item: #1 of 97 id: cord-000718-7whai7nr author: None title: ESP Abstracts 2012 date: 2012-08-22 words: 166798 flesch: 44 summary: Of those, 11 were also positive for tumor cells on cytological smears. At the papillary thyroid cancer progression matrix metalloprotease and specific tissue inhibitors of metalloprotease (TIMP-2) increased in the cytoplasm of tumor cells, but the concentration of TIMP-1 decreased. keywords: 003; 007; 1st; abbott; abc; abdomen; abdominal; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; absent; abundant; accounts; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acid; acth; actin; actinomycosis; activation; active; activity; acute; adc; additional; adenocarcinoma; adenoid; adenomas; adenomatous; adenomyoma; adenosquamous; adequate; adhesion; adipose; adjacent; administration; adrenal; adult; advanced; adverse; ae1; ae3; affected; age; aged; agents; aggressive; agreement; aim; aims; akt; akt1; alive; alk; alkaline; allelic; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alveolar; amacr; aml; amplification; amplified; amr; amyloidosis; analysis; anaplastic; anatomia; anatomy; androgen; angiogenesis; angiogenic; animals; ankara; anomalies; anterior; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apart; apoptosis; apoptotic; appearance; appendiceal; appendix; applied; approach; appropriate; archival; archive; areas; arterial; arteries; artery; aspiration; assay; assessment; associated; association; astrocytoma; asymptomatic; ataturk; athens; atherosclerosis; atrophy; atypia; atypical; atypical cells; authors; autoimmune; automated; autopsies; autopsy; available; average; axillary; b cell; background; basal; basal cell; base; basis; bcc; bcl-2; bcl2; bcs; behavior; benign; benign tumor; bern; best; beta; better; bilateral; bile; biliary; biochemical; biological; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; biopsy results; biphasic; bladder; bladder cancer; bleeding; blocks; blood; blot; blue; bone; borderline; bowel; braf; brain; brazil objective; break; breast; breast cancer; breast carcinoma; breast tumor; broad; bronchial; brown; btn; bucharest; budding; buds; c4d; cadherin; cadherin expression; caix; calcification; calretinin; cancer; cancer cases; cancer cell; cancer patients; capable; capillaries; capsule; carcinogenesis; carcinoid; carcinoid tumor; carcinoma; carcinoma cases; carcinoma objective; carcinoma patients; cardiac; case report; cases; cases a.; cases g.; cases objective; categories; catenin; cause; cavity; caxii; ccrcc; cd10; cd117; cd15; cd1a; cd20; cd30; cd31; cd34; cd44; cd56; cd68; cd8; cd99; cdx2; cdx2 expression; cea; cell adhesion; cell carcinoma; cell cycle; cell lines; cell lung; cell lymphoma; cell neuroendocrine; cell proliferation; cell type; cellular; cellularity; center; central; centre; cep17; certain; cervical; cervix; chain; challenge; challenging; changes; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chd; chemokines; chemotherapy; chest; childhood; children; cholecystitis; chromatin; chromogranin; chromosomal; chronic; circumscribed; cish; ck14; ck19; ck20; ck5/6; ck7; classical; classification; classified; clear cell; clinical; clinical diagnosis; clinicopathological; clonality; clone; clusters; cmv; coefficient; cohort; colitis; collagen; collected; colon; colonic; colorectal; colorectal cancer; colv; combination; combined; common; comparative; compare; comparison; compatible; complete; complex; complicated; complications; component; concentration; conclusion; concordance; condition; confirmation; confused; congenital; consecutive; consecutive cases; consensus; consistent; context; contrast; control; control group; controversial; conventional; copy; coronary; correct; correlate; correlation; corresponding; cortical; costa; count; counting; course; cox-2; crc; crc cases; crcs; creatine; criteria; critical; crucial; ctcs; cuboidal; culture; current; cutaneous; cxcr4; cycle; cyclin; cystic; cystic carcinoma; cysts; cytokeratin; cytological; cytology; cytoplasmic; cytoplasmic expression; czech; dako; damage; data; database; date; days; dcis; dcs; death; december; decision; decrease; deep; deficiency; definitive; degeneration; degree; deletion; dense; density; department; deposition; deposits; dept; dermal; dermis; desmin; desmoids; detection; determination; developing; development; diabetes; diabetic; diagnose; diagnosis; diameter; differences; different; different tumor; differential; differential diagnosis; differential expression; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; diffusely; digestive; digital; dilatation; direct; discordant cases; disease; disorder; distal; distant; distinct; distinction; distribution; dlbcl; dna; dominant; double; drug; dss; ductal; ductal carcinoma; ducts; duodenal; duodenum; duration; dysfunction; dysplasia; early; easy; eber; ebv; ectopic; edema; effective; effects; egfr; egfr expression; electron; elements; elevated; endometrial; endoscopic; endothelial; enlarged; entities; entity; enzyme; eosinophilic; epcam; epidermal; epithelial; epithelial cells; epithelial tumor; epithelioid; equivocal; erb; ercc1; ercc1 expression; erg; essential; established; estradiol; estrogen; etiology; evaluated; evaluation; event; evidence; evident; ewing; exact; examination; excellent; excision; exhibit; exon; experience; experimental; exposure; expression; expression analysis; expression levels; expression patterns; expression profile; extended; extensive; extent; external; extracellular; extraction; ezh2; factor; faculty; failure; family; fas; fat; fatty; favorable; features; female; female patients; fetal; fever; ffpe; fgfr1; fibers; fibroblasts; fibrosis; fibrous; field; figures; files; final; findings; fine; fish; fixation; fixed; fli-1; fluid; fluorescence; fna; focal; foci; focus; fold; follicle; follicular; follow; following; formalin; forms; fraction; fragments; france; free; frequency; frequent; frozen; function; fusion; future; für; gallbladder; gamma; gastric; gastric cancer; gastritis; gastrointestinal; gender; gene; gene expression; general; genetic; genomic; genotype; germany objective; gfap; giant; giant cells; gland; glandular; glass; gleason; glioblastomas; glomerular; glomerulosclerosis; gold; good; gpc3; grade; grading; graft; gram; granular; granulocytic; granulomas; granulomatous; greater; greece objective; grey; gross; group; growing; growth; gse; h&e; hamartoma; hcc; head; healing; healthy; heart; heavy; help; helpful; hemangioma; hematoxylin; hemodialysis; hemorrhagic; hent1; heparanase; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatoblastoma; hepatocellular; hepatocellular carcinoma; her-2; her2; hereditary; heterogeneous; hif-1α; high; high expression; high grade; higher; highest; histiocytes; histiocytosis; histogenesis; histological; histological examination; histological features; histological grade; histological type; histology; histopathological; histopathology; history; hiv; hnscc; hodgkin; hormone; hospital; hot; house; hpf; hpv; human; hurp; hyaline; hybridization; hyperchromatic; hypermethylation; hyperplasia; hypertension; hypothesis; hypoxia; hysterectomy; ibd; identification; idiopathic; igf2; igg4; ihc; iii; images; imaging; immature; immobilized; immune; immunoexpression; immunofluorescence; immunoglobulin; immunohistochemical; immunohistochemical analysis; immunohistochemical expression; immunohistochemical results; immunohistochemical staining; immunohistochemical study; immunophenotype; immunoreactivity; immunostained; immunostaining; impact; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; increasing; independent; index; india; indolent; induced; induction; infection; infiltrate; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; influence; information; inguinal; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; injury; instability; institute; intense; intensity; interest; intermediate; internal; international; interpretation; interstitial; intestinal; intraductal; intraepithelial; intraoperative; intrauterine; invasion; invasive; invasive breast; invasive carcinoma; investigation; involved; involvement; ipf; ipmns; iran; iron; irregular; ischemic; isolated; istanbul; italy objective; iugr; izmir; january; kappa; ki67; kidney; kinase; kingdom objective; kit; knowledge; known; kras; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lamina; langerhans; large; large cell; largest; laryngeal; later; layers; lch; leading; left; length; leptin; lesions; leukemia; levels; leydig; lichen; ligand; like; likely; limited; lines; lipoma; liposarcoma; literature; little; liver; lms; lns; lobe; lobular; localization; localized; location; long; loss; low; low expression; low grade; lower; luminal; lung; lung cancer; lung carcinoma; lung tissue; lupus; lymph; lymph node; lymphadenopathy; lymphatic; lymphocytes; lymphoid; lymphoma; lymphoma cases; lymphoproliferative; macrophages; magnetic; main; maintenance; majority; making; male; malformations; malignancies; malignant; malignant cells; malignant tumor; malt; mammary; management; mandatory; manifestation; mantle; marginal; margins; marked; markers; marrow; mass; masses; massive; mast; mast cells; material; matrix; maturation; mature; mcl; mean; measuring; mechanisms; median; mediastinal; medical; medicine; medium; melanocytic; melanoma; mellitus; membrane; membranous; meningioma; mesenchymal; mesenteric; mesothelioma; metabolic; metaplasia; metastases; metastasizing; metastatic; metastatic tumor; method; methylation; mfs; mgmt; mice; microarray; microenvironment; micropneumatosis; micrornas; microsatellite; microscopic; microvascular; microvessel; middle; mild; minimal; mir-21; mirnas; mismatch; mitoses; mitotic; mlh1; mm2; mmp-2; mmr; model; moderate; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; mononuclear; months; morphological; morphology; morphometric; mortality; moscow; mpc; mri; mrna; mscs; msh2; msh6; msi; mtap; mtc; mtor; muc1; mucinous; mucoepidermoid; mucosa; multifocal; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mutant; mutated; mutation; mvd; mvid; myc; myeloid; myocardial; myoepithelial; myofibroblastic; myofibroblastic tumor; myxoid; n=1; n=2; n=5; n=9; napsin; nasopharynx; national; ncam; necessary; neck; necrosis; necrotic; needle; needs; negative; negative breast; negative cases; negative results; negativity; neoadjuvant; neoplasm; neoplastic; neoplastic cells; nephrectomy; nephropathy; nerve; nervous; nests; network; neuroblastoma; neuroendocrine; neuronal; new; new method; nhl; nodal; node; nodular; nodules; non; noninvasive; normal; novel; novo; nsclc; nsclc patients; nuclear; nuclear expression; nuclei; nucleoli; nucleus; number; numerous; objective; observations; observed; obstruction; ofp-03; old; old male; old woman; oncocytic; oncogene; oncology; ones; onset; operation; optimal; order; organs; origin; osna; outcome; oval; ovarian; overall; overexpression; oxidative; p16; p27; p53; p53 expression; p63; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; pakt; palpable; pancreas; pancreatic; panel; papillary; paraffin; parameters; parenchyma; parotid; parp-1; partial; particular; pas; past; pathogenesis; pathological; pathologists; pathology; pathology diagnosis; pathology results; pathway; patients; patológica; pattern; paulo; pca; pcr; pediatric; pelvic; percentage; performance; period; peripheral; phase; phenotype; phh3; phosphatase; physical; pi3k; pik3ca; pituitary; placentas; plasma; plasma cells; platform; pleomorphic; pleural; pneumonia; point; polygonal; polymerase; polymorphism; polypoid; polyps; poor; population; portal; porto; portugal objective; positive; positive cases; positive cells; positive expression; positive patients; positive tumor; positivity; possibility; possible; post; postmenopausal; postoperative; potential; practice; precancerous; predictive; predominance; preeclampsia; pregnancies; pregnancy; preliminary; preliminary results; prenatal; preoperative; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; primary breast; primary tumor; primitive; prior; probe; problem; problematic; procedures; process; processes; profile; progesterone; prognostic; progression; project; proliferation; prominent; promising; promoter; properties; proportion; propria; prospective; prostate; prostate cancer; prostatectomy; prostatic; protein expression; proteins; protocol; psa; ptc; ptcs; pten; ptld; pulmonary; purpose; qrt; quality; quantification; quantitative; rabbit; rac1b; radiation; radical; radiological; radiotherapy; randomly; range; rare; rare case; rare disease; rate; rats; reaction; reactive; rearrangement; receiving; recent; receptor; receptor expression; recognition; records; recurrence; reduced; reduction; reference; region; regional; regulated; regulation; regulatory; relapse; related; relationship; relative; relevance; relevant; reliable; renal; renal cell; renal tumors; repair; replication; report; reported; reporting; reproducibility; republic; republic objective; research; resected; resection; residual; resistance; resolution; resonance; respectively; respiratory; response; responsible; results; retroperitoneal; retrospective; retrospective study; review; right; ring; ring cell; risk; rkip; role; romania objective; round; routine; rpa1; russia objective; s-100; s100; s3ko; salivary; samples; sampling; santos; sarcoma; sarcomatoid; scan; scar; scattered; scc; school; schwannoma; sclerosing; score; scoring; screening; sdc; second; secondary; sections; seen; semi; semiquantitative; sensitive; sensitivity; sentinel; sepsis; september; sequence; sequencing; sequential; series; serous; serum; severe; severity; sex; sft; share; sheets; shorter; showing; shows; signaling; signature; signet; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; sish; site; situ; size; skin; slides; slovakia objective; slow; small; small cell; smaller; smears; smoking; smooth; snail; sod; soft; software; solid; solitary; spaces; spain objective; special; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spinal; spindle; spindle cells; spleen; splenic; sporadic; squamous; squamous cell; square; stable; stage; staging; staining; stains; standard; statistical; status; stem cells; step; stomach; stratification; stratified; stress; stromal; stromal cells; stromal tumor; strong; structures; studies; study; study group; subgroups; subjects; submucosal; subsequent; subset; subtypes; subtyping; suggestive; support; suppressor; surface; surgery; surgical; surgical pathology; survival; survivin; survivin expression; suspicious; swelling; switzerland objective; symptoms; synaptophysin; syndrome; synovial; system; systemic; são; target; targeted; technical; technique; term; terminal; test; testicular; testing; testis; testosterone; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; thin; thoracic; thymic; thyroid; thyroid carcinoma; time; timp-1; tissue; tle1; tma; tmprss2; tnbc; tnm; tomography; tool; total; tract; transcription; transformation; translocation; transmission; transplantation; transverse; trastuzumab; treatment; trend; triple; true; tsr; tuberculosis; tubular; tubules; tumor budding; tumor buds; tumor cases; tumor cells; tumor center; tumor features; tumor grade; tumor group; tumor growth; tumor markers; tumor progression; tumor samples; tumor size; tumor stage; tumor tissue; tumor types; tumoral; tumorigenesis; tumors; tumour; tunisia; turkey objective; type; ultrasonography; ultrasound; ultrastructural; ump; unclear; uncommon; underlying; understanding; underwent; undifferentiated; uniform; unique; united; univariate; university; unknown; unusual; upper; urethane; urinary; urothelial; urothelial carcinoma; usa; useful; uterine; uveal; v600e; valuable; value; variability; variable; variant; varied; variety; vascular; vasculitis; vegf; venous; ventricular; vessels; villi; villous; vimentin; viral; virus; volume; vs.; vulvar; wall; weak; weeks; weight; western; white; wide; wild; wilms; wistar; women; work; worse; wt1; wts; years; years old; yellow; yilmaz; young; younger; zone cache: cord-000718-7whai7nr.txt plain text: cord-000718-7whai7nr.txt item: #2 of 97 id: cord-001544-bco0nloe author: Fu, Xiao-Bing title: Military medicine in China: old topic, new concept date: 2014-04-15 words: 3361 flesch: 25 summary: The aim of military medical research is to serve the people and to manage people-related health problems. Military medical research will potentiate the capability of human effectiveness and endurance under special situations and operations, including physical fitness, skillfulness, intelligence, human-machine cooperation, emotional perception and overall military operational capability, as well as survival in extreme environments and the enhancement of initiatives. keywords: activities; areas; armed; army; assistance; aviation; biological; china; chinese; concept; control; developed; development; dimension; diseases; emergency; environments; equipment; forces; future; general; guidelines; health; healthcare; high; human; important; information; injuries; injury; international; management; medical; medicine; mental; military; military medicine; natural; new; nuclear; organization; people; prevention; public; rescue; research; scientists; service; space; special; staff; supply; system; technology; traditional; trauma; treatment; war; weapons cache: cord-001544-bco0nloe.txt plain text: cord-001544-bco0nloe.txt item: #3 of 97 id: cord-006849-vgjz74ts author: None title: 27th International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) Sevilla, Spain, 12–15 June 2019 date: 2019-09-13 words: 222539 flesch: 45 summary: Day after surgery patient was asymptomatic, got full oral diet. Methods: From January 2001 to March 2005 all characteristics of surgical patients with diverticular and colon adenocarcinoma colovesical fistulae were reviewed. keywords: 0.001; 1st; 3d laparoscopic; 3rd; 4th; 5th; abdomen; abdominal; abdominal approach; abdominal cavity; abdominal ct; abdominal hernia; abdominal pain; abdominal surgery; abdominal surgical; abdominal wall; ability; ablation; abscess; abscesses; absence; absorbable; accepted; access; access laparoscopic; access surgery; accessory; account; accuracy; accurate; achalasia; acid; activity; acute; additional; adenocarcinoma; adenoma; adequate; adhesions; adjacent; adjuvant; administration; admission; adrenal; adult; advanced; advanced laparoscopic; advantages; adverse; affected; age; aged; aim; aims; ajcc; algorithm; alternative; american; analgesia; analysis; anastomosis; anatomical; anatomopathological; anatomy; anesthesia; aneurysm; angiography; angle; animal; anterior; anterior resection; anti; antibiotics; antireflux; anus; aortic; appearance; appendectomy; appendiceal; appendicitis; appendix; application; applied; approaches; appropriate; april; area; arm; arms; arterial; artery; asa; ascites; aspects; aspiration; assessment; assistant; assisted; assisted surgery; associated; association; atypical; augmented; authors; available; average; awareness; axillary; axis; background; bag; balloon; band; barbed; bariatric patients; bariatric surgery; baseline; basic; benefits; benign; best; better; better results; bilateral; bile; biliary; billroth; biopsies; biopsy; bleeding; blood; blood loss; blue; blunt; bmi; bmi patients; body; bowel; box; branches; breast; bypass; camera; cancer patients; cancer surgery; cancer treatment; cancers; capsule; cardia; care; careful; case report; case series; cases; catheter; cause; cava; cavity; cbd; celiac; cells; center; centre; certain; cervical; challenges; challenging; changes; channels; characteristics; chemoradiotherapy; chemotherapy; chest; child; choice; cholangiography; cholecystitis; choledocholithiasis; cholelithiasis; chronic; circular; circumstances; cirrhosis; cirrhotic patients; classification; classified; clavien; clear; clinical; clinical case; clinicopathological; clip; clipping; closed; closure; cme; cohort; colic; colitis; collection; colon; colon cancer; colon surgery; colonic; colonoscopy; colorectal cancer; colorectal patients; colorectal surgery; colostomy; colovesical; combination; combined; committee; common; communication; comparable; compare; comparison; complaints; complete; complete laparoscopic; complete resection; complete surgical; completion; complex; complexity; complicated; complications; component; compression; computer; concept; conclusion; concomitant; condition; confirmed; congenital; consecutive patients; consensus; conservative; constipation; contact; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; controversial; conventional laparoscopic; conversion; conversion rate; converted; cooperative surgery; correct; correlation; cosmetic; cosmetic results; cost; countries; course; cox; creation; criteria; critical; crp; crural; ct scan; curative; current; curvature; curve; cutting; cvs; cystic; cysts; damage; data; database; davinci; day surgery; days; death; december; decision; decrease; decubitus; deep; defect; definitive; degree; delay; delayed; delta; demanding; demographics; department; description; design; detailed; details; detection; developing; development; device; dfs; diabetes; diagnosis; diameter; diaphragmatic; diastasis; diet; differences; different; different patients; different surgical; differential; differentiated; difficult; difficulties; diffuse; digestive; dilatation; dimensional; dindo; direct; discharged; discomfort; discussion; disease; disorders; dissected; dissection; distance; distant; diverticulitis; diverticulum; division; docking; dor; double; drainage; dry; dss; duct; duodenal; duodenum; duration; dye; dysphagia; dysplasia; eaes; earlier; early; easier; easy; edges; education; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; efficiency; elderly patients; elective laparoscopic; elective surgery; emergency surgery; emergent; endocrine; endogia; endometriosis; endoscopic approach; endoscopic resection; endoscopic surgery; endoscopic treatment; endoscopy; energy; enhanced; enterotomy; entire; entity; enucleation; environment; epigastric; episodes; equal; ercp; ergonomics; error; esd; esg; esophageal; esophageal cancer; esophageal surgery; esophagectomy; esophagitis; esophagogastric; esophagus; essential; established; estimated; etc; evaluation; events; evidence; ewl; exact; examination; excellent; excessive; excision; existing; expected; experience; experimental; expert; exploratory; exposure; extended; extensive; extent; external; extraction; facilitate; factors; failure; fascia; fashion; faster; fat; favorable; feasibility; feasible; features; february; fecal; feedback; feeding; female patient; females; fever; fibrin; fibrosis; field; figure; final; findings; fistula; fixation; flank; flap; flexible; flexure; flow; fluid; fluorescence; focused; follow; following; force; forceps; foreign; france; free; frequency; frequent; function; functional results; fundoplication; fundus; gallbladder; gastric; gastric bypass; gastric cancer; gastric resection; gastric sleeve; gastric surgery; gastric wall; gastroduodenal; gastroenterological surgery; gastroenterology; gastroesophageal; gastrointestinal; gastrointestinal surgery; gastrostomy; gaze; gc patients; gender; general surgery; gerd; gerd patients; germany; giant; gist; gland; glue; goal; gold; good; good results; grade; grasping; greater; green; groin; group; group b; growth; guidance; guidelines; hand; handling; hba1c; hcc; head; healing; health; help; helpful; hemicolectomy; hemorrhage; hemostasis; hepatectomy; hepatic; hepatic surgery; hepatobiliary surgery; hepatocellular; hernia; hernia patients; hernia repair; hernia surgery; herniation; hiatal; hiatal hernia; hiatus; high; higher; hilum; histological; histology; histopathological; history; home; hospital; hospital stay; hospitalization; hsi; human; hybrid; hypertension; hysterectomy; iatrogenic; icg; icg fluorescence; identification; ihd; iii; ileocolic; ileostomy; ileus; iliac; image; imaging; immediate; impact; implantation; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incarcerated; incidence; incidents; incision laparoscopic; incisional; incisional hernia; include; incontinence; increase; independent; index; indications; individual; indocyanine; infection; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infrared; inguinal; inguinal hernia; initial; injuries; injury; insertion; inside; institute; institution; instruments; insufflation; insulin; intact; intake; intensity; interaction; interest; internal; international; intervention; intestinal; intraabdominal; intracorporeal; intrahepatic; intraoperative; intraoperative laparoscopic; intrathoracic; intravenous; introduction; intussusception; invasion; invasive approach; invasive surgery; invasive surgical; invasive technique; invasive treatment; investigations; involved; involvement; ipom; ischemic; isolated; italy; january; japan; jejunal; jejunostomy; jejunum; july; june; key; kidney; kind; knot; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; lagb; laparoscopic abdominal; laparoscopic adrenalectomy; laparoscopic anastomosis; laparoscopic anterior; laparoscopic appendicectomies; laparoscopic approach; laparoscopic cases; laparoscopic cholecystectomy; laparoscopic colectomy; laparoscopic colorectal; laparoscopic distal; laparoscopic duodenojejunostomy; laparoscopic experience; laparoscopic exploration; laparoscopic gastrectomy; laparoscopic gastric; laparoscopic group; laparoscopic hartmann; laparoscopic heller; laparoscopic hernia; laparoscopic inguinal; laparoscopic instruments; laparoscopic intervention; laparoscopic liver; laparoscopic low; laparoscopic lymph; laparoscopic management; laparoscopic mesh; laparoscopic nissen; laparoscopic operation; laparoscopic performance; laparoscopic procedure; laparoscopic proximal; laparoscopic repair; laparoscopic resection; laparoscopic reversal; laparoscopic right; laparoscopic segmental; laparoscopic single; laparoscopic skills; laparoscopic sleeve; laparoscopic splenectomy; laparoscopic surgery; laparoscopic suturing; laparoscopic system; laparoscopic tasks; laparoscopic technique; laparoscopic total; laparoscopic training; laparoscopic treatment; laparoscopic wedge; laparoscopy; laparotomy; larc patients; large; lateral; lavage; layer; lcbde; leading; leak; leakage; learning; left; left gastric; leiomyoma; length; lesion; lesser; level; life; ligament; ligation; light; like; limb; limitations; limited; limits; line; linear; liquid; literature; little; liver resection; liver surgery; llr; lobe; local; localization; location; long; longer; loop; loss; lower; lpnd; lsg; lspdp; lumbar; lumen; lung; lymph; lymph node; lymphadenectomy; lymphatic; machine; magnetic; main; main group; maintaining; major; major surgery; majority; making; male patients; males; malignant; management; maneuver; manipulation; manner; manometry; manual; mapping; march; margin; marked; markers; mass; massive; material; maximum; mean; mean age; mean hospital; mean operative; mean time; measurement; measures; mechanism; median; mediastinal; medical; medical treatment; medicine; medium; mesenteric; mesh; meshes; mesocolic; mesocolon; mesorectal; metabolic; metabolic surgery; metastasis; methods; middle; midline; migration; minilaparotomy; minimal; mmhg; mobilization; modalities; model; moderate; modified; monitoring; months; months postoperative; morbidity; morgagni; mortality; motility; motion; movements; mri; multidisciplinary; multimodal; multiple; multivariate; muscle; myotomy; n =; narrow; national; natural; nausea; navigation; near; necessary; neck; necrosectomy; necrosis; need; needle; needlescopic; negative; neoadjuvant; neoplasia; neoplasm; nerve; neuroendocrine; new; new approach; new surgical; nir; node; node dissection; nodule; nomogram; non; noncompliance; normal; novel; november; ntnm; number; obese patients; obesity; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; october; odds; old; old male; old patient; old woman; omentum; oncological; oncological results; oncological surgery; oncology; onset; open approach; open surgery; opening; operating; operation; operation patient; operative pain; operative procedure; operative time; opportunity; optimal; option; oral; order; organs; orifice; origin; outcomes; outside; overall; overlap; ovesco; p =; pain; palpable; pancreas; pancreatectomy; pancreatic; pancreatic surgery; pancreatitis; paraesophageal; parameters; parastomal; parathyroid; parenchyma; partial; participants; particular; passage; past; pathological; pathologies; pathology; pathway; patient age; patient characteristics; patient demographics; patient outcomes; patient safety; patient underwent; patients; patients anatomy; pattern; pedicle; pelvic; pelvic laparoscopic; peptic; percentage; percutaneous; perforated; perforation; perform; performance; performing; perfusion; period; peritoneal; peritonitis; persistent; petersen; phase; pheochromocytoma; physical; pigs; placement; plane; planned; planning; plasma; platform; pleural; pneumonia; pneumoperitoneum; pod; point; polyp; polypropylene; poor; popf; population; porcine; port; port surgery; portal; position; positioning; positive; possibility; possible; post operative; posterior; postoperative; postoperative complications; postoperative course; postoperative day; postoperative hospital; postoperative morbidity; postoperative outcomes; postoperative patient; postoperative period; postoperative recovery; postoperative results; postoperative stay; potential; pouch; practice; precise; precision; predictive; preferred; preliminary results; preoperative; preperitoneal; presence; present; present study; presentation; preserving; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; previous laparoscopic; previous surgery; primary; principles; prior; problems; procedure; process; prognostic; program; progressive; project; promising; prone; propensity; proper; prophylactic; prospective; prosthesis; protein; protocol; proton; proximal; pseudo; pull; pulmonary; puncture; purpose; qol; quadrant; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; radical; radical surgery; radiological; randomized; range; rare; rate; ray; real; reality; reasons; recent; reconstruction; records; recovery; rectal cancer; rectal resection; recti; rectum; recurrence; redo; reduced; reduction; reflux surgery; refractory; regain; regard; region; regional; registry; regression; regular; regurgitation; related; relationship; release; relevant; reliability; reliable; remains; remnant; removal; repeat; report; reported; reporting; reproducible; research; resected; resection group; resection rate; resection surgery; resections; residents; resonance; respiratory; response; results; retrieved; retrograde; retromuscular; retroperitoneal; retrospective; retrospective study; return; reversal; review; revision surgery; revisional; rgc patients; right colon; risk; risk patients; robotic approach; robotic group; robotic rectal; robotic surgery; robotic surgical; robotic system; role; romania; room; root; route; routine; roux; running; rupture; rygb; sac; safe; safe approach; safe laparoscopic; safe procedure; safe technique; safety; saline; satisfaction; satisfactory; scale; scan; scar; scenario; scheduled; score; screening; second; secondary; sectionectomy; segment; segmentectomy; selection; self; sensitivity; sentinel; separation; september; series; seroma; service; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shaped; sheath; short; shorter; shows; sided; sigmoid; sigmoidectomy; signal; significant; signs; silc; sils; similar; simple; simulation; singapore; single; site; size; skin; sleeve gastrectomy; sln; small; smoking patients; software; solid; solution; space; special; specific; specimen; sphincter; spleen; splenic; splenomegaly; spread; stable; stable patients; staff; stage; staging; standard; standard laparoscopic; standard surgical; standardization; standardized; stapler; stapling; starting; statistical; status; stay; stenosis; stent; step; stitches; stomach; stones; strasbourg; strategy; stress; strong; structures; students; studies; study; study group; study period; stump; subcostal; submucosal; subsequent; subtotal; successful; successful laparoscopic; sufficient; suggestive; suitable; superior; supine; supply; support; surface; surgeons; surgeries; surgery approach; surgery department; surgery group; surgery patients; surgery results; surgery service; surgery training; surgical; surgical approach; surgical complications; surgical department; surgical emergency; surgical excision; surgical experience; surgical field; surgical intervention; surgical management; surgical margins; surgical option; surgical outcomes; surgical patients; surgical procedure; surgical repair; surgical resection; surgical results; surgical site; surgical system; surgical team; surgical technique; surgical time; surgical training; surgical treatment; surveillance; survey; survival; suspicion; suture; suturing; switch; symptomatic; symptomatic patients; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; tamis; tapp; target; tasks; tatme; team; technical; technique; technologies; technology; temperature; tendency; tension; term; term results; terminal; testing; tests; thanks; theatre; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thoracic surgery; thoracoscopic; thoracoscopic surgery; thorough; thread; thyroid; thyroid surgery; time; tissue; tnm; tolerance; tomography; tool; total gastrectomy; total patients; toupet; tract; traditional; traditional laparoscopic; trainees; trainer; training; transabdominal; transanal; transection; transfusion; transverse; trauma; traumatic; treatment; treatment results; tree; trial; triangle; trocars; trunk; tube; tumor; tumor size; tumours; type; ulcer; ultrasonography; ultrasound; umbilical; unclear; uncommon; undergone; underlying; understanding; underwent; underwent laparoscopic; uneventful; unit; united; univariate; university; unknown; upper; ureter; urgent; urgent surgery; urinary; use; useful; usefulness; users; usual; uterine; utility; vaginal; validation; validity; value; variables; vascular; vascularization; vats; vein; ventral; verge; vertical; vessels; video; view; vinci; virtual; visceral; visceral surgery; visualization; vivo; volume; volvulus; vomiting; wall; way; weeks; weight; white; wide; woman; work; working; worldwide; worse; wound; wrap; y gastric; years; years old; young patients; younger cache: cord-006849-vgjz74ts.txt plain text: cord-006849-vgjz74ts.txt item: #4 of 97 id: cord-006854-o2e5na78 author: None title: Scientific Session of the 16th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, Jointly Hosted by Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) & Canadian Association of General Surgeons (CAGS), Seattle, Washington, USA, 11–14 April 2018: Poster Abstracts date: 2018-04-20 words: 166333 flesch: 44 summary: Here we were able to demonstrate that the procedure can be safely used in laparoscopic surgery patients. On bivariate analysis, robotic-assist patients had a higher rate of readmission than laparoscopic patients (7.5% vs. 6.4%; P=.03), but no differences in 30-day reoperation ( Conclusion: Robotic-assistance does not confer an increased rate of morbidity and mortality after RYGB, and represents a feasible surgical modality for the surgeon willing to adopt the technology and accept its limitations. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abdominal pain; abdominal surgery; abdominal surgical; abdominoperineal; ability; ablation; abnormal; abscess; absence; absorbable; academic; acceptable; accepted; access; account; accuracy; achalasia; acid; acs; activation; active; activity; acute; additional; address; adenocarcinoma; adenoma; adequate; adhesions; adjacent; adult patients; adults; advanced; advantages; adverse; age; aim; aims; alcohol; alternative; alvim; american; analgesia; analysis; anastomosis; anatomical; anatomy; anemia; anesthesia; aneurysm; angiography; animal; anterior; antibiotics; antireflux surgery; appendectomy; appendicitis; appendix; application; approach; appropriate; approval; april; area; arm; artery; asa; aspiration; assessment; assistant; assisted; associated; association; attempts; attending; attention; august; available; average; average time; awareness; background; bacterial; balloon; band; bariatric patients; bariatric procedures; bariatric surgery; bariatric surgical; barrier; baseline; basic; benefit; benign; best; better; bilateral; bile; biliary; biopsy; bleeding; block; blood; blood loss; blunt; bmi; body; bowel; box; burden; bypass; bypass patients; bypass surgery; camera; cancer; cancer patients; cancer surgery; carcinoma; care; care surgery; case report; cases; cause; cavity; cbd; cecal; celiac; center; challenging; change; characteristics; chart; chemotherapy; chest; chi; choice; cholangitis; cholecystectomies; cholecystitis; choledocholithiasis; cholelithiasis; chronic; circular; circumferential; classification; clavien; clearance; clinical; clinical outcomes; clip; clipping; closed; closing; closure; cme; coccidioidomycosis; cognitive; cohort; colectomy; colic; collected; collection; college; colon; colonic; colonoscopy; colorectal; colorectal cancer; colorectal surgery; combined; common; community; comorbidities; comparable; comparison; complete; completion; complex; complicated; complications; comprehensive; compression; conclusion; concomitant; condition; conduit; confidence; congenital; consecutive patients; consensus; conservative; consistent; console; constipation; content; continuous; contrast; control; control group; controversial; conventional; conventional laparoscopic; conversion; correlation; cosmetic; cost; course; creation; criteria; critical; crural; crus; current; curriculum; curvature; curve; cusum; cutting; cystic; daily; damage; data; database; date; days; death; december; decision; decreased; deep; defect; definitive; degree; delayed; demographics; department; design; details; detection; developing; development; device; diabetes; diagnosis; diameter; diaphragmatic; diet; difference; difficult; dilation; dindo; direct; discharge; discussion; disease; disorder; dissected; dissection; distal; distance; diverticulitis; diverticulum; division; domain; double; drainage; drains; duodenal; duodenum; duration; dysphagia; earlier; early; ebl; education; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; effort; egd; elderly patients; elective; elective laparoscopic; elective surgery; electronic; electrosurgical; elevated; emergency; emergency surgery; emergent; emptying; endoscopic; endoscopic procedures; endoscopic surgery; energy; engagement; enhanced; enucleation; environment; episodes; eras; ercp; esd; esophageal; esophagectomy; esophagitis; esophagus; essential; established; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; ewl; exact; examination; excellent; excess; excision; expected; experience; experienced laparoscopic; experimental; expert; expertise; exploration; exposed; exposure; expression; extended; extensive; extraction; facs; factors; faculty; failed; failure; fap; fascia; fashion; fast; fatigue; feasibility; feasible; february; feedback; feeding; fellows; female; female patient; fewer; field; fig; figure; final; findings; fires; fistula; fixation; flatus; flexible; flexure; flow; fls; fluid; fluorescence; focused; follow; following; food; forceps; free; frequency; frequent; function; fundoplication; fundus; fuse; gallbladder; gallstone; gastrectomy; gastric; gastric bypass; gastric cancer; gastric surgery; gastroesophageal; gastrointestinal; gastroparesis; gej; gender; general surgery; gerd; gerd patients; global; global surgery; glucose; glue; goal; gold; good; grade; graft; grasper; greater; green; groin; group; group b; guidance; guidelines; hand; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; hematoma; hemicolectomy; hemorrhage; hepatectomy; hepatic; hepatobiliary; hernia; hernia repair; hernia surgery; heterogeneity; hiatal; hiatal hernia; hiatus; hida; high; higher; histologic; history; holder; home; hospital; hospital introduction; hospital stay; hospitalization; hours; human; hybrid; hypertension; iatrogenic; ibd; icg; identification; iii; ileostomy; ileus; image; imaging; immediate; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incarcerated; incidence; incision; incision laparoscopic; increase; independent; index; indication; individual; indocyanine; induced; infection; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infrared; inguinal; inguinal hernia; initial; injuries; injury; insertion; inside; institute; institution; instruments; insurance; intake; interaction; interest; internal; intervention; intestine; intracorporeal; intragastric; intraoperative; introduction; intussusception; invasion; invasive surgery; invasive surgical; investigation; involved; ioc; iqr; irb; ischemia; isolated; issues; items; january; japan; jaundice; jejunal; july; june; key; kidney; knot; knowledge; laboratory; lack; laparoscopic anterior; laparoscopic appendectomy; laparoscopic approach; laparoscopic bariatric; laparoscopic cases; laparoscopic cholecystectomy; laparoscopic colorectal; laparoscopic fundoplication; laparoscopic gastrectomy; laparoscopic group; laparoscopic heller; laparoscopic hernia; laparoscopic hiatal; laparoscopic inguinal; laparoscopic instruments; laparoscopic liver; laparoscopic procedures; laparoscopic repair; laparoscopic resection; laparoscopic right; laparoscopic roux; laparoscopic skills; laparoscopic sleeve; laparoscopic splenectomy; laparoscopic surgery; laparoscopic technique; laparoscopic total; laparoscopic training; laparoscopy; laparotomy; large; lateral; layer; lead; leak; leakage; learning; left; length; lesion; lesser; leukocytosis; level; life; ligament; ligation; likely; limited; linear; liquid; literature; little; liver; liver surgery; lnm; lns; load; lobe; local; location; logistic; long; longer; loop; loss; loss surgery; lower; lsg; lsg patients; lung; lymph; lymphatic; magnetic; main; major; majority; making; male patients; males; malignancies; malignant; management; maneuver; manipulator; manual; march; margin; marginal; mass; matching; material; maximum; mean; mean age; mean operative; measured; measuring; median; median time; medical; medications; medicine; mesenteric; mesh; mesorectal; metabolic; metastasis; methods; middle; migration; mild; mimic; minimal; minimum; minor; minutes; mir-124; mm patients; mobilization; modalities; modality; model; moderate; modified; module; months; morbidity; mortality; motility; mri; mucosal; multidisciplinary; multiple; multivariate; muscle; myotomy; n=1; n=2; n=3; nasa; national; nausea; near; necessary; neck; necrosis; need; needle; needlescopic; negative; neoadjuvant; nerve; neuroendocrine; new; nissen; node; non; normal; notes; novel; number; nutritional; obese patients; obesity; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; obturator; old; omental; omentum; oncological; online; open; open surgery; operating; operation; operative; operative pain; operative patients; operative procedure; operative results; operative time; operator; optimal; option; oral; order; organ; outcomes; outpatient; output; overall; p.001; p.05; p=0.001; pain; pancreas; pancreatectomy; pancreatic; pancreatitis; papillary; paraesophageal; parameters; parenchyma; partial; participants; past; pathological; pathology; patient age; patient characteristics; patient demographics; patient outcomes; patients; patients laparoscopic; patients patients; pcr; pct; pediatric; peg; peh; pelvic; percent; percentage; percutaneous; perforation; performance; performed; perfusion; period; peritoneal; peritonitis; permanent; persistent; phase; phd; physical; pilot; placement; plane; planned; platform; pneumonia; pneumoperitoneum; pod; point; polypropylene; polyps; poor; popf; population; porcine; port surgery; portal; position; positive; positive patients; possible; post operative; posterior; postoperative; postoperative complications; postoperative day; postoperative hospital; postoperative morbidity; postoperative outcomes; potential; pouch; practice; precise; predictive; predictors; preliminary; preoperative; preparation; preperitoneal; presacral; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; procedure time; process; prognosis; program; programme; progress; prolonged; promising; propensity; prospective; protein; protocol; providers; proximal; public; pulmonary; purpose; pyloric; pyloroplasty; pylorus; quadrant; qualitative; quality; questionnaire; questions; radiation; radical; randomized; range; rare; rate; reach; readmission; real; reasons; received; recent; recognition; reconstruction; records; recovery; rectal cancer; rectum; recurrence; redo surgery; reduced; reduction; reflux; reflux surgery; regards; region; regression; regurgitation; reinforcement; related; relationship; release; relevant; remnant; removal; reoperations; repair; repeat; reported; reporting; reports; requirement; research; resected; resection; residency; residents; residual; resolution; respiratory; respondents; response; resulting; results; retention; retractor; retrieval; retrieved; retroperitoneal; retrospective; retrospective study; return; review; revisional; revisional surgery; right; risk; risk patients; rln; robotic surgery; robotically; robotics; role; room; routine; roux; rygb; rygb patients; s130; s359; safe; safety; sages; saline; sample; satisfaction; satisfied; scale; scan; school; science; score; scoring; second; secondary; secure; segment; selection; self; sems; senhance; sensitivity; september; series; seroma; session; setting; severe; severity; sex; sheath; short; shorter; shows; sided; sigmoid; significant; significant difference; signs; sils; similar; simulation; single; site; size; skills; skin; sleeve gastrectomy; small; smaller; smoking; society; soft; software; space; specific; specificity; specimen; sphincterotomy; spillage; spleen; splenectomy; splenic; spss; square; staff; stage; standard; standard laparoscopic; standardized; stapler; stapling; statistical; status; stay; stenosis; stent; stenting; step; stomach; stone; strategy; structures; students; studies; study; study group; study patients; study period; stump; subjects; submucosal; subsequent; subtotal; successful; suggested; superior; supply; support; surface; surgeons; surgeries; surgery accreditation; surgery introduction; surgery outcomes; surgery patients; surgery procedures; surgery program; surgery residents; surgical; surgical approach; surgical complications; surgical history; surgical instruments; surgical intervention; surgical management; surgical outcomes; surgical patients; surgical performance; surgical procedures; surgical repair; surgical resection; surgical residents; surgical results; surgical site; surgical skills; surgical technique; surgical time; surgical training; surgical treatment; survey; survival; suture; suturing; symptomatic; symptomatic patients; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; table; tapp; target; task; tattoo; team; technical; technique; technology; temperature; term; term outcomes; tertiary; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thoracoscopic; throws; thyroid; time; timing; tissue; tobacco; tomography; tool; total; total gastrectomy; total operative; total patients; tpc; tract; traditional; trainees; trainer; training; transabdominal; transanal; transection; transfer; transfusion; transverse; trauma; traumatic; treatment; trial; triangle; trocar; tube; tumor; tumours; type; uc patients; ugi; ulcer; ultrasonic; ultrasound; umbilical; unclear; uncommon; undergone; underwent; underwent laparoscopic; uneventful; unique; united; univariate; university; unknown; unusual; upper; urinary; use; useful; usefulness; users; utility; utilization; validity; value; variables; variation; variety; vascular; vats; vein; ventral; versus; vessels; video; vinci; virtual; visit; visualization; visualized; volume; vomiting; vs.; wall; way; weeks; weight; weight loss; window; wire; women; work; working; worldwide; wound; y gastric; years; younger patients cache: cord-006854-o2e5na78.txt plain text: cord-006854-o2e5na78.txt item: #5 of 97 id: cord-006882-t9w1cdr4 author: None title: Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland date: 2012-07-22 words: 13737 flesch: 50 summary: Older patients have lower lean muscle mass and therefore using serum creatinine alone as marker of renal function can lead to underdiagnosis of CKD. Due of the favourable prognosis with this type of tumour, MTSCC must be differentiated from papillary renal cell carcinoma to avoid administration of excessive adjuvant treatment to patients. keywords: abdominal; acute; administration; admission; aim; allergy; anaemia; analysis; antibodies; antimicrobial; appropriate; area; asymptomatic; audit; axillary; background; biopsy; bmi; bone; breast; bronchoscopy; cancer; carcinoma; cardiac; care; case; cell; cervical; children; chronic; ckd; clinical; common; complications; conclusion; condition; cost; cphd; creatinine; cross; current; cysts; data; database; date; day; department; dexa; diabetes; diagnosis; disease; doctors; domperidone; drug; emergency; evidence; examination; exercise; fdg; fistula; fluid; general; gentleman; greater; group; guidelines; haemoglobin; heart; high; history; hospital; ighd; infection; information; injury; intern; invasive; ireland; kardex; kidney; left; lymph; lymphoscintigraphy; majority; male; management; mass; mean; median; medical; menorrhagia; metastatic; methods; months; neck; need; negative; node; non; normal; notes; number; objective; old; older; osteoporosis; outcomes; outpatient; pain; patients; period; pet; population; positive; post; practice; pregnancy; prescribed; prescribing; prescription; present; presentation; prevalence; primary; prior; procedural; qtc; questionnaire; rare; rate; regional; renal; report; results; retrospective; review; right; risk; sarcoidosis; scans; score; second; sentinel; serum; service; setting; significant; skills; skin; smoking; spinal; steroids; students; study; surgery; surgical; symptoms; teaching; test; therapy; thermablation; thyroid; time; total; trauma; treatment; tto; tumour; type; university; uptake; use; vascular; vulval; warfarin; weeks; women; year cache: cord-006882-t9w1cdr4.txt plain text: cord-006882-t9w1cdr4.txt item: #6 of 97 id: cord-007838-lvw31h1w author: Atzema, Clare title: Career options in aerospace and aviation medicine() date: 2004-04-16 words: 1288 flesch: 41 summary: The variety of clinical problems encountered in aerospace medicine overlaps with emergency medicine, ranging from treatment of multiple trauma patients after an airline accident 5 to running a medical clinic for aircrew, 7 which may mirror some of what is seen in the minor area of an emergency department. The daily practice of a physician in aerospace medicine depends on his or her area of expertise. keywords: administration; aeromedical; aerospace; airline; aviation; care; civil; consultant; emergency; environment; flight; health; issues; likely; medical; medicine; military; physician; pilots; practice; programs; research; safety; training; variety; work cache: cord-007838-lvw31h1w.txt plain text: cord-007838-lvw31h1w.txt item: #7 of 97 id: cord-007890-bie1veti author: None title: ECC-4 Abstracts date: 2002-04-16 words: 86133 flesch: 45 summary: On the whole, E. coli showed an elevated sensitivity rate ( !/90% of tested strains) to nitrofurantoin, gentamicin, amikacin, and 2nd-and 3rd-generation cephalosporins, while only amoxicillin and piperacillin had a mean resistance rate !/30 % for M41L, D67N, K103N, M184V, L210W, T215YF, and for L10I, M36I, L63P, A71VT, L90M for P Inhibitors (PI). keywords: -test; /10; 1st; 2nd; 3rd; abdominal; abscess; absence; academy; acid; acinetobacter; action; active; activities; activity; acute; acv; acyclovir; addition; adherence; administration; admission; adult patients; adults; adverse; aeruginosa; affected; agar; aged; agents; aids; aim; aims; albicans; alternative; amb; amikacin; aminoglycosides; amoxicillin; amphotericin; amplification; amx; anaerobic; analysis; animals; antibacterial; antibiotic; antibiotic resistance; antibiotic therapy; antibiotic treatment; antibodies; antibody; antifungal; antigen; antimicrobial; antimicrobial resistance; antiretroviral; antiviral; applied; approach; appropriate; area; arthritis; aspergillus; assay; associated; association; atb; athens; atypical; auc; aureus; aureus strains; available; average; azithromycin; aztreonam; b b; b á; b/0.001; b/0.05; bacilli; bacillus; background; bacteria; bactericidal; bacteriological; baseline; basis; baumanii; bcr; best; beta; better; bid; biochemical; biofilm; biomerieux; biopsy; blood; body; bologna; bone; brazil; brivudin; broad; bronchial; broth; brucella; brucellosis; bulgaria; c b; calcutta; cancer; candida; cap; carbapenems; care; cases; catarrhalis; catheter; causative; cause; cd4; cdad; cefepime; cefotaxime; ceftazidime; ceftriaxone; cells; center; central; centre; cephalosporins; cfu; cfx; changes; characteristics; chemotherapy; chest; children; chloramphenicol; choice; chronic; ciprofloxacin; cirrhosis; city; clarithromycin; clavulanate; clavulanic; clearance; clindamycin; clinical; clinical isolates; clinical microbiology; clinical strains; cloacae; cmd; cmv; cns; coagulase; cocci; coli; coli strains; colistin; collected; colonies; colonization; colony; combination; combined; common; community; comparable; comparison; complete; compliance; complicated; complications; compounds; concentrations; concern; conclusion; conditions; consecutive; consumption; continued; control; copd; copies; core; correlation; cost; cotrimoxazole; count; course; criteria; cross; crp; csf; cultures; cure; d b; daily; data; database; days; ddst; december; decrease; decreasing; delay; department; dependent; detection; determination; determined; development; diagnosis; diarrhoea; differences; different; difficile; diffusion; dilution; direct; disc; discussion; disease; disk; distribution; dna; dosage; dose; dosing; double; doxycycline; drug; drug resistance; duration; e b; early; echinococcosis; economic; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efficiency; efflux; elderly; elevated; emergence; empirical; endemic; endocarditis; enteric; enterobacteriaceae; enterococcus; enzyme; epidemiological; epidermidis; episodes; eradication; erythromycin; esbl; escherichia; essential; etiology; europe; european; evaluation; events; evidence; exacerbations; examination; excellent; expected; experimental; exposure; expression; extended; extensive; f b; factors; faculty; faecalis; faecium; failure; family; favorable; features; female; fever; findings; fluconazole; fluid; fluoroquinolones; following; follows; form; france; french; frequencies; frequency; frequent; function; fungal; fungi; furazolidone; g b; garcia; gatifloxacin; gdc; gel; general; generation; genes; genotype; gentamicin; germany; gfx; global; glu; glycopeptides; good; gps; gram; greater; greece; group; group b; growth; guidelines; haart; haemophilus; half; hav; hbeag; hbv; hcc; hcv; health; hepatic; hepatitis; herpes; hgv; high; high resistance; higher; highest; history; hiv; hiv patients; hiv-1; hospital; hospitalization; host; hsv; human; hungary; hygiene; i.v; icu; icu patients; identification; ifn; iii; illness; imipenem; immunocompromised; immunological; impact; important; improvement; incidence; increase; incubation; index; india; individuals; infected; infection; inflammatory; influence; influenza; information; infusion; inhibition; inhibitory; initial; institute; integrons; intensive; interaction; interferon; intermediate; internal; interpretation; intestinal; intravenous; introduction; invasive; investigation; involvement; ioannina; iran; islamic; isolates; isolation; istanbul; italy; j b; january; june; kansasi; killing; klebsiella; l b; laboratory; lactamase; lactams; lamivudine; large; lead; length; lesions; level; levofloxacin; lfx; life; like; limited; linezolid; liver; load; local; london; long; longer; loss; lower; lrti; lumbar; lung; lzd; m b; macrolides; madrid; main; major; majority; malaria; male; maltophilia; management; march; marked; markers; mass; material; mean; measures; mechanisms; median; medical; medicine; medium; meningitis; meropenem; methicillin; methods; metronidazole; mic90; mice; microbiological; microbiology; microdilution; microorganisms; mics; middle; midecamycin; mild; milk; minimum; minocycline; model; moderate; molecular; monitoring; monotherapy; months; morbidity; mortality; moscow; mothers; moxifloxacin; mrsa; mrsa strains; mssa; multi; multidrug; multiple; multiresistant; muscle; mutant; mutations; mycobacterium; national; nccls; necessary; need; negative; neisseria; neonatal; netilmicin; neutropenic patients; new; newborns; newer; nitric; nitrofurantoin; non; norfloxacin; normal; nosocomial; novel; number; objective; observation; observed; oil; old; onset; optimal; oral; order; organisms; oseltamivir; osteoarticular; outbreak; outcome; outpatient; overall; oxacillin; oxide; p c; parameters; pathogens; pathology; patients; pattern; pb/; pcr; pct; peak; pediatric; penicillin; percent; percentages; period; peripheral; pertussis; pharmacodynamic; pharmacokinetic; pharmacology; pharmacy; pharyngitis; phase; phenotype; physicians; piperacillin; plasma; plasmid; plates; pneumococcal; pneumoniae; point; poland; policy; poor; population; positive; positive patients; positive strains; possible; post; potential; predictive; predominant; preliminary; prescriptions; presence; present; present study; presentation; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; problem; production; products; profile; proliferation; prolonged; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; protease; protein; proteus; pseudomonas; pts; public; pulmonary; purpose; pyogenes; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; reaction; recent; recommendations; reduced; reference; reflux; regimen; regions; related; relationship; renal; replication; reported; reports; republic; research; resistance; resistance rates; resistant bacteria; resistant isolates; resistant s.; resistant staphylococcus; resistant strains; respiratory; response; responsible; results; retrospective; reverse; rifampicin; right; risk; rna; roche; rods; role; romania; routine; rpr132552; rpr202868; russian; s b; s. aureus; safety; salmonella; samples; school; sciences; screening; second; secretions; selective; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; series; serological; serotype; serum; service; severe; severity; sex; sheep; short; significant; signs; similar; single; sinusitis; site; skin; slovakia; society; sofia; soft; sorocaba; sources; spain; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spp; spread; sputum; staff; standard; staphylococcus; state; status; stay; stool; strains; streptococcus; streptogramin; streptomycin; structure; students; studies; study; subjects; success; suffering; suitable; sulbactam; surgery; surgical; surveillance; survey; susceptibility; susceptible; susceptible strains; sustained; swabs; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; synergy; synthesis; system; systemic; tau; tazobactam; teaching; tehran; teicoplanin; telithromycin; tested; testing; tetracycline; th1; therapeutic; therapy; thrombocytopenia; time; tissue; tobramycin; tolerability; total; tract; tract infection; treatment; trends; trial; trimethoprim; ttv; tuberculosis; tunisia; turkey; type; typhi; typhus; typing; underlying; underwent; units; university; university hospital; unknown; upper; urealyticum; urinary; urine; use; useful; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccine; values; vancomycin; vap; variation; varicella; ventilation; viral; virus; viruses; visa; visit; vitro; vivo; volunteers; vor; wall; warsaw; weeks; weight; wide; women; work; wound; xrp2868; years; zone; zoster; á/10; á/2001 cache: cord-007890-bie1veti.txt plain text: cord-007890-bie1veti.txt item: #8 of 97 id: cord-009997-oecpqf1j author: None title: 2018 ASPHO ABSTRACTS date: 2018-03-31 words: 182444 flesch: 45 summary: Of included patients, 165 had treatment intensity of 2 (41.0%), 192 of 3 (47.8%) and 45 of 4 (11.2%). After 2 cycles of treatment patient was no longer requiring oxygen and was ambulating without assistance. keywords: -globin; 10(9)/l; 6mp; abdominal; ability; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; absolute; academic; access; acid; acs; activation; active; activity; acute; additional; additional patients; adenovirus; adequate; adherence; adhesion; adjuvant; administration; admission; adolescents; adrenal; adult patients; adults; advanced; adverse; aes; affected; afp; african; age; aged; agent; ages; aggregation; aggressive; aiha; aim; alfa; algorithm; alive; alk; allogeneic; allopurinol; alpha; altemiatm; alterations; alternative; ambulatory; american; amh; aml patients; analgesia; analysis; anaphylaxis; anaplastic; anemia; angiogenesis; annual; anomalies; anthracyclines; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; anticoagulation; antigen; anxiety; apc; apoptosis; application; appointments; approach; appropriate; approval; approved; area; ascites; asparaginase; aspirate; assay; assc; assessment; associated; association; atlanta; attention; atypical; august; autoimmune; autologous; autosomal; availability; available; average; aya; ayas; b12; background; bacteremia; bacterial; barriers; baseline; basiliximab; bcor; bcr; behavioral; beneficial; benefits; bereaved; best; beta; better; bilateral; binding; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; birth; blasts; bleeding; blinatumomab; block; blood; blood cell; bmd; bmi; bmt; board; bone; bone marrow; bortezomib; bradycardia; braf; brain; breakthrough; broad; bruising; bsi; burden; burkitt; cairo; calculated; california; calls; cancer; cancer diagnosis; cancer patients; cancer therapy; cancer treatment; carboplatin; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiology; care; caregivers; cases; catheter; caucasian; cause; cd123; cd19; cd34; cd4; cdc42; cell; cell acute; cell anemia; cell disease; cell lines; cell patients; cell proliferation; cell therapy; cell transplant; cell transplantation; cellular; center; central; cerebral; certain; cervical; chain; challenges; challenging; changes; characteristics; chart; chelation; chemotherapeutic; chemotherapy; chemotherapy treatment; chest; chicago; childhood; childhood cancer; children; choice; cholelithiasis; chromosome; chronic; cincinnati; cincinnati children; cinv; cisplatin; ck2; classification; clearance; clinical; clinical data; clinical outcomes; clinicians; clonal; clone; cns; coagulopathy; cog; cognitive; cohort; cold; collection; college; combination; combined; common; communication; community; comparison; complement; complete; completion; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; component; comprehensive; concentration; concern; conclusion; concomitant; concurrent; condition; conditioning; confidence; congenital; consent; consistent; consolidation; contact; context; continued; continuous; contrast; control; conventional; copper; copy; correlate; correlation; corticosteroids; cost; counseling; count; countries; course; creatinine; crisis; criteria; critical; crlf2; cross; crs; cultures; curative; cure; current; curriculum; cutaneous; cvc; cxcr4; cxr; cycles; cyclophosphamide; cytarabine; cytogenetics; cytokine; cytometry; cytopenias; cytotoxicity; daily; data; database; date; days; ddavp; death; december; decision; decline; decreased; defects; deferasirox; deferoxamine; defibrotide; deficiency; degree; delay; delayed; deletion; delirium; delivery; demographic; department; dependent; descriptive; design; detection; development; dexamethasone; dfmo; diagnosis; diastolic; differences; different; differential; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; dimer; dinutuximab; dipg; direct; discharge; discussions; disease; dismal; disorder; distinct; distress; distribution; dli; dna; documentation; documented; domains; donor; doppler; dose; dosing; downstream; doxorubicin; drug; duration; dvt; dysfunction; early; easy; ebv; echocardiogram; ecmo; eculizumab; eds; education; eec patients; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; efs; egypt; electronic; electrophoresis; elevated; eligible patients; emergency; emergent; emotional; empiric; emr; encounters; end; engraftment; enhanced; enhancement; enrollment; entry; enzymes; epinephrine; episodes; epistaxis; epstein; essential; estimate; etiology; etoposide; evaluable patients; evaluation; events; evidence; ewing; exact; exam; examination; excellent; exchange; exercise; existing; exome; exosomes; expansion; experience; experts; exposure; expression; extension; extensive; extraneural; extremity; ezrin; f13; factors; faculty; failure; families; family; father; fatigue; fava; favorable; feasibility; feasible; features; febrile; febrile patients; feedback; feeding; fellows; fellowship; female; ferritin; fertility; fever; fibrinogen; fibrosis; final; findings; fish; fli1; florida; flow; fluid; focus; folate; fold; following; foundation; free; frequency; frequent; function; functioning; fungal; future; gain; gastrointestinal; gata1; gbm; gcsf; gender; gene; general; generation; genetic; genomic; genotype; germline; gfr; girl; gla; gliomas; global; goal; good; grade; graft; granulocyte; greater; grief; group; growth; guidelines; gvhd; half; hbethal patients; hbss; hct; head; health; healthcare; hearing; heart; heavy; hemangiomas; hemarthrosis; hematological; hematology; hematopoietic; hematuria; hemoglobin; hemoglobinopathy; hemolysis; hemolytic; hemophilia; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatotoxicity; heterozygous; hgg; high; high risk; higher; highest; highlights; hispanic; hispanic patients; histology; history; hiv; hla; hlh; hmb; hodgkin; home; homozygous; hope; hospital; hospitalization; host; hours; houston; hpv; hsct patients; human; hus; hydroxyurea; hydroxyurea treatment; hypertension; hypoglycemia; identification; idh1; ido1; ifd; igfr; igg; ikaros; il-2; illness; imaging; imatinib; immediate; immune; immunity; immunocompromised; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; immunosuppressive; immunotherapy; impact; impairment; implementation; implemented; important; improved; improvement; incidence; income; increased; index; indicated; individuals; induced; induction; induction therapy; infants; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; information; informed; infusion; inhibitor; initial; initiation; injury; inpatient; institute; institution; intensity; intensive; interactions; interest; interferon; intermediate; intermittent; international; interval; intervention; interviews; intracranial; intravenous; invasive; investigation; involved; involvement; iqr; irb; iron; isolated; itp; ivig; january; joint; july; june; kaplan; key; kidney; kinase; knowledge; known; laboratory; labs; lack; lankan patients; large; largest; later; lch; leading; learning; left; length; leptomeningeal; lesions; leukemia; leukemia patients; levels; life; likelihood; likely; limitations; limited; linear; liquid; literacy; literature; little; liver; living; lmp; local; location; long; longer; longitudinal; loss; low; lower; lung; lymphatic; lymphoblastic; lymphocytes; lymphoma; lymphoproliferative; maintenance; major patients; majority; making; male; male patients; malformations; malignancies; malignancy; malnutrition; management; manifestations; mapk; marked; markers; marrow; mass; masses; matched; maximum; mbf; mcar19; mdli; mds; mds patients; mean; measles; measurements; measures; mechanical; mechanisms; mecom; median; median age; median time; mediastinal; medical; medications; medicine; medulloblastoma; meier; melanoma; members; membrane; memory; menstrual; mental; metabolic; metastases; metastatic; metastatic disease; method; methotrexate; methylation; miami; mibg; mice; middle; mild; minimal; minutes; missed; mixed; mobile; modalities; model; moderate; molecular; molecule; monitoring; monoclonal; monthly; months; morbidity; mortality; mrd; mri; mscs; mtx; mucositis; multidisciplinary; multiple; murine; muscle; mutations; myeloid; n =; national; nausea; nb patients; nbl; necessary; neck; need; negative; negative patients; neonatal; nervous; neuroblastoma; neuroblastoma patients; neurologic; neutropenia; neutropenic patients; neutrophil; new; news; nf1; nhl; node; nodules; non; normal; normalization; notable; novel; november; novo; number; numerous; nurses; objectives; observation; observed; occlusive; occurrence; occurring; ohio; old; older; older patients; oncologists; oncology patients; ongoing; online; onset; operative; opioid; optimal; optimize; options; oral; organ; osteonecrosis; osteosarcoma; osteosarcoma patients; outcomes; outpatient; outside; ovarian; overall; overload; oxygen; p =; p<0.001; p<0.05; packed; pain; palliative; pancytopenia; panel; panobinostat; parameters; parental; parents; partial; participants; participation; particular; past; pathogenic; pathology; pathway; patient care; patient population; patients; patients ages; patients ≥10y; patterns; pca; pcps; pcr; pdsa; peak; pediatric acute; pediatric aml; pediatric cancer; pediatric hematology; pediatric oncology; pediatric patients; pediatric population; pediatric scd; pediatrics; peg; percentage; period; peripheral; persistent; pet; pft; pgocc; ph+; pharmacy; phase; phenotype; philadelphia; phlebotomy; phone; physical; physician; picc; picu; placebo; placement; planned; plasma; platelet; play; pneumonia; points; ponatinib; poor; population; portal; positive; positive patients; possibility; possible; post; potential; practice; prbc; precursor; predictive; predictors; prednisone; pregnancy; preliminary; premature; prenatal; prescribed; presence; present; presentation; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; probability; problems; procedures; process; products; professional; profile; profound; prognosis; program; progression; project; proliferation; prolonged; promising; prophylactic; prophylaxis; proportion; propranolol; prospective; protein; protocol; providers; psychological; psychosocial; ptda; ptld; pts; pubertal; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; race; radiation; radiation therapy; radiographic; radiotherapy; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rare; rasburicase; rates; rbc; reach; rearrangement; reason; recent; receptor; recessive; recognition; recombinant; recommendations; recorded; records; recovery; recurrent; red cell; reduction; referral; refractory; regimen; region; registry; regular; relapse; related; relationship; relative; relevant; remission; renal; repeat; reported; reports; required; research; resection; residents; residual; resistance; resolution; resources; respiratory; respondents; response; results; retrospective; retrospective study; review; rhabdomyosarcoma; right; risk; risk disease; risk factors; risk patients; rituximab; rms; rna; role; romiplostim; routine; rpp; rpps; run; s301; safety; salvage; samd9l; samples; sarcomas; satisfaction; scale; scan; scd patients; scenarios; school; scores; scpc; screening; sdp; sds; secondary; selection; self; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sequence; sequencing; sequestration; series; serum; service; sessions; setting; severe; severity; sex; shared; short; shrna; shunt; sickle; sickle cell; signaling; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; sirolimus; sites; size; skills; skin; small; smear; social; socioeconomic; soft; software; solid; somatic; sos; special; specific; specimens; spectrum; spinal; spine; splenectomy; splenic; splenomegaly; spontaneous; srh; stable; staff; stage; staging; staining; standard; standardized; standardized patients; start; states; states background; statistical; stay; stem; stem cell; steroids; strategies; strategy; stress; stroke; stromal; strong; students; studies; study; subcutaneous; subgroups; subjects; subsequent; subset; subtypes; successful; sufficient; suggestive; support; supportive; suppression; surface; surgery; surgical; surveillance; survey; survival; survivors; survivorship; suspicion; sustained; swelling; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; t cell; targeted; targeting; targets; tcd; teaching; team; technology; temperature; temporal; term; tertiary; testicular; testing; tests; texas; tgf; tgn; thalassemia; thalassemia patients; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thiotepa; threshold; thrombocytopenia; thrombosis; thyroid; time; timing; tisagenlecleucel; tissue; titers; tki; tls; toci; tolerated; tonsillectomy; tool; topical; topics; total; toxicities; toxicity; training; trait; transcription; transfusion; transition; translocation; transplant; transplant patients; transplantation; treating; treatment; trends; trial; tube; tumor; tumor cells; twice; type; tyrosine; unclear; uncommon; undergoing; understand; understanding; underwent; unique; united; united states; units; univariate; university; unknown; unrelated; unresectable; unusual; upper; upr; use; useful; utilization; vaccine; value; variability; variables; variant; vascular; vaso; vcr; vein; velocities; venous; ventilation; vertebral; viii; vincristine; viral; virus; visits; vitamin; vitro; voc; vod; volume; vomiting; von; voxelotor; vte; vwd; vwf; wbc; weekly; weeks; weight; wes; white; wide; wilcoxon; willebrand; wilms; women; work; working; workup; world; worsening; wound; yap; years; years old; york; young; young children; young patients; younger cache: cord-009997-oecpqf1j.txt plain text: cord-009997-oecpqf1j.txt item: #9 of 97 id: cord-010119-t1x9gknd author: None title: Abstract Presentations from the AABB Annual Meeting San Diego, CA ctober 7‐10, 2017 date: 2017-09-04 words: 230433 flesch: 50 summary: Probability of occurrence of cannabis metabolites in blood donor samples is likely to be highly variable across donor centers and is largely dependent on blood donor demographics. OBRR, CBER, FDA Background/Case Studies: Extended molecular typing of a large number of blood donors can increase the likelihood of identifying donor red blood cells (RBCs) that match those of the recipient. keywords: -ipf; 1,2; 2,3; 48c; 68c; 7)-d; aabb; abbott; abc; ability; abnormal; abo; abo blood; absence; absent; absolute; abstract; academic; acceptable; accepted; access; account; accuracy; accurate; acid; acoustic; activated; activations; activities; actual; acute; acute blood; adamts13; additional; additional blood; additive; address; adequate; adherence; adhesion; adjusted; administration; admission; adsorption; adult; adverse; aes; affected; african; agglutination; aggregation; agreement; ahg; ahus; aid; aim; aims; ais; albumin; alert; algorithm; alinity; aliquots; alleles; allergic; alloantibodies; alloantibody; allogeneic blood; alloimmunization; allow; alpha; altered; alternative; alyx; american; amicus; amino; amotosalen; amplification; amsc; amustaline; analysis; analytical; analyzed; analyzers; anemia; annual; anova; anti; antibodies; antibody; antibody screen; antibody testing; antigen; antigen negative; antiglobulin; antisera; anwj; ap donors; apheresis; apheresis donors; apheresis platelet; apparent; application; applied; appointment; approach; appropriate; approval; april; aprp; ardp; areas; as-3; assay; assessment; associated; association; asymptomatic; at1rab; atp; audit; august; autoab; autoimmune; autologous; autologous blood; automated; automation; availability; available; average; average blood; awareness; away; b cells; babesia; baby; background; bacterial; bactx; bags; band; banks; baseline; basis; bbc; bct; beadchip; beads; bedside; benefit; best; better; bilirubin; biotin; birth; bis; bleeding; blood; blood bank; blood banking; blood cells; blood center; blood collection; blood components; blood count; blood cultures; blood donation; blood donors; blood drives; blood establishments; blood filtration; blood flow; blood fridge; blood group; blood grouping; blood inventory; blood loss; blood management; blood mononuclear; blood order; blood ordering; blood pathway; blood plasma; blood pressure; blood products; blood quality; blood recipients; blood refusal; blood safety; blood samples; blood screening; blood services; blood shortage; blood smear; blood specimens; blood supplier; blood supply; blood system; blood testing; blood therapeutics; blood transfusion; blood tubes; blood type; blood typing; blood units; blood use; blood utilization; blood volume; bmi; bmsc; bone; bottles; box; bpa; bpn; brazil; brazilian blood; breast; bryant; bthc blood; buccal; buffy; c.1154; c3d; calculated; calls; canadian blood; cancer; capable; capacity; capture; cardiac; cardiovascular; cards; care; caribbean; case studies; case study; cases; categories; category; catheter; caucasian; cause; cbc; cd341; cd36; cd38; cd4; cd47; cd62p; cd8; cell antibodies; cell collection; cell disease; cell patients; cell transfusion; cell units; cellular; cellular blood; center background; centers; central blood; centrifugation; centrifuge; certain; cerus; cfu; chain; challenge; challenging; change; characteristics; characterized; chart; chemotherapy; chen; children; china; chinese; christopher; chronic; circulation; citrate; civilian blood; class; classified; clearance; client; clinical; clinicians; clone; closed; clotting; cml; cmnc; cms; coagulation; coat; cobasv; cobe; code; cohort; cohort study; cold; collaboration; collagen; collected; collections; color; column; combination; comfort; commercial; committee; common; communication; community; community blood; comparable; comparator; comparison; compatibility; compatible blood; complement; complete blood; completion; complex; compliance; complications; comprehensive; concentrates; concentration; concern; conclusion; concordance; conditions; confidence; confirmation; confirmatory; consecutive; consistent; consumption; contact; containers; contaminated; contamination; content; continued; continuous; contrast; control; conventional; cooler; copies; cord blood; corporation; correct; correlation; corresponding; cost; count; counter; counting; countries; country; course; coverage; criteria; critical; cross; crossmatch; crucial; cruzi; cryo; cryoprecipitate; cryopreservation; cryopreserved; culture; culture results; current; current blood; cutoff; cxcr5; cytometry; d antigen; d rhd; d35; daily; damage; dara; daratumumab; data; database; date; days; days post; death; december; decision; decline; decreased; deferral; deficiency; deglycerolization; dehp; delayed; delays; delivery; demand; demographic; density; department; dependent; depletion; derived; details; detectable; detection; determination; determined; determining; developed; development; deviation; device; diagnosis; differences; different; different blood; difficult; diluted; dilution; direct; discharged; discrepancies; discrepant; discussion; disease; disease patients; disorders; distinct; distribution; dmso; dna; documentation; donations; donor anti; donor center; donor plasma; donor population; donor samples; donor testing; donor units; dose; double; dpg; drug; dtt; duffy blood; duke; duration; e.g.; early; eastern; easy; echo; edta; edta blood; educational; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efficient; effort; electronic; electronic blood; elevated; eligibility; eligible; elisa; eluate; emergencies; emergency blood; emergent; emr; encode; encoding; end; endemic; engraftment; enhanced; enhancement; enrichment; entry; environment; enzyme; epidemic; episodes; equal; equipment; equivalent; errors; erythrocytes; erytra; esd; essential; established; estimated; etc; ethnic; ethnicity; etiology; europe; evaluation; events; evidence; evs; example; excellent; exchange; exchange transfusion; exclusion; existing; exon; expectations; expected; experience; experimental; expiration; expired; exposure; expression; extended; extensive; extent; external; extracellular; extraction; facilities; facility; factors; failure; false; family; faster; fda; feasible; february; feedback; female; female donors; ferritin; fetal; fetus; fewer; ffp; fibrinogen; ficin; filter; filtration; final; finding; flow; fluid; fluorescence; focused; fold; following; forming; forms; forward; foxp3; fraction; france; free; freezing; frequencies; frequency; frequent; fresh; frozen; frozen plasma; function; functionality; future; fviii; gamma; gaps; gel; gender; gene; general; generation; genetic; genomic; genotype; genotyping; george; given; glucose; glycine; gmbh; goal; good; grade; granulocyte; greater; grifols; group b; group o; group system; groups; growth; guidance; guidelines; gvhd; haemonetics; half; haplotype; haptoglobin; harm; hba1c; hbc; hbsag; hbv; hct; hcv; hdfn; hdn; health; healthcare; heart; help; hematocrit; hematologic; hematopoietic; hemoglobin; hemolysis; hemolytic transfusion; hemorrhage; hemostatic; hepatitis; heterozygous; hev; hgb; high; high blood; higher; highest; hips; hispanic; historical blood; history; hiv; hla; homozygous; hospital; hospital background; hospital blood; hospital transfusion; hospitalization; hours; hpa; hpa-1a; hpc; hsct; htlv; human; human blood; human plasma; hybrid; hypotension; iatrogenic blood; icu; ideal; identical; identification; identity; igg; igm; ih-1000; immature; immediate; immucor; immune; immunoassay; immunogenicity; immunoglobulin; immunohematology; impact; implementation; implicated; important; improved; improvement; inactivation; incidence; incident; incompatible; increased; increment; incubated; incubation; indeterminate; index; indications; indirect; individuals; induced; infants; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; inhibitor; initial; initiation; injury; inpatient; inr; institute; institution; instructions; instrument; integrity; intended; intensity; intensive; intercept blood; interface; interference; internal; international; intervals; intervention; intravenous; introduction; intron; invasive; inventory; investigation; ipc; irl; iron; irradiated; irradiated blood; irradiation; isolated; issues; issuing; ivig; james; january; jennifer; jka; july; june; kell; key; kidd; kidney; kit; knowledge; known; label; labeling; laboratories; laboratory; laboratory results; laboratory testing; labs; lack; lactate; lancet; large; later; lead; leading; lean; learning; length; lesion; leukapheresis; leukemia; leukocyte; leukoreduced; leukoreduction; levels; ley; licensed; life; light; likely; limitations; limited; limited blood; limits; linear; lipid; liquid; liss; list; literature; little; loads; local; location; locus; logistic; long; longer; low; lower; lowest; lps; lrap; luminex; lung; lymph; lymphocytes; lymphoma; main; maintenance; majority; making; malaria; males; manner; manual; manufacturer; manufacturing; march; markers; marrow; massive transfusion; matched; matching; materials; maternal; maternal blood; maximum; mayo; mds; mean; measured; measurement; mechanisms; median; medical; medical center; medicine background; medium; meeting; members; membrane; metabolism; method; methodology; metrics; mice; michael; microbial; microscopic; microti; migration; mild; milk; minimal; minimum; minor; minutes; mirasol; missing; mitigation; mixed; mmol; mns blood; mobilization; model; molecular; molecular testing; monitoring; monoclonal; monoclonal anti; monocytes; monthly; months; morbidity; morphology; mortality; mother; mouse; msbos; mscs; mtor; mtp; mtps; multidisciplinary; multiple; multiple blood; mutation; myeloma; n51; n52; national blood; nationwide; necessary; need; negative blood; negative donors; negative rbcs; negative results; neo; neonatal; neonates; new; new blood; new method; newborn; nip; non; norcross; normal; novel; november; nucleic; nucleotide; number; numerous; nurses; nursing; objective; observation; observed; obstetric; occurrence; october; odp; old; oncology; oneg; ongoing; online; onset; operations; operative; operator; opportunities; opportunity; optia; optimal; optimization; option; oral; order; organ; organisms; organization; original; orp; ortho; otii; outcomes; outdate; outpatient; outside; overall; overload; oxygen; p<0.001; p<0.05; packed; pag3c; pain; paired; pairs; pak; pancreatitis; panel; papain; paper; parallel; parameters; parasites; partial; participants; particular; pas; past; pathogen; pathology; patient blood; patient care; patient data; patient identification; patient outcomes; patient plasma; patient population; patient rbcs; patient safety; patient samples; patients; patterns; pbm; pbmcs; pbsc; pcc; pcr; pcs; pd1; peak; pediatric; pediatric patients; peg; people; percentage; performance; period; peripheral blood; personnel; phase; phenotype; phenotype results; phlebotomy; phone; physical; physicians; pilot; placental blood; plasma; plasma anti; plasma exchange; plasma platelets; plasma samples; plasma testing; plasma transfusion; plasma units; plasma volume; plasmapheresis; platelet; platelet blood; platelet collection; platelet concentrates; platelet count; platelet donors; platelet inventory; platelet products; platelet transfusion; platelet units; plateletpheresis; platform; plerixafor; pls; plt; plt units; plts; pmn; pms; point; policy; polyclonal; polymorphism; pooled; pools; poor; population; positive; positive antibody; positive rbcs; positive results; positive samples; possibility; possible; post; post transfusion; potassium; potential; potential blood; practice; prbc; pre; precision; predictive; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; prenatal; preoperative; preparation; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressures; prevalence; previous; previous study; primary; primed; prior; probable; probe; problem; procedure; process; processes; processing; processor; procleix; profile; program; project; proliferation; properties; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; providers; providing; province; prp; prt; pss; pts; public; pulmonary; pump; purpose; purpura; qualified blood; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; questions; random blood; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rare blood; rare donor; raritan; rate; ratios; rbc; rbc antibody; rbc antigens; rbc blood; rbc products; rbc samples; rbc storage; rbc transfusion; rbc units; rbc use; rbcs; rccs; rcf; reactive; reactive samples; reactivity; reagent; real; reasons; receipt; receiving; recent; recipients; recognized; recommendations; record; recovered; recovery; recruitment; recurrent; red blood; red cell; red cross; reduced; reduction; reference; refractoriness; refractory; regional blood; regions; regression; regular; regular blood; regulations; regulatory; rejection; rejuvenation; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; reliable; remote blood; removal; removed; repeat; replacement; replicates; reported; reporting; reports; request; requirements; research; residents; residual; resolved; resources; respiratory; respondents; responder; response; responsible; results; resuscitation; retention; retrospective; retrospective study; return; reverse; review; revised; rflp; rh blood; rh(-; rhce; rhce*ce; rhd; rhd*diiia; rhig; rich; rise; risk; rna; robust; role; room; routine; routine blood; rrbc; rrv; rule; run; runs; sagm; saline; sample results; sampling; sandra; sanger; sanquin; saturation; savings; scale; scale blood; scd; scd patients; schedule; school; scientific; score; scott; screening; screens; sdp; second; secondary; secure; seeded; segment; selected; selection; sensitive; sensitivity; sensitization; separate; sepsis; september; septic; sequence; sequencing; series; seroconversion; serologic; serology; serum; session; set; sets; setting; severe; severity; sex; shelf; shock; short; shorter; shows; sickle; sieving; signal; significant; significant blood; signs; similar; similar results; simple; simulated; simulated transfusion; simulation; singapore; single; site; situations; size; size blood; small; smaller; snmvs; snp; snps; software; solid; solution; source; south; spc; spdp; special; species; specific; specifications; specificity; spectra; speed; spiked; spin; spleen; split; square; ssp; ssrbcs; stability; staff; stakeholders; standard; standard blood; standardized; starting; states; statistical; stay; stem cell; steps; sterile; storage; strategies; strategy; strength; strong; strs; students; study design; study group; study period; study population; subjects; subsequent; subset; substantial; substitution; successful; suitable; summer; supernatant; supplement; support; suppression; surface; surgeries; surgery; surgical blood; surveillance; survey; survival; susan; sxs; symptoms; syndrome; syringe; sysmex; systems; t cells; t&s; table; taco; taiwan; target; targeted; tasks; tattoo; team; technical; technique; technologists; technology; temperature; terms; tertiary; terumo; test results; tested; testing; testing method; testing time; tests; tetanus; tgf; thalassemia; thawed; thawing; therapeutic; therapeutic plasma; therapy; threshold; thrombin; thrombocytopenia; thrombotic; throughput; time; time donors; time period; time studies; time study; timely; tissue; titer; titer anti; titer results; tma; tms; tool; total; total blood; total number; total plasma; toxicity; tpe; tracking; traditional; training; trali; tranexamic; transfer; transfused; transfusion center; transfusion data; transfusion guidelines; transfusion laboratory; transfusion management; transfusion medicine; transfusion practice; transfusion process; transfusion protocol; transfusion quality; transfusion reactions; transfusion recipients; transfusion results; transfusion safety; transfusion sample; transfusion service; transfusion strategies; transfusion study; transfusion support; transfusion testing; transfusion therapy; transfusion transmission; transfusion volume; transfusion yield; transfusions; transmission; transplant; transplantation; transport; trauma; trauma patients; travel; treatment; tregs; trend; trial; triglyceride; trima; true; ttp; ttp patients; tube; tube method; tumor; turnaround; txa; txs; types; typing; typing results; u.s; ucb; underlying; understanding; underwent; unique; unit transfusion; united; units; universal; universal blood; university; unknown; unrelated; untreated; urgent; urine; usage; use; useful; users; uv1r; uva; vaccination; vaccine; validation; values; variable; variants; variations; varied; vein; venous; venous blood; verification; version; viability; viable; viral; virtuo; virus; viruses; vision; visual; vitro; vivo; volumes; voluntary blood; volunteers; vs.; vvr; vwf; waiha; walk; warm; washed; washing; wastage; waste; way; wbc; wbcs; wbd; wbf; weak; weak d; weekly; weeks; weight; white blood; wide; williams; window; women; work; workflow; working; workload; workup; world; wrong blood; x10; yale; year; yfv; yield; young; zealand blood; zika; zikv; zkv; zpp cache: cord-010119-t1x9gknd.txt plain text: cord-010119-t1x9gknd.txt item: #10 of 97 id: cord-011188-59hn9wsv author: Bruce, Lori title: A Pot Ignored Boils On: Sustained Calls for Explicit Consent of Intimate Medical Exams date: 2020-03-09 words: 8933 flesch: 40 summary: [patients' right to refuse student exams] takes on heightened sensitivity (Cohen et al. 1988) . UIEs are found to contribute to moral erosion and moral distress of medical students and compromise the sacred trust between the medical community and the general public. keywords: action; american; anesthesia; anesthetized; anxiety; arguments; assault; association; bodies; body; care; cases; change; clerkships; clinical; college; conscious; consent; conversation; culture; curriculum; distress; education; erosion; et al; ethical; ethics; examinations; example; exams; experience; explicit; explicit consent; favor; fear; forms; general; gtas; guidelines; gynecology; harms; health; informed; institutions; intimate; intimate exams; law; malpractice; medical; medical students; medicine; members; moral; new; organizational; patient; pelvic; pelvic exams; perceptions; permission; physicians; policies; policy; practice; principles; procedure; process; prostate; public; purposes; quo; recent; rectal; right; schools; screening; sexual; standard; statement; states; students; study; surgeries; teaching; time; training; trust; u.s; ubel; uies; unconsented; unnecessary; women cache: cord-011188-59hn9wsv.txt plain text: cord-011188-59hn9wsv.txt item: #11 of 97 id: cord-011261-h1fzti0i author: Manning-Geist, Beryl title: Pre-clinical Stress Management Workshops Increase Medical Students’ Knowledge and Self-awareness of Coping with Stress date: 2019-12-09 words: 3423 flesch: 40 summary: N Medical student stress and burnout Using a single item to measure burnout in primary care staff: a psychometric evaluation Burnout in medical students: a systematic review The learning environment and medical student burnout: a multicentre study A longitudinal study of students' depression at one medical school Systematic review of depression, anxiety, and other indicators of psychological distress among U.S. and Canadian medical students Medical student depression, anxiety and distress outside North America: a systematic review Distress among matriculating medical students relative to the general population Burnout among U.S. medical students, residents, and early career physicians relative to the general U.S. population Prevalence of depression, depressive symptoms, and suicidal ideation among medical students: a systematic review and meta-analysis Medical student stress: an elective course as a possibility of help The effect of mind body medicine course on medical student empathy: a pilot study Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on medical and premedical students Cultivating personcentered medicine in future physicians Mindfulness-based stress reduction lowers psychological distress in medical students Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on the mental health of clinical clerkship students: a cluster-randomized controlled trial Abridged mindfulness intervention to support wellness in first-year medical students A randomised controlled trial of the effects of mindfulness practice on medical student stress levels Medical students' differential use of coping strategies as a function of stressor type, year of training, and gender Towards and understanding of resilience and its relevance to medical training Toward creating physician healers: fostering medical students self-awarenss, personal growth, and well being Use manual for the coping strategies inventory Maslach burnout inventory manual Validity of the Maslach burnout inventory for family practice physicians Burnout and empathy in primary care: three hypotheses Learning in a high-stress clinical environment: stressors associated with medical students' clerkship training on labor and delivery Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations Dyrbye and colleagues revealed that the learning environment was significantly associated with medical student burnout; specifically, students rotating on hospital wards and those required to stay for overnight call were more likely to experience burnout keywords: adaptive; attitude; burnout; care; clinical; confidence; depression; distress; empathy; health; help; immediate; impact; inventory; knowledge; learning; long; management; medical; mindfulness; month; patient; positive; post; pre; rotations; scale; school; self; significant; skills; strategies; stress; students; study; survey; symptoms; training; workshop cache: cord-011261-h1fzti0i.txt plain text: cord-011261-h1fzti0i.txt item: #12 of 97 id: cord-011859-6ksss988 author: Harendza, Sigrid title: Improvisation – a new strategy in medical education? date: 2020-06-15 words: 1616 flesch: 44 summary: The effects of problem-based learning during medical school on physican competency: a systematic review Common ground: frameworks for teaching improvisational ability in medical education Twelve tips for using applied improvisation in medical education Medial Improv: a novel approach to teaching communication and professionalism skills Learning under lockdown: navigating the best way to study online Development of an instruction movie illustrating a standardized clinical examination of patients with TMD symptoms Formative assessment of practical skills with peerassessors: quality features of an OSCE in general medicine at the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg Relationship between empathy and motivation in undergraduate medical students Standardized Examinees: Development of a new tool to evaluate factors influencing OSCE scores and to train examiners Improvisation -a new strategy in medical education? For medical educators and medical students, such techniques of improvisational theatre seem to be useful as wellboth for medical activities and for teaching medical students or for designing lessons, respectively [9] . keywords: current; der; development; disease; education; epidemic; für; goal; hepatitis; hiv; hus; improvisation; learning; lockdown; medical; medicine; non; objectives; osce; patients; situation; skills; students; studies; study; teachers; teaching; techniques; time; training; und; university; viral; von cache: cord-011859-6ksss988.txt plain text: cord-011859-6ksss988.txt item: #13 of 97 id: cord-013263-xw611i8k author: Dederichs, Melina title: Students’ perspectives on interventions to reduce stress in medical school: A qualitative study date: 2020-10-15 words: 5663 flesch: 48 summary: Evidence-based mental health Mindfulness interventions in medical education: A systematic review of their impact on medical student stress, depression, fatigue and burnout Association Between Learning Environment Interventions and Medical Student Well-being: A Systematic Review The benefits of pass-fail grading on stress, mood, and group cohesion in medical students Impact of pass/fail grading on medical students' well-being and academic outcomes Differences in Medical Students' Academic Performance between a Pass/Fail and Tiered Grading System A systematic review of the literature describing the outcomes of nearpeer mentoring programs for first year medical students Introducing first-year students to medical school: experiences at the Faculty of Medicine of Erasmus University Students helping students: vertical peer mentoring to enhance the medical school experience The doctor, his patient and the illness Research on Balint groups: a literature review The impact of a physician awareness group and the first year of training on hematology-oncology fellows Stressors perceived by the para-clinical undergraduate medical students Teaching the clinical encounter in psychiatry: a trial of Balint groups for medical students Reflecting on our practice: an evaluation of Balint groups for medical students in psychiatry A qualitative analysis of student Balint groups in medical education: contexts and triggers of case presentations and discussion themes. The mental health of medical students remains to be a matter of concern. keywords: academic; association; balint; classes; clinical; courses; curriculum; data; elective; examination; faculty; fail; focus; grades; grading; groups; health; individual; information; instance; interventions; learning; lectures; literature; management; medical; medical students; medicine; mental; mentoring; online; participants; pass; peer; performance; practical; program; qualitative; questions; research; review; school; second; self; setting; state; stress; students; study; subjects; support; system; teaching; theoretical; time; university; year cache: cord-013263-xw611i8k.txt plain text: cord-013263-xw611i8k.txt item: #14 of 97 id: cord-014687-0am4l5ms author: None title: SPR 2012 date: 2012-03-29 words: 98702 flesch: 39 summary: Image Gently has succeeded not only in raising awareness of the great diagnostic benefits we can offer to pediatric patients but also directs us to acknowledge the downside of overzealous diagnostic efforts where excessive radiation becomes a risk. Methods & Materials: Pediatric patients who had high temporal resolution cine Steady State Free Precession sequence (50 frames acquired across a single cardiac cycle) performed as part of a MRI/MRA of the heart from 2005-2011 were included. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abdominal ct; ability; abnormalities; abnormality; abscess; absence; absent; abuse; abusive; access; accidental; accuracy; accurate; acquisition; acr; activity; acute; adc; additional; additional imaging; adjacent; adjusted; administration; adolescent; adult; advanced; advanced imaging; advantages; affected; age; agent; agreement; aid; aim; airway; amenorrhea; american; analysis; anatomic; anatomy; anesthesia; angiography; ankle; anomalies; anomaly; anterior; aortic; appearance; appendicitis; appendix; application; approach; appropriate; approval; areas; arfi; arnold; arterial; arteries; arteriosus; artery; arthritis; artifacts; ascites; asir; assessment; associated; association; asymptomatic; atelectasis; atresia; atrophy; attention; auditory; authors; available; average; award; awareness; axial; baseline; basis; benign; best; better; bilateral; biliary; biopsy; birth; blinded; blood; board; bodies; body; bold; bone; bone imaging; bony; boston; bowel; boys; brain; brain mri; brief; brochure; c11; caffey; callosum; campaign; canal; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; cartilage; case report; cases; catheter; cause; cell; center; central; cerebellum; cerebral; certain; cervical; cevus; chair; challenging; changes; channel; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chest; chest ct; childhood; children; chronic; cincinnati; classic; classification; clinical; clinical findings; clinical imaging; clinical presentation; cmet; cnr; cns; coefficient; cohort; coil; collected; college; color; combination; combined; committee; common; common imaging; community; comparison; complete; complex; complicated; complications; component; compression; conclusions; conditions; confidence; congenital; connectivity; consecutive; consider; consistent; contacts; content; contrast; contrast imaging; control; conventional; conventional mri; cord; coronal; coronary; corpus; correlate; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; cost; course; cranial; craniosynostosis; criteria; critical; cross; ct dose; ct findings; ct image; ct imaging; ct radiation; ct scans; cta; ctdivol; current; cystic; cysts; data; database; date; david; days; decision; decreased; dedicated; defects; deficiency; definition; deformity; degree; delayed; delivery; demonstrating; density; department; dependent; depth; detection; determined; development; device; diagnosis; diagnostic imaging; diameter; differences; different; different imaging; differential; differential diagnosis; difficult; diffuse; diffusion; dilatation; dilated; disability; disclosure; discussion; disease; disease patients; disorders; distal; distribution; division; dmsa; dose; drug; dti; ductus; duplex; duration; dwi; dynamic; dysplasia; early; echo; ectopic; edema; educational; effective; effects; efforts; effusion; elbow; electronic; embolization; embryology; emergency; emphasis; enhancement; enlarged; entities; entity; epilepsy; epiphyseal; epiphysis; essay; essential; established; estimates; etiologies; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; evident; examination; examples; exams; excellent; exhibit; expected; experience; exposure; extent; extremity; factors; faculty; failure; family; fast; fat; fatty; fda; fdg; fellowship; female; femoral; fetal; fetal mri; fibrosis; field; film; final; flow; fluid; fluoroscopy; fmri; focal; focused; follow; following; followup; food; forms; fossa; fractures; free; frequency; functional; future; gadolinium; gastrointestinal; gender; general; genetic; george; gestation; girls; goal; gold; good; grade; gradient; greater; greatest; group; growth; guide; guidelines; harvey; head; healthcare; healthy; hearing; heart; heart disease; helical; help; helpful; hemophilic; hemorrhage; hepatic; hernia; hie; high; higher; highest; hip; history; hospital; hydration; hydronephrosis; hypertension; hypoplasia; hypoxic; identification; identifying; illustrated; image quality; images; imaging; imaging appearance; imaging approach; imaging centers; imaging characteristics; imaging database; imaging evaluation; imaging features; imaging findings; imaging manifestations; imaging modalities; imaging patterns; imaging studies; imaging techniques; immediate; impact; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; index; indications; individual; infancy; infants; infection; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; information; inherent; initial; injuries; injury; institute; institution; intended; intensity; interactive; interest; internal; interpretation; interstitial; interventional; intestinal; intracranial; intravenous; invasive; investigational; involved; involvement; ionizing; irb; iron; ischemic; isolated; issues; john; joint; kelly; key; key imaging; kidney; knee; knowledge; known; kvp; lack; language; large; lead; leadership; left; length; lesions; level; life; ligamentous; likely; limited; linear; literature; little; liver; localization; location; long; loss; low; lower; lung; lymphatic; lymphoma; magnetic; main; major; majority; making; male; malformations; malignant; malrotation; management; manifestations; maps; marilyn; marrow; mass; masses; materials; matter; maximum; mdct; mean; measurements; measures; meconium; median; mediastinal; medical; medical imaging; medicine; meeting; members; methods; mgy; michael; michigan; mild; minimal; mm2; modality; model; moderate; modules; monitoring; months; morbidity; morphology; motion; mr images; mr imaging; mra; mrcp; mre; mri; mri findings; mri studies; mri system; mrs; multimodality imaging; multiple; muscle; musculoskeletal; mutations; myocardial; narrowing; national; necessary; neck; need; needle; negative; neiman; neonatal; neonates; neoplasms; neoplastic; nerve; nervous; neuroblastoma; neuroimaging; neurologic; new; newborn; nf1; nf1 patients; nicu; noise; non; normal; number; numerous; objective; observed; obstruction; old; operative; operator; optic; optimal; organ; osseous; osteochondral; osteoid; osteomyelitis; osteonecrosis; outcome; outside; overall; p<0.0001; pain; pancreatic; paper; parallel imaging; parameters; parenchymal; parents; particular; past; patent; pathological; pathologies; pathology; pathophysiology; patient age; patients; patterns; pediatric; pediatric abdominal; pediatric age; pediatric brain; pediatric ct; pediatric disease; pediatric elbow; pediatric head; pediatric hospital; pediatric imaging; pediatric liver; pediatric musculoskeletal; pediatric patients; pediatric population; pediatric radiology; pediatric spine; pediatric stroke; pelvis; percentage; percutaneous; performance; period; peroxisomal; pertinent; pet; phantom; pharmaceutical; phase; phd; philadelphia; philips; physical; pictorial; pitfalls; pituitary; placement; planning; plays; points; pool; poor; population; portal; portion; position; positive; possible; post; posterior; postnatal; postnatal imaging; potential; practice; precision; predictive; preferred; premature; prenatal; presence; present; presentation; president; pressure; primary; prior; probe; procedure; process; processes; processing; prognosis; program; progressive; prospective; protection; protocol; proximal; pulmonary; purpose; pvt; quality; quantitative; radiation; radiation dose; radiographs; radiologic; radiologists; range; rapid; rare; rates; ray; reader; recent; recognition; reconstruction; records; recurrent; reduction; reference; reflux; regions; regression; related; relationship; relative; relevant; relevant imaging; reliable; renal; reports; representative; research; resection; residents; resolution; resonance imaging; respect; respiratory; respondents; response; restricted; results; retroperitoneal; retrospective; retrospective review; review; rhabdomyosarcoma; rib; richard; right; risk; robust; role; routine; royal; rupture; safety; sarcoma; scale; scan; scanner; scientific; scores; screening; scrotum; sdh; secondary; sectional; sectional imaging; sedation; sensitive; sensitivity; sequences; sequestration; series; setting; severe; severity; short; shoulder; shunt; sick; signal; significant; signs; similar; single; sinusitis; site; situs; size; skeletal; skin; skull; slice; small; smaller; snr; society; soft; software; solid; sonographic; space; spatial; specific; specific imaging; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spinal; spine; spleen; spr; src; ssde; standard; standardized; state; statistical; status; stenosis; stents; step; strategies; stroke; strong; structures; stuart; studies; study; subjects; subsequent; subtle; successful; superior; support; surgery; surgical; survey; survivors; suspicion; swelling; swi; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; table; target; teaching; team; technical; technique; technologists; temporal; term; tertiary; tesla; test; testicular; tflv; therapeutic; therapy; thickening; thoracic; thought; thrombosis; time; tissue; tomography; tool; torsion; total; tract; training; transplant; trauma; traumatic; treatment; true; tube; tuberculosis; tumor; type; typical; ultrasonography; ultrasound; uncommon; underlying; understanding; underwent; unique; university; upper; uptake; use; useful; utility; value; variability; variable; variants; variation; varied; variety; vascular; vcug; vein; venous; ventricle; ventricular; vertebral; vessels; visualization; vitamin; volume; voxel; wall; water; weeks; weighted; white; wide; width; work; workup; years; young; yrs cache: cord-014687-0am4l5ms.txt plain text: cord-014687-0am4l5ms.txt item: #15 of 97 id: cord-014794-yppi30a0 author: None title: 19th European Congress of Pathology, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 6-11, 2003 date: 2003-07-31 words: 158305 flesch: 41 summary: The comparison in paired tumor and normal tissue samples showed that phosphorylated ERK-1/ERK-2 expression was higher in tumor cells as compared to surrounding normal salivary parenchyma. IRF-1 derepression by invading tumor cells was associated with poor prognosis. keywords: aah; abc; abdominal; aberrant; abnormalities; abnormality; absence; absent; abundant; academy; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acid; actin; activated; activation; activity; acute; addition; adenocarcinoma; adenocarcinoma cells; adenomas; adenomatous; adenosis; adenosquamous; adhesion; adipose; adjacent; adrenal; adult; advanced; affected; aged; aggregates; aggressive; agnor; agreement; aim; aims; alcian; alcl; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; aml; amplification; analysis; analyzed; anaplastic; ancillary; androgen; angiogenesis; angiogenic; angiomyolipoma; animals; ankara; antibodies; antibody; antigen; apoptosis; apoptotic; apoptotic cells; appearance; application; applied; approach; architecture; areas; arm; array; arterial; arteries; aspiration; assay; assessment; associated; association; atrium; atrophic; atrophy; atypia; atypical; authors; automated; autopsy; available; average; axillary; b cell; background; bak; basal; basal cell; base; basis; bax; bcl-2; bcl2; bcl6; behaviour; benefit; benign; best; beta; better; bilateral; binding; biological; biopsies; biopsy; biotin; biphasic; birth; bladder; bladder cancer; blocks; blood; blot; blue; bone; borderline; bowel; boy; bph; braf; brain; breast; breast cancer; breast carcinoma; breast lesions; breast tissue; breast tumors; bronchial; bucharest; cadherin; calcitonin; calculated; cancer; cancer cases; cancer cells; cancer patients; capillaries; capsule; carcinogenesis; carcinoid; carcinoma; carcinoma cases; carcinoma introduction; cardiac; case report; cases; cases introduction; caspase; catenin; catenin expression; cathepsin; cause; cd10; cd10 expression; cd117; cd20; cd30; cd31; cd34; cd4; cd43; cd5; cd68; cd8; cdk9; cdna; cdx1; cdx2; cea; celiac; cell carcinoma; cell cycle; cell death; cell differentiation; cell growth; cell lines; cell lung; cell lymphoma; cell morphology; cell proliferation; cell type; cells; cells expression; cells number; cellular; center; central; centre; certain; cervical; cervix; chain; changes; characteristics; characterized; checkpoint; chemotherapy; chest; childhood; children; chromogranin; chromophobe; chromosome; chronic; cip1; ck-14; ck19; ck20; ck34sse12; ck7; classical; classification; clear cell; clinical; clinical diagnosis; clinical stage; clinicopathological; cll; clone; clusters; cns; collagen; collected; colon; colonic; colorectal; combination; combined; common; compare; comparison; compartments; complete; complex; complications; component; composite; composition; computer; concentration; conclusion; conclusion expression; conditions; consecutive; consistent; content; contrast; control; control group; controversial; conventional; copd; cord; corpus; correct; correlate; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; count; countries; course; cox; cpt; crc; creatinine; criteria; criterion; croatia; crucial; current; cutaneous; cx43; cycle; cyclin; cystic; cysts; cytogenetic; cytokeratin; cytological; cytology; cytometry; cytoplasmic; dako; damage; data; days; dcis; death; decreased; defects; degeneration; degree; density; department; deposition; deposits; dept; design; desmin; detailed; detection; determination; determined; developed; developing; development; diagnosis; diameter; differences; different; differential; differential diagnosis; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; diffusely; digital; diploid; direct; discussion; disease; disorders; dissection; dissemination; distal; distant; distinct; distinction; distribution; dlbcl; dna; double; drugs; ductal; duodenal; duration; dysplasia; earlier; early; ebv; edema; effect; effective; effusions; egfr; electron; elements; elevated; embryonal; endocrine; endometrial; endomyocardial; endoscopic; endothelial; enhanced; enlarged; entity; enzyme; eosinophilic; epithelial; epithelial cells; epithelioid; erbb-2; erbb-2 expression; erbb2; estrogen; european; evaluation; event; evidence; evident; examination; excised; excision; existence; exon; experience; experimental; expressed; expression; expression analysis; expression levels; expression patterns; expression status; extensive; extent; extracellular; extranodal; ezrin; factor; faculty; failure; fallopian; familial; family; fas; fasl; fat; fatal; fatty; favorable; fddnp; features; federation; female; female patients; fever; fibroblasts; fibroma; fibrosis; fibrous; fields; figures; files; final; findings; fine; fish; flow; fls; fluid; fna; fnab; focal; foci; foetal; fold; follicle; follicular; follow; following; formaldehyde; formalin; forms; fraction; free; frequency; frequent; fresh; frozen; function; gain; galectin-3; gallbladder; gamma; gastric; gastric cancer; gastric carcinoma; gastritis; gastrointestinal; gbm; gcs; gdnf; gelsolin; gender; gene expression; general; genes; genetic; genital; genomic; genotype; germ; gfralpha1; giant cells; giemsa; gieson; gists; gland; glandular; gleason; glial; global; glomerular; glomerulonephritis; goblet cells; gonadoblastoma; good; grade; grade carcinoma; grading; graft; granular; granulomas; granulomatous; greater; greece; gross; group; growth; guidance; h&e; half; hand; hcc; hcg; hch; hcl; hcv; head; healing; healthy; heart; help; helpful; hematoxylin; hemorrhage; hemosiderin; hepatic; hepatitis; hepatocellular; hepatocytes; her-2; her2; herceptest; hereditary; heterogeneous; hhv8; hier; high; high expression; high grade; higher; highest; histogenesis; histological; histological diagnosis; histological grade; histological type; histology; histopathological; histopathology; history; hmlh1; hodgkin; hormone; hospital; host; hours; hpf; hpv; hsp17; hsp70; htert; human; hybridization; hypermethylation; hyperplasia; hypothesis; hypoxia; hysterectomy; idc; identical; identification; ihc; iii; ilc; image; imaging; immune; immunofluorescence; immunohistochemical; immunohistochemical analysis; immunohistochemical expression; immunohistochemical results; immunohistochemical staining; immunohistochemical study; immunological; immunophenotype; immunopositivity; immunoreactivity; immunostained; immunostaining; impact; implants; important; improved; incidence; increased; increasing; independent; index; indirect; individual; induced; infected; infection; infiltrate; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; influence; information; inhibitor; initial; injury; instability; institute; intense; intensity; intercellular; interferon; intermediate; internal; interstitial; interstitial cells; intestine; intimal; intraductal; intraepithelial; intraoperative; introduction; invasion; invasive; invasive breast; invasive carcinoma; investigation; involved; involvement; iplc; irregular; isoforms; isolated; istanbul; junctions; karyotype; kdr; ki-67; ki67; kidney; kinase; kit; knowledge; known; labeling; laboratory; lack; lamina; large; large cell; laryngeal; later; layers; lead; left; leiomyoma; leiomyosarcoma; length; lesions; leukemia; levels; like; like cells; likely; limited; lines; lipid; literature; little; liver; lncb; lobe; lobular; localization; location; loh; long; longer; loss; losses; low; low expression; low grade; lower; luminal; lung; lung cancer; lupus; lymph; lymph node; lymphatic; lymphocytes; lymphoid; lymphoid cells; lymphoma; macrophages; main; majority; males; malignancies; malignant; malignant cells; malignant tumors; malt; mammary; management; manifestation; mann; mantle; margins; marked; markers; marrow; marsh; mass; masses; massive; mast; mast cells; material; matrix; maturation; mature; mcd; mcp-1; mds; mean; mechanism; median; mediastinal; medical; medicine; medium; medullary; melanoma; members; membrane; mesangial; mesenchymal; mesothelioma; metaplasia; metastases; metastatic; metastatic tumors; methods; methods tissue; methylation; mexico; mib-1; mice; microarray; microdissected; micrometastases; microsatellite; microscopy; microvessel; migration; mild; minimal; mitoses; mitotic; mixed; model; moderate; modified; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; mononuclear; montenegro; months; morphological; morphology; morphometric; mortality; mouse; mrna; msi; muc1; muc2; muc4; mucinous; mucins; mucoepidermoid; mucosa; mucous; multiple; multivariate; muscle; muscle cells; muscle tumors; mutations; mvc; mvd; myc; myocardial; myocarditis; myoepithelial; myofibroblastic; myxoid; myxoma; nasopharyngeal; national; ncam; necessary; neck; necrosis; necrotic; needle; negative; negative cases; negative patients; negativity; neonatal; neoplasms; neoplastic; neoplastic cells; nerve; nervous; nests; neu; neuroendocrine; new; nhl; nodal; node; nodular; nodule; non; normal; normal breast; normal tissue; novel; nuclear; nuclear expression; nuclei; nucleoli; nucleus; number; numerical; numerous; observed; obstruction; occasional; occult; occur; old; oncogene; oncology; oncoprotein; ones; onset; open; operation; optical; order; organs; origin; osteosarcoma; outcome; oval; ovarian; ovarian carcinoma; ovary; overall; overexpression; oxyphilic; p-53; p16; p16ink4a; p21; p21waf1; p27; p53; p53 expression; p53 protein; p63; p<0.001; p<0.05; paediatric; pah; pain; palpable; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; panel; papillary; papillary carcinoma; paraffin; parameters; parathyroid; parietal; parotid; partial; particles; particular; parts; pas; pathogenesis; pathologists; pathology; pathway; patients; pattern; pca; pcna; pcr; peptide; percentage; period; peripheral; peritoneal; peritumor; pgr; phase; phenotype; phosphorylated; picture; pigmented; pineal; pituitary; placental; plasma cells; pleomorphic; pleural; pll; ploidy; point; polyclonal; polymorphism; poor; population; positive; positive cases; positive cells; positive correlation; positive expression; positive patients; positive staining; positive tumors; positivity; possibility; possible; post; postoperative; potential; precise; precursor; predictive; predominant; pregnancy; preliminary; premalignant; preoperative; preparations; prepared; presence; present; present study; presentation; preserved; preterm; prevalence; previous; primary; primary breast; primary tumor; prior; probes; problem; procedure; process; processes; product; profile; progesterone; prognostic; progression; proliferation; prominent; promoter; proper; proportion; propria; prostate; prostate cancer; prostate carcinoma; prostatectomy; prostatic; protein expression; proteins; proteinuria; protocol; proximal; psa; pts; pulmonary; pure; purpose; quality; quantitative; quantity; radical; range; rapid; rare; rare cases; rate; rats; rcc; rccs; reaction; reactive; rearrangement; recent; receptor; recurrence; reduced; reduction; refractory; region; regional; regulated; regulation; relapse; related; relationship; relative; relevance; relevant; reliable; relp; remission; removed; renal; renal cell; repair; reperfusion; report; reported; representative; republic; research; resected; resection; residual; respiratory; response; responsible; results; ret; retrieval; retroperitoneal; retrospective; review; rhabdoid; rich; right; ring; rise; risk; role; romania; rostov; routine; rupture; russian; s-100; s100; salivary; samples; sarcoidosis; sarcoma; scale; scan; scc; schistosomal; school; sclerosis; score; screening; second; secondary; sections; semi; sensitive; sensitivity; sentinel; sequence; sequencing; serbia; serial; series; serous; serum; setting; severe; sex; short; showing; signal; signet; significant; significant correlation; signs; sil; similar; single; sinonasal; sinus; site; situ; size; skin; slides; small; small cell; smaller; smears; smmhc; smooth; soft; software; solid; solitary; solution; special; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; spinal; spindle; spindle cells; spleen; spontaneous; sporadic; spread; spreading; squamous; squamous cell; stage; staging; staining; stains; standard; statistical; status; steatosis; step; stomach; stromal; stromal cells; stromal tumors; strong; structures; studied; study; study group; study introduction; study material; subjects; subsequent; subtypes; sudden; sufficient; superficial; support; suppressor; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; survivin; survivin expression; symptoms; synaptophysin; synchronous; syndrome; synovial; synthesis; system; systemic; target; tashkent; technique; technology; telepathology; telomerase; temporal; tenascin; tenascin expression; terminal; test; testicular; testis; tgf; tgfbeta1; therapeutic; therapy; thessaloniki; thickening; thickness; thin; thp; thyroid; thyroid carcinoma; thyroiditis; time; timp-2; tissue; tissue expression; tissue samples; tissue sections; tma; tnf; tnm; tool; topo; torsion; total; tract; transcription; transformation; transitional; transitional cell; transplant; transplantation; trb1; treatment; true; tuberculosis; tubular; tubules; tumor cells; tumor grade; tumor mass; tumor progression; tumor proliferation; tumor size; tumor stage; tumor tissue; tumoral; tumorous; tumors; tumors introduction; tumour; turkey; type; tyrosine; ulcer; ultrasound; ultrastructural; uncommon; underlying; understood; underwent; undifferentiated; unique; univariate; university; unknown; unusual; upper; urinary; urothelial; usa; useful; uterine; valuable; value; variable; variant; varied; variety; vascular; vasculitis; vegf; ventricle; ventricular; versican; vessels; viii; villi; vimentin; viral; virus; vitro; vivo; volume; vs.; wall; weak; weeks; weight; western; white; whitney; wide; wilms; women; work; worse; xenin; years; years old; yellow; young; zone cache: cord-014794-yppi30a0.txt plain text: cord-014794-yppi30a0.txt item: #16 of 97 id: cord-015394-uj7fe5y6 author: None title: Scientific Abstracts date: 2008-12-23 words: 242809 flesch: 48 summary: The highest level of -tubulin acetylation (2.5-fold) was observed with Vinblastine at 10-fold IC 50 after 48 h. Exposure to Microtubule interacting agents and TSA resulted in increased cell surface expression of Ep-CAM in a time and dose dependent manner. Finally, we elucidated a link between the RA and TGF-pathways by assessing the impact of RA treatment of TGF-3 expression, demonstrating that TGF-3 template decreased to levels comparable to myometrial cell expression (0.84±0.12 fold). keywords: -tubulin; 1,2; 11b; 12h; 18s; 24h; 48h; abc; abdominal; aberrant; ability; abnormal; abnormalities; abortion; abruption; absence; absent; abundance; abundant; account; accumulation; accuracy; acetate; acetylation; acid; acidemia; acidosis; acth; actin; activation; active; activin; activities; activity; acts; acute; adaptive; addition; adenomyosis; adenosine; adequate; adhesion; adiponectin; adjacent; adjusted; adjustment; adma; administration; admission; adrenal; adult; adulthood; advanced; adverse; aea; aea levels; afc; affected; affects; affymetrix; age; aged; agents; aim; aims; akt; alcohol; alk1; allele; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; amh; amino; amniocentesis; amnion; amniotic; amounts; amplification; analysis; anandamide; androgen; androstenedione; anesthesia; aneuploidy; angeles; angii; angiogenesis; angiogenic; angiotensin; animals; anomalies; anova; antagonist; antenatal; anti; antibiotics; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antihypertensive; antioxidant; aorta; apgar; apoptosis; apoptotic; apparent; application; applied; approach; appropriate; approval; aqp1; arbitrary; areas; arginine; aromatase; aromatase expression; array; arrest; arterial; arteries; artery; assay; assayed; assess; assessment; assisted; associated; association; atgl; atp; attached; attenuated; australia; available; average; avp; axis; b cells; b levels; babies; background; bacterial; balance; balloon; band; basal; baseline; bax; benign; best; beta; betamethasone; better; bewo; bewo cells; big; bilateral; bile; binding; biochemical; biological; biology; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; biosynthesis; birth; birthweight; blastocysts; bleeding; blinded; block; blocking; blood; blood cells; blood flow; blood pressure; blood samples; blot; blot analysis; blotting; bmi; bnp; body; bouin; bpa; brain; branch; breast; breastfeeding; buffer; bypass; c fetal; cadherin; calcium; calculated; california; camp; cancer; cancer cells; candidate; capacity; carboplatin; carcinoma; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; carriers; cascade; cases; caspase; caspase-3; catheters; caucasian; cause; caveolae; cb1; cbf; cd25; cd3; cd4; cd44; cd45; cd55; cd8; cdb; cdna; cell culture; cell cycle; cell death; cell function; cell growth; cell line; cell proliferation; cell protein; cell types; cells; cellular; center; centile; central; centre; cerebral; cervical; cervical cells; cervix; cesarean; cfos; cgrp; chain; changes; channels; characteristics; characterized; chd; chemokine; chemotherapy; chi; chicago; child; cholesterol; chorioamnionitis; choriocarcinoma; chorion; chorionic; chromatin; chromosome; chronic; chymotrypsin; cigarette; cincinnati; circulating; circumference; cisplatin; class; cleavage; clinical; clip-170; clomiphene; clp; coagulation; cohort; cohort study; collagen; collection; college; colon; colonic; combination; combined; common; communication; comparable; comparison; complete; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; components; composition; comt; concentrations; conception; conclusions; conditions; confidence; confluent; confocal; congenital; conjugated; consecutive; consistent; constant; content; continued; continuous; contractile; contractility; contractions; contrast; contribute; control; control cells; control group; control pregnant; control study; control women; cord; corin; correlated; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortical; cortisol; counseling; couples; course; cox-2; cpb; cpeb; cranberry; crf; crf expression; crh; criteria; critical; cross; crp; crucial; csf; ctr; culture; cultured human; cumulative; cumulus cells; current; curve; cvs; cycle; cyclin; cyp17; cytokine expression; cytokines; cytometry; cytoplasmic; cytotrophoblast; daily; dallas; damage; dams; data; database; date; david; dawley; day; days; dcs; death; decidual cells; decidualization; decline; decrease; defects; deficiency; degradation; degree; dehydrogenase; delay; deletion; deliveries; delivery; demise; demographic; demonstrated; density; department; dependent; dept; design; detectable; detection; determination; detroit; development; device; dga; dha; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diameter; diastolic; diet; dietary; differences; different; differential expression; differentiation; dilatation; diminished; direct; discussion; disease; disorders; distal; distention; distinct; distress; distribution; division; dna; domain; donor; doppler; dose; double; downregulation; downstream; drug; dscs; duration; dysfunction; dysregulation; earlier; early; early pregnancy; ebp; ecm; ecog; ecs; ectopic; education; effect; effective; efficacy; egfr; eif2; elastin; elective; elements; elevated; elevation; elisa; embryo; embryonic; emg; endocannabinoid; endocrine; endocrinology; endogenous; endometrial; endometrial cells; endometrial expression; endometriosis; endothelial cells; endothelium; enhanced; enos; environment; enzyme; eoc cells; epab; epcs; epigenetic; epithelial; erk; erk1/2; erk2/1; essential; established; estradiol; estrogen; estrus; et-1; etb; ethnicity; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; evident; evt; ewes; exact; exam; examination; excess; excretion; exerts; exhibit; exon; experience; experiments; explants; exponent; exposed; exposure; expression; expression analysis; expression changes; expression data; expression levels; extent; extracellular; extraction; extracts; extravillous; ezh2; f4/80; faah; factor; failed; failure; fak; fallopian; false; family; fashion; fasting; fat; fatty; fbs; features; fed; feeding; female; femoral; fertilization; fertilized; fetal; fetal arterial; fetal blood; fetal body; fetal brain; fetal cells; fetal circulation; fetal death; fetal development; fetal dna; fetal effects; fetal growth; fetal heart; fetal inflammatory; fetal levels; fetal liver; fetal lung; fetal membranes; fetal placental; fetal plasma; fetal sheep; fetal weight; feto; fetuses; fgr; fhr; fibers; fibroblasts; fibroids; figure; findings; fixed; flow; fluid; fluorescence; folate; fold; fold increase; folic; follicles; follicular; following; food; force; formation; forskolin; foxp3; fraction; fragments; free; frequencies; frequency; frozen; fsh; fshr; function; future; gaba; gain; galveston; gapdh; gbs; gcm1; gdm; gdm women; gel; gender; gene; general; generated; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genotype; genotyping; gestation; gestational age; gfr; ghrelin; glandular; global; glomerular; glucocorticoids; glucose; gnrh; goal; gonadotropin; good; gradient; grams; grant; granulosa cells; greater; groningen; group; group c; growth; growth factor; guinea; gynecology; half; hand; harbor; has2; haven; hbegf; hcg; hcg levels; hcy; hdl; health; heart; hela cells; help; hemorrhage; heparanase; hepatic; hfix; hgf; higher; higher expression; higher levels; highest; hispanic; histologic; histone; history; hla; homeostasis; homocysteine; hormonal; hormone; horn; hospital; hours; hoxa10; hoxa10 expression; hpa; hplc; hpx; hrs; hscrp; hsd1; hsd1 expression; hsd2; htert; hud; human; human cells; human endometrial; human fetal; human labor; human myometrium; human ovarian; human placental; human pregnancy; human trophoblast; human uterine; hur; huvec; hypertension; hypothalamic; hypothesis; hypothesized; hypoxia; hysterectomy; iai; icsi; identification; ifn; igf; igf-1; ihc; iii; ikk; ikk expression; il-1; il-6; il-6 levels; il-8; il-8 expression; il1; image; imaging; imd; immature; immediate; immortalized; immune; immune cells; immunity; immunoblotting; immunohistochemistry; immunoreactivity; immunostained; immunostaining; impact; impaired; imperial; implantation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incontinence; increased; incubation; index; indices; individual; induced; induction; infants; infection; infertility; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; inflammatory response; influence; informed; infusion; inhibin; inhibited; inhibitor; inhibits; initial; initiation; injury; innate; inos; institute; insufficiency; insulin; insulin levels; intact; integrin; intensities; intensity; interactions; intercourse; interest; interface; internal; intervals; intervention; intrauterine; intravenous; introduction; invading cells; invasion; invasive; investigation; involved; involvement; iqr; ishikawa; ishikawa cells; isoforms; isolated; isometric; israel; italy; iufd; iugr; ivf; japan; jar; jnk; john; jun; kda; key; kidney; kinase; kingdom; kit; knock; known; labeling; labor; laboratory; labouring; labyrinth cells; lack; lactate; lactation; laparoscopic; large; late pregnancy; latency; later; layers; leading; left; leiden; leiomyoma; length; leptin; lesions; leukocytes; levels; levosimendan; lgr7; libitum; ligand; likelihood; likely; limited; linear; lines; lipid; lipopolysaccharide; liquid; litter; little; lmp; load; local; localization; logistic; london; long; loss; louisville; low levels; lower; lowest; lox; lpa; lps; luciferase; lung; luteal; luteal cells; lyapunov; lymphocytes; macrophages; macrosomia; main; maintenance; major; majority; maldi; male; malignant; management; manner; mapk; marked; markers; mass; mast cells; materials; maternal; maternal age; maternal blood; maternal fetal; maternal growth; maternal plasma; maternal serum; maternal weight; matrigel; matrix; matter; maturation; maximal; maximum; mbs; mca; mcp; mean; mean±sem; measure; measurements; mechanical; mechanisms; meconium; media; mediate; mediators; medical; medicine; medium; medroxyprogesterone; members; membranes; menopause; menses; menstrual; menstruation; mesenchymal cells; mesenteric; metabolic; metabolites; metalloproteinases; methods; methylation; mfr; mg protein; mice; michael; microarray; microscopy; microvascular; mid; migraine; migration; mii; mild; milieu; min; minimal; minutes; mis levels; miscarriage; mitf; mitochondrial; miu; mmhg; mmp-9; mmp2; mmr; mnr; model; moderate; modification; modified; molecular; molecules; monitoring; monoclonal; monocyte; mononuclear cells; months; morbidity; morphology; mortality; mothers; motility; mouse; mrna expression; mrna levels; mrnas; mtor; mtt; multiple; murine; muscle cells; mutation; myd88; myocytes; myoferlin; myogenic; myometrial; myostatin; n=10; n=11; n=12; n=15; n=20; n=3; n=5; n=6; n=7; n=8; n=9; national; natural; near; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; neonatal; neonates; nephron; nerve; netherlands; neural; neuronal; neurons; neutrophils; new; newborn; newcastle; nfkappab; nicu; nih; nitric; nk cells; nkg2d; nmol; non; nonpregnant; normal; normal fetal; normal human; normal placental; normal pregnancy; normal term; normalized; normotensive; normoxic; novel; nrbcs; nuclear; nuclei; nucleotide; nulliparous; number; nutrient; nutrition; obese; obese women; obesity; objective; observations; observed; obstetrics; occlusion; odds; offspring; ohpc; ohss; ongoing; onset; oocytes; operative; optimal; oral; order; organ; origin; otr; outcome; output; ovarian; ovarian cells; ovariectomized; ovaries; ovary; overall; overexpression; overweight; ovine; ovine fetal; ovulatory; oxidase; oxidative; oxide; oxygen; oxytocin; p =; p levels; p38; p53; p65; p70; p<.001; p<0.001; p<0.05; paclitaxel; pain; palsy; paraffin; parallel; parameters; parity; partal; particular; parturition; passage; passive; pathogenesis; pathological; pathology; pathophysiology; pathway; patients; pattern; pbef; pcao; pcn; pcos; pcos women; pcr; peak; pelvic; peptide; percentage; perfusion; periconceptional; perinatal; period; peripheral; peritoneal; permeability; peroxide; peroxide levels; persistent; pet; pgdh; pge; pgf; pgf2; pghs-2; pgrmc-1; phase; phenotype; phosphorylation; physiological; pi3k; pituitary; pkc; placebo; placement; placental; placental cells; placental expression; placental growth; placental protein; placental samples; placental tissue; placentation; plasma; plasma levels; plasmid; platelet; plates; play; plgf; pof; point; poly(i; polyclonal; polycystic; polymorphisms; poor; population; positive; positive cells; possibility; possible; post; postmenopausal; postmenopausal women; postnatal; postpartum; potassium; potential; ppar; pprom; practice; precursor; predictive; predictors; predominant; preeclampsia; preeclamptic women; pregnancies; pregnancy; pregnancy outcome; pregnancy rate; pregnancy results; pregnancy study; pregnant levels; pregnant mice; pregnant rats; pregnant women; preliminary; preliminary results; premature; premenopausal; prenatal; prepared; presence; present; present study; pressure; preterm; preterm birth; preterm delivery; preterm labor; pretreated; pretreatment; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; primary human; primers; prior; probes; procedure; process; processes; processing; production; products; profile; progenitor cells; progesterone; progestins; programmed; programming; prolapse; proliferation; prolonged; promoter; properties; proportion; prorenin; prospective; prostaglandin; protease; protein expression; protein levels; proteins; protocol; providers; psychological; ptb; ptgfr; pthrp; ptl; pulmonary; pups; purified; purpose; putative; qpcr; qrt; quality; quantification; quantitative; quiescence; r5020; rabbit; racial; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rare; ratios; rats; reaction; reactive; real; recent; receptivity; receptor; receptor expression; receptor mrna; recombinant; records; recruitment; recurrent; reduced; reference; region; regression; regular; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; relative expression; relaxation; relaxin; release; releasing; relevant; remodeling; removal; renin; repair; repeated; reported; reports; reproductive; research; reserve; resistance; resistin; respect; responders; response; responsible; responsiveness; restricted; restriction; results; retinol; retrieval; retrieved; retrospective; retroviral; reverse; review; rhoa; rhrlx; right; ringo; ripening; rise; risk; robust; role; rotterdam; routine; ru486; rupture; s1p; saa; saline; samples; sampling; san; scale; school; sciences; score; screening; second; secondary; secretion; secretory; sections; segment; selectin; sem; semi; seng; sensitive; sensitivity; separate; separation; sequence; serial; series; serum; serum levels; setting; severe; severity; sex; sflt-1; sflt1; sga; shear; sheep; short; shorter; shows; shreveport; sicam-1; signaling; signals; significant; significant differences; significant increase; similar; single; singleton; sirna; site; sk3; skin; slpi; small; smaller; smoke; smokers; smoking; smooth; smurf2; snap; sno; snp; snps; sodium; software; soluble; solution; somatic; sonographic; source; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spindle; spleen; splicing; spontaneous; sprague; sptb; spy; square; stage; staining; standard; standardized; star; stat3; statistical; statistical analysis; status; stem cells; step; stephen; steroid; stimulation; stimuli; stra6; strategy; stress; stretch; strips; stromal cells; strong; structure; student; studies; study; study design; study group; subjects; subsequent; substantial; substrate; subunit; successful; sum; supernatants; supplementation; supplemented; support; suppressed; suppression; surface; surgery; surgical; survival; sympathetic; symptoms; syncytial; syncytiotrophoblast; syndrome; synergistic; synthase; synthesis; synthetic; system; systemic; systolic; t cells; table; target; taylor; technique; technology; teenagers; temperature; temporal; term; term fetal; term placental; term pregnant; terminal; test; tested; testing; testosterone; texas; tgf; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; thrombin; thy-1; time; time pcr; timing; tissue; tlr-3; tlr2; tlr4; tnf; tnfa; tnl; toco; tocolytic; tof; tolerance; toll; torrance; total; total protein; traditional; trail; transcribed; transcription; transcripts; transfection; transfer; transient; translation; transport; treatment; treg cells; trend; trials; trimester; trophoblast cells; trophoblasts; true; tsa; tubal; tube; tumor; tunel; turn; twin; type; tyrosine; ucla; ucn2; udp; ultr cells; ultrasound; umbilical; unchanged; unclear; underlying; understanding; understood; underwent; unique; united; units; university; university medical; unknown; untreated; upa; upbf; upper; upstream; uptake; uric; urinary; urocortin; usa; useful; uterine; uterine blood; utero; uteroplacental; uterus; vaginal; values; variables; variance; variant; variation; variety; vascular; vasculature; vasodilation; vasodilatory; vector; vegf; vegf expression; vegfr-2; vehicle; vein; velocity; venous; vesicles; vessels; viability; viable; villi; villous; viral; virgin; vitamin; vitro; vivo; volume; vwf; wall; wang; weeks; weeks gestation; weight; western; white; whitney; wide; wild; withdrawal; wks; women; work; yale; years; york; young; younger cache: cord-015394-uj7fe5y6.txt plain text: cord-015394-uj7fe5y6.txt item: #17 of 97 id: cord-017650-2uqy3bnd author: Taylor, Robert B. title: Now and Future Practice date: 2010-04-24 words: 4496 flesch: 62 summary: When traveling in your own country or abroad, take some time to visit medical landmarks-historical sites and museums that recall medical history. From time to time, I mention an event in medical history to a medical student or resident. keywords: abbreviations; advances; aids; books; chapter; city; clinical; college; computer; course; death; diseases; edition; education; electronic; eng; epley; facts; future; good; great; group; health; help; hippocrates; historical; history; home; hospital; human; internet; john; kos; life; maneuver; medical; medicine; morning; museum; new; night; office; osler; pages; pasteur; patient; personal; persons; physicians; practice; salk; science; scientific; short; sites; snow; street; students; tales; time; today; tomorrow; traditional; travel; visit; way; web; white; wife; words; work; year; young cache: cord-017650-2uqy3bnd.txt plain text: cord-017650-2uqy3bnd.txt item: #18 of 97 id: cord-018237-5qfdqlpw author: Rinnert, K. J. title: Catastrophic Anachronisms: The Past, Present and Future of Disaster Medicine date: 2006 words: 5571 flesch: 34 summary: Regardless of disaster events, on a daily basis, the great majority of healthcare facilities and emergency medical services (EMS) systems, even in prosperous Western nations, are overwhelmed in terms of emergency care capacity, be they government-based or private entities. However, unlike cardiac arrest and trauma cases that can present in certain facilities on a daily basis, disaster events are uncommon and infrequent events, even worldwide, making additional training and practice even more critical. keywords: advanced; aftermath; best; better; capacity; cardiac; care; casualties; catastrophic; centers; certain; concerns; courses; critical; day; decontamination; demands; disaster; disaster life; efforts; emergency; equipment; events; facilities; facility; future; global; health; healthcare; hospitals; hurricane; icus; illness; impact; infrastructure; injury; international; katrina; key; life; likely; local; major; management; mass; media; medical; medicine; military; modern; multinational; multiple; natural; nature; need; new; patients; personnel; persons; populations; potential; prepared; present; psychological; public; resources; result; risk; scenarios; security; standardized; subsequent; supplies; support; surge; systems; team; technology; terms; threat; time; training; trauma; usa; use; ventilation; water; worldwide cache: cord-018237-5qfdqlpw.txt plain text: cord-018237-5qfdqlpw.txt item: #19 of 97 id: cord-021806-mup8tzkv author: Aljohani, Majed title: Mass Gatherings date: 2015-10-23 words: 4753 flesch: 51 summary: Lenexa, Kan: National Association of Disasters at mass gatherings: lessons from history Health risks at the Hajj Critical illness at mass gatherings is uncommon Mass gathering medicine: a predictive model for patient presentation and transport rates Mass gathering events: retrospective analysis of patient presentations over seven years at an agricultural and horticultural show Medical support for children's mass gatherings Emergence of medicine for mass gatherings: lessons from the Hajj London: The Stationery Office On-site physicians reduce ambulance transports at mass gatherings Mass gathering medicine: the Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games experience Predicting resource utilisation at mass gatherings using a simplified stratification scoring model The impact of warm weather on mass event medical need: a review of the literature Association of heat index and patient volume at a mass gathering event Medical care at the California AIDS Ride 3: experiences in event medicine Mass gathering medicine: a review MMWE: prevention and management of heat-related illness in many spectators and staff during the Olympic Games-Atlanta Health and safety at the 1980 Winter Olympics Emergency medicine at a large rock festival Concert medicine: spectrum of problems encountered at 405 major concerts Emergency medical services in mass gatherings: the experience of the Formula 1 Grand Prix 'San Marino' in Imola Communication needs should be considered for event medical providers, other event planners, and local EMS, police, and fire personnel. keywords: access; address; aid; alcohol; anticipated; association; asthma; atlanta; attendance; attendees; care; cases; center; concerts; crowd; disaster; emergency; encounters; event; failure; games; gatherings; hajj; health; heat; hospitals; illnesses; increase; injured; injuries; lack; local; marathon; mass; mass gatherings; medical; medical care; medicine; music; naemsp; national; need; number; officer; olympics; participants; patient; people; period; personnel; physicians; pilgrims; planning; preplanning; previous; problems; providers; provision; public; rates; response; review; rock; runners; services; site; spectators; training; transport; trauma; treatment; triage; type; usage; use; variables; weather; world; year cache: cord-021806-mup8tzkv.txt plain text: cord-021806-mup8tzkv.txt item: #20 of 97 id: cord-021922-de9o76q0 author: Bagshaw, Michael title: Aircraft Cabin Environment date: 2009-05-15 words: 10632 flesch: 46 summary: Microorganisms suspended in cabin air are removed by the high efficiency particulate (HEPA) filters during the air recirculation process; unfortunately, these filters provide no protection from the cough or sneeze emitted by an infected neighbor. For example, it is illegal to import morphine derivatives into the USA, even if securely locked in a medical kit Approved first aid kits required by β121.309 must meet the following specifications and requirements: The approved emergency medical kit required by β121.309 for passenger flights must meet the following specifications and requirements: 1. keywords: account; acute; aid; air; air travel; aircraft; aircraft cabin; airline; airport; altitude; assistance; atmosphere; available; aviation; body; cabin; cabin air; care; cases; cause; clearance; commercial; contact; cosmic; cosmic radiation; cost; crew; disease; dose; droplet; dry; e.g.; earth; effects; emergency; emergency medical; environment; equipment; event; evidence; exposure; factors; filters; fitness; flight; flight medical; flow; flying; following; good; ground; guidelines; health; high; human; humidity; hypoxia; important; individuals; infectious; influenza; international; ionizing; journey; kit; kits; level; long; low; major; measles; medical; medical equipment; members; microorganisms; middle; moisture; msv; needs; number; outbreak; outside; oxygen; ozone; particles; particular; passenger; person; possible; practice; pressure; pressurized; problems; professional; public; radiation; rate; recirculated; relative; respiratory; result; risk; safety; samaritan; sars; severe; sick; significant; source; space; special; spread; supply; system; table; temperature; time; training; transmission; transport; travel; tuberculosis; usa; use; year cache: cord-021922-de9o76q0.txt plain text: cord-021922-de9o76q0.txt item: #21 of 97 id: cord-023049-fio7cjj5 author: None title: 2017 Peripheral Nerve Society Meeting July 8–12, 2017 Sitges, Barcelona, Spain date: 2017-06-22 words: 145714 flesch: 46 summary: We compared the median SNAP with radial SNAP measured antidromically at digit 1 in GBS patients whose nerve conduction study showed the sural-sparing pattern. The aim of the present investigation is to summarize the current knowledge on sweating disturbances in GBS patients. keywords: 1,2; 1,3; aars; abnormal; abnormalities; absence; absent; accumulation; ace-083; acid; action; activated; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; addition; adjusted; admission; adult patients; adults; adverse; affected; affected patients; affects; afos; age; aged; agents; aidp; aifm1; aim; allele; allodynia; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; aman; aman patients; amino; amplitude; amyloid; amyloidosis; analysis; animals; ankle; antagonist; antecedent; anterior; anti; antibodies; antibody; antigens; anxiety; apoptosis; applied; approach; appropriate; area; arm; arms; assay; assessment; associated; association; ataxia; atp7a; atrophy; attr; australia; autoantibodies; autoimmune; autonomic; autosomal; available; average; axonal; axonal gbs; axonal loss; axonal neuropathy; axons; b 1; b12; balance; baltimore; bangladesh; barcelona; barré; baseline; behring; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; bicêtre; bilateral; binding; biological; biology; biomarkers; biopsies; biopsy; birmingham; blind; block; blood; brachial; brain; brazil; brazilian; btz; burden; c 1; calcium; cancer; candidate; capacity; cardiac; care; carpal; cases; casp; caspr1; causative; cause; causing; ccm; cells; cellular; center; central; centre; cerebrospinal; cgrp; chain; changes; channels; characteristics; charcot; chemotherapy; chiba; children; chromosome; chronic; chronic inflammatory; chu; cidp cases; cidp patients; cipn; classical; classification; classified; clinical; clinical cidp; clinical data; clinical disease; clinical features; clinical improvement; clinical phenotype; clinical presentation; clinical symptoms; clinical trials; cmap; cmt disease; cmt neuropathy; cmt patients; cmt1a; cmt2; cmt4b1; cmt4c; cmtns; cmtpeds; cmtx1; cntn1; coding; cognitive; cohort; cold; college; cologne; combination; combined; common; comparable; comparison; complement; complete; complex; complexes; complications; component; compound; concentration; conclusion; conditions; conduction study; confirmed; consanguineous; consecutive patients; consensus; consequences; conserved; consistent; consortium; contactin-1; content; contrast; control patients; controls; conventional; cord; correlated; correlation; corresponding; corticosteroids; countries; course; cranial; cranial nerve; criteria; critical; cross; crps; crush; csa; csf; csl; cultures; curcumin; current; cx32; cycle; cytometry; cytoskeleton; daily; damage; data; database; date; days; deafness; death; december; decline; decrease; deep; deficiency; deficits; definite; deformities; degeneration; degree; delayed; deletion; delivery; delta; demyelinating; denervation; denmark; densities; density; denv; department; dependent; deposition; deposits; design; detailed; detection; deterioration; determined; developed; development; dexamethasone; dhmn; diabetes; diabetic; diabetic neuropathy; diabetic patients; diagnosis; diet; differences; different; differential; differentiation; difficulty; diffuse; direct; disability; disabling; disease; disease duration; disease onset; disease progression; disease severity; disease type; disorders; disruption; distal; distal motor; distal nerve; distinct; distribution; disturbances; division; dna; domain; dominant; dorsal; dorsiflexion; dosage; dose; double; dpi; dpn; drg; drgs; drop; drug; dsp; duloxetine; duplication; duration; dysfunction; early; education; edx; effect; effective; efficacy; efns; egos; egris; el 1; electrical; electrodiagnostic; electromyography; electron; electrophysiological; elevated; eligible; elisa; emg; endings; enhancement; enlargement; enzyme; epidermal nerve; erk; esc; essential; established; european; evaluated; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; exchange; excitability; exercise; exome; exon; expected; experience; experimental; exposure; expression; extension; extensive; extremities; extremity; f 1; facial; factor; failure; falls; familial; families; family; fap patients; fatigue; fatty; features; feet; female; female patients; fgfr3; fiber neuropathy; fibres; fibroblasts; final; findings; finger; fisher; flow; fluid; focused; following; fom; foot; form; formation; foundation; frameshift; france; french; frequencies; frequency; frequent; function; future; g 1; gain; gait; ganglia; ganglioside; gars; gbs cases; gbs disability; gbs outcome; gbs patients; gd1a; gd1b; gender; gene; general; genetic; genoa; genome; genotype; germany; gjb1; glial; glucose; glyphosate; gm1; good; gq1b; grade; graduate; greater; grip; group; guidelines; guillain; gw/+; hand; hba1c; headache; healthy; heart; help; helpful; hereditary; hereditary neuropathy; heterogeneity; heterogeneous; heterozygous; hfd; high; higher; highest; histological; history; hnpp; homozygous; hopkins; hospital; hours; hspb8; human; hyperexcitability; hypersensitivity; hypothesis; ibd; identification; idiopathic; ienfd; igg; igg3; igg4; igm; igos; il-10; imaging; immune; immunoglobulin; immunology; immunomodulatory; impact; impaired; impairment; important; improved; improvement; incat; incidence; increased; index; individual patients; individuals; induced; induction; infection; infiltration; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory neuropathy; influence; infusion; inheritance; inherited; inhibition; initial; initiation; injured; injury; institute; insulin; intact; integrity; intensity; interactions; interest; intermediate; international; intervention; intraepidermal nerve; intraneural; intravenous; invasive; investigation; involvement; iowa; iqr; irbd patients; irccs; isolated; italy; ivig; ivig treatment; j 1; japan; johns; joint; k 1; kansas; key; kinase; knee; knowledge; known; korea; laboratory; lack; large; latencies; latency; ldsmpn patients; lead; lee; left; leg; length; lesions; levels; life; like; likely; limbs; limited; limoges; lines; literature; little; local; logistic; london; long; longer; longitudinal; loss; lower; lpa; lrsam1; lumbar; lymphoma; macrophages; mag; mag neuropathy; magnetic; maintenance; major; majority; male; malignancy; management; manifestations; marie; marked; markers; marseille; mass; maximum; mct1; mean; mean age; measurement; measures; mechanical; mechanisms; median nerve; medical; medicine; medium; meeting; mellitus; members; membrane; metabolic; methods; mfn2; mfs; miami; mice; microscopy; mild; miller; minimal; minutes; missense; mitochondrial; mixed; mme; mmn; model; moderate; modified; molecular; molecules; monoclonal; monocytes; months; morphological; morphology; motion; motor; motor axonal; motor conduction; motor nerve; motor neurons; motor neuropathy; motor symptoms; mouse; movement; mpz; mrc; mri; mrna; mt7; multicenter; multifocal; multiple; munix; muscle; mutant; mutations; myelinated; myelination; myopathy; n=1; n=3; nad; nadir; nagoya; naples; national; natural; ncs; necessary; need; nefl; negative; negative patients; nerve; nerve action; nerve biopsies; nerve biopsy; nerve conduction; nerve crush; nerve damage; nerve degeneration; nerve enlargement; nerve excitability; nerve fibers; nerve function; nerve injury; nerve involvement; nerve regeneration; nerve roots; nerve society; nerve study; nerve ultrasound; nervous; network; neurite; neurodegenerative; neurofascin; neurofilament; neurological; neurology; neuromuscular; neuromuscular patients; neuronal; neurons; neuropathic pain; neuropathies; neuropathy; neuropathy patients; neuropathy score; neuropathy study; neurophysiology; neuroscience; neurotoxic; neurotoxicity; new; nf155; nfasc155; nmda; nod.aire; nodes; non; nop; normal; normative; novel; nrg1; number; numbness; obesity; objective; observational; observed; occurrence; old; oleate; ongoing; onls; onset; optimal; orthoses; outcome; outgrowth; overall; overexpression; oxa; p 1; p<.001; p<0.001; p<0.05; paclitaxel; padua; pain; pain patients; painful; painful neuropathy; palmitate; panel; parameters; paraneoplastic; paranodal; paranodes; parents; paresthesia; partial; participants; particular; pathogenesis; pathogenic; pathological; pathology; pathophysiology; pathway; patients; pattern; paw; pbp; pcr; pdn; peak; pediatric; pediatric patients; people; peptide; percentage; performance; period; peripheral myelin; peripheral nerve; peripheral neuropathy; peroneal; persistent; pet; pgds; phase; phenotype; physical; pinprick; pirenzepine; placebo; plantar; plasma; plexus; pmp22; pns; poems; poems patients; points; polyneuropathy; polyneuropathy patients; polyradiculoneuropathy; poor; population; positive; positive cidp; possible; post; potential; practice; preclinical; predictive; predominant; pregnancy; preliminary; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; privigen; probable; proband; problems; procedures; process; processes; product; profile; prognosis; program; progressive; project; prolonged; prominent; promoter; properties; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; proximal; proximal nerve; pure; purpose; pxt3003; qol; qst; quality; quantification; quantitative; questionnaire; radial; randomized; range; ranvier; rapid; rare; rasch; rate; ratios; rats; reaction; recent; receptor; recessive; recording; records; recovery; recruitment; reduced; reduction; reference; reflexes; region; registry; regression; regulation; rehabilitation; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliable; remission; renal; repair; repeat; reported; reports; research; resistance; resolution; respectively; respiratory; responder patients; response; responsible; responsiveness; results; retrospective; reversible; review; right; risk; rituximab; rods; role; root; routine; s 1; safety; samples; sanger; sapp; scale; scan; school; schwann; schwann cells; sciatic nerve; sciences; scig; sclerosis; score; screening; scs; second; secondary; sectional; sections; segments; selective; self; sensation; sensitive; sensitivity; sensorimotor; sensory; sensory axonal; sensory loss; sensory motor; sensory nerve; sensory neurons; sensory neuropathy; sensory peripheral; sensory symptoms; sequence; sequencing; sera; serial; series; serine; seronegative patients; seropositive; serum; severe; severity; sex; sfn; sgnfd; sh3tc2; sham; sheath; shock; short; shy; signaling; significant; signs; similar; singapore; single; sites; size; skin; sleep; slow; small; small nerve; smups; snap; society; sodium; software; south; sparing; specific; specificity; spectrum; spinal; spontaneous; stable; stage; staining; standard; standardized; status; step; stimulation; strategies; strategy; strength; stress; strong; structural; studies; study; study group; subacute; subcutaneous; subgroups; subjects; subsequent; subset; subtypes; sulfatide; sum; summary; support; supportive; sural nerve; surgery; surgical; survey; survival; svpe; sweating; switzerland; swt; sydney; sympathetic; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; syt2; t 1; tafamidis; target; targeted; targeting; technique; temperature; temporal; terminal; test; testing; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thermal; thickness; threshold; tibial; tibial nerve; time; time patients; tind; tingling; tissue; titers; titres; tli; tnf; toe; tolerability; tolerated; tool; tooth; tooth disease; tooth neuropathy; tooth patients; total; toxic; toxicity; trafficking; training; transgenic; transient; translational; transport; transthyretin; treated; treatment; treatment response; tremor; trf; trial; trpv4; ttr; tubulin; tumor; tunnel; turkey; type; typical; ucb7665; ulnar; ulnar nerve; ultrasound; umapathi; unable; uncertain; unclear; underlying; understanding; underwent; unique; unit; university; university hospital; unknown; unrelated; upper; usa; useful; val30met; val30met patients; validated; values; variability; variable; variants; variation; vector; velocities; velocity; ventilation; vibration; virus; vitamin; vitro; vivo; volume; vps34; vs.; walking; wallerian; weakness; weeks; weight; weighted; western; wide; wild; withdrawal; women; work; worldwide; worsening; wrist; y 1; years; younger; zika; zikv; −/− cache: cord-023049-fio7cjj5.txt plain text: cord-023049-fio7cjj5.txt item: #22 of 97 id: cord-023211-kt5gt26t author: None title: Poster Session Abstracts date: 2007-08-29 words: 221712 flesch: 48 summary: Understanding how its modulation modifies transepithelial transport and inflammation in CF versus non CF cells should give new therapeutic clues to reduce exaggerated inflammation and improve fluid secretion in CF patients. This finding indicates that CFTR potentiators have a wide efficacy on many class III mutants and therefore may represent a promising therapeutic strategy for a significant number of CF patients. keywords: 1,2; 16hbe; 2004; a2b; a549; aat; abc; ability; abnormal; abnormalities; abpa; absence; absorption; access; account; accumulation; accurate; acid; acidification; acinar; acinar cells; acquisition; acting; activators; active; activities; acts; acute; addition; address; adenosine; adequate; adherence; adherent; adjusted; administration; admission; ado; adolescents; adult cf; adult cystic; adult patients; adults; advance; adverse; aerosol; aeruginosa; aeruginosa lung; affected; affinity; agar; age; aged; agents; aggressive; agonists; agreement; aim; aims; airflow; airway cells; airway disease; airway epithelial; airway infection; airway inflammation; airway surface; airways; algorithm; allele; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alveolar; amikacin; amiloride; amino; aminoglycoside; amounts; anaerobes; anaerobic; analysis; anemia; anemic patients; anion; annual; antibiotic; antibiotic treatment; antibodies; antibody; antimicrobial; antisense; anxiety; apical; application; appointments; approach; appropriate; areas; arikace; array; asl; aspects; aspergillus; assay; assessment; associated; association; asthma; atp; atpase; attention; aureus; australia; available; average; azithromycin; azm; background; bacterial; bal; balance; balf; band; barriers; baseline; basis; basolateral; bath; bcc; beginning; behavior; beneficial; benefit; best; beta; better; bhk cells; bile; binding; biochemical; biofilm; biological; biomarkers; birth; bles; block; blood; blot; bmi; body; bone; breathing; bronchial epithelial; bronchiectasis patients; bronchoalveolar; burden; burkholderia; ca2; cacc; calcium; calls; calu-3; camp; canada; canadian cf; cancer; capable; capacity; carbachol; caregivers; carolina; cascade; cases; categories; caucasian cf; cause; cbavd; cbf; cell lines; cell surface; centers; central; centres; cepacia; cepacia cf; cepacia patients; ceramide; certain; cf ages; cf airway; cf animals; cf association; cf balf; cf boys; cf bronchial; cf bronchiectasis; cf care; cf carrier; cf cases; cf cells; cf center; cf centre; cf children; cf clinic; cf cultures; cf data; cf database; cf diagnosis; cf disease; cf ebv; cf epithelial; cf families; cf family; cf females; cf foundation; cf gene; cf group; cf hbe; cf infants; cf isolates; cf liver; cf lung; cf macrophages; cf mice; cf model; cf mouse; cf mutation; cf nasal; cf nbs; cf neutrophils; cf offspring; cf outcomes; cf pathophysiology; cf patients; cf phenotype; cf phone; cf physician; cf population; cf practitioners; cf program; cf pulmonary; cf quality; cf registry; cf research; cf respiratory; cf samples; cf secretion; cf sputum; cf subjects; cf survival; cf team; cf therapeutics; cf therapies; cf therapy; cf transmembrane; cf treatment; cf trust; cf unit; cf vitamins; cfbe41o; cff; cfft; cfld; cfq; cfrd; cftr; cftr activation; cftr activity; cftr biogenesis; cftr cdna; cftr cell; cftr channel; cftr chloride; cftr correctors; cftr deficient; cftr degradation; cftr dependent; cftr endocytosis; cftr expression; cftr folding; cftr function; cftr gene; cftr genotype; cftr inhibitor; cftr interaction; cftr intracellular; cftr knockout; cftr levels; cftr locus; cftr maturation; cftr mice; cftr mrna; cftr mutations; cftr null; cftr orthologue; cftr potentiators; cftr processing; cftr promoter; cftr protein; cftr regulation; cftr results; cftr sequence; cftr surface; cftr tm1unc; cftr trafficking; cftrinh-172; cfu; challenge; chamber; changes; channel; channel activity; channel function; chapel; chaperones; characteristics; characterized; chart; chemical; chest; chicago; chip; chloramphenicol; cholesterol; chromatography; chronic; chronic lung; chs cf; ciliated; ciliated cells; ciprofloxacin; circuit; classes; classic cf; classified; clchannel; clearance; clinical; clinical data; clinics; clonal; clones; cm2; coated; code; coding; codon; cohort; collagen; collection; colonic; colonization; colonized; combination; combined; commd1; common; common cf; communication; community; comparable; comparison; complete; completion; complex; compliance; complications; component; composition; compounds; concentrations; conclusion; conditions; conductance; configuration; confocal; conformational; consecutive; consecutive patients; consensus; consequences; consistent; constructs; containing; content; continued; contraction; contrast; contribution; control; control cells; control patients; conventional; correctors; correlated; correlation; corresponding; cost; cough; counseling; counts; course; cpg; creatinine; criteria; critical; cross; crp; crucial; csf; csp; cst; cultures; current; cycle; cystic fibrosis; cytochalasin; cytokine; cytoplasmic; cytosolic; daily; damage; data; date; day; days; death; decision; decline; decreased; defect; defective cftr; defense; deferens; deficient; deficient patients; degradation; degree; deletion; delf508 cftr; delivery; delta; deltaf508; density; denufosol; department; dependent; deposition; depression; desensitization; design; detectable; detection; determination; determined; developed; development; deviation; device; df508; dha; diabetes; diabetic; diagnosis; diet; dietary; differences; different; different cf; differential; differentiated; difficult; diminished; direct; discharge; discussion; disease; disruption; distinct; distribution; diverse; dna; dnase; dogs; domain; dominant; dose; dosing; double; downstream; drug; dry; duox; duration; dx-890; dxa; dysfunction; e.g.; earlier; early; ebc; ednra; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efficiency; efflux; effort; egfr; elastase; electronic; electrophoresis; elements; elevated; elevation; elisa; enac; encoding; endocytic; endogenous; endogenous cftr; endoplasmic; energy; enhanced; entire; entry; environment; enzyme; epidemiology; episodes; epithelial cells; epithelium; eps; equivalent; equol; essential; established; estimate; estrogen; eur-1008; evaluation; events; evidence; exacerbation; example; excessive; exchange; exercise; exhibit; exon; expansion; expected; experienced; experiments; expiratory; export; exposure; expressing; expression levels; extent; extracts; f508del; f508del cftr; factors; failure; families; family; fasting; fat; fatty; features; fed; fev1; fewer; ffm; fibrosis airway; fibrosis center; fibrosis foundation; fibrosis lung; fibrosis patients; fibrosis transmembrane; final; findings; flagellin; flow; fluid; fluorescence; focus; fold; folding; following; food; forms; forskolin; fractions; france; free; french cf; frequency; frequent; frt; frt cells; fumigatus; functional; functioning; fungal; future; fvc; fxyd5; g551d; gain; gamma; gastrointestinal; gastrostomy; gating; gel; gels; gender; gene expression; gene therapy; general; generation; genes; genetic; genistein; genome; genomic; genotype; genotyping; germany; gfp; girls; glands; global; glucose; glutathione; goal; good; gradient; grant; greater; green; groups; growth; gs-9310/11; gsh; guidelines; h2o; half; halide; hand; hbac cftr; hbe; hbe cells; hbecs; hdj-2; health; healthcare; hearing; hela; hela cells; help; heterozygous; high; higher; highest; hill; hispanic cf; hispanic patients; history; hits; hmgb1; home; homeostasis; homozygous; homozygous cf; hospital; hospitalization; host; hours; hrct; hrqol; hrs; hsp70; human airway; human cells; human cf; human lung; human patients; humans; hyperabsorption; hypertonic; hypoglycaemia; hypothesis; hypothesized; hypoxia; i.v; ib3; ib3 cells; ibuprofen; identical; identification; identifying; ige; igg; iii; il-10; il-17a; il-23; il-6; il-8; illness; images; imaging; immature cftr; immune; immunofluorescence; immunoprecipitation; impact; impaired; impairment; important; important cf; improved; improvement; incidence; income; increase; incubated; incubation; index; individuals; induced; induction; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inflammatory cells; influence; influx; information; inhalation; inhaled; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitors; initial; initiation; injury; innate; inserm; insights; institute; instrument; insufficiency; insulin; insurance; intact; intake; intensity; interaction; interest; interface; interim; intermediate; internal; internalized cftr; intervention; interviews; intestinal; intracellular; intravenous; introduction; investigation; involvement; iodide; irt; isc; isolates; isolation; issues; italian cf; italy; items; jet; junctions; kda; key; killing; kinase; kingdom; knockdown; knowledge; known; laboratories; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; lavage; layer; leading; leads; left; legal; length; lentiviral; levels; levofloxacin; library; life; likely; limited; linear; lines; lipid; liposomal; liposomes; liquid; list; literature; littermates; little; local; localization; localized; london; long; longer; longitudinal; loss; lower; lps; luciferase; lumen; luminal; lung cells; lung disease; lung epithelial; lung function; lung infection; lung inflammation; lung transplant; lungs; lymphoma; magnitude; maintenance; major; major cf; majority; making; malabsorption; male cf; malh; management; mannitol; marked; markers; mass; material; matrix; mature; maximal; maximum; mcc; mdck; mean; mean age; mean fev1; measure; measurements; mechanism; median; mediators; medical; medication; medicine; medium; members; membrane; membrane cftr; membrane expression; metabolism; methods; microbiology; micrornas; microscopy; migration; mild; mild cf; min.gland; mineral; minimal; minutes; missed; missense; mixed; mmol; mmp-8; model; moderate; modest; modifier; molecular; molecule; monitoring; monolayers; months; morbidity; mortality; motif; motility; motor; mouse lung; mp-376; mrna; mrsa; muc4; muc5ac; mucin; mucociliary; mucoid; mucosal; mucous cells; mucus; multicenter; multiple; murine; mutant cftr; mutants; n=10; n=3; n=4; n=5; n=6; n=7; n=9; na+; nacl; nanoparticles; nasal; national; nbd1; nbd2; nbds; nebulization; nebulizer; necessary; need; negative; neonatal; neutrophil; new; new cf; newborn; nherf1; nih; non; non cf; normal; normal cftr; north; novel; npt2a; nthi; nuclear; nucleolin; nucleotide; number; numerous; nutritional; objective; observation; observed; obstruction; ogtt; oil; ongoing; onset; oocytes; open; optimal; oral; order; organisms; outcomes; outpatient; output; overall; overexpression; overnight; oxalate; oxidative; oxygen; p2y; p<0.001; p<0.05; padi; pain; pairs; pancreatic; panel; pao1; parallel; parameters; parental; parents; participants; participation; particular; past; patch; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathology; pathway; patients age; pattern; pbs; pcd; pcn; pcr; pdz; peak; pediatric cf; pediatric patients; pediatrics; peg; people; peptide; percent; percentile; performance; perfusion; period; peritoneal cf; permeability; persistent; pex; pfge; pfts; pge2; pgp; pharmacokinetic; pharmacological; phase; phenotypes; phenylalanine; phosphorylation; physical; physicians; physiological; physiotherapy; picc; pigs; pilot; pka; pkc; placebo; placement; planktonic; plasma; plasmid; play; pmns; point; polarized; polymorphisms; poor; populations; porcine; porcine cftr; positive; positive cells; positive cf; possible; post; potency; potential; pparγ; practice; predominant; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; preliminary results; prescribed; presence; present; present study; pretreatment; prevalence; previous; primary; primary cf; prior; probability; probe; problem; procedures; process; processes; processing; production; products; profile; program; progression; project; proliferation; prolonged; prominent; promising; properties; proportion; prospective; prostasin; protease; protein expression; protein levels; proteins; proteolytic; protocol; providers; ps patients; psa; pseudomonas; pseudomonas aeruginosa; pulmonary disease; pulmonary exacerbation; pulmonary function; pulse; pups; purified; purpose; putative; pyocyanin; qds; quality; quantitative; quarterly; questionnaire; questions; raav; rab4; radiation; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; ratios; rats; ray; reactions; reactive; reasons; recent; receptor; recipients; recombinant; recommendations; recorded; records; recovery; recruitment; recurrent; recycling; redox; reduced; redundancy; reference; regimens; region; regular; regulated; regulation; regulatory; related; relationship; relative; relaxation; release; relevance; relevant; renal; repeat; reported; reporting; reports; reproductive; rescue; residue; resistance; respect; respondents; response; responsible; results; retention; reticulum; retrospective; review; risk; role; routine; royal; rsv; safety; saline; salt; samples; satisfaction; saturation; scale; scanning; scans; school; sciences; scores; screened; screening; sds; second; secondary; secrete; secretion; secretory; sectional; selective; self; sensitive; sensitivity; separate; sequence; sequencing; serca; series; serosal; serous; serous cells; serum; set; setting; severe; severe cf; severe lung; severity; sex; sft; short; shrinkage; signaling; significant; significant increase; signs; similar; single; sinus; sirna; site; size; skin; slc26a9; sleep; slope; slow; small; smm; snps; social; sodium; software; solids; soluble; solution; source; species; specific; specific cftr; specificity; specimens; spectrometry; spirometry; splicing; spp; stability; stable cf; stable patients; staff; staining; standard; standard cf; standardized; start; state; statistical; status; steady; stem cells; step; stimulated; stimulation; stip-1; stone; strains; strategies; strategy; stress; strong; structure; studies; study; study group; study patients; study period; stx6; submucosal; subsequent; substantial; substrate; subunit; successful; sufficient; suitable; sult1e1; summary; supernatant; supplementation; support; surface; surface expression; surfactant; surgery; survey; survival; susceptibility; sustained; sweat; symptoms; synagis; synergy; synthesis; system; systemic; t84; target; targeted; targeting; techniques; technology; temperature; terminal; terminus; test; tested; testing; tgf; tgfβ; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thought; throughput; tidal; tight; time; tissue; tlr2; tnfα; tobramycin; tolerance; tolerated; tool; total; total cells; total cftr; toxicity; tracheas; tract; training; transcription; transduced; transduction; transepithelial; transfected; transfer; transgene; transient; transition; transplant; transplant patients; transplantation; transport; transporters; treatment; trend; trials; tube; type cftr; types; ubiquitin; udca; uk cf; unable; unchanged; unclear; underlying; understanding; underwent; unique; united; university; unknown; untreated; upr; uptake; urea; usa; useful; ussing; values; variability; variable; variants; variation; variety; vas; vcp; vector; vehicle; ventilation; vestibular; vip; viral; virulence; virus; viscosity; visits; vitamin; vitro; vivo; voltage; volume; volunteers; voriconazole; waiting; wall; water; weeks; weight; western; wide; wild; wildtype; women; work; worse; wt cells; wt cftr; wt mice; xbp-1s; years; young; young cf; young patients; younger; yrs; zone; ∆264; ∆f508 cftr; ∆f508cftr cache: cord-023211-kt5gt26t.txt plain text: cord-023211-kt5gt26t.txt item: #23 of 97 id: cord-023913-pnjhi8cu author: Foreman, Stephen title: Broader Considerations of Medical and Dental Data Integration date: 2011-10-08 words: 47672 flesch: 38 summary: Over the past decade evidence has been building that there is a relationship between dental disease, particularly periodontal disease, and chronic illnesses. Dentists will need to be alert for early signs of chronic illness among their patients and physicians will need to be alert for signs of dental disease. keywords: access; action; additional; adults; advanced; affected; aggressive; alleles; alternative; american; american dental; ammation; ammatory; analysis; annual; application; approach; appropriate; areas; arthritis; association; available; average; basic; benefi; benefi ts; better; bioterrorism; blood; blue; cancers; cardiovascular; cardiovascular disease; care costs; care providers; caries; case; causes; cavity; cell; center; central; certain; challenges; changes; childhood; children; chromosome; chronic; chronic disease; chronic health; chronic periodontal; ciency; cient; cigna; ckd; clear; clinical; clinical care; clinical data; clinical research; clinicians; clinics; cms; collaboration; colleagues; collection; common; communication; community; community health; complex; complications; comprehensive; computer; conditions; confi; consequences; consortium; control; coronary; costs; coverage; craniofacial; critical; cross; current; curriculum; data; database; day; death; decade; decision; defi; delivery; demonstration; dental; dental association; dental benefi; dental care; dental clinic; dental coverage; dental data; dental disease; dental education; dental electronic; dental health; dental informatics; dental insurance; dental patient; dental profession; dental providers; dental record; dental research; dental schools; dental services; dental students; dental treatment; dental visit; dentistry; dentists; department; design; detection; development; diabetes; diabetics; diagnosis; different; diffi; direct; disability; disease; disorders; dna; drug; early; economic; edr; educational; effective; effectiveness; effects; effi; efforts; ehr; ehrs; eld; electronic; electronic health; enamel; entire; entities; entry; environment; epigenetic; equivalent; essential; estimate; et al; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; example; exchange; existing; expenditures; experience; extended; extramural; factors; faculty; failure; families; family; federal; fhc; fig; focused; following; forms; foundation; fragile; frequency; function; future; general; genes; genetic; genome; gerd; gingival; good; government; greater; group; hand; head; health care; health center; health information; health insurance; health professionals; health record; health system; healthcare; heart; help; heritability; high; higher; history; home; hospitals; human; hygiene; hypertension; identifi; iehr; illness; impact; impairment; implementation; important; improved; incidence; increased; independent; individuals; industry; infarction; infectious; infl; information; initiative; institute; insurance coverage; integrated; integration; intellectual; involved; iom; issues; key; kidney; knowledge; lack; large; lead; learning; level; life; likely; limited; linkage; little; local; long; loss; low; lower; major; majority; making; management; mapping; markers; marshfi; mechanisms; medicaid; medicaid dental; medical; medical care; medical costs; medical health; medicare; medication; medicine; members; metabolic; methods; methylation; michigan; models; moderate; molecular; months; mother; mouth; multiple; myocardial; national; national health; ndings; necessary; ned; need; neurodevelopmental; new; new dental; non; number; numerous; offi; opportunities; opportunity; oral care; oral disease; oral health; outcomes; overall; pain; paper; particular; past; patient; patient care; patient information; patient record; patterns; pediatric; people; percent; periodontal disease; periodontitis; persons; phenytoin; physician; pipeline; plan; planning; point; policy; poor; population; portion; possible; potential; practice; practitioners; pregnancy; presence; present; preterm; prevalence; preventive; preventive dental; primary; primary care; private; private dental; private health; problem; process; professionals; program; progress; progression; project; providers; public health; purposes; quality; rare; recent; recommendations; record; reduction; refl; reform; related; relationship; report; research; researchers; residents; response; result; retinal; review; rheumatoid; risk; role; rst; rural; savings; scale; secondary; section; security; seizure; sequencing; services; set; severe; shared; sharing; signifi; signs; similar; single; sites; software; source; special; specifi; spending; standards; state; status; stroke; strong; structural; students; studies; study; substantial; success; support; surgeon; surveillance; survey; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; team; technologies; technology; teeth; terms; time; tool; tooth; total; training; traits; treatment; trials; type; underserved; uninsured; unique; united; university; use; value; variants; variation; visit; way; wide; willing; wong; work; workforce; years; � ¢ cache: cord-023913-pnjhi8cu.txt plain text: cord-023913-pnjhi8cu.txt item: #24 of 97 id: cord-024613-yump76qu author: Wu, Chunxing title: Recommendations for control and prevention of infections for pediatric orthopedics during the epidemic period of COVID-19 date: 2020-04-23 words: 3820 flesch: 39 summary: Pediatric orthopedic patients and accompanying personnel. Suspected patient: with a history of epidemiology and/or related symptoms, the patient should be transferred to the fever clinic in the isolation building for screening and diagnosis. keywords: cases; children; china; clinical; contact; control; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; debridement; department; diagnosis; disease; disinfectant; emergency; epidemic; following; gloves; history; hospital; hospitalization; incubation; infection; isolation; latex; level; masks; measures; medical; national; novel; operating; operation; orthopedics; outpatient; patient; pediatric; period; personnel; population; prevention; protection; recommendations; relevant; respiratory; room; sars; staff; surgical; symptoms; transmission; treatment; ward cache: cord-024613-yump76qu.txt plain text: cord-024613-yump76qu.txt item: #25 of 97 id: cord-024622-ez4ke2of author: Moxon, Nathaniel R. title: The state of ophthalmology medical student education in the United States: An update date: 2020-05-11 words: 1517 flesch: 45 summary: key: cord-024622-ez4ke2of authors: Moxon, Nathaniel R.; Goyal, Anju; Giaconi, JoAnn A.; Rosenberg, Jamie B.; Graubart, Emily B.; Waxman, Evan L.; Knoch, Daniel; Forster, Susan H.; Sankar, Privthi S.; Mirza, Rukhsana G. title: The state of ophthalmology medical student education in the United States: An update date: 2020-05-11 journal: Ophthalmology DOI: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2020.05.001 sha: doc_id: 24622 cord_uid: ez4ke2of nan The state of medical student education in ophthalmology 38 Eye disease and vision loss worsen quality of life, independence, mental health, social function, 39 and mortality. Many institutions report activities outside of the curriculum The state of medical student education in ophthalmology for medical students, such as interest groups (89%), medical student advisors (80%), career fairs 108 (77%), and outreach or community service experiences (75%). keywords: care; coursework; curriculum; decline; department; education; exposure; eye; faculty; health; higher; institutions; medical; ophthalmology; preclinical; rates; schools; skills; state; students; teaching; time; years cache: cord-024622-ez4ke2of.txt plain text: cord-024622-ez4ke2of.txt item: #26 of 97 id: cord-024984-d9s7akd5 author: Akabayashi, Akira title: A Brief History of Bioethics in Japan date: 2020-05-20 words: 4525 flesch: 47 summary: In addition, even if the arguments in medical ethics shift over to those concerning the beginning of life against the backdrop of new technological developments, issues with terminal medical care and end of life will continue to cause worry among patients and their families, as well as among medical caregivers involved in treatment. If we hope to resolve these ethical issues, we must take a multifaceted approach that is both policy-based (guidelines are issued, ethics committees are established, and healthcare systems are improved) and education-based (awareness and problem-solving capacities are increased among medical caregivers and researchers in those fields as a result of medical ethics education). keywords: act; beginning; bioethics; brain; care; cells; chapter; consent; death; debate; development; discussion; disease; education; embryo; end; enhancement; ethical; ethics; euthanasia; example; fields; framework; future; guidelines; health; human; individual; ips; issues; japan; japanese; life; medical; medicine; moral; neuroethics; new; organ; patient; period; phase; policy; present; problems; public; recent; research; sciences; society; technology; time; transplantation; treatment; use; years cache: cord-024984-d9s7akd5.txt plain text: cord-024984-d9s7akd5.txt item: #27 of 97 id: cord-031296-b8dk08sl author: Cheng, Wenhong title: A psychological health support scheme for medical teams in COVID-19 outbreak and its effectiveness date: 2020-08-30 words: 4692 flesch: 44 summary: key: cord-031296-b8dk08sl authors: Cheng, Wenhong; Zhang, Fang; Liu, Zhen; Zhang, Hao; Lyu, Yifan; Xu, Hao; Hua, Yingqi; Gu, Jiarong; Yang, Zhi; Liu, Jun title: A psychological health support scheme for medical teams in COVID-19 outbreak and its effectiveness date: 2020-08-30 journal: Gen Psychiatr DOI: 10.1136/gpsych-2020-100288 sha: doc_id: 31296 cord_uid: b8dk08sl BACKGROUND: Medical staff fighting the COVID-19 pandemic are experiencing stress from high occupational risk, panic in the community and the extreme workload. To design a systematic, full-coverage psychological health support scheme for medical teams serving large-scale emergent situations, and demonstrate its effectiveness in a real-world study in Leishenshan Hospital during the COVID-19 epidemic in Wuhan, China. keywords: affirmation; attention; average; balint; broadcast; burnout; care; cases; chat; china; covid-19; daily; data; dmi; effectiveness; efficacy; events; figure; gains; group; health; high; hospital; intervention; issues; life; medical; medical team; members; mental; mood; number; nurses; online; patients; positive; programme; psychological; psychometer; resources; scale; scheme; self; severe; significant; social; staff; stress; study; subjective; support; support programme; team; team members; themed; time; work; workers cache: cord-031296-b8dk08sl.txt plain text: cord-031296-b8dk08sl.txt item: #28 of 97 id: cord-031777-gy1lc2jz author: Gjosteen, Frederic title: Acknowledging leadership as a constituent of medical practice : an international outlook date: 2020-09-11 words: 1160 flesch: 36 summary: [1] recently published a report on hospital governance, which duly recommends to give greater emphasis on management issues in medical training; it also points out the need to strengthen management skills among medical doctors, thereby helping them assume clinical leadership. key: cord-031777-gy1lc2jz authors: Gjosteen, Frederic title: Acknowledging leadership as a constituent of medical practice : an international outlook date: 2020-09-11 journal: keywords: academic; association; claris; clinical; cpd; doctors; france; heads; health; healthcare; hospital; leadership; management; medical; national; new; physicians; practice; professional; public; section; training cache: cord-031777-gy1lc2jz.txt plain text: cord-031777-gy1lc2jz.txt item: #29 of 97 id: cord-034317-bhzctz87 author: Ngan, Olivia Miu Yung title: Evolution of bioethics education in the medical programme: a tale of two medical schools date: 2020-10-27 words: 4735 flesch: 31 summary: The importance of local relevance and resonance for bioethics education in the Asia Pacific region Pre-clinical Students' views on medical ethics education: A focus group study in Turkey Attitudes toward the use of quarantine in a public health emergency in four countries: The experiences of Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United States are instructive in assessing national responses to disease threats Learning needs in a medical curriculum in Hong Kong Respect for cultural diversity in bioethics is an ethical imperative Department of Information, Malaysia Government Medical ethics education in Turkey; state of play and challenges Training trainers in health and human rights: Implementing curriculum change in south African health sciences institutions Toward a culture of humanism: A proposal for the future of bioethics education in medicine Enhancing cross-cultural understandings of ethical issues in medical education Professional identity formation: Creating a longitudinal framework through TIME (transformation in medical education) Regression of moral reasoning during medical education: Combined design study to evaluate the effect of clinical study years Influenza vaccination among Malaysian healthcare workers: A survey of coverage and attitudes Medical students and professionalism -do The UNESCO Bioethics Programme: A review Professionalism education: The medical student response An international survey of medical ethics curricula in Asia A conceptual framework for training of trainers (ToT) interventions in global health Ethics education should make room for emotions: A qualitative study of medical ethics teaching in Indonesia and the Netherlands Cultural considerations in forgoing enteral feeding: A comparison between the Hong Kong Chinese, north American, and Malaysian Islamic patients with advanced dementia at the endof-life Must we remain blind to undergraduate medical ethics education in Africa? keywords: approach; asia; bioethics; bioethics curriculum; bioethics education; capacity; challenges; chinese; clinical; common; context; council; course; cultural; culture; curriculum; development; doctors; early; education; et al; ethical; experiences; faculty; framework; health; healthcare; hong; hong kong; humanities; identity; implementation; issues; knowledge; kong; law; learning; limited; local; malaysia; medical; medical education; medical students; medicine; members; moral; need; patient; personal; practice; pre; professional; programme; public; quality; reasoning; role; schools; science; sim; skills; society; stage; students; study; surgery; teaching; time; topics; training; undergraduate; university; years cache: cord-034317-bhzctz87.txt plain text: cord-034317-bhzctz87.txt item: #30 of 97 id: cord-035181-l1heb3or author: Nagarajan, Kiran Koushik title: Prevalence of US-trained International Medical Graduates (IMG) physicians awaiting permanent residency: a quantitative analysis date: 2020-10-29 words: 2387 flesch: 45 summary: The robust clinical and research experience offered during residency and fellowship training attracts thousands of foreign physicians to the USA each year. There are personal circumstances which may alter our estimate, such as dual foreign physician households (only one family immigrant petition would be required), foreign physicians married to US citizens, foreign physicians who accepted a residency position outside of the NRMP match, and US-trained foreign physicians who may no longer be in practice (left the US, became disabled, or deceased). keywords: applicants; birth; census; china; data; eligible; foreign; fsmb; graduates; imgs; immigrant; india; international; match; medical; non; nrmp; number; permanent; physicians; program; residency; resident; status; training; usa; visa; workforce cache: cord-035181-l1heb3or.txt plain text: cord-035181-l1heb3or.txt item: #31 of 97 id: cord-102667-mtl1x7gz author: Leung, T. I. title: Physician Suicide: A Scoping Review to Highlight Opportunities for Prevention date: 2019-08-29 words: 4968 flesch: 39 summary: A Scoping Review to Highlight Opportunities for Prevention date: 2019-08-29 journal: nan DOI: 10.1101/19004465 sha: doc_id: 102667 cord_uid: mtl1x7gz Objective: The aim of this scoping review is to map the current landscape of published research and perspectives on physician suicide. Findings could serve as a roadmap for further investigations and potentially inform efforts to prevent physician suicide. keywords: articles; attempts; author; behaviors; burnout; clusters; copyright; criteria; data; death; doctors; doi; early; education; evidence; factors; framework; funder; general; health; holder;; ideation; issues; knowledge; license; literature; medical; medrxiv; mental; methods; opinion; peer; permission; perpetuity; physician; postgraduate; postvention; preprint; prevention; program; psychological; public; rates; residents; reuse; review; rights; risk; search; self; students; studies; study; suicidal; suicide; survey; themes; thoughts; trainees; women; work cache: cord-102667-mtl1x7gz.txt plain text: cord-102667-mtl1x7gz.txt item: #32 of 97 id: cord-244388-dxrrpxl7 author: Marchiori, Chiara title: Artificial Intelligence Decision Support for Medical Triage date: 2020-11-09 words: 4991 flesch: 42 summary: Built on case records and guidelines using AI-based methods, the system consists of the following building blocks: 1) an engine for the automated ingestion of unstructured clinical notes, the extraction of relevant medical entities and their organization into a knowledge graph (KG); 2) a data-driven dialog system that allows a conversation with such medical knowledge base and drives the patient interactions; 3) an inference engine able to suggest the most appropriate recommendation in terms of point of care and time frame for treatment. The pipeline consisted of the following stages: (1) data preprocessing for misspelling correction and abbreviation expansion, (2) named entity recognition (NER) and (3) concept clustering for the dynamic creation of an ontology of medical concepts from the corpus. keywords: approach; base; care; case; classification; concepts; condition; convolutional; data; different; embeddings; engine; entities; expansion; extraction; features; figure; generation; german; graph; high; implementation; information; input; key; knowledge; language; layers; learning; medical; methods; model; network; neural; nlp; number; ontology; patient; performance; pipeline; possible; precision; provider; q&a; query; question; recall; recommendation; records; relations; relevant; resources; second; set; settings; short; similar; specific; support; symptoms; system; terms; testing; text; time; training; triage; user; validation; values; word cache: cord-244388-dxrrpxl7.txt plain text: cord-244388-dxrrpxl7.txt item: #33 of 97 id: cord-253211-klewqw7u author: Zhang, Yan title: Factors Influencing Mental Health of Medical Workers During the COVID-19 Outbreak date: 2020-09-22 words: 4045 flesch: 39 summary: This is also a wake-up call for psychological workers to remind us to do a good job of psychological intervention and health care even after illness. By contrast, it is highly likely that the backlog of negative emotions causes some mental health issues, especially PTSD, requiring the attention of psychological workers. keywords: analysis; attention; care; china; cognition; confidence; control; coronavirus; covid-19; data; differences; emotional; environment; epidemic; experience; exposure; factors; health; high; infected; infection; items; judgment; level; medical; medical staff; medical workers; mental; mental health; negative; novel; number; outbreak; participants; patients; personal; prevention; psychological; ptsd; questionnaire; results; risk; significant; situation; staff; state; stress; study; table; time; workers; working; wuhan cache: cord-253211-klewqw7u.txt plain text: cord-253211-klewqw7u.txt item: #34 of 97 id: cord-255762-qd6fht8y author: Bucciol, Alessandro title: Purchasing Medical Devices: The Role of Buyer Competence and Discretion date: 2020-08-26 words: 12351 flesch: 50 summary: Second, the differences between PB purchase prices can be explained by PB fixed effects, which, in turn, are related to the size and characteristics of the PB. In a period of tight public budgets, this evidence has fuelled an extensive public debate and -in 2012 -led to the introduction of reference prices, a policy imposing a cap on the unit price of each standard 1 Entry regulations and quality information requirements for new medical devices play a key role in this process. keywords: analysis; appendix; approach; auctions; available; average; awarding; benchmark; bidders; class; classes; column; competence; control; costs; dataset; devices; dhs; differences; different; direct; discretion; distribution; dummies; effect; empirical; equation; estimate; estimation; evidence; expenditure; following; function; healthcare; higher; hospitals; information; italian; level; local; log; lot; main; marginal; marginal cost; mechanism; median; medical; medical devices; model; national; negative; negotiations; non; note; number; observations; observed; overall; pb competence; pb discretion; pbs; period; personnel; policy; positive; price; private; procurement; public; purchase; purchasing; reference; reference price; regime; regional; regression; results; second; section; shows; significant; similar; size; specific; specification; standard; standard medical; structural; supplier; table; tender; test; total; unit; use; value; variable; winning cache: cord-255762-qd6fht8y.txt plain text: cord-255762-qd6fht8y.txt item: #35 of 97 id: cord-256946-ulvqm24g author: Hammond, David title: Undergraduate medical education and Covid-19: engaged but abstract date: 2020-06-16 words: 482 flesch: 46 summary: Whilst the pandemic was rife and hospitals were quickly reconfigured to cope with the surge in Covid-19 patients [4] , medical students on the wards may have been left unsupervised, or else diverted the attention of doctors away from patients -so education, correctly, had to temporarily take a back seat. The impact of COVID-19 on the undergraduate medical curriculum Medical students take final exams online for first time, despite student concern Are national qualifying examinations a fair way to rank medical students? keywords: covid-19; doctor; education; face; medical; online; students; teaching; time cache: cord-256946-ulvqm24g.txt plain text: cord-256946-ulvqm24g.txt item: #36 of 97 id: cord-257167-rz4r5sj7 author: None title: Abstracts for the 29th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society (Neuroscience2006) date: 2006-12-31 words: 241480 flesch: 43 summary: Inst., Kyoto Univ., Inuyama, Japan GABAergic cells in the cerebral cortex are divided into subgroups: parvalbumin (PV)-, somatostatin (SOM)-, calretinin (CR)-, and calbindin-containing types. In the present study, we therefore investigated the synthesis of sex steroids and corticosteroids in the hippocampus of adult male rats, by monitoring the metabolism of tritiated steroids with HPLC system. PS2A-G125 GABA depolarizes GnRH neurons isolated from adult GnRH-EGFP transgenic rats Chengzhu Yin, Nobuyuki Tanaka, Masakatsu Kato, Yasuo Sakuma Nippon Medical School, Department of physiology, Tokyo, Japan GnRH neurons are essential in the reproductive neuroendocrine system. keywords: -catenin; 1,2; 1,2,3; 1,3; 1,4; 1,5; 100; 2,3; 2,4; 21st; 5ht; aaf; abdominal; abe 1; ability; abnormal; abnormalities; abnormality; absence; absent; abundant; acceleration; accumulation; ache; acid; acoustic; acquisition; acsf; action; activated; activation; active; activin; activities; activity; activity dependent; acute; adaptation; addition; address; adenosine; adenoviral; adhesion; adjacent; administration; adrenal; adult; adult brain; adult mice; adulthood; advanced; affected; affects; afferent; affinity; age; aged; agency; agent; aggregates; agonists; agriculture; aichi; aid; aim; aist; akiko; akira; akt; alpha; alteration; altered; alzheimer; ambiguous; amino; amounts; ampar; amph; amplitude; amygdala; amygdala neurons; amyloid; analysis; anatomical; anatomy; androgen; anesthetized; angle; animals; antagonist; anterior; anterograde; anti; antibodies; antibody; antisense; anxiety; aob neurons; aoki 1; apical; apoptosis; apparent; application; applied; approach; architecture; area; arginine; array; artificial; aspects; assay; assembly; associated; association; astrocytes; astroglial; asymmetric; atp; atsushi; attached; attention; auditory; auditory cortex; autism; available; average; aversion; aversive; avoidance; avp; axis; axonal; axons; background; balance; band; barrel; barrier; basal; basis; bath; battery; bdnf; behavioral; behaviour; belt; best; beta; better; bicuculline; bilateral; binding; binocular; biochemical; biochemistry; biological; biology; biomedical; biophysics; bioscience; bipedal; bipolar; birds; birth; bisphenol; bla; blind; blockade; blocker; blocking; blocks; blood; blot; blue; bmal1; bmp; bmp4; bodies; body; bold; box; bpa; brain; brain activation; brain activity; brain areas; brain cells; brain development; brain function; brain injury; brain neurons; brain regions; brain research; brain science; brainstem; branches; branching; brdu; brief; bsi; bulb; burst; bursting; c57bl/6; ca1; ca3; cage; calbindin; calcium; callosum; calpain; camkii; camkk; cancer; candidate; cantor; capable; capsaicin; carbachol; care; case; categories; cats; caudal; causes; cbln1; cdna; cell activity; cell adhesion; cell biology; cell bodies; cell death; cell layer; cell line; cell migration; cell proliferation; cell surface; cell synapses; cell types; cells; cellular; center; central; cerebellar; cerebral; cerebral cortex; certain; chain; changes; channel; characteristics; characterization; characterized; chemical; chewing; chiba; chiba university; chick; children; chip; chloride; choices; cholesterol; cholinergic; cholinergic neurons; chondroitin; chromosome; chronic; cingulate; circadian; circuit; circuitry; clamp; class; classical; classifier; cleavage; clinical; clock; clorgyline; close; cluster; clustering; cnqx; cns; cns neurons; co.; coculture; coe; cognitive; cold; college; colliculus; color; combination; combined; common; communication; comparable; comparison; compartment; complementary; complete; complex; complex cells; complexes; complexity; component; compounds; comprehensive; computational; computer; concentrated; concentration; conclusion; condition; conditioning; conductance; cone; configuration; confocal; connected; connections; connectivity; conscious; conserved; consistent; consists; constant; contacts; context; contextual; continuous; contraction; contralateral; contrast; contribution; control; control mice; conventional; convergence; conversion; cooling; coordination; core; correct; correlated; correlation; corresponding; cortex; cortex neurons; cortical activity; cortical cells; cortical neurons; cortices; corticospinal; corticosterone; course; courtship; cox-2; cpa; cpp; creb; crest; crf; critical; crmp-2; cross; crucial; csf; cues; cultivation; cultured; cultured cells; cultured neurons; current; curve; cycle; cytokines; cytoplasmic; cytoskeleton; da neurons; daily; damage; dark; data; days; death; decision; decreased; decreasing; deep; defective; defects; deficient; deficient mice; deficient neurons; deficit; degradation; degree; delay; delivery; dementia; demyelination; dendrites; dendritic; dense; densities; density; dental; dental university; dentate; dentistry; department; dependent; depletion; depolarization; depolarized; depolarizing; depressed; deprivation; deprived; dept; desensitization; detailed; detection; determined; developed; development; dex; dha; diet; differences; different; differential; differentiation; difficult; diffusion; dimensional; direction; disc1; discharges; discrete; discrimination; disease; disorders; disparity; display; disruption; distal; distance; distant; distinct; distribution; div; diverse; division; dna; domain; dominance; dominant; dopaminergic neurons; dorsal; dose; dots; double; downstream; drebrin; drg; drosophila; drpla; drug; duration; dye; dynamics; dysbindin; dysfunction; dystonia; early; ectopic; education; eeg; effect; effective; efficacy; efficiency; egfp; ehime; electrical; electrode; electron; electrophysiological; electroporation; elegans; element; elevated; elimination; elongation; embryonic; embryos; emg; emotional; encodes; encoding; endocrine; endogenous; energy; engineering; english; enhanced; enhancement; entire; entorhinal; entry; environmental; enzyme; epigenetic; epileptic; epscs; epsp; erk; erk5; error; es cells; essential; establishment; estimation; estradiol; estrogen; ethanol; ethical; evaluation; events; evidence; evoked; example; excitability; excitation; excitatory; excitatory neurons; execution; exercise; exhibit; existence; exocytosis; experience; experiments; exposure; expression; expression levels; extension; extensive; extent; external; extinction; eye; eyes; faces; facial; facilitation; factors; faculty; family; fast; fatty; fear; features; fed; feedback; feeding; female; fetal; fibers; field; filopodia; filtering; finches; findings; fine; finger; firing; fixation; fixed; flavoprotein; flies; flocculus; flow; fluid; fluorescence; fmri; fmri study; focused; following; food; foot; forebrain; formation; forms; forward; fos; fos expression; foundation; fraction; free; frequency; frontier; fujita; fukuda; fukui; fukuoka; fukushima; function; fundamental; funds; future; fyn; gaba; gabaergic cells; gabaergic neurons; gad67; gain; gamma; ganglia; ganglion; ganglion cells; ganglion neurons; gap; gaze; gdnf; gel; gene; gene expression; general; generate; genetic; geniculate; genome; genomic; gfap; gfp; gifu; glial; glial cells; global; glomeruli; glucocorticoid; glucose; glur; glutamate; glutamate receptor; glutamatergic; glutathione; glycine; glycinergic; gnrh neurons; gonadal; good; gpi; gpi neurons; gradient; graduate; graduate school; grant; granular; granule cells; granule neurons; grasping; gray; greater; green; grip; group; growth; gsh; gtpases; guidance; guinea; gunma; gyrus; habituation; half; hand; hashimoto; hattori; hayashi; head; health; heat; heavy; hemifield; hemisphere; hemodynamic; hemoglobin; hepatic; hes1; heterozygous; hgf; hideki; hideyuki; high; higher; hindbrain; hippocampal cells; hippocampal neurons; hippocampus; hiroaki; hiroko; hironori; hiroshi; hiroshima; hiroyuki; hokkaido; hokkaido university; home; homologue; horie; horizontal; hormone; horn; hospital; host; hpa; human; human brain; hundreds; hvc; hybridization; hydroxylase; hyogo; hyperactivity; hyperalgesia; hypoglossal; hypothalamic; hypothermia; hypothesis; i.p; ibaraki; ichiro; idea; identical; identification; ifenprodil; iii; ikuko; image; imaging; immature; immediate; immune; immunoglobulin; immunohistochemistry; immunopositive; immunoreactive neurons; immunoreactivity; immunostaining; impact; impaired; impairment; impedance; implicit; important; important role; improved; inclusions; increased; index; india; individual; individual neurons; induced; induction; industrial; infant; infected; inferior; inferotemporal; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; influx; infrared; infusion; inhibited; inhibition; inhibitory; inhibitory neurons; inhibits; initial; initiation; injection; injured; injury; inner; innervation; inoue; inputs; insights; institute; instructed; insular; insulin; insults; intact; intake; integrated; integrative; intensity; interaction; intermediate; interneurons; interval; intracellular; intraperitoneal; intrinsic; invasive; investigation; involvement; inward; ipsilateral; iran; irradiation; ischemia; ishii; ishikawa; isoforms; isolated; isolation; ito 1; iwate; izumi; japan; japan activation; japan application; japan astrocytes; japan axons; japan brain; japan c.; japan calcium; japan cerebellar; japan cortical; japan dendritic; japan distribution; japan dopaminergic; japan early; japan effects; japan expression; japan gaba; japan gabaergic; japan glial; japan glutamate; japan gnrh; japan high; japan layer; japan long; japan mammalian; japan memory; japan mice; japan microglia; japan multiple; japan neural; japan neurons; japan olfactory; japan postsynaptic; japan previous; japan ps3p; japan purpose; japan recent; japan science; japan society; japan stimulation; japan synaptic; japan vesicular; japan visual; japanese; jikei; jsps; jst; jun; junctions; junichi; juntendo; kagaku; kagoshima; kainate; kakenhi; kanagawa; kaneko; kaoru; kato; katsuhiko; kawaguchi; kawasaki; kawashima; kawato; kazunori; kazuo; keio; keio univ; keisuke; kenji; khz; kida; kimura; kinase; kinds; kinesin-1; kinetics; kinki; kit; kitakyushu; kiyokazu; knockdown; knockout; knockout mice; knowledge; known; ko mice; kobayashi; kobe; koichi; kubo; kumamoto; kunihiko; kurume; kyoto; kyoto university; kyushu; lab; labeling; laboratory; lacking; lactate; lamina neurons; laminar; language; lapse; large; latency; lateral; layer; leading; learning; left; length; leptin; lesion; lesioned; level; lgn; lgn neurons; life; ligand; like; likely; limbic; limited; line; linear; lingo-1; lipid; little; lobe; localization; localized; locations; locomotor; locomotor activity; locus; long; longer; loop; loss; lower; lpa; lpfc; ltd; ltm; ltp; macaque; maebashi; maeda; magnetic; magnitude; maintenance; major; majority; making; makoto; male; mammalian; mammalian brain; mammals; manabu; manipulation; manner; map1b; mapk; mapping; maps; markedly; marker; masaharu; masahiko; masami; masanori; masato; masayuki; mass; matching; maternal; matrix; matsuda; matsumoto; matter; maturation; mature neurons; maze; mdma; mean; measurement; measuring; mechanical; mechanisms; mecp2; med; mediate; mediator; medical; medical university; medicine; medium; medulla; meeting; meg; member; membrane; memory; metabolism; metabolites; metastin; method; methylation; metropolitan; mext; mfr; mfs; mglur1; mice; mice brain; microarray; microelectrode; microglia; microscopy; microtubule; midbrain; middle; migrating; migration; migratory; mild; milliseconds; mind; minoru; mitochondrial; mitral; mitsubishi; miura; miyazaki; mk-801; model; model system; modification; modified; modulated; modulation; molecular; molecular mechanisms; molecules; monitoring; monkeys; monoamine; monocular; months; mori; morphine; morphogenesis; morphological; morphology; mossy; motif; motion; motor; motor cortex; motor neurons; mouse; mouse brain; movement; moving; mpfc; mptp; mrna; multiple; murakami; muscimol; muscle; muscular; mushroom; music; mutant; mutant mice; mutation; myelin; myelinated; myoclonus; nacl; nagasaki; nagoya; nagoya university; nakajima 1; nakamura; naoki; nara; national; national institute; native; natl; natural; nature; ncam; ncnp; near; necessary; need; negative; neocortex; neocortical; neonatal; nerve; nervous; nervous system; nestin; netrin; netrin-1; network; neun; neural; neural activities; neural cell; neural development; neural mechanisms; neural stem; neurite; neurobiology; neuroblasts; neurodegenerative; neuroendocrine; neuroethics; neurogenesis; neurogenic; neuroimaging; neurological; neurology; neuronal; neuronal activity; neuronal cells; neuronal differentiation; neuronal function; neuronal migration; neuronal responses; neurons; neuropathic; neurophysiology; neuroprotective; neuroscience; neurospheres; neurosurgery; neurotoxicity; neurotransmitter; neurotrophic; new; newborn; ng108; ng2; ngf; nicotine; nigra; nihon; nihon university; niigata; niigata university; nippon; nips; nirs; nitric; nmda; nmda receptor; nobuyuki; nociceptive; noise; nomura; non; nonlinear; noriko; normal; notch; novel; novo; noxious; npy; nr1; nr2b; nscs; ntt; nuclear; nuclei; nucleotide; nucleus; number; obata; object; objective; observation; observed; obvious; occipital; odor; odorant; ogawa; ohda; okamoto; okamoto 1; okayama; okazaki; old; olfactory; olfactory neurons; olig2; oligodendrocytes; ones; ono; ono 1; onset; open; opposite; optical; optokinetic; order; order neurons; orexin; orexin neurons; organization; organotypic; organs; orientation; origin; original; os2a-8; os3p-4; osaka; osaka university; osamu; oscillations; oscillatory; outcome; outgrowth; output; outward; overexpression; ovx; oxidation; oxidative; oxide; oxt; oxy; oxygen; p2x; p2y; p38; pain; pairs; pallidus; paper; paradigm; parallel; parameters; paraventricular; parietal; parkinson; parkinsonian; partial; particular; parts; pass; passive; patch; pathogenesis; pathological; pathology; pathophysiology; pathway; patients; pattern; patterning; pax6; pc12 cells; pcns; pcp; pcr; pcs; pdgf; pdz; peak; peptide; perception; perceptual; performance; perfusion; perineuronal; period; periodic; peripheral; permeability; pfc; pgd; pgds; pge; pharmaceutical; pharmacological; pharmacology; phase; phasic; phenomenon; phenotype; phosphorylation; photon; photoreceptors; physiological; physiology; pi3k; pictures; pituitary; pixel; pka; pkc; place; plasma; plasticity; play; plexin; plus; pns; poa; point; polarity; polyglutamine; polyq; pool; populations; position; positive; positive cells; positive neurons; possibility; possible; posterior; postnatal; postsynaptic; postsynaptic neurons; postural; posture; potassium; potential; potentiation; powerful; ppt; practice; precerebellar neurons; precise; precursor; precursor cells; preference; preferential; prefrontal; prefrontal cortex; pregnant; premotor; prenatal; preoptic; preparations; prepared; presence; present; present results; present study; presentation; pressure; presto; presynaptic; pretreatment; previous study; primary; primate; prior; priority; probability; probe; problem; process; processes; processing; produce; profiles; progenitor cells; progenitors; program; progress; progression; projection neurons; projections; proliferation; prolonged; prominent; promoter; propagation; properties; property; proportion; proteasome; protective; protein; protein expression; proteomics; protrusions; proximal; prrp; ps1a; ps1p; ps2a; ps2p; ps3a; ps3p; psa; psd; psd-95; psychiatry; psychology; ptz; puberty; pulse; pups; purified; purkinje cells; purpose; pursuit; putamen; putative; pvn; pyramidal cells; pyramidal neurons; quantitative; question; rac1; radial; raft; random; range; raphe; rapid; rat brain; rat hippocampal; rate; rats; reaching; reaction; reactive; real; rearing; receptive; receptor; receptor activation; receptor neurons; recognition; reconsolidation; reconstructed; recorded; recording; recovery; recruitment; reduced; reduction; reelin; reflex; regeneration; region; regional; regulated; regulation; regulatory; rehabilitation; reinforcement; related; relationship; relative; relay neurons; release; relevant; remains; remodeling; removal; repetitive; replacement; report; reporter; reproductive; repulsive; required; rescue; research; research center; research funds; research institute; resident; residues; resistance; resonance; respiratory; response; responsible; responsive neurons; resting; restricted; results; retardation; retention; reticular; retinal; retrieval; retrograde; reversal; reversed; reward; rewarding; rgcs; rho; rhoa; rhythm; rhythmic; rich; right; rigidity; riken; riken brain; rise; risk; rivalry; rnai; rnd2; robust; rodent; role; root; rostral; rotation; rp58; rsna; rtms; rtt; rule; running; saccades; saccadic; sachiko; sad; saitama; sakai; sakurai; saline; salt; sapporo; sasaki; sato; sato 2; satoshi; scale; scanning; scar; schedule; schizophrenia; schl; school; sciatic; science institute; sciences; scientific; scn; scn neurons; screening; sdn; second; secondary; secretion; sections; segment; seiji; seizure; selection; selective; selectivity; self; sema3a; sema6d; semantic; sendai; sensation; sensitive; sensitivity; sensorimotor; sensory; sensory neurons; sequence; sequential; serial; series; serine; serotonergic; serotonin; serum; session; sets; severe; severity; sex; sexes; sexual; sham; shape; shift; shigeo; shigeru; shinichi; shinya; shock; short; showa; signaling; signals; significant; similar; similarity; simple; simultaneous; single; single cells; single neurons; sirna; sirt1; site; situ; situation; size; skin; sleep; slices; slow; small; small neurons; smaller; smooth; social; society; sod1; sodium; sokendai; soluble; solution; somata; somatic; somatosensory; song; sorst; sound; source; space; spatial; spatiotemporal; special; species; specific; specificity; spectroscopy; speech; speed; spike; spiking; spinal; spinal neurons; spines; spontaneous; sporadic; sports; spvi; srf; stability; stable; stages; staining; standard; start; startle; state; stationary; statistical; stem cells; step; steroids; stimulated; stimulation; stimuli; stimulus; strains; strength; stress; striatal; striatal neurons; striatum; stroke; strong; stronger; structure; students; studies; study; subcellular; subjects; subsequent; subset; substantia; substrate; subtypes; subunit; subventricular; suckling; sucrose; suguru; suita; sulcus; sulfate; sulffp1; superfamily; superficial; superior; support; suppression; surface; surgery; surround; survival; susceptibility; sustained; suzuki; svs; svz; sy1; sy2; sy3; symmetrical; sympathetic; symposium; symptoms; synapses; synaptic; synaptic activity; synaptic plasticity; synaptic transmission; synaptogenesis; synaptotagmin; synchronization; synchronous; synchrony; syndrome; syntactic; synthase; synthesis; synthesized; synuclein; system; systemic; tactile; tail; takaaki; takahashi; takahiro; takao; takashi; takayuki; takeda; talk; tanaka; target; target neurons; targeted; targeting; task; taste; taurine; tde; technique; technology; telencephalon; teleost; temperature; temporal; tendency; term; terminals; test; tested; tetsuo; tetsuya; tgf; tgl; thalamocortical; thalamus; theory; therapeutic; therapy; thermal; thermotaxis; theta; thin; thought; threshold; thrombin; thyroid; time; timing; tissue; tmt; tochigi; tohoku; tohoku university; tokushima; tokyo; tokyo institute; tokyo medical; tokyo metropolitan; tokyo university; tomoko; tomoyuki; tone; tongue; tonic; tools; toshihiko; toshio; toshiyuki; total; tottori; toxin; toyama; toyohashi; tracer; tracing; tract; tractography; trafficking; training; trajectory; transcranial; transcription; transcripts; transduction; transfer; transformation; transgenic; transgenic mice; transient; transition; translocation; transmembrane; transmission; transmitter; transplantation; transplanted; transport; transporters; treated; treatment; trg neurons; trial; trigeminal; trkb; trpm8; trpv4; tsukuba; tsuyoshi; ttx; tube; tubulin; tumor; tuning; turn; twice; type; type mice; typical; tyrosine; ubiquitin; uchida; uchida 1; ueda; unclear; underlying; understanding; understood; unique; university; university graduate; university school; unknown; upper; uptake; urethane; usa; useful; v1 neurons; vagus; value; variation; varied; variety; vascular; vasopressin; vectors; vehicle; velocity; ventrolateral; vertebrate; vesicles; vesicular; vesl-1s; vgat; vglut1; viability; view; viral; virus; visceral; visual; visual cortex; visual system; visualized; vitro; vivo; vocal; voltage; volume; voluntary; volunteers; vta; wakefulness; wako; walking; wall; waseda; waseda university; watanabe; water; wave; weak; weeks; weight; western; whisker; white; wide; wild; wistar; wnt; women; words; working; yamada; yamaguchi; yamamoto; yamashita; yamazaki; yasuo; yasushi; years; yokohama; yoshida; young; yuichi; yuji; yuko; zebrafish; zinc; zone cache: cord-257167-rz4r5sj7.txt plain text: cord-257167-rz4r5sj7.txt item: #37 of 97 id: cord-257680-ds1y3ks9 author: Schiller, Marcus title: Management of pandemic or large-scale emergencies in Germany with a focus on the current and potential role of university schools of dentistry: Can it help in COVID-19 time? date: 2020-10-02 words: 3130 flesch: 50 summary: Their potential involvement in providing emergency medical treatment in case of large-scale emergencies is illustrated using Hannover Medical School (MHH) as an example. One question that needs to be answered is how to sensibly involve dental medical centres in existing emergency concepts. keywords: available; average; beds; bull; capacity; care; case; casualty; categories; category; centres; dental; dental medical; disaster; emergencies; emergency; federal; germany; hospitals; integration; large; maxillofacial; medical; medical centres; medicine; natl; number; operating; patients; plan; potential; resources; response; rooms; scale; schiller; sterile; study; surgery; surgical; theatres; treatment; triage; units; university cache: cord-257680-ds1y3ks9.txt plain text: cord-257680-ds1y3ks9.txt item: #38 of 97 id: cord-260907-uuaa9ta2 author: Schaffir, Jonathan title: Challenges to Medical Education on Surgical Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic date: 2020-08-28 words: 3155 flesch: 34 summary: The importance of providing helpful and knowledgeable assistance is a skill that medical students often fail to appreciate. In the setting of medical students being physically isolated from their institution, the challenge is not with the equipment used in communication but rather with the equipment used for the simulation itself. keywords: adequate; appropriate; assessment; available; basic; cases; clinical; communication; content; covid-19; difficult; disasters; education; educators; effective; examples; experience; faculty; home; instruction; knowledge; lack; learners; learning; medical; natural; need; new; online; pandemic; patient; performance; procedures; programs; reality; remote; resources; setting; simulation; skills; students; surgery; surgical; teaching; techniques; time; tools; training; use; video; virtual cache: cord-260907-uuaa9ta2.txt plain text: cord-260907-uuaa9ta2.txt item: #39 of 97 id: cord-263236-0zkhz71p author: Pattisapu, Nikhil title: Distant Supervision for Medical Concept Normalization date: 2020-08-09 words: 4593 flesch: 56 summary: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Medical persona classification in social media Pharmacovigilance from social media: mining adverse drug reaction mentions using sequence labeling with word embedding cluster features Social media mining for public health monitoring and surveillance Twitter social media is an effective tool for breast cancer patient education and support: patient-reported outcomes by survey Take two aspirin and tweet me in the morning: how twitter, facebook, and other social media are reshaping health care Medical concept normalization by encoding target knowledge Medical concept normalization for online user-generated texts Snomed-ct: The advanced terminology and coding system for ehealth Normalising medical concepts in social media texts by learning semantic representation Entity linking with a knowledge base: Issues, techniques, and solutions Adapting phrase-based machine translation to normalise medical terms in social media messages Statistical phrase-based translation A character-level machine translation approach for normalization of sms abbreviations Text normalization based on statistical machine translation and internet user support Statistical machine translation based text normalization with crowdsourcing Using an ensemble of generalised linear and deep learning models in the smm4h 2017 medical concept normalisation task Medical concept normalization in social media posts with recurrent neural networks Multi-task character-level attentional networks for medical concept normalization Deep neural models for medical concept normalization in user-generated texts Pre-training of deep bidirectional transformers for language understanding Concept extraction to identify adverse drug reactions in medical forums: A comparison of algorithms A robustly optimized bert pretraining approach Decoupled weight decay regularization Deep contextualized word representations Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space Deepwalk: Online learning of social representations Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining Harp: Hierarchical representation learning for networks Line: Large-scale information network embedding Visualizing data using t-sne The stanford corenlp natural language processing toolkit The reuters corpus volume 1-from yesterday's news to tomorrow's language resources Effective mapping of biomedical text to the umls metathesaurus: the metamap program Medical subject headings (mesh) Extracting medical concepts from medical social media with clinical nlp tools: a qualitative study Cadec: A corpus of adverse drug event annotations A systematic approach for developing a corpus of patient reported adverse drug events: a case study for ssri and snri medications Semi-supervised classification with graph convolutional networks Nikhil Pattisapu: However, scaling these models to millions of medical concepts entails the creation of much larger datasets which is cost and effort intensive. keywords: approach; baseline; cadec; classification; concepts; dataset; distant; embedding; entity; examples; graph; informal; input; knowledge; language; lexicon; machine; mcn; media; medical; methods; model; networks; neural; normalization; patient; performance; phrases; prior; psytar; section; snomed; social; space; supervised; synonyms; target; task; text; training; translation; use; vector; word; work cache: cord-263236-0zkhz71p.txt plain text: cord-263236-0zkhz71p.txt item: #40 of 97 id: cord-268378-tcuv255v author: Hood, Ernie title: Evolutionary Medicine: A Powerful Tool for Improving Human Health date: 2008-02-13 words: 4590 flesch: 41 summary: Evolutionary medicine plays a critical role in the interpretation and application of this information, since human evolutionary history has shaped the genome. All in all, medicine seems to be making great progress in preventing, treating, and curing disease without including evolutionary information. keywords: agriculture; areas; biologists; body; care; changes; children; concept; contemporary; data; differences; different; disease; environment; evolutionary; example; exposure; fhs; genes; genetic; genome; genomic; group; health; high; history; human; immune; implications; important; individuals; infectious; information; lifestyle; long; medical; medicine; meeting; modern; new; offspring; parasites; pathogens; people; perspective; physiology; populations; potential; race; recent; researchers; response; risk; sars; selection; stearns; studies; study; term; time; tools; trade; trait; treatment; understanding; use; virus; vomiting; wide; years cache: cord-268378-tcuv255v.txt plain text: cord-268378-tcuv255v.txt item: #41 of 97 id: cord-271308-nypkr537 author: Drexler, Richard title: Involvement of Medical Students During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study date: 2020-08-30 words: 3555 flesch: 47 summary: key: cord-271308-nypkr537 authors: Drexler, Richard; Hambrecht, Jan M; Oldhafer, Karl J title: Involvement of Medical Students During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study date: 2020-08-30 journal: Cureus DOI: 10.7759/cureus.10147 sha: doc_id: 271308 cord_uid: nypkr537 Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic affects the education of medical students around the world and countries have had differing responses in dealing with this dynamic situation. The role of medical students in fighting this pandemic is controversial and it is yet to be elucidated how they can best be of service. keywords: academic; addition; answers; care; clinical; countries; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; data; education; final; final year; future; germany; hamburg; health; hospitals; impact; likert; majority; medical; medical students; online; pandemic; patients; point; positive; response; role; scale; significant; staff; students; study; survey; voluntary; volunteering; volunteers; work; year; year students cache: cord-271308-nypkr537.txt plain text: cord-271308-nypkr537.txt item: #42 of 97 id: cord-272218-6vpu59xq author: Wu, Anette title: Internationalization of Medical Education—a Scoping Review of the Current Status in the United States date: 2020-08-05 words: 6459 flesch: 28 summary: Glob Health Action Global health': meaning what? Viewpoint -internationalisation of medical education: hierarchies, inequalities and future directions https:// Critical perspectives on internationalising the curriculum in disciplines Global health competencies and approaches in medical education: a literature review Preparing medical graduates for an interconnected world: current practices and future possibilities for internationalizing the medical curriculum in different contexts Scoping studies: towards a methodological framework New world views: preparing physicians in training for global health work An international health/tropical medicine elective Refugee health and medical student training The effect of medical students' international experiences on attitudes toward serving underserved multicultural populations Educational effects of international health electives on U.S. and Canadian medical students and residents: a literature review A third world international health elective for U.S. medical students: the 25-year experience of the State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center A global health elective for US medical students: the 35 year experience of the State University Evaluation of student attitudes and knowledge in a new program in international health and medicine A medical school for international health run by international partners Career influence of an international health experience during medical school Teaching medical students about different health care systems: an international exchange program Refugees and medical student training: results of a programme in primary care Capturing medical students' idealism Global health in medical education: a call for more training and opportunities Three domains of competency in global health education: recommendations for all medical students Going home: lessons for a Brown medical student in Cambodia. Definition of each category below is based on descriptions found in IoHE [68] : Institutional Partnerships Articles that described programs in which US academic institutions and medical schools partnered with one or more schools or programs outside of the country to provide elements of IoME to medical students were listed in this category. keywords: activities; approaches; area; articles; authors; collaboration; countries; cultural; current; curriculum; definition; differences; disciplines; education; educators; elective; european; exchange; experiences; focus; future; global; global health; goal; graduates; health; healthcare; higher; home; impact; important; individual; institutional; intercultural; international; international health; internationalization; iohe; iome; keywords; learning; limited; literature; lmics; medical; medical education; medical students; medicine; mobility; outcomes; partnerships; peer; practice; professional; programs; public; relevant; reported; reports; research; results; review; scholarly; schools; social; states; students; studies; study; term; training; understanding; united; university; work; world cache: cord-272218-6vpu59xq.txt plain text: cord-272218-6vpu59xq.txt item: #43 of 97 id: cord-272311-91xjkv6m author: Martin, Anastasia title: A Rapid Systematic Review Exploring the Involvement of Medical Students in Pandemics and Other Global Health Emergencies date: 2020-09-02 words: 5654 flesch: 44 summary: Therefore, further research into the effectiveness of medical student involvement would be beneficial, and perhaps comparing this to global health emergencies that have not involved medical students. The role of medical students in the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is rapidly evolving. keywords: abstract; acute; appropriateness; articles; assistance; authors; care; challenges; clinical; confidence; covid-19; current; data; disaster; disease; education; emergencies; emergency; factors; future; global; global health; health; health emergencies; healthcare; help; important; influenza; information; involvement; knowledge; lack; literature; medical; medical students; medicine; mental; need; outbreak; pandemic; past; preparedness; previous; public; rapid; research; respiratory; response; review; roles; safety; situations; skills; social; specific; students; studies; study; systematic; table; time; training; unpublished; volunteering; willingness; workforce cache: cord-272311-91xjkv6m.txt plain text: cord-272311-91xjkv6m.txt item: #44 of 97 id: cord-273005-kab6f157 author: Longhurst, Georga J. title: Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) Analysis of the Adaptations to Anatomical Education in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland in Response to the Covid‐19 Pandemic date: 2020-05-09 words: 7775 flesch: 37 summary: A novel coronavirus from patients with pneumonia in China Daily medical education for confined students during COVID-19 pandemic: A simple videoconference solution Advice from Medical Schools Council to UK Medical Schools on Actions Surrounding Covid-19 Nursing student's evaluation of a virtual classroom experience in support of their learning bioscience SARS and its effect on medical education in Hong Kong Using videoclips to improve theoretical anatomy teaching Effectiveness of using blended learning strategies for teaching and learning human anatomy Guidance: Staying at home and away from others (social distancing) Sense of connection, identity and academic success in distance education: Sociologically exploring online learning environments Student perceptions of the use of instructor-made videos in online and face-to-face classes Medical student education in the time of COVID-19 RTÉ. THOMAS Acland's Video Atlas of Human Anatomy ® COVID-19 and medical education Lancet Inf Dis The perception of anatomy teaching among UK medical students Second-year medical students' motivational beliefs, emotions, and achievement Improving online interactions. keywords: academic; adaptations; analysis; anatomical; anatomists; anatomy; approach; assessment; authors; blended; body; cadaveric; challenges; changes; classroom; clinical; coronavirus; covid-19; crisis; curriculum; data; delivery; departments; development; dissection; distance; education; engagement; environments; et al; examinations; face; future; gross; guidance; health; higher; hta; human; impact; important; inc; information; institutions; instructor; ireland; kingdom; lack; learning; march; material; medical; medical students; methods; modalities; new; novel; number; online; opportunities; opportunity; order; pandemic; percent; platforms; potential; practical; quality; questions; republic; research; resources; responses; roi; schools; sessions; skills; social; staff; strategies; strengths; students; study; support; swot; synchronous; table; teaching; themes; threats; time; united; universities; university; use; videos; virtual; weaknesses; working; year cache: cord-273005-kab6f157.txt plain text: cord-273005-kab6f157.txt item: #45 of 97 id: cord-275074-qyre2hht author: Ortega, Pilar title: Virtual Medical Spanish Education at the Corazón of Hispanic/Latinx Health During COVID-19 date: 2020-08-19 words: 3327 flesch: 22 summary: As a result, using telehealth SP encounters as part of medical Spanish courses may not only be useful for assessing student performance of medical Spanish skills but may also serve to educate learners on strategies to communicate empathically and effectively Pre-class assignments: Students receive a video lecture, podcast, or reading assignment to complete prior to class. A standardized list of five core learner competencies for medical Spanish students in medical school have been proposed and include (1) medical interviewing skills, (2) comprehension of the patient story, (3) patient-centered discussion of the assessment or diagnoses, (4) patient-centered discussion of the plan of care, and (5) self-assessment of confidence and limitations [27] . keywords: access; assessment; care; classroom; communication; communities; competency; concordant; courses; covid-19; cultural; education; english; example; faculty; feedback; growth; health; hispanic; language; latinx; learner; learning; lep; limitations; linguistic; medical; minority; need; objectives; pandemic; patient; performance; physicians; population; pre; proficiency; programs; role; rural; schools; self; skills; spanish; students; teaching; technology; telehealth; usa; video; virtual; vocabulary cache: cord-275074-qyre2hht.txt plain text: cord-275074-qyre2hht.txt item: #46 of 97 id: cord-279719-z0wuajpx author: Martin-Fumadó, Carles title: Medico-legal and ethical considerations on resource limitation and clinical decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-07-15 words: 4958 flesch: 37 summary: 12 Over and above specific scenarios, such as the emergency department, healthcare systems always set priorities in medical care, and this involves macroassignation processes as well as the microassignation of medical resources. Determining the scopes and limits of what it is fair to demand depends on the way in which the right to medical care is defined and specified, together with the creation of criteria for the distribution of medical resources. keywords: age; allocation; aspects; assignation; benefits; care; case; circumstances; clinical; community; complex; context; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; criteria; critical; current; decision; degree; del; different; distribution; documents; emergency; ethical; ethics; exceptional; fact; fair; healthcare; intensive; justice; legal; life; limited; making; medical; medical care; medical resources; moral; necessary; need; number; obligation; pandemic; patients; possible; principle; priorities; prioritisation; problems; process; professionals; question; rationing; recommendations; resources; scarce; situation; social; society; specific; therapeutic; time; treatments; triage; way; world cache: cord-279719-z0wuajpx.txt plain text: cord-279719-z0wuajpx.txt item: #47 of 97 id: cord-280823-i1n8mu8b author: Callaghan, Chris title: Pseudoscience in medicine: cautionary recommendations date: 2019-12-17 words: 5405 flesch: 37 summary: The problems of dogmatic empiricism are also, however, highlighted, to demonstrate the pervasiveness of medical pseudoscience as a problem that cannot be simplistically argued away with reference to notions of scientific evidence. Medical pseudoscience, as discussed here, falls outside of Kuhn's classes of problem. keywords: academic; agendas; aids; anti; approach; arvs; cautionary; certain; change; clinical; considered; dangers; date; denialism; discourse; discussions; dissident; ebm; empirical; empiricism; error; events; evidence; example; failure; form; harm; health; highlights; human; ideas; important; insights; knowledge; kuhn; life; literature; medical; medical pseudoscience; medicine; mmr; moral; movement; need; nihilism; paper; paradigm; political; power; practice; problems; process; pseudoscience; publication; recommendations; related; research; scientific; social; solomon; theory; time; type; useful; vaccine; values; vulnerable; way; work cache: cord-280823-i1n8mu8b.txt plain text: cord-280823-i1n8mu8b.txt item: #48 of 97 id: cord-285848-37dmv4ep author: Fu, Xiao-Wei title: Review of possible psychological impacts of COVID-19 on frontline medical staff and reduction strategies date: 2020-08-06 words: 4406 flesch: 40 summary: On the other hand, the professional beliefs of frontline medical staff can be enhanced to strengthen their conviction that taking care of patients is the right choice and to convince people around them that as medical staff, they know how to protect themselves and their families from infection. World J Clin Cases DOI: 10.12998/wjcc.v8.i15.3188 sha: doc_id: 285848 cord_uid: 37dmv4ep Like soldiers, frontline medical staff provide a first line of defense and have played a critical role in responses to the outbreak of coronavirus disease-2019 in December 2019. keywords: acute; addition; anxiety; care; covid-19; depression; diseases; epidemic; epidemic diseases; findings; frontline; frontline medical; future; health; high; hong; hospital; impacts; infection; information; kong; long; measures; medical; medical staff; members; number; nurses; outbreak; patients; personnel; pressure; problems; psychological; psychological pressure; pts; questionnaires; respiratory; review; risk; sars; severe; staff; stress; studies; study; support; symptoms; syndrome; training; treatment; workers cache: cord-285848-37dmv4ep.txt plain text: cord-285848-37dmv4ep.txt item: #49 of 97 id: cord-287350-xj2i6fgd author: Camhi, Stephanie S. title: Telehealth Training Is Essential to Care for Underserved Populations: a Medical Student Perspective date: 2020-06-15 words: 2479 flesch: 29 summary: AAMC AMA encourages telemedicine training for medical students, residents It's important, but not important enough: eHealth as a curriculum priority in medical education in Australia United States Medical Licensing Examination | Announcements Model for medical student introductory telemedicine education An interdisciplinary, multi-institution telehealth course for third-year medical students Opportunity Costs of Ambulatory Medical Care in the United States VA telemedicine: an analysis of cost and time savings Potential of mobile health technology to reduce health disparities in underserved communities Advancing health equity and access using telemedicine: a geospatial assessment Telemedicine versus clinic visit: a pilot study of patient satisfaction and recall of diet and exercise recommendations from survivorship care plans Distributing medical expertise: the evolution and impact of telemedicine in Arkansas Teledermatology consultation can optimize treatment of cutaneous disease by nondermatologists in under-resourced clinics Remote patient monitoring via non-invasive digital technologies: a systematic review Association between weight loss and glycemic outcomes: a post hoc analysis of a remote patient monitoring program for diabetes management Randomized clinical trial to assess the effectiveness of remote patient monitoring and physician care in reducing office blood pressure Barriers to access and adoption of pre-exposure prophylaxis for the prevention of HIV among men who have sex with men (MSM) in a relatively rural state Acceptability and feasibility of a telehealth intervention for sexually transmitted infection testing among male couples: protocol for a pilot study Breaking down barriers to birth control access: an assessment of online platforms prescribing birth control in the USA A Study of Telecontraception | NEJM Despite this, medical education has been slow to evolve. keywords: access; addition; allopathic; applications; association; barriers; care; clinical; cost; covid-19; education; exposure; future; healthcare; implementation; important; improved; knowledge; medical; monitoring; msm; outcomes; pandemic; patient; physicians; pilot; populations; potential; programs; remote; rpm; rural; schools; services; states; students; study; technologies; telehealth; telemedicine; time; training; united; use; visits; work; year cache: cord-287350-xj2i6fgd.txt plain text: cord-287350-xj2i6fgd.txt item: #50 of 97 id: cord-289205-or60zzjs author: Zhou, Liang title: A Bibliometric Profile of Disaster Medicine Research from 2008 to 2017: A Scientometric Analysis date: 2018-05-02 words: 4069 flesch: 42 summary: Terms analysis indicated that emergency medicine, public health, disaster preparedness, natural disasters, medicine, and management were the research hotspots, whereas Hurricane Katrina, mechanical ventilation, occupational medicine, intensive care, and European journals represented the frontiers of disaster medicine research. A total of 564 papers on disaster medicine research were included in this analysis. keywords: addition; analysis; articles; authors; burst; care; casualties; center; citations; cited; citespace; countries; critical; data; disaster; disaster medicine; earthquake; emergency; figure; force; framework; frontiers; health; hotspots; increase; information; institutions; japan; journals; knowledge; major; management; mass; medical; medicine; n =; new; number; occupational; papers; period; post; preparedness; public; public health; publications; rescue; research; respiratory; review; scientometric; studies; study; summit; symptoms; system; table; task; terms; time; total; treatment; trends; university; wenchuan; world cache: cord-289205-or60zzjs.txt plain text: cord-289205-or60zzjs.txt item: #51 of 97 id: cord-291081-3294r4gh author: TABATABAI, SHIMA title: COVID-19 impact and virtual medical education date: 2020-07-17 words: 1904 flesch: 23 summary: In addition, Simulation-based Virtual OSCE facilitates fostering core competency for clinical decision making to transform clinical practice into telemedicine forms in the context of virtual medical education. key: cord-291081-3294r4gh authors: TABATABAI, SHIMA title: COVID-19 impact and virtual medical education date: 2020-07-17 journal: J Adv Med Educ Prof DOI: 10.30476/jamp.2020.86070.1213 sha: doc_id: 291081 cord_uid: 3294r4gh The Corona-Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic has had a tremendous effect on medical education. keywords: assessment; challenges; clinical; competency; conditions; covid-19; education; educationists; educators; environment; experiences; future; high; learning; management; medical; online; pandemic; practice; quality; reality; schools; sciences; simulated; simulation; students; technologies; time; universities; virtual; vrs cache: cord-291081-3294r4gh.txt plain text: cord-291081-3294r4gh.txt item: #52 of 97 id: cord-292035-y37whb0u author: Roberts, Chris title: How medical education can help in a COVID‐19 crisis date: 2020-05-28 words: 1069 flesch: 37 summary: Principles to support medical students' safe and useful roles in the COVID-19 health workforce SARS and its effect on medical education in Hong Kong Strange days Learning and teaching in clinical contexts: a practical guide Medical education in the United States and Canada bulletin number four (The Flexner Report) American medical education 100 years after the Flexner report Team-based learning (TBL) in the medical curriculum: better than PBL? Conducting a high-stakes OSCE in a COVID-19 environment Joining the dots: conditional pass and programmatic assessment enhances recognition of problems with professionalism and factors hampering student progress The intersection of assessment, selection and professionalism in the service of patient care Ethical approval: Not required. key: cord-292035-y37whb0u authors: Roberts, Chris title: How medical education can help in a COVID‐19 crisis date: 2020-05-28 journal: Clin Teach DOI: 10.1111/tct.13183 sha: doc_id: keywords: assessment; clinical; covid-19; crisis; curriculum; education; educators; evidence; flexner; health; learning; medical; medicine; need; online; pandemic; practice; research; students; teaching; time; university cache: cord-292035-y37whb0u.txt plain text: cord-292035-y37whb0u.txt item: #53 of 97 id: cord-292976-qctfl6r8 author: Monday, Lea M title: Outcomes of an Online Virtual Boot Camp to Prepare Fourth-Year Medical Students for a Successful Transition to Internship date: 2020-06-11 words: 4473 flesch: 42 summary: Views of residency program directors The fourth year of medical education: a literature review The impact of fragmentation of hospitalist care on length of stay Medical student experiences with accessing and entering patient information in electronic health records during the obstetrics-gynecology clerkship Electronic health record use in internal medicine clerkships and sub-internships for medical students graduating from 2012 to 2016 An innovative clinical skills Boot camp for dental medicine residents A senior elective designed to prepare medical students for surgical residency Senior medical student Boot camp can result in increased self-confidence before starting surgery internships The effect and durability of a pregraduation boot cAMP on the confidence of senior medical student entering surgical residencies A surgical skills elective can improve student confidence prior to internship Do preclinical background and clerkship experiences impact skills performance in an accelerated internship preparation course for senior medical students Re-boot: simulation elective for medical students as preparation boot camp for obstetrics and gynecology residency Improving the medical school-residency transition OB/GYN boot camp using high-fidelity human simulators: enhancing residents' perceived competency, confidence in taking a leadership role, and stress hardiness A brief boot camp for 4th-year medical students entering into pediatric and family medicine residencies A pediatric preintern boot camp: program development and evaluation informed by a conceptual framework A suggested emergency medicine boot camp curriculum for medical students based on the mapping of Core Entrustable Professional Activities to Emergency Medicine Level 1 milestones A 1-week simulated internship course helps prepare medical students for transition to residency Improving the transition from medical school to internship -evaluation of a preparation for internship course The key role of a transition course in preparing medical students for internship Effects of postgraduate medical education boot camps on clinical skills, knowledge, and confidence: a meta-analysis A remotely conducted pediatric boot camp for 4th year medical students The Milestones Guidebook. Medical students graduating in 2020 were removed from all direct patient care and in-person educational activities due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. keywords: able; activity; assessment; authors; boot; camp; care; chat; clinical; comments; common; comprehensive; confidence; content; core; course; covid-19; curriculum; data; delivery; education; elective; feedback; fourth; increase; internship; knowledge; lectures; medical; medicine; non; online; patient; person; positive; post; preparation; remote; residency; residents; role; school; scores; self; sessions; skills; students; study; surgical; synchronous; test; topics; transition; useful; virtual; year cache: cord-292976-qctfl6r8.txt plain text: cord-292976-qctfl6r8.txt item: #54 of 97 id: cord-295324-t1zvz1zg author: Liu, Yin title: Mental Health Status of Paediatric Medical Workers in China During the COVID-19 Outbreak date: 2020-07-21 words: 3361 flesch: 45 summary: Paediatric medical workers have been an important part of this battle and under enormous pressure. During the COVID-19 outbreak, depression, anxiety and stress are present to varying degrees among paediatric medical workers across the country. keywords: anxiety; average; cases; china; chinese; covid-19; data; depression; different; doctors; epidemic; health; higher; intervention; item; medical; medical workers; mental; national; nurses; outbreak; p=0.00; paediatric; paediatric medical; participants; patients; points; pressure; provinces; psychological; questionnaire; respondents; risk; score; similar; staff; stress; study; survey; symptoms; table; total; workers; years cache: cord-295324-t1zvz1zg.txt plain text: cord-295324-t1zvz1zg.txt item: #55 of 97 id: cord-297942-6wdwrttn author: Li, Taisheng title: Diagnosis and clinical management of severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection: an operational recommendation of Peking Union Medical College Hospital (V2.0): Working Group of 2019 Novel Coronavirus, Peking Union Medical College Hospital date: 2020-03-14 words: 1826 flesch: 33 summary: The guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2(SARS-CoV-2)infection (Pilot 3rd version Clinical management of severe acute respiratory infection when novel coronavirus (nCoV) infection is suspected: interim guidance Rapid loss of both CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte subsets during the acute phase of severe acute respiratory syndrome key: cord-297942-6wdwrttn authors: Li, Taisheng title: Diagnosis and clinical management of severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection: an operational recommendation of Peking Union Medical College Hospital (V2.0): Working Group of 2019 Novel Coronavirus, Peking Union Medical College Hospital date: 2020-03-14 journal: Emerg Microbes Infect DOI: 10.1080/22221751.2020.1735265 sha: doc_id: 297942 cord_uid: 6wdwrttn Since December 2019, China has been experiencing an outbreak of a new infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). keywords: acute; blood; chest; china; clinical; college; complete; coronavirus; count; cov-2; days; diagnosis; disease; fever; function; hospital; infectious; isolation; lymphocyte; medical; min; onset; oxygen; patients; personnel; possible; respiratory; sars; severe; subsets; syndrome; treatment; union; ventilator cache: cord-297942-6wdwrttn.txt plain text: cord-297942-6wdwrttn.txt item: #56 of 97 id: cord-301083-nnh95i0k author: Jumreornvong, Oranicha title: Telemedicine and Medical Education in the Age of COVID-19 date: 2020-09-10 words: 4234 flesch: 31 summary: Training medical students to deliver high-quality, secure, and personalized health care through telemedicine will prepare the next generation of physicians to conscientiously use these technologies and meet a growing need for telehealth services. Schools could use the following learning vehicles to help medical students explore these domains: (1) asynchronous lectures covering telehealth history; (2) discussions on applications, ethics, safety, etiquette, and patient considerations; (3) faculty-supervised standardized patient telehealth encounters; and (4) hands-on diagnostic or therapeutic procedures using telehealth equipment. keywords: access; american; applications; care; clinical; core; coronavirus; cost; covid-19; critical; curricula; discussions; disease; distancing; domains; education; effective; equipment; experience; future; global; health; help; high; history; important; information; intensive; learning; lectures; legal; medical; medical students; monitoring; online; opportunity; pandemic; patient; physicians; platforms; procedures; programs; providers; quality; remote; research; risk; rpm; rural; schools; services; settings; skills; social; students; support; surgical; technologies; technology; telehealth; telemedicine; telerehabilitation; telesurgery; time; training; use; virtual; visits cache: cord-301083-nnh95i0k.txt plain text: cord-301083-nnh95i0k.txt item: #57 of 97 id: cord-302993-t4quwfva author: Loh, Tiffany Y. title: COVID-19 and its impact on medical student education in dermatology date: 2020-05-12 words: 460 flesch: 26 summary: key: cord-302993-t4quwfva authors: Loh, Tiffany Y.; Hsiao, Jennifer L.; Shi, Vivian Y. title: COVID-19 and its impact on medical student education in dermatology date: 2020-05-12 journal: J Am Acad Dermatol DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2020.05.026 sha: doc_id: 302993 cord_uid: t4quwfva nan Dermatology is a visual field, and repetitive patient encounters are required in order for 65 clinicians to develop the skills necessary for diagnosing and managing dermatologic conditions. 66 Teledermatology offers a potential solution to medical student education during the COVID-19 67 pandemic. keywords: covid-19; dermatology; education; important; medical; patient; students; teledermatology; visits cache: cord-302993-t4quwfva.txt plain text: cord-302993-t4quwfva.txt item: #58 of 97 id: cord-303389-z6ucelh0 author: Franchi, Thomas title: Appropriate use of self-directed learning at medical school prepares students for future clinical practice date: 2020-04-08 words: 669 flesch: 33 summary: As medical students, we feel that there is significant difficulty in creating an environment in which we can adequately learn content indepth under tight time constraints. As a consequence, self-directed study can be undermined, with medical students often lacking confidence in the relevance of information obtained through independent study. keywords: clinical; examinations; ilas; knowledge; learning; medical; problem; school; self; students; study; year cache: cord-303389-z6ucelh0.txt plain text: cord-303389-z6ucelh0.txt item: #59 of 97 id: cord-304230-rxhoe8cw author: Hay-David, A.G.C. title: Reducing medical error during a pandemic date: 2020-04-11 words: 1991 flesch: 49 summary: The C2 element was of particular relevance when a single point of contact (SPOC) is established, which in turn reduces the bandwidth of other team members, regular situation reports (SITREPs) are briefed to ensure that every team member is informed and can add value during this update. key: cord-304230-rxhoe8cw authors: Hay-David, A.G.C.; Herron, J.B.T.; Gilling, P.; Miller, A.; Brennan, P.A. title: Reducing medical error during a pandemic date: 2020-04-11 journal: keywords: approach; article; buddy; care; clinical; coronavirus; covid-19; disease; ebola; effective; error; factors; health; healthcare; hierarchy; individual; lessons; media; medical; members; military; outbreak; pandemic; patient; potential; public; response; safety; social; systems; team; training; use; working; world cache: cord-304230-rxhoe8cw.txt plain text: cord-304230-rxhoe8cw.txt item: #60 of 97 id: cord-304895-fw7qt571 author: Belhouideg, Soufiane title: Impact of 3D printed medical equipment on the management of the Covid19 pandemic date: 2020-06-22 words: 2573 flesch: 48 summary: The role of additive manufacturing and antimicrobial polymers in the COVID-19 pandemic A review of open source ventilators for COVID-19 and future pandemics Pandemic ventilator' could offer solution in potential 'worst case' coronavirus scenario Open source database and website to provide free and open access to inactive U.S. patents in the public domain Ventilator-induced lung injury Ventilator-induced lung injury Ventilator-induced lung injury: the anatomical and physiological framework Mechanical power and development of ventilator-induced lung injury The Ventilator Book Principles and Practice of Mechanical Ventilation Mechanical ventilation: state of the art Development of field portable ventilator systems for domestic and military emergency medical response A new compact and low-cost respirator concept for one way usage Prototyping of artificial respiration machine using AMBU bag compression Design and prototyping of a low-cost portable mechanical ventilator A low oxygen consumption pneumatic ventilator for emergency construction during a respiratory failure pandemic How to cite this article: Belhouideg S. Impact of 3D printed medical equipment on the management of the Covid19 pandemic key: cord-304895-fw7qt571 authors: Belhouideg, Soufiane title: Impact of 3D printed medical equipment on the management of the Covid19 pandemic date: 2020-06-22 journal: keywords: 3d printing; available; chain; coronavirus; covid-19; covid19; design; development; devices; equipment; figure; files; free; healthcare; impact; lack; local; low; lung; manufacturing; masks; mechanical; medical; medical equipment; need; open; pandemic; patients; people; personal; ppe; printers; printing; protective; role; solution; source; supply; system; technology; use; ventilator; world cache: cord-304895-fw7qt571.txt plain text: cord-304895-fw7qt571.txt item: #61 of 97 id: cord-305136-tnvp3n1g author: Hauer, Karen E. title: The COVID-19 Pandemic as an Imperative to Advance Medical Student Assessment: 3 Areas for Change date: 2020-10-07 words: 3528 flesch: 29 summary: Competency-based education in longitudinal integrated clerkships LCME update on medical students, patients, and COVID-19: Acad Med DOI: 10.1097/acm.0000000000003764 sha: doc_id: 305136 cord_uid: tnvp3n1g Conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have disrupted clinical practice and all aspects of medical education. keywords: achievement; assessment; available; care; changes; clerkship; clinical; competency; conditions; core; covid-19; data; early; education; educators; evidence; examinations; experiences; gme; health; information; knowledge; learner; learning; licensing; medical; need; outcomes; pandemic; performance; practice; programs; readiness; requirements; residency; schools; scores; skills; step; students; system; time; toolbox; training; transition; ume; united; use cache: cord-305136-tnvp3n1g.txt plain text: cord-305136-tnvp3n1g.txt item: #62 of 97 id: cord-307709-o6biwypo author: Asai, Atsushi title: Should We Aim to Create a Perfect Healthy Utopia? Discussions of Ethical Issues Surrounding the World of Project Itoh’s Harmony date: 2020-10-13 words: 9863 flesch: 57 summary: It seems that Erewhon's society is much more unsparing against unhealthy people than Harmony world (Butler 1872) . He referred to Tuan and her colleagues as medicine people. keywords: act; aim; angels; answer; assessment; attempt; behavior; better; body; brain; citizens; community; conclaves; condition; consciousness; control; devices; diagnosis; diseases; erewhon; ethical; ethics; evident; example; face; faith; free; freedom; future; good; group; harmony; health; healthcare; healthy longevity; high; human; important; individual; information; interventions; issues; japanese; kill; life; lifestyle; lives; longer; longevity; management; matter; means; medical; medical conclaves; medicare; medicine; medicule; members; mental; mentions; miach; moderation; monitoring; moral; nanotechnology; norms; novel; nozomi; order; peace; people; perfect; person; physical; possible; principle; privacy; project; promotion; public; purpose; queen; right; self; sick; slant; social; society; states; story; suicide; super; system; technologies; therapy; things; time; tuan; ultimate; unhealthy; use; utopia; value; view; watchme; work; world; writer; young cache: cord-307709-o6biwypo.txt plain text: cord-307709-o6biwypo.txt item: #63 of 97 id: cord-313927-60l1ulis author: Cleland, J. A. title: “You can’t always get what you want…”: economic thinking, constrained optimization and health professions education date: 2020-11-03 words: 5287 flesch: 35 summary: However, the basic determinant of economic decisions became individual choice and maximizing behavior, the optimal utilization of scarce resources to satisfy the needs and desires of individual agents, not social processes within a specific social system (e.g., De Vroey 1975). As with those before him, Keynes (1921) argued that people make economic decisions on essentially rational grounds, using all the information available to them to form accurate probabilities about the world. keywords: admissions; analysis; applicants; aspects; assessment; available; best; choice; classical; cleland; concepts; constraints; cost; course; covid-19; curriculum; decision; different; economic; education; et al; example; factors; feedback; good; government; group; health; hpe; individual; information; institutional; interest; keynes; learning; level; limited; making; medical; new; optimal; optimization; outcomes; performance; process; processes; professions; quality; questions; rationality; research; resources; respect; satisfaction; satisficing; scarcity; selection; smith; social; society; student; study; summative; table; teaching; terms; theories; theory; thinking; time; training; use; value; ways cache: cord-313927-60l1ulis.txt plain text: cord-313927-60l1ulis.txt item: #64 of 97 id: cord-316879-nbkvd0le author: Ashcroft, James title: Preparing medical students for a pandemic: a systematic review of student disaster training programmes date: 2020-06-09 words: 4935 flesch: 37 summary: 23 studies met inclusion criteria assessing knowledge (n=18, 78.3%), attitude (n=14, 60.9%) or skill (n=10, 43.5%) following medical student disaster training. Overall, medical student disaster training programmes improved student disaster and pandemic preparedness and resulted in improved attitude, knowledge and skills. keywords: assessment; attitude; average; benefit; bias; casualty; change; clinical; cohort; control; courses; covid-19; current; curriculum; data; disaster; education; equipment; healthcare; impact; improved; interventions; knowledge; learners; learning; level; majority; management; mass; measures; medical; medical students; medicine; methods; non; objective; outcomes; overall; pandemic; participants; patient; personal; postcourse; practice; precourse; preparedness; programmes; randomised; reporting; results; review; risk; school; setting; simulation; skills; specific; students; studies; study; systematic; teaching; test; training; triage; usa; work; workforce; year cache: cord-316879-nbkvd0le.txt plain text: cord-316879-nbkvd0le.txt item: #65 of 97 id: cord-318790-u7q8yxhh author: Miller, Anne-Marie title: A multidisciplinary approach to online support for device research translation: regulatory change and clinical engagement date: 2020-10-15 words: 3643 flesch: 22 summary: In this context, and being particularly mindful of the changing regulatory infrastructure in Europe and the recognised need for greater levels of clinical involvement in device innovation, Clinical Research Development Ireland, a research partnership supporting biomedical research translation in leading Irish Universities, in collaboration with CÚRAM, the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centre for Medical Devices have sought to firstly, address the lack of medical device regulatory knowledge and training amongst our target audience (clinician scientists, biomedical researchers and small / medium enterprises (with early stage innovation projects)); and secondly, facilitate more active clinical engagement to support innovation and clinical trials. METHODS: An interdisciplinary, iterative, needs-based design approach was used to develop medical device regulatory training, information and clinical expertise resources. keywords: academic; access; application; approach; authority; biomedical; clinical; collaboration; content; course; date; delivery; design; development; device; diagnostic; engagement; eudr; european; expertise; generation; greater; health; healthcare; impact; industry; information; innovation; ireland; irish; key; knowledge; learning; market; medical; medical device; medtech; national; need; new; objectives; online; potential; process; processes; quality; regulation; regulatory; research; resources; sector; strategic; support; technology; training; translate; translation; trials; work cache: cord-318790-u7q8yxhh.txt plain text: cord-318790-u7q8yxhh.txt item: #66 of 97 id: cord-320184-wacoz5t9 author: Thirumalaikolundusubramanian, Ponniah title: Ethics, Legality, and Education in the Practice of Cardiology date: 2014-08-15 words: 8822 flesch: 35 summary: to provide a written notice of their privacy policy to all those who seek medical care for the first time. Periodical analyses of judgments related to health care issues, health care professionals, and health services at national and international levels, as well as identification of the causes, to find methods to avert them can be undertaken at educational and industrial levels. keywords: access; addition; appropriate; aspects; audit; autonomy; awareness; best; cardiac; cardiology; cardiovascular; care; cases; clinical; common; communication; community; compensation; confidentiality; consent; consultation; countries; country; curriculum; decision; defensive; delivery; devices; doctors; drug; education; errors; ethical; ethical issues; ethics; evidence; expectations; failure; financial; guidelines; health; health care; heart; help; hospital; importance; individual; information; informed; injury; issues; knowledge; law; laws; lawsuits; legal; liability; life; likely; limitations; making; malpractice; management; measures; media; medical; medical education; medical ethics; medical practice; medicine; need; negligence; organizations; patient care; patients; physicians; practice; practitioners; principles; procedures; professional; providers; public; quality; record; regulations; related; relationship; research; resources; responsibilities; review; rights; risk; rounds; science; services; skills; society; standard; state; status; students; support; systems; teaching; therapeutic; therapy; time; tourism; training; treatment; trust; use cache: cord-320184-wacoz5t9.txt plain text: cord-320184-wacoz5t9.txt item: #67 of 97 id: cord-322679-jrsg8pdk author: Hu, Na title: Impact of the Family Environment on the Emotional State of Medical Staff During the COVID-19 Outbreak: The Mediating Effect of Self-Efficacy date: 2020-10-09 words: 5818 flesch: 40 summary: Due to the importance of self-efficacy in regulating mental health, the mediating role of self-efficacy in the association between family environment and emotional state was also explored. Family environment, self-efficacy, anxiety, and depressive symptoms were measured by the Family Environment Scale-Chinese Version (FES-CV), the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale-7 (GAD-7), and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), respectively. keywords: analysis; anxiety; anxiety symptoms; care; china; chinese; cohesion; conflict; control; correlation; covid-19; depression; depressive symptoms; effect; efficacy; emotional; emotions; environment; epidemic; et al; expressiveness; families; family; family environment; fes; health; high; higher; individuals; medical; medical staff; members; mental; mental health; negative; outbreak; participants; positive; previous; problems; psychological; relationship; research; results; role; scale; score; self; staff; state; stress; studies; study; support; symptoms; variables; version; wang cache: cord-322679-jrsg8pdk.txt plain text: cord-322679-jrsg8pdk.txt item: #68 of 97 id: cord-325071-5vn0ozqj author: Wayne, Diane B. title: Medical education in the time of COVID-19 date: 2020-07-29 words: 1085 flesch: 35 summary: key: cord-325071-5vn0ozqj authors: Wayne, Diane B.; Green, Marianne; Neilson, Eric G. title: Medical education in the time of COVID-19 date: 2020-07-29 journal: Sci Adv DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abc7110 sha: doc_id: 325071 cord_uid: 5vn0ozqj nan I n current circumstances, one rightfully wonders if persistence of SARS-CoV-2 will fundamentally alter the landscape of medical education and hospital training. By way of background, the umbrella of medical education covers a highly structured curriculum in a variety of preclinical and clinical environments whose architecture and requirements are set by the Liaison Committee for Medical Education (LCME) (1) and the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) (2) . keywords: care; changes; clinical; community; core; covid-19; curriculum; disease; education; future; health; learning; medical; new; outcomes; pandemic; patient; physicians; preclinical; requirements; residency; students; teaching; training cache: cord-325071-5vn0ozqj.txt plain text: cord-325071-5vn0ozqj.txt item: #69 of 97 id: cord-326253-dddf5u75 author: Patil, Poorvaprabha title: Where Does Indian Medical Education Stand Amidst a Pandemic? date: 2020-08-26 words: 2151 flesch: 41 summary: The scenario is no different for medical students in India as they find themselves at a crossroads in their careers, with clinical and elective postings called off. In addition to studying various clinical subjects, medical students are expected to complete compulsory clinical postings with moderated number of hours in each clinical subject, are subjected to continuous clinical and paper-based evaluation/assessments, need to fulfil clerkships, elective postings-all while dealing with the anxiety and stress that comes with course load completion before final exams. keywords: academic; anxiety; authors; clinical; country; covid-19; doctors; education; future; governments; health; healthcare; human; impact; india; interns; lectures; lockdown; long; medical; number; online; pandemic; postings; ppe; professionals; residents; rounds; senior; services; stress; students; study; systems; world; year cache: cord-326253-dddf5u75.txt plain text: cord-326253-dddf5u75.txt item: #70 of 97 id: cord-327207-bwuag9ek author: Matloubieh, Jubin E. title: Strategies to Encourage Medical Student Interest in Urology date: 2020-08-07 words: 4159 flesch: 35 summary: One specific method that has been studied to connect medical students to mentors is the presence of a urology interest group, which has also been found to have a positive impact on medical student interest in urology [11••] . The current status of medical student urological education in the United States An update on the current status of medical student urology education in the United States A survey on the attitudes towards research in medical school The association of USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK scores with residency match specialty and location Program directors criteria for selection into urology residency USMLE Step 1 scoring will be changing from a numerical score to purely pass/fail, eliminating one of the filters that urology residencies use for residency applications 028 keywords: applicants; application; audition; barriers; burnout; career; clinical; community; competitive; cost; early; education; exposure; factors; faculty; female; field; gender; increase; interest; learning; match; medical; medical students; medicine; mentorship; number; population; process; programs; research; residency; residents; rotations; school; score; specialties; step; strategies; students; studies; study; survey; time; underrepresented; urological; urologists; urology; use; usmle; year cache: cord-327207-bwuag9ek.txt plain text: cord-327207-bwuag9ek.txt item: #71 of 97 id: cord-327723-bnbinwnl author: Rallis, Kathrine S. title: Tele-oncology in the COVID-19 Era: Are Medical Students Left Behind? date: 2020-08-27 words: 1050 flesch: 32 summary: As medical students experiencing the disruptions caused by COVID-19, this article resonates with us. In response to this statement, here, we set out ways in which telemedicine ET can be integrated in tele-oncology services for medical students. keywords: access; cancer; case; clinical; covid-19; education; era; exposure; future; medical; oncology; opportunities; pandemic; patients; services; students; systems; telemedicine; training; way cache: cord-327723-bnbinwnl.txt plain text: cord-327723-bnbinwnl.txt item: #72 of 97 id: cord-327809-9uhhqasl author: Dimitriu, Mihai C.T. title: Burnout syndrome in Romanian medical residents in time of the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-06-07 words: 3109 flesch: 43 summary: Recent Developments in Theory and Research Maslach Burnout Inventory Manual Stress in Health Professionals: Psychological and Organizational Causes and Interventions Evaluating Stress: A Book of Resources Burnout comparison among residents in different medical specialties General psychiatry in no-man's land Hidden ethical dilemmas in psychiatric residency training: the psychiatry resident as a dual agent Observations on burnout in family medicine and psychiatry residents Burnout among Dutch medical residents Burnout and internal medicine resident work-hour restrictions Rates of medication errors among depressed and burnt out residents: prospective cohort study Continuous monitoring and detection of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) triggers among veterans: a supervised machine learning approach Burned out An exploratory study of resident burnout and wellness Mentoring matters: mentoring and career preparation in internal medicine residency training Burnout and medical errors among American surgeons Surgical malpractice in relation to long calls Burnout: The Cost of Caring The mother of all pandemics Is 100 years old (and going strong)! In this pandemics, there is a need for practical methods to assess medical stuff burnout. keywords: accomplishment; activity; burnout; care; context; coronavirus; covid-19; department; depersonalization; different; doctors; emergency; emotional; equipment; errors; exhaustion; factors; fatigue; health; higher; hospital; individual; intensive; level; line; medical; mental; negative; non; normal; pandemic; patient; personal; physical; prevalence; radiology; residency; residents; significant; specialties; staff; stress; study; syndrome; time; training; unit; wards; wearing; work cache: cord-327809-9uhhqasl.txt plain text: cord-327809-9uhhqasl.txt item: #73 of 97 id: cord-328331-y503xma9 author: Mathieson, Georgia title: Could the future of medical school examinations be open-book - a medical student’s perspective? date: 2020-06-29 words: 1048 flesch: 43 summary: We feel that it is easy to get side-tracked during exam season about learning purely for exams, and unfortunately, the competitive nature about exam results between medical students is reinforced by the ranking system that contributes towards the allocation of Foundation posts once qualified. Finally, we feel that the continued learning of medical students is vitally important and disagree with the view that 'our time as medical students could be spent more productively' [1] . keywords: assessment; book; clinical; education; examinations; future; learning; medical; mscaa; nature; obes; open; overall; questions; safe; school; students; time cache: cord-328331-y503xma9.txt plain text: cord-328331-y503xma9.txt item: #74 of 97 id: cord-328522-ef4xg3q0 author: Kelen, Gabor D title: Inpatient disposition classification for the creation of hospital surge capacity: a multiphase study date: 2006-11-30 words: 5270 flesch: 41 summary: Despite a strong patientsafety movement today, zero risk for an out of hospital consequential medical event as a condition of discharge is not attainable, and must be balanced against risk tolerance for various medical adverse events, including iatrogenic ones. Thus, a need exists to develop an easy method to categorise hospital patients for safe discharge to suitable venues (including early discharge home), taking into account the existence and competence (or lack thereof) of available external resources. keywords: acute; adverse; analysis; available; basis; capacity; care; categories; category; cation; classifi; classification; clinical; community; consensus; consequential; consequential medical; critical; data; day; defi; department; disaster; discharge; discussion; disposition; early; emergency; event; exercise; experience; expert; health; high; home; hospital; individual; inpatient; interventions; laboratory; management; medical; medical event; medicine; military; need; nition; panellists; patients; preparedness; process; public; real; report; research; resources; response; reverse; risk; rst; safe; scale; score; severity; specifi; study; surge; surgery; system; time; tolerance; triage; upper; use; warfare cache: cord-328522-ef4xg3q0.txt plain text: cord-328522-ef4xg3q0.txt item: #75 of 97 id: cord-329224-t45bedot author: Byrnes, Yasmeen M. title: Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on medical student career perceptions: a national survey study date: 2020-07-24 words: 4053 flesch: 49 summary: While to our knowledge there are no studies exploring SARS or MERS impact on medical student specialty choice, one post-Katrina New Orleans study found that medical students were significantly more likely to specialize in Emergency Medicine (EM) and less likely to specialize in Psychiatry in the 5 years after the hurricane than in the 5 years before [17] . Medical student specialty choice has been written about prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and studies have suggested many factors can play a role, such as exposure to role models and core rotation experiences keywords: aamc; april; career; cases; changes; choice; clinical; common; concerns; covid-19; curriculum; data; development; education; effect; impact; interest; learning; level; likely; majority; medical; ms1s; ms2s; ms3s; ms4s; number; pandemic; person; research; residency; respondents; response; results; rotations; school; social; specialties; specialty; state; students; study; survey; thought; time; virtual; year cache: cord-329224-t45bedot.txt plain text: cord-329224-t45bedot.txt item: #76 of 97 id: cord-330503-w1m1ci4i author: Yamin, Mohammad title: IT applications in healthcare management: a survey date: 2018-05-31 words: 3268 flesch: 46 summary: Big medical data analytics 7. With the advancement in data processing, large amounts of medical data collected by medical centres and providers, can now be mined and analysed to assist in planning and making appropriate decisions. keywords: analytics; applications; big; changes; computing; coronavirus; critical; data; database; ebola; effective; electronic; environment; field; healthcare; hmis; hospitals; information; internet; large; location; management; medical; needs; object; organisations; particular; patients; privacy; procedures; profession; reality; records; relational; robotic; robots; security; services; storage; surgery; survey; systems; technologies; technology; things; time; tools; ubiquitous; use; virtual cache: cord-330503-w1m1ci4i.txt plain text: cord-330503-w1m1ci4i.txt item: #77 of 97 id: cord-331410-mcee0wr4 author: Tempski, P. title: Medical students perceptions and motivations in time of COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-05-30 words: 5025 flesch: 44 summary: key: cord-331410-mcee0wr4 authors: Tempski, P.; Arantes-Costa, F. M.; Kobayasi, R.; Siqueira, M. A.; Torsani, M. M.; Amaro, B. Q.; Nascimento, M. E. F.; Siqueira, S. L.; Santos, I. S.; Martins, M. A. title: Medical students perceptions and motivations in time of COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-05-30 journal: nan DOI: 10.1101/2020.05.28.20115956 sha: doc_id: 331410 cord_uid: mcee0wr4 Background: There has been a rapid increase in the number of cases of COVID19 in Latin America, Africa and Asia, in many countries that have an insufficient number of physicians and other health care personnel, and the need for the inclusion of medical students as part of the health teams is a very important issue. It has been recommended that medical students work as volunteers, have appropriate training, do not undertake any activity beyond their level of competence, have continuous supervision and adequate personal protective equipment. keywords: activities; author; available; beliefs; care; copyright; copyright holder; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; differences; doi; duty; funder; health; holder;; international license; interns; license; medical; medical students; medrxiv; medrxiv preprint; number; odds; pandemic; participation; patients; perpetuity; preprint; questionnaire; statements; students; study; table; version cache: cord-331410-mcee0wr4.txt plain text: cord-331410-mcee0wr4.txt item: #78 of 97 id: cord-332573-pltz5viz author: Lieberman, Joshua A title: Coping With COVID-19: Emerging Medical Student Clinical Pathology Education in the Pacific Northwest in the Face of a Global Pandemic date: 2020-09-02 words: 3785 flesch: 39 summary: The effects of COVID-19 on academic activities and surgical education in Italy Residency and fellowship program accreditation: effects of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic [published Blended learning via distance in pre-registration nursing education: a scoping review Implementing a structured digitalbased online pathology curriculum for trainees at the time of COVID-19 Leveraging technology for remote learning in the era of COVID-19 and social distancing: tips and resources for pathology educators and trainees Self-regulated learning: the effect on medical student learning outcomes in a flipped classroom environment Analysis of satisfaction and academic achievement of medical students in a flipped class Informatics training for pathology practice and research in the digital era Daily medical education for confined students during COVID-19 pandemic: a simple videoconference solution Blood bank guy Transfusion medicine questions The coronavirus pandemic made Zoom the most popular app, and that came with consequences VOIP for telerehabilitation: a risk analysis for privacy, security, and HIPAA compliance COVID-19: states call on early medical school grads to bolster workforce Itching to get back in: medical students graduate early to join the fight. The Department of Laboratory Medicine routinely offers two 2-week clerkships for medical students: Laboratory Medicine 685: Laboratory Case Studies for Clinical Diagnosis (LabM 685) and Laboratory Medicine 680: Clinical Laboratory Testing-Methods and Interpretation (LabM 680). keywords: 585c; access; activities; additional; available; case; changes; classroom; clerkship; clinical; coronavirus; course; cov-2; covid-19; didactics; discussions; distance; education; faculty; feedback; group; labm; laboratories; laboratory; learning; lectures; medical; medicine; medsci; new; novel; online; pandemic; pathology; patient; platform; presentations; remote; response; rounds; sars; second; session; sign; small; som; states; students; study; table; teleconferencing; testing; time; trainees; university; week cache: cord-332573-pltz5viz.txt plain text: cord-332573-pltz5viz.txt item: #79 of 97 id: cord-332743-cqk0c2ie author: Plachouri, Kerasia‐Maria title: How well prepared are dermatologists redeployed to COVID‐19 wards? date: 2020-05-25 words: 284 flesch: 32 summary: The massive patient influx has led to shortages not only in vital medical supplies but also in medical personnel, resulting in health authorities taking emergency initiatives so as to face the consequences of this public health crisis. Among these initiatives is the recruitment of doctors of specialties other than internal medicine or anesthesiology and, in some cases, even of medical students. keywords: cqk0c2ie; dermatology; doi; health; ijd.14978; medical; training; wards cache: cord-332743-cqk0c2ie.txt plain text: cord-332743-cqk0c2ie.txt item: #80 of 97 id: cord-333132-m0tkgf7x author: Ravi, Kumar Satish title: Dead Body Management in Times of Covid‐19 and its Potential Impact on the Availability of Cadavers for Medical Education in India date: 2020-04-28 words: 1877 flesch: 39 summary: Understanding the significance of dead body, Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Directorate General of Health Services (EMR Division) have issued guidelines of dead body management in view of Covid-19 pandemic. As per the guidelines, embalming of such dead bodies should not be allowed (Government of India, 2020) . keywords: aiims; anatomy; bodies; body; cadaveric; classes; college; covid-19; dead; disciplines; dissections; donation; education; government; guidelines; health; healthcare; human; india; infection; institute; institutions; integration; management; medical; new; practices; pradesh; prevention; schools; sciences; screening; surgical; technology; virtual cache: cord-333132-m0tkgf7x.txt plain text: cord-333132-m0tkgf7x.txt item: #81 of 97 id: cord-336689-z3ayolzb author: Gaur, Uma title: Challenges and Opportunities of Preclinical Medical Education: COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond date: 2020-09-22 words: 3646 flesch: 34 summary: The unprecedented use of online pedagogy as an emergency measure during COVID-19 period, with an adaptation to the new normal to deliver preclinical medical education, has brought both challenges and opportunities to medical education While COVID-19 has thrown many challenges for preclinical medical education, it has also created opportunities-academic leaders with servant leadership, distribution of leadership responsibilities, and clear lines of communication dealt with the situation aptly [1, [16] keywords: academic; anatomy; assessment; basic; challenges; conduct; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; current; curriculum; delivery; education; educators; effective; exams; face; faculty; impact; information; knowledge; lack; learning; lectures; literature; manuscript; medical; medical education; new; online; online learning; opportunities; pandemic; phase; practical; preclinical; questions; relevant; remote; response; review; schools; sciences; skills; social; staff; strategies; students; teaching; technology; time; training; transition; use; virtual; years cache: cord-336689-z3ayolzb.txt plain text: cord-336689-z3ayolzb.txt item: #82 of 97 id: cord-341932-n8ljjdhu author: Sandhu, Preeti title: The impact of COVID-19 on the undergraduate medical curriculum date: 2020-05-13 words: 631 flesch: 28 summary: As medical students in our penultimate clinical year of undergraduate education, we have experienced cancellations of all clinical placements into the beginning of final year, with online learning presently proving essential in the continuation of medical education. Novel ways of online teaching should be considered in new medical curricula development, as well as methods of delivering practical skills for medical students online. keywords: clinical; coronavirus; covid-19; education; final; medical; methods; nhs; online; pandemic; students; teaching; year cache: cord-341932-n8ljjdhu.txt plain text: cord-341932-n8ljjdhu.txt item: #83 of 97 id: cord-342185-2umby2l8 author: Cai, Qi title: The mental health of frontline and non-frontline medical workers during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak in China: a case-control study date: 2020-07-02 words: 4044 flesch: 39 summary: Univariate and multivariate logistic regressions were performed to evaluate the relationships of frontline medical workers (vs. non-frontline medical workers) with mental problems, and help-seeking behaviors and treatment for mental problems. However, frontline medical workers had a higher proportion of medical staff (mainly including doctors and nurses) than non-frontline medical workers (98.6% vs. 93.4%, P < 0.01). keywords: adjusted; anxiety; cases; china; chinese; clinical; control; coronavirus; covid-19; depression; disease; distress; epidemic; et al; frontline; frontline medical; general; health; healthcare; help; higher; impact; insomnia; medical; medical workers; mental; mental health; mental problems; non; novel; outbreak; participants; patients; prevalence; problems; psychological; questionnaire; rate; respiratory; risk; sars; scores; seeking; severe; severity; sleep; staff; status; study; support; symptoms; total; treatment; version; workers; wuhan cache: cord-342185-2umby2l8.txt plain text: cord-342185-2umby2l8.txt item: #84 of 97 id: cord-342548-ykxvaqcz author: Abbas, Myriam title: Repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being and training of medical clerks: a pan-Canadian survey date: 2020-10-27 words: 3976 flesch: 49 summary: key: cord-342548-ykxvaqcz authors: Abbas, Myriam; Dhane, Malek; Beniey, Michèle; Meloche-Dumas, Léamarie; Eissa, Mohamed; Guérard-Poirier, Natasha; El-Raheb, Myriam; Lebel-Guay, Florence; Dubrowski, Adam; Patocskai, Erica title: Repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being and training of medical clerks: a pan-Canadian survey date: 2020-10-27 journal: BMC Med Educ DOI: 10.1186/s12909-020-02293-0 sha: doc_id: 342548 cord_uid: ykxvaqcz BACKGROUND: With the recent COVID-19 pandemic sweeping across Canada, medical clerks were removed from clinical rotations and had their clerkship suspended, missing-out on valuable clinical experience [20] . keywords: canada; canadian; career; choice; clerks; clerkship; clinical; consent; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; curriculum; faculties; fig; health; impact; index; junior; level; mean; medical; medical students; medicine; mental; pandemic; participants; psychological; question; residency; review; rotations; senior; solutions; stress; stressors; students; study; support; survey; training; university; year cache: cord-342548-ykxvaqcz.txt plain text: cord-342548-ykxvaqcz.txt item: #85 of 97 id: cord-347245-35naeuo7 author: Zhou, Yongjie title: The prevalence and risk factors of psychological disturbances of frontline medical staff in China under the COVID-19 epidemic: workload should be concerned date: 2020-08-26 words: 2892 flesch: 42 summary: Although attention has been paid to the mental health of medical staff in the fight against COVID-19 , few studies have investigated the psychological disturbances and risk factors of frontline medical staff, especially considering the impact of the work conditions, such as workload. key: cord-347245-35naeuo7 authors: Zhou, Yongjie; Wang, Wenjuan; Sun, Yanping; Qian, Wei; Liu, Zhengkui; Wang, Ruoxi; Qi, Ling; Yang, Jiezhi; Song, Xiuli; Zhou, Xin; Zeng, Lingyun; Liu, Tiebang; Li, Zezhi; Zhang, Xiangyang title: The prevalence and risk factors of psychological disturbances of frontline medical staff in China under the COVID-19 epidemic: workload should be concerned date: 2020-08-26 journal: J Affect Disord DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.08.059 sha: doc_id: 347245 cord_uid: 35naeuo7 BACKGROUND: To our best knowledge, this was the first time to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of psychological disturbances, including depression, anxiety, somatization symptoms, insomnia and suicide, among frontline medical staff, who were working with the COVID-10 infected patients directly. keywords: age; anxiety; anxiety symptoms; bmi; china; coronavirus; covid-19; depression; disorders; disturbances; epidemic; et al; factors; family; frontline; frontline medical; general; health; hours; income; insomnia; medical; medical staff; mental; online; population; prevalence; psychological; questionnaire; risk; score; sleep; somatization; staff; study; suicide; symptoms; total; workers; working cache: cord-347245-35naeuo7.txt plain text: cord-347245-35naeuo7.txt item: #86 of 97 id: cord-347645-xj4p68ba author: Savage, Nicholas title: The impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic on medical students in Australia date: 2020-06-14 words: 1190 flesch: 45 summary: key: cord-347645-xj4p68ba authors: Savage, Nicholas; Jain, Anshini; Ng, Suat Chin title: The impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic on medical students in Australia date: 2020-06-14 journal: In this unprecedented situation, perhaps one of the more underestimated repercussions will be on medical students. keywords: article; australia; challenges; clinical; copyright; covid-19; education; face; final; health; international; internship; issues; learning; medical; pandemic; placement; practical; rights; risk; schools; students; teaching; time; year cache: cord-347645-xj4p68ba.txt plain text: cord-347645-xj4p68ba.txt item: #87 of 97 id: cord-348686-wrc6dzvl author: Novintan, Shonnelly title: Simulations and Virtual Learning Supporting Clinical Education During the COVID 19 Pandemic [Letter] date: 2020-09-29 words: 768 flesch: 36 summary: However, we must acknowledge the limitations of virtual education and adapt accordingly. Tabatabai correctly emphasises the need for universities to have the right tools to keep the education of medical students on track. keywords: clinical; education; exams; learning; letter; medical; online; osce; pandemic; practical; skills; students; tabatabai; universities; virtual cache: cord-348686-wrc6dzvl.txt plain text: cord-348686-wrc6dzvl.txt item: #88 of 97 id: cord-349014-zkm2mph9 author: Wang, Jessie J. title: COVID-19: novel pandemic, novel generation of medical students date: 2020-06-02 words: 1019 flesch: 31 summary: Collateral damage: the effect of SARS on medical education Joint statement from the UK Health Departments, the General Medical Council, Health Education England, NHS Education for Scotland, Health Education and Improvement Wales, the Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency, and the Medical Schools Cou Guidance on medical students' participation in direct patient contact activities Medical student education in the time of COVID-19 Statement of expectation: medical student volunteers in the NHS Simulation-based learning: No longer a novelty in undergraduate education Lack of telemedicine training in academic medicine: are we preparing the next generation From bedside to webside: future doctors learn how to practice remotely Medical students train to support telehealth visits with patients Br J Anaesth DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2020.05.025 sha: doc_id: 349014 cord_uid: zkm2mph9 nan United Kingdom (UK) and worldwide, and while healthcare professionals fight frontline battles and systems leaders negotiate public health measures, the needs of medical students at various stages of training cannot be forgotten. keywords: clinical; covid-19; crisis; early; education; environment; examinations; experiences; final; future; generation; healthcare; medical; novel; pandemic; patient; students; telemedicine; time; training; workforce; year cache: cord-349014-zkm2mph9.txt plain text: cord-349014-zkm2mph9.txt item: #89 of 97 id: cord-349371-3htcturz author: Bleakley, Alan title: Embracing the collective through medical education date: 2020-10-30 words: 7006 flesch: 44 summary: The Flexner report of 1910 Development of the concept of patient-centredness -A systematic review The $10 Billion Self-Improvement Market Adjusts to a New Generation Time to heal: American medical education from the turn of the century to the era of managed care Abraham Flexner: A Flawed American Icon The Self Delusion: The Surprising Science of How We Are Connected and Why That Matters Capital in the Twenty-First Century Medicine and Society From history to myth: productive engagement with the Flexnerian metanarrative in medical education Stressed Brits buy record number of self-help books Observer Sat The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism and other writings An Open Letter to Our Former Dean, Dr Stanley Goldfarb, From 150+ Alumni of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Goodreads data show that women reading self-help books are getting advice from men. -also permeates American medical education. keywords: age; american; american medical; better; books; canada; capitalism; care; carnegie; century; change; cole; collaborative; collective; collectivism; communal; contemporary; culture; degree; democratic; development; dewey; doctors; education; era; ethic; flexner; foundation; goldfarb; gun; habits; health; health care; heart; help; heroic; human; ibid; idea; individual; individualism; insurance; inter; john; journal; justice; learning; life; ludmerer; marden; mastery; medical; medical education; medicine; michael; mind; model; money; movement; new; north; particular; patient; pedagogy; personal; physician; political; practices; president; private; professional; protestant; psychology; reform; report; safety; samuel; schools; self; set; smiles; social; stanley; students; study; success; sufficiency; system; teaching; team; theories; theory; thinking; time; tradition; university; usa; values; way; wider; women; work; year cache: cord-349371-3htcturz.txt plain text: cord-349371-3htcturz.txt item: #90 of 97 id: cord-350503-en5xkotn author: Fourtassi, Maryam title: How has the COVID-19 pandemic improved evidence-based-medicine awareness among undergraduate medical students? date: 2020-06-29 words: 949 flesch: 25 summary: Contemporary global perspectives of medical students on research during undergraduate medical education: a systematic literature review Teaching evidence-based medicine to medical students using Wikipedia as a platform Medical education in Morocco: current situation and future challenges RETRACTION-Hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine with or without a macrolide for treatment of COVID-19: a multinational registry analysis Retraction: cardiovascular disease, drug therapy, and mortality in Covid-19 key: cord-350503-en5xkotn authors: Fourtassi, Maryam; Hjiej, Ghita; Touissi, Youness; Hajjioui, Abderrazak; Abda, Naima title: How has the COVID-19 pandemic improved evidence-based-medicine awareness among undergraduate medical students? date: 2020-06-29 journal: Medical education online DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2020.1787123 sha: doc_id: 350503 cord_uid: en5xkotn nan Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is a key component of current medical practice, as it induces effective decision-making regarding patients care, based on the best available evidence [1] . keywords: aware; best; covid-19; critical; ebm; education; evidence; information; key; medical; medicine; pandemic; publishing; research; scientific; students; today; undergraduate cache: cord-350503-en5xkotn.txt plain text: cord-350503-en5xkotn.txt item: #91 of 97 id: cord-350842-4m82l5t8 author: Xing, Jun title: Study of the mental health status of medical personnel dealing with new coronavirus pneumonia date: 2020-05-19 words: 3223 flesch: 44 summary: In subsequent research in this project, a longitudinal study should be conducted that uses a wider sample and measures the mental health status of medical personnel from multiple dimensions, which can help better identify the mutual influence between demographic data and mental health status. key: cord-350842-4m82l5t8 authors: Xing, Jun; Sun, Ning; Xu, Jun; Geng, Shuling; Li, Yuqian title: Study of the mental health status of medical personnel dealing with new coronavirus pneumonia date: 2020-05-19 journal: PLoS One DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0233145 sha: doc_id: 350842 cord_uid: 4m82l5t8 keywords: affected; anxiety; china; coronavirus; covid-19; disease; factors; family; group; health; higher; hospitals; hubei; infected; level; line; mean; medical; medical personnel; members; mental; mental health; norm; novel; patients; people; personnel; phobic; pneumonia; psychological; response; results; scl-90; score; severe; staff; status; study; support; symptoms; wuhan cache: cord-350842-4m82l5t8.txt plain text: cord-350842-4m82l5t8.txt item: #92 of 97 id: cord-351267-itdorszt author: Farha, Loulwa title: Lebanese Healthcare System: How Will the Aftermath Look? date: 2020-09-06 words: 1371 flesch: 43 summary: [5] . Hospitals and medical centers have been suffering for months to keep up with the increase in demand for intensive care unit beds, medical equipment, and medications necessary to cater to patients with severe COVID-19 infections. The prevailing circumstances also necessitate the immediate resumption of functions at tertiary medical care centers that offer specialized treatments, disease screening, and disease prevention. keywords: aftermath; authors; beirut; centers; country; covid-19; equipment; events; explosion; financial; healthcare; hospitals; infections; lebanese; lebanon; major; medical; number; pandemic; patients; relationships; support; system; tertiary cache: cord-351267-itdorszt.txt plain text: cord-351267-itdorszt.txt item: #93 of 97 id: cord-351529-30apdn73 author: Hamlin, Matilda title: Attitudes of the Public to Receiving Medical Care during Emergencies through Remote Physician–Patient Communications date: 2020-07-20 words: 4671 flesch: 32 summary: This study aimed to investigate the attitudes of the public towards receiving medical services and providing medical information through remote communication in times of emergencies. The first part of the questionnaire charted attitudes of the respondents concerning receiving medical services through remote communications during emergencies. keywords: age; analysis; attitudes; care; coronavirus; correlation; covid-19; data; data protection; differences; education; emergencies; emergency; fund; health; health services; higher; level; linear; mean; mean willingness; media; medical; medical information; medical services; model; multiple; outbreak; pandemic; patient; population; positive; protection; public; questionnaire; regression; remote; remote communications; respondents; services; significant; social; status; strong; study; telemedicine; times; trust; use; variables; willingness; years cache: cord-351529-30apdn73.txt plain text: cord-351529-30apdn73.txt item: #94 of 97 id: cord-351975-2ccsvf4h author: Hickland, Maria M. title: Medical student views on returning to clinical placement after months of online learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-07-29 words: 711 flesch: 29 summary: The General Medical Council (GMC) states medical students as tomorrow's doctors, thus it is imperative that clinical-year medical students return to placements to ensure the continued development of core competencies, outlined in the Outcomes for Graduates by the GMC [3] . One study found that a third of medical students preferred not to return to the clinical setting during the pandemic, a higher proportion of which was in the lower pre-clinical years. keywords: clinical; covid-19; education; final; medical; online; pandemic; placement; return; risk; schools; students; year cache: cord-351975-2ccsvf4h.txt plain text: cord-351975-2ccsvf4h.txt item: #95 of 97 id: cord-353772-z1x52stl author: Wilkening, Dean A. title: Combatting Bioterrorism date: 2008-09-05 words: 9628 flesch: 33 summary: Against biological weapon attacks by a state, ballistic missile defenses also will be of limited value because biological submunitions released early in flight, a technology the United States and the former Soviet Union mastered in the 1950s, can easily overwhelm missile defenses. This is not surprising given the relative ineffectiveness of biological weapons as a military weapon due to the difficulty of infecting opposing forces, the availability of protective clothing (a simple mask will do in most cases), prompt medical treatment for troops, and the risk that the attacker's troops may also become infected. keywords: activities; actors; agents; air; animal; anthrax; area; attack; ballistic; benefits; best; biological; biological agents; biological attack; biological weapons; biomedical; bioterrorism; case; chemical; clinical; concern; contagious; control; cost; countries; covert; current; days; decontamination; defense; delivery; detection; deterrence; development; diagnosis; difficult; diplomatic; disease; effective; effects; efforts; environmental; equipment; example; exposure; facilities; future; group; health; help; hours; human; identification; important; individuals; infectious; intelligence; international; knowledge; large; level; likely; limited; local; malevolent; materials; medical; medications; missile; nuclear; number; pathogens; people; pods; population; possible; postattack; preemption; principle; prior; problem; programs; proliferation; prophylaxis; protection; public; public health; range; rapid; release; research; response; sampling; security; small; soviet; spread; states; strategy; sufficient; supplies; surveillance; symptomatic; systems; terrorists; threat; time; treatment; united; united states; use; vaccination; vaccines; victims; war; weapons; world cache: cord-353772-z1x52stl.txt plain text: cord-353772-z1x52stl.txt item: #96 of 97 id: cord-354391-c7oc2516 author: Hui, Jin title: COVID-19 Prevention and Control Strategy: Management of Close Contacts in Hangzhou City, China date: 2020-05-14 words: 672 flesch: 42 summary: The waste generated in the sites wa defined as medical waste, which should be collected by a designated person who was only responsible for collecting and transporting medical wasteand stored in a temporary storage room conforming to the requirements medical waste management. However, this practice was considered as increasing the risk of infection among medical staff as well as the increasing the consumption of personal protective equipment. keywords: china; close; contacts; control; covid-19; health; medical; observation; prevention; room; sites; temperature; waste cache: cord-354391-c7oc2516.txt plain text: cord-354391-c7oc2516.txt item: #97 of 97 id: cord-355772-kvenaqj3 author: Wang, Xuan title: Letter: Strategies for Prevention and Control of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Infection Among Medical Staff date: 2020-04-11 words: 2303 flesch: 47 summary: Here, we would like to summarize and share our successful experiences in the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-2 infection in medical staff of hospital departments, especially those devoted to non-infection diseases. With the awareness of the high rate of infection in the medical staff, combined with the statistical results, we drew up strategies for emergency management and daily protection for medical staff in departments of non-infection disease during this severe epidemic. keywords: china; clinical; contact; control; coronavirus; covid-19; department; detection; diagnosis; disease; early; emergency; epidemic; health; hospital; infected; infection; isolation; january; level; measures; medical; min; neurosurgery; novel; patients; persons; prevention; protection; risk; spread; staff; system; time; treatment; wang; ward cache: cord-355772-kvenaqj3.txt plain text: cord-355772-kvenaqj3.txt