item: #1 of 39 id: cord-029160-z2sxr3dx author: Coveri, Andrea title: Supply chain contagion and the role of industrial policy date: 2020-07-14 words: 5530 flesch: 37 summary: On the one hand, the outbreak of the pandemic has an impact on global production with a domino effect. On the other hand, global production has played a role in the amplification of the pandemic, especially accelerating its spread up to a rate never experienced before. keywords: chains; china; covid-19; economy; european; gvcs; italian; pandemic; policy; production; value cache: cord-029160-z2sxr3dx.txt plain text: cord-029160-z2sxr3dx.txt item: #2 of 39 id: cord-031072-uit0nm20 author: Arnold, Theresa title: How to restructure Euro area sovereign debt in the era of Covid-19 date: 2020-08-12 words: 10836 flesch: 58 summary: And one way to measure that would be to look at the prices of Italian sovereign bonds before and after the retrofit. 48 47 Conventional wisdom in sovereign debt restructurings is that short maturity instruments (under a year), trade credits, and guaranteed debt, generally get paid in full. keywords: area; article; bonds; cacs; cent; crisis; debt; debt restructuring; euro; italy; law; law bonds; restructuring; sovereign cache: cord-031072-uit0nm20.txt plain text: cord-031072-uit0nm20.txt item: #3 of 39 id: cord-033328-ny011lj3 author: VESE, Donato title: Managing the Pandemic: The Italian Strategy for Fighting COVID-19 and the Challenge of Sharing Administrative Powers date: 2020-09-03 words: 11846 flesch: 35 summary: In the meantime, the Regions and local authorities also adopted several ordinances establishing emergency administrative measures for the pandemic in their area. However, the use of emergency administrative measures, such as temporary and exceptional measures, should be considered legitimate only for the period in which the pandemic 31 ibid, XXII-XXIII. keywords: administrative; authorities; emergency; emergency risk; government; health; levels; measures; pandemic; powers; principle; regions; risk; strategy cache: cord-033328-ny011lj3.txt plain text: cord-033328-ny011lj3.txt item: #4 of 39 id: cord-158219-hk55bzqm author: Cintia, Paolo title: The relationship between human mobility and viral transmissibility during the COVID-19 epidemics in Italy date: 2020-06-04 words: 7882 flesch: 46 summary: During the first week of lockdown, the two curves describing mobility flows and net reproduction number gracefully overlap. We find a striking relationship between the negative variation of mobility flows and the net reproduction number, in all Italian regions, between March 11th and March 18th, when the country entered the lockdown. keywords: data; day; flow; lockdown; mobility; number; province; r t; regions; reproduction number; time cache: cord-158219-hk55bzqm.txt plain text: cord-158219-hk55bzqm.txt item: #5 of 39 id: cord-186031-b1f9wtfn author: Caldarelli, Guido title: Analysis of online misinformation during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemics in Italy date: 2020-10-05 words: 12581 flesch: 49 summary: It is interesting to see the relative importance of hashtags intended to encourage the population during the lockdown: it is the case of #celafaremo (we will make it), #iorestoacasa (I am staying home), #fermiamoloinsieme (Let's stop it together ): #iorestoacasa is present in every community, but it ranks 13th in the M5S verified user community, 29th in the FI-L-FdI community, 2nd in the Italia Viva community and 10th in the PD one. As a final task, over the whole set of tweets produced or shared by the users in the directed validated network, we counted the number of times a message containing a url was shared by users belonging to different political communities, although without considering the semantics of the tweets. keywords: accounts; bipartite; blue; case; center; communities; community; covid-19; domains; information; italian; network; news; non; number; right; table; tweets; twitter; users; wing cache: cord-186031-b1f9wtfn.txt plain text: cord-186031-b1f9wtfn.txt item: #6 of 39 id: cord-230294-bjy2ixcj author: Stella, Massimo title: #lockdown: network-enhanced emotional profiling at the times of COVID-19 date: 2020-05-09 words: 9926 flesch: 40 summary: In addition to hashtag networks, we also build word networks obtained from a collection of tweets containing any combination of the focal hashtags #iorestocasa or #sciacalli and #coronavirus. Then, we inter-relate hashtag networks with word networks. keywords: covid-19; emotions; english; fear; hashtags; iorestoacasa; italian; italylockdown; networks; occurrence; sciacalli; tweets; words cache: cord-230294-bjy2ixcj.txt plain text: cord-230294-bjy2ixcj.txt item: #7 of 39 id: cord-258229-l716wjwn author: Fiorillo, Andrea title: Effects of the lockdown on the mental health of the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: Results from the COMET collaborative network date: 2020-09-28 words: 6718 flesch: 42 summary: During the lockdown participants reported an increased time spent on Internet, which was associated with a higher risk of developing mental health problems, thus not confirming our hypothesis of a protective effect played by Internet on mental health. The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and implications for clinical practice Psychological adjustment during the global outbreak of COVID-19: a resilience perspective The relevance of COVID-19 pandemic to psychiatry Update: use of quarantine to prevent transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome-Taiwan The term physical distancing is recommended rather than social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic for reducing feelings of rejection among people with mental health problems Case-fatality rate and characteristics of patients dying in relation to COVID-19 in Italy Risk factors associated with acute respiratory distress syndrome and death in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 pneumonia in Wuhan, China Redfeld RR Covid-19-navigating the uncharted Principles of mental health care during the COVID-19 pandemic The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the medico-legal and human rights of psychiatric patients Traumatic stress in the age of covid-19: a call to close critical gaps and adapt to new realities COVID-19 pandemic and mental health consequences: systematic review of the current evidence Unprecedented disruption of lives and work: health, distress and life satisfaction of working adults in China one month into the COVID-19 outbreak Do psychiatric patients experience more psychiatric symptoms during COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown? keywords: anxiety; covid-19; depressive; health; levels; lockdown; pandemic; population; scale; stress; study; symptoms cache: cord-258229-l716wjwn.txt plain text: cord-258229-l716wjwn.txt item: #8 of 39 id: cord-258431-8zgwj2fa author: Strafella, Claudia title: Analysis of ACE2 Genetic Variability among Populations Highlights a Possible Link with COVID-19-Related Neurological Complications date: 2020-07-03 words: 4062 flesch: 37 summary: Interestingly, none of ACE2 eQTL variants located in and targeting ACE2 were reported in the lung tissue, which, instead, appeared particularly enriched in TMPRSS-associated eQTL variants. The frequency of the five SNVs were similarly distributed among male and female patients in each population, as well as between different populations, indicating that there are no gender effects underlying the frequency distribution of ACE2 variants. keywords: ace2; analysis; cov-2; frequency; italian; populations; sars; variants cache: cord-258431-8zgwj2fa.txt plain text: cord-258431-8zgwj2fa.txt item: #9 of 39 id: cord-267644-guzn0peq author: Livadiotis, George title: Statistical analysis of the impact of environmental temperature on the exponential growth rate of cases infected by COVID-19 date: 2020-05-29 words: 6527 flesch: 46 summary: The results clearly support the first reported statistically significant relationship of negative correlation between the average environmental temperature and exponential growth rates of the infected cases. Therefore, exponential growth rate must be related to outdoors (rather than indoors) activities, and thus to the environmental temperature. keywords: cases; exponential; ffi ffi; growth; growth rate; rate; temperature cache: cord-267644-guzn0peq.txt plain text: cord-267644-guzn0peq.txt item: #10 of 39 id: cord-271027-4omocd8q author: Fronza, R. title: Spatial-temporal variations of atmospheric factors contribute to SARS-CoV-2 outbreak date: 2020-05-01 words: 5725 flesch: 51 summary: Conditioning plots were then applied to graphically assess the dependence of the number of infected cases per million of one factor conditioned to different levels of another factor. A generalized Poisson model was fitted to estimate the association among the data showing the number of infected cases per million and the atmospheric factors. keywords: atmospheric; cases; cov-2; figure; number; pm2.5; preprint; provinces; sars cache: cord-271027-4omocd8q.txt plain text: cord-271027-4omocd8q.txt item: #11 of 39 id: cord-273181-fsrdu4tq author: Allieta, M. title: COVID-19 outbreak in Italy: estimation of reproduction numbers over two months toward the Phase 2 date: 2020-05-18 words: 4196 flesch: 49 summary: Furthermore, in Lombardia region epidemic had a huge spread, with N=71256 and NA= 34368 on April 24th, i.e. more than one third of the cases of the country (with 16.7% of the Italian resident population). key: cord-273181-fsrdu4tq authors: Allieta, M.; Allieta, A.; Rossi Sebastiano, D. title: COVID-19 outbreak in Italy: estimation of reproduction numbers over two months toward the Phase 2 date: 2020-05-18 journal: nan DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.12.20076794 sha: doc_id: 273181 cord_uid: fsrdu4tq After two months from the first case in COVID-19 outbreak, Italy counts more than 190,000 confirmed positive cases. keywords: author; epidemic; funder; license; medrxiv; number; preprint cache: cord-273181-fsrdu4tq.txt plain text: cord-273181-fsrdu4tq.txt item: #12 of 39 id: cord-274366-t138l6px author: Benetti, Elisa title: ACE2 gene variants may underlie interindividual variability and susceptibility to COVID-19 in the Italian population date: 2020-07-17 words: 4534 flesch: 40 summary: Taking advantage of the Network of Italian Genomes (NIG), here we mined whole-exome sequencing data of 6930 Italian control individuals from five different centers looking for ACE2 variants. In order to shed light on the role of ACE2 variants on interindividual variability and susceptibility to COVID-19 in Italian population we performed WES analysis on a cohort of 131 patients and 258 controls who agreed in participating to the study (see Materials and methods). keywords: ace2; clinical; coronavirus; covid-19; data; disease; human; patients; population; protein; receptor; sars; spike; variants cache: cord-274366-t138l6px.txt plain text: cord-274366-t138l6px.txt item: #13 of 39 id: cord-281585-8dh4wg4x author: Patrì, Angela title: COVID‐19 pandemic: University of Naples Federico II Dermatology's model of dermatology reorganization date: 2020-05-02 words: 327 flesch: 40 summary: We urge dermatology departments and practices to show leadership. Italy struck by deadliest day as virus prompts industry shutdown Dermatology practices as vectors for COVID-19 transmission: a call for immediate cessation of non-emergent dermatology visits Emergency management for preventing and controlling nosocomial infection of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for the dermatology department What we know so far: COVID-19 current clinical knowledge and research Global coronavirus pandemic (2019-nCOV): implication for an Italian medium size dermatological clinic of a II level hospital keywords: dermatology; visits cache: cord-281585-8dh4wg4x.txt plain text: cord-281585-8dh4wg4x.txt item: #14 of 39 id: cord-290975-2kmvyovm author: Martinotti, Giovanni title: Psychopathological Burden and Quality of Life in Substance Users During the COVID-19 Lockdown Period in Italy date: 2020-09-03 words: 4251 flesch: 34 summary: Minerva Cardioangiol COVID-19 outbreak: Challenges for Addiction services in India Mitigating and learning from the impact of COVID-19 infection on addictive disorders Editorial: Challenges to Opioid Use Disorders During COVID-19 Opioid use disorder and the COVID 19 pandemic: A call to sustain regulatory easements and further expand access to treatment A clinical scale for the self-assessment of irritability A Rating Instrument For Anxiety Disorders Assessment of a new self-rating scale for post-traumatic stress disorder Manual for Beck Depression Inventory-II Validation of a substance craving questionnaire (SCQ) in Italian population The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: rapid review of the evidence Epidemic of COVID-19 in China and associated Psychological Problems Comparison of Prevalence and Associated Factors of Anxiety and Depression among People Affected by versus People Unaffected by Quarantine during the COVID-19 Epidemic in Southwestern China Mental Health, Risk Factors, and Social Media Use During the COVID-19 Epidemic and Cordon Sanitaire Among the Community and Health Professionals in Wuhan, China: Cross-Sectional Survey A longitudinal study on the mental health of general population during the COVID-19 epidemic in China A nationwide survey of psychological distress among italian people during the covid-19 pandemic: Immediate psychological responses and associated factors Mental health consequences during the initial stage of the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) in Spain Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Reduces Craving in Substance Use Disorders: A Double-blind, Placebo-Controlled Study Alcohol urges in alcohol-dependent drinkers: Further validation of the Alcohol Urge Questionnaire in an untreated community clinical population Craving and Other Transdiagnostic Dimensions in Addiction: Toward Personalized Neuromodulation Treatments Psychological stress, drug-related cues and cocaine craving Ecological momentary assessment of the effects of craving and affect on risk for relapse during substance abuse treatment Breaking good: Breaking ties with social groups may be good for recovery from substance misuse Medicines and risk/benefit decisions Association between alcohol craving and health-related quality of life among veterans with cooccurring conditions Effects of Exercise on Depression, Anxiety, Cognitive Control, Craving, Physical Fitness and Quality of Life in Methamphetamine-Dependent Patients Stress, craving and mood as predictors of early dropout from opioid agonist therapy Effects of anxiety and mood disorders on craving and substance use among patients with substance use disorder: An ecological momentary assessment study The association between depression and craving in alcohol dependency is moderated by gender and by alexithymia factors Telepsychiatry and other cutting edge technologies in Covid-19 pandemic: bridging the distance in mental health assistance Such a notion is relevant because substance craving is a known predictor of relapse after treatment for SUDs (36) . keywords: anxiety; covid-19; craving; health; life; pandemic; patients; study; substance; symptoms cache: cord-290975-2kmvyovm.txt plain text: cord-290975-2kmvyovm.txt item: #15 of 39 id: cord-291837-qz4g4v1u author: Livadiotis, George title: Statistical analysis of the impact of environmental temperature on the exponential growth rate of cases infected by COVID-19 date: 2020-04-24 words: 6023 flesch: 45 summary: The results clearly support the first reported statistically significant relationship of negative correlation between the average environmental temperature and exponential growth rates of the infected cases. The performed statistical analysis involved fitting of linear statistical models with the datasets of environmental temperature (or its inverse) and exponential growth rate, finding their relationship, and evaluating its statistical confidence. keywords: cases; exponential; growth; growth rate; rate; regions; temperature cache: cord-291837-qz4g4v1u.txt plain text: cord-291837-qz4g4v1u.txt item: #16 of 39 id: cord-298872-gbi74g0n author: FIORITI, V. title: Estimating the epidemic growth dynamics within the first week date: 2020-08-16 words: 3910 flesch: 53 summary: If X and Y are Benford sequences, also their sum X + Y is Benford. Given the limited amount of data points, the calculated and the actual Benford distribution will not coincide exactly, thus to characterize the accuracy an appropriate goodness-of-fit (gof) parameter is used. keywords: benford; curve; data; digit; distribution; epidemic cache: cord-298872-gbi74g0n.txt plain text: cord-298872-gbi74g0n.txt item: #17 of 39 id: cord-306017-4wf4yhyz author: d'Aloja, Ernesto title: COVID-19 and medical liability: Italy denies the shield to its heroes date: 2020-07-24 words: 1004 flesch: 39 summary: EdA wrote the manuscript in consultation with MN, PEN, GF and MF Scheda nazionale infortuni COVID-19: I dati sulle denunce da COVID-19 (monitoraggio al 15 giugno 2020) Elenco dei Medici caduti nel corso dell'epidemia di Safety recommendations and medical liability in ocular surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: an unsolved dilemma COVID-19: the wrong target for healthcare liability claims COVID-19 situation update for the EU/EEA and the UK, as of 5 The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. On the other hand, the statistics of the 'Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri (FNOMCeO)', the national federation of Italian medical doctors and dentists, counted higher figures (171 deaths among those registered at 27.06.2020), regardless of whether or not a complaint was filed with INAIL [2] . keywords: cov-2; covid-19; pandemic; sars cache: cord-306017-4wf4yhyz.txt plain text: cord-306017-4wf4yhyz.txt item: #18 of 39 id: cord-309273-gtvi37gh author: Flesia, Luca title: Predicting Perceived Stress Related to the Covid-19 Outbreak through Stable Psychological Traits and Machine Learning Models date: 2020-10-19 words: 7913 flesch: 40 summary: A more complete descriptive analysis of each variable, including the composition of high perceived stress versus low perceived stress samples, is reported in the Supplementary Materials. The effects of psychological stress on depression Chronic stress, hair cortisol and depression: A prospective and longitudinal study of medical internship Heightened biological stress response during exposure to a trauma film predicts an increase in intrusive memories A direct test of the diathesis-stress model for depression Psychological stress and coping in adaptation and illness Recommended psychological crisis intervention response to the 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in China: A model of West China Hospital. keywords: control; covid-19; data; health; levels; model; participants; people; score; self; stress; study; traits cache: cord-309273-gtvi37gh.txt plain text: cord-309273-gtvi37gh.txt item: #19 of 39 id: cord-313716-pw0odm88 author: Moccia, Lorenzo title: Affective temperament, attachment style, and the psychological impact of the COVID-19 outbreak: an early report on the Italian general population date: 2020-04-20 words: 2839 flesch: 30 summary: To fit our aims, we subdivided our sample into three groups according to K10 cutoffs: 1) subjects without likelihood of psychological distress, 2) subjects with likelihood of mild psychological distress, and 3) subjects with likelihood of moderateto-severe psychological distress. In our sample (n=500), 62% of the individuals reported no likelihood of psychological distress, whereas 19.4% and 18.6% displayed mild and moderate-to-severe likelihood. keywords: attachment; covid-19; distress; outbreak; temperament cache: cord-313716-pw0odm88.txt plain text: cord-313716-pw0odm88.txt item: #20 of 39 id: cord-321913-zie2uv21 author: Godio, Alberto title: SEIR Modeling of the Italian Epidemic of SARS-CoV-2 Using Computational Swarm Intelligence date: 2020-05-18 words: 8250 flesch: 53 summary: One of the main limits of the deterministic approach, instead, is that the results are biased by the selection of the starting point of model parameters. Outbreak properties of epidemic models: The roles of temporal forcing and stochasticity on pathogen invasion dynamics Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia Epidemic analysis of COVID-19 in China by dynamical modeling A Short History of Mathematical Population Dynamics A Modified SIR Model for the COVID-19 Contagion in Italy COVID-19 Community Mobility Report Particle swarm optimization SEIR Transmission dynamics model of 2019 nCoV coronavirus with considering the weak infectious ability and changes in latency duration Generalized SEIR Epidemic Model (Fitting and Computation) WHO 2019 keywords: approach; cases; data; model; parameters; people; pso; seir; seir model; time cache: cord-321913-zie2uv21.txt plain text: cord-321913-zie2uv21.txt item: #21 of 39 id: cord-322577-5bboc1z0 author: Parola, Anna title: Mental Health Through the COVID-19 Quarantine: A Growth Curve Analysis on Italian Young Adults date: 2020-10-02 words: 6610 flesch: 38 summary: If, broadly, the results obtained confirmed the general detrimental effects of social isolation due to epidemics on young adults' mental health (Hawryluck et al., 2004; Tucci et al., 2017; Qiu et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2020) , some brief reflections need to be outlined about the specificities of young adults' condition. On the basis of recent literature on the general population, an increase in mental health problems among young adults during quarantine was hypothesized. keywords: adults; covid-19; et al; health; lockdown; model; participants; problems; psychological; scales; study cache: cord-322577-5bboc1z0.txt plain text: cord-322577-5bboc1z0.txt item: #22 of 39 id: cord-323775-sonsrf5b author: Franchini, Linda title: Mental Health Services For Mood Disorder Outpatients In Milan During COVID-19 Outbreak: the experience of the health care providers at San Raffaele Hospital date: 2020-07-21 words: 1645 flesch: 31 summary: Considering that this is the first experience of such a collective social trauma in Italy, no analyses have focused on the potentially negative role of quarantine restrictions on mood disorder patients yet. The potential negative role of quarantine restriction on mood disorder patients depends on the high susceptibility to lifestyle-mediated disturbances of biological and social rhythms (Wang et al., 2019) . keywords: disorder; frustration; mood; patients; quarantine cache: cord-323775-sonsrf5b.txt plain text: cord-323775-sonsrf5b.txt item: #23 of 39 id: cord-327779-lt3t4shi author: Gilad, Vered title: Treatment of COVID-19 Patients in Italy: A Physician’s Experience and Insights date: 2020-07-31 words: 2311 flesch: 33 summary: While the number of COVID-19 patients was rapidly increasing, Italy saw a drastic decrease in hospital admissions for other pathologies, since patients were afraid of contracting the infection at the hospital. Given the limited clinical experience and lack of evidence-based data, new channels for relaying updates emerged; doctors who first started seeing COVID-19 patients primarily shared their experience and findings through Internet pathways. keywords: covid-19; hospital; italy; number; patients; treatment cache: cord-327779-lt3t4shi.txt plain text: cord-327779-lt3t4shi.txt item: #24 of 39 id: cord-330057-3vucm0s1 author: Franzo, Giovanni title: Phylodynamic analysis and evaluation of the balance between anthropic and environmental factors affecting IBV spreading among Italian poultry farms date: 2020-04-29 words: 5537 flesch: 32 summary: The inclusion of a third deme in the model revealed the likely role of other poultry companies and rural farms (particularly concentrated in Northern Italy) as sources of strain introduction into one of the major poultry companies, whose farms are mainly located in the high densely populated poultry area of Northern Italy. The strains from different poultry companies formed two independent clusters, which suggests the effectiveness of independent production flow/chain in protecting farms from exogenous introductions. keywords: analysis; companies; company; farms; ibv; italian; italy; population; poultry; sequences; virus cache: cord-330057-3vucm0s1.txt plain text: cord-330057-3vucm0s1.txt item: #25 of 39 id: cord-336257-f6yglaz8 author: Forte, Giuseppe title: The Enemy Which Sealed the World: Effects of COVID-19 Diffusion on the Psychological State of the Italian Population date: 2020-06-10 words: 4358 flesch: 43 summary: Among all respondents, only 9 (0.4%) were infected by the COVID-19, and 40 (1.7%) were sure that they had had close contacts with individuals suspected of COVID-19 infection (see Table 1 ). Of the overall sample, 112 respondents (4.9%) and 177 (7.7%) respectively knew people dead and patients in intensive care units (ICU) because of COVID-19 infection. keywords: anxiety; covid-19; data; people; population; results; study; symptomatology cache: cord-336257-f6yglaz8.txt plain text: cord-336257-f6yglaz8.txt item: #26 of 39 id: cord-338184-899km704 author: Iosa, Marco title: Covid-19: A Dynamic Analysis of Fatality Risk in Italy date: 2020-04-30 words: 3226 flesch: 52 summary: Both these explanations, related to health policy, could be concomitant with the progressively increased high value of Italian CFR. The trend of the number of deaths followed a 1–3-day delay of positive cases. keywords: cases; cfr; deaths; number; patients cache: cord-338184-899km704.txt plain text: cord-338184-899km704.txt item: #27 of 39 id: cord-339162-l5zxic3y author: Volpato, Stefano title: A Frail Health Care System for an Old Population: Lesson form the COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy date: 2020-04-21 words: 1510 flesch: 34 summary: Higher mortality rates of older patients are expected as complicated COVID-19 is characterized by severe interstitial pneumonia followed by acute respiratory distress syndrome, thromboembolic events, and eventually multiorgan failure, a cascade of negative events that is obviously more likely in older frail patients, those with elevated multimorbidity and reduced functional reserve. Although chronological age was not the only criterium for selection, decision was certainly not based on a comprehensive geriatric assessment and therefore, it is likely that older patients and particularly geriatric patients, even with limited multimorbidity and good functional reserve, have had very limited access to ICU and mechanical ventilation. keywords: care; health; mortality; patients cache: cord-339162-l5zxic3y.txt plain text: cord-339162-l5zxic3y.txt item: #28 of 39 id: cord-340262-5f2o7l16 author: Carpinelli Mazzi, Michele title: Time of isolation, education and gender influence the psychological outcome during COVID-19 lockdown in caregivers of patients with dementia date: 2020-10-14 words: 1901 flesch: 49 summary: Dementia care during COVID-19 The Italian Dementia National Plan Alzheimer's disease: costs of care and needs of families in the campania region A rating instrument for anxiety disorders A self-rating depression scale Convergent and discriminant validation of the Italian version of the zung self-rating depression scale Psychometric evaluation of three versions of the Italian perceived stress scale A global measure of perceived stress Italian version of the starkstein apathy scale (SAS-I) and a shortened version (SAS-6) to assess pure apathy symptoms: normative study on 392 individuals Mini-mental state examination: new normative values on subjects in Southern Italy The Italian version of the quick mild cognitive impairment (Qmci-I) screen: normative study on 307 healthy subjects Gender, mental health and ageing Prevalence and incidence of depressive and anxious symptoms in couples undergoing assisted reproductive treatment in an Italian infertility department Fatigue in Sjogren's syndrome: relationship with fibromyalgia, clinical and biologic features Living with dementia: increased level of caregiver stress in times of COVID-19 AD was diagnosed in the 66%, vascular dementia (VD) in the13%, mixed dementia in the 17%, frontotemporal dementia (FTD) in the 3% and Lewy Body Disease (LBD) in the 1% of the patients. keywords: anxiety; caregivers; dementia; depression cache: cord-340262-5f2o7l16.txt plain text: cord-340262-5f2o7l16.txt item: #29 of 39 id: cord-340511-syy9okhi author: Dettori, Marco title: Air pollutants and risk of death due to COVID-19 in Italy date: 2020-11-11 words: 4037 flesch: 43 summary: As far as the environmental pollution and both the spread of the virus in generating outbreaks and case fatality rate are concerned, this research appears to find elements to confirm the existence of a link between air pollution, this latter referred to particulate (PM 10 ) and COVID-19 mortality. In Italy, the areas most affected are found within the Po Valley, known for its high levels of air pollution, apparently sparing a large part of central Italy and most of southern Italy. keywords: air; covid-19; italy; mortality; pollutants; pollution; provinces; values cache: cord-340511-syy9okhi.txt plain text: cord-340511-syy9okhi.txt item: #30 of 39 id: cord-340703-vtuy806l author: Cascio, Antonio title: Low bone mineral density in HIV-positive young Italians and migrants date: 2020-09-03 words: 4494 flesch: 51 summary: In examining the gender in mono-infected HIV patients, the percentages of HIV patients were significantly greater in Italian males in comparison to migrant males (57.6% > 25%, p = 0.007). Our data confirm that early screening for low BMD and other risk factors associated with bone loss in HIV patients is useful keywords: bmd; bone; hiv; itg; low; migrants; osteoporosis; patients; study cache: cord-340703-vtuy806l.txt plain text: cord-340703-vtuy806l.txt item: #31 of 39 id: cord-342386-t5b8wpe2 author: Falcone, Rino title: All We Need Is Trust: How the COVID-19 Outbreak Reconfigured Trust in Italian Public Institutions date: 2020-10-02 words: 14134 flesch: 15 summary: Thus, assuming that the need for public trust prompted the high levels of institutional trust manifested by participants, we propose to interpret their other responses within the broad framework of motivated reasoning (Kunda, 1990) and cognitive dissonance theory (Festinger, 1957) : as the chosen path to pursue the paramount goal of personal and public safety, trusting public authorities became in turn a necessary instrumental goal, thus coloring all other attitudes expressed by the respondents; more precisely, it prompted them to actively look for reasons to justify their (unavoidable) trust in public authorities, in order to minimize cognitive dissonance. Expectations on the impact of trust toward public institutions and among citizens are less triumphant, yet still positive: 54.4% predict an increase in institutional trust after the COVID-19 pandemic, whereas 57% make the same prediction with respect to social trust, i.e., trust among peers. keywords: authorities; citizens; covid-19; crisis; data; institutions; item; measures; pandemic; public; respondents; survey; trust cache: cord-342386-t5b8wpe2.txt plain text: cord-342386-t5b8wpe2.txt item: #32 of 39 id: cord-342919-ls2q1g0v author: Balsamo, Michela title: Italians on the Age of COVID-19: The Self-Reported Depressive Symptoms Through Web-Based Survey date: 2020-10-16 words: 6939 flesch: 37 summary: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of depressive symptoms in specific sociodemographic categories during the COVID-19 quarantine lockdown and the potential factors that contribute to, or mitigate, these effects. In the very early stage of the nationwide lockdown, 3,672 quarantined Italian adult residents (65% females, ranging from 18 to 85 years) participated in a web-based cross-sectional survey, including measures of depressive symptoms, which were measured by the Teate depression inventory, and state anxiety levels. keywords: anxiety; covid-19; depressive; et al; health; model; participants; people; quarantine; risk; symptoms cache: cord-342919-ls2q1g0v.txt plain text: cord-342919-ls2q1g0v.txt item: #33 of 39 id: cord-343295-c3y6rtb7 author: Chiara, Berardi title: The COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: policy and technology impact on health and non-health outcomes date: 2020-09-03 words: 5896 flesch: 44 summary: Since 1993, health policies and constitutional reform have driven a decentralisation of the SSN (12) . The central government is responsible for public health interventions; however, the decentralisation of the Italian healthcare system hindered the implementation of a homogeneous strategy. keywords: appendix; covid-19; data; figure; government; health; healthcare; interventions; italy; measures; policy; rate; regions; system cache: cord-343295-c3y6rtb7.txt plain text: cord-343295-c3y6rtb7.txt item: #34 of 39 id: cord-347578-p54ir4rr author: Vigliar, Elena title: Cytology in the time of coronavirus disease (covid-19): an Italian perspective date: 2020-04-19 words: 1836 flesch: 49 summary: Exfoliative cytological samples dropped from n=324 to n=56, while ultrasound-guided Short report Figure 1 Distribution of cytological sample types during the first 3 weeks of Italian national lockdown amid covid-19 outbreak compared with data relative to the activity from the same period in 2019. Distribution of the diagnostic classes relative to cytological samples processed during the first 3 weeks of Italian national lockdown amid covid-19 outbreak compared with data relative to the activity from the same period in 2019. keywords: covid-19; fnas; patients; risk; samples cache: cord-347578-p54ir4rr.txt plain text: cord-347578-p54ir4rr.txt item: #35 of 39 id: cord-347960-vl5zhxyh author: Giallonardo, Vincenzo title: The Impact of Quarantine and Physical Distancing Following COVID-19 on Mental Health: Study Protocol of a Multicentric Italian Population Trial date: 2020-06-05 words: 6335 flesch: 34 summary: The analytic plan will include: 1) data cleaning of the online dataset and replacement of missing values; 2) descriptive statistics of the general characteristics of the recruited sample, in terms of levels of depressive and anxiety symptoms, posttraumatic and stress-related symptoms, insomnia, satisfaction with life, suicidal ideation, hopelessness, post-traumatic growth, resilience, coping strategies, and social support; 3) sub-groups analyses based on the level of exposure to the pandemic (i.e., COVID-19 quarantine group vs. COVID-19+ patients group vs. COVID-19 healthcare staff group vs. COVID-19 mental health group); 4) calculation of a propensity score, in order to adjust our findings for the likelihood of being exposed to the pandemic and to the quarantine (48, 49) . In fact, the analyses will be run according to the four subgroups of respondents: the general population not directly affected by the virus (COVID-19 quarantine group); people who have had a direct or indirect contact with the virus (COVID-19+ patients group); those working in health care units as first or second-line staff (COVID-19 healthcare staff group); people with mental health problems, independently from the contact with the virus (COVID-19 mental health). keywords: covid-19; group; health; impact; pandemic; people; population; post; quarantine; stress; study; symptoms cache: cord-347960-vl5zhxyh.txt plain text: cord-347960-vl5zhxyh.txt item: #36 of 39 id: cord-348142-p2phkwo0 author: Cellini, Nicola title: Changes in sleep pattern, sense of time and digital media use during COVID‐19 lockdown in Italy date: 2020-05-15 words: 2270 flesch: 48 summary: We were interested in characterizing the change in digital media use before going to bed, in sleep quality and timing, and in the subjective experience of time passing, and their relationship with depression, anxiety and stress levels. However, this change in digital media use did not affect sleep habits. keywords: lockdown; media; sleep; time cache: cord-348142-p2phkwo0.txt plain text: cord-348142-p2phkwo0.txt item: #37 of 39 id: cord-348573-uyuazdhk author: Soraci, Paolo title: Validation and Psychometric Evaluation of the Italian Version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale date: 2020-05-04 words: 3935 flesch: 43 summary: Future studies should also evaluate if individuals with underlying medical conditions associated with a higher risk of death from COVID-19 (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, pre-existing respiratory conditions) may experience increased levels of COVID-19 fear. Further investigation on bigger and more representative samples of Italian participants is needed to confirm the preliminary results provided by the present study (e.g., a nationally representative sample with more male participants). keywords: anxiety; covid-19; depression; fcv-19s; fear; italian; items; scale cache: cord-348573-uyuazdhk.txt plain text: cord-348573-uyuazdhk.txt item: #38 of 39 id: cord-349415-q0g0uqj6 author: Commodari, Elena title: Adolescents in Quarantine During COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy: Perceived Health Risk, Beliefs, Psychological Experiences and Expectations for the Future date: 2020-09-23 words: 6996 flesch: 44 summary: Hypothesis 3 (H3): Other sociodemographic variables influence health risk perception and psychological experiences of the adolescents in the sample. In both cases, the medium effect size suggests a role of these variables in influencing health risk perception. keywords: adolescents; covid-19; feelings; measures; participants; perception; quarantine; risk; study cache: cord-349415-q0g0uqj6.txt plain text: cord-349415-q0g0uqj6.txt item: #39 of 39 id: cord-355898-hlkwwaqe author: Grippo, Antonello title: Electroencephalography during SARS-CoV-2 outbreak: practical recommendations from the task force of the Italian Society of Neurophysiology (SINC), the Italian League Against Epilepsy (LICE), and the Italian Association of Neurophysiology Technologists (AITN) date: 2020-07-21 words: 3950 flesch: 29 summary: The most representative scientific societies of health professionals involved in the EEG execution and reporting, Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology (SINC), Italian League Against Epilepsy (LICE), and the Italian Association of Neurophysiology Technologists (AITN), received several requests for indications on how to perform EEG examinations during this health emergency from their members. In addition, due to the reduction in the volume of EEG examinations, it should be considered that medical staff may be able to work on alternate days or rotating shifts to limit exposure to the infection, or may be moved to other areas depending on the needs of the hospital. keywords: covid-19; eeg; emergency; equipment; examination; italian; pandemic; patients; phase; procedures; recommendations cache: cord-355898-hlkwwaqe.txt plain text: cord-355898-hlkwwaqe.txt