns; pmol; pneumonia; po2; pof; points; polymorphonuclear; polypeptide; polytrauma; pool; poor; population; portal; positive; possibility; possible; post; post lps; postischemic; postoperative; posttraumatic; potential; powerful; ppm; precise; preclinical; precursor; preliminary; preoperative; preparation; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; pretreated; pretreatment; prevention; previous; primary; priming; prior; probes; problems; procedure; process; processes; produced; production; products; profound; progenitor; prognosis; proliferate; proliferation; prolonged; promising; promoter; pronounced; properties; prophylactic; prophylaxis; proportion; prospectively; prostacyclin; prostaglandin; protease; protective; protein; proteinases; proteolytic; protocol; pseudomonas; pts; ptx; pulmonary; puncture; purified; purpose; quantitative; question; rabbits; radicals; rain; randomized; range; ranitidine; rapid; rate; rats; rbpi23; reaction; reactive; recent; receptor; recipients; recombinant; recovery; recruitment; reduced; regard; region; regional; regression; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; relaxation; release; releasing; relevance; relevant; remote; renal; repair; reperfused; reperfusion; reperfusion injury; replacement; reported; reports; research; resection; resistance; respect; respiratory; response; response results; response syndrome; responsible; responsiveness; results; resuscitation; review; rhg; ringer; rings; rise; risk; role; routine; s.c; safety; saline; salmonella; samples; sampling; sbi; scald; school; score; scoring; second; secondary; secrete; secretion; sections; selected; selectin; sem; sensitive; sensitivity; separate; sepsis; sepsis induction; sepsis model; sepsis score; sepsis study; sepsis syndrome; septic animals; septic complications; septic group; septic organ; septic patients; septic response; septic shock; septicemia; sequelae; sequences; sequential; sequestration; sera; serial; series; serine; serum; serum il-6; serum levels; serum tnf; setting; severe; severe sepsis; severe trauma; severity; sex; sham; shed; shed blood; shedding; shock; shock group; short; shunt; sicu; signal; significant; significant increase; signs; similar; simple; simultaneous; single; sirs; site; situ; situation; size; skeletal; skin; slices; sll-6r; small; smooth; sod; sodium; soluble; soluble tnf; solution; source; space; special; species; specific; specificity; spleen; spleen cells; splenic; sprague; stable; stages; staining; standard; start; state; statistical; status; stay; step; stimulated; stimulation; stimuli; stimulus; stnfr; strains; strategies; strategy; stress; strong; structure; studies; study; study period; study results; subjects; subsequent; subsets; substances; substantial; substrates; successful; suffering; sufficient; summary; superior; supernatants; superoxide; supplemented; supply; support; suppression; surface; surgery; surgical; surgical patients; surgical trauma; survival; surviving; survivors; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; synergistic; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; system; systemic; systemic inflammatory; t cells; target; taurine; tbsa; techniques; temperature; temporary; tendency; terminal; terms; test; tested; testing; tgf; tgf-131; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thermal; thermal injury; thickness; thl; thoracic; thrombin; thromboxane; thymic; thymus; time; tissue; tissue injury; tn3; tnf; tnf activity; tnf levels; tnf mab; tnf mrna; tnf production; tnf receptors; tnf release; tnf treatment; tnfa; tnfc~; tool; total; toxic; toxicity; toxins; tpn; tract; transcription; transduction; transferrin; transfusion; transient; transit; translocation; transmembrane; transplantation; transplanted; transport; trauma patients; trauma sepsis; traumatic; treated; treatment; treatment group; trials; trigger; tumor; type; ulcers; unchanged; unclear; underlying; understanding; underwent; units; university; unknown; untreated; uptake; urinary; usa; use; useful; valuable; values; variables; variety; vascular; vasoconstriction; vehicle; vein; venous; venous blood; ventilated; ventilation; venules; verapamil; versus; vessels; viable; viral; vitro; vivo; volume; volunteers; wall; wbc; weeks; weight; white; white blood; wide; wilcoxon; wistar; work; wound; xanthine; years; zymosan cache: cord-015021-pol2qm74.txt plain text: cord-015021-pol2qm74.txt item: #60 of 216 id: cord-015024-2xzc0uc5 author: None title: ESICM 2010 WEDNESDAY SESSIONS 13 October 2010 date: 2010-08-31 words: 84465 flesch: 50 summary: The primary end point of this study was to evaluate the RVD of the IVC in ICU patients with spontaneous breathing. ICU patient with spontaneous breathing and signs of hypoperfusion (oliguria, mottles, serum lactate level [2 mmol/l) were eligible after the approval of the local Ethics Committee. keywords: 24h; abdominal; ability; acc; acid; acidosis; acknowledgment; activation; activities; activity; acute; addition; adiponectin; administration; admission; adult; adult patients; advanced; adverse; affected; age; aim; aims; airway; albumin; algorithm; alveolar; ambulance; ammonia; anaesthesia; analysis; animals; anova; anti; antibiotics; apache; approach; appropriate; approval; aprv; ards; ards patients; area; arf; arginine; arrest; arterial; artery; artificial; assessment; associated; association; audit; available; average; bacterial; bal; baseline; basis; bed; bedside; benefit; best; better; bias; blood; blood pressure; bmi; body; bolus; brain; breathing; breaths; bundle; burn; burn patients; calculated; campaign; cancer; capacity; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; care nurses; care patients; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cd40; cefazolin; cells; central; centre; cerebral; chair; challenge; changes; characteristics; chronic; cicu; circulatory; citrate; citrulline; clearance; clinical; cmh; coagulation; cognitive; cohort; collaboration; collection; committee; common; comparable; comparison; complex; compliance; complications; concentrations; conclusions; conditions; confidence; consecutive patients; consent; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coronary; correct; correlation; course; crcl; creatinine; criteria; critical care; critical patients; critically; crrt; css; cuff; culture; current; curve; cvp; daily; data; database; day; days; death; december; decision; decrease; delirium; delivery; demographic; department; design; determined; deviation; diagnosis; diameter; diastolic; diazepam; differences; different; difficult; discharge; disease; dobutamine; doctors; doppler; dose; dppalg; drug; duration; dysfunction; early; echocardiography; ecls; ecmo; edema; education; effect; effective; efficacy; emergency; encephalopathy; end; energy; enteral; environment; eol; equipment; errors; esicm; essential; established; estimate; ethics; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; existing; expansion; expected; experienced; experimental; expression; extracorporeal; extubation; face; factors; failure; family; feeding; female; fig; findings; finger; flow; fluid; following; free; frequency; function; gas; gastric; gender; general; genes; gln; global; glucose; goal; good; grade; grant; greater; group; grv; guidelines; gut; h1n1; half; hand; hcl; head; health; heart; hemodynamic; hepatic; high; higher; highest; hli; hopelessness; hospital; hospital mortality; hrqol; human; hypotension; hypothermia; iap; icu admission; icu care; icu discharge; icu mortality; icu nurses; icu patients; icu stay; icus; iii; il-6; ill; illness; immune; impact; impaired; important; improve; improvement; incidence; inclusion; increase; independent; index; induced; induction; infection; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; initial; injury; insertion; insufficient; intensive; intensive care; intensivists; interactions; internal; international; interventions; intracranial; intravenous; introduction; invasive; involved; iqr; isolated; issues; itu; ivc; january; key; kidney; knowledge; laboratory; lack; lactate; lactic; large; later; lead; leading; left; length; levels; life; likely; linear; literature; liver; lmol; local; logistic; longer; loss; low; lower; lps; lung; lvef; main; major; making; male; management; mann; manual; map; markers; mean; measured; measurements; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; mechanisms; median; medical; medical icu; medical patients; medicine; membrane; metabolic; methods; mice; min; mitochondrial; mixed; mmhg; mobilization; model; moderate; mods; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; multiple; muscle; myocardial; n =; necessary; need; negative; neurological; new; nirs; non; norepinephrine; normal; number; nurses; nursing; nutrition; obese patients; objectives; observational; observational study; observed; occlusion; october; old; onset; optimal; oral; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; p group; p value; pao; parameters; patients; peak; peep; performance; perfusion; period; perioperative; personal; pfo; phase; phrenic; physical; physicians; physiological; picco; pigs; placement; plasma; pneumonia; point; policy; poor; population; position; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; ppv; practice; predictive; predictors; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; problems; procedure; process; professional; prognostic; prolonged; prone; propofol; proportion; prospective; prospective study; protein; protocol; pulmonary; pulse; purpose; qualitative; quality; questionnaire; r =; randomized; range; rapid; rate; rats; rbc; reasons; recent; recommended; recorded; recovery; reduced; reduction; reference; regional; regression; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; reliability; removal; renal; report; required; research; respiration; respiratory; responders; response; responsiveness; results; resuscitation; retrospective; review; rifle; right; risk; risk patients; role; routine; safety; saline; samples; saps; saturation; scale; score; scoring; scvo; secondary; sedation; seizures; sensitivity; sepsis; septic patients; septic shock; series; serum; setting; severe; severe sepsis; severity; sex; shift; shock; shock patients; significant; similar; single; sirs; sivelestat; size; skills; small; sodium; sofa; software; solution; spain; special; specific; specificity; spontaneous; staff; stages; standard; start; state; statistical; status; stay; sto2; strain; strategies; strength; stress; stroke; strong; structural; student; studies; study; study patients; study period; subjects; supine; support; surgery; surgery patients; surgical patients; survey; survival; surviving; survivors; svv; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; table; tbsa; tcd; team; technique; technology; temperature; test; thenar; therapeutic; therapy; tidal; time; tissue; tnfa; tool; total; training; transfer; transfusion; trauma; traumatic; treated; treatment; trial; tube; type; underwent; ungal; uniplas; unit; university; unknown; use; useful; values; vancomycin; vap; variables; variation; vascular; venous; ventilated; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricular; volume; volunteers; ward; ward patients; weaning; week; weight; weight patients; whitney; women; work; working; years cache: cord-015024-2xzc0uc5.txt plain text: cord-015024-2xzc0uc5.txt item: #61 of 216 id: cord-015082-l629n8is author: None title: Poster Sessions 323-461 date: 2002-08-29 words: 26609 flesch: 50 summary: Isoflurane sedation of ICU patients has previously been shown to be useful but has not come into wide clinical use for a number of reasons. Isoflurane administered via the ACD for sedation of ICU patients is environmentally safe, requires small volumes of isoflurane and may provide better quality of sedation than midazolam. keywords: 123i; abdominal; abnormalities; acr; activation; activity; acute; administration; admission; age; aim; albicans; albumin; analysis; animals; antithrombin; apache; arf; arterial; artery; asp; associated; association; average; bacteremia; bacterial; baseline; better; blood; brain; bypass; candida; cardiac; care; cases; catheter; cause; cell; central; cerebral; changes; children; clinical; common; complications; concentrations; conclusion; consecutive; continuous; control; control group; coronary; correlation; course; cpb; criteria; crp; csa; culture; cytokines; damage; data; days; death; decrease; development; diagnosis; differences; different; disease; dose; duration; dysfunction; early; ecg; effect; elevated; emergency; endothelial; endotoxemia; endotoxin; enos; epcr; evaluation; exact; factor; failure; female; fisher; flagellin; flow; fluid; fold; following; frequencies; frequency; function; general; gly; gram; group; head; health; heart; higher; hospital; hours; hypothermia; icu; icu patients; il-1ra; il-6; il-8; illness; important; improvement; incidence; increase; independent; index; infection; inflammatory; influence; infusion; inhibitor; injury; inos; intensive; introduction; intubation; ischemia; isoflurane; isolated; january; left; length; leukocyte; levels; local; loss; lower; lps; lung; lymph; major; male; map; mca; mean; measurement; mechanical; median; medical; mesenteric; methods; mif; min; minocycline; model; moderate; mods; months; morbidity; mortality; mosf; myocardial; necrosis; need; negative; new; non; norepinephrine; normal; nppv; number; observational; oesophagus; onset; organ; outcome; output; oxygen; oxygenation; p<0.05; pain; patients; pediatric; perfusion; period; permeability; phase; plasma; points; polymorphisms; population; positive; postoperative; preoperative; presence; present; pressure; procedures; prognostic; prospective; protein; protein c; pto2; pts; pulmonary; range; rate; rats; receptor; reduction; related; release; renal; respiratory; response; results; rifampin; right; risk; role; s-100; sah; saline; samples; score; sedation; sepsis; septic; serum; severe; severity; shock; significant; signs; similar; sofa; spp; statistical; stay; stress; stroke; studies; study; substitution; support; surgery; surgical; survival; survivors; syndrome; systemic; table; test; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tnf; tni; total; tpa; tract; transfusion; trauma; traumatic; treatment; troponin; tumor; type; unit; values; variables; vascular; ventilation; ventricular; vitro; volume; water; wave; women; years cache: cord-015082-l629n8is.txt plain text: cord-015082-l629n8is.txt item: #62 of 216 id: cord-015126-cyhcbk1j author: None title: PS 0036-0344 date: 2007-08-25 words: 59258 flesch: 52 summary: The aim of this clinical trial is to study CIP in ICU patients (pts) after surgical procedures. The physiological condition of ICU patients is marked by rapidly evolving and frequently life-threatening derangements as well as 'silent' yet important alterations in homeostasis. keywords: 95%ci; abdominal; accuracy; acid; action; activity; acute; adequate; adma; administration; admission; adrenal; adverse; age; aim; airway; alpha; anaesthetic; analgesia; analysed; analysis; anesthesia; anesthetized; aneurysm; animals; antibiotic; aortic; apache; apd; application; appropriate; ards; ards patients; areas; arg; arrest; arterial; arterial blood; arteries; artery; aspiration; assessment; associated; association; atc; average; bacterial; baseline; bed; bedside; best; better; bipap; blood; blood pressure; body; brain; breathing; burn; cardiac; care; care patients; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cci; cells; central; cerebral; cfi; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; children; chronic; cim; cip; cipnm; circulatory; clinical; clp; cmh2o; cmv; cohort; collected; coma; comfort; common; compliance; complications; concentrations; conclusion; consecutive; consecutive patients; consent; constant; continuous; contractile; contrast; control; control group; conventional; copd; correlated; correlation; cortisol; count; course; cpap; criteria; critical; crp; csf; cultures; curves; cvp; daily; damage; data; days; death; december; decision; decrease; demographic; department; dependent; deterioration; determination; determine; development; deviation; device; diabetes; diagnosis; diastolic; difference; discharge; disease; distress; distribution; doctors; donation; donors; dose; drug; duration; dysfunction; early; effective; effects; elevated; emergency; end; endotracheal; energy; eol; episodes; established; ethanol; etomidate; evlw; evolution; examination; exchange; experience; experimental; expression; extravascular; factors; failure; family; findings; fio2; flag; flow; fluid; following; frequency; frequent; function; gas; general; germany; glasgow; global; glucose; good; group; guidelines; hand; head; healthy; heart; help; hemodynamic; hemofiltration; hemorrhage; hfov; higher; hospital; hospital mortality; hours; hrqol; hrs; hydrocortisone; hypothermia; hypoxemia; icu; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; iii; il-6; ill; illness; immune; impact; important; improve; improvement; incidence; increase; index; induced; induction; infants; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; initial; injured; injury; ino; inotropic; insulin; intensive; intensive care; intervention; introduction; intubation; invasive; ischemia; isolated; itbvi; january; knowledge; laboratory; lactate; large; left; length; level; life; limited; linear; liver; loading; local; logistic; long; los; lower; lps; lung; lvef; main; major; majority; male; management; mann; map; marker; maximal; maximum; mean; mean age; measurements; measures; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; median; medical; medicine; mesenteric; methods; mice; microcirculation; microvascular; mild; min; minutes; mitochondrial; mixed; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; monitored; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; multiple; multivariate; muscle; necessary; need; negative; neurological; new; nippv; nmba; noisy; non; normal; number; nurses; objective; observational; observed; old; onset; operation; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygenation; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; pao2; parameters; patients; patients blood; pattern; pct; pcvcs; peak; pediatric; peep; percentage; perfusion; period; peripheral; peritonitis; pigs; placebo; plasma; pneumonia; point; poor; population; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; ppv; practice; predictive; predictor; preload; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; procedure; process; prognosis; prolonged; propofol; propranolol; prospective; protein; protocol; psv; pts; pulmonary; pulse; quality; quantitative; radial; range; rate; ratio; rats; rbc; reactive; recent; recovery; recruitment; reduction; reference; regional; regions; regression; related; relationship; relative; renal; research; resistance; respiratory; respiratory failure; responders; response; responsiveness; results; resuscitation; retrospective; right; risk; risk patients; role; saline; samples; sap; saps; saturation; scale; score; second; sedation; sensitivity; sensors; sepsis; septic; septic patients; septic shock; series; serum; set; settings; severe; severity; sham; shock; shock patients; short; significant; signs; similar; single; sirs; small; sofa; software; solution; specificity; spontaneous; square; staff; standard; statistical; status; stay; stimulation; sto2; strategy; stroke; studies; study; support; surgery; surgical; survival; survivors; svi; svo2; svv; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; table; target; tbi; technique; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; thermodilution; thoracic; tidal; time; tissue; tnf; tolerance; total; tracheal; tracheostomy; tract; transfer; transfusion; trauma; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; tube; type; ultrasound; underlying; unit; univariate; university; use; useful; values; vap; variables; variation; vascular; vasopressor; vein; venous; ventilated; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricular; volume; vri; water; weaning; week; weight; whitney; window; withdrawal; years cache: cord-015126-cyhcbk1j.txt plain text: cord-015126-cyhcbk1j.txt item: #63 of 216 id: cord-015306-us58wwmp author: None title: Abstracts for the IPNA Congress, 30 August - 3 September 2013, Shanghai, China date: 2013-06-21 words: 71292 flesch: 48 summary: The purpose of this study was to determine the diagnostic performance of the application of questionnaires to detect ADHD and other psychiatric disorders in children with functional voiding disorders in general pediatrics consultations Methods: The study was conducted on 32 children between 6 and 13 years of age (20 males) diagnosed with FVD (patient group) and 32 children of the same age (21 males) who had no urinary symptoms (control group). Conclusion: Converting from a CNI based immunosuppressant protocol for Paediatric renal transplantation patients to a Sirolimus based one was effective and the benefit was shown up to 54 months post-transplantation One patient received a desensitisation regime with Rituximab and plasmaexhange pre-transplant and IV immunoglobulin post-operatively. keywords: 95%ci; abdominal; abnormalities; absence; abstract; ace2; acid; acidosis; actin; activation; active; activity; acute; acute kidney; acute renal; addition; adhd; adherence; administration; admission; adolescents; affected; age; age group; aged; aim; aki; albumin; allele; allograft; analysis; anemia; angiotensin; animals; antibodies; antibody; anuric; anxiety; apoptosis; application; arb; area; associated; association; autophagy; available; average; baseline; belgium; beta; beta-2; better; bilateral; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; birth; bladder; blood; bmi; bone; boys; brain; bun; calcium; cardiac; care; cases; cause; cd4; cddp; cells; cellular; center; centre; changes; characteristics; childhood; children; children objective; china; chronic; chronic kidney; chronic renal; ckd; ckd patients; classification; clearance; clinical; cni; cohort; collecting; combination; common; complete; complications; concentration; conclusion; condition; congenital; consecutive; conservative; constipation; continued; control group; controls; conversion; correlation; course; creatinine; crescent; crf; criteria; cross; csa; cultured; current; cysts; cytometry; cytoskeleton; daily; damage; data; days; daytime; dds; death; decreased; defects; deficiency; degree; demographic; department; detection; development; dhmeq; diagnosis; dialysis; dialysis patients; diary; diastolic; difference; diffuse; diminished; direct; disease; disorders; diuresis; dmsa; dmsa renal; dna; dndsa; donor; dose; dosing; drugs; duration; dysfunction; dysplasia; early; ebv; ecmo; effect; effective; efficacy; egfr; elevated; elisa; end; enuresis; enuretic; enuretic children; enzyme; episode; epithelial; eps; esrd; esrd patients; etiology; evaluation; evidence; examination; excretion; exon; experience; expression; factors; failure; families; family; features; febrile; female; fgf-2; fgf23; fibrosis; filtration; findings; flow; fluid; focal; follow; following; formation; formula; foxp3; frequencies; frequency; frequent; fsgs; functional; gender; gene; general; genetic; genotype; ghent; girls; glomerular; glomerulonephritis; glomerulosclerosis; good; grade; graft; group; group b; group rats; growth; haemodialysis; healthy; healthy children; heart; hematuria; hemoperfusion; henoch; heparanase; heparin; hepatoblastoma; heterozygous; higher; history; hiv; hla; hormone; hospital; hours; hrs; hsn; hsp; hsp group; hspn; human; hus; hypercalciuria; hyperparathyroidism; hypertension; idiopathic; igan; igan patients; iii; il-10; ill; illness; imaging; immune; immunofluorescence; immunohistochemistry; immunosuppressive; impact; impairment; important; improvement; incidence; incontinence; increased; independent; index; induced; induction; infants; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibitor; initial; injury; insufficiency; insulin; integrin; intensive; interstitial; intervention; intravenous; investigation; involved; involvement; ipth; iri; iron; ischemia; isolated; january; kidney; kidney disease; kidney injury; kidney transplantation; known; ktx; laboratory; later; lee; left; length; lesions; levels; like; likely; limited; living; loads; long; loss; lower; lrt; main; major; majority; male; malnutrition; management; manifestations; marker; marrow; mass; massive; mean; mean age; mechanism; median; medical; medication; membrane; mesangial; metabolic; methods; methylprednisolone; mice; microscopy; mild; min/1.73; mmf; mmol; mmp-9; mne; model; model group; moderate; modigraf; molecular; monitoring; monosymptomatic; months; mortality; mrna; mtor; multiple; mutations; mvv; myfortic; national; need; negative; neonatal; neonates; nephritis; nephrology; nephropathy; nephrosis; nephrotic; nephrotic syndrome; new; ngal; nicu; nmne; nocturnal; non; normal; normal children; normal renal; notch2; novel; number; objective; obstruction; old; old children; onset; operative; oral; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxford; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; pamidronate; pan; parameters; parents; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathological; pathway; patient group; patients; pcr; pct; pediatric; pediatric patients; pediatric renal; percentage; period; peripheral; peritoneal; persistent; phase; phosphate; physical; plasma; podocytes; poisoning; polymorphism; polyuria; poor; population; positive; post; postnatal; potassium; potential; practice; predictive; prednisone; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; prifle; primary; prior; problems; process; prognosis; program; proliferation; prospective; proteins; proteinuria; protocol; proximal; psychological; ptld; pts; purpura; qol; quantitative; questionnaire; randomized; range; rare; rate; rats; reaction; receptor; recipients; records; recurrence; reduced; reduction; reference; reflux; regression; rejection; related; relationship; remission; renal; renal allograft; renal biopsy; renal damage; renal disease; renal failure; renal function; renal injury; renal involvement; renal iri; renal transplantation; renal tubular; renin; repair; reperfusion; report; required; research; residual; resistant; resolution; respiratory; response; restriction; results; retrospective; review; right; risk; rituximab; role; routine; rsv; samples; scan; scar; schonlein; school; scintigraphy; sclerosis; score; scr; sds; second; secondary; segmental; self; sensitivity; sepsis; sequencing; serum; serum creatinine; severe; severe renal; severity; sex; short; shows; siblings; signaling; significant; similar; single; skin; small; social; sodium; specific; specimens; spt; stable; stage; stage renal; standard; statistical; status; steroid; studies; study; study group; subjects; support; surgery; surgical; survival; symptoms; syndrome; system; systolic; tacrolimus; target; term; tertiary; test; testing; tgf; th17; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissues; tnf; total; transition; transplant patients; transplantation; transplanted; treatment; treatment group; treg; trial; trt; tubular; tubules; tumor; ultrasound; underlying; underwent; unit; university; upjo; uptake; urea; uric; urinalysis; urinary; urinary protein; urine; uti; value; variables; vascular; vcug; vein; vesicoureteral; viral; virus; vitamin; vitro; voiding; volume; vur; weeks; weight; western; wt1; years; years old; young; younger; yrs cache: cord-015306-us58wwmp.txt plain text: cord-015306-us58wwmp.txt item: #64 of 216 id: cord-015324-y44sfr0c author: None title: Scientific Programme date: 2007-09-01 words: 197844 flesch: 49 summary: In the group I, consisted of 63 infants (35 males and 28 females) PCD increased during the time in 3,2% infants, remained unchanged in 11,1%, decreased in 14,3%, and disappeared in 71,4% patients. There was no significant difference between renal transplant patients and healthy controls in genotype distribution of allelic frequencies of IL-6, FAS and MCP-1 polymorphisms. keywords: abdominal; abnormalities; abnormality; abpm; absence; absent; absolute; abundance; according; accumulation; accuracy; acei; acid; acidosis; activation; active; activity; acute renal; addition; adequate; adma; administration; admission; adolescents; adpkd; adr; adult patients; adulthood; adults; adverse; affected; affected patients; africa; aga; age; age group; age range; aged; agents; ages; ahus; aim; aims; alanine; alarm; albumin; aldosterone; alkalosis; allele; alpha; alport; alport syndrome; alteration; altered; alternative; ambulatory; amino; analysis; anca; anemia; angiotensin; angiotensinogen; angptl3; animals; anomalies; antenatal; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antihypertensive; anuria; aorta; aortic; apical; apn; apoptosis; apoptotic; apparent; appearance; approach; appropriate; apsgn; aqp1; area; arf; arm; arterial; asian; assay; assessment; associated; association; asymptomatic; atherosclerosis; atn; atp; atrophy; auc; autosomal; availability; available; average; azathioprine; background; bacterial; balance; barrier; bartter; basal; baseline; basement; basiliximab; basis; bau; beginning; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; bicarbonate; bilateral; bilateral renal; binding; biochemical; biological; biomarkers; birth; black children; bladder; bleeding; blood; blood pressure; blot; bmd; bmi; bmp4; bnp; body; bone; bone age; bone disease; boys; branching; brazil; bud; bun; cadaveric; calcification; calcimimetics; calcineurin; calcium; calculated; capacity; capd; capillary; cardiac; cardiovascular; cardiovascular disease; care; carotid; carriers; cases; catch; cathelicidin; catheter; cause; cb4; ccr; cd3; cd4; cells; cellular; center; central; centre; cerebral; chain; changes; channel; characteristics; chemotherapy; childhood; children; children hospital; children renal; china; chinese; chloride; cholesterol; chromosome; chronic kidney; chronic renal; cimt; ckd; ckd children; ckid; classical; classification; clcn5; clcnkb; clearance; clinical; close; cmv; cni; coagulation; cohort; col4a5; coli; collagen; collection; combination; combined; common; comparable; comparison; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complications; components; compound; concentration; conclusion; concomitant; condition; congenital; consecutive; consequences; conservative; consistent; continuous; contrast; control; control group; control patients; conventional; converting; correlated; correlation; cortical; corticosteroids; cortisol; countries; course; creatinine; creatinine levels; crescents; crf patients; criteria; critical; cross; crp; crucial; csa; csa treatment; cultured; cumulative; curve; cx3cl1; cya; cycle; cyclophosphamide; cyclosporine; cystatin; cystic; cystine; cystinosis; cystinotic patients; cysts; cytokines; cytoplasmic; cytosolic; cytotoxic; daily; data; date; day; days; daytime; dbp; ddavp; ddd; deafness; death; dec1; december; decline; decrease; defective; defects; deficiency; definition; degree; delayed; deletion; demographic; density; dent disease; department; dependent; dependent patients; deposition; deposits; design; detection; determined; detrusor; development; deviation; dexamethasone; dhea; diabetes; diabetic; diabetic patients; diagnosis; dialysate; dialysis; dialysis patients; diameter; diaphragm; diarrhea; diastolic; diet; dietary; differences; different; differential; differentiation; diffuse; dilatation; dipyridamole; direct; discussion; disease activity; disease onset; disease patients; disease progression; diseases; disorders; distal; distal renal; distribution; diuresis; dmsa; dna; domain; dominant; donor; doppler; dosage; dose; dosing; double; drugs; dry; duration; dysfunction; dysplasia; earlier; early; early renal; ebv; echocardiography; edema; effect; effective; efficacy; egfr; electrolytes; electron; elevated; elevation; elisa; enalapril; encodes; encoding; end; endocapillary; endogenous; endothelial; enhanced; entry; enuresis; enzyme; episodes; epithelial; erk; esrd; esrd patients; essential; established; estimated; estimation; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; evident; examination; examined; excellent; exchange; excretion; exon; experience; experimental; exposure; expression; extent; extracellular; extrarenal; facilities; factor; familial; families; family; father; features; febrile; feeding; female; ferritin; fetal; fetus; fever; fibrosis; filtration; final; findings; flow; fluid; fmd; focal; fold; follow; following; formation; forms; formula; foxp3; fraction; free; frequency; frequent; frozen; fsgs; fty720; function group; functional; furosemide; future; gain; gastrointestinal; gbm; gcm1; gdnf; gender; gene; gene expression; general; generalized; generation; genetic; genotype; germany; gestation; gfr; girls; glomerular; glomerular disease; glomerulonephritis; glomerulosclerosis; glucose; glycosylation; good; grade; graft; graft function; greater; group; group b; group ii; growth; half; hand; hd patients; hdl; healthy age; healthy children; heart; heavy; help; hematuria; hemodialysis; hemoglobin; hemolytic; henoch; hepatic; hepatitis; hereditary; heterozygous; high; higher; highest; histological; histopathological; history; hiv; hivan; hla; homeostasis; homozygous; hormone; hospital; hours; hrs; hsn; hsp; htn; human; hus; hydronephrosis; hypercalciuria; hypercholesterolemia; hyperfiltration; hyperlipidemia; hyperoxaluria; hyperparathyroidism; hypertension; hypertensive children; hypertensive patients; hypertrophy; hypoalbuminemia; hypokalemia; hypomagnesemia; hyponatremia; hypoplasia; hypothesis; identification; idiopathic; iga; iga1; igan; igfr; igg; igm; iii; il-2; illness; imaging; immediate; immune; immunofluorescence; immunohistochemistry; immunological; immunosuppressive; impact; impaired; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incontinence; increased; increasing; index; indian children; indicator; indices; individual; induced; induction; infancy; infants; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; infusion; inheritance; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; initiation; injury; insertion; insulin; intact; intake; intensive; interactions; interstitial; interval; intervention; intrauterine; intravenous; introduction; invasive; investigation; involved; iron; ischemia; isolated; israel; iugr; january; japanese patients; key; kidney; kidney biopsy; kidney disease; kidney failure; kidney function; kidney transplantation; kinase; kingdom; knowledge; known; laboratory; lactobacillus; large; later; ldl; lead; leading; left; left renal; leg; length; leptin; lesions; leukocytes; levels; life; like; likely; limited; linear; lipid; literature; little; liver; living; lmwh; load; localization; logistic; london; long; longer; longitudinal; loss; lost; lower; lps; lupus; lvh; lvm; lvmi; lymphocytes; macroscopic; magnesium; main; maintenance; major; major renal; majority; male; male patients; malnutrition; management; manifestations; marked; markedly; markers; marrow; mass; material; matrix; maturation; mature; maximal; mcd; mcns; mcp-1; mean; mean age; mean±sd; measured; measurement; measuring; mechanisms; median; medical; medication; medicine; medium; medullary; megalin; members; membrane; membranoproliferative; membranous; meq; mesangial; mesenchyme; metabolic; metanephric; methods; methylprednisolone; mg/24; mice; microalbuminuria; microarrays; microglobulin; microscopy; mild; mild renal; min/1.73; mineralization; minimal; minimum; minor; missense; mitochondrial; mma patients; mmf; mmhg; mmol; mne; modalities; modality; model; moderate; moderate renal; mofetil; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monthly; months; morbidity; morning; morphogenesis; mortality; mosm; mother; mouse; mpgn; mri; mrna; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mutant; mutations; mycophenolate; n=1; n=2; n=3; n=5; n=6; n=7; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; neonatal; neonates; neph1; nephrectomy; nephrin; nephritis; nephrocalcinosis; nephrogenesis; nephrolithiasis; nephrologists; nephrology; nephronophthisis; nephrons; nephropathy; nephrotic; nephrotic children; nephrotic patients; nephrotic proteinuria; nephrotic syndrome; nephrotoxicity; neurological; neutrophil; new; newborn; ngal; nhe3; nights; nitric; nitrogen; nocturnal; non; nonsense; normal; normal blood; normal children; normal group; normal kidney; normal range; normal renal; normalization; novel; nphp1; nphs2; ns children; ntx patients; number; numerous; nutritional; obese; obese children; obesity; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; occurrence; ocrl1; ocular; ofmu; old; older; older children; onset; operation; operative; optimal; oral; organ; origin; osmolality; osmotic; outcome; overall; overweight; oxalate; oxidative; oxide; p38; p<0.001; p<0.05; pad; paediatric; paediatric patients; pain; parameters; parents; partial; past; pathogenesis; pathological; pathology; pathway; patients; patients data; patients group; patients results; pattern; pcr; pd patients; pdf; peak; pediatric kidney; pediatric patients; pediatric renal; people; peptide; percentage; period; peripheral; peritoneal; peritonitis; permeability; persistent; phase; phb; phenotype; phosphate; phosphorylation; physical; placebo; plasma; plasmapheresis; platelet; play; pmt; pne; podocin; podocyte; point; polycystic; polymerase; polymorphism; polyuria; poor; population; positive; positive patients; possible; post; posterior; postnatal; potassium; potential; predictive; predictor; prednisone; pregnancy; preliminary; prenatal; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; preterm; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; primary disease; primary renal; prior; problems; process; processes; product; profile; prognosis; program; progression; progressive renal; proliferation; prolonged; prontbnp; prophylactic; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; prospective study; proteins; proteinuria; proteinuric renal; protocol; proximal; psf; pth; ptld; pts; pubertal patients; pulmonary; pulse; puromycin; purpose; purpura; pwv; pyelonephritis; quality; quantitative; radiological; randomized; range; range proteinuria; rapid; rare; rate; ratio; rats; ray; reabsorption; reaction; reactive; reason; receiving; recent; receptor; recessive; recipients; recombinant; records; recovered; recovery; recurrent; reduced; reducing; reduction; reference; reflux; refractory; regimen; region; regular; regulation; regulatory; rejection; relapse; related; relationship; relative; release; reliable; remaining; remission; removal; renal; renal abnormalities; renal allograft; renal anemia; renal arteries; renal artery; renal biopsies; renal biopsy; renal blood; renal care; renal cell; renal complications; renal cortex; renal cystic; renal damage; renal development; renal disease; renal disorders; renal dysplasia; renal epithelial; renal failure; renal fanconi; renal fibrosis; renal function; renal glomerular; renal graft; renal growth; renal histological; renal histology; renal impairment; renal infarction; renal inflammation; renal injury; renal insufficiency; renal interstitial; renal involvement; renal length; renal magnesium; renal manifestations; renal mg; renal osteodystrophy; renal outcome; renal parameters; renal parenchymal; renal pathology; renal pelvis; renal phenotype; renal prognosis; renal proximal; renal renal; renal repair; renal replacement; renal scarring; renal scars; renal scintigraphy; renal size; renal sodium; renal stones; renal survival; renal symptoms; renal syndrome; renal tissue; renal toxicity; renal transplantation; renal transplants; renal tubular; renal ultrasonography; renal ultrasound; renal units; renin; repair; report; research; residual; resistant; resolution; respect; respiratory; responders; response; responsible; restriction; results; retardation; retrospective; review; rhd; rhgh; rhuepo; rickets; right; right renal; risk; risk patients; rituximab; role; routine; rpd; rrf; rsv; rtd; rtx; safe; safety; salt; samples; sbp; scan; scd80; school; schwartz; schönlein; score; screening; sdma; sdns; sds; secondary; secretion; sections; segmental; segmental renal; selective; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; series; serum; serum creatinine; serum levels; sessions; severe; severe renal; severity; sex; sga; sham; shiraz; short; showing; signaling; significant; significant difference; significant renal; signs; similar; simple; single; sirolimus; site; size; skin; sle; sle patients; slit; small; small children; social; sodium; south; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; sporadic; square; srl; srns; srns patients; ssns; stable; stage renal; stages; staining; standard; standardized; start; state; statistical; status; stenosis; steroid; steroid therapy; steroid treatment; stfr; stiffness; stimulation; strategies; stress; strong; structural; studies; study; study group; subcapsular; subgroup; subjects; subsequent; substitution; successful; suffering; suggested; summary; supplementation; support; surface; surgery; surgical; sustained; switch; sympathetic; symptoms; syndrome; syndrome patients; synthesis; system; systemic; systolic; tacrolimus; taking; target; tbars; techniques; term; term renal; terminal; terminus; tertiary; test; testing; tgf; thalassemia; thalassemic patients; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; thrive; thrombocytopenia; thrombosis; time; tissues; tolerance; tool; total; toxicity; tract; traditional; transcription; transfusion; transient; transplant patients; transplanted; transplanted children; transport; treated; treatment; treatment group; trial; triglycerides; trough; trpc6; tuberculosis; tubular function; tubules; tubulointerstitial; tumor; type; type children; typical; tyrosine; uca; ucr; ultrasonography; unchanged; unclear; uncontrolled; underlying; underlying renal; understanding; underwent; united; univariate; university; university children; unknown; upper; upr; urea; uremic; ureteric; uric; urinalysis; urinary; urinary protein; urinary tract; urine; urolithiasis; uropathy; useful; uti; uti patients; uuo; vaccination; values; variability; variables; vasculitis; vasopressin; vcug; vector; vegf; velocity; ventricular; vesicoureteral; vessels; viral; virulence; virus; visit; vitamin; vitro; vivo; voiding; volume; vomiting; vs.; vur; vur patients; wall; wasting; weekly; weeks; weight; western; wet; white; wide; wild; wilms; withdrawal; work; wt1; years; years old; young; young children; younger; yrs; μmol cache: cord-015324-y44sfr0c.txt plain text: cord-015324-y44sfr0c.txt item: #65 of 216 id: cord-015354-yknwveyz author: None title: Abstracts_Poster presentations date: 2007-09-18 words: 221717 flesch: 51 summary: Results: The AS-IS diagram identified the following pre-scan steps as candidates for a change: i) non-appearance of patients, ii) measurement of body weight and height, calculation of body mass index and sestamibi dose, iii) preparations and check of patient dose, iv) positioning of intravenous cannula and dose injection, v) check of medication and withdrawal of relevant drugs before stress acquisition, and vi) entering of informations into a working sheet and the patient protocol. Patients data were analysed using both Kaplan-Meier event-free survival curves and Cox multivariate analyses. keywords: 123i; 128x128; 185; 18f; 18fdg; 24h; 68ga; 99mtc; abdomen; abdominal; ablation; ablative; abnormal; abnormalities; abnormality; absence; absent; acceptable; access; account; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acid; acquired; acquisition; activities; activity; actual; acute; adc; additional; adenocarcinoma; adenoma; adenosine; adequate; adjuvant; administration; adrenal; adult patients; advanced; advantages; adverse; affected; affinity; age range; aged; agents; aggressive; agreement; aim; aims; algorithm; alleles; alpha; alternative; alzheimer; analyse; analysis; anatomical; angina; angiogenesis; angiography; animals; anterior; antibodies; antibody; aorta; aortic; apoptosis; appearance; application; applied; approach; appropriate; april; archiving; area; arms; array; arterial; arteries; artery; artery disease; arthritis; artifacts; aspiration; assay; assessment; associated; association; asymptomatic patients; athens; attenuation; authors; automatic; availability; available; average; axial; axillary; background; basal; baseline; basis; bbb; beam; bearing; bed; beginning; benefit; benign; best; beta; better; bilateral; binding; biochemical; biograph; biological; biopsies; biopsy; bladder; bleeding; blinded; block; blood; blue; bmd; bmi; bmipp; body; body ct; body pet; body scan; bolus; bone; bone ct; bone marrow; bone metastases; bone scan; bone scintigraphy; bos; bowel; bph; bph patients; bpl; brain; brain perfusion; brain spect; brain uptake; breast; breast cancer; brown; butterworth; cacs; cad; calcitonin; calcium; calculated; calculation; calibration; camera; cancer group; cancer patients; cancers; capacity; carcinoid; carcinoma; carcinoma patients; cardiac; care; carlo; carotid; carrier; cases; cats; cause; cavity; cd10; cea; cell; cellular; center; central; centre; cerebellar; cerebral; cervical; cervical uptake; cga; changes; chemotherapy; chest; children; chloride; choice; chromatography; chronic; circular; cit spect; classification; classified; clearance; clinical; clinical data; clinical follow; clinical results; close; cmr; cnr; coefficient; cognitive; cold; collimator; colloid; colon; colorectal; column; combination; combined; common; comparable; comparing; comparison; compartment; complementary; complete; complex; complications; component; compounds; compression; computer; concentration; conclusion; concordance; conditions; confidence; confirmation; confirmed; consecutive patients; considerable; consideration; consistent; constant; contamination; continuous; contralateral; contrast; contribution; control; control group; control study; conventional; conversion; cord; coronary; correct; correlate; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; cost; counting; countries; counts; course; crc patients; creatinine; criteria; critical; cross; crp; crt; crystal; ct data; ct examination; ct findings; ct fusion; ct images; ct imaging; ct results; ct scan; ct scanner; ct study; ct system; ct volume; curative; current; curves; cycle; cyclotron; cystatin; czech; daily; damage; data; database; date; day; days; dbc; death; decay; december; decision; decline; decreased; dedicated; defects; definition; degree; delayed; delineation; dementia; dementia patients; dendritic; density; department; depreotide; dept; design; detected; detection; detector; deterioration; determination; determined; development; deviations; diabetes; diabetic patients; diabetics; diagnosis; diagnostic ct; diagnostic value; diameter; dicom; differences; different; different pet; differential; differentiated; differentiated thyroid; difficult; diffuse; diffusion; dimensional; dipyridamole; direct; discordant patients; discovery; discrimination; discussion; disease; disease patients; disorders; display; dissection; distance; distant; distribution; diverticulum; divided; dlu; dm patients; dmsa; dna; dopamine; dopaminergic; dosage; dose; dose ct; dose group; dose rate; dose spect; dosimeter; dosimetry; dota; dotatate; dotatoc; double; downscatter; drainage; drugs; dtc; dtpa; duration; dye; dynamic; dynamic pet; dysfunction; dyssynchrony; e.g.; early; early detection; easy; ecd; ecg; echocardiography; ectopic; edta; edtmp; edv; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efficiency; egfr; ejection; elderly patients; elevated; elevation; embolism; emission; emptying; end; energy; enhanced; enhancement; entire; epithelial; equal; equipped; equivalent; equivocal; error; essential; established; estimated; estimation; esv; etc; euthyroid; euthyroid patients; evaluate; evaluation; events; evidence; exact; examination; excellent; exclusion; excretion; exercise; expected; experience; experiments; exponential; exposure; expression; extension; extensive; extent; external; extra; extremity; f-18; factors; faculty; failure; failure patients; false; family; fast; fasting; fat; fbp; fch; fdg activity; fdg images; fdg imaging; fdg pet; fdg uptake; feasibility; feasible; features; female patients; females; femoral; femur; field; filter; filtration; final; findings; finger; fixed; flow; focal; foci; focus; fold; follicular; follow; following; foot; formula; fov; fraction; fracture; frame; free; frequency; frequent; frontal; function; functioning; fwhm; gallbladder; gamma; ganglia; gastric; gastrointestinal; gated; gbps; gbq; gender; general; genes; geometric; geometry; germany; gfr; glands; global; glucose; gmpi; goal; goiter; goiter patients; gold; good; good results; grade; graft; graves; greater; greece; group; group b; group ii; group patients; growth; gsh; guidelines; gyrus; haematological; half; hand; hcm; head; healthcare; healthy; healthy patients; heart; help; helpful; hepatic; hexagonal; high; high dose; high uptake; higher; highest; histogram; histological; histology; histopathological; histopathology; history; hiv patients; hmpao; hodgkin; hole; holmium; hormone; hospital; hours; hplc; hpt; hrs; human; hungary; hydronephrosis; hynic; hyperparathyroidism; hyperplasia; hypertension; hyperthyroidism; hypometabolism; hypoperfused; hypoperfusion; i-131; i-131 uptake; i.v; i123; ictal; ideal; identification; ifn; ihd; iii; image quality; images; imaging; imaging method; impact; impairment; important; improved; improvement; impurities; in-111; incidence; inconclusive; increased; increasing; independent; index; indicator; indium; individual; induced; infarction; infectious; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; inhalation; initial; injected; injection; injection group; injury; input; institute; institution; insulin; intense; intensity; interest; intermediate; international; interpretation; interval; intervention; intracranial; intraoperative; intravenous; introduction; invasive; investigation; involved; involvement; ischemia; isolated; isotope; italy; iterative; january; japan; joints; kev; key; kidney; kinetic; knee; knowledge; known; labelling; laboratory; lack; lactadherin; large; lbd patients; lead; leading; learning; left; legp; lesions; leukocyte; level; lewy; life; like; likely; limited; limits; linear; liquid; literature; liver; lobe; localization; location; long; longer; loss; low; low dose; lower; lso; lung; lung cancer; lvef; lymph; lymph node; lymphatic; lymphoma; lymphoscintigraphy; m mibi; m tc; machine; mag3; main; maintenance; major; majority; making; malignant; mammography; management; mann; manner; manual; manufacturer; mapping; march; marked; markers; marrow; mass; masses; material; matrix; matter; maximal; maximum; mbf; mbq; mci; mda; mdp; mean; mean activity; mean age; mean difference; mean dose; mean time; mean value; measured; measurements; mechanism; median; mediastinal; medical; medicine; medium; melanoma; melanoma patients; mellitus; metabolic; metastases; metastatic; metastatic disease; methodology; methods; mev; mibg; mibi; mice; microspheres; mid; migration; mild; min; min/1.73; minimal; minimum; minor; minutes; modalities; modality; model; modeling; moderate; modified; molecular; monitoring; monoclonal; monte; months; morphologic; mortality; motion; motor; movement; mpi; mps; mri; msa patients; msv; mtt; mucosa; multidim; multifocal; multinodular; multiple; muscle; music; mutation; myocardial; myocardial perfusion; n=2; nanocolloid; national; nature; nca; necessary; neck; necrosis; need; needle; negative ct; negative patients; negative pet; negative results; neoplastic; neuroendocrine; neurological; new; nfc; nhl; nmt; nodal; node; nodular; nodules; noise; non; normal; normal group; normal patients; normal perfusion; normal uptake; normalization; normalized; npv; nsclc; nuclear; nuclear medicine; nucleus; number; nursing; obese patients; objective; oblique; observation; observed; observers; obstruction; occipital; occult; octreotide; old; oncology; ones; onset; operating; operation; operator; optimal; optimization; options; orbit; order; organs; origin; original; osem; osteomyelitis; osteoporosis; outcome; overall; oxygen; p.i; p<0.001; p<0.05; package; pacs; paediatric patients; pai-1; pain; painful; painters; paired; palliative; palpable; pancreatic; paper; papillary; parallel; parameters; parametric; parathyroid; parenchymal; parietal; parkinson; partial; particular; pathological; pathology; patient studies; patients; patients characteristics; patients data; patients lymph; patients responders; patients results; patients scintigraphy; patients significant; patients spect; patients suspicious; pattern; pd patients; peak; pediatric; pediatric patients; pelvic; penetration; people; peptide; percentage; performance; performing; perfusion; perfusion imaging; perfusion scan; perfusion scintigraphy; perfusion spect; perfusion study; period; peripheral; peritoneal; persistent; pertechnetate; pet; pet ct; pet data; pet findings; pet images; pet imaging; pet parameters; pet patient; pet scan; pet studies; pet study; pgs; phantom; phantom study; phase; phenomenon; phosphor; photon; physical; physicians; physiological; phytate; pixel; place; planar; planar images; planar imaging; planned; planning; plasma; pleural; plt; pmod; pob; point; pool; poor; population; position; positioning; positive; positive bone; positive patients; positive pet; positive results; positive study; possibility; possible; post; posterior; postoperative; potential; practical; practice; precise; predialysis patients; predictive; predictor; pregnancy; preliminary results; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; preserved; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; probability; probable; probe; problems; procedure; process; processes; processing; product; profiles; prognosis; program; progressive; projection; proliferation; promising; properties; prospective; prostate; prosthetic; protein; protocol; proximal; psa; ptc; pth; pts; pulmonary; pulse; pump; purification; purity; purpose; putamen; qgs; quality; quantification; quantitative; questionnaire; radiation; radiation dose; radioactive; radioactivity; radiochemical; radioguided; radioiodine; radiolabeled; radiolabelling; radiological; radiologist; radiology; radionuclide; radiopharmaceutical; radiotherapy; radiotracer; range; rapid; rare; rate; ratio; rats; ray; rays; rbc; rcbf; rcp; reaction; reactive; readings; reason; receiving; recent; receptor; reconstructed; reconstruction; recovery; rectal; recurrence; reduced; reduction; reference; refractory; region; regional; registration; regression; relapse; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; reliable; remains; remnant; removal; renal; rennin; renogram; repeated; reported; reporting; reports; reproducibility; republic; research; resection; reserve; residual; resolution; respectively; responders; response; rest; results; retention; retrospective; retrospective study; revascularisation; reversible; review; rhtsh; right; risk patients; rituximab; rois; role; room; routine; rrf; rso; run; safe; safety; saline; salivary; samples; sampling; sassari; scale; scan; scan results; scan time; scanner; scanning; scar; scatter; scintigrams; scintigraphies; scintigraphy; scintigraphy results; scintillation; scintimammography; score; screening; sct; sds; second; secondary; sections; segments; seizure patients; selection; selective; semiquantitative; sensitive; sensitivity; sentinel; sentinel lymph; separated; septal; sequential; series; sert; serum; service; sestamibi; sestamibi uptake; set; sets; setting; severe; severity; shielding; short; siemens; signal; significant; significant correlation; significant difference; signs; silent; similar; similar results; simple; simulated; simulation; simultaneous; single; sites; size; skeletal; skin; slice; sln; slnb; slns; slope; small; smaller; smoking patients; software; solid; solitary; somatostatin; source; spatial; specialists; specific; specificity; spect; spect acquisition; spect myocardial; spect results; spect scans; spect scintigraphy; spect system; spectrum; spheres; spiral; spleen; spm2; spondylodiscitis; spread; square; srs; sss; stability; stable; staff; stage; staging; standard; standardized; starting; statistical; status; stenosis; step; stomach; storage; stress; striatal; striatum; strips; stromal; strong; structures; studies; study; study group; study patients; study period; study results; stunning; subclinical; subgroup; subjects; subsequent; successful; sufficient; suitable; summed; superior; support; surface; surgery; surgical; surgical patients; survival; suspension; suspicious; suv; suvmax; suvs; sympathetic; symptoms; syndrome; synovitis; synthesis; syringe; system; systematic; systolic; tac; taiwan; target; tc uptake; tc-99 m; tc99m; technetium; technique; technologists; temperature; temporal; terms; test; testing; tetrofosmin; therapeutic; therapy; thickening; thickness; thin; thoracic; thorax; threshold; thyroglobulin; thyroid; thyroid cancer; thyroid carcinoma; thyroid disease; thyroid scintigraphy; thyroid tissue; thyroid uptake; thyroidectomy; thyroiditis; time; time activity; time spect; tissue; tl-201; tlc; tld; toc pet; toluene; tomography; tool; total; toxicity; tracer; tracer uptake; tract; traditional; training; transfer; transient; transit; transmission; transplant; transplantation; transporter; treatment; treatment group; treatment results; true; tsh; tubular; tumor; tumor patients; tumor uptake; tumours; twice; type; ultrasonography; ultrasound; uncertainty; undergone; underwent; uniformity; unit; university; unknown; untreated patients; upa; upper; uptake; uptake ratio; uptake value; uranium; urinary; urine; use; useful; usefulness; utility; valuable; value; variable; variation; varied; vascular; vein; ventilation; ventricle; ventricular; versus; vessel; viability; viable; vial; view; visible; visual; visualization; visualized; vitro; vivo; volume; volunteers; voxel; waiting; wall; washout; water; wave; way; wbc; wbd; wbr; wbs; weeks; weight; weighted; white; whitney; wide; window; wire; women; work; working; workstation; wrist; y-90; years; years results; younger patients; yrs; zevalin; μsv cache: cord-015354-yknwveyz.txt plain text: cord-015354-yknwveyz.txt item: #66 of 216 id: cord-015368-a0qz4tb9 author: None title: 48th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Society of Surgery, Graz, June 7–9, 2007 date: 2007 words: 86712 flesch: 48 summary: In an unselected cohort of surgical patients those presenting with infection prior to surgery and those undergoing abdominal surgery are at highest risk of death from infection. After resection patients should have long term follow up. keywords: = =; aaa; abdomen; abdominal; abdominal surgery; ablation; abscess; acceptable; accepted; access; accessory; acid; activation; active; activity; acute; additional; adenocarcinoma; adequate; administration; advanced; advantages; adverse; affected; agb; age; aim; alternative; anaesthesia; analysed; analysis; anastomosis; anatomical; aneurysms; animals; anterior; anti; aorta; aortic; apoptosis; appendectomy; appendicitis; appendix; application; approach; arch; area; arf; arteries; artery; arthrosis; asa; aspects; assessment; associated; atresia; atrial; austria; available; average; axillary; background; balloon; banding; bariatric; barrett; baseline; basis; bei; benefit; benign; best; better; biceps; bilateral; bile; biliary; bilirubin; biopsies; biopsy; birth; bladder; bleeding; blockade; blood; bmi; body; bone; bowel; brachial; breast; burns; bypass; cabg; cancer; cancer patients; carcinoma; carcinoma patients; cardiac; cardiac surgery; cardiopulmonary; care; carotid; cases; catheter; cause; cavity; cbd; cell; cellular; centers; central; cervical; changes; chemotherapy; chest; children; choice; cholecystectomy; choledochal; chronic; classification; classified; clinical; clinical results; clip; closure; cohort; collected; colon; colonic; colorectal; combination; combined; common; comparable; comparison; complete; complex; complications; compression; concept; conclusions; concomitant; condition; congenital; connective; consecutive patients; consequence; conservative; constant; contrast; control; conventional; conversion; converted; coronary; correlation; cosmetic; cosmetic results; course; coverage; cpb; crc; crc patients; creatinine; criteria; crucial; ctx; curative; current; curve; cycles; cyst; cystic; daily; damage; data; days; death; december; decision; decrease; deep; defect; delayed; department; dependent; descending; detailed; detection; determined; developed; development; device; diabetic patients; diagnosis; diameter; diaphragm; diaphragmatic; die; differences; different; differential; difficult; dilatation; direct; discharge; discussion; disease; dissection; distal; distance; distribution; diverticulitis; dna; dose; double; drainage; drug; duct; ductoscopy; duodenal; duplex; duration; dysfunction; dysplasia; earlier; early; early results; easy; effective; effects; efficacy; eine; elderly; elective; elevated; emergency; endarterectomy; endoluminal; endoscopic; endothelin; endovascular; energy; episodes; ercp; esb; esophageal; esophagectomy; esophagus; evaluated; evaluation; evar; events; evidence; exact; examination; excellent; excision; expansion; expected; experience; experimental; exploration; exposure; expression; extended; extensive; extent; external; extremity; facial; factors; failure; false; fascia; fast; feasibility; feasible; features; female patients; females; femoral; fetal; fgf18; fibrin; field; findings; fistula; fixation; flap; flow; fluid; follow; following; formation; forms; fractures; free; frequency; frequent; function; fundoplication; fxiii; für; gallstone; gastric; gastro; gastrointestinal; gastroschisis; gender; general; genes; gerd patients; germany; gfr; goal; good; good results; grade; graft; grafting; graz; greater; group; growth; gsd; h&e; hand; head; healing; health; heart; hemangiomas; hepatic; hernia; high; higher; highest; histological; histology; histopathological; histopathology; history; hiv; hospital; hours; hpv; htx; human; identification; iii; ileus; iliac; image; imaging; immediate; immune; impact; impedance; implantation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incision; incontinence; increased; indexed; indication; individual; infection; inflammatory; influence; inguinal; initial; injuries; injury; inoperable patients; institution; insufficiency; intensive; interdisciplinary; internal; intervention; intestinal; intraabdominal; intraductal; intraoperative; invasion; invasive; investigated; investigation; involved; ischemia; isolated; iv patients; january; joint; kidney; known; laboratory; lack; laparoscopic; laparoscopic surgery; laparotomy; large; laser; lead; leakage; learning; left; leg; length; lesions; levels; lich; life; ligation; like; limited; line; linz; liquid; literature; liver; local; long; loss; lost; lower; lumen; lung; lviv; lymph; lymphatic; mae; main; major; majority; males; malignancies; malignant; management; mandatory; manometry; marker; massive; matrix; mean; mean age; median; medical; mesh; meshes; metastases; metastatic; methods; mid; mii; mild; min=1.73; minimal; minimum; minor; minutes; mitral; model; moderate; modified; monitored; monitoring; months; moon; morbidity; mortality; motility; motion; mri; mucosa; multimodal; multiple; muscle; mutation; myocardial; n ¼; necessary; neck; necrosis; need; needed; needle; negative; neoadjuvant; nerve; neurological; new; nissen; node; nog; nog patients; non; normal; novel; number; nur; obese; obese patients; obesity; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; occlusion; old; older patients; oncological; open; open surgery; operating; operation; operation time; optimal; option; order; organ; outcome; ovarian; overall; oxygen; p ¼; p53; pain; palliative; pancreas; pancreatic; paralysis; parameters; parietal; partial; past; patch; pathologies; patients; patients background; patients data; patients medical; pcr; pct; pediatric; percent; perforation; pericardial; period; peripheral; peritoneal; peritonitis; permanent; persistent; pet; phase; physical; placebo; plantar; plate; pleural; plexus; pneumonectomy; pneumothorax; population; position; positive; positive patients; possibilities; possible; posterior; postoperative; postoperative complications; postoperative mortality; postoperative results; posttraumatic; potential; precise; predictive; preoperative; preparation; presence; present; preservation; preserving; pressure; previous; primary; prior; problems; procedure; process; prognosis; progression; prolapse; prolonged; promising; prospective; prosthesis; protein; protocol; proximal; pth; pts; pull; pulmonary; pump; purpose; quality; radical; radiochemotherapy; radius; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; rats; ray; reasons; recent; receptor; reconstruction; recovery; rectal; rectum; recurrence; reduced; reduction; reflux; regard; regimen; region; regional; rehabilitation; related; relevant; remains; remodeling; removal; renal; repair; reperfusion; replacement; report; reported; resection; respiratory; response; restrictive; results; retrograde; retroperitoneal; retrospective; retrosternal; review; revision; right; risk; risk patients; role; routine; rupture; safe; samples; sampling; satisfaction; satisfactory; scale; scan; scar; score; screening; screws; second; secondary; segment; self; sensitivity; sepsis; septic; sequences; series; serum; severe; sex; sfrp1; shock; short; shorter; shoulder; shows; shunting; sich; sigmoid; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; site; situation; size; skin; sleeve; small; sns; soft; sonography; special; specialized; specific; specificity; sphincter; spleen; splenectomy; splenic; squamous; stable; staff; stage; staining; standard; standardized; stapling; statistical; status; stay; stenosis; stent; stenting; step; sternotomy; stimulation; stomach; stones; strategy; stripping; strong; studies; study; subclavian; subcutaneous; subjects; success; successful; suffering; sufficient; suitable; superficial; superior; supply; support; surface; surgeons; surgery; surgical; surgical complications; surgical intervention; surgical methods; surgical patients; surgical procedure; surgical therapy; surgical treatment; survival; suture; suturing; sympathetic; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; targets; teaching; team; technical; technique; technology; term; term results; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; thoracic; thyroid; thyroid surgery; time; tipp; tissue; tool; total; track; tracking; traditional; training; transplantation; transport; transposition; trauma; treatment; trials; tube; tumor; type; typical; ulcer; ultrasound; unclear; underlying; underwent; unit; university; upper; use; useful; values; valve; vascular; vats; vbg; vein; vena; venous; ventricular; versus; vessels; video; vienna; vivo; volume; von; vs.; wall; way; weeks; weight; werden; western; women; working; wound; wurde; years; younger patients; yrs; zur cache: cord-015368-a0qz4tb9.txt plain text: cord-015368-a0qz4tb9.txt item: #67 of 216 id: cord-015372-76xvzvdg author: None title: National scientific medical meeting 1996 abstracts date: 1996 words: 36628 flesch: 50 summary: Control patients were enrolled who had no clinical evidence of rheumatological disease, A salivary sample was collected and examined by light microscopy. Drug induced photosensitivity may look identical clinically, have a similar history and patients with CAD may be treated with potentially photosensitising drugs. keywords: 3rd; abbott; abdominal; abnormalities; acid; activity; acute; addition; adhesion; administration; admission; affected; age; aged; aim; alcohol; analysis; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apoptosis; area; arm; artery; assay; assessment; associated; association; autosomal; average; b12; babies; behavioural; biopsy; blood; bmd; board; bone; breast; bupivacaine; cad; calcium; cancer; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; cases; cause; cd30; cdad; cells; central; centre; changes; children; chronic; class; clinical; cns; cognitive; combination; common; community; comparison; compliance; complications; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; consecutive; consecutive patients; controls; cord; correct; correlation; cost; criteria; crying; culture; current; cytokine; daily; damage; data; day; days; death; deficiency; degree; department; dependent; detection; development; diagnosis; diclofenac; diet; dietary; difference; discharge; disease; disorder; dna; doctors; dose; drug; dublin; duration; dysphagia; early; ebv; effect; egf; elderly; elderly patients; elevated; endothelial; evidence; examination; expected; experience; exposure; expression; factor; failure; families; family; features; females; findings; flap; flow; folic; following; formation; free; frequency; function; gender; gene; general; generation; greater; group; group b; growth; haemorrhage; hcv; headache; health; heart; hepatitis; high; higher; histology; history; hiv; hla; home; homocysteine; homozygous; hospital; hours; hsp; human; hypothesis; hysterectomy; icas; icu; iga; igaga; il-6; illness; immune; impaired; implicated; important; improvement; imx; incidence; increase; index; individuals; induction; infection; inflammatory; infusion; initial; intake; investigation; ireland; irish; isolates; ivf; journal; july; known; lack; large; lead; left; length; levels; limited; linkage; lipid; liver; loci; locus; long; loss; lower; lp(a; lps; lung; major; majority; males; management; mania; markers; mass; matched; mbw; mean; mean age; measurements; measures; median; medical; medication; methadone; method; microscopy; middle; mild; minimal; minutes; mmhg; mmse; months; mortality; movements; mrsa; multiple; muscle; necrosis; need; negative; negative patients; neurological; new; non; normal; number; nursing; objective; observed; old; onset; oral; outcome; overall; p53; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; pathogenesis; patients; pattern; pcr; pelvic; people; performance; period; phase; photosensitivity; plasma; pneumoniae; poor; population; positioning; positive; positive patients; possible; post; postoperative; potential; pregnancy; prescribed; prescribing; prescriptions; presence; present; presenting; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; problem; procedures; propofol; protein; psychiatric; psychosis; pts; pulmonary; purpose; questionnaire; range; rate; reaction; reactive; receiving; recent; reconstruction; recovery; reduced; reduction; report; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; retrieval; retrospective; review; right; risk; role; samples; scale; schizophrenia; science; scores; screening; seasonal; second; sensitive; series; serum; service; severe; severity; significant; signs; similar; single; skin; small; smoking; social; species; specific; specimens; standard; status; stay; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; successful; supplement; support; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; taurine; technique; term; test; testing; thcy; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tnf; tonsillectomy; total; tract; transplant; treatment; tumour; type; ulcers; ultrasound; underwent; units; untreated; uptake; urinary; use; uva; vaccine; value; variation; vascular; venous; viral; virus; vitamin; vocal; volume; weeks; weight; women; work; years; young cache: cord-015372-76xvzvdg.txt plain text: cord-015372-76xvzvdg.txt item: #68 of 216 id: cord-016559-tqd7m2i1 author: Zheng, Yi title: Application in Medicine Systems date: 2014-10-28 words: 19358 flesch: 48 summary: Xing [8] reported the application of CDI in the treatment of 120 patients (treatment group: 80 patients, control group: 40 patients) with coronary heart disease and angina pectoris and blood stasis based on temporal rhythm. The results showed that there were 2 cases with a clinical cure, 8 cases with marked effect, 10 cases with improvement, 7 cases without effect, and the total effective rate was 91 % in treatment group. keywords: activity; acute; addition; aggregation; angina; anti; application; artery; average; better; beverage; blood; blood circulation; blood flow; blood viscosity; brain; cardiac; cases; cdi; cells; cerebral; changes; chinese; chronic; circulation; clinical; combination; common; compound danshen; control group; conventional; coronary; course; cured; damage; danshen; danshen group; danshen injection; danshen treatment; day; days; decoction; diabetes; difference; disease; dosage; drip; drugs; effect; effective; effective rate; energy; etc; failure; fibrosis; flow; function; glucose; groups; heart; heart disease; hemorheology; hemorrhage; hepatic; high; higher; important; improvement; increase; infarction; injection; intravenous; intravenous drip; ischemic; kidney; levels; liver; lung; marked; marked effect; medicine; microcirculation; milkvetch; min; modified; mongolian; months; myocardial; normal; oxygen; patients; pectoris; physiological; plasma; platelet; preparations; prescription; pressure; protein; pulmonary; radicals; rate; recovery; reduced; renal; research; results; root; saline; significant; significant difference; sod; solution; stasis; symptoms; syndrome; system; tablets; tcm; therapeutic; therapeutic effects; therapy; times; tissue; total; total effective; treatment group; urinary; urine; vessels; viscosity; water; weeks; years; zhang cache: cord-016559-tqd7m2i1.txt plain text: cord-016559-tqd7m2i1.txt item: #69 of 216 id: cord-016842-sow7k53m author: An, Jisun title: Multidimensional Analysis of the News Consumption of Different Demographic Groups on a Nationwide Scale date: 2017-08-02 words: 6395 flesch: 59 summary: We characterized the news items at the four levels by using the computational techniques, which are topic modeling and the vector representation of words and news items. Figure 2 shows the proportion of news items for each demographic group for each news section. keywords: age; age10; analysis; articles; common; consumption; content; data; daum; demographic; demographic groups; differences; different; dimensions; female; fig; figure; gender; groups; information; interests; items; korea; level; male; media; mers; method; model; modeling; news; news consumption; news items; number; online; outbreak; pairs; plsi; politics; popular; preferences; section; sectional; set; sex; shows; similarity; social; society; south; space; specific; study; subtopic; titles; topic; unique; use; user; vector; women; words; work; year cache: cord-016842-sow7k53m.txt plain text: cord-016842-sow7k53m.txt item: #70 of 216 id: cord-017067-19eawrjt author: Ogbondah, Chris Wolumati title: Terrorists and Social Media Messages: A Critical Analysis of Boko Haram’s Messages and Messaging Techniques date: 2017-10-24 words: 11736 flesch: 53 summary: An assessment For accounts of Nigerian newspapers report on the conflict see, for example, the Vanguard For an understanding of some of the violent attacks of members of the Niger Delta Avengers on Nigeria's oil and gas infrastructure see, for example, the report of Al Jazeera report of With Schoolgirls Taken by Boko Haram Still Missing Amnesty publishes before and after satellite images of Boko Haram Nigeria attacks Boko Haram ahead of ISIS for deadliest terror group See also Agbese, P.O. Internal military deployment and civil-military relations: The Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria For an understanding of media reports of Boko Haram's downing of an Alpha Jet (NAF 466) belonging to the Nigerian Air Force that was involved in a counter-insurgency operation against the extremist Islamic sect see, for example, a Premium Times news report titled Boko Haram: Islamism, Politics, Security and the State in The Message and Methods of Boko Haram Boko Haram Crisis: A chronology By the Numbers: The Nigeria State's Efforts to Counter Boko Haram Boko Haram and its Muslim Critics: Observations from Yobe State Christian Perceptions of Islam and Society in Relation to Boko Haram and Recent Events in Jos and Northern Nigeria Boko Haram: Anatomy of a Crisis, Bristol, e-international Relations Other published materials on the group further examined the following: (6) The character of Boko Haram as a terrorist group; (7) the Nigerian government's response to the insurgency; (8) links between Boko Haram and other Islamic terrorist groups; (9) Boko Haram as a reflection of the weaknesses and failure of the state in Nigeria; and (10) the impact of the insurgency on civil-military relations, including human rights violations committed by Nigerian security forces as they countered Boko Haram attacks. keywords: abduction; ability; able; abuja; africa; air; analysis; anti; armed; army; attacks; attitudes; audiences; baga; boko haram; borno; brutality; cameroon; chad; chapter; christians; civil; claim; communication; conflicts; control; counter; country; crisis; deadly; december; destruction; development; economic; education; entire; example; fighters; fighting; followers; following; forces; form; girls; global; government; group; haram fighters; ideology; infrastructure; insurgency; international; islamic; january; jet; jihadist; jonathan; kano; leader; maiduguri; major; media; members; messages; messaging; military; muslims; nations; news; nigerian; nigerian government; nigerian military; nigerian security; nigerian state; north; november; opinion; organization; parts; peace; people; pilot; police; political; politics; potential; president; propaganda; property; public; qaeda; region; religious; report; response; school; sect; security; september; shekau; social; social media; sokoto; soldiers; state; strategies; strategy; successful; targets; territories; terrorist; terrorist group; threat; times; understanding; united; use; video; views; violence; violent; volume; war; weapons; western; world; young cache: cord-017067-19eawrjt.txt plain text: cord-017067-19eawrjt.txt item: #71 of 216 id: cord-018813-9hoksa86 author: Waito, Marianne title: A Mathematical Model of Cytokine Dynamics During a Cytokine Storm date: 2016-02-17 words: 2895 flesch: 48 summary: Combining these approaches can result in major advancements in both the understanding of cancer and immune system dynamics including cytokine interactions, with the potential to identify strategies to control toxic cytokine storms [26] . Researchers at the Ontario Veterinary College have encountered cytokine storms during virotherapy. keywords: anti; balance; cancer; case; cells; complex; cytokine; cytokine storm; data; dynamics; effects; fig; function; group; host; ifnar; immune; inflammatory; interactions; knockout; leukocytes; mathematical; mice; model; multiple; particular; pro; response; results; significant; specific; storm; system; time; tnf; type; typical; virus; way; wild cache: cord-018813-9hoksa86.txt plain text: cord-018813-9hoksa86.txt item: #72 of 216 id: cord-019347-tj3ye1mx author: None title: ABSTRACT BOOK date: 2010-02-19 words: 108161 flesch: 50 summary: in allergic patients and 250 and 500 ug. In allergic patients after histamine threshold challenge mean decrease was for FEV1 19, 2% and for FEV1/VC 17, 3%. keywords: a549; abalone; abdomen; abdominal; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; absolute; acid; active; activities; activity; acute; addition; adenosine; adequate; adherence; administration; admission; adult; adult patients; adverse; aeroallergens; aes; african; age; aged; agents; ages; ahr; aim; airway; ait; albuterol; allergen; allergic; allergic asthma; allergic patients; allergic reactions; allergic rhinitis; allergic symptoms; allergies; allergist; allergy; allergy testing; allopurinol; alterations; alternaria; alternative; american; analysis; anaphylactic; anaphylaxis; anemia; angioedema; animals; annals; antagonist; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antihistamines; aortic; apoptosis; application; appropriate; aqlq; areas; arql; arthritis; aspergillus; aspirin; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthma care; asthma control; asthma diagnosis; asthma exacerbation; asthma patients; asthma prevalence; asthma symptoms; asthma therapy; asthmatic; atopic; atopic asthma; atopic patients; atopy; attacks; atypical; autoimmune; available; average; aware; azelastine; background; bacterial; baseline; bdp; beginning; beneficial; benefit; beta; bid; bilateral; binding; biopsies; biopsy; birth; blind; blood; bone; boy; brain; breathing; bronchial; bronchial asthma; bronchodilator; budesonide; cam; cap; carboplatin; cardiac; care; case; case report; caucasian; causes; cd25; cd3; cd4; cd8; cells; cellular; cellulitis; center; central; cetirizine; cgd; ch50; challenge; change; characteristics; characterized; chart; chest; childhood; childhood asthma; children; choice; chronic; cic; ciu; claims; classification; classified; clinical; clopidogrel; cns; cohort; cold; combination; combined; commercial; common; comparable; comparison; complement; complete; compliance; concentrations; conclusion; concomitant; condition; congestion; conjunctivitis; consistent; consultations; content; continued; contrast; control; control group; control patients; controller; conventional; correlation; corticosteroids; cortisol; costs; cough; count; course; cow; cpg; criteria; cross; csf; css; culture; cutaneous; cvid; cytokines; cytometry; cytotoxicity; daclizumab; daily; dander; data; database; day; days; death; decrease; defect; deficiency; delay; delayed; delivery; delta; department; dependent; dermatitis; derp1; desensitization; desloratadine; detection; determined; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; diet; differences; different; differential; difficult; diffuse; diphenhydramine; direct; discharge; discontinuation; discussion; disease; disorders; distress; dna; dog; dose; double; doxil; drop; drug; dry; duration; dust; dysfunction; dyspnea; early; ebv; eczema; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; effusion; egg; elderly; elevated; elisa; emergency; environmental; eosinophilia; epinastine; epinephrine; episodes; epithelial; erythema; erythematous; esophageal; essential; estimated; etiology; etoposide; evaluation; events; evidence; exacerbation; examination; examined; exercise; experienced; exposure; expression; extensive; extracts; extremities; eye; eyes; face; facial; factors; failure; fall; family; fatigue; features; fed; female; fev1; fever; fexofenadine; fibrosis; figure; findings; flow; fluid; flushing; fluticasone; fold; following; food; food allergy; form; free; frequency; frequent; fsc; function; fungal; fvc; gamma; gastrointestinal; gender; generalized; generation; genetic; gerd; germany; girl; global; gluten; good; granulomatous; grass; greater; group; growth; guidelines; guinea; h-1a; hae; half; hcl; headache; health; hearing; heart; hemoglobin; hepatitis; hfa; high; higher; hispanic; histamine; history; hiv; hla; home; hospital; hospitalization; hours; house; hpa; hrs; human; hydrocortisone; hypersensitivity; hypertension; hypogammaglobulinemia; ics; idiopathic; ifn; iga; ige; ige levels; igg; igg1; igm; il-1; il-8; illness; immediate; immune; immunization; immunized; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunology; immunotherapy; imos; impact; impairment; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; increasing; index; individuals; induced; infants; infections; infiltrates; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; inhalation; inhaled; inhibitor; initial; initiation; injectable; insulin; interferon; intermittent; interstitial; interval; intervention; intradermal; intranasal; intravenous; introduction; invasive; investigation; involvement; irritant; isaac; isolated; italy; itching; itchy; item; ivig; key; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; large; later; lead; left; legislation; lesions; levels; levocabastine; life; likely; limited; lip; lips; literature; little; liver; local; long; loss; low; lower; lung; lymphocytes; maculopapular; major; majority; male; management; manifestations; marked; marrow; mass; mast; mbl; mcg; mean; measures; mechanism; median; medical; medication; metabolizers; methods; mice; mild; milk; minimal; minutes; mix; mixed; mlt; mm3; model; moderate; mold; monoclonal; montelukast; monthly; months; morbidity; morning; mortality; mother; mucosal; multicenter; multiple; mutation; naepp; naive; nasal; nasal symptoms; national; natural; nature; nebulized; necessary; need; negative; nerve; neutropenia; neutrophil; new; nhlf; non; normal; nose; nostril; novel; number; objective; observed; obstruction; october; ocular; odn; office; old; olopatadine; omalizumab; onset; open; ophthalmic; optimal; oral; organ; otitis; outcomes; outpatient; ova; overall; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; parameters; parents; past; patch; pathogenesis; patients; patterns; pbmc; pcn; pcr; pde4; peak; peanut; pediatric; pediatric patients; pef; penicillin; percent; percentage; period; peripheral; persistent; persistent asthma; phase; physical; physicians; pimecrolimus; pip; placebo; plan; plasma; pneumococcal; pneumonia; point; pollen; poor; population; positive; positive skin; possible; post; potential; practice; prednisone; preliminary; preparation; prescribed; prescription; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; prick; primary; prior; problems; procedure; process; production; products; profile; program; proliferation; protective; protein; protocol; provider; pruritus; pst; pts; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; ragweed; randomized; range; ranitidine; rapid; rare; rash; rast; rates; rationale; reactions; recent; receptor; recognition; recommendations; recurrent; reduced; referral; reflux; regimen; region; regression; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; relief; remodeling; repertoire; replacement; reported; reporting; reports; required; research; resolution; respiratory; respondents; response; responsible; results; retrospective; review; rhinitis; rhinitis patients; rhinitis symptoms; rhinoconjunctivitis; rhinorrhea; rice; right; risk; roflumilast; role; room; rqlq; rural; safety; salmeterol; samples; sar; sarcoidosis; scale; scan; school; score; screening; seafood; seasonal; seasonal allergic; second; secondary; secretion; seizure; selective; self; seminal; sensitive; serum; serum ige; setting; severe; severe asthma; severity; short; shrimp; significant; signs; similar; single; sinusitis; size; skin; skin testing; skin tests; sleep; slow; small; smokers; specific; specific ige; spectrum; spirometry; spray; spt; stage; standard; standardized; states; statistical; stimulation; strong; students; studies; study; study group; subjects; subsequent; successful; support; surgery; surgical; survey; swelling; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; synthesis; systemic; taa; table; tacrolimus; term; tested; testing; tests; tetanus; tgf; th1; th2; therapeutic; therapy; thought; threshold; throat; thrombocytopenia; thymic; time; tissue; titers; tnf; tnss; tolerability; tolerance; tongue; topical; total; total ige; training; trastuzumab; treatment; treatment groups; trials; tumor; twice; type; ulcers; uncommon; underlying; underwent; united; unknown; unremarkable; unscheduled; unusual; upper; urticaria; usage; use; useful; utility; utilization; vaccination; vaccine; values; variability; variable; variety; vascular; vasculitis; vehicle; ventilation; viral; virus; viruses; visits; vitro; vivo; volume; vomiting; weekly; weeks; weight; wheal; wheezing; white; wide; women; work; workup; worsening; year history; year old; years; young; î¼g cache: cord-019347-tj3ye1mx.txt plain text: cord-019347-tj3ye1mx.txt item: #73 of 216 id: cord-021419-nypnib0h author: Olsufyeva, Evgenia N. title: Main trends in the design of semi-synthetic antibiotics of a new generation date: 2020-03-17 words: 16294 flesch: 41 summary: Different approaches to the search for new compounds were developed in recent years. Such comprehensive studies can lead to the design and synthesis of new-generation drugs, which would be more effective than the starting antibiotics and which are of theoretical interest as new compounds with high biological activity. keywords: -atp; -oac; 138a; 63a; 64a; 65a; 90a; acid; active; activity; acylation; agents; aglycone; ala; alkaline; amb; amidation; amines; amino; amino group; analogues; antibacterial; antibacterial activity; antibiotics; antifungal; antifungal activity; antiproliferative; antiproliferative activity; antitumour; antitumour activity; assays; atcc; atom; azithromycin; bacteria; benzoxaborole; binding; biological; biological activity; broad; bsg005; c(7; cancer; carbonate; cell; chain; chemical; clarithromycin; class; clinical; complex; compound; conditions; conjugates; corresponding; cyclic; data; decrease; derivatives; design; development; different; dmae; dna; doxorubicin; drug; duplex; effective; eremomycin; evaluation; exhibit; fig; following; formation; gause; glycopeptide; gram; group; heliomycin; high; higher; human; hybrid; hydrolysis; hydroxyl; important; inhibition; inhibitory; institute; interaction; introduction; lines; lower; macrolides; mass; mechanism; method; model; modification; modified; moiety; molecular; molecule; natural; negative; new; new antibiotics; olivomycin; order; particular; polyenes; position; positive; prepared; presence; properties; protein; pybop; reaction; related; research; resistant; results; s44hp; scheme; selective; semi; sensitive; series; significant; similar; spacer; spectrum; starting; strains; structure; studies; study; substituents; sugar; synthase; synthesis; synthesized; synthetic; target; teicoplanin; terminal; tested; topoisomerase; toxicity; treatment; vancomycin; virus; vre; water; yields cache: cord-021419-nypnib0h.txt plain text: cord-021419-nypnib0h.txt item: #74 of 216 id: cord-022281-xn0cf33a author: Tanz, Robert R. title: Sore Throat date: 2009-05-15 words: 5736 flesch: 38 summary: There have been outbreaks of group G streptococcal pharyngitis among children. Acute rheumatic fever is not a sequela to these infections, although post-streptococcal acute glomerulonephritis has been documented in rare cases after epidemic group C and group G streptococcal pharyngitis. keywords: abscess; acute; acute pharyngitis; addition; adenopathy; adults; anterior; antibiotic; antibody; blood; carriers; cases; cause; cervical; children; chronic; clinical; common; complications; culture; days; diagnosis; difficult; disease; ebv; effective; episodes; erythema; erythromycin; exudates; fever; fig; generalized; glomerulonephritis; group; high; hsv; infection; intramuscular; laboratory; mononucleosis; onset; oral; organism; pain; patients; penicillin; peritonsillar; pharyngeal; pharyngitis; pharynx; pneumoniae; positive; present; rapid; rash; respiratory; result; rheumatic; rsv; scarlet; shock; sore; space; states; streptococcal; streptococcal pharyngitis; studies; symptoms; syndrome; table; test; therapy; throat; tonsillectomy; tonsils; toxic; treatment; united; viral; virus; weeks; years; young cache: cord-022281-xn0cf33a.txt plain text: cord-022281-xn0cf33a.txt item: #75 of 216 id: cord-022633-fr55uod6 author: None title: SAEM Abstracts, Plenary Session date: 2012-04-26 words: 147610 flesch: 49 summary: Objectives: To identify the prevalence of NCS and other EEG abnormalities in ED patients with AMS. Objectives: Test the hypothesis that prior to antibiotic administration, circulating LPS can be detected in the plasma of fewer than 10% of ED patients with severe sepsis. keywords: 95%ci; abdominal; ability; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; abuse; academic ed; acasi; access; accuracy; accurate; acgme; acls; acquisition; acs; actions; active; activities; activity; actual; acuity; acute; addition; adjudication; adjunct; adjusted; administration; admission; adult ed; adult patients; adults; advanced; adverse; aed; aeds; affected; age; aged; ages; agitation; agreement; aha; aht; aim; airway; alcohol; alert; alternative; ambulance; american; ams; analgesia; analysis; angiography; animal; annual; annual ed; anonymous; anova; antibiotics; aortic; apap; appendicitis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; arrest; arrest patients; arrival; artery; assessed; assessment; assistants; associated; association; asthma; attempts; attending; attitudes; auc; availability; available; average; background; bal; barriers; baseline; basic; bed; bedside; behaviors; benefit; best; better; bicycle; bleeding; blinded; blood; bls; boarding; body; bolus; brain; breaker; burn; bystander; cadaver; calculated; calls; cancer; cardiac; cardiac arrest; cardiovascular; care; cases; categories; category; cause; ccta; cdr; census; center; central; cerebral; certification; certified; change; characteristics; charges; chart; charting; checklist; chest; chest pain; chief; children; chronic; ciwa; class; classified; clerkship; clinical; clinicians; clinics; closed; closure; cluster; cocaine; codes; cognitive; cohort; cohort study; collected; collection; combined; common; communication; community; community ed; comparison; competencies; competency; complaints; complete; completion; compliance; complications; components; comprehensive; compressions; computer; computerized; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; confidence; confirmed; consciousness; consecutive patients; consensus; consent; consequences; continuous; control; control patients; convenience; conventional; cooling; copd; copd patients; coronary; correlated; correlation; cost; county; course; cpap; cpr; criteria; critical; cross; crp; cultures; current; curriculum; cxr; daily; data; data analysis; database; days; death; december; decision; decreased; defibrillation; degree; delayed; delivery; demographics; denver; department; department patients; descriptive; design; determined; development; device; diabetes; diagnosis; dictation; didactic; difference; differential; difficult; dimer; directors; discharge; discharged patients; disease; disposition; distance; distress; distribution; documentation; door; dose; dosing; drug; duration; dyspnea; early; ecg; ed arrival; ed bed; ed boarding; ed care; ed census; ed clinical; ed discharge; ed evaluation; ed length; ed los; ed pain; ed patients; ed performance; ed physicians; ed services; ed setting; ed staff; ed stay; ed throughput; ed treatment; ed users; ed utilization; ed visits; ed volume; eds; education; educators; eeg; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficiency; efforts; elderly; electronic; elements; eligible patients; emergencies; emergency; emergency care; emergency department; emergency medicine; emergency physicians; emergent; emr; ems; endotracheal; english; enrollment; entry; environment; epinephrine; errors; essential; estimate; etco; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; exact; exam; excellent; exclusion; existing; experience; experimental; exposure; external; facilities; facility; factors; faculty; failure; fall; feasible; febrile; feedback; feel; fellows; female; fentanyl; fewer; fidelity; figure; film; final; findings; fisher; flow; fluid; focused; following; forms; fracture; free; frequency; frequent; frequent ed; function; future; gcs; gender; general; glucose; goal; gold; good; grades; greater; group; guidelines; half; hand; head; health; health care; heart; hemodynamic; hemorrhage; high; high ed; higher; highest; history; hiv; home; homeless; hospital; hospital admission; hospital cardiac; hospital ed; hospital mortality; hospitalization; hours; hrs; human; hyperglycemia; hypotension; hypothermia; hypothesis; hypothesized; hypoxia; icd-9; ich; identification; illness; image; imaging; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; income; increased; independent; index; individual; infection; influence; influenza; information; infusion; ingestion; initial; initiation; injured; injuries; injury; injury patients; inpatient; inr; institution; instruction; instrument; insulin; insurance; intensity; interaction; interest; internal; interpretation; interruptions; intervals; intervention; interview; intoxication; intracranial; intravenous; introduction; intubation; investigators; involved; ipv; iqr; irb; issues; items; ivc; january; july; june; kappa; ketamine; key; knowledge; known; laboratory; lacerations; lack; lactate; large; later; lead; learning; lecture; left; length; level; life; likelihood; likely; likert; limitations; limited; linear; literacy; literature; little; local; location; logistic; long; longer; longitudinal; los; loss; lot; low; lower; lowest; main; major; majority; making; male; management; map; mcg; mdd; mean; mean age; measured; measurements; mechanism; median; median time; medical; medical care; medications; medicine; meeting; members; mental; mentoring; methods; metrics; migraine; mild; miles; minimum; minutes; missing; misuse; mmhg; mmi; modality; model; moderate; modified; monitored; monthly; months; morbidity; morphine; mortality; mri; mtbi; multiple; multivariate; myocardial; n =; naloxone; national; necessary; need; negative; nerve; net; neurologic; new; noise; non; normal; novel; npv; number; nurses; objectives; observational; observational study; observed; october; odds; offer; ohca; ohca patients; old; ongoing; online; operational; opioid; opportunity; optic; optimal; oral; order; ordering; organ; osce; outcomes; outpatient; overall; overall ed; overdose; overweight; oxygen; p =; pain; pain patients; paired; paramedics; parents; participants; participation; past; patient care; patient visits; patients age; patterns; pci; pds; pediatric ed; pediatric emergency; pediatric patients; people; percent; percentage; perceptions; performance; perfusion; period; person; personnel; pgy1; pharmacist; phase; physical; place; placement; plan; plasma; platelet; pneumonia; pofu; point; poisoning; poor; population; positive; possible; post; posterior; potential; practice; pre; predictive; predictors; preference; preferred; pregnancy; prehospital; preparation; prescription; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; priority; probability; problem; procedures; process; productivity; professional; program; propofol; proportion; prospective; prospective study; protocol; providers; psychiatric; psychological; public; pulmonary; pulse; pump; purpose; qrs; quality; questionnaire; questions; race; radiation; randomization; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rate; rating; ratios; rats; real; reasons; receiving; recent; recognition; recommendations; recorded; records; reduction; referral; reform; regional; registry; regression; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliability; reliable; repair; repeat; reported; reporting; research; residencies; residency; residents; resource; respectively; respiratory; respondents; response; results; resuscitation; retrospective; return; review; rhythm; risk; risk patients; role; room; rosc; routine; rule; rural; safety; sah; saline; sample; satisfaction; saturation; sbis; sbp; scale; scans; scenarios; school; score; scoring; screening; scribes; secondary; seconds; sectional; sedation; seizure; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separate; sepsis; septic; septic patients; series; serum; services; session; setting; severe; severity; sex; shift; shock; shock patients; short; shorter; shoulder; significant; significant difference; signs; similar; simulated; simulation; single; sirs; site; skills; small; sofa; software; specialty; specific; specificity; square; staff; standard; standardized; start; state; statistics; status; stay; stemi; step; strategies; stress; stroke; stroke patients; strong; structured; students; studies; study; study ed; study group; study period; study population; subjects; subsequent; substantial; success; successful; suicide; support; surgical; survey; survival; swine; symptoms; syncope; syndrome; system; systolic; table; target; targeted; task; tbi; teaching; team; techniques; telephone; temperature; tertiary; tertiary care; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; threshold; thrombolytic; time; time ed; time patients; time period; tissue; tool; total; total ed; total patients; toxicity; tracking; tracts; traditional; training; transfer; transfusion; transport; trauma patients; traumatic; treating; treatment; trend; triage; trial; troponin; type; u.s; ultrasound; unable; unclear; understanding; underwent; unique; university; unknown; urban; urban ed; urgent; use; useful; usual; utility; vacant; validated; validity; value; variability; variables; variation; varied; vascular; venom; venous; ventilation; ventricular; vessel; victims; video; violence; violent; vital; voice; volume; vs.; wait; washington; waveform; week; weight; white; wide; wilcoxon; withdrawal; women; work; wound; years; yield; young cache: cord-022633-fr55uod6.txt plain text: cord-022633-fr55uod6.txt item: #76 of 216 id: cord-022643-2j559muh author: Chance, Gail D. title: SYSTEMATIC IMPLICATIONS OF SEED COAT MORPHOLOGY IN NAMA (HYDROPHYLLACEAE) date: 1984-07-01 words: 4608 flesch: 50 summary: Moreover, unbranched thickenings commonly present on chamber floors of N. prostratum seeds often continue into the shorter wall of the chamber, much as those thickenings characterizing Group 5 species; all Group 5 species exhibit a shallower reticulum. Indeed, seed coats may retain ingenuous indications of phyletic commonality (Martin, 1946; Davis and Heywood, 1963; Esau, 1977) , and many recent studies in various, unrelated groups have confirmed the general utility of seed coat characters for assessing systematic relationships (e.g., Chuang and Heckard, 1972; Whiffin and Tomb, 1972; Hill, 1976; Clark and Jernstedt, 1978; Canne, 1979 Canne, , 1980 Elisens and Tomb, 1983) . keywords: aretioides; asymmetrical; bacon; cells; chambered; coat; color; contrast; densum; desert; development; examined; exhibit; features; fig; genus; group; hitchcock; hydrophyllaceae; layer; lobbii; members; morphology; morphs; nama; non; ofn; ofthe; outer; parviflorum; parvifolium; pits; placement; pores; present; prostratum; radial; related; relationships; reticulate; reticulum; rothrockii; sect; sections; seed; seed coat; seed group; shape; similar; size; solid; species; surface; systematic; testa; thickenings; thickness; upper; wall cache: cord-022643-2j559muh.txt plain text: cord-022643-2j559muh.txt item: #77 of 216 id: cord-022650-phsr10jp author: None title: Abstracts TPS date: 2018-08-14 words: 119916 flesch: 51 summary: Method: Postal questionnaires were distributed to an unselected group of asthma patients (n = 190). NHR was reported in 71% of asthma patients and 22% in non-asthmatic controls (P < 0.0001), with changes in temperature being the most important inducer of nasal symptoms (74% of asthmatics), followed by strong odours (62%) and cigarette smoke (61%). keywords: abdominal; abpa; absence; absolute; abstracts; accordance; acd; acid; activation; acute; addition; adherence; adjusted; administered; administration; adolescents; adrenaline; adult patients; adults; adverse; aeroallergens; affected; age; age group; aged; agents; agreement; aim; airway; ait; allele; allergen; allergen immunotherapy; allergenicity; allergic asthma; allergic children; allergic contact; allergic diseases; allergic patients; allergic reactions; allergic rhinitis; allergic rhinoconjunctivitis; allergic sensitization; allergic subjects; allergic symptoms; allergies; allergoid; allergy; allergy tests; alpha; alternata; alternative; analysis; anaphylactic; anaphylaxis; angioedema; animal; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antihistamines; aor; apple; application; approach; appropriate; ara; area; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthma control; asthma diagnosis; asthma method; asthma patients; asthma symptoms; asthma treatment; asthmatic; athletes; atopic; atopic patients; atopy; attacks; autoimmune; available; average; avoidance; aware; azeflu; background; baked; banana; bands; barrier; baseline; basophil; bcx7353; beginning; benefit; best; bet; beta; better; binding; biological; biomarkers; biopsy; birch; blind; blood; bm32; bmi; bmp7; bortezomib; boys; bronchial; bronchial asthma; buckwheat; burden; capacity; care; case; case report; casein; causative; causes; cd19; cd25; cd3; cd4; cd45; celiac; cells; center; cetirizine; challenge; changes; characteristics; characterized; chest; chicken; childhood; children; chromatography; chronic; classified; clinical; clinical symptoms; cluster; cma; cohort; colitis; collected; combination; commercial; common; community; comparable; compare; comparison; complete; complex; compliance; complications; components; concentration; conclusion; concomitant; condition; consecutive; consent; consisted; consumption; contact; continued; control; control group; control test; conventional; cooked; copd; copd patients; correct; correlated; correlation; corticosteroids; cost; cough; count; countries; country; course; cow; criteria; crocodile; cross; crs; csu; culprit; cumulative; current; cutaneous; cvid; cytokines; daily; dander; data; database; days; death; decreased; deficiency; degree; delayed; department; dependent; der p; dermatitis; dermatophagoides; design; detection; development; device; diagnosis; diarrhea; diet; dietary; differences; different; direct; discontinuation; disease; disorders; dog; dose; dosing; double; dress; drops; drug; drug allergy; dry; duration; dust; dyspnea; early; economic; eczema; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; egg; eggs; electronic; elevated; elisa; emergency; end; environmental; enzyme; eoe; eosinophil; epicutaneous; epinephrine; episodes; epithelial; erythema; erythematous; established; etc; european; evaluation; events; evidence; exacerbation; examination; exclusion; exercise; experienced; experimental; exposure; expression; extracts; extremities; eye; face; facial; factors; families; family; farinae; fas; fdeia; features; fel; female; feno; fev1; fever; fibrosis; final; findings; fish; flour; flow; fold; following; food; food allergens; food allergy; food sensitization; football; forms; france; free; frequency; frequent; fresh; fruits; function; fungi; future; fvc; garlic; gastrointestinal; gel; gender; general; generalized; generation; genetic; gina; ginger; gliadin; gloves; gluten; good; grade; grass; grass pollen; grasses; greater; green; group; group p; guidelines; hae; hae patients; half; hand; hazelnut; hdm; healthcare; healthy; help; hen; higher; highest; highly; histamine; history; home; hospital; hospitalization; hours; house; human; hypersensitivity; identification; ige; ige levels; igg; igg1; igg4; iii; immediate; immune; immunity; immunoblotting; immunocap; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunology; immunotherapy; impact; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; index; individuals; induced; induction; infants; infection; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; ingestion; inh; inhalant; inhalation; inhaled; inhibition; initial; intake; intensity; interest; intervention; intradermal; intravenous; introduction; intubation; investigation; involvement; iqr; isac; isolated; italy; itching; january; kali; kallikrein; kda; key; kiwi; knowledge; known; korea; kua; laboratory; lack; lactam; lactoglobulin; large; latex; leptin; lesions; lettuce; levels; life; light; likely; limited; limits; literature; liver; local; long; longer; loss; low; lower; ltp; lung; lymphocytes; main; maintenance; major; majority; male; management; manifestations; manufacturer; mass; mast; mastocytosis; materials; maternal; mean; mean age; measurements; measures; meat; mechanism; median; medical; medication; medicine; medium; members; methacholine; method; methylprednisolone; mice; mild; mild asthma; milk; milk allergy; minor; minutes; mite; mixed; model; moderate; modification; modified; molecular; molecules; monitoring; months; mortality; mrna; mucosa; multicenter; multiple; n =; nasal; national; native; natural; necessary; need; negative; negative results; neutrophil; new; nickel; non; normal; novel; number; nuts; oas; obese; obesity; objective; observation; occupational; occurrence; ocs; ofc; oit; old; olive; omalizumab; onset; opn; option; oral; oral allergy; oral food; order; outcome; outpatient; ova; overall; p 1; p =; p specific; page; pain; papaya; parameters; parents; partial; participants; past; patch; pathogenesis; pathology; patients; pattern; peach; peak; peanut; peanut allergy; pediatric; peg; penicillin; people; percentage; period; peripheral; persistent; phase; phl; phl p; physical; physician; pistachio; placebo; plant; plasma; points; polcalcin; pollen; pollen allergy; polyp; polysensitized; poor; population; pork; positive; positive patients; positive results; positive skin; positivity; possible; post; potential; pr-10; practice; predictive; pregnancy; preparation; prepared; prescribed; prescription; presence; present; presentation; preterm; prevalence; prevention; previous; prick; prick test; primary; prior; problems; procedure; process; products; professionals; profile; profilin; properties; prospective; protein; protocol; provocation; pru p; pruritic; pruritus; psoriasis; pteronyssinus; pts; pulmonary; purified; qol; quality; questionnaire; questions; rabbit; randomized; range; ranitidine; rapid; rare; rash; rate; raw; rbet; reaction; reactive; reactivity; real; reasons; recent; recombinant; recurrent; reduced; reduction; reference; region; registered; regression; regular; related; relationship; relative; release; relevance; relevant; remission; reported; reports; required; research; residual; resolution; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; results; retrospective; review; rhinitis; rhinitis patients; rhinitis symptoms; rhinoconjunctivitis; rhinosinusitis; risk; rocuronium; role; rphl; rural; rush; safety; saliva; salmon; samples; scale; scheme; school; scit; score; screening; sds; season; seasonal; second; secondary; sectional; self; sensitization; sensitized; sensitized patients; sera; series; serum; serum ige; serum levels; serum specific; session; setting; severe; severe allergic; severe asthma; severity; sex; shock; short; sige; significant; signs; similar; singapore; single; sites; size; sjs; skin; skin prick; skin tests; sleep; slit; slit group; slit patients; small; smokers; smoking; socio; source; species; specific ige; specific immunotherapy; specificity; spectrometry; spirometry; spt; sputum; standard; start; starting; state; statistical; status; step; storage; stress; strong; structure; students; studies; study; study group; subcutaneous; subjects; sublingual; substantial; successful; support; surface; surgery; survey; suspicion; swelling; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; table; tablets; target; temperature; term; test; test p; test results; tested; testing; therapeutic; threshold; thrombin; time; tiotropium; tissue; tnf; tolerability; tolerance; tool; topical; total; total ige; treatment; treatment group; tree; trial; triggers; tryptase; tslp; turkey; type; uncontrolled; underwent; unit; university; unknown; upper; urban; urticaria; use; useful; user; vaccine; values; variability; variables; variation; vas; vedolizumab; venom; viral; visit; visual; vitamin; vitro; vivo; vkc; volunteers; water; weeks; weight; western; wheat; wheezing; white; wide; women; work; workers; world; worsening; years; years old; yolk; young; younger cache: cord-022650-phsr10jp.txt plain text: cord-022650-phsr10jp.txt item: #78 of 216 id: cord-022653-qa1uph35 author: None title: Poster Discussion Session PDS date: 2017-08-30 words: 58403 flesch: 49 summary: Out of all maxillary sinuses (n=72) from study patients, 62 (86.11%) were opacified, and only these sinuses were included in further analyses. We studied three groups of subjects: peach allergic patients who received Prup3-enriched-SLIT for 1 year, peach allergic patients non treated, and healthy controls who tolerated peach. keywords: able; abstracts; acid; activation; acute; addition; administration; adolescents; adrenaline; adults; adverse; affected; age; aged; agents; aim; airborne; airway; ait; allele; allergen; allergic; allergic asthma; allergic patients; allergic reactions; allergic rhinitis; allergies; allergy; alternaria; analysis; anaphylaxis; angioedema; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antihistamines; approach; ara; area; aspirin; assay; assessed; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asthma control; asthma group; asthma patients; asthma symptoms; asthma treatment; asthmatic; atopic; atopic asthma; atopy; available; average; bacterial; baseline; basophil; bat; bet; better; binding; biomarkers; birch; blood; blood ige; bone; boys; bronchial; bullying; capacity; care; cases; cashew; cause; ccd; cd4; cells; center; chain; challenge; changes; characteristics; childhood; children; chromatography; chronic; clinical; cluster; cma; cohort; coli; combination; common; comparison; components; concentrations; conclusions; conditions; conjunctivitis; contact; control; control group; cord; correlated; correlation; corticosteroids; count; countries; course; cow; cpg; crab; cross; crs; csu; culture; current; curve; cutaneous; cytokine; cytometry; daily; dander; data; days; decrease; degranulation; dendritic; department; dependent; der; detection; determined; developed; development; diagnosis; diet; differences; different; disease; distinct; distribution; dnah5; dog; donors; dose; drug; duration; dust; early; eczema; effect; effective; efficacy; egg; elisa; eosinophils; epinephrine; epitope; evaluation; events; exacerbation; experience; exposure; expression; extract; factors; family; features; female; feno; fev1; findings; fish; flow; fold; following; food; food allergy; foxp3; free; frequency; frequent; fruit; function; gal; gene; general; genetic; good; grade; grass; greater; group; growth; guinea; hdm; healthy; hete; higher; highest; history; hmwk; hospital; hours; human; hypersensitivity; hypothesis; identification; ifn; iga; ige; ige levels; ige reactivity; igg; igg1; iii; il-10; il-4; il-5; il-6; immediate; immune; immunity; immunocap; immunoglobulin; immunological; immunotherapy; impact; important; improvement; incidence; increase; individuals; induced; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; ingredients; inhalant; inhaled; inhibition; initial; injection; injector; intake; intensity; introduction; involvement; japan; juice; kda; kit(+/+; laboratory; lcfos; levels; life; like; liver; local; localization; long; low; lower; ltp; lung; macrophages; main; major; majority; management; mass; mast; mean; mean age; meat; median; medical; medication; mepolizumab; metabolites; methods; mice; mild; milk; milk allergy; minutes; mite; mixture; model; moderate; modified; molecular; molecule; monitoring; monocytes; montelukast; months; mouse; mrna; mucosa; multiple; n=10; nasal; national; natural; need; needle; negative; neutrophils; new; nfatc1; nip45; nitric; non; normal; novel; nsaids; number; nuts; oas; objectives; observed; ocs; oit; old; olfactory; olive; omalizumab; onset; oral; order; overall; oxide; p<.001; p<.05; parameters; participants; parvalbumin; pathogenesis; pathway; patients; pattern; pbmcs; peach; peanut; pediatric; penicillin; peptides; percentage; period; periostin; peripheral; persistent; phase; phenotype; physicians; pig; placebo; plant; plasma; points; pollen; polyps; population; positive; possible; potential; practice; prescribed; presence; present; prevalence; previous; prick; primary; procedure; processing; production; products; profile; profilin; program; progranulin; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; provocation; pru; pts; purified; qm1s; quality; questionnaire; range; reactions; reactive; reactivity; receptor; recombinant; reduced; refractory; regression; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; reported; respiratory; responders; response; results; revealed; rhinitis; risk; role; s1p; safety; samples; scgos; school; scit; score; season; seeds; self; sensitization; sensitized; sequence; sera; serum; serum ige; service; severe; severe asthma; severity; short; sige; significant; similar; single; size; skin; slit; small; spain; species; specific; specific ige; specificity; spectrometry; spt; stable; standard; statistical; status; stimulation; stock; strong; studies; study; subcutaneous; subgroups; subjects; sublingual; support; surface; survey; symptoms; system; systemic; tablet; target; temperature; term; test; test results; testing; tgf; th1; th2; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tnf; tolerance; tolerant; total; total ige; treatment; treatment group; tree; treg; trial; tryptase; type; uncontrolled; underlying; underwent; university; unknown; uptake; urticaria; use; useful; value; variation; vitamin; vitro; vivo; vkc; weeks; weight; wheat; whey; white; wood; workers; years; younger cache: cord-022653-qa1uph35.txt plain text: cord-022653-qa1uph35.txt item: #79 of 216 id: cord-022879-j6cecioe author: Fager, Edward W. title: Determination and Analysis of Recurrent Groups date: 1957-10-01 words: 6289 flesch: 50 summary: =non-affinity The species are put in order in terms of the number of other species with which they have affinity. Because the species were put Ecology, Vol. 38, No. 4 in order in terms of the number of other species with which they had affinity, the species beyond H will either have the same number of affinities as H, in which case they are also potential members of a group of 7 species, or fewer affinities than H, in which case they cannot be included in a group of 7 species satisfying requirement ( 1). keywords: affinities; affinity; basis; biological; case; cole; concordance; constant; correlation; different; distribution; dominance; environment; evidence; example; following; group; grouping; index; largest; members; method; necessary; number; occurrences; order; pairs; possible; potential; procedure; ranks; recurrent; recurrent group; requirements; results; samples; sampling; significant; species; table; test; total; use; value cache: cord-022879-j6cecioe.txt plain text: cord-022879-j6cecioe.txt item: #80 of 216 id: cord-022940-atbjwpo5 author: None title: Poster Sessions date: 2016-09-07 words: 241687 flesch: 44 summary: Among used cancer cell lines, ERICD was highly expressed and ARID3A had lower expression in U-2OS (osteosarcoma), A-172 (glioblastoma) and A549 (lung cancer). Clear cell renal cell cancer (ccRCC) with metastases has pour prognosis: 5-year survival is about 9%. keywords: 1,2; 1st; 3rd; 800; a549 cells; able; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; absorbance; absorption; abundant; academic; academy; account; accumulation; accurate; acetate; acetyl; acetylation; acetylcholinesterase; ache; acid; acid levels; acidic; aclp; acne; actin; activation; active; activities; activity; activity levels; activity results; acute; adamts; adaptation; addition; adenocarcinoma; adenocarcinoma cells; adenosine; adhesion; adiponectin; adiponectin levels; adipose; administration; adrenal; adrs; adult; advanced; advantages; adverse; aebp1; affected; affinity; afprbd; agar; agarose; aged; agents; aggregation; aging; agnps; agonist; agricultural; aim; aims; akt; alanine; albino; albumin; alcohol; allele; almaty; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alzheimer; amh; amino; amino acid; aml; ammonia; amniotic; amounts; amplification; amylase; amylin; amyloid; anakkale; analysis; analysis results; analytical; analyze; angiogenesis; anhydrase; animals; ankara; annexin; anova; antalya; anti; antibacterial; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; anticancer; antigen; antiinflammatory; antimicrobial; antimicrobial activity; antimutagenic; antioxidant; antioxidant activity; antioxidant effects; antiproliferative; antitumor; antiviral; aom; aorta; aox; apap; apelin; apigenin; apnea; apoptosis; apoptotic; apoptotic cell; apoptotic effects; applications; applied; approach; appropriate; aptamer; aqueous; arabidopsis; area; arid3a; array; arrest; artery; artificial; arylesterase; as1; ask1; aspects; assay; assay results; assembly; assessment; associated; association; astaxanthin; asthma; astrocytes; atcc; atherosclerosis; atp; atpase; atrial; attention; attenuated; attractive; aureus; autoimmune; autophagy; available; average; azc; b cells; b12; bacillus; background; bacteria; bacterial cells; bacteriophage; bacterium; balance; balikesir; band; barley; barrier; basal; base; basis; bax; bbr; bche; bcl2; bcr; bdnf; bdnf levels; beckman; beginning; behavior; beneficial; best; beta; beta cells; betaine; better; bilayer; bile; binding; bioactive; biochemical; biochemistry; biocompatibility; biocompatible; bioedit; biofilm; biogenesis; bioinformatics; biological; biological activity; biology; biomarkers; biomedical; biopsy; biosensor; biosynthesis; biotechnology; bipolar; blockers; blocking; blood; blood cells; blood levels; blood samples; blood serum; blot; blotting; blue; bmd; bmi; body; bonds; bone; boric; brain; breaks; breast cancer; breeds; broad; brushes; btb; buffer; c ß; c6 cells; cacybp; cad; cadherin; calcium; calculated; calpain; camp; cancer activity; cancer cells; cancer development; cancer dna; cancer gene; cancer group; cancer patients; cancer stem; cancer therapy; cancer treatment; cancer types; cancers; candidate; capable; capacity; cape; carbohydrate; carbon; carbonic; carcinogenic; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiovascular; carriers; casein; cases; caspase-3; catalase; catalytic; catalyzes; cause; causing; cchf; ccl5; cd133; cd31; cd44; cdna; cell activation; cell adhesion; cell analysis; cell carcinoma; cell culture; cell cycle; cell damage; cell death; cell differentiation; cell dna; cell growth; cell invasion; cell lines; cell lung; cell markers; cell membrane; cell migration; cell number; cell population; cell proliferation; cell surface; cell survival; cell therapy; cell types; cell viability; cells results; cellular; center; central; centre; centrifugation; cerevisiae; certain; cerulein; cgmp; chain; changes; channel; characteristics; characterization; characterized; cheese; chemicals; chemotherapeutic; chemotherapy; children; chinese; chip; chiral; chloroform; chlorpyrifos; cholesterol; chromatin; chromatography; chromosome; chronic; cimt; circular; circumference; cis; cisplatin; class; classical; classified; cleavage; cleaved; clinical; cll; clones; close; clot; clusters; cml; coding; cognitive; cold; coli; collagen; collection; colon; colon cancer; colorectal; colorectal cancer; colorimetric; column; combination; combined; comet; commercial; common; community; comparable; comparative; compare; comparison; competitive; complementary; complete; complex; complexes; complications; components; composition; compounds; computational; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; confocal; conformation; conjugates; conjugation; connected; consequence; conserved; considerable; considered; consistent; constant; construct; construction; consumption; content; contrary; contrast; contribution; control cells; control group; control rats; control study; control subjects; controls; conventional; conversion; copper; cord; coronary; correlated; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; cost; cotton; coulter; council; countries; counts; course; covalent; cox-2; cp group; cpe; cpplc; crc; crc cells; creatinine; critical; cross; crosstalk; crp; crt; crucial; crystallization; cscs; ctcs; ctd; cultivars; culture; curcumin; current study; cutaneous; cyprus; cysteine; cytochrome; cytokines; cytokinin; cytometry; cytoplasmic; cytosine; cytoskeleton; cytosolic; cytotoxic; cytotoxic activity; cytotoxic effects; cytotoxicity; d levels; d1r; daily; damage; data; data analysis; database; dawley; day; days; dca; deaths; decline; decrease; defective; defects; defense; deficiency; degradation; degree; dehydrogenase; deletion; delivery; demonstrated; dendrimer; denizli; density; department; dependent; derivatives; design; detailed; detecting; detection; determination; determined; determining; developed; development; diabetes; diabetic; diabetic patients; diagnosis; diameter; dichroism; dids; diet; differences; different; different cancer; different cell; different concentrations; different doses; different effects; different expression; different levels; differential; differentiation; diffusion; dimensional; dimer; dimer levels; diminished; direct; discovery; discussion; disease; dismutase; disorders; display; distinct; distribution; disulphide; diverse; dmba; dmem; dmso; dna; dna damage; dna methylation; dna samples; dnas; docetaxel; docking; domain; donors; dopamine; dose; double; downregulation; downstream; dox; doxorubicin; dpph; drought; drug; dsrna; dst; dtx; duration; dye; dynamics; dysfunction; e.coli; eae; earlier; early; easy; economic; education; eef1ba; effective; effects; efficacy; efficient; egfr; electrochemical; electrode; electron; electrophoresis; elements; elevated; elevated levels; elisa; ellagic; elongation; embryo; emf; emt; encapsulation; encodes; encoding; endocan; endocrine; endocytosis; endogenous; endometrium; endoplasmic; endothelial; endothelial cells; energy; engineering; enhanced; enriched; enrichment; environment; enzymatic; enzyme; enzyme activity; epidermal; epigenetic; epithelial; epitope; equilibrium; ericd; erk; erk1/2; errors; erv1; erythrocyte; escherichia; essential; est3; established; estimate; etc; ethanol; etoposide; eukaryotic; evaluation; events; evidence; exact; examination; example; excessive; exchange; excision; exclusion; exercise; exhibit; expected; experience; experimental; experimental study; explore; exposure; expression alterations; expression analysis; expression levels; expression profiles; expressions; extensive; extent; extract; extraction; fab; factor; faculty; failure; family; fasting; fat; fatty; features; fed; female; fermentation; ferritin; ferulic; fever; ffpe; fibrin; fibrinogen; fibroblasts; fibrosis; field; films; final; findings; fine; fish; flavonoid; flexibility; flow; fluid; fluorescence; fluoxetine; focus; folate; fold; follicular; following; food; formation; forms; foundation; foxp1; fraction; fragments; frame; free; frequencies; frequency; frequent; fresh; fructose; fruit; fsh; ftir; function; fundamental; fusion protein; future; fvl; g protein; g6pd; gag; gain; galactosidase; gamma; ganoderma; gastric; gastrointestinal; gavage; gbm; gbm cells; gel; gemcitabine; gender; gene expression; general; generation; genes; genetic; genome; genomic; genotoxic; genotype; germination; gfap; gh+; ghrelin; gland; glioblastoma; glioblastoma cells; glioma cells; global; globule; glucose; glucose levels; glucosidase; glutamine; glutaraldehyde; glutathione; glycine; glycogen; glycolysis; glycoprotein; goal; good; gpcrs; gpx; grade; graduate; grant; great; green; group; group cells; group ii; group rats; grown; growth; gsh; gsh levels; gssg; gst; gva; gw3965; h3r; hacettepe; hair; half; hand; hapln1; hba1c; hba1c levels; hcc; hcc cell; hdl; hdl3; head; healing; healthy; healthy control; healthy group; heart; hek293; help; hematological; hematopoietic; hemoglobin; hemolysis; hep3b; heparin; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatocellular; hepatoprotective; hepg2; hepg2 cells; her2; hescs; heteromers; heterozygous; hev; hifnc; high; high levels; higher; highest; hippocampus; histological; histone; histopathological; hiv; hla; hnscc; homa; homeostasis; homogenate; homogenized; homologous; homology; hormone; hospital; host; hours; hplc; hplscr1; hsa; ht-29; huge; human; human cancer; human cells; human serum; hyaluronidase; hybrid; hydrogen; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hypermethylation; hypertension; hypothesis; hypothyroidism; hypoxia; i.p; ic50; idea; identification; igfbp-1; iia; iii; il-1b; il-6; il-8; il6; image; imaging; imatinib; imbalance; immobilization; immobilized; immune; immune cells; immunity; immunoassay; immunohistochemical; immunoprecipitation; immunosorbent; impact; impaired; implantation; important; important role; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; incubation; index; indicator; indices; individuals; induced; inducible; induction; industrial; industry; infected; infection; infertile; infertility; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory activity; inflammatory cell; influence; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; inhibitory activity; initial; initiation; injury; inner; inorganic; inos; insect; inside; insights; institute; insufficient; insulin; insulin levels; intact; intake; intense; intensity; interaction; interest; interfacial; interference; internal; internalization; intervals; intestinal; intracellular; intrinsic; introduction; invasion; invasive; investigation; involved; involvement; iodine; ionized; ips cells; ir cells; irf4; irisin; irisin levels; iron; ischemia; isoelectric; isoforms; isolated; isolation; istanbul; itsn1; ivd; ivs1; izmir; jak2; jujuba; k562; kappa; kazakhstan; kcsa; kda; keywords; kidney; kinase; kinetic; kit; kits; knockdown; knowledge; known; kyiv; laboratory; lack; lactate; lactis; large; larvae; lateral; layers; lbrglnk; lc3; ldh; ldl; lead; leading; leaf; learning; leaves; left; length; leptin; lesions; leukemia; leukemic cells; leukocytes; levels; leydig cells; libraries; library; lichen; ligands; light; lignin; like; likely; limited; limits; linear; link; lipase; lipemia; lipid; lipopolysaccharide; lipoprotein; liposomes; liquid; literature; little; liver; liver cancer; living; lmol; loaded; localization; location; loci; long; loops; loss; low; lower; lp(a; lpl; lpo; lps; lucidum; lung; lung cancer; lymphocyte; lysine; lysosomal; macab; macrophages; magnetic; maintenance; major; majority; maldi; male; malignancies; malignant; malignant cells; malondialdehyde; mammalian; management; manf; manner; manufacturer; mapk; marcescens; markers; marrow; mart; mass; materials; maternal; matrices; matrix; maturation; maximum; mb-231; mb-231 cells; mcf-7; mda; mda levels; mdm2; mean; measurements; mechanisms; media; mediators; medical; medicinal; medicine; mediterranean; medium; melanoma; melanoma cell; mellitus; member; membrane; membrane protein; memory; mesenchymal; metabolism; metabolites; metal; metalloproteinase; metastasis; metformin; methods; methylation; methylation levels; mgtp; mice; microarray; microenvironment; microorganisms; micrornas; microscopy; middle; migration; mild; milk; minimal; minimum; ministry; minutes; mir193b; mirnas; mitochondrial; mitotic; mixture; mlh1; mmp-2; mmp9; model; moderate; modification; modified; moiety; molecular; molecular levels; molecules; molten; monitoring; mononuclear cells; months; morbidity; morphological; morphology; mortality; moscow; mothers; motifs; motility; mouse; mpv; mrna; mrs; mscs; msg; mthfr; mtor; mtt; mtt cell; multiple; muscle; mutagenesis; mutagenic; mutant; mutated; mutations; myeloid; myocardial; n =; nac; nacl; nad; nanoparticles; nanopore; naringenin; national; natural; nature; necessary; neck; necrosis; need; negative; neonatal; nervous; network; neural; neuroblastoma; neuroblastoma cells; neurodegenerative; neuronal; neuronal cells; neurons; neutrophil; new; newborn; nf1; nfib; nfkb; ngal; nicotine; nir; nisin; nitric; nitrite; nitrogen; nitrophenyl; nitrosative; nlr; nmdar; nmr; non; normal; normal cells; north; noscapine; noti; novel; nsclc; nsclc cells; nuclear; nucleic; nucleotide; nucleus; number; numerous; nutraceuticals; nutritional; obese; obesity; objective; observations; observed; obstructive; obtaining; occurrence; occurs; ogtt; ohdg; oil; olive; oncogenic; oncology; onsekiz; onset; open; optimal; optimization; optimum; oral; order; organic; organization; organs; origin; osteogenic; outcome; outer; ovarian; ovary; overall; overexpressed; overexpression; oxidants; oxidase; oxidative; oxidative stress; oxidized; oxygen; p =; p values; p-02.02.2; p-02.08.5; p-02.09.1; p-03.03.2; p-05.01.1; p-08.01.4; p-09.04.4; p38; p53; p72; paclitaxel; page; pairs; palmitate; pamukkale; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; paracetamol; paraffin; parallel; parameters; paraoxonase; parr; participants; particular; parts; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathological; pathophysiology; pathway; patients; patients group; pattern; pb levels; pbmcs; pc-3; pca; pcos; pcr; pcr results; pdb; peak; peg; penicillin; people; peptide; percentage; performance; period; peripheral; peroxidase; peroxidation; perturbation; pfkfb2; pharmaceutical; pharmacological; phase; phd; phenolic; phenotype; phosphate; phospholipids; phosphorus; phosphorylation; photosynthetic; photosystem; phylogenetic; physical; physiological; phytase; phytochemicals; pi3k; pin1; pineal; pla2; place; plant; plasma; plasmid; plasminogen; platelet; plates; platform; play; plga; plr; pna; point; polyamine; polycystic; polymerase; polymorphic; polymorphisms; polyphenol; pompe; pon1; pool; poor; population; pore; positive; positive cells; possibility; possible; post; postprandial; potassium; potential; powerful; preanalytical; precipitation; precise; precursor; prediabetes; predicted; predictive; preeclampsia; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; preliminary results; premenstrual; preparation; prepared; preptin; prescribed; presence; present study; pressure; pretreatment; prevelance; prevention; previous; previous study; prf; primary; primers; principles; prlr; probe; probiotic; problem; procedure; process; processes; processing; produce; production; productivity; products; profile; progenitor cells; prognosis; program; progression; project; proliferative; prominent; promising; promoter; properties; propolis; prostate; prostate cancer; protease; protective; protective effect; protein; protein activity; protein complexes; protein expression; protein kinase; protein levels; proteolytic; proteome; proteomic; protocol; proved; psa; pseudomonas; pten; public; pulp; pumilus; pump; pure; purification; purified; purity; purpose; putative; pyruvate; qpcr; qrt; quadruplex; quality; quantification; quantitative; quantum; quercetin; radiation; radical; range; rank; rapid; ratios; rats; raw; reaction; reactive; reagent; real; reason; reca; recent; recently; receptor; recognition; recombinant; recombinant protein; recovery; recruitment; recurrent; redox; reduced; reductase; reference; regard; region; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; relaxation; release; relevant; reliable; remodeling; renca cells; repair; reperfusion; replication; reported; reports; repressor; reproductive; republic; research; residues; resistance; resistin; resistin levels; resonance; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; restriction; results; resveratrol; reticulum; reverse; rgs4; rhd; ribosomal; rich; risk; rnap; rnase; role; romania; root; ror1; rosemary; routine; rrna; rubra; russian; rutin; saccharomyces; safety; saline; salmon; salt; salvia; samples; sarcosine; satb2; sb203580; sbt; scaffold; scale; scattering; scavenging; schiff; school; science; scientific; scores; screening; sds; second; secondary; secretion; secretory; sections; seeds; selected; selection; selective; selectivity; self; senescence; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; series; serine; serum; serum levels; serum samples; serum total; set; severe; severity; sex; sham; share; sheep; shift; shock; short; shows; sigma; signaling; signals; significant; significant changes; significant correlation; significant difference; significant effect; significant expression; significant increase; significant role; silencing; silico; silicosis; silymarin; similar; similarity; simple; single; sip1; sirna; site; size; skeletal; skills; skin; slow; small; small cell; smooth; smurf2; snps; sod; sod activity; sodium; software; soil; solid; solubility; soluble; solution; solvent; source; sox2; spatial; special; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spectra; spectrometry; spectrophotometric; spectroscopy; spectrum; sperm; spinal; spleen; splicing; sprague; spss; squamous cell; stability; stable; stage; staining; stamp1; standard; staphylococcus; start; starting; stat3; statistical; statistical analysis; status; stem cells; step; steroid; stigmasterol; stimulated; stimulation; stimuli; stomach; storage; strain; strand; strategies; strategy; streptomycin; stress; stress conditions; stress group; stroke; strong; structure; students; studies; study; study expression; study group; study patients; study population; study results; stz; subclinical; subgroups; subjects; subsequent; substances; substitution; substrate; subtilis; subunit; successful; sucrose; sugar; suggested; suitable; sulfate; superfamily; superoxide; supplemented; support; suppressor; surface; surgery; survival; sy5y cells; sylvestris; symposium; symptoms; synaptic; syndrome; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; system; systemic; t cells; t2d; taa; tac; tamoxifen; tandem; tap73; target; target genes; targeted; targeting; tas; tdrd7; technical; technique; technological; technology; temperature; template; terminal; terms; test; test results; tested; testicular; testing; testis; tfpi; tfs; tg2; tgf; thalassemia; thaliana; theoretical; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thermal; thin; thiol; thiol levels; thought; thymus; thyroid; time; time cell; time pcr; timp-1; tip60; tissue; tissue cell; tissue levels; tissue samples; tlr; tlr4; tnf; tnfa; today; tof; tolerance; tool; topo; topoisomerase; tos levels; total; total antioxidant; total protein; toxin; tp53; traditional; trafficking; trail; training; transcription; transcriptome; transcripts; transduction; transfer; transferase; transformation; translation; transmembrane; transmission; transplantation; transport; transporters; treatment; treatment group; tree; trh; trials; triggers; triglyceride; triple; triticum; tsh; ttg; tubes; tubitak; tubulin; tudca; tumor; tumor cells; turkey; turkey cancer; turkish; turn; txnip; type; tyrosine; u87; ubiquitin; ukraine; ultraviolet; unclear; underlying; understand; understanding; unique; units; university; unknown; untreated; uptake; urea; urine; usage; use; useful; uterine; utr; vaccine; validated; valuable; values; variants; variation; variety; vdr; vector; vegf; venous; versus; vhb; vim; viral; virulence; virus; viruses; visible; vitamin; vitro; vivo; voltage; volume; volunteers; vulgaris; waist; wastes; water; ways; weeks; weight; western; wheat; white; wide; widespread; wild; wistar; women; work; world; worldwide; wound; wst-1; xtt; years; yeast; yeast cells; yilmaz; ykl-40; young; zad; zebrafish; zinc cache: cord-022940-atbjwpo5.txt plain text: cord-022940-atbjwpo5.txt item: #81 of 216 id: cord-022973-soaz8b74 author: Trivellini, Guido title: Nestedness of habitat specialists within habitat generalists in a butterfly assemblage date: 2016-09-25 words: 5104 flesch: 37 summary: The nodes of each network are composed of butterfly species versus their habitat types, and link weights are the number of individuals collected in each habitat type. While habitat requirements have been assessed for many butterfly species in detail, the degree to which species within an assemblage segregate their habitat use (i.e. how they are specialised in a subset of habitat types) has been less well studied. keywords: abundance; analysis; areas; assemblage; associated; bl€; butterflies; butterfly; butterfly species; calinski; characterised; classes; competition; conditions; conservation; data; deciduous; degree; dennis; different; distribution; diversity; e.g.; ecological; ecology; ecotones; et al; fig; forest; generalist; group; habitat; habitat requirements; heath; important; index; individuals; influence; interactions; land; light; linear; matrix; minimum; model; natural; nested; network; niche; number; open; overlap; package; park; particular; pattern; plant; plantations; poplar; positive; requirements; richness; riparian; sampled; similar; sites; specialisation; specialised; species; table; transects; types; use; uthgen; vegetation cache: cord-022973-soaz8b74.txt plain text: cord-022973-soaz8b74.txt item: #82 of 216 id: cord-023017-k6edtg58 author: None title: AASLD Abstracts (pp. 282A–382A) date: 2006-02-10 words: 65964 flesch: 47 summary: The aim of the present study was to investigate if the same inhibition takes place in livers cells of patients with chronic hepatitis C. From February 2001 to April 2002, all patients with chronic hepatitis C referred to the outpatient liver clinic of the University Hospital Basel were asked for their permission to use part of the liver biopsy for this study. Increased T cell activation with Eta may also suggest that TNFA suppress T cell function and may contribute to refractoriness to INF therapy in HCV patients. keywords: -no; aa patients; ability; absence; acid; actin; activated; activation; active; activity; acute; addition; adenosyl; adiponectin; administration; adulis; adult; adult liver; adverse; african; age; aim; aims; albumin; alcoholic; alfa-2a; alpha; alt; amino; aminotransferase; analysis; animals; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antiviral; apoptosis; area; arm; ascites; assay; associated; association; available; average; background; baseline; bdl; beginning; beta; better; bile; biliary; bilirubin; binding; biochemical; biopsies; biopsy; bleeding; blood; blot; bm cells; bmcs; bmi; body; bone; c virus; calculated; canalicular; cancer; capacity; cases; cause; cc14; cd34; cd4; cd8; cdna; cell responses; cells; cellular; center; chain; changes; characteristics; chromosome; chronic; chronic hcv; chronic hepatitis; chronic liver; cifn; circulating; cirrhosis; cirrhotic; cirrhotic patients; clearance; clinical; clones; cmv; cohort; collagen; combination; combination therapy; common; comparison; complete; complexity; concentration; conclusions; conditions; consistent; content; continued; contrast; control; core; correlation; corresponding; count; course; crg; criteria; ctgf; culture; current; cyanoacrylate; cytokeratin; cytokines; cytometry; daily; damaged; data; date; days; dcs; death; decrease; degree; dendritic; dendritic cells; dependent; detectable; determined; development; diagnosis; diet; differences; different; differentiation; direct; disclosures; discontinuation; disease; distribution; dna; donor; dose; dosing; drug; ducts; duration; dysfunction; early; effect; effective; efficacy; element; elevated; elisa; elispot; end; endogenous; energy; enzyme; epithelial; es cells; esld; ethanol; events; evidence; experiments; expression; factors; failure; fatty; fed; female; fetal; fibroblasts; fibrogenesis; fibrosis; fibrotic; findings; flow; fluorescence; fold; following; form; france; free; frequency; function; fxr; gal; gamma; gel; gender; gene; gene expression; general; genome; genotype; gfp; good; grade; graft; greater; group; growth; haart; half; hcc; hcv; hcv core; hcv genotype; hcv infection; hcv patients; hcv proteins; hcv replication; hcv rna; hcv therapy; hcv viral; healthy; hemodynamic; hepatic; hepatic fibrosis; hepatitis; hepatitis patients; hepatoblasts; hepatocellular; hepatocytes; hepg2; higher; histological; histology; hiv; homa; hours; hrql; hrs; hsc; hscs; human; human liver; hypertension; hypothesis; ifn; ifn therapy; il-18; immune; immunohistochemistry; immunosuppression; impaired; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; index; individual; induced; induction; infected; infected patients; infection; inflammation; infusion; inhibitor; initial; initiation; injury; insulin; intake; interferon; intracellular; intrahepatic; introduction; involved; ir1; ishak; isis; isolated; israel; japan; key; kinase; kit; klf6; large; later; length; levels; lfa-1; ligands; like; likely; limit; lineage; linear; lines; lipid; little; liver; liver biopsies; liver biopsy; liver cells; liver disease; liver failure; liver fibrosis; liver injury; liver specific; liver transplantation; load; long; loss; lower; ltx; major; majority; male; marked; markers; marrow; mass; matrix; mdc; mean; mechanism; median; medical; medium; meld; membrane; metabolic; methionine; methods; mglkg; micalb; mice; microarray; microscopy; migration; mild; mitochondrial; model; moderate; molecular; mononuclear; mononuclear cells; monotherapy; months; mouse; mrna; mrp2; muscle; mutations; mxa; naive; napi; necrosis; negative; new; non; normal; northern; novel; ns3; ns5a; ntpdase2; number; o.ool; oatp8; olt; order; organ; outcome; oval; oval cells; overall; oxidative; p =; p<0.05; parameters; parenchymal; partial; pathogenesis; patients; pbmc; pcr; pdc; peak; peg; peginterferon; pegylated; peptide; period; peripheral; persistence; phase; phenotype; plasma; plasmacytoid; platelet; point; polymerase; pools; population; portal; positive; positive cells; positive patients; possible; post; potential; ppar; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; probability; progression; proliferation; promoter; properties; prophylaxis; prospective; protease; protein; protein expression; protocol; quantitative; racial; randomized; range; rat liver; rate; rats; rbv; real; receptor; recipients; recombinant; recurrence; reduction; regeneration; regulated; regulation; rejection; relationships; relative; release; replication; replicon; report; resistance; resolved; respect; responders; response; responsible; results; reverse; ribavirin; rifampicin; risk; role; safety; samples; sarcoidosis; scores; screening; second; self; sequences; serum; serum hcv; severe; severity; sf-36; signal; signaling; significant; similar; single; site; situ; sla; small; smooth; social; socs-1; sp cells; specific; spleen; splenocytes; spontaneously; stage; staining; standard; steatosis; stellate; stellate cells; stem; stem cells; steroids; stimulated; stimulation; stress; strong; studies; study; subjects; support; suppository; surface; survival; sustained; svr; symptoms; system; t cells; taa; table; tacrolimus; targeting; test; tgf; therapeutic; therapy; thl; time; tips; tissue; titer; tolerability; total; transcription; transgenic; transplant patients; transplantation; transplanted; transport; treated; treatment; trial; ttg; ttr; tumor; undifferentiated; unit; university; untreated; uptake; urea; use; values; variability; varices; vein; viral; viral response; virological; virus; vitro; vivo; weekly; weeks; weight; western; wild; years cache: cord-023017-k6edtg58.txt plain text: cord-023017-k6edtg58.txt item: #83 of 216 id: cord-023095-4dannjjm author: None title: Research Abstract Program of the 2011 ACVIM Forum Denver, Colorado, June 15–18, 2011 date: 2011-05-03 words: 134382 flesch: 49 summary: Mminimum HR, mean HR and the HRV variables (7 and 10) differing between dog groups, also consistently decreased with increasing MR, LA/Ao and the proximal isovelocity surface area in CKCS. The apparently normal levels of hexosaminidase A activity in affected dog samples may be a result of b subunit overexpression. keywords: 5ht; 95%ci; abdominal; abnormalities; absence; absorption; abstract; abundance; access; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acetate; acid; acth; activation; active; activity; acute; additional; adequate; adhesion; administration; admission; adrenal; adult; adult cats; adult dogs; adverse; affected dogs; age; aged; agents; aggregation; aim; aims; airway; aki; albumin; aldosterone; alpaca; alpha; alterations; alveolar; ambulatory; amino; analysis; analyzer; anaplasma; anemia; anesthesia; anesthetized; animals; anova; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antimicrobial; aortic; apparent; approach; appropriate; area; arterial; articular; arvc; aspiration; aspirin; assay; assessment; associated; association; asymptomatic; atenolol; atrial; attempts; auc; automated; available; average; avp; axis; azotemia; bacterial; balf; bartonella; basal; baseline; basis; bcs; beagle dogs; beagles; beginning; benazepril; beta; better; binding; biochemical; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; bleeding; blinded; blood; blood glucose; blood samples; blot; body; bone; bovine; bowel; boxers; bpm; brain; breed dogs; breeds; calcitriol; calcium; calculated; calprotectin; calves; canal; cancer; canine; canis; carboplatin; cardiac; cardiomyopathy; care; cartilage; cases; catheter; cats; cattle; caudal; cause; cbc; cca; ccp; cdv; cell; cellular; center; central; cerebellar; cervical; chain; challenge; changes; characteristics; characterized; chemistry; chf; chf cats; chromatography; chronic; ciprofloxacin; ckcs; ckd; classes; classified; clearance; client; clinical; clinical disease; clinical signs; clinicians; clinicopathologic; clinics; clm; clopidogrel; clostridium; cns; coagulation; cobalamin; coefficient; coli; collagen; collapse; collection; college; colon; colostrum; combination; commercial; common; compare; comparison; complete; completion; composition; compression; computed; concentrations; conclusion; concurrent; condition; confidence; confirmed; congenital; congestive; consecutive; consistent; content; contrast; control cats; control dogs; control group; control horses; control study; controls; copper; correlated; correlation; cortisol; count; course; cpe; cpr; cpv; cranial; creatinine; cria; criteria; cross; crossover; crp; cryptosporidium; csf; ctni; culture; curve; cutoff; cyclophosphamide; cyclosporine; cystine; cytokine; cytometry; daily; damage; data; date; days; dca; death; decreased; defect; deficiency; definitive; degenerative; degree; deletion; density; dependent; described; design; detection; determination; determined; development; deviation; device; dexamethasone; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diarrhea; diastolic; diet; dietary; differences; different; difficile; difficult; digital; diminazene; direct; discharge; disease; disease cats; disorders; dissolution; distribution; dmvd; dna; documented; dogs; dogs o; domperidone; donkeys; doppler; dorsal; dose; dosing; double; doxycycline; drug; dry; duodenal; duodenum; duration; dysfunction; early; ecg; echocardiographic; edema; edta; effective; effects; efficacy; effusion; ehrlichia; elevated; elisa; end; endothelial; energy; enlargement; enrofloxacin; enteric; enzyme; epithelial; equal; equine; equivalent; erythrocytosis; established; estradiol; eus; euthanasia; evaluated; evaluation; events; evidence; exact; examination; exercise; experimental; exposure; expression; factors; faecalibacterium; failure; farms; fasting; fatty; features; fecal; fecal samples; feces; fed; feeding; feline; female dogs; females; fever; fgf-23; fibrinogen; fibrosis; field; final; findings; firocoxib; fiv; flagellin; flow; fluid; fna; foals; fold; following; food; formalin; formulation; fossa; fraction; frd; free; frequency; frozen; function; furosemide; future; gastric; gastrointestinal; gastrointestinal disease; gemcitabine; gender; gene; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; gentamicin; german; gfr; giardia; gingivitis; glucocorticoids; glucose; glut12; goal; golden; good; grade; greater; group; growth; gsd; gsh; hac; half; hand; hbgm; hcm; head; healthy cats; healthy dogs; healthy horses; heart; heart disease; help; hepatic; herda; hereditary; herniation; het dogs; higher; highest; histopathological; histopathology; history; homozygous; hormone; horses; hospital; hospitalization; hours; hplc; hrs; hrv; hsa; hsp; human; humerus; hyperthyroid; hyperthyroid cats; hypothesis; hypothyroidism; iad; ibd; identical; identification; idiopathic; ifn; igg; iii; il-10; il-2; il-4; il-6; il-8; iliac; ill; ill dogs; illness; images; imaging; immune; impact; impaired; impedance; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; index; indirect; individual; induced; induction; infected; infected dogs; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; ingestion; inhibitor; initial; injury; insertion; insulin; intact; interaction; interest; internal; interstitial; intervals; intervertebral; intracellularis; intravenous; invasive; investigation; iodine; ipf; irc; iris; iron; isolates; ivabradine; kidney; kinase; kit; knowledge; kruskal; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; lameness; laminar; laminitis; large; lateral; left; length; lesions; leukocytes; levels; life; likely; limb; limited; linear; lines; lipid; liquid; little; liver; location; logistic; long; longer; loss; lower; lps; lung; lymphocyte; lymphoma; maintenance; major; majority; males; mammary; management; mann; manual; mapk; marcks; marker; marrow; mass; matter; maximum; mdr; meal; mean; mean ae; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medicine; membrane; meningiomas; meq; metabolic; methimazole; method; microbiota; mii; mild; minimal; minimum; minutes; mitral; mixed; mmhg; mmol; mmvd; model; moderate; molecular; molecules; monitoring; months; mortality; mri; mrna; mucosal; multiple; muscle; mutant; mutation; mycoplasma; myocardial; necessary; needle; negative; neoplasia; neurological; neutrophils; new; nmol; non; normal cats; normal dogs; normal horses; novel; number; obese dogs; obesity; objective; observed; obstruction; occurrence; occurring; og1; old; omeprazole; onset; oral; organisms; osa; outcome; ovariectomy; overall; overweight; owners; oxygen; p o; p38; pain; pancreas; pancreatic; parameters; partial; participants; partum; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathway; patients; pattern; pcr; pda; peak; peis; people; peptide; percentage; performance; perfringens; period; peripheral; persistent; pet; phagocytophilum; pharmacokinetic; phase; phosphate; phosphorylation; physical; pigs; piiinp; pilot study; placebo; placement; plasma; plasma concentrations; plasma samples; platelet; ple dogs; pln; plus; pmol; point; polymerase; polymorphisms; ponies; pooled; poor; population; positive; possible; post; potential; ppf; ppid; ppm; practices; predictive; preliminary; preparation; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problem; probnp; procedure; processes; production; profile; prognosis; proliferation; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; proximal; psva; pulmonary; puppies; purpose; qpcr; quality; quantitative; quarter; racing; radiographic; randomized; range; ranitidine; rank; rao; rapid; rare; rate; ratios; rbc; reaction; recent; receptor; recorded; records; recovery; rectal; reduced; reference; region; regional; regression; regurgitation; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; remaining; remission; renal; reported; reports; research; resistance; resolution; respiratory; respondents; response; results; retriever; retrospective; retrospective study; reverse; right; risk; role; rottweilers; routine; safety; saline; salmonella; samples; sampling; sas; sba; scale; scan; score; screening; sd dogs; sdr; secondary; secretion; sedation; segment; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; septic; sequence; sequencing; serum; serum concentrations; serum samples; set; severe; severity; sex; shar; shedding; short; shorter; sid; signaling; signalment; significant; significant difference; signs; similar; simple; single; site; size; skin; small; small dogs; smooth; snps; sodium; software; spayed; spearman; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spinal; spontaneous; spp; square; stability; stable; stage; staining; stalls; standard; standardized; starting; statistical; status; sternal; stimulated; stimulation; stomach; strain; stress; striatin; strong; structural; struvite; student; studies; study; study period; study population; subsequent; successful; suggested; sum; supplementation; support; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; susceptibility; susceptible; syndrome; synovial; syrinx; system; systemic; systolic; tablets; target; tcc; teaching; technique; teg; temperature; terminal; terriers; test; testing; tetracycline; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thrombocytopenia; tick; time; tissue; titers; tlr5; tolerance; tool; total; toxicity; toxin; tract; traditional; transfusion; transport; trauma; treatment; treatment group; trilostane; tt4; tubes; tumor; type; ultrasound; underlying; underwent; university; unknown; untreated; upc; upper; uptake; urea; urinalysis; urinary; urine; uroliths; use; useful; utility; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; values; valve; variability; variables; variation; variety; vascular; ventricular; veress; veterinary; vhs; viral; virus; visceral; vitamin; vitro; vivo; volume; vomiting; wall; wallis; water; weekly; weeks; weight; western; white; whitney; wide; widely; wilcoxon; wild; wnt; work; wound; years; zinc; zooepidemicus cache: cord-023095-4dannjjm.txt plain text: cord-023095-4dannjjm.txt item: #84 of 216 id: cord-023134-y665agnh author: None title: Oral Research Communications of the 22(nd) ECVIM‐CA Congress date: 2012-11-20 words: 29627 flesch: 47 summary: Concerning gross pathology findings in hearts with clinical DCM diagnosis, LV chambers were dilated in 3/4 cases of group 4, while in groups 3 and 5, the papillary muscles appeared grossly prominent and not flattened as in group 4.Histopathologically, in control dogs LV and RV myocardium showed no (3/4) or mild (1/4) interstitial collagen deposits, no or single adipocytes, and normal vessels. Histopathologically, RAA in control dogs showed small amounts of interstitialcollagen and single adipocytes. keywords: 5ht; acdo; acid; acth; activation; additional; administration; advanced; age; agp; aim; aims; albumin; analysis; animals; aortic; apps; arterial; artery; assay; assessment; association; atrial; available; avb; basal; baseline; basis; bem; bid; biopsies; blood; bmi1; body; breeds; campylobacter; canine; cardiac; cardiomyopathy; carriage; cases; catenin; cats; cause; cd133; cell; change; chronic; ckcs; ckd; class; client; clinical; coli; common; complete; concentrations; conclusion; control; correlation; cortisol; counts; creatinine; crp; culture; daily; data; days; dcm; decrease; detection; determine; development; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diastolic; differences; different; disease; dogs; doppler; dose; drug; duration; early; echocardiographic; edema; effect; effective; efficacy; eia; elevated; elisa; esophageal; evaluation; evidence; examination; expression; factors; faecal; failure; feline; female; femoral; fgf-23; fibrosis; films; findings; fip; follow; function; gene; general; ghrelin; glucose; group; growth; hcm; healthy; healthy cats; healthy dogs; heart; hepatic; higher; histopathological; history; hours; hpc; hpcs; hsdm; human; hypertrophy; ibd; imaging; immune; increase; infected; infection; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; information; initial; insulin; interval; intestinal; intra; introducer; investigation; ipf; kidney; large; left; level; liver; long; loss; lower; mann; marker; mean; measurement; median; medical; medicine; mellitus; microcirculation; mild; minutes; mitral; mmhg; mmvd; moderate; monitoring; months; multiple; murmur; muscle; myocardial; negative; neoplasia; ngal; non; normal; normeta; number; obese; objective; obstruction; onset; order; outcome; outflow; overall; p<0.001; pancreas; pancreatitis; papillary; parameters; pathogenesis; pathogens; patients; pcr; peak; period; phenobarbital; pheo; physical; piiip; placebo; plasma; platelet; population; positive; post; potential; pra; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; procedures; progression; proliferation; prospective; protein; pulmonary; quality; quantitative; ragdoll; raiu; range; rate; reference; region; relative; renal; response; results; rfeifn; rhtsh; rhythm; rifampin; right; risk; role; saa; samples; sap; score; septal; serum; severe; severity; sheath; sid; significant; signs; similar; single; small; snps; specific; spp; stage; standard; statistical; stent; stimulation; studies; study; survival; system; systolic; tcd; tdi; technique; tee; test; tgfb1; theileriosis; therapy; thoracic; thyroid; time; tissue; total; tract; treatment; trilostane; tt4; tumor; tumours; untwist; urinary; urine; uvc; values; valve; variables; vascular; velocity; ventricular; veterinary; volume; wave; weeks; weight; whitney; wnt; xanthine; years cache: cord-023134-y665agnh.txt plain text: cord-023134-y665agnh.txt item: #85 of 216 id: cord-023157-0lqlx2rv author: None title: Poster Sessions date: 2013-04-18 words: 128609 flesch: 50 summary: Results: Mean values of WC, blood pressure (BP), fasting plasma glucose (FPG), triglycerides (TG), HDL-Cholesterol and BMI were significantly higher in men than in women who had higher %BF (28% vs. 21%). Results: During IvGTT GBP-pigs displayed lower glucose and higher insulin levels compared to controls. keywords: 0.001; 1st; 2nd; 3rd; 95%ci; = ns; abdominal; abdominal obesity; abnormalities; absence; accumulation; acid; acr; action; activation; activities; activity; acute; addition; adipocytes; adipokines; adiponectin; adiponectin levels; adipose; adiposity; adjusted; adjustment; adma; administration; adolescents; adults; adverse; ae sd; affected; age; age group; aged; agents; aim; aims; akt; albumin; alcoholic; allele; alpha; alterations; altered; analysis; analyzed; angiography; angiotensin; animals; anthropometric; anti; antioxidant; apo; applied; approach; appropriate; area; arterial; artery; assay; assessment; associated; association; atherogenic; atherosclerosis; atp; available; average; b =; background; balance; bariatric; basal; baseline; behavior; beneficial; benefits; best; beta; better; bioactive; biochemical; biological; biomarkers; birth; blood; blood glucose; blood pressure; blot; bmi; bnp; body; body fat; body mass; body weight; bone; boys; brain; brazil; breakfast; burden; bypass; c levels; cad; cad patients; cafeteria; calculated; calorie; cancer; candesartan; capacity; carbohydrate; cardiac; cardiometabolic; cardiovascular; cardiovascular disease; cardiovascular patients; cardiovascular risk; care; carotid; carriers; cases; cataract; cause; cells; center; central; chain; changes; characteristics; characterized; chemerin; children; cholesterol; cholesterol levels; chronic; circulating; circumference; ckd; classified; clinical; coefficient; cohort; cohort study; collected; combination; combined; common; community; comparable; compare; comparison; complex; complications; components; composition; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; confidence; consecutive; consumption; content; control; control group; control study; control subjects; coronary; correlated; correlation; corresponding; countries; creatinine; crf; crime; criteria; cross; crp; current; curve; cutoff; cvd; cytokines; daily; damage; data; day; days; dbp; death; decreased; decreasing; deficiency; definition; degree; demographic; density; department; design; detection; determined; development; diabetes; diabetes group; diabetes mellitus; diabetes risk; diabetes type; diabetes women; diabetic patients; diabetic subjects; diabetics; diagnosis; diastolic; diastolic blood; diet; dietary; differences; different; differentiation; direct; disease; disorders; distribution; dm patients; dm2; dose; drug; duration; dysfunction; dyslipidemia; early; eating; education; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; elderly; elderly patients; elevated; elisa; endocrine; endothelial; endotoxin; energy; enzymes; epidemic; established; estimated; evaluation; evening; events; evidence; examination; excess; excessive; exenatide; exercise; expenditure; experimental; expression; factors; faculty; failure; families; family; fasting; fat; fat diet; fat mass; fatty; fbg; fbs; features; fed; females; ferritin; fetal; ffa; fiber; fibrosis; findings; flow; fmd; fold; follow; following; food; foot; fpg; fraction; free; frequency; frequent; function; future; gain; gastric; gbp; gdm; gender; gene; general; genetic; genotype; gestational; gestational diabetes; ggt; ghrelin; gip; girls; glp-1; glucagon; glucose; glucose concentration; glucose homeostasis; glucose levels; glucose metabolism; glucose study; glucose tolerance; glutathione; glycaemia; glycation; glycemic; good; gpx; greater; group; group patients; growth; guidelines; gut; habits; half; hand; hba1c; hdl; health; healthy subjects; heart; help; hemoglobin; hepatic; hepatocytes; hfd; high blood; high fat; high glucose; high insulin; high levels; high prevalence; higher; higher bmi; higher body; higher risk; highest; histological; history; hla; homa; homeostasis; homocysteine; hormone; hospital; hour; hr =; hscrp; human; hyperglycemia; hyperinsulinemia; hypertension; hypertensive patients; hypertriglyceridemia; hyperuricemia; hypoglycemic; hypoxia; idf; ifg; igt; ihd; iii; il-18; il-6; impact; impaired; impaired glucose; impairment; important; improved; improvement; imt; incidence; increased; incretin; independent; index; indexes; india; indicators; indices; individuals; induced; infarction; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; ingestion; inhibited; inhibitor; injury; institute; insulin; insulin levels; insulin resistance; insulin secretion; insulin sensitivity; intake; interest; international; interval; intervention; intervention group; intracellular; introduction; inverse; involved; iran; iron; irs-1; ischemic; islets; isolated; kcal; key; kidney; kit; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; large; later; ldl; leading; lean; left; leptin; leptin levels; levels; lifestyle; like; likely; limited; linear; lipid; lipoprotein; liposuction; liraglutide; liver; lmol; logistic; long; loss; low; lower; lower levels; lowest; lps; lunch; macrophage; macrosomia; magnesium; main; major; male patients; management; mann; marked; markers; mass; mass index; material; maximal; maximum; meal; mean; mean ae; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medicine; membrane; metabolic; metabolic control; metabolic parameters; metabolic risk; metabolic syndrome; metabolites; metformin; methods; mets; mets patients; mice; microalbuminuria; mild; mitochondrial; mixed; mmhg; mmol; mmp-9; model; moderate; modification; modified; molecular; monitoring; months; morbidity; morning; mortality; mrna; msg; multiple; multivariate; munc18c; muscle; myocardial; myriocin; n =; n-3; nafld; nampt; nash; national; ncep; necessary; need; negative; neuropathy; new; ngt; nitric; nmol; non; nondiabetic; normal; normal glucose; normal weight; novel; npdr; number; nutrition; obese; obese group; obese patients; obese subjects; obese women; obesity; obesity group; objective; observed; odds; offspring; ogtt; oil; old; older; onset; opg; oral; osteocalcin; outcomes; overall; overt; overweight; oxidation; oxidative; oxide; oxldl; oxygen; p =; p peak; pain; pancreas; pancreatic; parameters; participants; pathogenesis; pathway; patients; pattern; pcos; pcos patients; pcr; peak; people; peptide; percentage; period; peripheral; persons; phenotype; phosphorylation; physical; physical activity; physiological; physiology; placebo; plant; plasma; plasma glucose; plasma insulin; plasma leptin; plasma levels; pmol; point; polymorphism; pon1; poor; population; positive; possible; post; postmenopausal; postprandial; potential; pparc; practice; preadipocytes; prediabetes; predictive; predictor; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; presence; present; present study; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; probiotic; problem; process; products; profile; program; project; promoter; properties; proportion; prospective; prospective study; protein; psychological; pts; public; pulse; purpose; pwv; qol; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; r =; randomized; range; rate; ratio; rats; reactive; recent; receptor; recommendations; reduced; reduction; reference; region; regional; regression; regular; regulation; rehabilitation; relationship; relative; release; renal; report; research; resistant; resistin; response; restriction; results; retinopathy; retrospective; risk; risk factors; risk group; risk patients; rmr; role; routine; rygb; salivary; sample; sat; sbp; scale; school; sciences; score; screening; secondary; secretion; sectional; sectional study; sedentary; self; sensitive; sensitivity; serum; serum glucose; serum insulin; serum leptin; serum levels; severe; severity; sex; short; shr; signaling; significant; significant correlation; significant differences; significant higher; significant increase; significant reduction; significant risk; similar; single; size; skeletal; small; smokers; smoking; snp; social; socioeconomic; sod; south; specific; specificity; spss; standard; standardized; state; statin; statistical; status; steatohepatitis; steatosis; stiffness; stimulated; strength; stress; stroke; strong; students; studies; study; study group; study population; subcutaneous; subjects; subsequent; sugar; superior; supplementation; support; surgery; survey; symptoms; syndrome patients; system; systolic; t2 dm; t2d; t2d patients; target; tcf7l2; terms; test; tested; testing; testosterone; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thyroid; time; tissue; tnf; tolerant; total; total cholesterol; traditional; training; transcription; treatment; trend; trial; triglycerides; type; ultrasound; unclear; underlying; underwent; university; urban; uric; use; useful; values; variables; variant; vaspin; velocity; ventricular; vildagliptin; visceral; vitamin; vivo; volunteers; vs.; waist; waist circumference; wave; weeks; weight; weight gain; weight loss; weight patients; western; whitney; whr; whtr; wistar; women; workers; world; worldwide; years; years old; yoga; young cache: cord-023157-0lqlx2rv.txt plain text: cord-023157-0lqlx2rv.txt item: #86 of 216 id: cord-023186-gqltd6u0 author: None title: Poster Sessions date: 2019-06-27 words: 14394 flesch: 52 summary: In addition, the group with a negative slope of FEV1% predicted change during the first 3 months had a higher likelihood of O2 therapy, compared to the group with a positive slope of FEV1 change during the period (HR of 3.57, P = 0.059). However, there was no significant difference in the change over 3 months of FEV1% predicted values between the two groups at 6, 9, and 12 months. keywords: abpa; adherence; admission; age; aged; aim; airway; analysis; anomalies; antibiotic; aspergillus; associated; association; asthma; auto; average; background; bal; birth; bmi; bos; cannula; cap; care; cases; catheter; centers; change; chd; chest; childhood; children; chronic; chylothorax; clinical; cmh2o; common; conclusions; control; cough; cpap; criteria; cystic; data; days; diagnosis; difference; differential; disease; duration; effusion; episodes; examination; exposure; factors; failure; fev1; fever; fibrosis; flow; following; function; gastric; group; hand; hap; heart; hfnc; high; higher; history; hospital; ics; ige; igg; improved; improvement; incidence; index; infants; infection; intensive; intubation; lavage; length; levels; long; lower; lung; male; management; manual; mean; mechanical; medical; methods; minutes; model; months; mortality; mri; nebulized; non; old; osa; oxygen; patients; pcr; pediatric; picu; pleural; pneumonia; positive; post; presence; present; pressure; procedure; pulmonary; questionnaire; range; rate; ray; rdai; recurrent; report; respiratory; results; retrospective; right; risk; rop; rsv; score; secretion; severe; significant; similar; smoke; specific; spo2; stay; study; subjects; support; surgery; surgical; symptoms; syndrome; technique; term; test; therapy; tidal; time; total; tract; treatment; type; ultrasound; use; values; ventilation; viral; volume; weeks; weight; wet; years cache: cord-023186-gqltd6u0.txt plain text: cord-023186-gqltd6u0.txt item: #87 of 216 id: cord-023225-5quigar4 author: None title: Posters date: 2012-08-21 words: 70555 flesch: 41 summary: Aim of this study is the introduction, in the type 1' β turn peptide structure, of the sugar moiety specific for anti-gangliosides antibody recognition by synthesizing specific building blocks. Peptide synthesis was used to verify the accuracy of the determined sequence and to prepare sufficient peptide amount for biological activity studies. keywords: 1,2; 1,3; 26rfa; 61a; absorption; acceptor; acid; acid peptide; acid residues; acid sequence; acidic; activated; activation; active; active peptides; activities; activity; acyl; addition; administration; adp; affinity; agents; aggregates; aggregation; agonist; aib; aii; aim; ala; alanine; aldehydes; alkylation; alkyne; alternative; alzheimer; amide; amino; amino acid; amino group; amphiphilic; amps; amylin; amyloid; amyloidogenic; analogs; analogues; analysis; ang-(1; angiogenesis; angiotensin; animals; antagonist; antibacterial; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; anticancer; antigen; antimicrobial; antimicrobial activity; antimicrobial peptides; apoptosis; application; approach; appropriate; aqueous; area; arginine; aromatic; artificial; asp; aspartic; aspirin; assay; assembly; assisted; associated; at1; athens; attached; attachment; attention; attractive; autoimmune; available; backbone; bacteria; base; basis; behavior; best; beta; better; bilayer; binding; bioactive; bioactivity; bioavailability; biological; biological activity; biology; biomolecules; blocks; blood; boc; bond; brain; bridge; building; cancer; candidates; capable; carboxylic; carrier; cascade; case; catalyst; catalytic; cationic; cell; cell membrane; cellular; central; certain; cf3; chain; challenge; changes; channels; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chemical; chemical synthesis; chemistry; chiral; chromatography; chronic; circular; cis; class; clear; cleavage; click; clinical; coagulation; column; combination; combinatorial; combined; common; comparable; comparison; complementary; complete; complex; complexes; components; compounds; computational; concentration; condensation; conditions; conformation; conjugates; conjugation; conserved; considerable; consisting; constraints; content; contrast; control; convenient; core; corresponding; cotton; coupling; course; covalent; cpps; crf1; critical; cross; crucial; curcumin; current; cxcr4; cycle; cyclic; cyclic peptides; cyclization; cycloaddition; cyclotides; cys; cysteine; cytochrome; cytotoxicity; data; death; degradation; delivery; demonstrated; department; dependent; deprotection; derivatives; design; designing; detection; determined; development; diagnostic; dichroism; different; different peptides; difficult; dimeric; dimerization; dipeptide; dipolar; direct; discovery; disease; disorders; display; distinct; disulfide; diverse; dna; docking; domain; dose; drug; dsip; dynamics; e.g.; early; ecd; effect; effective; efficient; elisa; end; endogenous; energy; enhanced; enzymatic; enzyme; epitopes; essential; established; ester; eukaryotic; evaluation; evidence; example; excellent; exhibit; experimental; expression; extended; factor; faculty; family; fatty; features; fibrils; final; findings; fluorescence; fmoc; folding; following; food; formation; forms; fractions; fragments; free; function; functionality; functionalized; gel; general; generation; germany; glu; gly; gnrh; gold; good; gpr103; gram; great; greece; group; growth; gyrase; half; hand; hb40; heart; helical; helix; hemolytic; high; higher; hiv; homology; hormone; hplc; hslv; human; hybrid; hydrogen; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; ic50; identical; identification; iii; ik312532; ile; imaging; immobilization; immobilized; immune; important; improved; incorporation; increase; induced; inflammatory; influence; inhibitor; inhibitory activity; innate; insertion; institute; insulin; integrin; interactions; interest; interesting; interface; intermediates; internalization; intracellular; intramolecular; introduction; investigated; investigation; involved; irradiation; isolated; key; kidney; known; labeling; labels; labile; laboratory; lack; lactam; large; lead; leakage; length; leu; level; libraries; library; life; ligands; ligation; light; like; limited; linear; linear peptide; lines; linker; lipid; liposome; liquid; little; long; loop; loss; low; lower; lps; mainly; major; mammalian; manner; mass; materials; matrix; means; mechanism; melanoma; membrane; metabolic; metal; metastasis; methanol; method; methodology; mhc; mice; microscopy; microwave; migration; mimetic; mimic; minimal; mirna; mixture; model; model peptides; modifications; modified; moieties; moiety; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monolayers; monomers; motif; mouse; multiple; mutations; nanoparticles; native; natural; nature; ncl; need; negative; neutral; new; new peptide; nh2; nisin; nmr; non; novel; nucleic; number; oeg; oligomers; opioid; optimization; order; organic; organisms; orientation; original; orthogonal; overall; oxidative; oxytocin; parallel; parameters; partial; particular; pathway; patients; patras; pattern; peg; penetrating; peptide; peptide analogues; peptide backbone; peptide bond; peptide chain; peptide conformation; peptide cyclization; peptide dendrimers; peptide derivatives; peptide fragments; peptide libraries; peptide ligation; peptide receptor; peptide sequence; peptide stability; peptide structure; peptide synthesis; peptidic; peptidomimetics; peptidyl; pharmaceutical; pharmacokinetic; pharmacological; phase; phase peptide; phase synthesis; phe; phosphorylation; physiological; piperidine; plant; plasma; platelet; pna; point; polypeptide; poor; position; positive; possible; post; potency; potential; powerful; ppii; precursor; preparation; prepared; presence; present; present study; pressure; previous; primary; probe; problem; procedure; process; processes; production; products; profile; progress; project; proliferation; proline; promising; propensity; properties; prostate; protease; protein; proteolytic; protocol; proven; pseudopeptides; pure; purification; purity; pyrrolidine; range; rapid; rats; ray; reaction; reactive; readthrough; reagents; reason; recent; receptor; recognition; recombinant; region; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; release; relevant; removal; replacement; reported; research; residue peptide; residues; resin; resistance; response; responsible; resulted; results; reverse; rgd; ribavirin; rich; rigid; ring; role; samples; sar; scaffold; science; sclerosis; screening; secondary; secondary structure; segments; selected; selective; selectivity; self; sensitive; sequence; sequencing; sequential; sera; series; serine; serum; set; sfti-1; shape; sheet; short; showing; signaling; significant; silencing; silica; similar; simple; simulations; single; site; small; solid; solid phase; solubility; soluble; solution; solvents; somatostatin; species; specific; specificity; spectra; spectrometry; spectroscopy; spps; stability; stabilization; stable; standard; starting; state; step; stop; strategies; strategy; strong; structure; studies; study; subsequent; substituent; substitution; substrates; successful; suitable; support; surface; syntheses; synthesized; synthetic; system; tail; talin; target; targeting; tbu; technique; technology; temperature; template; terminal; terminus; tertiary; tested; testing; therapeutic; therapy; thioester; thiourea; thr; thrombin; time; tissue; tof; tools; topoisomerase; total; toxic; toxicity; trans; transition; treatment; triazole; trichogin; trna; trp; trypsin; tumor; turn; type; tyr; ufm1; understanding; unique; unit; university; uptake; use; useful; value; variety; vegf; venom; vesicles; vivo; water; weight; wide; wild; work; yield cache: cord-023225-5quigar4.txt plain text: cord-023225-5quigar4.txt item: #88 of 216 id: cord-023311-7wqdlha4 author: None title: Oral Session date: 2010-11-24 words: 17283 flesch: 47 summary: Conclusion Depression and anxiety were also found in lung cancer patients and need further evaluation and attention from clinician. Methods Patients with medically inoperable or unresectable single nodule NSCLC underwent treatments, in 3 different centers of Bangladesh. keywords: 0.001; active; acute; administration; adult; age; aged; airway; allergic; ammation; analysis; arsenic; asmc; association; asthma; asthmatics; average; bacterial; bangladesh; beroptic; blood; breathing; bronchial; bronchiectasis; bronchoscopy; brosis; bubbles; cancer; cap; care; cases; cell; chest; children; chronic; ciclesonide; city; classifi; clinical; common; community; complications; conclusion; confi; congenital; contacts; control; copd; copd patients; correlation; cpfe; cpg; criteria; culture; cvb; data; day; days; death; defi; development; diagnosis; difference; disease; disorder; drug; duration; effective; emphysema; emt; epithelial; evaluation; exacerbation; exercise; expression; factors; female; frequency; function; gauge; greater; group; gvpla2; hap; heart; high; higher; hospital; human; icu; identifi; important; index; induction; infection; infl; inhalation; initial; insomnia; introduction; january; left; lesions; levels; local; lower; lung; major; male; malignancy; management; mass; mean; median; medical; methods; mice; model; mometasone; months; mortality; muscle; myostatin; ndings; ned; needle; negative; non; normal; number; obstructive; odds; open; outcome; overall; p =; patients; people; perception; pleurodesis; pneumonia; positive; post; present; prevalence; primary; protocol; pulmonary; questionnaire; range; rate; ratio; refl; regression; resistance; respiratory; results; rfa; rhinitis; risk; role; sample; score; sensitivity; serum; severe; severity; signifi; similar; size; skin; sleep; small; smear; snoring; sod; specifi; specimens; sputum; status; stay; studies; study; subjects; surgery; survival; symptoms; systemic; test; therapy; tissue; total; treatment; tuberculosis; tumor; underwent; use; value; virtual; years cache: cord-023311-7wqdlha4.txt plain text: cord-023311-7wqdlha4.txt item: #89 of 216 id: cord-023346-8sqbqjm1 author: None title: MONDAY: POSTERS date: 2005-06-08 words: 130150 flesch: 50 summary: The Polish Blood Transfusion Act of 22nd August 1997, in force since January 1st 1999, has been supplemented by 8 Decrees: 1. procedures for external BTS audits; 2. requirements for donor selection; 3. requirements and procedures for organization and safe management of blood transfusion in hospitals; 4. requirements for implementing of national and regional donor registers; 5. employment criteria for BTS personnel; 6. training requirements for hospital personnel involved in blood and blood product administration; 7. national, uniform price list for blood and blood products; 8. organization requirements for setting up of a National Committee for Blood and Blood Transfusion. Introduction: TRALI is a life threatening adverse reaction of blood transfusion. keywords: 0.001; abbott; abc; abo blood; absence; accepted; access; accreditation; accurate; acid; activation; activities; activity; actual; acute; additional; adequate; administration; adsorptions; adults; adverse; affected; affinity; aged; agglutination; aim; aims; albumin; alert; allele; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; alloimmunization; alternative; amplification; analysed; analysis; analyze; anemia; anti; anti hcv; antibodies; antibody; antigens; antiglobulin; apheresis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; asked; assay; assessment; associated; association; assurance; atp; autoimmune; autologous blood; automated; automation; availability; available; average; b19; background; bacterial; bag; bags; base; baseline; basis; baxter; benefit; best; beta; better; binding; birth; bleeding; blood bag; blood banking; blood banks; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood conservation; blood consumption; blood derivatives; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood filtration; blood flow; blood group; blood grouping; blood inventory; blood loss; blood management; blood parameters; blood plasma; blood platelet; blood pressure; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood service; blood shortage; blood supply; blood system; blood testing; blood transfusion; blood units; blood use; blood volume; bone; bts; buffy; cancer; capacity; cardiac; cards; care; cases; categories; category; caucasian; cause; ccdee; cd34; cde; cell patients; cell transfusion; cellular; centers; central; centre; centrifugation; certain; cfu; chain; changes; characteristics; children; chronic; circulation; class; clinical; clinicians; close; cmv; coagulation; coat; cold; collaboration; collected; collections; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; comparison; compatible; compatible blood; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complications; concentrates; concentration; concerned; concerns; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; consequence; considerable; consideration; considered; consumption; contamination; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coombs; cord blood; core; corrective; correlation; cost; council; count; counting; countries; country; course; criteria; critical; croatia; cross; crossmatch; csf; culture; current; cytokines; cytometry; d type; d+ blood; daily; data; date; day; days; december; decision; decrease; deferrals; deferred; degree; delayed; delivery; department; depletion; design; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; device; diagnosis; diamed; differences; different; different anti; different blood; difficult; direct; directive; disaster; discussion; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; doctors; donations; donor cells; dose; double; drugs; duration; e.g.; early; easy; ebds; education; effect; effective; effective blood; effectiveness; efficacy; efficient; efforts; eia; elasticity; elements; elimination; elisa; end; environment; enzyme; equal; equipment; errors; erythrocytes; essential; established; estimated; etc; european; european blood; evaluation; events; evidence; excessive; exchange; exclusion; exons; expected; experience; exposure; expression; external; extraction; factor; failure; false; family; febrile; female; female blood; female donors; ferritin; fetal; fetus; ffp; fibrinogen; filter; filtration; final; findings; flow; fluorescence; focus; following; fractionation; france; free; freezing; frequency; frequent; fresh; fresh blood; frozen; function; future; g'max; gamma; gel; general; generation; genes; genetic; genotype; genotyping; gestation; glucose; goal; good; graft; granulocyte; greater; greece; group system; groups; growth; guidelines; gvhd; h63d; haematological; haemolysis; haemovigilance; half; hbc; hbsag; hbv; hcv; hcv antibodies; hdn; health; help; hematocrit; hematology; hematopoietic; hemocue; hemoglobin; hemolytic; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatitis; heterozygous; high; high blood; higher; history; hiv; hla; homologous blood; homozygous; hospital; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; host; hours; hpa; hpa-1a; hsr; htlv; human; human blood; i.v; identification; igg; igm; il-10; ill; immediate; immune; immunization; immunoassay; immunoglobulin; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incompatibility; incorrect blood; increased; increasing; incubated; incubation; independent; independent blood; index; indications; indirect; individuals; infants; infected; infections; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhabitants; initial; injury; institute; institutions; insufficient; integrated; intensive; intercept blood; internal; international; intervention; intravenous; introduction; intron; investigation; involved; iron; irradiated; irradiation; irregular; isolated; issue; ivig; january; jka; kell; kidd; kit; knowledge; known; labile blood; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; law; lead; leucodepleted; leucodepletion; leukocyte; level; life; light; like; likely; limited; liss; literature; load; local; local blood; long; lots; low; lower; lst1; magnetic; main; maintenance; major; major blood; majority; males; malignant; management; mandatory; manual; manufacturing; markers; marrow; massive; material; maximum; mbl; mcmv; mds; mean; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medium; membrane; metabolic; methods; microplate; mild; ministry; minutes; mmol; mnc; model; modified; mods; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monoclonal anti; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; multiple; multiple blood; mutation; n =; national blood; necessary; need; negative; negative blood; neonatal; new; new blood; new donors; newborn; non; normal; nucleic; number; objective; observation; observed; occurrence; old; ones; operations; optimal; order; organization; ortho; outcome; overall; oxygen; p =; pabd; packed; pall; panels; parameters; partial; participants; particular; past; pathogen; pathway; patients; patients anti; patients blood; pcr; pcs; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personal; personnel; phase; phenotype; physical; physicians; place; plasma; plasma samples; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet products; platelet quality; platelet storage; platelet transfusion; plt; point; policy; polish blood; polyclonal; pooled; pools; poor; population; positive; positive antibody; positive blood; positive cells; positive control; positive donors; positive patients; positive results; positive samples; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; postoperative; potential; practice; practitioners; predonation; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; premature; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; principles; prior; prism; problem; procedure; process; processes; processing; procleix; professional; program; programme; project; proper; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; pth; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quality blood; quality control; quality system; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; rabbits; random; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rare blood; rbc; rbc transfusion; rbcs; rccs; rcts; reactive; reagents; real; reasons; recent; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; recovery; red blood; red cell; reduced; reduction; reference; regional blood; regions; regular; regular blood; regulations; regulatory; related; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; repeat blood; replacement; reported; reporting; reports; republic; required; requirements; research; residual; resources; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; restrictive; results; retrospective; reverse; review; rhd; rhesus; risk; rna; roche; role; room; routine; routine blood; run; sampling; scansystem; scientific; screened; screening; second; security; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separator; sepsis; sequence; sera; serbia; seroconversion; serological; serology; serum; services; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock; short; shows; sickle; significant; signs; similar; simple; singapore; single; site; situations; size; small; society; software; solution; source; special; specific; specific antibodies; specific blood; specificity; specimens; srbc; ssp; staff; standard; state; statistical; status; step; storage; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; study blood; subjects; subsequent; subsequent blood; successful; suffering; suggested; summary; support; surface; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; survey; survival; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; system; system antibodies; table; target; technical; technique; technology; temperature; temporary; test; test results; tested; testing; thalassemia; therapeutic; therapy; thrombin; thrombocytopenia; throughput; time blood; time donors; times; titer; titre; tool; total; training; trali; transfusion center; transfusion hepatitis; transfusion medicine; transfusion policy; transfusion practice; transfusion reactions; transfusion safety; transfusion service; transfusion system; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusions; transmission; transplantation; transport; trauma; trauma patients; treated; treatment; trend; trials; trigger; trima; tube; tumor; turkey; type; typing; ultrio; understanding; underwent; unique; university; unpaid blood; unrelated; usage; use; useful; validation; value; variable; vascular; venous blood; viability; viii; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; voluntary blood; volunteers; washed; way; wbc; weak; weak d; weeks; weight; white blood; wide; window; women; work; working; world; years; yield; young; ° c cache: cord-023346-8sqbqjm1.txt plain text: cord-023346-8sqbqjm1.txt item: #90 of 216 id: cord-023354-f2ciho6o author: None title: TUESDAY PLENARY SESSION 3 TUESDAY: POSTERS date: 2005-06-08 words: 130154 flesch: 50 summary: The Polish Blood Transfusion Act of 22nd August 1997, in force since January 1st 1999, has been supplemented by 8 Decrees: 1. procedures for external BTS audits; 2. requirements for donor selection; 3. requirements and procedures for organization and safe management of blood transfusion in hospitals; 4. requirements for implementing of national and regional donor registers; 5. employment criteria for BTS personnel; 6. training requirements for hospital personnel involved in blood and blood product administration; 7. national, uniform price list for blood and blood products; 8. organization requirements for setting up of a National Committee for Blood and Blood Transfusion. Introduction: TRALI is a life threatening adverse reaction of blood transfusion. keywords: 0.001; abbott; abc; abo blood; absence; accepted; access; accreditation; accurate; acid; activation; activities; activity; actual; acute; additional; adequate; administration; adsorptions; adults; adverse; affected; affinity; aged; agglutination; aim; aims; albumin; alert; allele; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; alloimmunization; alternative; amplification; analysed; analysis; analyze; anemia; anti; anti hcv; antibodies; antibody; antigens; antiglobulin; apheresis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; asked; assay; assessment; associated; association; assurance; atp; autoimmune; autologous blood; automated; automation; availability; available; average; b19; background; bacterial; bag; bags; base; baseline; basis; baxter; benefit; best; beta; better; binding; birth; bleeding; blood bag; blood banking; blood banks; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood conservation; blood consumption; blood derivatives; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood filtration; blood flow; blood group; blood grouping; blood inventory; blood loss; blood management; blood parameters; blood plasma; blood platelet; blood pressure; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood service; blood shortage; blood supply; blood system; blood testing; blood transfusion; blood units; blood use; blood volume; bone; bts; buffy; cancer; capacity; cardiac; cards; care; cases; categories; category; caucasian; cause; ccdee; cd34; cde; cell patients; cell transfusion; cellular; centers; central; centre; centrifugation; certain; cfu; chain; changes; characteristics; children; chronic; circulation; class; clinical; clinicians; close; cmv; coagulation; coat; cold; collaboration; collected; collections; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; comparison; compatible; compatible blood; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complications; concentrates; concentration; concerned; concerns; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; consequence; considerable; consideration; considered; consumption; contamination; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coombs; cord blood; core; corrective; correlation; cost; council; count; counting; countries; country; course; criteria; critical; croatia; cross; crossmatch; csf; culture; current; cytokines; cytometry; d type; d+ blood; daily; data; date; day; days; december; decision; decrease; deferrals; deferred; degree; delayed; delivery; department; depletion; design; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; device; diagnosis; diamed; differences; different; different anti; different blood; difficult; direct; directive; disaster; discussion; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; doctors; donations; donor cells; dose; double; drugs; duration; e.g.; early; easy; ebds; education; effect; effective; effective blood; effectiveness; efficacy; efficient; efforts; eia; elasticity; elements; elimination; elisa; end; environment; enzyme; equal; equipment; errors; erythrocytes; essential; established; estimated; etc; european; european blood; evaluation; events; evidence; excessive; exchange; exclusion; exons; expected; experience; exposure; expression; external; extraction; factor; failure; false; family; febrile; female; female blood; female donors; ferritin; fetal; fetus; ffp; fibrinogen; filter; filtration; final; findings; flow; fluorescence; focus; following; fractionation; france; free; freezing; frequency; frequent; fresh; fresh blood; frozen; function; future; g'max; gamma; gel; general; generation; genes; genetic; genotype; genotyping; gestation; glucose; goal; good; graft; granulocyte; greater; greece; group system; groups; growth; guidelines; gvhd; h63d; haematological; haemolysis; haemovigilance; half; hbc; hbsag; hbv; hcv; hcv antibodies; hdn; health; help; hematocrit; hematology; hematopoietic; hemocue; hemoglobin; hemolytic; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatitis; heterozygous; high; high blood; higher; history; hiv; hla; homologous blood; homozygous; hospital; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; host; hours; hpa; hpa-1a; hsr; htlv; human; human blood; i.v; identification; igg; igm; il-10; ill; immediate; immune; immunization; immunoassay; immunoglobulin; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incompatibility; incorrect blood; increased; increasing; incubated; incubation; independent; independent blood; index; indications; indirect; individuals; infants; infected; infections; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhabitants; initial; injury; institute; institutions; insufficient; integrated; intensive; intercept blood; internal; international; intervention; intravenous; introduction; intron; investigation; involved; iron; irradiated; irradiation; irregular; isolated; issue; ivig; january; jka; kell; kidd; kit; knowledge; known; labile blood; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; law; lead; leucodepleted; leucodepletion; leukocyte; level; life; light; like; likely; limited; liss; literature; load; local; local blood; long; lots; low; lower; lst1; magnetic; main; maintenance; major; major blood; majority; males; malignant; management; mandatory; manual; manufacturing; markers; marrow; massive; material; maximum; mbl; mcmv; mds; mean; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medium; membrane; metabolic; methods; microplate; mild; ministry; minutes; mmol; mnc; model; modified; mods; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monoclonal anti; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; multiple; multiple blood; mutation; n =; national blood; necessary; need; negative; negative blood; neonatal; new; new blood; new donors; newborn; non; normal; nucleic; number; objective; observation; observed; occurrence; old; ones; operations; optimal; order; organization; ortho; outcome; overall; oxygen; p =; pabd; packed; pall; panels; parameters; partial; participants; particular; past; pathogen; pathway; patients; patients anti; patients blood; pcr; pcs; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personal; personnel; phase; phenotype; physical; physicians; place; plasma; plasma samples; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet products; platelet quality; platelet storage; platelet transfusion; plt; point; policy; polish blood; polyclonal; pooled; pools; poor; population; positive; positive antibody; positive blood; positive cells; positive control; positive donors; positive patients; positive results; positive samples; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; postoperative; potential; practice; practitioners; predonation; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; premature; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; principles; prior; prism; problem; procedure; process; processes; processing; procleix; professional; program; programme; project; proper; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; pth; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quality blood; quality control; quality system; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; rabbits; random; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rare blood; rbc; rbc transfusion; rbcs; rccs; rcts; reactive; reagents; real; reasons; recent; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; recovery; red blood; red cell; reduced; reduction; reference; regional blood; regions; regular; regular blood; regulations; regulatory; related; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; repeat blood; replacement; reported; reporting; reports; republic; required; requirements; research; residual; resources; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; restrictive; results; retrospective; reverse; review; rhd; rhesus; risk; rna; roche; role; room; routine; routine blood; run; sampling; scansystem; scientific; screened; screening; second; security; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separator; sepsis; sequence; sera; serbia; seroconversion; serological; serology; serum; services; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock; short; shows; sickle; significant; signs; similar; simple; singapore; single; site; situations; size; small; society; software; solution; source; special; specific; specific antibodies; specific blood; specificity; specimens; srbc; ssp; staff; standard; state; statistical; status; step; storage; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; study blood; subjects; subsequent; subsequent blood; successful; suffering; suggested; summary; support; surface; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; survey; survival; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; system; system antibodies; table; target; technical; technique; technologies; technology; temperature; temporary; test; test results; tested; testing; thalassemia; therapeutic; therapy; thrombin; thrombocytopenia; throughput; time blood; time donors; times; titer; titre; tool; total; training; trali; transfusion center; transfusion hepatitis; transfusion medicine; transfusion policy; transfusion practice; transfusion reactions; transfusion safety; transfusion service; transfusion system; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusions; transmission; transplantation; transport; trauma; trauma patients; treated; treatment; trend; trials; trigger; trima; tube; tumor; turkey; type; typing; ultrio; understanding; underwent; unique; university; unpaid blood; unrelated; usage; use; useful; validation; value; variable; vascular; venous blood; viability; viii; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; voluntary blood; volunteers; washed; way; wbc; weak; weak d; weeks; weight; white blood; wide; window; women; work; working; world; years; yield; young; ° c cache: cord-023354-f2ciho6o.txt plain text: cord-023354-f2ciho6o.txt item: #91 of 216 id: cord-023364-ut56gczm author: None title: EDUCATION DAY MONDAY: PLENARY SESSION 1 MONDAY: PARALLEL SESSIONS date: 2005-06-08 words: 130157 flesch: 50 summary: The Polish Blood Transfusion Act of 22nd August 1997, in force since January 1st 1999, has been supplemented by 8 Decrees: 1. procedures for external BTS audits; 2. requirements for donor selection; 3. requirements and procedures for organization and safe management of blood transfusion in hospitals; 4. requirements for implementing of national and regional donor registers; 5. employment criteria for BTS personnel; 6. training requirements for hospital personnel involved in blood and blood product administration; 7. national, uniform price list for blood and blood products; 8. organization requirements for setting up of a National Committee for Blood and Blood Transfusion. Introduction: TRALI is a life threatening adverse reaction of blood transfusion. keywords: 0.001; abbott; abc; abo blood; absence; accepted; access; accreditation; accurate; acid; activation; activities; activity; actual; acute; additional; adequate; administration; adsorptions; adults; adverse; affected; affinity; aged; agglutination; aim; aims; albumin; alert; allele; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; alloimmunization; alternative; amplification; analysed; analysis; analyze; anemia; anti; anti hcv; antibodies; antibody; antigens; antiglobulin; apheresis; application; applied; approach; appropriate; area; asked; assay; assessment; associated; association; assurance; atp; autoimmune; autologous blood; automated; automation; availability; available; average; b19; background; bacterial; bag; bags; base; baseline; basis; baxter; benefit; best; beta; better; binding; birth; bleeding; blood bag; blood banking; blood banks; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood conservation; blood consumption; blood derivatives; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood filtration; blood flow; blood group; blood grouping; blood inventory; blood loss; blood management; blood parameters; blood plasma; blood platelet; blood pressure; blood products; blood safety; blood samples; blood service; blood shortage; blood supply; blood system; blood testing; blood transfusion; blood units; blood use; blood volume; bone; bts; buffy; cancer; capacity; cardiac; cards; care; cases; categories; category; caucasian; cause; ccdee; cd34; cde; cell patients; cell transfusion; cellular; centers; central; centre; centrifugation; certain; cfu; chain; changes; characteristics; children; chronic; circulation; class; clinical; clinicians; close; cmv; coagulation; coat; cold; collaboration; collected; collections; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; comparison; compatible; compatible blood; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complications; concentrates; concentration; concerned; concerns; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; consequence; considerable; consideration; considered; consumption; contamination; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coombs; cord blood; core; corrective; correlation; cost; council; count; counting; countries; country; course; criteria; critical; croatia; cross; crossmatch; csf; culture; current; cytokines; cytometry; d type; d+ blood; daily; data; date; day; days; december; decision; decrease; deferrals; deferred; degree; delayed; delivery; department; depletion; design; detailed; detectable; detection; determination; determined; development; device; diagnosis; diamed; differences; different; different anti; different blood; difficult; direct; directive; disaster; discussion; disease; disorders; distribution; dna; doctors; donations; donor cells; dose; double; drugs; duration; e.g.; early; easy; ebds; education; effect; effective; effective blood; effectiveness; efficacy; efficient; efforts; eia; elasticity; elements; elimination; elisa; end; environment; enzyme; equal; equipment; errors; erythrocytes; essential; established; estimated; etc; european; european blood; evaluation; events; evidence; excessive; exchange; exclusion; exons; expected; experience; exposure; expression; external; extraction; factor; failure; false; family; febrile; female; female blood; female donors; ferritin; fetal; fetus; ffp; fibrinogen; filter; filtration; final; findings; flow; fluorescence; focus; following; fractionation; france; free; freezing; frequency; frequent; fresh; fresh blood; frozen; function; future; g'max; gamma; gel; general; generation; genes; genetic; genotype; genotyping; gestation; glucose; goal; good; graft; granulocyte; greater; greece; group system; groups; growth; guidelines; gvhd; h63d; haematological; haemolysis; haemovigilance; half; hbc; hbsag; hbv; hcv; hcv antibodies; hdn; health; help; hematocrit; hematology; hematopoietic; hemocue; hemoglobin; hemolytic; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatitis; heterozygous; high; high blood; higher; history; hiv; hla; homologous blood; homozygous; hospital; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; host; hours; hpa; hpa-1a; hsr; htlv; human; human blood; i.v; identification; igg; igm; il-10; ill; immediate; immune; immunization; immunoassay; immunoglobulin; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incompatibility; incorrect blood; increased; increasing; incubated; incubation; independent; independent blood; index; indications; indirect; individuals; infants; infected; infections; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhabitants; initial; injury; institute; institutions; insufficient; integrated; intensive; intercept blood; internal; international; intervention; intravenous; introduction; intron; investigation; involved; iron; irradiated; irradiation; irregular; isolated; issue; ivig; january; jka; kell; kidd; kit; knowledge; known; labile blood; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; law; lead; leucodepleted; leucodepletion; leukocyte; level; life; light; like; likely; limited; liss; literature; load; local; local blood; long; lots; low; lower; lst1; magnetic; main; maintenance; major; major blood; majority; males; malignant; management; mandatory; manual; manufacturing; markers; marrow; massive; material; maximum; mbl; mcmv; mds; mean; measured; measurements; mechanisms; median; medical; medium; membrane; metabolic; methods; microplate; mild; ministry; minutes; mmol; mnc; model; modified; mods; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monoclonal anti; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; multiple; multiple blood; mutation; n =; national blood; necessary; need; negative; negative blood; neonatal; new; new blood; new donors; newborn; non; normal; nucleic; number; objective; observation; observed; occurrence; old; ones; operations; optimal; order; organization; ortho; outcome; overall; oxygen; p =; pabd; packed; pall; panels; parameters; partial; participants; particular; past; pathogen; pathway; patients; patients anti; patients blood; pcr; pcs; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personal; personnel; phase; phenotype; physical; physicians; place; plasma; plasma samples; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet products; platelet quality; platelet storage; platelet transfusion; plt; point; policy; polish blood; polyclonal; pooled; pools; poor; population; positive; positive antibody; positive blood; positive cells; positive control; positive donors; positive patients; positive results; positive samples; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; postoperative; potential; practice; practitioners; predonation; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; premature; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; principles; prior; prism; problem; procedure; process; processes; processing; procleix; professional; program; programme; project; proper; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; pth; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quality blood; quality control; quality system; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; rabbits; random; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rare blood; rbc; rbc transfusion; rbcs; rccs; rcts; reactive; reagents; real; reasons; recent; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; recovery; red blood; red cell; reduced; reduction; reference; regional blood; regions; regular; regular blood; regulations; regulatory; related; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; repeat blood; replacement; reported; reporting; reports; republic; required; requirements; research; residual; resources; respect; respiratory; response; responsible; restrictive; results; retrospective; reverse; review; rhd; rhesus; risk; rna; roche; role; room; routine; routine blood; run; sampling; scansystem; scientific; screened; screening; second; security; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separator; sepsis; sequence; sera; serbia; seroconversion; serological; serology; serum; services; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock; short; shows; sickle; significant; signs; similar; simple; singapore; single; site; situations; size; small; society; software; solution; source; special; specific; specific antibodies; specific blood; specificity; specimens; srbc; ssp; staff; standard; state; statistical; status; step; storage; strategies; strategy; students; studies; study; study blood; subjects; subsequent; subsequent blood; successful; suffering; suggested; summary; support; surface; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; survey; survival; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; system; system antibodies; table; target; technical; technique; technologies; technology; temperature; temporary; test; test results; tested; testing; thalassemia; therapeutic; therapy; thrombin; thrombocytopenia; throughput; time blood; time donors; times; titer; titre; tool; total; training; trali; transfusion center; transfusion hepatitis; transfusion medicine; transfusion policy; transfusion practice; transfusion reactions; transfusion safety; transfusion service; transfusion system; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusions; transmission; transplantation; transport; trauma; trauma patients; treated; treatment; trend; trials; trigger; trima; tube; tumor; turkey; type; typing; ultrio; understanding; underwent; unique; university; unpaid blood; unrelated; usage; use; useful; validation; value; variable; vascular; venous blood; viability; viii; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; voluntary blood; volunteers; washed; way; wbc; weak; weak d; weeks; weight; white blood; wide; window; women; work; working; world; years; yield; young; ° c cache: cord-023364-ut56gczm.txt plain text: cord-023364-ut56gczm.txt item: #92 of 216 id: cord-024461-xo75855r author: Zhang, Yuanzhe title: FCP Filter: A Dynamic Clustering-Prediction Framework for Customer Behavior date: 2020-04-17 words: 3887 flesch: 50 summary: In order to reduce the purchase random noise of individual customers as well as to enable FCP to forecast group purchase intensity, we propose our FCP filter based on FCP to predict purchase intensity at group level instead of individual customer. We can take the group-level purchase intensity as the actual state of its members, while taking the individual customer purchase intensity as the observation of group purchase intensity. keywords: accurate; behavior; clustering; coagulation; customer; data; dynamic; fcp; filter; fragmentation; group; group purchase; individual; intensity; latent; model; noise; number; parameter; partition; prediction; priori; process; purchase; purchase intensity; random; results; segmentation; step; time; tracking; transaction cache: cord-024461-xo75855r.txt plain text: cord-024461-xo75855r.txt item: #93 of 216 id: cord-024698-jrnw1i07 author: Hogan, Kevin title: Decidio: A Pilot Implementation and User Study of a Novel Decision-Support System date: 2020-04-25 words: 4018 flesch: 55 summary: Section of the dashboard for group project ranking that shows the individual rankings for each project (rows are aligned with project names not shown in the screenshot). Capture some elements of the unstructured discussion that happened in-class for group project ranking We received 38 responses for the survey which were analyzed, and the findings from the survey are listed below. keywords: able; actions; active; activity; collaborative; consensus; dashboard; decidio; decision; discussion; dissimilarity; final; group; group decision; individual; instructor; logs; making; members; operator; options; personality; pilot; preferences; present; process; project; ranking; results; sect; staging; students; study; support; survey; systems; team; tool; traits; user; web; workflow cache: cord-024698-jrnw1i07.txt plain text: cord-024698-jrnw1i07.txt item: #94 of 216 id: cord-026493-z2hthkgy author: Newsom, Megan title: New and Emerging Systemic Treatments for Atopic Dermatitis date: 2020-06-09 words: 4152 flesch: 44 summary: Randomized Controlled Trial Upadacitinib in adults with moderate to severe atopic dermatitis: 16-week results from a randomized, placebocontrolled trial revisiting therapies for atopic dermatitis that failed clinical trials Tradipitant Misses Primary End Point in Atopic Dermatitis Trial Lilly Announces Top-Line Phase 3 Results for Baricitinib in Patients with Moderate to Severe Atopic Dermatitis Profile of baricitinib and its potential in the treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis: a short review on the emerging clinical evidence Suppression of cytokine signaling by SOCS3: characterization of the mode of inhibition and the basis of its specificity JAK inhibition as a therapeutic strategy for immune and inflammatory diseases Dupilumab shows long-term safety and efficacy in moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis patients enrolled in a phase 3 open-label extension study Efficacy and safety of dupilumab in adolescents with uncontrolled moderate to severe atopic dermatitis: a phase 3 Randomized Clinical Trial Realworld experience of dupilumab treatment for atopic dermatitis in adults: a retrospective analysis of patients' records Dupilumab-induced ocular surface disease (DIOSD) in patients with atopic dermatitis: clinical presentation, risk factors for development and outcomes of treatment with tacrolimus ointment Conjunctivitis in patients with atopic dermatitis treated with dupilumab is associated with higher baseline serum levels of immunoglobulin E and thymus and activation-regulated chemokine but not clinical severity in a real-world setting Dupilumab in adolescents with uncontrolled moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: results from a phase IIa openlabel trial and subsequent phase III open-label extension Conjunctivitis in dupilumab clinical trials Alopecia areata in severe atopic dermatitis treated with dupilumab Drug-induced alopecia after dupilumab therapy Alopecia areata after dupilumab for atopic dermatitis Association of vitiligo and alopecia areata with atopic dermatitis: a systematic review and metaanalysis Clinically meaningful responses to dupilumab in adolescents with uncontrolled moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: post-hoc analyses from a Randomized Clinical Trial Dupilumab provides important clinical benefits to patients with atopic dermatitis who do not achieve clear or almost clear skin according to the Investigator's Global Assessment: a pooled analysis of data from two phase III trials Real-world effectiveness and safety of dupilumab for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in Japanese patients: a single-centre retrospective study Dupilumab: short-term effectiveness and security in real clinical practice -A retrospective multicentric study resul ts-for-tralo kinum ab-from-three -phase -3-studi es-in-adult -patie nts-with-moder ateto-sever e-ad?publi sherI d=12353 keywords: abrocitinib; adults; adverse; agents; antibody; atopic; baricitinib; baseline; clinical; dermatitis; disease; drug; dupilumab; easi-75; efficacy; events; group; higher; iga; iib; iii; il-13; increased; inflammatory; inhibitors; jak; lebrikizumab; levels; moderate; novel; patients; percentage; phase; placebo; proportion; randomized; results; safety; severe; skin; study; subjects; systemic; table; topical; tralokinumab; treatment; trial; upadacitinib; week cache: cord-026493-z2hthkgy.txt plain text: cord-026493-z2hthkgy.txt item: #95 of 216 id: cord-026983-36n7bm3j author: Gillani, Syeda Shaista title: Synthesis, characterization and applications of poly-aliphatic amine dendrimers and dendrons date: 2020-06-17 words: 6447 flesch: 52 summary: Figure 1 shows the well-defined structure of a dendrimer composed of various components: a) Multiple reactive sites originate from the central core which further grows into branches layer-by-layer in a symmetric fashion to form dendrimer generations. The gradual change in the shapes of dendrimer molecules from an extended arrangement for lower generation dendrimers to a globular shape for higher generation dendrimers may cause the deviation in physical behavior of dendrimers from those of linear macromolecules. keywords: acid; addition; agents; aliphatic; amine; applications; biomedical; branches; catalysis; cell; cem; center; chains; change; chemical; chemistry; class; conjugates; contrast; convergent; core; covalent; current; delivery; dendrimers; dendritic; dendrons; designs; different; divergent; drug; effect; enhanced; fig; focal; focus; free; fréchet; functionalities; generation; good; groups; high; higher; hyperbranched; increase; inside; instance; light; like; linear; low; macromolecules; main; materials; metal; methodology; molecular; molecules; monomers; mri; multiple; new; number; outer; pamam; pamam dendrimers; peptide; periphery; place; point; polyamide; polyamidoamine; polymers; potential; ppi; properties; reaction; reactivity; researchers; scaffold; shape; shell; significant; solubility; species; specific; steps; strategies; structure; surface; synthesis; terminal; tissue; tumor; type; unique; use; water cache: cord-026983-36n7bm3j.txt plain text: cord-026983-36n7bm3j.txt item: #96 of 216 id: cord-030277-x9zvx3fp author: Ohta, Yoshinori title: Effect of dexmedetomidine on inflammation in patients with sepsis requiring mechanical ventilation: a sub-analysis of a multicenter randomized clinical trial date: 2020-08-10 words: 4083 flesch: 47 summary: The percentage of patients with three or more SIRS characteristics did not differ significantly between the DEX vs. non-DEX group (range, 12-71 vs. 19-74%; P = 0.15). The DESIRE trial was a multicenter randomized clinical trial in which adult patients with sepsis were sedated with (DEX group) or without (non-DEX group) dexmedetomidine while on mechanical ventilators. keywords: acute; administration; alb; albumin; analysis; characteristics; clinical; coagulation; coagulopathy; crp; day; days; desire; dex; dex group; dexmedetomidine; dic; doses; effects; group; higher; inflammation; inflammatory; japan; levels; lower; mechanical; mortality; non; number; patients; pct; period; phase; procalcitonin; protein; randomized; range; response; score; sedation; sepsis; study; treatment; trial; variables; ventilation cache: cord-030277-x9zvx3fp.txt plain text: cord-030277-x9zvx3fp.txt item: #97 of 216 id: cord-032410-g546hez9 author: Hu, Yuan title: Behavioral and Biochemical Effects of KXS on Postmyocardial Infarction Depression date: 2020-08-27 words: 4648 flesch: 41 summary: A total of 50 SD rats were randomly assigned into five groups as follows: normal control (control group), celiac injection of isopropyl adrenaline (ISO) (MI group), depression (depression group), MI+ depression (model group) and MI+ depression treated with intragastric administration of 370 mg/kg KXS (KXS group). A total of 50 SD rats were randomly and evenly divided into five groups (n=10) as follows: normal control (control group), isopropyl adrenaline (ISO) model (MI group), CMS model (depression group), MI+ depression (model group) and MI+ depression treated with intragastric administration of 1,785 mg total herbs/kg KXS (about 370 mg/kg KXS, KXS group), and the antidepressive effect of KXS at such dosage has been proved in several previous studies (Hu et al., 2013a; Dong et al., 2016) . keywords: activities; activity; analysis; animal; antidepressive; cardiac; cardioprotective; cardiovascular; cat; chd; china; chinese; chronic; cms; consumption; control; crp; days; depression; depression group; disease; echocardiography; effects; et al; field; function; group; gsh; heart; il-6; infarction; inflammatory; injury; intake; ischemia; iso; kai; kxs; kxs group; ldh; levels; like; mda; mi group; model; model group; myocardial; open; previous; rats; results; san; scores; sod; stress; study; sucrose; test; tnf; total; traditional; treatment; water; xin cache: cord-032410-g546hez9.txt plain text: cord-032410-g546hez9.txt item: #98 of 216 id: cord-032657-1egdwe26 author: Gouda, Walaa title: COVID-19 disease: CT Pneumonia Analysis prototype by using artificial intelligence, predicting the disease severity date: 2020-09-25 words: 4132 flesch: 44 summary: CT severity score was estimated for each one of the five lung lobes by calculating the dissemination of the chest manifestations (opacity), namely the ground-glass opacities (GGO), consolidation, crazy-paving pattern, septal thickening, and pulmonary fibrosis giving score (0-4) for 0, 25, 50, and ≥ 75% involvement, respectively, with the sum representing the total severity scores for the whole lung (0-20). Quantitative total opacity score was 9 Fig. keywords: abnormalities; analysis; assessment; cases; chest; clinical; consolidation; coronavirus; covid-19; crazy; critical; different; disease; findings; groups; high; higher; initial; lobes; lower; lung; number; opacity; parameters; patients; pattern; paving; percentage; pneumonia; progression; quantitative; rapid; score; sensitivity; severe; severity; severity score; significant; specificity; study; table; test; total; total score; value; volume cache: cord-032657-1egdwe26.txt plain text: cord-032657-1egdwe26.txt item: #99 of 216 id: cord-032979-jle66lmn author: ROMMEREIM, D. N. title: Reproduction, Growth, and Development of Rats during Chronic Exposure to Multiple Field Strengths of 60-Hz Electric Fields date: 1990-04-17 words: 6189 flesch: 53 summary: Although no developmental toxicity was detected, exposures produced physical changes in the dams, evidenced as a rust-colored deposit on the muzzle and ears (chromodacryorrhea) that increased in incidence and severity at 65 and 130 kV/m. Incidence of chromodacryorrhea was not significantly different between sham-exposed rats and those exposed at 10 kV/m. O 1990 Society of Toxicology. Effects on survival, growth, and development used to detect effects of electric field exposure of laboratory animals (mice and rats) exposed on reproduction and development in a larger to electric fields during gestation or neonatal species (Sikov el al., 1987) . Subsequently, rats were used to investigate the possible effects of electric field exposure on development and reproduction. keywords: affected; age; animals; basis; body; breeding; cages; changes; chromodacryorrhea; daily; dams; data; days; deposits; developmental; different; ears; effects; electric; experiment; exposure; females; fetal; fetuses; field; gain; gestation; groups; growth; higher; incidence; increase; large; litter; live; malformations; mated; mean; model; multiple; number; observed; offspring; period; pregnancy; previous; pups; rats; response; results; rommereim; sham; significant; sperm; statistical; strengths; study; system; table; test; toxicity; treatment; weight cache: cord-032979-jle66lmn.txt plain text: cord-032979-jle66lmn.txt item: #100 of 216 id: cord-034714-6e37yylk author: Alleg, Manel title: Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy: MRI findings in HIV-infected patients are closer to rituximab- than natalizumab-associated PML date: 2020-11-06 words: 3755 flesch: 30 summary: The proportion of hyposignal seen on T2*-or SWANweighted images at the cortical-subcortical junction adjacent to PML lesions (Fig. 6 ) did not differ between PML groups, in agreement with other studies [15, 21, 24] ; this sign seems nonspecific in PML for the underlying cause of immunosuppression. To compare PML lesions, we described the location (frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, basal ganglia, supra-or infratentorial or both), involvement of cortex and/or deep GM, distribution (unilobar involving a single lobe, multilobar involving more than one contiguous lobe, widespread involving more than two contiguous lobes or noncontiguous lobes or bilaterality), boundaries (sharp towards WM and GM, ill-defined towards WM and GM), lesion characteristics (aspect on T2-weighted images defined as homogeneous or microcystic corresponding to small lesions in or adjacent to the main PML lesions with an increased signal called the milky way; the presence or absence of a hyposignal on T2*/SWI/SWAN-weighted images, signal on DWI, and Statistical analysis was performed using R software, version 3.1, via the GMRC Shiny Stat application of the Strasbourg University Hospital (2017) and using the XLSTAT software in its Addinsoft 2016 version. keywords: anti; brain; cases; cd4; cd8; characteristics; contrast; cortex; criteria; data; difference; diffusion; disease; enhancement; fig; group; hiv; hiv group; images; imaging; immune; immunosuppression; infection; inflammatory; involvement; jcv; lesions; leukoencephalopathy; lobe; milky; mri; multifocal; natalizumab; natalizumab group; patients; pattern; pml; progressive; risk; rituximab; rituximab group; signal; significant; study; treatment; way cache: cord-034714-6e37yylk.txt plain text: cord-034714-6e37yylk.txt item: #101 of 216 id: cord-035024-kx9jfssi author: Elmelhat, Ahmed title: Comparison between Prophylactic versus Therapeutic Doses of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin in Severely Ill Coronavirus Disease 2019 Patients in Relation to Disease Progression and Outcome date: 2020-10-26 words: 3194 flesch: 47 summary: [7] suggested that in the absence of venous thromboembolic prophylaxis, 25% of COVID-19 patients developed lower extremity deep venous thrombosis, which is higher than the 5-15% incidence seen in placebo arms of early studies of VTE prevention in medically ill hospitalized patients [8] [9] [10] . To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study published to compare the 2 dose regimens in the management of COVID-19 patients. keywords: bleeding; blood; cases; clinical; covid-19; data; difference; disease; dose; duration; enoxaparin; group; hospital; hypertension; icu; improvement; inflammatory; markers; mean; median; medical; mortality; patients; prophylactic; severe; significant; significant difference; study; support; table; tendency; therapeutic; thromboembolism; value; venous; weight cache: cord-035024-kx9jfssi.txt plain text: cord-035024-kx9jfssi.txt item: #102 of 216 id: cord-048469-xa9a5p0q author: Klune, John R title: HMGB1: Endogenous Danger Signaling date: 2008-04-11 words: 6478 flesch: 25 summary: TLR4, TLR2, and TLR9 have all been implicated as HMGB1 receptors. For example, while LPS regulates HMGB1 release by hyper-acetylation, TNFα-induced secretion is mediated through phosphorylation, which directs it to the cytoplasm for release (30) . keywords: activation; acute; addition; alarmins; arthritis; binding; box; cancer; cells; cellular; chromosomal; cytokine; damage; danger; dendritic; dependent; dna; effects; endogenous; endothelial; evidence; expression; extracellular; family; gene; group; group box; hepatic; high; high mobility; hmgb1; human; immune; important; induced; infectious; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; innate; iri; ischemia; levels; like; liver; lps; macrophages; mice; migration; mobility; mobility group; model; molecular; molecules; non; normal; novel; nuclear; nucleus; pamps; pathogens; patients; patterns; production; protein; rage; receptors; recognition; release; repair; reperfusion; response; role; secretion; shock; signaling; signals; specific; states; stimulation; system; tissue; tlr4; tnfα; toll; tumor cache: cord-048469-xa9a5p0q.txt plain text: cord-048469-xa9a5p0q.txt item: #103 of 216 id: cord-103538-vh6ma7k7 author: Smaldino, Paul E. title: Coupled Dynamics of Behavior and Disease Contagion Among Antagonistic Groups date: 2020-10-05 words: 4980 flesch: 45 summary: However, when R 0 is high enough and outgroup aversion induces 258 group differences in behavior adoption, strong homophily among group 2 can lead to larger, albeit delayed, epidemics in the initially-uninfected segment of the population. We model behavior adoption as a susceptible-infectious-susceptible (SIS) process, in which individuals can oscillate between adoption and non-adoption of the behavior indef-120 initely. keywords: adaptive; adoption; aversion; behavior; careful; case; contagion; coupled; delay; delayed; differences; disease; dynamics; effect; epidemic; equations; figure; group; higher; homophilous; homophily; identity; individuals; infected; infection; influence; interactions; likely; members; model; number; outbreak; outgroup; outgroup aversion; peak; population; protective; rate; second; sir; social; strong; susceptible; transmission cache: cord-103538-vh6ma7k7.txt plain text: cord-103538-vh6ma7k7.txt item: #104 of 216 id: cord-103779-qobzttqa author: Rachwal, S. title: 5.01 1,2,3-Triazoles date: 2008-12-31 words: 29897 flesch: 46 summary: key: cord-103779-qobzttqa authors: Rachwal, S.; Katritzky, A. R. title: 5.01 1,2,3-Triazoles date: 2008-12-31 journal: nan DOI: 10.1016/b978-008044992-0.00501-0 sha: doc_id: 103779 cord_uid: qobzttqa Rapid progress in the synthetic application of benzotriazole derivatives in the last 20 years has resulted in over 1000 scientific papers on the subject. In general, the C-N bonds and C-C bonds in the heterocyclic ring of benzotriazole derivatives are also slightly longer than the corresponding bonds in 1,2,3-triazoles. keywords: 1,3; 1,4; 1-(2; acetic; acetylenedicarboxylate; acid; acidic; addition; adducts; alcohols; aldehydes; alkyl; alkylated; alkylation; alkylbenzotriazoles; alkynes; amines; amino; analogous; analogs; analysis; anion; application; approach; aqueous; aromatic; aryl; atom; attack; available; average; azide; base; basic; benzotriazol-1; benzotriazole; benzotriazole derivatives; benzotriazole moiety; benzyl; bond; bromide; bu n; c-4; c-7; carbon; carbonyl; carboxylic; case; catalyst; catalytic; catalyzed; causes; character; chec; chemistry; chiral; chloride; cleavage; common; comparison; complex; compound; conditions; convenient; conversion; converts; copper; corresponding; coupling; cyclization; cycloaddition; cyclocondensation; data; deficient; derivatives; different; dimethyl; dipolar; direct; disubstituted; dmf; double; easy; electron; electrophiles; elevated; elimination; enamines; equation; equivalents; esters; ethanol; ethers; example; excess; final; following; formaldehyde; formation; forms; furnish; furnishes; good; group; heating; heterocyclic; high; high yield; higher; hydrogen; hydrolysis; hydroxybenzotriazole; ii(1996; ii(4)1; intermediate; intramolecular; introduction; iodide; isolated; isomers; ketones; lda; leads; lengths; ligands; lithiated; lithiation; lithium; longer; main; manner; materials; mechanism; method; methyl; microwave; mild; mixture; moiety; molar; molecule; n-(a; n-1; n-2; n-3; naoh; new; nitrogen; nmr; nucleophilic; opening; organic; organomagnesium; ortho; oxidation; oxirane; oxygen; palladium; phenyl; polymer; position; possible; potassium; preparation; presence; process; products; pyrrole; quantitative; radicals; ratio; ray; reaction; reaction conditions; reaction mixture; reactive; reactivity; reagents; rearrangement; reduced; reduction; refluxing; regioselectivity; results; ring; ring n; room; ruthenium; salts; scheme; second; section; similar; simple; sodium; solution; species; spontaneously; stable; starting; step; strong; structures; subsequent; substituents; substitution; sulfones; synthesis; synthetic; system; temperature; terminal; thioethers; toluene; total; treatment; triazoles; triazoline; trimethylsilyl; type; undergo; unsaturated; unstable; use; variety; vinyl; water; way; withdrawing; work; yield; yl derivatives; yl)alkyl; yl)methyl; znbr cache: cord-103779-qobzttqa.txt plain text: cord-103779-qobzttqa.txt item: #105 of 216 id: cord-193497-qqrhvlm5 author: Shoghri, Ahmad El title: Identifying highly influential travellers for spreading disease on a public transport system date: 2020-04-03 words: 5890 flesch: 42 summary: The authors used the recurrent mobility and the total mobility characteristics to group individuals into returners and explorers. To understand how different mobility behaviours influence the transmission paths of the simulated disease we classify the bus passengers into different mobility groups. keywords: average; average number; behaviour; bus; connected; contact; data; degree; different; dimensions; disease; distances; dynamics; encounters; environment; explorers; fig; groups; human; increase; individuals; infection; influential; locations; long; low; mobility; mobility groups; network; number; passengers; pathogens; period; population; probability; public; results; returners; segment; short; short distances; simulation; spread; spreading; study; susceptible; suspension; time; total; transmission; transport; travel; use; values cache: cord-193497-qqrhvlm5.txt plain text: cord-193497-qqrhvlm5.txt item: #106 of 216 id: cord-209697-bfc4h4b3 author: Shanthakumar, Swaroop Gowdra title: Analyzing Societal Impact of COVID-19: A Study During the Early Days of the Pandemic date: 2020-10-27 words: 4412 flesch: 54 summary: We adopt a state-of-the-art semantic role labeling approach to identify the action words and then leverage a LSTM-based dependency parsing model to analyze the context of action words (e.g., verb deal is accompanied by nouns such as anxiety, stress, and crisis). For instance, in School Closures, the action word close mostly talks about closing the schools for benefit of students, and action word offer co-occurs with teaching aids through online sources. keywords: action; analysis; approach; bigrams; buying; categories; category; closures; covid-19; data; dependency; different; figure; general; group; grouping; hashtags; health; impact; lda; linguistic; march; model; nouns; number; pandemic; panic; paper; people; present; quarantine; related; results; school; seeded; sentiment; similar; social; study; table; topic; tweets; twitter; verbs; words cache: cord-209697-bfc4h4b3.txt plain text: cord-209697-bfc4h4b3.txt item: #107 of 216 id: cord-234996-hah19vmk author: Kabiri, Aliakbar title: How different age groups responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of mobility behaviors: a case study of the United States date: 2020-07-20 words: 3656 flesch: 42 summary: In this paper, we attempt to fill the current gap in the literature by examining how different communities with different age groups performed social distancing by following orders such as the national emergency declaration on March 13, as well as how fast they started changing their behavior after the regulations were imposed. For this purpose, we calculated the behavior changes of people in different mobility metrics, such as percentage of people staying home during the study period (March, April, and May 2020), in different age groups in comparison to the days before the pandemic (January and February 2020), by utilizing anonymized and privacy-protected mobile device data. keywords: age; analysis; behavior; census; changes; communities; comparison; covid-19; data; days; declaration; device; different; distancing; elderly; emergency; figure; groups; home; index; location; march; metrics; mobile; mobility; national; outbreak; pandemic; patterns; people; percentage; research; senior; significant; social; states; study; time; trips; value; work; young; younger cache: cord-234996-hah19vmk.txt plain text: cord-234996-hah19vmk.txt item: #108 of 216 id: cord-239632-dyvhzvmm author: McGuigan, Michael title: Pandemic modeling and the renormalization group equations: Effect of contact matrices, fixed points and nonspecific vaccine waning date: 2020-08-03 words: 5029 flesch: 51 summary: These include pandemic modeling with mixing between different age groups and also contact matrices associated with contact between countries. In section four we illustrate the above relations using contact matrices between different age groups using demographics and pandemic characteristics similar to the current COVID-19 pandemic. keywords: age group; contact; contact matrix; countries; country; covid-19; deaths; different; effect; equations; figure; group; group equations; individuals; infection; matrix; model; modeling; mortality; nonspecific; nonspecific vaccine; number; older; older age; pandemic; population; rate; renormalization group; sird; sird model; susceptible; time; vaccine; waning; younger; younger age cache: cord-239632-dyvhzvmm.txt plain text: cord-239632-dyvhzvmm.txt item: #109 of 216 id: cord-253308-wgseqk4t author: Liu, Chang title: PCV cap proteins fused with calreticulin expressed into polymers in Escherichia coli with high immunogenicity in mice date: 2020-08-27 words: 4326 flesch: 45 summary: The specific antibody levels of protein groups were lower than those of commercial vaccine groups before virus challenge, but it went opposite after the virus challenge. The neutralizing antibody levels of protein groups were slightly lower than commercial vaccine groups during the immune process. keywords: animal; antibodies; antibody; assay; balb; calreticulin; cap; capsid; cells; cellular; challenge; china; circovirus; clinical; coli; commercial; crt; days; df-1; dls; dpi; e.coli; elisa; expression; fig; form; fusion; groups; high; higher; humoral; immune; immunized; immunogenicity; inactivated; infection; levels; lymphocyte; mice; mouse; particles; pbs; pcv2; polymers; porcine; positive; proliferation; protein; purified; recombinant; response; results; rf5p; rp5f; serum; significant; specific; statistical; strain; study; subunit; type; vaccine; viral; virus; way cache: cord-253308-wgseqk4t.txt plain text: cord-253308-wgseqk4t.txt item: #110 of 216 id: cord-256165-cc3ph5e5 author: Cree-Green, Melanie title: Peer mentoring for professional and personal growth in academic medicine date: 2020-07-07 words: 3487 flesch: 34 summary: In table 1 and the following section, we share several more examples of peer mentoring groups, drawing from our own experiences and the scientific literature. Whether the organic mechanism uniting peer groups is geographical location or academic focus, these informal partnerships or small groups serve as an important resource to navigate personal or professional challenges and provide social support. keywords: academic; academic medicine; advancement; advice; american; approach; career; covid-19; development; elam; eot; facilitated; faculty; formal; group; impact; individuals; leadership; media; medical; medicine; meetings; members; mentoring; mentorship; model; multiple; national; needs; online; opportunities; organizations; pandemic; peer; peer mentorship; person; personal; professional; programs; relationships; research; review; scientific; similar; small; social; structure; success; support; swims; table; time; traditional; training; types; underrepresented; university; women cache: cord-256165-cc3ph5e5.txt plain text: cord-256165-cc3ph5e5.txt item: #111 of 216 id: cord-259128-s27086aj author: Solano, Gloria I. title: Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSv) interaction with Haemophilus parasuis date: 1997-04-30 words: 2682 flesch: 46 summary: The fact that group II animals had more severe lesions as compared to animals previously challenged with PRRS virus (group I), may be explained by this enhanced response at the systemic level. MN Swine Conference for Veterinarians Newly recognized respiratory syndrome in North American Swine herds Isolation of swine infertility and respiratory syndrome virus (isolate ATCC VR-2332) in North America and experimental reproduction of the disease in gnotobiotic pigs Comparative pathology of viral respiratory infections in pigs Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome: Clinical disease, pathology and inmmnosuppression Interaction between Streptococcus suis serotype 2 and PRRS virus in specific pathogen free piglets Effect of PRRS virus on the clearance of Streptococcus suis serotypte 2 by pig alveolar macrophages Possible mcchanims of viral-bacterial interaction in swine. keywords: animals; arrival; bacterial; challenge; clinical; days; death; disease; et al; fibrinous; fig; group; haemophilus; iii; increase; infection; inoculation; interaction; isolated; lesions; lung; meningitis; mortality; nervous; parasuis; piglets; pigs; polyserositis; porcine; prrs; reproductive; respiratory; samples; severe; signs; strain; swine; syndrome; trachea; viral; virus cache: cord-259128-s27086aj.txt plain text: cord-259128-s27086aj.txt item: #112 of 216 id: cord-259996-uhrhsrky author: Lee, Seul Bee title: Cardiac Function in Kawasaki Disease Patients with Respiratory Symptoms date: 2015-07-16 words: 3530 flesch: 48 summary: Jordan-Villegas et al. 12) has shown that 2.4% of KD patients had adenovirus in their respiratory tract, and 5 of 6 KD patients with concomitant adenovirus infection had incomplete KD. Jordan-Villegas et al. 12) found that children with KD who had respiratory virus infections had a higher incidence of coronary artery dilatation than KD patients without viral infections, and the former group were more often diagnosed with incomplete KD. keywords: acute; adenovirus; artery; association; bnp; cardiac; children; clinical; control; coronary; diagnosis; diameter; diastolic; differences; disease; doppler; febrile; fever; function; group; heart; higher; incidence; incomplete; index; infection; ivig; kawasaki; kd patients; laboratory; levels; myocardial; patients; pcr; positive; pro; protein; rate; respiratory; respiratory symptoms; significant; study; symptoms; table; tei; velocity; viral; viruses cache: cord-259996-uhrhsrky.txt plain text: cord-259996-uhrhsrky.txt item: #113 of 216 id: cord-260272-645g3to1 author: Haddad, Kevin title: COVID-19 implications on STEMI care date: 2020-09-19 words: 2058 flesch: 50 summary: Some recent data suggest that STEMI patients with COVID-19 may present with a higher thrombus burden (4) . Patients presenting in the lockdown period from mid-March to mid-May 2020 (Group C, 53 patients) were compared to those from mid-March to mid-May 2019 (Group A, 60 patients) and the 2020 pre-COVID-19 period (Group B, 54 patients). keywords: area; cardiac; care; complications; covid-19; data; delays; fmc; group; healthcare; higher; hospital; infarction; iqr; journal; lockdown; march; mechanical; medical; mid; min; montreal; myocardial; pandemic; patients; period; pre; rates; stemi; system; time cache: cord-260272-645g3to1.txt plain text: cord-260272-645g3to1.txt item: #114 of 216 id: cord-261073-s0qpiovr author: Ehrengut, W. title: A two year serological surveillance of coronavirus infections in Hamburg date: 1980 words: 1358 flesch: 42 summary: key: cord-261073-s0qpiovr authors: Ehrengut, W.; Sarateanu, D. E. title: A two year serological surveillance of coronavirus infections in Hamburg date: 1980 journal: Infection DOI: 10.1007/bf01639150 sha: doc_id: 261073 cord_uid: s0qpiovr The occurrence of OC-43 coronavirus-like infections in the population of Hamburg was determined by a monthly serological survey (hemagglutination inhibition test [HI]) undertaken between October 1974 and October 1976. The following report of seroepidemiological studies of coronavirus infections is based upon observations made in the course of a surveillance programme in Hamburg (carried out since October 1974) in various sections of the population in which all age groups were represented. keywords: antibodies; antibody; coronavirus; data; group; hamburg; human; incidence; infections; oc-43; october; old; population; reactions; respiratory; sera; serological; seropositive; strain; studies; surveillance; titer; years cache: cord-261073-s0qpiovr.txt plain text: cord-261073-s0qpiovr.txt item: #115 of 216 id: cord-261163-n9tp9nx7 author: Ko, Jae-Hoon title: Serologic responses of 42 MERS-coronavirus-infected patients according to the disease severity date: 2017-10-31 words: 3148 flesch: 37 summary: The Cox proportional hazard model and logrank test were used to examine the association of seroconversion status with the 6-week mortality of MERS patients having pneumonia. Suggested new breakpoints of anti-MERS-CoV antibody ELISA titers: performance analysis of serologic tests Predictive factors for pneumonia development and progression to respiratory failure in MERS-CoV infected patients Case definition and management of patients with MERS coronavirus in Saudi Arabia Antibodies against MERS coronavirus in dromedary camels Comparative and kinetic analysis of viral shedding and immunological responses in MERS patients representing a broad spectrum of disease severity MERS coronavirus neutralizing antibodies in camels, eastern Africa Survival probability according to the seroconversion status was evaluated in MERS-CoV-infected patients having pneumonia, whose seroconversion status during the third week of illness is identifiable. keywords: analysis; antibody; asymptomatic; clinical; coronavirus; cov; delayed; disease; east; elisa; et al; failure; group; igg; illness; increment; infection; median; mers; middle; negative; neutralization; onset; outbreak; park; patients; pneumonia; present; previous; respiratory; response; seroconversion; serologic; severity; status; study; symptom; syndrome; titers; week cache: cord-261163-n9tp9nx7.txt plain text: cord-261163-n9tp9nx7.txt item: #116 of 216 id: cord-261380-xms5su6w author: Rahmani, Hamid title: Interferon β-1b in treatment of severe COVID-19: a randomized clinical trial date: 2020-08-24 words: 2780 flesch: 46 summary: Patients in the IFN group received IFN β-1b (250 mcg subcutaneously every other day for two consecutive weeks) along with the national protocol medications while in the control group, patients received only the national protocol medications (lopinavir/ritonavir or atazanavir/ritonavir plus hydroxychloroquine for 7-10 days). Patients in the IFN group received IFN β-1b along with the national protocol medications, while in the control group, patients received only the national protocol medications. keywords: acute; admission; clinical; combination; control; coronavirus; covid-19; day; days; disease; efficacy; group; hospital; icu; ifn; ifn β-1b; improvement; interferon; lopinavir; median; mortality; national; outcomes; patients; protocol; randomization; randomized; respiratory; ritonavir; safety; sars; severe; study; symptoms; syndrome; therapy; time; treatment; trial; viral; β-1b cache: cord-261380-xms5su6w.txt plain text: cord-261380-xms5su6w.txt item: #117 of 216 id: cord-262716-hea84shy author: Pourali, Fatemeh title: Relationship between blood group and risk of infection and death in COVID-19: a live meta-analysis date: 2020-08-11 words: 3870 flesch: 49 summary: The estimated frequency of COVID-19 infection and death in terms of ABO blood group and the overall estimate of the odd ratio between blood group with COVID-19 infection and death was done with 95% confidence interval. key: cord-262716-hea84shy authors: Pourali, Fatemeh; Afshari, Mahdi; Alizadeh-Navaei, Reza; Javidnia, Javad; Moosazadeh, Mahmood; Hessami, Amirhossein title: Relationship between blood group and risk of infection and death in COVID-19: a live meta-analysis date: 2020-08-11 journal: New Microbes New Infect DOI: 10.1016/j.nmni.2020.100743 sha: doc_id: 262716 cord_uid: hea84shy Abstract Introduction keywords: abo; acute; analysis; association; blood; blood group; cases; china; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; death; different; disease; effect; evidence; factor; figure; frequency; group; higher; individuals; infection; lower; meta; model; mortality; non; odds; patients; people; random; ratio; receptor; relationship; respiratory; results; risk; sars; severe; significant; studies; study; syndrome; versus cache: cord-262716-hea84shy.txt plain text: cord-262716-hea84shy.txt item: #118 of 216 id: cord-264607-5vnaifi6 author: Chen, Wenyu title: A study on clinical effect of Arbidol combined with adjuvant therapy on COVID‐19 date: 2020-06-08 words: 2520 flesch: 47 summary: The hospitalization period of the patients in the two groups were (16.5 ± 7.14) d (test group) and (18.55 ± 7.52 ) d (control group), respectively. During the treatment, patient's principal adverse drug reactions in the 2 groups included slowed HR (test group: n=5, control group: n=2), nausea (test group: n=7, control group: n=3), diarrhea (test group: n=2, control group: n=1) and dizziness (test group: n=2, control group: n=1). keywords: acid; antiviral; arb; arbidol; article; blood; control; control group; copyright; coronavirus; covid-19; difference; discharge; drug; fever; group; indexes; mers; nasal; negative; nucleic; patients; respiratory; rights; sars; study; sufferers; symptoms; syndrome; test; therapy; time; treatment; virus cache: cord-264607-5vnaifi6.txt plain text: cord-264607-5vnaifi6.txt item: #119 of 216 id: cord-266597-v5glur2c author: Sheng, Hui H title: Elevated adipogenesis of marrow mesenchymal stem cells during early steroid-associated osteonecrosis development date: 2007-10-15 words: 3161 flesch: 48 summary: Avascular necrosis and pulsed methylprednisolone in RA Avascular necrosis of the hip in systemic lupus erythematosus: the role of magnetic resonance imaging Steroidinduced osteonecrosis in severe acute respiratory syndrome: a retrospective analysis of biochemical markers of bone metabolism and corticosteroid therapy Non-traumatic avascular necrosis of the femoral head Fat-cell changes as a mechanism of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in cortisone-treated rabbits Alcohol-induced adipogenesis in bone and marrow: a possible mechanism for osteonecrosis Role of estrogens in adipocyte development and function The temporal change of bone marrow fat cells in the process of steroid-associated-osteonecrosis development Pluripotential marrow cells produce adipocytes when transplanted into steroid-treated mice Modulation of early human preadipocyte differentiation by glucocorticoids Multiple bioimaging modalities in evaluation of an experimental osteonecrosis induced by a combination of lipopolysaccharide and methylprednisolone Mesenchymal stem cells derived osteogenic cells is superior to bone marrow aspirate impregnated biomaterial complex in posterior spinal fusion Maintenance of osteoblastic and adipocytic differentiation potential with age and osteoporosis in human marrow stromal cell cultures 8-isoprostane increases scavenger receptor A and matrix metalloproteinase activity in THP-1 macrophages, resulting in long-lived foam cells Epimedium-derived phytoestrogen exert beneficial effect on preventing steroidassociated osteonecrosis in rabbits with inhibition of both thrombosis and lipid-deposition Effects of pulse methylprednisolone on bone and marrow tissues: corticosteroidinduced osteonecrosis in rabbits Bone marrow fat cell enlargement and a rise in intraosseous pressure in steroid-treated rabbits with osteonecrosis Vertebral marrow fat content and diffusion and perfusion indexes in women with varying bone density: MR evaluation Fatty marrow conversion of the proximal femoral metaphysis in osteonecrotic hips Pathogenesis and natural history of osteonecrosis I would like to thank Professor Huang Lin and Miss Winnie lee from the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, for their assistance in cells culture and related evaluation. The ON + group showed a 36.5% decrease as compared with ONrabbits (p < 0.05). keywords: ability; adipogenesis; adipogenic; area; association; bone; cells; close; decrease; deposition; development; differentiation; dynamic; elevated; enhancement; fat; fat cells; femora; field; group; intensity; larger; lesion; lipid; marrow; maximum; mean; mon; mon group; mscs; number; on(+; ongroup; osteonecrosis; perfusion; pparγ2; proximal; rabbits; significant; size; son; steroid; study; time; usa; week cache: cord-266597-v5glur2c.txt plain text: cord-266597-v5glur2c.txt item: #120 of 216 id: cord-266722-qfn2dc1q author: Wormser, Gary P. title: Non-Sexually transmitted infectious diseases of the oral, nasal, and vaginal mucosae date: 1987-06-30 words: 5490 flesch: 30 summary: Transmission of disease is usually by person-toperson spread of respiratory droplets, although epidemics of streptococcal pharyngitis (both Groups A and G) have been traced to contaminated food or water. Cough or hoarseness is prevent or attenuate acute glomerulonephritis, not typically seen in streptococcal pharyngitis a complication that occurs more frequently and suggests a viral etiology. keywords: abscess; acute; antibiotic; antibody; bacterial; barr; beta; cases; cause; children; clinical; commensal; common; complex; course; culture; cure; days; dermatology; disease; double; drugs; effect; epstein; evidence; exudate; factors; failures; fever; flora; following; group; hemolytic; host; illness; important; incidence; infection; infectious mononucleosis; invasion; lactamase; local; management; microbial; microorganisms; mononucleosis; mouth; mucosal; negative; normal; number; oral; organisms; patients; penicillin; pharyngeal; pharyngitis; pharynx; present; prior; production; recent; respiratory; response; rheumatic; role; severe; skin; sore; species; specific; streptococcal; streptococcal pharyngitis; studies; study; therapy; throat; tonsillar; treatment; upper; use; vaginal; vincent; viral; virus; years cache: cord-266722-qfn2dc1q.txt plain text: cord-266722-qfn2dc1q.txt item: #121 of 216 id: cord-270210-gfy2ytg5 author: Drent, Marjolein title: Benefit of Wearing an Activity Tracker in Sarcoidosis date: 2020-08-22 words: 4453 flesch: 47 summary: The Burden of Sarcoidosis Symptoms from a Patient Perspective Nonorgan manifestations of sarcoidosis Exercise capacity, muscle strength and fatigue in sarcoidosis Daily life physical activity in patients with chronic stage IV sarcoidosis: A multicenter cohort study Sarcoidosis-associated fatigue Fatigue and health-related quality of life in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis treated by oral Corticosteroids Everyday cognitive failure and depressive symptoms predict fatigue in sarcoidosis: A prospective follow-up study Sarcoidosis and work participation: The need to develop a disease-specific core set for assessment of work ability Fatigue in sarcoidosis and exercise tolerance, dyspnea, and quality of life Gender differences in sarcoidosis: Symptoms, quality of life, and medical consumption Does physical training reduce fatigue in sarcoidosis? Benefits of physical training in patients with idiopathic or end-stage sarcoidosis-related pulmonary fibrosis: A pilot study Benefits of Physical Training in Sarcoidosis Short-Term Effects of a Multimodal 3-Week Inpatient Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme for Patients with Sarcoidosis: The ProKaSaRe Study A systematic review of randomized controlled trials on the effectiveness of computer-tailored physical activity and dietary behavior promotion programs: An update Maximizing the healthcare environment: A systematic review exploring the potential of computer technology to promote self-management of chronic illness in healthcare settings Using electronic/computer interventions to promote physical activity The HealtheSteps lifestyle prescription program to improve physical activity and modifiable risk factors for chronic disease: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial Systematic review of the validity and reliability of consumer-wearable activity trackers Effect of 'activity monitor-based' counseling on physical activity and health-related outcomes in patients with chronic diseases: A systematic review and meta-analysis Counting Steps: A New Way to Monitor Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Experience with activity monitors of patients with COPD, sarcoidosis and pulmonary fibrosis in the Netherlands the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the World Association of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders (WASOG) adopted by the ATS Board of Directors and by the ERS Executive Committee ATS statement: Guidelines for the six-minute walk test Reference values for a multiple repetition 6-minute walk test in healthy adults older than 20 years Reliability and Validity of Ten Consumer Activity Trackers Depend on Walking Speed Fitbit Charge HR Wireless Heart Rate Monitor: Validation Study Conducted Under Free-Living Conditions Fatigue is associated with quality of life in sarcoidosis patients Psychometric qualities of the Fatigue Assessment Scale in Croatian sarcoidosis patients Physical activity and training in sarcoidosis: Review and experience-based recommendations Feasibility of a Comprehensive Home Monitoring Program for Sarcoidosis It's LiFe! The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of continuous activity monitoring using an electronic activity tracker (AT) on exercise performance and fatigue of sarcoidosis patients, compared to controls (cohort study), and the effect of additional personal coaching (randomized trial) over a period of 3 months. keywords: 6mwd; activity; ats; baseline; capacity; care; chronic; clinical; coaching; control; daily; data; disease; effect; exercise; fas; fatigue; feedback; fitbit; group; home; improved; intervention; levels; life; management; measures; monitoring; months; outcome; participants; patients; performance; personal; physical; program; pulmonary; randomized; reduced; results; sarcoidosis; self; srt; study; symptoms; test; therapist; time; training; trial; web cache: cord-270210-gfy2ytg5.txt plain text: cord-270210-gfy2ytg5.txt item: #122 of 216 id: cord-270727-2dd3b7di author: Rivera-Benitez, José Francisco title: Co-infection of classic swine H1N1 influenza virus in pigs persistently infected with porcine rubulavirus date: 2016-02-29 words: 6479 flesch: 49 summary: The co-infection with swH1N1 was at 44 days post-infection (DPI), right after clinical signs of PorPV infection had stopped. The increase of the rectal temperature observed after PorPV infection resulted in apathy and a reduction in activity. keywords: analysed; antibodies; balf; benitez; bronchial; clinical; culture; days; detection; disease; dpi; et al; experimental; fig; group; increase; infected; infection; infection group; influenza; interstitial; lesions; load; log; lung; lymphoid; mock; mock group; nasal; negative; nodes; oral; pcr; pigs; pneumonia; porcine; porpv; positive; positive samples; post; presence; real; rectal; respiratory; results; rivera; rna; rubulavirus; samples; signs; single; siv; slo; studies; study; swabs; swh1n1; swh1n1 group; swine; table; temperature; time; tissue; trachea; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-270727-2dd3b7di.txt plain text: cord-270727-2dd3b7di.txt item: #123 of 216 id: cord-270998-1adloi3o author: Cunha, Rafes D. S. title: Comparison of immunity against canine distemper, adenovirus and parvovirus after vaccination with two multivalent canine vaccines date: 2020-04-27 words: 2425 flesch: 45 summary: Although no statistical difference between the two vaccines has been shown, a comparable proportion of animals was protected using vaccine V11 made in Brazil, which reinforces the quality of the product in comparison to the vaccine imported from the United States. Elevencell vaccine titres were not inferior to the imported US vaccine in conferring protective titres against CDV, CPV and CAH, which confirms the efficacy of this product. keywords: adenovirus; animals; antibodies; antibody; brazil; canine; cause; cav; cdv; colorimetric; cpv; difference; diseases; distemper; dogs; elevencell; females; group; hepatitis; immune; infectious; median; parvovirus; protective; puppies; response; results; scale; signs; statistical; study; subjects; test; titre; vaccination; vaccine; veterinary; virus cache: cord-270998-1adloi3o.txt plain text: cord-270998-1adloi3o.txt item: #124 of 216 id: cord-271106-srym2kh4 author: De Rosa, Nicoletta title: Effect of Immunomodulatory Supplements Based on Echinacea Angustifolia and Echinacea Purpurea on the Posttreatment Relapse Incidence of Genital Condylomatosis: A Prospective Randomized Study date: 2019-04-11 words: 3185 flesch: 41 summary: HPV infection promotes a cellular immune response, especially in the active phase of the clearance of genital condylomatosis infection, when a cell infiltration of macrophages and T cells develops in correspondence to the lesion [30] . HPV infection is a highly infectious disease; about 65% of partners of individuals with genital warts will develop genital condylomatosis. keywords: age; antiviral; areas; biopsy; case; cell; cervical; colposcopy; condylomatosis; data; degree; echinacea; effect; extension; extracts; follow; gender; genital; genital condylomatosis; group; hpv; human; immune; incidence; individuals; infection; inflammatory; laser; lesions; number; papillomavirus; patients; peniscopy; purpurea; relapse; relapse incidence; response; risk; significant; study; therapy; treatment; trial; viral; warts; women; years cache: cord-271106-srym2kh4.txt plain text: cord-271106-srym2kh4.txt item: #125 of 216 id: cord-272497-ww9o1kjr author: Al-Anzi, Bader S. title: An Overview of the World Current and Future Assessment of Novel COVID-19 Trajectory, Impact, and Potential Preventive Strategies at Healthcare Settings date: 2020-09-25 words: 8899 flesch: 55 summary: For example, the total predicted total COVID-19 infected cases for Brazil, India, and USA by 15 August is expected to be around 6,000,000, 3,259,917, and 5,800,000 with the number of deaths expected to be equal to 200,000, 60,000, and 1,600,000, respectively. For example, the total predicted total COVID-19 infected cases for Brazil, India, and USA by 15 August is expected to be around 6,000,000, 3,259,917, and 5,800,000 with the number of deaths expected to be equal to 200,000, 60,000, and 1,600,000, respectively. keywords: actual; august; brazil; cases; change; china; containment; control; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; current; curve; daily; data; days; death; different; disease; exponential; figure; future; group; group b; growth; growth model; increase; infected; infection; infection cases; interval; january; kuwait; march; measures; model; modeling; new cases; novel; number; outbreak; pandemic; percentage; prediction; rate; regression; results; second; similar; sir; slope; spread; stage; total; total covid-19; total deaths; trajectory; trend; uncontrolled; usa; world cache: cord-272497-ww9o1kjr.txt plain text: cord-272497-ww9o1kjr.txt item: #126 of 216 id: cord-273839-oasgagpc author: Bisno, Alan L. title: Diagnosis and Management of Group A Streptococcal Pharyngitis: A Practice Guideline date: 1997-09-17 words: 5778 flesch: 37 summary: Sulfonamides and tetracyclines are not recommended for treatment of group group A streptococci from the upper respiratory tract. cultures Comparative effectiveness of three prophylaxis regimens in pre Ann Intern Comparison of throat culture methods for the recovery of group A streptococci in a pediatric office setting In vitro susceptibility of recent North American Diagnosis of pharyngitis: methodology of throat cultures Suitability of throat culture procedures for detection of group streptococcal pharyngitis and prevention of rheumatic fever: a statement A streptococci and as reference standards for evaluation of streptococcal for health professionals. keywords: acute; acute pharyngitis; agar; agents; antibiotics; antimicrobial; appropriate; asymptomatic; available; benzathine; blood; carriers; category; certain; children; clinical; contacts; cost; course; cultures; data; days; diagnosis; difficult; effective; episodes; evaluation; evidence; family; fever; grade; group; guideline; hemolytic; hemolytic streptococci; high; infections; oral; patients; penicillin; pharyngeal; pharyngitis; physicians; positive; practice; presence; present; prevention; radts; rapid; rates; regimens; respiratory; results; rheumatic; routine; second; signs; streptococcal; streptococcal pharyngitis; studies; swab; symptoms; table; test; testing; therapy; throat; throat cultures; time; tract; treatment; true; upper; use cache: cord-273839-oasgagpc.txt plain text: cord-273839-oasgagpc.txt item: #127 of 216 id: cord-274121-3w6kc0c9 author: Ramiro, Sofia title: Historically controlled comparison of glucocorticoids with or without tocilizumab versus supportive care only in patients with COVID-19-associated cytokine storm syndrome: results of the CHIC study date: 2020-07-20 words: 5784 flesch: 43 summary: Control patients with COVID-19-associated CSS (same definition) were retrospectively sampled from the pool of patients (n=350) admitted between 7 March and 31 March, and matched one to one to treated patients on sex and age. control patients with coVid-19-associated css (same definition) were retrospectively sampled from the pool of patients (n=350) admitted between 7 march and 31 march, and matched one to one to treated patients on sex and age. keywords: acute; age; analyses; available; baseline; care; chic; clinical; confounding; control; control group; course; covid-19; css; cytokine; data; days; definition; dimer; dose; effect; fees; ferritin; grants; group; high; higher; hospital; immunosuppressive; improvement; intensive; invasive; levels; likelihood; march; mechanical; mortality; outcomes; oxygen; patients; period; personal; personal fees; pneumonia; primary; protocol; respiratory; results; secondary; serum; severe; start; status; storm; strategy; study; supportive; syndrome; table; tcz; therapy; time; tocilizumab; treatment; treatment group; variables; ventilation; work cache: cord-274121-3w6kc0c9.txt plain text: cord-274121-3w6kc0c9.txt item: #128 of 216 id: cord-274396-l611eisi author: Park, Su-Jin title: Antiviral Efficacies of FDA-Approved Drugs against SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Ferrets date: 2020-05-22 words: 4377 flesch: 37 summary: Comparisons of virus titers and shedding periods in antiviral-drug-treated ferrets. To further evaluate virus titers in tissues, three ferrets from each group were euthanized at 4 and 8 dpi, and virus titers were measured in nasal turbinate and lungs. keywords: activity; animal; antibody; antiviral; azathioprine; candidates; clinical; control; control group; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; days; disease; dpi; drug; efficacies; emtricitabine; fda; ferrets; fig; group; hcq; human; hydroxychloroquine; immune; infected; infection; kim; lopinavir; model; nasal; number; overall; patients; pbs; respiratory; ritonavir; rna; sars; score; serum; similar; specimens; statistical; studies; sulfate; symptoms; syndrome; tcid; tenofovir; titers; treatment; virus; washes cache: cord-274396-l611eisi.txt plain text: cord-274396-l611eisi.txt item: #129 of 216 id: cord-274497-tqceazdp author: N. Nuñez, Luis Fabian title: Molecular Characterization and Pathogenicity of Chicken Parvovirus (ChPV) in Specific Pathogen-Free Chicks Infected Experimentally date: 2020-07-25 words: 4125 flesch: 42 summary: Molecular characterization and typing of chicken and turkey astroviruses circulating in the United States: Implications for diagnostics Partial genome sequence analysis of parvoviruses associated with enteric disease in poultry Molecular characterization of avian astroviruses Host Specificity and Phylogenetic Relationships of Chicken and Turkey Parvoviruses Enteric Virus Diversity Examined by Molecular Methods in Brazilian Poultry Flocks Development of a sensitive real-time Fast-qPCR Based on SYBR ® green for detection and quantification of Chicken Parvovirus (ChPV) Detection of rotaviruses and intestinal lesions in broiler chicks from flocks with runting and stunting syndrome (RSS) Detection of chicken astrovirus by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction Development and evaluation of real-time TaqMan ® RT-PCR assays for the detection of avian nephritis virus and chicken astrovirus in chickens Emergence of Enteric Viruses in Production Chickens is a Concern for Avian Health Capsid protein sequence diversity of avian nephritis virus Chicken astrovirus as an aetiological agent of runting-stunting syndrome in broiler chickens Presence of parvoviruses in the intestine of chickens showing stunting syndrome Experimental infection of chicken embryos and day-old chickens with parvovirus of chicken origin High prevalence of turkey parvovirus in turkey flocks from Hungary experiencing enteric disease syndromes Samorek-Salamonowicz, E. Occurrence of chicken parvovirus infection in poland Parvovirus host range, cell tropism and evolution Recent Progress in the Characterization of Avian Enteric Viruses Determination and analysis of the full-length chicken parvovirus genome Identification and phylogenetic diversity of parvovirus circulating in commercial chicken and turkey flocks in Croatia Molecular detection of chicken parvovirus in broilers with enteric disorders presenting curving of duodenal loop, pancreatic atrophy, and mesenteritis Chicken parvovirus-induced runting-stunting syndrome in young broilers Genetic characterization of three novel chicken parvovirus strains based on analysis of their coding sequences Development of an Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay to Detect Chicken Parvovirus-Specific Antibodies Development of a Polymerase Chain Reaction Procedure for Detection of Chicken and Turkey Parvoviruses A novel tool for specific detection and quantification of chicken/turkey parvoviruses to trace poultry fecal contamination in the environment Chicken parvovirus viral loads in cloacal swabs from malabsorption syndrome-affected and healthy broilers Avian parvovirus: Classification, phylogeny, pathogenesis and diagnosis Genetic characterization of parvoviruses circulating in turkey and chicken flocks in Poland Naturally occurring parvoviral infection in Hungarian broiler flocks Investigation into the aetiology of runting and stunting syndrome in chickens Periodic Monitoring of Commercial Turkeys for Enteric Viruses Indicates Continuous Presence of Astrovirus and Rotavirus on the Farms Phylogenetic diversity of avian nephritis virus in Hungarian chicken flocks Detection of enteric viruses in pancreas and spleen of broilers with runting-stunting syndrome (RSS) Isolation and molecular characterisation of chicken parvovirus from Brazilian flocks with enteric disorders MEGA7: The lack of ChPV VP1 gene sequences could likely be related to the difficulty in ChPV DNA isolation for whole VP1 gene sequencing; however, the majority of published works have included a molecular characterization of the NS gene sequence [15, 16] . keywords: age; animals; birds; brazil; cells; characterization; chicken; chicks; chpv; clinical; complete; crypt; day; days; detection; diarrhea; dna; duodenal; duodenum; enteric; experimental; figure; flocks; gene; genome; group; ileum; infected; infection; intestinal; isolated; jejunum; loop; mock; molecular; number; organs; pancreas; parvovirus; post; presence; present; qpcr; rss; sequences; similarity; strain; stunting; syndrome; table; turkey; viral; viruses; vp1 cache: cord-274497-tqceazdp.txt plain text: cord-274497-tqceazdp.txt item: #130 of 216 id: cord-274563-jimw6skv author: Fiumara, Agata title: COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak and its Psychological Impact on Patients with Rare Lysosomal Diseases date: 2020-08-22 words: 3526 flesch: 45 summary: Although no statistically significant difference was found compared to controls, we felt that the reactions were qualitatively different, underlining the fragility and isolation of such patients. key: cord-274563-jimw6skv authors: Fiumara, Agata; Lanzafame, Giuseppina; Arena, Alessia; Sapuppo, Annamaria; Raudino, Federica; Praticò, Andrea; Pavone, Piero; Barone, Rita title: COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak and its Psychological Impact on Patients with Rare Lysosomal Diseases date: 2020-08-22 journal: J Clin Med DOI: 10.3390/jcm9092716 sha: doc_id: 274563 cord_uid: jimw6skv Background: Lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs) are rare, chronic, progressive multisystem diseases implying severe medical issues and psychological burden. keywords: behavior; changes; chronic; control; control group; covid-19; daily; data; differences; different; disease; disorders; emergency; ert; family; fear; feeling; future; group; home; hospital; interview; isolation; life; lsds; lysosomal; need; negative; normal; pandemic; patients; people; positive; profound; psychological; rare; relationships; significant; social; study; subjects; therapy; treatment; uncertainty cache: cord-274563-jimw6skv.txt plain text: cord-274563-jimw6skv.txt item: #131 of 216 id: cord-275162-2239dk45 author: Gulla, Krishna Mohan title: Course of Illness after Viral Infection in Indian Children with Cystic Fibrosis date: 2018-06-09 words: 2841 flesch: 39 summary: The role of respiratory viruses in cystic fibrosis The art and science of the use of antibiotics in cystic fibrosis Severe viral respiratory infections in infantswith cystic fibrosis Effects of upper respiratory tract infections in patients with cystic fibrosis The effect of respiratory viral infections on patients with cystic fibrosis Respiratory viral infection predisposing for bacterial disease: a concise review RSV mediates Pseudomonas aeruginosa binding to cystic fibrosis and normal epithelial cells Long-term study of one hundred five patients with cystic fibrosis; studies made over a five-to fourteen-year period Viral and atypical bacterial infections in the outpatient pediatric cystic fibrosis clinic Role of respiratory syncytial virus in early hospitalizations for respiratory distress of young infants with cystic fibrosis Prevalence and impact of respiratory viral infections in young children with cystic fibrosis: prospective cohort study Respiratory infections in cystic fibrosis patients caused by virus, chlamydia and mycoplasma-possible synergism with Pseudomonas aeruginosa Seasonal onset of initial colonisation and chronic infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in patients with cystic fibrosis in Denmark Adherence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to tracheal cells injured by influenza infection or by endotracheal intubation Respiratory syncytial virus infection enhances Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm growth through dysregulation of nutritional immunity Rhinovirus infection liberates planktonic bacteria from biofilm and increases chemokine responses in cystic fibrosis airway epithelial cells Insights into the respiratory tract microbiota of patients with cystic fibrosis during early Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonization Infective respiratory exacerbations in young adults with cystic fibrosis: role of viruses and atypical microorganisms Association of respiratory viral infections with pulmonary deterioration in patients with cystic fibrosis The diagnosis and management of respiratory viral infections in cystic fibrosis Developing cystic fibrosis lung transplant referral criteria using predictors of 2-year mortality Predictive 5-year survivorship model of cystic fibrosis Exacerbation frequency and clinical outcomes in adult patients with cystic fibrosis To study the clinical impact of respiratory viral infection in children with cystic fibrosis (CF). keywords: aeruginosa; age; antibiotics; bacterial; chest; children; clinical; cohort; cystic; data; disease; exacerbations; fibrosis; follow; frequent; group; higher; hospitalization; infection; intravenous; lung; months; mortality; patients; pediatric; period; pseudomonas; pulmonary; respiratory; retrospective; rhinovirus; role; score; study; viral; virus; viruses; year cache: cord-275162-2239dk45.txt plain text: cord-275162-2239dk45.txt item: #132 of 216 id: cord-275427-00bwhaga author: Aydogdu, Ugur title: The determination of treatment effect of chitosan oligosaccharide in lambs with experimentally cryptosporidiosis date: 2019-11-30 words: 5219 flesch: 50 summary: While all the lambs in the positive control group had oocyst excretion at the level of +1 on the 14th and 21st days, this level was found to be lower in treatment groups compared to the positive control group. key: cord-275427-00bwhaga authors: Aydogdu, Ugur; Coskun, Alparslan; Atas, Ahmet Duran; Basbug, Onur; Agaoglu, Zahid Tevfik title: The determination of treatment effect of chitosan oligosaccharide in lambs with experimentally cryptosporidiosis date: 2019-11-30 journal: Small Ruminant Research DOI: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2019.09.021 sha: doc_id: 275427 cord_uid: 00bwhaga Abstract keywords: 14th; 1st; 21st; 2nd; 3rd; 5th; 7th; analysis; blood; body; calves; cases; cell; changes; chitosan; clinical; control; cos; cryptosporidiosis; cryptosporidium; day; days; dehydration; diarrhea; difference; doses; drug; effects; efficacy; et al; excretion; experimental; findings; group; increases; infected; infection; lactate; lambs; levels; oligosaccharide; oocyst; oral; parvum; positive; samples; significant; stool; studies; study; temperature; terms; treatment; weight cache: cord-275427-00bwhaga.txt plain text: cord-275427-00bwhaga.txt item: #133 of 216 id: cord-275499-25dp6u68 author: Tan, Zhen title: Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Altered Colonic Microbiota Communities in Suckling Piglets date: 2019-12-30 words: 4432 flesch: 41 summary: Supplementary Materials: The following are available online at, Figure S1 : Detection of PEDV in healthy groups and diarrhea groups using qPCR, Figure S2 : Shared OTU analysis of the different piglet groups using Venn diagrams, Figure S3 : Significant differences in microbe compositions between piglet groups, (* P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01). keywords: abundance; acid; amino; analysis; annotations; bacteroidetes; biomarkers; carbohydrate; cocd; coch; colonic; colonic content; colonic mucosa; comd; comh; comh groups; content; diarrhea; differences; different; disease; diversity; epidemic; figure; firmicutes; fold; fusobacterium; groups; gut; healthy; healthy groups; healthy piglets; higher; infected; infected groups; infected piglets; infection; intestinal; level; metabolism; microbes; microbial; microbiota; mucosa; pedv; phyla; piglets; porcine; proportions; proteobacteria; samples; sequences; taxonomic; transport; version; virus cache: cord-275499-25dp6u68.txt plain text: cord-275499-25dp6u68.txt item: #134 of 216 id: cord-276288-upv2o8f6 author: Prior, Sarah Jane title: Person-centred data collection methods to embed the authentic voice of people who experience health challenges date: 2020-07-21 words: 3682 flesch: 36 summary: Clarification, adequacy and responsiveness in semistructured telephone and face-to-face interviews Computer-Mediated communication to facilitate synchronous online focus group discussions: feasibility study for qualitative HIV research among transgender women across the United States Interviewing to develop patient-reported outcome (pro) measures for clinical research: eliciting patients' experience Defining 'quality' from the patient's perspective: findings from focus groups with Medicaid beneficiaries and implications for public reporting Comparing focus groups and individual interviews: findings from a randomized study Focus groups as social arenas for the negotiation of normativity The impact of status and social context on health service co-design: an example from a collaborative improvement initiative in UK primary care Methodological aspects of focus groups in health research: results of qualitative interviews with focus group Moderators Online focus group discussions: an attractive approach to data collection for qualitative health research Citizens' jury: exploring opinions on treatment options for incontinence and research priorities The use of citizens' juries in health policy decision-making: a systematic review Do consumer voices in healthcare citizens' juries matter? From passive subject to active agent: the potential of citizens' juries for nursing research Citizens' juries and deliberative democracy Grounded citizens' juries: a tool for health activism? Talking about pictures: a case for photo elicitation Photo elicitation interview (PEI): using photos to elicit children's perspectives Auto-driven photo elicitation interviews in research with children: ethical and practical considerations Dear critics: addressing concerns and justifying the benefits of photography as a research method National safety and quality health service standards user guide for measuring and evaluating partnering with consumers Blending Video-Reflexive ethnography with Solution-Focused approach: a Strengths-Based approach to practice improvement in health care Anonymisation and visual images: issues of respect, 'voice' and protection Visualising health care practice improvement Creating spaces in intensive care for safe communication: a video-reflexive ethnographic study Researching reflexively with patients and families: two studies using video-reflexive ethnography to collaborate with patients and families in patient safety research Involving patients in understanding hospital infection control using visual methods Patient and public involvement in chronic illness: beyond the expert patient In healthcare, expert witnesses may include clinicians, policy-makers and health consumers who provide testimony about their personal experience of the aspect of healthcare under deliberation. keywords: approach; assurance; authors; challenges; citizens; collection; consumers; data; design; discussions; engagement; example; experience; face; focus; groups; health; healthcare; important; improvement; information; interview; involvement; issues; juries; jury; methods; opinions; participants; participatory; patient; pei; people; person; poor; practice; process; qualitative; quality; reflexive; research; safety; services; social; specific; study; telephone; traditional; understanding; use; video; voice; way cache: cord-276288-upv2o8f6.txt plain text: cord-276288-upv2o8f6.txt item: #135 of 216 id: cord-278032-27ikx97x author: GÖKER, Hakan title: The effects of blood group types on the risk of COVID-19 infection and its clinical outcome date: 2020-06-23 words: 2134 flesch: 52 summary: O. A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin Clinical course and risk factors for mortality of adult inpatients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study Human susceptibility and resistance to Norwalk virus infection ABO blood groups and hepatitis B virus infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis ABO blood group and susceptibility to severe acute respiratory syndrome Blood groups in infection and host susceptibility Relationship between the ABO blood group and the COVID-19 susceptibility Association between ABO blood groups and risk of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia Testing the association between blood type and COVID-19 infection, intubation, and death Inhibition of the interaction between the SARS-CoV spike protein and its cellular receptor by anti-histo-blood group antibodies ABO(H) blood groups and vascular disease: a systematic review and metaanalysis ABO blood group determines plasma von Willebrand factor levels: a biologic function after all? Abnormal coagulation parameters are associated with poor prognosis in patients with novel coronavirus pneumonia Immune mechanisms of pulmonary intravascular coagulopathy in COVID-19 pneumonia More on association between ABO blood groups and risk of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia Age, sex, blood groups, comorbidities, need for intubation and intensive care unit follow up and mortalities of the patients were analyzed retrospectively. keywords: abo; age; blood; blood group; clinical; control; covid-19; disease; effect; frequent; group; group o; hacettepe; infection; intubation; outcomes; patients; present; protective; relationship; respiratory; risk; sars; significant; studies; study; susceptibility; university cache: cord-278032-27ikx97x.txt plain text: cord-278032-27ikx97x.txt item: #136 of 216 id: cord-278802-bverdk5w author: Zhou, Yefei title: Immune response of AA broilers to IBV H120 vaccine and sodium new houttuyfonate date: 2010-12-31 words: 3170 flesch: 51 summary: after primary vaccination, the values of groups 1-4 were larger than those of IL-2 and PBS groups. At 21, 28 and 35 dpi, the values of 200 mg/L group were significantly larger than those of IL-2 or PBS groups (p < 0.05). keywords: adjuvant; antibody; bovine; bronchitis; challenge; chickens; clinical; control; days; difference; dpi; effects; fetal; fig; groups; h120; higher; houttuyfonate; ibv; ifn; il-2; il-4; immune; infectious; lymphocyte; media; min; new; pbs; plates; proliferation; response; results; rpmi; serum; significant; snh; sodium; strain; th1; th2; titers; vaccine; values; virus cache: cord-278802-bverdk5w.txt plain text: cord-278802-bverdk5w.txt item: #137 of 216 id: cord-280036-ev82fzly author: Almawly, J. title: Utility of halofuginone lactate for the prevention of natural cryptosporidiosis of calves, in the presence of co-infection with rotavirus and Salmonella Typhimurium date: 2013-10-18 words: 5778 flesch: 43 summary: key: cord-280036-ev82fzly authors: Almawly, J.; Prattley, D.; French, N.P.; Lopez-Villalobos, N.; Hedgespeth, B.; Grinberg, A. title: Utility of halofuginone lactate for the prevention of natural cryptosporidiosis of calves, in the presence of co-infection with rotavirus and Salmonella Typhimurium date: 2013-10-18 journal: Vet Parasitol DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2013.04.029 sha: doc_id: 280036 cord_uid: ev82fzly Halofuginone lactate (HL) is registered in several countries for the prevention of calf cryptosporidiosis, but the compound's utility in the presence of co-infection with other enteropathogens is not well understood. Newborn calves are therefore considered major amplifiers of potentially zoonotic C. parvum in nature, and the prevention of calf cryptosporidiosis is relevant from both animal and human health perspectives (Hunter and Thompson, 2005; Kiang et al., 2006; Smith et al., 2007; Grinberg et al., 2008; Xiao and Feng, 2008; Zhou et al., 2008) . keywords: analysis; animals; anti; breed; calf; calves; clinical; commercial; consistency; control; cryptosporidiosis; cryptosporidium; dairy; day; days; diarrhea; difference; dose; effect; efficacy; enteropathogens; et al; farm; fayer; fecal; feces; field; friesian; grinberg; group; half; halofuginone; infected; infection; lactate; life; liquid; log; means; model; neonatal; new; number; oocysts; parvum; period; placebo; positive; presence; prevalence; prevention; results; rotavirus; salmonella; sampling; scores; shedding; significant; specimens; study; table; test; ton; treatment; typhimurium; variable; zealand cache: cord-280036-ev82fzly.txt plain text: cord-280036-ev82fzly.txt item: #138 of 216 id: cord-280055-5iwo6tlb author: Vieira, Tiago title: The lose-lose dilemmas of Barcelona’s platform delivery workers in the age of COVID-19 date: 2020-12-31 words: 8965 flesch: 47 summary: This deems police controls particularly unwelcome for many PDW, with consequences ranging from fines to severe legal complications. If you know of any account please I'm very unsettled Beyond income, a decisive element to understand the whole context lived by most PDW is the way the apps are run, commonly known as application-based management. keywords: -which; absence; access; account; age; april; aspects; attention; available; barcelona; broader; case; circumstances; clear; companies; company; conditions; context; control; covid-19; crisis; critical; day; delivery; different; digital; dilemma; ethnography; fact; following; food; forms; group; hand; hours; human; important; income; individual; information; interactions; interviews; issue; labor; legal; life; likely; lockdown; main; march; mechanisms; members; money; open; pandemic; paper; pdw; people; period; platform; police; possibility; possible; precarious; precarity; present; process; provide; related; renting; research; results; rhythm; risks; security; services; situation; social; spanish; specific; streets; time; topic; undocumented; virus; way; ways; whatsapp; whatsapp group; work; workers cache: cord-280055-5iwo6tlb.txt plain text: cord-280055-5iwo6tlb.txt item: #139 of 216 id: cord-280064-rz8cglyt author: Gwizdałła, Tomasz title: Viral disease spreading in grouped population date: 2020-08-27 words: 6858 flesch: 52 summary: Indeed, there are different models in which some external force, either a periodic, e.g., seasonality [2] , or purely stochastic [3] , here for the SIS model, force, assuming the susceptibility of an individual recovering from a disease, is used. A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics Seasonality and period-doubling bifurcations in an epidemic model Hamiltonian dynamics of the sis epidemic model with stochastic fluctuations A cellular automaton model for the effects of population movement and vaccination on epidemic propagation Strategies for containing an emerging influenza pandemic in southeast asia Strategies for mitigating an influenza pandemic Cooley, Modeling targeted layered containment of an influenza pandemic in the united states Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (npis) to reduce covid19 mortality and healthcare demand Modeling epidemics using cellular automata Epidemiological modeling with a population density map-based cellular automata simulation system Size effect in cellular automata based disease spreading model Emergence of scaling in random networks Statistical mechanics of complex networks On random graphs i The largescale organization of metabolic networks The metabolic world of escherichia coli is not small Network structure and the biology of populations Complex networks: Structure and dynamics On analytical approaches to epidemics on networks Simulation of the spread of infectious diseases in a geographical environment Disease spreading on populations structured by groups Seasonal transmission potential and activity peaks of the new influenza A(H1N1): a Monte Carlo likelihood analysis based on human mobility for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases COVID-19 Working Group, Feasibility of controlling covid-19 outbreaks by isolation of cases and contacts Estimate the incubation period of coronavirus 2019 (covid-19) Incubation period and other epidemiological characteristics of 2019 novel coronavirus infections with right truncation: A statistical analysis of publicly available case data The incubation period of 2019-ncov from publicly reported confirmed cases: estimation and application Risk assessment of novel coronavirus covid-19 outbreaks outside china Modelling the epidemic trend of the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak in china map of districts in lodz Relationship between the abo blood group and the covid-19 susceptibility Disease spreading in complex networks: A numerical study with Principal Component Analysis Realistic distributions of infectious periods in epidemic models: Changing patterns of persistence and dynamics Estimate the incubation period of coronavirus 2019 (covid-19), medRxiv Transmission dynamics and control of severe acute respiratory syndrome Managing epidemics: key facts about major deadly diseases, World Health Organization keywords: account; analysis; approach; calculations; cases; cellular; community; contact; covid-19; creation; crucial; curves; data; different; disease; division; effect; epidemic; fig; graph; groups; hub; illness; important; individuals; infected; infectious; influenza; intervention; links; model; network; new; nodes; number; outbreak; paper; parameters; particular; people; period; persons; plots; population; possible; potential; present; probability; process; rate; real; results; runs; set; similar; simulation; size; smaller; social; spread; start; time; transfer; typical; use; value cache: cord-280064-rz8cglyt.txt plain text: cord-280064-rz8cglyt.txt item: #140 of 216 id: cord-280097-f7ky61ds author: Zarogoulidis, Paul title: Are there any differences in clinical and laboratory findings on admission between H1N1 positive and negative patients with flu-like symptoms? date: 2011-01-07 words: 3170 flesch: 51 summary: Patients with positive flu test were transferred in an 8 bed unit with negative pressure especially designed to quarantine and isolate patients with airborne transmitted viral infections. We were unable to explain the reason that the majority of H1N1 patients were not obese in our study as in previous reported studies [9, 25] . keywords: admission; antibiotic; bacterial; blood; case; chest; clinical; count; days; department; differences; diseases; group; h1n1; health; hypoxemia; infection; influenza; like; mean; negative; organization; pandemic; patients; pneumonia; positive; protein; reactive; respiratory; significant; studies; study; swine; symptoms; table; temperature; test; time; treatment; unit; virus; wbc; world cache: cord-280097-f7ky61ds.txt plain text: cord-280097-f7ky61ds.txt item: #141 of 216 id: cord-281309-c9y7m5do author: Guo, Baoqing title: Experimental infection of United States swine with a Chinese highly pathogenic strain of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus date: 2013-01-20 words: 7974 flesch: 37 summary: Mean interstitial pneumonia lesions were 3.33, 3.75, and 2.00 for Chinese PRRSV challenge group (Group 2), contact Chinese PRRSV pigs (Group 3) and VR-2332 challenge (Group 4), respectively (Fig. 3B ). Lesions were significantly (P¼0.0002) more severe in the Chinese PRRSV challenge group (Group 2) and contact Chinese PRRSV pigs (Group 3) as compared to the VR-2332 challenge (Group 4). keywords: activation; adaptive; animals; bacterial; balf; body; cells; cfu/100; challenge; china; chinese; clinical; consistent; contact; contact pigs; control; cytokines; days; differences; disease; dpe; effect; elevated; elevations; elisa; et al; fig; findings; greater; group; high; host; ifna; ifng; il-10; il-8; immune; immunity; infected; infection; innate; inoculated; interstitial; labeling; lesions; levels; like; lung; lymph; macrophages; marc-145; mean; min; mortality; pathogenic; pathogenicity; pcr; pigs; pneumonia; porcine; porcine reproductive; positive; present; protein; prototype; prrsv; reproductive; respiratory; respiratory syndrome; response; rjxwn06; rna; role; samples; secondary; serum; severe; severity; sham; significant; signs; strain; studies; study; swine; syndrome; syndrome virus; tbln; thanawongnuwech; thymic; times; tissue; tnfa; type; u.s; viral; virulence; virus; vr-2332; week; weight; zhou cache: cord-281309-c9y7m5do.txt plain text: cord-281309-c9y7m5do.txt item: #142 of 216 id: cord-282879-28nhr1hv author: Patel, Samir N. title: The impact of physician face mask use on endophthalmitis after intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial growth factor injections date: 2020-09-02 words: 5248 flesch: 38 summary: Visual acuity outcomes for culture-positive endophthalmitis after intravitreal anti-vascular endothelial group factor injection in the face mask group vs. no talking group This study evaluated the rate of post-injection endophthalmitis with physician face mask use compared to a no talking policy without face mask use. Cases were divided into “face mask group” if face masks were worn by the physician during intravitreal injections or “no talking group” if no face mask was worn but a no talking policy was observed during intravitreal injections. keywords: acuity; aflibercept; anti; average; bacterial; bevacizumab; cases; causative; culture; difference; dispersion; endophthalmitis; endothelial; face; face mask; factor; findings; flora; follow; group; growth; injection; intravitreal; lines; logmar; mask; mask group; mask use; months; oral; outcomes; patients; physician; policy; positive; post; prior; procedure; ranibizumab; rate; risk; room; significant; studies; study; surgical; talking; use; vascular; visual; worse cache: cord-282879-28nhr1hv.txt plain text: cord-282879-28nhr1hv.txt item: #143 of 216 id: cord-283177-qwinggg4 author: Viswanathan, Ramaswamy title: Support Groups and Individual Mental Health Care via Video Conferencing for Frontline Clinicians during the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2020-06-23 words: 2893 flesch: 52 summary: We hope that peer group support and individual interventions like these will help protect the mental health of a number of clinicians who are doing such commendable and courageous work, so that they can continue to effectively help the countless severely ill patients with COVID-19. From late March 2020, our department of psychiatry began offering support group and individual video-conference sessions to help our frontline attending physicians, resident physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals, and students. keywords: care; clinical; colleagues; covid-19; crisis; family; frontline; groups; health; healthcare; help; individual; interventions; issues; manner; members; mental; need; number; nurses; pandemic; participants; patients; peer; people; physicians; professionals; psychiatry; residents; risk; sense; sessions; support; telehealth; time; video; weekly; work; workers cache: cord-283177-qwinggg4.txt plain text: cord-283177-qwinggg4.txt item: #144 of 216 id: cord-284266-tbndldhr author: Schippa, Serena title: Nasal Microbiota in RSV Bronchiolitis date: 2020-05-13 words: 5524 flesch: 29 summary: Our aim was to analyze the nasal microbiota from 48 infants affected by bronchiolitis from RSV virus and 28 infants with bronchiolitis but negative for the virus. Rosas et al. highlight that nasopharyngeal detection and increased abundance of the genus Lactobacillus during RSV infection in infancy is associated with a reduced risk of childhood wheezing illnesses at age 2 years keywords: abundance; acute; age; analysis; assemblage; bacterial; bronchiolitis; children; clinical; composition; differences; different; disease; diversity; dna; ecosystem; edges; figure; group; higher; hospitalization; infants; infection; influenza; interactions; level; lower; mean; microbes; microbial; microbiota; nasal; nasal microbiota; nasopharyngeal; negative; negative group; networks; number; observed; patients; pneumoniae; positive; positive group; presence; profiles; relative; relative abundance; respect; respiratory; results; risk; rsv; rsv infection; rsv pos; rsvpos; samples; severe; severity; significant; species; specific; statistical; streptococcus; study; sub; syncytial; taxa; viral; virus; viruses; vneg; ≥0.5 cache: cord-284266-tbndldhr.txt plain text: cord-284266-tbndldhr.txt item: #145 of 216 id: cord-284301-fg3hk94b author: Umemura, Yutaka title: Hematological Phenotype of COVID-19-Induced Coagulopathy: Far from Typical Sepsis-Induced Coagulopathy date: 2020-09-05 words: 3721 flesch: 34 summary: According to these insights, our results suggested that systemic hypercoagulation was hardly induced by COVID-19 infection, but the risk of local thrombus formation increased in the acute phase of severe COVID-19 pneumonia. COVID-19 patients had moderately high levels of thrombin–antithrombin complex and plasmin-alpha2-plasmin inhibitor complex but normal plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 level. keywords: activity; acute; analysis; antithrombin; ards; biomarkers; clinical; coagulation; coagulopathy; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 group; criteria; day; dic; differences; dimer; dysfunction; fdp; fibrinogen; group; hemostatic; higher; incidence; intravascular; isth; level; non; normal; patients; pattern; phenotype; pic; platelet; pneumonia; range; respiratory; sepsis; series; severe; sic; significant; study; syndrome; time cache: cord-284301-fg3hk94b.txt plain text: cord-284301-fg3hk94b.txt item: #146 of 216 id: cord-284635-79cgct71 author: Zanuzzi, C.N. title: Effects of Solanum glaucophyllum toxicity on cell proliferation and apoptosis in the small and large intestine of rabbits date: 2011-08-20 words: 4509 flesch: 39 summary: They are highly susceptible to experimental treatment with S. glaucophyllum in a way similar to the natural intoxication that occurs in ruminants (Dallorso et al., 2001; Gimeno et al., 2004; Fontana and Zanuzzi, 2007; Zanuzzi et al., 2008; 2010) . The leaves were air-dried, powdered with a blender and administered as pellets, which consisted of a mix of standard diet, tap water and 125 mg/kg of powered leaves, a dose chosen based on previous works (Dallorso et al. 2001; Gomar, 2006; Fontana and Zanuzzi, 2007; Zanuzzi et al., 2008; Fontana, 2010; Fontana et al., 2009) . keywords: animals; apoptosis; apoptotic; atrophy; body; calcium; cell; cell proliferation; changes; clinical; control; crypts; days; diet; differences; differentiation; effects; epithelial; et al; experimental; fig; fontana; gimeno; glaucophyllum; group; group d; holt; hypervitaminosis; ileum; index; intestine; intoxication; jejunum; lanske; length; like; means; mice; morphological; mucosa; number; plant; proliferation; rabbits; rats; razzaque; rectum; reduced; reduction; sections; significant; signs; small; solanum; state; stress; study; treatment; villi; vitamin; vs.; weight; width; zanuzzi cache: cord-284635-79cgct71.txt plain text: cord-284635-79cgct71.txt item: #147 of 216 id: cord-284804-6i5zbmm1 author: Pan, Feng title: Factors associated with death outcome in patients with severe coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19): a case-control study date: 2020-05-18 words: 4632 flesch: 46 summary: The consecutive admission records were reviewed retrospectively for the period from 27 January 2020 to 19 Regular bedside chest digital radiographs (DRs) were regularly performed every 1 to 3 days instead of conventional computed tomography (CT) scans after admission owing to the risk during the transfer of severe patients. Therefore, the dynamic monitoring of these laboratory parameters could estimate the prognosis in clinical practice for severe patients. keywords: acute; admission; analysis; ards; bnp; cardiac; center; china; clinical; coronavirus; course; covid-19; crp; ctni; data; days; death; death event; dimer; discharge; discharge group; dynamic; event; event group; factors; figure; group; higher; iqr; laboratory; ldh; levels; logistic; lymphocyte; median; multivariate; neutrophil; novel; parameters; patients; pct; pneumonia; rate; ratio; regression; respiratory; risk; score; severe; significant; spo2; studies; study; syndrome; table; time; treatment; wuhan cache: cord-284804-6i5zbmm1.txt plain text: cord-284804-6i5zbmm1.txt item: #148 of 216 id: cord-285136-07jcccv9 author: Woo, Yu Ri title: Air Pollution and Atopic Dermatitis (AD): The Impact of Particulate Matter (PM(10)) on an AD Mouse-Model date: 2020-08-24 words: 5373 flesch: 48 summary: OVA (OVA group) and PM 10 (PM group) application caused an increase in trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL). There was marked epidermal thickening after OVA (OVA group) and PM 10 (PM group) application at Week 6 compared to control (59.8 ± 16.3 and 45.1 ± 16.3 µm vs. 23.2 ± 8.42 µm) (p < 0.05). keywords: activation; ahr; air; analysis; application; aromatic; aryl; atopic; balb; barrier; cell; chil1; clinical; control; control group; cutaneous; cytokine; data; degs; dermatitis; differentiation; dorsal; effects; environmental; epidermal; exposure; expression; figure; genes; group; higher; human; hydrocarbon; ige; immune; increase; inflammation; inflammatory; like; major; mast; matter; mice; model; number; ova; ova group; pahs; particles; particulate; pathway; pbs; pcr; pm group; pm(10; pollution; receptor; response; rna; role; s100a9; samples; serpinb3a; serum; severity; signaling; similar; skin; sprr2a1; sprr2d; study; system; tewl; total; upregulated; usa; water; week cache: cord-285136-07jcccv9.txt plain text: cord-285136-07jcccv9.txt item: #149 of 216 id: cord-285323-473d7zvg author: Jang, Hyesun title: Altered pro-inflammatory cytokine mRNA levels in chickens infected with infectious bronchitis virus date: 2013-09-01 words: 4817 flesch: 39 summary: Interleukin-6 expression after infectious bronchitis virus infection in chickens Proinflammatory cytokine responses induced by influenza A (H5N1) viruses in primary human alveolar and bronchial epithelial cells Proinflammatory cytokine response and viral replication in mouse bone marrow derived macrophages infected with influenza H1N1 and H5N1 viruses Newly isolated serotypes of infectious bronchitis virus: Their role in disease Avian Immunology Biologic basis for interleukin-1 in disease New insights on infectious bronchitis virus pathogenesis: Characterization of Italy 02 serotype in chicks and adult hens A choice of death-The signal-transduction of immune-mediated beta-cell apoptosis A novel chicken lung epithelial cell line: Characterization and response to low pathogenicity avian influenza virus Variant serotypes of infectious bronchitis virus isolated from commercial layer and broiler chickens The TNF-TNF receptor system Antigenic differences among isolates of avian infectious bronchitis virus Molecular cloning and characterization of chicken lipopolysaccharide-induced TNF-alpha factor (LITAF) Susceptibility of three genetic lines of chicks to infection with a nephropathogenic T strain of avian infectious bronchitis virus Pro-inflammatory responses in chicken spleen and brain tissues after infection with very virulent plus Marek's disease virus Inflammatory cytokines and lipopolysaccharide induce Fas-mediated apoptosis in renal tubular cells Analysis of chicken mucosal immune response to Eimeria tenella and Eimeria maxima infection by quantitative reverse transcription-PCR Genetic diversity of avian infectious bronchitis virus isolates in Korea between Live attenuated nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis virus vaccine provides broad cross protection against new variant strains Genetic diversity of avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus strains isolat A bovine herpesvirus type 1 mutant virus specifying a carboxylterminal truncation of glycoprotein E is defective in anterograde neuronal transport in rabbits and calves Genetic diversity of avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus in recent years in China IL-1b, TNF-a and IL-6 release from monocytes in haemodialysis patients in relation to dialytic age Rapid differentiation of current infectious bronchitis virus vaccine strains and field isolates in Australia Chemokine and cytokine gene expression profiles in chickens inoculated with Mycoplasma gallisepticum strains Rlow or GT5 challenge group inoculated with an isolate of the KIIa genotype (kr/ADL110002/2011, group 2), and challenge group inoculated with an isolate of the ChVI genotype dpi = days postinoculation AGP level in the serum (arithmetic mean ± SD) Therapy, Design of Vaccines, and Epidemiology Viral Immunol A novel lipopolysaccharide-induced transcription factor regulating tumor necrosis factor alpha gene expression: Molecular cloning, sequencing, characterization, and chromosomal assignment Comparison of the susceptibility to avian infectious bronchitis virus infection of two inbred lines of White Leghorn chickens Re-emergence of fatal human influenza A subtype H5N1 disease H5N1 and 1918 pandemic influenza virus infection results in early and excessive infiltration of macrophages and neutrophils in the lungs of mice Infectious bronchitis virus: Immunopathogenesis of infection in the chicken Transcriptional profiling reveals a possible role for the timing of the inflammatory response in determining susceptibility to a viral infection Sequence analysis of the S1 glycoprotein of infectious bronchitis viruses Differential cytokine mRNA expression in heterophils isolated from Salmonella-resistant and -susceptible chickens Comparative host gene transcription by microarray analysis early after infection of the Huh7 cell line by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and human coronavirus 229E LPS induces the interaction of a transcription factor, LPS-induced TNF-alpha factor, and STAT6(B) with effects on multiple cytokines Interferon and cytokine responses to SARS-coronavirus infection Pathology of fatal human infection associated with avian influenza A H5N1 virus Tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1 induce expression of the verocytotoxin receptor globotriaosylceramide on human endothelial cells: Implications for the pathogenesis of the hemolytic uremic syndrome Viral diseases of respiratory system Rapid expression of chemokines and proinflammatory cytokines in newly hatched chickens infected with Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium Plasma inflammatory cytokines and chemokines in severe acute respiratory syndrome keywords: acute; adl110002/2011; agp; analysis; avian; bronchitis; cells; challenged; chickens; chvi; clinical; control; copy; cytokines; different; disease; dpi; et al; excessive; expression; factor; figure; gene; genotype; glycoprotein; group; ibv; il-6; immunopathogenesis; increase; infected; infection; inflammatory; inoculated; isolate; kidney; kiia; levels; litaf; necrosis; number; pcr; postinoculation; pro; production; respiratory; response; rna; serum; significant; signs; study; tnf; trachea; transcription; viral; virus cache: cord-285323-473d7zvg.txt plain text: cord-285323-473d7zvg.txt item: #150 of 216 id: cord-286479-p9d78t6v author: None title: NeoCORE Conference Abstracts date: 2020-07-09 words: 7502 flesch: 53 summary: Conclusions: For preterm infants supported with nasal CPAP, any nasal injury was significantly lower in infants with RAM cannula compared to Hudson prongs. Background: Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a serious morbidity of preterm infants. keywords: acs; adverse; age; aki; analysis; associated; authors; babies; background; baseline; bilirubin; birth; breastfeeding; care; chennai; cohort; conclusions; conference; control; cpap; cysts; department; design; difference; discharge; duration; early; education; effect; email; feeding; feeds; fetal; follow; gestational; gls; group; hie; higher; hospital; improvement; incidence; india; infants; injury; institute; intervention; jipmer; knowledge; mean; median; medical; methods; milk; mortality; mothers; nasal; nec; neonatal; neonates; neonatology; nicu; non; objective; oral; outcome; pain; period; phase; positive; postnatal; prakash; preterm; prick; primary; puducherry; quality; ram; randomized; research; respiratory; results; risk; rop; score; severe; sga; significant; standard; study; surfactant; time; total; treatment; trial; use; weight cache: cord-286479-p9d78t6v.txt plain text: cord-286479-p9d78t6v.txt item: #151 of 216 id: cord-286539-3sr4djft author: Mentus, Cassidy title: Analysis and Applications of Adaptive Group Testing Methods for COVID-19 date: 2020-04-07 words: 5533 flesch: 60 summary: The goal of this paper is to increase the capacity to identify asymptomatic carriers of COVID-19 by applying group testing methods. In this paper we consider group testing methods that follow two dierent interpretations of step 1 in the procedure above: methods with a xed group size and methods where the group size changes based on the results of previous tests. keywords: adaptive; asymptomatic; author; available; binary; cases; condence; copyright; covid-19; disease; doi; funder; group; group size; group testing; gsb; holder;; individuals; international; international license; level; license; medrxiv; medrxiv preprint; method; negative; number; peer; performance; perpetuity; population; positive; preprint; prevalence; probability; samples; size; symptoms; testing; tests; times cache: cord-286539-3sr4djft.txt plain text: cord-286539-3sr4djft.txt item: #152 of 216 id: cord-286779-si3qml42 author: Li, Hai-yan title: Modulation of Gut Microbiota, Short-Chain Fatty Acid Production, and Inflammatory Cytokine Expression in the Cecum of Porcine Deltacoronavirus-Infected Chicks date: 2020-06-04 words: 5086 flesch: 40 summary: The influence of PDCoV infection on cecum microbiota of SPF chicken was evaluated, PDCoV HNZK-02 infection significantly altered the gut microbiota composition and decreased SCFAs products in chicks' cecum. Recent studies showed the susceptibility of specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chicks to PDCoV infection, with the clinical syndrome of mild diarrhea and slight lesions in cecum, which was weaker than that of piglets infected with PDCoV (Liang et al., 2019; Boley et al., 2020) . keywords: abundance; acid; alistipes; analysis; bacterial; cecal; cecum; changes; chickens; chicks; community; composition; control; correlation; cytokine; deltacoronavirus; diarrhea; differences; different; disease; diversity; dpi; effect; eisenbergiella; et al; expression; figure; genus; group; gut; hnzk-02; ifn; il-10; immune; immunity; infected; infection; inflammatory; intestinal; lefse; levels; microbial; microbiota; min; mock; mock group; otus; pdcov; pdcov infection; phylum; piglets; pigs; porcine; responses; results; richness; samples; scfas; serum; significant; spf; states; studies; study; tissue; tnf; total; united; viral; virus cache: cord-286779-si3qml42.txt plain text: cord-286779-si3qml42.txt item: #153 of 216 id: cord-287431-bq0675h1 author: Romano, Mario R. title: Active e-learning in ophthalmology through live webinars: back to the theatre date: 2020-10-28 words: 501 flesch: 38 summary: Ninety-nine participants (ophthalmology trainees and specialists) attended the course, of which 44 (group A) at the venue and 45 (group B) via live streaming. Overall, the participants were highly satisfied with the course (4.875 ± 0.4 in group A, 4.82 ± 0.45 in group B) and teaching effectiveness (4.7 ± 0.52 and 4.89 ± 0.3 in group A and B, respectively). keywords: active; course; education; group; learning; live; ophthalmology; pandemic; webinars cache: cord-287431-bq0675h1.txt plain text: cord-287431-bq0675h1.txt item: #154 of 216 id: cord-288528-f6oz6zyz author: Pastakia, Sonak D. title: Preserving 2 decades of healthcare gains for Africa in the coronavirus disease 2019 era date: 2020-10-01 words: 1454 flesch: 29 summary: Across Africa, group medical care has been deployed in a variety of different fashions, including formation of patient groups to promote medication adherence and group-based health education sessions [2] . Similarly substantial improvements in adherence, retention, and viral suppression have been realized in settings that incorporate group-based microfinance activities into HIV care delivery [5] . keywords: africa; approaches; care; challenges; community; covid-19; delivery; disease; distancing; gains; group; health; healthcare; hiv; hypertension; medical; microfinance; model; outcomes; pandemic; partnerships; patients; person; programs; risk; social cache: cord-288528-f6oz6zyz.txt plain text: cord-288528-f6oz6zyz.txt item: #155 of 216 id: cord-288552-7lp07v5i author: Vahedi, Ensieh title: The clinical value of two combination regimens in the Management of Patients Suffering from Covid-19 pneumonia: a single centered, retrospective, observational study date: 2020-06-19 words: 4922 flesch: 34 summary: While corticosteroids were not routinely recommended for treatment of COVID-19 patients, a retrospective cohort study of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China reported the benefits of methylprednisolone by decreasing the risk of death due to COVID-19 in patients who developed ARDS On the use of corticosteroids for 2019-nCoV pneumonia Impact of corticosteroid therapy on outcomes of persons with SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV, or MERS-CoV infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis The effect of corticosteroid treatment on patients with coronavirus infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis Mesenchymal stem cell therapy for COVID-19: present or future A trial of lopinavir-ritonavir in adults hospitalized with severe Covid-19 Lopinavir-ritonavir in severe COVID-19 Covid-19-the search for effective therapy Structure-based discovery of the novel antiviral properties of naproxen against the nucleoprotein of influenza a virus Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pharmacology, and COVID-19 infection Inpatient use of Mobile continuous telemetry for COVID-19 patients treated with Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin Epidemiological, demographic, and clinical characteristics of 47 cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease from Saudi Arabia: a descriptive study A major outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong Erythrocyte sedimentation rate and Creactive protein: how best to use them in clinical practice Clinical characteristics and therapeutic procedure for four cases with 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia receiving combined Chinese and Western medicine treatment Ni A-p. expression of lymphocytes and lymphocyte subsets in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Significant changes of peripheral T lymphocyte subsets in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Adaptive immune cells temper initial innate responses Publisher's note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations Acknowledgements keywords: acute; admission; alos; antiviral; azithromycin; beneficial; blood; change; china; clinical; combination; coronavirus; corticosteroid; covid-19; crp; cytokine; data; difference; disease; dose; drug; effect; evidence; fig; findings; group; health; hospital; hydroxychloroquine; immune; infection; inflammatory; laboratory; lopinavir; lung; mean; medical; naproxen; novel; opacities; oseltamivir; outcomes; patients; phase; pneumonia; potential; prednisolone; regimen; respiratory; retrospective; ritonavir; sars; severe; short; significant; spo2; strategies; study; syndrome; table; term; therapeutic; therapy; treatment; use; viral; wuhan cache: cord-288552-7lp07v5i.txt plain text: cord-288552-7lp07v5i.txt item: #156 of 216 id: cord-289865-36ai2xgy author: Paddon, Laura Isobel title: Therapeutic or detrimental mobilities? Walking groups for older adults date: 2020-04-28 words: 3368 flesch: 43 summary: Walking groups for older adults date: 2020-04-28 journal: Health Place DOI: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2020.102346 sha: doc_id: 289865 cord_uid: 36ai2xgy The health benefits of walking through greenspace have earned widespread academic attention in recent years and have been termed ‘therapeutic mobilities’. As a result, walking groups are actively encouraged by health professionals as a way to promote ‘healthy ageing’. keywords: activities; adults; ageing; analysis; approach; beneficial; benefits; concept; data; detrimental; different; experiences; groups; health; impacts; individuals; interviews; landscapes; members; mobilities; mobility; older; paper; participants; people; physical; place; research; responsibility; shared; social; study; therapeutic; walking; wellbeing cache: cord-289865-36ai2xgy.txt plain text: cord-289865-36ai2xgy.txt item: #157 of 216 id: cord-290256-mkfg7nar author: Ren, Zhigang title: A Randomized, Open‐label, Controlled Clinical Trial of Azvudine Tablets in the Treatment of Mild and Common COVID‐19, A Pilot Study date: 2020-07-14 words: 4627 flesch: 52 summary: The preliminary results showed that FNC treatment in the mild and common COVID‐19 may shorten the NANC time versus standard antiviral treatment. Expect for FNC treatment and standard antiviral therapy, other treatments were symptomatic treatment according to the Diagnosis and treatment program trial version 5 (or 6) guidelines, and without additional treatments. keywords: acid; adverse; antiviral; azvudine; blood; clinical; common; confirmed; control; control group; conversion; covid-19; criteria; days; difference; drugs; efficacy; enrollment; events; figure; fnc; fnc group; group; guidelines; hospital; mean; mild; negative; negativity; normal; nucleic; nucleic acid; nucleoside; patients; randomized; range; rate; respiratory; results; rna; safety; sars; severe; signs; study; subjects; symptoms; testing; time; treatment; trial cache: cord-290256-mkfg7nar.txt plain text: cord-290256-mkfg7nar.txt item: #158 of 216 id: cord-290465-tvegf0kt author: Brook, Judy title: Co-production of an intervention to increase retention of early career nurses: Acceptability and feasibility date: 2020-08-15 words: 5941 flesch: 37 summary: The facilitators highlighted that co-production encouraged group members to be proactive; they were stimulated to think in a different way to develop the intervention. Whilst co-production is a relatively new phenomenon in health education contexts, it promises to allow students as co-production group members to evolve beyond passive receivers of knowledge. keywords: able; academic; acceptability; analysis; approach; benefits; career; career nurses; clinical; context; data; design; early; early career; education; effective; et al; evaluation; experience; facilitators; field; findings; framework; group; group members; health; higher; intervention; interviews; key; knowledge; meetings; members; notes; nurses; nursing; opportunity; participants; people; potential; practice; process; production; production group; production process; project; questionnaire; research; retention; service; skills; students; study; time; university; value; working cache: cord-290465-tvegf0kt.txt plain text: cord-290465-tvegf0kt.txt item: #159 of 216 id: cord-294175-nu6q2ddu author: Saitoh, Masayuki title: Ultrafiltration attenuates cardiopulmonary bypass–induced acute lung injury in a canine model of single-lung transplantation date: 2006-12-31 words: 5209 flesch: 43 summary: Cardiopulmonary bypass is associated with early allograft dysfunction but not death after double-lung transplantation Effect of cardiopulmonary bypass on early graft dysfunction in clinical lung transplantation Con: lung transplantation should not be routinely performed with cardiopulmonary bypass Lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome after cardiopulmonary bypass Inflammatory response to cardiopulmonary bypass Effect of cardiopulmonary bypass on systemic release of neutrophil elastase and tumor necrosis factor Predictors, frequency, and indications for cardiopulmonary bypass during lung transplantation in adults Pro: lung transplantation should be routinely performed with cardiopulmonary bypass Cardiopulmonary bypass for bilateral sequential lung transplantation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease without adverse effect on lung function or clinical outcome Controlled reperfusion prevents pulmonary injury after 24 hours of lung preservation Lowering reperfusion pressure reduces the injury after pulmonary ischemia Deleterious effect of cardiopulmonary bypass on early graft function after single lung allotransplantaiton: evaluation of a heparin-coated bypass circuit Lung transplantation with cardiopulmonary bypass exaggerates pulmonary vasomotor dysfunction in the transplanted lung Effect of continuous hemofiltration on hemodynamics, lung inflammation and pulmonary edema in a canine model of acute lung injury Experimental study on size matching in a canine living-donor lobar lung transplantation Quantitative assay for acute intestinal inflammation based on myeloperoxidase activity. In fact, the Harefield group recommends the routine use of CPB in lung transplantation. keywords: activity; acute; adhesion; animals; arterial; artery; blood; bronchus; bypass; canine; cardiac; cardiopulmonary; cardiopulmonary bypass; clinical; cpb; differences; dogs; donor; dysfunction; early; editor; effect; flow; function; graft; group; hours; il-6; inflammatory; injury; left; levels; lung; lung transplantation; minutes; model; observation; overall; patients; period; pressure; pulmonary; pulmonary artery; reaction; recipient; reperfusion; response; right; significant; single; sodium; study; surgery; syndrome; time; transplantation; transplanted; ultrafiltration; use; venous; weight cache: cord-294175-nu6q2ddu.txt plain text: cord-294175-nu6q2ddu.txt item: #160 of 216 id: cord-294839-qxn22td0 author: Ibfelt, T. title: Effect of cleaning and disinfection of toys on infectious diseases and micro-organisms in daycare nurseries date: 2014-12-01 words: 3418 flesch: 49 summary: Although cleaning and disinfection of toys every two weeks can decrease the microbial load in nurseries, it does not appear to reduce sickness absence among nursery children. The number of absent children and the reason for absence (as reported by the parents) was recorded by the staff within the following categories: respiratory infections, gastrointestinal infections, other illnesses, or day off. keywords: absence; adenovirus; analysis; bacteria; care; centers; cfu; children; cleaning; control; control group; day; daycare; decrease; denmark; different; disease; disinfection; effect; environment; group; hand; hygiene; infections; intervention; intervention group; number; nurseries; nursery; pathogens; pcr; points; potential; presence; prevalence; respiratory; rhinovirus; samples; sampling; sickness; spp; studies; study; total; toys; transmission; viruses cache: cord-294839-qxn22td0.txt plain text: cord-294839-qxn22td0.txt item: #161 of 216 id: cord-295987-die9jmbv author: Chabre, Yoann M. title: Design and Creativity in Synthesis of Multivalent Neoglycoconjugates date: 2010-04-08 words: 51378 flesch: 31 summary: A [27]-arborol A new class of polymers: Starburst-dendritic macromolecules Polymer therapeutics: Concepts and applications Dendrimer biocompatibility and toxicity Dendrimers in medicine and biotechnology: new molecular tools Solid phase synthesis of dendritic sialoside inhibitors of influenza A virus haemagglutinin Biological applications of dendrimers Design, functional evaluation and biomedical applications of carbohydrate dendrimers (glycodendrimers ) Design and synthesis of glycodendrimers Glycodendrimers: Chemical aspects Design, synthesis and potent pharmaceutical applications of glycodendrimers: A mini review Preparation of polymers with controlled molecular architecture. It is rather surprising that only a few examples have been described, because the metal-assisted association of carbohydrate components offers a straightforward access to carbohydrate clusters in which the number and the relative orientation of the carbohydrate residues can be modulated almost at will by changing the structure of the ligand and the nature of the metal. keywords: ability; access; accessible; acetyl; acid; active; activities; activity; adapted; addition; adhesion; advantages; aeruginosa; affinities; affinity; agents; agglutinin; aggregation; alcohol; aldehyde; aliphatic; alkyne; alternative; amide; amination; amino; aminoethyl; amphiphilic; analogous; analogue; analysis; anchoring; anhydride; anomeric; antagonists; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; applications; approach; appropriate; aqueous; architectures; arene; arms; aromatic; arrangement; aryl; assays; assembly; associated; attachment; authors; available; average; avidity; azido; backbone; bacterial; basis; beads; bearing; benzene; best; better; binding; biological; biomedical; bipyridine; bis; blocks; boc; bond; branching; bridged; building; calix; calixarenes; cancer; candidate; capture; carbohydrate; carbohydrate ligands; carbohydrate residues; carbon; carbosilane; carboxylic; catalyst; catalyzed; cds; cell; cellular; central; chapter; characterization; chemical; chemistry; chitosan; chloride; cholera; classical; click; clustering; clusters; cnts; coated; coating; coli; commercial; complementary; complete; complex; complexes; components; compounds; concanavalin; concentration; concept; conditions; conjugation; constitute; construction; context; contrast; control; convergent; copies; core; corresponding; coupling; critical; cross; cyclic; cycloaddition; cyclodextrin; cyclotrimerization; data; deacetylation; decrease; degradation; delivery; dendrimers; dendrimers synthesis; dendritic; dense; density; dependent; deprotected; deprotection; derivatives; design; detection; determined; development; different; dimers; direct; distances; divalent; divergent; dmf; dna; double; drug; dynamic; earlier; early; effect; effective; efficient; efficient synthesis; efforts; electron; elisa; elongated; enhanced; enhancement; enzymatic; epitopes; erythrocytes; escherichia; ester; evaluation; events; example; excellent; excess; experiments; extended; fact; family; fig; fimh; flexibility; flexible; fluorescence; focal; following; formation; free; fullerene; functionalization; functionalized; functions; furnished; g(1; g(2; g(3; galactose; gallic; galnac; general; generation; glcnac; glucopyranoside; glucose; glycans; glycoclusters; glycoconjugates; glycodendrimers; glycodendrons; glycol; glycomimetics; glycopeptide; glycoporphyrins; glycoprotein; glycosides; glycosylated; glycosylation; gm1; good; gp120; group; growth; guest; heat; hemagglutination; hexavalent; high; higher; highest; hiv-1; host; human; hydrolysis; hydrophobic; hydroxyl; hyperbranched; identical; iil; immune; important; improved; incorporation; increase; individual; induced; infection; influence; influenza; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; initial; instance; interactions; interesting; intermediate; intrinsic; introduction; investigations; involved; isolated; iterative; key; known; labile; lactoside; large; lead; lectin; length; ligands; ligation; like; limited; linear; linkages; linker; linking; lipophilic; loading; low; lower; lysine; macromolecules; macrophages; major; mannopyranoside; mannose; mannoside; mannosyl; mass; material; measurements; mechanisms; media; membrane; metal; methodologies; methodology; methyl; mice; microscopy; mimic; mixed; mixture; mmp; model; modification; modified; moieties; moiety; molecular; molecules; monomeric; monovalent; multiantennary; multiple; multivalent; multivalent carbohydrate; multivalent ligands; nanomolar; nanostructures; nanotubes; natural; nature; neutralizing; new; nmr; novel; nucleophilic; number; numerous; observed; oligosaccharide; optimal; order; organization; orientation; original; orthogonal; oxidation; oxygen; pamam; panel; parameters; particular; pathogens; pdt; pentaerythritol; pentamer; pentavalent; peptide; peripheral; phase; phase synthesis; phenomenon; plant; polymers; polyvalent; porphyrin; position; potency; potential; ppi; precursors; preliminary; preparation; prepared; presence; presentation; process; processes; promising; properties; protein; purification; quantitative; radial; range; rapid; reaction; recent; receptor; recognition; reductive; related; relative; relevant; removal; research; residues; resin; response; responsible; results; rise; role; roy; saccharide; scaffolds; scheme; second; selective; selectivity; self; sequence; series; shape; shiga; short; sialic; significant; similar; simple; single; sites; size; slt; slts; small; sodium; solid; solubility; soluble; solution; sonogashira; spacer; spatial; specific; specificity; spectroscopy; spr; stable; standard; starfish; starting; step; steric; strategies; strategy; striking; strong; structures; studies; study; subsequent; substitution; subunit; sugar; suitable; supramolecular; surface; swnts; synthesis; synthetic; systematic; systems; tailored; targeted; targeting; template; terminal; terms; tert; tetramer; tetravalent; tfa; therapeutic; thf; thiourea; times; tissues; toxin; transfer; treatment; triazole; tris; trivalent; tumor; turbidimetric; type; type-1; typical; unique; units; uptake; use; vaccine; valencies; valency; values; variety; versatile; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; walled; water; way; weight; work; years; yeast; yield; zemplén cache: cord-295987-die9jmbv.txt plain text: cord-295987-die9jmbv.txt item: #162 of 216 id: cord-296606-aizjzglo author: Guo, Tingting title: Fangcang Shelter Hospital in Wuhan: A radiographic report on a cohort of 98 COVID-19 patients date: 2020-07-30 words: 3898 flesch: 56 summary: Substantial residual lesions (median CT score ≥5) mainly existed in patients with the disease course of greater than 3 weeks (Table 4 ). Radiographic features and CT scores were analyzed. keywords: abnormalities; acute; chest; cohort; common; consolidation; coronavirus; course; covid-19; days; discharge; disease; duration; fangcang; findings; ggo; group; high; hospital; imaging; initial; involvement; later; lung; median; mixed; onset; patients; pattern; pcr; pneumonia; predominant; range; respiratory; reticular; sars; scans; score; severe; shelter; study; symptom; syndrome; test; time; total; week; years cache: cord-296606-aizjzglo.txt plain text: cord-296606-aizjzglo.txt item: #163 of 216 id: cord-297138-t8b3914h author: Duijker, G. title: Reporting effectiveness of an extract of three traditional Cretan herbs on upper respiratory tract infection: Results from a double-blind randomized controlled trial date: 2015-04-02 words: 6835 flesch: 43 summary: The distributions of the daily WURSS-21 scores in virus-positive intervention and control group patients are depicted in Fig. Even in the sub-sample of virus positive patients, our sample was very heterogeneous as several types of viruses were identified. keywords: age; analysis; anti; aromatic; authors; average; baseline; blind; capsules; chronic; clinical; cold; common; control; cretan; crete; crp; daily; data; day; days; detection; differences; diseases; dna; duration; effect; effectiveness; elevated; eligible; essential; et al; ethnopharmacological; extract; fig; follow; group; health; herbal; herbs; higher; human; illness; infection; influenza; intervention; intervention group; levels; max; medicinal; medicine; min; number; oil; patients; pcr; period; placebo; plants; population; positive; preparation; primary; proportion; randomized; real; research; respiratory; results; rna; rural; sample; scores; severity; significant; similar; specific; study; subjects; supplemental; survey; symptoms; table; time; total; traditional; treatment; trial; upper; use; viral; virus; viruses; wurss-21; years cache: cord-297138-t8b3914h.txt plain text: cord-297138-t8b3914h.txt item: #164 of 216 id: cord-298534-1j8jkfn9 author: Zhu, H. title: Features of alpha-HBDH in COVID-19 patients with different ages,outcomes and clinical types: a cohort study date: 2020-11-03 words: 3608 flesch: 58 summary: The age was correlated with α-HBDH value according to the 95 Spearman correlation test (P<0.001), and the coefficient was 0.52. . Moreover, α-HBDH value may be related to the severity of COVID-19. keywords: author; clinical; copyright; covid-19; critical; death; funder; group; hbdh; hbdh value; holder; international; license; median; medrxiv; november; old; old group; patients; peer; perpetuity; preprint; review; severe; type; value; version; years cache: cord-298534-1j8jkfn9.txt plain text: cord-298534-1j8jkfn9.txt item: #165 of 216 id: cord-298569-174bzxdh author: Gånheim, Charina title: Acute phase proteins as indicators of calf herd health date: 2006-03-20 words: 3906 flesch: 53 summary: The results indicate that measurement of APPs could be a useful tool for evaluation of health in calf herds. The weight of the calves in both groups was recorded on arrival and again at the end of the study using heart girth measurement in group A, and a scale in group B. Within a few hours of sampling, EDTA-blood was analysed for total and differential leukocyte counts and fibrinogen at the Division of Diagnostic Imaging and Clinical Pathology, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Veterinary Public Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. keywords: acute; animals; app; apps; apr; arrival; bcv; bovine; calf; calves; cattle; clinical; concentrations; counts; days; diarrhoea; different; disease; et al; fibrinogen; group; haptoglobin; health; herd; higher; infection; leukocyte; lungworm; mean; normal; period; phase; proteins; range; respiratory; saa; sampling; serum; study; swedish; table; total; values; virus; weeks; weight cache: cord-298569-174bzxdh.txt plain text: cord-298569-174bzxdh.txt item: #166 of 216 id: cord-298582-25qn9d15 author: Snyder, N.L. title: 9.05 Technology-Enabled Synthesis of Carbohydrates date: 2014-02-18 words: 7445 flesch: 37 summary: Controlled pore glass (CPG), which is a rigid, mechanically robust material that does not shrink or swell in the presence of solvents, has been used with high success for the synthesis of oligonucleotides; however, it has not attracted much attention for automated oligosaccharides synthesis for two major reasons. The majority of the oligosaccharides synthesized via automated oligosaccharide syntheses were synthesized using either keywords: acid; addition; antigens; automated; automation; bifunctional; blocks; building; building blocks; carbohydrate; cleavage; conditions; core; coupling; development; disaccharide; donor; double; efficiency; electron; figure; fmoc; generation; glycan; glycosylation; group; high; hydrolysis; imidate; important; lev; linkage; linker; major; merrifield; monosaccharide; new; nonparticipating; nucleophile; number; octenediol; oligosaccharide; oligosaccharide synthesis; permanent; phase oligosaccharide; phase synthesis; phosphates; presence; process; protecting; reaction; residue; resin; roles; scheme; second; seeberger; significant; solid; solution; standard; step; strategy; support; synthesis; synthesizer; system; tca; temporary; thioglycosides; tmsotf; use; yield cache: cord-298582-25qn9d15.txt plain text: cord-298582-25qn9d15.txt item: #167 of 216 id: cord-298931-n1se3ajb author: Stańdo, Mirella title: Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids EPA and DHA as an Adjunct to Non-Surgical Treatment of Periodontitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial date: 2020-08-27 words: 5776 flesch: 41 summary: The influence of vitamin D supplementation on local and systemic inflammatory markers in periodontitis patients: A pilot study Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy Reduces Saliva Adipokine and Matrix Metalloproteinase Levels in Periodontitis Impact of non-surgical periodontal treatment on salivary expression of cytokines related to bone metabolism Interleukin-32 levels in gingival crevicular fluid and saliva of patients with chronic periodontitis after periodontal treatment Comparative evaluation of cytokines in gingival crevicular fluid and saliva of patients with aggressive periodontitis The Effect of Scaling and Root Planning on Salivary TNF-α and IL-1α Concentrations in Patients with Chronic Periodontitis. Saliva as a non-invasive diagnostic fluid was previously used for determining the inflammatory status of periodontal patients with good results [31, 32] . keywords: acids; age; anti; aspirin; baseline; bone; bop; cells; changes; chemokines; chronic; clinical; comparison; concentrations; control; control group; criteria; cytokines; daily; dha; dietary; differences; disease; dose; effect; epa; factors; fatty; fish; following; group; growth; healing; higher; host; human; ifn; il-10; improvement; increase; inflammation; inflammatory; intake; levels; loss; mean; months; non; oil; omega-3; oral; parameters; patients; periodontal; periodontitis; pufa; reduction; response; result; salivary; samples; significant; srp; stage; studies; study; supplementation; surgical; table; test; test group; therapy; treatment cache: cord-298931-n1se3ajb.txt plain text: cord-298931-n1se3ajb.txt item: #168 of 216 id: cord-299691-jton1oig author: Jové-Blanco, A. title: Video discharge instructions for pediatric gastroenteritis in an emergency department: a randomized, controlled trial date: 2020-10-08 words: 3440 flesch: 48 summary: key: cord-299691-jton1oig authors: Jové-Blanco, A.; Solís-García, G.; Torres-Soblechero, L.; Escobar-Castellanos, M.; Mora-Capín, A.; Rivas-García, A.; Castro-Rodríguez, C.; Marañón, R. title: Video discharge instructions for pediatric gastroenteritis in an emergency department: a randomized, controlled trial date: 2020-10-08 journal: Eur J Pediatr DOI: 10.1007/s00431-020-03827-w sha: doc_id: 299691 cord_uid: jton1oig The aim was to evaluate if the addition of video discharge instructions (VDIs) to usual verbal information improved the comprehension of information provided to caregivers of patients who consult for acute gastroenteritis (AGE). keywords: acute; addition; age; allocation; caregivers; comprehension; control; department; differences; discharge; emergency; follow; gastroenteritis; group; healthcare; information; instructions; intervention; level; literacy; patients; ped; pediatric; points; previous; questions; randomized; return; satisfaction; score; step; study; test; trial; vdi; verbal; video; visits cache: cord-299691-jton1oig.txt plain text: cord-299691-jton1oig.txt item: #169 of 216 id: cord-299881-weptfpa2 author: Halvachizadeh, Sascha title: The impact of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) pandemic on trauma bay management and guideline adherence in a European level-one-trauma centre date: 2020-07-28 words: 3334 flesch: 41 summary: It is assumed that admission rates of trauma patients have been influenced by patients avoiding trauma submissions. Transportation of trauma patients through the hospital should be avoided. keywords: adjustments; admission; bay; care; clinical; contact; cov-2; covid-19; data; direct; duration; emergency; equipment; group; guidelines; imaging; initial; injured; injuries; injury; international; level; local; lower; management; manuscript; medical; number; order; pandemic; patients; personal; personnel; possible; potential; protective; ref; sars; secondary; severe; severity; study; surgeons; team; time; total; trauma; trauma bay; treatment; use; wbct cache: cord-299881-weptfpa2.txt plain text: cord-299881-weptfpa2.txt item: #170 of 216 id: cord-300046-orlga9qf author: Gomes da Silva, J. title: Health literacy of inland population in the mitigation phase 3.2. of COVID-19's pandemic in Portugal - a descriptive cohort study date: 2020-05-14 words: 5402 flesch: 42 summary: Disease outbreak news Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak: A Review of the Current Literature The reproductive number of COVID-19 is higher compared to SARS coronavirus Transmission of 2019-nCoV Infection from an Asymptomatic Contact in Germany Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan A novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia in China Identification of severe acute respiratory syndrome in Canada Clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 in China Post-pandemic Assessment of Public Knowledge, Behavior, and Skill on Influenza Prevention Among the General Population of Beijing, China A cross-sectional study of pandemic influenza health literacy and the effect of a public health campaign Diagnóstico e Plano Municipal para a Igualdade Health literacy in Europe: comparative results of the European health literacy survey (HLS-EU) How Often Do You Wash Your Hands? A Tale of Two Epidemics Communication of scientific uncertainty about a novel pandemic health threat: ambiguity aversion and its mechanisms A cross-sectional study of pandemic influenza health literacy and the effect of a public health campaign Community Matters -why outbreak responses need to integrate health promotion Fair Allocation of Scarce Medical Resources in the Time of Covid-19 How will country-based mitigation measures influence the course of the COVID-19 epidemic? keywords: age; answers; association; author; available; children; clinical; cohort; copyright; coronavirus; correct; cov-2; covid-19; dgs; disease; education; factor; females; funder; gender; group; handwashing; health; health literacy; higher; holder; individuals; information; international; license; literacy; measure; medrxiv; non; nonparametric; pandemic; people; perpetuity; population; preprint; preventive; question; relative; respiratory; risk; risk group; sars; significant; social; studies; study; subjects; symptoms; tests; transmission; use; version cache: cord-300046-orlga9qf.txt plain text: cord-300046-orlga9qf.txt item: #171 of 216 id: cord-301687-wadf3c3i author: Li, Yan title: Association of “initial CT” findings with mortality in older patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) date: 2020-06-10 words: 3448 flesch: 51 summary: Consolidations on CT images were more common in death patients than in survival patients. In summary, in this single-center study, we observed the prognosis implication of chest CT scores calculated by determining the extents of GGO and consolidation. keywords: adjusted; admission; auc; chest; china; clinical; coronavirus; covid-19; curve; days; death; death group; disease; group; higher; images; initial; interval; mortality; novel; older; onsets; patients; prognosis; respiratory; scans; score; severity; significant; study; subgroup2; survival; survival group; symptom; time; treatment cache: cord-301687-wadf3c3i.txt plain text: cord-301687-wadf3c3i.txt item: #172 of 216 id: cord-302079-pby3i6wq author: Deng, Yan title: Clinical characteristics of fatal and recovered cases of coronavirus disease 2019 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective study date: 2020-06-05 words: 3350 flesch: 50 summary: A familial cluster of pneumonia associated with the 2019 novel coronavirus indicating person-to-person transmission: a study of a family cluster Receptor recognition by novel coronavirus from Wuhan: an analysis based on decade-long structural studies of SARS Acute respiratory distress syndrome in critically ill patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Critically ill patients with the Middle East respiratory syndrome: a multicenter retrospective cohort study Aging and lung disease Recovery rate and prognosis in older persons who develop acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome The Deyo-Charlson and Elixhauser-van Walraven comorbidity indices as predictors of mortality in critically ill patients Identifying associations between diabetes and acute respiratory distress syndrome in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: an analysis of the LUNG SAFE database The effect of diabetes on the risk and mortality of acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome: a meta-analysis Haematological manifestations in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome: retrospective analysis Expression of lymphocytes and lymphocyte subsets in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Significant changes of peripheral T lymphocyte subsets in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome T cell-mediated immune response to respiratory coronaviruses Epidemiological, demographic, and clinical characteristics of 47 cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease from Saudi Arabia: a descriptive study Serum hepatic enzyme manifestations in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome: retrospective analysis Severe acute respiratory syndrome in Taiwan: analysis of epidemiological characteristics in 29 cases Sequential changes of serum aminotransferase levels in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS in Singapore-predictors of disease severity Clinical course and outcomes of critically ill patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia in China: a single-centered, retrospective, observational study Clinical issues and research in respiratory failure from severe acute respiratory syndrome Osteonecrosis of hip and knee in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome treated with steroids Follow-up study on pulmonary function and lung radiographic changes in rehabilitating severe acute respiratory syndrome patients after discharge Follow-up chest radiographic findings in patients with MERS-CoV after recovery Clinical characteristics of hospitalized patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection: A single arm meta-analysis Clinical characteristics of fatal and recovered cases of coronavirus disease 2019 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective study None. A retrospective investigation was conducted to analyze the clinical characteristics of fatal cases of COVID-19 (death group) and we compare them with recovered patients (recovered group). keywords: 2019; acute; admission; age; cases; characteristics; china; clinical; coronavirus; count; covid-19; death; death group; disease; group; higher; hospitalization; infection; injury; levels; lung; lymphocyte; ncov; novel; oxygen; patients; pulmonary; recovered; recovered group; respiratory; retrospective; sars; severe; study; syndrome; treatment; wuhan; χ(2 cache: cord-302079-pby3i6wq.txt plain text: cord-302079-pby3i6wq.txt item: #173 of 216 id: cord-302305-xr067v2n author: van Aalst, Jan title: Distinguishing knowledge-sharing, knowledge-construction, and knowledge-creation discourses date: 2009-06-20 words: 12915 flesch: 46 summary: Distinctions were set up between three modes of discourse: knowledge sharing, knowledge construction, and knowledge creation. Knowledge creation depends on conditions in which creative work on ideas is valued and there are mechanisms for choosing the most promising ideas for further development, and rewarding creativity. keywords: aalst; ability; advancement; agency; analysis; avian; bereiter; building; class; codes; coding; cognitive; collaborative; collective; community; computer; concepts; construction; creation; creation discourse; data; design; development; differences; different; discourse; epistemic; et al; evidence; example; explanation; extent; features; findings; flu; focus; framework; frequencies; goals; grade; group; ideas; important; information; innovation; inquiry; instances; intended; knowledge; knowledge construction; knowledge creation; knowledge forum; knowledge sharing; learning; level; main; mechanisms; meta; mode; nature; need; new; notes; online; phase; possible; practices; predictions; principles; prior; problems; processes; progress; project; quality; questions; research; results; rise; sars; scardamalia; scheme; school; science; second; sense; sharing; social; sources; students; studies; study; subcodes; summary; support; table; task; teacher; technology; time; understanding; use; van; view; ways; work; zhang cache: cord-302305-xr067v2n.txt plain text: cord-302305-xr067v2n.txt item: #174 of 216 id: cord-302695-vyo3w2a4 author: Albertini, Laetitia title: Observational study on off-label use of tocilizumab in patients with severe COVID-19 date: 2020-09-10 words: 5029 flesch: 58 summary: ► Fifteen percent of COVID-19 patients who suddenly deteriorate 7 or 8 days after the appearance of the symptoms develop acute respiratory distress syndrome. Treated patients tended to be intubated less during the course of the disease (2/22 vs 6/22, 95% CI −0.4 to 0.1; p=0.12). keywords: average; clinical; control; control group; coronavirus; covid-19; crp; cytokine; damage; data; days; difference; disease; dose; effective; flow; group; hospital; il-6; infection; label; levels; lower; lung; mechanical; median; min; novel; oxygen; patients; range; rate; respiratory; sars; severe; significant; storm; study; symptoms; tcz; tcz group; therapy; tocilizumab; treatment; use; ventilation cache: cord-302695-vyo3w2a4.txt plain text: cord-302695-vyo3w2a4.txt item: #175 of 216 id: cord-303378-cfbvka30 author: Zhang, Shi-Jin title: Effect of the Haoqinqingdan decoction on damp-heat syndrome in rats with influenza viral pneumonia date: 2013-08-31 words: 2937 flesch: 49 summary: In the improvement of rat temperature, obvious decline of temperature can only be observed in the medium and high dose Haoqinqingdan decoction groups (P<0.05), and the effect of decreasing rat temperature was not obvious in low dose Haoqinqingdan decoction group and the ribavirin group (P>0.05), which indicated that the therapeutic effect of Haoqinqingdan decoction on fever caused by influenza virus was notable 24 h after viral infection, the rats in modeling groups were put into the artificial temperature chamber at (32 依 0.5) 曟 , 55%-60% air humidity for 3 h. These rats were exposed in this environment for 3h every other day with a total heat exposure for three times. keywords: body; cd3; cd4; control group; damp; day; decoction; disease; dose; dose group; effect; group; haoqinqingdan; haoqinqingdan decoction; heat; heat syndrome; high; ifn; il-4; infection; influenza; low; medicine; medium; model group; modeling; modeling group; normal; p<0.05; rats; ribavirin group; syndrome; temperature; treatment; viral; virus; weight cache: cord-303378-cfbvka30.txt plain text: cord-303378-cfbvka30.txt item: #176 of 216 id: cord-303807-fka9svzu author: Gerber, Michael A. title: Diagnosis and Treatment of Pharyngitis in Children date: 2005-05-28 words: 7190 flesch: 36 summary: gerber Acute glomerulonephritis has been reported as an extremely unusual complication of group C streptococcal pharyngitis, but a causal relationship between group G streptococcal pharyngitis and acute glomerulonephritis has not been established. Patients with group A betahemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis commonly present with sore throat (generally of sudden onset), severe pain on swallowing, and fever. keywords: acute; acute pharyngitis; addition; adolescents; adults; agar; agents; american; antibiotics; antigen; antimicrobial; appropriate; bacteriologic; beta; blood; carriers; cases; cause; children; clinical; common; confirmation; cost; course; cultures; days; detection; determined; diagnosis; different; difficult; disease; epidemiologic; episodes; failures; fever; findings; gas; group; group c; guidelines; hemolytic; hemolytic streptococcal; illness; incubation; infection; isolates; macrolide; negative; patients; pediatric; penicillin; pharyngeal; pharyngitis; pharynx; physicians; plate; positive; practice; radts; rapid; resistance; respiratory; results; rheumatic; sensitivity; specific; states; streptococcal; streptococcal pharyngitis; studies; study; symptoms; test; therapy; throat; throat cultures; treatment; united; use; viral; virus; year cache: cord-303807-fka9svzu.txt plain text: cord-303807-fka9svzu.txt item: #177 of 216 id: cord-304208-jwlc8fxj author: Vagni, Monia title: Coping With COVID-19: Emergency Stress, Secondary Trauma and Self-Efficacy in Healthcare and Emergency Workers in Italy date: 2020-09-03 words: 8636 flesch: 39 summary: We study differences between healthcare (n = 121) and emergency workers (n = 89) in terms of their coping strategies, emergency stress, and secondary trauma, as well as the relationships of these differences to demographic variables and other stress factors (Instructions and Equipment). The analyses reveal that compared with the emergency worker group, the health worker group has greater levels of emergency stress and arousal and is more willing to use problem-focused coping. keywords: acute; age; analysis; anxiety; arousal; associated; cognitive; coping; covid-19; covid-19 emergency; differences; disorder; distress; efficacy; emergency; emergency stress; emergency workers; emotional; emotions; epidemic; et al; experience; factors; females; focused; gender; greater; group; health workers; healthcare; healthcare workers; higher; impact; infection; instructions; italy; items; lack; levels; literature; medical; models; nurses; organizational; outbreak; pandemic; participants; patients; physical; ppe; problem; psychological; ptsd; reactions; results; risk; sample; scale; secondary; secondary trauma; self; sense; situations; social; specific; staff; strategies; strategy; stress; stress levels; stressful; stressors; studies; study; support; symptoms; thoughts; trauma; traumatic; traumatic stress; unpleasant; variables; walton; walton et; workers; working cache: cord-304208-jwlc8fxj.txt plain text: cord-304208-jwlc8fxj.txt item: #178 of 216 id: cord-305092-q4tlj1jd author: Lu, Jingjing title: Clinical characteristics and factors affecting the duration of positive nucleic acid test for patients of COVID‐19 in XinYu, China date: 2020-08-29 words: 1212 flesch: 43 summary: The proportion of patients having underlying diseases seems to be higher in Group S than in Group R. In addition, in both groups most patients were non-smokers. Zhongliang Guo A novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia in China Genomic characterization and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications of virus origins and receptor binding Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection when novel coronavirus (nCoV) infection is suspected: interim guidance Clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical, and ultrastructural findings of a fatal case of middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection in the United Arab Emirates Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study Early transmission dynamics in Wuhan, China, of novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia Analysis of clinical features and outcomes of 161 patients with severe and critical COVID-19: a multicenter descriptive study Elevated serum aspartate aminotransferase level identifies patients with coronavirus disease 2019 and predicts the length of hospital stay Targeting metabolic reprogramming by influenza infection for therapeutic intervention Naive T cell maintenance and function in human aging Significant changes of peripheral T lymphocyte subsets in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Expression of lymphocytes and lymphocyte subsets in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome CT imaging features of 2019 novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Clinical features of COVID-19 convalescent patients with re-positive nucleic acid detection Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) keywords: acid; characteristics; china; clinical; coronavirus; covid-19; data; fatigue; group; history; lymphocyte; negative; novel; nucleic; patients; pneumonia; positive; respiratory; specimens; study; treatment; wuhan cache: cord-305092-q4tlj1jd.txt plain text: cord-305092-q4tlj1jd.txt item: #179 of 216 id: cord-306145-5uf0hj6a author: Nalbantoglu, Ozkan Ufuk title: Group testing performance evaluation for SARS-CoV-2 massive scale screening and testing date: 2020-07-02 words: 4769 flesch: 48 summary: Therefore, designing group testing schemes aiming sparsity is beneficial to explore the practical capabilities. As the performance metric, we chose sensitivity to reflect the operation success of group testing scheme. keywords: algorithms; approach; asymptomatic; available; case; coherence; column; conventional; cov-2; covid-19; current; decoding; different; efficiency; expansion; gain; greater; group; group testing; high; large; low; matrix; molecular; negative; number; observed; order; pass; performance; plate; pooled; pooling; pools; population; positives; possible; practical; prevalence; procedure; random; recovery; regimes; results; row; sample; sampling; sars; scale; scans; scenarios; schemes; sensitivity; set; simulations; single; sparse; testing; tests; tracing cache: cord-306145-5uf0hj6a.txt plain text: cord-306145-5uf0hj6a.txt item: #180 of 216 id: cord-312497-6cd7dolj author: Mishra, Anurag title: Evaluation of Gasless Laparoscopy as a Tool for Minimal Access Surgery in Low- to Middle-Income Countries: A Phase II Non-Inferiority Randomized Controlled Study date: 2020-08-19 words: 2398 flesch: 50 summary: No significant difference was observed in the mean operating time between GAL group (52.9 min) vs COL group (55 minutes) For GAL group, the operating surgeon was asked to rate their satisfaction score on a Likert scale of 1 to 10, 10 being satisfied. keywords: abdominal; access; available; cases; col; conventional; gal; gasless; general; group; hospital; inferiority; laparoscopy; low; mas; minimal; minutes; non; open; operating; operative; pain; patients; procedure; randomized; resource; score; settings; significant; signs; single; space; study; surgeries; surgery; surgical; table; technique; time; use; vital cache: cord-312497-6cd7dolj.txt plain text: cord-312497-6cd7dolj.txt item: #181 of 216 id: cord-312695-1uw8xcxw author: Sugiarto, Sarah title: Passive immunization does not provide protection against experimental infection with Mycoplasma haemofelis date: 2016-08-05 words: 8634 flesch: 47 summary: After passive immunization and subsequent infection, group A cats showed slightly but significantly higher DnaK ELISA OD 415 values at days 3, 7 and 14 pi compared with the OD 415 values of cats in group B (p MWU < 0.05; Figure 2C ). There was no significant difference in the time of seroconversion (OD 415 > 0.33) between the two groups; cats in both groups, A and B, seroconverted between days 21 and 49 pi, with the exception of cat JHW3 (group B), which did not develop anti-Mhf DnaK antibodies throughout the study ( Figure 2B ). keywords: activated; analyses; anemia; antibodies; antibody; assay; bacteremia; bilirubin; blood; candidatus; cats; cell; challenge; clinical; cmt; collection; concentrations; control; counts; course; data; day; days; decrease; different; dnak; experiment; feline; figure; group; group b; haemofelis; hemolysis; hemoplasma; higher; homologous; immune; immunization; immunized; increase; infected; infection; inoculation; interval; jhw3; levels; lymphocyte; mhf; mhf infection; mwu; mycoplasma; nacl; naïve; negative; onset; passively; pattern; pcr; pcv; peak; period; plasma; pronounced; protection; protein; rbc; recipient; reference; response; samples; significant; species; specific; spf; study; time; total; transfusion; transmission; treatment; values; weekly; weeks cache: cord-312695-1uw8xcxw.txt plain text: cord-312695-1uw8xcxw.txt item: #182 of 216 id: cord-317344-wznzmssz author: Iannitti, T. title: Therapeutical use of probiotic formulations in clinical practice date: 2010-06-23 words: 24555 flesch: 38 summary: The study showed the following results: one hundred subjects completed the study (48 in the probiotic combination group and 52 in the placebo group); the probiotic combination was not superior to the placebo in relieving symptoms of IBS (42.6% versus 42.3% improvement); the decrease of abdominal pain between the first and the fourth week of treatment was significantly higher in probiotic treated patients (À41.9 versus À24.2%, P ¼ 0.048). Sixty six patients (88%) were symptom-free after the 24th month of treatment: 11 of group M1, 8 of group M2, 15 of group LM1, 12 of group LM2 and 20 in group L. Four patients (5.33%) suspended the treatment during the follow-up: all experienced recurrence of symptoms (100%), and two of them developed diverticulitis (50%). keywords: abdominal; able; acid; acidophilus; active; activities; activity; acute; addition; administration; adverse; age; allergic; analysis; animalis; antibiotic; associated; atopic; authors; bacteria; barrier; baseline; beneficial; bifidobacterium; birth; blind; bloating; blood; boulardii; bowel; breath; burns; cancer; capsules; casei; cells; cfu; changes; characterized; children; chronic; clinical; clostridium; coli; colon; colonic; colonization; combination; common; composition; condition; constipation; control; crohn; cytokines; daily; day; days; decrease; development; diarrhea; dietary; different; difficile; discomfort; disease; dose; double; drink; duration; dysbiosis; early; eczema; effect; effective; efficacy; end; endoscopic; eradication; et al; events; exposure; factors; fecal; feces; following; food; formulations; fos; free; frequency; functions; gamma; global; group; group b; growth; gut; healthy; higher; host; human; hydrogen; ibs; ibs patients; ifn; ige; il-12; il-6; ileal; immune; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; infants; infection; inflamed; inflammation; inflammatory; intake; intervention; intestinal; irritable; la1; lactic; lactobacillus; lc705; lcs; levels; life; longum; lower; mean; metabolic; microbiota; microflora; mild; milk; mixture; month; mucosa; multicenter; neosugar; non; normal; number; operative; oral; organisms; oxalate; p ¼; pain; pathogenic; patients; period; permeability; placebo; placebo group; plantarum; positive; possible; post; potential; pouchitis; prausnitzii; preparation; present; prevention; primary; probiotic; probiotic group; probiotic lactobacillus; probiotic treatment; production; products; profiles; pylori; randomized; rate; recurrence; reduced; relapse; relative; remission; report; resection; responses; responsible; results; reuteri; rhamnosus; risk; role; safety; samples; score; second; short; significant; similar; skin; small; species; specific; stomach; stool; strains; streptococcus; studies; study; subjects; supplementation; surgery; symptoms; synbiotic; syndrome; system; term; therapy; thermophilus; time; tissue; total; tract; treatment; treatment group; trial; triple; type; urea; urinary; use; vaginal; volunteers; weeks; women; years; yogurt cache: cord-317344-wznzmssz.txt plain text: cord-317344-wznzmssz.txt item: #183 of 216 id: cord-317347-by8albr9 author: van Ginkel, Frederik W. title: Age-dependent immune responses and immune protection after avian coronavirus vaccination date: 2015-05-28 words: 5815 flesch: 50 summary: These data strongly support IBV vaccination after day 7 post hatch. To determine whether age of IBV vaccination affected the humoral immune response, plasma samples were collected 14 and 21 days and tears 14 days after vaccination with 3 × 10 5 EID 50 of a live-attenuated ArkDPI IBV vaccine strain on 1, 7 14, 21 or 28 days of age. keywords: age; age group; antibodies; antibody; avian; avidity; birds; bronchitis; cells; challenge; chickens; chicks; control; data; day; days; delay; dependent; different; early; elisa; field; fig; goblet; group; higher; ibv; iga; igg; igm; immune; immunity; index; industry; infectious; lack; levels; life; lower; lymphoid; maternal; mean; mucosal; natural; old; older; plasma; post; poultry; protection; respiratory; response; samples; significant; specific; spf; strain; supplemental; system; tears; test; titers; tracheal; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; virus; week cache: cord-317347-by8albr9.txt plain text: cord-317347-by8albr9.txt item: #184 of 216 id: cord-317410-hc06yo32 author: Muthanna, Abdulrahman title: Clinical Screening Tools to Diagnose Group A Streptococcal Pharyngotonsillitis in Primary Care Clinics to Improve Prescribing Habits date: 2018-12-28 words: 5427 flesch: 34 summary: It will include the prevalence of group A pharyngotonsillitis among children and adults worldwide and the selective tests employed for diagnosing group A streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis. In addition, Centor scoring provides quick diagnosis of group A streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis in adult patients, unlike the tests to confirm a diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis, such as a culture which takes two to three days for the results in order to avoid any complications (62) . keywords: acute; addition; adults; antibiotic; antigen; bacterial; beta; care; cases; centor; children; clindamycin; clinical; clinics; common; costs; culture; days; detection; diagnose; diagnosis; disease; fever; group; guidelines; health; high; infection; lymph; management; microbial; nodes; patients; penicillin; pharyngitis; pharyngotonsillitis; physicians; practice; prescribing; prescription; prevalence; previous; primary; pyogenes; rapid; resistance; respiratory; review; rheumatic; scoring; sensitivity; sore; specificity; strategies; streptococcal; streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis; studies; study; swab; swollen; symptoms; test; testing; therapy; throat; tools; treatment; viral cache: cord-317410-hc06yo32.txt plain text: cord-317410-hc06yo32.txt item: #185 of 216 id: cord-318248-y2vkpuv3 author: None title: Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease strategy for the diagnosis, management and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: An Asia–Pacific perspective date: 2005-02-03 words: 5783 flesch: 41 summary: While the COPD Roundtable Group recommends vaccination of all patients with COPD in communities where there is a high likelihood of SARS, there remain some issues regarding the implementation of influenza vaccination for COPD patients in the Asia-Pacific region, for the following reasons: (i) low surveillance data from tropical countries; (ii) apparent lack of bimodal seasonality in tropical countries; (iii) uncertainty of appropriate frequency or timing of vaccines; (iv) the presence of two potential vaccine formulations to coincide with influenza strains emerging in February and September; (v) limited efficacy data on vaccination in tropical countries; and (vi) lack of cost-effectiveness and cost-savings studies. GOLD also states that 'health care workers involved in the diagnosis and management of COPD patients should have access to spirometry'. keywords: acute; asia; bronchodilators; burden; chronic; clinical; copd; copd patients; copd roundtable; countries; data; diagnosis; disease; evidence; exercise; expert; global; gold; gold guidelines; group; guidelines; health; healthcare; iii; implementation; influenza; inhaled; lung; management; mdi; obstructive; pacific; pacific region; panel; patients; prevalence; prevention; programmes; pulmonary; pulmonary rehabilitation; recommendations; region; rehabilitation; risk; roundtable; roundtable group; sars; severe; spacer; spirometry; statement; strategy; study; symptoms; technique; therapy; training; treatment; use; vaccination; world cache: cord-318248-y2vkpuv3.txt plain text: cord-318248-y2vkpuv3.txt item: #186 of 216 id: cord-322789-9elfpx0e author: Abbaspour Kasgari, Hamideh title: Evaluation of the efficacy of sofosbuvir plus daclatasvir in combination with ribavirin for hospitalized COVID-19 patients with moderate disease compared with standard care: a single-centre, randomized controlled trial date: 2020-08-19 words: 2713 flesch: 43 summary: To our knowledge, this is the first clinical trial of sofosbuvir/ daclatasvir/ribavirin in COVID-19 patients; however, there are limitations to our study. Time to recovery was compared by graphically plotting the cause-specific cumulative incidence functions (CIFs) by treatment group; difference between groups was evaluated by Gray's test for the equality of CIFs. keywords: antiviral; arm; baseline; care; clinical; combination; control; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; daclatasvir; daily; days; disease; drugs; group; hospital; hydroxychloroquine; intervention; iran; length; lopinavir; median; moderate; patients; randomized; recovery; remdesivir; ribavirin; ritonavir; sars; significant; sofosbuvir; standard; stay; study; table; time; treatment; trial; virus cache: cord-322789-9elfpx0e.txt plain text: cord-322789-9elfpx0e.txt item: #187 of 216 id: cord-323906-ro078y52 author: Sardu, Celestino title: Implications of AB0 blood group in hypertensive patients with covid-19 date: 2020-08-14 words: 3590 flesch: 37 summary: In this prospective study, we analyzed covid-19 hypertensive patients consecutively admitted to the Department of Infectious Disease at University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples, Italy between February 10, 2020 and April 20, 2020. Such a negative correlation between hypertension and clinical prognosis in covid-19 patients has been deeply investigated in recent trials [1, 2] . keywords: ab0; abo; admission; analysis; association; biomarkers; blood; blood group; cardiac; cardiac injury; clinical; covid-19; covid-19 patients; data; death; dimer; disease; dysfunction; ecg; endothelial; events; factor; group; heart; higher; hospitalization; hypertensive; hypertensive patients; il-6; imaging; independent; indexes; infection; inflammatory; injury; laboratory; levels; myocardial; patients; pro; prognosis; rate; respiratory; results; risk; sars; severe; significant; status; study; susceptibility; syndrome; test; therapy; thrombotic; time; values; variables cache: cord-323906-ro078y52.txt plain text: cord-323906-ro078y52.txt item: #188 of 216 id: cord-324326-q014b5ym author: MURAKAMI, Makoto title: Lipoquality control by phospholipase A(2) enzymes date: 2017-11-10 words: 8284 flesch: 28 summary: -IIA: results from the UDACS study Biallelic mutations in PLA2G5, encoding group V phospholipase A 2 , cause benign fleck retina recapitulate the mitochondriopathy of the homologous null mouse Loss-offunction mutations in PNPLA6 encoding neuropathy target esterase underlie pubertal failure and neurological deficits in Gordon Holmes syndrome Mutations in PNPLA6 are linked to photoreceptor degeneration and various forms of childhood blindness Impairment of PARK14-dependent Ca 2D signalling is a novel determinant of Parkinson's disease Male mice that do not express group VIA phospholipase A 2 produce spermatozoa with impaired motility and have greatly reduced fertility Fat mobilization in adipose tissue is promoted by adipose triglyceride lipase Defective lipolysis and altered energy metabolism in mice lacking adipose triglyceride lipase Adipose triglyceride lipase contributes to cancer-associated cachexia The G 0 keywords: -ib; -iia; -iid; -iie; -iif; -iii; acid; activation; activities; activity; acyltransferase; adipose; anti; association; asthma; biological; calcium; cancer; catalytic; cells; cellular; clearance; conditions; control; cpla; cytosolic; deficient; deletion; diet; different; disease; display; distinct; domain; enzymatic; enzymes; expression; factor; family; fatty; fig; function; gene; genetic; group; human; hydrolase; hydrolyzes; independent; individual; inflammation; inflammatory; intestinal; intracellular; ipla; isoforms; levels; lipolysis; lipoquality; loss; lung; lysophospholipids; macrophages; mammalian; mediators; membranes; metabolism; mice; mitochondrial; model; mouse; mutations; natural; neutral; novel; obesity; pafah; pathophysiological; phenotypes; phospholipase; phospholipids; physiological; pla2r1; plasma; platelet; pnpla2; position; production; properties; prostaglandin; protein; pufas; recent; receptor; reduced; regulation; related; release; results; role; secretory; severe; signaling; skin; sn-2; species; specific; sperm; spla; studies; substrate; target; terminal; th2; tissue; transgenic; triglyceride; type; unique; vivo cache: cord-324326-q014b5ym.txt plain text: cord-324326-q014b5ym.txt item: #189 of 216 id: cord-326431-42luhd4s author: Järvelä, Sanna title: Advocating for group interaction in the age of COVID-19 date: 2020-07-08 words: 2138 flesch: 30 summary: Individual factors point, e.g., to cognitive, social and personality factors while group factors deal with patterns of relationship among individual factors, such as similarity of group members or mixed cognitive abilities or personality. In addition, their study brings a new concept to characterize regulation in collaborative learning, namely homogeneity of problem perception. keywords: alignment; analysis; collaborative; collaborative learning; computer; cscl; design; discourse; factors; group; individual; journal; knowledge; learning; level; members; meta; methods; network; online; performance; problems; process; regulation; research; results; self; social; study; support; talk; understanding cache: cord-326431-42luhd4s.txt plain text: cord-326431-42luhd4s.txt item: #190 of 216 id: cord-326723-jiauk4fq author: Risalde, María A title: Pathogenic mechanisms implicated in the intravascular coagulation in the lungs of BVDV-infected calves challenged with BHV-1 date: 2013-03-18 words: 5804 flesch: 38 summary: The role of nitric oxide synthases in lung inflammation Veterinary Immunology: An Introduction Adenoviral-mediated gene transfer of nitric oxide synthase isoforms and vascular cell proliferation Suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokines, iNOS, and COX-2 expression by brown algae Sargassum micracanthum in RAW 264.7 macrophages Immunohistochemical demonstration of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and prostaglandin receptors EP2 and FP expression in the bovine intercaruncular uterine wall around term Inflammatory cytokines enhance the interaction of mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin with bovine peripheral blood neutrophils in vitro Effect of experimental infection of cattle with bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) on the ex vivo interaction of bovine leukocytes with mannheimia (pasteurella) haemolytica leukotoxin Secondary in vitro B lymphocyte (antibody) response to microbial antigens: use in appraisal of vaccine immunogenicity and cytokine immunoregulation Tumor necrosis factor as a mediator of inflammation in influenza A viral pneumonia Increased pulmonary secretion of tumor necrosis factoralpha in calves experimentally infected with bovine respiratory syncytial virus Pulmonary expression of tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-1 beta, and interleukin-8 in the acute phase of bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis Bovine herpesvirus 1 infection and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis Bovine herpesvirus type 1 infection of bovine bronchial epithelial cells increases neutrophil adhesion and activation Effects in calves of mixed infections with bovine viral diarrhoea virus and several other bovine viruses The medicine and epidemiology of bovine respiratory disease in feedlots Effect of passive immunity on the development of a protective immune response against bovine viral diarrhea virus in calves Defective function of leukocytes from cattle persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus and the influence of recombinant cytokines Effect of concurrent experimentally induce bovine respiratory syncytial virus and bovine viral diarrhoea virus infection on respiratory tract and enteric diseases in calves Distribution of viral antigen and tissue lesions in persistent and acute infection with homologous strain of noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhoea virus Morphological changes and viral distribution in the ileum of colostrum-deprived calves inoculated with noncytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus genotype-1 Virus distribution and role of thymic macrophages during experimental infection with noncytopathogenic bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1 Depression of bovine monocyte chemotactic responses by bovine viral diarrhea virus Effect of BVD virus infection on alveolar macrophage functions Macrophages and respiratory viruses Noncytopathic strains of bovine viral diarrhoea virus prime bovine bone marrow-derived macrophages for enhanced generation of nitric oxide Cytokine regulation by virus infection: bovine viral diarrhoea virus, a flavivirus, downregulates production of tumor necrosis factor alpha in macrophages in vitro Enhancement of apoptosis via an extrinsic factor, TNF-a, in cells infected with cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus Bovine viral diarrhea viruses modulate toll-like receptors, cytokines and co-stimulatory molecules genes expression in bovine peripheral blood monocytes Apoptosis in lymphoid tissues of calves inoculated with non-cytopathic bovine viral diarrhea virus genotype 1: activation of effector caspase-3 and role of macrophages Hepatic immune response in calves during acute subclinical infection with bovine viral diarrhoea virus type 1 Response of proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines in calves with subclinical bovine viral diarrhea challenged with bovine herpesvirus-1 Real-time PCR for simultaneous detection and genotyping of bovine viral diarrhea virus OIE: Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis Virchow's triad revisited: blood constituents Family-Herpesviridae Infection of vascular endothelial cells with herpes simplex virus enhances tissue factor activity and reduces thrombomodulin expression Platelets from thrombocytopenic ponies acutely infected with equine infectious anemia virus are activated in vivo and hypofunctional Enhanced platelet reactivity in cats experimentally infected with feline infectious peritonitis virus Potentiation of platelet responses in vitro by feline infectious peritonitis virus Early platelet aggregation as a cause of thrombocytopenia in classical swine fever Induction of procoagulant activity in virus infected bovine alveolar macrophages and the effect of lipopolysaccharide Comparison of pathologic changes and viral antigen distribution in tissues of calves with and without pre-existing bovine viral diarrhea virus infection following challenge with bovine herpesvirus-1 Monocyte and macrophage heterogeneity Arterial thrombosis associated with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) administration in breast cancer patients treated with dose-intensive chemotherapy: a report of two cases Immunology of bovine viral diarrhea virus Distinct role and location of the endothelial isoform of nitric oxide synthase in regulating platelet aggregation in males and females in vivo Filovirus-induced endothelial leakage triggered by infected monocytes/ macrophages Increased release of interleukin-1 beta, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factoralpha by bronchoalveolar cells lavaged from involved sites in pulmonary tuberculosis Submit your next manuscript to BioMed Central and take full advantage of: • Convenient online submission • By contrast, BHV-1 group calves displayed an early increase of this cytokine associated with peribronchial areas (at 2 dpi; p < 0.007) keywords: activation; aggregation; analysis; animals; bhv-1.1; blood; bovine; bovine viral; bvdv; calves; cattle; cells; changes; clusters; complex; controls; cytokines; decrease; diarrhea; different; disease; dpi; endothelial; experimental; expression; factor; figure; group; ihc; il-1α; immune; imφs; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; inoculated; inoculation; inos; intense; later; lesions; lungs; macrophages; mechanisms; mediators; min; mφs; necrosis; nitric; number; oxide; pam; pathogens; pbs; pcr; platelet; positive; post; presence; primary; pro; procoagulant; pulmonary; respiratory; response; results; role; samples; secondary; sections; septal; severe; significant; study; time; tissue; tnfα; tumor; ultrastructural; vascular; viral; virus cache: cord-326723-jiauk4fq.txt plain text: cord-326723-jiauk4fq.txt item: #191 of 216 id: cord-326747-zwp13awk author: Sever, Mustafa title: Accidental Chlorine Gas Intoxication: Evaluation of 39 Patients date: 2009-12-28 words: 3977 flesch: 49 summary: All hospitals' emergency departments (ED) medical records which explain above were retrospectively analyzed for evaluation of accidental chlorine exposure patients for year 2007. The respiratory system is the most adversely affected of all organ systems by chlorine gas exposure [11] and complications are generally immediate with severe exposure, including acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), respiratory failure, pneumomediastinum and death keywords: abg; accidental; acute; age; authors; bicarbonate; cases; chest; children; chlorine; clinical; combination; cough; different; dyspnea; edema; emergency; examination; exposure; findings; gas; group; health; hospitals; hours; humidified; inhalation; injury; intoxication; laboratory; literature; lung; medical; nebulized; normal; oxygen; patients; physical; pool; pulmonary; ranitidine; respiratory; review; second; series; sodium; study; swimming; symptomatic; symptoms; therapy; throat; treatment; water; years cache: cord-326747-zwp13awk.txt plain text: cord-326747-zwp13awk.txt item: #192 of 216 id: cord-329468-vjsurl60 author: Okino, Cintia Hiromi title: Early immune responses and development of pathogenesis of avian infectious bronchitis viruses with different virulence profiles date: 2017-02-15 words: 5854 flesch: 41 summary: In contrast, in the current study an unexpected suppressive effect in the TLR7 gene expression was observed only during the early phase of IBV B isolate infection (1dpi), as the transcripts of this gene were found 5 times downregulated. Prevention of IBV infection is currently achieved through vaccination, especially by attenuated viral vaccines, suggesting that local mucosal immunity is essential for induction of effective protection against disease [7, 8, 9] . keywords: 1dpi; 5dpi; activation; adaptive; avian; b isolate; birds; bronchitis; cd3; cells; challenged; changes; chickens; cmi; degeneration; differences; different; disease; early; epithelial; expression; fig; genes; genome; granzyme; group; higher; homolog; host; ibv; ibv b; ifnα; ifnβ; ifnγ; immune; immune responses; infected; infection; inflammatory; innate; inos; isolate; kidney; lesions; levels; load; microscopic; mrna; pathogenesis; pathological; positive; post; presence; renal; replication; respiratory; responses; samples; scores; significant; strain; study; table; tissue; tlr3; tlr7; tracheal; tracheal samples; transcripts; upregulated; viral; virus cache: cord-329468-vjsurl60.txt plain text: cord-329468-vjsurl60.txt item: #193 of 216 id: cord-329669-z3t7plvh author: Poulton, Kay title: A role for human leucocyte antigens in the susceptibility to SARS‐Cov‐2 infection observed in transplant patients date: 2020-07-05 words: 2275 flesch: 38 summary: This is an in silico study in which HLA types have been imputed, but these observations add support to our own observation in regard to HLA-DR15 and DQ6 in this early study of individuals with known HLA types. This study investigated HLA profiles of patients admitted with PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection to identify any potential HLA bias which might indicate an impaired capacity to mount an effective immune response to the infection. keywords: allele; analysis; association; cell; class; clinical; cohort; control; correction; covid-19; data; disease; dqb1; drb1; frequencies; group; hla; immune; individuals; infection; number; patients; population; positive; response; sars; significant; study; support; susceptibility; symptoms; transplant; viral; virus cache: cord-329669-z3t7plvh.txt plain text: cord-329669-z3t7plvh.txt item: #194 of 216 id: cord-329856-0m5mc320 author: Ahmad, Shandar title: Potential of age distribution profiles for the prediction of COVID-19 infection origin in a patient group date: 2020-06-04 words: 3765 flesch: 50 summary: However, the way in which a given viral variant might actually impact different patient age groups has not been well investigated. However, severity of infection, fatality rates, and treatment responses across different countries, age groups, and demographic groups suggest that the nature of infection is diverse, and a timely investigation of the same is needed for evolving sound treatment and preventive strategies. keywords: age; asia; available; cases; class; clinical; clustering; clusters; country; covid-19; data; differences; different; distribution; fatality; figure; groups; history; infection; likely; middle; model; n_am; new; number; origin; pandemic; patient; patient groups; patterns; population; prediction; profiles; rates; recovery; similar; source; strategies; study; test; training; travel; values; way cache: cord-329856-0m5mc320.txt plain text: cord-329856-0m5mc320.txt item: #195 of 216 id: cord-331270-12zx0o2p author: Rico, Timóteo Matthies title: Use of Text Messaging (SMS) for the Management of Side Effects in Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy Treatment: a Randomized Controlled Trial date: 2020-09-30 words: 5889 flesch: 46 summary: Results showed intervention group patients experienced fewer side effects compared to the control group in cycle 1 (p < 0.05), in general. The degree of satisfaction that cancer patients express about the information they receive has been associated with positive health outcomes, specifically regarding quality of life, performance status, side effects, and psychological well-being [18] . keywords: addition; analysis; average; beginning; better; breast; cancer; cancer patients; care; changes; chemotherapy; clinical; control; control group; cycle; daily; effects; experienced; group; guidelines; health; increase; information; intervention; intervention group; life; management; messages; messaging; mobile; nausea; oncology; participants; patients; possible; prevention; quality; questionnaire; randomized; related; research; results; satisfied; self; sending; service; sms; studies; study; support; symptoms; taste; technology; text; text messages; total; treatment; trial; vomiting cache: cord-331270-12zx0o2p.txt plain text: cord-331270-12zx0o2p.txt item: #196 of 216 id: cord-332735-vfnbs2jn author: Rebmann, Terri title: Infection preventionists' experience during the first months of the 2009 novel H1N1 influenza A pandemic date: 2009-12-31 words: 7908 flesch: 54 summary: Other participants stated that it was difficult to know how to manage novel H1N1 patients in this setting without guidance: One specific occupational health issue that focus group participants felt needs to be addressed is how to manage or prevent ill health care providers coming to work sick. These rapid changes made it difficult for focus group participants to stay abreast of the latest recommendations. keywords: care; cdc; communication; conflicting; confusion; control; department; educational; emergency; experience; facilities; facility; fit; focus; focus group; future; group; group participants; guidance; h1n1; health; health care; hospitals; infection; influenza; information; ips; isolation; lot; management; mask; materials; members; n95; need; novel; novel h1n1; occupational; outbreak; pandemic; participants; patients; people; ppe; prevention; protection; rapid; recommendations; reference; related; respirators; response; settings; sick; staff; states; supplies; testing; time; topics; triage; united; use; work cache: cord-332735-vfnbs2jn.txt plain text: cord-332735-vfnbs2jn.txt item: #197 of 216 id: cord-333334-90q1xkld author: Shengchen, D. title: Evaluation of a molecular point-of-care testing for viral and atypical pathogens on intravenous antibiotic duration in hospitalized adults with lower respiratory tract infection: a randomized clinical trial date: 2019-06-20 words: 3882 flesch: 34 summary: Considering that length of hospital stay for LRTI patients was directly related to duration of intravenous antibiotics, we finally chose duration of intravenous antibiotics as the primary outcome. In our study adding POCT to routine real-time PCR testing shortened the duration of intravenous antibiotic treatment, reduced the length of stay and cost of hospitalization, and improved early de-escalation of intravenous antibiotics compared with routine real-time PCR assays in hospitalized LRTI patients. keywords: acute; analysis; antibiotics; atypical; care; china; clinical; control; control group; cost; data; days; department; detection; disease; duration; escalation; filmarray; group; hospitalization; hospitalized; hours; infection; intervention; intervention group; intravenous; intravenous antibiotics; length; lrti; median; molecular; number; outcomes; panel; participants; pathogens; patients; pcr; pneumonia; poct; randomized; real; respiratory; routine; stay; study; test; testing; time; trial; use; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-333334-90q1xkld.txt plain text: cord-333334-90q1xkld.txt item: #198 of 216 id: cord-333745-nwnt2tde author: Wang, Yi title: Clinical characteristics and laboratory indicator analysis of 67 COVID-19 pneumonia patients in Suzhou, China date: 2020-10-12 words: 4400 flesch: 45 summary: Laboratory data showed that the WBC, N%, and CRP in Group B COVID-19 pneumonia patients were significantly higher than those of Group A patients, and the differences were statistically significant (P < 0.05). Therefore, the findings of statistical tests and p values should be interpreted with caution, and it is important to note that nonsignificant p values do not necessarily rule out the difference between Group A and Group B patients. keywords: addition; analysis; blood; cases; china; clinical; common; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 pneumonia; data; days; difference; disease; fever; fib; function; general; group; group b; higher; hormone; hospital; imaging; indicators; laboratory; lesions; liver; lung; median; myoglobin; novel; number; oxygen; patients; pneumonia; pneumonia patients; respiratory; sars; severe; significant; study; suzhou; table; therapy; treatment; tuberculosis; value cache: cord-333745-nwnt2tde.txt plain text: cord-333745-nwnt2tde.txt item: #199 of 216 id: cord-335975-m6lkrehi author: None title: Proceedings of Réanimation 2018, the French Intensive Care Society International Congress date: 2018-02-05 words: 89523 flesch: 50 summary: The aim of this study was to compare the outcome of ICU patients having received carbapenems to those having received a carbapenem-sparing agent (CSA). Conclusion: Severe hypoxemia, independently from ARDS, worsens the prognosis of ICU patients. keywords: abdominal; absence; acidosis; acinetobacter; activity; acute; acute respiratory; addition; adequate; administration; admission; adult patients; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agreement; aim; airway; aki; albumin; alive; alveolar; amikacin; amoxicillin; analysis; anesthesia; animals; antibiotic; anticoagulation; antifungal; antimicrobial; application; approach; appropriate; ards patients; area; arf; arrest; arterial; assessment; associated; association; august; aureus; available; average; bacterial; balance; baseline; bed; beds; benefit; beta; better; biological; bleeding; blood; body; brain; breastfeeding; breathing; bsi; bup; burned; calcium; cancer; carbapenems; carbon; cardiac; cardiogenic; cardiovascular; care; care unit; caregivers; cases; catheter; cause; cells; center; center study; central; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; children; choice; chronic; cicu; circulatory; cirrhotic patients; citrate; ckd; classification; clearance; clinical; cohort; collected; coma; comatose patients; combination; comfort; common; comorbidities; compare; comparison; compliance; complications; concentration; conclusion; condition; consciousness; consecutive patients; consumption; context; continuous; control; control patients; conventional; copd; copd patients; correlated; correlation; countries; cranial; creatinine; criteria; critical; crrt; csa; culture; current; curve; cypd; daily; data; database; day mortality; days; death; december; decision; decrease; deficiency; definition; delayed; delirium; delivery; delta; demographic; department; descriptive; development; device; diabetes; diagnosis; dialysis; diameter; diaphragmatic; differences; different; difficult; digestive; discharge; discussion; disease; disorders; distress; distribution; dose; dosing; driving; drug; duration; dysfunction; dzp; early; ecco2r; echocardiography; ecls; ecmo; eeg; effective; effects; efficacy; efl; elderly; eligible; eligible patients; emergency; empirical; encephalopathy; end; endothelial; endpoint; epidemiological; estimated; events; evolution; exacerbation; experience; exposure; expression; extracorporeal; factors; failure; family; fatal; favorable; features; fig; findings; fio; fio2; flow; fluid; follow; france; free; french; frequency; frequent; functional; gastric; general; glasgow; global; glucose; gnb; good; gram; greater; group; guidelines; h24; half; hand; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; hemodynamic; heparin; higher; history; hla; home; hospital; hospital mortality; hospitalization; hour; hus; hypotension; hypothermia; hypoxemia; hypoxemic patients; icu; icu admission; icu discharge; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; identification; ill; imaging; imipenem; immune; impact; implementation; important; improve; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; index; indications; infected; infection; information; infusion; initial; initiation; injury; insertion; insufficient; intensive; intensive care; international; interquartile; intervention; intestinal; intoxication; intravenous; introduction; intubated; intubation; invasive; iqr; isolated; ivc; january; july; june; ketoacidosis; kidney; knowledge; known; lack; lactam; lactate; large; laryngoscope; leading; length; level; life; likely; limitation; limited; linear; literature; liver; local; logistic; long; loss; low; lower; lps; lst; lung; main; major; majority; male; management; maternal; mean; measurements; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; median; medical; medical icu; metabolic; methods; mice; microbiological; mild; min; mixed; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; monitoring; monocentric; monocentric study; monocytes; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; multiple; multivariate; music; n =; need; negative; neurological; neutrophils; new; nipei; niv; nlr; non; norepinephrine; nosocomial; number; nurses; objective; observational; observational study; observed; occurrence; ohca; ohca patients; old; onset; open; optimal; oral; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; pain; pao2; parameters; partial; participants; pathogen; patients; pco2; pediatric; peep; percentage; performance; perfusion; period; peritonitis; phase; physicians; physiological; picu; piperacillin; placebo; plasma; pleural; pneumonia; points; poisoning; poor; population; position; positioning; positive; possible; post; potential; pph; practice; precarity; predictive; predominance; preliminary; prescription; presence; present; present study; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; process; profile; prognosis; program; prolonged; prone; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; prospective study; protocol; pseudomonas; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; questionnaire; r =; randomized; range; rate; reasons; recent; records; recovery; reduced; reduction; refractory; refusal; regression; related; relationship; relatives; removal; renal; replacement; report; resistance; respiratory; respiratory failure; responders; response; responsible; results; resuscitation; retrospective; rhythm; right; risk; risk factors; role; room; rrt; safety; samples; saps; satisfaction; scale; score; screening; second; secondary; sedation; seizures; sensitivity; sepsis; september; septic; septic patients; septic shock; series; serum; sessions; setting; severe; severe patients; severity; sex; sham; shock; shock patients; shockable; short; significant; signs; similar; simulation; single; site; skin; sodium; sofa; species; specific; spectrum; spo2; spontaneous; staff; stage; standard; staphylococcus; statistical; status; stay; stec; strains; strategy; stroke; students; studies; study; study patients; study period; success; support; surgery; surgical; survival; survivors; susceptibility; susceptible; syndrome; system; systematic; systolic; table; target; tbi; technique; term; test; testosterone; therapeutic; therapy; tidal; time; tissue; tma; tool; total; tracheal; tracheostomy; training; tramadol; transfusion; transplantation; trauma; traumatic; treatment; trem-1; trend; triage; trial; triggering; ttp; tube; type; ultrasonography; unit; univariate; university; urinary; urine; use; useful; value; vancomycin; vap; variability; variables; variations; vasopressors; venous; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricular; volume; vs.; vulnerable; weaning; weight; withdrawal; women; work; years cache: cord-335975-m6lkrehi.txt plain text: cord-335975-m6lkrehi.txt item: #200 of 216 id: cord-336192-5uxq5xrs author: Alavi, Maryam title: Coordination, cooperation, and creativity within harm reduction networks in Iran: COVID-19 prevention and control among people who use drugs date: 2020-08-17 words: 3078 flesch: 28 summary: The necessity to act against the pandemic and gaps in COVID-19 public health policy prompted a major non-government organization (NGO) to initiate administrative action and develop the COVID-19 prevention and control Working Group, bringing together a diverse range of representatives from private and public sectors. Working Group members noted several limitations within this proposal, including shortcomings in contextual relevance, and issues directly related to COVID-19, namely lack of separate quarantine facilities for people with and without COVID-19 symptoms on arrival, suboptimal infrastructure for COVID-19 prevention and treatment, and potential interruptions in access to opioid agonist therapy. keywords: access; april; care; centres; civil; collaboration; community; control; covid-19; crisis; development; drop; drugs; education; experience; government; group; harm; health; homeless; individuals; iran; limited; marginalised; members; nations; need; non; office; organization; pandemic; peer; people; policies; policy; prevention; public; pwud; recommendations; reduction; resources; response; services; shelters; significant; social; society; state; support; tehran; treatment; united; use; water; welfare; workers; working cache: cord-336192-5uxq5xrs.txt plain text: cord-336192-5uxq5xrs.txt item: #201 of 216 id: cord-337644-aobdzwpx author: Pianta, L. title: Acetic acid disinfection as a potential adjunctive therapy for non-severe COVID-19 date: 2020-05-24 words: 1745 flesch: 47 summary: There were 14 patients in group 1 (standard treatment) (7 females and 7 males, aged 33-73 years), and 15 patients in group 2 (acetic acid treatment) (11 males and 4 females, aged 49-80 years). The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect of acetic acid, the active component of vinegar, as a potential disinfectant agent for upper airways. keywords: acetic; acetic acid; acid; cases; clinical; common; cov-2; covid-19; days; disinfectant; disinfection; fever; group; hydroxychloroquine; inhalation; lopinavir; nose; patients; possible; potential; reported; respiratory; ritonavir; sars; study; symptoms; therapy; transmission; treatment; viral cache: cord-337644-aobdzwpx.txt plain text: cord-337644-aobdzwpx.txt item: #202 of 216 id: cord-339705-x8l3zgfd author: Patil, Vijaykumar title: An association between fingerprint patterns with blood group and lifestyle based diseases: a review date: 2020-08-18 words: 19197 flesch: 47 summary: International conference on communication and signal processing IEEE Dermatoglyphic characteristics of patients with rheumatoid arthritis Plantar and digital dermatoglyphic patterns in Malawian patients with diabetes, hypertension and diabetes with hypertension An approach for minutia extraction in latent fingerprint matching Fingerprint pattern examination of right hand thumb in relation to Blood Group Efficacy of fingerprint to determine gender and blood group Distribution of fingerprint patterns among medical students Dermatoglyphics study of fingerprints pattern's variations of a group of type II diabetic mellitus patients in erbil City Design and development of blood sample analyzer using intelligent machine vision techniques A study on relationship between dermatoglyphics and hypertension Detection of pre-diabetics by palmar prints: a computer study leading to a low-cost tool A case study on dermatoglyphics in rheumatoid arthritis Approaches to determination of a full profile of blood group genotypes: single nucleotide variant mapping and massively parallel sequencing Study of fingerprint patterns in type II diabetes mellitus Study of fingerprint patterns in type II diabetes mellitus Dermatoglyphics: an economical tool for prediction of diabetes mellitus A new method to assess asymmetry in fingerprints could be used as an early indicator of type 2 diabetes mellitus Study of fingerprint patterns in relation to gender and blood group Use of palmar dermatoglyphics in rheumatoid arthritis: a case-control study An automatic system to detect human blood group of many individuals in a parellel manner using image processing Application of dermatoglyphic traits for diagnosis of diabetic type 1 patients Spectrophotometric approach for automatic human blood typing Development of an automatic electronic system to human blood typing The study of dermatoglyphics in diabetics of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh population Pattern of fingerprints and their relation with blood groups Dermatoglyphics-quantitative analysis in rheumatoid arthritis Fingertip patterns: a diagnostic tool to predict diabetes mellitus An integrated fiberoptic-microfluidic device for agglutination detection and blood typing A study of fingerprints in relation to gender and blood group Finger ridge count and fingerprint pattern in maturity onset diabetes mellitus Determination and classification of blood types using image processing techniques Dermatoglyphics in rheumatoid arthritis Dermatoglyphics in rheumatoid arthritis Comparative study on the dermatoglyphic pattern among diabetic (type-2) and non-diabetic adults in North Indian population Dermatoglyphic patterns among type 2 diabetic adults in North Indian population Finger print pattern in different blood groups Forensic ABO blood grouping by 4 SNPs analyses using an ABI PRISMR 3100 genetic analyser Evaluation of ABO subtyping by DNA sequencing Finger dermatoglyphic patterns in diabetes mellitus Dermatoglyphics: a diagnostic tool to predict diabetes Utility of dermatoglyphics in Type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) to assess the risk for IHD: Apilot study A study of dermatoglyphic pattern in relation to ABO, Rh blood group and gender among the population of Chhattisgarh Dermatoglyphics: blueprints of human cognition on fingerprints A cost-effective method for blood group detection using fingerprints Comparative study of the fingerprint pattern among diabetic (type 1) & non-diabetic children in Koya City Modis medical jurisprudence and toxicology Qualitative analysis of primary fingerprint pattern indifferent blood group and gender in Nepalese Study of dermatoglyphics in patients with type II diabetes mellitus essential hypertension in the age group between 35-55 Years International conference on automatic control and dynamic optimization techniques (ICAC-DOT). key: cord-339705-x8l3zgfd authors: Patil, Vijaykumar; Ingle, D. R. title: An association between fingerprint patterns with blood group and lifestyle based diseases: a review date: 2020-08-18 journal: Artif Intell Rev DOI: 10.1007/s10462-020-09891-w sha: doc_id: 339705 cord_uid: x8l3zgfd In the current era of the digital world, the hash of any digital means considered as a footprint or fingerprint of any digital term but from the ancient era, human fingerprint considered as the most trustworthy criteria for identification and it also cannot be changed with time even up to the death of an individual. keywords: abo; abo blood; agglutinated; agglutination; analysis; anti; antibodies; antigens; approach; arches; arthritis; association; atd; attributes; automatic; available; b blood; b ridge; basic; blood; blood bunch; blood gathering; blood group; blood type; cases; center; chance; check; classification; clinical; color; common; complete; composite; conceivable; contrasted; control gathering; controls; coordinating; correct; critical; current; curve; data; database; dataset; dependent; dermatoglyphics; design; details; detection; determination; device; diabetes; diabetes mellitus; diabetic; diabetic gathering; diabetic patients; different; digital; digits; diminished; diseases; distinction; edge; elevated; essential; estimations; et al; examination; example; extraction; factors; feature; female patients; females; finger ridge; fingerprint; fingerprint patterns; fingers; fingertip; framework; frequency; gathering; gender; general; genetic; groups; guys; hand; hereditary; higher; huge; human; human blood; hypertension; identification; image; increase; individual; information; investigation; learning; left; left hand; lifestyle; like; little; loops; lower; mean; mellitus; mellitus patients; method; minutiae; model; negative; network; neural; non; normal; noteworthy; number; ordinary; orientation; outcomes; pain; palmar; parameters; patients; patterns; people; person; picture; plane; point; populace; positive; positive blood; prediction; present; processing; proof; rate; recurrence; relation; relationship; research; result; rh blood; rheumatoid; ridge; ridge tally; right; right hand; samples; sexual; slide; stage; study; subjects; system; tally; techniques; test; thumb; time; total; traditional; type; typical; typing; ulnar; unique; use; values; way; whorl pattern; whorls; years cache: cord-339705-x8l3zgfd.txt plain text: cord-339705-x8l3zgfd.txt item: #203 of 216 id: cord-341063-3rqnu5bu author: None title: 38th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine: Brussels, Belgium. 20-23 March 2018 date: 2018-03-29 words: 98736 flesch: 48 summary: Since altered liver function has also been described in ICU patients without sepsis [1, 2] , the influence of sepsis may be overestimated. The aim of this work is to analyze the connection between serum and fecal levels of AMM in ICU patients. keywords: 1st; 3rd; 95%ci; aadh; abdominal; abstract; accuracy; accurate; acid; acidosis; acth; activation; activity; acute; addition; adjusted; administration; admission; adult patients; adults; advanced; adverse; affected; age; agents; agitation; agreement; aim; aims; airway; aki; analgesia; analysis; anesthesia; animals; anova; antibiotic; anticoagulation; anxiety; apache; apnea; approach; appropriate; aptt; ards; area; arrest; arrest patients; arterial; artery; assessment; assisted; associated; association; audit; august; available; average; bacteria; balance; baseline; bed; beneficial; benefit; best; better; bilirubin; binding; biomarkers; biopsy; bleeding; blinded; blood; bmi; body; bone; bowel; brain; breathing; burn; bypass; calculated; cancer; candida; candidiasis; cannulation; capillary; cardiac; cardiac arrest; cardiac surgery; cardiopulmonary; cardiovascular; care; care patients; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cells; center; central; cerebral; challenge; challenging; changes; characteristics; chest; children; chloride; chronic; cirrhosis patients; citrate; clabsi; classification; classified; clearance; clinical; clinician; cmh2o; co2; coagulation; coefficient; cognitive; cohort; cohort study; colistin; collected; colonization; combination; combined; committee; common; communication; comparable; comparison; compliance; complications; compressions; concentrations; conclusions; condition; confidence; consecutive patients; consent; contamination; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coronary; correlation; cortisol; costs; count; course; cpb; cpr; creatinine; criteria; critical; critical care; critical patients; crp; crrt; culture; current; curve; cvvh; cytokine; daily; damage; data; database; day mortality; days; death; december; decision; decreased; deficit; delirium; delivery; demand; demographic; density; department; detection; deterioration; determined; developed; development; device; dexmedetomidine; diagnosis; diameter; diaphragm; difference; difficult; direct; disability; discharge; disease; disorders; distress; distribution; doctors; donors; doppler; dose; double; driving; drug; dtmax; duration; dvt; dysfunction; dysphagia; early; ecco2r; ecg; ecmo; eeg; effect; effective; efficacy; effort; elderly patients; elective; electronic; elevated; elevation; eligible; eligible patients; elisa; emergency; emptying; ems; end; endothelial; endotracheal; endpoints; energy; environment; episodes; errors; escalation; ethics; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; exclusion; experience; experimental; exposure; expression; extracorporeal; factors; failure; family; fast; feasibility; feeding; female; female patients; femoral; fentanyl; ffp; fig; filter; findings; flow; fluconazole; fluid; fold; following; fraction; free; frequent; functional; future; gas; gastric; gcs; gender; general; general icu; glasgow; global; glucose; glycocalyx; good; greater; group; growth; guidance; guidelines; hbp; head; healthcare; healthy; heart; hemodynamic; hemoglobin; hemorrhage; heparin; hgr; higher; higher mortality; history; hospital; hospital cardiac; hospital discharge; hospital icu; hospital length; hospital mortality; hospital stay; hospitalization; hours; human; hypoglycemia; hypotension; hypothesis; hypoxia; icp; icu admission; icu care; icu day; icu discharge; icu length; icu los; icu mortality; icu patients; icu readmission; icu stay; icu survivors; icu treatment; icus; identification; il-6; il10; ill; illness; imaging; immediate; immune; impact; implantation; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; inclusion; increased; independent; index; india; infection; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; initial; initiation; injury; intensive; intensive care; intensivists; interval; intervention; intra; intracranial; intraoperative; introduction; intubation; invasive; iqr; ischemic; isolated; items; ivc; january; july; june; key; kidney; knowledge; known; lack; lactate; large; laryngoscope; leading; learning; left; length; levels; levosimendan; life; likely; limited; literature; liver; local; logistic; longer; los; loss; lower; lps; lung; lvad; main; major; majority; making; male; management; map; march; markers; mass; maximum; mdr; mean; mean age; measured; measurements; mechanical; median; medical; medical icu; medication; medicine; members; meta; metabolic; methods; mice; microbiological; microcirculation; microvascular; mild; min; minutes; mixed; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modified; monitored; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mortality risk; multicenter; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mv patients; n=1; national; necessary; need; needle; negative; neurological; new; news; non; normal; nosocomial; novel; november; number; nurse; nursing; nutritional; obese patients; objective; observational; observational study; observed; occupancy; occurrence; odds; ohca; old; onset; operating; optimal; oral; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; overt; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; p<0.001; p<0.05; paco2; pain; palliative; palpation; parameters; parenteral; partial; participants; particle; pass; pathway; patients; patterns; pct; pediatric patients; peep; people; percentage; performance; perfusion; period; peripheral; permeability; pfca; pharmacological; phase; phone; physicians; physiological; picu; placebo; plasma; platelet; pneumonia; points; polytrauma patients; poor; population; position; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; ppv; practice; predictive; predictors; prehospital; preoperative; prescribed; prescribing; presence; present; present study; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; procedure; process; professionals; profile; prognosis; program; prolonged; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; psychological; pts; pulmonary; pulse; purpose; quality; questionnaire; questions; radial; randomized; range; rapid; rate; ratios; rats; rbc; rcts; reasons; recent; records; recovery; recruitment; reduced; reduction; reference; referrals; regional; regression; related; relationship; release; relevant; reliability; removal; renal; replacement; reported; requirement; resistance; respiratory; respondents; response; responsiveness; restrictive; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; return; review; rhythm; right; risk; risk patients; role; room; rosc; routine; rrt; safety; sah; saline; samples; saps; scale; score; screening; scvo2; search; secondary; sedation; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; septic patients; serum; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock; shock patients; short; significant; signs; similar; single; sirs; site; size; skin; sleep; small; sodium; sofa; sofa score; software; species; specific; specificity; spontaneous; stability; staff; stage; standard; start; statistical; status; stay; strategies; strategy; stress; stroke; studies; study; study group; study period; study population; subjects; sublingual; subsequent; success; support; surface; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; surgical icu; surgical patients; survey; survival; survivors; sustained; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; table; tamponade; target; targeted; tbi; tbi patients; team; technique; temperature; term; tertiary; test; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; tidal; time; tissue; tnf; tool; total; tracheotomy; training; transfusion; transplantation; transport; traumatic; traumatic patients; treatment; trend; triage; trial; troponin; tube; txa; type; ultrasound; unclear; underlying; underwent; unit; unit patients; university; university hospital; urine; use; useful; uws; value; vap; variability; variables; variations; vascular; vein; venous; ventilation; ventricular; video; volume; weaning; week; weight; work; worldwide; worse; worsening; years cache: cord-341063-3rqnu5bu.txt plain text: cord-341063-3rqnu5bu.txt item: #204 of 216 id: cord-341397-gl8xzzdv author: Bhavani, Sivasubramanium V. title: Novel Temperature Trajectory Subphenotypes in COVID-19 date: 2020-07-21 words: 1401 flesch: 37 summary: Further research is needed using multicenter data to investigate the prognostic and phenotypic potential of temperature trajectory subphenotypes in COVID-19. Group 1 (n=139, 20%) had normal presenting temperatures that increased over the subsequent 72 hours; Group 2 (n=97, 14%) had higher presenting temperatures but decreased over time; Group 3 (n=277, 40%) had normal body temperatures throughout without significant changes; Group 4 (n=183, 26%) had low body temperatures (Figure 1) . keywords: analysis; body; comorbidities; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; day; demographics; disease; gbtm; group; higher; highest; illness; inpatient; measurements; mortality; novel; patients; rate; sars; subphenotypes; temperature; time; trajectory cache: cord-341397-gl8xzzdv.txt plain text: cord-341397-gl8xzzdv.txt item: #205 of 216 id: cord-342210-r8vxz5vu author: Mukherjee, Pranab K. title: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial to assess the safety and effectiveness of a novel dual-action oral topical formulation against upper respiratory infections date: 2017-01-14 words: 4859 flesch: 43 summary: Subjectlevel characteristics were summarized per study group, age, gender, prior influenza vaccine status and medications taken for symptom relief. Healthy adults (18–45 years of age) were randomized into ARMS-I or placebo group (50 subjects each). keywords: acceptability; active; active group; additional; adults; analysis; arms; barrier; clinical; cough; daily; data; days; diaries; double; duration; effect; effectiveness; events; formulation; frequency; group; host; individuals; infections; influenza; medical; nose; novel; number; oral; participants; placebo; placebo group; prevention; product; protocol; randomized; related; respiratory; safety; severity; sore; study; subject; surveys; symptoms; throat; tract; treatment; trial; upper; uris; use; vaccine; viral; virus; visits cache: cord-342210-r8vxz5vu.txt plain text: cord-342210-r8vxz5vu.txt item: #206 of 216 id: cord-342381-i63r6los author: Wu, Huiyue title: Design and development of an immersive virtual reality news application: a case study of the SARS event date: 2020-09-17 words: 9056 flesch: 42 summary: key: cord-342381-i63r6los authors: Wu, Huiyue; Cai, Tong; Liu, Yingxin; Luo, Dan; Zhang, Zhian title: Design and development of an immersive virtual reality news application: a case study of the SARS event date: 2020-09-17 journal: Multimed Tools Appl DOI: 10.1007/s11042-020-09863-w sha: doc_id: 342381 cord_uid: i63r6los In recent years, virtual reality (VR) technologies have been applied to the field of journalism, where the concept of immersive VR news has been proposed. However, despite the fanfare, strong response, and sensational effect caused by its advent, immersive VR news remains a novel journalism paradigm that faces new challenges in its production process. keywords: accuracy; application; attention; audience; average; case; characters; computer; content; credibility; current; degree; design; development; different; doctor; effects; empathy; environment; event; example; experience; experimental; facts; fig; framework; group; guidelines; immersion; immersive journalism; immersive vr; important; information; interaction; interviews; journalism; key; measure; media; media effects; mode; narrative; news; news information; news production; news story; oculus; participants; people; perspective; previous; process; processing; production; products; professionalism; proposed; protective; reality; reporter; requirements; research; results; sars; scene; sense; significant; stage; story; study; system; technologies; terms; test; theory; traditional; traditional news; traditional video; user; user experience; video; video news; virtual; vr news; way cache: cord-342381-i63r6los.txt plain text: cord-342381-i63r6los.txt item: #207 of 216 id: cord-342391-arp07mck author: Magiorkinis, G. title: Phylogenetic analysis of the full‐length SARS‐CoV sequences: Evidence for phylogenetic discordance in three genomic regions date: 2004-09-14 words: 1902 flesch: 41 summary: Evidence based on Bayesian scanning plots and phylogenetic analysis using maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian methods indicates that SARS‐CoV, for the largest part of the genome (∼80%), is more closely related to Group II coronaviruses sequences, whereas in three regions in the ORF1ab gene it shows no apparent similarity to any of the previously characterized groups of coronaviruses. key: cord-342391-arp07mck authors: Magiorkinis, G.; Magiorkinis, E.; Paraskevis, D.; Vandamme, A.M.; Van Ranst, M.; Moulton, V.; Hatzakis, A. title: Phylogenetic analysis of the full‐length SARS‐CoV sequences: Evidence for phylogenetic discordance in three genomic regions date: 2004-09-14 journal: J Med Virol DOI: 10.1002/jmv.20187 sha: doc_id: 342391 cord_uid: arp07mck The origin of the severe acute respiratory syndrome‐coronavirus (SARS‐CoV) remains unclear. keywords: acid; acute; additional; alignment; amino; analysis; bayesian; coronaviruses; cov; et al; evidence; genome; genomic; group; iii; likelihood; murine; phylogenetic; positions; regions; related; respiratory; sars; sars‐cov; sequences; severe; syndrome cache: cord-342391-arp07mck.txt plain text: cord-342391-arp07mck.txt item: #208 of 216 id: cord-343418-519vkzci author: Li, Hao title: Study on the Performance Degradation of Sandstone under Acidification date: 2020-10-21 words: 3993 flesch: 47 summary: 8 Hartman et al. studied the reaction of various minerals with HCl system and HCl/HF system acid solutions. 9 Zhao et al. designed a variety of acid solutions to dissolve single minerals and found that 8% HCl + 1.5% HF system acid solution has a higher corrosion rate of chlorite at 90°C, 23.13%: polyhydrogen acid. keywords: acc; acetic; acetic acid; acid; acid etching; acidic; acidification; amorphous; analysis; area; calcite; calcium; carbonate; citric; citric acid; composition; core; different; dissolution; effect; etching; experimental; figure; fracturing; group; high; hydrochloric; hydrochloric acid; mass; mechanical; minerals; porosity; precipitation; pressure; properties; reaction; results; rock; samples; sandstone; solution; strength; study; surface; system; temperature; white cache: cord-343418-519vkzci.txt plain text: cord-343418-519vkzci.txt item: #209 of 216 id: cord-344121-k58c0jf3 author: Lundgren, A.-L. title: Neurological disease and encephalitis in cats experimentally infected with Borna disease virus date: 1997 words: 6186 flesch: 49 summary: True leukopenia (3.0 × 10 9 -5.0 × 10 9 cells/l) occurred in three cats (group I: cats 1, 3; group II: cat 7), due mainly to neu- Of the cats in group II (cats inoculated with feline BDV), cat 6 had a few antigen-containing neurons and glial cells in the laterobasal temporal cortex, close to a region with several adventitial cuffs. keywords: adventitial; analysis; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; basal; bdv; bdv strain; blood; borna; borna disease; brain; cats; cells; cerebral; clinical; concentration; control; cortex; counts; csf; days; different; disease; disease virus; dose; encephalitis; feline; feline bdv; fig; flow; following; ganglia; group; group ii; hippocampus; iii; immune; increase; infected; infection; inflammatory; inoculated; internal; lesions; matter; min; mononuclear; mrna; natural; negative; neurological; neurons; neutralizing; non; normal; p.i; pcr; peripheral; plasma; positive; present; protein; rabbit; rabies; rats; reaction; regions; response; samples; serum; significant; signs; specific; strain; study; suppurative; system; table; titers; viral; virus cache: cord-344121-k58c0jf3.txt plain text: cord-344121-k58c0jf3.txt item: #210 of 216 id: cord-344411-lkgcxjya author: Huang, Qiqi title: The relationship between liver-kidney impairment and viral load after nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis virus infection in embryonic chickens date: 2017-06-01 words: 5335 flesch: 44 summary: Immunohistochemistry for detection of avian infectious bronchitis virus strain M41 in the proventriculus and nervous system of experimentally infected chicken embryos Protective effect of egg-propagated Eimeria tenella (local isolates) gametocytes as vaccine(s) against mixed species of coccidia in chickens A duplex SYBR Green I-based real-time RT-PCR assay for the simultaneous detection and differentiation of Massachusetts and non-Massachusetts serotypes of infectious bronchitis virus Effect of nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis viruses on renal function in young male broiler chickens Embryonated chicken eggs as an alternative model for mixed Clostridium perfringens and Eimeria tenella infection in chickens Emergence of a nephropathogenic avian infectious bronchitis virus with a novel genotype in India Effluent from a sewage treatment works causes changes in serum chemistry of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) Severe acute respiratory syndrome vaccine development: experiences of vaccination against avian infectious bronchitis coronavirus Coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus Transcriptome analysis of chicken kidney tissues following coronavirus avian infectious bronchitis virus infection Protection of chickens against renal damage caused by a nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis virus The long view: 40 years of infectious bronchitis research Balancing act: hypomagnesemia & hypermagnesemia Egg:embryo weight ratio as an indicator of dwarfism induced by infectious bronchitis virus Acute lethal toxicity, hyperkalemia associated with renal injury and hepatic damage after intravenous administration of cadmium nitrate in rats Protective effects of N-acetylcysteine on cyclosporine-A-induced nephrotoxicity Isolation, identification and molecular characterization of IBV variant from out break of visceral gout in commercial broile Liver enzyme alteration: a guide for clinicians Carvedilol-induced hyperkalemia in a patient with chronic kidney disease Embryonated eggs as an alternative infection model to investigate Aspergillus fumigatus virulence Assessment of liver function in chickens using galactose and indocyanine green clearances Uric acid in hypertension and renal disease: the chicken or the egg? Poultry Science DOI: 10.3382/ps/pew455 sha: doc_id: 344411 cord_uid: lkgcxjya Abstract To examine the relationship of impairments of the liver and kidney with viral load after nephropathogenic infectious bronchitis virus (NIBV) infection in embryonic chickens, 120 specific-pathogen-free Leghorn embryonated chicken eggs were randomly divided into two groups (infected and control), with three replicates per group and 20 eggs in each replicate. keywords: alb; assay; ast; avian; blood; body; bronchitis; bun; changes; chickens; concentrations; control group; curve; damage; detection; dpi; eggs; embryonic; embryonic chickens; embryos; et al; experimental; following; free; function; g)/weight; gout; group; higher; hsi; index; induced; infected; infected group; infection; kidney; kidney damage; ksi; levels; liver; load; lower; nephropathogenic; nibv; observed; pcr; plasma; previous; reaction; real; results; rna; severe; significant; standard; study; sybr; time; tissues; total; values; viral; virus; weight cache: cord-344411-lkgcxjya.txt plain text: cord-344411-lkgcxjya.txt item: #211 of 216 id: cord-347960-vl5zhxyh author: Giallonardo, Vincenzo title: The Impact of Quarantine and Physical Distancing Following COVID-19 on Mental Health: Study Protocol of a Multicentric Italian Population Trial date: 2020-06-05 words: 6335 flesch: 34 summary: The analytic plan will include: 1) data cleaning of the online dataset and replacement of missing values; 2) descriptive statistics of the general characteristics of the recruited sample, in terms of levels of depressive and anxiety symptoms, posttraumatic and stress-related symptoms, insomnia, satisfaction with life, suicidal ideation, hopelessness, post-traumatic growth, resilience, coping strategies, and social support; 3) sub-groups analyses based on the level of exposure to the pandemic (i.e., COVID-19 quarantine group vs. COVID-19+ patients group vs. COVID-19 healthcare staff group vs. COVID-19 mental health group); 4) calculation of a propensity score, in order to adjust our findings for the likelihood of being exposed to the pandemic and to the quarantine (48, 49) . In fact, the analyses will be run according to the four subgroups of respondents: the general population not directly affected by the virus (COVID-19 quarantine group); people who have had a direct or indirect contact with the virus (COVID-19+ patients group); those working in health care units as first or second-line staff (COVID-19 healthcare staff group); people with mental health problems, independently from the contact with the virus (COVID-19 mental health). keywords: acute; anxiety; care; china; consequences; contact; containment; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 mental; covid-19 pandemic; data; development; different; disorders; distancing; effects; fact; general; general population; group; health group; healthcare; ideation; impact; internet; interventions; isolation; italian; italy; levels; line; loneliness; long; measures; mental disorders; mental health; national; new; order; outbreak; pandemic; participants; particular; patients; people; physical; population; post; professionals; protocol; psychological; psychosocial; quarantine; quarantine group; resilience; risk; scale; score; second; services; severe; severity; short; social; staff; strategies; stress; studies; study; suicidal; survey; symptoms; time; traumatic; trial; university; virus cache: cord-347960-vl5zhxyh.txt plain text: cord-347960-vl5zhxyh.txt item: #212 of 216 id: cord-348785-f67amppy author: Kapicibaşi, Hasan Oğuz title: Pulmonary effects of ozone therapy at different doses combined with antibioticotherapy in experimental sepsis model date: 2020-07-13 words: 2697 flesch: 41 summary: Pharmacology and toxicology of ozonetherapy today Oxygen-ozone immunoceutical therapy in COVID-19 outbreak: facts and figures Toxicity and biochemical mechanisms of ozone Gaseous ozone treatment inactivates Listeria innocua in vitro Efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and medical ozone therapy in experimental acute necrotizing pancreatitis Repetitive pneumoperitoneum with ozonized oxygen as a preventive in lethal polymicrobial sepsis in rats Pulmonary effects of ozone therapy at different doses combined with antibioticotherapy in experimental sepsis model IL-33 drives augmented responses to ozone in obese mice γδ T cells are required for M2 macrophage polarization and resolution of ozone-induced pulmonary inflammation in mice Role of neutralizing anti-murine interleukin-17A monoclonal antibody on chronic ozone-induced airway inflammation in mice Çakır et al. 32 reported the systemic inflammatory response markers of TNF-alpha and IL-1B levels reduced after ozone treatment. keywords: acute; alveoloseptal; antibiotherapy; care; cause; cellular; coli; damage; data; different; dose; effects; escherichia; experimental; findings; group; histopathologic; inflammation; injury; intraperitoneal; levels; lung; model; mortality; negative; number; oxygen; ozone; p=0.002; positive; rats; results; score; sepsis; significance; statistical; studies; study; terms; therapy; thickening; tissue; total; treatment cache: cord-348785-f67amppy.txt plain text: cord-348785-f67amppy.txt item: #213 of 216 id: cord-349720-2lxab3u2 author: Qin, Ling title: Phytomolecule icaritin incorporated PLGA/TCP scaffold for steroid-associated osteonecrosis: Proof-of-concept for prevention of hip joint collapse in bipedal emus and mechanistic study in quadrupedal rabbits date: 2015-05-15 words: 9993 flesch: 43 summary: Recently, it has been advocated that SAON may be a disease of bone cells and/or MSCs. Using a 4 mm diameter hollow bone drill, a bone tunnel was created from the greater trochanter towards the femoral head with reference to the pin and anatomical landmarks (depth of bone tunnel ¼ 40 mm). keywords: acid; activity; adipogenesis; adipogenic; alp; analysis; animal; ap2; area; articular; bioactive; bipedal; bmp-2; bmscs; body; bone; bone tunnel; calcium; cartilage; cells; clinical; collapse; composite; control; control group; day; defect; density; differentiation; ebp; effect; efficacy; emu; emus; evaluation; expression; femoral; femur; fig; formation; group; head; healing; higher; hip; icaritin; imaging; implantation; indentation; induced; induction; joint; lipid; load; marrow; medium; mesenchymal; micro; migration; model; new; normal; number; osteogenesis; osteogenic; osteonecrosis; phytomolecule; plga; porous; potential; ppar; properties; protein; protocol; proximal; qpcr; rabbit; red; regeneration; region; repair; results; runx2; saon; scaffold; signals; similar; spio; staining; stem; steroid; studies; study; supplementary; surface; surgery; t group; table; tcp; test; thickness; tissue; trabecular; transcription; treatment; tunnel; ultrasound; usa; vcam1; vitro; vivo; weeks; weight cache: cord-349720-2lxab3u2.txt plain text: cord-349720-2lxab3u2.txt item: #214 of 216 id: cord-353256-7nfklun9 author: Eroglu‐Ertugrul, Nesibe Gevher title: The value of flexible bronchoscopy in pulmonary infections of immunosuppressed children date: 2019-11-22 words: 3097 flesch: 31 summary: No serious complications because bronchoscopy have been detected in the juvenile age group among immunocompromised patients as found in our study and reported in the previous literature; 15, 17 however, this is not the case in adult patients with immune deficiency, who exhibited a higher incidence of serious complications. These results may be related to the protective effect of prophylactic antibiotics that had been administered since the beginning of the BMT process as well as the preparation regimens that cause T-cell depletion in order to prevent the occurrence of graft versus host disease, both of which may play a critical role in the increased frequency of the presence of viral and opportunistic agents in BMT patients. keywords: addition; agents; antibiotics; appearance; bacterial; bal; bmt; bronchoalveolar; bronchoscopy; causative; children; complications; diagnostic; difference; findings; flexible; glass; ground; group; immunocompromised; immunodeficiency; immunosuppressed; infections; infiltration; interstitial; lavage; lung; pathogens; patients; present; procedure; pulmonary; radiological; results; significant; studies; study; table; treatment; viral cache: cord-353256-7nfklun9.txt plain text: cord-353256-7nfklun9.txt item: #215 of 216 id: cord-355038-o2hr5mox author: None title: Proceedings of Réanimation 2020, the French Intensive Care Society International Congress date: 2020-02-11 words: 102622 flesch: 49 summary: No significant difference between the NE and AVP groups for lactate clearance between H0 and H6 (25.6 [− 7.31 to 35.34]% vs 47.84 [13.42-82.73 ]%, p = 0.686). D: blood frequency of MAIT cells in patients with pneumonia compared with healthy controls (as % of total T cells) keywords: 0.001; abdominal; ability; absence; account; accuracy; accurate; acinetobacter; activity; acute; acute respiratory; addition; adherence; adjusted; adjustment; administration; admission; adult patients; adults; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agents; agreement; aim; airway; aki; aki patients; alive; analysis; anemia; anesthesia; angers; animals; ann; antibiotic; antifungal; antimicrobial; antoine; anxiety; applicable; approach; appropriate; ards; ards patients; area; arf; arrest; arterial; articles; assessment; associated; association; atc; auc; august; available; average; bacterial; bal; balance; baseline; basis; baumannii; bed; benefit; best; beta; better; biological; biomarkers; blood; bmi; body; bolus; brain; breathing; breathing patients; bronchiolitis; bsi; burn patients; calculated; cancer; candida; cannula; caps; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; care patients; care unit; casablanca; cases; catheter; catheterization; cause; cdi; cells; center; central; cerebral; changes; characteristics; chemotherapy; chest; children; chronic; chu; cio; circuit; circulatory; cirrhosis; cirrhotic patients; citrate; classified; clearance; clinical; cmh; cmh2o; cmv; cohort; cohort study; colistin; colonization; coma; combination; common; community; comorbidities; comparison; complete; compliance; complications; component; concentration; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; conflict; congresses; consecutive patients; consequences; consultancy; context; continuous; control; conventional; copd patients; correct; correlation; correspondence; costs; course; cox; cpb; cpr; creatinine; criteria; critical; culture; current; curve; cvc; daily; data; database; day-28; days; death; december; decision; decrease; definition; delay; department; descriptive; detection; development; device; diabetes; diabetic patients; diagnosis; dialysis; diaphragm; diaphragmatic; diastolic; differences; different; difficult; digestive; discharge; disclosure; discomfort; discussion; disease; disorders; distress; dka; dose; dosing; drug; dtf; duration; dysfunction; early; ecco2r; echocardiography; ecmo; ecmo patients; edema; effect; effective; efficacy; efficient; effort; efl; elderly patients; electronic; eligible; embolism; emergency; encephalopathy; end; endotracheal; endpoint; epicuc; epidemiological; epidemiology; epilepticus; episodes; equal; esophageal; ethics regulations; etiology; events; evolution; exacerbation; examination; experienced; experimental; expert; exposure; extracorporeal; extraction; factors; failure; family; fast; fatal; favorable; feasible; features; female; fig; figure; findings; fio2; flow; fluid; following; france; free; french; frequency; frequent; fresenius; functional; fungal; gas; gcs; gender; general; glasgow; global; glove; gnb; gold; good; grade; greater; group; guidelines; guillaume; half; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; hematological; hemodynamic; hemoglobin; hemorrhagic; hepatic; hfd; hfnc; high; high mortality; higher; history; hospital; hospital mortality; hospitalization; hrv; hsv; hypercapnic; hyperoxia; hypnosis; hyponatremia; hypotension; hypothesis; hôpital; icp; icu admission; icu discharge; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; identification; ihd; iii; ill; illness; imipenem; immune; immunocompromised; impact; impairment; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; independent; index; individual; induced; infants; infected; infected patients; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza patients; information; infusion; initial; injuries; injury; insulin; intensive; intensive care; interest; international; intervention; intra; intubated; intubated patients; intubation; invasive; invitation; involved; iqr; ischemic; isolated; isolation; issue; ivc; january; jean; journals; july; june; ketamine; key; kidney; knowledge; known; lack; lactate; large; lead; learning; left; length; lesions; level; life; limited; literature; little; liver; local; logistic; long; longer; lower; lung; main; mait; major; majority; male; malignancies; malignancy; management; marie; martinique; matched; maximal; mcao; mdr; mean; mean age; measurement; measures; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; mechanisms; median; medical; medical care; medical icu; members; membrane; meningitis; mep; methods; mice; microbiological; microorganisms; min; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modified; monitoring; monocentric; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mri; msd; mtx; multicenter; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mwcas; n =; nasal; national; nava; nebulization; need; negative; neurological; neuromuscular; neutropenia; neutropenic patients; new; nicolas; niv; non; normal; nosocomial; nssh patients; number; nurses; nutrition; objective; observational; observational study; observed; occurrence; odds; old; onset; operating; operative; optimal; organ; outcome; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; pain; pancreatitis; parameters; parents; paris; participants; particular; pathogens; pathways; patients; pcr; pct; peak; pediatric; peep; percent; performance; period; peritonitis; persistent; pes; pfizer; phase; physicians; physiological; picu; piperacillin; placebo; plasma; platelet; pmus; pneumonia; points; poisoning; poor; population; position; positive; positive patients; possible; post; potential; ppv; practices; predictive; predictors; predominance; prehospital; prescription; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; process; profile; prognosis; program; prolonged; prone; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; pseudomonas; psv; psychological; psychologist; pulmonary; purpose; purulent; quality; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; ratio =; rationale; rbc; reactivation; reasons; recent; recommendations; recovery; reduction; refractory; regional; regression; related; relationship; relatives; reliable; remains; renal; replacement; report; research; resistance; respiratory; respiratory failure; response; responsible; responsiveness; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; review; right; risk; risk factors; role; room; rri; rrt; rsv patients; réanimation; safety; samples; saps; sbt; scale; scan; scientific; score; secondary; sedation; seizures; sensitivity; sepsis; september; septic; septic patients; serum; service; sessions; setting; severe; severe acute; severe patients; severity; sex; shock; shock patients; short; significant; signs; similar; simplified; single; sirs; site; situations; size; small; sofa; software; specialized; species; specific; specificity; spectrum; spontaneous; staff; stage; standard; standardized; statistical; status; stay; step; strains; strategies; strategy; stroke; stroke patients; strong; studies; study; study day; study group; study period; subjects; success; successful; suppl; support; surgery; surgical; survey; survival; survivors; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; systolic; table; tapse; target; tbi; teaching; team; techniques; term; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; thoracic; threatening; threshold; thrombocytopenia; thrombolysis; tidal; time; tools; total; total patients; toxicity; tracheostomy; training; transfusion; transient; transition; transplantation; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; trial; tube; tumor; tunisia; type; ultrasound; underlying; underwent; unit; unit patients; univariate; university; use; useful; vaccination; validated; value; vancomycin; vap; vap patients; variables; variation; vein; venous; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricular; viral; virus; visual; volume; weakness; weaning; weight; women; work; workers; worldwide; years cache: cord-355038-o2hr5mox.txt plain text: cord-355038-o2hr5mox.txt item: #216 of 216 id: cord-355190-ytdw1d5v author: Mok, Chi Chiu title: Trend of Survival of a Cohort of Chinese Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Over 25 Years date: 2020-09-11 words: 3770 flesch: 46 summary: A substantial proportion of SLE patients still succumbed of complications related to refractory disease or therapies (6) . This is a survival study of an inception cohort of SLE patients diagnosed since 1995. keywords: accrual; analysis; care; causes; chinese; clinical; cohort; complications; cumulative; damage; data; death; diagnosis; disease; erythematosus; factors; group; hcq; higher; hospital; infection; long; lupus; manifestations; mean; mortality; onset; organ; patients; period; renal; risk; score; sdi; sle; studies; study; survival; systemic; systemic lupus; table; test; time; use; years cache: cord-355190-ytdw1d5v.txt plain text: cord-355190-ytdw1d5v.txt