item: #1 of 44 id: cord-000522-d498qj2b author: Vincent, Jean-Louis title: Reducing mortality in sepsis: new directions date: 2002-12-05 words: 8718 flesch: 43 summary: Interestingly, this decrease was apparent even before the five interventions discussed in the present article were published, reflecting improvements in the general supportive care of sepsis patients. Generalists have been taught to recognize the signs Sepsis patients often come 'second hand' from a and symptoms of AMI; initial treatment is usually specialist who may not be appropriately trained to provided by emergency physicians, who are trained diagnose, manage, and refer patients with sepsis to treat these patients Mortality prior to hospital discharge in patients receiving a tidal volume of 6 and 12 ml/kg ideal body weight. keywords: acute; addition; alfa; appendix; approaches; appropriate; bleeding; blood; body; care; chronic; clinical; control; critical; data; days; death; disease; distress; dose; drotrecogin; drotrecogin alfa; dysfunction; early; effect; egdt; emergency; evidence; factor; failure; general; glucose; goal; group; hemodynamic; high; hospital; hours; hydrocortisone; icu; ideal; increase; inflammatory; infusion; insulin; intensive; interventions; levels; low; lower; lung; mechanical; medicine; moderate; mortality; myocardial; new; number; organ; outcomes; oxygen; patients; peep; physicians; placebo; possible; practice; pressure; protein; protocol; prowess; randomized; rate; respiratory; results; risk; sepsis; septic; septic shock; severe; severe sepsis; shock; significant; signs; steroids; studies; study; survival; syndrome; table; therapies; therapy; tidal; time; treatment; trial; use; ventilation; volume; weight cache: cord-000522-d498qj2b.txt plain text: cord-000522-d498qj2b.txt item: #2 of 44 id: cord-003011-vclnb0eh author: de Almeida, Carlos Podalirio Borges title: Predictors of In-Hospital Mortality among Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis date: 2018-05-08 words: 2834 flesch: 39 summary: Available at: www.who Tuberculosis in hospitalized patients: clinical characteristics of patients receiving treatment within the first 24 h after admission Time delays in diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis: a systematic review of literature Hospitalizations for tuberculosis in the United States in 2000: predictors of in-hospital mortality Quality of life in tuberculosis: patient and provider perspectives The impact of comorbidity on mortality following in-hospital diagnosis of tuberculosis Experience with a medical-psychosocial inpatient unit Delay in diagnosis among hospitalized patients with active tuberculosis-predictors and outcomes The impact of nutritional deficit on mortality of in-patients with pulmonary tuberculosis Diabetes is a strong predictor of mortality during tuberculosis treatment: a prospective cohort study among tuberculosis patients from Mwanza, Tanzania Impact of diabetes and smoking on mortality in tuberculosis Diabetes mellitus is associated with increased mortality during tuberculosis treatment: a prospective cohort study among tuberculosis patients in South-Eastern Amahra Region A review of sex differences in the epidemiology of tuberculosis Social and cultural dimensions of gender and tuberculosis Mortality among MDR-TB cases: comparison with drug-susceptible tuberculosis and associated factors Differences between Risk Factors Associated with Tuberculosis Treatment Abandonment and Mortality Independent predictors of tuberculosis mortality in a high HIV prevalence setting: a retrospective cohort study Initial presentations predict mortality in pulmonary tuberculosis patients-a prospective observational study Tuberculosis mortality: patient characteristics and causes Excess mortality due to tuberculosis and factors associated to death in and annual cohort of patients diagnosed of tuberculosis Predictors of in-hospital mortality among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis: a protocol of systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies The measurement of observer agreement for categorical data The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) for assessing the quality of non-randomised studies in meta-analyses. Conclusion: Co-morbid malignancy was associated with increased risk of in-hospital death among pulmonary TB patients. keywords: agreement; analysis; assessment; association; bias; cohort; data; death; diabetes; diagnosis; eligible; evidence; factors; grade; health; high; hospital; hospital mortality; low; malignancy; meta; mortality; patients; predictors; previous; publication; pulmonary; quality; review; reviewers; risk; search; sex; smear; studies; study; systematic; treatment; tuberculosis cache: cord-003011-vclnb0eh.txt plain text: cord-003011-vclnb0eh.txt item: #3 of 44 id: cord-003340-nqc1pduk author: Dahal, Sushma title: Natality Decline and Spatial Variation in Excess Death Rates During the 1918–1920 Influenza Pandemic in Arizona, United States date: 2018-07-26 words: 3328 flesch: 42 summary: Further, more work is needed to disentangle the local circumstances that shaped pandemic mortality rates across different populations (7) . In summary, we report a significant dip in excess births about 9-11 months following the peak in excess pandemic mortality. keywords: americans; arizona; birth; concentrated; counties; county; data; death; decline; different; excess; higher; highest; impact; influenza; maricopa; months; mortality; natality; native; northern; observed; p&i; pandemic; patterns; peak; period; population; pregnancy; rates; records; risk; series; significant; spatial; state; study; time; total; united; variation; wave; women; work; years cache: cord-003340-nqc1pduk.txt plain text: cord-003340-nqc1pduk.txt item: #4 of 44 id: cord-003532-lcgeingz author: None title: 39th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine: Brussels, Belgium, 19-22 March 2019 date: 2019-03-19 words: 80115 flesch: 48 summary: Blood cultures were sent as per clinical & laboratory diagnosis of sepsis in ICU patients. Conclusions: HR, lactate levels and age before AVP initiation can predict the response to AVP in ICU patients with NE-resistant hypotension. keywords: 24h; 95%ci; abdominal; ability; abstract; access; accuracy; acid; activation; activity; acute; addition; adequate; administration; admission; adult patients; adults; adverse; affected; age; agreement; aim; airway; aki; algorithm; analysis; antibiotic; antimicrobial; anxiety; aorta; aortic; apache; approach; appropriate; ards; ards patients; area; arrest; arterial; artery; assay; assessing; assessment; associated; association; auc; audit; available; average; avp; bacterial; balance; baseline; bed; bedside; benefit; best; better; bias; biomarker; bleeding; blood; blood pressure; bmi; body; brain; bypass; cabg; calculated; cancer; carbapenem; cardiac; cardiac arrest; cardiogenic; cardiopulmonary; care; care patients; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cell; center; central; centre; cerebral; cfdna; changes; characteristics; chest; children; chronic; classification; clinical; co2; coagulation; coagulopathy; cognitive; cohort; combination; combined; common; comorbidities; comparison; complex; compliance; complications; concentration; conclusions; condition; consecutive; consecutive patients; consensus; consent; continuous; control; control group; conventional; coronary; correlate; correlation; cost; count; course; cpc; cpr; creatinine; criteria; critical; critical care; cross; crp; crrt; cse; ctn; cumulative; current; curve; cvp; cytosorb; daily; data; day mortality; days; death; december; decision; decrease; delayed; delirium; delivery; demographic; department; describe; design; detection; determined; development; device; diagnosis; difference; difficult; discharge; disease; distress; doctors; dose; downtime; drug; duration; dysfunction; eaa; early; ecls; ecmo; ecmo patients; eeg; effect; effective; efficacy; elderly patients; elective; electronic; elevated; elevation; emergency; end; enteral; epiglottis; errors; essential; established; estimated; evaluation; events; evidence; exercise; experience; experimental; expert; expression; extracorporeal; factors; failure; family; feasibility; feasible; features; feeding; female; fentanyl; fever; fibrinogen; fig; figure; final; findings; fio2; flow; fluid; fold; followed; following; frailty; framework; free; frequency; frequent; fucoidan; functional; future; gas; gcs; general; generation; genes; global; glucose; glutamine; good; greater; group; guidelines; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; hemodynamic; hepatic; hfc; higher; higher mortality; highest; hospital; hospital cardiac; hospital mortality; hospital stay; hospitalization; hours; htg; hypotension; hypothermia; hypoxemia; icnarc; icu; icu admission; icu discharge; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icu time; identification; igf; iii; il-6; ill; illness; image; imaging; immune; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; inclusion; increase; independent; index; individual; indoor; induced; induction; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; influenza; information; infusion; initial; initiation; injury; insertion; insulin; intensity; intensive care; interruption; interval; intervention; intracranial; intravenous; introduction; intubation; invasive; iqr; ischemic; isolated; january; japan; june; key; kidney; knowledge; laboratory; lactate; large; learning; left; length; levels; levosimendan; life; likely; limited; linear; literature; local; logistic; longer; los; loss; low; lower; lps; lung; main; maintenance; major; making; male; management; mann; map; march; markers; maximum; mcg; mean; measurements; measures; mechanical; median; medical; medication; medicine; melatonin; membrane; metabolic; methodology; methods; mice; microcirculatory; minutes; mitopo; mixed; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modified; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mortality risk; multidisciplinary; multiple; multivariate; muscle; myocardial; national; necrosis; need; negative; network; neurological; neutrophil; new; nitrogen; non; norepinephrine; normal; novel; nui; number; nursing; nutrition; obese patients; objective; observational; observational study; occurrence; odds; ohca; old; online; onset; operating; opioid; optimal; oral; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygenation; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; pao2; parameters; participants; patients; patients introduction; patients methods; patterns; pci; pcr; pct; peak; percentage; percutaneous; performance; perfusion; period; perioperative; phase; physical; physicians; physiological; physiology; pigs; placebo; placement; plasma; platelet; plr; pmx; pneumonia; pocd; pocus; point; poor; popf; population; position; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; practice; prbc; precision; predictive; predictor; prehospital; preload; prescribing; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; proadm; problems; procalcitonin; procedure; process; prognostic; project; prolonged; propofol; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; pts; pulmonary; pulse; puncture; purpose; quality; randomized; randomly; range; rank; rapid; rate; ratio; reactive; reboa; receiver; recent; records; recovery; reduced; reduction; reference; regional; regression; related; relationship; relevant; removal; renal; report; requirements; research; resistance; resources; respiratory; response; responsiveness; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; return; review; right; risk; risk patients; rml; role; room; routine; rso; safety; samples; saps; satisfaction; saturation; scale; score; scoring; secondary; sedation; self; sensitivity; sepsis; sepsis care; septic; septic patients; septic shock; sequential; serum; services; set; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock patients; short; sid; significant; signs; similar; simulation; single; sirs; site; size; small; sodium; sofa; sofa score; specificity; spontaneous; staff; standard; state; statistical; status; stay; strategies; stress; stroke; studies; study; study group; subjects; successful; support; surgery; surgical; surgical patients; survey; survival; survivors; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; table; target; targeted; team; technique; tee; temperature; tertiary; test; testing; tgci; therapeutic; therapy; thrombin; tidal; time; tissue; tnf; tool; total; tracheal; tracheostomy; training; transfusion; trauma; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; triage; trial; troponin; ttm; tube; type; ultrasound; unit; united; university; unknown; upper; urine; use; useful; validation; value; vap; variables; vascular; vasopressor; vein; velocity; venous; ventilation; vital; volume; vte; ward; weaning; weight; whitney; wide; work; worse; years cache: cord-003532-lcgeingz.txt plain text: cord-003532-lcgeingz.txt item: #5 of 44 id: cord-003571-upogtny6 author: Viboud, Cécile title: The 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Looking Back, Looking Forward date: 2018-10-20 words: 3834 flesch: 34 summary: Structure of the uncleaved human H1 hemagglutinin from the extinct 1918 influenza virus Preliminary statistics of the influenza epidemic Influenza transmission in households during the 1918 pandemic The Great Influenza: The Story of the Deadliest Pandemic in History Origins of the 1918 pandemic: revisiting the swine mixing vessel hypothesis Loose ends in the epidemiology of the 1918 pandemic: explaining the extreme mortality risk in young adults Age-specific excess mortality patterns during the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic in Madrid, Spain Influenza in New Zealand before 1918: a preliminary report Investigating the legacy of 1918 pandemic on age-related seroepidemiology and immune responses to subsequent influenza A(H1N1) viruses through a structural equation model The 1918-1919 influenza pandemic in Portugal: a regional analysis of death impact Spatiotemporal patterns and diffusion of the 1918 influenza pandemic in British India Reassessing the global mortality burden of the 1918 influenza pandemic Social class and excess mortality in Sweden during the 1918 influenza pandemic Natality decline and spatial variation in excess death rates during the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic in Arizona, United States Short-term birth sequelae of the 1918-1920 influenza pandemic in the United States: state-level analysis Readiness for responding to a severe pandemic 100 years after 1918 Universal influenza vaccines: progress in achieving broad cross-protection in vivo Potent protection against H5N1 and H7N9 influenza via childhood hemagglutinin imprinting Re-examining the evidence regarding circulation of a human H1 influenza virus immediately prior to the 1918 Spanish flu Age-and sex-specific mortality associated with the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic in Kentucky Epidemiological evidence of an early wave of the 1918 influenza pandemic in New York City Influenza epidemics in Iceland over 9 decades: changes in timing and synchrony with the United States and Europe Estimation of potential global pandemic influenza mortality on the basis of vital registry data from the 1918-20 pandemic: a quantitative analysis Global mortality estimates for the 2009 influenza pandemic from the GLaMOR project: a modeling study Natality decline and miscarriages associated with the 1918 influenza pandemic: the Scandinavian and United States experiences Transmissibility and geographic spread of the 1889 influenza pandemic Age-specific excess mortality patterns and transmissibility during the 1889-1890 influenza pandemic in Madrid, Spain Evidence for antigenic seniority in influenza A (H3N2) antibody responses in southern China Use of serological surveys to generate key insights into the changing global landscape of infectious disease The ghost of influenza past and the hunt for a universal vaccine This article does not necessarily represent the views of the National Institutes of Health or the US government. They identified several age breakpoints in pandemic mortality that were suggestive of the cycling of different influenza strains between the mid-19th century and the 1918 pandemic. keywords: adults; age; analysis; articles; authors; century; collection; data; death; detailed; development; different; diffusion; epidemiology; evidence; excess; future; geographic; global; health; high; human; immune; immunity; impact; important; india; influenza; influenza mortality; influenza pandemic; influenza virus; information; level; long; madrid; modern; mortality; natality; new; origins; pandemic; pandemic mortality; patterns; population; prior; rates; records; risk; social; socioeconomic; spatial; swine; transmission; vaccines; virus; work; years; young cache: cord-003571-upogtny6.txt plain text: cord-003571-upogtny6.txt item: #6 of 44 id: cord-005497-w81ysjf9 author: None title: 40th International Symposium on Intensive Care & Emergency Medicine: Brussels, Belgium. 24-27 March 2020 date: 2020-03-24 words: 103795 flesch: 50 summary: Conclusions: This is one of the first studies to demonstrate that abnormal RV function is associated with an increased mortality in ICU patients with pneumonia. The fast efficacy of targeted therapies led some intensivists to use them as rescue therapy for ICU patients. keywords: 1st; 24h; 95%ci; abdominal; ability; abnormal; absence; absolute; abstract; accuracy; acid; acquired; activated; activation; activity; acute; acute care; addition; adjusted; adjustment; administration; admission; admission patients; adult patients; adults; adverse; afxa; age; aged; agents; agreement; aim; aims; airway; aki; aki patients; albumin; analgesia; analysis; anesthesia; angiography; animals; antibiotic; anticoagulation; antimicrobial; antixa; anxiety; aof; apache; application; approach; appropriate; april; ards; area; arf; arrest; arrest patients; arterial; artery; assay; assessment; associated; association; athens; atx; auc; audit; available; average; bacteremia; bacterial; balance; barriers; baseline; bbv; bedside; benefit; better; bilirubin; biomarkers; bleeding; blood; blood pressure; bmi; body; bolus; brain; breathing; bundle; burden; burn; burnout; bypass; cabg; cancer; cardiac; cardiac arrest; cardiac patients; cardiac surgery; cardiopulmonary; cardiothoracic; cardiovascular; care; care hospital; care patients; care unit; cartridge; cases; catheter; cause; cbt; cci; cdi; cells; center; central; centre; cerebral; cfs; challenge; changes; characteristics; characterized; chart; chest; children; chloride; chronic; circuit; circulation; circulatory; citrate; classification; clearance; clinical; clinicians; clot; clotting; cmh; coagulation; coagulopathy; cohort; cohort study; collection; combination; combined; committee; common; community; comorbidities; comparable; compare; comparison; complex; compliance; complications; components; compression; concentration; conclusions; conditions; confidence; consciousness; consecutive patients; consent; consumption; continuous; control; control group; controlled; conventional; coronary; correct; correlation; costs; count; course; cpb; cpr; creatinine; criteria; critical; critical care; cross; crp; crrt; csf; cuff; cultures; cumulative; current; curve; cvc; daily; damage; data; database; dataset; day mortality; days; death; december; decision; decrease; degree; delirium; delivery; demographic; department; design; detecting; detection; determination; development; device; diabetes; diagnosis; diaphragm; diarrhea; difference; difficult; dimer; direct; discharge; disease; distress; distribution; doctors; donors; dose; drug; duration; dysfunction; dysglycemia; earlier; early; ecco; ecg; ecls; ecmo; ecmo patients; ecpr; effect; effective; efficacy; elderly patients; elective; electronic; elevated; elevation; emergency; emergency patients; end; endothelial; endotoxin; endpoint; enteral; episodes; ethics; evaluation; events; evidence; excess; exclusion; existing; expected; experience; exposure; expression; extracorporeal; factors; failure; family; favorable; feasible; features; feedback; female; fever; fibrinogen; figure; filter; final; findings; fio; flow; fluid; follow; fraction; fracture; frail patients; frailty; free; freiburg; frequency; frequent; function; future; gas; gender; general; generation; genes; germany; gfap; glasgow; global; glucose; goal; good; grade; gram; greater; group; group patients; guidelines; half; handover; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; hemodynamic; hemoperfusion; hemorrhage; heparin; higher; higher mortality; highest; history; hospital; hospital admission; hospital cardiac; hospital discharge; hospital mortality; hospital stay; hospitalization; hours; hrs; human; hypertension; hyponatremia; icp; icu admission; icu care; icu discharge; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu population; icu staff; icu stay; icuca; icus; ihca; iii; il-6; ill; illness; immune; immunosuppression; impact; impairment; implementation; important; improved; improvement; imv; incidence; incidents; inclusion; income; increased; independent; index; individual; induction; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhalation; initial; initiation; injuries; injury; inpatient; insulin; intake; intensive care; interaction; interval; intervention; intra; intravenous; introduction; intubated; intubation; invasive; involved; involvement; iqr; ir+f; iron; ischemia; italy; january; japan; july; kdigo; ketoacidosis; kidney; knowledge; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; lead; leading; learning; left; length; levels; levosimendan; life; likely; limited; linear; literature; liver; local; logistic; long; longer; los; loss; lower; lps; lung; main; major; majority; making; male; malignancy; management; map; march; markers; mass; max; maximum; mcs; mdr; mean; mean age; measured; measurements; mechanical; median; median icu; medical; medical care; medical patients; medication; medicine; members; membrane; mental; methods; mhla; mice; microstructure; min; minimal; minutes; mixed; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modified; mods; monitored; monitoring; monocytes; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; multicenter; multidisciplinary; multiple; multivariate; muscle; music; myocardial; national; necessary; need; negative; neurological; neutrophils; new; news; noise; non; normal; novel; november; number; nurses; nursing; nutritional; obese patients; objective; observational study; occurrence; october; odds; ohca; old; ongoing; onset; ooh; operating; optimal; oral; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p<0.001; p<0.05; pad; pain; pamv; panel; pao; parameters; participants; pathogens; patients; pattern; pci; pct; peak; pediatric; peep; percentage; performance; perfusion; period; perioperative; peripheral; peritonitis; physical; physicians; physiological; pics; placebo; plasma; platelet; pneumonia; poca; point; polymorphism; poor; population; position; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; practice; predict; predictive; predictors; prescribed; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; problem; procalcitonin; procedure; process; product; prognostic; project; prolonged; promising; properties; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; psychiatric; psychological; pts; public; pulmonary; pulse; pupillometry; purpose; quality; quantitative; questionnaire; randomized; range; rapid; rate; rats; rbc; rca; reactive; reasons; receiver; recent; record; recovery; reduced; reduction; regional; registered; regression; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliability; removal; renal; renin; replacement; reported; reports; research; resistance; respect; respiratory; responders; response; results; resuscitation; retinal; retrospective; retrospective study; return; review; rhythm; right; risk; risk factors; risk patients; roc; role; room; rosc; routine; s1p; safety; samples; satisfaction; sbf; sbt; scale; school; score; secondary; sedation; selected; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sepsis patients; sepsis-3; septic; septic shock; septicyte; sequential; series; serum; setting; severe; severe patients; severe sepsis; severity; sex; shock; shock patients; shockable; shorter; significant; signs; similar; simulation; single; size; skin; sleep; small; sofa; solution; specific; specificity; spontaneous; staff; stage; standard; standardized; start; statistical; status; stay; stmv; strategies; strategy; strength; stress; stroke; strong; students; studies; study; study group; study period; subgroup; subjects; subsequent; subset; support; surgery; surgical; surgical patients; survey; survival; survivors; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; table; target; tavi; tbi; tbi patients; teaching; team; technique; teg; temperature; term; tertiary; test; testing; tgp; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thickness; threat; threshold; thrombin; thrombosis; tidal; time; tissue; tone; tool; total; tracheal; tracheostomy; traditional; training; transfusion; transplantation; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; trend; triage; trial; troponin; tube; type; uch; ultrasound; unit; united; university; university hospital; unknown; urinary; urine; use; useful; uws; validation; value; vancomycin; vap; variability; variables; vasopressor; vein; venous; ventilation; ventricular; vital; volume; vri; ward; wbc; weaning; week; weight; women; work; working; workload; worse; years; δci cache: cord-005497-w81ysjf9.txt plain text: cord-005497-w81ysjf9.txt item: #7 of 44 id: cord-005777-6rvfsx4p author: None title: PS 0420-0716 date: 2007-08-25 words: 59296 flesch: 50 summary: The aim of this study was to determine the risk factors and mortality rate of acinetobacter baumanii infections in ICU patients. It has been considered to play a role in worsening the prognosis of ICU patients. keywords: 24h; abdominal; acid; acinetobacter; acknowledgement; acs; activation; activity; acute; addition; adequate; administration; admission; adult; adult patients; adverse; aecopd; aeruginosa; age; aim; airway; albicans; amplitude; analysis; animals; anova; antibiotic; anticoagulation; antimicrobial; aortic; apache; applied; approach; appropriate; ards; ards patients; argatroban; arterial; artery; assessment; associated; association; atrial; aureus; available; average; avp; bacteria; balance; baseline; baumannii; bed; best; beta; bleeding; blood; bnp; body; brain; bypass; cabg; calcium; calculated; cancer; candida; candidemia; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; care patients; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cells; central; centre; changes; characteristics; chest; chpa; chronic; cipc; circuit; clearance; clinical; clotting; cmh2o; coagulation; colistin; collected; colonization; coma; combination; common; community; comparison; competence; compliance; complications; concentrations; conclusion; condition; consecutive patients; continuous; control; control group; conventional; coronary; correlation; cortisol; costs; count; course; cpfa; crbsi; creatinine; criteria; critical; crp; culture; current; curve; cvc; cvvh; cytokines; daily; damage; data; database; day mortality; days; death; december; decrease; degree; demographic; department; deterioration; determined; development; device; diagnosis; dialysis; difference; difficult; discharge; disease; dld; dose; drainage; drug; duration; dysfunction; early; edema; effect; effective; efficacy; elderly; elevated; emergency; empirical; endotoxin; endotracheal; epidural; episodes; esbl; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; experience; experimental; expression; extent; factors; failure; female; fibrinogen; filter; findings; fio2; flow; fluid; following; force; fraction; free; frequency; frequent; function; gas; gcs; gender; general; germany; glabrata; glasgow; glucose; glutamine; good; gos; gram; greater; group; group patients; guidelines; head; heart; hemodynamic; hemofiltration; heparin; higher; hospital; hospital mortality; hospitalization; hours; hrs; hvg; hypertension; icp; icu; icu admission; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; iii; il-6; il-8; ill; illness; iloprost; immune; impact; impaired; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; independent; index; indication; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; information; infusion; inhalation; initial; injury; insulin; intensive; intensive care; intervention; intracranial; introduction; intubated; intubation; invasive; january; laboratory; lactate; large; lead; left; length; levels; life; limited; liver; lma; local; longer; los; loss; lower; lps; lung; main; major; male; management; mann; map; march; maximal; maximum; mean; mean age; measurements; measures; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; median; medical; medical icu; medicine; meropenem; metabolic; methods; mice; minor; minutes; mmhg; mmol; model; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mrna; mrsa; multiple; multivariate; myocardial; n-3; need; negative; neurological; new; non; normal; nosocomial; number; nurse; nursing; observational; observed; odds; old; older; onset; optimal; oral; organ; organisms; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p<0.001; p<0.05; pao2; parameters; participants; patients; patients hospital; pct; pdt; peak; peep; percentage; perfusion; period; phase; physiological; picco; piece; plasma; platelet; pneumonia; point; poor; population; positioning; positive; possible; postoperative; potential; practice; predictor; presence; present; pressure; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; process; profile; prognosis; project; prolonged; prone; prospective; protection; protein; protocol; pts; pulmonary; quality; randomized; range; rate; ratio; rbc; reasons; recent; receptor; recommendations; recruitment; reduced; reduction; regression; related; relationship; relative; release; renal; replacement; report; requirements; research; resistance; respiratory; response; results; resuscitation; retrospective; rfviia; risk; risk patients; role; routine; safety; saline; samples; saps; scale; score; second; secondary; sedation; sepsis; septic patients; septic shock; serum; severe; severe sepsis; severity; shock; shock patients; significant; similar; single; sirs; site; skills; slt; small; sodium; sofa; staff; standard; staphylococcus; state; statistical; status; stay; strategy; stress; stroke; studied; study; study group; study period; superoxide; support; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; surgical icu; surgical patients; survival; survivors; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; table; tbi; team; technique; teg; teicoplanin; temperature; tertiary; test; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tool; total; tracheostomy; training; transfusion; transplantation; trauma; traumatic; treatment; trend; tube; type; underwent; unit; university; usa; use; useful; values; valve; vancomycin; vap; variables; venous; ventilation; ventricular; versus; volume; water; wave; weaning; week; weight; whitney; years cache: cord-005777-6rvfsx4p.txt plain text: cord-005777-6rvfsx4p.txt item: #8 of 44 id: cord-005814-ak5pq312 author: None title: 8th European Congress of Intensive Care Medicine Athens - Greece, October 18–22, 1995 Abstracts date: 1995 words: 179325 flesch: 51 summary: Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), a growth factor recently recognised as a polyfunctional cytokine integrated in cytokine networks was measured in unconcentrated BALF of patients from different patient groups. It is difficult to generalize on intensive care units as different patient groups are in different ICUs aud there are great changes from one hospital to another and from one country to another. keywords: + +; -the; 0.001; 1st; 2nd; 3rd; 48h; 546c88; 900c; aaar group; aaar patients; abdominal; abnormalities; absence; absent; absolute; absorption; access; accident; account; accumulation; accuracy; accurate; acid; acidosis; activation; active; activities; activity; actual; acute; acute lung; acute myocardial; acute renal; acute respiratory; adaptation; addition; adequacy; adequate; adhesion; administration; admission; admission patients; adopted; adult patients; adults; advanced; advantages; adverse; aeruginosa; affected; age; aged; aged patients; agents; aggregation; agreement; aid; aim; airway; airway pressure; alarm; albumin; alive; alpha; alterations; altered; alternative; alveolar; ambulance; ami patients; amounts; anaerobes; anaerobic; anaesthesia; analgesia; analysis; anemia; anesthetic; anesthetized; angiography; angiotensin; animals; anova; anp; antagonist; anterior; antibiotics; antibody; anticoagulation; antioxidant; antipyretics; aorta; aortic; apache; apache ii; apnoeic patients; apparatus; appearance; application; applied; approach; appropriate; approval; april; aptt; ards group; ards patients; area; arf; arginine; arrest; arrhythmias; arrival; arterial; arterial blood; arterial pressure; arteries; arterio; artery; artificial; aspects; aspiration; assay; assess; assessment; assist; assisted; associated; association; asthma; atc; atelectasis; athens; attacks; attempts; august; aureus; authors; autologous; automatic; autopsy; available; average; b.a; babies; background; bacteremia; bacterial; balance; balf; balloon; barbiturates; basal; baseline; basis; baxter; bed; beds; bedside; beginning; belgium; beneficial; benefit; bennett; best; beta; better; bicarbonate; bilateral; bilirubin; biochemical; biological; birth; bleeding; blind; blockade; blocker; blood; blood cultures; blood cyanide; blood flow; blood gas; blood lactate; blood loss; blood oxygen; blood pressure; blood samples; blood transfusion; blood volume; blunt; body; bolus; bone; bovine; bpap; bpm; brain blood; breathing; breaths; bronchial; bronchogram; bronchoscopy; bulb; burn; bypass; cabg; calculated; calibration; calories; cancer; candida; cannula; capacity; capillary; carbohydrate; carbon; cardiac; cardiac arrest; cardiac failure; cardiac function; cardiac index; cardiac output; cardiac patients; cardiac surgery; cardiogenic; cardiomyoplasty; cardiopulmonary; cardiovascular; care patients; care unit; carotid; cases; category; catheter; catheterization; cause; cells; cellular; center; central; cephalosporins; cerebral; cerebral blood; certain; cgmp; changes; changes patients; characteristics; chest; chfjv; children; choice; chronic; cip; circuit; circulation; circulatory; cis; cisapride; clamp; clamping; classification; clearance; clinical; clonidine; closed; cmh20; cmv; co2; coagulation; coefficient; cohort; cold; collection; colonization; coma; comatose patients; combination; combined; committee; common; comparable; comparative; comparison; compartment; compensation; complement; complete; complex; compliance; complicated; complications; components; computer; concentration; conclusion patients; conclusions; concomitant; conditions; congenital; congestive; connected; consecutive patients; consequence; considerable; constant; consumption; contamination; content; continued; continuous; contrary; contrast; control group; control patients; controls; contusion; conventional; copd patients; coronary; correct; correlate; correlation; corresponding; cortisol; cost; count; course; cpap; cpb; cpk; cpl; cpr; creatinine; criteria; criterion; critical care; critical patients; cross; csf; cultures; current; curve; cvp; cvvh; cxr; cyanide; cytokines; daily; damage; data; data analysis; date; days; dcm; dead; death; death patients; deceased patients; december; decision; decrease; decreasing; deep; defect; degradation; degree; delay; delayed; delivery; demand; demographic; department; dependent; dependent patients; dept; design; detection; deterioration; determination; determined; development; deviation; device; diabetes; diagnosis; dialysis; diameter; diastolic; diet; differences; different; differential; difficult; dioxide; diphtheria; direct; discharge; discontinuation; discrepancies; discrimination; discussion; disease; disorders; distress; distribution; disturbances; diuresis; do2; do2crit; dobutamine; doctors; dogs; donation; donor; dopexamine; doppler; dosage; dose; double; drainage; drop; drugs; dry; dudng; duodenal; duration; dynamics; dysfunction; dyspnea; earlier; early; easy; ecg; echocardiography; ecmo; edema; eeg; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficacy; efficiency; efforts; effusion; ejection; elderly patients; electrical; electrolyte; elevated; elevation; elisa; embolism; emergency; emergency patients; enalaprilat; end; endocarditis; endoscopy; endothelial; endotoxin; endotracheal; energy; enoxaparin; enteral; entire; entry; environment; enzyme; epidural; epinephrine; episodes; equal; equation; equipment; erythropoietin; esophageal; essential; established; estimate; estimation; etc; etco2; ethical; ethics; etiology; evaluation; events; evidence; evlw; examination; excellent; excessive; exchange; exclusion; excretion; existing; exogenous; experience; experimental; expired; exposure; expression; extensive; extent; external; extracorporeal; extraction; extreme; facilities; factors; failure; failure patients; fall; fast; fatal; fatigue; favourable; february; feedback; feeding; female; femoral; fentanyl; fever; fiberoptic; fibrillation; fibrin; fibrinogen; fick; figure; filling; filter; filtration; final; findings; fio2; fire; flail; flow; fluconazole; fluid; flux; focus; fold; following; foreign; forms; formula; foy; fraction; france; free; frequency; frequent; frg; function; future; ganz; gas; gastric; gastrointestinal; gcs; general; generation; germany; gestational; glasgow; global; glucagon; glucose; glycogen; goal; good; grade; gradient; graft; grafting; gram; granulocytopenic patients; greater; greece; group; group b; group blood; group ii; group l; group patients; guidelines; h20; half; hand; hbr; head; headtrauma patients; healthy; heart; heart failure; heart rate; heart surgery; help; hemodialysis; hemodynamic; hemoglobin; hemorrhage; heparin; hepatic; hepatocytes; heroin; high; high levels; high mortality; high risk; higher; highest; history; hiv; hme; hmef; home; hormonal; hormone; hospital; hospital mortality; hospitalisation; hourly; hours; hrs; hrv; human; humoral; hydrochloride; hypertension; hyperventilation; hypothesis; hypovolemic; hypoxemia; hypoxemic patients; hypoxia; i.c.u; i.v; icg; ich; icp; icpe; icu admission; icu day; icu mortality; icu patients; icu pts; icu stay; icu treatment; icus; identical; iger; ii score; iii; il-6; il-8; ill; illness; ilv; immediate; immune; immunity; impact; impaired; impairment; impedance; important; improved; improvement; incidence; inclusion; increased; index; indications; indicator; indices; indirect; individual patients; indomethacine; induced; induction; infants; infection; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; inflated; influence; information; informed; infusion; inhalation; inhaled; inhibitor; initial; injured; injuries; injury; inos; inotropes; inotropic; insertion; inspiratory pressure; inspired; institute; institutional; insufficiency; insulin; insult; intensity; intensive; intensive care; interaction; interest; intermittent; internal; interstitial; intervals; interventions; intoxication; intracerebral; intracranial; intramucosal; intraoperative; intrapulmonary; intravascular; intravenous; intrinsic; introduction; intubated patients; intubation; invasive; investigate; investigation; involved; involvement; ippv; ips; ischemia; isoflurane; isolated; isolation; italy; itbv; items; ivh; ivig; january; jejunal; jet; jugular; july; june; kidney; kind; known; kpa; laboratory; lack; lactate; lactate levels; lactatemia; large; later; lavage; lead; left; length; lesions; lethality; leukocyte; levels; life; like; likely; limb; limited; limits; linear; lipid; liquor; literature; little; liver; loading; local; logistic; long; longer; loss; losses; lower; lowering; lowest; lps; lung; lung injury; lung volume; lvad; main; main results; maintain; maintenance; major; majority; making; male; malignant; management; mandatory; manner; mannitol; map; march; marked; markers; mask; massive; material; maximal; maximum; mbar; mean; mean age; mean apache; mean arterial; mean blood; mean duration; mean icu; mean pulmonary; mean time; mean values; measured; measurements; measuring; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; mechanism; median; medical; medication; medicine; membrane; mentioned; mesenteric; metabolic; methods; microbiological; micu; midazolam; middle; mild; min; minor; minutes; mixed; mixture; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modified; mof; moisture; molecules; monitoring; months; morbidity; morphine; mortality; mortality rate; mosf; mpap; mpm; mri; mrsa; msec; mucosal; multidisciplinary; multiple; multivariate; murray; muscle; myocardial; n =; n=10; n=5; n=6; n=7; n=9; nasogastric; national; natural; necessary; necrosis; need; negative; negative pressure; neonatal; neonates; neopterin; nerve; nervous; network; neurological; neurological patients; neuromuscular; neutropenic patients; new; newborns; nitric; nitrogen; nmol; no2; no3; non; noninvasive; nonsurvivors; noradrenaline; normal; nosocomial; nox; npe; number; nurses; nursing; nutrition; o.05; obese patients; objectives; observation; observed; observed patients; obstetric patients; obstruction; occlusion; occurrence; old; ones; onset; operating; operation; optimal; order; organ; organ failure; organism; origin; outcome; output; overall; overdose; overload; oxidase; oxidation; oxide; oxygen; oxygenation; oxygenators; p =; p0.1; p<0.001; p<0.05; pace2; paco; paediatric patients; paf; pain; pancreatic; pancreatitis; pao2; paper; parallel; paralysed patients; paralyzed; parameters; parenteral; partial; particular; past; pathogenesis; pathogens; pathological; pathology; patient days; patients; patients ability; patients characteristics; patients conventional; patients hemodynamic; patients methods; patients non; patients outcome; patients peep; patients therapy; patients treatment; pattern; pav; paw; pci; pco; pco2; pcwp; pdr; peak; pediatric; pediatric patients; peep; pel; people; percentage; performance; perfusion; pericardial; period; period patients; peripheral; peritoneal; peritonitis; permeability; peroxidation; persistent; personal; pgi2; phase; phd; phi; physician; physiological; physiology; piece; pigs; pip; placebo; plasma; plasma levels; plasmapheresis; plateau; platelet; play; pleural; pmn; pnct; pneumonia; pneumothorax; po group; po2; points; poisoning; poor; population; porcine; portal; position; positioning; positive; positive blood; positive patients; possibility; possible; postoperative; postoperative patients; postoperative period; potassium; potential; ppa; pph; ppm; practice; precise; predictive; pregnancy; pregnant; preliminary; preload; premature; preoperative; preparation; prescribed; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; pressure score; pressure support; pressure time; pressure ventilation; prevalence; prevention; prevents; previous; prevotella; primary; prior; prism; probability; problem; procedure; process; processing; proct; products; professional; profiles; prognosis; program; programme; progressive; prolongation; prolonged; promising; prone; pronounced; properties; prophylaxis; propofol; proportional; prospective; prospective study; prostacyclin; protection; protein; protocol; providing; psb; pseudomonas; psv; ptca; ptr; pts; pulmonary; pulmonary artery; pulmonary blood; pulmonary embolism; pulmonary function; pulmonary gas; pulmonary hypertension; pulmonary pressure; pulmonary vascular; pulse; pump; puritan; purpose; purulent; pvr; pvs patients; pwp; pwt; qrs; qtc; quality; quantitative; question; quick; quinine; r =; radicals; rain; randomized; range; rank; rapid; rare; rate; rats; ray; reach; reaction; ready; reason; recent; recipients; recombinant; records; recovery; recruitment; rectal; reduced; reducing; reduction; reference; reflex; refractory; regard; regimen; regional; registered; regression; regular; regulated; rehabilitation; related; relationship; relative; release; relevant; reliable; removal; renal; renal failure; renin; replacement; reported; requirements; research; residual; resistance; respect; respiratory; respiratory failure; respiratory system; responders; response; responsible; resulted; results; resuscitation; retrospective; return; reversible; review; revision; right; rise; risk; risk patients; role; room; route; routine; rtotlsf; rvef; safe; safety; saline; samples; sao2; saps; saturation; saving; scale; scan; score; scoring; sdd; second; second group; secondary; secretions; sedation; segment; selam-1; selectin; selective; self; sem; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; septic patients; septic shock; sequelae; serial; series; serum; service; servo; setting; severe; severe acute; severe ards; severe patients; severe sepsis; severity; sex; shock; shock group; shock patients; short; shorter; shows; shunt; shvo; sicam-1; siemens; significant; significant changes; significant correlation; significant differences; significant increase; signs; similar; simple; simplified; simultaneous; single; sinus; sirs; site; situations; size; sjo; skin; sleep; slight; slope; small; smaller; smokers; sodium; software; soluble; solution; sores; source; space; special; species; specific; specificity; specimens; spectrum; splanchnic; spontaneous; spp; square; stability; stabilization; stable; stable patients; staff; stages; standard; standardized; staphylococcus; start; starting; state; static; statistical; status; stay; stenosis; step; sterile; steroid; stimulation; stimulus; strains; strategies; strategy; stress; stroke; structure; student; studies; study; study group; study period; study results; subarachnoid; subgroups; subjects; subsequent; substances; substantial; successful; sufentanil; suffering; sufficient; supine; supply; support; support ventilation; surface; surfactant; surgery patients; surgical icu; surgical patients; survey; survival; survived; survived patients; surviving; survivors; susceptible; sustained; svo2; svr; swan; symptoms; syndrome; syndrome patients; synthase; system; systemic; systolic; systolic blood; t =; tachycardia; task; tbars; tcd; team; technique; temperature; tendency; terms; tertiary; test; tested; tga; therapeutic; therapy; thermal; thermodilution; thoracic; threatening; thrombolytic; thrombosis; tidal; tidal volume; tile; time; tissue; tnf; tnt; tone; tonometer; tool; total; total respiratory; toxic; toxicity; tpn; tracheal; tracheal pressure; tracheostomy; training; tranmatised patients; transducer; transfer; transfusion; transient; transit; transplantation; transplanted; transport; trauma patients; traumatic; treated; treatment; treatment group; trend; trial; triggering; true; tube; tubing; tumor; type; typical; ulcer; ultrasound; unable; unchanged; underlying; underwent; unit; unit patients; university; unknown; untreated; upper; uptake; urea; urgent; urinary; urine; usa; use; useful; usefulness; usual; values; valve; valvular; vap; variability; variables; variance; variation; varied; vascular; vasoactive; vasoconstriction; vasodilator; vasoreactivity; vco2; vein; velocity; venous; venous blood; venous pressure; ventilated; ventilation; ventilation patients; ventilatory; ventricle; ventricular; verapamil; vessels; victims; vital; vo2; volume; volunteers; vsmc; wall; ward; warm; wave; wbc; wean patients; weaning; wedge; wedge pressure; weeks; weight; white; wide; wilcoxon; withdrawn; wobadd; women; work; worse; wound; xanthine; years; years patients; younger patients; yrs; zeep cache: cord-005814-ak5pq312.txt plain text: cord-005814-ak5pq312.txt item: #9 of 44 id: cord-005816-i54q5gsu author: None title: 10(th) European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery: May 13–17, 2009 Antalya, Turkey date: 2009-08-06 words: 83218 flesch: 50 summary: Liberal utilization of abdominal sonography and abdominal CT scan may reduce missed acute abdomen in abdominal pain patients and appropriate radiological imaging and meticulous evaluation of the X-rays may reduce unnoticed spinal, pelvic and facial fractures in trauma patients. The e-mail noticed us, the presenting author of this abstract (Akira Endo) posted 3 or more abstract as a presenting author, however, the authors of 'Increased mortality in trauma patients with systolic hypertension' believed that Akira Endo in Department of ACCDM, TMDU, Japan surely posted this abstract only. keywords: abdomen; abdominal; abdominal injury; abdominal pain; abdominal trauma; abduction; abscess; absence; access; accident; accuracy; accurate; acs; active; activity; acute; acute abdominal; acute appendicitis; additional; adequate; admission; adult; affected; age; age group; aggressive; aim; aims; ais; alcohol; alternative; amelogenin; amputation; analgesia; analysis; analyze; anastomosis; anatomical; anesthesia; angioembolization; angiography; animals; ankara; ankle; anterior; antibiotic; anxiety; appendectomy; appendicitis; appendix; application; approach; appropriate; area; arterial; artery; articular; asa; assessment; associated; asymptomatic; author; available; average; average age; background; basis; bearing; benign; best; better; bilateral; bile; biliary; bleeding; blood; blunt; blunt trauma; body; bone; bony; bowel; brain; burn; burn patients; calculated; camel; cardiac; care; cases; cast; cause; cells; center; centre; challenging; changes; characteristics; chest; children; choice; cholecystectomy; chronic; classification; clinical; clinical results; closed; closure; cohort; colon; colonic; colostomy; combination; common; comparison; compartment; complaints; complete; complex; complicated; complications; compression; concentrations; conclusion; condition; consecutive patients; conservative; conservative treatment; consolidation; contrast; control; control group; correlation; cost; count; country; course; criteria; critical; cuff; current; cysts; daily; damage; dash; data; days; dcs; death; debridement; december; decision; decrease; deep; defect; definitive; deformity; degree; delayed; demographic; department; development; device; diagnosis; diameter; diaphragmatic; difference; difficult; direct; disaster; discharge; discussion; disease; dislocation; disorder; distal; distribution; diverticulitis; diverticulum; doctors; dorsal; drainage; duodenal; duodenum; duration; early; editor; education; effect; effective; effectiveness; efficient; elbow; elderly; elevated; embolization; emergency; emergency department; emergency surgery; emergent; endoscopic; energy; epigastric; equipment; evaluation; evidence; examination; excellent; excision; exercises; experience; exploration; expression; extensive; external; extremities; extremity; factors; failure; fall; fascial; fasciitis; fast; fecal; female; female patients; femoral; femur; fever; final; findings; fistula; fixation; fixator; flap; flexion; fluid; follow; followed; following; foreign; form; formation; fracture patients; fractures; free; frequent; functional; gallbladder; gastric; gastrointestinal; gcs; gender; general; general surgery; glu; good; grade; grafting; group; gunshot; half; hand; head; head trauma; healing; health; heart; hematoma; hemodynamic; hemorrhage; hems; hepatic; hernia; high; higher; hip; histopathologic; history; hospital; hospital stay; hospitalization; humeral; humerus; hydatic; hypotension; icu; ifn; iii; iliac; ill patients; imaging; immediate; immobilization; immune; impact; implant; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incision; increase; independent; index; indication; individual; infection; inflammatory; inguinal; initial; injured; injuries; injury; injury group; injury patients; injury severity; insertion; insufficient; intensive; internal; intervention; intestine; intra; intraabdominal; intramedullary; intraperitoneal; intravenous; introduction; invasive; involvement; ischemic; isolated; istanbul; january; jaundice; joint; kidney; knee; knowledge; laboratory; laparoscopic; laparotomy; large; lateral; lcp; leakage; left; leg; length; lesions; levels; life; ligament; limb; limited; line; literature; liver; liver injury; local; long; loss; lower; lung; main; major; majority; making; male; management; mass; massive; materials; maxillofacial; maximum; mda; mean; mean age; mean hospital; measures; mechanical; mechanism; meckel; median; medical; medicine; mehmet; melatonin; mesenteric; methods; middle; mild; minimal; mmhg; mobile; model; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; motion; motor; mri; multiple; muscle; n =; nac; nail; nailing; national; nausea; necessary; neck; necrosis; necrotizing; need; negative; nerve; neurological; neutrophils; new; non; nonoperative; nonunion; normal; number; nurses; objectives; objects; observation; obstruction; old; omentum; onset; open; operation; option; organ; organ injury; orthopaedic; osteosynthesis; outcome; overall; p =; pain; pancreas; pancreatic; pancreatitis; paper; paracetamol; parameters; partial; pathology; patient group; patients; patients older; pedicle; pelvic; penetrating; people; percent; percentage; percutaneous; perforated; perforation; performance; period; peripheral; peritoneal; peritonitis; phase; physical; physicians; physiological; placement; planned; plastic; plate; points; poor; population; portal; position; positive; possibility; possible; posterior; postoperative; postoperative patients; potential; practice; predictive; prehospital; preoperative; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; problems; procedure; process; properties; prospective; prosthesis; protein; protocol; proximal; psychiatric; psychological; pulmonary; purpose; pyloric; quadrant; quality; radial; radiographs; radiological; radius; range; rapid; rare; rate; rats; ray; rays; reason; recognition; reconstruction; records; recovery; rectal; rectum; recurrent; reduced; reduction; region; regional; registry; rehabilitation; related; renal; repair; reported; rescue; research; resection; respiratory; response; rest; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; review; revision; rib; right; risk; role; room; rotator; routine; rupture; safe; safety; samples; satisfactory; scale; scan; scaphoid; school; score; scoring; screw; second; secondary; self; sensitivity; sepsis; septic; septic patients; series; serum; service; setting; severe; severity; sex; shaft; sham; shock; short; shoulder; shows; sigmoid; significant; signs; similar; simple; single; site; situation; size; skin; slaf; small; sod; soft; space; specific; specimens; spinal; spine; spineboard; spleen; splenectomy; splenic; stability; stabilization; stable; stable patients; stage; standard; standardized; status; stay; stenosis; stenting; stents; stomach; stress; students; studies; study; study group; subjects; subsequent; success; successful; suitable; support; surface; surgeon; surgery; surgical; surgical treatment; survival; suspicion; suture; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; tae; tbi; team; technique; temporary; tenderness; tendon; term; tests; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thoracic trauma; thoracoabdominal; thorax; threatening; thrombocytosis; tibia; time; tissue; tomography; tool; total; tract; traffic; training; transfusion; trauma cases; trauma center; trauma patients; traumas; traumatic; treatment; treatment group; treatment methods; treatment results; triceps; triss; tube; tumor; turkey; type; ulcer; ultrasonography; ultrasound; underwent; uneventful; union; unit; united; university; unstable; upper; urgent; urinary; usa; useful; vac; vacuum; value; variables; vascular; vein; venous; view; volume; vomiting; wall; way; weeks; weight; women; work; wound; years; years old; young cache: cord-005816-i54q5gsu.txt plain text: cord-005816-i54q5gsu.txt item: #10 of 44 id: cord-010980-sizuef1v author: None title: ECTES Abstracts 2020 date: 2020-05-11 words: 132805 flesch: 50 summary: Investigation of coagulopathies and its relevance with mortality and transfusion rates using thromboelastography in trauma patients Introduction: Inter-hospital variation in surgical intensity for trauma admissions: a multicenter cohort study L. Moore 1 , M. P. Patton 2 , I. Farhat 2 , P. A. Tardif 2 , C. Gonthier 3 , A. Belcaid 3 , F. Lauzier 2 , A. Turgeon 2 , J. Clément 2 1 Université Laval, Social and preventive medicine, québec, Canada, 2 CHU de Québec-Université-Laval, Québec, Canada, 3 Introduction: Guidelines for trauma patients are increasingly moving away from surgical management towards less invasive procedures but there is a knowledge gap on how these recommendations are influencing practice. keywords: 0.001; 1,2; 1st; abc; abdomen; abdominal; abdominal injuries; abdominal trauma; abscess; absence; access; accident; accident patients; account; accuracy; accurate; acetabular; acs; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; acute patients; acute trauma; additional; adequate; adjusted; administration; admission; adult patients; adult trauma; adults; advanced; adverse; affected; age; age group; aged; agreement; aim; aims; airway; ais; alcohol; algorithm; alignment; allograft; alternative; ambulance; amputation; analysed; analysis; anastomosis; anatomical; angioembolization; angiography; animals; ankle; anterior; antibiotic; anticoagulation; aorta; appendectomy; appendicitis; appendicular; application; approach; appropriate; ards; area; arrest; arrival; arterial; artery; arthroplasty; articles; articular; assessment; associated; associated injuries; association; atls; atypical; audit; august; authors; availability; available; average; awareness; background; balloon; baseline; bearing; benefit; best; better; bicycle; bilateral; bleeding; blood; blunt trauma; bmi; body; bone; bone injury; bony; bowel; brain; brain injury; brain trauma; bsi; burden; burn patients; burns; calculated; cap; capacity; cardiac; care surgery; case history; cases; cast; casualties; casualty; catheter; cause; cavity; cell; center study; centers; central; centre; cerebral; cervical; challenges; challenging; changes; characteristics; chest; chest injuries; chest trauma; children; cholecystectomy; chronic; civilian; classification; clavicle; clear; clinical; clinical findings; clinical outcomes; clinical results; closed; closure; clot; coagulation; coagulopathy; cohort; cohort study; collected; collection; colon; colonic; coma; combat; combination; combined; comments; comminuted; common; communication; comorbidities; comparable; compare; comparison; compartment; complete; complex; complicated; complications; compression; concentration; concept; conclusions; concomitant; condition; conflicts; consecutive patients; consequences; conservative; conservative treatment; consolidation; constant; contact; content; contrast; control; controversial; conventional; correct; correlated; correlation; corridor; cortex; costs; countries; course; criteria; critical; ct scan; current; daily; damage; data; database; date; days; days mortality; dead; death; debridement; december; decision; decrease; dedicated; deep; defect; deficit; definitive; deformity; degree; delayed; demographic; department; descriptive; design; determined; developed; development; device; diagnosis; diameter; diaphragmatic; differences; different; difficult; direct; disability; disaster; discharge; discussion; disease; dislocation; displacement; disruption; distal; distance; distribution; diverticulitis; dorsal; dose; drainage; dstc; duration; dutch; early; easy; educational; effective; effectiveness; effects; efficacy; elderly patients; elderly trauma; elective; eligible patients; embolization; emergencies; emergency; emergency department; emergency surgery; emergency surgical; emergent; endoscopic; endovascular; energy; energy trauma; enhanced; epp; esophageal; essential; established; european; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; excellent; exercise; existing; experience; exploration; exposure; extension; extensive; extent; external; extremities; extremity; extremity trauma; facilities; factors; failure; falls; fascial; fast; fatal; feasible; female; femoral; femur; fever; fibrinogen; fibrinolysis; field; fig; figure; final; financial; findings; finger; fire; fistula; fixation; fixator; flexion; flow; fluid; fluoroscopy; focus; follow; following; foot; forearm; foreign; fractures; fragment; frailty; free; french; frequent; functional; functional results; gaba; gap; gastric; gcs; gender; general; general surgery; geriatric; germany; glasgow; good; gos; grade; graft; greater; group; guidelines; gunshot; half; hand; hap; head; head injury; healing; health; healthcare; heart; height; help; hematoma; hemodynamic; hemoglobin; hemorrhage; hemostasis; hems; hepatic; hernia; high; high mortality; higher; highest; hip; history; home; hospital; hospital mortality; hospital stay; hospital trauma; hospitalization; hours; humeral; hyperbilirubinemia; hypotension; icu; iii; iliac; images; imaging; immediate; imn; impact; implant; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; incidents; inclusion; increased; independent; index; indications; induced; infection; inferior; inflammatory; influence; information; initial; injured; injuries; injury; injury mechanism; injury severity; insertion; inside; institution; insufficient; intensity; intensive; interest; internal; international; intertrochanteric; intervention; intestinal; intraabdominal; intramedullary; intraoperative; intraperitoneal; intravenous; introduction; intubation; invasive; investigation; involved; iqr; ischemia; isolated; israel; iss; issues; january; japan; joint; july; kappa; key; kidney; kingdom; knee; knife; knowledge; known; laboratory; laceration; lack; laparoscopic; laparotomies; laparotomy; large; largest; lateral; lead; leading; left; leg; length; lesions; level; life; ligament; likely; limb; limited; linear; literature; little; liver; local; locking; logistic; london; long; longer; loop; loss; lower; lumbar; madrid; main; major trauma; majority; making; malalignment; male; male patients; malleolus; management; mandatory; march; mass; massive; material; mci; mcs; mean; mean age; measurements; measures; mechanical; mechanism; median; medical; medicine; membrane; meniscus; mesenteric; mesh; mess; methods; middle; mild; military; minimal; minimum; minor; missed; mmhg; mobility; model; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; motion; motor; mri; mtbi; mtp; multidisciplinary; multiple; multitrauma patients; multivariate; muscle; n =; nail; nailing; national; national trauma; navigation; necessary; neck; necrosis; need; negative; nerve; netherlands; neurological; neurovascular; new; niss; nom; non; nonunion; normal; norway; norwegian; novel; npwt; number; objective; observational; observational study; observed; obstruction; occlusion; october; okayama; old; onset; open; operated; operating; operation; operative; opioid; optimal; option; order; organ; orif; orthopaedic; oslo; osteochondral; osteosynthesis; osteotomy; outcomes; outpatient; overall; overall mortality; oxygen; p =; pab; packing; paediatric patients; pain; palsy; pancreatic; pancreatic trauma; parameters; partial; participants; past; patella; patient age; patient group; patient outcomes; patients c; patients introduction; patients victims; pattern; pediatric patients; pediatric trauma; pelvic; pelvic fractures; pelvic injury; pelvic trauma; penetrating; people; percutaneous; perforation; performance; perfusion; period; peritoneal; peritonitis; personnel; pfna; phase; physical; pics patients; planned; plasma; plate; pleural; pneumonia; pneumothorax; points; polytrauma patients; poor; popliteal; population; position; positive; possible; posterior; postoperative; posttraumatic; potential; practice; prbc; predictive; predictors; prehospital; preoperative; presence; present; present study; presentation; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; process; products; profile; prognosis; program; progressions; prolonged; proportion; propranolol; prospective; protocol; proximal; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; questionnaires; radial; radiographs; radiological; radiology; radius; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; rats; ray; rays; reasons; reboa; recent; recommendations; reconstruction; records; recovery; rectal; recurrence; reduced; reduction; references; region; regional; regression; rehabilitation; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliability; removal; renal; repair; reported; reports; research; resection; resources; respiratory; response; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; return; review; revised; revision; rib; rib fractures; right; risk; road; role; room; rotational; routine; rupture; rural; sae; safe; safety; samples; satisfaction; saw; sbp; scale; scan; scenarios; scene; score; scoring; screw; secondary; segment; self; sensitivity; sepsis; september; septic; series; service; setting; severe; severe trauma; severity; sex; shaft; shock; short; shorter; shoulder; showing; shows; sided; sigmoid; significant; signs; similar; simple; simulation; single; site; size; skills; skin; small; society; soft; south; space; specialist; specific; specificity; spinal; spine; spleen; splenectomy; splenic; splenic injury; splenic trauma; spontaneous; stability; stabilization; stable patients; staff; standard; standardized; state; statistical; status; stay; step; stomach; strategies; strategy; stress; strong; structure; students; studies; study; study introduction; study period; study population; subgroup; subsequent; successful; superior; support; supracondylar; surface; surgeons; surgeries; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; surgical management; surgical patients; surgical trauma; surgical treatment; survey; survival; survivors; suspicion; suture; symptomatic; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; systolic; tae; tbi; tbi patients; teaching; teams; technique; tenderness; tendon; term; tertiary; test; tha; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; thoracic; thoracic trauma; thoracotomy; tibial; time; tissue; tissue injury; tomography; tool; total; tourniquets; tpa; tracheostomy; traction; traffic; training; transfer; transfusion; transport; trauma care; trauma center; trauma data; trauma emergency; trauma icu; trauma introduction; trauma management; trauma mechanism; trauma mortality; trauma outcome; trauma patients; trauma population; trauma registry; trauma resuscitation; trauma surgery; trauma system; trauma team; trauma unit; traumatic; traumatology; treatment; treatment results; trend; triage; trochanteric; tube; type; ulna; ultrasound; uncommon; understanding; underwent; uneventful; union; unit; united; university; university hospital; unstable; upper; urgent; use; useful; value; variables; variation; vascular; vascular injury; vehicle; vein; venous; vertebral; victims; virtual; vital; volume; volvulus; vte; wall; war; weeks; wires; women; work; working; worldwide; wound; wrist; years; years old; young; younger patients; zone cache: cord-010980-sizuef1v.txt plain text: cord-010980-sizuef1v.txt item: #11 of 44 id: cord-013338-0jlxuksk author: Duong, William title: An increasing trend in geriatric trauma patients undergoing surgical stabilization of rib fractures date: 2020-10-23 words: 2724 flesch: 48 summary: In a singlecenter retrospective study on rib fracture patients, Bergeron et al. found that GTPs had a lower ISS, however, a five-fold increased risk of mortality However, when comparing mortality risk between GTPs and NGTPs with a chest AIS of 3, GTPs were found to also have a four-fold increased associated risk of mortality. keywords: adult; age; ais; analysis; associated; chest; complications; data; flail; fold; fractures; geriatric; group; gtps; higher; hospital; injury; iss; mortality; patients; pulmonary; rate; regression; retrospective; review; rib; risk; ssrf; stabilization; study; surgical; thoracic; time; trauma; variables; years cache: cord-013338-0jlxuksk.txt plain text: cord-013338-0jlxuksk.txt item: #12 of 44 id: cord-014464-m5n250r2 author: Sole-Violan, J title: Lethal influenza virus A H1N1 infection in two relatives with autosomal dominant GATA-2 deficiency date: 2013-03-19 words: 99097 flesch: 51 summary: The application of the endotoxin activity assay was useful for bedside monitoring of endotoxemia in ICU patients. The aim of this study is to describe the clinical and epidemiological profi le of ICU patients receiving tigecycline (TGC) and to evaluate the potential benefi ts of TGC higher doses. keywords: abdominal; accepted; achieved; acid; acidosis; activation; active; activities; activity; acute; acute care; addition; adequate; ades; adjusted; administration; admission; adult patients; adults; adverse; age; agreement; aim; aims; airway; aki; albumin; alcohol; algorithm; altman; amino; ammation; ammatory; analysis; animals; anova; anp; anti; antibiotic; apache; approach; appropriate; approval; april; aprv; ards; ards patients; area; arrest; arterial; artery; asah; assay; assessment; assist; associated; association; auc; audit; available; average; bacterial; balance; baseline; bedside; benefi; best; better; bias; bicarbonate; biomarkers; bipap; bland; bleeding; blood; body; bolus; brain; brinogen; brinolysis; burn; cacy; calcium; calculated; cancer; capacity; cardiac; cardiac icu; cardiopulmonary; cardiovascular; care; care patients; cases; category; catheter; cause; cce; cells; center; central; centre; cerebral; ceus; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; children; chronic; ci =; cial; ciency; cient; city; classifi; clinical; clinicians; clonidine; clot; cmh; coagulation; coagulopathy; coeffi; cohort; collected; colonization; combination; common; communication; comparable; comparison; complex; compliance; complications; concentration; conclusion; conditions; confi; consecutive; consecutive patients; consent; considered; consultant; consumption; continued; continuous; contraction; contrast; control; control group; control patients; conventional; coronary; correct; correlation; cost; course; cpp; creatinine; criteria; critical care; critically; cross; crypt; ctnt; cuff; cult; current; curve; cvc; cytokine; daily; damage; data; database; day mortality; days; death; death patients; december; decision; decrease; defi; degree; delirium; delivery; demographic; density; department; detection; development; device; diagnosis; diaphragm; diff; diff erence; direct; disaster; discharge; disease; distress; distribution; doctors; donation; donor; dose; drug; duration; dysfunction; earlier; early; ecg; ecmo; ect; ectiveness; ects; edema; education; eff; eff ect; effi; eld; elective; electronic; elevated; emergency; end; endothelial; endotoxemia; endotoxin; endpoint; energy; enteral; episodes; equipment; erence; erent; essential; evaluation; events; evidence; evlwi; excess; exclusion; exercise; expected; experience; experimental; exposure; expression; extracorporeal; factors; failure; families; family; feasible; feedback; feeding; female; fentanyl; fi ndings; fi rst; figure; fio; fl uid; focus; following; fraction; frequency; frequent; function; furosemide; future; gas; gdt; general; global; glucose; goal; good; greater; group; guidance; guidelines; haemorrhage; half; hand; handover; healthcare; healthy; heart; hemodynamic; heparin; higher; higher mortality; highest; history; hiv; hospital; hospital icu; hospital mortality; hours; human; hygiene; hypothermia; hypothesis; i.v; icp; icu admission; icu care; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; identifi; idrs; igg; iii; il-6; ill; illness; imaging; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; index; individual; induced; infection; infl; information; informed; infusion; initial; initiation; injured; injury; insertion; insuffi; insulin; intensive; intensive care; intensivists; international; intervention; intracranial; intraoperative; intravenous; introduction; introduction patients; intubation; invasive; investigation; iqr; ischemia; isofl; isolated; items; january; japan; june; key; kidney; knowledge; laboratory; lactate; large; leading; left; length; levels; liberal; life; likely; limited; linear; literature; little; liver; local; logistic; long; longer; loss; lower; lps; lung; magnesium; main; major; majority; making; male; management; map; march; markers; maximum; mean; measurements; measures; mechanical; median; medical; medical patients; medicine; membrane; metabolic; methods; methods data; methods patients; mice; microcirculation; microvascular; midazolam; minutes; mitochondrial; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modifi; monitoring; monthly; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mrna; multiple; multivariate; muscle; n =; national; ndings; ned; need; negative; neurological; neurosurgical patients; new; ngal; non; nonsurvivors; norepinephrine; normal; novel; november; number; nurses; nursing; nutrition; objective; observational; obstetric; october; ohca; older patients; operating; optimal; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; pain; pao; parameters; participants; patients; pct; pdt; peak; pediatric; peep; people; percentage; performance; performed; perfusion; period; phase; physical; physicians; pigs; placebo; plasma; platelet; plr; pneumonia; points; poor; population; position; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; ppv; practice; predictive; predictor; preliminary; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; process; prognosis; program; prolonged; propofol; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; psychological; pulmonary; pulse; purpose; quality; quantifi; questionnaire; questions; randomized; range; rapid; rate; rats; ray; rbc; recent; recommendations; records; recovery; reduced; reduction; reference; refl; region; regression; rehabilitation; related; relationship; relative; relevant; reliable; removal; renal; replacement; report; requirements; research; resistance; resources; respiratory; respondents; response; restrictive; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; review; right; rise; risk; risk patients; role; room; routine; rrt; rst; rst group; safety; saline; samples; saps; satisfaction; saturation; scale; score; scoring; screening; second; secondary; sedation; selected; self; sensitivity; sepsis; september; septic patients; septic shock; serum; services; setting; severe; severe sepsis; severity; sham; shock; shock patients; short; shows; signifi; similar; single; site; small; society; sodium; sofa; software; specifi; staff; stage; standard; starch; start; statistical; status; stay; step; strategies; strategy; stratifi; stress; stroke; strong; studies; study; study group; study period; subjects; subsequent; successful; support; surgery; surgery patients; surgical icu; surgical patients; survey; survival; survivors; svo; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; table; target; tbi; tca; team; technique; teg; temperature; term; tertiary; test; tgc; thallium; therapeutic; therapies; therapy; thoracic; tidal; time; tissue; tnfα; tool; total; tracheal; tracheostomy; training; trali; transfer; transfusion; trauma; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; trend; triage; trial; tube; type; uence; uid; uids; ultrasound; underwent; unit; university; urinary; urine; usa; use; values; vap; variability; variables; variation; vasopressin; vasopressors; vein; venous; ventilation; ventilatory; versus; volume; ward; water; weaning; week; weight; withdrawal; work; working; worse; years; young; ≤10 cache: cord-014464-m5n250r2.txt plain text: cord-014464-m5n250r2.txt item: #13 of 44 id: cord-014538-6a2pviol author: Kamilia, Chtara title: Proceedings of Réanimation 2017, the French Intensive Care Society International Congress date: 2017-01-10 words: 61107 flesch: 45 summary: We included ICU patients admitted for acute hypoxemic respiratory failure from a previous prospective trial [1] in whom FiO 2 was measured under oxygen mask using a portable oxygen analyzer. Introduction Relative adrenal insufficiency (RAI) is common in ICU patients, particularly during septic shock (1). keywords: account; accuracy; acinetobacter; activity; acute; acute respiratory; addition; administration; admission; adolescents; adult patients; adults; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agents; aim; airway; aki; alveolar; analysis; annals; anne; antibiotics; anticoagulation; antixa; antoine; approach; ards patients; area; arf; arrest; arterial; aspergillosis; associated; association; aureus; automated; available; average; baclofen; bacterial; baseline; baumannii; bed; ben; beneficial; best; better; biological; biperiden; blood; body; brain; burn; cancer patients; cannula; carbapenems; carbon; cardiac; cardiogenic; cardiomyopathy; care; care unit; caregivers; caroline; cases; catheter; cause; cci; cell; center; central; cerebral; changes; characteristics; chest; children; christophe; chronic; circuit; circulatory; cirrhotic patients; citrate; clinical; cmv; cohort; cohort study; common; comparison; complications; concentrations; conclusion; concordant; conditions; consecutive patients; consequences; continuous; control; conventional; copd; correction; cost; count; cpb; creatinine; criteria; critical; csf; culture; curve; cvvh; cytokines; dad; daily; data; database; days; death; december; decision; decrease; definition; delay; delta; demographic; department; determined; development; devices; diagnosis; different; difficult; direct; discharge; discussion; disease; distress; donation; donors; doppler; dosage; dose; drug; duration; dysfunction; dyspnea; early; ecls; ecmo; eeg; effect; efficacy; elderly patients; emergency; emmanuel; encephalopathy; end; endothelial; endotracheal; endpoint; enteral; epidemiological; episode; equal; eric; esbl; evaluation; events; examination; experience; experimental; extracorporeal; extubation; extubation failure; factors; failure; families; family; fasting; features; feeding; fig; filter; fio; flow; fluid; following; france; françois; free; french; frequency; frequent; functional; general; glucose; good; greater; group; guidelines; guillaume; half; haloperidol; health; heart; hemodynamic; hemofiltration; hepatic; high; high mortality; higher; history; hospital; hospital mortality; hospitalization; hyperglycemia; hypertension; hypokalemia; hypophosphoremia; hypoxemic; icp; icu; icu admission; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; ifd; ill; illness; imipenem; immune; immunocompromised; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; independent; index; infection; inflammatory; influence; initial; injury; intensive; intensive care; interest; intracranial; intravenous; introduction; intubated; invasive; iqr; ischemia; isolated; january; jean; julien; kidney; knowledge; known; lack; lactate; large; laurent; leading; left; length; level; life; lifespan; like; literature; liver; logistic; longer; louis; low; lower; lung; lvef; lymphocyte; lymphopenic patients; macrophage; main; major; majority; making; male; management; marc; marie; marker; materials; mathieu; mean; measures; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; median; medical; medical icu; medicine; membrane; meta; methods; min; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; mohamed; monitoring; monocentric; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mtdamps; mtdna; multicenter; multiple; multivariate; muscle; myocardial; médicale; n =; nasal; national; nebulizer; necessary; need; negative; nephrotoxic; neurological; neutropenia; neutropenic patients; new; nicolas; niv; nlr; nmba; non; normal; nosocomial; number; nurses; nutrition; objective; observational; observational study; obstructive; occurrence; old; olivier; onset; optimal; oral; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; pao; parameters; parenteral; participants; pathogens; patients; patients group; pav; pct; pediatric; percent; perfusion; period; philippe; physicians; physiotherapy; picu; pierre; plasma; platelet; pmv; pneumonia; point; poisoning; poor; population; position; positioning; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potassium; potential; pph; practice; predictive; predictors; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; probability; procedures; process; prognosis; prolonged; prone; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; psb; psv; pulmonary; purpose; quality; randomized; rapid; rate; reasons; receiving; recent; recommendations; reduction; refeeding; refractory; refusal; regimen; regional; regression; related; relationship; relatives; renal; replacement; report; research; resistant; respiratory; respiratory failure; response; responsible; responsiveness; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; review; right; risk; risk factors; role; route; réanimation; safety; samples; saps; scale; score; secondary; sedation; seizures; sensitivity; sepsis; septic; septic patients; septic shock; serum; service; sessions; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock; shock patients; short; significant; signs; similar; single; sld; sofa; source; specific; specificity; staff; standard; statistical; status; stay; strategies; strategy; stroke; studies; study; study patients; study period; subgroup; subjects; support; surgery; surgical; survey; survival; survivors; sva; symptoms; syndrome; systematic; systolic; table; target; team; term; test; therapeutic; therapy; thierry; thomas; thrombosis; tidal; time; total; tpe; transfusion; transplantation; traumatic; treatment; trial; tube; type; ultrasound; unit; univariate; university; urinary; use; value; vap; variables; vascular; ventilation; versus; vincent; volume; waste; weaning; work; xavier; years cache: cord-014538-6a2pviol.txt plain text: cord-014538-6a2pviol.txt item: #14 of 44 id: cord-014996-p6q0f37c author: None title: Posters_Monday_12 October 2009 date: 2009-08-06 words: 85276 flesch: 51 summary: ICU patients with acute respiratory failure requiring NIV were studied during three randomized consecutive 20 min-periods of NIV: ICU ventilator with and without NIV mode and NIV ventilator. EFL was recorded in 65% of ICU patients with pulmonary diseases: 65 % of ARDS patients, 75% of patients with respiratory infection, 75% of asthmatics and 85% of patients with COPD. keywords: abdominal; accuracy; accurate; activated; activation; activity; acute; addition; adequate; adherence; adjusted; administration; admission; admission patients; adult patients; adverse; age; agents; agreement; aim; aims; airway; aki; albumin; alveolar; analysis; anesthesia; animals; anova; antibiotic; anticoagulation; aortic; apache; apache ii; application; approach; appropriate; aptt; ards; ards patients; area; arf; arrest; arterial; artery; assay; assessment; associated; association; asynchrony; aud; available; average; background; bacteria; balance; baseline; basis; bed; best; better; bleeding; blood; blood pressure; bmi; body; brain; breathing; btt; bundles; bypass; calcium; calculated; cap; capillary; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; care patients; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cells; center; central; centre; cerebral; challenge; changes; channel; characteristics; chest; chi; chronic; circuit; circulating; clinical; clotting; clp; cognitive; cohort; coma; combination; committee; common; community; comparison; complex; compliance; complications; concentration; conclusion; conditions; consciousness; consecutive patients; constant; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coronary; correlation; course; cpa patients; cpap; cpb; creatinine; criteria; critical; critical care; crp; crrt; cultures; current; curve; cvvh; cytokine; daily; data; database; day mortality; days; death; december; decision; decreased; degree; delirium; delivery; demographic; density; department; described; deterioration; developed; development; device; diagnosis; dialysis; differences; different; difficult; discharge; discrimination; discussion; disease; dose; drug; duration; dysfunction; dyspnea; eaa; early; ecmo; education; effects; effusion; efl; egdt; elderly patients; elevated; emergency; end; endothelial; endotoxin; episodes; epithelial; estimate; ethical; etp; evaluation; events; evidence; evlw; excess; experienced; experimental; expression; extubation; f4h5; factors; failure; female; ffp; fig; findings; fio; flow; fluid; following; fraction; france; free; frequency; frequent; functional; gas; gcs; gender; general; global; glucose; goal; good; graft; gram; greater; group; guidelines; half; hcap; head; healthy; heart; hemodynamic; heparin; hepatic; higher; higher mortality; hospital; hospital mortality; hospital stay; human; hypertension; iah; icp; icu; icu admission; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; identification; ii score; iii; il-6; ill; illness; impact; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; independent; index; indications; induction; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; inhalation; initial; injured; injury; injury patients; intensive; intensive care; interval; interventions; intracranial; introduction; intubated; invasive; iqr; isolated; itbv; itu; january; july; june; kidney; knowledge; known; laboratory; lack; lactate; large; lavage; lead; leading; left; length; levels; life; likely; limited; literature; liver; local; logistic; longer; los; lower; lps; lung; magnesium; main; major; majority; male; malignancy; management; mann; map; march; markers; material; mdcs; mean; mean age; measured; measurements; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; median; medical; medical icu; medical patients; membrane; metabolic; methods; mice; microbiological; microcirculation; mild; min; mitochondrial; mixed; mmhg; mmol; model; modified; monitoring; months; morbidity; morphine; mortality; mortality rate; mrsa; multiple; multivariate; muscle; myocardial; n =; national; nava; necessary; need; negative; neurological; new; nirs; non; norepinephrine; normal; nosocomial; number; nurses; nursing; obese patients; objectives; observational; observational study; occurrence; old; old patients; onset; operation; optimal; order; organ; origin; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; pain; pancreatitis; pao; parameters; patients; pct; pdt; peak; peep; percentage; percutaneous; performance; perfusion; period; peripheral; permeability; phase; phosphate; physician; physiological; physiology; plasma; play; pleural; pmv; pneumonia; point; poor; population; position; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; ppv; practice; prbc; predictive; predictor; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; probnp; procalcitonin; procedure; process; prognosis; prolonged; propofol; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; psv; pts; pulmonary; pulse; quality; quantitative; randomized; randomly; range; rapid; rate; rats; ray; reason; recent; records; recovery; reduction; reference; referral; regression; related; relationship; relevant; reliable; removed; renal; replacement; report; research; respect; respiratory; respondents; response; results; resuscitation; retrospective; review; rhabdomyolysis; rifle; risk; role; rosc; routine; safe; saline; samples; saps; saturation; scale; score; scoring; scto; scvo; secondary; sedation; semi; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; sepsis group; septic patients; septic shock; serum; setting; severe; severe sepsis; severity; sex; sham; shock; shock patients; short; significant; significant differences; signs; similar; single; site; small; smartcare; sofa; software; sop; specific; specificity; spontaneous; spss; square; staff; standard; state; statistical; status; stay; step; strategies; students; studied; study; study period; subsequent; support; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; surgical icu; surgical patients; survey; survival; survivors; svv; syndrome; system; systemic; table; target; tbi; teaching; team; technique; term; tertiary; test; therapeutic; therapy; thoracic; tidal; time; tissue; tool; total; tracheostomy; transfusion; transplantation; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; trial; triggering; type; understanding; underwent; unit; university; urban; urinary; urine; use; useful; utility; value; vap; variables; variation; vascular; vasopressors; venous; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricular; versus; vessels; volume; ward; weaning; week; weight; whitney; work; workshop; years cache: cord-014996-p6q0f37c.txt plain text: cord-014996-p6q0f37c.txt item: #15 of 44 id: cord-015082-l629n8is author: None title: Poster Sessions 323-461 date: 2002-08-29 words: 26609 flesch: 50 summary: Isoflurane sedation of ICU patients has previously been shown to be useful but has not come into wide clinical use for a number of reasons. Isoflurane administered via the ACD for sedation of ICU patients is environmentally safe, requires small volumes of isoflurane and may provide better quality of sedation than midazolam. keywords: 123i; abdominal; abnormalities; acr; activation; activity; acute; administration; admission; age; aim; albicans; albumin; analysis; animals; antithrombin; apache; arf; arterial; artery; asp; associated; association; average; bacteremia; bacterial; baseline; better; blood; brain; bypass; candida; cardiac; care; cases; catheter; cause; cell; central; cerebral; changes; children; clinical; common; complications; concentrations; conclusion; consecutive; continuous; control; control group; coronary; correlation; course; cpb; criteria; crp; csa; culture; cytokines; damage; data; days; death; decrease; development; diagnosis; differences; different; disease; dose; duration; dysfunction; early; ecg; effect; elevated; emergency; endothelial; endotoxemia; endotoxin; enos; epcr; evaluation; exact; factor; failure; female; fisher; flagellin; flow; fluid; fold; following; frequencies; frequency; function; general; gly; gram; group; head; health; heart; higher; hospital; hours; hypothermia; icu; icu patients; il-1ra; il-6; il-8; illness; important; improvement; incidence; increase; independent; index; infection; inflammatory; influence; infusion; inhibitor; injury; inos; intensive; introduction; intubation; ischemia; isoflurane; isolated; january; left; length; leukocyte; levels; local; loss; lower; lps; lung; lymph; major; male; map; mca; mean; measurement; mechanical; median; medical; mesenteric; methods; mif; min; minocycline; model; moderate; mods; months; morbidity; mortality; mosf; myocardial; necrosis; need; negative; new; non; norepinephrine; normal; nppv; number; observational; oesophagus; onset; organ; outcome; output; oxygen; oxygenation; p<0.05; pain; patients; pediatric; perfusion; period; permeability; phase; plasma; points; polymorphisms; population; positive; postoperative; preoperative; presence; present; pressure; procedures; prognostic; prospective; protein; protein c; pto2; pts; pulmonary; range; rate; rats; receptor; reduction; related; release; renal; respiratory; response; results; rifampin; right; risk; role; s-100; sah; saline; samples; score; sedation; sepsis; septic; serum; severe; severity; shock; significant; signs; similar; sofa; spp; statistical; stay; stress; stroke; studies; study; substitution; support; surgery; surgical; survival; survivors; syndrome; systemic; table; test; therapeutic; therapy; time; tissue; tnf; tni; total; tpa; tract; transfusion; trauma; traumatic; treatment; troponin; tumor; type; unit; values; variables; vascular; ventilation; ventricular; vitro; volume; water; wave; women; years cache: cord-015082-l629n8is.txt plain text: cord-015082-l629n8is.txt item: #16 of 44 id: cord-015126-cyhcbk1j author: None title: PS 0036-0344 date: 2007-08-25 words: 59258 flesch: 52 summary: The aim of this clinical trial is to study CIP in ICU patients (pts) after surgical procedures. The physiological condition of ICU patients is marked by rapidly evolving and frequently life-threatening derangements as well as 'silent' yet important alterations in homeostasis. keywords: 95%ci; abdominal; accuracy; acid; action; activity; acute; adequate; adma; administration; admission; adrenal; adverse; age; aim; airway; alpha; anaesthetic; analgesia; analysed; analysis; anesthesia; anesthetized; aneurysm; animals; antibiotic; aortic; apache; apd; application; appropriate; ards; ards patients; areas; arg; arrest; arterial; arterial blood; arteries; artery; aspiration; assessment; associated; association; atc; average; bacterial; baseline; bed; bedside; best; better; bipap; blood; blood pressure; body; brain; breathing; burn; cardiac; care; care patients; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cci; cells; central; cerebral; cfi; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; children; chronic; cim; cip; cipnm; circulatory; clinical; clp; cmh2o; cmv; cohort; collected; coma; comfort; common; compliance; complications; concentrations; conclusion; consecutive; consecutive patients; consent; constant; continuous; contractile; contrast; control; control group; conventional; copd; correlated; correlation; cortisol; count; course; cpap; criteria; critical; crp; csf; cultures; curves; cvp; daily; damage; data; days; death; december; decision; decrease; demographic; department; dependent; deterioration; determination; determine; development; deviation; device; diabetes; diagnosis; diastolic; difference; discharge; disease; distress; distribution; doctors; donation; donors; dose; drug; duration; dysfunction; early; effective; effects; elevated; emergency; end; endotracheal; energy; eol; episodes; established; ethanol; etomidate; evlw; evolution; examination; exchange; experience; experimental; expression; extravascular; factors; failure; family; findings; fio2; flag; flow; fluid; following; frequency; frequent; function; gas; general; germany; glasgow; global; glucose; good; group; guidelines; hand; head; healthy; heart; help; hemodynamic; hemofiltration; hemorrhage; hfov; higher; hospital; hospital mortality; hours; hrqol; hrs; hydrocortisone; hypothermia; hypoxemia; icu; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; iii; il-6; ill; illness; immune; impact; important; improve; improvement; incidence; increase; index; induced; induction; infants; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; infusion; initial; injured; injury; ino; inotropic; insulin; intensive; intensive care; intervention; introduction; intubation; invasive; ischemia; isolated; itbvi; january; knowledge; laboratory; lactate; large; left; length; level; life; limited; linear; liver; loading; local; logistic; long; los; lower; lps; lung; lvef; main; major; majority; male; management; mann; map; marker; maximal; maximum; mean; mean age; measurements; measures; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; median; medical; medicine; mesenteric; methods; mice; microcirculation; microvascular; mild; min; minutes; mitochondrial; mixed; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; monitored; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; multiple; multivariate; muscle; necessary; need; negative; neurological; new; nippv; nmba; noisy; non; normal; number; nurses; objective; observational; observed; old; onset; operation; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygenation; p<0.001; p<0.05; pain; pao2; parameters; patients; patients blood; pattern; pct; pcvcs; peak; pediatric; peep; percentage; perfusion; period; peripheral; peritonitis; pigs; placebo; plasma; pneumonia; point; poor; population; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; ppv; practice; predictive; predictor; preload; presence; present; pressure; prevalence; previous; primary; prior; procedure; process; prognosis; prolonged; propofol; propranolol; prospective; protein; protocol; psv; pts; pulmonary; pulse; quality; quantitative; radial; range; rate; ratio; rats; rbc; reactive; recent; recovery; recruitment; reduction; reference; regional; regions; regression; related; relationship; relative; renal; research; resistance; respiratory; respiratory failure; responders; response; responsiveness; results; resuscitation; retrospective; right; risk; risk patients; role; saline; samples; sap; saps; saturation; scale; score; second; sedation; sensitivity; sensors; sepsis; septic; septic patients; septic shock; series; serum; set; settings; severe; severity; sham; shock; shock patients; short; significant; signs; similar; single; sirs; small; sofa; software; solution; specificity; spontaneous; square; staff; standard; statistical; status; stay; stimulation; sto2; strategy; stroke; studies; study; support; surgery; surgical; survival; survivors; svi; svo2; svv; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; table; target; tbi; technique; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; thermodilution; thoracic; tidal; time; tissue; tnf; tolerance; total; tracheal; tracheostomy; tract; transfer; transfusion; trauma; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; tube; type; ultrasound; underlying; unit; univariate; university; use; useful; values; vap; variables; variation; vascular; vasopressor; vein; venous; ventilated; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricular; volume; vri; water; weaning; week; weight; whitney; window; withdrawal; years cache: cord-015126-cyhcbk1j.txt plain text: cord-015126-cyhcbk1j.txt item: #17 of 44 id: cord-015651-yhi83hgq author: Kovács, Katalin title: Social Disparities in the Evolution of an Epidemiological Profile: Transition Processes in Mortality Between 1971 and 2008 in an Industrialized Middle Income Country: The Case of Hungary date: 2014-03-25 words: 11310 flesch: 41 summary: For these causes of death mortality levels are quite similar at the beginning of the period considered here, but at a certain point of time mortality of the two groups starts to diverge quite distinctly (Type III, Fig. 4.8) . Three Brazilian birth-cohorts Infectious causes of cancer and their detection, Mini review Life-course socioeconomic and behavioural influences on cardiovascular disease mortality: keywords: analysis; better; cancer; cardiovascular; cardiovascular diseases; cardiovascular mortality; case; causes; cee; century; certain; changes; classification; coding; conditions; consumption; countries; data; death; decline; developed; development; diet; differences; different; diseases; dynamics; eastern; economy; educated; education; emergence; epidemiological; epidemiological transition; european; factors; fig; follow; food; framework; fundamental; future; global; groups; health; heart; higher; history; human; hungary; important; income; inequalities; infectious; infectious diseases; ischemic; large; level; life; linear; living; lower; major; mortality; mortality inequalities; mortality patterns; mortality time; mortality trends; nature; new; non; number; nutrition; omran; original; overall; paper; particular; patterns; period; point; population; possible; present; process; processes; production; quality; rates; related; relationship; risk; role; second; sequences; series; similar; social; specific; specific mortality; stage; stroke; study; system; theories; theory; time; transition; transition theory; trends; type; view; western; years cache: cord-015651-yhi83hgq.txt plain text: cord-015651-yhi83hgq.txt item: #18 of 44 id: cord-018834-4ligp4ak author: Farag, Ehab title: The Perioperative Use of Albumin date: 2016-06-23 words: 7564 flesch: 37 summary: The use of human albumin in critically ill and septic patients has been through much controversy in the last two decades. Rats received 2-h middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) and were treated with human albumin or saline after 30 min of recirculation. keywords: acid; activity; acute; addition; administration; albumin; amino; analysis; antioxidant; artery; barrier; benefi; binding; blood; body; brain; bypass; capacity; cardiac; cells; clinical; concentrations; control; crystalloid; cys34; cysteine; damage; days; death; defi; effects; endothelial; factor; fcrn; fluid; formation; free; functions; glycated; glycation; group; hdl; heme; hemorrhage; high; hsa; human; hypoalbuminemia; igg; ill; important; increase; infl; injury; life; lipoprotein; long; loss; low; main; major; meta; molecule; mortality; neuroprotective; nitric; oxidation; oxidative; patients; perioperative; plasma; pressure; priming; properties; protein; randomized; rate; receptor; reduced; residues; results; resuscitation; risk; role; s1p; safe; saline; sepsis; septic; serum; serum albumin; severe; shock; solutions; species; stress; stroke; study; subarachnoid; surgery; syndrome; synthesis; therapy; thiol; treatment; trials; uid; use; vascular; volume cache: cord-018834-4ligp4ak.txt plain text: cord-018834-4ligp4ak.txt item: #19 of 44 id: cord-027259-f4sgobcz author: Metsker, Oleg title: Stroke ICU Patient Mortality Day Prediction date: 2020-05-23 words: 5336 flesch: 38 summary: According to the findings of a large-scale study of recent years, some modern epidemiological trends have been identified [3] : In general, global statistics show a decline in stroke mortality over the past two decades due to the introduction of new treatments (thrombolysis, thrombectrosis), but the absolute number of people who have stroke is only increasing every year The unmodifiable factors of stroke mortality include: gender, age, type of stroke, localization of lesion. keywords: acute; age; analysis; atrial; atrophy; blood; brain; care; center; cerebral; characteristics; clinical; combination; comorbidity; data; days; death; development; difference; disease; early; factors; features; fibrillation; following; forest; general; global; hemorrhagic; high; hospital; hospital mortality; index; interpretation; ischemic; ischemic stroke; large; learning; lesion; lethal; machine; medical; methods; models; mortality; mortality rate; national; number; patients; predictors; presence; pressure; prognostic; random; rate; registry; results; risk; scales; significant; stroke; stroke mortality; stroke patients; study; subgroups; system; time; treatment; type; unit; urine; value; volume; years cache: cord-027259-f4sgobcz.txt plain text: cord-027259-f4sgobcz.txt item: #20 of 44 id: cord-261377-m5djp8mh author: Grech, Victor title: COVID-19 and potential global mortality - Revisited date: 2020-04-30 words: 390 flesch: 53 summary: key: cord-261377-m5djp8mh authors: Grech, Victor title: COVID-19 and potential global mortality - Revisited date: 2020-04-30 journal: For this reason, the table in the initial paper showing continent and global estimates (2) has been recalculated with a correction factor, an estimated 10% symptomatic proportion of infected individuals. keywords: covid-19; global; health; infected; mortality; pandemic; potential; severe cache: cord-261377-m5djp8mh.txt plain text: cord-261377-m5djp8mh.txt item: #21 of 44 id: cord-269777-dm6te7nw author: Vukina, T title: Intervention decision model to prevent spiking mortality of turkeys date: 1998-07-01 words: 4080 flesch: 49 summary: Forecasts were generated with the parameters of the linear regression model where continuous values of daily mortalities served as a dependent variable. In this study, we use a standard linear regression model in which the dependent variable assumes continuous values of daily mortalities. keywords: affected; age; cases; coefficient; cumulative; daily; daily mortality; data; day; decision; dependent; dew; different; disease; explanatory; farms; flocks; forecasting; high; history; humidity; lagged; maximum; model; mortalities; mortality; number; observations; period; point; positive; prediction; range; sample; set; signals; smt; temperature; time; turkeys; use; values; variable cache: cord-269777-dm6te7nw.txt plain text: cord-269777-dm6te7nw.txt item: #22 of 44 id: cord-273283-gb0m6fue author: Altschul, David J. title: A novel severity score to predict inpatient mortality in COVID-19 patients date: 2020-10-07 words: 3373 flesch: 41 summary: Then, we determined that low risk patients (0-3 points) had a 11.8% risk of mortality, moderate risk patients (4-7 points) had a 39% risk of mortality and high-risk patients (> 7 points) had a 78% risk of mortality (Fig. 2B) . Furthermore, based on the risk categorization the probability of mortality was 11.8%, 39% and 78% for patient with low (0–3), moderate (4–6) and high (7–10) COVID-19 severity score. keywords: admission; age; analysis; auc; city; clinical; cohort; comorbidities; covid-19; data; derivation; disease; high; higher; hospital; illness; international; laboratory; large; medical; model; mortality; multiple; new; novel; outcomes; oxygen; pandemic; patients; points; population; prediction; predictors; procalcitonin; rates; regression; risk; sars; score; severe; severity; study; surge; system; test; validation; values; variables;; years; york cache: cord-273283-gb0m6fue.txt plain text: cord-273283-gb0m6fue.txt item: #23 of 44 id: cord-280348-vrnxucye author: Argano, Christiano title: Pattern of comorbidities and 1-year mortality in elderly patients with COPD hospitalized in internal medicine wards: data from the RePoSI Registry date: 2020-07-27 words: 4677 flesch: 31 summary: In this observational study on the RePoSI registry, we assessed the distribution of comorbidities and the occurrence of outcomes in a population of elderly COPD in-patients admitted to the internal medicine and geriatric wards, with the aim to evaluate whether COPD subjects behave differently from non-COPD individuals. COPD patients took more drugs, both at admission, in-hospital stay, discharge and 3-month and 1-year follow-up. keywords: admission; age; analysis; association; azienda; blood; burden; chronic; clinical; cognitive; comorbidities; comorbidity; copd; copd patients; current; data; depression; diagnosis; disability; discharge; disease; drugs; elderly; exacerbation; factors; failure; findings; follow; functional; geriatric; heart; higher; hospital; hospitalization; hospitalized; ics; impairment; independent; index; inflammation; internal; laba; long; management; medicine; month; mortality; non; obstructive; older; ospedaliera; outcomes; patients; pneumonia; policlinico; predictor; pressure; prevalence; pulmonary; recent; reposi; respiratory; risk; severity; significant; status; stay; study; subjects; systemic; term; variables; wards; year cache: cord-280348-vrnxucye.txt plain text: cord-280348-vrnxucye.txt item: #24 of 44 id: cord-282660-9x937eus author: Muñoz Vives, Josep Maria title: Mortality Rates of Patients with Proximal Femoral Fracture in a Worldwide Pandemic: Preliminary Results of the Spanish HIP-COVID Observational Study date: 2020-05-06 words: 3219 flesch: 45 summary: Variables are described for the total number of included patients and separately for the number of patients who survived and those who had died. Variables are reported for the total number of included patients and also separately for the patients who survived and those who died. keywords: age; area; associated; cases; china; clinical; coronavirus; covid-19; data; days; demographic; department; disease; early; emergency; factors; femoral; follow; fracture; health; higher; hip; hospitals; level; mean; mortality; mortality rate; number; occupancy; pandemic; patients; period; positive; presentation; procedure; proximal; rate; reported; risk; spain; spanish; study; surgical; test; treatment; variables; years cache: cord-282660-9x937eus.txt plain text: cord-282660-9x937eus.txt item: #25 of 44 id: cord-284332-p4c1fneh author: Bosma, Karen J. title: Pharmacotherapy for Prevention and Treatment of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Current and Experimental Approaches date: 2012-09-19 words: 14538 flesch: 29 summary: The use of an inflammation-modulating diet in patients with acute lung injury or acute respiratory distress syndrome: a metaanalysis of outcome data Efficacy of an expanded ventilator bundle for the reduction of ventilatorassociated pneumonia in the medical intensive care unit Continuous aspiration of subglottic secretions in the prevention of ventilatorassociated pneumonia in the postoperative period of major heart surgery Oral decontamination for prevention of pneumonia in mechanically ventilated adults: systematic review and meta-analysis Supine body position as a risk factor for nosocomial pneumonia in mechanically ventilated patients: a randomised trial Thromboprophylaxis in medicalsurgical critically ill patients Stress ulcer prophylaxis in critically ill patients: resolving discordant meta-analyses Efficacy and safety of a paired sedation and ventilator weaning protocol for mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care (Awakening and Breathing Controlled trial): a randomised controlled trial Effects of physical training on functional status in patients with prolonged mechanical ventilation Recent trends in acute lung injury mortality: 1996-2005 Effect of nitric oxide on oxygenation and mortality in acute lung injury: systematic review and meta-analysis Effect of prone positioning in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: a metaanalysis Effect of mechanical ventilation in the prone position on clinical outcomes in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis1 Hemodynamic and gas exchange response to inhaled nitric oxide and prone positioning in acute respiratory distress syndrome patients High-frequency oscillatory ventilation in adults: the Toronto experience High-frequency oscillatory ventilation for adult patients with ARDS Efficacy and economic assessment of conventional ventilatory support versus extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe adult respiratory failure (CESAR): a multicentre randomised controlled trial Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for 2009 influenza A (H1N1) acute respiratory distress syndrome Ketoconazole prevents acute respiratory failure in critically ill surgical patients A double-blind, prospective, randomized trial of ketoconazole, a thromboxane synthetase inhibitor, in the prophylaxis of the adult respiratory distress syndrome Development, implementation, and evaluation of a ketoconazole practice guideline for ARDS prophylaxis Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor captopril prevents oleic acid-induced severe acute lung injury in rats Rosiglitazone attenuates the severity of sodium taurocholate-induced acute pancreatitis and pancreatitis-associated lung injury Chemically modified tetracycline prevents the development of septic shock and acute respiratory distress syndrome in a clinically applicable porcine model Randomized, prospective trial of antioxidant supplementation in critically ill surgical patients Corticosteroids in the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in adults: meta-analysis Recombinant platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase to prevent acute respiratory distress syndrome and mortality in severe sepsis: phase IIb, multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial Ketoconazole for early treatment of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome: a randomized controlled trial The Beta-Agonist Lung Injury Trial (BALTI): a randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of an aerosolized beta-2 adrenergic agonist (albuterol) for the treatment of acute lung injury Aerosolized surfactant in adults with sepsis-induced acute respiratory distress syndrome: Exosurf Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Sepsis Study Group Bovine surfactant therapy for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome Venticute in patients with pneumonia or aspiration of gastric contents and intubation/ventilation/oxygenation impairment (BY2001/M1-007) Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome Higher versus lower positive end-expiratory pressures in patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome Emerging therapies for treatment of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome The American-European Consensus Conference on ARDS: definitions, mechanisms, relevant outcomes, and clinical trial coordination Transepithelial migration of neutrophils: mechanisms and implications for acute lung injury Arachidonic acid remodeling in human inflammatory cells migrating to the lung in vivo Recent advances in genetic predisposition to clinical acute lung injury Chronic alcohol abuse is associated with an increased incidence of acute respiratory distress syndrome and severity of multiple organ dysfunction in patients with septic shock Pharmacotherapy of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome Injurious mechanical ventilation and end-organ epithelial cell apoptosis and organ dysfunction in an experimental model of acute respiratory distress syndrome Does programmed cell death (apoptosis) play a role in the development of multiple organ dysfunction in critically ill patients? keywords: acid; activation; activity; acute; acute lung; acute respiratory; administration; adult; ali; alveolar; analysis; angiotensin; animal; antioxidant; apoptosis; ards; ards patients; ardsnet; associated; barrier; benefit; calfactant; capillary; care; causes; cells; circulation; clearance; clinical; control; corticosteroids; csf; damage; date; day; days; development; diagnosis; difference; direct; disease; distress; distress syndrome; dose; drug; dysfunction; early; effect; effective; efficacy; endothelial; epithelial; established; evidence; exogenous; expression; exudative; factor; failure; fatty; fibroproliferative; fluid; free; function; group; high; hours; human; icu; iii; ill; important; improved; indirect; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibitors; injury; insult; ketoconazole; large; late; likely; low; lower; lung; lung injury; macrophage; mechanical; mechanisms; mediators; meta; model; mortality; multiple; need; neutrophil; number; oedema; ongoing; organ; outcome; oxygenation; patients; pharmacotherapy; phase; placebo; pneumonia; population; potential; ppar; prevention; prior; prophylactic; proteins; pulmonary; randomized; ratio; rct; recent; receptor; recombinant; release; research; resolution; respiratory; respiratory distress; response; results; review; risk; role; rosiglitazone; safety; sepsis; septic; severe; shock; significant; single; specific; strategies; studies; study; surfactant; syndrome; system; systemic; therapies; therapy; tidal; tissue; treatment; trial; use; ventilation cache: cord-284332-p4c1fneh.txt plain text: cord-284332-p4c1fneh.txt item: #26 of 44 id: cord-284786-pua14ogz author: Coker, Eric S. title: The Effects of Air Pollution on COVID-19 Related Mortality in Northern Italy date: 2020-08-04 words: 7051 flesch: 36 summary: The obvious difference between their study and ours is that we used a surrogate excess mortality measure due to the issues of reliability for COVID-19 death data, as we have already discussed. A separate empirical analysis by Becchetti et al. (2020) finds preliminary evidence that confirms such a positive effect of air pollution on mortality in Italy based on the analysis of death data at the province level. keywords: account; air; ambient; analysis; april; associated; average; cases; cause; chronic; cole; column; concentration; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 deaths; covid-19 mortality; data; deaths; different; effects; estimates; et al; european; evidence; excess; excess deaths; excess mortality; exposure; factors; fine; health; higher; incidence; increase; industrial; interpolation; istat; italian; italy; january; level; literature; lls; lombardy; long; matter; mean; model; monitoring; mortality; municipalities; municipality; northern; number; observed; official; outbreak; pandemic; paper; particulate; period; pm2.5; pollution; population; positive; potential; quality; regional; regions; regression; related; relationship; respiratory; results; sars; spatial; specific; spreading; study; table; term; total; use; variable; years cache: cord-284786-pua14ogz.txt plain text: cord-284786-pua14ogz.txt item: #27 of 44 id: cord-290295-gl144dh9 author: Martínez-López, Joaquín title: Multiple myeloma and SARS-CoV-2 infection: clinical characteristics and prognostic factors of inpatient mortality date: 2020-10-19 words: 4091 flesch: 30 summary: To our knowledge, this is the first large case-series study to describe comprehensively the clinical characteristics of COVID-19 in hospitalized MM patients, compare outcomes with a noncancer cohort of COVID-19 patients, and identify preadmission prognostic factors of inpatient mortality. Among MM patients, inpatient mortality was 41% in males, 42% in patients aged >65 years, 49% in patients with active/progressive MM at hospitalization, and 59% in patients with comorbid renal disease at hospitalization, which were independent prognostic factors on adjusted multivariate analysis. keywords: active; adjusted; admission; age; analysis; april; care; case; characteristics; china; clinical; comorbidities; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; critical; data; diagnosis; disease; factors; features; group; higher; hospital; impact; independent; infection; inpatient; inpatient mortality; josé; male; mm patients; model; mortality; multiple; myeloma; noncancer; noncancer patients; outcome; pandemic; patients; population; presence; prognostic; progressive; rate; renal; risk; sars; series; severe; sex; spain; status; studies; study; table; time; treatment; years cache: cord-290295-gl144dh9.txt plain text: cord-290295-gl144dh9.txt item: #28 of 44 id: cord-293861-n6733nfd author: Juhász, Attila title: Antithrombotic Preventive Medication Prescription Redemption and Socioeconomic Status in Hungary in 2016: A Cross-Sectional Study date: 2020-09-19 words: 6070 flesch: 25 summary: In the analysis, the relationships between the following were investigated: Deprivation and mortality caused by thrombotic diseases; 2. Deprivation and the prescription/redemption of selected oral antiplatelet and anticoagulant drugs, with special focus on the comparison between areas with high mortality, although socioeconomically well developed and areas with relatively favorable mortality although socioeconomically deprived, and 3. However, a cluster consisting of five counties with high mortality caused by thromboembolic diseases was detected in the northwestern and western parts of the country (circle drawn by the dashed red line), where the majority of the least-deprived districts were localized, while a cluster consisting of two counties (circle drawn by the dashed green line) that were highly deprived with low mortality figures was localized in the northeastern region ( Figure 1A,B) . keywords: adherence; analysis; anticoagulant; antiplatelet; antithrombotic; areas; association; average; cardiovascular; clopidogrel; cluster; counties; country; cvd; data; deprivation; deprived; diseases; districts; drugs; eastern; european; factors; figure; frequency; general; health; healthcare; higher; highest; hungarian; hungary; icd-10; income; inequalities; level; line; lower; medication; mortality; national; northwestern; number; oral; parts; patients; population; premature; prescriptions; prevention; primary; quintile; rate; redeemed; redemption; relationship; relative; risk; secondary; significant; socioeconomic; spatial; statin; status; studies; study; syncumar; thromboembolic; thrombosis; utilization; warfarin; xarelto cache: cord-293861-n6733nfd.txt plain text: cord-293861-n6733nfd.txt item: #29 of 44 id: cord-294350-6veeygzp author: Yu, Caizheng title: Clinical Characteristics, Associated Factors, and Predicting COVID-19 Mortality Risk: A Retrospective Study in Wuhan, China date: 2020-05-27 words: 3286 flesch: 39 summary: This study investigates the clinical characteristics and risk factors for COVID-19 mortality, and establishes a novel scoring system to predict mortality risk in COVID-19 patients. This study investigates the clinical characteristics and risk factors for COVID-19 mortality, and establishes a novel scoring system to predict mortality risk in COVID-19 patients. keywords: adjustment; age; association; authors; characteristics; china; clinical; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 mortality; data; diabetes; disease; factors; higher; history; increased; independent; laboratory; lymphopenia; male; medical; model; mortality; mortality risk; novel; older; patients; pct; pneumonia; potential; present; procalcitonin; prognosis; regression; risk; risk factors; sars; score; sex; studies; study; table; wuhan; years cache: cord-294350-6veeygzp.txt plain text: cord-294350-6veeygzp.txt item: #30 of 44 id: cord-294645-yzh8h7zo author: Freeman, David W. title: Association between GDF15, poverty and mortality in urban middle-aged African American and white adults date: 2020-08-07 words: 4988 flesch: 41 summary: It is also important to understand how temporal changes in GDF15 levels vis-à-vis socioeconomic measures relate with mortality risk and aging-related diseases in disadvantaged communities and to assess interaction between changes in GDF15 and the social determinants of health. There is limited information about whether poverty influences biologic markers of mortality risk. keywords: 95%ci; aas; adjusted; adults; age; aged; analysis; association; cancer; cause; cause mortality; cohort; community; cox; cvd; data; death; differentiation; disease; distribution; dwelling; effects; elderly; elevated; factor; gdf15; groups; growth; handls; health; heart; income; increase; individuals; interaction; levels; life; loggdf15; mean; median; men; middle; model; mortality; outcomes; participants; population; poverty; poverty status; race; rate; ratio; response; risk; serum; sex; socioeconomic; specific; status; stress; studies; study; term; variables; whites; years cache: cord-294645-yzh8h7zo.txt plain text: cord-294645-yzh8h7zo.txt item: #31 of 44 id: cord-298201-z68j0c63 author: Schlüter, Benjamin-Samuel title: Long-term trends in seasonality of mortality in urban Madagascar: the role of the epidemiological transition date: 2020-02-06 words: 6365 flesch: 50 summary: Taken together, these two sets of causes accounted for 89% of child deaths in 1976 and 58% in 2015. Among children, risks of dying were the highest during the hot and rainy season, but seasonality in child mortality has significantly declined since the mid-1970s, as a result of declines in the burden of infectious diseases and nutritional deficiencies. keywords: adults; africa; age; analysis; antananarivo; bic; bmh; capital; cardiovascular; categories; cause; cause mortality; changes; children; city; climate; codes; common; communicable; data; death; december; diabetes; diarrhea; different; diseases; effects; epidemiological; figure; food; gbd; group; health; higher; icd; infants; infectious; intercepts; january; lower; madagascar; measles; model; monthly; months; mortality; non; notification; nutritional; older; overall; patterns; period; population; rainy; random; rates; registers; respiratory; rrs; seasonality; slopes; specific; study; system; temperature; time; transition; variation; year cache: cord-298201-z68j0c63.txt plain text: cord-298201-z68j0c63.txt item: #32 of 44 id: cord-299613-5ju5fcf4 author: Arthi, Vellore title: Disease, downturns, and wellbeing: Economic history and the long-run impacts of COVID-19 date: 2020-11-03 words: 17514 flesch: 39 summary: Although urban centers were associated with higher pandemic mortality, the opposite population gradient prevailed when comparing among cities, or among rural areas: in both cases, smaller, less dense localities fared worse (Acuna-Soto et al., 2011; Chowell et al., 2008) , suggestive perhaps of capacity constraints in the healthcare workforce and medical infrastructure. Likewise, foreign-born status not only predicted higher pandemic mortality in Hartford, Connecticut, but the relationship between nativity and mortality persisted even after controlling for socioeconomic status, population density, and neighborhood ethnic composition, indicating perhaps a role for social factors, or language or cultural barriers to the adoption of relevant public health measures (Tuckel et al., 2006) . keywords: 1918; activity; adverse; affected; age; alfani; almond; american; areas; associated; baseline; better; black; business; capacity; capital; cases; century; changes; channel; children; cities; closures; cohorts; conditions; consequences; context; control; coronavirus; costs; countries; covid-19; crisis; current; current pandemic; damage; data; date; death; depression; development; different; disease; downturn; early; economic; economic history; economies; economy; effects; efforts; environmental; et al; europe; evidence; experience; exposure; extent; factors; features; fertility; fever; global; government; great; health; health effects; healthcare; higher; historical; history; home; human; immediate; immunity; impact; important; income; individuals; infant; infected; infection; influenza; influenza pandemic; infrastructure; initial; instance; institutional; interventions; issues; job; key; labor; large; later; lethal; level; life; likely; limited; literature; little; living; local; long; long run; look; lower; major; market; measures; mechanisms; medical; modern; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rates; nature; nber; net; new; non; note; number; orders; outbreaks; outcomes; pandemic; pandemic mortality; paper; particular; past; people; percent; plague; policy; pollution; population; potential; public; public health; quality; rates; recent; recession; related; relative; response; review; rich; rise; risk; role; run; run effects; rural; scarring; settings; severe; severity; shocks; short; shows; social; socioeconomic; spread; status; stay; studies; substantial; term; testing; time; today; transmission; u.s; understanding; unemployment; united; utero; virus; ways; wellbeing; widespread; workers; working; world; yellow; young cache: cord-299613-5ju5fcf4.txt plain text: cord-299613-5ju5fcf4.txt item: #33 of 44 id: cord-305936-tdswzj7r author: Freitas, André Ricardo Ribas title: Excess of Mortality in Adults and Elderly and Circulation of Subtypes of Influenza Virus in Southern Brazil date: 2018-01-08 words: 4346 flesch: 31 summary: Prevention and control of influenza: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) Influenza and the winter increase in mortality in the United States, 1959-1999 Impact of respiratory virus infections on persons with chronic underlying conditions Epidemiology of seasonal influenza: use of surveillance data and statistical models to estimate the burden of disease Influenza-related hospitalizations among children in Hong Kong Trends in mortality from respiratory diseases among the elderly and the influenza vaccine intervention Mortality associated with influenza in tropics, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, from 2002 to 2011: the pre-pandemic, pandemic, and post-pandemic periods Influenza-related deaths -available methods for estimating numbers and detecting patterns for seasonal and pandemic influenza in Europe Excess mortality associated with influenza epidemics in Portugal Time series methods for obtaining excess mortality attributable to influenza epidemics Influenza associated mortality in the subtropics and tropics: results from three Asian cities Influenza in tropical regions Seasonality of influenza in Brazil: a traveling wave from the Amazon to the subtropics Methods for current statistical analysis of excess pneumonia-influenza deaths Impact of influenza vaccination on seasonal mortality in the US elderly population Influenza-related mortality in Spain Is influenza-like illness a useful concept and an appropriate test of influenza vaccine effectiveness? Estimates of US influenza-associated deaths made using four different methods Mortality associated with influenza and respiratory syncytial virus in the United States Role of humoral and cell-mediated immunity in protection from influenza disease after immunization of healthy elderly Mortality burden of the 2009 A/H1N1 influenza pandemic in France: comparison to seasonal influenza and the A/H3N2 pandemic The global circulation of seasonal influenza A (H3N2) viruses Comparing clinical characteristics between hospitalized adults with laboratory-confirmed influenza A and B virus infection Trends in mortality from respiratory disease in Latin America since 1998 and the impact of the 2009 influenza pandemic Estimated global mortality associated with the first 12 months of 2009 pandemic influenza A H1N1 virus circulation: a modelling study T cell mediated immunity to influenza: mechanisms of viral control T-cell immunity to influenza in older adults: a pathophysiological framework for development of more effective vaccines A question of self-preservation: immunopathology in influenza virus infection Fatal outcome of human influenza A (H5N1) is associated with high viral load and hypercytokinemia Influenza as a trigger for acute myocardial infarction or death from cardiovascular disease: a systematic review Acute respiratory tract infections: a potential trigger for the acute coronary syndrome Influenza and atherosclerosis: vaccination for cardiovascular disease prevention Multiple immunological abnormalities in patients with type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus Use of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines in people with diabetes Mortality attributable to influenza in England and Wales prior to, during and after the 2009 pandemic Risk factors for severe outcomes following 2009 influenza A (H1N1) infection: a global pooled analysis Pandemic H1N1 influenza in Brazil: analysis of the first 34,506 notified cases of influenza-like illness with severe acute respiratory infection (SARI) Pandemic versus epidemic influenza mortality: a pattern of changing age distribution Epidemiology of influenza and its control Aberrant innate immune response in lethal infection of macaques with the 1918 influenza virus Cytokine and chemokine profiles in lung tissues from fatal cases of 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1): role of the host immune response in pathogenesis Crossreactive antibody responses to the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus The evolution of human influenza A viruses from 1999 to 2006: a complete genome study Molecular evolution of human influenza A/H3N2 virus in Asia and Europe from 2001 to Molecular characterization of influenza viruses collected from young children in Uberlandia, Brazil-from Virus influenza detectados no estado do Rio Grande do Sul durante Center for Disease Control and Prevention. keywords: acute; adults; age; ah1n1; ah3n2; analysis; brazil; brazilian; causes; chronic; circulation; clinical; comorbidities; coverage; data; deaths; different; diseases; elderly; epidemics; estimates; excess; group; higher; immune; impact; infection; influenza; mortality; pandemic; period; pneumonia; population; predominance; rates; region; regression; respiratory; response; results; samples; seasonal; sentinel; serfling; severe; southern; strain; study; surveillance; time; units; vaccination; viral; virological; virus; viruses; weekly; years cache: cord-305936-tdswzj7r.txt plain text: cord-305936-tdswzj7r.txt item: #34 of 44 id: cord-306205-l42w2jyk author: Ransome, Yusuf title: Is investing in religious institutions a viable pathway to reduce mortality in the population? date: 2020-06-08 words: 2983 flesch: 27 summary: The work recent work by AUTHOR (SSM-D-19-03928R2) addresses this gap by testing investments in health, hospital, non-health, and aggregate health-shaping investments, as a mechanism that links religious denomination market share to all-cause mortality. Religious norms, social support, character, virtue, compassion, love, generosity, and religious community are among some mechanisms purported to explain lower mortality, on aggregate. keywords: aggregate; area; attendance; cause; challenges; changes; community; control; county; d-19; data; denomination; diversity; durkheim; ecological; ecology; effects; et al; findings; future; health; higher; individual; institutions; investments; level; local; lower; market; mechanisms; mortality; people; population; rates; religion; religious; research; share; social; specific; spending; ssm; studies; study; suicide; today; topic; work cache: cord-306205-l42w2jyk.txt plain text: cord-306205-l42w2jyk.txt item: #35 of 44 id: cord-314152-wd153s1g author: Noor, Farha Musharrat title: Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Mortality Among COVID-19 Patients: A Meta-Analysis date: 2020-09-12 words: 4770 flesch: 50 summary: A study of 302 patients from Italy Reply to COVID-19 in persons with haematological cancers: A focus on myeloid neoplasms and risk factors for mortality Clinical characteristics and prognostic factors in COVID-19 patients aged≥ 80 years Laboratory predictors of death from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the area of Valcamonica, Italy Baseline chronic comorbidity and mortality in laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 cases: Results from the PRECOVID study in Spain COVID-19: clinical course and outcomes of 36 hemodialysis patients in Spain Clinical course and prognostic factors of COVID-19 infection in an elderly hospitalized population Risk factors for mortality and respiratory support in elderly patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Korea Neurological diseases as mortality predictive factors for patients with COVID-19: A retrospective cohort study Initial gastrointestinal manifestations in patients with SARS-CoV-2 in 112 patients from veracruz (Southeastern Mexico) Predicting mortality due to SARS-CoV-2: A mechanistic score relating obesity and diabetes to COVID-19 outcomes in Mexico Clinical profile of 100 confirmed COVID-19 patients admitted in dhaka medical college hospital Mortality and survival of COVID-19 Identifying Patients at Greatest risk of mortality due to COVID-19: A new England perspective Demographic and clinical features of critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Greece: The burden of diabetes and obesity Epidemiological characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in IRAN: A single center study Characteristics, risk factors and outcomes among the first consecutive 1096 patients diagnosed with COVID-19 Characteristics, comorbidities, 30-day outcome and in-hospital mortality of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in a Swiss area-a retrospective cohort study Performance of pneumonia severity index and CURB-65 in predicting 30-day mortality in patients with COVID-19 Prognostic factors associated with mortality risk and disease progression in 639 critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Europe: Initial report of the international RISC-19-ICU prospective observational cohort Comparison of confirmed COVID-19 with SARS and MERS cases-clinical characteristics, laboratory findings, radiographic signs and outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis Coronavirus: Covid-19 has killed more people than SARS and MERS combined, despite lower case fatality rate Age and multimorbidity predict death among COVID-19 patients: results of the SARS-RAS study of the Italian Society of hypertension Outcomes and prognostic factors in 267 patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong Predictors of mortality in Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) Comorbidity and its impact on 1590 patients with covid-19 in China: A nationwide analysis Profiling COVID-19 pneumonia progressing into the cytokine storm syndrome: results from a single Italian centre study on tocilizumab versus standard of care This meta-analysis revealed that the mortality rate among COVID-19 patients was highest in the European region and older age, gender, ICU patients, patients with comorbidity had a high risk for case fatality. keywords: acute; age; analysis; articles; associated; cardiovascular; care; cases; characteristics; china; chronic; clinical; cohort; comorbidities; coronavirus; covid-19; covid-19 patients; death; diabetes; disease; factors; fatality; health; high; higher; highest; hospital; hypertension; icu; infected; infection; mers; meta; mortality; number; older; outcomes; patients; prevalence; rate; respiratory; results; retrospective; risk; risk factors; sars; severe; severity; studies; study; syndrome; wuhan; years cache: cord-314152-wd153s1g.txt plain text: cord-314152-wd153s1g.txt item: #36 of 44 id: cord-335975-m6lkrehi author: None title: Proceedings of Réanimation 2018, the French Intensive Care Society International Congress date: 2018-02-05 words: 89523 flesch: 50 summary: The aim of this study was to compare the outcome of ICU patients having received carbapenems to those having received a carbapenem-sparing agent (CSA). Conclusion: Severe hypoxemia, independently from ARDS, worsens the prognosis of ICU patients. keywords: abdominal; absence; acidosis; acinetobacter; activity; acute; acute respiratory; addition; adequate; administration; admission; adult patients; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agreement; aim; airway; aki; albumin; alive; alveolar; amikacin; amoxicillin; analysis; anesthesia; animals; antibiotic; anticoagulation; antifungal; antimicrobial; application; approach; appropriate; ards patients; area; arf; arrest; arterial; assessment; associated; association; august; aureus; available; average; bacterial; balance; baseline; bed; beds; benefit; beta; better; biological; bleeding; blood; body; brain; breastfeeding; breathing; bsi; bup; burned; calcium; cancer; carbapenems; carbon; cardiac; cardiogenic; cardiovascular; care; care unit; caregivers; cases; catheter; cause; cells; center; center study; central; challenge; changes; characteristics; chest; children; choice; chronic; cicu; circulatory; cirrhotic patients; citrate; ckd; classification; clearance; clinical; cohort; collected; coma; comatose patients; combination; comfort; common; comorbidities; compare; comparison; compliance; complications; concentration; conclusion; condition; consciousness; consecutive patients; consumption; context; continuous; control; control patients; conventional; copd; copd patients; correlated; correlation; countries; cranial; creatinine; criteria; critical; crrt; csa; culture; current; curve; cypd; daily; data; database; day mortality; days; death; december; decision; decrease; deficiency; definition; delayed; delirium; delivery; delta; demographic; department; descriptive; development; device; diabetes; diagnosis; dialysis; diameter; diaphragmatic; differences; different; difficult; digestive; discharge; discussion; disease; disorders; distress; distribution; dose; dosing; driving; drug; duration; dysfunction; dzp; early; ecco2r; echocardiography; ecls; ecmo; eeg; effective; effects; efficacy; efl; elderly; eligible; eligible patients; emergency; empirical; encephalopathy; end; endothelial; endpoint; epidemiological; estimated; events; evolution; exacerbation; experience; exposure; expression; extracorporeal; factors; failure; family; fatal; favorable; features; fig; findings; fio; fio2; flow; fluid; follow; france; free; french; frequency; frequent; functional; gastric; general; glasgow; global; glucose; gnb; good; gram; greater; group; guidelines; h24; half; hand; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; hemodynamic; heparin; higher; history; hla; home; hospital; hospital mortality; hospitalization; hour; hus; hypotension; hypothermia; hypoxemia; hypoxemic patients; icu; icu admission; icu discharge; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; identification; ill; imaging; imipenem; immune; impact; implementation; important; improve; improvement; incidence; increased; independent; index; indications; infected; infection; information; infusion; initial; initiation; injury; insertion; insufficient; intensive; intensive care; international; interquartile; intervention; intestinal; intoxication; intravenous; introduction; intubated; intubation; invasive; iqr; isolated; ivc; january; july; june; ketoacidosis; kidney; knowledge; known; lack; lactam; lactate; large; laryngoscope; leading; length; level; life; likely; limitation; limited; linear; literature; liver; local; logistic; long; loss; low; lower; lps; lst; lung; main; major; majority; male; management; maternal; mean; measurements; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; median; medical; medical icu; metabolic; methods; mice; microbiological; mild; min; mixed; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; monitoring; monocentric; monocentric study; monocytes; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; multiple; multivariate; music; n =; need; negative; neurological; neutrophils; new; nipei; niv; nlr; non; norepinephrine; nosocomial; number; nurses; objective; observational; observational study; observed; occurrence; ohca; ohca patients; old; onset; open; optimal; oral; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; pain; pao2; parameters; partial; participants; pathogen; patients; pco2; pediatric; peep; percentage; performance; perfusion; period; peritonitis; phase; physicians; physiological; picu; piperacillin; placebo; plasma; pleural; pneumonia; points; poisoning; poor; population; position; positioning; positive; possible; post; potential; pph; practice; precarity; predictive; predominance; preliminary; prescription; presence; present; present study; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; process; profile; prognosis; program; prolonged; prone; prophylactic; proportion; prospective; prospective study; protocol; pseudomonas; public; pulmonary; purpose; quality; questionnaire; r =; randomized; range; rate; reasons; recent; records; recovery; reduced; reduction; refractory; refusal; regression; related; relationship; relatives; removal; renal; replacement; report; resistance; respiratory; respiratory failure; responders; response; responsible; results; resuscitation; retrospective; rhythm; right; risk; risk factors; role; room; rrt; safety; samples; saps; satisfaction; scale; score; screening; second; secondary; sedation; seizures; sensitivity; sepsis; september; septic; septic patients; septic shock; series; serum; sessions; setting; severe; severe patients; severity; sex; sham; shock; shock patients; shockable; short; significant; signs; similar; simulation; single; site; skin; sodium; sofa; species; specific; spectrum; spo2; spontaneous; staff; stage; standard; staphylococcus; statistical; status; stay; stec; strains; strategy; stroke; students; studies; study; study patients; study period; success; support; surgery; surgical; survival; survivors; susceptibility; susceptible; syndrome; system; systematic; systolic; table; target; tbi; technique; term; test; testosterone; therapeutic; therapy; tidal; time; tissue; tma; tool; total; tracheal; tracheostomy; training; tramadol; transfusion; transplantation; trauma; traumatic; treatment; trem-1; trend; triage; trial; triggering; ttp; tube; type; ultrasonography; unit; univariate; university; urinary; urine; use; useful; value; vancomycin; vap; variability; variables; variations; vasopressors; venous; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricular; volume; vs.; vulnerable; weaning; weight; withdrawal; women; work; years cache: cord-335975-m6lkrehi.txt plain text: cord-335975-m6lkrehi.txt item: #37 of 44 id: cord-337098-33yj5g5v author: Agarwal, Shivani title: Preadmission Diabetes-Specific Risk Factors for Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With Diabetes and Coronavirus Disease 2019 date: 2020-08-07 words: 3631 flesch: 34 summary: However, few studies have looked at the effect of BMI as a risk factor of COVID-19 mortality independent of diabetes. Chronic kidney disease may lead to electrolyte and fluid shifts that increase risk for COVID-19 cardiovascular mortality (27) . keywords: admission; age; analyses; association; bmi; cardiovascular; characteristics; chronic; cohort; comorbidities; control; coronavirus; covid-19; data; diabetes; disease; glycemic; hba; hba 1c; higher; hospital; insulin; large; levels; mortality; obesity; obstructive; outcomes; outpatient; patients; people; preadmission; predictive; prior; pulmonary; regimen; relationship; results; risk; sex; studies; study; treatment; u.s; variables cache: cord-337098-33yj5g5v.txt plain text: cord-337098-33yj5g5v.txt item: #38 of 44 id: cord-337692-b89ow1mf author: Petti, S. title: Ecologic association between influenza and COVID-19 mortality rates in European countries date: 2020-09-11 words: 5125 flesch: 34 summary: Associations between demographic, health and healthcare determinants and 3-year average crude influenza mortality rate and crude COVID-19 mortality rate (log transformed), assessed through simple regression analyses (regression coefficients; 95% confidence intervals in brackets) Influenza mortality rate COVID-19 mortality rate [48] [49] [50] . We investigated the ecologic association between influenza mortality rates and COVID-19 mortality rates in the European context. keywords: agreement; analysis; association; average; burden; care; circulation; coefficient; confidence; control; coronavirus; correlation; countries; country; cov-2; covid-19; covid-19 mortality; crude; data; deaths; determinants; differences; disease; ecologic; elderly; european; factors; health; healthcare; higher; highest; incidence; individuals; influenza; influenza mortality; interval; italy; level; life; measures; mortality; mortality rates; multiple; number; outbreak; pandemic; patients; population; public; rates; regression; reported; risk; sars; studies; study; table; vaccination; variables; year cache: cord-337692-b89ow1mf.txt plain text: cord-337692-b89ow1mf.txt item: #39 of 44 id: cord-341063-3rqnu5bu author: None title: 38th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine: Brussels, Belgium. 20-23 March 2018 date: 2018-03-29 words: 98736 flesch: 48 summary: Since altered liver function has also been described in ICU patients without sepsis [1, 2] , the influence of sepsis may be overestimated. The aim of this work is to analyze the connection between serum and fecal levels of AMM in ICU patients. keywords: 1st; 3rd; 95%ci; aadh; abdominal; abstract; accuracy; accurate; acid; acidosis; acth; activation; activity; acute; addition; adjusted; administration; admission; adult patients; adults; advanced; adverse; affected; age; agents; agitation; agreement; aim; aims; airway; aki; analgesia; analysis; anesthesia; animals; anova; antibiotic; anticoagulation; anxiety; apache; apnea; approach; appropriate; aptt; ards; area; arrest; arrest patients; arterial; artery; assessment; assisted; associated; association; audit; august; available; average; bacteria; balance; baseline; bed; beneficial; benefit; best; better; bilirubin; binding; biomarkers; biopsy; bleeding; blinded; blood; bmi; body; bone; bowel; brain; breathing; burn; bypass; calculated; cancer; candida; candidiasis; cannulation; capillary; cardiac; cardiac arrest; cardiac surgery; cardiopulmonary; cardiovascular; care; care patients; care unit; cases; catheter; cause; cells; center; central; cerebral; challenge; challenging; changes; characteristics; chest; children; chloride; chronic; cirrhosis patients; citrate; clabsi; classification; classified; clearance; clinical; clinician; cmh2o; co2; coagulation; coefficient; cognitive; cohort; cohort study; colistin; collected; colonization; combination; combined; committee; common; communication; comparable; comparison; compliance; complications; compressions; concentrations; conclusions; condition; confidence; consecutive patients; consent; contamination; continuous; contrast; control; control group; conventional; coronary; correlation; cortisol; costs; count; course; cpb; cpr; creatinine; criteria; critical; critical care; critical patients; crp; crrt; culture; current; curve; cvvh; cytokine; daily; damage; data; database; day mortality; days; death; december; decision; decreased; deficit; delirium; delivery; demand; demographic; density; department; detection; deterioration; determined; developed; development; device; dexmedetomidine; diagnosis; diameter; diaphragm; difference; difficult; direct; disability; discharge; disease; disorders; distress; distribution; doctors; donors; doppler; dose; double; driving; drug; dtmax; duration; dvt; dysfunction; dysphagia; early; ecco2r; ecg; ecmo; eeg; effect; effective; efficacy; effort; elderly patients; elective; electronic; elevated; elevation; eligible; eligible patients; elisa; emergency; emptying; ems; end; endothelial; endotracheal; endpoints; energy; environment; episodes; errors; escalation; ethics; evaluation; events; evidence; examination; exclusion; experience; experimental; exposure; expression; extracorporeal; factors; failure; family; fast; feasibility; feeding; female; female patients; femoral; fentanyl; ffp; fig; filter; findings; flow; fluconazole; fluid; fold; following; fraction; free; frequent; functional; future; gas; gastric; gcs; gender; general; general icu; glasgow; global; glucose; glycocalyx; good; greater; group; growth; guidance; guidelines; hbp; head; healthcare; healthy; heart; hemodynamic; hemoglobin; hemorrhage; heparin; hgr; higher; higher mortality; history; hospital; hospital cardiac; hospital discharge; hospital icu; hospital length; hospital mortality; hospital stay; hospitalization; hours; human; hypoglycemia; hypotension; hypothesis; hypoxia; icp; icu admission; icu care; icu day; icu discharge; icu length; icu los; icu mortality; icu patients; icu readmission; icu stay; icu survivors; icu treatment; icus; identification; il-6; il10; ill; illness; imaging; immediate; immune; impact; implantation; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; inclusion; increased; independent; index; india; infection; inferior; inflammation; inflammatory; influence; information; informed; infusion; initial; initiation; injury; intensive; intensive care; intensivists; interval; intervention; intra; intracranial; intraoperative; introduction; intubation; invasive; iqr; ischemic; isolated; items; ivc; january; july; june; key; kidney; knowledge; known; lack; lactate; large; laryngoscope; leading; learning; left; length; levels; levosimendan; life; likely; limited; literature; liver; local; logistic; longer; los; loss; lower; lps; lung; lvad; main; major; majority; making; male; management; map; march; markers; mass; maximum; mdr; mean; mean age; measured; measurements; mechanical; median; medical; medical icu; medication; medicine; members; meta; metabolic; methods; mice; microbiological; microcirculation; microvascular; mild; min; minutes; mixed; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modified; monitored; monitoring; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mortality risk; multicenter; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mv patients; n=1; national; necessary; need; needle; negative; neurological; new; news; non; normal; nosocomial; novel; november; number; nurse; nursing; nutritional; obese patients; objective; observational; observational study; observed; occupancy; occurrence; odds; ohca; old; onset; operating; optimal; oral; order; organ; outcome; output; overall; overt; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; p<0.001; p<0.05; paco2; pain; palliative; palpation; parameters; parenteral; partial; participants; particle; pass; pathway; patients; patterns; pct; pediatric patients; peep; people; percentage; performance; perfusion; period; peripheral; permeability; pfca; pharmacological; phase; phone; physicians; physiological; picu; placebo; plasma; platelet; pneumonia; points; polytrauma patients; poor; population; position; positive; possible; post; postoperative; potential; ppv; practice; predictive; predictors; prehospital; preoperative; prescribed; prescribing; presence; present; present study; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; procedure; process; professionals; profile; prognosis; program; prolonged; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; psychological; pts; pulmonary; pulse; purpose; quality; questionnaire; questions; radial; randomized; range; rapid; rate; ratios; rats; rbc; rcts; reasons; recent; records; recovery; recruitment; reduced; reduction; reference; referrals; regional; regression; related; relationship; release; relevant; reliability; removal; renal; replacement; reported; requirement; resistance; respiratory; respondents; response; responsiveness; restrictive; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; return; review; rhythm; right; risk; risk patients; role; room; rosc; routine; rrt; safety; sah; saline; samples; saps; scale; score; screening; scvo2; search; secondary; sedation; sensitive; sensitivity; sepsis; septic patients; serum; setting; severe; severity; sex; shock; shock patients; short; significant; signs; similar; single; sirs; site; size; skin; sleep; small; sodium; sofa; sofa score; software; species; specific; specificity; spontaneous; stability; staff; stage; standard; start; statistical; status; stay; strategies; strategy; stress; stroke; studies; study; study group; study period; study population; subjects; sublingual; subsequent; success; support; surface; surgery; surgery patients; surgical; surgical icu; surgical patients; survey; survival; survivors; sustained; symptoms; syndrome; system; systemic; systolic; table; tamponade; target; targeted; tbi; tbi patients; team; technique; temperature; term; tertiary; test; therapeutic; therapy; thickness; tidal; time; tissue; tnf; tool; total; tracheotomy; training; transfusion; transplantation; transport; traumatic; traumatic patients; treatment; trend; triage; trial; troponin; tube; txa; type; ultrasound; unclear; underlying; underwent; unit; unit patients; university; university hospital; urine; use; useful; uws; value; vap; variability; variables; variations; vascular; vein; venous; ventilation; ventricular; video; volume; weaning; week; weight; work; worldwide; worse; worsening; years cache: cord-341063-3rqnu5bu.txt plain text: cord-341063-3rqnu5bu.txt item: #40 of 44 id: cord-351163-lyj94xn8 author: Rocha-Singh, Krishna J. title: Retrospective Real-World Studies of Paclitaxel and Mortality: Defining the Many Faces of Bias date: 2020-05-14 words: 1217 flesch: 34 summary: No mechanism of action or association between doses and mortality was identified. While the investigators acknowledge that when mortality could not be discerned in their database, either the patient or patient's physician was called. keywords: analysis; benefit; bias; coated; data; dcb; devices; fda; follow; meta; mortality; observational; paclitaxel; patient; poba; potential; ptx; randomized; risk; studies; treatment; trials; use cache: cord-351163-lyj94xn8.txt plain text: cord-351163-lyj94xn8.txt item: #41 of 44 id: cord-352685-0ie6tkgm author: Coleman, T. S. title: Estimating Lower Bounds for COVID-19 Mortality from Northern Italian Towns date: 2020-06-12 words: 4182 flesch: 57 summary: Fixed effects estimators are appropriate for estimating specific town mortality, controlling for both pre-COVID mortality levels and noise in the 2020 mortality. Using data from ISTAT on mortality from January 1 through April 15 for 2020 and the three preceding years, I estimate excess mortality by sex and age categories (0-14, 15-54, 55-64, 65-74, and 75+ years) while controlling for town-specific mortality that proxies for town-specific infection rate. keywords: 99th; age; author; covid-19; deaths; demographic; distribution; effects; estimates; excess; excess mortality; fixed; funder; holder; ifr; infection; june; license; lower; medrxiv; mortality; overall; percent; percentile; perpetuity; population; pre-2020; preprint; random; rates; sex; specific; table; tail; towns; variation; version cache: cord-352685-0ie6tkgm.txt plain text: cord-352685-0ie6tkgm.txt item: #42 of 44 id: cord-353895-tgn1kk07 author: Kavanagh, Matthew M title: Reckoning with mortality: global health, HIV, and the politics of data date: 2020-07-03 words: 1849 flesch: 41 summary: PEPFAR took the bold step, in 2019, of requiring the programmes it funds to report on HIV mortality. Global Burden of Disease Compare Beyond precision: embracing the politics of global health numbers Generation of political priority for global health initiatives: a framework and case study of maternal mortality Metric partnerships: global burden of disease estimates within the World Bank, the World Health Organisation, and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Counting the dead and what they died from: an assessment of the global status of cause of death data Reliable direct measurement of causes of death in low-and middle-income countries A global assessment of civil registration and vital statistics systems: monitoring data quality and progress Improved retention rates with low-cost interventions in hypertension and diabetes management in a rural African environment of nurse-led care: a cluster-randomised trial Loss-to-follow-up on multidrug resistant tuberculosis treatment in Gujarat, India: the when and who of it Estimation of mortality among HIV-infected people on antiretroviral treatment in East Africa: a sampling based approach in an observational, multisite, cohort study Retention and mortality on antiretroviral therapy in sub-Saharan Africa: collaborative analyses of HIV treatment programmes High proportions of patients with advanced HIV are antiretroviral therapy experienced: hospitalization outcomes from 2 sub-Saharan African sites HIV-related medical admissions to a South African district hospital remain frequent despite effective antiretroviral therapy scale-up Care continuum and postdischarge outcomes among HIV-infected adults admitted to the hospital in Zambia Guidelines for managing advanced HIV disease and rapid initiation of antiretroviral therapy. keywords: actual; africa; aids; antiretroviral; care; clinic; countries; data; deaths; disease; efforts; estimates; global; health; high; hiv; income; interventions; level; low; maternal; mortality; patients; people; programmes; registration; south; systems; therapy; treatment; vital; zambia cache: cord-353895-tgn1kk07.txt plain text: cord-353895-tgn1kk07.txt item: #43 of 44 id: cord-355038-o2hr5mox author: None title: Proceedings of Réanimation 2020, the French Intensive Care Society International Congress date: 2020-02-11 words: 102622 flesch: 49 summary: No significant difference between the NE and AVP groups for lactate clearance between H0 and H6 (25.6 [− 7.31 to 35.34]% vs 47.84 [13.42-82.73 ]%, p = 0.686). D: blood frequency of MAIT cells in patients with pneumonia compared with healthy controls (as % of total T cells) keywords: 0.001; abdominal; ability; absence; account; accuracy; accurate; acinetobacter; activity; acute; acute respiratory; addition; adherence; adjusted; adjustment; administration; admission; adult patients; adults; adverse; aeruginosa; age; aged; agents; agreement; aim; airway; aki; aki patients; alive; analysis; anemia; anesthesia; angers; animals; ann; antibiotic; antifungal; antimicrobial; antoine; anxiety; applicable; approach; appropriate; ards; ards patients; area; arf; arrest; arterial; articles; assessment; associated; association; atc; auc; august; available; average; bacterial; bal; balance; baseline; basis; baumannii; bed; benefit; best; beta; better; biological; biomarkers; blood; bmi; body; bolus; brain; breathing; breathing patients; bronchiolitis; bsi; burn patients; calculated; cancer; candida; cannula; caps; cardiac; cardiovascular; care; care patients; care unit; casablanca; cases; catheter; catheterization; cause; cdi; cells; center; central; cerebral; changes; characteristics; chemotherapy; chest; children; chronic; chu; cio; circuit; circulatory; cirrhosis; cirrhotic patients; citrate; classified; clearance; clinical; cmh; cmh2o; cmv; cohort; cohort study; colistin; colonization; coma; combination; common; community; comorbidities; comparison; complete; compliance; complications; component; concentration; conclusion; conditions; confirmed; conflict; congresses; consecutive patients; consequences; consultancy; context; continuous; control; conventional; copd patients; correct; correlation; correspondence; costs; course; cox; cpb; cpr; creatinine; criteria; critical; culture; current; curve; cvc; daily; data; database; day-28; days; death; december; decision; decrease; definition; delay; department; descriptive; detection; development; device; diabetes; diabetic patients; diagnosis; dialysis; diaphragm; diaphragmatic; diastolic; differences; different; difficult; digestive; discharge; disclosure; discomfort; discussion; disease; disorders; distress; dka; dose; dosing; drug; dtf; duration; dysfunction; early; ecco2r; echocardiography; ecmo; ecmo patients; edema; effect; effective; efficacy; efficient; effort; efl; elderly patients; electronic; eligible; embolism; emergency; encephalopathy; end; endotracheal; endpoint; epicuc; epidemiological; epidemiology; epilepticus; episodes; equal; esophageal; ethics regulations; etiology; events; evolution; exacerbation; examination; experienced; experimental; expert; exposure; extracorporeal; extraction; factors; failure; family; fast; fatal; favorable; feasible; features; female; fig; figure; findings; fio2; flow; fluid; following; france; free; french; frequency; frequent; fresenius; functional; fungal; gas; gcs; gender; general; glasgow; global; glove; gnb; gold; good; grade; greater; group; guidelines; guillaume; half; head; health; healthcare; heart; help; hematological; hemodynamic; hemoglobin; hemorrhagic; hepatic; hfd; hfnc; high; high mortality; higher; history; hospital; hospital mortality; hospitalization; hrv; hsv; hypercapnic; hyperoxia; hypnosis; hyponatremia; hypotension; hypothesis; hôpital; icp; icu admission; icu discharge; icu length; icu mortality; icu patients; icu stay; icus; identification; ihd; iii; ill; illness; imipenem; immune; immunocompromised; impact; impairment; implementation; important; improved; improvement; incidence; increase; independent; index; individual; induced; infants; infected; infected patients; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; influenza patients; information; infusion; initial; injuries; injury; insulin; intensive; intensive care; interest; international; intervention; intra; intubated; intubated patients; intubation; invasive; invitation; involved; iqr; ischemic; isolated; isolation; issue; ivc; january; jean; journals; july; june; ketamine; key; kidney; knowledge; known; lack; lactate; large; lead; learning; left; length; lesions; level; life; limited; literature; little; liver; local; logistic; long; longer; lower; lung; main; mait; major; majority; male; malignancies; malignancy; management; marie; martinique; matched; maximal; mcao; mdr; mean; mean age; measurement; measures; mechanical; mechanical ventilation; mechanisms; median; medical; medical care; medical icu; members; membrane; meningitis; mep; methods; mice; microbiological; microorganisms; min; mmhg; mmol; model; moderate; modified; monitoring; monocentric; months; morbidity; mortality; mortality rate; mri; msd; mtx; multicenter; multiple; multivariate; muscle; mwcas; n =; nasal; national; nava; nebulization; need; negative; neurological; neuromuscular; neutropenia; neutropenic patients; new; nicolas; niv; non; normal; nosocomial; nssh patients; number; nurses; nutrition; objective; observational; observational study; observed; occurrence; odds; old; onset; operating; operative; optimal; organ; outcome; overall; oxygen; oxygenation; p =; pain; pancreatitis; parameters; parents; paris; participants; particular; pathogens; pathways; patients; pcr; pct; peak; pediatric; peep; percent; performance; period; peritonitis; persistent; pes; pfizer; phase; physicians; physiological; picu; piperacillin; placebo; plasma; platelet; pmus; pneumonia; points; poisoning; poor; population; position; positive; positive patients; possible; post; potential; ppv; practices; predictive; predictors; predominance; prehospital; prescription; presence; present; presentation; pressure; prevalence; prevention; previous; primary; prior; problem; procedure; process; profile; prognosis; program; prolonged; prone; prophylaxis; proportion; prospective; protein; protocol; pseudomonas; psv; psychological; psychologist; pulmonary; purpose; purulent; quality; randomized; range; rapid; rare; rate; ratio =; rationale; rbc; reactivation; reasons; recent; recommendations; recovery; reduction; refractory; regional; regression; related; relationship; relatives; reliable; remains; renal; replacement; report; research; resistance; respiratory; respiratory failure; response; responsible; responsiveness; results; resuscitation; retrospective; retrospective study; review; right; risk; risk factors; role; room; rri; rrt; rsv patients; réanimation; safety; samples; saps; sbt; scale; scan; scientific; score; secondary; sedation; seizures; sensitivity; sepsis; september; septic; septic patients; serum; service; sessions; setting; severe; severe acute; severe patients; severity; sex; shock; shock patients; short; significant; signs; similar; simplified; single; sirs; site; situations; size; small; sofa; software; specialized; species; specific; specificity; spectrum; spontaneous; staff; stage; standard; standardized; statistical; status; stay; step; strains; strategies; strategy; stroke; stroke patients; strong; studies; study; study day; study group; study period; subjects; success; successful; suppl; support; surgery; surgical; survey; survival; survivors; susceptibility; symptoms; syndrome; system; systematic; systolic; table; tapse; target; tbi; teaching; team; techniques; term; test; testing; therapeutic; therapy; thoracic; threatening; threshold; thrombocytopenia; thrombolysis; tidal; time; tools; total; total patients; toxicity; tracheostomy; training; transfusion; transient; transition; transplantation; trauma patients; traumatic; treatment; trial; tube; tumor; tunisia; type; ultrasound; underlying; underwent; unit; unit patients; univariate; university; use; useful; vaccination; validated; value; vancomycin; vap; vap patients; variables; variation; vein; venous; ventilation; ventilatory; ventricular; viral; virus; visual; volume; weakness; weaning; weight; women; work; workers; worldwide; years cache: cord-355038-o2hr5mox.txt plain text: cord-355038-o2hr5mox.txt item: #44 of 44 id: cord-355892-9kkqmm6h author: Miller, Larry E. title: Diabetes mellitus increases the risk of hospital mortality in patients with Covid-19: Systematic review with meta-analysis date: 2020-10-02 words: 3496 flesch: 43 summary: study mortality rate (%) 95% CI Funnel plot symmetry was evaluated for small-study effects, a one-study removed sensitivity analysis assessed the influence of individual studies on the pooled mortality rate, and metaregression assessed the association of potential confounding variables with mortality rates. keywords: age; analysis; association; cases; characteristics; china; clinical; confirmed; coronavirus; covid-19; data; diabetes; diagnosis; disease; et al; factors; findings; heterogeneity; higher; hospitalized; jan; mellitus; meta; mortality; mortality rate; novel; papers; patients; pcr; plot; pooled; prevalence; prognosis; rate; respiratory; review; risk; sars; searches; single; studies; study; symptoms; syndrome; systematic; wuhan cache: cord-355892-9kkqmm6h.txt plain text: cord-355892-9kkqmm6h.txt