item: #1 of 38 id: cord-000252-iejfgkst author: Chen, YanYi title: Calciomics: prediction and analysis of EF-hand calcium binding proteins by protein engineering date: 2010-02-07 words: 4230 flesch: 40 summary: First, what are the site-specific calcium binding affinities of calcium binding proteins, particularly those that utilize multiple coupled calcium binding sites to respond to sharp changes in cellular calcium concentration? Further, since most calcium binding proteins contain multiple calcium binding sites that cooperatively bind calcium resulting in induced conformational change (e.g., CaM) ( Figure 2 ), obtaining site-specific calcium binding affinity is limited by complication from contributions from cooperativity and conformational entropy [23] . keywords: addition; affinities; affinity; approach; bacteria; binding; ca(2; calcium; calmodulin; cam; canonical; cd2; cells; cellular; change; coli; conformational; continuous; cooperativity; domain; essential; figure; flanking; grafting; hand; helices; helix; host; intracellular; key; loop; major; metal; motifs; nmr; nonstructural; nsp1; prediction; properties; protease; proteins; pseudo; residues; role; sequence; shr; signaling; site; specific; structural; terminal; viral; virus cache: cord-000252-iejfgkst.txt plain text: cord-000252-iejfgkst.txt item: #2 of 38 id: cord-004580-wsd9g5z2 author: None title: Händehygiene in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens: Empfehlung der Kommission für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektionsprävention (KRINKO) beim Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) date: 2016-08-24 words: 11292 flesch: 31 summary: Neben der Verbesserung der Compliance der Händedesinfektion ist auch die korrekte Durchführung ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt Die Bestimmung der Compliance für die Händedesinfektion durch direkte Beobachtung ist der Goldstandard keywords: aber; abhängigkeit; abstand; aeruginosa; air; alcohol; alkoholische; allem; allerdings; allergy; als; ambulanten; amg; anforderungen; angelegt; anlegen; antibiotic; antimicrobial; antiseptic; anwendung; anzahl; artificial; aspekte; auch; auf; aureus; aus; ausbreitung; ausbruch; ausreichend; auswahl; bacterial; bakterien; bakteriensporen; basierten; beachten; behandlungs; bei; beim; benetzt; benutzen; beobachtung; bereich; bereichen; bereits; berlin; berücksichtigen; bestimmung; betreten; beuth; bezug; bifida; bis; bzw; care; care unit; changes; chirurgischen; chlorhexidine; clinical; colonization; comparative; comparison; compliance; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; dadurch; damit; das; dass; daten; dauer; dazu; dem; der; deren; dermatitis; deshalb; desinfektionsmittel; dezember; die; diese; different; disinfectant; disinfection; dispensers; dryer; durch; durchführung; durchzuführen; ebenso; effect; effectiveness; effektivität; efficacy; efficiency; eine; einfluss; eingriffen; einige; einreibepräparate; einrichtungen; einsatz; einschließlich; einwirkungszeit; electronic; ellenbogen; empfehlen; empfehlungen; empfiehlt; entfernung; erfolgen; erforderlich; ergebnisse; erhöhte; erkennen; erregern; erreichen; erreicht; erscheint; erwiesen; evaluation; examination; experimental; extrinsic; facilities; factors; faktoren; fall; faucets; fingerkuppen; fingernails; fingernägeln; flora; für; gegen; gemäß; gesundheitseinrichtungen; ggf; gibt; gloves; gluconate; gram; grundlage; haben; hand; handschuhe; handschuhperforation; handwaschpräparate; handwashing; hat; hautpflege; hautschutz; hautverträglichkeit; hawthorne; hdm; healthcare; heißlufttrockner; herstellungserlaubnis; hospital; hrsg; human; hygiene; hygienic; hygienischen; händedesinfektion; händedesinfektionsmittel; händehygiene; händen; händewaschung; identifiziert; ihrer; impact; implications; improvement; incidence; indikationen; infection; infektionen; infektionsprävention; influence; insbesondere; intensive; intensive care; intervention; ist; jedoch; jet; jährlich; kann; kbe; kommission; kommt; konnte; kontakt; kontaminationsrisiko; kontaminiert; krankenhaushygiene; krinko; können; latex; leitlinie; liquid; liste; längeren; marcescens; maßnahmen; medical; medizinischen; methicillin; methods; mikroorganismen; mit; mitarbeiter; monitoring; multicenter; muss; möglich; müssen; nach; nachgewiesen; nachweisbar; nagellack; nails; national; neonatal; new; nicht; noch; non; nosocomial; nur; nurses; observation; oder; ohne; organisationseinheiten; outbreak; paper; pathogens; patienten; patients; pediatric; perforation; personal; pflegerischen; postoperativer; practices; prevention; procedures; program; propanol; prospective; protection; pseudomonas; qualitätssicherung; rahmen; rates; reduction; reduziert; reinigung; resistant; review; ringen; risiko; risk; rki; role; room; rub; rubs; saubere; scrubbing; sein; semmelweis; serratia; settings; sich; sicherheit; sichtbarer; sie; signifikant; sind; single; sinnvoll; siphon; skin; soap; sofern; sollten; sowie; spectrum; spender; speziellen; spina; spread; standard; staphylococcus; sterile; studien; study; surfaces; surgical; systematic; team; test; time; touch; tragen; training; transfer; transmission; treatment; trial; triclosan; tätigkeiten; umfüllen; umgebung; und; unit; unter; unterarme; unterschiedlichen; untersucht; untersuchungen; use; vah; vancomycin; verbesserung; verbindung; verbrauchsdaten; verbundenen; verlag; verschmutzung; verursacht; verzicht; veränderungen; vivo; vom; von; vor; voraussetzung; war; waren; wasser; wechsel; weil; weiteren; wenn; werden; wird; wirksamkeit; workers; wundinfektionen; wurde; während; z. b.; zeigen; zugleich; zum; zur; zusätzlich; zwei; zwischen; über cache: cord-004580-wsd9g5z2.txt plain text: cord-004580-wsd9g5z2.txt item: #3 of 38 id: cord-004971-jwpb7862 author: Kagan, Lori J. title: The Role of the Home Environment in the Transmission of Infectious Diseases date: 2002 words: 7167 flesch: 42 summary: In this study, a variety of home hygiene practices in 398 households were examined, including personal hygiene, food handling and general cleaning and laundry practices. It is our intention that this information will provide perspective regarding microbial risks in the home environment and a basis for developing more appropriate strategies for home hygiene based on what has been shown to effectively reduce infection risk rather than on fear or speculation. keywords: activity; alcohol; antimicrobial; antiseptic; areas; aureus; bacteria; bathroom; bleach; board; campylobacter; care; chemical; chlorine; cleaning; cloths; coli; common; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; cross; detergent; disease; disinfectants; disinfection; domestic; drying; effectiveness; environment; food; foodborne; general; hands; handwashing; health; home; home environment; hours; household; hygiene; hypochlorite; infected; infection; kitchen; large; laundry; meat; members; microbes; microbial; microorganisms; numbers; outbreaks; pathogens; phenolic; potential; practices; preparation; prevention; primary; products; public; quaternary; raw; reduction; resistant; respiratory; risk; rotavirus; salmonella; skin; soaps; sponges; spread; studies; study; surfaces; survival; temperature; test; tested; toilet; transfer; transmission; variety; viral; virus; viruses; volunteers; washing; water cache: cord-004971-jwpb7862.txt plain text: cord-004971-jwpb7862.txt item: #4 of 38 id: cord-021571-7kbq0v9w author: Heath, Joan A. title: Infections Acquired in the Nursery: Epidemiology and Control date: 2009-05-19 words: 21253 flesch: 30 summary: Because control over birth weight-the most significant predictor of nosocomial infection risk-is limited, proper NICU customs, environment, and procedures (e.g., hand hygiene, antimicrobial usage, catheter-related practices, skin and cord care, visitation policies, unit design, and staffing) can reduce the risk for infection in the NICU. This chapter describes the epidemiology, etiology, and clinical characteristics of neonatal nosocomial infections as well as the methods required for effective infection prevention and control. keywords: account; active; addition; administration; adults; aeruginosa; agents; air; airborne; alcohol; american; antimicrobial; appropriate; areas; associated; association; aureus; available; baby; bacteremia; bacterial; birth; birth weight; bloodstream; bloodstream infections; body; breast; candida; care; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cdc; central; changes; chapter; children; clinical; cmv; coli; collection; colonization; colonized; common; cons; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; cvc; cvcs; cytomegalovirus; data; days; delivery; development; device; direct; disease; droplet; effective; enterobacter; environment; epidemiology; equipment; erythromycin; evidence; exposure; factors; family; feeding; feet; formula; frequency; gastrointestinal; gbs; gloves; gram; group; guidelines; hand; hand hygiene; hcws; health; health care; hepatitis; herpes; high; higher; hospital; hours; hsv; hygiene; illness; immune; implicated; important; incidence; increase; infants; infected; infection; infection control; infection rates; insertion; intensive; intensive care; intravascular; intravenous; invasive; investigation; klebsiella; large; lesions; levels; likely; longer; low; lower; management; marcescens; maternal; means; measures; mechanical; members; methods; microorganisms; milk; molecular; morbidity; mortality; mothers; multiple; necessary; need; negative; neonatal; neonatal infections; neonatal intensive; neonatal unit; neonates; newborn; nicu; nnis; nosocomial; nosocomial infection; nosocomial transmission; number; nurseries; nursery; organisms; outbreak; parents; pathogens; patient; patient care; pediatric; perinatal; period; personnel; persons; pertussis; place; pneumonia; population; possible; potential; practices; precautions; premature; preterm; prevention; principles; procedures; prolonged; prospective; pseudomonas; pulmonary; rates; recommendations; report; resistant; respiratory; result; risk; risk factors; role; rooms; sepsis; serratia; setting; single; site; skin; source; species; specific; spectrum; spread; staff; standard; staphylococcus; sterile; streptococci; studies; study; subsequent; surfaces; surveillance; system; table; techniques; therapy; time; tract; transmission; tuberculosis; type; umbilical; unit; use; varicella; ventilator; viral; virus; washing; water; weight cache: cord-021571-7kbq0v9w.txt plain text: cord-021571-7kbq0v9w.txt item: #5 of 38 id: cord-254886-fl5ar971 author: Arav, Y. title: Understanding the indoor pre-symptomatic transmission mechanism of COVID-19 date: 2020-05-17 words: 2229 flesch: 51 summary: The fact that contact transmission is the main route of pre-symptomatic transmission, suggests that the hygienic and behavioral measures (HBMs) advised to the public should focus on HBMs to diminish the contamination on the hands or somehow interrupt the virus transfer from the hand to the facial membranes. Using the model we identified the dominant driver of pre-symptomatic transmission, which was found to be contact route, while the contribution of the airborne route is negligible. keywords: author; contact; copyright; funder; hands; hbms; holder; individuals; infection; license; medrxiv; model; parameters; peer; permission; perpetuity; preprint; primary; reuse; review; risk; sars; secondary; symptomatic; symptoms; transmission; version; virus; washing cache: cord-254886-fl5ar971.txt plain text: cord-254886-fl5ar971.txt item: #6 of 38 id: cord-258712-q8b072m8 author: Lotfinejad, Nasim title: Emojis in public health and how they might be used for hand hygiene and infection prevention and control date: 2020-02-10 words: 3708 flesch: 38 summary: Neural and behavioral responses to affective emojis in bargaining situations Mood detection in ambiguous messages: the interaction between text and emoticons Sender gender influences emoji interpretation in text messages Sarcasm and emoticons: comprehension and emotional impact Health and social media: perfect storm of information a population-based survey Face with tears of joy is word of the year: are emoji a sign of things to come in health care? Medical emoji a new paradigm for virtual medical counseling Global infection prevention and control priorities 2018-22: a call for action Social media in public health The use of social media in public health surveillance A global analysis of emoji usage: Proceedings of the 10th Web as Corpus Workshop Assessment of H1N1 questions and answers posted on the web Large-scale machine learning of media outlets for understanding public reactions to nation-wide viral infection outbreaks Methods using social media and search queries to predict infectious disease outbreaks Using social media for actionable disease surveillance and outbreak management: a systematic literature review Infection prevention behaviour and infectious disease modelling: a review of the literature and recommendations for the future Clean care is safer care: a worldwide priority Hand hygiene in hospitals: anatomy of a revolution Interventions to improve hand hygiene compliance in patient care Hand hygiene: from research to action Guide to implementation: a guide to the implementation of the WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy Exploring the use of entertainmenteducation YouTube videos focused on infection prevention and control The use of passive visual stimuli to enhance compliance with handwashing in a perioperative setting The effect of eye images and a social norms message on healthcare provider hand hygiene adherence Creating visual explanations improves learning The influences of emotion on learning and memory How a smiley protects health: a pilot intervention to improve hand hygiene in hospitals by activating injunctive norms through emoticons Hand hygiene posters: motivators or mixed messages? Promoting a hand hygiene program using social media: an observational study Global Handwashing day 2012: a qualitative content analysis of Chinese social media reaction to a health promotion event Is happiness contagious online? key: cord-258712-q8b072m8 authors: Lotfinejad, Nasim; Assadi, Reza; Aelami, Mohammad Hassan; Pittet, Didier title: Emojis in public health and how they might be used for hand hygiene and infection prevention and control date: 2020-02-10 journal: Antimicrob Resist Infect Control DOI: 10.1186/s13756-020-0692-2 sha: doc_id: 258712 cord_uid: q8b072m8 Emojis are frequently used picture characters known as possible surrogates for non-verbal aspects of behavior. keywords: adherence; attention; authors; barriers; behavior; beneficial; care; communication; control; countries; data; different; digital; disease; emojis; emoticons; emotional; face; global; hand; hand hygiene; health; healthcare; hospital; hygiene; impact; infection; information; internet; interventions; ipc; language; literature; media; medical; medicine; messages; new; nonverbal; number; order; patient; possible; prevention; promotion; public; research; safety; scientific; soap; social; studies; study; symbols; text; time; use; world cache: cord-258712-q8b072m8.txt plain text: cord-258712-q8b072m8.txt item: #7 of 38 id: cord-261595-c69vfs8q author: Allegranzi, Benedetta title: Religion and culture: Potential undercurrents influencing hand hygiene promotion in health care date: 2008-10-03 words: 3509 flesch: 38 summary: WHO guidelines on hand hygiene in health care (advanced draft) Hand hygiene: simple and complex Culturally sensitive care of the Muslim patient Religion-based tobacco control interventions: how should WHO proceed? Religion and health: a review and critical analysis The 2005 annual megacensus of religions Why healthcare workers don't wash their hands: a behavioral explanation Behavioural considerations for hand hygiene practices: the basic building blocks Muslim teaching gives rules for when hands must be washed Maintaining cleanliness and protecting health as proclaimed by Koran texts and hadiths of Mohammed SAVS The Task Force was created to explore the potential influence of transcultural and religious factors on attitudes toward hand hygiene practices among health care workers and to identify some possible solutions for integrating these into strategies for improving hand hygiene. keywords: absorption; alcohol; articles; aspects; behavior; care; challenge; cleansing; compliance; control; cultural; culture; different; factors; faith; force; gestures; global; guidelines; hand; hand hygiene; health; health care; hygiene; impact; important; indications; infection; islamic; life; literature; local; muslim; patient; possible; potential; practices; prohibition; promotion; religion; religious; research; review; rubs; safety; settings; skin; solutions; specific; studies; table; task; use; water; workers; worldwide cache: cord-261595-c69vfs8q.txt plain text: cord-261595-c69vfs8q.txt item: #8 of 38 id: cord-262886-irmwqjfh author: Beiu, Cristina title: Frequent Hand Washing for COVID-19 Prevention Can Cause Hand Dermatitis: Management Tips date: 2020-04-02 words: 1628 flesch: 42 summary: In this context, the potential development of hand dermatitis is preventable and manageable by using the appropriate skin care products. Regular skin hydration is a key component in preventing hand dermatitis as a consequence of frequent washing. keywords: adverse; alcohol; allergic; authors; changes; contact; corneum; coronavirus; covid-19; dermatitis; dryness; e.g.; exposure; frequent; hand; health; hygiene; irritants; measures; physical; products; reactions; relationships; sars; skin; soaps; spread; transmission; use; washing; water cache: cord-262886-irmwqjfh.txt plain text: cord-262886-irmwqjfh.txt item: #9 of 38 id: cord-263245-2qub96mz author: Singh, D. title: Alcohol-based hand sanitisers as first line of defence against SARS-CoV-2: a review of biology, chemistry and formulations date: 2020-09-29 words: 4789 flesch: 35 summary: The E protein is a multifunctional membrane protein of SARS-CoV The relationship of concentration and germicidal efficiency of ethyl alcohol Analysis of alcohol-based hand sanitizer delivery systems: efficacy of foam, gel, and wipes against influenza A (H1N1) virus on hands Inactivation of surrogate coronaviruses on hard surfaces by health care germicides Chemical disinfection of non-porous inanimate surfaces experimentally contaminated with four human pathogenic viruses Inactivation of respiratory syncytial virus by detergents and disinfectants Inactivation of SARS coronavirus by means of povidone-iodine, physical conditions and chemical reagents Stability and inactivation of SARS coronavirus Efficacy of various disinfectants against SARS coronavirus Inactivation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 by WHO-recommended hand rub formulations and alcohols Comparison of the efficacy and drying times of liquid, gel and foam formats of alcohol-based hand rubs WHO Recommended Hand-rub Formulations Temporary policy for manufacture of alcohol for incorporation into alcohol based hand sanitizer products during the Public Health Emergency (COVID-19); Guidance for industry U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) CDC Statement for Healthcare Personnel on Hand Hygiene during the Response to the International Emergence of COVID-19 Virucidal activity of World Health Organization-recommended formulations against enveloped viruses, including Zika, Ebola, and emerging coronaviruses Efficacy of hand rubs with a low alcohol concentration listed as effective by a national hospital hygiene society in Europe The relative influences of product volume, delivery format and alcohol concentration on dry-time and efficacy of alcohol-based hand rubs Limited efficacy of alcohol-based hand gels Efficacy of ethanol-based hand foams using clinically relevant amounts: a cross-over controlled study among healthy volunteers Less and less-influence of volume on hand coverage and bactericidal efficacy in hand disinfection Impact of the amount of hand rub applied in hygienic hand disinfection on the reduction of microbial counts on hands Healthcare infection control practices advisory committee Guideline for hand hygiene in health-care settings. A mixture of ethylhexylglycerin, dexpanthenol and a fatty alcohol serves as a suitable alternative with no effect on hand rub efficacy keywords: activity; acute; agents; alcohol; antimicrobial; antiseptics; application; bovine; chemical; concentration; conditions; contact; control; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; disinfectants; disinfection; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; enveloped; ethanol; factors; fda; foam; food; formulation; gel; glycerol; guidelines; hand; health; human; hygiene; hygienic; inactivation; isopropanol; log; membrane; method; non; organization; presence; product; protein; reduction; respiratory; review; rub; rubs; sanitisers; sars; severe; soap; spread; standard; study; surfaces; surrogate; syndrome; test; testing; time; virucidal; virus; viruses; volume; washing; water; world cache: cord-263245-2qub96mz.txt plain text: cord-263245-2qub96mz.txt item: #10 of 38 id: cord-267132-nb0j6k3h author: Loveday, H.P. title: epic3: National Evidence-Based Guidelines for Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infections in NHS Hospitals in England date: 2013-12-10 words: 43426 flesch: 35 summary: Appropriateness of use of indwelling urinary catheters in patients admitted to the medical service Overuse of the indwelling urinary tract catheter in hospitalized medical patients Trends in catheter-associated urinary tract infections in adult intensive care units -United States Clinical and economic consequences of nosocomial catheter-related bacteriuria Recognition and prevention of healthcare-associated urinary tract infections in the intensive care unit Epidemiology of hospital-acquired urinary tract-related bloodstream infection at a university hospital Silver alloy vs. uncoated urinary catheters: a systematic review of the literature Catheter-associated urinary tract infections: new aspects of novel urinary catheters A review of strategies to decrease the duration of indwelling urethral catheters and potentially reduce the incidence of catheter-associated urinary tract infections Enhancing the safety of critically ill patients by reducing urinary and central venous catheterrelated infections Comparison of urethral reaction to full silicone, hydrogen-coated and siliconised latex catheters Effect of catheter material on the incidence of urethral strictures Randomised study of the effect of midnight versus 0600 removal of urinary catheters The association between indwelling urinary catheter use in the elderly and urinary tract infection in acute care Aiming to reduce catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI) by adopting a checklist and bundle to achieve sustained system improvements Evidence for the use of silver-alloycoated urethral catheters The high impact actions for nursing and midwifery 5: protection from infection Preventing catheter-related bacteriuria: should we? How? Epidemiology of urinary tract infections: incidence, morbidity, and economic costs Guideline for prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections Computerbased order entry decreases duration of indwelling urinary catheterization in hospitalized patients Effect of nurse-led multidisciplinary rounds on reducing the unnecessary use of urinary catheterization in hospitalized patients Systematic review and S58 meta-analysis: reminder systems to reduce catheter-associated urinary tract infections and urinary catheter use in hospitalized patients Stop orders to reduce inappropriate urinary catheterization in hospitalized patients: a randomized controlled trial Reduction of urinary tract infection and antibiotic use after surgery: a controlled, prospective, before-after intervention study Interventions to minimise the initial use of indwelling urinary catheters in acute care: a systematic review Non-invasive measurement of bladder volume as an indication for bladder catheterization after orthopaedic surgery and its effect on urinary tract infections A collaborative, nurse-driven initiative to reduce hospital-acquired urinary tract infections Prevention of nosocomial catheter-associated urinary tract infections through computerized feedback to physicians and a nurse-directed protocol Continence clinic. keywords: abhr; acceptability; acceptable; access; acquisition; acute; additional; adherence; administration; adults; agents; alcohol; analysis; antibiotic; antimicrobial; antiseptic; application; appraisal; appropriate; appropriate use; areas; articles; asepsis; aseptic; assessment; associated; audit; aureus; authors; available; bacteria; bacteriuria; bag; beneà; best; bladder; bloodstream; bloodstream infection; body; bsi; cacy; care; catheter; catheter care; catheter colonisation; catheter insertion; catheter site; catheter tip; catheter use; catheterisation; cauti; central; central catheter; central venous; change; chg; children; chlorhexidine; cile; cleaning; clinical; clinical care; clothing; coated; cohort; colonisation; comparison; compliance; complications; contact; contaminated; contamination; controlled; conà; cost; criteria; critical; current; cvcs; daily; data; days; decrease; department; designs; development; devices; deà; different; difà; discussion; disinfection; disposal; drainage; dressings; duration; e.g.; economic; education; effectiveness; effects; efà; english; environment; episode; equipment; essential; evaluation; evidence; experimental; exposure; factors; feedback; following; free; general; gloves; group; guidance; guidelines; hand; hand decontamination; hand hygiene; hand rub; handwashing; hcai; health care; healthcare; healthcare infection; healthcare workers; heparin; hicpac; high; hospital; hospital infection; hydrogen; identià; identià ed; impact; impregnated; improvement; incidence; increase; individual; indwelling; infection; infection control; infection prevention; infection rates; injuries; injury; insertion; insertion site; intensive; intensive care; internal; international; interrupted; interventions; intravascular; intravascular catheter; intravenous; introduction; invasive; iná; jugular; lack; latex; liquid; local; london; long; lumen; maintenance; management; manufacturer; masks; materials; medical; meta; methods; microorganisms; mortality; mrsa; msb; multi; national; need; needle; needlestick; new; nhs; non; nosocomial; number; nutrition; observational; ora; order; outbreak; parenteral; patient care; patients; peripheral; peroxide; personal; phlebitis; placement; point; possible; potential; practice; practitioners; precautions; premature; preparations; prevention; previous; primary; principles; prior; procedures; process; products; programme; prospective; protection; protocols; quality; questions; randomized; range; rates; rcts; recommendations; reduced; reduction; related; removal; reported; research; resistant; respiratory; results; review; risk; routine; rub; safe use; safer; safety; selection; sensitivity; series; sets; settings; sharps; short; sift; signià; silver; single; site; skin; small; soap; solution; specià; staff; standard; staphylococcus; sterile; strategy; studies; study; subclavian; support; surfaces; surgical; systematic review; systems; technique; term; text; thrombosis; time; total; tract; tract infection; training; transmission; treatment; trial; tunnelled; type; uids; unit; urethral; urethral catheter; urinary; urinary catheters; urinary tract; urine; use; vein; venous; venous access; venous catheter; waste; water; workers; year cache: cord-267132-nb0j6k3h.txt plain text: cord-267132-nb0j6k3h.txt item: #11 of 38 id: cord-270313-k0cj209s author: Erdem, Yasemin title: The risk of hand eczema in healthcare workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Do we need specific attention or prevention strategies? date: 2020-06-07 words: 870 flesch: 53 summary: 5 3.82-89.9 Prevalence of hand dermatitis in inpatient nurses at a United States hospital Prevalence and risk factors of hand eczema in hospitalbased nurses in northern China Skin damage among healthcare workers managing coronavirus disease-2019 Onset of occupational hand eczema among healtcare workers during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic-comparing a single surgical site with a COVID-19 intensive care unit. key: cord-270313-k0cj209s authors: Erdem, Yasemin; Altunay, Ilknur Kivanc; Aksu Çerman, Aslı; Inal, Sena; Ugurer, Ece; Sivaz, Onur; Kaya, Hazel Ezgi; Gulsunay, Ilayda Esna; Sekerlisoy, Gul; Vural, Osman; Özkaya, Esen title: The risk of hand eczema in healthcare workers during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Do we need specific attention or prevention strategies? date: 2020-06-07 journal: Contact Dermatitis DOI: 10.1111/cod.13632 sha: doc_id: 270313 cord_uid: k0cj209s nan China in late 2019. keywords: clinical; covid-19; eczema; frequency; hand; healthcare; hygiene; pandemic; patients; prevalence; risk; severity; study; table; use; workers cache: cord-270313-k0cj209s.txt plain text: cord-270313-k0cj209s.txt item: #12 of 38 id: cord-271360-2s6h4u8p author: Gon, Giorgia title: Reducing hand recontamination of healthcare workers during COVID-19 date: 2020-04-06 words: 1004 flesch: 37 summary: Hand hygiene is particularly critical for frontline healthcare workers (HCWs) who are overstretched and for whom this key routine task must be easy to complete and effective. However, a neglected aspect of hand hygiene, even in the absence of a global pandemic, is the risk of touching surfaces or objects that could recontaminate hands after hand rubbing or washing, whether gloves are worn or not. keywords: aseptic; care; cleaning; covid-19; environment; glove; hand; hcws; healthcare; hygiene; infection; key; pandemic; patient; recontamination; staff; study; surfaces; washing cache: cord-271360-2s6h4u8p.txt plain text: cord-271360-2s6h4u8p.txt item: #13 of 38 id: cord-272912-2wv4mfzl author: Mukherjee, Ramanuj title: Achieving Perfect Hand Washing: an Audit Cycle with Surgical Internees date: 2020-10-06 words: 3597 flesch: 46 summary: It led to 100% compliance rates in five categories of hand washing, with a maximum increase of 33.3% in the category involving clipping of nails prior to surgical hand washing. This study demonstrated the efficiency of audit cycles in the improvement of surgical hand washing and can be the preferred mode of intervention in future studies aimed at achieving ideal hand antisepsis. keywords: antisepsis; attempt; audit; care; checklist; compliance; consultant; control; criteria; criterion; current; data; day; demonstration; effective; general; guidelines; hand; hand washing; healthcare; hygiene; ideal; individual; infection; internees; intervention; number; optimum; paper; participants; patient; personal; practice; proper; rate; significant; soap; study; success; successful; surgical; table; technique; total; towels; video; washing; water cache: cord-272912-2wv4mfzl.txt plain text: cord-272912-2wv4mfzl.txt item: #14 of 38 id: cord-273021-9t66ygoj author: Prsic, Adnan title: A 3-Dimensional-Printed Hand Model for Home-Based Acquisition of Fracture Fixation Skills Without Fluoroscopy date: 2020-06-19 words: 1493 flesch: 49 summary: The printing time of hand bones can vary based on the quality of 3D printer available. 3 Given limited simulation tools for hand fracture fixation and the absence of commercially available 3D hands that replicate the tactile feel of bone and soft tissue, we focused on developing an affordable and durable model for resident training. keywords: available; bones; cost; feedback; fixation; fracture; hand; home; model; plastic; practice; printers; printing; residents; silicone; skills; soft; surgery; tactile; time; tissue; trainees; training; university; use; wire cache: cord-273021-9t66ygoj.txt plain text: cord-273021-9t66ygoj.txt item: #15 of 38 id: cord-277818-8w15dz20 author: Jaichenco, Andre L. title: Infectious Disease Considerations for the Operating Room date: 2018-02-09 words: 9732 flesch: 31 summary: Gloves protect patients by reducing health care provider hand contamination and the subsequent transmission of pathogens to other children, provided the gloves are changed after providing care to each child. 10 Direct and indirect contacts are the most significant and frequent methods of hospital infection transmission. keywords: access; administration; adult; agents; air; airborne; alcohol; allergy; anesthesia; anesthesiologists; antibiotic; antimicrobial; appropriate; area; aureus; bacterial; blood; bloodborne; body; care; cephalosporins; children; clean; clinical; compliance; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; cross; current; data; devices; direct; disease; dose; droplet; drug; effective; environment; equipment; evidence; exposure; fig; fluids; gloves; greater; guidelines; hand; hand hygiene; handrub; hbv; hcws; health; health care; healthcare; hepatitis; hiv; hospital; host; hygiene; important; infected; infection; injuries; injury; intensive; intravenous; knowledge; means; medical; membranes; methods; microorganisms; mucous; needle; nonintact; nuclei; occupational; operating; organisms; pathogens; patient; patient care; pediatric; penicillin; pep; percutaneous; perioperative; person; personnel; postoperative; practice; precautions; prevention; procedures; prophylactic; prophylaxis; propofol; providers; rate; recommendations; resistant; respiratory; risk; room; routine; safety; sharps; site; skin; soap; source; specific; spread; staff; standard; sterile; study; surfaces; surgery; surgical; surgical hand; susceptible; system; table; transmission; tuberculosis; use; vancomycin; varicella; ventilation; virus; washing; water; workers cache: cord-277818-8w15dz20.txt plain text: cord-277818-8w15dz20.txt item: #16 of 38 id: cord-284532-b6tsjmfs author: Thampi, N. title: It’s in our hands: a rapid, international initiative to translate a hand hygiene song during the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-05-06 words: 931 flesch: 36 summary: In: WHO Characteristics of and Important Lessons From the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak in China: Summary of a Report of 72314 Cases From the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention Virological assessment of hospitalized patients with COVID-2019 Longtin Y Wash your hands Cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying the mnemonic effect of songs after stroke Singing can facilitate foreign language learning Schaefer RS Auditory rhythmic cueing in movement rehabilitation: findings and possible mechanisms Figure 1: WHO six-step handwashing technique 1 and handwashing song lyrics, set to the tune of Brother John. A prominent strategy to improve hand hygiene, developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), includes an effective six-step handwashing technique and has led to broad uptake through the use of a multimodal approach; however encouraging consistent compliance can be challenging [1] . keywords: brother; covid-19; figure; global; hands; handwashing; hygiene; international; john; language; mnemonic; music; musical; pandemic; singing; song; step; technique; world cache: cord-284532-b6tsjmfs.txt plain text: cord-284532-b6tsjmfs.txt item: #17 of 38 id: cord-290441-r4tzodkj author: Iversen, Anne-Mette title: Light-guided nudging and data-driven performance feedback improve hand hygiene compliance among nurses and doctors date: 2020-11-10 words: 3770 flesch: 49 summary: The preventable proportion of nosocomial infections: an overview of published reports Reduction of Healthcare-Associated Infections by Exceeding High Compliance with Hand Hygiene Practices Systematic review of studies on compliance with hand hygiene guidelines in hospital care Improving compliance with hand hygiene in hospitals Enhanced performance feedback and patient participation to improve hand hygiene compliance of health-care workers in the setting of established multimodal promotion: a single-centre, cluster randomised controlled trial Interventions to improve hand hygiene compliance in patient care Instead we learned that the hand hygiene system should be used as a prioritization tool for the hygiene organization to identify wards, professions and hygiene moments (e.g. before and after patient contact) where hand hygiene performance is good and where there is room for improvement. keywords: alcohol; baseline; compliance; contact; data; doctors; effect; feedback; fig; group; hand; hand hygiene; hcws; healthcare; hygiene; improvement; individual; infection; intervention; light; moments; monitoring; multimodal; nudge; nudging; nurses; p<0.0001; patient; patient rooms; performance; performance feedback; period; rooms; sensors; staff; strategies; strategy; study; system; ward; workers; working cache: cord-290441-r4tzodkj.txt plain text: cord-290441-r4tzodkj.txt item: #18 of 38 id: cord-290524-2el9tx9v author: Weese, J. Scott title: Barrier precautions, isolation protocols, and personal hygiene in veterinary hospitals date: 2004-12-31 words: 6829 flesch: 40 summary: Although no infection control program can eliminate disease concerns, proper implementation of barrier precautions and isolation can reduce the exposure of hospitalized animals and hospital personnel to infectious agents. reduce the risk of infection of hospitalized animals with pathogens from the resident microflora of hospital personnel. keywords: alcohol; animals; appropriate; area; bacteria; barrier; barrier precautions; blood; bloodborne; body; care; compliance; concern; consideration; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; cost; direct; disease; effectiveness; environment; equine; fingernails; fluids; gloves; gowns; hand; handwashing; hcws; health; horses; hospital; hospitalized; human; hygiene; important; infection; intensive; isolation; items; main; masks; medical; medicine; mrsa; nosocomial; outerwear; pathogens; patients; personal; personnel; policies; potential; precautions; present; prevention; protective; protocols; reported; resistant; respiratory; risk; situations; skin; soap; spread; stall; study; surgical; time; transmission; unit; use; veterinary; zoonotic cache: cord-290524-2el9tx9v.txt plain text: cord-290524-2el9tx9v.txt item: #19 of 38 id: cord-294595-9qcu0wts author: Berardi, Alberto title: Analysis of Commercial Hand Sanitisers amid CoViD-19: Are We Getting the Products that We Need? date: 2020-10-15 words: 3286 flesch: 46 summary: A question arises to whether consumers would be able to distinguish between two basically identical hand product types, which are biocidal hand gels and cosmetics hand gels (differing only for the label). It is worth noting that to better discriminate on the antibacterial activity, hand gels were tested diluted. keywords: abhrs; activity; agencies; alcohol; alcoholic; antibacterial; antimicrobial; biocidal; biocides; cell; cfu; concentration; consumers; content; cosmetic; count; covid-19; different; disinfectants; disinfection; ethanol; ethanolic; gels; hand; hand sanitisers; health; label; market; min; pandemic; products; range; reduction; sanitisers; sars; substandard; tested; use; viable cache: cord-294595-9qcu0wts.txt plain text: cord-294595-9qcu0wts.txt item: #20 of 38 id: cord-295034-em6z8mlu author: Daverey, Achlesh title: COVID-19: Eco-friendly hand hygiene for human and environmental safety date: 2020-11-11 words: 1899 flesch: 22 summary: FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration) found methanol contamination in several tested hand sanitizers (77 products as on July 23, 2020) and advises consumers not to use hand sanitizers from certain manufactures (FDA, 2020). The market of soaps and hand sanitizers is expected to grow in the coming years and therefore, future research should be directed to develop eco-friendly soaps and hand sanitizers for human and environmental safety. keywords: agents; alcohol; antimicrobial; antiviral; application; biosurfactants; commercial; compounds; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; detergents; eco; efficacy; enveloped; environmental; formulation; frequent; friendly; hand; hand sanitizers; human; hygiene; low; microorganisms; natural; pandemic; plant; potential; production; products; properties; resistance; review; safety; sanitizers; sars; soaps; toxic; use; viruses cache: cord-295034-em6z8mlu.txt plain text: cord-295034-em6z8mlu.txt item: #21 of 38 id: cord-300656-56sd6pnn author: Welle, Luke title: Tainted hand sanitizer leads to outbreak of methanol toxicity during SARS-CoV-2 pandemic date: 2020-07-08 words: 546 flesch: 38 summary: 2, 5 The rising incidence of intentional ingestion of ethanol-containing hand sanitizers Use of Out-of-Hospital Ethanol Administration to Improve Outcome in Mass Methanol Outbreaks FDA advises consumers not to use hand sanitizer products manufactured by Eskbiochem. The most recent example in the American Southwest is an outbreak of methanol poisonings from tainted hand sanitizer products. keywords: administration; alcohol; hand; methanol; outbreak; pandemic; products; sanitizer; sars; tainted; toxicity cache: cord-300656-56sd6pnn.txt plain text: cord-300656-56sd6pnn.txt item: #22 of 38 id: cord-300965-ivczo1a7 author: Brown, M. M. title: Don’t be the “Fifth Guy”: Risk, Responsibility, and the Rhetoric of Handwashing Campaigns date: 2017-08-29 words: 7429 flesch: 41 summary: Personal responsibility may be a cornerstone of public health, but hand hygiene promotion is an especially persuasive vehicle for popularizing an individualistic conception of infection risk. Even in developed countries, where the assumption of personal responsibility is less likely to be impeded by structural issues, hand hygiene promotion may nevertheless skew perceptions of contextual or social determinants of infection risk. keywords: 2013; american; analysis; assumption; behavior; ben; blame; bodies; body; campaigns; care; change; constitutive; control; countries; coworkers; critique; culture; day; dictates; disease; efforts; emphasis; essay; ethical; etiquette; example; fifth; fifth guy; focus; form; global; guy; h1n1; hand; hand hygiene; handwashing; handwashing campaigns; health; humanities; hygiene; hygiene promotion; illness; impact; individual; infection; infection risk; limits; management; medicine; model; need; neoliberal; new; obama; outbreak; pandemic; people; perceptions; personal; personal hygiene; personal responsibility; plyushteva; poor; promotion; public; public health; recent; response; responsibility; rhetoric; risk; sales; sanitizer; scholars; sick; soap; social; source; spread; stigmatizing; structural; support; texts; transmission; turn; u.s; urinal; use; workplace cache: cord-300965-ivczo1a7.txt plain text: cord-300965-ivczo1a7.txt item: #23 of 38 id: cord-303468-95btvr1v author: Verran, Joanna title: Biofilm Control Strategies: Engaging with the Public date: 2020-07-30 words: 3149 flesch: 40 summary: Yet, in a review of public engagement activity around AMR, a rich bedrock of activity was found only through personal contacts and communication rather than through a literature search [4] . Public engagement activities can be designed with clear aims that enable effective evaluation using both quantitative and qualitative methods. keywords: activities; activity; aim; antibiotics; antimicrobial; audiences; bacteria; biofilm; building; cleaning; control; dioxide; effective; engagement; evaluation; event; figure; focus; formulations; good; hand; handwashing; hygiene; images; importance; information; interest; laboratory; manchester; microbiology; oral; paint; panels; participants; photocatalytic; plaque; plates; public; qualitative; research; resistance; science; surface; titanium; university; visitors; wall cache: cord-303468-95btvr1v.txt plain text: cord-303468-95btvr1v.txt item: #24 of 38 id: cord-305500-uit5k7qs author: Elsner, Peter title: Dermatological recommendations on hand hygiene in schools during the COVID‐19 pandemic date: 2020-07-12 words: 1595 flesch: 34 summary: key: cord-305500-uit5k7qs authors: Elsner, Peter; Fartasch, Manigé; Schliemann, Sibylle title: Dermatological recommendations on hand hygiene in schools during the COVID‐19 pandemic date: 2020-07-12 journal: J Dtsch Dermatol Ges DOI: 10.1111/ddg.14170 sha: doc_id: 305500 cord_uid: uit5k7qs nan Dear editors, the COVID 19 pandemic brings new requirements for hygiene to professions and spheres of life, which, unlike the health care system, have in the past been less visible as a focus of public health efforts on infection prevention. On the other hand, intervention studies have confirmed the importance of hand hygiene in schools, showing that appropriate intervention can lead to a decreased number of days of absence due to illness, especially caused by gastrointestinal, but also respiratory infections keywords: alcohol; care; centers; children; contact; covid-19; dermatological; detergents; disinfectants; disinfection; eczema; education; evidence; hand; health; hygiene; hygienic; koch; measures; occupational; plans; prevention; products; protection; recommendations; rki; robert; schools; skin; soap; training; und; use; washing cache: cord-305500-uit5k7qs.txt plain text: cord-305500-uit5k7qs.txt item: #25 of 38 id: cord-312738-p5macofk author: Biezen, Ruby title: Visibility and transmission: complexities around promoting hand hygiene in young children – a qualitative study date: 2019-04-11 words: 5164 flesch: 49 summary: Scratching your hair, everything, and then you go and touch things… FG1 Despite participants having good knowledge of hand hygiene, and recognising the importance in reducing disease transmission, many barriers such as variation in the practice of hand hygiene among PCPs and parents, linking visibility to disease transmission, and doubts that hand hygiene practice was attainable in young children hindered good hand hygiene practice. Despite wide promotion of hand hygiene in Australia [26] and good evidence that effective hand hygiene practice reduces infectious disease transmission, to date no studies have measured the efficacy and sustainability of hand hygiene practice in the Australian primary care setting. keywords: australia; barriers; behaviour; care; children; clean; community; compliance; consultation; contact; data; dirty; diseases; effective; focus; gastrointestinal; good; groups; hand; hand hygiene; health; hygiene; hygiene practice; importance; infectious; knowledge; life; modelling; obsessive; ocd; parents; participants; patients; pcps; practice; primary; research; respiratory; risk; role; school; study; thought; time; transmission; trial; views; washing; young; young children cache: cord-312738-p5macofk.txt plain text: cord-312738-p5macofk.txt item: #26 of 38 id: cord-318980-8cclwzob author: Dindarloo, Kavoos title: Pattern of disinfectants use and their adverse effects on the consumers after COVID-19 outbreak date: 2020-09-30 words: 4527 flesch: 46 summary: The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks and gloves is one of the requirements when uses of surface disinfectants [13, 45] . 4 Correlation between hand washing frequency, hand disinfection frequency, and surface disinfection frequency according to spearmen rank correlation coefficient other substances such as water to make them ready for use. keywords: addition; adverse; alcohol; average; bleach; body; cases; children; consumers; contact; coronavirus; covid-19; damage; data; day; death; difference; disinfectants; disinfection; education; effects; ethanol; family; fig; frequency; hand; hand washing; health; home; hypochlorite; hypochlorite bleach; iran; level; materials; number; outbreak; participants; pattern; people; personal; problems; province; questions; respiratory; results; significant; skin; sodium; sodium hypochlorite; statistics; study; substances; surfaces; syndrome; test; times; use; viruses; washing; waste; water cache: cord-318980-8cclwzob.txt plain text: cord-318980-8cclwzob.txt item: #27 of 38 id: cord-320133-q26jiv17 author: Sadr, Mr A H title: Managing Hand Trauma during the COVID-19 pandemic using a One-Stop Clinic date: 2020-05-22 words: 958 flesch: 47 summary: We have successfully been able to perform 95% of our operations for Hand trauma under Wide Awake Local Anaesthesia No Tourniquet (WALANT) (1). How the Wide Awake Tourniquet-Free Approach Is Changing Hand Surgery in Most Countries of the World. keywords: anaesthesia; british; care; cases; clinic; cost; covid-19; hand; local; model; pandemic; patients; plastic; royal; saving; stop; surgeons; surgery; therapy; trauma; walant cache: cord-320133-q26jiv17.txt plain text: cord-320133-q26jiv17.txt item: #28 of 38 id: cord-320862-ua69gcxv author: Giacalone, Serena title: The fear of COVID‐19 infection is the main cause of the new diagnoses of hand eczema: report from the frontline in Milan date: 2020-05-20 words: 607 flesch: 51 summary: Coronavirus disease 2019 How to protect yourself & others Skin damage among healthcare workers managing coronavirus disease-2019 Overzealous hand hygiene during COVID 19 pandemic causing increased incidence of hand eczema among general population What is the role of a dermatologist in the battle against COVID-19? Above all, we focused our attention on giving information about rational of hand hygiene and preventing clinical relapses with daily application of moisturisers in association with barrier creams keywords: copyright; coronavirus; covid-19; daily; dermatitis; eczema; hand; hygiene; incidence; new; patients; people; rights; ua69gcxv; washing cache: cord-320862-ua69gcxv.txt plain text: cord-320862-ua69gcxv.txt item: #29 of 38 id: cord-325222-wuqekxxc author: Hanna, Sandra title: Morbidity in the COVID‐19 era: Ethanol intoxication secondary to hand sanitiser ingestion date: 2020-08-05 words: 1326 flesch: 47 summary: key: cord-325222-wuqekxxc authors: Hanna, Sandra; Zwi, Karen; Tzioumi, Dimitra title: Morbidity in the COVID‐19 era: Ethanol intoxication secondary to hand sanitiser ingestion date: 2020-08-05 journal: J Paediatr Child Health DOI: 10.1111/jpc.15017 sha: doc_id: 325222 cord_uid: wuqekxxc nan We report on a 6-year-old child diagnosed with ethanol poisoning due to ingestion of hand sanitiser. 3 Prevention of unintentional hand sanitiser ingestion in young children through appropriate product safety and enforcement strategies and increased public awareness is required. keywords: abhs; alcohol; blood; care; centre; children; ethanol; gcs; hand; health; history; information; ingestion; intoxication; lethal; min; mmol; non; nsw; paediatric; pandemic; poisons; public; sanitiser; year cache: cord-325222-wuqekxxc.txt plain text: cord-325222-wuqekxxc.txt item: #30 of 38 id: cord-325546-bgdr25z1 author: Pham, T. M. title: The Potential Impact of Intensified Community Hand Hygiene Interventions on Respiratory tract Infections: A Modelling Study date: 2020-05-27 words: 3052 flesch: 53 summary: Immediate hand washing after contamination is more effective than hand washing at fixed-time intervals even when the total number of hand washing events is similar. Our analyses show that the effect of hand hygiene is highly dependent on the duration of viral persistence on hands and that hand washing needs to be performed very frequently or immediately after hand contamination events in order to substantially reduce the probability of infection. keywords: author; available; contaminated; contamination; copyright; events; face; funder; hand; holder; hour; hygiene; infection; international; international license; license; medrxiv; perpetuity; preprint; probability; time; transmission; version; virus; washing cache: cord-325546-bgdr25z1.txt plain text: cord-325546-bgdr25z1.txt item: #31 of 38 id: cord-326887-lyewg2c9 author: Bloomfield, Sally F. title: The effectiveness of hand hygiene procedures in reducing the risks of infections in home and community settings including handwashing and alcohol-based hand sanitizers date: 2007-12-10 words: 23434 flesch: 42 summary: This report reviews the evidence base related to the impact of hand hygiene in reducing transmission of ID in the home and community. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) Hand hygiene is a key component of good hygiene practice in the home and community and can produce significant benefits in terms of reducing the incidence of infection, most particularly gastrointestinal infections but also respiratory tract and skin infections. keywords: abhs; activities; activity; age; airborne; alcohol; approach; assessment; aureus; bacterial; beef; campylobacter; care; carriage; cases; causal; cause; centers; children; cleaning; cloths; coli; common; community; component; concern; conditions; contact; contact surfaces; contaminated; contamination; control; countries; critical; daily; data; day; developed; different; difficile; disease; domestic; dose; education; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; environment; estimated; et al; ethanol; europe; european; evidence; example; exposure; extent; factors; family; following; food; foodborne; frequency; general; groups; hand hygiene; handling; hands; handwashing; hav; health; high; higher; home; home hygiene; hospital; household; human; hygiene; hygiene education; hygiene practice; hygiene procedures; illness; illnesses; impact; important; increase; infected; infection; infection transmission; influenza; intervention; intervention studies; key; likely; link; log; log reduction; lower; means; members; methicillin; method; microbiologic; minute; mouth; mrsa; normal; norovirus; number; o157; organisms; outbreaks; panel; particles; pathogens; people; person; population; positive; possible; potential; practice; preparation; prevention; procedures; products; promotion; public; range; rates; raw; recent; reduction; related; relative; reported; resistant; respiratory; result; review; rhinovirus; risk; rotavirus; rsv; salmonella; sanitizers; school; seconds; settings; significant; situations; skin; soap; source; spread; staphylococcus; states; strains; studies; study; surfaces; table; test; testing; time; total; transfer; transmission; united; viral; viruses; vitro; vivo; water; years cache: cord-326887-lyewg2c9.txt plain text: cord-326887-lyewg2c9.txt item: #32 of 38 id: cord-327888-4g3x5dje author: Yuan, C. T. title: Perceptions of hand hygiene practices in China date: 2009-02-28 words: 3593 flesch: 34 summary: Limited numbers and qualification of hospital infection control staff was also cited as a challenge, but the lack of organisational influence of the departments and their staff were most problematic. Elevating the place of infection control on the hospital organisational chart and changing the paradigm of surveillance to continuous monitoring and effective data feedback are central to achieving improved hand hygiene practices and quality of care. keywords: adherence; authority; behaviour; china; control; data; departments; depth; director; effective; efforts; equipment; feedback; government; guidelines; hand; healthcare; hospital; hygiene; important; improvement; inadequate; infection; interviews; key; knowledge; limited; management; monitoring; nurses; organisational; participants; physicians; practices; qualitative; quality; research; resources; senior; staff; strategies; studies; study; surveillance; use; workers cache: cord-327888-4g3x5dje.txt plain text: cord-327888-4g3x5dje.txt item: #33 of 38 id: cord-333840-r5bfebsp author: Alzyood, Mamdooh title: COVID‐19 reinforces the importance of handwashing date: 2020-05-14 words: 747 flesch: 39 summary: An integrative review exploring the perceptions of patients and healthcare professionals towards patient involvement in promoting hand hygiene compliance in the hospital setting Adherence to hand hygiene in critical sectors: Can we go on like this Hand hygiene in healthcare settings COVID-19): FAQ on Hand Hygiene A systematic review on the effectiveness of interventions to improve hand hygiene compliance of nurses in the hospital setting Review of human hand microbiome research Systematic review of studies on compliance with hand hygiene guidelines in hospital care Improving adherence to hand hygiene practice: A multidisciplinary approach The World Health Organization hand hygiene observation method Evaluation of the national Cleanyourhands campaign to reduce Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia and Clostridium difficile infection in hospitals in England and Wales by improved hand hygiene: For instance, the international campaign, My five moments for hand hygiene defines the key moments at which HCWs should comply with hygiene rules while making contact with patients or their surroundings (Sax et al., 2009) . keywords: adherence; campaign; compliance; covid-19; handwashing; hcws; healthcare; hospital; hygiene; importance; nurses; pandemic; patients cache: cord-333840-r5bfebsp.txt plain text: cord-333840-r5bfebsp.txt item: #34 of 38 id: cord-334377-khqvezmu author: Ling, Moi Lin title: Impact of a hospital-wide hand hygiene promotion strategy on healthcare-associated infections date: 2012-03-23 words: 1125 flesch: 55 summary: The objective is to change healthcare workers' behavior and improve hand hygiene compliance. Although hand hygiene compliance was lowest in the doctors category, it is encouraging to note that improvement was also seen year to year in this job category ( Figure 12 ). keywords: acute; compliance; figure; hand; healthcare; hospital; hygiene; improvement; infections; leadership; moments; mrsa; program; sars; staffs; use; workers cache: cord-334377-khqvezmu.txt plain text: cord-334377-khqvezmu.txt item: #35 of 38 id: cord-335141-ag3j8obh author: Higgins, G.C. title: FFP3 reusable respirators for COVID-19; adequate and suitable in the healthcare setting date: 2020-06-30 words: 22066 flesch: 48 summary: When asked Would you think other patients would like to have a similar AR leaflet before surgery and Would you like to see further AR leaflets to be developed in the future? In addition to those directly working in the respiratory, infectious, cardiology, nephrology, psychology, and ICU departments and COVID-19 patients, all members of the general population may encounter the new coronavirus. keywords: abstracts; academic; access; accessible; addition; adequate; adults; aesthetic; analysis; approach; areas; article; assessment; associated; association; authors; autofluorescence; autologous; available; bapras; benefits; best; bmi; body; bone; breast; british; buttock; cancer; care; cases; centre; change; children; clinical; clinicians; clinics; closed; club; cohort; colleagues; conference; content; coronavirus; correlation; cost; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; current; data; date; day; days; dear; decision; department; dermoscopy; design; development; device; diagnostic; difference; difficult; disease; distancing; dorsal; dorsum; dust; early; education; effectiveness; elective; emergency; energy; environment; equipment; essential; evidence; experience; exposure; face; fat; figure; financial; flap; following; free; funding; future; general; gluteal; graft; group; guidance; guide; guidelines; hand; hand trauma; harvest; healing; health; healthcare; help; high; higher; hospital; imaging; impact; important; improved; increase; infection; information; injuries; interest; internet; items; journal; key; knowledge; laser; lateral; leaflets; learning; lesions; level; likely; limb; local; lockdown; long; lower; lymphatic; lymphedema; lymphorrhea; management; march; mass; material; means; measures; media; medical; meetings; mesh; model; months; nam; national; necessary; need; negative; new; nhs; non; number; online; open; operating; operative; order; outcome; overall; pad; pandemic; parents; patients; people; perforator; period; plastic; plastic surgery; point; positive; post; potential; ppe; practice; present; previous; primary; procedures; prospective; protection; publication; quality; rates; rcts; reconstruction; reduced; registrars; reported; research; resection; resources; respirators; results; reusable; review; rhinoplasty; risk; safety; sarcoma; saving; scalp; scar; search; secondary; series; service; set; significant; similar; sir; site; skills; skin; small; social; society; specialties; specific; staff; studies; study; support; surgeons; surgery; surgery trauma; surgical; systematic; systems; table; teaching; team; technique; term; theatre; therapy; thickness; time; tissue; tool; total; traditional; trainees; training; transposition; trauma; treatment; trust; use; video; virtual; volume; way; webinar; weeks; work; workers; world; wound; years cache: cord-335141-ag3j8obh.txt plain text: cord-335141-ag3j8obh.txt item: #36 of 38 id: cord-339705-x8l3zgfd author: Patil, Vijaykumar title: An association between fingerprint patterns with blood group and lifestyle based diseases: a review date: 2020-08-18 words: 19197 flesch: 47 summary: International conference on communication and signal processing IEEE Dermatoglyphic characteristics of patients with rheumatoid arthritis Plantar and digital dermatoglyphic patterns in Malawian patients with diabetes, hypertension and diabetes with hypertension An approach for minutia extraction in latent fingerprint matching Fingerprint pattern examination of right hand thumb in relation to Blood Group Efficacy of fingerprint to determine gender and blood group Distribution of fingerprint patterns among medical students Dermatoglyphics study of fingerprints pattern's variations of a group of type II diabetic mellitus patients in erbil City Design and development of blood sample analyzer using intelligent machine vision techniques A study on relationship between dermatoglyphics and hypertension Detection of pre-diabetics by palmar prints: a computer study leading to a low-cost tool A case study on dermatoglyphics in rheumatoid arthritis Approaches to determination of a full profile of blood group genotypes: single nucleotide variant mapping and massively parallel sequencing Study of fingerprint patterns in type II diabetes mellitus Study of fingerprint patterns in type II diabetes mellitus Dermatoglyphics: an economical tool for prediction of diabetes mellitus A new method to assess asymmetry in fingerprints could be used as an early indicator of type 2 diabetes mellitus Study of fingerprint patterns in relation to gender and blood group Use of palmar dermatoglyphics in rheumatoid arthritis: a case-control study An automatic system to detect human blood group of many individuals in a parellel manner using image processing Application of dermatoglyphic traits for diagnosis of diabetic type 1 patients Spectrophotometric approach for automatic human blood typing Development of an automatic electronic system to human blood typing The study of dermatoglyphics in diabetics of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh population Pattern of fingerprints and their relation with blood groups Dermatoglyphics-quantitative analysis in rheumatoid arthritis Fingertip patterns: a diagnostic tool to predict diabetes mellitus An integrated fiberoptic-microfluidic device for agglutination detection and blood typing A study of fingerprints in relation to gender and blood group Finger ridge count and fingerprint pattern in maturity onset diabetes mellitus Determination and classification of blood types using image processing techniques Dermatoglyphics in rheumatoid arthritis Dermatoglyphics in rheumatoid arthritis Comparative study on the dermatoglyphic pattern among diabetic (type-2) and non-diabetic adults in North Indian population Dermatoglyphic patterns among type 2 diabetic adults in North Indian population Finger print pattern in different blood groups Forensic ABO blood grouping by 4 SNPs analyses using an ABI PRISMR 3100 genetic analyser Evaluation of ABO subtyping by DNA sequencing Finger dermatoglyphic patterns in diabetes mellitus Dermatoglyphics: a diagnostic tool to predict diabetes Utility of dermatoglyphics in Type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) to assess the risk for IHD: Apilot study A study of dermatoglyphic pattern in relation to ABO, Rh blood group and gender among the population of Chhattisgarh Dermatoglyphics: blueprints of human cognition on fingerprints A cost-effective method for blood group detection using fingerprints Comparative study of the fingerprint pattern among diabetic (type 1) & non-diabetic children in Koya City Modis medical jurisprudence and toxicology Qualitative analysis of primary fingerprint pattern indifferent blood group and gender in Nepalese Study of dermatoglyphics in patients with type II diabetes mellitus essential hypertension in the age group between 35-55 Years International conference on automatic control and dynamic optimization techniques (ICAC-DOT). key: cord-339705-x8l3zgfd authors: Patil, Vijaykumar; Ingle, D. R. title: An association between fingerprint patterns with blood group and lifestyle based diseases: a review date: 2020-08-18 journal: Artif Intell Rev DOI: 10.1007/s10462-020-09891-w sha: doc_id: 339705 cord_uid: x8l3zgfd In the current era of the digital world, the hash of any digital means considered as a footprint or fingerprint of any digital term but from the ancient era, human fingerprint considered as the most trustworthy criteria for identification and it also cannot be changed with time even up to the death of an individual. keywords: abo; abo blood; agglutinated; agglutination; analysis; anti; antibodies; antigens; approach; arches; arthritis; association; atd; attributes; automatic; available; b blood; b ridge; basic; blood; blood bunch; blood gathering; blood group; blood type; cases; center; chance; check; classification; clinical; color; common; complete; composite; conceivable; contrasted; control gathering; controls; coordinating; correct; critical; current; curve; data; database; dataset; dependent; dermatoglyphics; design; details; detection; determination; device; diabetes; diabetes mellitus; diabetic; diabetic gathering; diabetic patients; different; digital; digits; diminished; diseases; distinction; edge; elevated; essential; estimations; et al; examination; example; extraction; factors; feature; female patients; females; finger ridge; fingerprint; fingerprint patterns; fingers; fingertip; framework; frequency; gathering; gender; general; genetic; groups; guys; hand; hereditary; higher; huge; human; human blood; hypertension; identification; image; increase; individual; information; investigation; learning; left; left hand; lifestyle; like; little; loops; lower; mean; mellitus; mellitus patients; method; minutiae; model; negative; network; neural; non; normal; noteworthy; number; ordinary; orientation; outcomes; pain; palmar; parameters; patients; patterns; people; person; picture; plane; point; populace; positive; positive blood; prediction; present; processing; proof; rate; recurrence; relation; relationship; research; result; rh blood; rheumatoid; ridge; ridge tally; right; right hand; samples; sexual; slide; stage; study; subjects; system; tally; techniques; test; thumb; time; total; traditional; type; typical; typing; ulnar; unique; use; values; way; whorl pattern; whorls; years cache: cord-339705-x8l3zgfd.txt plain text: cord-339705-x8l3zgfd.txt item: #37 of 38 id: cord-345991-d26y5291 author: Jing, Jane Lee Jia title: Hand Sanitizers: A Review on Formulation Aspects, Adverse Effects, and Regulations date: 2020-05-11 words: 6489 flesch: 41 summary: Y Y N Y N Chlorhexidine gluconate N N N N N Chloroxylenol Y Y N Y Y N N N N Iodine topical solution USP Y N N N N Nonylphenoxypoly (ethyleneoxy) ethanoliodine Y Y N Y N Poloxamer-iodine complex Y Y N Y N Povidone-iodine 5%-10% Y Y N Y N Undecoylium chloride iodine complex Y Y N Y N Isopropyl alcohol 70%-91.3% Y N Y N Y Mercufenol chloride Y N N N N Methylbenzethonium chloride Y Y N Y N Phenol (equal to or less than 1.5%) keywords: abhs; action; active; activity; adverse; agents; alcohol; antimicrobial; antiseptic; authors; available; bacteria; barrier; care; chemicals; chlorhexidine; chloride; clean; compliance; concentration; contact; control; coronavirus; covid-19; data; dermatitis; different; direct; disinfectants; disinfection; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; enveloped; ethanol; forms; formulations; free; function; gram; hand; hand hygiene; hand sanitizers; handwashing; health; healthcare; high; hospital; human; hygiene; infection; iodine; iodophors; lipid; liquid; list; low; microbes; microorganisms; n n; non; pandemic; potential; products; proteins; recommendations; respiratory; review; risk; sanitizers; sars; settings; severe; skin; soap; states; study; surfaces; table; terms; topical; transmission; types; united; use; viruses; water; y n; y y cache: cord-345991-d26y5291.txt plain text: cord-345991-d26y5291.txt item: #38 of 38 id: cord-354832-lps2qbxy author: Wong, J. S. W. title: The Common Missed Handwashing Instances and Areas after 15 Years of Hand-Hygiene Education date: 2019-08-08 words: 4416 flesch: 54 summary: Summary of Probable SARS Cases with Onset of Illness from 1 Systematic review: hygiene and health: systematic review of handwashing practices worldwide and update of health effects Effect of washing hands with soap on diarrhoea risk in the community: a systematic review Handwashing among female college students Research article: analysis of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria found at various sites on surfaces in an urban university Hand washing practices in a college town environment Evaluation of students' social hand washing knowledge, practices, and skills in a university setting Evaluation of hand hygiene in groups of students in Greece Planned, motivated and habitual hygiene behaviour: an eleven country review Evaluation of the role of school children in the promotion of point-of-use water treatment and handwashing in schools and households-Nyanza Province, Western Kenya Predictors of hand-washing behavior Usage of ultraviolet test method for monitoring the efficacy of surgical hand rub technique among medical students Examining hand-washing rates and durations in public restrooms Gender and ethnic differences in hand hygiene practices among college students Inverse correlation between level of professional education and rate of handwashing compliance in a teaching hospital Perceptions, attitudes, and behavior towards patient hand hygiene Anticipated and current preventive behaviors in response to an anticipated human-to-human H5N1 epidemic in the Hong Kong Chinese general population Assessing the thoroughness of hand hygiene: seeing is believing A large-scale assessment of hand hygiene quality and the effectiveness of the WHO 6-steps Influence of rub-in technique on required application time and hand coverage in hygienic hand disinfection Less and less-influence of volume on hand coverage and bactericidal efficacy in hand disinfection Centre for Health Protection, Perform Hand Hygiene Properly, Centre for Health Protection ey also found that female participants scored significantly higher in knowledge, skills, and practices of hand hygiene [7] . keywords: age; aged; areas; chp; common; compliance; data; demographic; duration; education; effectiveness; et al; fingertips; general; hand hygiene; hands; handwashing; health; healthcare; higher; hong; hong kong; hygiene; information; instances; kong; level; missed; participants; people; population; practices; primary; proper; protection; public; relationship; results; sars; seconds; sites; situations; students; studies; study; survey; toilet; total; university; variables cache: cord-354832-lps2qbxy.txt plain text: cord-354832-lps2qbxy.txt