item: #1 of 43 id: cord-000196-lkoyrv3s author: Salathé, Marcel title: Dynamics and Control of Diseases in Networks with Community Structure date: 2010-04-08 words: 6818 flesch: 46 summary: Contact networks with fat-tailed degree distributions, for example, where a few individuals have an extraordinarily large number of contacts, result in a higher R 0 than one would expect from contact networks with a uniform degree distribution, and the existence of highly connected individuals makes them an ideal target for control measures One of the most important consequences of incorporating network structure into epidemic models was the demonstration that heterogeneity in the number of contacts (degree) can strongly affect how R 0 is calculated [12, 13, 34] . keywords: acquaintance; algorithm; betweenness; cbf; centrality; communities; community; community structure; connected; connections; contact; control; coverage; data; degree; deterministic; difference; disease; distribution; dynamics; edges; effect; effective; empirical; epidemic; figure; final; immunization; important; individuals; infected; infectious; influenza; information; limited; low; method; network structure; networks; nodes; number; person; populations; random; relevant; results; small; social; spread; step; stochastic; strategies; strategy; strong; structure; target; targeted; time; transmission; vaccination; walk cache: cord-000196-lkoyrv3s.txt plain text: cord-000196-lkoyrv3s.txt item: #2 of 43 id: cord-005090-l676wo9t author: Gao, Chao title: Network immunization and virus propagation in email networks: experimental evaluation and analysis date: 2010-07-14 words: 8032 flesch: 53 summary: How to evaluate network immunization strategies? Currently, one of the most popular methods is network immunization where some nodes in a network are immunized (protected) so that they can not be infected by a virus or a worm. keywords: attack; average; behavior; betweenness; betweenness immunization; betweenness strategy; checking; community; complex; degree; different; different immunization; distribution; dynamics; edge; effect; efficiency; email; email network; enron; epidemic; experiments; exponent; fig; human; immunization; immunization strategy; immunized; infected; infected nodes; information; interactive; intervals; law; model; network; network immunization; nodes; number; order; paper; path; power; process; propagation; random; research; results; scale; section; simulation; strategies; strategy; structure; synthetic; systems; table; targeted; time; university; user; virus; virus propagation; viruses; web cache: cord-005090-l676wo9t.txt plain text: cord-005090-l676wo9t.txt item: #3 of 43 id: cord-007415-d57zqixs author: da Fontoura Costa, Luciano title: Correlations between structure and random walk dynamics in directed complex networks date: 2007-07-30 words: 2205 flesch: 48 summary: 2766683͔ We address the relationship between structure and dynamics in complex networks by taking the steady-state distribution of the frequency of visits to nodes-a dynamical feature-obtained by performing random walks 1 along the networks. For such reasons, random walks have become one of the most important and general models of dynamics in physics and other areas, constituting a primary choice for investigating dynamics in complex networks. keywords: active; activity; case; complex; conditions; correlated; correlation; cumulative; dynamical; dynamics; edges; frequency; hierarchical; hub; important; large; law; links; matrix; networks; node; number; random; state; strength; structure; topological; visits; walk; word; zipf cache: cord-007415-d57zqixs.txt plain text: cord-007415-d57zqixs.txt item: #4 of 43 id: cord-010727-fiukemh3 author: Holme, Petter title: Three faces of node importance in network epidemiology: Exact results for small graphs date: 2017-12-05 words: 4714 flesch: 61 summary: In this work, we investigate how the ranking of important nodes for these three aspects differs and why (see Fig. 1 ). [13] is a bit different from ours-they call important nodes for vaccination blockers and important nodes for influence maximization spreaders.) keywords: analysis; aspects; average; centrality; closeness; degree; different; disease; expected; fig; graphs; high; important; infected; infection; influence; influence maximization; larger; maximization; measures; network; nodes; number; optimal; outbreak; sentinel; sets; size; small; smallest; surveillance; time; vaccination; vitality cache: cord-010727-fiukemh3.txt plain text: cord-010727-fiukemh3.txt item: #5 of 43 id: cord-010739-28qfmj9x author: Sherborne, N. title: Bursting endemic bubbles in an adaptive network date: 2018-04-09 words: 3350 flesch: 53 summary: Adaptive network models that account for both epidemic and behavioral change have found oscillations, but in an extremely narrow region of the parameter space, which contrasts with intuition and available data. Despite this intuition, adaptive network models have so far not been able to show such robust oscillations over reasonable regions of the parameter space. keywords: adaptive; behavior; changes; degree; delay; disease; distribution; dynamics; edges; endemic; epidemic; fig; infected; initial; large; length; model; neighbors; network; new; nodes; number; oscillations; oscillatory; parameter; prevalence; rate; region; rewiring; similar; simulation; space; spread; state; steady; susceptible; time; values cache: cord-010739-28qfmj9x.txt plain text: cord-010739-28qfmj9x.txt item: #6 of 43 id: cord-010751-fgk05n3z author: Holme, Petter title: Objective measures for sentinel surveillance in network epidemiology date: 2018-08-15 words: 5594 flesch: 61 summary: Temporal networks, in general, tend to be more disconnected than static networks. First, there are so many possible structures and correlations in temporal networks that one cannot tune them all in models [8] . keywords: analysis; case; centrality; component; contacts; copenhagen; correlation; data; data sets; degree; detection; disease; early; epidemiology; extinction; fig; frequency; harmonic; high; important; infectious; large; like; measures; networks; node; number; objective; outbreak; parameter; possible; quantities; sentinel; sets; similar; size; static; static networks; structural; surveillance; t d; t x; temporal; temporal networks; time; values cache: cord-010751-fgk05n3z.txt plain text: cord-010751-fgk05n3z.txt item: #7 of 43 id: cord-014845-odnlt6fr author: Wu, Jia title: Reducing Energy Consumption and Overhead Based on Mobile Health in Big Data Opportunistic Networks date: 2016-08-13 words: 5400 flesch: 63 summary: The deliver ratio is decided by rate of neighbor receiving data packets and node sending data data packets. This algorithm can judge routing request and predict data data packets and then can overhead, energy consumption and deliver ratio in transmission. keywords: adtra; algorithm; big; big data; binary; bs&w; china; communication; condition; consumption; data; data packets; delay; deliver; devices; doctors; effective; emr; energy; environment; fig; figure; health; hospital; information; medical; messages; mobile; neighbor; network; nodes; number; opportunistic; overhead; packets; patients; people; pictures; ratio; routing; shows; simulation; space; spray; storage; time; transmission; wait; wireless cache: cord-014845-odnlt6fr.txt plain text: cord-014845-odnlt6fr.txt item: #8 of 43 id: cord-016196-ub4mgqxb author: Wang, Cheng title: Study on Efficient Complex Network Model date: 2012-11-20 words: 2487 flesch: 46 summary: Obviously, the key to network propagation model studying is the formulation of the propagation rule and the choice of the network topological structure. Substitute node for the unit infected, if one unit can associate with another in infection or the other way round through some way, then we regard that the two units have connection, in this way can we get the topological structure of network propagation, the relevant propagation model can be found to study the propagation behavior in turn. keywords: average; behavior; complex; complex network; convergence; degree; disease; distribution; factor; free; large; model; network; network model; nodes; number; path; propagation; property; random; realworld; regular; research; researching; scale; small; spread; statistical; structure; system; world cache: cord-016196-ub4mgqxb.txt plain text: cord-016196-ub4mgqxb.txt item: #9 of 43 id: cord-017062-dkw2sugl author: Singh, Indu title: Delivery Systems for Lymphatic Targeting date: 2013-10-08 words: 9780 flesch: 31 summary: Colloidal materials, for example, liposomes, activated carbon particles, emulsions, lipids and polymeric particulates, are highly taken up by the lymphatics; that's why nowadays these substances are emerging as potential carriers for lymphatic drug targeting [ 29 ] . Nanocapsules coated with hydrophobic polymers could be easily captured by lymphatic cells in the body, when administered, because the hydrophobic particle is generally recognised as a foreign substance. keywords: absorption; acid; active; administration; agents; anthrax; antibodies; antibody; anticancer; avidin; bioavailability; biotin; bleomycin; block; blood; breast; cacy; cancer; capillaries; carbon; carriers; cd22; cells; chemotherapy; circulation; colloidal; combination; conjugate; contrast; delivery; dendrimers; development; disease; distribution; dose; drainage; drug; drug delivery; duodenal; effect; effective; effi; endothelial; et al; formulation; greater; high; higher; hiv; hodgkin; human; hydrophilic; imaging; immune; important; improved; initial; injection; interstitial; intestinal; large; ligands; lipid; liposomal; liposomes; loaded; lung; lymph nodes; lymphatic; lymphatic system; lymphatic targeting; lymphatic uptake; lymphatic vessels; lymphoid; lymphoma; lyp-1; mediastinal; metastasis; mice; model; modifi; molecular; molecules; nanocarriers; nanoparticles; nanospheres; new; nodes; non; novel; oral; origin; pamam; particles; patients; peg; polymers; polystyrene; potential; properties; range; rats; regional; results; retention; role; route; s.c; sentinel; signifi; site; size; sln; small; solid; space; specifi; studies; study; subcutaneous; surface; system; systemic; targeted; targeting; therapeutic; therapy; tissue; transport; treatment; tumour; uid; uptake; use; vessels; vivo; weight cache: cord-017062-dkw2sugl.txt plain text: cord-017062-dkw2sugl.txt item: #10 of 43 id: cord-017590-w5copp1z author: Fresnadillo, María J. title: A SIS Epidemiological Model Based on Cellular Automata on Graphs date: 2009 words: 2759 flesch: 52 summary: Consequently, several models based on such mathematical objects have been proposed to simulate growth processes, reaction-diffusion systems, selfreproduction models, epidemic models, forest fire spreading, image processing algorithms, cryptographic protocols, etc. (see, for example, [12, 13] ). Now we will study what conditions that must be held to get a growth of the infected population in a node u. We have to distinguish two cases: (1) There not exist infected individuals from neighbor nodes to u; (2) There exist such infected individuals. keywords: automata; case; cellular; disease; epidemic; example; function; graph; individuals; infected; local; mathematical; model; neighbor; new; node; number; population; set; sis; spreading; state; step; susceptible; susceptible individuals; time; time step; transition; work cache: cord-017590-w5copp1z.txt plain text: cord-017590-w5copp1z.txt item: #11 of 43 id: cord-020885-f667icyt author: Sharma, Ujjwal title: Semantic Path-Based Learning for Review Volume Prediction date: 2020-03-17 words: 4027 flesch: 43 summary: MANTIS: system support for MultimodAl NeTworks of in-situ sensors HyperLearn: a distributed approach for representation learning in datasets with many modalities Interaction networks for learning about objects, relations and physics Heterogeneous network embedding via deep architectures The task-dependent effect of tags and ratings on social media access Metapath2vec: scalable representation learning for heterogeneous networks M-HIN: complex embeddings for heterogeneous information networks via metagraphs Node2vec: scalable feature learning for networks Deep residual learning for image recognition Leveraging meta-path based context for top-n recommendation with a neural co-attention model Multimodal network embedding via attention based multi-view variational autoencoder Adam: a method for stochastic gradient descent Distributed representations of sentences and documents Deep collaborative embedding for social image understanding How random walks can help tourism Image labeling on a network: using social-network metadata for image classification Distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality Multimodal deep learning Multi-source deep learning for human pose estimation The PageRank citation ranking: bringing order to the web GCap: graph-based automatic image captioning DeepWalk: online learning of social representations The visual display of regulatory information and networks Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding Generating visual summaries of geographic areas using community-contributed images ImageNet large scale visual recognition challenge Heterogeneous information network embedding for recommendation Semantic relationships in multi-modal graphs for automatic image annotation PathSim: meta path-based top-k similarity search in heterogeneous information networks LINE: large-scale information network embedding Study on optimal frequency design problem for multimodal network using probit-based user equilibrium assignment Adaptive image retrieval using a graph model for semantic feature integration Heterogeneous graph attention network Network representation learning with rich text information Interactive multimodal learning for venue recommendation MetaGraph2Vec: complex semantic path augmented heterogeneous network embedding We use restaurant nodes as root nodes for the unbiased random walks and perform 80 walks per root node, each with a walk length of 80. keywords: approach; attention; attributes; bimodal; captioning; categorical; concatenation; context; deep; dimensional; edges; embeddings; features; fusion; graph; heterogeneous; image; information; interactions; learning; low; mechanism; metapath; modalities; modality; model; multimodal; multiple; network; nodes; objective; performance; random; real; relations; representations; restaurant; review; semantic; separate; set; similar; similarity; single; specific; task; types; users; venues; views; visual; volume; walks; world cache: cord-020885-f667icyt.txt plain text: cord-020885-f667icyt.txt item: #12 of 43 id: cord-022561-rv5j1201 author: Boes, Katie M. title: Bone Marrow, Blood Cells, and the Lymphoid/Lymphatic System date: 2017-02-17 words: 52302 flesch: 38 summary: Production and turnover of blood cells are balanced so that numbers are maintained within normal ranges (steady-state kinetics) in healthy individuals. (note: Some parasites may infect blood cells, such as Hepatozoon organisms within circulating neutrophils or monocytes or Bartonella organisms within erythrocytes, but mainly cause disease in other body systems and are therefore not discussed in this chapter.) keywords: abnormal; abnormalities; abscesses; absence; activation; active; activity; acute; addition; adhesion; adjacent; affected; afferent; agents; altered; anemia; animals; antibodies; antibody; antigen; antigenic; aplasia; aplastic; architecture; areas; arteries; artery; atrophy; autosomal; available; b cell; bacteria; basis; basophilic; bilirubin; binding; bleeding; blood; blood cells; blood smear; blood vessels; blue; body; bone; bone marrow; bovine; box; brain; breeds; bvdv; canine; capsule; cases; cats; cattle; cause; cbc; cell lymphoma; cells; cellular; centers; central; certain; cervical; chain; changes; chapter; characteristic; characterized; chronic; circulation; classification; clinical; coagulation; collagen; common; complement; complex; components; concentration; concurrent; conditions; congenital; congested; congestion; consistency; contraction; cords; cortex; cutaneous; cytokines; cytopenias; cytoplasmic; damage; dark; days; dcs; decreased; defect; deficiency; degree; demand; dependent; depletion; destruction; detail; development; diagnosis; diameter; different; differentiation; difficult; diffuse; direct; discoloration; disease; disorders; distribution; dogs; domestic; domestic animals; drugs; dysfunction; dysplasia; early; edema; effects; efig; emh; endothelial; enlarged; entry; enzyme; eosinophilic; epithelial; epo; equine; erythrocytes; erythrocytosis; erythroid; erythrophagocytosis; erythropoiesis; essential; evaluation; evidence; evident; examination; example; excessive; extracellular; extramedullary; factors; failure; fat; features; feline; felv; fever; fibrin; fibrous; fig; findings; firm; flow; follicles; follicular; following; form; formation; free; function; gastrointestinal; general; generalized; genetic; germinal; glucocorticoid; goats; grade; granules; granulocytes; granulomatous; granulopoiesis; gross; group; growth; haptoglobin; healthy; hematologic; hematomas; hematopoietic; hematopoietic cells; hemoglobin; hemolysis; hemolytic; hemolytic anemia; hemorrhage; hemosiderin; hemotropic; high; histiocytic; histiocytosis; histologic; horses; host; human; hyperplasia; icterus; immature; immune; immunodeficiency; immunoglobulin; impaired; important; increase; individuals; infarcts; infected; infection; inflammation; inflammatory; injury; intermediate; intravascular; involved; iron; kidney; lack; large; later; lead; leading; left; lesions; leukemia; leukocyte; light; likely; liver; loss; low; lung; lymph; lymph nodes; lymphadenitis; lymphatic; lymphoblastic; lymphocytes; lymphocytosis; lymphoid; lymphoid hyperplasia; lymphoid tissue; lymphoma; macrophages; main; major; malignant; malt; mantle; marginal; marginating; marked; marrow; mass; mast; material; maturation; mature; mechanisms; medullary; megakaryocytes; membrane; metastatic; methemoglobin; microorganisms; microscopic; mild; molecular; molecules; monocytes; months; morphologic; mucosal; mucous; multifocal; multiple; multisystemic; muscle; mycoplasma; myeloid; myeloma; necrosis; neonatal; neoplasia; neoplasms; neoplastic cells; neutropenia; neutrophils; nodes; nodular; nodules; normal; nuclei; numbers; numerous; oral; organisms; organs; oxidative; pale; pals; pams; paracortex; parasites; parenchyma; particles; parvovirus; patches; pathogenesis; pathologic; pathways; patients; peripheral; peyer; phagocytized; phagocytosis; phase; physiologic; pigs; plasma; plasma cells; platelet; pool; precursors; presence; present; primary; process; processes; production; progenitor; proliferation; prolonged; protein; pulmonary; pulp; pure; rare; rate; rbc; reactive; receptors; red; red blood; red cell; red pulp; reduced; reductase; regenerative; regional; relative; release; renal; respiratory; response; result; reticular; reticulocytosis; rich; role; round; routine; ruminants; rupture; sample; sarcoma; secondary; secondary lymphoid; section; severe; severity; shape; sheep; shift; significant; signs; similar; single; sinus; sinuses; sinusoids; sites; size; skin; small; smaller; smear; spaces; species; specific; spleen; splenic; splenic red; splenomegaly; spp; spread; stage; staining; stains; states; stimulation; storage; stress; structure; study; subcapsular; subsequent; supply; surface; survival; syndrome; synthesis; system; systemic; t cell; table; term; test; theileria; thrombocytopenia; thrombocytosis; thymic; thymus; time; tissue; toxins; trabeculae; tract; trauma; tumor; type; underlying; uniform; urine; vascular; vessels; veterinary; viral; virus; viruses; visible; vitamin; weight; white;; young; zone cache: cord-022561-rv5j1201.txt plain text: cord-022561-rv5j1201.txt item: #13 of 43 id: cord-024437-r5wnz7rq author: Wang, Yubin title: SLGAT: Soft Labels Guided Graph Attention Networks date: 2020-04-17 words: 3502 flesch: 51 summary: We conduct extensive experiments on semi-supervised node classification to evaluate our proposed model. In this paper, we focus on the problem of semi-supervised node classification. keywords: aggregation; attention; classification; convolutional; data; embeddings; entropy; features; graph; information; labels; layer; learning; loss; mechanism; method; model; neighboring; networks; neural; nodes; optimization; performance; pseudo; pubmed; regularization; representations; results; self; semi; set; slgat; soft; spectral; supervised; training; unlabeled; weights cache: cord-024437-r5wnz7rq.txt plain text: cord-024437-r5wnz7rq.txt item: #14 of 43 id: cord-024499-14jlk5tv author: Balalau, Oana title: SubRank: Subgraph Embeddings via a Subgraph Proximity Measure date: 2020-04-17 words: 3741 flesch: 59 summary: Sub2Vec: feature learning for subgraphs Distributed large-scale natural graph factorization Unsupervised inductive graph-level representation learning via graph-graph proximity Question answering with subgraph embeddings A comprehensive survey of graph embedding: problems, techniques, and applications DeepHawkes: bridging the gap between prediction and understanding of information cascades GraRep: learning graph representations with global structural information Learning community embedding with community detection and node embedding on graphs Graph embedding techniques, applications, and performance: a survey node2vec: scalable feature learning for networks Topic-sensitive PageRank: a context-sensitive ranking algorithm for Web search Distributed representations of sentences and documents DeepCas: an end-to-end predictor of information cascades Subgraph-augmented path embedding for semantic user search on heterogeneous social network Distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality Asymmetric transitivity preserving graph embedding The PageRank citation ranking: bringing order to the Web DeepWalk: online learning of social representations Line: large-scale information network embedding Verse: versatile graph embeddings from similarity measures Graph kernels RetGK: graph kernels based on return probabilities of random walks In [3] , the authors propose an inductive framework for computing graph embeddings, based on training an attention network to predict a graph proximity measure, such as graph edit distance. keywords: authors; bob; cascade; community; computing; data; detection; distribution; ego; embeddings; end; framework; graphs; growth; important; information; input; learning; link; measure; method; network; node; normalized; pagerank; personalized; prediction; proximity; random; set; similarity; size; subgraph; subrank; task; walk cache: cord-024499-14jlk5tv.txt plain text: cord-024499-14jlk5tv.txt item: #15 of 43 id: cord-024504-p2vxnn9z author: Lyu, Tianshu title: Node Conductance: A Scalable Node Centrality Measure on Big Networks date: 2020-04-17 words: 4037 flesch: 59 summary: On the other hand, Node Conductance curve is smoother and no peak shows up in the long tail of the curve. key: cord-024504-p2vxnn9z authors: Lyu, Tianshu; Sun, Fei; Zhang, Yan title: Node Conductance: A Scalable Node Centrality Measure on Big Networks date: 2020-04-17 journal: Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-47436-2_40 sha: doc_id: 24504 cord_uid: p2vxnn9z Node centralities such as Degree and Betweenness help detecting influential nodes from local or global view. keywords: betweenness; centralities; centrality; communities; conductance; context; datasets; deepwalk; degree; different; embedding; fig; global; high; input; local; material; matrix; measure; network; new; node; node conductance; number; order; output; pagerank; probability; product; random; sgns; similar; size; social; subgraph; sum; supplementary; table; value; vector; walks; window; word; word2vec cache: cord-024504-p2vxnn9z.txt plain text: cord-024504-p2vxnn9z.txt item: #16 of 43 id: cord-026306-mkmrninv author: Lepskiy, Alexander title: Belief Functions for the Importance Assessment in Multiplex Networks date: 2020-05-15 words: 4137 flesch: 53 summary: In this type of networks nodes can be differently connected with each other on several levels of interaction. It also requires the introduction of nodes set functions, that can vary depending on the problem statement. keywords: account; aggregated; approach; belief; centrality; combination; conflict; connections; considered; cooperation; dempster; different; elements; functions; graph; groups; help; importance; influence; interaction; layers; mass; measures; model; multilayer; multiplex; networks; node v; nodes; order; ranking; rule; set; shafer; system; theory; value; weighted cache: cord-026306-mkmrninv.txt plain text: cord-026306-mkmrninv.txt item: #17 of 43 id: cord-027178-tqj8jgem author: Tian, Changbo title: Modeling of Anti-tracking Network Based on Convex-Polytope Topology date: 2020-06-15 words: 4302 flesch: 59 summary: So, an effective maintenance mechanism of network topology guanrantees the robustness and usability of anti-tracking network. With the collaboration of all nodes in anti-tracking network, CPT can achieve the self-optimization of network topology. keywords: algorithm; anti; communication; connectivity; construction; convex; cpt; degree; dht; edges; efficiency; fig; maintenance; network; network topology; node v; nodes; number; optimization; polytope; requirement; resilience; self; structure; surfaces; time; topology; tracking; tracking network; triangle cache: cord-027178-tqj8jgem.txt plain text: cord-027178-tqj8jgem.txt item: #18 of 43 id: cord-027451-ztx9fsbg author: De Chiara, Davide title: Data Mining for Big Dataset-Related Thermal Analysis of High Performance Computing (HPC) Data Center date: 2020-05-25 words: 5759 flesch: 45 summary: This behavioural categorisation provides an opportunity to save energy and better allocate tasks to cluster nodes to reduce overall node temperatures. Overall, effective DC management requires energy use monitoring, particularly, energy input, IT energy consumption, monitoring of supply air temperature and humidity at room level (i.e. granularity level 0 in the context of this research), monitoring of air temperature at a higher granularity level (i.e. at Computer Room Air Conditioning/Computer Room Air Handler (CRAC/CRAH) unit level, granularity level 1). keywords: air; air temperature; aisle; algorithm; allocation; analysis; average; aware; big; calculation; categories; center; characteristics; cluster; cold; compute; computing; consumption; cooling; cpu; cpus; cresco6; data; dc energy; distribution; efficiency; energy; exhaust; fig; goal; heat; high; hotspots; hpc; information; inlet; intensive; job; jobs; level; long; management; matrix; memory; metrics; monitoring; necessary; nodes; observed; optimal; parameters; performance; platform; power; profile; profiling; related; relevant; research; resource; room; scheduler; scheduling; server; system; temperature; thermal; threshold; time; type; user; utilisation; waste; workload cache: cord-027451-ztx9fsbg.txt plain text: cord-027451-ztx9fsbg.txt item: #19 of 43 id: cord-028660-hi35xvni author: Chen, Jie title: Three-Way Decisions Community Detection Model Based on Weighted Graph Representation date: 2020-06-10 words: 3634 flesch: 54 summary: Fast unfolding of communities in large networks Three-way dicision community detection algorithm based on local group information VGHC: a variable granularity hierarchical clustering for community detection A method for local community detection by finding maximaldegree nodes Finding community structure in very large networks Detecting community structure via the maximal sub-graphs and belonging degrees in complex networks Comparing community structure identification Three-way decision based on non-overlapping community division Method to find community structures based on information centrality Community structure in social and biological networks Complex network clustering by multiobjective discrete particle swarm optimization based on decomposition Information limits for recovering a hidden community An efficient heuristic procedure for partitioning graphs Graph evolution: densification and shrinking diameters Learning to discover social circles in ego networks Semi-supervised community detection based on non-negative matrix factorization with node popularity The emergent properties of a dolphin social network Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space Distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality Fast algorithm for detecting community structure in networks Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices Modularity and community structure in networks Finding and evaluating community structure in networks Deepwalk: online learning of social representations An information-theoretic framework for resolving community structure in complex networks Detect overlapping and hierarchical community structure in networks Nonnegative matrix factorization with mixed hypergraph regularization for community detection Three-way decision: an interpretation of rules in rough set theory Three-way decisions with probabilistic rough sets Two semantic issues in a probabilistic rough set model An information flow model for conflict and fission in small groups Hierarchical community detection based on partial matrix convergence using random walks Community detection algorithm based on clustering granulation Acknowledgments. Community structure keywords: algorithm; bnd; boundary; clustering; communities; community; community detection; community structure; complex; decisions; detection; follows; graph; hierarchical; information; layer; matrix; method; model; modularity; network; nodes; non; number; overlapping; real; region; representation; similarity; social; structure; target; twd; value; vector; walk; way; weighted cache: cord-028660-hi35xvni.txt plain text: cord-028660-hi35xvni.txt item: #20 of 43 id: cord-028688-5uzl1jpu author: Li, Peisen title: Multi-granularity Complex Network Representation Learning date: 2020-06-10 words: 4539 flesch: 41 summary: The cognitive learning mode of information network is exactly in line with the multi-granularity thinking mechanism of human intelligence problem solving, data is taken as knowledge expressed in the lowest granularity level of a multiple granularity space, while knowledge as the abstraction of data in coarse granularity levels [15] . Existing algorithms focus on the single coarse-grained topology of nodes or text information alone, which cannot describe complex information networks. keywords: additional; analysis; attribute; auto; classification; coarse; cognitive; complex; complex network; computing; data; datasets; deep; different; dimensional; embedding; encoder; fine; function; granularity; graph; indecomposable; information; large; layers; learning; levels; low; matrix; methods; mnrl; model; multi; multiple; network; network representation; node; order; original; performance; potential; prediction; representation; representation learning; results; semantic; set; similarity; social; space; structure; text; topological; topology; vector cache: cord-028688-5uzl1jpu.txt plain text: cord-028688-5uzl1jpu.txt item: #21 of 43 id: cord-034545-onj7zpi1 author: Abuelkhail, Abdulrahman title: Internet of things for healthcare monitoring applications based on RFID clustering scheme date: 2020-11-03 words: 7775 flesch: 59 summary: However, clustering RFID nodes into groups comes with many technical challenges, such as achieving accurate positioning, collecting information in each cluster, and reporting this information from clusters head to the server for processing it. In this work, we build a network of smart nodes where each node comprises a Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) tag, reduced function RFID reader (RFRR), and sensors. keywords: algorithm; applications; approach; backend; battery; body; bytes; cluster; clusterhead; clustering; collected; collection; consumption; cost; data; delay; different; distance; efficient; energy; equal; figure; function; healthcare; high; information; integer; iot; large; level; members; mobile; model; monitoring; network; new; nodes; number; optimal; packets; patient; performance; primary; process; programming; prototype; range; reader; reduced; result; rfid; rfid reader; rfid tag; rfrr; scale; scheme; security; sensor; server; shows; signature; size; smart; smart nodes; solution; system; tag; tags; time; total; tracking; traditional; transmission; wireless cache: cord-034545-onj7zpi1.txt plain text: cord-034545-onj7zpi1.txt item: #22 of 43 id: cord-034824-eelqmzdx author: Guo, Chungu title: Influential Nodes Identification in Complex Networks via Information Entropy date: 2020-02-21 words: 5772 flesch: 49 summary: For example, collaboration networks [1] are used to cover the scientific collaborations between authors, email networks [2] denote the email communications between users, protein-DNA networks [3] help people gain a deep insight on biochemical reaction, railway networks [4] reveal the structure of railway via complex network methods, social networks show interactions between people Greedy method is usually used as the upper bound, but it is not efficient in large networks due to its high time complexity. keywords: ability; affected; algorithm; amazon; average; benchmark; cenew; centrality; communities; community; complex; complex networks; complexity; degree; different; efficient; email; enrenew; entropy; epidemic; experiment; f(t; figure; final; graph; greedy; identifying; importance; infected; influence; influential; influential nodes; information; initial; large; largest; local; maximization; methods; model; neighbors; networks; nodes; number; paper; problem; process; propagation; results; router; scale; selected; set; sir; small; social; spreaders; spreading; structure; time; voterank cache: cord-034824-eelqmzdx.txt plain text: cord-034824-eelqmzdx.txt item: #23 of 43 id: cord-102394-vk4ag44m author: Zhang, Hai-Feng title: Impact of asymptomatic infection on coupled disease-behavior dynamics in complex networks date: 2016-08-14 words: 3221 flesch: 55 summary: That is to say, the parameters in epidemic models should not be static but dynamic [2] . Our findings provide a typical example to emphasize the importance of incorporating human behavioral response into epidemic models, and also partially offer a theoretical tool to quantify the impacts of behavioral responses. keywords: asymptomatic; behavioral; degree; different; disease; dynamics; edge; epidemic; epidemic threshold; improved; individuals; infected; infection; information; model; neighbor; network; node; rate; responses; results; sauir; sir; sis; state; threshold cache: cord-102394-vk4ag44m.txt plain text: cord-102394-vk4ag44m.txt item: #24 of 43 id: cord-102588-vpu5w9wh author: Le, Trang T. title: treeheatr: an R package for interpretable decision tree visualizations date: 2020-07-10 words: 2391 flesch: 45 summary: The simplicity of decision tree models allows for clear visualizations that can be incorporated with rich additional information such as the feature space. The state-of-the-art Python's dtreeviz produces decision trees with detailed histograms at inner nodes but still draw pie chart of different classes at leaf nodes. keywords: classification; conditional; corresponding; dataset; decision; decision tree; default; detailed; different; example; features; ggparty; heat_tree; heatmap; hs_crp; important; information; integration; layout; leaf; learning; machine; model; node; number; observations; outcome; package; samples; seriation; space; tree; treeheatr; user; value; visualization cache: cord-102588-vpu5w9wh.txt plain text: cord-102588-vpu5w9wh.txt item: #25 of 43 id: cord-102935-cx3elpb8 author: Hassani-Pak, Keywan title: KnetMiner: a comprehensive approach for supporting evidence-based gene discovery and complex trait analysis across species date: 2020-04-24 words: 2175 flesch: 45 summary: Evidence View is a ranked list of query related 121 evidence terms and enrichment scores along with linked genes. Here we report the main design principles behind KnetMiner and provide use cases for mining public datasets to identify unknown links between traits such grain colour and pre-harvest sprouting in Triticum aestivum, as well as, an evidence-based approach to identify candidate genes under an Arabidopsis thaliana petal size QTL. keywords: approach; biological; complex; data; discovery; evidence; gcs; gene; genome; germination; grain; information; interest; keywords; knetminer; knowledge; links; network; new; nodes; query; related; scientists; search; seed; species; terms; traits; tt2; types; user; view; weight; wheat cache: cord-102935-cx3elpb8.txt plain text: cord-102935-cx3elpb8.txt item: #26 of 43 id: cord-119522-2ua8218z author: Reddy, C. Rajashekar title: Improving Spatio-Temporal Understanding of Particulate Matter using Low-Cost IoT Sensors date: 2020-05-12 words: 3601 flesch: 56 summary: Figs. 1(a) and 1(b) show the block architecture and circuit diagram, respectively, of the PM monitoring sensor node developed at IIIT-H. Each node consists of ESP8266 based NodeMCU microcontroller and sensors for PM, temperature and humidity. IoT along with dense deployment of such lowcost sensors can provide real-time access of pollution data with high spatio-temporal resolution. keywords: air; airveda; analysis; area; campus; correlation; cost; data; dense; deployment; different; distribution; fig; humidity; idw; iiit; interpolation; iot; location; low; maingate; matter; monitoring; nodemcu; nodes; paper; particulate; plots; pm10; pm2.5; points; pollution; quality; real; results; samples; sds011; sensor; server; small; spatial; spatio; systems; temperature; temporal; thingspeak; time; urban; values; wifi cache: cord-119522-2ua8218z.txt plain text: cord-119522-2ua8218z.txt item: #27 of 43 id: cord-125089-1lfmqzmc author: Chandrasekhar, Arun G. title: Interacting Regional Policies in Containing a Disease date: 2020-08-24 words: 8626 flesch: 60 summary: We then examine jurisdictional policies, which are regional quarantine policies conducted by multiple, uncoordinated regimes. We have shown that regional quarantine policies are likely to fail unless leakage and delays in detection are limited. keywords: average; balance; borders; bounded; buffer; case; condition; covid-19; days; degree; delay; detection; disease; distance; figure; global; grows; growth; infected; infections; interactions; internal; jurisdictions; k(n; large; lax; leakage; location; model; myopic; network; nodes; number; paths; period; policies; policy; policymaker; population; potential; proactive; probability; quarantine; random; rate; regional; regional policy; reproduction; results; seed; sequence; set; small; theorem; threshold; time; use cache: cord-125089-1lfmqzmc.txt plain text: cord-125089-1lfmqzmc.txt item: #28 of 43 id: cord-155475-is3su3ga author: Kalogeratos, Argyris title: Winning the competition: enhancing counter-contagion in SIS-like epidemic processes date: 2020-06-24 words: 2822 flesch: 55 summary: Motivated by social epidemics, we apply this method to a generic continuous-time SIS-like diffusion model where we allow for: i) arbitrary node transition rate functions that describe the dynamics of propagation depending on the network state, and ii) competition between the healthy (positive) and infected (negative) states, which are both diffusive at the same time, yet mutually exclusive on each node. In this study, we propose the Generalized Largest Reduction in Infectious Edges (gLRIE) strategy, which is adapted for the diffusion competition of recurrent epidemics, as well as nonlinearity and saturation of the functions of node transition rates. keywords: allocation; competition; diffusion; dynamic; edges; effects; epidemic; function; glrie; infected; infection; information; largest; like; linear; model; neighbors; network; node; non; order; possible; present; process; recovery; reduction; resource; score; setting; simulations; sis; social; state; strategies; strategy; time; transition cache: cord-155475-is3su3ga.txt plain text: cord-155475-is3su3ga.txt item: #29 of 43 id: cord-168862-3tj63eve author: Porter, Mason A. title: Nonlinearity + Networks: A 2020 Vision date: 2019-11-09 words: 11847 flesch: 43 summary: Congestion induced by the structure of multiplex networks Tie-decay temporal networks in continuous time and eigenvector-based centralities Multilayer networks in a nutshell Multilayer networks in a nutshell Temporal and structural heterogeneities emerging in adaptive temporal networks Synchronization in complex networks Mathematical frameworks for oscillatory network dynamics in neuroscience Turing patterns in multiplex networks Morphogenesis of Spatial Networks Evolving voter model on dense random graphs Generative benchmark models for mesoscale structure in multilayer networks Birth and stabilization of phase clusters by multiplexing of adaptive networks Network geometry with flavor: From complexity to quantum geometry Chaos in generically coupled phase oscillator networks with nonpairwise interactions Topology of random geometric complexes: A survey Explosive transitions in complex networksÕ structure and dynamics: Percolation and synchronization Factoring and weighting approaches to clique identification Mathematical Models in Population Biology and Epidemiology How does active participation effect consensus: Adaptive network model of opinion dynamics and influence maximizing rewiring Anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine A model for the influence of media on the ideology of content in online social networks Frequency-based brain networks: As with other adaptive network models, researchers have developed some nonrigorous theory (e.g., using mean-field approximations and their generalizations) on adaptive voter models with simplistic rewiring schemes, but they have struggled to extend these ideas to models with more realistic rewiring schemes. keywords: active; activity; adaptation; adaptive; adjacency; analysis; applications; associated; behavior; biological; centrality; change; common; community; compartmental; complex; complexes; connections; contagions; continuous; coupling; data; decay; dependent; deterministic; different; diffusion; discrete; disease; distribution; dynamical; dynamics; edges; eigenvector; entities; entity; entries; epidemic; equation; example; features; fig; form; function; generalizations; generalized; graphs; higher; hypergraphs; ideas; important; infected; influence; information; interactions; interesting; interlayer; kuramoto; large; layers; mathematics; matrix; methods; metric; models; multilayer; multilayer networks; multiple; natural; network structure; networks; new; nodes; nonlinear; number; numerous; occur; ones; opinion; order; oscillators; people; percolation; phase; physical; probability; processes; random; recent; researchers; rewiring; rule; scale; scenarios; section; set; simplicial; social; spread; spreading; state; step; stochastic; structure; studies; study; susceptible; synchronization; systems; temporal; temporal networks; theory; threshold; time; topological; transitions; types; undirected; update; use; variety; voter; wave; wtm cache: cord-168862-3tj63eve.txt plain text: cord-168862-3tj63eve.txt item: #30 of 43 id: cord-196353-p05a8zjy author: Backhausz, 'Agnes title: Virus spread and voter model on random graphs with multiple type nodes date: 2020-02-17 words: 7553 flesch: 58 summary: We confront outcomes on different random graphs and the numerical solutions of the differential equations originating from the continuous time counterpart of the process. We studied the possible differences of the processes on different graphs, regarding the nature and magnitude of distinct result and both tried to find the reasons for them, to understand how can the structure of an underlying network affect outcomes. keywords: age; attachment; average; case; contacts; days; degree; different; disease; edges; erdős; expected; following; graphs; group; individuals; infected; infectious; influencers; initial; model; multiple; nodes; number; opinion; population; possible; preferential; probabilities; probability; process; proportion; random; random graphs; rate; rényi; section; set; spread; stable; strategies; strategy; structure; time; type; vaccination; value; vertices; virus; voter; voter model cache: cord-196353-p05a8zjy.txt plain text: cord-196353-p05a8zjy.txt item: #31 of 43 id: cord-199630-2lmwnfda author: Ray, Sumanta title: Predicting potential drug targets and repurposable drugs for COVID-19 via a deep generative model for graphs date: 2020-07-05 words: 6402 flesch: 45 summary: After the model is trained the drug-CoV-host links are predicted using the following equation: where A i j represents the possible links between all combination of SARS-CoV-2 nodes and drug nodes. To develop suitable therapeutic strategies and design antiviral drugs, a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between viral and human proteins is essential 2 . keywords: activity; adjacency; advanced; antiviral; approaches; autoencoder; camptothecin; cell; confidence; coronavirus; cov-2; covid-19; data; database; decoder; deep; different; disease; doxorubicin; drugs; edges; effective; effects; encoder; experiments; feature; figure; function; graph; hand; hdt; high; host; host proteins; human; infection; inhibition; inhibitors; interaction; latent; learning; links; list; matrix; mers; missing; model; neighborhood; network; new; nodes; novel; number; panel; performance; pipeline; potential; prediction; probability; proteins; recent; receptor; replication; representation; repurposing; respiratory; role; sampling; sars; severe; shows; similar; strategies; target; test; therapeutic; topoisomerase; treatment; use; uses; variational; virus; walk cache: cord-199630-2lmwnfda.txt plain text: cord-199630-2lmwnfda.txt item: #32 of 43 id: cord-248848-p7jv79ae author: Lee, Kookjin title: Parameterized Neural Ordinary Differential Equations: Applications to Computational Physics Problems date: 2020-10-28 words: 6967 flesch: 43 summary: Neural ODEs (NODEs) are a family of deep neural network models that parameterize the time-continuous dynamics of hidden states using a system of ODEs: where z(t) is a time-continuous representation of a hidden state, f Θ is a parameterized velocity function, which defines the dynamics of hidden states over time, and Θ is a set of neural network weights. Deep learning for universal linear embeddings of nonlinear dynamics Numerical computation of compressible and viscous flow Reduced-order modeling of advection-dominated systems with recurrent neural networks and convolutional autoencoders Time-series learning of latent-space dynamics for reduced-order model closure Deep dynamical modeling and control of unsteady fluid flows Reduced basis methods: Success, limitations and future challenges Linearly-recurrent autoencoder networks for learning dynamics Time-series machine-learning error models for approximate solutions to parameterized dynamical systems A deep learning enabler for nonintrusive reduced order modeling of fluid flows The mathematical theory of optimal processes Turbulence forecasting via neural ODE SNODE: Spectral discretization of neural odes for system identification Reduced Basis Methods for Partial Differential Equations: an Introduction Nonintrusive reduced order modeling framework for quasigeostrophic turbulence Physics-informed neural networks: A deep learning framework for solving forward and inverse problems involving nonlinear partial differential equations Machine learning for nonintrusive model order reduction of the parametric inviscid transonic flow past an airfoil A trajectory piecewise-linear approach to model order reduction of nonlinear dynamical systems Depth separation for reduced deep networks in nonlinear model reduction: Distilling shock waves in nonlinear hyperbolic problems Latent odes for irregularly-sampled time series Deep neural networks motivated by partial differential equations An artificial neural network framework for reduced order modeling of transient flows Projection-based model reduction: Formulations for physics-based machine learning Learning Koopman invariant subspaces for dynamic mode decomposition Enabling nonlinear manifold projection reduced-order models by extending convolutional neural networks to unstructured data Hamiltonian generative networks Phase-adjusted estimation of the number of coronavirus disease 2019 cases in wuhan, china Non-intrusive reduced order modeling of unsteady flows using artificial neural networks with application to a combustion problem Model identification of reduced order fluid dynamics systems using deep learning A proposal on machine learning via dynamical systems Latent space physics: keywords: approach; approximate; autoencoders; benchmark; boundary; computational; condition; convolutional; data; deep; differential; dimensional; dynamical; dynamics; e.g.; encoder; equations; extension; figure; flow; fluid; framework; high; initial; input; instances; latent; latent dynamics; learning; method; middle; model; modeling; multiple; networks; neural; node; nonlinear; number; numerical; odes; order; ordinary; parameter; parameter instances; parameterized; partial; pass; physics; pnodes; problems; projection; reduced; reduction; results; scenario; set; sets; shock; single; snapshots; solutions; space; species; specific; states; systems; table; term; testing; testing parameter; time; training; trajectory; velocity cache: cord-248848-p7jv79ae.txt plain text: cord-248848-p7jv79ae.txt item: #33 of 43 id: cord-269711-tw5armh8 author: Ma, Junling title: The importance of contact network topology for the success of vaccination strategies date: 2013-05-21 words: 7039 flesch: 53 summary: The last network considered is what we term a meta-random network where random networks of various sizes are connected with a small number of interlinks. Considering that a metarandom network is a random network of random networks, it is likely that the meta-random network represents a general population better than a random network. keywords: available; case; contact; curves; degree; delay; different; disease; doses; dynamics; effect; epidemic; example; fig; final; free; growth; incidence; infectious; initial; links; meta; models; neighbors; network; network topologies; new; nodes; number; parameters; population; probability; random; random network; randomly; rate; scale; size; small; spread; step; strategies; strategy; susceptible; susceptible nodes; table; time; topologies; topology; transmission; unit; vaccinated; vaccination; vaccination strategies; world cache: cord-269711-tw5armh8.txt plain text: cord-269711-tw5armh8.txt item: #34 of 43 id: cord-276178-0hrs1w7r author: Bangotra, Deep Kumar title: An Intelligent Opportunistic Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks and Its Application Towards e-Healthcare date: 2020-07-13 words: 9222 flesch: 56 summary: The constraint of energy in sensor nodes has affected the transmission of data from one node to another and therefore, requires boundless methods, policies, and strategies to overcome this challenge [7] . The constraint of energy in sensor nodes has affected the transmission of data from one node to another and therefore, requires boundless methods, policies, and strategies to overcome this challenge [7] . keywords: algorithm; area; base; better; cloud; communication; computing; consumption; data; data packet; destination; different; distance; eeor; efficiency; end; energy; energy consumption; energy efficiency; figure; forwarder; forwarder node; healthcare; hop; integration; iot; lifetime; list; mdor; network; node; node selection; number; opportunistic; opportunistic routing; packet; potential; power; probability; protocol; relay; relay node; reliability; results; round; routing; routing protocol; selection; sensor; sensor networks; sensor nodes; simulation; source; source node; station; throughput; transmission; wireless; wireless sensor; wsn cache: cord-276178-0hrs1w7r.txt plain text: cord-276178-0hrs1w7r.txt item: #35 of 43 id: cord-284186-zf1w8ksm author: Suran, J. N. title: Radiographic and ultrasonographic findings of the spleen and abdominal lymph nodes in healthy domestic ferrets date: 2017-04-17 words: 6087 flesch: 50 summary: Lymph nodes were radiographically discernible in 28 out of 55 ferrets and included caudal mesenteric and sublumbar nodes. The information provided in this study may act as a baseline for evaluation of the spleen and lymph nodes in ferrets. keywords: 2012; abdomen; abdominal; adrenal; axis; body; cats; caudal; changes; clinical; colic; cranial; cyst; deviation; echogenicity; echotexture; et al; ferrets; fig; garcia; gastric; greater; healthy; hepatic; hilus; homogeneous; hyperechoic; ileocolic; iliac; imaging; jejunal; jejunal lymph; large; lateral; left; length; like; long; lymph; lymph nodes; mean; measurements; medial; mesenteric; murphy; neutered; nodes; pancreaticoduodenal; paul; radiographic; renal; single; size; small; spleen; splenic; standard; studies; study; sublumbar; thickness; ultrasonographic; ultrasound; ventral; years cache: cord-284186-zf1w8ksm.txt plain text: cord-284186-zf1w8ksm.txt item: #36 of 43 id: cord-285350-64mzmiv3 author: Bhagatkar, Nikita title: An integrated P2P framework for E-learning date: 2020-06-29 words: 11385 flesch: 67 summary: An analysis of the skype peer-topeer internet telephony protocol GENI: a federated test-bed for innovative network experiments Everything you need to know about using zoom Integrated collaborative learning software Skype vs. zoom: which video chat app is best for working from home? Using moodle: teaching with the popular open source course management system On de Bruijn routing in distributed hash tables: there and back again A case study of faculty experience and preference of using blackboard and canvas lms Efficient peer-to-peer lookup based on a distributed trie Broose: a practical distributed hashtable based on the de-Bruijn topology Future internet research and experimentation: the FIRE initiative Project JXTA: a technology overview Insights into PPLive: a measurement study of a large-scale P2P IPTV system Student perception of Moodle learning management system: a satisfaction and significance analysis Educational technology best practices A study of internet instant messaging and chat protocols Canvas LMS course design FORGE toolkit: leveraging distributed systems in elearning platforms Proposal of e-learning system integrated P2P model with clientserver model Stochastic fluid theory for P2P streaming systems A survey on peer-to-peer video streaming systems Graph-theoretic analysis of structured peer-to-peer systems: routing distances and fault resilience Prime: peer-to-peer receiver-driven mesh-based streaming Mesh or multipletree: a comparative study of live p2p streaming approaches Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing system: a tool for distance education Viceroy: a scalable and dynamic emulation of the butterfly EDUTELLA: a P2P networking infrastructure based on RDF MioStream: a peer-to-peer distributed live media streaming on the edge P2P networking: an information sharing alternative A survey on decentralized online social networks The Bittorrent P2P file-sharing system: measurements and analysis Integrating EduLearn learning content management system (lcms) with cooperating learning object repositories (LORs) in a peer to peer (P2P) architectural framework Vyapthi: a leveraged P2P content sharing platform for distributed e-learning systems A scalable content-addressable network Pastry: scalable, decentralized object location, and routing for large-scale peer-to-peer systems Measurement study of peer-to-peer file sharing systems Chord: a scalable peer-to-peer lookup protocol for internet applications The scalability of swarming peer-to-peer content delivery The piazza peer data management project Peer-to-peer gradient topologies in networks with churn Duolingo effectiveness Load balancing in P2P video streaming systems with service differentiation Towards the multi-request mechanism in pull-based peer-to-peer live streaming systems Coolstreaming/DONet: a data-driven overlay network for peer-to-peer live media streaming Tapestry: a resilient global-scale overlay for service deployment Any user may comment on annotated material, setup a live video chat with other peers sharing a whiteboard alongside. keywords: active; address; annotations; approach; architecture; available; average; bootstrap; bruijn; comments; contents; corresponding; current; data; degree; dht; document; emulab; experiments; features; fig; file; free; graph; hash; information; joining; key; keywords; label; latency; learning; leave; length; like; links; list; live; maximum; media; mesh; minutes; modified; neighbor; network; new; node; number; operations; outgoing; overlay; p2p; packet; page; paper; parent; path; pdf; peer; physical; posts; presentation; process; pull; queries; query; random; rate; receiver; request; results; routing; section; send; server; session; set; shared; sharing; size; source; speaker; start; streaming; structure; support; system; text; time; user; value; video; virtual; webex; whiteboard; zone; zoom cache: cord-285350-64mzmiv3.txt plain text: cord-285350-64mzmiv3.txt item: #37 of 43 id: cord-306727-2c1m04je author: Pandey, Prateek title: Promoting Trustless Computation Through Blockchain Technology date: 2020-05-20 words: 2629 flesch: 52 summary: The performance of public blockchains we created is not observed because the pilot applications were deployed on Rinkeby public blockchain network, and the typical network latency for Rinkeby is 15-30 s. Therefore, Drug supply, health insurance, and land records blockchains are implemented over the Ethereum network, whereas immigration and courier blockchains are implemented on hyper ledger fabric. keywords: blockchain; business; case; client; consensus; contracts; courier; data; decentralized; drug; endorsers; ethereum; fabric; forgery; health; immigration; insurance; keeping; land; ledger; network; nodes; ordering; performance; platform; pow; private; public; records; services; solution; supply; technology; throughput; time; transaction; use cache: cord-306727-2c1m04je.txt plain text: cord-306727-2c1m04je.txt item: #38 of 43 id: cord-319291-6l688krc author: Hung, Chun-Min title: Alignment using genetic programming with causal trees for identification of protein functions date: 2006-09-01 words: 8947 flesch: 47 summary: Nonlinear Anal Theory Methods Appl DOI: 10.1016/ sha: doc_id: 319291 cord_uid: 6l688krc A hybrid evolutionary model is used to propose a hierarchical homology of protein sequences to identify protein functions systematically. Because some novel proteins might align without meaningful conserved domains, maximizing the score of sequence alignment is not the best criterion for predicting protein functions. keywords: 0,0; agct; algorithm; alignment; best; boundaries; case; causal; causal tree; central; column; comparison; correspondence; curve; data; distribution; domains; energy; eqs; evolutionary; example; external; family; feature; fig; fitness; following; form; fragments; function; genetic; genetic programming; hierarchical; iii; individuals; internal; invariants; local; mapping; matching; matrix; method; model; moment; multiple; new; node; non; number; parameters; parent; pattern; point; probabilistic; probability; problem; profile; programming; proposed; protein; protein function; query; related; results; rigid; root; rpm; search; second; sequence; set; sets; signal; size; solution; strategy; structure; subpopulation; term; theorem; tps; tree; value; variables; vector; work; wta cache: cord-319291-6l688krc.txt plain text: cord-319291-6l688krc.txt item: #39 of 43 id: cord-322746-28igib4l author: Gosche, John R. title: Acute, subacute, and chronic cervical lymphadenitis in children date: 2007-06-06 words: 4727 flesch: 31 summary: The symptoms associated with acute cervical lymphadenitis reflect these pathophysiologic events. Laboratory tests are seldom required as part of the workup for acute cervical lymphadenitis. keywords: acute; age; agent; antibiotic; associated; aureus; bacterial; bilateral; biopsy; cases; cervical; cervical lymphadenitis; children; chronic; clinical; common; consistent; cultures; days; diagnosis; disease; drainage; enlargement; etiologies; etiology; evaluation; examination; fever; findings; general; group; important; infections; initial; invasion; involved; involvement; laboratory; lymphadenitis; lymphadenopathy; lymphocytes; methicillin; months; neck; neoplastic; nodal; nodes; nontuberculous; organism; patients; physical; plain; present; primary; process; processes; radiographs; resistant; resolution; respiratory; results; serologic; site; skin; staphylococcus; strains; subacute; symptoms; systemic; testing; therapy; tissue; tract; treatment; upper; viral; weeks cache: cord-322746-28igib4l.txt plain text: cord-322746-28igib4l.txt item: #40 of 43 id: cord-322890-w78tftva author: Suran, Jantra Ngosuwan title: IMAGING FINDINGS IN 14 DOMESTIC FERRETS (MUSTELA PUTORIUS FURO) WITH LYMPHOMA date: 2013-06-06 words: 6864 flesch: 43 summary: [1] [2] [3] Despite lymphoma being common in domestic ferrets and the use of radiography and ultrasonography being touted as part of the minimum database in the diagnosis of lymphoma, 1, 7 imaging findings in ferrets with lymphoma have been limited to a few case reports. Previous studies in normal ferrets using ultrasound have reported the normal thickness of mesenteric lymph nodes as 5.3 ± 1.39 mm and 7.6 ± 2.0 mm. 13, 14 Given that some radiographically visible lymph nodes measured as small as 6.2 mm (which is within the reported normal ranges for mesenteric lymph nodes) it is possible that normal lymph nodes may be radiographically appreciable. keywords: abdominal; abnormalities; adrenal; affected; aspirates; available; biopsy; body; cats; cell; central; changes; clinical; common; confirmed; consistent; cord; cranial; cytology; diagnosis; disease; dogs; domestic; effusion; enlarged; ferrets; fig; findings; hepatic; histopathology; hypoechoic; images; imaging; incidental; involvement; left; lesions; lumbar; lymph nodes; lymphadenopathy; lymphoma; lysis; mass; masses; mediastinal; mesenteric; mild; mri; multicentric; necropsy; nodes; nodules; normal; peritoneal; present; prior; radiographic; renal; reported; right; signs; small; sonographically; spinal; spine; spleen; splenic; splenomegaly; studies; study; system; thickness; time; tissue; ultrasonography; ultrasound; years cache: cord-322890-w78tftva.txt plain text: cord-322890-w78tftva.txt item: #41 of 43 id: cord-328875-fgeudou6 author: Leung, Alexander K. C. title: Cervical lymphadenitis: Etiology, diagnosis, and management date: 2009-04-18 words: 3894 flesch: 36 summary: On the other hand, cervical lymph nodes are usually below the mandible [ 1 ] . Ultrasonography (US) is the most useful diagnostic imaging modality in the assessment of cervical lymph nodes. keywords: 4••; acute; age; antibiotic; article; associated; aureus; bacterial; benign; bilateral; biopsy; cases; cause; cervical; cervical lymphadenitis; cervical lymphadenopathy; children; chronic; clinical; common; culture; cyst; deep; diagnosis; disease; drug; excision; fever; generalized; group; history; infection; lymph nodes; lymphadenitis; lymphadenopathy; lymphoma; malignancy; management; mass; mycobacteria; neck; needle; nodes; oral; organisms; patients; pharyngitis; presence; present; pyogenes; respiratory; scratch; specifi; streptococcal; therapy; tract; treatment; tuberculosis; upper; viral cache: cord-328875-fgeudou6.txt plain text: cord-328875-fgeudou6.txt item: #42 of 43 id: cord-349724-yq4dphmb author: Santos, Hugo title: A Multi-Tier Fog Content Orchestrator Mechanism with Quality of Experience Support date: 2020-05-06 words: 7211 flesch: 53 summary: In this article, we introduce a content orchestrator mechanism, called of Fog4Video, which chooses an appropriate fog node to download video content. The closer availability of content enhances delivery of video content in specific regions improving the network by reducing the network load and absolute latency. keywords: ahp; analysis; architecture; available; best; better; bitrate; cache; chunk; client; cloud; communication; computing; conditions; content; content orchestrator; cost; data; decision; delay; demand; devices; different; download; duration; edge; events; fairness; figure; fog; fog node; fog4video; greedy; higher; important; influence; information; making; mechanism; metrics; mobile; monetary; multi; network; node; number; orchestrator; phase; player; process; qoe; qos; quality; random; request; resources; results; section; services; stall; streaming; support; test; tier; tier fog; time; transcoding; unit; user; values; video; video content; vod; vod services cache: cord-349724-yq4dphmb.txt plain text: cord-349724-yq4dphmb.txt item: #43 of 43 id: cord-355393-ot7hztyk author: Yuan, Peiyan title: Community-based immunization in opportunistic social networks date: 2015-02-15 words: 5984 flesch: 63 summary: Specifically, we select as High lOcal imporTance nodes (HOT) with the top 10% nodes that have the highest local importance with respect to a community, and the rest as Low lOcal imporTance nodes (LOT). [20] suggested that node importance should be recalculated after every step of node removal. keywords: central; communities; community; components; contact; decayed; delay; denote; density; different; effective; epidemic; features; fig; global; graph; high; hot; human; immunization; importance; local; local importance; matrix; means; mobility; model; networks; node u; nodes; noise; number; opportunistic; osn; outbreak; paper; pca; principal; role; routing; section; set; small; social; space; spectral; strategy; structure; temporal; time; traces; vector cache: cord-355393-ot7hztyk.txt plain text: cord-355393-ot7hztyk.txt