item: #1 of 37 id: cord-000016-g9f6bdlp author: Neske, Florian title: WU Polyomavirus Infection in Children, Germany date: 2008-04-17 words: 1039 flesch: 50 summary: Most patients reported jaundice (97.5%) and choluria (95.1%);other reported symptoms Polyomaviruses and human diseases Identifi cation of a third human polyomavirus Identifi cation of a novel polyomavirus from patients with acute respiratory tract infections Frequent detection of bocavirus DNA in German children with respiratory tract infections Hypotheses to account for the detection of WUPyV in respiratory samples include the following: WUPyV is a persisting asymptomatic virus that is detected by chance, WUPyV is a persisting virus that is reactivated by an infl ammatory process, or WUPyV is a predisposing or aggravating factor of respiratory diseases. keywords: age; begoua; children; commune; confi; detection; hev; human; igm; infections; neighborhood; npa; patients; pcr; positive; respiratory; samples; wupyv; würzburg; years; yembi cache: cord-000016-g9f6bdlp.txt plain text: cord-000016-g9f6bdlp.txt item: #2 of 37 id: cord-002102-0zbp3uqf author: Rasche, Andrea title: Hepatitis E Virus Infection in Dromedaries, North and East Africa, United Arab Emirates, and Pakistan, 1983–2015 date: 2016-07-17 words: 1700 flesch: 48 summary: The global prevalence of hepatitis E virus infection and susceptibility: a systematic review New hepatitis E virus genotype in camels, the Middle East Consensus proposals for classification of the family Hepeviridae Chronic infection with camelid hepatitis E virus in a liver transplant recipient who regularly consumes camel meat and milk Antibodies against MERS coronavirus in dromedary camels MERS coronavirus neutralizing antibodies in camels Antibodies against MERS coronavirus in dromedary camels Bats worldwide carry hepatitis E virus-related viruses that form a putative novel genus within the family Hepeviridae In silico and in vitro interrogation of a widely used HEV RT-qPCR assay for detection of the species orthohepevirus A World Health Organization International Standard to harmonize assays for detection of hepatitis E virus RNA Consensus proposals for classification of the family Hepeviridae Characterization of self-assembled virus-like particles of dromedary camel hepatitis E virus generated by recombinant baculoviruses Age-related and regional differences in the prevalence of hepatitis E virus-specific antibodies in pigs in Germany Proposed reference sequences for hepatitis E virus subtypes Camel meat and meat products Wallingford (UK): CAB International We thank Monika Eschbach-Bludau, Sebastian Brünink, and Tobias Bleicker for providing excellent technical assistance. New camel HEV sequences obtained in this study are in red. keywords: antibodies; arab; camel; countries; detection; distance; dromedaries; dromedary; east; elisa; emirates; genotypes; hepatitis; hev; human; infection; kenya; meat; orthohepevirus; pakistan; positive; prevalence; rna; samples; sequences; serum; study; uae; united; virus; viruses; zoonotic cache: cord-002102-0zbp3uqf.txt plain text: cord-002102-0zbp3uqf.txt item: #3 of 37 id: cord-002589-xq3iq8ai author: Frossard, Jean-Pierre title: UK Pigs at the Time of Slaughter: Investigation into the Correlation of Infection with PRRSV and HEV date: 2017-06-09 words: 3768 flesch: 43 summary: The phylogenetic trees (Figure 1 ) illustrate the genetic diversity of the ORF5 genes from the 23 samples in this study in comparison to the vaccine virus licensed in the UK at the time and 48 published reference sequences representing the different genotypes and subtypes ( Figure 1A ) and in more detail, in the context of 431 previously sequenced viruses specifically from UK pigs between 1991 and 2014 (unpublished data) ( Figure 1B ). Hepatitis E: An emerging infection in developed countries Zoonotic origin of hepatitis E Hepatitis E virus in England and Wales: Indigenous infection is associated with the consumption of processed pork products The cost of endemic disease in pig production Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus: Genetic diversity of recent British isolates In utero infection with PRRS virus modulates cellular functions of blood monocytes and alveolar lung macrophages in piglets Pathogenesis of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus-induced increase in susceptibility in Streptococcus suis infection Infection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus suppresses the antibody response to classical swine fever virus vaccination Risk factors for Salmonella enterica subsp enterica shedding by market-age pigs in French farrow-to-finish herds Hepatitis E virus chronic infection of swine co-infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus Host-pathogen interactions during porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus 1 infection of piglets Increased pathogenicity of European porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus is associated with enhanced adaptive responses and viral clearance A prevalence study of Salmonella spp., Yersinia spp., Toxoplasma gondii and porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in UK pigs at slaughter Prevalence of hepatitis E virus infection in pigs at the time of slaughter Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus: keywords: abattoir; active; age; animals; association; cause; chain; clinical; data; disease; diversity; farms; field; food; genotype; hepatitis; hev; infected; infection; pcr; pigs; plasma; porcine; positive; potential; prevalence; prrsv; reproductive; respiratory; rna; samples; sequences; seropositive; seropositivity; slaughter; strains; study; swine; syndrome; time; tonsil; vaccine; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-002589-xq3iq8ai.txt plain text: cord-002589-xq3iq8ai.txt item: #4 of 37 id: cord-003787-hfnht8wa author: Berto, A. title: Hepatitis E in southern Vietnam: Seroepidemiology in humans and molecular epidemiology in pigs date: 2018-02-01 words: 4281 flesch: 41 summary: Breaking the comparisons into 10year-age bands, the hospital population had higher HEV seroprevalence for individuals aged 0-20 (both p < .001; one-way test on ELISA optical density); HEV seroprevalence was indistinguishable between the two groups when considering individuals aged >20 years (all p > .06) (Figure 3 ). HEV seroprevalence did not vary through time in the hospital population cohort. keywords: age; animals; anti; blood; children; circulation; cohort; collected; countries; data; different; diseases; dong; donors; et al; farmers; farms; figure; general; genotypes; gt3; health; hepatitis; hev; high; higher; hospital; human; igg; individuals; infections; kamar; number; observed; pathogens; patients; pcr; pigs; plasma; population; positive; province; rectal; risk; rna; samples; sequences; seroprevalence; serum; sites; southern; studies; study; swabs; thap; transmission; vietnam; vietnamese; viral; virus; vizions; year; zoonotic cache: cord-003787-hfnht8wa.txt plain text: cord-003787-hfnht8wa.txt item: #5 of 37 id: cord-003961-gs75ebo4 author: Yin, Xin title: Hepatitis E Virus Entry date: 2019-09-20 words: 5144 flesch: 44 summary: Hepatitis E virus: Advances and challenges The Current Host Range of Hepatitis E Viruses Ribavirin therapy inhibits viral replication on patients with chronic hepatitis e virus infection Ribavirin for chronic hepatitis E virus infection in transplant recipients A mutation in the hepatitis E virus RNA polymerase promotes its replication and associates with ribavirin treatment failure in organ transplant recipients Hepatitis E virus mutations associated with ribavirin treatment failure result in altered viral fitness and ribavirin sensitivity Efficacy and safety of a recombinant hepatitis E vaccine in healthy adults: A large-scale, randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled Long-Term Efficacy of a Hepatitis E Vaccine Evidence for a virus in non-A, non-B hepatitis transmitted via the fecal-oral route Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) strains in serum samples can replicate efficiently in cultured cells despite the coexistence of HEV antibodies: Characterization of HEV virions in blood circulation Characterization of the Quasi-Enveloped Hepatitis E Virus Particles Released by the Cellular Exosomal Pathway Role of Envelopment in the HEV Life Cycle Distinct Entry Mechanisms for Nonenveloped and Quasi-Enveloped Hepatitis E Viruses Hepatitis E virus (HEV): Molecular cloning and sequencing of the full-length viral genome ORF3 protein of hepatitis E virus is essential for virion release from infected cells Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Induced Synthesis of a Novel Viral Factor Mediates Efficient Replication of Genotype-1 Hepatitis E Virus Biological and immunological characteristics of hepatitis E virus-like particles based on the crystal structure Structure of hepatitis E virion-sized particle reveals an RNA-dependent viral assembly pathway Structure of the hepatitis E virus-like particle suggests mechanisms for virus assembly and receptor binding Recent advances in Hepatitis E virus Dimerization of hepatitis E virus capsid protein E2s domain is essential for virus-host interaction Naked viruses that are't always naked: Quasi-enveloped agents of acute hepatitis Monoclonal antibodies raised against the ORF3 protein of hepatitis E virus (HEV) can capture HEV particles in culture supernatant and serum but not those in feces Peek-a-boo: Membrane hijacking and the pathogenesis of viral hepatitis Hepatitis E Virus Assembly and Release Proline-rich regions and motifs in trafficking: From ESCRT interaction to viral exploitation A PSAP motif in the ORF3 protein of hepatitis E virus is necessary for virion release from infected cells Hepatitis E virus egress depends on the exosomal pathway, with secretory exosomes derived from multivesicular bodies Protein composition of the hepatitis A virus quasi-envelope Experimental African HEV infection in cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) By examining his fecal material using electron microcopy (EM), Dr. Balayan obtained the first morphologic evidence of HEV virions, which appeared as nonenveloped icosahedral particles, 27-30 nm in diameter, with a spiky surface [9] . keywords: a.a; acute; antibodies; attachment; available; binding; capsid; cells; cellular; cycle; dependent; domain; e virus; ehav; ehev; endosomal; entry; evidence; feces; form; genome; genotype; grp78; hepatitis; hev; host; human; infected; infection; infectivity; lack; like; liver; lysosomal; mechanism; membrane; naked; new; nonenveloped; orf2; orf3; particles; pathogenesis; pathway; presence; process; protein; quasi; rab5; recent; receptor; release; replication; ribavirin; rna; role; structural; studies; study; surface; transmission; types; understanding; vaccine; viral; virion; virus; viruses; vlps cache: cord-003961-gs75ebo4.txt plain text: cord-003961-gs75ebo4.txt item: #6 of 37 id: cord-010092-uftc8inx author: None title: Abstract of 29th Regional Congress of the ISBT date: 2019-06-07 words: 233543 flesch: 50 summary: One central question is the need of individual NAT screening (ID) versus minipool NAT screening (MP) approaches to identify all relevant viremias in blood donors. 3A-S02-03 Background: The screening of blood donors and returning travelers from active transmission areas have highlighted the importance of diagnosis of acute arboviral infections. keywords: /unit; aabb; abbott; abo blood; absence; abstract; accel; acceptable; access; accordance; account; accuracy; accurate; acid; activation; activities; activity; acute; addition; additive; adequate; adherence; adjusted; administration; admission; adsorption; adult; adverse; adverse reactions; adverse transfusion; aet; affected; african blood; age group; aged; agglutination; aggregation; agitation; agreement; ahg; aiha; aims; alert; algorithm; alinity; aliquots; allele; allergic; allergy; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; allogeneic donors; alloimmunization; altered; alternative; american; amino; amotosalen; amounts; amplification; analysed; analysis; analytical; analyzer; anemia; annexin; annual; antenatal; anti; antibodies; antibody; antibody positive; antibody screening; antigen; antigen expression; antiglobulin; aop; apheresis; apheresis donors; apheresis platelet; apoptosis; apparent; application; applied; approach; appropriate; approval; april; architect; areas; arm; arms; array; arterial blood; arv; asia; aspects; assay; assessment; associated; association; assurance; asymptomatic; atp; atrs; attempt; attention; audit; august; australia; authorities; autoimmune; autologous blood; autologous donors; automated; availability; available; available blood; average; awareness; babesia; background; bacterial; bag; bags; balance; banks; baseline; basis; bcp; bct; bedside blood; beginning; behaviour; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; binding; bio; biological; biotin; bleeding; blood administration; blood background; blood bank; blood banking; blood cells; blood center; blood chimerism; blood collection; blood components; blood conservation; blood count; blood culture; blood demand; blood donation; blood donors; blood establishments; blood flow; blood gas; blood group; blood grouping; blood guide; blood haemoglobin; blood institute; blood loss; blood management; blood mixer; blood ordering; blood packs; blood plasma; blood platelet; blood pressure; blood processing; blood products; blood recipients; blood results; blood safety; blood samples; blood screening; blood sector; blood separation; blood services; blood specimens; blood supply; blood system; blood test; blood testing; blood transfusion; blood type; blood typing; blood units; blood utilization; blood volume; blood wastage; bombay; bone; breast; bsms; bts; buffy; burden; calcium; calculated; calculation; canada; cancer; capable; capacity; cardiac; cards; care; cases; categories; category; caucasian; cause; ccdee; cd177; cd34; cd36; cd38; cd62p; cell antibody; cell antigens; cell disease; cell donors; cell transfusion; cell units; cellular; centers; central blood; centre; centrifugation; certain; cfnas; cfu; chain; challenge; change; characteristics; characterization; characterized; check; chemotherapy; children; china; chinese blood; chronic; circulatory; classification; classified; clear; clinical; clinical data; clinical transfusion; clinicians; close; cmnc; cmv; coagulation; coat; coated; cobas; cobe; coding; coefficient; cohort; cold; collaboration; collagen; collected; collections; column; combination; combined; commercial; common; communication; community; comparable; comparative; compare; comparison; compatible blood; complement; complete; complete blood; completion; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; computer; concentrates; concentration; concern; conclusions; conditions; confirmation; confirmatory; confirmed; consecutive; consensus; consequences; considerable; consistent; constant; consumption; contact; contaminated blood; contamination; content; continued; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coombs; cord blood; correct; correlation; corresponding; cost; countries; country; counts; courses; coverage; cpp; criteria; critical; cross; crossmatch; crp; crucial; cryopreservation; cultured; current blood; curve; cytokines; cytometry; d antigen; d rhd; dae; daily; daily blood; daratumumab; data; data analysis; database; date; day; days; death; decades; december; decision; decreased; decreasing; deferral; deficiency; definitions; degree; delayed; deletion; delivery; demographic; density; department; dependent; descriptive; design; details; detectable; detection; determination; determined; developed; development; deviation; device; diagnosis; difference; different blood; differentiation; difficult; direct; discrepancies; discrepancy; disease; disorders; distribution; dmso; dna; dna samples; documentation; donating; donations; donor adverse; donor deferral; donor group; donor health; donor population; donor rbcs; donor red; donor return; donor safety; donor samples; donor screening; donor selection; doppler; dose; double; drms; drug; dubai blood; duffy blood; duration; e.g.; early; east; easy; economic; edel; edta; education; effect; effective; effective blood; effectiveness; efficacy; effort; elecsys; elective; electronic; elevated; eligibility; eligible; eligible donors; elisa; elution; emergency; encoding; end; endemic; english; enhancer; entire; environment; enzyme; epidemiological; epidemiology; episodes; equipment; errors; erythrocyte; essays; essential; established; estimate; estimation; etc; ethnicity; european; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; example; exchange; exon; expected; experience; experimental; experts; expiry; exposure; expression; extended; external; extract; eye; facebook; factors; failure; false; family; fast; feasibility; feasible; features; febrile; february; feedback; female blood; female donors; females; ferritin; fetal; fetus; ffp; fibrinogen; filter; filtration; final; findings; finland; finnish blood; flow; fnait; focus; fold; following; follows; food; forms; forward; framework; france; free; freezing; french blood; frequencies; frequency; frequent blood; fresh; frozen; function; fut1; future; gain; gamma; gap; gel; gender; gene; general; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; genotyping; germany; global; glucose; glycophorin; glycoprotein; gmp; goal; good; governance; government; grade; graft; granulocyte; granulocyte transfusion; greater; grifols; group antigens; group system; groups; growing; growth; guidelines; gvhd; haemolytic; haemovigilance; half; hand; hb levels; hbc; hbcore; hbcrag; hbsag; hbv; hct; hcv; hdfn; health; healthcare; healthy blood; heart; help; hematocrit; hematological; hematological patients; hematology; hematopoietic; heme; hemoglobin; hemolysis; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; hepatitis; heterozygosity; heterozygous; hev; high; high risk; higher; highest; historical; history; hiv; hiv positive; hla; hna; homozygous; hormone; hospital; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; host; hours; house; house blood; hpa-1a; hsa; hsct; htlv; human; human blood; human platelet; hvs; hybrid; i2000sr; ida; identical; identification; igg; igm; ih-500; iii; il-1rap; il-3; illumination; immediate; immucor; immune; immunized; immunoglobulin; immunohematology; immunological; immunology; immunomodulatory; impact; implementation; important; important blood; improved; improvement; inactivated; incidence; incident; inclusion; incompatibility; incompatible; inconclusive; incorrect blood; increase; increment; incubation; index; india; indications; indicator; indirect; individual blood; individuals; induced; induction; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; initial; injured; injury; inno; insight; institute; institution; instruments; intake; integrated; intensity; intensive; intention; interaction; intercept blood; interest; international; interpretation; interregional blood; interval; intervention; interviews; intravenous; introduction; intron; invasive; inventory; investigation; ipu; iqr; iranian blood; irish blood; iron; irradiated; irradiation; irregular; isbt; isolated; issue; itp; ivig; january; july; june; kazakhstan; kell; key; kir; kit; kits; knowledge; known; korean; label; labeling; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; lapse; large; largest; later; lead; learning; length; leukemia; leukocyte; leukoreduced; levels; life; lifestyle; light; like; likely; limited; limiting; linear; literature; little; local; logistic; long; longer; low; low hb; lower; lowest; lps; lung; lutheran blood; machine; main; maipa; major; major blood; majority; making; mandatory; manner; manual; manufacturer; manufacturing; march; marker; marrow; marrow donors; massive transfusion; matched; matching; materials; maternal; maximal; maximum; mean; measurement; measures; measuring; mechanism; median; mediators; medical; medium; mega blood; members; membrane; message; metabolic; methods; metrics; mfi; mice; microparticles; microvesicles; middle; migration; mild; milk; minimum; minor; mirasol; missing; mixed; mixing; mks; ml blood; mmhg; mmol; mns blood; mobile blood; model; moderate; modern; modified; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; msm; multiple; multiple blood; murine; mutation; mvs; n =; national blood; nationwide blood; natural; necessary; need; needed; negative; negative blood; negative donors; negative results; negative samples; neonatal blood; neonates; netherlands; network; neutrophil; new blood; new donors; newborn; nhs blood; nhsbt; non; normal; normal blood; north; novel; november; nucleic; nucleotide; number; numerous; nurses; objective; observational; observed; occurrence; october; old; older blood; oncology; ongoing; online; operating; operational; operative; operators; opportunities; optia; optimal; optimal blood; option; oral; order; organ; organization; origin; outcomes; outside; overall; overload; oxidation; oxygen; p =; packed; pakistan; panel; papain; paper; parallel; parameters; partial; participants; particles; particular; particular blood; pas; past; pathogen; patient blood; patient safety; patients; patients samples; pattern; pbm; pbpc; pbsc; pcr; pcs; pdi; peak; pediatric; pediatric patients; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personnel; pf4; phase; phenotype; physical; physicians; physiological; pilot; planned; plasma; plasma donation; plasma donors; plasma samples; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet antibodies; platelet antigens; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet donors; platelet function; platelet products; platelet storage; platelet transfusion; platelet units; platform; plt; plts; plus; pmet; point; policies; policy; polish blood; polymerase; polymorphisms; pooled; pooling; pools; poor; population; portugal; positive; positive anti; positive blood; positive donations; positive donors; positive group; positive patients; positive results; positive samples; positivity; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; potassium; potential; potential donors; practical; practice; prbc; prc; precision; predictive; predictor; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnant; pregnant blood; pregnant donors; preliminary; premedication; prenatal; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; pretransfusion; prevalence; previous; previous blood; previous transfusion; prick; primary; primers; prior; prism; private blood; probability; problem; procedure; process; processed; production; profile; progenitor; program; programme; progress; project; proliferation; prolonged; promoter; proper; properties; prophylactic; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; prospective blood; protein; protocol; provision; prp; prt; public; purpose; quality; quality blood; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; randomized; range; rapid; rare blood; rare donors; rate; rbc blood; rbc transfusion; rbc units; rbcs; rcc; rccs; reach; reactive; reactive blood; ready; reagents; reasons; recent; receptor; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; reconstitution; records; recovery; recruitment; red blood; red cell; red cross; reduced; reference; refractory; regional blood; regions; registered; regression; regular blood; regular donors; regulation; regulatory; rejection; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; relevant blood; reliable; remote; remunerated blood; renal; repeat blood; repeat donors; replacement; replacement blood; reported; reporting; reports; reproductive; republic; request; require; requirements; research; residual; resistance; resource; respect; respiratory; respondents; response; responsible; restrictive; results; retention; retrospective; retrospective study; return; reveos; reveos blood; reverse; review; rh blood; rhce; rhd; rhd gene; rhd negative; rhd positive; rhdig; rhesus; rich; rise; risk; risk factors; risk patients; robust; roche; role; room; routine blood; russian; sagm; saharan; saline; sampling; sanger; sanguinis; sanquin blood; saving; scale; scd; scd patients; scenario; scientific; score; screening; season; second; second blood; secondary; sectional; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sensitization; separate; september; sequence; sequencing; sera; serological; serology; seroprevalence; serum; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; sheep; shift; shock; short; shows; sickle; sigma; significant; significant blood; signs; similar; simple; single; single blood; sites; situation; size; skin; small; snp; snps; social; society; software; solid; soluble; solution; sources; south; spain; special; species; specific; specific blood; specificities; specificity; spectra; splice; split; spss; squ; square; src; ssp; stability; stable; staff; stakeholders; standard; standard blood; standardized; staphylococcus; start; starting; state; statistical; status; stem cell; step; stimulation; storage; storage period; storage time; stores; strains; strategies; strategy; strength; strong; structure; students; studies; study; study group; study period; subgroups; subjects; subsequent; substitutions; successful; sufficient; suitable; summary; supernatant; support; surface; surgery; surgical; surgical blood; surveillance; survey; survival; swirling; switzerland; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; systematic; systems; t cell; ta6; ta7; taco; tacsi; tags; target; targeted; team; technical; technique; technologies; technology; temperature; temporary; terms; tertiary; terumo; test results; tested; testing; tests; thai blood; thalassemia; therapeutic; therapeutic blood; therapies; therapy; threats; threshold; thrombocytopenia; throughput; time donors; timely; times; tissues; titer; titre; tm blood; tool; total; total blood; total number; toxicity; tpe; tpo; traceability; training; trali; transcription; transfer; transfusion center; transfusion chain; transfusion data; transfusion events; transfusion guidelines; transfusion history; transfusion indications; transfusion institute; transfusion laboratory; transfusion management; transfusion medicine; transfusion models; transfusion policy; transfusion practice; transfusion process; transfusion protocol; transfusion reactions; transfusion recipients; transfusion results; transfusion safety; transfusion sample; transfusion service; transfusion strategies; transfusion support; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusion time; transfusion transmission; transfusions; transmission; transplantation; transpose; trauma; travel; treated; treatment; trend; trial; trigger; trima; true; ttis; tube; tumor; types; typing; uk blood; unclear; underlying; understanding; unique; united; universal; university; unknown; untreated; unusual; upper; uptake; usa; usage; use; useful; users; vaccination; valuable; value; variability; variables; variant; variation; varies; vasovagal; vector; vein; venous blood; version; versus; viral; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; volumes; voluntary blood; vox; vvr; warm; washed; way; wb donors; wbc; wbd; weak; weak d; weeks; weight; western; wgs; white blood; wide; window; wnv; women; work; working; world; worldwide; wrong blood; years; yield; young; younger; zikv; à80 cache: cord-010092-uftc8inx.txt plain text: cord-010092-uftc8inx.txt item: #7 of 37 id: cord-010521-cpwl2ych author: Andries, K. title: Propagation of Hemagglutinating Encephalomyelitis Virus in Porcine Cell Cultures date: 2010-05-13 words: 4084 flesch: 52 summary: Syncytia were small in PPK cells but could be very large in SPTh cells. Hemadsorption, in the early stages of infection, was characterized by the presence of attached red blood cells in groups of 100 (PPK cells) up to 500 (SPTh cells). keywords: 572; cells; cellules; cerdo; cpe; criteria; culture; dans; days; der; des; die; different; encephalomyelitis; growth; hads; hemadsorption; hemagglutinating; hev; infectivity; inoculated; inoculation; isolation; kidney; las; material; medium; monolayers; optimal; para; passage; pid; pig; pigs; pk-15; porcine; porcs; ppk; ppt; primary; sk-6; small; spth; stock; supernatant; swine; test; testicle; thyroid; titration; trials; tubes; und; variation; viral; virus cache: cord-010521-cpwl2ych.txt plain text: cord-010521-cpwl2ych.txt item: #8 of 37 id: cord-253501-hkxlq3os author: Anang, Saumya title: Recent Advances Towards the Development of a Potent Antiviral Against the Hepatitis E Virus date: 2018-06-28 words: 4428 flesch: 30 summary: In vivo evidence for ribavirin-induced mutagenesis of the hepatitis E virus genome Mutagenic effects of ribavirin on hepatitis E virus-viral extinction versus selection of fitness-enhancing mutations Ribavirin at the era of novel direct antiviral agents for the treatment of hepatitis C virus infection: relevance of pharmacological monitoring Three-month pegylated interferon-alpha-2a therapy for chronic hepatitis E virus infection in a haemodialysis patient P61 Pegylated interferon and ribavarin combination therapy achieves hepatitis E virus clearance in chronic hepatitis E virus/human immunodeficiency virus co-infection Treatment of chronic hepatitis E in liver transplant recipients with pegylated interferon alpha-2b Chronic hepatitis E virus infection: successful virologic response to pegylated interferon-alpha therapy Antiviral activities of different interferon types and subtypes against hepatitis E virus replication Disparity of basal and therapeutically activated interferon signalling in constraining hepatitis E virus infection Hepatitis E virus inhibits type I interferon induction by ORF1 products Suppression of interferon-a signaling by hepatitis E virus The hepatitis E virus ORF3 protein modulates epidermal growth factor receptor trafficking, STAT3 translocation, and the acute-phase response Neuropsychiatric adverse effects of interferon-alpha: recognition and management Pegylated interferon-alpha for treating chronic hepatitis E virus infection after liver transplantation Antiviral strategies for hepatitis E virus Calcineurin inhibitors stimulate and mycophenolic acid inhibits replication of hepatitis E virus Cross talk between nucleotide synthesis pathways with cellular immunity in constraining hepatitis E virus replication Nucleoside analogue 2'-C-methylcytidine inhibits hepatitis E virus replication but antagonizes Molecular virology of hepatitis E virus Transfusiontransmitted hepatitis E in a patient with myelodysplastic syndromes A case of transfusion-transmitted hepatitis E caused by blood from a donor infected with hepatitis E virus via zoonotic food-borne route Fetal and neonatal health consequences of vertically transmitted hepatitis E virus infection Seroprevalence and mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis E virus among pregnant women in the United Arab Emirates Hepatitis E in pregnancy Clinical course and duration of viremia in vertically transmitted hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in babies born to HEVinfected mothers Expanding host range and cross-species infection of hepatitis E virus Hepatitis E virus and chronic hepatitis in organ-transplant recipients Hepatitis E-induced severe myositis Hepatitis E virus infection in HIV-infected persons Hepatitis E virus infection as a cause of graft hepatitis in liver transplant recipients Chronic hepatitis e in heart transplant recipients Chronic hepatitis E infection in a persistently immunosuppressed patient unable to be eliminated after ribavirin therapy Incidence and severity of viral hepatitis in pregnancy Outcome of hepatitis E virus infection in Indian pregnant women admitted to a tertiary care hospital HEV-associated cryoglobulinaemia and extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis E Hepatitis E virus infection and acute non-traumatic neurological injury: A prospective multicentre study Rash and arthralgia caused by hepatitis E Extrahepatic replication and infection of hepatitis E virus in neuronal-derived cells The global burden of hepatitis E virus genotypes 1 and 2 in 2005 keywords: activity; acute; alpha; antiviral; cells; cellular; chronic; complex; culture; dehydrogenase; dependent; dependent rna; development; different; direct; disease; e virus; effect; entry; factors; failure; genome; genotype; grp78; hcv; hepatitis; hev; host; human; ifn; infected; infection; inhibition; inhibitors; interaction; interferon; investigation; liver; mammalian; mechanism; methyltransferase; multiple; orf3; organ; pathway; patients; peg; pegylated; polymerase; potent; potential; protein; recent; recipients; release; replication; ribavirin; rna; rna polymerase; sofosbuvir; specific; studies; therapeutic; therapy; translation; transplant; treatment; viral; virus; zinc cache: cord-253501-hkxlq3os.txt plain text: cord-253501-hkxlq3os.txt item: #9 of 37 id: cord-258327-03vk6enj author: Schultze, Beate title: Isolated HE-protein from hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus and bovine coronavirus has receptor-destroying and receptor-binding activity date: 1991-01-31 words: 4615 flesch: 46 summary: l Serine 71 of the glycoprotein HEF is located at the active site of the acetylesterase of influenza C virus Erbrechen and Kommern der Ferkel : Vorkommen and Verbreitung in Soddeutschland The relationship of a new strain of virus to those of the mumps-NDV-influenza group Isolation and characterization of influenza C virus inhibitor in rat serum Uber die enzymetische Wirkung von Influenza-Virus Morphology of the isolated hemagglutinin and neuraminidase subunits of influenza virus Sequence of mouse hepatitis virus A59 mRNA2 : The receptordestroying enzyme of influenza C virus, on the other hand, cleaves not a glycosidic linkage but rather an ester linkage . keywords: ability; able; acetate; acetylesterase; acid; activity; analysis; assay; attachment; bcv; binding; blood; bovine; cells; centrifugation; coronaviruses; dfp; electrophoresis; enzyme; erythrocytes; et al; fig; fraction; gel; glycoprotein; gradient; hemagglutination; herrler; hev; influenza; mdck; min; nitrocellulose; octylglucoside; pbs; protein; purification; purified; rat; receptor; red; release; serum; strain; sucrose; surface; viral; virions; virus cache: cord-258327-03vk6enj.txt plain text: cord-258327-03vk6enj.txt item: #10 of 37 id: cord-261446-ro1wm0kf author: Yang, Yifei title: Fatal disease associated with Swine Hepatitis E virus and Porcine circovirus 2 co-infection in four weaned pigs in China date: 2015-03-26 words: 3758 flesch: 47 summary: HEV infection in humans and animals is common, but the natural occurrence of HEV and PCV2 co-infection in pigs in China, reported here, has rarely been seen. The previous study showed swine HEV infection can be a significant factor to the development of hepatitis regardless of the PMWS status keywords: antigen; cells; changes; china; circovirus; disease; epithelial; farm; figure; hbhd; hemorrhage; hepatitis; hev; high; ihc; infected; infection; infiltration; intestine; kidneys; lesions; liver; lung; lymph; lymphocyte; mortality; natural; necrosis; negative; nodes; orf2; organs; pathological; pcr; pcv2; piglets; pigs; porcine; positive; present; prevalent; rna; signals; similar; spleen; staining; study; swine; syndrome; tissues; virus; viruses cache: cord-261446-ro1wm0kf.txt plain text: cord-261446-ro1wm0kf.txt item: #11 of 37 id: cord-261925-nsq837z1 author: Denner, Joachim title: Preventing transfer of infectious agents date: 2015-08-24 words: 4311 flesch: 34 summary: key: cord-261925-nsq837z1 authors: Denner, Joachim; Mueller, Nicolas J. title: Preventing transfer of infectious agents date: 2015-08-24 journal: Int J Surg DOI: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2015.08.032 sha: doc_id: 261925 cord_uid: nsq837z1 Xenotransplantation using pig cells, tissues and organs may be associated with the transfer of porcine infectious agents, which may infect the human recipient and in the worst case induce a disease (zoonosis). Xenotransplantation using pig cells, tissues and organs has to overcome three hurdles before being applied in the clinic for the treatment of organ failure: immunological rejection, physiological incompatibility and transfer of infectious agents. keywords: agents; animals; antibodies; caesarean; case; cells; circovirus; clinical; cytomegalovirus; detection; disease; donor; elimination; endogenous; envelope; expression; free; genome; hcmv; hepatitis; herd; hev; human; immunisation; infected; infection; islet; long; low; methods; microorganisms; minipigs; new; non; numerous; organs; ottingen; pcmv; perv; pigs; porcine; present; primate; protein; recipient; recombinant; retroviruses; risk; safety; screening; selection; sensitive; specific; tissues; transgenic; transmembrane; transmission; treatment; vaccine; virus; xenotransplantation; zealand; zoonotic cache: cord-261925-nsq837z1.txt plain text: cord-261925-nsq837z1.txt item: #12 of 37 id: cord-267015-mprsdi2e author: Zhu, Zhongyu title: Exceptionally Potent Cross-Reactive Neutralization of Nipah and Hendra Viruses by a Human Monoclonal Antibody date: 2008-03-15 words: 4475 flesch: 47 summary: One of the challenges in the development of human antibodies for antiviral applications is the heterogeneity and mutability of RNA viruses. Nipah virus (or a cousin) strikes again Fatal fruit bat virus sparks epidemics in southern Asia Nipah virus encephalitis reemergence Nipah virus outbreak(s) in Bangladesh Person-to-person transmission of Nipah virus in a Bangladeshi community Ultra-potent antibodies against respiratory syncytial virus: effects of binding kinetics and binding valence on viral neutralization Receptor binding, fusion inhibition, and induction of cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies by a soluble G glycoprotein of Hendra virus Potent neutralization of Hendra and Nipah viruses by human monoclonal antibodies Ephrin-B2 ligand is a functional receptor for Hendra virus and Nipah virus Identification of Hendra virus G glycoprotein residues that are critical for receptor binding Neutralization assays for differential henipavirus serology using Bio-Plex protein array systems Potent cross-reactive neutralization of SARS coronavirus isolates by human monoclonal antibodies Structure of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus receptor-binding domain complexed with neutralizing antibody Nipah virus: vaccination and passive protection studies in a hamster model We wish to thank Tim Hancock from the Australian Animal Health Laboratory for his help with the in vivo ferret work. keywords: activity; affinity; antibodies; antibody; assays; better; binding; cell; chain; clones; cross; data; days; domain; epitope; fab; fabs; ferrets; figure; fusion; glycoprotein; half; hendra; hev; hev g; higher; human; igg1; important; infectious; inhibitory; library; life; light; m101; m102.4; mutations; neutralization; neutralizing; nipah; niv; potency; potent; random; reactive; receptor; results; serum; sg(hev; site; soluble; therapeutic; vero; virus; viruses cache: cord-267015-mprsdi2e.txt plain text: cord-267015-mprsdi2e.txt item: #13 of 37 id: cord-277159-klhmed21 author: Bassal, R. title: Seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus in dromedary camels, Bedouins, Muslim Arabs and Jews in Israel, 2009–2017 date: 2019-02-22 words: 2847 flesch: 48 summary: Prevalence rates of anti-HEV antibodies in camels and in human sera were calculated by dividing the number of samples positive to anti-HEV antibodies by the total number of samples tested in each group. We studied HEV seroprevalence in dromedary camels and among Bedouins, Arabs (Muslims, none-Bedouins) and Jews and assessed factors associated with anti-HEV seropositivity. keywords: age; analysis; anti; antibodies; arabs; bedouins; blood; camels; donors; dromedary; economic; exposure; factors; genotypes; groups; hepatitis; hev; higher; human; igg; infection; israel; jews; low; non; overall; population; positive; rates; risk; rna; samples; sera; seropositivity; seroprevalence; socio; specific; status; study; virus; years cache: cord-277159-klhmed21.txt plain text: cord-277159-klhmed21.txt item: #14 of 37 id: cord-285935-5rsk6g7l author: Kinast, Volker title: Hepatitis E Virus Drug Development date: 2019-05-28 words: 6651 flesch: 42 summary: Part I: Nucleoside analogues Sensitivity of mitochondrial transcription and resistance of RNA polymerase II dependent nuclear transcription to antiviral ribonucleosides Antiviral candidates for treating hepatitis E virus infection The RNA template channel of the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase as a target for development of antiviral therapy of multiple genera within a virus family Resistance analysis and characterization of NITD008 as an adenosine analog inhibitor against hepatitis C virus Combined treatment of adenosine nucleoside inhibitor NITD008 and histone deacetylase inhibitor vorinostat represents an immunotherapy strategy to ameliorate West Nile virus infection Adenosine Analog NITD008 Is a Potent Inhibitor of Zika Virus An adenosine nucleoside inhibitor of dengue virus Screening of novel drugs for inhibiting hepatitis E virus replication Sofosbuvir: A novel oral agent for chronic hepatitis C Pan-Genotype Hepatitis E Virus Replication in Stem Cell-Derived Hepatocellular Systems Distinct Antiviral Potency of Sofosbuvir Against Hepatitis C and E Viruses Genotype 5 Hepatitis E Virus Produced by a Reverse Genetics System Has the Potential for Zoonotic Infection Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir Anti-Viral Therapy Fails to Clear HEV Viremia and Restore Reactive T Cells in a HEV/HCV Co-Infected Liver Transplant Recipient Chronic hepatitis E in a heart transplant patient: Sofosbuvir and ribavirin regimen not fully effective Combination therapy of sofosbuvir and ribavirin fails to clear chronic hepatitis E infection in a multivisceral transplanted patient Sofosbuvir shows antiviral activity in a patient with chronic hepatitis E virus infection Autochthonous acute hepatitis E: Treatment with sofosbuvir and ribavirin Sofosbuvir and Ribavirin Eradication of Refractory Hepatitis E in an Immunosuppressed Kidney Transplant Recipient Efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir monotherapy in patients with chronic hepatitis E-The HepNet SofE pilot study High-throughput screening (HTS) for the identification of novel antiviral scaffolds Impact of high-throughput screening in biomedical research An ethanol extract of Lysimachia mauritiana exhibits inhibitory activity against hepatitis E virus genotype 3 replication Spicatoside A derived from Liriope platyphylla root ethanol extract inhibits hepatitis E virus genotype 3 replication in vitro Inhibition of HIV-1 infection by zinc group metal compounds 2+) inhibits coronavirus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture Zinc Salts Block Hepatitis E Virus Replication by Inhibiting the Activity of Viral RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase The relationship between zinc intake and serum/plasma zinc concentration in children: A systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis Failure to respond to ribavirin despite elevated intra-erythrocyte zinc level in transplant-patients with chronic hepatitis E virus infection A screen for novel hepatitis C virus RdRp inhibitor identifies a broad-spectrum antiviral compound Biological and immunological characteristics of hepatitis E virus-like particles based on the crystal structure Structure of the hepatitis E virus-like particle suggests mechanisms for virus assembly and receptor binding Heparan sulfate proteoglycans are required for cellular binding of the hepatitis E virus ORF2 capsid protein and for viral infection The ubiquitous hammerhead ribozyme Development of a chimeric DNA-RNA hammerhead ribozyme targeting SARS virus Berzal-Herranz, A. Inhibition of hepatitis C virus replication and internal ribosome entry site-dependent translation by an RNA molecule Reduction in severity of a herpes simplex virus type 1 murine infection by treatment with a ribozyme targeting the UL20 gene RNA Targeted cleavage of hepatitis E virus 3' end RNA mediated by hammerhead ribozymes inhibits viral RNA replication Antisense Phosphorodiamidate Morpholino Oligomers as Inhibition of hepatitis E virus replication by peptide-conjugated morpholino oligomers Proteasome inhibitors: Valuable new tools for cell biologists Hepatitis E virus replication requires an active ubiquitin-proteasome system Inhibition of hepatitis E virus replication by proteasome inhibitor is nonspecific Tsg101 and the Vacuolar Protein Sorting Pathway Are Essential for HIV-1 Budding Enhanced alpha1 microglobulin secretion from Hepatitis E virus ORF3-expressing human hepatoma cells is mediated by the tumor susceptibility gene 101 ORF3 protein of hepatitis E virus is essential for virion release from infected cells A PSAP motif in the ORF3 protein of hepatitis E virus is necessary for virion release from infected cells Structure of the Tsg101 UEV domain in complex with the PTAP motif of the HIV-1 p6 protein Inhibition of HIV budding by a genetically selected cyclic peptide targeting the Gag-TSG101 interaction Potent Inhibition of Hepatitis E Virus Release by a Cyclic Peptide Inhibitor of the Interaction between Viral Open Reading Frame 3 Protein and Host Tumor Susceptibility Gene 101 Inhibition of dengue virus through suppression of host pyrimidine biosynthesis Anti-HIV-1 activity of leflunomide: A comparison with mycophenolic acid and hydroxyurea Chronic hepatitis E in heart transplant recipients Calcineurin inhibitors stimulate and mycophenolic acid inhibits replication of hepatitis E virus An Early Viral Response Predicts the Virological Response to Ribavirin in Hepatitis E Virus Organ Transplant Patients Cross Talk between Nucleotide Synthesis Pathways with Cellular Immunity in Constraining Hepatitis E Virus Replication Rocaglamide, silvestrol and structurally related bioactive compounds from Aglaia species Therapeutic suppression of translation initiation modulates chemosensitivity in a mouse lymphoma model Silvestrol Inhibits Chikungunya Virus Replication Broad-spectrum antiviral activity of the eIF4A inhibitor silvestrol against corona-and picornaviruses The natural compound silvestrol is a potent inhibitor of Ebola virus replication The natural compound silvestrol inhibits hepatitis E virus (HEV) replication in vitro and in vivo A mutation in the hepatitis E virus RNA polymerase promotes its replication and associates with ribavirin treatment failure in organ transplant recipients Proposed reference sequences for hepatitis E virus subtypes A new hepatitis E virus genotype 2 strain identified from an outbreak in Nigeria A large outbreak of Hepatitis E virus genotype 1 infection in an urban setting in Chad likely linked to household level transmission factors An outbreak of hepatitis E in an urban area of Bangladesh Abravanel, F. HEV and transfusion-recipient risk Chronic Infection With Camelid Hepatitis E Virus in a Liver Transplant Recipient Who Regularly Consumes Camel Meat and Milk Rat Hepatitis E Virus as Cause of Persistent Hepatitis after Liver Transplant Rat hepatitis E virus linked to severe acute hepatitis in an immunocompetent patient Hepatitis E virus infection Hepatitis E and pregnancy: Current state Extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis E virus Pegylated interferon-alpha for treating chronic hepatitis E virus infection after liver transplantation Treatment of chronic hepatitis E in liver transplant recipients with pegylated interferon α-2b Three-month pegylated interferon-alpha-2a therapy for chronic hepatitis E virus infection in a haemodialysis patient European Association for the Study of the Liver. keywords: acting; activity; acute; additive; antiviral; approach; candidates; capsid; cells; chronic; clinical; compound; current; dependent; development; different; domains; drug; e virus; effect; efficacy; enzymes; functional; genome; group; gt1; gt3; hcv; hepatitis; hev; high; host; huh7; identification; immunocompromised; infected; infection; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; inhibits; length; levels; like; liver; luc; nitd008; novel; nucleoside; options; orf1; patients; polymerase; polyprotein; porf3; potential; pregnant; protein; rbv; rdrp; recipients; reduced; release; replication; replicon; reported; repurposing; resistance; ribavirin; risk; rna; screening; silvestrol; sofosbuvir; strategy; structure; studies; study; synthesis; target; therapy; transplant; treatment; tsg101; vaccine; virus; viruses; vitro; vivo; women; zinc cache: cord-285935-5rsk6g7l.txt plain text: cord-285935-5rsk6g7l.txt item: #15 of 37 id: cord-287538-qbf5lv7d author: Nucera, Eleonora title: Latex Allergy: Current Status and Future Perspectives date: 2020-09-28 words: 6693 flesch: 35 summary: Guidance for Industry and Food and Drug Administration Staff Process for Making Available Guidance Documents Related to Coronavirus Disease Primary prevention of natural rubber latex allergy in the German health care system through education and intervention Efficacy of latex avoidance for primary prevention of latex sensitization in children with spina bifida Reduction of latex sensitization in spina bifida patients by a primary prophylaxis programme (five years experience) Safety of a powder-free latex allergy protocol in the operating theatre: a prospective, observational cohort study American Society of Anesthesiologists Committee on Occupational Health of Operating Room Personnel Latex allergy in housekeeping personnel Personal exposure to inhalable dust and the specific latex aero-allergen, Hev b6.02, in latex glove manufacturing in Thailand Use of protective gloves by hairdressers: a review of efficacy and potential adverse effects Occupational management of type I latex allergy Bensefa-Colas L. Accelerator-free gloves as alternatives in cases of glove allergy in healthcare workers Secondary prevention of latex allergy in children: analysis of results Outcome of a latex avoidance program in a high-risk population for latex allergy -a five-year follow-up study Prevention of latex allergy among health care workers and in the general population: latex protein content in devices commonly used in hospitals and general practice Emergency treatment of anaphylactic reactions. The following eligibility criteria were used for article inclusion: population: patients with latex allergy and/or at risk for anaphylaxis; intervention: any approaches or protocols that incorporated a strategy for latex allergy and anaphylaxis management; comparator: any studies irrespective of whether there was a comparator included in the study design; outcomes: any related to prevalence, diagnostics, and treatments including primary prevention and immunotherapy; and study design: experimental studies and observational studies. keywords: administration; allergen; allergic; allergy; anaphylaxis; authors; bifida; blind; case; challenge; children; clinical; contact; current; data; delayed; dermatitis; devices; diagnosis; double; efficacy; exposure; extract; food; free; general; gloves; group; hcws; health; healthcare; hev; hevea; high; history; hypersensitivity; ige; immunotherapy; increase; latex; latex allergy; latex gloves; literature; maintenance; management; measures; medical; natural; nrla; occupational; omalizumab; operating; patients; placebo; population; powder; prevalence; prevention; primary; products; proteins; reactions; reduction; related; review; risk; room; route; rubber; rush; safety; secondary; sensitization; significant; skin; slit; specific; spina; studies; study; sublingual; symptoms; systemic; tests; treatment; type; urticaria; use; workers; years cache: cord-287538-qbf5lv7d.txt plain text: cord-287538-qbf5lv7d.txt item: #16 of 37 id: cord-290136-n3irdy0x author: Vonesch, Nicoletta title: Emerging zoonotic viral infections of occupational health importance date: 2019-03-27 words: 9284 flesch: 35 summary: A security guard with West Nile Virus Encephalitis Performance of hepatitis E virus (HEV)-antibody tests: a comparative analysis based on samples from individuals with direct contact to domestic pigs or wild boar in Germany Seroprevalence study on the diffusion of the West Nile virus among blood donors, healthcare workers, jockeys, grooms and fowlers, veterinary surgeons and hunters in Messina (Italy) Evidence for the presence of autochthonous (locally acquired) cases of acute hepatitis E virus infections in Italy since the 80s Occupational exposure to zoonotic agents among agricultural workers in Lombardy region, northern Italy Prevalence of hepatitis E virus antibodies in workers occupationally exposed to swine in Portugal High prevalence of hepatitis E in humans and pigs and evidence of genotype-3 virus in swine, Madagascar Prevalence of zoonotic and vector-borne infections among Afghan National Army recruits in Afghanistan Epidemiological study of hepatitis E virus infection in the general population of Okinawa Hepatitis E virus exposure is increased in pork butchers from Burkina Faso Hepatitis E, Helicobacter pylori and peptic ulcers in workers exposed to sewage: a prospective cohort study Seroprevalence of hepatitis E in swine abattoir workers Nile virus: the complex biology of an emerging pathogen Antibodies against West Nile and Shuni viruses in Veterinarians Seroepidemiologic survey of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in selected risk groups, South Africa Cytokine induction after laboratory-acquired West Nile virus infection West Nile virus lineage 2 as a cause of zoonotic neurological disease in humans and horses in southern West Nile virus Encephalitis: the first human case recorded in Brazil Climate change, vectorborne diseases and working population HEV prevalence in the general population and among workers at zoonotic risk in Latium region Emerging zoonotic viral diseases Sero-epidemiological survey of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in Tunisia Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Hepatitis E virus infection in two different regions of Indonesia with identification of swine HEV genotype 3 Nosocomial infection of CCHF among health care workers in Rajasthan Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in migrant worker returning from Oman to India Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever: transmission to visitors and healthcare workers Hepatitis E virus (HEV) seroprevalence in the general population of the Republic of Korea in 2007-2009: a nationwide cross-sectional study None declared. Hepatitis E virus infection among pig handlers in Accra Unexpected elevated alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase levels and hepatitis E virus infection among persons who work with pigs in The Immune Responses of the Animal Hosts of West Nile Virus: A Comparison of Insects, Birds, and Mammals Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in livestock ticks and animal handler seroprevalence at an abattoir in Ghana Current status of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in the World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean region: issues, challenges, and future directions Laboratory challenges in the diagnosis of hepatitis E virus Seroprevalence and incidence of hepatitis E virus among blood donors: A review Work-related health effects among wastewater treatment plants workers Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever serosurvey in at-risk professionals, Madagascar Hepatitis E in a food handler -a rapid risk assessment to guide the public health response Seroepidemiology and molecular characterization of hepatitis E virus infection in swine and occupationally exposed workers in West Nile virus infection in Veneto region Zoonotic disease programs for enhancing global health security West Nile virus past infections in the general population of Southern Spain Bayesian estimation of hepatitis E virus seroprevalence for populations with different exposure levels to swine in The Netherlands High hepatitis E virus seroprevalence in forestry workers and in wild boars in France Hepatitis E virus: A cross-sectional serological and virological study in pigs and humans at zoonotic risk within a high-density pig farming area Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever among health care workers Zoonotic risk of hepatitis E virus (HEV): A study of HEV infection in animals and humans in suburbs of Beijing Hepatitis E virus seroprevalence and risk factors for individuals in working contact with animals Seroprevalence of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in Erzincan province, Turkey, relationship with geographic features and risk factors Hepatitis E Virus in Industrialized Countries: The Silent Threat Hepatitis E seroprevalence and related risk factors among seafood processing workers: a crosssectional survey in Shandong province, China Hepatitis E virus and neurological injury Hepatitis E virus genotype 3 in humans and swine Retrospective study evaluating seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus in blood donors and in swine veterinarians in Italy Hepatitis E virus in pork production chain in Seroprevalence study in forestry workers from eastern Germany using novel genotype 3-and rat hepatitis E virus-specific immunoglobulin G ELISAs Evaluation of patients with Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in ECDC. keywords: acute; africa; agricultural; analysis; animals; anti; antibodies; areas; articles; asia; available; birds; blood; body; butchers; cases; cchfv; clinical; congo; congo hemorrhagic; contact; control; countries; country; crimean; criteria; cross; data; different; direct; disease; e virus; effective; endemic; environmental; epidemiological; et al; europe; evidence; exposure; factors; farmers; fever; fever virus; fluids; food; general; genotype; greece; groups; health; healthcare; hemorrhagic; hemorrhagic fever; hepatitis; hev; hev infection; higher; host; humans; igg; illness; inclusion; infected; infection; information; iran; italy; livestock; low; medical; mosquito; nile; nosocomial; number; occupational; patients; pig; pigs; population; positivity; potential; public; region; reports; responsible; retrospective; review; risk; sectional; seropositivity; seroprevalence; severe; slaughterhouse; south; spain; studies; study; subjects; swine; text; ticks; total; transmission; turkey; vector; veterinarians; viral; virus; virus infection; viruses; west; wild; wnv; workers; working; years; zoonotic cache: cord-290136-n3irdy0x.txt plain text: cord-290136-n3irdy0x.txt item: #17 of 37 id: cord-295455-km0qcmlh author: Fehr, Anthony R. title: Viral Macrodomains: Unique Mediators of Viral Replication and Pathogenesis date: 2018-07-31 words: 5472 flesch: 41 summary: The structure and catalytic mechanism of a poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase A family of macrodomain proteins reverses cellular mono-ADP-ribosylation Macrodomain-containing proteins are new mono-ADP-ribosylhydrolases Deficiency of terminal ADP-ribose protein glycohydrolase TARG1/C6orf130 in neurodegenerative disease Sequence of the genome RNA of rubella virus: evidence for genetic rearrangement during togavirus evolution Putative papain-related thiol proteases of positive-strand RNA viruses. The observation that even a 50% reduction in viral macrodomain activity greatly reduced virus fitness suggests that viruses would struggle to escape potential inhibitors [38] . keywords: activities; activity; acute; adp; alphaviruses; antiviral; asparagine; binding; catalytic; cause; cells; cellular; chikungunya; chikv; conserved; coronavirus; cov; covs; different; disease; distal; effects; enzymatic; figure; function; genome; glycohydrolase; hepatitis; hev; human; hydrolase; ifn; important; infection; inhibitors; interferon; likely; macrod2; macrodomains; mice; mono; mutation; new; nsp3; orf1; parps; pathogenesis; poly(adp; positive; potential; proteins; replication; residues; respiratory; response; ribose; ribose-1; ribosylation; rna; role; sars; severe; stress; structures; studies; syndrome; targets; terminal; type; unique; viral; viral macrodomains; virulence; virus; viruses cache: cord-295455-km0qcmlh.txt plain text: cord-295455-km0qcmlh.txt item: #18 of 37 id: cord-297514-98q6kpmx author: Salines, Morgane title: Combining network analysis with epidemiological data to inform risk-based surveillance: Application to hepatitis E virus (HEV) in pigs date: 2018-01-01 words: 4953 flesch: 42 summary: Our methodology was applied to hepatitis E virus (HEV), an emerging foodborne zoonotic agent of concern that is highly prevalent in pig farms. HEV is highly prevalent in pig farms and is likely to spread between farms through the introduction of infected pigs, especially due to the pyramidal structure of the pig production sector (Salines et al., 2017a) . keywords: analysis; animal; areas; bovine; cattle; centrality; closeness; contact; data; database; degree; disease; distribution; département; effect; et al; exposure; factors; farm; fig; french; hepatitis; hev; hev seroprevalence; high; holdings; incoming; infected; infection; ingoing; level; link; model; movements; network; number; outgoing; pathogen; patterns; pig; pigs; production; programmes; results; risk; role; rose; salines; sampled; seroprevalence; shipments; spread; study; surveillance; swine; trade; transmission; virus cache: cord-297514-98q6kpmx.txt plain text: cord-297514-98q6kpmx.txt item: #19 of 37 id: cord-298233-qqhgmqrg author: Nan, Yuchen title: Molecular Biology and Infection of Hepatitis E Virus date: 2016-09-07 words: 16476 flesch: 35 summary: For the detailed geographical distribution of hepatitis E virus genotypes, please refer to these reviews (Dalton et al., 2008; Kamar et al., 2012a) . inhibits type I interferon induction by ORF1 products Differential activities of cellular and viral macro domain proteins in binding of ADP-ribose metabolites Hepatitis E virus ORF1 encoded macro domain protein interacts with light chain subunit of human ferritin and inhibits its secretion Genetic variability and evolution of hepatitis E virus Efficient cell culture systems for hepatitis E virus strains in feces and circulating blood Culture systems for hepatitis E virus Analysis of RNA-dependent RNA polymerase structure and function as guided by known polymerase structures and computer predictions of secondary structure The hepatitis E virus intraviral interactome Inhibition of alphavirus infection in cell culture and in mice with antisense morpholino oligomers Hepatitis E virus (HEV) protease: a chymotrypsin-like enzyme that processes both non-structural (pORF1) and capsid (pORF2) protein The in vitro-synthesized RNA from a cDNA clone of hepatitis E virus is infectious Molecular characterization of hepatitis E virus ORF1 gene supports a papain-like cysteine protease (PCP)-domain activity The hepatitis E virus ORF1 'X-domain' residues form a putative macrodomain protein/Appr-1-pase catalytic-site, critical for viral RNA replication The intergenic-junction variant (genotype 2 isolate) of hepatitis E virus restores the CREX 'stem-loop' structural integrity, essential for viral life cycle Evidence of MAPK-JNK1/2 activation by hepatitis E virus ORF3 protein in cultured hepatoma cells Hepatitis E virus infection among solid organ transplant recipients, the Netherlands Herpesvirus tegument protein pUL37 interacts with dystonin/BPAG1 to promote capsid transport on microtubules during egress Zoonotic origin of hepatitis E MacroH2A, a core histone containing a large nonhistone region Evolutionary conservation of histone macroH2A subtypes and domains Higher concentrations of histone macroH2A in the Barr body are correlated with higher nucleosome density Early secretory pathway localization and lack of processing for hepatitis E virus replication protein pORF1 Deletions of the hypervariable region (HVR) in open reading frame 1 of hepatitis E virus do not abolish virus infectivity: evidence for attenuation of HVR deletion mutants in vivo Mutational analysis of the hypervariable region of hepatitis e virus reveals its involvement in the efficiency of viral RNA replication Hepatitis E: an emerging awareness of an old disease Evolution of the hepatitis E virus polyproline region: order from disorder The molecular epidemiology of hepatitis E virus infection The hepatitis E virus polyproline region is involved in viral adaptation ADP-ribose-1-monophosphatase: a conserved coronavirus enzyme that is dispensable for viral replication in tissue culture Identification of protease and ADP-ribose 1-monophosphatase activities associated with transmissible gastroenteritis virus non-structural protein 3 Hepatitis E virus produced from cell culture has keywords: a549; able; acid; activity; acute; adp; analysis; animal; antibodies; antibody; available; avian; binding; biology; capsid; capsid protein; cases; cells; cellular; characterization; china; chronic; conserved; countries; cross; culture; current; cysteine; data; dependent; different; domain; downstream; e virus; effective; efficacy; enveloped; essential; et al; expression; factor; failure; family; form; frame; function; gene; genetic; genome; genomic; genotypes; glycosylation; graff et; group; hand; helicase; hepatitis; hepatoma; hev; hev genotypes; hev infection; hev orf1; hev replication; hev rna; higher; host; huh7; human; hvr; identification; infected; infection; inhibits; innate; insect; insertion; interaction; interferon; isolates; kamar; kda; later; length; like; limited; liver; macro; major; mammalian; membrane; methyltransferase; molecular; morpholino; motif; mutation; nan et; new; non; nonstructural; novel; open; orf1; orf2; orf3; orf3 protein; orf4; organ; particles; parvez; pathogenesis; patients; pcp; phosphorylation; plc; polymerase; polyprotein; positive; potential; pregnant; prf/5; processing; product; proline; protease; protein; psap; putative; rate; rdrp; reading; recent; receptor; recombinant; region; related; release; replication; report; residues; ribavirin; ribose; rich; rna; role; rubella; s17; sar55; sequence; serum; shows; signaling; similarity; site; smith et; solid; species; specific; strain; structural; studies; study; swine; system; terminal; terminus; transcription; translation; transmission; transplant; treatment; vaccine; viral; virions; virus; virus infection; virus replication; viruses; vivo; vp13; wedemeyer; wedemeyer et; wild; women; zoonotic cache: cord-298233-qqhgmqrg.txt plain text: cord-298233-qqhgmqrg.txt item: #20 of 37 id: cord-298678-hjxph9jm author: Petrović, T. title: Viral Contamination of Food date: 2016-02-05 words: 10130 flesch: 43 summary: A lack of appropriate detection methods for confirmation of viruses as the etiological agent in food is also the reason for underreporting of foodborne virus outbreaks (Baert et al., 2009) . The existing knowledge gaps and the major future expectations in the detection and surveillance of foodborne viruses are mentioned. , and over 4700 persons in Japan contracted foodborne gastroenteritis due to AstV (Oishi et al., 1994) . keywords: acute; alerts; animals; areas; available; bosch; cases; cause; chain; children; clams; collected; common; consumption; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; countries; data; detection; different; disease; ecdc; efsa; endemic; enteric; environment; et al; european; fao; fecal; feces; food; foodborne; foodborne outbreaks; france; fresh; frozen; fruit; gastroenteritis; greening; handlers; handling; harvesting; hav; hepatitis; hev; high; hrv; human; illness; infected; infection; japan; large; like; liver; major; meat; methods; netherlands; new; norovirus; nov; number; outbreaks; oysters; pathogens; patients; pcr; person; petrović; pigs; pork; positive; presence; present; prevalence; produce; products; raspberries; raw; regions; reported; result; review; risk; rna; route; safety; samples; sequences; sewage; shellfish; source; spain; spread; states; strains; strawberries; studies; study; surveillance; swine; time; total; transmission; united; vegetables; viral; viruses; water; zoonotic cache: cord-298678-hjxph9jm.txt plain text: cord-298678-hjxph9jm.txt item: #21 of 37 id: cord-316592-a1uhy2ex author: Huang, Fen title: RNA interference inhibits hepatitis E virus mRNA accumulation and protein synthesis in vitro date: 2010-05-19 words: 3717 flesch: 44 summary: The expression of HEV ORF2 protein was observed 48 h post-transfection. For the absorbance at 492 nm is directly proportional to the number of living cells in culture, the number of living cells in a well treated with each of HEV specific siRNAs was more than that treated with scrambled siRNA or untransfected controls cells. keywords: a549; analysis; anti; assay; blot; cells; culture; efficiency; expression; fig; fluorescence; free; gene; hepatitis; hev; high; human; infection; inhibition; interference; min; mrna; orf2; pegfp; plasmid; post; primer; protein; qpcr; real; recombinant; reverse; rnai; scrambled; sequence; sirnas; specific; specificity; study; suppression; target; time; transcription; transfection; usa; vector; viral; virus; western cache: cord-316592-a1uhy2ex.txt plain text: cord-316592-a1uhy2ex.txt item: #22 of 37 id: cord-318222-o9kc3x6z author: Saraswat, Shweta title: Hepatitis E Virus Cysteine Protease Has Papain Like Properties Validated by in silico Modeling and Cell-Free Inhibition Assays date: 2020-01-23 words: 8566 flesch: 43 summary: Thus, we were interested in testing the influence of metal conjugated compound on HEV protease activity. Collectively, this study significantly advances our understanding of the structure and function of HEV protease. keywords: acid; active; activity; aebsf; alln; amino; analysis; anti; assay; baculovirus; binding; bond; buffer; california; casein; catalytic; cells; chymostatin; chymotrypsin; concentration; cysteine; cysteine protease; different; digestion; docking; domain; e virus; effect; enzyme; et al; expressed; expression; figure; fragments; free; ftc; function; gelatin; glide; hcl; hel; hepatitis; hev; hev protease; his590; incubation; infected; infection; inhibition; inhibitors; interactions; invitrogen; kda; koonin; leupeptin; like; model; molecular; native; optimal; orf1; paliwal; papain; parvez; pcp; pcr; polyprotein; positive; predicted; prediction; presence; present; processing; protease; protease activity; protease inhibitors; protein; purified; putative; rdrp; reaction; recombinant; region; replication; residues; results; rna; role; sds; sf21; similar; site; specific; structural; studies; study; substrate; system; table; temperature; terminal; tris; viral; virus; zinc; zymography cache: cord-318222-o9kc3x6z.txt plain text: cord-318222-o9kc3x6z.txt item: #23 of 37 id: cord-321132-xdpb3ukt author: Lhomme, Sebastien title: Influence of Polyproline Region and Macro Domain Genetic Heterogeneity on HEV Persistence in Immunocompromised Patients date: 2014-01-15 words: 2350 flesch: 42 summary: We compared the sequence heterogeneity of 2 regions of ORF1 in patients with chronic HEV infection and those with resolving infections. Our working hypothesis was that the genetic heterogeneity of the PPR or the macro domain play a role in the outcome of HEV infection in immunocompromised patients, as the PPR could modulate the host immune response and the macro domain could influence virus pathogenicity. keywords: acute; chronic; diversity; domain; genetic; group; hepatitis; heterogeneity; hev; hevorf1; higher; host; immune; infection; macro; macro domain; orf1; outcome; patients; pcr; persistence; phase; polyproline; ppr; protein; quasispecies; region; replication; response; rna; sequence; serum; supplementary; transplant; viral; virus cache: cord-321132-xdpb3ukt.txt plain text: cord-321132-xdpb3ukt.txt item: #24 of 37 id: cord-322062-nnefbeo6 author: Tam, Albert W. title: Hepatitis E virus (HEV): Molecular cloning and sequencing of the full-length viral genome date: 1991-11-30 words: 5759 flesch: 39 summary: With the acquisition of BET-SPl, the composite cDNA map (omitting overlaps) spanned approximately 7.4 kb from the 5' end of BET-SPl to the polyadenylated 3'end of clone BET1 ; in good agreement with the maximum length of HEV RNA as detected on Northern blots. These findings on the genetic organization and expression strategy of HEV suggest that it is the prototype human pathogen for a new class of RNA virus or perhaps a separate genus within the Caliciviridae family Viral hepatitis results from infection with one of at least four very different viral agents. keywords: a/.; acid; agent; amino; analysis; bet; binding; bradley; cdna; clone; cloning; cyno; ecorl; encoding; end; et al; et1; expression; extension; fig; frame; gene; genome; genomic; hcv; hepatitis; hev; high; hybridization; identification; infected; length; libraries; library; liver; major; messages; motifs; nanbh; non; nonstructural; northern; nucleotide; open; orf2; orf3; orfl; orfs; organization; polarity; poly(a; polymerase; position; positive; presence; primer; probe; proteins; reading; region; residues; reyes; rna; second; sense; sequence; sequencing; similar; single; site; specific; spl; strand; studies; subgenomic; synthesis; viral; virus; viruses cache: cord-322062-nnefbeo6.txt plain text: cord-322062-nnefbeo6.txt item: #25 of 37 id: cord-324216-ce3wa889 author: Wang, Zheng title: Resequencing microarray probe design for typing genetically diverse viruses: human rhinoviruses and enteroviruses date: 2008-12-01 words: 5213 flesch: 45 summary: The limited number of HRV sequences available in GenBank during the time of design of RPM-Flu v.30/31 rendered a few of the targets represented on RPM-Flu v.30/31 are shorter than 200 bp. A minimal number of probe sequences (26 for HRV and 13 for HEV), which were potentially capable of detecting all serotypes of HRV and HEV, were determined and implemented on the Resequencing Pathogen Microarray RPM-Flu v.30/31 (Tessarae RPM-Flu). keywords: algorithm; analysis; available; base; best; calls; case; cibsi; complete; database; design; detection; differential; diverse; dna; enteroviruses; file; flu; genbank; genome; group; hev; high; hit; hrv; human; hybridization; identification; level; list; microarray; model; molecular; nucleotide; number; pathogens; pcr; potential; primer; probe; process; prototype; prototype sequences; rates; region; resequencing; respiratory; results; rhinoviruses; rpm; samples; selection; sequences; serotypes; serotyping; silico; species; strains; study; target; tiled; typing; v.30/31; viral; viruses; vp1 cache: cord-324216-ce3wa889.txt plain text: cord-324216-ce3wa889.txt item: #26 of 37 id: cord-327609-no58ucyq author: Murkey, Jamie A. title: Hepatitis E Virus–Associated Meningoencephalitis in a Lung Transplant Recipient Diagnosed by Clinical Metagenomic Sequencing date: 2017-06-13 words: 1954 flesch: 30 summary: Validation of metagenomic next-generation sequencing tests for universal pathogen detection Neurobrucellosis: unexpected answer from metagenomic next-generation sequencing Hepatitis E virus reinfections in solid-organ-transplant recipients can evolve into chronic infections Hepatitis E virus infection among solid organ transplant recipients, the Netherlands Factors associated with chronic hepatitis in patients with hepatitis E virus infection who have received solid organ transplants Hepatitis E virus and neurologic disorders Evidence of hepatitis E virus breaking through the blood-brain barrier and replicating in the central nervous system A cloud-compatible bioinformatics pipeline for ultrarapid pathogen identification from next-generation sequencing of clinical samples Treatment of HEV infection in patients with a solid-organ transplant and chronic hepatitis Liver transplant from a donor with occult HEV infection induced chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis in the recipient Evidence of hepatitis E virus transmission by renal graft We would like to thank the patient for participating in the PDAID research study. We demonstrate the power of clinical mNGS in elucidating the cause of uncommon and unexpected infections and identify a case of chronic HEV infection most likely transmitted through the transplanted lungs the patient had received 6 years prior. keywords: acute; admission; authors; blood; california; case; chronic; cirrhosis; clinical; diagnosis; donor; figure; generation; headache; hepatitis; hev; infection; level; lung; medications; meningoencephalitis; metagenomic; mngs; organ; pathogen; patient; pdaid; recipients; sequencing; solid; study; supplementary; table; tacrolimus; testing; transplant; transplantation; treatment; viral; virus; years cache: cord-327609-no58ucyq.txt plain text: cord-327609-no58ucyq.txt item: #27 of 37 id: cord-329137-5pw07qje author: Dryden, Kelly A. title: Immature and Mature Human Astrovirus: Structure, Conformational Changes, and Similarities to Hepatitis E Virus date: 2012-10-05 words: 3862 flesch: 47 summary: VP90 assembles in infected cells and undergoes C-terminal cleavages by caspases to generate VP70 (a 70-to 79-kDa protein) for release from the cells as immature virus particles. Cleavage to VP70 is required for release of immature particles from cells, and subsequent cleavage by trypsin confers infectivity. keywords: activation; analysis; assembly; astrovirus; axes; buffer; capsid; cells; cleavage; cleaved; conserved; cryoem; crystal; density; diameter; difference; dimers; domain; electron; fig; fold; hastv; hastv-8; hepatitis; hev; human; icosahedral; identical; immature; infectious; infectivity; like; maps; model; particles; pdb; protein; proteolytic; residues; resolution; rna; sequences; serotype; shell; similar; similarities; spikes; structure; surface; symmetry; terminal; trypsin; variable; viral; viruses; vp25; vp27; vp34; vp70; vp90 cache: cord-329137-5pw07qje.txt plain text: cord-329137-5pw07qje.txt item: #28 of 37 id: cord-332046-ihc031ly author: Li, Yan‐Chao title: Neurotropic virus tracing suggests a membranous‐coating‐mediated mechanism for transsynaptic communication date: 2013-01-01 words: 4873 flesch: 41 summary: Coated vesicles enclosing a single virion were further found in the axonal terminals adjacent to infected pyramidal cells (Fig. 3D) . Usually, it is not easy to examine virus particles ultrastructurally in vivo, even if the viral antigen has been labeled by immunostaining, because virions are very small, and viral structures or vesicular membrane cannot be identified clearly because of the immunostaining reaction. keywords: 67n; adjacent; arrow; axonal; axons; brains; cells; central; cns; coated; coronavirus; cortex; cytoplasm; day; dissemination; electron; encephalomyelitis; et al; fig; fusion; golgi; hev; hirano; host; infected; infection; inoculation; inset; invaginations; japan; large; membrane; motor; mouse; nervous; neuronal; neurons; p.i; particles; postsynaptic; pre; present; primary; progeny; pyramidal; rats; replication; sections; spinal; strain; studies; study; swine; synaptic; system; transfer; transsynaptic; vesicles; vesicular; viral; virions; virus; viruses cache: cord-332046-ihc031ly.txt plain text: cord-332046-ihc031ly.txt item: #29 of 37 id: cord-333966-st6gyozv author: Taherkhani, Reza title: Design and production of a multiepitope construct derived from hepatitis E virus capsid protein date: 2015-03-17 words: 5209 flesch: 47 summary: At a concentration of 1  10 5 cells/well, PBMCs of each sample in RPMI 1640 and 10% FCS were added to the four wells of 96-well plates, and stimulated with truncated ORF2 protein (10 mg/ml), high density multiepitope protein (10 mg/ml), and PHA (5 mg/ml) separately at 37˚C. The unstimulated PBMCs of each sample were used to evaluate spontaneous production of cytokines. The cell proliferative responses in HEV-recovered group following stimulation with high density multiepitope protein and truncated ORF2 protein were found higher than control group (P < 0.001); and these responses were observed higher with high density multiepitope protein than truncated ORF2 protein in HEV-recovered group (P ¼ 0.013) keywords: affinity; analysis; antibodies; binding; bl21; capsid; cells; codon; coli; conserved; construct; control; cytokines; density; density multiepitope; design; development; different; elisa; elispot; epitopes; et al; expression; fig; gene; group; helper; hepatitis; hev; high; high density; hla; htl; human; ifn; immune; individuals; induction; infection; iptg; kda; kit; lane; level; multiepitope; multiepitope protein; number; orf2; pbmcs; plasmid; population; production; protective; protein; purified; recombinant; recovered; responses; results; sample; silico; software; specific; strain; study; target; times; type; vaccine; vector; viral; virus cache: cord-333966-st6gyozv.txt plain text: cord-333966-st6gyozv.txt item: #30 of 37 id: cord-335116-c83xyev5 author: Proença-Módena, José Luiz title: Respiratory viruses are continuously detected in children with chronic tonsillitis throughout the year date: 2014-07-21 words: 3641 flesch: 31 summary: The fluctuations of respiratory virus detection were compared to the major climatic variables during a two-year period using adenoids and palatine tonsils from 172 children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy and clinical evidence of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome or recurrent adenotonsillitis, without symptoms of acute respiratory infection (ARI), by TaqMan real-time PCR. Methods: The fluctuations of respiratory virus detection were compared to the major climatic variables during a two-year period using adenoids and palatine tonsils from 172 children with adenotonsillar hypertrophy and clinical evidence of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome or recurrent adenotonsillitis, without symptoms of acute respiratory infection (ARI), by TaqMan real-time PCR. keywords: acute; adenoids; adenotonsillar; adenovirus; ari; bocavirus; children; chronic; clinical; detection; diseases; enterovirus; fig; frequencies; genomes; hadv; hbov; hev; high; higher; hrsv; hrv; human; hypertrophy; infections; months; overall; palatine; patients; period; persistence; present; rates; regions; respiratory; results; samples; seasonal; seasonality; secretions; study; subtropical; summer; symptoms; syncytial; time; tissues; tonsils; tropical; viral; virus; viruses; year cache: cord-335116-c83xyev5.txt plain text: cord-335116-c83xyev5.txt item: #31 of 37 id: cord-336456-wg8vfh6w author: Webb, Glynn W. title: Hepatitis A and Hepatitis E: Clinical and Epidemiological Features, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention date: 2020-11-01 words: 6190 flesch: 43 summary: Hepatitis E in the EU/EEA Hepatitis E virus (HEV) in Scotland: evidence of recent increase in viral circulation in humans Hepatitis E virus infection may be transmitted through blood transfusions in an endemic area Hepatitis E virus RNA in Australian blood donors: prevalence and risk assessment Transmission of rat hepatitis E virus infection to humans in Hong Kong: a clinical and epidemiological analysis Hepatitis A: clinical manifestations and management Clinical course and management of acute hepatitis A infection in adults Atypical clinical manifestations of hepatitis A Prolonged intrahepatic cholestasis secondary to acute hepatitis A Relapsing hepatitis A. Review of 14 cases and literature survey Hepatitis E epidemic Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in patients with cirrhosis is associated with rapid decompensation and death Hepatitis E virus: assessment of the epidemiological situation in humans in Europe, 2014/15 Autochthonous hepatitis E in southwest England: natural history, complications and seasonal variation, and hepatitis E virus IgG seroprevalence in blood donors, the elderly and patients with chronic liver disease Host risk factors and autochthonous hepatitis E infection Hepatitis E virus in patients with decompensated chronic liver disease: a prospective UK/French study Hepatitis E infection in patients with severe acute alcoholic hepatitis Hepatitis E during pregnancy: maternal and foetal case-fatality rates and adverse outcomes-a systematic review Hepatitis E in pregnancy Clinical course and duration of viremia in vertically transmitted hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in babies born to HEV-infected mothers Burden of hepatitis E virus infection in pregnancy and maternofoetal outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis Clinical manifestations, pathogenesis and treatment of hepatitis E virus infections Arthritis, vasculitis, and cryoglobulinemia associated with relapsing hepatitis A virus infection Thrombocytopenia in hepatitis A-an atypical presentation Hepatitis E virus and neurological injury Neuralgic amyotrophy and hepatitis E virus infection Clinical phenotype and outcome of hepatitis E virus-associated neuralgic amyotrophy Hepatitis E virus infection and acute non-traumatic neurological injury: a prospective multicentre study The spectrum of antecedent infections in Guillain-Barré syndrome: a case-control study Hepatitis E virus-induced neurological symptoms in a kidney-transplant patient with chronic hepatitis Hepatitis E seroprevalence in Europe: a meta-analysis Two generations of gold standards: the impact of a decade in hepatitis E virus testing innovation on population seroprevalence Ribavirin for hepatitis E virus infection after organ transplantation: a large European retrospective multicenter study Prevention of hepatitis A virus infection in the United States: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices British Association for Sexual Health and HIV. In the last 2 years, evidence has emerged of a new zoonotic source of HEV infection. keywords: acute; adults; age; anti; antibodies; blood; cases; cause; cell; chronic; clinical; common; control; countries; course; different; disease; drug; e virus; enveloped; epidemic; epidemiological; european; evidence; factors; failure; genotypes; genus; hav; health; hepatitis; hev; hev infection; hev1; hev3; high; host; humans; illness; immune; individuals; infected; infection; injury; jaundice; large; likely; liver; manifestations; mortality; neurological; non; outbreaks; patients; period; pregnancy; pregnant; prevention; primary; products; range; rates; recipients; risk; rna; sanitation; severe; significant; similar; small; species; study; symptoms; transmission; transplant; treatment; vaccination; viral; virions; virus; viruses; weeks; women; world; years; zoonotic cache: cord-336456-wg8vfh6w.txt plain text: cord-336456-wg8vfh6w.txt item: #32 of 37 id: cord-339382-ii4xurmr author: Bachofen, Claudia title: Selected Viruses Detected on and in our Food date: 2018-03-21 words: 6539 flesch: 41 summary: Considering this fact, only relatively few outbreaks or cases of disease due to foodborne viruses are reported-in contrast to bacterial infections Furthermore, lacking awareness of clinicians [4] and a limitation of concerted surveillance programmes for foodborne viruses may contribute to underreporting [5] . keywords: acute; analysis; animal; antibodies; beef; blood; blv; bovine; breast; cancer; cases; cattle; cause; cell; chicken; children; clinical; consumption; contaminated; contamination; contrast; countries; data; detection; disease; dna; environmental; epidemiology; europe; faeces; family; foodborne; foodborne viruses; gastroenteritis; genetic; genome; genotype; genus; hav; health; hepatitis; hev; high; human; important; infected; infecting; infection; japan; low; meat; metagenomic; milk; molecular; new; ngs; non; norovirus; nov; numbers; oral; outbreaks; people; pigs; plant; porcine; pork; presence; present; prevalence; products; public; range; raw; recent; reports; review; risk; role; rotavirus; samples; sequencing; similar; small; sources; species; specific; surveillance; tbev; tick; transmission; unenveloped; viral; viruses; water; wild; world; years; zoonotic cache: cord-339382-ii4xurmr.txt plain text: cord-339382-ii4xurmr.txt item: #33 of 37 id: cord-347244-abxv2mkz author: Izopet, Jacques title: Hepatitis E Virus Strains in Rabbits and Evidence of a Closely Related Strain in Humans, France date: 2012-08-17 words: 3885 flesch: 45 summary: Comparison with HEV sequences of human strains and reference sequences identified a human strain closely related to rabbit strain HEV. Phylogenetic analyses, conducted on the basis of a 189-nt fragment within ORF2 of the 37 HEV strains from rabbits, HEV3 strains from humans circulating in France, and HEV reference sequences (HEV1, HEV2, HEV3, HEV4, rabbit HEV, rat HEV, wild-boar HEV) indicated that the 37 new ORF2 sequences from rabbit HEVs were clustered. keywords: acute; analysis; bile; boars; china; chronic; copies; domain; farmed; france; genomes; genotypes; hepatitis; hev; hev3; human; identical; infected; infection; insertion; intestine; length; liver; orf1; orf2; patients; pcr; phylogenetic; prevalence; primers; rabbit hev; rabbits; reference; rna; samples; sequences; strains; swine; table; tls-18516; transmission; virus; wild; zoonotic cache: cord-347244-abxv2mkz.txt plain text: cord-347244-abxv2mkz.txt item: #34 of 37 id: cord-348179-i8w7huke author: Xue, Yong title: Increased risk of hepatitis E virus infection in schizophrenia date: 2012-10-07 words: 3365 flesch: 52 summary: Therefore, schizophrenia patients exhibited a higher risk of HEV infection than controls. T-cell levels and the increased risk of HEV infection in schizophrenia patients. keywords: acute; age; anti; antibodies; antibody; cd4; cell; controls; cytokine; detection; group; healthy; hepatitis; hev; hev igg; higher; ifn; igg; igm; il-10; il-4; illness; immune; individuals; infection; levels; lower; mental; negative; patients; people; positive; positivity; present; rates; ratios; risk; schizophrenia; schizophrenia patients; serum; study; th1; th2; virus cache: cord-348179-i8w7huke.txt plain text: cord-348179-i8w7huke.txt item: #35 of 37 id: cord-350964-0jtfc271 author: Van Nguyen, Dung title: Detection and Characterization of Homologues of Human Hepatitis Viruses and Pegiviruses in Rodents and Bats in Vietnam date: 2018-02-28 words: 4804 flesch: 47 summary: Several factors may contribute to the risk of zoonotic rodent or bat virus transmission. Rodent hepacivirus sequences (360 nucleotides) formed two well supported clades (Figure 2a) . keywords: acid; amino; bamboo; bat; bats; clade; closest; complete; delta; detection; determined; distances; dna; farmed; figure; genome; hbv; hcv; hepacivirus; hepatitis; hev; high; hipposideros; host; human; identity; liver; low; mekong; new; novel; nucleotides; orfs; pcr; pegivirus; prevalence; primers; range; rats; rattus; region; rna; rodent; samples; screening; sequences; similar; species; study; table; transmission; vietnam; vietnamese; viral; viruses; zoonotic cache: cord-350964-0jtfc271.txt plain text: cord-350964-0jtfc271.txt item: #36 of 37 id: cord-351365-dc9t3vh3 author: Todt, Daniel title: Mutagenic Effects of Ribavirin on Hepatitis E Virus—Viral Extinction versus Selection of Fitness-Enhancing Mutations date: 2016-10-13 words: 6337 flesch: 36 summary: From Error Catastrophe to Lethal Defection Counteracting quasispecies adaptability: Extinction of a ribavirin-resistant virus mutant by an alternative mutagenic treatment Potential benefits of sequential inhibitor-mutagen treatments of RNA virus infections Antiviral Strategies Based on Lethal Mutagenesis and Error Threshold Pegylated interferon-alpha for treating chronic hepatitis E virus infection after liver transplantation Treatment of chronic hepatitis E in liver transplant recipients with pegylated interferon alpha-2b Antiviral Activities of Different Interferon Types and Subtypes against Hepatitis E Virus Replication Disparity of basal and therapeutically activated interferon signalling in constraining hepatitis E virus infection Viral hepatitis during pregnancy Incidence and severity of viral hepatitis in pregnancy Following an overview of RNA viruses treated with RBV in clinics and a summary of the different antiviral modes of action of this drug, we focus on the mutagenic effect of RBV on HEV intrahost populations, and how HEV is able to overcome lethal mutagenesis. keywords: action; activity; agent; antiviral; broad; cap; cell; chronic; clinical; combination; data; direct; disease; drug; effect; error; extinction; failure; fever; figure; fitness; foot; genomes; gtp; guanosine; hantaan; hcv; helper; hepatitis; heterogeneity; hev; high; host; ifn; infected; infection; influenza; inhibition; interferon; intra; lassa; lethal; liver; mechanisms; monotherapy; mouth; mutagenesis; mutagenic; mutant; mutations; new; nucleotide; patients; poliovirus; polymerase; pools; population; positive; quasispecies; rates; rbv; rdrp; replication; response; ribavirin; rna; rsv; rtp; selection; spectrum; studies; study; synthesis; therapy; threshold; transplant; treatment; trials; viral; virus; viruses; vivo cache: cord-351365-dc9t3vh3.txt plain text: cord-351365-dc9t3vh3.txt item: #37 of 37 id: cord-351389-48tszqh5 author: Xu, Kai title: Crystal Structure of the Hendra Virus Attachment G Glycoprotein Bound to a Potent Cross-Reactive Neutralizing Human Monoclonal Antibody date: 2013-10-10 words: 6696 flesch: 45 summary: The reported success of m102.4 in a nonhuman primate model of HeV infection has been particularly encouraging, and the m102.4 exhibited an excellent distribution half-time (,1 day) and elimination half-time (,11 days) in the AGM. During the 2010 HeV spillover occurrence in Queensland, Australia, there were two individuals that were considered to be at high risk of HeV infection [35] . keywords: acid; affinity; antibodies; antibody; associated; attachment; binding; cavity; cdr; cell; central; chain; complex; cross; crystal; d582n; data; date; development; disease; domain; effective; entry; ephrin; escape; exposure; fab; figure; forms; fusion; gene; glycoprotein; heavy; hendra; henipavirus; hev; high; higher; hmab; host; human; hydrophobic; individuals; infection; influenza; interaction; interface; lethal; light; loop; m102.3; mab; mabs; mechanism; membrane; models; molecular; monoclonal; mutants; mutation; neutralization; neutralizing; nipah; niv; observed; post; potential; proteins; rates; receptor; region; residues; similar; structure; surface; table; targeting; treatment; type; use; viral; virus; viruses; wild cache: cord-351389-48tszqh5.txt plain text: cord-351389-48tszqh5.txt