item: #1 of 49 id: cord-004339-7nwpic3d author: Rennie, Katherine J. title: Nasal Airway Obstruction Study (NAIROS): a phase III, open-label, mixed-methods, multicentre randomised controlled trial of septoplasty versus medical management of a septal deviation with nasal obstruction date: 2020-02-13 words: 8417 flesch: 39 summary: Keywords: Nasal septum, Nasal obstruction, Septoplasty, Turbinates, Mometasone furoate, Clinical trial, Cost-effectiveness, Process evaluation Background Septoplasty is surgery to straighten the nasal partition between the two nostrils (the septum). The estimation of a preference-based measure of health from the SF-36 The use of nasal spirometry as an objective measure of nasal septal deviation and the effectiveness of septal surgery Use of peak nasal inspiratory flowmetry and nasal decongestant to evaluate outcome of septoplasty with radiofrequency coblation of the inferior turbinate The accuracy and reproducibility of rhinospirometry in detecting flow asymmetry in a nasal cavity model The value of bilateral simultaneous nasal spirometry in the assessment of patients undergoing septoplasty SPIRIT 2013 explanation and elaboration: guidance for protocols of clinical trials Nasal septal surgery: evaluation of symptomatic and general health outcomes Patterns of treatment effects in subsets of patients in clinical trials Reporting attrition in randomised controlled trials Practice based, longitudinal, qualitative interview study of computerised evidence based guidelines in primary care The NAtional randomised controlled Trial of Tonsillectomy IN Adults (NATTINA): a clinical and cost-effectiveness study: study protocol for a randomised control trial Distributed decision making: the anatomy of decisions-in-action Clear obstacles and hidden challenges: understanding recruiter perspectives in six pragmatic randomised controlled trials Capturing users' experiences of participating in cancer trials Evaluating complex interventions and health technologies using normalization process theory: development of a simplified approach and web-enabled toolkit A feasibility study incorporating a pilot randomised controlled trial of oral feeding plus pre-treatment gastrostomy tube versus oral feeding plus as-needed nasogastric tube feeding in patients undergoing chemoradiation for head and neck cancer (TUBE trial): study protocol The constant comparative method of qualitative analysis The quality of qualitative research. keywords: analysis; data; health; management; medical; months; nairos; nasal; nose; outcome; participants; patients; recruitment; septoplasty; study; surgery; treatment; trial cache: cord-004339-7nwpic3d.txt plain text: cord-004339-7nwpic3d.txt item: #2 of 49 id: cord-010840-xols477h author: Jenkins, G. Trey title: Critical Issues in Leadership Development for Peer Support Specialists date: 2020-02-07 words: 6160 flesch: 51 summary: There is a growing need to address leadership and supervision within the peer workforce in general, and more specifically, addressing the motivations and self-efficacy in peer leadership development. Nonetheless, we believe that the concepts that emerged from this focus group provide a framework that will contribute to future research on peer leadership development in the healthcare workforce. keywords: leadership; participants; peer; pss; recovery; relationships; role; self; support cache: cord-010840-xols477h.txt plain text: cord-010840-xols477h.txt item: #3 of 49 id: cord-011241-2f73r2nv author: Lang, Ariel J. title: Compassion Meditation for Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): a Nonrandomized Study date: 2017-12-22 words: 7200 flesch: 40 summary: The importance of cultivating positive emotion is suggested by Fredrickson's (2001) Broaden and Build Theory, which posits that positive emotions enhance the ability to think flexibly and thereby build psychological resources that enable successful coping. PC: conducted meditation groups and assisted with treatment development. keywords: compassion; group; intervention; meditation; min; participants; ptsd; social; study; treatment; veterans cache: cord-011241-2f73r2nv.txt plain text: cord-011241-2f73r2nv.txt item: #4 of 49 id: cord-011501-o9hmzaxm author: Kühnel, Martina B title: How short is too short? A randomised controlled trial evaluating short-term existential behavioural therapy for informal caregivers of palliative patients date: 2020-04-29 words: 5534 flesch: 40 summary: part 2 A psychoeducational intervention for family caregivers of patients receiving palliative care: a randomized controlled trial The psychological impact of cancer on patients' partners and other key relatives: a review A meta-analytic review of interventions for caregiver distress: recommendations for future research Supporting lay carers in end of life care: current gaps and future priorities Evaluating the effects of mindfulness-based interventions for informal palliative caregivers: a systematic literature review Existential behavioural therapy for informal caregivers of palliative patients: a randomised controlled trial Determinants of the effect of existential behavioral therapy for bereaved partners: a qualitative study The feasibility and acceptability of short-term, individual existential behavioural therapy for informal caregivers of patients recruited in a specialist palliative care unit The efficacy of psychological, educational, and behavioral treatment: confirmation from meta-analysis Power and sample size calculations: a review and computer program Counseling and psychotherapy; newer concepts in practice Psychologie und Palliative Care: A randomised controlled trial evaluating short-term existential behavioural therapy for informal caregivers of palliative patients date: 2020-04-29 journal: Palliat Med DOI: 10.1177/0269216320911595 sha: doc_id: 11501 cord_uid: o9hmzaxm BACKGROUND: Informal caregivers of palliative patients show higher levels of depression and distress compared with the general population. keywords: beta; caregivers; control; data; group; intervention; life; participants; sebt; study; time cache: cord-011501-o9hmzaxm.txt plain text: cord-011501-o9hmzaxm.txt item: #5 of 49 id: cord-013521-ec9rkxdn author: Chun, Audrey title: Treatment of at-level spinal cord injury pain with botulinum toxin A date: 2019-09-18 words: 3848 flesch: 50 summary: A longitudinal study of the prevalence and characteristics of pain in the first 5 years following spinal cord injury Pharmacotherapy for neuropathic pain in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis The CanPain SCI clinical practice guidelines for rehabilitation management of neuropathic pain after spinal cord: recommendations for treatment Physical medicine and rehabilitation board review Botulinum toxin type A for neuropathic pain in patients with spinal cord injury Central origin of the antinociceptive action of botulinum toxin type A Botulinum toxin A, brain and pain Botulinum toxin treatment of pain syndromes-an evidence based review Complications of botulinum neurotoxin Safety of botulinum toxin type A: a systematic review and meta-analysis Treatment of at-level spinal cord injury pain with botulinum toxin A. Annual Conference Cut point determination in the measurement of pain and its relationship to psychosocial and functional measures after traumatic spinal cord injury: a retrospective model spinal cord injury system analysis Screening for neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury with the spinal cord injury pain instrument (SCIPI): a preliminary validation study Botulinum toxin for diabetic neuropathic pain: a randomized double-blind crossover trial Subcutaneous injection of botulinum toxin a is beneficial in postherpetic neuralgia Botulinum toxin type A for the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia: Results from a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Pain after spinal cord injury: an evidence-based review for clinical practice and research. keywords: bonta; pain; participants; placebo; post; sci; study; weeks cache: cord-013521-ec9rkxdn.txt plain text: cord-013521-ec9rkxdn.txt item: #6 of 49 id: cord-025556-oyfx3ij5 author: THUNSTRÖM, LINDA title: Testing for COVID-19: willful ignorance or selfless behavior? date: 2020-05-08 words: 6779 flesch: 53 summary: We therefore conclude that the positive effect of being an extrovert on willingness to test for COVID-19 is likely due to social health benefits weighing more heavily in their decision than their private costs from potential self-isolation for 14 days, should the test come back positive. Surprisingly, the people most likely to widely spread COVID-19 – the extraverts, others who meet more people in their daily lives and younger people – are the most willing to take a test. keywords: covid-19; days; health; participants; people; self; test; testing; variable cache: cord-025556-oyfx3ij5.txt plain text: cord-025556-oyfx3ij5.txt item: #7 of 49 id: cord-025843-5gpasqtr author: Wild, Karoline title: Decentralized Cross-organizational Application Deployment Automation: An Approach for Generating Deployment Choreographies Based on Declarative Deployment Models date: 2020-05-09 words: 5032 flesch: 41 summary: Due to security concerns, organizations typically do not expose their internal APIs to the outside or leave control over application deployments to others. For application deployment automation two general approaches can be distinguished: declarative and imperative deployment modeling approaches keywords: application; cloud; components; declarative; deployment; models; participant cache: cord-025843-5gpasqtr.txt plain text: cord-025843-5gpasqtr.txt item: #8 of 49 id: cord-028517-85f1yfk5 author: Radu, Iulian title: Relationships Between Body Postures and Collaborative Learning States in an Augmented Reality Study date: 2020-06-10 words: 1769 flesch: 30 summary: In this paper we expand this research by contributing new methods for analyzing body posture data from Kinect sensors, and new understanding of the relationships between posture synchronization and collaborative learning. In this paper we used unsupervised machine learning methods on body posture sensor data. keywords: body; collaboration; data; learning; participants cache: cord-028517-85f1yfk5.txt plain text: cord-028517-85f1yfk5.txt item: #9 of 49 id: cord-118214-jna34p8p author: Dhakal, Parashar title: IVACS: Intelligent Voice Assistant for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Self-Assessment date: 2020-09-06 words: 3195 flesch: 51 summary: Fig. 1 shows the overview of proposed IVACS architecture. During the experiment, the IVACS will interact with participants and guide them through the process upon knowing their health status. keywords: assistant; experiment; ivacs; participants; performance; self; user cache: cord-118214-jna34p8p.txt plain text: cord-118214-jna34p8p.txt item: #10 of 49 id: cord-158160-dka81tqx author: Vincalek, Jakub title: It's the Journey Not the Destination: Building Genetic Algorithms Practitioners Can Trust date: 2020-10-13 words: 7271 flesch: 54 summary: [19] propose a method to allow design engineers to see the effects of their changes on energy consumption in realtime. [15] who evaluated their Artificial Algae Algorithm on 20 different benchmark problems to show its suitability for engineering design optimisation problems. keywords: algorithms; answers; design; design process; engineering; engineers; optimisation; participants; process; question; respondents cache: cord-158160-dka81tqx.txt plain text: cord-158160-dka81tqx.txt item: #11 of 49 id: cord-253138-b08f64lu author: Ponsero, Alise title: Ten simple rules for organizing a data science workshop date: 2020-10-22 words: 3558 flesch: 44 summary: Be mindful that workshop material should be understandable for all learners (their prior knowledge should be informed by Rule 6) . However, training workshops can be particularly challenging to develop and plan. keywords: data; instructors; learning; objectives; participants; rule; training; workshop cache: cord-253138-b08f64lu.txt plain text: cord-253138-b08f64lu.txt item: #12 of 49 id: cord-253556-p1y0zeo1 author: Rhodes, Scott D. title: A rapid qualitative assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on a racially/ethnically diverse sample of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men living with HIV in the US South date: 2020-08-12 words: 5503 flesch: 51 summary: This commitment to prevention was noted by other participants. We collected qualitative data from participants who had completed 12 months of participation in and had graduated from the weCare intervention. keywords: african; american; covid-19; health; hiv; impact; living; men; pandemic; participants; plwh; white; years cache: cord-253556-p1y0zeo1.txt plain text: cord-253556-p1y0zeo1.txt item: #13 of 49 id: cord-256771-kweh1doo author: Williams, Simon N title: Public perceptions and experiences of social distancing and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A UK-based focus group study date: 2020-04-15 words: 6829 flesch: 50 summary: key: cord-256771-kweh1doo authors: Williams, Simon N; Armitage, Christopher J; Tampe, Tova; Dienes, Kimberly title: Public perceptions and experiences of social distancing and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic: A UK-based focus group study date: 2020-04-15 journal: nan DOI: 10.1101/2020.04.10.20061267 sha: doc_id: 256771 cord_uid: kweh1doo OBJECTIVE: The key NPIs being used in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK and globally (in addition to personal hygiene advisories (e.g. emphasising regular and thorough handwashing)) are social distancing (e.g. prohibiting public gatherings, closing schools and other non-essential services, and keeping a distance of >2 metres apart from others) and social isolation (e.g. remaining indoors except for one brief outing for per day for physical activity or 'essential supplies'). keywords: age; distancing; isolation; license; loss; medrxiv; participant; preprint; social cache: cord-256771-kweh1doo.txt plain text: cord-256771-kweh1doo.txt item: #14 of 49 id: cord-257464-cjdmqcck author: Lázaro-Muñoz, Gabriel title: Perceptions of best practices for return of results in an international survey of psychiatric genetics researchers date: 2020-10-03 words: 5498 flesch: 27 summary: Offering individual genetic research results: context matters Returning individual research results to participants: guidance for a new research paradigm Ethical and practical guidelines for reporting genetic research results to study participants: updated guidelines from a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute working group Anticipate and communicate: ethical management of incidental and secondary findings in the clinical, research, and direct-to-consumer contexts Improved ethical guidance for the return of results from psychiatric genomics research Psychiatric genetics researchers views on offering return of results to individual participants Psychiatric genomics researchers' perspectives on best practices for returning results to individual participants Return of genomic results to research participants: the floor, the ceiling, and the choices in between Researchers' views on return of incidental genomic research results: qualitative and quantitative findings Communication of biobanks research results: what do (potential) participants want? As noted above, guidelines recommend that genetic research participants consent to whether to receive genetic research results at the time of enrollment into these studies. keywords: disorders; genetics; participants; psychiatric; research; researchers; results; return cache: cord-257464-cjdmqcck.txt plain text: cord-257464-cjdmqcck.txt item: #15 of 49 id: cord-258223-8dhtwf03 author: Chow, Cristelle title: The Next Pandemic: Supporting COVID-19 Frontline Doctors Through Film Discussion date: 2020-09-05 words: 4749 flesch: 35 summary: While study participants felt confident about PPE and hospital infection control policies, they were also worried about asymptomatically passing on the virus to their loved ones as asymptomatic transmission of SARS-CoV-2 was a real possibility, in contrast to the SARS virus. The impact of social isolation, whether self-imposed or imposed by others, could have a minimized impact on study participants compared to frontline workers during SARS, due to the current widespread use of video chats and social media, which were not available in the early 2000s. keywords: discussion; film; healthcare; hospital; impact; members; pandemic; participants; public; workers cache: cord-258223-8dhtwf03.txt plain text: cord-258223-8dhtwf03.txt item: #16 of 49 id: cord-258915-lgee3ers author: Liddle, Jennifer title: Connecting at Local Level: Exploring Opportunities for Future Design of Technology to Support Social Connections in Age-friendly Communities date: 2020-07-31 words: 12518 flesch: 41 summary: Based on the in-depth understanding about participants' use and perceptions of technology that we gained from the interviews, we designed 'playful' workshop activities that deliberately did not ask participants explicitly to consider how technology could address issues in local social connections. The workshop was structured around four opportunities to improve local social connections that we identified as themes through our interview analysis. keywords: activities; age; area; community; connections; design; face; ideas; participants; people; relationships; technology; themes; use; workshop cache: cord-258915-lgee3ers.txt plain text: cord-258915-lgee3ers.txt item: #17 of 49 id: cord-264405-8v0o4krh author: Gosliner, Wendi title: Participants’ Experiences of the 2018–2019 Government Shutdown and Subsequent Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Benefit Disruption Can Inform Future Policy date: 2020-06-23 words: 9044 flesch: 58 summary: More than 67% of SNAP participants are families with children, almost 34% live in households with members who are elderly or have disabilities, and more than 43% of SNAP participants are in working families Initial questions aimed to capture the baseline (prior to the government shutdown) food security, health, and wellbeing of this convenience sample of SNAP participants. keywords: benefit; disruption; february; focus; food; government; groups; month; participants; program; shutdown; snap cache: cord-264405-8v0o4krh.txt plain text: cord-264405-8v0o4krh.txt item: #18 of 49 id: cord-266239-l0ulr2ep author: Freeman, Shannon title: Intergenerational Effects on the Impacts of Technology Use in Later Life: Insights from an International, Multi-Site Study date: 2020-08-07 words: 6852 flesch: 46 summary: The findings contribute to the growing literature in the fields of gerontology and gerontechnology on intergenerational influences and the impacts of technology use in later life and suggest the flexibility and willingness of older persons to adopt to new technologies as well as the value of intergenerational relationships for overcoming barriers to technology adoption. Technology use among older adults is growing [3] . keywords: adults; age; family; life; members; participants; relationships; social; study; technologies; technology; use cache: cord-266239-l0ulr2ep.txt plain text: cord-266239-l0ulr2ep.txt item: #19 of 49 id: cord-270750-1eehtxin author: Rebmann, Terri title: Disaster preparedness lessons learned and future directions for education: Results from focus groups conducted at the 2006 APIC Conference date: 2007-08-31 words: 4007 flesch: 47 summary: ICPs stressed the need to perform real-time assessments during disaster response, including general disaster response needs as well as disease surveillance. ' key: cord-270750-1eehtxin authors: Rebmann, Terri; English, Judith F.; Carrico, Ruth title: Disaster preparedness lessons learned and future directions for education: Results from focus groups conducted at the 2006 APIC Conference date: 2007-08-31 journal: American Journal of Infection Control DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2006.09.002 sha: doc_id: 270750 cord_uid: 1eehtxin Background Infection control professionals (ICP) who have experienced disaster response have not been assessed in terms of the lessons they have learned, gaps they perceive in disaster preparedness, and their perceived priorities for future emergency response training. keywords: disaster; focus; group; health; icps; participants; response cache: cord-270750-1eehtxin.txt plain text: cord-270750-1eehtxin.txt item: #20 of 49 id: cord-271679-94h6rcih author: Sharififar, Simintaj title: Factors affecting hospital response in biological disasters: A qualitative study date: 2020-03-16 words: 8727 flesch: 31 summary: Thus, this study was designed to explain the effective factors in hospital performance during biological disasters. It is hoped that the aggregated factors in the 8 groups of this study can evaluate hospital performance more coherently. keywords: communication; control; disasters; events; health; hospital; infection; participants; patients; performance; preparedness; response; staff; study; system; training cache: cord-271679-94h6rcih.txt plain text: cord-271679-94h6rcih.txt item: #21 of 49 id: cord-278428-44ozhdb7 author: Gholami, Mohsen title: Fatigue Monitoring in Running Using Flexible Textile Wearable Sensors date: 2020-09-29 words: 6184 flesch: 49 summary: Gait Post Effect of Patellofemoral Pain on Strength and Mechanics after an Exhaustive Run Lower Extremity Kinematics in Runners with Patellofemoral Pain during a Prolonged Run Associations between Borg's rating of perceived exertion and physiological measures of exercise intensity Determination of Blood Lactate Training Zone Boundaries With Rating of Perceived Exertion in Runners Rating of perceived exertion and blood lactate concentration during submaximal running Monitoring the athlete training response: Subjective self-reported measures trump commonly used objective measures: A systematic review Internal and External Training Load: 15 Years On Moving Beyond Weekly 'Distance': Optimizing Quantification of Training Load in Runners Session RPE in combination with training volume provides a better estimation of training responses in runners Positive Work Contribution Shifts from Distal to Proximal Joints during a Prolonged Run Effects of marathon running on running economy and kinematics Energy cost and running mechanics during a treadmill run to voluntary exhaustion in humans Impacts and kinematic adjustments during an exhaustive run Effect of fatigue on leg kinematics and impact acceleration in long distance running Effects of Fatigue on Running Mechanics Associated with Tibial Stress Fracture Risk The Effects of Knee Contact Angle on Impact Forces and Accelerations The effect of lower extremity fatigue on shock attenuation during single-leg landing Relationship between vertical ground reaction force and speed during walking, slow jogging, and running Consumption Commitments and Risk Preferences Kinematic changes during running-induced fatigue and relations with core endurance in novice runners Changes in Running Mechanics and Spring-Mass Behaviour during a 5-km Time Trial Kinetic Changes with Fatigue and Relationship to Injury in Female Runners The influence of fatigue on EMG and impact acceleration in running Altered multi-muscle coordination patterns in habitual forefoot runners during a prolonged, exhaustive run Surface EMG shows distinct populations of muscle activity when measured during sustained sub-maximal exercise Effects of fatigue on kinematics and kinetics during overground running: A systematic review A Data-Driven Approach to Kinematic Analysis in Running Using Wearable Technology Binary classification of running fatigue using a single inertial measurement unit A machine learning approach to detect changes in gait parameters following a fatiguing occupational task Human Movement Analysis as a Measure for Fatigue: A Hidden Markov-Based Approach Lower Body Kinematics Monitoring in Running Using Fabric-Based Wearable Sensors and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Estimation of Knee Joint Angle Using a Fabric-Based Strain Sensor and Machine Learning: A Preliminary Investigation Soft Smart Garments for Lower Limb Joint Position Analysis Application-Based Production and Testing of a Core-Sheath Fiber Strain Sensor for Wearable Electronics: Feasibility Study of Using the Sensors in Measuring Tri-Axial Trunk Motion Angles Recognizing Upper Body Postures using Textile Strain Sensors A fabric-based wearable band for hand gesture recognition based on filament strain sensors: A preliminary investigation Skin-Mountable, and Wearable Strain Sensors and Their Potential Applications: A Review Sex differences in lower extremity kinematics and patellofemoral kinetics during running Kinematic predictors of loading during running differ by demographic group Preliminary Investigation of Textile-Based Strain Sensors for the Detection of Human Gait Phases Using Machine Learning Random Forests Classification and regression by randomforest A Novel Method for Classification of Running Fatigue Using Change-Point Segmentation Gait retraining: Out of the lab and onto the streets with the benefit of wearables Classifying lower extremity muscle fatigue during walking using machine learning and inertial sensors Chapter 11 Inertial measurement units (IMUs) are the primary wearable device that have been used to detect the state of fatigue or to quantitatively measure fatigue level. keywords: changes; data; fatigue; level; participants; rpe; running; sensors; strain cache: cord-278428-44ozhdb7.txt plain text: cord-278428-44ozhdb7.txt item: #22 of 49 id: cord-279935-asg71qtr author: Beasley, Lana O. title: Best Practices for Engaging Pregnant and Postpartum Women at Risk of Substance Use in Longitudinal Research Studies: a Qualitative Examination of Participant Preferences date: 2020-10-28 words: 7892 flesch: 32 summary: These findings indicate the importance of reporting potential benefits and compensation not only when recruiting participants to enroll in a research project, but also to continue this conversation to retain research participants. Research studies on substance exposures during pregnancy expanded rapidly in the past 30 years, in recognition of the cocaine epidemics of the 90s, and the current increases in prenatal opioid and methamphetamine exposures (Gabrhelík, et al. 2020) . keywords: comments; health; information; participants; participation; recruitment; research; retention; risk; studies; study; use; women cache: cord-279935-asg71qtr.txt plain text: cord-279935-asg71qtr.txt item: #23 of 49 id: cord-280449-7tfvmwyi author: Hoplock, Lisa B. title: Perceptions of an evidence-based empathy mobile app in post-secondary education date: 2020-08-25 words: 7115 flesch: 44 summary: Some, but not the majority, of instructors/professors were asking students to use mobile apps for their course work (see also Ariel and Elishar-Malka 2019) . Challenges and mitigation strategies Qualitative insights into adapting an in-lab empathy intervention for use via videoconference with groups of nursing students What drives purchase intention for paid mobile apps? keywords: app; education; empathy; instructors; participants; people; professors; research; students; use cache: cord-280449-7tfvmwyi.txt plain text: cord-280449-7tfvmwyi.txt item: #24 of 49 id: cord-281344-iswbgqqe author: Jonker, Leonie T. title: Perioperative telemonitoring of older adults with cancer: Can we connect them all? date: 2020-09-04 words: 3936 flesch: 33 summary: Although the increasing cancer incidence in older patients is widely recognised, older patients remain underrepresented in clinical cancer trials and eHealth studies. This is a retrospective analysis of a prospective cohort study with older patients (≥ 65 years) undergoing cancer-related surgery, who were identified for a perioperative telemonitoring study. keywords: cancer; data; hospital; non; participants; patients; study cache: cord-281344-iswbgqqe.txt plain text: cord-281344-iswbgqqe.txt item: #25 of 49 id: cord-282526-b8tky324 author: Berger Gillam, T. title: Norwich COVID-19 Testing Initiative: feasibility project evaluation date: 2020-09-23 words: 2802 flesch: 51 summary: This study aimed to pilot mass COVID-19 testing on a university research park, to assess the feasibility and acceptability of scaling up to all staff and students. The study did not identify any false positives, despite this being considered a risk of universal testing (10) . keywords: covid-19; participants; population; preprint; students; study; testing; university cache: cord-282526-b8tky324.txt plain text: cord-282526-b8tky324.txt item: #26 of 49 id: cord-289763-jek2pd31 author: Fisher, Kimberly A. title: Attitudes Toward a Potential SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine: A Survey of U.S. Adults date: 2020-09-04 words: 4711 flesch: 40 summary: Evidence that these characteristics are predictive of vaccine hesitancy could be useful in targeting vaccine messaging and outreach to populations at risk for not being vaccinated. Our findings suggest that a multipronged approach may be needed in which trusted physicians promote vaccine uptake against a backdrop of innovative approaches and channels to combat vaccine misinformation, consistent with the body of literature of strategies to address vaccine hesitancy (39). keywords: characteristics; coronavirus; covid-19; health; influenza; intent; participants; vaccination; vaccine cache: cord-289763-jek2pd31.txt plain text: cord-289763-jek2pd31.txt item: #27 of 49 id: cord-307011-xmc10kv0 author: Martin, Jennifer L. title: Why we march! Feminist activism in critical times: Lessons from the women's march on Washington date: 2020-05-11 words: 5783 flesch: 54 summary: It will take intersectional feminist activism to alter this discourse. We argue that we are at the end of a period of backlash, and that the election of 2016 has served as a catalyst to invigorate intersectional feminist activism. keywords: activism; election; feminist; gender; issues; march; participants; social cache: cord-307011-xmc10kv0.txt plain text: cord-307011-xmc10kv0.txt item: #28 of 49 id: cord-307187-5blsjicu author: Missel, Malene title: A stoic and altruistic orientation towards their work: a qualitative study of healthcare professionals’ experiences of awaiting a COVID-19 test result date: 2020-11-11 words: 5822 flesch: 46 summary: The study offers an in-depth understanding of the meaning of the waiting for the test result for COVID-19 infection from the HCPs' perspective and should be of interest to a broad readership and add knowledge to the growing COVID-19 evidence base and in developing supportive inetrventions targeted HCPs in such a pandemic. A sudden decrease in the number of HCPs because of quarantining or isolation due to COVID-19 infection would potentially overload the healthcare system and the capacity to treat either patients with coronavirus or patients with other serious conditions would be challenged [8] . keywords: coronavirus; covid-19; experiences; hcps; healthcare; infection; participants; result; study; test cache: cord-307187-5blsjicu.txt plain text: cord-307187-5blsjicu.txt item: #29 of 49 id: cord-307915-mmw5s981 author: Hudson, Janella title: Robotic Pet Use Among Community-Dwelling Older Adults date: 2020-08-13 words: 7515 flesch: 39 summary: The primary purpose of this study was to explore the efficacy of robotic pets in alleviating loneliness for older adults. Robotic pets may be an effective solution for alleviating loneliness in older adults, especially among those who live alone, have fewer social connections, and live less active lifestyles. keywords: adults; benefit; companion; features; loneliness; participants; pet; pets; robots; study; use cache: cord-307915-mmw5s981.txt plain text: cord-307915-mmw5s981.txt item: #30 of 49 id: cord-309327-eham6trt author: Lor, Aun title: Key Ethical Issues Discussed at CDC-Sponsored International, Regional Meetings to Explore Cultural Perspectives and Contexts on Pandemic Influenza Preparedness and Response date: 2016-05-17 words: 7756 flesch: 36 summary: Meeting participants stressed that emergency plans should take into account the diversity of population, must be transparent, and favor equal distribution of resources. Although meeting participants acknowledged the importance of social distancing as a tool to limit disease transmission, they also recognized the difficulties associated with this measure. keywords: countries; differences; ethics; health; healthcare; influenza; issues; meetings; pandemic; participants; public; resources; response; workers cache: cord-309327-eham6trt.txt plain text: cord-309327-eham6trt.txt item: #31 of 49 id: cord-310145-wvu79t45 author: Daly, Bradford D. title: A Case Study Exploration into the Benefits of Teaching Self-Care to School Psychology Graduate Students date: 2020-10-23 words: 8214 flesch: 42 summary: There is some reason to believe that these rates may be higher in school psychology programs due to lower rates of financial support than other disciplines (Proctor and Truscott 2012) and the nature of school psychology training that involves intensive coursework and fieldwork (Barton et al. 2019) . As reported by Gadke et al. (2018) , approximately 14 to 16% of school psychology graduate students nationwide are male, and approximately 27% are students of minority status. keywords: care; graduate; intervention; participants; psychology; research; school; self; stress; students; study cache: cord-310145-wvu79t45.txt plain text: cord-310145-wvu79t45.txt item: #32 of 49 id: cord-312678-81gnmxbk author: Elayeh, Eman title: Before and after case reporting: A comparison of the knowledge, attitude and practices of the Jordanian population towards COVID-19 date: 2020-10-15 words: 5443 flesch: 48 summary: Similarly, participants practice towards preventing transmission of COVID-19 score was calculated by assigning a score of one for appropriate practices, while inappropriate practices were assigned a score of zero. Hence, we rapidly adapted our study in order to engage more participants and to evaluate how this reported case altered the KAP of Jordanian citizens. keywords: case; covid-19; disease; knowledge; participants; practices; reporting; study cache: cord-312678-81gnmxbk.txt plain text: cord-312678-81gnmxbk.txt item: #33 of 49 id: cord-313218-4rbxdimf author: Narushima, Miya title: “Fiercely independent”: Experiences of aging in the right place of older women living alone with physical limitations date: 2020-09-09 words: 7199 flesch: 55 summary: According to the 2015/2016 Canadian Community Health Survey, over one-third (35.4%) of people with home care needs did not have their needs met, especially among those with home support services for maintenance of daily living (Gilmour, 2018) . While aging in place has been a policy priority in rapidly greying Canada, a lack of complementary public supports poses challenges for many older adults and their family members. keywords: adults; aging; canada; care; health; home; housing; life; living; participants; place; support; women cache: cord-313218-4rbxdimf.txt plain text: cord-313218-4rbxdimf.txt item: #34 of 49 id: cord-317566-6ch6na31 author: Epstein, Robert S. title: Patient Burden and Real-World Management of Chemotherapy-Induced Myelosuppression: Results from an Online Survey of Patients with Solid Tumors date: 2020-07-08 words: 4854 flesch: 37 summary: Usefulness of the perform questionnaire to measure fatigue in cancer patients with anemia: a prospective, observational study Experiencing neutropenia: quality of life interviews with adult cancer patients Patient and health care provider perceptions of cancerrelated fatigue and pain Patient perceptions of symptoms and concerns during cancer chemotherapy: 'affects my family' is the most important Changing patient perceptions of the side effects of cancer chemotherapy The social and emotional toll of chemotherapy-patients' perspectives The impact of medical visits for chemotherapy-induced anemia and neutropenia on the patient and caregiver: a national survey Transfusions and patient burden in chemotherapyinduced anaemia in France A retrospective study to evaluate the time burden associated with outpatient red blood transfusions indicated for anemia due to concomitantly administered chemotherapy in cancer patients Real-world burden of myelosuppression in patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC): retrospective, longitudinal data analysis Use and patterns of supportive care among patients receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy for breast cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in US clinical practice Patterns of chemotherapy-associated toxicity and supportive care in US oncology practice: a nationwide prospective cohort study Current burden of chemotherapy induced anemia and patterns of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents utilization Nordyke RJ. Use of erythropoiesis-stimulating agents among chemotherapy patients with hemoglobin Adv Ther exceeding 12 grams per deciliter Transfusion practice patterns in patients with anemia receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy for nonmyeloid cancer: results from a prospective observational study Guidelines for the use of platelet transfusions Chemotherapy dose intensity and overall survival among patients with advanced breast or ovarian cancer Role of nurses in the assessment and management of chemotherapy-related side effects in cancer patients The patient-healthcare professional relationship and communication in the oncology outpatient setting: a systematic review Patients' perceptions of physician-patient discussions and adverse events with cancer therapy Covid-19: keywords: cancer; chemotherapy; cim; effects; myelosuppression; participants; patients; survey; treatment cache: cord-317566-6ch6na31.txt plain text: cord-317566-6ch6na31.txt item: #35 of 49 id: cord-317988-1buh1wm0 author: Kalichman, Seth C. title: Intersecting Pandemics: Impact of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Protective Behaviors on People Living With HIV, Atlanta, Georgia date: 2020-06-05 words: 4049 flesch: 40 summary: We conducted a rapid-response interview to assess COVID-19 protective behaviors of people living with HIV and the impact of their responses on HIV-related health care. 16, 17 The increased vulnerability for COVID-19 severity in people living with HIV shines a light on the necessity of adopting COVID-19 protective behaviors, avoiding public gatherings, reducing social contacts, and physical distancing. keywords: adherence; behaviors; care; covid-19; food; health; hiv; participants; people; use cache: cord-317988-1buh1wm0.txt plain text: cord-317988-1buh1wm0.txt item: #36 of 49 id: cord-318980-8cclwzob author: Dindarloo, Kavoos title: Pattern of disinfectants use and their adverse effects on the consumers after COVID-19 outbreak date: 2020-09-30 words: 4527 flesch: 46 summary: The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) such as masks and gloves is one of the requirements when uses of surface disinfectants [13, 45] . 4 Correlation between hand washing frequency, hand disinfection frequency, and surface disinfection frequency according to spearmen rank correlation coefficient other substances such as water to make them ready for use. keywords: covid-19; disinfectants; disinfection; frequency; hand; health; hypochlorite; participants; people; use cache: cord-318980-8cclwzob.txt plain text: cord-318980-8cclwzob.txt item: #37 of 49 id: cord-322871-cf4mn0pu author: O'Keeffe, Dara Ann title: Ebola Emergency Preparedness: Simulation Training for Frontline Health Care Professionals date: 2016-08-08 words: 3730 flesch: 44 summary: Many hospital-wide drills and training sessions were implemented in response to the recent Ebola epidemic. We consistently conduct interprofessional team and skills training sessions and have a team that frequently creates curricula for these programs. keywords: care; doffing; donning; participants; ppe; program; simulation; skills; training cache: cord-322871-cf4mn0pu.txt plain text: cord-322871-cf4mn0pu.txt item: #38 of 49 id: cord-332108-6riu44fw author: Alanezi, Fahad title: Implications of Public Understanding of COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia for Fostering Effective Communication Through Awareness Framework date: 2020-09-18 words: 4138 flesch: 38 summary: Working in healthcare organizations or having a qualification related to healthcare may increase the possibility that the participants were more aware of the infectious diseases/healthcare aspects compared to other participants. Objective: Focusing on these aspects, this manuscript reviews public awareness about COVID-19, myths surrounding it, its symptoms, treatment, transmission, importance of information sources, types of information to be considered in awareness campaigns, promotional channels, and their implications in Saudi Arabia. keywords: awareness; covid-19; information; participants; people; public; survey cache: cord-332108-6riu44fw.txt plain text: cord-332108-6riu44fw.txt item: #39 of 49 id: cord-332173-m38sr6oc author: Denburg, Avram E. title: Does moral reasoning influence public values for health care priority setting?: A population-based randomized stated preference survey date: 2020-05-13 words: 7742 flesch: 35 summary: The principles included in our moral reasoning exercise were derived from a systematic review of the literature on social values relevant to child health and social policy, refined through an in-depth qualitative case study of health technology assessment and policymaking for children in Canada [47, 48] . We presumed that the ethical nuances attached to funding health interventions for childrenincluding distinguishing features such as vulnerability, dependency, neglect, and future potential, that stood out in prior normative analyses of child health and social policywould come through more clearly to participants when exposed to a range of principles touching on them keywords: adults; age; allocation; care; children; group; health; intervention; participants; preferences; principles; public; reasoning cache: cord-332173-m38sr6oc.txt plain text: cord-332173-m38sr6oc.txt item: #40 of 49 id: cord-332735-vfnbs2jn author: Rebmann, Terri title: Infection preventionists' experience during the first months of the 2009 novel H1N1 influenza A pandemic date: 2009-12-31 words: 7908 flesch: 54 summary: Other participants stated that it was difficult to know how to manage novel H1N1 patients in this setting without guidance: One specific occupational health issue that focus group participants felt needs to be addressed is how to manage or prevent ill health care providers coming to work sick. These rapid changes made it difficult for focus group participants to stay abreast of the latest recommendations. keywords: care; focus; focus group; group; group participants; h1n1; health; novel; pandemic; participants; staff cache: cord-332735-vfnbs2jn.txt plain text: cord-332735-vfnbs2jn.txt item: #41 of 49 id: cord-334256-shog0bx5 author: Larcher, Vic title: Young people’s views on their role in the COVID-19 pandemic and society’s recovery from it date: 2020-08-31 words: 3808 flesch: 57 summary: Participants in the focus group were aware and concerned that YP and younger children have been and will continue to be indirectly affected by the pandemic and the control measures imposed, notably social isolation, school closure and for older participants, the impact of suspended grades. Age groups' particular issues: Most comments were concerned with year 10-12 returnees, rather than younger children, but a view concerning the impact on university students was also expressed: (P15). keywords: children; information; pandemic; participants; people; school cache: cord-334256-shog0bx5.txt plain text: cord-334256-shog0bx5.txt item: #42 of 49 id: cord-335007-27a3h2lo author: Dreyer, Nancy A. title: Self-reported symptoms from exposure to Covid-19 provide support to clinical diagnosis, triage and prognosis: An exploratory analysis date: 2020-11-03 words: 2062 flesch: 36 summary: Elevated risks of severe symptoms outside the hospital were most evident among the obese and those with pulmonary comorbidity. This methodology appears to be useful in capturing relevant real world data, particularly symptom severity, without requiring physical presentation for clinical assessment, and offers valuable perspective on the true burden of illness as well as signaling those at particularly high risk of severe symptoms and, in parallel, those unlikely to be at such increased risk. keywords: covid+; covid-19; disease; participants; risk; symptoms cache: cord-335007-27a3h2lo.txt plain text: cord-335007-27a3h2lo.txt item: #43 of 49 id: cord-337249-j23d7nb3 author: Hudson, Janella title: Older Adult Caregivers’ Experiences in an Online, Interactive Mindfulness Intervention date: 2020-10-13 words: 8008 flesch: 42 summary: Older adult caregivers managing personal chronic illness often experience significant psychosocial hardships. The primary purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of older adult caregivers in an online, interactive mindfulness intervention. keywords: burden; caregivers; caregiving; health; meditation; mindfulness; participants; program; self; sessions; stress; study; support cache: cord-337249-j23d7nb3.txt plain text: cord-337249-j23d7nb3.txt item: #44 of 49 id: cord-338145-al2m9lou author: Wolka, Eskinder title: Awareness Towards Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) and Its Prevention Methods in Selected Sites in Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia: A Quick, Exploratory, Operational Assessment date: 2020-10-28 words: 4998 flesch: 50 summary: (Male participant, aged 30) Two of the participants noted that the disease is the result of the anger of God since people do not obey the rule of God and one of the participants who is a bajaj driver explained that; what I know is, it is the disease that came from God as result of our bad and evil acts, it has no drug to treat and the only option is pray to God to be protected from this type of disease. Study participants deserve special acknowledgment for all their cooperation in the data collection process and for providing genuine information that resulted in the accomplishment of this assessment. keywords: awareness; covid-19; disease; hand; health; participants; people; prevention; study cache: cord-338145-al2m9lou.txt plain text: cord-338145-al2m9lou.txt item: #45 of 49 id: cord-339188-apgdzgfz author: Lewis, Thomas J title: Reduction in Chronic Disease Risk and Burden in a 70-Individual Cohort Through Modification of Health Behaviors date: 2020-08-26 words: 11394 flesch: 43 summary: Increasing the n in our database and making appropriate adjustments to assigned subjective risk values within the algorithm offers the potential to improve the correlation between determinants of health risks and physiological health status. There are numerous studies on the association between lifestyle behaviors and chronic disease risk. keywords: assessment; biomarkers; blood; care; cda; cdt; changes; chronic; data; disease; health; high; hrp; mortality; participants; program; reduction; risk; score; status; study; value cache: cord-339188-apgdzgfz.txt plain text: cord-339188-apgdzgfz.txt item: #46 of 49 id: cord-343145-ptkw0csu author: Gilbert, Gwendolyn L. title: The politics and ethics of hospital infection prevention and control: a qualitative case study of senior clinicians’ perceptions of professional and cultural factors that influence doctors’ attitudes and practices in a large Australian hospital date: 2019-04-02 words: 6470 flesch: 36 summary: The aim of this study was to explore what factors affect doctors' IPC practices and, more specifically, why they are so influential. Together with them, we hoped to formulate new theories to better explain the reasons behind doctors' IPC practices, in order to develop more effective and generalisable strategies to improve them. keywords: compliance; doctors; hand; healthcare; hospital; hygiene; infection; ipc; medical; participants; patient; practices; study cache: cord-343145-ptkw0csu.txt plain text: cord-343145-ptkw0csu.txt item: #47 of 49 id: cord-343315-37821r59 author: Uscher-Pines, Lori title: Feasibility of Social Distancing Practices in US Schools to Reduce Influenza Transmission During a Pandemic date: 2020-04-24 words: 4470 flesch: 42 summary: [1] [2] [3] 8 Nonetheless, feasibility, acceptability, and effectiveness of the full range of school social distancing practices have not been explored. Future research should explore the feasibility of school social distancing practices in a wide range of developed and developing countries. keywords: class; distancing; elementary; focus; influenza; participants; practices; school; students cache: cord-343315-37821r59.txt plain text: cord-343315-37821r59.txt item: #48 of 49 id: cord-350424-gwkxxkuu author: Cleland, Brice T. title: Feasibility and Safety of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in an Outpatient Rehabilitation Setting After Stroke date: 2020-10-09 words: 5421 flesch: 48 summary: Study participants noted mild to moderate side effects from tDCS, including tingling, itching, pinching, and fatigue. Surprisingly, despite the large number of tDCS studies conducted in the laboratory, there is a dearth of studies that have been done in a clinical setting. keywords: current; fatigue; participants; stimulation; stroke; study; tdcs cache: cord-350424-gwkxxkuu.txt plain text: cord-350424-gwkxxkuu.txt item: #49 of 49 id: cord-353421-m7utrn9g author: Madhusudhan, Divya K. title: An Employer-Sponsored Musculoskeletal Care Coordination Service Can Improve Clinical Outcomes and Self-Reported Productivity date: 2020-09-15 words: 3553 flesch: 41 summary: Before interacting with participants, they received an intensive 6week training on the biopsychosocial model of musculoskeletal care (which involves approaching patients' pain experience and biomechanics in a supportive environment that encourages movement and active therapy), 8 clinical practice guidelines for musculoskeletal care; coaching modules on topics such as goal setting, activity and sleep counseling, coping with pain, and relaxation exercises; use of the care coordination technology that structures both the patient questions and the development of the care plan; referral management processes; and follow-up protocols. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a novel musculoskeletal care coordination service that attempts to engage employees in their course of musculoskeletal pain and guide them through an evidence-based, cost-effective care journey. keywords: care; clinical; musculoskeletal; pain; participants; physical; productivity; service cache: cord-353421-m7utrn9g.txt plain text: cord-353421-m7utrn9g.txt