item: #1 of 48 id: cord-000285-7p3b6tyf author: HARTERT, Tina V. title: The Tennessee Children's Respiratory Initiative: Objectives, design and recruitment results of a prospective cohort study investigating infant viral respiratory illness and the development of asthma and allergic diseases date: 2010-04-08 words: 3853 flesch: 29 summary: The TCRI is a prospective cohort of mother-infant dyads enrolled in a longitudinal investigation of the relationship of infant viral respiratory infection severity and aetiology and the interaction of other risk factors on the development of childhood asthma and allergic diseases. The primary goals of the study are: (i) to investigate both the acute and the long-term health consequences of varying severity and aetiology of clinically significant viral respiratory tract infections on the outcomes of allergic rhinitis (AR) and early childhood asthma; and (ii) to identify the potentially modifiable factors that define children who are at greatest risk of developing asthma following infant respiratory viral infection. keywords: acute; aetiology; age; allergic; asthma; atopic; biological; birth; blood; bronchiolitis; childhood; children; clinical; cohort; collection; data; dermatitis; design; development; diagnosis; diseases; early; factors; follow; health; hospital; human; illness; incidence; infant; infection; information; isaac; life; longitudinal; lrti; mothers; objectives; population; prospective; questionnaire; recruitment; relationship; respiratory; respiratory viral; results; rhinitis; risk; role; severity; study; tcri; tennessee; term; testing; time; tract; uri; vanderbilt; viral; visit; wheezing; years cache: cord-000285-7p3b6tyf.txt plain text: cord-000285-7p3b6tyf.txt item: #2 of 48 id: cord-004657-kmluql8h author: Eibl, Martha M. title: Prophylaxis of necrotizing enterocolitis by oral IgA-IgG: Review of a clinical study in low birth weight infants and discussion of the pathogenic role of infection date: 1990 words: 4414 flesch: 42 summary: Many people have the impression that the type of infant feeding in the first week of life can impact on the development of NEC, specifically the quantity of each individual feeding or perhaps the rate of the feeding. key: cord-004657-kmluql8h authors: Eibl, Martha M.; Wolf, Hermann M.; Fürnkranz, Heinz; Rosenkranz, Alfred title: Prophylaxis of necrotizing enterocolitis by oral IgA-IgG: Review of a clinical study in low birth weight infants and discussion of the pathogenic role of infection date: 1990 journal: J Clin Immunol DOI: 10.1007/bf00918694 sha: doc_id: 4657 cord_uid: kmluql8h Necrotizing enterocolitis, a severe gastrointestinal disease in the neonatal period, affects primarily premature infants. keywords: abdominal; antibodies; available; babies; bacterial; birth; breast; cases; clinical; comparable; control; days; development; disease; effect; eibl; enteric; enterocolitis; factors; fed; feeding; formula; gastrointestinal; group; human; iga; igg; immune; important; incidence; infants; infection; intestine; levels; life; low; milk; mucosa; nec; neonatal; number; oral; patients; premature; preparation; prophylaxis; risk; secretory; serum; studies; study; tract; treatment; viral; weight cache: cord-004657-kmluql8h.txt plain text: cord-004657-kmluql8h.txt item: #3 of 48 id: cord-005646-xhx9pzhj author: None title: 2nd World Congress on Pediatric Intensive Care 1996 Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23–26 June 1996 Abstracts of Oral Presentations, Posters and Nursing Programme date: 1996 words: 72090 flesch: 51 summary: Objective: To assess the normal ,gastric intramucosal pH ~Hi) by tonometry in healthy children Patients and methods: Twelve healthy children (6 males and 6 females) with age rmaged from 6 months to 12 years scheduled for minor plastic or urologic surgery. Pain relief was good (VRS less 2) in 53 children -94.6 % of study patients. keywords: -the; abdominal; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; accurate; acidosis; activity; acute; acute respiratory; additional; adequate; administration; admission; adrenaline; adult; adverse; age; aged; agents; aggressive; ahrf; aim; airway; akbr; albumin; alkalosis; alternative; alveolar; american; analysis; anesthesia; animals; anp; antibiotics; antioxidant; aorta; aortic; application; approach; appropriate; ards; ards patients; areas; arrest; arrival; arterial; arteriosus; artery; artificial; aspiration; assessment; assisted; associated; association; asthma; asthmatic; atrial; atrium; authors; auto; available; average; babies; baby; background; bacterial; balloon; base; baseline; basis; bed; beneficial; benefits; best; better; bilateral; birth; bleeding; block; blood; blood flow; blood pressure; body; bolus; bone; boys; bradycardia; brain; breathing; bronchial; bumetanide; bypass; cardiac; cardiac surgery; cardiopulmonary; cardiovascular; care; care patients; care unit; carotid; cases; categories; catheter; cause; caz; cdh; cells; center; central; cerebral; changes; characteristics; chd; chest; childhood; children; children patients; chronic; circuit; circulation; cld; clinical; close; cmh20; cmv; cns; co2; coagulation; coma; combined; comfort; common; comparable; complete; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; computer; concentration; conclusion; conditions; congenital; consecutive; consent; consequence; constant; continued; continuous; contractility; contrast; control; conventional; correlation; count; course; cpap; cpb; creatinine; criteria; critical; cultures; cvp; cvvh; daily; damage; data; days; death; december; decrease; defect; degree; delayed; delivery; department; dependent; design; deterioration; determination; development; device; diagnosis; differences; different; difficult; direct; disability; discharge; discussion; disease; disorders; distress; distribution; doppler; dosage; dose; doxapram; drug; duration; dysfunction; early; ecg; echo; ecmo; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; efficiency; effort; electrolyte; elevated; elevation; emco; emergency; end; endoscopy; endotracheal; energy; enteral; epinephrine; episodes; equipment; etiology; evaluation; evidence; exact; examination; excessive; exchange; excretion; expenditure; experience; experimental; extracorporeal; factors; failure; fat; features; feeding; female; fever; fi02; filling; final; findings; fio2; flow; fluid; fluoride; flux; fold; following; fontan; formula; fraction; france; frequency; frequent; function; gallbladder; gas; gastric; gcs; general; gestational; girl; goal; good; grade; gradient; greater; group; h20; haemofiltration; half; hand; head; healthy; hearing; heart; hemodynamic; hemorrhage; hepatic; hfo; hfov; high; higher; highest; histamine; hospital; hours; hrs; human; humidity; hypertension; hypothesis; hypoxic; i.v; icp; icu; icus; iii; il-6; ill; ill children; ill patients; illness; immediate; impairment; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; index; indication; indicators; induced; infants; infection; infiltrates; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; inhalation; inhaled; initial; injectate; injury; ino; inotropic; inspired; instability; institution; insufficiency; intake; intensive; intensive care; interval; intervention; intestinal; intracranial; intraosseous; intravenous; introduction; intubated; intubation; invasive; investigation; isoflurane; isolated; january; june; ketamine; knowledge; known; kpa; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; later; left; length; lesions; levels; life; likely; limited; lipid; liquid; little; liver; long; los; loss; lower; lowest; lung; magnitude; main; major; management; map; marked; mask; material; maximal; mcd; mda; mean; mean age; measurements; measures; measuring; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; median; medical; medicine; mee; membrane; meningitis; metabolic; methods; mild; milk; minimal; minutes; mmhg; model; moderate; monitoring; months; morbidity; morphine; mortality; mortality rate; motor; mtx; muf; multiple; muscle; myocardial; n=2; n=3; n=5; n=8; nasal; natural; necessary; need; negative; neonatal; neonates; netherlands; neurological; neuromuscular; newborns; nicu; nitrate; nitric; no2; non; normal; nox; number; nurses; nursing; nutritional; objective; observations; observed; obstruction; old; olt; onset; operation; optimal; oral; order; organ; oscillatory; outcome; output; overall; oxide; oximetry; oxygenation; p<.05; p<0.05; paediatdc; page; pain; paired; pao2; pap; parameters; parenteral; parents; particular; pathology; pathways; patients; pattern; pco2; pcv; peak; pediatric; pediatric icu; pediatric intensive; pediatric patients; peep; performance; perfusion; period; peripheral; peritoneal; permeability; persistent; pfc; phase; phi; pht; physicians; physiological; picu; piglets; pip; plasma; platelet; plv; pneumonia; points; poor; population; positive; possible; post; postoperative; postural; potential; ppm; practice; predictive; predictor; premature; presence; present; presentation; pressure; preterm; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prims; prism; problems; procedure; process; prognosis; program; prolonged; prone; prospective; protein; psv; pts; pulmonary; pulmonary hypertension; pulse; pump; purpose; purulent; randomization; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; ray; reaction; records; recovery; reduced; reduction; region; regression; related; relationship; release; removal; renal; repair; replacement; report; requirement; rescue; research; resistance; resource; respiratory; respiratory distress; respiratory failure; responders; response; results; resuscitation; retrospective; review; right; risk; role; room; route; routine; rsv; safe; salbutamol; saline; samples; sampling; saturation; scale; scan; score; scoring; screening; second; secondary; secretions; sedation; seizures; selected; selective; sensor; sepsis; septic; septicemia; sequelae; series; serum; setting; severe; severe respiratory; severity; sex; shift; shock; short; shunt; sick; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; site; situations; size; skills; skin; small; snli; sodium; solution; south; special; specific; spontaneous; staff; stage; standard; starting; statistical; status; stay; stenosis; structural; studies; study; subjects; successful; supine; supply; support; surfactant; surgery; surgical; survanta; survey; survival; survivors; symptoms; syndrome; syringe; system; systemic; systolic; table; tachycardia; teaching; team; technique; teico; temperature; terbutaline; term; tertiary; test; tetralogy; therapeutic; therapy; tidal; time; tissue; total; tract; training; transducer; transient; transplantation; transplants; trauma; traumatic; treatment; trials; trough; tsh; tube; tubing; twins; type; ultrasound; underlying; understanding; underwent; unit; university; upper; urinary; urine; use; useful; utilization; values; valve; variables; variance; variation; varied; vascular; vena; venous; ventilated; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricle; ventricular; versus; vessels; vitamin; vkbr; volume; wash; weaning; weeks; weight; white; wide; wks; work; years; young; zone cache: cord-005646-xhx9pzhj.txt plain text: cord-005646-xhx9pzhj.txt item: #4 of 48 id: cord-005774-7z6uyn6p author: Hammer, J. title: Infant lung function testing in the intensive care unit date: 1995 words: 5009 flesch: 42 summary: Although the most fundamental interest in lung volume measurements in infancy and childhood relates to the assessment of normal and abnormal lung growth [47, 48], the determination of lung volumes is an important part of the respiratory management of infants and children [49] . Lung volume measurements can help in diagnosing respiratory disorders, in evaluating responses to therapy, and in finding suitable ventilator settings with respect to rate and ventilating pressures [50-52]. keywords: abd; airway; angle; ards; arterial; assessment; bag; bpd; breathing; capacity; care; changes; children; circuit; compliance; concentration; constant; crs; dilution; disease; end; ett; exhalation; flow; frc; function; gas; icu; infants; information; intensive; intubated; loop; lung; management; measurements; mechanical; method; monitoring; new; non; normal; oxygen; passive; patient; phase; physiological; pressure; pulmonary; range; residual; respiratory; response; rrs; single; system; taa; technique; testing; therapy; tidal; time; use; ventilated; ventilation; volume; washout cache: cord-005774-7z6uyn6p.txt plain text: cord-005774-7z6uyn6p.txt item: #5 of 48 id: cord-007036-gcdn13yc author: Nevez, Gilles title: Pneumocystis primary infection in infancy: Additional French data and review of the literature date: 2019-05-25 words: 3947 flesch: 45 summary: This result is consistent with the fact that P. jirovecii infection effectively takes place deep within the lungs and specifically in alveoli in close contact with type I pneumocytes. An improved single-round PCR leads to rapid and highly sensitive detection of Pneumocystis spp Genetic diversity of Pneumocystis jirovecii in colonized Cuban infants and toddlers Reproducibility and indices of discriminatory power of microbial typing methods Consensus guidelines for appropriate use and evaluation of microbial epidemiologic typing systems Genetic variation in Pneumocystis carinii isolates from different geographic regions: implications for transmission Early acquisition of Pneumocystis jirovecii colonization and potential association with respiratory distress syndrome in preterm newborn infants Colonization by Pneumocystis jirovecii and its role in disease Pneumocystis jirovecii and cystic fibrosis in Brittany Pneumocystis is still involved in nonimmunosuppressed preterm infants in Europe Current concepts on respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn (hyaline membrane disease) Nosocomial Pneumocystis jirovecii infections Systematic review of outbreaks of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia: evidence that P. jirovecii is a transmissible organism and the implications for healthcare infection control Molecular Biology and Epidemiology of Pneumocystis jirovecii in Infants keywords: absence; adults; age; alleles; analysis; associated; bilocus; birth; characteristics; colleagues; common; cyb; cyb1; data; days; detection; different; factor; french; frequent; fungus; gene; genotypes; hospital; infants; infection; iqr; jirovecii; median; mlst; months; mtlsu; multilocus; multivariate; nonimmunosuppressed; npas; pcp; pcr; pneumocystis; populations; positive; primary; pulmonary; respiratory; results; sequence; sod; study; typing; unilocus; univariate cache: cord-007036-gcdn13yc.txt plain text: cord-007036-gcdn13yc.txt item: #6 of 48 id: cord-007528-no92pmw0 author: Pineda, Roberta title: Preterm infant feeding performance at term equivalent age differs from that of full-term infants date: 2020-02-17 words: 4655 flesch: 41 summary: During this time of early oral feedings, preterm infant feedings are frequently characterized by an inability to maintain an appropriate state for feeding, discoordination of sucking, and inadequate organization of the suck-swallow-breathe pattern [1, 2, 4, 5, 12] . These factors could have impacted our results, as many of preterm infant feedings were stopped due to low arousal and physiologic instability. keywords: age; analyses; appropriate; arousal; aspiration; assessment; birth; bottle; breathe; breathing; care; development; differences; difficulty; discharge; discoordination; early; equivalent; equivalent age; experiences; factors; feeding; findings; group; inability; inadequate; infants; items; louis; medical; neonatal; nicu; oral; oral feeding; outcome; performance; period; pma; poor; positive; preterm; preterm infants; prior; scores; standardized; state; study; sucking; swallow; term equivalent; time; tone; tongue; weeks cache: cord-007528-no92pmw0.txt plain text: cord-007528-no92pmw0.txt item: #7 of 48 id: cord-008165-qwyddp69 author: Candy, David C.A. title: Role of micro-organisms in necrotizing enterocolitis date: 2006-12-24 words: 3176 flesch: 28 summary: The ontogeny of fasting small intestinal motor activity in the human infant Ontogeny of pancreatic exocrine function Microbial flora of the mouse ileum mucous layer and epithelial surface The most important references are denoted by an asterisk Nutrition and translocation Time of appearance of immunoglobulin-containing cells in the mucosa of the neonatal intestine Ontogeny of secretory immunity: levels of secretory IgA and natural antibodies in saliva The mouse gut T lymphocyte, a novel type of T cell: nature, origin and traffic in mice in normal and graft-versus-host conditions Surveillance of necrotising enterocolitis 1981-2 Necrotizing enterocolitis: intraluminaI biochemistry in human neonates and a rabbit model Prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis in low birth weight infants by IgA-IgG feeding Prevention of necrotising enterocolitis in neonates at risk by oral administration of monomeric IgG Oral vancomycin in prevention of necrotising enterocolitis Breath hydrogen excretion as a screening test for early diagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis Urinary D-lactate excretion in infants with necrotizing enterocolitis Importance of multiple episodes of hypoxia or cold stress on the development of enteroeolitis in an animal model Role of platelet activating factor and tumour necrosis factoralpha in neonatal necrotising enterocolitis Release of leukotriene C 4 by isolated, perfused rat small intestine in response to platelet-activating factor Role of oxygen-derived flee radicals in platelet activating factor induced bowel necrosis Pathology of neonatal necrotising enterocolitis: a tenyear experience The effect of toxin A and B of Clostridium difficile on rabbit ileum and colon Pathogenesis and diagnosis of Clostridium difficile enterocolitis. A wide range of pathogenic bacteria and viruses have been isolated from infants with necrotizing enterocolitis or detected histologically. keywords: aetiology; anti; babies; bacterial; birth; blood; bowel; breast; breath; cells; clostridium; concentrations; cytokines; disease; effects; endothelial; endotoxaemia; endotoxin; enterocolitis; evidence; factor; flora; gut; hours; human; hydrogen; il-6; infants; infection; intestinal; ischaemia; low; mediators; mice; microcirculation; milk; mucosa; necrosis; neonatal; oral; organisms; patients; platelet; presence; preterm; prevention; production; release; role; shigellosis; small; table; tumour; vancomycin; villi; weight cache: cord-008165-qwyddp69.txt plain text: cord-008165-qwyddp69.txt item: #8 of 48 id: cord-009144-3slh1nbk author: Jacobs, J.W. title: RESPIRATORY SYNCYTIAL AND OTHER VIRUSES ASSOCIATED WITH RESPIRATORY DISEASE IN INFANTS date: 1971-05-01 words: 3289 flesch: 57 summary: Age Table I shows virus infections diagnosed in infants of different ages. Gardner et al. 3 present persuasive evidence in support of the postulate that the development of immediate hypersensitivity plays a dominant role in the pathogenesis of acute bronchiolitis in R.s. infections. keywords: acute; admission; age; antibody; antigen; bristol; c.f; cause; chest; days; diagnosis; evidence; heart; hospital; illness; infants; infections; isolation; life; lower; maternal; months; parainfluenza; prednisolone; r.s; r.s.-virus; rejection; respiratory; serology; severe; severity; signs; specimens; swabs; table; throat; tract; type; virus; viruses cache: cord-009144-3slh1nbk.txt plain text: cord-009144-3slh1nbk.txt item: #9 of 48 id: cord-010818-yz0gynn0 author: Soliman, Yasser title: Respiratory outcomes of late preterm infants of mothers with early and late onset preeclampsia date: 2019-09-24 words: 3711 flesch: 44 summary: In summary we report, worse outcomes in late preterm infants of mothers with preeclampsia, which are considerably worse in infants of mothers with early onset preeclampsia as compared with late onset preeclampsia. key: cord-010818-yz0gynn0 authors: Soliman, Yasser; Alshaikh, Belal; Alawad, Essa; Akierman, Albert; Elsharkawy, Adel; Yusuf, Kamran title: Respiratory outcomes of late preterm infants of mothers with early and late onset preeclampsia date: 2019-09-24 journal: J Perinatol DOI: 10.1038/s41372-019-0497-4 sha: doc_id: 10818 cord_uid: yz0gynn0 OBJECTIVE: keywords: age; analysis; antenatal; birth; cohort; cpap; data; disease; distress; early; factors; gestation; group; growth; higher; hypertension; increased; infants; late; late onset; late preterm; levels; lower; maternal; mechanical; morbidity; mothers; neonatal; normotensive; onset; onset preeclampsia; outcomes; preeclampsia; preterm; preterm infants; primary; rds; respiratory; results; risk; study; surfactant; use; variables; vegf; ventilation; weeks; women cache: cord-010818-yz0gynn0.txt plain text: cord-010818-yz0gynn0.txt item: #10 of 48 id: cord-010848-090yk40o author: Wang, Yan title: Continuous feeding versus intermittent bolus feeding for premature infants with low birth weight: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials date: 2019-10-28 words: 3722 flesch: 47 summary: In continuous feeding infants, time to achieving full feeds was longer (weight mean difference 0.98 (95% CI 0.26–1.71, P = 0.008) days) compared with intermittent feeding infants. However, our results were different from Dsilna's [18] findings, which displayed that continuous feeding infants achieve full feeds faster than intermittent feeding infants (aHR = 1.84, 95% CI 1.03-3.27), especially in infants with birth weight ≤850 g (aHR = 4.13, 95% CI 1.48-11.53). keywords: age; analysis; birth; birth weight; bolus; continuous; continuous feeding; data; days; difference; duration; enteral; feeding; feeds; fig; gastric; gastrointestinal; gestational; group; growth; hospitalization; infants; intermittent; intermittent feeding; low; mean; meta; methods; milk; nasogastric; nutrition; outcomes; premature; preterm; randomized; significant; studies; study; time; trial; tube; weight; weight infants cache: cord-010848-090yk40o.txt plain text: cord-010848-090yk40o.txt item: #11 of 48 id: cord-010863-m36kxc4x author: Croop, Sarah E. W. title: The Golden Hour: a quality improvement initiative for extremely premature infants in the neonatal intensive care unit date: 2019-11-11 words: 3999 flesch: 44 summary: The first golden minutes of the extremely-low-gestational-age neonate: a gentle approach The golden hour The neonatal golden hourintervention to improve quality of care of the extremely low birth weight infant Fluid, electrolytes, and nutrition: minutes matter NASCAR pit-stop model improves delivery room and admission efficiency and outcomes for infants <27 weeks' gestation Sixty golden minutes Outcomes of a neonatal golden hour implementation project The golden hour: improving the stabilization of the very low birth-weight infant First golden hour of life: a quality improvement initiative The Golden Hour: care of the LBW infant during the first hour of life one unit's experience Implementation and evaluation of golden hour practices in infants younger than 33 weeks' gestation Golden hour protocol for preterm infants Golden Hour quality improvement intervention and shortterm outcome among preterm infants Is evidence-based practice routine in the golden hour? Iatrogenic hyperthermia and hypothermia in the neonate Thermoregulation in very low-birthweight infants during the golden hour: results and implications Temperature management in the delivery room Hypothermia in very low birth weight infants: distribution, risk factors and outcomes The Neonatal Research Network. Admission temperature of low birth weight infants: predictors and associated morbidities QI training and education: Lean Six Sigma. keywords: admission; baseline; birth; care; center; central; completion; control; data; delivery; elbw; evidence; fig; gestation; golden; hour; hypoglycemia; hypothermia; implementation; improvement; infants; initiation; interventions; line; long; low; measures; minutes; mortality; neonatal; nicu; outcomes; phase; placement; premature; process; project; protocol; quality; respiratory; resuscitation; significant; stabilization; studies; study; table; team; temperatures; term; time; umbilical; unit; weeks cache: cord-010863-m36kxc4x.txt plain text: cord-010863-m36kxc4x.txt item: #12 of 48 id: cord-011257-d12cj9v5 author: McEvoy, Cindy T. title: Dose-escalation trial of budesonide in surfactant for prevention of bronchopulmonary dysplasia in extremely low gestational age high-risk newborns (SASSIE) date: 2020-02-01 words: 5592 flesch: 44 summary: There was a weak correlation between blood budesonide level (at 4 h) and the change in TA IL-8 at 24 h (r = 0.46, p = 0.04, n = 20, Fig. 4) , indicating that responsiveness was not strongly related to systemic budesonide levels. We assessed anti-inflammatory effects of budesonide in infant lungs by the assay of TA levels of two chemokines. keywords: age; analysis; anti; apparent; assay; baseline; birth; blood; bpd; bronchopulmonary; budesonide; chemokine; clinical; concentrations; cortisol; data; days; decrease; dexamethasone; dose; dosing; dysplasia; effects; elgans; fig; gestational; group; human; il-8; infants; inflammation; inflammatory; intubated; late; levels; low; lung; mcp1; mean; observed; outcomes; postnatal; preterm; prevention; respiratory; response; results; risk; samples; sassie; significant; similar; study; suppression; surfactant; systemic; time; tolsurf; treatment; trial; weeks; yeh cache: cord-011257-d12cj9v5.txt plain text: cord-011257-d12cj9v5.txt item: #13 of 48 id: cord-011688-8g0p3vtm author: Wang, Ting-Ting title: Perinatal risk factors for pulmonary hemorrhage in extremely low-birth-weight infants date: 2019-11-04 words: 3276 flesch: 50 summary: Among the 160 infants included in this study, 30 infants were diagnosed with PH (PH group), leading to an incidence of PH in these ELBWIs of 18.75%. Furthermore, risk factors associated with the care of preterm infants, including surfactant replacement, the management of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and the fluid intake of PH, might be prominent in ELBWIs with PH keywords: analysis; birth; blood; clinical; cohort; day; days; delivery; elbwis; eos; factors; fluid; gestational; group; hemorrhage; higher; hospital; hours; infants; intraventricular; life; low; management; mortality; nicu; outcomes; oxygen; pda; perinatal; preterm; pulmonary; rate; replacement; respiratory; retrospective; risk; room; severe; significant; study; supplementation; surfactant; ventilation; weight cache: cord-011688-8g0p3vtm.txt plain text: cord-011688-8g0p3vtm.txt item: #14 of 48 id: cord-014673-bb59z38j author: None title: Abstracts 2019 der GNPI und DGPI: 45. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin gemeinsam mit der 27. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Infektiologie, 23.–25. Mai 2019, Leipzig date: 2019-05-20 words: 14249 flesch: 44 summary: Therapeutisch berichten wir über Möglichkeiten der intensivierten Substitution von Immunglobulinen, der inhalativen antimikrobiellen Anwendung von Colistin/Tobramycin und der Moderierung autoimmunologischer Komplikationen unter Mycophenolatmofetil (MMF) und nach anti-CD20 B-Zell-Depletion (Rituximab), sowie über die theoretische Perspektive einer seketorischen IgA-Inhalationstherapie. Die Bildung von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies mittels Phagoburst TM -Kit (Glycotype, Heidelberg) wurde aus Nabelschnurblut von 14 gesunden Neugeborenen (Mittelwert ± Standartabweichung: 38 + 1 ± 2 + 0 SSW, Gewicht: 3330,7 g ± 617,7 keywords: abdominal; abhängigkeit; abt; activity; actz; acute; additional; adults; age; aim; air; aktivierung; aktuellen; allerdings; alpha; als; alveolar; analyse; analysis; anemia; angeborene; animals; anteil; anti; apgar; approach; artery; assay; assoziiert; atresia; auch; auf; auf der; aus; background; bacteria; bedside; bei; bei der; beiden; bereits; besiedlung; betreuung; birth; bis; bisher; blood; body; bpd; brain; bzw; cardiac; care; case; cbmφ; cells; children; clinical; coli; comparable; compliance; composition; conclusion; cord; cpap; cranial; crv; crystallin; culture; cystic; dabei; daher; damit; dar; das; dass; data; daten; day; days; delivery; dem; der; des; detection; deutlich; deutschland; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; die; dieser; different; differential; discharge; discussion; diseases; donor; dosierung; durch; e.coli; early; ecmo; effekt; eine; einfluss; eltern; empfehlungen; enac; entwicklung; ept; erfolgte; erfüllungsgrad; ergebnisse; erhöhte; ermöglichen; ernährung; erstellung; ersten; erstversorgung; evaluation; examination; exchange; experiments; expression; failure; faktor; fat; fetal; fig; findings; flow; fluid; folgenden; follow; fragestellung; free; frequency; frühgeborenen; future; führt; für; gas; gba; geburt; geburtsgewicht; gemessen; general; genetic; germany; gestational; gnpi; groups; growth; gruppe; gtc; heparin; hfov; hif1; high; higher; hintergrund; hkec; hospital; human; hus; hypertrophy; höher; ifds; ifn; iii; il-10; il-6; immer; impfungen; important; increased; individual; infants; infektion; inflammatorische; initial; injury; innerhalb; insbesondere; insgesamt; intensive; intrauterine; introduction; invasive; iqr; ist; jahren; jedoch; jeweiligen; jimma; jimmachild; jungen; kann; kind; kindes; kliniken; korrelation; können; könnte; lad; language; large; lec; length; levels; life; lower; lps; lung; macrophages; management; mass; material; mean; measurements; median; mehr; meist; methoden; methods; min; minors; minute; mit; mittels; model; months; mortality; msc; muss; nach; nachweis; neben; nebuliser; neonatal; neonates; neonatologie; neonatologischen; neugeborenen; neurodevelopment; neutrophilen; nicht; nicu; nihf; noch; non; nur; nutrition; objective; oder; ohne; old; outcome; oxygen; p65; paediatric; pah; parameter; pathways; patient; patienten; pbmφ; pcr; peripheral; placental; plasma; pma; pnz; polarisierung; population; possible; postmenstrual; postnatal; postoperative; ppk; prematurity; prenatal; pressure; preterm; preterm infants; pro; protein; pts; pulmonary; pädiatrischen; rahmen; rare; rate; recipient; reduction; report; research; respiratory; results; right; risk; rna; rvh; samples; scan; schlussfolgerung; schwangerschaft; score; section; sein; sepsis; serum; settings; severe; short; sich; sie; signaling; signifikant; similar; sind; single; skin; sodium; sollte; sondern; sowie; specific; ssw; stat1; stay; steuerung; stimulation; studie; study; substanzen; support; syndrom; tagen; taps; test; therapie; therapy; thrombocytopenia; thromboelastometrie; time; tissue; tnfα; total; training; trajectory; transition; treatment; tuberculosis; type; ufnh; ultrasound; umbilical; unabhängig; und; underlying; unit; university; unter; untersucht; untersuchungen; unzureichend; use; values; vein; ventilation; verdacht; vergleich; verlauf; versorgung; vivo; volume; vom; von; vor; war; waren; weeks; weight; weitere; werden; wert; wird; wissenschaftlich; wurde; während; zeigt; zeitpunkt; ziel; zum; zur; zustand; zusätzliche; zwei; zwischen; über cache: cord-014673-bb59z38j.txt plain text: cord-014673-bb59z38j.txt item: #15 of 48 id: cord-014951-2931ep31 author: El Basha, Noussa R. title: Prematurity, a significant predictor for worse outcome in viral bronchiolitis: a comparative study in infancy date: 2019-03-22 words: 3050 flesch: 41 summary: Evid Based Child Health Bronchiolitis among infants under 1 year of age in France: epidemiology and factors associated with mortality Bronchiolitis: recent evidence on diagnosis and management The clinical and health economic burden of respiratory syncytial virus disease among children under 2 years of age in a defined geographical area Complications in infants hospitalized for bronchiolitis or respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia Impact of severe disease caused by respiratory syncytial virus in children living in developed countries Viral bronchiolitis for children Severity of respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis is affected by cigarette smoke exposure and atopy Factors associated with disease severity in children with bronchiolitis Risk factors for hypoxemia and respiratory failure in respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis American Academy of Pediatrics subcommittee on diagnosis and management of bronchiolitis Severity scoring systems: are they internally valid, reliable and predictive of oxygen use in children with acute bronchiolitis? Information for molecular diagnosis of influenza virus in humans-update. The severity of respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis in young infants in the United Arab Emirates Clinical risk factors are more relevant than respiratory viruses in predicting bronchiolitis severity Acute viral bronchiolitis in South Africa: strategies for management and prevention Human metapneumovirus infections cause similar symptoms and clinical severity as respiratory syncytial virus infections Prevalence and clinical characteristics of human metapneumovirus infections in hospitalized infants in Spain Respiratory syncytial virus, human bocavirus and rhinovirus bronchiolitis in infants Impact of human metapneumovirus and respiratory syncytial virus co-infection in severe bronchiolitis The impact of dual viral infection in infants admitted to a pediatric intensive care unit associated with severe bronchiolitis Dual infection of infants by human metapneumovirus and human respiratory syncytial virus is strongly associated with severe bronchiolitis Human metapneumovirus infection in young children hospitalized with respiratory tract disease Human metapneumovirus in severe respiratory syncytialvirus bronchiolitis Coronavirus pathogenesis and the emerging pathogen severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus Human bocavirus and acute wheezing in children Epidemiological, molecular, and clinical features of enterovirus respiratory infections in French children between 1999 and Emerging respiratory agents: new viruses for old diseases? choice to participate. keywords: acute; admission; bronchiolitis; bss; cairo; children; clinical; detection; disease; duration; factors; groups; healthy; hospital; human; infants; infection; influenza; mean; metapneumovirus; need; oxygen; patients; preterm; research; respiratory; risk; rsv; score; scoring; severe; severity; significant; stay; study; syncytial; therapy; time; value; viral; virus; viruses; year cache: cord-014951-2931ep31.txt plain text: cord-014951-2931ep31.txt item: #16 of 48 id: cord-015172-hya08ch9 author: None title: Abstracts der 41. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Neonatologie und Pädiatrische Intensivmedizin date: 2015-05-20 words: 8814 flesch: 47 summary: So ergibt sich für die Nachsorge der Frühgeborenen und ihrer Familien der Anspruch, neben Entwicklungsthemen des Kindes, auch die psychische Anpassung der Eltern und insbesondere deren elterliche Kompetenzwahrnehmung in den Blick zu nehmen. Fallzahlen haben bei der Diagnose CDH zu deutlich verbesserten ECMO-Überlebensraten geführt. keywords: activity; adaptationsphase; additiven; aeeg; age; aim; als; amplitude; analysis; angelegt; animals; anzahl; application; atemunterstützung; ath; auf; auftreten; aus; background; behandlung; bei; bei frühgeborenen; bereits; birth; bis; blood; border; brain; breastfeeding; burdjalov; care; cbv; cdh; cerebral; cftoe; changes; clinical; communication; comp; conclusion; corrc; correlation; crso2; das; dass; data; daten; day; days; dem; der; des; deutschland; diagnose; die; dieser; differences; different; discharge; disorders; distress; droplets; durchgeführt; ecmo; effect; einer; eltern; erfolgte; ergebnisse; ersten; exposure; expression; fathers; feeder; feeding; feeds; finger; formula; fortifier; frühgeborenen; für; gain; gastric; geburt; geburtsgewicht; gemessen; gestational; gestationsalter; graz; groups; gruppe; haben; hie; higher; hintergrund; homburg; hrpda; hypoglykämie; hypoxia; impact; increase; infants; inflammatory; injury; intensive; introduction; ischemic; ist; ivh; keinen; kinder; klinischen; konnte; können; lactoferrin; late; lebenstag; level; life; lower; macrophages; mad; material; measurements; methods; minuten; mit; mit der; mittels; moderate; mothers; nach; neonatal; neonates; neugeborenen; new; ngt; nicht; nicu; nirs; noise; non; nur; objective; oder; ohne; osce; outcome; oxygenierung; pain; parameter; participants; patienten; pda; pdms; pnz2; post; postnatal; ppd; premature; preterm; preterm infants; pulmo; questionnaires; reifgeborenen; respiratory; results; sampling; schlussfolgerung; score; second; sepsis; sich; significant; sildenafil; simulation; sous; sowie; spo2; ssw; statistisch; stress; studie; study; support; surfactant; teamwork; test; therapie; thrombozytopenie; time; total; treatment; umbilical; und; unsere; unterschied; values; verlauf; verschluss; vitamin; vivianit; volume; von; war; waren; weeks; weight; wie; wird; wurden; während; zeigte; zentrum; zerebralen; zum; zusammenhang; zwei; zwischen; über cache: cord-015172-hya08ch9.txt plain text: cord-015172-hya08ch9.txt item: #17 of 48 id: cord-016241-qom2rokn author: Chen, Long title: Post-Newborn: A New Concept of Period in Early Life date: 2013-12-06 words: 3168 flesch: 42 summary: The common point of post-neonatal infant and other infancy stages is the low immune function. The research on the developmental law of post-neonatal infants will help to find new diagnosis, treatment and prevention methods for the diseases of children and adults. keywords: adult; age; attention; birth; cause; children; clinical; complications; concept; congenital; days; death; development; different; diseases; early; epigenetic; function; gene; growth; health; heart; high; immune; important; infants; infectious; life; low; medicine; milk; mortality; neonatal; neonatal period; neurological; newborn; nutritional; period; post; prevention; quality; rate; research; respiratory; sequelae; specific; syndrome; time; treatment; virus cache: cord-016241-qom2rokn.txt plain text: cord-016241-qom2rokn.txt item: #18 of 48 id: cord-018398-24pkhgn8 author: O'Riordan, Declan title: Neonatal Care and Data date: 2009 words: 5293 flesch: 35 summary: Easy access to information about specialists' involvement and their contact information may help to streamline infant care after delivery. To characterize baseline information about pregnancy, labor, and delivery • needed by neonatal practitioners during birth and transition from obstetrical to pediatric care To outline medical concerns of premature infants, the levels and environments • of neonatal care and the information needs in the transition from neonatal to primary care To describe information challenges in neonatal care • Neonatology encompasses the care of all infants: from term newborns to extremely premature infants, from healthy infants to those suffering from severe infections or genetic disorders. keywords: addition; administration; age; airway; available; birth; blood; care; complex; complications; continuous; cpap; curves; data; date; delivery; discharge; documentation; dosing; early; errors; fetal; fluid; follow; frequency; gestational; growth; heart; high; higher; hospital; infants; infections; information; intrauterine; laboratory; length; level; major; management; maternal; medical; medication; mother; neonatal; neonates; newborn; nicu; number; nurseries; nursery; nutrition; obstetrical; outcome; parenteral; parents; patient; pediatric; physicians; place; postnatal; pregnancy; premature; premature infants; prematurity; prenatal; pressure; preterm; primary; problems; rate; records; respiratory; results; resuscitation; risk; small; standard; support; systems; term; time; transfer; treatment; ultrasound; use; ventilation; weeks; weight cache: cord-018398-24pkhgn8.txt plain text: cord-018398-24pkhgn8.txt item: #19 of 48 id: cord-018604-ua5h47jg author: Dersch-Mills, Deonne title: Assessment Considerations in Pediatric Patients date: 2018-12-28 words: 6372 flesch: 41 summary: Interpretation of diagnostic tests and vital signs varies in children and a basic understanding of these differences is important for pharmacists assessing children medication therapy. Medication doses may vary based on CGA, PNA, as well as body weight or surface area. keywords: accurate; administration; adolescents; adults; adverse; age; approach; appropriate; assessment; available; blood; bottles; canadian; caregivers; challenge; challenging; children; common; conditions; considerations; cultures; day; days; differences; different; dose; dosing; errors; formulation; function; heart; higher; history; important; infants; information; instance; lack; life; liquid; measurement; medical; medication; need; newborns; normal; note; oral; pain; palatability; parents; pathogens; patients; pediatric; pharmacists; pharmacokinetic; pharmacy; practice; prescription; rate; related; relevant; renal; risk; small; symptoms; table; taste; therapy; times; use; values; weeks; years cache: cord-018604-ua5h47jg.txt plain text: cord-018604-ua5h47jg.txt item: #20 of 48 id: cord-021571-7kbq0v9w author: Heath, Joan A. title: Infections Acquired in the Nursery: Epidemiology and Control date: 2009-05-19 words: 21253 flesch: 30 summary: Because control over birth weight-the most significant predictor of nosocomial infection risk-is limited, proper NICU customs, environment, and procedures (e.g., hand hygiene, antimicrobial usage, catheter-related practices, skin and cord care, visitation policies, unit design, and staffing) can reduce the risk for infection in the NICU. This chapter describes the epidemiology, etiology, and clinical characteristics of neonatal nosocomial infections as well as the methods required for effective infection prevention and control. keywords: account; active; addition; administration; adults; aeruginosa; agents; air; airborne; alcohol; american; antimicrobial; appropriate; areas; associated; association; aureus; available; baby; bacteremia; bacterial; birth; birth weight; bloodstream; bloodstream infections; body; breast; candida; care; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cdc; central; changes; chapter; children; clinical; cmv; coli; collection; colonization; colonized; common; cons; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; cvc; cvcs; cytomegalovirus; data; days; delivery; development; device; direct; disease; droplet; effective; enterobacter; environment; epidemiology; equipment; erythromycin; evidence; exposure; factors; family; feeding; feet; formula; frequency; gastrointestinal; gbs; gloves; gram; group; guidelines; hand; hand hygiene; hcws; health; health care; hepatitis; herpes; high; higher; hospital; hours; hsv; hygiene; illness; immune; implicated; important; incidence; increase; infants; infected; infection; infection control; infection rates; insertion; intensive; intensive care; intravascular; intravenous; invasive; investigation; klebsiella; large; lesions; levels; likely; longer; low; lower; management; marcescens; maternal; means; measures; mechanical; members; methods; microorganisms; milk; molecular; morbidity; mortality; mothers; multiple; necessary; need; negative; neonatal; neonatal infections; neonatal intensive; neonatal unit; neonates; newborn; nicu; nnis; nosocomial; nosocomial infection; nosocomial transmission; number; nurseries; nursery; organisms; outbreak; parents; pathogens; patient; patient care; pediatric; perinatal; period; personnel; persons; pertussis; place; pneumonia; population; possible; potential; practices; precautions; premature; preterm; prevention; principles; procedures; prolonged; prospective; pseudomonas; pulmonary; rates; recommendations; report; resistant; respiratory; result; risk; risk factors; role; rooms; sepsis; serratia; setting; single; site; skin; source; species; specific; spectrum; spread; staff; standard; staphylococcus; sterile; streptococci; studies; study; subsequent; surfaces; surveillance; system; table; techniques; therapy; time; tract; transmission; tuberculosis; type; umbilical; unit; use; varicella; ventilator; viral; virus; washing; water; weight cache: cord-021571-7kbq0v9w.txt plain text: cord-021571-7kbq0v9w.txt item: #21 of 48 id: cord-022216-k4pi30sd author: Kliegman, Robert M. title: Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis date: 2009-05-15 words: 6112 flesch: 26 summary: The treatment of severe NEC manifested as SIRS is not unlike that of other causes of bacteremia-associated hypotension. 1, 16 Involvement of the jejunum, stomach or entire length of bowel from the ligament of Treitz to the rectum is less common (seen in 10% of surgical cases); the latter is present in fatal cases of NEC (also known as pan-NEC or NEC totalis). keywords: abdominal; acidosis; acute; additional; affected; agent; alimentation; associated; bacterial; birth; birthweight; blood; bowel; care; cases; clinical; coagulation; common; consumption; delivery; development; disease; distention; distress; drain; effects; endotoxin; enteral; enteric; enterocolitis; evidence; factors; fed; feeding; flow; fluid; gastrointestinal; host; human; immature; incidence; increments; infants; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; intensive; intestinal; intra; ischemia; laparotomy; large; local; management; mediators; metabolic; milk; motility; mucosal; nec; necrosis; necrotizing; neonatal; neonates; onset; oxygen; pathogenesis; patients; perforation; peritonitis; placement; pneumatosis; possible; premature; prematurity; present; pressure; preterm; processes; production; respiratory; risk; secondary; septic; shock; signs; specific; studies; syndrome; systemic; term; therapy; tissue; venous; volume cache: cord-022216-k4pi30sd.txt plain text: cord-022216-k4pi30sd.txt item: #22 of 48 id: cord-022448-ungitgh9 author: Sergueef, Nicette title: Clinical Conditions date: 2009-05-15 words: 77360 flesch: 48 summary: The male-to-female ratio for affected children is 2.5 : 1. 32, 33 Clubfoot deformity presents with different components: hindfoot equinus (inability to dorsifl ex), hindfoot varus and metatarsus adductus. 17 Pharyngeal collapse is involved and it is proposed that airway muscle dysfunction 19 or anatomic alterations predispose to that collapse. keywords: -the; 1st; abdomen; abdominal; abnormal; active; activities; activity; acute; addition; adjacent; adolescents; adult; affected; age; airfl; airway; allergic; alveolar; ammation; anatomic; anatomy; angle; ans; anterior; apex; apnea; applied; approach; appropriate; arch; area; arm; articulates; assessment; associated; association; asthma; asymmetries; asymmetry; attachment; attening; attention; autonomic; axial; axis; bacterial; balance; base; behavioral; birth; blood; body; bone; bony; border; bottle; brachial; brain; breastfeeding; breathers; breathing; brous; cage; canal; capsule; caregiver; cartilaginous; cases; cation; cause; cavernous; cavities; cavity; cells; central; cervical; cervical spine; changes; chewing; child; childhood; children; chronic; cient; ciliary; circumstances; class; clavicle; clinical; cmt; colic; colicky; common; complete; complex; components; compression; conditions; confi; congenital; congestion; constipation; contact; continuous; contraction; contributes; control; cord; cranial; cranial base; cranial dysfunction; cranial fl; cranial somatic; craniocervical; craniofacial; crying; cult; curvature; curve; day; decreased; deep; defecation; defi; deformation; deformities; deformity; delivery; demonstrate; dental; dentition; developed; development; diagnosis; diameter; diaphragm; diet; different; diffi; direction; disease; dislocation; disorders; displacement; drainage; duct; dura; dysfunction; dysplasia; early; ed dysfunction; edema; effect; effective; effi; end; environmental; eom; epithelium; esophageal; esophagus; ethmoid; etiology; evaluation; evidence; examination; example; exercises; exes; exion; exposure; extension; external; eye; eyeball; eyes; facial; factors; feeding; feet; femoral; fetal; fi bers; fi brous; fi rst; fi ssure; fig; fl exion; following; food; foot; foramen; forces; form; forward; fossa; fracture; frequent; frontal; frontal bone; functional; ganglion; gastroesophageal; gastrointestinal; general; genetic; ger; global; greater; growth; gut; habits; hand; hard; head; healthy; height; high; higher; human; hyoid; hyoid bone; hypertrophy; hypothesis; identifi; idiopathic; iii; imbalance; immune; impact; impaired; important; improve; incidence; incisors; increase; indirect; individual; infancy; infantile; infants; infections; inferior; infl; inherent; injuries; injury; insert; instability; internal; intestinal; intraosseous; intraosseous dysfunction; intrauterine; intrinsic; involved; joint; jugular; junction; kyphosis; lack; lacrimal; lacrimal bone; large; larynx; lateral; layer; left; length; lens; lesser; levator; level; life; ligament; like; line; lingual; lips; listening; longitudinal; lordosis; loss; lower; lumbar; lungs; lymphatic; lymphoid; malocclusion; management; mandible; mandibular; manipulative; mastoid; maternal; maxillae; maxillary; meatus; mechanics; mechanism; medial; membrane; membranous; middle; midline; milk; mobility; molars; months; motion; motor; mouth; mouth breathing; movement; mucosa; mucous; multiple; muscles; muscular; musculature; myofascial; myopia; nasal; nasal airway; nasal bones; nasal breathing; nasal cavities; nasal cavity; nasal dysfunction; nasal mucosa; nasal obstruction; nasolacrimal; nasopharyngeal; nasopharynx; necessary; neck; nerve; nervous; neurologic; newborn; nodes; non; normal; nose; note; nsp; oblique; observation; obstruction; occipital; occiput; occlusal; ocular; ocular dysfunction; older; oor; open; opening; opposite; optic; orbicularis; orbital; orbital fi; origin; oris; orofacial; oropharyngeal; oropharynx; orthodontic; osteopathic; otitis; pacifi; pain; palate; palatine; palpation; palsy; paranasal; parasympathetic; parents; participate; particular; parts; patency; patient; pattern; pelvic; period; permanent; persistent; petrous; pharyngeal; pharynx; physical; plagiocephaly; plane; play; plexus; portion; position; positioning; possible; posterior; postural; posture; potential; practice; practitioner; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; primary; principles; prm; problems; procedures; process; processes; progression; pterygoid; range; rectus; recurrent; reduction; refl; region; related; relationship; relaxation; release; respiration; respiratory; response; responsible; result; resultant; retina; rhinitis; ribs; right; risk; role; roof; rotation; sacrum; sagittal; sbs; scm; scoliosis; second; secretions; sensory; severe; shape; shoulder; sidebending; signifi; similar; sinuses; sinusitis; site; size; skeletal; skull; sleep; small; soft; somatic dysfunction; somatovisceral; space; specifi; speech; sphenoid; spinal; spine; squamous; sternum; stimulation; stomach; strabismus; strain; stress; structures; studies; study; subject; sucking; superior; supply; surface; suture; swallowing; sympathetic; symptoms; syndrome; system; teeth; temporal; temporal bone; tendon; tests; thoracic; thoracic spine; thought; thumb; time; tissue; tone; tongue; tonsil; torsion; torticollis; total; tract; traction; transverse; trauma; treatment; trigeminal; turn; tympanic; type; uence; uid; unilateral; upper; upper airway; upper cervical; upper respiratory; upper thoracic; vagus; vascular; venous; vertebral; vertical; vessels; viral; viscerocranium; visual; vomer; walls; weeks; wings; years; young; zygomatic cache: cord-022448-ungitgh9.txt plain text: cord-022448-ungitgh9.txt item: #23 of 48 id: cord-022544-7jn4ns6x author: Lawrence, Robert M. title: Host-Resistance Factors and Immunologic Significance of Human Milk date: 2010-12-27 words: 22277 flesch: 39 summary: Differential regulation of the cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen, a tissue-selective homing receptor for skin-homing T cells Modulation of the immune system by human milk and infant formula containing nucleotides Human milk humoral immunity and infant defense mechanisms Breast-feeding and urinary tract infection The milk mononuclear phagocyte Tight junctions in epithelial cells of human fetal hindgut, normal colon, and colon adenocarcinoma Breast-feeding and diarrheal morbidity Do infants need nucleotide supplemented formula for optimal nutrition? Effects of microwave radiation on anti-infective factors in human Milk Breastfeeding and hospitilization for diarrheal and respiratory infection in the United Kingdom Millenium Cohort Study Breast-feeding and infant illness: A dose-response relationship? Innate recognition of intracellular pathogens: Detection and activation of the first line of defense Antimicrobial factors in human milk Current concepts of infections of the fetus and newborn infant Lymphocyte subsets in colostrum Breast-feeding and maternal smoking in the etiology of Crohn' s disease and ulcerative colitis in childhood Lactoferrin acts as an alarmin to promote the recruitment and activation of APCs and antigen-specific immune responses Interleukin-6 in human milk Cholera-like enterotoxin produced by Campylobacter jejuni Breastmilkderived antigen-specific CD 8+ T cells: An extralymphoid effector memory cell population in humans Maternal antibodies in breast milk protect the child from enterovirus infections MUC1 In human milk blocks transmission of human immunodeficiency virus from dendritic cells to T cells Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) in human milk Paneth cells, defensins, and the commensal microbiota: a hypothesis on intimate interplay at the intestinal mucosa Biological role of lactoferrin Prolonged exclusive breast-feeding results in low serum concentrations of immunoglobulin G, A and M A longitudinal analysis of infant morbidity and the extent of breastfeeding in the United States Ribonucleotides: conditionally essential nutrients shown to enhance immune function and reduce diarrheal disease in infants Randomized trial of donor human milk vs. preterm formula as substitutes for mothers' own milk in the feeding of extremely premature infants Evidence for transmission of lymphocyte responses to tuberculin by breast-feeding Inhibition of adhesion of S-fimbriated Escherichia coli to buccal epithelial cells by human milk fat globule membrane components: A novel aspect of the protective function of mucins in the nonimmunoglobulin fraction Control of isotype switching by T cells and cytokines Continuous culture selection of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli from human faecal samples using fructooligosacchirade as selective substrate Functional analysis of neutrophil granulocytes from healthy, infected, and stressed neonates Complement system in healthy term newborns: reference values in umbilical cord blood Lactoferrin, a major defense protein of innate immunity, is a novel maturation factor for human dendritic cells Delineation of the functional capacity of human neonatal lymphocytes Cytokines in human milk Diversity of the human gastrointestinal tract microbiota revisited Secretory IgA against enterotoxins in breast-milk Immunoglobulin secretion by the normal and the infected newborn infant Activation and activity of the superoxide-generating system of neutrophils from human infants Reciprocal IFN-gamma and TGF-beta responses regulate the occurrence of mucosal inflammation Interleukin-18 in human milk Antibodies in milk Decreased response of human milk leukocytes to chemoattractant peptides Antimicrobial peptides of lactoferrin Determination of total potentially available nucleosides in human milk from Asian women Human milk-derived B cells: A highly activated switched memory cell population primed to secrete antibodies Dietary nucleotides, a requirement for helper/inducer T lymphocytes CD14: A soluble pattern recognition receptor in milk Infant feeding in Finnish children less than 7 yr of age with newly diagnosed IDDM. A recent review on human breast milk documents the evidence for protection against infectious diseases from breastfeeding for resource-rich and resourcepoor countries. keywords: acid; action; activation; activity; age; agents; allergic; allergy; amounts; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigens; antiinflammatory; antimicrobial; associated; authors; available; b cells; bacteria; barrier; benefits; binding; bioactive; birth; blood; breast milk; breastfed; breastfed infants; breastfeeding; cells; cellular; certain; childhood; children; coli; colonization; colostral; colostrum; complement; complex; components; composition; concentrations; control; cow milk; cytokines; day; days; decreased; defense; development; diabetes; diarrhea; diet; dietary; different; direct; disease; early; effect; epithelial; epithelial cells; et al; evidence; exclusive; expression; factors; feces; figure; flora; formula; function; gland; glycans; group; growth; gut; high; higher; host; human breast; human colostrum; human infants; human milk; iga; igd; igg; igm; il-10; il-2; il-6; il-8; illness; immune; immune response; immune system; immunity; immunoglobulin; immunologic; important; incidence; increase; infancy; infants; infection; inflammation; influence; innate; interaction; interferon; intestinal; iron; lactation; lactobacillus; lactoferrin; large; leukocytes; levels; life; like; local; long; low; lower; lymphocytes; lymphoid; lysozyme; macrophages; major; mammary; maternal; maturation; mature; mature milk; mechanisms; membrane; microbiota; microorganisms; milk cells; milk lymphocytes; molecules; months; mother; mucosal; mucosal immune; neonatal; neutrophils; newborn; normal; nucleotides; number; nutritional; ogra; oligosaccharides; organisms; pathogens; period; peripheral; phagocytosis; plasma; plasma cells; pmns; population; possible; postpartum; potential; predominant; premature; presence; present; probiotic; proliferation; properties; proposed; protection; protects; protein; recent; receptors; related; relative; research; respiratory; response; risk; role; rsv; samples; second; secretion; secretory; serum; siga; significant; similar; sites; small; soluble; species; specific; stimulation; studies; study; substances; supplemented; surface; synthesis; system; t cells; table; techniques; term; time; tissue; tnf; total; toxin; tract; type; variety; virus; viruses; vivo; weeks; weight; women; year cache: cord-022544-7jn4ns6x.txt plain text: cord-022544-7jn4ns6x.txt item: #24 of 48 id: cord-022592-g7rmzsv5 author: Wynn, James L. title: Pathophysiology of Neonatal Sepsis date: 2016-07-06 words: 22168 flesch: 30 summary: The expression of surface tissue factor apoprotein by blood monocytes in the course of infections in early infancy Complement and coagulation: strangers or partners in crime? Indications of coagulation and/ or fibrinolytic system activation in healthy and sick very-low-birth-weight neonates Coagulation, fibrinolytic and kallikrein systems in neonates with uncomplicated sepsis and septic shock Plasma antithrombin III and protein C levels in early recognition of late-onset sepsis in newborns Study of protein C, protein S, and antithrombin III in newborns with sepsis Low plasma protein C values predict mortality in low birth weight neonates with septicemia Drotrecogin alfa (activated) in children with severe sepsis: a multicentre phase III randomised controlled trial The tissue factor and plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 response in pediatric sepsis-induced multiple organ failure Evaluation and treatment of thrombocytopenia in the neonatal intensive care unit Low immature platelet fraction suggests decreased megakaryopoiesis in neonates with sepsis or necrotizing enterocolitis Whole blood platelet deposition on extracellular matrix under flow conditions in preterm neonatal sepsis The platelet hyporeactivity of extremely low birth weight neonates is age-dependent The Ashwell receptor mitigates the lethal coagulopathy of sepsis Platelet count and sepsis in very low birth weight neonates: is there an organism-specific response? Disseminated intravascular coagulation in the newborn Natural history of neonatal herpes simplex virus infections in the acyclovir era Protease-activated receptor-1: key player in the sepsis coagulation-inflammation crosstalk Increased numbers of macrophages in tracheal aspirates in premature infants with funisitis Neutrophil-derived microparticles induce myeloperoxidase-mediated damage of vascular endothelial cells Coagulation dysfunction in sepsis and multiple organ system failure Endothelial glucocorticoid receptor is required for protection against sepsis Admission angiopoietin levels in children with septic shock Group B streptococcal beta-hemolysin promotes injury of lung microvascular endothelial cells Pathophysiologic mechanisms of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn Endothelial TLR4 activation impairs intestinal microcirculatory perfusion in necrotizing enterocolitis via eNOS-NO-nitrite signaling Neutrophil-derived IL-1β is sufficient for abscess formation in immunity against Staphylococcus aureus in mice Correlation between susceptibility of infants to infections and interaction with neutrophils of Escherichia coli strains causing neonatal and infantile septicemia Innate cellular immune responses in newborns Impact of prematurity, stress and sepsis on the neutrophil respiratory burst activity of neonates Functional analysis of neutrophil granulocytes from healthy, infected, and stressed neonates Decreased bactericidal activity of leukocytes of stressed newborn infants Spontaneous and Fas-mediated apoptosis are diminished in umbilical cord blood neutrophils compared with adult neutrophils Mechanisms underlying reduced apoptosis in neonatal neutrophils Neonatal neutrophils with prolonged survival exhibit enhanced inflammatory and cytotoxic responsiveness Neutrophil extracellular traps kill bacteria Platelet TLR4 activates neutrophil extracellular traps to ensnare bacteria in septic blood Netting neutrophils induce endothelial damage, infiltrate tissues, and expose immunostimulatory molecules in systemic lupus erythematosus Neutrophil-derived circulating free DNA (cf-DNA/NETs): a potential prognostic marker for posttraumatic development of inflammatory second hit and sepsis Novel cell death program leads to neutrophil extracellular traps Impaired neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation: a novel innate immune deficiency of human neonates Delayed but functional neutrophil extracellular trap formation in neonates Neutrophils sense microbe size and selectively release neutrophil extracellular traps in response to large pathogens Outcomes following candiduria in extremely low birth weight infants Exhaustion of mature marrow neutrophils in neonates with sepsis Neutrophil storage pool depletion in neonates with sepsis and neutropenia Evaluation of risk factors for fatal neonatal sepsis Can neutrophil responses in very low birth weight infants predict the organisms responsible for late-onset bacterial or fungal sepsis? Neonatal sepsis has been inconsistently defined on the basis of a variety of clinical and laboratory criteria, which makes the study of this condition very difficult. keywords: activated; activation; activity; acute; adaptive; addition; adhesion; adults; age; alterations; altered; analysis; antigen; antimicrobial; apoptosis; apps; associated; association; bacterial; bacterial sepsis; barrier; binding; birth; birth weight; blood; bpi; c5a; care; cd14; cd4; cells; challenge; changes; chemokines; children; chorioamnionitis; clearance; clinical; coagulation; colony; common; complement; components; concentrations; cord; cortisol; course; cr3; critical; culture; cytokine; damage; death; decreased; defense; defensins; deficient; definitions; dendritic; dependent; depletion; development; diagnostic; differentiation; disease; dna; dysfunction; early; effects; elevated; endothelial; endotoxin; enterocolitis; exhibit; experimental; expression; extracellular; factor; failure; fetal; figure; formation; function; gbs; gene; genetic; gestational; gram; group; healthy; hemodynamic; high; hmgb-1; host; host response; human; hypertension; ifn; il-18; il-6; ill; immune; immune response; immunity; immunoglobulin; impact; impaired; important; incidence; increased; infants; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; innate; innate immune; intensive; intestinal; lactoferrin; late; leukocyte; levels; life; like; likely; local; loss; low; low birth; lps; lymphocyte; lymphoid; macrophages; markers; mast; maternal; mbl; mechanisms; mice; microbial; model; mods; molecular; molecules; monocytes; mortality; multiple; murine; mutations; myeloid; nec; necrosis; negative; neonatal; neonatal sepsis; neonates; neutrophil; newborn; newborn infants; novel; number; onset neonatal; onset sepsis; organ; organisms; outcomes; oxygen; pathogens; pathophysiology; pathways; patients; pediatric; peptides; perfusion; peripheral; permeability; phase; plasma; platelet; pmns; polymorphisms; poor; positive; potential; premature; presence; present; presentation; preterm; preterm infants; preterm neonates; primary; produce; production; prolonged; protein; pulmonary; rage; reactive; receptor; recruitment; reduced; regulation; regulatory; related; release; respiratory; response; result; review; risk; role; selectin; sepsis; sepsis risk; septic; septic shock; serum; severe; severe sepsis; shock; signaling; significant; similar; sirs; skin; soluble; specific; spleen; stimulation; studies; study; substances; surface; surfactant; survival; syndrome; system; systemic; t cells; time; tissue; tlr4; tlrs; tnf; toll; treatment; trial; type; umbilical; unknown; use; vascular; viral; virus; vlbw; weeks; weight; weight infants; weight neonates cache: cord-022592-g7rmzsv5.txt plain text: cord-022592-g7rmzsv5.txt item: #25 of 48 id: cord-023721-e0zp2gux author: Meissner, H. Cody title: Bronchiolitis date: 2013-02-10 words: 5112 flesch: 27 summary: Reassessment of the indications for ribavirin therapy in respiratory syncytial virus infections Aerosolized ribavirin treatment of infants with respiratory syncytial viral infection: a randomized doubleblind study Ribavirin aerosol treatment of bronchiolitis associated with respiratory syncytial virus infection in infants Prevention and control of influenza with vaccines Neuraminidase inhibitors for treatment of influenza A and B infections Use of the oral neuraminidase inhibitor oseltamivir in experimental human influenza infection: randomized controlled trials for prevention and treatment Clinical efficacy and safety of the orally inhaled neuraminidase inhibitor zanamivir in the treatment of influenza: a randomized, doubleblind, placebocontrolled European study Zanamivir for treatment of symptomatic influenza A and B infection in children five to twelve years of age: a randomized controlled trial Intravenous immunoglobulin treatment of respiratory syncytial virus infections in infants and young children Controlled trial to evaluate protection of high risk infants against RSV by using standard intravenous immune globulin Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) immunoglobulin therapy for RSV lower respiratory tract infection in infants and young children at high risk for severe RSV infection Respiratory syncytial virus immune globulin treatment of RSV lower respiratory tract infection in previously healthy children Reduction of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in tracheal aspirates in intubated infants by the use of humanized monoclonal antibody to RSV F protein A randomized controlled trial of vitamin A in children with severe measles Serum vitamin A levels in respiratory syncytial virus infection Vitamin A and respiratory syncytial virus infection The relationship of childhood respiratory illness to adult obstructive airway disease Pulmonary function changes in children after respiratory syncytial virus infection in infancy The relationship of RSVspecific immunoglobulin E antibody responses in infancy, recurrent wheezing, and pulmonary function at age 7-8 years Asthma and wheezing in the first six years of life Respiratory syncytial virus in early life and risk of wheeze and allergy by age 13 years Evaluation of combined live, attenuated RSV and parainfluenza 3 virus vaccines in infants and young children 38 Diagnosis and management of bronchiolitis The burden of RSV infection in young children Bronchiolitis associated hospitalizations among US children, 1980-1966 The epidemiology of acute respiratory tract infection in young children: comparison of findings from developing countries Epidemiologic patterns of acute lower respiratory disease of children in a pediatric group practice A newly discovered human pneumovirus isolated from young children with respiratory tract disease Incidence and etiology of pneumonia, croup and bronchiolitis in preschool children belonging to a prepaid medical care group over a fouryear period Epidemiology of respiratory syncytial virus infection in Washington, DC. keywords: acute; age; agents; airway; antibody; apnea; available; bronchiolitis; bronchodilator; care; cases; childhood; children; clinical; congenital; consistent; days; detection; dexamethasone; diagnosis; disease; duration; early; effect; efficacy; epinephrine; etiologic; function; healthy; heart; high; higher; hospitalization; human; illness; immune; improvement; increase; infancy; infants; infection; influenza; life; lower; lower respiratory; lung; management; mild; months; obstructive; onset; oxygen; palivizumab; parainfluenza; pneumonia; prevention; pulmonary; randomized; rapid; rate; respiratory; respiratory syncytial; respiratory tract; ribavirin; risk; rsv; rsv infection; season; severe; severity; specific; strains; studies; syncytial; syncytial virus; therapy; tract; treatment; trial; type; viral; virus; virus infection; viruses; weeks; wheezing; years; young cache: cord-023721-e0zp2gux.txt plain text: cord-023721-e0zp2gux.txt item: #26 of 48 id: cord-023767-rcv4pl0d author: O’Ryan, Miguel L. title: Microorganisms Responsible for Neonatal Diarrhea date: 2009-05-19 words: 45719 flesch: 29 summary: Several studies have suggested that EAEC is also a common cause of infant diarrhea in industrialized c~u n t Rotavirus particles have not been found in human milk or c o l o~t r u m .~~~~~~~~ Exposure of a newborn to rotavirus can result in asymptomatic infection or cause mild or severe gastro-Outbreaks with high attack rates as measured by rotavirus excretion have been described but the extent of symptomatic infection Severe rotavirus infection is seldom reported during the newborn period1203 but the extent of underreporting of severe disease, especially in the less developed areas of the world, has not been evaluated. keywords: .~~~; abdominal; ability; abortion; acid; active; activity; acute; acute diarrhea; additional; adherence; administration; adults; aeromonas; age; agents; agglutination; ampicillin; analysis; animal; antibiotic; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; antimicrobial; antimicrobial therapy; apparent; appropriate; areas; assay; associated; association; asymptomatic; asymptomatic infection; attack; available; bacillus; bacteremia; bacterial; bacteriologic; bangladesh; basis; best; binding; birth; blood; bloody diarrhea; bowel; breast; c e; c. coli; c. fetus; c. jejuni; campylobacter; campylobacter coli; campylobacter enteritis; campylobacter gastroenteritis; campylobacter infection; campylobacter jejuni; candida; care; carriers; cases; cattle; cause; cells; centers; central; cephalosporins; certain; changes; characterization; childhood; children; children campylobacter; chloramphenicol; choice; cholera; cholera toxin; chronic; chronic diarrhea; citrobacter; classic; clinical; clostridium; coli; coli diarrhea; coli strains; coliform; colitis; colonization; common; community; comparison; complications; contact; contaminated; contamination; control; course; cross; cryptosporidiosis; cryptosporidium; cultures; cytotoxin; data; days; death; delivery; detection; developed; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; diarrheal disease; differences; different; difficult; dificile; direct; disease; distinct; dna; documented; dose; drug; duration; dysenteriae; dysentery; e l; e n; e r; e s; e ~; e. coli; eaec; early; effect; effective; efficacy; ehec; eiec; electrolyte; elisa; endemic; enteric; enteric disease; enteric infection; enteroaggregative; enterocolitica; enteropathogenic; enterotoxigenic; enterotoxin; environment; enzyme; epec; epec diarrhea; epec disease; epec gastroenteritis; epec infection; epec strains; epidemic; epidemiologic; epithelial; erythromycin; escherichia coli; established; evaluation; evidence; examination; excretion; experimental; exposure; extensive; extraintestinal; f e; factors; failure; family; features; fecal; feces; feeding; fetus; fetus infection; fever; findings; flora; fluid; fluorescent; follow; following; food; formula; frequency; frequent; gastroenteritis; gastrointestinal; generation; giardia; gram; group; growth; gut; hand; healthy; healthy infants; helpful; hep-2; high; higher; hospital; host; hours; human; human infants; human infection; human milk; human rotavirus; hydrophila; hygiene; identification; ill infants; illness; illnesses; immune; immunity; important; incidence; increase; incubation; india; individuals; infancy; infantile; infantile diarrhea; infantile gastroenteritis; infants; infants campylobacter; infants infections; infected; infected infants; infecting; infection; inflammatory; ingestion; initial; inoculum; intensive; intestinal; intestinal infection; intolerance; intractable diarrhea; invasion; invasive; investigation; involved; isolated; isolation; jejuni; jejuni diarrhea; jejuni enteritis; jejuni infection; klebsiella; laboratory; lack; large; leukocytes; life; like; likely; limited; listeria; literature; loose; low; lower; major; management; manifestations; maternal; means; mechanisms; media; medical; meningitis; methods; mice; mild; milk; molecular; months; mortality; mothers; mucosa; mucus; multiple; n s; n t; necrotizing; negative; neonatal; neonatal diarrhea; neonatal infection; neonatal rotavirus; neonatal shigellosis; neonates; newborn; newborn infants; newborn nursery; non; nonspecific; normal; nosocomial; number; nurseries; nursery; nursery outbreak; nursing; o l; o n; observation; older; older children; older infants; oligosaccharides; onset; oral; organisms; outbreak; outcome; p e; particles; pathogenesis; pathogenicity; pathogens; pathologic; patients; patterns; pcr; period; persistent diarrhea; person; personnel; plasmid; poor; population; positive; possible; potential; pregnancy; premature; premature infants; presence; present; prevalence; prevention; probe; problem; production; prolonged; prospective; protein; pseudomembranous; r n; r o; rare; rate; raw; receptor; recognition; rectal; rehydration; relapses; related; reported; reports; resistance; respiratory; response; results; review; risk; role; rotavirus diarrhea; rotavirus disease; rotavirus gastroenteritis; rotavirus infection; rotaviruses; routine; rural; salmonella; salmonella bacteremia; salmonella gastroenteritis; salmonella infection; salmonella meningitis; salmonellosis; samples; secondary; secretion; secretory; sensitive; sepsis; septicemia; serogroups; serologic; serotypes; serotyping; serum; setting; severe; severe diarrhea; severity; shiga; shigella; shigelloides; shigellosis; significant; signs; similar; single; small; sonnei; source; south; special; species; specific; specimens; spp; spread; standard; states; stec; stool; stool cultures; strains; studies; study; summer; surface; surveillance; susceptibility; susceptible; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; t e; t o; t r; table; techniques; term; testing; therapy; time; tissue; toxin; tract; transfer; transmission; treatment; trial; typhimurium; typhoid; typical; united; unusual; upper; useful; vaccine; vibrio; viral; virulence; viruses; volunteer; vomiting; ward; water; watery diarrhea; weeks; weight; weight infants; women; world; year; yersinia; young; young children; young infants; younger; ~ n; ~ t cache: cord-023767-rcv4pl0d.txt plain text: cord-023767-rcv4pl0d.txt item: #27 of 48 id: cord-023942-vrs3je1x author: Powers, Karen S. title: Acute Pulmonary Infections date: 2011-12-16 words: 11280 flesch: 40 summary: High risk children include those with sickle cell disease and other types of functional asplenia, human immunodefi ciency syndrome, primary immunodefi ciency, children receiving immunosuppressive therapy, and children with chronic pulmonary or cardiac disease. I N FECTIONS high risk children who need expanded serotype coverage. keywords: acute; age; airway; alveolar; ammatory; antibody; antigen; antiviral; associated; asthma; atelectasis; aureus; available; bacterial; blood; bronchiolitis; cap; care; cases; cause; cell; chest; children; chlamydia; chronic; ciencies; ciency; clinical; common; community; complicated; complications; congenital; consolidation; contact; corticosteroids; cough; course; cultures; days; deaths; decrease; detection; development; diagnosis; diffi; disease; distress; early; effective; effusions; elevated; failure; fever; following; gram; greater; group; h1n1; hbov; healthy; heart; high; hmpv; hospitalization; hospitalized; host; human; immune; immunodefi; incidence; infants; infected; infections; infi; infl; infl uenza; intensive; leading; levels; life; likely; lower; ltrates; lung; majority; mechanical; mechanisms; months; mortality; mrsa; nasal; neuraminidase; non; normal; older; organisms; oxygen; palivizumab; parainfl; pathogens; patients; pediatric; pleural; pneumonia; positive; present; pressure; primary; production; pulmonary; randomized; rare; recent; resistance; respiratory; respiratory tract; response; ribavirin; risk; rst; rsv; secondary; serotypes; severe; signifi; small; specifi; streptococcus; studies; study; supportive; symptoms; syncytial; syndrome; therapy; times; tract; treatment; trial; uenza; uid; upper; vaccine; ventilation; viral; virus; viruses; weeks; wheezing; years; young; younger cache: cord-023942-vrs3je1x.txt plain text: cord-023942-vrs3je1x.txt item: #28 of 48 id: cord-032806-o6p861ms author: Fenin, Audrey title: Very low birth weight infants receive full enteral nutrition within 2 postnatal weeks date: 2020-09-29 words: 3992 flesch: 48 summary: Investigation of how other parameters such as GA, SGA status, and antenatal steroids was not performed in this study but may be of interest in future research of VLBW infant feeding. Despite the lack of difference in 2-year outcomes including survival without moderate or severe neurodevelopmental disability in this trial [9] , neonatal care centers may still find benefit if more rapid advancement of enteral feeds is associated with two common quality indicators in neonatal care-early discontinuation of central venous lines (CVL) and shorter duration of parenteral nutrition (PN), while maintaining infant growth. keywords: addition; advancement; associated; birth; care; change; cohort; cvl; days; difference; early; enteral; epoch; evidence; feeding; feeds; gastric; group; growth; higher; infants; low; lower; nec; neonatal; number; nutrition; outcomes; postnatal; potential; practice; preterm; protocol; sga; study; time; trial; weeks; weight cache: cord-032806-o6p861ms.txt plain text: cord-032806-o6p861ms.txt item: #29 of 48 id: cord-253520-phtmgy6g author: None title: Vaccination schedule for infants and COVID-19 date: 2020-05-23 words: 266 flesch: 52 summary: key: cord-253520-phtmgy6g authors: nan title: Vaccination schedule for infants and COVID-19 date: 2020-05-23 journal: Many parents have cancelled vaccination appointments for their infants as well as their older children. keywords: covid-19; infants; phtmgy6; vaccination; vaccines cache: cord-253520-phtmgy6g.txt plain text: cord-253520-phtmgy6g.txt item: #30 of 48 id: cord-258778-er0ug8w4 author: Maayan-Metzger, Ayala title: Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Full-Term Infants: Case–Control Study and Review of the Literature date: 2004-07-01 words: 3271 flesch: 47 summary: The incidence of NEC in infants with birth weight over 2500 g has previously been reported as 0.06 per 1000 live births, and about 7 to 25% of all NEC cases are term infants. About 90% of NEC infants in the study group were receiving all of their meals by mouth prior to the development of NEC. keywords: age; asphyxia; babies; birth; blood; case; clinical; congenital; days; development; disease; early; elective; enterocolitis; factors; feeding; fetal; gestational; group; growth; heart; hospital; hypothyroidism; incidence; increase; infants; institution; intestinal; known; maternal; nec; onset; pathogenesis; period; preterm; prior; rate; risk; study; syndrome; term; term infants; years cache: cord-258778-er0ug8w4.txt plain text: cord-258778-er0ug8w4.txt item: #31 of 48 id: cord-265366-vmuqbpkk author: Leibowitz, Jill title: Comparison of Clinical and Epidemiologic Characteristics of Young Febrile Infants with and without SARS-CoV-2 Infection date: 2020-10-09 words: 2633 flesch: 37 summary: Febrile young infants with SARS-CoV-2 infection differ from other febrile infants in that they are younger, are more likely to be lethargic or exhibit feeding difficulties, have lower mean WBC, ANC, and ALC and have a higher likelihood of neutropenia and lymphopenia Despite performing SARS-CoV-2 testing on only 57% of the 2020 cohort of febrile infants due to limitations on availability of testing during this time, SARS-CoV-2 was detected in 38% of the entire cohort and 67% of those tested. f J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f .14 J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f .09 Mean WBC x 5 Defined as presence of any of the following: abnormal lung exam (crackles, rhonchi or wheeze), hypoxia, parenchymal infiltrate on chest X-ray 6 Defined as an ANC of < 1.0x10/ 9 L 7 Defined as an ALC of < 3.0x10/ 9 L J o u r n a l P r e -p r o o f Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic Novel Coronavirus in the United States Hospitalization rates and characteristics of children aged <18 years hospitalized with laboratoryconfirmed COVID-19 -COVID-NET, 14 States SARS-CoV-2 Associated Deaths Among Persons Aged <21 Years -United States Epidemiology of COVID-19 among children in China MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep Febrile infant: COVID-19 in addition to the usual suspects SARS-CoV-2 infection in infants less than 90 days old SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) in febrile infants without respiratory distress Fever without a source in a young infant due to SARS-CoV-2 Novel coronavirus infection in febrile infants aged 60 days and younger A case series of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) in 3 febrile infants in New York Early experience of COVID-19 in a US children' hospital Research electronic data capture (REDCap)-A metadata-driven methodology and workflow process for providing translational research informatics support Screening for severe combined immunodeficiency in neonates Lanzkowsky's Manual of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology 6 th ed The changing epidemiology of serious bacterial infections in young infants A clinical prediction rule to identify febrile infants 60 days and younger at low risk for serious bacterial infections Comparison of clinical features of COVID-19 vs seasonal influenza A and B in US children Infant with SARS-CoV-2 infection causing severe lung disease treated with remdesivir A 55 day old female infant infected with COVID 19: presenting with pneumonia, liver injury and heart damage SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Febrile Neonates Disparities in Incidence of COVID-19 Among Underrepresented Racial/Ethnic Groups in Counties Identified as Hotspots During Hospitalization and mortality among black patients and white patients with Covid-19 Universal screening for SARS-CoV-2 in women admitted for delivery Neonates Hospitalized with Community-Acquired SARS-CoV-2 in a Colorado Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan Epidemiology, clinical features, and disease severity in patients with coronavirus disease Children's Hospital in New York City Risk of bacterial coinfections in febrile infants 60 days old and younger with documented viral infections keywords: age; april; bacterial; blood; ccmc; children; clinical; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; days; disease; features; febrile; febrile infants; feeding; fever; health; higher; hospital; infants; infected; infection; lethargy; march; medical; naa; pandemic; pathogen; patients; period; positive; proportion; respiratory; sars; study; testing; viral; younger cache: cord-265366-vmuqbpkk.txt plain text: cord-265366-vmuqbpkk.txt item: #32 of 48 id: cord-266373-8wuvk5cz author: Burns, Katherine H. title: Nurturing visual social development in the NICU date: 2020-09-05 words: 653 flesch: 32 summary: We do not have data on the exact amounts or frequencies of masked/unmasked interactions necessary to optimize development, but our knowledge of infant development strongly suggests risk. We propose the following for consideration: (1) Placing higher risk infants in private rooms, especially as discharge approaches and/or the infant is post term. keywords: active; age; care; consideration; covid-19; development; early; facial; infants; interactions; months; nicus; preterm; recognition; risk; social; visual cache: cord-266373-8wuvk5cz.txt plain text: cord-266373-8wuvk5cz.txt item: #33 of 48 id: cord-269652-t7ghng17 author: Santos, Roberto Parulan title: A Practical Guide to the Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Neonatal Infections date: 2015-04-30 words: 5997 flesch: 36 summary: Other indications during the RSV season include preterm infants (<1 year of age born at <32 weeks and 0-day gestation) with chronic lung disease of prematurity who required greater than 21% oxygen for at least the first 28 days of life and young infants (<1 year of age) with certain hemodynamically significant heart disease. This may be due to decreased passage of maternal antibodies in preterm infants and to immaturity of the immune system in general. keywords: aap; age; agents; america; antibiotic; antimicrobial; asymptomatic; available; bacterial; birth; blood; care; cases; cause; clinical; committee; common; control; crp; culture; days; diagnosis; disease; dose; dosing; early; eos; evaluation; evidence; factors; fetus; following; gbs; group; guidelines; hand; health; high; hours; hygiene; infants; infections; influenza; intensive; interventions; life; los; low; management; maternal; medical; mortality; nec; negative; neonatal; neonatal infections; newborn; nicu; onset; oral; organisms; pediatric; pertussis; preterm; prevention; probiotics; prophylaxis; regimen; respiratory; risk; sepsis; society; study; surgical; system; therapy; treatment; umbilical; use; vaccine; viral; weeks; weight; young cache: cord-269652-t7ghng17.txt plain text: cord-269652-t7ghng17.txt item: #34 of 48 id: cord-279257-a7d9a2w1 author: Puig, Carme title: Incidence and risk factors of lower respiratory tract illnesses during infancy in a Mediterranean birth cohort date: 2008-07-09 words: 3536 flesch: 44 summary: Lower respiratory tract illness in the first year of life Prospective population-based study of viral lower respiratory tract infections in children under 3 years of age (the PRIDE study) Economic impact of communityacquired and nosocomial lower respiratory tract infections in young children in Germany Asthma and immunoglobulin E antibodies after respiratory syncitial virus bronchiolitis: a prospective cohort study with matched controls Do lower respiratory tract infections in early childhood cause chronic obstructive pulmonary disease? The aim of the present study was to determine the incidence rate of LRTIs during infancy, identify viral respiratory Abbreviations AMICS, asthma multicenter infant cohort study; Der p1, Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 1; ETS: environmental tobacco smoke; Fel d1, Felus domesticus 1; LRTI, lower respiratory tract illness; NO 2 , nitrogen dioxide; NO-LRTI, no lower respiratory tract illness; NPA, nasopharyngeal aspirate; RSV, respiratory syncytial virus; SES, socioeconomic status. keywords: acute; age; agents; asthma; birth; breast; care; children; cohort; cord; der; diagnosis; disease; exposure; factors; fel; frequency; frequent; group; higher; history; illnesses; incidence; infants; infections; levels; life; lower; lrti; maternal; mothers; npa; rate; respiratory; risk; rsv; ses; siblings; smoke; socioeconomic; studies; study; total; tract; viral; virus; viruses; wheezing; year cache: cord-279257-a7d9a2w1.txt plain text: cord-279257-a7d9a2w1.txt item: #35 of 48 id: cord-286479-p9d78t6v author: None title: NeoCORE Conference Abstracts date: 2020-07-09 words: 7502 flesch: 53 summary: Conclusions: For preterm infants supported with nasal CPAP, any nasal injury was significantly lower in infants with RAM cannula compared to Hudson prongs. Background: Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a serious morbidity of preterm infants. keywords: acs; adverse; age; aki; analysis; associated; authors; babies; background; baseline; bilirubin; birth; breastfeeding; care; chennai; cohort; conclusions; conference; control; cpap; cysts; department; design; difference; discharge; duration; early; education; effect; email; feeding; feeds; fetal; follow; gestational; gls; group; hie; higher; hospital; improvement; incidence; india; infants; injury; institute; intervention; jipmer; knowledge; mean; median; medical; methods; milk; mortality; mothers; nasal; nec; neonatal; neonates; neonatology; nicu; non; objective; oral; outcome; pain; period; phase; positive; postnatal; prakash; preterm; prick; primary; puducherry; quality; ram; randomized; research; respiratory; results; risk; rop; score; severe; sga; significant; standard; study; surfactant; time; total; treatment; trial; use; weight cache: cord-286479-p9d78t6v.txt plain text: cord-286479-p9d78t6v.txt item: #36 of 48 id: cord-288113-ex4yi28u author: Epalza, Cristina title: Role of Viral Molecular Panels in Diagnosing the Etiology of Fever in Infants Younger Than 3 Months date: 2019-11-09 words: 3657 flesch: 37 summary: Febrile Infant Collaborative Study Group C-reactive protein as a marker of serious bacterial infections in hospitalized febrile infants Markers that predict serious bacterial infection in infants under 3 months of age presenting with fever of unknown origin Risk stratification and management of the febrile young child Outpatient management without antibiotics of fever in selected infants Management and outcomes of care of fever in early infancy Detection of respiratory viruses by molecular methods Simultaneous detection and high-throughput identification of a panel of RNA viruses causing respiratory tract infections Comparison of the FilmArray assay and in-house real-time PCR for detection of respiratory infection Clinical and financial benefits of rapid bacterial identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing Clinical impact of rapid identification and susceptibility testing of bacterial blood culture isolates Serious bacterial infections in febrile infants 1 to 90 days old with and without viral infections Risk of serious bacterial infection in young febrile infants with respiratory syncytial virus infections Prevalence of serious bacterial infections in febrile infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection Influenza virus infection and the risk of serious bacterial infections in young febrile infants Low prevalence of invasive bacterial infection in febrile infants under 3 months of age with Enterovirus infection Evaluation of diagnostic tests for infectious diseases: general principles Procalcitonin in young febrile infants for the detection of serious bacterial infections Diagnostic value of procalcitonin in well-appearing young febrile infants Validation of a laboratory risk index score for the identification of severe bacterial infection in children with fever without source European Group for Validation of the Step-by-Step Approach. The present evaluation demonstrates that molecular techniques greatly improve the detection rate of viral infections, especially in the challenging group of febrile infants without clinical source, among which the increase in microbiological documentation was nearly 20%. keywords: available; bacterial; blood; care; clinical; contribution; culture; data; days; detection; diagnostic; episodes; etiology; febrile; febrile infants; fever; final; identification; infants; infection; laboratory; low; lower; management; manuscript; methods; microbiological; molecular; months; negative; patients; pcrs; pneumovir; positive; rapid; rate; real; respiratory; results; risk; samples; sbi; standard; study; symptoms; techniques; tests; time; viral; viruses; younger cache: cord-288113-ex4yi28u.txt plain text: cord-288113-ex4yi28u.txt item: #37 of 48 id: cord-296114-cyd9msls author: Mallol, J. title: Common cold decreases lung function in infants with recurrent wheezing date: 2009-11-27 words: 2476 flesch: 39 summary: Lung function measurements were performed at random in two occasions for each patient (each one was its own control), either during the first days of an URTI or when they had been asymptomatic during 4 weeks and had normal physical examination at the measurement day. Mean values and 95% CI for lung function measurements in z-score are shown in Table 2 . keywords: airway; asthma; asymptomatic; children; cold; common; decrease; effect; episodes; exposure; family; fef; flows; function; history; infants; infections; lung; measurements; parameters; pregnancy; recurrent; respiratory; rhinovirus; score; significant; spirometric; study; tobacco; urti; viral; viruses; volume; wheezing cache: cord-296114-cyd9msls.txt plain text: cord-296114-cyd9msls.txt item: #38 of 48 id: cord-303322-d69o3z8d author: Chang, Anne B title: Randomized placebo-controlled trial on azithromycin to reduce the morbidity of bronchiolitis in Indigenous Australian infants: rationale and protocol date: 2011-04-14 words: 5437 flesch: 33 summary: Indeed, Indigenous infants are more likely to receive antibiotics for an episode of pneumonia diagnosed during an admission for bronchiolitis than non-Indigenous infants nursed in the same paediatric unit [6] . Bronchiolitis in Indigenous infants is more severe than bronchiolitis in non-Indigenous infants [6] . keywords: acute; aged; allocation; alris; anti; antibiotics; australian; azithromycin; bacterial; bronchiectasis; bronchiolitis; children; chlamydia; chronic; clinical; criteria; darwin; data; development; diagnosis; discharge; duration; group; health; high; hospital; hospitalisation; hospitalised; hours; illness; impact; important; indigenous; indigenous infants; infants; infection; influenzae; length; long; los; lower; lung; macrolides; mic; months; morbidity; nasopharyngeal; nasopharynx; non; northern; outcomes; oxygen; pathogens; placebo; pneumoniae; primary; randomised; rate; readmission; ready; requirement; resistance; respiratory; results; risk; secondary; setting; severity; short; study; term; territory; time; treatment; trial; viruses cache: cord-303322-d69o3z8d.txt plain text: cord-303322-d69o3z8d.txt item: #39 of 48 id: cord-305085-bv7udg9k author: Lawrence, Robert M. title: Chapter 13 Transmission of Infectious Diseases Through Breast Milk and Breastfeeding date: 2011-12-31 words: 45867 flesch: 41 summary: Experience from the Finnish HPV family study Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, including necrotizing fasciitis and myositis Late-onset septicemia in a Norwegian national cohort of extremely premature infants receiving very early full human milk feeding Hepatitis A outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit: Risk factors for transmission and evidence of prolonged viral excretion among preterm infants Characterization of a novel corona virus associated with severe acute respiratory syndrome Longitudinal analysis of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 RNA in breast milk and of its relationship to infant infection and maternal disease Attempts to detect RNA tumour virus in human milk Is breast milk collected at home suitable for raw consumption by neonates in Brizilian public neonatal intensive care units? Prevalence of HIV-1 DNA and p24 antigen in breast milk and correlation with maternal factors Follow-up of transmission of hepatitis C to babies of human immunodeficiency virus-negative women: The role of breastfeeding in transmission Occurrence of acute diarrhea in atopic and nonatopic infants: role of prolonged breast-feeding An outbreak of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a neonatal intensive care unit Hospital transmission of community acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus among postpartum women Removal of inhibitors against RNA-directed DNA polymerase activity in human milk Effect of human milk on mouse mammary tumor virus Human papillomavirus DNA detected in breast milk Control of a cluster of a community-associated methicillin-resistant Stahpylococcus aureus in neonatology Immunoglobulin prophylaxis against milkborne transmission of human T cell leukemia virus type 1 in rabbits Chlamydial infections Pregnancy and pulmonary tuberculosis Possible breast milk transmission of group B streptococcal infection Evidence for transmission of lymphocyte responses to tuberculin by breast-feeding, Lancet I:529 Toxic shock syndrome Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi DNA by PCR in the urine and breast milk of patients with Lyme borreliosis Prevention of perinatal group B streptococcal disease. One case of brucellosis in an infant caused by breast milk transmission, with B. melitensis isolated from the breast milk, before antibiotic treatment was given to the mother has been documented. keywords: absence; acceptable; acquisition; active; acute; additional; adults; africa; age; agents; airborne; analysis; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antiretroviral; appropriate; areas; associated; association; asymptomatic; aureus; authors; available; bacterial; benefits; birth; blood; bottle; botulism; breast cancer; breast infection; breast lesions; breast milk; breastfed; breastfed infants; breastfeeding; brucellosis; c virus; care; careful; cases; cause; cells; cesarean; chapter; children; chronic; clinical; close; cmv; collection; colonization; colonized; colostrum; committee; common; community; complete; congenital; congenital infection; contact; contamination; continued; control; countries; course; culture; culturing; cytomegalovirus; cytomegalovirus infection; data; days; death; decrease; delivery; dengue; dengue virus; developed; development; diagnosis; diarrhea; different; difficult; direct; discussion; disease; dna; documented; dose; droplet; duration; e.g.; early; ebv; effect; effective; empiric; endemic; epidemiologic; et al; evaluation; evidence; exclusive; exclusive breastfeeding; exposure; expressed; factors; fetus; fever; fever virus; fluids; follow; formula; free; gbs; general; greater; group; hav; hbv; hcv; hdv; health; hemorrhagic; hepatitis; herpes; hev; hgv; high; higher; history; hiv; hiv infection; hiv transmission; hiv-1; home; hospital; hospitalized; hours; household; hpv; htlv; human breast; human milk; humans; igm; illness; illnesses; immune; immunization; immunodeficiency; immunodeficiency virus; important; incidence; increased; individuals; infancy; infant transmission; infants; infants younger; infected; infection; infection control; information; intensive; interventions; intrapartum; invasive; involvement; isolation; isoniazid; laboratory; lack; lactating; lactation; large; late; lesions; leukemia; life; likely; literature; load; low; lower; lyme; lymphotropic; malaria; management; mastitis; maternal; maternal infection; measles; medical; methicillin; mild; milk samples; months; morbidity; mortality; mother; mrsa; mumps; negative; neonatal; neonates; newborn; nile; nile virus; number; nursery; observation; occurrence; older; ongoing; onset; oral; organism; outbreaks; patients; pcr; perinatal; period; person; pneumonia; poliovirus; positive; positive mothers; possible; postnatal; postnatal infection; postnatal transmission; postpartum; potential; precautions; pregnancy; pregnant; premature; premature infants; prenatal; presence; preterm; prevalence; prevention; primary; products; prolonged; prophylaxis; protective; rabies; range; rare; rash; rates; reasonable; recent; recommendations; regimens; related; relative; reported; reports; resistant; respiratory; response; results; risk; role; rotavirus; routine; rsv; saliva; samples; sars; secondary; secretions; separation; sequelae; seropositive; serum; severe; severity; shock; short; significant; similar; single; situations; skin; smallpox; source; south; species; specific; spread; standard; staphylococcus; states; streptococcal; studies; study; subsequent; support; survival; symptoms; syndrome; syphilis; term; testing; therapy; time; timing; toxin; tract; transmammary; transmission; transmission breast; transmission rate; transplacental; treatment; tst; ttv; tuberculosis; type; uncommon; united; urine; use; vaccination; vaccine; vaccine virus; vaccinia; varicella; vertical transmission; viral; virus; virus infection; virus transmission; virus type; viruses; weaning; weeks; west; women; world; years; yellow; younger; zidovudine; zoster; zoster virus cache: cord-305085-bv7udg9k.txt plain text: cord-305085-bv7udg9k.txt item: #40 of 48 id: cord-314190-fvdock94 author: Florin, Todd A title: Viral bronchiolitis date: 2017-01-01 words: 7587 flesch: 30 summary: Viral bronchiolitis in children Temperature-dependent innate defense against the common cold virus limits viral replication at warm temperature in mouse airway cells Nasal mucociliary transport in healthy subjects is slower when breathing dry air Altitude and environmental climate eff ects on bronchiolitis severity among children presenting to the emergency department The relationship of meteorological conditions to the epidemic activity of respiratory syncytial virus Air pollution and acute respiratory infections among children 0-4 years of age: a 1-8 year time-series study Air pollution interacts with past episodes of bronchiolitis in the development of asthma Exposure to traffi c and early life respiratory infection: a cohort study Systematic literature review assessing tobacco smoke exposure as a risk factor for serious respiratory syncytial virus disease among infants and young children Severity of respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis is aff ected by cigarette smoke exposure and atopy Respiratory syncytial virus-associated hospitalizations among infants and young children in the United States Respiratory syncytial virus-associated hospitalizations among children less than 24 months of age Interleukin-9 polymorphism in infants with respiratory syncytial virus infection: an opposite eff ect in boys and girls Kendig and Chernick's disorders of the respiratory tract in children Pathological changes in virus infections of the lower respiratory tract in children Bronchiolitis: lingering questions about its defi nition and the potential role of vitamin D Detection of new respiratory viruses in hospitalized infants with bronchiolitis: a three-year prospective study Respiratory syncytial virus, human bocavirus and rhinovirus bronchiolitis in infants In very young infants severity of acute bronchiolitis depends on carried viruses Viral etiologies of infant bronchiolitis, croup and upper respiratory illness during 4 consecutive years Virus type and genomic load in acute bronchiolitis: severity and treatment response with inhaled adrenaline Prospective multicenter study of the viral etiology of bronchiolitis in the emergency department Prospective multicenter study of viral etiology and hospital length of stay in children with severe bronchiolitis Respiratory syncytial virus genomic load and disease severity among children hospitalized with bronchiolitis: multicenter cohort studies in the United States and Finland Evaluation of viral load in infants hospitalized with bronchiolitis caused by respiratory syncytial virus Association of rhinovirus infection with increased disease severity in acute bronchiolitis Dual infection of infants by human metapneumovirus and human respiratory syncytial virus is strongly associated with severe bronchiolitis Frequent detection of respiratory viruses without symptoms: toward defi ning clinically relevant cutoff values Detection of respiratory syncytial virus and rhinovirus in healthy infants Respiratory viral detection in children and adults: comparing asymptomatic controls and patients with community-acquired pneumonia Bronchiolitis in children: diagnosis and management. Nasal irrigation with saline solution signifi cantly improves oxygen saturation in infants with bronchiolitis Decreasing unnecessary utilization in acute bronchiolitis care: results from the value in inpatient pediatrics network Eff ectiveness of chest physiotherapy in infants hospitalized with acute bronchiolitis: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial Chest physiotherapy for acute bronchiolitis in paediatric patients between 0 and 24 months old Acute bronchiolitis: predisposing factors and characterization of infants at risk Asthma and allergy patterns over 18 years after severe RSV bronchiolitis in the fi rst year of life Respiratory syncytial virus in early life and risk of wheeze and allergy by age 13 years Acute bronchiolitis in infancy as risk factor for wheezing and reduced pulmonary function by seven years in Akershus County A longitudinal study on early hospitalized airway infections and subsequent childhood asthma The severity-dependent relationship of infant bronchiolitis on the risk and morbidity of early childhood asthma Saline in acute bronchiolitis RCT and economic evaluation: hypertonic saline in acute bronchiolitis-randomised controlled trial and systematic review Added salmeterol versus higher-dose corticosteroid in asthma patients with symptoms on existing inhaled corticosteroid. keywords: acute; acute bronchiolitis; admission; airway; analysis; assessment; associated; asthma; bacterial; benefi; bronchiolitis; cannula; care; chest; children; clinical; continuous; corticosteroids; days; department; diagnosis; diff; disease; early; eff; emergency; epinephrine; erence; evidence; factors; guidelines; health; high; hospital; hydration; hypertonic; hypertonic saline; illness; infants; infection; infl; large; length; lower; lung; management; meta; months; multicentre; nasal; ndings; nebulised; outcomes; oxygen; patients; placebo; practice; present; randomised; recurrent; respiratory; respiratory syncytial; results; review; rhinovirus; risk; role; saline; saturation; severe; severity; signifi; small; specifi; stay; studies; study; suctioning; symptoms; syncytial; syncytial virus; systematic; table; testing; therapy; tract; treatment; trial; use; viral; virus; viruses; wheezing; years; young; younger cache: cord-314190-fvdock94.txt plain text: cord-314190-fvdock94.txt item: #41 of 48 id: cord-323354-igzs1rdm author: Dornelles, Cristina T.L. title: Nutritional Status, Breastfeeding, and Evolution of Infants with Acute Viral Bronchiolitis date: 2007-09-17 words: 4138 flesch: 40 summary: key: cord-323354-igzs1rdm authors: Dornelles, Cristina T.L.; Piva, Jefferson P.; Marostica, Paulo J.C. title: Nutritional Status, Breastfeeding, and Evolution of Infants with Acute Viral Bronchiolitis date: 2007-09-17 journal: J Health Popul Nutr DOI: nan sha: doc_id: 323354 cord_uid: igzs1rdm Acute viral bronchiolitis is a common respiratory infectious disease of infancy. Shorter exclusive breastfeeding was observed in infants who were assigned to a paediatric ward or to an intensive care unit. keywords: acute; acute viral; age; breastfeeding; bronchiolitis; care; child; classification; clinical; data; days; disease; duration; emergency; evolution; exclusive; exclusive breastfeeding; factors; health; hospital; hospital stay; infants; infection; intensive; length; milk; months; mortality; nutritional; oxygen; paediatric; present; regression; respiratory; risk; saturation; significant; status; stay; study; syncytial; test; unit; use; variables; viral; viral bronchiolitis; virus; ward; weight cache: cord-323354-igzs1rdm.txt plain text: cord-323354-igzs1rdm.txt item: #42 of 48 id: cord-329022-0pymqxwq author: Hughes, Michelle M title: Population-Based Pertussis Incidence and Risk Factors in Infants Less Than 6 Months in Nepal date: 2017-03-01 words: 4287 flesch: 48 summary: Characteristics of infant pertussis cases were compared with nonpertussis cases using bivariate Poisson regression. Incidence was calculated as the number of pertussis cases per 1000 infant-years at risk. keywords: acellular; additional; age; birth; bordetella; burden; cases; characteristics; children; clinical; cohort; collection; cough; countries; criteria; data; days; disease; duration; episodes; follow; health; illness; immunization; incidence; infants; influenza; likely; low; maternal; mid; months; mothers; nasal; nepal; parapertussis; pcr; period; pertussis; population; positive; pregnancy; prospective; range; recent; region; respiratory; risk; studies; study; supplementary; support; surveillance; swabs; symptoms; trials; vaccination; vaccine; weekly; weeks; women; years cache: cord-329022-0pymqxwq.txt plain text: cord-329022-0pymqxwq.txt item: #43 of 48 id: cord-330834-zqm4egei author: Drall, Kelsea M. title: Vitamin D supplementation in pregnancy and early infancy in relation to gut microbiota composition and C. difficile colonization: implications for viral respiratory infections date: 2020-08-11 words: 4517 flesch: 26 summary: Among all infants, infant vitamin D supplementation was associated with a lower abundance of genus Megamonas (q = 0.01) in gut microbiota. The Manitoba site had the lowest prevalence of infant vitamin D supplementation (43.4% overall, 53.4% in exclusively breastfed infants). keywords: abundance; age; allergy; analysis; association; asthma; bile; bilophila; birth; breastfed; breastfeeding; cells; childhood; cohort; collection; colonization; composition; consumption; cups; data; day; development; dietary; difficile; direct; disease; feeding; figure; findings; formula; fortified; genus; gut; health; human; infants; infection; intake; intestinal; levels; lower; maternal; megamonas; microbiota; milk; mode; months; mothers; postnatal; pregnancy; prenatal; regression; respiratory; risk; role; status; study; supplementation; supplements; table; use; variable; viral; vitamin; vitamin d; ≥400 cache: cord-330834-zqm4egei.txt plain text: cord-330834-zqm4egei.txt item: #44 of 48 id: cord-332113-37g4regv author: Neu, Josef title: The Microbiome and Its Impact on Disease in the Preterm Patient date: 2013-10-01 words: 4238 flesch: 31 summary: The host's need for intestinal microbiota is demonstrated by studies showing that germ-free animals do not develop normal lymph node architecture, with extensive defects in the development of gut-associated lymphoid tissue, arrested capillary network development in the gut and reduced antibody production [5] . Those infants born via C-section, fed formula milk and exposed to antibiotics have a decrease in diversity of intestinal microbiota and abnormal patterns of colonization with suppression of 'healthy' bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. keywords: 16s; amniotic; antibiotics; bacterial; birth; breast; care; cesarean; colonization; community; composition; culture; delivery; development; disease; diversity; early; enterocolitis; exposure; factors; fecal; fed; flora; fluid; formula; genes; gut; health; host; human; immune; important; infants; intestinal; intestinal microbiota; life; long; microbes; microbial; microbiota; milk; mode; molecular; nec; neonatal; neonates; patients; premature; preterm; proteins; recent; relationship; role; section; studies; study; system; techniques; technologies; use; vaginal; years cache: cord-332113-37g4regv.txt plain text: cord-332113-37g4regv.txt item: #45 of 48 id: cord-337878-hiylqqie author: Namasivayam, Abirami title: Atypical case of COVID-19 in a critically unwell 5-week old infant date: 2020-09-14 words: 2525 flesch: 44 summary: Similarly, the distinguishing biochemical abnormalities associated with COVID-19 positive patients, specifically leucopenia 9 and significantly elevated CRP, 10 were not observed in our case. This case demonstrates the need for vigilance in considering COVID-19 infection in infants presenting with less discriminatory symptoms such as lethargy or reduced feeding. keywords: airway; care; case; chest; children; china; clinical; confirmed; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; day; disease; distress; evidence; guidance; heart; hours; infants; infection; intubation; lethargy; management; neonatal; normal; old; paediatric; patient; positive; presentation; rate; report; respiratory; risk; support; time; transmission; unit; use; ventilation; years cache: cord-337878-hiylqqie.txt plain text: cord-337878-hiylqqie.txt item: #46 of 48 id: cord-338575-c04xxo8d author: Stuebe, Alison title: Should Infants Be Separated from Mothers with COVID-19? First, Do No Harm date: 2020-05-01 words: 825 flesch: 45 summary: Infants who are separated from their mothers have higher heart rates and respiratory rates and lower glucose levels than infants who are skin-toskin. 7 Isolation is a significant stressor for newborn infants; for those infants already infected with SARS-CoV-2, isolation could worsen the disease course. keywords: care; context; cov-2; covid-19; disease; early; health; infants; infection; isolation; mothers; respiratory; risk; sars; separation; skin; stress; toskin cache: cord-338575-c04xxo8d.txt plain text: cord-338575-c04xxo8d.txt item: #47 of 48 id: cord-346214-8ev9w4ko author: Unger, Sharon title: Gut microbiota of the very-low-birth-weight infant date: 2014-10-13 words: 5315 flesch: 21 summary: The altered gut microbiome and necrotizing enterocolitis Recognition of commensal microflora by toll-like receptors is required for intestinal homeostasis Pro-angiogenic activity of TLRs and NLRs: a novel link between gut microbiota and intestinal angiogenesis The gut microbiota as an environmental factor that regulates fat storage Role of the gut microbiota in human nutrition and metabolism Dietary oligosaccharides increase colonic weight and the amount but not concentration of bacterially synthesized folate in the colon of piglets Gut microbiomes of Malawian twin pairs discordant for kwashiorkor Folate is absorbed across the colon of adults: evidence from cecal infusion of (13)C-labeled [6S]-5-formyltetrahydrofolic acid A large pool of available folate exists in the large intestine of human infants and piglets Host-gut microbiota metabolic interactions Necrotizing enterocolitis Bacterial community structure and functional contributions to emergence of health or necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm infants Early intestinal bacterial colonization and necrotizing enterocolitis in premature infants: the putative role of Clostridium Application of 16S rRNA gene PCR to study bowel flora of preterm infants with and without necrotizing enterocolitis Intestinal microbial ecology in premature infants assessed with non-culture-based techniques Intestinal microbial ecology and environmental factors affecting necrotizing enterocolitis 16S rRNA gene-based analysis of fecal microbiota from preterm infants with and without necrotizing enterocolitis Long-term programming effects of early nutrition -implications for the preterm infant Early postnatal life as a critical time window for determination of long-term metabolic health Intestinal microbiota during infancy and its implications for obesity A core gut microbiome in obese and lean twins Gut microbiota composition and development of atopic manifestations in infancy: the KOALA Birth Cohort Study Food allergy: a glimpse into the inner workings of gut immunology The intestinal microbiota in health and disease Human gut microbiome and risk for colorectal cancer Is the origin of type 1 diabetes in the gut? World Health Organization. Neonatal antibiotic treatment alters gastrointestinal tract developmental gene expression and intestinal barrier transcriptome Deep 16S rRNA metagenomics and quantitative PCR analyses of the premature infant fecal microbiota Establishment and development of intestinal microbiota in preterm neonates Microbiome assembly across multiple body sites in low-birthweight infants Beyond bacteria: a study of the enteric microbial consortium in extremely low birth weight infants Gut microbial colonisation in premature neonates predicts neonatal sepsis Low species diversity and high interindividual variability in faeces of preterm infants as revealed by sequences of 16S rRNA genes and PCR-temporal temperature gradient gel electrophoresis profiles Distortions in development of intestinal microbiota associated with late onset sepsis in preterm infants Strain-resolved community genomic analysis of gut microbial colonization in a premature infant Gut microbiota of healthy Canadian infants: profiles by mode of delivery and infant diet at 4 months Development of the intestinal flora in very low birth weight infants compared to normal full-term newborns The intestinal bacterial colonisation in preterm infants: a review of the literature High-throughput sequencing reveals the incomplete, short-term recovery of infant gut microbiota following parenteral antibiotic treatment with ampicillin and gentamicin Long-term ecological impacts of antibiotic administration on the human intestinal microbiota Analysis of intestinal flora development in breast-fed and formula-fed infants by using molecular identification and detection methods Diet and faecal flora in the newborn: breast milk and infant formula The microbial ecology of the large bowel of breast-fed and formula-fed infants during the first year of life Quantification of Bifidobacterium spp., Escherichia coli and Clostridium difficile in faecal samples of breast-fed and formula-fed infants by real-time PCR The human milk microbiome changes over lactation and is shaped by maternal weight and mode of delivery Carbohydrates in milks: analysis, quantities and significance Ultrasound imaging of milk ejection in the breast of lactating women Characterization of the diversity and temporal stability of bacterial communities in human milk Human milk: a source of more life than we imagine Effect of intestinal microbial ecology on the developing brain keywords: 16s; adult; antibiotics; available; bacteria; bifidobacterium; birth; body; breast; care; cells; cesarean; clostridium; colonization; community; composition; delivery; development; diet; differences; different; disease; diversity; early; energy; enterocolitis; environment; evidence; factors; fed; feeding; flora; formula; gastrointestinal; genes; git; gut; health; host; human; human milk; important; infants; inflammatory; intestinal; life; long; low; maternal; metabolic; mice; microbes; microbial; microbiota; milk; mode; molecular; mother; nec; neonatal; number; nutritional; oligosaccharides; premature; preterm; probiotics; relative; response; review; risk; role; rrna; sepsis; significant; small; source; species; studies; study; syndrome; system; time; tract; type; vitamin; vlbw; weight cache: cord-346214-8ev9w4ko.txt plain text: cord-346214-8ev9w4ko.txt item: #48 of 48 id: cord-355292-n6sq2jz9 author: Chen, Yan title: Infants Born to Mothers With a New Coronavirus (COVID-19) date: 2020-03-16 words: 2628 flesch: 53 summary: Typical CT images of COVID-19 infection with ground glass changes were presented in these pregnant patients. Throughout the clinical course, there were no manifestations or radiologic, hematologic, or biochemical evidence suggestive of COVID-19 infection. keywords: acute; baby; birth; blood; case; china; clinical; consent; coronavirus; covid-19; data; days; delivery; developed; dyspnea; fever; infants; infection; maternal; mothers; normal; novel; patients; pcr; positive; pregnancy; pregnant; rash; report; respiratory; sars; severe; study; syndrome; table; transmission; women; wuhan cache: cord-355292-n6sq2jz9.txt plain text: cord-355292-n6sq2jz9.txt