item: #1 of 113 id: cord-000196-lkoyrv3s author: Salathé, Marcel title: Dynamics and Control of Diseases in Networks with Community Structure date: 2010-04-08 words: 6818 flesch: 46 summary: Contact networks with fat-tailed degree distributions, for example, where a few individuals have an extraordinarily large number of contacts, result in a higher R 0 than one would expect from contact networks with a uniform degree distribution, and the existence of highly connected individuals makes them an ideal target for control measures One of the most important consequences of incorporating network structure into epidemic models was the demonstration that heterogeneity in the number of contacts (degree) can strongly affect how R 0 is calculated [12, 13, 34] . keywords: acquaintance; algorithm; betweenness; cbf; centrality; communities; community; community structure; connected; connections; contact; control; coverage; data; degree; deterministic; difference; disease; distribution; dynamics; edges; effect; effective; empirical; epidemic; figure; final; immunization; important; individuals; infected; infectious; influenza; information; limited; low; method; network structure; networks; nodes; number; person; populations; random; relevant; results; small; social; spread; step; stochastic; strategies; strategy; strong; structure; target; targeted; time; transmission; vaccination; walk cache: cord-000196-lkoyrv3s.txt plain text: cord-000196-lkoyrv3s.txt item: #2 of 113 id: cord-002929-oqe3gjcs author: Strano, Emanuele title: Mapping road network communities for guiding disease surveillance and control strategies date: 2018-03-16 words: 5032 flesch: 45 summary: key: cord-002929-oqe3gjcs authors: Strano, Emanuele; Viana, Matheus P.; Sorichetta, Alessandro; Tatem, Andrew J. title: Mapping road network communities for guiding disease surveillance and control strategies date: 2018-03-16 journal: Sci Rep DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-22969-4 sha: doc_id: 2929 cord_uid: oqe3gjcs Human mobility is increasing in its volume, speed and reach, leading to the movement and introduction of pathogens through infected travelers. Here we present methods for identifying road connectivity communities, as well as mapping bridge areas between communities and key linkage routes. keywords: africa; algorithm; analyses; areas; bridge; communities; community; connected; connectivity; control; conversion; countries; data; detection; disease; distribution; dual; edges; elimination; example; falciparum; fig; form; global; grid; high; human; infections; key; large; links; long; low; malaria; mapping; methods; migration; movement; national; network; nodes; numbers; pathogen; patterns; phase; population; prevalence; primal; regional; regions; representation; road; road network; scales; south; space; spatial; spread; strategies; structure; surveillance; tool; travel; use; values; weighted cache: cord-002929-oqe3gjcs.txt plain text: cord-002929-oqe3gjcs.txt item: #3 of 113 id: cord-003297-fewy8y4a author: Wang, Ming-Yang title: A Comprehensive In Silico Method to Study the QSTR of the Aconitine Alkaloids for Designing Novel Drugs date: 2018-09-18 words: 9161 flesch: 41 summary: key: cord-003297-fewy8y4a authors: Wang, Ming-Yang; Liang, Jing-Wei; Mohamed Olounfeh, Kamara; Sun, Qi; Zhao, Nan; Meng, Fan-Hao title: A Comprehensive In Silico Method to Study the QSTR of the Aconitine Alkaloids for Designing Novel Drugs date: 2018-09-18 journal: Molecules DOI: 10.3390/molecules23092385 sha: doc_id: 3297 cord_uid: fewy8y4a A combined in silico method was developed to predict potential protein targets that are involved in cardiotoxicity induced by aconitine alkaloids and to study the quantitative structure–toxicity relationship (QSTR) of these compounds. Hence, PPI networks with protein targets related to aconitine alkaloid cardiotoxicity must enable us to find the most relevant protein for aconitine toxicity and to understand the mechanism at the network level. keywords: 2v7o; aconitine; aconitine alkaloids; active; activity; alkaloids; amino; analysis; application; articles; atom; betweenness; binding; biological; calcium; camkii; cardiotoxicity; centrality; channel; clinical; clusterone; clusters; combined; comfa; complex; components; compounds; comsia; consistent; contour; cytonca; cytoscape; database; dependent; design; discovery; dna; docking; drug; dynamics; effects; electrostatic; essential; experimental; favorable; field; figure; fit; frequency; functions; hba; higher; information; interactions; internal; kinase; leverage; ligand; low; map; maps; measurements; mechanism; method; model; moiety; molecular; molecules; motion; ndcg; network; node; novel; number; parameters; pathways; pharmmapper; pld; potassium; potential; ppi; ppi network; prediction; proteins; qsar; qstr; receptor; related; relationship; research; result; scores; server; set; silico; simulation; sites; sodium; software; steric; string; structure; studies; study; sub; table; target; toxicity; type; values; voltage cache: cord-003297-fewy8y4a.txt plain text: cord-003297-fewy8y4a.txt item: #4 of 113 id: cord-003887-4grjr0h3 author: McClure, Ryan S. title: Unified feature association networks through integration of transcriptomic and proteomic data date: 2019-09-17 words: 11150 flesch: 44 summary: Because this dataset was different than that used above (it has fewer samples and fewer proteins) we re-inferred networks using abundance values from this smaller dataset as well as fold change values. The landscape of human proteins interacting with viruses and other pathogens The importance of bottlenecks in protein networks: correlation with gene essentiality and expression dynamics Hepatocyte growth factor favors monocyte differentiation into regulatory interleukin (IL)-10++IL-12low/neg accessory cells with dendritic-cell features Dengue virus (DENV) antibody-dependent enhancement of infection upregulates the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, but suppresses anti-DENV free radical and pro-inflammatory cytokine production, in THP-1 cells. keywords: ability; abundance; accurate; advantage; analysis; antibody; approach; associated; best; better; biological; category; cells; centrality; change; clr; conditions; correlation; cross; data; dataset; dengue; differences; different; edges; entry; experimental; expression; features; fig; fold; forest; functional; gene; genie3; higher; host; hours; human; important; increase; infected; infection; inference; information; integrated; integration; interactions; large; likely; lipidomics; mass; methods; microarray; minet; missing; mock; multi; multiple; mutual; networks; nodes; number; omics; original; overlap; package; pairs; pathogen; pathways; pcc; point; post; proteins; proteomic; quality; random; ratio; receptor; regulation; regulatory; replicates; response; rna; samples; sign; significant; similar; size; smaller; spearman; specific; spectrometry; studies; systems; table; threshold; time; total; transcriptional; transcriptomic; transcripts; type; type edges; u937; unique; use; values; viral; virus; vitro cache: cord-003887-4grjr0h3.txt plain text: cord-003887-4grjr0h3.txt item: #5 of 113 id: cord-005090-l676wo9t author: Gao, Chao title: Network immunization and virus propagation in email networks: experimental evaluation and analysis date: 2010-07-14 words: 8032 flesch: 53 summary: How to evaluate network immunization strategies? Currently, one of the most popular methods is network immunization where some nodes in a network are immunized (protected) so that they can not be infected by a virus or a worm. keywords: attack; average; behavior; betweenness; betweenness immunization; betweenness strategy; checking; community; complex; degree; different; different immunization; distribution; dynamics; edge; effect; efficiency; email; email network; enron; epidemic; experiments; exponent; fig; human; immunization; immunization strategy; immunized; infected; infected nodes; information; interactive; intervals; law; model; network; network immunization; nodes; number; order; paper; path; power; process; propagation; random; research; results; scale; section; simulation; strategies; strategy; structure; synthetic; systems; table; targeted; time; university; user; virus; virus propagation; viruses; web cache: cord-005090-l676wo9t.txt plain text: cord-005090-l676wo9t.txt item: #6 of 113 id: cord-006292-rqo10s2g author: Kumar, Sameer title: Bonded-communities in HantaVirus research: a research collaboration network (RCN) analysis date: 2016-04-07 words: 6107 flesch: 49 summary: Research Policy Mapping research collaborations in the business and management field in Malaysia On giant components in research collaboration networks: Case of engineering disciplines in Malaysia Research collaboration networks of two OIC nations: Comparative study between Turkey and Malaysia in the field of 'Energy Fuels The assortativity of scholars at a research-intensive university in Malaysia. We apply research collaboration network analysis to investigate the best-connected authors in the field. keywords: analysis; associations; authored; authors; authorship; average; betweenness; bibliometric; cases; centrality; citations; coefficient; collaboration; communities; community; component; connected; connections; control; correlation; dataset; degree; disease; earlier; edge; ego; europe; example; fever; field; fig; giant; hantavirus; helsinki; hemorrhagic; high; knowledge; measures; network; nodes; number; pagerank; papers; performance; perspective; productivity; prominent; pulmonary; records; relationship; research; researchers; science; scientific; significant; small; social; strength; structural; studies; study; syndrome; times; university; usa; vertex; vertices; world; years cache: cord-006292-rqo10s2g.txt plain text: cord-006292-rqo10s2g.txt item: #7 of 113 id: cord-007415-d57zqixs author: da Fontoura Costa, Luciano title: Correlations between structure and random walk dynamics in directed complex networks date: 2007-07-30 words: 2205 flesch: 48 summary: 2766683͔ We address the relationship between structure and dynamics in complex networks by taking the steady-state distribution of the frequency of visits to nodes-a dynamical feature-obtained by performing random walks 1 along the networks. For such reasons, random walks have become one of the most important and general models of dynamics in physics and other areas, constituting a primary choice for investigating dynamics in complex networks. keywords: active; activity; case; complex; conditions; correlated; correlation; cumulative; dynamical; dynamics; edges; frequency; hierarchical; hub; important; large; law; links; matrix; networks; node; number; random; state; strength; structure; topological; visits; walk; word; zipf cache: cord-007415-d57zqixs.txt plain text: cord-007415-d57zqixs.txt item: #8 of 113 id: cord-007708-hr4smx24 author: van Kampen, Antoine H. C. title: Taking Bioinformatics to Systems Medicine date: 2015-08-13 words: 8773 flesch: 27 summary: Early approaches for network inference (also called reverse engineering ) used only gene expression data to reconstruct gene networks. This showed that the intrinsic subtypes (basal, luminal A and B, HER2) that had previously been determined using gene expression data only could be largely confi rmed in an integrated analysis of a large number of breast tumors. keywords: aim; alignment; analysis; approaches; associated; associations; available; bayesian; better; bioinformatics; biological; biology; biomedical; breast; cancer; cation; cell; challenges; clinical; clinical data; common; complex; complexity; computational; correlation; data; databases; datasets; defi; development; different; disease; dna; efforts; example; experimental; expression; functional; future; gene; gene expression; general; genetic; genome; genomic; groups; health; human; hypotheses; identifi; important; individual; inference; information; integrated; integration; interactions; knowledge; large; level; major; management; mathematical; measurements; mechanisms; medicine; methods; microrna; mining; models; modules; molecular; mouse; multiple; networks; new; number; omics; omics data; pathway; patient; personalized; phenome; phenotype; predictive; profi; protein; public; reconstruction; records; regulatory; related; relationships; repositories; research; resource; result; robust; scale; sequence; sequencing; set; sharing; signatures; single; species; specifi; statistical; studies; study; systems; systems medicine; tcga; techniques; technologies; text; tissue; treatment; types; understanding; value; variations; wide cache: cord-007708-hr4smx24.txt plain text: cord-007708-hr4smx24.txt item: #9 of 113 id: cord-010751-fgk05n3z author: Holme, Petter title: Objective measures for sentinel surveillance in network epidemiology date: 2018-08-15 words: 5594 flesch: 61 summary: Temporal networks, in general, tend to be more disconnected than static networks. First, there are so many possible structures and correlations in temporal networks that one cannot tune them all in models [8] . keywords: analysis; case; centrality; component; contacts; copenhagen; correlation; data; data sets; degree; detection; disease; early; epidemiology; extinction; fig; frequency; harmonic; high; important; infectious; large; like; measures; networks; node; number; objective; outbreak; parameter; possible; quantities; sentinel; sets; similar; size; static; static networks; structural; surveillance; t d; t x; temporal; temporal networks; time; values cache: cord-010751-fgk05n3z.txt plain text: cord-010751-fgk05n3z.txt item: #10 of 113 id: cord-010758-ggoyd531 author: Valdano, Eugenio title: Epidemic Threshold in Continuous-Time Evolving Networks date: 2018-02-06 words: 3593 flesch: 45 summary: Present address: Department d'Enginyeria Informàtica i Matemàtiques Modeling Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals Generalization of epidemic theory: An application to the transmission of ideas Epidemics and rumours Epidemic Spreading in Scale-Free Networks A simple model of global cascades on random networks Modelling dynamical processes in complex socio-technical systems Contact interactions on a lattice On the critical behavior of the general epidemic process and dynamical percolation Cascade dynamics of complex propagation Propagation and immunization of infection on general networks with both homogeneous and heterogeneous components Dynamics of rumor spreading in complex networks Kinetics of Social Contagion Critical Behaviors in Contagion Dynamics Epidemic processes in complex networks Resilience of the Internet to Random Breakdowns Spread of epidemic disease on networks Epidemic spreading in real networks: An eigenvalue viewpoint Discrete time Markov chain approach to contact-based disease spreading in complex networks Modern temporal network theory: A colloquium Impact of Non-Poissonian Activity Patterns on Spreading Processes Disease dynamics over very different time-scales: Foot-and-mouth disease and scrapie on the network of livestock movements in the UK Epidemic thresholds in dynamic contact networks How disease models in static networks can fail to approximate disease in dynamic networks Representing the UK's cattle herd as static and dynamic networks Impact of Human Activity Patterns on the Dynamics of Information Diffusion Small but slow world: How network topology and burstiness slow down spreading Dynamical strength of social ties in information spreading High-resolution measurements of face-to-face contact patterns in a primary school Dynamical patterns of cattle trade movements Multiscale analysis of spreading in a large communication network Bursts of vertex activation and epidemics in evolving networks Interplay of network dynamics and heterogeneity of ties on spreading dynamics Predicting and controlling infectious disease epidemics using temporal networks, F1000Prime Rep The dynamic nature of contact networks in infectious disease epidemiology Activity driven modeling of time varying networks Temporal percolation in activity-driven networks Contrasting effects of strong ties on SIR and SIS processes in temporal networks Monogamous networks and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases Epidemic Dynamics on an Adaptive Network Effect of social group dynamics on contagion Epidemic threshold and control in a dynamic network Virus propagation on time-varying networks: key: cord-010758-ggoyd531 authors: Valdano, Eugenio; Fiorentin, Michele Re; Poletto, Chiara; Colizza, Vittoria title: Epidemic Threshold in Continuous-Time Evolving Networks date: 2018-02-06 journal: nan DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.120.068302 sha: doc_id: 10758 cord_uid: ggoyd531 Current understanding of the critical outbreak condition on temporal networks relies on approximations (time scale separation, discretization) that may bias the results. keywords: activity; adjacency; annealed; approach; aðtþ; commutation; condition; contact; contagion; continuous; correlations; discrete; disease; dynamical; dynamics; epidemic; equation; evolution; expression; form; framework; infection; limit; linear; matrix; model; multilayer; networks; patterns; probability; process; processes; propagator; representation; scale; separation; solution; step; structure; temporal; tensor; terms; theoretical; threshold; time; transition; weak cache: cord-010758-ggoyd531.txt plain text: cord-010758-ggoyd531.txt item: #11 of 113 id: cord-011400-zyjd9rmp author: Peixoto, Tiago P. title: Network Reconstruction and Community Detection from Dynamics date: 2019-09-18 words: 3328 flesch: 43 summary: Algorithms and Techniques Which graphical models are difficult to learn Estimation of sparse binary pairwise Markov networks using pseudo-likelihoods Inverse statistical problems: From the inverse Ising problem to data science Inferring networks of diffusion and influence On the convexity of latent social network inference Learning the graph of epidemic cascades Statistical inference approach to structural reconstruction of complex networks from binary time series Maximum-likelihood network reconstruction for SIS processes is NP-hard Network reconstruction from infection cascades Escaping the Curse of Dimensionality in Estimating Multivariate Transfer Entropy Causal network inference by optimal causation entropy Reconstructing propagation networks with natural diversity and identifying hidden sources Efficient reconstruction of heterogeneous networks from time series via compressed sensing Robust Reconstruction of Complex Networks from Sparse Data Universal data-based method for reconstructing complex networks with binary-state dynamics Reconstructing weighted networks from dynamics Reconstructing network topology and coupling strengths in directed networks of discrete-time dynamics Community detection in networks: A user guide Bayesian stochastic blockmodeling Exact recovery in the Ising blockmodel Community detection in networks with unobserved edges Network structure from rich but noisy data Reconstructing Networks with Unknown and Heterogeneous Errors Stochastic blockmodels and community structure in networks Nonparametric Bayesian inference of the microcanonical stochastic block model for summary of the full generative model used, details of the inference algorithm and more information on the analysis of empirical data Efficient Monte Carlo and greedy heuristic for the inference of stochastic block models Missing and spurious interactions and the reconstruction of complex networks Epidemic processes in complex networks Spatial interaction and the statistical analysis of lattice systems Equation of state calculations by fast computing machines Monte Carlo sampling methods using Markov chains and their applications Asymptotic analysis of the stochastic block model for modular networks and its algorithmic applications Artifacts or attributes? Inferring gene regulatory networks from multiple microarray datasets Dynamic models of large-scale brain activity Estimating spatial coupling in epidemiological systems: a mechanistic approach Bootstrapping topological properties and systemic risk of complex networks using the fitness model The role of social networks in information diffusion Network inference with confidence from multivariate time series Revealing Network Connectivity from Response Dynamics Inferring network topology from complex dynamics Revealing physical interaction networks from statistics of collective dynamics Learning factor graphs in polynomial time and sample complexity Reconstruction of Markov random fields from samples: Some observations and algorithms, in Approximation, Randomization and Combinatorial Optimization. keywords: algorithm; approach; bayesian; behavior; communities; community; community detection; complex; correlations; data; details; detection; different; distribution; dynamics; edges; epidemic; functional; group; infection; inference; interactions; inverse; joint; method; model; network; network reconstruction; node; observed; partition; posterior; prior; probability; problem; reconstruction; sbm; series; stochastic; structure; time; use cache: cord-011400-zyjd9rmp.txt plain text: cord-011400-zyjd9rmp.txt item: #12 of 113 id: cord-015861-lg547ha9 author: Kang, Nan title: The Realization Path of Network Security Technology Under Big Data and Cloud Computing date: 2019-03-12 words: 2170 flesch: 42 summary: It analyzes some key network security problems in the current cloud and big data network. Big data stored in the cloud usually affects network data. keywords: access; application; big; big data; cellular; characteristics; cloud; cloud computing; computer; computing; context; control; data; development; different; flow; information; key; lte; management; model; network; network security; operation; original; paper; problems; processing; resource; security; service; storage; system; technology; traffic; transmission; user; vulnerabilities cache: cord-015861-lg547ha9.txt plain text: cord-015861-lg547ha9.txt item: #13 of 113 id: cord-015967-kqfyasmu author: Tagore, Somnath title: Epidemic Models: Their Spread, Analysis and Invasions in Scale-Free Networks date: 2015-03-20 words: 7930 flesch: 45 summary: Generally, epidemic models consider contact networks to be static in nature, where all links are existent throughout the infection course. Likewise, for contact networks where the structure is mathematically tractable, a particular critical value of the contagion probability p is existent, an SIS epidemic undergoes a rapid shift from one that terminates out quickly to one that persists for a long time. keywords: average; case; certain; complete; connected; connections; contact; critical; degree; different; difficult; disease; distribution; dynamics; epidemic; essential; fig; free; graph; healthy; immunity; immunization; immunized; individuals; infected; infection; information; instance; large; law; links; long; model; nature; neighbors; network; nodes; number; particular; population; power; probability; properties; random; rate; scale; searching; set; shortest; sir; sis; small; spread; spreading; state; studies; sub; susceptible; threshold; time; tot; transmission; understanding; vertex; vertices; world cache: cord-015967-kqfyasmu.txt plain text: cord-015967-kqfyasmu.txt item: #14 of 113 id: cord-016196-ub4mgqxb author: Wang, Cheng title: Study on Efficient Complex Network Model date: 2012-11-20 words: 2487 flesch: 46 summary: Obviously, the key to network propagation model studying is the formulation of the propagation rule and the choice of the network topological structure. Substitute node for the unit infected, if one unit can associate with another in infection or the other way round through some way, then we regard that the two units have connection, in this way can we get the topological structure of network propagation, the relevant propagation model can be found to study the propagation behavior in turn. keywords: average; behavior; complex; complex network; convergence; degree; disease; distribution; factor; free; large; model; network; network model; nodes; number; path; propagation; property; random; realworld; regular; research; researching; scale; small; spread; statistical; structure; system; world cache: cord-016196-ub4mgqxb.txt plain text: cord-016196-ub4mgqxb.txt item: #15 of 113 id: cord-016448-7imgztwe author: Frishman, D. title: Protein-protein interactions: analysis and prediction date: 2009-10-01 words: 18357 flesch: 31 summary: These insights arise from the integration of functional information, dynamic data and protein interaction networks. The roles of intrinsic disorder in protein interaction networks Profile hidden Markov models Evaluation of docking programs for predicting binding of Golgi alpha-mannosidase II inhibitors: a comparison with crystallography Protein interaction maps for complete genomes based on gene fusion events A novel genetic system to detect protein-protein interactions iPfam: visualization of protein-protein interactions in PDB at domain and amino acid resolutions Pfam: clans, web tools and services Pharmaceuticals: a new grammar for drug discovery A genomic approach of the hepatitis C virus generates a protein interaction map Reconstruction of a functional human gene network, with an application for prioritizing positional candidate genes Glide: a new approach for rapid, accurate docking and scoring. keywords: absence; addition; algorithm; analysis; annotation; approach; associated; associations; available; bacterial; basic; biases; binary; binary interactions; binding; biological; biology; cancer; candidate; cases; cell; cellular; close; clustering; clusters; combined; common; comparison; complexes; comprehensive; computational; confidence; connected; conserved; context; correlated; correlation; corresponding; curation; current; cytoscape; data; database; datasets; degree; design; detailed; different; dimensional; discovery; disease; distances; distribution; dna; docking; domain; domain interactions; drug; edges; energy; essential; estimate; et al; evidence; evolutionary; example; experimental; expression; factor; false; family; features; fig; flexible; free; functional; fusion; gene; general; genome; genomic; graph; group; high; hubs; human; human protein; hybrid; identification; important; improved; information; instance; intact; integrated; integration; interaction data; interaction networks; interactions; interactome; involved; knowledge; known; large; level; ligand; like; likelihood; likely; literature; map; mapping; metabolic; methods; model; modules; molecular; molecular interaction; molecule; multiple; nature; network; new; nodes; novel; number; order; organisms; pairs; parameters; particular; partners; pathways; patterns; phylogenetic; physical; plug; possible; potential; prediction; problem; process; processes; profiles; programs; properties; protein; protein complexes; protein domain; protein interactions; protein networks; protein pairs; proteome; psi; publications; purification; quality; recent; recently; reference; regions; relevant; reliability; reliable; representation; results; scale; scientific; scores; scoring; screening; search; second; selection; sequence; set; shared; signal; signaling; significant; similarity; simple; single; small; software; sources; species; specific; specificity; standard; step; string; structure; systematic; systems; table; target; techniques; terms; throughput; time; tools; topological; topology; transcription; trees; types; user; values; visualization; wide; xml; yeast cache: cord-016448-7imgztwe.txt plain text: cord-016448-7imgztwe.txt item: #16 of 113 id: cord-017423-cxua1o5t author: Wang, Rui title: A Review of Microblogging Marketing Based on the Complex Network Theory date: 2011-11-12 words: 2683 flesch: 30 summary: On one hand, the interpersonal social network is different from the natural social network in six points: (1) Social network has smaller network diameter and average path length; (2) social network has higher clustering coefficient than the same-scale ER random network; (3) the degree distribution of social network has scale-free feature and follows power-law; (4) interpersonal social network has positive correlation of node degree distribution but natural social network has negative; (5) local clustering coefficient of the given node has negative correlation of the node degree in social network; (6) social network often has clear community structure The small world problem Collective dynamics of 'small-world' networks Emergence of scaling in random networks How viruses spread among computers and people Information exchange and the robustness of organizational networks Network structure and the diffusion of knowledge Team assembly mechanisms determine collaboration network structure and team performance Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Alessandro Vespignani: Velocity and hierarchical spread of epidemic outbreaks in scale-free networks Epidemic spreading in community networks Social dilemmas in an online social network: the structure and evolution of cooperation The theory of learning in games Learning from neighbors A strategic model of social and economic networks Reputation-based partner choice promotes cooperation in social networks A local-world evolving network model The emergence of local norms in networks Research of the small-world character during rumor's propagation Study on coordinated diffusion of new products in internet market Doctoral Dissertation of Shanghai JiaoTong University Structural analysis of large online social network Talk of the network: A complex systems look at the underlying process of word-of-mouth Immunization of complex networks Meeting strangers and friends of friends: How random are socially generated networks keywords: clustering; coefficient; community; complex; complex network; correlation; degree; dissemination; distribution; dynamic; epidemic; free; game; individuals; information; interpersonal; large; learning; local; marketing; microblogging; model; negative; network; network theory; node; online; process; real; scale; short; small; social; social network; strong; structure; study; theory; ties; weak; world cache: cord-017423-cxua1o5t.txt plain text: cord-017423-cxua1o5t.txt item: #17 of 113 id: cord-018054-w863h0d3 author: Mirchev, Miroslav title: Non-poisson Processes of Email Virus Propagation date: 2010 words: 3130 flesch: 56 summary: Email viruses spread over a logical network defined by email address books. Email viruses spread via infected email messages. keywords: address; attachment; books; communication; computer; decay; distribution; dynamics; email; epidemic; heavy; infected; interevent; law; model; network; new; number; patterns; poisson; power; probability; process; propagation; random; spreading; tailed; threshold; time; topology; user; values; virus; viruses cache: cord-018054-w863h0d3.txt plain text: cord-018054-w863h0d3.txt item: #18 of 113 id: cord-019055-k5wcibdk author: Pacheco, Jorge M. title: Disease Spreading in Time-Evolving Networked Communities date: 2017-10-05 words: 8604 flesch: 44 summary: Here we investigate the impact of such a dynamical network structure on disease dynamics, where infection occurs along the edges of the network. Notwithstanding, the active-linking dynamics allows us to include, analytically, the temporal dimension into the problem of disease dynamics. keywords: absorbing; adaptive; analytical; average; case; chain; changes; complex; computer; contact; contact network; degree; dependent; disease; disease dynamics; disease progression; dynamical; dynamics; epidemic; events; evolution; fig; finite; following; fraction; frequency; g(i; health; hki; impact; individuals; infected; infected individuals; infection; information; limit; linking; links; local; markov; mixed; model; nature; network; network dynamics; note; number; overall; place; population; possible; probability; process; progression; rate; recovered; recovery; results; scale; simulations; sir; sis; size; small; social; spreading; state; stationary; status; structure; study; susceptible; temporal; time; type; update cache: cord-019055-k5wcibdk.txt plain text: cord-019055-k5wcibdk.txt item: #19 of 113 id: cord-020885-f667icyt author: Sharma, Ujjwal title: Semantic Path-Based Learning for Review Volume Prediction date: 2020-03-17 words: 4027 flesch: 43 summary: MANTIS: system support for MultimodAl NeTworks of in-situ sensors HyperLearn: a distributed approach for representation learning in datasets with many modalities Interaction networks for learning about objects, relations and physics Heterogeneous network embedding via deep architectures The task-dependent effect of tags and ratings on social media access Metapath2vec: scalable representation learning for heterogeneous networks M-HIN: complex embeddings for heterogeneous information networks via metagraphs Node2vec: scalable feature learning for networks Deep residual learning for image recognition Leveraging meta-path based context for top-n recommendation with a neural co-attention model Multimodal network embedding via attention based multi-view variational autoencoder Adam: a method for stochastic gradient descent Distributed representations of sentences and documents Deep collaborative embedding for social image understanding How random walks can help tourism Image labeling on a network: using social-network metadata for image classification Distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality Multimodal deep learning Multi-source deep learning for human pose estimation The PageRank citation ranking: bringing order to the web GCap: graph-based automatic image captioning DeepWalk: online learning of social representations The visual display of regulatory information and networks Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding Generating visual summaries of geographic areas using community-contributed images ImageNet large scale visual recognition challenge Heterogeneous information network embedding for recommendation Semantic relationships in multi-modal graphs for automatic image annotation PathSim: meta path-based top-k similarity search in heterogeneous information networks LINE: large-scale information network embedding Study on optimal frequency design problem for multimodal network using probit-based user equilibrium assignment Adaptive image retrieval using a graph model for semantic feature integration Heterogeneous graph attention network Network representation learning with rich text information Interactive multimodal learning for venue recommendation MetaGraph2Vec: complex semantic path augmented heterogeneous network embedding We use restaurant nodes as root nodes for the unbiased random walks and perform 80 walks per root node, each with a walk length of 80. keywords: approach; attention; attributes; bimodal; captioning; categorical; concatenation; context; deep; dimensional; edges; embeddings; features; fusion; graph; heterogeneous; image; information; interactions; learning; low; mechanism; metapath; modalities; modality; model; multimodal; multiple; network; nodes; objective; performance; random; real; relations; representations; restaurant; review; semantic; separate; set; similar; similarity; single; specific; task; types; users; venues; views; visual; volume; walks; world cache: cord-020885-f667icyt.txt plain text: cord-020885-f667icyt.txt item: #20 of 113 id: cord-024346-shauvo3j author: Kruglov, Vasiliy N. title: Using Open Source Libraries in the Development of Control Systems Based on Machine Vision date: 2020-05-05 words: 1768 flesch: 51 summary: Analysis of literary sources showed that convolutional neural networks are the most promising when processing images [3, [5] [6] [7] . Convolutional neural network is a special architecture of artificial neural networks aimed at efficient pattern recognition. keywords: accuracy; boundaries; boundary; convolutional; convolutional neural; data; fragments; images; learning; machine; material; model; network; neural; neural network; ore; particles; pixels; points; processing; quality; size; stones; systems; test; training cache: cord-024346-shauvo3j.txt plain text: cord-024346-shauvo3j.txt item: #21 of 113 id: cord-024552-hgowgq41 author: Zhang, Ruixi title: Hydrological Process Surrogate Modelling and Simulation with Neural Networks date: 2020-04-17 words: 3567 flesch: 52 summary: Neural network models are known for their flexibility, efficient computation and capacity to deal with nonlinear correlation inside data. [5] uses neural network models to study the numerical partial differential equations of fluid flow in two dimensions. keywords: case; convolutional; data; dem; development; different; dimensional; efficient; equations; flood; flow; fluid; general; hec; hydrological; inputs; landlab; learning; level; lisflood; model; network; network model; neural; neural network; numerical; onkaparinga; performance; physics; process; rainfall; ras; region; river; section; set; shallow; simulation; size; solution; spatial; subsect; surrogate; system; terrains; time; training; water cache: cord-024552-hgowgq41.txt plain text: cord-024552-hgowgq41.txt item: #22 of 113 id: cord-024571-vlklgd3x author: Kim, Yushim title: Community Analysis of a Crisis Response Network date: 2019-07-28 words: 6962 flesch: 36 summary: We report the result based on organization groups because the classification criterion can indicate better the different types of We did not measure the frequency, intensity, or quality of interorganizational relations but only the presence of either or both relations within the communities Fast unfolding of communities in large networks Organising for effective emergency management: Lessons from research Analyzing social networks Network management in emergency response: Articulation practices of state-level managers-Interweaving up, down, and sideways Interorganizational collaboration in the Hurricane Katrina response From linearity to complexity: Emergent characteristics of the 2006 Avian Influenza Response System in Turkey Comparing coordination structures for crisis management in six countries Mission improbable: Using fantasy documents to tame disaster Crisis management in hindsight: Cognition, coordination, communication Communication, coherence, and collective action A comparison of three diversity indices based on their components of richness and evenness Method to find community structures based on information centrality Community structure in social and biological networks Community structure in jazz A comparative study of infectious disease government in Korea: what we can learn from the 2003 SARS and the 2015 MERS outbreak Imagining Twitter as an imagined community Crisis communications in the age of social media: A network analysis of Zika-related Tweets Crisis decision making: The centralization revisited Global and domestic legal preparedness and response: 2014 Ebola outbreak Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act Disaster response preparedness coordination through social networks Interorganizational coordination in dynamic context: Networks in emergency response management Examining intergovernmental and interorganizational response to catastrophic disasters: Toward a network-centered approach Collaborative decision-making in emergency and disaster management Structure and network performance: Horizontal and vertical networks in emergency management Robustness of community structure in networks Digital government and wicked problems Subgroup analysis of an epidemic response network of organizations: 2015 MERS outbreak in Korea Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus outbreak in the Republic of Korea The 2015 MERS White Paper. The results indicate that the network split into two groups: core response communities in one group and supportive functional communities in the other. keywords: algorithm; analysis; article; butts; case; characteristics; cliques; cohesive; comfort; communities; community; community structure; connected; connectivity; control; coordination; core; crisis; data; different; disaster; disease; diverse; diversity; edges; emergency; erns; fire; functional; government; haase; health; high; infectious; information; interactions; intergovernmental; internal; interorganizational; intersectoral; jurisdictions; kapucu; katrina; kim; korea; large; leiden; limited; locations; louvain; low; management; member; mers; ministry; modularity; multiple; national; network; news; nodes; number; organizations; outbreak; public; relations; research; resources; response; response communities; response network; sectors; social; south; structure; studies; study; subgroups; way cache: cord-024571-vlklgd3x.txt plain text: cord-024571-vlklgd3x.txt item: #23 of 113 id: cord-024742-hc443akd author: Liu, Quan-Hui title: Epidemic spreading on time-varying multiplex networks date: 2018-12-03 words: 7336 flesch: 50 summary: analysis of face-to-face behavioral networks From seconds to months: an overview of multi-scale dynamics of mobile telephone calls Persistence of social signatures in human communication Fundamental structures of dynamic social networks Face-to-face interactions Random Walks and Search in Time Varying Networks Quantifying the effect of temporal resolution on time-varying networks Controlling Contagion Processes in Activity Driven Networks Contagion dynamics in time-varying metapopulation networks Epidemic spreading in time-varying community networks Immunization strategies for epidemic processes in time-varying contact networks Random walks on temporal networks Analytical Computation of the Epidemic Threshold on Temporal Networks Causality driven slow-down and speed-up of diffusion in non-markovian temporal networks Spatio-temporal networks: reachability, centrality and robustness Random walk centrality for temporal networks Importance of individual events in temporal networks Bursts of vertex activation and epidemics in evolving networks Attractiveness and activity in internet communities Contrasting effects of strong ties on SIR and SIS processes in temporal networks Committed activists and the reshaping of status-quo social consensus Betweenness Preference: quantifying Correlations in the Topological Dynamics of Temporal Networks Bursty communication patterns facilitate spreading in a threshold-based epidemic dynamics Birth and death of links control disease spreading in empirical contact networks The basic reproduction number as a predictor for epidemic outbreaks in temporal networks Statistical physics of vaccination Social phenomena: From Data Analysis to Models Burstiness and tie reinforcement in time-varying social networks Random walks on activity-driven networks with attractiveness Epidemic spreading in modular time-varying networks Modeling Infectious Disease in Humans and Animals Modeling dynamical processes in complex socio-technical systems Epidemic processes in complex networks The role of endogenous and exogenous mechanisms in the formation of r&d networks Networks. Thus, as observed in real temporal networks the topological features at different timescales are very different than the late (or time-integrated) characteristics [38] . keywords: active; activities; activity; average; case; complex; connections; connectivity; contagion; correlations; coupling; different; disease; distribution; dynamical; dynamics; epidemic; epidemic threshold; fig; following; fraction; function; general; important; infected; interactions; larger; layers; limit; links; model; multilayer; multiplex; multiplex networks; multiplexity; networks; nodes; number; patterns; positive; processes; properties; real; results; second; single; smaller; social; spreading; step; study; systems; temporal; threshold; time; unfolding; values cache: cord-024742-hc443akd.txt plain text: cord-024742-hc443akd.txt item: #24 of 113 id: cord-024830-cql4t0r5 author: McMillin, Stephen Edward title: Quality Improvement Innovation in a Maternal and Child Health Network: Negotiating Course Corrections in Mid-Implementation date: 2020-05-08 words: 6420 flesch: 27 summary: This paper covers the 4 months in the middle of the pilot program year when network staff realized that funded partners were seriously behind schedule in the amount of screens and referrals for perinatal mood and depression these agencies were contracted to make at this point in the fiscal year. A second executive meeting was held with 8-12 participants, typically network staff and the two co-chairs of each of organized three groups, a screening and referral group, a workforce training group, and a quality improvement group, to debrief and discuss major issues reported at the large group meeting. keywords: able; additional; advocacy; agencies; agency; anxiety; approaches; architecture; author; behavioral; case; choice; clients; collaboration; corrections; course; course corrections; data; depression; enrollment; et al; evidence; findings; follow; funding; group; health; high; human; implementation; important; improvement; innovation; large; line; management; meeting; method; mid; mood; network; new; notes; numbers; organizational; paper; participants; partner; patients; perinatal; pilot; policy; practice; problems; program; program year; public; qualitative; quality; referral; research; screening; screens; service; social; specific; staff; study; system; time; training; ways; workers; year cache: cord-024830-cql4t0r5.txt plain text: cord-024830-cql4t0r5.txt item: #25 of 113 id: cord-025838-ed6itb9u author: Aljubairy, Abdulwahab title: SIoTPredict: A Framework for Predicting Relationships in the Social Internet of Things date: 2020-05-09 words: 4524 flesch: 55 summary: As the growing number of IoT objects with heterogeneous attributes join the social network, there is an urgent need for identifying the mechanisms by which SIoT structures evolve. However, due to the increasing number of IoT objects in a tremendous rate, these solutions do not scale up. keywords: algorithm; clusters; data; devices; dynamic; edges; fig; framework; future; heterogeneous; internet; iot objects; latitude; line; link; location; longitude; methods; model; movement; network; nodes; number; objects; paradigm; performance; prediction; raw; relationships; research; second; sequence; services; set; siot; siotpredict; smart; social; stays; step; structure; sweep; temporal; things; time; users cache: cord-025838-ed6itb9u.txt plain text: cord-025838-ed6itb9u.txt item: #26 of 113 id: cord-027286-mckqp89v author: Ksieniewicz, Paweł title: Pattern Recognition Model to Aid the Optimization of Dynamic Spectrally-Spatially Flexible Optical Networks date: 2020-05-23 words: 4313 flesch: 48 summary: Further research, developing ideas presented in this article, will focus on the generalization of the presented model for a wider pool of network optimization problems. In Sect. 2, we introduce studied network optimization problem. keywords: algorithm; allocation; approach; atd; available; bbp; best; case; core; data; decision; demand; dtr; dynamic; efficient; experiment; flexible; format; function; high; learning; light; methods; mlp; model; modulation; network; number; optical; optimization; particular; path; patterns; prediction; problem; qam; quality; recognition; regression; results; routing; rssa; selection; set; slices; spectrum; time; topology; traffic; transmission; use; value; vector cache: cord-027286-mckqp89v.txt plain text: cord-027286-mckqp89v.txt item: #27 of 113 id: cord-027304-a0vva8kb author: Achermann, Guillem title: An Information-Theoretic and Dissipative Systems Approach to the Study of Knowledge Diffusion and Emerging Complexity in Innovation Systems date: 2020-05-23 words: 5206 flesch: 32 summary: The evolution of dissipative social systems The meaning of open systems Social Systems Knowledge, Complexity and Innovation Systems Institutional complementarity and diversity of social systems of innovation and production Thermodynamic properties in the evolution of firms and innovation systems Networks, national innovation systems and self-organisation Self-organisation and Evolution of Biological and Social Systems Functions of innovation systems: a new approach for analysing technological change On the sociology of intellectual stagnation: the late twentieth century in perspective Disciplinary knowledge production and diffusion in science A knowledge-based theory of the organisation-the problemsolving perspective Thinking: A Guide to Systems Engineering Problem-solving Social complexity: patterns, processes, and evolution The Evolution of Economic and Innovation Systems A complexity-theoretic perspective on innovation policy Emergence versus self-organisation: different concepts but promising when combined The evolution of innovation systems Understanding evolving universityindustry relationships Innovation as co-evolution of scientific and technological networks: exploring tissue engineering From technopoles to regional innovation systems: the evolution of localised technology development policy Perspectives on cluster evolution: critical review and future research issues Innovation, diversity and diffusion: a selforganisation model Social information and self-organisation Self-organization, knowledge and responsibility The dynamics of innovation: from National Systems and Mode 2 to a Triple Helix of university-industry-government relations The value and costs of modularity: a problem-solving perspective A dissipative network model with neighboring activation The Analysis of dissipative structure in the technological innovation system of enterprises Modern Thermodynamics: From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures Lessons from the nonlinear paradigm: applications of the theory of dissipative structures in the social sciences Self-organization and Dissipative Structures: Applications in the Physical and Social Sciences Understanding organizational transformation using a dissipative structure model Technological paradigms, innovative behavior and the formation of dissipative enterprises A dissipative structure model of organization transformation Entropy model of dissipative structure on corporate social responsibility Revisiting complexity theory to achieve strategic intelligence Defining knowledge management: toward an applied compendium Enterprise Knowledge Capital Intellectual capital-defining key performance indicators for organizational knowledge assets The dynamics of knowledge assets and their link with firm performance Management mechanisms, technological knowledge assets and firm market performance Problems and solutions in knowledge transfer Empirical tests of optimal cognitive distance Industry cognitive distance in alliances and firm innovation performance A modular structure is, in network theory, connected to the idea of a hierarchical or fractal structure of the network, [14] and is also characterised by scale-invariance; [15] the latter is a particularly important property, because if innovation systems have it as an emergent property of their behaviour, this allows them to be considered as complex adaptive systems keywords: cognitive; cognitive distance; complexity; diffusion; dissipative; distance; emergence; entropy; evolution; hierarchical; hierarchical network; higher; horizontal; horizontal network; information; innovation; innovation network; innovation system; input; knowledge; lower; members; model; network; nodes; noise; open; organisation; problem; process; property; seeker; self; social; social systems; solution; solver; solving; structure; system; technological; theoretical; theory; transfer; understanding cache: cord-027304-a0vva8kb.txt plain text: cord-027304-a0vva8kb.txt item: #28 of 113 id: cord-027463-uc0j3fyi author: Brandi, Giuseppe title: A New Multilayer Network Construction via Tensor Learning date: 2020-05-25 words: 2475 flesch: 47 summary: This methodology, in combination with a filtering technique, has proven able to reproduce interconnections between different financial risk factors. This is a feature already emphasized in [3] for financial networks. keywords: autoregression; coefficient; connections; data; dependency; different; differentiation; edges; fact; factors; financial; layers; memory; methodology; multilayer; network; order; paper; possible; prices; regression; risk; shrinkage; stocks; structure; tensor; time; tucker; use; volatility; volumes cache: cord-027463-uc0j3fyi.txt plain text: cord-027463-uc0j3fyi.txt item: #29 of 113 id: cord-027719-98tjnry7 author: Said, Abd Mlak title: Machine Learning Based Rank Attack Detection for Smart Hospital Infrastructure date: 2020-05-31 words: 3292 flesch: 53 summary: We implement the centralized anomaly based IDS at the root mote or the sink and we collect and analyze network data as shown in Table 1 summarizes the used simulation parameters. It introduces an overlay network of TPM nodes for detection of network attacks. keywords: anomaly; attack; choice; collect; data; detection; devices; different; dodag; energy; equipment; fig; gateway; high; hospital; ids; information; infrastructures; internet; intrusion; iot; learning; low; machine; malicious; medical; mote; network; nodes; order; patient; power; protocol; radio; rank; router; routing; rpl; scenario; sensor; simulation; smart; system; things; use; wireless cache: cord-027719-98tjnry7.txt plain text: cord-027719-98tjnry7.txt item: #30 of 113 id: cord-027851-95bsoea2 author: Wang, Daojuan title: Coupling between financing and innovation in a startup: embedded in networks with investors and researchers date: 2020-06-25 words: 8413 flesch: 34 summary: Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies Gendering pursuits of innovation: embeddedness in networks and culture Innovation embedded in entrepreneurs' networks and national educational systems: a global study The two sides of the story: network investments and new venture creation Building networks into discovery: the link between entrepreneur network capability and entrepreneurial opportunity discovery Multilevel analysis: An introduction to basic and advanced multilevel modeling Entrepreneurship and the evolution of angel financial networks Dynamic capabilities and strategic management Venture capital's role in financing innovation for economic growth Angel investing: The sample of 10,582 starting entrepreneurs is described by correlations, Table 1 . keywords: advantage; advice; analysis; angel; behavior; building; business; capabilities; capability; capital; competitive; contacts; countries; country; coupling; development; different; effect; elements; embeddedness; entrepreneur; entrepreneurship; environment; et al; family; financial; financing; firm; growth; hand; high; hypothesis; ideas; important; inception; influence; information; innovation; interaction; investment; investors; knowledge; level; likely; loose; low; management; market; model; nascent; networking; networks; new; opportunities; opportunity; organizational; people; positive; potential; private; process; public; questions; researchers; resources; role; schøtt; second; self; social; sphere; stage; starting; startup; strategic; strategy; study; synergy; table; venture cache: cord-027851-95bsoea2.txt plain text: cord-027851-95bsoea2.txt item: #31 of 113 id: cord-028685-b1eju2z7 author: Fuentes, Ivett title: Rough Net Approach for Community Detection Analysis in Complex Networks date: 2020-06-10 words: 4697 flesch: 47 summary: Rough Set Analysis Rough set theory and its applications to data analysis Computing communities in large networks using random walks Near linear time algorithm to detect community structures in large-scale networks Maps of information flow reveal community structure in complex networks. Besides, real-world complex networks usually are Input: A complex network G, detected communities, a threshold ξ and a similarity s Output: Community network representation 1: Create an empty network G (V , E ) 2: for x in V do 3: Obtain the similarity class R (x) based on Equation (8) 4: end for 5: for X in communities(G, d) do 6: Calculate R * (X) and R * (X) approximations (see equations (1)-(2)) keywords: accuracy; algorithm; analysis; application; classification; communities; community; community structure; complex; decision; definition; detection; different; dynamic; information; interactions; layer; measures; modularity; monoplex; multiplex; networks; new; nodes; quality; real; reason; results; rough; rough net; rst; set; similarity; structure; system; time; topological; topology; weighted; world cache: cord-028685-b1eju2z7.txt plain text: cord-028685-b1eju2z7.txt item: #32 of 113 id: cord-028688-5uzl1jpu author: Li, Peisen title: Multi-granularity Complex Network Representation Learning date: 2020-06-10 words: 4539 flesch: 41 summary: The cognitive learning mode of information network is exactly in line with the multi-granularity thinking mechanism of human intelligence problem solving, data is taken as knowledge expressed in the lowest granularity level of a multiple granularity space, while knowledge as the abstraction of data in coarse granularity levels [15] . Existing algorithms focus on the single coarse-grained topology of nodes or text information alone, which cannot describe complex information networks. keywords: additional; analysis; attribute; auto; classification; coarse; cognitive; complex; complex network; computing; data; datasets; deep; different; dimensional; embedding; encoder; fine; function; granularity; graph; indecomposable; information; large; layers; learning; levels; low; matrix; methods; mnrl; model; multi; multiple; network; network representation; node; order; original; performance; potential; prediction; representation; representation learning; results; semantic; set; similarity; social; space; structure; text; topological; topology; vector cache: cord-028688-5uzl1jpu.txt plain text: cord-028688-5uzl1jpu.txt item: #33 of 113 id: cord-029277-mjpwkm2u author: Elboher, Yizhak Yisrael title: An Abstraction-Based Framework for Neural Network Verification date: 2020-06-13 words: 8801 flesch: 57 summary: Piecewise linear neural network verification: a comparative study Provably minimally-distorted adversarial examples Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement Output range analysis for deep neural networks Formal verification of piece-wise linear feed-forward neural networks An abstraction-based framework for neural network verification: proof-of-concept implementation AI2: safety and robustness certification of neural networks with abstract interpretation Simplifying neural networks using formal verification Minimal modifications of deep neural networks using verification Deep Learning DeepSafe: a data-driven approach for assessing robustness of neural networks The three pillars of machine programming Deep neural networks for acoustic modeling in speech recognition: the shared views of four research groups Safety verification of deep neural networks Verifying recurrent neural networks using invariant inference Policy compression for aircraft collision avoidance systems Reluplex: an efficient SMT solver for verifying deep neural networks Towards proving the adversarial robustness of deep neural networks The marabou framework for verification and analysis of deep neural networks Verifying deep-RL-driven systems ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks Toward scalable verification for safety-critical deep networks Adversarial examples in the physical world An approach to reachability analysis for feed-forward ReLU neural networks Neural adaptive video streaming with Pensieve Rectified linear units improve restricted boltzmann machines Verifying properties of binarized deep neural networks An abstraction-refinement approach to verification of artificial neural networks Reachability analysis of deep neural networks with provable guarantees Mastering the game of go with deep neural networks and tree search Formal verification of neural network controlled autonomous systems Intriguing properties of neural networks Evaluating robustness of neural networks with mixed integer programming Formal security analysis of neural networks using symbolic intervals Parallelization techniques for verifying neural networks Output reachable set estimation and verification for multilayer neural networks We thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments. In our experiments we set out to check whether the abstraction-based approach could indeed prove properties of the ACAS Xu networks on abstract networks that had significantly fewer neurons than the original ones. keywords: abstract; abstract network; abstraction; acas; activation; adversarial; algorithm; approach; approximation; case; counterexample; dec; deep; dnn; dnns; edges; fig; framework; hidden; inc; incoming; increase; initial; input; layer; marabou; neg; network; network n; neural; neurons; new; nodes; operator; original; outgoing; output; pair; pos; procedure; properties; property; query; refinement; relu; robustness; saturation; sect; single; size; smaller; spurious; step; techniques; unsat; use; value; verification; version; weights cache: cord-029277-mjpwkm2u.txt plain text: cord-029277-mjpwkm2u.txt item: #34 of 113 id: cord-031663-i71w0es7 author: Giacobbe, Mirco title: How Many Bits Does it Take to Quantize Your Neural Network? date: 2020-03-13 words: 6556 flesch: 48 summary: In this work, we investigate the robustness of quantized networks to adversarial attacks and, more generally, formal verification questions for quantized neural networks. For this reason, we introduce a verification method for quantized neural networks which, using SMT solving over bit-vectors, accounts for their exact, bit-precise semantics. keywords: accuracy; adversarial; analysis; arithmetic; attacks; balanced; bias; bits; boolector; classifier; dataset; deep; encoding; false; formal; formula; gender; ifgsm; input; instance; integer; layer; layout; linear; method; mnist; model; monotonic; networks; neural; neural networks; neurons; non; number; numbered; output; particular; point; precise; precision; quantization; question; real; relu; reluplex; results; robustness; rounding; samples; semantics; set; smt; solvers; solving; standard; students; test; time; variables; verification; words cache: cord-031663-i71w0es7.txt plain text: cord-031663-i71w0es7.txt item: #35 of 113 id: cord-033557-fhenhjvm author: Saha, Debdatta title: Reconciling conflicting themes of traditionality and innovation: an application of research networks using author affiliation date: 2020-10-09 words: 8786 flesch: 40 summary: key: cord-033557-fhenhjvm authors: Saha, Debdatta; Vasuprada, T. M. title: Reconciling conflicting themes of traditionality and innovation: an application of research networks using author affiliation date: 2020-10-09 journal: ADV TRADIT MED (ADTM) DOI: 10.1007/s13596-020-00515-w sha: doc_id: 33557 cord_uid: fhenhjvm Innovation takes different forms: varying from path-breaking discoveries to adaptive changes that survive external shifts in the environment. More precisely, our prediction is that research networks in Ayurveda would exhibit: keywords: academic; adaptive; affiliation; amla; amla network; ashwagandha; ashwagandha network; assortative; authors; average; ayurveda; ayurvedic; ayush; bio; case; changes; collaborations; connected; connections; content; continuity; dahlander; density; different; disciplines; effect; empirical; et al; freeman; graph; health; herbs; higher; homophily; huang; independent; india; industry; information; innovation; institutional; interest; journal; knowledge; knowledge systems; low; mcfarland; measure; medical; medicinal; medicine; micro; mixing; modern; multiple; national; nature; network; number; ols; overall; paper; potential; presence; process; publications; pubmed; quality; quantile; rank; ranking; regression; relationship; research; research network; research papers; researchers; results; science; scimago; section; self; shows; similar; similarity; simple; sjr; space; specific; sri; standards; structure; study; systems; tie; ties; traditional; traditional knowledge; traditional medicine; university; value; variable cache: cord-033557-fhenhjvm.txt plain text: cord-033557-fhenhjvm.txt item: #36 of 113 id: cord-034824-eelqmzdx author: Guo, Chungu title: Influential Nodes Identification in Complex Networks via Information Entropy date: 2020-02-21 words: 5772 flesch: 49 summary: For example, collaboration networks [1] are used to cover the scientific collaborations between authors, email networks [2] denote the email communications between users, protein-DNA networks [3] help people gain a deep insight on biochemical reaction, railway networks [4] reveal the structure of railway via complex network methods, social networks show interactions between people Greedy method is usually used as the upper bound, but it is not efficient in large networks due to its high time complexity. keywords: ability; affected; algorithm; amazon; average; benchmark; cenew; centrality; communities; community; complex; complex networks; complexity; degree; different; efficient; email; enrenew; entropy; epidemic; experiment; f(t; figure; final; graph; greedy; identifying; importance; infected; influence; influential; influential nodes; information; initial; large; largest; local; maximization; methods; model; neighbors; networks; nodes; number; paper; problem; process; propagation; results; router; scale; selected; set; sir; small; social; spreaders; spreading; structure; time; voterank cache: cord-034824-eelqmzdx.txt plain text: cord-034824-eelqmzdx.txt item: #37 of 113 id: cord-034833-ynti5g8j author: Nosonovsky, Michael title: Scaling in Colloidal and Biological Networks date: 2020-06-04 words: 25233 flesch: 46 summary: The diameter of the scale-free random graph Scale-free neocortical dynamics Resolving structural variability in network models and the brain Specification of cerebral cortical areas A small step for the cell, a giant leap for mankind: A hypothesis of neocortical expansion during evolution Evolution of the neocortex: A perspective from developmental biology How to Direct the Edges of the Connectomes: Dynamics of the Consensus Connectomes and the Development of the Connections in the Human Brain The Robustness and the Doubly Preferential Attachment Simulation of the Consensus Connectome Dynamics of the Human Brain A Genetic Model of the Connectome Neuro percolation: A random cellular automata approach to spatio-temporal neuro dynamics Phase transitions in the neuro percolation model of neural populations with mixed local and non-local interactions Mesophasic organization of GABAA receptors in hippocampal inhibitory synapse The small world of the cerebral cortex Fine spatiotemporal structure of phase in human intracranial EEG Neuronal avalanches in neocortical circuits Neuronal avalanche Phase transitions in scale-free neural networks: Departure from the standard mean-field universality class Using Expression Profiles of Caenorhabditis elegans Neurons to Identify Genes that Mediate Synaptic Connectivity Dynamics of a neural system with a multiscale architecture Statistics and Geometry of Neuronal Connectivity Functional connectivity in the motor cortex of resting human brain using echoplanar MRI Shaped by the Past: The Default Mode Network Supports Cognition that Is Independent of Immediate Perceptual Input Topographic Mapping of a Hierarchy of Temporal Receptive Windows Using a Narrated Story Not Lost in Translation: Neural Responses Shared Across Languages Dynamic reconfiguration of the default mode network during narrative comprehension Metabolic rate and body size are linked with perception of temporal information Scaling brain size, keeping timing: Evolutionary preservation of brain rhythms Mean mass-specific metabolic rates are strikingly similar across life's major domains: Evidence for life's metabolic optimum Photomechanical Responses in Drosophila Photoreceptors Functional trade-offs in white matter axonal scaling The Generative Grammar of the Immune System Nobel Lecture The fractal immune network Fractal immunology and immune patterning: Potential tools for immune protection and optimization Fractal proteins Studying the human immunome: The complexity of comprehensive leukocyte immunophenotyping Hydropathic Self-Organized Criticality: A Magic Wand for Protein Physics Anti-icing superhydrophobic surfaces: Controlling entropic molecular interactions to design novel icephobic concrete A Neural Network Model Based on the Analogy with the Immune System An Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems: A New Computational Intelligence Paradigm Such network presentation provides key insights for understanding the mechanical response of a soil or sand heap. keywords: angle; anns; applied; approach; area; artificial; avalanche; behavior; bond; brain; characteristics; clusters; coefficient; colloidal; colloidal science; colloidal systems; complex; composite; composition; configurations; connections; connectome; contact; content; cortical; critical; crystals; curve; data; different; distribution; droplets; empirical; entropy; example; experimental; experimental data; exponent; exposure; figure; force; fractal; free; frequency; friction; function; granular; hidden; human; human brain; immune; important; individual; information; input; input data; input layer; intermediate; knowledge; law; laws; layer; learning; linear; manner; materials; materials science; model; network; network model; network science; neural; neural network; neurons; new; nodes; number; order; output; output layer; parameters; particles; particular; physical; power; prediction; process; properties; random; rate; related; relationships; results; scale; scaling; self; shannon; shannon entropy; size; small; soc; state; statistical; study; surface; surface free; surface properties; surface roughness; surface science; surface wetting; synapses; synaptic; systems; time; training; tribology; typical; understanding; units; value; volume; water; wear; weights; wetting; white; zipf cache: cord-034833-ynti5g8j.txt plain text: cord-034833-ynti5g8j.txt item: #38 of 113 id: cord-048461-397hp1yt author: Coelho, Flávio C title: Epigrass: a tool to study disease spread in complex networks date: 2008-02-26 words: 4005 flesch: 50 summary: This has led to the development of network epidemic models. One may classify network epidemic models according to node behavior. keywords: analysis; benefit; bus; cases; cities; city; complex; contact; control; cost; data; degree; disease; edges; entry; epidemic; epidemic models; epidemiological; epigrass; example; figure; file; individuals; infected; infectious; large; model; network; node; number; objects; output; results; routes; simulated; simulation; sites; size; software; speed; spread; starting; strategies; structure; system; time; transmission; transportation; user; vaccination cache: cord-048461-397hp1yt.txt plain text: cord-048461-397hp1yt.txt item: #39 of 113 id: cord-102776-2upbx2lp author: Niu, Zhibin title: Visual analytics for networked-guarantee loans risk management date: 2017-04-06 words: 7487 flesch: 47 summary: We propose visual analytics approach for loan guarantee network risk management, and consolidate the five analysis tasks with financial experts: i) visual analytics for enterprises default risk, whereby a hybrid representation is devised to predict the default risk and developed an interface to visualize key indicators; ii) visual analytics for high default groups, whereby a community detection based interactive approach is presented; iii) visual analytics for high defaults pattern, whereby a motif detection based interactive approach is described, and we adopt a Shneiderman Mantra strategy to reduce the computation complexity. In this paper, we propose visual analytics approach for loan guarantee network risk management. keywords: analysis; analytics; approach; bank; banking; basic; business; capital; case; centrality; communities; community; complex; connected; contract; credit; crisis; data; default; default groups; default rates; default risk; detection; difficult; diffusion; dynamic; economic; editing; enterprises; evaluation; example; experts; fig; financial; financial risk; firms; government; groups; guarantee; guarantee network; high; high default; hole; important; information; interactive; interface; key; knowledge; large; loan; loan guarantee; management; map; measures; model; motifs; network; network risk; new; node; number; path; patterns; period; prediction; problem; profile; propagation; rates; ratio; real; records; research; risk; risk guarantee; scoring; small; social; spanners; status; structure; study; subgraph; systemic; tasks; time; tool; tree; understanding; users; visual; visual analytics; visualization cache: cord-102776-2upbx2lp.txt plain text: cord-102776-2upbx2lp.txt item: #40 of 113 id: cord-103150-e9q8e62v author: Mishra, Shreya title: Improving gene-network inference with graph-wavelets and making insights about ageing associated regulatory changes in lungs date: 2020-11-04 words: 8220 flesch: 50 summary: An integrative approach for causal gene identification and gene regulatory pathway inference Singlecell transcriptomics unveils gene regulatory network plasticity Chemogenomic profiling of Plasmodium falciparum as a tool to aid antimalarial drug discovery Supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised inference of gene regulatory networks Reverse engineering cellular networks Evaluating measures of association for single-cell transcriptomics Evaluating methods of inferring gene regulatory networks highlights their lack of performance for single cell gene expression data SCENIC: single-cell regulatory network inference and clustering SCODE: an efficient regulatory network inference algorithm from single-cell RNA-Seq during differentiation Gene Regulatory Network Inference from Single-Cell Data Using Multivariate Information Measures Characterizing noise structure in single-cell RNA-seq distinguishes genuine from technical stochastic allelic expression Noise in gene expression: origins, consequences, and control, Science Comparative assessment of differential network analysis methods Murine single-cell RNA-seq reveals cellidentity-and tissue-specific trajectories of aging Wisdom of crowds for robust gene network inference GeneNetWeaver: in silico benchmark generation and performance profiling of network inference methods Enhancing experimental signals in single-cell RNA-sequencing data using graph signal processing Comparative Analysis of Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Methods A gene regulatory network in mouse embryonic stem cells Recovering Gene Interactions from Single-Cell Data Using Data Diffusion An accurate and robust imputation method scImpute for single-cell RNA-seq data Single-cell RNA-seq denoising using a deep count autoencoder SAVER: gene expression recovery for singlecell RNA sequencing A random matrix theory approach to denoise single-cell data Missing value estimation methods for DNA microarrays Single-Cell Analysis of Human Pancreas Reveals Transcriptional Signatures of Aging and Somatic Mutation Patterns Enrichr: interactive and collaborative HTML5 gene list enrichment analysis tool Histamine stimulation of surfactant secretion from rat type II pneumocytes Aging impairs VEGF-mediated, androgen-dependent regulation of angiogenesis Dysfunction of pulmonary surfactant mediated by phospholipid oxidation is cholesterol-dependent Age-Dependent Changes in the Pulmonary Renin-Angiotensin System Are Associated With Severity of Lung Injury in a Model of Acute Lung Injury in Rats MAPK and JAK-STAT signaling pathways are involved in the oxidative stress-induced decrease in expression of surfactant protein genes Transcription factor Etv5 is essential for the maintenance of alveolar type II cells, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of Targeted deletion of Jun/AP-1 in alveolar epithelial cells causes progressive emphysema and worsens cigarette smoke-induced lung inflammation Androgen receptor and androgen-dependent gene expression in lung The Metabolic Signature of Macrophage Responses Imbalanced Host Response to SARS-CoV-2 Drives Development of COVID-19 Single cell RNA sequencing of 13 human tissues identify cell types and receptors of human coronaviruses The aging transcriptome and cellular landscape of the human lung in relation to SARS-CoV-2 JAK-STAT pathway activation in COPD, The European Androgen hazards with COVID-19 The H1 histamine receptor regulates allergic lung responses Late Breaking Abstract -Evaluation of the JNK inhibitor, CC-90001, in a phase 1b pulmonary fibrosis trial Androgen-deprivation therapies for prostate cancer and risk of infection by SARS-CoV-2: a population-based study (N = 4532) For filtering in the Fourier domain, we used Chebyshev-filter for gene expression profile. keywords: ageing; alveolar; analysis; androgen; approach; at2; at2 cells; bulk; cells; centrality; changes; coefficients; comparison; correlation; cov-2; covid; data; degree; denoising; differences; different; differential; dream5; edges; effect; enriched; enrichment; etv5; expression; fig; figure; filtering; fourier; gene; graph; groups; gwnet; higher; improvement; increase; infected; infection; inference; influence; interaction; jak; knn; level; low; lung; matrix; measures; methods; network; noise; old; older; operator; overlap; pagerank; pancreatic; pathway; performance; processing; profiles; protein; receptor; regulatory; results; samples; sars; scrna; seq; sets; signal; signalling; single; stat; supplementary; terms; tfs; threshold; transcriptome; true; type; values; variance; wavelet; young cache: cord-103150-e9q8e62v.txt plain text: cord-103150-e9q8e62v.txt item: #41 of 113 id: cord-103418-deogedac author: Ochab, J. K. title: Shift of percolation thresholds for epidemic spread between static and dynamic small-world networks date: 2010-11-12 words: 3423 flesch: 55 summary: For both dynamic and static small-world we observe suppression of the average epidemic size dependence on network size in comparison with finite-size scaling known for regular lattice. The result shows that the behaviour of the epidemic on dynamic network is that of a static small world with the number of shortcuts increased by 20.7 +/- 1.4%, while the overall qualitative behaviour stays the same. keywords: analytical; average; dependence; disease; dynamic; effect; epidemic; finite; infection; latency; lattice; model; network; nodes; number; numerical; percolation; probability; range; regular; rewiring; set; shift; shortcuts; size; small; spread; static; step; system; threshold; time; values; world cache: cord-103418-deogedac.txt plain text: cord-103418-deogedac.txt item: #42 of 113 id: cord-104001-5clslvqb author: Wang, Xiaoqi title: selfRL: Two-Level Self-Supervised Transformer Representation Learning for Link Prediction of Heterogeneous Biomedical Networks date: 2020-10-21 words: 5525 flesch: 43 summary: Based on the above analysis, there are two main problems in link prediction based on network representation learning. Network representation learning plays a significant role in various network analysis tasks, such as community detection, link prediction, and node classification. keywords: addition; approaches; association; attention; auc; baseline; biomedical; covid-19; datasets; dda; deepdr; detection; different; drug; embedding; entity; et al; false; figure; function; global; graph; hbns; heterogeneous; information; interaction; learning; level; link; link prediction; local; low; mask; matrix; meta; methods; model; neodti; network; nodes; number; path; performance; potential; prediction; representation; representation learning; results; selfrl; semantic; structure; study; task; transformer; true; types; value; vectors; vertex; vertices cache: cord-104001-5clslvqb.txt plain text: cord-104001-5clslvqb.txt item: #43 of 113 id: cord-125979-2c2agvex author: Mata, Ang'elica S. title: An overview of epidemic models with phase transitions to absorbing states running on top of complex networks date: 2020-10-05 words: 9580 flesch: 57 summary: Many network model have been created in order to describe real systems. But this topic still remains among the most relevant issues in complex network theory due to its range of applicability. keywords: absorbing; active; adjacency; algorithm; analysis; approaches; approximation; behavior; complex; connected; correlations; critical; degree; degree k; density; different; distribution; dynamical; dynamics; eigenvalue; epidemic; epidemic threshold; equation; exponents; field; finite; heterogeneous; hmf; hubs; infected; infection; largest; law; limit; long; matrix; mean; model; neighbors; networks; nodes; number; pair; phase; point; power; probability; process; processes; qmf; random; rate; reference; scaling; section; simulations; sis; sis model; size; spreading; state; susceptible; systems; theory; threshold; time; transition; uncorrelated; vertex; vertices cache: cord-125979-2c2agvex.txt plain text: cord-125979-2c2agvex.txt item: #44 of 113 id: cord-127900-78x19fw4 author: Leung, Abby title: Contact Graph Epidemic Modelling of COVID-19 for Transmission and Intervention Strategies date: 2020-10-06 words: 5032 flesch: 49 summary: In this work, we propose to incorporate structural information of contact network between individuals and show the effects of NPIs applied on different categories of contact networks. In comparison, our model can directly utilize contact networks and we also model the impact of wearing masks. keywords: cgem; closure; compartment; contact; contact networks; covid-19; curve; degree; different; disease; distancing; edges; effect; effective; epidemic; figure; graph; hubs; impact; individuals; infected; infection; masks; model; modelling; montreal; networks; nodes; non; npis; number; peak; population; public; quarantining; random; rate; real; realistic; regular; schools; seir; social; spread; strategies; structure; synthetic; time; transmission; underlying; wifi; world cache: cord-127900-78x19fw4.txt plain text: cord-127900-78x19fw4.txt item: #45 of 113 id: cord-133273-kvyzuayp author: Christ, Andreas title: Artificial Intelligence: Research Impact on Key Industries; the Upper-Rhine Artificial Intelligence Symposium (UR-AI 2020) date: 2020-10-05 words: 42474 flesch: 53 summary: [16] have shown, that, despite their initial design for image data, a residual neural network (ResNet) can perform quite well on time-series classification. Additionally, it discusses whether more general requirements can be sufficiently addressed in the scenarios, as e.g. proposed in ethical guidelines for AI based systems like [9, 10] . keywords: able; accuracy; acp; acquisition; additional; agent; ais; ais data; algorithm; analysis; angular; applications; approach; appropriate; architectures; area; articulated; artificial; aspects; augmented; automated; automatic; available; base; basic; batch; beer; behavior; best; better; bias; bottle; camera; car; case; categories; category; catheter; certain; challenges; changes; classes; classification; clear; clinical; cloud; cnn; combination; common; comparison; components; computer; concept; conditions; considered; context; continuous; contrast; control; convolutional; coordinate; correct; corresponding; creation; creative; creativity; critical; ct data; current; data; data size; dataset; decision; deep; deep learning; density; depth; design; detection; detector; determined; development; devices; different; dimensions; direction; disparity; distance; domain; duration; effects; efficient; engineering; environment; error; estimation; et al; evaluation; evaluation data; example; experiment; expert; faces; faster; fda; features; field; figure; final; fishing; fitness; focus; following; forward; framework; free; function; future; general; generative; genetic; german; gesture; global; goal; good; ground; group; hand; hardware; head; healthcare; help; high; higher; human; image; impact; important; inception; individual; industrial; information; initial; input data; instance; intelligence; intended; interaction; interesting; interface; intuitive; iou; joints; knowledge; large; latent; layers; lead; learning; left; length; level; like; limited; linear; local; long; loss; machine; machine learning; main; major; management; mapping; matching; material; maximum; means; measures; medical; medical data; methods; microstructure; mixed; mobilenet; model; movement; natural; necessary; need; networks; neural; neural networks; new; noise; non; normalization; number; object; object detection; old; open; operating; optimization; order; orientation; original; outcome; output; overall; packaging; paper; parameters; particular; parts; path; patient; patterns; people; performance; persons; phase; physiological; pixels; place; planning; point; poses; position; possible; post; potential; prediction; present; previous; problem; process; processes; processing; product; product data; programming; project; properties; property; purpose; quality; random; rate; real; real data; real robot; reality; reasons; recognition; reduced; regard; region; regression; regulatory; reinforcement; relative; relevant; reliable; representation; requirements; research; resnet; respective; results; risks; robot; room; ros; run; samd; samples; scenario; scene; second; section; segmentation; semantic; sensors; sequence; set; sgm; shape; shot; shows; signals; similar; simulated; single; situation; size; small; software; solution; space; spatial; specific; speed; split; sps; ssd; staff; stage; standard; step; stereo; stress; structure; study; style; support; surface; surgical; synthetic; synthetic data; system; tasks; technical; techniques; tensorflow; terms; test; texture; time; tools; total; tracking; training; training data; trajectories; trajectory; transfer; transformation; treatment; turn; type; use; user; validation; value; variations; variety; vector; vessels; view; virtual; virtual robot; vision; visual; volume; walk; way; wearable; weight; width; wine; world; yolov3 cache: cord-133273-kvyzuayp.txt plain text: cord-133273-kvyzuayp.txt item: #46 of 113 id: cord-134926-dk28wutc author: Dasgupta, Anirban title: Scalable Estimation of Epidemic Thresholds via Node Sampling date: 2020-07-28 words: 6057 flesch: 56 summary: A random graph model for massive graphs Emergence of Scaling in Random Networks Emergence of scaling in random networks Episimdemics: an efficient algorithm for simulating the spread of infectious disease over large realistic social networks Largest eigenvalues of sparse inhomogeneous erdős-rényi graphs Using mobile phone data to predict the spatial spread of cholera A bootstrap-based inference framework for testing similarity of paired networks A nonparametric view of network models and Newman-Girvan and other modularities Hypothesis testing for automated community detection in networks Spectral radii of sparse random matrices. the electronic journal of combinatorics Invasion threshold in heterogeneous metapopulation networks Experimental evidence of a pathogen invasion threshold Large graph limit for an sir process in random network with heterogeneous connectivity Modelling disease outbreaks in realistic urban social networks Dimensions of superspreading Practical methods for graph two-sample testing Discretetime markov chain approach to contact-based disease spreading in complex networks Model-based clustering for social networks The mathematics of infectious diseases Probability inequalities for sums of bounded random variables Latent space approaches to social network analysis Clinical features of patients infected with 2019 novel coronavirus in wuhan, china. keywords: accurate; algorithm; approximation; chung; computational; computing; contact; contagion; data; degree; diseases; efficient; eigenvalue; epidemic; estimator; et al; expected; graph; individuals; infected; inference; issue; large; massive; matrix; method; model; networks; nodes; note; number; pathogen; perspective; population; probability; problem; radius; random; result; sample; sampling; second; section; social; spectral; spread; state; statistical; susceptible; theorem; threshold; time; walk; λ(a; λ(p; −1/2 cache: cord-134926-dk28wutc.txt plain text: cord-134926-dk28wutc.txt item: #47 of 113 id: cord-143847-vtwn5mmd author: Ryffel, Th'eo title: ARIANN: Low-Interaction Privacy-Preserving Deep Learning via Function Secret Sharing date: 2020-06-08 words: 6043 flesch: 58 summary: The CIFAR-10 dataset Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition MNIST handwritten digit database Oblivious neural network predictions via minionn transformations Aby3: A mixed protocol framework for machine learning Secureml: A system for scalable privacy-preserving machine learning An improved newton iteration for the generalized inverse of a matrix, with applications Information technology-based tracing strategy in response to COVID-19 in South Korea-privacy controversies Privacy-preserving contact tracing of covid-19 patients Chameleon: A hybrid secure computation framework for machine learning applications Deepsecure: Scalable provably-secure deep learning Imagenet large scale visual recognition challenge A generic framework for privacy preserving deep learning Privacy-preserving deep learning Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition Securenn: Efficient and private neural network training Falcon: Honest-majority maliciously secure framework for private deep learning Tiny imagenet challenge How to generate and exchange secrets The cut-and-choose game and its application to cryptographic protocols We would like to thank Geoffroy Couteau, Chloé Hébant and Loïc Estève for helpful discussions throughout this project. Thanks to the flexibility of our framework, we can train each of these networks in plain text and need only one line of code to turn them into private networks, where all parameters are secret shared. keywords: accuracy; alexnet; appendix; batchnorm; bit; cifar-10; client; communication; comparison; computation; convolutional; correction; data; deep; efficient; equality; evaluation; evaluators; framework; function; imagenet; inference; information; input; keys; layers; learning; machine; matrix; maxpool; model; multiplication; networks; neural; number; operations; output; parameters; parties; party; path; precision; privacy; private; protocol; random; results; secret; secure; shares; sharing; single; size; special; state; table; test; tiny; training; use; values; vgg16; x[i cache: cord-143847-vtwn5mmd.txt plain text: cord-143847-vtwn5mmd.txt item: #48 of 113 id: cord-148358-q30zlgwy author: Pang, Raymond Ka-Kay title: An analysis of network filtering methods to sovereign bond yields during COVID-19 date: 2020-09-28 words: 4527 flesch: 48 summary: does full financial integration exist in european government bond markets? Interbank Markets and Multiplex Networks: Centrality Measures and Statistical Null Models Multi-scale correlations in different futures markets The geography of the great rebalancing in euro area bond markets during the sovereign debt crisis Analysis of correlation based networks representing dax 30 stock price returns Measuring bilateral spillover and testing contagion on sovereign bond markets in europe A minimum spanning tree approach Spanning trees and the eurozone crisis Bootstrap methods: another look at the jackknife A set of measures of centrality based on betweenness Comovements in government bond markets: A minimum spanning tree analysis Using multiplex networks for banking systems dynamics modelling Maximal spanning trees, asset graphs and random matrix denoising in the analysis of dynamics of financial networks Multifractal diffusion entropy analysis on stock volatility in financial markets Dynamic correlation network analysis of financial asset returns with network clustering Currency crises and the evolution of foreign exchange market: Evidence from minimum spanning tree Correlation of financial markets in times of crisis Multi-layered interbank model for assessing systemic risk On the shortest spanning subtree of a graph and the traveling salesman problem A perspective on correlation-based financial networks and entropy measures Random matrix theory and financial correlations Extracting the sovereigns' cds market hierarchy: A correlation-filtering approach Portfolio optimization based on network topology Complex networks and minimal spanning trees in international trade network Hierarchical structure in financial markets Network filtering for big data: Triangulated maximally filtered graph Interest rates hierarchical structure Relation between financial market structure and the real economy: Comparison between clustering methods The multiplex dependency structure of financial markets Dynamic asset trees and black monday Asset trees and asset graphs in financial markets Clustering and information in correlation based financial networks Random matrix approach to cross correlations in financial data The multi-layer network nature of systemic risk and its implications for the costs of financial crises Universal and nonuniversal allometric scaling behaviors in the visibility graphs of world stock market indices Pruning a minimum spanning tree On stock market dynamics through ultrametricity of minimum spanning tree Causality networks of financial assets Complexities in financial network topological dynamics: Modeling of emerging and developed stock markets Cross-border interbank networks, banking risk and contagion A tool for filtering information in complex systems Spanning trees and bootstrap reliability estimation in correlation-based networks Hierarchically nested factor model from multivariate data Correlation, hierarchies, and networks in financial markets A cluster driven log-volatility factor model: a deepening on the source of the volatility clustering Multiscale correlation networks analysis of the us stock market: a wavelet analysis Network formation in a multi-asset artificial stock market keywords: analysis; approach; average; bond; centrality; clustering; connected; correlation; countries; covid-19; crisis; data; debt; degree; different; dynamics; economic; edges; european; filtering; filtering methods; financial; graph; higher; highest; length; links; markets; mast; matrix; mean; measures; methods; mst; network; network filtering; nodes; observed; period; positive; sovereign; sovereign bonds; spanning; stock; structure; time; tmfg; tree; values; variance; yields cache: cord-148358-q30zlgwy.txt plain text: cord-148358-q30zlgwy.txt item: #49 of 113 id: cord-155440-7l8tatwq author: Malinovskaya, Anna title: Online network monitoring date: 2020-10-19 words: 5711 flesch: 48 summary: Hanneke et al., 2010) and can be seen as further advancement of a family of network models proposed by Robins and Pattison (2001) . Let p be the number of network statistics, which describe the in-control state and can reflect the deviations in the out-of-control state. keywords: analysis; anomalies; anomalous; anomaly; approach; average; behaviour; case; change; charts; complex; control; control charts; data; detection; different; distribution; dynamic; edges; estimates; estimation; et al; expected; exponential; graph; length; markov; matrix; method; mewma; modelling; models; monitoring; multivariate; network; nodes; number; online; parameters; performance; phase; point; possible; procedure; process; random; real; respective; size; social; state; statistics; structure; surveillance; temporal; tergm; terms; time; type; ucl; values; window cache: cord-155440-7l8tatwq.txt plain text: cord-155440-7l8tatwq.txt item: #50 of 113 id: cord-163462-s4kotii8 author: Chaoub, Abdelaali title: 6G for Bridging the Digital Divide: Wireless Connectivity to Remote Areas date: 2020-09-09 words: 5518 flesch: 37 summary: Spectrum, regulatory, and standardization issues are also discussed because of their importance to achieve the goal of remote area connectivity. In these regards, despite being in its initial stages, the 6th generation (6G) of wireless networks is building upon the leftover from the previous generations [3] , and will be developed by taking into account the peculiarities of the remote and rural sector, with the objective of providing connectivity for all and reach digital inclusion keywords: access; affordable; approaches; areas; backhaul; bands; broadband; business; challenges; cognitive; communication; conditions; connectivity; constraints; cost; coverage; data; degree; deployment; design; difficult; digital; edge; efficient; email; energy; engineering; example; fig; generation; ghz; hardware; high; increase; india; information; infrastructure; institute; integrated; intelligent; internet; issues; key; like; local; low; maintenance; management; mobile; multi; multiple; need; network; new; novel; operators; optical; paper; particular; people; performance; power; processing; professor; radio; reach; regions; remote; remote areas; requirements; research; rural; rural areas; schemes; sec; self; service; sharing; software; solutions; sources; spectrum; standardization; stations; systems; techniques; technologies; technology; university; unlicensed; use; users; wireless; zones cache: cord-163462-s4kotii8.txt plain text: cord-163462-s4kotii8.txt item: #51 of 113 id: cord-164703-lwwd8q3c author: Noury, Zahra title: Deep-CAPTCHA: a deep learning based CAPTCHA solver for vulnerability assessment date: 2020-06-15 words: 4596 flesch: 52 summary: Furthermore, in [11] , [12] , [18] , and [31] , also CNN based methods have been proposed to crack CAPTCHA images. Although the Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) can be one of the options to predict CAPTCHA characters, in this research we have focused on sequential models as they perform faster than RNNs, yet can achieve very accurate results if the model is well designed. keywords: accuracy; adversarial; algorithm; alphanumerical; approach; automated; captcha; characters; cnn; common; comparison; convolutional; data; dataset; deep; dense; detection; different; digits; example; figure; function; generation; human; image; input; layers; learning; letter; method; model; network; neural; neurons; noise; number; numerical; output; performance; problems; rate; recognition; research; results; samples; section; security; set; size; softmax; systems; technique; test; text; types cache: cord-164703-lwwd8q3c.txt plain text: cord-164703-lwwd8q3c.txt item: #52 of 113 id: cord-168862-3tj63eve author: Porter, Mason A. title: Nonlinearity + Networks: A 2020 Vision date: 2019-11-09 words: 11847 flesch: 43 summary: Congestion induced by the structure of multiplex networks Tie-decay temporal networks in continuous time and eigenvector-based centralities Multilayer networks in a nutshell Multilayer networks in a nutshell Temporal and structural heterogeneities emerging in adaptive temporal networks Synchronization in complex networks Mathematical frameworks for oscillatory network dynamics in neuroscience Turing patterns in multiplex networks Morphogenesis of Spatial Networks Evolving voter model on dense random graphs Generative benchmark models for mesoscale structure in multilayer networks Birth and stabilization of phase clusters by multiplexing of adaptive networks Network geometry with flavor: From complexity to quantum geometry Chaos in generically coupled phase oscillator networks with nonpairwise interactions Topology of random geometric complexes: A survey Explosive transitions in complex networksÕ structure and dynamics: Percolation and synchronization Factoring and weighting approaches to clique identification Mathematical Models in Population Biology and Epidemiology How does active participation effect consensus: Adaptive network model of opinion dynamics and influence maximizing rewiring Anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine A model for the influence of media on the ideology of content in online social networks Frequency-based brain networks: As with other adaptive network models, researchers have developed some nonrigorous theory (e.g., using mean-field approximations and their generalizations) on adaptive voter models with simplistic rewiring schemes, but they have struggled to extend these ideas to models with more realistic rewiring schemes. keywords: active; activity; adaptation; adaptive; adjacency; analysis; applications; associated; behavior; biological; centrality; change; common; community; compartmental; complex; complexes; connections; contagions; continuous; coupling; data; decay; dependent; deterministic; different; diffusion; discrete; disease; distribution; dynamical; dynamics; edges; eigenvector; entities; entity; entries; epidemic; equation; example; features; fig; form; function; generalizations; generalized; graphs; higher; hypergraphs; ideas; important; infected; influence; information; interactions; interesting; interlayer; kuramoto; large; layers; mathematics; matrix; methods; metric; models; multilayer; multilayer networks; multiple; natural; network structure; networks; new; nodes; nonlinear; number; numerous; occur; ones; opinion; order; oscillators; people; percolation; phase; physical; probability; processes; random; recent; researchers; rewiring; rule; scale; scenarios; section; set; simplicial; social; spread; spreading; state; step; stochastic; structure; studies; study; susceptible; synchronization; systems; temporal; temporal networks; theory; threshold; time; topological; transitions; types; undirected; update; use; variety; voter; wave; wtm cache: cord-168862-3tj63eve.txt plain text: cord-168862-3tj63eve.txt item: #53 of 113 id: cord-186031-b1f9wtfn author: Caldarelli, Guido title: Analysis of online misinformation during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemics in Italy date: 2020-10-05 words: 12581 flesch: 49 summary: It is interesting to see the relative importance of hashtags intended to encourage the population during the lockdown: it is the case of #celafaremo (we will make it), #iorestoacasa (I am staying home), #fermiamoloinsieme (Let's stop it together ): #iorestoacasa is present in every community, but it ranks 13th in the M5S verified user community, 29th in the FI-L-FdI community, 2nd in the Italia Viva community and 10th in the PD one. As a final task, over the whole set of tweets produced or shared by the users in the directed validated network, we counted the number of times a message containing a url was shared by users belonging to different political communities, although without considering the semantics of the tweets. keywords: accounts; active; activity; algorithm; analysis; annotation; approach; average; bipartite; bipartite network; blue; case; center; checking; communities; community; considered; coronavirus; covid-19; dark; data; debate; degree; detection; different; distribution; domains; ensemble; entropy; example; fact; fake; false; fdi; fig; following; government; groups; hashtags; health; higher; information; italian; italy; journalists; label; layer; left; link; lombardy; m5s; march; material; media; minister; misinformation; model; national; network; news; newsguard; nodes; non; number; official; online; orange; order; pandemics; parties; party; political; politicians; posts; presence; present; previous; probability; procedure; projection; propaganda; propagation; quarantine; ranking; real; red; related; representatives; represented; reputable; results; retweet; retweet network; right; right wing; section; sky; social; sources; steel; subcommunity; subsection; supplementary; table; terms; times; transparency; tweets; twitter; twitter users; undirected; unverified users; urls; users; verified; viva; wing; world; worth cache: cord-186031-b1f9wtfn.txt plain text: cord-186031-b1f9wtfn.txt item: #54 of 113 id: cord-191876-03a757gf author: Weinert, Andrew title: Processing of Crowdsourced Observations of Aircraft in a High Performance Computing Environment date: 2020-08-03 words: 3989 flesch: 52 summary: If the geospatial filtering parameters and aircraft registry data doesn't change, only new Open Sky data needs to be organized. [9] to process billions of aircraft observations in a scalable and efficient manner. keywords: ads; aircraft; airspace; altitude; aviation; behavior; bit; computing; data; directories; directory; elevation; encounter; feet; files; hierarchy; high; hour; hourly; icao; level; llsc; manned; models; network; new; observations; observed; opensky; operations; organizing; performance; previous; processing; rades; raw; registries; rotorcraft; safety; size; specific; step; storage; support; system; tasks; time; track; type; uas; unique; unknown; use; wing cache: cord-191876-03a757gf.txt plain text: cord-191876-03a757gf.txt item: #55 of 113 id: cord-198449-cru40qp4 author: Carballosa, Alejandro title: Incorporating social opinion in the evolution of an epidemic spread date: 2020-07-09 words: 5416 flesch: 46 summary: The framework of mobility networks allows the explicit simulation of entire populations down to the scale of single individuals, modelling the structure of human interactions, mobility and contact patterns. A first observation of their topologies demonstrate that they fit a scale free network with a power law connectivity distribution and exponents = 1.39 for October'19 and = 1.77 for April'20 network keywords: accounts; april'20; case; connections; control; curve; cutoff; different; disease; distribution; epidemic; epidemic model; evolution; figure; government; important; individuals; infected; infection; interactions; maximum; means; measures; mobility; model; network; new; nodes; number; october'19; opinion; opinion model; peak; policies; population; previous; probability; process; propagation; random; results; section; simple; situation; small; social; social network; society; spread; susceptible; time; twitter; values; virus cache: cord-198449-cru40qp4.txt plain text: cord-198449-cru40qp4.txt item: #56 of 113 id: cord-200147-ans8d3oa author: Arimond, Alexander title: Neural Networks and Value at Risk date: 2020-05-04 words: 8599 flesch: 46 summary: Neural networks vs. linear models using monthly and weekly data J. Long short-term memory Towards explainable ai: Significance tests for neural networks Improving Earnings Predictions with Machine Learning. Using equity markets and long term bonds as test assets in the global, US, Euro area and UK setting over an up to 1,250 weeks sample horizon ending in August 2018, we investigate neural networks along three design steps relating (i) to the initialization of the neural network, (ii) its incentive function according to which it has been trained and (iii) the amount of data we feed. keywords: allocation; analysis; approach; asset; available; avramov; bear; best; bond; breaches; bull; carlo; case; classic; conditions; cpz; crucial; data; days; design; distribution; economic; equation; equity; established; estimate; estimation; expected; feed; field; finance; financial; following; forward; function; gkx; half; hidden; hmm; incentive; initialization; input; layers; learning; long; loss; lstm; machine; market; markov; mean; methods; model; modelling; monte; network; network regime; neural; neural networks; non; number; output; parameters; performance; point; probability; receptive; recurrent; regime; regularized; results; returns; risk; sample; second; sequence; series; short; single; size; state; structure; switching; table; tail; term; thresholds; time; training; value; var; variance; weekly; window cache: cord-200147-ans8d3oa.txt plain text: cord-200147-ans8d3oa.txt item: #57 of 113 id: cord-200354-t20v00tk author: Miya, Taichi title: Experimental Analysis of Communication Relaying Delay in Low-Energy Ad-hoc Networks date: 2020-10-29 words: 3443 flesch: 59 summary: • End-to-end delay: Total of node delays and link delays • Node delay: Sum of processing delay, queueing delays, and any processing delays occurring in the network stack In the field of wired networks, there have been many studies reporting measurement experiments of packet processing delay as well as various proposals for performance improvement [5] - [10] . keywords: application; buffer; communication; cpu; data; delay; enc; end; end delay; experiment; fig; hoc; iperf; kernel; link; linux; low; measurement; network; node; node delay; olsr; packet; payload; power; pps; processing; processing delay; proxy; queueing; ram; raspberry; receiving; relaying; results; ring; routing; size; software; space; stack; time; use cache: cord-200354-t20v00tk.txt plain text: cord-200354-t20v00tk.txt item: #58 of 113 id: cord-203872-r3vb1m5p author: Baten, Raiyan Abdul title: Availability of demographic cues can negatively impact creativity in dynamic social networks date: 2020-07-12 words: 6683 flesch: 50 summary: Unfortunately, it is unclear from previous work how social networks might adapt to demographic cues when faced with creative ideation tasks. Homophily is a robust phenomenon in social networks, yet recent work shows that as diversity increases, people can paradoxically perceive social groups as more similar [46] . keywords: alters; cognitive; common; common alters; condition; control; counts; creative; creativity; cues; demographic; demographic cues; different; divergent; diversity; dynamics; effects; egos; features; formation; gender; groups; ideas; ideation; increase; inter; link; materials; methods; model; network; non; number; observed; outcomes; pairs; participants; peers; people; persistence; possible; presence; processing; race; redundant; research; round; semantic; sets; significant; similar; similarities; similarity; social; stimuli; study; t(38376; temporal; test; time; treatment; trial; use; vector; words cache: cord-203872-r3vb1m5p.txt plain text: cord-203872-r3vb1m5p.txt item: #59 of 113 id: cord-206872-t6lr3g1m author: Huang, Huawei title: A Survey of State-of-the-Art on Blockchains: Theories, Modelings, and Tools date: 2020-07-07 words: 13850 flesch: 47 summary: [15] compared and classified the existing scalability solutions in Manuscript submitted to ACM roles for the performance, security, healthy conditions of blockchain systems and blockchain networks. • We then present a comprehensive investigation on the state-of-the-art theoretical modelings, analytics models, performance measurements, and useful experiment tools for blockchains, blockchain networks, and blockchain systems. keywords: acm; activities; address; analysis; analytical; applications; approach; architecture; attacks; attention; authors; bft; bitcoin; blockchain; blockchain networks; blockchain systems; blocks; challenges; cloud; committee; computing; confirmation; consensus; consistency; consumption; contracts; critical; cross; cryptocurrency; cryptojacking; dag; data; decentralized; design; different; distributed; double; edge; efficiency; end; eosio; et al; ethereum; example; features; following; framework; future; game; gas; general; graph; hardware; high; iiot; impact; internet; interoperability; iot; issues; large; latencies; latency; learning; low; machine; major; manuscript; market; mechanism; metrics; miners; mining; model; modeling; money; monoxide; multiple; nakamoto; network; new; nodes; number; open; parameters; performance; permissioned; platform; pow; power; price; privacy; probability; processing; promising; proof; protocol; queueing; recent; related; reliability; research; resources; results; review; scalability; scalable; scale; score; section; secure; security; segment; sharding; shards; size; smart; solutions; spend; state; stochastic; storage; strategy; studies; study; survey; systematic; systems; techniques; technologies; technology; theoretical; theories; theory; things; throughput; time; token; tools; transactions; useful; users; vulnerability; zheng cache: cord-206872-t6lr3g1m.txt plain text: cord-206872-t6lr3g1m.txt item: #60 of 113 id: cord-218639-ewkche9r author: Ghavasieh, Arsham title: Multiscale statistical physics of the Human-SARS-CoV-2 interactome date: 2020-08-21 words: 3179 flesch: 39 summary: The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2 The genetic landscape of a cell Epidemiologic features and clinical course of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in singapore A trial of lopinavir-ritonavir in adults hospitalized with severe covid-19 Remdesivir, lopinavir, emetine, and homoharringtonine inhibit SARS-CoV-2 replication in vitro Network medicine: a network-based approach to human disease Focus on the emerging new fields of network physiology and network medicine Human symptoms-disease network Network medicine approaches to the genetics of complex diseases The human disease network The multiplex network of human diseases Network medicine in the age of biomedical big data A SARS-CoV-2 protein interaction map reveals targets for drug repurposing Structural genomics and interactomics of 2019 wuhan novel coronavirus, 2019-ncov, indicate evolutionary conserved functional regions of viral proteins Structural analysis of sars-cov-2 and prediction of the human interactome Fractional diffusion on the human proteome as an alternative to the multi-organ damage of SARS-CoV-2 Network medicine framework for identifying drug repurposing opportunities for covid-19 Predicting potential drug targets and repurposable drugs for covid-19 via a deep generative model for graphs Network robustness and fragility: Percolation on random graphs Introduction to Percolation Theory Error and attack tolerance of complex networks Breakdown of the internet under intentional attack Identification of functional modules in a ppi network by clique percolation clustering Identifying protein complexes from interaction networks based on clique percolation and distance restriction Percolation of annotation errors through hierarchically structured protein sequence databases Infinite-order percolation and giant fluctuations in a protein interaction network Computational Analysis Of Biochemical Systems A Practical Guide For Biochemists And Molecular Biologists Propagation of large concentration changes in reversible protein-binding networks An Introduction to Systems Biology Quantifying the connectivity of a network: The network correlation function method Universality in network dynamics The statistical physics of real-world networks Classical information theory of networks The von neumann entropy of networks Structural reducibility of multilayer networks Spectral entropies as information-theoretic tools for complex network comparison Complex networks from classical to quantum Enhancing transport properties in interconnected systems without altering their structure Scale-resolved analysis of brain functional connectivity networks with spectral entropy Unraveling the effects of multiscale network entanglement on disintegration of empirical systems Under revision String v11: protein-protein association networks with increased coverage, supporting functional discovery in genome-wide experimental datasets Biogrid: a general repository for interaction datasets The biogrid interaction database: 2019 update Gene help: integrated access to genes of genomes in the reference sequence collection Competing financial interests. We consider the virus-human protein-protein interactions (PPI) as an interdependent system with two parts, human PPI network targeted by viral proteins. keywords: analysis; bio; complex; correlation; cov-2; covid-19; data; degree; drug; dynamics; entropy; fig; function; host; human; impact; influenza; information; interaction; interactomes; massieu; medicine; network; neumann; nodes; number; percolation; perspective; perturbation; physics; ppi; processes; propagation; properties; protein; response; results; sars; scales; similarity; statistical; structure; system; viral; viruses; von cache: cord-218639-ewkche9r.txt plain text: cord-218639-ewkche9r.txt item: #61 of 113 id: cord-220116-6i7kg4mj author: Mukhamadiarov, Ruslan I. title: Social distancing and epidemic resurgence in agent-based Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered models date: 2020-06-03 words: 4754 flesch: 37 summary: In this study, we implemented social distancing control measures for simple stochastic SIR epidemic models on regular square lattices with diffusive spreading, two-dimensional Newman-Watts small-world networks that include highly infective long-distance connections, and static contact networks, either with random connectivity or scale-free topology. For each setup, we investigated epidemic outbreaks with model parameters informed by the known COVID-19 data (4). keywords: architectures; carlo; connected; connectivity; contact; control; covid-19; data; dimensional; disease; distance; distancing; duration; epidemic; equations; field; figure; fraction; free; individuals; infected; infection; lattice; links; long; mean; measures; mitigation; model; monte; network; nodes; non; number; outbreak; peak; population; probability; random; rate; recovered; regular; resurgence; scale; set; simulation; sir; site; small; social; spatial; spreading; state; static; stochastic; susceptible; threshold; time; total; world; ‫ܫ‬ሺ‫ݐ‬ሻ cache: cord-220116-6i7kg4mj.txt plain text: cord-220116-6i7kg4mj.txt item: #62 of 113 id: cord-225177-f7i0sbwt author: Pastor-Escuredo, David title: Characterizing information leaders in Twitter during COVID-19 crisis date: 2020-05-14 words: 2437 flesch: 46 summary: Infodemics are frequent specially in social networks that are distributed systems of information generation and spreading. Social network analysis as a pioneering tool to investigate shared leadership within sports teams Discovering leaders from community actions Analyzing World Leaders Interactions on Social Media We would like to thank the Center of Innovation and Technology for Development at Technical University Madrid for support and valuable input, specially to Xose Ramil, Sara Romero and Mónica del Moral. keywords: analysis; betweenness; centrality; connected; content; crisis; current; different; distribution; dynamics; edges; fake; flow; graph; high; infodemic; information; key; leaders; media; metrics; misinformation; network; news; nodes; pandemic; relevance; relevant; social; terms; twitter; users cache: cord-225177-f7i0sbwt.txt plain text: cord-225177-f7i0sbwt.txt item: #63 of 113 id: cord-230294-bjy2ixcj author: Stella, Massimo title: #lockdown: network-enhanced emotional profiling at the times of COVID-19 date: 2020-05-09 words: 9926 flesch: 40 summary: In addition to hashtag networks, we also build word networks obtained from a collection of tweets containing any combination of the focal hashtags #iorestocasa or #sciacalli and #coronavirus. Then, we inter-relate hashtag networks with word networks. keywords: affect; analysis; anger; approach; arousal; behaviour; centrality; circumplex; closeness; cognitive; complex; concepts; contagion; content; coronavirus; covid-19; current; data; denounce; different; discourse; distance; emotional; emotional profiles; emotions; english; entropy; events; evidence; expectation; fear; figure; framework; future; general; graph; hashtag networks; hashtags; health; higher; important; information; intensity; iorestoacasa; italian; italylockdown; knowledge; language; layer; lexicon; links; lower; meaning; measure; media; mental; mercurial; methods; model; multi; negative; networks; nodes; nrc; number; occurrence; occurrence networks; occurring; online; order; pandemic; people; perception; political; positive; previous; profiles; profiling; prominent; random; range; research; results; sadness; sciacalli; science; section; sentiment; social; specific; states; stem; structure; study; topic; trust; tweets; twitter; users; valence; word networks; words cache: cord-230294-bjy2ixcj.txt plain text: cord-230294-bjy2ixcj.txt item: #64 of 113 id: cord-234918-puunbcio author: Shalu, Hrithwik title: A Data-Efficient Deep Learning Based Smartphone Application For Detection Of Pulmonary Diseases Using Chest X-rays date: 2020-08-19 words: 4877 flesch: 43 summary: Using a convolutional architecture, we can achieve reliable results that exceed those of other deep learning models with near state-of-the-art performance on one-shot classification tasks. The authors chose AlexNet, GoogLeNet, Squeeznet, and Resnet18 are selected as deep transfer learning models. keywords: accuracy; adversarial; application; architecture; attention; augmentation; authors; available; case; chest; chest x; class; classes; classification; cnn; convolutional; covid-19; dagan; data; dataset; deep; deep learning; detection; diagnosis; disease; efficient; energy; features; function; generative; healthcare; images; imaging; issues; large; latent; learning; learning model; live; machine; medical; method; model; network; neural; neural network; patients; performance; pneumonia; problem; ray; rays; real; representation; scenario; sensitivity; shot; siamese; smartphone; standard; state; task; testing; time; training; transfer; vector cache: cord-234918-puunbcio.txt plain text: cord-234918-puunbcio.txt item: #65 of 113 id: cord-241057-cq20z1jt author: Han, Jungmin title: Statistical Physics of Epidemic on Network Predictions for SARS-CoV-2 Parameters date: 2020-07-06 words: 3016 flesch: 45 summary: Early deaths are sporadic and discrete so the use of network models of epidemic spread is imperative, with the network itself a crucial random variable. These characteristics imply that simulating the epidemic must be done in the context of network models with discrete dynamics for infection spread and death. keywords: age; analysis; bayesian; characteristics; connectivity; contact; data; death; dependence; distribution; epidemic; expectation; figure; fraction; infected; infection; lattice; location; median; model; modeling; network; node; number; pandemic; parameter; population; posterior; problem; random; rate; sars; simulations; social; specific; table; time cache: cord-241057-cq20z1jt.txt plain text: cord-241057-cq20z1jt.txt item: #66 of 113 id: cord-253711-a0prku2k author: Mao, Liang title: Coupling infectious diseases, human preventive behavior, and networks – A conceptual framework for epidemic modeling date: 2011-11-26 words: 5875 flesch: 33 summary: The simulation outcomes suggest that the transmission probability of a disease and the structure of infection network have profound effects on the dynamics of coupled-diffusion. Infectious diseases often spread through direct or indirect human contacts, which form infection networks. keywords: adopters; adoption; antiviral; approach; article; average; behavior; characteristics; communication; conceptual; contacts; day; diffusion; disease; drugs; early; effects; epidemic; fig; framework; health; human; individuals; infected; infection; infection network; influence; influenza; interactions; links; model; modeling; networks; new; nodes; number; period; personal; population; pressure; preventive; preventive behavior; probability; process; processes; research; risk; scale; second; simulation; small; social; status; structure; susceptible; threshold; time; transmission; values; world cache: cord-253711-a0prku2k.txt plain text: cord-253711-a0prku2k.txt item: #67 of 113 id: cord-256707-kllv27bl author: Zhang, Jun title: Evolution of Chinese airport network date: 2010-09-15 words: 2527 flesch: 66 summary: In the past few years, some interesting research has been reported studying airport networks from the point of view of network theory. In summary, we investigate the evolution of Chinese airport network (CAN), including the topology, the traffic and the interplay between them. keywords: acad; airlines; airport; aviation; ban; cargo; cargoes; chinese; clustering; complex; correlation; degree; development; different; distribution; evolution; fig; flights; industry; model; natl; network; p(k; passenger; proc; theory; topology; traffic; world; year cache: cord-256707-kllv27bl.txt plain text: cord-256707-kllv27bl.txt item: #68 of 113 id: cord-256713-tlluxd11 author: Welch, David title: Is Network Clustering Detectable in Transmission Trees? date: 2011-06-03 words: 5843 flesch: 52 summary: The implications of network structure for epidemic dynamics Percolation and Epidemic Thresholds in Clustered Networks Spread of infectious disease through clustered populations Percolation and epidemics in random clustered networks The impact of network clustering and assortativity on epidemic behaviour. There is no suggestion that these results will apply to clustered networks outside of this specific type of network or that they apply when degree distributions are held constant. keywords: assortativity; bernoulli; clustering; coefficient; contact; data; degree; different; disease; distribution; dynamics; edges; effect; epidemic; example; expected; graphs; high; individual; infected; infection; law; levels; low; mean; model; networks; nodes; number; outbreak; particular; population; power; probability; random; range; results; sequence; similar; simulate; simulations; size; social; spread; statistical; stochastic; structure; time; transmission; tree cache: cord-256713-tlluxd11.txt plain text: cord-256713-tlluxd11.txt item: #69 of 113 id: cord-259634-ays40jlz author: Marcelino, Jose title: Critical paths in a metapopulation model of H1N1: Efficiently delaying influenza spreading through flight cancellation date: 2012-05-15 words: 4227 flesch: 46 summary: Scale-free properties of airline networks are of interest in relation to the error and attack tolerance of these networks [5] [15] . Network measures were implemented in custom MATLAB (R2008b, MathWorks, Inc., Natick, USA) code. keywords: airline; airports; centrality; cities; city; coefficient; community; complex; connected; connections; control; critical; different; disease; edge; epidemic; fig; flight; free; global; hubs; individuals; infected; influenza; jaccard; measures; mexico; model; network; nodes; number; original; passengers; population; removal; removed; results; rewired; scale; set; simulations; spreading; starting; strategies; strategy; structure; study; traffic; travel; world; worldwide cache: cord-259634-ays40jlz.txt plain text: cord-259634-ays40jlz.txt item: #70 of 113 id: cord-262100-z6uv32a0 author: Wang, Yuanyuan title: Changes in network centrality of psychopathology symptoms between the COVID-19 outbreak and after peak date: 2020-09-14 words: 5427 flesch: 44 summary: Using the cutoff score of 5 (at least experiencing mild depression and anxiety symptoms), after the peak stage, 42.94% of the participants showed depression symptoms, which is significantly higher (χ 2 = 24.29, p < 0.001) than that in outbreak stage (36.14%). During the outbreak and after peak, the occurrence of either impaired motor skills with depression symptoms or restlessness with anxiety symptoms could increase the risk of activation for other mental disorders. keywords: activities; analysis; anxiety; anxiety symptoms; betweenness; bridge; bridge symptoms; centrality; changes; chinese; connections; covid-19; current; decreased; depression; differences; different; disorders; edge; general; global; health; high; impaired; inability; lockdown; measures; mental; mental health; motor; network; network analysis; nodes; occurrence; outbreak; outbreak stage; pandemic; participants; patients; peak; peak stage; people; physical; population; previous; problems; properties; psychological; psychomotor; psychopathology; restlessness; results; skills; social; stage; strength; stress; studies; study; symptoms; weights cache: cord-262100-z6uv32a0.txt plain text: cord-262100-z6uv32a0.txt item: #71 of 113 id: cord-266771-zesp6q0w author: Pablo-Martí, Federico title: Complex networks to understand the past: the case of roads in Bourbon Spain date: 2020-10-06 words: 20772 flesch: 46 summary: On the other hand, the long time required for the development of road networks can generate permanent differential effects on the development of regions even if the final design is territorially neutral. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt an approach of 'path as process,' in which the development of road networks must be understood as a continuous process of generation and destruction of optimal trajectories for the agents which produce a transformation of the existing socioeconomic structures and regional development trajectories (Garud and Karnøe 2001; Martin and Sunley 2006) . keywords: 1984a; accessibility; account; activity; advantages; analysis; anonymous; approach; areas; assessment; authors; available; average; axes; axis; barcelona; beginning; bel; benefit; bourbon; caminos; case; castile; center; centrality; centuries; century; century road; changes; cities; clear; coastal; communications; connections; connectivity; construction; costs; criteria; data; de españa; de la; de los; decision; decree; del; dependence; design; detailed; development; differences; different; direct; distance; distribution; division; economic; effects; eighteenth; eighteenth century; errors; españa; et al; et de; european; evidence; evolution; extent; fact; fig; figure; flows; france; general; general de; gis; greater; green; grimaldo; growth; half; hand; high; historical; history; homogeneous; hypothesis; iii; important; important roads; improved; improvements; increase; index; information; infrastructure; interest; investments; issue; itineraries; lack; land; large; las; les; level; local; location; long; los; lópez; madrazo; madrazo madrazo; madrid; main; main roads; major; making; map; maps; market; martínez; means; methodology; military; mobility; model; national; network analysis; network design; networks; new; new roads; nineteenth; nodes; non; north; number; obras; ones; optimal; panel; para; path; paved roads; peninsula; people; period; periphery; perspective; point; policy; political; population; portugal; position; positive; possible; post; post roads; postal; potential; power; preexisting; problems; process; processes; provinces; public; quality; quantitative; radial; radial network; radial roads; radial structure; reality; red; reduced; reference; regional; regions; regulation; relative; relevance; relevant; research; rest; results; road maps; road network; road structure; roads; roman; routes; royal; sanson; second; sections; siglo; similar; situation; sixteenth; size; social; sources; spain; spanish; spanish road; spatial; straight; structure; study; succession; system; table; terms; territorial; territory; time; towns; trade; traffic; transport; transport costs; transport network; transversal; travel; use; valk; variations; view; villages; voting; war; way; years cache: cord-266771-zesp6q0w.txt plain text: cord-266771-zesp6q0w.txt item: #72 of 113 id: cord-269711-tw5armh8 author: Ma, Junling title: The importance of contact network topology for the success of vaccination strategies date: 2013-05-21 words: 7039 flesch: 53 summary: The last network considered is what we term a meta-random network where random networks of various sizes are connected with a small number of interlinks. Considering that a metarandom network is a random network of random networks, it is likely that the meta-random network represents a general population better than a random network. keywords: available; case; contact; curves; degree; delay; different; disease; doses; dynamics; effect; epidemic; example; fig; final; free; growth; incidence; infectious; initial; links; meta; models; neighbors; network; network topologies; new; nodes; number; parameters; population; probability; random; random network; randomly; rate; scale; size; small; spread; step; strategies; strategy; susceptible; susceptible nodes; table; time; topologies; topology; transmission; unit; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccination strategies; world cache: cord-269711-tw5armh8.txt plain text: cord-269711-tw5armh8.txt item: #73 of 113 id: cord-273941-gu6nnv9d author: Chandran, Uma title: Chapter 5 Network Pharmacology date: 2017-12-31 words: 10268 flesch: 30 summary: Molecular dockingÀbased NEP can be a useful tool to computationally elucidate the combinatorial effects of traditional medicine to intervene disease networks (Gu et al., 2013c ). Disease and Gene Annotation (DGA), a database that provides a comprehensive and integrative annotation of human genes in disease networks, is useful in identifying the disease type that each indication belongs to (Peng et al., 2013) . keywords: 2014a; acid; action; activity; acyl; addition; analysis; antibacterial; antimicrobial; application; approach; associated; available; ayurveda; ayurvedic; basis; beta; binding; bioactives; biological; biology; blood; botanicals; cancer; cardiovascular; carrier; cells; chaihu; chemical; chinese; clinical; cold; colitis; combination; complex; compounds; computational; concept; current; data; database; decoction; design; development; different; discovery; disease; drug; drug discovery; effective; effects; efficacy; et al; experimental; expression; factor; falciparum; fig; formulae; formulation; gallate; gene; growth; help; herbal; herbs; hopkins; hot; human; identification; important; information; ingredients; insight; integration; interactions; key; knowledge; literature; major; mechanism; medicinal; medicine; metabolic; method; microarray; mining; model; modulation; molecular; molecules; multicomponent; multiple; natural; nep; network; network analysis; network pharmacology; new; nodes; novel; paradigm; pathway; pharmacological; pharmacology; plasmodium; polypharmacology; potential; process; products; properties; property; protein; quercetin; reductase; related; research; researchers; role; significant; silico; single; small; space; specific; studies; study; syndrome; synergistic; systems; targeting; targets; tcm; theory; therapeutic; time; tool; traditional; traditional medicine; treatment; triphala; type; understanding; useful; validation; virus; vivo; way; zheng cache: cord-273941-gu6nnv9d.txt plain text: cord-273941-gu6nnv9d.txt item: #74 of 113 id: cord-276178-0hrs1w7r author: Bangotra, Deep Kumar title: An Intelligent Opportunistic Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks and Its Application Towards e-Healthcare date: 2020-07-13 words: 9222 flesch: 56 summary: The constraint of energy in sensor nodes has affected the transmission of data from one node to another and therefore, requires boundless methods, policies, and strategies to overcome this challenge [7] . The constraint of energy in sensor nodes has affected the transmission of data from one node to another and therefore, requires boundless methods, policies, and strategies to overcome this challenge [7] . keywords: algorithm; area; base; better; cloud; communication; computing; consumption; data; data packet; destination; different; distance; eeor; efficiency; end; energy; energy consumption; energy efficiency; figure; forwarder; forwarder node; healthcare; hop; integration; iot; lifetime; list; mdor; network; node; node selection; number; opportunistic; opportunistic routing; packet; potential; power; probability; protocol; relay; relay node; reliability; results; round; routing; routing protocol; selection; sensor; sensor networks; sensor nodes; simulation; source; source node; station; throughput; transmission; wireless; wireless sensor; wsn cache: cord-276178-0hrs1w7r.txt plain text: cord-276178-0hrs1w7r.txt item: #75 of 113 id: cord-280648-1dpsggwx author: Gillen, David title: Regulation, competition and network evolution in aviation date: 2005-05-31 words: 9339 flesch: 54 summary: (2000) explore the optimality of airline networks using linear marginal cost functions and linear, symmetric demand functions; MC ¼ 1 Ã� bQ and P ¼ a Ã� Q=2 where b is a returns to density parameter and a is a measure of market size. Airports as modern businesses will have a more active role in shaping airline networks in the future. keywords: advantages; aircraft; airlines; airport; american; argument; australia; aviation; business; business model; canada; capacity; carriers; changes; choice; competition; complex; complexity; consumers; core; cost; decisions; demand; density; deregulation; design; direct; economies; entry; environment; europe; evolution; example; exit; factors; fare; feed; firms; fleet; flights; focus; fsas; high; higher; hub; important; industry; internet; key; large; like; limited; linear; link; low; lower; management; market; model; network; network structure; new; nodes; particular; passengers; point; point network; predatory; price; pricing; process; product; profits; result; revenue; routes; ryanair; savings; service; simple; size; southwest; spoke; strategies; strategy; structure; system; threat; time; traffic; travel; travellers; use; value; vbas; westjet; yield cache: cord-280648-1dpsggwx.txt plain text: cord-280648-1dpsggwx.txt item: #76 of 113 id: cord-282035-jibmg4ch author: Dunbar, R. I. M. title: Structure and function in human and primate social networks: implications for diffusion, network stability and health date: 2020-08-26 words: 11521 flesch: 44 summary: Phil The brain structural disposition to social interaction Amygdala volume and social network size in humans Intrinsic amygdala-cortical functional connectivity predicts social network size in humans Ventromedial prefrontal volume predicts understanding of others and social network size 2012 Orbital prefrontal cortex volume predicts social network size: an imaging study of individual differences in humans Online social network size is reflected in human brain structure Neural connections foster social connections: a diffusion-weighted imaging study of social networks Social brain volume is associated with in-degree social network size among older adults The structural and functional brain networks that support human social networks Gray matter volume of the anterior insular cortex and social networking 2020 10,000 social brains: sex differentiation in human brain anatomy Social network size affects neural circuits in macaques In press. Organizational complexity and demographic scale in primary states Organizational structure and scalar stress Primate social group sizes exhibit a regular scaling pattern with natural attractors Network scaling reveals consistent fractal pattern in hierarchical mammalian societies Neocortex size and social network size in primates Stepwise evolution of stable sociality in primates Discrete hierarchical organization of social group sizes 2020 keywords: activity; agents; alters; analysis; available; baboons; behaviour; benefits; birds; bonding; bonds; brain; breakdown; capacity; casual; close; cognitive; communication; communities; community; consequences; constraint; contact; costs; cultural; data; different; diffusion; disease; distribution; dunbar; dynamics; effect; ego; emotional; endorphin; evidence; evolution; evolutionary; external; face; fact; family; fertility; figure; fitness; flow; fragmentation; frequency; friends; friendships; function; grooming; group; group size; high; human; human social; important; individuals; information; inner; interaction; internal; investment; kind; kinship; large; layer; layered; level; likelihood; likely; local; lower; mammals; management; mean; members; models; monkeys; natural; network size; network structure; networks; neural; new; nodes; number; online; patterns; people; personal; personality; physical; population; primates; problem; process; quality; range; rates; relationships; result; risk; scale; scaling; second; sense; sex; size; small; smaller; social; social networks; societies; spatial; species; stable; strategies; strong; structure; study; support; synchrony; system; threats; ties; time; transmission; trust; value; volume; way; women; world cache: cord-282035-jibmg4ch.txt plain text: cord-282035-jibmg4ch.txt item: #77 of 113 id: cord-283793-ab1msb2m author: Chanchan, Li title: Modeling and analysis of epidemic spreading on community network with node's birth and death date: 2016-10-31 words: 2812 flesch: 53 summary: Abstract In this paper, a modified susceptible infected susceptible (SIS) epidemic model is proposed on community structure networks considering birth and death of node. A lot of researchers focus on the study of epidemic spreading on community structure networks. keywords: birth; coefficient; community; community structure; death; different; disease; edge; epidemic; fig; free; homogeneous; increase; individuals; infected; infectious; model; modularity; networks; nodes; number; parameters; rate; scale; sis; size; spread; structure; susceptible; threshold; time cache: cord-283793-ab1msb2m.txt plain text: cord-283793-ab1msb2m.txt item: #78 of 113 id: cord-285522-3gv6469y author: Bello-Orgaz, Gema title: Social big data: Recent achievements and new challenges date: 2015-08-28 words: 13157 flesch: 45 summary: key: cord-285522-3gv6469y authors: Bello-Orgaz, Gema; Jung, Jason J.; Camacho, David title: Social big data: In this paper, we assume that social big data comes from joining the efforts of the two previous domains: social media and big data. keywords: algorithms; analysis; analytics; apache; applications; approach; areas; authors; basic; better; big; big data; business; challenges; classification; clustering; clusters; communities; community; computation; computing; concept; context; crime; data; data analysis; data mining; datasets; decision; detection; different; diffusion; disease; distributed; distribution; document; domains; dynamics; efficient; events; experiences; extraction; facebook; features; file; framework; fraudulent; google; graph; hadoop; hdfs; health; hierarchical; high; implementations; important; information; input; intelligence; interesting; issues; key; knowledge; language; large; learning; machine; main; management; mapping; mapreduce; marketing; matrix; media; media data; methodologies; methods; mining; mllib; model; modularity; multiple; need; networks; new; nodes; number; online; open; order; outbreaks; output; paradigm; parallel; patterns; performance; popular; potential; pregel; previous; privacy; problem; processes; processing; processor; programming; public; real; regression; related; relationships; relevant; representation; research; results; run; scale; section; semantic; services; set; shows; social; social big; social data; social media; social networks; software; sources; spark; spectral; storage; streaming; structure; study; surveillance; system; table; techniques; technologies; terms; text; time; tools; topics; traditional; tweets; twitter; useful; users; value; vertex; vertices; visualisation; web cache: cord-285522-3gv6469y.txt plain text: cord-285522-3gv6469y.txt item: #79 of 113 id: cord-285647-9tegcrc3 author: Estrada, Ernesto title: Fractional diffusion on the human proteome as an alternative to the multi-organ damage of SARS-CoV-2 date: 2020-08-17 words: 9192 flesch: 50 summary: Proteins mainly expressed outside the lungs are significantly perturbed during diffusive processes that have started at other proteins expressed in the lungs. A first step in understanding SARS pathogenesis A SARS-CoV-2-human protein-protein interaction map reveals drug targets and potential drug-repurposing Network medicine framework for identifying drug repurposing opportunities for COVID-19 Specificity and stability in topology of protein networks Perturbation waves in proteins and protein networks: Applications of percolation and game theories in signaling and drug design Predicting perturbation patterns from the topology of biological networks Modeling and simulating networks of interdependent protein interactions Network medicine: A networkbased approach to human disease Protein interaction networks in medicine and disease Human diseases through the lens of network biology Stochastic model of protein-protein interaction: Why signaling proteins need to be colocalized Accounting for conformational changes during protein-protein docking Inferring novel tumor suppressor genes with a protein-protein interaction network and network diffusion algorithms Information flow in interaction networks Sampling the cell with anomalous diffusion-The discovery of slowness Understanding biochemical processes in the presence of sub-diffusive behavior of biomolecules in solution and living cells Protein motion in the nucleus: From anomalous diffusion to weak interactions Random diffusivity from stochastic equations: Comparison of two models of Brownian yet non-Gaussian diffusion Anomalous protein diffusion in living cells as seen by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy Anomalous subdiffusion is a measure for cytoplasmic crowding in living cell Elucidating the origin of anomalous diffusion in crowded fluids In a mirror dimly: Tracing the movements of molecules in living cells Protein entrapment in polymeric mesh: Diffusion in crowded environment with fast process on short scales From continuous time random walks to fractional Fokker-Planck equation A mathematical analysis of obstructed diffusion within skeletal muscle Fractional Calculus and Waves in Linear Viscoelasticity. keywords: ace2; activators; anomalous; approach; average; case; cells; cellular; connected; coronavirus; corresponding; cov-2; covid-19; crowded; current; damage; degree; diffusion; disease; distance; dynamics; environment; equation; et al; expression; faster; fig; fractional; fractional diffusion; function; graph; heart; human; human proteins; initial; instance; interaction; kidney; laplacian; like; lungs; main; material; matrix; model; multi; muscle; network; nodes; normal; number; ones; operators; order; organs; pairs; paths; patients; perturbation; ppi; ppi network; probability; process; processes; propagation; proteins; qiu; rate; sars; shock; shortest; small; space; starting; state; steady; subdiffusive; subdiffusive process; supplementary; table; testis; time; tissues; topological; use; way cache: cord-285647-9tegcrc3.txt plain text: cord-285647-9tegcrc3.txt item: #80 of 113 id: cord-285872-rnayrws3 author: Elgendi, Mohamed title: The Performance of Deep Neural Networks in Differentiating Chest X-Rays of COVID-19 Patients From Other Bacterial and Viral Pneumonias date: 2020-08-18 words: 3456 flesch: 46 summary: We utilize an existing diagnostic technology (chest radiography) and preexisting neural networks (DarkNet-19) to detect imaging features of COVID-19 pneumonia. Our study aims to determine the optimal learning method, by investigating different types of pre-trained networks on a balanced dataset, for COVID-19 testing. keywords: accuracy; algorithms; available; balanced; chest; clinical; convolutional; coronahack; covid-19; darknet-19; dataset; deep; detection; different; disease; features; gap; healthy; images; inception; layer; learning; model; networks; neural; number; optimal; patients; pcr; performance; pneumonia; positive; pre; radiographs; ray; results; size; specificity; studies; study; table; test; testing; time; training; validation cache: cord-285872-rnayrws3.txt plain text: cord-285872-rnayrws3.txt item: #81 of 113 id: cord-288024-1mw0k5yu author: Wang, Wei title: Entrepreneurial entry: The role of social media date: 2020-09-29 words: 8521 flesch: 34 summary: The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: conceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations Beyond social capital: the role of entrepreneurs' social competence in their financial success Necessity and opportunity entrepreneurs: survival factors Social media and innovation: a systematic literature review and future research directions Entrepreneurial behavior: its nature, scope, recent research, and agenda for future research From friendfunding to crowdfunding: relevance of relationships, social media, and platform activities to crowdfunding performance What the numbers tell: the impact of human, family and financial capital on women and men's entry into entrepreneurship in Turkey Networking, entrepreneurship and microbusiness behaviour The joint moderating role of trust propensity and gender on consumers' online shopping behavior How to enhance SMEs customer involvement using social media: the role of Social CRM Characters' persuasion effects in advergaming: role of brand trust, product involvement, and trust propensity The role of social and human capital among nascent entrepreneurs How and when social media affects innovation in start-ups. We further posit the relationship between social media use and entrepreneurial entry depends on individuals’ trust propensity based on the nature of social media as weak ties. keywords: ability; alternative; analysis; associates; barnett; behavior; business; capital; change; china; communication; context; effect; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurial entry; entrepreneurship; entry; et al; example; family; findings; firms; friends; geographical; higher; higher social; impact; important; individuals; influence; information; instrumental; interaction; internet; journal; knowledge; larger; launch; level; likely; limited; literature; low; management; media; media use; model; network; networking; new; offline; offline social; online; opportunity; people; platforms; process; propensity; relationships; research; resources; results; role; sample; scholars; significant; social; social capital; social media; social network; stage; strong; study; support; survey; table; technological; theory; ties; trust; trust propensity; use; users; variables; ventures; wang; weak; world cache: cord-288024-1mw0k5yu.txt plain text: cord-288024-1mw0k5yu.txt item: #82 of 113 id: cord-288342-i37v602u author: Wang, Zhen title: Coupled disease–behavior dynamics on complex networks: A review date: 2015-07-08 words: 15811 flesch: 34 summary: Behavior changes in SIS STD models with selective mixing Infection-age structured epidemic models with behavior change or treatment Coupled contagion dynamics of fear and disease: mathematical and computational explorations On the existence of a threshold for preventive behavioral responses to suppress epidemic spreading Towards a characterization of behavior-disease models The impact of information transmission on epidemic outbreaks Modeling and analysis of effects of awareness programs by media on the spread of infectious diseases Coevolution of pathogens and cultural practices: a new look at behavioral heterogeneity in epidemics Spontaneous behavioural changes in response to epidemics Risk perception and effectiveness of uncoordinated behavioral responses in an emerging epidemic A generalization of the Kermack-McKendrick deterministic model The spread of awareness and its impact on epidemic outbreaks Social contact networks and disease eradicability under voluntary vaccination The impact of awareness on epidemic spreading in networks Suppression of epidemic spreading in complex networks by local information based behavioral responses Epidemic spreading with information-driven vaccination Intermittent social distancing strategy for epidemic control Peer pressure is a double-edged sword in vaccination dynamics Imitation dynamics of vaccination behaviour on social networks Insight into the so-called spatial reciprocity Impact of committed individuals on vaccination behavior Wisdom of groups promotes cooperation in evolutionary social dilemmas Braess's paradox in epidemic game: better condition results in less payoff Price of anarchy in transportation networks: efficiency and optimality control Effects of behavioral response and vaccination policy on epidemic spreading-an approach based on evolutionary-game dynamics Modeling the interplay between human behavior and the spread of infectious diseases The impact of imitation on vaccination behavior in social contact networks A computational approach to characterizing the impact of social influence on individuals' vaccination decision making Risk assessment for infectious disease and its impact on voluntary vaccination behavior in social networks Vaccination and public trust: a model for the dissemination of vaccination behavior with external intervention Assessing vaccination sentiments with online social media: implications for infectious disease dynamics and control Erratic flu vaccination emerges from short-sighted behavior in contact networks The dynamics of risk perceptions and precautionary behavior in response to 2009 (H1N1) pandemic influenza Optimal interdependence between networks for the evolution of cooperation Social factors in epidemiology Catastrophic cascade of failures in interdependent networks Globally networked risks and how to respond Eigenvector centrality of nodes in multiplex networks Synchronization of interconnected networks: the role of connector nodes Epidemic spreading on interconnected networks Effects of interconnections on epidemics in network of networks The robustness and restoration of a network of ecological networks Diffusion dynamics on multiplex networks Dynamical interplay between awareness and epidemic spreading in multiplex networks Competing spreading processes on multiplex networks: awareness and epidemics Two-stage effects of awareness cascade on epidemic spreading in multiplex networks Effects of awareness diffusion and self-initiated awareness behavior on epidemic spreading-an approach based on multiplex networks Spontaneous behavioural changes in response to epidemics Coupling infectious diseases, human preventive behavior, and networks-a conceptual framework for epidemic modeling Modeling triple-diffusions of infectious diseases, information, and preventive behaviors through a metropolitan social networkan agent-based simulation Influence of breaking the symmetry between disease transmission and information propagation networks on stepwise decisions concerning vaccination Asymmetrically interacting spreading dynamics on complex layered networks Modelling the influence of human behaviour on the spread of infectious diseases: a review Adaptive coevolutionary networks: a review Exact solution for the time evolution of network rewiring models Epidemic reemergence in adaptive complex networks Temporal networks: slowing down diffusion by long lasting interactions Epidemic dynamics on an adaptive network Robust oscillations in sis epidemics on adaptive networks: coarse graining by automated moment closure Fluctuating epidemics on adaptive networks Adaptive networks: coevolution of disease and topology Infection spreading in a population with evolving contacts Contact switching as a control strategy for epidemic outbreaks Susceptible-infected-recovered epidemics in dynamic contact networks Absence of epidemic thresholds in a growing adaptive network Epidemic spreading in evolving networks Enhanced vaccine control of epidemics in adaptive networks Efficient community-based control strategies in adaptive networks Evolutionary dynamics of time-resolved social interactions Random walks on temporal networks Outcome inelasticity and outcome variability in behavior-incidence models: an example from an SIR infection on a dynamic network Exploiting temporal network structures of human interaction to effectively immunize populations Pastor-Satorras R. Immunization strategies for epidemic processes in time-varying contact networks The effect of opinion clustering on disease outbreaks Network theory and SARS: predicting outbreak diversity Positive network assortativity of influenza vaccination at a high school: implications for outbreak risk and herd immunity An ongoing multi-state outbreak of measles linked to non-immune anthroposophic communities in Austria Measles outbreak in Switzerland-an update relevant for the European football championship Dynamics and control of diseases in networks with community structure Spreading of sexually transmitted diseases in heterosexual populations Particle swarm optimization with scale-free interactions Modelling dynamical processes in complex socio-technical systems Modelling disease outbreaks in realistic urban social networks Complex social contagion makes networks more vulnerable to disease outbreaks Traffic-driven epidemic spreading in finite-size scale-free networks Impact of rotavirus vaccination on epidemiological dynamics in England and Wales Epidemiological effects of seasonal oscillations in birth rates Dynamic modeling of vaccinating behavior as a function of individual beliefs Social contacts and mixing patterns relevant to the spread of infectious diseases Location-specific patterns of exposure to recent pre-pandemic strains of influenza a in Southern China Social contacts and the locations in which they occur as risk factors for influenza infection The social brain hypothesis Modeling users' activity on Twitter networks: validation of Dunbar's number Reality mining: sensing complex social systems Inferring friendship network structure by using mobile phone data A high-resolution human contact network for infectious disease transmission Dynamics of person-to-person interactions from distributed RFID sensor networks What's in a crowd? Moreover, social contact networks also display small-world properties (i.e., short average path length between any two individuals and strong local clustering tendency), which cannot be well described by regular lattices or random graphs [23] . keywords: adaptive; agents; altruism; analysis; authors; awareness; behavior; behavior dynamics; cases; change; community; complex; complex networks; contact; contact networks; control; cost; coupled; coverage; data; decision; degree; different; diffusion; disease; disease dynamics; disease transmission; distancing; distribution; dynamical; dynamics; effects; empirical; epidemic; epidemic threshold; epidemiological; epidemiology; equilibrium; evolutionary; example; face; field; fig; figure; fraction; framework; free; game; hand; health; herd; heterogeneous; high; homogeneous; human; imitation; immunity; impact; increases; individuals; infected; infection; influence; influenza; information; interactions; interest; large; lattice; layer; level; local; long; low; making; mathematical; mean; measures; methods; mixed; mixing; modeling; models; multilayer; multiplex; natural; neighbors; networked; networks; new; nodes; number; outbreak; outcomes; pair; particular; patterns; peer; people; physics; policy; population; potential; pressure; prevalence; prevention; probability; process; processes; protective; public; random; rate; realistic; recent; ref; research; response; review; riding; risk; role; scale; section; self; set; similar; sir; size; small; social; social networks; spatial; spreading; state; statistical; strategies; strategy; structure; study; survey; susceptible; systems; temporal; theory; threshold; time; topology; transition; transmission; turn; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccination behavior; vaccine; value; world cache: cord-288342-i37v602u.txt plain text: cord-288342-i37v602u.txt item: #83 of 113 id: cord-290033-oaqqh21e author: Georgalakis, James title: A disconnected policy network: The UK's response to the Sierra Leone Ebola epidemic date: 2020-02-13 words: 7844 flesch: 44 summary: By analysing data pertaining to researchers' and policy professionals' participation in policy networks one can test assumptions around interdisciplinarity and identify powerful knowledge gatekeepers. It suggests that despite the increasing demand for interdisciplinarity, social science evidence is frequently contested and policy networks have a strong tendency to leave control over its production and use in the hands of others. keywords: accounts; actors; advice; africa; analysis; anthropologists; anthropology; approach; burial; care; case; centrality; clinicians; committee; communities; community; connected; connections; crisis; data; development; dfid; disease; ebola; ebola response; emergency; epidemic; epistemic; erap; et al; events; evidence; expertise; fig; global; government; group; health; home; impact; individuals; influence; interactions; international; key; knowledge; leach; learning; leone; level; martineau; medical; meeting; members; network; network analysis; nodes; number; officials; organisation; people; platform; policy; policy actors; policy network; political; practices; professionals; public; qualitative; reports; research; response; richards; right; role; sage; science; scientific; scientists; sierra; social; social network; social science; social scientists; studies; sub; theory; transmission; type; uk policy; understanding; university; use; west cache: cord-290033-oaqqh21e.txt plain text: cord-290033-oaqqh21e.txt item: #84 of 113 id: cord-295307-zrtixzgu author: Delgado-Chaves, Fernando M. title: Computational Analysis of the Global Effects of Ly6E in the Immune Response to Coronavirus Infection Using Gene Networks date: 2020-07-21 words: 10178 flesch: 46 summary: For this reason, the use of gene networks may well encourage therapy-associated research in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, orchestrating experimental scrutiny and reducing costs. Within this framework, gene networks (GN) have become an important tool in the modeling and analysis of biological processes from gene expression data [5] . keywords: ablation; activity; analyses; antiviral; approach; biological; cases; cell; cluster; clustering; comparison; control; coronavirus; cov-2; data; dataset; deg; degree; differences; different; differential; disease; distribution; engnet; enrichment; experimental; expression; expression networks; figure; gcns; gene; gene co; gene expression; gene networks; genetic; genotypes; hand; hepatitis; high; hubs; human; identification; immune; immune response; infected; infection; inference; information; innate; interest; interferon; key; knockout; level; like; liver; ly6e; main; measures; mentioned; methods; mhv; mice; modeling; murine; networks; nodes; number; order; organ; original; p.i; package; particular; pca; present; processes; progression; protein; q organ; q q; q sample; reconstructed; reconstruction; related; relationships; relevance; response; results; rna; role; samples; sars; section; seq; situation; spleen; string; study; terms; time; topological; type; type q; values; viral; virus; viruses; wise; wt samples; ∆hsc cache: cord-295307-zrtixzgu.txt plain text: cord-295307-zrtixzgu.txt item: #85 of 113 id: cord-303197-hpbh4o77 author: Humboldt-Dachroeden, Sarah title: The state of one health research across disciplines and sectors – a bibliometric analysis date: 2020-06-06 words: 2106 flesch: 37 summary: In 2010, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and the World Health Organization (WHO) engaged in a tripartite collaboration to ensure a multisectoral perspective to effectively manage and coordinate a One Health approach. Five of the six most productive researchers work in Europe and three of them are associated with the same institute, namely the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute (Zinsstag, Schelling and Bonfoh) (17) .There has been some cooperation across institutes and department as evidence by the coauthorships of Zinsstag and Häsler, Häsler and Rushton, Rushton and Zinsstag (e.g. (18) (19) (20) ). keywords: academic; analysis; animal; approaches; articles; authors; bibliometric; citation; clusters; disciplinary; disciplines; health; human; index; information; jaccard; journals; keywords; measures; medicine; network; number; occurrence; publications; research; science; similarity; social; veterinary; wos cache: cord-303197-hpbh4o77.txt plain text: cord-303197-hpbh4o77.txt item: #86 of 113 id: cord-306654-kal6ylkd author: Li, Yuhong title: Ripple Effect in the Supply Chain Network: Forward and Backward Disruption Propagation, Network Health and Firm Vulnerability date: 2020-10-10 words: 9375 flesch: 40 summary: A comprehensive understanding of supply chain disruption propagation and how it affects both individual firms and the whole supply chain can support various levels of decision-making in terms of resilience investment. Section 2 presents a review of the literature on supply chain disruption propagation. keywords: agent; analysis; approach; associated; backward; backward disruption; backward propagation; basole; bellamy; buyer; centrality; chain; chain disruption; chain network; complex; decision; degree; demand; different; diffusion; disrupted; disruption; disruption diffusion; disruption propagation; distinctive; distribution; dolgui; effect; ego; example; factors; figure; firm; focal; focal firm; following; forward; forward disruption; health; higher; impacts; individual; industry; influence; investment; ivanov; level; literature; management; managers; model; network; network health; network structure; node; node vulnerability; number; performance; practice; probability; propagation; random; rate; research; resilience; results; ripple; risk; scn; second; section; simulation; status; strategies; structure; studies; study; supplier; supply; supply chain; supply network; time; vulnerability cache: cord-306654-kal6ylkd.txt plain text: cord-306654-kal6ylkd.txt item: #87 of 113 id: cord-307735-6pf7fkvq author: Walkey, Allan J. title: The Viral Infection and Respiratory Illness Universal Study (VIRUS): An International Registry of Coronavirus 2019-Related Critical Illness date: 2020-04-29 words: 1858 flesch: 28 summary: The case report forms were adapted from the World Health Organization templates data collection forms (6), with edits to focus on an ICUspecific context. Strategies that worked to facilitate rapid progress included a strong social media presence, open communications and data harmonization with other research networks (e.g., National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Prevention and Early Treatment of Acute Lung Injury Network), responsive IRBs that identified the critical need for rapid approval of de-identified data collection in the setting of a pandemic, use of the established database infrastructure Research Electronic Data Capture (9) for construction of harmonized case report forms, as well as an academic-professional society partnership that facilitated rapid processing of data use agreements, and early set up of a central website for communication of study materials, frequently asked questions, and standard operating procedures. keywords: care; case; clinical; collection; coronavirus; coronavirus disease; covid-19; critical; data; database; discovery; disease; forms; illness; infection; information; intensive; international; medicine; network; pandemic; patients; rapid; registry; report; research; respiratory; response; sccm; society; study; support; time; universal; use; viral cache: cord-307735-6pf7fkvq.txt plain text: cord-307735-6pf7fkvq.txt item: #88 of 113 id: cord-308249-es948mux author: Dokuka, Sofia title: How academic achievement spreads: The role of distinct social networks in academic performance diffusion date: 2020-07-27 words: 5048 flesch: 44 summary: In this paper, we analyze the diffusion of academic performance across different types of student social networks. In this paper, we consider the transmission of academic performance within student social networks. keywords: academic; academic achievements; academic performance; achievements; actor; assistance; behavior; channels; coevolution; complex; connections; data; different; diffusion; distinct; educational; effect; ego; friendship; friendship network; gpa; grades; group; help; high; higher; individuals; influence; information; modeling; models; nature; networks; online; peers; performance; performance diffusion; positive; processes; relationships; results; role; saom; selection; significant; social; social networks; spread; students; studies; study; study assistance; ties; time; transmission; types; university; year cache: cord-308249-es948mux.txt plain text: cord-308249-es948mux.txt item: #89 of 113 id: cord-312817-gskbu0oh author: Witte, Carmel title: Spatiotemporal network structure among “friends of friends” reveals contagious disease process date: 2020-08-06 words: 5927 flesch: 40 summary: Our friends-of-friends network analysis suggests that avian mycobacteriosis can spread through bird social networks. We took care in assembling our network to ensure that the edge construction between subjects and friends adhered to general recommendations for disease networks [26, 46, 47] . keywords: analyses; associations; avian; avium; birds; clustering; complete; connected; contact; contagion; data; date; days; diego; different; disease; edges; enclosure; environment; example; experimental; exposure; fig; friends; incubation; indirect; infected; infection; influential; limited; long; months; mycobacteriosis; mycobacterium; network; observed; occurring; pathways; period; population; potential; present; probability; processes; relationships; reverse; risk; san; significant; social; source; spatial; species; status; studies; study; subject; subset; test; time; timing; transmission; unknown; years; zoo cache: cord-312817-gskbu0oh.txt plain text: cord-312817-gskbu0oh.txt item: #90 of 113 id: cord-314498-zwq67aph author: van Heck, Eric title: Smart business networks: Concepts and empirical evidence date: 2009-05-15 words: 1727 flesch: 42 summary: Therefore it is necessary to develop a profound understanding about the functioning of these types of business networks and its impact on networked decision making and decision support systems. We have organized in June 2006 the second SBNi Discovery Session that attracted both academics and executives to analyze and discover the smartness of business networks [1] . keywords: agents; business; business networks; deals; decision; different; empirical; evidence; horizon; impact; information; making; management; markets; network; networked; new; paper; pick; play; plug; processes; relationship; research; smart; specific; support; systems; traditional; van cache: cord-314498-zwq67aph.txt plain text: cord-314498-zwq67aph.txt item: #91 of 113 id: cord-317435-4yuw7jo3 author: Zhou, Yadi title: Network-based drug repurposing for novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV/SARS-CoV-2 date: 2020-03-16 words: 7795 flesch: 30 summary: Mesalamine induced eosinophilic pneumonia Translational high-dimensional drug interaction discovery and validation using health record databases and pharmacokinetics models MEGA X: molecular evolutionary genetics analysis across computing platforms Enrichr: a comprehensive gene set enrichment analysis web server 2016 update DrugBank 4.0: shedding new light on drug metabolism Therapeutic target database update 2016: enriched resource for bench to clinical drug target and targeted pathway information ChEMBL: a large-scale bioactivity database for drug discovery BindingDB: a webaccessible database of experimentally determined protein-ligand binding affinities The IUPHAR/BPS Guide to PHARMACOLOGY: an expertdriven knowledgebase of drug targets and their ligands UniProt: the Universal Protein knowledgebase Database resources of the National Center for Biotechnology Information Conformational dynamics and allosteric regulation landscapes of germline PTEN mutations associated with autism compared to those associated with cancer Expression profile of immune response genes in patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome Cell host response to infection with novel human coronavirus EMC predicts potential antivirals and important differences with SARS coronavirus SREBP-dependent lipidomic reprogramming as a broadspectrum antiviral target Discovery and preclinical validation of drug indications using compendia of public gene expression data This work was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Award Number K99 HL138272 and R00 HL138272 to F.C. In this study, we present an integrative, antiviral drug repurposing methodology implementing a systems pharmacology-based network medicine platform, quantifying the interplay between the HCoV–host interactome and drug targets in the human protein–protein interaction network. keywords: ace2; acute; analysis; angiotensin; antiviral; cancer; candidate; cell; cellular; clinical; combinations; comprehensive; coronavirus; cov-2; current; data; database; development; discovery; disease; drug; drug combinations; drug targets; ebola; effective; effects; enrichment; estrogen; experimental; exposure; expression; fda; fig; functional; gene; gsea; hcov; high; host; human; human interactome; identification; identity; infection; inflammatory; inhibitor; interactions; interactome; interactome network; jun; key; known; literature; melatonin; mercaptopurine; mers; methodology; methods; multiple; ncov; network; new; novel; number; pathways; patients; permutation; pneumonia; potential; ppis; proteins; proximity; recent; receptor; replication; repurposable; repurposing; respiratory; rna; role; sars; score; sequence; set; severe; signaling; sirolimus; specific; spike; structure; studies; study; subnetwork; supplementary; syndrome; systems; table; targets; therapeutic; toremifene; treatment; viral; virus cache: cord-317435-4yuw7jo3.txt plain text: cord-317435-4yuw7jo3.txt item: #92 of 113 id: cord-318716-a525bu7w author: van den Oord, Steven title: Network of networks: preliminary lessons from the Antwerp Port Authority on crisis management and network governance to deal with the COVID‐19 pandemic date: 2020-06-02 words: 7890 flesch: 49 summary: We use the findings on crisis management and network governance to engage practitioners and public policy planners to revisit current design and governance of organizational networks within organizational fields that have been hit by the COVID‐19 pandemic.  The network analysis revealed how the structure of Lead APA network developed during various phases of the crisis. keywords: actors; analysis; antwerp; antwerp port; apa; apa network; article; authority; brokerage; collaboration; collective; community; complex; copyright; covid-19; covid-19 pandemic; crisis; crisis management; data; degree; field; figure; findings; fish; focus; frequency; governance; grey; health; individual; industry; information; issues; kenis; key; larger; lead; lead apa; lead network; leadership; level; management; march; meetings; nature; nautical; network; nodes; nowell; operations; organizational; pandemic; partners; perspective; policy; port; port authority; port community; problem; provan; public; raab; research; rights; scheldt; services; shipping; stakeholders; structure; system; table; team; ties; total; weeks; wicked; yang cache: cord-318716-a525bu7w.txt plain text: cord-318716-a525bu7w.txt item: #93 of 113 id: cord-319055-r16dd0vj author: Dumitrescu, Cătălin title: Development of an Acoustic System for UAV Detection † date: 2020-08-28 words: 7698 flesch: 44 summary: The process that is common for all forms of acoustic signals recognition systems is the extraction of characteristic vectors from uniformly distributed segments of time of the sampled sound signal. Based on the tests performed on some models and standard form recognition data sets, it can be illustrated that these may be also used in contexts other than the recognition of acoustic signals generated by drones. keywords: accuracy; acoustic; acoustic signals; adaptive; aerial; algorithm; analysis; application; area; array; article; audio; authors; best; class; classification; coefficients; cohen; collection; concurrent; concurrent neural; conn; data; detection; different; drone detection; drones; environment; experimental; features; field; figure; flying; following; frame; frequencies; frequency; function; input; learning; linear; medium; mel; method; mfcc; microphone; model; modules; multiple; networks; neural; neural networks; noise; number; performance; prediction; problem; process; properties; real; recognition; representations; research; results; samples; section; self; sensors; set; sets; signal; single; small; solution; sound; specific; spectrograms; spiral; step; system; table; test; time; tracking; training; transform; types; uavs; vectors; ville; wigner cache: cord-319055-r16dd0vj.txt plain text: cord-319055-r16dd0vj.txt item: #94 of 113 id: cord-319658-u0wjgw50 author: Guven-Maiorov, Emine title: Structural host-microbiota interaction networks date: 2017-10-12 words: 4672 flesch: 36 summary: Most proteins of bacterial and eukaryotic pathogens are not accessible to bind to host proteins; but some of their proteins either bind to host surface receptors [11] or enter the host cell and interact with host cytoplasmic proteins. Systems biology approaches that integrate the HMIs with host endogenous protein interaction networks reveal the systematic trends in virulence strategies of pathogens. keywords: active; apoptosis; approaches; available; bacterial; biology; cancer; cell; cellular; centrality; commensals; complex; computational; cross; data; date; different; disease; distinct; effector; endogenous; fig; global; gut; health; hmis; host; hubs; human; immune; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; inhibition; interactions; interface; like; likely; mechanisms; methods; microbial; microbiota; microorganisms; mimicry; modulate; molecular; networks; nodes; pathogen; pathways; ppis; protein; responses; role; scale; sequence; signaling; similarity; species; structural; superorganism; system; target; time; tir; tlr; viral; virulence; virus cache: cord-319658-u0wjgw50.txt plain text: cord-319658-u0wjgw50.txt item: #95 of 113 id: cord-322815-r82iphem author: Zhang, Weiping title: Connectedness and systemic risk spillovers analysis of Chinese sectors based on tail risk network date: 2020-07-04 words: 8374 flesch: 46 summary: There is some evidence that financial systemic risk threatens the function of a financial system (European Central Bank (ECB), 2010) and impairs the public confidence or the financial system stability (Billio et al., 2012) . The represents network risk triggered by tail-event, which includes of all other relevant industries on industry j and the non-linearity that is reflected by the function quantifying the marginal effect of covariates, and is the componentwise where could reflect the risk spillover effects among sample industries. keywords: analysis; bank; block; china; chinese; concentration; connectedness; contagion; correlation; covar; crisis; cross; data; density; different; dynamic; economic; edges; effect; et al; event; evolution; finance; financial; fourth; function; hhi; high; impact; important; index; industries; industry; institutions; interconnectedness; internal; level; linkages; links; literature; main; market; matrix; measure; members; method; model; network; node; number; overall; pagerank; paths; period; process; quantile; ratio; relations; relationship; results; returns; risk; risk network; risk spillover; role; second; sectoral; sectors; significant; spatial; spillover; spillover network; spread; stability; stock; stock market; strength; structure; study; systemic risk; table; tail; tail risk; time; transmission; utilities; value; variables; weekly cache: cord-322815-r82iphem.txt plain text: cord-322815-r82iphem.txt item: #96 of 113 id: cord-324256-5tzup41p author: Feng, Shanshan title: Infectious diseases spreading on a metapopulation network coupled with its second-neighbor network date: 2019-11-15 words: 4488 flesch: 56 summary: Appl Math Comput DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2019.05.005 sha: doc_id: 324256 cord_uid: 5tzup41p Traditional infectious diseases models on metapopulation networks focus on direct transportations (e.g., direct flights), ignoring the effect of indirect transportations. Our work can be generalized to high-speed train and rail networks, which may further promote other research on metapopulation networks. keywords: average; basic; case; connected; definition; degree; direct; disease; distribution; fig; flights; global; indirect; individuals; infectious; matrix; metapopulation; metapopulation network; mobility; model; nearest; neighbors; network; nodes; number; probability; process; rate; reproduction; second; section; snn; spread; stability; subpopulations; system; transfer; transmission; travel; undirected cache: cord-324256-5tzup41p.txt plain text: cord-324256-5tzup41p.txt item: #97 of 113 id: cord-327401-om4f42os author: Bombelli, Alessandro title: Integrators' global networks: A topology analysis with insights into the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic date: 2020-08-11 words: 11696 flesch: 52 summary: The analyses carried out in Section 5.1 highlighted geographicallyspecific variations in network capacity and the resilience of cargo networks to recover from drops in available capacity. Then, in Section 5.2 we used a complex network theory approach, and computed for the same set of airlines time-varying network characteristics to assess how the connectivity of cargo networks was affected. keywords: affected; aft; air cargo; aircraft; airlines; airport; american; analysis; anc; available; average; betweenness; business; capacity; cargo; cargolux; case; cathay; centrality; characteristics; combination; complex; component; connections; connectivity; cost; covid-19; data; dataset; date; decrease; degree; dhl; different; distribution; drop; early; edges; effect; european; example; fact; february; fedex; fig; flows; geography; giant; global; graph; hand; highest; hub; hubs; indices; integrators; international; january; journal; klmp; late; main; major; malighetti; march; maximum; mem; network; node; note; number; observation; overall; pacific; pairs; pandemic; paper; particular; passenger; period; perspective; removal; results; robustness; routes; second; section; series; services; set; size; specific; states; strength; structure; table; terms; time; transport; united; ups; values; website; weight; wide cache: cord-327401-om4f42os.txt plain text: cord-327401-om4f42os.txt item: #98 of 113 id: cord-327651-yzwsqlb2 author: Ray, Bisakha title: Network inference from multimodal data: A review of approaches from infectious disease transmission date: 2016-09-06 words: 7199 flesch: 29 summary: The purpose of this review is to provide an in-depth analysis of multimodal infectious disease transmission network inference methods with a specific focus on Bayesian inference. In infectious disease transmission network inference, Bayesian inference frameworks have been primarily used to integrate data such as dates of pathogen sample collection and symptom report date, pathogen genome sequences, and locations of patients [24] [25] [26] . keywords: analysis; approaches; articles; assumptions; authors; available; bayesian; bayesian inference; cases; clinical; collected; common; community; data; date; different; disease; disease transmission; distance; distribution; diversity; dynamics; epidemic; epidemiological; epidemiology; events; evolution; farms; fig; fmd; focus; framework; generation; genetic; genome; genomic; genomic data; geographical; high; host; important; infected; infectious; infectious disease; infectiousness; inference; influenza; information; integration; interactions; likelihood; mcmc; methods; modalities; model; modeling; molecular; multimodal; multiple; mutations; network; nodes; number; observed; outbreak; parameters; pathogen; pathways; phylogenetic; population; possible; posterior; probability; rate; recent; review; sampled; sars; sequences; sequencing; single; social; spatial; specific; studies; study; surveillance; temporal; time; transmission; tree; types; understanding; virus cache: cord-327651-yzwsqlb2.txt plain text: cord-327651-yzwsqlb2.txt item: #99 of 113 id: cord-328858-6xqyllsl author: Tajeddini, Kayhan title: Enhancing hospitality business performance: The role of entrepreneurial orientation and networking ties in a dynamic environment date: 2020-07-15 words: 12451 flesch: 26 summary: In today's digital era, entrepreneurial hospitality businesses have widely employed automated modern information technology and communication systems to promote for security (cyber-crimes) (Bharwani and Mathews, 2012) , free exchange of ideas, data and best practices (Yeniyurt et al., 2005) , better education and skills development (Azadegan et al., 2019 (Azadegan et al., , 2020 and faster and easier business contacts without business trips (Holjevac, 2003) . Arguably, the actor bonds, resource ties along with activity links and within entrepreneurial hospitality firms may evolve in a single dyadic relationship, connecting to a wider web of actors, activity patterns and resource constellations influencing the business network (Gao et al., 2017; Tinsley and Lynch, 2001) . keywords: .05; activities; advantage; analysis; approach; association; benefit; better; business; business network; business performance; capabilities; change; competitive; competitors; constructs; correlation; creation; customers; data; development; different; dynamic; dynamic environment; dynamism; effects; empirical; entrepreneurial; entrepreneurial orientation; entrepreneurship; environment; et al; evidence; factors; fig; financial; financial return; findings; firm performance; firms; global; growth; high; higher; hospitality; hospitality firms; hospitality industry; hotel; impact; important; industry; influence; information; innovation; innovativeness; interaction; international; interviews; items; japan; japanese; journal; key; knowledge; learning; levels; literature; long; low; management; managers; market; marketing; measurement; media; model; moderating; nature; network; network ties; networking; new; number; opportunities; organizations; orientation; outcomes; panel; performance; pilot; positive; possible; previous; process; products; qualitative; quality; regression; relationship; research; resources; respondents; results; return; risk; role; scale; service; short; significant; simple; slope; small; social; social network; strategic; strategy; strong; study; success; support; survey; table; tajeddini; taking; technology; technology resources; term; themes; ties; total; tourism; travel; understanding; use; validity; value; variables; variance cache: cord-328858-6xqyllsl.txt plain text: cord-328858-6xqyllsl.txt item: #100 of 113 id: cord-332313-9m2iozj3 author: Yang, Hyeonchae title: Structural efficiency to manipulate public research institution networks date: 2016-01-13 words: 8504 flesch: 31 summary: Outcomes of research networks can be approximated by proxy variables, such as patent and paper citations, innovation counts, new product sales, and productivity growth (Council, 1997) . However, prior research found that research networks evolved to be more centralized as growing the network (Ferligoj et al., 2015; Hanaki et al., 2010) . keywords: academic; actors; agencies; analysis; areas; changes; collective; complex; connected; connectivity; controllability; degree; development; different; drivers; dynamic; economic; effective; effectiveness; efficiency; effort; elements; energy; entire; entities; et al; example; external; features; findings; government; greater; gris; helix; important; influence; information; initiators; innovation; institutes; institutions; inter; interactions; kickert; knowledge; korea; level; links; low; major; management; managing; matrix; mpg; mst; national; need; network; new; nls; nodes; number; order; organizations; outcomes; paper; participants; performance; period; points; policy; portfolios; properties; provan; public; public research; r&d; regard; research; research institutions; research network; resources; results; science; scientific; second; sector; share; similarities; similarity; size; states; structural; structural efficiency; studies; study; sub; suitable; system; technology; time; triple; units; university; wide; years cache: cord-332313-9m2iozj3.txt plain text: cord-332313-9m2iozj3.txt item: #101 of 113 id: cord-333088-ygdau2px author: Roy, Manojit title: On representing network heterogeneities in the incidence rate of simple epidemic models date: 2006-03-31 words: 7646 flesch: 45 summary: Persistent cycles arise in our system even though the homogeneous mean-field dynamics do not have oscillatory solutions, thereby revealing an interesting interplay of network structure and disease dynamics (also see Rand, 1999) . Statistical mechanics of complex networks Infectious Diseases of Humans: Dynamics and Control The Mathematical Theory of Infectious Diseases Dynamics of measles epidemics: estimating scaling of transmission rates using a time series SIR model Analytic models for the patchy spread of plant disease Space, persistence and dynamics of measles epidemics The effects of disease dispersal and host clustering on the epidemic threshold in plants The ecology and epizootiology of hantaviral infections in small mammal communities of Baltimore: a review and synthesis Island epidemics Evolution of Networks Modelling dynamic and network heterogeneities in the spread of sexually transmitted disease A stochastic model for extinction and recurrence of epidemics: estimation and inference for measles outbreaks Metapopulation dynamics as a contact process on a graph Stochastic resonance without external periodic force (Meta) population dynamics of infectious diseases A test of heterogeneous mixing as a mechanism for ecological persistence in a disturbed environment Some epidemiological models with nonlinear incidence Non-linear transmission rates and the dynamics of infectious disease A simple model of recurrent epidemics Correlation models for childhood epidemics The effects of local spatial structure on epidemiological invasions The implications of network structure for epidemic dynamics A contribution to the mathematical theory of epidemics Disentangling extrinsic from intrinsic factors in disease dynamics: a nonlinear time series approach with an application to cholera Modeling infection transmission Small world effect in an epidemiological model Fast response and temporal coherent oscillations in small-world networks Influence of nonlinear incidence rates upon the behavior of SIRS epidemiological models Dynamical behavior of epidemiological models with non-linear incidence rate How should pathogen transmission be modelled? Relating heterogeneous mixing models to spatial processes in disease epidemics Transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome in dynamical small-world networks Data driven network models for the spread of disease Mathematical Biology keywords: approximation; bilinear; case; clustering; configurations; connections; contact; cycles; data; different; disease; dynamics; endemic; epidemic; equations; equilibrium; field; fig; fluctuations; function; grid; heterogeneous; high; hm model; homogeneous; incidence; individuals; infection; infective; keeling; length; level; local; low; mean; mixed; mixing; model; modified; network; nonlinear; number; pairs; parameters; pattern; persistent; population; power; quantities; random; random network; rate; regular; restricted; results; series; short; sirs; small; spatial; stable; state; stochastic; structure; susceptible; system; term; time; total; transient; transmission; values; world cache: cord-333088-ygdau2px.txt plain text: cord-333088-ygdau2px.txt item: #102 of 113 id: cord-336747-8m7n5r85 author: Grossmann, G. title: Importance of Interaction Structure and Stochasticity for Epidemic Spreading: A COVID-19 Case Study date: 2020-05-08 words: 7036 flesch: 50 summary: Therefore, we run different network models with different R 0 (which is equivalent to fixing the corresponding values for λ or for R 0 ). Noticeably, the relationship is concave for most network models but almost linear for the ODE model. keywords: author; basic; case; compartment; complex; contact; covid-19; data; different; dynamics; epidemic; fig; fractions; free; funder; graph; high; individuals; infected; infection; infectiousness; instance; interaction; large; license; mean; medrxiv; model; neighbors; network; nodes; number; outbreak; pandemic; parameters; patient; peak; peer; permission; perpetuity; population; preprint; probability; process; random; rate; real; recovery; reproduction; results; reuse; review; rights; sir; size; small; social; spreaders; spreading; stochastic; structure; super; susceptible; time; transmission; underlying; version; virus; world cache: cord-336747-8m7n5r85.txt plain text: cord-336747-8m7n5r85.txt item: #103 of 113 id: cord-338127-et09wi82 author: Qin, Bosheng title: Identifying Facemask-Wearing Condition Using Image Super-Resolution with Classification Network to Prevent COVID-19 date: 2020-09-14 words: 10677 flesch: 44 summary: Deep learning methods have outperformed traditional image classification networks in many aspects, especially using the CNN algorithm. Therefore, the combination of an SR network with a classification network (SRCNet) could be utilized in facial image classification for accuracy improvement. keywords: accuracy; addition; algorithm; cfw; classification; cnns; condition; condition identification; connections; convolutional; convolutional layers; cropped; dataset; deep; details; detection; different; facemask; faces; facial; facial image; factor; feature; figure; final; function; general; high; identification; identification accuracy; identification network; ifw; image; image classification; information; input; input image; kernels; layers; learning; loss; low; main; maps; masks; medical; methods; mobilenet; model; network; network training; neural; nfw; number; output; parameters; performance; pre; problem; processing; proposed; quality; real; recognition; resolution; results; single; size; skip; sr network; srcnet; steps; super; testing; time; training; transfer; wearing cache: cord-338127-et09wi82.txt plain text: cord-338127-et09wi82.txt item: #104 of 113 id: cord-338588-rc1h4drd author: Li, Xuanyi title: Seven decades of chemotherapy clinical trials: a pan-cancer social network analysis date: 2020-10-16 words: 6869 flesch: 36 summary: While 99.4% of authors were directly or indirectly connected by 2018, our results indicate a tendency to predominantly connect with others in the same or similar fields, as well as an increasing disparity in author impact and number of connections. We considered existing metrics for measuring author impact 59-62 , but ultimately proceeded with our own formulation given some of the unique considerations of prospective clinical trials and their impact. keywords: 1970s; academic; account; algorithm; analysis; article; assortativity; authors; authorship; available; board; breast; cancer; care; case; centrality; chemotherapy; citation; clear; clinical; coefficient; criteria; cumulative; density; disparities; distribution; effect; field; figure; final; findings; gap; gender;; high; homophily; impact; impact score; increase; individual; influence; iqr; journal; links; longevity; low; majority; manuscript; mapping; measure; median; medical; medicine; medline; metrics; modularity; n =; names; network; new; non; number; oncology; order; pagerank; patients; phase; practice; primary; proportion; publication; randomized; recent; research; review; role; scale; score; senior; small; social; standard; studies; study; subspecialties; subspecialty; supplemental; table; time; total; trialists; trials; use; women;; years cache: cord-338588-rc1h4drd.txt plain text: cord-338588-rc1h4drd.txt item: #105 of 113 id: cord-340101-n9zqc1gm author: Bzdok, Danilo title: The Neurobiology of Social Distance date: 2020-06-03 words: 9249 flesch: 38 summary: Analyses of information flow in social networks suggest that sources outside the 50 closest friendships offer few benefits [72] . Regular interaction with different people at the periphery of social networks can give rise to heightened perceived social and emotional fulfillment in ways that act as psychological buffers [24] , although this might depend on personality or social style [74] . keywords: activity; adults; age; amygdala; analysis; authors; baboons; baby; behavior; benefits; blood; bonding; bonds; brain; care; children; close; closest; cognitive; communication; community; connectivity; consequences; contact; correlates; cortex; cortisol; day; default; deprivation; development; different; digital; disease; early; effects; emotional; environment; evidence; experience; expression; face; factors; family; feelings; female; findings; foster; friends; friendship; functional; gene; genetic; grooming; groups; health; higher; humans; immune; impact; important; increased; individuals; infant; influence; information; interaction; interpersonal; isolation; larger; later; levels; life; likely; limited; loneliness; lonely; longitudinal; lower; maternal; matter; maturation; memory; mental; mode; monkeys; mothers; network; neural; neuroimaging; non; online; pain; people; personal; physical; prefrontal; primates; psychological; rats; real; receptors; regions; regulation; related; relationships; research; responses; review; reward; risk; role; sense; sex; similar; size; social; social network; socioemotional; specific; status; stimulation; strength; stress; strong; structure; studies; study; support; survival; system; ties; time; touch; touching; training; ventromedial; volume; wild; years; young cache: cord-340101-n9zqc1gm.txt plain text: cord-340101-n9zqc1gm.txt item: #106 of 113 id: cord-340827-vx37vlkf author: Jackson, Matthew O. title: Chapter 14 Diffusion, Strategic Interaction, and Social Structure date: 2011-12-31 words: 13728 flesch: 48 summary: Information players hold regarding the underlying network (namely, whether they are fully informed of the entire set of connections in the population, or only of connections in some local neighborhood) ends up playing a crucial role in the scope of predictions generated by network game models. Coleman, Katz, and Menzel (1966) is one of the first studies to document the role of social networks in diffusion processes. keywords: action; adopters; adoption; agents; analysis; applications; approach; behavior; best; case; chapter; common; component; connected; connections; contagion; cost; data; decisions; degree; different; diffusion; disease; distribution; effects; empirical; equation; equilibrium; evidence; example; extent; f(x; fact; figure; following; fraction; function; games; general; granovetter; graphical; higher; homophily; idea; impact; important; individuals; infected; infection; influence; information; insights; interactions; jackson; large; leaders; learning; likely; links; literature; local; mimeo; model; neighbors; network; new; nodes; number; opinion; outcomes; particular; patterns; payoffs; people; period; point; population; potential; probability; process; products; random; randomly; rate; results; role; second; set; shape; similar; small; social; social network; society; spread; stable; state; steady; strategic; structure; studies; study; susceptible; system; theory; threshold; time; tipping; underlying; volume; yariv cache: cord-340827-vx37vlkf.txt plain text: cord-340827-vx37vlkf.txt item: #107 of 113 id: cord-342579-kepbz245 author: Galaz, Victor title: Global networks and global change-induced tipping points date: 2014-05-01 words: 13349 flesch: 34 summary: While this selection does not capture cases where 'tipping points' exist, but global networks fail to materialize (c.f. Dimitrov et al. 2007) , the ambition has been to include cases that reflect a diversity of global change-induced 'tipping point' dynamics, with global network responses as common features. In this article, we use three cases of global network responses to what we denote as global change-induced “tipping points”—ocean acidification, fisheries collapse, and infectious disease outbreaks. keywords: ability; acidification; action; activities; actors; analysis; antarctic; associated; attempt; biodiversity; bodin; capacities; capacity; cases; ccamlr; challenges; change; climate; collaboration; communication; complex; concern; continuous; cooperation; coordinated; coordination; crisis; critical; cross; development; different; disease; diversity; dynamics; early; ecological; enforcement; environmental; epidemic; et al; example; fao; features; fig; fisheries; fishing; focus; formal; galaz; galaz et; global; global change; global networks; governance; health; human; illegal; important; infectious; influenza; information; institutions; interest; international; interplay; issues; iuu; key; knowledge; large; legitimacy; levels; likely; limited; local; loss; making; management; marine; mechanisms; members; monitoring; multiple; need; network; new; non; nonlinear; novel; number; ocean; organizations; outbreaks; outcomes; outputs; pacfa; pandemic; patterns; planetary; points; policy; political; potential; problem; processes; processing; propositions; rapid; regimes; regional; related; reports; research; resources; responses; risk; role; scale; scientific; secure; sharing; social; southern; spread; state; sterblom; stocks; strategic; studies; sumaila; support; systems; thresholds; time; tipping; tipping points; use; van; vessels; warning; working; world; young cache: cord-342579-kepbz245.txt plain text: cord-342579-kepbz245.txt item: #108 of 113 id: cord-343419-vl6gkoin author: Lee, Pei-Chun title: Quantitative mapping of scientific research—The case of electrical conducting polymer nanocomposite date: 2010-07-10 words: 5782 flesch: 39 summary: The more concrete way of describing a structure is network where the two main components of a network, 1) network actors and 2) network ties, correspond respectively with components and inter-relationship among components in a structure. Therefore applying network theory to understanding knowledge structure should be feasible if network actors and network ties can be welldefined. keywords: actors; analysis; author; bibliometric; brazil; carbon; centralities; centrality; china; chinese; citation; closeness; components; conducting; core; countries; country; degree; development; different; dimensional; e.g.; electrical; field; fig; function; higher; important; information; institute; kco; keyword; knowledge; literature; map; mapping; maps; nanocomposite; nanotube; network; network actors; number; papers; polymer; potential; properties; research; rfp; science; scientific; small; social; structure; study; table; technology; total; university; wall; world cache: cord-343419-vl6gkoin.txt plain text: cord-343419-vl6gkoin.txt item: #109 of 113 id: cord-346309-hveuq2x9 author: Reis, Ben Y title: An Epidemiological Network Model for Disease Outbreak Detection date: 2007-06-26 words: 8426 flesch: 43 summary: Full networks, total-visit networks, two-node networks (target data stream and total visits at the same hospital), and reference models are compared. Full networks, total-visit networks, two-node networks (target data stream and total visits at the same hospital), and reference models are compared. keywords: aberration; approach; baseline; care; care data; context; context data; counts; data; data streams; day; department; detection; different; disease; effects; emergency; epidemiological; events; figure; gastrointestinal; groups; health; historical; hospitals; increase; infectious; integrated; large; major; methods; modeling; models; monitoring; multiple; network; network models; new; node; number; order; outbreaks; overall; performance; period; population; possible; public; public health; ratios; reference; relationships; respiratory; results; series; shifts; signal; simulated; single; streams; surge; surveillance; syndrome; syndromic; systems; target; target data; time; total; utilization; visits cache: cord-346309-hveuq2x9.txt plain text: cord-346309-hveuq2x9.txt item: #110 of 113 id: cord-346606-bsvlr3fk author: Siriwardhana, Yushan title: The role of 5G for digital healthcare against COVID-19 pandemic: Opportunities and challenges date: 2020-11-04 words: 5231 flesch: 43 summary: In contrast to the present 4G networks, 5G supports the creation of new network services as softwarized Network Functions (NFs) by utilizing SDN and NFV technologies. Regime A rapid deployment of new healthcare applications will add extra traffic as well as increase the number of 5G users who access such services. keywords: access; applications; base; beamforming; better; capabilities; cases; chains; challenges; cloud; communication; computing; connected; connectivity; contact; control; coronavirus; covid-19; data; delivery; deployment; design; devices; different; digital; economies; edge; end; future; g networks; healthcare; high; iot; isolation; issues; large; latency; legal; low; manufacturing; massive; mec; mechanisms; mmtc; mobile; monitoring; multiple; need; network; new; novel; number; pandemic; patient; people; possible; present; privacy; proper; radio; regular; remote; role; scalability; security; self; sensors; services; small; smart; solutions; spread; supply; support; systems; technologies; technology; time; use; users; wearable cache: cord-346606-bsvlr3fk.txt plain text: cord-346606-bsvlr3fk.txt item: #111 of 113 id: cord-350646-7soxjnnk author: Becker, Sara title: Virtual reality for behavioral health workforce development in the era of COVID-19 date: 2020-10-09 words: 1063 flesch: 31 summary: Ongoing evaluation is needed to determine whether virtual TA delivery is as effective as face-to-face delivery or whether a mix of virtual and face-to-face delivery is optimal. TTCs are guided by extensive evidence that strategies beyond training are required for practice implementation and organizational change (Edmunds et al., 2013) , underscoring the critical need for virtual TA in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. keywords: abuse; assistance; behavioral; building; covid-19; delivery; face; health; investment; mental; network; pandemic; practice; samhsa; services; substance; technical; training; ttcs; use; virtual; workforce cache: cord-350646-7soxjnnk.txt plain text: cord-350646-7soxjnnk.txt item: #112 of 113 id: cord-352049-68op3d8t author: Wang, Xingyuan title: Model of epidemic control based on quarantine and message delivery date: 2016-09-15 words: 4431 flesch: 54 summary: Risk factors for human disease emergence The spread of awareness and its impact on epidemic outbreaks Endemic disease, awareness, and local behavioural response Disease containment strategies based on mobility and information dissemination Modeling the dynamical interaction between epidemics on overlay networks Asymmetrically interacting spreading dynamics on complex layered networks Model for rumor spreading over networks Complex dynamics in a singular Leslie-Gower predator-prey bioeconomic model with time delay and stochastic fluctuations Spreading of periodic diseases and synchronization phenomena on networks Influenza epidemic spread simulation for Poland-a large scale, individual based model study Effects of epidemic threshold definition on disease spread statistics Analysis of the impact of education rate on the rumor spreading mechanism The mathematical theory of infectious diseases and its applications Incubation periods of acute respiratory viral infections: a systematic review The Distribution of incubation periods of infectious diseases Extending the SIR epidemic model Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of functionalized phthalimides: A new class of antimalarials and inhibitors of falcipain-2, a major hemoglobinase of malaria parasite Fruit bats as reservoirs of Ebola virus Marburg hemorrhagic fever Measles virus for cancer therapy Effectiveness of precautions against droplets and contact in prevention of nosocomial transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) Are we there yet? The model provides two novel strategies for the preventive control of epidemic diseases. keywords: average; certain; control; different; direct; disease; distribution; epidemic; fig; free; home; human; increasing; individuals; infected; infectious; information; invasion; isolated; isolating; isolation; latent; latent period; long; measures; messages; model; neighbors; network; nodes; number; people; period; periodic; population; prevention; probability; quality; quarantine; rate; research; results; scale; section; small; social; spreading; status; time; value; world cache: cord-352049-68op3d8t.txt plain text: cord-352049-68op3d8t.txt item: #113 of 113 id: cord-354783-2iqjjema author: Wang, Wei title: Containing misinformation spreading in temporal social networks date: 2019-04-24 words: 3639 flesch: 59 summary: Most research on this topic treats the connections among individuals as static, but these connections change in time, and thus social networks are also temporal networks. Currently there is no theoretical approach to the problem of containing misinformation outbreaks in temporal networks. keywords: activity; average; degree; dynamics; effective; figure; final; fraction; g(t; ignorant; misinformation; neighbors; networks; nodes; numerical; order; outbreak; probability; real; refractory; simulations; size; spreader; state; strategies; strategy; temporal; temporal networks; theoretical; threshold; time; value; world cache: cord-354783-2iqjjema.txt plain text: cord-354783-2iqjjema.txt