item: #1 of 132 id: cord-000441-5rm1za8z author: Curtale, Filippo title: Description of two measles outbreaks in the Lazio Region, Italy (2006-2007). Importance of pockets of low vaccine coverage in sustaining the infection date: 2010-03-11 words: 4381 flesch: 46 summary: To assess presence of indigenous transmission or sources of imported virus the data set was integrated with information provided by the National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, ISS), which conducted viral molecular characterization from urine samples of measles cases, utilising the PCR technique [12] . When analysed separately, the age distribution of measles cases was different among the Roma/Sinti population (median age two years) with respect to the rest of the population (median age 15 years). keywords: cases; coverage; health; measles; outbreak; population; region; roma; sinti; years cache: cord-000441-5rm1za8z.txt plain text: cord-000441-5rm1za8z.txt item: #2 of 132 id: cord-003775-1axsebya author: Lelli, Davide title: Hypsugopoxvirus: A Novel Poxvirus Isolated from Hypsugo savii in Italy date: 2019-06-19 words: 3010 flesch: 41 summary: Rapid annotation of viral genomes using a closely related reference genome A real-time PCR assay for bat SARS-like coronavirus detection and its application to Italian greater horseshoe bat faecal sample surveys Alpha and lineage C betaCoV infections in Italian bats Detection and full genome characterization of two beta CoV viruses related to Middle East respiratory syndrome from bats in Italy Full genome characterization of two novel Alpha-coronavirus species from Italian bats Active and passive surveillance for bat lyssaviruses in Italy revealed serological evidence for their circulation in three bat species Detection and phylogenetic characterization of astroviruses in insectivorous bats from Central-Southern Italy Cotia virus: A new agent isolated from sentinel mice in Sao Paulo Biological characterization and next-generation genome sequencing of the unclassified Cotia virus SPAn232 (Poxviridae) Dead bats from different species were collected for virological investigations from wild animal rescue/rehabilitation centers in the context of a general surveillance project that has been implemented in Northern Italy since 2009-2010, which focuses on the detection of emerging bat viruses [14] keywords: analysis; bat; bats; eptv; genome; hypv; italy; poxvirus; viruses cache: cord-003775-1axsebya.txt plain text: cord-003775-1axsebya.txt item: #3 of 132 id: cord-004534-jqm1hxps author: None title: Abstract date: 2009-06-09 words: 139178 flesch: 39 summary: This simple model illustrates how differential detergent selectivity for faces and strong constraints coming from purely environmental features could influence transmembrane helix packing, membrane protein structure and assembly. Imaging of mobile stable lipid rafts in the live cell plasma membrane M. Brameshuber 1 , J. Weghuber 1 , V. Ruprecht 1 , H. Stockinger 2 , G. J. Schuetz 1 1 Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria, 2 Medical University of Vienna, Austria The organization of the cellular plasma membrane at a nanoscopic length scale is believed to affect the association of distinct sets of membrane proteins for the regulation of multiple signaling pathways. keywords: acid; actin; activation; activity; addition; affinity; afm; aggregates; aggregation; amyloid; analysis; applications; approach; assembly; atomic; atp; behavior; bilayer; binding; biological; biology; biophysics; brain; calcium; cancer; cell; cell membrane; cell surface; center; chain; changes; channel; characterization; charge; chemical; chemistry; cholesterol; combination; complex; complexes; concentration; conditions; confocal; conformational; constant; contrast; control; correlation; cross; current; data; decrease; delivery; density; department; design; detection; development; diffusion; disease; distribution; dna; domain; drug; dynamics; effect; electron; emission; energy; environment; enzyme; excitation; experiments; expression; fibrils; field; flow; fluorescence; fluorescence microscopy; fluorescent protein; force; force microscopy; formation; france; free; fret; function; gene; genova; germany; group; growth; helix; human; imaging; increase; influence; institute; intensity; interaction; intracellular; italy; key; kinetics; laser; length; level; lifetime; ligand; light; lipid; lipid membranes; liposomes; living; measurements; mechanism; membrane; membrane protein; membrane surface; method; microscopy; model; model membrane; molecular; molecules; muscle; mutant; nanoparticles; neuronal; neurons; new; non; novel; number; order; parameters; particles; peptide; phase; physical; physics; plasma membrane; pore; potential; presence; present; probe; process; processes; properties; protein; protein complexes; protein dynamics; protein interactions; protein structure; range; rate; ray; reaction; receptor; region; release; report; research; residues; resolution; response; results; rna; role; sample; scanning; scattering; sciences; second; self; sequence; signal; simulations; site; size; solvent; species; specific; spectroscopy; stability; state; step; structure; studies; study; surface; system; target; techniques; temperature; terminal; time; transfer; transition; transmembrane; transport; treatment; type; understanding; unfolding; university; use; vesicles; virus; vitro; vivo; water; work cache: cord-004534-jqm1hxps.txt plain text: cord-004534-jqm1hxps.txt item: #4 of 132 id: cord-021449-jrhqh493 author: Borghese, A. title: BUFFALO HUSBANDRY | Mediterranean Region date: 2004-11-28 words: 2815 flesch: 56 summary: In Italy, dairy buffaloes are managed in the same intensive way as dairy cows, maintained in loose housing paddocks throughout the year. Chlamydia, Rickettsia and Johne's disease (caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis) are present even in developed countries also, and the evidence of mastitis incidence links them to dairy buffaloes. keywords: buffaloes; bulgaria; dairy; egypt; italy; milk cache: cord-021449-jrhqh493.txt plain text: cord-021449-jrhqh493.txt item: #5 of 132 id: cord-023049-fio7cjj5 author: None title: 2017 Peripheral Nerve Society Meeting July 8–12, 2017 Sitges, Barcelona, Spain date: 2017-06-22 words: 145714 flesch: 46 summary: We compared the median SNAP with radial SNAP measured antidromically at digit 1 in GBS patients whose nerve conduction study showed the sural-sparing pattern. The aim of the present investigation is to summarize the current knowledge on sweating disturbances in GBS patients. keywords: 1,2; activity; acute; addition; age; aim; amyloid; analysis; anti; antibodies; antibody; associated; axonal; axons; barré; baseline; biopsy; blood; cases; cause; cells; center; changes; charcot; children; chronic; cidp patients; cmt patients; cmt1a; cohort; conduction study; control patients; controls; course; criteria; data; days; degeneration; demyelinating; department; development; diabetic; diagnosis; differences; disability; disease; dominant; dose; effect; examination; expression; f 1; family; findings; following; foot; france; function; g 1; gbs patients; gene; group; guillain; healthy; hospital; human; igg; impairment; improvement; increase; inflammatory; injury; institute; intravenous; involvement; ivig; j 1; k 1; levels; limbs; loss; mag; marie; mean; measures; median; medical; medicine; mice; model; months; motor; motor nerve; mouse; mri; muscle; mutations; ncs; negative; nerve; nerve conduction; nerve fibers; nerve injury; nerve regeneration; neurological; neurology; neurons; neuropathies; neuropathy; new; nf155; non; normal; novel; number; onset; outcome; pain; participants; patients; phenotype; placebo; pmp22; polyneuropathy; positive; potential; present; progression; protein; range; reduced; report; respectively; response; results; risk; role; scale; schwann; score; sensory; sequencing; serum; severe; severity; skin; strength; studies; study; subjects; sural; symptoms; syndrome; system; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tooth; total; treatment; ttr; type; ulnar; university; upper; usa; variants; weakness; weeks; y 1; years cache: cord-023049-fio7cjj5.txt plain text: cord-023049-fio7cjj5.txt item: #6 of 132 id: cord-024151-ccrxoya9 author: Peters, Michael A. title: Philosophy and Pandemic in the Postdigital Era: Foucault, Agamben, Žižek date: 2020-04-29 words: 1989 flesch: 47 summary: (Merdes 2018) Collective irrationality is an endemic feature of human life that has been around since the beginning of social life, predating capitalism but the market provides some classic examples and raises questions about the ability of the market to operate efficiently or rationally in times of disaster. Christoph J. Merdes in his dissertation on collective irrationality notes: collective (ir)rationality finds application in all areas of human social life, and a better understanding of the phenomena, the underlying processes and the evaluative standards could greatly improve our ability to organize everything from markets over democratic government to cooperative scientific inquiry and the social norms of everyday life. keywords: coronavirus; health; life; pandemic; state; toilet cache: cord-024151-ccrxoya9.txt plain text: cord-024151-ccrxoya9.txt item: #7 of 132 id: cord-024564-ff5ex004 author: Ricoca Peixoto, Vasco title: Epidemic Surveillance of Covid-19: Considering Uncertainty and Under-Ascertainment date: 2020-04-09 words: 2795 flesch: 40 summary: In Europe in late February there was a fast rise in the number of confirmed cases in Italy, and the probability of importation of cases of COVID-19 may have been high in Europe until Italy stopped movement from Northern Italy and later from the rest of the country. A novel coronavirus emerging in China: key questions for impact assessment Quantifying bias of COVID-19 prevalence and severity estimates in Wuhan, China that depend on reported cases in international travelers WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Modelling; MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics Relative sensitivity of international surveillance Estimation of COVID-19 outbreak size in Italy based on international case exportations Siettos C. Data-based analysis, modelling and forecasting of the novel coronavirus Preliminary estimation of the novel coronavirus disease [COVID-19] cases in Iran: a modelling analysis based on overseas cases and air travel data. keywords: ascertainment; cases; covid-19; health; measures; surveillance; transmission cache: cord-024564-ff5ex004.txt plain text: cord-024564-ff5ex004.txt item: #8 of 132 id: cord-025811-i8gy4dhj author: Loconsole, Daniela title: Emerging high-risk ST101 and ST307 carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae clones from bloodstream infections in Southern Italy date: 2020-06-01 words: 4550 flesch: 46 summary: Stockholm: ECDC Epidemic diffusion of KPC carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in Italy: results of the first countrywide survey Carbapenem non-susceptible Klebsiella pneumoniae from Micronet network hospitals Bloodstream infections due to carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Italy: results from nationwide surveillance An update of the evolving epidemic of blaKPC carrying Klebsiella pneumoniae in Sicily, Italy, 2014: emergence of multiple non-ST258 clones Nosocomial transmission of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in an Italian university hospital: a molecular epidemiological study Microbiological and molecular characterization of extreme drug-resistant carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates Is the monoclonal spread of the ST258, KPC-3-producing clone being replaced in southern Italy by the dissemination of multiple clones of carbapenem-nonsusceptible, KPC-3-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae? Outbreak of KPC-3-producing, and colistin-resistant, Klebsiella pneumoniae infections in two Sicilian hospitals Two cases of monomicrobial intraabdominal abscesses due to KPC-3 Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 clone Co-existence of virulence factors and antibiotic resistance in new Klebsiella pneumoniae clones emerging in south of Italy Molecular epidemiology of KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae from invasive infections in Italy: increasing diversity with predominance of the ST512 clade II sublineage Emergence in Italy of Klebsiella pneumoniae sequence type 258 producing KPC-3 Carbapenemase Outbreak of OXA-48-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae involving a Sequence Type 101 clone in Batna University Hospital The emergence of carbapenem resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae in Malaysia: correlation between microbiological trends with host characteristics and clinical factors Outbreak caused by an ertapenem-resistant, CTX-M-15-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae sequence type 101 clone carrying an OmpK36 porin variant High rate of faecal carriage of extended-spectrum b-lactamase and OXA-48 carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae at a university hospital in Morocco Rapid expansion of KPC-2-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in two Texas hospitals due to clonal spread of ST258 and ST307 lineages In vivo multiclonal transfer of bla(KPC-3) from Klebsiella pneumoniae to Escherichia coli in surgery patients massive spreading of a KPC-3-encoding plasmid and involvement of non-intensive care units Diversity, virulence, and antimicrobial resistance in isolates from the newly emerging Klebsiella pneumoniae ST101 lineage Diversity, virulence, and antimicrobial resistance of the KPC-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae ST307 clone Carbapenemases-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in hospitals of two regions of Southern Italy Multilocus Sequence Typing of Klebsiella pneumoniae nosocomial isolates In silico detection and typing of plasmids using Plasmid-Finder and plasmid multilocus sequence typing Genomic definition of hypervirulent and multidrugresistant Klebsiella pneumoniae clonal groups Whole genome sequencing for the molecular characterization of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains isolated at the Italian ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco Hospital Complete genome sequence of KPC-3-and CTX-M-15-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae Sequence Type 307 Molecular epidemiology of carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae in Valle d' Aosta region, Italy, shows the emergence of KPC-2 producing Klebsiella pneumoniae clonal complex 101 (ST101 and ST1789) In particular, the ST307 isolates carried a significantly higher number of resistance genes compared to the numbers in the ST101 isolates. keywords: bla; isolates; italy; klebsiella; pneumoniae; resistance; st101; st307; study cache: cord-025811-i8gy4dhj.txt plain text: cord-025811-i8gy4dhj.txt item: #9 of 132 id: cord-027758-vgr6ht3a author: Wang, Tianbing title: A four-compartment model for the COVID-19 infection—implications on infection kinetics, control measures, and lockdown exit strategies date: 2020-05-28 words: 4482 flesch: 49 summary: With daily active monitoring of new infection numbers, it is possible to adjust the infection control policies to maintain new infections within a band trending downwards. The four-compartment model and the validation In our four-compartment Susceptible-Quarantined-Infected-Removed (SQIR) model, the transmissibility of COVID-19 is modelled by two factors, the per capita contact rate (β, social interaction factor, when multiplied by the ratio of infectious individuals in the population, describes the probability of a subject moving from status S to status C), and infection rate upon contact (σ , the viral transmission factor, the probability of a subject moving from status C to status E). keywords: lockdown; model; new; quarantine; use cache: cord-027758-vgr6ht3a.txt plain text: cord-027758-vgr6ht3a.txt item: #10 of 132 id: cord-031072-uit0nm20 author: Arnold, Theresa title: How to restructure Euro area sovereign debt in the era of Covid-19 date: 2020-08-12 words: 10836 flesch: 58 summary: And one way to measure that would be to look at the prices of Italian sovereign bonds before and after the retrofit. 48 47 Conventional wisdom in sovereign debt restructurings is that short maturity instruments (under a year), trade credits, and guaranteed debt, generally get paid in full. keywords: area; article; bonds; cacs; cent; crisis; debt; debt restructuring; euro; italy; law; law bonds; restructuring; sovereign cache: cord-031072-uit0nm20.txt plain text: cord-031072-uit0nm20.txt item: #11 of 132 id: cord-031936-46mossbr author: Andrle, Michal title: Italy: toward a growth-friendly fiscal reform date: 2020-09-16 words: 11646 flesch: 51 summary: About high tax rates, it should be noted that the labor tax wedge is high-e.g., for a single person earning an average income it is 47.9%, well above the OECD average of 35.9%. However, tax rates remain high and are applied on a relatively narrow base. keywords: average; capital; debt; euro; gdp; growth; income; italy; labor; pension; policy; public; rate; spending; system; tax; term; years cache: cord-031936-46mossbr.txt plain text: cord-031936-46mossbr.txt item: #12 of 132 id: cord-145890-ab4o0xol author: Giuliani, Diego title: Modelling and predicting the spatio-temporal spread of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Italy date: 2020-03-14 words: 4739 flesch: 42 summary: The epidemic-between component models the contagion between neighbouring provinces by including the average incidence of the infections Q r ,tâ��1 of provinces r which are neighbours of province r. In particular, the coefficients w r ,r in the summation r =r w r ,r Q r ,tâ��1 are positive if either province r and r share a border or province r and r share a border with the same province, whereas w r ,r is zero otherwise. The term e r is the population of province r, whereas term ν r,t consists of a national time trend component, and a province-specific effect depending on the share of population over 65, and on a random effect which catches the heterogeneity due to unobserved factors. keywords: covid-19; disease; epidemic; infections; model; number; provinces; time cache: cord-145890-ab4o0xol.txt plain text: cord-145890-ab4o0xol.txt item: #13 of 132 id: cord-166918-hop33fxg author: Dattoli, Giuseppe title: On the Evolution of Covid-19 in Italy: a Follow up Note date: 2020-03-27 words: 1312 flesch: 54 summary: key: cord-166918-hop33fxg authors: Dattoli, Giuseppe; Palma, Emanuele Di; Licciardi, Silvia; Sabia, Elio title: On the Evolution of Covid-19 in Italy: a Follow up Note date: 2020-03-27 journal: nan DOI: nan sha: doc_id: 166918 cord_uid: hop33fxg In a previous note we made an analysis of the spreading of the COVID disease in Italy. It has already been stressed that, in absence of any anti-viral strategy, the only defense towards the spreading of the illness is the Nation lockdown, a policy difficult to implement in Italy. keywords: fig; italy; time cache: cord-166918-hop33fxg.txt plain text: cord-166918-hop33fxg.txt item: #14 of 132 id: cord-186031-b1f9wtfn author: Caldarelli, Guido title: Analysis of online misinformation during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemics in Italy date: 2020-10-05 words: 12581 flesch: 49 summary: It is interesting to see the relative importance of hashtags intended to encourage the population during the lockdown: it is the case of #celafaremo (we will make it), #iorestoacasa (I am staying home), #fermiamoloinsieme (Let's stop it together ): #iorestoacasa is present in every community, but it ranks 13th in the M5S verified user community, 29th in the FI-L-FdI community, 2nd in the Italia Viva community and 10th in the PD one. As a final task, over the whole set of tweets produced or shared by the users in the directed validated network, we counted the number of times a message containing a url was shared by users belonging to different political communities, although without considering the semantics of the tweets. keywords: accounts; bipartite; blue; case; center; communities; community; covid-19; domains; information; italian; network; news; non; number; right; table; tweets; twitter; users; wing cache: cord-186031-b1f9wtfn.txt plain text: cord-186031-b1f9wtfn.txt item: #15 of 132 id: cord-186095-zvvaq8p9 author: Galeazzi, Alessandro title: Human Mobility in Response to COVID-19 in France, Italy and UK date: 2020-05-13 words: 5032 flesch: 46 summary: Our result mirrors previous results in the literature which found that critical phenomena are an intrinsic feature of mobility networks, leading to transition between isolated short-range flows and collective long range flows Indeed, the correlation among mobility, disease spreading and economic prosperity is crucial both in emergency scenarios and in ordinary times, since the different resilience of mobility networks could be both a predictor of the severity of future systemic crises and a guide to improve the economic and social impact of policies. keywords: edges; efficiency; france; italy; lockdown; lwcc; mobility; network cache: cord-186095-zvvaq8p9.txt plain text: cord-186095-zvvaq8p9.txt item: #16 of 132 id: cord-217139-d9q7zkog author: Kumar, Sumit title: Future of COVID-19 in Italy: A mathematical perspective date: 2020-04-18 words: 3480 flesch: 60 summary: Figure 5 shows various scenarios of the epidemic in Italy in case disease transmission rate would have been timely controlled. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (sars-cov-2) and corona virus disease-2019 (covid-19): the epidemic and the challenges Corcione, 2019-novel coronavirus outbreak: A new challenge Early transmission dynamics in wuhan, china, of novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia Clinical characteristics of 138 hospitalized patients with 2019 novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia in wuhan, china Novel wuhan (2019-ncov) coronavirus The next big threat to global health? Critical care utilization for the covid-19 outbreak in lombardy, italy: early experience and forecast during an emergency response Covid-19 and italy: what next? Covid-19 in italy: momentous decisions and many uncertainties Predicting the ultimate outcome of the covid-19 outbreak in italy The reproductive number of covid-19 is higher compared to sars coronavirus The construction of nextgeneration matrices for compartmental epidemic models keywords: covid-19; disease; italy; model; pandemic cache: cord-217139-d9q7zkog.txt plain text: cord-217139-d9q7zkog.txt item: #17 of 132 id: cord-221131-44n5pojb author: Zullo, Federico title: Some numerical observations about the COVID-19 epidemic in Italy date: 2020-03-25 words: 2429 flesch: 55 summary: An upper bound for the timing of the peak of new number of infected is obtained. This gives an upper bound for the peak of new number of infected (the point where the second derivative of f (t) (3) is zero), given by 32 days after the first infection. keywords: infected; model; number cache: cord-221131-44n5pojb.txt plain text: cord-221131-44n5pojb.txt item: #18 of 132 id: cord-252854-gl094y6c author: Cesari, Matteo title: COVID-19 and Older Adults. Lessons Learned from the Italian Epicenter date: 2020-03-01 words: 2329 flesch: 54 summary: Do older patients with severe COVID-19 illness present with severe dyspnea and hypoxemia, as do the younger adults? Or do older patients present with geriatric syndromes, such as delirium? keywords: adults; care; cases; italy; patients cache: cord-252854-gl094y6c.txt plain text: cord-252854-gl094y6c.txt item: #19 of 132 id: cord-253367-n6c07x9q author: Ussai, Silvia title: Hazard Prevention, Death and Dignity During COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy date: 2020-09-18 words: 1850 flesch: 48 summary: Italy banned burial procedures based (i) on the recent acknowledgment about the virus environmental stability as well as (ii) its national civil contingency plan. Italy banned burial procedures based (i) on the recent acknowledgment about the virus environmental stability as well as (ii) its national civil contingency plan. keywords: burial; covid-19; families; italy cache: cord-253367-n6c07x9q.txt plain text: cord-253367-n6c07x9q.txt item: #20 of 132 id: cord-253402-6sgeraws author: Remuzzi, Andrea title: COVID-19 and Italy: what next? date: 2020-03-13 words: 2848 flesch: 51 summary: The value of the exponent can be computed as r=0·225 (1 per day) and is consistent with the number of infected patients reported by the Italian Health Ministry. If the increase in the number of infected patients follows this trend for the next week, there will be more than 30 000 patients infected by March 15, as shown in figure 1B . keywords: care; health; italy; number; patients cache: cord-253402-6sgeraws.txt plain text: cord-253402-6sgeraws.txt item: #21 of 132 id: cord-253736-cd4qnp2m author: Modenese, Alberto title: Increased Risk of COVID-19-Related Deaths among General Practitioners in Italy date: 2020-06-03 words: 2359 flesch: 38 summary: After this exclusion, the number of physician deaths due to COVID-19 which occurred in Italy by the 30 April 2020 is reduced to 118. Other important points to be stressed are the progressive activation, since the second half of March, in many Italian regions, of special medical units for the assistance of COVID-19 patients at home, called USCA (Unità Speciali di Continuità Assistenziale), as prescribed by a national decree [20] , and the promotion of telemedicine procedures, when possible [21] . keywords: covid-19; gps; italian; italy; patients; physicians cache: cord-253736-cd4qnp2m.txt plain text: cord-253736-cd4qnp2m.txt item: #22 of 132 id: cord-255221-v4r2ek6a author: Di Lorenzo, Giuseppe title: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in Italy: Analysis of Risk Factors and Proposed Remedial Measures date: 2020-04-09 words: 2192 flesch: 48 summary: Based on research by the WHO, a Report of the WHO China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019, published in February 2020, reported that patients without other comorbidities have mortality rates of 1.4%, compared to COVID-19 patients with other diseases that compromise their health condition and result in higher mortality rates, which were 13, 9, and 7.6% for those with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer, respectively 5 . In the TOCIVID-19 trial, 330 hospitalized COVID-19 patients with pneumonia with early signs of respiratory failure or who were intubated and placed on ventilatory treatment within the previous 24 h will be treated with tocilizumab 10 . keywords: cases; covid-19; deaths; italy; patients cache: cord-255221-v4r2ek6a.txt plain text: cord-255221-v4r2ek6a.txt item: #23 of 132 id: cord-256166-4pvk3fqn author: Indini, Alice title: Reorganization of Medical Oncology Departments during COVID-19 Pandemic: a Nationwide Italian Survey date: 2020-04-06 words: 2439 flesch: 39 summary: Patients with thoracic tumors and those who underwent pulmonary resection are to be considered a subgroup of high risk patients. Results show that the following measures for oncologic patients have been promptly implemented through the whole country: use of protective devices, triage of patients accessing the hospital, delay of non-urgent visits, and use of telemedicine. keywords: covid-19; health; italy; measures; oncologic; patients cache: cord-256166-4pvk3fqn.txt plain text: cord-256166-4pvk3fqn.txt item: #24 of 132 id: cord-256326-3ebcuzd6 author: Liotta, Giuseppe title: Is social connectedness a risk factor for the spreading of COVID-19 among older adults? The Italian paradox date: 2020-05-21 words: 2364 flesch: 51 summary: The association of social connectedness with the spread of COVID-19 among older Italian adults, hence older adult mortality rate, is not confirmed. key: cord-256326-3ebcuzd6 authors: Liotta, Giuseppe; Marazzi, Maria Cristina; Orlando, Stefano; Palombi, Leonardo title: Is social connectedness a risk factor for the spreading of COVID-19 among older adults? keywords: cases; covid-19; italy; population; years cache: cord-256326-3ebcuzd6.txt plain text: cord-256326-3ebcuzd6.txt item: #25 of 132 id: cord-256843-05m50voc author: Rovetta, Alessandro title: Modelling the epidemiological trend and behavior of COVID-19 in Italy date: 2020-03-23 words: 2498 flesch: 53 summary: doi: medRxiv preprint By entering the initial values for the incubation time 1/σ, recovery time 1/γ, basic reproduction number R0, and number of infected I 0 on March 1, 2020, the software prints the S.E.I.R. values day by day. In Europe, COVID-19 cases are most dramatically started to increase from the first week of March 2020. keywords: license; medrxiv; medrxiv preprint; preprint cache: cord-256843-05m50voc.txt plain text: cord-256843-05m50voc.txt item: #26 of 132 id: cord-257263-906epvo1 author: Martellucci, Cecilia Acuti title: Changes in the spatial distribution of COVID-19 incidence in Italy using GIS-based maps date: 2020-07-18 words: 1545 flesch: 52 summary: Italy reached the top of countries with the highest number of reported COVID-19 cases, now is the ninth country in cumulated cases. On March 15, 2020, most of the southern regions were not affected (Fig. 1) , but approximately a month later, all of them reported COVID-19 cases (Fig. 1) , including the insular regions of Sicily and Sardinia. keywords: cases; country; covid-19; italy; regions cache: cord-257263-906epvo1.txt plain text: cord-257263-906epvo1.txt item: #27 of 132 id: cord-257859-9hmrt96h author: Di Martino, Barbara title: Molecular evidence of kobuviruses in free-ranging red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) date: 2014-01-23 words: 1680 flesch: 49 summary: The markers indicate the sequences detected in this study Ratification vote on taxonomic proposals to the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses Prevalence and genetic diversity of Aichi virus strains in stool samples from community and hospitalized patients Molecular epidemiology of canine adenovirus type 1 and type 2 in free-ranging red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Italy Antigenic analysis of canine parvovirus strains isolated in Italy Phylogeny and prevalence of kobuviruses in dogs and cats in the UK Detection and genetic characterization of feline kobuviruses A real-time PCR assay for rapid detection and quantitation of canine parvovirus type 2 in the feces of dogs Canine kobuviruses in diarrhoeic dogs in Italy BioEdit: a user-friendly biological sequence alignment and analysis program for Windows 95/98/NT Aichi virus infection in elderly people in Sweden Aichi virus infection in children with acute gastroenteritis in Finland Characterization of a canine homolog of human Aichi virus MEGA3: integrated software for molecular evolutionary genetics analysis and sequence alignment Viruses in diarrhoeic dogs include novel kobuviruses and sapoviruses Canine distemper epizootic among red foxes Novel norovirus in dogs with diarrhea The fecal viral flora of wild rodents Development of a nested PCR assay for the detection of canine coronavirus Candidate new species of kobuvirus in porcine hosts Complete nucleotide and amino acid sequences and genetic organization of porcine kobuvirus, a member of a new species in the genus Kobuvirus, family Picornaviridae Detection of Aichi virus shedding in a child with enteric and extraintestinal symptoms in Hungary Porcine kobuvirus in wild boars (Sus scrofa) Metagenomic analysis of the ferret fecal viral flora Survey on viral pathogens in wild red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Germany with special emphasis on parvoviruses and analysis of a DNA sequence from a red fox parvovirus Rational optimization of generic primers used for Norwalk-like virus detection by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction Isolation and characterization of a new species of kobuvirus associated with cattle Isolation of cytopathic small round viruses with BS-C-1 cells from patients with gastroenteritis Detection of canine coronaviruses genotype I and II in raised Canidae animals in China Acknowledgments This work was financed by grants from the University of Teramo, Italy, and from the Italian Ministry of University and Research. In the present study, we detected kobuviruses in freeranging red foxes with a prevalence rate of 14.7 % (5/34). keywords: analysis; canine; foxes; kobuvirus; viruses; vulpes cache: cord-257859-9hmrt96h.txt plain text: cord-257859-9hmrt96h.txt item: #28 of 132 id: cord-259618-kl0aq0ut author: De Leo, Diego title: The fight against COVID-19: a report from the Italian trenches date: 2020-04-20 words: 2509 flesch: 48 summary: A discrepancy between the gift of a long life and public acceptance of older adults is increasingly noticeable and clearly expressed by the deprecated document on damages caused by longevity, which Christine Lagarde (now the president of the European Central Bank) spoke about a few years ago (2012): Old people live too long and this is a risk for the global economy. Those Tickets in Front of the House Telecommunication and suicide prevention: hopes and challenges for the new century Presentation of the Global Financial Stability Report The neuroinvasive potential of SARS-CoV2 may play a role in the respiratory failure of COVID-19 patients The value of maintaining social connections for mental health in older people keywords: care; covid-19; health; italy; patients; people cache: cord-259618-kl0aq0ut.txt plain text: cord-259618-kl0aq0ut.txt item: #29 of 132 id: cord-261517-j9kw1a9x author: Boccia, Stefania title: How the Italian NHS Is Fighting Against the COVID-19 Emergency date: 2020-05-08 words: 1420 flesch: 53 summary: With clinical data available for 52,577 cases, most (35.7%) were classified as having mild pneumonia but 17.4% were severe (dyspnoea, respiratory rate ≥30/min, blood oxygen saturation ≤93%), and 1.9% were critical (respiratory failure, septic shock, and/or multiple organ dysfunction or failure), while 30% had few or no symptoms. Obviously, international comparisons of case fatality must be interpreted with caution due to differences in the intensity of testing and, with deaths, the criteria for establishing the underlying cause. keywords: cases; covid-19; health; italy cache: cord-261517-j9kw1a9x.txt plain text: cord-261517-j9kw1a9x.txt item: #30 of 132 id: cord-263544-6ueqx53v author: Mauri, Eleonora title: Estimating the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on services provided by Italian Neuromuscular Centers: an Italian Association of Myology survey of the acute phase date: 2020-06-01 words: 3349 flesch: 34 summary: Surveys, at-distance meetings and virtual platforms will likely be valuable tools to help addressing the future concerns and challenges of NMD centers, aiming at maintaining the best standards of care for NMD patients in these difficult times. AIM associates developed a survey to quantify the extent of changes experienced by NMD centers and patients during these months, and to outline the most effective solutions undertaken, with the ultimate goal of improving NMD patients' care. keywords: care; centers; covid-19; hospital; italy; pandemic; patients; services; visits cache: cord-263544-6ueqx53v.txt plain text: cord-263544-6ueqx53v.txt item: #31 of 132 id: cord-265628-47dvjaa9 author: None title: Administrative boundaries and urban areas in Italy: A perspective from scaling laws date: 2020-08-13 words: 10851 flesch: 42 summary: Throughout this work, we commited to the idea that deviations from area-population scaling laws exhibited by some of the points representative of urban areas in the area-population plane (P A , ) measure how each city, or urban area alike, deviates from expectations based on its size (Bettencourt, 2013; West, 2017; van Raan, 2019) . key: cord-265628-47dvjaa9 authors: nan title: Administrative boundaries and urban areas in Italy: A perspective from scaling laws date: 2020-08-13 journal: Landsc Urban Plan DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2020.103906 sha: doc_id: 265628 cord_uid: 47dvjaa9 Delineating boundaries of urban areas is no easy task, due to the inherent complexity of the problem, heterogeneity of relevant data and little consensus on how to properly measure the results. keywords: area; boundaries; cities; city; data; delineation; fig; italy; law; municipalities; polygons; population; relations; scaling; urban; work cache: cord-265628-47dvjaa9.txt plain text: cord-265628-47dvjaa9.txt item: #32 of 132 id: cord-265785-mcru4j6g author: Indolfi, Ciro title: The Outbreak of COVID-19 in Italy: Fighting the Pandemic date: 2020-04-01 words: 743 flesch: 58 summary: The pandemic has mainly been located in northern Italy (Figure 1 ), partially sparing, for the moment, the southern part of the country. On February 21, 2019, the first Italian patient with COVID-19 was diagnosed, a 38-year-old man hospitalized at Codogno Hospital, Lodi, in northern Italy. keywords: covid-19; italy cache: cord-265785-mcru4j6g.txt plain text: cord-265785-mcru4j6g.txt item: #33 of 132 id: cord-267034-s3hf4bo5 author: Palladino, Raffaele title: Excess Deaths and Hospital Admissions for COVID-19 Due to a Late Implementation of the Lockdown in Italy date: 2020-08-05 words: 2430 flesch: 49 summary: There was an exponential increase in the number of new COVID-19 cases until March 22nd, followed by a sharp reduction (Table 1; Figure 1 ). There was an exponential increase in the number of new COVID-19 cases until March 22nd, followed by a sharp reduction (Table 1; Figure 1 ). keywords: admissions; cases; covid-19; icu; lockdown cache: cord-267034-s3hf4bo5.txt plain text: cord-267034-s3hf4bo5.txt item: #34 of 132 id: cord-267664-vahd59z8 author: Cesari, Matteo title: COVID-19 in Italy: Ageism and Decision-Making in a Pandemic date: 2020-04-01 words: 1665 flesch: 48 summary: Documento condiviso per una pianificazione delle scelte di cura Prognostic indices for older adults: a systematic review The central role of prognosis in clinical decision making Frailty and multimorbidity: different ways of thinking about geriatrics Evidence for The Domains Supporting The Construct of Intrinsic Capacity A global clinical measure of fitness and frailty in elderly people A Diagnosis of Dismobility-Giving Mobility Clinical Visibility: A Mobility Working Group Recommendation A comparison of frailty indexes for the prediction of falls, disability, fractures, and mortality in older men It is noteworthy that during the early crisis, the Società Italiana di Anestesia, Analgesia, Rianimazione e Terapia Intensiva (SIAARTI; Italian Society of Anesthesia, Analgesia, and Intensive Care) released clinical ethics recommendations for the allocation of treatment in exceptional resource-limited situations. keywords: age; care; italy; persons cache: cord-267664-vahd59z8.txt plain text: cord-267664-vahd59z8.txt item: #35 of 132 id: cord-271627-mapfi8f5 author: Chintalapudi, Nalini title: COVID-19 virus outbreak forecasting of registered and recovered cases after sixty day lockdown in Italy: A data driven model approach date: 2020-04-13 words: 2844 flesch: 54 summary: Predictions were done with 93.75% of accuracy for registered case models and 84.4% of accuracy for recovered case models. One positive sign of this COVID-19 epidemic in Italy is after having established isolation, there is a significant growth of recovered case number, particular with last weeks of March (Fig. 7) . keywords: arima; cases; covid-19; data; italy; march; model; number cache: cord-271627-mapfi8f5.txt plain text: cord-271627-mapfi8f5.txt item: #36 of 132 id: cord-272190-boo25au0 author: Borrelli, Enrico title: Taking the right measures to control COVID-19 in ophthalmology: the experience of a tertiary eye care referral center in Italy date: 2020-04-14 words: 728 flesch: 47 summary: Giuseppe Querques 1 Department of Ophthalmology, University Vita-Salute, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele, Milan, Italy professionals' and patients' contamination and, at the same time, guarantee the continuity of care for ophthalmology patients. These norms are even more rigorous in Lombardy, a large region in northern Italy, where most hot zones (i.e., where COVID-19 cases are more concentrated) have been reported to date. keywords: covid-19; italy; patients cache: cord-272190-boo25au0.txt plain text: cord-272190-boo25au0.txt item: #37 of 132 id: cord-273181-fsrdu4tq author: Allieta, M. title: COVID-19 outbreak in Italy: estimation of reproduction numbers over two months toward the Phase 2 date: 2020-05-18 words: 4196 flesch: 49 summary: Furthermore, in Lombardia region epidemic had a huge spread, with N=71256 and NA= 34368 on April 24th, i.e. more than one third of the cases of the country (with 16.7% of the Italian resident population). key: cord-273181-fsrdu4tq authors: Allieta, M.; Allieta, A.; Rossi Sebastiano, D. title: COVID-19 outbreak in Italy: estimation of reproduction numbers over two months toward the Phase 2 date: 2020-05-18 journal: nan DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.12.20076794 sha: doc_id: 273181 cord_uid: fsrdu4tq After two months from the first case in COVID-19 outbreak, Italy counts more than 190,000 confirmed positive cases. keywords: author; epidemic; funder; license; medrxiv; number; preprint cache: cord-273181-fsrdu4tq.txt plain text: cord-273181-fsrdu4tq.txt item: #38 of 132 id: cord-274778-wds40e6i author: Tejedor, Santiago title: Information on the COVID-19 Pandemic in Daily Newspapers’ Front Pages: Case Study of Spain and Italy date: 2020-08-31 words: 7823 flesch: 48 summary: The role of social media in spreading misleading health information is not new [3] , but the COVID-19 crisis has shown the critical impact of this new information environment [4] . In this sense, media practitioners and their organizations should be in charge of delivering rigorous health information, aimed at creating awareness about people's health, to prevent diseases and encourage healthy living. keywords: entities; figure; headlines; health; information; italy; media; news; page; pandemic; spain; total cache: cord-274778-wds40e6i.txt plain text: cord-274778-wds40e6i.txt item: #39 of 132 id: cord-275926-rj23z7po author: Fontanella, Marco M. title: Neurosurgical practice during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: a worldwide survey date: 2020-05-05 words: 4017 flesch: 44 summary: COVID-19 positive Italian health professionals have reached more than 13,000, with more than 100 deaths of physicians (most of them are general practitioners) and almost 30 nurses. These data show how most countries acted according to international guidelines in the management of elective procedures. keywords: cases; country; covid-19; emergency; health; patients; respondents; sars; survey cache: cord-275926-rj23z7po.txt plain text: cord-275926-rj23z7po.txt item: #40 of 132 id: cord-275978-pezm1tnw author: Riccardo, Flavia title: Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 cases in Italy and estimates of the reproductive numbers one month into the epidemic date: 2020-04-11 words: 5551 flesch: 49 summary: key: cord-275978-pezm1tnw authors: Riccardo, Flavia; Ajelli, Marco; Andrianou, Xanthi; Bella, Antonino; Del Manso, Martina; Fabiani, Massimo; Bellino, Stefania; Boros, Stefano; Mateo Urdiales, Alberto; Marziano, Valentina; Rota, Maria Cristina; Filia, Antonietta; D'Ancona, Fortunato (Paolo); Siddu, Andrea; Punzo, Ornella; Trentini, Filippo; Guzzetta, Giorgio; Poletti, Piero; Stefanelli, Paola; Castrucci, Maria Rita; Ciervo, Alessandra; Di Benedetto, Corrado; Tallon, Marco; Piccioli, Andrea; Brusaferro, Silvio; Rezza, Giovanni; Merler, Stefano; Pezzotti, Patrizio title: Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 cases in Italy and estimates of the reproductive numbers one month into the epidemic date: 2020-04-11 journal: nan DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.08.20056861 sha: doc_id: 275978 cord_uid: pezm1tnw Background Due to the high concordance (99%) among confirmation results with the engaged laboratories, the policy was then changed allowing selected Regions with demonstrated confirmation capacity to directly confirm COVID-19 cases (17) . keywords: age; cases; covid-19; data; disease; epidemic; italy; license; number; preprint; regions; transmission cache: cord-275978-pezm1tnw.txt plain text: cord-275978-pezm1tnw.txt item: #41 of 132 id: cord-277395-72zu3mna author: Borghese, A. title: Buffalo: Mediterranean Region date: 2016-10-24 words: 2128 flesch: 52 summary: The buffaloes reared in the Mediterranean region are the Asian buffalo or water buffalo, that is, Bubalus bubalis. In Italy, dairy buffaloes are managed in the same intensive way as dairy cows, maintained in loose housing paddocks throughout the year. keywords: buffaloes; bulgaria; egypt; italy; milk cache: cord-277395-72zu3mna.txt plain text: cord-277395-72zu3mna.txt item: #42 of 132 id: cord-278993-w5aa0elj author: Tonetti, Tommaso title: Use of critical care resources during the first 2 weeks (February 24–March 8, 2020) of the Covid-19 outbreak in Italy date: 2020-10-12 words: 3929 flesch: 37 summary: In patients treated outside the ICU, conventional O 2 therapy was applied in the 47.3% of the cases and non-invasive respiratory support (including NIV, CPAP and high-flow O 2 therapy) in the 52.7%, while 81.8% of ICU patients were intubated. Data regarding the impact of Covid-19 outbreak on the capacity of the health-care system to accomplish the need for ICU care are limited. keywords: beds; care; covid-19; data; icu; italy; non; outbreak; patients; resources; study; support cache: cord-278993-w5aa0elj.txt plain text: cord-278993-w5aa0elj.txt item: #43 of 132 id: cord-279036-fwmb0rr7 author: Monzani, Alice title: COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspective From Italian Pediatric Emergency Physicians date: 2020-06-22 words: 2884 flesch: 44 summary: Translating COVID-19 pandemic surge theory to practice in the emergency department: how to expand structure Systematic review of COVID-19 in children shows milder cases and a better prognosis than adults Coronavirus disease 2019 and children: what pediatric health care clinicians need to know Italian doctors call for protecting healthcare workers and boosting community surveillance during covid-19 outbreak Assessment of medical reserve corps volunteers' emergency response willingness using a threat-and efficacy-based model Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: In this perspective, pediatricians should consider each patient as a potentially COVID-19-positive patient but should be able not to fixate only on COVID-19 disease, always bearing in mind more common differential diagnoses. keywords: care; covid-19; health; hospital; pandemic; ped cache: cord-279036-fwmb0rr7.txt plain text: cord-279036-fwmb0rr7.txt item: #44 of 132 id: cord-279451-ax7n2ss5 author: Semeraro, Federico title: New Early Warning Score: off-label approach for Covid-19 outbreak patient deterioration in the community date: 2020-04-20 words: 549 flesch: 31 summary: We created a free open source platform called CovidUP19 4 ad hoc for citizens to increase awareness about potential deterioration in case of covid-19 infection. We invited all the international health system researchers to allocate time and resources on this innovative approach for potential off label application of NEWS in Covid-19 patients. keywords: health; italy; patients cache: cord-279451-ax7n2ss5.txt plain text: cord-279451-ax7n2ss5.txt item: #45 of 132 id: cord-280031-0w6wn7u8 author: Pedersini, Paolo title: Italian Physical Therapists’ Response to the Novel COVID-19 Emergency date: 2020-04-13 words: 715 flesch: 32 summary: key: cord-280031-0w6wn7u8 authors: Pedersini, Paolo; Corbellini, Camilo; Villafañe, Jorge Hugo title: Italian Physical Therapists’ Response to the Novel COVID-19 Emergency date: 2020-04-13 journal: Phys Ther DOI: 10.1093/ptj/pzaa060 sha: doc_id: 280031 cord_uid: 0w6wn7u8 nan This epidemiological transition in Italy is continuously updated with characteristics of patients with Covid-19 who have died, including: average age (78 years old), sex (70% men), pathologies before hospitalization (Patients with 0 pre-existing pathologies 2%; patients with 1 pre-existing pathology 21%; patients with 2 pre-existing pathologies 26%; patients with 3 or more pre-existing conditions 51%). In addition, Covid-19 emergency preparedness frequently does not take into account issues specific to rehabilitation patients, when patient and staff safety have to be at the forefront of providing rehabilitation services to our community. keywords: covid-19; italy; patients cache: cord-280031-0w6wn7u8.txt plain text: cord-280031-0w6wn7u8.txt item: #46 of 132 id: cord-282268-f7mbdfr6 author: Cartenì, Armando title: How mobility habits influenced the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from the Italian case study date: 2020-06-24 words: 5280 flesch: 32 summary: Within this topic, the aim of the paper was to quantify the effect of mobility habits in the spread of the Coronavirus in Italy through a multiple linear regression model. Estimation results showed that mobility habits represent one of the variables that explains the number of COVID-19 infections jointly with the number of tests/day and some environmental variables (i.e. PM pollution and temperature). keywords: cases; covid-19; day; e.g.; habits; mobility; number; time cache: cord-282268-f7mbdfr6.txt plain text: cord-282268-f7mbdfr6.txt item: #47 of 132 id: cord-284573-w0sk622m author: Caduff, Carlo title: What Went Wrong: Corona and the World after the Full Stop date: 2020-07-21 words: 9279 flesch: 55 summary: But health care workers deserve more than patriotic feelings and symbolic gestures; they deserve better health care policies. Outsourced production capacity and insufficient stockpiles of personal protective equipment put nursing home residents, community health care workers, and hospital staff at risk, weakening health care systems further. keywords: care; case; countries; covid-19; deaths; disease; health; lockdown; pandemic; people; public; rate; response; testing; virus; world cache: cord-284573-w0sk622m.txt plain text: cord-284573-w0sk622m.txt item: #48 of 132 id: cord-284786-pua14ogz author: Coker, Eric S. title: The Effects of Air Pollution on COVID-19 Related Mortality in Northern Italy date: 2020-08-04 words: 7051 flesch: 36 summary: The obvious difference between their study and ours is that we used a surrogate excess mortality measure due to the issues of reliability for COVID-19 death data, as we have already discussed. A separate empirical analysis by Becchetti et al. (2020) finds preliminary evidence that confirms such a positive effect of air pollution on mortality in Italy based on the analysis of death data at the province level. keywords: air; covid-19; data; deaths; effects; et al; excess; exposure; italy; model; mortality; municipalities cache: cord-284786-pua14ogz.txt plain text: cord-284786-pua14ogz.txt item: #49 of 132 id: cord-285187-1h5tjs0r author: Kuchenbuch, Mathieu title: An accelerated shift in the use of remote systems in epilepsy due to the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-08-31 words: 4828 flesch: 47 summary: key: cord-285187-1h5tjs0r authors: Kuchenbuch, Mathieu; d’Onofrio, Gianluca; Wirrell, Elaine; Jiang, Yuwu; Dupont, Sophie; Grinspan, Zachary M.; Auvin, Stephane; Wilmshurst, Jo M.; Arzimanoglou, Alexis; Cross, J. Helen; Specchio, Nicola; Nabbout, Rima title: An accelerated shift in the use of remote systems in epilepsy due to the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-08-31 journal: Epilepsy Behav DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.107376 sha: doc_id: 285187 cord_uid: 1h5tjs0r PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to describe epileptologists' opinion on the increased use of remote systems implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic across clinics, education, and scientific meetings activities. keywords: china; covid-19; epilepsy; face; france; italy; pandemic; remote; respondents; systems cache: cord-285187-1h5tjs0r.txt plain text: cord-285187-1h5tjs0r.txt item: #50 of 132 id: cord-285232-0p27ez9i author: Boriani, Giuseppe title: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the clinical activities related to arrhythmias and electrophysiology in Italy: results of a survey promoted by AIAC (Italian Association of Arrhythmology and Cardiac Pacing) date: 2020-09-05 words: 5857 flesch: 29 summary: A randomized trial in primary care HRS/EHRA/ APHRS/LAHRS/ACC/AHA worldwide practice update for telehealth and arrhythmia monitoring during and after a pandemic Management of atrial fibrillation in the emergency room and in the cardiology ward: the BLITZ AF study The epidemiological burden of atrial fibrillation: a challenge for clinicians and health care systems Direct oral anticoagulants vs non-vitamin K antagonist in atrial fibrillation: a prospective, propensity score adjusted cohort study Changes to oral anticoagulant therapy and risk of death over a 3-year followup of a contemporary cohort of European patients with atrial fibrillation final report of the EURObservational Research Programme on Atrial Fibrillation (EORP-AF) pilot general registry Increased burden of comorbidities and risk of cardiovascular death in atrial fibrillation patients in Europe over ten years: a comparison between EORP-AF pilot and EHS-AF registries Atrial fibrillation and prediction of mortality by conventional clinical score systems according to the setting of care The Euro Heart Survey and EURObservational Research Programme (EORP) in atrial fibrillation registries: contribution to epidemiology, clinical management and therapy of atrial fibrillation patients over the last 20 years Long-term relationship between atrial fibrillation, multimorbidity and oral anticoagulant drug use Association between antithrombotic treatment and outcomes at 1-year follow-up in patients with atrial fibrillation: the EORP-AF General Long-Term Registry Syncope in the German Nationwide inpatient sample-syncope in atrial fibrillation/flutter is related to pulmonary embolism and is accompanied by higher in-hospital mortality Effects of remote monitoring of cardiac implantable electronic devices after stroke or transient ischemic attack Occurrence of atrial fibrillation in pacemaker patients and its association with sleep apnea and heart rate variability Nationwide survey on the current practice of ventricular tachycardia ablation Clinical and organizational management of cardiac implantable electronic device replacements: an Italian Survey promoted by AIAC (Italian Association of Arrhythmology and Cardiac Pacing) The vast majority of participating centres (95.2%) reported a significant reduction in the number of elective pacemaker implantations during the outbreak period compared to the corresponding two months of year 2019 (50.0% of centres reported a reduction of > 50%). keywords: cardiac; care; centres; covid-19; elective; italian; number; pandemic; patients; procedures; reduction; survey cache: cord-285232-0p27ez9i.txt plain text: cord-285232-0p27ez9i.txt item: #51 of 132 id: cord-286305-2bwlxlfo author: Ciufolini, Ignazio title: Mathematical prediction of the time evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy by a Gauss error function and Monte Carlo simulations date: 2020-04-15 words: 2557 flesch: 43 summary: According to this fit, the date of a substantial reduction in the number of cumulative positive cases in Italy (about 100 cases), is April 22, 2020, plus or minus 4.6 days (2-sigma) (see Sect. 4). In regard to the date of a substantial reduction in the number of cumulative positive cases in Italy (about 100 cases), the standard deviation is 6 days (68.2% probability), 12 days (95.5% probability) and 18 days (99.7% probability). keywords: cases; day; number cache: cord-286305-2bwlxlfo.txt plain text: cord-286305-2bwlxlfo.txt item: #52 of 132 id: cord-286958-e1ey31eo author: Patel, Urvish title: Early epidemiological indicators, outcomes, and interventions of COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review date: 2020-08-15 words: 5040 flesch: 45 summary: All studies that compared outcomes of interest in COVID-19 patients were included. Few studies [18, 91] , have reported abnormal liver function in COVID-19 patients, and we found 20% of patients had elevated ALT and AST. keywords: cases; cfr; characteristics; china; coronavirus; covid-19; deaths; disease; health; italy; patients; studies; testing cache: cord-286958-e1ey31eo.txt plain text: cord-286958-e1ey31eo.txt item: #53 of 132 id: cord-287101-k3zq75zc author: Micheli, V. title: Geographic reconstruction of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Lombardy (Italy) during the early phase date: 2020-07-24 words: 2403 flesch: 40 summary: A total of 20 samples from different subjects were successfully sequenced and included in phylogenetic analysis, attributing the progressive ID HSacco-N (from HSacco-2 to HSacco-21). A pneumonia outbreak associated with a new coronavirus of probable bat origin World Health Organization; WHO Director-General's remarks at the media briefing on 2019-nCoV on World Health Organization; WHO Director-General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID-19 -11 International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses; Virus Taxonomy Genomic characterisation and epidemiology of 2019 novel coronavirus: implications for virus origins and receptor binding SARS and MERS: recent insights into emerging coronaviruses Coronaviridae Study Group of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses; The species Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus: classifying 2019-nCoV and naming it SARS-CoV-2 Dipartimento della Protezione Civile; COVID-19 Italia -Monitoraggio della situazione Trimmomatic: a flexible trimmer for Illumina sequence data A framework for variation discovery and genotyping using next-generation DNA sequencing data disease and diplomacy: GISAID's innovative contribution to global health 2490-2492) Parallelization of MAFFT for large-scale multiple sequence alignments Selection of conserved blocks from multiple alignments for their use in phylogenetic analysis RAxML version 8: a tool for phylogenetic analysis and post-analysis of large phylogenies Exploring the temporal structure of heterochronous sequences using TempEst jModelTest 2: more models, new heuristics and parallel computing Bayesian phylogenetic and phylodynamic data integration using BEAST 1.10 Virus Evolution 4 Posterior summarisation in Bayesian phylogenetics using Tracer 1.7. keywords: cov-2; license; medrxiv; preprint; sars; version cache: cord-287101-k3zq75zc.txt plain text: cord-287101-k3zq75zc.txt item: #54 of 132 id: cord-287176-1hm0ua2s author: Solarino, Biagio title: Covid-19 pandemic and pediatric healthcare policy in Italy: time for a change date: 2020-08-06 words: 2047 flesch: 44 summary: Coming to pediatric health care, during COVID pandemic the access to pediatric ED sharply dropped to one-half. Current child healthcare system comprises three main levels of intervention: a) primary care; 2) secondary care in Pediatric Hospital Units; 3) tertiary pediatric children's hospital. keywords: care; children; covid-19; pandemic; system cache: cord-287176-1hm0ua2s.txt plain text: cord-287176-1hm0ua2s.txt item: #55 of 132 id: cord-288836-bygcyxpz author: Manes, Gianpiero title: Planning Phase Two for Endoscopic Units in Northern Italy after the COVID-19 lockdown: an exit strategy with a lot of critical issues and a few opportunities date: 2020-06-19 words: 2158 flesch: 45 summary: Indeed, most participants agreed that re-opening EDs should be accomplished very slowly, with a limited increase in the number of procedures over the upcoming months and that it was unrealistic to return to pre-crisis workload in the next three months. We conducted a survey among the Directors of EDs in high-risk areas of Northern Italy with the aim of investigating the barriers and strategies to safely resume elective endoscopy activity in Phase Two of the lockdown. keywords: activity; covid-19; eds; endoscopy; procedures cache: cord-288836-bygcyxpz.txt plain text: cord-288836-bygcyxpz.txt item: #56 of 132 id: cord-292474-dmgd99d6 author: Berardi, Giammauro title: Continuing our work: transplant surgery and surgical oncology in a tertiary referral COVID-19 center date: 2020-06-04 words: 4612 flesch: 38 summary: As a further issue, it has already been shown that cancer patients are more susceptible to COVID-19 infections: 1% of COVID-19 patients in China had a history of cancer as compared to 0.29% among normal Chinese population [2] . Italy was one of the first western countries diagnosing COVID-19 patients in late January and was certainly the one suffering the most by the sudden outbreak of the disease. keywords: cancer; cases; covid-19; icu; outbreak; pandemic; patients; surgery; transplantations cache: cord-292474-dmgd99d6.txt plain text: cord-292474-dmgd99d6.txt item: #57 of 132 id: cord-292711-c5np5bar author: Vaira, Luigi A. title: Anosmia and Ageusia: Common Findings in COVID‐19 Patients date: 2020-04-15 words: 576 flesch: 36 summary: Neurological manifestations of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective case series study Olfactory neuropathy in severe acute respiratory syndrome: report of a case Long term serious olfactory loss in cold and/or flu Identification of viruses in patients with postviral olfactory dysfunction Olfactory mucosal findings and clinical course in patients with olfactory disorders following upper respiratory viral infection From the Maxillofacial Surgery Unit (L.A.V., G.D.R.), University Hospital of Sassari, Sassari, Italy; Department of Medical, Surgical and Experimental Sciences (G.D.), University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy; and the Maxillofacial Surgery Unit (G.S.), University Hospital of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy. In the management of the health crisis, the identification of paucisymptomatic patients is emerging as a crucial factor in order to interrupt the transmission chain of the virus. keywords: anosmia; patients cache: cord-292711-c5np5bar.txt plain text: cord-292711-c5np5bar.txt item: #58 of 132 id: cord-293630-zc8huo1j author: Capone, Alessandro title: Simultaneous circulation of COVID-19 and flu in Italy: potential combined effects on the risk of death? date: 2020-08-05 words: 2160 flesch: 41 summary: Demographic and clinical characteristics of died patients (including the number of comorbidities) are extremely relevant, especially to define those with a higher risk of mortality. Demographic and clinical characteristics of died patients (including the number of comorbidities) are extremely relevant, especially to define those with a higher risk of mortality. keywords: covid-19; influenza; mortality; patients; risk cache: cord-293630-zc8huo1j.txt plain text: cord-293630-zc8huo1j.txt item: #59 of 132 id: cord-295622-znmpheia author: Simione, Luca title: Differences Between Health Workers and General Population in Risk Perception, Behaviors, and Psychological Distress Related to COVID-19 Spread in Italy date: 2020-09-04 words: 9875 flesch: 45 summary: We found that health workers reported higher risk perception, level of worry, and knowledge as related to COVID-19 infection compared to the general population. However, on the one hand, doctors and other health workers multiplied their alarms relatively to this critical situation and to the related recommendations regarding behaviors to be followed and the hygienic conduct to be implemented; on the other hand, there were daily episodes of violation of such medical recommendations by the population, apparently only scarcely aware of the problem. keywords: anxiety; area; covid-19; group; health; infection; italy; med; participants; people; perception; risk; stress; workers cache: cord-295622-znmpheia.txt plain text: cord-295622-znmpheia.txt item: #60 of 132 id: cord-297051-g5sfh4nf author: Mercadante, Sebastiano title: Palliative care in the time of COVID-19 date: 2020-05-04 words: 1335 flesch: 59 summary: While patients admitted to the acute palliative care unit in the majority of cases will be discharged home, hospice patients have a high mortality rate. To partially overcome these issues “WhatsApp” has been adopted to get family members to participate in clinical rounds. keywords: family; members; patients cache: cord-297051-g5sfh4nf.txt plain text: cord-297051-g5sfh4nf.txt item: #61 of 132 id: cord-297256-i9468t8v author: Cesari, Matteo title: Geriatric Medicine in Italy in the Time of Covid-19 date: 2020-04-03 words: 1647 flesch: 54 summary: Many older persons (with their chronic conditions and care needs) remained isolated after the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak. The vast majority of deaths is occurring in older persons, a fact that can only be partially explained by the older age of the Italian population. keywords: care; coronavirus; covid-19; persons cache: cord-297256-i9468t8v.txt plain text: cord-297256-i9468t8v.txt item: #62 of 132 id: cord-299102-4bwtg6xz author: Novara, Giacomo title: Impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on urological practice in emergency departments in Italy date: 2020-05-30 words: 1592 flesch: 39 summary: Following the emergency department consultation, a similar percentage of patients was hospitalized for urological conditions (22% and 25% in the 2020 and 2019 weeks, respectively). Thirdly, the patients who arrived at hospital were significantly older and had a slightly different spectrum of urological conditions, including more cases of gross haematuria and acute urinary retention, conditions commonly considered as undeferrable. keywords: covid-19; emergency; pandemic; patients cache: cord-299102-4bwtg6xz.txt plain text: cord-299102-4bwtg6xz.txt item: #63 of 132 id: cord-299810-e57pwgnx author: Martelloni, Gabriele title: Modelling the downhill of the Sars-Cov-2 in Italy and a universal forecast of the epidemic in the world date: 2020-07-01 words: 3029 flesch: 53 summary: Analysis of the evolution of the Sars-Cov-2 in Italy, the role of the asymptomatics and the success of Logistic model Early Phylogenetic Estimate of the Effective Reproduction Number Of Sars-CoV-2 Emerging coronaviruses: Genome structure, replication, and pathogenesis Data analysis on Coronavirus spreading by macroscopic growth laws CoViD19: An Automatic, Semiparametric Estimation Method for the Population Infected in Italy Analysis and forecast of COVID-19 spreading in China A Poisson Autoregressive Model to Understand COVID-19 Contagion Dynamics, ssrn -abstract-id=3551626 CDC COVID-19 Response Team, Severe Outcomes Among Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) -United States How macroscopic laws describe complex dynamics: asymptomatic population and CoviD-19 spreading Notice sur la loi que la population poursuit dans son accroissement On the nature of the function expressive of the law of human mortality and a new mode of determining life contingencies [2] Many growth models have been very recently applied to study the evolution of the Covid-19 infection keywords: infected; italy; model; number cache: cord-299810-e57pwgnx.txt plain text: cord-299810-e57pwgnx.txt item: #64 of 132 id: cord-301348-h21rnyww author: Gherghina, Ștefan Cristian title: Stock Market Reactions to COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak: Quantitative Evidence from ARDL Bounds Tests and Granger Causality Analysis date: 2020-09-15 words: 6423 flesch: 56 summary: Granger causality was employed to investigate the causalities among COVID-19 and stock market returns, as well as between pandemic measures and several commodities. Alber [85] showed that stock market return is influenced by COVID-19 cases more than deaths, as well as by aggregate measures more than new ones. keywords: cases; china; covid-19; deaths; index; market; model; number; run; stock; stock market; table; variables cache: cord-301348-h21rnyww.txt plain text: cord-301348-h21rnyww.txt item: #65 of 132 id: cord-303030-8unrcb1f author: Gaeta, Giuseppe title: Social distancing versus early detection and contacts tracing in epidemic management date: 2020-07-16 words: 11352 flesch: 52 summary: SIAM ArXiv: 2003.02062 ; Data Analysis for the COVID-19 early dynamics in Northern Italy A simple SIR model with a large set of asymptomatic infectives A simple SIR model with a large set of asymptomatic infectives How to reduce epidemic peaks keeping under control the time-span of the epidemic Accurate closed-form solution of the SIR epidemic model Asymptomatic transmission, the achilles heel of current strategies to control covid-19 (Editorial) Presumed asymptomatic carrier transmission of COVID-19 Pre-and asymptomatic individuals contribute up to 80% of COVID-19 transmission Evidence supporting transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 while presymptomatic or asymptomatic Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19 The rate of underascertainment of novel coronavirus (2019-ncov) infection: estimation using japanese passengers data on evacuation flights Estimation of the asymptomatic ratio of novel coronavirus infections (COVID-19) Estimating the asymptomatic proportion of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases on board the diamond princess cruise ship Substantial undocumented infection facilitates the rapid dissemination of novel coronavirus (SARS-cov2) We have considered epidemic dynamics as described by mean field models of the SIR type; more specifically, we have first considered the classical Kermack-McKendrick SIR model [1] [2] keywords: asymptomatic; contacts; covid; data; epidemic; infectives; model; sir; time cache: cord-303030-8unrcb1f.txt plain text: cord-303030-8unrcb1f.txt item: #66 of 132 id: cord-303690-8h58rmwk author: Michelozzi, Paola title: Mortality impacts of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak by sex and age: rapid mortality surveillance system, Italy, 1 February to 18 April 2020 date: 2020-05-14 words: 1947 flesch: 49 summary: key: cord-303690-8h58rmwk authors: Michelozzi, Paola; de’Donato, Francesca; Scortichini, Matteo; De Sario, Manuela; Noccioli, Fiammetta; Rossi, Pasqualino; Davoli, Marina title: Mortality impacts of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak by sex and age: rapid mortality surveillance system, Italy, 1 February to 18 April 2020 date: 2020-05-14 journal: Euro Surveill DOI: 10.2807/ sha: doc_id: 303690 cord_uid: 8h58rmwk Data from the rapid mortality surveillance system in 19 major Italian cities were used to carry out a timely assessment of the health impact of the COVID-19 epidemic. Briefly, SiSMG is based on an ad hoc daily flow of mortality data (resident population by age and sex) from local Municipal Registry Offices to the Department of Epidemiology, Lazio Regional Health Authority -ASL keywords: cities; covid-19; excess; italy; mortality cache: cord-303690-8h58rmwk.txt plain text: cord-303690-8h58rmwk.txt item: #67 of 132 id: cord-304266-49e723rj author: Barone-Adesi, Francesco title: Investigating the Determinants of High Case-Fatality Rate for Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Italy date: 2020-04-16 words: 759 flesch: 46 summary: Osong Public Health Res Perspect Case-fatality rate and characteristics of patients dying in relation to COVID-19 in Italy As COVID-19 cases, deaths and fatality rates surge in Italy, underlying causes require investigation Monitoring transmissibility and mortality of COVID-19 in Europe Italian civil protection. Cross-country comparison of case fatality rates of COVID-19/SARS-COV-2. keywords: cfr; italy cache: cord-304266-49e723rj.txt plain text: cord-304266-49e723rj.txt item: #68 of 132 id: cord-305632-xbji6g5x author: Uccelli, Matteo title: COVID-19 and Obesity: Is Bariatric Surgery Protective? Retrospective Analysis on 2145 Patients Undergone Bariatric-Metabolic Surgery from High Volume Center in Italy (Lombardy) date: 2020-10-31 words: 2897 flesch: 44 summary: A total of 231 (10.8%) patients were prescribed home isolation following the development of symptoms or contact with COVID-19 patients (fiduciary home quarantine). [19] [20] ; to avoid possible compilation errors by patients, we preferred to omit the symptoms related to loss of taste and smell, as bariatric patients often present these symptoms immediately and long after bariatric surgery keywords: covid-19; disease; italy; obesity; patients; sars; surgery cache: cord-305632-xbji6g5x.txt plain text: cord-305632-xbji6g5x.txt item: #69 of 132 id: cord-306060-wtdzad90 author: Tuite, Ashleigh title: Estimation of COVID-19 outbreak size in Italy based on international case exportations date: 2020-03-06 words: 1085 flesch: 41 summary: We also performed sensitivity analyses in which we included outbound travel to all countries regardless of reported case importations, inflated travel volumes by 35%, to account for the relative increase in flight numbers from 2015-2019, and excluded cases in bordering countries and which were documented to have been introduced by overland travel. We also performed sensitivity analyses in which we included outbound travel to all countries regardless of reported case importations, inflated travel volumes by 35%, to account for the relative increase in flight numbers from 2015-2019, and excluded cases in bordering countries and which were documented to have been introduced by overland travel. keywords: cases; italy cache: cord-306060-wtdzad90.txt plain text: cord-306060-wtdzad90.txt item: #70 of 132 id: cord-307219-okvvajms author: Lazzarini, Luca title: First autochthonous dengue outbreak in Italy, August 2020 date: 2020-09-10 words: 1888 flesch: 51 summary: Between 2010 and 2019, autochthonous cases of dengue fever in Europe were reported in 2010 from France The surveillance, active between June and November, aims to increase the detection rate of DENV and CHIKV (since 2015, also ZIKV) infection in travellers from endemic areas and to promptly identify potential autochthonous cases. keywords: cases; dengue; denv; italy; virus cache: cord-307219-okvvajms.txt plain text: cord-307219-okvvajms.txt item: #71 of 132 id: cord-307846-t8ejmq71 author: Ugolini, Francesca title: Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use and perceptions of urban green space: an international exploratory study date: 2020-10-16 words: 7669 flesch: 44 summary: Brussels, 20.5.2020 The text mining handbook: advanced approaches in analyzing unstructured data The SAGE handbook of online research methods An investigation of data and text mining methods for real world deception detection Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) V5.1 and Guidance on the Application of the Revised Structure The Impact of COVID-19 on Public Space: A Review of the Emerging Questions The impact of interventions to promote physical activity in urban green space: a systematic review and recommendations for future research The experience of nature: A psychological perspective Content analysis: An introduction to its methodology Ecological urbanism Urban green space and well-being in Kuala Lumpur Cultural ecosystem services provided by urban green change along an urban-periurban gradient El urbanismo ecosistémico The social landscape of planning: Integrating social and perceptual research with spatial planning information Urban forests and their ecosystem services in relation to human health Factors influencing the use of green space: results from a Danish national representative survey Association between indoor-outdoor green features and psychological health during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: A cross-sectional nationwide study A socio-ecological exploration of fear of crime in urban green spaces-A systematic review STATISTICA Electronic Manual Landscape ecological urbanism: Origins and trajectories Relationships between characteristics of urban green land cover and mental health in U.S. Metropolitan areas Scenic Beauty: Visual Landscape Assessment and Human Landscape Perception Green space as a buffer between stressful life events and health Urban natural environments as nature-based solutions for improved public health -a systematic review of reviews Landscape as urbanism: A general theory Biophilia. key: cord-307846-t8ejmq71 authors: Ugolini, Francesca; Massetti, Luciano; Calaza-Martínez, Pedro; Cariñanos, Paloma; Dobbs, Cynnamon; Ostoic, Silvija Krajter; Marin, Ana Marija; Pearlmutter, David; Saaroni, Hadas; Šaulienė, Ingrida; Simoneti, Maja; Verlič, Andrej; Vuletić, Dijana; Sanesi, Giovanni title: Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the use and perceptions of urban green space: an international exploratory study date: 2020-10-16 journal: Urban For Urban Green DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126888 sha: doc_id: 307846 cord_uid: t8ejmq71 Urban green space (UGS) is an essential element in the urban environment, providing multiple ecosystem services as well as beneficial effects on physical and mental health. keywords: countries; green; israel; italy; respondents; slovenia; spain; ugs; urban cache: cord-307846-t8ejmq71.txt plain text: cord-307846-t8ejmq71.txt item: #72 of 132 id: cord-308328-wfiqbu3m author: Upadhyay, Ranjit Kumar title: Age-group-targeted testing for COVID-19 as a new prevention strategy date: 2020-09-01 words: 4794 flesch: 53 summary: Recently, some new approaches about age structure population models have been proposed in [9, 10] . We observe a common trend in infected age groups across all three countries, in that the young-and middleaged groups (between 10 and 40 years of age) have the largest numbers of infected people, relative to the initial susceptible population size of that age group. keywords: age; contact; disease; india; infection; lockdown; model; population cache: cord-308328-wfiqbu3m.txt plain text: cord-308328-wfiqbu3m.txt item: #73 of 132 id: cord-310841-scg0h40b author: Atzori, L. title: Psoriasis health care in the time of the coronavirus pandemic: insights from dedicated centers in sardinia (Italy) date: 2020-04-15 words: 975 flesch: 45 summary: As isolation is the main weapon to control the spread, 4 and on March 9, 2020 a Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers ordered the suspension of all outpatients' services, including clinics for psoriasis patients. As dermatologists are specialists not directly involved in the management of critical patients, the supply of specific protective equipment against bio-hazards, as well as of environmental sanitizers, was very limited, and the massive consumption from critical care wards depleted all stocks. keywords: care; patients cache: cord-310841-scg0h40b.txt plain text: cord-310841-scg0h40b.txt item: #74 of 132 id: cord-311190-i630n88t author: Candela, Massimo title: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Internet latency: A large-scale study date: 2020-08-20 words: 10123 flesch: 58 summary: To isolate d que from the other terms, the d tra + d pro component can be estimated as the minimum delay observed in a set of latency measurements collected on a given path. The effects of latency on player performance in cloud-based games Assessing voice quality in packet-based telephony Geolocation of internet hosts: Accuracy limits through cramér-rao lower bound Smartphone-based geolocation of Internet hosts Using RIPE Atlas for Geolocating IP Infrastructure Ripe atlas: A global internet measurement network Our commitment to customers during COVID-19 Zoom CFO explains how the company is grappling with increased demand Detecting Anomalies in Network Traffic Using Maximum Entropy Estimation On the detection of network traffic anomalies in content delivery network services Measurement of large-scale BGP events: Definition, detection, and analysis A basisevolution framework for network traffic anomaly detection Experience with restoration of asia pacific network failures from taiwan earthquake Quaking Tables: The Taiwan Earthquakes and the Internet Routing Table The Japan Earthquake: The Impact on Traffic and Routing Observed by a Local ISP The PingER project: active Internet performance monitoring for the HENP community A Preliminary Analysis of Network Outages During Hurricane Sandy Hurricane Sandy and How the Internet Routes Around Damage Pingin' in the Rain COVID-19 impacts on Internet traffic: Seattle, Northern Italy and South Korea How COVID-19 is affecting internet performance DE-CIX experiences record traffic amid coronavirus and Call of Duty 130768-5vgoglwswy&title=Keeping-the-Internetup-and-running-in_times-of-crisis Campus traffic and e-Learning during COVID-19 pandemic Traffic Analysis with Off-the-Shelf Hardware: Challenges and Lessons Learned A survey on Internet performance measurement platforms and related standardization efforts Vantage point selection for IPv6 measurements: Benefits and limitations of RIPE Atlas tags Pinpointing delay and forwarding anomalies using large-scale traceroute measurements Disco: keywords: amd; figure; impact; increase; internet; italy; latency; lockdown; measurements; min; network; source; target; time; traffic cache: cord-311190-i630n88t.txt plain text: cord-311190-i630n88t.txt item: #75 of 132 id: cord-311523-erntrh3p author: Gisondi, P title: Dermatologists and SARS‐CoV‐2: The impact of the pandemic on daily practice date: 2020-04-22 words: 2760 flesch: 38 summary: In the areas of Italy severely affected by the coronavirus outbreak, extra beds have been created in Internal Medicine wards for COVID-19 patients; dermatologists, along with doctors from other medical subspecialties, have therefore been asked to provide assistance to COVID-19 patients in these departments due to the shortage of doctors. Shortage of medical masks for health workers due to panic shopping from the population may jeopardize the safety of physicians dealing with COVID-19 patients. keywords: article; coronavirus; covid-19; infection; pandemic; patients; sars cache: cord-311523-erntrh3p.txt plain text: cord-311523-erntrh3p.txt item: #76 of 132 id: cord-311782-d2t8bzio author: Fiore, Josè Ramòn title: Results from a survey in healthy blood donors in South Eastern Italy indicate that we are far away from herd immunity to SARS‐CoV‐2 date: 2020-08-13 words: 1728 flesch: 39 summary: key: cord-311782-d2t8bzio authors: Fiore, Josè Ramòn; Centra, Michele; De Carlo, Armando; Granato, Tommaso; Rosa, Annamaria; Sarno, Michelina; De Feo, Lucia; Di Stefano, Mariantonietta; D' Errico, Maria; Caputo, Sergio Lo; De Nittis, Rosella; Arena, Fabio; Corso, Gaetano; Margaglione, Maurizio; Santantonio, Teresa Antonia title: Results from a survey in healthy blood donors in South Eastern Italy indicate that we are far away from herd immunity to SARS‐CoV‐2 date: 2020-08-13 journal: J Med Virol DOI: 10.1002/jmv.26425 sha: doc_id: 311782 cord_uid: d2t8bzio Here we present results from a survey on anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 seroprevalence in healthy blood donors from a low incidence COVID‐19 area (Apulia region, South Eastern Italy). Other important factors in calculating herd immunity thresholds include the number of social interactions and their durations, innate differences in individual immune responses, and divergent exposures to the infectious microbe (1) People who recover from a COVID-19 coronavirus infection, at least for some time, develop immunity to the virus (6). keywords: blood; herd; immunity; population; sars cache: cord-311782-d2t8bzio.txt plain text: cord-311782-d2t8bzio.txt item: #77 of 132 id: cord-314466-6j4vuqer author: Kim, A. S. title: Transformed time series analysis of first-wave COVID-19: universal similarities found in the Group of Twenty (G20) Countries date: 2020-06-14 words: 7655 flesch: 55 summary: Moreover, CCC profiles are analyzed with the same method for CCD profiles, i.e., for nation X, identification of the CCC onset day, calculation of time-shifting parameter m X c , and determination of the time-scaling parameter β X c . The primary research idea originated from the sequentially ordered patterns of CCD time series found in six nations on the European continent during the early stage of the pandemic spread, i.e., within 90 days. keywords: ccc; ccd; covid-19; data; italy; nations; number; profiles; time cache: cord-314466-6j4vuqer.txt plain text: cord-314466-6j4vuqer.txt item: #78 of 132 id: cord-315641-bzfrd7xj author: Abenavoli, Fabio Massimo title: Plastic Surgery in the Age of Coronavirus date: 2020-06-16 words: 2991 flesch: 47 summary: However, little attention was paid to the conclusions that should have been drawn about how to assist new patients during the emergency situation. 35 Within a few days, even the pavilions of the 2015 Milan World Exposition were partially transformed into a large resuscitation facility for thousands of new patients. keywords: 2019; coronavirus; covid-19; disease; health; italy; novel; patients cache: cord-315641-bzfrd7xj.txt plain text: cord-315641-bzfrd7xj.txt item: #79 of 132 id: cord-315970-m5o962yw author: Di Ciaula, Agostino title: COVID‐19, internists and resilience: the north‐south Italy outbreak. date: 2020-06-01 words: 3986 flesch: 44 summary: On May 20, infected subjects were 26,596 and COVID-19 related deaths were 2,454, about 7-and 12-fold lower, respectively, than in northern Italy. The staff was therefore re-located in the so-called grey zone equipped with up to 64 beds, occupying the whole 5th floor of the Asclepios block, a 5-floor building entirely dedicated to COVID-19 patients (Figure 4) . keywords: article; covid-19; deaths; health; infection; italy; northern; number; patients; subjects cache: cord-315970-m5o962yw.txt plain text: cord-315970-m5o962yw.txt item: #80 of 132 id: cord-317184-vz829rsy author: Wodarz, Dominik title: Patterns of the COVID19 epidemic spread around the world: exponential vs power laws date: 2020-04-01 words: 6517 flesch: 56 summary: Alternatively, it is possible that the local epidemics characterized by power laws demonstrate an intrinsic power law spread that is independent of interventions. How can we explain the existence, to different extents, of power law like behavior in different countries? keywords: countries; exponential; figure; growth; law; power; power law; preprint cache: cord-317184-vz829rsy.txt plain text: cord-317184-vz829rsy.txt item: #81 of 132 id: cord-317700-buzdfgyq author: Beccuti, G. title: A COVID-19 pneumonia case report of autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1 in Lombardy, Italy: letter to the editor date: 2020-06-09 words: 1537 flesch: 27 summary: Further research worldwide COVID-19 and endocrine diseases a statement from the Autoimmune-polyendocrinopathycandidiasis-ectodermal-dystrophy in Calabria: clinical, immunological and genetic patterns Lombardy ICU network baseline characteristics and outcomes of 1591 patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 admitted to ICUs of the Lombardy Region Primary adrenal insufficiency is associated with impaired natural killer cell function: a potential link to increased mortality Patients with APECED have increased early mortality due to endocrine causes, malignancies and infections Increased infection risk in Addison's disease and congenital adrenal hyperplasia Premature mortality in patients with Addison's disease: a population-based study Increased death risk and altered cancer incidence pattern in patients with isolated or combined autoimmune primary adrenocortical insufficiency Normal overall mortality rate in Addison's disease, but young patients are at risk of premature death EU-AIR investigators mortality data from the European Adrenal Insufficiency Registry-Patient Characterization and Associations As soon as information is also available on the characteristics of non-ICU hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Italy, it would be interesting to explore whether PAI may worsen COVID-19 outcomes, such as length of hospital stay, incidence of acute respiratory distress syndrome, and the need for CPAP therapy and mechanical ventilation. keywords: addison; disease; mortality; patients; risk cache: cord-317700-buzdfgyq.txt plain text: cord-317700-buzdfgyq.txt item: #82 of 132 id: cord-318080-cmx3q2sc author: Amoroso, Maria Grazia title: Detection and phylogenetic characterization of astroviruses in insectivorous bats from Central‐Southern Italy date: 2018-06-12 words: 2875 flesch: 33 summary: The potential zoonotic risks associated with bats have attracted the attention of researchers, mostly after the discovery of SARS-like and MERS-like CoVs (two coronaviruses highly pathogenic for humans) in European bat species, although the zoonotic risks posed by bat viruses, likely very limited, should be assessed more properly (Kohl & Kurth, 2014) , in large structured studies. • Strains of astrovirus identified revealed a high degree of genetic diversity, not related to bat species. keywords: astrovirus; bats; detection; et al; human; italy; species; viruses cache: cord-318080-cmx3q2sc.txt plain text: cord-318080-cmx3q2sc.txt item: #83 of 132 id: cord-318237-22s13v2y author: Mira, Francesco title: Spreading of canine parvovirus type 2c mutants of Asian origin in southern Italy date: 2019-07-14 words: 2553 flesch: 30 summary: The Authors would like to thank the Centro Veterinario Darwin Analysis of canine parvovirus sequences from wolves and dogs isolated in Italy Evidence for evolution of canine parvovirus type 2 in Italy Introduction of canine parvovirus 2 into wildlife on the Island of Newfoundland Identification of a novel canine parvovirus type 2c in Taiwan ICTV virus taxonomy profile: parvoviridae Development and validation of a real-time PCR assay for specific and sensitive detection of canid herpesvirus 1 Canine parvovirus-A review of epidemiological and diagnostic aspects, with emphasis on type 2c Infectious canine hepatitis: An old disease reemerging in Italy Veterinary Microbiology Molecular insight into Italian canine parvovirus heterogeneity and comparison with the worldwide scenario Continuing evolution of canine parvovirus in China: Isolation of novel variants with an Ala5Gly mutation in the VP2 protein Phylogenetic analysis of canine parvovirus isolates from Sichuan and Gansu Provinces of China in 2011 Phylogenetic analysis of canine parvovirus VP2 gene in China Phylogenetic analysis of the VP2 gene of canine parvoviruses circulating in China A greedy algorithm for aligning DNA sequences keywords: canine; cpv; et al; gene; italy; parvovirus; strains; vp2 cache: cord-318237-22s13v2y.txt plain text: cord-318237-22s13v2y.txt item: #84 of 132 id: cord-318468-7s5znn5c author: Gallo, Gaetano title: Deadlock of proctologic practice in Italy during COVID-19 pandemic: a national report from ProctoLock2020 date: 2020-08-08 words: 2475 flesch: 46 summary: Such a worrying proportion of COVID-19 positive respondents in the South suggests that the different timing of the epidemic and the prompt lockdown measures put in place by the Italian government likely may have rescued this area from a potential catastrophe. [72%]) to guarantee the assistance to COVID-19 patients, with a similar distribution between regions (Table 2) . keywords: covid-19; italy; practice; respondents; surgery; survey cache: cord-318468-7s5znn5c.txt plain text: cord-318468-7s5znn5c.txt item: #85 of 132 id: cord-319912-fc9tmx96 author: Ciminelli, Gabriele title: COVID-19 in Italy: An Analysis of Death Registry Data date: 2020-09-16 words: 3281 flesch: 55 summary: Strikingly, excess deaths were higher than official fatalities throughout the end of April, suggesting that COVID-19 deaths might have been vastly underreported in official statistics. Discounting indirect deaths, we calculate that COVID-19 deaths may have been 60% higher than what was officially reported. keywords: covid-19; data; deaths; epidemic; mortality; municipalities; nursing cache: cord-319912-fc9tmx96.txt plain text: cord-319912-fc9tmx96.txt item: #86 of 132 id: cord-320773-zisujjsx author: Sabat, Iryna title: United but divided: policy responses and people's perceptions in the EU during the COVID-19 outbreak date: 2020-06-22 words: 5644 flesch: 48 summary: Explaining the need for and the advantages of such intrusive policies through trusted means of communication, while addressing people's concerns explicitly and being open about the risks of using such policy measures may help raise the support and compliance in society to a sufficient degree. Citizens were overall satisfied with their government's response to the pandemic; however, the extent of approval differed across countries and policy measures. keywords: countries; covid-19; government; health; italy; measures; people; policies; public; trust cache: cord-320773-zisujjsx.txt plain text: cord-320773-zisujjsx.txt item: #87 of 132 id: cord-320897-cxmw7bfu author: Megna, Rosario title: First month of the epidemic caused by COVID-19 in Italy: current status and real-time outbreak development forecast date: 2020-03-30 words: 1826 flesch: 55 summary: We then produced an estimate of the overall number of potentially infected individuals and epidemic duration at a national and Regional level, for the most affected Regions. We reported the daily distribution of performed swabs and confirmed cases, and the cumulative distribution of confirmed cases, of patients quarantined at home (42%), hospitalized in non-intensive care (31%), recovered or discharged (13%), deceased (10%), and hospitalized in intensive care (4%). keywords: cases; epidemic; italy; number cache: cord-320897-cxmw7bfu.txt plain text: cord-320897-cxmw7bfu.txt item: #88 of 132 id: cord-321194-xi4zy5ow author: Allam, Zaheer title: The Third 50 Days: A Detailed Chronological Timeline and Extensive Review of Literature Documenting the COVID-19 Pandemic From Day 100 to Day 150 date: 2020-07-24 words: 17937 flesch: 52 summary: For instance, as of 28th, the total number of reported cases in Africa (35,676) was far much less than the total number of deaths (59,266) reported in the United States on the same day. By April 28, it became official that the number of COVID-19 infection cases had exceeded the 3 million (the WHO reported 2.95 million cases and 202,597 deaths) people and caused the death of over 211,000 people globally. keywords: april; cases; china; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; day; days; deaths; disease; health; italy; lockdown; measures; new; number; pandemic; people; president; region; report; situation; states; total; trump; united; world cache: cord-321194-xi4zy5ow.txt plain text: cord-321194-xi4zy5ow.txt item: #89 of 132 id: cord-322075-e6whegrf author: Guglielmetti, Lorenzo title: COVID-19 in Italy - Passing through bitter waters date: 2020-05-22 words: 758 flesch: 43 summary: [7] Other major shortfalls stem, in our opinion, from the extreme regionalization of health care, which has led to fragmentation of the decision-making process, increased inequalities, and lack of national coordination. Faced with exhausting shifts and often without adequate personal protective equipment, health care workers have been unsurprisingly affected by high rates of infection and death. keywords: care; covid-19; italy cache: cord-322075-e6whegrf.txt plain text: cord-322075-e6whegrf.txt item: #90 of 132 id: cord-322079-87iqc21s author: Agostiniani, Rino title: Providing pediatric well-care and sick visits in the COVID-19 pandemic era: the recommendations of the Italian pediatric society date: 2020-09-16 words: 1717 flesch: 43 summary: In case of sick children, the Italian Pediatric Society recommends to identify those with signs or symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and: schedule different appointments, separated from COVID 19 unrelated flu like patients. Pediatricians have observed a significant decrease in inperson child health visits during the COVID-19 pandemic, which puts children's health at risk. keywords: cases; children; covid-19; health; visits cache: cord-322079-87iqc21s.txt plain text: cord-322079-87iqc21s.txt item: #91 of 132 id: cord-322348-8opy5z9h author: Morelli, Mara title: Parents and Children During the COVID-19 Lockdown: The Influence of Parenting Distress and Parenting Self-Efficacy on Children’s Emotional Well-Being date: 2020-10-06 words: 7104 flesch: 39 summary: A general approach to representing multifaceted personality constructs: application to state self-esteem Same-sex and different-sex parent families in italy: is parents' sexual orientation associated with child health outcomes and parental dimensions? Same-sex and different-sex parent families in Italy: parenting dimensions and child health outcomes Role of affective self-regulatory efficacy on diverse spheres of psychosocial functioning The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations Structural Equations With Latent Variables The psychological impact of quarantine and how to reduce it: Rapid review of the evidence Alternative ways of assessing model fit Structural Equation Modeling With EQS and EQS/Windows The longitudinal relations between self-esteem and affective self-regulatory efficacy Mastery of negative affect: a hierarchical model of emotional self-efficacy beliefs From external regulation to school achievement: the mediation of self-efficacy at school Parenting in a time of COVID-19 Using parcels to convert path analysis models into latent variable models Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences A global measure of perceived stress Parental Stress and Early Child Development. key: cord-322348-8opy5z9h authors: Morelli, Mara; Cattelino, Elena; Baiocco, Roberto; Trumello, Carmen; Babore, Alessandra; Candelori, Carla; Chirumbolo, Antonio title: Parents and Children During the COVID-19 Lockdown: keywords: children; distress; efficacy; model; parenting; parents; regulation; self cache: cord-322348-8opy5z9h.txt plain text: cord-322348-8opy5z9h.txt item: #92 of 132 id: cord-323934-vew4uxu4 author: Mohanty, S. K. title: Impact of COVID-19 Attributable Deaths on Longevity, Premature Mortality and DALY: Estimates of USA, Italy, Sweden and Germany date: 2020-07-07 words: 3136 flesch: 53 summary: Life expectancy, YPLL and DALY were estimated under four scenarios; no COVID-19 deaths, actual number of COVID-19 deaths as of 22nd May, 2020 and anticipating COVID-19 death share of 6% and 10% , respectively. doi: medRxiv preprint Inadequate testing and misclassification of deaths by cause underestimate the extent of COVID-19 deaths. keywords: covid-19; deaths; license; medrxiv; mortality; preprint cache: cord-323934-vew4uxu4.txt plain text: cord-323934-vew4uxu4.txt item: #93 of 132 id: cord-326489-c3ezmshe author: Bartolini, Barbara title: SARS-CoV-2 Phylogenetic Analysis, Lazio Region, Italy, February–March 2020 date: 2020-08-17 words: 1322 flesch: 46 summary: according to GISAID phylogenetics, as reported (6), and clade B2; the clade includes other sequences from EU countries, but no additional sequences from Italy. A limitation of our research is that only a portion of viral sequences, including the sequences from Italy, have been published as of April 10, 2020; phylogenetic analysis could substantially change when more sequences are made available. keywords: clade; italy; sars; sequences cache: cord-326489-c3ezmshe.txt plain text: cord-326489-c3ezmshe.txt item: #94 of 132 id: cord-326644-5war06j2 author: Supino, M. title: World governments should protect their population from COVID-19 pandemic using Italy and Lombardy as precursor date: 2020-03-27 words: 2803 flesch: 54 summary: After ten days from the first ICU patient (February, 20 th 2020), the number of COVID-19 ICU patients was All rights reserved. preprint (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in While NHS are prepared to receive a certain number of ICU patients distributed during the influenza season, which lasts several months, no NHS can manage an exponentially growing number of COVID-19 patients. keywords: covid-19; icu; italy; lockdown; preprint cache: cord-326644-5war06j2.txt plain text: cord-326644-5war06j2.txt item: #95 of 132 id: cord-327589-mr8z65o5 author: Zhan, Choujun title: Prediction of COVID-19 Spreading Profiles in South Korea, Italy and Iran by Data-Driven Coding date: 2020-03-10 words: 3196 flesch: 57 summary: However, international traffic has not ceased and infectious city's population), respectively, whereas the number of infected individuals in other cities in South Korea would be fewer than 300, i.e., less than 0.01% of city population. For Italy, we predict that Lombardi and Amelia Romagna would eventually have about 4,784 and 1,555 infected cases (i.e., 0.399% and 0.162 % of region's population), respectively, and the number of people eventually infected in other cities in Italy would be below 700 (<0.05% of city population). keywords: cities; city; license; preprint cache: cord-327589-mr8z65o5.txt plain text: cord-327589-mr8z65o5.txt item: #96 of 132 id: cord-327777-pg98zc6o author: Delogu, Mauro title: Eco-Virological Preliminary Study of Potentially Emerging Pathogens in Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) Recovered at a Wildlife Treatment and Rehabilitation Center in Northern Italy date: 2020-03-01 words: 3200 flesch: 43 summary: The CoV RdRp gene sequences obtained from Italian hedgehogs (E. europaeus species) were compared with those originated from hedgehogs (including E. europaeus and E. amurensis sequences), bats, humans and camels. What We Know so Far! Diversity of susceptible hosts in canine distemper virus infection: A systematic review and data synthesis Arctic lineage-canine distemper virus as a cause of death in Apennine wolves (Canis lupus) in Italy Canine Distemper Virus as an Emerging Multihost Pathogen in Wild Carnivores in Northwest Italy Paramyxoviruses of the morbilli group in the wild hedgehog keywords: areas; disease; erinaceus; europaeus; hedgehogs; infection; species; virus; wild cache: cord-327777-pg98zc6o.txt plain text: cord-327777-pg98zc6o.txt item: #97 of 132 id: cord-327779-lt3t4shi author: Gilad, Vered title: Treatment of COVID-19 Patients in Italy: A Physician’s Experience and Insights date: 2020-07-31 words: 2311 flesch: 33 summary: While the number of COVID-19 patients was rapidly increasing, Italy saw a drastic decrease in hospital admissions for other pathologies, since patients were afraid of contracting the infection at the hospital. Given the limited clinical experience and lack of evidence-based data, new channels for relaying updates emerged; doctors who first started seeing COVID-19 patients primarily shared their experience and findings through Internet pathways. keywords: covid-19; hospital; italy; number; patients; treatment cache: cord-327779-lt3t4shi.txt plain text: cord-327779-lt3t4shi.txt item: #98 of 132 id: cord-328442-mnlzj1ly author: Barattucci, Massimiliano title: Rethinking the Role of Affect in Risk Judgment: What We Have Learned From COVID-19 During the First Week of Quarantine in Italy date: 2020-10-02 words: 6551 flesch: 34 summary: Reflections, perspectives, opportunities Avian influenza risk perception Perceived threat, risk perception, and efficacy beliefs related to SARS and other (emerging) infectious diseases: results of an international survey Measuring emotional contagion in social media Dynamic spread of happiness in a large social network: longitudinal analysis over 20 years in the Framingham heart study Relations among emotion, appraisal, and emotional action readiness Web searching for health information: an observational study to explore users' emotions Trends in risk perceptions and vaccination intentions: a longitudinal study of the first year of the H1N1 pandemic Initial psychological responses to swine flu Factors affecting patients' online health information-seeking behaviours: the role of the Patient Health Engagement (PHE) model Emotional contagion The health belief model: a decade later The perceived threat of SARS and its impact on precautionary actions and adverse consequences: a qualitative study among Chinese communities in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands Determinants of public phobia about infectious diseases in South Korea: effect of health communication and gender difference Dr. Google and his predecessors Two conceptions of emotion in risk regulation, 156 U Bringing appraisal theory to environmental risk perception: a review of conceptual approaches of the past 40 years and suggestions for future research Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks Impact of place identity, selfefficacy and anxiety state on the relationship between coastal flooding risk perception and the willingness to cope Risk perceptions related to SARS and avian influenza: theoretical foundations of current empirical research Public Engagement and government responsiveness in the communications about COVID-19 during the early epidemic stage in China: infodemiology study on social media data Knowledge, attitudes, impact, and anxiety regarding COVID-19 infection among the public in China Risk as feelings The relationships between health anxiety, online health information seeking, and cyberchondria: systematic review and meta-analysis Response to Ebola in the US: misinformation, fear, and new opportunities Smile mimicry and emotional contagion in audio-visual computer-mediated communication Educated but anxious: how emotional states and education levels combine to influence online health information seeking Case-fatality rate and characteristics of patients dying in relation to COVID-19 in Italy Sources of method bias in social science research and recommendations on how to control it The effect of risk perception on the 2009 H1N1 pandemic influenza dynamics Similarity in Case Fatality Rates (CFR) of COVID-19 / SARS-COV-2 in Italy and China Positive result of Sars-Cov-2 in sputum from a cured patient with COVID-19 Knowledge and risk perceptions of the Ebola virus in the United States Appraisal determinants of emotions: constructing a more accurate and comprehensive theory Appraisal determinants of emotions: constructing a more accurate and comprehensive theory Percezione del rischio: esperti vs non esperti Emotions as motivators for information seeking: a conceptual analysis Assessing the geographic context of risk perception and behavioral response to potential ebola exposure Factors in risk perception Risk as analysis and risk as feelings: some thoughts about affect, reason, risk, and rationality Risk perception and affect Responding to global infectious disease outbreaks: lessons from SARS on the role of risk perception, communication and management World Health Organization declares global emergency: a review of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) The curious case of cyberchondria: a longitudinal study on the reciprocal relationship between health anxiety and online health information seeking Factorial and construct validity of the Italian Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) Risk perception and knowledge acted with different mechanisms on emotions: risk perception mainly contributed to having an effect on negative affect, while knowledge influenced only positive affect. keywords: affect; anxiety; behavior; et al; health; information; model; perception; risk; risk perception cache: cord-328442-mnlzj1ly.txt plain text: cord-328442-mnlzj1ly.txt item: #99 of 132 id: cord-329268-0zhabgkt author: Savoia, E. title: Factors Associated with Access and Use of PPE during COVID-19: A Cross-sectional Study of Italian Physicians date: 2020-05-01 words: 3727 flesch: 48 summary: We then applied ordered logistic regression to the three ordinal variables access to PPE, information on PPE use, and donning and doffing ability and logistic regression to the variable risk perception. However, given the difficulties of creating 100% COVID-19 free clinics as many patients may present to a clinic in a pauci-symptomatic status, the current variation in access and knowledge about PPE use, may put at a disproportionate risk those working outside COVID-19 units. keywords: medrxiv; physicians; ppe; preprint; review; risk; use cache: cord-329268-0zhabgkt.txt plain text: cord-329268-0zhabgkt.txt item: #100 of 132 id: cord-329457-3b6n8un0 author: Spousta, Martin title: Parametric analysis of early data on COVID-19 expansion in selected European countries date: 2020-04-03 words: 2302 flesch: 54 summary: The full description of the outbreak by a function (1) can be replaced by exponential dependence with time dependent parameter a(t), that is by the function where the right-hand side of (2) represents a Taylor expansion of the time dependent parameter a. In general, the total number of infected people in time t can be fully characterized by a function where α i and a i are unknown parameters. keywords: disease; time cache: cord-329457-3b6n8un0.txt plain text: cord-329457-3b6n8un0.txt item: #101 of 132 id: cord-330057-3vucm0s1 author: Franzo, Giovanni title: Phylodynamic analysis and evaluation of the balance between anthropic and environmental factors affecting IBV spreading among Italian poultry farms date: 2020-04-29 words: 5537 flesch: 32 summary: The inclusion of a third deme in the model revealed the likely role of other poultry companies and rural farms (particularly concentrated in Northern Italy) as sources of strain introduction into one of the major poultry companies, whose farms are mainly located in the high densely populated poultry area of Northern Italy. The strains from different poultry companies formed two independent clusters, which suggests the effectiveness of independent production flow/chain in protecting farms from exogenous introductions. keywords: analysis; companies; company; farms; ibv; italian; italy; population; poultry; sequences; virus cache: cord-330057-3vucm0s1.txt plain text: cord-330057-3vucm0s1.txt item: #102 of 132 id: cord-330562-dabjcvno author: Poli, Piero title: The 2020 coronavirus lockdown and seismic monitoring of anthropic activities in Northern Italy date: 2020-06-10 words: 2679 flesch: 33 summary: We find that the lockdown reduces ambient noise significantly in the 1–10 Hz frequency range; because natural sources of seismic noise are not affected by the lockdown, the seismic signature of anthropic noise can be characterised with unprecedented clarity, by simply comparing the signal recorded before and after the lockdown. The reduction of social mixing in Italy following the lockdown Observations and modeling of seismic background noise Recent advances in seismology Spectral analysis of seismic noise induced by rivers: A new tool to monitor spatiotemporal changes in stream hydrodynamics Sources of long range anthropogenic noise in Southern California and implications for tectonic tremor detection Shear wave structural models of Venice Plain, Italy, from time cross correlation of seismic noise Train traffic as a powerful noise source for monitoring active faults with seismic interferometry Observation of equipartition of seismic waves Seismic velocity change patterns along the San Jacinto fault zone following the 2010 m 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah and m 5.4 Collins Valley earthquakes An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier Series ObsPy: A bridge for seismology into the scientific Python ecosystem Seismic Noise Analysis System, Power Spectral Density Probability Density Function: Stand-Alone Software Package. keywords: ambient; fig; italy; lockdown; measures; noise; station cache: cord-330562-dabjcvno.txt plain text: cord-330562-dabjcvno.txt item: #103 of 132 id: cord-331069-ioph6vsp author: Tobías, Aurelio title: Evaluation of the lockdowns for the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Italy and Spain after one month follow up date: 2020-07-10 words: 1336 flesch: 59 summary: In this sense, the positive signs already shown by the decreasing trend slopes after a more restrictive lockdown in Italy and Spain could indicate an optimistic and encouraging forecast for those countries that in late March also announced restrictive lockdown measures for flattening the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic curve (e.g., the United Kingdom on March 23th or Ireland on March 27th). For an easy interpretation, and comparison of the effectiveness of lockdown measures between countries, a linear trend is assumed before and during the lockdown periods. keywords: cases; italy; lockdown; spain cache: cord-331069-ioph6vsp.txt plain text: cord-331069-ioph6vsp.txt item: #104 of 132 id: cord-331486-jp4m6ibe author: Naccarato, Marcello title: Has COVID-19 played an unexpected “stroke” on the chain of survival? date: 2020-05-06 words: 1448 flesch: 51 summary: To evaluate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemics on stroke management, this report described the emergency structured pathway adopted by an Italian University Hub Stroke Unit in the cross -border Italy-Slovenia area (which serves 373'803 people) (data from Istituto Nazionale di Statistica-ISTAT official report, 30th September 2017, see, and compared clinical features and outcomes of admitted patients between 9th March 2020 (start of Italy lockdown) and 9th April 2020 with stroke patients admitted during the same period in 2019. The COVID-19 pandemics required several changes in stroke management and it may have influenced some clinical or functional characteristics. keywords: covid-19; italy; patients; stroke cache: cord-331486-jp4m6ibe.txt plain text: cord-331486-jp4m6ibe.txt item: #105 of 132 id: cord-332234-6jursf4h author: Diaferio, Lucia title: Cross-sectional survey on impact of paediatric COVID-19 among Italian paediatricians: report from the SIAIP rhino-sinusitis and conjunctivitis committee date: 2020-10-06 words: 2397 flesch: 49 summary: The questionnaire was conceived and pretested in April 2020, by a working group of experts of the Italian Paediatric Society for Allergy and Immunology (SIAIP) based on their personal clinical experience and on the extensive review of most relevant international literature on COVID-19 infection searched on MEDLINE, EMBASE and SCOPUS. Actually, data on COVID-19 in Italian children are limited and almost certainly underestimated, since they are frequently asymptomatic or presenting mild or moderate infection, similar to common cold. keywords: asthma; children; covid-19; patients; survey cache: cord-332234-6jursf4h.txt plain text: cord-332234-6jursf4h.txt item: #106 of 132 id: cord-332314-nukv34fh author: Bartoszek, Krzysztof title: Are official confirmed cases and fatalities counts good enough to study the COVID-19 pandemic dynamics? A critical assessment through the case of Italy date: 2020-06-26 words: 5615 flesch: 54 summary: Hence, calibrating model parameters for this virus’s dynamics should not be done based only on confirmed case counts (without rescaling by the number of tests), but take also fatalities and hospitalization count under consideration as variables not prone to be distorted by testing efforts. Hence, calibrating model parameters for this virus's dynamics should not be done based only on confirmed case counts (without rescaling by the number of tests), but take also fatalities and hospitalization count under consideration as variables not prone to be distorted by testing efforts. keywords: case; counts; covid-19; data; fatalities; italy; number; regions; tests; time cache: cord-332314-nukv34fh.txt plain text: cord-332314-nukv34fh.txt item: #107 of 132 id: cord-333417-edc509xr author: Bontempi, Elza title: Commercial exchanges instead of air pollution as possible origin of COVID-19 initial diffusion phase in Italy: more efforts are necessary to address interdisciplinary research date: 2020-06-13 words: 1613 flesch: 24 summary: First data analysis about possible COVID-19 virus airborne diffusion due to 220 air particulate matter (PM): the case of Lombardy (Italy) Environmental Research (2020) 221 186, 109639 Understanding COVID-19 diffusion requires an 224 interdisciplinary, multi-dimensional approach PM10 exposure is associated 228 with increased hospitalizations for respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis among infants in 229 Factors determining the diffusion of COVID-19 and suggested strategy to 233 prevent future accelerated viral infectivity similar to COVID Regional air pollution persistence links to 237 covid19 infection zoning The Pollution Particulate 241 A platform to investigate the effects of particulate air pollutants on 242 viral infectivity Cardiovascular effects of airborne particulate matter: A review of 246 rodent model studies Contribution of bioaerosols to airborne particulate matter Airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2: The world should face the 254 reality Seasonal 256 variations in the chemical composition of particulate matter: a case study in the Po Valley Part Concerning COVID-19 diffusion in the air, some recent published papers support the idea 44 that the airborne transmission is a mechanism of virus diffusion. keywords: covid-19; diffusion; transmission; virus cache: cord-333417-edc509xr.txt plain text: cord-333417-edc509xr.txt item: #108 of 132 id: cord-335213-0cji7tzq author: Dowd, Jennifer Beam title: Demographic science aids in understanding the spread and fatality rates of COVID-19 date: 2020-05-05 words: 1991 flesch: 41 summary: Fig. 1 contains population pyramids to illustrate how population age structure interacts with high COVID-19 mortality rates at older ages to generate large differences across populations in the number of deaths, holding constant assumed rates of infection prevalence (10%) and age−sex-specific CFRs (Italy) (14) . While population age structure is crucial for understanding those at the highest risk of mortality both across and within countries, it is also vital for understanding social distancing measures to reduce critical cases that overload the health system-aka flattening the curve. keywords: age; countries; covid-19; population; structure cache: cord-335213-0cji7tzq.txt plain text: cord-335213-0cji7tzq.txt item: #109 of 132 id: cord-336714-brurrmi4 author: De Brouwer, Edward title: Modeling the COVID-19 outbreaks and the effectiveness of the containment measures adopted across countries date: 2020-04-04 words: 5559 flesch: 51 summary: We also discuss the biases and inconsistencies present in the publicly available data on COVID-19 cases, providing an estimate for the actual number of cases in Italy on March 12, 2020. We also provide an estimation of the actual number of COVID-19 cases in Italy for March 12, 2020, suggesting that 1) this number could have been at that time around 3 times higher than the official count and 2) unreported people in the 20-29-yrs age group might have played a crucial role in the virus diffusion. keywords: cases; covid-19; data; italy; measures; number cache: cord-336714-brurrmi4.txt plain text: cord-336714-brurrmi4.txt item: #110 of 132 id: cord-337044-o82dp0ag author: Marín‐Hernández, Daniela title: Epidemiological evidence for association between higher influenza vaccine uptake in the elderly and lower COVID‐19 deaths in Italy date: 2020-06-09 words: 507 flesch: 40 summary: key: cord-337044-o82dp0ag authors: Marín‐Hernández, Daniela; Schwartz, Robert E.; Nixon, Douglas F. title: Epidemiological evidence for association between higher influenza vaccine uptake in the elderly and lower COVID‐19 deaths in Italy date: 2020-06-09 journal: J Med Virol DOI: 10.1002/jmv.26120 sha: doc_id: 337044 cord_uid: o82dp0ag The Italian COVID-19 epidemic may finally be slowing, although the virus has spread from the North in Lombardy throughout the rest of the country. Epidemiological evidence for association between higher influenza vaccine uptake in the elderly and lower COVID-19 deaths in Italy To the Editor, The Italian COVID-19 epidemic may finally be slowing, although the virus has spread from the North in Lombardy throughout the rest of the country. keywords: influenza; italy cache: cord-337044-o82dp0ag.txt plain text: cord-337044-o82dp0ag.txt item: #111 of 132 id: cord-337663-ow1l18li author: Qu, Liang G. title: Scoping review: hotspots for COVID-19 urological research: what is being published and from where? date: 2020-09-09 words: 4705 flesch: 42 summary: On multivariable regression, greater experience level (OR = 1.76, 95% CI 1.01-3.13) and a need to manage COVID-19 patients in the urology department (OR = 2.31, 95% CI 1.20-4.65) adversely affected the quality of their work. Ultrastructural evidence for direct renal infection with SARS-CoV-2 SARS-CoV-2 can be detected in urine, blood, anal swabs, and oropharyngeal swabs specimens No evidence of SARS-CoV-2 in semen of males recovering from COVID-19 Absence of 2019 novel coronavirus in semen and testes of COVID-19 patients No SARS-CoV-2 in expressed prostatic secretion of patients with coronavirus disease 2019: a descriptive multicentre study in China Genetic alteration, RNA expression, and DNA methylation profiling of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) receptor ACE2 in malignancies: a pan-cancer analysis ACE2 correlated with immune infiltration serves as a prognostic biomarker in endometrial carcinoma and renal papillary cell carcinoma: implication for COVID-19 Expression of ACE2, the SARS-CoV-2 receptor, and TMPRSS2 in prostate epithelial cells 2020) scRNA-seq profiling of human testes reveals the presence of the ACE2 receptor, a target for SARS-CoV-2 infection in spermatogonia The ACE2 expression in Sertoli cells and Germ cells may cause male reproductive disorder after SARS-CoV-2 Infection Multiple expression assessments of ACE2 and TMPRSS2 SARS-CoV-2 entry molecules in the urinary tract and their associations with clinical manifestations of Suppression of androgen receptor (AR)-ACE2/ TMPRSS2 axis by AR antagonists may be therapeutically beneficial for male COVID patients Effect of SARS-CoV-2 infection upon male gonadal function: a single center-based study The majority of male patients with COVID-19 present low testosterone levels on admission to Intensive Care in Hamburg, Germany: a retrospective cohort study Androgen-deprivation therapies for prostate cancer and risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2: a population-based study (n = 4532) keywords: cov-2; covid-19; pandemic; patients; research; sars; studies; study; urology cache: cord-337663-ow1l18li.txt plain text: cord-337663-ow1l18li.txt item: #112 of 132 id: cord-339162-l5zxic3y author: Volpato, Stefano title: A Frail Health Care System for an Old Population: Lesson form the COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy date: 2020-04-21 words: 1510 flesch: 34 summary: Higher mortality rates of older patients are expected as complicated COVID-19 is characterized by severe interstitial pneumonia followed by acute respiratory distress syndrome, thromboembolic events, and eventually multiorgan failure, a cascade of negative events that is obviously more likely in older frail patients, those with elevated multimorbidity and reduced functional reserve. Although chronological age was not the only criterium for selection, decision was certainly not based on a comprehensive geriatric assessment and therefore, it is likely that older patients and particularly geriatric patients, even with limited multimorbidity and good functional reserve, have had very limited access to ICU and mechanical ventilation. keywords: care; health; mortality; patients cache: cord-339162-l5zxic3y.txt plain text: cord-339162-l5zxic3y.txt item: #113 of 132 id: cord-340145-nx746m76 author: Trisolino, Giovanni title: Recommendations from the Italian Society of Pediatric Orthopaedics and Traumatology for the management of pediatric orthopaedic patients during the COVID19 pandemic and post-pandemic period in Italy date: 2020-10-08 words: 2615 flesch: 35 summary: key: cord-340145-nx746m76 authors: Trisolino, Giovanni; Origo, Carlo Enrico; De Sanctis, Nando; Dibello, Daniela; Farsetti, Pasquale; Gigante, Cosimo; Guida, Pasquale; Marengo, Lorenza; Panuccio, Elena; Toniolo, Renato Maria; Verdoni, Fabio; Memeo, Antonio title: Recommendations from the Italian Society of Pediatric Orthopaedics and Traumatology for the management of pediatric orthopaedic patients during the COVID19 pandemic and post-pandemic period in Italy date: 2020-10-08 journal: The recommendations listed in this document have the following aims: 1. provide essential care to pediatric patients needing orthopaedic treatments during the COVID-19 pandemic and early post-peak period; 2. ensure safety of children and caregivers in case of hospital admission; 3. ensure safety of medical staffs; 4. limit the spread of outbreak. keywords: care; children; covid-19; italy; pandemic; period; priority cache: cord-340145-nx746m76.txt plain text: cord-340145-nx746m76.txt item: #114 of 132 id: cord-340511-syy9okhi author: Dettori, Marco title: Air pollutants and risk of death due to COVID-19 in Italy date: 2020-11-11 words: 4037 flesch: 43 summary: As far as the environmental pollution and both the spread of the virus in generating outbreaks and case fatality rate are concerned, this research appears to find elements to confirm the existence of a link between air pollution, this latter referred to particulate (PM 10 ) and COVID-19 mortality. In Italy, the areas most affected are found within the Po Valley, known for its high levels of air pollution, apparently sparing a large part of central Italy and most of southern Italy. keywords: air; covid-19; italy; mortality; pollutants; pollution; provinces; values cache: cord-340511-syy9okhi.txt plain text: cord-340511-syy9okhi.txt item: #115 of 132 id: cord-342180-ylcv4zvl author: Buonomo, B. title: Modelling information-dependent social behaviors in response to lockdowns: the case of COVID-19 epidemic in Italy date: 2020-05-25 words: 8658 flesch: 49 summary: Therefore, according to the idea of informationdependent epidemic models [40, 54] , an information index M should be considered, which is dened in terms of a delay τ , a memory kernel K and a functiong which describes the information that is relevant to the public in determining its nal choice to adopt or not to adopt the protective measure (the message function). Shaping the complex interaction between circulating information, human behavior and epidemic disease is challenging. keywords: case; covid19; days; disease; epidemic; individuals; information; license; model; preprint; quarantine; rate cache: cord-342180-ylcv4zvl.txt plain text: cord-342180-ylcv4zvl.txt item: #116 of 132 id: cord-342241-76mtn1m7 author: Lenti, Marco Vincenzo title: Carving out a place for internal medicine during COVID‐19 epidemic in Italy date: 2020-05-04 words: 1274 flesch: 40 summary: In summary, internal medicine has responded promptly to COVID-19 Italian epidemic, due to its holistic attitudethe sick patient as an individual, rather than the disease, is the object of the studyand its methodological approach [5] . The first few COVID-19 cases were suspected and diagnosed in internal medicine wards, including, among others, a young adult male from Codogno (referred to as patient 1), who was later transferred to the Intensive Care Unit of our hospital. keywords: covid-19; disease; medicine; patients cache: cord-342241-76mtn1m7.txt plain text: cord-342241-76mtn1m7.txt item: #117 of 132 id: cord-342386-t5b8wpe2 author: Falcone, Rino title: All We Need Is Trust: How the COVID-19 Outbreak Reconfigured Trust in Italian Public Institutions date: 2020-10-02 words: 14134 flesch: 15 summary: Thus, assuming that the need for public trust prompted the high levels of institutional trust manifested by participants, we propose to interpret their other responses within the broad framework of motivated reasoning (Kunda, 1990) and cognitive dissonance theory (Festinger, 1957) : as the chosen path to pursue the paramount goal of personal and public safety, trusting public authorities became in turn a necessary instrumental goal, thus coloring all other attitudes expressed by the respondents; more precisely, it prompted them to actively look for reasons to justify their (unavoidable) trust in public authorities, in order to minimize cognitive dissonance. Expectations on the impact of trust toward public institutions and among citizens are less triumphant, yet still positive: 54.4% predict an increase in institutional trust after the COVID-19 pandemic, whereas 57% make the same prediction with respect to social trust, i.e., trust among peers. keywords: authorities; citizens; covid-19; crisis; data; institutions; item; measures; pandemic; public; respondents; survey; trust cache: cord-342386-t5b8wpe2.txt plain text: cord-342386-t5b8wpe2.txt item: #118 of 132 id: cord-342919-ls2q1g0v author: Balsamo, Michela title: Italians on the Age of COVID-19: The Self-Reported Depressive Symptoms Through Web-Based Survey date: 2020-10-16 words: 6939 flesch: 37 summary: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence of depressive symptoms in specific sociodemographic categories during the COVID-19 quarantine lockdown and the potential factors that contribute to, or mitigate, these effects. In the very early stage of the nationwide lockdown, 3,672 quarantined Italian adult residents (65% females, ranging from 18 to 85 years) participated in a web-based cross-sectional survey, including measures of depressive symptoms, which were measured by the Teate depression inventory, and state anxiety levels. keywords: anxiety; covid-19; depressive; et al; health; model; participants; people; quarantine; risk; symptoms cache: cord-342919-ls2q1g0v.txt plain text: cord-342919-ls2q1g0v.txt item: #119 of 132 id: cord-343123-s7fzex7v author: Bayyurt, Lutfi title: Forecasting of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths Using ARIMA Models date: 2020-04-22 words: 2464 flesch: 60 summary: ARIMA model consists of autoregressive (AR) model, moving average (MA) model and seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (SARIMA) model. In conclusion, ARIMA models have been created by considering the most appropriate AIC and BIC values for case and death numbers for each country. keywords: license; medrxiv; number; preprint cache: cord-343123-s7fzex7v.txt plain text: cord-343123-s7fzex7v.txt item: #120 of 132 id: cord-343252-mtcqawxc author: Ruggieri, P. title: COVID-19 strategy in organizing and planning orthopedic surgery in a major orthopedic referral center in an area of Italy severely affected by the pandemic: experience of the Department of Orthopedics, University of Padova date: 2020-07-23 words: 2893 flesch: 44 summary: Changes were done in our hospital by medical direction to reallocate resources to COVID-19 patients. Changes were done in the Orthopedic Department as well as in other departments of the university hospital by medical direction (D.D., one of our co-authors, our Medical Director) in order to minimize resources reallocating anesthesiologists, nurses, and medical assistants to dedicate to COVID-19 patients in new ICUs, semiintensive units, and recovery units. keywords: covid-19; hospital; italy; patients; swab cache: cord-343252-mtcqawxc.txt plain text: cord-343252-mtcqawxc.txt item: #121 of 132 id: cord-343295-c3y6rtb7 author: Chiara, Berardi title: The COVID-19 pandemic in Italy: policy and technology impact on health and non-health outcomes date: 2020-09-03 words: 5896 flesch: 44 summary: Since 1993, health policies and constitutional reform have driven a decentralisation of the SSN (12) . The central government is responsible for public health interventions; however, the decentralisation of the Italian healthcare system hindered the implementation of a homogeneous strategy. keywords: appendix; covid-19; data; figure; government; health; healthcare; interventions; italy; measures; policy; rate; regions; system cache: cord-343295-c3y6rtb7.txt plain text: cord-343295-c3y6rtb7.txt item: #122 of 132 id: cord-346229-jxlrz0ce author: Craxì, Lucia title: Rationing in a Pandemic: Lessons from Italy date: 2020-06-16 words: 2411 flesch: 42 summary: A political and public engagement/education in the ethics of resource allocation is needed to clarify priorities and values if they are to be reflected in allocation. Box 1 Key elements of SIAARTI recommendations (Vergano et al. 2020a, b) 1. keywords: allocation; approach; care; italy; patients; recommendations; resources cache: cord-346229-jxlrz0ce.txt plain text: cord-346229-jxlrz0ce.txt item: #123 of 132 id: cord-348038-9v16k6gi author: Bagnasco, Annamaria title: COVID 19—A message from Italy to the global nursing community date: 2020-05-08 words: 1285 flesch: 54 summary: However, to take care of patients at home community nurses and general practitioners must have all the equipment and instruments they need in order to be able to do their job properly. Front-line COVID-19 care giving is exhausting-especially over long hours-at some point replacement staff will be needed to enable others to take some rest and restore their energy. keywords: care; covid-19; ppe; staff cache: cord-348038-9v16k6gi.txt plain text: cord-348038-9v16k6gi.txt item: #124 of 132 id: cord-348743-fy7le3ar author: Bellizzi, Saverio title: Access to modern methods of contraception in Italy: Will the COVID-19 pandemic be aggravating the issue? date: 2020-07-27 words: 1586 flesch: 42 summary: This non-optimal situation is compounded by the largely stigmatizing vision on reproductive health, specifically around abortion and some modern methods of con-Photo: A young Italian couple engaging in discussion about contraception (from Saverio Bellizzi's collection, used with permission). Access to contraception is not just a low-and middleincome countries issue: In the 2019 European Contraception Atlas, Italy ranked just 26th out of the total 46 countries for various reasons such as the very limited provision of free contraception as well as under-resourced and understaffed family planning centers. keywords: access; contraception; health; italy; women cache: cord-348743-fy7le3ar.txt plain text: cord-348743-fy7le3ar.txt item: #125 of 132 id: cord-350006-c4be9eii author: Martina, Stefano title: The Perception of COVID-19 among Italian Dentists: An Orthodontic Point of View date: 2020-06-18 words: 3957 flesch: 48 summary: key: cord-350006-c4be9eii authors: Martina, Stefano; Amato, Alessandra; Rongo, Roberto; Caggiano, Mario; Amato, Massimo title: The Perception of COVID-19 among Italian Dentists: An Orthodontic Point of View date: 2020-06-18 journal: Int J Environ Res Public Health DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17124384 sha: doc_id: 350006 cord_uid: c4be9eii COVID-19 has severely impacted dentists, who are at a great risk of infection. An online questionnaire, including the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4), was sent to Italian dentists during the final days of the lockdown with items about anxiety, fear, distress, perceived risk for operators, and concerns about orthodontic patients caused by working during the COVID-19 outbreak. keywords: covid-19; dentists; distress; fear; patients; risk cache: cord-350006-c4be9eii.txt plain text: cord-350006-c4be9eii.txt item: #126 of 132 id: cord-350041-b1vmnwv2 author: Cena, Hellas title: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19–SARS-CoV-2) and Nutrition: Is Infection in Italy Suggesting a Connection? date: 2020-05-07 words: 3024 flesch: 23 summary: Furthermore, while waiting for clinical trials to shed light on the clinical efficacy and beneficial effects of antibodies and anti-inflammatory cytokines, we highlight nutritionally derived products that may inhibit the inflammatory cytokine secretion caused by COVID-19 infection. Data accumulating from COVID-19 patients indicate that these patients might have a cytokine storm syndrome, with markedly higher levels of IFN-γ, CCL-2, CCL-3, TNF, and the aforementioned IL-6 (30-32). keywords: covid-19; data; disease; immune; infection; influenza; obesity; patients cache: cord-350041-b1vmnwv2.txt plain text: cord-350041-b1vmnwv2.txt item: #127 of 132 id: cord-350479-3xusxrij author: Licastro, Danilo title: Isolation and Full-Length Genome Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 from COVID-19 Cases in Northern Italy date: 2020-05-18 words: 555 flesch: 49 summary: key: cord-350479-3xusxrij authors: Licastro, Danilo; Rajasekharan, Sreejith; Dal Monego, Simeone; Segat, Ludovica; D’Agaro, Pierlanfranco; Marcello, Alessandro title: Isolation and Full-Length Genome Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 from COVID-19 Cases in Northern Italy date: 2020-05-18 journal: J Virol DOI: 10.1128/jvi.00543-20 sha: doc_id: 350479 cord_uid: 3xusxrij In December 2019, the novel coronavirus Severe Acquired Respiratory Syndrome SARS-CoV-2 emerged in the city of Wuhan in the Hubei province, People's Republic of China, as the etiologic agent of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which has hence spread worldwide causing a global pandemic (1-3). Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) Anonymous. 2020. keywords: coronavirus; italy; sequences cache: cord-350479-3xusxrij.txt plain text: cord-350479-3xusxrij.txt item: #128 of 132 id: cord-350976-ks8g6agf author: Prante, Franz J. title: Decades of Tight Fiscal Policy Have Left the Health Care System in Italy Ill-Prepared to Fight the COVID-19 Outbreak date: 2020-06-07 words: 2305 flesch: 61 summary: In the EU, almost one-third of public health care expenditure is used to cover the running expenses of inpatient curative institutions (European Hospital and Healthcare Federation, 2018) . In this period, public health care spending was similarly affected in Portugal and Spain and to a larger extent in Greece, i.e. the countries hardest hit by the euro crisis and the subsequent austerity policies. keywords: care; health cache: cord-350976-ks8g6agf.txt plain text: cord-350976-ks8g6agf.txt item: #129 of 132 id: cord-351384-z6t7csg8 author: Montesó-Curto, Pilar title: Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy and Spain: Lessons in Response Urgency date: 2020-07-28 words: 1724 flesch: 62 summary: Meanwhile, Italy, which was ahead of Spain at the time of infection with COVID-19 and with the harshness of its policies in the face of the great impact of Northern Italy, proposed a confinement. Lessons in response urgency Pilar Montesó-Curto 1 , Laura Sánchez-Montesó 2 , Fabio Stefano Maramao 2 , Loren Toussaint 3 Both the language and the response to the pandemic were more direct and forceful in Italy, as they perceived the focus of Northern Italy as a great threat. keywords: covid-19; government; italy; march; spain cache: cord-351384-z6t7csg8.txt plain text: cord-351384-z6t7csg8.txt item: #130 of 132 id: cord-351666-q7dqsl7n author: Milani, Fabio title: COVID-19 outbreak, social response, and early economic effects: a global VAR analysis of cross-country interdependencies date: 2020-08-19 words: 9184 flesch: 50 summary: Social distancing responses to domestic and global health shocks are heterogeneous; however, they almost always exhibit delays and sluggish adjustments. Gupta and et al. (2020) find that social distancing responses do not necessarily correspond to policies mandated by State and local governments. keywords: cases; coronavirus; countries; country; covid-19; data; distancing; global; mobility; perceptions; responses; risk; unemployment; variables cache: cord-351666-q7dqsl7n.txt plain text: cord-351666-q7dqsl7n.txt item: #131 of 132 id: cord-353820-r8bxop2t author: Romani, Lorenza title: COVID‐19 in Italian pediatric patients: the experience of a tertiary children’s hospital date: 2020-07-08 words: 714 flesch: 44 summary: This case series report reviews the demographic characteristics, clinical course, laboratory findings, radiologic features and treatment of children admitted with COVID‐19 to a tertiary care hospital in Italy. This case series report reviews the demographic characteristics, clinical course, 27 laboratory findings, radiologic features and treatment of children admitted with COVID-19 to a 28 tertiary care hospital in Italy. keywords: children; patients; years cache: cord-353820-r8bxop2t.txt plain text: cord-353820-r8bxop2t.txt item: #132 of 132 id: cord-355238-wl53z9l7 author: Putrino, Alessandra title: Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Italy: knowledge, management of patients and clinical experience of Italian dentists during the spread of contagion date: 2020-07-10 words: 5433 flesch: 47 summary: Scientific bases for the development of questions about the new coronavirus came from consultation of the scientific literature available on this subject, more specifically addressed to virologists, specialists, biologists, and general practitioners and epidemiological content that traced the data on coronavirus infection since its first appearance in China [2] [3] [4] [5] According to the clinicians who participated in the study, the majority of patients (more than 61%) would not be worried about getting coronavirus infection during dental treatment. keywords: coronavirus; data; dentists; infection; number; patients; risk; spread; survey; test cache: cord-355238-wl53z9l7.txt plain text: cord-355238-wl53z9l7.txt